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English Pages 348 [547] Year 2023
Mathematical Modeling, Simulations, and AI for Emergent Pandemic Dis- eases Lessons Learned from COVID-19
First Edition
Esteban A. Hernandez-Vargas Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science, University of Idaho, Mos- cow, ID, United States Jorge X. Velasco-Hernández Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM Juriquilla, Juriquilla, Queretaro, Mexico Series editor Dr. Edgar Sanchez
Table of Contents Cover image Title page Copyright Contributors Acknowledgments 1: Modeling during an unprecedented pandemic Abstract
1: Modeling epidemics
2: Book overview
2: Global epidemiology and impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Abstract
1: Introduction
2: Global epidemiology
3: Epidemiological parameters of SARS-COV-2
4: Mitigation strategies
5: Reinfections
6: SARS-COV-2 variants
7: Lessons learned from COVID-19
3: Analysis of an ongoing epidemic: Advantages and limitations of COVID- 19 modeling Abstract
1: Introduction
2: The beginning of the pandemic
3: Implementation and relaxation of nonpharmaceutical interventions
4: Estimating the total number of COVID-19-infected people
5: Vaccination
6: Lessons learned from COVID-19
Competing interests
4: On spatial heterogeneity of COVID-19 using shape analysis of pandemic curves☆
Abstract 1: Introduction 2: Methodology 3: Experimental results 4: Lessons learned from COVID-19 References 5: Pandemic response: Isolationism or solidarity?: An evolutionary perspec- tive An evolutionary perspective Abstract Acknowledgments 1: Introduction 2: Background 3: Methods and results 4: Lessons learned from COVID-19 Appendix A. Supplementary data References
6: Optimizing contact tracing: Leveraging contact network structure Abstract Acknowledgments 1: Introduction 2: Methods 3: Results 4: Lessons learned from COVID-19 References 7: Applications of deep learning in forecasting COVID-19 pandemic and county-level risk warning Abstract Acknowledgments 1: Introduction 2: Applications of DL in predicting COVID-19 pandemic 3: Spatial-temporal analysis 4: Epidemiological model-driven DL 5: Lessons learned from COVID-19 References
8: COVID-19 population dynamics neural control from a complex network perspective Abstract 1: Introduction 2: MSEIR model 3: Inverse optimal impulsive control 4: Results 5: Lessons learned from COVID-19 References Further reading 9: An agent-based model for COVID-19 and its interventions and impact in different social phenomena Abstract 1: Introduction 2: Nonpharmaceutical interventions assessment 3: An ABM to evaluate NPI to support postpandemic work activities and the well-being of workers 4: Sensitivity analysis 5: Assumptions and scenario
6: Computational analysis 7: Lessons learned from COVID-19 References 10: Implementation of mitigation measures and modeling of in-hospital dynamics depending on the COVID-19 infection status Abstract Acknowledgments 1: Introduction 2: Dynamic model of quarantine scenarios and hospital overload 3: Stochastic extension for in-hospital dynamics 4: Conclusions Code availability Appendix References 11: A mathematical model for the reopening of schools in Mexico Abstract Acknowledgments 1: Introduction
2: Mathematical model for reopening schools 3: Reopening schools in the city of Queretaro 4: Epidemic scenarios 5: Risk level of being in contact with an infected individual at school 6: Lessons learned in COVID-19 References 12: Mathematical assessment of the role of vaccination against COVID-19 in the United States Abstract Acknowledgments 1: Introduction 2: Basic vaccination model 3: Basic vaccination model with waning immunity 4: Modeling dynamics and impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants 5: Lessons learned from COVID-19 References 13: Ascertainment and biased testing rates in surveillance of emerging infec- tious diseases
Abstract Acknowledgment 1: Biases in the epidemiological analysis of emerging infectious dis- eases 2: Temporal variation of the confirmed case fatality rate reflects the societal response to outbreaks 3: Lessons learned from COVID-19 References 14: Dynamical study of SARS-CoV-2 mathematical models under antiviral treatments Abstract 1: Introduction 2: Review of the target-cell-limited model for SARS-CoV-2 infection 3: Antiviral treatment effectiveness 4: Inclusion of the PK of antiviral treatment 5: Control strategy to tailor therapies 6: Conclusions and future works Appendix A: Stability theory Appendix B: Behavior of the terminal healthy cells count 10
References 15: Statistical modeling to understand the COVID-19 pandemic Abstract Acknowledgment 1: Introduction 2: Epidemic curves via censorship 3: COVID-19 footprint and mortality 4: Lessons learned from COVID-19 References 16: After COVID-19: Mathematical models, epidemic preparedness, and external factors in epidemic management Abstract Acknowledgments 1: Introduction 2: Data 3: Confronting the challenge 4: Vaccination 5: Some features of the epidemic in Mexico
6: On public trust in science 7: Lessons learned in COVID-19 References Index
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Contributors Manuel A. Acuña-Zegarra Department of Mathematics, University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico Alma Y. Alanis CUCEI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalis- co, Mexico Francisco Aleman Cinvestav Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico Guillermo de Anda-Jáuregui Computational Genomics Division, National Institute of Genomic Medicine Center for Complexity Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méx- ico, Mexico City, CDMX Researcher for Mexico (Formerly CONACYT Research Fellow—Cátedras CONACYT), National Council for Science and Technology. Mexico City, Mexico Sofia Bernal-Silva School of Medicine, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico Pablo Castañeda Academic Department of Mathematics, ITAM, Mexico City, Mexico Gerardo Chowell Department of Population Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, United States Alexandre Colato Department of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Education, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Araras, SP, Brazil Andreu Comas-García School of Medicine, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico Ruth Corona-Moreno Institute of Mathematics, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Juriquilla, Queretaro, Mexico Agustina D’Jorge Institute of Technological Development for the Chemical Industry (INTEC), CONICET-UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina Liliana Durán-Polanco Cinvestav Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mex- ico Philip J. Gerrish Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM School of Biological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Unit- ed States Academic Area of Mathematics and Physics, Autonomous University of the
State of Hidalgo (UAEH), Pachuca, Mexico Alejandro H. González Institute of Technological Development for the Chemical Industry (INTEC), CONICET-UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina Abba B. Gumel Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United States Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Pre- toria, Pretoria, South Africa Shuai Han Xidian-FIAS International Joint Research Center Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Mauricio Hernández-Ávila Mexican Social Security Institute, Mexico City, Mexico Enrique Hernández-Lemus Computational Genomics Division, National Institute of Genomic Medicine Center for Complexity Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méx- ico, Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico Esteban A. Hernandez-Vargas Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, United States Yin Jiang Department of Physics, Beihang University, Beijing Beihang Hangzhou Innovation Institute, Yuhang, Hangzhou, China Gabriel Martinez-Soltero CUCEI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadala- jara, Jalisco, Mexico Ramsés H. Mena Department of Probability and Statistics, IIMAS- UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico Rafael Meza Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, United States Calistus N. Ngonghala Department of Mathematics Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States Mayra Núñez-López Academic Department of Mathematics, ITAM,
Mexico City, Mexico T.Y. Okosun Department of Justice Studies, Northeastern Illinois Univ- ersity, Chicago, IL, United States Ryosuke Omori Division of Bioinformatics, International Institute for Zoonosis Control, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan Gamaliel A. Palomo-Briones Cinvestav Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico Nancy F. Ramirez CUCSUR, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Daniel Ríos-Rivera CUCEI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Carlos E. Rodríguez Department of Probability and Statistics, IIMAS- UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico Erika E. Rodriguez Torres Academic Area of Mathematics and Physics, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH), Pachuca, Mexico Fernando Saldaña Institute of Mathematics, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Juriquilla, Queretaro, Mexico Ignacio J. Sánchez Institute of Technological Development for the Chemical Industry (INTEC), CONICET-UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina Mario Santana-Cibrian Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad Juriquilla, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Queretaro, Mexico Mario Siller Cinvestav Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico Sarah Skolnick Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, United States Anuj Srivastava Department of Statistics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States Horst Stoecker Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Mayra R. Tocto-Erazo Department of Mathematics, University of Sono- ra, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico Angélica Torres-Díaz Division of Higher Studies for Equity, School of Medicine, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi
Organization to Restore the Environment and Social Harmony (ORMA, A.C.), San Luis Potosi, Mexico Jorge X. Velasco-Hernández Institute of Mathematics, National Auton- omous University of Mexico (UNAM), Juriquilla, Queretaro, Mexico Lingxiao Wang Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Xidian-FIAS International Joint Research Center, Frankfurt am Main, Ger- many Rodrigo Zepeda-Tello Mexican Social Security Institute, Mexico City, Mexico Kai Zhou Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Acknowledgments Mathematical and computational models have been the cornerstone for the development, planning, and implementation of sound public health policies for pandemic containment and mitigation. The scientific community has played the most important role in the understanding of the dynamics of the disease and the complex socioeconomic system in which it is embedded. The National Autonomous University of Mexico has been at the forefront of this effort, particularly in the area of mathematical modeling. We acknowl- edge the support that UNAM provided through grants DGAPA-PAPIIT IV100220 and IA102521. We also thank the Instituto de Matemáticas, Insti- tuto de Física, ENES Juriquilla, and Facultad de Ciencias UNAM under which the epidemiological analysis and modeling of the pandemic in Mex- ico have been pursued. Furthermore, among the many people who made possible this project, we particularly thank William Lee Alardín, Ramsés Mena Chavez, Dwight Dyer, Rosaura Ruiz, Carlos Arredondo, Alejandro Diaz-Barriga, Guillermo Ramírez Santiago, José Seade Kuri, Raúl Gerardo Paredes, Hortensia Galeana, Marco Angulo, Natalia Ramírez, Santiago Es- pinoza, Isaac Perez, Denis Boyer, David Sanders, Luis Benet, and Alfredo Varela for their support and confidence in our work. This project was also supported by the National Institute of General Med- ical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P20GM104420. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Last but not least, we are truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with all the authors who elaborated fantastic chapters for this book. Thanks to all of them. We thank the Elsevier team composed of Chris Kat- saropoulos and Rafael G. Trombaco for the great support and guidance throughout the publishing process. We are also grateful to all the anony- mous referees for carefully reviewing and selecting the final chapters of this book.
