Matilda 9785001750178

Учебное пособие составлено на основе популярной книги одного из лучших представителей мировой литературы - Роальда Дала

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Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»


Д.А. Малинина И.Т. Мавлина

MATILDA Учебное пособие

Липецк Липецкий государственный технический университет 2020

Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»


Д.А. Малинина И.Т. Мавлина

MATILDA Учебное пособие

Утверждаю к печати:

Проректор по научной работе и инновациям

Объем 5,7 п.л.

С.Е. Кузенков

Тираж 100 экз.

«____»_____________2020 г.

Липецк Липецкий государственный технический университет 2020

Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

ББК Ш 143.21я7 М 19 Рецензенты: Институт филологии ФГБОУ ВО «Липецкий государственный педагогический университет имени П.П. Семенова-Тянь-Шанского» Е.А. Усачева, канд. пед. наук, доцент ЛГПУ Киреева Н.В, канд. пед.наук, доцент РАНХи ГС Малинина Д.А. М 19

Matilda: учеб.пособие / Д.А. Малинина, И.Т. Мавлина –

Липецк: Изд-во Липецкого государственного технического университета, 2020. – 90 с. Текст: непосредственный ISBN 978-5-00175-017-8 Учебное пособие составлено на основе популярной книги одного из лучших представителей мировой литературы - Роальда Дала - «Матильда». В пособии представлена система лексических упражнений, целью которых является расширение лексического запаса и развитие навыка и умения им пользоваться в качестве важнейшей предпосылки овладения всеми видами речевой деятельности - говорением, аудированием, чтением и письмом. Особое внимание уделяется изучению устойчивых выражений, типичных словосочетаний и оттенков значений лексических единиц, а также заданиям на расширение словаря за счет единиц из семантических полей. В пособии представлены творческие упражнения, такие как ролевая игра, дискуссии, направленные на закрепление в памяти активного словаря. Пособие разработано для студентов 1 курса, обучающихся по специальности «Перевод и переводоведение», а также для студентов, обучающихся по программе дополнительного образования «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации». ББК Ш 143.21я7 Печатается по решению Редакционно-издательского совета ЛГТУ ISBN 978-5-00175-017-8 © ФГБОУ ВПО «Липецкий государственный технический университет», 2020 © Малинина Д.А., Мавлина И.Т., 2020

Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Roald Dahl was a spy, an ace fighter pilot, a chocolate historian and a medical inventor. He was also the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, The BFG, and a treasury of original, evergreen, and beloved children’s books. He remains for many the world’s No. 1 storyteller. Born in Llandaff, Wales, on 13th September 1916 to Norwegian parents, Harald Dahl and Sofie Magdalene Hesselberg, Dahl was named after Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian who had been the first man to reach the South Pole just four years earlier. A heroic start in life. But his early years were blighted by the tragic deaths of his older sister, Astri, and his father. Wanting the best for her only son, his mother sent him to boarding school first to St Peter's, Weston-super-Mare; then, in 1929, to Repton - where many bizarre and memorable events would later be recounted in Boy. Pupils at Repton were invited to trial chocolate bars, a memory that stayed with Dahl throughout his life, inspiring Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Schooldays happily behind him, Dahl’s lust for travel took him first to Canada, then to East Africa, where he worked for an oil company until the outbreak of World War Two. He enlisted in the Royal Air Force at 23 years old. In September 1940, Dahl received severe injuries to his head, nose and back when his Gladiator crash-landed in the Western Desert. After six months recovering from his injuries in Alexandria he returned to action, taking part in The Battle of Athens. Later, after a posting to Washington, he supplied intelligence to MI6. In 1953 Roald Dahl married the American actress, Patricia Neal, with whom he had five children. They divorced after 30 years, and he later married Felicity “Liccy” Crosland, who has furthered Roald’s legacy through the foundation of Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity and The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre. 3

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In 1960 Roald helped invent the Wade-Dahl-Till valve, prompted by the need to alleviate the head injuries endured by his son after an accident in New York. There followed a burst of literary energy: in 1961 James and the Giant Peach was published in the US, followed by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Roald then wrote screenplays for the James Bond hit You Only Live Twice and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, as well as adult novels such as Kiss Kiss. Fantastic Mr. Fox was published in 1970, the year before the film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was released. The rest of the decade saw the publication of many other classics, including Danny the Champion of the World, The Enormous Crocodile, and My Uncle Oswald. Roald also enjoyed enormous success on television. Having already had his stories told in six episodes of the award winning US series Alfred Hitchcock Presents, his Tales of the Unexpected ran for several series between 1979 and 1988 in the UK. In the early 1980s he published The Twits, Revolting Rhymes, The BFG and The Witches. There followed two autobiographical books: in 1984 and Going Solo, in 1986. Matilda was published in 1988, Esio Trot in 1990, and finally, in 1991, came the posthumous delight of The Minpins. Roald Dahl died on 23 November 1990, aged 74. He was buried in the parish church of St Peter and St Paul in Great Missenden - the Buckinghamshire village where today The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre continues his extraordinary mission to amaze, thrill and inspire generations of children and their parents.

ABOUT THE BOOK Matilda Wormwood is only five years old, but she is a genius. Unfortunately her parents are too stupid to even notice. Worse, her horrible headmistress Miss Trunchbull is a bully who makes life difficult for Matilda's teacher, Miss Honey, and her friends. But what Miss Trunchbull doesn't know is that Matilda has a trick or two up her sleeve... 4

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Matilda won the Children's Book Award shortly after it was published in 1988, and it has continued to delight audiences ever since. Early drafts of the story were very different to the one we now know. At first, Matilda was a wicked girl who eventually used her powers to help her teacher solve her financial problems - by fixing a horse race. In the end, though, it became the magical story now known to children the world over. In 1996 a film version of Matilda was released. Directed by Danny DeVito who also starred as Mr Wormwood, alongside Mara Wilson as Matilda and Pam Ferris as Miss Trunchbull - the film went on to become a cult classic. In 2010, The Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of Matilda The Musical, written by Dennis Kelly and with music and lyrics by Tim Minchin, opened in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, to great critical acclaim. The production transferred to London's West End a year later, and in spring 2013 the show opened on Broadway. Matilda was Roald Dahl's last long children's book.

THE READER OF BOOKS 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. scorcher chrysalis



cicada twaddle


2. Comprehension check. a. What irritates school teachers most? b. How do teachers have their revenge? c. In what way do Matilda’s parents differ from the doting ones? d. What makes Matilda an extraordinary child? e. What do we know about Matilda’s brother? f. What is Matilda’s mother’s favourite pastime? g. Why is Mrs Phelps astonished? h. What kind of books does Matilda read? i. What does the girl think about Mr Hemingway? j. How has Matilda’s life changed since she was allowed to take books home? 5

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3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1 a person's child or children

a creature, p. 3

2 cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of a grasshopper, p.2 something 3 a trivial or foolish speech or writing; nonsense

to interfere, p.11

4 an insect with long back legs that jumps high into the air to borrow, p.13 and makes a high, vibrating sound 5 any living thing that is not a plant

an offspring, p. 1

6 to behave towards or deal with in a certain way

a chatterbox, p.5

7 a person who talks too much

to treat, p. 4

8 intervene in a situation without invitation or necessity

twaddle, p. 2

9 take and use (a book) from a library for a fixed period of to convince, p. 1 time 4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. Your sister is a real______________________! b. I hope this will ___________________ you to change your mind. c. Adults are bad enough, but when they bring their unruly _________, it is unbearable. d. What a load of _______ on channel five! e. _______________ are feeding on plants. f. As fellow ______________ on this planet, animals deserve respect. g. He _______________ her with grave courtesy. h. She tried not ___________________ in her children's lives. i. I often ____________________ books from my friends. 5. Translate from English into Russian using the words from the table above. a. Ему удалось убедить присяжных в своей невиновности. b. Они слышат непрерывное стрекотание кузнечика. Ненавистный звук! c. Он - человек привычки. 6

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d. Прекрати нести чушь! e. Ты не должен позволять им вмешиваться в твои дела. f. Отнеситесь с почтением к его старости. g. Как поживают ваши дети? h. Они всё время берут у нас деньги взаймы. i. Он не более, чем политический пустомеля. 6. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. mostly




particularly completely exactly

a. She would ______________________ never see him again. b. The fire ________________________ destroyed the building. c. When things go wrong, all of us ____________________ feel disappointed and frustrated. d. I don't __________________ want to be reminded of that time e. They met in 1989 and got married ________________ two years later. f. He hated his weekends spent ___________________ alone. g. Slowly but ___________________ she started to fall in love with him. 7. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. come across

bring sb out

wrap sb up

set out

put up with

a. _____________ well - it's cold outside. b. She _________________ an old friend of hers yesterday. c. They _____________________ to discover a cure for cancer. d. He's so moody - I don't know why she ____________________ him. e. Paulo's very shy - he needs _____________________. 8. Choose the verb from the box which best fits the meaning of the sentences. Use the verbs in the sentences of your own. toddle




mooch around


walk down

a. Alice turned about and _____________________ the corridor. b. Andrew ___________________ the house with no particular purpose. c. A tiny spider ______________________ up Nicky's arm. 7

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d. They finally __________________ the coast after five weeks sailing. e. She _____________________ her hair out of her eyes. f. I _______________________ through the narrow streets. g. She fell while ____________________ around. 9. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. Use them in the sentences of your own. tiny a.

formidable poisonous watchful nimble brilliant


He was quite __________________ and was promoted almost at once.

b. Elderly people are told that if they want to keep their minds _________, they must use them. c. The living room is extremely small, even ____________. d. We have a great and impressive task ahead of us, quite ________________ and challenging. e. My father was a deeply _________________ man showing pity, sympathy and understanding for people who were suffering. f. There was a ______________ atmosphere at the office, extremely unpleasant and malicious. g. Children swim at the pool under the _____________ eye of lifeguards. 10. Match each sentence (a-h) with a sentence from (1-8) which has a similar meaning. a. He carefully planned his dishonest scheme. b. The boy recited the poem from memory. c. She read the book from beginning to end. d. He swore to have his revenge for all that wrongdoing and insult. e. Many of the leaders enjoy power and money so much that it takes up a lot of their interest and attention. f. She easily becomes angry and complains. g. Many cinema-goers were extremely shocked by the film's violent and tragic end. h. His remark astonished everybody. 8

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1. I haven't forgotten how he treated me, the bastard, and I promise I'll get my own back one day. 2. It is quite a regular thing for her to make a fuss about everything. 3. They have become hooked on the things. 4. All the guests were taken aback. 5. He must have cooked up it thoroughly 6. She read it from cover to cover. 7. They were stunned and unable to speak. 8. He learnt it by heart. 11. Translate from Russian into English. … Несколько месяцев назад к Погребенниковым зашли старые знакомые Смирновы. Как водится, в таких случаях, Виктор Степанович сбегал в магазин, и пошли воспоминания. В самом начале застолья в комнату вошел младший Погребенников и сказал: «Завтра у меня контрольная по английскому. Шли бы вы лучше в кафе. И дешевле, и модно, и посуду мыть потом не надо.» Смирновы сразу закричали: дескать, смотрите, какой умный мальчик, современный, раскрепощенный - но папе Погребенникову слова сына не понравились. Что это за нахальство - входить при посторонних людях в комнату и делать замечания отцу? Попробуй он раньше, когда был маленький, сделать замечание своему родителю, немедленно бы получил по одному месту. Смирновы тут же засобирались на вокзал. «Ничего особенного не произошло»







«Современный ребенок. Акселерация. Сейчас у всех такие. У нас, наверное, тоже будет такой.» Выяснение отношений в семье Погребенниковых продолжалось далеко за полночь, однако ни к чему определенному не привело. Старшее поколение Погребенниковых считало, что уж один-то раз уроки можно было учить под одеялом, а Его Королевское Величество 9

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«варварским» и «мальчишеским». ( по Е.Дубровину, «Беседы за чаем в семье Погребенниковых») 12. Discuss the following issue: «Doting parents and what might come out of their love» 13. Challenge the following issue: “No one ever got rich being honest”.

