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Minimalism The 7 Days Clutter Free Challenge
by Marie Rose © 2016 Marie Rose All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 – Days One and Two, Lists and Choices Chapter 2 – Days Three and Four, The No Clutter Zone Chapter 3 – Days Five and Six Question Your Motives Chapter 4 – Day Seven, Passion Makes Perfect Chapter 5 – Saving Money Conclusion
Disclaimer While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this book, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter contained within. The information provided in this book is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The reader is responsible for his or her own actions and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.
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Introduction Minimalism is more than just getting rid of unnecessary items, it is also about focusing on what is really important in your life. Minimalism puts you in control of you, it puts your happiness and happiness of others first, and the only way to really achieve it is to make choices. Many of us just run from thing to thing, thought to thought, day to day, and the reality is we are constantly doing, getting, looking, and working; not really living. Actually, some of us don ’ t even know what it means to “ live ” ; we wake up, we do, we acquire, we do it again tomorrow.
Stripping the day of all the doing, getting, and wishing, will leave a big, really big empty space in the day; a space full of … nothing. Nothing can be frightening, nothing and empty are negative words right? If you have nothing, something must be missing, and if something is missing, the space it took up is empty … wow, sounds scary. Minimalism is not a new concept, new philosophy, or a new way of looking at old truths. As you read through this book, you will begin to realize that minimalism is a way of life that has existed since we evolved from the apes.
Minimalism is the recognition that want and need are two different things; lets face it, capitalist culture confuses need and want all the time. Need and want may be two different things but they can both describe a single goal.
Each chapter in this book will bring you closer and closer to being truly happy. Minimalism is a mind set the same as consumerism is a mind set; once you realize that these two ideologies cannot exist in the same place at the same time you will begin a journey that will rid you of stress and replace the stress with your passion.
“ When you are doing something you love, you can ’ t help but be happy ” , we have all heard this message. Some of us have even quit our jobs to persue “ something we love ” and the happiness it was promised to provide. Unfortunately, many of us think we love something until we get a good hold on it, then we set it free and continue on disillusioned. Many people believe they love the chase, and once they achieve their goal, they just move on to something else that is just out of reach.
There are things every human wantsand needs; these things are intrinsic to the happiness of all people. These “ things ” hide in plain sight, in our songs, our poems, our quotes, and our inspirational speeches. We are entertained by the songs we sing, the poems we write, and the quotes we cherish but entertainment is a fleeting happiness. It is time to change because change is living; life truly changes everything.
Chapter 1 – Days One and Two, Lists and Choices Today is day one and you have one day to make as many lists as you need to get your life going in a new direction. Everyone loves lists, they are useful, they can help us do a multitude of things efficiently, or just remind us of what we should be doing. Either way, the lists you are about to make are going to be useful.
I could waste some space here and list a bunch of quotes and inspirational sayings that encourage efficient use of time; but you have already heard all of them. Procrastination is going to be beaten dead with the lists you are going to make. Your lists are important because they are not someone elses lists. Never use someone else ’ s list when you can just as easily make your own. If you are going to change your life, you have to set the rules, make up the reasons, and make the changes.
List One – The Reasons I Want to Live a Minimalist Lifestyle This first list should be full of all the reasons you bought this book. When you were browsing around you had reasons and those reasons need to fill up this first list. Did you hear about minimalism from a friend? Where did you learn about minimalism? Are you happy? Are you under a lot of stress? These questions may help you as you spell out your reasons.
List Two – What Do I Hope to Achieve from Living a Minimalsist Lifestyle? When you learned about minimalisim and decided it may be for you, you were interested in achieving something. Don ’ t worry about how long this list is, it may only have one thought on it, but that thought is the catalyst for change. Do you want more time to spend with friends and family? Will this change help you save money?
List Three – Stuff I Need and Stuff I Want This is really two lists, make one list “ Stuff I Need ” and another list “ Stuff I want ” . Now list all of your stuff, everything you own. It may take a while but this list is going to help you make choices, choices that need to be made if you want to live a simple life. Be honest as you create these lists, be objective and simple; for instance, if you have two winter coats, you only “ need ” one, but you may want both. That ’ s it, these are all the lists you will need. The lists are not going to change your life but they will remind you why you want to change your life. List three is an inventory of all your possessions and it is full of choices.
Choices Your list of needs and wants is half the battle, now it is time to start making some choices. The list of needs and wants is not a finished task; it is just the beginning. This list shows you all of the choices you need to make, the change you are making requires commitment and you are going to have to decide what you will keep and what you will get rid of.
Everything on your want list is not an automatic toss; it is time to choose. Go over each item on your want list and add a short explanation of why you want it, or why you wanted it in the first place. Be brutally honest; if you want something because someone else has one, write that down. When you finish with why you want these items, you are going to have a clear picture of the choices you must make.
For example: You may have a motorcycle in your garage and that motorcycle is on your want list. You might have several explanations of why you want it, but the truth is, if it is not your only means of transportation, you don ’ t need it. If you want it because you love to ride it, and it makes you happy to ride it, leave it on the list. If you want it because your neighbor has one, or you have always wanted to ride one, cross it off the list.
The point is you need to make choices, hard choices, an item like a
motorcycle is expensive and it needs upkeep and it takes up space. You don ’ t need an item like this if you don ’ t use it regularly. Now go through that want list and explain yourself so you can make choices, real life changing choices. When you compare your want list to your need list the differences should be obvious. You need one coat, but you want two. You need the car but you want the boat. What you are attempting to do is make decisions to simplify your life, if you can use public transportation, you may not need a car!
Wouldn ’ t it be way simpler if all you had to do in the morning is wake up, shower, and catch the bus?
Sure you may love that car, you like driving it and you have even told yourself that your car provides you with freedom. Actually, a car cannot provide freedom, only transportation, and if you can take a bus or the subway, that car is not a need. Consumerism and the marketing that goes along with it, has lots of people believing things that are not true. It is always easy to believe something that you want to be true. Marketing involves more than just making an item look desirable, demographics and psychology also play a big part in why you have a motorcycle in your garage that you don ’ t even use.
A great marketing campaign can sell just about anything. Most of the items
on your want list are there because someone was really good at marketing. Marketing is so persuasive that you are now forced to make a list so you can let go of a house full of clutter that you swear you really, really, want.
Make these two days productive and take back your life. Cross off those want items so you can replace them with life experiences, quality time with family and friends, and memories of living your life to its fullest enjoying your passions and just being happy! You will free up your time, and your space; just because you can have something, doesn ’ t mean you should. You will be amazed at all of the time you will have on your hands once you de-clutter you home and your life. Right now you spend more time cleaning the items you own than you do enjoying them.
You cannot possibly play video games, read a book, watch television, and play a board game all at the same time. Choosing between simple entertainment options is another way to sort through your items and make changes to what you keep and what you let go. Right now in your kitchen you have pots and pans that you never use. You know you do, some are just too big, some are too small, and the ones that are just right are always the go to ones.
Put the too big, the too small, and any other “ too ” items on the list of want … then cross them off! You only need the just right to make your life simpler and stress free.
Chapter 2 – Days Three and Four, The No Clutter Zone Now you have a clear understanding of the goal at hand. You have made lists and choices, and now you are ready to execute your plans. No more procrastination, its time to lay down the law and hold yourself accountable. That list of wanted stuff is going to eventually find a new home … eventually?
Wait a minute, eventually will not change your life. Don ’ t stress, this sin ’ t a shock cure for a phobia, you have two days to ease yourself into your new clutter free life. To help you along and give you direction, you are going to choose one room in your house and make it a clutter free zone. No one can leave anything in that room that does not belong there, and you are going to decide what belongs there. Once you choose the room you need to get in there and clear it out. You could wipe the place clean and remove everything, leaving only some sparse furniture, the rug, and the paint on the walls, but that would be shocking. Just get some boxes and take a look at all of the stuff you have in that room.
Place abox in the middle of the room and then go around the room collecting every item you haven ’ t looked at or used in the past week. If you don ’ t spend time contemplating the meaning of life while looking at that small owl statue, put it in the box. Go through all of the items and anything you don ’ t use on a regular basis or
enjoy on a regular basis, put in the box. Once you have completed your initial sweep of the room, close the box and put it aside. You may end up with several boxes by the time you are finished. Without looking in the boxes, tape them up and lable them for removal. You can take them to any thrift store or charity that takes used items.
If you want to have a garage sale, make sure you have a place to take the items you don ’ t sell. You can even sell them on the internet, but if you decide to sell them on the internet, make sure you place a time limit on how long you will spend selling them. It may take some time, but you will eventually get used to not having any clutter in that room. Now you realize just how unimportant those items actually were. Sure, you liked them when you brought them home and put them in there, but it is not difficult to live without items that you don ’ t use much.
Keep the room free of clutter and remove any items that end up in there after your clean out. If they belong to others in the house, ask them to take them to their room. This clutter free zone is your first taste of simplicity and you may have to work to keep it clutter free for a while. Sometimes old habits die hard, you may have to consciously check the room for clutter every so many days. Eventually the room will remain simple and clear of clutter, and that is when you can move on to the rest of the rooms in your house.
As you move through the house creating clutter free zones, removing clutter will become habit, and your home will be home full of love, happiness, and emotional well being, not a home full of stuff.
Chapter 3 – Days Five and Six Question Your Motives Your home is now clutter free, but like most people, you probably have “ special ” stuff that you just couldn ’ t part with. It is time to have a look at that “ special stuff ” and find out why you want to hang on to it. You have probably packed up your special stuff and stored it away somewhere out of sight. Take out that special stuff and ask yourself why it is so darn special.
Minimalism is about living without unnecessary attachments to physical items, old habits, and useless, self defeating thoughts. You have decided to strenghten you connection to life itself and lessen your attachements to intimate objects. That does not mean you don ’ t own items that mean something; family heirlooms and photos are items that have positive emotions attached to them for the right reasons.
As you think about the stuff you have held on to, ask yourself what they really mean to you. Sometimes we save items that remind us of a special day, or life event, in other words, some items have emotional attachements. Emotional attachments happen weather we want them to or not, but that does not mean we have to hang on to stuff to remind us of emotions we want to remember.
Emotions are natural, emotional attachments to physical items are not always healthy, we can remember special times without creating clutter. For instance, saving items that belong to family members who have passed away may make us feel as if we are holding on to a piece of them when it would be better for us emotionally if we spent time enjoying an activity that reminds us of our loved one. It is the reason for cemeteries and memorials, we don ’ t need to hold on to their earthly possessions to remember them.
So, emotions are good, memories are good, emotional attachements are not so good. If you want to live simply you have to be honest with yourself and let go; let go of the items, not the memory. It is stressful to be emotionally attached to items rather than the memory; if those items become lost, or worse, broken, emotions can run high. This way of thinking covers more than saving possessions of those we lost, we form emotional attachements to items for many reasons. Old toys, clothing, our first love letter … the list can be pretty long.
Here are ways to question your motives and learn why you hold on to objects and form emotional attachements.
If you have boxes of old toys or items from your childhood, ask yourself why you need to hold on to them even when you can’t see them because they are packed away in a box. Where you happier as a
child? If you get rid of them would you feel empty? If so why?
Remind yourself that you don’t have to hold onto old items to remember the happiness, make a point to create more happiness with the children in your life, you can fill the emptiness with new memories.
If you are holding on to old clothes because you may fit in them again someday, ask yourself why you want to fit into these old clothes. Are you unhappy with yourself, your body, or your life? Where you happier when you wore that size or those clothes?
Remind yourself that times change, people change, and moving forward is always better than moving back. If you don’t like your size, your body, change it with new activities instead of “remembering when”.
If you have saved items from those you have lost, ask yourself why these items mean so much. Do you need these items to remember your loved ones? If you get rid of them do you feel like you are disrespecting your loved ones?
Remind yourself that although your loved one may have passed, you don’t need items to remember them by. You can remember them when you make their favorite meal, during their favorite season, or visiting their memorial.
You may still choose to keep some items from the past, but do your best to clear out as much as you can. Clearing out old items is not clearing out memories, it is making room in your life for new memories, and to enjoy past memories without un necessary attachment to objects. Objects cannot make memories, but they can give a physicality to past emotions, both good and bad. You don’t need physical objects to remember, to honor, or to love.
Ok, now that you have some direction and some positive thoughts to help you begin clearing out emotional clutter, take the time to start a journal. A journal is a wonderful way to record and remember. Keep a journal that chronicles your voyage into a new simpler, minimalistic life.
Another way to ease the transition from emotional attachment to minimalism is to make a few memory books. These books are not scrapbooks, they should not be full of pictures or bits of yesterday; fill them with your memories, the ones you enjoy thinking about, the ones you want to pass on to those you love. You can condense every emotional attachment to items into real memories that you can read when you want to reminisce. Make a note of the items you have given away or gotten rid of.
The actual item is not the real focus, the emotions, the joy, the sadness, and the love, is the real focus and all of this can be saved in words instead of
Chapter 4 – Day Seven, Passion Makes Perfect You are more than the sum of your possessions, what is your passion? Everyone has a passion, you may not have one, you may have several, what are they? Do you like to paint, create poetry, hike, go camping, spend time at the beach, go to the park with your children? Now that you have removed the clutter from your home and your life, you must replace it with your passion.
You now have more time to spend doing what you love. Take that journal you created and write down all of your passions. Whatever your passion is, think of ways to engage in your passion without spending money! Sure, going out and getting tons of painting supplies would be great fun if you loved to paint, but it would defeat the purpose of painting.
Using painting as an example, you can see how your passion could end up costing money and filling up your life with clutter all over again. Now that you have come this far, you need to think and act with purpose, no more spur of the moment, or spontaneous purchases. If painting is your passion, get yourself the essentials and spend time, not money, finding inspiration for your paintings.
It really is that easy. Don’t fall back into old habits and fill your world with objects that represent your passion, fill your world WITH your passion. If
photography is your passion, you don’t need a thousand different lenses to enjoy taking pictures. Spend time looking for the perfect shot, don’t spend money on a lense to help you take the perfect shot; it is about the composition, not the price tag. If you love to camp, do it under the stars in a tent, you don’t need a camper or cabin to go camping. If you don’t want to sleep in a tent, you don’t have a passion for camping. Maybe you just have a passion for the great outdoors, you can satisfy that passion without camping and without spending money. Hiking can be cheap if you filter your water instead of dragging a bunch of water bottles with you.
Let’s look at painting again, how can you persue this passion as a minimalist? Easy, you can look for inspiration in your own neighborhood, walking around in your neighborhood is free. Paints can be expensive, but if you purchase only the colors you need, and take care of your brushes, you can paint on a budget. Minimalism is about getting the more out of less; create paintings using the colors you have available, choose subject matter that uses the colors you own.
If your passion is to spend more time with family and friends, you can do that for free. You don’t have to go to dinner, spend the day at an amusement park, or pay to get on the beach. Go to a free museum, there are so many things to spark conversation that you will engage each other instead of interacting with rides, the water, or the food on your plate.
Chapter 5 – Saving Money Minimalism will save you a lot of money. You now have a new way of looking at the world, and as long as you focus on what is important, you will end up with more money in the bank. Minimalisim also applies to how you feed yourself, clothe yourself, and entertain yourself. Grocery shopping can be pretty expensive, just ask any family, even fruit and veggies can break the bank if you are not frugal. You don’t have to go without, the key to minimalism is to acquire what you need, and remember need is different than want.
The focus of going to the grocery store should be to get food because you need to eat food to live. Eating should not be the focus of your day if you are a minimalist. Eating is a means to an end, you must eat to live, and living is what this is all about. For example: You don’t like your tap water, it smell weird and tastes even worse, you can; boil it then refrigerate it, buy a filter and filter it, or purchase bottled water. The minimalist choice is easy, boil it. If you boil it and refrigerate it there is nothing in the water that will make you sick…ever, and you have just saved lots of dollars.
Before you go shopping make a list of the food you will need for the week. Remember this is a list of what you need, not what you want. You need food so plan meals ahead of time and take your list with you when you shop. Here is a list of ways to save money at the grocery store, you don’t have to
follow it down to the letter, but if you do, you will save a ton of cash.
No paper towels, use washable dish cloths for cleaning and spills No bottled water or filters, boil your tap water if you really think it is bad for you No sweets, fruit is sweet and your body needs the nutrients found in fruit No sweet beverages No chips or other snack items, you don’t need snacks if you eat healthy
That’s it, you just save a ton of cash. You can save even more if you learn to grow veggies and fruit! A garden is a minimalist must have, it will save you money on your grocery bill and it is something you can do with your family. If you are really good at it, you may yield enough to sell the extra and actually make some money.
Shopping for clothes is another big money activity. Sometimes we buy clothes without really needing to. If your clothing fits you, look presentable, is not stained, torn, or otherwise ruined, you don’t need to buy clothes at the change of every season. Buy only what you need and only when you need it.
If you buy designer clothing, you are wasting your money. Don’t pay for a name, pay for quality. If you pay a bit extra for quality clothing, it will last longer and save you money in the long run.
Don’t purchase cheaply made items no matter how good the price is, they won’t last, and you will have to replace them sooner rather than later. There are ways to save money on utility bills too. Most of us over spend on electricity and water. Converting your home to solar energy is one way to save money on electric. Paying attention to the electrical appliances in your home can and will save you money. Flicking on a light is one way we can waste money, if the sun is out, open those shades and mini-blinds and shut off the light.
Here is a list of ways to save money on your electric bill: Keep your refrigerator and other large electrical appliances clear of dust and dirt that can build up and restrict the air flow, this can make your appliance work harder
When you open the refrigerator take out everything you need in one shot, opening and closing it over and over makes it work harder and use more electricity
Turn off the air conditioner, or better yet, get rid of it and spend more time outside when the temperature rises, also turn off the lights, this keeps a room several degrees cooler
Hang your clothing outside to dry its free
Turn off the television and play a board game, if you have children, set limits for television and video games
You don’t need a land line and a cell phone, get rid of one
You can also save money on your water bill if you collect rain water. Collecting rain water is a great way to save money and help the environment. You may not want to drink it, but if you boil it, it is perfectly safe. You can use the water you collect to wash dishes, wash the dog, and even wash your hair; some people swear that rain water is great for hair.
Don’t let the water run while you brush your teeth. Take showers instead of baths, and be as quick as you can. Fix any leaky fawcets, or a toilet that runs; these may seem like small amounts of water but they add up quickly.
Conclusion Learning to live a minimalist lifestyle is a change that will really bring you fulfillment and happiness. The less you have, the less you worry, it is just that simple. The media and commercialism is a driving force behind the rampant consumerism we face everyday.
No one needs to own three television sets, a cell phone and a house phone, two closets full of clothes, a coat for work and a coat for recreation; but good marketing has us all filling our lives with these objects.
The day you decided to live simply changed you and your world forever. Your family and friends fill your days with love and joy, and your passions keep you active and living life to the fullest. You can even spend more time living and less time working because you don ’ t an enormous amount of money to pay your bills and entertain yourself.
Now that you are free from the clutter, emotional and physical, you can see what is really important and it is almost impossible to go back to the way things were. Life is meant to be lived, we live and change and grow, what we do today effects tomorrow, but the past if gone for good. Once minimalisim is a part of your lifestyle, you view the world differently. You wake up with and entertain thoughts instead of waiting to be entertained.
Feng Shui The Feng Shui Art Of Decluttering And Organizing ( Feng Shui Living, Feng Shui Basics, Feng Shui for Beginners) by Zane Maxwell © 2016 Zane Maxwell All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this book, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter contained within. The information provided in this book is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The reader is responsible for his or her own actions and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.
INTRODUCTION Have you ever had about this two words, FENG SHUI? You may be asking yourself what does the two words means and how do they impact your life? FENG SHUI can be translated literally, Feng Shui means “wind” and “water.” It is a language of symbols that focus on the individual and relates everything in our space to our conscious and unconscious minds. It encompasses the forces of nature and the energies within and around us. What you learn when you practice Feng Shui is how to work with your intentions to attract the best things into your life, while dispersing or eliminating the negative things. This will book help you discern many things, things that may be pulling you back and how to positively alter those bad habits into positive cultivating ones. This book shows you how to: • Become a detective and analyze your home to quickly find what parts of your life hold the keys to your challenges. Our homes reflect what is going on inside us, particularly those things that we are not aware of. • work with your difficult feelings by giving you tools and strategies that allow you to become comfortable with the uncomfortable and allow wisdom to emerge. • move forward to find your answers, allowing your feelings to flow and enhancing the high-energy emotions such as joy, compassion and love in your home and life.
