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CONTENTS The Freedom Teachings: ABrief Primer 2 Key Components
of theFreedom
Cloister Emerald Order Teachings -The Eieyani and The Freedom Teachings, AKAThe Melchiz edek the CDT-Plates 8 •Keylontic Science : The Language ofCreation -Sacredence Sci &the Lawof One 10· Introduction tothe Freedom/MCEO Teachings 17· The Structure of ourUniverse 23· Ascension & At-One-Ment Step Towards 26 •"Who ARE theIndigo Children?" 27• ASignificant Spiritual Maturity andIntegrity New Frontiers ofSelf, Science & 29 •About theSpea kers -Exploring Spirituality 30
Materials: Content Summaries:
and Amenti Series34 •The Evolutionary Path ofHuman Consciousness : Secrets ofthe Melchizedeks Guardian Races 36 •Angelic Realities -The BigPicture 38 •The Tangible Structure of theSoul 39 • Architects ofLight&Secrets ofthe Indigo Children 40· Introduction toKeylontic Science 42
Kathara Bio-Spiritual
Introduction to theKathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System® 43 •Kathara®: Overview ofTopics to Reach theCore of Subject Matter 45• Symbol Codes &Tones -Healing Techniques Multidimensional Anatomy 50 •General Information onthe Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System ® 56
The Attitudes& Responsibilities
of Mastery 58
The Eckasha Maharic SealTechnique Questions for Discernment
Illustrations 10 •Yan-ASymbol Codes: The Mahadra Adhrana (Front Cover) •Rheuzetta 6 •Quanta-Rhu-A SI-TV 17 • Zephar Duun AturA 22• High Veca Codes 25• Mu-Oran-E-TuR 30 •Yunasaiwith Inner RashaLAe Flame 36• 12:12Or-ImmanV 37 •Kathara 12-Tree Grid 50• 12:12 Yon-A-Sa Cosmic KristElectrical 52 •Rosetta & RashaLAe Flame 55• CoreFlame "RashaLAe Wind Song" 57 •Thun-ImmanU 63 •Eckasha 66
Photo:Speakers &1 230 •Chart:Structure ofthe Universe 24• Graphic: The Maharic Seal 66
1 TheMCEOFreedomteachingS®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
A BriefPrimer
ello, andthank youfor yourinterest inthe "Freedom Teachings"®. Our thanks and welcome aree xpressed toyou through this brief primer, respectfull y supporting your need toquickly assessthe range,depth andpersonal contemporary significance of the many resources introduced onthese andfollowing pages. The urgeto understand the nature ofhuman reality has occupied thehearts andminds ofmany caring and thoughtful people for aslong asanyone can remember, tolittle practical effect.Today, thedesire an to comprehend the purposeof realitysupports environment awash with a massive variety of paradigms, "quick fix solutions" and "re-cycled truths", allof which notonly profess tosatisfy our why ourworld isat itis... but need tounderstand also todeliver themeans tocreate tangible,peaceful and expansivepersonal expression. and Book afterbook, workshop afterworkshop, still soverymat!) questions remain unanswered; and,the very fundamentals of"Life" continue tomake solittle sense! Contemporary reality demonstrates that theidea that individuals cansignificantly alterthe conditions of theirpersonal experience, contribute toimproved collective well-being, growth, harmony and creative expression hasgrown everless attainableas ourworld has become more "civilized". What contemporary humans have learned, bydefault, isthe lesson of powerlessness andvictim-hood. But, these all too prevalent circumstances are simplYa riflection if whatis taughtorimpose0 whatis believed or accepted, and whatis otherwise 'necessaniy'assumedin the absence ofadequateprescriptivefacts. The apparent futilityof lifehas, formany people, either elevated"God", "Masters", Angelsor "ETs"as the onlyviable means ofhuman "liberation" orhas otherwise supported their respective denigration: either way,promoting hopeand trustin allmanner of alternate forms ofexternal authority, atthe expense of nurturing the remaining vestiges of spiritual
potency, loving sovereign ty.
to This awareness (andconcern) isfundamental the context, andcontent, ofthe Freedom Teachings (FTs), which means that anew and very different perspectiveisavailable now.It isa perspective which not onlyembraces thenature, originand direction of personal andplanetary circumstance, butalso offers fresh and dynamic opportunities viaunderstanding the greaterevolutionary processes atwork -and -in unprecedented detail. of humanity, and the planet conditions The humanity occupies,reflect theprogression ofa bigger drama inwhich humanity andthe planetare playing an unacknowledged part. Itis apart that can be out in complete ignorance and perpetual played powerlessness - or -our roles canbe dramatically changed according towhat wechoose tobelieve in, and actupon, atthis time. This timeis onein which thegrowing pains of Cosmic Evolution are likely to involve all, and become app arent toall. Itis thetime predicted byso many ofthe ancientprophets, seers,and sages:20122017 / the Golden Dawn / the New Age / the biblical "End Times" the - mostmqjor eventin theentire of 'historyof man andaboutwhich next tonothing, conceptual or practical personal value,has sofar been discovered (orrevealed)! Ask yourselfwhy? Whyhave wenot beenal lowed access to such understanding? What isit that we could becapable ofif wecould knowwhat thereis to know? Imagine, justfor amoment, whatwould happen if more people understood the Source-Creation mechanisms of true co-creative power ... and consider whatmight thenbe achievedwith regardto the overwhelming abundance of human limitation, and its myriad expressions, that is so suffering, evident inevery corner ofour socalled "advanced civilization". Doesn't thefact thatwe arepresently unableto J
2 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,All RightsReserved
of human existence imply influence the conditions that "someone somewhere" doesn't want us to express our preferences for loving kindness, egalitarian respect andco-creative expression? Or -must we instead reluctantly acknowledge some intrinsic human weakn ess which therefore justifies our lowly-ness and therefore of the the adoption teachings of "blind faith", laying our spiritual impotence atthe feetof an "angry God"? Do wetherefore also acceptthat in our striving for "goodness", and arem ote chance of appeasement to relieve our suffering, that our only choice isto work with intermediaries such as angels and ascended masters wh o, weare ledto think,willintercede, plead our case, and deliver all best intentions on our marginalized anddisempowered behalf? consistent withthe Isn't thiskind of" surrender" "education-imposed - media-reinforced" sense that we are, afterall, merel y descended from apes, asso many experts insist thatwe are?The implications are quite plain. Suchsupposed evolutionary origins, or any establishedvariation onthesame general theme, imply our acceptance thatall whichis high er thanthe kingdoms of animals and 'man', is guaranteed; accordingly, the human psyche is impressed, and carries withinitself thebelief that all "higher" lifeis self- evidently superior! This way,or thatway, byhook orby crook, the and the desireorf any questioning of humanity significant degree of effective spiritual potency has been pacified, side-tracked orsimply persecuted ... throughout allthe age s, ancientand pre-ancient ...b y such simple,andvidently e effective, contrivances. The answers the Frs offerdo notnecessariiynegatethe old paradigms, but they do challenge old ideas to evolve. Thegreatest benefit thatthe 'I'sFofferyou is the gift ofuncommonknowledge,through which someof the mysterious aspects of reality canbe understood ... and, through this,the majestyof personal experience can bere-disco vered. F are a Challenges inspire growth and the'I's challenge; theirimplications areintrinsically profound , so muchso th at attimes the y mayseem unbeliev able, a fiction, though weassure youthey arenot. Ifthe F'I's areapproached withopenness ofmind, andkeen intuition, themessage canbe immen sely enlightening, the implicationswholly transformational. overall ' challenge we speak of here is The embodied by the potent answers toquestions like :
"What do we reallYknow about our own origins, our history, our purpose, ou r 'world'?"; "What do wereallY know about theworkings of reality, the framework of (and lifeof other-worlds Creation, the existence forms), theirrelationship andsignificance o t us, our latent abili ties, our planet and ourfuture?" The F'I's offeradijJerent,and significant,beginningto the many people who continueto search for acogent meaning understanding about the greater purpose, and causeof "realit y" andthe human role, and power, inherent tothe answers. Through thisbeginning you the incredibly complex may begin to compreh end framework withinwhich human ea r lit y actually takes place, theintrinsic promise forevolutionary potential that this represents, and the fundamental reaffirmation ofour common connection toa Sac red Creation. The F'Ts arevery scientificin acertain w ay; they are alsovery spiritual ina certain way too.Contrary to the given teachings ofourworld, theF'I's represent the natural, organic,union between scienceand gh hi phenomena we are taught do spirituality, representin g not exist: multi-dimensional multistructure, dimensional life-forms and apre-ancienthistoryand an evolutionarypurpose we haven't had th e privilege of knowing fora verylong time...('Evoludonary Path" & "Amenti Series" materials erfer). The F'I'sreveal,and insubstantial detail, that the connection between Science and Spiritualit the y, relationship between Energy and Consciousness, between Light andSound, istheasis b ofall Creation ("Keylontic Science" and "KA-THA-RA"). This knowledge isthe foundation oftheramework F of Reality inherent tothe F 'Ts, By understanding thisreality framework you can also understand manythin gs thatwould otherwis e be impossible toknow. Thetruth behind Earthchanges, "ET" realitiesand thespiritual self,about thephysics of evolutionary existence,time trav el and "ascension", about"God", religions,politics and conspiracy theories, about theAngels and Masters, why "channeling"isdangerous and "higher" isnot necessarily better. .. Itis thesame truththat unites all thesesubjects. The sametruth thatmakes 'human beings'tick is the same truth that explains the 15 dimensional structure ofthe Universe andholds theke y tothe structure ofour veryown multi-dimensional anat omy ... andthis truthexplains howfuture humans canvisit Earth nowand howthe y can quickly recall howto use
3 TheMCEOFreedomTeachingS®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
the toolsof suchtruth as the natural way todeal with the 'earthly', as well asmulti-dimensional, reali ty of "2012 -2017" (aka Stellar Activation Cycle). Understandingthesethings iswhatwill setyou free,not 'assumptions' or paradigms that teach you nothing about your true power,abilities orpotentials. In the brief sampling of summary materials which you canbegin to discover a foll ows this introduction pretty detailed review of critical historical events which span billions ofyears: the presence, role and known asthe purpose of certain earth ni habitants "A ngelic Humans" and "Indigo Children" (as well as many other non-human and species); the content context, the processes and mechanics of Multidimensional reality, aswell as the esse and ntial corresponding aspectsof your own personal Multidimensional anatomy. These compo nents are some ofthe many which have been hidde n, It is forbidden or suppressed . through such anapparently dramatic discovery asthis that agreater pe rsonal discovery can bemade: that a bridgeis nowavailablebetweengenuine,pass i onate,but underinformedspiritualaspirationand themeanin gfulactualization ojpotent spiritualparticipation. A specificresult ofsuchamajor paradigm-shift is of, access o, t and integration that your understanding of your "higher self ', as adirect expansion of conscious aware ness and potential expression,can be more certainly, safely andthoroughly developed. We recognize that there aremany paradigms that claim or imply similar personal benefits and wetotall y respect the right of everyone to embrace whatever choices theywish. Ican do no more than to pointout that, asfar aslegitimate Indigos areconcerned, there is noother known source of suchacutely usefuland profoundly relevant information than the F'Ts. to thesematerials The empowerment intrinsic forms anunparalleled personal hub through which Love that ISSource the deep and unpresumptuous can bere-d i scovered AND re-experienced aspresent reality. Access toSource liesin the detail, simply from Sourcecreatesth e because the Love emanating detail. planet, galaxy,and the "God You, me, our Worlds", and all sentient life- forms, ARE thedetail through which Source experiences tiself . Itis through the sameprinciplesofdetail that weareimplicitly permitted to knowSource, and participate as"Sparks of Source" acrossthe Creation Framework.
These inextricablYconnectedfa cts form the greatest truth ofall existence. Knowledge ofthese matters is our birthright. this strength and this It is this awareness, persistence thatdenote thehighest qualities ofDivine Love, Divi ne Responsibil ity and Divi ne Awareness. These aret he attitudes which characterize the most desirable response to the current planetary a nd wider Drama. And,it is the sameatti tudes which form the basis ofpassage intothe worlds of true Spiritual Maturity, Loving Grace and organic Co-creative Power, as conscious represe ntatives of Source ina fundamental common re-affirmation of our connection toa Sacred Creation. Of course, each of us, with thebest of ourspiritual intention, can affirmall welike, any way we choose that if we hope to ... but it reall y is a"no-brainer" create anything new, 'better' rooflasting substance, if we arerea ll y serious about re-affirming our active, consciousconnection then that to Source-Creation, mustpresupposea reasona bly detail ed knowledge ofthe workings ofDivi ne Substance sothat he t all-essential informed personal, conscious, questionof our accessibility to thestuff ofcre ation can bereli ably and successfull y achieved. In other words, ifwe don't reall y understand ow h Source creates, how the creation framework functions, what our genetic to that relationship process energetic contains, what forms of obstructions exist to compromise our best intentions, expect to then we simply cannot, in all honesty, manifest anything, of any lasting signific ance, in Divine Right Relationship! The FTs explain, in detail, that the connection the relationship between Scienceand Spirituality, between Energy and Consciousness, between Light and Sound, is the basis of all Creation. Ifwe donot understand the basic mechanics of of Creation, ourselves, ofour world and other-worlds, wecannot possibly expect to manifest much of anything ourselves, let alone create anything which is consistent with the organic nature of the framework creation-manifestation processes are within which expressed. If this simple reality of First Creation cannot be understood and respected, thenthat which iscreated can only be inorganic in terms ofthe original, and continuing, Creation Ethic, and will therefore prove harmful to self and others, on some level, and at 4
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
"some point intime". Itis in precisely this waythat much harm is, and hasbeen, createdinthe name of "good". And itis also through this samelens of naive understanding that the li mitations inherent to certain contemporary approaches to both theconcept and expression of"Christ Consciousne ss" can be better understood. is whatwill set Understanding these things you free, not 'assumptions' that or paradigms teachyou little aboutyour truepower, abilities or potentials... and nothing about who you really are orwhy you areh ere... It istrue to say that the FTsare unique inthese respects, simply because such questions are addressed with depth aswell as integrity; and so, wecan b egin to as comprehend the tangible realit y of ourselves manifest in Time levels and Space on multiple simultaneously, and what that reall y means interms of the potential ofhuman evolution inherent to Crystal Body integrity and associated DNA Template activation, together with the central fact that af!Y these aspects of Self meaningful relationship with presuppos esconsciousconnectionto the Primal LifeForce Currents emanating from Source. This, intruth, is one of the most m i portant of the SacredKe ys and has thus been amongst the most forbidden of forbidden knowledge. The FTs explain the difficulties asso ciated with the lack of such knowledge through historical and anatomical DNA Template data, showing that progressive genetic degeneration, through intrusive or self -infl icted mutation, hasimposed an immense practical spiritual limitation within the realm of human evolutionary optimism. The root ofthis humanssue i , theplanetary and the many related species issues, dates backto atime 950 Bill ion YA. This isthe span ofhistory inwhich in the "biblical Fall " has actuall y beenoccurring, corresponding Earth Time. The "Fall"is actuall y adetailedand continuingprocess arising from the of the natural consequences inappropriate useof FreeWill Choice onmany levels of Creation, of Karma on aCosmic Scale, totall y eclipsing thenotion of "Adamand Eve". account of these The FTs reveal a cohesive phenomena, theactions ofcertain race collectives and their impact onthe cyclical mechanism ofa Creation in perpetual ever striving to evolve, ever motion, desirous of higher expression.
By imbuing theReality Framework withthe right of FreeWill Expression, Source impli citly risked the consequences ofexpressions inorganic tothe orga nic Divine Blueprint. In doing so, and with the full cognition and agreement ofall individuated manifest expression, Source provided fora cyclical mechanism by which evolutionary andspecies balance would be naturally and lovingly maintained, asan or ganic, nonjudgmental expression of the fundamental Laws of Source-Creation. This implies that Source provided for the possibility ofa critical massdevelopment ofinorganic energetic accretion, within thereality framework, that would orcould riskthe fundamental destabilization of as well asthe Creation the experiential Universes Framework itself. The common link between all species and this cycli cal pattern of renewal is the critical link between Primal Lif e Force Currents andthecondition of the structural templates which connect, and support, the all l ife forms. Ifthe condition energetic architecture of thetemplates contains an imbalance ofinorganic structure and accreted detritus (truekarma) then the templates cannot hold the frequency infusions which fl ow through Peak Cycles, such as the one approaching in2012-17.And so, many humans and other life forms areunlikely tobe able to successfull y participate inthe forthcoming evolutionary leap. As the FTs reveal, there isa very sad and immense irony associated with the prese nt human condition that isembedded in theheart ofthe evolutionary leap unfolding at this time. This isbecause humans, and or that hold an Angelic Human especiall y those Indigo DNA Silicate Matrix, were originall y created, and have continued toinc arnate, asa e haling force within thisCosmic a krmic scenario. Angelic Humans were created as aGuardian Race, to facilitate healing on many levels and, literall y, in Cycle terms of this ir revocableStellar Activation ("SAC"), which iswhat the 2012-17 Peak Cycle is properly termed. of Source's preferences, and by As representatives virtue of the special nature of their genetic composition and co-crea tive potentials, ht e Indigos and their extended Angelic Human Race Line Families have represented a major obstacle to those races who preferred tofoll ow an inorganic agenda. Consequently, and as aresult ofthe loving innocence of the Healer races, these races encountered progressive genetic mutation, and sometimes total 5
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
The shortarticl es here offer you adeeperinvestigation
into topics ofm ajor significance.
[ Note:TheAzurite Presswebsiteversionif thissectionalsocontainsa Testimonials& FAQs category. TheTestimonials& E4Qs canbereadonlineat / ers supportint-articles_intro.htmL] http://wlvw.azurit epress.com/Nelv%20Com The sequence ofarticles hasbeen considered accelerate to your introductory process and quickly help you determine whichspect a s ortopics resonate most with you. to follow ourrecommended route, shouldyour intuition lead you otherwise. However, it isnot imperative AUTHORSHIP:
The articlesthat arewrit ten A 'sba-yanaandA 'zahjlana Deane(Speakers1 &2) havebeenidentified.The restofthearticleswerewritten/edited theAzurit e PressWriting Team.
The Freedom Teachings, akaThe Melchizedek Cloister Emerald OrderT eachings -the Eieyani andthe CDT-Plates
Keylontic Science:The Lan guage ofCreation -Sacred Science andthe Lawof ONE
The Structure ofour Universe
Ascension and At-One-Ment
A Significant Steptowards SpiritualMaturity and Integrity
About the Speakers- xEploring New Frontiers ofSelf, Science& Spiritualit y
to the Freedom /MCEO Teachings
Introduction to theKathara Bio-SpiritualHe aling System®
Kathara®: Overview ofTopics andSubject M atter
Symbol Codesand Tones- HealingTechniques toreach theCore ofMulti-Dimensional Anatomy
General Information onthe Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System®
7 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
Suljectscoveredin thisarticle: Wheredotheteachingscomefrom? •How theword "Cbnstos" is definedwithintheMCEO teachings.• W-0
theteachingsarebeingreturnedto humanitynow.
