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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации «Оренбургский государственный педагогический университет»

Л.Г. Романова, М.П. Козьма MEDICINE Учебное пособие для студентов очного отделения факультета иностранных языков

Издательство ОГПУ

Оренбург 2015

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Англ –


С.В.Мангушев, канд. филол. наук доцент кафедры английского языка и МПАЯ ОГПУ

Т.Н. Галинская, канд. пед. наук филологии и МПИЯ ОГПУ

доцент кафедры романо-германской

Романова Л.Г., Козьма М.П. MEDICINE. Учебное пособие для студентов очного отделения факультета иностранных языков по теме / Л.Г. Романова, М.П. Козьма; Мин-во образования РФ; Оренб.гос.пед.ун-т. – Оренбург: Изд-во ОГПУ, 2015. – с.

УДК ББК Англ – ©Романова Л.Г., Козьма М.П., 2015 ©Издательство ОГПУ, 2015

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

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английского языка. Материалы данного пособия могут быть использованы для проведения занятий по практическому курсу перевода английского языка. Пособие предназначено для студентов 2-4 курсов английского отделения. Целью предлагаемого учебно-методического пособия является развитие у учащихся навыков устной и письменной речи, изучение лексического материала по теме «MEDICINE», закрепление на основе изученной лексики грамматических структур, формирование навыков монологической и диалогической






публицистического жанра, а также работа над фонетическими аспектами языка. Пособие может быть использовано в группах студентов различного уровня подготовки, поскольку разработка к каждому тексту содержит упражнения разного уровня сложности, структура каждой разработки построена по принципу от простого к сложному. Согласно правилам методики преподавания английского языка, работа над каждым текстом предполагает фонетическую тренировку наиболее сложных слов,







лексического материала. Студентам предлагается творчески подойти к переводу текстов, в составлении диалогов и монологических высказываний с использованием изученного вокабуляра. Кроме того, учащиеся получают возможнос ть выразить свое мнение на важные и злободневные темы современной медицины. В пособие включены тексты из произведения Элизабет Стакли «Magnolia Buildings», работа с которыми позволяет не только развивать навыки

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перевода художественного текста, но и изучить разговорную лексику по теме. Таким образом, данное учебно-методическое пособие не только призвано способствовать развитию владения английским языком, но и развивать умение студентов анализировать, обобщать прочитанное и делать логические умозаключения. Преподаватели могут эффективно применять все предложенные задания, варьируя их по своему усмотрению, в зависимости от учебного плана, конкретных задач преподавания и языковой подготовленности студентов.

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The Laws of Health. I. Read and translate the following text. One of the first duties we owe to ourselves is to keep our bodies in perfect health. If our body suffers from any disorder, our mind suffers with it, and we are unable to make much progress in knowledge, and we unfit to perform those duties which are required of us in social life. There are certain laws of health which deserve particular attention and they are so simple that even a child can learn them. A constant supply of pure fresh air is indispensable to good health. To secure this, nothing impure should remain either within or near our homes, and every room in the house especially the bedrooms, should be properly ventilated every day. Perfect cleanliness is also essential. The whole body should be washed as often as possible. The skin is of minute pores, cells, blood vessels and nerves. It "breathes" the way the lungs do. Therefore it should always be clean. Besides its importance to health, there is a great charm in cleanliness. We like to look at one who is tidy clean. If the skin is kept clean, the teeth thoroughly brushed, the hair neatly combed, and the fingernails in order, we feel pleased with the person, even though his (her) clothes may be coarse and much mended. A certain amount of exercise is necessary to keep the body in perfect condition. All the powers (mental and bodily) we possess are strengthened by use and weakened by disuse, therefore labour and study should succeed each other. The best way of getting exercise is to engage in some work that is useful and at the same time interesting to the mind. It is most essential for the old and the young to do morning exercises with the widows wide open in your room or, if possible, in the open air. Remember that exercises warm, invigorate and purify the body. Rest is also necessary to the health of body and mind. The best time for sleep is during the darkness and stillness of the night. Late hours are very harmful to the health as they exhaust the nervous system. We should go to bed early and get up early. It is a good rule to rise with the lark and go to bed with the lark. Most essential to our body is food. Our body is continually wasting, and requires to be repaired by fresh stance. Be moderate in eating, if you eat slowly, you will not overeat. Never swallow your food wholesale — you are provided with teeth for the purpose of chewing your food — and you will never complain of indigestion. We should abstain from everything that intoxicates. The evils of intemperance, especially of alcohol, are too well known. Intemperance excites bad passions and leads to quarrels and crimes. Alcohol costs a lot of money, which might be used for better purposes. The mind is stupefied by drink and the person who drinks will, in course of time, become unfit for his duties. Both health and character are often ruined. Thus we must remember that moderation in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of labour and study, clarity in exercise, recreation and rest, cleanliness and many other essentials lay the foundations for good health and long life. II. Read, translate and transcribe the following words and expressions, give

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explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. To owe to smb/oneself To keep one’s body in perfect health To suffer from a disorder/a disease/an illness To fit/to unfit to do smth To deserve particular attention To be indispensable to smth To be properly ventilated A pore A cell A blood vessel A nerve Lungs To keep smb in perfect condition To be strengthened by use To be weakened by disuse To invigorate the body To exhaust the nervous system To rise with the lark To be moderate in eating To overeat To swallow food wholesale To complain of indigestion/headache/backache, etc. To abstain from smth To intoxicate The evils of intemperance To excite bad passions The mind is stupefied To lay the foundations for good health III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To keep, to suffer, to make, to fit, to unfit, to perform, to require, to deserve, to learn, to breathe, to brush, to comb, to feel, to get, to sleep, to rise, to raise, to take, to eat, to overeat, to chew, to know, to lead, to cost, to drink, to lay, to lie. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Disorder, indispensable, breathe, breath, thoroughly, to use, use, to disuse, disuse, exhaust, exhaustion, essential, alcohol, moderate, moderation, recreation, digest, indigestion. V. Translate the sentences from English into Russian using the active vocabulary. 1. Blood vessels are a very important part of the organism which transport blood from one organ to another.

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2. Skin is a very complicated organ which protects the body from the environment and which contacts with it through the pores. 3. Skin is considered to be the “mirror” of the organism. If a person suffers from a disorder or an illness it may be reflected on our skin. 4. Purity of your house deserves particular attention as a man cannot be healthy living in a dirty place. Hygiene has been considered the most essential part of health since ancient times. 5. When a person suffers from flu doctors recommend to ventilate the rooms properly to prevent the circulation of the air which contains germs. 6. Nerves are canals which transmit signals from the brain to the organs and parts of the body. 7. As any organ is weakened by disuse and strengthened by use it is necessary to invigorate our body with exercises. 8. It is considered to be good to rise with the lark, be active in daytime and have a rest at night. If you don’t have enough sleep you exhaust your nervous system. 9. Overeating is worse than hunger. If a person is moderate in eating he will never complain of stomachache and indigestion. 10. It is better to abstain from alcohol and smoking as they intoxicate the body and stupefy the mind. 11. Healthy habits which lay the foundation for good health must be known from the childhood. 12. To keep the body in perfect condition you must remember the rules of health which are indispensable to a healthy way of living. VI. Fill in the gaps using the words from the list. 1. Physical and mental health are the main duties that we … 2. Skin consists of millions of …, it is nourished by … and is innervated by … 3. … are the organ which supplies our body with oxygen. 4. Smoking and drinking are … that … the nervous system and … the mind. 5. Regular physical training … 6. As the man lay in bed for a long time his legs and arms … 7. A room must be clean and … 8. Millions of … let our skin breathe. 9. To … a person must observe the rules of health. 10. Alcohol and drugs … in a person and ruin his personality. 11. It is bad to … food … as it may cause … 12. Being … is the best way of curing indigestion. VII. Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary. 1. От алкоголя притупляется ум и разрушается личность. 2. Необходимо воздерживаться от переедания, потому что оно приводит к несварению желудка. А воздержание в еде и умеренный голод, раоборот, помогают держать тело в идеальном порядке. 3. Прием витаминов в зимнее время тонизирует и поддерживает организм.

