Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and RE-Use 9781856173896, 1856173895

There is increasing political and environmental pressure on industry to clean up the water which it uses in many process

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Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and RE-Use
 9781856173896, 1856173895

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Membranes for Industrial

Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-use

To Claire, Oliver and Samuel

Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-use

Edited by: Simon Judd and Bruce Jefferson



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Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 l G B , UK Elsevier Science Inc, 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710, USA Elsevier Japan,Tsunashima Building Annex, 3-20-12 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113,Japan Copyright 02003 Elsevier Ltd.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Membranes for industrial wastewater recovery and re-use 1.Water reuse 2.Membranes (Technology) 3.Water - Purification Reverse osmosis process I. Judd, Simon 11.Jefferson, Bruce 628.1'674 ISBN 1856173895

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Judd, Simon Membranes for industrial wastewater recovery and re-use / Simon Judd and Bruce Jefferson. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-85617-389-5 1. Sewage-Purification. 2. Factory and trade waste-Purification. 3. Membranes (Technology) 4. Water reuse. I. Jefferson, Bruce. 11. Title. TD754.J83 2003 62 8.3'5241~21


No responsibility is assumed by the Publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Published by Elsevier Advanced Technology, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington Oxford OX5 l G B , UK Tel.: +44(0) 1865 843000 Fax: +44(0) 1865 843971 Typeset by Variorum Publishing Ltd, Lancaster and Rugby Printed and bound in Great Britain by Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King's Lynn



Preface Contributors Chapter 1



1.1 1.2 1.3 Chapter 2


1.I Water reuse motivations and barriers Industrial water Membrane technology

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Membrane technology





The membrane 2. I.1 Membrane and membrane process definition 2. I .2 Membrane structure 2. I.3 Membrane materials and their manufacture 2.1.4 Membrane configurations The process fundamentals 2.2.1 Process performance definitions 2.2.2 The driving force 2.2.3 Factors opposing the driving force 2.2.4 Critical flux The theory 2.3.1 Membrane mass transfer control 2.3.2 Fouling/cake layer mass transfer control Process design and operation 2.4.1 Staging 2.4.2 Specific energy demand 2.4.3 Fouling and pretreatment 2.4.4 Backwashing and cleaning References

14 14 14 17 23 32 32 34 34 39 40 41 43 52 52 55 59 66 70


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Chapter 3

Industrial waters






The power industry: water requirements for power generation and cooling water 3.1.1 Water demand by the power industry 3.1.2 Overview ofcooling water systems 3.1.3 Overview of boiler feedwater systems 3.1.4 Sources of water used for 3.1.5 Water quality comparisons 3.1.6 Optimisation of water use in recirculating cooling systems 3.1.7 Cooling tower water quality issues 3.1.8 Governing legislation and guidelines 3.1.9 Volumes and quality of aqueous process waste streams 3.1.10 Current reuse practices and opportunities References The pulp and paper industry 3.2.1 Introduction Pulping and paper manufacturing processes 3.2.2 3.2.3 Effluent volumes and quality Current water and effluent purification 3.2.4 systems and governing legislation Membranes in the pulp and paper industry 3.2.5 3.2.6 Conclusions Acknowledgements References The textile industry 3.3.1 Categories of textile processing operations 3.3.2 Effluents from textile processing unit operations 3.3.3 Process water quality requirements 3.3.4 Legislation 3.3.5 Conventional treatment 3.3.6 Demand management 3.3.7 Reuse practice and opportunities References The beverage industry 3.4.1 Point of use recycling opportunities 3.4.2 End of pipe recovery opportunities References Pure waters in the pharmaceutical industry 3.5.1 Background 3.5.2 Water quality standards Volumes and quality of aqueous process 3.5.3 and waste streams 3.5.4 Reuse opportunities

76 76 77 80 80 81 85 88 93 94 95 100 102 102 104 106 113 115 125 125 125 132 132 133 143 144 146 148 149 154 159 159 160

