Mosaicism in Human Skin: Understanding Nevi, Nevoid Skin Disorders, and Cutaneous Neoplasia 3030899365, 9783030899363

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Table of contents :
1: Introduction
2: Mosaicism as a Biological Concept
2.1 Historical Beginnings
2.2 Mosaicism in Plants
2.3 Mosaicism in Animals
2.4 Mosaicism in Human Skin
2.5 Mosaicism Versus Chimerism
2.6 Does the Coat of Zebras Reflect Mosaicism?
3: The Major Categories of Mosaicism
3.1 Nonsegmental Versus Segmental Mosaicism of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders
3.1.1 Nonsegmental Mosaicism
3.1.2 Segmental Mosaicism
3.2 Genomic Versus Epigenetic Mosaicism
3.3 Genomic Mosaicism
3.3.1 Genomic Mosaicism of Autosomes Mosaicism Caused by Loss of Heterozygosity Genomic Mosaicism of Lethal Autosomal Mutations
Mosaicism Caused by Lethal Cytogenetic Abnormalities
Mosaicism Caused by Lethal Molecular Defects Genomic Mosaicism of Nonlethal Autosomal Mutations
Simple Segmental Mosaicism of Autosomal Dominant Disorders
Superimposed Mosaicism of Autosomal Dominant Disorders
Monoallelic Versus Biallelic Mosaicism
Disseminated Mosaicism of Biallelic Autosomal Dominant Disorders
Isolated Segmental Biallelic Monoclonal Mosaicism
Blue Rubber Bleb Angiomatosis (“Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome”): A Unique Type of Postzygotic Mosaicism
3.3.2 Autosomal Recessive Mosaicism
3.3.3 Didymosis (Twin Spotting)
3.3.4 Revertant Mosaicism
3.3.5 Genomic X-Chromosome Mosaicism in Male Patients
3.3.6 Superimposed Segmental Manifestation of Polygenic Skin Disorders
3.4 Epigenetic Mosaicism
3.4.1 Epigenetic Mosaicism of Autosomal Genes
3.4.2 Epigenetic Mosaicism of X Chromosomes Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism in Female Patients Why Do Women Live Longer? Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism in Male Patients
3.4.3 X-Linked Genes Escaping Inactivation
4: Relationship Between Hypomorphic Alleles and Mosaicism of X-Linked or Autosomal Mutations
4.1 Hypomorphic Alleles and X-Linked Dominant, Male-Lethal Cutaneous Syndromes
4.2 Hypomorphic Alleles in Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders
5: The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism
5.1 Lines of Blaschko
5.1.1 Lines of Blaschko, Narrow Bands
5.1.2 Lines of Blaschko, Broad Bands
5.1.3 Analogy of Blaschko’s Lines in Other Organs
5.1.4 Blaschko’s Lines in Animals
5.1.5 Analogy of Blaschko’s Lines in the Murine Brain
5.2 Flag-like Pattern
5.3 Phylloid Pattern
5.4 Lateralization Pattern
6: Less Well-Defined or So Far Unclassifiable Patterns
6.1 Oblique Pattern (Sash-Like Pattern)
6.2 Pallister-Killian Pattern
6.3 Midfacial Pattern
7: Nevi
7.1 The Theory of Lethal Genes Surviving by Mosaicism
7.2 Pigmentary Nevi
7.2.1 Melanocytic Nevi Common Small Melanocytic Nevus Common “Atypical” Melanocytic Nevi Large Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Spitz Nevus Cellular Blue Nevus Papular Nevus Spilus Macular Nevus Spilus Linear Lentiginous Nevus Nevus Cesius (Segmental Dermal Melanocytosis)
7.2.2 Other Nevi Reflecting Pigmentary Mosaicism Linear Hypomelanosis in Narrow Bands (Pigmentary Mosaicism of the Ito Type) Linear Hypermelanosis in Narrow Bands Linear Hypermelanosis in Broad Bands Flag-Like Hypomelanosis Flag-Like Hypermelanosis Flag-Like Lentiginosis (Including “Partial Unilateral Lentiginosis” [PUL]) Phylloid Hypomelanosis Phylloid Hypermelanosis Hypermelanocytic Guttate and Macular Segmental Hypomelanosis
7.3 Epidermal Nevi
7.3.1 Keratinocytic Nevi Common Keratinocytic Nevi of the Soft Type, Including Seborrheic Keratoses
Seborrheic Keratoses Are Acquired Keratinocytic Nevi
An Early Postzygotic FGFR3 Mutation Causes a Distinct Neurocutaneous Syndrome
Early Postzygotic PIK3CA Mutations Cause CLOVES Syndrome Common Keratinocytic Nevi of the Hard, Verrucous Type SASKIA (Segmentally Arranged Seborrheic Keratoses with Impending Atypia) Nevus: A New Skin Disorder? Linear PTEN Nevus (Linear Cowden Nevus Included) Epidermal Nevus of the Proteus Type Hystrix-Like Epidermal Nevus of NEVADA Syndrome Keratinopathic Epidermal Nevus Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus (ILVEN) CHILD Nevus Nevus Corniculatus Nevus Kerinokeratoticus Papular Epidermal Nevus with “Skyline” Basal Cell Layer (PENS) Other Keratinocytic Nevi
7.3.2 Organoid Epidermal Nevi Nevus Sebaceus
Nevus Marginatus: A Peculiar Variant of Nevus Sebaceus Nevus Comedonicus Linear Epidermolytic Comedones Angora Hair Nevus and Schauder Syndrome Becker Nevus and Becker Nevus Syndrome Porokeratotic Eccrine Nevus: A Mosaic Manifestation of KID Syndrome Eccrine Nevus of the Castori Type Nevus Trichilemmocysticus Acne Nevus of Munro Linear Follicular Mucinous Nevus Linear Pigmented Follicular Nevus
7.4 Vascular Nevi
7.4.1 Capillary Nevi Nevus Flammeus of Sturge-Weber Syndrome
The End of the Trigeminal Concept of Facial Nevi Flammei Nevus Flammeus of Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome Sturge-Weber Syndrome Versus Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome Port-Wine Nevus of the Proteus Type Port-Wine Nevus of the CLOVES Type Nevus Roseus Rhodoid Nevus: A Specific Name for an Otherwise Nameless Capillary Malformation Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita (CMTC) Reticular Capillary Nevus: A Hallmark of Megalencephaly-Reticular Capillary Nevus Syndrome (“Macrocephaly-Capillary Malformation Syndrome”) Telangiectatic Nevus with Underlying and Surrounding Dilated Veins Angiokeratoma Circumscriptum Segmentally Arranged Angioma Serpiginosum Nevus Anemicus Nevus Vascularis Mixtus
7.4.2 Venous Nevi Large Venous Nevus Small Venous Nevi (“Hereditary Cutaneomucosal Venous Malformations”) Venous Nevus of the Servelle-Martorell Type
7.5 Connective Tissue Nevi
7.5.1 Collagen Nevi of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
7.5.2 Linear Collagen Nevus
7.5.3 Elastin-Rich Nevus
7.5.4 Segmental Manifestation of Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
7.6 Fatty Tissue Nevi
7.6.1 Nevus Lipomatosus Superficialis
7.6.2 Nevus Psiloliparus
7.7 Hairless Nevus of Oculoectodermal Syndrome
8: Didymotic Skin Disorders
8.1 Allelic Didymosis
8.1.1 Cutis Tricolor Ruggieri-Happle Syndrome Cutis Tricolor Parvimaculata Cutis Tricolor of the Blaschko-Linear Type
8.1.2 Didymosis in Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Brocq
8.1.3 Didymosis in Darier Disease
8.2 A Note on the Theoretical Concept of Nonallelic Didymosis
9: Other Binary Genodermatoses, in Which Didymosis Is Excluded or Questionable
9.1 Phacomatosis Spilosebacea (Aka Phacomatosis Pigmentokeratotica)
9.2 Paired Occurrence of Nevus Sebaceus and Melorheostosis
9.3 Paired Occurrence of Nevus Sebaceus and Aplasia Cutis Congenita
9.4 Paired Occurrence of Nevus Psiloliparus and Aplasia Cutis Congenita
9.5 Paired Occurrence of Capillary Nevi
9.5.1 Paired Nevus Flammeus and Nevus Anemicus
9.5.2 Nevus Vascularis Mixtus
9.6 The Group of Phacomatosis Pigmentovascularis
9.6.1 Phacomatosis Cesioflammea
9.6.2 Phacomatosis Spilorosea
9.6.3 Phacomatosis Melanorosea
9.6.4 Phacomatosis Cesiomarmorata
9.7 Melorheostosis Coexisting with Arteriovenous Malformation as a Possible Binary Skin Disorder
10: Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders
10.1 Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors
10.1.1 Trichoepithelioma
10.1.2 Trichodiscoma
10.1.3 Pilomatricoma
10.1.4 Basaloid Follicular Hamartoma
10.1.5 Perifollicular Fibroma (Fibrofolliculoma): A Hallmark of Hornstein-Knickenberg Syndrome (Illegitimately Called Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome) Segmental mosaicism in nonsyndromic perifollicular fibromas Superimposed Mosaicism in Hornstein-Knickenberg Syndrome
10.1.6 Syringoma
10.1.7 Spiradenoma
10.1.8 Eccrine Poroma
10.1.9 Cylindromatosis
10.1.10 Glomangiomatosis Superimposed Mosaicism Involving Internal Organs Practical Aspects
10.1.11 Lipomatosis
10.1.12 Neurofibromatosis 1 Simple Mosaicism in NF1 Superimposed Mosaicism in NF1 Extracutaneous Superimposed Mosaicism The Issue of “Genetic Transmission of Segmental NF1” Genetic Counseling in Cases of Segmental NF1 Other Practical Aspects
10.1.13 Neurofibromatosis 2
10.1.14 Schwannomatosis
10.1.15 Legius Syndrome
10.1.16 Leiomyomatosis Familial Occurrence of Superimposed Mosaicism
10.1.17 Gorlin Syndrome Simple Segmental Involvement Superimposed Mosaic Involvement
10.1.18 Hereditary Nonsyndromic Multiple Basal Cell Carcinoma
10.1.19 PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome (Cowden Disease Included) Cowden Variant of PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Variant of PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome “Lhermitte-Duclos Variant” of PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome Superimposed Mosaicism in PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome
10.1.20 Cutaneous Mastocytosis
10.2 Disorders of Keratinization
10.2.1 Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Brocq
10.2.2 Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Siemens (Aka Superficial Epidermolytic Ichthyosis) Papular Epidermal Nevus with “Skyline” Basal Cell Layer (PENS)
10.2.3 Darier Disease
10.2.4 Hailey-Hailey Disease
10.2.5 Dowling-Degos Disease, Including the Galli-Galli Variant
10.2.6 Acanthosis Nigricans
10.2.7 KID Syndrome
10.2.8 Autosomal Dominant Dyskeratosis Congenita
10.2.9 Pachyonychia Congenita
10.2.10 Porokeratosis of the DSAP Subtype Practical Aspect
10.2.11 Porokeratosis of the Mibelli Subtype in Plaques Familial Occurrence of Superimposed Mosaicism in the Mibelli Subtype
10.2.12 Porokeratosis Palmaris, Plantaris et Disseminata Subtype
10.2.13 Superimposed Mosaicism in Unclassifiable Subtypes of Porokeratosis
10.2.14 Costello Syndrome
10.2.15 Acrokeratoelastoidosis
10.3 Disorders of Connective Tissue or Bones
10.3.1 Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Simple Segmental TSC Superimposed Mosaicism in TSC Cases of Unclassifiable Mosaic TSC Genetic Counseling
10.3.2 Buschke-Ollendorff Syndrome Superimposed Mosaic Skin Lesions Familial Occurrence of Superimposed Mosaicism Superimposed Mosaic Involvement of Bones
10.3.3 Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
10.3.4 Marfan Syndrome
10.3.5 Albright’s Hereditary Osteodystrophy
10.3.6 Hereditary Osteomatosis Cutis A Note on “Progressive Osseous Heteroplasia”
10.3.7 Zimmermann-Laband Syndrome
10.3.8 Brachman de Lange Syndrome (Cornelia de Lange Syndrome)
10.4 Vascular Disorders
10.4.1 Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Rendu-Weber Disease)
10.4.2 Rhodoid Nevus Syndrome (“Capillary Malformation-Arteriovenous Malformation”)
10.5 Blistering Skin Disorders
10.5.1 Autosomal Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
10.5.2 Transient Superficial Acantholysis Arranged Along Blaschko’s Lines in a Newborn
11: Revertant Mosaicism
11.1 Revertant Mosaicism Is a Frequent Phenomenon
11.2 Revertant Mosaicism in Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders
11.3 Revertant Mosaicism in Autosomal Recessive Skin Disorders
12: Nevoid Skin Disorders
12.1 Cutaneous Lesions Reflecting Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism
12.1.1 X-Linked Dominant, Male-Lethal Traits Incontinentia Pigmenti Focal Dermal Hypoplasia Conradi-Hünermann-Happle Syndrome MIDAS Syndrome Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome Type 1 Terminal Osseous Dysplasia with Pigmentary Defects (TODPD) Aicardi Syndrome
12.1.2 X-Linked Dominant, Nonlethal Traits Christ-Siemens-Touraine Syndrome X-Linked Dyskeratosis Congenita Menkes Syndrome IFAP Syndrome Reticulate Pigmentary Disorder of Partington X-Linked Dominant Hypertrichosis
12.2 Congenital Autosomal Disorders Representing Non-nevi
12.2.1 Benign Skin Tumors Reflecting Lethal Autosomal Mutations Surviving by Mosaicism Syringocystadenoma Papilliferum Maffucci Syndrome Happle-Tinschert Syndrome
12.2.2 Hemihyperplasia with Multiple Lipomas: Probably a Mild Phenotype Within PROS
12.2.3 Other Autosomal Non-nevi Salmon Patch (“Unna’s Nevus,” “Median Nevus Flammeus,” “Nevus Simplex”) White Sponge Hyperplasia of the Mucosa (“White Sponge Nevus”) “Basal Cell Nevus” “Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus”
12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders
12.3.1 Lichen Striatus
12.3.2 “Blaschkitis”: No Entity, but an Umbrella Term Including the Linear Manifestation of Various Acquired Inflammatory Skin Disorders
12.3.3 Purpuric Pigmented Dermatoses, Including Lichen Aureus
12.3.4 Linear Grover Disease
12.3.5 Linear Juvenile Xanthogranuloma
12.3.6 Linear Atrophoderma of Moulin
12.3.7 Superimposed Segmental Manifestation of Common Polygenic Skin Disorders Acquired Inflammatory Disorders
Psoriasis Vulgaris
Psoriasis Pustulosa
Atopic Dermatitis
Chronic Prurigo
Lichen Planus
Lichen Planopilaris
Lichen Nitidus
Acne Vulgaris
Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
Lupus Erythematosus Profundus
Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
Practical Aspects
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Pemphigus Vulgaris
Bullous Pemphigoid
Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Granuloma Annulare
Erythema Multiforme
Common Drug Eruption
Fixed Drug Eruption
Superimposed Lateralized Exanthem of Childhood
Leprosy Linear Mycosis Fungoides Vitiligo Cherry Angiomas
Correction to: Mosaicism in Human Skin
Correction to: R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,
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Mosaicism in Human Skin: Understanding Nevi, Nevoid Skin Disorders, and Cutaneous Neoplasia
 3030899365, 9783030899363

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Mosaicism in Human Skin Understanding Nevi, Nevoid Skin Disorders, and Cutaneous Neoplasia Rudolf Happle Antonio Torrelo Second Edition


Mosaicism in Human Skin

Colored table by J. Wissmaack, representing “Marie Horstmann, Nevus verrucosus and neuropathic papilloma according to Esmarch” originally published in the volume Die Elephantiastischen Formen by F. Esmarch and D. Kulenkampff (auth.), publisher J.F. Richter Verlag, Hamburg, 1885. Figure under Public Domain

Rudolf Happle • Antonio Torrelo

Mosaicism in Human Skin Understanding Nevi, Nevoid Skin Disorders, and Cutaneous Neoplasia Second Edition

Rudolf Happle Department of Dermatology Freiburg University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany

Antonio Torrelo Department of Dermatology Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús Madrid, Spain

Originally published under: Happle, R. (auth) Mosaicism in Human Skin, Springer-­ Verlag Berlin Heidelberg ISBN 978-3-030-89936-3    ISBN 978-3-030-89937-0 (eBook) © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2014, 2023, corrected publication 2023 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors, and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland


This second edition contains many significant changes. First of all, the work owes its appearance to the steadfast cooperation of two dermatologists from Freiburg and Madrid, respectively. During the past years, the molecular revolution in cutaneous biology has yielded many new discoveries. Therefore, this volume describes several new categories such as the dichotomy of monoallelic versus biallelic mosaicism; disseminated mosaicism of biallelic autosomal dominant disorders; isolated segmental biallelic monoclonal mosaicism; double postzygotic mutations in cis, involving the gene TEK; and autosomal recessive mosaicism. In the first edition of this book, one of us wrote: “In the years to come, further molecular research will show which of the hypotheses presented here can be corroborated and which of them may turn out to be wrong.” Fortunately, the number of substantial errors was limited. For example, a conspicuous case of the so-called X-linked albinism-deafness syndrome was detected to represent in fact Waardenburg syndrome type 2, thus being an autosomal dominant trait that has now been moved to the section on “epigenetic mosaicism of autosomal genes.” The first edition contained a short “Note on neoplastic skin lesions.” This subject was on the borderline to the vast realm of oncology because all malignant tumors represent mosaics. We had to decide either to expand or to omit this voluminous subject, and we decided to cut this chapter away. Many oncological aspects will now be presented in other Chaps. 3 and 10 or elsewhere. During the preparation of this work, we had lots of fun by learning a great deal from each other. Of course, we were not always of the same opinion, which resulted in lively discussions that did not interfere, however, with our friendship. Presumably, we are so well disposed to each other because we are born on exactly the same day, albeit with a distance of 25 years. We want to thank Professor Leena Bruckner-Tuderman and her successor, Professor Kilian Eyerich who kindly continued to offer to one of us a working place at the Department of Dermatology in Freiburg. Ms. Juliette R. Kleemann from Springer Science+Business Media successfully managed that we could get, and keep, the ultimate deadline to deliver our text in these cumbersome Corona times, and Mr. Felix Lörch from Springer Heidelberg performed the steps of the production in an exemplary manner. Last but not




least, we should like to thank our wives, Karin in Freiburg and Lourdes in Madrid, who gave us the time and moral support to fulfill the task of writing this new edition. Rudolf Happle Freiburg, Germany 

Antonio Torrelo Madrid, Spain

The original version of this book was revised: Frontispiece page text has been updated. A correction to this book is available at


The following colleagues or other persons kindly provided photographs or gave advice how to find cases and references: David Atherton, London, UK Jacques Ayer, Geneva, Switzerland Eulalia Baselga, Barcelona, Spain Herrmann Blaschko, Oxford, UK Mario Bittar, Mendoza, Argentina Ernesto Bonifazi, Bari, Italy Frédéric Cambazard, St. Etienne, France Marco Castori, Rome, Italy WenChieh Chen, Munich, Germany Hansjörg Cremer, Heilbronn, Germany Franco Crovato, Genoa, Italy Hugo Degreef, Leuven, Belgium Elzo Folkers, Zaandam, The Netherlands Regina Fölster-Holst, Kiel, Germany Hansjörg Frei, Zurich, Switzerland Alejandro García Vargas, Guadalajara, Mexico Antonia González-Enseñat, Barcelona, Spain Robert J. Gorlin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Henning Hamm, Würzburg, Germany Susanne Happle, Shanghai, China Adelaide Hebert, Houston, Texas Helena de las Heras, Madrid, Spain Susan M. Huson, Manchester, UK Peter H. Itin, Basel, Switzerland Marcel Jonkman, Groningen, The Netherlands Hülya Kayserili, Istanbul, Turkey Claudia Kluge, Freiburg, Germany Arne König, Marburg, Germany Thomas Krieg, Cologne, Germany Gerhard Kurlemann, Münster, Germany Michael Landthaler, Regensburg, Germany Ulrich Langenbeck, Frankfurt, Germany Eric Legius, Leuven, Belgium Derek Lim, Birmingham, UK Gérard Lorette, Tours, France vii



Eamonn Maher, Birmingham, UK Wolfgang Marsch, Halle (Saale), Germany Silvestre Martínez-García, Málaga, Spain Beatrice Mintz, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Georges Moulin, Lyon, France Marcel Müller, Freiburg, Germany Kirsti-Maria Niemi, Helsinki, Finland Shiro Niiyama, Sagamihara, Japan Shigeo Nishiyama, Kamakura, Japan Arnold Oranje, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Jean-Paul Ortonne, Nice, France Francis Palisson, Santiago, Chile Mauro Paradisi, Rome, Italy Anna M. Pasmooij, Groningen, The Netherlands Gerd Plewig, Munich, Germany Howard Pride, Danville, Pennsylvania, USA Hans-Dieter Rott, Erlangen, Germany Ramón Ruiz-Maldonado, Mexico City, Mexico Thomas Ruzicka, Munich, Germany Aïcha Salhi, Algiers, Algeria Walter Salzburger, Basel, Switzerland Silvina Sartori, Santa Fe, Argentina Maxwell B. Sauder, Ottawa, Canada Cornelia S. Seitz, Göttingen, Germany Theo Starink, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Beat Steinmann, Zurich, Switzerland Alexander Stella, Vienna, Austria Alain Taïeb, Bordeaux, France Iliana Tantcheva-Poor, Cologne, Germany Mustafa Tekin, Ankara, Turkey Sigrid Tinschert, Berlin, Germany Uwe Töllner, Fulda, Germany Jaime Toribio, Santiago de Compostela, Spain Adoni Urtizberea, Paris, France Fereydoun Vakilzadeh, Hildesheim, Germany Shyam B. Verma, Vadodara, India Wolf I. Worret, Munich, Germany Sabine Wever, Basel, Switzerland Ching-Ying Wu, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Hitoshi Yaguchi, Tokyo, Japan Shehu M. Yusuf, Kano, Nigeria Mónica Zambrano, Quito, Ecuador


1 Introduction��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   1 2 Mosaicism  as a Biological Concept������������������������������������������������   3 2.1 Historical Beginnings����������������������������������������������������������������   3 2.2 Mosaicism in Plants������������������������������������������������������������������   3 2.3 Mosaicism in Animals��������������������������������������������������������������   5 2.4 Mosaicism in Human Skin��������������������������������������������������������   7 2.5 Mosaicism Versus Chimerism��������������������������������������������������   8 2.6 Does the Coat of Zebras Reflect Mosaicism? ��������������������������   8 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   9 3 The  Major Categories of Mosaicism����������������������������������������������  11 3.1 Nonsegmental Versus Segmental Mosaicism of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders ����������������������������������  11 3.1.1 Nonsegmental Mosaicism��������������������������������������������  11 3.1.2 Segmental Mosaicism ��������������������������������������������������  12 3.2 Genomic Versus Epigenetic Mosaicism������������������������������������  12 3.3 Genomic Mosaicism ����������������������������������������������������������������  12 3.3.1 Genomic Mosaicism of Autosomes������������������������������  12 3.3.2 Autosomal Recessive Mosaicism����������������������������������  22 3.3.3 Didymosis (Twin Spotting)������������������������������������������  23 3.3.4 Revertant Mosaicism����������������������������������������������������  25 3.3.5 Genomic X-Chromosome Mosaicism in Male Patients������������������������������������������������������������  26 3.3.6 Superimposed Segmental Manifestation of Polygenic Skin Disorders ����������������������������������������  26 3.4 Epigenetic Mosaicism��������������������������������������������������������������  28 3.4.1 Epigenetic Mosaicism of Autosomal Genes ����������������  29 3.4.2 Epigenetic Mosaicism of X Chromosomes������������������  30 3.4.3 X-Linked Genes Escaping Inactivation������������������������  32 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  32 4 Relationship  Between Hypomorphic Alleles and Mosaicism of X-Linked or Autosomal Mutations ������������������������  43 4.1 Hypomorphic Alleles and X-Linked Dominant, Male-Lethal Cutaneous Syndromes������������������������������������������  43 4.2 Hypomorphic Alleles in Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders��������������������������������������������������������������������������  44 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  47 ix


5 The  Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism����������������������������������������������������������������������  49 5.1 Lines of Blaschko ��������������������������������������������������������������������  49 5.1.1 Lines of Blaschko, Narrow Bands��������������������������������  56 5.1.2 Lines of Blaschko, Broad Bands����������������������������������  58 5.1.3 Analogy of Blaschko’s Lines in Other Organs ������������  58 5.1.4 Blaschko’s Lines in Animals����������������������������������������  60 5.1.5 Analogy of Blaschko’s Lines in the Murine Brain ������  61 5.2 Flag-like Pattern������������������������������������������������������������������������  61 5.3 Phylloid Pattern������������������������������������������������������������������������  61 5.4 Lateralization Pattern����������������������������������������������������������������  62 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  63 6 Less  Well-Defined or So Far Unclassifiable Patterns��������������������  67 6.1 Oblique Pattern (Sash-Like Pattern) ����������������������������������������  67 6.2 Pallister-Killian Pattern������������������������������������������������������������  69 6.3 Midfacial Pattern����������������������������������������������������������������������  69 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  70 7 Nevi����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  71 7.1 The Theory of Lethal Genes Surviving by Mosaicism ������������  71 7.2 Pigmentary Nevi ����������������������������������������������������������������������  71 7.2.1 Melanocytic Nevi����������������������������������������������������������  71 7.2.2 Other Nevi Reflecting Pigmentary Mosaicism ������������  76 7.3 Epidermal Nevi ������������������������������������������������������������������������  80 7.3.1 Keratinocytic Nevi��������������������������������������������������������  80 7.3.2 Organoid Epidermal Nevi ��������������������������������������������  88 7.4 Vascular Nevi����������������������������������������������������������������������������  94 7.4.1 Capillary Nevi��������������������������������������������������������������  94 7.4.2 Venous Nevi������������������������������������������������������������������  99 7.5 Connective Tissue Nevi������������������������������������������������������������ 101 7.5.1 Collagen Nevi of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex������������ 101 7.5.2 Linear Collagen Nevus ������������������������������������������������ 101 7.5.3 Elastin-Rich Nevus ������������������������������������������������������ 101 7.5.4 Segmental Manifestation of Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes�������������������������������������������������������������������� 101 7.6 Fatty Tissue Nevi���������������������������������������������������������������������� 102 7.6.1 Nevus Lipomatosus Superficialis���������������������������������� 102 7.6.2 Nevus Psiloliparus�������������������������������������������������������� 102 7.7 Hairless Nevus of Oculoectodermal Syndrome������������������������ 102 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 103 8 Didymotic Skin Disorders �������������������������������������������������������������� 113 8.1 Allelic Didymosis �������������������������������������������������������������������� 113 8.1.1 Cutis Tricolor���������������������������������������������������������������� 113 8.1.2 Didymosis in Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Brocq������������������������������������������������������������������������ 114 8.1.3 Didymosis in Darier Disease���������������������������������������� 114 8.2 A Note on the Theoretical Concept of Nonallelic Didymosis �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 117




9 Other  Binary Genodermatoses, in Which Didymosis Is Excluded or Questionable ���������������������������������������������������������� 119 9.1 Phacomatosis Spilosebacea (Aka Phacomatosis Pigmentokeratotica)������������������������������������������������������������������ 119 9.2 Paired Occurrence of Nevus Sebaceus and Melorheostosis ������������������������������������������������������������������ 119 9.3 Paired Occurrence of Nevus Sebaceus and Aplasia Cutis Congenita���������������������������������������������������� 119 9.4 Paired Occurrence of Nevus Psiloliparus and Aplasia Cutis Congenita���������������������������������������������������� 120 9.5 Paired Occurrence of Capillary Nevi���������������������������������������� 121 9.5.1 Paired Nevus Flammeus and Nevus Anemicus������������ 121 9.5.2 Nevus Vascularis Mixtus���������������������������������������������� 121 9.6 The Group of Phacomatosis Pigmentovascularis���������������������� 121 9.6.1 Phacomatosis Cesioflammea���������������������������������������� 121 9.6.2 Phacomatosis Spilorosea���������������������������������������������� 122 9.6.3 Phacomatosis Melanorosea������������������������������������������ 123 9.6.4 Phacomatosis Cesiomarmorata ������������������������������������ 123 9.7 Melorheostosis Coexisting with Arteriovenous Malformation as a Possible Binary Skin Disorder�������������������� 123 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 124 10 Mosaic  Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 127 10.1 Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors ������������������������������������������ 127 10.1.1 Trichoepithelioma ������������������������������������������������������ 127 10.1.2 Trichodiscoma������������������������������������������������������������ 128 10.1.3 Pilomatricoma ������������������������������������������������������������ 128 10.1.4 Basaloid Follicular Hamartoma���������������������������������� 128 10.1.5 Perifollicular Fibroma (Fibrofolliculoma): A Hallmark of Hornstein-­Knickenberg Syndrome (Illegitimately Called Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome) �������������������������������������� 129 10.1.6 Syringoma ������������������������������������������������������������������ 130 10.1.7 Spiradenoma �������������������������������������������������������������� 130 10.1.8 Eccrine Poroma���������������������������������������������������������� 131 10.1.9 Cylindromatosis���������������������������������������������������������� 131 10.1.10 Glomangiomatosis������������������������������������������������������ 131 10.1.11 Lipomatosis���������������������������������������������������������������� 132 10.1.12 Neurofibromatosis 1���������������������������������������������������� 132 10.1.13 Neurofibromatosis 2���������������������������������������������������� 137 10.1.14 Schwannomatosis�������������������������������������������������������� 137 10.1.15 Legius Syndrome�������������������������������������������������������� 137 10.1.16 Leiomyomatosis���������������������������������������������������������� 138 10.1.17 Gorlin Syndrome�������������������������������������������������������� 139 10.1.18 Hereditary Nonsyndromic Multiple Basal Cell Carcinoma ������������������������������������������������ 140 10.1.19 PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome (Cowden Disease Included)�������������������������������������������������������� 140 10.1.20 Cutaneous Mastocytosis���������������������������������������������� 142



10.2 Disorders of Keratinization���������������������������������������������������� 142 10.2.1 Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Brocq���������������������������� 142 10.2.2 Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Siemens (Aka Superficial Epidermolytic Ichthyosis)��������������� 143 10.2.3 Darier Disease������������������������������������������������������������ 143 10.2.4 Hailey-Hailey Disease������������������������������������������������ 144 10.2.5 Dowling-Degos Disease, Including the Galli-Galli Variant������������������������������������������������ 145 10.2.6 Acanthosis Nigricans�������������������������������������������������� 145 10.2.7 KID Syndrome������������������������������������������������������������ 146 10.2.8 Autosomal Dominant Dyskeratosis Congenita���������� 147 10.2.9 Pachyonychia Congenita�������������������������������������������� 147 10.2.10 Porokeratosis of the DSAP Subtype �������������������������� 147 10.2.11 Porokeratosis of the Mibelli Subtype in Plaques�������� 149 10.2.12 Porokeratosis Palmaris, Plantaris et Disseminata Subtype�������������������������������������������������� 150 10.2.13 Superimposed Mosaicism in Unclassifiable Subtypes of Porokeratosis������������������������������������������ 150 10.2.14 Costello Syndrome������������������������������������������������������ 150 10.2.15 Acrokeratoelastoidosis������������������������������������������������ 150 10.3 Disorders of Connective Tissue or Bones ������������������������������ 151 10.3.1 Tuberous Sclerosis Complex�������������������������������������� 151 10.3.2 Buschke-Ollendorff Syndrome ���������������������������������� 153 10.3.3 Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes������������������������������������������ 155 10.3.4 Marfan Syndrome ������������������������������������������������������ 156 10.3.5 Albright’s Hereditary Osteodystrophy������������������������ 157 10.3.6 Hereditary Osteomatosis Cutis ���������������������������������� 159 10.3.7 Zimmermann-Laband Syndrome�������������������������������� 160 10.3.8 Brachman de Lange Syndrome (Cornelia de Lange Syndrome) �������������������������������������������������� 160 10.4 Vascular Disorders������������������������������������������������������������������ 161 10.4.1 Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Rendu-­Weber Disease)������������������������������������ 161 10.4.2 Rhodoid Nevus Syndrome (“Capillary Malformation-­Arteriovenous Malformation”)������������ 161 10.5 Blistering Skin Disorders�������������������������������������������������������� 163 10.5.1 Autosomal Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa������������������������������������������������ 163 10.5.2 Transient Superficial Acantholysis Arranged Along Blaschko’s Lines in a Newborn ���������������������� 163 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 164 11 Revertant Mosaicism ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 183 11.1 Revertant Mosaicism Is a Frequent Phenomenon������������������ 183 11.2 Revertant Mosaicism in Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders������������������������������������������������������������������������ 183 11.3 Revertant Mosaicism in Autosomal Recessive Skin Disorders������������������������������������������������������������������������ 184 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 187



12 Nevoid Skin Disorders �������������������������������������������������������������������� 189 12.1 Cutaneous Lesions Reflecting Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism���������������������������������������������������� 189 12.1.1 X-Linked Dominant, Male-­Lethal Traits�������������������� 189 12.1.2 X-Linked Dominant, Nonlethal Traits������������������������ 193 12.2 Congenital Autosomal Disorders Representing Non-nevi��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197 12.2.1 Benign Skin Tumors Reflecting Lethal Autosomal Mutations Surviving by Mosaicism �������� 197 12.2.2 Hemihyperplasia with Multiple Lipomas: Probably a Mild Phenotype Within PROS������������������ 198 12.2.3 Other Autosomal Non-nevi ���������������������������������������� 198 12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders������������������ 199 12.3.1 Lichen Striatus������������������������������������������������������������ 199 12.3.2 “Blaschkitis”: No Entity, but an Umbrella Term Including the Linear Manifestation of Various Acquired Inflammatory Skin Disorders �������� 200 12.3.3 Purpuric Pigmented Dermatoses, Including Lichen Aureus�������������������������������������������� 201 12.3.4 Linear Grover Disease������������������������������������������������ 201 12.3.5 Linear Juvenile Xanthogranuloma������������������������������ 201 12.3.6 Linear Atrophoderma of Moulin�������������������������������� 202 12.3.7 Superimposed Segmental Manifestation of Common Polygenic Skin Disorders ���������������������� 202 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 218 Correction to: Mosaicism in Human Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1 Glossary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 229 Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 235



Since ancient times, a mosaic denotes a piece of artwork made by placing colored squares in a pattern creating a picture. In modern biology, the term mosaic is used in a metaphoric way. It means an organism that is composed of two or more genetically different cell lines originating from one homogeneous zygote. Mosaicism can occur in all pluricellular living organisms. In human genetics, a well-known example is functional mosaicism in women because one of the X chromosomes is randomly inactivated at an early developmental stage. Mosaicism can involve all organs but is most easily noted in the skin because this organ is right before our eyes. During the past decades, the concept of mosaicism in human skin has gained increasing importance and awareness because in many cutaneous disorders a mixture of normal and aberrant cells, giving rise to alternating segments of affected and unaffected skin, has now been documented at the molecular level. Today, it is clear that every human being represents, to some degree, a mosaic. For example, evidence has been provided that all nevi reflect mosaicism and that epigenetic mosaicism involves a large number of genes in both male and female individuals. In dermatology, the concept of mosaicism has been shown to exert explanatory power to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of both rare and common diseases. Combined clinical and molecular research on mosaic skin disorders has helped understanding the following problems:

• How to find a reasonable definition of the term nevus. • Why different types of nevi may sometimes occur together and in close proximity to each other. • Why the pattern of distribution of large nevi should neither be called “zosteriform” nor “dermatomal”. • Why the presence of a segmental form of monogenic disorders such as neurofibromatosis implies an increased risk for the next generation. • Why we can discriminate, in autosomal dominant skin disorders, four different categories of postzygotic mosaicism. • Why some genodermatoses occur almost exclusively in females. • Why some segmentally arranged skin disorders are heritable whereas others are not. • Why autosomal recessive skin disorders such as congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma may sometimes occur in a mosaic form. • Why patients with a severe autosomal recessive skin disorder such as epidermolysis bullosa may sometimes develop, during life, patchy areas of completely healthy skin. • Why common skin disorders such as psoriasis are sometimes superimposed by a pronounced linear or otherwise segmental involvement. • Why large congenital melanocytic nevi, including their “satellites,” are monogenic

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,



d­ isorders, whereas the acquired small melanocytic nevi have a polygenic background. • How skin cancer develops. If an organism originates from the fusion of two different zygotes, the result will not be a

1 Introduction

mosaic but a chimera. In order to clarify the similarities and differences between mosaicism and chimerism, the reader will find in this book also a Sect. 2.5 on chimerism in human skin.


Mosaicism as a Biological Concept

Virtually all human skin disorders, including common diseases such as psoriasis, drug eruptions, or acne, sometimes display mosaicism. It is important to realize, however, that mosaicism also occurs as a physiological phenomenon. All human beings represent, to some degree, mosaics because today we know that mutual monoallelic expression of genes gives rise to functional mosaicism in both women and men. In other words, humans always display epigenetic mosaicism. On the other hand, all mammalian organisms will develop, during their lifetime, various forms of genomic mosaicism that may originate from diverse mechanisms such as postzygotic new mutation, mitotic recombination resulting in loss of heterozygosity, or other forms of allelic loss. Most of these mechanisms have first been studied in plants or animals. Conversely, some forms of mosaicism such as the superimposed segmental manifestation of both autosomal dominant and polygenic traits have initially been recognized in human disorders.

2.1 Historical Beginnings During the first half of the twentieth century, mosaic patterning was first described in plants and subsequently in animals. Concepts explaining mosaic phenotypes of animals and plants were already proposed shortly after 1901, the year when the Mendelian rules of inheritance had

been rediscovered. In 1904, the zoologist Valentin Häcker [20] mentioned, in an article on animal breeding, the word “Mosaikbastarde” (mosaic bastards) to denote animals showing the traits of their parents arranged in a “mosaic-like distribution” on the various parts of their body. In 1913 Collins [5] used the term “mosaic” to describe a variegated pattern of seeds in maize. It took a rather long time, however, until the concept of mosaicism was also applied to human disorders.

2.2 Mosaicism in Plants Mosaic patches are easily seen in plants (Fig. 2.1). Since the rediscovery of the rules of Mendelian inheritance in 1901, formation of mosaicism has been reported, initially under the term “somatic segregation” [33], in various species such as maize [5, 9, 10, 39], citrus fruits [16, 54], apple [8, 33], pineapple [6], tobacco [59], and Dahlia [34]. In 1935, Emerson et al. [11] suggested that mosaic seeds of maize “may also be interpreted as somatic mutations.” In 1937, twin spotting in maize and apple (Fig.  2.2a) was comprehensively described by Donald F. Jones from New Haven, Connecticut, and interpreted as a result of somatic crossing-­ over [32]. He already distinguished allelic from nonallelic twin spotting and even described “twin spots within twin spots” in seeds of maize as well as “twin stripes” in oranges (Fig.  2.2b), maize

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,


2  Mosaicism as a Biological Concept




Fig. 2.1  Mosaic flowers in (a) Solanum species (Courtesy of Dr. Ulrich Langenbeck, Friedrichsdorf, Germany) and (b) Cyclamen species



Fig. 2.2  Twin spotting (a) in an apple and (b) in an orange, (Courtesy of Dr. Frédéric Cambazard, St. Etienne, France)

kernels, and apples. He concluded that “paired stripes may be expected in all fruits and flowers that are heterozygous for color in the epidermis.” Jones even anticipated the concept of revertant mosaicism in the form of “reversal of recessive changes to the original dominant condition” when writing: “However, somatic crossing over offers no solution for recessive mosaics returning to the dominant condition. In a few cases this apparently does occur.”

Twin spotting has been described in many other plants such as tomato (Fig. 2.3) [50], Dahlia species (Fig.  2.4) [34], tobacco [12], soybean [63], and snapdragon [28]. By investigating mosaic traits in maize, Barbara McClintock [40] developed her concept of “jumping genes” and thus opened the new field of epigenetic mosaicism, an achievement for which she later received the Nobel Prize.

2.3 Mosaicism in Animals

Fig. 2.3  Twin spot in a tomato leaf (Painted from a photograph published by Ross and Holm [50])

Fig. 2.4  Historical picture of twin spotting in a Dahlia petal. Painted from a figure published by W.H.J. Lawrence in 1929 [34]

2.3 Mosaicism in Animals During the first half of the past century, mosaic patterns were described in various species such as Drosophila [7, 42, 47], pigeon [29], budgerigar


Fig. 2.5 Mosaic plumage of a budgerigar [56] (Reproduced with permission from Revue Suisse de Zoologie, Geneva, Switzerland)

(Fig.  2.5) [56], domestic fowl [49, 53], rat [3], rabbit [48], and guinea pig [64]. Hollander [30] published a seminal paper on mosaic effects in domestic birds. In 1927, Curd Stern [57] reported on the experimental production of mosaicism in Drosophila. In 1929, John T.  Patterson [46], a zoologist from Austin (Texas), first described “twin areas” produced in Drosophila melanogaster by x-ray treatment of eggs or young larvae. In the integument he found paired spots being “adjacent or close to each other,” in the form of mutant clones of either yellow or singed. Analogously, he was able to produce, in the eyes of Drosophila, “twin areas” of different mutant colors [45]. Subsequently, somatic crossing-over to explain both single mosaic spots and twin spots was extensively studied by Stern [58]. Today, the Drosophila wing spot test as developed by Graf et  al. [17] is used to test various chemicals for their mutagenic or recombinogenic effects or for their action of antigenotoxicity [18]. Larvae of the animal are exposed to the test substance, and subsequently the wings of the fly are microscopically examined for the presence of single or paired spots (Fig.  2.6). Moreover, the twin-spot technique can be used to study the function of imaginal disc epithelial cells in Drosophila [2]. Twin spots have also been induced experimentally in mice [13].

2  Mosaicism as a Biological Concept


Twin spot

mwh clone

flr clone

Fig. 2.6  Twin spotting in the Drosophila wing spot test. The two homozygous cell clones (mwh multiple wing hair, flr flare) originated from somatic recombination induced by a chemical mutagen (Courtesy of Dr. Hansjörg Frei, Zurich, Switzerland)


Fig. 2.7 (a) Imaginal wing disc of Drosophila showing green and red twin spots induced by the twin-spot generator technique. (b) Inset shows twin spot at the two-cell

More recently, an FLP recombinase that recognizes sites consisting of short DNA sequences is used in Drosophila to induce postzygotic recombination resulting in mosaicism [35, 36]. Griffin et al. [19] developed a “twin-spot generator” technique that generates paired green and red spots being detectable already as single cells (Figs. 2.7 and 2.8). The method has been used to investigate the cellular dynamics of eye or leg regeneration in imaginal discs of Drosophila [60]. By applying the same technique, Yu et  al. [65] labeled the sister clones, derived from a common neuroblast, simultaneously in different colors within the antennal lobe of Drosophila instars. In this way they were able to visualize the complete developmental sequence of different neuronal lineages and thus to get more insight into the complex embryogenesis of the brain of Drosophila.


stage [19] (Reprinted with permission from Nature Publishing Group)

2.4 Mosaicism in Human Skin


mosaicism of man was usually characterized by conjectures and far-fetched speculations. The linear pattern of nevi or nevoid conditions was generally thought to reflect the distribution of peripheral nerves [21]. In 1945, Moisey D. Zlotnikov from Ivanovo (Russia) proposed the concept of a postzygotic new mutation, occurring at a very early developmental stage, to explain a “human mosaic” in the form of a unilateral systematized epidermal nevus (Fig.  2.9) [66]. His groundbreaking idea, however, went unnoticed, until it was rediscovered in 2020 [27]. Remarkably, Zlotnikov didn’t know anything of Blaschko’s work. In 1976, the lines of Blaschko [1] regained general awareness through an extensive review published by Robert Jackson from Toronto [31]. At the same time and independently, a comprehensive explanation of Blaschko’s lines

Fig. 2.8  Separation of clones in an imaginal leg disc of Drosophila, visualized by the twin-spot generator technique. Large arrows indicate separated clones. Small arrow indicates an almost separated clone [19] (Reprinted with permission from Nature Publishing Group)

In 1961, Mary Lyon [38] interpreted linear and patchy coat patterns of female mice carrying an X-linked mutation as a manifestation of functional X-chromosome mosaicism, a phenomenon that is today also called lyonization. In this way her name is certainly eternalized more effectively than by a Nobel Prize that she never received.

2.4 Mosaicism in Human Skin When compared to the advances achieved in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, the concept of mosaicism was accepted rather slowly in dermatology. During the first half of the twentieth century, the pioneering work of Alfred Blaschko on his “nevus lines” [1] (see Figs. 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6) fell into a long sleep. Research on cutaneous

Fig. 2.9 Systematized linear organoid epidermal nevus described as a “human mosaic” by M. Zlotnikov in 1945 [66] (Reproduced with permission from the American Genetic Association, USA, and Oxford University Press, UK)


as a manifestation of genetic mosaicism was presented in Germany (Fig. 5.7) [22, 23]. A classification of several other patterns of cutaneous mosaicism was proposed in 1993 [24, 25]. At the end of the past century, molecular studies began to confirm the mosaic nature of these patterns [24, 26, 44, 49, 51, 52, 55, 61]. Prior to the molecular era, Chemke et al. [4] had provided evidence that a case of linear hypermelanosis present in a mentally deficient patient reflected trisomy 18 mosaicism, and many reports of cytogenetic mosaicism in cases of linear pigmentary disorders had followed [43].

2.5 Mosaicism Versus Chimerism A chimera is a composite animal or plant originating from the fusion of two or more different zygotes. Primary chimeras develop when the different components develop from fertilization or from a very early developmental stage. Secondary chimeras are formed in postnatal life by transplantation of tissues, or blood transfusion for medical purposes, or by transfer of blood cells from an embryo to the mother. Primary chimerism may result in skin patterns resembling those observed in mosaic states [14, 15, 37]. Mosaicism usually implies the coexisFig. 2.10  Plains zebra (subspecies Equus quagga chapmani). Reproduced under license of Creative Commons Attribution-­ ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Photo by user:geni

2  Mosaicism as a Biological Concept

tence of a normal and one or more abnormal components of the skin, whereas in chimeras all of the components are completely normal. The only abnormal feature is their coexistence within one individual. For the clinician, it is often impossible to determine whether a linear pattern of pigmentary disturbance in human skin reflects mosaicism or chimerism. As a rule of thumb, however, we can say that mosaicism occurs more frequently than chimerism.

2.6 Does the Coat of Zebras Reflect Mosaicism? This question is often asked by students when they hear of the patterns of cutaneous mosaicism. The answer is no. The stripes of zebras represent a Turing pattern (Fig.  2.10). In 1952, the great English mathematician and biologist Alan Turing presented a reaction-diffusion theory of morphogenesis, including a mathematical formula, that could be ascribed to the various color patterns of all animals including tiger, leopard, zebra, peacock, and fish [62]. Alan Turing’s theory has turned out to be a useful model for biological pattern formation [41]. It has nothing to do with mosaicism or chimerism.


