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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Л. Э. Безменова
Оренбург Издательство ОГПУ 2014
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
УДК 811 (075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-1я73 Б39
Рецензенты А. В. Степанова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент В. Ю. Хартунг, кандидат филологических наук, доцент
Безменова, Л. Э. Б39
Modal verbs in English : учебное пособие / Л. Э. Безменова ; Мин-во образования и науки РФ, ФГБОУ ВПО «Оренб. гос. пед. ун-т». — Оренбург : Изд-во ОГПУ, 2014. — 80 с. ISBN 978-5-85859-589-2 УДК 811 (075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-1я73
ISBN 978-5-85859-589-2
© Безменова Л. Э., 2014 © Оформление. Изд-во ОГПУ, 2014
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Предисловие.....................................................................................4 MODAL VERBS. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ..........................5 CAN....................................................................................................6 Revision of Can............................................................................17 MAY..................................................................................................19 Revision of Can, May...................................................................27 MUST...............................................................................................30 Revision of Can, May, Must. ........................................................38 TO HAVE .........................................................................................42 Revision of Must, to Have ...........................................................44 TO BE...............................................................................................45 Revision of Must, to Have, to Be .................................................49 NEED................................................................................................52 Revision of Need, Have, Must, to Be...........................................55 SHOULD. OUGHT............................................................................57 Revision.......................................................................................61 SHALL..............................................................................................64 WILL.................................................................................................65 Revision of Shall, Will, Should, Would.........................................69 DARE................................................................................................70 GENERAL REVISION......................................................................73 СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ............................80
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Учебное пособие «Modal Verbs in English» написано в соответствии с программой по грамматике английского языка для педагогических вузов и посвящено употреблению модальных глаголов в английском языке. Во время общения собеседники не только обмениваются информацией, но также высказывают свое отношение к тому, о чем говорят. Одним из средств, с помощью которых говорящий выражает свое отношение к действию или состоянию, являются модальные глаголы. Они обозначают возможность, вероятность, предположение, неуверенность, пожелание, распоряжение и т. д. Сложность употребления модальных глаголов состоит в том, что одно и то же значение может быть передано разными глаголами. Именно многофункциональность модальных глаголов и разнообразие оттенков значений вызывают у обучаемых значительные затруднения в приобретении практических навыков в использовании этих глаголов в речи. Пособие представляет собой сборник упражнений по практической грамматике английского языка. Материал построен следующим образом: сначала предлагается теоретическая информация о значении и употреблении каждого модального глагола, далее приводятся упражнения для анализа значений модальных глаголов и формирования навыка их употребления. Каждый раздел завершается сводными упражнениями по всему пройденному материалу. Пособие помогает практически овладеть употреблением модальных глаголов и представляет собой тренировочный материал, расположенный по принципу нарастания трудностей.
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MODAL VERBS. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS There are twelve modal verbs in English. They are: can (could), may (might), must, should, ought, need, shall, will, would, dare. Here also belong to have to (to have got to), to be to. Modal verbs, unlike other verbs, do not denote actions or states, but only show the attitude of the speaker towards the action expressed by the infinitive. Thus, they may show that the action (or state, or process) is considered by the speaker as possible, impossible, probable, improbable, obligatory, necessary, advisable, doubtful, certain, prohibited, ordered, etc. Ten of them (that is all but to be and to have) are also called defective verbs as they lack some features characteristic of other verbs. Modal verbs have the following peculiarities: 1. They are always used in combination with the infinitive. 2. They are followed (except for ought and sometimes dare and need) by a bare infinitive. 3. They need no auxiliary verb to build up the interrogative and negative forms. 4. They do not take -s in the third person singular. 5. They have no verbals, and they have no analytical forms (i.e. compound tenses, the Passive Voice). 6. They have two negative forms, full and contracted: full form cannot must not will not would not should not ought not to shall not need not dare not
contracted form can’t mustn’t won’t wouldn’t shouldn’t oughtn’t to shan’t needn’t daren’t
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CAN The modal verb can has two tense forms of the indicative mood: the present tense can and the past tense could. The verb can has the following meanings: 1. Mental, physical or circumstantial ability to do something. E. g. She can do sums in her head. He can lift this suitcase. We can see Yalta from here in clear weather. Note: When could is used with reference to the past, it denotes only the ability or possibility of performing an action but not the realisation of the action. To indicate the achievement in the past we use was/were able to do smth, managed to do sth or succeeded in doing sth (the latter is used in literary style): E. g. I’m happy I was able to help you. They will be able to do it next year. He managed to do everything he wanted. If an action was not realised in a particular situation in the past it is expressed with the help of failed to do smth, wasn’t able to do smth, didn’t manage to do smth, didn’t succeed in doing. E. g. We didn’t succeed in translating the text. — Мы не смогли перевести текст. 2. Permission (informal). E. g. You can take my book. 3. Request (informal). E. g. Can I go out? Could expresses a more polite request. E. g. Could you help us? 4. Prohibition (informal). E. g. You can’t cross the street here. — Здесь нельзя переходить улицу. 5. Uncertainty, strong doubt, astonishment (in interrogative sentences). In these meanings can is used with all forms of 6
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the infinitive. Could expresses greater doubt. Thus, the timereference is indicated by the form of the infinitive. E. g. Can/Could it be true? — Неужели это правда? Can/Could she be sleeping now? — Неужели она спит? The Perfect Infinitive refers the action to the past. E. g. Can/Could he have said it? — Неужели он это сказал? Can with a perfect continuous infinitive expresses actions which began in the past and continued up or into the present moment: E. g. Can (could) she have been talking on the telephone so long? 6. Improbability, strong doubt (in negative sentences). E. g. It can’t/couldn’t be true. – Не может быть, чтобы это была правда. The Perfect Infinitive is used to refer the action to the past. E. g. My wife can’t/couldn’t have sent such a letter. Set-phrases with the verb can: He couldn’t help laughing. — Он не мог не рассмеяться. I can’t but ask him about it. — Мне ничего не остается, как спросить его. — Просто не могу сделать I can’t possibly do it. это. — Они очень (страшно) They are as pleased довольны. as can be. — Это необычайно уродливо. It’s as ugly as can be. Ex. 1. Comment on the meaning of the modal verb can (could). Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. He can’t read well. 2. And now can I walk through your beautiful house? 3. I could not go to your place yesterday, as I was busy. 4. We can choose our profession according to our taste. 5. Could you give me your notes on phonetics for a day or two? 6. I don’t believe him. It can’t be so! 7. She can take her examination next June. 8. You can’t understand — you have never been poor. 9. You cannot have done it. I don’t believe 7
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it. 10. I wonder where she is. She cannot have been sleeping all this time! 11. Could you let me know about the meeting? 12. You can’t be serious. Ex. 2. Comment on the meaning of the modal verb can (could). Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. She can’t be a good teacher. 2. You can stay here if you like. 3. There is much snow. We can ski. 4. Can I use your phone? 5. She was so tired, she could hardly speak. 6. She couldn’t have changed her mind. 7. Tom can’t have left without saying good-buy. 8. She could get better results if she worked hard. 9. Can they have been working since morning? 10. You can stay here if you like. 11. She could not help noticing how frequently Mr Darcy looked at her. Ability can do sth (может) could do sth (мог) could do sth (мог бы) could have done sth (мог бы тогда) E.g. 1. Baby can walk now. 2. Baby could walk when she was ten months old. 3. Baby could walk perfectly well. She’s just lazy. 4. Baby could have walked across the room but she was afraid to. Ex. 3. Analyse the form could in the following sentences. State whether it denotes the past action or the unreality of the action. Pay attention to whether it means «мог», «мог бы сейчас» или «мог бы тогда»: 1. Не could reel off line after line of poetry when he was a child. 2. He told us that the place could be reached by car. 3. I could see through the window that the room was empty. 4. I could tell you many things if you would only care to listen. 5. She’s as tall as you are. She could wear your things. 6. You 8
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simply did not care. Why, you could have lent him the money. 7. The game was as good as lost. Nothing could have saved “the Ramblers”. 8. By the evening I had gone through the pile of papers. It was no use. I could not find any mention of the case. 9. Don’t try to find excuses for her. She could at least offer to help you put the house to rights after the party. But she won’t, not she. 10. The last copy was sold. I could have cried. 11. We had to tell him everything. We could not have managed without his help. 12. So you walked the whole way, carrying that heavy suitcase. Why couldn’t you ask somebody for a lift? Ex. 4. In the following sentences could denotes unreality. Refer the situation to the past by changing the form of the infinitive. MODEL Could you do anything for her? (now) — Could you have done anything for her? (then) 1. Only an immediate operation could save her now. 2. I could get there in less than two hours in my car. 3. I could not make a cake without eggs anyway. 4. Could you translate this without a dictionary? 5. How could you get in touch with her? You don’t know where she is. 6. I could refuse her nothing. 7. Don’t do that. A better way out could be found. 8. Of course I could ask Father to post it for me. 9. Jackie could stay with Edna. She would love to have him. 10. You could take it to the cleaner’s on the way to town and I’d get it back in time for the party. Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with can, can’t, could, couldn’t or was/wasn’t able to. 1. I had my hands full, so I ... open the door. 2. When I was young, I … stand on my head. 3. Although he felt ill, he … finish all the paperwork. 4. Tony is clever. He … speak three languages. 5. I … afford that bag. It’s too expensive. 6. Although it was dark, he … find his way through the woods. 7. I heard his voice calling me, but I … see him. 8. We’re busy 9
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tonight, so we … come to the party. 9. When I entered the house, I … smell fresh bread baking. 10. I … drive a car. I learnt when I was eighteen. 11. I’m really disappointed that we ... not contact her when we arrived in the city. Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Мой брат не умеет водить машину. 2. Он не смог запомнить мой адрес. 3. Старые люди не могут забыть вой ну. 4. Вы говорите по-французски? Сможете перевести эту надпись? 5. Я думаю, что смогу прийти. 6. Я смогла бы прийти, если бы меня предупредили заранее. 7. Она сможет проводить тебя до вокзала. 8. Вы сможете это сделать сейчас? 9. Она не смогла написать диктант, он был достаточно трудным. 10. Джейн хорошо рисует. Она умеет рисовать с семи лет. 11. Мальчик не может читать быстро. 12. Они не смогут купить билеты на матч на завтра. 13. Лена смогла выполнить задание, так как у нее был словарь. 14. Студенты нашей группы говорят, что смогут принять участие в конференции. 15. Она не умеет танцевать. 16. Я уверен, он умеет играть в баскетбол. Ex. 7. Translate into English. 1. Вы не могли бы дать мне еще один пример? 2. Нельзя давать примеры из учебника. 3. Можно, я вам это объясню после урока? 4. Можете сдать работу, если вы ее уже закончили. 5. Можно, я вам помогу? 6. Вы не могли бы мне помочь? 7. Нельзя говорить по-русски на уроке. 8. В этой модели герундий употребить нельзя. 9. Можно, я позвоню маме и скажу, чтобы меня не ждали к обеду? 10. Вы не могли бы зайти попозже? 11. Нельзя обсуждать этот вопрос с вашими друзьями. Ex. 8. Translate into English. 1. Из моего окна я мог видеть только часть двора. 2. В темноте я не могла разобрать, сколько там людей. 3. Ночь была такая темная, что я не смогла бы найти до10
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рогу без фонарика. 4. Я могла бы ему это сразу сказать, но мне не хотелось портить ему настроение. 5. Никто не мог бы сделать для него больше, чем это сделали вы, доктор. 6. Девочка только еле-еле могла дотянуться до верхней полки. 7. Как ты могла оставить ее одну? Ведь она могла бы заблудиться. 8. Задачу он решить не смог. 9. Один он задачу не решил бы.10. Я могу всем все рассказать. Uncertainty, strong doubt, astonishment Can Could
be? know? be doing?
NOTE: There is practically no difference in meaning between can and could when they express uncertainty, doubt. Could makes the sentence a little more emphatic. E.g. 1. Can (could) it be so late? 2. Can (could) she really mean it? 3. Can (could) they be waiting for us? Can Could
have been? have known? have been doing?