163 163 163 164 167 169

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Chapter 4

System design aids




Computer-aided design for reverse osmosis plant 4.1.1 Introduction 4.1.2 Key elements of the reverse osmosis process 4.1.3 RO design software 4.1.4 Cost calculation 4.1.5 Overview References Water pinch analysis 4.2.1 Introduction 4.2.2 Water pinch: the history 4.2.3 Methodology 4.2.4 Computed solutions 4.2.5 Software tools currently available Case study: water pinch and implementation 4.2.6 of regeneration techniques 4.2.7 Conclusion References Design examples 4.3.1 Problem in reverse osmosis: film theory and energy demand Problem in reverse osmosis: array design 4.3.2 4.3.3 Problem in reverse osmosis: CAD array design 4.3.4 Problem in electrodialysis: energy demand Problem in submerged membrane filtration 4.3.5 design

172 172 172 176 182 183 186 186 186 187 187 191 197

201 209 209 213 213 216 217 220


Chapter 5


Case studies





Flag Fen high-purity water production plant (UK) 5.1.1 Background 5.1.2 Description ofplant 5.1.3 Performance Eraring Power Station: purification of secondary sewage for boiler feedwater (Australia) 5.2.1 Background 5.2.2 Description ofplant 5.2.3 Performance Doswell combined cycle power plant: zero liquid discharge (USA) 5.3.1 Background 5.3.2 Description of system 5.3.3 Performance VHP Ugchelen: paper mill water recycling (Netherlands) 5.4.1 Background 5.4.2 Description of system

228 228 228 2 30 232 232 233 235

237 237 238 240 241 241 242


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5.1 1

5.12 5.1 3 Index

5.4.3 Performance Kronospan Ltd: medium-density fibreboard wash water recycling (UK) 5.5.1 Background 5.5.2 Description of plant 5.5.3 Performance M-Real Kirkniemi paper mill (Finland) 5.6.1 Background 5.6.2 Description of plant 5.6.3 Performance T. Forsell and Son: dyewaste water recycling plant (UK) 5.7.1 Background 5.7.2 Description ofplant 5.7.3 Performance N food plant wastewater treatment and recycling plant (Japan) 5.8.1 Background 5.8.2 Description ofplant 5.8.3 Performance Pasfrost vegetable processing plant (Belgium) 5.9.1 Background 5.9.2 Description ofplant 5.9.3 Performance Automotive water recycling (Germany) 5.10.1 Background 5.10.2 Plant description 5.10.3 Performance NEC Semiconductors: microelectronics wastewater reclamation (UK) 5.11.1 Background 5.1 1.2 Description of plant 5.1 1.3 Performance Discussion Reference material

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In setting out to produce a book on any given subject, the primary questions to be answered are: "What should we write about?" and "Who's going to buy it?". These questions are obviously interlinked. The subject area of this book is well defined in the title: membrane technology and its application to industrial water recycling. There can be little doubt of the importance of recycling of water contaminated by industrial activity, and it is hoped that the introduction to this book (Chapter 1)sufficiently emphasises this point. Stresses imposed on freshwater supplies continue to grow and environmental legislation relating to discharges becomes ever more rigorous. Given that technologies for water purification are tending to become more efficient and generally cost-effective, it is inevitable that recovery and reuse of effluent will be more widespread in the future. It is also the case that membrane processes play a pivotal role in many reclamation and reuse schemes in industry. Their application across all industrial sectors has increased exponentially over the last twenty years and there is little sign of this growth abating. Since the subject is very extensive the amount of detail is largely determined by the target readership, which relates to the second key question. This is rather vexing matter, not least because potential readers are well served by a number excellent texts on membrane processes and technologies (Table 1)as well as a growing number on water reclamation and reuse (Table 2). Neither of these tables is comprehensive, and it can always be argued that there is really nothing new to write about. So, who might buy this book? What function is this book meant to serve? Perhaps it is as well to outline what the book is not. The book is not meant to be a comprehensive treatise on membrane processes and technologies, although an outline of these areas is provided (Chapter 2 ) with reference to membrane materials, modules, and processes along with governing equations for use in system design. For more comprehensive information than that provided the interested reader may seek out such tomes as those produced by Ho and Sirkar, Rautenbach and Albrecht, and Scott (Table 1).Moreover, many of the industrial process applications in which membranes find employment, such as the biotechnology and food industries, are only briefly discussed with reference to a