Feng Shui teaches us to be sure that the things we cling to are the things we really want in our lives—because what we create in our homes symbolizes how we feel about ourselves. In actual application, Feng Shui practitioners use the Ba Gua (an ancient tool) and simple psychology to help us find the positioning that works best for us and that allows our best energy to flow freely all around us. This book will particularly take you through De-cluttering. De-cluttering in Feng Shui terms means removing the obstacles of clutter from your home and your life. Everything we own speaks to us and about us. How much clutter is in each room of your house? If clutter truly reflects who you are and you are okay with this, don’t worry about it. But if you’re like most people, you feel embarrassed or constrained by it; if it prevents you from living comfortably or makes it difficult for you to think clearly or creatively, then you should take steps to eliminate the clutter and allow the chi, or life force, to flow freely. For many people, a growing clutter problem is a direct result of an addiction to “stuff.”
CHAPTER 1- REASONS WE NEED FENG SHUI After a little understanding of Feng Shui in the introduction, I want to take you step by step why you need Feng Shui to have changes in your life. I know sometimes you may feel that there is something wrong but you cannot directly identify what it is? Do you sometimes feel like the whole world is against your plans? If this is the case, Feng Shui could be a good solution. Many people say that what is meant to be is meant to be. Some people also think that we have no control over our fate. Others say that God has His plan already made for each one of us. We may not tell which of those principles are true, but Feng Shui can help us to increase the positivity in our life. It may not be the best cure for all problems but there is no harm in trying a little Feng Shui. We may have one destiny to fulfill, but through Feng Shui, we can improve the path that we will be taking through our journey. Feng Shui can also help us to learn to build a balance in our life. Creating a balance can help us to improve our own well-being. It can also help us to obtain positive and desirable outcomes.
BASIC FENG SHUI CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES Feng Shui as a complex art is composed of various principles and concepts.
•Chi Chi Iis the living energy or the earths breathe. It is absorbed by everything in the world. Positive Chi is what gives a person or an object the positive vibe and well-being. On the other hand, negative chi is what causes illnesses and malignancies in someone's life. Feng Shui is directed towards the proper channeling of Chi. Objects and people need to be positioned in an auspicious place to obtain good fortune. Chi needs to be balanced and be allowed to flow gracefully into an area to promote positivity and well-being.
•Ba Gua Area Ba Gua is composed of eight sides which represents the eight directions used in Feng Shui. The eight Ba Gua areas are North, Northeast, East, South- east, South, Southwest, West and Northwest. A house has eight Ba Gua areas, which can be adjusted according to the intention of the owner. Each Ba Gua area can be cured with the use of colors and ornaments to achieve positive Feng Shui.
•Three Types of Ba Gua There are three types of Ba Gua, the flat, concave and convex. These Ba Guas are used for different purposes. You must be careful in using these three types of Ba Gua. 1. The flat Ba Gua can be used as a permanent Feng Shui tool. It must be put above an entrance or if not, into the door itself. But make sure that it is not indoors. It is used as a balancing tool for the flow of chi it protects the home
and the inhabitants from harmful and negative vibes. 2. The convex Ba Gua is used as a temporary tool to help deflect and diffuse negative chi or shar chi which can be caused by improper position of homes and entrances. One instance is when the door is facing a sharp edge of another building, a road or a tree. 3. The concave Ba Gua is also a temporary tool which can be used to absorb the negative vibes and prevent it from entering the house.
•Elements Feng Shui uses the 5 elements as a guide and as a solution to cure a poor Feng Shui environment. The five Feng Shui elements include Earth, Water, Fire, Metal and Wood. The five elements interact with each other which cause destruction or productivity. Certain elements go well with another element while others contradict and destruct another. To have balance and harmony among the elements, objects of a certain element must be put in the proper Ba Gua area. People who are born in a certain element must be with someone who is born in an element that nourishes his own element.
•Colors Using colors is another way of correcting Feng Shui in a house or in an individual. The five Feng Shui elements are represented by corresponding colors. 1. Earth - light brown, earth tones, light yellow 2. Water - black, blue
3. Fire - orange, red, dark yellow, pink, purple 4. Metal - gray, white 5. Wood - brown, green People are born in a year with a corresponding element. To help you have the best destiny and life, you must wear the proper colors that compliment your element. If you are born in the year of the Water Dog, you must wear clothes and jewelries in blue or black.
•Numbers Numbers are also important in Feng Shui. There are specific numbers that bring luck in a specific Ba Gua area. Numbers have different meanings in Feng Shui. The number 1 means beginnings. the number 8 means infinity or never- ending wealth. The number 9 means fullness or abundance.
•Lunar Year The Chinese lunar calendar also plays a role in the practice of Feng Shui. People who are born in a certain year must be careful in choosing a partner. For a harmonious relationship, you must choose a partner who was born in a compatible year. People's Chinese zodiacs also affect their attitudes and how they behave with other people. People with a certain Chinese zodiac must also know the most suitable Ba Gua direction for them to live or sleep. Through this, they will be able to achieve a peaceful sleep, better health, success in career and overall happiness. These are just few of the concepts and principles that are used in the practice of Feng Shui. Feng Shui experts can help you to get the proper outcome using their complex knowledge,
understanding and experience in this ancient art.
THE CONCEPTS TO INCOOPERATE TO MAKES POSITIVE CHANGES •Warm Welcome - In Feng Shui, the main entrance of the house is an important part that needs much attention. It is where the chi enters and flows entirely throughout the house. The most basic idea is to make the entrance well positioned in the best direction. It can also help to make your main entrance look very welcoming and warm.
•To achieve a successful career, you must use the color blue on the North Ba Gua area.
•Chinese Coins - Take a 9 inch or 18 inch (or any multiple of nine) red ribbon. Use it to tie three Chinese coins together. This will help to attract money into your home. Place or hang it at the knob or handle at the back of your door.
•It is good to use the color white on the western Ba Gua area of your house to help enhance your creativity.
•Avoid sharp corners in your house for these can alter the flow of chi. Try to soften these by putting some plants on these corners.
•To improve the health and harmony of a family, the East Ba Gua area of the house must be painted or decorated with green ornaments or plants. You can also add blue to this area to make it more nourished. The water element nourishes the wood element.
•De-clutter your home. Keep your home as organized, neat and clean as possible. It evokes positive and peaceful vibe.
•Avoid placing a mirror in front of your bed.
•Fix anything that is broken as soon as you can. Having something broken, leaking or dirty increases the negative vibes in the house.
•For happiness and good social life, you must use a bright yellow hue on the Southern part of your home.
•Hang an object or a plant on the window to set apart the interior of the house from the outdoors. This is best done most especially when the window is facing a street or a vacant lot.
•Keep ceiling fans and beams away from your favorite area such as bed or couch. This acts as poison arrows or burden on your energy. Remove the fan or cover the beams to eliminate the negative effect. Put your work desk in a position that you can see the entrance of the room or
house. If you can't, you can put a convex mirror to be able to see the blind spots.
•Do not put your bed under a window.
•Remove things that remind you of failure and put decors that remind you of your passions and accomplishments.
•Avoid sitting in a chair that has an air duct above it. If you cannot reposition your chair, find a way to cover the duct or re-channel the air away from your shoulders using a scarf.
•Be in tune with nature. Add plants, flowers and pets into your home because they can attract positive chi.
•Use the bedroom for resting and use the office for working. This is plain common sense and will not contradict to the concept of yin and yang. No one wants to feel sleepy while working or restless while in bed.
•Open a window in your office to let the air in and circulate. This will help you get energized.
•Put decorations of the same element together in an area to create a more intensified effect. For example, put fountains and fish bowls or incense and
candles near each other.
•Always put chairs in a position that is facing the door. This will help you get a good view of the entrance if there is an intruder.
•Put positive decorations in your home such as family pictures, photos of your group of friends, achievement certificates and other reminders of happy memories and personal accomplishments. Avoid putting self portraits to avoid feelings of lonesomeness.
•Put wind chimes on the corridors or pathways to improve the flow of chi.
•Place your mirrors in front of beautiful views or windows. This will attract and promote positive vibes.
•Put three potted plants with red flowers along the path to your front door.
•Remove unsafe furniture in your home. Prefer furniture with soft and rounded edges.
•Decorate your home with candles, fresh flowers and living plants. This will add to the warmth, liveliness and coziness of your home.
•Stock up food in your cupboards to create the feeling of abundance.
•Do not put fish in the bathroom, bedroom or kitchen. Doing this can cause material loss.
•Arrange the sofas in a circle so that there is always an opportunity for conversation. Avoid putting the television at the center of the living area.
•Place a pond out of your house and put eight gold or red carps and one black carp. The black fish will absorb negative energies instead of letting it reach the resident of the house.
CHAPTER 2- USING FENG SHUI TO COMPLETELY REMOVE OBSTACLES IN YOUR LIFE Feng Shui help you have the knowledge to mindfully move the items in your environment that are creating obstacles in your life. Obstacles are not only physical items such as a couch, table, or computer, but also the mental “clutter” that keeps you from practicing mindfulness and holds you back from achieving your greatest potential in life.
WHAT CLUTTER REALLY MEANS You probably don’t realize that much of this clutter is a sign of a real emotional, though no longer useful, attachment. When you begin to clear the clutter in your home, you also begin to release old attachments to things that no longer serve you or bring you joy.
For instance, you might be keeping an old pair of tennis shoes that you wore on a favorite date, but since the relationship ultimately didn’t work out, keeping the shoes is hanging on to something that is no longer part of your life. Such tendencies can hold you back from a rewarding new relationship, because psychologically speaking you are holding on to the past.
When you begin to clear away years’ worth of clutter from your attic, you may be amazed by how much stuff from your past has been holding you back
from your future. Since the attic represents higher goals or aspirations, it’s no wonder you may feel like you haven’t achieved all you were capable of in life. That’s what good Feng Shui does; it makes you start making conscious decisions based on your true intentions. Fear and Hoarding Don’t underestimate the power of fear. As you walk through piles of old clothes, record albums, books, and knickknacks, you may ask yourself why you’ve been keeping all of these things for so long. Did you expect to use them again one day? Not likely. Instead, you probably hadn’t felt ready to relinquish your past due to your uncertainty regarding your future.
Between changing jobs, repeated moves, or various stages of marriage, the possibility of not having enough to survive is a very real concern for many people. Individuals in a state of continual change often take comfort in emotional hoarding. They collect things to pacify a soul that is yearning for love, hoping for the kind of satisfaction that money can’t buy.
Often, they don’t realize what they are doing until they have so much stuff in their homes that they can hardly breathe! For good Feng Shui in your home, you must take a good hard look at yourself and your needs and purge the items that no longer serve you. Emotional hoarding is not limited to possessions; the same principles of Feng Shui clearing apply to the “clutter” people pack into their bodies. It’s no accident that overweight people suffer from the same emotional issues as other types of hoarders and are affected by the same worry of not having
What’s really interesting is that when hoarders and clutter-a-holics begin to practice good Feng Shui and relinquish their piles of clutter, many also begin to lose weight. A Constant Process Incorporating Feng Shui into your lifestyle and mindset is an ongoing process. It may be years before you realize that you are happy, secure, and certain. Continually evaluate where you are and what you need, and soon you will be facing down the clutter dragon. You will know that it is definitely time for a major purging, both physically and psychologically and what a fabulous feeling it will be to finally liberate yourself from your fears or failures of the past!
As you take a deeper look into the psychological ties you’ve had to the past, don’t forget to check out the other clutter traps in your home. Think about clutter in the garage, basement, hall closet, and even in your car. Looking more deeply at the situation, what can you learn about your clutter patterns? Lots of things—for instance, the clutter in your basement—symbolizes some uneasiness in your family situation, since the basement in Feng Shui is symbolic of family and strong foundations. Clutter in the garage can signify a psychological difficulty in leaving your house every day or in coming home. If you block yourself out of your garage with clutter, you might ask yourself what it is you are having difficulty returning to in your home life.
Conversely, if you are a real homebody and barricade yourself into your garage with clutter, maybe it’s time to consider starting a home- based business so you can spend more time at home but in a healthier manner. The key to dealing with clutter is to be able to take these kinds of hard looks at yourself, your needs, and your motivations in order to find out why you are keeping what you are keeping. Prosperity and Abundance A central aspect to the study of Feng Shui, and metaphysics in general, is the concept of continual abundance. Through prosperity consciousness, as it is also called, the more you give the more you are open to receive.
There is no such thing as, “I may need it someday,” because as soon as you give something away, you create a space for whatever is new and needed at the moment. If you give in to the worry about never having enough, you will create a life in which you really can never have enough to be happy. Instead, reframe your thinking to accept yourself where you are now in your life. You will always be prosperous because you will attract positive abundance. It’s such a simple concept, yet difficult for most to master without consistent practice. It may take several years to look at yourself, and your life, from this perspective on a regular basis.
One of the basic laws of metaphysics (often thought of as the workings of karma) is that what you put out to the Universe is what you will receive back.
So, if you tell the Universe that you expect to be poor and unhealthy, that is the life you will create for yourself just from your own limiting state of mind. The real magic of life comes from your own beliefs about what you think you can achieve. Dealing with a Clutter-a-holics The piles sit on the floor, are tucked (or stuffed) under furniture, or are balanced precariously in a corner. You want to clean them up, but there’s a problem: None of this stuff is yours; it’s somebody else’s pile of clutter. What can you do? Begin by approaching the person in a friendly manner and offering to help him or her put the items away. People are fiercely protective of their things, so don’t just start putting things away, or start pitching them in the trash. Respect your partner’s or family member’s need for some privacy and ownership. Try to get to the root of the problem by asking some simple questions: “Does this still serve a purpose for you? Does it bring you joy or have special meaning? If so, we can find a special place for it. If not, maybe we can donate it so that someone else can use it.” Take the lead by becoming a positive, shining example. When you clear your own clutter, you may inspire those around you to be tidy, too. If your kitchen table is stacked high with mail or projects, on the other hand, it won’t even be noticeable if someone adds a lunch box or an extra set of keys to your pile of clutter. One practical suggestion: Create opportunities for storage solutions by placing a “collection container” in hallways or closets. If there is a designated place for clutter collection, the clutter will become part of a more organized thought process—the first step toward elimination!
Staying positive and focusing on solutions will go a long way toward quickly clearing clutter, yours and others. Don’t interfere too much with other people’s purging process, especially if they seem reluctant at first. Inspire them by setting a good and lasting example of a person who is free from the binding nature of “too many things.”
ADDITIONAL FORMS OF CLUTTER After you are done clearing the clutter in your attic, garage, and basement and the rest of your home is sparkling clean. There are other kinds of clutter besides physical clutter, and though they might not be as obvious, they can create obstacles in your life nonetheless.
1) Time clutter occurs when you fill up your schedule with too many commitments, and then have too little time left over for your family or social life. You should always leave “open” time to allow for new opportunities to learn and grow.
2) Mind clutter happens when you allow your brain to fill with thoughts, worries, and concerns about the future. To alleviate this kind of clutter, consider keeping a journal. Writing down your thoughts is a positive, healthy way to get worries and other forms of mental clutter out of your mind and into a safe, directed place.
3) Electronic clutter is another insidious form of clutter that can block Chi. Right at this moment, you may be saving dozens of useless old emails or voice mail messages; maybe you have a computer hard drive you haven’t cleaned up for a long time. You should clear as much as you can in your “virtual” world on a daily basis.
4) Food clutter consists of consuming more than your body needs, or keeping more food than you or your family will ever eat. One sign that
you have this problem is if you constantly have to throw away uneaten food that has spoiled.
5) Clearing your mind- Whether it’s cluttered by worry, food, or overbooking it is necessary for your personal chi, and a very healthy thing to do. If journaling seems like it might take too much time, try a “Thoughts and Worries” jar with little slips of paper containing your concerns.
What you’re doing, of course, is giving your anxiety clutter another place to live. Here’s another way to purge those concerns that aren’t helping you: Get into a quiet space, breathe deeply, and mentally hit the “delete” key in your brain to rid yourself of negativity!
6) Clearing the Air- The most important thing about clearing clutter of all kinds is to recognize that it is necessary in order to wipe your energy slate clean, so to speak. You want to start rearranging your home and surroundings in the most positive, unaffected way possible and clutter blocks any and all good energy from flowing positively through your personal environment. It is the root of all “chi” problems, and while using this book will help you overcome binding clutter for good, it might be helpful on your life-altering journey to learn more about the basics of good Feng Shui.
CHAPTER 3- YOUR HOME REVEALS MORE ABOUT YOUR LIFE It is usually said that “ The condition of your home talks more about who you are”. You should consider arraning your home in a good manner to help Feng Shui work well with you. You should always ask yourself, what does your home says about you?
Evaluating Clutter How much clutter is in each room of your house? Is the clutter reflective of your personality? A teenager may defend the piles of clothes, books, papers, and other odds and ends in his room as providing comfort and security for him. “It’s who I am,” he will say defiantly when asked why he seems to enjoy this environment. If clutter truly reflects who you are, don’t worry about it. But if you feel embarrassed by it, or, worse, constrained by it, pay attention to this cue; if it prevents your living comfortably, keeps you awake at night, or prevents you from thinking clearly or creatively, then you should take steps to eliminate the clutter and allow the chi to flow freely.
A Feeling of Welcome Conversely, are your rooms too spare? Are the walls white and bare, the furniture sterile, and the space too pristine? Are guests afraid to sit or move about freely in the room or rooms for fear of making a mess or disturbing the
arrangement in some way? Do you cover your furniture with plastic or rush to place coasters under every cup and glass? In other words, are you projecting unfriendliness and a “keep out” mentality toothers? This is fine if you truly do not want guests showing up on your doorstep. However, if you are having trouble attracting friends to your home or keeping them there long once they arrive, it could be because the starkness of your decor or the sparseness of your furnishings is pushing them away.
Room For Children Is your home completely open to your children, or have you relegated their toys, books, and other possessions to only a room or two? Is there anything at all that is welcoming or comforting to children in the living room, the dining room, the patio, or the den? Allowing them even a little space throughout the house and a place for them to play in most, if not all, of the rooms gives children the comfort of knowing that the home is theirs, too. Providing child-sized furniture and allowing a few toys in even the neatest and most sophisticated of rooms tell others that there is room in your life and your heart for something much more important than material possessions— your children.
Allowing the Energy to Flow Is your home open, airy, and filled with light, or packed with possessions, close, and dark? Are the colors rich and vibrant in the rooms where you
spend your waking hours and soft and relaxing in the rooms where you sleep or un- wind? Can chi move easily through your rooms and hallways? Do you demonstrate awareness of the Ba Gua in how your furnishings are arranged? Can the flow of energy in your home be improved by making minor adjustments in one or more rooms, or even in the yard or garden? Once you become aware of these principles of Feng Shui, you will see that it is not difficult to change aspects of your home and property in order to improve energy flow and open up your life to the positive results that will follow! Of course, your starting point will be the removal of clutter, the great energy block from your life.
Good Vibrations Energy Audit Before you embark on your Feng Shui journey, it’s a good idea to conduct an “energy audit” to determine areas of clear and blocked chi Here’s a quick checklist for assessing the chi in and around your home: 1) Is the path to your front door open, curved, and inviting? In good Feng Shui, your doorway should be clear and unencumbered. 2) Does your front door open to a staircase that goes up or down? Chi comes in through your front door and should be able to move through your house slowly. If your staircase is in direct line with the front door, the chi rushes up the stairs and back out of the house—especially if there is a small window at the top of the staircase. Hang a crystal to slow down the chi. 3) In your living room, does the air feel stagnant? That’s a sign that the energy in the room is blocked. Open some windows or use a ceiling fan to circulate the chi in the room and bring some life back to the living room.
4) Do the hallways seem open and airy? Are there piles of clutter stacked in a hallway “loading dock” (i.e., waiting for a move to storage that never seems to happen)?
Start with a Clean Space Before you begin the process of changing your home’s energy, be sure to begin with a space clearing. If weather permits, open windows to get the chi moving. Physically clean the space you will be working on. Dirt and dust symbolize stagnant chi and that must always be cleared first.
