Netter's Neuroscience Flash Cards [3 ed.]
9780323401562, 0323401562
Designed as a quick review tool, "Netter's Neuroscience Flash Cards" allow you to test your knowledge on
Pages 472
Year 2015
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Table of contents :
Front Cover......Page 1
Netter's Neuroscience Flash Cards......Page 2
Copyright Page......Page 3
Marketing ad......Page 4
Acknowledgments......Page 5
Preface......Page 6
Table Of Contents......Page 8
1 Overview of the Nervous System......Page 10
1-1 Neuronal Structure......Page 14
Comment:......Page 15
1-2 Neuronal Cell Types......Page 16
Comment:......Page 17
1-3 Glial Cell Types......Page 18
Comment:......Page 19
1-4 Astrocyte Biology......Page 20
Comment:......Page 21
1-5 Microglial Biology......Page 22
Comment:......Page 23
1-6 Stem Cells in the CNS: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Mechanisms......Page 24
Comment:......Page 25
1-7 Blood-Brain Barrier......Page 26
Comment:......Page 27
1-8 Inflammation in the CNS......Page 28
Comment:......Page 29
1-9 Axonal Transport in the CNS and PNS......Page 30
Comment:......Page 31
1-10 Myelination of CNS and PNS Axons......Page 32
Comment:......Page 33
1-11 Synaptic Morphology......Page 34
Comment:......Page 35
1-12 Conduction Velocity......Page 36
Comment:......Page 37
1-13 Visual and Auditory Evoked Potentials......Page 38
Comment:......Page 39
1-14 Neurotransmitter Release......Page 40
Comment:......Page 41
1-15 Neuronal Signal Transduction Pathways......Page 42
Comment:......Page 43
1-16 Foramina in the Base of the Adult Skull......Page 44
1-17 Schematic of the Meninges and Their Relationships to the Brain and Skull......Page 46
Comment:......Page 47
1-18 Hematomas......Page 48
Comment:......Page 49
1-19 Surface Anatomy of the Forebrain: Lateral View......Page 50
Comment:......Page 51
1-20 Lateral View of the Forebrain: Functional Regions......Page 52
Comment:......Page 53
1-21 Anatomy of the Medial (Midsagittal) Surface of the Brain In Situ......Page 54
Comment:......Page 55
1-22 Anatomy of the Basal Surface of the Brain, with the Brain Stem and Cerebellum Removed......Page 56
Comment:......Page 57
1-23 Brain Imaging: Computed Tomography Scans, Coronal and Sagittal......Page 58
Comment:......Page 59
1-24 Brain Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Axial and Sagittal T1-Weighted Images......Page 60
Comment:......Page 61
1-25 Brain Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Axial and Sagittal T2-Weighted Images......Page 62
Comment:......Page 63
1-26 Horizontal Brain Sections Showing the Basal Ganglia......Page 64
Comment:......Page 65
1-27 Major Limbic Forebrain Structures......Page 66
Comment:......Page 67
1-28 Color Imaging of the Corpus Callosum by Diffusion Tensor Imaging......Page 68
Comment:......Page 69
1-29 Hippocampal Formation and Fornix......Page 70
Comment:......Page 71
1-30 Thalamic Anatomy......Page 72
Comment:......Page 73
1-31 Thalamic Nuclei......Page 74
Comment:......Page 75
1-32 Brain Stem Surface Anatomy: Posterolateral View......Page 76
Comment:......Page 77
1-33 Brain Stem Surface Anatomy: Anterior View......Page 78
Comment:......Page 79
1-34 Cerebellar Anatomy: Internal Features......Page 80
Comment:......Page 81
1-35 Spinal Column: Bony Anatomy......Page 82
Comment:......Page 83
1-36 Spinal Cord: Gross Anatomy In Situ......Page 84
Comment:......Page 85
1-37 Spinal Cord: Its Meninges and Spinal Roots......Page 86
Comment:......Page 87
1-38 Spinal Cord: Cross-Sectional Anatomy In Situ......Page 88
Comment:......Page 89
1-39 Spinal Cord: White and Gray Matter......Page 90
Comment:......Page 91
1-40 Ventricular Anatomy......Page 92
Comment:......Page 93
1-41 Ventricular Anatomy in Coronal Forebrain Section......Page 94
Comment:......Page 95
1-42 Anatomy of the Fourth Ventricle: Lateral View......Page 96
Comment:......Page 97
1-43 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Ventricles: Axial and Coronal Views......Page 98
Comment:......Page 99