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x Membranes for lndustrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-use

Table 1 Recent membrane textbooks Author(s)/editor(s)




Nunes and Peinemann

Membrane Technology in the Chemical Industry Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment Membrane Technology in Water and Wastewater Treatment Emerging Separation and Separative Reaction Technologies for Process Waste Reduction Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook Handbook of Industrial Mcmhranes, 2nd edn Water Treatment Membrane Processes Reverse Osmosis Membrane Handbook, 2nd edn



IWA Publishing


Royal Society of Chemistry


American Institute ofchemical Engineers








Van Nostrand Reinhold Van Nostrand Reinhold

1993 1992

Stephenson, Judd, Jefferson and Brindle Hillis

Radecki. Crittenden. Shonnard and Bullock

Cheryan Scott Mallevialle, Odendaal and Wiesner Amjad Ho and Sirkar

Table 2 Recent water recycling textbooks Author/editor




Lens, Pol. Wilderer and Asano

Water recycling and resource recovery in industry: analysis, technology and implementation Industrial water reuse and wastewater minimization Wastewater reclamation and reuse Handbook of wastewater reclamation and reuse Wastewater reuse for golf course irrigation

IWA publishing






CRC press


Lewis publishers


Mann and Liu Asano Rows and Ahdel-Magid USGA

few specific industrial sectors (Chapter 3 ) . Again, industrial process applications are reasonably well documented in Cheryan (for filtration processes), Amjad (reverse osmosis) and otherwise the general texts previously mentioned. It is also the case that the book does not provide much detail of domestic or municipal schemes, where water is either recycled within buildings or reclaimed from municipal wastewater treatment plant and reused for extensive schemes such as irrigation and aquifer recharge. There is also no discussion of sustainability as a concept, or any of the related topics pertaining to environmental impact and more holistic topics. Again, the interested reader is


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already very well served in such areas, and in particular extensive systems, by the seminal work of Asano and the recent eclectic publication by Lens et al. (Table 2). Finally, although the principles of water pinch analysis are described in Section 4.2, this is only to enable an understanding of how it can be used. Once again, there are other texts available that comprehensively describe the methodology and its derivation (Mann and Lui). It is hoped by the editors, however, that anyone interested in industrial wastewater recycling, including problem holders and membrane suppliers as well as students and academics studying in this area, will find this book useful. In particular, the book is meant to provide a practical aid to those readers with an interest in actually selecting, installing and/or designing systems for recovering and reusing industrial effluent. To his end, there is one chapter dedicated to design (Chapter 4), and in particular computer-aided design, based on commercial packages, of reverse osmosis arrays (Section 4.1) and water networks (Section 4.2). There are also eleven individual case studies, covering a range of applications, which are discussed with reference to design and operational facets of the water recycling treatment schemes (Chapter 5). Whilst not all industrial sectors where water recovery and reuse takes place are covered in this book (it is cxtremely difficult to extract all information pertaining lo industrial water quality, let alone water reuse) as much detailed as has been made available is reported in the book. Lastly, the book is very much biased towards engineering practice, rather than scientific study. Data pertaining to membrane process performance in Chapters 3 and, more especially, Chapter 5, are based almost entirely on existing pilot or full-scale systems, rather than bench-scale studies or theoretical predictions. As with any piece of work the editors would welcome any comments from readers, critical or otherwise, and our contact details are included in the following section.