E.g. 1. Can (could) it have been so cold? 2. Can (could) he have known about it all the time? 3. Can (could) they have been waiting for us so long? Ex. 9. Refer the situation to the past by changing the form of the infinitive. MODEL Can (could) it be so late? Неужели сейчас так поздно? — Can (could) it have been so late? Неужели было так поздно? 1. Can she be only five? 2. Can she be telling the truth? 3. Can it be raining? 4. Can the cake be burning? 5. Can he be trying to tell us something? 6. Can she be fond of them? 7. Can 11
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it be dangerous? 8. Can they recognize us? 9. Can they get lost? 10. Can you forget about it? Ex. 10. Express your astonishment or doubt about the statements in these sentences. MODEL He is a good singer. — Can (could) he be a good singer. 1. I am invited to the wedding. 2. He has been missing school for a week now. 3. They reached the island by boat. 4. The swimming pool was closed all day yesterday. 5. The girl is speaking the truth. 6. He travelled a lot last year. 7. My brother won the first prize in the state lottery. 8. It’s my bag. 9. Alice was given an excellent mark for her English test. 10. The pump has broken down again. Ex. 11. Translate into English. 1. Неужели я потеряла карту? 2. Неужели я так потолстела? 3. Неужели уже темнеет? 4. Неужели ей все рассказали? 5. Неужели я трачу время зря? 6. Неужели он переплыл реку в темноте? 7. Неужели молоко опять убежало? 8. Неужели они еще играют во дворе? 9. Неужели это так трудно? 10. Неужели было так холодно? Improbability, strong doubt
can not could not
be know be doing have been have known have been doing
E.g. 1. You can’t be thinking of leaving. 2. You can’t mean it. 3. He can’t have said it. 4. He can’t have been trying to cross the river in this place. 12
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Ex. 12. Refer the statement to the past by changing the form of the infinitive. MODEL 1. She can’t be lying. He может быть, чтобы она лгала (сейчас). 2. She can’t have been lying. He может быть, чтобы она лгала (тогда). Не могла она лгать. 1. It can’t be true. 2. She can’t be in London now. 3. You can’t mean it. 4. You can’t be doing your best. 5. She can’t be crying. 6. It can’t be so difficult as all that. 7. There can’t be only one way out of the cave. 8. They can’t be still waiting for you. 9. Не can’t miss the train. 10. They can’t divorce. Ex. 13. Rewrite the sentences using can’t, couldn’t. MODEL I don’t believe it’s true. — It can’t be true. 1. I don’t believe that you’ve failed the exam. 2. I don’t believe that you know so little of the subject. 3. It’s impossible that the house is still being built. 4. It isn’t possible she should be good at English. She has no memory for words. 5. I don’t think the teacher’ll be satisfied with your work. 6. It’s hard to believe that she is staying in the hotel. 7. It’s unbelievable you’ve ever met Mr. Jones. 8. I don’t believe he is as old as that. He looks younger. 9. I doubt that you were at the library yesterday. It was closed all day. 10. Really, you didn’t mean it. 11. I don’t think that the radio was stolen from his car. Ex. 14. Express strong doubt according to the model. MODEL He says he saw Mary at the dance. (But he knows that Mary wasn’t there.) — He couldn’t have seen her. She wasn’t there. He says he ... 1. had an argument with Tom at the party. (Tom wasn’t there.) 2. bolted the door. (It has no bolt.) 3. used the Emergency Exit. (There isn’t one.) 4. came up by the lift. (The lift wasn’t 13
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working.) 5. slept in room 13. (There is no room 13.) 6. bought it in Harrods on Sunday. (Harrods doesn’t open on Sunday.) 7. carried it himself. (It weighs a ton.) 8. dined in a restaurant on top of Nelson’s Column. (There is no restaurant there.) 9. saw the Queen standing in a queue. (The Queen doesn’t stand in queues.) 10. got sunburnt in Hyde Park in November. (The sun is not strong enough.) 11. swam across the Irish Sea. (It is too wide.) 12. heard your clock strike. (My clock doesn’t strike.) 13. went there by train. (The railway line is closed.) Ex. 15. Rewrite the following sentences using cannot (can’t). MODEL I don’t believe it is his fault. — It can’t be his fault. 1. It is impossible that he has changed his mind. 2. I can’t believe that they have known it before. 3. I don’t think she is good at languages. She has always had a bad ear and no memory for words. 4. I don’t believe it is a joke. 5. It is impossible that she is fifteen. She looks much older. 6. I can’t believe that he has left without saying good-bye to us. 7. I can’t believe that he has forgotten to post your letter. 8. He doesn’t believe that his two friends have betrayed him. 9. I don’t think she was angry with a sick child. 10. It is impossible that she has told a lie. Ex. 16. Translate into English. 1. He может быть, чтобы он забыл свое обещание. 2. Не может быть, чтобы молоко уже выкипело. 3. Не мог он вам это сказать. 4. Не могла она опоздать на поезд. 5. Не может она это думать. 6. Не может быть, чтобы ты этому действительно верил. 7. Не может быть, чтобы ей было двадцать пять лет. 8. Чай не может быть все еще горячим. 9. Не может быть, чтобы вы знали это лучше нее. 10. Не мог он принять вас за другого. 14
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NOTE: The modal verb can may be used to make a sentence more emotional. Such sentences have the form of questions but are not questions because the speaker does not really expect an answer. Ex. 17. Make the following sentences more emotional. MODEL I wonder where I have left my spectacles. — Where can I have left my spectacles! 1. I wonder where he is now. 2. I wonder why he said so. 3. I have no idea who wrote that letter. 4. The room was locked. How did he get in? 5. What astonishes me is why he left that note. 6. I wonder why she is taking so much trouble. 7. The entrance was watched all the time. When did he get out, I’m asking you? 8. I wonder how it was possible for him to find us in that crowd. 9. It astonishes me that you find pleasure in reading such stuff. 10. I wonder which of the children is writing these things on the blackboard. Ex. 18. Use can in the correct form followed by the appropriate infinitive. 1. It is hard to believe he … (to behave) so badly to the poor child. 2. ‘There is a gentleman with him, mamma,’ said Kitty. ‘Who … it (to be)? ‘ 3. I … (to forgive) his pride, if he had not mortified mine. 4. … we (to spend) all the money? 5. In some families it was agreed by law that property … only (to leave) to men. 6. She knew Lizzy … (to be) Mr Collins’s wife by this time. 7. She … not (to go) out. There’s nowhere to go. 8. She had such a contempt for him that she … (to spit) in his face. 9. He said he … (to manage) the task by himself. 10. Anne would have played better if she … (to learn). 11. She … (to sleep) now. It’s 12 o’clock! 12. I knew that I hated him then. I … (to kill) him. 15
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NOTE: То express strong or very strong doubt about an action not taking place (неужели кто-то не делает, не сделал что-то; не может быть, чтобы кто-то не делал, не сделал что-то) we use the expression to fail to do something, negative prefixes dis- and mis- are also used. 1) He did not notice you. a) Can (could) he have failed to notice you? = Неужели он не заметил ... . b) He can’t (couldn’t) have failed to notice you. = He мог он не заметить ... . 2) He does not like it here. a) Can (could) he dislike it here? b) He can’t (couldn’t) dislike it here? 3) We did not see him do it? a) Can (could) nobody have seen him do it? b) Nobody can (could) have seen him do it. 4) He did not get your letter. a) Can (could) he have never got my letter? Ex. 19. Translate into English. 1. Неужели он не проверил, все ли на месте? 2. Не мог он не слышать звонка. 3. Не может быть, чтобы она этому не верила. 4. Неужели вы не принесли статью? 5. Неужели он действительно не нравится вам? 6. Неужели он не понял ваших объяснений? 7. Не может быть, чтобы он завтра не приехал. 8. Неужели вы еще не проверили сочинения? 9. Не мог он не прийти вчера на лекцию. 10. Неужели он так и не отослал письмо? Ex. 20. Memorize the following proverbs. Give their Russian equivalents. Make up stories to illustrate them. 1. No man can serve two masters. 2. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 3. You can judge (tell) a man by the company he keeps. 4. None can play the fool so well as a wise man. 16
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5. A man can do no more than he can. 6. Two of a trade can never agree. 7. You cannot have it both ways. 8. Money can’t buy everything. 9. One cannot be in two places at once. 10. The leopard cannot change his spots. 11. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk. 12. You can’t eat your cake and have it. 13. You cannot get blood out of a stone. 14. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. 15. You can lead the horse to the water but you cannot make him drink. 16. Man cannot live by bread alone. Revision of Can Ex. 21. Comment on the meaning and form of the modal verb can (could), to be able. 1. “Would you like me to help you?” “No, thank you,” Matilda said. “I’m sure I can manage.” 2. She could read fast and well and she naturally began hankering after books. 3. Can I help you, Matilda? 4. Now keep your mouth shut so we can all watch this programme in peace. 5. She can multiply complicated figures in her head like lightning. 6. I wish I could do it. 7. How could it have happened? 8. Their teacher was called Miss Honey, and she could not have been more than twenty-three or twenty-four. 9. It was a modern brick house that could not have been cheap to buy. 10. The boy was by now so full of cake he was like a sackful of wet cement and you couldn’t have hurt him with a hammer. 11. It could have been yesterday or it could have been the day before. 12. Nobody else could have thought up a trick like that! 13. She was able not only to lift the cigar up into the air but also to move it around exactly as she wished. 14. It couldn’t possibly have been you. 17
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Ex. 22. Translate into English using the verb can (could). 1. Эту книгу можно купить в любом магазине. 2. В комнате темно, я не могу найти свои вещи. 3. Не может быть, чтобы она ошиблась. 4. Неужели они ждали нас все это время? 5. Не может быть, чтобы вас послали ко мне. 6. Он сказал, что мы можем идти. 7. Я мог бы вернуться на автобусе. 8. Не может быть, чтобы она тебя не поняла. 9. Не может быть, чтобы они об этом забыли. 10. Неужели он уже уехал? 11. Неужели она все еще работает? 12. Не может быть, что она все еще нас ждет. 13. Неужели она заболела? 14. Неужели вам нравится такая музыка? 15. Ты можешь взять словарь. Мне он больше не нужен. 16. Неужели они опоздали на поезд? Они же вышли из дома очень рано. Ex. 23. Translate into English using the verb can (could). 1. Я думаю, что я смогу помочь вам. 2. Не может быть, что он сожалел об этом. 3. Неужели он отказался помочь вам? 4. Неужели это правда? Не может быть, чтобы это была правда. 5. Неужели он учится в девятом классе? Он такой маленький на вид. 6. Не может быть, чтобы они уже переехали на новую квартиру. 7. Неужели ты старше меня на целых пять лет? 8. Прочтите эти статьи. Вы могли бы сослаться на них в докладе. 9. На лестнице нет света. Вы не могли бы посветить мне, пока я спущусь вниз? 10. Я думаю, что мы могли бы попытаться еще раз убедить его в том, что он неправ. 11. Не может быть, чтобы сейчас было лишь три часа. Ваши часы остановились. 12. Нет, малыш, зимой мороженое на улице есть нельзя. 13. Неужели он был прав? 14. Вы не могли бы продиктовать мне эту страницу? 15. Неужели они ждут нас у другого выхода? Ex. 24. Translate into English. 1. Во время контрольной пользоваться словарями нельзя. 2. Неужели сегодня так холодно? 3. Не мог он 18
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сделать такой глупой ошибки. 4. Не мог он вам этого не объяснить. 5. Можете идти в кино, если хотите. 6. Почему ты меня не спросил? Я бы могла тебе все объяснить. 7. Он мог бы сделать это на прошлой неделе. 8. Вы не могли бы показать мне это место в учебнике? 9. Жаль, что я не умею это делать так хорошо, как вы. 10. Я не знал, что она была в Москве летом. Я бы мог попросить ее отвезти эту книгу маме. 11. Принесите мне, пожалуйста, стакан воды. 12. Можно, мы возьмем Джека тоже? 13. Как они могли опоздать на поезд! Они очень рано вышли из дома. 14. Кто ему мог рассказать об этом? 15. Можно мне попытаться еще раз? 16. Не может быть, чтобы они этому действительно верили. 17. Можете пользоваться словарем, если вы не поймете какое-нибудь слово. Ex. 25. Retell about a famous person who has/had disability. What is/was the person’s disability? What are/ were the person’s accomplishments. MAY The modal verb may has two tense forms: may (the Present Simple) — might (the Past Simple). May can express the following meanings: 1. Permission or asking for permission (formal). E. g. May I interrupt you? You may be seated. The form might is used in indirect speech according to the rules of the sequence of tenses: E. g. He told me that I might go home. 2. Prohibition (formal). E. g. You may not smoke in here. 3. Possibility due to circumstances like can (only in affirmative sentences with an indefinite infinitive). E. g. You may/can order a ticket by telephone. 19
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4. Uncertainty. In this case it is translated into Russian as может быть, возможно. Might is less categoric. E. g. He may be tired (50% certain). He might come later (40 % certain). May or might are used with all forms of the infinitive. The Perfect Infinitive is used to refer the action to the past. E. g. He may/might have sold the house. They might not be working in the library now. NOTE: Supposition or uncertainty in questions is rendered by: Is he likely to…?’, ‘Is it likely that he …?’, ‘Do you think…’ E. g. Is Mary likely to arrive tonight? — Может ли Мэри приехать сегодня вечером? 5. Reproach, hurt feelings (only might is used). E. g. You might at least say you’re sorry. You might have warned me! 6. Wish. E. g. May you be happy! Ex. 26. Comment on the meanings of may. 1. May I please tell you what happened in class just now? 2. If you survive your first year you may just manage to live through the rest of your time here. 3. You may all go out into the playground and wait for your parents to come and take you home. 4. “Please may I talk to you for a moment?” — “Of course you may.” 5. It may have been judo or karate. 6. She asked if she might sit awhile and read a book. 7. Oh God, may I live to see them torn to pieces by the mob. 8. Do you think I might come in for a few minutes and talk to you about Matilda? 9. If we sit here and wait it may be worse still. 10. The way things turned out it might have been better if your wife had driven. 11. He had been wondering how her father might have reacted to the news that control of the hotel might soon pass on to other hands. 12. When you’re as fat as I am you may just as well be comfortable. 13. There may have been more bravado than confidence in his smile, but he had to make a good show before the others. 14. May I let you know if I decide to come? 20
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Uncertainty smb may might
do, be doing have done, have been doing
Ex. 27. Express doubt about the statements made in the following sentences. MODEL They lost their way. They may (might) have lost their way. 1. There is some bread in the kitchen. 2. He thinks you rather silly and unreasonable. 3. For all I know I will be here for a long time. 4. Не has married. 5. She is looking for a job. 6. Good water was obtained from a well 7. Miss Honey joined Matilda outside the school gates. 8. He is keeping an eye on you. 9. They divorced. 10. His voice betrayed agitation. 11. She was five or six years older than himself. Ex. 28. Use may plus the infinitive instead of the parenthetical expressions in the following sentences. Use the Indefinite infinitive when the sentence refers to the present or future, the Perfect infinitive, if it refers to the past. MODEL 1. Maybe, he is at home now. — He may be at home now. 2. Perhaps, the rain will stop later in the day. — The rain may stop later in the day. 3. Maybe, he was too angry to measure his words. — He may have been too angry to measure the words. 1. Maybe, you will meet him at some party. 2. Maybe, he will recognise you when he sees you. 3. Perhaps, it is less difficult than you think. 4. Maybe, the door was not locked. 5. Maybe, she has forgotten her promise. 6. Maybe, she is only trying to help. 7. Maybe, she was out when you phoned. 8. Perhaps, you have left your gloves in the taxi. 9. Maybe, the stain will come out in the wash. 10. Perhaps, he does not know about it. 21