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4. Если человек нездоров, он не способен выполнять умственную и физическую работу. 5. Здоровье кожи заслуживает особое внимание, потому что проблемы кожи сигнализируют о проблемах в организме. Если организм отравлен, это отражается на коже. 6. Нужно ложиться спать вовремя, чтобы не истощать нервную систему. 7. Нельзя глотать пищу целиком, необходимо тшательно пережевывать ее, чтобы избежать несварения. 8. Основы здоровья закладываются в раннем детстве, когда ребенка учат умеренно питаться, вставать на рассвете и воздерживаться от нездоровых излишеств. 9. Пациент жаловался на слабость, головную боль и несварение. 10. Умеренное питание – неотъемлемая часть здорового образа жизни. 11. Поскольку любая часть тела укрепляется с помощью упражнений, необходимо быть активным и бодрым. 12. Каждый человек иногда страдает от болезней, но скорость выздоровления зависит от тебя самого. VIII. Answer the following questions. 1. Do you often suffer from disorders or illnesses? 2. What can invigorate our body? 3. What must we do to keep our body in perfect health? 4. What way of living exhausts our nervous system? 5. Why is it necessary to be active? 6. Why is it important to be moderate in eating? 7. How can we lay the foundation for good health in a child? 8. What disorders do you usually complain of? 9. What is the role of purity for our health? 10. Why is drinking dangerous? IX. Make up dialogues between: - A doctor and a patient; - A mother and a child. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. X. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: - A doctor; - A teacher of medicine; - A patient. RAYMOND’S PROBLEMS WITH ADENOIDS I. Watch the film “Raymond’s problems with adenoids” (season 9, episode 16) II. Read, translate and transcribe the following words and expressions. Say in what situations of the film they are used. To have / get adenoids (come) out To have smth. done To cut smb. up

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A very common procedure To go through one’s mouth Snore To have difficulties with swallowing To get smth. done Insurance To trust A big deal To take away a piece of smb. To breathe in To take care of adenoids’ problem to tease To quit babying smb. Bing-bang-boom To set an example for smb. The whole world has to stop To be the same blood type as smb. Not everything is about you! To keep one’s sleeves rolled up To stick together A vein To drive smb. crazy Buttoned/unbuttoned Distracted To have a proper look of concern on one’s face Allergy To neglect to tell smb. about smth. Why? To bring smb. up from the anesthesia To respond Blood pressure dropped below a certain level To return to normal A form of hypertension To pick up the dry cleaning You always bring home smb. else’s III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To have, to get, to cut, to go, to snore, to take, to quit, to take, to keep, to stick, to drive, to tell, to bring. IV. Translate from English into Russian. 1. - Why are you so afraid of getting your adenoids out? – What are you talking about? I am not doing it! They will cut me up! – It’s a very common procedure! They won’t cut you up, they will go through your mouth! Go to the doc, bingbang-boom and you’ll get this done.

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2. Your husband had neglected to tell the doctors about his allergy and they couldn’t bring him up from anesthesia. 3. When a person has hypertension his blood pressure rises up to a certain level. 4. I am the same blood type as my brother so I will keep my sleeves rolled up. 5. – I am so nervous! I am having a procedure of getting adenoids out. The fear is driving me crazy! They are going to take away a piece of me! – You are to have a common procedure and the whole world has to stop! Not everything is about you! What example are you setting for kids! 6. Don’t worry your blood pressure dropped below a certain level but now it has returned to normal. 7. When will you quit babying my brother at last! His problems are not a big deal! 8. When people have adenoids problem their snore is getting worse and they have difficulties with swallowing. 9. If you want to take care of your adenoids’ problem you should go to the doctor and not breathe in hot air or rub cream into your neck! 10. You can’t pick up the dry cleaning! You always bring home somebody else’s! I don’t trust you! 11. Though the doctor was strict and buttoned and he had a proper look of concern on his face. V. Fill in the gaps. 1. If a person has … all the expenditures for his operations and procedures are paid for. 2. It is useless and even dangerous to … vapour when you have a running nose. 3. When I’m ill my mum can’t … 4. You must … kids and have a healthy way of living. 5. A family is a close unit. They must … in difficult situations. 6. You shouldn’t … cases of allergy if you have had one once. 7. When a man is ill it seems to him that … 8. The doctors performed the operation well but after it they couldn’t … the patient … 9. A person has an intense weakness when … 10. The majority of people are afraid of operations as they think that the doctors will… 11. Blood is taken from a donor who is ..,. the patient. 12. If you don’t … your doctor, you should apply to another one. VI. Translate from Russian into English. 1. У тебя есть медицинская страховка? – Да, а что? 2. Мне кажется, что врач был растерян и расстроен, хотя на лице у него и было подходяще заботливое выражение. 3. Ваш муж забыл сказать нам о своей аллергии, и теперь мы не можем вывести его из анестезии, он не просыпается и ни на что не реагирует. 4. Иногда у меня давление падает ниже определенного уровня, но потом я пью кофе, и оно возвращается.

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5. Не бойся, я буду с тобой во время процедуры, мы всегда держимся вместе. Кроме того, у нас одна группа крови. 6. – Этот суп не для тебя, я приготовила его для твоего брата! - Я мечтал об этом супе весь день, а ты дразнишь меня им! Хватит с ним нянчиться! – Не все только для тебя! 7. Почему ты боишься идти к зубному? Откроешь рот – раз, два, и готово! 8. У моего отца проблемы с аденоидами. Его храп становится все хуже, ему больно глотать, и горло болит. Ему надо удалить аденоиды. 9. Удаление зуба – это очень проста и безболезненная процедура. 10. Мы с братом имеем одну и ту же группу крови. 11. Ты все время заботишься о своем муже! Перестань с ним нянчиться! Он даже не может привезти белье из прачечной, он все время приносит домой чужое! 12. Всего лишь удалить зуб! Такая простая процедура! Какой пример ты подаешь детям! VII. Answer the following questions on the film. 1. What was Raymond’s problem? 2. What was his wife’s opinion on the necessity of the operation? 3. What did Raymond’s mother say about the operation? 4. What treatment did Marie offer? 5. Why did Marie insist that Robert should be present in the hospital? 6. What was Robert’s opinion of the whole situation? 7. What emergency happened to Raymond? 8. What was the reaction of the family? 9. Why didn’t Debora say anything about the problem with anesthesia to Raymond? VIII. Reproduce the dialogues of the film in indirect speech. Use the phrases from appendix 2. IX. Make up dialogues between: - Raymond and his doctor; - Raymond and his wife; - Raymond and his brother; - Raymond and his mother. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. X. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: - Raymond; - His wife; - His mother; - his brother. EBOLA OUTBREAK I.

Read and translate the following text.

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The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the world's deadliest to date and the World Health Organization has declared an international health emergency as more than 2,100 people have died of the virus in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria this year. What is Ebola? Ebola is a viral illness of which the initial symptoms can include a sudden fever, intense weakness, muscle pain and a sore throat, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). And that is just the beginning: subsequent stages are vomiting, diarrhea and - in some cases - both internal and external bleeding. The current outbreak is the deadliest since Ebola was discovered in 1976 The disease infects humans through close contact with infected animals, including chimpanzees, fruit bats and forest antelope. It then spreads between humans by direct contact with infected blood, bodily fluids or organs, or indirectly through contact with contaminated environments. Even funerals of Ebola victims can be a risk, if mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased. The incubation period can last from two days to three weeks, and diagnosis is difficult. The human disease has so far been mostly limited to Africa, although one strain has cropped up in the Philippines. Healthcare workers are at risk if they treat patients without taking the right precautions to avoid infection. People are infectious as long as their blood and secretions contain the virus - in some cases, up to seven weeks after they recover. Where does it strike? Ebola outbreaks occur primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests, says the WHO. Bushmeat - from animals such as bats, antelopes, porcupines and monkeys - is a prized delicacy in much of West Africa but can also be a source of Ebola It was first discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976 since when it has mostly affected countries further east, such as Uganda and Sudan. Ebola is spread through close physical contact with infected people. This is a problem for many in the West African countries currently affected by the outbreak, as practices around religion and death involve close physical contact. Hugging is a normal part of religious worship in Liberia and Sierra Leone, and across the region the ritual preparation of bodies for burial involves washing, touching and kissing. Those with the highest status in society are often charged with washing and preparing the body. For a woman this can include braiding the hair, and for a man shaving the head. Strict precautions must be observed when burying those who have died of Ebola If a person has died from Ebola, their body will have a very high viral load. Bleeding is a usual symptom of the disease prior to death. Those who handle the body and come into contact with the blood or other body fluids are at greatest risk of catching the disease.