Clearing the Way Light a candle (a pure aromatherapy type), diffuse pure essential oils, burn incense, or use a smudge stick (a tightly wrapped bundle of herbs and wood). Just be sure that whatever you use is in its purest form. Unfortunately, there are a lot of products on the market today that claim to be pure aromatherapy that are, in fact, full of artificial fillers and additives. Play some music. A wonderful drumming or chanting CD would be great, but use what you love the most. It doesn’t have to be meditation music to “speak” to you and there’s nothing like a little Tina Turner or Rolling Stones to get the chi moving.
The Right Intentions Now you’re ready for step two, which is intention. Remember your intention as you’re placing the appropriate enhancement or cure in a particular sector.
Keep this intention clearly in your mind. Open your heart to your highest good. Embrace the possibilities, and most important, trust your process. The final step involves reinforcing all that you have done, giving more power to your enhancement or cure. This is the part where you meditate and offer blessings or thanks to the Universe through a process the Black Hat Sect of Feng Shui calls “The Three Secrets”: 1. Mudra (hand gesture) is often the position of prayer, with both palms together, fingers pointing up. Hold your hands to your heart. 2. Mantra (prayer) is the prayer or blessing you are most comfortable with. It could be as simple as “Thy will be done,” or maybe a simple prayer you’ve written on your own. Whatever the case, recite it nine times. Nine is an auspicious number in Feng Shui. 3. Visualization of your specific intention: As you recite your mantra and hold your hands in the mudra position, hold your intention in your mind’s eye the entire time, as though it has already been accomplished. Use affirmative statements with this visualization (i.e., “I have already created space for love in my life” or “I am surrounded by a loving family”).Chances are, you’ll feel uplifted and ready to take on the world when you’re finished with these steps.
CHAPTER 4- HOW CHI PATHS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Beginning at the end of your driveway, the life force known as chi follows a path that leads it to your front door, into your home, through the hallway arteries to all of your rooms, and then out the back door. Ideally, chi shouldn’t encounter obstacles along the way. Clutter is one of the main sources of blockages that can upset the course of free-flowing chi and cause your home to be stagnant and out of balance.
Going with the Flow The primary life force that surrounds us all is the sun. But the wind is what moves the invisible energy force, or chi, around us in a way that the ancient Chinese believed would breathe health and happiness into our lives. Remember, Feng Shui means “wind and water,” both nature elements that “flow” energy into our environments. Like ripples of water flowing toward us, positive chi energy can wash over us, revitalizing our spirits, but can also dissipate quickly, especially when it hits an obstacle. The key is to keep paths open to allow the chi to replenish itself along its unencumbered path.
Chi can encounter many outside forces along the path to your front door: land formations such as hills or large rocks, plants and vegetation, small bodies of water, or the clutter from your everyday life. What kinds of clutter might be
in the way of chi? How about kids’ toys, gardening tools, patio furniture, yard decorations, and even that rusty old car you can no longer drive? All of these items can block the positive chi from entering (and blessing) your home.
Even today, many Chinese believe that all possessions, whether inside or outside of the home, are symbolic of our chances and opportunities in life and that too much junk along the path to your home can literally choke your potential. But think about the logic behind the symbolism: Clearing your driveway will enable you to freely come and go from your home, creating a free and easy path to and from work each day. Not having to worry about whether you’re backing over Junior’s tricycle or that new tray of flowers you just purchased but haven’t had time to plant can be a wonderful way to start each day.Store the driveway clutter on shelves in the garage where possible, and pitch the old stuff you’re no longer using.
The Front Door: Where All Paths Lead The path to your front door represents your health and well-being to the rest of the world. Even too much of good things like plants and interesting yard decorations can point to a deeper lack of self-confidence or a fear of not having enough. Do you care too much about material things, or about how others perceive you? Be careful what you show to outsiders on their path to your front door.
An Open-Door Policy Once you open the door, note whether it opens nice and wide. It should, so that your opportunities have the most room to enter your home. If your door is too tight, you might discover that your opportunities are also limited. If you have a screen door, keep your main door behind it wide open as often as you can; this will let in the maximum amount of light, and it will signify to the world that you’re ready for new and wonderful things to happen.
But before swinging your door wide open to welcome guests, be sure there’s no clutter behind it. Because of its location as the primary entrance to your home, it is likely the primary dumping ground for coats, shoes, book bags, packages, mail, and much more than you can even imagine. Is this the first impression you most want to leave on your guests?
Probably not, so deal with this clutter by adding coat racks, shelving in your hall closet, and a basket to help you organize your incoming mail. For school projects and related papers, create an “in” basket by attaching plastic file shelving to the inside of the closet door. Here, papers can be stored in an orderly, “out-of-sight” manner until a time when you can later sort through them. If your door opens to a straight path leading back out of the house via a back door, you have the Feng Shui challenge of “rushing chi” to contend with, so here it would be okay to create a few intentional boundaries along that path to slow down the energy and allow your opportunities to linger a spell.
You can place a small water fountain near the front door, or perhaps a pillar with a plant on it in the hallway. If it is big enough to divert your eye’s attention, it is big enough to slow down the Chi. You can also use a screen or a wind chime to slow down the energy.
Yard Full of Chi The ideal home location will maximize the flow of every kind of energy. This house is located in the center of the property, facing south. The hill to the north brings dragon energy down from heaven (and guards the rear). The slope up to the front of the house carries chi from the earth.
Step Inside This House Much like the front door projects an image of you to the rest of the world, your entranceway or foyer reflects the image of who you are into your house. It picks up on the energy of the front door and brings that image right on inside. The entrance is still part of the mouth of chi, so it’s important to keep the air ways open in the entranceway so that good chi can “breathe” throughout your home. If you have a large entrance to your home, you won’t have to do much to enhance this area from a Feng Shui standpoint. But if your entrance is narrow, you would greatly benefit from a metal wind chime hung from the ceiling. The door, when opened, will immediately start circulating the chi, sending it out from your entrance to all areas of your home. If there’s a window near your entrance, make sure you slow down the chi
with some billowy curtains, mini-blinds, or a plant in front of the window, especially if you’ve got a wind chime helping to spread good Chi.
What’s Behind Door Most closets are scary places. Sure, they can be neat and orderly storage places for our most useful possessions (like raincoats, boots, hats, gloves, and winter apparel), but more likely they are the museum of many things we no longer use or worse yet, have no idea what to do with anymore.
Hallways and Stairs: The Main Arteries of Chi For hallways, the most common problem is that they are too narrow, which can be translated in Feng Shui as the symbol of a narrow mind. Open up the space with hall mirrors and a round crystal to reflect light and double the space. The crystal will also help get the chi flowing in many directions. Hallways are definite clutter-magnets, because they are situated directly along the path of chi and attract clutter as it is brought into the home from outside sources. How many times have you gone to a garage sale, or a sale at a local department store, and come home with new things that looked really cool but for which you haven’t quite found a place yet?
Such wonderful little finds can quickly pile up in the hallway, as they await their final resting spot in your updated décor. The way to curb clutter in the hallways is to make a rule that whatever comes into the home must immediately be put away. Also, if you can’t visualize
exactly where the new items will find their place in your home, maybe you should not purchase them. There’s nothing more wasteful than buying things you really don’t need or want and everything in Feng Shui needs to serve you somehow.
Like hallways, staircases are very important in Feng Shui because they represent the secondary “arteries” that carry energy throughout your home. If your door opens to a staircase that leads down a level, your positive chi will run down the steps; if it opens right to a staircase (as is often the case in apartments), you’ll get too much negative chi at once. Place a small mirror on the outside of your front door to shield yourself from the rush of negative Chi. Clutter on staircases will also impede the flow of Chi. What kinds of clutter typically accumulate on the steps? Shoes, books, clothes, and toys are common culprits.
As these items begin their upward climb toward our bedrooms and attics, they leave a trail of clutter that represents unmade decisions about their worth. Are these things still meaningful to us, and if not, why are we leaving them in a place where they not only block chi, but also are on display for everyone who comes to our front door? Do you really want others to see that you haven’t quite decided what to do with those ratty old tennis shoes that you keep around for God knows what reason? Sometimes the design of a staircase can present unexpected obstacles for Chi. if you have a staircase that appears challenging in any way, you can lessen
the challenge by adding some visual elements like family pictures, décor items with a particular theme, or something that shows movement and progression. Using such accents will provide the mental message of “You can do it!” to anyone climbing your stairs. Just be sure not to overdo your enthusiasm with too many “upward bound” photos or pictures, as they can have the opposite effect of slowing chi to a lingering stance on your stairs to absorb all of the excess energy. Chi needs freedom to climb to its highest potential in your home!
Recycling Chi and Clutter Once it is free to roam to and through your home, chi circulates around it and then recycles itself for another round. This is a healthy, productive cycle in Feng Shui, and it is the ultimate goal as well. You have much to learn from this continuous cycle of Chi. Like the recycling of chi, you too should be recycling the items you choose to have in your life.
For each new item you purchase, you should try to give away another, particularly if it’s one that’s being intentionally replaced, such as a broken lawn mower or a too small ladder. These kinds of things can be donated to charity if at all possible. The important thing is to make sure that you don’t allow the new things to overpopulate your living space—crowding old, useless items into the crevices of your home and its immediate surroundings.
Recycling clutter in and especially around your home is a positive first step, but it takes discipline and more permanent solutions (such as fixed storage areas in closets or a garage or shed) to really stay on top of things. If you don’t create lasting solutions to your clutter problems, you will still have lots of clutter and, as a result, lots of blocked Chi. Clutter will continue to pile up even when you make regular attempts at clearing it.
CONCLUSION I hope all the information you have gone through in this little book of wisdom, have helped you; clear the space for wonderful new opportunities, feel less embarrassed when last-minute company arrives, make a better impression on your business associates, improve your finances, have a strong sense of peace within yourself and around your home, lower your stress level therefore improving your overall health and well- being.
This information will as well help have more time for yourself and all the things you enjoy in life, eat more mindfully and therefore feel healthier and finally will help de-clutter every bad habit in your life.
I hope you all the best in your life.
Smart Wardrobe A Guide To Discovering Your Personal Style And Building A Fabulous Wardrobe On A Budget by Sophia Moore © 2016 Sophia Moore All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 – Your Body Type and Your Wardrobe Chapter 2 – Mix and Match Like a Pro Chapter 3 – Putting it all Together Conclusion
Disclaimer While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this book, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter contained within. The information provided in this book is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The reader is responsible for his or her own actions and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.
Introduction Sometimes it is great to look through fashion magazines and check out the latest fashions; but those fashions never seem to work when you put them on. Those fashions also carry an enormous price tag that would never find a place in your budget. There are ways to incorporate those looks, look great, and do it for a price you can live with. Your size is not an obstacle to a fabulous wardrobe, it is the key itself. Models in fashion magazines have a specific body type and the clothing is cut to fit them perfectly.
If you do not have the body of a model, the clothing will fit you differently. A smart wardrobe includes elements of emerging fashions and classics that never go out of style. Your smart wardrobe will be built to fit you and your style while incorporating touches that keep you up to date and fashionably classic. Classic never goes out of style, the cuts, fabrics, and colors of a classic wardrobe are easy to work with. As you begin to build your wardrobe, it will be based in classic styles. A smart wardrobe can take you to the opera or the office without skipping a beat. A smart wardrobe is classic.
Modern fashions come and go, spending a fortune on modern fashions will drain your bank account. Modern fashions may look great and tell the world you know what is in and what is hot, but they also become dated pretty quickly.
Not many people have the cash to change their wardrobe with the change of seasons. A smart wardrobe will keep you stylish without dropping a bundle on clothes that will need updating in a few months. A smart wardrobe can keep you in style and keep you looking great. Styles that blend and can move with you from season to season are part of a smart wardrobe. You will always need different clothing for the change of seasons, but your core wardrobe will be able to move through the seasons with changes that will no require a complete wardrobe overhaul.
It is cheaper to take off a shrug and add fashionable earrings a necklace and a pair of sandals for summer, than it is to buy a new dress, shoes, earrings and a necklace! This book will help you choose the right pieces for a smart wardrobe. Your new wardrobe will compliment your body type, style, and pocketbook. As you thumb through those fashion magazines, pay attention to the colors and the details; the colors and details are what you will use to make your wardrobe fashionable and unique.
Chapter 1 – Your Body Type and Your Wardrobe Fashion can be a real bummer when you don ’ t have the body of a super model. Even if you have the body of a super model, the price tags on those fashions can keep you walking around in t shirts and sweat pants. No matter what body type you have, this chapter will help you narrow down your style, a style that compliments your body type and always looks great.
Body type describes the shape of the body; weight has nothing to do with it. No matter how large or small you are, it is the shape that matters. The perfect shape, the one every shape is working to emulate is the hourglass figure. An hourglass figure has equal bust and hip measurements with a smaller, well defined waist. If your hips are larger than your bust, accentuating your bust and diminishing your hips will help balance your figure and give the illusion of an hourglass shape. This is the goal of knowing your shape and understanding the perfect cut and shape for your body.
Here is a list of body types, choose the one that best describes your body, this is not about weight, it is about shape. Straight - A straight body type has hips and bust that are similar in size. The waist may be slightly tapered and a bit smaller than the bust and hips.
Oval - An oval body shape has a full bust and hips that are smaller than the shoulders. The waist line is larger than both the bust and hips.
Spoon - The spoon body shape has hips that are sharply defined rather than sloping in from the bust. The bust is smaller than the hips with a
waist that is smaller than the bust.
Top Hourglass - Top hourglass figures have a full bust that is larger than the waist with hips that are larger than the waist bt smaller than the bust.
Hourglass - The hourglass body shape has a well-defined waist with bust and hips equal or almost equal in size.
Pear - The pear body shape has a bust that is smaller than the hips and the waist gently slopes out to the hips.
The inverted triangle shape has a full bust that is larger than the hips
and the waist is not well defined.
Diamond – The diamond shape has a small to medium size bust with waist larger than both the bust and the hips. Hips are smaller than the bust.
Of course there will be clothing items that you are not comfortable wearing,
everyone is different. You don’t have to wear everything that looks good on your body shape. When you do find items you like, knowing what cut will look the best on you can really help make you look great.
If you don’t like jeans don’t wear them, but you can apply the knowledge of your body shape to any pants you do like and find ones that will look absolutely perfect on your figure. Your body shape will help you choose items for your wardrobe that compliment your shape. If crop tops are in fashion and you have an oval shape, they are not the fashion item for you.
Many trendy fashion items only look good on certain body shapes but classic styles are available in many cuts and styles. Knowing your body shape will keep you looking great and fashionable no matter what style is in. Many women don’t know what body shape they are. Sometimes we opt for baggy or boxy clothing if we are carrying a few pounds but this is not the solution. The point is not to shop according to weight, women need to shop according to shape!
Hiding bulges, or covering up a muffin top is not going to make them go away, but there are cuts of clothing that will diminish flaws and fit your body perfectly.
The first time you throw on a dress that is cut for your shape, you will never go back to trying on everything on the rack, or buying something baggy. The
dress that is cut for your shape will make you look amazing, it’s true. When you begin to choose items for your smart wardrobe, you will already know the cuts and styles that compliment you. Dresses come in several cuts. The cut of a dress can complement your body shape, when a dress cut compliments your shape you will look your best. The real focus of this chapter is to help you define your body shape and define the cut of clothing that looks best on your body. Ok, so what cuts look best on which body shapes? That’s easy, let’s have a look at what styles and cuts look great for your body shape:
Straight - For a straight body shape, styles that create an illusion of a fuller bottom and top look best. A straight body shape does not have natural curves but the right clothing can create curves. Best assets – The legs Dresses – The point is to create curves. The best dresses for this body shape are fitted at the waist with a full skirt. Details should draw attention to the shoulders and bust. Tops – Choose tops that are slightly fitted at the waist or belted at the waist. V-necks, U-necks, boat neck, and tops that are off the shoulder look best. Puff, princess, and flutter sleeves, both short and long, accentuate the upper body. Draw attention up to the shoulders and bust with embellishments, this
will help to accentuate the upper body. Look for tops that are full around the bust. Pants – The goal is to create a fuller look around the bottom, this creates an hourglass illusion by filling out the hips. Pockets with embellishment or any type of embellishment across the hips. Wide waist bands and low-rise or mid-rise styles look best. Skirts - Full skirts and skirts with tiers or embellishment around the hips are a great choice for this body shape. Tips – Choose colors that accentuate the waist and give the illusion of a fuller upper body. Light colors up top with a dark belt can help create an hourglass figure.
Oval – For all body types, the goal is to create the illusion of an hourglass shape. Weight does not matter, because your waist is the largest part of your body, the goal is to create the illusion of a smaller waist. Best assets – the legs Dresses – A line dresses, empire cut dresses and dresses with darts at the waist are a great choice. Look for large lapels or off the shoulder styles to accentuate and create the illusion of a balanced top and bottom.
Tops – Empire cuts that are flared at the waist, wide necklines, off the shoulders, large lapels, and anything that accentuates the bust and shoulders. Tops that are shaped slightly at the waist and come to the hip look great on this body type. Pants – Slightly flared pants, boot cut, and cargo pants are great because they work to even out the top and bottom, giving the illusion of a waist. Skirts – A line skirts and skirts that are full or have a flair to the bottom.
Spoon – For your body type, stick to clothing that accentuates the bust and draw attention away from the midsection. The goal is to create the illusion of a larger bust and smaller waist. Best assets – the legs and shoulders Dresses – A line dresses and Empire waist dresses look best on this body type. Look for styles that have embellishment at the top, around the bust or neck to add the illusion of fullness. Tops – A line and empire tops are the best. Choose ones that flair slightly and end at the hips. Pants – Look for a mid-rise waist, no embellishment on the pants, no
pockets or minimal pockets, and a full leg such as wide leg or boot cut. Skirts – Skirts that lay close to the body but nothing tight. A line looks nice as they skim the body rather than cling to it.
Top Hourglass – A top hourglass shape looks best when the hips are balanced with the bust. Clothing items that accentuate or draw attention to the hips will create the illusion of an hourglass shape. Best assets - waist Dresses – Dresses that are tapered at the waist with a full skirt look best. A fitted or tapered waist accentuates the waist and look for wide necklines, deep V-necks and flutter sleeves both short and long look great. Tops – Tops that are tapered at the waist, anything that draws attention to the waist look best. Deep V-necks and flutter sleeves accentuate the waist line and add fullness and accentuate the upper body. Pants – Any pants that accentuate the waist such as wide waist band look great. Wide legs help to balance the top with the bottom and look best. Skirts – Full skirts and skirts with embellishment at the hips work to balance the bust and the hips.
Hourglass – The goal of dressing for an hourglass figure is to accentuate your entire figure. Weight does not matter, dressing to accentuate your entire figure will have you looking your best. Best assets – the legs and waist Dresses – Dresses should accentuate the waist and keep the shape balanced. Tight on top, tight on the bottom, keep the top balanced with the bottom and accentuate the waistline. Tops – Tops that accentuate the waist and just like the dresses, keep the top balanced with the bottom. If you accentuate the bust, accentuate the hips. Pants – Mid-rise pants that accentuate the hips, boot cut and flap pockets also look great, they help to balance out the bust and the hips. Skirts – Skirts that are full and accentuate the hips are a great choice, remember to balance the bust and the hips. If you accentuate the hips make sure you accentuate the bust.
Pear – For a pear body shape the point is to define and draw attention to the top and draw attention away from the lower part of the body. The goal is to create the illusion of an hourglass figure, no matter what your weight is.
Best assets – the shoulders and neck Dresses – A line skirts with a tapered waist and embellished neckline are great choices. Flutter sleeves both short and long also help give the illusion of a fuller top to help balance out the figure. Tops – Wide necklines and necklines that draw attention to the neck and bust line are best. Puff sleeves, princess sleeves and flutter sleeves both short and long create a fuller look on top. Embellishments should be near the neck and bust line to create the illusion of a fuller top which will help balance out the figure. Pants – A mid-rise fit with straight legs and no pockets or embellishments will balance out the figure. Skirts – A line skirts and skirts that skim the body without being tight look best for balancing a pear shape body.
Inverted Triangle – Best assets – the legs Dresses – A dress with long fitted sleeves or sleeveless both work for this body type. Look for deep V-necks to accentuate the top, and empire waisted dresses are great looks for balancing out this body type.