he ancient MCEO (Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order) perspectives teach of the Inner Christos, or living God-spirit alive within all things, including the natural environment. "Inner Christos" philosophies are built upon understanding of what is referred toas the "Law ofOne". Inner Christos Law of One perspective respectfully acknowledges the inter-connection, interdependence and intrinsic value of all components of reality inrecognition that the Living Consciousness, "Inner "God-Spirit" or Christos" of is the tangible substance consciousness and energy from andof which all things manifest are composed. MCEO teachings offer people anopportunity for advancing personal empowerment through genuine spiritual development regardless of th eir religious affiliation. The "Inner Christos" ofthe "Law of One" MCEO spiritual teachings belongs to everyone of every creed, not just those who choose tocall themselves "Christians" . (from which the word The word "Christos" "Christian" later emerged) was originall y spell ed "Kristos" inthe most ancient texts, and referred to of Conscious Divine Blueprint the personal Living God-Spirit energy ofwhich all things and beings manifestare made. The spiritual service work andteachings ofthe (Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order) are MCEO more than perspectives based upon speculation regarding a variety of unrelated but interesting spiritual and scientific subjects. Thework for which
a very MCEO and its Speakers sta nd represents ancient, advanced Paradigm of Perspectiveonthe nature ofreality. The MCEO paradigm isinclusive of the other scientif ic and spiritual beliefsystems on Earth, but beyond the limit ations and often extends incongruent andconflicting assumptions commonly associated with them. Through famili arity with the teachings one can grow to recognize the MCEO commonality complementary and intrinsic association empowering between the most contemporary beli ef systems and the MCEO perspective. At thecenter ofcontemporary MCEO teaching programs lies an "Ancient Mystery" known as the "CDT-Plates". The booksand ourse c programs produced by the MCEO are not speculative nor theoretical innature, butare rather derived from FACTUAL MCEO textbooks. Contemporary teaching programs contain English language translations of materials already existing within a very ancient set oftexts called the Maharata Texts "Mahabharata" (indirectly related to the Indian writings). The 560booksof theancient Maharata Te xts are the original translations of an even olderset of ancientrecords that have survived to our present time, stored on a set of 12 digital holographic recorder discs called the "Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates" or CDT-Plates", th at were manufactured in 246,OOOBC. The CDT-Plates andMahar ata Texts have been translated intowritten form numerous timesinour countries and ancient history, in many different languages. The CDT-Platesare real,physical objects that have been keptin the private, protective custody of a specific family line of "Indigo Children" on since the 9558BC "Fall ofAtlantis". This Earth family line is called the Eieyani, who refer to themselves asthe Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) Priests ofUr;another branch of the Eieyani the MCEO family call themselves "Priests ofMU'a ("MU"). The word''priest''originally meant "guardian"or spiritual and administrator of "steward wisdom". Both malesand females instewardship to spiritual wisdom and administering thiswisdom to others are referred to as "Priests"or "Ministers". 8
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
The MCEO hasalways been,and will always be, an egalitarian, non-hierarchical, non-gender-biased spiritual service coll ective. There are small collectives of Eieyani descendants alive, well and living onEarth now,invariousglobal regions, who hold theknowled ge (andrelics likethe CDT-Plates ) of pre-ancient Earth andi ts civilizations. Simil ar to sects of Tibetan Monks, some more advanced especially those who rarely emerge from their "hide- outs" inthe Himalayas, certain membersof the Eieyani familyline haveopencontactand direct communicationwith living civili zations from "other" places and othertimes. a while within humanit y's Every once in evolution, theEieyani arepermitted tobring back the ancient teachings intheir pure form, allowin g for therecords ofthe 12CDT-Plate s andMaharata Texts original translati ons tobe re-translated into the languages ofthe time. The Eieyani return the in theCnT -Plate records knowledge contained to public viewwhen itis most needed toassist Earth populations, at times when major planetary events aredue totranspire. The last timewritten CDT-Plate translation took place was during the "Christ period" of 12BCyani 27AD, among a group of Essenes of Eie descent. Mostof the se written records wererapidl y destroyed, confiscatedrointentionally alteredby the corrupt politicalpower eliteof thetimes, asso often has happened historically with CDT-Plate written translations. Since 27AD theEieyani Priests knew that the next CnT-Plate Translation Cyclewas scheduled to occurjust priortoand duringthe 2000-2017AD period: aperiod intime whengreat changesin the evolutionary pathof allEarth specieswere destined 2000-2017 AD period to unfold. During the permission forwritten CnT-Plate translation was to beauthorized bythe EieyaniPriests. Translation occurs when the CnT -Plate Eieyani Priestscarefull y selectse veral individuals in childhood fromgeneral famil y linesthat the y know to be descendant from the Eie yani. They make private contact with the child,providing yearsof discreet trainingas needed. When itis time forthe CDT-Plate Translation Cycle to begin, the Eie yani then offer 3official Eieyani SPEAKERS Contracts to 3of MCEO their chosen trainees that have entered adulthood
(the individual isunder no obl igation toaccept a "Speakers" appointment). Speakers Contracts arepublication endorsements Text translations. and Maharata for CDT-Plate Eieyani Speakers are permitted and trained to translate information directly from the highly protected CDT-Plate holographic discs and from their original Maharata Texts written translations. Onceskilled in translation, Speakers arethen endorsed by theMCEO Eieyani Priests topublicly publish MCEO CDT-Plate translations andrelated information asprovided by the Eieyani Priests. written many historical periods, During translation of the CDT-Plate to s was forbidden protect theEieyani Speakersand preventaneta Pl ry Templar knowledge from being confiscated and abused by corrupt political powers; at these times the knowledge was only verbal presentation of permitted, thustr anslators werecalled"Speakers". To protect theintegrity andquality ofCDT-Plate translations,and to ensuretheafe s keepingof the12 Contract CDT-Plates, there are only 3Speaker appointments given duringanyone translation cycle. Whentranslation publication timearri ves, the 3 Speakers are eventually guided by the Eieyani Priests tofind eachother andwork together, each endorsing thevalidity ofthe others' work. In thepresent CDT-Plate anslation Tr Cycle the was finalized andinitiated in Speaker-l Contract 1999 and the Speaker 2and 3Contracts were finalized andinitiated in2001. Eieyani Speakersknow theMCEO perspective s a their truth; they share this truth withothers, fre ely when possible, out oflovefor humanityand gratitudefor that theMCEO the personal freedom inBEING teachings enable one to achie ve. The Speakers' "job" is to "give the gift" ofthis knowledge, through dynamics of equal and reciprocal energy exchange, tothose who seek toknow it and demonstrate through action and attitude the sincerity ofthis intention. The truths of which the Speakersach te are universal andfre ely belong toanyone who iscapable of translating this knowledge from the Universal Unified Field. The CDT-Plates and MCEO Speakers provide a SacredService inthat translation of thehigher aspectsof UnifiedFi eld knowledge is exceedingly difficult from the manifest fields of creation and requires much intensive training and innate abilitiesof consciou sness andbiolog y. 9
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
compared with alanguage which was spoken and understood lfuently. Over the course ofhistory (the details ofwhich are outlined in MCEO many aspects of publications) these teachingswere lost, distorted or hidden. Their essenc e, however, th e understanding of the intrinsic unity of all lif e, including the birthrightof every li ving, sentient being to know itself asa direct of Source, remains the instinctive kernel expression of spiritual aspiration and maturation. The premise that each sentient being is an expression ofSource (or'God-Source', 'God', 'Spirit' or whatever termis used forthis concept) implies that it embodies theattributes ofSource. Whenwe speak, in Keylontic Science (KS)of God orSource, weare not speaking ofsome elusive, distant creatorgod way but rather of the out there, up there, somewhere, Source fromwhich each one ofus consciously and joyfull y steps out onto the stage of manifestation. Nothing can exist outside of Sourceor God, although it canchoosetothink and act asthough it were. A quintessential of Source is that it attribute creates from within itself. Observation of natural phenomena suggests thatthiscreative process is not random, but rather follows clearly observable principlesand natural laws. If Source creates from within itself, this implies that Source has also created theselaws andprinciples as the parameters to within which it has chosen create. At thecore level ofcreation Source has,by echanics definiti on, access to all the creation m through which, intotal freewill, itcontinually chooses to bring forththe process ofcreation. Creative end eavour involves not onlyinspiration within which that but also requiresa structure inspiration cane xpress itselfin form. The 'creation' is not something separate from the 'creator' but a li ving expressionof thecreative force itself , aforce which can be described consciousness, as pure knowing orcognition. Pure consciousness takes on form in order to The form which this explore manifestation. consciousness assumes isnot separate fromits elf, is not something inert, butrather aliving struc ture of units ofthe con sciousness ofSource orGod . In otherwords, God orSource isnotxternal e to creation. Neither are we! The original intention of Source was/is to retain the awareness ofthis creati ve process within all the
free will to expressions of itself , to have the experiment andexplore throughout the myriad levels of manifestation, toknow itself simultaneously asthe Source, course and goal of creation. 'Keylonta isthescience ofenergy dynamicsas they apply to a multidimensional, perpetual motion universe. tI is the primary foundation upon which all advanced sciences and technologies of li ght, sound, frequency andelectromagnetic energy are built. Keylontic Science deals with the underlying energy through structures of electromagnetic which all matter forms are constructed and with the attributes energy structure of electro-tonal through achieves which consciousness diversification and individuation' 01oyagers 2,p. 451). A core principle in the MCEO teachings isthat everything exists within Source orGod. This implies that everything iscreative, consciously orotherwise. Every aspect of creation isin aconstant state of if ali ving creativity, by its very nature. However, being haslost itsconsciousn ess of thisprocess, in other words if it cannotspeak the lan guage of creation, itbecomes disempo wered. Itis creating, but context and fluency. It is without a conscious creating, but without access to theoriginal manual. of the tools of Without a clear understanding creation, theprocess ofcreation appears arbitrary and unpredictable. The teachings of Keylontic Science and its practical applications ofKathara Healing (KH)® are of the manual orworkbook designed to return creation mechanics topeople who areseeking true empowerment. Initiall y, itmay seema s though thereis awhole new language to learn and one might wonder what science hast o do with spirituality. Isit notenough to be spiritual and idealistic and leave science to the scientists? THE
This mayinitially feellike learning awhole new language. Understandin g these components is, initi all y, likeexploring thegrammar and vocabulary of a foreign language. We could,of course, ake t ashort-cut and use a book, but this il mits our expression and phrase 11
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. CopyrightA'sha·yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
fl exibilit y. Whatif we want to say something that is not inthe book? And, just as importantly, what ifthe phrases inthe book are things we would never wish to say anyway? Learning the grammar andvocabulary is far more empowering and leads o t true mastery ofour chosen tongue. Sometimes,inthe beginning stages,thisnew language seems incredibly complex; yet, if we visit the country where it is spoken, we hear toddlers speaking it more fluently than wedo! How do they do it? They do itbecauseit is theirbirthright. of the life-forms ofthis planet The consciousness is functioning at what could be described as subsistence level, if even that. The original intention of Source wasto remain of its fully conscious connection toitself, regardless of howfar ittravell ed into manifestation. That means that eachone ofus, as we stepped forth to play the creation game, wasfluent inthe this and intended to retain language of creation fl uency aswe explored thefarthest outreaches of this creation experiment. A quick look at theworld around us would suggest that somewhere along the line weseem to have lost the plot! Not only are we not fluent, we do not seemto have the most rudimentary working knowledge ofthe as of ourselves languagewhich is, by definition expressions of Source, our birthright. The Foundation materials introduce some of the core concepts, terms and structures which form the grammar and vocabulary ofKeylontic Science. If this is your first encounter with KS, itmay be helpful to realize that atsome level (your higher self ) you already 'speak KS'. This isnot aforeign language. In fact, asthe implications ofthe larger picture become clear inthe course ofeven abrief acquaintance with KS, itmay begin tolook asthough itis theconcept s, terms and structures of our current hologram whichare actuall y in aforeign tongue! And, by that stage, even the word 'foreign' may have several layers ofmeaning! THE
When one observes the intrinsic order ofcreation, there is the growing realization thatnotonly is God or Source spiritual, butit is also highly scientificand ordered. Ifwe areto reclaim our trueeritage h as
expressions of Source, wemayneed tobecome fluent in the language of Source, which includes science. In fact, Sacred Science is as spiritual as metaphysics. It is the integration and appli cation of what appear tobe thepolarities of spiri tuality and science which reawaken within usour truecreative power and autonomy. At thecore ofeven the most complex structures lies aninterplay of light, sound and energy.In order to get areal, tangible sense of how thesefactors interweave within and among themselves,itis at first helpful tolook individuall y at some ofthe essential elements and then to explore how these elements connect with each other. They are The 'tools' of creation are not random. an elegantly simple, yet intricate, system whereby Source steps into manifestation, asystem described as Stair StepCreation. Stair Step Creation isthe process by which the of Creation ource consciousness of the central S projects its awareness into the formation of MorphogeneticFields,laying the foundation structure for Order or manifest Macrocosmic and Microcosmic creation. Morphogenetic Fields are energy fieldswhich hold the pattern or blueprint based upon which the units of the consciousness of God or Source build an arena, or hologram, in which to explore creation or manifestation. THE
Creation isthus both spiritual, inthe sense of the one spirit orbeing which exists at the core of all lif e, orderly or scientific, in the and also profoundly context of the structures that or tools whereby process of creation unfolds. There is apoint where science and spirituality and that point is consciousness. come together Understanding the energetic structures which form the foundation forwhat weexperience asthe creation is an essential step in around us (our hologram) reclaiming our spiritual heritage as conscious cocreators withinth e context ofthe Lawof ONE. Without such understanding, it is difficult to comprehend the connection between our seemingly 'internal' consciousness and the world around us. Comprehending the intimate and organic relationship between consciousness (expressed, for exampleas thought) and how it translates into form or
12 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
is an intrinsic part of reclaiming our manifestation, true heritage as direct expressions of the creative force ofGod orSource. There isa physics ofspiritual identity where spirituality isnot just aconcept, not just avague promise of something God oncesaid, but aliving of energies, the naturalway energy and promise consciousness work within a multidimensional system. Reacquainting ourselves withthis 'physics of spirituality' orKeylontic Science is a powerful step not only inreclaiming our trueheritage, butalso in understanding our true purpose within the greater schemeof things. By contrast, many ofour contemporary paradigms are based ona premise ofseparation, a polarised of dichotomy between spiritand matter,between science and religion, between 'man' and 'God'. If thetrue power ofcreation originates from the and li ving cognition of unionbetween consciousness form, any system which cannot compreh end this point ofall union betwe en spiritualit y andscience is ultimately dis-empowering, asit deprives thecreationby which it can tools in-progress of the very consciously create. culture encouragessutolook Our contemporary outside of ourselves forvalidation, togiveour power to experts, institutions, o t science- without-spirit or to spirit-without- scienc e, inother words,t o accept a view ofourselves as finitebeings whoneedxternal e 'God' orauthority figures to chartour course. Becoming reacquainted with the physics realit y of does not mean that we have to our spirituality become 'rocket scientists', a r ther that itis empowering for usto havea working knowled ge ofcosmic an d universal structure, ofthe stagesby which we,and everything inmanifestati on, comeinto being. This requires an acquaintance with. multidimensional structure, thenature ofdimen sions, and, even more fundamentall y, an understanding of Morphogenetic (thought-form) fi elds andthe creative power ofthought . It requires a willingness to accept that our thoughts donot disappear intothin aironce we stop thinking them,but that they area cre ative forcewhich which Morphogenetic fields upon builds manifestation willbe built. Every timewe think athought weare creating a field; our thoughts don't just Morphogenetic disappear whenthe y leaveour heads!
Keylontic Science gives us the science to comprehend the creative nature ofour thoughts and beliefs. When wethink, wecreate, just aswhen Source thinks, Source creates! Core to the understanding of multi-dimensional physics isthe reali sation that theselevels ofcreation at represent aspects of our own consciousness various levels of manifestation. There isa specific energy reality, forexample, to ourselves asSoul orOversoul, and the fact that we are in manifestation inthis reality field implies that we also have expressions of self at these other levels. The model ofthe Time Matrix, which isstudied in depth inthese ni troductory materials, is avital tool in who weare and the e r ality of our understanding energetic connectionot Source. Divine Equality ANDOUR DIRECTCONNECTION TO SOURCE There 1S an immensely practical value in understandin g this energetic connection, particularly in the light of contemporary paradigms which encourage us to lookfor God, salvation orprotection from external forces. If we arenot awar e that we have ourown family tree of consciousness thatconn ects usdirectly to our or Source, and if we have been origin in God conditioned to regard ours as sinful, lowly, elves powerless creatures, we are prime targets for manipulation and control. If wedo notknow of ourown multi-dimensional expressions ofself, including aspects ofself inthe higher dimensions, we may be correspondingly unaware thatother inhabitants ofearth alsohave a multi-dimensional family tree orthatsuch levels even exist inany shapeor form. Or, even if we are aware that such gher hi dimensions exist orif we areexposed to energies from thesed i mensions, wemay bemore likelyto be impressed bytheir 'god-like'qualities andtherefore to allow themto manipulate, control orimpress us . In our other wordswe are more likely to surrender power tothem orlo ok tothem tos ave, protector rescue us. A working knowledge ofKeylontic Sciencele vels the playingfield, inthat itpresents uswith acle ar, concise framework of how consciousn moves ess from pure,undifferentiated Source intoits countless expressions in manifestation. 13
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana& A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
This is not an abstract theory about abstract energies; it is morelike a map of our cosmic identity and amanual ofinstructions for regaining conscious mastery over the processofmanifestation rather than seeming tobe at the whim of fateor perceived authority figures. sense of the current to make It also begins planetary drama. that we If we can acknowledge have interdimensional expressions of self, then it does not seem far-fetchedto suggest that the same goes for other aspects ofcreation. We can thus understand the mechanics of consciousness as embodied in theDNA can manifest at or genecode, and how distortions many higher dimensional levels. The fact that some being orentity is stationed in a higher dimension than our current 3Dreality does not mean that ithas any greater authority inan arbitrary spiritual pecking order, once werealize that wealso have levels ofSelf atall ofthese higher levels. Any being which feels the need to present itself as Lord Aor Master Bor Archangel C, and to use this implication ofrank to control, manipulate or 'flatter to deceive', iscoming from ahierarchical position which isthe an athema of pure,divine, Christed love. In Keylontic Science, words such as"Christed" are used invery specific terms. Every and "Christos" individual hasmany level s ofSelf, oneof which is termed the "Christos" level, which or Maharata corresponds to the twelf th dimensional level ofour multidimensional anatomy. At thislevel, consciousnessknows itselfas adirect expression of Source, notonly in an intellectual sense but, more significantly, asan experience of direct Intrinsic to thisknowledge and cognition cognition. is aliving anddynamic comprehensi on of theLaw of ONE, that all expressions of Source areequalin value, even though they may differ intheir frequenc yholding capacity. Keylontic Science gives usthe toolsb y whichwe Master only accessour own Ascended can not collective and other selves, butalso yb which wecan gradually integrate th ese levels ofour being intoour , thus, our lives conscious, everyday awareness and and living environment. With this integration comesa deep hum il ity, as one truly embodies in one's waking the living awarenessof the common consciousness source anddivine equal worth ofall life. to We can learn tobe spiritually street-wise , discern where we are being asked to plac e our power. If weare beingasked toplace thispower
anywhere other than inour own Self asexpressed all the way back toSource, wehave aright to question with us, the motives of whoever iscommunicating even if this being seems more p owerful or more knowledgeable than weare. By this definition, it isnot spirituall y mature to hope that God orsome angel or'master' willdo this in which There is a real sense work for us. surrendering our power, with awish and aprayer, to perceived God-figures or any type of external authority (in human or other-dimensional form) is actually an abdication (and of our most profound ultimately most joyful) responsibility: toknow how creation works so that wefulfil our real purpose n i Expecting at this time. being in embodiment anyone else todo thisfor us willbe truly counterproductive, rendering us more vulnerable to control, manipulation and ultimately tothe fear which isborn of powerlessness . of the dynamicsof the current Comprehension planetary drama begins with comprehension of our personal anatomy. As above) so below: as within) so without. The elements and patterns from which cosmic structure is buil t are also thosewhich form the building blocks ofour personal energy systems. Ifwe can identifytheseelements withinour own being, the bigger picture becomes both more compreh ensible and,at the same time, lessdaunting. RE-LEARNING
of KS, we are, in essence, In our exploration learning (or, more accurately, re-learning) the language ofcreation. If we can imagine asociety where these mechanics of creation were commonknowledge, itwould be similar to a culturewhere a given language was spoken. Inthis culture, childrenwould learnto speak this language fluently and naturally; itwould notseem complex ordifficult because it wasall around them. The language in which thes e words are e bing written inthis momen t intime is initself complexbut because it is famili ar it seems natural. When we as KS, itcan encounter a systemascomprehensive feel lik e weneed ot learna whole newlanguage; not only that, butwords withwhich we are famili ar take on other, oftenricher, mean i ngs. In language teaching, one can give someone a phrase book; hewill get byin basic circumstances but 14
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
he will be limited in his expression because heis being given set formulas rather than the building blocks which willenable him to make the languagehisown. Access ot the mechanics, inthis case grammar and and power in this vocabulary, gives him autonomy mode ofexpression. The language of Keylontic Science is not difficult; it is merely unfamili ar tous in our current state of For this language to makesense,and development. therefore satisfy the mental body, which must be included in any it is true spiritual integration, recommended that newcomers spend time with the Foundation materials (as suggested at the endof these articles and on the product list.) It is also recommended energetic to establish a firm foundation by using core techniques such as th e Maharic Shield. In the analogy oflanguage learning, itis more productive to startat the beginning rather than rush program. The frequencies being into a doctorate anchored on the planet at this time mean that one can perhaps progress more quickly than one could even a few years ago, but there are stil l basic steps which are fore-runners of solid, sustainable pre-requisite growth. This ultimately each saves time bec ause presentation builds on what has gone before. UNCONDITIONAL
available is,in itself, an Making thisinformation act of pure unconditional love, in that itall ows those who use it to reclaim their original God-given birthright of fullunion with their own Source. This full union impliesaregaining of humanity's true stature asfull y cognizant, sentient, cre ative and all within theconte xt of the powerful God-beings, Law ofONE and the sacredness ofall life.B eings who know themselves asdirectly emanating from and expressing Source donot ne ed tohave power over others, nor dothey need togive their power to any self-styled higher being, because they recognize and li ve theprinciple ofdivine equality. This leads toa where the idvinity of allof state of Omni-Love, creation isnot onlyacknowled ged butalso livedas a state ofbeing. This state of Omni-Love, combined with the understanding that allliving beings take theirorigin from thesame Source,impliesatthall l ife isof equal value. The vast differences in consciousness which for example, on the current one may observe,
planetary stage, reflect the level of consciousness which can be embodied indiff erent life forms, since between is an intimate connection there consciousness and biology. All life,regardless is of itslevel ofexpression, held in equal love by Source it could not be ; otherwise, as Source recognizes itself in all manif estation. It is,however, possible for individual manifestations of Source to deny the Law of ONE and therefore act within aparadigm of separation (anti-Christos) consciousness. A being acting from astandpoint ofseparation has lost some orall ofits ability to draw its sustenance from the Primal Li fe Force currents ofSource. It therefore feels compelled ot feedoff other lif e forms in order tosurvive. KS defines love as a state of vibrational harmonization, an abilit y to feel resonance with all expressions oflife. DNA
The paradigm ifBio-Spiritual Evolution recognisesthe intimate connectionbetweenthe human DNA, the multidimensionallevelsif identityand anatomy,and thespiritual integrationprocess. (The Tangible Structure ifthe Soul Handbook) Keylontic Science and Kathara Healing are holistic inthe true sense ofcultivating and acti vating all aspects of our multidimensional selves. A more scientific way ofexpressing this would be to say that with this system we areactivating our DNA strands/ DNA Strand Template, many of which have been dormant or distorted for thousands of years. Fulldiscussion of DNA is available inmany of the materials. Ifwe wish toactivate ourDNA as quickly andyet as safely as possible, itis wiseto do this atacomfortable and stable pace.The oldada ge of making haste slowly comes to mind. on the Higher frequenci es have been anchoring planet for several years and thelevel ofthis inflow of energy isacceleratin g exponentially. Ashumans are intimately connected withthe energie s ofthe planet, level of activation of human there isa corresponding DNA, including the growing awarenes s of other dimensions andpr obabilities. Therefore, DNA activation will happen to everyone, to some degree, whether we are aware of it 15
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
or not. In spiritual terms, what is reall y significant is whether thisa ctivation occurs within aChristos (Law (control and separation) of ONE) oranti-Christos orientation. For example, activation ofthe third DNA strand, to themental body (our level of which corresponds consciousness stati oned inDimension 3or D3), wil l increasethe capacity torationalize, to comprehend and formulate ideas.If the individual isali gned with his or her Christos selfand is therefore coming from a position ofOneness with alllife, thisintellectual prowess will be used ot servethe law of ONE, through life-supportingventures orprojects. Without this connection, themind can beused to promote or concoct inventions ofdestruction ordominion. Similarly, activation ofhigher levels ofDNA such as withinthe D4astral vel, le canlead eitherto greater integration and freedom (Christos) or spiritual disintegration, disempo werment or misuse ofspiritual power. The DNA and spiritual evolution are totall y intertwined with each other As we work with . spiritual integration, what we are reall y doing is activating dormant codes ofthe Silicate Matrix gene code inthe DNA. This is the basis for anew of what it means to evolve, understanding biologically and spiritually. Thereare ways thatwe can consciously interact with our DNA strandsin ord er to clear blockages and realign distortions, thereby reawakening our true potentialas conscious co-creators andas masters of our hologram orarena ofmanifestation . The frequencies whichare inte grated intothe bioenergetic field withregular us e ofthe MaharicShield, stone ofall KSstud y, progressively the foundation realign the entire template ofonsciousness c to its twelfth dimensional Christoslevel. Thisenables allof structure tobe the levels ofDNA ordimensional brought back intobalance. It also serves as the essential brid ge to acce ss higher aspects ofour bein g suchas thePrimal Light these concepts are and Sound Fields. All of explored thoroughl y inthe foundation materials. TECHNIQUES
of KS and KH are The practical applications presented in the formof abroad range oftechniques, many ofwhich involvewhat would resemble guided
meditations involving the use of symbols, colors and sounds. Each Color or symbol ischosenfor aspecifi c purpose,theexplanation for which isto befound in the relevant materials. The choice of aparticular Color, for example, relates to the dimensional frequency band which isbeing activated ina pa rticular exercise. The tones andsongs, many ofwhich areinthe ancient Anuhazi language,the language ofour DNA, are precisesound formulas, vibrational the aspects of of the specified which activate the embodiment qualiti es within theDNA template. Ina similarway, the symbols arevisual tr anslations of theessence a of particular frequencybandrofield. It isnot necessar y tounderstand therationale for to begin working with the any of these element s techniques; however, an acquaintance with the explanations as givenin the teaching materials will help to round outone' s experience and alsointegrate and satisfy themental (D3) body, an essential stepin fully anchoring higher frequenc ies into theemot ional and physical bodies. BALANCE
of techniques, read ing A balanced combinati on and listening tothe foundation materials will establish a firmfoundation whichwill f acilit ate muchsm oother progress than attempting todo too muchtoo soon. Our divine blueprint holds thememory ofthe se time to but our m anifest bodies need energies, readjust andintegrate, just as people whohave been on along fastneed tocome backto normal eatin g graduall y soas notto ove rtax thebody. If we bring intoo muchfrequency at onetime, our energy systems willtend toshut downuntil the y can catch up;remember theh are andthe tortoise! One couldthink ofworking withKS techniquesas being like starting aspiritual fitness program. Inall one isadvised to st art gently and such programs, work up to a more gorous ri routine. An overenthusiastic start could lead to burnout As with . fitness routines or learning to play a musical instrument, an houra day is moreeffect ive than seven hours onSunda ys. Every moment ofcontactwith thesematerial s helps to activate DNA; knowledge itselfcarries afrequenc y which inturn activatescellul ar memory. The 16
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
systems within and behind all manifest forms, including ourown multi-dimensi onal reali ty. The teachings describe the tangibl e structure of the spiritas wellas thetangible structures behind and within the body and mind. Wegrow more acut ely familiar withthe multi-dimensional energeticstructure behind and within the Cosmos and allthing s in manifest form, including 'Human' and 'Angelic' Beings.