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Avoid contact with Ebola patients and their bodily fluids, the WHO advises. Do not touch anything - such as shared towels - which could have become contaminated in a public place. Washing hands and improving hygiene is one of the best ways to fight the virus The WHO also warns against consuming raw bushmeat and any contact with infected bats or monkeys and apes. Fruit bats in particular are considered a delicacy in the area of Guinea where the outbreak started. What can be done if I catch it? You must keep yourself isolated and seek professional help. Patients have a better chance of survival if they receive early treatment. Patients with Ebola frequently become dehydrated so they should drink solutions containing electrolytes. BBC NEWS II. Read, translate and transcribe the following words and expressions, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. The Ebola outbreak To declare an international health emergency Virus a viral illness initial symptoms sudden fever intense weakness muscle pain a sore throat subsequent stages vomiting diarrhea internal/external bleeding to infect bodily fluids contaminated environment incubation period diagnosis a healthcare worker to treat patients to take precautions to avoid infection secretions to spread through close physical contact religious worship a very high viral load to catch a disease

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hygiene to consume raw bushmeat to keep oneself isolated to seek professional help to receive early treatment to become dehydrated solutions containing electrolytes III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To break, to outbreak, to declare, to die, to bleed, to spread, to strike, to occur, to braid, to shave, to come, to catch, to become, to fight, to do, to keep, to seek, to drink. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following geographical names, say where they are situated. World Health Organization, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Philippines, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Sudan. V. Find out the information concerning the World Health Organization and its activity. Make a short report in class. VI. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Subsequent, diarrhea, chimpanzee, fruit bates, antelope, incubation, diagnosis, porcupines, burial, hygiene, raw, apes, electrolytes. VII. Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English. Инфекционная болезнь; эпидемия; внутреннее кровотечение; иметь большую вирусную нагрузку; инкубационный период; принимать меры предосторожности; избегать инфекции; значительная слабость; защитное оборудование; начальные симптомы; боль в мышцах; зараженная среда; внезапный жар; работники здравоохранения; распространяться за счет тесного физического контакта; нехватка врачей и больниц; последующие стадии заболевания; электролитические растворы. VIII. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. 1. When there is an outbreak of a viral disease in some particular area health emergency should be declared. 2. Having caught a viral disease it is better not to take medicine uncontrollably but seek for professional help. 3. Viruses are usually spread through close physical contact and contaminated environment. 4. After the incubation period a diseased person has a very high viral load and healthcare workers must have protective equipment such as gloves, masks and special clothing not to catch the virus. 5. Simple measures such as improving hygiene and avoiding physical contact help to stop outbreaks of viral diseases. 6. Diseased people are often dehydrated and have to take solutions containing electrolytes.

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7. Sudden fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, sore throat are initial symptoms of many viral diseases. 8. In public places it is better to avoid touching shared things such as towels in WCs as they can be contaminated. 9. Improving hygiene and protective masks are the best precautions against viral diseases. 10. Pharmaceutical companies are producing medicines and vaccines against viral diseases. 11. In many distant areas of Africa and Asia there is a great shortage of hospitals, doctors and medicines. 12. Healthcare workers are not allowed to work without protective clothes and equipment especially during outbreaks of viral diseases. IX. Fill in the gaps. 1. … and … are symptoms of problems with digestion. 2. If you have a close contact with … you must take care of your …: wash hands very often and avoid sharing towels and other things with other people. 3. To … it is better to avoid contacts with … people. 4. If you are ill it is better to … and not to try to fight the disease yourself. 5. Sometimes … can be a cause of spread of … illnesses. 6. If a person … he is sure to recover soon. 7. If a person suffers from … which is lack of water, he should take … 8. In the condition of an epidemic and outbreaks of diseases it is better to … against the virus. 9. A diseased person has … so it is better to avoid contacts with him. 10. There is a great lack of qualified … who can … 11. The … of viruses is different. 12. A … is a quick rise of temperature. X. Translate from Russian into English. 1.При эпидемиях необходимо применять все меры предосторожности: часто мыть руки, избегать физического контакта с зараженными людьми, носить защитные маски. 2. Инфекционные больные имеют большую вирусную нагрузку именно на начальных стадиях заболевания, поэтому при первичных симптомах вирусной болезни необходимо обращаться за профессиональной помощью. 3. Фармацевтические компании выпускают значительное количество электролитических растворов, помогающих избежать обезвоживания пациентов с вирусными заболеваниями. 4. При боли в горле, мышечной боли, значительной слабости и внезапном жаре необходимо не принимать домашние средства, а обращаться за медицинской помощью. 5. Инкубационный период многих вирусных заболеваний длится до трех недель, поэтому больные чаще всего не помнят, где и когда они могли заразиться, и с кем у них был физический контакт все это время.

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6. В некоторых отдаленных областях Азии и Африки часто разгораются эпидемии, во-первых, в силу климата, а, во-вторых, за счет острой нехватки больниц и медицинских работников. 7. Ощутив начальные симптомы вирусного заболевания, необходимо немедленно обращаться за врачебной помощью и избегать физического контакта с другими людьми. 8. Работники здравоохранения должны принимать все меры предосторожности против вирусов, чтобы избежать их распространения. 9. В Африке была объявлена чрезвычайная ситуация в связи с распространением смертельного вирусного заболевания. 10. Ощутив начальные симптомы вирусной болезни, не следует ждать последующих стадий – необходимо обращаться к медицинским работникам и принимать лекарства. 11. Если у больного началось внутреннее кровотечение, это значит, что начальная фаза заболевания уже позади, а жизнь его под угрозой. 12. Использование жидкого мыла в больницах является эффективной мерой предосторожности против внутренних инфекций, так как общие куски мыла часто бывают заражены. XI. Answer the following questions. 1. What are initial symptoms of Ebola? 2. What are the subsequent stages of this disease? 3. How does the disease spread? 4. How long does the incubation period last? 5. What precautions against this virus can be taken? 6. How can religious worship spread the disease? 7. What must a person do if he is intentioned? XII Make up dialogues between: - A doctor and a patient; - Two healthcare workers; - Two representatives of the World Health Organization. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XIII. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: - A doctor; - A representative of the World Health Organization; - A patient. I’VE JUST GOT TO TAKE IT I. Read and translate the following text. The next excitement was the eleven Plus exam. Doreen really worked herself into a state about it. She didn’t say much, but her eyes grew pink from over-reading and she came out in spots. Mum dosed her but it made no difference. “I wish they’d do away with this old Eleven Plus,” said Mum. “I’ll run you round to the doctor tomorrow.”

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“I can’t go to the doctor and waste the whole morning’s school,” cried Doreen. Mum sighed and gave up. The night before the Eleven Plus exam, Ally was woken by Doreen being sick all over the floor. Disaster sent Ally to wake Mum. Mum was used to night alarms, and at once, grabbed at her old coat, sent Ally for bucket and mop and to put on a kettle. With her head a mass of steel curlers, and her eyes still swollen with sleep, she went swiftly into the girls’ room and bundled the shivery Doreen back to bed. “There, ducky, Mum’s here. Don’t you cry.” The child lay down, while Mum piled the clothes on her, and then plied the mop with a practised hand. “Cor!” Mum glanced at Doreen’s face, green between the red, rat-tail hair on the pillow. “I’ve got a good mind to keep you in bed tomorrow.” She squeezed out the mop. “No, no.” Doreen started up, and then sank back dizzily. “I’ve got to get through the Eleven Plus. I’ve just got to take it, Mum. I’ll never be a teacher if I don’t.” “There’s other things you can be,” said Mum. But she knew in her heart that Doreen was destined to be a teacher, for ever since she could walk she had been playing at schools. She had sat her dolls in a row and taught them, she had taught Grandma’s kitten, and even Len too, when he came along. Her favourite toy had always been a blackboard… Doreen’s face had grown yet more pale, She sat up clutching at the air. “I’m going to be…” she gasped, and Mum had just time to shove the bucket before her. When Doreen lay back spent and empty, Ally brought in the hot bottle and was sent to empty the bucket as Mum must get dressed and go to work. Doreen lay with shut eyes, thankful for the warmth, and prayed fervently. “Please God, let me be well tomorrow, I mean today. I’ve just got to be a teacher. Please stop me being sick. Amen.” …Doreen was eating no breakfast, and scarcely swallowing her tea… Mum muffled Doreen up in a large scarf and let her out into the cold morning. “You going to get there?” asked Mum. Doreen nodded bravely. There were blue shadows under her eyes, and her nose, and her nose was peaked and sharp over the red folds of her scarf. “If you feel sick, throw up and get it over, see?” said Mum. Doreen nodded again. She dared no speak. All she could think of was that she must get to her desk and sit there… As Mum and Doreen reached the chemist, the church clock struck nine. Mum stopped dead, her eyes on the shop. “They must have got something in there to stop sickness,” she said. “A pink pick-me-up. That’s it! I’ve heard of such things. Come on in, Doreen, and we’ll get your stomach fixed.”…

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…”I’ll give the young lady a cocktail that would fix an earthquake. Won’t be a minute.” And he dived out of sight… Doreen took the glass with a shaking hand, and sipped and choked. “I – I can’t,” she gasped. The stuff burnt her throat, and it had a strong, peculiar taste…. Doreen shut her eyes and drank. She had to pass. She had to be a teacher. She would drink anything to succeed. … The mixture, whatever it contained, pushed the whole world a long way off. The awful chill and sweat had been replaced by a queer glow, as if the mixture had started a small fire inside her stomach. By the time she got to the desk she was given the paper, she felt suddenly light and cheerful, almost carefree. Doreen was a natural fusser who took life hard. But the pink mixture, working on an empty stomach, had taken away all the worry and left her able to sing or dance or fly up in the air. AFTER E. STUCKLEY [1; p. 16 - 19] II. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. To work oneself into a state about smth To grow pink from over-reading (about eyes) To come out in sports To dose smb To run smb rownd to the doctor To be sick A disaster To be used to smth A night alarm Swollen Swollen with sleep (about eyes, face) Shivery To bundle smb to bed To pile smth on smb Green between the red (about face) Smb’s rat-tail hair on the pillow To keep smb in bed To sink back dizzily To grow more pale To sit up To clutch at the air To be spent and empty To pray fervently To swallow smth scarcely To muffle smb up Blue shadows under smb’s eyes To be peaked and sharp (about nose) The chemist A pick-me-up

