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English Pages 149 [160] Year 1978
Natural Sources vk
Dedicated to THENEW AGE...
CELESTIAL ARTS Millbrae, California
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors would like to express their appreciation to the following persons for their generous assistance: Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., D.Sc.; Andrew McNaughton, Director of The McNaughton Foundation; Richard L. Kozlenko, DPM, MPH, FICAN, Health and Nutrition
Director of the Wholistic Health and Nutrition Institute, Mill Valley, California. Special thanks go to Stewart M. Jones, M.D. of Palo Alto and Roger Snyder Ph.D. of Santa Rosa. The Sprouting Chart Guide on page 125 is reprinted with the kind permission of Marci Cohen and the National Exchange. Copyright © 1978 by Moira Timms and Zachariah Zar Celestial Arts 231 Adrian Road Millbrae, California 94030
No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use without the written permission of the publisher. First Printing January, 1978.
Made in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Timms, Moira, 1938Natural Sources: vitamin B-17/Laetrile.
Including index. 1. Cancer—Nutritional aspects. 3.
joint author.
RC271.L3T55 616.9'94'061 ISBN 0-89087-217-1
Zar, Zachariah, 1939-
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SECTION I Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
Eight Nine Ten Eleven
Protein The Haves and the Have Nots
Anatomy of a Deficiency Environmental Hazards
The Big Five Cleaning the Temple Why Organic? The Preventive Diet
Psychological Factors A Disturbance in the Force
The Taming Power
SECTION II Do's and Don'ts Cheese
Eggs Flour
Spreads Milk Oil Rice Salt
Sugar > Utensils Water
SECTION III About Our Recipes
Desserts (p/P yh, 2 Entrees
107 108
Juices Salads Soups -\¥ Sprouts Sprouting Chart Guide Notes
SECTION IV Appendix List of vitamin B-17 Foods Food Sources of Vitamins and Minerals Nutritional Composition of Food Chart Protein Combining Chart Survive in a Poisoned World Charts Resource Guide for Cancer Victims
120 122 124 125 126
SECTION I Chapter One:
Faddism is out and facts are in! Not so long ago, the popular cookbook was but a gustatory anthology of culinary delights. A plethora of gourmet gluttony recipes for sophisticated palates was found in most of the nation’s middle-class kitchens and stomachs. Over the last few years, however, the focus of conscious cookery and diet is changing to one of informed and responsible food habits. An internal (r)evolution is apparent in today’s kitchens as the renaissance of “new consciousness” permeates and upgrades the quality of life on all levels. The popular cookbook, now, is no longer aimed at the epicurean bon vivant in
each of us, but to that inner urge toward harmony and health which was eclipsed for so long by popular taste and cultural conditioning.
One of the most important, and certainly most healthful, of recent dietary revelations was presented in Frances Moore Lappe’s Diet for a Small Planet followed by many more spinoffs on the vegetarian way and the health conscious lifestyle. The myth of mandatory meat consumption was quickly dis-
pelled and the path was made clear for more healthful eating based lower on the life-chain. As Steve Gaskin of ‘The Farm” puts it, “It’s energy-intensive to run soybeans through 1
Natural Sources
a cow and then eat the cow. Why not just eat the beans?” Why not indeed. A study of the relationship between cancer and diet was finally included as a requirement by the Revised National Cancer Act of 1974 after a variety of studies indicated an apparent connection. In response to this mandate, the National Cancer
Institute established
a Diet, Nutrition
Cancer Program in 1976. It officially recognized the validity of an old but well-known study showing significantly reduced cancer rates among Seventh Day Adventists—they eat no meat. It also discovered that the hormone-related cancers affecting uterus, ovaries, prostate, and possibly the breast, are statistically coincident to a high intake of animal fat and meat. It has been suggested that the intestinal bacteria associated with high fat intake can form estrogens from steroids secreted in the bile and that these are absorbed into the circulation.1 Estrogens and similar steroid hormones
are in-
tricately involved in the cancer mechanism and this will be discussed more fully later on. Dr. Willard J. Visek, research scientist at Cornell Universi-
ty says that the high protein diet of Americans is linked to the equally high incidence of cancer in the U:S. and that excess ammonia is the carcinogenic by-product of meat digestion. In the same vein, over-consumption of protein taxes the pancreas and causes chronic deficiency of the enzymes which
are continuously required for correct protein metabolism. Since 1941 the MDR
daily requirement)
RDA (recommended daily allowance) for protein has been progressively reduced by the National Academy of Sciences. This means that an originally inflated protein quotient (which kept the cattle industry happy and the body filled with unrealistically high amounts of heavy animal protein) is no longer considered essential to the pocketbook or to health. Within the U.S. the most common form of female cancer,
that of the breast, occurs more frequently in women from higher socioeconomic groups who frequently tend to be overnourished. It has also been established that cultures
which statistically show less cancer lose that immunity once they adopt Western dietary habits. With these findings in mind
L. Wydner,
of the American
Health Foundation has quoted the “prudent diet” based on average American daily diet figures. Fat intake should be reduced from the average 42-44% total calories to a moderate 35% he says. Polyunsaturated fatty acid versus fatty acid ratio should shift from 0.3 to 1.0. And the nation’s average cholesterol levels should drop from 500-800 mg. to 300 mg. or less. As Swedish cancer specialist Dr. Joseph Issels of Stockholm states, “All over-eating, but particularly overeating of protein, has a destructive and paralyzing effect on liver, pancreas and kidneys: those vital organs most involved in the protective mechanism against cancer development.”3 Dr. P. F. McGargle, a Wisconsin veterinarian who became a Federal meat inspector after more than twenty years in farm animal practice has conducted a fourteen-year study of slaughterhouse procedures which he feels may be causing cancer in both humans and animals. He points out that until the turn of the century slaughterhouse waste was converted by steam process to fertilizer. It was cooked for about six hours under pressure at 300°F to completely sterilize, dilute and reduce the materials. For the last few decades, however, meat industry waste products have been used as animal feed and processed by a dry melting method into a powdered blood residue. Government regulations now require a maximum of only 179°F for thirty minutes in that reduction process—insufficent to kill even anthrax spores which require a temperature of 250°F for one hour to be destroyed. Cholesterol and sex hormones (natural and synthetic) which were previously sterilized by the hot steam process, now remain physiologically active and concentrated, according to Dr. McGaregle. Every year the American public consumes some thirty-five million pounds of U.S. Government inspected meat and meat products that originate from animals with cancer. Fifteen million pounds of animal tissues which are too severely
Natural Sources
affected with cancer to be used, and twenty-five million pounds of moldy, rancid or spoiled meat, are processed each year into hog and chicken feed. The result is a recycling of these substances repeatedly through the human and animal food chain.4 As it is, many countries, including Canada, will not im-
port American meat because it contains a cancer-causing
growth hormone called DES (diethylstilbestrol). This parti-
cular synthetic hormone has been medically used on humans and is now known to have caused cancer of the female organs in some daughters of women who were prescribed DES during pregnancy.
The meat consumed by Americans is subjected to many other chemicals and additives. Here are some of them: Alkanet (dye), methylviolet (marking ink), asafoetida (onion flavoring), sodium chloride (preservative), sodium ascorbate (antioxidant), potas-
sium nitrate (color fixative), sodium phosphate (buffer), guar gum (binder), magnesium carbonate
(drying agent),
agent), ascorbate (antioxidant).
Today it is a profitable and legal practice to feed cattle ground-up newsprint mixed with sawdust as roughage. Paper industry by-products, textile wastes, grain mixed with chicken litter or cow excrement, are sometimes used. Urea and styrofoam pellets serve as roughage also. Taste good? The tastebuds can be fooled but not the delicate and infinitely sensitive intelligence which keeps the human body in working harmony. The brain is the last to get the message as symptoms finally reach the sensory awareness and the diagnosis is solemnly delivered—“Why me, God?”’” What all this is saying is that “One man’s meat is another man’s poison” so if you want to stay out of trouble, don’t eat the other man’s poison. Only the very ignore-ant will find it necessary to ask, “Well, how are we to get our protein, then?” There are plenty of alternatives, and this book will outline some of the better ones.
Chapter Two:
Haves and the Have Nots
There is an increasing body of evidence indicating that cancer may well be the symptom of a modern deficiency disease which only becomes crucial in the presence of carcinogens—that deficient factor being vitamin nitriloside, a naturally occurring, nontoxic cyanide now known as vitamin B-17. It is not the intention of this book to prescribe, treat or cure anyone’s cancer.” But it is a collection of helpful data on the subject of cancer prevention and carefully selected meatless recipes containing a concentration of foods which are
naturally rich in vitamin B-17 without being toxic. This substance is found in a wide variety of seeds, fruits and grains in the form of nitrilosides and is considered by many scientists to contain a high immunological potential. As our old Granny used to say, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Perhaps too much, or too many,
pudding a lower Most of healing
of the wrong kinds of
is one reason for twenty-five other countries having cancer mortality rate (per 100,000) than America.! these countries also happen to have a wider range of arts and natural therapies than this country will
*See Appendix for Resource Guide
Natural Sources
presently legalize (which may be an important reason why twenty-one of them have a lower mortality rate in general, i.e. from all causes). They also tend to be less technologically developed. Societies are healthy, mentally and physically, proportionate to their ability to retain a relatively natural lifestyle, responding to the rhythms of the seasons and the dictates and diet of their natural environment. Consequently, cancer is extremely rare among autochthonous cultures who have been studied in various parts of the world where the natural diet contains nitriloside-rich foods. The World Health Statistics Annual of 1970-71 reports El Salvador lowest in all types of cancer deaths in its world survey. Native American Navajo, Hopi, and Modoc tribes have also been studied because of their conspicuous lack of cancer. The Taos Pueblo Indians of New Mexico are also exempt. Their traditional beverage is made from the ground kernels of apricots, cherries and peaches, all high in vitamin B-17. The Kingdom of Hunza in the Kashmir district of West
Pakistan, the Abkhasians of the Caucasus in the USSR, and the Karakorum people of outer Mongolia all go on record as virtually cancer-free societies. Their culinary. tradition relies heavily upon the imaginative use of apricots, the kernels and the oil, and upon a rich selection of grains and fresh vege-
tables of the nitriloside-containing variety. It is commonly reported that “there is no cancer in Hunza.” Well, that’s almost true, but there is DDT twelve feet down in the Arctic
Circle and on top of Mount Everest, and there is cancer in Hunza too. But it remains an isolated occurrence only. In response to a 1975 survey by U.S. authorities, the Government of Pakistan Health Department furnished their Washington D.C. Embassy with details of all known cancers in Hunza. There were five cases. The population of Hunza is estimated by the Pakistan Embassy at 35,000. So, these five unfortunate persons represent a minute fraction of 1% of that population! In the United States it is 25% of the population who contract this disease. Another society which remains unthreatened by this
The Haves and the Have Nots
disease, despite heavy meat aboriginal nomadic Eskimo. regularly make from caribou the Department of Agriculture
consumption, is that of the A teaspoon of the salad they rumen has been estimated by to contain as much as 100 mg.
of vitamin B-17, the arrowgrass feed of this animal being
unusually high in nitriloside content.2 Eskimos who have adopted Western diet are susceptible and record about half as many cancer deaths as the United States, proportionate to their population. Meanwhile, the late Dr. Albert Schweitzer, in his preface to Alexander Berglas’ Cancer: Cause and Cure (Pasteur Institute, 1957) wrote that the absence of cancer in Gabon, West Africa “seemed to be due to the difference in nutrition of the natives compared to the Europeans.” Suffice it to say that over one third of all edible plants indigenous to that region contain vitamin B-17.3 The realization is beginning to dawn that we live in a culture indifferent to and out of harmony with the universe; one which has failed to housebreak its technology. Unabated pollution permeates the entire fabric of life and contaminates the food chain. A technological approach to life allows our processed foods and water supplies to be intentionally and misguidedly laced with chemicals which our bodies absorb and lodge in tissues and vital organs. Consequently, cancer and inflation have much in common: they are both rampant. Current statistics indicate that in the United States: e 1 person in 4 gets cancer.
4 out of 6 persons with cancer die. © 1 out of every 6 deaths is from cancer. Major cause of death among children 3-14 is cancer. e Major cause of death among women 30-54 is cancer. e Major cause of cancer death among women is breast cancer. e Major cause of cancer death among men is lung cancer which has increased 125% in the last 25 years. 1976 Cancer Facts & Figures American Cancer Society
Natural Sources
These figures, which indicate cancer has become an epidemic, perhaps a plague, are among the highest in the world. The web of life nurtures all forms and provides for their mutual support and well-being, implicitly. In the present century this web has been shredded, basically to support profits. One of the major dues to be paid is, apparently, cancer. For each and every action there is an equal and opposite reaction to the same power. That's known as Newton's Law (or Karma.)
The scientific emphasis of today’s medicine has resulted in doctors of naturopathy (nature doctors) being outlawed in
many States. Evidently science won't move “until all the facts are in” on nature before it will concede that sun, fresh air, pure water and knowledgeable diet are related to health in anything but the most peripheral of ways. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fortunately, a growing number of people realize this and are, accordingly, often spared the scientific and unnatural solutions to scientific and unnatural living.
Chapter Three:
Anatomy of a Deficiency
Cancer is a chronic disease and no chronic disease has yet found therapeutic or prophylactic resolution except by accessory food factors which are normal to the normal diet; one of the truly fixed laws of physiology, without exception. —Ernst T. Krebs, Jr. It was Hippocrates, the father of medicine, who originally gave cancer its name. He observed that autopsied tumors had root-like extensions spreading out from the main growth, giving a crab-like appearance. The Greek word for ' crab is “karkinos,” the Latin word, “cancer.” Interestingly,
the German
is “krebs’1—and
it was
the late Dr.
Ernst T. Krebs, Sr. of San Francisco and his son, Ernst Krebs,
Jr., who
(later designated
vitamin B-17) as the preventative and therapeutic agent in 1950.
In nature this substance is called “nitriloside” and is found in a great many foods and grasses. It was known to science since 1830 under its pharmaceutical name “amygdalin” which is the crystalline extract. It appears on the Food and
Drug Administration’s GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) list under the heading, “Natural extractive from bitter almond, apricot or peach kernels.” In its concentrated and purified form, developed specifically for cancer therapy, it is known as “Laetrile.” (Both men were always very careful to explain that they did not discover Laetrile—nature did that.) In this book it is mostly referred to by its biological name of vitamin B-17—the first requirement of a vitamin being that it is essential to life.
Natural Sources
Hippocrates would have agreed with the above statement by Ernst Krebs. Over two thousand years ago he suggested that natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables and seeds be
utilized as healing agents, and history has been true to his suggestion. There is no dispute that a great preponderance of the major drugs which have most helped humanity were originally derived from natural sources. Major diseases which plagued society in the past and decimated entire populations were laid to rest by completely natural remedies. Like forgotten ancestors, these devastating afflictions are now as
obsolete as the dinosaur. It was many decades after the original published findings of 1747 that vitamin C was finally employed as a categorical preventative and cure for scurvy. During the time of the crusades, as many valiant crusaders were felled by scurvy as ever met death by the sword of the infidel. In fact, Great Britain’s early dominion of the seas was not so much due to her superior navy or long-range cannons as it was to her superior
arsenal of lime and citrus fruits. The English explorer and navigator, Capt. James Cook adopted this cure for his crew's habitual scurvy which had formerly wiped out entire expeditions and crippled many a promising voyage in those days. Today we know that other major diseases, too, were actually the progeny of dietary deficiencies. Pellagra, a dreadful sickness of the central nervous system was thought to be caused by a virus. Mental institutions were burdened with a continual influx of fatal cases who died of this malady when the addition of whole grains (instead of white flour products) and green vegetables to the diet of those populations would have provided the niacin (vitamin B-3) to counteract it. This same Vitamin B-3 has been enormously effective within the last decade in treating certain kinds of schizophrenia. Orthomolecular (megavitamin) therapy is now being used successfully in treating many emotional disorders and so-called mental illnesses. Lack of such minerals as zinc and vitamin B-12 are also associated with some forms of paranoia and mental problems. In many areas of the United States the soil has become so imbalanced and depleted as to
Anatomy ofaDeficiency
be quite deficient in nutrients such as zinc, iodine, phosphorous and nitrogen. Frequently these deficiencies are chemically compensated by synthetic means and eventually more imbalance is the result. Beriberi is caused by a lack of thiamine (vitamin B-1) and affects the nerves, heart and digestive system. Likewise,
rickets were cured among children by administering vitamin D. Pernicious anemia was once incurable and fatal although it is now easily rectified. The three University of California research doctors who. actually cured their patients’ anemia by directing them to eat small amounts of fresh liver for sev-
eral days were accused of quackery by the medical establishment and severely hassled. Only when vitamin B-12
(cyanocobalamin) and folic acid were eventually isolated as
the effective ingredients of the liver were the quackery charges grudgingly dropped. Folic acid, a vitamin of the Bcomplex, is also used in the treatment of another deficiency
disease, sprue. Night blindness is related to lack of vitamin A. Several prestigious health institutions and universities are now studying the relationship of diet and deficiencies to criminal and aggressive behavior,” and have established a direct connection between nutritional factors and hyperactivity in children. Canadian studies reported by the 1977, 174th Meeting of the American Chemical Society have found epilepsy involved with manganese deficiency. Magnesium has also been implicated.3 Obviously, the list is very long and we need not labor the point that major diseases in history have typically been based on missing nutrients despite initial resistance to the fact by the medical establishment (and our doctors still receive only a few hours’ instruction on nutrition in all those years of study.) There is evidence that cancer may be no exception, with vitamin B-17 as the deficiency factor.
We know that certain substances in our environment and in our food definitely are cancer causing. But why is it, for instance, that not all smokers contract lung cancer, and why
should only some asbestos workers succumb and others not? Why do only a percentage of certain industrial employees, or
Natural Sources
those over-exposed to radiation, excessively strong sunlight, some chemicals and specific food additives, prove vulnerable? The odds, and some strong facts, are heavily in favor of a susceptibility being nutritionally determined. This is nature’s way, and with a little awareness one may stay ahead of these health hazards by learning which foods contain nitrilosides, and concentrating them in the diet (See Appendix). A healthy body will repel germs and bacteria because the natural immunity system is functioning well. In the same sense, carcinogens are only the agents of disease, not the actual cause. Being exposed to carcinogens of different types which affect various parts of the body could be said to determine where the cancer will occur if the body is deficient in its basic immunity. A lack of vitamin B-17 is not, as one might suppose, exclusive to bizarre or faddish eating habits (unless one is prepared to recognize as “bizarre and faddish” the average diet of Western industrial culture). All technologically developed nations eat from centralized growing, processing and distribution units. The net outcome of this drift away from homegrown, home-prepared and preserved food is greater convenience, efficiency and profits in exchange for the exorbitant dues of depletion of the land, the health of the people, and our estrangement from the natural world at its most profound and subtle level. It is no joke that as an extension of this estrangement little children often grow up these days thinking that food originates prewrapped from factories or that snacks are born from automats, unaware that it comes out of the ground first. This is particularly ironic and disturbing because in many cases the kids are right! A case for vitamin B-17 deficiency among the “overdeveloped” countries is not hard to account for because dietary deficiencies are primarily related to eating less than the whole food. In the last fifty years (i.e. since the advent of the food industry as “big business”) natural foods which were standard diet for everyone, have been replaced by poor quality foods. These items which form the broad range of shelf items stocked by commercial enterprises and supermarkets
Anatomy ofaDeficiency
have been grown, processed, refined and packed with chemicals, coincident to a marked decrease in the public’s health. What we are talking about are, essentially, dead foods, mummified by: Preservatives, binders, buffers, dyes, antioxidants, color-fixatives, mold inhibitors, emulsifiers, maturing agents, improvers, conditioners, bleaches, stabilizers, artifical colors and flavors, firming agents, foaming agents, plasticizers, texturizers, deodorants, and more. There are about twentyfive hundred of them.
A relationship has already been established between food additives and hyperactivity in children; between additives and up to 70% of allergies.4 Although used in parts per million or microscopic micrograms per pound, these substances do accumulate in the body. Many of them are exempt from safety testing procedures, and the ones that are found to be harmful can take literally years to clear all the corporate red tape and counter-efforts of industry before they are finally confiscated. Such a case was Red 42, commonly used in all red-colored foods, beverages and cosmetics. It was linked to
cancer and birth defects for fifteen years before withdrawal. It was finally replaced in 1976 by Red #40 which has also been established as carcinogenic. The fight goes on—— You see, many of the highly protective factors, natural and essential to the diet, have been selectively bred out of our food sources. Seed-bearing plants have now been hybridized to obtain higher yields and longer shelf life. Many of the wild fruits were also hybridized and specially bred for greater size and succulence and have lost something in the translation beyond their natural flavor. The somewhat characteristic bitter taste was refined out, but this slight bitterness was the presence of the nitrilosides, vitamin B-17!
Until the development of the sugar industry’s monopoly, sorghum cane was the major sweetener. It was a particularly rich source of B-17. Today, the majority of people do not
Natural Sources
even know what sorghum is, but they do know they have more cavities than any other generation in history. Enforced mass fluoridation of public drinking water is the result which according to the National Health Federation and other reputable sources is responsible for an astonishing increase of certain types of cancer in fluoridated cities.° The traditional A.M. dollop of hearty oatmeal porridge has seceded to the Breakfast of Champions (champion what?) and pretty boxes of sugar-laden processed flakes. Millet (now commonly demoted to birdseed) is another deliciously
abundant B-17 cereal grass seed. It was the most popular flour used for bread until the invention of the steel plough and McCormick reaper. Because it proved difficult to harvest for the mass market, wheat became its replacement. Since the dietary mainstay of Western culture is ‘our daily bread,” it is worth exploring some changes which have gradually come about in this century. They represent as clearly as any we can think of the kind of frightening “lighted fuse” chain reaction which results from interim innovations of technology to “conquer” the inconveniences of nature in lieu of understanding natural law and working in harmony within it: . At the beginning of the story, the original wheat which replaced the millet harvests contained goodly amounts of vitamin B-17 and was also an abundant source of protein; not only was it easier to harvest with the new machinery, but richer in protein too. That was all before pesticides became a way of life, so that today the topsoil of the North American continent is so badly depleted by chemical sodbusting that the wheat it produces is but a shadow of its former self. Today, wheat is not all that it’s cracked up to be. Only trace amounts of its original vitamin B-17 content remain. The 15-17% protein content has diminished to 6-10%.® In order to combat this law of diminishing returns, triggered by human
hybrid strains have been created
supercede the hardy originals. Triticale is one of them—a cross between wheat and rye—specially developed for its boosted protein content because wheat has been: weakened
Anatomy ofaDeficiency
by the “green revolution” along with most other crops. Our current high-yield hybrids were selected to give a
maximum productivity under a narrow set of environmental
conditions generated by a few sunny decades. What we call
normal weather is, in fact, a fair weather fluke. As global
weather patterns rapidly change before our very eyes, scientists are now telling us the weather we have been accustomed to comprised the best few decades in one thousand years!
Hindsight, of course, is twenty-twenty vision. If our scientists knew anything about the laws of nature, they would have allowed for the cyclical nature of things and not relied
upon good weather and programmed seeds forever. When the new “miracle” strains, heavily dependent upon pesticides, were developed, the old ones, which had evolved through a process of natural selection to be resistant to stress were mostly discarded by the U.S. Seed Bank. Let’s face it, 60% of the world’s trade wheat and animal feed is grown in the Great Plains. With insect proliferation, drought, and a
continuation of weird world weather, such areas could easily be.wiped out, with devastating results. You might also like to know that milling wheat into white flour removes most of the trace elements. Twenty-six known nutrients are removed. Eight are artifically restored in part.” The end product is called “enriched” bread which, according to at least one study reported by the June 1971 Journal of the American Geriatric Society, severely stunted the growth of test rats through malnutrition while others simply died. (Rats fed whole grain bread flourished by comparison). Brown dye is used by many major bakeries to color white bread to look like whole wheat, or yellow to imitate butter and egg breads.® This is an illegal practice, but the FDA has failed to enforce the law to prevent it. Ralph Nader, where are you? Before its hybridization, corn also carried a high percentage of vitamin B-17, as did most legumes in their natural state. Now it is quite deficient, as well as being one of our most highly sprayed crops. The traditional Hopi Indians however have continued to farm the original pure strain of “mother” corn down through the centuries. (You will recall
Natural Sources
that the Hopi are one of the Native American peoples who have aroused medical curiosity because of their lack of cancer.) This corn represents their principal food and religious sacrament and they are very careful to farm it organically and with the utmost care. Their simple diet includes several varieties of dry-farmed beans and squash, as well as fresh vegetables grown in irrigated terraces. A study supervised by the Nutrition and Dietetics branch of the U.S. Government revealed that Hopi cornmeal contains twenty percent more protein than the commercial meal; twice as much manganese and potassium and up to 50% more iron. Their young green plants were found to have an unusually high mineral content. This corn grows without irrigation in an area of Arizona that the U.S. Department of Agriculture says receives less than half the annual rainfall necessary for corn growing.? So superior is their corn that in spite of the current severe drought, their part of the desert
continues to bloom. The Hopi instinct for detecting the flow of subsurface moisture may partly account for their success, but we are told by the farmers that without the aid of spiritcontact with the natural forces it would be impossible to grow enough to live on. You see, we are quickly approaching a time when contact with the more subtle forces of nature will be a prime requisite for survival. A community which has developed this kind of relationship with the nature forces is the “Findhorn Community” in Scotland. Scientists from all over the world have visited their gardens at Findhorn to fathom the mystery of forty pound cabbages growing in the sand of that desolate peninsula and the anomaly of roses blooming in the snow.10 While these phenomena were but an early phase in the development of the community (now world-famous) and their newly found communication with nature forces, they do illustrate the power of the Earth’s unlimited potential when human consciousness is attuned to it creatively and with sensitivity to the intelligence of the plant kingdom. All that is a far cry from the level at which government presently operates. In order to protect the public from expo-
Anatomy of a Deficiency
sure to vitamin B-17 “because it contains cyanide” local health agencies have policed grocery shelves. Wholesale sources of apricot kernels have been routinely seized so that at the time of this writing they are unavailable in retail stores. Manufactured food products containing amygdalin have been seized and banned from production. This is particularly amazing in that amygdalin, as already stated, is on the FDA’s GRAS list (generally regarded as safe) having met the requirements of that designation. Clearly, the FDA is in contradiction of itself and under pressure from the medical and drug establishment. Bitter almonds, one of the highest sources of natural B-17 have been banned from importation. They grow mostly in Northern China and Pearl S. Buck refers to glucosides (vitamin B-17 is a glucoside) in the treat-
ment of cancer in ancient China, and the Greeks and Romans used bitter almond water medicinally—almond-amygdalarium amarum. One cyanide-containing B vitamin, cyanocobalamin, is medically required to prevent possible death from pernicious anemia, but another cyanide-containing vitamin of the same B complex to prevent possible death from cancer is forbidden. One of the major exhibits in support of the cyanide scare is a 1973 medical study frequently quoted by establishment spokespersons. They generally state that vitamin B-17 foods can be poisonous and cite cases of cassava toxicity in parts of Nigeria, Malaya and Jamaica. Some poor communities in those areas practically subsist upon a mono-diet of this nutritious starch root (all mono-diets lead to ill health; we
need variety). Unhappily for those people, this tropical strain of cassava known as “bread of the tropics” also contains abnormally high concentrations of one of amygdalin’s closest chemical relatives, the glycoside linamarin. A range of symptoms affecting the nervous system are reported among these populations—but no cancer. The sweet cassava of the United States is a different strain and devoid of any meaningful traces of vitamin B-17.!! This extreme example is unrelated to conditions and food of this country and hardly
Natural Sources
makes a good case for government harassment in the guise of protection.