Tops – Tops with fitted long or short sleeves, deep V-necks, slightly fitted and empire waist tops that flair below the waist look great. Pants – Low and mid-rise cuts look great on this body type. Look for pants with pocket details like cargo pants, the details add fullness to the bottom and help balance out the shape. Skirts - Full skirts look best for this body type. Look for skirts that accentuate the hips with details.
Diamond – Best assets – the arms and legs Dresses – A line dresses and dresses with slightly fitted waists or belts help to even out the body shape. Look for dresses with details around the neck, wide lapels and embellishments help to balance the shape. Tops – Look for full sleeves, flutter sleeves, princess and puffed sleeves, this will add volume to the top of the body. Choose tops with slightly fitted waists and flared bottoms. Wrap tops and wide lapels work to balance the top and bottom and create the illusion of a waistline. Pants – Straight cut pants with a mid-rise are perfect for this body
type. Look for pants without pockets or detailing to minimize the bottom and help minimize and balance. Skirts – A line skirts and skirts that don’t cling are best for this body shape. Look for skirts without detailing or embellishment across the hips to help balance the look.
Using the tips for your body type it will be easy to begin creating your smart wardrobe. As long as the items you choose follow these tips, your wardrobe will flatter you. As you begin to create your wardrobe, choose pieces that work with your body type and choose details and embellishments that accentuate the right areas.
Color is also a component of accentuating and diminishing different parts of the body. To accentuate, choose bright color or light colors, diminishing requires dark color to minimize the size. Consider color as you build your wardrobe, choose colors that match each other no matter what the item is that you are interested in. If the colors already match several pieces in your wardrobe, the item can be worn with more than one outfit; and this is a real money saver. Anytime you can wear an item with more than one outfit you have made a great choice. Use embellishments and details to create a style that expresses your personal
style. If you like leather, look for pieces that compliment your body type in leather. A cute leather jacket can come in many packages from a crop jacket to a full length duster.
Chapter 2 – Mix and Match Like a Pro Now that you know what type of cut and details look best on your figure, you can begin to create your personal style. Before you add that personal touch, you must create a core wardrobe. Once you have a core wardrobe, you can add color and flair to suit your tastes and compliment your unique style. As long as you choose pieces that fit your body type the end result will be flattering.
Color can be a big part of your personal style, but that color should also harmonize with your body type. When you want to accentuate an area choose bright colors, to minimize choose dark. When choosing items for a smart wardrobe, solids work best. Patterns can be difficult to match and patterns can also quickly date an outfit. Remember you are looking for a wardrobe that will last a few seasons. Use color to accentuate and minimize where you should, and use prints sparingly.
When you are creating your core wardrobe, it is a good idea to consider prints as an accessory. Prints can spice up an outfit, but in most cases prints will define the outfit. A smart wardrobe is made up of items that mix and match, several outfits can be created with a few key pieces. If you add prints they will match your basic black wardrobe but prints draw attention so choose pieces that accentuate where you need it. Your basic black core wardrobe will be comprised of a few pieces that are essential for work and play. Choose fabrics that are machine washable and
easy to care for, this will save money on cleaning bills. Every core wardrobe must have several pieces that work double duty. Here is an example of what your basic black core wardrobe should consist of: A black dress, easy care fabric such as polyester, polyester or cotton blend (more than one in a few different styles is a good idea) A black skirt (more than one in a few styles is a good idea) 2-4 black tops, long sleeve, short sleeve, no sleeve At least 1 pair of black pants Black boots, black casual shoes, black heels and a pair of flats
The items in your core wardrobe are the basis for many outfits. You can add color with shrugs, jackets, sweaters, cardigans, belts, and scarfs. With a core wardrobe of basic black, mixing and matching is easy. Your personal style will shine through in the accessories you choose and the pieces you decide to put together.
Along with your basic black core wardrobe, you will need to add a bit of color. Solids are best, but if you are good with matching patterns, add them in. Now you can move on to adding some flair to your wardrobe, remember to choose items according to the tips for your body type. Here is a list of items you can add to your core wardrobe to add some personal style to your outfits:
2 dresses, choose a style for your body type, choose 2 colors 2-4 tops in colors other than black and in a style for your body type If you like denim, 1-3 pairs of jeans in a style that works with your body type At least 2 sweaters/cardigans/shrugs in solid colors and styles that work with your body type At least 2 jackets, long or short, depending on your body type, choose colors and styles that work with your body type You can add a few skirts or pants in different colors but be sure to choose ones that will flatter your body type. If you need to accentuate your hips, colors are great, if you need to diminish the hips, dark colors are the way to go. The wardrobe pieces you have selected will work with each other and can be mixed or matched to create outfits. Black matches everything, you can pair any of the solid colors together with black and the outfit will match. By choosing solid colors you can create outfits quickly and easily without much fuss over mixing and matching.
This wardrobe can take you through the seasons. Make sure there are some light colors along with the colored items you purchase. When you pair light colors with black you can create an outfit for every day, no matter what
season it is. Make sure you choose short as well as long sleeves; no sleeves are a great fashion choice if you plan to wear shrugs, jackets, or cardigans.
When you choose shoes, black should be the first choice for your smart wardrobe. Once you have the basics in black, a few different styles will help you add some personal style to your fashionable feet. If you cannot wear heels but you want some extra height, try chunky platform heels; they are easier to wear than heels and they still provide that extra height. Now that your core wardrobe is complete, you are ready to move on to the last step in creating your smart wardrobe. In the next chapter you will learn to choose accessories to pull your new look together. Hang up that new wardrobe and start accessorizing!
Chapter 3 – Putting it all Together Accessorizing will pull your entire look together. With a few well-chosen pieces, you will be able to turn your new wardrobe into a fashion statement. You will use your personal style and unique vision to choose accessories that will personalize your wardrobe. This chapter is about accessorizing, the key to accessorizing perfectly is to follow the tips for your body type. If your body type calls for accentuating the top large necklaces, scarfs, and earrings will be your key pieces. Read through your body type tips and jot down what and where you need to accentuate, then start shopping!
Accessories can make the difference between a night out on the town and an afternoon at the office. Your accessories will help you define your personal style and create several different looks for your favorite outfit. You can take off those bracelets, add some earrings and change from a necklace to a scarf and create a new look without ever changing your clothes!
You don ’ t need to spend a lot of money on jewelry and other accessories. A cute piece of costume jewelry will do the same job as an expensive piece. The goal of accessorizing is to personalize and accentuate so have fun. Below you will find tips for each body type and which accessories work best.
Pulling it Together with Accessories Straight Body Type – Belts, scarfs, and necklaces can really help
create the illusion of balance by accentuating the bust, neckline, and hips. Look for necklaces that are chunky, large beads, and any other bling that is in fashion. If chunky necklaces are not your thing, try out some scarfs. Look for patterns and colors that will mix and match with more than one piece in your wardrobe. Dark belts that sit on the waist can provide the illusion of a smaller waistline, and belts that drop or drape around the hips are perfect for creating the illusion of a thicker hipline.
Oval – An oval body type must accentuate the neckline and hips, and diminish the waistline. Because most women with an oval shape have short necks, a chunky necklace is not the best choice. For this body shape, a necklace with a large pendant is the way to go. A large pendant will draw attention away from the neck to just above the bust line; accentuating where it is most effective. Scarves may be too much for this body shape, stick with pendants and keep them large, nothing small. To accentuate the hips, try belts that drop or drape around the hips to create the illusion of a smaller waistline.
Spoon – The spoon body shape has a smaller bust and larger hips, the key to accessorizing this body shape is to accentuate the bust line and draw attention away from the hips. This can be accomplished with a scarf, chunky necklace, or a large
pendant, nothing small, the point is to draw attention to the bust and neckline. If you choose to add some scarves, choose colors that will accentuate the upper body, nothing drab or monotone.
Top Hourglass – For those with a top hourglass figure, no large necklaces or bulky scarves, the accentuation should be on the hips and the perfect waistline. Belts that sit at the waist are great for showing off a perfect waistline and belts that drop or drape around the hips will accentuate the hips and the waistline. Keep necklaces small and opt for bracelets and rings; both rings and bracelets can accentuate the hips and waist because when the arms are down, they fall at the hips and waist.
Hourglass – The key to accessorizing an hourglass figure is to keep the top and bottom balanced and accentuate the perfect waistline. This can be done any way you choose. If you like large or chunky necklaces or scarves, pair them with a drop or draping belt that sits at the hips, this will balance the figure. If you smaller necklaces and earrings, pair them with a belt that sits on the waistline. Remember, it is all about balancing your perfect figure. If you like statement necklaces, opt for bracelets and rings; both rings and bracelets can accentuate the hips and waist because when the arms are down, they fall at the hips and waist.
Pear – A pear shape has a smaller bust compared to the hips so accessorizing up top is the best choice. Necklaces, scarves, and earrings can all draw attention to the top and away from the bottom, this helps balance out the shape. Statement necklaces, chunky, and large pendants all work well for a pear shape. Large earrings such as hoops will draw the attention even higher and can accentuate the face. Stay away from chunky bracelets or bangles and stick with small rings, no statement rings or large costume stones.
Inverted Triangle – Accessorizing for the inverted triangle shape can be accomplished by drawing attention to the hips and creating the illusion of balance. For this body shape, stick with small necklaces, no scarves, and try drop or draping belts that sit on the hips and drape down. Keep necklaces small and opt for bracelets and rings; both rings and bracelets can accentuate the hips and waist because when the arms are down, they fall at the hips and waist.
Diamond – The diamond shape has a small to medium bust line that is larger than the hips with a waistline that is larger than the bust line and
hips. A dark belt that sits on the waist can help create the illusion of a smaller waistline, this works best with the right jacket to help draw attention away from the waistline as the belt works to minimize it. If you are uncomfortable with a belt at the waistline, look for belts that drop or drape across the hips. Accentuating hips also works to diminish the waistline. Keep necklaces small and opt for bracelets and rings; both rings and bracelets can accentuate the hips and waist because when the arms are down, they fall at the hips and waist.
Some women consider shoes as an accessory, if this how you see them you can work different styles into any outfit. Because your smart wardrobe was created using solid colors, you have a large variety of styles you can wear with it. Just about any fabric or style will look great with your smart wardrobe.
The accessories you choose will keep your wardrobe fashionable and keep it from looking dated. Shoes are included in this too; fashion statement shoes can take a plain outfit to new fashion heights. Remember to look for accessories that are fashionable and trendy, even if you don’t like trendy, one trendy piece can really help you create a fashion statement.
Your new smart wardrobe begs to be accessorized, it was designed with accessories in mind. No matter what outfit you put together, accessories will pull it together. The right belt, necklace, and bracelets, or an awesome printed scarf and drop belt can add just the perfect amount of color and flair to your look.
Use the style and colors of accessories to personalize your look. How you accessorize can make you stand out, blend in, and even express your personality. You can use accessories to glam up, go boho, or to add a touch of class to a plain outfit. With the right accessories, you can turn your smart wardrobe into a fashion statement that shows your personal style.
Conclusion A smart wardrobe is one of the best things you can do for your pocketbook and your confidence. It feels great to wear clothes that look good on you. Now you know how to create an entire wardrobe from accessories to jackets that will make you look fabulous!
Your new wardrobe can take you anywhere you want to go in style. The accessories you have chosen can help you dress up a simple outfit or accentuate your perfect waist. Once you learn your body type, perfect outfits are an everyday occurrence.
If you have chosen easy care fabrics, you will be able to pack your entire wardrobe and go on vacation without an iron. There are so many easy care choices now that irons may become a thing of the past. Easy care silks and wools are also a possibility.
Work and play no longer have two different wardrobes, your smart wardrobe makes it possible to just wear what you love and look great doing it. You can change from work to ready for a date with a few changes in accessories and different pair of shoes. The choices are many and they are all possible.
ORGANIZATION The Art Of Decluttering and Simplifying Your Life Forever ( Home Organization, Stress Free Life, Declutter)
by Marie Rose © 2016 Marie Rose All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1- Benefits Of De-Cluttering Chapter 2- How To Get Started Chapter 3- Home Areas To Declutter Chapter 4- Techniques To Maintain Your De-Clutter Process Conclusion
Disclaimer While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this book, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter contained within. The information provided in this book is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The reader is responsible for his or her own actions and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.
Introduction How am I going to be better than I am now? These are some of the questions that we ask ourselves each day. For a better successful life we should learn to make some changes in our activities and mind. We should let go of things that are no longer useful in our lives anymore, this is possible through the process of de-cluttering. Let’s first understand what “de-clutter” means, it is defined as an act of simplifying or eliminating mess, disorder, obstacles, etc. So how about organizing? Does it also mean the same thing? If you take a look at the meaning of the word “organize”, it means putting things together to produce an orderly, intelligently designed and structured whole. Hence, whenever you organize, it entails the act of putting items in place by sorting them (de-cluttering) and putting things in a place where you can efficiently store them according to their purpose (organizing).
It would be safe to say then that in order to de-clutter your home and your life effectively, you need to do it in an organized manner and through a smart method. The meaning of organizing is deeply intertwined with the meaning of de-cluttering. The key to a successful de-cluttering is understanding what the whole concept is about. If you get a good grasp of what decluttering really means, then you will have a good idea of what the whole task will demand from you.
Another term, which can be associated to de-cluttering, is “hoarding” only this time, it falls on the other side of the ring. It is defined in almost all dictionaries as the act of keeping. By keeping, it could mean anything from the smallest items to the more visible and space-consuming things. There are actually different levels of hoarding. However, in general, a hoarder is one who has a serious problem in keeping or accumulating clutter with the idea that these things are much more valuable than they actually are. Hoarders cling to the sentimental value of these things and usually anticipate a need for certain items in the near future. This leads them to keep more than what is necessary just in case the need arises, though, it never does anyway.
Sadly, some of these hoarders have psychological issues. These issues have to be dealt with before they can get rid of their hoarding habits. There are instances when professional help may be necessary. So if you think you fall under this category, it is best to consider seeking the help of a therapist. These are the basic terms that are commonly knotted to the concept of decluttering. Now that you have a deeper understanding of what these terms mean, you are ready to start your decluttering adventure.
Don’t put yourself in a position of a hoarder. Hoarding everything that comes your way or unused past items will adversely affect your day to day activities. . If you develop the tendency of hoarding too many things in your life, you will find it hard to concentrate because you will be constantly surrounded by things that left you suffocated by your inability to think clearly and logically.
You can commence the de-cluttering process by taking on a smaller project, afterwards you can take on a slightly bigger job and get the family involved and for the larger jobs. Break the projects down into smaller ones, making it easier to get each piece of de-cluttering process completed; this way, you will achieve the best end result.
The sooner you start taking the step by step tricks and techniques that are provided in this book and using them on a daily basis, the sooner you will be enjoying a simplified life that is organized and easier to manage. Don’t hesitate any more, this is the time to make new changes in your life. The longer you procrastinate the harder it will be to start. You aren’t going to change overnight, but with regular de-cluttering and turning it into a habit, your life will soon become simpler, easier and you will have more time on your hands for the things you enjoy.
Chapter 1- Benefits Of De-Cluttering As we have stated earlier in the book introduction, hoarding materials or things that are no longer in use in the present is really a setback in your life. Also, you shouldn’t hoard those bad experiences you went through in the past; learn to clean up your mind and thoughts for a better living.
There are many reasons why we should carry out the process of de-cluttering. One of the reasons why many people choose to de-clutter these days is due to financial issues. As prices continue to soar higher and job stability is still an issue post-recession, a lot of people are prompted to sort out their stuff and try to get money out of the things that they no longer need.
The ongoing real estate crisis has also prompted a lot of people to give up big houses and move into smaller places. For this reason, they also have to let go of many of their stuff. Nevertheless, there are those who did not have to experience any crisis to get started on de-cluttering. Other people are now starting to appreciate its benefits. There are actually a lot of good things that can happen when you decide to de-clutter. These benefits are mostly economic and psychological.
The things kept in the house and those that are dumped in storage but no longer serve a daily or routine purpose can actually hinder you from having a convenient lifestyle. A clutter-free life means living in an environment, which is organized and encourages efficiency for more control, accomplishments, peace and satisfaction. You will feel the same thing when a once messy room has been ridden of all the clutter and has been turned into a neat and functional space.
ALLOWS CREATIVITY Studies show that those who stay in a clutter-free environment usually have a euphoric feeling, which can be compared to a runner’s high. It is much easier to breathe and find a renewed sense of energy when you look around a tidy space. It allows you to think more clearly, even in the face of various problems.
HELP TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE Vision is one of the main areas for sensory input. Psychologists have identified that those who are living in clutter-free spaces have a better sense of control over things. As people have to perform various tasks throughout the day, those who are in tidy spaces are able to focus more on their tasks because there are fewer distractions. There are also times when you have to look for certain things and it makes the task much easier if there is less clutter.
Altruism is also another concept linked to de-cluttering. Those who de-clutter usually have to go through the process of discarding things that they no longer need. While they can sell some of these things for money, there are those that can be donated to charity. There is an intensely good feeling derived from being able to give and help others, even though these things are merely excesses in your life. The same goes if you decide to give these things away to family members, friends or the needy members of your community.
HELP SAVE TIME De-cluttering and organizing also allows you to save time. It may seem as if the time you will spend on decluttering will actually eat up a lot on your hectic schedule. However, it can actually help you save a lot of time in the long run. The benefits of de-cluttering can be felt as you get on with your daily activities afterwards.
It becomes a lot easier for you to clean your space because there are less stuff to tend to. You also spend less time searching for the things you need amidst all the clutter. Organizing your things and keeping them in a fixed location will help you go about your daily tasks more efficiently. Aside from saving time, you can also save money if you declutter. This basically comes from the fact that when you get rid of clutter, you end up selling some of the unnecessary items. It is the magic of turning junk into money.
Aside from selling your things, de-cluttering also helps you realize the value and function of the things that you already have. It is like being reintroduced to an old friend. It helps you realize that buying more things will no longer be necessary as you can maximize the use of the things you already have. Aside from that, you can unearth some useful things that you have already forgotten about. In this light, you can save money by spending less. When you de-clutter, you also become more conscious of the things that have the potential to pile up in your home. It makes you think twice before you make any purchase. You will begin to consider if you actually need the item or not. It prevents you from spending money on unnecessary things that will only add up to the existing clutter in your house. Lastly, the psychological rewards of de-cluttering are awe-inspiring. If you notice, you can sleep better in hotel rooms than in your own bedrooms that have almost the same amenities. This is due to the fact that hotel rooms are clutter-free.
This is the total opposite from what you can see in your bedroom. Now try to imagine transforming your bedroom into a hotel-like atmosphere. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel like you are sleeping in a hotel room every single time? The less stuff you see scattered all over the place, the more relaxed you feel. You sleep better and become more energized to start another day. You become more productive and you have higher chances of enjoying your day.
Another benefit of de-cluttering is that it removes a lot of stress. It gives you less stuff to take care of, thus eliminating one of the major sources of stress. In sum, de-cluttering has a lot of short-term and long term benefits that help boost good vibes and let you have a more positive outlook in life.
Chapter 2- How To Get Started Setting up a plan to start de-cluttering may not be easy for many people, but it is something that can be achieved with determination and focus. To get rid of the mess and disorder, and de-clutter your life you must start with a plan of action. No matter how hard it might seem. If you do not start now you will probably never get to it. You must jump in and get started without hesitation to get rid of all the stuff that are overwhelming you. It can be difficult to know where to begin, but you must get in the right mindset and just start. Living with a more organized life can make your household more peaceful and serene and therefore you will feel better.
Since you might not be able to de-clutter all the areas of your house in one day, do as much as you can in that day so you do not get overwhelmed. You can continue other rooms day by day until all are free of clutter and organized. Planning days for each of the rooms or areas in your home that need de-cluttering will help avoid stress.
THE DECLUTTERING PROCESS Taking the first step is usually the hardest. This is usually the challenge that most people face once they have made the decision to de-clutter. How exactly are you supposed to start?
1) Scanning the environment You have to take your view away from the big picture of all the clutter that you have to deal with, and zero in on the smaller, more specific clutter problems. Once you have identified all the clutter spots in your house, you can move on to creating an action plan. List down and get a hold of organizing materials and cleaning tools. These include materials such as trash bags, drawers, boxes.