We begin to recall, and remember more purposefully, that thecores ubstanceif manifestJorm is Consciousness. Within Creation,Consciousness arrangesitself into constructs with organicintrinsicorder(the oftenquoted and oftenundefined DivineBlueprint). Akey element of theMCEO teachings is togive uspreciseand detailed descriptions of the fundamental constructs of conscious energyupon which,and withinwhich, our manifest realityis formed. This knowledgegives usthe opportunit y tomake a fundamental (and therefore powerful) shift in consciousness beginning the restoration of meaningful, tangible,s elf-awareness ofourselves asa construct ofconscious energ y, not multi-dimensional separate from God-Source but residing within the multi-dimensional, living fieldsof consciousness that iI.God-Souree.
they (when actively employed) progressively restore lasting health in allaspects ofmy realit y?' RECLAIMING
By understanding our multi-dimensional energetic reality, wecan recognise that Divine the BlueprintJor healthis arealconstructif consciousener gywithinus,waiting for usto restore ouronsci c ous connectionwith it. Through specific given appli cationsof the knowledge of ourcore designandthat ofthe Cosmos, wecan progressively re-establish our own Divine blueprint for health, restoring health ot ourbodies, emotional gh life, relationships, expression of purpose throu work -we restorehealth to(what weperceive as)our 'internal 'and'external' reality. THOUGHTS
that allthings aremade from As weunderstand differenti ated units ofconsciousness, we develop a deeply informed understanding about thoughts as things. Theyare constructs throughwhich consciousn ess in theJorm ifjrequenrycanbedirected(I:Yourownappli cation) intomanifestjorm. All MCEO techniques apply these 'Creation Principles', employing the function of thought to direct specific frequencies toreawaken ourinherent Blueprint forHealth andheal dist ortions within our own bio-energetic systems.This function isorganicto our natureand soalthough the background to the techniques can appear unfamiliar at first, the techniques themselves aresimpleyet powerfuland pleasurable.
There are, of course, many variants of this principle ofCreation asthere arethose overflowing with well-meaning, though misdirected Spiritual intention. How dowe navigateourselves though the Spiritual teachings'jungle'? 'acid test' is one which begs the most The significant question of all: 'How does this(any) paradigm actually shift myexperience asa limited physical being to an aware, self-sovereign, empowered, multi-dimensional being,right here,right now?' andwhen wetr y thetools ofthe paradigm (in terms ofmeditations, exercises,prayer andso on)'Do
The MCEO teachings giveus thecontext outof which thetechniques arise.It is ourminds thatdirect the frequencies, and conte xt enables our minds to carry outthe techniques moreeffectively. Further, the knowing thatwe are,in truth, powerful co-creators with God-Source underpins allteachin gs -we are treated asresponsible and'Spiritually mature', as and such, we are offered correspondingly exceptional information andtools.
18 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
Not only dothe teachings expose h t e structure of the Divine organic constructs andtheir relationships to each other, but they also reveal the extent and within these constructs, nature of the distortions where they have come from and whatwecandoaboutit. We need to understand at least alittle ofdivine mechanics; inorderto heal, iueneedto know whatwe are heali ngand wry. Theseportions ofthe teachings would make little sense without the historical events that have occurred and the effects these events are having onour present day realit y. By giving us abalance ofSacred Scienc e, can context and Technique we Historical progressively empower our selves tohealand make informed choices within the dramas own of our personal lifeand the Cosmos in which we exist. THE
In contemporary science, we learn that the structure of thephysical body builds upfrom atoms to cell s, then o t tissuesand organs. In Keylontic Science(the scientificaspect ofthe MCEO teachings) we learnabout behind and within the constructs perceivable manifestation . Just as ourcells, organs and tissues havestructure s, names andrel ationshipswith eachother , so dothe behindand within themand behind and constructs within the wholeof ourdeemed 3D'realit y'. Together these constructs andthe Primall ife Force current s a scribe (frequencies) that flow through them de perfectly orchestra ted sequenceof howconsc iousnes s enters into, and returns from , manifest of rm. This sequence is knownas theManifestation Transduction Sequence. This gives usfurther oppo rtunity to understand the reality behind ourperceived anifest m experience and to further understand the distortions (outpicturedas limitation, pain and suffering)which allof contemporar y humanity isfacing. MERKABA:
One ofthe keyconstructs inthe ManifestationTransduction sequ ence isthe Merkaba field.
The Merkaba field is made up of counter-rotating spirals of energy. They can be considered as the primal lungsand circulatory systems ofGod-Sou rce, breathing Primal Currents into (via the clockwise, base-electric, 'male' spiral) and out of (via thecounterclockwise, base-magnetic 'female' spiral) manifestation with harmonious precision. In theMCEO teachings we are given the scientif ic mechanics ofthe merkaba construct andits preci se, within the to other constructs ordered relationship manifestation-transduction sequence (including our DNA templates and physical bodies). THE
on merkaba We may ask,'why such emphas is mechanics?' Simply put, if this mechanistic relationship is distorted orcompromised in any way, the effects of such core dysfunction will manifest allaround usin a myriad ofways, from personal health , wealthand relationships to collective Human and planetary conditions and so on. MERKABA
MCEO teachingsare ascens i onteachings.The MCEO teachings give us an unparalleled Science of Ascension -in erms t of theoriginal, organic Divine structure ofthe 'An gelic Human' and inthe conte xt of Universalstructure. A short introduction isoutlined here: Ascension isaBio-energeticprocess bywhich we progressively expand into dimensions higher in frequency and return tounified At-On e-ment with Source. W e learn how manifest experience ispla yed on thesta ge ofdimensionalized fields ofexistence. are differentiations0/ consciousness.The Dimensions particles within eachdimension / frequency bandare made ofthe same'stuff' (unitsof consciousness) but they havedifferent attributes (spinrate andangle of rotation). We learn that merkaba fields (by virtue oftheir own spinrates and angles ofspin) 'communicate'to the tiny particles of consciousness, 'telling them' the attributes (spinrate andangle of rotation) thatthey fundamental are toexhibit. Merkabas aretherefore structures, cre ating dimensionalized existence within Creation. 19
TheMeEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
When anindividuation of God-Source experiences itself ina certain set ofdimensional frequency bands, Temporaryphase-lock is we say itis phase-locked. intentional and part of the organic design of manifestation. Inherent to theorganic human design is theabilit y to consaously release oneself from dimensionalized phase-lock. Just asmerkaba fields are the energetic 'organs' by which we are keptin manifest dim ensionalized phas e lock, they arealso thetoolsbywhichw ecanreleaseourselves from phase-lock. They enable usto move (which in reality is toexpand) intothe nextsetof dimensional fi elds ofexistence and progressively ascend. Not allmerkaba teachings offered at this time achieve this positiveoutcome and thisis why thereis detail given on and thorough such an emphasis Merkaba mechanics within theMCEO teachings. MERKABIC
In our physical body asickness occurring inon e areawill be translated, of the interby virtue relatedness of the organs the body, into within sickness in other parts of the body. This can e b compared with the constructs inthe ManifestationTransduction Sequence of Creation. A distortion occurrin g within the functioning fo the merkaba fi eld will tr anslate into distortions in other constructs within the sequence, includin g our emotional and physical bodies (also knownas 'karma'). The scientific detail, historical context and manifest expression are not of merkabic distortion pretty. We learn how distortion inmerkabic fields leads toa process known asmolecularcompaction(an inorganic state whereby our bodiesare unable ot absorb and process the frequencies om higher fr dimensions) which results indis-ease our in bodies and manifest experience and ultimately acondition by known asmonadic reversal.This isthe conditi on which the consciousness, not just the bod is y, irreversibly disconnected from the primal lifeforce currents (energies spiralling from God Source iva Merkaba fields) and thus itsawareness ofitself as an individuation ofGod-Source. The MCEO teachings describe how interdimensional politic s and purposeful distortion (by beings who have already experienced monadic reversal) ofnatural Universalmerkaba mechanics has
created asituation whereb y knowledgeand healingof our personal merkabafields have reachedcriticalimportance.In order to understand these phenomena andwhat we can do about it, weneed areasonable grasp of merkaba mechanics. Thisis afurther reason why there issuch on merkaba mechanics within the an emphasis MCEO teachings at this time. MCEO
Through study of the MCEO materials wechange our perception of ourselves from fini te physical beings to infiniteenergeticbeingsand, importantly, we learn how ourstructure relates to theother o cnstructs in themanifestation sequenceofcreation. systems fit into We learn ho w our bio-energetic that of the planet and Earth, Galaxy, Universe Cosmos. This knowledge enables usto work with organic frequencies that come into the planet via the Cosmic, Universal and Planetary merkaba fi eld in order toheal and, inhealing, weprogressively restore our original design asEternal Angelic-Humans with all the spiritual powers and spiritual responsibilities that thisimplies. The MCEO techniques have been carefull y developed to work with the Transduction Sequence of Manifestation inorder toexpedite our healing effect in this critical 2000-20l2-time period. By virtue of the given relationships we within the sequence, understand that whenwe focusour attention on healing one construct within the sequence, we positi vely affect all others. This makeslifesimpler! The techniques can beseen as 'Divine Blueprint the Divine Blueprint With repetition, Reminders' . behind and within our bio-energetic manifest form is progressivelYand permanentlY re-set inour templateand all forms (includingour bodies) emanating from that template are restored totheir organic form. Within the order of creation, profound universal, galactic and personal changes arehappenin g atthis time. The organicchangesaregiving usanopportunityto rapidlYaccelerateourhealing. Inorganic distortions inthe DivineBlueprintare a legacy of pre-ancient times andcontinue tomanifest These hidden truths represent a in the present. situati on ofimmense spiritual ignorance ata pointin Cosmic history where thenatureand effect ofthe all eled as they are personal choices are as unpar
20 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
profound; weneed tomakegent ur choicesaboutow h we respond to events a t king place. The sequence ofMCEO personal tools has been specifically orchestrated toenable ust o accelerateour with the in synchronisation own healing process organic planetary chan ges and to protect ourselves from theforced(inorganic) change s, both ofwhich are areality atthis time. WHY DOTHE MCEO TEACHINGS SOPHISTICATED
are Angelic Humans and Indigo races sophisticated beings -it isjust thatwe havebeen ina soporific state (due to distortions in the planet ary grids andhence ourDNA Template) thatwe aveh forgotten! However, theGuardian raceswho vegius these teachings (see article 'TheMelchizedek Cloister Emerald OrderTeachings, theEie yani andthe CDTplates) remember usfo r whowe trulyare andtreat us accordingly. Through understanding the multi-dimensional realit y of our bio-energetic structure we come to remember thatBeings wecall 'Guardians' or'Eie yani' are aspects ofourselves residing in specific higher dimensions andthey know (andadmire) usas being the partsof thems elves (orfamily) whochose toenter the denserparts ofmanifestation. Sowe aretreated as part ofa team. They understand our difficulties but they also know wecan healand thereis aneed forus toheal and wakeup rapidlynow. Therefore theyhave given (and continue togive ) usteachings unprecedented in their comprehensive andcohesive nature.
It isthe sam e ifwe aregoing tohave orgive 'Spiritual' healing. 'Spiritual'healing meansworking withrealand definite structuresand we need toknow what we are doing and why ifwe are going toa) helpothers andb ) cause others or ourselves harm. not The information in the MCEO teachin gs has not beenon planetfor many thousands ofyears(and the reasons forthis aree xplained inthe teachingstoo ) but now we arebeing givena ch ance tolearn thever y real of our 'Spirit' and we are being given anatomy applications provide, of that anatomy to progressively, very real results. 2. Weare beinggiven thehigh levelof detailto help us answerthe question:'Th ere areso many'New Age' / 'Spiritual'teachin gs around,how doI knowwhich I can trust?' Think abouthow weapproach anew areain 3Dlife. For example: whenwe arebuying ahouse forthe first time, most ofusresearch allthe different kindsof mortgages, thelegal procedure inbu ying ahouse and so on. Once we have rese arched these things thoroughly weare ina position tomake aninformed choice. Thisphilosophy is kry tothe MCEO Freedom teachings. Here, weare beingoffered enough detail and information sothat wecan come toour own informed decision.
r:rou may alsolike toaskyourself, when looking at these and various teachings: 'Where are these teachings askingme toplacey m power?')
Here are3 otherreasons: 1: Inthe 3Dworld, howman y ofus wouldcarefull y and consistently cleanour teethever y dayif wedidn't understanding of basic have an (evenrudimentary) dental structure and aknowledge of what cango wrong ifwe don't cleanour teeth?The sameanswer you giveyourself here applies with self-healing.
Those ofus that love andtrust these teachings so much willsay thatthey couldnot findanother ystem s and beautifully cohesive in that isso o cmprehensive nature -where everypiece ofinformation fits into place withall theother pieces,where despitethe vast nature ofthe materialsthere isnot onecontradiction. For many ofus, whenwe seethis forourselves we experience hugerelief andjo y.
And, asfar ashealing facilitationis concerned, think about 3Dmedical practice:would you goto adoctor who didnot havea thorough knowledge ofanatomy? In thepast, therewas nochoice; doctors didnot have the anatomical knowledge thatthey donow (andthey did allsorts ofwacky thingsas aresult -such asput leeches allover you everytime youhad afever!!).
teachings andin particular 3. Through theMCEO through theKathara Bio-Spiritual Healing system®, we learn theorganic multi-dimensional structure of our anatom y. Wealso learnthat the12t hdimensional level holds the divine blueprint for allthe others beneath it- sowhatever additional frequencies we use, we always start with dimension-12 frequency. 21
TheMeEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMeEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana& A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
neutrons andelectrons inour Earth Realit y Field (or hologram). THE
A good'taster'for thetechnicaldetail availablein theseteachings
ur planet Earth exists inone ofcountless e~ergetic su:uctures. called is-Dimensional Tune Matnces. TIme Matrices are created by God/Source within God/Source Itself, in order to experience anythingthat God /Source desires. W e are created inthe "image" of God/Source and as aresult we are Co-Creators with God/Source. We create with our thoughts and weareentirely All creation composed ofthe energy ofGod/Source. is composed ofthe Conscious Energy ofGod/Source and is formed by the process of God/Source stepping Itself downfrom largeto small units of conscious energy. Thisprocessofstepping down of Source's conscious energy into manifestation iscall ed "The StairStep Creation Process" . steps itself down into any manifest God/Source form by replicating and distributing Conscious Energy into compartments that are specificall y structured according to Divine Blueprint. TheDivine Blueprint structure of any TimeMatrix contains 5 sets of 3 compartments. These intricate and specificall y structured compartmentalized energy systems are call ed Time Matrices . The process of Source steppin g Itselfdown tocreate aTime atrix M is initiated by an "OUT-breath" and an "IN-breath" of Conscious Energy. These creational BREATHS of God/Source are created by thepolarization ofwhat are called Partiki or ante-particle unitsof consciousness intoPartika or anti-particles and Particum or particles. The perpetual motion of "fission" and "fusion" (separation and replication) from Partiki units into Partika and Particum units is called "Partiki Phasing" and isthe a bsis ofwhat isknown asthe Divine Trinity. Partiki phasing results ina "flashing onand off' of units ofconsciousness which, when grouped together, Flash-line sequences form "flash-linesequences" . make up the structur e ofALL creation, ALLLife Forms, including what we may seeasprotons,
In Keylontic Science,welearn thata TimeMatrix is astructure composed and that of 15Dimensions each compartment within it contains Partiki Phasing or flash-line to that sequences that are unique compartment. In theouter dimensional levels of the TimeMatrix 10, 11and 12, flash-lin~ for example inDimensions sequenceshave the qualit ies of higher oscillationand. such In theinnermost Dimensions lower vibration. as inDimensions 1,2 and3, flash-line sequences have the qualit y oflower oscillation andhi gher vibration. 10, 11& These qualities mean that inDimensions 12, partiki phasing is more rapid and matter forms are I ess "d ense " an d: 10 D'irnension . s 1, 2 & 3, partiki phasing is slower and matter forms are more "dense". THE
There areFIVE setsof 3specific compartments called Harmonic Universes within each 15 Dimensional structure or TimeMatrix. These groups of 3compartments can be thought of as "Platforms of Perception". is also known asa Each Harmonic Universe Density andthe terms'Den sity Level' and 'Harmonic Universe' (HU), are used synonymously. Within each of thefive Densities, thespeci fic 3of a dimensional structure allowsfor thepercepti on 3-dimensional hologram or reality field. Each expression of God/Source or manifest Life-form has a level of Itself in each of the Dimension s and Densities. In Humans, these levels of Self or expressionare called: 1, 2& 3 • Incarnate (stationed inDimension • • • •
or Density ONE) 4, 5& 6or Soul (stationed inDimens i on Density TWO) (stationed inDimension 7,8 &9 or Oversoul Density THREE) or Avatar(stationed inDimension Christos 10, 11&12 orDensity FOUR) Rishi (stationedin Dimension 13,14 &15 or Density FIVE)
23 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings@Series PresentedbyAdas~MCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. A'sha-yana& A'zah-yanaDeane.2008,AllRightsReserved COPYright
HARMONIC UNIVERSE ORDENSITY LEVEL Harmonic Universe-5 (also called Time Cycle) Density-5
Dimensions 13, 14 & 15(also known as the 3Primal Light Fields)
Ante-Matter, which is thermo-plasmic light
Avatar orChristos Harmonic
(also called Time Cycle) Density-4
Dimensions 10,11 &12
Pre-Matter, which is liquid light hydroplasmic
Self Oversoul Self
(also Cycle) called Density-3 Time
7,8 &9
Harmonic Universe-2 (also called Density-2 Time Cycle)
Dimensions 4,5 &6
Etheric Matter,biology which is Silica-based Soul Self Physical Matter, which is Carbon-silica-based biology. Incarnate Self
Gross Physical Matter, which (also called Density-1
1,2&3 is carbon-based biology
Time Cycle) Similarly, thereare expressions ofour Earthat eachDensity el orHarmonic lev Universe: • • • •
In Harmonic Universe ONE, itis calledEarth In Harmonic UniverseTWO, itisalled c Tara In Harmonic Universe THREE, itis calledGaia In Harmonic Universe FOUR, itis called Aramatena
s Each ofthe le vels ofSelf ineach Densit y hasa characteristic qualit y offlash-line sequences and thisresult in amatter formthat is unique toeach Density. For examplein Density ONE, matter forms areprimarily carbon-based and thosein Dens ity TWO are carbon and silica-based. Those inDen units of sity FOUR arep rimaril y liquid light. InDensity FNE, consciousness aren ot manifest into "matter" orbiological formsand forthis reason arecalled pre-matter. Density FIVEis alsoknown asthe Primal Light Field andcontains CollectiveGroups ofConsciousness of Source thatform thebiological formswithinensities D ONE toFOUR.(above chart. )
24 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
ASCENSION AND AT-ONE-MENT Suijectscoveredin thisarticle: What isAscensio n?• Our abilitytoascendhasbeendamaged but wecanfix it. •How doestheStellarActivation (ycle relateto humanity?