1-44 Circulation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid......Page 100
Comment:......Page 101
1-45 Arterial Supply to the Brain and Meninges......Page 102
Comment:......Page 103
1-46 Common Sites of Cerebrovascular Occlusive Disease......Page 104
Comment:......Page 105
1-47 Arterial Distribution to the Brain: Basal View......Page 106
Comment:......Page 107
1-48 Arterial Distribution to the Brain: Cutaway Basal View Showing the Circle of Willis......Page 108
Comment:......Page 109
1-49 Arterial Distribution to the Brain: Coronal Forebrain Section......Page 110
Comment:......Page 111
1-50 Circle of Willis: Schematic Illustration and Vessels In Situ......Page 112
Comment:......Page 113
1-51 Arterial Distribution to the Brain: Lateral and Medial Views......Page 114
Comment:......Page 115
1-52 Magnetic Resonance Angiography: Coronal Full Vessel View......Page 116
Comment:......Page 117
1-53 Vertebrobasilar Arterial System......Page 118
Comment:......Page 119
1-54 Arterial Blood Supply to the Spinal Cord: Longitudinal View......Page 120
Comment:......Page 121
1-55 Arterial Supply to the Spinal Cord: Cross-Sectional View......Page 122
Comment:......Page 123
1-56 Meninges and Superficial Cerebral Veins......Page 124
Comment:......Page 125
1-57 Venous Sinuses......Page 126
Comment:......Page 127
1-58 Magnetic Resonance Venography......Page 128
Comment:......Page 129
1-59 Neurulation......Page 130
Comment:......Page 131
1-60 Neural Tube Development and Neural Crest Formation......Page 132
Comment:......Page 133
1-61 Development of Peripheral Axons......Page 134
Comment:......Page 135
1-62 Early Brain Development: 36-Day-Old Embryo......Page 136
Comment:......Page 137
1-63 Early Brain Development: 49-Day-Old Embryo and 3-Month-Old Embryo......Page 138
Comment:......Page 139
1-64 Development of the Ventricles......Page 140
Comment:......Page 141
2 Regional Neuroscience......Page 142
2-1 Spinal Cord and PNS Schematic......Page 148
Comment:......Page 149
2-2 Anatomy of a Peripheral Nerve......Page 150
Comment:......Page 151
2-3 Cutaneous Receptors......Page 152
Comment:......Page 153
2-4 Neuromuscular Junction......Page 154
Comment:......Page 155
2-5 Dermatomal Distribution......Page 156
Comment:......Page 157
2-6 Cutaneous Distribution of Peripheral Nerves......Page 158
Comment:......Page 159
2-7 Cutaneous Nerves of the Head and Neck......Page 160
Comment:......Page 161
2-8 Phrenic Nerve......Page 162
Comment:......Page 163
2-9 Brachial Plexus......Page 164
Comment:......Page 165
2-10 Cutaneous Innervation of the Upper Limb from Peripheral Nerves......Page 166
Comment:......Page 167
2-11 Scapular, Axillary, and Radial Nerves above the Elbow......Page 168
Comment:......Page 169
2-12 Radial Nerve in the Forearm......Page 170
Comment:......Page 171
2-13 Musculocutaneous Nerve......Page 172
Comment:......Page 173
2-14 Median Nerve......Page 174
Comment:......Page 175
2-15 Ulnar Nerve......Page 176
Comment:......Page 177
2-16 Lumbar Plexus......Page 178
Comment:......Page 179
2-17 Sacral and Coccygeal Plexuses......Page 180
Comment:......Page 181
2-18 Femoral and Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerves......Page 182
Comment:......Page 183
2-19 Obturator Nerve......Page 184
Comment:......Page 185
2-20 Sciatic and Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerves......Page 186
Comment:......Page 187
2-21 Tibial Nerve......Page 188
Comment:......Page 189
2-22 Common Peroneal Nerve......Page 190
Comment:......Page 191
2-23 Schematic of the Autonomic Nervous System......Page 192
Comment:......Page 193
2-24 Autonomic Distribution to the Head and Neck—Medial View......Page 194
Comment:......Page 195
2-25 Autonomic Distribution to the Head and Neck—Lateral View......Page 196
Comment:......Page 197
2-26 Autonomic Distribution to the Eye......Page 198
Comment:......Page 199
2-27 Thoracic Sympathetic Chain and Splanchnic Nerves......Page 200
Comment:......Page 201
2-28 Innervation of the Tracheobronchial Tree......Page 202