14. Translate from English into Russian an extract from a book by Catherine Crawford “French twist” about cross-cultural differences in parenting. Voici la Situation or The Mess We’re In

As a mother with two young daughters in a trendy urban neighborhood, hedged in by hordes of other trendy urban families, I often feel a keen sense of bafflement at what I see going on with the procreators in my midst. So, at the risk of being a traitor to my generation, I have to say: I don’t know when or how it happened, but it’s clear to me that, even as we have tried harder than any of our ancestors to mentor, please, and encourage our kids, we have completely lost control of them, and in the process we’ve lost control of our own lives as well. And it isn’t pretty. How ugly is it? I live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, quite possibly the world headquarters of helicopter parents, but I’ve seen similar abdication in Manhattan, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Portland, Oregon. These are just the cities I visit regularly; I have a pretty good hunch it’s happening in nearly every middle-class neighborhood nationwide, urban or otherwise. How can I be so sure? Here are a couple of the many ways: I’d be willing to wager that you know—all too well?—parents who live in fear of their toddler, or that you’re aware that a Bugaboo is not merely a synonym for “hobgoblin.” I have absolute certainty that, thirty-some-odd years ago, my mother didn’t pick me up from school laden with four snack choices to ensure my satisfaction (and avoid a meltdown) and that she didn’t put in a lot of time worrying that she wasn’t being the best mom she could possibly be. But now these are the types of thoughts that pack the days of every parent I know. I count myself very much among them (sorry, Ma!). I’m ready for change. Although the familiar dictum “children should be seen and not heard” may be a bit harsh—and the truth is, I enjoy hearing my kids much of the time—I’m afraid that the new trend of seeing, hearing, pondering, analyzing, cogitating, working through, 10

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and giving in to our children is no better. And it may even be worse: New research suggests that kids who are too often encouraged to share every last scrap of a thought, and then praised for whatever they share, tend to suffer later in life when teachers, bosses, and other mentor figures are less inclined to adore each effort. I love my kids dearly, but sometimes I honestly don’t give a crap about how they feel after a harmless skirmish on the playground or what their concerns are when they do something wrong and are punished. I yearn (but have yet) to steal the phrase my dad employed often during my own upbringing: “I don’t care what you think! I’ll do the thinking for all of us!” My suspicions were realized on an early fall evening when my French friend Lucie came to dinner with her husband and two children. The Durand kids were obedient, respectful, and, when told to be, quiet. They didn’t seem to require cajoling or lengthy explanations when asked to set the table. They simply did what they were told. If they didn’t want a certain dish at dinner, they didn’t eat it, but they also were not offered a myriad of other choices. Not a single cheese stick was proffered. After dinner, we parents were sitting around the dining room table, finishing a bottle of wine, while the kids played in the living room. А mom could get used to this, I thought, reclining—reclining!—in my chair. But the sweet, slightly inebriated reverie did not last long. Soon enough, my younger daughter, Daphne, wanted my attention, so she did as she usually does: Namely, she started to act bananas, screaming and yelling for me. (This was back when Daph would dive to the ground at the slightest provocation in order to better express her tantrums, pounding and kicking the floor). By this point, I’d been exposed to the well-oiled Durand machine for about four hours, more than enough time to soak up some deep wisdom. So instead of doing what I usually did— tending immediately to Daphne’s (loud) calls—I looked to Lucie for advice. Here I should note that Lucie and her husband both appeared blissfully unaware of the threefoot raving maniac in the other room. Perhaps it was the wine? Mais non! Lucie must have sensed my hunger for advice, for she leaned across the table, put a strong, steady hand on my arm, and offered an adage she told me her Parisian mother had often employed: “If there is no blood, don’t get up.” If there is no blood, don’t get up. So simple—and so excellent. Of course! That’s how they do it. No blood, no foul! I didn’t get up. Things were loud for a little bit, and Daphne was irate at my lack of bustle on her behalf. And then, as fast as her wails had started, they stopped, and she resumed playing with the other kids. After that night I began to watch my friend very closely for additional clues on how she handled her children. Cathering Crawford “French Twist” An American mom’s experiment of Parisian parenting 11

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THE HAT AND THE SUPERGLUE 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words: toe cloakroom garage squeeze whole sawdust mileage yank forehead feather 2. Comprehension check. a. What did Matilda think of to score points against her father? b. Why was Mr Wormwood very proud of his hat? c. When did the man become aware of the problem? d. Was his wife helpful that evening? e. How did Matilda react to the situation? f. Did the father suspect anything wrong? g. What was the worst thing about having a permanent hat on? h. How did Mr Wormwood manage to get rid of the hat? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should to budge, p.29 happen or be done


the basic constituents or characteristics of something or to toss, p. 29 someone


tinker with something in an attempt to make minor a grown-up, p. 29 adjustments or improvements


all the people employed by a particular organization


(especially of a part of the body) become larger or a suspicion, p. 27

to glue, p. 27

rounder in size 6

a feeling or belief that someone is guilty of an illegal, to swell, p. 26 dishonest, or unpleasant action


to stick things together using glue

staff, p. 26


an adult

to fiddle, p.24

9 move or cause to move from side to side or back and stuff, p. 24 12

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forth: 10 make or cause to make the slightest movement

to time, p. 24

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. The trees _______________ in the wind. b. _________________ the fabric around the window. c. He ___________ with the blind, trying to prevent the sun from shining in her eyes. d. Her bruised knee was already ________________ up. e. The police would not say what aroused their ___________________. f. The hospital __________were not to blame. g. I don't like it when _____________ get all serious. h. Such a trip was the _______________ of his dreams. i. The queue in the bank hasn't _______________. j. The first track race _______________ for 11.15. 5. Replace the italicized words in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. save face in the first place

for the heck of it

on purpose

turn pink

serve sb right bit by bit

a. He was being annoying intentionally. b. It would be your deserved punishment if Jeff walked out on you. c. Gradually the truth started to emerge. d. It was the outcome that allowed them all retain respect and avoid humiliation. e. He was reading the book not because he liked it very much but just to relieve boredom. f. I should have told you at the beginning. g. She blushed when the young man entered the room. 6. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. Use them in the sentences of your own. 13

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put on

take off

finish up

keep on

play round

mess with

go around do without

a. There was no doubt he was serious, it wasn't just ____________________ in order to amuse other people in a silly way. b. I have to warn you that you are ________________ people's religion and they don't like that. c. We can't ________________ the help of your organization. In fact, we won’t survive without it. d. It’s really cold outside. You’d better __________________ a coat. e. He persisted in winning the race and ________________ running. f. She __________ her spectacles. g. I had got in the habit of _______________ with bare feet, and that was part of my normal life. h. They had met by chance at university and _____________ getting married. 7.

Choose the verb from the box to complete the sentences. Make all the

necessary changes. splutter demand snap a.



rattle scream

shout say

They could hear him _______ in pain, his piecing cries being terrifying.

b. ‘I really don't much care,’ she ____________, her voice sounding irritable. c. I'm sorry I __________ at you last night...You know, I was really angry and shouted at you. d. ‘Where is she?’ he _______________________ authoritatively. e. She slams the kitchen door so hard I hear dishes __________, making short sharp knocking sounds because they keep hitting against each other hard for some time. f. In a state of deep embarrassment he began _____________ excuses rapidly and indistinctly g. He had _______ to make himself heard above the near gale-force wind. h. Our parents wouldn't believe a word we ______________. i. ‘We have nothing in common,’ she _____________ him. 14

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8. Translate from Russian into English using one of the verbs from the exercise above. a. Он убежал, выкрикивая проклятия. b. "Это правда?" - сердито спросил он. c. Она так волновалась, что смогла только бессвязно пролопотать рассказ о происшествии, свидетельницей которого она стала. d. Он крикнул нам, что в доме пожар. e. Окно дребезжало на ветру. f. Как вы можете не обращать внимание на животное, которое воет от боли? g. Не кричи на меня. h. Во время свадебной церемонии священник сказал: "Повторяйте за мной..." i. Не говори ему, что я был здесь. 9. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. rakish daring casual nasty





a. If you are ________________, you are, or you pretend to be, relaxed and not very concerned about what is happening or what you are doing. b. Something that is ____________ is very unpleasant to see, experience, or feel. c. A ________________ person is willing to do things that might be dangerous. d. If you say that something or someone is ______________, you mean that they are very foolish. e. A ____________ person or appearance is stylish in a confident, bold way. f. Something that is _________________________ lasts forever. g. A ______________________ T-shirt does not fit tightly. h. If someone is _________________________, they have no experience or knowledge of the more complex or unpleasant aspects of life. 10. Label the picture with the words from the box. feather


1____________________ 15

inside rim

pork-pie hat




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2____________________ 3____________________ 4____________________ 5____________________ 6____________________ 7____________________

11. Translate from Russian into English. Порк-пай - это мужская шляпа, появившаяся в 19 веке. Она относится к британскому стилю. Название произошло от английского «свиной пирог». Порк-пай представляет собой невысокую шляпу (7-10 сантиметров) с плоской вершиной и цилиндрической тульей. Главный отличительный признак наличие специального углубления в верхней части. Ее могут украшать шляпная лента и перо. Внутренний ободок шляпы позволял ей удобно держаться на голове. 12. Hold a round table discussion about: “The kind of man (woman) a wife (a husband) dreams about.”

THE GHOST 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. ghastly






2. Comprehension check. a. What effect did the Superglue episode produce? b. What mood was Mr Wormwood in that day and why? c. How was his irritation manifested? d. What was Matilda’s reaction? e. Who was Fred? f. What role was a parrot to serve in a new plan of Matilda’s? g. Where did she hide the parrot? h. Did the girl manage to scare the family? 16


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3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1 to discipline or correct by punishment

sulking, p.35

2 to sound loudly and harshly

haunted, p.42

3 to stare in an angry or fierce way

to snatch, p.33

4 to quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way

to glare, p.32

5 to conspire to devise (a plot or plan)

to flee, p. 42

6 a moneybox

to blare, p.32

7 a state of being silent, morose, and bad-tempered out of to chasten, p.32 annoyance or disappointment 8 frequented by a ghost

a kitty, p.35

9 to run away from (a place, danger, etc.)

to hatch, p.35

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. The director was somewhat _________________________ by his recent flops. b. She ___________________________ a biscuit from the plate. c. They show tourists a reputedly ______________ room in the castle. d. The radio was ______________________out organ music. e. She _____________________ at him, her cheeks flushing. f. I know about the little plot that you and Sylvia ______________ up last night. g. He slammed the bedroom door behind him and ______________________. h. There was much _____________________ over the breakup of his band. i. Children often use _________________________to save money. 5. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. temporarily immediately





a. She would _____________________________ never see him again. b. There’s something ______________________ odd about him. c. He was _______________________ blinded by the light. d. The bed was _________________________ comfortable. 17

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e. Let me know __________________________ she arrives. f. She _______________________ agreed to stay in the house on her own. 6. Replace the italicized words in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. to be beyond one’s reach collar sb red-handed

to be fed up (with)

make oneself scares

to burst into tears

to turn white

out of sight

a. The police arrested the culprit in the act of committing a crime. b. I am annoyed and unhappy with being put down and made to feel stupid. c. She left the room so as to avoid a difficult situation. d. Do you fear that you'll suddenly begin to cry or explode with anger in front of him? e. He grew pale and began to stammer. f. She saw them off, waving until the car was not visible. g. The price is ten times what it normally is and totally unaffordable by ordinary people 7. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. carry through

get sb down set about

burst in make out

dashed sth off

curl up

simmer down

a. We're not going to discuss this until you ___________________. b. The business _______________ better than expected in 1992 and profits were slightly up. c. It is doubtful whether it will be possible to _________ the education reforms. d. She ______________________ on the sofa to watch TV. e. The chaos in his house was starting to ___________________. f. The side door of the pub flew open and three men ___________________. g. She ________________________ in five minutes. h. I tried to apologize, but I think I ______________________ it the wrong way. 8. Choose the correct form of the verb from the box that best fits the meaning of the sentences. 18

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a. The loudspeakers ____________________ across the square. b. The ambulance arrived outside, siren _____________________. c. She leaned over and _________________________ something in his ear. d. She ___________________________ and leapt from the bed. e. He began ______________________ out his orders. f. The little girl fell down and _____________________ for mummy. g. Why do snakes ____________________? 9. Choose the verb from the box to complete the definitions. Use them in the sentences of your own. march




a. to walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall ________________ b. to walk quickly and with determination______________________ c. walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction__________ d. to move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed_______ 10. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. grumpy calm




marvelous fabulous

irritable a. He had been waiting for over an hour and was beginning to feel______________. b. And the trees that surrounded the house sometimes had a slightly ________ look. c. She looked absolutely ___________________________ in her dress. d. It's ________________ to think that the managing director is only 23. e. He was a truly _______________________________ storyteller. f. I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling a bit ______________________. g. It would be _______________ to take an umbrella. h. Now keep __________ everyone, the police are on their way. 11. Translate from Russian into English using one of the adjectives from the box above. 19

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a. Я думаю, это потрясающее место. b. Плохое здоровье сделало его более подозрительным и раздражительным. c. Ее сварливый характер не позволял ей заводить друзей. d. Он всегда выглядел спокойным и рассудительным. e. Атмосфера в доме была несколько жутковата. f. Современные роботы – это удивительные технологические изобретения. g. Поразительно, что она так быстро смогла решить задачу. 12. Translate these jokes from Russian into English. a. Два привидения гуляют по замку. Вдруг где-то скрипнула половица, и одно привидение в страхе прижалось к другому. - Ты что, веришь в эти сказки про живых? - спросило его привидение. b. Американец покупает в Шотландии замок. - Ммммммм... Я бы купил ваш замок, но только если в нем есть привидения. - Вот уж не знаю. За восемьсот лет ни одного не видел... c. - Папа, а ты веришь в призраков? - Конечно, нет, сынок. Их не бывает. - Но горничная говорит, что они живут в нашем доме! - Сын, собирай свои вещи. Мы уезжаем. - Почему? - У нас нет горничной. 13. Debate the question: “The ghosts you chase you never catch.”- John Malkovich

ARITHMETIC 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. honourable brainpower civil




2. Comprehension check. a. What did Matilda want to achieve through her punishments? b. How was the girl supposed to behave in the family? 20