References 1. Blaschko A (1901) Die Nervenverteilung in der Haut in ihrer Beziehung zu den Erkrankungen der Haut. Beilage zu den Verhandlungen der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft, VII.  Congress zu Breslau im Mai 1901. Wien und Leipzig, Braumüller 2. Boedigheimer MJ, Nguyen KP, Bryant PJ. Expanded functions in the apical cell domain to regulate the growth rate of imaginal discs. Dev Genet. 1997;20:103–10. 3. Castle WE.  On a transmissible tricolor variation in rats. Carnegie Inst Publ. 1922;320:51–5. 4. Chemke J, Rappaport S, Etrog R.  Aberrant melanoblast migration associated with trisomy 18 mosaicism. J Med Genet. 1983;20:135–7. 5. Collins GN.  Mosaic coherence of characters in seeds of maize. U S Dept Agr Cir Plant Ind Circ. 1913;132:19–21. 6. Collins JL.  A frequently mutating gene in the pineapple Ananas comosus (L.). Merr Am Nat. 1936;70:467–76. 7. Crew FA, Lamy R. Mosaicism in Drosophila pseudoobscura. J Genet. 1939;37:211–28. 8. Dahlgren K, Ossian V.  Eine Sektorialchimäre vom Apfel. Hereditas. 1927;9:335–42. 9. East EM, Hayes HK.  Inheritance in maize. Conn Agric Exp Sta Bull. 1911;167:1–142. 10. Emerson RA. Genetical studies of variegated pericarp in maize. Genetics. 1917;2:1–35. 11. Emerson RA, Beadle GW, Fraser AC. A summary of linkage studies in maize. Cornell Univ Agric Exp Sta Mem. 1935;180:1–83. 12. Evans DA, Paddock EF. Comparison of somatic crossing over frequency in Nicotiana tabacum and three other crop species. Can J Genet Cytol. 1976;18:57–65. 13. Fahrig R, Steinkamp-Zucht A.  Co-recombinogenic and anti-mutagenic effects of diethylhexyl phthalate, inactiveness of pentachlorophenol in the spot test with mice. Mutat Res. 1996;354:59–67. 14. Findlay GH, Moores PP.  Pigment anomalies of the skin in the human chimaera: their relation to systematized naevi. Br J Dermatol. 1980;103:489–98. 15. Fitzgerald PH, Donald RA, Kirk RL. A true hermaphrodite dispermic chimera with 46, XX and 46, XY karyotypes. Clin Genet. 1979;15:89–96. 16. Frost HB. Polyembryony, heterozygosis and chimeras in citrus. Hilgardia. 1926;1:365–402. 17. Graf U, Würgler FE, Katz AJ, Frei H, Juon H, Hall CB, Kale PG.  Somatic mutation and recombination test in Drosophila melanogaster. Environ Mutagen. 1984;6:153–88. 18. Graf U, Abraham SK, Guzman-Rincon J, Würgler FE.  Antigenotoxicity studies in Drosophila melanogaster. Mutat Res. 1998;402:203–9. 19. Griffin R, Sustar A, Bonvin M, Binari R, del Valle RA, Hohl AM, Bateman JR, Villalta C, Heffern E, Grunwald D, Bakal C, Desplan C, Schubiger G, Wu CT, Perrimon N.  The twin spot generator for dif-

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2  Mosaicism as a Biological Concept 55. Siegel DH.  Cutaneous mosaicism: a molecular and clinical review. Adv Dermatol. 2008;24:223–44. 56. Steiner H. Über eine halbseitige “Mutationschimäre” des Wellensittichs, Melopsittacus undulatus Shaw. Rev Suisse Zool. 1938;45:431–40. 57. Stern C. Über Chromosomenelimination bei der Taufliege. Naturwissenschaften. 1927;15:740–6. 58. Stern C.  Somatic crossing over and segregation in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics. 1936;21:625–730. 59. Stino KR.  Inheritance in Nicotiana tabacum XV Carmine-white variegation. J Hered. 1940;31:19–24. 60. Sustar A, Bonvin M, Schubiger M, Schubiger G.  Drosophila twin spot clones reveal cell division dynamics in regenerating imaginal discs. Dev Biol. 2011;356:576–87. 61. Tinschert S, Naumann I, Stegmann E, Buske A, Kaufmann D, Thiel G, Jenne DE. Segmental neurofibromatosis is caused by somatic mutation of the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) gene. Eur J Hum Genet. 2000;8(6):455–9. 62. Turing A.  The chemical basis of morphogenesis. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B. 1952;237:37–72. 63. Vig BK.  Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) as a short-term assay for study of environmental mutagens. A report of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gene-Tox program. Mutat Res. 1982;99:339–47. 64. Wright S, Eaton ON. Mutational mosaic coat patterns of the Guinea pig. Genetics. 1926;11:333–51. 65. Yu HH, Kao CF, He Y, Ding P, Kao JC, Lee T. A complete developmental sequence of a Drosophila neuronal lineage as revealed by twin-spot MARCM. PLoS Biol. 2010;8:8. 66. Zlotnikoff M. A human mosaic: bilaterally asymmetrical noevus pigmentosus pilosus et mollusciformis unilateralis. J Hered. 1945;136:162–7.


The Major Categories of Mosaicism

In this chapter, some major categories of cutaneous mosaicism are delineated.

3.1 Nonsegmental Versus Segmental Mosaicism of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders Two major morphological classes in the form of either nonsegmental or segmental manifestation can be distinguished. In both categories, the mosaic tissue usually contains an admixture of mutant and normal cells (Fig.  3.1). Such intermingling has been documented, by molecular Embryo


analysis, in hereditary tumors showing a disseminated distribution such as neurofibromas [54], the hamartomas of tuberous sclerosis complex [151], and adnexal tumors like cylindromas or trichoepitheliomas [123], as well as in mosaic manifestations of nonneoplastic genodermatoses such as keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq [171] or the various forms of porokeratosis [115].

3.1.1 Nonsegmental Mosaicism A frequently occurring form of nonsegmental mosaics is single point mosaicism as noted in solitary nevi or cutaneous tumors. On the other

Fetal tissue development

Privileged expansion of mutant cells

Fig. 3.1  After mutation occurs during embryonic development, normal and mutated cells develop together in an admixture. Mutant cells often show an advantage in

Newborn skin

Macroscopic appearance

growth and may outnumber normal cells in the eventually resulting nevus tissue

The original version of the book has been revised. A correction to this book can be found at © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023, corrected publication 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,



hand, hereditary traits characterized by multiple benign cutaneous neoplasias can be taken as examples of disseminated mosaicism as noted, for example, in neurofibromatosis 1. Moreover, several nonneoplastic traits such as the various types of hereditary porokeratosis also display disseminated mosaicism. Other examples of nonsegmental mosaicism are the large or giant melanocytic nevi that don’t respect the ventral and dorsal midline (although in many other cases they may be arranged in a segmental pattern respecting the midline).

3.1.2 Segmental Mosaicism For most physicians, this is the classic clinical category of cutaneous mosaicism because they were, so far, not aware of single point or disseminated mosaicisms, although these nonsegmental mosaics occur far more frequently. Segmental cutaneous mosaics originate from postzygotic genetic events that occur at a very early stage of embryogenesis, probably within the first week after fertilization. After this period of time, a segmental arrangement of skin lesions is no longer possible.

3.2 Genomic Versus Epigenetic Mosaicism Two major categories in the form of either genomic or epigenetic mosaicism can be distinguished. As a rule, genomic mosaics cannot be transmitted in a mosaic form, whereas epigenetic mosaics as such represent hereditary traits.

3.3 Genomic Mosaicism Genomic mosaicism in human skin reflects the action of either autosomal or, by way of exception, X-linked genes. Autosomal mosaics tend to be sporadic traits. By contrast, the rare cases of genomic mosaicism of an X-linked mutation occurring in a male imply that the mosaic trait

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism

can be transmitted to a daughter in the form of epigenetic mosaicism.

3.3.1 Genomic Mosaicism of Autosomes Many human mosaics originate from postzygotic autosomal mutations. For the purpose of genetic counseling, it is important to distinguish between segmental mosaicism of either lethal or nonlethal postzygotic mutations. If the underlying mutation acts as a lethal factor, the risk for the next generation is virtually nil, whereas children of a patient showing simple segmental mosaicism of a nonlethal mutation run a slightly increased risk that the same phenotype may diffusely affect their entire body. By contrast, in patients with superimposed mosaicism overlaying a nonsegmental involvement of an autosomal dominant skin disorder, the risk to transmit the trait in its ordinary form is 50%. Mosaicism Caused by Loss of Heterozygosity In an individual heterozygous for an autosomal mutation involving the skin, postzygotic loss of the corresponding wild-type allele may result in a mosaic phenotype. Both benign and malignant skin tumors can be taken as examples of cutaneous mosaicism. Most, if not all of them, originate from LOH. In a tissue heterozygous for a mutant allele predisposing to neoplastic growth, loss of the corresponding wild-type allele may give rise to a cell being either homozygous or hemizygous for the tumor gene. Remarkably, however, the traditional two-­ hit mechanism [35, 109] does not appear to be valid for all skin tumors. Already prior to the molecular era, statistical data obtained by theoretical mathematics indicated that this model was too simplistic for many hereditary malignant tumors [41, 42, 191], and a four-mutation model was proposed [42, 77]. More recent molecular studies have supported this view [27, 43, 102, 140, 177]. Other forms of multihit mechanisms are likewise possible [153].

3.3 Genomic Mosaicism

Moreover, the concept of LOH appears to be a powerful tool to explain various other forms of cutaneous mosaicism such as superimposed mosaic manifestation of autosomal dominant skin disorders, autosomal recessive mosaicism, or didymosis (twin spotting). Genomic Mosaicism of Lethal Autosomal Mutations Some multisystem birth defects are caused by autosomal mutations that, when present in the fertilized egg, result in early intrauterine death of the embryo. Cells affected with such mutations can only survive in an admixture with normal cells, i.e., in a mosaic state that usually originates from an early postzygotic mutation. Theoretically, such mosaics could also develop from a gametic half-chromatid mutation [122], but this hypothesis is so far unproven, and its practical significance is unclear. Mosaicism Caused by Lethal Cytogenetic Abnormalities A numerical aberration of chromosomes or parts of a chromosome has been found in many cases of cutaneous mosaicism. In 1983, Chemke et al. [28] reported on a linear hypermelanosis reflecting trisomy 18 mosaicism. Subsequently, other authors found various types of numerical chromosome aberrations in patients with pigmentary mosaicism


of the hypermelanotic type [116] or of the Ito type being characterized by hypomelanotic bands following Blaschko’s lines [119]. Cytogenetic abnormalities in many different chromosomes, including 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, and the sex chromosomes, have been documented in cases of pigmentary mosaicism [114]. Lethal cytogenetic aberrations have also been found in the tissue of epidermal nevi [184, 188] or systematized “blaschkitis” [128]. Mosaic partial trisomy 13q causes a distinct neurocutaneous phenotype in the form of phylloid hypomelanosis [59]. In its nonmosaic form, trisomy 13 is a “sublethal” chromosome aberration, which means that children with this cytogenetic disorder usually die during early infancy, whereas some of them may reach adolescence or even adulthood [24]. Mosaicism Caused by Lethal Molecular Defects Some mosaic skin disorders exclusively occur sporadically because the underlying mutation, when present in the zygote, acts as a lethal factor [68, 69]. In the developing embryo, cells carrying the mutation can only survive in a mosaic state, in close vicinity to the normal cell population. The hypothesis proposed in 1986 [67] has now been corroborated by molecular studies (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1  Mosaic phenotypes reflecting lethal autosomal mutations confirmed at the molecular level Disorder CLOVES syndrome FGFR3 epidermal nevus syndrome (García-Hafner-Happle syndrome) Megalencephaly-reticular capillary nevus syndrome (“macrocephaly-capillary malformation syndrome”) McCune-Albright syndrome

OMIM number 612,918 No specific entry (see 162,900) 602,501

Maffucci syndrome Papular nevus spilus syndrome Proteus syndrome Schimmelpenning syndrome, including phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica Sturge-Weber syndrome Becker nevus syndrome Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis Nevus comedonicus syndrome Vabres syndrome

614,569 No entry 176,920 163,200


185,300 604,919 613,001 617,025 No entry

Section number Reference in this book [118, 174] [55, 156] [166]

[68, 176, 215] [1, 80] [61, 79] [69, 127] [60, 61, 67] [69, 178] [22] [12] [124] [203] 7.6.2

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism


Table 3.2  Other mosaic phenotypes suggesting the action of a lethal mutation surviving by mosaicism Disorder Angora hair nevus syndrome (Schauder syndrome) Castori syndrome Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (Van Lohuizen syndrome) Delleman syndrome NEVADA syndrome Nevus trichilemmocysticus syndrome

OMIM number No entry No entry 219,250

Reference [175] [25] [65, 70]

Section number in this book

164,180 No entry No entry

[69] [88] [88]

A similar etiology has been proposed for many other mosaic traits that occur sporadically, such as cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita and others (Table 3.2). Delleman syndrome is characterized by a triad of ocular, neurological, and cutaneous defects. Major features include orbital cyst, eyelid coloboma, porencephaly, cranial defects, periorbital skin tags, and multiple patchy aplastic skin lesions. The phenotype always occurs sporadically and shows a mosaic, asymmetrical arrangement of lesions, which is why the action of a lethal gene is rather likely [69]. In most patients with “pigmentary mosaicism of Ito,” cytogenetic analysis reveals a normal karyotype in all samples examined. An increasing number of cases can be explained by postzygotic point mutations [145, 203]. Genomic Mosaicism of Nonlethal Autosomal Mutations According to formal genetics, we can discriminate, in autosomal dominant skin disorders, three different types of mosaicism. Simple Segmental Mosaicism of Autosomal Dominant Disorders In simple segmental involvement, the remaining skin is healthy. Such mosaic involvement has been described in many autosomal dominant genodermatoses such as neurofibromatosis 1 [196], tuberous sclerosis [3, 141, 209], keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq [157], syringomatosis [223], Darier disease [172], and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome [38, 113]. Various patterns are possible, but the lines of Blaschko are most frequently noted.

Fig. 3.2  This 38-year-old woman had lesions of neurofibromatosis 1 throughout her body but leaving a few segmental areas unaffected. Molecular proof of a postzygotic new mutation was provided by the authors [206]

It is important to realize that a simple mosaic manifestation may involve, by way of exception, most parts of the integument, leaving only small segments of the skin unaffected (Fig. 3.2) [206]. Practical Aspect: A simple segmental involvement may imply gonadal mosaicism (Fig.  3.3). Therefore, patients run an increased risk to give birth to children affected with a nonsegmental form of the same trait. Most likely, this risk will

3.3 Genomic Mosaicism


Fig. 3.3  The term “somatic mosaicism” is often used in a misleading way because it refers to only one of three possibilities. A postzygotic mutation may affect both somatic

and gonadal tissues (left) or somatic tissue alone (middle) or gonadal tissue alone (right)

increase with the degree of segmental involvement as present in the parent. Of note, the misnomer “gonosomal mosaicism” should be avoided because it means something quite different [90].

the next generation runs a 50% risk of occurrence of the nonsegmental trait, whereas in patients with simple segmental mosaicism this risk is much lower. Until the end of the twentieth century, the theory prevailed that all mosaic forms of autosomal dominant skin disorders originated from postzygotic new mutations. Today, this concept is no longer valid [75]. Sometimes, the mosaic involvement is very pronounced and may be superimposed on a milder, diffuse manifestation of the same phenotype [144]. Such cases may be best explained by loss of the corresponding wild-type allele occurring at an early developmental stage,

Superimposed Mosaicism of Autosomal Dominant Disorders By contrast, superimposed mosaicism is rather pronounced and overlaying the nonsegmental disorder, which means that the remaining skin is affected to a degree as noted in the ordinary, nonmosaic phenotype. This dichotomy of mosaic manifestations is important for genetic counseling because in cases of superimposed mosaicism

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism


Fig. 3.4  Dichotomous types of mosaicism as noted in autosomal dominant skin disorders. In a healthy embryo, a postzygotic new mutation gives rise to simple segmental involvement reflecting heterozygosity (left). In a

heterozygous embryo, an early event of loss of heterozygosity may cause superimposed mosaicism being far more pronounced and overlaid on the nonsegmental phenotype (right)

giving rise to a mosaic cell clone being either homozygous or hemizygous for the underlying mutation [72]. Based on this concept, the rule of dichotomous types of segmental manifestation was developed (Fig. 3.4) [76, 78]. The major differences between the two types of segmental involvement are summarized in Table 3.3.

Superimposed mosaicism should not be taken as a rarely occurring oddity. Rather, it reflects a general rule that can be observed in almost all autosomal dominant skin disorders. Some clinical examples are summarized in Tables 3.4 and 3.5. The concept has so far been proven at the molecular level in several disorders such as Hailey-Hailey disease [161], PTEN hamartoma syndrome [83], and Darier disease [49]. Molecular corroboration in other autosomal dominant skin disorders can be expected in the near future. A list of historical terms that were used to describe what can today be categorized as superimposed mosaicism is presented in Table  3.6. During the years to come, such descriptive wording should alert the readers that, in fact, a superimposed mosaic involvement may have been overlooked. One descriptive term, “progressive osseous heteroplasia,” has even got its own OMIM number 166350, although it merely represents a pronounced mosaic manifestation of the autosomal dominant trait, hereditary osteoma cutis [154].

Table 3.3  Differences between simple segmental and superimposed mosaicism in autosomal dominant skin disorders Simple segmental mosaicism Originates from a new mutation occurring in a healthy embryo Reflects heterozygosity Becomes manifest at an age when the nonsegmental phenotype would appear Degree of involvement corresponds to that of the nonsegmental phenotype

Superimposed mosaicism Originates in a heterozygous embryo Reflects loss of heterozygosity Becomes manifest much earlier than the nonsegmental phenotype Degree of involvement is very pronounced and overlaid on the ordinary trait

3.3 Genomic Mosaicism


Table 3.4  Autosomal dominant skin disorders with superimposed mosaicism confirmed at the molecular level Disorder Hailey-Hailey disease Legius syndrome PTEN hamartoma syndrome (Cowden disease included) Neurofibromatosis 1 Darier disease Gorlin syndrome Glomangiomatosis Porokeratosis, various clinical subtypes Osteomatosis cutis

OMIM number 169,600 611,431 158,350

Reference [161] [17, 85] [83]

162,200 124,200 109,400 138,000 175,900; 607,728;612,293 166,350

[187] [49] [202] [2] [8, 115] [96]

Section number in this book 10.2.4 10.1.15 10.2.3 10.1.17 10.1.10 10.2.10, 10.2.11, 10.2.12, 10.2.13 10.3.6

Table 3.5  Autosomal dominant skin disorders suggesting superimposed mosaicism that is so far unproven at the molecular level Disorder Acanthosis nigricans Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy Basal cell carcinoma, nonsyndromic hereditary multiple Basaloid follicular hamartoma, multiple Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome Dyskeratosis congenita, autosomal dominant Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type III Epidermolytic ichthyosis of Brocq Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome (unjustifiably called “Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome”) KID syndrome Leiomyomatosis, cutaneous Neurofibromatosis 2 Rhodoid nevus syndrome (“capillary malformation-­arteriovenous malformation”) Trichoepithelioma, multiple Tuberous sclerosis Spiradenoma, multiple Syringoma, multiple

Remarkably, the proclivity to develop superimposed mosaicism varies to a large degree in different traits. It appears to be particularly high in leiomyomatosis, glomangiomatosis, tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis 1, and the various subtypes of porokeratosis, whereas no convincing example of such superimposed segmental

OMIM number 100,600 103,580 612,463 605,462 605,827; 604,451 166,700 127,550; 613,989;613,990 130,020 113,800 187,300 135,150

Section number in this book 10.2.6 10.3.5 10.1.18 10.1.4 10.3.2 10.2.8 10.3.3 10.2.2 10.4.1 10.1.5

148,210 150,800 101,000 608,354

10.2.7 10.1.16 10.1.13

601,606; 605,041;612,099 191,100; 631,254 605,018; 605,041 186,600

10.1.1 10.1.7 10.1.6

involvement has so far been found in another autosomal semidominant trait, ichthyosis vulgaris [78]. It should be noted that the superimposed type is by no means a rarely occurring phenomenon when compared with simple segmental mosaicism. In some genodermatoses such as glomangiomatosis


3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism

Table 3.6  Historical descriptive words or phrases heralding superimposed mosaicism in autosomal dominant skin disorders Name of disorder known to show superimposed mosaic involvement Acanthosis nigricans Albright hereditary osteodystrophy Blue rubber bleb angiomatosis (“blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome”) Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome Darier disease Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type III Epidermolytic ichthyosis of Brocq Glomangiomatosis

Hailey-Hailey disease Hornstein-­ Knickenberg syndrome (unjustifiably called “Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome”) Leiomyomatosis Marfan syndrome Neurofibromatosis 1

Osteomatosis cutis, hereditary Porokeratosis, disseminated superficial actinic Porokeratosis of Mibelli PTEN hamartoma syndrome (Cowden disease included)

Rhodoid nevus syndrome (“capillary malformation-­ arteriovenous malformation”)

Historical descriptive terms referring to superimposed mosaicism Acanthosis nigricans form of epidermal nevus [47] Progressive osseous heteroplasia [179] Sharply demarcated zone of subcutaneous and dermal hypoplasia with subcutaneous calcifications [108] Huge angiomatous cutaneous mass [147] Unilateral angiomatous gigantism of hand or arm [52, 139] Massive pelvic hemangioma [7] Lymphangiomatosis-like growth pattern within the uterus [159] Juvenile elastoma [6] Forme fruste of Buschke-­Ollendorff syndrome [50] Unilateral, linear, zosteriform epidermal nevus with acantholytic dyskeratosis [40] Connective tissue nevus (collagenoma) [180] Nevus verrucosus hystricoides [64] Epidermal nevus [46] Congenital plaque-like glomangioma [170] Giant glomangioma [181] Giant congenital patch-like glomus tumors [222] Congenital plaque-type glomuvenous malformations [134] Relapsing linear acantholytic dermatosis [4, 204] Large connective tissue nevus of shagreen plaque type with papular fibromas of the follicular sheath [216] Nevus comedonicus-like lesion [186]

Giant zoniform leiomyoma [23] Asymmetric Marfan syndrome [21, 58] Plexiform neurofibroma [29, 112, 164] Elephantiasis neuromatosa [13, 138] Diffuse ganglioneuromatosis and plexiform neurofibroma [173] Progressive osseous heteroplasia [154] Severe congenital platelike osteoma cutis [221] Limited dermal ossification [51] Linear porokeratosis [36, 56] Congenital linear porokeratosis [190] “Linear lesions were said to have been present since birth” [14] Ulcerative systematized porokeratosis (Mibelli) [165] Proteus syndrome or Proteus-­like syndrome [224] PTEN hamartoma of soft tissue [117] SOLAMEN (segmental overgrowth, lipomatosis, arteriovenous malformation, epidermal nevus) syndrome [26] Arteriovenous fistulas; “intramuscular vascular anomalies in our patients disrupted the muscular architecture and had excessive disorganized ectopic fat” [193] “Hemimegalencephaly as part of Jadassohn nevus sebaceus syndrome” [142] Arteriovenous malformation [15]

3.3 Genomic Mosaicism


Table 3.6 (continued) Name of disorder known to show superimposed mosaic involvement Spiradenomatosis Syringomatosis

Tuberous sclerosis


Historical descriptive terms referring to superimposed mosaicism Congenital linear eccrine spiradenoma [169] Congenital blaschkoid eccrine spiradenoma [44] Plaque-like syringoma [105] Linear syringomatous hamartoma [217] Localized form, clinical variant “en plaque” [136] Forehead plaque Shagreen patch Cobblestone nevus Fibrous hamartoma of infancy [66] Folliculocystic and collagen hamartoma [201] Forme fruste of tuberous sclerosis [53] Congenital segmental lymphedema [219] Segmental hypomelanosis [155] Segmental “diffuse lipomatosis” [146] Segmental fibrous dysplasia of bones [125] Arterial aneurysms in childhood [219]



Normal individual




Affected individual


Simple segmental mosaicism

Wt: wild type; Mut: mutated allele; Z: zygote; E: early

Fig. 3.5  Simple mosaicism of monoallelic autosomal dominant disorders. (a) normal embryo. (b) just one heterozygous dominant mutation is causing the generalized

phenotype. (c) a heterozygous mutation during early embryonic development will cause simple segmental mosaicism

or DSAP, a superimposed mosaic involvement is far more frequently reported in the literature. Apparently, this difference cannot simply be explained by a bias of ascertainment, although a simple segmental manifestation of these disorders is less conspicuous [19] and may, therefore, go either unrecognized or unreported.

Monoallelic Versus Biallelic Mosaicism In autosomal dominant skin disorders, there is a dichotomy between genuinely monoallelic and biallelic traits. Monoalleic phenotypes (Fig. 3.5) manifest in a heterozygous state, whereas in biallelic disorders the skin appears to be healthy in a heterozy-

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism


gous state, and the lesions originate from postzygotic events of loss of heterozygosity. Examples of monoalleic traits include keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq, autosomal dominant forms of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and Hailey-Hailey disease. The group of biallelic phenotypes consists of hereditary syndromes characterized by multiple skin tumors such as neurofibromatosis 1, glomangiomatosis, Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome, and tuberous sclerosis complex. Examples of nonneoplastic biallelic traits include the various forms of porokeratosis or of rhodoid nevus syndrome (“capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation”) and the café-au-lait macules of neurofibromatosis 1 and Legius syndrome. In biallelic disorders (Fig. 3.6), nonsegmental disseminated mosaicism is a typical feature. For obvious reasons, disseminated mosaicism is absent in all monoallelic traits. Segmental forms


of biallelic mosaicism are noted as part of simple segmental mosaicism and superimposed mosaicism [94], or as isolated segmental biallelic monoclonal mosaicism [200]. Disseminated Mosaicism of Biallelic Autosomal Dominant Disorders This category of mosaicism develops at a later stage of fetal development or during postnatal life. It is by far the most common type of mosaicism occurring in autosomal dominant traits and consists in a nonsegmental, disseminated arrangement of neoplastic or nonneoplastic skin lesions. For example, all neurofibromas and café-au-lait macules of neurofibromatosis 1 reflect the clonal outgrowth of cells having lost, at the NF1 locus, the corresponding wild-type allele [54]. An unusual form of disseminated revertant mosaicism as noted in ichthyosis in confetti (ichthyosis variegata) [31] does likewise belong to this common category.



Normal individual




Non-segmental disseminated mosaicism




Simple segmental mosaicism

Wt: wild type; Mut: mutated allele; Z: zygote; E: early; L: late

Fig. 3.6  Simple mosaicism of biallelic autosomal dominant disorders. (a), normal embryo. (b), disseminated mosaicism. The zygote bears a germline heterozygous mutation. Second hits in fetal and extrauterine life cause progressive skin manifestations of the disease. These lesions are due to many different types of second hits, and thus the lesions are genetically different (polyclonal mosaicism). (c), simple segmental mosaicism. The zygote is not affected by any germline mutation. During early

embryonic development, a heterozygous mutation causes a change in genetic dotation in an area of the skin; this area can grow out to a cutaneous segment that is heterozygous and initially free from clinical involvement. Secondhit mutations cause skin lesions, during fetal and extrauterine life, giving rise to a segmental manifestation of the disease. The lesions are genetically different (polyclonal mosaicism) since they are due to many different types of second hits


3.3 Genomic Mosaicism

Mut/wt wt/wt




wt/wt wt/wt

Mut/Mut wt/wt

Fig. 3.7 Isolated segmental monoclonal two-hit mosaicism. The zygote is not affected by any germline mutation. During early embryonic development, a clone of cells develops bearing a heterozygous mutation; and shortly thereafter, a second-hit mutation within this clone will

cause a segmental outgrowth of phenotypically involved skin. Because this isolated large lesion is due to only one second-hit, the affected tissue is genetically homogeneous (monoclonal mosaicism). (Reproduced with permission from [199])

Isolated Segmental Biallelic Monoclonal Mosaicism At an early developmental stage, a somatic NF1 mutation may quickly be followed by another postzygotic mutation involving the same clone of cells. This results in an extensive isolated lesion reflecting segmental biallelic monoclonal mosaicism [199] (Fig. 3.7). In a large sporadic plexiform neurofibroma, Beert et  al. documented biallelic inactivation of the NF1 gene. Another case that can today be attributed to this new category was published by Storlazzi et al. [189]. In a solitary neurofibroma, cytogenetic rearrangements gave rise to loss of one NF1 allele and partial loss of the other allele. Other autosomal dominant skin disorders in which some sporadic cases suggest this unusual type of mosaicism include tuberous sclerosis complex and eccrine spiradenomatosis [199].

vascular lesions, however, are true angiomas and can, therefore, not be categorized as nevi [52]. Double somatic T1105N-T1106P mutations in cis in the gene TEK (also responsible for hereditary, sporadic, and unifocal venous malformations/nevi) are reported to occur in blue rubber bleb angiomatosis [185]. No germline mutations were identified. Two cases of “unilateral dermatomal cavernous hemangiomatosis” have been reported [213, 220]. Most likely they represent examples of a segmental manifestation of blue rubber bleb angiomatosis. Lesions of blue rubber bleb angiomatosis may be very large (Fig. 3.8) [87]. In one of these patients, the right forearm was amputated in childhood because a giant congenital blue rubber bleb angioma had rendered the limb functionless [52]. Early somatic double mutations can render the disorder detectable even before birth. In such cases, prenatal sonographic surveillance revealed huge cutaneous vascular tumors that were complicated by life-threatening consumptive coagulopathy soon after birth [147]. Blue rubber bleb angiomatosis may also be associated with extensive extracutaneous lesions. For example, Atten et al. [7] described a woman with numerous cutaneous vascular lesions and episodes of rectal bleeding. During childhood she

Blue Rubber Bleb Angiomatosis (“Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome”): A Unique Type of Postzygotic Mosaicism In 1958, William Bean [10] coined the misnomer “blue rubber bleb nevus” to describe the peculiar color and consistence of cutaneous vascular tumors that also involve extracutaneous organs in the form of an autosomal dominant “blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome.” These

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism




Fig. 3.8  Large blue rubber bleb angiomatosis [147]. (a) Prenatal ultrasound image at 25 weeks showing a “cystic” dorsal lesion with many septa and thromboses; (b) the same angiomatous tumor in the newborn. Note the addi-

tional small lesion (arrow) heralding disseminated involvement (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA)

had an exploratory laparotomy and was told she had a large pelvic vascular malformation for which no treatment was proposed. At 20 years of age, magnetic resonance imaging showed a large pelvic hemangioma, measuring 60  cm and extending into the abdomen. It had eroded the rectal wall to produce rectal bleeding. Because of the enormous size of the pelvic tumor, bleeding was controlled by conservative measures and an expectant attitude was chosen. An excessive intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal involvement was also reported by Patel et al. [159]. In another case of blue rubber bleb angiomatosis, a giant mass of angiomatous lesions had to be resected in the transverse colon [150].

ease will occur. So far, this rare phenomenon has only been demonstrated in three instances. A 10-year-old Japanese boy had a congenital porokeratotic nevus. His healthy skin was heterozygous for a connexin 26 variant that was found to be present in 10% of healthy Japanese control individuals. Lesional biopsies showed loss of heterozygosity at the connexin 26 locus [152]. Secondly, a girl heterozygous in the germline for the PKP1 gene encoding plakophilin 1 presented, because of postzygotic recombination, a mosaic manifestation of the ectodermal dysplasia—skin fragility syndrome of McGrath, which is due to autosomal recessive mutations in PKP1 [208]. The third patient was a girl, heterozygous carrier of a germline mutation in the ABCA12 gene causing a severe type of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis. She showed only linear manifestations of ichthyosis because of a postzygotic mutation in the corresponding wild-type allele within the affected skin [207]. In these cases, if the heterozygous germline mutation is passed to the offspring and in them again LOH occurs as a matter of chance, the mosaic phenotype could apparently be inherited. Though this situation has not been published in the

3.3.2 Autosomal Recessive Mosaicism Individuals who are heterozygous carriers of autosomal recessive mutations are phenotypically healthy. However, if a postzygotic mutation occurs in the wild-type allele or recombination leads to loss of heterozygosity (LOH), a mosaic expression of the autosomal recessive skin dis-

3.3 Genomic Mosaicism


Fig. 3.9  The category of autosomal recessive mosaicism. Heterozygous individuals are phenotypically healthy. Only when loss of heterozygosity occurred in a somatic cell, at an early developmental stage, the outgrowth of a

homozygous, hemizygous, or compound heterozygous population of cells would give rise to a segmental skin disorder

literature, it is possible to occur. For this paradox, the concept of “paradominant inheritance” had erroneously been proposed [73]. Heterozygous individuals would in general be clinically healthy, which is why the mutation would be transmitted unperceivably through many generations. The disorder would only become manifest when, at an early developmental stage, loss of the corresponding wild-type allele occurs in a somatic cell, giving rise to a mosaic patch of homozygous or hemizygous tissue (Fig. 3.9).

zygosity which means that there are two different mutant alleles at the same gene locus, or transheterozygosity which means that there are two mutant alleles at different loci on either of a pair of homologous chromosomes. Then, mitotic recombination may give rise to two different homozygous daughter cells forming twin spots that are either allelic or nonallelic and usually found to be adjacent or in close proximity to each other (Fig. 3.10). In the light of the data obtained in plants and animals (see Sects. 2.2 and 2.3), it is conceivable that didymosis should likewise occur in human skin. It took a rather long time, however, until dermatologists became interested in this phenomenon. In 1973, the geneticist James German mentioned that twin spots in the form of hyper- and hypopigmented macules may occur in Bloom syndrome [57]. His remark, however, fell into oblivion because until today no convincing photographic documentation of this phenomenon

3.3.3 Didymosis (Twin Spotting) The phenomenon of didymosis (Greek didymos = twin) is defined as paired patches of mutant tissue that differ genetically from each other and from the background tissue. This mechanism has been extensively studied in animals and plants [218]. An embryo may show compound hetero-

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism

24 Allelic




Fig. 3.10 (a) Allelic didymosis versus (b) nonallelic didymosis. In both cases, a postzygotic recombination would give rise to two homozygous daughter cells forming a pair of differently involved mosaic patches

has been published. In 1990, the concept of allelic twin spotting in the form of coexistent telangiectatic nevus and nevus anemicus was proposed [93]. Other proposed examples of allelic didymosis are summarized in Table 3.7.

We want to emphasize that, at this point in time, there exists no case suggesting nonallelic didymosis in human skin. Previously proposed examples such as phacomatosis pigmento­ keratotica [92] and different types of phacomatosis

3.3 Genomic Mosaicism


Table 3.7  Possible examples of allelic didymosis in human skin

Name of didymosis Cutis tricolor, Happle-Ruggieri type Cutis tricolor parvimaculata Cutis tricolor, Blaschko-linear type Didymotic excessive and absent involvement in keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq Didymotic excessive and absent involvement in Darier disease

Section number in this book 8.1.2


or GNA11 mutation [178, 195], and phacomatosis spilorosea reflects a mosaic mutation in PTPN11 (see Sect. 9.6.2). Future studies may show whether in man a bona fide mosaic skin disorder exemplifying nonallelic didymosis exists. Because several examples of nonallelic twin spotting have been described in Drosophila melanogaster (see Sect. 8.2), it seems possible that a similar phenomenon will also be found in human skin.

3.3.4 Revertant Mosaicism pigmentovascularis [82] have been shown to originate from one single postzygotic mutation being present in a heterozygous state [61, 195]. Postzygotic recombination seems to be an attractive hypothesis for didymotic patches in epidermolytic ichthyosis and in Darier disease. However, this mechanism is less likely to explain the paired patches of hyper- and hypovascularization. In one case suggesting a diagnosis of nevus vascularis mixtus, a heterozygous mosaic mutation in GNA11 was reported [168], whereas GNAQ and GNA11 mutations have erroneously been reported [101]. As for the hyper- and hypopigmented patches, an assumed somatic recombination has not been proven, but at least cases of cutis tricolor parvimaculata have been related to constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome (AT, personal experience). In the past, phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica and the various types of phacomatosis pigmentovascularis as well as several other cases of binary genodermatoses were erroneously considered to represent nonallelic twin spotting [77, 82, 130, 167]. Subsequently, however, molecular research has shown that most of these genodermatoses are caused by one single postzygotic mutation being present in a heterozygous state [61, 89]. Phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica is related with mutations in the RAS proteins [61], whereas phacomatosis cesioflammea is caused by a heterozygous GNAQ

In patients with an autosomal recessive disorder, a revertant mutation may give rise to a clone of heterozygous cells that have regained, either partly or completely, their normal physiological function. In a woman with generalized atrophic benign epidermolysis bullosa caused by compound heterozygosity at the COL17A1 locus, Jonkman et al. [100] found several patchy areas of healthy skin and provided molecular proof that the clinically unaffected skin contained keratinocytes carrying a back mutation and, therefore, producing small amounts of normal collagen type XVII. Similar examples of “natural gene therapy” by revertant mosaicism have been described in Bloom syndrome [45], leukocyte adherence deficiency type 1 [198], and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome [39, 210]. Moreover, RAG1-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency has been found to be mitigated, due to revertant T-cell mosaicism, to Omenn syndrome [211]. Either the back mutations represent true revertants that may result from a reverse point mutation, postzygotic crossing-over, or gene conversion, thus restoring the amino sequence [100], or a revertant clone carries, inside or outside the mutant gene, a second-site mutation that may originate from addition or deletion of a base pair, a suppressor mutation, or chromosomal loss or gain [99]. Evidence has been provided that revertant mosaicism occurs rather frequently in some skin


disorders of either dominant or recessive inheritance [32, 126, 205]. In autosomal recessive forms of epidermolysis bullosa, even two or three different spontaneous back mutations have been found in the same individual [158]. Such cases of “natural gene therapy” have served as a model to develop new strategies of treating severe hereditary skin disorders [62, 120, 192, 197]. In some Mendelian disorders such as ichthyosis with confetti (ichthyosis variegata), dyskeratosis congenita, or Kindler syndrome, multiple events of mitotic recombination or slipped mispairing may give rise to numerous patches of healthy skin [31, 98, 107, 121]. More recently, the phenomenon of revertant mosaicism has been demonstrated in KID syndrome with second mutations in cis inhibiting the dominant negative effect of the germline mutation in GJB6 [62] and in loricrin keratoderma as a result of mitotic recombination [192]. In these disorders, manifold revertant mechanisms appear to be rather the rule than an exceptional event (see Chap. 11).

3.3.5 Genomic X-Chromosome Mosaicism in Male Patients In men with a normal 46,XY karyotype, a postzygotic mutation involving the skin may be localized on the X chromosome and give rise to cutaneous mosaicism. For example, in three out of four male patients affected with incontinentia pigmenti, Kenwrick et  al. [103] described a classical NEMO deletion and a normal 46,XY karyotype. Such male patients can transmit the trait to their daughters. Similarly, a postzygotic NSDHL mutation was documented in a boy with a normal XY gonosome constitution and typical features of CHILD syndrome, a disorder that is known to be inherited as an X-linked dominant male-lethal trait [111]. Focal dermal hypoplasia has likewise been reported in 46,XY males [18, 48], and postzygotic mosaicism was confirmed in such cases by molecular analysis [16, 212].

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism

3.3.6 Superimposed Segmental Manifestation of Polygenic Skin Disorders Common skin disorders such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis have a polygenic basis, rendering the individual prone to develop the disorder. Such diseases may sometimes show a linear or otherwise segmental distribution. Remarkably, this mosaic manifestation may often be found to be superimposed on a less pronounced, symmetrical involvement. Such cases are reminiscent of the superimposed manifestation as observed in autosomal dominant skin disorders, but the category is not exactly the same because in polygenic diseases it appears to be elusive to recognize a “simple segmental involvement” (Fig. 3.11). In fact, we can never be sure that a patient showing an isolated segmental manifestation of a common disease like psoriasis will not develop during life, in addition, some ordinary nonsegmental lesions of the same disease. Therefore, in polygenic disorders it is appropriate to use the less specific terms “isolated” versus “superimposed” segmental involvement [84]. In polygenic skin diseases, two different mutational events may cause a superimposed segmental manifestation. Either LOH for one of the predisposing heterozygous alleles may occur at an early developmental stage, or a postzygotic new mutation may occur at an additional gene locus and increase the number of heterozygous predisposing alleles. The concept of superimposed segmental involvement was first proposed for psoriasis in 1991 [71] and later applied to many other common skin diseases (Table 3.8) [63, 84] (see Sect. 12.3.7). Most of these mosaic manifestations are arranged along Blaschko’s lines. In vitiligo, however, a different, rather flag-like distribution is noted. So far, the theory of superimposed segmental manifestation of polygenic skin disorders has not been proven at the molecular level, although a first hint in support of the concept was docu-

3.3 Genomic Mosaicism




Number of genes = n

Number of genes = n



Fig. 3.11  In polygenic skin disorders, we can only make a clinical discrimination between an (a) isolated or (b) superimposed mosaic manifestation. In both cases, the number of predisposing genes is unknown. Hence, we can

only say that in both cases of segmental involvement, the number of predisposing genes is n + 1. In other words, a distinction between a “simple” and “superimposed” segmental manifestation is impossible

Table 3.8  Polygenic skin disorders reported to be superimposed by pronounced segmental lesions

mented in a patient with mycosis fungoides (see Chap. 12). It offers, however, a reasonable explanation as to why:

Disorder Acne vulgaris Atopic dermatitis Bullous pemphigoid Dermatomyositis Drug eruption, common Drug eruption, fixed Erythema multiforme Exanthema of childhood, lateralized Graft-versus-host reaction Granuloma annulare Leprosy Lichen nitidus Lichen planus Lichen planopilaris Lupus erythematosus, discoid Lupus erythematosus profundus Lupus erythematosus, subacute cutaneous Lupus erythematosus, systemic Morphea, disseminated Mycosis fungoides Pemphigus vulgaris Prurigo, chronic Psoriasis vulgaris Pustular psoriasis Vitiligo

Section number in this book 12.3.7

• “Mixed” cases of segmental and nonsegmental lesions may occur. • The mosaic involvement tends to become manifest at a rather young age and may even be present at birth. • Segmentally arranged lesions are notoriously difficult to treat. • Additional nonsegmental lesions may develop later in life. • Family members may be affected with nonsegmental lesions. For the purpose of molecular studies, the concept opens a new way of research because a superimposed segmental manifestation tells us something about the primary role of skin epitopes in psoriasis and numerous other acquired disorders such as atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, granuloma annulare, systemic lupus erythematosus, pemphigus vulgaris, erythema multiforme, or leprosy. A comparison of tissue samples from the involved segment and the remaining skin by

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism


application of presently available chip techniques may help elucidate in more depth the predisposing genes of such genetically complex disorders.

3.4 Epigenetic Mosaicism In contrast to genomic mosaicism that results from a change within the DNA sequence, epigenetic mosaicism originates from the action of epimutations that are silencing or activating the expression of a neighboring gene by methylation or demethylation [97]. In principle, all genes may be susceptible to epimutation.

Unlike a mutation, an epimutation may rather easily revert to a normal state, thus reshuffling the components of functional mosaicism [137]. Epigenetic silencing or activation of a gene at an early developmental stage may give rise to functional mosaicism reflecting monoallelic expression of a color mutation in plants (Fig. 3.12) [163, 183] or animals [149, 214] or to variation of symmetry in plants [37]. In the viable yellow agouti mutant of the mouse, an intracisternal A particle acts as an epimutation modifying the agouti gene [160], thus giving rise to a variegated coat pattern of linear or patchy areas of yellow on an agouti background (Fig. 3.13).





Fig. 3.12  Epigenetic mosaicism in Petunia hybrida. (a) Flower of a plant containing the Psl transposable element but showing virtually no expression; (b) flower of a plant

showing low expression of Psl; (c, d) flowers of plants showing high expression of Psl [183] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons)

3.4 Epigenetic Mosaicism


Fig. 3.13  Avy mice are epigenetic mosaics reflecting activity of a retrotransposon. Their coats vary in a continuous spectrum from full yellow, through variegated/ agouti, to full agouti (“pseudoagouti”) [149] (Reprinted with permission from Nature Publishing Group)

Fig. 3.14  Brindle trait in a dog (Reproduced from Harlis. jpg, Creative Commons)


Epigenetic Mosaicism of Autosomal Genes

More than 40% of human DNA is derived from retrotransposons [182]. Most of this retroviral material remains silent, but some transposons are highly active during embryogenesis or even later in life. The hereditary brindle trait of dogs is a perfect morphological counterpart of Blaschko-linear pigmentary mosaicism of humans (Fig.  3.14). Brindle is under the control of a retrotransposon

Fig. 3.15  Merle trait in a dog (Courtesy of Mrs. Claudia Kluge, Freiburg, Germany)

[104]. Another example of epigenetic mosaicism is the merle patterning of dogs (Fig. 3.15) that was found to reflect a retrotransposon insertion in the SILV gene [34]. Heterozygous dogs have an auditory-pigmentation disorder that is very similar

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism


to Waardenburg syndrome of humans. In particular, Waardenburg syndrome type 2 is an autosomal dominant trait with asymmetrically distributed features. The irides show sectorial areas of hypopigmentation, while the ocular fundus also tends to display a mosaic pattern of pigmentary defects [33]. Moreover, asymmetrically distributed hypopigmented cutaneous macules and asymmetrical sensorineural hearing loss are noted [129]. Therefore, the hypothesis has recently been advanced that Waardenburg syndrome type 2 may be explained by autosomal epigenetic mosaicism [91]. Moreover, the principle of epigenetic mosaicism in man has been proposed to explain some other cases such as familial occurrence of ILVEN or pigmentary mosaicism (Fig.  3.16) [81, 95]. An unusual report of systematized linear hypermelanosis involving four members of a family [30] can be taken as an additional example of autosomal monoallelic expression [86]. A report on “hypomelanosis of Ito” affecting two siblings and their mother [148] may likewise be explained by autosomal epigenetic transmission. On the other hand, in a case of “linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis” in three successive generations [143], the alternative assumption of heterozygosity for ectodermal dysplasia of Zonana (see Chap. 4) cannot be excluded because all of the affected individuals were females.


 pigenetic Mosaicism of X E Chromosomes

In female somatic cells, one of the two X chromosomes becomes inactivated at an early stage of embryonic development. Without this mechanism the amount of X-chromosomal gene products would be twice as high as in male cells. Apparently, during mammalian phylogenesis it was necessary to develop a compensation for this considerable difference between the genders. Such dosage compensation is provided by random inactivation of either the maternal or the paternal X chromosome [132]. In a given clone,

Fig. 3.16  Blaschko-linear hypermelanosis in a young man (above) and his half brother (below) [95]. Such familial occurrence can best be explained by autosomal epigenetic mosaicism (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons)

the determination which of the two X chromosomes is inactivated will be maintained in all daughter cells throughout life (Fig. 3.17). This mechanism results in a mosaic of two functionally different populations of cells.

3.4 Epigenetic Mosaicism


X inactivation is under the control of LINE-1 retrotransposons (“long interspersed nuclear elements”) that have been found to be overabundant in the region of the X inactivation center at Xq13 [9, 133]. Hence, the Lyon effect can be taken as a particular form of epigenetic mosaicism.












Fig. 3.17  In a female embryo, either the paternal or the maternal X chromosome is inactivated at an early developmental stage. This decision occurs at random and is maintained in all daughter cells, which gives rise to two functionally different cell clones (“lyonization”)


Fig. 3.18  Linear hyperpigmentation reflecting lyonization in girls with incontinentia pigmenti. (a) Lateral view; (b) frontal view (a, courtesy of Dr. Shigeo Nishiyama, Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism in Female Patients For dermatology the Lyon effect is of particular significance because in women, functional X-chromosome mosaicism may give rise to a patchy or linear or otherwise segmental pattern of skin lesions [80, 106]. A classical example is incontinentia pigmenti (Fig. 3.18). This X-linked trait occurs almost exclusively in girls because the underlying NEMO mutation represents a lethal factor for hemizygous male embryos. Most of the affected girls show mosaic skin lesions arranged along Blaschko’s lines (see Sect. 12.1). Interestingly, Mary Lyon had based her hypothesis of X inactivation on the observation of similar linear or patchy coat patterns in mice heterozygous for X-linked genes [131].


Kamakura, Japan; b, courtesy of Dr. Ramón Ruiz-­ Maldonado, Mexico City, Mexico)

3  The Major Categories of Mosaicism

32 Why Do Women Live Longer? X-linked male-lethal traits such as incontinentia pigmenti can be taken as an extreme example illustrating the general rule that women live longer than men. The X chromosome contains about 5% of our genetic information, whereas the Y chromosome of men contains, by way of comparison, pitifully little information. It seems to be the “meaning” of X inactivation to counterbalance this disadvantage of the male gender. Notwithstanding, the mechanism of lyonization accounts for the fact that women can respond more flexibly to heat, cold, hunger, emotional stress, and viral or bacterial attacks. Apparently, this explains why the life expectancy of women is at least 6 years higher than that of men. Hence, the “unisex” tariffs of life insurances, as presently imposed by the European Court of Justice, reflect modern irrationalism that ignores unchangeable genetic inequalities. Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism in Male Patients By way of exception, X-linked male-lethal phenotypes such as incontinentia pigmenti may be observed in male patients. Some of them have a 46,XY karyotype, and their disease reflects genomic mosaicism (see Sect. 3.1.2), whereas others have a gonosome constitution XXY that gives rise to functional X-chromosome mosaicism as noted in females [20].

3.4.3 X-Linked Genes Escaping Inactivation Although most X-linked human genes are randomly inactivated in the form of the Lyon effect, it is today clear that many other gene loci being interspersed along the entire X chromosome escape from X inactivation. As a consequence, women carrying a mutation at such loci tend to show a completely normal phenotype, as noted in X-linked recessive ichthyosis or in macular dystrophy of Mendes da Costa. Or they may show a diffuse but rather mild and symmetrical

involvement as observed in Bazex-DupréChristol syndrome [74]. Paradoxically, such nonsegmental involvement is also noted in women with keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans [11, 74, 135] although the underlying mutation involves the MBTPS2 gene [5] that is known to show lyonization in women with IFAP syndrome [110, 194].

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Relationship Between Hypomorphic Alleles and Mosaicism of X-Linked or Autosomal Mutations

Hypomorphic alleles may occur in either X-linked or autosomal dominant disorders. Their relationship with epigenetic or genomic mosaicism will be considered in the following paragraphs.

4.1 Hypomorphic Alleles and X-Linked Dominant, Male-Lethal Cutaneous Syndromes Some X-linked genes may harbor mutations that are deleterious to such degree that affected embryos can only survive in a mosaic state. For example, male embryos hemizygous for incontinentia pigmenti are dying in utero. Remarkably,

however, other mutations within the same gene give rise to ectodermal dysplasia of Zonana, a disorder that is so mild that hemizygous males can survive (Table 4.1). They have the full-blown phenotype including dysgammaglobulinemia and recurrent infections [2, 18]. Female carriers show a systematized linear pattern of pigmentary disturbance that has erroneously been described as “familial linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis” [1]. This skin disorder should not be confused with incontinentia pigmenti which represents a male-lethal trait, whereas ectodermal dysplasia of Zonana is caused by a hypomorphic NEMO mutation [17, 18]. Similarly, Milunsky et al. [15] described a boy with “a severe atypical phenotype for X-linked dominant Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome.”