2) Create a schedule A successful de-cluttering journey takes time, effort and loads of motivation. There is no shortcut to it. You can’t just flick a wand for all the clutter to disappear. In order for you not to be overwhelmed with the amount of work that you need to do, you need to have a schedule. Based on the size of the task that you need to tackle, set a target date for you to finish everything. Make sure that this target date is realistic and will give you enough time to tend to all your clutter in every area of the house. After setting a target date, plot a schedule for you to clean up certain areas of the house. Do it one space at a time.
Having a schedule will make the de-cluttering goal more realistic. If you commit to this schedule, then you become more motivated to continue and finish everything. By following the schedule, you also create altars of decluttered spaces all around the house. This will keep you inspired until you finally finish the entire thing.
3) Start small Then choose one corner of the house or room, which you wish to deal with. When you choose, try to look for the things that bother you the most. Look for one that nags at you every day. In order to take on big things, you need to start with little things. These small successes will also help motivate you to move on to the next, and then on to another until you are finally able to tackle the entire pile of clutter that you need to get rid of. When you find yourself getting exhausted, you can go back to the spaces that you have already cleaned up and it will help get you going.
4) Take slow and steady steps Clutter is usually the effect of a cycle, and this cycle has the tendency to run infinitely unless small steps are taken to change things. The clutter that has accumulated is the result of one small clutter added every single time. Then after cleaning up, a different one is added, and then another until everything just piles up and you will have to start cleaning up again. Try to reverse this concept and this is what you should do in order to declutter. The clutter accumulated little by little. So when you de-clutter, you don’t have to abruptly remove everything. The clutter should also be removed in the same manner - little by little. To introduce lasting change, the process has to be slow and steady. It takes time before you eventually reach your goal of living a clutter-free life.
You may have come across stories of clearing out clutter overnight or some other quick fixes. Try to resist the urge to force yourself to follow this trend. More often than not, these quick fixes only produce short-term results. You will clean all the clutter up fast, but they will return just as quickly as they disappeared.
Keep in mind that you are in it for something long term. This is not something you can get in the blink of an eye. This is the change that you want to live with for the rest of your life, and this change is going to require you to undergo a process. You have to build foundations and change your habits in order to finally solve your clutter problems permanently.
5) Get everyone involved The whole process of de-cluttering cannot be taken on single-handedly. Note that the pile of clutter in the house has not been created by one person alone. If you live in a family setting, everyone in the house has contributed to this clutter. In order to work to get rid of it, everyone has to lend a hand. It will be useless to keep de-cluttering when everyone else keeps their usual clutter routines.
But you should keep this in mind, don’t dictate them. You can’t just command them to clean up their clutter. It is going to waste your time and energy, and it may even cause strained relations.
Instead of simply telling them what to do, try to walk the talk. Set an example of what you want to happen. Start with your personal spaces and show them how it’s done.
Chances are, they will follow your example without the need to be nagged about it. However, if they don’t, you can also encourage them with some motivating talk. As long as they see you working hard on it, they will also realize the benefits of de-cluttering.
Chapter 3- Home Areas To Declutter This book entails practical examples and yet it will work only for those who are ready to make one step ahead from the point they are now. Be ready to be motivated and set goals that are going to change the way you are living right now, positively. The book will also take you through every room of your home and discuss what it really means to de-clutter once and for all. If you choose to embrace the idea of de-cluttering, you may find yourself in a position of making better decisions. A definite benefit is that your life will be happier and healthier from only holding onto necessary items or decorative pieces that make you feel good.
We are starting from the ground floor up. This will help you tackle the areas of your home that are more public first.
LAUNDRY ROOM – You can start with the laundry room and work your way into other rooms. The reason for this recommendation is that most of the mess in a laundry room is basically clothes and detergents. If you have piles all over the floor and on the top of the washing machine, start by clearing them out and organizing them until it’s time to wash them. You can use baskets to sort the clothes by color, fabric types or how you prefer but the idea is to get them off the floor and out of the way.
Next go through the detergent containers. Get rid of empty ones and place the rest neatly on a shelf. Sweep and mop the floor and you’re done
GARAGE OR BASEMENT AREA -This is the most obvious space to clear out for old junk. Let's face it; this is where junk goes to die like all the old yard tools that never get used? It's time to evaluate everything that you own and make an honest assessment of what its purpose is in your life. If you are not using something, you need to donate it or sell it. If you are a parent, you may even have boxes of old school records for your kids. If you must keep them, simply scan them into electronic copies and shred the paper files.
LIVING ROOM - Are you accumulating baskets of magazines anywhere in your house? This is always where they seem to end up! Get rid of them. How about old newspapers and catalogs? Other items that seem to end up here might include old remote controls and electronic gadgets that no one uses anymore.
KITCHEN - You need a basket or file for daily mail, keys, change, coupons, and wallets. A lot of people have a small bulletin board in their kitchen to keep the family organized. This way, the table and countertops can stay clean and empty. You should clean out your pantry and donate food items that your family is not going to use before they expire.
How many sets of dishes do you really need? Are you really using all of the kitchen gadgets you have accumulated through the years? If they are no longer used, get rid of them.
CHILDREN'S ROOMS - Getting your children involved in cleaning out their rooms is a great way to expose them to giving to those who are less fortunate. Can they make selections themselves from their closet to identify items to give to a needy child? Encourage them to select games, books, puzzles, and even clothing that hasn't been used in the last six months. This will also instill the idea in your child that accumulating things does not equal happiness. That is a very valuable lesson to learn in the early stages of life!
LINEN CLOSETS - Keep only what is in good condition. There is no need to accumulate old dish rags and raggedy towels. It feels better to have quality items, and linens are things that can be purchased on sale so often that there is no excuse to hold onto unused materials.
MASTER BEDROOM - Both spouses need a dresser or a nightstand for their personal items to be stowed. Ideally, the two of you will have separate areas of the bathroom and closets to organize your things in accordance with your personal preferences.
For the ladies, how many pairs of shoes do you really need? If you are rotating them, and they are all in good condition, fine. But get rid of
everything that is beginning to show signs of wear. It is better to just have a few quality items you can rotate, rather than getting low-price items because you are afraid to throw anything away. Go through your cosmetics that you have stored under your bathroom sink too. Throw away everything that is old or that you are not using. You don't need it!
HOME OFFICE - With cloud based storage options so cheap now, there really isn't a need any more to hang onto and store too many original documents. Most everything you need to file can be scanned in to your computer and loaded into the web storage program of your choice.
If you think of what executive offices typically look like, you should have an image of very clean; mostly empty space on the desk. There is a real connection between a clean space and a clear mind. Executives do not accumulate unnecessary papers or other items. They have a place for everything, and you should strive to emulate that system. It works for a reason! If you can commit to throwing away the old idea of consumerism away, you will be on your way to a happier, more peaceful life. If you are a beginner, aim to clean house every spring, and start fresh.
Dedicate yourself to living a simpler lifestyle, and spend your money on savings and on experiences that will enhance your family's personal growth. Polls repeatedly show that people are happier when they spend money on
experiences, rather than on materials items. What's more, choosing to de-clutter can help a needy family with items they wouldn't be able to afford for themselves.
Chapter 4- Techniques To Maintain Your DeClutter Process Once you have gotten rid of clutter, a bigger challenge begins. You have to conquer clutter once and for all and prevent it from piling back. Other people have that notion that their work is done once they are able to get rid of the clutter. This is absolutely wrong and it will actually lead to a neverending cycle of de-cluttering and then allowing new clutter to accumulate. This is one exhausting cycle that consumes a lot of your time and resources. The key to ending this cycle is to change your habits to keep the clutter out. It won’t be that easy to change your habits and really make sure that you keep the clutter out. Nonetheless, it is a lot easier than having to do the entire decluttering process all over again. Below are some of the tips on how you can get rid of clutter:
1) A place for everything One of the reasons why clutter piles up is because some items no longer have a place in your home. This could mean the mail, your bills, newspaper or other stuff. When they don’t have any designated space in the house, the tendency is for them to be scattered everywhere.
To get rid of the clutter, find a home for each item in the house. You should
set aside a space for your mail, bills and other paper stuff. You should also have a rack for newspapers or a shelf for books and so on. Make it a habit to always place these items back to their designated spaces. This way, you won’t have random stuff lying around the house.
2) Make room for a clutter reserve Although it is ideal to live in a clutter-free environment, it is nonetheless inevitable to create some clutter. To avoid disturbing the de-cluttered space, you can place a clutter preserve. A clutter preserve is a space where you can place all your clutter and just sort them out once every two weeks. For example, you can make one chair a clutter preserve in your bedroom. This way, even if you still have some clutter, it will be confined in a single space.
3) Build clutter-free habits Habits can be defined as a systematic practice, particularly a practice that is hard to let go. Habit is closely related to self-image. Luckily, habits can be changed and ‘bad’ or self-destructive ones can be replaced by new and more positive ones, but it takes hard work and dedication to make the change, especially since some habits may be so deeprooted that we’re not even aware of them. What we need to do is to identify the bad ones and consciously plan to replace them with better ones.
Simply making a conscious decision that it’s time to change a bad habit is a positive move in itself, and once you’ve taken that first, vital step, then it’s time to make a list.
As you can see, it takes time, commitment and hard work, but bad habits can be changed for the better. Another thing that you have to do is to build a habit that gets rid of clutter. Establish a routine, which stops you from throwing things around. For instance, if you are coming home from work, make it a habit to return the things in their proper places. Have a designated area for your coat, purse, keys, etc. No matter how tired you are, make it a habit to put them in these places. Eventually, it will no longer be a chore for you, but will start to become second nature.
Self-concept is a view of yourself that is a combination of what you know or believe to be true about yourself combined with the reactions of others towards you. This view embraces such elements as beliefs regarding your personality traits, physical characteristics, abilities, and how you experience life. It is essential that you protect and maintain a sense of high self-concept and a firm belief in your ability to succeed, no matter what the obstacles. But how do you stay calm and composed, and maintain a healthy and positive self-concept, when you find yourself in a tough environment?
Protecting your self-concept
There’s a danger of getting caught up in a cycle of destructive thinking and behavior that can sorely damage your self-concept. You may find yourself surrounded by people who are critical of you and who constantly belittle your appearance, taste, personality, dress sense, way of speaking or, indeed, anything else about you. This kind of situation has the potential to be enormously destructive. If you don’t protect yourself against such negativity, then it can have the potential to destroy your sense of self-worth and pull you into the practice of inflicting similar treatment on others. This can happen insidiously: you don’t make a conscious decision to change or to begin behaving in a destructive way; you are simply shaped and influenced by what is around you.
4) Try the one in one out strategy If you want to be strict and serious with your decluttering habits, then you can also try the one in one out strategy. The rule is simple. If you buy something, you have to let go of another thing which you already have. This is a bit of an extreme or drastic measure which those who shop uncontrollably can use. A more mellow way of dealing with shopping issues is outsourcing. There are many things that you don’t really need to buy. You can always opt to rent or borrow them. For example, you are dying to read a certain issue of a magazine. Instead of buying one, you can visit a salon or a local coffee shop, which has
a copy of the magazine. Read it all you want and simply leave it behind afterwards. This way, you can satisfy your lust for it without creating any clutter problem at home.
5) Make time for decluttering Try to squeeze in a de-clutter time in your schedule. It is inevitable that you will create some sort of clutter as you go on with your daily routines. However, in order to prevent it from piling up again, you should do something about it at the soonest possible time. It will take some time before you get used to these changes. You also need to put in some effort and impose discipline on yourself and the members of your household. However, incorporating these habits and making them part of your lifestyle is the only way to kick the clutter out for good.
6) Declutter Your Mind We all live in a very busy world where our life is filled with stress, projects and errands. There seems to be no end to the clutter we experience in our minds on a daily basis as we try and manage what we have to do and plan effectively. The good news is that you can de-clutter your mind by following a few simple steps. Making small changes to your daily habits can have a considerable impact on your mind, helping you plan effectively and manage your day accordingly. Here are a few suggestions to help you de-clutter your mind.
Take in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Focus all your attention on your breathing, this can help you calm down when you feel overwhelmed. Deep breathing can be an exceptionally simple, yet useful tool when you feel that the world is crashing down around you and you don’t know which way to turn. If you feel that your day is filled with chaos and you’re trying desperately to remember it all, write it down. Making a list of everything you have to remember and crossing it off as you complete each day will dramatically reduce the clutter in your mind, helping you think clearly.
Eliminate anything that isn’t important. These are things you don’t feel are important to you and your family and can cause trouble during your day. By eliminating a few things off your list, you will free up time to spend with your family or enjoy some alone time.
Starting a journal is a great way to eliminate the clutter in your mind. Writing a journal first thing in the morning can give you the perspective you need to determine what’s important in your life. It can be a great tool for distress when you feel that you have too much to manage. Ensure you get plenty of sleep. Ideally you should be getting at least eight hours of sleep each night. If you are not achieving this, then it’s time you change your sleeping habits.
Get outside more. You’ll be amazed what a difference a walk around the block in the fresh air can make. It can help you clear your mind and relax, giving you the energy to get on with the tasks at hand on your return.
Slow your life down. Life doesn’t have to be a race, even when you feel you have too many things going on in your head. Slowing down can help you concentrate on one thing at a time, eliminating the amount of noise and confusion going on in your mind.
Create a “do not do” list. Everyone knows that a to-do list can effectively help them manage their daily chores and duties, chances are you have never considered doing a list for things you shouldn’t do. If you are one of those people who cannot say no or takes too much head on, then consider a “do not do” list. It can help you simplify your life, making it easier to manage daily duties and in turn, declutter your mind.
Conclusion Make this decision once and for all, don’t hesitate again. This is the high time to make changes in your life. In order to succeed, you will need commitment, dedication and loads of hard work. Endurance and patient are the key main factors in executing the de-clutter process. Order on the outside can make a difference to inner peace and calmness in the household. It is more than just the physical change. You will eventually feel the change that it brings within you and within every other person in your home .
Homemade Organic Sunscreen 25 Easy and Natural DIY Sunscreen Recipes for Summer 2016 By Emma Miller
© 2016 Emma Miller All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1- Homemade versus Commercial Sunscreen Chapter 2- 25 Homemade DIY Sunscreen Recipes Conclusion
Disclaimer While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this book, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter contained within. The information provided in this book is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The reader is responsible for his or her own actions and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.
Introduction Sunscreens refer to lotions, gels or sprays among other topical substances that are applied to the skin so that it plays the role of reflecting harmful sun rays such as Ultraviolet radiations thus protecting the skin from burns. One thing that most people often do not know is that most of these commercial sunscreens contain toxic chemicals that interfere with the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Because of this interference, the results of utilizing these chemical substances are characterized by the production of free radicals in the body and thus promoting the occurrence of skin cancers.
Based on research and a report released by FDA in 2007, there is evidence that shows that since the introduction of sunscreen, the rate of skin cancer occurrence has risen dramatically. However, it is important to note that the FDA does not have any data that demonstrates that use of sunscreen offers prevention against cancer. As a matter of fact, most reports demonstrate that most sunscreens raise the risk of skin cancers.
As we approach the dog days of summer, most people are slathering their skin with sunscreen as they spend their time enjoying the hot weather outdoors. While this is a good alternative to the conventional way where people do not care about protecting their skin from the harmful rays of the sun, there is a high chance that most of these people are using products that disrupt the endocrine system.
However, for some of us who are conscious about your spending as well as the diehard DIYs, you have an option of making your sunscreen at home. This is to ensure that the products you are using are safe, healthy and effective in blocking the sun rays at a very low cost which is just a fraction of the cost that most people incur on store bought products. One thing that you have to bear in mind with is the fact that not all the natural labeled sunscreens that are sold in beauty stores are safe! It is better if you make your products yourself. Based on the fact that most people are currently suffering from Vitamin D deficiency due to lack of exposure to sunlight, it is better than too much exposure!
However, it is important for you to know that Vitamin D deficiency is associated with too many types of cancers such as breast cancer among others. One thing that is really sad is that people avoid exposing themselves to sunlight for the sake of facial beauty. In attempts of avoiding skin cancers, people have shunned away from the sun and thus finally becoming deficient in vitamin D!
It is important to note that exposure to sunlight is only one of the many causes or predisposing factors to cancers. This is because such things as consumption of Omega-6 vegetable oils have a great negative effect on the health of the skin. The best approach, however, is ensuring that you have adequate sun exposure every day paying attention to avoiding burning in the process.
Considering the fact that most people work indoors and rarely get time to
bask in the sun, it is important that you take a few minutes break off your busy schedule to ensure that you get the sun. In cases where you are out in the sun for long hours, using homemade sunscreen to shield your skin from extreme sun rays is very important. In this book, I will share with you 25 recipes of organic DIY sunscreens that will serve you well during those hot summer days at the beach!
You can use this for both adults as well as children skin without any negative effects because the natural ingredients used are safe and effective in protecting the skin. These sunscreens smell great and have the ability to moisturize your skin naturally! However, this does not mean that you do not get daily exposure to sunlight as this goes a long way in benefiting you in the long-term.
Chapter 1- Homemade versus Commercial Sunscreen Many of the ingredients that are present in sunscreen products often have a natural SPF. However, this is only the case for a commercial sunscreen that has been tested by regulatory bodies as opposed to homemade sunscreens. The reason why this cannot be quantified in most cases is based on the fact that most of the ingredients have their SPF value, but when they are combined into a product, there is no easy way of knowing the SPF factor in the homemade sunscreen.
Some of the ingredients that are used in home products include Almond oil with an SPF of approximately 5, Coconut oil with SPF of 4-6, Carrot seed oil at 35-40, Shea butter at around 4-6, Red raspberry seed oil with around 25-50 and Zinc Oxide ranging from 2-20 based on the amount used. This means that if the products are combined, then the final sunscreen product will have varied sun protection ability.
This is based on the amount of each ingredient used in making the final products. This means that you have to work closely with your dermatologist to ensure that the products are safe for use on your skin before starting use. When you are making a decision on what natural homemade sunscreen product to use, you have to bear in mind that there are merits and demerits of the same that you have to pay close attention to. According to research, there is evidence that demonstrates that commercially available sunscreens are easy and fast to apply.
Additionally, they are thought to have a higher SPF and are often waterproof in nature. However, in the case of natural organic homemade sunscreen products, the application may be fast and easy, but the SPF level is too low. It is important to note that most of the commercial products in spite the fact that they may have a high SPF value; they possess hormone altering activity and contain carcinogenic agents. One of the advantages of making your liquid sunscreen at home is that it is very easy to apply. However, the disadvantage is that it is not very waterproof and has the tendency of whitening the skin. In the case of the solid organic sunblock, it is waterproof and slightly whitens the skin.
It also takes a while before one can apply it on the skin in addition to it having a low SPF value. One thing that you have to be aware of is that most sun protective factors (SPF) are dependent on how much component that blocks the sun is present in the final products. These sun blocking components include Zinc oxide among others. This means that if you require more protection as directed by your dermatologist, then you add more sun-blocking substance.
Chapter 2- 25 Homemade DIY Sunscreen Recipes Most of the sunscreen that is present in stores is not healthy in offering protection to the skin. I know that any woman, man or teenager is crazy about ensuring that their skin is protected against aging that could be brought about by harsh rays of the sun as well as harmful chemicals in the beauty products sold on the market! Well, if you are just like me, then you have an admirable trait due to the caution that you are taking on your skin. Most of the time, we try out the commercial sunscreen, and they keep backfiring because they cause our skins to break out, do not have a pleasant smell or are exorbitantly costly. The cost sometimes does not correlate to the quantity that is given!
Making your sunscreen from natural organic ingredients at home can be very satisfying. This is because you will make a product that is specifically tailored to meet your beauty needs. Most of the ingredients that you use are readily available, cheap and safe for applying topically.
Additionally, most of the homemade organic sunscreen smells great especially when such ingredients as vanilla are used. It also takes a short period to make except only in cases where your expertise in mixing is not good. One thing that you have to remember when making your sunscreen is that use lots of natural oils. Did you know that certain organic oils are natural sun protectants?
1. Waterproof bar sunscreen This often has approximately 20 SPF value. It is made from such ingredients as 1.5 ounces each of beeswax, zinc oxide, coconut oil, and shea butter. You can add a touch of fragrance using a few drops of essential oils derived from peppermint, eucalyptus or lavender.
The first step to preparing this is first melting the beeswax and the oils together until they are homogenous and well softened. Then remove this mixture from the heat and whisk in the required amount of zinc oxide that you intend to use. Ensure that before this; you have worn a mask to protect against facial spillages that could be harmful. Pour the mixture into molds and allow them to cool until they are well solidified. Remove them from the molds and refrigerate until required for use.