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c. How long did the parents manage to be civil? d. What did Mr Wormwood look like that evening? e. What kind of task did the father give his son? f. What made Mr Wormwood angry? g. Was Matilda cheating? h. What did Matilda’s family have for supper that evening? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1 to become firm or more difficult to bend

an onlooker, p. 44

2 a flat object, usually with raised edges, used for carrying to diddle, p.46 food and drinks 3 cheat or swindle (someone) so as to deprive them of to flare up, p.44 something 4 waste material or things that are no longer wanted or to stiffen, p.48 needed 5 losing one's temper

a TV dinner, p.43

6 a person who observes without taking part

a wreck, p. 46

7 someone who is in bad physical or mental condition

a tray, p. 49

8 a complete meal that is sold in a single container. It can rubbish, p. 49 be heated up quickly and eaten from the container it is cooked in 4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. She was carrying a _____________ of drinks. b. I forgot to put the ___________________ out for collection this morning. c. His body ______________________ in fear. d. He thought he'd been ____________________ out of his change e. The event attracted a crowd of fascinated ______________________. f. The stress she had been under at work reduced her to a nervous ________________. 21

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g. His story caused still another ___________________. 5. Replace the italicized words in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. at any rate

run rings around sb shut up

hot stuff

round the bend

cool down

a. He has had time to become less angry than he was and look at what happened more objectively. b. She always managed to outclass and outwit her colleagues very easily. c. Just stop talking and listen. d. Whatever might happen, he was safe now. e. I'd go mad looking after kids all day. f. He's great at arithmetic. 6. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. butt in bring in

put up with

dish out

dress up

fall over oneself

a. He ___________________ to be as helpful as possible. b. We need to ______________ an expert to deal with this problem. c. He kept on _______________ with silly comments. d. Do you usually ______________ criticism to someone who's doing you a favour? e. You’ll have to __________ the situation, even though you find it unpleasant. f. You do not need to ____________________ for dinner. 7. Choose the verb from the box which best fits the meaning of the sentences. oblige







a. I didn't know the answer, so I had to ________________. b. We _______________ some polish into the surface of the wood. c. The law ________________ companies to pay decent wages to their employees. d. Hospitals are being _______________ to close departments because of lack of money. e. In order to avoid detection we _____________ down in the trench. 22

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f. He _____________ a handkerchief out of his pocket. g. He ______________ her outraged question. 8. Match the adjectives from the box with their definitions. Use them in the sentences of your own. appalling


bearable cocky civil asinine



a. good, skillful, or effective _________________________________________ b. magnificent; very impressive_______________________________________ c. endurable; tolerable______________________________________________ d. shockingly bad; awful____________________________________________ e. exceptionally clever or talented_____________________________________ f. conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way_________________________ g. extremely stupid or foolish_________________________________________ h. courteous and polite______________________________________________ 9. Challenge the following: ‘Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house”. Robert Heinlein 10.Translate from English into Russian. What are the differences in American approach of bringing up children and the French one?

French Children Don't Throw Food WHEN MY DAUGHTER is eighteen months old, my husband and I decide to take her on a little summer holiday. We pick a coastal town that’s a few hours by train from Paris, where we’ve been living (I’m American, he’s British). We book a hotel room with a cot. She’s our only child at this point, so forgive us for thinking: how hard could it be? We have breakfast at the hotel. But we have to eat lunch and dinner at the little seafood restaurants around the old port. We quickly discover that two restaurant meals a day, with a toddler, deserve to be their own circle of hell. Bean is briefly interested in food: a piece of bread, or anything fried. But within a few minutes she starts spilling salt shakers and tearing apart sugar packets, then demanding to be sprung from her high chair so she can dash around the restaurant and bolt dangerously towards the docks. 23

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Our strategy is to finish the meal quickly. We order while we’re being seated, then we beg the server to rush out some bread and bring us all of our food, appetizers and main courses, simultaneously. While my husband has a few bites of fish, I make sure that Bean doesn’t get kicked by a waiter or lost at sea. Then we switch. We leave enormous, apologetic tips to compensate for the arc of torn napkins and langoustines around our table. On the walk back to our hotel we swear off travel, joy and ever having more kids. This ‘holiday’ seals the fact that life as we knew it eighteen months earlier has officially vanished. I’m not sure why we’re even surprised. After a few more restaurant meals, I notice that the French families all around us don’t look like they’re in hell. Weirdly, they look like they’re on holiday. French children the same age as Bean are sitting contentedly in their high chairs, waiting for their food or eating fish and even vegetables. There’s no shrieking or whining. Everyone is having one course at a time. And there’s no debris around their tables. Though I’ve lived in France for a few years, I can’t explain this. Once I start thinking about French parenting, I realize it’s not just mealtimes that are different. I hadn’t thought I was supposed to admire French parenting. It isn’t a thing, like French fashion, or French cheese. No one visits Paris to soak up the local views on parental authority and guilt management. Quite the contrary: the British and American mothers I know in Paris are horrified that French mothers barely breastfeed, and let their four-year-olds walk around with dummies. So how come they never point out that so many French babies start sleeping through the night at two or three months old? And why don’t they mention that French kids don’t require constant attention from adults, and that they seem capable of hearing the word ‘no’ without collapsing? No one is making a fuss about all this. But quietly and en masse, French parents are achieving outcomes that create a whole different atmosphere for family life. When British or American families visit our home, the parents usually spend much of the visit refereeing their kids’ spats, helping their toddlers do laps around the kitchen island, or getting down on the floor to build Lego villages. There are always a few rounds of crying and consoling. When French friends visit, however, we grown-ups have coffee, and the children play happily by themselves.


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“French Children Don't Throw Food “. Parenting Secrets from Paris. Pamela Druckerman.

THE PLATINUM-BLOND MAN 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. vigorous masculine quivering horrendous powder lavatory parlour tights 2. Comprehension check. a. How did Mrs Wormwood take care of her hair? b. How did Mr Wormwood keep his hair looking bright and strong? c. What was Matilda’s plan? d. What were the members of the family busy with that particular morning? e. What happened to Mr Wormwood’s hair? f. How did the members of the family react? g. What piece of advice did the wife give Mr Wormwood? h. Did Matilda feel satisfied? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

work done by hand rather than by machine


a small amount of a liquid which has fallen or been fascination, p. 50

privacy, p. 53

dropped 3

the state of being greatly interested in or delighted by to grunt, p. 53 something.


very valuable things, usually in the form of a store of clatter, p. 53 precious metals, precious stones or money


a state in which one is not observed or disturbed by a treasure, p. 54 other people


to make a short low sound instead of speaking, usually a splash, p. 54 because of anger or pain


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a continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or a hunk, p.53 striking each other


add a colour to or change the colour of (something)


to press the buttons on a telephone in order to phone to dye, p. 50

to dial, p.59

someone 10 a large piece of something, especially food, cut or handwork, p.56 broken off a larger piece 4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. By using knives and forks to cut food into smaller pieces, we no longer need a large enough jaw to cram in big _________ of food. b. I _____________my hair blonde. c. Stories about pirates often include a search for buried __________________. d. She returned to the ______________ of her own home. e. She _________________ 999. f. There were several ___________________ of white paint on the carpet. g. I've had a lifelong ____________________ with the sea and with small boats. h. The horse spun round with a ____________________ of hooves. i. He hauled himself over the wall, _______________________ with the effort. 5. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. exceedingly






a. She anticipated her exams _____________________. b. She ___________________ entered the room. c. This was an ______________________ difficult decision to take. d. He _______________ adores that car. e. A giggling group of children entered the room _________________. f. I rang _______________________ for an ambulance. 6. Translate from Russian into English using one of the adverbs from the previous exercise. a. Ее бесила его манера громко чавкать за столом._____________________ 26

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b. Она тихонько сидела в уголке, наблюдая за происходящим.___________ c. Я совершенно уверен, что решение правильное._____________________ d. Все с волнением ждали результатов эксперимента.___________________ e. Дай мне знать сразу же, как только что-нибудь узнаешь.______________ f. Команда играла необыкновенно хорошо.___________________________ 7. Match the phrasal verbs in the box with their definitions. Use them in the sentences of your own. freshen up fill up build up

take off

be in for

fall out

boot off

a. have good reason to expect something_______________________________ b. to increase, accumulate, or strengthen______________________________ c. to remove______________________________________________________ d. to revive oneself by washing oneself or changing into clean clothes________ e. come out_______________________________________________________ f. to make or become completely full__________________________________ g. cross out_______________________________________________________ 8. Choose the verb from the box which best fits the meaning of the sentences. slap








a. Lennie's bottom lip __________________ and tears started in his eyes. b. She _______________ her arm, where she had a large bruise using a repeated back and forth motion. c. He always ______________ to his feet when she walks in the room. d. I _________________ my glasses and broke them. e. He ____________________ each man a glass. f. He _________________ to a chair, signalling for her to sit. g. My sister ________________ my face, with her palm being cold like ice. h. She _________________________ her keys and rushed out. 9. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. smelly vigorous






a. Someone who is __________________ of doing something is unable to do it. 27

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b. Something that is ____________________ is stinky. c. A _________ campaign or activity is done with great energy and enthusiasm. d. If you describe something as ____________, you mean that it is special, unusual, or elaborate, for example because it has a lot of decoration. e. Something that is __________________ is alarming, terrifying or shocking. f. ________________________ means very bad or unpleasant. g. Something that is ____ has a sharp, unpleasant taste like the taste of a lemon. 10. Match each sentence (a-j) with a sentence from (1-10) which has a similar meaning. a. Give my respects to your mother. b. He made up his mind to attend the event. c. He has a fine crop of black hair. d. So far so good. e. She is a wage earner in the family. f. It was an undisguised display of foulness. g. I was doing my best to keep a straight face. h. When she caught sight of him, she smiled. i. She has made up her mind to tell him the truth. j. She was fond of dancing.

1. He decided to go to the meeting. 2. She is the person who earns money to support a household by working as a personal assistant. 3. She loved it very much. 4. Progress has been satisfactory up to now. 5. My polite greetings to your Mom. 6. She decided to be honest with him. 7. It was practically impossible to conceal the impulse to laugh. 8. It was a clear demonstration of viciousness and inhumanity. 9. His black hair is quite thick. 28

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10.She smiled when she suddenly noticed him. 11. Challenge the following: “Men are not always quite as clever as they think they are”.

MISS HONEY 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. half






epicure rhyme

2. Comprehension check. a. Why was Matilda late for starting school? b. What kind of establishment was Crunchem Hall? c. What did Miss Honey look like? d. What did we learn about the head teacher of the school? e. What advice did Miss Honey give the children concerning the discipline at school? f. What did the first day at school start with? g. Matilda proved to be an extraordinary child, didn’t she? h. Was Mathematics the only subject Matilda was good at? i. How did the class react to the limerick Matilda had made up? j. What else astounded Miss Honey about Matilda? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

a state of being confused and unable to understand a prodigy, p. 69 something or decide what you should do







or a limerick, p. 72

accomplishments 3

a person who has recently arrived in a place


a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat at random, p. 71

spellbound, p. 64

or danger 5 29

to like very much

to overwhelm, p. 61

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not following any prearranged order

menace, p. 61


to give too much of something to

to adore p. 61


a young person with exceptional qualities or abilities

bewilderment, p. 61


so fascinated that you cannot think about anything a newcomer, p. 61 else

10 a humorous poem which has five lines.

to show off, p. 66

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. He opened the book _____________________. b. The Russian tennis __________ is well on the way to becoming the youngest world champion of all time. c. She's a _______________ to the area. d. They were __________________ by farewell messages. e. The _____________ made everyone burst with laughter. f. Drunk drivers are a ______________ to everyone. g. Body builders shave their chests ________________ their muscles. h. His audience had listened like children, ________________ by his words. i. She _________________ Mexican cuisine. j. He shook his head in _______________________. 5. Replace the italicized words in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. in advance

frighten the life out of

get out of line

answer back

do one’s best

get the message

get on the wrong side of lie through one’s teeth

a. The thought terrifies me. b. It has always been easy for him to tell an outright lie without any remorse. c. He had never behaved in a way that could be considered inappropriate to her before. d. You need to book the hotel weeks ahead in time. 30

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e. He has never been good at understanding what is implied by a remark or action. f. I always spoke rudely to him when I thought he was wrong. g. Ruth did all she could to reassure her. h. I have always been afraid of coming into disfavour with my Mom. 6. Translate from English into Russian using one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the previous exercise. a. Он изо всех сил старался не показывать, как глубоко несчастлив он был. b. Она не любила планировать заранее. c. Известие напугало его до смерти. d. Противоречить начальнику было очень неразумно. e. Уйти сейчас означало бы нарушить все правила. f. По всей видимости, парень не понимал. g. Все понимали, что она нагло врет, но делали вид, что верят. h. Не огрызайся! 7. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. fall over

climb down

pop up

hand out catch up with

walk out

come across make up

a. If someone or something ________________, they appear in a place or situation unexpectedly. b. To ________________ someone means to reach the same standard, stage, or level that they have reached. c. If you _____something ____ to people, you give one or more to each person in a group. d. If you ____________of a meeting, a performance, or an unpleasant situation, you leave it suddenly, usually in order to show that you are angry or bored. e. If you ____________ something such as a story or excuse, you invent it, sometimes in order to deceive people.