1: Modeling during an unprecedented pandemic
a,b a Esteban A. Hernandez-Vargas Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, United States b Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, United States
Abstract Emerging and reemerging pathogens are latent threats in our society with the risk of killing millions of people worldwide, without forgetting the severe economic and educational backlogs. The spread of pathogens from one individual to another can be abstract in mathe- matical terms, helping public health agencies with predictions of the pandemic and evaluating possible scenarios. Nevertheless, modeling disease transmission is a central vexation for the scientific commu- nity—this involves several complex and dynamic processes. The emerging pathogen SARS-CoV-2 has led us to long terms of confine- ment and social isolation. Many lessons have been learned during COVID-19; a very important one is that mathematics is a central tool to follow uncharted territories during pandemics. This chapter aims to put in perspective the subsequent chapters pre- sented in this book, which are a collection of mathematical models, computational simulations, and artificial intelligence approaches that were employed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords Mathematical modeling; AI; Simulations; Emergent diseases; COVID-19
1: Modeling epidemics Infectious diseases can cause the invasion of an individual by pathogens whose activities can highly harm the host's tissues while transmitting to other individuals. Infectious diseases can be divided into acute or chronic infections. Examples of infectious diseases in history are many; for instance, the year 1918 saw the deadliest pandemic reported in history named “the 1918 flu pandemic,” killing about 50 million people. In 2009, the H1N1 in- fluenza pandemic globally caused between 100,000 and 400,000 deaths in the first year. The magnitude of the threat represented by emerging virus diseases is immense; for example, HIV/AIDS has resulted in more than 30 million deaths from all socioeconomic backgrounds [1]. Furthermore, reemerging viruses like Ebola in 2014 and Zika in 2016 have baffled us with their threat to humans and healthcare systems around the globe. Nowadays, we all experience the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has spread across borders, affecting several nations simultaneously and having a considerable economic and social impact worldwide. An emerging infectious disease is defined as a disease that has newly ap- peared in a population or has existed but is rapidly increasing in incidence [2]. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has defined three categories of priority [2]. Pathogens in the first category “A” are those that pose the highest risk to national security and public health be- cause they can be quickly disseminated or transmitted from person to per- son, for example, Yersinia pestis (plague), Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), dengue, and ebola [2]. The second category “B” is composed of pathogens that are moderately easy to disseminate and may result in moderate mor- bidity rates and low mortality rates; examples are Hepatitis A, Salmonella, Yellow fever virus, Chikungunya virus, and Zika virus, among many others. The third category “C” includes emerging pathogens that could be engi- neered for mass dissemination in the future because of the availability and ease of production and dissemination; examples are tuberculosis, influenza viruses, SARS-CoV, and Rabies virus, among others [2]. The causes and sources of disease are very difficult to identify at the early stages of an outbreak. Surveillance, monitoring, and preparedness remain the main counterattack against infections—and consequently require con- stant improvements at the local, regional, and national levels [3]. In the past 60 years, in particular the last months, the study of infectious diseases has
matured into a multidisciplinary field at the intersection of epidemiology, mathematics, artificial intelligence, ecology, sociology, immunology, and public health. Mathematical modeling is an abstraction of a system based on mathe- matical terms to study the effects of different components and consequently to make predictions [4]. Mathematical models for the spread of diseases have played a central role in epidemics, providing a cost-effective way of as- sessing disease transmission, targets for preventing disease, and control [5]. Mathematical modeling was pivotal in suggesting new vaccination strategies to protect against influenza infection [6]; support public health strategies for containing SARS-CoV-2 [7–9]; or for the use of antiretroviral treatment for HIV-infected patients as a prevention measure [10]. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kermack-McKendrick model of Sus- ceptible-Infec-tious-Recov-ered [11] (SIR or compartmental model) was used to derive an overwhelming amount of research in different countries. How- ever, Kermack-McKendrick’s models often overlook population hetero- geneity. These models typically assume that the population of interest is well mixed: every individual has the same chance to get the disease from an in- fected case [5]. This simplification makes the SIR model analytically tractable, but at the same time leads to less accurate evaluations of the dis- ease spread [12]. Classifying the population into homogeneous subgroups con- cerning the disease of interest can increase the model representativeness [13] but also quickly increase the model complexity. Nevertheless, even in these cases, the homogeneous assumption remains [12]. Modeling during an unprecedented pandemic such as COVID-19 waschallenging and chaotic. Uncertainties about the transmission of the virus were debated in the scientific community and public news. Massive sampling for detecting infected individuals was too challenging in devel- oped countries, while in developing countries, it was not even envisaged. Confinement strategies in different countries were not popular but neces- sary, resulting in millions of students taking lectures online while millions of workers doing home office. Regarding the scientific community, thou- sands of scientists did try to contribute to the pandemic with their respec- tive expertise in different fields, while many other “scientists” without any background in infectious diseases were finding the opportunity to become “famous.” Governmental institutions were not prepared worldwide. Thus, in
many countries, public health policies were misleading and confusing their citizens, which derived in a lack of credibility just after a few months of pan- demics. Indeed, there are many lessons that we can learn from COVID-19. As we enter the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, this book brings back an effort to recapitulate major mathematical modeling efforts from dif- ferent angles, discussing what was done, what needed to be done, and what type of efforts should be ready for the next pandemic.