A pamphlet disseminated to the public by the American Cancer Society says the active ingredient of amygdalin”’. . . is not a vitamin. It is not essential to life, which is the first re-
quirement of any vitamin. Since it is not a vitamin, there can be no claim of vitamin B-17 deficiency.” That, of course, is precisely the point and may be why so many people are dying—because it is essential to life.? In the presence of carcinogens a lack of vitamin B-17, coupled with any or all of the following will predispose people to degenerative disease: presence of excess estrogen or other steroids insufficient pancreatic enzymes toxic liver deficient cell oxygenation
Cancer is a degenerative deficiency-related disease and the following chapter deals with the subject in more detail. We should not be overly surprised then that our government's ostensibly beneficial response in protecting the public from vitamin B-17, plus the complications of the food industry’s creative profit-making endeavors, have promoted a deficiency of an accessory food factor which the medical archives of the future may well categorize as the genesis of— yes, you guessed it—cancer.
Chapter Four:
Environmental Hazards
To compound the general deficiency of vitamin B-17, there are multiple environmental hazards to be reckoned with. It would be impossible to list all of them of course, but there
are some wide-spread and far reaching dangers which are difficult and frequently impossible to avoid. Although some people never believed it, “You are what you eat” used to be true. Now that almost everyone does believe it, it is no longer true. It has been replaced by “You are what you are able to assimilate” because of toxic substances like radiation, smog, pesticides, chemicals, additives and (as they say) “much, much more.” They are ab-
sorbed by our bodies and as they accumulate healthy organ function can be impaired preventing full assimilation of many valuable nutrients and essential enzymes. Poor enzyme assimilation from food is a major contribution to degenerative disease. Unfortunately, the unconscious diet only compounds this sorry situation because it is abysmally low in the protective vitamin B-17. An extensive survey of occupational hazards by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has found that one out of four persons in the United States is exposed during working hours to some substance or condition 19
Natural Sources
thought to cause death or disease.! Is it coincidence that one person out of four also gets cancer? Radiation is probably the most insidious threat to health because it is unseen, unfelt (until much later, of course) and
because there is no information generally available to help people cope with it. After the 1973 atomic detonation by the Republic of China one of the authors, then employed by an international environmental organization, received calls from anxious members of the public. The Atomic Energy Commission had apparently told them, “Don’t worry. . . .” The Department of Health had no knowledge of the event at that time and no advice. After several subsequent tests the media assuaged public anxiety by asserting that much higher levels of radiation fell in the 1960s after atomic tests. They did not, of course, announce that all radiation is harmful and cumulative in the body and that when it falls on crops it becomes amplified as it is passed on up the food chain through livestock, into meat, dairy products and human bodies. Ironically, as this chapter is being written (September 77) another silent cloud of radiation, sweeps the U.S. from the latest China test. It dispersed “hot” rain over much of Wyoming and Montana. News sources say it raised the average level of radiation by 10%. There is no way to evaluate the impact of such a figure in terms of human health, but it is certainly highly significant that only five days previously the national press carried details of a special report by the Federal Government's General Accounting Office. The Report charged that the Environmental Protection Agency responsible for protecting the public against radiation hazards does not know the scope of the problem, does not have the resources to find out and has failed to issue a single standard that is currently being enforced. The worst news was that the EPA’s environmental radiation monitoring system does not measure radiation exposure for 40% of the U.S. population, “and provides only educated guesses for the remaining 60% .”2 The chart, Survive in a Poisoned World (See Appendix)
Environmental Hazards
was compiled for just such emergencies and the only way that individuals can protect themselves in the face of such depressing and scary events is to utilize the preventative survival resources which are available and which will reduce fear levels while strengthening the body’s resistance to such inescapable hazards. The chart indicates nutritional factors which help protect against and aid in eliminating radiation, general toxins and heavy metals. Elimination of pollution itself should be our primary goal, of course, but the problem is likely to be with us for a while and in the meantime palliative and preventive measures are definitely in order. “Levels of radiation are increasing, which affect not only the health of the current population, but the future generations because of genetic damage” says that GAO report. Radiation, you see, doesn’t fade away; it has a half-life of 250,000 years! Other sources of low-level radiation not so commonly recognized are commercial food irradiation processes used in preserving,
towers for telephone, radio and Tv; color Tv screens; high
voltage electrical wires, medical and dental X rays, smoke detectors with tritium devices, watches and clocks with radium dials, fluorescent lighting, and even oranges exposed
to phosphate fertilizer.? & 4 Heavy metals are especially dangerous (lead, cadmium, mercury, etc.) because they create damage in ways which frequently lead to cancer. Besides directly causing cancer, cadmium contamination will also damage the liver, kidneys
and blood. It infiltrates the body via car exhaust in the air, through phosphate fertilizers which contaminate soil and food; tap water, shell fish, cigarette smoke, cola drinks, in-
stant coffee and many processed meats.° Lead and mercury are both abundant in air, water and food. They also damage
the liver and kidneys as well as the nervous system. Lead at any level of exposure inhibits an essential enzyme in the function of the red blood cells. Mercury also interferes with the enzyme activity crucial to our immune system. Fish is a major source of mercury pollution (the larger the fish, the
Natural Sources
higher the concentration) because of industrial effluent in the
oceans and rivers. Mercurial pesticides and fertilizer are common sources—— But there is something you can do about all this! One of the most effective methods of detecting heavy metals within the body is by hair analysis. A sample of your hair will enable a certified laboratory to determine to what degree your system is threatened by these substances. Trace amounts, of course, are natural and necessary to health, but
most people today have much more. The hair is analyzed by the technique of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and the results are evaluated according to a set of criteria established by a committee of scientists and medical doctors. If your hair analysis indicates toxic levels beyond acceptable limits you will then need to consult with an orthomolecular physician (i.e. one skilled in megavitamin therapy) for recommendations as to how to proceed with a suitable detoxification program.” Water is the natural detoxicant which flushes and cleanses the system of accumulated poisons. We can’t live without it, yet today it is a source of the very contaminants it should be eliminating. On April 18, 1975 National radio and press covered a report released by the Environmental Protection Agency that all seventy-nine of the nation’s drinking water systems which it had tested contained measureable amounts of potential cancer-causing chemical substances, several of which are formed by the chlorine which is the standard water purifier. Nevertheless, the FDA continues to circulate public
information on bottled water which says, “. . . All agree (i.e. Public Health Service, Environmental Health Service, FDA)
that most public drinking water is perfectly safe, in spite of harmless aesthetic shortcomings in some areas.”8 Severe drought in many areas of the U.S. has increased the possibility of water contamination. As you will see from the “Water” data in the “Dos and Don'ts” Section of this book, there are some other compelling reasons to avoid tap water from the public water systems.
Environmental Hazards
Restoration of grounding to the body is also important. This means regularly contacting the ground, free of concrete and the insulation of rubber soles. Let the natural contours of sand and Earth massage the reflexes of the feet and restore electromagnetic grounding throughout the body. Without this contact we become fatigued and rundown just like a battery. When the Indians were sick, they would enter the forest, rich in negative ions and the stillness of green things breathing against the Earth and sit meditatively with their back against a great tree. They called this “sitting in the lap of the Mother” for healing. Let the natural sunlight enter the pupil of the eyes, free of glass which filters out the ultraviolet rays. Tinted sunshades block or distort more of the spectrum. We are now learning that the full spectrum solar rays are necessary and beneficial to the body and that they must be absorbed by the pupil of the eye itself to stimulate the major glands and organs. Looking directly at the sun, of course, is harmful, but being out in the sunlight without eye protection as much as possible is essential to health. Light received through the pupil affects the pituitary gland which controls in an undefined way, the endocrine glands. Some of these glands affect the progress of abnormal growths.? Scientists at the National Cancer Institute have found that the light from fluorescent lamps (deficient in ultra violet) can cause mutations in chromosomes.
One theory of the cause of cancer is that such mutations which modify the genetic message of the chromosomes can transform normal cells into cancer cells. Although the studies in question were conducted on hamster cells and not human,
one interpretation of the findings that can be drawn, says Dr. Matthews O. Bradley, the cell biologist director of the study, is that previous research on mutations in animal cells may have been confused by the effect of fluorescent light.1° A life more attuned to nature, the land and its processes is a direction that,more of us are beginning to take to balance out the encroachment of pollution, plastic, concrete and advertising into every aspect of our lives, bodies and
Natural Sources
psyches. A better world is on the way for those who are willing to stay open, attuned and discriminating; for those who feel deep down that nature has the answers and that science has only some of them. With all the legal and political attempts to discredit and suppress natural methods of healing, it is not only logical but imperative to emphasize the positive preventative resources available to us. Only then can we better get on with the business of living more fully, undistracted by the counterevolutionary considerations of anxiety, insurance, sickness and medical bills. While a growing number of people back vitamin B-17 as the missing link in the cancer puzzle, we'd like to make it very clear that health is more than just a vitamin or a diet. Foods rich in all the vitamins (particularly B-17) minerals
and enzymes are essential, but so is daily exercise, relaxation and exposure to uplifting input and beauty. Prolonged damage or stress to the body and emotions should also be dealt with creatively if they cannot be avoided. A balanced combination of all healthful factors working together in synergistic harmony is what the new wholistic approach to life is all about. It is gaining popularity and support now because it is necessary and essential to our survival.
Chapter Five:
The Big Five
The purpose of this chapter is to give some overview and insight into the root cause and workings of one of the great unsolved human mysteries of our time. Please bear in mind that the processes described are the necessary simplifications which a volume of this size dictates. They represent the lowest common denominators of an immensely complex, all-pervasive and far-reaching chain reaction. The disease itself and its cause is still an obscure riddle, a
conundrum in the annals of allopathy (drug-oriented medicine). Standard medicine appears to view cancer as a tumorous mass which must be removed before it spreads. Research and treatment are focused upon the lump itself as if it alone comprised the disease, and radical surgery is usually the first measure. A National Institutes of Health panel composed of public representatives and doctors recently became concerned about unnecessary surgery after it was discovered that 66 out of 506 small breast tumors were found to be benign although they originally were pronounced malignant. 53 of those women had mastectomies. The recommendation of the panel was that surgery for small breast tumors be delayed until at least two pathologists have examined the suspected tissue.1 Radiation beams are used on a search and destroy mission for trophoblasts while chemotherapy zaps 25
Natural Sources
them into submission. The ability of the body’s immune system is impaired along with the cancer, but one person in three does survive
five years,
is considered
enough to be classified as clinically cured. Practitioners of wholistic medicine come in at the ground floor directing attention to prevention, considering the whole person in the healing process: the lifestyle, stress factors, diet, exercise, mental state and attitudes. They define
cancer as “a chronic, systemic metabolic disease characterized by an unrelieved deficiency of a natural food factor.” They see the cancer tumor not as the disease itself but as the end result of a highly complex and slowly building condition of deficiency and imbalance which becomes visible as a tumor and then spreads. It’s the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Removing the tumor is not getting at the root of the disease but plays for time while disconnecting the alarm which is the symptom warning of “fire down below.” The metabolic derangement which characterizes cancer is comprised of several possible factors. They act individually or in combination with each other in varying degrees as part of an interlocking mechanism: a deficiency of vitamin B-17, impaired pancreatic function, toxic liver and lack of oxygenation within the cells. Add to these factors the presence of high levels of estrogen-like steroids in the system and the ever-present threat of carcinogens in the environment, food and intestines, and you have the basic ingredients of a recipe for cancer! Of all the existing theoretical postulates, the one most commonly held among the wholistic medics is the one which views the malignancy mechanism as an over-healing, characterized by inadequate pancreatic function and the presence of trophoblasts at the site of hormone production.2 Cancer is believed to develop when the healing process is unable to complete itself and stop the multiplying repair cells. Estrogen hormones stimulate cell multiplication for regrowth and repair. When trophoblasts (cells stimulated to multiplication by hormones) are in action and the natural factors that control their growth are absent (pancreatic en-
The Big Five /
zymes and vitamin B-17) the body attempts to seal off the area surrounding it with cells and cancer forms as a lump or a bump. In order to counteract the estrogen which is sponsoring the trophoblast, the body floods the area with an infusion of beta-glucuronidase, an enzyme that under normal conditions inactivates the estrogen (although there is some indication that negative emotions can interfere with this process via the hypothalamus). Beta-glucuronidase is produced by the liver for this purpose although it is found diffused throughout the body and concentrated in other areas too. It is also produced by the hydrolization process of vitamin B-17 as it breaks down in the body, and acts to supplement the body’s natural protective supply. Professor John Beard was a Scottish embryologist at the University of Edinburgh who originated the trophoblast theory of cancer in 1902. It is Dr. Beard’s theory which provides the biological matrix within which vitamin B-17 is understood to function in relation to cancer prevention and control. Beard asserted that the trophoblast which spawned malignancy was the same as the preembryonic cell which multiplies in the early stages of pregnancy. This theory has yet to be disproved. The new cell formed at conception begins dividing. When four new cells are formed one of them (the zygote) separates and continues to reproduce itself. The other three divide into trophoblasts under the influence of estrogen and nibble into the uterus wall. Later, when the zygote cells have multiplied to a cluster of 512 cells they move to the uterus wall where one of them separates and takes up residence in the niche made by the trophoblasts. There it nestles quietly to develop into the embryo.
the remaining 511 cells wait
patiently until the sixth week of pregnancy when they separate and enter the embryo. About 80% of them occupy the ovaries/testes and serve as a genetic reservoir for future generations. The other 20% scatter elsewhere throughout the body where they remain without significance unless estrogen activates them to divide into trophoblasts for the healing process. Around the eighth week of pregnancy the baby’s
Natural Sources
pancreas begins to function and this is thought to be the reason for the natural cessation of the multiplying preembryonic cells. In the case of cancer, it is the pancreatic enzymes which dissolve the protective coating of the trophoblasts, exposing them to white blood cell attack and stopping them in their tracks. . Nature has assigned to the pancreas the vital job of preventing cancer by keeping trophoblast cells under control. The trophoblast cell has a thick protein coating that carries a negative electrostatic charge which protects it. White blood cells are not equipped to combat the trophoblast cells when they get out of hand because they too are negatively charged and the two naturally repel each other. However, pancreatic enzymes (such as trypsin and chymotrypsin) are effective in destroying trophoblasts. Although they are inactive within the pancreas itself, they do become
when they reach the small intestine. From there they are transported in the bloodstream to the tumor site, the strong-
hold of the trophoblast cells, where their digestive destiny is fulfilled and they eat away the protective protein coating of the trophoblasts. Only then is the cancer exposed to attack and destruction by the white blood cells. Now, if the pancreas is weak or damaged in any way, or if the habitual diet is unduly high in animal protein and demanding of large amounts of pancreatic enzymes, there is very little enzyme activity left for defense purposes when needed. Diabetics (people with pancreatic malfunction) are three times more likely to contract this disease than others, according to Dr. Stewart M. Jones in his book, Nutrition Rudi-
ments in Cancer. Impaired glucose tolerance and disturbed carbohydrate metabolism also appear to be related to cancer proneness.? If the cancer has formed around scar tissue (because of poor oxygenation, and this is explained later) which inhibits circulation and prevents the enzymes from reaching it, or if the rate of the growth is so high due to massive tissue damage that the pancreatic enzymes can’t keep up with it, then what? This is where vitamin B-17 comes in as the back-up mech-
The Big Five
anism, because it duplicates the function of the deficient or
missing enzymes in its own unique way:
The active ingredient in Vitamin B-17/nitriloside/ amygdalin/Laetrile, is a naturally occurring cyanide. Cyanide is always present in the body since it is a normal product of metabolism just like ammonia and carbon dioxide which are also categorized as poisons, but normal to human functioning. As mentioned earlier amygdalin made the FDA’s GRAS list before any disputes about its role in cancer tried to discredit it because of “toxicity.” It met the FDA proviso that it be “free of prussic acid” (hydrogen cyanide, HCN) because although the cyanide is inherent in the molecule it can only be released in its full toxic potential by factors unique to the cancer cell. No quantity greater than one part in ten million has ever been found when dissolved in neutral water, according to Dean Burk, PhD, former head of the National Cancer
Institute’s Cytochemistry Department who has reviewed the many accepted studies conducted on its analysis over the years. Although hydrolized cyanide is an undisputed and often fatal poison, the natural unhydrolized cyanide contained in amygdalin/Vitamin B-17 is not. It contains two units of glucose, one of benzaldehyde and one of cyanide tightly locked within it. It is chemically inert, having little effect on
healthy tissue. The only substance that can unlock the B-17 molecule and release the cyanide is an “unlocking enzyme” called beta-glucosidase. When vitamin B-17 comes in contact with this enzyme in the presence of water not only is the cyanide released but also the benzaldehyde. These two substances working together increase their toxicity manyfold beyond the level that either one of them has individually. This is called synergism in biochemical terms. Although the unlocking enzyme is not found to any dangerous degree in the body, it is present in various concentrations throughout the entire system, but particularly in the healthy liver, kidneys, spleen and leucocytes. In all of these instances,
there is an-even
greater quantity of a
Natural Sources
“protective enzyme” called rhodanese. The healthy tissue is protected from the cyanide because the generous amounts of this enzyme neutralize the effect of the unlocking enzyme. It has the ability to neutralize cyanide by converting it in the presence of sulphur into by-products essential to health (e.g. thiocyanate, which is known as a natural regulator of blood pressure. It also serves as a metabolic pool for the body's self-production of vitamin B-12—cyanocobalamin, the other essential and integral cyanide vitamin.) The protective enzyme, rhodanese, is found in abundance in every part of the body, particularly the liver, muscle, kidney and brain. It is found in tumor
cells also, but in deficient quantities and
coupled with chorionic gonadatrophin, a hormone which is a specific inhibitor of rhodanese. (The effectiveness of vitamin B-17 in relation to trophoblast cells was
recently, to a higher than average amount of the unlocking enzyme within the cancer cell itself. However, continuing research now indicates that it may be the liver which plays the vital role of processing the active ingredients of vitamin B-17 and releasing them for circulation throughout the system.) At the cancer site, trophoblasts are vulnerable due to their lack of the protective enzyme, while healthy cells are not. Any benzaldehyde that might diffuse away from the cancer cell into normal cells will be oxidized and converted into benzoic acid which is also a primary detoxicant of chemicals in the body. Benzoic acid is known to have certain antirheumatic, antiseptic and analgesic properties (which accounts for the fact that vitamin B-17 often produces the effect of relieving the intense pain associated with terminal cancer.4 Although not a pain reliever as such, when it (benzaldehyde) comes in contact with cancer cells it releases benzoic acid right at the inflicted location and thus permeates the area with a natural analgesic. Meanwhile, the benzaldehyde that remains at the cancer site will find itself in an almost total lack of oxygen, causing it to linger and perform its synergistic deadly action for a prolonged period of time, because cancer cells are also deficient in oxygen. In brief, the cancer cell is ill equipped to defend itself,
IGEN tne Ate
Endogenous insoma__ Elicited in high
Detoxifiesestrogenlike steroids
concentration of lesion by estrogenlike steroids
Hydrolyzes glucuronides
Endogenous insoma _ Detoxifies HCN
End Product _ Estrogen-glucuronoside Aglycon and sugar
Absent in Ca lesion
Chorionic gonadotrophin hormone
Produced only by cellular tropho-
Inhibits rhodanese
Elicit B-glycuron-
idase from con-
tiguous soma
(*) As enzymes, rhodanese and B-glucuronidase do not terminate in an end product.
Natural Sources
while the normal cell contains the perfect balance for defense against the cyanide, converting it into by-products and releasing the excess into the urine. To sum up briefly, then, if either pancreatic enzymes or vitamin B-17 are deficient, there comes into existence a condition of decreasing immunity
to carcinogenic substances
which may trigger the initial changes in cell behavior which lead to the degenerative state often identified as cancer. But there are other factors which are indicated in this process. A third element in the cancer mechanism concerns the role of the liver. This organ is the major detoxifier of the body and as such can be harmed by pollutants. It produces betaglucuronidase which tames the estrogen responsible for the proliferation of healing trophoblasts in the first place. If the liver is detoxifying an excess of toxins, hormonal steroids, and its capacities are impaired, those substances may build to a level sufficient to induce cancer. The liver function of cancer victims is classically grossly depressed. However, it should be clearly understood that there does come a time in the course of a deficiency disease when irreversible tissue changes may have occurred which no amount of the relative nutrient will change. (For example, no
deformed bones were ever straightened in children with rickets by the addition of vitamin D to their diet, but since that relationship was discovered, vitamin D prevented it occurring again in others.) If the body’s first and second lines of defense (the pan-
creatic enzymes and vitamin B-17) fail, the multiplying cells seek a weak area in which to colonize into a tumor—usually the one affected by carcinogens (lungs for smoking, air pollution, etc., stomach and bowel for carcinogenic foods, sex organs for estrogen overload, or perhaps the site of an injury or operation, wherever there is old scar tissue or impaired
organs where circulation is poor.) The Nobel
Prize was
to Dr. Otto
Director of the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology in Berlin for his work in this connection. He discovered that circulation was sometimes as low as 2% of normal in tumors
The Big Five /
because they are parasites. Unlike healthy cells of higher life forms which are nourished by oxygen (aerobes) the cancer cell’s growth depends upon sugar fermentation (anaerobes) in much the same way as the lower life forms such as fungus. Reduced oxygen within naturally multiplying cells converts them from the oxygen dependent, aerobic state of normal metabolism into the anaerobic function of cancer metabolism.5 As Dr. Warburg stated at the 1966 meeting of Nobel Laureates at Lindau, Germany,
”. . . when respiration dis-
appears, life does not disappear, but the meaning of life disappears, and what remains are growing machines that destroy the body in which they grow.” The International Health Council reports that Soviet scientists have also demonstrated a complex connection between cancer and the lack of oxygen in breathing (as have many U.S. scientists since Dr. Warburg,®) and that negative emotions radically reduce the body’s white blood count defenses. It should not take scientific pronouncements to make us realize the importance of regular exercise, fresh air and deep breathing. This energizes the blood stream and stimulates cell respiration which is the healthy exchange of energy and wastes within the cells. Nutritional findings are also encouraging with respect to precancerous conditions and poor circulation. In Scandinavian countries a common cancer of the throat and esophagus is precursed by a condition known as the Plummer-Vinson syndrome. Active groups of the respiratory enzymes added to the diets of these people have been found to clear up the syndrome, thereby averting its degenerative progression into cancer.” The standard procedure for cancer tests is to inject healthy creatures with malignant cells. They are then overwhelmed by the quickly proliferating cells which kill them before the slower acting and possibly more efficacious anticancer agents being tested have a chance to act. Other techniques include the grafting or transplanting of tumors. None of these testing methods bear a resemblance to the development of cancer in humans where a subtle metabolic imbalance
Natural Sources
gradually builds to create a chronic degenerative condition which finally invades the body—usually over a period of many years or even decades. A rat with a transplanted tumor or sudden infusion of cancer cells is not an adequate parallel for a human cancer patient.
The reason for this kind of testing is largely because spontaneous tumors take a long time to develop in laboratory animals and researchers do not acknowledge that it makes any difference how the tumors develop. The focus is on treating the lump when it does appear. They see no point in waiting for the slower, natural processes to take effect. Fund-
ing factors, too, commonly create budgetary time pressures. Wholistic and natural therapy proponents have objected in advance to any Laetrile tests which the admittedly biased cancer orthodoxy might conduct or fund (under public pressure) using these testing methods. For purposes of laboratory
say the establishment
this is not a valid distinction.? Such was the case with a Sloan-Kettering Institute Laetrile study by Dr. K. Sigiura which showed inhibition of lung metastasis and arrested growth of primary tumors in mice. These results were obtained with spontaneous tumors, but
were designated invalid when subsequent tests, using tumor transplants, failed to reproduce the original findings. The well-financed authority of orthodoxy cannot dictate the truth, but it can dictate ways of suppressing it. Impressed that the integrity of scientific impartiality had become influenced by the growing polarization of natural therapy versus established drug modes, Dr. Harold W. Manner, Chairman of the Biology Department at Chicago's Loyola University has picked up the ball. In the interests of true impartiality, his research team has proceeded from the premise that the accepted methods of animal cancer testing are in error. When the Loyola experimental mice were fed nutritionally deficient diets, cancers did manifest. Only then was testing with vitamin B-17 begun in addition to vitamin A and pancreatic enzymes (pancreatin, bromelain, papain,
The Big Five
lipasmylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin). Dr. Manner made public the research results which were the culmination of four years of research involving toxicity studies, enzyme analysis, and intermediary metabolic investigation, at the
1977 national meeting of the National Health Federation in Chicago. He acknowledged that the team’s experiments must be considered unorthodox because of the inclusion of nutritional supplements. Tumors in the control group of 21 mice continued to grow during the test period. Of the 84 experimental mice, 75 underwent complete regression of tumors and the remaining
9 showed partial regression. These findings are consistent with those of other research teams.1° Enzyme studies by the Loyola team are under way at the time of this writing to document the response difference between spontaneous and induced cancers. Their scientific indications are positive, so far, that dietary deficiency is directly related to spontaneous cancers and that vitamin B-17 is involved in its control. Regaining metabolic equilibrium often takes a superconcentrated effort and a keen discrimination to discover those foods and those therapies which can really help us. All too often the information is not available and the natural healing process runs awry like the eternally spinning record unable to play itself out and click off. Anything that produces prolonged stress or damage to the body can initiate the healing process. And because there are so many stress factors in daily living there is a constant need for the body's defense systems to be well nourished with the right vitamins, minerals and enzymes. These defense systems must be adequately cared for to keep them working overtime and continuously protecting the body from our generally poisoned world.