Table 4.1  X-linked genes that may harbor either lethal or hypomorphic alleles

Locus Xq28 Xp11.22– p11.23 Xq28 Xp11.13

Gene and its protein NEMO IKK-gamma EBP Sterol-Δ8-isomerase 3ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase PORCN porcupine O-acyltransferase

Mosaic phenotype caused by lethal alleles Incontinentia pigmenti Conradi-­ Hünermann-­Happle syndrome CHILD syndrome [9] Goltz syndrome [8]

Nonmosaic phenotype caused by hypomorphic alleles Ectodermal dysplasia of Zonana [17] MEND syndrome [3, 9]

Is heterozygosity for the hypomorphic allele clinically recognizable? Yes

CK syndrome [5, 14]


PORCN, non-Goltz spectrum (PONGOS) [11]



© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,



4  Relationship Between Hypomorphic Alleles and Mosaicism of X-Linked or Autosomal Mutations

The child had a multisystem birth defect but no epiphyseal stippling nor any other clinical sign of Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome, although an EBP mutation was found. His mother who carried the same mutation did not show any clinical abnormality. Therefore, one of us argued that this was not a severe form of that X-linked male-lethal disorder but a quite different X-linked recessive phenotype being caused by a hypomorphic EBP allele resulting in survival of the boy [9, 10]. Subsequently similar cases were described [6], and the term MEND syndrome (male EBP disorder with neurological defects) was proposed [3]. CHILD syndrome (Fig.  4.1) is an X-linked dominant, male-lethal trait caused by NSDHL mutations [12], whereas CK syndrome, an X-linked recessive trait characterized by dysmorphic facial appearance, microcephaly, and cortical defects with mental deficiency and seizures (Figs.  4.2 and 4.3), was found to be caused by hypomorphic NSDHL alleles [5, 14]. Female carriers of such mutations appear to be phenotypically healthy. C and K refer to the names of two brothers who agreed that the syndrome is named in this way. Goltz syndrome (focal dermal hypoplasia) follows the same mode of inheritance and occurs almost exclusively in females. By contrast, the various forms of the PORCN non-Goltz spectrum (PONGOS) are caused by hypomorphic PORCN alleles that give rise to rather severe, X-linked recessive disorders (Fig.  4.4). Again, female carriers are completely healthy [13].

4.2 Hypomorphic Alleles in Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

Fig. 4.1  CHILD syndrome being caused by an X-linked male-lethal mutation in NSDHL

trait caused by connexin 26 mutations. Remarkably, Noda et  al. [16] described a porokeratotic eccrine nevus in a 10-year-old boy who was heterozygous for a connexin 26 germline Autosomal dominant acanthosis nigricans is variant (Fig. 4.5). Within the nevus, postzygotic caused by FGFR3 mutations [4] that can be cat- loss of heterozygosity for this variant had egorized as “hypomorphic” because a more occurred. His remaining skin was completely severe R248C mutation of the FGFR3 gene gives healthy. Surprisingly, a heterozygous state for the rise either to nonmosaic thanatophoric dysplasia same connexin 26 variant was found in 9/89 or to a mosaic phenotype in the form of FGFR3 healthy Japanese control individuals. From this epidermal nevus syndrome [7]. report one might infer that KID syndrome should On the other hand, KID (keratitis-ichthyosis-­ sometimes be noted in Japan as an autosomal deafness) syndrome is an autosomal dominant recessive trait.

4.2 Hypomorphic Alleles in Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders


Fig. 4.2  CK syndrome being caused by a nonlethal, hypomorphic mutation in NSDHL. Physical features of this 17-year-old male patient are notable for (a) a long thin face, epicanthic folds, and almond-shaped eyes and

Fig. 4.3  MRI scan of a 6-year-old patient with CK syndrome showing a simplified gyral pattern in the frontal and parietal cortex (arrows) [14] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK)



(b) small jaw, high nasal bridge, and posteriorly rotated ears [5] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA)

4  Relationship Between Hypomorphic Alleles and Mosaicism of X-Linked or Autosomal Mutations





Fig. 4.4  A phenotype of the PORCN non-Goltz spectrum (PONGOS) showing severe clavicular (a and c), radial (a), and femoral (b) defects [13] (Reproduced with permission under the terms of Creative Commons CC-BY license)

Fig. 4.5 10-year-old boy with porokeratotic eccrine nevus resulting from loss of heterozygosity for a hypomorphic connexin 26 mutation. The surrounding heterozygous skin was completely healthy [16]


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The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism

The skin is a privileged organ for the study of mosaicism, because the lesions are easily recognizable. The phenotype of mosaicism depends on different factors: the cell type affected, the timing of mutation, multipotency of the cell in which the mutation occurs, and the gene that is undergoing mutation. Of these, timing of the mutation and the cell type affected play a key role in skin patterning. Regarding timing, it is easily understandable that mutations occurring at an early developmental stage will produce segmental skin patterns, whereas mutations occurring later in utero or during extrauterine life will cause small, round lesions according to the clonal dispersion of the mutated cell [68]. From a phenotypical point of view, mosaic skin lesions can be categorized under two groups: nonsegmental mosaicism and segmental mosaicism [40]. For nonsegmental mosaic disorders, see also Chaps. 3 and 12. In the first edition of this book, six archetypical patterns of cutaneous mosaicism were distinguished: (1) lines of Blaschko, (2) checkerboard pattern, (3) phylloid pattern, (4) patchy pattern without midline separation, (5) lateralization pattern, and (6) the sash-like pattern. However, a reconsideration leaves only four archetypical segmental patterns (Figs. 5.1 and 5.3), whereas Figs. 5.1e and 5.3e show a non-segmental pattern of mosaicism. These distinct types of archetypical arrangement should not be conflated with the

various shapes of the individual smaller mosaic skin lesions that may be round, oval, oblong, or triangular and may or may not have indented borders [71].


Lines of Blaschko

In 1901 Alfred Blaschko (Fig. 5.2) published his atlas on linear skin diseases, containing the well-­ known diagram of what he called the “nevus lines” [8]. From more than 170 case reports sent to him from colleagues of many European countries, he depicted an archetypical pattern of lines by applying woollen threads to a plaster of Paris classical statue that he had bought in Berlin from an Italian street vendor. He wrote: “I have tried … to delineate, from the total collection of available cases, a system of lines on the surface of the body representing the typical pattern that the linear nevi follow.” These lines form a characteristic V figure reminiscent of a fountain on the back (Fig. 5.3) and an S figure on the lateral aspects of the trunk (Fig.  5.4). Sometimes they produce whorls on the trunk or limbs (Fig. 5.5). On the arms and legs, they run in a less distinctive, perpendicular pattern. Blaschko clearly stated that this system of lines was in no way related to the zones of radicular innervation. “The linear nevi are a sequela of developmental disturbances for which it is not necessary to assume a preceding disorder of the nervous system.” He assumed

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,


5  The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism








Fig. 5.1  Clinical examples of the archetypical patterns as shown in Fig.  5.3. (a) Blaschko-linear hypermelanosis in narrow bands; (b) McCune-Albright syndrome (Courtesy of Dr. Jean-Paul Ortonne, Nice, France); (c) systematized

Becker nevus (Courtesy of Dr. Aïcha Salhi, Algiers, Algeria); (d) phylloid hypermelanosis ([39]. Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA); (e) giant melanocytic nevus; (f) CHILD syndrome

that “during the initial stage of embryogenesis, rather intense movements and shifts of the individual cutaneous territories occur along these lines.” Blaschko had published his essential message already in 1895 [1, 7]: “Why should we resort to a pathological event—that is, in top of that, hypothetical,—in another far distant organ system and take the skin disorder as a secondary phenomenon, if our need of causality is satisfied by the simple and certainly plausible assumption of a growth disturbance within the epidermis itself… Not to mention that the influence of the nervous system on processes of growth is not at all proven as yet and more than doubtful for the sequential stages of embryonic life wherein the nerves will almost certainly play a minor role only… But I believe to be able to postulate with certainty that the epidermis, especially of the trunk, is divided into a series of more or less parallel territories…If we assume

that, during the months when differentiation takes place, a disturbing factor would interfere, then it would easily be possible that only particular territories are involved, whereas intervening regions are healthy” [7]. Blaschko didn’t know anything about genes and mutations, but by choosing the words “a disturbing factor,” he anticipated the explanatory genetic mechanisms as later brought to light in the second half of the past century. In 1901, Montgomery [56] presented similar ideas but by no means he did this “at the same time” [63]. On the contrary, he explicitly referred to Blaschko’s thoughts [1, 7] when arguing that linear nevi do apparently not follow the course of nerves or blood vessels, Voigt’s lines, the lines of cleavage of the skin, or the metameres of the body. He favored Blaschko’s idea that “the streaks may be due to the streams or trend of growth of the tissues and to the adaptation of the embryonic sutures….” Accordingly, “a nævus

5.1 Lines of Blaschko

Fig. 5.2 Alfred Blaschko (Courtesy of the late Dr. Hermann Blaschko, Oxford, UK)

linearis originates at an early stage in the ­development of the fœtus, when the embryonic layers are still a plastic mass….Imagining the affected cells or groups of cells to lie in the plastic mass like currants in dough, one can see that such a group lying in the region which will afterwards become the back of the neck might be pulled toward the median line when the skin closes over the neural canal, and its individual constituents become scattered along this line as the fœtus elongates… Another group situated over the place where a limb will afterwards bud out, would be stretched along in a line with the budding limb, and the line would tend to follow all the twists and turns of the limb as it grew out, exactly as Kaposi has so graphically described.” During the first half of the past century, however, Blaschko’s idea was not understood by others and fell into oblivion. This may in part be


explained by the fact that his pioneering atlas carried the misleading title “The nerve distribution in the skin in its relationship to the diseases of the skin” [8]. This wording simply reflected an erroneous belief of those professors who had invited Blaschko to speak at the seventh Congress of the German Dermatological Society held in Breslau in May 1901. As a consequence, only those who opened the book had a chance to become aware of the author’s message that there was no relationship between the nervous system and the “nevus lines.” For example, Haensch [26] reported in 1961 a case of what is today called “blaschkitis” and argued: “Because of the segmental arrangement, a disorder of the corresponding spinal root must have been present as a factor determining the dermatosis… The configuration of the eczema shows in an unusually clear and pure way the topographically determining role of neural factors in the origin of eczema.” And in 1964, the Swiss anatomist Töndury [69] wrote: “Hence we can state that the skin, apart from a short period of segmentation of the corium anlage within the dorsal area of the embryo, is not segmented at any time of its development.” If this statement were true, the pattern of Blaschko’s lines would remain unexplained. As a remote echo of such erroneous assumptions, we find even today reports of linear nevi said to be arranged in a “zosteriform” or “dermatomal” pattern [2, 17– 19, 41, 75]. In 1969 MacDonald and Sims [51], being unaware of Blaschko’s work, studied photographs and descriptions as presented in case reports, as well as 16 cases in their own records and stated that “no association could be found between the lesions and anatomical features of the skin.” They concluded that “the epidermis is not…inherently segmental.” Remarkably, however, we find Blaschko’s diagram of the “nevus lines” in two Dutch textbooks on skin diseases that appeared during the 1940s [11, 64] and in a German edition of one of these monographs [65]. In 1965, Curth and Warburton [14] discussed the relationship between the Lyon hypothesis and incontinentia pigmenti. They were unaware

5  The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism






Fig. 5.3  Archetypical patterns of cutaneous mosaicism. (a) Lines of Blaschko arranged in narrow bands; (b) lines of Blaschko arranged in broad bands; (c) flag-like pattern; Fig. 5.4 Blaschko’s lines forming characteristic S figures on the lateral aspect of the trunk (From Blaschko’s atlas. (a) Plate XII, Fig. 5.8 “Nerve nevus. University Hospital Breslau.” (b) Plate XII, Fig. 5.1 “Naevus verrucosus linearis, from Alexander-Blaschko” (See [2, 8])


of Blaschko’s work and stated that “application of the Lyon theory does not explain (1) the usual limitation of the pigment to certain regions, (2) its patterned rather than patchy distribution, and (3) the presence of the same pat-



(d) phylloid pattern; (e) non-segmental and non-slanting patches without midline separation; (f) lateralization pattern


tern in the few males who manifest the disease.” During the late 1970s, Blaschko’s lines were rediscovered independently in Canada and Germany. In 1976, Jackson [42] wrote that “the

5.1 Lines of Blaschko

Fig. 5.5  Systematized epidermal nevus (“ichthyosis hystrix Hebrae after Gassmann”) producing multiple whorls on the trunk (From Blaschko’s atlas, Plate XV, Fig. 5.8 [8])

embryological explanation of Blaschko’s lines is not at all clear. Other markers in addition to the skin findings are needed to determine the time and the nature of the change responsible for these lines…I have been unable even to make a guess at what stage of development the changes occur which could provide a mechanism by which the localization of Blaschko’s lines is determined. It would be helpful to tie in Blaschko’s lines with some other dateable embryological event….” At the same time, such explanatory mechanisms and dateable events were postulated in the form of X-chromosome inactivation, early postzygotic mutations, and gametic half-chromatid mutations [28, 29, 31]. This concept is illustrated in Fig. 5.6


[33]. When doing this, I was put on the right track by the thoughts of the great geneticist Widukind Lenz who, without mentioning Blaschko’s lines, had already proposed in 1970 to explain the linear lesions of incontinentia pigmenti by the mechanism of X inactivation, and systematized epidermal nevi by somatic mutations [48]. Today, however, we know that Moisey D. Zlotnikov from Ivanovo in the former Soviet Union explained already in 1945 a systematized linear epidermal nevus as “a human mosaic” [76] (see also Sect. 2.4). Because of lack of informative cases, Blaschko had left in his diagram the scalp as a “terra incognita” [8]. On the face and the anterior aspect of the neck, the “nevus lines” were, for similar r­ easons, drawn in a rather cursory way (Fig. 5.8). One hundred years later, these blank areas were filled in by use of 187 relevant figures collected from the literature (Fig.  5.7) [36]. On the face the lines of Blaschko show a sandglass-like arrangement converging on the nasal root. Remarkably, however, a definite crossing of lines, sometimes even at an angle of 90°, was noted. Apparently, the direction of embryonic movements varies on the head to a large degree. So far it is unclear whether different skin disorders give rise to such different linear patterns. It has been argued that the lines of Blaschko are of epidermal origin and thus may exclusively reflect genes expressed in keratinocytes or melanocytes [57, 58]. If so, it would be difficult or even impossible to explain the linear patterns of primarily mesodermal disorders such as focal dermal hypoplasia (see Sect., linear atrophoderma of Moulin [15], or linear progressive fibromatosis [52, 66]. One may resort to the auxiliary hypothesis that these dermal defects occur under the control of the keratinocytes, but it is far more likely that the primordial skin fibroblasts proliferate and migrate in a way similar to that of the epidermal precursor cells. Future research will show which view is correct. The lines of Blaschko often reflect epigenetic mosaicism. In this form the linear pattern can be inherited from one generation to the next one. A classical example is the Lyon effect of X inactivation giving rise to linear skin lesions in incontinen-

5  The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism


Fig. 5.6  Explanation of the pattern of Blaschko’s lines. At an early developmental stage, an admixture of mutant and normal progenitor cells is arranged along the primitive streak. Their transversal proliferation interferes with



the longitudinal growth and flexion of the embryo, giving rise to a fountain-like pattern on the back [33] (Reprinted with permission from S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)


Fig. 5.7  Lines of Blaschko on the head and neck. (a) Frontal view; (b) lateral view; (c) dorsal view [36] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK)

5.1 Lines of Blaschko


Fig. 5.8 Blaschko’s original drawing of his “nevus lines” [8]. The head was mapped in a rather cursory way and left in part completely free because of lack of information

Fig. 5.9  American bulldog with brindle patches, indicating that the lines of Blaschko are invisibly present in the skin of all mammals (Photo by sannse, Creative Commons)

tia pigmenti, focal dermal hypoplasia, Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome, and many other X-linked phenotypes (see Sect. 2.1.1). On the other hand, familial cases of linear hyperpigmentation suggesting autosomal epigenetic mosaicism have likewise been found. Such cases can be best explained by monoallelic expression of an autosomal pigmentary gene (see Sect. 3.4.1). The concept that Blaschko’s lines reflect the clonal outgrowth of embryonic cells (Fig. 5.6) is today still refused by some authors [23]. By suggesting an analogy between Blaschko’s lines and the stripes of zebras or zebra fish, Gilmore [24] assumed that all nevi are secondary to “chemical prepatterns” produced by a “reaction–diffusion process”: “The distribution of the nevus over the skin will be independent of the presence of the abnormal clone, but not of the presence of the activated gene of the abnormal clone… Finally, the chemical prepattern may be the trigger for a spatially dependent selective

5  The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism

56 Fig. 5.10 Analogous patterns in chimeric mice. (a) Experimental procedure for producing “allophenic” mice according to Mintz [31, 55]; (b) chimeric mouse showing systematized light and dark bands [55] (Reprinted with permission obtained from the author)



proliferation of one cell type over another. An interesting hypothesis is that the pattern-forming process itself may be pathological, so that in people unaffected by naevoid skin disease the lines of Blaschko do not exist” [23]. Conversely, we concur with Alfred Blaschko that his “nevus lines” do likewise exist in normal individuals. The occurrence of acquired linear skin disorders such as linear psoriasis or linear lichen planus provides convincing evidence that Gilmore’s hypothesis cannot be true. The lines of Blaschko are invisibly present throughout life in the form of a “spatial prepattern.” This view is also supported by the brindle patches as noted in American bulldogs (Fig. 5.9). Coat patterns that are, to some degree, reminiscent of Blaschko’s lines, and appear to be analogous to them, have been described in X-linked murine traits [12] and in chimeric mice (Fig. 5.10) [55] or in transgenic animals [47]. On the other hand, the brindle trait as noted in dogs, horses, and cattle is an exact counterpart of the

human lines of Blaschko (see Sect. 3.4.1) [13, 37, 45]. Theoretically, a systematized pattern of Blaschko’s lines may also be explained by a gametic half-chromatid mutation [49], but this mechanism is less likely and has so far not been proven. For heuristic purposes, two subtypes of Blaschko’s lines characterized by either narrow bands (“type 1a”) or rather broad bands (“type 1b”) have been separated. This somewhat artificial distinction appears to be useful, but at this point in time, we should still be open for other approaches of subclassification.

5.1.1 Lines of Blaschko, Narrow Bands This archetypical pattern is followed by many hereditary or non-hereditary skin disorders that are reviewed in detail in this book. Usually, the

5.1 Lines of Blaschko


pattern of Blaschko’s lines is easily discernible (Fig. 5.11) [9]. Sometimes, epidermal nevi being systematized along these lines may also involve the oral mucosa (Fig. 5.12). In a sebaceous nevus,

the narrow bands may by chance be contiguous in some regions, giving rise to a large plaque of nonlinear appearance, especially on the scalp (Fig. 5.13).

Fig. 5.11 Systematized sebaceous nevus following Blaschko’s lines (Courtesy of Dr. Mónica Zambrano, Quito, Ecuador)

Fig. 5.13  Scalp involvement of a child with nevus sebaceus. In this particular area, the segmental lesions may be broad to such degree that a linear pattern is no longer discernible


Fig. 5.12  Intraoral lesions following Blaschko’s lines in two boys with (a) systematized keratinocytic nevus and (b) facial nevus sebaceus. Arrows indicate the borders of


the nevus [72] (a, courtesy of the late Dr. Robert J. Gorlin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; b, reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK)

5  The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism



 ines of Blaschko, Broad L Bands

A classical example of this subtype is the pigmentary disorder associated with McCune-­ Albright syndrome [34]. The segmental light-brown macules are broad to such degree that the linear pattern is sometimes difficult to identify. It seems not justified, however, to say that the pattern of Blaschko’s lines is only “occasionally observed in the McCune-Albright syndrome” [23]. On the contrary, it should be borne in mind that this archetypical pattern is virtually always present in that disorder.

5.1.3 Analogy of Blaschko’s Lines in Other Organs In focal dermal hypoplasia, the long bones show a peculiar longitudinal striation that can be taken as an extracutaneous manifestation of functional X-chromosome mosaicism (Fig.  5.14) [30]. Similar bone lesions are noted in another X-linked dominant trait, osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis [44, 60]. A lyonization pattern in the form of longitudinal enamel defects is noted in women heterozygous for amelogenesis imperfecta [73] and in girls affected with focal dermal hypoplasia (Fig. 5.15) [4]. Sectorial cataracts reflecting lyonization are noted in Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome (Fig. 5.16) [32] and in women heterozygous for another X-linked trait, Lowe syndrome [46, 61]. In female carriers of X-linked oculocutaneous albinism, the retina shows a radial pattern of hypopigmentation, which has likewise been taken as an ocular analogy of Blaschko’s lines (Fig. 5.17) [74]. The retina of female carriers for dichromasia shows localized color blindness with a radial arrangement [10]. A similar pattern of the retina has been described in pigmentary mosaicism of the Ito type [62] and, more recently, in cases of grouped congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE) (Fig. 5.18)

Fig. 5.14  Striation of the long bones in a patient with focal dermal hypoplasia

Fig. 5.15  Linear enamel defects reflecting lyonization in focal dermal hypoplasia [4] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK)

5.1 Lines of Blaschko


[54]. A case of CHRPE coexisting with linear hypermelanosis of the ipsilateral arm supports the proposed analogy [53]. A possible hepatic analogy of Blaschko-linear mosaicism was described by Bartsch et al. [5]. In a

Fig. 5.16 Sectorial cataract reflecting lyonization in Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome [32] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK)


Fig. 5.17  Radial pattern of retinal hypopigmentation in a female carrier of X-linked ocular albinism (Courtesy of Dr. Hans Dieter Rott, Erlangen, Germany)



Fig. 5.18 (a, b) Fundus images of grouped congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium. Note the radial growth pattern; (c) final map of developmental lines

of the retinal pigmentary epithelium, in analogy to the diagram of Blaschko’s lines [54] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK)


5  The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism

47-year-old man diagnosed with Conradi-­ also documented in female dogs and cats with a Hünermann-­ Happle syndrome, they found the CHILD nevus, being categorized as “ILVEN” but segments of the liver to be unfused, and they reflecting a NSDHL mutation [6, 16, 50]. assumed that this was a new feature of that pheno- Remarkably, limb defects do not appear to be type. Hence, in female patients with the syndrome, associated, so far, in these animals. the liver should be examined by ultrasound in order to either confirm or falsify this supposition. a

5.1.4 Blaschko’s Lines in Animals The lines of Blaschko are an archetypical pattern of cutaneous development noted in many different mammalian species. It has been documented as a hereditary trait called “brindle” in dogs, horses, and cattle including the dwarf zebu (Fig. 5.19a). In horses, the brindle pattern has also been shown to reflect chimerism [27]. It should be borne in mind that the arrangement of these lines is not exactly the same in various mammals. For example, the human Blaschko lines are arranged almost horizontally in the lumbar region, whereas in the dwarf zebu, they form an inverted V figure in the analogous region of the body (Fig.  5.19b). In mice, the linear segments may be rather broad (Fig.  5.10b), but animal experiments strongly suggest that this pattern can likewise be taken as an analogy of Blaschko’s lines as noted in humans (Fig. 5.20) [43, 47]. Blaschko-linear lesions were

Fig. 5.19  Brindle trait in a dwarf zebu. (a) Note analogy to the human Blaschko lines; (b) on the rump, the lines form an inverted V figure

Fig. 5.20  In an experiment reported by Jaenisch [43], cultured neural tube cells obtained from embryos of agouti mice are injected into postimplantation embryos of

an albino strain. The injected cells find their way into the host’s neural tube to participate in cutaneous embryogenesis, resulting in striated litter


5.3 Phylloid Pattern


 nalogy of Blaschko’s Lines A in the Murine Brain

Tan et al. [67, 68] studied the development of the brain of mice by application of an X-inactivated transgenic marker and demonstrated that the murine neocortex has a radial columnar structure of randomly alternating color. Although there was a significant contribution of tangentially dispersed cells that did not respect clonal borders, the columnar structure remained clearly discernible (Fig. 5.21).


Flag-like Pattern

This type of mosaic arrangement can also be called “block-like” or “checkerboard” pattern. It is characterized by alternating squares of abera


rant tissue. Examples include mosaic hypomelanosis [3] or hypermelanosis, macular nevus spilus (Fig. 5.22), papular nevus spilus [70], and the lateralized types of capillary nevi such as nevus flammeus and nevus roseus. Such lesions were often reported as showing a “dermatomal” or “zosteriform” arrangement, but so far no example of a nevus following such pattern can be found in the literature. A flag-like pattern has also been described in cases of primary chimerism [21, 22].

5.3 Phylloid Pattern The word “phylloid” means leaf-like. This pattern is characterized by leaf-shaped or oblong macules reminiscent of the floral ornaments of a Jugendstil painting (Fig.  5.23). Large pear-­ shaped macules and lesions resembling the asymmetrical leaves of a begonia may likewise be present.


Fig. 5.21  Functional columnar mosaicism in the brain of female mice, visualized by β-galactosidase expression after insertion of an X-inactivated transgenic marker. (a) Radial alignment of blue and white columns in the cerebral wall of an embryo; (b) similar pattern in the neocortex of an adult female mouse. Many tangentially dispersed cells are likewise noted but do not obscure the radial growth pattern [67] (Reprinted with permission from Nature Publishing Group)

Fig. 5.22  Macular nevus spilus arranged in a flag-like pattern (Courtesy of Dr. Sabine Wever, Basel, Switzerland)


5  The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism



Fig. 5.23 (a) Phylloid hypomelanosis in a young girl (Courtesy of Dr. Antonia González-Enseñat, Barcelona, Spain); (b) a floral pattern in the art nouveau style

In some cases a definite midline separation is noted, whereas in other patients the dorsal or ventral midline does not appear to be respected. So far it is not clear whether such differences justify the delineation of different subtypes of the phylloid pattern. Phylloid hypomelanosis appears to represent a well-defined entity reflecting mosaic trisomy 13q [20, 25, 35] (see Sect. By contrast, phylloid hypermelanosis should, according to present knowledge, not be taken as an entity, but as a cutaneous sign of various states of cytogenetic or molecular mosaicism [38, 39, 59] (see Sect. Future research may show whether some distinct entities can be delineated within this group of disorders.

5.4 Lateralization Pattern The CHILD nevus displays two different patterns of distribution. A unilateral diffuse involvement with a sharp midline demarcation, being particularly strict on the ventral aspect of the trunk, is an almost pathognomonic arrangement (see Sect. The face tends to be spared. On the other hand, the CHILD nevus can be arranged along Blaschko’s lines. Such lesions tend to show a marked preponderance on one side of the body. The two patterns are often intermingled. For example, the unilateral diffuse involvement may be interrupted by several narrow lines of unaf-

Fig. 5.24  CHILD syndrome. In this girl, the unilateral involvement is interrupted by Blaschko-linear areas of unaffected skin. Note the small linear lesion on the left forearm (Courtesy of Dr. Francis Palisson, Santiago, Chile)

fected skin (Fig. 5.24), or additional linear lesions may involve ipsilateral or contralateral areas of the skin.


References 1. Alexander A, Blaschko A.  Ein Fall von Naevus linearis (Ichthyosis linearis) unius lateris. Dermatol Zeitschr. 1895;2:343–61. 2. Alfonso-Trujillo I, Arteaga-Hernandez E, PerezSuarez JC. Eccrine spiradenoma in a zosteriform distribution: presentation of a case. Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2009;100:619–20. 3. Babilas P, Schreml S, Landthaler M, Vogt T.  A 12-month-old boy with impaired pigmentation. Diagnosis: nevus depigmentosus. Pediatr Ann. 2009;38:617–21. 4. Balmer R, Cameron AC, Ades L, Aldred MJ. Enamel defects and Lyonization in focal dermal hypoplasia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2004;98:686–91. 5. Bartsch F, Ackermann M, Lang H, Heinrich S. Unfused liver segments: a case report of an unknown phenotype of the Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2016;25:547–9. 6. Bauer A, De Lucia M, Jagannathan V, Mezzalira G, Casal ML, Welle MM, Leeb T. A large deletion in the NSDHL gene in Labrador retrievers with a congenital cornification disorder. G3 genes. Genomes, Genet. 2017;7:3115–21. 7. Blaschko A.  Ein Fall von Naevus linearis (Ichthyosis linearis) unius lateris. Dermatol Zeitschr. 1895;2:361–72. 8. Blaschko A. Die Nervenverteilung in der Haut in ihrer Beziehung zu den Erkrankungen der Haut. Beilage zu den Verhandlungen der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft, VII. Congress zu Breslau im Mai 1901. Wien und Leipzig, Braumüller 9. Bolognia JL, Orlow SJ, Glick SA. Lines of Blaschko. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1994;31:157–92. 10. Born G, Grützner P, Hemminger H.  Evidence for reduced colour vision in carriers of congenital colour vision deficiencies (author’s transl). Hum Genet. 1976;32:189–96. 11. Carol WLL. Leerboek der Huidziekten. Amsterdam: Scheltema & Holkema’s Boekhandel en Uitgeversmaatschappij; 1944. 12. Cattanach BM, Wolfe HG, Lyon MF.  A comparative study of the coats of chimaeric mice and those of heterozygotes for X-linked genes. Genet Res. 1972;19:213–28. 13. Cattanach BM.  Finding the gene for brindle. Boxer Ring. 2005;2:28–32. 14. Curth HO, Warburton D. The genetics of incontinentia pigmenti. Arch Dermatol. 1965;92:229–35. 15. Danarti R, Bittar M, Happle R, König A.  Linear atrophoderma of Moulin: postulation of mosaicism for a predisposing gene. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003;49:492–8. 16. De Lucia M, Bauer A, Spycher M, Jagannathan V, Romano E, Welle M, Teeb T.  Genetic variant in the NSDHL gene in a cat with multiple congenital lesions

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5  The Archetypical Patterns of Segmental Cutaneous Mosaicism

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Less Well-Defined or So Far Unclassifiable Patterns

6.1 Oblique Pattern (Sash-Like Pattern) In two boys affected with cutis tricolor, Ruggieri [12] described a peculiar pigmentary disorder characterized by large oblique hyper- or hypopig-

mented macules reminiscent of a sash (Fig. 6.1) and by large round or flag-like areas of hyper- or hypopigmentation. This pattern that does not respect the dorsal and ventral midline appears to be a characteristic feature of Ruggieri-Happle syndrome [12]. In a 25-year-old man, Adya et al.

Fig. 6.1  Oblique pattern as observed in Ruggieri-Happle syndrome [12]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,


6  Less Well-Defined or So Far Unclassifiable Patterns


[1] noted multiple basaloid follicular hamartomas, present since 5  years and arranged in a band-like pattern extending from the right sternoclavicular joint to the left areola (Fig. 6.2). There was no additional cutaneous involvement and no family history. Moreover, Funkhouser et  al. [3] described piebaldism in two children who showed a

an asymmetric arrangement of depigmented macules that were connected in an oblique, contiguous pattern across the legs (Fig.  6.3). The authors proposed that this unusual distribution might be explained by a mesodermal migration of melanocytes.


Fig. 6.2  Oblique band-like arrangement of multiple basaloid follicular hamartomas [1]. (a) The sash-like pattern of lesions. (b) Close-up of the skin tumors

Fig. 6.3  Oblique distribution of depigmented macules involving the legs in a contiguous form in two children with piebaldism [3]

6.3  Midfacial Pattern

The oblique pattern differs from all other mosaic patterns so far known. For the time being, we hesitate to determine whether it should be categorized as “segmental” or not.

6.2 Pallister-Killian Pattern Children with Pallister-Killian syndrome, a sporadic phenotype reflecting mosaic tetrasomy 12p (isochromosome 12p syndrome), tend to display streaks and spots of hypopigmentation. In part, these macules are not compatible with the pattern of Blaschko’s lines (Fig.  6.4a), whereas other lesions appear to correspond to “atypical” Blaschko lines (Fig.  6.4b) [2, 6, 13–15]. Hyperpigmented macules have also been reported [4, 13]. A comprehensive iconography of the pigmentary anomalies of Pallister-Killian syndrome was published by Wilkens et al. [15].

6.3 Midfacial Pattern A midfacial port-wine patch involving the median area of the face is a characteristic feature a

Fig. 6.4  Mosaic hypopigmentation in Pallister-Killian syndrome. (a) A facial pattern being incompatible with Blaschko’s lines [15]; (b) “atypical” Blaschko lines show-


of megalencephaly-­reticular capillary nevus syndrome (“macrocephaly-capillary malformation”) (Fig. 6.5) (see Sect. This pattern has been documented in numerous cases [7–11] and can thus be taken as well defined. It is so far unproven, albeit very likely, that this capillary malformation reflects mosaicism. One might argue that the spectrum of all other lesions of “megalencephaly-capillary malformation,” including reticular capillary nevus, can best be explained by the action of a lethal mutation surviving by mosaicism [5, 10], but it seems prudent to wait for additional molecular data until the striking affinity of this particular port-wine patch to the median area of the face can be taken as a new mosaic pattern. In other words, until now we cannot be absolutely sure that this unusual skin lesion represents a nevus (see Chap. 7). The midfacial port-wine patch preponderantly involves the philtrum and the upper lip, but the forehead and the lower lip may likewise be affected [8, 11]. Contrasting with lateralized nevi flammei, this vascular disorder tends to fade during the first years of life [8]. On the other hand, the disorder should be distinguished from b

ing a pronounced deviation from the midline (a, reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA; b, courtesy of Dr. Hülya Kayserili, Istanbul, Turkey)


Fig. 6.5 Midfacial port-wine patch as noted in megalencephaly-­reticular capillary nevus (“macrocephaly-­ capillary malformation”) syndrome

the facial salmon patch. This common pale-pink non-nevus is likewise mesotropic and tends to fade during childhood (see Sect.

References 1. Adya KA, Inamadar AC, Palit A, Janagond AB. Dermoscopy of linear basaloid follicular hamartoma. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2019;10:610–2. 2. Cormier-Daire V, Le Merrer M, Gigarel N, Morichon N, Prieur M, Lyonnet S, Vekemans M, Munnich A.  Prezygotic origin of the isochromosome 12p in Pallister-Killian syndrome. Am J Med Genet. 1997;69:166–8. 3. Funkhouser CH, Kinsler VA, Frieden IJ.  Striking contiguous depigmentation across the lower limbs in piebaldism and its implications for understanding melanocytic migration and development. Pediatr Dermatol. 2019;36:511–3. 4. Geneviève D, Cormier-Daire V, Sanlaville D, Faivre L, Gosset P, Allart L, Picq M, Munnich A, Romana S, de Blois M, Vekemans M.  Mild phenotype in a 15-year-old boy with Pallister-Killian syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2003;116A:90–3. 5. Happle R.  Nichterbliche Genodermatosen. Hautarzt. 1990;41:104–9.

6  Less Well-Defined or So Far Unclassifiable Patterns 6. Horn D, Majewski F, Hildebrandt B, Körner H. Pallister-Killian syndrome: normal karyotype in prenatal chorionic villi, in postnatal lymphocytes, and in slowly growing epidermal cells, but mosaic tetrasomy 12p in skin fibroblasts. J Med Genet. 1995;32:68–71. 7. Lapunzina P, Gairi A, Delicado A, Mori MA, Torres ML, Goma A, Navia M, Pajares IL.  Macrocephalycutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita: report of six new patients and a review. Am J Med Genet A. 2004;130A:45–51. 8. Martínez-Glez V, Romanelli V, Mori MA, Gracia R, Segovia M, González-Meneses A, López-Gutierrez JC, Gean E, Martorell L, Lapunzina P. Macrocephalycapillary malformation: analysis of 13 patients and review of the diagnostic criteria. Am J Med Genet A. 2010;152A:3101–6. 9. Moore CA, Toriello HV, Abuelo DN, Bull MJ, Curry CJ, Hall BD, Higgins JV, Stevens CA, Twersky S, Weksberg R, Dobyns WB.  Macrocephaly-cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita: a distinct disorder with developmental delay and connective tissue abnormalities. Am J Med Genet. 1997;70:67–73. 10. Rivière JB, Mirzaa GM, O’Roak BJ, Beddaoui M, Alcantara D, Conway RL, St-Onge J, Schwartzentruber JA, Gripp KW, Nikkel SM, Worthylake T, Sullivan CT, Ward TR, Butler HE, Kramer NA, Albrecht B, Armour CM, Armstrong L, Caluseriu O, Cytrynbaum C, Drolet BA, Innes AM, Lauzon JL, Lin AE, Mancini GM, Meschino WS, Reggin JD, Saggar AK, Lerman-Sagie T, Uyanik G, Weksberg R, Zirn B, Beaulieu CL, Majewski J, Bulman DE, O’Driscoll M, Shendure J, Graham JM Jr, Boycott KM, Dobyns WB.  De novo germline and postzygotic mutations in AKT3, PIK3R2 and PIK3CA cause a spectrum of related megalencephaly syndromes. Nat Genet. 2012;44:934–40. 11. Rodriguez-Laguna L, Ibañez K, Gordo G, GarciaMinaur S, Santos-Simarro F, Agra N, Vallespín E, Fernández-Montaño VE, Martín-Arenas R, Del Pozo A, González-Pecellín H, Mena R, Rueda-Arenas I, Gomez MV, Villaverde C, Bustamante A, Ayuso C, Ruiz-Perez VL, Nevado J, Lapunzina P, LopezGutierrez JC, Martinez-Glez V.  CLAPO syndrome: identification of somatic activating PIK3CA mutations and delineation of the natural history and phenotype. Genet Med. 2018;20:882–9. 12. Ruggieri M.  Cutis tricolor: congenital hyper- and hypopigmented lesions in a background of normal skin with and without associated systemic features: further expansion of the phenotype. Eur J Pediatr. 2000;159:745–9. 13. Schaefer GB, Jochar A, Muneer R, Sanger WG.  Clinical variability of tetrasomy 12p. Clin Genet. 1997;51:102–8. 14. Schinzel A.  Tetrasomy 12p (Pallister-Killian syn drome). J Med Genet. 1991;28:122–5. 15. Wilkens A, Liu H, Park K, Campbell LB, Jackson M, Kostanecka A, Pipan M, Izumi K, Pallister P, Krantz ID.  Novel clinical manifestations in Pallister-Killian syndrome: comprehensive evaluation of 59 affected individuals and review of previously reported cases. Am J Med Genet A. 2012;158A:3002–17.



The concept of mosaicism has helped develop a reasonable definition of the term nevus. In 1995, the following criteria were proposed: “Nevi are visible, circumscribed, long-lasting lesions of the skin or the neighboring mucosa, reflecting mosaicism. With the exception of melanocytic nevi, they do not show neoplastic growth. They never show malignant neoplasia” [98]. Subsequent molecular research has shown that this is a workable definition. The statement that nevi “never show malignant neoplasia” needs a clarifying comment. Of course, some nevi may show secondary malignant growth, but these superimposed tumors do no longer represent nevi. The new criteria were developed from an earlier tentative definition as proposed by Hermann Pinkus in 1965: “The definition of the two forms of nevi can approximately be given in the following way: (1) The nevus cell nevus, or cellular nevus, is a benign neoplasia of the skin, consisting of specific tumor cells, the nevus cells. (2) Otherwise we can designate as nevi all those circumscribed malformations of the skin that are characterized by a surplus (or, occasionally, a deficit) of one or several mature tissue components, and are relatively stable” [205]. A disadvantage of this historical definition was that it could be applied to all developmental anomalies of the skin, including supernumerary nipples, rudimentary polydactyly, preauricular tags, and palmoplantar keratoderma. For obvious reasons,

such lesions do not represent nevi, which is why they are excluded by the new definition.

7.1 The Theory of Lethal Genes Surviving by Mosaicism Most nevi reflect the action of a lethal gene that can only survive in proximity to a population of wild-type cells [91]. There are, however, many important exceptions from this rule such as the epidermolytic type of epidermal nevus being caused by nonlethal postzygotic KRT1 or KRT10 mutations (see Sect.

7.2 Pigmentary Nevi This group comprises melanocytic nevi and other nevi reflecting pigmentary mosaicism.

7.2.1 Melanocytic Nevi Melanocytic nevi represent the only type of nevi showing neoplastic proliferation [205]. They may be present at birth or develop throughout life. Common Small Melanocytic Nevus Both congenital and acquired small melanocytic nevi have a polygenic background, which means

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,


7 Nevi


that they are not inherited as a Mendelian trait. In common acquired melanocytic nevi including Spitz nevi, molecular anomalies involving various gene loci including BRAF, NRAS, HRAS, BRCA1, MC1R, IRF4, BAP1, TERT promoter, KIT fusions, and copy number aberrations were documented [44, 54, 197, 238, 262, 269], providing evidence that these skin lesions reflect mosaicism [178, 223, 259]. It is generally accepted that most common acquired melanocytic nevi have driver mutations in the gene BRAF (V600E) or, less frequently, NRAS (Q61R/L) [44, 220, 238]. Some unusual cases of segmental arrangement of multiple small melanocytic nevi, suggesting an early postzygotic mutational event, have been reported (Fig. 7.1) [62, 274]. Common “Atypical” Melanocytic Nevi Early molecular studies on “atypical” nevi (“dysplastic nevi”) showed that the number of molecular events, especially BRAF mutations, appeared to be higher than in other small melanocytic nevi [147, 148, 262]. In the past, a so-called dysplastic nevus syndrome was described and said to be inherited as a Mendelian trait [43, 64]. Other authors, however, argued that dysplastic nevi are a very common polygenic trait and do not constitute a distinct hereditary “syndrome” [94, 136, 261]. Subsequently, molecular research has confirmed a


Fig. 7.1  Segmentally arranged small melanocytic nevi. (a) Congenital lesions in a 28-year-old man [62]; (b, c) acquired lesions in a 7-year-old girl [274] (a, reprinted

that the “dysplastic nevus syndrome” does not exist as a definable entity. “Atypical” melanocytic nevi are very common as a continuous trait within the spectrum of small melanocytic nevi [96]. For obvious reasons, a non-hereditary “dysplastic nevus syndrome” [63] does not exist either. Sometimes the “atypical” melanocytic nevi may occur in a segmental distribution, representing a particular form of mosaicism [240]. Large Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Large congenital melanocytic nevi including giant lesions (Fig. 7.2) usually occur sporadically. The assumption of a very early postzygotic mutation, surviving by mosaicism [93], was supported by several reports on nevus cell aggregates involving the placenta of mothers giving birth to a child with a giant melanocytic nevus [13]. In 2013, Kinsler et al. [155] found that most cases of multiple congenital nevi and neuromelanosis are caused by heterozygosity for a postzygotic NRAS codon 61 mutation originating from one single progenitor cell. (As a consequence, the hypothesis that large congenital melanocytic nevi may be explained as a superimposed mosaic manifestation of a polygenic trait [114] could no longer be upheld.) The so-called nevus spilus-like congenital melanocytic nevus, featuring a patchy melanocytic nevus with many superimposed small- and medium-sized melanocytic nevi, is c

with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA; b, c, reprinted with permission from S.  Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)

7.2 Pigmentary Nevi




Fig. 7.2  Giant melanocytic nevi. (a) Involvement of the trunk in a newborn. The hypopigmented node was removed and found to be benign. (b) Involvement of the

left half of the trunk, associated with multiple small melanocytic nevi, being partly congenital and partly acquired (Courtesy of Dr. Uwe Töllner, Fulda, Germany)

also related with NRAS mutations [154]. Less frequently, BRAF mutations are associated [209]. The disorder should not be conflated with papular nevus spilus (see below). An unusual linear arrangement of large melanocytic nevi, being superimposed on common acquired small nevi, has also been reported [58].

Spitz nevi per se may be agminated but do not show a segmental arrangement. However, both macular and papular nevi spili are sometimes found to be covered with multiple Spitz nevi (see Sects. and Moreover, Menni et al. [189] have reported a case of flaglike hypomelanosis covered with Spitz nevi (Fig. 7.3). Spitz Nevus Spitz nevi rarely contain BRAF mutations, whereas HRAS mutations are often present [222, 264]. Such molecular findings may be related to the fact that Spitz nevi do usually not develop malignant growth. Other genetic anomalies reported in Spitz nevi include BAP1 mutations, KIT fusions, and rearrangements of ALK, ROS1, NTRK1, RET, MET, and BRAF. Cellular Blue Nevus In cellular blue nevi, the spectrum of multistep postzygotic mutations appears to differ from that observed in other melanocytic nevi [225]. GNAQ mutations are found in 67–82% of blue nevi and GNA11 mutations in around 8% of them [54]. Most GNAQ/GNA11 mutations are located on codon 209 [220].


7 Nevi



Fig. 7.3 (a, b) Unilateral flag-like nevus achromicus covered with multiple congenital Spitz nevi [189] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA) Papular Nevus Spilus Papular nevus spilus (speckled lentiginous nevus of the papular type) represents a light-brown macule containing multiple speckles in the form of dark-brown papules, in addition to small macules (Fig.  7.4). These speckles are distributed in an uneven way, reminiscent of a star map. On histopathological examination, the papules are found to be melanocytic nevi of a dermal or compound type, or Spitz nevi [111]. This nevus is caused by a postzygotic HRAS mutation [80, 229].

Fig. 7.4  Papular nevus spilus with speckles showing a characteristic star-map pattern

Papular nevus spilus syndrome: Large papular nevi spili are arranged in a flag-like pattern and may be associated with neurologic defects that are usually localized ipsilaterally and include hyperhidrosis, muscular weakness, dysesthesia, or thinning of a nerve [103, 211, 254]. In the past this phenotype has been called “speckled lentiginous nevus syndrome,” but this term is ambiguous because two different types of SLN syndromes exist. The designation “papular nevus spilus syndrome” seems more appropriate. The disorder may also occur as a component of phacomatosis spilosebacea (aka phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica) that represents a variant of Schimmelpenning syndrome (see Sect. 9.1). Macular Nevus Spilus This disorder is characterized by a light-brown macule containing multiple, small, completely flat, dark speckles that are rather evenly distributed, resembling a polka-dot pattern (Fig.  7.5) [111, 265]. Histopathologically, increased numbers of melanocytes are confined to the elongated rete ridges. At the tips of these structures, the melanocytes tend to form nests at the dermoepidermal junction, giving rise to a so-called “jentigo” pattern [180]. Macular nevus spilus sometimes occurs in combination with nevus roseus, giving rise to a peculiar disorder called “phacomatosis s­ pilorosea”

7.2 Pigmentary Nevi

Fig. 7.5  Macular nevus spilus with speckles showing a characteristic polka-dot distribution (Courtesy of Dr. Alexander Stella, Vienna, Austria)

75 Nevus Cesius (Segmental Dermal Melanocytosis) This lesion (Fig. 7.7) is also called nevus fuscocoeruleus or aberrant Mongolian spot [156]. It should not be confused with the median lumbosacral blue spots being present in many neonates of indigenous populations of many parts of the world. The localization of nevus cesius in the ophthalmo-maxillary region has also been called “nevus of Ota,” and in the shoulder region, some authors use the name “nevus of Ito.” Nevus cesius may be part of a syndrome called “phacomatosis cesioflammea” (see Sect. 9.6.1). At least some of these cases may constitute a binary genodermatosis in the form of nevus cesius coexisting with nevus flammeus. So far, however, it is not clear how many of these cases simply represent an arbitrary coincidence, especially in Latin American or Asian populations. In both isolated extensive dermal melanocytosis and in association with phacomatosis ­pigmentovascularis, postzygotic mosaic activat-

Fig. 7.6  Nevus lentiginosus linearis [130] (Reprinted with permission from the Society for Publication of Acta Dermato-Venereologica, Stockholm, Sweden)

(see Sect. 9.6.2). In this setting, a mosaic mutation in the gene PTPN11 has been demonstrated [208]. Linear Lentiginous Nevus This unusual birthmark is characterized by multiple, tightly packed lentigines arranged along Blaschko’s lines. As a distinguishing feature, these speckles do not show any abnormal background in the form of hyper- or hypopigmentation (Fig. 7.6) [130].

Fig. 7.7  Systematized nevus cesius (segmental dermal melanocytosis) [156] (Reprinted with permission from S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)


ing mutations in GNA11 and GNAQ have been found, mostly located in hotspot codons 183 and 209 [251].

7.2.2 Other Nevi Reflecting Pigmentary Mosaicism The following nevi are not characterized by abnormal numbers of melanocytes, but simply by increased or decreased amounts of melanin. Linear Hypomelanosis in Narrow Bands (Pigmentary Mosaicism of the Ito Type) These disorders are characterized by depigmented skin lesions following Blaschko’s lines (Fig.  7.8). If the lesions are not systematized, they are often described under the names nevus achromicus and nevus depigmentosus. The term “hypomelanosis of Ito” [52] should be avoided because it fosters the erroneous belief that there

Fig. 7.8  Linear hypomelanosis in narrow bands

7 Nevi

is a nosological entity with this name. In fact, linear hypomelanosis is an umbrella term that includes many different forms of cellular mosaicism that may or may not be discernible at the cytogenetic level [161]. Linear hypomelanosis is sometimes associated with neurologic or other extracutaneous defects, but again it should be borne in mind that such cases do not represent one distinct phenotype but a group of numerous different mosaic states. When percentages of the frequency of associated extracutaneous anomalies as noted in “hypomelanosis of Ito” are presented, this simply reflects absence of genetic thinking. Sometimes it may be rather difficult or even impossible to determine whether the light or the dark component is the pathological one in a given case of linear pigmentary mosaicism. A conspicuous example was reported by Thapa et al. [250] (Fig. 7.9).