2: Book overview This book consists of 15 chapters that provide an effort with different mathe- matical techniques to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Leveraging different kinds of data through novel quantitative approaches will guide public health policies in decision-making in the following decades. More importantly, this book ends each chapter with the lessons learned from COVID-19. The au- thors addressed central problems during the COVID-19 pandemic, which will remain as critical documentation for future pandemics. Chapter 2 provides a global overview of the COVID-19 pandemic with the cumulative SARS-CoV-2 incidence rate (weekly cases per 100,000 inhab- itants) by continent as well as a list of countries with the lower COVID-19 mortality excess rate per 100,000 inhabitants. Other fundamental aspects of the COVID-19 pandemics are discussed in this chapter, such as reinfections and the emergence of variations of SARS-CoV-2. Chapter 3 explores how the evolution of COVID-19 disease has been changing since the beginning of the pandemic as well as the mathematical models used to answer questions such as: when the first case will be re- ported in a certain region? How fast the disease will spread? How local transmission dynamics could develop? How effective were the mitigation measures? What would be the best vaccination strategy? How would vacci- nation impact the transmission dynamics? The authors emphasize the limi- tations of mathematical modeling that appeared in COVID-19, and whenever possible, strategies will be proposed to address these limitations. Chapter 4 aims to consider regional differences and discover dominant patterns in the profiles of the COVID-19 incidence rate curves across re- gions. This introduced geometrical methods to analyze the shapes of local curves and statistically group them into distinct clusters, according to their shapes. This information derives the so-called shape averages of curves within these clusters, which represent a better characterization of a pan- demic's trajectory. The authors apply this methodology to data for two geo- graphic areas: a state-level analysis within the United States and a country- level analysis within Europe. Chapter 5 brings to discussion the tremendous inequality in vaccine sup- ply; some regions of the world continue to hoard surpluses of the vaccine while other regions still have very limited access to vaccines. Isolationism (and
self-preservation than solidarity (and vaccine globalism). The central ques- tion addressed in this chapter is which of these two strategies more effec- tively achieves national self-protection? Simulations show that tightening borders is extraordinarily costly and ineffective. In addition, the findings also show that highly granular vaccine disparities promote the evolution of vaccine escape. Chapter 6 introduces a network-guided contact tracing strategy based on the heterogeneity of contact networks in metropolitan areas such as Mexico City. Two contact tracing scenarios were simulated: one in which secondary contacts are randomly identified and the other one in which secondary con- tacts are identified by a biased sampling caused by the heterogeneous net- work. The results show that this second strategy can identify a larger num- ber of infected individuals by using the same resources. Chapter 7 considers deep learning in forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic and county-level risk warnings. The authors showed that a physics-hybrid deep learning framework on county-level predictions can predict the preva- lence of multiscale COVID-19 in all 412 counties in Germany. It can also be naturally extended to multinational or transnational analyses. Based on this framework, the authors also discuss the possible extensions of introducing vaccination rates and virus variants into their methods. This chapter high- lights the importance of combing epidemiological models with deep learn- ing methods for the inherent stability and generalization ability. Chapter 8 introduces an approach that considers the an epidemiological model, neural networks, control theory, and complex systems. A controller for the vaccine application strategy is designed using impulse control. The behavior of the dynamics of the model with this type of control is very inter- esting since in all the classes the dynamics start faster. The authors observe that this control design can stabilize the system; with this, we can achieve a balance in the transmission of the disease. Chapter 9 discusses the normalization of the home office as a work scheme that has caused collateral effects on the well-being of workers de- rived from isolation and lack of socialization. The authors developed an agent-based model for COVID-19 to include the application of vaccines, so- cial phenomena related to human interactions, anxiety in workers, and com- munication technologies to facilitate reintegration. Numerical results showed that anxiety levels and the basic reproduction number decreased
from the scenario without interventions to vaccination, and the activities carried out increased, allowing workers to reintegrate and face anxiety. Chapter 10 presents the implementation of mitigation measures and mod- eling of in-hospital dynamics depending on the COVID-19 infection status. Patients are considered from their entry until their discharge or death, thus predicting the total number of individuals in hospital beds and the intensive care unit for each healthcare unit. Consequently, this model was to establish which combination of several quarantine scenarios and other policies was best at what time. Chapter 11 presents a very debatable aspect of COVID-19, the reopening of schools, which has not been an easy decision to make, because this implies an increase in mobility, as well as in contact with the population and there- fore in the number of cases. In this chapter, the authors explored mathe- matical compartmental models to analyze possible scenarios after the re- opening of schools, within a campus college in Mexico. The proposed model is based on the Paltiel model and the Reed Frost model, considering the daily screening in the population, as well as parameters and probability densities based on the official public data on COVID-19 in Mexico. Chapter 12 considers a mathematical assessment of the role of vacci- nation against COVID-19 in the United States. Simulations show that vac- cine-de-rived herd immunity can be achieved in the United States using Pfiz- er or Moderna vaccine if at least 78% of the populace is fully vaccinated. The herd immunity threshold decreases if the vaccination program is combined with other NPIs, such as face mask usage (at increased coverage and effec- tiveness, in comparison to their baseline values during the third wave of the pandemic). It is shown that although the use of low to moderately effective face masks (such as cloth and surgical masks) alone might not be sufficient to contain the COVID-19 pandemic even at full coverage, the use of masks or the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine alone may be sufficient to lead to the elimi- nation of the pandemic if the coverage is moderately high enough. Chapter 13 proposes an approach to ascertainment and biased testing rates in the surveillance of emerging infectious diseases. Epidemiological analysis showed that using passive surveillance data and discussing the fol- lowing can be determined: (i) What kind of biases exists? (ii) How do biases affect epidemiological analyses? (iii) How to reduce such biases. This chap- ter also discusses how the contribution of an infected individual to the viral
load in wastewater may depend on the severity of the symptoms. Chapter 14 focuses on SARS-CoV-2 at the within-host level. The authors fully characterize the dynamical behavior of the target-cell models under treatment actions. Based on the concept of virus spreadability, antiviral effectiveness thresholds are determined to establish whether a given treat- ment can clear the infection without secondary effects. Also, it is shown how to simultaneously minimize the total fraction of infected cells while maintaining the virus load under a given level, through an optimal control strategy. Chapter 15 presents two novel modeling ideas to describe and understand the effects and evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico. The first idea is to model epidemic curves assuming that the times when a certain number of infected individuals are observed have been censored but follow a known probability distribution; the censorship point is the most recent date for which a record is available. The second idea exploits the infor- mation of patients identified as SARS-CoV-2 positive in Mexico to under- stand the relationship between comorbidities, symptoms, hospitalizations, and deaths due to the COVID-19 disease. Chapter 16 wraps up the book by presenting the crucial topics by late 2022, for the mitigation and control of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This chapter reviews important factors related to the evolution of the epidemic, such as nonpharmaceutical interventions, vaccination rates, coverage, the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 variants, and their impact on the control of the epi- demic. Ultimately, this chapter presents the notable successes in the appli- cation of mathematical models to understand different factors, scales, and behaviors of the epidemic, but likewise there have been failures, many aris- ing from the political use of model outputs but others having their roots on the incomplete knowledge of the basic theory of the biology of the virus and the epidemic.
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2: Global epidemiology and impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pan- demic Sofia Bernal-Silvaa; Angélica Torres-Díazb,c; Andreu Comas-Garcíaa a School of Medicine, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, San Luis Po- tosi, Mexico b Division of Higher Studies for Equity, School of Medicine, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico c Organization to Restore the Environment and Social Harmony (ORMA, A.C.), San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Abstract In this chapter, we evaluated the development and impact of the SARS- CoV-2 pandemic. The evaluation was performed by continent and country. The structure of the weekly mortality curves on all continents is very different from the weekly incidence rate. With the data from the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center and the Insti- tute of Health Metrics and Evaluation published in The Lancet, we have calculated the COVID-19 directed and associated mortality rate for 181 countries. Despite the structural similarity between the second, third, and fourth waves being similar, the weekly mortality rate intensity of the four waves was very asynchronous among all the countries. One of the primary consequences of this pandemic is orphanhood. Recently, the Imperial College of London has published a webpage that calculates the number of orphans generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the fact that before the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak there was plenty of scien- tific evidence about how to handle and/or mitigate a pandemic, almost every government adopted different policies with different anti- epidemic effects and impacts.
Keywords Epidemiology; SARS-CoV-2; Incidence; Morality; Lethality; Orphanhood; Public policies
1: Introduction The enveloped RNA viruses with the largest known genome coronaviruses have a high capacity for genomic recombination infecting mammals, birds, and humans and causing respiratory, enteric, hepatic, and neurological dis- eases. One of the most frequent agents that cause common colds are zoonotic viruses whose wide distribution means that the interaction be- tween humans and wild animals increases the probability of the emergence of new coronavirus species or strains. In humans, four seasonal coron- aviruses frequently cause common colds but rarely cause pneumonia (hCoV-229E, -OC43, -NL63, and -HKU1), while, prior to 2019, only two types of coronaviruses had caused major outbreaks of severe respiratory infec- tion: SARS-CoV occurred in 2002–03 in China and MERS-Co occurred in 2012 in the Middle East [1,2]. In late December 2019, a new cluster of patients presenting a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) of unknown cause was detected in the City of Wuhan, in the province of Hubei, China. At the beginning of the outbreak, the Chinese Government expressed serious doubts about the possibility of person-to-person transmission. However, on January 24, 2020, the first re- port of a family cluster presenting verified person-to-person transmission was published. By March 12, almost 3 months after the outbreak began, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the SARS-CoV-2 out- break a pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 was present in 114 countries, with more than 132,496 infections and 4917 deaths recorded. On May 15, the first chain of multiple human-to-human transmission outside Asia was documented. By June 1, 2022, 531,567,231 cases had been reported in 191 countries or terri- tories, 6,297,253 deaths had been registered, and 11,653,556,780 doses of COVID-19 vaccine had been administered [1–5]. While SARS-CoV-2 infection mainly occurs via airborne transmission, the infection can also occur via close interpersonal contact. The recent finding that the virus can also be detected in feces and waste- water samples 6,7 has the potential to diversify and improve both the epi- demiological surveillance measures employed to track the pandemic and the strategies for controlling/mitigating it. The sampling of wastewater could be applied on a mass scale as a novel public health strategy that could enable the genomic surveillance of the virus without the need for human testing.
2: Global epidemiology The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has been characterized by repeated waves, ap- proximately two per year, of cases driven by the emergence of new variants of concern (VOC). Until now, each new VOC presented enhanced fitness that affects its growth rate and basic reproduction number (R0) and results in a higher immune-evasion rate/higher rate of immune escape and a short- er generation time [8]. In general, while several SARS-CoV-2 waves have been observed in all continents and countries, the ongoing transmission of the virus has at no point been arrested. Therefore, rather than waves, this behavior could be considered, in epidemiological terms, a serial recrudescence phenomenon comprising transmission, the presentation of cases, and death. None- theless, in this chapter, we will continue to use the term waves. Fig. 1 shows the weekly incidence rate per continent, while Fig. 2 shows the cumulative incidence rate for each continent and Table A.1 compares the incidence, mortality, and lethality of the virus among the continents.