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The editors Simon judd

Dr Judd is a Reader in Water Sciences at Cranfield University with over 15 years' experience of industrial and academic R&D, having spent three years in nuclear waste management and two years in forensic science. In his current post he has conducted research into a wide range of chemical and, principally, membrane processes as applied to water and wastewater treatment. Topics have included municipal and domestic wastewater treatment and reuse using membrane bioreactors, nanofiltration of dye waste for water recovery and scale mitigation in reverse osmosis for flux enhancement. He has contributed to and co-authored a number of books on both water recovery and reuse and membrane processes, and has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals. Dr Judd also manages swimming pool water treatment research activities, and chairs the Membrane Academia Industry Network (MAIN), a UK research council-sponsored initiative to encourage dissemination of information between the industrial and academic communities in the UK. Contact: [email protected] Bruce jefferson


Dr Jefferson is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Water Sciences at Cranfield University following graduation from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University. In his current post he has conducted research into general physical and, more specifically, membrane processes for a wide range of applications within both urban and industrial environments. He has contributed to and co-authored a number of books on both water recovery and reuse and membrane processes, and has published extensively in peerreviewed journals. Dr Jefferson has also presented papers at and chaired numerous sessions on the subject of water recycling, and he is a member of the IWA specialist group committee on advanced treatment/membrane processes. Contact: [email protected]

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xiv Mrnibranrs for Industrial Wastrwnter Recoverg arid Re-use

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The editors would like to covey their sincere thanks to the co-authors and other contributors to this book, details ofwhom are given below.

The co-authors Danielle Baetens

Dr Baetens graduated in 1 9 9 1 as a civil engineer in chemistry at the University of Ghent, obtaining a PhD at the faculty of Agricultural Engineering, also in Ghent, in 2000. The PhD concerned modelling of biological phosphorus removal in wastewater. Between 1 9 9 1 and 1998 Dr Baetens worked at the University of Ghent as assistant at the faculty of civil engineering on the treatment of air pollution and wastewater treatment. Since 1999 she has worked at Vito (Flemish Institute for Technological Research),where she project is co-ordinator of the project group on process optimisation. Contact: [email protected] €tieme Brauns

Etienne Brauns graduated as a Metallurgical Civil Engineer at KU Leuven in Belgium in 1976. He thereafter stayed at KU Leuven to contribute as a researcher to a program on shape memory alloys, joining the Belgian national nuclear research centre SCK-CEN in 1985. In 1 9 9 0 all non-nuclear research at SCK-CEN was transferred to Vito, founded in that year by the Flemish government. As a researcher at Vito he originally continued R&D activities on technical and electro ceramics for sensor applications. He has subsequently focused on membrane research and currently works on pressure-driven and electrodialytic membrane processes, and water recycling. Contact: [email protected]

zy z zyxwvutsr Contributors

Mike Carney


Mike Carney qualified from Birmingham University with a First in chemical engineering and then undertook a n MSc in water resources technology. He worked as a process design engineer for Paterson Candy and Schweppes where he was responsible for water and effluent treatment worldwide. As Technical Director of a water treatment contractor, he was responsible for the design of numerous food and beverage water and effluent treatment plants worldwide. Now working as an independent consultant at Vale Water Services Ltd, he specialises in the same food and beverage ficld. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Contact: [email protected] john Hutcheson

Dr Hutcheson is currently General Manager of Pharmaceuticals at Christ Kennicott with extensive expertise in pure and ultrapure water treatment system design. O n gaining a PhD in organic synthetic chemistry in 1 9 8 0 he spent three years working in downstream processing at Beecham Pharmaceuticals followed by a short tenure at Millipore before becoming a founding member of Ionpure Technologies Ltd. He transferred to Kinetics in 2000, joining Christ Kennicott in 2002. He has authored a number of papers and presented at international conferences and courses on aspects of water purification. Contact: [email protected] Audrey Levine