of Keylontic Science, hrough the Teachin gs we learnthe "Mechanics ofCreation" andwe learn that Earth and its lif e-forms exist inone Time of many systems known asa 15Dimensional Matrix. systems that Time matrices are "holographic" Source(God) has cre ated within Source Itself, in order to experience anything that It desires. Therefore,all thingsandall lifeexpressions takeplace the energy ofSource. Nothing can everbe WITHIN separated from Source, because everything iswithin Source and everything iscreated of the ener gy of Source. and Source experiences Source IS conscious individuation and the illusion of time and space within atime matrix through aprocess of"stepping down" thisconscious energ y intosmaller andsmaller pieces. Inthis manner, Sourcecan experienceitself as a "manifest" form andexperience multiple manife st realities atthe same'time' and withinthe same'sp ace'. In many time matrices, including ours, indi vidual expressions ofSource havelost thisconsciousness of self asSource duringthis processof "stepping-down" This has into the manifest realityof indi viduation. created anillusion of "Separation from Source" in of Sourceincludin g inHumans. many individuations We areALL individual expressions ofS ource, and we, asindividuated expressions ofSource, allhave parts ofour conscious ener gy within each of the1Sdimensional frequency levels of this ti me matrix. This isa resultof theprocess ofSource stepping down Its energ y in the "The Stair Step Creation Process". Inthis process, Source maintains Itself as the perpetual andinfinit ely self-sustaining energyof depleted. that can never be Source Ascension is the proces s of merging the man y parts ofour conscious energythat arein thedifferent levels of the 1S-dimensional time matrix . Itis the process ofbringingall ofthese parts thathave been stepped down, backinto conscious connection with
each other sothat wecan experience the expansion of "At-One-Ment" with Source. In Ascension, we "transmute" the physical body form by integrating more and more of the"Multiple Levels ofConscious Energy" of our Selves intoour biological energetic template. In this way , we are effectively "expanding" our Selves and merging with the infinite conscious energy of Source thatinitiated our individuation inthe StairStep Cr eation Process. of the higher identities progressively Integration changes the nature of the biological form, so biological &spiritual evolution areone. Originally identity integration took place through one eternal lifetime. Dueto distortions thatspan 11.5 of frequency, the process now akes t dimensions place through succes sive reincarnati ons. was not the natural evolutionary Reincarnation process of theoriginal humanlineage, butit hasbeen operational for over 5million years. The distortions haveoccurred inwhat isc alled the "Energetic Manifestation Template" or Kathara Grid. Distortions within ourmanifestation template have thus resulted in anabilit in y to undergo the natural proce ss ofbiological Ascension. The origin ofthese distortions and therole the Human races have played inboth the healing and propagation of thesedistortions can befound inthe that are available on the "Dance For" programs Azurite PressNewcomers Recommended Product list. Keylontic Science we can reclaim our Through eternal bodies and re-enter our natural state of evolution. Thehuman bod y wasdesigned toembod y 12 dimensions ofconsciousness inOn e Incarnation. Through the Sacred Teachings of Keylontic Science, wecan RE-learn andREMEMBER our true original Source-intended divinestructure. By workingwith theKeylontic Sciencetechniques that arefounded upon Sacred Mechanics, e can w also remember how our personal energy systems operate as they were originally (Inner Templat es) intended asTrue Divine expressions ofSource and also how we can begin to Heal the distortions. Each level of our consciousness that exists on levels ofthe 1S-dimensional TimeMatrix isPART of US. These parts of us have names such as Soul, Avatar andRishi. Andat eachof these Over-soul, levels, thereis anincreasing "body" ofknowledge and understanding of themechanics ofour owncreation from Source and ofour own personal elationship r
26 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
with Source. As webegin theprocess ofintegration of these parts of ourselves in a process called "Soul Integration", we become more awareof theseparts of our Selves and canintegrate theknowledge and understanding inherent inthem. structures Through understanding thefoundation upon which thebody andconsciousness arebuilt we can learnto consciouslydirect thepath ofaccelerating our personal biological and spiritual evolution, rejoining theraces ofthe Higher Evolution. The raceson thisplanet, andplanet Earth itself, are inthe midstof whatis called a StellarActivation Cycle (SAC).These cyclesoccur every26,556 years. This SACcommenced in2000 andwill endin 2012. SACs areimportant periods oftime forthe Earth and Earth racesbecause itis duringthese timesthat the process ofbiological Ascension isaccelerated . From nowuntil 2012more andmore frequencies Time from the outer levels of the 15dimensional Matrix willbe "anchoring" here into the planetar y grids (Earth's energetic template). Once these frequencies areanchored intothe earth,they canthen be receivedby Humans andall otherlife formson the planet. can greatly assist in anchoring these Humans frequencies into theplanet, ourselves andother life forms, bypreparing ourphysical body templates in specific waysthrough theuse ofKeylontic Science techniques. In utilizingthese technologies andassisting inthe momentous activities during thisSAC, Humans will often facemany difficultpersonal challengesbecause of the distortions in our own personal energetic templates. In assisting the anchoring of these frequencies however, we willbe healing our own templates' distortions, in addition to those of the planet andother life-forms. We willalso beassisting allbiological lifeforms and the entire elemental kingdom to undergo the process ofAscension.
he answerto thisquestion liessquarely within the parameters oftheir spiritua l nature, for the Indigo distinction lieswithin theintrinsic
spiritual structure, orientation andorigins oftheir consciousness. The Indigos areindeed a"new breed" ofchildren because theyrepresent new a breedof consciousness now Indigos entering incarnation within our time.The are intruth representatives of avery oldbreed of consciousness once prevalent on Eart and in h, their re-emergence today theyserve asharbingers of ourrace evolution -the way-showers ofthings moves closer toits to come, asour raceevolution intended hidden destination. There are3 Primary Typ es ofIndigo Children, each withdifferent version ofthe Oraphim * genetic code, andeach servinga different purpose withinthe present evolutionary experiment. t common Indigo Recessive Type-3isthe mos type ofIndigo Child presently incarnate on Earth. Type-3 Indigos beganbirthing invery smallnumbers about 200years ago . Type-3 Indigo Recessives have the mostextremes in polarity issues of allthe Indigos, arehighly intelligent,mathematically inclined, and may have difficulty withemotional athletic bonding issues.Mayseem like"angel & devil"in 1 body. Indigo Recessive Type-2 is the next most common typeof Indigo Child.Isolated numbers of the Type-2 Indigosbirthed 75-100 years ago,most since thelate1950s.Type-2 Indigo Dominants have open psychic development and have advanced interdimensional from birth throughout contact life. Theyare giftedin linguistictranslation, thearts, diplomacy, butma y become music andinterpersonal excessively introverted due to fearof the Earth environment. Type-2sare the most personalofthe 3 Indigos, andenjoy humanbonding ifsheltered. Indigo Composite Type-Iisthe rarest typeof Indigo. Most entered incarnation in the 1960s 1970s. Type-l Indigos have advanced psychic and occasionally direct manifestation abilities, usuall y havephysical contactwiththeir ElderRace familyin and have acore life purpose to fulfill childhood, advanced planetary grid work contracts. Theyare sensitive to everything and often remain detached from humanissues tofocus ontheir servicecontract. 1 They holdgreat lovewithin forall lifeforms .
Cominginto theLight: Secretsof theIndigoChildren byA'sha-yanaDean. 'Pre-ancientAngelicHumans.
27 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
Indigo people ofall Types, andespeciall y Type-3s, can beassisted by: Maharic • Frequent useofthe Temporary SealBio-Regenesis Te chnique. [Note: the Eckasha Maharic Seal Technique, included in this Primer, is an updated version of the Maharic Seal technique.] •
In childhood, and sometimes inadu lthood, most Indigos need gentle, loving, affi rmative, but not authoritarian, in "Coaching Assistance " learning tofocus their energiesand attention. They aremore cautely sensiti ve, on biological, emotional, mental and astral levels, to the peripheral environment and energy fields around them and to the inner perceptions and experiences within them. Due to their genetic design, they often experience pain, pleasure, fatigue, light, sound, emotion, temperature and vibration much more intensely than other humans. These elements of expenence can be perpetually distracting to Indigos. Indigos benefit by reduction ofdistr acting elements in their environment (accommodation) and through progressive, low-key "coaching" using the "Buddy System W - E DO" approach. Consistent, frequent, loving verbal redirection of their focus of attention desired to the application, applied simultaneously with gentle, loving, direct physical touch , and "focusing rather than "tell ing them to focus" WITH them," in a specific way, all ows Indigos to adopt the of focus" heldby the "coach". "posture Through such "Focus Modeling" th e Indigo can progressively gain the energetic cellular imprint through which they become able tomore easily regulate their own mental focus and bioenergetic fields tothe desired, "modeled" focus of conscious aware ness (adaptabili ty)." 2
of the Kathara BioProgressive use Spiritual Healing System@ for core template Divine Blueprint alignment .
Various other Holistic Healing mod aliti es and life-style adjustments such as the foll owing , sugges tions,can help bring out the bestni any Indigo Child. • Toning and ColorTherapy • Controlled Breathing Exercises • Energy RunningandMeditation Techniques • Aromatherapy • Light use of Vitamins and Herbal Supplements Frequent physical exercise • • A dietof healthful organic, chemical-free foods with little dairy or red-meat content. Smaller portions of healthy foods eaten more frequently. • Dail y time away from high-energy situati ons such as those n i crowds or groups. Protection fromh arsh, disturbing or emotionally charged en vironments; they naturall y, sub-consciously "model" the mental and emotional climates aro und them through direct bio-energetic field co-resonance, often taking the repressed energies of others andexpressing themin amplified form. •
home environments, Quiet, low-stimuli reduced exposure to television and computer screen viewing and increased daily exposure to natural sunlight and moonlight (Indigos are more sensitiveot li ght, sound, electromagnetic fields and the natural environment than are other humans).
Non-dogmatic, nonjudgmental, explorative spiritual selfstudy and inner exploration through writing, art, music, dance, dream creati ve visualization, exploration and trained Consciousness Projection (Out-of-Body Travel) usingthe Temporary Maharic Seal.
Voyagers,Volume2:TheSecretsof Ament;(2ndEd.) byA'sha-yanaDeane.
68 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
A SIGNIFICANT STEP TOWARDS SPIRITUAL MATURITY AND INTEGRITY W;" 'polari ry'issuesarelookedat and addressed
in theMeEO teachings
of polarity is afundamental he treatment issue that diff erentiates this work from many other teachings. Firstly polarity isn't 'bad' in itself. Source/God within itself. It projects creation by polarizing projects consciousness into separate units, bethey dimensions, galaxies, planets, human bodies, particles etc.. These interact with each other and flows back into its inherent the consciousness unity insource. There is a natural creative process of polarization and integration. Wewouldn't regard the polarity in an electrical battery, the +and -, as bad. Thepr oblem arises wherethe flowback into integrity withsource isbl ocked for any reasoni.e . where then atural flows are distorted orblocked.t I is such distortions that are the problem more than the polarity. that we find ourselves with polarity Given issues i.e. separation and from ourselves/God separation from others interms of conflict, how do wedeal with this situation? Ivery muchagree that wemust firstly find that place of integrity and unity within ourselves. Wemust integrate to our (D12) Christos &Source consciousness. There is no disagreement here. What do wedo then? Do we detach from the problem, deny itsrealit y, reducing itto the status of anillusion? Ordo weengage thep roblem and try to deal with it? The first option would begreat if it worked. But there's the rub. Let's look atthis issuein apr actical context. I am drivingalong inmy car andI geta puncture. How do Ideal with this?I could go into anice comfortable space where theproblem doesn't exist and try to create the reality ofa fixed wheel from there. This isn't real!J happeningto me ; it's on!J an illusion. IfI think about orbring attention tothe puncturedwheel itwill only create th e problem!
Or Icould simply face the problem, change the wheel and beback motoring within minutes. The problem with denying theproblem isthat it also denies the solution. The analogy above is basic but it does se rve to a point. We could pick many oth er illu strate examples. I think most people's experience of trying to 'un-create' as illusive such aproblem would be that the police would have towed the car away or hellitself would have frozen overlong before the wheel would have fixed itself. When weface aproblem, bring attention toit, we are notcreating nornecessarily reinforcing the Constructive It's already there. problem. engagement is generally an effective strategy in contrast with denialor detachment. Regarding problems asillu sions doesn't necessaril y fix them. We can bring all this into the bigger world of us that part scene/ conflict drama. There's wishes certain things weren't happening, that would prefer not to know about them, that wants to get awayfrom itall and simply wants togo 'home'. However there is apart ofSource and a part ofus blocked down here. There's apart of us affected, even trapped, bythe dram a andwe can't afford toignore thefact. Knowledge or awareness, of itself, isn't separative. We can be fully inour integrity (with Christos /Source) and very muchaware of what is going onaround usat thesame tim e. Infact this is place to be coming from. Bringing a great attention to, or knowing about, does not necessaril y promote separation nor'breed polarity'. in the Ideally we focus on issues/problems context ofsolutions. Knowledge/attention needn't be acause for fear butrather apowerful motivator and abasisfor effective action. In this case know ing is astepping-stone to resolving the problem back into integrity. Ironically, detaching is more from the problem separative orpolarizing. Itseparates usfrom the problem (at the level where itcan be solved but not necess aril y atthe level where itaffects us!). It separates thepr oblem froma soluti on. Ideally wecome into our space ofi ntegrity, face from there and embrace/draw issues/problems them into resolution aseffectively aswe can. We allknow andrespect beautiful peoplewh o are 'beyond polarity'. Before we can regard 29
TheMeEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
discsthat digitally storemas sive amounts ofpre-ancient data,reportedly held formany generations since preAtlantian times inprotective custody of the Eieyani Priests). at age Foll owing anNDE(Near-Death-Experience) 18, A'sha redirected her pursuitof aPsychology degree for a humanitarian spiritual service commitment, engaging full-tim e MCEO study, while working professionall y as aStudio Portrait Artist and inthe Management and Commercial Printing Theater industries. A'sha entered the Eieyani Priests MCEO Masters Course at theage of 20,receiving intensive MCEO Ministerial training between 1984-1996 through frequent engagements with theEieyani Priests of Kauai, completing a rigorous 12-year Masters CDT-Plate training course and6th -Degree(of 6)MCEO Ministerial Ordination (Ekr.MCEO). HerMCEO training includes the "Inner Christos Lawof One" Spiritual Tradition, extensive Pre-ancient History studies, Kathara Core Template Healing applications, Keylontic (mattertemplate) Science, Scalar-wave and Time Mechanics, 15Spiritual Physics, and Masters Dimensional Actuali zation advanced training featuring Merkaba/DNA Ascension Template/ Kundalini / sciences andPlanet ary Templar(Template) mech anics. appointment from the In 1996 A'sha accepted Eieyani Priests in Kauai to serve asEieyani Speaker-I , holding thefirst of threeMCEO Eieyani CDT-Plate Speakers Contracts (publication endorsements for MCEO CDT-Plate and texts translation), completing an MCEO Speakers training. additional 2 years of Previously known asDiana Kathryn, or "Katie", in1998 she began publicuse of thename "Aneayhea A'sha", or "A'sha", hername translation inthe ancient Ei eyani this as h er MCEO Spe aker's language, choosin g publishing nameinappreciation of r her MCEOtraining. In 1998she conducted classes ni NJ,from whichthe Amenti Series video course emer ged. In 1999 A'sha's first CDT-Plate dispensations were released (under pen name "Anna Hayes"; derived from Voyagers Series books, the "Aneayhea") as the Tangible Structure of the Soul Accelerated Biospiritual Evolution Programand theKathara BioSpiritual Healing System. Between May1999-May 2000 A'sha conducted aprogr ession of 12intensive Spiritual Development Worksh ops inthe US,which Workshop Series became the Life Empowerment audio/video course. (Note: Thesecourses are now li sted undertheir individual titles in DVD -and CDformat and arelisted inthe Recommended Pr oducts for Newcomers section of theAzurite Press website).
for her knowledge of New Science, Respected Spiritual Development, Pre-ancient History, Extraordinary Experienceand related subjects, she frequently appeared asa featured speaker on the US Expo circuit on a variety of radio and has been interviewed programs, including theJeff Rense Sightings Show and SHINE, inthe US and abroad. At therequest of theMCEO Eieyani Priests, in November 1999 A'sha founded the Kathara Alliance Temple MCEO (Holistic Healing) and Azurite Sarasota, FL-USA,anon-profi t service organization through which Spiritual Baptism, Nuptial, Ministerial Ordination and Burial rites, inthe egalitarian MCEO "Inner Christos Law ofOne" Tradition, were made publicly available. In February 2000 A'shapublished theKathara Biospiritual Healing System Instructorsanual@ M for international correspondence study; while continuing a schedule ofUS Workshops she also began aseries of Educational Travel Tours Azurite International starting with Egypt inMarch 2000. 2000 A'sha married fell ow MCEO In October Speaker-2 A'zah Deane of the UK, changing her published name to "A'sha-yana Deane" and publishing the MCEO Masters Templ ar Planetary Stewardship Initiative Coursebook®in2001. Between 2000t o 2002the Deanes servedthe Azurite Temple USA as MCEO Speakers and Ministers, providing SpiritualBaptism, Nuptial ritesand over 1500 MCEO Ministerial Ordinations, while co-hosting Azurite International Educational Travel Tours inPeru, England, Ireland Canada, Greece, Cyprus and Kauai, Voyagers Hawaii and teleased the much xepanded Series 2ndEditionbooks (Granite Publishing). to In spring 2002 Azurite Temple er structured become Azurite PressMCEO USA, UKand Europe, as MCEOspiritual service work expanded o t publishing and preservation of MCEO texts and other complementary ideologies. The Deane s continue to release Masters Spiritual Development CDT-Plate translations through forthcoming handbooks on the updated, co-authored Maharata Texts "Dance For" Program@, the advanced e l vels ofthe Kathara BioSpiritual Healing system® and by delivering Kathara® and GridMasters programsvia global workshop tours. A'zah Deane M.Sc,Ekr MeEO isCo -founder and overall CEOof Azurite Press Global, andis host, of the Spiritual Discovery speaker and instructor Workshop Series, co-hostof Azurite International Educational Travel Toursand Spiritual Development Workshops, and co-author of the Maharata Text ''Dance For"Program.
31 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
Christian Born in England, raised in atraditional perspective, A'zah demonstrated natural interest and special abiliti es inspiritual development from an early age; in childhood hew as chosen for privatecontact by the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Eieyani Priests of UR of Kauai, Hawaii. Initiall y trained and working as a Mechanical Design Engineer, A'zah later studied Philosophy, Economics and Politi cs at Lancaster University, UK, gaining acclaim and appreciation for the dynamics and spiri t of team work asan international Soccer player representing in international England competitions Universities on the European Championship a League. In 1971 A'zah was awarded scholarship to the University USA, where of Colorado he next pursued in Psychology a double speciali zation and Marketing while serving as Captain of the University of Colorado their 1972 Soccer Team through victory inthe All America Soccer Championships. After earning aMasters ofScience degree, A'zah returned to England, Business founding an International Consultants group, pursuing a distinguished career in executive business administration and marketing. During the 1990's A'zah assisted in developing community service and support pro as County grams (parish) Chairman non-denominational for a large, Charitable Association in the UK. Fulfillin g the personal spiritual commitment that guided him from childhood, A'zah changed his life course asa successful corporate founder and business administrator to pursue full-tim e spiritual development "Inner study in the MCEO Christos Law of One" spiritual tradition, devoting fulltime efforts to humanitarian as an MCEO service Mini ster, Spiritual Development teacher and Speak er. Throughout the 1990's A'zah hosted Spiritual Discovery Workshopsand avariety of public speaking Business endeavors throughout the UK. As arespected and Spiritual Professional, on 4 A'zah was selected occasions in1999 to serve asa p sokesman representing a mature spiritual perspective on SKY-TV, BBC and Channel-4 UK television. Through an August 2000 Azurite Educational Travel Tour inPeru, A'zah metA 'sha, founder of theAzurite Temple MCEO USA spiritual service organization, Spiritual Development teacher and fellow MCEO Minister, holding one of three MCE Eiryani Speaker O appointments (publication endorsements for MCEO CDT-Plate and texts translation). 6thAfter receiving Degree MCEO Spiritual Ordination from the Eieyani Priests ofKauai, Hawaii , A'zah founded Azurite Temple er 2000, to MCEO UK and Europe in Septemb introduce the spiritual education programs of Azurite Temple USA to the European community.
as Executive Simultaneously accepting appointment Director of Azurite Temple USA,A'zah joined A'sha in the US, when they discovered love for their personal each otherand married following in October 2000, which A'zah relocated to the USto join A'sha inserving the Azurite Temple USA community. from the In 2001 A'zah accepted appointment Eieyani Priests inKauai to serve asMCEO Eieyani Speaker-2 Known as Michael throughout his lifetime, he began public useof the name "A'zah", the ancient Eieyani language translation this of hisname, choosing as hisMCEO name ina gesture of Speaker's publishing appreciation for his Speaker appointment. While preparing of his for forthcoming publication Eieyani Speaker-2 spiritual development books, A'zah spent 2001s erving as CEO ofAzurite T emple USAand hosting AzuriteInternational Educational Travel Tours and Workshops with his wifeA'sha; the two collaborated to co-author the Maharata Text ''Dance For" Program@in 2002. Eieyani of Kauai, the At thereque st of the MCEO Azurite TempleUSA spiri tual service organization was restructured and expanded in spring 2002, to become
Press MCEO
USA, UK and Europe.
Cofounder and CEO of Azurite Press USA, UK & with A'sha in Europe, A'zah relocated to England October 2002, tobestserve thebroadening interest in Law of One spirituality within the international community. Presently A'zah attends toa busy schedule of Azurite International Educational Travel Tours and Workshops, while continuing work on Speaker 2'G rid Mechanics' contract. Speaker-3 Mary Anne Callawa y D.Ch (Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy) of PA-USA now serves as national operations director ofAzurite PressMCED USA.
32 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. Copyright A'sha-yana &A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved
Recommended Materials This material istruly extraordinary -but isit foryou? SUMMARIES OF:
The primaryobjective ofAzurite PressMCEO hasevolved tobecome the meansof provision ofa variet y ofstate ofthe artpublications and programs focusedupon SpiritualDevelopment, Holistic Living, Environmental Sustainability andcontinuation , preservation and publication ofMCEO Eieyanitexts andteaching programs.
33 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
Meditation: Inner Sanctum connection -to-the-Universe space.
his series ofFive Lectures, filmed in1998, contains the earliest recorded workshops presented by A'sha-yana Deane. They introduce many of the basic concepts which are explored in greater detail inKathara Healing andalso the Voyagers Books . they provide aleisurely and For the newcomer, thorough introduction to topics such as Partiki or the Unified Fields, Energy Field, Morphogenetic Dimensions, Time Waves and countless other 'buildi ng blocks' of Keylontic Science and BioSpiritual Evolution. For anyone who has started with the later materials, these lecture s fillin p ossible gaps of understanding and serve asa e hlpful overview which brings more recent information into clearer focus. Most lectures also contain at least one technique, in the form ofa guided meditation, toprovide direct levels experience of some of the energies/identity which are described inthe lectures; many ofthese techniques are 'once available off' and are not elsewhere. LECTURE 1: KEYLONTIC SCIENCE: THE SCIENCE OFLIGHT, THE GEOMETRICAL
a very clear This lecture, tog ether with Lecture 2, provides introduction to thebasic concepts ofK Science, eylontic making this subject xetremely accessible to scientist and non-scientist alike.
Topics ofdiscussion
The Scienceof hum anity's relationshipsot itsSource and theCosm os. The Science ofthe Human Soul and thefamily tree of consciousness .• Science does have 'soul'. It hasn't found ityet! Keylonta isthe place where it can begin to find its soul. • The Morphogenetic Field: Thebasic energ y fieldor the energy 'structure' behind manifest form thatallows all manifest forms to keep their substance/shape. Partiki: The unified ener gy fieldthat runs throu gh the entire cosmo s; intelligence the organizational behindall things. •God/God Source: The living units of conscious ident ity and energ y. • Guided
LECTURE 2: THE SCIENCE OFKEYLONTA This lecture exp ands and develops the material trom Lecture 1 and also includes and useful a fascinating Question and Answer session
of discussion include:
Description of extra-terrestrial, meta-terrestrial and ultra-terrestrial.• Keylons:thebase codes ofmatter. Time • Excellent explanation of the 15Dimensional Matrix. dream recall . Dreams, astral projection, What Dream state is. •Healing/ assisting other members of ourincarnational this family/healing within our own blueprint becauseit iscarried as cellul ar memory .• Reverse-mutations .• Soul Family tapping into one's own soul matrix. Relationships/ Simultaneou s time andhow itrelates to reincarnation. • The true nature oftime ismore like how we into the perceive space e.g. on amap. Tapping consciousness of our other incarnates through the Unifi ed Field. •Past and future selves. Prob able • Connection Selves. Parall el Selves. 'Channeling'. between gene code and your incarnational heritage. • Planetary Time Cycles . Intruder races agendas. •The of 2012-2017. •The significance Bridge Zone. •Most important part is for us as individuals tounderstand what weare connected to . We've lost touch with thestructure of the Cosmos and becau se ofthatwe've lost our purpose here, as our personal purpose beings. Understanding within the whole. •Heroic probability; following the path of thesoul's intention, thepath offulfi lling the purpose th at you came for. • Blue Flame preparing theChakra system o t receive Meditation: energies from higher dimensions.