Fig. 1 Weekly SARS-CoV-2 incidence rate (weekly cases per 100,000 inhabitants) by continent. Data from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Centre. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html.
Fig. 2 Cumulative SARS-CoV-2 incidence rate (weekly cases per 100,000 inhabitants) by continent. Data from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Centre. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html. The weekly incidence rate in Africa shows four waves, each of which presents a trend of continuous increase (Fig. 1), which could be a conse- quence of not only VOC (beta, delta, and omicron) circulation but also the increased testing rate. It should be noted that the peak of the fourth wave was 2.5 times higher than the peak of the third. While the cumulative inci- dence rate recorded in Africa was 2.8, 3.0, 9.5, and 33.6 times lower than that observed in America, Asia, Europe, and the rest of the world, respectively, it was 1.6 times higher than that observed in Oceania (Fig. 2). The intensity of the weekly incidence rate for the first three waves among all countries was asynchronous, while the fourth wave occurred almost at the same time throughout the African continent (Fig. 3A).
Fig. 3 Weekly SARS-CoV-2 incidence rate intensity per country. (A) Africa, (B) America, (C) Asia, (D) Europe, and (E) Oceania. The incidence rate was adjusted from 0 to 1, and was represented in color. Data from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Centre. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html. America presents five waves, the smallest of which was the first, to which the next three were very similar, while the fifth was the largest, with a peak 3.7 times higher than the peak of the fourth wave (Fig. 1). The cumulative incidence rate observed for America was 1.1, 3.5, and 12.3 times lower than that observed for Asia, Europe, and the rest of the world, respectively, but 2.7 and 4.3 times higher than that observed for Africa and Oceania, respec- tively (Fig. 2). In the case of America, the first wave was the smallest, the next three were very similar, and the fourth was the largest. The heat map for the intensity of the incidence rates (Fig. 3B) shows an asynchrony of inci- dence patterns between countries, although continuous transmission is clearly observed for all. In contrast with the first four waves, the fifth is very short and synchronic among all countries. Each wave registered in Asia has been larger than its predecessor, al- though the second wave is hard to identify as it resembles a continuous, as- cending straight line. The peak of the fifth wave, larger than the previous four, was 3.9 times higher than the peak of the fourth (Fig. 1). The cumu- lative incidence of the virus in Asia was 3.2 and 11.2 times lower than that recorded for Europe and the rest of the world, respectively, and, in contrast, 4.8, 3.0, and 1.1 times higher than that recorded for Oceania, Africa, and America, respectively (Fig. 2). The heat map for Asia presented in Fig. 3C has a very similar structure to that generated for America, although the fourth wave of the latter was less synchronic. 37
Although the pandemic originated in Asia, its epicenter is now located in Europe, which has undergone three waves (Fig. 1). The cumulative inci- dences of COVID-19 in Europe were 15.0, 9.5, 3.5, and 3.1 times higher than those observed for Oceania, Africa, America, and Asia, respectively (Fig. 2), which could be the consequence of the high testing rate, a high population density, and the great interconnection between European populations. Eu- rope presented a cumulative incidence that was 3.5 times lower than that calculated for the rest of the world and was the continent presenting the lowest rate. The heat map for the weekly incidence for Europe shows that the first wave was detected in just a few countries (Fig. 3D), while the sec- ond wave is synchronic for almost all the countries and lasted for a long time. The third wave is very interesting, because, despite being synchronic among all countries, the outbreak was long-lasting in some and short in others. All the continents presented a higher cumulative incidence rate than Oceania, which presented a rate that was 53.0, 15, 4.8, 4.3, and 1.6 times lower than the cumulative incidences observed for the rest of the world, Eu- rope, Asia, America, and Africa, respectively (Fig. 2). Prior to 2022, cases in Oceania were scarce and sporadic, aside from in countries such as Papua New Guinea, which presented continuous transmission since mid-2020 (Fig. 3E). Oceania is the only continent in which the omicron wave was not synchronic, which can be explained by the isolation of the countries that comprise it. The structure of the weekly mortality curves for all continents is very dif- ferent from that of the weekly incidence rate (Fig. 4), with Africa undergoing four mortality waves, the second and the fourth of which were very similar (presenting a sharp peak), while the peak of the third wave was broad. Offi- cially, the cumulative mortality rate recorded for Africa was 13.1, 7.0, 3.3, and 1.5 times lower than that recorded for the rest of the world, Europe, America, and Asia, respectively, and 4.1 times higher than that presented by Oceania (Fig. 5).
Fig. 4 Weekly SARS-Cov-2 mortality by continent. Data from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Centre. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html.
Fig. 5 Cumulative SARS-CoV-2 mortality rate (weekly cases per 100,000 inhabitants) by continent. Data from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Centre. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html. America presented an ascending weekly mortality rate that peaked during the fourth wave and then began to descend. The cumulative mortality inci- dence on the continent was 13.6, 3.3, and 2.1 times higher than that recorded for Oceania, Africa, and Asia, respectively, and 4.0 and 2.1 times lower than that recorded for the rest of the world and Europe, respectively (Figs. 4 and 5). The cumulative mortality rate observed for Asia was 6.4 and 1.5 times higher than that observed for Oceania and Africa, respectively and 8.5, 4.5, and 2.1 times lower than that recorded for the rest of the world, Europe, and America, respectively (Figs. 4 and 5). Europe was the continent presenting the highest cumulative mortality rate, which was 15.0, 9.5, 3.5, and 3.1 times higher than that recorded for Oceania, Africa, America, and Asia, respectively, and 4.5 times lower than the global mortality rate. In contrast, the continent presenting the lowest cumulative mortality rate was Oceania, which was 53, 15, 4.8, 4.3, and 1.6 times lower than that recorded for the rest of the world, Europe, Asia, Amer- ica, and Africa, respectively (Figs. 4 and 5). In Africa, the second peak in the weekly mortality rate was the highest, while this was the fourth peak in America. The highest mortality rate ob- served in both Asia and Europe was at the end of the third wave and during
the last omicron wave in Oceania (Figs. 4 and 5). The United Nations divides each continent into different subregions. The highest cumulative estimated excess deaths per capita observed in Africa was in the Southern and North African subregions, wherein the magnitude and rate of the excess deaths per capita were at least 4 times higher than those calculated for East, Central, and West Africa [8]. For the Americas region, the highest cumulative excess deaths per capita estimated was observed in Central America, followed by South America, Northern America, and the Caribbean subregions. The excess mortality recorded for Central America was twice that of the Caribbean subregion [8]. The two subregions of Asia with the highest estimated cumulative excess deaths per capita were Southern and Western Asia, which presented a mor- tality twice that of South-Eastern and Central Asia and almost 8 times that found for Eastern Asia [8]. Of the continent's subregion, Eastern Europe presented the highest cumulative estimated excess deaths, which is 2.3–2.5 times that of Southern Europe and 3.5 times that of Northern and Western Europe. In fact, the East- ern Europe subregion recorded the highest excess deaths in the world. The cumulative estimated excess deaths per capita for Oceania is the lowest in the world, namely approximately 20–30 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants [8]. Using data obtained from the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Re- source Center and data obtained from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which was published in The Lancet, we have calculated the direct and associated COVID-19 mortality rate for 181 countries (Table A.1, Appendix) [9]. The top 10 countries with the highest COVID-19 excess deaths per 100,000 inhabitants are Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Myanmar, Solomon Island, Eswatini, Norte Macedonia, Belarus, Peru, and Poland. The 10 countries with the lowest COVID-19 excess deaths per 100,000 inhab- itants are Antigua and Barbuda, Burundi, Republic of Korea, Iceland, Nor- way, Ireland, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, and China. Despite the structural similarity among the second, third, and fourth waves, the weekly intensity of the mortality rate for the four waves was high- ly asynchronic among all countries (Fig. 6A). While some countries did not report deaths at different points of the pandemic (Chad, Central Africa Republic, and Togo, etc.) others reported a continuous wave of deaths (Egypt, Tunisia, South Africa, Algeria, Angola, and Libya). Both of the
foregoing phenomena may be explained by the lack of testing undertaken in said countries.
Fig. 6 Weekly SARS-CoV-2 mortality rate intensity per country. Data from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Centre. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html. Although we have detected five waves of mortality in America, the inten- sity of the mortality rate shows a high asynchrony among countries (Fig. 7B). While some countries, such as the islands of the Caribbean subregion, did not report deaths, Peru, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Guyana presented a continuous death rate with points of high intensity occurring during the fourth peak.