Audrey Levine is a n Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida. She holds a BS degree in biology from Bates College (Lewiston, Maine), a n MS degree in public health from Tulane University and a PhD in civil engineering from the University of California at Davis. Prior to joining the faculty a t USF she was a faculty member at Utah State University (1994-1 998), New Jersey Institute of Technology (1992-1994) and Iowa State University (1985-1992). She is actively involved in research and teaching related to wastewater reclamation and reuse, water distribution systems, potable water treatment, corrosion control and water quality issues. She is currently working on projects related to pathogen reduction through wastewater treatment, the fate of pharmaceuticals in reclaimed water systems and distillation of reclaimed water. Contact: [email protected] lutta Nuortila-Jokinen

Professor Nuortila-Jokinen obtained her MSc in polymer chemistry at Helsinki University in 1988. Since 1 9 8 7 she has worked in the Laboratory of MemPo, the Laboratory of Membrane Technology and Technical Polymer Chemistry at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), as Research Assistant, Researcher and Associate Professor. She received her doctorate at LUT in 1 9 9 7 before joining the Cleantech 2 0 0 0 project (1997-2000) as Research Professor. She is currently working as Senior Fellow funded by the Acadcmy of Finland


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Membranes for lndustrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-use

(2000-2005). She has published around 60 scientific papers, and is a member of the European Working Party on Membrane Science. Contact: [email protected]

The contributors In addition to the co-authors there are a number of contributors to this book who have provided specific information, in particular for the case studies detailed in Chapter 5.


Affiliation and address

Web address and contact

PCI Membrane Systems, Laverstock Mill. Whitchurch, Hampshire, RG28 7NR, UK Alternative Water Resource, Vivendi Water, Wirksworth, Derbyshire, DEP 4EP, UK Ionics. Incorporated, 65 Grove Street, Watertown, MA 02472, USA Esmil Process Systems, Westfields, London Road, High Wycombe, H P l l lHA, UK MetsoPaperChemOy, POBox 83, 21201 Raiso. Finland Triqua. Vadaring 7, PO box 132, NL-6700. AC Wageningen, The Netherlands Anglian Water Technology Group, Thorpe Wood House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE3 6WT. UK Mitsubishi Corporation (UK) PLC, Mid City Place, 71 HighHolborn, London, WClV 6BA, UK Ultra tech, Wychbury House, 73c Stevens Road, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY9 0XW. UK PaquesAstraco.POBox 52,8560ABBalk, The Netherlands [email protected] [email protected] www [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] hansramaekers@ t r i q u a d [email protected]


Alasdair Donn

Bruce Durham

Robert P. Allison

Devinder Chabba Timo Sutela

Hans Raemaekers John Murrer

Darren Morrison

David Holmes

Hans Wouters

zy darren.r.morrison@ [email protected] [email protected]