34 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEDInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
of where This lecture brings light to the question we came fromand where weare going. A'sha-yana demonstrates as she her delightful gift asa storytell er brings this ancient, far-reaching history to life!
Topics ofdiscu ssion
and its origins. There is a Our basic genetic pattern part ofourselves as this race that has been o l st for thousands ofyears. Ithas been completely unavailable to us butintuitively we have sensed itand have felt a through There is a meaning longing for it. understanding these things, through which our whole self-conceptas arace isredefined. • The beauty and meaning of what itis tobe human. • Race History: Tara/ Teuraneusiam Race superprototype. •The Fall of Tara. How thefragments of Tara became our solar system. • Understanding our connection tothe stars and how they are part of our gene code. The Higher Self:A 'bridge' between soul and conscious id entity. •Our Multi-dimensional anatomy and identity that each ofus isconnected to Our natural ability toread right now. •Channeling: energy signatures in the multi-dimensional field. It does however involve bringing in 'foreign' energy signatures or Beings into your energy field and this is NOT a safe/recommended practice. • Being responsible forwhat you will allow into your energy for sensing subtle fields. •Exercises/techniques energypatterns. LECTURE 4: THE HISTORY
the significance More history comes to life,including of Tara,Amenti and the Atc ofthe Coven ant
Hall s ofAmenti/ mission .• The Sphere of Amenti/ Staff of Amenti. A • The Sphere ofAmenti: morphogenetic pattern that creates a connection between our planetary core in Dimension 2, Harmonic-1 and the planetary core in Tara in Dimension 5, Harmonic-2. Alink betweenour past and future with Tara's past and future.• The Halls of Amenti holdour pr omise of ascension. They are the keyto our ability to re-merge back into Tara's time-lines anda ll theplanets in our solar system. • The Hall s ofAmenti arethepassage-way forsouls to • Staff of pass from one Harmonic toanother. Amenti: Also called theBlue Flame. It represent s the patterns of the portion of Tara:s frequency Morphogenetic Field within earth and ourselves. It 1S our connection to the Divine and toTara.•The Fall of Tara: Through the Intruder Raceinterference on Taramany millio ns ofyears ago , Taracould no longer hold its morphogenetic fi eld asbefore . Part ofit had to beremoved and divided into12 pieces. One piece was put into the coreofeach ofthe 12p l anets 12 planets) in our sol~r were originally (there system. They all maintain alink to Tarathrough their core.•Tara isthe Heaven wehave heard about in many ofour legends,theecond s world. It isnot the last stop in ourpassagehome through Source. •The Staff of Amenti holds knowledge, power and the ability tocognate. •How death was 'bor n' andhow reincarnation came into being, agenetic and DNArelated problem within our Root Races.•Because of the damage caused tothe Sphere ofAmenti, ourown from its DNA became damaged and 'unplugged' original memory bank, or"cellular memory". • ~he "veil" of memory and consciousness when being birthed into abody on Earth. All memory of the connection to Earth oreach other orto anything else, except their present moment in time, islost at birth. our Souis get trapped within the 4th • How Dimensional astral planes and the huge build-up of elemental kingdoms within the 2nd Dimension. LECTURES:
Topics ofdiscussion
The Continent ofE-den: Acontinent onTara and the origin of the Garden stories. ~The of Eden physicsof planetary Grid structures &for~at1on of our solar system. • Dimensional and ascension ascens i on planets .• Dimensions work like time frames. • The Palaidorian Covenant: A rescue
This lecture gives aclear overview of these times andthe structures
Topics ofdisc ussion
2000-2017 of thesignificance of Time Cycles
35 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,At!RightsReserved
ANGELIC REALITIES - THEBIG PICTURE This workshopcontains7- hourlecture & a100-pagehandbook.Thematerialgivesan overview ofcontemporaryAngeli c &ET contact & addressescommonquestionslike: WhoaretheVisitors?· Wheredotheycomefrom? • W0' havethf!Yreturned? Discussionpoints and quotesfrom theworkshopinclude:
childhood 'sha-yana's (Speaker One's) experiencesin inter-dimensional • contact. Taking steps in protecting oneself from adverse ET contact begins with knowing WHO you are/your True nature .• Being empowered is about being ableto look at thegood, the badand everything in between and make achoice. •True evolved Beings: if you have an advantage you help others to have that advantage too.• We need to re-evolve rather than revolt: re-evolution • Only rather than revolution! empowered individuals have the power to begin shifting what's happening ona masslevel ehre. • The Stellar Activation Cycles (SAC) can occur every 26,560 years ifthe natural planetary conditions On earth, there have been many are unaltered. Illuminati Race-inducedalterations that have damaged earth's energy structureand asaconsequence, earth has not been able to undergo afull SACfor over 200,000 years. are electro-magnetic fields called • There Merkaba spirals that every planetary body, every body in general, has. These are sets of counterrotating merkabafields that occur on every existing dimension. Normall y themerkabas on thedif ferent levels are partially connectedot each dimensional other via "star-gates" , and only become fully connected or aligned on avertical axis with each other during aStellar Activation Cycle.Th is results between in complete opening of star-gates/portals dimensional levels and allows inflow of higher dimensional frequencies intoEarth's energy structure and all matter and life-forms uponit. • Merkaba: This is aspecific configuration inthe counter-rotating bio-energetic fi eld, consistingof vortices with differing ratios betweenelectrical and magnetic spirals. When they activate on this natural
configuration, they createwhat iscall ed aMerkaba vehicle ofLight and Sound. • The Human and Indigo races were created to be or energy structure Guardians of Earth's Templar (including star-gatesand portals) andthe Sacred Law of ONE. Annu, Ill uminati Races (Templar The Drakonian). • Maji King Grail Lines:The Indigos: ahybrid race that was created to jump start the 12-strand evolutionary pattern back into therace gene pool and assist ina successful SAC which inturn would ensure a future for Humanity. • Description of Earth, Inner Earth, Parallel Earth. Telepathy is • Telepathy versus Channeling: thought transference and doesnot harm your biofi eld. Telepathy is like talking on the phone. Channeling isli ke having somebody come and stand in your body. This is ONLY safe when itis one of your own higher parts. • Channeling anything other than your own family (your own higher-dimensional tree of consciousness aspects of being): iftheir DNA is incompatible with yours e.g. they arenot ofyour family, their Higher the Dimensional frequencies will begin to crush natural coding of your scalar template of your lower DNA strands. The only safe channeling isSealed channeling. Dealing with Beings from higher/ outer dimensions. "Don't give your power just because they appear ot be more advanced."Alot of people are conditioned into thinking that they are powerless and that anything that 'appears ot them' must be at a higher state of evolution and 'superior'. Many however arenot as'advanc ed' or 'pure'as Humans. • The 'L ight' can deceive butthe 'Sound' tells the to ask: "Do Ifeel that question truth. Agood someone is trying tocontrol me?" • Being a'master': "I'mgoing to goto my Master within and make my own direct connection to Source, whatever Ichoose tocall thatSourc e". • We're trained in our culture tobe impressed by the outside of things. This isa good time tostart By learning your to look atthe inside ofthings. Multi-dimensional anatomy it becomes simple/ just as natural as body processes. • The Master within is You, at ahigher levelof awareness. Ifyou know you have that part of yourself by power. You get a power you have ultimate knowing the rest of yourself, no matter what anybody 68
TheMCEDFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEDLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEDInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
throws atyou you - don't become fearfulan y more. You become ab solutely fearless and atpeace inthe face offear. Youfe el thepresence of your wholeself , and itis the same presence that people callGod becauseyou area partof thatGod consciousness. • You have divine potential just as much s a We areall createdout anything else intheUniverse. of the consciousness ofGod: het energy thatwe are composed of, that creates ou our r consciousness, conscious awareness. Weare made ofthe units of the consciousness of God. Weare allblessed. All beings areblessed. • Youdo notha ve todefer toany otherBeing, ET or angel.You have the ability to make adirect to Source. Thiswas taughtin theearly connection Christian texts. • Scientists have been duped just as much as 'spiritual' people. When the Keylontic Sciences become the normal wa will y of being, humanit y reclaim itssoul. • Signs of4th Strand Activation: thisis ver y helpful information not justin understanding our own processes butalso inbeing ofservice toothers who are having these experiences but lack a framework orconte xt inwhich tocomprehend them. • "Every oneofyou hasa 15-dimensional identit y and itis therewithyou fromthe time you areborn. The only reasonyou don't remember itis becauseof the distortion thatwe alltake onwhen wecome into incarnation here on Earth." As adults, we would naturally beable toachie ve abase-12 activationof our DNA. Becauseof thedistortion hereon earth,we are only ableto reacha Base-3DNA activation. • YourHigher Dimensional parts,which youcould refer toas yourspiritual identitybetween dimensions 4 and15, can'tanchor consciously ina bodypattern that only has a Base-3 DNA strand activation. Through specificbio-regenesis, however, youcan reactivate theinactive DNA strands andprogressively bring yourHigher Dimensionalelves S backinto your incarnate consciousness . Youwill beginto remember who youare andwhat you cameto do.
THESOUL® This workshopconsistsof6CDs & a68-pageHandbook. Each CDcontainsa lectureand agu idedmeditation. Informationin thisworkshopincludes: of multiThe 'road-map' through thecontours dimensional human anatomy, throughwhich the interwoven biological andspiritual aspectsof hum an evolution canbe understood andconsciously accelerated .•The primary objective ofthis progr am is: "To accelerate theBio-spiritual Evolution, through expansion ofthe personalconsciousness and integration ofthe spiritualaspects ofBeing".
he paradigm of Bio-Spiritual Evolution recognizes theintimate connection between the human DNA, multi-dimensionalvels le of identity and anatomy, and the spiritual inte gration The focus ofthis program isto provide process. practical techniques of bio-energetic mechanics through which the consciousness can expand y b integrating the constructs of the multi-dimensional anatomy. You will become acquainted with the basic structure of15 Dimensional Human Anatomy and the energetic Hova Bodies, which house themultithe dimensional awareness. You will encounter identity aspects of the Incarnate, the Soul and Archetype, the Over-Soul and Monad, and the Avatar, Rishi, God-self and God-Seed that correspond tothis basicanatomy structure. The Tangible Structure of the Soul course is designed specifically to create a strong energetic alignment between you and your Highest Identity levels sothat your expansion ofconsciousness can proceed unimpeded and your exploration into the frontiers ofmulti-dimensional being canunfold safel y in agentle manner. It ishighly recommended tostud y thisprogram in conjunction withthe Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing® system. The Tangible Structure course eleased wasr before the12th dimensional Maharic frequency was an ideal anchored here on Earth and istherefore preparator y and supportive step forany newcomer starting touse the"Maharic Seal"technique .. Itthus begins tobuild thelower currents alltheywa upto the eleventh dimension, bringing the frequencies 39
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®Series PresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
from dimension 4through to 11into our bio-field and consciousness. When used inconjunction with theKathara BioSpiritual Healing® program, theTangible Structure program will greatly amplif y the strength of one's personal Maharic Seal, the core technique ofKathara Level One. and exercises of There are specific techniques consciousness that will begin toopen thefields of higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment into
since its primary purpose isto establish astrong connection between you and your Levels of Higher Consciousness. However, it is also useful to integrate the mental body inthe process ofbiospiritual evolution and extremely valuable tohave accesstoso much foundation material insuch an accessible reference format.
the earthly conscious awareness. techniques The are geared towards assisting you to make a conscious connection with these transcendent portions of yourselfand towards accelerating the natural bio-energetic processes by which these portions of your awareness into can be brought conscious embodiment. You will l earndirect applications of Keylontic Morphogenetic Science, through which you can begin to transform your reality to ahigher level ofjoy by healing and realigning the blueprints oflightand soundupon which your manifest reality is built. The techniques areeas y tofollow and one only of the ideas understanding needs a rudimentary presented within the included lectures, i?-ord~r to receive the benefit s of the Keylontic SCience techniques provided. . The Lectures provided a on each CD provide short orientation to thesubject matter featured in the technique on the same CD, to assist one in becoming familiar with theconcepts and terminology used in the exercises. contains an abridged The 68-page H andbook transcript of all lectures, plus an extensive and detailed glossary ofthe terms used inthis program. The latter is an extremely valuable reference, with Master, sections on topics such as Ascended Avatar, the Crystal Body, Dimensions, the GodSeed Kundalini, Merkaba, Miasms, Monad and man; other terms which are used extensively throughout later publi cations ofthe Azurite Press. It companion for further is thus anindispensable study, serving to clarify these terms asunderstood within the paradigm ofKeylontic Science. Also included in themanual isa Summary Charts section which provides helpful diagrams and 'information bites' related to the Bio-Spirit ual Evolution process. It is not necessary to review all the technical information inorder to use this program successfull y,
is more he first section of this workshop experiential in nature: understanding and practicing energy sensing, visualization and the creativepower ofthought. for The second section provides a context understanding who and what the Indigo Children are, their historical signifi cance and whyso many Indigos have incarnated here atthis time. Chil d' refersto bothyoung The term 'Indigo children AND adults.. Anawareness ofthe Indigo phenomenon can be of assistance not only. in ascertaining one's own life purpose, but also eqwps one tobe of genuine service to others who carry this The accompanying handbook genetic imprint. contains all charts and summaries used in the workshop. in thetopics that are discussed Included in these materials are thefollowing: • There are 3 types of Indigos: Th eir purposes include: . Type 1:Planetary grid workprojects Type 2: Tobring back the 12-strand potential Type 3: Tohelp solve thepolarity imbalances of the races. The genetic code ofthe Indigo is the key to their purpose. The gene code is more than what appearsto be DNA onthe 3-dimensionallevel. Scientists use th e term DNA tomean the core blueprint ofthe human gene code, but what they are callin g DNA is reall y achemical translation ofonly a l" e. . or " ter;npat small portion of the core blueprint Understanding the nature ofour DNA rings b us understanding about the relationship between 40
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
The Indigos are our bodies, minds and SPlf1tS. bringing backthe knowledge of ourgenetic heritage. Indigos, we needtounderstand • To understand the ascension process. The experience ofmatter is built on acore ofconsciousness. involves Fire Lettersor • Coreconsciousness scalar wavepatterns that, when activated within the DNA, allow the body to turn to light, all owing particle and anti-particle tofuseand turn into 'fire' to the next. from one dimension and transmute Distortions inthe Fire Lettersleads todistortions in the DNA. Because ofdistortions, only 3of the 12 DNA strands represe of nting the 12-dimensions Ourselves arec urrently active. • The history of ourEarth Races isa history of "bio-spiritual evolution". Indigos areboth ancient and future races . • Indigos and Humans are part ofwhat arecall ed "Guardian Races". • About 99% ofautistic children are Indigo 3's. Autism occurs when the non-Christiac Being within the Indigo 3person tries to take over the Christiac Being (Oraphim), shutting itdown and freezing the person's abili ty tocommunicate. This results in the personali ty going into terror. An "inner war" is going on inside on anunconscious level. • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Alot of these infants are Indigo children. Thechild Being findsa way OUTbecause they realize they're not going tobe able to activate the gene code the way ht ey had intended, and not going tobe able todo what they came todo. So they leave and look foranother body as quickly aspossible. and jaundice as • Indigos often have asthma infants and often havespleen problems because the body is not quite ready to handle that level of frequency. • Atan early age,Indigos will have bleed-through because they have 2 sets of from Parall el Earth memories running concurrently, They might also be birthing witha lot ofincarnational memory running before they open their eyesorbefore they talk. because they • Authority isan issue forIndigos , have ahigher authority, theirconnection to Source, and ifyou try to violate that they aregoing to push back. Experiences of Indigo Children on drug therapy. between consciousn ess is reall y • Angelic Dimensions 6and 9. Bothterms 'ET'and 'angel' a cn Our be misleading and set youup for manipulation.
and stell ar heritage and the fact that all Humans Indigos possess E T genes. • [Holism: away ofusing ourminds that isfrom a and that will change higher level of consciousness things that goon'out here'. Ifwe want toheal our world, we need to learn to use our minds differently. • What weperceive asli ght here issomet hing that has an oscillation rate that's a f ster than that ofour light: we are imagining w ave own. Imagining patterns of higher frequency. When we do visuali zations, when we use our mindsreatively c inside, weare creating literal manifestation patterns by using the core ofcreation which is scalar waves. We are directing them withLight. • The connection between heart chakra andastral Ways ofhaving intimacy without doing harm body. to ourselves/while still protecting the integrity ofour own bio-fields. • Importance of doing the Maharic Seal before any energy work. Energy sensing. Learning to sense each other as energy/seeing beyond the illusions. Sensing energy signatures . Meditation: (6th finding our Sirian Dimensional) Selves. From theaccompanying
The Indigos are intruth representativesof avery OLD BREED of consciousness once prevalent on Earth, and intheir re-emergence to-day they serve as harbingers ofour race evolution, theway-showers of things tocome, asour race evolution moves closer to its intended hidden destination.
41 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
INTRODUCTION This lectureand workshop with thetitle: HUMANITY'S
AN INTRODUCTION (27-page handbook
was filmed in1999
graphs and charts)
The DVDs andhandbookcoverthef oll owingtopics:
n overview of Matter Template Spiritual Science, Prim al Order, Primal Substance and • The Truth of the Elements of Creation. Christ period. and its • The Sphere of Amenti positi on at earth's core and its role in our evolution .• The Bridge Zone Project. •The Stell ar Bridge: an bridge thatbrings new electromagnetic frequency scalar waves,new sound/li ght spectra and new electromagnetic waves ni to earth's electromagnetic fields. Thisbegan inthe year 2000 with the opening of the 4thVortex. This hasnot happened on earth since 200, 000 years ago. •Tara: the Harmonic-2 counterpart ofHarmonic-l Compared to here Earth. on earth, Tara represents future time. Time represents stations of particle pulsation. •Ho va bodies and Harmonic universal structure. Hova: Triadic Harmonic Light-Sound Grid.•The origins of the Illuminati races in the Orion Star system. • Activating the Silicate Matrix DNA Template , and guidelines for raising the frequency of the human Grounding body andDNAactivation. •Technique: the dimension-S archetype into the Nada Hova Body. Some quotes fromthe workshop: As youwork with spiritualintegration, what you are reall y doing is activating dormant codes ofthe Silicate Matrix gene code in the DNA. They are intimately intertwined. • Keylontic Morphogenetic Science is the Point ofUnion between scientific and spiritual perspective , through which we can begin tounderstand the realityofour connection to the Divine and tocomprehend the purposes for and processes ofour person al evolution. •Dimensional Ascension is aprocess in which weare allinvolved subconsciously. It isnow time for us to become conscious ofit. •ET invol vement has been ere h all through the whole development of our ideological systems inall cultures from the Sumerians, Egyptians.
Al l cultures have been affected byit. Wenow have the chance toget out of Harmonic Universe 1for the first time in several hundred years. • thousand Without mutations' we would normall y increase pulsation rhythms along with the planet. With the mutations, this acceleration willmean anacceleration of the body of time, of ageing, of deterioration matter. Wecan change this . Time acceleration w.ill affect everybody differently. The DNA and spiritual evolution are totally intertwined with each other. Anew understanding of what it means to evo lve, biologically and spiritually. You can learn toprotect yourself quite easily once you understand your parts and whatto do with them, •If you want tochange the structure of something or change theway itworks, you need to go to theblueprint which contains the instructions and LEARN and restructure how to re-program certain configurations in your Morphogenetic Fields in order toundo blockagesthat have beenput ere h by DNA mutations that have been caused by the Illuminati races. The Dimension-S Archetype identity sets the pattern for the incarnational identity here in (symbol Harmonic-1. • Wework with geomancies codes) becausethey reathekey. They willput Light and Sound waves inour bodies intotheright form.• Through understanding the foundation structures upon whichthe obdy andconsciousnessare builtwe can learn to consciously direct the path of, and accelerate, our personal biological and spiri tual evolution, rejoining theraces ofHigher Evolution. • Human evolution is and always has been the process of Dimensional through Ascension Frequency Accretion. Through Keylontic Morphogenetic Science wecan learn toguide and accelerate from a conscious lev el, process our evolutionary rather thanallowing genetic distortions to control our is the Evolution evolutionary destiny. •Spiritual process of Higher Identity Embodiment, and physical evolution is the product of Spiritual Evolution, which creates progressive bodily transmutation. We have within our consciousness everything we need tobegin the process ofpreparing our bodies for DNA activation. •Every timeyou think athought a pattern of scalar waves and sound you arecreating frequencies whichthe bodyand Morph ogenetic Field translate as program/ creating patternsth at willrun 42
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. Copyright A'sha-yana &A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved
Intro toKS, continued Field and directly affect it. Ifyou the Morphogenetic learn this, you arepowerful. here,are literall y What seemlike just 'words' 'programs' within theMorphogenetic Field. These programs direct how certain things are going towork If you aretaught that Field. in theMorphogenetic you cannot you're sending a control your DNA, thought pattern into your Morphogenetic Field that stops you from affecting your DNA. This ishow powerful your thoughts are. Thought is the substance you aregoing tobe using inKeylontic Morphogenetic Science. • Visualizations are creations oflight patterns . When you make symbols inyour head thatare made of light you are pull ing light and sound patterns~rom 4, S& 6or higher. When you direct Dimensions thoseimages createdwith multi-dimensional light throughyour body /chakra system in cert ain ways, you candirectly affectth e programs. to Ascension is our return • Dimensional Innocence , the wholene ss of Identity and At-Onement with Source that we knew before entering dimensional realit y.