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Ex. 29. Answer the following questions using the modal verb may. The expressions in brackets may provide cues for your answers. MODEL Why does he look so pale? (to be ill) He may (might) be ill. 1. Why are there so many people on the platform? (to wait for the next train) 2. Why is John so busy? (to read for his examinations) 3. Why is he so tired? (to work in the garden) 4. Why doesn’t Oscar want to see the film? (not to like detective stories) 5. Why doesn’t Monica want to eat ice-cream? (to slim) 6. Why has the boy raised his hand? (to want to ask a question) 7. Why do you think Anne made so many spelling mistakes in the last dictation? (to be absent- minded) 8. Why is the child crying? (to hurt himself) 9. Why doesn’t the girl want to bathe in the river? (to feel unwell) 10. Why haven’t the Parkers arrived yet? (not to find a taxi) 11. Why hasn’t Charles phoned us? (not to get our telegramme) 12. Why has he refused to come to the party? (to be busy that day) 13. Why does Madge want to buy a new watch? (to lose her old one). Reproach, hurt feelings smb might
do have done
Ex. 30. Express your irritation using the modal verb might. MODEL When did he tell them? He told them just now. He might have told them sooner! 1. “When did he say he was cancelling it?” “He phoned us a few minutes ago.” 2. “When did he suggest he was having second thoughts?” “He mentioned it a minute or two ago.” 3. “When did you get to hear of it?” “He brought it up at the meeting.” 4. “When did it come to light?” “He revealed it the 22
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day before yesterday.” 5. “When did he eventually agree to it?” “He gave his consent late this afternoon.” 6. “When did he say he might have to go back on his decision?” “He informed them a day or two ago.” 7. “When did he own up to taking it?” “He admitted it an hour or so ago.” Ex. 31. Paraphrase the following sentences using may (might). 1. Perhaps the tide will come in very soon. Look out! 2. Perhaps the problem was too difficult for them. 3. Try this medicine, perhaps it will cure you. 4. I had better take my raincoat, perhaps it will rain. 5. Why didn’t you remind Ann of her promise? It is possible that she forgot all about it. 6. Perhaps you are right, but I am not sure you are. 7. It is possible we live in the same street, but I doubt whether I have seen him before. 8. Perhaps she was proud of her daughter, but she never showed it to her neighbours. 9. It is possible your letter has never reached him, otherwise he would have answered it immediately. 10. Perhaps they tried to get in touch with us, but failed. 11. It is possible you got into the wrong carriage, that’s why you did not find your friend there. 12. Perhaps they will arrive here by the next train. Ex. 32. Paraphrase the following sentences using may (might). 1. Perhaps, you changed at the wrong station, that’s why it took you so long to get here. 2. Perhaps, he has already arrived, let’s go and find out. 3. Perhaps it was true, I am not sure. 4. It is possible that they have refused to help you. 5. Perhaps they knew everything about it. 6. Perhaps the driver got a fright. 7. Perhaps the lorry overturned while going round the bend. 8. Perhaps they have already left. 9. Perhaps the performance was over as many people were leaving the theatre. 10. Perhaps it was all prepared beforehand. 11. Perhaps this old man is your brother. 12. Perhaps the message was delivered in time as we received an immediate answer. 23
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Ex. 33. Read the given situations and answer the questions using may, might. 1. My sister is going to get married to an Indian doctor next weekend and they are going to move to New Delhi. I am worried about my sister because she has never been abroad before. What kind of problems can be expected? 2. Kevin has entered university this year. He has started living in the dormitory and has to share his room with other students. What kind of problems can he be faced with? 3. Ann is invited to the birthday party where she is going to meet her ex-boyfriend. What may come of it? Ex. 34. Reprimand your friend by using the modal verb might: a) for being late for the performance; b) for not persevering in what he was trying to do until he succeeded; c) for not being in accordance with his words; d) for complaining very much; e) for not checking up on all the details first; f) for not making a decision at once. Exercise 35. Translate the sentences into English using may, might. 1. Уже поздно, не звони им. Может быть, они спят. 2. Он спросил меня, могу ли я дать ему ответ немедленно. 3. Может быть, магазины сегодня закрыты. Ведь сегодня праздничный день. 4. Возможно, это ее рук дело. У нее есть мотив. 5. Нельзя пользоваться бассейном после 23 часов. 6. Позвони ему в среду. Он, возможно, уже приготовит доклад. 7. Босс мог бы сообщить заранее о сокращении зарплаты. 8. Им позволили пересдать экзамен. 9. Я мог бы поступить в медицинский институт, но мои родители были против. 10. Лучше позвони ей. Возможно, она не слышала новости. 11. Можешь не приходить так рано завтра. Ex. 36. Translate into English. 1. Ты могла оставить сумку в кафе. 2. Она может знать его адрес. 3. Его может не быть дома. 4. Вы можете 24
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опоздать на поезд. 5. Книга может быть уже распродана. 6. Там все же может быть такси. 7. А вдруг она знает его телефон. 8. Вы могли ошибиться. 9. Более удивительные вещи могут случаться. 10. Ты можешь его там встретить. 11. Можете не отвечать на этот вопрос, если не хотите. 12. Вы могли бы дать мне об этом знать заранее. 13. Нам можно пользоваться словарем? — Нет, нельзя. 14. Возможно, он и знает обо всем, да не желает нам сказать. 15. Возможно, они все еще сдают экзамен. 16. Почему Кати еще нет? — Она, возможно, придет позже. — Она могла бы предупредить нас о том, что она опаздывает. 17. Я уже целый час ищу свою записную книжку. Не может быть, чтобы я ее потерял. — Возможно, ты оставил ее у телефонаавтомата. Я видел, как ты вынимал ее. — Ты мог бы давно уже сказать мне об этом. 18. Не беспокойся! Они не опоздают. Возможно, они уже едут сюда и будут здесь через несколько минут. 19. Брат сказал, что не поедет кататься на лыжах. Но может быть, он передумал. Ex. 37. Translate into English. Give two variants where possible. 1. Можно, я вас подожду? 2. Ему нельзя идти с нами кататься на коньках. 3. Ты мог бы подумать, прежде чем отвечать. 4. Можно, я помогу вам? 5. А теперь, дети, можете идти играть в сад. 6. Можно мне взять вашу газету на минутку? 7. К сожалению, здесь ждать нельзя. 8. Ты бы, по крайней мере, позвонила, что не приедешь. 9. В диктанте много ошибок. Вы могли бы быть повнимательней. 10. Можно мне выйти? 11. Ты мог бы, по крайней мере, посоветоваться с учителем! 12. Почему он не пришел? — Он, может быть, не получил вашего письма. 13. Вы, может быть, найдете эту книгу в библиотеке; они, возможно, получили несколько экземпляров. 14. Почему он не позвонил мне вчера? — Он, может быть, потерял номер вашего телефона. 15. Почему он не отвечает? — Он, может быть, не расслышал вашего вопроса, повторите ваш вопрос 25
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немного громче. 16. Почему она не пришла? — Может быть, она передумала. Ex. 38. Note the use of the verb may in these sentences expressing wishes and hopes. Give their Russian equivalents. 1. May you be happy! 2. May you be successful! 3. May you live to see this happy day! 4. May you live to repent it! 5. May he rest in peace! 6. May damnation take him! 7. May success attend you! 8. Long may he live! 9. Much good may it do to him! 10. May there never be another world war! 11. May you both be happy! Ex. 39. Translate the following sentences into English using the previous exercise as a key. 1. Да сопутствует вам счастье! 2. Пусть никогда не будет новой войны! 3. Да будет его жизнь долгой! 4. Желаю вам обоим счастья! 5. Мир праху его! 6. Желаю вам дожить до этого счастливого дня! 7. Желаю вам здравствовать долгие годы! 8. Пусть это принесет ему много хорошего! 9. Вы еще об этом пожалеете! 10. Будь он проклят! 11. Желаю вам успехов! Ex. 40. Memorize the following proverbs. Give their Russian equivalents. Make up stories to illustrate them. 1. A cat may look at a king. 2. He who peeps through a hole may see what will vex him. 26
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3. The remedy may be worse than the disease. 4. If you don’t like it you may lump it. 5. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. 6. A fair face may hide a foul heart. 7. Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. 8. Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm. 9. Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. 10. A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose. 11. A fool may give a wise man counsel. 12. Men/friends may meet, but mountains never (greet). 13. A stumble may prevent a fall. 14. One man may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge. 15. At the end of the work you may judge the workman. 16. Little bodies may have great souls. Revision of Can, May Ex. 41. Fill in the blanks with can or may in the correct form. 1. I don’t think you … tell anyone else. 2. He … come if you ask him. 3. Nick … have forgotten about the meeting. 4. The President … not have made such a statement. 5. Ann had a cold yesterday. She … still be ill. 6. This is a matter on which Albert … have something to say. 7. Christine explained her original idea that oxygen … be needed. 8. He simply … not stop telling lies. 9. While they were waiting they … hear the sharks threshing around in the water below them. 10. But how … it possibly have grown so quickly? 11. It was a great solid mass of water that … have been a lake or a whole ocean. 12. … I see you to-night? 13. … I find you there to-night? 14. You … read this article. You have knowledge enough. 15. You ... take this book; I don’t need it. 16. … I be of any service to you? 17. You … avail yourself of my services. 18. What … he 27
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want here? 19. “What... have made them so late?” “Something ... have happened to the car.” Ex. 42. Complete the following sentences with can, could, may, might. 1. Well, if there is nothing I … do I … just as well go back to bed. 2. Mike … have posted the letter. 3. You … not help being impressed by his dexterity. 4. He … be playing chess. 5. That … not be helped. 6. How … you expect people to be moral when they wear nothing but a strip of red cotton round their loins. 7. She … not have written that book unless she hated him. 8. We … want to search his luggage. 9. A father won’t let his children get into trouble if he … help it. 10. I don’t know if we … make a reduction. 11. I wonder if we ... wear walking shoes in here. 12. Shy though he … be, Ashenden was not going to give in to this sort of thing with complete tameness.13. He … not understand how a husband … stand by and see his wife in another man’s arms. 14. She … have paid by credit card but she used cash. 15. There … be life on Mars. 16. I … have gone to drama school, but my parents wouldn’t let me. Ex. 43. Express doubt about the statements made in the following sentences. Make the doubt stronger by using more and more emphatic expressions. MODEL They spent part of the summer here. They may have spent — . They might have spent — . Can they have spent — ? They can’t have spent — . 1. In the end Joe took the job. 2. She is very particular about such things. 3. He is lying in wait for you downstairs. 4. They think much of her. 5. Someone broke that lock. 6. He sent her some flowers. 7. He tells her all that happens at the office. 8. He helps the child with his lessons. Ex. 44. Paraphrase the following sentences, using the modal verbs can or may in the correct form. 28
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1. It is impossible that he has broken his promise. 2. Perhaps you forgot to wind the watch. 3. I think he will be able to do your work in case you don’t come. 4. Is it in your power to change the decision? 5. Most probably she did not recognise you, otherwise she would have greeted you. 6. Perhaps I shall have to take him to hospital; it is possible that he has broken him wrist. 7. Why blame her? Maybe she did not know it was so urgent. 8. It is impossible that she has wrongly interpreted your words. 9. I suppose they were unable to get in touch with you. 10. Would you mind my smoking here? Ex. 45. Translate into English. 1. Ты мог бы и уступить ребенку! 2. С кем бы это я мог говорить по телефону? 3. Похоже, что мы опоздаем. 4. Вы можете встретить это выражение в любой книге. 5. Я ничего не могу поделать! Она выводит меня из себя. 6. Вы смогли бы закончить работу, если бы попытались. 7. Если бы вы выехали на десять минут позже, вы могли бы опоздать на поезд. 8. Как вы неосторожны! Вы могли сломать ногу. 9. Если бы не ваша травма, вы могли бы вы играть. 10. Еще одна минута, и ребенок мог бы попасть под трамвай. 11. Если бы вы предупредили меня о его отъезде, я, может быть, пошел бы (мог бы пойти) проводить его. 12. Возможно, он и знал обо всем, но не показывал вида. 13. Может быть, об этом и не говорилось открыто, но всем все уже было известно. 14. Магазины могут быть закрыты в воскресенье. Ex. 46. Translate into English. 1. Неужели идет дождь? А я не взяла с собой зонтик. 2. Может быть, он не будет на тебя сердиться за то, что ты не выполнила обещание. Он ведь добрый! 3. Не может быть, чтобы Джон сделал так много ошибок в диктанте: он пишет грамотно. 4. Возможно, он не достал билета на самолет. Может быть, он приедет завтра поездом. 5. Не может быть, чтобы им понравился такой примитивный фильм. 29
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6. Неужели она все еще готовит обед? 7. Возможно, они говорили так тихо, потому что не хотели разбудить ребенка. 8. Неужели они отказались от вашего предложения? 9. Возможно, они проведут все лето в горах. 10. Неужели они не подождали вас? Мы этого от них не ожидали. 11. Может быть, Дуглас уже пришел с работы. Давай позвоним ему. 12. Не может быть, чтобы студенты сделали упражнение неправильно. 13. Может быть, у него какоето дело в нашем городе и он приехал сюда на несколько дней. 14. Может быть, м-р Блейк еще не спит: сейчас всего десять часов. 15. Вы могли бы посмотреть новые слова в словаре. У вас было много времени. 16. Нельзя выносить книги из читального зала. 17. Посетителям нельзя кормить животных в зоопарке. 18. Вы можете задавать мне столько вопросов, сколько хотите, я на все отвечу. 19. Можно нам прийти на час позже? — К сожалению, нельзя. MUST The modal verb must has only one form. Must can express the following meanings: 1. Duty, obligation, necessity. E.g. All applicants must fill in this form. Must he do it himself? Obligations expressed by must refer to the present or future but in reported speech they may refer to the past: E.g. She said she must invite her friend to dinner. NOTE: The necessity in the past is expressed with the help of its equivalents to have and to be. E.g. She had to see a doctor. (necessity due to some circumstances) They were to meet at 5. (necessity due to a plan) The lack of necessity is expressed with the help of needn’t. E.g. Must I phone him tonight? No, you mustn’t. (It is wrong or forbidden to phone him) 30
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No, you needn’t. (It is not necessary to phone him) 2. Prohibition. E.g. You mustn’t touch the statues. 3. Probability (in affirmative sentences). In this meaning must can be followed by different forms of the infinitive. It is translated into Russian as должно быть, вероятно, очевиднo. E.g. He must be thirty. They must have missed the bus. Ex. 47. Comment on the meaning of the verb must. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. I suppose one must be serious sometimes. 2. It must be seven. 3. Pete, you are horrible! You mustn’t say these dreadful things. 4. Nothing must be done in a hurry. 5. You and I are friends, Nick, and we must always remain so. 6. I’ve always thought he must be quite clever in his way. 7. I must be getting sentimental. 8. “I am afraid I must be going,” he murmured. 9. You mustn’t say that, you mustn’t think that. 10. He looked sixty, but I knew he must be much less than that. 11. She must be found and brought here at once. 12. Her life must have been very unhappy. 13. “You mustn’t talk so much,” the doctor said. 14. She must have been a very stupid woman. 15. You must be telling another lie. Probability smb
do sth be doing sth have done sth have been doing
Ex. 48. Paraphrase the following sentences using must to denote probability. Use the indefinite infinitive when speaking about the present, the perfect infinitive when speaking about the past. 31
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MODEL 1. Of course, he is fond of dancing. — He must be fond of dancing. 2. Certainly, she knew that something was wrong. — She must have known that something was wrong. 1. No doubt, she likes sweets. 2. Probably, he missed the train. 3. Of course, she has changed her mind. 4. Probably, they wanted to find a short cut through the forest. 5. They are certain to be looking for you. 6. Apparently she was trying to make up her mind about it. 7. He is sure to be sleeping now. 8. Of course, she speaks French fluently. 9. She is certain have visited France. 10. Probably, they are serious. 11. There is little doubt that the first experiment failed. 11. No doubt, Ann caught the early train. 12. I’m sure she has lost your address. 13. There is little doubt that they have taken the wrong turning. 14. Probably, he was taken there by car. Ex. 49. Make up sentences according to the model. MODEL The door’s open! (leave) — Peter must have left it open. The library books have disappeared. (take back to the library) — Peter must have taken them back to the library. 1. My torch isn’t here! (borrow) 2. The plates are all clean! (wash up) 3. What are all these books doing here? (leave) 4. The teapot is in pieces! (drop) 5. How shiny the furniture looks! (polish) 6. The steps are unusually clean! (sweep) 7. There are some sandwiches on the kitchen table! (make) 8. I’ve turned the key but the door won’t open! (bolt) 9. There are no biscuits left! (eat) 10. And there’s no whisky left! (drink) 11. The place is full of empty bottles! (have a party) 12. The car is in a terrible state! (drive into a wall) 13. The clock is going again! (wind) 14. There’s blood all over the kitchen floor! (cut himself) 15. The bath’s overflowing! (leave the tap on) 16. Where have the curtain gone to? (take down) 17. There’s a new poster on the wall! (put up). 32