2. Sunblock lotion This sunscreen has a sun protective factor of approximately 20 SPF. To make this sunscreen, you require 2 ounces each of coconut oil and shea butter, I ounce of zinc oxide. Then a few drops of about 8-10 of peppermint essential oils.
The first step in the preparation process is melting the shea butter and coconut oils together in a pan until the mixture is well softened and homogenous. Stir in the desired amount of zinc oxide while ensuring that your face is well covered in a mask. Pour the mixture into a mold container to get the desired shape of sunscreen. Allow it to cool and peel off the mold. Store the sunscreen product at room temperatures.
3. Waterproof sunblock bars This has approximately 20 SPF. To prepare this sunscreen, you require 1.5 ounces each of beeswax, shea butter, tea tree oil and coconut oil; and an ounce of zinc oxide. The first step in preparation is melting the beeswax together with the tea tree oil, shea butter, and coconut oil in a mason jar placed in a bowl of boiling water. Then remove the mixture from the heat and add in zinc oxide in the appropriate proportion and stir until they are uniformly mixed. Pour the
mixture into mold containers such as deodorant containers that are no longer in use, and allow it to cool. Remove the molds and store the sunscreen product in the refrigerator before use.
4. Pomegranate Sunscreen The preparation time for this sunscreen is approximately 20-30 minutes. This is sufficient for use by over ten people. To prepare this sunscreen product, you require 15 drops of lavender essential oils, 3/4 cups of coconut oil, one tablespoon of pomegranate oil, two tablespoons each of zinc oxide and shea butter.
The first step in preparation is to mix all the ingredients in a glass container except the zinc oxide. Place the mixture in a saucepan of boiling water on a stove that is set at the low or medium heat. Keep stirring the mixture until it is completely melted. Remove the mixture that is homogenous from the heat and set it aside.
Add in the desired amount of zinc oxide and stir well ensuring that your face is well covered in a mask. Once all the ingredients have been uniformly combined, pour it into storage containers and store in a cool, dry place before
5. Olive infusion sunscreen This is prepared using half a cup of olive oil, infusion of olive herbs, ¼ cup each of beeswax and coconut oil; 2 tablespoons of zinc oxide. One of the precautions that you have to take is ensuring that your face is well covered in a mask to prevent from inhaling the powder.
You also require the use of a teaspoon each of red raspberry seed oil, carrot seed oil, Vitamin E oil and two tablespoons of shea butter. Add in also the vanilla extract according to your taste and preference.
To prepare this kind of sunscreen, you require mixing all the ingredients together in a glass container except zinc oxide. This means that you have to come up with a jar that you can reuse ensure that it is eco-friendly.
Once you have combined all these in a container, then heat the mixture by placing the glass jar in a large saucepan of boiling water. Heat them at medium to low heat to ensure that all the components are well melted into a homogenous substance. Ensure that you are shaking the container
occasionally then proceed into adding the zinc oxide.
Mix them together and put it into a container that you would wish to store your product in. store this in a cool, dry place and use just like any other regular sunscreen. This is good for use within half a year after preparation.
6. Vanilla sunscreen As the name suggests, this is a sunscreen that is composed of vanilla extract to add in fragrances. To prepare this sunscreen, you require a ¼ cup of shea butter, two tablespoons of zinc oxide powder. In this case, ensure that the zinc oxide that you are using is non-nano.
This is because, despite the fact that it can leave a slight white residue upon application, it is easily absorbed into the skin. You also require ¼ cup each of coconut oil and beeswax granules, 15-20 drops of carrot seed oil according to your taste and preference. You also need one teaspoon each of raspberry seed oil, vanilla extract, and Vitamin E.
To proceed with the preparation process, mix the shea butter, beeswax and coconut oil into a large container. Place the container that has the mixture onto a large saucepan of boiling water at a low setting.
Once the ingredients are well mixed to yield a homogenous mixture, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool for a few minutes. Stir into the homogenous mixture the required amount of zinc oxide. Be careful not to inhale the powder in the process as it is toxic when it is ingested. To take precaution, ensure that you are wearing a mask.
Take the mixture and store it in a refrigerator to cool for half an hour or until the texture is firm and can be whipped easily. Add in oils and vanillas extracts and mix them together. Pour it into a container and store in a fridge before use. This can last for over six months. However, you need to apply it every few hours so that it does not have to be stored for that long.
7. Avocado sunscreen To prepare this sunscreen, you require a good lotion that you have been using on your skin. Ensure that the lotion you are using is rich in antioxidants such as virgin coconut oil and olive oil among others. The total amount of lotion you will require is approximately 9 ounces.
You require about 2-6 tablespoons of uncoated non-nano zinc depending on the desired amount of coverage. You also require a medium size avocado and
a hint of cocoa and iron oxide that are finely blended.
The first step is taking the 9 ounces of lotion and warming it before adding it to a food processor, and adding in the desired amount of zinc oxide. Add in the avocado and tint of cocoa and iron oxide and continue to blend in a pulse to get a homogenous mixture. Ensure that you pour the sunscreen that you have prepared into a container and store in a refrigerator. However, if it contains coconut oil, then you can store it at room temperature. If it contains olive oil, then refrigeration is the best storage method since olive oil tends to go bad faster than coconut oil.
8. Jojoba sunscreen oil This sunscreen is made from a wide range of ingredients such as high quality one ounce each of jojoba oil and Vitamin E oil. You also require 0.8 ounces of shea butter, Zinc oxide powder and 0.1 ounces of coconut oil. If you like, you can include the use of a few drops of essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender based on your taste and preference as this is optional. The first step in the preparation process is to mix all the oils together in a double boiler container.
Heat the oil mixture by placing the container in a pot that contains boiling water. Allow the oils to melt and then mix well by stirring. Remove the oils from the heat and set them aside to cool for 3 minutes.
Wear a mask to cover your nose and your eyes to protect yourself from
ingesting fine particles of zinc oxide. Add into the oil mixture the desired quantity of zinc oxide powder and stir to mix. Pour the product into a dark container and store it in a refrigerator until when required for use. Apply after every few hours especially after swimming and sweating.
9. Calendula infused sunscreen oil To prepare this sunscreen, you require a 1/8 of a cup each of calendula infused oil, organic Neem oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, aloe Vera gel, beeswax, cocoa butter and shea butter. Additionally, you require adding a few drops of lavender and a teaspoon of Vitamin E oil.
In this case, the use of Zinc oxide non-micro particles is optional especially if you are making a sunscreen for short exposure. However, if you are going to use it for long sunlight exposure, then you need to add in to boost the sun protection.
The first step in the preparation is melting the coconut oil, beeswax, shea butter and cocoa butter in a bowl. Once the oils are sufficiently mixed, place it over a pot of simmering water to melt the butter. Add the mixture the other remainder oils and aloe Vera gels. Continue mixing over heat until homogenous. Remove the oils mixture from the heat and allow the mixture to cool. If you are adding, Zinc oxide, then this is the point to do so while ensuring that your face is well covered in a mask.
Finally, add into the mixture the essential oils and Vitamin E oil and stir well
to mix. Pour the product into a storage container and allow it to solidify. Then apply a thin layer of the sunscreen when you are out in the sun after every hour. You will realize that this sunscreen is very good as it does not form a white residue on the skin as the commercial ones do.
10. Aloe Vera natural sunscreen To prepare this product, you require zinc oxide powder, 1/8 cup of aloe Vera gel, two tablespoons each of jojoba seed oil, pomegranate oil, melon fruit extract, and sunflower oil. To add flavor and fragrance to the sunscreen, you can add a teaspoon of green tea extract, algae extract, and hibiscus extract.
The first step in preparing this is by combining all the oils in a container and heating it by placing the bowl in a pot of simmering water under medium heat. Once the oils are melted, allow them to cool and add in the required amount of Zinc oxide and stir well. Add into the mixture the remainder extracts and mix well.
Pour the oil into a storage container and refrigerate before use. This
complements most skin tones and offers a broad spectrum of protection against harmful sun rays while promoting rejuvenation of the skin at the cellular level.
11. Coconut oil sunscreen oil To prepare this product, you need half a cup of virgin coconut oil, a tablespoon of red raspberry seed oil and two tablespoons of zinc oxide nonnano powder. Additionally, you require approximately 15 drops of carrot seed oil. The first step in preparation is to whip the coconut oil in a food processor while carefully adding in the right proportion of Zinc oxide to the processor.
Pulse vortex the content until they are well mixed; and add in raspberry oil and essential oils. Continue to mix until the mixture is homogenous. Pour the mixture into a storage container and store in a refrigerator until required for use.
12. Herbal sunscreen oil To prepare this product, you require an ounce each of mango butter, coconut oil, beeswax to make the sunscreen waterproof. Additionally, you require 25 drops of carrot seed oil and 0.5 ounces of raspberry seed oil as well as a teaspoon of Vitamin E. The first step in the preparation process is to add the mango butter, coconut oil, and beeswax into a boiler. Place the boiler over a pot of simmering water until the butter melts well.
Remove the mixture from the heat and allow it to cool slightly. Add the mixture carrot seed, Vitamin E and raspberry seed oil and stir well. Pour the oil into a good storage container and let it harden at room temperature overnight. Apply a gentle amount of this sunscreen before going out into the sun during summer and after swimming. Ensure that the whole skin is well covered in this sunscreen for best results.
13. Kelapo coconut oil sunscreen oil To prepare this sunscreen, you require half a cup of Kelapo coconut oil and ¼ cup of cocoa butter. Yu also require a teaspoon of almond oil, 20 drops chamomile essential oils as well as five drops of peppermint essential oils.
To prepare it, the first step in the process is to mix the Kelapo coconut oil, cocoa butter, and almond oils together in a saucepan and melt them over medium heat while stirring them together. Heat the mixture for about 10-15 minutes and let it cool at room temperature for about 5 minutes.
Stir into the mixture the essential oils and let them cool completely before
use. Always ensure that when you are using it, you apply a small amount of this sunscreen all over the body before and after exposure to sunlight to ensure that the skin is protected from harsh damages of the sun and also in the soothing sunburnt skin.
14. Carrot seed sunscreen oil To prepare this sunscreen, you require a ½ cup of carrot seed oil, ¼ cup of shea butter, two tablespoons of beeswax, and a tablespoon of zinc oxide. The first step is to melt the shea butter and Vitamin E in a container. This is by placing the container on a pot of simmering water under low to medium heat.
Then remove the oils from the heat and add in ½ cup of carrot seed oil and mix well. Then carefully add in the required amount of zinc oxide taking care not to inhale the powder of the substance. Mix them vigorously to ensure that lumps and powder of the zinc oxide are completely dissolved.
Pour the product into your desired storage container and allow it to cool at room temperature. In most cases, this sunscreen is said to have an SPF value of between 25 and 40.
15. Peppermint Sunscreen Lotion To prepare this sunscreen, you need to collect about 5 ounces of distilled water, 10 drops each of spearmint oil and peppermint oil and 12 drops of virgin lavender essential oils. The process of preparation entails mixing all the ingredients in a food processor until they are frothy and homogenous in texture.
Pour the mixture into an airtight storage container and store in a refrigerator until when required for use. The shelf life of this product is approximately four months.
16. Aloe peppermint sunscreen oil To prepare this, you require ten drops of peppermint oil and 20 teaspoons of aloe Vera gel. You also need about 10 ounces of a fragrant lotion of your choice and eight drops of clove oil. The first step is to mix all the ingredients in a pan and heat them over medium to low heat for about ten minutes.
Pour the oil mixture into a blender and mix until you get a frothy paste. Pour the mixture into an airtight container and store in a refrigerator until when
required for use. This natural homemade sunscreen has a shelf-life of about two months when stored in a fridge.
17. Soya lecithin sunscreen oil To prepare this, you need about three tablespoons of avocado oil, a tablespoon each of almond oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax, jojoba oil, soy lecithin, Vitamin E oil and two tablespoons of aloe Vera gel and ½ teaspoon of borax powder.
The first step is to grate the beeswax and melt it together with shea butter and cocoa butter in a pot of boiling water while gently stirring to mix well. Once they are melted well, add in all the oils and soya lecithin to the mixture.
Remove the mixture from the heat and add into the mixture rose water, borax powder, and aloe Vera gel and stir well until homogenous. Pour them all into a blender and pulse vortex for a minute then pour it into a storage airtight container and store at four o in a refrigerator for future use. This is best for use within a month since the date of preparation.
18. Soya lecithin with zinc oxide sunscreen oil This is similar to the soya lecithin prepared in number seventeen above but in addition to 2 tablespoons of zinc oxide and ten drops of avocado oil. Combine all the oils together in a container and allow them to melt by placing it on top of a pot of simmering water. Then allow the mixture to cool and stir in zinc oxide in the required quantity.
Then add in soya lecithin and aloe Vera and mix well in a food processor. Pour the content into an airtight container and refrigerate for future use. You can add in fragrance using a few drops of spearmint, lavender or peppermint essential oils in equal proportions to make an instant sunscreen product for use.
19. Fluffy Shea butter myrrh sunscreen oil You require half a cup of each of shea butter and coconut oil; 20 drops of myrrh essential oils, ten drops of carrot seed essential oils and two tablespoons of zinc oxide. The first step is to melt the coconut oil and the shea butter in a container over a pot of simmering water.
Once the oils have melted well, allow it to cool and stir in the desired quantity of zinc oxide and mix well. Then add in the essential oils and mix well in a food processor. Pour the content into a clean airtight container and allow the oil to cool in a refrigerator before use.
The SPF value, in this case, is over 40. However, if zinc oxide is not added, the SPF value ranges between 20 and 30. The most important thing that you have to bear in mind is that the right proportions are very important to ensure that the end product has the right fluffiness!
20. Beeswax-avocado sunscreen You require ¼ cup each of beeswax, avocado oil, and coconut oil; 20 drops
each of carrot seed essential oil, myrrh and a tablespoon of zinc oxide powder. Using a double boiler, pour the beeswax, avocado, and coconut oil into the boiler; and heat in a pot of simmering water until the mixture melts well.
Remove the mixture from the pot and allow cooling. Stir in the right proportion of zinc oxide and mix well by stirring. Add in the essential oils and mix well. Transfer the oil mixture to an airtight container and store in a refrigerator for regular use.
21. Aloe Vera sunscreen spray Using a pure cup of aloe Vera juice, add in ¼ cup of pure avocado oil and mix well. Add into the mixture 20 drops of carrot seed essential oil and 15 drops of myrrh essential oils. Mix well and pour the mixture into a sprayer bottle for use. Ensure that you shake well and spray it on the exposed skin before heading outdoors for the sun.
22. Raspberry anti-aging sunscreen oil Here, you require a cup each of raspberry seed oil and coconut oil. Mix them together and then add 20 drops of peppermint and 10 drops lavender essential oils and mix well by shaking. Pour the mixture into a sprayer bottle and spray it on the skin before going outdoors and once you are from the sun to the sooth sunburnt skin.
23. Almond and olive oil This is a good sunscreen lotion that is based on the benefits of almond oil and olive oils. These oils are very rich in Vitamin E, which plays a key role in serving as a strong antioxidant. To prepare it, you need to mix ½ cup each of olive oil and almond oils. Then add in coconut oil, and mix well in a food processor. Stir in 2 tablespoons of zinc oxide and mix well. Then add a teaspoon of Vitamin E essential oils and pour into a storage container and refrigerate at 4o C. Apply a small amount onto the skin before and after outdoor activities such as swimming.
24. Soy oil and Sea emollient recipe This sunscreen combines the goodness of sea emollient and soy oil to yield a product that is effective in making the texture of the skin better while blocking sun rays. To prepare it, you require 30 grams of soy oil, 33 grams of sea emollient and a gram of Vitamin E present in Acetate powder. You also
need 9 grams of lecithin powder, two tablespoons of zinc oxide and half a gram of grape seed extract.
The first step is to melt the oil and mix in all the products one after the other until it is well mixed to obtain a creamy end product. Apply small amounts to the skin and enjoy the summer without worrying about harmful rays of the sun.
25. Tea leaves sunscreen Did you know that you have sunscreen right in your kitchen? Well, tea leaves are great sun blockers. To prepare this sunscreen, take a ½ cup of water and add in about 50 grams of tea leaves.
Allow the tea leaves to soak overnight and then sieve out the particles and store the infusion in a clean spray bottle. Refrigerate it and spray it on your skin before going outdoors in the sun.
Conclusion One thing that you have to note in the preparation of sunscreen is that they are somewhat waterproof, and thus you need to keep reapplying them after sweating or swimming. Additionally, the amount of Zinc oxide that you add is based on how much protection you wish to achieve.
This means that the more zinc oxide that you add into the preparation, the higher the SPF value of the product. Ensure that when you are adding this zinc oxide into your sunscreen preparation mixture, your face is well covered in a mask to prevent against toxicity.
The reason why most of the sunscreen that we have covered here includes the addition of beeswax is that beeswax makes the product thicker. If you want you a smooth sunscreen, you have to add less of the beeswax. In my opinion and based on my taste and preference, the addition of vanilla extracts into the sunscreen adds in sweet smelling fragrance.
Another thing that you have to note is that you have to store your sunscreen in a cool, dry place or refrigerate so that it can last for longer periods without going bad. The most interesting thing is that when you remove the zinc oxide from the preparation, you end up with an excellent lotion!
DIY Pickling The Ultimate Pickler Guide To Easy, Fresh And Quick Pickle Recipes by Jennifer Morris © 2016 Jennifer Morris All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 – What is Pickling? Chapter 2 – Foods to Pickle and Uses for Pickled Foods Chapter 3 – Materials Needed for Pickling Chapter 4 – How to Pickle Chapter 5 – Pickling Recipes Conclusion
Disclaimer While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this book, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter contained within. The information provided in this book is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The reader is responsible for his or her own actions and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.
Introduction Back in the day, I mean really far back in the day, before refrigeration, pickling was a way to keep items from the harvest for use during the harsh winters. Pickling began 4000 years ago, the first food pickled was cucumbers from India. Today we pickle a wide array of foods from meat to fruit. There are several types of pickling and each type has its advantages.
Pickled foods are a great gift idea, one that took time to make, from seedling to pickle jar, it is a gift full of thoughtfulness. It is also a delicacy loved by many, it is used in many chefs created dishes, and enjoyed straight from the jar! The huge number of food items that can be pickled makes this skill one that will keep you busy and good fed.
The word pickle is derived from the Dutch word Pekel; Pekel means brine. The word may be Dutch but pickling is enjoyed around the world in almost all cultures. The word may have derived from the Dutch because they were a largely sea faring culture; pickled items are great for long sea voyages. Pickling is found in cultures around the world because it is an excellent form of preserving food items for when times are lean.
There are many South Asian pickling foods. Fruits such as mango, tamarind and Indian gooseberry, lemons and limes, and veggies such as carrots and
cauliflower are pickled in salt, spices, and vegetable oil and left to marinade in a moistures environment. The addition of vegetable oil gives the food a distinct flavor that cuts the vinegar and dampens the tartness.
Eastern Europe has pickling traditions that include, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, beetroot, and onions. These pickled foods are popular lunch foods in Hungary, a Hungarian favorite is pickled plums stuffed with garlic. Hungarian households also have a specific type of pickling, bread, cucumbers, spices, and herbs are fermented in a jar left in direct sunlight. The resulting cucumbers have a unique flavor and the liquid is carbonated by the yeast from the bread; this carbonated liquid is then used as a type of spritzer. As you become acquainted with pickling you may want to find recipes for stuffed food. Plums stuffed with garlic is only one type of stuffed pickled food. There are recipes for stuffed mushroom, stuffed artichoke, and a multitude of other awesome flavors.
Pickled eggs and onions are popular in Britain. Pickled walnuts and gerkins are also very popular lunch items in Britain. Other popular pickled items in the UK include, mango, muscles, olives, and red cabbage. These pickled items give British dishes a unique flair all their own. The different types of pickled food made around the world are the result of preservation gone wild! All countries have their own unique pickled foods and these foods are no longer used to survive through the long winter, they are used for taste and taste alone. Once you are familiar with the recipes in
this book, try a few from around the world and get a taste of foreign pickling flavors.