Deane Ekr. MCEO
by theAuthor of Introduction the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System@
he "Universall y Applicable" Kathara Biospiritual ex~l?res Healing Syste~® concepts Spiritual of Holistic Healing, Development, "Kundalini" energyand "Chakras" within a veryspecific, detailed format of advanced spiritualscience perspective. energies are part Kathara teaches that "Kundalini" of alarger, very specific system oforganic Primal Life Force Currents that circulate energy & consciousness from a singular Source (or GodSource) through all of creation, including through our own multi-dimensional bodies &consciousness. energies arethosePrimal Currents "Kundali ni" particularly pertaining to the Dimension-1 through Dimension-9 jrequenry bands; Dimension-10 through dimension-12Currents are calledthe Maharata or "Inner Christos"Currents. Dimension-13 through Dimension-IS Currents are call ed the Kee-Ra-ShA Currents of the PrimalL ight Fields, andtheresi aset of 9non-dimensionali zed Currents above these call ed the Khundaray Currents ofth e PrimalSound Fields. us h The Kathara System is designed toelp progressively reawaken the fullspectrum of Primal
43 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
and their specificall y Lif e Force Currents corresponding levels ofspiritual consciousne ss/ higher-dimensional identity, within our bodies, through activating the D-12 Maharata Current "carrier wave". The D-12 Maharata Current ohlds what iscalled the origina4pre-mattermanifestationtemplate for rnind-body-spiri t health, what we call the "Personal Divine Blueprint" or "Inner Christos". Activation of the Maharata Current within the body progressive ly brings the 9-dimensional Kundalini Currents below it in frequency into progressive, undistorted, sequenced naturall y activation, toreset theorganic blue print forhealth within spiri t-rnind-body the multi-dimensional system. The process of progressively reawakening the "Inner Christos" Divine Blueprint within the body simultaneously awakens the corresponding "Personal Christos Consciousness" to assist usni achieving progressive Spiritual Integration in our Conscious Evolution to "God (or Source) Reali zation" and "God Actuali zation". System, Kathara® also teaches fothe 15-Chakra the very specific frequencies ofthe interdir nensional Triadic Phase Currents and the corres ponding levels of consciousness awareness and spiritual identity, within the greater context of veryspecifi c 1S-Dimensional Anatomy, which includes theDNA Template, "Auric Field", "Axiom Lines" and what are called the Scalar Shieldsand Merkaba Fields. The Kathara® System isunique inthat itmost signifi cantly teaches usthe specific structure of the Universal interdimensional Unified Field itself,as well asquite specifically how our personal spirit-mind-body system fits and sustains within this structure. The Kathara® System iss uitable for individual and client healingpersonal healing applications facilitation, is compatible with anyother he ali ng modality, and will serve to amplify the healing potentials of other systems. The Kathara® System, introduced inthe Kathara Instructor's Healing System® Bio-spiritual Manual represents KatharaLevel-1and an Introduction to Level-2 ofwhat isdestined to become a12-level healing program that is focused on "whole-being through spiritual progressive biological and awakening". I
Kathara® is as much a course on (nondenominational, dogma-free) Spiritual Integration mechanics as itis aHoli stic Healing course; The Kathara System® is part ofa much largerb ody of sacred spiritual-science teachin gs. From the Kathara® Level-1-2 Course, one may use Kathara® technology forpersonal lifeenrichment Kathara® supplementation or offer and hea l ing spiritual healing-facilitation to clients. One can also teach the Kathara® System if desired, through use of the Easy-reference Instructor's Sequence pages (page numbers at top right ofselected pages) included withinthe te xt ofthe Kathara Bio-spiritual Healing System Instructors Manual. Instructor's Sequence pages areformatted specificall y for transparency for use reproduction, with over-head projection equipment in class presentation. (Information on how to become a recognized Kathara® Healing facilitator andteac her is found in the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System® manual avail able from the Recommended Products forNewcomerssection of thewebsite). To supplement Kathara® Level 1-2 technologies, the Tangible Structure the of Soul® Accelerated Bio-spiritual Evolution Program audio techniques courseis available toamplify the effects of Kathara® practices. Though Kathara® Levels 4-12are not presently avail able, (atthe time oforiginal writing) one may to the more progress from Kathara® Level-1-3 advanced spiritual development materials of the Maharata Texts "Dance For" Pro gram. The Maharata Texts"Dance For"Program util izes of our personal, planetary and the understanding universal 15-Dimensional Anatomy, and Unified Field Physics, that is introduced in theKathara® Course,as the starting point for more advanced spiritual development technologies. The Maharata Texts "Dance For" Program is specifically focused upon developing Real BioSpiritual (Biological & Spiritual) Mastery through progressive a pplication of advanced DNA Template, Primal Life Force, Spiritual Consciousness and Merkaba Mechanics.
44 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
& SUBJECT MATTER Subjects covered inthis article: • Thefundam ental Why study Kathara @ Healing? paradigms behind and within theKathara@ programs· What todo ifyou want tostudy Kathara @ • Summarized list ofcontents The Kathara Biowithin Spiritual Healing S ystem@
of Kathara® he study of the Foundations Healing isbenefici al not onlyto those who wish toact ashealing facilitators forothers, but also to an yone who wishes to gainaclearer of all subsequent Azurite Press understandin g publications. Healing sets the groundwork, Kathara® providing a comprehensive overview of universal structures, alwayswith theunderstanding that these are the structures which each one of us, as consciousness, haschosen toembod y inthe journey of exploration ofmanifestation. It is thusbeneficial to study theFoundation Level, notonly inthe earl y stages ofstudying Kathara ® orKeylontic Science,but also toreview thislevel fromtime totime evenas e w explore themoreadvanced materials. One canexplore Kathara® through Home Stud y, Bio-Spiritual Healing System® via The Kathar a (please refer to the Recommended Newcomers Products section ). Itis alsorecommended to attenda Kathara® course offered bya registered member of the Kathara Allianceor Kathara Team. (Information is availableon themain website). The study ofKathara® isan ongoing one,which reaps continuous benefits. Asone works with the t suggested techniques, one begins to have direc experience of the described phenomena, and the journey becomes anexciting oneof directcognition and re-cognition! The followingsummary ofthe materialoffered in Kathara LevelOne issimpl y intended togivean idea of therange andscope ofmaterial whichis covered truly only scratches the surface of what is but contained inthe manualand workshop recordings. The Kathara® Manual is a treasure trove of information which continues to be a valuable reference atall sta ges ofstudy.
order tothe "Healing emerges through restoring ONE-SYSTEM and itsinfinite parts"
If one isto become fluentin theartand science of Bio-Spiritual Healing Facilitation it isnecessary to become familiar with theprimary structures ofenerJ!)' within which existence takes ace. pl Without this understandin g, one willbe unable toidentify thetrue natureofsystemsand theiri ntrinsicfunctions. If we donot understand the intrinsic order ofa system andth e elements thatmake upits parts , our the organicfunctions ofthe syst e»: ability tocomprehend will be limited. Without comprehension of the intrinsic dynamics inherent to a system our perceptions will belimited toobserving theeffects of ving thecausal systems function, rather thanpercei elements behind andwithin theapparent, observ able effects. In relation to the health and healing of the human bod y, itis wise toview the human Bodyas aseries of interwo ven organism Mind-Spirit systems, each with inherent, implicit order, the perceivable andobserv able aspects ofwhich represent the effects of systems function . The observable effects ofthe human condition emerge froman as and causal order, a hidden yet unidentified mysterious source out of which the manifest effects ofhuman existence emerge. Holistic Healingapproaches human health and healing interms oftheinterdependentrelationshipsbetween multzple interwoven systems. The Body-Mind-Spirit organism isviewed interms ofthe intrinsicrelationships that unitethe multipleystems s ofthe human being, rather than interms of theobservableboundariesthat to separate and divide the multiple systems appear inherent tothe humanor ganism. HEALING Holistic Healing, andKATHARA® particularly, takes the concept of intrinsic unity within theseemingly separate ystems s ofthe human being one step further than simple interrelationship between physical, mental and spiritual aspects of human experience. the of Kathara® Healing, In the paradigm human organism is viewed asa setof interwoven systems that isitself part ofa larger system of interdependent systems. The human individual is not only recognized asa singularset ofunifiedparts, but
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings@ SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. Copyright A'sha-yana &A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved
rather asan intrinsicpart of the species, planetary, galactic, universal and cosmic systems within which human existence finds context for being. of Energy and The Cosmic Unified Field Consciousness is viewed astheindelible medium within which all reali ty takes place, and human existence is viewed in terms of itsrelationshipto.this interwoven, interdependent greater Meta-.rystem of systems. of thehuman being The health andwell-being is directly related toand affected bythe systemsfunction of thegreater Unified Field. In order to understand better andot facilitate the health and healing of biological organisms, it is useful to understand basic order andjunction of the the UNIFIED the context in which lifeitself FIELD: takes place. Kathara® Healing is an ancient system of Holistic Heali ng, dating back beyond currently identif ied recorded human history. The principles of Universal Order astaught within Kathara® Theory presentabroader than is at context of universality present recognized by contemporary western science. Kathara® of is built upon Laws Multidimensional Universal Physics, laws of intrinsic nature with which western scienceis not yet Healing, the hidden order of familiar. In Kathara® universal.rystemsis recognized and the foundations of Kathara® demonstrate the intenuouen.rystemsfunctions between the human being and the order of the Unified Field. and To develop proficiency genuine skill within the art and science of Holistic Healing, the basic order ofthe Unified Field must be understood. For with this understanding comes theabil ity to directlYinteractwith and influencethecausalelements of the humanexperience. For this reason, the teachin g of Kathara® Healing begins with providing abasic format through which the CONTEXT a of Healing canbe und erstood: glimpse at the intrinsic order of the Universal Unified Field. With foundations grounded in coherent systems the Kathara® Healing facilitator has relationships, more knowledge, power and comprehension to bring to the art and scienceof ea h ling facilit ation. Through comprehension of the intrinsic systems of universal Facilitator order, the Kathara® progressively evolves to embrace the of unity SELF within the Unified Field,opening to an ever-expanding capacity of spiritual
of awakening and theembodim ent UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. The physical, mental and spiritual aspects of human anatomy represent one interdependent, interwoven system that is continuallYin arelationshipto the Unified Field.This be relationship must acknowledged and embraced if true health and healing areto occur. Human evolution is aBioSpiritual the process . The body and consciousn ess, are the biology and the sp irit, inseparably intertwined within themselves and within the greater order ofthe Unifiedield. F for Fixing symptoms does not restore theImprint Health; it simply masks from view the causal elements through which non-health manifested . Kathara Healing takes holism to the core of ts i meaning. It goesto the core of the hologramwhere dis-easemanifests. Diseaseordisharmonic conditions originate in the core template. Energy and consciousness are synonymous: The Unified one impli es theother. Field of Energy is also the Unified Field of Consciousness. True Science has a spiritual core and true spiri tuali ty has itsintrinsic translation within the Laws of Energy thatgovern themanifestation ofuniversal cosmos is systems. The core substance of the consciousness. of Thought is an attribute consciousness, thefilter through which consciousness manifests itself intothe Hologram of Form. Nothing is truly solid. The only difference be tween a thought anda manif est thing isthe frequenc y ofthe observer. OVERVIEW
The Foundation Coursein Kathara@Healing divided intofour m ajor sections:
1. The Context ofHe aling Structure of the Unif ied Field and the Multidimensional Anatomy of Form 2. The Elements ofHealing The Human Body Kathara® and theMultidimensionalAnatomy of theHuman F orm. 3. Kathara Healing Beginning Applications
26 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
Creating Field Integrity Knowledge Base
and Building
4. General Kathara ® Healing Skill s to facilit ate Heali ng
Field Work
Section One: The Conte xt ofHealing By understanding the process by which consc.iousness enters manifestation, weare reclaiming We our ability tohave ourpower and touse itwell. learn what we have to play with! Kathara® is,in essence,acourse in learning to We were created as have ahandle onour hologram. manifesters, witha natural giftof being able to create. Our thoughts are things. Kathara® outlines the elements that make up theMorphogenetic Field, the thought form fieldor energy field behind manifest objects, thelevel from which true healing and integration can be affected. T opies inSection Oneinclude: of all form.Understanding • Themultidimensionalit y the stages ofmatter density, thelevels we (and all creation) mechanics: pass through. Creation introductory charts, which show how units of consciousness form progressively, through various stages and structures of Primal Order, into manifest holograms ofreality. • Thoughts ofGod become crystallized into manifest holographic forms that hold portions of Primal Substance: Discussion of Partiki, the smallest building blocks of matter, which form the templates upon which consciousness in all forms enters manifestation. The process by which Partiki Units perpetuall y convert conscious energy, continually cycling energy between the manifest and nonmanifest state, is called Partiki Phasing. The perception ofexternal physical matter, space and the passag e of time is created throu gh variance in relationship between rates ofPartiki Phasing. • Primal Order: working definitions ofterms suchas dimensions, frequency bands, scalar waves:the ways in which theprimal substance ofpartiki units organize themselves tocreate thehologram inwhich the experienceof manifestation cantake ace. pl
•Primal Purpose:the achievement of Transmutational Dimensional Ascension and CoCreative Mastery. Mastering the process of being in form andgetting back out of form. Regaining the ability to know oneself as conscious Source. Purpose , • Through fulfillm ent of the Primal humanity wil l regain of the Primal Condition Eternal Conscious At-ONE-ment with the Central Source of Creation, or GOD. • The Holographic Template: the dimensionalized blueprint of conscious li ght, sound and scalar (standing) waves within which the individual consciousness is stationed and upon which the illusion of the solidity of the body matteris formed. • Foundation diagrams including the Kathara Grid®, the 15Dimension al Time Matrix, The Universal Templar Complex, and the Basie Transduction Sequence of Consciousness into Biological Form. These are all diagrams which express core structures, where we learn about the primary building blocks and structures of universal anatomy. In Section Two, we learn how these elements translate directlyint o our personal anatomy. Section Two:The Elements ofHealing Through reviewing, inSection One,the underlying structures of manifest reality, we expand our perceptions of the nature of reality itself. We shif t from aperspective of viewing the realit y before usas one of separatemanifestationsdisconnectedfrom ourbeing,to a perspective of viewing realit y as anintricatesystemof intenuouen consciousness)to which we are intimatelY and indeliblYconnected. Suddenly we findthat we cannot be'leftout' of things. We cannot 'beon theout side as lifepasses u s There isno outside' ' inwhich wemay stand by'. separate, asb y the nature ofour xeistence we are an intrinsic element and force ofcreative effect within thewhole ofcreation. Through thisknowledge wecan begin totap the secrets ofSELF, aswe shiftfrom viewingourselve s as mortalcreaturestrappedwithinagross-matterfinitepfysical body, to KNOWING AS THE OURSELVES EXPRESSION SENTIENT OF CONSCIOUS, WAVE-STRATA- ETERNAL BEINGS ENSCONCED WITHIN AN ETERNAL
47 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
within which EnergyUNIVERSE, Consciousness cannot becreated or destroyed; it simply changes form perpetually. We move from perceiving ourselves as finite beings of limited power to affect aworld that is separatefrom us, toknowing thatwe arewalkingwaveforms withina sea ofinterrelatedwaveforms,and thatthe pattern ofour being operates asa n intrinsic part of the whole. ourselves in terms of As webegin toperceive the unlimited reality of ournature, rather than define oursel ves by thelimited bound of the aries manifest illusion before us, webeg in toreclaim our power toaffect desired chan ge within the contours of ourlives. In Kathara® Healing, knowledge isapplied as a tool through which one can grow intoeth from thinking or wisdom of direct experiencebeli eving,which areknowledge/data-based characteristics ofa mind perceiving itself asfinite -to KNOWING, through Direct Cognition of the Experience of Being, which is acharacteristic of a consciousness KNOWING itself as ETERNAL. In OF Section 2, THE ELEMENTS HEALING, of the we willapply the knowledge Context of Healing directly to itsrelevance interms of theHUMAN BODY. This section is an extremely valuable reference resource, asit presents detailed understanding of countless terms which are used throughout subsequent workshops and publi cations terms such asShields, DNA, Seals, Kundalini, Silicate Matrix, Axiom Linesand many more. Other topics include: as they apply directly tothe • Kathara® Mechanics human system. Gaining the knowledge of our 15 Dimensional Anatomy through which we may then effectively utilize Kathara® Mechanics Techniques to begin our journey into the EXPERIENTIAL REALITY OF HEALING. • The direct energetic connection between the Kathara® Grids of individuals and that of the planetary body, aconnection knownas the Planetary Bio-Feed Interface System. How to receive energy for healing directly from the Kathara® Grid ofthe Earth and, in turn, become atrue healing force for the planet itself.
• The real processeswithin and behind theexperience of growth time, so that we may finall y through identify the true causal element intrinsic to the degeneration and death ofthe body. • The functions ofthe Body-Mind-Spirit System as they are INTENDED to operate,ot identify areas in which malfunction is occurring, sothat wemay remedy the causa l factors toprogressively restorethe INTENDED INTEGRITY OF THE BODYMIND -SPIRIT System. We will reclaim our knowledge of our multidimensional anatomy, and rediscover the buried secrets of awakening the Imprint forHealth. • The 12 human senses. Section Three: Kathara Beginning Applic ations In the firsttwo sections, welearn ofthe structure human consciousness takes when entering the scalar fields of dimensionalization for the perceivable experience of manifestation. the In comprehending true structure ofmulti-dimensional anatomy, wecan begin to seethat there ismuch more to human consciousness than meets the eye-much more energy-identity beyond the view ofour operating 3-dimensionally focused earthly personalit y. There are portions ess of our consciousn stationed within the higher dimensional fields, and these expanded levels of ourselves hold knowledge perceptual and participate in experience beyond the usualrange ofour waking perceptions, the We can takean active hand in xepediting process ofour multi-dimensional evolution by using our Dimension 3mental body awarenessto direct our higher awareness into our current range of perception. We can begin tobuild aPERCEPTUAL betweenour 3rd Dimensional and Higher BRIDGE Dimensional Consciousness. Intaking theinitiative we for building this Bridge of Consciousness begin to stimulate our Higher Senses into operation, expediting the natural process of Higher Identity Integration and Bio-Spiritual Evolution.
48 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. Copyright A'sha-yana &A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All RightsReserved
Other topics include: • Techniques whichc an beused o t begin building this Perceptual Bridge: Tapping the Inner Mentor. and practice of the Maharic Shield, • Explanation the Core ofHealing The Mahara Therapeutics. Hova (Light-Sound) Bod y representshe t ORIGINAL POINT OF MANIFESTATIONthe creation point when consciousness moved from its purescalar-wave ofbeing into thedimensionalized scalar-grids through which the lil usion of external holographic projection could beexperienced. Itholds our original pattern of wholeness, our original CREATION which, in turn, is our IMPRINT, ORIGINAL IMPRINT FOR HEALTH. • Kathara® techniques employ elements such as color, symbol and sound; the reaso for each ns application are fully explained, thereby facilitating the and co-operation ofthe mental body, a development key factorin balanced and integrated growt h. use ofthe Maharic • Safetyin Healing Facilitation : Seal protects facilitator andclient from taking on bioenergetic field distortions fromeach other. • Useofthe Maharic Seal, and subsequent techniques, activates our connection with the Planetary Bio-Field Interface System, thus allowing us to become a conduit forreprogramming the energy systems ofthe planet.
• Regenesis of the Personal Christos through Multi-Vector Holographic Recoding: each of our simultaneous incarnations in time representsne o SINGLE VECTOR CONSCIOUSNESS each of , which represents T aIME VECTOR. Transmuting the Miasmic Imprint that isembedded inour DNA Template torestore the original perfect Primal Order Pattern' or Multiis called 'clearing the Karmic VECTOR HOLOGRAPHIC RECODING. • Afirst step towards Regenesis ofth e Personal Christos RECODING is the MAHARIC PROCESS , the steps ofwhi and ch are described practiced in this section. • Attitudes and Etiquette in Healing: adiscussion of genuine service tothe Divine. There si only one true motivation for participation in Healing Facil itation: the motive isLOVE. Postures of Love: soft love, tough love, self-love, omni-love, the illusion of martyrdom. Understanding that one can only bea 'healer' for oneself, but onecan beavery good healing facilitator forothers. • Running aclient session and the client agreem ent form.
Section Four: General Kath ara® Healing Fieldwork Skills toFacilitate Healing Topics include: • Opening the Healing Channels: buil ding connection to the higher dimensional levels ofour own identity, starting with the Doradicor Soul level.
time in accordance with personal intention, within the greater conte xt ofthe fixed Natural Energetic Laws of Creation. Karma can be viewed as CHAOTIC, incoherent energetic distortion, held in theform of miasms,which are the tangible substance ofour Karmic Pattern and which canbe most efficiently cleared 'as energy with energy'.
an The Kathara® Manual also contains Introduction to Level 2, covering topics such as Merkaba, the Tribal Shield, Universal Life Force Currents, a more Radial Body, Veca Codes, detailed chart of the Transduction-Manifestation Sequence, as well as useful maps, charts and summaries relating tothe 'bigger picture' of planetary phenomena.