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Ex. 50. Rewrite the sentences using must. 1. I am sure he has got all he needed. 2. The boy was evidently reading something funny. He was smiling all the time. 3. I shan’t bother you any longer; no doubt you are tired of my talking. 4. It was clear the family were expecting some guests: the mother was tidying up the rooms. 5. She was probably upset by something. 6. He surely did not find out the real reason for their silence. 7. The air was damp, and it was getting dark. Probably it was rather late already. 8. You are too poorly dressed for a frosty day. I am almost sure you feel cold. 9. Where is the 9th form now? — They at the stadium. I am sure they are having their lesson of PE in the open. 10. She has probably worked very hard to win the scholarship. 11. He is a very experienced worker. I am sure he has been working in the plant for some years. 12. Look! There is light in Mary’s windows. I feel sure she is at home. 13. The Browns have never been early rises. I am sure they are still sleeping. 14. Probably they have changed the program. The pianist is playing a piece which hasn’t been announced. Ex. 51. Rewrite the sentences using must. 1. It is probably a very complicated machine. 2. I am sure it is pleasant to live in such beautiful surroundings. 3. You have probably heard the story before. 4. I feel sure there is a bend in the road right ahead of us. 5. These ancient buildings were probably erected about five hundred years ago. 6. Probably that tower on the cliff is a lighthouse. 7. Probably you left your bathing things on the beach. 8. You look so pale and work out. Probably you are tired. 9. I’m sure you are hungry, you’ve had nothing to eat but a sandwich since morning. 10. I am sure it’s a delightful place, especially in summer. 11. I am sure they knew everything about it. 12. My students are certainly at a lecture now. 13. What wretched weather! You are wet to the skin, I am sure. 14. Probably you have been travelling for a month already. 15. I am sure you have heard the news. 33
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Ex. 52. Use the verb must with the proper form of the infinitive. 1. “You must (to be) right,” I said. 2. They must (to hear) that the fellow was in London. 3. I must (to sit) there for a quarter of an hour waiting and thinking about it before I saw the letter. 4. He took us round the yacht. There was no doubt that it must (to cost) him a lot of money. 5. At half past two I heard Mike put down the book and switch out the light. He must (to read) since midnight. 6. “I must (to get) old,” she said. 7. There were a lot of mirrors that must (to buy) at the sale of some old restaurant. 8. They must (to forget) my address. 9. Poor animal! How it must (to suffer). 10. Haven’t you finished your work yet? You must (to work) for more than an hour. 11. Where is Ann? — She must (to work) in the next room. 12. Is he in? — He was in 10 minutes ago, but he must (to leave). Ex.53. Use the verb must with the proper form of the infinitive. 1. Your whole future is concerned: you must (to decide) for yourself. 2. Mary must (to put on) her new dress: I don’t see it in the wardrobe. 3. Peter spent his holiday in Brighton; that’s where he must (to meet) Barbara. 4. The four o’clock bus must (to fail to arrive) on time; otherwise they would already be here. 5. They must (to discuss) something important when I came. 6. He must (to leave) the town; I haven’t seen him of late. 7. I have heard you are staying in this hotel and I said to myself: I must (to look) him up. 8. Henry was so gloomy that I thought he must (to fail) his exam. 9. Judging by his paleness he must (to work) too hard now. 10. We must (to ride) in the bus for more than half an hour, and we haven’t reached even the suburbs. 11. He must (to live) next door to us for more than a decade, but we only have a nodding acquaintance with him. 12. “People must (to know) things. I consider it my duty to tell them,” said Caroline. 13. You must (to forget) that she married very early. 14. I am sure you must (to know) why he did it. Tell me, I want to know all. 15. Sally must (to talk) on the telephone 34
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with a friend. Go on in. She’ll be pleased to see you. 16. They must (to have) a holiday for a week now. NOTE: Must can not be used to express probability about a negative or a future action. In such cases we use the modal word probably. There are several other ways of expressing the negative meaning: You must have misunderstood me. They must have been inattentive. He must have failed to recognize you. He must have had no chance to warn you. The letter must have never reached them. The letter must have been left unanswered. No one must have seen him there. He must be quite unaware of the circumstances. Probably, he didn’t tell her about it. Ex. 54. Make the following sentences opposite in meaning using the words given below. 1. He must be very competent in economics. 2. Brian must have been very experienced in mountaineering. 3. They must have realized the danger. 4. The lawyer must have found the clue to the crime. 5. The committee must have been informed of the coming changes. 6. Everybody must have done the wrong thing. 7. He must have done something about it, I can see some changes in the design. 8. The fax must have reached him at last. 9. The doctor must have read my mind. 10. The detective must have understood the policeman’s words. 11. The poor thing must have been aware of it all the time. 12. The parents must have been quite conscious of the child’s strange ways. 13. The landlady must have been very careful in choosing the tenants. 14. She must have loved him all her life. to fail, to misinform, to be incompetent, no, to misunderstand, to be inexperienced, to be unaware, to be unconscious, to be careless, to dislike 35
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Ex. 55. Translate into English using the verb must. 1. Она, должно быть, ждет нас в университете. 2. Она должна ждать нас в университете. 3. Он, должно быть, живет на юге. 4. Она, должно быть, гостит у своих друзей, так как она писала, что проведет свой отпуск у них. 5. Они, должно быть, ждут меня, а я никак не могу дать им знать о себе. 6. Он, по всей вероятности, забыл, что обещал прийти. 7. Они, наверное, пишут сочинение и скоро должны закончить. 8. Вероятно, вы уже догадались, что я об этом думаю. 9. Они, должно быть, сейчас готовятся к экзаменам. 10. Она, должно быть, уже месяца два работает медсестрой. 11. Я не видел Аню, но я знал, что она, вероятно, ждет меня где-то здесь. 12. Я подождал с полчаса, и когда я уже думал, что-то, должно быть, случилось с Катей, она приехала на такси. 13. «Я должен для него что-нибудь сделать», — подумал Джон. 14. Вы, наверняка, ничего не знали об этом. Ex. 56. Translate into English. Нужно ли нам сдавать сочинение сегодня? — Нет, не нужно. Вы можете сдать его завтра. 2. Мне нужно подстричься и купить что-нибудь на ужин. 3. «Не уходите. Я должна угостить вас яблочным пирогом», — сказала м-с Смит. 4. Он, должно быть, не слышал, как в дверь позвонили. 5. Вы, вероятно, спали, когда это произошло. 6. Она, должно быть, задремала и не видела, как он вошел в дом. 7. Очевидно, Генри готовится к вступительным экзаменам в университет. 8. Мальчики, должно быть, играют в футбол с утра. 9. Вероятно, он удивился, увидев ее у Паркеров. 10. Сегодня я должен идти к зубному врачу: мне нужно запломбировать зуб. 11. Очевидно, они вас ждут у входа. 12. Наверное, спектакль будет отменен, так как актриса, играющая главную роль, заболела. 13. Он, должно быть, засомневался в правдивости ее слов, так как начал задавать ей вопросы. 14. Она, вероятно, не увидела его в толпе и поэтому не ответила на его приветствие. 15. Он, 36
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должно быть, недоволен результатами эксперимента. 16. Мы должны назначить день и время для собрания. 17. Очевидно, вопрос будет решен завтра. 8. Должно быть, он болен: посмотрите, какой он бледный. 19. Несчастный случай, вероятно, произошел около девяти часов вечера. 20. Наверное, вас неправильно поняли. 21. Это выражение, должно быть, ей незнакомо. Дайте ей словарь. 22. Спросите Сэма — он должен знать все. 23. Вы должны взять себя в руки и ответить на вопрос. 24. Должно быть, они не достали билеты на самолет и поедут поездом. 25. Вероятно, он не согласился с Джорджем, и поэтому они поссорились. Ex. 57. Note the use of the verb must in the following proverbs. Explain and memorize them. 1. Beggars must be no choosers. 2. He that is afraid of wounds must not come near a battle. 3. He that dares not venture must not complain of ill-luck. 4. The bull must be taken by the horns. 5. The longest day must have an end. 6. Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies (cures). 7. A door must be either shut or open. 8. Every flow must have its ebb. 9. You must grin and bear it. 10. One must draw the line somewhere. 11. Every oak must be an acorn. 12. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. 13. As you brew, so must you drink. 14. If you dance you must pay the fiddler. 15. If Mohammed won’t come to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed. 16. One must draw back in order to leap better. 17. What must be must be.
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Revision of Can, May, Must. Ex. 58. Rewrite the given sentences using can, may, must. 1. Probably that tower on the hill is an old palace. 2. I don’t believe I lost my ticket, it was here a minute ago. 3. Perhaps you lost your way. 4. Probably you left your things on the bench in the park. 5. I don’t believe they will postpone such an important meeting. 6. You look so pale and work out. Probably you overworked yourself. 7. I don’t believe this medicine is a good cure for the flu. 8. I am sure you are hungry, you’ve had nothing to eat but some porridge since morning. 9. Perhaps the car overturned going round the bend. 10. I am sure it’s a delightful place, especially in summer. 11. Perhaps you are right. 12. I don’t believe he did it all by himself. 13. It is possible that he forgot his bag in the car. 14. Most probably he did not see you, otherwise he would have come up to you. Ex. 59. Fill in the blanks with can, may, must. 1. I don’t believe her. She ... not have failed to recognize me. 2. He ... have understood us, for he nodded his head. 3. You ... not have seen him at the meeting. He was ill. 4. Perhaps in time I ... have learnt to act but I married and left the stage. 5. How ... the man be such a hypocrite? 6. You ... pay more attention to your spelling. It’s very faulty. 7. The book ... be mine. My name is on it. 8. They ... have taken all the necessary steps but I am not quite sure. 9. Look into the canteen. He ... be having a snack there now. 10. ... I use your books for a while? 11. Buy this dictionary. You ... want it one day. 12. It was a very popular song at the time. You ... hear it everywhere. 13. You ... get out of this place as soon as possible. Ex. 60. Fill in the blanks with can, may, must. 1. “Will you know where to go?” “Yes, thank you. I ... always ask my brother.” 2. What … he have meant when he said it? He hesitated and said, “I ... go to South America. As a 38
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tea planter.” I said, “I ... be wrong, Pete, but I don’t think they grow tea in South America.” 4. “I’d give anything to meet that fellow.” “We … see what … be done.” 5. You … hardly have been more surprised than I was. 6. The old man cupped his ear in his palm. “I think I … be getting deaf. I … not hear you.” 7. It’s a most interesting story. He … not possibly have invented it. 8. You have told him something. 9. I admire your mother’s looks. She … have been a lovely girl. 10. The apples are very good. You … eat them all. 11. My wife … leave the hospital in a few days. 12. I’m trying to think where he … have gone. 13. “I don’t know why he did it.” “It … have amused him.” 14. The man danced very well. “He … have spent hours taking lessons,” Jack thought. 15. You … never tell, everything … turn out quite all right. Ex. 61. Pay attention to the negative meaning of the verbs must and can. Translate sentences into Russian. 1. You must have misunderstood him. 2. You can’t have understood him. 3. She must have failed to understand the rule. 4. The telegram can’t have failed to reach them. 5. The telegram must have reached them. 6. They can’t have had much opportunity of warning you. 7. They must have had little opportunity of warning you. 8. He must have entered the hall unseen. 9. Nobody can have seen him enter the hall. 10. He can’t have answered the letter. 11. He must have left the letter unanswered. Ex. 62. Discuss possible explanations for the situations. Then come to a conclusion. Use your imagination. MODEL You’ve been calling your sister on the phone for three days. No one has answered. A: She might be at the library. She always studies hard for her exams. B: I don’t think so. She’s already finished her exams. A: You may have the wrong number. 39
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B: I can’t have the wrong number. This is the number I always call. I think she’s been on vocation this week. A: Then she must be away. 1. You are in the street. You have asked a woman three times for the time. She hasn’t answered. 2. You are going to dinner with a good friend. He hardly says a word all evening. 3. You went on a picnic in the park. You ate berries. Now you are sneezing and your eyes are watering. 4. You are at a party, and no one is talking to you. 5. You enter the garage and see that your car has been dented. 6. You can’t find your keys in the bag. Ex. 63. Translate into English using the verb must, may. 1. Это, очевидно, очень древняя церковь. Должно быть, она построена в XIII веке. 2. Надо спешить: мы можем опоздать на концерт. 3. Она такая бледная. Очевидно, она была больна. 4. Там, в твоей книжке было какое-то письмо. Ты, наверное, забыл его. 5. «А, это ты!» — сказал он, взглянув с удивлением. Он, должно быть, забыл, как меня зовут. 6. Юные пассажиры были немного взволнованы. Вероятно, они впервые ехали морем. 7. Он говорил очень хорошо, его речь, надо полагать, произвела большое впечатление на слушателей. 8. Он искал билет в карманах, но ничего не находил. Должно быть, он забыл его дома. 9. Эта книга, очевидно, пользуется большим успехом у читателей. Она выходит в пятый раз. 10. Вам, должно быть, уже сообщили о том, что расписание будет изменено. 11. Он, надо полагать, узнал меня сразу, хотя мы не виделись много лет. 12. Вы, вероятно, располагаете большим количеством свободного времени: вы все делаете очень медленно. Ex. 64. Translate into English using the modal verbs can, may or must. 1. Я не могу уйти, не расплатившись. 2. Скажи ему, что он мог бы быть более внимательным к своим старым 40
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друзьям. 3. Вы можете встретить это выражение в любой книге. 4. Я думаю, что вы сможете уговорить его, если вы попытаетесь. 5. Я смогу написать им завтра. 6. Она, должно быть, серьезно больна. 7. Мне нужно переписать всю работу или я могу исправить только ошибки? 8. Ты смог закончить работу? 9. Где бы она могла хранить документы? 10. Должно быть, она тебе не поверила. 11. Я могла бы переплыть речку, если бы вода была теплее. 12. Не может быть, чтобы вы ошиблись. 13. Он, возможно, был там вчера. 14. Он, по всей вероятности, был там вчера. 15. Не ужели вы ошиблись? 16. Не может быть, чтобы он был там вчера. 17. Вы, вероятно, ошиблись. 18. Вы, должно быть, ошибаетесь. Ex. 65. Translate into English using the modal verbs can, may or must. 1. Можете не отвечать на этот вопрос, если не хотите. 2. Право же, вы могли бы дать мне об этом знать заранее. 3. Вы врач, и вам следует знать симптомы этой болезни. 4. Нам можно пользоваться словарями? — Нет, нельзя. 5. Ваши часы, должно быть, спешат. 6. Официант, должно быть, неправильно понял иностранца и принес не то блюдо. 7. Не может быть, чтобы он подвел нас. 8. Разве мог кто-нибудь подумать, что эта команда выиграет? 9. Он давно у нас не был. Ему, вероятно, не сказали, что мы уже в Москве. 10. Они, должно быть, не опоздали на поезд. Иначе они бы уже вернулись. 11. Их, очевидно, неправильно информировали. 12. Не могли бы вы дать мне консультацию сегодня? 13. Неужели вы им поверили? Они, очевидно, пошутили над вами. 14. Вы бы лучше послали ему письмо: он может не догадаться, что вас задерживают дела, и будет волноваться. 15. Не мог бы я попросить вас зайти ко мне немного позже?