Fig. 7 Weekly SARS-CoV-2 lethality rate by continent. Data from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Centre. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html. The pattern for the intensity of the weekly mortality rate for Asia was very similar to that observed for America (Fig. 6C). With some countries not re- porting deaths (Thailand, Tajikistan, Twain, Bhutan, and Brunei), others pre- sented a continuous intensity of mortality intensity (Yemen, United Araba Emirates, Syria, Qatar, Philippines, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Japan, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, India, Fiji, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Armenia, and Afghanistan). The highest intensity for Asia was observed between the 25th and 42nd weeks of 2021. Europe presented the most complete mortality reporting of all the conti- nents, with only small countries such as San Marino, Monaco, Malta, 43
Liechtenstein, Iceland, the Holy See, and Andorra reporting deaths intermit- tently (Fig. 7D) and the remaining countries conducting continuous report- ing. In contrast with other continents, two periods of high mortality intensity were observed, with the first occurring between Week 37 of 2020 and Week 21 of 2021 and the second during Week 36 of 2021 and Week 15 of 2022. The most synchronic mortality intensity was observed during the second wave, while countries such as Belarus, Turkey, Serbia, Russia, and Georgia pre- sented a continuously high mortality intensity. The weekly mortality intensity observed for Oceania was very similar to the continent's pattern of intensity incidence, with the highest and longest mortality intensity observed in Papua New Guinea, followed by Australia, the Solomon Islands, and Kiribati (Fig. 7E). In most countries and continents, the lethality rate (deaths per case) de- creased after the first wave (Fig. 7). The cumulative lethality rate observed for Africa was 1.16%, while the mean lethality rate was 1.6% (with a min- imum of 0.0% and a maximum of 6.0%). After Week 51 of 2021, a signif- icant decrease in the African mortality rate was observed. While America presented the highest official median lethality rate of 2.2% (0.2%–7.6%), its cumulative lethality rate was 1.6%. The first wave, which presented the lowest number of cases, presented a median lethality rate of 4.0%, while that of the other four waves was 2.1%, with, notably, the fifth wave presenting a rate of 0.8%. Asia presented two peaks of lethality, the first between weeks 1 and 20 of 2020 and the second between weeks 27 and 30 of 2021. After Week 51 of 2021, a drastic decrease in the lethality rate (with a median of 0.2%) was ob- served. The cumulative lethality rate was 1.02%, with a median of 1.1% (0.1%–5.4%). Europe presented the highest lethality rate recorded (31.9%), during Week 9 of 2020, while the median lethality rate was 5.8% during the first wave. The cumulative lethality rate was 0.78%, with a median of 1.7% (0.2%– 31.9%). After the first wave, the lethality rate remains low and stable (median of 1.3%). Oceania presented the lowest cumulative and median lethality rate of the world's continents, 0.14% and 0.6% (0.0%–22.0%), respectively. Due to the lower and intermittent number of cases and deaths, the continent pre- sented an erratic lethality curve.
The lethality rate for the rest of the world presents a structure very similar to that of Europe, which could result from the high amount of data regis- tered for this data cohort, for which the cumulative lethality rate was 0.5%, with a median of 0.9% (0.1%–14.2%). As observed in Table 1, Europe shows a higher cumulative incidence rate, although it is the continent with the second lowest lethality rate. It should be noted that, while the cumulative incidence reported for America is 2 times higher than that reported for Africa, the lethality presented by both conti- nents is almost the same. Oceania is the continent that experienced the low- est impact of the pandemic, which could be explained by the dispersed and isolated nature of the countries, many of them island nations, that it com- prises. Table 1 Continent Cumulative incidence rate Africa
adjusted mortality cumulative ratea lethality ratea
472.75 (243.52–1639.32) 196.18 (132.17–322.24)
America 1021.34 Asia
1.61% (1.02%–2.37%) 1.60%
(249.35–457-68) (1.05%–2.41$%)
2978.15 (16,102.74–42,652.27)
450.56 0.78% (258.91–656.27) (0.49%–1.35%)
Oceania 2508.51 (473.62–18,423.27)
71.86 (13.29–185.48)
0.14% (0.07%–0.42%)
Median rates per 100,000 inhabitants (p25–p75); until 4/25/2022. a Adjusted according IHME methodology 9. Data from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Centre. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html (Last accessed 25 April 2022). A devastating consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is orphanhood. Recently, Imperial College London published a webpage calculating the
number of orphans produced by the COVID-19 pandemic (Tables 2 and 3). In general terms and in absolute numbers, the continent with the highest number of orphans is Asia, due to the estimated 3,503,700 orphans in India (Table A.2) 10. Table 2 Continent
Estimated number Estimated number Estimated number of orphans
of deceased of deceased primary caregivers primary or secondary caregivers
1,271,980 (130–150,900)
1,397,250 (140–172,300)
1,834,290 (179–289,000)
149,745 (57–57,100) 172,079 (62–76,100)
312,109 (99–144,700)
2666 (66–1000)
4600 (120–1800)
2953 (73–1100)
Estimated number of orphans (min-max). Data from Imperial College of London, COVID-19 Orphanhood. https:// imperialcolleglondon.github.io/orphanhood_calculator (Last accessed 24 April 2022). Table 3 Continent
Estimated rate of Estimated rate of orphanhood loss of a primary caregiver
Estimated rate of loss of a primary or secondary caregiver
90.73 (0.01–10.76) 99.66 (0.01–12.29) 130.84 (0.01–20.61)
61.56 (0.002–15.39)
67.16 (0.002–16.39)
90.86 (0.004–22.75)
14.8 (2.9–34.2)
16.9 (3.2–33.7)
20.7 (5.8–48.7)
10.68 (0.004–4.07)
12.27 (0.004–5.43) 22.26 (0.007–10.32)
0.19 (0.005–0.07) 0.21 (0.005–0.08) 0.22 (0.009–0.13)
Estimated cumulative rate of orphanhood (min-max), orphans/100,000 inhabitants. Data from Imperial College of London, COVID-19 Orphanhood. https:// imperialcolleglondon.github.io/orphanhood_calculator (Last accessed 24 April 2022). The number of orphans in Asia is 862.0, 12.7, 3.1, and 2.2 times higher than the number in Oceania, Europe, America, and Africa, respectively (Table 2). After adjusting the number of orphans per 100,000 inhabitants, the results for each continent changes drastically (Table 2), with Africa becoming the continent with the highest estimated number of deceased pri- mary or secondary caregivers (130.84 orphans/100,000 inhabitants), which is 594.7, 6.3, 5.8, and 1.4 times higher than the rate from Oceania, Asia, Eu- rope, and America, respectively. Of the 169 countries, those with the 10 highest estimated number of de- ceased primary or secondary caregivers are India, Mexico, Brazil, Rwanda, the United States, South Africa, Ethiopia, Russia, Peru, and Iran. The coun- tries with the 10 lowest estimated number of deceased primary or secondary caregivers are Norway, Estonia, New Zealand, Singapore, Finland, Grenada, Maldives, Barbados, Brunei, and Antigua and Barbados (Table A.2, Appen- dix). After adjusting for the number of orphans estimated per 100,000 inhab- itants, the position of the countries changes dramatically from the foregoing list (Table A.3, Appendix), with the countries with the 10 highest estimated rates of orphanhood becoming Namibia, Rwanda, Eswatini, Botswana, Sey- chelles, Zimbabwe, Sao Tome and Principe, Lesotho, Zambia, and Mauri- tania. The countries with the 10 lowest estimated rates of orphanhood be- come Albania, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Norway, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Republic or Korea, Singapore, Finland, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and China.
3: Epidemiological parameters of SARS-COV-2 When a new pathogen emerges, the first epidemiological goal is to collect and analyze data in order to formulate effective public health policy 11. Via mathematical models, this data can be used to study the transmission dynamics of an infectious agent, which, in turn, can be used to formulate public health policy and strategies aimed at stopping the transmission. To study an outbreak, we need to know or estimate the full distribution and variability of the incubation and infectious period, the generation time, and the basic reproductive number. In epidemiology, two parameters are essential to modeling an epidemic and designing public health strategies to mitigate an outbreak (Fig. 3). The first is the basic reproduction number (R ) and the second is the generation 0 time. R0 is a parameter that indicates, in a 100% susceptible population, the number of secondary cases that one infected subject can generate. For SARS-CoV-2, R has been estimated to range from two to five (1.8–3.6). R 0 0 of SARS-CoV, 1918 influenza pandemic, and respiratory syncytial virus were from two to three, while this was 1.5 and 0.9 for the 2009 influenza pan- demic and MERS-CoV, respectively. Therefore, SARS-CoV-2 is more trans- missible than influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and SARS-CoV0; how- ever, its transmissibility is similar to that of HIV-1 [11–13]. The term generation time refers to the number of days required for an in- fected person to be able to infect another person. For the SARS-CoV-2 virus originally emerging in Wuhan, the generation time was 7.4 days and was very similar to the SARS-CoV virus from 2002 to 2003 (7–8 days) [11–13]. However, a generation time of 5.4 and 4.8, respectively, was calculated for delta and omicron [14]. R0 and generation time are determined not only by the viral capacity to in- fect an organism and then replicate within it but also by factors such as weather, crowding, traveling, school/commercial activities, social distance, human interaction, and socioeconomic level. Table 1 presents the comparison undertaken by Petersen et al. among characteristics of SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, the 1918 pandemic influenza, and the 2009 pandemic influenza [15]. The information in the table reveals that SARS-CoV-2 is the most transmissible and difficult to contain the foregoing viruses, giving it the potential to collapse a nation's health system.