zyx zyx Chapter I



Simon Judd School of Water Sciences, Cranfield University


Membranes for lndustrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-use


1.1 Water reuse motivations and barriers The motivations for recycling of wastewater are manifold. Most often stated are those pertaining to increasing pressures on water resources. Reuse of wastewater conserves the supply of freshwater, and this presents clear advantages with respect to environmental protection. More pragmatically, wastewater reuse may result directly from legislation, which can constrain the discharge of polluted water by making this option onerous or else forbid such discharges altogether, or it may simply be favoured economically regardless of regulatory stipulations. It is also the case that reuse itself is a n emotive issue, and perhaps particularly so in the case of water. For domestic water recycling, that is recycling of water for non-contact domestic use such as toilet flushing or irrigation, public perception issues can outweigh the technical ones in terms of barriers to imposition. Key to this are the matters of ownership and identity. Studies have demonstrated that people are generally prepared to reuse water if it derives entirely from their own household, i.e. if they know where it has been. They are rather less prepared to use water if it is identified as deriving from some other source such as, for example, their neighbour’s house (Jeffrey, 2002). Curiously, the complete loss of identity, such as arises either from large-scale community schemes, and indeed from conventional water supply via municipal works and intermediate environmental water bodies such as rivers, reservoirs and aquifers, is also perceived as being acceptable. In reviewing the water reuse opportunities in industry, it is important to make the distinction between reclamation and recycling. Reclamation is the recovery and treatment of water to make it available for reuse: recycling is the recovery and reuse (whether or not subject to treatment) to and from a discrete operation. The development of water reclamation and reuse dates back centuries but modern day legislation probably dates back to 1956 in Japan, when the Industrial Water Law was introduced to restrict the use of groundwater by the rapidly growing Japanese industry, and Californian legislation leading to the adoption of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (Cologne, 1998). The drive for conservation of freshwater supplies has led to the development in some parts of the world, and in arid regions of the USA in particular, of largescale community schemes in which water “recovered” from a municipal works is directly used for specific duties. In Japan, where sewerage services are limited and/or expensive, there has been a proliferation of in-building recycling schemes. For all such schemes, the key to the successful implementation of the reuse scheme is user acceptance and, ultimately, the assessment of risk. Risk analysis, specifically to human health (Sakaji and Funamizu, 1998), plays a key function in municipal or in-building reuse schemes because of the implications of system failure for human health. Recycling of greywater (i.e. water used for washing) within a building, for example, is only likely to be acceptable if there is only a very minor risk to human health, predominantly from pathogenic microorganisms, arising from failure of the reuse system or some component of it. This imposes a limit both on the required rigour of the

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Introduc~troti 3

repurification plant and, more directly, on the reuse options. Hence, reclaimed greywater for reuse in buildings is invariably employed exclusively for toilet flushing,where the risk to human health through exposure to the contaminated water is considered minimal. Large-scale municipal wastewater reclamation and reuse schemes are predominantly aquifer recharge, such as the well-established, flagship Water Factory 2 1 plant in Orange County, California (Wesner, 1 9 8 7 ) or turf grass irrigation schemes. In the case of industrial water recycling the issue is notionally more straightforward. As long as recycling can reliably and cost-effectively provide water of a quality appropriate to its designated use, then there should be no barrier to its introduction and deposition of the existing freshwater supply. Of course, and as already mentioned, the cost benefit may be largely or wholly determined by statutory requirements: there are, for example, a number of power plants throughout the world that have a zero liquid discharge imposed upon their operation (Section 5 . 3 ) . Under such extreme conditions, wastewater recovery and reuse is no longer an option but a n absolute necessity - and inevitably incurs cost penalties due to solid waste generation and energy expenditure. In other cases, the decision to recycle is motivated entirely by economics; the total cost of purification to provide a water of a quality commensurate with or better than that of the freshwater supply is perceived as being less than the total cost of freshwater and waste discharge. Perception in this instance relates entirely to the acceptance of the technology, rather than to the use of water employed for duties considered unsavoury. Given the apparently less restrictive constraints imposed on the recycling of industrial wastewater compared to that of domestic wastewater, it is perhaps surprising that the former has received far more attention, has attained a much higher profile and has achieved more widespread implementation than the latter. There exist a number of domestic and municipal wastewater recycling schemes, from single households through to large buildings, as well as municipal or industrial wastewater reclamation for irrigation. Similarly, a number of municipal wastewater reclamation schemes exist whereby the polished effluent is reused for cooling, which represents around two-thirds of all industrial water use, or other activities demanding low-grade process water such as for washing or transporting. Direct “closed-loop” industrial water recycling, whilst limited in technical and economic viability in many instances, is nonetheless attracting greater interest and being more widely applied. Indeed, it is already established practice for specific industrial processes where other resources are recovered in addition to the water, such as pulp solids in paper manufacturing (Sections 3.2.5 and 5.4-5.6) and paint pigments (Section 5.10) in electrophoretic painting. Two factors mitigate against widespread “closed-loop” industrial effluent reuse. Firstly, most industrial processes involve a number of individual operations that give rise to wastewaters of a certain compositional range. These individual effluent streams are generally combined to give a wastewater whose resultant temporal variation in quality is immense, representing a significant challenge to any treatment process that is to provide water of a reliably high quality. Secondly, it is invariably the case that conventional sewage treatment