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To get smb’s stomach fixed To fix an earthquake With a shaking hand To sip To chock To burn smb’s throat To put the whole world a long way off Chill Sweat A queer glow To start a small fire inside smb’s stomach To work on an empty stomach To be a natural fusser III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To say, to grow, to read, to over-read, to come, to make, to dose, to run, to go, to waste, to sigh, to give, to wake, to send, to grab, to put, to swell, to sleep, to lie, to lay, to keep, to sink, to get, to take, to know, to sit, to teach, to eat, to shut, to bring, to let, to mean, to swallow, to feel, to throw, to reach, to strike, to fix, to dive, to shake, to sip, to burn, to drink, to glow, to leave, to sing, to fly. IV. Find the information about Eleven Plus examination. Give a short report about it in class. V. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. 1. When a kid is sick it is better to keep him in bed. 2. The girl was growing more and more pale. Her rat-tail hair was lying on the pillow. 3. As the girl was sick she scarcely swallowed her food. 4. When a person has problems with his stomach his nose is peaked and sharp and he has blue shadows under his eyes. 5. The chemist offered me a special medicine which could not only get my stomach fixed but also fix an earthquake. 6. The beverage had a peculiar taste and flavor/ It burnt my throat. I seriously suspected that it was some alcohol. 7. When the girl drank the pick-me-up it put the whole world a long way off. The chill and sweat disappeared. The head was light. 8. The pick-me-up had a strange burning taste. There was a queer glow in my head after it and it started a small fire inside my stomach. 9. With a shaking hand the girl took the glass and drank the medicine. First she chocked but later it got her stomach fixed. 10. When you are ill it is better to stay in bed and muffle your throat up. 11. After the sleepless night Doreen was spent and empty. 12. Mum’s eyes were swollen with sleep but as she was used to night alarms and disasters she was ready to anything. VI. Fill in the gaps. 1. Your eyes are … from …

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You have … yourself … about your exams. Mum tried to … Doreen and prevent her … but it was useless. Doreen looked worse and worse. Her face … and her eyes … The poor child lay in bed. Her … on the pillow. Doreen tried to stand up but she … back on the bed. Sickness could prevent Doreen with passing her exams. She … asking the god to stop her being sick. 8. The girl took the glass and … the mixture. 9. The mixture … and she chocked. 10. As Doreen was … she worked herself … about her exams. 11. When a person is sick he suffers from … and … 12. To … there are special medicines called … VII. Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary. 1. Чтобы купить лекарство, мать послала старшую дочь в аптеку. 2. У ребенка болело горло, и он едва мог глотать. 3. После бессонной ночи Дорин была опустошенной и измученной. 4. Тонкие молрые пряди волос Дорин лежали на подушке. Лицо девочки все сильнее бледнело. 5. От слишком усердного чтения глаза Дорин опухли и покраснели. 6. Если ребенка тошнит, его нужно отвести к врачу. 7. Мать хотела оставить Дорин лежать дома, но она пошла в школу. 8. Лицо Дорин то и дело покрывалось пятнами, а нос все больше заострялся. 9. С синими кругами под глазами и заострившимся носом, Дорин сидела в аптеке и пыталась выпить лекарство. 10. Трясущимися руками девочка взяла стакан и отхлебнула. Жидкость обожгла ей горло, и она закашлялась. 11. В желудке как будто горел пожар, но голова вдруг стала легкая, а на душе стало радостно. 12. Дорин была паникершей, и ко всем важным событиям своей жизни относилась черезчур серьезно. VIII. Answer the following questions. 1. What happened to Doreen? 2. What were her symptoms? 3. Why, do you think, she was sick? 4. How did the girl look? 5. What did her mother suggest doing? 6. Why did the girl want to take her exam? 7. Why didn’t her mother prevent her going to school? 8. What way out did Mum find? 9. What, do you think, was the pick-me-up? 10. How did Doreen feel after taking the medicine? IX. Make up dialogues between: - Mum and Dad speaking about Doreen’s state and her future exam; - Doreen and Mum after the exam; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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- Mum and the chemist speaking about Doreen and her problem. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. X. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: - Doreen; - Mum; - The chemist - Two doctors discussing the cases of stomach problems caused by nervous breakdowns. THE EPIDEMIC I. Read and translate the following text. After the smog came heavy rain. The mothers cursed it, for they could not dry the washing. Mum went shopping and got soaked to the skin, and started a cold that turned into flu. After that the whole of Magnolia Buildings had flu. It was like the Black Death in the history book. One minute you were quite well, and the next in bed with a high temperature. Mum and All and Ally were all in bed at the same time. It was Dad who stayed at home and nursed them all, because Auntie Glad never thought of offering her help and no one liked to ask her. She just went out to business as usual, and left Doreen to do all the shopping. Mum was just out of bed and Ally was allowed to sit up for an hour, when Len got ill. “I don’t like the look of Len,” said Mum to Dad at tea time. “He says it hurts him to breathe.” “Keep him warm,” said Dad…He didn’t like the look of Len either. The child was red in the face now, and breathing with a queer noise… When Mrs Crawley looked in from next door, she had a look at Len too. “He ought to have penicillin,” she said. “I’d say he’d got pneumonia. He’s breathing just like Bob did before he died.”… At that very moment there was a knock at the door, and the doctor had arrived. He looked death tired and was panting from the long climb upstairs. “Why didn’t you let me know this morning?” he asked, but Mum and dad were too worried to explain. They just took him right in to see Len. He sat down beside the bed, and said in a cheerful, quite different voice, “Well, young man, and what, s the matter with you?” so that Len who was always very polite, tried to smile. While the doctor was sounding Len and was listening to his breathing, Auntie Glad came back… The doctor rummaged in his black bag, and said: “Give him one of these every four hours, Mrs Berners. Have you an alarm clock? He must not miss a dose all through the night. I’ll look in tomorrow morning.” “What’s he got?” asked Mum and her lips were trembling. “Just a touch of pleurisy,” said the doctor. “But don’t worry, we’ ll pull him through. Modern science is wonderful.”

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When the doctor had come, Mum, the usually cheerful, suddenly flopped into a chair and tears rolled down her cheeks. .. On the third day, Len asked for a bit of bread and butter. The fever that had sprung on him like a tiger, and that had only been kept by drugs, now gave up its attack. By the fourth day, Len could sit up and read the comics that Auntie Glad had been keeping for him…. AFTER E. STUCKLEY [1; p. 27 - 30] II. Read, translate and transcribe the following words and expressions. Say in what situations they were used. To curse To dry the washing To get soaked to the skin To start a cold To turn into flu To have flu A high temperature To nurse smb It hurts smb to breathe To keep smb warm To be red in the face To breathe with a queer noise Penicillin Pneumonia To look death tired To pant To sound smb To listen to smb’s breathing To miss a dose To be trembling (about lips, hands) A touch of pleurisy To pull smb through To flop into a chair Fever Drug III. Give the three forms, translate, transcribe and pronounce the following verbs. To come, to curse, to dry, to go, to get, to nurse, to think, to leave, to sit, to hurt, to breathe, to keep, to die, to knock, to let, to take, to see, to say, to sound, to listen, to rummage, to give, to miss, to tremble, to pull, to flop, to roll, to spring, to read. IV. Find the information about the Black Death and prepare a short report about it. V. Find the information about the symptoms and dangers of pneumonia and pleurisy and make a short report VI. Translate from English into Russian.

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1. When the child suffered from fever everybody was afraid that he had pneumonia. 2. As everyone was ill Dad had to stay at home and nurse them. 3. It was wet outside and it was impossible to dry the washing. 4. It was not pneumonia but a touch of pleurisy, but the child still suffered from fever. 5. Len complained that it hurt him to breathe. 6. You got the flu after you had got soaked to the skin. 7. When a person has a fever it is better to keep him warm. 8. The man was red in the face and it hurt him to breathe. 9. During epidemics doctors are death tired. 10. When you get penicillin or other antibiotics you must not miss a dose. 11. When a person starts a cold a doctor listens to his breathing to make sure that he doesn’t have pneumonia. 12. Drugs help to stop the attack of fever. VII. Fill in the gaps with the expressions from the list. 1. If you take medicine you must not … 2. If you don’t … you will wear wet clothes and … 3. When you have flu you have … 4. It is a bad symptom when … you … 5. … helps to cure … 6. The doctor … as he had much work. 7. Fever is … 8. It was not …, just … 9. The doctor thought that the child had … because he breathed … 10. It was rain, Mum … and … 11. I had to … all the family. 12. … the child … if he has a flu. VIII. Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary. 1. Все простудились, потому что пришлось носить мокрую одежду. Просушить белье в дождь было невозможно. 2. Все проклинали дождь. Было холодно, и в квартале многие страдали от гриппа. 3. Пенициллин – это антибиотик, который лечит пневмонию и другие болезни. 4. Доктор слушает дыхание пациента, чтобы убедиться, что это не плеврит и не пневмония. 5. Если у человека пневмония, ему тяжело дышать. 6. При гриппе люди страдают от высокой температуры. 7. У ребенка было красное лицо. Похоже, у него был жар. 8. Когда мать услышала про плеврит, она хлопнулась на стул и заплакала. 9. Лекарства помогли снять температуру. 10. Нельзя пропускать ни одной дозы. Заводите будильник и давайте ребенку пенициллин каждые 4 часа. 11. У мамы дрожали губы и руки.