Fig. 7.9 Is this a linear hypo- or hypermelanosis? Sometimes it may be difficult to say which component is the abnormal one, but in this Indian boy, it is probably the light component [250] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

7.2 Pigmentary Nevi Linear Hypermelanosis in Narrow Bands This is an umbrella term including many different states of pigmentary mosaicism that may or may not be associated with extracutaneous anomalies [5]. The disorder (Fig. 7.10) has often been called “linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis” [151, 184], but again it is important to realize that this term does not describe any distinct nosological entity. Recently, postzygotic mutations in the gene KITLG, encoding the c-KIT ligand, have been found in a case of Blaschko-linear hyperpigmentation. The p. Asp110Gly variant found was suggested to cause upregulation of KIT, thus resulting in increased melanogenesis in melanocytes [237]. Germline missense KITLG mutations have been found in patients with familial progressive hyperpigmentation with or without hypopigmentation (FPHH)

Fig. 7.10  Linear hypermelanosis in narrow bands [184] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK)


[12]; hence linear hypermelanosis in narrow bands is, at least in some cases, a mosaic presentation of FPHH. Linear Hypermelanosis in Broad Bands The McCune-Albright syndrome is characterized by very broad bands of hypermelanosis (Fig. 7.11), in combination with fibrous dysplasia of bones and endocrinological abnormalities [266]. When many cases are compared, it becomes obvious that these café-au-lait macules are arranged along Blaschko’s lines [97, 215]. These bands reflect the clonal outgrowth of cells carrying a postzygotic GNAS1 mutation [232, 266]. In the past century, it was a favorite point of controversy among pediatricians and endocrinologists whether the various hormonal disturbances as noted in patients with McCune-Albright syndrome were of “central” or “peripheral” origin. The concept of randomly distributed mosaicism

Fig. 7.11  McCune-Albright syndrome characterized by linear hypermelanosis in broad bands (Courtesy of the late Dr. Robert J. Gorlin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)


7 Nevi

Fig. 7.12 Nevus achromicus arranged in a flag-like pattern

has rendered this discussion pointless. For obvious reasons both mechanisms are possible [92]. Flag-Like Hypomelanosis This is a rarely reported, but commonly seen in practice, type of hypomelanotic nevus (Fig. 7.12) [189, 253]. Sometimes, extracutaneous manifestations have been described, though much less frequently than in Blaschko-linear mosaic hypomelanosis [253]. Flag-Like Hypermelanosis Hyperpigmentation arranged in a flag-like or checkerboard pattern is also rarely reported, though not unusual in clinical practice (Fig. 7.13). The disorder has also received the unclear name “segmental pigmentation disorder” [142]. Flag-like hypermelanosis has been reported in association with nevus roseus, in the form of “phacomatosis melanorosea” (see Sect. 9.6.3). Flag-Like Lentiginosis (Including “Partial Unilateral Lentiginosis” [PUL]) The disorder is characterized by a block-like and asymmetric arrangement of small lentigi-

Fig. 7.13  Segmental hypermelanosis arranged in a flag-­ like pattern (Courtesy of Dr. Regina Fölster-Holst, Kiel, Germany)

nes involving one or both sides of the body. The name “partial unilateral lentiginosis” [260] is less suitable because if both sides are involved, it’s still the same disorder. The term “segmental lentiginosis” [180] is ambiguous because the disorder would be conflated with the linear lentiginous nevus (see Sect. Many cases of flag-like lentiginosis can be categorized as mosaic neurofibromatosis 1 [20, 38, 273], and the discussion about the discrimination of the two disorders will only come to an end when the molecular basis of flag-­like lentiginosis is known. We are inclined to anticipate, however, that this mosaic disorder will turn out to be a distinct entity. Phylloid Hypomelanosis The pattern of this pigmentary disorder (Fig. 7.14) is reminiscent of floral ornaments (see Sect. 5.2). Most cases of phylloid hypomelanosis are caused by mosaic trisomy13q [53, 78, 100, 195] (see Sect. 5.2). Hence, this phenotype cannot simply

7.2 Pigmentary Nevi

Fig. 7.14  Phylloid hypomelanosis


Fig. 7.15  Phylloid hypermelanosis [125] (Courtesy of Dr. Mario F. Franco-Guío, Manizales, Colombia)

be taken as a mosaic manifestation of complete trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) [150], although it is closely related to this severe form of numeric chromosomal aberration. The phylloid hypomelanotic areas are sometimes covered by a severe nodulocystic acne, reminiscent of hidradenitis suppurativa [67, 77]. The associated extracutaneous anomalies show likewise a mosaic distribution. They include absence of corpus callosum and other CNS defects, conductive hearing loss, coloboma, craniofacial defects, brachydactyly, clinodactyly, and camptodactyly [67, 101]. Phylloid Hypermelanosis In 1993, the term “phylloid pattern” was proposed in an article describing an arrangement of leaf-like hyperpigmented macules reminiscent of floral ornaments in a 12-year-old girl who had an arteria subclavia originating from the aorta descendens [97]. Phylloid hypermelanosis (Fig.  7.15) can be taken as a hyperpigmented counterpart of phylloid hypomelanosis. Contrasting with the hypopigmented phenotype, however, it represents a class of heterogeneous disorders [115]. Oiso et al. [198] reported a case of phylloid hypermelanosis and mental deficiency. In this patient, analysis of blood lymphocytes showed three different cell types containing either a dicentric chromosome 13, or monosomy 13, or a ring chromosome (13)(p11.2q34). Remarkably, no normal karyotype was found in 30 cells examined. Already in 1956, Dockx et al.

Fig. 7.16  A historical case of phylloid hypermelanosis described by Dockx et  al. in 1956 [56] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Masson SAS, France)

[56] had documented a similar pattern of hypermelanotic macules in a girl with mental deficiency and abnormalities of the bones and joints (Fig. 7.16). Additional cases have recently been reported [32, 125]. Another example of phylloid hypermelanosis has been mistaken for “linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis” [170].

80 Hypermelanocytic Guttate and Macular Segmental Hypomelanosis Westerhof et  al. [268] described an unusual pigmentary disorder in two sisters aged 27 and 30  years. The elder sister had developed at the age of 26  years a strictly unilateral rash of small oval or nummular hypopigmented macules involving the trunk and arm on her right side. The younger sister had noted similar lesions involving all limbs and, to a lesser degree, her trunk in a nonsegmental distribution. In addition, on the right side, her trunk and arm showed a more pronounced segmental hypomelanosis. Both light and electron microscopic examination of lesional skin revealed a pronounced increase of morphologically normal melanocytes just above the basal membrane. Paradoxically, the keratinocytes of lesional skin showed a decreased number of melanocytes, which is why the authors assumed a deficiency of melanocyte transfer.

7.3 Epidermal Nevi There are two large categories of epidermal nevi. The keratinocytic nevi are “true” epidermal nevi because they are exclusively characterized by epidermal changes, whereas in the group of organoid nevi, the essential changes involve the adnexal structures of the skin. In principle, the designation “epithelial nevi” would be a better generic term to denote both categories, but the name “epidermal nevi” has firmly been entrenched in our literature and will be maintained in the following paragraphs.

7.3.1 Keratinocytic Nevi Most keratinocytic nevi follow the lines of Blaschko. An exception from this rule is the CHILD nevus that is characterized by a peculiar lateralization pattern but may also show an arrangement along Blaschko’s lines. The different epidermal nevus syndromes characterized by particular keratinocytic nevi are listed in Table 7.1.

7 Nevi Common Keratinocytic Nevi of the Soft Type, Including Seborrheic Keratoses These nevi have a soft, velvety surface and are usually of gray or brown color. The earlier the postzygotic mutation has occurred during embryonic life, the more widespread the involvement will be. Some lesions are so small that a linear arrangement is barely discernible. Some form one single band, whereas others show a systematized pattern involving many parts of the body (Fig.  7.17). When the postzygotic mutation occurs later in life, the resulting keratinocytic nevus is small and nonlinear and called, by tradition, “seborrheic keratosis.” In about one third of such cases, mosaicism has been proven at the cellular level by documenting a heterozygous R248C hotspot mutation in the FGFR3 gene within the nevus [87]. A different FGFR3 mutation has likewise been documented [200]. In other cases such nevi are caused by postzygotic activating PIK3CA mutations [84]. Both FGFR3 and PIK3CA mutations are likewise found in seborrheic keratoses [82, 84, 85]. Moreover, many keratinocytic nevi are associated with postzygotic HRAS or, more rarely, KRAS mutations [28, 85, 86]. Seborrheic Keratoses Are Acquired Keratinocytic Nevi Seborrheic keratoses (Fig.  7.18) have recently turned out to be acquired epidermal nevi. Histopathologically, they very closely resemble linear epidermal nevi of the common type. The spectrum of postzygotic mutations as found in seborrheic keratoses corresponds to that observed in linear keratinocytic nevi of the ­non­epidermolytic type [82, 84, 88]. In particular, R248C mutations of the FGFR3 gene as well as activating PIK3CA mutations are frequently found. The R248C FGFR3 mutation, when present in the germline, causes thanatophoric dysplasia [87]. This allele can, therefore, be categorized as a lethal mutation surviving by mosaicism. Activating PIK3CA mutations are present in a broad spectrum of malignant tumors [84]. Paradoxically, however, epidermal nevi harboring such mutations do usually not show any proclivity to develop malignant growth.

7.3 Epidermal Nevi


Table 7.1  Epidermal nevus syndromes characterized by keratinocytic nevi Type of epidermal Pattern of Discriminating Syndrome nevus epidermal nevus clinical criteria Proteus syndrome Linear Proteus Blaschko lines Cerebriform nevus (non­ connective tissue epidermolytic nevi of palms or keratinocytic soles; asymmetric nevus of a soft, macrodactyly flat type) CLOVES Non­epidermolytic Blaschko lines Disproportionate syndrome keratinocytic overgrowth of fatty nevus tissue, truncal vascular malformations, nonprogressive overgrowth of toes (“ballooning”), “wrinkling” of palms or soles, cerebral defects Superimposed Linear PTEN Blaschko lines Macrocephaly, mosaic PTEN nevus (non­ overgrowth of a limb, hamartoma epidermolytic colon polyps, focal syndrome keratinocytic segmental nevus of a soft glomerulosclerosis; and rather thick, family members with papillomatous nonsegmental PTEN type) hamartoma syndrome FGFR3 epidermal Non­epidermolytic Blaschko lines Presence of nevus syndrome keratinocytic keratinocytic nevus (García-Hafnernevus of a soft of the common type; Happle type absence of syndrome) disproportionate overgrowth CHILD syndrome CHILD nevus Two patterns in Lateralized, the form of inflammatory skin lateralization and lesions; Blaschko lines ptychotropism; ipsilateral limb defects NEVADA (nevus Non­ Blaschko lines Dysplasia of large epidermicus epidermolytic, or lateralization vessels, verrucosus with hystrix-like pattern arteriovenous shunts; angiodysplasia epidermal nevus dysplasia of retinal and aneurysms) vessels syndrome PENS syndrome Papular epidermal Disseminated Mild intellectual nevus with arrangement delay, epilepsy, EEG “skyline” basal anomalies, cerebral cell layer MRI changes; rather benign, self-limited course

An Early Postzygotic FGFR3 Mutation Causes a Distinct Neurocutaneous Syndrome In a 5-year-old girl with severe structural CNS defects causing mental deficiency and epileptic seizures, García-Vargas et  al. [72] described a systematized, soft, velvety epidermal nevus of the

Formal genetic classification Not heritable

Molecular basis Mosaic activating AKT1 mutation

Not heritable

Mosaic PIK3CA mutations

Superimposed mosaicism in PTEN hamartoma syndrome

PTEN germline mutation, with loss of the wild-type allele in the involved segment Mosaic FGFR3 mutation

Not heritable

X-linked dominant inheritance with lethality in male embryos

NSDHL mutations

Not heritable


Heritable (autosomal dominant transmission?)


common, nonorganoid, nonepidermolytic type (Fig.  7.19). A mosaic R248C mutation of the FGFR3 gene was found in the blood and within the nevus, whereas the normal skin contained the wild-type allele only. This disorder, for which the name “FGFR3 epidermal nevus syndrome” was proposed [116], can be categorized as a mosaic


7 Nevi

manifestation of thanatophoric dysplasia. A similar patient was found to be affected with a different FGFR3 mutation [200]. A case of FGFR3 epidermal nevus associated with mild facial dysmorphism [45] can be taken as an oligosymptomatic example of the same syndrome. Early Postzygotic PIK3CA Mutations Cause CLOVES Syndrome The term CLOVE was proposed as an acronym for congenital lipomatous overgrowth with vascular and epidermal anomalies [228]. In 2009 the name was expanded to CLOVES syndrome to denote the additional presence of skeletal anomalies [7]. The associated keratinocytic nevus is of a soft, velvety type and may sometimes show a rather broad segmental involvement (Fig. 7.20). In the past the phenotype was confused with Proteus syndrome, but it represents a distinct nosological entity being caused by postzygotic activating mutations in the PIK3CA gene [159].

Fig. 7.17  Systematized keratinocytic nevus of the common, soft type

Fig. 7.18  Seborrheic keratoses can today be categorized as acquired keratinocytic nevi of the common type

Fig. 7.19  Systematized keratinocytic nevus in a girl with severe cerebral defects (FGFR3 epidermal nevus syndrome) [72] (Courtesy of Dr. Alejandro García Vargas, Guadalajara, Mexico)

7.3 Epidermal Nevi




Fig. 7.20  CLOVES syndrome. (a) Overgrowth of right leg, vascular nevi, contralateral epidermal nevus, and wide feet with broad first interdigital space [138] (reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons,

USA); (b) 14-year-old girl with large subcutaneous lipomas and keratinocytic nevus (courtesy of Dr. Sigrid Tinschert, Berlin, Germany) Common Keratinocytic Nevi of the Hard, Verrucous Type These nevi have a hard and rough surface. Histopathologically they show a more pronounced hyperkeratosis. As an important clinical feature, the hard type is very difficult to treat, whereas the soft type responds rather well to argon laser or carbon dioxide laser therapy [143, 144].

biopsies obtained from rather hyperkeratotic and erythematous lesions. An FGFR3 mutation was present in three of the lesions, and an additional PIK3CA mutation was found in one of them. No mutation could be documented in specimens from the squamous cell carcinoma. The authors raised the question whether this unusual disorder may represent a new nosological entity. SASKIA (Segmentally Arranged Seborrheic Keratoses with Impending Atypia) Nevus: A New Skin Disorder? Multiple seborrheic keratoses arranged along Blaschko’s lines have been suggested to reflect genetic mosaicism [176]. Livingstone et al. [169] described a 76-year-old woman who had since birth multiple seborrheic keratosis-like lesions arranged in a systematized linear pattern on the left side of her body (Fig. 7.21). Some years ago, a squamous cell carcinoma had developed within one of these lesions. Subsequently, carcinomata in situ in association with seborrheic keratosis-­ Fig. 7.21 SASKIA (segmentally arranged seborrheic like structures were found in four out of seven keratoses with impending atypia) nevus [169]

7 Nevi

84 Linear PTEN Nevus (Linear Cowden Nevus Included) This nevus represents a superimposed mosaic manifestation of the PTEN hamartoma syndrome (see Table 3.4 and Sect. 10.1.2). It is caused by loss of heterozygosity at the PTEN locus [109, 116]. The linear PTEN nevus tends to be thicker and more papillomatous than common keratinocytic nevi (Fig. 7.22). Epidermal Nevus of the Proteus Type Proteus syndrome is characterized by disproportionate and progressive overgrowth of various tissues including asymmetrical macrodactyly, cerebriform connective tissue nevi of the soles, lipomas, cystic lymphangiomas, and vascular nevi (Fig.  7.23a, b) [21, 116]. The frequently associated epidermal nevus is a soft and rather flat linear lesion (Fig.  7.23c) [108, 116]. The underlying mutation involves the AKT1 gene [168]. Remarkably, the mutant gene cannot be found in blood DNA because its lethal action eliminates all lymphocytes carrying the mutation. Hystrix-Like Epidermal Nevus of NEVADA Syndrome A peculiar keratinocytic nevus characterized by a thick, hystrix-like white or brownish hyperkeraa


tosis has been described in patients with multiple vascular malformations (Fig.  7.24) [182]. The acronym NEVADA stands for nevus epidermicus verrucosus with angiodysplasia and aneurysms [118]. It is likely, albeit unproven, that this nevus represents a distinct entity. Keratinopathic Epidermal Nevus This nevus (Fig. 7.25) represents a mosaic manifestation of either keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq [201] or of the superficial type of Siemens [55]. Affected individuals run an increased risk to give birth to a child with the diffuse form of this disorder (see Sect. Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus (ILVEN) This nevus is characterized by erythema, scaling, and itching arranged in a linear pattern (Fig. 7.26). In the past, the disorder has often been confused with linear psoriasis [2, 141] or CHILD nevus [75, 192, 193] (see Sect. ILVEN usually occurs sporadically. However, exceptional familial cases have been reported [9, 89] and may be explained as examples of monoallelic autosomal expression, thus reflecting epigenetic mosaicism [104]. Future molecular research may show whether a nonsyndromic, non-hereditary ILVEN exists as a distinct entity. c

Fig. 7.22 (a–c) Papillomatous appearance of linear PTEN nevus [173, 248] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA; a, color photograph kindly provided by Dr. Mustafa Tekin, Ankara, Turkey)

7.3 Epidermal Nevi




Fig. 7.23  Proteus syndrome. (a) Linear soft epidermal nevus in a child [196]; (b) macrodactyly of the right hand and (c) flat epidermal nevus of the left forearm and hand

Fig. 7.24  NEVADA syndrome. Hystrix-like epidermal nevus in a newborn who died because of malformation of large vessels [182] (Courtesy of Dr. Wolfgang Marsch, Halle [Saale], Germany) CHILD Nevus This skin disorder represents a hallmark of CHILD syndrome that is caused by NSDHL mutations and inherited as an X-linked dominant, male-lethal trait (Table  7.1). It occurs almost exclusively in females and is usually present at birth. Strictly unilateral areas of erythema are


in a 24-year-old woman [40] (a, reprinted with permission from Elsevier, UK; b and c, reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

covered with yellowish waxy scales [131]. The CHILD nevus displays two different patterns of distribution that are often intermingled. A diffuse lateralization, with a predilection of the right side, is highly characteristic (Fig. 7.27), whereas lesions arranged along Blaschko’s lines may be noted both ipsilaterally and contralaterally (Fig.  7.28). Most of the histopathological features are indistinguishable from those of psoriasis, which is why CHILD nevus has sometimes been misdiagnosed as psoriasis [123, 212, 234]. However, the phenomenon of verruciform xanthoma is typical of CHILD nevus and not found in psoriasis [131]. Practical note: The best treatment for CHILD nevus is topical application of a lotion or ointment containing lovastatin or simvastatin in combination with cholesterol [202]. According to a more recent report, however, cholesterol does not appear to be necessary [16]. Nevus Corniculatus This disorder is characterized by cutaneous horns and comedo-like lesions arranged along

7 Nevi




Fig. 7.25  Keratinopathic epidermal nevus showing (a) a rather hard surface and (b) the characteristic histopathological feature of acanthokeratolysis

Fig. 7.26 Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN)

Blaschko’s lines (Fig. 7.29) and showing the histopathological feature of acantholysis without any sign of dyskeratosis. Only one case has so far been reported [134]. Nevus Kerinokeratoticus This nevus is a mosaic manifestation of kerinokeratosis papulosa (“waxy keratoses of childhood”), a disorder that may be noted, by way of exception, also in adulthood [57]. A type 1 segmental manifestation was documented by Mehrabi et al. [186], and a superimposed mosaic involvement, being overlaid on bilaterally disseminated papules, was also reported (Fig. 7.30) [124]. Papular Epidermal Nevus with “Skyline” Basal Cell Layer (PENS) In 2011, this name was proposed for a minute, gem-like keratinocytic nevus occurring in a dis-

Fig. 7.27  CHILD arrangement





seminated distribution and being characterized by the histopathological feature of a palisading “skyline” basal cell layer [257]. PENS is preponderantly described in young children [30, 175, 241], which is why a spontaneous resolution in adulthood can presently not be ruled out. In 2012, the term “PENS syndrome” was proposed to describe the association with neurological features including epilepsy, psychomotor delay, EEG anomalies, or cerebral MRI changes [246].

7.3 Epidermal Nevi


Fig. 7.28  CHILD nevus showing a linear arrangement (Courtesy of Dr. Adelaide A.  Hebert, Houston, Texas, USA)



Fig. 7.29  Nevus corniculatus. (a) Linear arrangement of horn-like hyperkeratoses [134]; (b) comedo-like lesion showing suprabasal acantholysis (a, reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

Such neurocutaneous involvement had previously been mentioned by Tadini and Caputo in a book [245]. Remarkably, the neurological abnormalities tend to show a rather benign course and may even be self-limiting in some cases [246]. Peculiar facial appearance and bilateral Achilles tendon shortening were also reported [219]. The

Fig. 7.30  Nevus kerinokeratoticus, representing a superimposed mosaic manifestation of kerinokeratosis papulosa [124] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier, Oxford, UK)

risk of extracutaneous involvement appears to increase with the number of disseminated skin lesions [175]. A familial occurrence has been documented in two reports [30, 219]. Moreover, a pronounced Blaschko-linear involvement suggesting superimposed mosaicism was reported be Faure et al. [68]. So far, the molecular basis of PENS is unknown. Other Keratinocytic Nevi Cases of superimposed mosaic manifestation of several autosomal dominant skin disorders can likewise be categorized as keratinocytic nevi. Examples include pronounced and rather stable linear forms of Darier disease, Hailey-Hailey disease, disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, plaque-like porokeratosis of Mibelli, and keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq [112] (see Sect. 10.2).


7.3.2 Organoid Epidermal Nevi The group of organoid epidermal nevi is rather large, and many of them are diagnostic markers of distinct multisystem birth defects (Table 7.2). The molecular basis of some of these disorders is still unknown. Nevus Sebaceus In principle, this nevus (Fig.  7.31) is characterized by hyperplasia of sebaceous glands. It should be borne in mind, however, that during childhood these glands are usually underdeveloped. A typical finding in young children is the presence of less differentiated structures reminiscent of embryonic hair follicles [187, 239]. Moreover, the sebaceous component may be minimal or absent in parts of the nevus involving areas outside of the head and neck [99]. Nevus sebaceus is a mosaic RASopathy being caused by postzygotic HRAS or KRAS mutations [79]. Several familial cases have been reported. Such familial aggregation is difficult to explain because nevus sebaceus reflects heterozygosity for a HRAS or KRAS mutation [79, 120, 166], which means that this type of organoid nevus can no longer be taken as a paradominant trait [120, 127] (see also Sect. Nevus sebaceus is a hallmark of Schimmelpenning syndrome that includes cerebral, ocular, and skeletal defects [116]. The hypothesis that the disorder reflects the action of a lethal gene surviving by mosaicism [91, 216] has now been confirmed by molecular data [15, 79, 243]. Apparently, these mutations are lethal to such degree that they cannot be found in the patients’ blood [79, 166]. This syndrome may be associated with papular nevus spilus in the form of phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica that represents a pseudodidymosis [121] (see Sect. 9.1), or with aplasia cutis congenita (see Sect. 9.3). Nevus Marginatus: A Peculiar Variant of Nevus Sebaceus An unusual birthmark was described by Hafner et al. [83] in a 35-year-old man. A congenital linear lesion involving one side of his trunk was

7 Nevi

conspicuously bordered by dark-brown papules (Fig.  7.32). On histopathological examination, the flat central area showed sebaceous hyperplasia indicative of a sebaceous nevus, whereas the elevated margin showed features of a nonorganoid keratinocytic nevus. Subsequent molecular analysis revealed, in both components of the lesion, the presence of a HRAS p.G13R mutation, which is known to be the most frequently occurring mutation in nevus sebaceus [81]. In several other reports, nevus marginatus can be found on photographs [29, 249]. It may best be categorized, according to present knowledge, as a particular clinical variant of nevus sebaceus. Apparently, the epithelial progenitor cells of nevus sebaceus possess a variable developmental potential to differentiate into sebocytes or keratinocytes [81]. Nevus Comedonicus The disorder is characterized by multiple comedones showing a linear arrangement. The keratin-­ filled structures are often surrounded by markedly atrophic skin (Fig. 7.33), and sometimes they are associated with large epithelial cysts. The disorder is caused by lethal NEK9 mutations [165]. Nevus comedonicus syndrome includes skeletal, ocular, and neurologic abnormalities [116]. The presence of an ipsilateral cataract can be taken as a diagnostic clue. Linear Epidermolytic Comedones This disorder has unduly been conflated with nevus comedonicus [6, 174]. It should be separated as a distinct entity. The rather large and elevated comedones are arranged along Blaschko’s lines (Fig. 7.34a, b) and show, as a distinguishing feature, the histopathological phenomenon of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (Fig.  7.34c) [6, 206]. For unknown reasons, a man affected with this mosaic disorder had a child with keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq [174]. Angora Hair Nevus and Schauder Syndrome The disorder consists of band-like areas covered with soft, white hair that grows out from dilated

Porokeratotic eccrine nevus

Porokeratotic eccrine Nevus syndrome

Gobello nevus syndrome [246] Epidermal nevus with increased hairiness

Nevus trichilemmocysticus

Nevus trichilemmocysticus syndrome

Blaschko lines

Blaschko lines

Blaschko lines

Checkerboard arrangement Band-like but dissimilar from Blaschko’s lines

Becker nevus

Complex nevus with proliferation of partly immature eccrine structures

Blaschko lines

Blaschko lines

Formal genetic classification Lethal mutation surviving as mosaic

Molecular basis HRAS and KRAS mutations Ipsilateral cataract; absence deformities of Lethal mutation NEK9 bones surviving as mosaic mutation Broad bands covered with long, soft, white hair; Not heritable Unknown porencephaly No Blaschko-linear pattern; in women, Lethal mutation ACTB ipsilateral breast hypoplasia is often present surviving as mosaic mutation Pox-like facial and intraoral scars; gingival Probably not Unknown synechiae; dental crowding; dysmorphic facial heritable appearance; mental deficiency; EEG anomalies; conductive hearing loss Large or small cystic lesions; filiform Not heritable Unknown hyperkeratoses; comedo-like lesions; bone defects Hyperparakeratosis of eccrine infundibula; Simple mosaic GJB2 conductive hearing loss manifestation of mutations KID syndrome Brachydactyly, clinodactytly, asymmetric Superimpsed Unknown hypoplasia of limbs mosaicism of an AD disorder

Pattern of epidermal nevus Discriminating clinical criteria Blaschko lines Epibulbar lipodermoid

Angora hair nevus

Castori syndrome

Angora hair nevus syndrome (Schauder syndrome) Becker nevus syndrome

Syndrome Type of epidermal nevus Schimmelpenning syndrome, Nevus sebaceus including phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica Nevus comedonicus syndrome Nevus comedonicus

Table 7.2  Epidermal nevus syndromes characterized by organoid nevi

7.3 Epidermal Nevi 89

7 Nevi




Fig. 7.31  Systematized sebaceous nevus (a) in a young boy and (b) in a 16-year-old girl [66]



Fig. 7.32  Nevus marginatus [83]. (a) General view; (b) close-up (Reprinted with permission from S.  Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)

follicular infundibula (Fig. 7.35). This nevus was first described by Schauder [230] in a man with multiple mosaic CNS defects giving rise to mental deficiency and epileptic seizures (Table 7.2). Moreover, facial dysmorphism and severe ocular defects were present. In another case the associated abnormalities were rather mild [23]. Becker Nevus and Becker Nevus Syndrome Within the group of organoid epidermal nevi, this disorder has the particularity not to follow Blaschko’s lines but to be arranged in a flag-like pattern. Becker nevus is an androgen-dependent lesion. Therefore, women and prepubertal boys

7.3 Epidermal Nevi


merely show a hyperpigmented macule with bizarre outlines and mild or absent hairiness, whereas in adult men the pigmented patch is darker and covered by a pronounced ­hypertrichosis (Fig.  7.36). This explains why isolated Becker nevi are reported more frequently in men [128]. Adolescents may develop acne within the Becker nevus [1, 227]. Histopathologically, the lesion usually shows

increased numbers of smooth muscles, resembling a “smooth muscle hamartoma.” The disorder is caused by lethal postzygotic ACTB mutations [33]. On the other hand, Becker nevus syndrome is reported more frequently in women because of the more noticeable feature of ipsilateral breast hypoplasia (Fig. 7.37) [46]. Other syndromic associations include asymmetric patchy hypoplasia of

Fig. 7.33  Nevus comedonicus (Courtesy of Dr. Wolf I. Worret, Munich, Germany)

Fig. 7.35 Angora hair nevus, being a hallmark of Schauder syndrome [116] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK)




Fig. 7.34  Linear epidermolytic comedones. (a) Systematized unilateral involvement; (b) close-up; (c) comedo showing the histopathological feature of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis

7 Nevi


subcutaneous fatty tissue, supernumerary nipples, absence or hypoplasia of ipsilateral muscles of the shoulder girdle, scoliosis, and skeletal anomalies of the thorax, as well as segmental odontomaxillary hypoplasia or dysplasia [10, 116]. Both isolated Becker nevus and Becker nevus syndrome usually occur sporadically. Exceptional familial cases [177] remain unexplained, so far. Porokeratotic Eccrine Nevus: A Mosaic Manifestation of KID Syndrome The long-winded synonym “porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus” (PEODDN) is redundant because an eccrine nevus always

Fig. 7.36  Becker nevus (Courtesy of Dr. Aïcha Salhi, Algiers, Algeria)



Fig. 7.38  Porokeratotic eccrine nevus. (a, b) Linear arrangement of filiform hyperkeratoses in an 8-month-old girl [34]; (c) systematized involvement in a 7-year-old boy

involves the dermal ducts and its porokeratotic component is always ostial [132]. Hair growth may rarely be noted on porokeratotic eccrine nevus [41]. The infundibular parakeratotic plugs (Fig.  7.38a, b) are most prominent in lesions involving the palms and soles. In other parts of the body, they may be far less conspicuous or even absent. The disorder has sometimes been mistaken for “linear porokeratosis” or “unilateral punctate porokeratosis” [14, 210, 218]. Titeux et al. [252] described systematized linear lesions in the mother of a child with KID syndrome. In several cases of porokeratotic eccrine

Fig. 7.37  A typical feature of Becker nevus syndrome is hypoplasia of the ipsilateral breast [46] (Reprinted under license of Creative Commons)


with bilateral hearing loss [149] (a, b, reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA; c, reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK)

7.3 Epidermal Nevi


nevi, Easton et al. [60] found mosaic GJB2 mutations resulting in a defective connexin 26, and they suggested that such nevi represent a mosaic manifestation of KID syndrome. Remarkably, Jamora and Celis [149] observed a widespread porokeratotic eccrine nevus in a boy who had gross hearing loss (Fig.  7.38c). This case may also be taken as an example of “porokeratotic eccrine nevus syndrome.” Masferrer [185] described linear lesions of porokeratotic eccrine nevus in a mother and her daughter. Because the daughter had, in addition, “a few solitary units,” it is tempting to speculate that the mother had a simple segmental manifestation of KID syndrome heralding gonadal mosaicism, whereas her daughter had a superimposed mosaic involvement (see Sect. 10.2.6). Eccrine Nevus of the Castori Type Castori et al. [37] described a complex organoid nevus characterized by proliferations of immature to well-formed eccrine duct-like structures Fig. 7.39 Eccrine nevus of the Castori type [37] (Courtesy of Dr. Marco Castori, Rome, Italy) that were localized in the deep dermis, being scattered within an abundant fibrous stroma. The keratinocytes were hyperpigmented, especially at the base of the rete ridges. Clinically, the lesions formed large depressed plaques with a brownish-­ violaceous hue (Fig.  7.39). Their arrangement was segmental, but did not appear to follow Blaschko’s lines. The systematized nevus was found to be associated with several unusual extracutaneous defects (see Table 7.2). Most likely it represents a new mosaic skin disorder. Nevus Trichilemmocysticus The hallmark of this organoid nevus is the presence of multiple trichilemmal cysts being arranged along Blaschko’s lines (Fig.  7.40) and usually intermingled with multiple filiform hyperkeratosis [247]. Comedo-like plugs may likewise be present. Many additional cases have been described [69, 162, 163, 214, 226, 233, 236]. A coexistence with bone lesions as noted in two cases [69, 247] may represent a distinct epidermal nevus syndrome [118]. The molecular basis is unknown. It is very unlikely that the disorder is related to the PLCD1 mutations of hereditary trichilemmal cysts [145].

Fig. 7.40  Nevus trichilemmocysticus Acne Nevus of Munro Munro’s acne nevus (Fig. 7.41) is a mosaic manifestation of Apert syndrome, an autosomal dominant trait caused by FGFR2 mutations [194]. The inflammatory acne lesions that are arranged along Blaschko’s lines have been conflated with nevus comedonicus [188, 242]. It should be borne in mind that nevus comedonicus does usually not show any inflammatory acne lesions and is not caused by FGFR2 mutations.

7 Nevi


patients with a pigmented nevus characterized by multiple follicular hyperkeratotic plugs. For the following reasons, we cannot accept the diagnosis of Becker nevus. Firstly, Becker nevus “presenting exclusively with follicular lesions” has not been described so far and will, presumably, never be reported. Secondly, this pigmented follicular nevus tends to show a Blaschko-linear arrangement, which excludes a diagnosis of Becker nevus. Thirdly, histopathological examination did not show increased numbers of smooth muscles, which would be a typical finding in Becker nevi. Moreover, in 2020 the unusual ­diagnosis of “follicular Becker’s nevus” cannot be accepted without underpinning by molecular data [33]. Hence, we assume that the authors have described a distinct new organoid epidermal nevus that should not be conflated with nevus comedonicus or Becker nevus. Future molecular research may show whether this assumption holds true.

7.4 Vascular Nevi

Fig. 7.41  Acne nevus of Munro [194] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK) Linear Follicular Mucinous Nevus In 2013, a new type of linear hair follicle nevus was described by Tadini et al. [244]. A 6-year-old girl had a peculiar Blaschko-linear epidermal nevus characterized by typical microscopic features of mucinosis that exclusively involved the epithelial component of hair follicles. Meanwhile, the existence of this distinct organoid nevus has been confirmed by several other groups [70]. Linear Pigmented Follicular Nevus Under the unjustified term “follicular Becker’s nevus,” Manchanda et  al. [179] described four

The group of vascular nevi includes many different entities. It is important to realize that the presently fashionable name “capillary malformation” is ambiguous and unsuitable to categorize a specific vascular disorder like nevus flammeus or nevus roseus. “Capillary malformation” is an umbrella term that includes, in addition to the vascular nevi, some skin lesions that cannot be categorized as nevi such as the nuchal, glabellar, or sacral salmon patches or the vascular lesions of Osler-Rendu-Weber disease [110].

7.4.1 Capillary Nevi This group comprises nevus flammeus, nevus roseus, rhodoid nevus, cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita, reticular capillary nevus, telangiectatic nevus with underlying and surrounding dilated veins, angiokeratoma circumscriptum, angioma serpiginosum, and nevus anemicus.

7.4 Vascular Nevi

95 Nevus Flammeus of Klippel-­ Trenaunay Syndrome When a nevus flammeus involves the limbs or the trunk, the phenotype is traditionally called Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS). Remarkably, the mutations of Sturge-Weber syndrome have rarely been found in KTS [47]. In most cases, a postzygotic PIK3CA mutation was documented [153].

Fig. 7.42  Nevus flammeus Nevus Flammeus of Sturge-­ Weber Syndrome This is a dark-red vascular patch arranged in a lateralized flag-like or checkerboard pattern (Fig.  7.42). The disorder is caused by a lethal mutation in GNAQ [235] or GNA11 [207]. Hence, its mosaic origin [93] can now be taken as proven. The End of the Trigeminal Concept of Facial Nevi Flammei Since more than 100  years, our textbooks said that facial nevi flammei correspond to the dermatomal segments of trigeminal innervation. This dogma, however, has no scientific basis. When large numbers of photographs are studied, there is ample evidence that facial nevi flammei display a flag-like arrangement that does not correspond to the cutaneous representation of the three trigeminal branches [107]. This iconoclastic view was not entirely new. Similar arguments against the prevailing belief of a neural origin of these nevi were presented by Alexander already in 1972 [4]. Today the concept of mosaicism implies that the assumption of a neurological origin is unnecessary. Because the mosaic nature of nevus flammeus was proven at the molecular level [235], the outdated doctrine of trigeminal arrangement of facial nevi flammei should now be abandoned. Sturge-Weber Syndrome Versus Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome According to our scholastic tradition, we distinguish a Sturge-Weber syndrome involving the head and neck from a Klippel-Trenaunay ­syndrome (KTS) involving the trunk and the limbs. The involved limb can be enlarged, and by way of exception, it can also be hypoplastic [51]. If we accept the concept of mosaicism, it seems reasonable that both Sturge-Weber and Klippel-­Trenaunay syndromes may sometimes occur together. Postzygotic GNA11 mutations can cause a port-wine nevus with limb overgrowth (that may clinically be categorized as KTS) [47]. In most cases of KTS, however, a postzygotic PIK3CA mutation has been documented [153]. Port-Wine Nevus of the Proteus Type This capillary nevus is caused by a postzygotic AKT1 mutation (see Sect. The flag-like arrangement is less pronounced than in nevus flammeus [122]. The nevus is sometimes intermingled with lesions of lymphangioma. Port-Wine Nevus of the CLOVES Type The nevus reflects a postzygotic PIK3CA mutation (see Sect. Again, the pattern of distribution is less flag-like than noted in nevus flammeus of the Sturge-Weber type. Moreover, the CLOVES type involves preponderantly the trunk [122], and it tends to be associated with large lipomas. Sometimes, however, it is difficult


7 Nevi

to discriminate between CLOVES and Klippel-­ Rhodoid Nevus: A Specific Trenaunay syndrome, which is why our terminolName for an Otherwise ogy of various PROS phenotypes may change in Nameless Capillary the future. Malformation This vascular nevus represents the hallmark of Nevus Roseus two distinct syndromes that have been described This is a lateralized telangiectatic birthmark of by Miikka Vikkula’s group [61]. Until 2010, light-red or pale-pink color (Fig. 7.43). The dis- however, the skin lesion had no specific name. It order has so far been mistaken as a nevus flam- was simply called “capillary malformation,” meus from which it should be distinguished for representing the cutaneous component of the the following reasons. Nevus roseus is consis- phenotype “capillary malformation-arteriovetently found in phacomatosis spilorosea, whereas nous malformation” and being caused by RASA1 nevus flammeus is a regular component of phaco- [26, 61, 140, 213] or EPHB4 mutations [11]. In matosis cesioflammea [105, 106]. Its separate order to render this telangiectatic nevus status has been confirmed by the finding of (Fig.  7.44) identifiable by clinicians, separate lesional postzygotic PTPN11 mutations [208]. It names in the form of rhodoid nevus and rhodoid should be noted, however, that during early infancy a nevus flammeus may also show a pink color and may thus be indistinguishable from nevus roseus. Moreover, nevus roseus should be distinguished from the salmon patch that always involves the midline, does not reflect mosaicism, and can, therefore, not be categorized as a nevus [98] (see Sect.

Fig. 7.43  Nevus roseus

Fig. 7.44  Rhodoid nevus. Note the characteristic anemic halo (Courtesy of Dr. Regina Fölster-Holst, Kiel, Germany)

7.4 Vascular Nevi

nevus syndrome have been proposed [117] (see Sect. 10.4.2). Notably, the rhodoid nevus syndromes 1 and 2 include the phenotype “capillary malformation without arteriovenous malformation” (OMIM 608354) [199]. Rhodoid nevi are lighter than nevus flammeus but darker than nevus roseus. The lesions tend to be rather small and their shape is round or oval. In contrast to nevus flammeus and nevus roseus, rhodoid nevi are transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait, and they show a haphazard, nonsegmental distribution. As a highly characteristic feature, they are often surrounded by a pale anemic halo. Of note, Valdivielso-Ramos et al. [263] found in the center of rhodoid nevi histopathological features suggesting a minimal arteriovenous malformation. This intriguing discovery does not interfere with the classification of the skin lesion as a nevus.


The disorder is genetically heterogeneous but it is often caused by postzygotic mutations in GNA11 [231]. The Van Lohuizen syndrome includes extracutaneous defects such as hyper- or hypoplasia of limbs, syndactyly, cleft palate, glaucoma, and mental deficiency [31, 50]. Reticular Capillary Nevus: A Hallmark of Megalencephaly-­ Reticular Capillary Nevus Syndrome (“Macrocephaly-­ Capillary Malformation Syndrome”) Contrasting with cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita, this type of vascular nevus is characterized by a rather close-meshed erythema (Fig. 7.46) [76, 271]. Megalencephaly-reticular capillary nevus syndrome is a multisystem birth defect caused by postzygotic PIK3CA mutations [217], Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita (CMTC) This nevus is characterized by a segmentally arranged, rather coarse-meshed erythema (Fig.  7.45) that blanches with pressure. It is accentuated by cold, but does not disappear with rewarming. Both telangiectasia and phlebectasia are noted, and ulceration may also occur. Because even in cases of most severe involvement some small unaffected areas are found, it has been assumed that the disorder is caused by a lethal mutation surviving by mosaicism [95].

Fig. 7.45  Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita

Fig. 7.46  Megalencephaly-reticular capillary nevus syndrome. Note midfacial port-wine patch of the forehead and upper philtrum


thus representing part of the PIK3CA-­related overgrowth spectrum (PROS) [153]. Associated neurologic defects include mental deficiency, brain asymmetry, megalencephaly, polymicrogyria, and hydrocephalus [190]. Asymmetric overgrowth and syndactyly are likewise present. As a highly characteristic additional cutaneous feature, a midfacial port-wine patch with a predilection for the philtrum and upper or lower lip may be noted (Fig. 6.2) [71, 95, 183] (see Sect. 6.2). This particular syndrome was delineated in 1997 by Moore et al. [191] under the inappropriate designation “macrocephaly-cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita.” Later on, the term was replaced by the even more inaccurate name “macrocephaly-capillary malformation” [203, 255, 271]. Clinicians should bear in mind that “capillary malformation” is an empty notion [110]. The name is maintained in the more recently proposed synonyms “megalencephaly-­ capillary malformation syndrome” and “megalencephaly-­capillary malformation-­ polymicrogyria syndrome” [190, 199]. Here, the term reticular capillary nevus is used to distinguish this vascular nevus from all other capillary malformations. Telangiectatic Nevus with Underlying and Surrounding Dilated Veins A peculiar congenital telangiectatic nevus characterized by underlying and surrounding dilated veins was reported in three children and one adult patient [137]. Future clinical and molecular studies may show whether these nevi represent a distinct entity. Angiokeratoma Circumscriptum The disorder does not represent a benign neoplasia but a nevus, which is why “angiokeratoma” is a misnomer [49]. The nevus is arranged in a bandlike pattern but does not follow Blaschko’s lines [18, 160]. Cases of systematized involvement (Fig. 7.47) strongly suggest mosaicism resulting from a postzygotic mutation [18].

7 Nevi Segmentally Arranged Angioma Serpiginosum “Angioma serpiginosum” does not show neoplastic proliferation and does, therefore, not represent an angioma [39, 158]. A more appropriate designation would be “telangiectasia serpiginosa,” but the incorrect name has firmly been entrenched in our terminology. The disorder is characterized by bright-red punctate telangiectatic lesions that are often grouped to form a patchy or segmental arrangement [17, 39]. Histopathologically, dilated and tortuous capillaries are noted in the uppermost part of the dermis. Nonsegmental angioma serpiginosum sometimes shows a familial aggregation, suggesting transmission as an autosomal dominant trait [181]. On the other hand, cases of segmentally arranged angioma serpiginosum, suggesting mosaicism (Fig.  7.48), have so far always been sporadic [39]. It is as yet unclear whether such cases can be taken as simple or superimposed mosaicism of the nonsegmental phenotype. The arrangement of segmental angioma serpiginosum can so far not be assigned to any of the established archetypical patterns of mosaicism. Some authors assumed a distribution along Blaschko’s lines [3, 73], but in most cases the lesions do not follow this pattern. Segmental angioma serpiginosum has been confused with focal dermal hypoplasia and was, therefore, erroneously described as an X-linked trait [22, 146]. According to present knowledge, X-linked angioma serpiginosum (OMIM 300652) does not exist [113]. Nevus Anemicus This nevus represents a vasoconstrictive counterpart of telangiectatic nevi. It is a pale macule with a highly irregular margin (Fig. 7.49). If the skin is rubbed, there is no erythematous reflex within the nevus. Multiple lesions are not arranged in any archetypical mosaic pattern but rather show a patchy, haphazard distribution [256]. Nevus anemicus may occur as part of several binary genetic skin disorders such as phacomatosis cesioflammea [105], “phacomatosis cesioanemica” [119, 139], and nevus vascularis mixtus (see Sects. and 9.5).

7.4 Vascular Nevi Fig. 7.47 Angio­ keratoma circum­ scriptum showing a systematized band-like arrangement. (a) Dorsal view; (b) lateral view [18] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)



b Nevus Vascularis Mixtus This disorder represents an admixture of anemic and reticular telangiectatic skin changes [90]. Possibly, the dermatosis is a particular example of allelic twin spotting. It represents a hallmark of a novel neurocutaneous phenotype, nevus vascularis mixtus syndrome [164, 224] (see Sect.

7.4.2 Venous Nevi Fig. 7.48  Angioma serpiginosum showing a segmental distribution [39] (Reprinted with permission from S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)

According to present knowledge, three types of venous nevi can be distinguished.


7 Nevi

Fig. 7.49  Nevus anemicus (Courtesy of Dr. Elena de las Heras, Madrid, Spain) Large Venous Nevus This venous malformation occurs sporadically and is characterized by the presence of enlarged and tortuous veins involving the skin or the neighboring mucosa in a segmental pattern with a strict midline separation (Fig.  7.50) [276]. The lesions almost certainly reflect mosaicism and appear to fulfill all criteria of a true nevus. The name “venous malformation,” as presently used by many authors [65], is an umbrella term unsuitable to appropriately denote this disorder. Small Venous Nevi (“Hereditary Cutaneomucosal Venous Malformations”) Small venous nevi (Fig.  7.51) that have been called “hereditary cutaneomucosal venous malformations” are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait [167]. They are caused by TIE2/TEK

Fig. 7.50  Large venous nevus [276] (Reprinted with permission from S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)

Fig. 7.51  Small venous nevus [274] (Reprinted with permission from S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)

mutations [270] and fulfill all criteria of true nevi. Their relationship to large venous nevi is so far unclear.

7.5 Connective Tissue Nevi


Fig. 7.52  Venous nevus of the Servelle-Martorell type [152] (Reprinted with license of Creative Commons) Venous Nevus of the Servelle-­ Martorell Type This malformation is characterized by a segmental area of huge phlebectasia with hyperplasia of the involved limb (Fig.  7.52) [152, 267]. The underlying bones may sometimes be hypotrophic.

7.5 Connective Tissue Nevi These skin lesions are sometimes noted as part of various multisystem birth defects.

7.5.1 Collagen Nevi of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Such nevi represent a superimposed mosaic manifestation of the disorder [135] (see Sect. 10.3.1), or, to say it more exactly, they are a superimposed mosaic manifestation of the disseminated military fibromas of TSC [36]. The collagen nevi have been described under various names including shagreen patch, cobblestone nevus, forehead plaque, or folliculocystic and collagen hamartoma [135, 258].

Fig. 7.53  Linear collagen nevus [59] (Reprinted with permission from the Society for Publication of Acta Dermato-Venereologica)

called “papulolinear collagenoma” [74, 172, 221]. A rather pronounced form of the disorder was described in a boy with phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica [24].

7.5.3 Elastin-Rich Nevus Small, skin-colored or yellowish, firm papules as noted in Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome can be categorized as elastin-rich nevi. Large plaques showing an asymmetrical arrangement have been called “juvenile elastoma” [102]. They probably represent a superimposed mosaic manifestation of the syndrome (see Sect. 10.3.2).

7.5.2 Linear Collagen Nevus

7.5.4 Segmental Manifestation of Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes

This peculiar connective tissue nevus (Fig. 7.53) that follows Blaschko’s lines [59] has also been

Simple segmental forms of autosomal dominant types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome have been doc-

7 Nevi


umented by some authors [48, 157], and superimposed mosaicism has also been described (see Sect. 10.3.3).