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TO HAVE As a modal verb to have is not a defective verb. It can have the category of person and number and all tense-aspect forms as well as verbals. It is followed by a to-Infinitive. The modal verb to have has three tense forms: The Present Indefinite, The Past Indefinite and the Future Indefinite. It expresses necessity due to circumstances with the reference to the present, past or future. It corresponds to the Russian приходится, вынужден. E.g. You have to get a visa to visit Great Britain. I’ll have to get up early tomorrow morning. He had to stay in bed yesterday because he wasn’t very well. The interrogative and negative forms of the modal verb to have are built up with the help of the auxiliary verb to do. E.g. Do I have to do this? They didn’t have to tell me what had happened. Have you had to walk all that distance? NOTE: To have got has the same meaning as to have. It is more usual in spoken English especially in the negative and interrogative forms: E.g. Have you got to get up early tomorrow morning? Ex. 66. Analyse the meaning of the verb to have. State whether it is modal, auxiliary or notional. 1. King Lear had three daughters. 2. Have a look at the picture. I think it is a Repin. 3. I have to answer many letters. 4. I have some information to pass on to you. 5. During our trip we had an accident in which I had my leg badly hurt. 6. I’ll have him come at six o’clock if that suits you. 7 He has just come from abroad. 8. You will have to leave at six to catch the train. 9. Is that all you have to say to me? 10. There are two kinds of speeches: there is the speech which a man makes when he has something to say, and the speech when he has to say something. 42
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Ex. 67. Make questions with have to. 1. I just had to see the governor. — Who ...? 2. She has to go to London on Monday. — When …? 3. They will have to stay here for a month. — How long ...? 4. We had to pay to get to the concert. — How much ...? 5. You have to sign your name at the bottom of the page. — Where ...? 6. I had to ask my parents for more money. — Whom ...? 7. You will have to come back at three o’clock. — What time ...? 8. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. — When ...? 9. She has to go there twice a week. — How often ...? 10. They had to hire a taxi. — Why...? 11. You will have to give me an answer as quickly as possible. — What ...? Ex. 68. Write sentences using the given clues and had to. 1. yesterday / run over a cat / I / take to the vet. 2. stop at the garage / buy some petrol. 3. you / write a report / last term? 4. I / drink 2 litres of water / before an ultrasound scan / last week. 5. Sorry / I / late / take the children from school. Ex. 69. Complete the sentences according to the model. MODEL I missed the last bus. — I missed the last bus and I had to walk home. 1. There were no seats on the train. 2. There were no porters at the station. 3. I lost my dictionary. 4. I couldn’t find a hotel. 5. We didn’t know the way. 6. I had no cash on me. 7. I had forgotten his number. 8. When I got to the door, I found that I had lost my key. 9. My phone wasn’t working. 10. Our life was out of order. 11. He had a puncture. 12. The lights went out during dinner. 13. I didn’t understand the document. 14. My licence was out of date. 15. We couldn’t eat the hostel meals. 16. She couldn’t hear what she was saying. 17. One of the engines failed just after take-off. 18. I couldn’t put the fire out myself. Ex. 70. Make a list of your tasks for the week. Say what you still have to do and what you don’t have to do because you have already done it. 43
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Ex. 71. Translate into English using to have. 1. Вход в музей бесплатный. Тебе не придется ничего платить. 2. Мне пришлось напомнить ему несколько раз, чтобы он вернул мне книгу. 3. Ему не нужно готовить, он ест в кафе. 4. Мне приходится ходить в очках, так как у меня плохое зрение. 5. Возможно, тебе придется лечь в больницу. 6. Лифт в здании не работал, и нам пришлось подниматься пешком. 7. На вокзале не было носильщиков, и мне пришлось нести багаж самому. 8. Оказалось, что я сел не на тот автобус, и мне пришлось делать пересадку. 9. Тебе приходилось работать по ночам, не так ли? 10. Мы были вынуждены рассказать родителям о наших приключениях. 11. Я хорошо тебя слышу. Не надо кричать. 12. Если ты хочешь жить полноценной жизнью, тебе придется жениться. 13. Нас не нужно представлять друг другу, мы уже знакомы. Revision of Must, to Have Ex. 72. Translate into Russian. 1. He must speak to her. 2. He had to speak to her. 3. He must be speaking to her. 4. You must try to get in touch with her. 5. He must be the brightest student in this group. 6. If they want to win, they must work more. 7. She had to work more because she missed so many classes. 8. She must have worked hard. She has made progress. 9. They must be quarrelling. 10. What must they think of me? Ex. 73. Fill in the blanks with must or had (to). 1. He ... get up early because he didn’t want to be late. 2. Martin knew that he ... stand up to be introduced. 3. His wife kept telling him that he ... not sit up so late. 4. The doctor told him he … give up smoking, as it might be ruinous to his lungs. 5. The father said to the children that they ... be careful while crossing the street. 6. The bus was not going that direction, so 44
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he ... change. 7. It was not that the work ... be finished soon, but we ourselves wanted to be through with it as soon as possible. 8. I had no special desire to do it, but as I felt it ... be done this way or another, I started on it, though reluctantly. 9. I saw that I ... speak louder to make myself heard. 10. Telling himself that he ... control himself, he did not answer anything. Ex. 74. Translate into English. 1. Мы должны навестить больного друга. 2. Она, должно быть, навещает друга. 3. Небо было пасмурное, и мне пришлось взять зонтик. 4. Должно быть, она оставила зонт в автобусе. 5. Ник должен был пересесть на автобус. 6. Ник, должно быть, пересел на автобус. 7. Вы должны повторить пройденный материал. 8. Должно быть, они повторяют пройденный материал. 9. Кому пришлось мыть посуду? 10. Она, должно быть, моет посуду. 11. Она, должно быть, уже помыла посуду. TO BE То be as a modal verb has two tenses: the Present and Past Indefinite. It expresses the following meanings: 1. Necessity due to a plan or some kind of previous arrangement. It corresponds to the Russian должен, должен был. E.g. He is to come at exactly five. She was to phone after dinner. NOTE: A perfect infinitive after the verb to be shows that the action had been planned but wasn’t carried out. E.g. He was to have come at seven and now it’s already nine. (He didn’t come) 2. Strict orders, formal commands or formal instructions. E.g. You are to report to the Captain. 3. Strict prohibitions. It corresponds to the Russian не должен, не смей. 45
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E.g. You are not to tell anybody about it. 4. Something that is destined to happen. It corresponds to the Russian суждено, предстоит. E.g. It was to happen. She was to become his wife. If we are to be neighbours for life, we should be on friendly terms. — Если нам предстоит всю жизнь быть соседями, нам следует быть в дружеских отношениях. 5. Asking for instructions. E.g. What are we to do? — Что нам делать? Where am I to go? — Куда же мне идти? 6. Possibility. It is very close to can and may. E.g. Where is he to be found. — Где его можно найти? Nothing was to be done. — Ничего невозможно было сделать. Ex. 75. Comment on the meaning of to be in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. We are to see her tonight, if that boy doesn’t forget his appointment. 2. We were to have gone away together this morning at dawn. 3. She reminded him that they were to meet at eight fifteen that evening. 4. Where am I to turn? 5. Jane was to go home with her sister. 6. Some of them were to dine with us the next day. 7. They reached the hotel where they were to stay for a few days. 8. They drew near the appointed place where the rest of the party were to meet them. 9. You must know how milking is to be done. 10. He is a strange person, I admit, but it does not mean that he is to be laughed at. 11. What we are to talk about next. I cannot imagine. 12. This time he is not in the least to blame. 13. He reminded her of what she was to expect in her new position. 14. No excellence in music is to be acquired without constant practice. 15. “If we are to guide our guests about the town, we have at least to do it competently,” Nina said. Ex. 76. State whether to be is a modal verb, a link verb, an auxiliary verb or a notional verb. 46
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1. His plan was to drive straight up to the house. 2. She said that mother was awake and was delighted to hear that Martha had come to see her. 3. Bosinney was waiting for him at the door, and on his rugged, goodlooking face was a queer, yearning, yet happy look. 4. ‘When are you to be married?’ asked Miss Ley, after a pause. 5. My advice, Shirl, is to stay away from the law. 6. No one else is to be admitted, under any circumstances. 7. Mrs. Bramwell prided herself upon being a hostess … and her idea of “making things go” was to talk and laugh a great deal. 8. The entire sum of money is to be converted to bank notes of small denomination. 9. I was silent. My sympathy was too acute to be put into words. 10. How many times am I to go over all this? 11. ‘Is Mrs. Franklin interested in her husband’s work?’ I asked. 12. He knew that, whatever he pretended to himself, there was only one thing to do and that was to follow her. Necessity due to a plan smb
to be
to do to have done
Ex. 77. Show that the planned action was not carried out. MODEL He was to leave that night. He was to have left that night but he missed the train. 1. He was to make many friends in literary circles. 2. He was to write a review to his fellow writer’s book. 3. He was not to criticize his friend’s book. 4. He was to get in touch with the editor. 5. I was to be given some fish for supper. 6. We were to meet at the entrance of the theatre. 7. She was to be operated on heart. 8. I was to take the medicine three times a day before meals. 9. He was to stay in bed for a week. 10. The offensive was to begin in two days. 11. Mary and John were to marry in June. 12. My secretary was to arrange everything for our meeting. 47
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Ex. 78. Rewrite the given sentences using to be. 1. We agreed that the one who came first reserved seats for the rest of us. 2. We decided to go picnicking on Sunday but we couldn’t because of the rainy weather. 3. We were told to finish our work in a week but we could not do it. 4. He planned to get in touch with me but he failed as his telephone was out of order. 5. Nobody met me at the station. I promised to arrive a day later but could not warn any of my friends. 6. She said that she would make the dress next day. 7. They asked us to leave on Monday but we had to book tickets for Wednesday. 8. The principal said it was my duty to arrange the meeting. Ex. 79. Make up sentences according to the model. MODEL Did you borrow a car? — No. We were to have borrowed a car but the plan fell through. Did you ... 1. camp on the beach 2. hire a boat? 3. visit the island? 4. anchor in the bay? 5. explore the caves? 6. bathe by moonlight? 7. spend a week there? 8. make a film of the seabirds? 9. swim before breakfast? 10. get up at dawn? 11. climb the cliffs? 12. search for the sunken treasure-ship? 13. take photographs under water? 14. have sing-songs round the camp fire? 15. invite everyone to a barbecue? Ex. 80. Translate using to be. 1. Маргарет должна приехать завтра. Она сообщила об этом по телефону. 2. Нам было суждено встретиться ещё один раз в жизни. Это случилось через пять лет. 3. Вам надо принимать лекарство по одной чайной ложке три раза в день. 4. Вам категорически нельзя разговаривать. У Вас была операция на голосовых связках. 5. Я вглядывался в лица людей в толпе. Энтони нигде не было видно. 6. Никто не знает, чему суждено произойти в нашей жизни. 7. Вы никоим образом не должны действовать самостоятельно. Ждите инструкций. 8. Случилось то, что должно было 48
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случиться. Талант молодой певицы был замечен публикой. 9. Вы ни в коем случае не должны сообщать партнёрам о том, что мы крайне заинтересованы в этой сделке. 10. Вы непременно должны постараться наладить сотрудничество. Это задача первостепенной важности. 11. Нам предстоял нелёгкий перелёт через океан. Мы были готовы к долгому путешествию. Revision of Must, to Have, to Be Ex. 81. State in which meaning the modal verbs are used. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. You mustn’t be too disappointed, my darling, if you don’t find what you’re looking for underneath that wrapper. 2. It must have been nearly midnight before he was able to go to bed. 3. We must all try to keep very calm. 4. We mustn’t interrupt Mr Wonka. 5. Charlie Bucket? He must be that skinny little shrimp standing beside the old fellow who looks like a skeleton.6. The child only has to start screaming for a doll and she gets it! 7. By evening, the snow lay four feet deep around the tiny house, and Mr Bucket had to dig a path from the front door to the road. 8. I think you’ll have to take a taxi if you mean to catch that train. 9. Sadie Thompson was to be escorted on board by a clerk in the governor’s office. 10. And on no account are you to lay the table before twelve o’clock. 11. You must be joking.12. There’s not a moment to lose. You must start making preparations at once! Ex. 82. Insert the verb to be or to have in the necessary tense form. 1. I wondered what … to happen to us. 2. It looks like raining. You … to take your raincoats. 3. We agreed that the one who came first … to reserve seats for the rest of us. 4. Nobody met me at the airfield as I … to have arrived a day later and could not warn any of my friends of the change. 5. He always puts off doing what he … to do until it … to be done. 6. We … 49
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to leave on Monday but because of a two days’ delay with the visas we … to book tickets for Wednesday. 7. There is nothing strange in what he did. It … to be expected. 8. It was too late to change the plan, and it … to remain as it was. 9. You … not to tell him about it if you don’t want to. 10. You … not to tell him anything about it before you get further instructions. 11. They hoped to spend the summer together, but that … not to be. 12. … I to do it all by myself? 13. The headmaster arranged that the children … be taken home by bus. Ex. 83. Complete the sentences with must, to have or to be in the necessary tense form. 1. My mother is ill and I ... (call) the doctor. 2. The teacher told the pupils that they ... (work) harder. 3. I ... (work) much now because I have got behind the group. 4. Roy ... (keep) in the public eye and strive to satisfy the public taste to make his book sell. 5. He ... (expect) little or nothing of his fellow men. 6. The authors he wrote to ... (accept) his invitation to dinner. 7. Then the day саmе when I ... (go back) to school. 8. When asked why he was late, he told me that he had missed the train and ... (wait) for another one.8. Roy ... (ask) his old friends to dinner, as he has no courage to drop them. 9. That man … (slip) on the banana skin. 10. Mrs Davidson pointed out the schooner which … (take) them to Apia. 11. It’s no use going to the shop; it ... be already shut. Ex. 84. Translate into English using to be or to have. 1. Им пришлось уйти с концерта, так как они боялись опоздать на последнюю электричку. 2. Мы должны были встретиться у входа в кинотеатр, но она почему-то не пришла. 3. Вам придется подождать немного. Декан сейчас занят. 4. В соответствии с планом вы должны писать курсовую работу на четвертом курсе. 5. Мне не пришлось ей ничего объяснять. Она уже все знала. 6. Строительство дома должно быть закончено к сентябрю. 7. Вы должны встретить туристов в аэропорту и отвезти их 50
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в гостиницу. 8. Мне не приходится тратить много времени на дорогу в институт — я живу рядом. 9. Им было суждено встретиться лишь через двадцать лет. 10. Его можно видеть каждый вечер на стадионе: он регулярно играет в теннис и волейбол. 11. Нам не пришлось стоять в очереди за билетами: мы заказали их по телефону. 12. Сейчас туристы отдыхают, а в пять часов они должны ехать на экскурсию. 13. Завтра мне придется пойти к зубному врачу, я не могу больше это откладывать. 14. Вы должны сообщить нам о вашем решении не позднее двадцатого. 15. Сейчас мне приходится ложиться спать поздно, так как я должен подготовить доклад к пятнице. 16. Все уже готово к приему. Теперь нам только придется подождать гостей: они должны прибыть в семь часов. 17. Так как вы будете уходить последним, вам придется выключить свет и запереть дверь. Ключ вы должны оставить под ковриком у двери. 18. Нам пришлось спать в лодке, так как в ней было теплее. Ex. 85. Translate into English using to be or to have. 1. Если бы он не приготовил все заранее, ему нужно было бы сделать это теперь. 2. Мне нет необходимости идти туда раньше пяти часов. 3. Кто должен был сообщить о собрании? 4. По радио объявили, что вечером должен выступить президент. 5. Выбора не было, и ему пришлось согласиться. 6. Когда я узнал, что поезд уже прибыл, мне пришлось взять такси и поспешить домой, так как у сестры не было ключа от квартиры. 7. Он давно ушел и к пяти часам должен вернуться. 8. Я должна была там быть час тому назад. 9. Почему им пришлось уехать из этого дома? 10. Он сказал мне, что я должен ждать его здесь. 11. Согласно контракту, товары должны прибыть в порт в конце недели. 12. Он должен был прийти сюда на прошлой неделе, но он не пришел.