Comment:......Page 203
2-29 Innervation of the Heart......Page 204
Comment:......Page 205
2-30 Abdominal Nerves and Ganglia......Page 206
Comment:......Page 207
2-31 Nerves of the Esophagus......Page 208
Comment:......Page 209
2-32 Nerves of the Stomach and Duodenum......Page 210
Comment:......Page 211
2-33 Nerves of the Small Intestine......Page 212
Comment:......Page 213
2-34 Nerves of the Large Intestine......Page 214
Comment:......Page 215
2-35 Enteric Nervous System......Page 216
Comment:......Page 217
2-36 Autonomic Innervation of the Liver and Biliary Tract......Page 218
Comment:......Page 219
2-37 Autonomic Innervation of the Pancreas......Page 220
Comment:......Page 221
2-38 Innervation of the Adrenal Gland......Page 222
Comment:......Page 223
2-39 Nerves of the Kidneys, Ureters, and Urinary Bladder......Page 224
Comment:......Page 225
2-40 Innervation of the Male Reproductive Organs......Page 226
Comment:......Page 227
2-41 Innervation of the Female Reproductive Organs......Page 228
Comment:......Page 229
2-42 Cytoarchitecture of the Spinal Cord Gray Matter......Page 230
Comment:......Page 231
2-43 Spinal Cord Cross Sections 1 (C7, T7)......Page 232
Comment:......Page 233
2-44 Spinal Cord Cross Sections 2 (L4, S2)......Page 234
Comment:......Page 235
2-45 Spinal Cord Imaging......Page 236
Comment:......Page 237
2-46 Spinal Somatic Reflex Pathways......Page 238
Comment:......Page 239
2-47 Muscle and Joint Receptors and Muscle Spindles......Page 240
Comment:......Page 241
2-48 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medulla–Spinal Cord Transition......Page 242
Comment:......Page 243
2-49 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medulla at the Level of the Obex......Page 244
Comment:......Page 245
2-50 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medulla at the Level of the Inferior Olive......Page 246
Comment:......Page 247
2-51 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medulla at the Level of CN X and the Vestibular Nuclei......Page 248
Comment:......Page 249
2-52 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medullo-Pontine Junction......Page 250
Comment:......Page 251
2-53 Brain Stem Cross Section: Pons at the Level of the Facial Nucleus......Page 252
Comment:......Page 253
2-54 Brain Stem Cross Section: Pons at the Level of the Genu of the Facial Nerve......Page 254
Comment:......Page 255
2-55 Brain Stem Cross Sections: Pons at the Level of the Trigeminal Motor and Main Sensory Nuclei......Page 256
Comment:......Page 257
2-56 Brain Stem Cross Section: Pons-Midbrain Junction......Page 258
Comment:......Page 259
2-57 Brain Stem Cross Section: Midbrain at the Level of the Inferior Colliculus......Page 260
Comment:......Page 261
2-58 Brain Stem Cross Section: Midbrain at the Level of the Superior Colliculus and Geniculate Nuclei......Page 262
Comment:......Page 263
2-59 Brain Stem Cross Section: Midbrain-Diencephalic Junction......Page 264
Comment:......Page 265
2-60 Brain Stem Arterial Syndromes......Page 266
Comment:......Page 267
2-61 Cranial Nerves: Basal View of the Brain......Page 268
Comment:......Page 269
2-62 Cranial Nerves and Their Nuclei: Schematic View......Page 270
Comment:......Page 271
2-63 Nerves of the Orbit......Page 272
Comment:......Page 273
2-64 Extraocular Cranial Nerves......Page 274
Comment:......Page 275
2-65 Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)......Page 276
Comment:......Page 277
2-66 Facial Nerve (CN VII)......Page 278
Comment:......Page 279
2-67 Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII)......Page 280
Comment:......Page 281
2-68 Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX)......Page 282
Comment:......Page 283
2-69 Vagus Nerve (CN X)......Page 284
Comment:......Page 285
2-70 Accessory Nerve (CN XI)......Page 286
Comment:......Page 287
2-71 Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII)......Page 288
Comment:......Page 289
2-72 Reticular Formation and Nuclei......Page 290
Comment:......Page 291