7.6 Fatty Tissue Nevi Two different types of fatty tissue nevi are so far known.

7.6.1 Nevus Lipomatosus Superficialis This malformation consists of multiple soft papules and nodules involving the trunk in a linear arrangement (Fig. 7.54) [42, 272]. The arrangement is linear, but presumably not Blaschko-­ linear as assumed by some authors [25]. Histopathologically, hyperplastic and lobulated fatty tissue is noted. Fig. 7.55  Nevus psiloliparus

7.6.2 Nevus Psiloliparus This nevus is a flat and hairless lesion involving the scalp [129]. In the past it has been mistaken for sebaceous nevus and sometimes even for alopecia areata. The hair follicles are either absent or present in the form of embryonic anagen [126]. The nevus shows a patchy, nonlinear arrange-

ment (Fig.  7.55). It may occur either as a hallmark of encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis or as an isolated lesion [126, 171]. The concept of a lethal mutation surviving by mosaicism [133] has been proven by documenting postzygotic mutations in FGFR1 [19]. Nevus psiloliparus should be distinguished from nevus lipomatosus superficialis of the Hoffmann-Zurhelle type that is characterized by nodular lesions (see Sect. 7.6.1). It is usually localized on the trunk but may, by way of exception, also involve the scalp [8].

7.7 Hairless Nevus of Oculoectodermal Syndrome

Fig. 7.54  Nevus lipomatosus superficialis [35] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

In oculoectodermal syndrome, multiple scalp lesions in the form of aplasia cutis congenita or flat hairless nevi are associated with epibulbar dermoids [204]. Histopathologically, some scalp lesions may be reminiscent of nevus psiloliparus. Sometimes, a distinction between oculoectoder-


mal syndrome and encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis appears to be difficult or even impossible [27]. Ardinger et al. [15] proposed that oculoectodermal syndrome may represent a mild variant of encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis, with the major difference that cerebral defects were lacking.

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Didymotic Skin Disorders

From a theoretical point of view, we can distinguish between allelic and nonallelic twin spotting. The two dissimilar alleles causing didymotic skin disorders (see Sect. 3.3.3) may involve the same gene locus (allelic didymosis), or they may affect different loci (nonallelic didymosis) on either of a pair of homologous chromosomes. For both mechanisms, molecular proof is lacking in humans, so far. It is very likely, however, that the concept of allelic didymosis will be confirmed for various paired skin disorders, whereas a molecular corroboration of the theory of nonallelic didymosis will take far more time.

8.1 Allelic Didymosis The following disorders are suggestive of allelic twin spotting, but molecular proof is so far lacking.

8.1.1 Cutis Tricolor This group of disorders is characterized by the combination of hyper- and hypomelanotic macules that are often localized in close proximity to each other on a background of normally pigmented skin. Cutis tricolor [7] may present as a purely cutaneous trait [18] but may also be associated with other features. Molecular proof for cutis tricolor is so far lacking. Ruggieri-Happle Syndrome A hallmark of this disorder is the presence of rather large light and dark macules on a background skin of intermediate color (Fig.  8.1), sometimes being arranged in a distinct sash-like pattern (Fig. 6.1) (see Sect. 6.1). Extracutaneous mosaic defects involve the brain [7, 13, 16, 18] and the bones [17].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,


8  Didymotic Skin Disorders

114 Fig. 8.1  Cutis tricolor arranged in large patches without midline separation as noted in the Ruggieri-Happle syndrome [16]

Normal intermediate pigmention


Hyperpigmentation Cutis Tricolor Parvimaculata The trait is characterized by rather small hyperand hypomelanotic spots on a background of intermediate skin (Fig. 8.2a) [12]. Rather often it is associated with cerebral defects [1, 2, 12]. Cutis tricolor parvimaculata is seen in patients with ring chromosome 15 syndrome [1, 2]. Cutis tricolor parvimaculata is also seen in patients with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome (Fig. 8.2b).

8.1.3 Didymosis in Darier Disease Cutis Tricolor of the Blaschko-­ Linear Type Niessen et al. [14] described hyper- and hypopigmented bands following Blaschko’s lines in a 6-year-old girl with double aneuploidy mosaicism 47,XX + 7/45,X.

8.2 A Note on the Theoretical Concept of Nonallelic Didymosis

8.1.2 Didymosis in Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Brocq In 1991, Eng et al. [3] described a boy with “congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma and epidermal nevus.” Happle and König [8] reclassified this case as an example of keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq showing twin spotting in the form of paired bands of either excessive or absent involvement.

Patients with Darier disease may likewise have paired bands of either pronounced or absent involvement, which can be interpreted as cases of allelic twin spotting (Fig.  8.3). Three clinical examples suggestive of such mechanism have so far been reported [11, 15, 22], but molecular evidence is still lacking.

In nonallelic didymosis, the two components would involve different tissues. Various forms of nonallelic didymosis have experimentally been induced in Drosophila melanogaster [4, 20, 21]. Therefore, it seems reasonable to predict that nonallelic twin spotting might likewise occur in human skin. In the past, the concept of nonallelic didymosis was proposed to explain several binary genodermatoses featuring two or more cutaneous nevi appearing in the same patient, such as phacomatosis spilosebacea (aka phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica) [6] or the different types of phacomatosis pigmentovascularis [9, 10]. Today,

8.2 A Note on the Theoretical Concept of Nonallelic Didymosis




Fig. 8.2  Cutis tricolor parvimaculata (a) [2] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA); (b) cutis tricolor parvimaculata in a child with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency

however, this theory is no longer upheld. Evidence has been provided that the two components of different types of phacomatoses originate from one single mutation. Phacomatosis spilosebacea (aka ph. pigmentokeratotica) originates from one single pleiotropic HRAS mutation present in a heterozygous state [5]. This finding excludes the possibility of loss of heterozygosity.

The same holds for phacomatosis cesioflammea because nevus flammeus was found to be caused by a heterozygous GNAQ mutation [19]. Hence, at this point in time, it is very unlikely or can virtually be ruled out that the remaining types of phacomatosis pigmentovascularis [9] and some other binary genodermatoses (see Chap. 9) represent examples of nonallelic twin spotting.

8  Didymotic Skin Disorders






Fig. 8.3  Didymosis in Darier disease. (a) A 50-year-old man showing diffuse involvement of the trunk; (b) linear areas of either pronounced or absent involvement on the back; (c) didymotic involvement of legs [15]; (d) 12-year-­

old patient showing a similar type of twin spotting [22] (a–c, reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA; d, courtesy of Dr. Shehu M. Yusuf, Kano, Nigeria)


References 1. Barroso CRD, Gomes LS, Silvestre VA, Utagawa CY.  Cutis tricolor parvimaculata in ring chromosome 15 syndrome: a case report. Pediatr Dermatol. 2018;35:e204–5. 2. Boente MC, Bazan C, Montanari D.  Cutis tricolor parvimaculata in two patients with ring chromosome 15 syndrome. Pediatr Dermatol. 2011;28:670–3. 3. Eng AM, Brody P, Rhee HL, Bronson DM. Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma and epidermal nevus. Int J Dermatol. 1991;30:284–7. 4. Graf U, Würgler FE, Katz AJ, Frei H, Juon H, Hall CB, Kale PG.  Somatic mutation and recombination test in Drosophila melanogaster. Environ Mutagen. 1984;6:153–88. 5. Groesser L, Herschberger E, Sagrera A, Shwayder T, Flux K, Ehmann L, Wollenberg A, Torrelo A, Bagazgoitia L, Diaz-Ley B, Tinschert S, Oschlies I, Siner S, Mickler M, Toll A, Landthaler M, Real FX, Hafner C. Phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica is caused by a postzygotic HRAS mutation in a multipotent progenitor cell. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133:1998–2003. 6. Happle R, Hoffmann R, Restano L, Caputo R, Tadini G. Phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica: a melanocyticepidermal twin nevus syndrome. Am J Med Genet. 1996;65:363–5. 7. Happle R, Barbi G, Eckert D, Kennerknecht I. “Cutis tricolor”: congenital hyper- and hypopigmented macules associated with a sporadic multisystem birth defect: an unusual example of twin spotting? J Med Genet. 1997;34:676–8. 8. Happle R, König A. Dominant traits may give rise to paired patches of either excessive or absent involvement. Am J Med Genet. 1999;84:176–7. 9. Happle R. Phacomatosis pigmentovascularis revisited and reclassified. Arch Dermatol. 2005;141:385–8. 10. Happle R.  Didymosis cesioanemica: an unusual counterpart of phacomatosis cesioflammea. Eur J Dermatol. 2011;21:471. 11. Itin PH, Happle R. Darier disease with paired segmental manifestation of either excessive or absent involvement: a further step in the concept of twin spotting. Dermatology. 2002;205:344–7. 12. Larralde M, Happle R. Cutis tricolor parvimaculata: a distinct neurocutaneous syndrome? Dermatology. 2005;211:149–51.

117 13. Lionetti E, Pavone P, Kennerknecht I, Failla G, Schepis C, De Pasquale R, Pavone L, Ruggieri M.  Neurological manifestations in individuals with pure cutaneous or syndromic (Ruggieri-Happle syndrome) phenotypes with “cutis tricolor”: a study of 14 cases. Neuropediatrics. 2010;41:60–5. 14. Niessen RC, Jonkman MF, Muis N, Hordijk R, van Essen AJ.  Pigmentary mosaicism following the lines of Blaschko in a girl with a double aneuploidy mosaicism: (47, XX,+7/45, X). Am J Med Genet A. 2005;137A:313–22. 15. Rodríguez-Pazos L, Gomez-Bernal S, Loureiro M, Toribio J. Type 2 segmental Darier disease with twin spot phenomenon. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2011;25:496–7. 16. Ruggieri M.  Cutis tricolor: congenital hyper- and hypopigmented lesions in a background of normal skin with and without associated systemic features: further expansion of the phenotype. Eur J Pediatr. 2000;159:745–9. 17. Ruggieri M, Roggini M, Kennerknecht I, Polizzi A, Distefano A, Pavone V.  Spectrum of skeletal abnormalities in a complex malformation syndrome with “cutis tricolor” (Ruggieri-Happle syndrome). Acta Paediatr. 2011;100:121–7. 18. Ruggieri M, Polizzi A, Schepis C, Morano M, Strano S, Belfiore G, Palmucci S, Foti PV, Pirrone C, Roggini M, David E, Salpietro V, Milone P.  Cutis tricolor: a literature review and report of five new cases. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2016;6:525–34. 19. Shirley MD, Tang H, Gallione CJ, Baugher JD, Frelin LP, Cohen B, North PE, Marchuk DA, Comi AM, Pevsner J.  Sturge-Weber syndrome and port-wine stains caused by somatic mutation in GNAQ. N Engl J Med. 2013;368:1971–9. 20. Spano MA, Frei H, Wurgler FE, Graf U. Recombinogenic activity of four compounds in the standard and high bioactivation crosses of Drosophila melanogaster in the wing spot test. Mutagenesis. 2001;16:385–94. 21. Stern C.  Somatic crossing over and segregation in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics. 1936;21:625–730. 22. Yusuf SM, Mohammed AZ, Uloko AE.  Type 2 segmental Darier’s disease in a twelve-year-old Nigerian male—a case report. Niger J Med. 2009;18:413–5.


Other Binary Genodermatoses, in Which Didymosis Is Excluded or Questionable

Molecular research has provided evidence that nevi occurring in a binary form are mostly the result of single mutations in a pluripotent progenitor cell leading to multiple tissue manifestations (see Sect. 8.2). Hence, the concept of nonallelic didymosis can no longer be upheld. The term “pseudodidymosis” has been used for this group of binary disorders [22]. There is a wide range of possible combinations of nevi. However, some combinations appear to be very consistent, and some of them have received specific names under the general headline of “phacomatosis.”

9.1 Phacomatosis Spilosebacea (Aka Phacomatosis Pigmentokeratotica) This phenotype [56] is characterized by papular nevus spilus coexisting with nevus sebaceus (Fig. 9.1) [18, 20, 41, 51, 57, 61]. The disorder can be taken as a variant of Schimmelpenning syndrome [17]. Sometimes the paired nevi may occur without involvement of internal organs [11, 31, 43], but numerous cases complicated by extracutaneous defects have been documented [4–6, 34]. The associated sebaceous nevus was reported to be particularly prone to develop multiple basal cell carcinomas [8, 12, 33, 37, 53], and the nevus spilus seems to be prone, to a minor degree, to develop melanoma

[37]. Some patients develop other malignancies [18, 25, 40, 46]. It has been extensively demonstrated that the two cutaneous components of the phenotype originate from one single pluripotent progenitor cell [17]. Hotspot activating mutations in HRAS [17, 26, 36] and, less frequently, KRAS [40] and BRAF [4] have been described.

9.2 Paired Occurrence of Nevus Sebaceus and Melorheostosis Unusual cases of unilateral melorheostosis coexistent with ipsilateral nevus sebaceus have been reported [55]. A postzygotic KRAS mutation was found in the epidermal nevus and the skin overlying melorheostosis, and hence a potential pathogenetic link was proposed. Melorheostosis occurs also as a superimposed mosaic manifestation in Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome (see Sect 10.3.2).

9.3 Paired Occurrence of Nevus Sebaceus and Aplasia Cutis Congenita Aplasia cutis congenita is sometimes noted in close proximity to a sebaceous nevus (Fig. 9.2) [23], which renders a nosological relationship rather likely. KRAS mutations have been found

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,



9  Other Binary Genodermatoses, in Which Didymosis Is Excluded or Questionable

RASopathies such as oculoectodermal syndrome [7, 42]. In one patient with SCALP syndrome (sebaceous nevus syndrome, central nervous system malformations, aplasia cutis congenita, limbal dermoid, and pigmented, melanocytic nevus) [24], a postzygotic mutation in NRAS was found [10].

Fig. 9.1  Phacomatosis spilosebacea (Courtesy of Dr. Ching-Ying Wu, Kaohsiung, Taiwan)


9.4 Paired Occurrence of Nevus Psiloliparus and Aplasia Cutis Congenita Another disorder that appears to be sometimes paired with aplasia cutis congenita is nevus psiloliparus (Fig.  9.3). Such binary lesions are often noted in encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis [35, 38, 50], which is caused by postzygotic mutations in FGFR1 (see Sect. 7.6.2). According to present knowledge, the previously proposed term “didymosis aplasticopsilolipara” [58] is inappropriate. Moreover, a coexistence of nevus ­psiloliparus and aplasia cutis congenita is sometimes noted in oculoectodermal syndrome, a dis-


Fig. 9.2  Paired occurrence of nevus sebaceus and aplasia cutis congenita. (a) A 1-month-old girl with nevus sebaceus, intermingled with (b) aplasia cutis congenita on her scalp [23] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

in one case [10], and aplasia cutis congenita is a common manifestation in different mosaic

Fig. 9.3  Paired occurrence of nevus psiloliparus and aplasia cutis congenita [38] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

9.6 The Group of Phacomatosis Pigmentovascularis


order that also shows other clinical features overlapping with those of encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis [7].

9.5 Paired Occurrence of Capillary Nevi These forms of binary genodermatosis occur rather frequently. They appear as a telangiectatic nevus paired with the angiospastic lesions of nevus anemicus [19]. Both nevi may occur as pure cutaneous traits or as a more complex mosaic condition such as phacomatosis cesioflammea or nevus vascularis mixtus syndrome [48].

9.5.1 Paired Nevus Flammeus and Nevus Anemicus This binary skin disorder occurs rather frequently [44]. In part, the two nevi may overlap each other (Fig. 9.4). The lesions can be described as “mixed vascular nevi,” but we emphasize that this designation is not identical with “nevus vascularis mixtus” that represents a quite different entity that will be described in the following paragraph.

9.5.2 Nevus Vascularis Mixtus This disorder is characterized by an admixture of reticular telangiectatic lesions and angiospastic spots of nevus anemicus [19]. It may occur as purely cutaneous disorder (Fig.  9.5) or represent the cutaneous hallmark of the nevus vascularis mixtus syndrome (RuggieriLeech syndrome), featuring distinct brain malformations, skeletal abnormalities, and cerebral vascular anomalies [48]. The molecular basis of nevus vascularis mixtus has not been established, although in one case, a gain-of-function mutation in GNA11 was reported in the telangiectatic tissue [47].

Fig. 9.4  Nevus flammeus paired with nevus anemicus [15] (Reproduced with permission from Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)

9.6 The Group of Phacomatosis Pigmentovascularis The different types of phacomatosis pigmentovascularis are characterized by variable combinations of nevi of pigmentary and vascular origin. They were formerly taken as possible examples of nonallelic twin spotting [21, 39], but today they are considered to be due to single postzygotic mutations [22].

9.6.1 Phacomatosis Cesioflammea This phenotype is characterized by a coexistence of large blue macules that are asymmetrically arranged and an extensive nevus flammeus (Fig. 9.6). Extracutaneous features include brain defects, glaucoma, hemihypertrophy, asymmetry


9  Other Binary Genodermatoses, in Which Didymosis Is Excluded or Questionable

Cases of monozygotic twins discordant for the disorder [9, 39] have supported the theory of a postzygotic mutational event. There is enough evidence that somatic mutations in the genes GNAQ or GNA11 cause phacomatosis cesioflammea [54], as well as they cause isolated capillary nevi of the port-wine type and the Sturge-Weber syndrome [49]. Most cases have shown substitution of arginine in position 183, in the guanosine-5’-triphosphate (GTP) binding site in the G-alpha subunit of the G-protein signaling complex. Such substitutions most likely abrogate GTP binding, thus leading to increased activity of RAS signaling pathway.

9.6.2 Phacomatosis Spilorosea

Fig. 9.5 Nevus vascularis mixtus (Courtesy of Dr. Henning Hamm, Würzburg, Germany)

This type of phacomatosis pigmentovascularis consists of a macular nevus spilus coexisting with nevus roseus that is of a much lighter hue than nevus flammeus (Fig. 9.7) (see Sect. Associated extracutaneous anomalies include unilateral lymphedema, cerebral defects with hemiparesis or seizures, cataracts, glaucoma, ­oligodontia, and asymmetry of legs giving rise to scoliosis [14, 28, 60]. The disorder is caused by postzygotic PTPN11 mutations [45]. Its debatable relationship to Noonan syndrome 1, an autosomal dominant phenotype that is frequently associated with mul-

Fig. 9.6  Phacomatosis cesioflammea (Courtesy of Dr. Hansjörg Cremer, Heilbronn, Germany)

of limbs, dysplastic veins or lymph vessels, and nevus anemicus [21, 32]. The cephalic manifestations may be identical to those in Sturge-Weber syndrome.

Fig. 9.7  Phacomatosis spilorosea [28] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

9.7 Melorheostosis Coexisting with Arteriovenous Malformation as a Possible Binary Skin Disorder

tiple lentigines (LEOPARD syndrome 1), needs further clarification.

9.6.3 Phacomatosis Melanorosea This type is characterized by one or more large, lateralized café-au-lait macules coexistent with nevus roseus (Fig.  9.8). So far, four cases have been reported [1–3, 52]. Aguayo et  al. [1] have argued that in this type of phacomatosis pigmen-


tovascularis, the nevus roseus may be accompanied by cutis marmorata-like lesions. Further case reports are needed to settle this question.

9.6.4 Phacomatosis Cesiomarmorata Large aberrant Mongolian spots may also coexist with cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (Fig. 9.9) (see Sect. These skin lesions may be associated with blue sclerae, hypoplastic cornea, asymmetry of hemispheres and ventricles, or hyperplasia of a limb [16, 59]. It is so far not clear, however, whether all of these cases represent a binary skin disorder rather than an arbitrary coincidence.

9.7 Melorheostosis Coexisting with Arteriovenous Malformation as a Possible Binary Skin Disorder

Fig. 9.8  Phacomatosis melanorosea [2] (Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)


Melorheostosis has been associated with vascular malformations, including arteriovenous malformation (AVM) [27]. Interestingly, mutations


Fig. 9.9  Phacomatosis cesiomarmorata. (a) Dorsal aspect showing nevus cesius and cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita; (b) vascular lesions involving the left leg [59] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)


9  Other Binary Genodermatoses, in Which Didymosis Is Excluded or Questionable

in MAP2K1, that cause solitary AVMs [13], have been found in cases of isolated melorheostosis [30], and some vascular skin changes may appear on skin areas associated with melorheostosis [29].

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9  Other Binary Genodermatoses, in Which Didymosis Is Excluded or Questionable

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Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

In autosomal dominant cutaneous traits, simple segmental mosaicism, originating from a postzygotic new mutation, should be distinguished from a superimposed mosaic manifestation being overlaid on the ordinary, nonsegmental phenotype.

10.1 Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors Three forms of mosaicism can be distinguished in hereditary benign cutaneous neoplasias. Firstly, their widely spread, nonsegmental appearance can be categorized as disseminated mosaicism originating from numerous postzygotic events of LOH [190, 204]. Secondly, a simple segmental manifestation of these tumors is sometimes found, giving rise to a linear or otherwise mosaic pattern. Thirdly, a superimposed mosaic involvement may be overlaid on the ordinary nonsegmental trait. In the following paragraphs, we shall consider the two types of segmental arrangement.


ried out. On the other hand, a convincing example of superimposed mosaicism has been documented by Geffner et al. [157] in a girl who later developed bilateral facial lesions. Reportedly, her mother and one of her brothers were likewise affected with trichoepitheliomas. Another case fulfilling all of the criteria of superimposed linear trichoepitheliomatosis was described by Schirren et al. [424]. Some other cases of pronounced linear trichoepitheliomas that were present at birth (Fig.  10.1) or developed during infancy [197, 361] are likewise suggestive of a superimposed mosaic manifestation.

10.1.1 Trichoepithelioma Simple segmental mosaicism of multiple trichoepitheliomas was recently reported [313], but the mutational state of CYLD gene was not car-

Fig. 10.1  This linear arrangement of trichoepitheliomas was present since birth [80], which is suggestive of superimposed mosaicism (Reproduced with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,



10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

10.1.2 Trichodiscoma


Multiple trichodiscomas are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait [457]. A 39-year-old woman had a linear group of seven trichodiscomas involving her scalp [172]. This case can be categorized as a simple segmental mosaic manifestation of the disorder.

10.1.3 Pilomatricoma Multiple pilomatricomas are a feature of several hereditary syndromes, but a segmental arrangement of these tumors has not been reported so far.

10.1.4 Basaloid Follicular Hamartoma Multiple basaloid follicular hamartoma (BFH) can be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. Some authors prefer the name “infundibulocystic basal cell carcinoma” [87, 510]. We strongly recommend, however, to avoid this misleading term because otherwise an essentially benign tumor can easily be mistaken as a malignant neoplasia, resulting in overtreatment. Several cases of unilateral distribution of multiple nonsyndromic BFH [216, 245, 246, 310, 343] can be categorized as a simple segmental manifestation. Such cases have sometimes been mistaken as “unilateral linear basal cell nevus syndrome” [245]. Two cases of an overlaid arrangement suggesting superimposed mosaicism have also been reported (Fig. 10.2) [87, 460]. On the other hand, segmentally arranged basaloid follicular hamartomas are a hallmark of Happle-Tinschert syndrome (see Sect.


Fig. 10.2 (a) This 66-year-old man had multiple linear basaloid follicular hamartomas. Two brothers had nonsegmental lesions, and (b) his 39-year-old daughter showed likewise a diffuse involvement [87]. Because of such family constellation, superimposed mosaicism is likely (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

10.1  Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors

10.1.5 Perifollicular Fibroma (Fibrofolliculoma): A Hallmark of Hornstein-­Knickenberg Syndrome (Illegitimately Called Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome) Multiple “fibrofolliculomas” (Fig.  10.3a) are a hereditary cutaneous trait that was originally described under the far more suitable name “multiple perifollicular fibromas” [89]. They are a cutaneous hallmark of a syndrome that is caused by folliculin mutations [264] and includes lung cysts, pneumothorax, renal cysts, proneness to renal cell carcinoma, and colorectal polyps showing proclivity to malignant degeneration [330, 349]. The term “Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome” is an illegitimate eponymic designation because these authors have not added any new data to what had completely and scholarly been described by Hornstein and coworkers [222–224] as a distinct autosomal dominant trait being associated with proneness to extracutaneous cancer. In fact, Birt et  al. [37] referred to the pioneering work of Hornstein and Knickenberg [223]. They reiterated Hornstein’s meticulous description of perifollicular fibromatosis cutis and, by giving it another name, falsely maintained that they had found “a previously unrecognized hereditary pilar hamartoma.” The renaming “HornsteinKnickenberg syndrome” gives credit to the original authors [206, 364]. Segmental mosaicism in nonsyndromic perifollicular fibromas An unusual case of multiple unilateral perifollicular fibromas of the face was published by Casalá et al. [73]. This case can be taken as a simple segmental manifestation of nonsyndromic hereditary perifollicular fibromas as described by other authors [37, 89].




Fig. 10.3  Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome. (a) Multiple perifollicular fibromas diffusely involving the face in a 56-year-old man who died from colon carcinoma; (b) superimposed mosaic involvement of the left chest wall in a 75-year-old woman. Note characteristic gooseskin-like surface of the huge lipomatous lump (b: Courtesy of Drs. Derek Lim and Eamonn R. Maher, Birmingham, UK)


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders Superimposed Mosaicism in Hornstein-Knickenberg Syndrome Possible examples of superimposed mosaic manifestation of the syndrome (Fig. 10.3b) have been documented by several authors. In a 49-year-old man with this disorder, Weintraub and Pinkus [516] described “a large connective tissue nevus” involving a unilateral segment of the thorax. The firm plaque was present “as long as the patient could remember.” Its surface showed a “pigskin-­ like graining,” in the form of multiple umbilicated papules that contained central keratin plugs or hairs. Histopathologically, these papules corresponded to “fibrofolliculomas.” Similar plaques have been noted by Toro et al. [479] in 3 out of 125 patients. Kluger et  al. [264] found such plaques in 2 out of 22 patients and assumed that they may reflect superimposed mosaicism. In two further cases of Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome, an inadvertently documented superimposed mosaic manifestation was characterized by multiple studded umbilical papules reminiscent of nevus comedonicus [4, 455].

10.1.6 Syringoma Multiple syringomas represent an autosomal dominant trait. A simple segmental involvement has been documented in many reports [78, 96, 189, 417, 534]. Cases of mosaicism superimposed on the ordinary nonsegmental phenotype have likewise been described [259, 314, 522]. A case of a 4-year-old girl with pronounced lesions of a congenital “linear syringomatous hamartoma” [519] can likewise be categorized as an example of superimposed mosaicism (Fig. 10.4). In an additional case, this type of mosaicism is likely but less certain [406].

10.1.7 Spiradenoma Multiple spiradenomas are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait [471]. Several cases sug-

Fig. 10.4  Linear arrangement of syringomas in a 4-yearold girl [519]. Because the lesions were present at birth, a superimposed mosaic involvement is very likely (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

gesting simple segmental mosaicism have been reported [10, 52, 351, 532]. An unquestionable case of superimposed mosaic spiradenomatosis was described in a family with multiple eccrine spiradenoma and cylindroma present in three consecutive generations [524]. In three additional cases, superimposed mosaicism is almost certain because a pronounced segmental involvement was already present at birth (Fig. 10.5) [129, 358, 404]. Some other cases of segmentally arranged eccrine spiradenomas [30, 176, 177, 290, 440, 491, 540] are difficult to categorize according to the dichotomous types of mosaicism.

10.1  Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors

Fig. 10.5 An 8-year-old girl with congenital linear eccrine spiradenomas suggesting superimposed mosaicism [129] (Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)

10.1.8 Eccrine Poroma A case of multiple eccrine poroma arranged in a linear pattern was described by Ogino [359].

10.1.9 Cylindromatosis Cutaneous cylindromatosis is caused by CYLD1 mutations. Cases of multiple linear cylindromas as reported by Martinez et  al. [318] and Arefi et al. [17] apparently represent simple segmental mosaicism.

10.1.10 Glomangiomatosis The vascular lesions of this autosomal dominant trait are true angiomas, which is why the presently prevailing term “glomuvenous malformation” [49, 57] appears to be inappropriate. Glomangiomatosis is caused by mutations in the glomulin gene [57]. It is a rather rarely occurring phenotype, but in affected families, a superimposed mosaic involvement is very common. Apparently, the glomulin locus represents a hotspot for somatic recombination [201]. The lesions of segmental glomangiomatosis do not


follow Blaschko’s lines but tend to be arranged in a flag-like pattern [266, 311]. Cases suggesting a simple segmental involvement have rarely been reported [286, 478, 523, 530], whereas superimposed mosaicism (Fig. 10.6) appears to occur far more frequently [13, 27, 46, 58, 111, 116, 208, 219, 237, 311, 312, 332, 342, 346, 523]. This may in part reflect a bias of ascertainment because a superimposed mosaic involvement is more impressive. Notwithstanding, the prevalence of such pronounced segmental manifestation is extremely high as compared to most other autosomal dominant skin disorders. The superimposed mosaic lesions tend to be much more painful than the nonmosaic glomangiomas [13, 85]. Cases of “congenital plaque-like” glomangioma [72, 250, 531] or “giant glomangioma” [447] can today be categorized as examples of superimposed mosaicism even when nonsegmental lesions are absent in the patient and his family members. In one of such cases, Rodríguez-­Martín et  al. [405] documented, in a 1-year-old boy, a large congenital glomangiomatous plaque showing conspicuous marginal hypertrichosis. Superimposed Mosaicism Involving Internal Organs The lesions of glomangiomatosis are usually limited to the skin. Remarkably, however, superimposed mosaicism may also affect internal organs. Goujon et al. [168] described two newborn children with extensive mosaic plaque-type glomangiomatosis. They had been diagnosed in utero with pleural effusion and ascites, suggesting “a pathogenic link” between the conditions. In one of these cases, a glomulin mutation was found in the boy and in his mother who had nonsegmental glomangiomatosis. No molecular analysis was performed in the other newborn. Similarly, Tejedor et  al. [470] reported that in a newborn girl with plaque-type glomangiomatosis, isolated fetal ascites had been documented, 1 week prior to birth, by sonographic examination. After birth, the ascites was found to be of chylous origin. The patient’s father had multiple glomangiomas being grouped on his left thigh. According to present knowledge, these cases suggest that, at the underlying gene locus, the corresponding wild-type


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders



Fig. 10.6  Superimposed mosaic glomangiomatosis in (a) a 2-month-old girl [531] and (b) a 1-year-old boy [168] (a: Reprinted with permission from Elsevier

Limited, Oxford, UK; b: Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

allele has been lost at an early developmental stage, giving rise to an extracutaneous lymphatic malformation.

hemihyperplasia-multiple lipomata syndrome [35, 51, 296, 428] (see Sect. 12.2.2). This sporadic phenotype is probably part of the spectrum of autosomal dominant lethal PIK3CA mutations causing segmental overgrowth [292]. Practical Aspects The lesions of superimposed mosaic glomangiomatosis are far more difficult to treat than the nonsegmental glomangiomas [26]. Laser treatment may yield a limited beneficial effect [498].

10.1.11 Lipomatosis Lipoma is a very common tumor. Lipomatosis is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait (OMIM 151900). Its molecular basis is unknown. A mosaic arrangement has so far not been reported. However, a pronounced unilateral form of lipomatosis was documented as part of the

10.1.12 Neurofibromatosis 1 Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) is caused by mutations in the neurofibromin gene. Today the expression “segmental NF1” should be regarded as an umbrella term. Simple segmental NF1 is a well-­ known phenomenon that has extensively been reported. In our view, however, superimposed mosaicism is even more common but widely neglected until today, although the existence of this type of mosaic NF1 has been proven at the molecular level.

10.1  Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors

133 Simple Mosaicism in NF1 In the past century, this type was solely called “segmental NF1” because it was generally believed that this was the only form of mosaic NF1. Around 1990, many experts erroneously considered segmental neurofibromatosis to represent a distinct entity in the form of “NF5,” to be separated from NF1 [392, 400, 401]. Similarly, a classification of segmental neurofibromatosis into four subtypes as proposed by Roth et al. [408, 484] should today be taken as a historical error. This outdated concept implied that in patients with bilateral or otherwise systematized segmental neurofibromatosis, one had to assume multiple postzygotic mutations [251, 408, 464, 484], although one single postzygotic mutational event is sufficient to plausibly explain such cases. Cases that can today be categorized as legitimate examples of simple mosaic NF1 have been described by many authors [66, 67, 97, 106, 251, 335, 365, 410, 420]. In the involved area, either neurofibromas alone (Fig.  10.7) or pigmentary changes alone (Fig. 10.8) or both lesions are noted. Ipsilateral Lisch nodules may be an additional feature of this mosaic disorder [43, 408, 517]. Fig. 10.8  Simple segmental neurofibromatosis 1 showing hyperpigmentation alone

Molecular proof that postzygotic mosaicism causes simple segmental NF1 has been provided by Tinschert et al. [474] and other authors [323, 497]. Interestingly, in one of these cases [497], almost the entire surface of the body was affected by NF1 manifestations, leaving a few segments unaffected (Fig. 3.2). The authors were able to exclude revertant mosaicism, which clearly demonstrates that simple segmental NF1 may affect, by way of exception, far more than half of the body tissue.

Fig. 10.7  Simple segmental neurofibromatosis 1 showing neurofibromas alone Superimposed Mosaicism in NF1 The superimposed mosaic lesions of NF1 tend to be rather pronounced, and they are usually noted at birth or during early infancy. They may adopt various clinical appearances. In part this superimposed form of mosaicism may consist of a large band-like café-au-lait hyperpigmentation

10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders




Fig. 10.9  Superimposed mosaic neurofibromatosis 1  in an 11-year-old girl. (a) Right side showing nonsegmental café-au-lait macules; (b) left side showing pronounced

with intralesional cutaneous or subcutaneous neurofibromas [260, 319] (Fig. 10.9), or of multiple segmentally arranged neurofibromas [235], or of a giant café-au-lait macule without any hint of underlying neurofibromas [527]. The most frequently noted manifestation, however, is a large plexiform neurofibroma. Indeed, all plexiform neurofibromas of appreciable size in the setting of classical NF1 represent superimposed mosaicism [192]. It is in line with this view that virtually all of these tumors are present at birth [401]. In particular, all cases of “giant neurofibroma” [391] appear to result from LOH occurring at an early developmental stage. According to Pivnick and Riccardi [382], 5% of NF1 patients have large plexiform neurofibromas. In a population-based study, Huson et al. [229] found that even 26.7% of individuals with NF1 had a plexiform neurofibroma evident by physical examination. These tumors may be inconspicuous during infancy but later tend to show aggressive growth. Involvement of the face may result in severe compromise and death [15], whereas overgrowth of a limb likewise constitutes a ponderous handicap [272].

segmental involvement [16] (a: Courtesy of Dr. David Atherton, London, UK; b: Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

Fig. 10.10  Plexiform neurofibroma showing pronounced hypertrichosis (Courtesy of Dr. Howard Pride, Danville, Pennsylvania, USA)

The overlying skin is usually thickened and hyperpigmented. The acanthotic epidermis has sometimes been mistaken as an epidermal nevus [95]. Hypertrichosis in the form of dark, coarse terminal hair is usually noted (Fig. 10.10).

10.1  Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors Extracutaneous Superimposed Mosaicism Cutaneous plexiform neurofibromas may also involve all of the underlying structures such as


nerves, muscles, and bones, resulting in giant overgrowth of a limb (Fig. 10.11) or half of the face [272]. For such cases, the term “elephantiasis neuromatosa” was applied by some authors



Fig. 10.11  Superimposed neurofibromatosis 1 giving rise to huge overgrowth of a leg. (a) General view; (b) the right foot being hidden within the tumor mass; (c) cystic perios-


teous overgrowth of the tibia [351ex] (a and c: Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA; b: Courtesy of Dr. Silvestre Martínez-García, Málaga, Spain)


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

[86, 385, 454]. Large plexiform neurofibromas may involve the brain [44, 104], ocular or periocular tissues [23, 239], bones and joints [150, 328, 507], parotis [47], thyroid [120], larynx [337], trachea [521], lung [390], heart [103], or liver [82], or show intrathoracic growth [490], or even originate from the colon [528]. By way of exception, such segmental overgrowth may also be caused by diffuse proliferation of the fusiform cells of classical neurofibromatous tissue [319]. In short, it is the superimposed mosaic involvement that, to a large degree, contributes to morbidity in patients with NF1. It should be noted that until today the concept of superimposed mosaic NF1 is far from being generally accepted by the scientific community. For example, in 2008, Pascual-Castroviejo et al. [374] presented a series of 43 cases of segmental NF1 occurring in children or adolescents. The least frequently noted form was an exclusively cutaneous manifestation, whereas in 81% of cases, underlying structures such as the bones were additionally affected. In most patients, the segmental involvement was characterized by a plexiform neurofibroma. Moreover, a family history of nonsegmental NF1 was noted in 15 cases (35%). From this well-documented study, we can conclude that most of the patients had in fact superimposed NF1 in the form of plexiform neurofibroma. Similarly, many pictures as published in books or chapters on NF1 [295, 401, 412, 463] inadvertently depict classical cases of superimposed mosaic NF1. More examples of this distinct type can be found in the literature [44, 64, 82, 115, 134, 140, 149, 244, 254, 260, 269, 331, 350, 360, 374, 381, 391, 418, 437, 469, 472, 527]. Molecular evidence for the concept of superimposed mosaic NF1 has been provided by several groups who documented absence of the corresponding wild-type allele in plexiform neurofibromas [105, 248, 265]. Moreover, Steinmann et al. [459] found postzygotic recombination to be a frequent cause of LOH in plexiform neurofibromas. The Issue of “Genetic Transmission of Segmental NF1” Because the concept of dichotomous types of segmental NF1 was unknown, some authors have developed, by conflating the two forms, the erroneous idea of “genetic transmission of segmental NF” [360, 408, 409, 430, 492]. In fact, authentic cases of familial occurrence of simple segmental NF1 have not been reported until today. Two asserted cases observed by Huson and Ruggieri [230] have not been documented in detail and can, therefore, not be accepted as legitimate examples of vertical transmission of simple segmental NF1. Most cases of alleged transmission of segmental NF1 can be explained in the following way. The parent had simple segmental NF1 heralding gonadal mosaicism. The child had nonsegmental NF1 being overlaid by superimposed mosaicism that may constitute, during childhood, the only recognizable feature of the disorder. On the other hand, the possibility that both parent and child had superimposed mosaic NF1 should also be considered. Genetic Counseling in Cases of Segmental NF1 Because simple segmental NF1 implies the possibility of gonadosomatic mosaicism, patients run an increased, albeit rather small, risk to give birth to a child affected with nonsegmental NF1 [43, 94, 187, 230]. The risk cannot be expressed in terms of a given percentage, but apparently the danger of gonadal mosaicism increases with the size of the body area involved [412]. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that germline mosaicism may even be present in individuals showing no clinical feature of NF1 [128, 287]. Patients with superimposed mosaic NF1 have a 50% risk to give birth to a child with nonsegmental NF1. The possibility that an affected child will show, in addition, a superimposed segmental involvement is likewise present because all children born with nonsegmental NF1 run this risk.

10.1  Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors


Hence, it is of utmost practical importance that clinicians are able to discriminate between simple and superimposed mosaic manifestation of NF1. Other Practical Aspects In superimposed segmental NF1, the involvement of extracutaneous structures can be recognized by application of the presently available imaging techniques [205, 374]. Dermatologists in practice should be warned that attempts to remove plexiform neurofibromas by operative procedures may cause diffuse bleeding. Such therapeutic interventions should only be performed by a fully equipped and welltrained surgical team, including anesthesiological support. Appropriate knowledge of superimposed mosaic NF1 is important because the vast majority of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors develop from large plexiform neurofibromas [325, 401, 463]. Apparently, the inherent early loss of the corresponding wild-­type allele represents a first step in the multistage process of carcinogenesis giving rise to such malignant tumors.

10.1.13 Neurofibromatosis 2 In this disorder, simple segmental mosaicism appears to occur rather frequently [135]. Although cutaneous manifestations are rare, double-hit mutations in the NF2 gene have been reported underlying segmentally arranged schwannomas [75]. In extracutaneous cases, a unilateral or otherwise segmental involvement of the brain has been confirmed by MRI examination [411]. Superimposed mosaic involvement of the skin has been documented by Susan Huson from Manchester (Fig. 10.12).

10.1.14 Schwannomatosis The disorder is characterized by multiple cutaneous and spinal schwannomas. Some overlap with neurofibromatosis 2 exists. The tumors that are also called neurilemmomas originate from muta-

Fig. 10.12  Superimposed mosaic manifestation of neurofibromatosis 2 (Courtesy of Dr. Susan M.  Huson, Manchester, UK)

Fig. 10.13  Simple segmental schwannomatosis [289] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

tions in SMARCB1 [227]. Remarkably, however, evidence has been provided that these schwannomas, but not those of NF2, may be caused by a four-hit mechanism [432] (see Sect. Several patients with mosaic subcutaneous lesions have been reported [289, 386, 466, 483]. Most, if not all, of these cases appear to represent simple segmental mosaicism (Fig.  10.13). Moreover, germline mosaicism in a mother of two affected children has been documented [226].

10.1.15 Legius Syndrome The features of Legius syndrome include multiple NF1-like café-au-lait macules, axillary freckling, and learning problems, but contrasting with NF1, the patients have multiple lipomas, a Noonan-like facial appearance, and macroceph-


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

aly, whereas neurofibromas are absent [54]. The disorder is caused by mutations in SPRED1, a gene involved in MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) signaling. The fact that neurofibromin is connected with the same pathway offers an explanation for the overlapping clinical features. Simple ­ segmental mosaicism has been demonstrated in a boy with a segmental, hyperpigmented patch containing darker CALMs [247]; gene testing in three CALMs identified a common heterozygous deletion in SPRED1 and different second hits. In their first report, Brems et  al. [54] have inadvertently documented a superimposed mosaic manifestation in the form of a large, flag-like café-­au-­lait hyperpigmentation being sharply demarcated in the midline (Fig.  10.14). A similar picture was unintentionally published in a report on a three-generation family affected with Legius syndrome [31].

10.1.16 Leiomyomatosis Cutaneous leiomyomatosis is caused by mutations of the fumarate hydratase gene [477]. In some families, the trait is associated with an increased risk to develop renal cancer [285, 425].

Fig. 10.14 Superimposed mosaic manifestation of Legius syndrome [54] (Reprinted with permission from Nature Publishing Group)

Fig. 10.15  Superimposed mosaic leiomyomatosis [25] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK)

A simple segmental involvement has rarely been reported [167, 275, 283]. By contrast, superimposed mosaic leiomyomatosis (Fig. 10.15) occurs with a strikingly high frequency [6, 25, 88, 190, 195, 352, 363, 402, 489, 518]. Alam et al. [5] found a combination of segmental and disseminated leiomyomas in 19/59 patients (32%). This may reflect an increased proneness of the fumarate hydratase gene to postzygotic recombination [201]. As a characteristic feature, the superimposed mosaic lesions are extremely painful after pressure, exposure to cold, or emotional stress [1, 6, 62, 68, 173, 240, 273, 294, 302, 305, 363, 445, 505]. Presumably, most cases of segmental leiomyoma without presence of nonsegmental skin lesions in the patient and his family [214, 231, 258, 261, 373, 467] represent examples of superimposed mosaicism. This view is supported by the description of symptom-free gene carriers in families of such patients [320]. On the other hand, female gene carriers may have uterine leiomyoma alone [320, 373, 425, 449]. Familial Occurrence of Superimposed Mosaicism Superimposed mosaic leiomyomatosis has been described in a mother and her daughter [270] and even in three relatives [211, 397], thus providing additional support in favor of the assumption that the fumarate hydratase gene is a hotspot for postzygotic recombination.

10.1  Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors

10.1.17 Gorlin Syndrome



Major features of this trait are multiple basal cell carcinomas, jaw cysts, palmoplantar pitting, calcification of the falx cerebri, and various skeletal abnormalities. The disorder is caused by PTCH1 mutations. Simple Segmental Involvement Several cases suggesting simple segmental mosaicism have been reported [69, 310, 395, 396, 439]. This particular manifestation has often been equated with, but should today be distinguished from, segmentally arranged multiple basaloid follicular hamartomas (see Sects. 10.1.4 and Superimposed Mosaic Involvement Molecular proof of superimposed mosaicism was provided in a 12-year-old girl with pronounced unilateral lesions of Gorlin syndrome including congenital basal cell carcinomas, an odontogenic cyst, and rather large palmoplantar pits arranged along Blaschko’s lines (Fig.  10.16) [482]. She had inherited a PTCH1 mutation from her father, and biopsies obtained from her unilateral skin lesions revealed an additional postzygotic mutation involving the corresponding PTCH1 allele, thus giving rise to compound heterozygosity. Another impressive case suggesting a superimposed mosaic involvement was documented by Gutierrez and Mora [179]. A 46-year-old man had numerous typical features including frontal bossing, maxillary prognathism, multiple basal cell carcinomas, scoliosis, bilateral thumb deformities, dense calcification of the falx cerebri, as well as coloboma and blindness of the right eye and contralateral cataract. The left side of his face was mildly affected with some basal cell carcinomas, whereas on the right side, numerous, aggressively growing tumors formed tightly packed groups “with normal-appearing skin interspersed.” The pronounced lesions extended from


Fig. 10.16  Superimposed mosaic Gorlin syndrome. (a) A 12-year-old girl with congenital basal cell carcinomas and linear atrophic lesions involving the right side of her face; (b) linear arrangement of rather large pits on the right foot [482] (a: Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA; b: Courtesy of Dr. Antonio Torrelo, Madrid, Spain)

the ear to the posterior midline of the neck and to the anterior aspect of the chest. Moreover, the right hand and foot showed a linear arrangement of atrophic depressions measuring up to 1  cm. The authors described these lesions as being “atypical and unlike pits in other patients with the syndrome.” Hearing loss was likewise localized on the right side. Computed axial tomography showed “moderate atrophy, along with an enlarged right lateral ventricle with a probable area of porencephaly communicating with the frontal horns of the right ventricle.” Hence, a rather severe unilateral involvement was undoubtedly superimposed on mild nonsegmental lesions of Gorlin syndrome.


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

10.1.18 Hereditary Nonsyndromic Multiple Basal Cell Carcinoma This autosomal dominant trait (OMIM 605462) should be distinguished from Gorlin syndrome [191]. It is characterized by rather superficial basal cell carcinomas. Simple segmental mosaicism in the form of strictly unilateral involvement (Fig.  10.17) has been documented in several reports [50, 257, 274, 282, 340]. Sometimes such cases were interpreted as a unilateral manifestation of Gorlin syndrome [438]. Today, lesional molecular analysis helps in distinguishing mosaic cases of Gorlin syndrome [396]. A case of nonsyndromic multiple basal cell carcinomas suggesting superimposed mosaicism was so far described only once [174].

10.1.19 PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome (Cowden Disease Included) PTEN hamartoma syndrome comprises two major clinical variants in the form of Cowden

syndrome (OMIM 158350) and Bannayan-RileyRuvalcaba syndrome (OMIM 153480) [364]. Molecular analysis has shown that both variants can be caused by the same PTEN mutation and that both phenotypes may occur within the same family [215, 476], which is why Marsh et  al. [315] proposed the new unifying term “PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome.” This designation appears to be redundant, because the name “PTEN hamartoma syndrome” contains all of the distinguishing information. On the other hand, the audacious theory that some cases of PTEN hamartoma syndrome are related to Proteus syndrome [316, 379, 537] has today been falsified by molecular analysis (see below). Recently, multiple nonsegmental lipomas were described as an additional feature of disseminated mosaicism in this biallelic tumor syndrome [317]. Cowden Variant of PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome The Cowden variant is characterized by macrocephaly, multiple facial trichilemmomas, acral keratotic papules, and proneness to develop malignancies of the breast, thyroid, and colon. The phenotype is predominantly reported in women [215]. Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Variant of PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome The phenotype includes macrocephaly, mental deficiency, pigmented macules of the penis, lipomatosis, hemangiomas, and intestinal polyps. Cancer proneness of various organs is present but appears to be less pronounced when compared to the Cowden variant [215]. This clinical variant is preponderantly described in males. “Lhermitte-Duclos Variant” of PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome In this variant (OMIM 158350 [364]), a dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum is associated with the features of Cowden disease [39].