Beans / Peas, dried Cereals (whole grains) Nuts Dairy products Sea foods
Squash, winter Pumpkin Chestnuts Potatoes Cereals (whole grains)
Flesh foods
Beans & Peas, dried
Salad greens
Sprouts Peas Corn
Cucumber Squash, summer Radish
Wild greens Celery Scallions
Bellpepper Parsnips
Turnips Broccoli
Parsley Watercress
Citrus Plums, sour
Dates Bananas
. Figs, Dried
Raisins Currents Pears, dried Persimmon
SUBACID FRUITS Apples Apricots
Grapes Cherries Berries Mango
Papaya Pears Nectarine
Melons should be eaten alone
Figs, fresh
POOR COMBINATIONS Protein & Starch Greens & Acid/Subacid Fruit
Protein & Acid/Subacid Fruit
Starch & Vegetables
Protein & Leafy Greens Oil & Vegetables Oil & Acid/Subacid Fruit
Chapter Six:
Cleaning the Temple
It is a matter of record that when the great Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda (he was the one who said you should never eat
in a restaurant unless you could not help it) died in 1952 in Los Angeles, his body remained as if in a state of sleep. During the three weeks it took for him to be interred, nothing
was done to preserve or embalm and there were no signs of putrefaction. Like most teachers of highly evolved consciousness, he was human with real bone and sinew, but his
greatness lay in knowing the higher laws of nature and understanding how to apply them to daily living. Apparently Yogananda really knew how to make the body the “temple of the spirit.” If the physical body were fed right, exercised and detoxified regularly it would soon put the health-oriented “how to” book publishers out of business. With very few exceptions people are healthy and vital proportionate to their ability to keep the body in a state of equilibrium and free of toxic back log.
We'll be concise about it. After all, it is a very simple affair once you realize how important it is.
You will not be giving the recommendations of this book a fair chance to work for you effectively if the same unhealthy 37
Natural Sources
eating and living habits continue. So, the first principle with any important healing process or health regimen is to begin with detoxifying the body and learning how to keep it that way. It is the buildup of toxins which eventually achieve a critical mass and interfere with vital functions. Nature doctors (naturopaths) have long believed that the
four main causes of disease stem from toxins, tension, torsion and trauma. Think about it and you'll be hard put to refute that basis. The guidelines used are always aligned with what is natural, organic in its origin and harmonious to the system. Fresh air, pure water, sunlight and the healing capacities of the Earth itself were explained as the prime healers by Jesus. Anyone who has read “The Essene Gospel of Peace” (translated from a portion of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in
the Vatican library during the 1930's) was probably moved to concede that there must be something powerful to those recommendations.
Exercise, sound diet and a good mental
attitude are the other indispensible components of healing. In cleansing,
the major approaches are: fasting, exercise
and diet. You will recall that in discussing the cancer mech-
anism, the liver, pancreas, oxygenation of the cells and (by implication) the bloodstream, were of prime importance. All the above cleansing methods apply equally well to these vital aspects of the body, so let's discuss each of them and get a feeling for how to proceed:
Fasting We keep hearing that water is the “universal solvent” and it was popular until recently to fast by simply drinking enough water to flush the fasted toxins and dead cells through the body. However, the feeling seems to be pretty general in recent years that it may be better to do a juice fast. This is because it’s a gentler approach to absorb the slight nourishment which juices impart rather than shock the body unnecessarily by the accelerated elimination of highly poisonous wastes from the fatty tissues into the bloodstream. Persons with an acid condition would be well advised to fast with fresh vege-
Cleaning the Temple
table juices. Those unfamiliar with natural diet and fasting would do well to prepare their body gradually by eating only raw fruits and vegetables for a couple of days before the actual fast. It goes without saying, however, that if you have a health problem you should consult your physician before embarking on a fast. A three-day juice fast is an effective yet conservative way to periodically clean out some of the toxic byproducts of digestion and metabolism which normally work by degrees against the system. Some folks fast one day a month; others do a three-day fast every few months or so. It’s a matter of personal preference, but it should be done with a certain amount of one-pointed dedication to yourself. A halfhearted attempt accomplishes very little and if you don’t have the discipline to ease in and out of it with moderation you will do yourself more harm than good. The average healthy person can undertake a one to three day fast without “professional supervision.” Headache, slight dizziness or nausea and a coated tongue are common symptoms during abstinence from food and are an indication of stored toxins releasing into the system. Initially there may be a slight tendency to become a little “spacey” early in the fast, although most people experience a unique “clarity” as it progresses. It is more comfortable (although not necessary) to do it on a weekend or some other
time when you can relax and make a pleasant project out of it. Mild exercise in the fresh air, yoga, walking, swimming,
etc., will oxygenate the bloodstream and help the eliminative system work to purify wastes through the skin. A session of dry skin brushing before alternating warm and cold showers each night and morning will also help things along. This is also a good time to enjoy a full body massage to release stored wastes and tensions held in the muscles. Various kinds of fresh, raw, cleansing juices, herbal teas or
light vegetable broths can be used as an aid to flushing and nourishing during this period. A popular raw juice for fasting contains celery, carrot, spinach and parsley. Only freshly made juices should be used so you'll need access to a juicer.
Natural Sources
Canned or bottled juices are not recommended. Fruit and vegetable juices should never be combined because they require different enzymes for digestion and will only result in gas or intestinal fermentation. Up to 1% quarts of alkalineforming juice can be taken during each day of the fast, supplemented by pure water (i.e. not tap water) if desired. They should be sipped slowly and mixed well with the digestive aids of the saliva in the mouth. How you break a fast is enormously important! There is frequently a great temptation to cram into the gullet everything one has fantasized eating while on the fast. A light green salad with a small glass of carrot juice is a gentle and nourishing way to ease into the eating habit again. Do chew thoroughly and don’t overeat. A couple of days of raw fruit and vegetables are necessary to the success of the fast, but don’t combine them in the same meal, of course. A small amount of brown rice can be added toward the end of the second day. Vegetable broths are appropriate sources of nutritious liquid intake during this time. Exercise
It has never been a secret that daily exercise is essential to health—especially for people with sedentary, indoor jobs. The nation’s depressing health statistics and rising medical costs no doubt account for more people than ever before deciding to shape up and make that extra walk with their dog; jogging around the local park or beach, and walking a few blocks after lunch instead of reading the paper. The skin is the largest eliminative organ of the body and it actually processes out an estimated one third of the body's impurities. It also needs a daily workout. Underexercised people eventually suffer from many quite unnecessary health problems because their oxygenation is poor, and, as you will recall, poor oxygenation is a major precursor of cancer. Prana, the vital energizing principle of oxygen is then deficient and results in the body fatiguing easily. Not only will a well-limbered body be less likely to suffer from arthritic and degenerative symptoms, it will be able to do something that
Cleaning the Temple
no amount of diet, meditation and positive thinking can do—it will eliminate through the skin and lungs the many poisons which will otherwise remain in the colon and vital organs and overload the kidneys and liver. The average American armpit, which should be a major sweat vent, has long since been robbed of its natural function and sealed off by a variety of aluminum compound antiperspirants and sprays. Physical rigidity and lack of flexibility often mask life-long attitudes of anxiety, fear and survival mechanisms which are totally nonserving to the human organism and common to the cancer-prone personality. But they can be worked out through physical therapies. In fact, so sophisticated is knowledge of the body-mind complex becoming today that powerful bodywork methods like Rolfing, postural integration, Feldenkrais technique and dance-movement are being developed and refined to release emotional traumas and negative programming which have become locked into the structure of the body over the years. Reichian therapists call it “armoring.”
Some people enjoy the physicalness of exercise and sports, but there are at least as many who don’t and can’t find time for exercise activities they just don’t like, even though they know it is good for them. To these people we announce that exercise itself is presently becoming transformed from the framework of “just physical workout” to encompass philosophical and spiritual gamesmanship. The Zen of Running; Golf in the Kingdom;
The Inner Game
of Tennis and The
Ultimate Athlete are all joyous celebrations of the transformation of a merely physical form into a much wider perspective of integrating the body-mind-spirit with the environment and replacing weakness with a very real mastery.
Dry Skin Brushing Now that drought conditions dictate doubling up for baths and showers dry skin brushing before bathing may even add a new dimension to your relationship(s). A natural bristle or . plant fiber brush (not plastic!) a loofa sponge or the kind of
Natural Sources
rope glove carried by many health food stores, are all suitable. Dry skin brushing for five to ten minutes invigorates the skin, whisks away the many dead cells which accumulate daily, and tones and stimulates circulation. A gentle circular motion is best, beginning with the feet and working up the body toward the heart, and then from the hands up the arms and down to the chest. Wash the brush regularly in gentle suds and dry, bristles down, on a towel. Daily dry brushing does such good things for your body it can easily become a regular new habit, essential as brushing your teeth each day. Heat
Steam baths, saunas or sweat lodges are not only popular and healthful fun, but they have a history of therapeutic properties in Europe, Scandinavia and Native American culture. Letting the heat, whether dry or moist, soak into the pores is another way of allowing the skin to work its eliminative wonders while you relax. Circulation is increased as toxins are literally sweated out of the body along with harmful bacteria. Hypothermy is a European therapy whereby the body heat is raised, under controlled conditions, sufficiently to a point at which certain bacteria cannot survive. In Europe this technique has a wide range of applications from alleviation of cold and flu symptoms to cancer therapy. Elimination
Regular and thorough elimination of waste matter from the colon is essential to good health. Each individual has a unique pattern of elimination and it is a matter of personal judgment when and if to take corrective measures to help nature along when things slow down. The occasional high colonic method of irrigation is, perhaps, the most thorough but should be reserved for special occasions like a “spring cleaning.” Enemas, too, area quick and effective method, yet
too frequent an application of either method can result in the intestinal flora being depleted so that diarrhea or constipation results. The generic name for the many types of dietary dynamite
Cleaning the Temple
is “purgative.” Various kinds have been used throughout history but their need has increased over the years because the elements which naturally occur in a balanced and healthy diet are so often missing. Although the ideal is to eat right and avoid irregularity, purgatives are not without benefit in relieving symptoms which can otherwise become chronic and cause sickness—toxemia and slow blood poisoning as well as the lesser annoyances of headache, depression, sallow complexion and nervousness. Purgatives can help lower blood pressure and they remove the nitrogenous products of metabolism which relate to cancer-building conditions, especially when the kidneys are weak.! The various types of purgatives each achieve their effect in different ways: Laxatives are the mildest and most natural form of aid. They loosen bowels and induce gentle movements by stimulating intestinal muscles to produce softer motions. Prunes, figs (which also contain an enzyme effective in destroying intestinal parasites),? fresh fruit and vegetables which provide
roughage, honey and the bran of whole grains are all natural dietary laxatives. We have been hearing a great deal about fiber and bran in the diet recently and there are several excellent volumes available to educate us on how to put back into our stomachs what the food industry customarily takes out. While a lack of food fiber in the intestinal tract is not a categorical source of cancer, the evidence is nevertheless cir-
cumstantially compelling so far. Pure logic tells us that its presence has a beneficial effect by reducing the amount of time that potential cancer-causing agents and poisons remain in the colon. Human bodies are not custom built for slow moving soggy masses which take a long time to move on out. Meat routinely can take up to three days to traverse the thirty-three feet of human intestine before it is processed out of the body. Carnivorous animals are built for such diets and have strong incisor teeth and short intestinal tracts to prove it. The human intestine can back up like a slow traffic jam in rush hour, forcing fiberless mush to impact within the tiny pockets of the colon and produce a variety of problems, not the least of which may be cancer. The necessary cellulose
Natural Sources
from vegetable fiber plus fresh fruits, nuts and bran from whole grains (especially wheat) keeps things moist and mov-
ing on that internal freeway.
Purgatives cause watery evacuation and can irritate the mucous membrane of the colon lining and make it sensitive to its contents, thus increasing and accelerating peristalsis
(the expansion and contraction of the intestinal walls which keep wastes moving). Strong purgatives can cause the body to overreact and then lapse right back into an exhausted state of reconstipation. Saline purgatives (magnesium, Epsom or Glauber’s salts) draw fluids from the tissues into the intestine, stimulating it to action.
Cholagogue purgatives (calomel, mercurous upon the liver to increase bile secretion.
chloride) act
Hydragogue purgatives (croton, castor oil) are the most drastic of all measures and produce watery motions by inducing free secretion from intestinal glands and removing serum from intestinal blood vessels. Prevention is the best of all these options, of course, and there are many ways to avoid the use of artificial means. All exercise and fresh air are basic to keeping muscle tone firm and organs in working order. Many of the yoga postures are helpful in this respect as well as periodic abdominal massage by which you gently massage the outline of the large intestine which routes up the right side of the abdomen, then across it below the ribs and down the left abdominal side. Drinking plenty of pure water provides necessary moisture saturation. Besides the natural laxative foods mentioned above, there are naturally fermented acidophilous cultures available in liquid form which will keep the intestinal flora in balance and avoid common but unhealthy eliminative problems. Wheatgrass implants and enemas of its chlorophyll juice are used on those who have contracted cancer as well as persons who wish to learn how to maintain their health.3
Chapter Seven:
Why Organic?
The media has done its job well glomerates, for many people are tated by the importance attached “whole” foods. It seems strange
for the food industry conpuzzled and sometimes irrito “organically grown” and that those who prefer the
convenience of imitation edibles containing so much artifice
should call people who prefer theirs plain and unadulterated, “faddists.” Most of the world eats only plain food. Should we then refer to “all those starving food faddists in the Saheil .” or “those food cultists of underdeveloped nations”? When the early settlers arrived on the North American continent the land was waiting; its topsoil was rich in the bacterially reduced humus of countless centuries which had weathered down, fertile and receptive to the new seeds of pioneer cultivation. Today the topsoil is almost gone and the land supports only a fourth of what it did even sixty years ago.! Naturally, crops raised on such land continue to decrease in nutritional value and must be chemically subsidized. Humans with the same problem are called addicts.... In forty centuries of farming much smaller areas to feed many more people, China still has intact and fertile topsoil which is probably good for another forty centuries. Organic wastes are continuously recycled back to the Earth to 45
Natural Sources
renourish it. The Chinese may live under a suppressive regime but they do know how to farm their land and for that reason alone may still be doing it, long after the great famines and dust bowls have decimated the rest of the free, but ecologically ignorant, world. Since there is no legal definition at the time of this writing for the term “organically grown” we quote below, for the record, the definition commonly understood by those who have a vested interest in their health and the highest possible standards for pure food: Organically grown refers to the method of agriculture used to produce the food and not to the presence of carbon in that food (for all food has carbon in it, and, therefore, from that one
technical aspect, could be called organic.) In order to be organically grown—food must have been fertilized with naturally-occurring fertilizers. Additionally, organically grown food cannot have been treated with pesticides which are toxic to human beings, nor herbicides, fungicides, fumigants or hormones. Organic gardening and farming expert Robert Rodale describes organic soil as being rich in organic matter, or humus, which is the living part of the soil. In that moist, woodsy part of the Earth exist the uncountable billions of bacteria, fungi and other minute organisms which give soil its remarkable powers to feed tremendous amounts of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients to plant roots. Food grown in that medium is usually superior in its nutritional quality. It is simply not true when our national consumer protection agency, the FDA, tells us that there is no difference between chemical and organically treated soil and produce. A series of chromatagraphs by Dr. E. E. Pfeiffer, Vice President of the International Institute of Clinical Physiology and the American Academy of Nutrition, graphically illustrate a difference in natural soil, grains, milk and vitamins
Why Organic?
and their chemicalized or synthetic counterparts.2 The FDA also tells us that we get everything we need from a “balanced diet” and do not need vitamin supplements. According to the Myths of Vitamins reprint from the FDA Consumer (a publication of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration), “Some people have gone further and maintain that modern farming methods have depleted the soil and that food itself no longer contains adequate nutrients. This is untrue.” One thing about telling the truth is that you don’t have to keep remembering what you said, for the Department of Agriculture itself has already determined that wheat has lost an average of 50% of its protein since the introduction of chemical intervention, and that certain strains of organically grown corn yield 20% more protein than commercial corn. It has also found up to 50% of the American populous deficient in vitamin A, etc. etc. Let us not forget that the FDA does no independent tests. They rely upon data furnished them by industry, big business, private test labs and sometimes the Department of Agriculture, much of whose information is compiled from the same commercial sources. Let us also be mindful of the frequently cross-pollinating and interchangeable relationships between the administrative personnel of the FDA and the drug, pesticide and food industry. A federal investigation of major test labs in 1976 questioned the entire animal research industry. The probe revealed that virtually every major pivotal study conducted on behalf of private industry has shown serious flaws, deficiencies or fraud. Significantly, these test results were supplied to the Environmental Protection Agency,
the Food and Drug Administration
and Na-
tional Cancer Institute to serve as the basis for safety standards.? It has not yet been determined which of those products already approved for the marketplace are actually safe. Anything which does not occur naturally in our bodies, food, air or water is suspect and we would be better off to eliminate it rather than wait for ‘all the facts to be in” so that its harmfulness can eventually be proved—in spite of in-
Natural Sources
dustry’s attempts to protect it. There isn’t such a thing as a factor foreign to the biological experience that is not harmful to the human organism. In nature there are none of the excesses or extremes which our technology finds necessary to health. However, it should be understood that nature’s ways are always slower and more gentle than the instant effects we have become accustomed to. An old axiom is that when you put order into chaos, you get more chaos until the new order has had time to stabilize. This is true of a change to a purer diet. When the author, ina fit of exuberance, simultaneously gave up smoking, meat, the pill and the commercial food habit in exchange for a better trip, the immediate results were not good. There followed seven months of flulike symptoms and acute mucous discharge. This radical approach is definitely not recommended, moderation in all things being less traumatic, but it
illustrates the intelligence of the human organism which, as soon as it is allowed the chance, will immediately begin to detoxify itself and throw off its accumulations of poison in exchange for homeostasis and harmony. Therefore, it is best
to change one’s course gently, gradually phasing out the undesirable habits and foods so that the body has a chance to adjust without trauma. . It has been a popular practice to take our complaint to the doctor and just about leave it there for repair, almost as if it were a machine. The physician has been expected to cure our ills with pills, potions, drugs and lotions from the Merck Manual. The medical profession has nurtured this attitude and even exploited it because they neither expect nor encourage people to take responsibility for their own bodies and health (besides, it’s not profitable). People are, however, gradually becoming healthily disenchanted with modern medicine per se because the Merck Manual is not providing enough wellness and what it does provide is too expensive. Also, the symbolic attitudes of the times are changing. Treating parts separately from the whole is becoming obsolescent within the mass consciousness now. Viewing the whole first and then working to the part(s) is a major indica-
Why Organic?
tion of the urge toward a more accurate perspective of what is really happening. An wholistic perspective of life, health and disease is gradually replacing the reductionist view. Important and new cultural paradigms are beginning to emerge and this is one of them. Nothing in the universe functions on its own. The apparency of separation is simply another convincing illusion of the mater-real world. “Spontaneous remission” is a medical term used to explain how a confirmed cancer went away without any specific known effective treatment. The changes people made in their diet, outlook and living conditions during their quest for survival are not considered significant in standard medical opinion because doctors are trained to believe that allopathy is the only valid healing system. No studies of how spontaneous remission might have come about have been documented. Fortunately, many recovered persons are aware that deviation from their present diet and tender loving care of themselves could put them back in jeopardy. There are people running, jumping and even standing still today who overcame that heaviest of karma by meeting the challenge with a great deal of courage, determination and faith, a carefully selected therapy and an improved diet of “organically grown” origin.
The natural approach to healing views drugs akin to violence. An enemy can be subdued by violence or power, but without understanding or agreement by the subjugated party there is only suppressed tension and simmering resistance which will erupt again at the first opportunity. This is the stuff of revolutions. Drugs subdue symptoms in this way. Harmony and understanding are the keys to converting
enemies and healing sickness. The human body is a wonderfully intricate mechanism, skillfully programmed for survival. Commercial foods will sustain the body—not necessarily in optimum condition, but with fuel and synthetic duplications of food molecules life can be continued at least. V. Earl Irons, a dedicated and innovative pioneer in the field of human nutrition says, “Is it because man believes in
Natural Sources
Abiogenesis ‘the theory of the production of living from non-living matter’ instead of Biogenesis ‘the doctrine that living things are produced only from living things?’ Is it because he believes in natural science for things outside himself but for the inner man he thinks that dead refined foods (i.e. non-
perishable, inert cell structure, devoid of enzymes) are as beneficial as natural foods with their live vitamins and organic minerals, all organized by the sun, rain, water and the soil’s living bacteria?”
Scientific verification is forthcoming in that Kirlian photography magnificently demonstrates what metaphysics has taught all along: all live organisms have an aura. They throw off an electromagnetic energy field which can now be captured on film. If part of a leaf is severed, for instance, there are several hours during which the missing section will continue to appear in a Kirlian photograph. Its radiant form lingers as if it were still there.4 This “etheric” body is the matrix within which the life energy is confined so it takes a while to fade. Similarly, live foods, grown by natural means, sustain a high life-force energy for quite a while after they are picked. Processed food has virtually none, being but a collection of molecules wearily dancing to Geritol rhythms, offering sustenance at a very basic level, inertia to the life-force and gradual impairment of the organism. In experiments at Stanford Research Institute, living yogurt cultures have, like the other plant consciousness experiments, proved sensitive to actions involving yogurt cultures at other locations. We suspect that similar experiments with the various commercial food products might prove “significantly” less responsive. Why has no one written a book about “The Secret Life of Cup Cakes”? The point has already been made that germs are but the agents of disease, not the cause. A healthy person has, by definition, a robust immune system with its own defense intelligence. Such people are less vulnerable to “the ills that flesh is heir to” and they are also quite rare. This fact checks out on other levels too which puts it in the category of being a “truth.” Farmers who really grow organically will be quick
Why Organic?
to attest that healthy plants repel insect pests, nature’s scavengers. In order to keep the natural world in balance, these bugs are programmed with an affinity for unhealthy and mineral-deficient plants which have been grown on imbalanced soil. It is because massive petrochemical husbandry has disturbed the land and its plant growth so radically that the insect kingdom has simply proliferated to survive and keep up with the demand. Science fails to recognize that the insects are just trying to keep up with imbalances which we ourselves are continually creating. Certainly organically grown produce is more expensive than that of supermarkets because the small organic farmers cannot compete with the massive agri-business framework. Nor can health food and natural food stores compete with supermarket prices with their “lost leaders” and bulk buying capability. Although the novice may initially feel discouraged because there are so many stories of misrepresentation or ripoff, we can’t stress strongly enough that when you're really into the trip you soon become familiar with reliable growers, sources and stores. You gradually learn how to tell if a retailer is interested in providing organic integrity or whether he or she is really indifferent or “just in it for the money.” Avoid the “health food” store that only wants to push vitamins at you. Do give the “natural food” store that carries fresh produce with “organic” emphasis a chance. Let’s face it, you may not be able to control the external environment and its effect upon your body and mind, but you certainly can take responsibility for your own inner environment by eating only the purest food possible. Can't afford organic? When you are getting superior nutrition you can consume less to get better results than with devitalized food which overfeeds but undernourishes. In terms of money saved in doctor’s bills, a growing population of aware people feel they can’t afford not to buy organic! The life-force in pure, live, raw food nourishes the life force of the body. It aligns us with life. Only life can support life. That is a cosmic principle we have the free will to ignore, but the results align us with nothing—except Madison
Natural Sources
Avenue and eventual dis-ease. They take us further away from life. “Organically grown” and “naturally fertilized” are ideals (or fads, depending upon your point of view) that could save your life!