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f. If a person or object that is standing ______________, they accidentally move from their upright position so that they are then lying on the ground or on the surface supporting them. g. If you ______ something or someone, you find them or meet them by chance. h. If you ________________ in an argument or dispute, you admit that you are wrong, or change your intentions or demands. 8. Choose the verb from the box which best fits the meaning of the sentences. Use them in the sentences of your own. chant snort







a. say something loudly in an excited or anguished tone of voice ___________ b. pronounce _____________________________________________________ c. say something in a low or indistinct voice ____________________________ d. say something in a high-pitched voice ______________________________ e. make a sudden explosive sound through one's nose, especially to express indignation


f. say as a further remark __________________________________________ g. say aloud (a series of names, facts, etc.) _____________________________ h. say or shout repeatedly in a sing-song tone


9. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. proper brand-new










a. The task requires ___________________________ patience and endurance. b. Yesterday he went off to buy himself a _________________________ car. c. She looked every bit as _______________________ as her mother, everybody feeling slightly frightened by her. d. The museum is full of _________________________and precious treasures. e. The haircut emphasised her ___________________________ beauty. f. The present constitution gives ______________ authority to the presidency. g. Tim looked very ____________________, not cheerful and smiling as usual. h. He looked round the ________________________ little room in despair. 32

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i. The police still know ________________________ little about the dead man. j. His ________________________ appetite is very difficult to please. k. She's never had a __________________________ job or a proper meal. 10. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using one of the words or collocations from the box. for one’s own good

to be under (the age)

to raise one’s voice

to possess a gift



to be of the same age under sb’s care to be late

a. У нее был дар завоевывать сердца слушателей. b. Детям до 16 лет не рекомендуется смотреть этот фильм. c. Он пошел в школу позже своих сверстников. d. Это была хрупкая дама средних лет. e. Несмотря на серьезность обсуждаемой проблемы, он сумел говорить, не повышая голоса. f. Они - ровесники. g. Ради своей же пользы, не спорьте с ним. h. Такой шанс выпадает раз в жизни, i. Она жила на попечении у бабушки с дедушкой. 11. Hold a round table discussion: ‘If the student fails to learn, the teacher fails to teach.’

THE TRUNCHBULL 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. squash








2. Comprehension check. a. What was the reason for Miss Honey’s visit to Miss Trunchbull? b. What are the key qualities of a potential head teacher? c. What did Miss Trunchbull look like? d. What was Miss Trunchbull’s regular outfit? 33


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e. How did the head teacher characterize Matilda? f. What did Miss Trunchbull blame Matilda for? g. Did Miss Honey succeed in her plan? h. Did Miss Honey give in? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

a pause or interlude, as between periods of intense to deal with, p.83 activity


have as belonging to one; own


a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply a female, p.76

to pour, p.79

than is usual or expected 4

to smile with the lips drawn back revealing the teeth or senior, p. 83 express (something) by such a smile


to manage (a situation or problem)


a plan made in secret by a group of people to do to handle, p.82

a plot, p.82

something illegal or harmful: 7

cope with or control (a difficult person or situation)

an interval, p.76


high or higher in rank or status

to grin, p.80


a woman or a girl

a bargain, p.79

10 to prepare and serve (a drink)

to possess, p.76

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. There will be a 20-minute ___________________ between acts one and two. b. I do not __________________ a television set. c. The table was a real ______________________. d. He ____________________ a welcome. e. A lawyer's ability ________ a case properly depends on many circumstances. f. There's a___________________ to overthrow the government. g. You'll have to find a way of _________________ those feelings. h. I often ask the people ________________ to me in my department for advice. 34

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i. It was .a sixteen-piece dance band with a __________________ singer. j. He ________________________ a cup of coffee. 5. Replace the italicized words in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. be stuck in


pillar of the society

keep away from


in any case

a. She appeared to be discouraged and even frightened with his threats and a domineering manner. b. Both of them were important and active parts of the society. c. Don’t come near the edge of the cliff. d. We will go no matter what. e. I don't want to remain in an office all my life. f. I’ve never liked shoes without high heels 6. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. get on with

go on

head for

get rid of sth

be up to sb

swell up

see through

a. If a person __________________ home, he goes there. b. If you want to relieve or free yourself of something or someone unpleasant or undesirable, you _______________________ them. c. If you _______________ doing something, or _____________ with an activity, you continue to do it. d. If people __________________ their job, they continue doing it. e. If something such as a part of your body ______________, it becomes larger and rounder than normal. f. If you ___________________ someone or their behaviour, you realize what their intentions are, even though they are trying to hide them. g. If the decision is ________________________, it depends on you alone. 7. Choose the verb from the box which best fits the meaning of the sentences. 35

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a. How perfectly ridiculous!’ he __________________, making a sudden explosive sound through his nose to express indignation. b. There's no need ________________________, I can hear perfectly well. c. In his agitation he was unable to ________________________. d. His voice ________________, with a deep sound lasting for several seconds. e. He _________________________ an order in an angry tone. f. `I didn't ask to be born!' she ________________ angrily in a loud, deep voice. g. He leant out of his window and _______________ abuse at them very loudly. h. ‘I really don't much care,’ she _________________. The words came out quickly and irritably. 8. Translate from Russian into English using one of the verbs from the previous exercise. a. Хороший руководитель не будет кричать на подчинённого. b. Он бегло говорит на нескольких языках. c. Мне не нравится, как этот учитель рявкает на детей. d. «Замолчи!», - протяжно выдавила она, не узнавая своего голоса. e. Она всегда резко и раздраженно раздавала поручения. f. «Берегись!»,- громко прокричал пожарный. g. Она недовольно фыркнула, выслушав его предложение отпраздновать годовщину свадьбы дома. 9. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. sympathetic obstinate arrogant terrific barmy ridiculous



a. He was so ______________ with a strong belief that he was more important than the others. b. She was ____________________ towards staff with family problems demonstrating feelings of pity and sorrow. c. It's _________________ that she didn't recognize me. I don’t think I’ve changed that much. 36

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d. The group has achieved ________________________ and equal representation for all its members without any favouritism. e. This is a ____________ decision, extremely foolish from the very beginning. f. She was a wicked and _______________ child, very determined to do what she wanted. g. It's been such a ___________________ day, extremely good and funny. h. It is ____________ to suggest we are having a romance. Everyone will say it is absurd. 10. Write an essay commenting upon the following quotation: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Thomas A. Edison

THE PARENTS 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. delinquent




neighbor suet-pudding

2. Comprehension check. a. What decision did Miss Honey make to help Matilda develop her brilliance? b. Why did Miss Honey decide to talk to Matilda’s parents? c. What kind of house did the family live in? d. What was Matilda’s parents’ reaction to the teacher’s visit? e. What were the family doing at the moment? f. What was Mrs Wormwood’s opinion about books? g. What did Mr Wormwood think about university education? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1 to come into view, as from concealment or obscurity

tuition, p. 86

2 a person's child or children

a drop-out, p .93

3 teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils to emerge, p. 84 or small groups 37

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4 to be attractive or interesting

to despise, p. 94

5 to make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound:

sloppiness, p. 92

6 to take action on

to deal with, p. 86

7 sentimentality

to blare, p. 86

8 someone who has left school or college before they an offspring, p. 85 have finished their studies 9 to dislike something or somebody and have a very low to appeal, p. 86 opinion of them 4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. He _____________________ from the darkness of the cave. b. His ___________________ gathered to celebrate his success. c. I'm not paying next year's _________________. d. The range of topics will _______________________ to youngsters. e. The wireless _______________________ out organ music. f. Let’s ___________________ each problem in turn. g. There are passages in the book which strike with excessive __________. h. The ___________________ rate among students is currently one in three. i. I can never, ever forgive him. I ____________________ him. 5. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. rapturously briskly





a. __________________________ means accurately and exactly. b. ______________________ anyone slept that night. c. Breakfast television arrived in British life _________________ a decade ago. d. He described the situation as very dangerous and called for acting ____________. e. The audience expressed great pleasure and enthusiasm, and greeted the actor applauding ___________________. f. If something is going to happen ______________, it is going to happen soon. g. She left the room __________________, with nobody noticing it. 38

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6. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. no point (in)

in favor of


let sth go

keep an eye on


like lightning

a. Dealers keep currency markets under careful observation. b. Finding a rug that's just the colour, size and price you want can be almost impossible. c. They say an intellectual or literary lady might find it difficult to find a decent husband these days. d. This action will serve no purpose and will not yield any worthwhile results. e. The decision worried us, but we choose not to react to it. f. She left the room very quickly. g. The judge decided to the advantage of the defendant. 7. Translate from Russian into English using the collocations or fixed phrases from the previous exercise. a. После этих слов ее как ветром сдуло. b. Посмотри за малышом, пока меня не будет. c. В любом споре он всегда высказывался в пользу матери. d. Было бесполезно пытаться заставить ее изменить свое мнение. e. Задача почти невыполнима. f. Ее никак нельзя было назвать синим чулком. g. Проект выглядел спорным, но мы оставили все, как есть. 8. Replace the words in bold in each sentence with one of the phrasal verbs from the box. Make all the necessary changes. seek sth/sb out hold with slave away turn out

call on

butt in

find out

a. Sometimes things don't happen the way we think they're going to. b. I don't approve of the way they do things nowadays. c. He's planning to pay a visit to Katherine today. d. He stares at the hundreds of workers working very hard in the intense sun. e. She searched hard for her friend amongst the crowd and found him at last. 39

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f. Sorry, I don't mean to join in a conversation without being asked to. g. It makes you want to watch the next episode to learn what's going to happen. 9. Choose the verb from the box which best fits the meaning of the sentences. peer gaze

look round




cast a look

a. When you ________ at someone, you look at them steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought. b. If you ____________, you turn your head to see what’s happening. c. If you __________at something, you look at it very hard, usually because it is difficult to see clearly. d. Sometimes we _____________ at a person in amazement - looking fixedly at them with our eyes wide open . e. She ___________________ at him, her cheeks flushing with anger. f. If you ______________________ in a particular direction, you look quickly in that direction. g. Everyone stopped _____________ what was going on, observing the scene attentively over a period of time. 10. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. gentle









a. He bore a __________ likeness to their father, which was astonishing and remarkable. b. It is _________________ to suggest we are having a romance, absurd, in fact. c. You can describe someone or something as _______________ to indicate that they are rather fat or rounded. d. If you say that someone is _______________, you are criticizing the fact they seem very pleased with how good, clever, or lucky they are. e. Don't ask such _________________ questions. You sound silly! f. I must admit, I was a bit ____________ with the children, bad-tempered and irritable. 40

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g. Many people are ____________________ of just how much food and drink they consume, or they just pretend they don’t know about it. h. Every one finds him to be a _______________, sensitive man, having a mild, kind, and tender character. i. That was a _________________ achievement, worthy of note and attention. 11. To what extent do you think it works in the modern society: “Some people choose books, others choose looks.”?

THROWING THE HAMMER 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. nymph whirling tough lettuce syrup squelch crusader foul

fiery rugged

2. Comprehension check. a. Why was it easy for Matilda to make friends? b. What did Lavender look like? c. Who was Hortensia? d. What was The Chokey? e. Why was the girl put in The Chokey for the first time? f. What were the other things she had done to get put in The Chokey? g. What story did Hortensia tell Matilda about Julius Rottwinkle? h. What did The Trunchbull have to do with throwing the hammer? i. What was wrong with Amanda Thripp? j. Why did parents do nothing about The Trunchbull’s behavior? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

the size or scale of something


the amount of something that you can hold in your a blur, p. 109

to cram, p. 101

hand. 3

any delightful surprise or specially pleasant occasion

a pigtail, p. 106


to feel strong hatred or disgust for

a suspect, p. 102


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to talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, skullduggery, p. 102 or incomprehensible way


to force too many (people or things) into a place or mesmerized, p. 110 container


underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behaviour or to babble, p. 100 activities


a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offence


a bunch of hair or one of two bunches on either side a treat, p. 96

to loathe, p. 96

of the face, worn loose or plaited 10 a thing that cannot be seen or heard clearly

a handful, p. 96

11 being so interested in something or so attracted to it an extent, p. 95 that you cannot think about anything else 4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. The ______________________ of global warming is becoming quite scary. b. She scooped up a ___________ of sand and let it trickle through her fingers. c. Lettie had never yet failed to return from town without some special _________ for him. d. The two men _____________________ each other. e. They _________________on about their holiday. f. It's amazing how you've managed to ___________________ everyone in. g. At school, he used to be blamed for ________________________. h. The police have arrested a ________________________. i. She could be easily recognized in that little girl with ___________________. j. He couldn’t forget the pale ____________________ of her face. k. He was absolutely ________________________ by Pavarotti on television. 5. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. casually exceptionally

amiably expertly



a. He said good night _______________, promising more quickly than normally, that he would phone her in the morning. 42

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b. She is said to be ____________ brainy, having much more than average intelligence. c. He pretended he met her by chance, just ____________. d. We chatted ___________ about old friends displaying a friendly and pleasant manner. e. This year promises to be ___________ good fun with a great amount of pleasant events and new friends. f. He spoke ________ about boatbuilding showing a lot of knowledge and skill. 6. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. make friends with the air of

sneak on sb

sneak into

wrapped up in

be off one’s rocker scream blue murder

a. If it gets into the papers, she'll be down here making an extravagant and noisy protest. b. At school she used to inform teachers of her classmates’ misdeeds. c. He simply couldn't take it and his mind did not work in a normal way, with the result that his behaviour was very strange. d. He entered the room without being detected in order to steal the documents. e. She used to become friendly with new people easily. f. She answered with a faint impression of boredom. g. He was so involved with her that he didn’t pay enough attention to other people. 7. Match each sentence (a-g) with a sentence from (1-7) which has a similar meaning. Think of your own sentences with the phrasal verbs in bold. a. He was in the habit of boastfully displaying his abilities and accomplishments. b. I can’t continue to persevere you from trouble. c. Hide your gold rings and chains in the box and fasten the lock. d. Firefighters got the tourists out by forcing them from the snow surrounding them. e. The band is planning to perform in December. 43

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f. He lifted his cap from the floor. g. Be careful because there might be people stealing from bags around here!