4: Mitigation strategies In 1919, G.A. Soper published, in the journal Science, the lessons learned from the Spanish Flu pandemic [16], concluding that there were three fac- tors that affected the strategies used for controlling or mitigating an outbreak: (i) people do not appreciate risk, (ii) the application of rigid isolation to protect others goes against human nature, and (iii) people often act unconsciously to endanger themselves and/or others. These three factors have affected the effectiveness and success of the anti-SARS-CoV- pandemicdemic strategies applied by each national government. Despite the fact that, prior to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, plenty of scien- tific evidence was available on how to handle and/or mitigate a pandemic, almost every national government adopted different policies with different antiepidemic effects and impacts [17]. Governmental response is the most important component of managing a disaster such as a pandemic [18]. An adequate governmental response during a disaster must include the fol- lowing seven aspects: 1.An optimal allocation of resources. 2.A project schedule. 3.Interaction between the government and industry. 4.An evacuation or quarantine process. 5.A decision-making system. 6.Network analysis. 7.The supply chain. Given the foregoing, the high variability in incidence rate, mortality rate, lethality rate, hospitalization rate, and health systems, etc., observed among countries, depends, in the main, on the abovementioned aspects and the approach employed by governments in response to the pandemic. Decision makers and governments need to take into account the fact that mask use and the application of other NPIs are determined by various factors, such as age group, gender, ethnicity, and the level of trust in the au- thorities. Females, teens, and seniors are the main groups that correctly fol- low the recommendations and guidelines for the implementation of NPIs [19–21]. The first two countries to establish severe lockdown strategies were China and Italy. With the initial outbreak occurring in the northern regions of Italy,
the Italian Government implemented a total lockdown from March to May 2020. However, when the lockdown was lifted, the ensuing increase in tourism flows, the reopening of schools, and social events caused a second peak in November 2020 [22], a phenomenon observed in almost all countries. The initial lockdown strategy applied in Italy failed because, prior to its implementation, Italian media networks announced that a lockdown would be imposed, leading a large proportion of the population to abandon the northern region of the country, spreading the outbreak around the country. Another social factor in 2020 that contributed to spreading the virus around Italy, thus triggering outbreaks around Europe, was a series of football matches that formed part of the Champions and Europa leagues, while a third factor was the massive social mobilizations organized by the feminist movement around International Women's Day on March 8. While the isolation of cases and their contacts is necessary to break the chain of transmission, this also can negatively affect human health. Social distancing restrictions, quarantine, and isolation impact health behaviors, healthcare access, and physical and mental health. People with preexisting health conditions are more vulnerable to the negative consequences of so- cial distancing and isolation [23]. Therefore, decision makers and govern- ments need to find a balance between a strict public health strategy and viral spread. Van Bavel et al. summarized various factors related to the degree of com- pliance, in a population or society, with these massive global public health strategies [24]: the threat (risk or emotion) perception of the disease; social prejudice toward and discrimination against either the disease or the pa- tient; social norms; social inequality; culture; political polarization; con- spiracy theories; fake news and misinformation; moral decision-making; political leadership; the degree of trust in politicians and/or scientists; so- cial isolation; intimate relationships; and, mental health. It is important to note that, during the first two waves, NPIs were the only interventions avail- able to reduce both the burden on the healthcare system and deaths caused by COVID-19 [22]. A mathematical modeling strategy developed by Gurevich et al. [25] pro- poses that the greater the social and NPI measures applied, the greater the reduction in disease severity. The most critical parameters for reducing the
impact of a pandemic are the timing of the application of the NPI, a higher testing rate, and strain virulence. Their strategy also showed that a lower testing rate can cause an increase in false negative results due to viral evolu- tion. Mathematical models of COVID-19 based on epidemiological and viro- logical data can provide useful insights into the impact of the vaccination campaign, variant spread, and the cost–benefit of NPI strategies. Many mathematical models that try to understand the dynamics of COVID-19 have been developed. In public health, the use of mathematical models is crucial. As SARS-CoV-2 becomes endemic, the use of modeling will be helpful in identifying the best long-term strategies to contain its spread [22].
5: Reinfections Reinfections were an unusual event at the beginning of the pandemic, with the first case of COVID-19 reinfection described in Hong Kong in August 2022, wherein a 33-year-old male presented a second asymptomatic infec- tion caused by a different SARS-CoV-2 strain [26]. A cohort study conducted in New York followed 1343 suspected or con- firmed cases of SARS-CoV-2, of whom 47% had a confirmed infection. At the end of the study, 57% were antibody positive, 5% were weakly positive, and 39% were negative, while 82% of confirmed cases and 35% of suspected cases were antibody positive. Approximately 16% of confirmed cases had lost antibody response [27]. A second study showing that the humoral immune response against SARS-CoV-2 decays over time was conducted in China, finding that 77% of hospitalized patients presented decreasing levels of Immunoglobulin (IgG) 4–10 weeks postinfection. It should be noted that IgG titers decreased by 50% 4–10 weeks postinfection [28]. Unfortunately, most studies published do not evaluate the titers of neutralizing antibodies. During the first year of the pandemic, it has been reported that between 6% and 17% of fully recovered patients can be reinfected 29,30, with rein- fection defined via the following criteria 31–33: 1.Previous acute COVID-19 disease with an initial RT-qPCR positive test. 2.Clinical recovery was confirmed via an RT-qPCR negative test. 3.A second RT-qPCR test (with or without symptoms) at least 28 - 28 - after the negative test. 4.A second RT-qPCR test with a Ct value 0, b < 0, and 0 1 and (d)no endemic equilibrium otherwise. Case (a) of Theorem 3 shows that the basic model (1) has a unique en- demic equilibrium whenever
. Furthermore, Case (c) of Theorem 3
suggests the possibility of backward bifurcation, a dynamic phenomenon characterized by the coexistence of multiple stable equilibria (a DFE and a stable endemic equilibrium) when the associated reproduction number of the model (
) is less than unity [35]. The epidemiological implication of
the phenomenon of backward bifurcation is that the requirement
while necessary, is not sufficient for disease elimination. In this case, dis- ease elimination will depend upon the initial sizes of the subpopulations of the model [35]. To compute the backward bifurcation point of the basic model (1), when critical value of
, we set the discriminant (denoted by
and solve for the
) given by
(11) where A1 is as defined in Eq. (2), A7 is as defined in Eqs. (2), (8), and b1 and b2 are as defined in Eq. (10). It follows from Eq. (11) that the basic model (1) may undergo a backward bifurcation at
Fig. 1 depicts a generic backward bifurcation diagram, showing the region of coexistence of stable equilibria when the associated reproduction number of the model is less than unity. It should be stated that the existence of the phenomenon of backward bifurcation can be rigorously established using
center manifold theory [25, 35, 36]. The presence of backward bifurcation in the transmission dynamics of a disease makes its control or elimination difficult, since the reproduction number of the model has to be reduced to be significantly below unity (i.e., to be outside the backward bifurcation re- gion) to have the possibility of the unique disease-free equilibrium being globally asymptotically stable [35].
Fig. 1 Generic backward bifurcation diagram for the basic model ( 1). BB, EE, and DFE denote backward bifurcation region, endemic equilibrium, and disease-free equilibrium, respectively.
2.3: Model fitting and parameter estimation of basic model The basic model (1) contains 17 parameters. The values of most of these parameters are known from published literature. For instance, the values of 13 of them (namely Λ, μ, ξ , ɛ , σ , σ , r, ϕ , γ , γ , γ , δ , and v v e p s a s h s δ ) are known [6, 12], and are tabulated in Table 3. The values of the re- h maining four parameters of the basic model (1), namely the transmission rate parameters β , β , β , and β will be estimated by fitting the basic p a s h model (1) with observed daily COVID-19 mortality for the United States for
the period from December 10, 2020 to July 23, 2021, using standard model fitting techniques, such as the least squares regression method [6, 37, 38]. In particular, applying the least squares regression method allows for the de- termination of the best values of the unknown parameters that minimize the root mean square difference between the predicted daily mortality generated from the basic model (1) and the observed daily mortality data. Fig. 2 de- picts the fitting result obtained. The estimated values of the four unknown parameters obtained from the fitting, together with their associated 95% confidence intervals, are tabulated in Table 4.