Fig. 10.17  Simple segmental manifestation of hereditary nonsyndromic multiple basal cell carcinoma (Courtesy of Dr. Georges Moulin, Lyon, France)

10.1  Hereditary Multiple Skin Tumors Superimposed Mosaicism in PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome During the first decade of this century, superimposed mosaic manifestations of PTEN hamartoma syndrome were often misdiagnosed as Proteus syndrome. The investigators erroneously asserted that some cases of Proteus syndrome were caused by a PTEN germline mutation (Figs. 10.18 and 10.19) [8, 131, 298, 316, 366, 450, 508, 537, 538]. Meanwhile, this controversy has come to an end because Proteus syndrome was shown to originate from an AKT1 mutation [293], whereas all cases of alleged “Proteus syndrome” caused by PTEN germline mutations can be categorized as examples of superimposed mosaic PTEN hamartoma syndrome [198]. In 2007, the term “type 2 segmental Cowden disease” was proposed to denote a syndrome reflecting early postzygotic loss of the corresponding wild-type allele at the PTEN locus [198] (see also Table 3.4). A cutaneous hallmark is linear PTEN nevus that tends to be thicker and more papillomatous than common keratinocytic nevi (Fig. 10.18) [199] (see Sect. Large connective tissue or vascular nevi, lipoblastomatosis, polyps of the jejunum or colon, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis may be associated, whereas the macrocephaly apparently reflects heterozygosity for the PTEN germline mutation [202]. As a synonym, the term “SOLAMEN syndrome” (segmental overgrowth, lipomatosis, arteriovenous malformation, and epidermal nevus) was proposed by Caux et  al. [77]. This term, however, gives the wrong impression of a distinct syndromic entity. An impressive case of superimposed mosaic PTEN hamartoma syndrome has repeatedly been reported under various diagnostic terms such as “Proteus-like syndrome” [538], “arteriolovenular anomaly and epidermoid nevus involving right lower limb, scrotum, and penis” [465], or “PTEN hamartoma of soft tissue (PHOST)” [279]. This boy had giant overgrowth of his right leg that was covered by a linear epidermal nevus. An R335X germline mutation was found in exon 5, whereas the lesional tissue of his right leg showed compound heterozygosity in the form of an additional


Fig. 10.18 Superimposed mosaic PTEN hamartoma syndrome that was initially mistaken as “Proteus syndrome” [298]. Macrocephaly reflects heterozygosity for the PTEN mutation, whereas the unilateral linear PTEN nevus originated from early loss of heterozygosity (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

Fig. 10.19  CT scan of anterior mediastinum showing a large hamartomatous mass causing respiratory distress in a 9-month-old boy. This case of superimposed mosaic PTEN hamartoma syndrome was described under the historical erroneous diagnosis of “Proteus syndrome” [316] (Reproduced with permission from Springer Nature, UK)


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

R130X mutation involving exon 8 of the opposite allele [538]. Another case was reported under the name “hemimegalencephaly as part of Jadassohn nevus sebaceus syndrome” [333]. The authors believed that this “may be another phenotypic finding associated with germline PTEN mutation.” For obvious reasons, the correct classification of the associated epidermal nevus is not nevus sebaceus but linear PTEN nevus (see Sect. Tan et al. [465] described arteriovenous fistulas in 26 cases of PTEN hamartoma syndrome. Most, if not all, of these cases can today be categorized as examples of superimposed mosaicism. The patients had lumps or “mass lesions” giving rise to cutaneous discoloration, swelling, or pain. In the involved segment of the body, these vascular anomalies tended to disrupt the architecture of neighboring muscles, and they were usually associated with variable amounts of ectopic fatty tissue. The high frequency of such complex vascular anomalies as noted by Tan et  al. [465] may reflect a bias of ascertainment because all of the cases were documented in a specialized referral center for vascular anomalies. Iacobas et al. [233] described a boy affected with the Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba variant who had a pronounced segmental involvement of his left arm with arteriovenous malformation, fatty infiltration of the muscles, and increased fibrous tissue, resulting in pain and loss of function of this arm. a

Fig. 10.20  Unilateral telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. (a) Facial lesions in a 36-year-old woman [166]; (b) dorsal lesions with strict midline separation in a

10.1.20 Cutaneous Mastocytosis This disorder often affects several members of a family [12, 29, 90] and is presently considered to be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait (OMIM 154800 [364]). Familial childhood-onset mastocytosis can occur in both presence and absence of c-KIT mutations [40], whereas sporadic adult-onset mastocytosis is usually caused by gain-of-function mutations of c-KIT [300]. Simple segmental mosaicism has been described in the form of linear or otherwise segmental arrangement of telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans (Fig. 10.20) [148, 166, 170, 267, 356, 375, 504].

10.2 Disorders of Keratinization Examples of both simple segmental and superimposed mosaicism were documented in various autosomal dominant disorders of keratinization.

10.2.1 Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Brocq Simple segmental mosaicism occurs rather frequently and is usually diagnosed as an “epidermal nevus of the epidermolytic type.” Affected individuals run an increased risk to give birth to a child with diffuse keratinopathic ichthyosis of b

58-year-old man [356] (a: Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA; b: Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)

10.2  Disorders of Keratinization


Brocq [34, 45, 107, 186, 221, 301, 353, 357, 394]. Molecular proof was provided by Paller et al. [372]. Cases of superimposed mosaic manifestation in the form of pronounced linear lesions that are overlaid on the nonsegmental phenotype have also been reported [132, 180].

So far, the molecular basis of PENS is unknown. The nevi appear to be inherited by autosomal dominant transmission [55, 403]. Faure et  al. [137] described a rather severe Blaschko-linear involvement suggesting superimposed mosaicism.

10.2.2 Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Siemens (Aka Superficial Epidermolytic Ichthyosis)

10.2.3 Darier Disease

The disorder is caused by KRT2 mutations. In a 3-year-old boy, Diociaiuti et al. [117] described multiple Blaschko-linear lesions of keratinopathic ichthyosis of Siemens that had first been noted at 6 months of age. In lesional tissue, the authors found a heterozygous postzygotic KRT2 mutation, which is compatible with simple segmental mosaicism (Fig. 10.21). Papular Epidermal Nevus with “Skyline” Basal Cell Layer (PENS) This minute, gem-like keratinocytic nevus tends to occur in a disseminated distribution. It is characterized by the histopathological feature of a palisading “skyline” basal cell layer [480] (see also Sect. The risk of associated extracutaneous anomalies seems to increase with the amount of disseminated skin lesions [306].


Fig. 10.21 A 3-year-old boy with simple segmental mosaic manifestation of superficial keratinopathic ichthyosis of Siemens [117]. (a) Lesions on the scrotum and

The lesions of mosaic Darier disease are always arranged along Blaschko’s lines. Many examples of simple segmental involvement (Fig.  10.22) have been reported [53, 74, 108, 160, 413, 458, 533]. Molecular evidence of mosaicism was documented in some cases [416, 506]. Theoretically, one would expect that individuals with simple segmental Darier disease may sometimes give birth to a child with the nonsegmental form of the disorder (see Sect. Surprisingly, however, no such case has so far been reported. Presumably it will take a long time until this riddle can be solved. Several case reports can be categorized as examples of superimposed mosaic Darier disease [84, 142, 207]. In one of these cases (Fig. 10.23), molecular proof of the postulated genetic mechanism has been provided [142]. Interestingly, cases of didymosis in the form of paired linear areas of either excessive or absent involvement were likewise reported (see Sect. 8.1.3). So far,


thighs; (b) involvement of buttocks and thighs (Courtesy of Dr. Andrea Diociaiuti, Rome, Italy)


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

Fig. 10.22  Simple segmental Darier disease

such cases have not been investigated at the molecular level. At this point in time, it seems justified to consider a diagnosis of superimposed mosaic Darier disease in all cases of pronounced linear lesions of acantholytic dyskeratosis noted during infancy, even when the parents appear to be unaffected [41, 113, 288].

10.2.4 Hailey-Hailey Disease Simple segmental mosaicism was described by Hwang et al. [232]. On the other hand, the theory of early loss of heterozygosity giving rise to superimposed mosaic Hailey-Hailey disease [190] was proven by molecular analysis of the ATP2C1 gene in a patient showing both linear and nonlinear involvement (Fig.  10.24) [384]. Quite understandably, the pronounced linear

Fig. 10.23  Superimposed mosaic Darier disease in a 1-month-old boy. Inset: Nonsegmental Darier disease in the boy’s grandmother [142] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons)

lesions tend to show a rather poor therapeutic response to dermabrasion as compared to the nonsegmental lesions of the disorder [271]. Superimposed linear Hailey-Hailey disease has sometimes been described as “relapsing linear acantholytic dermatosis,” a term coined by Vakilzadeh and Kolde [494] who thought that this was a distinct entity. More recently, Arora et  al. [19] proposed this diagnosis in a 4-year-old boy who had, since the age of 6  months, recurrent papulovesicles distributed along Blaschko’s lines on one side of his body. Exacerbations occurred during summertime. Histopathological findings were typical of Hailey-Hailey disease. From these features, we can conclude that, later in life, the patient will almost certainly develop, in addition, some nonlinear lesions of the disorder.

10.2  Disorders of Keratinization



10.2.5 Dowling-Degos Disease, Including the Galli-Galli Variant Dowling-Degos disease is characterized by reticulate or patchy hyperpigmentation with an affinity to the flexural areas. It is caused by KRT5 mutations [33]. According to present knowledge, Galli-Galli disease is merely a variant of the same disorder, showing more pronounced features of acantholysis [456]. Arnold et al. [18] found a KRT5 mutation in a simple segmental form of the Galli-Galli variant (Fig.  10.25), whereas in clinically unaffected skin and in the blood, only the wild-type allele was present. No superimposed mosaic involvement has so far been reported.

10.2.6 Acanthosis Nigricans


Fig. 10.24  Superimposed mosaic Hailey-Hailey disease. (a) Isolated linear involvement at 5 years of age [494]; (b) additional nonsegmental involvement at 24  years of age [271] (b: Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)

This disorder can be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait being caused by a K650T mutation in the FGFR3 gene [32]. There are several reports suggesting a simple mosaic manifestation of the disorder [93, 133, 242, 277, 378, 448]. Without molecular analysis, however, it seems difficult or even impossible to discriminate such lesions from other types of keratinocytic nevi. During the years 1936–1976, Helen Ollendorff-Curth [99–102] wrote many articles repeatedly describing a young man who had,

Fig. 10.25  Simple segmental mosaicism in Galli-Galli disease. Inset: hyperparakeratosis, acantholysis, hyperpigmentation of basal keratinocytes, and lymphocytic infiltrate in the upper dermis [18]


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders



Fig. 10.26  A historical case of superimposed mosaic acanthosis nigricans. (a) Pronounced unilateral involve-

ment on the abdomen; (b) mild symmetrical skin changes in the axillary regions [100]

since the age of 10  years, lesions of acanthosis nigricans showing a symmetrical distribution. In addition, a segmental and rather pronounced involvement was present since birth on one side of his body (Fig.  10.26a, b). During adulthood, the symmetric disorder improved to a large degree, whereas the nevus-like lesion remained unchanged. Ollendorff-Curth was fascinated by this case and wrote: “As the symmetric variety has been recognized as a genodermatosis, it seems justified to conclude that both the unilateral and the symmetric eruptions were caused by the same abnormal gene” [102]. Hence, she was nearby to sort out the problem that today has been solved by the theory of superimposed mosaicism [200]. A case of hystrix-like hyperkeratoses forming “wide stripes” and being superimposed on nonsegmental acanthosis nigricans, as reported by Babalian [24], probably represents another example of superimposed mosaic acanthosis nigricans. In 2006, Ersoy-Evans et al. [133] described four cases of “acanthosis nigri-

cans form of epidermal nevus.” One of their patients was a 16-year-old boy who had the linear disorder since childhood and showed, in addition, typical bilateral lesions of acanthosis nigricans. The authors assumed that this represented “type 2 mosaicism.”

10.2.7 KID Syndrome The keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome is an autosomal dominant trait being caused by GJB2 mutations. The disorder is characterized by corneal epithelial defects, erythrokeratoderma-like hyperkeratosis, and sensorineural hearing loss. A systematized linear nevus indistinguishable from porokeratotic eccrine nevus was documented in the mother of a child with KID syndrome [475]. Indeed, porokeratotic eccrine nevus (Fig. 7.38) appears to represent a simple segmental manifestation of KID syndrome [123] (see Sect.

10.2  Disorders of Keratinization


In a 13-year-old girl affected with KID syndrome, Restano et al. [398] noted a pronounced unilateral hyperkeratotic lesion arranged on her back in a Blaschko-linear pattern, being superimposed on the diffusely hyperkeratotic and thickened skin as usually noted in this trait. The linear lesion had been present since infancy. The authors inferred that this may represent a superimposed mosaic manifestation of the disorder.

10.2.8 Autosomal Dominant Dyskeratosis Congenita This type should be distinguished from the more common X-linked dyskeratosis congenita (see Sect. and from an autosomal recessive form. All of these types are characterized by reticular hyperpigmentation, leukoplakia, nail dystrophy, and proneness to develop aplastic anemia. The autosomal dominant form appears to be milder than the other two types, with a lower incidence of aplastic anemia [122]. A superimposed mosaic involvement was described in a 17-year-old boy with typical skin lesions of dyskeratosis congenita [28]. A V-shaped pattern of pronounced reticular hyperpigmentation, being overlaid on a diffuse, less severe dyspigmentation, was noted on his back (Fig.  10.27). The patient was otherwise rather mildly affected and had a normal karyotype 46,XY.  The authors considered an autosomal dominant trait with a pronounced linear manifestation, reflecting early loss of heterozygosity, to be the most likely diagnosis.

10.2.9 Pachyonychia Congenita The disorder is caused by mutations in keratin 16 or 17 [329] or in some other keratin genes. A simple segmental manifestation was reported under the diagnosis “unilateral palmoplantar verrucous nevus.” A KRT17 mutation was found to be present in DNA obtained from the affected palm and to be absent in the unaffected palm.

Fig. 10.27  Systematized superimposed linear manifestation in a patient with autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita [28] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA)

10.2.10 Porokeratosis of the DSAP Subtype Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) is the most frequently occurring subtype of porokeratosis [119]. It is due to heterozygous mutations in various enzymes of cholesterol synthesis, mainly mevalonate kinase and phosphomevalonate kinase [22]. The disorder is characterized by multiple, small, rather inconspicuous lesions. Their slightly elevated margin corresponds to the histopathological feature of “cornoid lamella.” Both types of segmental mosaicism have been described. Simple segmental mosaicism was so far noticed only once, which may in part be explained by the fact the lesions of DSAP are


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

rather tiny and easily overlooked. A 68-year-old woman who received immunosuppressive treatment for pemphigus vulgaris developed DSAP exclusively on her right leg (Fig.  10.28) [59]. Remarkably, the lesions were scattered within a large segmental area and did not show any linear arrangement.

Fig. 10.28  Simple segmental manifestation of disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis [59] (Reprinted with permission from Acta Dermato-Venereologica)


Fig. 10.29  Superimposed linear manifestation of disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis. (a) Congenital linear lesions on the right arm; (b) less severe bilateral

By contrast, cases suggesting superimposed mosaicism have rather frequently been reported (for reviews, see [189, 190, 201]). Such reports are often published under the ambiguous diagnosis of “linear porokeratosis” [154]. The linear lesions often appear early in life and sometimes even during infancy [121, 126, 139, 163, 256, 344, 355], or they may be noted at birth [339, 462], whereas the nonsegmental lesions tend to develop later in life (Fig.  10.29) [299, 376, 461]. A heterozygous germline mutation is followed by second-hit mutations, thus causing different types of skin lesions according to timing of the second hits. When they occur in postnatal life, usually as a consequence of sun exposure, the classical disseminated mosaic lesions are seen. In case of an early mutation during embryo development, “linear porokeratosis” will develop, much earlier than the disseminated, nonsegmental lesions [22, 201]. Apparently, the underlying gene locus is a hotspot for postzygotic recombination. Superimposed mosaic DSAP may dramatically worsen when immunosuppressive drugs are given [309].


involvement of legs since the age of 67  years [299] (Reprinted with permission from S.  Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)

10.2  Disorders of Keratinization


Today, both DSAP and all other types of porokeratosis are taken as one genetic entity with variable clinical features [238]. As a rule of thumb, if linear porokeratosis is noted at birth [83, 175, 268, 429] or during the first years of life, a superimposed mosaic manifestation of DSAP [165, 220, 322, 371, 431, 468, 502] or porokeratosis of Mibelli [348] (see Sect. 10.2.11) is very likely. Practical Aspect Superimposed linear forms of both DSAP and porokeratosis of Mibelli (see below) are especially prone to develop cancer [14, 175, 188, 347]. Apparently, the early allelic loss giving rise to such segmental lesions represents an initial step in a multistage mutational process of carcinogenesis.

10.2.11 Porokeratosis of the Mibelli Subtype in Plaques In the past, the designation “porokeratosis of Mibelli” has been used by many authors as an umbrella term for all types of porokeratosis, whereas others used it to describe the classical plaque-type porokeratosis. In several reviews published during the 1990s [188–190], one of us has subsumed the classical Mibelli type under the term DSAP. Today, this “error” has turned out to be a foresighted step, since the various “types” are presently taken as one single entity with a diverse spectrum of clinical subtypes [22, 238, 278]. Autosomal dominant transmission of all clinical subtypes has been documented beyond doubt [238, 334, 419]. A case of simple segmental mosaicism was described by Scholl [426]. The 13-year-old girl had scattered plaques involving the face, arm, hand, and foot exclusively on the left side of her body. An impressive example of superimposed mosaicism was documented by Vittorio Mibelli in his original case report (Fig. 10.30) [334]. The patient had a pronounced linear porokeratosis present since the age of 2 years. Moreover, multiple nonsegmental plaques had first been noticed at the age of 7 years. Two siblings and the father were also affected with nonsegmental porokera-

Fig. 10.30  Mibelli’s original report on plaque-like porokeratosis can today be taken as an early documentation of superimposed mosaicism. A pronounced linear involvement of the right arm was present since the age of 2 years, whereas nonsegmental lesions as noted on the left hand developed since the age of 7 years [334]

totic lesions. Additional nonambiguous cases of superimposed linear involvement occurring in families with nonsegmental porokeratosis of Mibelli have later been described [38, 308]. In other reports, the systematized linear disorder developed soon after birth [130, 393] or was accompanied in adulthood by “classic lesions of porokeratosis” [393], which is why superimposed mosaicism is almost certain. Familial Occurrence of Superimposed Mosaicism in the Mibelli Subtype This story of an unusual familial constellation is set in Pavia in northern Italy, where Mario Truffi [488] described in 1905 a 13-year-old boy who had since early infancy pronounced porokeratotic lesions arranged in a systematized linear pattern on the left side of his body, including the oral mucosa. On the right side, some nonsegmental lesions were noted. His mother had some scattered bilateral lesions of porokeratosis of Mibelli.


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

Twenty-three years later, Franco Flarer [141] presented a follow-up report with photographs of the conspicuous systematized linear involvement. He mentioned that the patient had developed some additional nonsegmental plaques on the right side of his body. Finally, Marco Gandola [151] presented in 1951 a revised family history. The patient had a younger brother who was less severely affected but, surprisingly, showed systematized linear lesions involving the right side of his body. This family observation can today be taken as a clinical hint that the underlying gene locus represents a hotspot for somatic recombination.

10.2.12 Porokeratosis Palmaris, Plantaris et Disseminata Subtype This subtype of porokeratosis [178] is characterized by very small disseminated lesions that initially tend to appear on the palms and soles and later affect the entire integument. The disorder is caused by the same mutations as found in all other subtypes [238]. A superimposed mosaic manifestation in the form of pronounced linear lesions involving the left arm of a 33-year-old woman has been documented [380]. Another possible example of superimposed linear porokeratosis palmaris, plantaris et disseminata was reported in a 31-year-old Afro-American woman with end-stage liver disease [228].

10.2.13 Superimposed Mosaicism in Unclassifiable Subtypes of Porokeratosis Some authors described linear porokeratosis superimposed on nonlinear lesions, but it is difficult to determine from their report which subtype of porokeratosis was present [114, 156, 164, 387–389]. Today, this question is elusive because all subtypes can be taken as one clinical and genetic entity. A case of congenital linear and giant porokeratosis [304] represents almost cer-

tainly an example of superimposed mosaicism but can so far not be categorized further. The same holds true for a boy with systematized linear porokeratosis [422] who, as an adult, developed 14 squamous cell carcinomas on his limbs [145, 421].

10.2.14 Costello Syndrome Costello syndrome includes a peculiar facial appearance, growth retardation, mental deficiency, musculoskeletal defects, and cardiomyopathy [364]. Cutaneous features comprise redundant skin (especially on the hands), periorificial papillomas, acanthosis nigricans-like hyperkeratosis, palmoplantar keratoderma with deep creases, sparse and curly hair, and dystrophic nails. The disorder is caused by heterozygous HRAS mutations [453]. Simple segmental mosaicism was documented in a 15-year-old girl [171]. She had segmental acanthosis nigricans-like skin lesions on her abdomen and right arm (Fig. 10.31) and a linear hyperkeratosis on her left sole. An HRAS mutation was found to be present in buccal DNA samples but absent in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Another patient with a mosaic HRAS mutation giving rise to simple segmental Costello syndrome, including patches of curly hair in his otherwise straight hair, had a son with nonsegmental Costello syndrome [453]. On the other hand, no clinical features of mosaicism could be detected in a 1-year-old boy with Costello syndrome and a mosaic HRAS mutation present in blood lymphocytes [161].

10.2.15 Acrokeratoelastoidosis In this autosomal dominant trait, multiple small, shiny, keratotic papules are arranged along the margins of the hand and feet. They appear in childhood and progress during adolescence. Two cases of simple segmental mosaicism in the form of unilateral involvement of both hand and foot have been reported (Fig. 10.32) [263, 341].

10.3  Disorders of Connective Tissue or Bones


ous other organs such as the eyes, lungs, or kidneys. In most patients, progressive brain involvement gives rise to seizures, learning difficulties, or behavior abnormalities. The C in “TSC” has no meaning. It was created by geneticists for the simple reason that they needed, for the purpose of classification, a three-letter symbol. The disorder can be caused by two different genes. TSC1 encodes for hamartin, whereas TSC2 is producing tuberin. Because TSC is a biallelic tumor syndrome, all nonsegmental lesions, Fig. 10.31  Simple segmental mosaicism in Costello syn- including the recently described miliary fibromas drome. Segmental arrangement of acanthosis nigricans-­ [71], reflect disseminated mosaicism [204]. like skin changes on the abdomen [171] (Reprinted with Segmental mosaicism is well documented in permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA) TSC [280, 500]. So far, however, most reviews of cases of mosaic TSC do not discriminate between simple segmental and superimposed mosaicism.

Fig. 10.32 Simple segmental acrokeratoelastoidosis [263] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA) Simple Segmental TSC This type of mosaic TSC has preponderantly been described in the form of unilateral facial angiofibromas (Fig.  10.33) [11, 112, 181, 326, 435, 446, 486]. Other forms of simple segmental mosaicism may likewise occur. For example, a young man showed unilateral facial angiofibromas with ipsilateral presence of periungual fibromas of fingers and toes, small shagreen plaques, and hypopigmented macules involving the trunk, as well as retinal hamartomas [324]. A patient

10.3 Disorders of Connective Tissue or Bones In this group of disorders, mosaic manifestations are often noted. In particular, cases suggesting superimposed mosaicism have been documented in tuberous sclerosis, Buschke-­Ollendorff syndrome, Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy, and hereditary osteoma cutis.

10.3.1 Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is characterized by multiple hamartomas of the connective tissue involving the brain and skin as well as vari-

Fig. 10.33  Simple segmental tuberous sclerosis in the form of unilateral facial angiofibromas [486] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK)


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

with postzygotic mosaicism confirmed at the molecular level [501] had multiple dental pits, and brain tomography showed one paraventricular calcification. “Solitary cortical tubers” [118] are explained as simple segmental TSC [539]. The nosological significance of a solitary periungual fibroma [536] is so far unclear. Reviews on unilateral facial angiofibromas should be read with great caution because the authors may have inadvertently included examples of superimposed mosaic TSC [48, 70]. Superimposed Mosaicism in TSC This type of mosaic manifestation of TSC occurs rather frequently but has, so far, usually been disregarded, which means that up to now we can find cases of classical superimposed mosaicism erroneously categorized as a “forme fruste” [152, 153] or as simple segmental TSC [48, 70]. Shagreen patches or cobblestone nevi almost certainly represent a superimposed mosaic involvea

Fig. 10.34 (a) Superimposed mosaic tuberous sclerosis involving the forehead of a young girl; (b) the same lesion

ment [190, 209]. Such lateralized lesions may sometimes show conspicuous growth during adolescence or adulthood (Fig.  10.34). The miliary fibromas as described recently [71] may reflect a disseminated mosaic counterpart of the shagreen patch. A large linear lesion involving the tongue was explained by the same mechanism (Fig. 10.35) [235]. There are many other extracutaneous forms of superimposed mosaic TSC, as reviewed in 2018 [205]. Impressive examples of superimposed mosaic TSC with unilateral maxillary and mandibular involvement were inadvertently documented by oral surgeons (Fig. 10.36) [414, 514]. Moreover, all cases of “folliculocystic and collagen hamartoma” as observed in children with TSC (Fig. 10.37) [9, 481] may best be explained as superimposed mosaicism [209]. The same holds for large “fibrous hamartomas of infancy” [182, 436] or cases of macrodactyly reported in patients with TSC [92, 307, 415, 436, 442] or for overgrowth involving all tissues of a forearm [367, 513]. b

some years later (Courtesy of Dr. Gerhard Kurlemann, Münster, Germany)

10.3  Disorders of Connective Tissue or Bones


Fig. 10.35 Superimposed linear involvement of the tongue in a patient with tuberous sclerosis [235] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA.  Color photograph kindly provided by Dr. Peter H. Itin, Basel, Switzerland)

Fig. 10.36  Superimposed mosaic involvement of the maxilla and mandible in a patient with tuberous sclerosis [514] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK) Cases of Unclassifiable Mosaic TSC Silvestre et  al. [446] reported on a 12-year-old boy with multiple unilateral facial angiofibromas that had developed since the age of 5  years. In addition, he had a large hypopigmented macule involving the left side of his abdomen with a sharp midline separation. During the following years, the clinical course or molecular analysis of the disorder may have shown whether this boy carried a germline mutation and thus was affected with superimposed mosaicism.

risk of nonsegmental TS is increased to some degree because somatogonadal mosaicism may be present. Children of patients with superimposed mosaic TSC have a 50% risk to be affected with nonsegmental TS.  Hence, it is of great practical importance to bear the dichotomy of mosaic TSC in mind. For example, in a child with unilateral angiofibromas, it is mandatory to exclude a superimposed mosaic manifestation of TSC. Genetic Counseling In cases of simple segmental TSC, siblings and parents of the patient have a normal population risk of carrying a TSC mutation, because such mosaicism excludes gonadal mosaicism of one of the parents [500]. For the next generation, the

10.3.2 Buschke-Ollendorff Syndrome The disorder is caused by loss-of-function mutations in LEMD3 [213] and characterized by small disseminated connective tissue nevi of an elastin-rich type in combination with osteopoikilosis.


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

Fig. 10.38 Superimposed mosaicism in BuschkeOllendorff syndrome. The 5-year-old boy had family members with nonsegmental lesions [20, 193] (Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France) Fig. 10.37  Superimposed mosaic tuberous sclerosis presenting as “folliculocystic and collagen hamartoma” in a 6-year-old boy [481] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK) Familial Occurrence of Superimposed Mosaicism In Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome, asymmetrically arranged plaques or lumps are very often noted in several members of a family, for exam10.3.2.1 Superimposed Mosaic Skin ple, in a father and two of his children [451], in a Lesions In addition to the disseminated, skin-colored or father and his son or daughter [21, 65, 338], in yellowish, firm papules of dermatofibrosis, large two siblings [210, 225, 338], or even in three genplaques showing an asymmetrical arrangement erations [499]. Because such lesions tend to have been called “juvenile elastoma” [183, 281, appear in childhood or may even be noted at 515]. These plaques almost certainly represent a birth, they can best be explained as superimposed superimposed mosaic manifestation of Buschke-­ mosaicism, which indicates that the underlying Ollendorff syndrome [127, 193], especially when LEMD3 locus represents a hotspot for postzythey are associated with nonsegmental lesions in gotic recombination. the patient or his family members (Fig.  10.38) [20, 65, 194, 427, 526]. An exemplary superim- Superimposed Mosaic Involvement of Bones posed mosaic involvement has been described as Melorheostosis is a rare bone dysplasia charac“Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome of the scalp” terized by skeletal sclerosis with periosteal [485]. Remarkably, such lesions have sometimes hyperostosis reminiscent of dripping candle wax. been mistaken as a “forme fruste” of Buschke-­ The disorder usually shows an asymmetric Ollendorff syndrome [143].

10.3  Disorders of Connective Tissue or Bones


phy” [368, 370, 509] and “mixed sclerosing bone dysplasia” [159, 253] appear to be less precise and should be avoided, because in such cases, the melorheostosis is not simply mixed with, but superimposed on, the disseminated lesions of osteopoikilosis.

10.3.3 Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes The various forms of Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are characterized by hyperelasticity of the skin. The disorder was first reported in 1668 by Job J. van Meekeren, a surgeon from Amsterdam, in a posthumously published book written in Dutch and subsequently translated into German and Latin [496]. The patient was able to stretch the skin of his right shoulder in a way that it covered his eyes (Fig.  10.40). Remarkably,

Fig. 10.39  Schematic drawing showing melorheostosis overlaid on mild disseminated osteopoikilosis, suggesting a superimposed mosaic manifestation of BuschkeOllendorff syndrome [196] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

arrangement [146] and is frequently associated with hyperplasia and intensified density of the surrounding soft tissues, which may entail segmental sclerodermatous skin changes [147, 452]. Cases of isolated melorheostosis are usually not caused by LEMD3 mutations [212, 345]. On the other hand, this severe bone disease is sometimes found in patients with Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome [61, 212, 354, 368, 509, 520]. Such cases may be best explained as a superimposed mosaic manifestation of the disorder (Fig.  10.39) [110, 196]. Limb reduction has likewise been described [434]. The terms “mixed sclerosing bone dystro-

Fig. 10.40  A historical case of simple segmental EhlersDanlos syndrome, reported in Latin in 1682: “De debilitate extraordinariâ cutis in viro quodam Hispano” (On an unusual weakness of skin in a Spanish man) [496]. Earlier descriptions had appeared in Dutch (1668) and German (1675) (Reproduced from Google e-books)



10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

10.3.4 Marfan Syndrome

This fibrillin disorder is characterized by ocular, cardiovascular, and skeletal defects including arachnodactyly [364]. Patients tend to be rather tall, thin, and loose-jointed. As a typical cutaneous feature, extensive atrophic striae distensae are often noted on the trunk and proximal parts of the limbs [91, 169]. Loveman et  al. [303] described such skin lesions as a sign of Marfan syndrome in descendants of Abraham Lincoln. A case of asymmetric manifestation of this b disorder [60, 162] can today be reclassified as a superimposed form of mosaicism. The 3-year-old girl was thin and rather tall for her age. She showed pronounced overgrowth of the left side of her body (Fig. 10.42). Limb asymmetry had been noted at the age of 1  month. She had bilateral joint laxity, and arachnodactyly was present on both hands but more pronounced on the left. X-rays showed a bilaterally increased bone age, being more marked on the left. In both eyes, megFig. 10.41  Collagen nevus forming a large, pale plaque on the left shoulder and arm of a patient with Ehlers-­ alocornea, shallow anterior chamber, iridic atroDanlos syndrome type 3. (a) General view; (b) close-up phy, and spherophakia were noted, whereas [444]. This case can be taken as a possible example of ectopia lentis was present only in the left eye. superimposed mosaicism (Reprinted with permission Ultrastructural examination showed that in the from John Wiley and Sons, USA) papillary dermis, the diameter of fibrils was substantially larger than that of control individuals, however, the skin on the left side of his body but no significant difference between the two was of a completely normal structure. Hence, sides was noted. Biochemical abnormalities of this earliest description of Ehlers-Danlos syn- collagen were found on both sides of the body, drome was an example of simple segmental although more marked on the left. The authors, mosaicism. Some similar cases were reported being unaware of the concept of superimposed later [98, 276]. mosaicism, speculated that “a mosaic of normal A 25-year-old woman with bilateral, nonseg- and abnormal cells” may have been “the consemental lesions of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type quence of an early somatic mutation” [60]. At the 3 had a large connective tissue nevus of the col- age of 6.5  years, microfibrillar fiber staining in lagen type on her left shoulder and arm [444]. the papillary dermis was negative on the left side The lesion was present since childhood and and “modestly diminished” on the right, as comdescribed as an “ill-defined, raised, pale, pink, pared with healthy controls [162]. Today, all of warty, papular plaque” (Fig.  10.41). This case these findings can best be explained by an early may represent an example of superimposed event of loss of heterozygosity giving rise to a mosaicism [201]. superimposed mosaic involvement.

10.3  Disorders of Connective Tissue or Bones Fig. 10.42  “Asymmetric Marfan syndrome,” now being reclassified as an example of superimposed mosaic manifestation. (a) A 3-year-old girl with marked overgrowth of the left side of her body; (b) bilateral arachnodactyly, being more pronounced on the left [72]; (c) increased length inequality of limbs at the age of 6.5 years [183] (a and b: Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA; c, Reprinted with permission from Elsevier, Chennai, India)





10.3.5 Albright’s Hereditary Osteodystrophy Multiple cutaneous osteomas are a feature of Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO) [236, 243, 433]. Affected individuals have a round face, short and stout stature, and brachy-

dactyly. The disorder is usually caused by GNAS mutations. Loss of function of the maternal allele results in pseudohypoparathyroidism (OMIM 103580), whereas loss of function of the paternal allele gives rise to pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (OMIM 612463) [364].

10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders


Several cases can today be categorized as examples of superimposed mosaic AHO [2, 3, 124]. Pronounced unilateral cutaneous lesions noted at birth, with subsequent bilateral appearance of scattered small osteomas, have been documented by Tijdens and Ruiter [473]. Another girl with AHO and congenital superimposed segmental skin lesions had a brother showing nonsegmental extracutaneous features of AHO and “a hard swelling on the lateral aspect of the left


thigh” that was present since birth [56]. Initially the superimposed mosaic lesions may show an inflammatory stage [473, 511]. Klaassens et  al. [262] documented a patchy area of dermal and subcutaneous hypoplasia with palpable subcutaneous calcifications in a boy with hormone-resistant AHO (Fig.  10.43). His mother showed nonsegmental features of AHO. Hence, the boy’s segmental lesion can be taken as another example of superimposed mosaicism.



Fig. 10.43  A 2-year-old boy with Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy [262]. (a) Nonsegmental features reflecting haploinsufficiency include frontal bossing, round face, and depressed nasal bridge; (b, c) patchy area of atrophy

with subcutaneous calcifications on the right side of his neck, suggesting superimposed mosaicism (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA)

10.3  Disorders of Connective Tissue or Bones


10.3.6 Hereditary Osteomatosis Cutis A nonsyndromic form of multiple osteoma cutis may occur as an autosomal dominant trait [138, 377]. It is caused by loss-of-function mutations of the GNAS gene on the paternal allele (OMIM 166350 [364]). Several impressive cases suggesting superimposed mosaic osteomatosis cutis have been reported [155, 493, 503, 525]. A female infant described by Lim et al. [291] showed, at 1 h of age, an erythematous papular rash being strictly limited to several segmental areas preponderantly on her left side. Subsequently the involved regions became indurated and constituted a severe handicap (Fig.  10.44) [144]. Moreover, from the age of 6 years on, several isolated, nonsegmental lesions of intradermal ossification began to appear [144, 255]. In a similar case, Vero [503] documented involvement of the underlying deep structures including the muscles.

Fig. 10.44 Superimposed mosaic manifestation of hereditary osteomatosis cutis causing limb bowing and decreased joint mobility in a 9-year-old girl who had, in addition, some nonsegmental small lesions involving the upper part of her body [144] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, UK)

Fig. 10.45  Superimposed mosaicism immobilizing the right leg in a 4-month-old boy with pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1a [158]. Inset: X-ray shows ossification of skin and deep connective tissue at 2 months of age. This “progressive osseous heteroplasia” was erroneously taken as a separate entity [364]. (Reproduced with permission from Elsevier)

(We do not accept the diagnosis of myositis ossificans as proposed by some authors [138, 144]). Gardner et al. [155] speculated that mitotic crossing-over may have caused conversion to homozygosity in the severely involved region of their patient who had six family members affected with nonsegmental cutaneous osteomas. Urtizberea et  al. [493] described “progressive osseous heteroplasia” (see below) noted at birth in a girl whose father, younger sister, and paternal aunt had multiple nonsegmental lesions of osteoma cutis (Fig.  10.45). Another case was described as “severe congenital platelike osteoma cutis” involving the forehead in a linear configuration (Fig. 10.46) [487, 529]. A Note on “Progressive Osseous Heteroplasia” Curiously enough, a superimposed mosaic involvement has got, under the name “progressive osseous heteroplasia,” its own entry #166350  in McKusick’s Catalog OMIM [364], thus being listed as a “rare autosomal dominant trait” and equated with osteoma cutis. It should be realized, however, that the term “progressive osseous heteroplasia” [255, 423] does not represent a nosological entity because it may occur in osteomatosis cutis (MIM 166350), in AHO with hormone resistance (MIM 103580) [3, 56, 124,


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders


10.3.7 Zimmermann-Laband Syndrome


This autosomal dominant trait is characterized by coarse facial appearance with thick lips and bulbous nose, gingival fibromatosis, hypoplasia or aplasia of nails or terminal phalanges, mild hypertrichosis, increased joint mobility, hepatosplenomegaly, and mental deficiency [109]. A case of mosaic involvement was documented by Chacon-Camacho et al. [79]. The 8-year-old girl had hemihyperplasia with pronounced hypertrichosis preponderantly affecting the right side (Fig.  10.47a), ipsilateral hyperpigmentation and enlargement of her external genitalia (Fig.  10.47b), and a hemivertebra at T7. Moreover, postaxial polydactyly of the right hand and left foot were present. A superimposed mosaic manifestation is possible but so far unproven.

Fig. 10.46  Superimposed linear manifestation of hereditary osteomatosis cutis (“severe congenital platelike osteoma cutis”). (a) Appearance at birth; (b) progression during early childhood [529] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA)

158], and in AHO without hormone resistance (MIM 612463) [511]. Moreover, several other separate types of “progressive osseous heteroplasia” in the form of sporadic or familial traits may likewise exist [407, 443]. Contrasting with this view, Shore et  al. [443] presented six pedigrees suggesting autosomal dominant inheritance of progressive osseous heteroplasia. Their report evoked a vehement debate [2, 136]. We see two different ways to explain these unusual family constellations. Firstly, the concept of superimposed mosaicism may not be valid in patients with GNAS mutations. Pronounced asymmetric lesions would reflect the action of modifier genes or other mechanisms such as epigenetic modification of GNAS mutations [252]. Alternatively, the authors may have categorized nonsegmental cutaneous osteomas as mild forms of “progressive osseous heteroplasia.” In our opinion, the second explanation is the most likely one.

10.3.8 Brachman de Lange Syndrome (Cornelia de Lange Syndrome) This multisystem birth defect is included here because skeletal anomalies are rather typical features of the disorder [234]. Other major defects comprise mental deficiency, short stature, and a distinctive facial appearance with synophrys, anteverted nostrils, and a crescent-­shaped mouth (“carp mouth”). Bone abnormalities mainly involve the arms. The fingers tend to be short. The disorder is genetically heterogeneous, but more than 60% of cases are found to be caused by heterozygous NIPBL mutations [297]. The syndrome usually occurs sporadically, but almost all of these cases can be categorized as belonging to various autosomal dominant traits (OMIM 122470). Simple segmental mosaicism was documented in an infant with a postzygotic NIPBL mutation [76]. The boy had numerous typical signs of Brachman de Lange syndrome. In addition, his right leg showed pigmentary disturbances following Blaschko’s lines (Fig.  10.48). Another case suggesting simple segmental mosaicism was reported in the premolecular era [535]. This girl

10.4  Vascular Disorders




Fig. 10.47 Possible superimposed mosaicism in Zimmermann-Laband syndrome. (a) An 8-year-old girl with pronounced segmental hypertrichosis preponderantly involving her right side; (b) ipsilateral hyperpigmen-

tation and hemihyperplasia with overgrowth of external genitalia [79] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

showed retarded growth of one half of her body and irregularly shaped areas of hypopigmentation involving her trunk and legs.

Cutaneous mosaicism has been documented in both hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and rhodoid nevus syndrome.

and may even be lethal. The disorder is genetically heterogeneous but usually caused by mutations in the ENG gene encoding endoglin (OMIM 187300) [364]. A case of simple segmental involvement of one side of the face has been reported [383]. So far, it is unclear whether some cases of arteriovenous fistulas involving the lungs or other internal organs [7, 241] may likewise reflect superimposed mosaicism.

10.4.1 Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-RenduWeber Disease)

10.4.2 Rhodoid Nevus Syndrome (“Capillary MalformationArteriovenous Malformation”)

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is characterized by multiple lesions of vascular dysplasia. Mucosal involvement and other extracutaneous lesions tend to cause bleeding that is often severe

The phenotype is characterized by multiple rhodoid nevi (Fig. 10.49) and caused by mutations in RASA1 or EPHB4 (see Sect. An arteriovenous malformation is sometimes

10.4 Vascular Disorders

10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders






Fig. 10.48 Mosaicism in Brachmann-de Lange syndrome. (a and b) Frontal and lateral view at 9 months of age; (c) transverse palmar crease; (d) linear pigmentary

disturbance on the right leg and marmorate vascular pattern [76]. (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA)

associated with this cutaneous trait and has prompted Eerola et  al. [125] to create the ambiguous name “capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation.” The histopathological features of rhodoid nevi are consistent with small arteriovenous malformations [495],

which is fully compatible with their categorization as nevi. Today, the occurrence of segmental arteriovenous lesions (Fig. 10.50) [81, 218, 399] can best be categorized as a superimposed mosaic manifestation of rhodoid nevus syndrome [203].

10.5  Blistering Skin Disorders


tion can no longer be taken as a prerequisite for the diagnosis of rhodoid nevus syndrome.

10.5 Blistering Skin Disorders Cutaneous mosaicism has rarely been noted in this group of genetic disorders. Fig. 10.49  Rhodoid nevi with characteristic anemic halo

10.5.1 Autosomal Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa The mother of a child with the full-blown disorder was rather mildly affected [441]. She had a mosaic COL7A1 mutation in the blood (41%) and skin (28% of cells), which is why the authors established a diagnosis of maternal gonadosomatic mosaicism. Clinical examination of the mother’s disorder did not reveal any linear or otherwise segmental pattern.

10.5.2 Transient Superficial Acantholysis Arranged Along Blaschko’s Lines in a Newborn

Fig. 10.50  Rhodoid nevus syndrome showing superimposed mosaic involvement of the left leg. Note the contralateral nonsegmental lesion (arrow) [399] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons, USA)

For obvious reasons, rhodoid nevus syndrome will often occur in a family without any superimposed mosaic involvement [217]. Hence, the presence of a segmental arteriovenous malforma-

Jokiaho et  al. [249] described a case of mild dysmorphism, parietal meningocele, and “neonatal miliaria rubra-like lesions” in a newborn girl. A nonmosaic deletion 3q27  →  3qter was found in blood lymphocytes. A photograph of the neonate showed a systematized, Blaschkolinear pattern of the skin lesions (Fig.  10.51). Histopathologically, acantholysis of the uppermost part of the epidermis was noted. These changes were related by the authors to the infundibula of sweat gland ducts. The inflammatory lesions resolved completely within 1 week. This unusual mosaic phenotype is difficult to categorize because no molecular analysis could be done at the time of publication. It may or may not represent a new skin disorder [185]. A nosological relationship with the nonmosaic deletion 3q27  →  3qter is very unlikely. Today one would search for a desmoplakin mutation


10  Mosaic Manifestation of Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders

Fig. 10.51  A newborn girl with linear inflammatory skin lesions showing infundibular acantholysis of sweat glands [249] (Courtesy of Dr. Kirsti-Maria Niemi, Helsinki, Finland)

as noted in lethal acantholytic epidermolysis bullosa [42, 327] or for a COL7A1 mutation as found in epidermolysis bullosa simplex superficialis [321].

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Revertant Mosaicism

In patients with a Mendelian skin disorder, a revertant mutation may give rise to a clone of heterozygous cells that have regained, either partly or completely, their normal physiological function. In a woman with generalized atrophic benign epidermolysis bullosa caused by compound heterozygosity at the COL17A1 locus, Jonkman et al. [14] found several patchy areas of healthy skin and provided molecular proof that the clinically unaffected skin contained keratinocytes carrying a back mutation and, therefore, producing small amounts of normal collagen type 17.

11.1 Revertant Mosaicism Is a Frequent Phenomenon Evidence has been provided that such revertant mosaicism occurs rather frequently in some skin disorders of either dominant or recessive inheritance [5, 18, 29]. Either the back mutations represent true revertants that may result from a reverse point mutation, postzygotic crossing-over, or gene conversion, thus restoring the amino sequence [14], or a revertant clone carries, inside or outside the mutant gene, a second-site mutation that may originate from addition or deletion of a base pair, a suppressor mutation, or chromosomal loss or gain [13]. Moreover, in some Mendelian disorders such as ichthyosis with confetti (ichthyosis


v­ ariegata), dyskeratosis congenita, KID syndrome, or Kindler syndrome, multiple events of mitotic recombination or slipped mispairing may give rise to numerous patches of healthy skin [4, 8, 15, 17, 18]. In these traits, manifold reversion mechanisms appear to be rather the rule than an exceptional event [4, 12, 15, 17].

11.2 Revertant Mosaicism in Autosomal Dominant Skin Disorders Patches of clinically healthy skin with molecular evidence of revertant mosaicism were documented in several autosomal dominant types of epidermolysis bullosa [25, 29], in ichthyosis variegata (ichthyosis with confetti) [5] (Fig. 11.1), and in loricrin keratoderma as a result of mitotic recombination [26]. Similarly, numerous healthy looking spots were documented in an adult woman with KID syndrome, and molecular analysis revealed a second-site mutation that reverted the dominant negative effect of the pathogenic connexin 26 mutation [9]. Moreover, clinical evidence for revertant mosaicism without molecular corroboration was described in keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq [10] and Darier disease [11, 23] (see Sects. 3.3.4, 8.1.2, and 8.1.3).

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,


11  Revertant Mosaicism



Fig. 11.1 (a) Ichthyosis with confetti (ichthyosis variegata) showing thousands of islands of revertant mosaicism [3] (Reprinted with permission from the British Association of Dermatologists). (b) Close-up showing

11.3 Revertant Mosaicism in Autosomal Recessive Skin Disorders Patches of skin that did not blister have been noted in non-Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa (Fig. 11.2) [20, 22], recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa [1, 21, 22], recessive epidermolysis bullosa simplex [24], and Kindler syndrome [15, 17] (Fig. 11.3) (see Sect. 3.3.4). In all of these cases, molecular analysis revealed diverse events of revertant mosaicism. In autosomal recessive forms of epidermolysis bullosa, even two or three different spontaneous back mutations were found in the same individual [19]. Such cases of “natural gene therapy”


hypertrichosis of the areas affected by the forward mutation [2] (Reprinted with permission from Karger Publishers, Basel, Switzerland)

served as a model to develop new strategies of treating severe hereditary skin disorders [8, 13, 16]. Presently, a safe gene therapeutic approach is envisaged by expanding a normally functioning cell clone derived from the islands of healthy skin that apparently occur rather often in such diseases when sought for with a prepared mind [18, 28, 29]. Other autosomal recessive traits, in which revertant mosaicism has been documented, include Bloom syndrome [7], leukocyte adherence deficiency type 1 [27], and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome [6, 30]. Moreover, RAG1-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency has been found to be mitigated, by spontaneous development of revertant T-cell mosaicism, to Omenn syndrome [31].

11.3 Revertant Mosaicism in Autosomal Recessive Skin Disorders

Normal control skin


Mutant affected skin

Revertant unaffected skin

Fig. 11.2  Revertant mosaicism in a case of recessive junctional epidermolysis bullosa. Biopsies showed absence of collagen 17 staining (green) in the mutant affected skin, whereas patchy re-expression of the protein was noted in the revertant unaffected areas [22]. Note that

the patient prefers to wear her ring on a finger with revertant unaffected skin (Reprinted with permission from Discovery Medicine, Publisher of Johns Hopkins CME Series)


11  Revertant Mosaicism



Fig. 11.3  Islands of revertant mosaicism (a) on the hands and (b) around the axillary region of a woman with Kindler syndrome. These patches of normal skin were

caused by either slipped mispairing or mitotic recombination [15] (Reprinted with permission from the American Society for Clinical Investigation)


References 1. Almaani N, Nagy N, Liu L, Dopping-Hepenstal PJ, Lai-Cheong JE, Clements SE, Techanukul T, Tanaka A, Mellerio JE, McGrath JA. Revertant mosaicism in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. J Invest Dermatol. 2010;130:1937–40. 2. Brusasco A, Tadini G, Cambiaghi S, Ermacora E, Grimalt R, Caputo R.  A case of congenital reticular ichthyosiform erythroderma – ichthyosis ‘en confettis’. Dermatology. 1994;188:40–5. 3. Brusasco A, Cambiaghi S, Tadini G, Berti E, Caputo R. Unusual hyperpigmentation developing in congenital reticular ichthyosiform erythroderma (ichthyosis variegata). Br J Dermatol. 1998;139:893–6. 4. Choate KA, Lu Y, Zhou J, Choi M, Elias PM, Farhi A, Nelson-Williams C, Crumrine D, Williams ML, Nopper AJ, Bree A, Milstone LM, Lifton RP. Mitotic recombination in patients with ichthyosis causes reversion of dominant mutations in KRT10. Science. 2010;330:94–7. 5. Choate KA, Lu Y, Zhou J, Elias PM, Zaidi S, Paller AS, Farhi A, Nelson-Williams C, Crumrine D, Milstone LM, Lifton RP. Frequent somatic reversion of KRT1 mutations in ichthyosis with confetti. J Clin Invest. 2015;125:1703–7. 6. Davis BR, Yan Q, Bui JH, Felix K, Moratto D, Muul LM, Prokopishyn NL, Blaese RM, Candotti F.  Somatic mosaicism in the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: molecular and functional characterization of genotypic revertants. Clin Immunol. 2010;135:72–83. 7. Ellis NA, Ciocci S, German J.  Back mutation can produce phenotype reversion in Bloom syndrome somatic cells. Hum Genet. 2001;108:167–73. 8. Gostýnski A, Pasmooij AMG, Jonkman MF.  Successful therapeutic transplantation of revertant skin in epidermolysis bullosa. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014;70:98–101. 9. Gudmundsson S, Wilbe M, Ekvall S, Ameur A, Cahill N, Alexandrov LB, Virtanen M, Pigg MH, Vahlquist A, Törmä H, Bondeson ML.  Revertant mosaicism repairs skin lesions in a patient with keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome by second-site mutations in connexin 26. Hum Mol Genet. 2017;26:1070–7. 10. Happle R, König A. Dominant traits may give rise to paired patches of either excessive or absent involvement. Am J Med Genet. 1999;84:176–7. 11. Itin PH, Happle R. Darier disease with paired segmental manifestation of either excessive or absent involvement: a further step in the concept of twin spotting. Dermatology. 2002;205:344–7. 12. Jongmans MCJ, Verwiel ETP, Heijdra Y, Vulliamy T, Kampin EJ, Hehir-Kwa JY, Bongers EMHF, Pfundt R, van Emst L, van Leeuwen FN, van Gassen KLI, van Kessel AG, Dokal I, Hoogerbrugge N, Ligtenberg MJL, Kuiper RP.  Revertant somatic mosaicism by mitotic recombination in dyskeratosis congenita. Am J Hum Genet. 2012;90:426–33.