1. Lock up the jewelry inside it. 2. Watch out! Pickpockets are around! 3. I can't go on protecting you. 4. They are hoping to put on a UK show before the end of the year. 5. He often showed off. 6. They helped to dig out the people trapped in the snowdrift. 7. He picked it up from stuck it back on his head. 8. Choose the verb from the box which best fits the meaning of the sentences. saunter wander approach rush advance charge totter stride wobble a. I ________through the narrow streets, moving in a leisurely and aimless way. b. The train _________________ the main line coming nearer and nearer. c. Oliver ________ after her, with nobody understanding his urgent haste. d. Adam __________ into the room walking in a slow, relaxed manner. e. He ____________ through the door to my mother's office, scaring everyone with his quick and aggressive movement towards the room. f. He __________ to the fridge, got a beer and slumped at the table, with his walking there in an unsteady way proving he was drunk. g. He _______ towards the dispatch box, moving forwards quickly in a purposeful way. h. He _______________ across the road walking with long decisive steps. i. The table ____________ where the leg is too short, moving unsteadily from side to side. 9. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. gutsy


terrific menacing

tough pop-eyed


commonplace terror-struck

spellbound awesome

a. She was looking at him _________________________, feeling extreme fear. 44

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b. She had stringy hair and ___________________ legs which you could hardly find attractive. c. If you describe someone as _________________, you mean they show courage or determination. d. He was a ______________________ and capable boy possessing and displaying prudence. e. The band is excellent, truly _______________________! f. He was in awe of her; she held him ________________ - so fascinated that he couldn’t think about anything else. g. A ________________ person is strong and determined, and can tolerate difficulty or suffering. h. If something is ___________________, it happens often or is often found, and is therefore not surprising. i. She stood there _______________, with her eyes wide open in great surprise. j. It's been such a ________ day - extremely good and full of pleasant surprises. k. The strong dark eyebrows give his face an oddly ____________________ look causing a feeling that he is likely to put you in danger. 10. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the adjectives from the previous exercise. a. Дети завороженно слушали сказку. b. Крутой парень этот Джекки Чан. c. Такие случаи – не редкость в наше время. d. Она была до жалости худа. e. Не часто встретишь такого рассудительного молодого человека. f. Выглядишь потрясающе! g. Злобная улыбка на его лице была поистине страшна. h. Всем понравилась его смелая и эмоциональная речь. i. Она так и осталась стоять с выпученными от удивления глазами. j. Она обняла охваченного ужасом ребенка. k. Это действительно твоя машина? С ума сойти! 45

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11. Write an essay commenting on the following: “Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is.”

H. Jackson Browne

BRUCE BOGTROTTER AND THE CAKE 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. сarbuncle cautiously denizen

apprehension pustule pirate

brigand rustler

2. Comprehension check. a. Why did Matilda see no point in complaining to her parents about the Trunchbull? b. Who was the next victim of the Trunchbull’s anger? c. What was the boy blamed for? d. How did Bruce give himself away completely? e. What kind of punishment was invented for the boy? f. How did Bruce manage to make it? g. How did he feel after having finished with the cake? h. What was the Trunchbull’s reaction? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

a formal public statement about a fact, fury, p. 127 occurrence, or intention


to move or cause to move gradually or furtively to surrender, p. 124 in a particular direction


a worry about the future, or a fear that something to congratulate, p. 117 unpleasant is going to happen


a man, typically on horseback, who held up to forbid, p. 117 travellers at gunpoint in order to rob them



to praise (someone) for an achievement

apprehension, p. 114

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to prohibit (a person) in a forceful or a highwayman, p. 115 authoritative manner (from doing something or having something)


a hidden problem or disadvantage in an a disaster, p. 124 apparently ideal situation








unfortunate a catch, p. 118

consequences 9

to stop fighting or resisting someone and agree to edge, p. 114 that you have been beaten.

10 wild or violent anger

an announcement, p. 112

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. They'll _______________________ you to marry. b. She tried ________________________ away from him. c. It's normal to feel a little _____________________ before starting a new job. d. The operators are _____________________ for the service that they provide. e. The minister was about to make an _____________________. f. There's _________________________ in it somewhere. g. A string of personal _____________________ seemed to pursue him. h. We'll never _________________________ to the terrorists. i. Rachel shouted, beside herself with _______________________. 5. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. decidedly briskly genuinely violently gingerly



a. His careful manner made everybody smile He sat down _____________, feeling anxious and unable to relax. b. Walking ______ in an energetic way can often induce a feeling of well-being. c. They were _________ hostile to one another, in a way that was very obvious. 47

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d. Some opposition activists have been ________________ attacked. Some of them have been seriously injured. e. I wasn't _______ successful. In fact, there was nothing exceptional in my life. f. She ________ attempted to put things right, at least she seemed to be sincere. g. He stepped ______________________ on to the ice. 6. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. raise a stink

do things by halves

not to put it past sb

look smart

to the gills

plead guilty get into one’ stride

make it

have a mountain to climb

take the trouble for certain go the whole hog

not a bit of it

a. We don't do things without being thorough or exhaustive. b. I thought it was fantastic that he made an effort to text me. c. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tom did something bad, because it is a typical thing for him to do. d. Come up here, and be quick about it! e. The restaurant was fully packed. f. He is facing a very difficult task. g. Let's wait until she's started to feel confident, after being slow and uncertain, before we ask her to negotiate that contract. h. If nothing happens when you ask nicely, create a great deal of trouble until something gets done. i. She knew there were plenty of witnesses to the assault; she was advised to confess and accept a fine. j. If you are redecorating one room, why not do it completely and thoroughly, and paint the entire house? k. He'll never be successful as a singer. l. He will win without a doubt. m. ‘Was I rude? – ‘Not at all.’ 48

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7. Translate from Russian into English using one of the phrases from the previous exercise. a. Начатое дело доводи до конца. b. Она может поднять шум. c. Она не хочет себя утруждать. d. Я знаю, это задача не из легких, но выполнить ее необходимо. e. Он признал себя виновным. f. Он и соврет – недорого возьмет. g. Я знаю, что на первых порах работа идет у меня медленно, но уверен, что пойдет быстрее, когда я освоюсь с делом. h. Собирайся, живо! i. Я точно не знаю. j. Он ждал от нее раскаянья, да не тут-то было! k. Это очень трудный экзамен; ты уверен, что сможешь сдать его? l. "Я хочу прожить двести лет" - "Зачем мелочиться. Живи уж вечность" m. Мы наелись до отвала бутербродами с сыром и салатом из свежих овощей. 8. Add a suitable comment, from the same speaker, to sentences (a-f.) Choose from (1-6). get away with settle down lead up to

root for

catch up in

slow down

a. If he thinks he can get away with cheating me, he's very much mistaken. b. I waited till he got his coffee, came back and settled down to listen. c. They had a series of arguments, leading up to a decision to separate. d. Good luck, we'll be rooting for you. e. Many African women, for reasons of poverty, get caught up in the drug trade. f. You will need to slow down for a while. 1. Now I saw he was ready to concentrate on the matter. 2. I will find a way to punish him. 3. Becoming less active will give you a break you need. 4. Poor creatures are involved in it, usually unwillingly. 49

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5. They happened one after the other until they realized that they could not be together any more. 6. You will feel our support! 9.Match each sentence (a-j) with an explanation (1-9). grab wipe








a. She grabbed him by the shirt collar. b. Pauli wiped his face. c. Three geese waddled across the road. d. He leaned back in his chair. e. Don't just sling your bag on the floor! f. She swallowed a mouthful slowly. g. He was chewing a mouthful of toast. h. Jessica smacked his face, quite hard. i. The audience clapped in time to the music. j. Fabia's heart leapt excitedly. 1. She struck it with the palm of her hand. 2. They applauded keeping time with the melody. 3. She allowed the food to pass down the throat. 4. He moved into a sloping position. 5. They walked with short steps and a clumsy swaying motion. 6. He was working the food in the mouth with the teeth. 7. She seized it suddenly and roughly. 8. She dried it by rubbing with a cloth. 9. In fact, it jumped with great force. 10.Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. outrageous wary persuasive crafty grateful obvious

gigantic bemused

a. Your arguments are very _____________. You can make people believe you. b. If you could get that report finished by Thursday I'd be very _____________. c. It was _____________ a storm was coming in. The dark clouds and heavy wind made it clear. 50

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d. He is said to be a _______, lying character who enjoys plotting against others. e. What started as a small bonfire has grown to the size of a _____________ tip. f. He was rather _______________ by children. It was clear they puzzled him. g. I must apologise for my ____________ behaviour. I was really unacceptable. h. Dogs which have been mistreated often remain very __________ of strangers showing caution about possible dangers. 11.Role - play the situation: “Misery loves company”. Student A tells their friend about a problem. Student B gives a piece of advice to help cope with the situation. In your discussion you can touch upon the following problems or highlight your own one: a) of your relationship with parents; b) teen depression; c) first love; d) aggression; e) bullying; f) gambling.

LAVENDER 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. dozen




newt creature gruesome-looking crocodile

2. Comprehension check. a. What news did Miss Honey tell the pupils? b. What tips were the children given so that not to make the Trunchbull angry? c. What was Lavender made responsible for? d. What was the girl’s plot? e. Was it easy to catch a creature she needed? f. Why didn’t Lavender tell anybody about her deed? g. What did she do with the newt? h. What, do you think, will happen during the lesson? 51

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3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

a person who sees an event happening, especially a to trap, p. 133 crime or an accident


to have a strong wish or desire


a plan made in secret by a group of people to do a satchel, p. 133

to spot, p.131

something illegal or harmful: 4

a rectangular leather bag with a long strap, used a plot, p. 130 especially in the past by children for carrying books to school


to see, notice, or recognize (someone or something) to long , p. 130 that is difficult to detect or that one is searching for


to have (something, typically a part of the body) held a witness, p. 128 tightly by something so that it cannot be freed


a person who is responsible for a crime or other pottery, p. 134 misdeed


a cause of great physical or mental suffering








a deed, p. 134 or a torture, p. 133

consciously 10 hard clay that some pots, dishes, and other objects are a culprit, p. 133 made of. 4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. She _____________________ for a little more excitement.


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b. All exercises are done in the classroom itself so that children are relaxed at home and need not carry _________________ stuffed with heavy loads of textbooks and exercise books. c. The police are appealing for _________________________ to the accident. d. Andrew ____________________ the advert in the paper. e. Some bowls were made of ______________ and wood. f. All the men were being deported even though the real __________________ in the fight have not been identified. g. Dances were absolute ___________________ because I was so small. h. There's a ______________to overthrow the government i. You can't prepare to do a good ______________; it's an opportunity presented to you during the course of your day. j. He had ___________________ his finger in a spring-loaded hinge. 5. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. feel at home

on second thought to distraction

quick as a flash

make sure

swear sb to secrecy

a. Very quickly he was at her side. b. Oh, wait! I’ve changed my mind - I do not think that I will go to a movie tomorrow. c. Every time I visit the place, I feel comfortable. d. She made me promise her that I would not reveal her secret. e. Go and establish that she's all right. f. She loved him almost to a state of madness. 6. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. take over

answer back

watch out over


swot up

expand on

come up with


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a. If you tell someone to ________________, you are warning them to be careful, because something unpleasant might happen to them or they might get into difficulties. b. If you __________, you study very hard, especially when you are preparing for an examination. c. If you ____________ a plan or idea, you think of it and suggest it. d. If you ____________ something, you give more information or details about it when you write or talk about it. e. If you ____________ a job, you become responsible for the job after someone else has stopped doing it. f. If you _____________, you think about it for a long time before deciding what to do. g. If a child ____________, they speak rudely to you when you speak to them. 7. Translate from Russian into English using one of the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise. a. Его вдова заменила его на посту главы фирмы. b. Его часто наказывали за то, что он оговаривался с учителями. c. Оркестр усиленно репетировал Стравинского. d. Ряд коллег выдвинул свои собственные предложения. e. Это нужно обдумать хорошенько. f. Осторожно! Впереди забор! g. Не могли бы Вы осветить детали проекта, чтобы всем была понята перспектива. 8. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. Use them in the sentences of your own. eager fixed strict responsible scheming brilliant gruesome damp common a. My father was very _________________, always demanding that rules concerning our behaviour were obeyed and observed. b. It is your job to deal with customers and make decisions relating to servicing them. You are __________________ for this. 54