• The Nature ofKarma: e thresult ofan incarnate being's Manifestation Template and Conscious Awareness becoming misaligned with theenergetic structure of Divi ne Right Order is called Karma. Human consciousness, ni its multidimensional forms, was designed 'inthe image ofits Creator', hav i ng Free Wil l toapply the dynamics ofenergeti c creati on in 49 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMeEOlnc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,All RightsReserved
is not difficultto understand how APPROPRIATELY DIRECTED THOUGHT can directly influence the function of the personal Manifestation Template scalar blueprint. All thoughts serve ht is purpose, and directly affect the observable state of the mind -body -spirit system and the manifestation ofevents within the external lifedrama. THOUGHTSARE THINGS -SCALAR WAVE of multi-dimensional vibrating CONFIGURATIONS patterns of BI-POLAR ELECIROMAGNETIC ENERGY RADIATION, which form SPECIFIC PATTERNS OFSCALAR FREQUENCY within the personal MANIFESTATION TEMPLATE. Undirected thought cr eates chaoticpatternsithin w the Manifestation Template, while thought directed through clear intention creates ordered patterns within theManifestation Templ ate. Thought direct ed OF THE with clearintention and KNOWLEDGE STRUCTURE OF SUBTLE-BODY ANATOMY, is avery potent formofSCALARPOWER. frequency that The patterns of scalar energy thought projects into the personal Manifestation Template serve as ELECTROMAGNETIC OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS within the Template, directly affecti ng the conditions that will be met inmanifest xperience. e To de velop skillin the manifestation process, the conscious "intending" mind mustbecomeamili f ar with the"LANGUAGE OF SCALAR WAVES", asthis isthe"LANGUAGE AND SOUND" upon which the OF LIGHT Manifestation Templ ate operates. The "language of scalar waves" is "spoken" through the forms of specific wave spectra, forms that appear tothe conscious 3-dimensional mind as frequencies of SOUND, spectra of LIGHT or COLOR, andshapes orSYMBOLS. Bio-Regenesis Technolo gies represent applications of ScalarMechanics thatutili ze theinherent powerof SUBTLE WAVE FORMS tocre ate desired change within thecore Manifestation Template ofthe bod y. Within thisprocess, COLOR and SYMBOL become through which the 3-dimensionally TOOLS conscious mindbec omes empo wered topartic i pate in the Soul and hi gher conscious co-creation with dimensional spiritualp ortions ofidentity. as and Symbol possess power Color MATHEMATICALLY of ENCODED directors scalar frequency; theultimate effect ofthis directed power isthe abilitytoaffect thescalar arrangement s of theManifestation Templ ate.
scalar waves a re specif ic points of Intrinsicall y, vibrating bi-polar energy signatures. Vibration of energy units createspatterns ofinternal and external SOUND, within and beyond the range of 3dimensional detection. The Manifestation Template canbe conc eptualized OF SOUND FABRIC as an INTERWOVEN FREQUENCY, the "Silent Symphony" ofpersonal and universal being. The toolsof Colorand Symbol affect the the scalar-wave arrangement of Manifestation Template, and thusalter the vibrational TONES within the personal patterns of SOUND blueprint. COLORand SYMBOL arethe to ols for the direction ofSOUND, andintentional applic ation of SPECIFIC SOUND TONES canalso beused in conjunction with Color and Symbol, to further amplify one'spower to interact withthe Manifest ation Template. Along with thetechniques ofColor and Symbol direction,TONING, or theintentional gener ation of specific sounds toaffect ethManifestation Template, is also utilizedin Bio-Regenesis technologies and the spiritual expansion programs of Keylontic Science. Spoken Language itself is aform ofTONING, with it's accompanying SYMBOL ALPHABET, and like all Symbol andSound Tone, ourlanguagesectly dir Template andthe affect thepersonalManifestation level ofconsciousne ss thatcan manifest throu gh the body. The COLORS, SYMBOLSand SOUNDS usedin Keylontic Science Bio-Regenesis technologies are drawn STANDARD from a UNIV ERSAL LANGUAGE OF "SCALAR SPEAK", through which precise scalar frequencies are generated through specific Color-Symbol-Sound sequenc es to create very specific effects within Manifestation Templates. The Bio-Re genesis Techniques presentl y offered represent only the beginning of our reawakening to this vast body of Sacred Science knowledge. Many Bio-Regenesis techniques utilizing ColorSymbol sequence scala r mechanics areaccomp anied by a correspondin g On a exercisein TONING. personal level,throu gh this specific seriesof Tonin g, dormant strands inthe DNA Templatecould be progressively brought into activation, toexpedite the process of SpiritualActualization, Holistic Healing and building of the PERSONAL MERKABA VEHICLE within thebio-energetic field . 51
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
'In thebeginningwasthe Vozd (Still -point:ManU)* and withintheVoid GodspoketheWord (pre-soundvibration:EirA) And from theWord cam etheLight (pre-lightoscill ation:ManA) And from theLight cameAll Creation oftheHigherandLowerHeavens'
Dancefor Life Handbook
are vast fields of he Primal Sound Fields Conscious Living Energy that form the first expression ofSource/God into manifestation. These Sound Fields form the Conscious energy that is "stepped down" into the next expression ofGod in the Primal Light Fields. of God/Source stepping down In the process Li ving Units of Consciousness into matter, Sound energy orfrequency is "stepped down" into Living Light Energy or frequency. Th e Light Fields are madeofa more "dense" frequency than theS ound Fields since they are the next step "down" inthe creationof solidmatter. One could thinkof the PrimalSound Fields asthe in Song of Creation. Everything Inside manifestation has its core song, and every matter form has acore songor "frequency" which is 'unique to it, as an These expression of God/Source. Conscious Living Sound Fields, arealso known as the Ascended Master collectives. Every form of matteror energy construct hasa characteristic pattern of Partiki Phasing. Partiki Phasing is theprocesswhereby thesmallest unitsof energy substance or consciousness, known asPartiki, flash onand off. Variations in the rh ythms and sequences ofPartiki Phasing, which areinessence, variations ofthe creativee xpression ofGod/Source, manifest as mathematical formations, such as symbols, and also as rhythmic andtonalsequences, such assound andmusic. Each thought wethink creates an electro-magnetic (light and sound) signature of energyithin w the "f y" Morphogenetic field. Depending onthe requenc or energy signature ofthese thou ghts, they can serve to either raiseor lower thefrequency levels within our bodies, bio-field and consciousness.
the "frequency" of externalized Like thoughts, sound and light can also directly affect the Morphogenetic field and inturn, ourbodies, biofi elds and consciousness. Both thoughts and spoken language have theabilit y to create alterations inthe Morphogenetic fi eld. The electro-magnetic impulses emerging from bothoral and written language can therefore affect the function of our DNA template, physical body and embodied consciousness. In effect, language patterns translate into mathematical codes, which then serve as operational instructions for the body-mind-spirit system. In the Keylontic the Science techniques, language andsound tonescontain the frequencies of the original divine blueprintand areused to help and restore the divine blueprint into our body consciousness.
nuhaZi is theoriginal first externall y spoken language inour Timem atrix andisthe natural language of the Christos Founders Races from Density 5(Dimensions 13, 14& 15). (please see - The Eieyani and CDT Teachings 'The MCEO plates' article for definition of the word 'Christos' within theFreedom ea T chings) Anuhaziisalso the the Eloheioriginal language ofancient ancestors, Elohim races, and thebasis of all spoken language on Earth today. It ishowever more complex than our contemporary Earth languages, because it is comprised of144 letters. The Anuhazi language ismade upof tones and /Source sounds that carry the frequency of God creation. Itcontains thefrequenc y oforiginal Divine Intent and isthus aform ofC onscious Living Light. Every sound and tone within the language resonates with the energy template underlying all manifest forms , when intheiroriginal Divine form. One could thinkof Anuhazias thespo ken language of our DNATemplate! of Creation where th e It isthe trueLanguage name (or sound) of anything in manifestation corresponds directl y toits tonalenerg y signature. Anuhazi isused inKe ylontic Sciencetechniques in the formof songs,affirmation s andspecific SoundBy using these techniques, we Tone programs. infuse our bio-fields and DN A Template with the frequencies ofthe rO iginal Divine Blueprint. 53
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings@SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
The songsused inKe ylontic Sciencecontain the Keys to this Original for Divine Blueprint Creation andthus areoften eferred r toas theSacred Psonns. These Psonnsare audible-tone translations ofwhat are calledSpecific FireLetter sequences within the intricate structure ofour DNA template . Useof the Psonns activates these Fire Letters inthe personal serve to begin the DNA Template, which then process of DNA template Healing and Biological Ascension. English word patterns such as those in the Linguistic Grids Template Reprogramming (LTR's) can also help us to restore the Divine Blueprint within our DNA template. The use of specific affirmations in specific sound tone combinations, such asthose inthe 'AM/PM IAM (found in the'Tangible Structure of the GRID', Soul available on the Newcomers Recommended Product list)set powerful electro-magnetic programs within theDNA Template forexpedited Healing . VECACODES Note:
For anintroductory explanationofthe Veca codes Healing please refer to theKathara Bio-Spiritual System® in Phase1of the Recommend ed Newcomers Products, andass istance withthe Techniquesisfound withthe 'Essential Newcomers Techniques CD~ alsolisted in Phase1 ofthe RecommendedNewcomers Productssection. For an expanded explanation ofthe Veca Codes and associated techniquespl ease rifer to the'Dance For'
as listed in Phase 2 ofthe Recommended Newcomers Products.
eca Codes are very specific SYMBOL CODES, each possessing corresponding Sound Tones orArieas. Working withthese codes in addition to the Maharic Shield and the
the Divineblueprint withinour DNA template. The VecaCode exercisesalso assistus inopening the Maharic Shield to the Rishiac Shield and balancing the new frequencies that have been anchoring onEarth sincethe year2000. (TheRishi Shield isat thelevel ofour Beingin the5th Density or Harmonic Universe Leve l, inthe Primal Light Fields.) In practical terms, the Veca Code technologies facilitate healingof thesubconscious mind,helping us
to interceptincoming distortions or miasms that block theflow ofGod/Source perpetual Life-force energy flowing through our multidimensional anatomy. Thishealing willin turnallow usto receive, hold and transmit greater andgreater quantities of interdimensional frequencies forour ownand Client Healing facilitation. Veca Codesare specificallyused forRadial Body healing. The Radial Body is composed of five Hova Body tissue-like capsules ofpre-sound, prelight life-force energyaround andwithin us.These capsules surround each density level ofour own multi-dimensional anatomy . Although theRadial Bod y isdescribed asa tissue it is a highly specific 3-dimensional capsule, structure within which manifestation of matter occurs. Itis alsothe projection screenfor thecreation of our"holographic experience". Distortions within our RadialBodies createdistorted holograms andthus directly determine thequality ofthe lifewe experience as manifestaround us. The RadialBody couldbe thought ofas theliving within which the consciousness, heldin our theatre DNA and entire energetic structure, can be experienced as a 3D hologram.t Iis like the holographic refraction lens that allowsthe hologram to movethrough us. form, this In its original Divine Blueprint Holographic Template within theRadial Bodyis the original God/Source thought-form construct upon which ouruniversal structureis perpetually re-created. The Veca Code technologies elphus clear the Radial Body distortions and regain the abilit y to undergo RadialBody mergerat will . Thisthen allows us to activate the multiple levels of our natural Vehicle, facilitatingactivation ofthe Flame Merkaba Body, inpreparation for-biologicalascension. Each time we work with the Veca Code technologies wer elease moreand morelevels ofthe Radial Bodylocks, whichhold thelevels ofthe Radial Body separatefrom eachother . The 5High Veca Codes formone ofa groupof These groups include the five Veca Code groups . Low,Mid, High,Level-2HighandYunasaiCodes (The Yunasai Codes include the of the Eckasha. Eckasha code, which is also called the YunasaiEckasha God SeedSymbol). Allthese symbolcodes contain the electro-tonal program or Kristiac mathematics forthe Divine Blueprint structure that 54
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
Subjectscoveredin thisarticle: Reasonsfor learningKathara® •The Kathara®Grid and practicalapplicationsofthisknowledge· Whythereis a specificsequenceto theKathara® HealingLevels
he Kathara Bio-SpiritualHealing System® is .a unifying key of the teachings of Keylontic Keylontic Science offers Science. While understanding about the multi-dimensional structure and function ofour surrounding Solar System, Galaxy and Universes and also the current Political Drama associated with the Stellar Activation Cycle 2000 of -
2012,the Kathara
the material, we are actually healing the distortions within usthat arepreventing us from being aware of and experiencing ourmulti-dimensional Selves.
Bio-Spiritual Healing System® shows us the structure multiof our own dimensional and how we are anintricate anatomy and integral part of the multi-dimensional Universe around us. In the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System® that Level-l Program, we can begin to comprehend we arein facta multi-dimensional and that life-form, we have conscious parts ofourselves existing within these multiple dimensional levels. The first step in being able to become aware of, and to integrate, our other 'selves' is learning the structure within which these multiple parts of ourselves exist, and the reasons that we are not currently fully aware ofthem inour hologram. When we study theinformation and usethe State ofthe Art Techniques contained within the Kathara BioSpiritual Healing System®, we can begin to make a conscious connection with those currently "seemingly hidden" parts ofourselves. In practicing Kathara Healing, we start to recognize or remember those lostparts ofourselves and wecan start tocomprehend the startling depth of knowledge and Love within those parts ofourselves, and the infinite Family of Beings that we are really part of and One with. When we go through this process of doing the Kathara techniques and learning
in allof creation, beit manifest ornonEverything manifest, is created upon anenergetic structure called the Kathara@ Grid The Kathara® Grid isthe from themicro Template of allof creation, CORE to themacro levelof creation. that allows for the It is an energetic structure circulation of theenergy ofGod/Source into and out of manifestation. of our Every cell and molecule being has its own Kathara® Grid and every multidimensional aspect of our identity exists upon the energetic structure of theKathara® Grid. By re-learning where our personal Kathara® Grid is located within our own bodies and how toaccess our own Kathara® Grid, we are re-learning how to operate our Personal Inner Templar. Our Inner Templar is the complete construct of our multidimensional energetic system and itis connected to our Race Template, the Planetary Template, the Cosmic Template and theUniversal Template, and all the wayup theStairway to Heaven toAt-One-Ment with God/Source in the "House of Many Mansions". The Kathara® Grid isconstructed of of 12points consolidated that are energy, or spheres ofenergy, connected to each other bythe Kathara® Lines ofthe Kathara® Grid Structure. Each sphere andline ofthe Kathara® Grid corresponds to the corresponding frequency band of the same number. So, Kathara® Point 12 corresponds to frequency band 12, Kathara® Point 11 corresponds to frequency band 11, etc. h ow to" open"our em 0"b e When were-learn di d" Kathara® Points, in the correct sequence torun the Divine Energy Currents of God/Source through our template, we can begin to access our multidimensional aware ofthe vast Selves and tobecome Knowledge and Love held within them. When we work as conscious co-creators with the Divine Energy of God/Source, not we are actually healing only ourselves, but also assisting in healing the Planet andall lifeforms upon it. The reason we have lost our knowledge of our "Inner Templar" and how to operate it, has to do
56 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
Part oftheprocessofSpin'tualIntegrationofourHigherSelvesorExpansion ofourConsciousnessinvolves"re-programming"the waywethink. Ourthoughtscreateourrealiryand thelifeexperiencewehaveontheinsideand theoutsideofus. Thefollowing Attitudes andResponsibilities,whenembodiedand "lived"willhelptochangeourthoughtpatterns -thoughtsthat wesimplYtake for grantedbecausethryarepart oftheprogrammingwecurrentlYcarry.Changingthethoughtpatterns isactuallYchangingthe programmingin thepersonalshields. Study the 12Attitudes&ResponsibilitiesofMastery,make anaffirmationmeditationoutofthem and trytomake themyour wayoflife .
12ATTITUDES OFMASTERY Dance forLife 2002
1. LOVE2. GRACE-Allowing
Recognition ofthe TRUTH ofthe ALL-ONE-ness
the ALL-ONE-ness toBe whatIT ISregardless ofwhether itsuits you. Living Perpetual Forgiveness.
3. GRATITUDE - Appreciating theALL-ONE-ness; 4. REVERENT -RESPECT-Acknowledging
knowing yourAlive-ness.
and givingto theALL-ONE-ness.
5. RESPONSIBILITY - Co-Creating with,Ser ving andbeing ableto Respond to the ALL-ONE-ness. 6. TRUST - Knowing thePower andLove ofthe ALL-ONE-ness. 7. ACCOUNTABILITY -
Being ina stateof TRUTH withthe ALL-ONE-ness.
8. IMPECCABILITY - Upholding andProtecting theALL-ONE-ness. 9. MINDFULNESS
Loving, Nurturing, andBeing Attentive tothe ALL-ONE-ness.
10. FEARLESSNESS -Recognizing theEternal InfiniteNature andUnconditional Loveof theALL-ONEness. to BEwithout assigningCritique, 11. ENGAGED DETACHMENT - Permitting theALL-ONE-ness Condemnation or ValueJudgment; understanding theIS-ness of,and Validatingthe ALL-ONE-ness. 12. JOY-
Choosing toBE theembodied ALL-ONE-ness.
58 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
Dancejor Love 2002 1. SELF-ACTUALIZATION: Freedom from the "Victim-Victimizer Blame-Game" andwill ingnessto be accountable for all perceivable manifestations asdirect projections ofintended learning fromthe personal Template. Consciousness /DNA 2.
SELF-SOVEREIGNTY: Freedom from theneed for approval from, or theneed to rebel against anyform of"external authority" through understanding that you, asa manifestation ofthe GodSpirit, ha ve theability tocreate personal freedom without violating the spiritual rights ofothers and without all owing others to violate your spiritual rights ofbeing.
3. SELF-CONTAINMENT: Taking personal responsibility for,and realizing that, at all times you areaccountable for DIRECTING PERSONAL ENERGIES. There isno one or no thing that "upsets you" and thusjustifies orvalidates ANY personal spiritual misuse ofreaction, idea, n i tention oraction. Itis YOUwho "upsets yourself" by all owing the emotional body tofoll ow misperceptions ofthe mental body that tell you that your power lies outside ofyourself. At any given moment, you can CHOOSE which words, associations and ideas you will use asthe filters through which you interpret an event. "UPSET," "MA D," HURT" orany other category oflabeling (conscious orsubc onscious) areall MENTAL BODY FILTERS that direct emotional and physical body function. Theself-contained individual recognizes that,at alltimes, the freedom of interpretation exists,andthus a"negative" experience and its associated dis-harmonic energies of "upset" feelings can only exist asapersonal interpretati on of events. Accepting any less responsibil ity for the direction of personal energies wil l place you directly into the Victim-Victimizer "Bl ame Game," which can only take place among people who are placing their personal power and responsibility formanifestation onto externalized sources.Only you have the power to"upset yourself." Regardless ofwhat others say or do,you arefully entitled toyourown interpretation. Noone or thing has the power to upset youunless you give this power away. Self-containment comes when one recognizesthat the direction of personal energies, whether physical, emotional, mental (ideas, be liefs, labels, interpretations), conscious orsubconscious, isan attainable level ofpersonal mastery and exists as an implied responsibility that comes with the gift offr ee will choice. The more responsible you become, the greater freedom and personal empowerment you will know. 4. SELF-DISCIPLINE: Accepting responsibili ty for directing personal energies toward, rather than in opposition to, the outcomesyou desire toexperience. Th e physical, mental and emotional bodies have long been directed by thesubconscious forces of thehidden "shadow," creating within usurges, e r actions, thoughts, impulses, percepti ons andfeelings th at oftenwork counterto th e lifecreations wedesire tom anifest. Part ofspiritual mastery entailsteach ing ourselves tobe consciously diligent inobserving ourown minds, emotions and physical body-talk, sothat wemay employ conscious redirection ofsubconscious shado w energies that runon "auto-pilot." If we learn to "catch ourselves" when "negative" thought patterns or 59 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,All RightsReserved
emotions run through us, wecan usethat m oment ofrecognition to reclaim this errant energy and consciously use thepower ofaffirma tive attitude, remedial word choice anddirect energy re-direction to direct opposing energies ofthe Selfinto fulfillment of desired constructive, spiri tuall y mature creations. It takes se lf-di scipline to become the "Li on Tamer" of the often roaring subconscious mind, butwe do have the intrinsic power tohelp oursubconscious h sadow toevolve, through loving butfirm redirection, into a"cuddly lap cat" thatwill gladly joinus inour constructive co-creations. Self-discipline emerges when weconsistently remind ourselves toemploy the"Spirituall y Correct" thought, action or attitude, even ifwe don't "feel like it" when the shadow sneaksupfrom "down under". The shadow parts ofSelf surface so thatwe may seethese parts of Self cometo the conscious mind forhealing. Through this process,the conscious mind itself can learn greater attributes ofmastery. 5.
SELF-LOVE: It is ourown responsibility to love and nurture ourselves through thelimitless gift ofDivi ne Spirit that moves through us at every moment. Genuine love mustcome from within and canonly begained though genuinespiritual connection totheeternal God-self and itsinherent connectionot all creation. If we seeklove "on the outside" in order tofulfill apersonal loneliness or lack within, weenter In doing this, we areseeking as ubstitute for our personal Godrelationships as"energy vampires". Source connection through tapping into the God-Source embodied within other people orbeings. This is This implies the "LACK" ofsomething esse ntial, which inturn implies a not "LOVE". It is"NEED". limited personal connection toGod-Source Universal Consciousness. Such lack cannot befill ed by external "l ove". Itcan only be fill ed by recognizing the God within you, and thus recognizing that you are aliving embodiment of absolute love. Once this isrecognized, you will H AVE the greatest love of all , God Love. And from thisPosition ofDivine Power, you can gointo the world seeking those o t whom you cangive this love, rather thanseekingthosefrom whom youcan "get" love. Whenlove is approached through Self-Lo ve, the motivation isto give joyfull y, knowing that anything you mightneed can bemade manif est through theLove of the active God Source that you carry inside yourself . SelfLove is aresponsibili ty ofspiritual maturity.
6. SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY: It is our absolute responsibil ity to choose to act with spiritual integrity at all times. There is no excuse to knowingly violate the spiritual rights of others, regardless of how poorly they may react to you. Spiri tual Integrity requires thatwe begin toLOOK AT what weare REALLY doing inthe way welive ourlives. Do our eating habits violatethe plant,animal orEarth kingdoms? Doour choices ofwords andactions show respect for other people and other life forms? Dowe "play thesurvival ofthe fittest" lack-game to give ourselves an excuse forunethical behaviors inmoney matters, suchas showing our silent rebell ion against thegover nment by trying to"cheat" ontaxes, o r by "showing up"a fellow employee at work to prove you are more worthy and thusmore entitled to favor? Do you "tell people what they want to hear" in order togain their approval and support, even ifit isnot full y trueand doesnot reflect your personal needs orfeelings?Do you try to"get others todo your share" asfar as workorresponsibiliti es? Do you use erroneousexcuses such asrace , gender, creed, academic or economic status tojustify disrespectful, exploitative orunkind treatmentofothers? Spiritual Integrity requires thatwe takea good hard,frequent look at howweconduct ourlives, to facetheareas ofactivity inwhich weare performing inless than spirituall y congruent ways andto emplo y active commitment and discipline tobring these areas ofour lives into Spiritual Integrity. One does not"get through thegates ofHeaven" (or anywhere else desirable) through using excusesfornot employing genuine, notfeigned, Spiritual Integrity. Cultivating spiritual integrity is amajor responsibilit y on thepath of spiritual mastery, andthe waythe universe works, you "can't leave home without it". Thismeans th at there isa biological reali ty of spiritual integrity that manifests chemically within the DNA as aresult of thatstate and focus of consciousness. Ifyou do not 60 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. Copyright A'sha-yana &A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved
possess as ufficient amount of spiritual integrity inyour consciousness,neither will your DNA Template. And though you might be able to "pullthe wool over the eyes of others," your own biology will eventually be your own task master. Passage through any stargate require s asufficient amount of chemicall y encoded spiritual integrity ofconsciousness. 7. APPRECIATION: Our present society continually teaches us to"want more," "need more," "be more," "do more" ete. We are constantly influenced to perceive what is lacking in order tomotivate us to buy more, work more, pay more taxes and be "good littleconsumer sheep". Very rarely do westop to think about allthat weDO have, beginning with the gif t ofLife and mental free will choice.Through this disoriented perceptual filt er we cancultivate a'full-blown' mutation ofmental consciousness. Inthis mutated consciousness, we begin tobelieve that "we areentitled," that "someone OWESus"(GOD, the Universe, ourparents, spouse, ch i ldren, employer, government , etc....). Once wefall intothis "You OWEme" mindtrap, weset ourselves up for continuing self-created frustr ation, aswe placeunrealis tic anduntrue expectations on up life, othersand ourselves. Wecan alsooft en get mighty angry orhurt whenwe findthe universed oesn't conform toour imagined "pictures". Noone OWES us anything! Ifw e feel weare "owed,"then weare and avoid withinthe Self i s being recognized. Ifwegive to entertaining LACK CONSCIOUSNESS anotherin order toRECEIV E for ourselves (such asdo banks, andoften parents, spouses orlovers), and theother odesnot "pay back" what weexpected ot receive, wemay feel cheated, "taken advantage of," or"owed". Infact, these situationsoften emerge inour lives aslessons toteach us that giving should be donefor the GIVING ALONE, andnot forthe expected return. Ifwe give what we desire to give, for thejoy of giving, we do not feel owed. Ifwe live for thejoy ofliving, without forcing ourdemands or expectations upon life, wewill notfeel that "lif e has short changed us!" Itmatters not what your neighbor possesses,because in comparing ourselves toeach other to seehow we "measureup"ot each other, we are ineffect, continually being distracted from seeing andutil izing theblessings that are our even thesmall est of gift s, blessings and own. Ifwe can work tocultivate theability to APPRECIATE gestures, we will begin to createa lifethat isat least "half full " instead of "half empty". Intermsof universal physics, what you focus your attention upon expands, what you resist persists andwh at you do not give theenergy of appreciation towill eventuall y de-manifest right out of your experience . When you approach thew orld through thechosen filt er of genuine GIVING, you are ineffect, beingan "electrical transmitter,"sending energy outto theworldaround you. Whenyou release electrical energyin this way, you becomemo re "magnetic," asthesending out ofenergy createsm agnetic vorticeswithin theDi odic Grid ofyour Kathara anatomy.The "magnetiz ed" Diadicpoints thendr aw inmore universalener gy supply, ata high er frequencyand qualit y thantheexpressed energy,to re-fillthe energyvoid creat ed by the "giving". Whenyou approach theworld with theattitude of"getting," thisnatural physics process becomes inverted.The moreyou tryto "pull"ener gy fromthe outside world,the moreyour en ergy becomes stuck" " inthe DiodicGrid asmiasms. Themiasms progressiv ely reduce thequantit y andlower the frequency ofthe natural energies you can internall y drawfrom theuni versal supply. Giving, even in its simplest form of giving appreciation, keeps thenatural energy flow moving. Whatever you give out will returnto you amplifi ed. Thisalsoworks inreverse, however , and giving out abad attitude of ego, arrogance and "garbage" will causemore of the same to flowyour way. Appreciate whatyou have. LOVE IT,find perspecti ves through which thejoy of itcan beknown, and know thatin theact of genuine appreciation itself, you will setloosethe powers ofmanifesting more ofwhat you desire and less of theillusion oflack. The"Universe Owes Me" mindtrip isoneof the most powerful self-sabot age games inthe world. Trade itin forconsistent appreciation andyour world will progressively expand to hold thereality of thethings you mostde sire. Ifyou feelput uponb y theworld, and resentfulfor a hving You owe yourself agreater understanding your desires urunet,YOU OWEYOURSELF SOMETHING! of thenature ofcreation andbetter seuof your personal powerwithin the life creation game. SAY THANK YOUto theGOD SOURCE mor e often ...to helpyours elf remember whatthingsyou have to 61 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. Copyright A'sha-yana &A'zah-yana Deane, 2008,All Rights ReseNed
appreciate,andmany more of the kind wil l besent along your way. 8. PATIENCE: God Source has its own schedule! We caneither acknowledge this intrinsic reality of manifestation and chooseto work co-creatively with the God-Source within, trusting that together you andthe universe will create the perfect "Divine Right Timing" (and ifthat isn't "Right NOW," thereISavery good reason for this), oryou can lettheego-self try toforce its will upon the intrinsic nature oftime. Iftime doesnot cooperate withyour expectations, youcan "letthat beOK, andtrust inDivine ghtRiTiming" oryou can progressively frustrate yourself with attachment totheartifici al timeof clocks, andchoo se to believe that you cannot have what you desirejust bec ause itdoes not appear when you demand. Ifwe learn to relax, and realize that most things we desire we can indeed achieve in Divi ne Right Time and Order, we can learn towork co-creatively with theconsciousnessoftime. We wil l often then find thatour lives will progressively better conform to ourwishes, especiall y when we ask nicely rather than DEMAND, also when wetrust theuniversal G od-Source todo itspart our in co-creation. a Ptience isa virtuethat reflects ourcomprehensi on of thenature of Universal Order.
9. KINDNESS: Like Respect (Dance forLife Attitude ofMastery #4), Kindnessis abirthright, butone that isquite often overlooked and misunderstood. When weapproach theworld through genuine kindheartedn ess, sending loveand respectt o allof creationin honor of theGod Forceth at liveswithin allthings, weare, again, transmitting electrical energy ofa higherfrequenc y, that willfoll ow themechanics ofuniversal physics tobring moreof likekind back tous throu gh universal backflow. Kindnessisa gift we must first give toourselves in order to have itto give to others. Kindnessimplies being conscientious andcaring toward theneeds, feelings and desires ofboth thes elf andothers, andto express thisconcern andc aring in action, attitude andintention. Giv e toyourself random acts of kindness, then pass along thegift toall who cross yourway. rTy beingkind tothe meanand grouchyneighbor and youmay helpthem rediscover theabilit y tosmile. Whenwe treatall thin gs withkindness, w e demonstrate that we acknowledge theirintrinsicvalue asmanifestationsof GodSource, and you willoften findGod Source lovingly returns thefavor. 10. CONSERVATION: Conservation isa formofrespect andappreci ation forGod Source ener gy inall of itsexpressions, from conserving andprotectin g ournatural resources , tobeing attenti ve tothe need s of ourbodies, tousing the energies of our wordsand actions with gentle conservation by which wefreely usewhat isneeded, but not more.God Sourcecontinu all y recycles itsenergies for therebirth ofnew expression. All i s given freely, butno thing isvalueless orwasted. C onservation demonstrate s thatwe have respectand appreciation for thegift of creative energy thatGod Sourcehas provided tous. As welearn touse th is energy, inall itsforms, withrespect andclear intention, wewill progressively-tune fine ourability ot create whatwe desire,and inthis processassist allother beingsto dothe same.There istruth inthe old saying "WasteNot, WantNot ". Ifeverything weperceive in our hologram oflife isunderstood tobe manifestations ofGod Source, we might all employ abit more respect, appreciation andconservation toward theuseand applications of theenergies ofthe Divine. 11. COOPERATION/DIPLOMACY: Existence isand willalways bea co-creati ve endea vor. Wemust bewilling toallow other beingsthe fulfillment oftheir needs and desires ifwe hopeto have ourfulfillment known.Creatin g "Win-Win"
62 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings@Series PresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sna-yana&A'zan-yanaDeane,2005,AllRightsReserved
The EckashaMaharic SealTechnique Anv ANCED KEYSTONE PERSONAL
of the Azurite Melchizedek he Teachings Cloister Emerald Order area ll based upon which recognizes the the Law of ONE interconnection all and interdependenc e of dimensions of "reality" and recognizes that the Living God or Spirit isalive within all things. All Azurite Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order teachings are state of the specifically art and acknowledge energetic the scientific and foundations of TheLaw of One. of these tea chings is to The practical purpose truly free and expanded empower all , through consciousnessnd a educated enlightenment, through which reverence, respect, love and co-operative cocreation arefostered within theGlobal Community. geophysical These perspectives full y embrace planetary healing asan intrinsic consequence of personal ali gnment ande xpansion. The Maharic Seal technique is akeystone tool of such importance that itis made freely available to all . Likeall Azurite MCEO techniques and tools, the Maharic Seal is grounded firmly inUniversal Unified ancient Merkaba mechanics and Field Physics, Matter Template Science (AK A the Divine Blueprint). These techniques as Bioare known Regenesis Technologieshat t were once common knowledge, taught in the rpe-ancient Ascension Schools ofadvanced Human cultures, an d regarded as standard, as wellas essenti al, dail y practice. The Maharic Seal, like all Bio-Regenesis Technologies, of implies specific application conscious energy directed to,and within, thecore manifestation template of the body. the specif ic This technique directly activates mathematical-geometrical relationship within, and between, the Angelic Human and planetary, organic, evolutionary blueprint, utili zing the pre-matter hydro-plasmic frequencies of the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimension Mahara Current. The Maharic Currentwas fully re-anchored on this planet for thefirst time inover 210,000 years,at the GRU-A L point,Sarasota USA, Signet 2of the
PlanetaryTemplar Grid, on January 1st 2000. During thefirst 12 months or soafter this time, the 6-pointed pale Sil ver Star or Hierophant was used inthe Maharic Seal exercise. This symbol represents the electro-tonal program aspects ofth e for the11th and 12thDimen sional Universal Kathara Grid. When we use this Hierophant Symbol in the Maharic Seal exercise, we trigger the activation of the dormant 11th and 12th frequencies within Earth's and our own bio-fields, When we trigger the activation of these frequencies, we can begin the process foresetting the Original Divine within our entire Blueprint energy structure, DNA template and physical body. The Maharic Current isalso theall important carrier wave for all the symbols and tones used in all subsequent exercises. As more and more Humans worked with the and theMaharic Seal during the year Hierophant 2000, the 11th and 12th dimensional frequencyholding capacity of the Earth and of Humans increased. This allowed us to use more and more complex forms ofthe 6-pointed Hierophant symbol in the exercise. For example, inste ad of visualizing the6-pointed star, we visualized a 12-pointed star. As a consequence, web rought more and more Maharic current intoour bio-fi elds, and were thenableot use the image of24-pointed stars, then 48-pointed stars and even 144-pointed stars. This, inturn, triggered higher and higher levels within the of the Maharic current of activation planet's and our own bio-fi elds. Then, during another momentous occasion in 2001, Indigos and Humans helped anchor the next level of frequency called the Eckasha into the planetary energy biofield.
64 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,All RightsReserved
SEAL OR The Eckasha is also called the EckashaGod Seed and frequency carries the mathematical corresponding to theunderlying structure of key aspects of ourUniversal system called theEcka and Eckasha Universes. (More information on these levels of our vast Universecan be found inthe V tzYagersII book, the 'DanceFor' workshop series and The Scienceand SpiritualityojCreation S - eattle 03). This beautiful symbol holds highly complex and powerful GodWorld frequencies in addition tothe frequencies ofthe 6-p ointed pale Silver Hierophant. When firstdoing the Eckasha MaharicSeal , itis not unusual to have difficulty in visuali zing the colors andsymbols withinthe Eckasha, soit isoften initi all y visualizedas afl at 2-dimensional blac k and white image. to thesymbol and As you becomeaccustomed the exercise,you may find that your abilit y to and colored visuali ze it as a multi-dimensi onal symbol increases. If you have difficulty visualizing any symbols in any of these techniques, simply INTEND that the Symbol is there. An equally valid experience of visualization is known as'see-feel' , whereone can'see' every detail and yet not'see' an ything, in the usual senseofthe word, whereyou know what you are seeing even if you don't 'see'it! Pe ople who tend toexperienc e more from afeeling level (kinesthetic) rather than visual orauditory, very often function onthis ee sfeel oreven 'hear-fe el' level. In this context, visualization IS akin to imagination, and is an equall y validand powerful mode of experiencing any of the techniques presented inKS. Since the anchoring and activation of this Eckasha symbol, theam ount offrequenc y that the planet has accreted (drawn into itsbio-field) has increased greatl y. As aconsequence , the frequencyholding capacity inHumans hasalso increased. anyone In view of this exciting development, now starting these techniques can beginby using the Eckasha ymbol s insteadof the 6-pointed paleS i lver Star orHierophant inth e Maharic Seal exercise. The originalLong Version ofthe Maharic S eal using the6-pointed(or more pointed) Hierophant can stillbe usedas an initial step beforethe Ecka sha symbol ifdesired.
ECKASHA MAHARIC SEALWILL : • Begin theprocess o f activating the 8ththru 12th chakras of theperso nal Kathara Grid. • Assist the opening of the Crystal Seals in thebody (which otherwise block DNA activation). • Open thePl anetary Bio-Feed Interface within the personal body, enabling the body vehicleto become a truly effective tool for lasting planetary grid and sacred sitework. • Trigger DNA Template activations which progressively and automatically activate the f ull 12 dimensional Merkaba. • Enable he aling facilit ators to transmit 12D frequency sub-harmonics, providing morepowerful, longer lasting, often permanent, healing facilitation free ofpersonal and client energetic field distortions. • Protect users from disharmonic energies associatedwith Healing, Astral and Dream Time projection, and other potential sources of field encroachment /infil tration. Assist fractious "Indigo (administeredvia parent).
• Amplifyresultsof allspiritually focusedactivi ty. • Harmonize person al and environmental ener gies. • Create Morpho genetic Re-Patternin g, clearing Karmic/Miasmic Imprints, which other wise block DNA template activation andthe attainment of true of consciousness expansion and fullembodiment the ChristosPr inciple. • Realign, revitalize and regenerate allaspects of the physical andSubtle-Ene rgy Body Systems. • Prepareand eq uip practitioners toreceive and hold the increasin g energies flow of higher frequenc y flowing into the Planetary Grids and personal morphogenetic fi elds arising from theintensif ying 65
TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,All RightsReserved
The Technique
ECKASHA MAHARIC SEAL Prior touse:Read throughthestepsandpracticethevisualizationsand theirsequenceslowlYforfamiliarity.
1. Imagine the 2-dimensional image ofan "Eckasha Symbol Code", asif the image isdrawn on ablack background onthe inside of your forehead. The Eckash a is theCap StoneS ymbol or God Seed Code forthe Time Matrix. Its colors denotes the frequency spectra of the Triadic, Polaric &Eckatic levels oftheEnergy Matrix and 15Dimensions frequency. It willbe used as theKey Codeto unlockhet 12thDimensional planetary scalar grids.
Maharic Shieldin theperson al and
2. INHALE, while visuali zing theEckasha Symbol at thecenter ofth e brainin the PinealGland. 3. EXHALE, while using the exhale breath to firmly move theEckasha do wn theCentralVertical Body Current(energy current inthe center of the body), thenout between the legs and straight down into the Earth's core (13th Chakra). 4. INHALE, while imagining that you can seeatEarth's corea hu ge, Disc-shaped Crystalline Platform of Pale Silver Light, that extends outwardon ahorizontal planethrough the entirebody ofthe Earth and out intothe atm osphere. Visualize the Eckasha suspended inth e center of the disc (this imagerepresents thePlanetary Maharic Shield, thescal ar-wave grid composed ofdimension 10/11 /12 frequency, with theEckasha positi oned to activate thePlanet ary Shield.) 5. EXHALE, whilepushing your breath out ward Into theEarth's M aharic Shield, imaginingas you exhale that theforce ofthe breathhas madethe arth's E MaharicShield begint o spin. 6. INHALE, usingthe Inhalebreath todr aw PaleSilver Lightfrom Earth's spinning MaharicShi eld, Into the Eckashapositi oned atthe centerof thePl anetary Shield. 7. EXHALE, usingthe xehale breath topush thePale Silverlight throughout the Eckashaglowand pulsatewith PaleSliverght. li
the entire Eckasha, making
flashes Crims on Redand then returns ot 8. INHALE, imagine that theglowin g Eckasha momentarily normal, thenu se theInhale breathto aw dr theEckasha verticall y upfrom its position atEarth's core, to a position 12"b elow your feet(the positionof your dormant person al Maharic Shieldscalar-wa ve grid). As you inhalethe Eckashaupward from Earth's core, imagine thatit trailsa thickcord ofPa le Silver Light behind it;one end ofthe SilverCord rem aining attached toEarth's core, theother attached tothe Eckasha (theCord representsan Energy FeedLine, through which you willdraw energy upfrom the Earth's MaharicShi eld intoyour personalMaharic Shi eld).
67 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yenaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
9. EXHALE withyour attention onthe Eckashapositioned 12"below yourfeet, anduse theexhale breath to pusha burstof PaleSilver Lightoutward ona horizontal planefrom theEckasha. Imagine thata Disc-shaped, CrystallinePlatform ofPale SilverLight, about4' indiameter, extendson a horizontal plane 12"beneath yourfeet, around theEckasha atits center. (Thisimage represents your personal MaharicShield.) 10. INHALE, whileusing theInhale breathto drawmore PaleSilver Lightup through thePale SilverCord from Earth'sCore, intothe Eckashaat thecenter ofyour personalMaharic Shield. 11. EXHALE, usingthe exhalebreath topush thePale SilverLight fromthe Eckasha,out intoyour Maharic Shield. Imaginethat yourMaharic Shieldnow pulsates,as itfills withthe PaleSilver Lightfrom Earth's Core. 12. INHALE, againdrawing morePale SilverLight upfrom Earth's Corethrough thePale SilverCord, into the Eckasha, andimagine thePale SilverCord expanding to4' inwidth, forming aPillar ofPale Silver Light runningup fromEarth's Coredirectly intoyour 4'diameter MaharicShield. 13. EXHALE, againusing theexhale breath topush PaleSilver Lightfrom theEckasha outwardinto your Maharic Shield,while imaginingthat yourMaharic Shield"takes ona lifeof itsown", thedisc suddenly "folding upward' witha "popping" sensation, toform a4' diameter PILLAR ofPale SilverLight all around andrunning through yourbody (thisis yourMaharic SEAL- atemporary scalar-wavepillar of frequency light~ that blocks out disharmonic frequencies from dimensions 1 dimension 10/11/12 through 12and beginsto realigndisharmonic frequencies inyour bodyand bio-field totheir original perfect naturalorder). 14. INHALE, Imagining thatthe Inhalebreath drawsthe PaleSilver lightfrom thePillar encasingthe body Into everybody cell;sense thetingling feelingas thePale SilverLight movesthrough thephysical body. 15. EXHALE, Imaginingthat youcan feelthe energyof thePale SilverLight expandinginto everycrevice of the bodyand thenoutward aroundthe bodyinto theBio-field. 16. Breathe naturallyfor aminute ortwo, asthe feelingof thePale Silverlight moves through you,while sensing theenergy presence ofthe MaharicSeal PaleSilver Pillar4' aroundyour body. The moretime youspend breathing andsensing theenergies, themore dimension- 10/11/12 frequency you aredrawing intoyour Pillar,which willincrease thelength oftime theMaharic SealPillar willremain in yourbio-field. 17. Returnyour attention tothe Eckashastill positioned 12"below yourfeet. 18. INHALE, usingthe Inhalebreath todraw theEckasha upthrough yourCentral VerticalBody Current, then outthe topof yourhead (the7th "Crown" Chakra),to apoint about36" abovethe head(the 14th Chakra). 19. EXHALE FORCEFULLY, using the exhale breath to rapidly expand the Eckasha outward on a horizontal planeat the14th Chakra, untilthe Eckasha suddenly "disappears" fromview, witha mild "popping" sensation.
68 The MCEOFreedom Teachings®Series Presentedby AdashiMCEO LLCin Associationwith AzuritePress MCEOInc.
20. Breathe normally,while visualizingfor amoment abrilliant 4'Pale SilverPillar ofLight extending from the Earth's Core upward~fully encasing your body and extending farabove the head,into Earth's atmosphere andto asingle Starof PaleBlue Lightfar offin deepspace. Your Maharic Shieldis nowtemporarily activated andyour Maharic SealPillar istemporarily manifest within yourBio-Field. TheMaharic Sealwill remainin yourBio-field anywhere from20 minutes to1 hour atfirst. Themore thisexercise ispracticed, thelonger thePillar willremain. of theEckasha Maharic Seal,once thefull process hasbeen runwithin 24 21. For quickreinforcement hours: Simplyimagine aspark ofPale SilverLight atthe PinealGland, exhaleit rapidlydown toEarth's Core andimagine theEarth's MaharicShield spinning.Call tomind thePale SilverCord andInhale the4' diameter Cordall theway uparound you,forming thePillar, attachingit "outin deepspace" tothe Star of PaleBlue Light.
69 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®Series PresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved
tram theEmerald
FOR DISCERNMENT Covenant Maters Templar Stewardship Initiative
that are hen you encounter traditional and contemporary "Anti-Christos counter-movements" routinely and inevitably set against the Christos Founders' Emerald Covenant Inner Christos Teachings (FreedomTeachings®), youfirst wantto "consider thesource" and itsintrinsic motivation before forminga finalopinion.
A fewvaluable questionsto askare these: 1) "Whodoes this information sourceappear tobe?" 2) "Whatare theytelling me?" 3) "Dothey reallyknow whatthey aretalking about?" 4) "Arethey sayingwhat theyREALLY mean?" 5) "Wheremight theirinformation becoming from?" 6) "Whatmotive might theyhave fortelling methis thing?" 7) "Whatare theyhoping thatI believe?" 8) "Whywould theywant meto believe thisthing?" 9) "Whatare theytrying tomotivate meto dowith mypersonal power:discover andembrace it within myself, orsurrender itelsewhere inworship orobedient subservience?" 10) "Ifthey aretrying tohelp me,what arethey tryingto helpme toachieve andhow ld cou believing thisthing empower me?" 11) "Ifthey arecovertly tryingto mislead me,how mightI beharmed inbelieving them?" 12) "Arethey inspiring meto leadthrough myown innerspiritual powerand wisdom, orare they seducing meto believe thatI ampersonally powerless andmust blindlyfollow anexternal power source tosave me?" a moreawakened, aware,loving, kind, 13) "IfI believe thisthing, willit assistme inbecoming responsible, strong, spirituallyalive, intelligent, ise, w compassionate, WHOLE andeffective human being?" The artof askingthe rightquestions inall circumstances isan invaluabletool foradvancing understanding, self and otherawareness andpersonal empowerment. The Founders encourageyou toask thesequestions inrelation totheir teachingsand whenpresented withthe teachings, ideasand opinions ofothers .
70 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®Series PresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. Copyright A'sha-yana &A'zah-yana Deane,2008, All Rights Reserved
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Experienced volunteers andrecognized teachersassociated withthe HARING & UNDERSTANDING: Freedom Teachings maintainan openand dynamicdiscussion group forthe primepurpose ofassisting in the development of greater personal understanding. Ifyou el fe thatyou'd liketo takeadvantage ofthis facility thenplease joinwith theever-growing numbers oflike-minded people around theworld through the Keylontic ScienceEgroup athttp://groups. yahoo.com/group/KeylonticScience/. Please Note: Whenyou havecompleted theprocess forjoining thisyahoo you egroup, shouldrec eive anemail askingyou foran introduction froma moderator andonce thatis receivedyou shouldreceive anemail saying you havebeen addedto thegroup. Thesekinds ofemails tendto endup inspam folders,so besure tocheck there forthem aswell asthey aretime sensitive. Questions about Keylontic Science? Emai1: [email protected] Visit theKathara Team Website todiscover more information on theKathara Bio-Spiritual Healing® www.katharateam.com The Amenti Project website: www.amentiproject.net contains group andself-study guides toseveral ofthe foundational workshops.
71 TheMCEOFreedomTeachings®SeriesPresentedbyAdashiMCEOLLCinAssociationwithAzuritePressMCEOInc. CopyrightA'sha-yana&A'zah-yanaDeane,2008,AllRightsReserved