187 13. Jonkman MF. Revertant mosaicism in human genetic disorders. Am J Med Genet. 1999;85:361–4. 14. Jonkman MF, Scheffer H, Stulp R, Pas HH, Nijenhuis M, Heeres K, Owaribe K, Pulkkinen L, Uitto J.  Revertant mosaicism in epidermolysis bullosa caused by mitotic gene conversion. Cell. 1997;88:543–51. 15. Kiritsi D, He Y, Pasmooij AM, Onder M, Happle R, Jonkman MF, Bruckner-Tuderman L, Has C.  Revertant mosaicism in a human skin fragility disorder results from slipped mispairing and mitotic recombination. J Clin Invest. 2012;122:1742–6. 16. Lai-Cheong JE, McGrath JA, Uitto J. Revertant mosaicism in skin: natural gene therapy. Trends Mol Med. 2011;17:140–8. 17. Lai-Cheong JE, Moss C, Parsons M, Almaani N, McGrath JA.  Revertant mosaicism in Kindler syndrome. J Invest Dermatol. 2012;132:730–2. 18. Lim YH, Fisher JM, Choate KA.  Revertant mosaicism in genodermatoses. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2017;74:2229–38. 19. Pasmooij AM, Pas HH, Deviaene FC, Nijenhuis M, Jonkman MF.  Multiple correcting COL17A1 mutations in patients with revertant mosaicism of epidermolysis bullosa. Am J Hum Genet. 2005;77:727–40. 20. Pasmooij AM, Pas HH, Bolling MC, Jonkman MF. Revertant mosaicism in junctional epidermolysis bullosa due to multiple correcting second-site mutations in LAMB3. J Clin Invest. 2007;117:1240–8. 21. Pasmooij AMG, Garcia M, Escamez MJ, Nijenhuis M, Axon A, Cuadrado-Corrales N, Jonkman MF, Del Rio M. Revertant mosaicism due to a secondsite mutation in COL7A1 in a patient with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. J Invest Dermatol. 2010;130:2407–11. 22. Pasmooij AM, Jonkman MF, Uitto J. Revertant mosaicism in heritable skin diseases: mechanisms of natural gene therapy. Discov Med. 2012;14:167–79. 23. Rodríguez-Pazos L, Gomez-Bernal S, Loureiro M, Toribio J. Type 2 segmental Darier disease with twin spot phenomenon. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2011;25:496–7. 24. Schuilenga-Hut PHL, Scheffer H, Pas HH, Nijenhuis M, Buys CHCM, Jonkman MF.  Partial revertant mosaicism of keratin 14 in a patient with recessive epidermolysis bullosa simplex. J Invest Dermatol. 2002;118:626–30. 25. Smith FJ, Morley SM, McLean WH.  Novel mechanism of revertant mosaicism in Dowling-Meara epidermolysis bullosa simplex. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;122:73–7. 26. Suzuki S, Nomura T, Miyauchi T, Takeda M, Fujita Y, Nishie W, Akiyama M, Ishida-Yamamoto A, Shimizu H.  Somatic recombination underlies frequent revertant mosaicism in loricrin keratoderma. Life Sci Alliance. 2019;2(1):e201800284. 27. Tone Y, Wada T, Shibata F, Toma T, Hashida Y, Kasahara Y, Koizumi S, Yachie A. Somatic revertant mosaicism in a patient with leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1. Blood. 2007;10-9:1182–4.

188 28. Uitto J, Bruckner-Tuderman L, Christiano AM, McGrath JAM, Has C, South AP, Kopelan B, Robinson C.  Progress towards treatment and cure of epidermolysis bullosa: summary of the DEBRA International research symposium EB2015. J Invest Dermatol. 2016;136:352–8. 29. van den Akker PC, Pasmooij AMG, Joenje H, Hofstra RMW, te Meerman GJ, Jonkman MF.  A “late-butfitter revertant cell” explains the high frequency of revertant mosaicism in epidermolysis bullosa. PLoS One. 2018;13(2):e0192994.

11  Revertant Mosaicism 30. Wada T, Schurman SH, Jagadeesh GJ, Garabedian EK, Nelson DL, Candotti F.  Multiple patients with revertant mosaicism in a single Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome family. Blood. 2004;104:1270–2. 31. Wada T, Yasui M, Toma T, Nakayama Y, Nishida M, Shimizu M, Okajima M, Kasahara Y, Koizumi S, Inoue M, Kawa K, Yachie A. Detection of T lymphocytes with a second-site mutation in skin lesions of atypical X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency mimicking Omenn syndrome. Blood. 2008;112:1872–5.

Nevoid Skin Disorders

The group of nevoid conditions includes all skin disorders that are reminiscent of a nevus, but do not fulfill the criteria of a true nevus [88] (see Chap. 7). On the other hand, this group comprises some X-linked “true nevi” such as the cutaneous lesions of focal dermal hypoplasia that, by convention, are categorized as “nevoid.”

12.1 Cutaneous Lesions Reflecting Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism In this group of disorders, we can distinguish between male-lethal and nonlethal X-linked traits. The skin lesions reflecting lyonization in women with X-linked traits are taken, by convention, as nevoid conditions although they fulfill, in principle, the criteria of true nevi [88]. There is, however, one exception from this rule. The CHILD nevus reflects functional X-chromosome mosaicism but is categorized as a true nevus (see Sect. and Table 7.1).

12.1.1 X-Linked Dominant, Male-­ Lethal Traits This group comprises incontinentia pigmenti, focal dermal hypoplasia, Conradi-Hünermann-­


Happle syndrome, MIDAS syndrome, oral-­ facial-­ digital syndrome type 1, and terminal osseous dysplasia with pigmentary defects (TODPD). Incontinentia Pigmenti This X-linked multisystem birth defect is caused by NEMO mutations [238]. The disorder is characterized by linear skin lesions that develop in four stages. During the first months of life, an episode of inflammation and blistering of the skin occurs, being arranged along Blaschko’s lines (Fig. 12.1). Later, these lesions are replaced by hyperkeratotic verrucous areas, whereas in older girls, a linear or patchy hyperpigmentation is noted (Figs. 3.18 and 12.1b). In adult women, this hyperpigmentation often fades away and gives rise to hypopigmented linear lesions that are slightly atrophic and hairless. This fourth stage tends to be most conspicuous on the calves. The early inflammatory stage apparently reflects an attempt of the functionally normal cells to eliminate the functionally aberrant clone. This elimination process, however, is not always complete because exceptional eruptions reiterating a stage 1 may occur in older children [6, 54, 208] or even in adult women [16]. Hypomorphic NEMO alleles may cause a quite different phenotype in the form of ectodermal dysplasia of Zonana (see Chap. 4).

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,


12  Nevoid Skin Disorders




Fig. 12.1  Incontinentia pigmenti. (a) First stage in the form of linear blistering; (b) third stage characterized by linear hyperpigmentation [21] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier, Oxford, UK) Focal Dermal Hypoplasia Focal dermal hypoplasia (Goltz syndrome) is an X-linked dominant, male-lethal disorder caused by PORCN mutations [81]. The syndrome includes multiple congenital defects of the mesoderm and the ectoderm, reflecting lyonization. A cutaneous hallmark is linear lesions of thinned or absent dermis (Fig. 12.2), giving rise to herniation of the underlying fatty tissue [87]. Longitudinal striation of the long bones as noted on X-rays is likewise very characteristic (Fig. 12.3) [102]. Hypomorphic PORCN alleles may cause an entirely different group of disorders, the PORCN non-Goltz spectrum (PONGOS) (see Chap. 4). Conradi-Hünermann-Happle Syndrome This X-linked dominant, male-lethal phenotype is caused by EBP mutations [108]. The syndrome is also called X-linked dominant chondrodysplasia punctata and includes asymmetric

bone defects, sectorial cataracts, and skin lesions following Blaschko’s lines. Epiphyseal stippling is found on X-rays taken shortly after birth. During the first weeks of life, the skin shows linear areas of inflammation and hyperkeratosis (Fig. 12.4). This stage is followed by linear areas of atrophy and hypopigmentation with rather mild scaling. Lesions of follicular atrophoderma are predominantly found on the scalp, the wrists, and the dorsal and lateral aspects of the hands (Fig. 12.5). A girl with an EBP mutation and classical features of the syndrome had a mother who was phenotypically healthy with the exception of a very small patch of erythematous and slightly hyperkeratotic skin present on one of her legs. The mutation was absent in the mother’s blood lymphocytes but present in DNA obtained from her tiny skin lesion, providing evidence that she ­carried an EBP mutation in the form of postzygotic mosaicism [175].

12.1 Cutaneous Lesions Reflecting Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism

Fig. 12.2  Focal dermal hypoplasia showing a systematized linear arrangement (Courtesy of Dr. Regina Föster-­ Holst, Kiel, Germany)

Hypomorphic EBP alleles can give rise to a quite different phenotype in the form of MEND syndrome (male EBP disorder with neurological defects) (see Chap. 4). MIDAS Syndrome MIDAS is an acronym for microphthalmia, dermal aplasia, and sclerocornea [39, 97]. The disorder is also called MLS (microphthalmia with linear skin defects) syndrome [269]. It is caused by male-lethal mutations in one of the X-linked genes, holocytochrome c-type synthetase [209] or COX7B [119]. Oncocytic cardiomyopathy may cause early death [23]. For unknown reasons, the cutaneous lesions tend to involve


Fig. 12.3  Longitudinal striation of long bones reflecting functional X-chromosome mosaicism in a patient with focal dermal hypoplasia

almost exclusively the face and the neck (Fig. 12.6) [190, 277]. Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome Type 1 This X-linked, male-lethal trait is caused by CXORF5 mutations. It includes gingival frenula and multilobulated tongue (Fig.  12.7), median cleft of the upper lip, asymmetric cleft palate, malformed digits, and mild mental deficiency. Multiple milia involve the face and the ears but disappear after infancy. On the scalp, a spiral pattern of congenital alopecia, reflecting lyonization, is noted (Fig. 12.7) [27, 100].


Fig. 12.4 Characteristic feather-like hyperkeratoses showing a linear arrangement in a newborn girl with Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome (Courtesy of Dr. Elzo Folkers, Zaandam, The Netherlands)

Fig. 12.5  Linear arrangement of follicular atrophoderma in an adolescent girl with Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome Terminal Osseous Dysplasia with Pigmentary Defects (TODPD) Characteristic features of the disorder are terminal fibromas that tend to resolve spontaneously

12  Nevoid Skin Disorders

Fig. 12.6  MIDAS syndrome in a newborn girl affected with bilateral microphthalmia, blepharophimosis, saddle nose, and unilateral linear areas of dermal aplasia [97] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

during childhood, brachydactyly, camptodactyly, clinodactyly, multiple frenula of the gingiva, colobomas of the eye or the eyelid, and punched-­out pigmentary defects of the upper half of the face [14] (Fig. 12.8). Sometimes, extensive malformations of an entire limb are associated. The syndrome is caused by filamin A mutations [242]. Aicardi Syndrome This X-linked dominant, male-lethal disorder is characterized by chorioretinal lacunae, agenesis of corpus callosum, and infantile spasms [221]. Associated features include microphthalmia, coloboma, hypoplasia of the optic nerve, and various cerebral defects [243]. A 3-month-old blind girl with Aicardi syndrome had a “trichogephyrosis” in the form of hypertrichosis bridging the gap between the right eyebrow and scalp hair (Fig. 12.9) [101]. Additional clinical reports are

12.1 Cutaneous Lesions Reflecting Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism




Fig. 12.7  Oral-facial-digital syndrome type 1. (a) Note gingival frenula and lobulated tongue; (b) spiral pattern of hairlessness reflecting lyonization [100]

Fig. 12.8  Punched-out pigmented defects of the upper half of the face as a characteristic feature of terminal osseous dysplasia with pigmentary defects [75] (Reproduced with permission from Wiley and Sons, USA)

needed to determine whether the unilateral involvement reflects lyonization.

12.1.2 X-Linked Dominant, Nonlethal Traits This group comprises Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome, X-linked dyskeratosis congenita, Menkes syndrome, IFAP syndrome, reticulate

Fig. 12.9  Unilateral nevoid hypertrichosis in the form of “trichogephyrosis” in an infant girl with Aicardi syndrome [101] (Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)

pigmentary disorder of Partington, and X-linked dominant hypertrichosis.


12  Nevoid Skin Disorders Christ-Siemens-Touraine Syndrome With few exceptions, the full-blown phenotype of hypohidrosis is observed in male patients only, whereas heterozygous female individuals tend to be mildly affected. Sweat testing of carrier females reveals hypohidrotic areas arranged along Blaschko’s lines (Fig. 12.10) [17, 99]. X-Linked Dyskeratosis Congenita Male patients with X-linked dyskeratosis congenita show a diffusely arranged reticular hyperpigmentation and atrophy of the skin, dystrophic nails, mucosal leukoplakia, progressive failure of bone marrow, and increased proneness to develop malignancies. Heterozygous women are, as a rule, only mildly affected, and their skin lesions follow Blaschko’s lines (Fig. 12.11) [58].

Fig. 12.11  Linear involvement of the left hand in a female carrier of dyskeratosis congenita [58] (Courtesy of Dr. Hugo Degreef, Leuven, Belgium) Menkes Syndrome This neurodegenerative disorder is caused by mutations in the gene encoding Cu(2+)transporting ATPase, alpha polypeptide (ATP7A). Major features include twisting and kinking of scalp hair, mental deficiency, seizures, bone defects, and hypothermia. Affected boys usually die during early infancy. Heterozygous women may show a linear or otherwise segmental pattern of cutaneous hypopigmentation (Fig.  12.12) [158, 267] and a mixture of anomalous and normal scalp hair [44, 53]. IFAP Syndrome IFAP (ichthyosis follicularis, atrichia, and photophobia) syndrome is caused by mutations in MBTPS2, an intramembrane zinc metalloprotease controlling cholesterol homeostasis and stress response of the endoplasmic reticulum [189]. Boys are diffusely and severely affected (Fig. 12.13a), whereas female carriers show a linear pattern of follicular ichthyosis, atrophoderma, asymmetric hairlessness (Fig.  12.13b), and diminished sweating [60, 145]. Hyperkeratotic streaks involving the feet have likewise been reported [252]. Unilateral acne lesions are another mosaic manifestation as noted in a 14-year-old heterozygous girl (Fig. 12.13c).

Fig. 12.10  Minor’s sweat testing in a female carrier of Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome [99] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA) Reticulate Pigmentary Disorder of Partington The full-blown syndrome occurs in male individuals who show diffuse reticulate dyspigmentation (Fig.  12.14a), hypohidrosis, coarse hair,

12.1 Cutaneous Lesions Reflecting Functional X-Chromosome Mosaicism




Fig. 12.12 (a, b) Unilateral arrangement of abdominal hypopigmentation in two sisters of a boy with Menkes syndrome [158] (Courtesy of Dr. Gérard Lorette, Tours, France)




Fig. 12.13  IFAP syndrome. (a) A boy with complete baldness and pronounced photophobia [145]; (b) unilateral axillary hypotrichosis in his heterozygous mother; (c) asymmetrical acne lesions in his heterozygous sister

failure to thrive, recurrent pneumonia, colitis, and corneal dyskeratosis with photophobia. Female carriers have linear lesions of ­dyspigmentation (Fig. 12.14b) [9, 139, 201, 202]. The condition is due to mutations in the gene encoding DNA polymerase A [123]. X-Linked Dominant Hypertrichosis Affected males have a severe and diffusely distributed hypertrichosis, whereas heterozygous females show asymmetrical patches of increased hairiness arranged in a checkerboard pattern,

12  Nevoid Skin Disorders




Fig. 12.14  Reticulate pigmentary disorder of Partington. (a) Diffuse involvement in a man; (b) linear lesions in his daughter (Courtesy of Dr. Eulalia Baselga, Barcelona, Spain)



Fig. 12.15  X-linked dominant hypertrichosis. (a) Diffuse involvement in a boy; (b) segmental pattern of lyonization in a woman [67] (Reprinted with permission from Nature Publishing Group)

reflecting lyonization (Fig. 12.15) [67, 161]. In a large Chinese family, Zhu et al. [275] confirmed that heterozygous women tend to be more mildly affected. The authors assumed that a palindrome-­

mediated insertion near SOX3 may be involved in the etiology. A syndromic form of this X-linked hair disorder has likewise been documented [245].

12.2 Congenital Autosomal Disorders Representing Non-nevi


12.2 Congenital Autosomal Disorders Representing Non-nevi The following skin disorders are either autosomal sporadic tumor syndromes or other non-nevi that have so far been mistaken as nevi either because they look like nevi or simply because someone has erroneously categorized them as nevi.

12.2.1 Benign Skin Tumors Reflecting Lethal Autosomal Mutations Surviving by Mosaicism The following sporadic phenotypes cannot be categorized among the group of nevi because they are characterized by the presence benign neoplasias.

Fig. 12.17  Maffucci syndrome [217] (Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Clinical Oncology) Maffucci Syndrome In this syndrome, multiple enchondromas, most frequently affecting the fingers and toes, are

found to be associated with multiple hemangiomas that predominantly involve the skin (Fig. 12.17) [127, 134] but may also be found in the oral cavity, esophagus, or intestinal tract [234]. The syndrome always occurs sporadically and the lesions show an asymmetrical arrangement. Therefore, the phenotype was proposed to be caused by a lethal mutation surviving by mosaicism [89]. This etiological concept was corroborated in recent molecular studies. Pansuriya et al. [199] found postzygotic heterozygous mutations in IDH1 or IDH2 within the lesional tissue of patients with Maffucci syndrome and a related disorder, Ollier disease.

Fig. 12.16  Syringocystadenoma papilliferum showing a linear arrangement [164] (Reprinted with permission from Creative Commons) Happle-Tinschert Syndrome This birth defect includes multiple, segmentally arranged basaloid follicular hamartomas (Fig. 12.18a), linear atrophoderma (Fig. 12.18b), and osseous, dental, ocular, or cerebral anomalies [24, 104, 122]. A case described by Bedi [19] as “nevus unius lateris” is another typical example of this disorder. The disorder is caused by a postzygotic SMO mutation [105, 274]. It is unlikely that the phenotype represents a manifestation of hereditary multiple basaloid follicular hamartoma because so far this autosomal dominant trait has neither been observed in patients with Happle-Tinschert syndrome nor in their relatives [104]. Admittedly, Syringocystadenoma Papilliferum Multiple tumors of this type show rather frequently an arrangement along Blaschko’s lines (Fig. 12.16) [147, 164, 184, 198, 205, 270, 272]. All cases so far reported were sporadic.


12  Nevoid Skin Disorders


227]. Today, the disorder may best be categorized as a particularly moderate PROS variant. Practical aspect: Liposuction appears to be a suitable therapeutic option to alleviate the burden of large lipomas [154].

12.2.3 Other Autosomal Non-nevi


Fig. 12.18 Happle-Tinschert syndrome. (a) Linear arrangement of multiple follicular basaloid hamartomas in a 7-year-old boy; (b) ipsilateral linear atrophoderma involving the thumb [122] (Reprinted with permission from S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)

however, it is so far difficult to determine whether cases of multiple congenital, segmentally arranged, and tightly packed basaloid follicular hamartomas [8, 106, 116] may represent a minimal form of this syndrome or a superimposed manifestation of autosomal dominant multiple basaloid follicular hamartoma (see Sect. 10.1.4).

12.2.2 Hemihyperplasia with Multiple Lipomas: Probably a Mild Phenotype Within PROS This disorder was described in 1998 by Biesecker et  al. [22, 193]. It is characterized by a rather stable overgrowth of one half of the body and ipsilateral development of multiple lipomas [32,

Some other skin lesions are called nevi without being nevi. The following disorders refer to such historical misnomers. Salmon Patch (“Unna’s Nevus,” “Median Nevus Flammeus,” “Nevus Simplex”) Congenital telangiectatic macules involving the glabella (“angel’s kiss”) or the occipital or nuchal region (“stork bite”) (Fig.  12.19) or the sacral area have so far been categorized as median vascular nevi [129, 204]. These lesions do not fulfill, however, the criteria of a nevus because they do not reflect mosaicism. Frontal salmon patches are noted in 30–40% of newborns, whereas the prevalence of the nuchal erythema is even higher [263]. If we would include such median vascular lesions into the group of nevi, this term would lose any specific meaning. White Sponge Hyperplasia of the Mucosa (“White Sponge Nevus”) This autosomal dominant trait is caused by mutations of keratin 4 or 13 and has so far been called “white sponge nevus” (Fig.  12.20) [156]. This name, however, is an absurdity. With the same right one could categorize palmoplantar keratoderma as a “hyperkeratotic nevus.” The symmetric oral leukoplakia does not look like a nevus, nor does it reflect mosaicism. “Basal Cell Nevus” This term should no longer be used since it is both incorrect and ambiguous [104]. It is incorrect because it refers to non-melanocytic neoplasias and thus not to nevi. It is ambiguous because

12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders




Fig. 12.19  Salmon patch, a frequently occurring non-­ totalis (a: Reprinted with permission from Elsevier nevus. (a) Rather extensive glabellar involvement [129]; Limited, Oxford, UK) (b) occipital involvement in an adult patient with alopecia “Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus” Blue rubber bleb “nevi” are not nevi but represent true angiomas. Hence, the so-called blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome is in fact a blue rubber bleb angiomatosis (see Sect. 3.3.1).

12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders This group includes some disorders that tend to occur exclusively in a segmental arrangement and mosaic manifestations of many common skin disorders with a polygenic background. Fig. 12.20  White sponge hyperplasia of the mucosa [156] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

12.3.1 Lichen Striatus

it has been used in the past to describe Gorlin syndrome [34] and Happle-Tinschert syndrome [7, 122] and mosaic manifestations of either Gorlin syndrome [233] or nonsyndromic basal cell carcinomas [33] or nonsyndromic basaloid follicular hamartomas [48].

This transient disorder is preponderantly noted in children and consists of one or more linear areas showing inflammatory papular lesions (Fig. 12.21). The distribution follows Blaschko’s lines. Histopathologically, a lichenoid infiltrate with lymphocytic exocytosis and spongiosis is noted


Fig. 12.21  Lichen striatus in a 3-year-old girl [211] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

[240]. Spontaneous resolution tends to occur after some weeks or months. The cause of the disorder is so far unknown. Some cases of lichen striatus being associated with atopic dermatitis [59, 203, 255] may in fact represent examples of superimposed linear atopic dermatitis [258].

12.3.2 “Blaschkitis”: No Entity, but an Umbrella Term Including the Linear Manifestation of Various Acquired Inflammatory Skin Disorders This term was proposed by Grosshans and Marot [80] for a transient linear skin disorder that resembled lichen striatus but showed a more pronounced inflammation and was preponderantly noted in adults (Fig.  12.22). A

12  Nevoid Skin Disorders

Fig. 12.22  Unilateral systematized “Blaschko dermatitis” in a 44-year-old woman [168] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK)

clear-cut separation from lichen striatus, however, appears to be rather difficult [171, 247], and “pediatric blaschkitis” was also reported [57, 138]. Many authors believe that blaschkitis is merely a variant of lichen striatus [84, 114, 173, 179, 212, 253]. In 2006, Grosshans himself agreed that “blaschkitis probably belongs to the spectrum of lichen striatus” [248]. In a broad sense, the term “blaschkitis” includes the isolated or superimposed linear manifestation of many acquired inflammatory skin disorders such as atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, lichen nitidus, various types of lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, or drug eruptions (see Sect. Another name, blaschkolinear acquired inflammatory skin eruption (BLAISE) [11], is likewise a nebulous umbrella term.

12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders

12.3.3 Purpuric Pigmented Dermatoses, Including Lichen Aureus There is considerable overlap in the features of conditions within this group. Lichen aureus is usually arranged in a segmental pattern (Fig. 12.23) [150, 172] and can, therefore, be categorized as a mosaic disorder. Synonyms include unilateral linear capillaritis [160], unilateral linear capillaropathy [273], and linear progressive pigmentary purpura [112]. It is a controversial issue whether there is a relationship between this disorder and the nonsegmental lesions of Schamberg disease. As a rule of thumb, a nonsegmental involvement that usually occurs in adults tends to be called “Schamberg disease,” whereas the name “lichen aureus” is preferred for the segmental lesions that are often noted in children and described by other authors as “segmental Schamberg disease” [126]. Remarkably, however, cases of superimposed segmental involvement have so far not been reported in Schamberg disease.


and histopathologically [200]. Contrasting with Darier disease, however, the disorder is rather pruritic [13]. It tends to develop later in life and usually disappears spontaneously after some months. A systematized linear arrangement of the disorder (Fig. 12.24) was reported by Asahina et al. [13].

12.3.5 Linear Juvenile Xanthogranuloma The small yellowish plaques of juvenile xanthogranuloma are a rather common disorder of infancy. On rare occasions, a pronounced linear arrangement may occur [71, 141]. This segmental involvement may include large nodules that even may show ulceration (Fig.  12.25) [186]. Such cases may herald the presence of one or more genes predisposing to juvenile xanthogranuloma.

12.3.4 Linear Grover Disease Grover disease is an acquired disorder characterized by multiple disseminated papular lesions resembling those of Darier disease both clinically

Fig. 12.23  Lichen aureus showing a characteristic segmental distribution [172] (Reprinted with permission from the Australasian College of Dermatologists © 2010 the Australasian College of Dermatologists)

Fig. 12.24  Grover disease arranged along Blaschko’s lines [13] (Reprinted with permission from S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)


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Fig. 12.25  Segmentally arranged juvenile xanthogranuloma [186] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

Fig. 12.26 Linear atrophoderma of Moulin [220] (Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)

12.3.6 Linear Atrophoderma of Moulin

shall focus on the superimposed segmental manifestation of polygenic skin disorders.

This acquired disorder consists of atrophic and hyperpigmented bands arranged along Blaschko’s lines (Fig. 12.26) [18, 176]. As a rule, no initial inflammatory stage is reported, and sclerotic skin changes are absent [220]. The disorder may reflect an early postzygotic mutation giving rise to mosaicism [52]. Acquired Inflammatory Disorders In common inflammatory skin disorders, many examples of mosaic involvement have been reported.

12.3.7 Superimposed Segmental Manifestation of Common Polygenic Skin Disorders Numerous acquired skin disorders such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis have a polygenic background. Such diseases sometimes show a linear or otherwise segmental arrangement that may either occur as an isolated manifestation or be superimposed on the ordinary nonsegmental phenotype [91, 93] (see Glossary). The following paragraphs deal with both types of mosaicism but

Psoriasis Vulgaris Linear psoriasis may occur as an isolated disorder [35, 42, 237]. The similarities between, and the distinguishing criteria of, linear psoriasis and ILVEN have fervently been debated [3, 77, 90, 115, 214]. In our view, linear psoriasis is a distinct disorder, whereas ILVEN is an umbrella term for many quite different entities. Future research may show whether an entity called ILVEN will remain or not. Historical cases of superimposed linear psoriasis [95] have been reviewed elsewhere [91, 93]. More recently published reports (Fig. 12.27) [12, 45, 142, 229, 231] corroborate the rule that the superimposed linear lesions tend to appear


12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders

much earlier than the nonsegmental psoriatic plaques (Table 12.1). A novel phenomenon is the unmasking of linear involvement by effective treatment of nonlinear psoriasis with biologicals [12, 45, 194, 231]. Linear psoriasis is not arranged in a “zosteriform” pattern. It should be distinguished from true zosteriform psoriasis occurring as a Köbner phenomenon in a dermatome that had previously been involved by herpes zoster. Psoriasis Pustulosa There are four reports on linear psoriasis pustulosa being superimposed on the ordinary nonsegmental disorder (Fig. 12.28) [131, 162, 196, 223]. In three of the patients, the pustular psoriasis was preceded by plaques of psoriasis vulgaris. In one patient, the linear lesions were unmasked by oral etretinate treatment [131]. Such cases indicate that generalized pustular psoriasis is not always inherited as a Mendelian trait caused by a homozygous IL36RN mutation [163].

Fig. 12.27  Superimposed linear psoriasis in a 7-yearold boy. Note additional nonsegmental lesions on both legs [177]

Atopic Dermatitis Some convincing examples of linear atopic dermatitis superimposed on nonlinear eczematous lesions have been documented (Fig. 12.29) [29, 91, 113, 157, 246, 258]. These cases indicate that keratinocytic epitopes play a primary role in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. In another report, an 18-year-old woman had itchy papules

Table 12.1  Review of reports on superimposed linear psoriasis Age at onset of Authors Age segmental lesions Seitz et al. [229] 19 Birth

Age at onset of nonsegmental lesions Adolescence

Sfia et al. [231]


Not reported

12 years

Arnold et al. 50 [12] Kira and 18 Katayama [142]

Not reported


3 years

17 years

Colombo et al. [45] Özdemir et al. [195] Özdemir et al. [194]





Prior to the onset of linear lesions Later in life



Later in life

Remarks One grandfather had psoriasis vulgaris Linear lesions were resistant to topical treatment with steroids and dithranol Linear lesions were unmasked by treatment with infliximab Linear lesions were unmasked by treatment with adalimumab Linear lesion showed epidermal expression of involucrin It was resistant to topical treatment with calcipotriol and clobetasol Linear lesions were less responsive to treatment with etanercept Linear lesions described as “ILVEN” were unresponsive to treatment with etanercept Linear lesions described as “ILVEN” were less responsive to treatment with adalimumab


Fig. 12.28  Linear pattern of pustular psoriasis in a 57-year-old woman who had previously developed nonsegmental lesions of both psoriasis vulgaris and pustular psoriasis [196] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK)

in a linear distribution down the inner aspect of her right leg [261]. Nonsegmental skin lesions were absent, but she had atopic features in the form of hay fever; positive prick tests to house dust mite, feathers, and grass; and raised IgE. Removal of split skin in an itchy area did not yield lasting relief, whereas excision of fullthickness skin with subsequent grafting of the defect by split skin from an unaffected donor area resulted in permanent relief. Moreover, some cases of “lichen striatus” associated with atopic dermatitis [59, 203, 240, 255, 258] may in fact be categorized as examples of superimposed linear atopic dermatitis. Chronic Prurigo Kawachi et al. [136] described a 65-year-old man with a 20-year history of chronic prurigo and a

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Fig. 12.29  Superimposed linear atopic dermatitis. Note the nonlinear involvement of the left leg (Courtesy of Dr. Antonio Torrelo, Madrid, Spain)

3-year history of a pronounced linear pruritic lesion involving his left leg (Fig. 12.30). It is not clear whether the authors wanted to separate the disorder from atopic dermatitis, but by all means, this case represents an impressive example of superimposed segmental manifestation of a chronic pruriginous disorder. Lichen Planus Isolated forms of linear involvement are often described [30, 140, 155, 226, 230, 241, 262]. By contrast, cases of superimposed linear lichen planus (Fig.  12.31) are more rarely published [91]. Sometimes their arrangement is erroneously described as being “zosteriform” [206]. From the reports ­documenting the sequence of events, it is obvious that the linear lesions tend to appear earlier than the nonlinear ones (Table 12.2). In a report on 100 children with lichen planus, Kanwar and De [132] diagnosed a linear type in


12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders



Fig. 12.30  Superimposed linear pruriginous dermatitis in a 65-year-old man. (a, b) Segmental involvement present for 3  years; (c) nonsegmental prurigo present for


20  years [136] (Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)

Table 12.2  Cases of superimposed linear lichen planus preceding the appearance of nonlinear lesions Authors Davis [56] Irgang [121] Nagy et al. [182] Fink-Puches et al. [68] Gunning and Turiansky [83] Kanwar and De [132] Case 1 Kanwar and De [132] Case 2 Hamade et al. [85] Onder et al. [192]

Age at onset of linear lesions 42 years 46 years 68 years

Onset of nonlinear lesions 45 years 4 months later Some weeks later

42 years


54 years

4 months latera





5 years

Some weeks or months later “During the following 3 months”

4 years

 Patient had developed a rash of nonsegmental lichen planus 5 years earlier. a

Fig. 12.31 Superimposed linear lichen planus in a 4-year-old girl [192] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

12 patients. Subsequently, two of these children developed, in addition, nonsegmental lesions. From other studies on lichen planus in childhood,

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one has the impression that the authors still follow the simple scheme of “classic” versus “linear” involvement, without accepting the possibility of “mixed” cases [86, 159, 183, 188, 232]. Lichen Planopilaris An isolated mosaic manifestation is rather frequently reported. Cases of linear facial lesions predominate [73, 74, 146, 271], but other regions of the body may likewise be affected [15]. A superimposed linear involvement was described in a 29-year-old man who had itchy papules arranged in a linear distribution on the right side of his scalp, neck, and trunk (Fig. 12.32a–c) [38]. On his abdomen, multiple, disseminated, nonsegmental lesions of lichen planopilaris giving rise to hairlessness were noted (Fig. 12.32d).

Lichen Nitidus A few cases of isolated linear lichen nitidus have been documented [207, 210, 213]. In another report, a 6-year-old boy had pronounced lesions of linear lichen nitidus on his left hand, giving rise to disturbed nail growth [25]. Moreover, the patient developed bilateral disseminated lesions of lichen nitidus (Fig. 12.33). Hence, this appears to be a classical example of superimposed linear lichen nitidus [92]. Acne Vulgaris The following case reports can today be categorized as examples of superimposed segmental manifestation of acne vulgaris. Hughes and Cunliffe [117, 118] described a 17-year-old boy who had, since 2  years, bilateral acne lesions involving his face, back, and chest. In addition, a





Fig. 12.32  Superimposed linear lichen planopilaris. (a, b) Linear lesions involving the trunk; (c) linear lesion on the scalp; (d) disseminated lesions on the abdomen [38]

(Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)

12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders





Fig. 12.33 Superimposed linear lichen nitidus. (a) Pronounced linear involvement of the left hand; (b) disturbed growth of left thumb nail; (c) disseminated papules

on the abdomen [25] (Reprinted with permission from European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology, Bari, Italy)

patchy area of severe acne involved the left side of his chest (Fig. 12.34). This “acne nevus” was said to have been present since birth. Similarly, González-Hermosa et  al. [76] described a 26-year-old man with a 9-year history of recalcitrant acne lesions involving the right half of the back, whereas only three individual lesions were found on the left side of his body. In a ­26-year-­old woman with “grade 2 acne on the left side and grade 4 on the right side,” Cooper et  al. [46] found that the sebum excretion rate was higher on the right-hand side and that conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone to androstenedione and

5α-steroids was greater in the biopsy from the right side. An interesting counterpart of superimposed segmental acne vulgaris was described in the form of an “acne-free nevus” [50]. A 17-year-­old boy had mild facial acne and severe papulopustular acne on his back and chest. On the back, four well-demarcated patches being completely free of acne were noted. In these acne-free areas, the sebaceous glands were smaller and produced less sebum when compared to acne-bearing skin. Moreover, the percentage of squalene was lower in the acne-free patches.

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b Fig. 12.34  Superimposed segmental acne in a 17-year-­ old boy who developed nonsegmental lesions of acne vulgaris at the age of 15 years, whereas the “acne nevus” was present since birth [117, 118] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus Mosaic manifestations were documented in various forms of cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Discoid Lupus Erythematosus

An isolated linear involvement is rather frequently reported in children [61, 79, 137, 215], adolescents [51], and adults [2, 4, 31, 70, 130, 228, 254]. The lesions are predominantly noted on the face. Sometimes antinuclear antibodies are found in the blood [1, 79, 224], which would raise the question of a “superimposed” manifestation. A convincing case of superimposed linear manifestation of the disorder (Fig.  12.35) was reported by Verma and Wollina [265].

Fig. 12.35  Superimposed linear manifestation of discoid lupus erythematosus. (a) Linear involvement of the left arm; (b) nonlinear lesions on the back [265] (Courtesy of Dr. Shyam B. Verma, Vadodara, India)

Lupus Erythematosus Profundus

Linear forms of lupus panniculitis have sometimes been reported [149, 165, 244, 250]. The scalp is rather often involved (Fig.  12.36) [40, 143, 181, 216, 260]. Antinuclear antibodies have rarely been found [149, 181, 260]. Two of the patients later developed classical features of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [66, 165]. Such cases can be taken as examples of superimposed segmental manifestation of SLE. Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

In a 42-year-old woman, typical polycyclic lesions of subacute cutaneous lupus erythemato-

Fig. 12.36  Linear lupus erythematosus profundus in a 32-year-old man who did not show any nonsegmental lesions [143]

sus arranged in a strictly unilateral, systematized, linear pattern were noted (Fig. 12.37) [218]. Oral treatment with corticosteroids and antimalarial drugs resulted in remission.

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Fig. 12.37  Linear subacute lupus erythematosus in a 42-year-old woman. (a) Unilateral lesions on the trunk and buttock; (b) involvement of the ipsilateral leg; (c)

close-up view of polycyclic inflammatory plaques [218] (Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)

Practical Aspects

heel [26]. The linear lesions were partly ulcerated and intermittently showed extrusion of calcified material. Soon after the onset of the linear disease, the patient developed typical nonsegmental signs and symptoms of juvenile dermatomyositis including malar rash, bilateral Gottron papules, arthralgia, proximal weakness, and general malaise. Hence, the linear disorder was interpreted as a superimposed segmental manifestation of dermatomyositis (Fig.  12.38). Similar cases were documented by Lipsker and Lenormand [153], Bulur et al. [37], and Torchia [257] who revisited a case of “blaschkitis” as noted in a child with dermatomyositis [249]. A boy with linear skin lesions consistent with dermatomyositis and underlying calcinosis has been reported, in the absence of any other skin or systemic manifestation of dermatomyositis; this might be an example of purely linear dermatomyositis [256]. A large segmental calcinosis of the muscular loges of the right shoulder and upper arm was described in a 37-year-old man who had, in addition, classical nonsegmental features of dermatomyositis [69]. The calcified masses constituted a major handicap and had to be surgically removed. Most likely they represented a superimposed segmental manifestation [94].

The linear forms of cutaneous lupus erythematosus tend to respond rather quickly to established therapeutic approaches such as topical steroids or tacrolimus or systemic administration of steroids [218, 251], chloroquine [40, 149, 218], or dapsone [55]. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus A 9-year-old girl with typical clinical and laboratory findings of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) developed papules and bullae arranged in a linear configuration on her right forearm and hand [219]. A severe general exacerbation gave rise to acute deterioration of these linear skin lesions as well as to nonlinear blistering of the lips and the oropharynx. Another patient had ­linear lupus erythematosus profundus of the face and scalp [165]. She later developed clinical symptoms and laboratory changes of systemic lupus erythematosus, which is why this case can likewise be categorized as an example of superimposed segmental manifestation of SLE. Dermatomyositis An 8-year-old boy had an atrophic and indurated streak involving his left leg from the buttock to the

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Fig. 12.38  Superimposed linear manifestation of dermatomyositis. (a) Linear arrangement of lesions showing extrusion of calcified deposits; (b) close-up of proximal part of linear involvement; (c) subsequent nonsegmental

involvement in the form of bilateral Gottron papules [26] (Reprinted with permission from S.  Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland)

Pemphigus Vulgaris A Blaschko-linear arrangement of facial pemphigus vegetans (Fig. 12.39) was documented in an elderly woman who had, in addition, bilateral nonlinear lesions of pemphigus vulgaris [49]. The nonsegmental lesions responded well to oral steroid treatment, whereas the linear pemphigus vegetans remained unchanged. This case can be taken as an example of superimposed linear pemphigus vulgaris [91]. Hasson et  al. [109] described a 64-year-old woman with pronounced, unilateral, linear lesions of pemphigus vulgaris being superimposed on disseminated, less severe lesions. The authors argued that the band-like distribution might be due to a mastectomy scar. On the other hand, they stated that the linear arrangement “can be closely correlated with Blaschko’s lines…

However, as the scar grossly follows this pattern, it is difficult to decide which factor might be implicated.” Bullous Pemphigoid A 64-year-old woman had scattered cutaneous and oral lesions of bullous pemphigoid involving both sides of her body [120]. At an early stage of the disease, she developed, on the left side of her chest, an eruption that was “massive and zosteriform in type.” The author considered this segmental eruption (Fig.  12.40) to be unique and suggested the possibility of a “posterior root ganglion involvement.” The clinical and histopathological features, however, do not appear to be compatible with a concomitant zoster infection. A diagnosis of superimposed segmental manifestation of bullous pemphigoid is more likely.

12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders


Graft-Versus-Host Disease A case of “lichen striatus” occurring after allogeneic stem cell transplantation [180] may best be explained as an example of isolated linear graft-­ versus-­host disease. A superimposed linear graft-versus-host reaction being followed by disseminated nonsegmental lesions (Fig. 12.41) has so far been described in seven recipients of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation [43, 91, 191]. In such cases, the linear eruption was neither “dermatomal” nor “zosteriform” [43] but followed Blaschko’s lines. By way of exception, however, a true dermatomal arrangement reflecting a Köbner phenomenon caused by herpes zoster infection may also occur [225].

Fig. 12.39  Superimposed linear pemphigus vulgaris in a 64-year-old woman [49] (Reprinted with permission from S.  Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland. Color photograph kindly provided by Dr. Franco Crovato, Genoa, Italy)

Fig. 12.40  Superimposed segmental manifestation of bullous pemphigoid in a 64-year-old woman [120] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

Fig. 12.41  Superimposed linear graft-versus-host disease in a 50-year-old woman [191] (Reprinted with permission from John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France)


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years later, the patient developed bilaterally disseminated lesions of morphea (Fig. 12.44b). Dr. Taïeb inferred that the patient’s linear disorder could be taken as a superimposed mosaic manifestation of disseminated morphea. A close relationship between eosinophilic fasciitis and morphea had previously been assumed by other authors [169].

Fig. 12.42  Systematized linear morphea with unilateral atrophy of the breast

Morphea Morphea may sometimes be arranged in a segmental distribution suggesting mosaicism (Fig.  12.42). Several authors assumed that such lesions follow Blaschko’s lines [239, 268], but convincing “evidence” was only presented, so far, in one case [110] that was reminiscent of linear atrophoderma of Moulin [52]. In other reports [128, 135, 222, 236], the neutral term “segmental” is more appropriate [28], and the statement that “morphea follows Blaschko’s lines” [268] seems unjustified. Remarkably, several authors mentioned “mixed” cases of linear scleroderma associated with nonsegmental morphea [111, 276]. According to Zulian et  al. [276], in most patients (64%), the linear lesions appeared before, or at the same time as, the plaque lesions. Possibly, such cases represent an additional example of superimposed segmental manifestation of a polygenic skin disorder. Remarkably, Alain Taïeb from Bordeaux made a diagnosis of eosinophilic fasciitis (Shulman syndrome) [10] being confirmed histopathologically in a man who had, since the age of 38 years, a linear scleroderma-like induration of his right pectoralis region and arm (Fig.  12.43a). Three

Granuloma Annulare Five cases of isolated linear granuloma annulare have been documented [82, 107, 167]. Two other reports described superimposed segmental granuloma annulare [174, 259]. In one of these patients [174], the skin lesions were arranged in a systematized pattern (Fig. 12.44a and b) and preceded the appearance of disseminated nonsegmental granuloma annulare (Fig. 12.44c). Erythema Multiforme Isolated linear erythema multiforme was described in a patient with herpes labialis (Fig. 12.45) [170]. A case of superimposed linear erythema multiforme was documented in a review on “acute linear dermatoses” [20]. Common Drug Eruption Two cases of isolated linear lichenoid drug eruption induced by the antihypertensive valsartan were documented (Fig. 12.46) [72]. There are several other examples of blaschkolinear drug eruptions. A 19-year-old woman developed linear inflammatory skin lesions on the right clavicular region and on her right arm after intake of ibuprofen [5]. A few days later, a bilateral diffuse rash appeared. This case was interpreted as an example of superimposed linear drug eruption [98]. Two cases of “blaschkitis” induced by metronidazole [36] or lenalidomide [78] can likewise be reclassified as examples of superimposed linear drug eruption since the photographic documentation (Fig. 12.47) clearly shows additional nonsegmental lesions that were not mentioned in the these reports. A blaschkolinear lichenoid drug eruption due to tenofovir has been described [266].

12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders




Fig. 12.43  Coexistence of Shulman syndrome and morphea in a 42-year-old man. (a) Unilateral linear lesions of eosinophilic fasciitis were first noted at the age of

38  years; (b) bilateral patches of morphea appeared 3  years later (Courtesy of Dr. Alain Taïeb, Bordeaux, France)

Fixed Drug Eruption An isolated segmental manifestation was described in a 25-year-old woman who had repeated attacks of fixed drug eruption involving her right arm in a linear pattern (Fig.  12.48) [197]. Oral challenge with a low dose of cotrimoxazole gave rise to a severe reactivation of the linear eruption. A convincing example of superimposed linear fixed drug eruption has likewise been documented [235]. The lesions involved the right leg in a Blaschko-linear arrangement. Moreover, the patient had a few nonsegmental lesions on his other leg, the hands, the upper lip, and the scrotum.

begins with a unilateral involvement, but subsequently some contralateral lesions tend to develop in most cases [166]. This phenomenon (Fig. 12.49) might be explained by the concept of superimposed lateralized exanthem of childhood [103].

Superimposed Lateralized Exanthem of Childhood “Asymmetric periflexural exanthem of childhood” or “unilateral laterothoracic exanthem” is most likely caused by viral infections [47]. The disease

Leprosy So far, two cases of superimposed Blaschko-­ linear leprosy have been documented. A man with leprosy of the mid-borderline type developed a linear inflammatory lesion arranged along his left arm [41]. A lesional biopsy contained Mycobacterium leprae, whereas the surrounding skin was shown to be free from bacteria. Moreover, he had disseminated skin lesions involving his trunk (Fig.  12.50). In the second patient, linear tuberculoid leprosy was superimposed on a disseminated cutaneous involvement [152]. Such cases can tell us something about cutaneous epitopes enhancing the susceptibility to the clinical manifestation of leprosy.

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Fig. 12.44  Superimposed linear granuloma annulare in a 7-year-old girl. (a, b) Pronounced linear lesions present since infancy; (c) nonsegmental lesions that appeared

later during childhood [174] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA) Linear Mycosis Fungoides A patient with mycosis fungoides arranged in a segmental distribution consistent with Blaschko’s lines has been reported (Fig.  12.51) [133]. The patient had an acquired mosaic GNAS1 mutation that was exclusively found in the involved skin. As an explanation, the authors discussed the theory of superimposed mosaicism. Another example of Blaschko-linear mycosis fungoides was documented by Jang et al. [125]. Vitiligo As a general rule, segmental vitiligo does not follow Blaschko’s lines, nor is it arranged in a ­dermatomal pattern. Isolated forms occur rather frequently [65, 144]. On the other hand, numerous cases of superimposed segmental vitiligo (Fig.  12.52) have likewise been documented, mostly under the term “mixed vitiligo” [62, 64, 65, 178, 264]. In such cases, the superimposed segmental component usually precedes the

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Fig. 12.45  Isolated linear erythema multiforme in a 20-year-old woman [170]. (a) General view; (b) close-up showing bullous target lesions on the right arm (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons)



Fig. 12.47  Superimposed linear manifestation of a papular drug eruption induced by lenalidomide [78]

Fig. 12.46  Isolated form of linear lichenoid drug eruption induced by valsartan in (a) a 46-year-old woman and (b) a 57-year-old man [72] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

12  Nevoid Skin Disorders


Fig. 12.48  Linear fixed drug eruption induced by cotrimoxazole in a 25-year-old woman [197] (Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA)

Fig. 12.49  Superimposed lateralized exanthem of childhood in a 6-year-old boy. Note the presence of rather mild contralateral lesions [187] (Reproduced from with permission from John Wiley & Sons, USA) Fig. 12.50  Leprosy of the mid-borderline type showing (a) disseminated distribution of lesions and (b) a Blaschko-­ linear arrangement on the left arm [41] (Reproduced with permission from Wiley and Sons, USA)



12.3 Nevoid Arrangement of Acquired Skin Disorders




Fig. 12.51  Mycosis fungoides arranged in a Blaschko-­ ration; (b) ipsilateral involvement of the index finger linear pattern, reflecting a postzygotic GNAS1 mutation (Courtesy of Dr. Ilan Goldberg, Tel Aviv, Israel) [133]. (a) Lesions on the trunk, with distinct midline sepa-

Fig. 12.52 Super­ imposed segmental vitiligo in a 6-year-old boy. (a) Segmental lesions developed at 4 years of age, whereas bilateral nonsegmental vitiligo appeared at 5 years of age; (b) nonsegmental vitiligo responded to narrowband UVB therapy, whereas the segmental lesions remained unchanged [64] (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK)


appearance of nonsegmental lesions by many months and sometimes even by more than 2 years [64, 185]. If a patient with segmental vitiligo has


also halo nevi or leukotrichia, his risk to develop other nonsegmental lesions of vitiligo is particularly high [63].