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12. С помощью лекарств ребенка буквально вытащили из плеврита. IX. Answer the following questions. 1. Why did the family catch a cold? 2. Who suffered worse than everybody? 3. What were the symptoms? 4. What did the doctor recommend? 5. When did Len recover? X. Make up dialogues between: - Mum and Dad speaking about Len’s state; - Len and Mum after the disease; - Mum and the doctor speaking about Len and his problem - The doctor and his colleague discussing the epidemic. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XI. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: - Len; - Mum; - The doctor. CONTROLLING FOOD URGES I. Watch the film “Controlling Food Urges”. II. Translate and transcribe the following words and expressions, say in what situations they were used. Obsession To resist To drive smb. to want smth. = to make smb want smth The main driver = the main reason, stimuli Flavour = aroma All of these put together = all of these summed up To add To multiply = to grow To have power over smb. To hijack smb’s brain Loss of control over smth Highly palatable food = too tasty food Lack of satiation = absence of satisfaction with the food Preoccupation Highly processed Poor nutritional value To capture smb. visually = to attract with the beautiful view To be loaded with fat, sugar, salt = to be full of fat, sugar, salt Obese people = fat people Awareness about food Highly powerful stimuli To act responsibly = to behave with the sense of self-conscientiousness III. Translate from English into Russian.

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Nowadays the problem of fast food is actual and burning. Contemporary life is dynamic and hectic. People work hard, the majority of young people study, some of them even try to combine work and learning. Having such a life you obviously have to eat somewhere and fast food restaurants seem a good alternative to us because they deliver their food to the customers very quickly. More than that, there is a great variety of well-known brands: “Mc. Donald’s”, “English Chicken”, “Fish and Chips”, which is very popular in Great Britain, and “Russian Pancakes” which has recently become famous in Russia. On the one hand, everything is great about fast food restaurants: they serve the customers quickly, the salesgirls are polite and friendly, the food is various and tasty. But on the other hand, eating in such places is a straight way to diseases. First of all, the food captures us visually. The flavor, the appetizing look and our hunger drive us to want it. Eating at fast food restaurants makes us preoccupied about food. We get used to highly palatable processed products and can’t resist the obsession. Highly palatable processed food has poor nutritional value. Bread is made of highly processed flour and it is not so useful as rye bread. Cutlets are loaded with fat, salt and different chemical additives which influence our health badly. Each food consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for our body. But there are so called “good” and ”bad” carbohydrates. “Good” carbohydrates (rye bread, porridge, cereals) raise the level of sugar in our blood and keep it stable for a long time while “bad” carbohydrates (processed bread, sugar, sweets) raise the level of sugar and soon after it falls down. When the level of sugar in our blood is low we feel lack of satiation. We want to eat more and more, we get extra calories but still are not satisfied and happy. One of the most dangerous mixtures is the mixture of fat and sugar. The worst thing about fast food is that you eat much fat and still feel hungry. Of course fat is a very important element of feeding. It is necessary for good skin, nails and hair, for good eyesight and strong nerves. But if your food is loaded with fat you may have obesity. Proteins are the bricks our body is built of. It is very important for our health to have a balanced diet when you get enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates and never lose control over our eating. More than that, the restaurants of fast food are multiplying. For the food industry it is necessary to sell their products so they hijack our brains with commercials. If you eat in such restaurants you are considered to be fashionable and cool. But it is necessary to act responsibly and have awareness about food. Being a highly powerful stimuli food can have a great power over us. Besides, food industry is interested in its profit and sales but not in our health. IV. Fill in the gaps using the words and expressions from the given list. 1. Nowadays many people have … about food. 2. It is very hard to … sweets. 3. Processed food is … but very unhealthy. 4. Fast food has a very … and very low level of vitamins.

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5. If you want to be healthy you should have … 6. Fast food companies are highly interested in selling their products that’s why they … using advertising. 7. Fast food … us … and with its flavor. 8. Food is a very … for people. 9. When you eat too much sugar you always feel … 10. If a person feels … he always has … about food. 11. Fast food is … 12. Because of fast food a lot of people in the world are … V. Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary. В последнее время стало модным критиковать рестораны быстрого питания. Здоровый образ жизни становится все популярнее, и рестораны фаст-фуда объявлены адскими кухнями, где готовят очень вредную еду, перенасыщенную сахаром, жиром и солью. Люди, любящие фаст-фуд, представляются в виде ожиревших глупцов, потерявших контроль над собственным аппетитом и питанием и озабоченными только едой. Мне и моим друзьям смешно это слышать, потому что мы все учимся в университете, и иногда бываем так озабоченны учебой и заданиями, что даже забываем поесть. Для нас фаст-фуд – прекрасная альтернатива университетской столовой, потому что там очень быстро обслуживают, там дружелюбный и вежливый персонал, и есть большой выбор блюд. Моя мама говорит, что есть в ресторанах быстрого питания вредно для здоровья, так как пища там очень жирная. Она утверждает, что постоянное расстройство желудка и боль в животе – моя перспектива. Я не хочу с ней спорить, но пирожки, которые она печет по выходным, насыщенны жиром и сахаром больше, чем в любом Макдональдсе. Говорят, что фаст фуд имеет слишком низкую питательную ценность. Он содержит мало клетчатки и витаминов и очень много «плохих» углеводов. Возможно, это и так, но гамбургер и стакан колы – лучше, чем пустой желудок во время лекции, когда ты слишком озабочен едой, чтобы учиться. Если же говорить о лишнем весе, то люди имеют такую проблему не из-за фаст-фуда, а из-за переедания. Какая разница, где ты переедаешь – дома, кушая борщ с пирожками, или в кафе, перекусывая гамбургером и молочным коктейлем? Кроме того, говорят, что привыкнув к слишком вкусной еде, ты теряешь контроль над собой и ешь слишком много. Лично у меня нет возможности привыкнуть к фаст-фуду, так как я не настолько богат, чтобы переедать там. Конечно, цены там доступные, но не такие уж низкие. В общем, по-моему, чтобы сохранить здоровье, необходимо питаться разнообразно. Для здорового питания надо не избавляться от ресторанов быстрого питания, а просто иметь здравый смысл и относиться к собственному здоровью ответственно.

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VI. Answer the following questions on the film. 1. Why do some people have obsession about food? 2. How does food drive us to want it? 3. Why is loss of control over appetite dangerous? 4. What happens if a person eats highly palatable food? 5. What is the problem with highly processed food? 6. What must we do to act responsibly concerning our food? 7. Say whether you agree or disagree with the position of the doctor in the film. (Use the words and expressions from appendix 1) VII. Make up dialogues between: - A dietician and his patient; - Two owners of fast food restaurants; - Two customers of fast food restaurants; - Two doctors who worry about the health of the population nowadays. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. VIII. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: - A doctor; - An fast food producer; - A consumer of fast food. VOCABULARY I. Study the following words. Translate and transcribe them. Read and translate the explanations and examples. Use the words in the sentences of your own. Word part of speech


Example sentence

abnormal adj

not normal for the human body

This amount of weight loss is abnormal for women your age.

ache noun/verb

pain that won't go away

I can't sleep because my knees ache in the night.

acute adj

quick to become severe/bad

We knew the baby was coming right away because the woman's labour pains were acute.

allergy noun allergic adj

a body's abnormal reaction to Your son is extremely certain foods or environmental allergic to peanuts. substances (eg causes a rash)

ambulance noun

We called the ambulance emergency vehicle that rushes when Josh stopped people to a hospital breathing.

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amnesia noun

I can't remember the a condition that causes people accident because I had to lose their memory amnesia.

amputation noun amputate verb

permanent removal of a limb

We had to amputate his leg because the infection spread so quickly.

anaemia noun anaemic adj

occurs when the body doesn't have enough red blood cells

I have low energy because I am anaemic.

antibiotics noun

medication that kills bacteria and cures infections

My throat infection went away after I started the antibiotics.

anti-depressant noun

medication that helps relieve anxiety and sadness

The anti-depressants helped me get on with life after Lucy died.

appointment noun

a scheduled meeting with a medical professional

I've made you an appointment with a specialist in three week's time.

arthritis noun

My grandmother can't knit a disease that causes the joints anymore because the to become swollen and arthritis in her hands is so crippled bad.

asthma (attack) noun

a condition that causes a blockage of the airway and I carry an inhaler when I makes it difficult for a person run because I have asthma. to breathe

bacteria noun

a disease-causing organism

To prevent the spread of bacteria it is important that nurses wash their hands often.

bedsore noun

wounds that develop on a patient's body from lying in one place for too long

If you don't get up and take a walk, you will develop painful bedsores.

benign adj

not harmful (not cancerous)

We're hoping that the tests will show that the lump in your breast is benign.

biopsy noun

removal of human tissue in order to conduct certain

The biopsy ruled out a number of illnesses.