Fig. 2 Data fitting of the basic model ( 1) using daily COVID-19 mortality data for the United States from December 10, 2020 to July 23, 2021 [1]. It should be mentioned, although numerous notable modeling studies have demonstrated the fact, prior to the commencement of vaccination pro- grams, the main drivers of the COVID-19 pandemic were the presymp- tomatic and asymptomatic infectious individuals (see, for instance, Ref. [11] and some of the references therein), our fitting in Table 4 suggests that, during the vaccination era, the main drivers of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States are the symptomatic individuals (since the value of βs 378
exceeds those for β , β , and β ). In other words, there has been a p a h switch in terms of the main generators of new COVID-19 infections based on the period before and during vaccination. A possible justification for this switch can be attributed to (a) the high vaccination coverage in the United States (as of September 5, 2021, at least 75% of the US population has re- ceived one dose and over half the populace is fully vaccinated) and (b) therapeutic benefits of the three FDA-EUA vaccines used in the United States. Specifically, in addition to reducing the likelihood of acquiring infec- tion by vaccinated susceptible individuals, each of these vaccines reduces the transmissibility of infected vaccinated individuals (since those with breakthrough infections exhibit mild or no symptoms at all), in addition to accelerating recovery, reducing hospitalization and death in breakthrough infections. As of September 5, 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States has essentially been reduced to the epidemic of unvaccinated individuals (being the group that suffers the overwhelming burden, measured in terms of cases, hospitalization and death, of the pandemic).
2.4: Numerical simulation of basic model The basic model (1) will now be simulated, using the fixed and estimated parameters tabulated in Tables 3 and 4, to assess the population-level im- pact of the vaccination program implemented against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. We consider three cases: (a) when vaccination is the sole intervention implemented, (b) when vacci- nation is combined with NPIs, such as social distancing, masks usage, community lockdowns, etc., and (c) when vaccination is combined with face mask intervention (with various mask types, such as cloth masks, surgical masks, and respirators) [6, 7, 10, 11, 19, 39]. 2.4.1: Assessment of impact of vaccination as a sole intervention Fig. 3 A depicts a contour plot of the reproduction number (
) of the
basic model, as a function of vaccine coverage (fv) at the disease-free equi- librium and vaccine efficacy (ɛv), for the case where no other interventions (other than vaccination) are implemented. This figure shows that if only the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine (with estimated efficacy of ɛv = 0.95) is used in the United States, at least 78% of the US population needs to be fully vacci- nated (with either of the two vaccines) to bring the reproduction number to a value less than unity (so that by Theorems 1 and 2), herd immunity can be
achieved, and, subsequently, the pandemic can be eliminated. Hence, using either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine alone can lead to the elimination of the pandemic in the United States if the coverage in their usage is high enough (i.e., if at least 78% of the US population receive the two doses of either vac- cine). If, on the other hand, only the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (with effi- cacy ɛv = 0.7) is used, the contours in Fig. 3 show that, although the COVID-19 burden can be reduced with increasing vaccination coverage (f ), v the reproduction number cannot be brought to a value less than unity. In other words, while the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (as the only vaccine used against COVID-19 pandemic) will decrease the pandemic bur- den (with increasing vaccination coverage), it will fail to lead to the elimi- nation of the pandemic in the United States.
Fig. 3 Contour plot of the vaccine reproduction number (
) of the
basic model ( 1), as a function of the vaccine coverage (f ) and efficacy v (ɛ ). (A) No reduction in community transmission from baseline due v to the implementation of other NPIs (i.e., cr = 0.0). (B) 20% Reduction in community transmission due to implementation of other NPIs (i.e., cr = 0.20). (C) 40% Reduction in community transmission due to the implementation of other NPIs (i.e., cr = 0.40). The other parameter values used in the simulations are as given in Tables 3 and 4.
2.5: Assessment of combined impact of vaccination and NPIs The basic model (1) is further simulated to assess the potential impact of a combined intervention that involves vaccination (with either of the three vaccines that received FDA EUA in the United States) and NPIs. For simu- lation purposes, we incorporate the impact of NPIs in the basic model (1) by reducing the baseline values of the contact rate parameters (β , β , β , p s a and βh) by a factor (1 − cr), where 0 ≤ cr ≤ 1 is the increase in the overall coverage and effectiveness of the NPIs above their baseline values during 380
the period of the fitting of the basic model (December 10, 2020 to July 23, 2021). Fig. 3B depicts a contour plot of the reproduction number (
) of
the basic model, as a function of vaccine coverage at steady state (fv) and efficacy (ɛ ), for the case where the overall coverage and effectiveness of v other NPIs is increased by 20% above their baseline values (i.e., cr = 0.2). This figure shows that the level of coverage needed to achieve herd immu- nity if either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is used reduces to 70% (as against 78% for the case where cr = 0, depicted in Fig. 3A). For this case, Fig. 3B shows that disease elimination is feasible using the Johnson & John- son vaccine if at least 96% of the US population received this vaccine (which is certainly not practicable). If NPIs are increased by 40% above their baseline values (i.e., c = 0.4), the simulations depicted in Fig. 3C show r that the use of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine alone will lead to pandemic elimination in the United States if at least 60% of the populace is fully vacci- nated with either of the two vaccines. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine will require 80% coverage to achieve elimination in this case. Hence, the simulations in Fig. 3B and C clearly show that combining vaccination with other NPIs (implemented at a level that increases their coverage and effectiveness above their baseline values) will reduce the vaccination coverage needed to achieve herd immunity. In other words, combining vaccination with other NPIs (at increased coverage and effectiveness levels, in comparison to their baseline values) greatly enhances the prospect of pandemic elimination in the United States. It is worth noting from Fig. 3C that if the vaccine efficacy wanes to about 60% (i.e., ɛ = 0.6), pandemic elimination is still feasible if at least 94% of v the US population is fully vaccinated. If the vaccine efficacy further de- creases to, for instance, 57% (i.e., ɛv = 0.57), Fig. 3C shows that elimi- nation is feasible if the entire US population is fully vaccinated. These high coverage (94%–100%) are certainly not realistically attainable in a popu- lation like the United States. Waning vaccine efficacy certainly makes the prospect of pandemic elimination a lot more difficult, even if the vaccination program is combined with other NPIs at improved coverage and effec- tiveness levels above their baseline values (e.g., c = 0.4). Hence, these sim- r ulations clearly suggest the need to boost the vaccine-derived immunity when the vaccine efficacy begins to wane (significantly). This supports the current call in the United States for a third dose of the Pfizer/Moderna
vaccine or a second dose for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. 2.5.1: Assessment of combined impact of vaccination and various mask types In this section, the basic model (1) will be simulated to assess the impact of the combined use of a vaccination program together with a mask-based strategy on curtailing the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The use of face masks, of various types and efficacies, has generally proven to be a vital strategy to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic [39]. There are three main categories of masks used in the battle against the COVID-19 pan- demic, namely, cloth masks, surgical masks, and respirators. While cloth masks and surgical or procedure masks are considered to be loose fitting face coverings and are designed to be used as source control (and their pri- mary purpose is to prevent the spread of disease from infected wearers to those around them, and not to protect the wearer from acquiring infection from others), respirators are defined as tight-fitting respiratory protective devices that meet or exceed the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) N95 standard [40–42]. In contrast to cloth and sur- gical masks, most respirators are designed to fit tightly to the face and represent true respiratory protection, protecting the wearer from respiratory hazards around them [39]. The efficacy estimates of cloth masks range from 0%–50% [10, 42]. Similarly, surgical masks and procedure masks have esti- mated efficacy ranging from 50% to 85% [10, 43]. Due to their lack of a tight seal, the real-world filtration efficiency of the surgical or procedure masks can be much lower [42]. Respirators have efficacy ranging from 95% to 100% [10]. The use of face masks is incorporated into the basic model (1) by multi- plying the contact rate parameters (βp, βs, βa, and βh) by a factor (1 − c ɛ ), where 0 < c < 1 is the face mask coverage in the community and mm m 0 < ɛm ≤ 1 is the overall mask efficacy in preventing infection. For simu- lation purposes, we set the efficacy of cloth masks, surgical masks, and respirators to be 30%, 70%, and 95%, respectively. The basic model (1) is simulated using the fixed and estimated parameters in Tables 3 and 4 and and ɛ (noting that the transmission rate parameters m m are now being multiplied by (1 − c ɛ ). mm ) of the basic Fig. 4 depicts a contour plot of reproduction number (
various values of c
model (1), as a function of face mask coverage (c ) and vaccine coverage at m 382
steady state (f ). Specifically, Fig. 4A and B shows that using cloth or sur- v gical masks alone (i.e., without vaccination, so that ξ = 0), pandemic v elimination is not feasible even with very high mask coverage (cm). This re- sult is in line with some of the simulation results presented in Fig. 3). This shows that, although a mask strategy that relies on the use of cloth masks (with estimated efficacy ɛm = 0.3) or surgical masks (with estimated effi- cacy ɛ = 0.7) only can reduce the burden of the pandemic, it will fail to m to a value less than eliminate the pandemic (since it is unable to reduce 1). However, pandemic elimination is feasible if respirators only are used (Fig. 4C). In particular, using respirators alone can lead to pandemic elimi- nation if the coverage in its usage is at least 78%. On the other hand, Fig. 4 shows that using vaccination alone (i.e., without masking, so that c
= 0), m pandemic elimination is feasible if the vaccination coverage (fv) is high enough (in line with some of the simulations depicted in Fig. 3). Further- more, Fig. 4 shows that combining a vaccination program with a face mask strategy that relies on the use of cloth masks only (with estimated efficacy c
= 0.3) can reduce the burden of the pandemic with the possibility of m elimination. For instance, if the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine (each with esti- mated efficacy ɛv = 0.95) is used, and half of the US population wears cloth masks in public consistently, then pandemic elimination is feasible if 73% of the populace is fully vaccinated with either of the two vaccines (Fig. 4A). The vaccination coverage needed to achieve elimination reduces to 63% and 53%, if the vaccination program is combined with a masking strat- egy that prioritizes surgical masks and respirators, respectively (Fig. 4B and C). In summary, Fig. 4 shows a promising prospect for pandemic elimi- nation if high-quality masks, such as surgical masks and respirators, are used (even in the absence of vaccination) or if a combined vaccination- masking strategy is used.