2-73 Sleep-Wakefulness Control......Page 292
Comment:......Page 293
2-74 Cerebellar Organization: Lobes and Regions......Page 294
Comment:......Page 295
2-75 Cerebellar Anatomy: Deep Nuclei and Cerebellar Peduncles......Page 296
Comment:......Page 297
2-76 Thalamic Anatomy and Interconnections with the Cerebral Cortex......Page 298
Comment:......Page 299
2-77 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland......Page 300
Comment:......Page 301
2-78 Hypothalamic Nuclei......Page 302
Comment:......Page 303
2-79 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: Midpons......Page 304
Comment:......Page 305
2-80 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: Midbrain......Page 306
Comment:......Page 307
2-81 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: Rostral Midbrain and Hypothalamus......Page 308
Comment:......Page 309
2-82 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: Anterior Commissure and Caudal Thalamus......Page 310
Comment:......Page 311
2-83 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: Head of the Caudate Nucleus and Midthalamus......Page 312
Comment:......Page 313
2-84 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: Basal Ganglia and Internal Capsule......Page 314
Comment:......Page 315
2-85 Axial Section through the Forebrain: Dorsal Caudate Nucleus, Splenium and Genu of the Internal Capsule......Page 316
Comment:......Page 317
2-86 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: Genu of the Corpus Callosum......Page 318
Comment:......Page 319
2-87 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: Head of the Caudate Nucleus and Nucleus Accumbens......Page 320
Comment:......Page 321
2-88 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: Anterior Commissure and Columns of the Fornix......Page 322
Comment:......Page 323
2-89 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: Amygdala, Anterior Limb of the Internal Capsule......Page 324
Comment:......Page 325
2-90 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: Mammillary Bodies......Page 326
Comment:......Page 327
2-91 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: Midthalamus......Page 328
Comment:......Page 329
2-92 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: Geniculate Nuclei......Page 330
Comment:......Page 331
2-93 Cortical Association Pathways......Page 332
Comment:......Page 333
2-94 Color Imaging of Projection Pathways from the Cerebral Cortex......Page 334
Comment:......Page 335
2-95 Noradrenergic Pathways......Page 336
Comment:......Page 337
2-96 Serotonergic Pathways......Page 338
Comment:......Page 339
2-97 Dopaminergic Pathways......Page 340
Comment:......Page 341
2-98 Central Cholinergic Pathways......Page 342
Comment:......Page 343
2-99 Olfactory Nerves......Page 344
Comment:......Page 345
3 Systemic Neuroscience......Page 346
3-1 Somatosensory Afferents to the Spinal Cord......Page 350
Comment:......Page 351
3-2 Somatosensory System: Spinocerebellar Pathways......Page 352
Comment:......Page 353
3-3 Somatosensory System: Dorsal Column System and Epicritic Modalities......Page 354
Comment:......Page 355
3-4 Somatosensory System: Spinothalamic and Spinoreticular Systems and Protopathic Modalities......Page 356
Comment:......Page 357
3-5 Mechanisms of Neuropathic Pain and Sympathetically Maintained Pain......Page 358
Comment:......Page 359
3-6 Descending Control of Pain Processing......Page 360
Comment:......Page 361
3-7 Trigeminal Sensory and Associated Sensory Systems......Page 362
Comment:......Page 363
3-8 Pain-Sensitive Structures of the Head, and Pain Referral......Page 364
Comment:......Page 365
3-9 Taste Pathways......Page 366
Comment:......Page 367
3-10 Peripheral Pathways for Sound Reception......Page 368
Comment:......Page 369
3-11 Bony and Membranous Labyrinths......Page 370
Comment:......Page 371
3-12 VIII Nerve Innervation of Hair Cells of the Organ of Corti......Page 372
Comment:......Page 373
3-13 Auditory Pathways......Page 374