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c. After so many years of crafty lies he finally saw his _________________ wife for what she really was. d. They were three young intellectuals strongly wanting to succeed, ____________ to win. e. The germ of a ______________ idea hit her. She was sure it was exceptionally clever. f. Prevalent salt and pepper are the two most _____________ seasonings often found on restaurant tables. g. The newspaper article included a _____________________ description of the murder which was extremely unpleasant h. Loans are provided for a ______________ period. The time is predetermined and not able to be changed. i. This shirt still feels slightly wet. I hate _________________ clothes. 9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: ‘A good deed never goes unpunished.’? Support your idea with your personal experience. Gore Vidal

THE WEEKLY TEST 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. nauseating racquet insolence thumb aloft forefinger wrench doubt suicide 2. Comprehension check. a. How did the Trunchbull start her lesson? b. What was her first test? c. Why did Nigel find himself in the corner of the room? d. What was the boy tested on? e. Was the Trunchbull impressed with Miss Honey’s technique of teaching the kids to spell difficult words? f. Why did Rupert fall into disgrace with the Trunchbull? What did she do to the boy? g. What did Erik Ink do to drive the Headmistress mad? How was he punished? 55

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h. How did Matilda attract the Trunchbull’s attention? i. Why was the Headmistress angry with Matilda’s father? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

a person or thing having a ridiculous, repulsive, or a crook, p. 152 dishevelled appearance


to officially make (someone) leave a school or to hammer into, p. 149 other organization


to rise to or reach a great height


to write or name the letters that form (a word) in hesitation, p. 140

to handle, p. 150

correct sequence 5

to exchange or express diverging or opposite to plummet, 144 views, typically in a heated or angry way


the action of pausing before saying or doing to spell, p. 138 something


fall or drop straight down at high speed


to keep repeating an idea forcefully so that it will to expel, p. 135

to argue, p. 138

have an effect on people 9

to cope or deal with (someone or something)

10 a person who is dishonest or a criminal

to tower, p. 136 a sight, p. 135

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. She was ____________________ from school. b. These politicians are just a bunch of ___________________. c. Dolly _________________ her name. 56

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d. A climber was killed when he ______________ 300 feet down an icy gully. e. I don't think I could ________________ it if they turned me down f. ‘I must look a frightful _______________,’ she said. g. He __________ it ______ me that I had not suddenly become a rotten goalkeeper. h. She answered without __________________. i. He seemed ________________ over everyone else j. The two men started ___________________ in a local pub. 5. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. drive sb round the band

take a chance

in no time

take aback

let sb/sth go

come to sb’s rescue

head off

a. She was astonished by the child’s behavior. b. He was drunk as a skunk and singing unrestrainedly. c. The video has sold 30,000 copies very quickly. d. It was enough to make me go mad. e. The dog refused to release the bone. f. Saying that, he really behaved in a way that left him vulnerable to failure. g. We were stuck in the elevator until Marty helped us. 6. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. put up with sb/sth

cut out

take up

start out as fall out with sb/sth

speak up

rub out

a. If you __________ a particular type of food, you stop eating it, usually because it is bad for you. b. We had a minor argument, and it was enough for me to _____________ him. c. Uncle Herbert never argued, never defended himself. You couldn’t imagine him _______________ for himself. d. He had _________________ a position in the centre of the room. 57

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e. They had to __________________ their son’s behavior, which they would not have tolerated from anyone else. f. What ______________________ fun quickly became hard work. g. She began ____________ the pencilled marks in the margin as if it was very important to remove them. 7. Match each sentence (a-i) with a sentence from (1-9) which has a similar meaning. a. He twisted himself free. b. He looked uncomfortable and squirmed in his chair. c. The girl spun round in alarm. d. She kicked and wriggled but he held her firmly. e. The ball bounced away and he chased it. f. Police kicked down the door. g. She twiddled the dials on the radio. h. The van jerked forward. i. My jumper stretched in the wash.

1. They struck it forcibly with their feet 2. She turned round quickly: 3. She twisted and turned with quick writhing movements. 4. It moved with an irregular motion. 5. It became wider without tearing. 6. It moved quickly away after hitting, and the boy ran after it. 7. He moved in a wriggling fashion trying to get free. 8. She fiddled with it in a purposeless way. 9. He wriggled his body from side to side as a result of nervousness and discomfort. 8. Match the verbs from the box with the creature or thing with which they are associated. Use each verb only once. 58

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chirrup bellow snap

murmur bark snort gasp


squeal yell

whimper pipe



a. An angry person _______________________ b. A bee


c. A bird _______________________________ d. A bugle ______________________________ e. A bull _______________________________ f. A child _______________________________ g. A dog


h. A horse _______________________________ i. A marathon runner j. A pig



k. A shark’s teeth


l. A swan _______________________________ m. A rain brakes _________________________ n. A waterfall ____________________________ 9. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. bright liable filthy proper tricky ignorant curious splendid peeved a. An artist needs the required tools. Only the __________ ones do guarantee their success. b. A __________ sensation overwhelmed her. It was so strange and unexpected. c. It was a disgustingly dirty hospital, an absolutely_______place with no sanitation. d. She was amiable, but not very ______________. One could hardly call her quick-witted. e. Susan couldn't help feeling a little ____________. Their casual manner annoyed her. f. Everyone in the family considered him uneducated and unsophisticated. He was told constantly that he was __________ and stupid. 59

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g. He was a ___________ fellow, an excellent company and a very good friend. h. Applying eyeliner can be a __________ business as it requires care and skill. i. It's ______________________ to happen soon. It’s quite likely. 10. Add a suitable comment, from the same speaker, to sentences (a-f.) Choose from (1-6). a. I can't for the life of me understand what it is you see in that place. b. The fake coins were taken for genuine. c. My foot! Of course he did! d. The woman was about to cry. e. I saw them off, waving until the car was out of sight. f. It was a bad day all round.

1. I could say, it was terrible in all respects, 2. Don’t try to defend him! 3. I saw she was very close to bursting into tears. 4. I stood there until it was not visible. 5. It’s beyond me, however hard I try. 6. I must say, it was quite easy to make a mistake like that. 11.Hold a round table discussion discussing the following: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” ― William Arthur Ward

THE FIRST MIRACLE 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. squirming cockroach repellent



maniac crow

2. Comprehension check. a. What attitude to little kids did the Trunchbull express in her speech? b. What was her idea of a perfect school? c. What was the Headmistress’s reaction to a newt? d. Who did she blame for the incident? 60


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e. How did Matilda react? f. What feeling crept over Matilda? What did she long to do? g. What happened to the glass and the newt? h. How did the lesson end? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

a cause of great distress or annoyance


to create or design (something that has not a sensation, p. 159

confidence, p. 162

existed before 3

to come or cause to come into being for the first serenity, p. 162 time; originate


to be especially proud of (a particular quality or fury, p. 155 skill)


wild or violent anger tears of fury and to pride oneself(on/upon), frustration


p. 155

loss of reputation or respect as the result of a to build up, p. 159 dishonourable action






strengthen, a disgrace, p. 156

especially by degrees 8

a physical feeling or perception resulting from to invent, p. 153 something that happens to or comes into contact with the body


the state of being calm, peaceful, and to start up, p. 153 untroubled

10 a feeling of self-assurance arising from an bane, p. 153 61

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appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities 4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. He ________________an improved form of the steam engine. b. The telephone was the _________ of my life, annoying and upsetting. c. After her success she's brimming with ____________. d. He _________ himself _______ his honesty. e. The murmur _________ to a roar. f. The old park has always been an oasis of ________ amidst the bustling city. g. She started to feel a burning __________ in the middle of the chest. h. He left the army in ____________. 5. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. reluctantly personally unbearably horribly steadily desperately curiously a. The summer was ____________________ hot. b. `Is that how you got that scar on your face?' Bess asked ______________. c. He _________________ needed a drink. d. We have _______________________ agreed to let him go. e. She stayed to thank O'Brien __________________. f. I am ______________________ bored! g. The company has ________________ been losing market share to Boeing and Airbus. 6. Translate from Russian into English using one of the adverbs from the exercise above. a. Они были на удивление спокойны. b. Цены неуклонно ползли вверх. c. Она неохотно протянула ему паспорт. d. Он отчаянно нуждался в чьем-либо внимании. e. Лично я не согласна с вашим предложением. f. Он был нестерпимо груб с товарищами. 62

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g. Я ужасно устала. 7. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. get rid of

have nothing to do with behind bars

round the twist

strong point

lose one’s cool

a. The issue seemed to have no dealings with his resigning. b. Half of his life was spent in prison. c. He tried to do everything possible to get free of a troublesome client. d. He finally failed

to maintain a calm and controlled attitude with a

photographer and threatened to hit him. e. The games she plays drive me out of my mind. f. Tactfulness was never something at which he exceled. 8. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. own up to drum out of

take on

see to sth

put away

rise up vouch for

a. If something ___________ a new appearance or quality, it develops that appearance or quality. b. If you __________________ something wrong that you have done, you admit that you did it. c. If you __________________ something that needs attention, you deal with it. d. If someone is ______________, they are sent to prison or to a mental hospital for a long time. e. If someone is __________ an organization such as the armed forces or a club, they are forced to leave it, usually because they have done something wrong. f. When the people in a country ___________________, they try to defeat the government or army that is controlling them. g. If you say that you can ____________ something, you mean that you have evidence from your own personal experience that it is true or correct. 9. Match the verbs in the box with their meaning.


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stare browse






peer examine

a. I looked through it in a casual leisurely manner. b. I directed my gaze in a specified direction. c. I looked at it with an angry expression on my face. d. I looked steadily and intently, in admiration e. I looked at it closely and with interest. f. I looked at it very hard, because it was difficult to see clearly g. I looked at it for a long time with my eyes wide ope h. I looked at it very quickly and then looked away again immediately. i. I looked at it carefully inspecting it in detail. j. I stared with my mouth open wide in amazement. 10. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. repulsive


delinquent riveting

utter invisible

vile mighty

a. If you say that someone or something is _______, you mean that they are very unpleasant. b. Charlotte stared at her in ___________ amazement, absolutely filled with astonishment c. A(n) __________________ smell aroused intense disgust. d. Snooker is ________________. It is extremely interesting and exciting, and it holds your attention completely. e. Someone, usually a young person, who is __________________ repeatedly, commits minor crimes. f. His ____________________ words and actions were intended to harm her reputation, and cause her embarrassment. g. _____________ is used to describe something that is very large or powerful. h. A(n) ________________ object is unable to be seen. 64

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11. Match each sentence (a-h) with a sentence from (1-8) which has a similar meaning. a. The mere thought of seeing him again made her see red. b. The younger sister always managed to pin any wrongdoing on the elder one. c. She was fed up with their complaints. d. When she saw him, she let out a cry of horror. e. A few minutes later the bomb went off, destroying the vehicle. f. ‘Look out!’ warned Billie, seeing a movement from the room beyond. g. I don't mind in the least your Mom coming for dinner tonight. h. I bet this place is really spooky late at night.

1. She was unable and unwilling to put up with them any longer: 2. She became very angry at the thought. 3. She made a sound which terrified everyone. 4. It exploded with a petrifying sound. 5. She attributed the blame for any prank to the senior. 6. She warned us to take notice. 7. I am not against it at all. 8. I am certain, it is. 12. Write an essay commenting on the following: ‘If you failed something, own up to it, stop blaming others, move on and aim to do better’.

THE SECOND MIRACLE 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. consciousness





2. Comprehension check. a. Why didn’t Matilda get out of the class? b. What did she confide to Miss Honey? c. Was it easy for Miss Honey to believe the girl? d. How did Matilda prove her mighty power? 65



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3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1 to be unsuccessful in an attempt (at something or to to tremble, p.169 do something) 2 to happen or occur

wonderment, p.170

3 to trust (someone) enough to tell them of a secret or a miracle, p.166 private matter 4 to understand the meaning or tendency of (a speaker to will, p.166 or argument) 5 to make or try to make (someone) do something or to follow, p. 166 (something) happen by the exercise of mental powers 6 an extraordinary and welcome event that is not to confide in, p. 162 explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency 7 to shake slightly because you are frightened or cold.

to fail, p. 162

8 a feeling of great surprise and pleasure.

to take place, p. 162

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. His big blue eyes opened wide in __________________. b. Many of us have tried to lose weight and _________________ miserably c. I still don't _________________ you. d. Reluctantly he __________________ himself to turn and go back. e. The concert __________________ in November. f. His recovery was a blessed _________________. g. He ______________ friends that he and his wife planned to separate.