In America today, pickling is gaining in popularity with those who are living “ green ” and those who want to be prepared for any emergency or disaster. Pickling is also a big favorite at fairs and organic food stores. Pickling is making a huge comeback and everyone is enjoying pickling from foodies to famous chefs.
Chapter 1 – What is Pickling? Pickling is the process of preserving food through the use of anaerobic fermentation in brine or vinegar; sounds yummy right! Many foods can be pickled, the food “ pickle ” is a pickled cucumber. Regardless of the food pickled, the lifespan of the food is increased and can be kept for months, but the main reason for pickling nowadays is taste; we like the taste of pickled food!
Before the advent of refrigeration, salting and smoking food were the only way to preserve it for later consumption. Pickling came about as a way to preserve harvests for consumption over the long winter months, and as a food source for those who were at sea for months at a time. Before pickling, explorers had to rely on food they could hunt or gather as they went along, and those who were at sea relied on dried foods like jerky.
Pickling uses brine to preserve the food. Brine is a mixture of canning or pickling salt, seasoning, and herbs. The brine preserves in the same way that salt preserves meat. The brine penetrates the food and soaks it through and through, and the sealed lid keeps out bacteria; now the food can last for months. If you have a vegetable garden, and grow fruits, pickling is a great way to enjoy your harvest well into the winter. It is also a great way to add interesting, zesty flavor to your meals. Many chefs use pickled fruits and vegetables in their dishes, the taste is distinct and very palatable.
So, pickling is a way to flavor fruits and veggies, and keep them for later use. There are different ways to produce pickled items, regardless of which way you decide to pickle, the resulting food will have a salty, zesty taste. Some forms of pickling actually produce vitamin b and probiotic properties. Which pickling produces probiotics and vitamin b? Pickling by fermenting in brine produces probiotic microbes, pickling in vinegar does not. Meat and eggs can also be pickled, ever heard of pickled pig ’ s feet? Yup, people love them and they are the result of pickling.
The United States, *National Center for Home Food Preservation provides a caution to anyone who wants to pickle their own foods: * “ Caution: The level of acidity in a pickled product is as important to its safety as it is to taste and texture.
Do not alter vinegar, food, or water proportions in a recipe or use a vinegar with unknown acidity. Use only recipes with tested proportions of ingredients. There must be a minimum, uniform level of acid throughout the mixed product to prevent the growth of botulinum bacteria. ”
So it seems that pickling should be done according to the recipe, the proportions are important for keeping bacteria from forming. Regular dill pickles are fermented and cured under refrigeration for 3 weeks and the same is true for sauerkraut.
Refrigerator dills are fermented for only a week. Even though there are different ways to ferment and pickle, always follow the instructions in the recipe. Basically there are two types of pickling. Quick pickling or fermenting and Canned pickling. Canned pickling is the one that lasts a long time. Quick pickling is basically the same as marinating. Both types of pickling are useful and this book has recipes for both types.
Chapter 3 covers the basic items you will need for pickling. It is important to get the right products for the job and pickling supplies are not going to break the bank. Soon you will be pickling your own wonderful food items and family and friends will be knocking on your door for some of that homemade goodness.
Chapter 2 – Foods to Pickle and Uses for Pickled Foods The best foods to pickle are … just about anything! Mushrooms are a great item for pickling, the process adds flavor and zest. In this chapter, we will take a look at the different food items that taste great pickled, and learn different ways to enjoy them.
Pickled watermelon rinds create a sweet and savory condiment that tastes great on pork. If you decide to pickle some watermelon rinds, the resulting condiment is a wonderful addition to grilled pork and grilled chicken. Marinate pork or chicken in the liquid or just dribble some on after the food is grilled; either way your grilled pork and chicken will taste great.
Pickled pears are a great snack all by themselves, but they also taste awesome in an arugula salad.
Pickled figs taste great with any grilled dish; the grilled smoky flavor combined with the sweet taste of pickled figs is a popular summer dish.
Pickled pineapples may not sound tasty but they are more than tasty they are delicious! They taste great alone, but they are an awesome addition to any Asian stir fry.
Pickled Mango makes a wonderful fruit relish when combined with peeled ginger and smoky spices. Pickled grapes infused with cinnamon and black pepper make an amazing sweet snack with a kick.
Pickled green beans bring some interesting flavor to your tired salad
Pickled roasted bell peppers are fabulous on a sandwich or as an appetizer
Pickled beets have always been a staple at picnics, they are delicious little appetizers all on their own
Pickled chili peppers add kick to everything from salads to sandwiches
Pickled celery sticks are the perfect appetizer and there is no need for ranch dressing, these sticks are already flavored and ready to go
Pickled corn is a great side dish for any grilled meal, and pickled corn is the perfect addition to any burrito or taco
Pickled jalapenos are excellent on hamburgers, tacos and burritos Try your favorite pickled veggies as pizza toppers, on sandwiches, alone as appetizers, and in salads. Once you begin pickling your own foods you will
hundreds of uses for them. They make great garnishes for cheese and wine tasting, and some are great as a garnish for mixed drinks. You can always try using the pickled version of the food you use, for instance, if you like peppers in your salad, try pickled peppers in your salad. If you like blt ’ s try using pickled tomato in place of tomato on the blt. Replace regular eggs in your deviled egg recipe with pickled eggs, they add an extra kick.
Pickled foods are great for picnics, they don ’ t need any refrigeration and they go well with almost any picnic food. Roasted pickled peppers, jalapeno ’ s, celery sticks, and even green beans are great with humus, on hamburgers, or as garnish for potato or macaroni salad. Fresh homemade pickled sauerkraut is awesome on grilled hot dogs! If you are a first time pickler, and if you purchased this book you probably are, the best foods to start with are small ones with easy recipes. Large foods, or recipes with lots of instructions and ingredients can be tough the first time around. Get some experience under your belt with food like mushrooms or carrots (cut into fourths). They taste great and they are easy to handle for those who are just starting out. When you get more experienced with pickling, you can tweak your flavoring or texture. Adding sugar to cucumbers will make a sweet pickle, a little chopped up chili pepper will add extra spice, and mincing the produce will make a relish! You will learn to experiment with spices and textures as you gain confidence with your new skill and soon you will have a personalized taste to your pickled creations.
Chapter 3 – Materials Needed for Pickling Pickling is not an expensive hobby but there are some items you will need. The following is a list of supplies needed to begin pickling your own food:
Canning jars and lids A stainless steel canning funnel A stainless steel ladle A jar lifter with rubber grips for getting a good grip on the glass jar Kitchen tongs A magnetic lid lifter and a bubble remover A canning/cooker pot Lots of kitchen towels A stainless steel strainer
Canning jars and lids – only use glass canning jars and lids for pickling. There are different opening sizes, regular and wide mouth, choose the one that is best for the food you are pickling. Always inspect the jars for chips or cracks, and check the lid for any dents or problems with the rubber ring. Choose the size jar that best fits your use, it is best to choose a size that fits the amount of food you will eat after it is opened to avoid waste. It is best to use new lids, reusing jars is fine if you boil them. Keep in mind the foods you are going to be pickling. Large foods such as
cucumbers and asparagus will need jars tall enough to keep them submerged in the brine. Small mushroom or jalapeno peppers are small and do not need very tall jars to pickle them in; unless you want to make a large quantity of them.
Stainless steel canning funnel – stainless steel is the best choice for pickling because you can easily sterilize it by boiling and it doesn’t harbor bacteria the way plastic items can. The funnel is needed for transferring the ingredients without making a mess or losing it to spillage.
Stainless steel ladle – a ladle is important, it holds and transfers liquids much better than a large spoon.
Jar lifter with rubber grips – a jar lifter is basically a large sturdy set of tongs with rubber grips for removing the glass jars from the hot or boiling water. These tongs are made at an angle to avoid burns that can occur when directly over the water. The rubber grips are needed to get a firm grasp on the jars to avoid dropping them into the water and either burning yourself or breaking the glass.
Kitchen tongs – there are many uses for kitchen tongs while pickling, make sure you get a sturdy pair. They are used to remove or pick up the food to be pickled, and for anything else that requires handling when hot.
Magnetic lid lifter and bubble remover – this is optional, it is used in canning
and some people like to use it for pickling too. It has a magnet on one end to remove hot lids without touching them, and the flat end is used to remove bubbles from the jar after it is sealed.
Canning pot or cooker – this is a large pot, one big enough to put several jars in at once. There are ones you can buy specifically for canning, or if you have a big enough pot at home, you can just use that one. The pot is for sterilizing the jars and lids you are going to use. A canning pot may sometimes come with racks, this makes it easy to layer the jars and keep them from cracking in the process.
Kitchen towels – pickling is a mess affair and the jars and lids are hot, you will find it a must to have an endless supply of kitchen towels!
Stainless steel strainer – sometimes you want the little bits of “whatever” in the pickling juice and sometimes you don’t.
Pickling or canning salt – You must use pickling or canning salt when you are pickling, regular salt does not have the same properties and pickling salt dissolves better in brine.
All of the supplies listed here are all you really need to get started pickling. Canning items are used interchangeably with pickling items because canning “preserves” foods by placing them in air tight containers. The same jars are used for both canning and pickling. Remember, all of your supplies must be
sterilized before using them each time you are pickling.
There are kits available that come with all of the supplies you will need. If you are new to pickling, these kits are great because everything is included and it makes it easier knowing you have the right items. If you want to save some cash, many of the items are already in your kitchen! Just sterilize them if you plan to use them for your pickling. This item is not a must, but it does make your jars look great. Purchase sheets of sticker/label paper for the printer and print out personalized labels for you pickled goods. You can tell what is in the jar just by looking at the food, but a personalized label and a bit of ribbon can turn your finished pickles into an awesome gift or craft fair item. They perfect for items you may want to sell on the internet too; there are many things you can do with your pickles and labels make them look tastier.
Chapter 4 – How to Pickle Now it ’ s time to get down to business and start picking those wonderful foods you have harvested … or purchased. If you have grown your own foods or if you purchase them, it is important to clean them well. The food must be free of wax, pesticide, soil, insects, and any other stuff that can end up on your food. This chapter is about pickling itself, everything you need to know to pickle any type of food. Recipes for pickling are in the next chapter. You can use this ‘ How To ” information to pickle anything you want to, but adding that special something is what recipes are for. Eventually you will end up creating your own recipes and you will need to keep your own recipe journal.
Before you create your own, or use a recipe, you must first learn how to pickle and this is the basic process. These steps will remain the same no matter what food you are going to pickle; each food will have its own steps, but this guide is always the same.
Sterilize your equipment and work space – Use any anti-bacterial cleaner you want to on the surfaces you will be working on; follow the directions for disinfecting food surfaces and be sure the cleaner you are using is safe around food. Using your canning/large pot, fill it with the jars you are going to use and fill it with water then bring the water to a rolling boil and keep it boiling for 15
minutes. Turn off the heat and put your tongs and lids in the hot water, let everything sit for another 10 minutes. Using the sterile tongs, remove the jars and lids.
Food prep – Choose the produce or food items you are going to pickle. Your first choice will probably be pickles; they are the most familiar pickled food. Although you are familiar with pickles, mushrooms or asparagus may be a better choice for your first time. Pickling cucumbers can be a bit tricky, mushrooms and asparagus are easier. After choosing the item you are going to pickle, wash the item thoroughly, then check the recipe for any special instructions for handling the item you are going to pickle, for instance; you must remove a slice from the blossom end of a cucumber before pickling because it contains enzymes that can alter the pickling solution and cause softening of the resulting pickle.
Prepare the brine – brine is made by boiling water and adding canning salt or pickling salt and white or brown granulated sugars, unless the recipe calls for something else. Other seasoning and herbs are added to make a fusion of flavors, the recipe will tell you what to add and how much.
Add the food and the brine to the jars – this step depends on the recipe. The recipe will tell you how to add the food and brine the correct way. This step is in every recipe, follow your recipe carefully.
Seal the lid – make sure there are no air bubble when sealing your jar, air
bubbles allow the growth of bacteria. This is where that magnetic lid lifter and bubble remover tool can come in handy.
Find a cool dark place – pickled items need to be stored in a cool dark place while they “ pickle ” . Your recipe should tell you how long your items need to “ pickle ” , most are ready to eat in a few weeks and pickled foods can last months. The pickling process can take some time, be patient and follow all directions carefully. Rushing the process can result in a ruined batch of pickles, or worse, a contaminated batch of pickles! Wait the appropriate amount of time in all of the directions and use only recipes from a trusted source. Once the pickles are ready to eat they may need refrigeration after opening. All recipes are different, these steps cover the conventional way to pickle and preserve food.
Other methods such as fermentation don ’ t require the time before eating and they must be refrigerated immediately after making them. The fermentation method does not preserve food, but it makes it taste great! It is a good idea to keep your pickling supplies separate from your everyday kitchen items. This will keep your pickling supplies in good shape, eliminating the dings and scratches that come with everyday use. It is always safer to sterilize items without scratches or dings where bacteria may be able to hide. Keeping these items separate reduces the chance that these items will come in contact with common kitchen bacteria that is present in all kitchens even the cleanest ones.
Chapter 5 – Pickling Recipes These recipes are perfect for beginners, nothing too complicated, and everything is top of the line tasty! Some of these are fermentation recipes and others are classic pickling recipes. Each one is clearly labeled, fermentation recipes produce pickled food that must be refrigerated as soon as it is made, and it does not last for months like traditional pickling can. Read the directions and follow them carefully to avoid spoilage and contamination. These recipes are easy to follow and the directions are clear and concise. Each food can be eaten on its own or added to any number of dishes as a garnish, side dish, or sandwich topping. The produce used for these recipes are common and easy to find in any supermarket, organic grocery, or road side farmers stand. Remember to wash/scrub, all your produce thoroughly before using them in any recipe. Most supermarket produce has a coating of wax and pesticide so scrub them extra good!
Red Tomato Pickles Choose tomatoes that are firm enough to skin and hold together. Over ripe tomatoes will be mushy while peeling and end up like a puree instead of whole plump fruit. Ingredients for Red Tomato Pickles: 2 pounds of firm red tomatoes peeled 1 ½ full cups of red wine vinegar
2 tbs of canning/pickling salt ¾ cup filled to the top of granulated sugar A 2-inch piece of thinly sliced ginger 3 tbs of pickling spices
Directions for making Red Tomato Pickles: Prepare your pickling jars – fill your canning pot/large pot with your pickling jars and cover them with enough water to keep the submerged and bring the water to a boil. Boil 15 minutes then turn off the heat and add your tongs and lids to the water and let stand another 10 minutes. Remove all of you items and place them on a kitchen towel to keep your work surface from getting wet. Make your brine – in an appropriately sized pot, bring 1 ½ cups of water to a boil and add the canning/pickling salt, ginger, and sugar. Add 1 tsp of pickling spices to the bottom of each pickling jar you are going
to use then pack the jar with your peeled tomatoes. Do not over stuff the jars, leave room so the tomatoes do not mush up. Slowly pour your brine over the tomatoes and fill the jar to the top, leave about ½ inch of space and add 3 ginger slices. Fold a towel and place it on the counter then gently tap the jar to loosen the air bubbles that are trapped around the tomatoes, use a wooden utensil to remove any air bubbles that are left by moving the tomatoes around gently. Check the space at the top and add more brine if needed. Dry the rims and put on the lids and rings, then place them in back in the pot with hot water, boil for 10 minutes. Store your pickled tomatoes in a cool dark place for at least a week before eating them. Refrigerate after opening.
Pickled Roasted Red and Yellow Bell Peppers (this is a fermented recipe)
Ingredients: 2 medium red bell peppers and 2 medium yellow bell peppers 2 teaspoons of canola or olive oil Sea salt and pepper ½ cup of white wine vinegar ½ cup of cider vinegar ½ cup of water
1 garlic clove 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar 2 tablespoons of fresh oregano finely chopped
Directions for making pickled roasted peppers: Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Cut the peppers in half and remove the seeds. Cut the peppers into slices and arrange them on a baking sheet. Brush the slices with the canola or olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Put the sheet into the oven and roast for about 20 minutes, or until the slices begin to brown slightly on the edges.
While the peppers are roasting, put the water, vinegars, a teaspoon of sea salt, and garlic into a medium pot and bring to a rolling boil, stir and boil for 1 minute then remove from the heat and let it cool. Remove the peppers from the oven and let them cool. Peel the skin from them and put them in a bowl, add the water/vinegar mixture and the oregano, then stir so all of the slices are coated then put the peppers and the liquid into a sterilized pickling jar and then put it in the refrigerator. Wait at least 2 days before eating them. This recipe is a fermentation/quick recipe, the peppers will not last for months and they must be refrigerated from the time they are pickled until they are finished.
Pickled Mushrooms Ingredients: 3 pounds of 1-1 ½ inch mushrooms 2 ½ cups of white vinegar, make sure it is 5% acidity 1 ¾ cups of water 3 tbs of canning or pickling salt 1/3 cup of onion chopped 2 ½ tsp of whole pepper corns 5 cloves of garlic
Directions for making Pickled Mushrooms: Wash your mushrooms in cool water and remove the stems Sterilize ½ pint size jars and lids according to the directions in chapter 4 In a large pot add the water, vinegar, and canning/pickling salt and boil until the salt is dissolved. Add the mushrooms and heat to a boil then reduce the heat and cook the mushrooms for 10-12 minutes until they are tender. Using a sterilized slotted spoon, pack the mushrooms into the sterilized jars and leave ½ inch of room at the top. Add 1 tbs of onions, ½ tsp of pepper corn, and 1 clove of garlic to the jars then pour the hot brine over the mushrooms leaving ½ inch of space at the top. Fold a towel and place it on your work space, tap the filled jars to remove bubbles, use a wooden utensil to remove any leftover bubbles. Dry the rims and jars then put on the lids and tighten, then put them into the large pot with hot water and boil for 20 minutes. Place pickled mushrooms in a cool dark place for at least a week before eating, refrigerate after opening.
Pickled Asparagus Ingredients: 30 spears of asparagus 1/3 cup of sea salt 2 quarts of water 1 2/3 cups of distilled white vinegar 2/3 cup of sugar 1 tsp of canning/pickling salt 1 tsp of mustard seeds 1 ½ tsp of dill seed 1 white onion sliced ½ tsp of dried chili pepper flakes 2 sprigs of fresh dill
Directions for pickled asparagus spears: Sterilize two-pint size jars as described in chapter 4. Fill a large bowl with cool water and add 1/3 cup of sea salt, stir until the salt is dissolved. Add asparagus cut into 3 inch spears and let stand for 2 hours. In a medium sauce pan add the water, vinegar, canning/pickling salt, sugar, mustard seed and dill seed, and onion rings. Bring to a rolling boil, and boil for 1 minute. Place the asparagus tip side up in the hot sterilized jars and leave ½ an inch space at the top. Put 1 dill sprig and ¼ tsp of pepper flakes into the jars, then fill with the brine, leave ¼ inch at the top of the jar.
Dry the rim of the jars and tap on a folded towel to remove any air bubbles, if air bubbles are left after tapping, remove them with a wooden utensil. Seal the jars with the lids and store in a cool dark place for at least a week before eating. Refrigerate unused asparagus after opening.
Pickled Eggs (this is a fermented/quick recipe) Ingredients: 12 large eggs 1 1/2 cups of distilled white vinegar 1 1/2 cups water 1 tbs of pickling spice 1 crushed clove of garlic
Directions for making pickled eggs
Sterilize appropriate sized jars using the method in chapter 4 Hard boil the 12 eggs let them cool and peel them In a medium saucepan, combine the water, vinegar, and pickling spice. Bring to a rolling boil then add the crushed garlic and bay leaf, now remove from the heat. Place the eggs in the hot jars and fill the jars with the brine mixture. Dry the rims and seal with the sterilized lids. Refrigerate for 10 days before eating, refrigerate any leftover eggs. This is a fermented/quick recipe; the eggs must be kept refrigerated from the time they are done till they are finished.
Pickled Summer Fruit (this is a fermented/quick recipe) Ingredients: 1 thinly sliced Bartlett pear 1 red plum with the seed removed and cut in four pieces 1/2 of a thinly sliced lemon 1 tbs of slivered fresh ginger 1 cup of water 1 cup of sugar 1 cup of rice wine vinegar 1 fresh mint sprig
Directions for making pickled summer fruit: Sterilize the appropriate sized jars as explained in chapter 4 In a medium sauce pan add water, sugar, and the vinegar. Bring the liquid to a rolling boil then lower the heat and simmer until the sugar dissolves. Place the thinly sliced pears, 4 pieces of plum, and the thinly sliced lemon into the sterilized jars then add a mint sprig. Slowly add the hot pickling liquid and fill the jar ½ inch from the top. Refrigerate the pickles for at least a week before eating. This is a fermented/quick recipe, keep the pickles refrigerated from beginning
until they are finished.