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NEED The verb need may be either a modal or a regular verb. 1. Need as a regular verb has tense forms, it is followed by the to-infinitive. It forms its negative and interrogative forms with the auxiliary verb to do. E.g. Do I need to show my pass every time? You don’t need to say it every time you see me. You didn’t need to tell me about it. Need is close to to have. E.g. Did you need to read all these books? = Did you have to read all these books? 2. Need as a modal verb is used in negative and interrogative sentences only. It expresses necessity. As a modal verb it has no past tense form; it is used without -s in the third person singular. It is followed by the infinitive without the particle to. It corresponds to the Russian нужно: E.g. You needn’t do it now. Need she come tomorrow? In negative sentences need followed by the Perfect Infinitive shows that the unnecessary action was performed. In this case it is translated by зря, незачем, не к чему было. E.g. You needn’t have spent all the money. Now we’ve got nothing left. Ex. 86. Comment on need. State whether it is modal or regular. 1. I need not tell you that my sister is as competent as a man. 2. We needn’t worry about that. 3. The artist needs peace and quietness. 4. You knew exactly what you were to get when you took on the job, and if you weren’t satisfied you needn’t have taken it. 5. If he got into trouble he need look for no help. 6. Anyone can pull a trigger, but it needs a man to use a knife. 7. He need not have feared that the conversation would proceed with difficulty. 8. He says I needn’t grudge him a little pleasure 52
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when he’ll be dead so soon and I can go on living for years and years and have a good time. 9. He would have given anything to get away then so that he need not set eyes on her again. 10. The cage really needs to be cleaned. Ex. 87. Paraphrase the following using the modal verb need. 1. I see no reason to give him so much money. 2. It wasn’t not necessary for us to book tickets well in advance. 3. Is it so very necessary that you should get there so early? 4. There is no use worrying about her; she is quite able to take care of herself. 5. What’s the use of finding faults with the child? He is only five. 6. There was no need for you to call her. 7. It was quite unnecessary for you to do the work instead of him. 8. It wasn’t necessary for Peter to take so much money. 9. It wasn’t necessary for Mr. Brown to collect the laundry because his wife said she would do it. 10. It wasn’t necessary to give her flowers as well. The chocolates would have been enough. 11. Our neighbour promised to look after our garden so it wasn’t necessary to hire a gardener. Ex. 88. Complete the sentences according to the given situations and use needn’t have in your answers. 1. I had to walk home because I thought that I didn’t have enough money with me but when I arrived home I realised that I had some money in my pocket. — So I … . 2. Before going on holiday I first watered the flowers because I didn’t know that my husband had already watered them. — So I … . 3. The students had had the lesson notes photocopied before the class started but during the lesson the teacher distributed the notes. — So the students … . 4. I had prepared some sandwiches before going on the excursion but during the trip they made a stop for lunch. — So I…. 53
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5. He went to the beach with his umbrella but when he got there he saw the umbrellas around. — So he … . Ex. 89. Fill the gaps with needn’t have or didn’t need to and the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1. I ran all the way to work, but I ... (hurry) because I was the first person to arrive. 2. We … (hurry), so we stopped to have lunch on the way. 3. I went to college today, but I … (go) as all the lectures were cancelled. 4. I … (ask) the way to Lewes, since I’d been there before. 5. I … (buy) any food, so I didn’t go to the supermarket. 6. I … (buy) any food after all, because we had plenty at home. 7. I … (pack) my shorts, as it rained all week. 8. We … (pack) many things, as we would only be away for one night. Ex. 90. Translate into English using the modal verb need. 1. Три женщины ни от кого не зависели бы, если бы им не нужен был четвертый человек для игры в бридж. 2. Тебе не нужно читать все эти книги. 3. Не нужно меня бояться. 4. Мне нужно сообщить заранее о моем приезде? 5. Не стоило так беспокоиться. 6. Им обязательно переодеваться? 7. Солнце уже садилось, и ей не нужна была шляпа. 8. Она напрасно так уговаривала его. Все знают его упрямство. 9. Не нужно принимать витамины, если ты ешь достаточно овощей и фруктов. 10. Мне нужны были новые очки. 11. Напрасно мы заказали билеты заранее. 12. Нам нужно еще скопить денег, чтобы отправиться в путешествие. 13. Не нужно обманывать себя. 12. Тебе необязательно звонить родителям каждый день. 15. Тебе не нужно было заказывать номер в гостинице. У нас есть свободная спальня.
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Revision of Need, Have, Must, to Be Ex. 91. Fill in the gaps with must, mustn’t or needn’t/ don’t have to. 1. You ... study hard to pass the exams. — I know. I study every evening. 2. You … be late for your job interview. — I know. I’ll leave early so as to get there on time. 3. Shall I collect the children from the party? — No, you … collect them. Mrs Shaw is giving them a lift home. 4. Do you want me to wait for you after work? — No, you … wait. I can walk home by myself. 5. You … interrupt while people are talking. — No. It’s very bad manners to do that. 6. My dog has been ill all week. — Oh dear! You … take him to the vet. 7. It’s Sally’s birthday on Wednesday. — I know. I … remember to buy her a present. 8. Shall I wash the dishes for you? — No, you … do that. I’ll do them later. Ex. 92. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the modals to have, must, need and the verbs in brackets. l. I … (go) to the bookstore as a friend of mine offered to buy me the reading book, so instead I went back to the classroom. 2. That traffic sign means drivers … (exceed) the speed limit while driving in town. 3. We … (stop) for some time on the way to Warsaw because there was an accident. 4. He … (buy) any furniture because he rented a furnished flat. 5. Although it was Sunday yesterday, I got up early because I … (take) my mother to the airport. 6. Hospitals have put new signs on their walls. According to these signs you … (use) mobile phones when you are in a hospital. 7. You … (come) to my house yesterday afternoon to bring the test results. Ann had already sent them by e-mail. 8. People … (leave) their parcels and coats in the hall before entering the auditorium. 9. I … (go) to the conference hall so early because my assistant had already put everything in order. 55
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Ex. 93. Translate into English using don’t have to, needn’t. 1. У нас поставили телефон, и нам теперь не нужно ходить к соседям. 2. Вам незачем было идти на улицу; у соседей есть телефон. 3. У нас теперь построили стадион, и детям не приходится ездить далеко. 4. Им незачем ездить так далеко, можно заниматься в нашем читальном зале. 5. Не нужно отвечать на этот вопрос, если ты не хочешь. 6. Необязательно вам приходить самому. Можете прислать кого-нибудь. 7. Ему незачем беспокоиться. Все будет в порядке. 8. Нам не нужно было ходить в библиотеку. Все необходимые книги были у меня дома. 9. К вечеру зуб перестал болеть, и он решил, что ему не надо идти к врачу. 10. Много ли времени пришлось вам потратить на эту работу? 11. Мне не пришлось покупать новый словарь, так как у меня был такой словарь дома. 12. Вам не нужно было покупать этот словарь, у меня есть лишний экземпляр дома. 13. Разговор наш продолжался недолго, все было достаточно ясно, и нам не к чему было вдаваться в излишние подробности. 14. Ему не к чему было вдаваться в подробности. Это все равно не помогло. 15. Все слова в тексте были хорошо знакомы, и мне даже незачем было пользоваться словарем. Ex. 94. Translate into English using the verbs must, to be, to have, or need. 1. Сказал ли преподаватель, что мы должны выучить этот текст наизусть? 2. Я не знал, что этот текст не надо учить наизусть. 3. Зря вы учили этот текст наизусть, его надо было просто читать. 4. Не шумите, дети, должно быть, спят. 5. Никто, наверно, не сказал ему об этом. 6. Они должны были прийти в 5, а уже 6 часов. 7. Они, наверняка, забыли, что должны были прийти в 5 часов. 8. Надеюсь, вам не пришлось долго ждать, да? 9. Надеюсь, нам не придется ждать. 10. Эту книгу можно найти в любой библиотеке. 56
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11. Стоит ли волноваться из-за таких пустяков? 12. Тебе не нужно беспокоиться. Ты сдашь экзамены хорошо. 13. Если едешь в машине, надо пристегнуть ремни. SHOULD. OUGHT Should is very often interchangeable with ought, as their meaning coincide. The modal verbs should and ought have only one form and it is not changed in reported speech. Unlike should, ought is used with the to-infinitive. E.g. Drivers ought to be very careful on this dangerous road. You should be more careful. I told him he should be more careful Should, ought express: 1. Moral obligation, duty. In this meaning ought is more common. It corresponds to the Russian следует: E. g. You ought to treat animals kindly. You should never break a promise you have given. 2. Advice. In this meaning should is more common. E. g. You should see a doctor. 3. Criticism or regret with the Perfect Infinitive. E. g. He should have asked me before he took my bike (the action considered desirable was not carried out). You ought to have told him the truth (the undesirable action was carried out). 4. Probability. To refer the action to the past the perfect infinitive is used. E. g. You should/ought to be hungry. E. g. You should/ought to have received the report by now. 5. Should is used for the sake of emotional colouring. It is used in set expressions corresponding to the Russian: чего ради …; с какой стати ...; зачем ... E.g. Why should (not) they do it? Why should (not) he have done it? 57
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Ex. 95. Comment on the meaning of the verb should. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. The parents called her a noisy chatterbox and told her sharply that small girls should be seen and not heard. 2. A girl should think about making herself look attractive so she can get a good husband later on. 3. You shouldn’t have said that. 4. Perhaps she said things that should have been left unsaid. 5. I suppose he shouldn’t have touched anything at all. 6. You should read a receipt carefully before you sign it. 7. Now she told me exactly what I should say. 8. One shouldn’t go from one place to another. 9. While you are in our city you should use every opportunity to see its wonders. 10. You should be working now and not talking with your friend. 11. We should go to the zoo more often, and watch the monkeys. 12. But why should you want to give your factory to little Charlie? Ex. 96. Comment on the meaning of the verb ought to and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. The young ought to respect old age. 2. You ought not to show to him that you notice his stammer, he feels it very keenly. 3. “Where is Tom?” — “He ought to be in his study”. 4. Which end do you think I ought to open the bar of chocolate first? 5. She knew that she ought to be paying some attention to the rest of the class but she was altogether too excited to let the matter rest. 6. If you think some rotten TV programme is more important than your daughter’s future, then you ought not to be a parent! 7. When he saw Ann playing tennis, he came up and said, “Are you sure you ought to be doing that?” 8. You ought not to have touched those instruments. 9. You ought to be more careful in the future. 10. You ought to have reserved tickets in advance. 11. I feel I ought to help her. 12. Of course they didn’t want to get rid of her, but a girl ought to marry, and somehow all the men they knew at home were married already. 13. I ought to have turned up on time. 14. ‘I ought never to have been told,’ he said. ‘I think it was most selfish of you.’15. She ought to be in France. She set off hours ago. 58
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Ex. 97. State whether should is auxiliary or modal. 1. You should have done it long ago. 2. We told him that we should let him know the day of our arrival. 3. Had it not been for the rain, we should have come in time. 4. He should be more careful about his health. 5. Is it possible that he should have misunderstood me? 6. I should gladly do it for you, but I am too busy now. 7. “I shouldn’t have missed the chance,” he reproached himself. 8. If you should run out of supplies, you have only to come back to the factory and show this Golden Ticket. Ex. 98. State whether should is auxiliary or modal. 1. I was really hurt that he should speak to me like that. 2. When I had settled her down, I went to bed myself. I didn’t think I should sleep, but I slept like a dog. 3. ‘How about lunch? I get hungry right on time these days.’ — ‘Well — that’s a bit of a problem.’ I knew I should have brought sandwiches. 4. I felt I should call and let you know that she was able to get some sleep and is now feeling a good deal better. 5. What is time? And, after all (I thought), why should the Exhibition not be opened in a day or two? It is even open now. 6. I wondered if I should ask her why she had made George confess, but found that I could not bring myself to do so. 7. I’m engaged to Althea Graham. We should have been married on Wednesday if all this hadn’t happened. 8. He had solved the problem finally with a magnificent flash of inspiration which, he told himself disgustedly, should have come two seconds after he had seen the problem. 9. There is one actor whom, since he has never reached the rank of a star and so has hardly received the recognition that he deserves, I should like to mention. 10. Dottie gave a little laugh. ‘Isn’t he amazing?’ she said, ‘Just like a doctor. You should have seen how he took over.’ 11. ‘I should like to know,’ said Vera, ‘just which of us had missed Papa.’ 59
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Ex. 99. Criticize the actions mentioned in the following sentences. MODEL I told him a week later. — You should have told him at once. 1. I asked him a week later. 2. I paid the bill a week later. 3. I thanked him a week later. 4. I looked for it a week later. 5. I invited him a week later. 6. I apologized a week later. 7. I sent it back a week later. 8. I returned a week later. 9. I booked the tickets a week later. 10. I answered his letter a week later. 11. I cooked it a week later. 12. I wrote to him a week later. 13. I rang him a week later. 14. I started a week later. 15. I began a week later. 16. I ate it a week later. Ex. 100. Speak about the four things you should have done, and about the four things you shouldn’t have done. Ex. 101. Give advice using the verb should (have). 1. I’m always pressed for time. 2. I’m so lonely. 3. My son is so lazy. 4. My daughter is going to get married, but she is only 18. 5. What a boring serial! 6. I think I am underpaid. 7. I am losing everything. 8. Summers are getting colder and colder. 9. Nick twisted his ankle. 10. Ann is afraid of travelling by plane. 11. I’m getting so nervous. 12. The child has a nasty rash on his body. 13. She has gained 5 kilos lately. 14. Ann often has rows with her husband. 15. He wants to go abroad. 16. He has a job interview. 16. I have forgotten my jacket on the plane. Ex. 102. Translate into English using should/ought. 1. Где ребенок? Ты не должен оставлять его без присмотра. 2. Ты должен вести себя тише, пока другие люди спят. 3. Детям следует быть внимательнее с родителями. Они уже не молоды. 4. Тебе не следовало брать машину без моего разрешения. 5. Тебе следовало повторить материал лучше. 6. С какой стати я должна выполнять ее ука60
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зания? 6. Странно, что они не встретились на концерте. 9. Она пошла в магазин. Она может вернуться в любой момент. 10. Ты не должен со мной так разговаривать! 11. Дети не должны проводить много времени перед компьютером. 12. Самолет, должно, быть сейчас приземляется. 13. В это время не должно быть пробок. 14. Я не знаю, где председатель. Он должен был приехать час назад. 15. Мне жаль, что ты поссорилась с мужем. 16. Необходимо, чтобы все были в курсе событий. 16. Тебе не следовало сердиться на Энн. Она не виновата. 17. Удивительно, что он так себя ведет. Ex. 103. Translate into English using should/ought. 1. Бен, хотя никто и не видел, тебе следует признаться, что ты разбил окно. 2. Ты не должен был совершать это правонарушение (to break the law). 3. Судье следовало приговорить (to condemn) террориста к пожизненному тюремному заключению (life imprisonment). 4. Сейчас ранняя весна. Все должны употреблять больше витаминов. 5. Завтра у нас будет математика. Тебе следует повторить все правила. 6. Я не думаю, что Денису следует идти на прогулку: у него сильно болит голова. 7. Тебе следует делать физические упражнения чаще. 8. Им не следовало так доверять агенту. 9. Преподаватель рекомендовал, чтобы студенты прочитали дополнительно два источника. 10. Смешно, чтобы мы настаивали на столь абсурдном предложении. 11. Это было великолепное представление. Если у тебя будет время, тебе стоит посмотреть его. 12. Тебе не следовало ложиться спать так поздно. 13. У тебя не должно возникнуть сложностей с получением визы. 14. Почему цены на фрукты такие высокие? Сейчас же лето. Revision Ex. 104. Fill in the blanks with either should or must. Translate into Russian. 61
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1. a) You … have spoken to him already. I see you know everything. b) You … have spoken to him of the matter. Why keep him in the dark? 2. a) They … have studied the subject more thoroughly, they will regret it later on. b) They … have studied the subject thoroughly, they answered every question. 3. a) You … have ignored the traffic regulations. That’s why you were fined. b) You … have followed the traffic regulations, then you would not have been fined. 4. a) He … have forgotten to send them a telegram, b) He … have remembered to send them a telegram. 5. a) I … have taken grandfather’s spectacles. I cannot see anything through them. b) I … have taken my opera-glasses. I don’t see anything. Ex. 105. Fill in the blanks with ought, to be, to have. 1. Don’t contradict her, you ... to respect her age. 2. She is not a bad sort, if somewhat capricious; so you sometimes ... to put up with her whims. 3. The situation grew awkward. He felt that something ... to be done, or else the party would break up; so he ... to say a few conciliating words to put the guests at their ease. 4. He was boiling with rage, but he ... to control his feelings not to give himself away. 5. I thought I ... to do something to return their hospitality. 6. Not a living thing ... to be seen. 7. Why do you ask my opinion? You have been in the business much longer, you ... to know better. 8. You are a father, you ... not to neglect your duties to your children. 9. According to the rules of the game a football player ... not to touch the ball with his hands. 10. He ... to have taken the floor and spoken in favour of the proposal. 11. Ring me up at 6. The situation ... to clear up by then. Ex. 106. Replace the infinitives in brackets by should, need, to have. 1. Well, she’s your responsibility from now on. You … (deal) with her. 2. Campion suggested once or twice that they … (start). 3. Youth was a dull time, Marsha often thought, especially when you … (share) it with others the same age as 62
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yourself. 4. What a fool he had been to go to bed! He … never (let) Campion out of his sight. 5. The thought reminded him of the annoying two days he … (wait) for confirmation. 6. … you (shout) so? I’m right next to you. 7. You haven’t told me who you are. — I’m sorry. I … (explain). 8. You … (not to take) warm sweaters. We could have taken more books. 9. The boss is going to fire him. He … search for other employment. 10. We … (not hurry). I don’t have to be at the hairdresser’s till three. Ex. 107. Translate into English; using must, to be, to have, needn’t or should. 1. Я должен был все спланировать заранее. 2. Мы, должно быть, пропустили его. Мы должны были прийти пораньше. 3. Ей надо было сделать вид, что она его не знает. 4. Она должна была выгладить это платье до того, как оно высохло; теперь ей придется смочить его снова. 5. Мы не должны были устраивать скандал на глазах у детей. 6. Это должно было случиться. Он такой забывчивый. 7. Этого следовало ожидать, и нечего удивляться. 8. Мне не пришлось ничего ей объяснять. 9. Ты не должен принимать все так близко к сердцу. 10. Вы не должны грызть ногти. Это отвратительная привычка, и нужно от нее избавиться. 11. Мы договорились встретиться в парке у памятника Пушкину. 12. Она, очевидно, была очень приятной женщиной. Все говорят о ней с такой любовью. 13. С какой стати я буду делать то, что я не должна. Ex. 108. Think of a problem you had with a friend or relative. Write about the problem: the reason it might have happened and what you and other people might have done differently. Use modal verbs may, must, should/ought.