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medical tests You will be happy to know that your blood count is almost back to normal.

blood count noun

the amount of red and white blood cells a person has

blood donor noun

Blood donors have to a person who gives blood to a answer questions about blood bank or other person their medical history.

blood pressure noun

the rate at which blood flows through the body (high/low)

High blood pressure puts you at risk of having a heart attack.

brace noun

a device that holds injured body parts in place

You will probably always have to wear a brace on your ankle when you jog.

breech adj

position of an unborn baby in which the feet are down and the head is up

We thought it was going to be a breech birth, but the baby turned himself around.

broken adj

a bone that is divided in two or more pieces as a result of an injury

We thought it was just a sprain, but it turned out his leg was broken.

bruise noun bruised adj

injured body tissue that is visible underneath the skin

The woman was badly bruised when she came into the emergency room.

Caesarean section, C-section noun

procedure that involves removing a baby from its mother through an incision in the woman's lower abdomen

The baby was so large that we had to perform a Caesarean section.

cancer noun

disease caused by the uncontrollable growth of cells

There are many different options when it comes to treating cancer.

cardiopulmonary restoring a person's breath and You saved your brother's resuscitation (CPR) circulation life by performing CPR. noun cast noun

a hard bandage that is wrapped around a broken bone to keep it in place

My leg was in a cast for graduation.

chapel, chapeline

a place where loved ones can

If you want a place to pray,

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go to pray for a patient's recovery; a priest who visits patients in the hospital

the chapel is on the third floor.

chemotherapy noun

type of treatment used on cancer patients

My mother has already had three rounds of chemotherapy.

chickenpox noun

a virus commonly contracted by children, characterized by itchy spots all over the body

It is best to get chickenpox as a child so that you don't get it worse as an adult.

coroner noun

a person who determines the cause of death after a person dies

We only call the coroner if we think a death is suspicious.

critical condition noun

requiring immediate and constant medical attention

You can't see her right now; she's in critical condition.

crutches noun

objects that people with I'd rather hop on one foot injured legs or feet use to help than use crutches. them walk

cyst noun

a sac in the body-tissue filled with fluid (sometimes diseased)

We're going to remove the cysts just to be on the safe side.

deaf adj

unable to hear

The accident left the patient both deaf and blind.

deficiency noun

a lack of something necessary The tests show that you for one's health have an iron deficiency. in need of water

It is easy for the elderly to become dehydrated in this heat.

dementia noun

loss of mental capacity

It is hard to watch a loved one suffering with dementia.

diabetes noun

type of disease typically involving insulin deficiency

People with diabetes have to constantly check their blood sugar levels.

diagnosis noun

medical explanation of an illness or condition

The doctor would prefer to share the diagnosis with

dehydrated adj

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the patient himself. discomfort noun

experiencing pain

This pain medication should relieve some of your discomfort.

disease noun

a medical disorder that is harmful to a person's health

I understand that this disease runs in your family.

dislocated adj

when a bone is temporarily separated from its joint

You will have to wear a sling because of your dislocated shoulder.

emergency noun

a medical problem that needs immediate attention

It is important that children know which number to dial in case of an emergency.

ER (emergency room) noun

the hospital room used for treating patients with immediate and lifethreatening injuries

The child was rushed into the ER after he had a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting.

on the outside

This cream is for external use only. Do not get it near your ears, eyes, or mouth.

false negative noun adj

a test that incorrectly comes back negative

We had two false negative pregnancy tests, so we didn't know we were having a baby.

family history noun

medical background of a person's family members

The doctor was concerned about my family history of skin cancer.

fatal adj

causing death

The doctor made a fatal error when he wrote the wrong prescription.

fever noun feverish adj

higher than normal body temperature

He is very feverish, and his temperature is near danger point.

flu (influenza) noun

many types of respiratory or People who have the flu intestinal infections passed on should not visit hospital through a virus patients.

fracture noun

broken or cracked bone

external adj

Your wrist is fractured

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fractured adj

and needs a cast. Flowers are not allowed in the ward to avoid the risk of germs being brought in.

germ noun

a micro-organism, especially one that causes disease

genetic adj

a medical condition or The disease is part genetic physical feature that is passed and part environmental. on in the family

growth noun

a ball of tissue that grows bigger than normal, either on or under the skin

That growth on your shoulder is starting to worry me.

heart attack noun

instance in which blood stops pumping through the heart

People who smoke are at greater risk of having a heart attack.

HIV noun

the virus that infects the human T-cells and leads to AIDS

HIV can be passed down from the mother to her fetus.

hives noun

bumps that appear on the surface of the skin during an allergic reaction

I broke out in hives after I ate that potato casserole.

illness noun ill adj

general term for any condition Her illness went away that makes a person feel sick when she started eating for a certain period of time better.

immune system noun

the parts of the body that fight You can't have visitors diseases, infections, and because your immune viruses system is low.

immunization noun immunize verb

an injection that protects against a specific disease

Babies are immunized three times in their first year.

incision noun

cut in the body made during surgery

I had to have stitches to close the incision.

inconclusive adj


We have to do more x-rays because the first ones were inconclusive.

infant noun

young baby

The nurse will demonstrate how to bathe an infant.

infection noun infected adj

diseased area of the body (viral or bacterial)

The wound should be covered when you swim to

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prevent it from becoming infected. inflamed adj

appearance (red and swollen) of an injured body part

My right ankle was so inflamed it was twice the size of my left one.

injury noun

damage to the body

Her injuries were minor; just a few cuts and bruises.

intensive care unit (ICU) noun

section of the hospital where patients get constant attention and doctors rely on specialized equipment

She will remain in the ICU until she can breathe on her own.

internal adj

under the skin, inside the organs

The doctors will be monitoring her for any internal bleeding.

itchy adj

feeling discomfort on the skin's surface

If you are allergic to this medication your skin will get red and itchy.

IV noun

a tube that pumps liquids and medication into a patient's body

The toddler was so dehydrated that the doctor decided to get him on an IV.

lab results noun

tests that come back from a laboratory and help doctors make a diagnosis

The lab results have come in and you are free to go home.

lab (laboratory) noun

place where samples of blood/urine etc. are taken for testing

I'll take these samples down to the lab on my way out.

life support noun

a machine that keeps patients alive by helping them breathe

The woman has severe brain damage and is currently on life support.

life-threatening adj

when injuries and conditions are extremely serious

The victim was shot in two places but the bullet wounds are not lifethreatening.

light-headed adj

feeling of dizziness and being If you are feeling lightoff-balance, caused by lack of headed again, lie down oxygen in the brain and call me.

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malignant adj

expected to grow and get much worse (especially related to cancerous cells)

medical school (med. school) noun

After eight years of place where someone trains to medical school I can be a doctor finally practice medicine.

newborn noun

You have to support her an infant that is less than three neck because she is still a months old newborn.

numb adj

no feeling in a certain body part

The needle will make your lower body feel numb.

OR (operating room) noun

the place where major surgeries and operations take place

You must wear a face mask and gloves while you are in the OR.

operation noun operate on verb

a medical procedure that The operation lasted seven involves going inside a hours, but it was person's body in an attempt to successful. fix a problem

pain noun

strong discomfort in certain areas of the body

We gave your husband some medicine to relieve some of the pain.

pain killer, pain reliever noun

type of medicine that takes away some or all of the discomfort of an illness or injury

You can take two pain killers every four hours.

paralyzed adj

unable to move certain areas of the body

We thought her legs were paralyzed for life, but she is learning how to walk.

patient noun

a person staying in a hospital or medical facility

The patients in Room 4 are not getting along.

pharmacist noun

a person who fills a doctor's prescription and gives people advice about medication

Ask the pharmacist if there is a generic brand of this medication.

pharmacy, drugstore noun

a place where people go to buy medication and other medical supplies

You should be able to buy a bandage at the pharmacy.



Ask your family physician

I'm afraid at least one of the tumours is malignant.