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works have the capacity to treat these industrial waters simply by virtue of blending with domestic water, significantly dampening the effects of broad temporal variations in quality and the concomitant shock loads of specific problem contaminants that arise. In other words, existing municipal wastewater treatment works are often able to cope with industrial effluents at a cost that is considered reasonable. The loss of the industrial effluent biological and hydraulic load from a sewage treatment works designed to accept it may even cause operational problems. Moreover, a municipal water supplier is able to provide mains water of a quality consistent enough to be reliably employed in most industrial processes. A reduction in mains water consumption and efnuent discharge has a negative impact on the revenue of the water supplier and sewer operator companies, who are often one and the same company. Given these implications, it is prudent to consider industrial water usage and discharge as a whole.

1.2 Industrial water Industry accounts for about a quarter of all water consumption, and there is hardly any industry that does not use large volumes of water (Table 1.1). Although some industries abstract water from rivers and boreholes, much of the water used by industry is taken from public water supplies, and has therefore been treated to potable quality standards. This means that it is often of better quality with respect to microbial levels but nonetheless requires further purification to reduce the mineral and organic materials content according to the specific duty to which it is to be put (Tables 1.2 and 1.3). Although water consumption has actually decreased over the last 1 5 years in some regions of the world (Table 1.4),the price of supply and discharge has risen substantially over the same period. According to figures for the UK, the average cost of water supply and sewerage services to unmetered customers has more than trebled in the last Table 1.1 Approximate water demand for various industrial sectors



Water demand

Paper Newspaper Brewing Dairy Sugar Automotive Automotive Dying Soap Power

29 m3/t paper produceda 9 m3/tpaper producedb 10-1 5 m3/m3beerb 140 m3/m3milkh 8 m3/t sugarb 450 m3/car (metalproduction)h 760 m3/car (tyre production)b 100m3/t fabric processed 2 m3/t soap produced 3 m3/MWh for steam; 60 m3/MWh for cooling

aEU figure (Pauly 2001). bGleick, 2000.

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Table 1.2 Generalised industrial water quality standards Class: Type:

3 4 5 Softened Dealkalised Deionised

Conductivity, N/cm Resistivity, MS2 cm TDS. mg/l PH -1to+l -1to+l LSI Hardness, < 20 mg/l CaC03 Alkalinity, < 30 mg/l CaC03 Ions, mg/l Silica, mg/l TSS, mg/l Turbidity, NTU SDI Particle count, no./ml COD, mg/l TOC, mg/l Microorganisms. cfu/ml Pyrogens, EU/ml


0.05 < 10

5.0-9.5 0.1

6 Purified

7 8 Apyrogenic High purity







25 m3 h-'


under the operating conditions outlined, Q,, J and A, taking SI units. If electrical costs are 8p per kWh, what is the total electrical energy demand? How significantly is this affected by the backflush energy demand? Solutrofl

The solution proceeds through determination of the pressure changes and operational cycle times from Equation (2.10), and using Equation (2.23) to determine pumping energy demand and then adding the aeration energy to this. The figures must be adjusted to account for downtime and loss of permeate used for backflushing. The pressure profile is depicted in Fig. 4.23. The filtration backflush cycle pressure change APb can be calculated from the rate of increase in the reversible fouling resistance, 5, = 1.55 x l o l l m-l min-l, andfromEquation (2.10): pb =


+ Rr + Rx)

where R,, R,, and Ki, refer to the hydraulic resistances of the membrane, reversible fouling component and irreversible fouling component respectively. R, = &t, if the resistance increases linearly with time. Given that Ri,