Chapter Eight:
The Preventive Diet
Food philosophy comprises a rich orchestration of ethnic, religious and personal themes. Each person must find his or her own variation, but no matter what that preference con-
sists of there are some practical guidelines available which will keep the body in healthy equilibrium. These guidelines are outlined below, together with those nutrients involved
with the cancer mechanism. The ideal diet should consist of three parts raw foods to one part cooked. If you can manage only half raw and half cooked your body will certainly know the difference. Many people think that it is difficult to digest raw food but this is because the stomach’s hydrochloric acid becomes less available in some persons as age progresses. HC1 can be supplemented in the diet. Raw proteins are actually twice as easily digested and utilized as cooked proteins (it is the fried ones which are hardest to digest) and less is required when raw.! Only with this kind of a ratio can the blood be adequately alkalinized and oxygenated, the liver cleansed and the pancreatic enzymes kept available. Raw vegetables, for instance, contain magnesium which is a vitally important mineral that activates more of the body’s enzymes than any other. (Enzymes catalyze nutrients. They are necessary for 53
Natural Sources
food digestion, assimilation and elimination and are involved in all healing and regenerative processes.) Cooking destroys enzymes. Sprouting seeds and grains increases their enzyme activity many-fold. Only the foods which depend upon cooking to make them digestible should be cooked (mostly your grains, dried legumes—when not being sprouted, and flesh foods). Vegetables need only be lightly steamed to break down the cellulose. The mineral-rich cooking water should be drunk or used as broth stock. It ought never be thrown away. Foods that need to be cooked comprise but a narrow band of the edible spectrum. Cooking everything is a habit of civilization that tastes good and is hard to break. The mystique of eating makes it somehow desirable to slosh it around in the pan, stirring and tasting, diluting and spicing as it bubbles and steams away its vital essence. It takes a certain amount of unbiased insight and clear unemotional vision to see the beautiful end product on the deeper level as a mass of dead vegetation, void of life-force and its good taste the short-lived compensation for a plate full of exhausted molecules at about a third of their original nutrition. It is better not to eat while angry or upset. If you are under any kind of on-going stress be gentle with yourself and eat only small meals throughout the day rather than one big one. As East and West come together, we find some interesting parallels in that ancient Vedic dietary considerations agree with contemporary wholistic health philosophy. Guided by the three manifestations of nature (gunas) all aspects of life are divided by the Hindu system into categories which have to do with being pure, tending toward inertia, and destroying life. (The Hindu trinity of Brahma and Creator, Vishnu the Sustainer and Shiva the Destroyer, reflect this principle.) Here is the Western counterpart related to diet: The more beneficial
be categorized
as live,
organically grown. They will nourish body, mind and spirit. Those foods that produce inertia to the life-force, sustain the physical body at only a very basic level and artificially energize are over-cooked items, flesh foods, extremes of
The Preventive Diet
temperature, sprayed or chemicalized food. Food of low vibration that eventually impairs and destroys the human organism is in the range of putrid, stale, leftovers, artificially preserved and processed foods. The diet should contain a balance of about 80% alkaline forming and 20% acid forming foods. That is to say, all foods are converted by the metabolism into varying degrees of acidity and alkalinity. Because the body works better in an alkaline (positively polarized) state, acid-forming foods should be minimally taken to keep the bloodstream as pure as possible. Most meats, grains, nuts and dairy products (i.e. most protein) tend to be acid-forming, while the majority of fruits and vegetables are more in the alkaline range. The list of vitamin B-17 foods contained in the Appendix indicates which of them form an internal alkaline condition. Sickness is likely to
occur when the body has become too acid or too alkaline through imbalanced diet. Acidosis and alkalosis are the medical terms for the logical and disastrous results of each dietary extreme. If the bloodstream is pure and well alkalinized the rest of the body will respond with optimum health. Red beets build the hemoglobin of the blood; greens, rich in magnesium (the major enzyme activator) minerals and chlorophyll alkalinize it. Both chlorophyll and the hemoglobin have a similar structure in that the chlorophyll molecule centers around magnesium atoms while the hemoglobin molecule centers around atoms of iron. Chlorophyll stimulates the bone marrow to produce hemoglobin and its vitamin K constituent is necessary for coagulation of the blood. The chlorophyll juice of wheatgrass is one of the most powerful and effective alkalinizers and blood purifiers available.* (Krebs states that grasses contain as much as 17,000 mg. of nitriloside per kg. of their own
weight.) Dr. Ann
Wigmore of the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston believes that there is no cure for disease other than rebuilding the body’s health, and has worked extensively and successfully with many victims of degenerative disease and cancer
Natural Sources
by using live foods and wheatgrass chlorophyll therapy. Lecithin, commonly found in sprouts, buckwheat, beans and lettuce has an emulsifying quality which helps to cleanse debris from sluggish arteries and in that sense “thins” the blood, aiding in reducing cholesterol buildup. Vitamin B-17:
Because there is a lag in the acceptance of vitamin status for the nontoxic, water-soluble, accessory food factor known as
nitriloside or amygdalin, it is difficult at this time to find reliable data on its constituency in the various foods in which it is found. According to Ernst Krebs, ”. . . nitriloside makes up by dry weight as much as 2% of the weight of the seed. An apricot or apple seed for example, contains about 2 to 3% of nitriloside. That's a prodigious concentration for any accessory food factor—usually we think in terms of a con‘centration of 2, 3, or 4 parts a million for those more com-
monly recognized.” Krebs suggests that 4-12 apricot kernels, eaten throughout the day, may be taken by the average healthy person as an appropriate amount for preventive purposes. Apricot kernels are a food. They contain some 30% protein, minerals, unsaturated oils, and that important 2-3% of amygdalin/nitriloside. If each kernel weighs approximately 400 mg. it then contains an average of 10 mg. vitamin B-17. Two and a half apricot kernels would then weigh 1 gram, and provide 25 mg. vitamin B-17. The vitamin B-17 content of any crop can vary, of course, due to the natural variations of weather, soil and type of tree. A list of foods containing vitamin B-17 appears in the Appendix.
One of nature’s first lessons is to observe moderation. If a quantity of foods with a higher than average vitamin B-17 content are eaten, the whole food should be taken, the fruit as well as the kernel, so that the organic cyanide can be balanced out by the extra rhodanese in the fruit flesh. Dry roasting the kernels for about ten minutes at 300°F is an effective way to destroy enzymes which could upset the stomach if too many are consumed at one time. The vitamin B-17 remains intact during roasting as it is a heat-stable,
The Preventive Diet
water- soluble vitamin. Prevention consists of including the vitamin B-17 rich foods in the diet, but not going crazy about it. Some nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. do not have an accompanying fruit, but all of the vitamin B-17 nuts/kernels
do, and should ideally be taken as a whole food, fruit and
all. One reason the Hunza folks can eat such large quantities of apricot kernels is because they save the dried apricot fruit to accompany each kernel. We laughingly refer to this as a “Himalayan sandwich.” Although this volume is not addressed to anyone directly suffering from cancer, readers should know that when the
disease is present the natural therapists who approach cancer as a chronic metabolic, systemic problem commonly insist on certain dietary specifics. Therapy is accompanied by a rigidly pure regimen, low in fats and proteins; no meat or dairy products; (milk inactivates chymotrypsin, an essential trophoblast controlling enzyme), no refined sugars, salt or preservatives, etc. Vitamin B-15 (pangamic acid) is also used. According to Dr. N. R. Bouziane, Dean of the American Association of Bio-Analysts, pangamic acid’. . . is a methalating agent that appears to improve liver function with respect to its capacity to detoxify elements released from the malignancy.”3 (Some foods containing vitamin B-15 are apricot kernels, rice bran and brewer's yeast.)
The necessity for adequate pancreatic enzymes to remain available for immunity needs has already been explained. If the daily protein recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences are used as a guide (they vary according to body weight and age but average out to 55 grams for men and 45 for women) it is not likely to put an undue demand on the pancreatic enzyme supply. However,
too little protein is as
undesirable as too much. Vegetarians and people phasing out their dependence on meat should take care to combine their foods well enough to get sufficient complete protein (see Appendix for Protein Combining Chart). An overdependence on dairy products as a protein source creates an excess of
Natural Sources
mucous in the body and can even lead to arthritic problems. An overdependence upon beans and grains (unless one understands macrobiotic principles) provides an excessive amount of carbohydrate. Foods which are undemanding of pancreatic enzymes are raw proteins which have abundant enzymes of their own. Low protein foods will not tax the pancreas either. A ready source of digestive enzymes is to be found in the juice of pineapple and papaya which contain high concentrations of bromelain and papain. Digestive enzymes are also available over the counter. Caffein from coffee, tea and Coke can interfere with the
output of pancreatic enzymes. Couple that with the fact that the soot from coffee roasting plants is a known carcinogen, and you have cause to be well warned. British researchers have found that compounds in coffee may catalyze or facilitate the formation of nitrosamines (the most potent cancercausing substances known) in the human stomach. When coffee was mixed with salts and amines found in the human stomach, formation of nitrosamines were “rapid and substantial.”
Liver: The liver must be treated with great care. live-er for nothing. Without its filtering contaminants and poisons we don't last adult the liver weighs three to four pounds to eight to twelve pounds when it is in
It is not called the action of harmful long. In a healthy but it can increase trouble. Then, its companion the gall bladder becomes imbalanced in its secretion of digestive bile. Lightly steamed beet greens* along with the whole beet itself, or lactic acid fermented beet juice, are one of the best liver energizers and cleansers widely recommended by natural diet authorities. The juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey each morning in a glass of pure water will perform a similar function. Lecithin, commercially derived from soybeans but found in many natural foods, contains phosphon acid which helps to normalize the fats in the liver by working to complement other vitamins. *Not recommended for anyone with rheumatism or arthritis because of the oxalic acid content which is released by cooking.
The Preventive Diet
Not enough protein or B-vitamins will also impair the
liver’s enzymatic activity, and, among other things, its ability to neutralize potentially harmful excess estrogen and
related steroids when they occur. As mentioned, unmetabolized estrogen, etc., can trip the beginnings of the cancer mechanism. In a study of primary liver tumors reported by the Journal of the American Medical Association (November 1977) the American College of Surgeons Commission on
Cancer reported that in women so affected, almost half of them used oral contraceptives. Statistically that is a very high and very suspicious incidence. To site coffee again, the National Cancer Institute has announced that trichlorethylene, a solvent used in the production of decaffeinated, ground and instant coffee, is stored in
the body for long periods rather like DDT. It is suspected as a carcinogen and was linked in tests to liver cancer in mice. Pesticides which have been banned in the United States because of their cancer-causing potential continue to be exported and used in some South American countries, particularly Colombia. Authorities are now concerned that coffee grown with those biocides is being imported and sold on the American market and consumers are warned, “buyer beware.” Our karma is returning. A healthy liver is needed to manufacture B vitamins during sleep and to help transform carotene into vitamin A, an important anticancer nutrient.
Estrogen: Of interest to women are the familiar issues of menopause problems, contraception and premenstrual woes. The estrogen hormones commonly prescribed to millions of women to replace the menopausal loss of hormones have been linked to cancer of the uterus. Meanwhile, younger women using birth control pills (particularly those high in estrogen) experience irreversible breast changes and are three times more susceptible to cancer than those who do not use them.‘ Breast cancer, as mentioned, is the major cause of cancer death among women, so diet in relationship to the female cycle is especial-
Natural Sources
ly important. According to nutritionist Paavo Airola, Ph D, ND, women on the pill can increase their intake of iodine (abundant in dried kelp or kelp tablets), plus B-complex and C vitamins to help effectively metabolize the extra hormones contained in oral contraceptives.° In a similar manner, premenstrual symptoms, the tension, cramps, water retention, breast soreness—and sometimes the
formation of small breast cysts which later disappear, are all signs of increased estrogen levels the week prior to menstruation. Breast malignancies develop more frequently in women who have breast fibroids and cysts than those who don’t have them.® In that sense all breast cysts can be medically categorized as “precancerous.” In the premenstrual week, more hormones are required by the body to prepare and enrich the uterus lining for pregnancy. If conception does not occur, the hormone level then runs its course and drops, resulting in the uterine lining being menstrually shed. When protein and B vitamins are lacking,
the liver’s enzyme action is unable to metabolize and control the extra estrogen by converting it to a harmless hormone, reducing its constituents and neutralizing the cancer- producing effects. A report by Prevention on this subject (November 1972) cites some very interesting studies of women in prisons and reformatories: Forty-nine percent had committed their offenses during the week before their period;
forty-six percent of female mental patients were admitted during that same phase of their cycle, and fifty-three percent of attempted suicides by women have been found to occur at that time. At Fairleigh Dickinson University two hundred women students with premenstrual problems were the subject of an extensive study by noted nutritionist Dr. Carlton Fredericks. In his book, Eating Right for You he tells how their diets were regulated to include additional foods or supplements rich in B vitamins and well-balanced protein in the ten days before menstruation. After several months the majority of the women reported success in alleviating their various symptoms.
The Preventive Diet
Work with estrogen-treated rats, and women taking oral contraceptives has been done by Dr. Bernard Eskin of the Medical College of Pennsylvania, and iodine was shown to play a significant role in reducing breast disorders.” Now, because this book stresses a meatless diet, we would
like to point out that many vegetarian women who customarily do well on relatively low protein diets may experience monthly breast sensitivity because they lack the necessary margin of extra protein and B vitamins to handle the estrogen increase. This would be an indication, certainly, that their diet should include more of those nutritional factors than it does. Immediately upping the intake of protein, B vitamins and kelp for iodine worked so well for the author that she passed the information along to a local hospital's Breast Clinic. Upon checking a year later, the cautiously informal findings were estimated at ninety percent success for those women interested in trying these dietary additions. Moreover, premenstrual water retention was similarly improved by the addition of three to four cups daily of a popular commercial herbal diuretic tea. At the sixteenth Science Writer’s Seminar of the American Cancer Society in 1974, physiologist and chemist Clifford W. Welsch (speaking on behalf of Michigan State University) said, “There is no doubt that changes in one’s eating habits could profoundly influence the endocrinological system” and thus affect the relationship of hormones to cancer. “We really haven't tied in nutrition with carcinogens as we should,”
he said.§
Oxygenation: Some of the active respiratory enzymes needed for vital oxygenation of the cells also happen to be members of the B vitamin complex: riboflavin, nicotinamide and pantothenic acid. Other nutritive substances which aid the respiratory functions are vitamin C which not only helps detoxify poisons, but also prevents oxidation of vitamins E and A which are needed to increase tissue oxygenation and the permeability of capillaries to provide better oxygen delivery
Natural Sources
to the cells. Lactic acid fermented red beet juice is an oxygenator to the blood as well as being beneficial to the liver. It has been widely used in Europe as a blood builder and aid in combating the often quite terrible side effects of radiation therapy on cancer patients. Lactic acid fermented foods assist the cells to detoxify. Some excellent lactic acid fermented foods suggested by health researcher Gena Larson are dill pickles, sauerkraut, raw milk yogurt and kefir, sourdough breads and pancakes, bleu and roquefort cheeses, tamari soy sauce,
raw mush-
rooms and of course, lactic acid fermented beet juice. These adjuncts to superior respiration and oxygenation should be concentrated in the diet, especially by persons who smoke,
take alcohol, tea or coffee and/or live or work in polluted urban and industrial areas—factors which conspire to block oxygenation within the cells. All densely populated areas have polluted air, of course, and this means an abundance of positive ions (air molecules which have lost their electrons). Positive ion environments
have bad effects on human beings (whereas negative ions have beneficial effects) because they deplete vitamin reserves and interfere with oxygenation, affecting the nervous system, adrenal, pituitary, endocrine and thyroid functions. They inhibit efficient coagulation of the blood and for that reason many European surgeons will postpone surgery during certain weather conditions when the air is positively ionized. Electrically-charged high velocity winds accompanied by sudden temperature increase and drops in humidity bring an excess Of positive ions into the atmosphere also and this is what is happening over much of the drought stricken areas of the country. Even indoors we cannot escape positive ions as they are produced by fluorescent lighting, all electrical appliances, machines and equipment as part of the electrical field they generate. Understanding the ion phenomenon and knowing how to contact antidotal negative ions is important survival information. As one of nature's healers and sustainers, fresh air is a human birthright which the wilderness,
The Preventive Diet
forest and ocean still freely dispense. Even indoor plants will work their green alchemy to transform positive ions into negative ones, which many studies have shown quite conclusively, are beneficial to health in an abundance of ways. Asparagus ferns are particularly prolific in emitting negative ions. Ion generating machines are used in many countries—they have therapeutic uses by hospitals for speeding the healing
process; studies have shown them to increase health and effi-
ciency in the business world. In the United States NASA uses them for the space program because plastics and air- conditioning in spacecraft absorb and block the passage of negative ions which are vital to the health and mental state of the crew. Research teams at the Medical College of Wisconsin studied some biological effects of air ions, both positive and negative. They found that in the animal studies the blood pH was increased and the nerves which control blood vessel size (vasomotor) became more dilated, whereas the opposite was
accomplished by positive ions. The breathing capacity of the lungs was markedly increased as well as the ciliary action of the bronchial tubes.? In 1940 the German Journal of Cancer Research reported
that researchers at the Frankfurt Hygienic Institute had conducted ion studies on rats and mice with both implanted and spontaneous
reportedly effective in reducing these malignancies. In the same vein, Proceedings, a nonsectarian publication for religious and scientific research! quotes ion studies at Columbia University conducted by Dr. Walter H. Eddy. Sixty mice especially bred to be susceptible to lung cancer were separated into two groups.
One group
kept in an or-
dinary atmosphere in which twenty-two of the thirty developed lung cancer and died. Of the group in the negative
ion charged room, only two died and the other twenty-eight showed no sign of lung malignancies. We present the foregoing information cautiously, not wishing to imply that ‘negative ions cure cancer.” That they
at iaS
Natural Sources
do increase cell oxygenation is undisputed and in that sense may well be an important preventive measure. Certainly these tentative explorations justify more research into the possibilities of ion potential in the field of cancer research. In addition to the benefits of negative ions, there is another important component of air. It’s called prana. Prana is the Sanskrit word for the subtle life principle permeating the universe. It is the underlying (etheric) energizing factor in air and water, and pranayama is the control of this cosmic lifeforce through breath. No scientist can yet give you the full lowdown on prana because its properties are too subtle to be analyzed by instruments, but Soviet researchers refer to it as bioplasmic energy. Prana remains the domain of the yogi and the man of knowledge, but, we suspect, not for much
longer. Science is hot on its track. Prana can be stored by the body: deep breathing of fresh air suffuses the blood stream with the vitality globules of prana which are carried throughout the entire system. Not only does this increase circulation, but, by exchanging oxygen and carbon monoxide through the lung walls, it cleanses the blood of toxins, purifies and energizes the nerve channels. Yoga masters say that the cleansing and rejuvenating benefits to the body will outweigh unavoidable inhalation of polluted air. The ancient practitioners of medicine understood the pranic process very well—the entwined serpents of the Caduceus (Hermes’ staff—the symbol of the medical profes-
sion) represent “serpent power,” otherwise known as kundalini/shakti force which originates up from the energy center at the base of the spine. The coiled serpent of mundane consciousness is gradually awakened by yogic discipline, personal evolution or through the help of an evolved teacher. With inner progress it is eventually raised by the interaction of the pituitary and pineal glands. This enables awareness to become stabilized in the higher centers of counsciousness. When it reaches the top of the head, Crown chakra, illumination occurs. The All-India Institute of Medical Sciences and the Max
The Preventive Diet
Planck Institute are currently undertaking a special international project for the study of the kundalini in which yogis and scientists of all nations have been invited to participate,11 The ida and pingala are the names of the pranic nerve channels symbolized by the snakes and they relate to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. They flow around and synthesize within the central nerve channel of the spine shushumna shown as the central rod of the Caduceus. The knob atop the rod represents the pineal gland
or third eye (seat of consciousness called Ajna chakra) nes-
tling between the wings or frontal lobes of the brain. Although this symbol has, appropriately, been adopted by the modern medical profession, their official leaflet on the Caduceus’ significance states that they do not know what it means or why it eventually became affiliated with the medical profession. They regard it as “controversial.” The significance is simply that the established healing arts are, as yet, still in their infancy. When the profession as a whole comes into a true understanding of the whole person and his/her relationship to the cosmos, they will simultaneously arrive at a comprehension of the esoteric symbolism which has, (like true success in healing) thus far, eluded them.12
Vitamins: Orthodox food and drug authorities say a balanced diet provides all the nutrients necessary and that vitamins beyond the recommended daily allowances (RDA's) are unnecessary and a waste of money.
people take
their word for it and are automatically skeptical or afraid to increase supplementation when it could help them most. Vitamin RDA's are periodically revised by the National Academy of Sciences who quote idealized amounts only. The blanket figures do not acknowledge the need to compensate for the many demanding circumstances normal to our hectic and-often hazardous daily living conditions: sickness, stress,
Over or underactive organ functions, devitalized foods or the A to Z of the pollution roster with which we are forced to interact.
Natural Sources
For instance, although the government has set a dosage limit for vitamin A supplements because sustained large doses can be toxic, an Oklahoma Department of Education survey and another by the Department of Agriculture reveals that fifty percent of Americans are deficient in that vitamin. This may very well be directly due to the widespread use of nitrate fertilizers on commercial crops. The plants systematically absorb the nitrate and pass it along to us where it depresses the thyroid activity which normally helps the liver to convert carotene to vitamin A. Diabetics and persons with liver problems may not be able to convert carotene into vitamin A either, while those with chronic indigestion or gall bladder trouble might not be able to absorb enough of the A they do get to prevent a deficiency. Spending long periods of time under fluorescent lighting also depletes the body of Vitamin A. Information like this, and the data which follows, surely indicate that the conservative RDA’s for all people, all seasons and all reasons may be irrelevant to what is happening with individual human beings in the real world. The subject is certainly worth some reflection in those quiet moments, waiting for the bus, at the grocery checkout, or in the doctor's office. . . Some vitamins have been indicated in cancer prevention and we outline details of a few of the many studies which have been done:
Vitamin A: Both internal and external applications have been remarkably effective in inhibiting and retarding the growth of tumors. One of the more significant studies was conducted by Raymond J. Shamberger, Ph.D, Biology Department professor at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio.13 The growth of cervical and vaginal tumors in hamsters were inhibited by local applications of this vitamin, while oral doses of synthetic A (palmitate) curbed the initial abnormal cell changes which lead to lung cancer. They also reduced the lung cancer when it was present. Interestingly, carotene, the vegetable substance which is digested and transformed into vitamin A, had the reverse ef-
The Preventive Diet
fect and aggravated the cancer. Only the perfectly forme d vitamin A itself was found effective.
Dr. Umberto Saffioti, now with the National Cancer In-
stitute, also found that high doses of vitamin A given to hamsters before exposure to a smoke-related carcinogen, protected them from the formation of tumors. Five out of sixty of these small creatures did develop tumors but only one was malignant. In the control group of fifty-three ani-
mals without vitamin A, sixteen developed lung cancer. 14
Further experiments along these lines by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Department of Nutrition and Food Science indicate that vitamin A may be ab-
solutely essential to the ability of the mucous membrane covering the internal and external surfaces of the body to resist the effects of carcinogens. In view of the fact that the death rate from lung cancer is increasing more rapidly than any other form of cancer (125 percent increase in the last twenty-five years) these vitamin A studies may prove invaluable, especially since unbiased Laetrile studies at Loyola University in Chicago have included vitamin A (and pancreatic enzymes) with positive results. Vitamin
Natural Food Sources
Milk products, eggs, hot red pepper, dandelion greens, dock, carrot, apricot, kale, mustard greens, collard greens, cress and sweet potato.
Vitamin Supplement Sources Fish Oils Lemon Grass Acetate Palmitate
_Natural/ Synthetic Natural Natural Synthetic Synthetic
Vitamin B Complex: Studies at Zurich University and the London Polytechnic were encouraging with respect to B vitamins in the form of brewer's yeast and their role in improving cancer resistance. Yeast is one of the best natural sources of the complete B vitamin complex in general and of selenium in particular. Selenium can perform some of the tissue protective functions of vitamin E}5 in that it is also an anti-oxident. It has prevented liver and muscle degeneration in laboratory animals. Diets emphasizing brewer's yeast and beef liver reportedly protected test creatures from liver cancer also.!” (As an aside to the reader we would say to
Natural Sources
Vitamin Supplement Sources
Natural Food Sources
Natural/ Synthetic Natural Synthetic Synthetic Snythetic
Eggs, powdered milk, yogurt, rice bran, wheat germ, wild rice, mushroom, sunflower seed, pinon nut, soybean, peanut, sesame seed, brazil nut and millet.
Yeast, Rice Bran Thiamine Chloride Thiamine Mononitrate
Vitamin B2
Yeast, yogurt, eggs, hot red pepper, almond, wheat germ, wild rice, mushroom, safflower seed, turnip greens, chestnut, millet, wheat bran, kelp and collards.
Yeast, Rice Bran Riboflavin
Vitamin B3
Yeast, eggs, rice bran, wheat bran, peanut,
Yeast, Rice Bran
hot red pepper, wild rice, kelp, sesame seed, peach, brown rice, mushrooms, wheat germ and barley
Vitamin B®
Eggs, yeast, beans, blackstrap molasses, broccoli, cabbage, corn, peanuts, peas, potatoes, soybeans and wheat germ.
Yeast Calcium Pantothenate
Eggs, yeast, milk, beets, blackstrap molasses, cabbage, corn oil, honey, legumes, nuts, seeds and wheat germ.
Yeast, Rice Bran
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
Natural Synthetic
Yeast, Liver
Fermentation concentrate Cobalamin Cyanocobalamin
Natural Natural
Vitamin B!
(pantothenic acid) Vitamin B®
Vitamin B 2 Yeast, milk products and wheat germ.
Thiamine Hydrochloride
Folic Acid
Eggs, yeast, fruits, grains, raw greens, mushrooms, soybeans and wheat germ.
Yeast : Pteroylglutamic acid
Natural Synthetic
Paba (para-
Yeast, nuts, blackstrap molasses, fruits and
aminobenzoic acid
Eggs, yeast, wheat germ and tomatoes.
Natural Synthetic
Choline Bitartrate
Yogurt, milk, yeast, blackstrap molasses, cantalope, corn, fruits, lima beans, nuts and wheat germ.
Yeast, Soybeans, Corn
Vitamin B15
Apricot kernels, rice bran, Brewer's Yeast
Vitamin B17
See Appendix A for listing
Eggs, yeast, cabbage, fruits, mustard greens, peas, soybean, spinach and wheat
germ. Inositol
NOTE: Best general sources of all B vitamins are Brewer's Yeast, Wheat Germ, Eggs. No listed source on supplement labels probably means the contents are synthetic.
The Preventive Diet
avoid those yeasts grown on petroleum products or wood pulp. Yeasts grown on hops and molasses are preferred.) Selenium yeast is available commercially in powder or tablet form. Researchers indicate that 1000-2000 micrograms of selenium daily over a sustained period can be toxic. Since
one tablespoon of selenium yeast provides about 50 micrograms of selenium, preventive supplementation is considered safe at an average 200-250 micrograms daily. According to the October 1971 Biochemical News, megadoses of the B complex vitamins reduced the growth of cancer in experimental mice by up to seventy percent.