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to refer you to a specialist. a substance that is very dangerous if it enters the human body

The child was bitten by a poisonous snake.

prenatal adj

of the time period leading up to giving birth

The woman was well prepared for labour because she took the prenatal classes.

prescription noun prescribe verb

the correct amount and type of You will need to visit your medication needed to cure an doctor to get another illness or relieve symptoms prescription.

poison noun poisonous adj

privacy noun private adj

being alone; personal (eg test results)

You will have to pay for a private hospital room if you don't want a roommate.

radiation noun

high energy X-rays that destroy cancer cells

If the radiation doesn't kill all of the abnormal cells, the cancer will come back.

residency resident noun

part of a doctor's training that takes place in the hospital; a student working under a doctor

John is a resident under Dr Brown.

routine check-up noun

a doctor's appointment to check a person's general health

I'd like to see you a year from now for a routine check-up.

scrubs noun

plain uniform (usually green, white, or blue) worn by medical professionals

I have some extra scrubs in my locker.

scrub up verb

carefully wash hands before and after seeing a patient

I have to scrub up and get ready for surgery.

second opinion noun

input from a second doctor about an illness or symptom

I went to another doctor to get a second opinion about these headaches.

seizure noun

sudden violent movements or unconsciousness caused by electrical signal malfunction in the brain

People who suffer from epilepsy are prone to seizures.

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shock noun

The woman was in shock body not getting enough blood after being pulled from the flow river.

side effects noun

other symptoms that might occur as a result of a certain medication or procedure

One of the side effects of antidepressants is a loss of appetite.

sore adj


I have a sore throat and a runny nose.

spasm noun

the uncontrollable tightening of a muscle

Ever since I injured my leg I've been having muscle spasms in my upper thigh.

specialist noun

a doctor that is an expert in a certain kind of medicine

My family doctor is sending me to a specialist.

sprain noun/verb

an injury (less serious than a break) to a joint (ankle, wrist, knee etc)

I sprained my knee playing soccer.

stable condition noun

a patient is stable if their You can see your husband medical condition is no longer now; he is in a stable changing rapidly condition.

sting noun/verb

sharp, temporary pain

It may sting when I insert the needle.

stress noun stressed adj

worry that causes muscles to tighten and blood pressure to rise

You need to take some time off work and relieve some of your stress.

swelling noun swollen adj

ligaments (parts that hold the joints together) growing bigger and rounder after an injury to a joint

I knew my ankle was sprained because it was so swollen.

symptoms noun

pain or physical changes that occur because of an illness or disease

You have all of the symptoms of a diabetic.

temperature noun

amount of heat measured in a body; higher than normal temperature

We brought Jesse to emergency because he was running a (high) temperature.

tender adj

painful when touched or used

The incision was tender after the surgery.

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test results noun

medical information that helps The test results came back doctors understand a patient's negative. You aren't condition or body pregnant.

therapy noun

treatment aimed at improving a person's mental or physical condition

I was able to go back to work a few weeks after starting the therapy.

transplant noun

moving of an organ from one human to another

The heart transplant saved your life.

ultrasound noun

a test that examines the body's The ultrasound shows that internal organs and processes we are expecting a baby using sound waves (often used boy. during pregnancies)

umbilical cord noun

I had an emergency Cthe lifeline from the mother to section because the the fetus (when cut at birth umbilical cord was this forms the belly button) wrapped around the baby's neck.

unconscious adj

alive, but appearing to be asleep and unaware of the surroundings

I hit my head on the steering wheel and was still unconscious when the ambulance arrived.

urine sample noun

a small amount of the body's liquid waste that is tested for different medical reasons

The urine sample tells us how much alcohol is in your blood.

vein noun

the thin tubes that transport blood around the body and back to the heart

I'm just looking for the best vein in which to insert the needle.

virus noun

a dangerous organism that causes the spread of minor and major diseases

The virus is contractable through the exchange of bodily fluids.

visiting hours noun

time of day when friends and family are allowed to visit patients in hospital

I'm afraid you'll have to come back during visiting hours.

vomit noun/verb

discharge of a person stomach The pregnant woman can't contents through the mouth stop vomiting.

ward noun

a section of a hospital or health facility where patients stay

I should warn you that we're entering the mental health ward.

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wheelchair noun

a chair on wheels used for transporting patients from place to place

If you get in the wheelchair I'll take you down to see the garden.

wound noun wounded adj

The wounded soldiers are injury to body ("flesh wound" being airlifted to the means not deep) hospital.

x-ray noun/verb

a photograph of a person's bones and organs

The technician took x-rays of my shoulder to make sure it wasn't broken.

VOCABULARY EXCERCISES VARIANT I I. Translate from Russian into English . расстройство желудка, приемный покой, нервный срыв, сделать укол (2), записаться на прием к доктору, быть на больничном (2), быть на диете (4), слечь с (3). II. Translate from English into Russian. 1. Our child is laid up with chicken pox. The disease is very catching so You must examine your kids thoroughly. 2. Our uncle underwent an operation so he is very weak. Sometimes he may feel sick and giddy. 3. I am wrong with my heart. Yesterday I was near a heart attack. 4. If you have something wrong with your health, make an appointment with a doctor. 5. The doctor opened the patient and examined him thoroughly. 6. The dentist not only filled my teeth but also prescribed me some good antibiotics and a tonic. 7. I had an attack of hypertension. But the doctor gave me a needle and my pressure dropped. 8. If you suffer from hypertension test your blood pressure regularly. 9. Ann behaves strangely. She must have a nervous breakdown. 10. The patient is short of breath. There must be something wrong with his lungs. III. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. 1. When I had a heart attack I was taken to hospital and … my blood pressure … Then the doctor gave me a … He … … a prescription for me. More than that he advised me to … a … of vegetables, fruit and dairy products. 2. Before …. my teeth out the dentist … my teeth and … the ones which could be saved. 3. I have a bad … Could you give me a … for it. I want to sleep well. 4. Before an … you must have your tooth …to know if it can be filled. 5. You look so sick and miserable. You should be on … 6. When a person has … he suffers from a sharp burning pain in his stomach. 7. Go to the drugstore and have this … made up for you.

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8. The doctor cures his patients …diphtheria. 9. This is a great cure … scarlet fever. 10. If you …. the doctor’s directions you will never … ill again. IV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. - Я хочу найти лекарство от бессонницы. – Принимайте эту микстуру по столовой ложке перед сном. 2. Этот хирург прекрасно проводит операции. Все его пациенты не имеют осложнений после перенесенной процедуры. 3. Симптомы скарлатины – жгучая боль в животе, повышенная температура и головокружение. 4. Я записался на прием к врачу. У доктора мне измерили давление и сделали анализ крови. Потом доктор выписал мне рецепт. 5. Эти пятнышки на теле могут оставить следы навсегда. 6. Этот зуб не обязательно вырывать. Я сделал вам рентген и считаю, что его можно запломбировать. 7. У меня глаза опухли и чешутся. Доктор, это заразно? 8. Я на больничном уже неделю, а все равно голова кружится. 9. От ветрянки не умирают, но это очень заразная болезнь, и могут быть осложнения. 10. Доктор мне выписал рецепт на микстуру. Я иду в аптеку, чтобы мне составили лекарство по его рецепту. VARIANT II I. Translate from Russian into English. Жар, храп, нервный срыв, сделать укол (2), приемный покой, дрожать, группа крови, быть на больничном (2), быть на диете (4), слечь с (3). II. Translate from English into Russian. 1. The man had a high temperature. By the evening his fever went above thirtyeight degrees but as he had a hold over himself he continued working. 2. As the boy had the flu, he shivered and looked miserable. His hold over himself was very slack and he easily cried at little things that were of no importance. 3. When a person has hypertension his blood pressure rises up to a certain level. 4. I am the same blood type as my brother so I will keep my sleeves rolled up. 5. – I am so nervous! I am having a procedure of getting adenoids out. The fear is driving me crazy! They are going to take away a piece of me! – You are to have a common procedure and the whole world has to stop! Not everything is about you! What example are you setting for kids! 6. I had an attack of hypertension. But the doctor gave me a needle and my pressure dropped. 7. If you suffer from hypertension test your blood pressure regularly. 8. Ann behaves strangely. She must have a nervous breakdown. 9. Your husband neglected to tell the doctors about his allergy and they couldn’t bring him up from anesthesia.

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10. It aches to move! I must have a fever! – Take it easy! Take this capsule with water. III. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. 1. My son told me that he had a…. I put my hand on his … and understood that he had a fever. 2. Go to the drugstore and have this … made up for you. 3. The doctor cures his patients …diphtheria. 4. This is a great cure … scarlet fever. 5. If you …. the doctor’s directions you will never … ill again. 6. When people have adenoids problem their … is getting worse and they have difficulties with…. 7. When I had a heart attack I was taken to hospital and … my blood pressure … Then the doctor gave me a … He … … a prescription for me. More than that he advised me to … a … of vegetables, fruit and dairy products. 8. These capsules can … the … condition. You see, the … of influenza can exist in … condition. Follow the …., take your …. regularly and don’t bother. 9. When the man … that he didn’t have pneumonia his … relaxed slowly. 10. I am …with my heart. Yesterday I was near a heart …. IV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Я знаю этот его глупый разговор! Когда у него кружится голова, и поднимается температура, он теряет самообладание и плачет по всяким пустякам. 2. - Почему ты отказываешься принимать прописанные лекарства? – Они мне не помогут. – Какая глупость! 3. Посмотри на мальчика! У него щеки горят, его лихорадит, ему больно двигаться! У него грипп. 4. Не бойся, я буду с тобой во время процедуры, мы всегда держимся вместе. Кроме того, у нас одна группа крови. 5. Удаление зуба – это очень простая и безболезненная процедура. 6. Мы с братом имеем одну и ту же группу крови. 7. Эти пятнышки на теле могут оставить следы навсегда. 8. Этот зуб не обязательно вырывать. Я сделал вам рентген и считаю, что его можно запломбировать. 9. У меня глаза опухли и чешутся. Доктор, это заразно? 10. Я на больничном уже неделю, а все равно голова кружится. VARIANT III I. Translate from Russian into English. Состояние, быть не в состоянии делать что-то, отказ, сбить температуру, застыв от ужаса, незначительное заболевание, с медицинской точки зрения, жалкая развалина, воздержаться от алкоголя, сделать укол (2), слечь с (3). II. Translate from English into Russian. 1. This was a great doctor! Even when he was on sick leave he phoned his outpatients and asked them about their condition.

