Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology II: a collection of papers presented at the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2008, Daytona Beach, Florida [II] 0470344989, 978-0-470-34498-9

One-dimensional, nanostructured ceramics for healthcare, energy and sensor applications / S. Ramakrishna, Ramakrishnan R

186 84 21KB

English Pages 254 Year 2009

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Table of contents :
Frontmatter.pdf......Page 1
01.pdf......Page 11
02.pdf......Page 29
03.pdf......Page 46
04.pdf......Page 58
05.pdf......Page 69
06.pdf......Page 75
07.pdf......Page 85
08.pdf......Page 93
09.pdf......Page 100
10.pdf......Page 113
11.pdf......Page 123
12.pdf......Page 136
13.pdf......Page 144
14.pdf......Page 151
15.pdf......Page 162
16.pdf......Page 171
17.pdf......Page 182
18.pdf......Page 198
19.pdf......Page 210
20.pdf......Page 218
21.pdf......Page 228
22.pdf......Page 234
23.pdf......Page 244
Author Index.pdf......Page 253

Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology II: a collection of papers presented at the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2008, Daytona Beach, Florida [II]
 0470344989, 978-0-470-34498-9

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