Both vitamin B 17 and B 15 are excluded from B complex vitamin formulas, even though they are present in nature and belong in the complex. This raises some important implications because it means that consumers are probably getting “fractured” B vitamins and not the entire B complex as the labels state. The full B complex has never been synthesized simply because it has yet to be discovered. Taking isolated vitamins from a given complex can leach the existing vitamins of that complex from the body after an indeterminate period if not combined with the rest of the complex. Yeast and bran are probably the most reliable sources for the full B complex as it occurs naturally. And that is why getting enough sleep is also important because B vitamins can only be manufactured by the liver during sleep. 18 Are you getting sufficient B vitamins? Sugar will leach them from the body and affect the nervous system, stimulating a demand for more B. Alcohol, excessive fluids and antacids also destroy B vitamins and so does cooking.
Vitamin C: In late 1976 the National Academy of Sciences released a valuable report regarding a five-year study (begun in 1971) of the effectiveness of vitamin C in combating various types of terminal cancer. This study was conducted by the two-time Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Ewan Cameron, Consultant Surgeon at Vale of Leven Re-
search Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland. Of the 100 terminal patients who underwent the vitamin C treatment of at least
Natural Sources
10 grams daily, the average survival period was four times longer than the control group of 1,000 victims who received no vitamin C at all. Today, sixteen of those persons who received the vitamin C are not only still alive, but considered “cured,” which means that five years have lapsed with no recurrence of the cancer. Only three of the control group of 1,000 lived as long as a year after they were pronouced terminal. Dr. Pauling feels the program was successful on two counts: it increased the body’s production of lymphocytes (they attack cancer cells already at work in the body) and it increased the formation of collagen which the body needs for proper wound healing and strong blood vessels. Collagen is the “cement” which holds tissues together, thus making them more able to resist the cancer invasion. A National Cancer Institute team has also conducted a similar, but more conservative study on healthy persons. Five grams of vitamin C were administered for three days
and the team confirmed that lymphocytes were significantly increased. These lymphocytes and their lymphocytic protection are damaged by X-ray treatment, according to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and can lead to the rapid spread (metastasis) of cancer.!9 In this connection, European
doctors often prescribe a daily preparation of brewer's yeast, calcium and beta vulgaris (red beet) which has been found to limit the toxic effects produced by cancer therapy radiation.2° Further support of vitamin C’s prophylactic role comes from Swedish studies at the Karolinska and Umea Hospitals. The vitamin was found to help block cancer development by its action as an anti-oxidant, helping to protect cells from damaging peroxidation and the harm of carcinogens such as nitrates and nitrites, radiation and acute poisoning.21 Vitamins C and E, in combination, have been sited in the
prevention of sun-induced cancer in animal and clinical studies by inhibiting the oxidation of cholesterol in the skin
which would otherwise produce cholesterol alpha-oxide, a
known cancer-causing chemical.22
The Preventive Diet
Did you know that vitamin C is destroyed in combating
lead from exhaust fumes, mercury from fish and other foods,
smoking, aspirin, stress, paint or cleaning fluid fumes and virus colds? It’s asking a lot of the “recommended” 60 mg. a day to do all that—and keep the body nourished and protected, don’t you think?
Natural Food Sources
Vitamin Supplement Sources
_Natural/ Synthetic
Vitamin C
Citrus fruits, rose hips, apples, apricots, asparagus, avocados, bananas, hot peppers, guava, kale, parsley and greens.
Acerola Cherry Citrus Fruit Ascorbic Acid Ascorbate
Natural Natural Synthetic Synthetic
Wheat germ, eggs, milk products, apples, avocados, bananas, barley, carrots, kale, lettuce, onions, parsley, peas, potatoes,
Vegetable Oils Wheat Germ Mixed Tocopherols
Natural Natural Natural
d-alpha tocopherol
Tocophery] acetate Alpha tocopherol acetate d1-alpha tocopherol/ tocopheryl acetate Succinate
Natural Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic Either
rice, seeds, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.
This reading should not be viewed as a modus operandi for “cancer prevention” so much as a focus for restoring
balance and wholeness to the diet and lifestyle. It is the lack of wholeness, both mental and physical, which makes us vulnerable to disease and problems in the first place. Energy directed against anything is a fundamentally unsound approach. Using energy to create the new and accomplish wholeness automatically works toward precluding negative conditions. Survival occurs as a natural result of “being in the flow” (i.e. doing the right thing). Being in the flow carries us toward wholeness. Doing the right thing creates wholeness.
Wholeness on any level enables us to advance,
and that’s evolution. It serves the highest purpose. Government, on the other hand, has a very human tenden-
cy to serve its own purpose. So, let us not rely blindly upon our established institutions for protection, let us also rely upon ourselves, our shared knowledge and common
our innate sense of what is right for us. Without violating any misguided laws, or jeopardizing health as may be the
Natural Sources
risk with supermarket groceries (grosseries?), we can take responsibility for our own health and well-being and thrive by simply making intelligent choices. All the foods mentioned in this little volume are
wholesome, healthful, tasty, nutritious and, of course, quite
legal. May you eat with the renewed awareness that food is life!
Chapter Nine:
Psychological Factors
Over two hundred articles in medical literature conclude that a relationship exists between stress, emotions and cancer. In addition to the diet and living habits which may predate cancer, subtle forces gestating within the subconscious give energy and form to manifestation in the physical body. The effect of a positive attitude in increasing the body's immunological response in overcoming disease has been observed in changes within serum proteins, antibody production and the total immune response of the organism.! Soviet research has also demonstrated that negative emotions radically reduce the body’s white blood count defenses.2 Emotional tension and fear reduce oxygenation in the bloodstream and cells because anxious people tend to be shallow breathers. It often happens that those same people react to pressure by developing gastric problems or ulcers which also interfere with enzymatic functions and may degenerate into more serious health conditions. The link between mind and body involves a subtle but pervasive alchemy which we are only just beginning to understand. We do know, though, that certain kinds of thoughts transmit specific types of energy within ourselves and even within others. One example is an’experiment directed by Dr. 73
Natural Sources
Dolores Krieger, Professor of Nurse Education at New York
University. Sixty-four patients were divided into two groups. One group received routine care while the other received, in addition, a mental transmission of healing energy communicated by the nurses through a therapeutic touch somewhat akin of “laying on of hands.” After the first day, the second group showed recordable increases of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the cells, in the bloodstream. No significant changes occurred within the untreated patients. Dr. Krieger maintains that anyone can practice this palm-healing by simply placing the hands gently over the affected area and then concentrating on transmitting healing energy through them.? If the thoughts of one person can so radically affect the body of another, how much proof is necessary to realize that our thoughts and emotions have even more profound affects upon our own bodies! If we can unconsciously create our own symptoms we should be able to consciously work at uncreating them. A successful pioneer in this field of mind over cancer is Dr. Carl Simonton and his cotherapist wife, Stephanie. Simonton is an oncology specialist in private practice in Fort Worth, Texas, who was a former cancer victim and Chief of
Radiation Therapy at David Grant USAF Medical Center. By instructing patients to relax three times daily and creatively visualize their disease and white blood cells destroying it, he has helped people reduce their tumors as well as their anxiety. A small percentage have experienced complete remission of cancer. Investigators in the last twenty years have identified characteristics common to the “cancer-prone” personality. Generally speaking, they tend to be persons unaccustomed to taking responsibility for the problems in their life. Being unable to express feelings and anger and holding resentment are also contributing factors. Sudden emotional loss is often involved, especially where it concerns the loss (or imagined loss) of a major love relationship. A weak sense of self-identity and a pervading attitude of personal unworthiness also prevail in the personality profile of cancer victims. Dr.
Psychological Factors
Simonton says of the patients who stay with the therapy, that the cancer invariably is found to be fillin g some deep emotional need. European studies also confirm the role of psychologica l stress factors in cancer. Dr. Ronald Grossarth-Matic ek, associated with the West German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, actually conducted a twelve-year study on the subject. A nonassertive attitude toward the world around them, surfaced as a common failing in persons who had contracted cancer. They ignored or simply tolerated living or working conditions that they knew were likely to endan ger their health. And this attitude frequently extended into the well-known and self-defeating habits of Overeating, heavy drinking and smoking. Of the 1890 people (including five hundred cancer victims) whom he studied in a Yugoslavian community, he observed a strong desire to conform, yet an avoidance of contact with others. Self-deprecation and the inability to express inner emotional conflicts were findin gs which American researchers in the same field have also identified among the cancer-prone. Psychologist Roger Snyder, PhD, (in private practice in
Santa Rosa, California) and Mill Valley family counselor Allen Roland, M.A., have been working with the link be-
tween self-image and the body's ability to fight off cancer and other life-threatening diseases. In a 1977 pilot study called the Chrysalis Project, fifteen persons (thirteen of whom had cancer) were involved in a group process over a ten-month period. Five complete cancer remissions took place within this group. The project was not intended to compete with or replace the conventional cancer therapy which most of the patients were simultaneously undergoing. However, five out of thirteen is an unusually high remission ratio and it is statistically significant that those who experienced remission were each willing to look at their life patterns, examine the ways in which they had failed to handle psychological stress and negative emotions as well as the unresolved experiences of childhood. Those who had resisted that process, with its personal introspection of the role they
Natural Sources
themselves had played in generating their condition, failed to respond significantly. Snyder and Roland believe that “self-directed beliefs and emotions” are the key to the body’s failure to meet the stressful challenges of life. Their theory is that negative feelings program the body so that the cells finally act out on a physical level what is happening on a psychological level. Says Dr. Snyder, simply, “If I believe I’m a schmuck, every cell in my body feels it.” Snyder and Roland see their work as helping to release within individuals the understanding and ability to take charge of courageously and creatively steering their own course through life. The focus of the group process was eclectic, using dream analysis, meditation, movement therapy and other methods as tools to help group members contact deep interior feelings they held about themselves. Offering love and acceptance to help unpeel the protective shells which each person had built up around themselves was the ambiance that Snyder and Roland sought to provide. By way of agreement Dr. Hans Selye, director of the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery at the University of Montreal (himself a recipient of spontaneous cancer remission) says, “If you have dormant cancer cells and stress paralyzes your body’s immune system, cancer will develop.” Dr. Selye is considered the world’s foremost authority on stress and how to deal with it. He says, “Essentially, to deal effectively with stress is to deal reasonably with the laws of nature which should supercede the laws of society or economics.” He believes people should follow their heart and not make themselves sick working and living in ways deemed appropriate by societal dictates but which may be quite contrary to that individual's nature. In relation to stress there are three stages of what Dr. Selye calls the general adaption syndrome: alarm reaction, resistance and exhaustion. During the first stage the body acknowledges the stressful situation. The body’s response is immediate. The pituitary-adrenal cortical system produces arousal hormones necessary for either “flight or fight,” that is, either adaptation to the stress or resisting it. The pulse
Psychological Factors
quickens and the lungs take in more oxyg en to fuel the muscles, the blood sugar level rises, the pupil s dilate, digestion slows and perspiration increases. In the second resistance-adaptive stage the body begins to repair the damage caused by arousal and the stress symp toms mostly disappear. But if the stressful situation continues, the body’s adaptive energy will eventually run out and exha ustion will
set in. During this third stage bodily function s will slow
down, says Dr. Selye, and disease will eventually result. Brain research shows the hypothalamus to be a pain /reward center which affects the immune system in its effor ts to protect the human organism from psychic pain. Ener gy used for defending the self against psychic and interpersona l pain is believed to impair the natural immune system of the body , Opening it up to life-threatening illnesses and laying the groundwork for all other interpersonal and social problems . Negative emotions affect the central nervous system which in turn influences the hormonal system involved with the immune response and production of trophoblasts. PsychoPsychological and Emotional States Leading to
Physical Manifestation of Cancer Se oe ae eee er eee Pe Ce eee
Psychological IntervenRO
tion to Correct Same
Psychological Stress
Psychological Intervention
“Psychic Pain”: Depression hopelessness, tension, selfnegation, alienation, etc.
Exploring, expressing and assimilating self directed beliefs and emotions.
Limbic System Central Nervous System
Replace with self acceptance, joy, hope and will to live
Hypothalamic activity ————®
Pituitary activity
Hypothalamic_____ Pituitary
Immune System
Endocrine system
Immune Syst. __ Endocrine
Increase in abnormal cells
Immune Increase
Decrease in Immune System:
Cancer Growth
Decrease in abnormal cells
Cancer Regression
Natural Sources
logical intervention to help persons resolve submerged inner conflicts and reprogram their beliefs about themselves, appears to be an encouraging approach in regressing lifethreatening symptoms, according to researchers Snyder and Roland. Difficulty in developing and maintaining meaningful relationships, a poor self-image and/or parental rejection are other unhappy conditions which program people to believe that being themselves is not enough so that they become alienated from their own basic nature and often experience the kind of deep aloneness which shuts down the immune system. Psychotherapist Lawrence Le Shan deals with the life history patterns so common to those with cancer in his book, You Can Fight For Your Life which is a fine study for laypersons. It helps people to see that they do have a responsibility and a choice—not only in whether they live or die, but also in the quality of their lives. Changing one’s head isn’t always easy, but there is a way to begin the process, and diet is as good a place to begin as any because the quality and type of food affects the emotions and consciousness just as surely as the physical body. A relationship between criminal and aggressive behavior and diet is the subject of current research by several universities and
respected institutions.4 And, as J. I. Rodale states in his book, Happy People Rarely Get Cancer, “It is at least possible that part of the effectiveness of these nutrients in combating cancer may lie in their ability to improve the health of the nervous system and in this way to improve and alter the emotional states.” Our emotional problems can distort or block healthy mental and emotional patterns from functioning properly. This in turn can affect the manner in which food is digested and used in the body. Just as it is not good to eat while upset, the dynamic influence of our “hang-ups” sets up a predisposition which combines with the limitations of the physical body and determines why some persons become ill while others, eating identical food, do not. Although vibrational patterning in many
individuals is
Psychological Factors
strong enough to attract and absorb only the best and most useful food elements, in others the undesirable food consti tuents are habitually absorbed and added to the distorted vibrational patterns. This is a unique selection ability which every body has and which varies with each individual. Eating a pure diet provides the Opportunity for even the weakest person to become healthier because there are fewer toxins to slip past the selective filter which the body/mind in-
telligence has evolved for itself.5
Change to a natural diet gives the brain cells different materials with which to replace tissues. It creates activities in different groups of thought cells and gradually vitalizes the mind and body into stronger discriminatory patterns of what is beneficial and helps eliminate and detoxify the waste which keep body and mind gross. The newly activated thought cells can more easily handle or eliminate some of the undesirable elements in food. The psychological functions and the effective utilization of food depends upon the activity of certain groups of these thought cells. Whenever one group of these cells becomes unusually active it influences how foods perform in the body. If certain food elements are not present to promote some disease, it is more difficult by far for discordant brain cell activity to manifest that disease.® The unhappy states of being we have enumerated reflect attitudes and conditions with which most of us are quite familiar. They characterize after all the “human condition” as we have come to know it. It’s very easy to blame shortterm emotional disturbances on outside forces, the biorhythm of the day, the prevailing astrology or the weather. Deeper mental and emotional disability is more frequently seen as a result of what other people have done to us over the years. It is surprisingly easy to get sucked into mind-warps, defeating head trips and emotional traps which are the game conditions we allow ourselves to get caught up in. People can lay out any amount of guilt, condemnation, criticism or emotional abuse but you don't have to pick it up. That only happens when you hold a matching picture image of yourself
Natural Sources
so that you resonate to what comes at you and allow it to define who and how you are. In growing up everyone has been impaired by the restrictive shaping of their potential and allowed themselves to be influenced by the preconceptions of other people's minds. In some folks, the load becomes so crushing they eventually become psychically defeated and the life-force which should be transmitting through them in a creative and joyful way backs up. It becomes negatively polarized and begins to, literally, “eat them up.” Learning how to combat possible cancer-causing behavior and attitudes means finding out how to relax, how to creatively express, how to communicate. It means overcoming the extremes of inner steaming or aggressive explosions of anger. It means assertiveness, whereby emotions and needs are communicated without hurting others. And communication is the key because underneath all the unmet needs, wants and desires we all want the same thing. The products of the human potential movement with its rich array of layperson’s literature, therapies, unfoldment and clearing processes can be more exciting and fulfilling than any supermarket to psychologically undernourished people who are not getting their recommended daily allowance of life’s joys and rewards.
Chapter Ten:
A Disturbance in the Force The Force is omnipresent. It’s an energy field and something more. It envelopes you as it radiates from you. Only certain individuals could recognize the Force for what it was. They were mercilessly labelled: charlatans, fakers—and worse. Ben Kenobi Star Wars.
Science fiction has its roots in the factual possibilities of the future and the shadows of historical myth. It often masks a powerful esoteric truth. The creative force and cohesive element of the universe is known to science as “resonance.” Microcosmically, it keeps the molecules dancing in their allotted proportions; macrocosmically it sustains the planets in collisionless courses. We know there is order in the universe and in nature, and it is this ordering force (the life-force) which permeates matter— flowing, vibrating and resonating in such a way as to bring in a channel known as “the physical plane.” There are basically two kinds of force: positive and negative. The life-force is the positive force denoting light, health,
harmony, growth and evolution. The varying degress of its absence are recognized as darkness, inertia, entropy, sickness and death. The negative side of the force infiltrates human affairs in many ways, but basically through ignorance, confusion, fear and/or self-interest. Ignorant, con-
fused, fearful and/or self-interested people are not necessarily “bad” persons: they are simply ignorant, confused, fearful and/or self-interested—and they wreak havoc in the world! On an individual level it merely makes life difficult. But at its outer limits where large groups‘organize and work in con81
Natural Sources
cert, governing, generating and ruling out of ignorance, confusion, fear and especially self-interest, it endangers the lifeforce of entire species, populations and the planet itself! Power without wisdom is always destructive. The mechanism of the forces at work in the world which keeps people dying of starvation is the same mechanism that keeps them dying of cancer—in spite of alternatives. As Werner Erhardt so succinctly put it, “ ‘Forces’ are the necessary consequences of positions—the things people do to defend their positions and make other people wrong. In other words, the forces in the world come together in such a way as to produce a circumstance called hunger.” . . . and cancer. Human affairs, of course, have always worked this way; even two thousand years ago St. Paul wrote a letter to his friends about the real source of trouble in the world not being specific individuals so much as the prevailing tides of installed authority and ground swells of the mass mind which influence and work through individuals. In other words, he was hip to the “forces”: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” The message was recorded in the Bible, probably because it was such good insight. Watergate, international corporate bribery, and the global power of the multi-nationals and cartels control from the top the very fate of nations and the pulse of politics. The Rockefeller-formed international Trilateral Commission of which key appointees in top governmental positions are members—including Pres-
ident Carter and Vice President Mondale—is a frightening case in point. The Rockefellers and business associates in the drug and petroleum industries established the American Cancer Society in 1913. Naturally, the cure they sought involved the use of synthetic drugs (many of which are petroleum-based, just as food is beginning to be). However, countless billions of research dollars and sixty-five years have gone by and synthetic drugs have still not filled the bill where cancer is con-
cerned (although they have certainly filled the bill you pay the doctor for the conditions which may lead up to cancer!)
A Disturbance inthe Force
The truth in general, and about cancer specifically, is so elusive because people use the information they already believe to be true as a matrix within which to fit new data. If the truth doesn’t fit into that framework it is discarded —and that’s pretty much what has been happening in the field of cancer research. If experimental animals are trained to find cheese down one of several blind alleys in a maze, and that food is relocated to another alley, it’s only a matter of time before the hungry creatures figure it out. If the cheese is removed totally the animals become desperate, exhibiting increasingly neurotic and self-destructive behavior. However, the human animal is the only species that continues to look for cheese down the same blind alley. Human research has shown that intense attachment to an unrealizable goal, in spite of evidence to the contrary, can lead to dogmatism, neurosis, rabid fanaticism and insanity—and that phenomena have a direct bearing on the intense attacks by the medical power structure against nondrug and natural approaches to the cancer problem. As already stated, two out of three with cancer still do not see the other side of the five year “cure” period, so under the circumstances it is only natural that some people want to exercise the freedom of choice guaranteed them by the Constitution to decide how they will be treated. But in some quarters that’s pretty scary stuff: too much is at stake. Politically, power is still more important than knowledge.
The American Cancer Society and the federal government are the major funding sources of cancer research. They have financed and directed the vast majority of research in this country. Suffice it to say that they and the other members of the grant-making establishment have refused to support the cancer research of Dr. Linus Pauling because it is prevention and diet oriented, as opposed to cure and drug oriented. This two-time Nobel Laureate, one of the world’s most eminent living scientists, has found it necessary to appeal for research funds to the general public through advertisements in national newspapers and literature in health food stores! You see, nutritional substances cannot be patented and the
Natural Sources
absence of potential profits to the medical profession and drug industry from a “natural” cancer solution do not justify the investment of funding the research. There is no subsequent fiscal benefit to industry; quite the reverse.
An HEW official a few years ago was reported as saying, “A cure for cancer now could wreck the economy.”” The accuracy of that reporting is not nearly so important as the fact that it assigns a safely anonymous author to a very real possibility, just as it did in halting the Viet Nam war, and for exactly the same reasons. Certainly as many people are making a living from cancer as are dying from it. It is a twenty billion dollar a year industry in the United States. The American Cancer Society holds a significant percentage of the patent rights to 5FU fluorouracil and 5-FUDR together with the U.S. Government.* These are among the most toxic and acceptable drugs being used in cancer treatment today. The drugs are manufactured by HoffmanLaRoche Laboratories which is within the Farben-Rockefeller cartel. If a time should come when a nutritional approach to healing in general and cancer in particular is finally acknowledged by the medical establishment you can be sure that it will not be before vitamins, minerals and enzymes have been legally classified as drugs and made patentable and profitable to the drug and medical industries. One attempt to restrict vitamin potencies to prescription control began in 1973 and was finally shelved in 1977. It took public education and tremendous effort by those concerned with health freedoms to narrowly circumvent it. A great and powerful amassing of vested interests naturally gravitates into an energized force directed at preserving the dominance of the status quo—adversaries to that structure automatically become, by definition, the “enemy.” And all the while there may be no individual who would feel in any way consciously responsible for the suffering and death of countless human beings from cancer. No, the suffering and deaths occur as a side effect (a side effect being something one ignores the presence of for as long as possible)
A Disturbance inthe Force
of maintaining the integrity of the machine. It’s not so much a case of individual or conscious malevolence so much as the extension of certain forces resulting from, and generating through the vehicle of human weakness. Or is it? The reader must decide. The oil cartels want to sell petroleum products to the drug cartels, the pharmaceutical houses want to sell their products to the medical profession. Hospitals and doctors are plugged in to the enormous investment of research institutions and clinics, equipment, machinery, surgical hardware and software, experimental animal businesses and so on and so forth, so that you could develop an embolism just thinking about it. Further down the line bureaucrats within government, HEW and FDA, seek to expand their authority by involving federal government more in the nation’s health. Politicians and legislators are influenced by powerful and skillful industry lobbies. The hidden network of manufactured myths, well-financed “facts” and skillfully manipulated public attitudes are carefully engineered, monitored and presented for public consumption. Propaganda expert Edward L. Bernays nephew of Sigmund Freud and inventor of the term “public relations’) states in his book, Public Relations and The American Scene “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses must be done by experts, the public relations counsels. They are the invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions . . . the most direct way to reach the herd is through the leaders. For, if the group leaders accept our ideas, the group they dominate will respond... all this must be planned. . . indoctrination must be subtle. It should be worked into the everyday life of the people—hours a day in hundreds of ways. . . . A redefinition of ethics is necessary . . . the subject matter of the propaganda need not necessarily be true.” These are the words of the man who was instrumental in the launching of mass fluoridation in the nation’s drinking water systems, back in 1940 when the aluminum industry didn’t know what to do with all its fluoride waste.°
Natural Sources
This commentary reports only the facts of life as dictated by our model of culture. The entire fabric of civilized living is based upon such principles so that the forces have come together in such a way that the investment is almost too great to warrant the necessary change, lest the whole monolithic structure crumble. The radical surgery needed to correct the maladies of society may well kill the body! An ironic parallel, isn’t it?
Like the over-healing of the trophoblast cell, the overbalance of individual free enterprise gains momentum as collectivism, gathering support and burgeoning into the unified drive for power, self-interest and the necessary imperative of sustaining the emotional and material benefits of that power. We're describing the resonance factor clicking into gear, just -like the trophoblast. But its counter-evolutionary characteristics reverse the initial harmony of its early genesis. Powerful waves of dissonance develop—unrelieved tension building without resolution—world dilemma is the result. We are fast approaching an evolutionary crisis of immense proportions, but it is a crisis of consciousness with its coun-
terpart in the physical world. The rampancy of cancer serves as a unique and terrible metaphor for a universal problem. Civilization this time around has begun to adopt the philosophy of the cancer cell: uncontrolled expansion and growth without limit. In terms of the world’s resources, it has been a costly organism to feed and the planet is now undergoing its own form of cancer as entire species, resources, land and life get voraciously gobbled to support it. The human body has “matched the picture” and suffers on a microcosmic scale the same fate. This disease cannot be conquered by force, a “war on cancer” or synthetic drugs, but by seizing and liberating key images, myths, archetypes, ideologies, established and protected mystifications and monopolies. What is left will be the truth unclouded: the order of the universe. A disturbance in the Force?—You bet your life!