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h. His mouth became dry, his eyes widened, and he began ______________ all over. 5. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. join the rush

on the spur of the moment a great deal

put an end to

dream of

a. The decision has been made on impulse. b. The injury caused him to stop going up the career ladder. c. She wasn’t in a hurry to follow her fellow-students. d. I wouldn't think of it! e. You need a lot of patience to learn how to play snooker. 6. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. bottle up run away with

go ahead strike dumb riffle through

tip over

a. If you are _____________, you suddenly become unable to speak. b. If you __________ or if it ____________, it falls over or turns over. c. If you ________ strong feelings, you do not express them or show them, especially when this makes you tense or angry. d. If you let your imagination or your emotions _________________ you, you fail to control them and cannot think sensibly. e. If you _____________ the pages of a book or riffle them, you turn them over quickly, without reading everything that is on them. f. If someone ______________ with something, they begin to do it or make it, especially after planning, promising, or asking permission to do it. 7. Translate from Russian into English using the phrasal verbs from the exercise above. a. Напряжение в семье растет, если вы тщательно скрываете свои настоящие чувства и эмоции. b. В своем энтузиазме он иногда слишком увлекается. c. В спешке он опрокинул стул. d. Давай, покажи, на что ты способен! 67

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e. Его неожиданное появление лишило ее дара речи. f. Она покопалась в сумке и достала губную помаду. 8. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. doubtful alert

disastrous peculiar






astounding alarmed

a. A(n) ________________ event has extremely bad consequences and effects. b. If someone is ____________, they are very impressed and amazed by something. c. If you are __________ to someone who is in a bad situation, you are kind to them and show that you understand their feelings. d. If something is _______________, you are shocked or amazed that it could exist or happen. e. If it is ____________________ that something will happen, it seems unlikely to happen or you are uncertain whether it will happen. f. If you describe someone or something as ___________________, you think that they are strange or unusual, sometimes in an unpleasant way. g. If you are _______________, you are paying full attention to things around you and are able to deal with anything that might happen h. If you describe memories and descriptions as _______________, you mean that they are very clear and detailed. i. You can use __________________ to describe situations or activities that are understood only by the people involved in them, and not by anyone else. j. If someone is ______________, they feel afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen. k. If you feel __________________, you feel full of great joy and happiness. 9. Challenge the following: ‘We rarely confide in those who are better than we are.’ - Albert Camus MISS HONEY’S COTTAGE 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. evil divine cautiously squirrel half-buried wilderness winding 68


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2. Comprehension check. a. How did Matilda behave on the way to Miss Honey’s house? b. Why did Matilda’s extraordinary ability cause Miss Honey’s concern? c. What was the day like? d. What kind of cottage did the teacher live in? e. How was the kitchen furnished? f. How did Miss Honey get water? g. Why did Matilda arrive at a conclusion that Miss Honey was very poor? h. What furniture was there in the sitting room? i. What did Matilda feel while visiting Miss Honey? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

to consider without giving deep thought to or coming a well, p. 181 to a conclusion concerning


a remarkable person or thing

a fairy tale, p. 180


to be filled with wonder or astonishment

delicacy, p. 183


excessive pride in oneself

to hurt, p. 175


to cause physical pain to (someone or something)

conceit, p. 174


a house, flat, or other place of residence

to long, p. 186


a story about fairies or other mythical or magical a phenomenon, 173 beings, especially one of traditional origin told to children


a shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, oil, or to play with , p. 173 gas



tact and consideration

to marvel, p. 174

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10 to have a strong wish or desire

a dwelling, p. 178

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. Their ____________________ were simple but pristine, both inside and out. b. She _________________ at Geoffrey's composure. c. We are ___________________ to see the new baby. d. He was puffed up with __________________________. e. His words ________________ her. f. We're ______________________ the idea of emigrating. g. She drew water from the __________________. h. She was like a princess in a __________________. i. I have to treat this matter with the utmost ____________________. j. The band was a pop _____________________. 5. Choose the items from the list that have something to do with the places. lump of meat,

chicken, orange, pork, egg, cheese, spinach, onion,

strawberry, drill, tray, cup, spaghetti, toaster, cupboard, shelf, beef, tap, stove, chimney, gate, sink, door, apple , window, automatic teller, wall, lamb, cash machine, can of condensed milk, path, account, electric razor, roof, saucepan a. greengrocer’s___________________________________________________ b. butcher’s ______________________________________________________ c. grocery store ___________________________________________________ d. electrical shop __________________________________________________ e. kitchen________________________________________________________ f. house__________________________________________________________ g. bank__________________________________________________________ 6. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. all of a sudden lo and behold 70

to the four winds round off

by oneself

ill at ease in the least

lead the way

from now on

old bird

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a. My little flock scatters in all directions. b. And in the future they were friends. c. She burst into tears unexpectedly. d. He was a person with great experience. e. I don't mind at all. f. She went first along a route to show them the way. g. She used to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed in his presence. h. They stopped waiting for him, but then, though surprisingly, he turned up. i. He was living in Farley Court alone. j. We completed the evening with a brandy. 7. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. steam up (about) bowl over keep up with

calm down turn up

find out

a. If you are __________________ by something, you are very impressed or surprised by it. b. If you __________, or if someone calms you down, you become less angry, upset, or excited. c. If you say that someone or something _______________, you mean that they arrive, often unexpectedly or after you have been waiting a long time. d. If you try to _______________ somebody, you do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with them. e. If you __________ something _______, you learn something that you did not already know, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so. f. If someone gets _____________ about something, they are very annoyed about it. 8. Translate from Russian into English using the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise. 1. На Рождество он появился со своей новой девушкой. 2. Директор может выйти из себя по любому пустяку. 3. Как любой турист, я был поражен Индией. 4. Постарайся выяснить, где он пропадал все это время. 71

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5. Он прибавил шагу, и детям пришлось бежать, чтобы успевать за ним. 6. Успокойся и выслушай меня. 9. Match each sentence (a-h) with a sentence from (1-8) which has a similar meaning. a. The child trotted across to her obediently. b. I never forget a path I have once trodden. c. She went back into the house, and Ben followed her. d. The boy hopped along beside her. e. Rosanna and Forbes walked in silence for some while. f. Anna led the way to the kitchen. g. Jane and Rory were riding their ponies. h. Miriam hung back for a moment. 1. I always remember the way I walk. 2. The man came after her. 3. She was reluctant to go forward. 4. He moved by jumping on one foot. 5. They moved forward by putting one foot in front of the other in a regular way. 6. He ran at a moderate pace with short steps. 7. She went first along a route to show them the way 8. They sat on and controlled the movement of the animals. 10. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. precocious tempted





worked up bemused

a. A ______________ place, thing, or person is tidy and smart, and has everything in the correct place. b. A ______________________ child is very clever, mature, or good at something, often in a way that you usually only expect to find in an adult. 72

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c. If you are ____________________, you are puzzled or confused. d. Someone who is ___________________ is agitated or excited. e. If you say that you are _________________ to do something, you mean that you would like to do it. f. Someone who is __________________ is lively and is showing their feelings. g. A _______________ place is situated far from the main centres of population. h. A person who is ____________________________ feels shy, ashamed, or guilty about something. 11. Find English equivalents to the following words. зеленая изгородь


Луизианский мох








12. Describe your dream-house or flat. MISS HONEY’S STORY 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. demon nightmare

tough enough owe authorities


courage triumph

2. Comprehension check. a. What awkward questions did Matilda ask Miss Honey? b. Why did she find it possible to talk about her problems to a child? c. What was Miss Honey’s first tragedy? d. What was the second tragedy? e. How did her father die? f. What made Miss Honey’s life a nightmare? g. What happened when she left school? h. How did Miss Honey manage to get away from her aunt? 73

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i. How did she pluck out the courage to tell the aunt about the rented cottage? j. Why does Miss Honey’s house belong to the aunt? Who is she? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

a person or thing that is excluded from a general to lack, p. 189 statement or does not follow a rule


a feeling of uneasy embarrassment or inconvenience

forgery, p. 199


to bring out of inactivity

to question, p. 191


a mental or emotional strain

a nightmare, p. 192


a very frightening and unpleasant situation

tension, p. 189


to astonish or deeply shock

an owner, p. 191


to be without or deficient in

an exception, p. 187


a legal possessor

to stagger, p. 189


to feel or express doubt about; raise objections to

to rouse, p. 189

10 personal courage and determination; toughness of awkwardness, p. 188 character 11 an illegal copy of a document, painting, etc. or the guts, p. 195 crime of making such illegal copies 4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. The novel _______________________ imagination. b. She had both more brains and more ______________ than her husband. c. The letter was a ___________________________. d. The years in prison were a ______________________. e. I was ___________________ to find it was six o'clock 74

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f. Once the enemy camp was _______________, they would move on the castle g. A mind which is affected by stress or _____________ cannot think clearly. h. The members had _________________________ the cost of the scheme. i. The _______________ is no longer interested in selling. j. He always plays top tunes, and tonight was no ______________________. k. The _______________________ of being alone with him was very strange. 5. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. dreadfully





a. If a situation continues ______________________, it will continue forever or until someone decides to change it or end it. b. You use ‘_____________________’ to emphasize the degree or intensity of something, especially something bad or unpleasant. c. A person or part of their body moves _______________ when they are unable to move easily and without pain. d. Interest rates have increased ___________, the rise being sudden and marked. e. The ads are aimed at women, ______________ because they do the shopping, I wrongly doubt the truth of the statement though. 6. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. as a matter of fact


no prizes for guessing

next of kin

make a fight of it

in return

a. We have notified the person who is your closest relative to state in all legal documents. b. He left the house to his sister as a reward for her kindness. c. It is obvious what you two have been up to! d. I had a large meal at the restaurant. e. The Chargers certainly put up a spirited show of resistance in the second half. f. In reality, I was talking to him this afternoon. 7. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. 75

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lie around move in

tuck away

cry out for

be around

pack up

give up

look after add up to

grow up

come across

a. If you ______ your job, you resign from it. b. If you say that something ________ a particular thing or action, you mean that it needs that thing or action very much. c. If things are __________, they are not tidied away but left casually somewhere where they can be seen. d. If you ___________ someone or something, you do what is necessary to keep them healthy, safe, or in good condition. e. If someone or something is __________, they are well hidden in a quiet place where very few people go. f. When you _________ somewhere, you begin to live there as your home. g. When someone ________, they gradually change from being a child into being an adult. h. If someone or something __________, they exist or are present in a place. i. If you _______, you put your possessions or the things you have been using in a case or bag, because you are leaving. j. If you ______ something or someone, you find them or meet them by chance. k. If amounts _______ a particular total, they result in that total when they are put together. 8. Match each verb from the box with one of the descriptions. hunch





nod cup clasp tremble shake

a. to tremble uncontrollably from a strong emotion (of a person, part of the body, or the voice)____________ b. to raise (one's shoulders) and bend the top of one's body forward __________ c. to walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall___________ d. to drink (something) by taking small mouthfuls__________ e. to raise (one's shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt________ f. to bring out of inactivity________ 76

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g. to form (one's hand or hands) into the curved shape of a cup______________ h. to lower and raise one's head slightly and briefly, especially in greeting, or understanding__________ i. to shake involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty_______ 9. Translate from Russian into English using one of the verbs from the previous exercise. a. Не сиди, сутулясь, это плохо сказывается на мышцах шеи. b. Пошатываясь, они шли по коридору. c. Ну, наконец-то он встряхнётся. d. Она сидела на террасе, лениво потягивая кофе. e. Они кивком головы попрощались с охранником. f. Она закрыла лицо руками. g. Она дрожала от нетерпения. h. Его трясло от ярости. 10. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. rigid

sane retiring


junky desperate shy cowed


a. Someone who is ________________ is shy and avoids meeting other people. b. Someone who is _____________ is able to think and behave normally and reasonably, and is not mentally ill. c. A _____________ thing is regarded as useless or of little value. d. If you are ______________, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it. e. A _________ person is nervous and uncomfortable in the company of other people. f. If you feel _____________ or are in a snug place, you are very warm and comfortable, especially because you are protected from cold weather. g. If someone is _____________, they are made afraid, or made to behave in a particular way because they have been frightened or badly treated. 77

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h. If someone goes ____________, their body becomes very straight and stiff, usually as a result of shock or fear. i. Someone who is ______________ is rich enough to be able to do and buy most of the things that they want. 11. Match each sentence (a-f) with a sentence from (1-6) which has a similar meaning. a. Andrea runs her own catering business. b. No matter what the excuse, you must not be late. c. The coach gave us tips on how to steel ourselves before a game. d. Once a month he put in an appearance. e. I plucked up the courage to jump with a parachute f. I cannot tell the difference between the two things.

1. I can say that I do not know which is which. 2. She in charge of a small café. 3. He came briefly just out of politeness. 4. You must be on time regardless of the reason of your delay. 5. I really made an effort to do something that had always frightened me. 6. He taught us how to prepare ourselves. 12. Write an essay commenting upon the following: ‘No guts, no glory’.