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2. As the boy had the flu, he shivered and looked miserable. His hold over himself was very slack and he easily cried at little things that were of no importance. 3. When children have chicken pox they have a rash and the spots are swollen and itching. 4. At the meeting the doctors remembered their years of study at the university, how they walked the hospitals and tried to work with their in-patients. 5. – I am so nervous! I am having a procedure of getting adenoids out. The fear is driving me crazy! They are going to take away a piece of me! – You are to have a common procedure and the whole world has to stop! Not everything is about you! What example are you setting for kids! 6. The most unhealthy and even dangerous mixture is the mixture of fat and sugar. 7. Food industry hijacks the brains of consumers. Eating only highly palatable food they lose control over their eating and become obese. 8. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for our body. 9. Your husband had neglected to tell the doctors about his allergy and they couldn’t bring him up from anesthesia. 10. I am the same blood type as my brother so I will keep my sleeves rolled up. III. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. 1. I am …with my heart. Yesterday I was near a heart …. 2. These capsules can … the … condition. You see, the … of influenza can exist in … condition. Follow the …., take your …. regularly and don’t bother. 3. When people have adenoids problem their … is getting worse and they have difficulties with…. 4. This is a great cure … scarlet fever. 5. Go to the drugstore and have this … made up for you. 6. Highly … food has poor …. 7. Food at the restaurants attracts us … and we can’t … it. 8. When a person has …. his blood ….. rises up to a certain level. 9. The man had a high ….. By the evening his …. went above thirty-eight …. but as he had a …. over himself he continued working. 10. When I came to the doctor he even … me and just … my tongue. IV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. У меня глаза опухли и чешутся. Доктор, это заразно? 2. Эти пятнышки на теле могут оставить следы навсегда. 3. Удаление зуба – это очень простая и безболезненная процедура. 4. Посмотри на мальчика! У него щеки горят, его лихорадит, ему больно двигаться! У него грипп. 5. Я знаю этот его глупый разговор! Когда у него кружится голова, и поднимается температура, он теряет самообладание и плачет по всяким пустякам. 6. Современным людям необходимо вести себя сознательно и относиться к еде настороженно и внимательно.

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7. Когда люди озабочены мыслями о еде, они едят много рафинированной пищи, но не чувствуют сытости. 8. Этот зуб не обязательно вырывать. Я сделал вам рентген и считаю, что его можно запломбировать. 9. Не бойся, я буду с тобой во время процедуры, мы всегда держимся вместе. Кроме того, у нас одна группа крови. 10. Я вошел в кабинет врача здоровым, счастливым человеком, а выполз оттуда несчастной развалиной. VARIANT IV I. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary. 1. У меня болит горло. Наверное, это ангина. 2. Она серьезно больна. Ее положили в больницу. Возможно, ей предстоит операция. 3. Я вам советую обратиться к врачу и чем скорее, тем лучше. У вас больной вид. 4. Если бы диагноз был бы тогда установлен, больного немедленно бы отправили в больницу. 5. Я был ранен в ногу во время войны, и сейчас долгая ходьба вызывает у меня боль. 6. У меня сильная боль в правом боку (в колене, в левом ухе, в обоих глазах, в грудной клетке, в груди)' У меня болит глаз (болит рука, нога, горло). 7. У вас высокая температура. Вам нужен постельный режим в течение двух-трех дней. 8. Петрова больна воспалением легких (скарлатиной, ангиной, гриппом). 9. Его лечили от гриппа, но у него оказалось воспаление легких. 10. Это очень хорошее лекарство от головной боли (от ушной боли, зубной боли). 11. На юге США десятки тысяч афроамериканцев страдают от туберкулеза. Они не получают необходимого лечения. Смертность среди негров, больных туберкулезом, чрезвычайно высока. 12. Болезнь эта пока неизлечима. Известны методы лечения, сохраняющие больному жизнь на много лет; но они пока не дают полного излечения. 13. Осложнения после этой болезни хуже, чем сама болезнь. 14. Повара, официантки, няни в детских садах и яслях и т. п. раз в месяц проходят медицинский осмотр. ' 15. Все дети до поступления в школу должны пройти серьезный, тщательный медицинский осмотр. 16. Родители пионеров, уезжающих в пионерские лагеря, должны представить справку (certificate) о том, что в семье и доме нет инфекционных заболеваний. 17. Вам нужно пройти рентген и сделать все необходимые анализы.

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18. У больного опухли суставы (joints) и выступила сыпь (rash broke out), воспалены глаза и горло. 19. У него больное сердце. Вчера у него был сильный (bad) сердечный приступ. Он в постели. Врач запретил ему вставать в течение трех дней. 20. У Марии Михайловны неприятности с. почками (с сердцем, с желудком, с легкими). 21. Эти пилюли от кашля, капли (drops) от насморка, мазь (ointment) от зуда кожи (itch). 22. Доктор выписал мне рецепт и сказал, что лекарство мне приготовят в любой аптеке. 23. Она была очень больна, лежала без сознания в течение двух дней. Сейчас ей лучше. Завтра я пойду навестить ее. Я не знаю, разрешат ли мне передать ей цветы и фрукты. 24. Пенициллин - прекрасное средство борьбы с воспалительными процессами. 25. Усилиями врачей малярия — одно из самых распространенных заболеваний в прошлом сведена на нет. 26. Он выздоровел (оправился) от тифа и сейчас совершенно здоров. 27. Меня слегка тошнит. У меня легкий озноб, болит все тело, кружится голова. Я больна. 28. Самое лучшее средство от простуды — утренняя зарядка, обтирание холодной водой, регулярные прогулки на лыжах, посещение катка. 29. Вам надо смерить температуру. Вот термометр. Стряхните его (shake it off) и поставьте под мышку. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. The saying goes that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Now why is that true? 2. Why must cooks, waitresses, grocery assistants, etc. undergo periodical medical examinations? 3. When were you ill last? 4. Did you have to keep (to) your bed? 5. Were you put on the sick-list? 6. Was the doctor called in? 7. What did you put complain of? 8. What examination did the doctor give you (put you through)? 9. Were laboratory tests called for? 10. How did the doctor diagnose the case? 11. What treatment did he prescribe? 12. Did you make out any prescription? 13. How long did it take you to get well? 14. Do bad teeth ever bother you? 15. Has a bad tooth ever kept you awake all night? What did you do about it? 16. What treatment does a doctor usually prescribe to a patient suffering from the flu?

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17. What diseases did you suffer from in childhood? 18. What do you usually do for a headache? 19. What are the symptoms of the grippe? 20. What measures are taken at your Institute to protect the students? Do you have to undergo annual medical examinations? What does it include? 21. What must one do to keep in good health? Appendix 1 Phrases expressing agreement and disagreement I agree with… Right you are! You are absolutely right. I agree wholeheartedly. This is true. I couldn’t agree with you more. That’s exactly how I feel. No doubt. I partially agree. I disagree I am against it because… Instead, I think that… On the contrary… I am afraid I can’t agree… You are not quite right. I’m afraid, I completely disagree with you. I seriously doubt it. Appendix 2 Reported speech To say To report To agree/disagree To mention To tell To whisper To exclaim To declare To assure To explain To ask To question To wonder Appendix 3 Can you imagine… Great!/Terrific!/Fantastic!/ Such a dear!/Such a bore!/Such a nuisance!

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If you ask me… This is my way of looking at it. You may be right, but… All the same… What makes you say that? Don’t you agree that… What's your idea? What are your thoughts on all of this? How do you feel about that? Do you have anything to say about this? What do you think? Do you agree? Wouldn't you say?


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА Жильцы дома «Магнолия». (По Э. Стакли). Кн.для чтения на англ.яз.для студентов I курса пед.ин-тов. Учеб.пособие по спец.№ 2103 «иностр.яз.» . Обраб.и коммент. А.А. Керлин. – М. : Просвещение, 1983. – 96с., ил. nd_of_overeating_by_dr_david_kessler/