Fig. 12.53  Superimposed segmental manifestation of multiple cherry angiomas. Note the paucity of disseminated lesions (arrows) [124] (Courtesy of Dr. WenChieh Chen, Munich, Germany)

Remarkably, superimposed segmental vitiligo has been reported to be more prone to local recurrences after suction blister grafting when compared to the isolated involvement [64, 148]. Because vitiligo is a polygenic disorder, the term “type 2 mosaicism” [64] is not appropriate [96]. Cherry Angiomas Multiple cherry angiomas (“senile angiomas”) usually develop during the second half of life. They are so common that a polygenic background is almost certain. However, postzygotic m ­ utations in GNAQ, GNA11, and GNA14 are already known [151]. A 62-year-old woman had multiple cherry angiomas that had appeared eruptively at the age of 30 years in a systematized segmental arrangement involving the left side of her trunk and the right thigh [124]. Additional nonsegmental lesions developed later, after menopause (Fig. 12.53). The authors interpreted this case as a further example of superimposed segmental manifestation of a polygenic trait.

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Correction to: Mosaicism in Human Skin

Correction to: R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin, In the legend of the Frontispiece, “F.Esmach” was incorrectly spelled, which has been corrected to F. Esmarch. On page 20, in the legend of Fig. 3.6, the phrase “Simple mosaicism of monoallelic autosomal dominant disorders” has been corrected to “Simple mosaicism of biallelic autosomal dominant disorders”.

The updated original version of this book can be found at­3-­030-­89937-­0_3 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,



Allelic vs. non-allelic didymosis  In allelic didymosis, the two alleles at the same gene locus carry two different mutations. In humans, several possible clinical examples have been documented, but molecular proof of principle is lacking as yet. On the other hand, no convincing human example suggesting non-allelic didymosis was published until today although this is a well-known mechanism studied in animals. “Atypical” melanocytic nevi  This is a very common histopathological variant, representing a continuous trait within the spectrum of small melanocytic nevi. The term has today replaced the outdated concept of “dysplastic nevi.” Today it is clear that a definable “dysplastic nevus syndrome” has never existed and should thus be taken as a long-lasting historical error. Autosomal recessive mosaicism  According to the Mendelian rules, heterozygous carriers of a recessive mutation should be healthy individuals. Exceptionally, however, early loss of heterozygosity, resulting in loss of the corresponding wild-type allele, may give rise to a mosaic expression of the recessive phenotype, either by postzygotic recombination resulting in a homozygous cell clone, or by a new mutation causing compound heterozygosity. Biallelic segmental mosaicism of autosomal dominant disorders  In this type, the heterozygous skin is caused by a first hit occurring during the first week after fertilization, and the embryo appears to be healthy. The lesions originate from diverse events of LOH that occur during the later intrauterine and postnatal life. Examples are the multiple tumors of neurofibromatosis 1(NF1), glomangioma-

tosis, and tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), as well as non-neoplastic lesions such as the café-au-lait macules of NF1 or the disseminated lesions of porokeratosis. Binary genodermatoses, in which didymosis is excluded  Several examples of coexistence of two different mosaic skin disorders being caused by one single postzygotic mutation have been documented. For example, phacomatosis spilosebacea is a combination of papular nevus spilus and nevus sebaceus, originating from one single postzygotic HRAS mutation. Blaschko lines  The most frequently occurring configuration of segmental mosaicism is the Blaschko-linear pattern. Capillary nevi vs. capillary malformations  More than 20 capillary nevi can be distinguished today. The term “capillary malformation” cannot be taken as a synonym, because non-nevi such as the glabellar, nuchal, and sacral salmon patches (falsely called “nevus simplex” or “Unna’s nevus”) are likewise capillary malformations. Didymosis  A synonym is twin spotting. The phenomenon consists of paired areas of mutant tissue that differ genetically from each other and from the background tissue. Twin spots tend to appear adjacent or in close proximity to each other. Several cases suggesting allelic didymosis have been documented. So far, no convincing example of non-allelic didymosis was documented in human skin although animal models of such phenomenon have extensively been studied. Disseminated mosaicism  This is the most frequently occurring form of non-segmental

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,



mosaicism. It is exclusively noted in the biallelic group of autosomal dominant genodermatoses, in which an additional segmental involvement is only possible when a second hit occurs during the first week after fertilization. Thereafter, only disseminated lesions can develop from variable second hits occurring during intrauterine and postnatal life. All autosomal dominant traits characterized by multiple benign tumors display disseminated mosaicism. Examples are tumors of neurofibromatosis 1 and the miliary fibromas of tuberous sclerosis complex. On the other hand, disseminated mosaicism is also noted in non-neoplastic lesions of the biallelic group, such as the various clinical forms of porokeratosis and the ash-leaf macules of tuberous sclerosis complex. Epigenetic mosaicism  This type of mosaicism originates from the action of intronic epimutations that control, by methylation or demethylation, the expression of neighboring DNA mutations. In contrast to genomic mutations, epimutations easily switch between methylation and demethylation, resulting in a flexible change of functional mosaicism, thus rendering the genome more adaptable to environmental changes. A well-known example of epigenetic mosaicism is X-inactivation (lyonization). A human autosomal disorder suggesting epigenetic mosaicism is Waardenburg syndrome type 2. Escape from X inactivation  Some gene loci being interspersed along the entire X chromosome escape from inactivation. In dermatology, the best known example is X-linked recessive ichthyosis. Female carriers of the underlying mutation, causing steroid sulfatase deficiency in males, show a completely normal phenotype because they produce the same amount of steroid sulfatase as compared to healthy males. Flag-like pattern  This arrangement (synonyms: block-like or checkerboard pattern) is characterized by alternating squares of mosaic lesions such as nevus flammeus, nevus roseus, or the two nevi spili. Frequently, their distribution is described as “zosteriform” or “dermatomal” although such mosaic configurations do not exist.


Functional X-chromosome mosaicism  See X inactivation. Genomic mosaicism  Such mosaics reflect the action of DNA mutations within the classical “Mendelian” genome.(The inverted commas mean that Mendel didn’t know anything about genes, mutations, chromosomes, or DNA. His neologisms “dominant” and “recessive” referred to the phenotype only.) The terms “gene” and “genotype” were introduced in 1909 by the Danish plant geneticist Wilhelm Johannsen. See also epigenetic mosaicism, representing a counterpart of genomic mosaicism. Gonadosomatic mosaicism  In cases of simple segmental mosaicism of an autosomal dominant skin disorder, the underlying postzygotic mutation may also involve a gonad, implying the risk of transmission of the mutation to the next generation in the form of a non-­segmental involvement. See also “somatic mutation.” Of note, the term “gonosomal mosaicism” is unsuitable because it would mean nothing else than “mosaicism of the gonosomes X and Y”. Gonosomal mosaicism  In this context, the name is misleading because it means mosaicism of the gonosomes X and Y. Hypomorphic alleles  In some X-linked dominant, male-lethal traits such as incontinentia pigmenti or CHILD syndrome, the underlying gene locus may also harbor mutant alleles being mild to such degree that hemizygous males can survive. Paradoxically, their ­ phenotypes tend to be quite different from those observed in the male-lethal trait of females. At the NEMO locus of incontinentia pigmenti, the hypomorphic counterpart is ectodermal dysplasia of Zonana. And at the NSDHL locus of CHILD syndrome, the hypomorphic counterpart is CK syndrome. Of note, such hypomorphic counterparts can often be taken as clinically more severe than the malelethal counterpart. Hypomorphic alleles have also been documented in autosomal dominant traits. Isolated segmental biallelic mosaicism  During the first week after fertilization, the developing embryo may exceptionally undergo two consecutive mutational hits involving the same clone of cells, resulting in a rather large


cutaneous lesion with no risk of transmission because gonadal involvement is excluded. Examples suggesting such mechanism have been documented in NF1, but further molecular studies are needed to corroborate this hypothesis. Lateralization pattern  The CHILD nevus is a hallmark of the X-linked dominant, male-­ lethal trait, CHILD syndrome. The nevus shows two different types of configuration. A strictly unilateral, diffuse involvement with a sharp midline separation is very characteristic, but many lesions are arranged along Blaschko’s lines. Both types are frequently intermingled, whereas the diffuse unilateral involvement may be interrupted by Blaschko-­ linear areas of healthy skin. Keratinocytic nevi  The epidermal nevi of this group do not show any adnexal involvement, i.e., the structures of hair follicles and sweat glands remain normal. Lethal autosomal mutations surviving as mosaics  Such mutations can only survive in an admixture with wild-type cells. The phenotypes always occur sporadically because embryos to whom the mutation is transmitted will always die at an early developmental stage. Miliary fibromas  This term denotes a disseminated distribution of minute fibromas as observed in adult patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). It represents a disseminated mosaic counterpart of superimposed mosaicism in the form of shagreen patches, being another characteristic feature of TSC. Midfacial pattern  Midfacial port-wine patches are a characteristic feature of PROS (PIC3CA-­ related overgrowth spectrum). They usually fade during the first years of life. Most likely, they reflect mosaicism although molecular proof is lacking as yet. Monoallelic segmental mosaicism of autosomal dominant disorders  Clinical features manifest in a heterozygous state, just in analogy to the non-mosaic phenotype. Examples are Hailey-Hailey disease, Darier disease, or the keratinopathic ichthyoses. Monoallelic two-hit mosaicism  Blue rubber bleb angiomatosis (aka “blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome”) appears to be caused by


double mutations involving the same allele in the TEK gene. Although most cases are sporadic, we believe that the disorder can be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait, but this is presently a matter of controversy. Mutation  This is a change in the nucleotide sequence of a living organism. Mutations may or may not change the phenotype of the organism. Mutation is not synonymous with “variant” (see this term). Nevoid skin disorders  Some of these diseases look like nevi but are, by convention, not considered to represent “true nevi,” e.g., the linear lesions of focal dermal hypoplasia reflecting functional X-chromosome mosaicism. Other mosaic traits, for instance, Maffucci syndrome and the so-called basal cell nevus, are characterized by benign neoplasias, thus excluding a classification as nevi. Moreover, this group contains classical non-nevi such as the salmon patch and the white sponge hyperplasia of the mucosa (“white sponge nevus”). In lichen striatus or “blaschkitis,” the criterion of long-lasting involvement is lacking. A superimposed linear or otherwise mosaic involvement as noted in common skin disorders like psoriasis or lichen planus is also included into this category. Nevus  A nevus is a visible, circumscribed, long-­ lasting lesion of the skin or the neighboring mucosa. With the historical exception of melanocytic nevi, a nevus does not show neoplastic growth. A nevus never shows malignant growth. This means that a nevus may show secondary malignant neoplasia, but such tumor does no longer represent a nevus. Nevus vascularis mixtus vs. mixed vascular nevi  Nevus vascularis mixtus is a distinct entity, whereas “mixed vascular nevi” is an umbrella term for various binary mosaic disorders. Oblique pattern  So far, this configuration (previously proposed synonym: sash-like pattern) represents a less well established mosaic pattern. For heuristic reasons, some possible clinical examples are discussed in this book. Organoid epidermal nevi  In this group of nevi, the hair follicles and sweat glands are affected. Pallister-Killian pattern  Mosaic streaks and spots of hypopigmentation were documented


in children with Pallister-Killian syndrome. Most of them are not compatible with the Blaschko-linear pattern, but a case of “atypical” Blaschko-linear arrangement showing a conspicuous deviation from the midline was also reported. Perhaps, all of these lesions represent a pattern sui generis? Phylloid pattern  This “leaf-like” mosaic configuration resembles the floral ornaments of the art nouveau or Jugendstil. Phylloid hypomelanosis seems to be a distinct entity reflecting mosaic trisomy 13q, whereas in phylloid hypermelanosis genetic heterogeneity has been documented. Revertant mosaicism  In some cutaneous diseases showing either dominant or recessive autosomal inheritance, a postzygotic revertant mutation may result in a clone of cells having regained their normal function either entirely or partially. In this way, patients with severe forms of epidermolysis bullosa rather often develop areas of healthy skin. Other skin disorders showing such patches of “natural gene therapy” are ichthyosis with confetti (ichthyosis variegata) and loricrin keratoderma. Simple segmental mosaicism of autosomal dominant disorders  Such mosaics result from an early postzygotic mutation that renders one or more cutaneous segments heterozygous, giving rise to localized clinical features of autosomal dominant genodermatoses such as neurofibromatosis 1 or Darier disease. Various patterns are possible. The degree of involvement may range from a small area to 80% or more of the integument. A simultaneous gonadal mosaicism can never be excluded (see gonadosomatic mosaicism). Somatic mutation  This term should be used with great caution. In cases of segmental autosomal mosaicism, simultaneous gonadal mosaicism cannot be excluded, thus implying the risk of occurrence of a non-segmental, full-blown involvement in the next generation. The term “postzygotic mutation” is more appropriate because it includes the possibility of gonadosomatic mosaicism. Somatic recombination  This mechanism, aka somatic crossing-over or mitotic recombination, has been studied almost 100 years ago to explain single mosaic spots and twin spots in


Drosophila. Today, it is an extensively examined mechanism in cancer research. Somatic recombination is generating loss of heterozygosity, representing a frequently occurring cause of cutaneous mosaicism. Superimposed mosaicism of autosomal dominant skin disorders  In autosomal dominant genodermatoses, this is a pronounced segmental manifestation being overlaid on the ordinary non-segmental involvement. It reflects the outgrowth of a particular cell clone resulting from a mutational event that occurred during the first week after fertilization. The adjective “segmental” is superfluous because superimposed mosaicism is always segmental. An outdated synonym is “type 2 segmental mosaicism.” Superimposed mosaicism of polygenic skin disorders  This type of mosaicism can occur in many common disorders with a polygenic background (aka “complex disorders”) such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, or even leprosy. Such cases are tentatively explained by the “n plus 1 rule,” which means that the unknown number of predisposing genes is increased by one additional mutation occurring at a very early developmental stage. Twin spotting  See didymosis. Umbrella terms in the diagnosis of mosaic disorders  In the past century, “linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis” was taken as a distinct entity. Today, this term is no longer an acceptable diagnosis. Rather, it represents a challenge to find the correct name of the disorder. The same is true for other umbrella terms such as “hypomelanosis of Ito” or “ILVEN (inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus).” Variant  Presently, this word is used by many geneticists as a modern name to replace “mutation.” In this book, we prefer the word “mutation” to denote, in an accurate way, all DNA changes that cause an observable phenotypic alteration. We preserve the term “variant” for the innumerable alterations in the DNA sequence that occur without producing any perceptible change in the phenotype. If every mutation is called “variant,” the term loses accuracy.


X inactivation  In female human embryos, one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated within the first week after fertilization. Synonyms are lyonization or functional X-chromosome mosaicism. This mechanism is under control of LINE-1 retrotransposons. X inactivation results in a compensation of


the dosage of X-linked gene products that would otherwise be twice as high as in males. Lyonization may explain why the life expectancy of women is at least 6 years higher than that of men. Apparently, women can respond more flexibly to heat, cold, hunger, infections, and emotional stress.


A ABCA12, 23 Acantholysis, transient superficial, 163–164 Acantholytic dermatosis, 144 Acanthosis nigricans, 17, 18, 44, 145–146, 150, 151 Acne-free nevus, 207 Acne nevus of Munro, 93–94 Acne vulgaris, 27, 201, 206–207 Acrokeratoelastoidosis, 150–151 ACTB mutation, 89 AHO, see Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO) Aicardi syndrome, 192–193 AKT1 gene, 81, 84, 95 AKT1 mutation, 81, 95, 141 Albinism, X-linked oculocutaneous, 58 Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO), 17, 18, 151, 157–160 Allelic didymosis, 23–25, 113–116 capillary didymosis, 99 cutis tricolor, 113–114 Darier disease, 114 epidermolytic ichthyosis of Brocq, 114 Amelogenesis imperfecta, 58 Anemic halo, see Rhodoid nevus Angiodysplasia, 84 Angiokeratoma circumscriptum, 94, 98, 99 Angioma serpiginosum, 94, 98 Angora hair nevus, 14, 88–90 Animal breeding, 3 Apert syndrome, 93 Aplasia cutis congenita, 119 Archetypical patterns, 49–62, 98 Arteriovenous fistulas, 18, 142, 161 Arteriovenous malformation, 97, 123 Art nouveau, 62, 232 Ascites, 131 Asymmetrical macrodactyly, 84 Atopic dermatitis, 27, 200, 202–204

ATP7A mutation, 194 ATP2C1 mutation, see Hailey-Hailey disease Atrichia, 194 Atrophoderma, linear, see Linear atrophoderma “Atypical” Blaschko lines, 69 Autosomal dominant skin disorders, 127–164, 183 Autosomal epigenetic mosaicism, 55 Autosomal recessive mosaicism, 23 Autosomal recessive skin disorders, 1 B Back mutation, 25, 26, 183, 184 Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba variant, see PTEN hamartoma syndrome BAP1 mutations, 73 Basal cell carcinoma, 17, 119, 128, 139, 140, 199 hereditary multiple nonsyndromic, 128 infundibulocystic (see Basaloid follicular hamartoma) Basal cell nevus, 198–199 Basaloid follicular hamartoma (BFH), 17, 68, 128, 197, 198 Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndrome, 32 Becker nevus and Becker nevus syndrome, 13, 89–92 BFH, see Basaloid follicular hamartoma (BFH) Biallelic autosomal dominant disorders, 20 Binary genodermatoses, 15, 115, 119–124 aplasia cutis congenita and nevus psiloliparus, 120–121 and nevus sebaceous, 119 nevus sebaceus and melorheostosis, 119 phacomatosis pigmentokeratotica, 119 phacomatosis pigmentovascularis, 121–123 Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome, see Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome Blaschkitis, 51, 200, 209, 212 Blaschko, Alfred, 7, 49, 51–56 Blaschko dermatitis, 200 Blaschkolinear acquired inflammatory skin eruption, 200

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 R. Happle, A. Torrelo, Mosaicism in Human Skin,


236 Blaschko’s lines, 51–62, 69, 75 analogous patterns in other organs, 58–60 in animals, 60 atypical lines, 69 brindle trait, 56, 60 in broad bands, 52, 58–60 in chimeric mice, 56 dwarf zebu, brindle trait, 60 embryonic cells, 64 in epidermal nevi, 53, 57 on head and neck, 54 intraoral lesions, 57 murine brain, 61 in narrow bands, 52 nevus lines, 49, 51, 53 scalp involvement, 57 Bloom syndrome, 23, 25 Blue rubber bleb angiomatosis, 21–23, 199, 231 Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome, 199 Bone disorders, 151–161 Brachmann-de Lange syndrome, 160–161 BRAF mutations, 72 Brindle trait, 29, 56, 60 Budgerigar, 5 Bullous pemphigoid, 27, 210–211 Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome, 18, 101, 119, 153–154 C Calcinosis, 209 Capillary malformation, 94 ambiguous name, 162 capillary nevi, 93–98 Salmon patch (see Non-nevi) umbrella term, 94 Capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation, see Rhodoid nevus syndrome Capillary nevi angiokeratoma circumscriptum, 98 angioma serpiginosum, 98 cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita, 97 livedo reticularis congenita, 97 nevus anemicus, 98–99 nevus flammeus, 95 nevus roseus, 96 nevus vascularis mixtus, 99 reticular capillary nevus, 97–98, 121 rhodoid nevus, 96–97 Carcinoma, squamous cell, 150 Castori syndrome, 89 Cataract, sectorial, 59 Cellular blue nevus, 73–74 Checkerboard pattern, 49, 61 Cherry angiomas, 26, 218 CHILD nevus, 60, 80, 81, 84–85 CHILD syndrome, 25, 26, 44, 50, 62, 81, 85, 230, 231 Chimerism, 2, 8, 60, 61 Chondrodysplasia punctata, X-linked dominant, see Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome, 193, 194

Index Chromosomal loss or gain, 25 Chronic prurigo, 204 Citrus fruits, 3 c-KIT ligand, 77 CK syndrome, 43–45 CLOVES syndrome, 13, 81–83, 96 Coat patterns in mice, 31 Cobblestone nevus, 19, 101 COL7A1 mutation, 163, 164 Collagen nevus, 101 in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome III, 156 linear, 101 Collagenoma, 18, 101 Collagen type XVII, 25 Colon, 136 Colon carcinoma, 129 Colorectal polyps, 129 Columnar mosaicism of the murine brain, 61 Comedones, linear epidermolytic, see Epidermal nevi Compound heterozygosity, 23 Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma, 1 Congenital melanocytic nevi, 1 Congenital plaque-like glomangioma, 18, 131 Connective tissue/bone disorders, 151–161 Connective tissue nevi, 20, 101–102, 153 Connexin 26 variant, 45 Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome, 44, 55, 59, 190–191 Constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome, 113 Cornelia de Lange syndrome, 160–161 Costello syndrome, 150, 151 Counseling, 15 Cowden nevus, linear, see Linear PTEN nevus Cowden variant, see PTEN hamartoma syndrome COX7B, 191 Crossing of lines, 53 Crossing-over, postzygotic, 25 Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita, 14, 94, 97 Cutis tricolor, 113 Blaschko-linear type, 24, 113–114 Happle-Ruggieri type, 24 parvimaculata, 24, 25, 113 Ruggieri-Happle type, 67, 113–114 CXORF5 mutations, 191 CYLD gene, 127 CYLD1 mutations, 131 Cylindromatosis, 131 Cytogenetic abnormalities, lethal, 13 Cytogenetic mosaicism, 8 Cytogenetic rearrangements, 21 D Dahlia, 3 Darier disease, 14, 16–18, 25, 87, 114, 116, 143–144, 183, 201, 231, 232 Delleman syndrome, 14 Demethylation, 28, 230 Dermal melanocytosis, 75 Dermatomal pattern, 51, 214

Index Dermatomyositis, 27, 200, 209–210 Desmoplakin mutation, 163 Dichotomous types of segmental mosaicism, 16, 130 Dichromasia, 58 Didymosis (twin spotting) definition, 23–25 didymotic skin disorders, 114 Didymosis aplasticopsilolipara, 120 Discoid lupus erythematosus, 208 Disseminated mosaicism, 20, 127, 151 Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, 87 Dowling-Degos disease, 145 Drosophila, 5–9, 25 Drosophila wing spot test, 5 Drug eruption common, 27, 212–213 fixed, 27, 213, 216 lichenoid, 212, 215 Dwarf zebu, 60 Dyskeratosis congenita, 183, 194 autosomal dominant type, 17, 147 X-linked type, 147, 194 Dysplastic nevi, 72 E EBP mutations, 44, 190 Eccrine nevus of the Castori type, 93 See also Epidermal nevi Eccrine poroma, 131 Eccrine spiradenomatosis, 21 Ectodermal dysplasia, 23 Ectodermal dysplasia of Zonana, 29, 43, 189, 191 Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, 17, 20, 101–102, 155–156 Elastin-rich nevus, 101 Elastoma, juvenile, 154 Elephantiasis neuromatosa, 18, 135 Enamel defects, linear, see Focal dermal hypoplasia Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis, 13, 102, 103, 120, 121 Eosinophilic fasciitis (Shulman syndrome), 212 EPHB4 mutations, 96 Epidermal nevi, keratinocytic types CHILD nevus, 80, 85 eccrine nevus of the Castori type, 93 epidermolytic comedones, linear, 88 epidermolytic (keratinopathic) epidermal nevus, 88 hard, verrucous type, 83 inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN), 84, 86 linear PTEN nevus, 81, 84 nevus corniculatus, 85–86 nevus epidermicus verrucosus (see NEVADA syndrome) nevus kerinokeratoticus, 86, 87 nevus marginatus, 88 proteus type, 84 SASKIA nevus, 83 seborrheic keratoses, 80, 83 Epidermal nevi, organoid types

237 acne nevus of Munro, 93 angora hair nevus, 88–90 Becker nevus and Becker nevus syndrome, 90–92 eccrine nevus, Castori type, 93 Gobello nevus, 89 epidermal nevus syndromes, 89, 93 linear epidermolytic comedones, 88, 91 nevus comedonicus, 13, 88 nevus corniculatus, 85–86 nevus kerinokeratoticus, 86, 87 nevus sebaceous, 90 nevus trichilemmocysticus, 14, 93 porokeratotic eccrine nevus, 92–93 Schauder syndrome, 88–90 Epidermal nevus syndromes, 80–82, 89, 93 Epidermolysis bullosa, 1, 183 Dowling-Meara type, 145 neonatal miliaria rubra-like lesions, 163 non-Herlitz junctional type, 184 recessive dystrophic type, 184 simplex superficialis, 164 transient superficial acantholysis in the newborn, 163–164 Epidermolytic comedones, see Epidermal nevi Epidermolytic epidermal nevus, see Epidermal nevi Epidermolytic ichthyosis of Brocq, 17, 18 Epigenetic mosaicism, 1, 28–33, 53 Epimutation, 28 Epitopes of skin, 27 Erythema multiforme, 27, 212 Escape from X inactivation, 32 Exanthem of childhood, lateralized, 213 Extracutaneous lymphatic malformation, 132 Extracutaneous superimposed mosaicism, 135–136 F Familial occurrence of superimposed mosaicism, 138, 149–150, 154 Fatty tissue nevi, 102 Fetal ascites, 131 FGFR2 mutations, 93 FGFR3 epidermal nevus syndrome, 13, 44, 81–82 FGFR3 mutation, 44, 80, 82 Fibrofolliculomas, 129–130 Fibroma, perifollicular, see Fibrofolliculoma Fibrous hamartoma of infancy, 19 Fixed drug eruption, 213 Flag-like café-au-lait hyperpigmentation, 138 Flag-like lentiginosis, 78 Flag-like pattern, 50, 61 Focal dermal hypoplasia, 25, 53, 55, 190 enamel defects, linear, 58 linear skin lesions, 53, 189, 209 lyonization, 58, 59, 189–191 occurrence in males, 26 striation of bones, of, 58 Follicular atrophoderma, 190 Folliculin mutation, see Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome


238 Folliculocystic and collagen hamartoma, 19, 152, 154 Fountain-like pattern, 54 Four-mutation model, 12 Fumarate hydratase gene, see Leiomyomatosis Functional columnar mosaicism in the brain, 61 Functional mosaicism in women, 1 Functional X-chromosome mosaicism, 31–32, 189–193 G Galli-Galli disease, 145 Gametic half-chromatid mutation, 13, 53, 56 Ganglioneuromatosis, 18 García-Hafner-Happle syndrome, 81 Gene conversion, 25, 183 Genetic counseling, 12, 136–137 Genomic mosaicism, 3, 12–28, 32, 43, 230 Giant café-au-lait macule, 134 Giant glomangioma, 131 Giant melanocytic nevus, 50, 72 Giant neurofibroma, 134 Giant overgrowth of a limb, 135 Gilmore’s hypothesis, 56 GJB6, 25 GJB2 mutations, 89, 93, 146 Glomangioma congenital patch-like, 18 congenital plaque-like, 131 giant, 18, 131 Glomangiomatosis, 17–18, 20, 131–132 Glomangiomatous plaque, 131 Glomulin mutation, see Glomangiomatosis Glomuvenous malformation, see Glomangioma Gobello syndrome, 89 GNA11 mutations, 73 GNAQ mutations, 73, 115 GNAS1 mutation, 77 GNAS mutations, 156, 160 Goltz syndrome, see Focal dermal hypoplasia Gonadal mosaicism, 14, 136 Gonadosomatic mosaicism, 136, 163 Gonosomal mosaicism, 15 Gooseskin-like surface, 129 Gorlin syndrome, 17, 139, 199 Graft-versus-host disease, 211–212 Granuloma annulare, 27, 212 Grouped congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE), 58, 59 Grover disease, 201 H Hailey-Hailey disease, 18, 20, 87, 144–145 Halo, anemic, see Rhodoid nevus Halo nevi, 217 Happle-Tinschert syndrome, 128, 197–198 Hemangiomatosis, unilateral, see Blue rubber bleb angiomatosis Hemihyperplasia-multiple lipomata syndrome, 132 Hemizygous cell clone, 16 Hereditary benign cutaneous neoplasias, 127

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, 17, 161 Hereditary nonsyndromic multiple basal cell carcinoma, 140 Heterozygosity, 183 compound, 23, 25, 139, 141, 183, 229 loss of, 3, 12–13, 16, 20, 22, 23, 44, 46, 84, 115, 141, 144, 147, 156, 229, 232 Hoffmann-Zurhelle, 102 Holocytochrome c-type synthetase, 191 Homologous recombination, 23 Homozygous cell clone, 6, 229 Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome, 18, 20, 129–130 Hotspot for postzygotic recombination, 154 HRAS mutation, 73, 74, 115, 150, 229 Hypermelanosis linear and whorled nevoid (see Pigmentary nevi) mosaic, 58 phylloid (see Pigmentary nevi) Hypertrichosis, nevoid, 193 Hypertrichosis, X-linked dominant, 195–196 Hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium, congenital, 58 Hypohidrosis, 194 Hypomelanosis of Ito, 76 Hypomorphic alleles, 43–46, 230 Hystrix-like epidermal nevus, see NEVADA syndrome I Ichthyosis follicularis, 194 Ichthyosis follicularis, atrichia, photophobia (IFAP) syndrome, 194 Ichthyosis in confetti, 20, 183 Ichthyosis variegata, 20 Ichthyosis vulgaris, 17 Ichthyosis, X-linked recessive, 32 IDH1, 197 IDH2, 197 IFAP syndrome, 32 ILVEN, 28, 84 Immunodeficiency, severe combined, 25 Incontinentia pigmenti, 26, 31, 43, 51, 53, 55, 189–190 Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN), see Epidermal nevi Inflammatory skin disorders, acquired, 200 Intraoral lesions, 57 Intrauterine death of the embryo, 13 Irrationalism, 32 Isolated segmental biallelic monoclonal mosaicism, 20, 21 Isolated segmental manifestation, 26, 213 Issue of genetic transmission of segmental NF1, 136 Ito type, pigmentary mosaicism of, 76 J Jadassohn nevus sebaceus syndrome, see Schimmelpenning syndrome Jugendstil, 61 Junctional epidermolysis bullosa, 184 Juvenile elastoma, 18, 101, 154 Juvenile xanthogranuloma, 201–202

Index K Keratinization disorders, 142–151 Keratinocytic nevi, 80 See also Epidermal nevi Keratinocytic nevus syndromes, see Epidermal nevus syndromes Keratinopathic ichthyosis of Brocq, 14, 20, 84, 114, 142–143, 183 Keratinopathic Ichthyosis of Siemens, 143 Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID) syndrome, 17, 25, 44, 92–93, 146–147, 183 Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans, 32 Kerinokeratosis papulosa, 86, 87 Kindler syndrome, 26, 183, 184, 186 Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, 95 Köbner phenomenon, 203 KRAS mutations, 80, 88, 89 KRT2 mutations, 143 KRT5 mutations, 145 KRT17 mutation, 147 L Large patches without midline separation, 114 Large plexiform neurofibroma, 134 Larynx, 136 Lateralization pattern, 50, 62, 80, 85 Lateralized exanthem of childhood, 27, 213–218 Legius syndrome, 17, 20, 137–138 Leiomyomatosis, 17, 18, 138 LEMD3 mutation, 153, 155 LEOPARD syndrome, 123 Leprosy, 26, 213–214 Lethal cytogenetic abnormalities, 13 Lethal mutations, 14, 80, 95, 97, 102, 197 Leukocyte adherence deficiency, 25 Leukoplakia, 198 Lhermitte-Duclos variant, see PTEN hamartoma syndrome Lichen aureus, 201 Lichen nitidus, 27, 206, 207 Lichenoid drug eruption, 212 Lichen planopilaris, 27, 206 Lichen planus, 27, 56, 204–206 Lichen striatus, 199–200 Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis, 30, 77, 79 Linear atrophoderma, 53, 197–198 follicular, 190–191, 197 in Happle-Tinschert syndrome, 197–198 of Moulin, 53, 202 Linear collagen nevus, 101 Linear Cowden nevus, see Linear PTEN nevus Linear epidermolytic comedones, 88 Linear follicular mucinous nevus, 94 Linear hyperpigmentation, 190 Linear hypomelanosis, 76 Linear lichen planus, 56 Linear pigmented follicular nevus, 94 Linear progressive fibromatosis, 53 Linear proteus nevus, see Epidermal nevi Linear psoriasis, 56, 202

239 Linear PTEN nevus, see Epidermal nevi Linear syringomatous hamartoma, 130 LINE-1 retrotransposons, 31 Lines of Blaschko, see Blaschko’s lines Lipoma, 132, 137, 198 Lipomatosis, 18, 132, 140 Lisch nodules, 133 Liver, 136 Loricrin keratoderma, 25 Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), 12–13, 23, 141 Lowe syndrome, 58 Lung, 136 Lung cysts, 129 Lupus erythematosus, 208–209 discoid, 27, 208–209 profundus, 27, 208–209 subacute cutaneous, 27, 208–209 systemic, 27, 209 Lupus panniculitis, 208 Lyon effect, 31, 32, 53 Lyon hypothesis, 51 Lyonization, 31, 32, 58, 59, 189, 193, 196 M Macrocephaly-capillary malformation syndrome, see Megalencephaly-reticular capillary nevus syndrome Macrocephaly-reticular capillary nevus syndrome, 69 Macular dystrophy of Mendes da Costa, 32 Macular nevus spilus, 61, 74, 122 Maffucci syndrome, 13, 197 Maize, 3 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, 137 Marfan syndrome, 18, 156 Mastocytosis, 142 MBPTS2 gene, 32 McCune-Albright syndrome, 13, 50, 51, 58, 77 Median nevus flammeus, see Non-nevi Megalencephaly-livedo reticularis congenita syndrome, 13, 97–98 Megalencephaly-reticular capillary nevus syndrome, 13, 97 Melanocytic nevi, 71 atypical melanocytic nevus, 72 cellular blue nevus, 73 giant melanocytic nevus, 50, 72 large congenital melanocytic nevus, 72–73 linear lentiginous nevus, 75 macular nevus spilus, 61, 75 neoplastic proliferation, 71, 98 nevus cesius, 75–76 papular nevus spilus, 74 segmental dermal melanocytosis, 75–76 small melanocytic nevus, 71–72 Spitz nevus, 73 Melanoma, malignant, 12, 71, 73, 80, 119, 129, 137 Melorheostosis, 119, 154, 155 Mendelian inheritance, 3 Mendes da Costa, macular dystrophy, 32 MEND syndrome, 44, 191

240 Menkes syndrome, 194 Merle patterning, 29 Mesotropic port-wine patch/stain, 69–70 Metameres, 50 Methylation, 28 Microphthalmia, dermal aplasia, and sclerocornea (MIDAS) syndrome, 191 Microphthalmia with linear skin defects (MLS) syndrome, 191 Midfacial pattern, 69–70 Midfacial port-wine patch, 69 Miliary fibromas, 151 Minor’s sweat testing, 194 Mismatch repair deficiency syndrome, 24 Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), 138 Mitotic crossing-over/recombination, 23, 159, 186 Mixed cases, 27, 206, 212 Mixed sclerosing bone dystrophy, 155 Mixed vascular nevi, 121 Mixed vitiligo, 214 Mongolian spot, aberrant, see Nevus, cesius Mongolian spots, 123 Monoallelic expression, 28, 55 Monoallelic vs. biallelic mosaicism, 19–20 Monoclonal mosaicism, 21 Monogenic disorders, 1 Morphea, 27, 212 Mosaic hypermelanosis, 61 Mosaic hypomelanosis, 61 Mosaic hypopigmentation, 69 Multihit mechanisms, 12 Multiple milia, 191 Munro’s acne nevus, 93 Mutations back, 25, 184 lethal, 13, 14, 69, 80, 95, 97, 102, 197 point, 14, 25 postzygotic, 13, 15, 25, 26, 53, 72, 73, 80, 98, 139 reverse, 25 revertant, 25, 183 second-site, 25 suppressor, 25 Mutations in cis, 21 Mycosis fungoides, 214 N Natural gene therapy, 25, 184 NEK9 mutation, 89 NEMO deletion, 25, 189 NEMO mutation, 31, 43, 189 Nervous system, 49 Neurofibroma, plexiform, 136, 137 Neurofibromatosis 1, 20 Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2), 17, 137 Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1), segmental genetic transmission, issue of, 136 gonadal mosaicism, 136 type 1 mosaicism, 136, 138 type 2 mosaicism, 17, 18

Index Neurofibromin gene, 132 NEVADA syndrome, 14, 81, 84 Nevi, 1 capillary nevi (see Capillary nevi) connective tissue nevi, 101–102 epidermal (see Epidermal nevi) fatty tissue nevi, 102 pigmentary (see Pigmentary nevi) vascular (see Vascular nevi) Nevoid conditions, 189 Nevoid skin disorders, 189–218 Nevus achromicus, 76 anemicus, 24, 25, 98, 100 cesius, 75–76, 123 comedonicus (see Epidermal nevi) corniculatus (see Epidermal nevi) depigmentosus, 76 epidermicus verrucosus (see NEVADA syndrome) flammeus, 95 fuscocoeruleus/aberrant Mongolian Spot (see Nevus cesius) giant melanocytic, 50 lentiginosus linearis, 75 lipomatosus superficialis, 102 marginatus (see Epidermal nevi) psiloliparus, 102 roseus, 96, 122 sebaceus (see Epidermal nevi) simplex (see Non–nevi) spilus, macular type, 74 spilus, papular type, 74 trichilemmocysticus (see Epidermal nevi) unius lateris, 197 vascularis mixtus, 25, 99, 113–114 Nevus achromicus, 76 Nevus anemicus, 94, 98 Nevus cesius, 75 Nevus comedonicus syndrome, 88, 89 Nevus corniculatus, 85–86 Nevus flammeus, 61, 94 Nevus kerinokeratoticus, 86 Nevus lines, 49, 51–53 Nevus lipomatosus superficialis, 102 Nevus marginatus, 88 Nevus of Ito, 75 Nevus of Ota, 75 Nevus psiloliparus, 102 Nevus roseus, 61, 94, 96 Nevus simplex, 198 Nevus trichilemmocysticus syndrome, 89, 93 Nevus vascularis mixtus, 24, 98, 121 Nonallelic didymosis, 113, 114, 119 Nonlethal autosomal mutations, 14–17, 19–22 Non-nevi, 197–196 basal cell nevus, 198–199 blue rubber bleb angiomatosis, 199 Happle-Tinschert syndrom, 197–199 hemihyperplasia-multiple lipomata syndrome, 198 Maffucci syndrome, 197

Index salmon patch, 198, 199 syringocystadenoma papilliferum, 197 white sponge hyperplasia of the mucosa, 198, 199 Non-segmental mosaicism, 11–12 NRAS mutations, 73 NSDHL mutations, `26, 44, 81, 85 O Oblique pattern, 67–69 Oculoectodermal syndrome, 102, 103 Omenn syndrome, 25 Oral-facial-digital syndrome, 191, 193 Oral-facial-digital syndrome type 1, 191–192 Organoid epidermal nevi, see Epidermal nevi Osler-Rendu-Weber disease, 94, 161 Osteoma cutis, plate-like, 18, 159, 160 Osteomatosis cutis, hereditary, 17, 18, 159–160 Osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis, 58 P Pachyonychia congenita, 147 Pallister-Killian pattern, see Pallister-Killian syndrome Pallister-Killian syndrome, 69 Papular epidermal nevus with “skyline” basal cell layer, 86–87, 143 Papular nevus spilus syndrome, 13, 61, 74, 119 Paradominant inheritance, 23 Parotis, 136 Partington, reticulate pigmentary disorder of, 194–195 Pemphigus vulgaris, 27, 210 PENS syndrome, 81, 86, 143 Perifollicular fibromas, see Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome Perifollicular fibromatosis, nonsyndromic type, 129 Phacomatosis, 119 cesioanemica, 98 cesioflammea, 96, 121–122 cesiomarmorata, 123 melanorosea, 78, 123 pigmentokeratotica, , 24, 25, 74, 88, 101, 115, 119 pigmentovascularis, , 25, 115, 121–123 spilorosea, 122–123 spilosebacea, 115, 120 Phlebectasia, 97 Photophobia, 194 Phylloid hypermelanosis, 50, 51, 79–80 Phylloid hypomelanosis, 62, 78–79 Phylloid pattern, 49, 61–62, 79 Piebaldism, 68 Pigeon, 5 Pigmentary mosaicism epigenetic, 28 familial, 30 Ito type, 13, 14, 76 Pigmentary nevi, other than melanocytic nevi hypermelanosis, checkerboard pattern, 78 hypomelanosis, checkerboard pattern, 77 hypermelanosis, flag-like pattern, 78

241 hypomelanosis, flag-like pattern, 78 linear hypermelanosis, 77 linear hypomelanosis, 76 phylloid hypermelanosis, 79 phylloid hypomelanosis, 78–79 PIK3CA mutations, 80, 81 PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS) Pilomatricoma, 128 Pineapple, 3 PKP1, 23 Plaque-type glomangiomatosis, 131 Platelike osteoma cutis, 159 Pleural effusion, 131 Plexiform neurofibroma, 21, 134, 136, 137, 180 Pneumothorax, 129 Point mutation, reverse, 25 Polygenic skin disorders, 202–218 Polymicrogyria, congenita syndrome, see Macrocephaly-­ livedo reticularis PORCN mutations, 190 PORCN non-Goltz spectrum (PONGOS), 44, 190 Porokeratosis disseminated superficial actinic, 17, 18, 87, 147 linear, 18 palmaris, plantaris et disseminata, 17, 150 plaque-type of Mibelli, 17, 18, 149, 150 unclassifiable, 150 Porokeratotic eccrine nevus syndrome, 44, 89, 92–93, 146 Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus (PEODDN), 92 Port-wine nevus of the proteus type, 95 Postzygotic crossing-over, 25 Postzygotic mutation, 12, 13, 26, 53, 139, 202 Postzygotic recombination, 136 Primitive streak, 54 Progenitor cells, 54 Progressive osseous heteroplasia, 16, 18, 159–160 PROS, see PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum Proteus-like syndrome, 18 Proteus nevus, linear, see Epidermal nevi Proteus syndrome, 13, 81–84, 140 Prurigo, chronic, 27, 204 Pseudodidymosis, 119 Psoriasis, linear, 56 Psoriasis pustular/pustulosa, 27, 203 Psoriasis vulgaris, 27, 202–203 PTCH1 mutation, see Gorlin syndrome PTEN, 81 PTEN hamartoma syndrome, 17, 18, 81, 84, 140–142 PTEN mutation, 142 PTPN11 mutations, 75, 96 Purpuric pigmented dermatoses, 201 R Rabbit, 5 Radial growth pattern, 61 Radial pattern of retina, 59 RASA1 mutation, 96

242 RASopathy, 88 Rat, 5 Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, 184 Recessive epidermolysis bullosa simplex, 184 Relapsing linear, 144 Renal cell carcinoma, 129 Renal cysts, 129 Reticular capillary nevus, 94 Reticulate pigmentary disorder of Partington, 194–196 Retrotransposons, 29, 31 Retroviral material, 29 Revertant mosaicism, 4, 20, 25–26, 183–186 Rhodoid nevus syndrome, 17, 18, 20, 94, 96–97, 161–163 Ruggieri-Happle syndrome, 67, 113, 114 Ruggieri-Leech syndrome, 121 S Salmon patch, 96, 198 Sash-like pattern, 49, 67–69 SASKIA nevus, see Epidermal nevi Schamberg disease, 201 Schauder syndrome, 88–90 Schimmelpenning syndrome, 13, 88, 89, 119 Schwannomatosis, 137 Seborrheic keratosis, 80 Second-site mutation, 25 Sectorial cataracts, 190 Segmentally arranged seborrheic keratoses with impending atypia (SASKIA) nevus, 83 Segmental manifestation of polygenic disorders isolated, 26, 27 superimposed, 26–28, 202–218 Segmental mosaicism, 12 Segmental odontomaxillary hypoplasia or dysplasia, 92 Segmental pigmentation disorder, 78 Segmental vitiligo, 214 Sensorineural hearing loss, 146 Servelle-Martorell type, see Venous nevi Severe combined immunodeficiency, 25 Shagreen patch, 152 Shulman syndrome, 212, 213 Simple segmental mosaicism, 14–15, 127 Skin fragility syndrome, 23 “Skyline” basal cell layer, 143 Slipped mispairing, 25 SMARCB1 mutation, see Schwannomatosis SMO mutation, 197 Snapdragon, 4 SOLAMEN syndrome, see PTEN hamartoma syndrome Somatic mosaicism, 15 Somatic segregation, 3 Somatogonadal mosaicism, 153 Soybean, 4 Spatial prepattern, 56 Speckled lentiginous nevus, 74 Spiradenoma/spiradenomatosis, 17, 18, 130–131 Spitz nevus, 73 SPRED1, 138

Index Squamous cell carcinoma, 83, 150 Striation of bones, see Focal dermal hypoplasia Sturge-Weber-Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, 95 absence of trigeminal arrangement, 95 GNAQ mutation, 115 nevus flammeus, 95 Sturge-Weber syndrome, 13, 95 Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus, 208–209 Sublethal chromosome aberration, 13 Superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis, 143 Superimposed lateralized exanthema of childhood, 213 Superimposed linear atopic dermatitis, 200 Superimposed mosaic Darier disease, 144 Superimposed mosaicism, 15–19, 127, 128, 146 Superimposed mosaic NF1, 136 Superimposed mosaic/segmental manifestation, 19, 26–28, 212 Syringocystadenoma papilliferum, 197 Syringoma, 17, 130 Syringomatosis, 19 Systematized sebaceous nevus, 57 Systemic lupus erythematosus, see Lupus erythematosus T TEK gene, 22 Telangiectasia, 97 Telangiectasia eruptiva perstans, 142 Telangiectatic nevus, 24 Telangiectatic nevus with underlying and surrounding dilated veins, 94 Terminal osseous dysplasia with pigmented defects, 192 Thanatophoric dysplasia, 44 Thyroid, 136 Tobacco, 3 Trachea, 136 Transgenic animals, 56 Transheterozygosity, 3 Transient bullous dermolysis, newborn, 163–164 Transient superficial acantholysis, 163–164 Trichodiscoma, 128 Trichoepithelioma, 17, 127 Trichogephyrosis, 192, 193 Trigeminal innervation, 95 Trisomy 13q, mosaicism, 13, 78 Trisomy 18, mosaicism, 13 TSC1, 151 TSC2, 151 Tuberous sclerosis (TS), 17, 19, 151–153 Tuberous sclerosis complex, 20, 21 Turing pattern, 8 Twin areas, 5 Twin-spot generator, 6 Twin spotting (didymosis), 113 Drosophila wing spot test, 5, 6 in plants, 3–4 Two-hit mechanism/model, 12 Type 2 segmental mosaicism, see Superimposed mosaicism

Index U Unisex tariffs of life insurances, 32 Unna’s nevus, 198 V Vabres syndrome, 13 Van Lohuizen syndrome, 14, 97 Variegated pattern, 28 Vascular disorders, 94, 161–164 Vascular nevi, 94–101 Venous malformation, 100 Venous malformations, hereditary cutaneomucosal, see Venous nevi Venous nevi, 99–100 Viable yellow agouti mutation, 28 Vitiligo, 27, 214–218 Voigt’s lines, 50 W Waardenburg syndrome, 30 Waxy keratoses of childhood, 86 White sponge nevus, 198 White sponge nevus of the oral mucosa, see Non-nevi Whorls, 53 Wild-type allele, 12 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 25

243 X Xanthogranuloma, juvenile, 201 X-chromosome mosaicism, functional, 26, 31, 189–196 X inactivation and Blaschko’s lines, 53 escape from, 32 X-inactivation center, 31 X-linked dominant hypertrichosis, 196 XXY constitution, 32 Y Y chromosome, 32 Z Zebra, 8, 55 Zebra fish, 55 Zimmermann-Laband syndrome, 160, 161 Zlotnikov, 7, 53 Zonana, ectodermal dysplasia of, 30, 43, 189 Zones of radicular innervation, 49 Zoniform leiomyoma, 18 Zosteriform, 1 epidermal nevus, 18 pattern, 51, 61