Chapter Eleven:
The Taming Power The Taming Power. . . holds together, holds back and holds firm in the sense of caring for and nourishing. It creates great power. The creative principle in its wild aspect, wild force, should not be combated directly, instead its roots should be eradicated. A good way to restrain it is to forestall it. The Taming Power of the Great I CHING: BOOK OF CHANGES A hexagram in the I Ching: Book of Changes, a rich source of Confucian wisdom for over two thousand years, has provided a model for the subject of our quest. In this parallel we see the creative principle of nature releasing hormones to stimulate new cell growth for the body’s repair needs. The Taming Power of enzymes from the pancreas and vitamin B-17 from natural foods monitor the process, holding together, holding back and holding firm construction of the new.
the nutrients and pure air for oxygenation
which good food and a healthful lifestyle provide, the healing aspect of the creative force runs wild, unable to complete itself. Cancer is just such a force. Manic regeneration, untamed, intensifies into a deadly force. We read above that
“wild force” should not be combated directly—its roots should be eradicated and that a good way to restrain it is to forestall it. That is what this book is all about. And that is why prevention is so important and a voluntary cleansing program of body, mind and spirit a necessity dictated to a growing number of people by the stirring survival impulses of the higher Self. True medicine, (like true religion and wise government) is involved with an attune-
ment and sensitivity to the laws-of nature. A servant of the 87
Natural Sources
medicine, an Indian Sun Priestess, told us how in Native
American healing rituals, drums are often paced to the rates of the sick person’s body rhythms (as divined by the medicine person). By gradually adjusting their beat to that of the optimum life-force the sickness can be normalized. However, the new emergence of wholistic medicine is no less ingenious in the use of the body’s own energies and rhythms and the assistance offered by nature's gifts, be they medicinal, nutritional or therapeutic. Weare talking about refocusing our ways of living, thinking and being (in other words, our “vibrational patterns”) to the larger field of infinite being from which we ourselves emerge. It’s a colloquialism to say we come into the world. What we really do is come out of the world in the evolutionary sense, in perfect harmony with its rhythms, its mystery, its unseen forces. Only when the erect spine and thinking facility of the ego take over do we find ourselves on our own and floundering along an uneven path, paved with our own lumpy karma, unlearned lessons and mistakes. We have forgotten how to stay within that flow which is our ultimate protection. A reemergence into the mainstream of that existing universal harmony of natural laws and cosmic principles (as sure and predictable as mathematics) is the route of our successful survival. These laws are not external to us but the very essence and fabric of human beingness. In speaking of changing the state of the world today, philosopher Michio Kushi says, “Modern man has lost his intuitive self-direction and tends to become a robot within industrial society because his internal compass, his innate judging ability has declined under the influx of artificial and
chemicalized food. . . . To meet such a critical situation,
metaphysical encouragement is unable to appeal to everyone. Since the cause of the present crisis is more or less of a biological nature, we must begin by restoring our dietary patterns. The reconstruction of humanity must begin with the correction of what man is eating.” The human race has reached a crucial phase in its evolution where it ought to have achieved a higher level of con-
The Taming Power
sciousness to deal with the mess it has created for itself. For with all our technological wizardry we have not yet learned how to unscramble eggs. Although technological solutions to world dilemma appear miraculous in the short term, they do have a disquieting habit of turning into the worst disasters in the long’ term. Increased pesticide use, mounting nuclear
waste, depletion of the Earth’s resources and inflation on a
global scale are examples of blunders which keep us running ever faster on the treadmill to avert disaster. It’s an ever expanding bubble about to burst. Environmentalist and philosopher Gil Bailie summed up the situation this way, “Maturity is the wisdom not to use all the power you have. Taboo is what to do while you're waiting on the wisdom. It’s not like law exactly. Laws are political; taboos religious. If a taboo is to work something has to be sacred.” Cancer is one of the prices we now pay for living in a culture which holds nothing sacred. No symbol, creed or truth has been culturally strong enough to restrain the immature drive for power, material wealth and financial
profits. They are now chemically impressed, geographically imprinted and genetically etched throughout the entire world. “The Earth does not belong to man: man belongs to the Earth” was the way Chief Seattle so eloquently put it, “All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected. Man did not weave the web of life: he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he
does to himself.” We are just now finding out how profoundly right he was as results of past actions and continuing error cause the web to tremble, to tear. This is the nature of the
problems we now face as individuals, as a culture and as a planet. The Earth and its inhabitants are now experiencing the initial stages of an intensive “healing crisis.” A healing crisis lets you know that something is terribly wrong and that you may or may not make it. The will to survive and the mental attitude are of prime importance,
not to mention
the ap-
propriateness of the therapy—and this is where the Taming Power of nature comes in to hold firm, care for and nourish.
Natural Sources
The early flowerings of a new planetary consciousness have been registered, however. In every age guides and clarified dimensions of knowledge begin to surface to help humanity through its recurrent and chaotic rites of passage. This volume is an attempt to contribute to that process. So, to interpret the devastating rampancy of cancer solely as a contemporary health problem to be “cured” is to fall short of recognizing its true nature in the greater scheme of things. Beyond its malignant identity as a colony of invading cells, beyond even an upgraded description as a complex process of degeneration and metabolic imbalance, lies a clearer perception of what it really is. Cancer is a physical manifestation of a particular kind of culturally popular and tragic ignorance (ignore-ance?) of cosmic logic and natural law. It’s a visitation of personal and cultural karma which screams that “ignorance of the law is no excuse.” An overburden of negative attitudes and the confusions and distortions of “civilized” eating have laid siege the human body to the chemical agents of cancer. It is a contemporary notion that cancer is a whim of fate, visited upon random victims. This may be an apparency, but it is not a fact. And those who remain fixed in convention will never know the difference. Limiting concepts and medical dogma, not to mention the propaganda which controls and exploits ambivalence, have seduced minds into very convincing reasons for acceptance. Intense evolutionary forces are now accelerating human
consciousness into a higher frequency of unfoldment called the New Age. Cosmically, the juice is being turned up to facilitate our evolutionary transformation to a wiser, saner state of being. Just as increasing heat will melt the rigid contours of the ice cube to progressively higher rates of vibration—water, steam and then vapor, the human condi-
tion will also be transformed. It is significant that only the purest water can become vapor, and that is why negativity
_within and without is becoming increasingly apparent on the human level right now. You could call it “spontaneous
purification” but most of us don’t like it one bit and under-
The Taming Power
stand the process even less. That's understandable in view of the cultural climate which has prevailed for so long, but the winds of change now bear us higher. It’s safe to loosen your seat belts and extinguish your preconceived notions. The need for building health and strength and a discrimination in the ways of the world has never been more urgent than it is now to avoid the deadly pitfalls of modern living. To the extent that the body and mind are purified, awareness will increase, paralleled by an expansion of clarity and receptiveness to more rational, creative and prosurvival beingness. Learning relaxation, meditation and creative visualization,
yoga, bodywork and certainly diet mastery all serve to purify and energize the body-mind-spirit complex in important ways. It all works together to raise the total functional capacity of the organism. To the extent that we can develop these facilities we can become increasingly clear about what is and what is not really so in the world, the erroneous concepts which dictate group realities and the greater realities which supercede them. A dissolution of the separative illusions which divide us is on the way . . We live in exceptional times when both the dangers and rewards are at once unbelievable and possible, even probable. They will bring out the very best in us; and the very worst.
It’s up to each
to repossess
of its
responsibility for their own well-being. We are growing up now and we must maturely take responsibility for ourselves or suffer the inevitable, but needless, consequences. To play out the theme a little further, we could say that the orthodox way to verify the data and implications of this volume as valid is to dig on the statistics, the references, the documentation. But there are other ways of knowing which will serve you increasingly well. Becoming conscious of how you feel about it on a deeper level, for example. This place of knowing has nothing to do with the head, its intellectual considerations or the stored memory bank data against which new input is measured and “understood.” No, the resonator
is more
of an
sense of deep knowingness
Natural Sources
energized expectancy in the chest, the “feeling center,” perhaps the heart. It is the direct cognitive facility of the higher Self. Combining both these methods is entirely reasonable. The ability to discriminate clearly the real stuff from the “apparency” has as much to do with the intuitive ability of the higher Self as it does with being able to evaluate empirical data. As the Little Prince put it, “Only with the heart can one see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
The challenge is plain. The rational intellect with its penchant for logic and a three-dimensional monopoly of the reality spectrum must eventually (and the sooner the better) be synthesized with the energies of the heart: wisdom, intuition and caring, among others. Only then will the growing societal polarization of the old guard and the new be harmonized into a higher octave of human evolution. The prevailing concept of power, which benefits the few, will be humanized and redefined to the benefit of all. There will be no need to withhold knowledge. As we move closer to the realization of human potential and the wiser precepts of the New Age, the phenomena of cancer will begin to atrophy, sloughed off by true knowledge and ecstatic expressions of the human spirit, like the brittle husk of the awakening chrysalis. The time of transformation is upon us; we ignore it at our peril.
Pure food containing the right nutrients is a necessary ingredient of existence and growth, both physical and spiritual. It is the powerful cohesive force and unifying principle underlying the internal (r)evolution which must ultimately transform the planet. We hope you will use this book as a very real survival resource while building and sorting out your own transformational energies. You can forestall the “wild force” by caring for and nourishing, holding together and holding firm that creative force within to build great power. There's important work to be done. The (revolution has
equal opportunity openings and plans for expansion. Apply within.
Do's and Don'ts
There is such an overload of information circulating about nutrition that it is often difficult for most of us to sort out what is and what is not true, appropriate or applicable to ourselves and our families’ eating. Ego-centric fad claims have clouded the whole issue of nutrition for decades while food industry half-truths, misinformation and outright lies have only hindered the health of the public. Government agencies which were established to protect the consumer have failed that trust constantly due to industry influence. And don’t forget the media, paid to promote and shape attitudes. Let's just say that anyone seriously interested in upgrading their health and diet would be well advised to commit the following “Do's and Don'ts” to those fertile recesses of the memory allocated to common sense and survival. If you have heard that you shouldn't eat certain things, here are
some of the reasons why. The following recommendations are supported by medical facts, common sense, and the whole-food integrity principles of the original OM (Organic Merchants’ brotherhood). These simple and basic ideals were the motive force which 93
Natural Sources
launched the beginnings of the natural foods movement as we know it today. Whenever possible, AVOID processed and refined foods, additives and preservatives. Never underestimate the power of nature; strive for the ideal and you will reap the benefit. Cheese
Pasteurized, commercial cheese is processed and contains the following additives: Calcium proprionate (preservative); calcium citrate (plasticiser); sodium citrate (emulsifier); sodi-
um phosphate (texturizer); sodium alginate (stabilizer);
F D & C yellow #3 (coloring); aluminum
potassium sulfate (firming agent); hydrogen peroxide (bactericide); pyroligneous acid (smoke flavor).
It also contains rennin, a coagulating enzyme mucous membrane of calf stomachs. [1]
from the
Raw, unprocessed cheese has none of the above and most natural cheeses now contain a vegetable coagulant (See also benefits of raw milk).
Eggs White, commercial eggs are generally from white Leghorns which are a weak hybrid, bred strictly for commercial white egg laying. Lecithin content does not balance out its cholesterol, (as in
fertile eggs) and commercial chicken feed contains chemical stimulants and artificial hormones, meat and fish steroids, antibiotics, arsenicals, phosphate preservatives, pesticide residues. The feet of commercial chickens never touch the ground and their eyes never see the sun—just fluorescent lights which blaze twenty-two hours out of each twenty-four to stimulate laying. Their wings are clipped and their beaks are singed to prevent cannibalism, since their condition is so
stressed and crowded. Animal enslavement at its worst.
Do'sand Don'ts
Free range chickens and fertile eggs: Eggs of these chickens are usually brown and from pure line crosses such as Rhode Island Reds or Barred Rock. “Free Range” means that the birds get to run around like real chickens and have natural access to the rooster. Only fertile eggs contain generous amounts of natural lecithin, choline and inositol which control the cholesterol by breaking it down in the bloodstream. There is higher vitamin and mineral content in these eggs. Fertile egg protein is so well proportioned that the Food & Agricultural Organization and World Health Organization have recommended whole eggs as a reference standard for comparing the quality of protein in other foods. [2, 3, 4]
Flour White flour: The bran (six outer layers) and germ (embryo) which contain seventy-five percent of the wheat vitamins and minerals, are completely removed, together with the dietary fiber. (Statistics of the American Institute of Baking show that white flour contains only seven percent of the fiber of whole wheat.)
Chlorine dioxide is used to bleach, preserve and age white flour. Alum, chalk and ammonium carbonate whiten and “improve” it while sorbitan mono laurate (antistaling agent) fed to rats at MIT Nutritional Biochemical Lab killed them in ten days. Whole wheat flour: Bran and germ remain intact together with all nutrients put there by nature. Vitamin E in whole wheat flour acts as a natural preservative to prevent rancidity for about three months when rancidity can set in. This flour should be kept in a cool, dry place but used as soon as possible after milling.
[S, 6] Spreads Margarine: Like vegetable fat or vegetable shortening, it is made from solvent-extracted refined oils by introduction of hydrogen gas under tremendous heat and pressure in the presence of a metallic catalyst. The end product resembles a
Natural Sources
type of plastic. The unsaturated fats thereby become saturated and hardened. Artificial color is added. Margarine is a food high in calories but low in nutrition.
Butter: Butter is a saturated fat made by nature, complete with other nutrients. Being a saturated fat, moderation is advised.
Milk Pasteurized milk does not keep as long as raw milk, as the friendly bacteria are destroyed in the process. Pasteurization alters the biochemistry
of milk inasmuch
as fats, carbo-
hydrates and protein complexes are altered by heat with serious loss of metabolic availability. In other words your body can’t use them properly. Less than 10% of enzymes remain. There is a two-thirds loss of the fat-soluble vitamins and 38-80% of the water soluble ones. The vitamin C loss usually exceeds 50%. Mineral loss of calcium is 50% or more as it is altered by the heat of the pasteurization and can’t be used in the body properly. Impairment of one mineral usually triggers sympathetic loss of the others. Besides ordinary milk is not easily assimilated by many people. Raw Milk: Goat milk is the most easy to digest for infants and adults. In raw milk in general, though, all nutrients are available in their natural form. Raw milk keeps longer than pasteurized. Compared to pasteurized milk there are tighter government regulations and more frequent testing for raw milk in terms of cleanliness, herd testing and employee health examinations.
[7] Oil Refined oil is extracted by extreme heat (450° and up) and requires petroleum-based solvents (Naphtha and Octane types, some used in gasoline). According to the International Union Against Cancer Symposium in Rome, August 1956, “Since various petroleum constituents, including certain mineral oils and paraffin, have produced cancer in man and ex-
Do'sand Don'ts
perimental animals, the presence of such chemicals in food
appears to be very objectionable, particularly when such materials are heated to high temperatures.” Refining involves Seve hydroxide, deodorizing and bleaching preservatives, plus: Polysorbate 80 Polyglycerides
Oxystearic Isopropyl citrate
Propy] gallate
Meat fat
Methyl silicone
Chlorophyll and vitamin A are filtered out and bleaching reduces resistance to rancidity. Vitamins F, E and A, phosphorous and lecithin are also impaired. Note: Cottonseed oil is among the highest in potent spray residues since it is not classified as a food crop by the Department of Agriculture. Unrefined oils: “Cold Pressed” is most desirable and the oil is mechanically pressed out with a hydraulic press and without heat. Only sesame, olive and sunflower seed oils are likely to be truly “cold pressed.” “Expeller Pressed” requires heat of 200-250°F but is frequently refined after extraction. Some manufacturers call their oils “cold pressed” when they are, in reality, “expeller pressed.” Unrefined oils are rich in all the nutrients which commercial refining eliminates.
[8, 9]
White rice is mostly carbodydrate as the seven layers of bran and germ have been removed, plus about two-thirds of the B vitamins, trace minerals, fiber and protein. The growing process is fraught with contaminants: Furadan or Bux to kill the rice water weevil, seed treated with fungicide before planting, malathion or copper sulfate in water to kill tadpole shrimp, a variety of other toxic chemical compounds to kill watergrass, more to kill the sedge and broad leaf weeds. And fumigants to store the harvested rice. If you don’t wash the rice before cooking you will be eating the glucose and talc cosmetic coating which was added to improve its appearance. Talc is often contaminated by the
Natural Sources
addition of asbestos—a cancer-causing agent. If you do rinse the rice, you will wash away the sprayed on nutrients (enrichment was necessary since the government discovered
white rice and white flour products largely contributed to pellagra and beriberi, both B-vitamin deficiency diseases. )
Brown rice retains all the nutrients intact. It has a stronger, nutlike flavor.
Rice in its natural
state has the
highest percentage of net protein utilization of any grain or cereal, according to Scientific American's September 1976 article on “The Requirements of Human Nutrition.” Brown rice amino acid contents were listed over other grains. Organically grown brown rice would be the superior product of all types of rice because it is not grown with all the above chemical procedures. Biological controls such as mosquito fish are introduced to control insect larva in the field. Salt
Refined salt contains a host of adulterants which disturb its function within the body. It is dried at extremely high temperatures (1200°F) which changes its fundamental chemical structure and damages the calcium. Potassium iodide is added to “iodize” it. Dextrose must then be added to prevent its oxidation, accompanied by a bleach to stop the combination from turning purple. The final salt crystals are coated with a compound such as sodium silico aluminate to make them free-flowing.
Rock salt (or Earth salt) is a natural sodium chloride; a
coarse crystalline flake. It is mined from ancient seabed deposits deep within the Earth. Mined Earth salt is superior to sea salt of today because of the high levels of heavy metals and toxic wastes that now pollute our oceans. Sea Salt is the basis of all salt, of course. When you buy it labeled “Sea Salt” though, it will be less adulterted than commercially refined salt. Sun dried sea salt from Brittany in France is about as good as you can get (ask at your local natural or health food store) because it has not been artificially heated to high temperatures and dosed with many additives.
Do'sand Don'ts /
Vegetable Salt is usually composed of sea salt and a rich mixture of powdered, dehydrated vegetables and kelp which provide minerals and trace elements important for health. Less salt is quantitatively used this way. Sea vegetables such as dulse and kelp contain 4-8 % salt. They can be roasted and ground up to replace table salt. They are one of the highest sources of iodine for nourishing the thyroid. Gomasio
is about one part sea salt to about eight parts
crushed sesame seeds (rich in vitamin B-17) also available at
health stores. You can make your own. MO;1t 12]
Sugar White or brown refined sugar depletes the body of B vitamins. It disrupts calcium metabolism and is bad for the teeth and nervous system. Sugar cane is grown with synthetic fertilizers and weed sprays. A fact little known by the general public is that Kleenraw brown sugar is but white refined sugar with 5% molasses added. Light brown sugar has an additional 12% molasses and dark brown sugar has 13%. A special crystalization process is used for Kleenraw to create a raw-like appearance. Real raw sugar, you see, is not legal in the United States and its importation has been prohibited.
Corn Syrup is even cheaper to produce than sugar. It is derived from cornstarch treated with sulphuric acid—a refined food processed into a nonfood. It is promoted by manufacturers in the food industry because it is so inexpensive to produce. Corn is one of the most highly sprayed crops today because it is vulnerable to so many insect pests which in turn are attracted to it mostly because it has been hybridized so thoroughly its natural resistance to small predators has deteriorated. Honey (preferably raw, uncooked, unfiltered, organic) is alkaline to the body and contains. many nutrients (eleven to twelve amino acids for protein, eleven minerals and some
Natural Sources
fourteen trace minerals, enzymes and vitamins B and C.)
Other healthful sugar substitutes would be sorghum which contains vitamin B-17, molasses (unsulphured) which is high
in iron and date sugar, and don’t forget real maple syrup! [13, 14]
Aluminum: Aluminum oxide and aluminum hydroxide poisoning is possible from molecular bleed-off under high temperatures. Water continuously boiled in an aluminum pot will become discolored and even remove the tarnish from silver! Medical studies have linked gastric ulceration to aluminum poisoning and as age advances the body becomes more susceptible. Bleed-off from aluminum cookware also interferes with phosphorous metabolism. The metal becomes quite porous with scouring and traps bacteria. Cancer specialists, Dr. C. T. Betts of Toledo and Dr. Charles L. Olds of Philadelphia advise against the use of aluminum cookware. Enamel: Cadmium is used in coloring enamel much the same as lead is used in ceramics. It is dissolved by food acids or chipping of the enamel and is absorbed by the body as another ‘heavy metal’ toxin. Cadmium poisoning can cause high blood pressure, anemia, kidney damage and cancer.
Plastic: Plastic utensils as well as some plastic wrap and packaging frequently contain polyvinyl chloride which is a confirmed carcinogen. They taint the flavor of foods and liquids and are difficult to sterilize. Heat causes molecular bleed-off.
Stainless Steel: Does not distribute heat evenly in cooking. Water which has been continuously boiled or simply reheated will taste slightly metallic, indicating some molecular bleed-off.
Glass: Sterile and nonporous, glass utensils are nonpolluting
to the foods they contain. Some slight vitamin (B-2) loss oc-
Do's and Don'ts
curs in cooking (beyond the loss normal to cooked food) due to light exposure. Cast Iron: When seasoned properly, is nontoxic and will distribute heat evenly, although more slowly. Ceramic: (such as Corning Ware) is sterile and nonporous. No adverse qualities are known to the authors. [15, 16] Water
Tap and/or fluoridated water: The International Society for Research on Nutrition and Vital Substances and the Diseases of Civilization was co-founded by the late Dr. Albert Schweitzer in 1954. Its present honorary President is Dr. Linus Pauling. Its members come from major academic institutions in more than seventy-five countries and 98% of them voted against fluoridation in 1966 after considering the great body of evidence about it. The National Health Federation has also been studying fluoridation and after a recent study of twenty-five major cities with fluoridated water, has unequivocally concluded that “Fluoride in the amounts added to public waters causes cancer and/or increases the growth rates of cancer cells.” And independent studies by the University of St. Louis agree. During the period which San Francisco has had fluoridated drinking water, the New England Journal of Medicine reports a four hundred percent increase in thyroid cancer. There have been many studies proving that fluoride is related to thyroid malfunction. Compared to the nonfluoridated West Coast cities, San Francisco has a 23% higher cancer death rate. Nationwide fluoridated cities have a 20% higher cancer rate than the nonfluoridated ones. People with kidney disorders, urinary tract problems, diabetes, hypothyroidism or hypoglycemia are especially susceptible to the destructive action of fluoridated water because their ability to excrete salts is impaired. There is also evidence that fluoridated water can cause kidney disease. And, the very latest findings are that it causes chromosome damage.
Natural Sources
Fluoride is classified in the Pharmacy Law as a “dangerous poison” along with arsenic. The sodium fluoride used for drinking water is also used as a rat poison. Hydrogen fluoride, the industrial pollutant, has been classified by the government as one of the “major threats to wildlife,”and what it does to animals it does to humans. Spring Water: Should always be regularly tested for contaminants. Consumers should be satisfied that bottled water distributors do meet this requirement. The label should also indicate the actual spring source. This water may be a source of valuable minerals, straight from the Earth, as some ex-
perts attest. It may be as other experts assert, that these minerals are not assimilable by the body, eventually forming mineral deposits in the system. The experts do not agree.
Distilled Water: Is the purest and most sterile. Its flat taste may be compensated for by pouring the water back and forth from one container to the other to reoxygenate it. Here again, the experts are in disagreement. One school of thought believes that abnormal mineral deposits by the body are eventually absorbed by the water (calcium from arthritic joints, kidney or gall stones, etc.) while others feel it may also leach the body’s healthful mineral stores in time. Purified Water: Has been purified by an ionization process which may not remove all the harmful bacteria and may even impart some from the resin bed filters used.
Bottled Drinking Water: Usually consists of city tap water “purified” as above, with synthetic minerals added back in. What the experts do agree on is that all the above are more preferable and healthful than ordinary city tap water— espe-
cially if it is fluoridated. (A 1975 report issued by the Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency said all seventy-nine city drinking water systems tested contained measurable amounts of cancer-
causing substances.) [L728 19%20, 2122222604. 25 226)
SECTION III The Earth; Receptive and yielding, It is an eternal mother, The ground of man's being, It nourishes him as he Gives of his labors. The Sea; Dynamic matrix of life, We carry its essence as our blood— Its changing face has shaped our world.
Now that sphere seems endangered By the very form to whom was given
The right to nurture all its forms. Yet no word or law Can wholly compel us To observe its silent secrecy Nor keep its subtle law.
This we are faced with: We must find the balance. We must create without making waste, Use, without consuming all. We must give as we have taken Or perish as our Planet's life blood fails.
How can we touch again that Force within, which awakes an Awareness of the interdependence Of all life, and teaches us To live according to that Harmony known as Nature? One way is through the partaking And sharing of natural foods, Foods which reflect and attune Us to an ancient pattern— The web of life. ... Thomas Hunter
About Our Recipes:
The following recipes should be regarded as a sampling only, a cross section of basic dishes containing the vitamin B-17 foods. Using these meal suggestions as a starting point toward more
healthful eating (preventive maintenance,
you will) readers should certainly go on to create their own favorite B-17 recipes using the listing of B-17 foods in the Appendix as a guide. This list will be useful in.selecting which foods to look for and to include in the daily diet for increased intake of this precious nutrient. All our recipes are meatless. For reasons of health, economy and ecology eating lower on the life chain is a much better deal. (A steer consumes twenty-one pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat and 78% of domestically grown grain is fed to animals.! Consequently, many thousands of tons of protein must continue to be imported from the hungry and underdeveloped countries.) Since many people would welcome the opportunity to diminish their dependence upon meat as the major protein source, we have also included a meatless Protein Combining Chart to make it easy. (See Appendix). There are almost as many theories about health and the ideal diet as there are diseases, so one should bear in mind 104
About Our Recipes
that the only “proper” diet is the one that works well for you according to the feedback your own body gives you. Nourishment is the art of paying attention to these signals and the quality of input. Many people, unfortunately, lack the sensitivity to pick up the subtle responses of the body in relation to the foods they eat. Their compass may be totally off-
course from years of neglect or ignorance, eating inferior,
chemicalized food. The result could be a dulling of the finer perceptions which help us monitor the relationships between our diet or environment and the response of the body/mind.
So, if in doubt, the basic guidelines are to eat as close to
nature as possible (raw, whole, unadulterated) and as simply as possible from the basic food groups.