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SHALL In present day English shall is not a purely modal verb. It always combines its modal meaning with the function of an auxiliary verb of the future tense. As a rule shall as a modal verb is not translated into Russian, its meaning is rendered by emphatic intonation. Shall expresses: 1. Compulsion, strict order, prohibition. In this meaning it is always used with the second and third persons and has a strong stress. E.g. When he comes in, nobody shall say a word. 2. Threat or warning. In this meaning it is also used in the second and third persons and with a weak stress. E.g. You shall pay for this, you shall. 3. Promise. It is also used with the second and third persons and with a weak stress. E.g. You shall not be punished. 4. Suggestion in interrogative sentences. E.g. Shall I translate the text? — Мне переводить текст? Ex. 109. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the meanings of the verb shall. 1. Divorce is our staple industry and the law shall be repealed only over my dead body. 2. He shall do it whether he wants it or not. 3. You shall answer for it! 4. We will amend the law. Men shall come in as before without let or hindrance, but women only accompanied by their husbands or with their written consent. 5. At what time shall I be back? 6. You shall do as you are told. 7. Shall I leave the things here? 8. If I come here, you shall know about it. 9. “You shall see the portrait yourself,” he cried, seizing a lamp from the table. 10. I give you my word, you shall hear from me soon. 11. I made a mistake this afternoon. It shall not happen again. 12. I’ll tell you the story of my life and you shall tell me all about yours. 13. Shall I open the door for you? 64
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Ex. 110. Translate the following sentences into English using shall. 1. Мне заплатить за вас? 2. Скажи им, что они узнают результаты завтра. 3. Перевести весь текст? — Нет, не нужно, переведите только подчеркнутые предложения. 4. Это можно сделать и это будет сделано, если ты только поможешь мне. 5. «Тебе поиграть?» — спросила она. — «Да, пожалуйста». 6. У тебя не будет причины жаловаться на меня. 7. Вы получите книгу в понедельник. 8. Когда ему прийти? 9. Закрыть дверь? 10. Оборудование для нашей экспедиции должно быть отгружено в мае. 11. Если вы будете сидеть на сквозняке, вы простудитесь. 12. Что нужно сделать с этими письмами? 13. Она позвонит вам? 14. Вам следует сделать это немедленно. 15. Пригласить их на обед? — Нет, не нужно, я сделаю это сама. 16. Я ни за что не вернусь. Ex. 111. Comment on the use of the verb shall in the following proverbs and sayings Give their Russian equivalents. Use them in situations of your own. 1. As you sow, so shall you reap. 2. They that live by the sword shall perish/die by the sword. 3. He who does not work neither shall he eat. 4. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 5. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. 6. Man shall not live by bread alone. 7. At the game’s end we shall see who gains. 8. As a man lives, so shall he die. 9. As you have brewed, so shall you drink. WILL Will is hardly ever a purely modal verb. It generally combines its modal meaning with the function of an auxiliary verb expressing futurity. Will has two forms: will for the present tense and would for the past tense. Thus will and would are 65
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looked upon as forms of the same verb, although in a few cases their meanings differ. Will expresses: 1. Willingness, intention. In most cases will is rendered in Russian by emphatic intonation, but sometimes the verb хотеть or непременно, обязательно, охотно. E.g. Don’t worry. We will help him. This meaning is often found in conditional clauses after if: E.g. I shall call you if you will allow me. 2. Refusal (in negative sentences). E.g. The shop assistant wouldn’t change the jumper for me even though I hadn’t worn it. 3. Resistance when speaking about lifeless things. E.g. The door won’t open. — Дверь никак не открывается. 4. Polite request. E.g. Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate. Will you help me? — Yes, I will. / I’m afraid I can’t. (No, I won’t — is not common because it is impolite. It means: I don’t want to help you.) Would expresses a more polite request. 5. Orders, rules and formal instructions. E.g. You will do exactly as I say. 6. Characteristic habits. Will can sometimes be used in place of the Present Simple. E.g. Every day Dan will come home from work and turn on the TV. Would is used to speak about things that happened repeatedly in the past (but not past states). E.g. Dad would always help us with our maths homework. 7. Certainty about the present and the past. It is similar to must. It is translated должно быть, по-видимому. E.g. This will be just what she wants. We sent the invitations on Monday, so they will have received them by now. 8. Disapproval of something expected. In this meaning only would is used. It is used mainly in responses. It corresponds 66
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to the Russian этого и следовало ожидать, на него это похоже. E.g. — Не refused to help. — Не would. — На него похоже. Ex. 112. Comment on the meaning of the verb will/ would and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. It will never happen again. Never. 2. “Now listen, lady …” Peremptorily she cut him off. “I will not listen. Instead, you will listen to me.” 3. When he returned I repeated my offer of food, but he would take nothing. 4. Many times a day, he would see other children taking bars of creamy chocolate out of their pockets and munching them greedily, and that, of course, was pure torture. 5. Leave the kid alone, will you! 6. He had a wound that wouldn’t heal. 7. When the game was over, while they smoked their pipes and drank whisky, they would begin telling stories. 8. Will you please hang your coats and hats on those pegs over there, and then follow me. 9. I wish you wouldn’t interrupt! 10. ‘Thank you,’ Charlie said, and off he went, running through the snow as fast as his legs would go. 11. If you and all your people will come back to my country and live in my factory, you can have all the cacao beans you want!12. Would you mind closing the door? 13. Faster and faster, chop-chop-chop, the noise went on, it wouldn’t stop. 14. He will leave the lights on when he leaves the office. 15. We sent the invitations by second-class post. They won’t have received them yet. Ex. 113. Analyse the predicates in bold type. In case of a compound verbal predicate state the form and meaning of the modal verb. MODEL He just sat there crying and wouldn’t say a word. — Compound verbal predicate. Past tense, willingness. 2. But for your sister, you would have drowned. — Simple verbal predicate. 67
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1. Walking to school in the mornings, Charlie could see great slabs of chocolate piled up high in the shop windows, and he would stop and stare and press his nose against the glass. 2. He told all the workers that he was sorry, but they would have to go home. 3. Of course, if he’d been a gentleman I could have sent for my son and he would have killed him. 4. ‘And then again,’ Grandpa Joe went on speaking very slowly now so that Charlie wouldn’t miss a word. 5. I would rather you didn’t take it. 6. They would have been independent of anyone else if they had not needed a fourth at bridge. 7. I decided to invite five children to the factory, and the one I liked best at the end of the day would be the winner! 8. I do wish you wouldn’t mumble. 9. I wouldn’t say it. 10. The car would never start on winter mornings. Ex. 114. Replace the words in italics by will or would. 1. My children love watching television. They sit for hours without saying a word. 2. He’s very absent-minded. He often buys things and then leaves the shop without paying. 3. My wife persistently leaves things where other people can fall over them! 4. When we lived in the north, the water pipes used to freeze every winter, and we had to call in a plumber. 5. The chairman’s main fault was that he persistently interrupted the speakers before they had finished. 6. I tried to refuse his invitation, but he repeatedly insisted on my coming. 7. Why do you persist in being so difficult? 8. My headmaster had great authority. Whenever he spoke, everyone used to listen attentively. 9. No wonder the house is cold! You always go out and leave the doors open! 10. In the nineteenth century, people used to go to church on Sunday as a matter of course. Ex.115. Fill in the blanks with will or would. 1. Though the work is difficult, I … do it, and it … be done well. 2. … you kindly pass me the salt? 3. I asked her but she … not tell me her address. 4. I … do it whether you like it or not! 5. … you be so kind as to shut the window? 6. We waited till afternoon but the rain … not stop. 7. I asked him not to 68
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switch on the radio early in the morning but he … do it. 8. She pushed the door, but it … not open. 9. Every lesson was the same: he … not greet us or show any interest in us. 10. I think he … have finished his call. 11. Our delegates … rather not stay at the conference centre. 12. When he returned I repeated my offer of food, but he … take nothing. 13. … you really do it for me? 14. Shut the door, … you? 15. He … read a book before going to bed. 16. … come round tomorrow? Ex. 116. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Я просила, я умоляла, но Джейн так и не простила меня. 2. Не понимаю, почему окно не открывается. 3. Она часто слышала, как он что-то напевал себе. 4. Когда я был ребенком, я часто плакал из-за мелочей. 5. Я лег и пытался заснуть, но сон не шел. 6. Мы никому не скажем, что мы узнали. Не беспокойтесь. 7. Он часто видел, как она улыбалась чему-то. 8. Друзья старались убедить меня, но я не хотел их слушать. 9. Я спросил, что случилось, но он не отвечал. 10. Больной наотрез отказывался лежать в постели. 11. Открой, пожалуйста, дверь, у меня руки заняты. 12. Ребенок ни за что не хотел пить молоко. 13. Раньше я боялась лететь самолетом. У меня начинало колотиться сердце и руки потели. Revision of Shall, Will, Should, Would. Ex. 117. Fill in the blanks with will, should or would. 1. I swore that I forgave her everything, but she … not listen! 2. She clenched her teeth so that she … not cry. 3. Why … the people be operated on without an anaesthetic? 4. For a long time sleep … not come. 5. Sometimes we simply drink tea and talk like friends. 6. I asked him one or two questions but he … not answer. 7. … we talk Italian? … you mind very much? 8. I … be very much obliged if you … have a talk to him. 9. … you really do it for me? 10. Shut the door, … you? 11. You … never neglect a chance, however small it may seem. 12. He was very sorry that Philip … be disturbed. 13. People 69
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tried to be kind to her and asked her to stay with them, but she … not. 14. … you kindly show me that lovely vase? 14. I’d be very glad if you … stay and have a bit of dinner with me. Ex. 118. Translate into English the following sentences using shall, will, should or would. 1. Вы этого не сделаете. Запомните это! 2. Я сделаю эту работу, хотя бы мне и пришлось не спать всю ночь. 3. Магазин, вероятно, еще открыт. Если вы поторопитесь, вы успеете купить хлеб. 4. Он сказал, что ему придется уехать через несколько дней, но мы и слушать не хотели. 5. Бесполезно доказывать ему, что вы правы; его никогда нельзя убедить. Он очень упрямый. 6. Это его не касается. Незачем было ему вмешиваться. 7. Вы должны прочесть эту интересную статью. 8. Вам придется держать экзамен еще раз. Вам надо обратить больше внимания на грамматику. 9. Вам бы следовало предупредить нас, что вы не придете. Мы бы не ждали вас. 10. Вы прекрасно знали, что это бесполезно, но все же это сделали. 11. Он не понял вас. Вам следовало бы подробно объяснить свою точку зрения. 12. Вам давно следовало бы побывать в этом древнем городе. 13. Я обещаю, что все будет сделано. 14. Замок никак не запирается! Я просила тебя много раз починить его. 15. Ты никуда не пойдешь, пока не сделаешь уроки! DARE Dare is used both as a regular verb and as a modal one. As a regular verb dare has two forms: dare for the present tense and dared for the past tense. As a regular verb it is used with the auxiliary verb to do in the interrogative form and with -s in the third person singular the Present Simple. It is also used with the to-Infinitive. E.g. No one dared to ask him. He didn’t dare to stop me. In affirmative sentences it may express challenge. 70
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E.g. I dare you to jump off that wall. — Спорим, что не спрыгнешь с этой стены! As a modal verb it is used chiefly in interrogative and negative sentences. It expresses to have the courage or impertinence to do something or lack of courage in negative sentences. E.g. I daren’t ask her. Will you do it? How dare she take this risk? NOTE: 1) I dare say (or daresay) means I suppose, probably. E.g. I dare say he will come late. — Полагаю, он придет позже. 2) You can come across a mixture of a regular and modal verb: E.g. We didn’t dare say anything else. Ex. 119. Read, translate and comment on the use of the verb dare. 1. Nobody dared to speak or move. 2. How dare you speak to me like that! 3. He froze. He dare not move. 4. I daresay she’s giving a farewell party to her friends on board. 5. How dare she come here! 6. They daren’t go against the missionaries. 7. She stood at the door with the tears streaming down her face and did not dare to enter. 8. That was all I wanted to say to you. Now I daresay you’d like to join the ladies. 9. But she dared do nothing yet. 10. He dared not use his motorcycle. 11. ‘Don’t you dare to speak to me,’ she screamed. ‘If you insult me I shall have you turned out of here.’ 12. He didn’t dare lie to his father. Ex. 120. Read the sentences. Say what they express: courage, lack of courage, challenge. 1. You dare raise your voice. 2. I daren’t tell them I’ve broken the vase. 3. Jill’s friends dared her to ask for another piece of cake. 4. He lost his job because he dared speak out. 5. I’m going to tell your mother what you’ve just done. — Just dare you. 6. Dare you ask for more money? 7. I dare you to put a spider in her desk. 8. I dare not disobey the General’s order. 71