Comment:......Page 375
3-14 Centrifugal (Efferent) Auditory Pathways......Page 376
Comment:......Page 377
3-15 Vestibular Receptors......Page 378
Comment:......Page 379
3-16 Vestibular Pathways......Page 380
Comment:......Page 381
3-17 Nystagmus......Page 382
Comment:......Page 383
3-18 Anatomy of the Eye......Page 384
Comment:......Page 385
3-19 Anterior and Posterior Chambers of the Eye......Page 386
Comment:......Page 387
3-20 Retina: Retinal Layers......Page 388
Comment:......Page 389
3-21 Arteries and Veins of the Eye......Page 390
Comment:......Page 391
3-22 Optic Chiasm......Page 392
Comment:......Page 393
3-23 Visual Pathways: Retinal Projections to the Thalamus, Hypothalamus, and Brain Stem......Page 394
Comment:......Page 395
3-24 Pupillary Light Reflex......Page 396
Comment:......Page 397
3-25 Visual Pathway: Retino-Geniculo-Calcarine Pathway......Page 398
Comment:......Page 399
3-26 Visual Pathways in the Parietal and Temporal Lobes......Page 400
Comment:......Page 401
3-27 Distribution of Lower Motor Neurons (LMNs) in the Brain Stem......Page 402
Comment:......Page 403
3-28 Cortical Efferent Pathways......Page 404
Comment:......Page 405
3-29 Color Imaging of Cortical Efferent Pathways......Page 406
Comment:......Page 407
3-30 Corticobulbar Tract......Page 408
Comment:......Page 409
3-31 Corticospinal Tract......Page 410
Comment:......Page 411
3-32 Rubrospinal Tract......Page 412
Comment:......Page 413
3-33 Vestibulospinal Tracts......Page 414
Comment:......Page 415
3-34 Reticulospinal Tracts......Page 416
Comment:......Page 417
3-35 Central Control of Eye Movements......Page 418
Comment:......Page 419
3-36 Central Control of Respiration......Page 420
Comment:......Page 421
3-37 Cerebellar Neuronal Circuitry......Page 422
Comment:......Page 423
3-38 Afferent Pathways to the Cerebellum......Page 424
Comment:......Page 425
3-39 Cerebellar Efferent Pathways......Page 426
Comment:......Page 427
3-40 Connections of the Basal Ganglia......Page 428
Comment:......Page 429
3-41 General Organization of the Autonomic Nervous System......Page 430
Comment:......Page 431
3-42 Sections through the Rostral Hypothalamus: Preoptic and Supraoptic Zones......Page 432
Comment:......Page 433
3-43 Sections through the Midhypothalamus: Tuberal Zone......Page 434
Comment:......Page 435
3-44 Sections through the Caudal Hypothalamus: Mammillary Zone......Page 436
Comment:......Page 437
3-45 Schematic Reconstruction of the Hypothalamus......Page 438
Comment:......Page 439
3-46 Afferent and Efferent Pathways Associated with the Hypothalamus......Page 440
Comment:......Page 441
3-47 Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus......Page 442
Comment:......Page 443
3-48 Mechanisms of Cytokine Influences on the Hypothalamus and Other Brain Regions and on Behavior......Page 444
Comment:......Page 445
3-49 Circumventricular Organs......Page 446
Comment:......Page 447
3-50 Hypophysial Portal Vasculature......Page 448
Comment:......Page 449
3-51 Regulation of the Anterior Pituitary Hormone Secretion......Page 450
Comment:......Page 451
3-52 Posterior Pituitary (Neurohypophysial) Hormones: Oxytocin and Vasopressin......Page 452
Comment:......Page 453
3-53 Hypothalamus and Thermoregulation......Page 454
Comment:......Page 455
3-54 Hypothalamic Regulation of Cardiac Function......Page 456
Comment:......Page 457
3-55 Neuroimmunomodulation......Page 458
Comment:......Page 459
3-56 Anatomy of the Limbic Forebrain......Page 460
Comment:......Page 461
3-57 Hippocampal Formation: General Anatomy......Page 462
Comment:......Page 463
3-58 Neuronal Connections of the Hippocampal Formation......Page 464
Comment:......Page 465
3-59 Major Afferent and Efferent Connections of the Hippocampal Formation......Page 466
Comment:......Page 467
3-60 Major Efferent Connections of the Amygdala......Page 468
Comment:......Page 469
3-61 Major Connections of the Cingulate Cortex......Page 470
Comment:......Page 471
3-62 Olfactory Pathways......Page 472
Comment:......Page 473