IMPORTANT Apricot kernels contain the highest concentration of vitamin B-17. If more than a half dozen or so of these kernels are used in or with any liquid, be sure to roast them first for ten minutes at 300°F. (It is known that water triggers release of the organic cyanide molecule in the presence of the body's beta-glucosidase enzyme). Roasting destroys enzymes which could upset the stomach if too many kernels are consumed at one time. The Vitamin B-17 remains intact during roasting, however, as it is a water-soluble vitamin. Basics
Regular use of vitamin B-17 in some acceptable form is important and apricot kernels are the logical choice. Dryroasting and crushing them is one way to do this so that they may be sprinkled on just about anything—salads, cereals, savory dishes, fruit toppings, or to replace salt and seasoning
at the meal table. — Basic Preparation: Dry roast several tablespoons apricot pits (or other fruit kernels of the B-17 dist). Place them on a flat
ungreased cookie sheet in a 300°F oven for ten minutes.
Natural Sources
Crush the kernels by buzzing in a seed mill, coffee grinder or blender until medium-finely ground. (Patience is needed with the blender as large nut chunks tend to lodge under the rotor blades). Ideally, one would use a Japanese suribachi which is a serrated mortar bowl and pestle available at many natural or health food stores.
Gomasio is a sesame seed and salt seasoning. Sesame seeds (unhulled, toasted) combined with sea salt is a savory com-
promise (since extra salt in the diet, in addition to the sodium found in food, is neither necessary nor conducive to health.) 1 cup sesame seeds
1 teaspoon sea salt
Roast salt in a heavy skillet, medium heat, stirring constantly. Set aside. Add sesame seeds to skillet, stirring and shaking the pan constantly. The seeds are done when you can crush one dryly between your fingers. Remove from heat. If you use a suribachi for the grinding, crush the salt finely first and gently add the sesame seeds until both are blended finely together. A blender requires more patience but can be used. Try equal parts of sesame seeds and dry-roasted apricot pits for an interesting variation with the salt. Onion Buckwheat Sour Rye Bread (Two two pound loaves)
7 cups rye flour 1 cup buckwheat flour
1 tsp. sesame seeds (unhulled) 1 tsp. chia seeds
3 cups warm spring water
1 tsp. poppy seeds
’’ cup sourdough culture 2 tsp. caraway seeds
V2 cup cooked red onions
Mix six cups rye flour, and one cup buckwheat flour with the water and sourdough culture. Cover and let stand in warm place for twelve to sixteen hours. Add remaining cup rye flour and mix thoroughly with onions. Add chia and caraway seeds. Mix well. Dust loaf with sesame and poppy seeds. Place in greased pans. Cover with a linen cloth and let rise for thirty to forty-five minutes. Bake at 350°F one hour or until done. Save one-half cup of dough as a culture for the next baking. Keep refrigerated in sealed jar.
About Our Recipes
Oat Crackers 3 cups oats (or any equivalent
combination of rolled grain) 2 cups flour 3 tbsp. honey (heat slightly for easier mixing)
1 cup wheat germ
¥% cup oil 1 cup water YZ cup sesame seeds 1 tsp salt
Mix and roll very thin right onto large greased cookie sheets. Use a knife or pizza cutter to mark off squares. Bake at 325°F for thirty minutes. Watch the first time because burning spoils them. Just bake them until crisp and nicely brown.
Fifty-eight Gram Special Bread Spread ¥2 cup sesame butter (Tahini)
Y cup sorghum (or honey) ' cup soy flour
¥2 cup peanut butter
2 tbsp. sesame oil
Stir all ingredients and add sesame oil as you continue to blend. To be served on whole wheat bread for full protein containing all essential amino acids and no dairy products. Store in refrigerator. Provides fifty-eight grams of protein.
Desserts Crunchy Tahini Halva 1 cup tahini or sesame butter ¥ cup sorghum or honey 10 apricot kernels, chopped
14 cup granola 1 tbsp. maple syrup
Stir tahini and sorghum until well blended. Add apricot kernels and granola. Roll into 3” x 1” logs and then cut each log into three equal
pieces. Space on a covered dish and chill solid in refrigerator for about two hours before serving. These treats can be stored.
Maple-Millet Delight 1 cup millet, cooked 2 tbsp. sorghum or honey 2 tbsp. maple syrup
14 tsp. cinnamon 2 tbsp. sesame tahini ’4 cup currents
2 bananas, mashed ‘
Stir until well mixed. Chill and serve in small portions, topped with plain yogurt. Good as a dessert or breakfast treat.
Natural Sources
Macadamia Brown Rice Pudding (serves four)
2 cups brown rice, cooked (short grain preferred)
¥4 tsp. cinnamon 2 tbsp. sorghum or honey
¥2 cup raw macadamia nuts,
¥2 cup currents
¥2 cup yogurt
Combine the rice, nuts, cinnamon, sorghum, and currents. Add the
yogurt last and mix well. Chill.
Note: A dairyless version of this recipe would substitute % cup of apricot nectar and % cup of water. Millet may be substituted for the rice. Enjoy as a snack or dessert.
Millet Chews
This is a naturally backpacks, etc.
for lunches,
1 cup cooked millet 1/2 cups datepieces, finely chopped ¥2 cup coconut, shredded 1 cup nut-butter of choice 4 cup sorghum ¥2 cup sesame seeds
1 tsp. vanilla 2 tbsp. orange rind, finely grated (from fresh organically grown orange)* 1 tbsp. lemon rind, finely grated (from fresh organically grown lemon)* Y, tsp. sea salt Mix all ingredients well. Use long wooden spoon and plenty of elbow grease. You may find it easier and preferable to mix the candy with your hands. Shape into 2” long rolls the thickness of your thumb, wrap in wax paper and chill until hard.
*Commercial citrus rinds may be toxic.
Entrees Marin Beet Borscht 1 qt. stock or water 1 tbsp. Vegex (a soy extract) 1 tbsp. powdered vegetable broth mix 2 cups raw beets,
peeled and chopped medium coarse 1 red onion chopped fine
2 cloves garlic chopped fine 1 cup red cabbage, chopped coarse Y% tsp. celery seeds ’/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 cup plain unsweetened yogurt 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. cider vinegar
In a kettle or covered pot put all ingredients with the exception of the lemon juice and vinegar. Simmer and stir until vegetables are al dente (almost done). Add lemon juice and cider vinegar plus two more cups of water and simmer for half an hour. Serve with a tablespoon of plain unsweetened yogurt on top of the borscht. Store in covered jar in refrigerator. It tastes even better the next day. Serve hot or cold.
Beets 'n Ginger (Serves 4)
1 tbsp. whole wheat flour 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. light oil 2 tbsp. sorghum 2 cups cooked beets, VY tsp. sea salt cut in cubes or strips 1 tsp. ground ginger Y cup beet liquid ¥2 cup sour cream Blend flour and oil and brown slightly. Add beet liquid and stir until smooth. Add remainder of ingredients. Cook three to five minutes. Serve with dollop of sour cream.
Buckwheat Buckwheat groats are a surprisingly pure crop. Being naturally hardy, they require very little spray by commercial growers. This crop also requires but minimal fertilization, since nitrogen compounds decrease the yield by encouraging excessive leaf growth. Buckwheat is high in all the B vitamins and a fine source of B-17. It cooks quickly, in fifteen to twenty minutes and may be used in casseroles, stuffed cabbage leaves and as a side dish. Buckwheat may also be steamed and served as a hot cereal. A flour is made from buckwheat and used for Japanese soba noodles. These are delightfully light, skinny in texture and obtainable from your natural or health food stores. The flour is also excellent used in bread, muffins and pancakes. Old Fashioned Buckwheat Cakes 142 cups buckwheat flour '% cup whole wheat flour 1 tbsp. sorghum or honey ¥4 tsp. sea salt
(Serves 4) 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tbsp. safflower oil 11% cups spring water 1 egg white
Natural Sources
In a large bowl stir dry ingredients. Add oil, sorghum and water then beaten egg white, a little at a time as you mix. Pour small amounts onto a hot oiled griddle or skillet. Turn cakes when bubbles appear. Serve hot with sorghum-maple syrup.
Sorghum-Maple Syrup Combine % cup maple syrup with: 2 tbsp. sorghum Y% cup water. Heat over low flame and serve hot over buckwheat cakes.
Buckwheat Burgers (Serves 4) 2 cups cooked buckwheat 1 tbsp. safflower oil Y medium onion, minced
2 tbsp. apricot pits, finely chopped 14 tsp. sea salt
legg, beaten
12 tsp. marjoram
Saute the onion in the buckwheat, egg Stir well and form medium heat, until
the safflower oil until a pale yellow. Combine and apricot pits and add the salt and marjoram. into finger thickness patties. Fry in oil, over both sides are well browned.
Garbanzo Beans/Chick-peas The garbanzo bean (manifesting under the assumed name of chick-pea) is a generous source of vitamin B-17, protein, and magnesium. It also contains phosphorous, calcium, potassium and the rest of the B vitamin complex. It is a versatile legume which can also be sprouted, served as a mid-Eastern dip, or as a side vegetable, hot in soups, cold in salads or as the ingredient ina special recipe.
Basic Preparation: Soak one cup garbanzos overnight in four
cups of water. Cook two to three hours over low heat, in
partially covered pot until tender—or—after soaking, pressure cook (fifteen pounds) for one hour in three cups water. If you wish to avoid overnight soaking, bring the gar-
banzos and water to a boil, cover and remov e from stove.
Let them stand for one hour then cook by method of choice.
Homos (Hmmmmmos)
This is a middle-Eastern spread—good on crackers or flatbread. It is very popular in Lebanon and Syria and when you taste it you will know why. Use also for a raw vegetable dip or as a different sandwich spread. 2 cups cooked garbanzos 2 tbsp. tahini (hulled sesame butter) 1 clove garlic, minced
Juice of % lemon, or more, to taste 4 tsp. olive oil 1 tsp. tamari soy sauce ¥2 cup finely minced parsley Puree the beans and then mix all ingredients together. A blender makes the job quicker in order to achieve a “creamy” consistency. That’s Homos!
Chick-pea Rarebit (serves 4)
1 cup dried chickpeas, cooked until tender, and drained. 1 medium red onion, chopped and sauteed in safflower oil. Set aside and prepare Rarebit Sauce: In a pan over very low heat combine Y lb. grated cheddar cheese 2 tsp. tamari soy sauce (sharp) 1 egg, beaten 1 tbsp. butter or Y tsp. dry mustard Y% tbsp. light oil few grains cayenne pepper Cook slowly until cheese melts, stirring constantly until mixture is thick. Optional: For an authentic sauce, add % cup ale to other ingredients as you stir. Add the chick-peas and onion to the rarebit and pour over tomato slices on buttered whole wheat toast—or—use natural whole wheat English muffins.
Chick-pea Patties (serves 4-6 depending on patty size) Mix in a large bowl:
1 cup cooked chick-peas (run through a food mill
or use blender until roughly chopped). 2 cups cooked brown rice
1 cup whole wheat breadcrumbs 1 small onion, minced
% tsp. oregano 1 tsp. basil
Natural Sources
Mix the dry ingredients first and add: 2 tsp. safflower oil 2 tbsp. water 2 tsp. peanut butter Mix well, adjusting the amount of water to reach the consistency needed to bind the mixture together. Shape into patties no thicker than a finger and fry both sides in enough oil to brown well. (Do not deep fry). North Beach Garbanzos en Casserole (with Sauce Italian)
2 cups cooked garbanzos 1 cup tomato juice, sweetened with 1 tbsp. honey 1 cup whole wheat bread crumbs 1egg, beaten 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped bell pepper (red bell peppers, if available, are very sweet and preferred)
1 cup chopped celery 14, cup chopped parsley _1 tbsp. tamari soy sauce 1 tsp. basil 4 tsp. oregano dash celery seed dash thyme dash cayenne pepper 1 cup grated (sharp cheddar) cheese
Blend the garbanzos until just coarsely chopped and combine with other ingredients. Mix well and place in oiled two quart casserole. Bake at 350°F thirty to forty-five minutes.
Sauce Italian (for casserole)
1 tbsp. butter, or (11% tbsp. safflower oil may be substituted)
1 tbsp. whole wheat flour 2 cups milk
juice of 4% lemon 1 tsp. basil 1 tbsp. sorghum
1 tsp. tamari soy sauce ¥ cup grated cheddar cheese
3 oz. tomato paste
Melt butter in saucepan, stir in flour and cook over low heat one minute. Stir in one cup milk and cook until mixture thickens. Stir in tomato paste and second cup of milk, Tamari, sorghum, spices and lemon juice. Cook over low heat for five minutes and add grated cheese and stir until melted and blended. Pour one-half of the sauce over casserole and bake five minutes more. Serve balance of sauce at table.
Dahl New Delhi This spicy lentil dish from India serves four. There must be as many “dahls,” spicy or mild, thick or thin, made from every kind of dried pea and bean, as there are Indian cooks. Here is a typical Indian recipe, using lentils: 1 cup dried lentils, rinsed 3 cups stock or water 1 large onion, diced 2 hot green peppers, diced 2 tbsp. butter or 1 tbsp. safflower oil
1 tsp. sea salt 1 tbsp. mustard seed, crushed ¥2 tsp. cumin 1 clove garlic minced 2 tbsp. fresh coriander, minced 1 tbsp. apricot pits, chopped
¥Y2 tsp. tumeric
Saute the onion and peppers in half the butter or safflower oil. Add lentils and tumeric and cook in three cups water until tender (about
forty-five minutes). Add salt, mustard seed, cumin, remaining but-
ter and chopped coriander and blend all ingredients thoroughly over low heat. Variation#1 a la New Delhi, at the last part of cooking: Add cooked lightly steamed vegetables such as potatoes, eggplant or tomatoes, to the basic lentil dish.
Variation #2 “Living Dahl.” A mound of freshly or mixed legume sprouts, may be added for extra and to balance out the carbohydrate emphasis. combined with this meal will bring the complete ment even higher.
sprouted alfalfa, B-17 and protein A glass of milk protein comple-
Serve with green salad of spinach leaves, watercress and cucumber.
El Rancho Limas 2 cups cooked lima beans 1% cups grated cheddarcheese 1 tbsp. tamari soy souce 1 cup tomato sauce 2 tbsp. safflower oil 2 medium white onions, diced 2 stalks celery, finely chopped Juice of % lemon
1 tsp. marjoram % tsp. celery seed 2 tbsp. nutritional yeast 1 tsp. garlic powder 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper Few sprigs watercress and/or parsley
In a Chinese wok or large frying pan, saute onion and celery in the oil until golden. Add tomato sauce, spices and yeast and stir well over a low heat. Add limas, grated cheese and continue to stir.
Natural Sources
Next add lemon juice and tamari soy sauce. Heat through and serve, adding remaining grated cheese to each portion. Top each serving with garnish of parsley and/or watercress, finely chopped.
Thyme-Lima Bean 142 cups cooked lima beans
3% cup plain yogurt
1 large onion, minced
1 tsp. tamari soy sauce
1stalk celery, thinly sliced 2 sprigs parsley, chopped
1 tsp. thyme 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
2 cloves garlic, chopped
4 tsp. sesame seeds (unhulled)
2 tbsp. safflower oil
In a wok or large (preferably cast iron) frying pan, saute chopped garlic in the oil. Remove garlic when browned and add the onion and celery to the now-flavored oil. Saute until the onion is translucent. Reduce heat to medium and stir in the lima beans and spices and heat the mixture through. Add sesame seeds and tamari soy sauce. Stir, then add yogurt to the hot mixture and reduce heat to simmer. Stir sufficiently to blend in and heat. Sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley and serve immediately.
Fava Beans : (Also known as Broad Beans) A purchasing guide—1% lbs. in the shell serves two. The fresh shelled beans are easy to prepare and another rich B-17 source.
Basic Preparation: Cut off the thin outer edge of the pods with a sharp knife and simply squeeze out the beans directly into a saucepan. For a simply prepared vegetable dish, add 2 tsp. dill seed and cook in water (to cover) fifteen to twenty minutes in covered pan at moderate heat. When done, stir in 1 tbsp. tamari soy sauce, 1 tsp. butter or 1 tbsp. safflower oil. Sprinkle with chopped chives and serve. Use the favas in soups, cold in salads. They may be kept covered in the refrigerator for use as needed but nutritional value deteriorates after three to four days.
Chili Fava 2 cup grated cheddar cheese 1 cup cooked pinto beans 2 cups cooked fava beans 2 small white onions, sliced 2 tbsp. olive oil 2 cloves garlic, diced (optional) 2 cups tomato sauce
1 tsp. chili powder 1 tsp. white pepper 2hot green peppers, diced 1 tbsp. sorghum (or honey) Few sprigs watercress Fresh mint or dried to taste
Saute onions, celery and garlic in heavy frypan. Add tomato sauce, spices and heat through, stiring occasionally. Add sorghum or honey. Add fava beans, pinto beans and grated cheese and mix thoroughly. Cook five minutes more over a low heat and serve. Garnish with chopped mint and watercress. Serve with a mixed live-food green vegetable salad.
Beans Brasilia
This dish is the traditional Fajuada of Brasil with fava beans added. 1 cup cooked fava beans 1% cups black beans, cooked 3 tbsp. safflower oil 1 medium white onion, minced 2 tbsp. cilentro, chopped 1 tsp. white pepper
juice of 1 lemon rind of 42 orange, grated (should be organically grown) _1 clove garlic, sliced 1 tsp. apricot pits, chopped
Saute onions and garlic. Add beans, apricot pits and spices and stir Over medium heat ten minutes. Add chopped cilentro. Cover, reduce heat and cook gently for an additional ten minutes. Add juice of lemon and grated orange rind and serve. Serve as an interesting side dish in place of potatoes or rice.
is a
buttercup-yellow seed-grain that is found more often in bird cages than kitchens!
Natural Sources
However, it is an abundant source of B-17, delicious, simple
to prepare. Millet is also the only alkaline-forming grain which helps to detoxify the body by alkalinizing the blood stream.
As a savory dish, in place of potatoes, or as a change from rice and as a hot cereal, millet is a multiuse addition to the menu.
Basic Preparation: One cup of millet to three cups of water, placed together in a covered pot on low heat. (You may find a double boiler works better in the preparation of millet.) Cooking time: forty to forty-five minutes. You are now ready to lightly salt or add a little Tamari (natural soy sauce), butter, (or if you are a vegan, about 1 tbsp. of cold pressed light oil). Add ground sesame seed and/or ground apricot pits to taste.
The same steamed pot of millet can be served as a cereal
with raw milk (or almond milk)—and honey. For extra B-17,
sweeten the millet with sorghum which is a natural sweetener containing high amounts of B-17 which was very popular at the turn of the century and still available at most natural or health food stores. Generally, use millet as you would rice. You may also add it to your soups, grain burgers, loaves or even deserts. Millet is high in protein and low in starch. It is very easily digested, never causing gas or fermentation in the stomach as some other cooked cereals which are high in starch often do. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and important trace elements, such as molybdenum and lecithin. “Millet is rightfully the king of all cereals” says Paavo Airola, renowned nutritionist and doctor. Moira’s Millet Loaf (serves 6)
4 cups millet, cooked 1cup green bell pepper, minced 4 stalks celery, minced
1 cup carrots, finely grated 1 red onion, minced
¥2 cup raw rolled oats —_1 cup soft whole wheat breadcrumbs
1 tsp. sage % tsp. marjoram
Y% cup olive oil 1 tbsp. nut butter (peanut or sesame)
Y% tsp. rosemary 2 tbsp. tamari soy sauce juice of ¥% lemon 1 tsp. paprika Mix dry ingredients together, then add liquid ingredients as you stir. Mix well. Place two inches deep in an oiled baking dish, sprinkle top of loaf with paprika, juice of 12 lemon and bake at 350°F, forty-five to fifty minutes.
Left-over portions (if there are any!) may be sliced, cold, for sandwiches or crackers.
Nitriloside Chop Suey (serves 4)
Slice and place in large covered pan: 1 cup onions, chopped 1 tbsp. sesame oil 1 cup celery, chopped A little water Cover with tight lid and saute lightly for four minutes. Add: 1 cup sliced bell pepper 1 cup soy sprouts 1-2 cups fresh mushrooms 1 cup wheat sprouts 1 cup mung sprouts
Cover and let steam on low heat until tender. Add: 1-2 tbsp. tamari soy sauce to taste. Serve on mounds
of steamed brown rice (or millet). Cover with
dry-roasted chopped Serve with soy sauce.
apricot kernels
and chopped
Sauteed Squash and Soy Sprouts 1 medium yellow summer squash (thinly sliced) 2-3 medium zucchinis (thinly sliced)
1 cup soy sprouts (well drained) parsley, fresh (chopped) watercress, fresh (chopped) sweet basil, fresh (chopped)
In a wok or iron skillet saute the squash and zucchini in hot sunflower seed oil for two to three minutes, turning continuously. Add the sprouts, watercress, basil and parsley and continue to stir for another one to two minutes. Serve as a delicious side dish or with wholemeal bread and sesame
butter spread (tahini) for a complete protein snack.
Natural Sources
Monday Rice & Vegetables ¥%4 cup brown rice
1 stalk broccoli, in small pieces
1% cup millet 312 cups water 2 cloves garlic, sliced fine \% red bell pepper, diced 1 medium green pepper diced 4 tsp. cayenne pepper
2 large cauliflower flowerets in small pieces pinch celery seed 1 tbsp. light oil 2 tbsp. tahini sesame butter 1 tbsp. tamari soy sauce
1 medium carrot, nituked
Juice of 12 lemon
(sliced at an angle to expose more surface to the spices)
\% cup Hiziki seaweed
Rinse rice and millet and add to pan with 2% cups of water. Add to pot one clove garlic sliced fine. Cover pan and cook medium-low for forty- five minutes or until done.
While above is cooking, add all vegetables and Hiziki to steamer with 1 cup water and 1 clove garlic, chopped finely and sprinkled over the vegetables. Steam in covered pot at low heat for twenty to twenty-five minutes. When rice is done, stir thoroughly with 1 tbsp. tamari, oil, spices. Top rice with mixed vegetables when they are done. Add juice of % lemon to remaining vegetable water (this water is full of valuable trace minerals and water-soluble vitamins released by the steaming process). .
Pour this self-sauce over vegetables and rice. Top with % tbsp. tahini for each of the portions.
Juices have the highest nutritional value when freshly made and should not be stored longer than twenty-four hours. Fruit and vegetable juices are not medicines, they are protective, corrective and supplementary foods. Anyone serious ly interested in superior nutrition should own a juicer. The methods of extraction and efficiency vary. Centrifugal and masticating methods are the most popular. The centrif ugal method of extraction grates the vegetables or fruit and removes the juice by high speed thrust and many of the fibers and cells are never broken up or rubbed apart which means
that some nutritional value remains in the discarded pulp when it could be juiced. The mastication method extracts juice by chewing up the food materials and removing the highest possible amounts of enzymes, trace minerals and
vitamins from the fibers and cells and places them, under
pressure, into the juice. A good juicer may be worth the considerable financial in-
vestment when viewed as an investment in better health. Just
one day in the hospital costs more than the finest juicer, and for that reason alone may be well worth the investment. Body Cleanser* Vegetable: 1 cup cabbage
3 medium carrots
(Loose leaf/cabbage,
Y cup distilled water
if available, has more vitamins & minerals) pressed firm
Fruit: Juice of 1 medium pomegranate 3 medium apples (including seeds)
3 stalks of celery 1 cup dandelion greens pressed firm
Blood Builder* Vegetable 2 cups spinach, pressed firm 2 medium red beets 3 large carrots
Fruit 2 cups whole grapes 1 cup blackberries 4 apricots, pitted
Acid Conditions *
3 stalks celery 2 medium red beets
3 medium carrots 1 cup parsley, pressed firm
“Based on research by Arthur W. Snyder, PhD. B-17 Beverages In blender place: Y2 cup apple juice 1 whole banana
1 tbsp. nutritional yeast 1 tsp. ground apricot kernels
1 tbsp. sorghum (or honey) Y tsp. ground cinnamon 2 drops rose water
Natural Sources
It’s Alive! In juicer place: 1 cup spinach cut and packed firm ¥% cup lentil sprouts
14 cup wheat sprouts ¥ cup watercress, packed firm
Lhassie In blender place: 1 cup apricots, pressed firm (pitted) 1 tsp. apricot kernels 1 tbsp. almonds 2 tbsp. currents Should be drunk immediately. Do
1 cup apple juice
1 cup raw milk 1 tsp. sorghum 2 drops rose water not store.
Hunzakut Cocktail In the blender place: 1 cup raspberry juice or puree
6 apricots, pitted
1 cup pineapple juice 1 tsp. apricot kernels 1 tsp. sorghum Should be drunk immediately. Do not store.
Pineapple and Apricot Sherbet 1 cup pineapple pieces 1 cup apricots, pitted
1 tbsp. brewer's yeast 1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup spring water
¥ cup water
1 tbsp. lecithin granules
Ys cup sorghum (or honey)
Run pineapple and apricots through juicer and then transfer to
blender. Add remainder of ingredients in the above order, buzzing
very briefly after adding each of them. Pour mixture into a freezing tray and freeze until solid. Cut frozen mixture into strips or chunks and serve as desert topped with ground apricot kernels, or, run frozen strips through blender and serve as sherbet.
Liquid Salad Blend 3 carrots ¥2 small onion 1 slice green pepper ¥/’ cup packed spinach
Juice the ingredients together.
1 slice lemon % cup parsley (chopped) 2 tomatoes
Salads Chef Salad 1 carrot, grated 1 cup broccoli tops,
1 cup fresh large sprouts (soy, garbanzo, lentils, peas, etc.) ¥2 cup fresh chives 2 tbsp. lemon juice 5 tbsp. sunflower seed oil pinch mixed spice
cut into bite-size pieces Y% cup cauliflower flowerets, broken into bite size pieces. 1% red lettuce. Tear leaves into large pieces.
The chives and sprouts should be finely chopped and added to the other vegetable ingredients and mixed with the dressing which consists of the lemon juice, oil and mixed spice. Other vegetables in season may be added from the vitamin B-17 list for variations.