Pickled Cherries (this is a fermentation/quick recipe) Ingredients: 3 cups of cherries with the pits removed ¾ cup of white vinegar ¼ cup of sugar 4 crushed cardamom pods 1 tsp of peppercorns 1 tsp of whole coriander ¼ tsp of dried chili flakes
Sterilize a jars as explained in chapter 4
Combine the liquid and spices/sugar/herbs in a sauce pan and heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Pack the cherries in the jars and pour the liquid over them, fill the jars leaving ½ inch at the top. Dry the rim and seal with the lids, keep in refrigerator for 24 hours before eating. Keep the cherries in the refrigerator until they are eaten, they last up to a week.
Conclusion Pickling is an old fashioned food preservation technique that is making a comeback. Now you have the skills to create your own pickled fruits, veggies, and eggs. It is time to experiment on your own and create some awesome pickles full of the spices and flavors you like. Just follow the directions in chapter 4 to sterilize your supplies and the rest is up to you.
The skill that you have learned and the delicious recipes you have made are perfect for any dish that needs a little pick me up. Try the fruits on toasted bread or in a salad, they are great as snacks by themselves too.
If you are looking for an awesome summer salad, toss some of your pickled veggies on top then add your favorite dressing. The ideas for enjoying your pickled food are endless and so are the recipes for creating pickled delights!
Tiny Houses The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Build a Perfect Tiny House On A Budget
by Austin Anderson © 2016 Austin Anderson All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Factor to consider when deciding to build a tiny house Chapter 2 - Designing your tiny house before building Chapter 3 - Determining the budget and major features Chapter 4 – Utilities and appliances Conclusion
Disclaimer While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this book, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter contained within. The information provided in this book is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The reader is responsible for his or her own actions and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.
There are so many people who often dream of living in huge houses for quite a number few reasons. Some are because they wish to show off to their friends while others want to live to a great houses that are luxurious to feel comfortable and fit in a given social class.
However, there are some of us that do not wish to spend a lot of money paying mortgages and utility bills that come along with an enormous house. If you are just like me, then this is the book for you! Tiny houses are costeffective houses that you can build and live simply.
This book serves as a guide for beginners who wish to build their tiny house based on their budget. You will learn the various factors that you have to consider before building a tiny house and simple steps that will bring you from having no house to owning a tiny house. Yes, I mean owning your tiny house!
This means that if you are determined to create your space that is customized to fit your taste, then this is the right book for you. With a tiny house, you can do many things yourself. This means that you save up on labor costs as well as design the house to suit your taste and personality.
Additionally, if you are not confident in yourself to create designs for your tiny house, you can have an expert do this for you at a lower price. This is a great book in creating a tiny house that can be contemporary, eclectic, Scandinavian, traditional or coastal in nature. This often gives you the freedom to create a space that is unique to you and is comfortable and meets all your need. With a tiny house, you will learn to appreciate the benefits that come along with minimalist lifestyles.
You will eventually realize how much you have been missing and thus, will not wish to the kind of living arrangement you had. Because of your tiny house, you life’s perspective and style will be changed for the better!
You have to realize that creating tiny house plans is not meant for those that are weak at heart. This means that it does not discriminate on personality, social class, age, rate among other factors.
Creating your tiny house only requires your commitment and readiness to owning your space. This is because one of the greatest challenges is creating your home by building it right from scratch. You have to be ready in all aspects. The building project often starts out innocently and before long, it escalates into a hectic job that if you are not robust and resilient enough, you might end up frustrated.
But what you have to bear in mind for a fact is that the results of the house are gratifying enough. This is similar to cultivating a vegetable garden from dirt to a beautiful garden full of great food to feed the family!
Chapter 1 - Factor to consider when deciding to build a tiny house
There is a broad range of factors that you have to bear theater to make a brilliant decision on building a tiny house. Some of the most important factors include: Defining your short-term and long-term goals Before you can make an informed decision on what makes sense concerning you building a tiny house, you have to know what your short and long-term goals are. In the short term, you have to understand better the reason why you are going Tiny. This can be informed by such factors as the phase of life that you are going through at the moment. Whether you have been in a large house and are tired of large, if you wish to travel more and find tiny house convenient when you are around or whether you want to avoid the danger of incurring much burden in home mortgage/rent. Recently, I decided to go tiny because I was moving across country and intended to simplify my lifestyle to flexibly suit my job. It is these goals that
informed my short-term decision on building a tiny house. In the same manner, you need to demonstrate precision and clarity in the goals that you intend to attain within a short-term. Additionally, you must have long-term goals on the tiny house usability. Some of the long terms goals can include; using the tiny house for some time and later converting it into a rental home to earn some money from it. This means that if your plan for building the tiny house is to live in it for a couple of years before renting out the house, then it is important that you work well on the budget to ensure that you build a house that is up to standard and can last for so many years to come. Relevant skills in building Once you have been able to determine your goals for building te tiny house, then the next step is to assess whether you have skills that are suitable for building. If you do not have the skills that are necessary in the building, it is not required for you to panic. This is because you can still develop those skills with the guidance of experts in the area. There are additional, huge amounts of resources out on the internet and through this book that can guide you in developing these skills and finally putting up your tiny house.
It is important to note that this handbook will give you step by step guidelines on building your house and not hands on experience the same. This means that it is quite advisable to sign up with habitat for humanity or attend tiny house workshops across your country to learn. However, you have to realize that you do not have to have these skills upfront but can work on developing them long the way. You do not have to set limits on yourself because you may not have answers at the moment but it does not mean that you can not do it, you just have to be realistic! You have to ensure that you are honest to yourself from the very beginning. This ensures that you do not put yourself into building a tiny house so that you can be similar to your friends. Additionally, if you possess some physical challenges, don't put yourself up to building the house yourself that will apparently withstand the test of time, don't stop pursuing your tiny house dream. Work with a designer to build a tiny house that meets your goals and lifestyle. Set timelines to building the tiny house One of the most imperative factor sin building any house is time. This means that when you are planning to put up a tiny house, you have to set reasonable timelines that will guide the progress of the project and how long it will take
from the start to completion. This means that you have to estimate reasonably how long you would wish to be already living in your tiny house. For instance; if you are moving like in my case across the country to your tiny house, one of the crucial things that you will ask yourself is the period it will take before the house is ready. All these can be achieved by setting realistic goals for the building process. This means that you have to adequately understand how long it will take from the start to finish. You have to bear in mind that having an in-depth understanding of the place that you want to be and the time when you need to be there is very fundamental in making informed choices. This is by the proper the realization that building takes a substantial amount of time and time is your only factor that is primary to good planning. Financial situation Another imperative element to building a tiny house is whether you have an adequate amount of money that will complete the project. This means that you need to be aware of the sum of money that you need or are available for building the tiny house.
Remember that unlike buying a house; the building often allows you to save tons of money. Do your math! This means that you have to have sufficient amount of money enough to cater completely for the cost of the materials that are required in the building process. Your financial situation should not be the only driving force to building a house but also the craftsmanship that is employed in the construction process that will give you adequate quality service for your money. The financial situation that you are in should be tied closely to your shortterm and long-term goals to ensure that no deficit of conflict could be a stumbling block to the realization of the project. Dream house Another factor to consider when you are putting up your tiny house is your dream house. This means that while building your tiny house, it is quite easy to integrate the features of your dream home into the house that you are constructing. Most people often commend me for buying my tiny house but to their surprise, they realize that I did not purchase the house but rather put up the house right from scratch. This often brings some awkward silence in between
the process of communication since they consider that I have broken the unwritten rule of tiny houses. Therefore, you have to realize that people often have different dreams for the tiny houses they wish to own. This is based on the differences in family concerns, culture, finances as well as goals among other factors. This means that there is no other person other than yourself that can decide what makes sense to them in building a tiny house. Once you have made the decision to building your tiny house, then you consider that you are one step to living your dream! The location to build The site for putting up your tiny house is often one of the hinderances to construction for most people. The main reason is that in life, there are lots of changes that take place and thus, deciding on a location that suits you both in the short-term and in the long-term is paramount. You really must know where you would like to put up your tiny house to meet your needs and convenience. This can be on wheels if you are someone that wants to live minimalistic and often is on the move and would like to make progress with the house especially for recreational purposes.
If it is a traditional home, then the location of the house has to be in agreement with the building codes for stick-built homes. Family size an lifestyle Many people live in tiny houses, but if you ask them, they will tell you that a tiny house has to be adequate for the family and suitable for their lifestyle. This means that even if you a just couple at the beginning and do not have kids yet, building a tiny house tat only fits the two of you is not reasonable and practical. This is especially the case fo those who intend to have kids. If you are considering to have a family, you have to factor in the expected size of the household wile putting up the tiny house. I recommend that you have approximately 100 square feet of space per person. You have to consider the fact that having kids around that will soon grow into teenagers often require a little more room for entertaining as well as ensuring that their privacy is well taken care of. Construction of a tiny house should also be suitable for the kind of lifestyle that you live. This means that if both of you as couples like entertaining, then there should be some space that will allow for entertainment. Additionally, if one of the members of the family works from the house, then it is only prudent that they
have a home office where they can work late without being a disturbance to the rest of the family. This also goes for those that have pets and thus require space for their pets. Therefore, you have to realize that a tiny house is not tiny but enough for all the things that you intend the house to be of service. Plans for utility Building a tiny house is not just about the house but also the surrounding space and the services therein. These outdoor spaces such as decks, porches, and others often are important factors that you have to consider while constructing you tiny house. This is vital especially if you love spending some time with the family outdoors and creating memories together. You can find these utilities based on the kind of hobbies that you have and love doing with the family. Some of the things that you have to put into consideration are how to handle wastes that are generated from the tiny house, internet connection, water, electricity among other factors. This often is dependent on whether the tiny house that you own is on wheels or is built on the ground. Many difficulties accompany the availability and
the use of these utilities. Therefore, consider the kind of tiny house, the types of utilities required and the amount of expenses that you are willing to part with in obtaining these utilities in your tiny house.
Chapter 2 - Designing your tiny house before building Learning how to build your dream tiny house is one of the most fun and gratifying activities that you can do. This is because of the simplicity that is associated with it as opposed to what people believe traditionally. The most important thing that you have to bear in mind is that the task is a little demanding initially, and you might feel overwhelmed. This often is the case when you begin to think of the cost that is associated with the different activities of construction that include; electric wiring, installation of appliances, plumbing among others. In the beginning, this can be very intimidating but the final product is often rewarding. Designing your oen tiny house is very much worth the duration of time the project takes. This is especially the case when you watch the design come to live and then proceeding to tile up the house from a small piece to a whole building that meets your needs. The following steps gives you the best guidelines on how you can build your tiny house.
Step 1. Designing the house The first step in building your tiny house is determining the design that best suites your test. This is the most fun part of the building. This process involves the use of our human creativity and visual images to actualize a particular process. Now, here you require a pencil, drawing pad and our brain to design a house based on the old saying that we are masters of our creation. During the time of designing the hous, the most important thing that you have to bear in mind is that you have to consider the function of the house. This means that you have to consider whether it is going to serve as a vacation home, working house. Additionally, the design of the house has to factor in the utilities such as the use of the solar panels to lessen the bill on electricity among others. Before drawing the floor plan of the house as well as the intended dimesions of your tiny house, it is important that you visualize it out in a sketch paper format. This is critical when you are hiring someone to help you with the development of the floor plan. Some of the factors that you consider during the design include: Size and location of the tiny house- this means that you have to know the ground layout of the site whether it is sloping or flat leveled. This also
includes whether the site of building your tiny house is wet or dry or swampy and hence informing the nature of the foundation that will be laid. If there are large stumps around the house, do they necessarily need removal or the house can be put on them, and the number of levels that the house will have? The shape of the tiny house- this is where your vision for the house comes in. The shape of the house will be determined by what you want, and whether there are boulders around the location that could be an obstacle while designing the shape of the tiny house. Some other questions that you need to ask yourself at this point is whetehr there are rectangles, circles or square shapes that have to be integrated into the design of the house. This includes such places as balcony and porches that coud alter the shape of the house and your willingness to integrate these changes into your tiny house. The roof of the tiny house- this includes whether the roof o the house is flat, hipped or gabled. This will also include whether the roof will be tiled or use iron sheets. Access to energy- this is a major factor that helps in determining the design o the house. This means that if the house will have access to energy that could inform the nature of the water system, gas, sewerage system as well as the
power lines. This could also determine whether the solar panels in the tiny house is an ideal option and the need to connecting them to the main power system. Laundry utility- if the house design will take into consideration the laundry utility, then where will the laundry room be located in the house. This also includes determining the need for a backdoor as well as the need for gas or stove in this case. Bedrooms- the general purpose o the tiny house often informs on the need for a given number of bedrooms. This means that the number of bedrooms that will satisfy your need for the tiny house will have a direct influence on the design of the house. This includes whether bedrooms will need to integrate the presence of the vistors a some point in time. This also includes integration of closets and storages that are sufficient enough for the people living in his house and their personal belongings. Additionally, the bedrooms will also determine whether there is a need for a central bathroom that is accessible by all or whether each bedroom requires its bathroom. The beds in the room is another factor in determining the design of the tiny house. This means that if there is need fro inbuilt beds and the access to the bedroom through a ladder among others.
Chapter 3 - Determining the budget and major features
Now that you already know the designing of the house from the chapter above, the next thing is to consider the budget that you have for the tiny house. This is vital because you do not want to start a project that you could end up not completing it. Additionally, you could finish the tiny house but using materials that are not up to standard and thus will not meet all the needs and dreams that you had for the house. It is, therefore, important for you to determine the amount of money that you are willing to put up for the project. You have to remember general idea that revolves around the construction of a tiny house is based on the notion of spending a little amount of money since the project is considered to be cheaper. However, this idea does not always hold because we sometimes intend to impact on nature or require the house for a particular reason. This means that if the house is designed to be used for recreational purposes, then you will realize that spending more is not an option especially when it comes to the
creation of hobby rooms such as movie theatre. Sometimes, it could be your dream is to spend lots of time in a particular room in the house and thus, you will need to spend enough time and resources in creating that place of your dream. This means that you have to take into consideration your budget and reasonably dividing the budget to avoid overspending. This involves the proper use of materials for walls, foundations and bearing in mind cheaper alternatives. In this case, ensure that you make an estimate of every material that you will use; wood, walls, windows, power tools, appliances among others. From a general point of view, the cost of a tiny house often ranges between $20,000-$100,000 depending on the quality of materials that you have planned to purchase.
Draw plans and purchase plan permits
As we already mentioned initially, the designing of the house often has to ensure that you have laid out the plan in a paper. This is the document that you submit to the city or county council that is within your location for approval.
You have to ensure that you have your floor plans on hand in case the county has negative feedback to give concerning the permit. This is irrespective of whether you are a professional architect or an amateur architect. Ensure that you have adequate knowedge of the site laws that concern properties prior to finalizing the floor plan of the house. You also have to show much patience because the building process permit may sometimes take a long period of over 30 days based on the nature of your tiny house plans.
Prepare site materials and foundation
Once we have the house permit, then this marks the start of getting our hands dirty! Ensure that the ground is level and that there is adequate stability to support the home. Also, ensure the direction of the sun so that you maximize on light exposure in all rooms of the house. This also includes the kind of views that you want to have looking through the windows. Lay the foundation. Ensure that you do this work very well to avoid effects on framing and causing cracks on the walls. There are different types of foundations; Wood foundation-ensure that you use preservative-treated woods because of
their ability to resist decay and wayer. Additioanlly, ther are quite easy to install and are less messy. Concrete foundation- this is common for most tiny houses and can slighltly overwhelm the project. Mix the concreate in proper proportions and pour them over the gravel bed for proper drainage. If the house will be located in a colder climate, add frost-protected shallow foundation. Raised foundation-If the site receives a lot of rains, then a raised foundation is ideal to protect against floods. There are two types; beam foundation that uses bricks with reinforcement footings. A stem wall foundation has constant footings.
Framing the house and the roof
After you have laid the foundation well, the next thing is framing. This is the process of making the skeleton of the house and is crucial to ensuring the stability of the house. Make sure that you do not take short suts in framng to provide longevity to your tiny house. This involves making a decision on the location of the beams and posts to make sure that the walls are strong enough to support their weight. Ensure there is even spacing of beams using sturdy materials and the same goes for
the roof.
Chapter 4 - Utilities and appliances Install the rough pumbing first to prevent effects on the electrical wires in case of accidents. This also involves making the decision to install the showers, tubs, toilets and sinks based on the design of the house. This also includes such electrical appliances as refrigerators, dishwashers, laundy machines among others. Depending on the amount of water that is required in the house for use, ensure that you select the appropriate size of water heaters. Make sure that you set standards for the house purpose based on the budget that you have. The next factor is gas and electricity. This involves making the appropriate choice of the lighting that we intend to use in the house to ensure simplicity and efficiency. Consider cheaper alternatives when it comes to the utilities and appliances that you install in your tiny house. This includes the use of solar panels which is great and costs effective alternative to electricity.
Wall and flooring
Once the tiny house skeleton is done, and the utilities and appliances have been installed, the next thing is to install floors and walls. The choice of time of installation is often dependent on the terrain and climatic condition of the location you chose to construct your tiny house. Usually, the floors come first to make it easy for movements within the house. Also, this involves making the decision on what woods to use for the floor among othr materials such as tiles, stone, and vinyl. However, if your desired floors are carpeting, then this is done at the end to avoid messing it up. For the walls, it is important the similar concept is applied. Remember that appliances will be installed in the house and so it is important that you leave spaces around the designated ares ideal for the installation.
This is the point where you are ready to install various appliances and décor materials in the house. This is where we often have to insert our creativity skills to work for us. It is important that you ensure that the windows and the doors are large enough to allow for entry of appliances. When you are working on the counters and the sinks around your tiny house,
pay attention to the rough plumbing so that there are proper dimensions of the lines. It is also at this point that we decide where the extra storages and utility spaces go. Ensure that the appliances coincide well with the rough plumbing and electric wiring. Choose the appropriate kind of cabinetry that will work well with your needs. Ensure that all your décor ca match up with future décor while staying within the range of the budget. Ensure that you have the better understanding of the appliance regulations that your country might have about stoves and their safety use. This is based on the fact that certain locations require specialized materials installed to surround the stove and reduce the risk of fires. For the extra rooms that you have designed in your tiny house, add a specialized detail to the room to enhance the décor and the design of the final product. Ensure that such details as lighting in the closets is addressed adequately. The windows should also complement the prevailing climatic conditions in the place the tiny house has been built.
Finishing touch
Based on the fact that the design of your tiny huse was fun, this is the most fun part of it all. After ensuring that the plumbing, electricity and other utilities in the tiny house are working efficiently, it is time to paint the walls, add in furniture, and decorate the tiny house with a sense of our personalities. This includes such things as the addition of tiles around the kitchen cooking appliances or mosaic designs in the bathroom. The carpeting for those that desire it can be completed at this point in construction. This is the point when you can give your tiny house a wipe-down. This is through installation of décor lightings such as chandeliers as well as adding a little sense of décor detail to the exterior of the house such as flower beds and potted plants.
Perfect Tiny House Project Budget: $35,000 140 square-foot Eco, fireplace and skylights Designed by Sol Haus Design Refehttp://www.lifebuzz.com/tiny-houses/
Conclusion It is evident from this book that construction of your tiny house on a strict budget is not as challenging as we initially thought possible. This is because of the proper steps employed during the building process as well as proper budgeting of the money that we have available for the entire project. Many of the steps we have mentioned in this guide are suitable for beginners who wish to focus their energy on putting up a tiny house that meets their needs. The activities herein are easy to do by yourself as well as through the help of a professional hired at a cost. You have to realize that dividing the operations of the building process into simpler steps makes the whole project of construction quite easy. This is especially the case if you already know the sequence of events that the project will follow from the beginning to the end. The use of this guide is very helpful and beneficial when you are designing your tiny house on a budget. This helps positively impact your surrounding positively by taking up less power and limited space.
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