THE NAMES 1. Comprehension check. a. How did Matilda react to the news about the Trunchbull? b. What was another horrible fact about Miss Honey’s being treated at home? c. Why didn’t Matilda want to stay at Miss Honey’s anymore? d. Did Miss Honey regret her telling Matilda the story of her unhappy life? e. What three questions did the girl ask her teacher? 2. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 78

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1 a small piece of something

to ponder, p. 203

2 to assume control or responsibility

authority, p. 202

3 the power to influence others, especially because of come along, p. 201 one's commanding manner or one's recognized knowledge about something 4 to think about (something) carefully, especially a snippet of sth, p. 202 before making a decision or reaching a conclusion 5 [in imperative] said when encouraging someone or to take charge of, p. 202 telling them to hurry up 3. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. ______________ - we don’t want to be late! b. She sat __________________ over her problem. c. Read them ______________ his latest poem. d. She ________________ of the project and made sure it was finished on time. e. He had absolute _________________ over his subordinates. 4. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. properly surprisingly fiercely




a. If something happens ________________, it is unexpected or unusual and makes you feel surprised. b. A ________________ looking animal or person is very aggressive or angry. c. If something is done ________________, it is done in a correct and satisfactory way. d. You use _______________ when you want to make a final point, ask a final question, or mention a final item that is connected with the other ones you have already asked or mentioned. e. If something happens ______________, it happens quickly and unexpectedly. 79

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f. When you say you can ________________ do something, you are emphasizing that it is very difficult for you to do it. 5. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. bring up

come up

start on


push over

If someone ________, they approach you until they are standing close to you. b. If you __________ something that needs to be done, you start dealing with it. c. If you _________ someone or something ______, you push them so that they fall onto the ground. d. When someone _____________ a child, they look after it until it is an adult. 6. Match each verb from the box with one of the descriptions. fetch

grab push



a. __________ exert force on (someone or something) in order to move them away from oneself b. __________ keep or sustain in a specified position c. __________ propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand d. __________ go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone e. __________ grasp or seize suddenly and roughly 7. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the adjectives from the box. cautious tiny




a. She felt it was a very bad beginning of her career. b. She fished a very small box out of her handbag. c. She used to be very careful to avoid potential problems or dangers when it came to her job. d. He adores very unusual and remarkable things. e. They spent another hour in total silence. 8. To what extent do you agree with the following: ”What is inspiration in relatives is jealousy in kinsmen.” ? - Raheel Farooq 80

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THE PRACTICE 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. straight







2. Comprehension check. a. What did Matilda’s plan to help Miss Honey depend on? b. What did she start her practice with? c. Did she succeed at once? d. What was the difficult part of her practice? e. What was she able to do six days later? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1 as regards every feature or aspect; fully

to succeed, p. 204

2 eventually or on reflection

to put into action, p. 208

3 at once , right now

right away, p. 204

4 to achieve the desired aim or result

in detail, p. 204

5 to put into effect; carry out

in the end, p. 204

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. ___________________, I saw that she was right. b. We'll miss the bus if we don't leave ______________. c. _____________ her plan _______________ will take a lot of time and effort. d. He ___________________ in winning a pardon. e. We will have to examine the proposals _______________. 5. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. summon up


shut someone in

pick up

lift up

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a. If you ______________ something, you move it to another position, especially upwards. b. When you _________ something ______, you lift it up. c. If you ________ yourself ___ a room, you stay in there and make sure nobody else can get in. d. If you _____________________ a quality, you make a great effort to have it. 6. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. determined







a. You can use ______________ to emphasize that a state or situation is complete and does not involve or is not mixed with anything else. b. Something is of ____________ importance when it absolutely necessary. c. You feel _____________________ if you are very tired. d. If you describe something as _______________, you are emphasizing that it is very large. e. _______________ means unrelated to practical things and the real world. f. A _______ effort is better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual. g. If you are ____________ to do something, you have made a firm decision to do it and will not let anything stop you. 7.Hold a round table discussion illustrating the following: ‘A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.’ Colin Powell

THE THIRD MIRACLE 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the following words. gumboil







2. Comprehension check. a. What instructions did Miss Honey give the children before the lesson? b. What was the Trunchbull’s mood when she entered the classroom? c. Who was the first to be tested? d. Why did the boy fail to answer the question? 82


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e. What other sums was Wilfred to do? f. What happened while the Trunchbull was dealing shortly with poor Wilfred? g. What was her reaction to the words appearing on the blackboard? h. How did Matilda behave? i. How did the lesson end? 3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1 a confrontation or unpleasant struggle

to venture, p. 211

2 to comprise or contain as part of a whole

to grin, p. 220

3 to frown in an angry or bad-tempered way

to resume, p. 217

4 in reverse of the usual direction or order

upside-down, p. 212

5 to dare to do or say something that may be considered an encounter, p. 209 audacious 6 with the upper part where the lower part should be; in a tinkle, p. 217 an inverted position 7 a light, clear ringing sound

backwards, p. 211

8 to take or put on again

to scowl, p. 210

9 go smile broadly

to include, p. 210

4. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. She __________________ at him defiantly. b. May I _______________ to add a few comments? c. A violent ______________ between police and demonstrators was reported in a local paper. d. The painting was hung ___________________. e. Everybody heard a distant ______________ of a cow bell. 83

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f. The price __________________ dinner, bed, and breakfast. g. The judge __________________ his seat. h. Count _________________ from twenty to ten. i. Dennis appeared _______________ cheerfully. 5. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. especially excitedly swiftly




a. The prestigious address ____________________ adds to the firm's appeal. b. `That's the first part finished,' he said ________________. c. `You're coming?' he said ____________.`That's fantastic! That's incredible!’ d. Babies lose heat much faster than adults, and are ___________ vulnerable to the cold in their first month. e. The French have acted __________ and decisively to protect their industries. f. The woman in the shop had looked at them _________________. 6. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. come and go

take chances

get the better of

it doesn't pay

out for the count a. He was unconscious for quite a while. b. It is not beneficial to get involved c. No one has ever gained an advantage over her yet. d. He was behaving in a risky manner, privately, which might get him into trouble some day - in fact, did. e. Kings and queens exist for a limited time, but the Crown goes on forever. 7. Match each verb from the box with one of the descriptions. stretch flip swing





a) to let or make (something) fall vertically________________ b) to squeeze or press (two things) together________________ c) to hang or swing loosely_____________________________ d) to move, push, or throw (something) with a sudden quick movement_________ 84


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knees__________________________ f) to move or cause to move back and forth or from side to side while suspended g)








air_______________________________________ h)






_____________________________________________ 8. Translate from Russian into English using one of the verbs from the previous exercise. a. Дети сидели на краю бассейна, болтая ногами. b. Он вытянул шею, чтобы посмотреть, что творится вокруг. c. Смотри, не урони чашку. d. Я опустился на колени, чтобы поиграть на полу с ребёнком. e. Огромная волна перевернула яхту. f. Маятник раскачивался из стороны в сторону. g. Высоко в небе парила большая птица. h. Она сурово поджала губы. 9. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. apprehensive cheeky flustered

smart-aleck triumphant

bewildered obvious


a. Someone who is _________________ has gained a victory or succeeded in something and feels very happy about it. b. If you are _________________, you are very confused and cannot understand something or decide what you should do. c. Rosamund seemed rather _______________ this morning, agitated and confused at the same time. d. If someone talks or behaves in a rather impolite and disrespectful way, you can say that they are being __________________. 85

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e. His ____________________ answer, showing an irritating, know-all attitude, made everyone feel uncomfortable. f. If you describe a person or their behaviour as _____________, you think that they are slightly rude or disrespectful but in a charming or amusing way. g. Someone who is _______________ is afraid that something bad may happen. h. If something is ___________________, it is easy to see or understand. 10. Think of a story to prove or challenge the following: ‘Justice may be slow, but it comes in the end’. A NEW HOME 1. Comprehension check. What happened to the Headmistress after her recovery? What information did the letter from local solicitors contain? What changes took place at school after Miss Trunchbull’s disappearance? What was that strange thing which had happened to Matilda?’ How did Miss Honey explain it? What scene was Matilda confronted by when she arrived home? What news about her father did Miss Honey tell Matilda? How did it happen that Matilda stayed to live with Miss Honey? 2. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words and word combinations in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the text. 1

to gradually reach or cause to reach a wider area or more a will, p. 222 people


to return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength

to set out, p. 225


to ask for information from someone

to call out, p. 221


to disappear suddenly and completely

a guess, p. 223


a prediction

to vanish, p. 222


to finish (a supply); consume completely

to strive, p. 223


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to make great efforts to achieve or obtain something

to use up, p. 223


to set out begin a journey

to recover, p. 221


to utter aloud, especially loudly

to enquire, p. 221

10 a legal document containing instructions as to what to spread, p. 221 should be done with one's money and property after one's death 3. Choose the right word or word combination from the above exercise for each sentence below. a. He ________________ a warning from the kitchen. b. Neil is still _______________ from shock. c. She's always ______________ rumours. d. He felt __________________. e. We must _________________ to secure steady growth. f. He ____________________ about cottages for sale. g. They decided to _________________ early. h. Moira _________________ without trace. i. My father left me the house in his ____________. 4. Complete each sentence with the most suitable adverb from the box. apparently luckily frantically softly eagerly actually suddenly mysteriously a. We have been _______________ trying to save her life, acting quickly but in a disorganized way. b. _________________ for me, he talked very good English. c. "Can't you sleep?" she asked _______________ in her quiet voice. d. Rudolph said no more. ____________________ he was a man of few words. e. A couple of messages had _____________________ disappeared. Hardly anyone could understand how it could have happened. f. Her expression ________________ altered. It happened quite unexpectedly.


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g. So what do you think will happen?' he asked _____________, his voice expressing genuine interest. h. He ________________ expected me to be pleased about it! Very surprising! 5. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box. rightful tremendous






a. If you describe someone or something as __________________, you mean that they are very beautiful and therefore pleasing to look at or listen to. b. You can describe someone or something as ____________________ when you think they are very good or very impressive. c. If you describe something as ____________, you mean that it is of very bad quality or that you do not like it. d. ______________ means relating to the process of thinking. e. The ____________ owner of the jewels has a legitimate right to the property. f. A _______________ guest is gladly and cordially received. g. Something that is ________ is usual and ordinary, and is what people expect. 6. Translate from Russian into English using the adjectives from the previous exercise. a. Ее поведение было естественной реакцией на ситуацию. b. Красивая женщина, не правда ли? c. Приветствуется любое продвижение на пути сокращения химического оружия. d. Она была признана законным собственником жилья. e. Он был человеком средних умственных способностей. f. Погода была отвратительная. g. "Это было весело?" - "Потрясающе". 7. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb from the box. build up

bring up tuck away

turn up

tip off

burst out

call in

boil away

bottle up

a. If you __________________ strong feelings, you do not express them or show them, especially when this makes you tense or angry. 88

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b. If someone _____________ you _________, they give you information about something that has happened or is going to happen. c. If someone or something is _______________, they are well hidden in a quiet place where very few people go. d. If you say that someone or something ______________, you mean that they arrive, often unexpectedly or after you have been waiting a long time. e. If you _______________ somewhere, you make a short visit there. f. When someone ______________ a child, they look after it until it is an adult. g. If you _________ something or if it _________, it gradually becomes bigger. h. When you _____________ a liquid, or when it _______________, it is boiled until all of it changes into steam or vapour. i. If someone ________________ something, they say it suddenly and loudly. 8. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box. Make all the necessary changes. out of breath be in with

be off

mess about

off the mark

every bit

beat it

for fun

do a bunk


take notice take place

a. He made a hurried departure. b. The wedding will occur next week. c. She and her brother were clever to the same degree. d. He started drawing in order to amuse himself and not for any more serious purpose. e. His solutions are completely incorrect. f. When the show was broadcast, he made TV viewers sit up and pay attention. g. He was gasping for air as if after exercise. h. I was in demand because I was enjoying friendly relations with the right people i. Go away! j. He was moving for the exit. k. He was anxious to leave. l. What have you been doing today? - Oh, nothing, just pottering. 89

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9. Translate from Russian into English. Наших детей мы любим непростительно мало. Родители заняты зарабатыванием денег и разрываются между двумя-тремя работами. Поэтому времени на любимое дитя просто не остается. В результате у многих мам и пап остается комплекс на всю жизнь, из-за того, что они недолюбили и недоласкали своих детей. Так как же любить ребенка? Еще совсем недавно, каких-то 20-30 лет назад, активное участие в воспитании детей принимали дедушки и бабушки. Просто потому, что родители физически не могли быть дома. Сегодня на смену им приходят няни. Порой от них требуют не постоянного участия в эмоциональном развитии ребенка, а сговорчивости и умения подчиняться хозяйскому режиму. А тем временем, потребность в эмоциональной поддержке и любви малыш испытывает с первых минут рождения. И со временем эта потребность становится все больше. Психологи в один голос твердят, насколько важен тесный контакт с детьми. Детям очень нужно знать, что они любимы. 10. Write an essay commenting upon the following: ‘Children need love, especially when they don’t deserve it’.


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Библиографический список 1. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture =Словарь английского языка и культуры: Pearson Education Ltd., Harlow., 2010.- 720р. – Текст непосредственный 2. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English = Словарь сочетаемости английского языка - Oxford University Press., 2012. – 879р. - Текст непосредственный 3. Roald Dahl.,” Matilda” =Роальд Дал, «Матильда».-Penguin Random House UK., 2016. – 229p. – Текст непосредственный 4. Vince, M. Advanced Language Practice = Учебник английского языка на продвинутом этапе/ M. Vince, P. Sunderland: Macmillan Education Oxford., 2013. - 210p.- Текст непосредственный 5. Pamela, Druckerman. “French children don’t throw food”. Parenting secrets from Paris., A Random House Group Company., 2012.-378p.- Текст непосредственный 91

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6. Cathering Crawford. “French Twist” An American’s mom’s experiment in Parisian parenting. Dorraud & Associates, Inc., 2013.-315p. - Текст непосредственный

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