B-17 Salad 2 medium red lettuce 1 cup spinach, pressed firm
Y2 cup each, mung sprouts, lentil sprouts, alfalfa sprouts
several broccoli tops
1 small red onion, minced
several cauliflower flowerets 1 stalk sliced celery 4 stalks watercress, chopped
1 medium cubed tomato 1 large carrot grated 1 cup cabbage, chopped fine 1 tbsp. sesame seeds (unhulled)
Dressing 2 tbsp. sesame oil
14 tsp. celery seed
2 tbsp. lemon juice
YZ tsp. cayenne pepper
1 heaping tsp. brewer's yeast 1 large clove garlic (press out juice)
4 tsp. basil
Combine all liquid ingredients in a jar, add yeast and herbs and shake well.
Pea and Cabbage Salad 1 cup fresh green peas 2 cups shredded red cabbage
34, cup almonds (chopped fine, blender)
: in
Natural Sources
Mix ingredients with herb dressing: 4 cup of light oil 1% tsp. each: dill, marjoram, 14 cup lemon juice thyme, sage, garlic juice. or apple cider vinegar Mix well in blender. 1 cup tamari soy sauce
Cucumber Salad 1 cup yogurt
2 medium cucumbers juice of 1 large lemon 2 tbsp. very hot water
1 tbsp. honey few sprigs parsley (fresh) pepper, dill, basil or oregano to taste.
(but not boiling)
Slice cucumbers finely. (If they are not organically grown, they may have been artificially oiled, so peel the skin if this is the case.) Heat water, honey and lemon juice together, add pepper. Add cucumbers, sprinkle with herbs and cook for about ten minutes. Place in refrigerator to chill. Serve by mixing well with the yogurt and topping with parsley garnish.
Soups Black-Eyed Leek Soup (Serves 6) 2 cups black-eyed peas, cooked 1 bunch (about 4) leeks,
2 stalks celery, chopped chopped fine 3 cups vegetable stock 4 tbsp. safflower or sesame oil (that which cooked the peas) 1 cup milk 2 tbsp. Vegex (or other) ‘4 tsp. cayenne pepper seasoning 1 tbsp. sorghum In a soup pot, add chopped leeks (green tops included), celery and oil. Cook ten minutes, stirring constantly. Add black-eyed peas, stock, and vegetable seasoning. Stir, cover and cook on low heat
fifteen minutes. Add milk, sorghum, cayenne (more seasoning according to taste) Stir and simmer ten more minutes.
Serve garnished with chopped watercress.
Tattybuck Soup (Serve 4)
This is a hearty buckwheat and potato soup: 1% qts. stock or water 1 cup milk 1 large onion, minced 1 sprig parsley, minced 3 potatoes, raw and cubed 1 sprig cilentro, minced ¥% cup buckwheat groats VY tsp. thyme
Bring the liquid to a boil, add onion, buckwheat, potato and herbs. Cover and simmer until the potatos are tender. Stir in the milk and parsley. Simmer five minutes more and serve.
Cockleheart Lentil Soup (To warm yours... .) (serves 3, but can be thinned.)
4 cups stock or water 1 cup dry lentils, washed 1 large white onion, diced 2 stalks celery, plus tops, chopped Y green bell pepper, diced 2 medium carrots, nituked (sliced at an angle to expose
¥2 tsp. white pepper (optional) % tsp. celery seed 1 tbsp. tamari soy sauce \% tsp. thyme 1 bay leaf (remove before serving) few sprigs parsley
more surface to the spices.)
Bring liquid to a boil and add the lentils. Reduce heat and simmer for thirty minutes, partially covered. Add remainder of ingredients and simmer for twenty minutes more. Add the tbsp. of tamari last (more or less, to taste) to preserve its nutritional content.
Remove half of soup from pan to blender and buzz for a few seconds to obtain a thick, warm, lentil puree. Mix back into the re-
maining soup in the pot, stir to desired consistency. Top with finely minced parsley and serve.
Magical Millet Soup (Serves 6)
2 qts. stock liquid or water
1 cup small mushrooms
¥%, cup uncooked millet
(wash and leave whole)
2 cups zucchini squash, sliced 1 large onion, diced (red onions have a mellower flavor and are preferred.) 2 stalks celery, with tops, chopped
1 tsp. basil '% tsp. thyme 1 tsp. dried mint 14 cup parsley, finely chopped juice of % lemon
Bring to a boil stock/water in large pot. Then add millet, onion and celery. Simmer gently in covered pot thirty to forty minutes. At the last ten minutes of cooking, add remainder of ingredients.
Natural Sources
Sprouts Sprouts are just about the most vital, protective and nutritious foods available! The lengthy cooking process to which beans are otherwise subjected destroys much of their nutritional value. But when sprouted, they give off more energy in the form of enzymes and minerals and the starch is converted to a simple sugar. Since they are easy to digest and make their nutritional benefits so readily available, sprouts are the perfect food to eat raw. The result is instant energy, plus all the benefits of the natural B complex vitamins, including B-17. What to Sprout: The following contain substantial amounts of vitamin B-17: Alfalfa seeds, mung beans, lentils, chick-peas. How to Sprout: There are many methods of sprouting, some
and some
simplest and most foolproof method to unlock all that seedpower follows for those unfamiliar with the joys of sprouting: You simply need a wide-mouthed jar, some cheesecloth or an old piece of nylon stocking or a special sprouting screen lid from your local health or natural food store. Seeds or beans to be sprouted should ideally be unsprayed or heat treated. Put required amount of seeds (a couple of tablespoons will make about a quart) in the jar and fill about a third full with water. Stretch cloth or stocking piece over mouth of jar and secure with a rubber band. Soak overnight in a dark place. Next morning drain the water (which may be saved for soup stock or watering plants) as it contains water-soluble vitamins and minerals. If your seeds were treated or sprayed (and they probably were unless you definitely know them to be organically grown and trust your source) it is not advisable to save the water because of chemical toxicity. Rinse the seeds and drain well. Place the jar on its side. Rinse and drain through the cloth or screen twice daily (three times in hot weather). Gently shake the jar as you rinse to distribute the contents evenly. When the sprouts are ready (about an inch long or so, with little green leaves) rinse off the shucks
in a colander and replace in sealed jar in refrigerator. They will stay alive and sustain their nutritive value up to four or five days. After that they'll begin to deteriorate. Sprouts immediately spark a salad into an enzyme-rich, vitamin-loaded treat. An ordinary sandwich is magically transformed into a sumptuous and inexpensive repast with the addition of a generous sprout filling; alfalfa sprouts are especially good. Mung beans are good in salads or stir-fried for Asian dishes. Experiment with all kinds of seed and legume sprouting and try them in different dishes of your own. SPROUTING GUIDE RINSE (Times Daily)
HARVEST (Inches Long)
TIME (Days)
YIELD (Cups)
¥%,C=2C 3T=10Qt.
ALFALFA SEED (for baking)
Seed Length
BEANS (fava, green, kidney, red lima, pinto, etc.)
(no presoak)
3 pr
OATS (no presoak)
Y4aC=4C 2T=1"%C
of seed
Seed Length
When sprout
is green RYE
Seed Length
Seed Length
1C=3%C Y%C=1C
Boor eet
24 Hrs.
of see
Natural Sources
NOTES SECTION I Chapter1 1. The Professional Nutritionist, “Diet, Nutrition and Cancer”, Fall 1976. 2. Beard, John DSc, The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis, Chatto & Windus (London) 1911. Airola, Paavo PhD, ND, Cancer: Causes, Prevention & Treatment, Health Plus. 3. Issels, Dr. Joseph, Nutritional Protection Against Cancer, Tidskrift For Halsa 42, 3, 4, Stockholm, Sweden, 1972.
4. National Exchange, “Improper Meat Packing Causes Chronic Disease?” Sept. 1977. 5. Press Democrat 11.15.77. 6. Drover's Journal 3.5.70.
7. “Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed upon the Earth, and all trees that have in themselves seed of their own
kind, to be your meat.” Genesis 1:26.
Chapter 2 1. American Cancer Society, 1976 Cancer Facts and Figures. 2. McNaughton: Foundation, Box B-17, San Ysidro, CA The Laetriles/Nitrilosides in the Prevention and Control of Cancer. Stefansson, Vilhjamur, Cancer: Disease of Civilization? An Anthropological and Historical Study, Hill & Wang, NY, 1960. 3. Krebs, Ernst T. Jr., The Nitrilosides in Plants and Animals:
Nutritional and Therapeutic Implications, McNaughton Foundation, Box B-17, San Ysidro, Ca.
1. Kittler, Glen, Laetrile: Control for Cancer, Warner, 1963. 2. Wall Street Journal 6.2.77. 3. Clinical Psychology, Clinical Studies of Magnesium Deficiency in Epilepsy, Fall 1959. 4. Feingold, Dr. Ben, Why Your Child Is Hyperactive. Random House/Book Works, 1974. 5. Timms, Moira, Well Being “Water” #21, June 1977. 6. East West Journal, Dec. 1974 p. 24. 7. Ruff, Howard, Famine and Survival In America, Press, 1974.
8. Community Nutrition Newsletter, Comm unity Nutrition In-
stitute, 1910 K Street NW, Washington DC, 20006, 6.13.74. 9. Tarbet, Tom, Hopi Corn c/o Land & Life, 116 Bates Street, Los Angeles, Ca 90029.
10. Hawken, Paul, The Magic of Findhorn, Harpe r & Row, 1975. 11. McNaughton Foundation, The Laetriles/Ni trilosides in the 12.
Prevention and Control of Cancer, Box B-17, San Ysidro, CA. Burk, Dean, PhD, A Brief On Foods and Vitamins (B-17, B-15,
B-13) McNaughton Foundation, Box B-17, San Ysidro, CA. Chapter4 1. San Francisco
“1 of 4 Jobs Found
1OZ3R 77a
2. San Francisco Chronicle “Scathing Report on Radiation and
the EPA” from New York Times, 9.15.77. 32 ibid, 4. Clark, Linda, M.A., Are You Radioactive? Devin-Adair, 1972. 5. NF Food Factors, Mineral Evaluation by Hair Analysis, Lafayette, CA 94549, ‘
6. Hair Analysis details from: The Soil & Health Foundation, 33 E. Minor Street, Emmaus, PA 18049
Lead Screening & Detoxification Project Foundation for Infinite Survival Inc. P. O. Box 4000-C, Berkeley, CA 94704 Mineral Evaluation by Hair Analysis Mineralab Inc.
22455 Maple Court Hayward, CA 94541 7. Huxley Institute of Bio Social Research 1114 First Avenue, New York, NY 10021.
8. FDA Consumer: Bottled Water, U.S. Govt. Printing Office. 9. Ott, John, Health and Light, Devin-Adair, 1974.
10. Bradley, M. O., Sharkey, Nancy A. Nature, Light's Effect On Cells”, 4.21.77.
Chapter5 1. Press Democrat “Rules to Curb Unnecessary Mastectomies”, 9.18.77.
Natural Sources
Prevention, Dec. 1971.
. Cheraskin, E., MD, DMD, and Ringsdorf, W. M. Jr., DMD and M.S., et al Cancer 17: 159 “Carbohydrate Metabolism & Carcinomatosis” Feb. 1964. Geriatrics 23:135 “Cancer Proneness Profile. A Study in Weight and Blood Glucose” April 1968. Geriatrics 23:121 “Cancer Proneness Profile: A Study in Ponderal Index and Blood Glucose” Aug. 1969. McNaughton Foundation, Amygdalin, the Non- Toxic Analgesic: Information For Physicians, Box B-17, San Ysidro, CA. . Warburg, Dr. Otto, The Prime Cause & Prevention of Cancer,
Cancer Book House, 1969. Goodfriend and Sokol, Journal of Molecular Biology, 15.8.66. Science, ‘The Origin of Cancer Cells” 2.24.56. Koch, William F, The Survival in Neoplastic and Viral Diseases, Vanderkloot Press, Detroit, 1955-58.
Olney, Robert C., MD, Cancer News Journal, “Blocked Oxidation”, May/Aug. 1970.
Warburg, Dr. Otto—Op Cit. National Exchange, “Loyola University Biologists Laetrile Claims in Unbiased Study”, June 1977. 10.
. Newsweek, “Laetrile and Cancer”, 6.27.77. (1) Southern Research Institute (Birmingham, Ala.), for the
National Cancer Institute, in a majority of 280 BDF, mice bearing Lewis lung cancers, treated with up to 400 mg Laetrile (Amygdalin MF) per kg body weight, with respect to increased median life span. (Dec. 3, 1973). (2) Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York), with CD,F, mice bearing spontaneous mammary carcinomas, inhibition of formation of lung metastases, inhibition of growth of primary tumors, and greater health and appearance of animal hosts, upon treatment with 1-2 gm Laetrile/per kg body weight/ day. (Jun 13, 1973). e (3) Scind Laboratories,
of San Francisco,
400 rats
bearing Walker 256 carcinoma (200 treated with Amygdalin,
200 controls),
with 80%
increase in life span at optimum
dosage (500 mg Amygdalin/kg body weight). (Oct. 10, 1968). Cf. FDA-IND 6734 application, pp. 247-248, 00080-00093, NCI Director Carl Baker wrote Congressman Edwin W. Ed-
McNaughton Foundation certainly indicates some activity in animal tumor systems” (emphasis added). (4) Pasteur Institute (Paris), with human cancer strain maintained in mice, treated at optimal dosage of 500 mg Amygdalin Marsan/kg body weight/day, increased life span and delayed tumor growth up to 100% (Dec. 6, 1971). (5S) Institute von Ardenne
mice bearing Ehrlich ascites mond amygdalin ad libitum yielded increased life span growth, treatment beginning
Germany), H strain
carcinoma treated with bitter alin addition to regular chow diet, and decreased rate of cancer 15 days before cancer inoculation
(Arch. Geschwulstforsch. 42, 135-7 (1973).
Chapter6 1; Sivananda, Constipation: Its Cause and Cure, Yoga Vedant a Forest University, Anandakutur, P.O. Sigananda Naagar , Rishikesh, Himalayas. 1956. 2. Ibid. 3. Wigmore, Dr. Ann, Constipation, the Insidious Destroyer, Hippocrates Health Institute, 25 Exeter Street, Boston, Mass. 02116.
Chapter7 1. Simpson, David, Meat, Francisco, CA 94131.
Planet Drum,
P.O. Box 31251, San
2. Irons, V.E., There Is A Difference, 470 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. 3. San Francisco
“Faulty Testing at Private
4. Lane, Earle, Electro-Photography, And/Or Press, 1975.
Chapter8 1. Airola, Paavo PhD, ND, Are You Confused? Health Plus Publishers, 1971. 2. Wigmore, Ann PhD, Wheat Grass, God's Manna! Hippocrates Health Institute, 25 Exeter Street, Boston, Mass. 02116.
3. Bouziane, N. R. MD, PhD, Krebs, Ernst T. Jr., Nitrilosides (Laetriles): Their Rationale and Clinical Utilization in Human Cancer, McNaughton Foundation, Box B-17, San Ysidro,
CA. 4. Griffin, G. Edward, World Without Cancer, Part I, American Media, 1974.
Natural Sources
So: Airloa, Paavo, PhD, ND., How
to Get Well, Health Plus,
1974, p. 190.
6. Fredericks, Carlton, MD, Eating Right For You, Grosset and Dunlap, 1975.
. Transactions of the New 1970.
York Academy of Sciences, Dec.
. Culbert, Michael L., quoted in Vitamin B-17: Forbidden Weapon Against Cancer, Arlington House, 1974. . Lluardo, Sances, Battocletti, et al, Biological and Clinical Ef-
fects of Low Frequency Magnetic and Electrical Fields, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisc. 10. Proceedings, Vol. 2, No. 6., P. O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, CA 92284. 11. Write to Kundalini Research Foundation, 10 East 39th Street,
New York, NY 10016, for free introductory book on the general concept of kundalini by Gopi Krishna and Prof. C. F. von Weizacker, Director of the Max Plank Institute.
12. Timms, Moira, The Six O'Clock Bus: A Guide to Armageddon and the New Age Survival Seminars, Mill Valley, CA. 13. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, May, 1971.
14. Symposium on the Metabolic Function of Vitamin A at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 1968. 15. World Health and Ecology News, “Essential Minerals and Micronutrients of Life”, Jan. 1971. 16. Airola, Paavo, PhD, ND., How 1974.
to Get Well, Health Plus,
17. Journal of Applied Nutrition, 7.10.51. 18.
Larson, Gena, Fundamentals in Food, Cancer Book House.
Schmidt, Siegmund MD, Cancer and Leukemia Red Beet Therapy, Osnabrueck, Germany, quoting S. Aerztliche Praxis 9.22.62. (#14 519 53).
20. Voice (England) Autumn, 1965. 21. Airola, Paavo, PhD, ND, How 1974.
to Get Well, Health Plus,
22. Science News 1.5.74. Nature, 12.21.73.
Chapter 9
1. Annals of New York Academy of Science: 164, 2, 1969,
. Quoted by Walter Ermer, “A Program for Prevention and Detection of Pre Cancer", Cancer Book House. . Krieger, Dolores, American Journal of Nursing, “Therap eutic
Touch: The Imprimataur of Nursing” 1975. Krieger, Dolores, International Journal of Psychenerget ic Systems, “Healing by the Laying on of Hands as a Facilitator for Bio-energetic Change: The Response of In Vivo Human Hemoglobin” Vol. 1, 1976 p. 121-29.
Wall Street Journal 6.2.77.
5. Ohsawa, George, The Book of Judgement, Ohsawa Founda tion, 1966.
6. Zain, C. C., Diet and Breathing, Brotherhood of Light, Los Angeles, 1943. Chapter 10 1. Marin Life, “Bad News About Jimmy”, Sept. 1977. Griffin, G. Edward, World Without Cancer, Part II, American Media, 1974.
Fuller, John G. 200 Million Guinea Pigs, Putnam Press, 1972. Oui, “Who Runs Jimmy Carter?”, Sept. 1977.
2. Eden Ranch Organic Consumer, 1.18.77. 3. American Opinion, “A Doctor Who Dared”, March 1977. 4. Jones, Stewart M., MD, Nutrition Rudiments in Cancer, Culbert, Michael L., quoted in Vitamin B-17: Forbidden Weapon Against Cancer Arlington House, 1974. 5. Caldwell, Gladys, and Zanfagna, Philip E., MD., Fluoridation and Truth Decay Top-Ecol Press, 1974.
Magazine Reprint).
2. Ellwood, Kathryn, Feel Like a Million, Paperback Pubs., 1967. 3. Robinson, P., and Lawler, M., Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition, McMillan, 1977.
4. Rohe, Fred, The New Age Old Fashioned Brown Egg Story, 1971 Pure & Simple Distributors, 795 W. Hedding Street, San Jose, CA. 5. Honorof, Ida, Bread: A Report to the Consumer P. O. Box 5449, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.
Natural Sources
6. Our Daily Flour, Talking Charlestown, Mass. 02129.
7. Milk Fact Sheet, National Health Federation, PO Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91016.
. Hawken, Paul and Rohe, Distributors, Boston, Mass. 9. An Honest Approach
Oil Story
to Oils, Hain.
Biochemic Research Foundation, Arcata, CA.
Kaufmann, D. W., Ed. Sodium Chloride: Production Properties, American Chemical Society, 1960.
12. Salt, Talking Food Company,
Box 81, Charlestown, Mass.
13. Rohe, Fred The Sugar Story, The Well, 795 W. Hedding Street, San Jose, CA. 14.
Honorof, Ida, Sugar: A Report to the Consumer, 5449, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.
P. O. Box
15. Aluminum Bulletin, National Health Federation, PO Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91016.
16. Airola, Paavo,
PhD, ND, How
to Get Well, Health Plus,
17. National Health Federation Bulletin, July/Aug. 1975.
18. Journal of American Dental Association, Oct. 1944. 19. 20. 21.
Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 6, 1958. Medical World News, London, England, 7.7.72.
Harris, Robert S. PhD., Director of Nutritional Biochemical Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Hearings 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, Pursuant to House Res. 74 and 447 Pt. 3 (p. 1517) 1952.
23. 24.
National Health Federation Newsletter, July, 1975. Journal of the American Medical Association, 11.13.72. Fluoride Journal, International Society for Fluoride Research,
Magdalen College, Oxford, England. April 1973.
Yiamouyiannis, John, PhD., Fluoridation, NHE, PO Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91016. Journal of the American Medical Association, 11.13.72.
Diet For a Small Planet, Ballan-
tine/Friends of the Earth, 1971.
LIST OF FOODS CONTAINING VITAMIN B-17 (+) Acid-forming in the body (-) Alkaline forming in the body BEANS: (+)
Black-eyed Broad Chick Peas Garbanzos Fava Kidney Lentils (sprouted) (-) Limas Mung (sprouted)(-) Navy Peas Scarlet runners
Barley Buckwheat groats (-) Chia Flax Millet (-) Oats Rice (brown) Rye Vetch
Wheat Berries
BERRIES: (-) Almost contain
Fruit kernels and seeds contain the highest concentration of vitamin B-17 to be found in
all wild edible berries vitamin B-17 and in
more abundance
than hybrids
or cultivated.
Blackberries Boysenberries Chokeberry Cranberry (+) Elderberry Gooseberry Huckleberry Loganberry Mulberry Raspberry Strawberry
(A small granite mortar and pestle kept in your kitchen is more convenient then a nutcracker and will enable you to eat both fruit and kernel together.)
Apple Apricot Crabapple (wild)
Cherry (choke) Currants Nectarine
Natural Sources
Pear Plum (+) Prune (+) Papaya Quince
NUTS: (+)
Cashews are blanched and fumigated as most them are import-
ed from Mozambique. Bitter Almonds are grown most-
ly in Northern China and illegal in this country. Ordinary almonds have no substantial B-17 content.
Cashews Bitter Almonds Macadamia
SEEDS: (-)
Broccoli Cabbage Cauliflower Kale Kohlrabi
Squash Spinach Sweet Potato Watercress Yams
SPROUTS: See Sprouting Chart Vitamin B-17 content is ten to thirty times richer when these sources are sprouted. Alfalfa Bamboo Fava
Alfalfa (sprouted) Chia Flax Sesame (unhulled) Linseed
Sorghum molasses (-)
Vegetables are considered to have the lowest vitamin B-17
Garbanzo Mung Wheat Berries
Clover (white and red) (-) Wheat grass (-)
FOODS SOURCES OF VITAMINS AND MINERALS This chart lists the foods in their particular nutritive category. The first five listed are the highest in their category, and only those with the highest nutritive value are listed. PROTEIN: Complete—Milk products and eggs. Incomplete — Nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains and seeds.
VITAMIN A: Milk products, eggs, hot red pepper, dandelion greens, dock, car-
VITAMIN D: Butter, eggs, milk, sunflower seeds and liver oils. VITAMIN E: Wheat germ, eggs, milk products, apples, avocados, bananas, barley,
rot, apricot (dried), kale, mustard spin-
ach, collard greens, cress and sweet po-
sweet potatoes and tomatoes. VITAMIN K: All green fresh leafy vegetables. BIOFLAVONOIDS: Currants, citrus, grapes, green peppers, parsley, prunes, rose hips and spinach. RUTIN: Buckwheat, blackstrap molasses and eggs. CALCIUM: Milk products, eggs, nuts,
VITAMIN yogurt,
B!: Eggs, powdered milk,
rice bran,
rice, mushroom, sunflower seed, pinon
nut, soybean, peanut, sesame seed, brazilnut and millet.
VITAMIN B?: Yeast, yogurt, eggs, hot red pepper, almond, wheat germ, wild rice, mushroom, safflower seed, turnip greens,
kelp and collards. VITAMIN B? (niacin): Yeast, eggs, rice bran, wheat bran, peanut, hot red pepper, wild rice, kelp, sesame seed, peach, brown rice, mushrooms, wheat germ and barley.
VITAMIN B? (pantothenic acid): Eggs, yeast, beans, blackstrap molasses, broccoli, cabbage, corn, peanuts, peas, po-
tatoes, soybeans and wheat germ.
VITAMIN B*: Eggs, yeast, milk, beets, blackstrap molasses, cabbage, corn oil, honey, legumes, nuts, seeds and wheat germ.
B??: Yeast, milk products
and wheat germ. FOLIC ACID:
Eggs, yeast, fruits, grains, raw greens, mushrooms, soybeans and wheat germ. PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid): Yeast, nuts, blackstrap molasses, fruits and grains.
BIOTIN: Eggs, yeast, wheat germ and tomatoes. CHOLINE: Eggs, yeast, cabbage, fruits, mustard greens, peas, soybeans, spinach and wheat germ. INOSITOL: Yogurt, milk, yeast, blackstrap molasses, cantaloupe, corn, fruits, lima beans, nuts and wheat germ. VITAMIN C: Citrus fruits, rose hips, apples, apricots, asparagus, avocados, bananas, hot peppers, guava, kale, parsley and greens.
kale, lettuce, potatoes,
onions, seeds,
blackstrap molasses, broccoli, collards, fruits, honey, kale, sprouts, soybeans
and whole grains. PHOSPHORUS: Beet tops, cranberries, red cabbage, soybeans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. POTASSIUM: Nuts, avocado, apple cider, blackstrap molasses, olives, tomatoes, figs, green vegetables, honey and kelp. SULPHUR: Almonds, brussel sprouts, cabbage, eggs, figs, garlic, honey, kale and pecans. CHLORINE: Tomatoes, celery, kelp, milk products, avocado, coconut and lettuce. SODIUM: Kelp, celery, kale, carrot, raisin, radish and dried fruits. FLUORINE: Almond, carrot, greens and spinach. MAGNESIUM: Kelp, legumes, greens, and wheat germ. IRON: Dulse, kelp, sesame seed, wheat germ, yeast, eggs, blackstrap molasses & honey. MANGANESE: Nuts, eggs, fruits, tomatoes and peas.
SILICON: Eggs, nuts, yeast, fruits, kelp and honey.
COPPER: Eggs, prunes, almonds and greens. IODINE: Eggs, kelp, dulse, greens, milk products,
spinach and swiss
chard. ZINC: Wheat germ and blackstrap molasses.
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