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9. He is the only person who’ll dare to stand up to her! 10. For 25 minutes they hardly dared breathe. 11. Sometimes he dares to suggest that the women stay at home. Ex. 121. Complete the sentences with dare, daren’t, dared, dared not. 1. I ... tell them I’ve just broken their favourite vase. 2. I hardly ... mention this but you still haven’t paid for those tickets. 3. I knew I was right but I ... say so at the time. 4. When he came, she ... express her feelings. 5. ... we ask for more money after she has just said it? 6. How ... you speak to me in such a tone? 7. I ... tell Mother that I had lost my favourite gloves. 8. But I never ... ask Mrs. Danvers what she did about it. 9. He ... take his eyes off his assailant. 10. The teaches was very strict. Nobody ... talk during his lessons. Ex. 122. Rewrite these sentences using dare or dared. 1. I am not brave enough to speak to him about his daughter. 2. I challenge you to tell the teacher the truth. 3. The boys hadn’t the courage to wake the father. 4. How can you be so impudent as to go out by yourself after the orders I gave you. 5. I challenge you to fight him. 6. I haven’t the courage to reproach her for it. 7. How could he venture to strike me when I was down? 8. How can you be so impudent as to ask those children into the courtyard? 9. I wanted to ask for some time off but. I hadn’t the courage. Ex. 123. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Гарри встретил вчера мистера Грина, но не посмел сказать ему, что мы разбили автомобиль, который взяли у него на время. 2. He скажете ли вы мистеру Грину, что мы разбили его автомобиль? У меня не хватает смелости сказать ему об этом. 3. Как вы смеете так говорить со мной? 4. Как он смеет говорить так грубо обо мне? 5. Посмеет ли он признать это? 6. И они смеют говорить, что мы поступили нечестно? 7. Он подстрекал меня перепрыгнуть через ручей. 8. Пусть кто угодно попробует доказать, что 72
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мои факты неверны. 9. Она не смела посмотреть мне в глаза. 10. Попробуй, залезь на это дерево! GENERAL REVISION Ex. 124. Comment on the use of modal verbs in these sentences. Translate them into Russian. 1. She must have noticed the surprise with which he viewed it. 2. You might have heard of her; she was a great success in her day. 3. Sir Dennis has let it be known that much of his collection is to be left to the nation. 4. “My hands wouldn’t work”, I fumbled with the push-chair buckle. 5. It ought to be somewhere here. I distinctly remember putting it here. 6. Once in a while she would give me some lilac to take home. 7. It must be Superglue. It couldn’t be anything else. 8. How dare she, he seemed to be saying with each rip of a page, how dare she enjoy reading books when he couldn’t? How dare she? 9. There was no way she could go on existing like this indefinitely. 10. I must be mad, Mrs Phelps told herself, but to Matilda she said, “Of course you may try it.” 11. It was a modern brick house that could not have been cheap to buy and the name on the gate said cosy nook. Nosey cook might have been better, Miss Honey thought. 12. Often, Charlie’s mother and father would come in as well, and stand by the door, listening to the stories that the old people told; and thus, for perhaps half an hour every night, this room would become a happy place, and the whole family would forget that it was hungry and poor. 13. “Shall I play to you?” she said. 14. “You shall open your eyes,” I cried. 15. That ought to have warned me. I should have insisted on going by myself, and who knows, I might have got a job when I got to London. 16. They must have laughed up their sleeves when he told his story. 17. Will you tell the servants to pay no attention? 18. “Shall I come back later, Madame?” I inquired. 19. You may have never been a really independent person. 20. You should have protected me from my parents. 21. “You can’t say anything about me in your paper,” she said. 22. Can they be 73
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laughing at me behind my back? 23. Mr Forrester said I was to give you this letter when you asked for him, ma’am,’ said the maid. 24. A woman shouldn’t even try on a knitted skirt or dress unless she has a taffeta slip on. Ex. 125. Translate into English. 1. Нужно посмотреть этот фильм. 2. Должно быть, он уже смотрел этот фильм. 3. Ты бы посмотрел этот фильм сначала. 4. Надо было посмотреть этот фильм. 5. Неужели он уже смотрел этот фильм? 6. Мы с друзьями должны посмотреть этот фильм на этой неделе. 7. Он мог смотреть (может быть, смотрел) этот фильм. 8. Не может быть, чтобы он не смотрел этот фильм. 9. Мог бы и сам посмотреть этот фильм, а не приставать с вопросами. 10. Мне придется посмотреть этот фильм. 11. С какой радости я должен смотреть этот фильм? 12. Можно было и не смотреть этот фильм. Он оказался таким скучным. 13. Должно быть, он сейчас смотрит фильм. 14. Я хотел, чтобы моя сестра посмотрела этот фильм, но она не хотела. 15. Ты не должен был смотреть этот фильм, он не для детей! Ex. 126. Translate into English the parts of the sentence given in brackets using modal verbs. 1. Do you think we (смогли бы добраться) home by nine? 2. I had never stopped writing to my cousin, but seven years (должно быть прошло) since we had met. 3. (Могу ли я сделать) as I like or (я должна сделать) as you like? 4. “Now listen to me!” he said, “I’ll tell you a few things that you (должен был бы спросить) before starting out.” 5. “I’m sorry about Kate,” he said. “I suppose it (должно было случиться),” his sister answered. 6. When you came here I told you you were free to come and go as you please, but you (не должна была навещать) our old friend. 7. He (должен был заехать) for me in the morning at ten o’clock, but he (должно быть, забыл) about it. 8. That film was one of those that one (должен был бы посмотреть). 9. She protested but he (не хотел и слушать) to her protests. 10. I think he (мог бы подождать) till I came 74
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back. 11. The girl (должно быть, поняла) me as she nodded her head. 12. You (зря написал) to him about it. 13. You (зря был) with her so rude. She is crying now. Ex. 127. Translate the sentences into English, using modal verbs. 1. Работа должна быть выполнена немедленно. 2. Ты мог бы сказать мне, что уезжаешь. 3. Экзамены планируется сдать в начале января. 4. Обед должен быть готов в три. 5. Этот текст придется выучить наизусть. 6. Упражнение не следовало делать письменно. 7. Письмо нужно переписать еще раз. 8. Перевод может быть сделан без словаря. 9. О детях необходимо позаботиться. 10. Тебе не надо было приводить своего товарища сюда. 11. Уже 2 ровно, поезд должен был прийти полчаса тому назад. Пожалуйста, сходи в справочное бюро и узнай последние новости. 12. Тебе не следовало жениться так рано. 13. Молли не смела подумать об этом. 14. Что посеешь, то и пожнешь. 15. Вы этого не сделаете! 16. Она, бывало, частенько проводила каникулы у тети в деревне. 17. Я предложила, чтобы она поехала со мной на море, но она и слушать не желала. 18. На прошлой неделе должна была прибыть делегация учителей из Великобритании. Но они, возможно, изменили свои планы. 19. Мне вызывать врача? — Нет, незачем. Мне гораздо лучше. 20. Тебе следовало надеть теплую куртку вчера. Жаль, что я не настояла на этом. 21. Я пытался заснуть, но сон не шел. 22. Она никогда не осмеливается возражать своему боссу. 18. Вы меня еще вспомните! Ex. 128. Compose 3—4 sentences about each of the following situations. Express strong doubt, supposition. MODEL A little girl is walking in the street. She is holding a bag. She looks unhappy. 1) Her mother must have sent her to the baker’s for some bread. 2) She may have been unwilling to go because she wanted to watch television. 75
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3) Can she have lost the money? 1. A young man is standing under a clock at the entrance to a park. He is holding a bunch of flowers. His face is worried. He keeps looking at his watch, then at the clock. 2. Your friend’s husband is late from work. Give possible reasons for his lateness. 3. Your child comes back from school pale and listless. Try to explain her state to yourself. 4. A young couple passes you in the street. They are talking happily and laughing. The girl is carrying some gaily wrapped packages. Speak about them. 5. A student leaves the examination-room. He smiles broadly holding his matriculation card open in front of him. Explain his behaviour. 6. A man stops at a book-stall. He looks annoyed. He feels for something in one pocket after another. Why is he acting so? Ex. 129. What should be said in the following situations? MODEL 1. A student shows you a fairly well-written test and asks you to allow him extra time to copy it. — You needn’t copy it. 2. A mother about to go out shopping gives her last instructions to a nine year old daughter who is to look after a baby brother. — You are not to go out and leave him alone and you may not take him out of his crib. 1. A policeman stops a woman about to cross the street against the traffic-lights. 2. A reading-room attendant addresses a couple of students whispering over their notes. 3. A reading-room attendant addresses a student who wants to take his own dictionary into the reading-hall. 4. A middle-aged woman speaks to a small boy who wants to pat her dog, a bad-tempered animal. 5. A wife says to her pipe-smoking husband who complains of some irritation in his throat. 6. A woman tries to comfort a small child who has fallen and hurt himself. 76
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7. A mother speaks to her child who sits over his food at dinner without eating it. 8. A student comforts a friend who got a bad mark at an examination. 9. A man pulls a boy to the side-walk out of the path of a car, he says to him ... . 10. A doctor after a successful operation says to the patient’s wife ... . Ex. 130. Translate into English. В воскресенье утром я должна была пойти в библиотеку, чтобы готовиться к докладу, который я должна была сделать на уроке английского языка. Но я не смогла получить нужные мне книги, так как пришла поздно. Очевидно, какой-то другой студент взял их до меня. Мне следовало прийти пораньше. Было досадно, что теперь мне придется прийти еще раз. Когда я уже собиралась уходить, ко мне подошла высокая женщина лет тридцати и сказала: «Ваше лицо кажется мне знакомым. Должно быть, мы с вами встречались, но я не помню где». «Я тоже не помню, — сказал я. — Возможно, мы встречались летом в каком-нибудь доме отдыха». «Возможно. Не может быть, чтобы мы работали или учились вместе. Тогда бы мы должны были помнить друг друга лучше». Ex. 131. Translate the sentences into English using modal verbs. 1. Неужели он действительно отказался вам помочь? 2. С какой стати я буду ему первая звонить? 3. Наверное, он испугал вас своими угрозами. 4. Не нужно беспокоиться. Я обещаю, что все будет сделано. 5. Вам придется согласиться на их условия. 6. Вся жизнь мальчика может быть исковеркана, если вы не уведете его отсюда. 7. Ах, если бы только я могла предвидеть это! 8. Он предложил, чтобы соревнования назначили на пять часов. 9. Мне пойти и узнать, сделал ли он работу? Он должен был закончить ее вчера. 10. Тебе долго пришлось дожидаться его? 11. Зря 77
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ты пришел. Собрание отменено. 12. Ты должен был сказать нам об этом. 13. Она, должно быть, забыла передать им нашу записку. Ex. 132.Translate the sentences into English using modal verbs. 1. He может быть, чтобы она совершила такой плохой поступок. 2. Он должен был прийти к нам вечером. Неужели он забыл? 3. Ты должен был нам сказать, что он нездоров. 4. К сожалению, мне не пришлось договорить с врачом. 5. Ты бы мог мне сказать, что опоздаешь. 6. Мы бы, возможно, опоздали на теплоход, если бы поехали вечерним поездом. 7. Я бы ни за что не взял свои слова назад, даже если бы он извинился передо мной. Тем не менее я бы все же предпочел, чтобы он извинился. 8. Вы можете не звонить мне завтра. Я буду завтра работать. 9. Он, вероятно, не смог закончить перевод или, возможно, не знал, что его нужно подготовить к началу следующей недели. 10. Ты напрасно искал ключи. Они лежали на столе. 11. Тебе пришлось остаться до конца собрания, да? 12. Мы, возможно, поедем на дачу на выходные дни. Ex. 133. Translate the sentences into English using modal verbs. 1. Вы можете не приносить доклад сегодня. Но завтра утром он должен быть у меня. 2. Он бы мог сходить туда сам; ему незачем было посылать вас, вы все же постарше его. 3. Где я могу найти товарища Иванова? — Он, должно быть, в соседней комнате. 4. Не может быть, что он был искренен, когда отказался ехать с вами на юг. Возможно, родители не разрешили ему ехать. 5. Ему не нужно было называть свою фамилию так громко, это привлекло внимание. 6. Она не такая застенчивая. Возможно, ваш вопрос был неожиданным для нее. 7. Тебе не нужно было спрашивать у отца: я нашел журнал на твоем письменном столе. 8. Неужели он действительно так растерялся? — Конечно, и даже покраснел. 9. Вы бы могли предупредить его об этом и не 78
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ставить его в такое неловкое положение. 10. Почему ее нет? Неужели она обиделась и решила не приходить? 11. Почему ты так рано? — Нам не пришлось долго заседать: все вопросы решили быстро. 12. Билеты можно было заказать по телефону. Мне не нужно было ехать на вокзал. 13. Я был в Москве, поэтому мне пришлось осмотреть весь город. 14. Вам не нужно было бросать эту работу. Ведь вы были так близко к цели. 15. Я смогу выполнить эту работу завтра. Ex. 134. Translate the sentences into English using modal verbs and Oblique moods. 1. Зря мы не поехали туда на машине. Не надо было слушать соседей. Мы бы сэкономили много времени, если бы поехали туда на машине. 2. Эрик пожалел, что рассказал профессору о том, как провел лето. Ему не следовало быть столь откровенным. 3. Профессору очень хотелось, чтобы его голос звучал приветливее, но ему это плохо удавалось. Ему казалось важным, чтобы молодой человек доверял ему. 4. И зачем только он отложил все назначенные встречи именно сегодня? Мог бы выбрать другой день. 5. Секретарша жалела, что не может услышать, о чем профессор разговаривает с новым сотрудником. Они могли разговаривать об университете, но, по всей видимости, профессор рассказывал молодому человеку о его обязанностях. 6. Вам необходимо познакомиться со всеми сотрудниками. Важно произвести хорошее впечатление. 7. Профессор пожалел, что не спросил нового сотрудника, кто его рекомендовал. Это, скорее всего, был кто-то из его коллег. 8. Собрание могло уже закончиться. Подождем здесь, он может скоро прийти. — Вряд ли. Если бы собрание закончилось, он бы уже был здесь. 9. Петя, наверное, заболел, иначе он бы уже был в театре, он никогда не приходит в последний момент. 10. Она должна была прийти полчаса назад. Наверное, она забыла. = Не может быть, чтобы она забыла о концерте, это совсем на нее не похоже. 11. Хотела бы я знать, где она достала эту старую книгу. — Она, наверное, взяла ее в нашей 79
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библиотеке. = Не могла она взять ее в нашей библиотеке. Там только один экземпляр, и его уже взяла Марина. = Ну, возможно, она взяла ее в другой библиотеке. СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 1. Блинова, С. И. Практика английского языка. Модальные глаголы : сб. упражнений / С. И. Блинова, Е. И. Синицкая, Г. С. Чернышева. СПб. : СОЮЗ, 1999. 2. Истомина, Е. А. Английская грамматика / Е. А. Истомина, А. С. Саакян. М. : Айрис-пресс, 2007. 3. Крутиков, Ю. А. Упражнения по грамматике английского языка / Ю. А. Крутиков, И. С. Кузьмина, Х. В. Рабинович. М. : Высшая школа, 1971. 4. Натанзон, Е. А. Косвенные наклонения и модальные глаголы в английском языке / Е. А. Натанзон. М. : Международные отношения, 1968. 5. Утевская, Н. Л. Грамматика английского языка : учеб. пособие / Н. Л. Утевская. СПб. : Антология, 2007. Учебное издание Безменова Лариса Эдуардовна Modal verbs in English Учебное пособие Компьютерная верстка Е. С. Рожковой Подписано в печать 16.10.2014 г. Усл. печ. л. 4,74. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ 116 ФГБОУ ВПО «Оренбургский государственный педагогический университет». 460014, г. Оренбург, ул. Советская, 19