Fig. 4 Contour plot of the vaccine reproduction number (
) of the
basic model ( 1), as a function of the vaccine coverage (f ) and mask v coverage (c ) for (A) cloth masks (with efficacy of 30%), (B) surgical m masks (with efficacy of 70%), and (C) respirators (with efficacy of 95%). The other parameter values used in the simulations are as given in Tables 3 and 4.
2.6: Sensitivity analysis The basic model (1) contains numerous parameters (as stated earlier), and uncertainties exist in the estimate of these parameters. Hence, it is instruc- tive to assess the impact of such uncertainties on the overall outcome of the numerical simulations of the model. Specifically, it is important to deter- mine the set of parameters that have the most influence on the dynamics of the disease (as measured in terms of the impact of these parameters on the value of a chosen response function). In this section, we choose the vacci- nation reproduction number
as the response function for the basic
model (1), and we seek to assess the sensitivity of each parameter of the basic model to the chosen response function. To achieve this objective, global uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, using Latin hypercube sampling and partial rank correlation coefficients (PRCCs) [44–46], will be carried out with respect to the response function
of the basic model. To implement
this method, the ranges of the known parameters of the basic model (1) are obtained by taking 20% to the left, and then 20% to the right of their base- line values (tabulated in Table 3). Further, we assume that each parameter of the basic model follows a uniform distribution. We split each parameter range into 1000 equal subintervals. The results obtained, for the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, are presented in Fig. 5, with the level of significance decreasing from the left to the right side of the figure. This figure shows that the vaccine efficacy (ϵv) and the community transmission by symptomat- ically infectious individuals (β ) have the most influence on the value of s , followed by the proportion of presymptomatically infectious individuals, who exhibit disease symptoms after the incubation period and the commu- nity transmission by presymptomatically infectious individuals (β ). p Parameters such as those that represent the rate at which individuals progress from the exposed to the presymptomatically infectious class (σe) and the rate at which presymptomatically infectious progress to the asymp- tomatically infectious or the symptomatically infectious class (σp) have
very low PRCC values (hence, they do not significantly impact the value of the response function
Fig. 5 Partial rank correlation coefficients (PRCCs) illustrating the sensitivities of parameters of the basic model ( 1) on the chosen response function (namely, the vaccination reproduction number,
The level of significance of the parameters reduces as we go from left to the right side of the plot. The baseline values of the parameters are as given in Tables 3 and 4.
3: Basic vaccination model with waning immunity In this section, the basic model formulated and analyzed in Section 2 will be extended to include waning of both vaccine-derived and natural immunity to COVID-19. Furthermore, we will incorporate the vaccination of recovered individuals. Hence, in addition to the compartments (Su, Sv, E, Ip, Is, Ia, and Ih) in Section 2, the extended model will include compartments for suscep- tible individuals with partial immunity due to the waning of natural immu- nity (Srp(t)), susceptible individuals with partial immunity due to the wan- ing of vaccine-derived immunity (S (t)), unvaccinated recovered indi- vp viduals (R ), and vaccinated recovered individuals (R ). Consequently, in u v this modeling scenario, the total population at time t, denoted by N(t), is given by The extended model is given by the following deterministic system of non- linear differential equations:
(12) In the extended model (12), 0 < ɛ
≤ 1 is the efficacy of partial immunity to
protect individuals in the S
class from acquiring COVID-19 infection, 0 0, I = 0, and V = 0. In the following, we de- 0 the state con- note the state vector x(t) = (U(t), I(t), V (t)), and straints set.
Fig. 1 UIV system. 2.1.1: Typical behavior of in-host infections In this section, we will study the course of the SARS-CoV-2 infection, which has a relatively fast evolution that enables us to neglect the regeneration and death of healthy target cells in the model. Initially, it will be assumed that the system is in a healthy equilibrium just before t = 0, that is,
, and at t = 0 a small number of
virions enter the system, such that U(0) = U , I(0) = 0, and V (0) = V > 0. 0 0 Initially, it can be shown that the solutions of Eq. (1) have nonnegative values for initial nonnegative conditions, and in particular, the number of healthy cells is strictly positive, U(t) > 0. Looking at Eq. (1a), it can be noted that
is nonincreasing, due to the nonnegativity of its factors. Typically, 432
for healthy patients, an exponential growth both in infected cells and viral load takes place in the early stages of the infection, followed by their marked decrease due to the limitation of target cells, as it is explained next. Ana- lyzing the system with a constant infection rate , it can be seen that there is a turning point of the infection outbreak, that is, where the viral load is max- imal, corresponds to a time instant where
. Note that for
the typical case where c ≫ δ, the viral and infected cell peaks are virtually simultaneous, therefore the approximated infected dynamics at the viral peak time
are maximal
. That corresponds by Eq. (1b) to
, which is the critical healthy cell number threshold that limits the viral growth and is given by (2) This critical value of U represents the number of healthy cells that guarantee that the viral load and infected cells number will be decreasing for any propagation rate lower than . Moreover, it can be shown that the terminal values of I and V, I∞ := lim I(t), V := lim V (t), converge to zero, regardless of the initial t→∞ ∞ t→∞ values I(t ) and V (t ), while the terminal value of U := lim U(t) de- 0 0 ∞ t→∞ pends on both the initial conditions U(t0), I(t0), V (t0), and the param- eters. A detailed analysis of the dynamics of Eq. (1) can be found in Ref. [22]. Although we lack an explicit solution for Eq. (1), the terminal value of the nominal evolution (for the untreated case) can be expressed as
(3) where W(⋅) is the Lambert function [22] and t0 an arbitrary time. For illustrative purposes, a numerical solution of the target-cell model, corresponding to a patient denoted Patient A, for an untreated condition is shown in Fig. 2. Patient A model parameters were estimated by using viral load data of an RT-PCR COVID-19 positive patient—reported in Ref. −7 [41]—with β = 1.35 × 10 , δ = 0.61, p = 0.2, and c = 2.4. The initial condi- tions are given by U = 4 × 10⁸, I = 0, and V = 31. The critical value for the 0 0 0 433
susceptible cells of Patient A (Fig. 2) is given by U* = 5.44 × 10⁷, which means that the final value of U (if no antiviral treatment is applied; i.e., t = 0 0) is given by U∞ = 2.57 × 10⁵.
Fig. 2 Numerical simulation of the target-cell model, corresponding to Patient A.
2.2: Reduced system model and generic infection evolution In this section, we will shortly consider a reduced system model which will enable us to gain some insight related to the system behavior and the con- trol objectives. In order to simplify our analysis, the system (1) can be deemed dimensionless by an adequate change of variables. Moreover, under the assumption that the viral dynamics is much faster than the in- fected cell dynamics, which is typically so in this type of infection, a nondi- mensional reduced model can be attained, which is useful for illustrative purposes. The reduced model has the following form [16]: (4a)
(4b) where u and v describe the dimensionless healthy cell count and viral load, and τ is a generalized time variable. Let y denote the state vector in the nondimensionalized variables, that is, y := (u, v), with
With the aim of providing some insight into the meaning of such results, the vector field corresponding to the dynamics of the reduced dimen- sionless system is shown in Fig. 3. It is evident that the system has infinite steady states for v = 0; therefore, the horizontal axis is an equilibrium set Note that this model is dependent on a single parameter
, which indi-
cates the critical threshold for the reduced system. It can also be seen that for values of u greater than q, the vector field components point away from the equilibrium set, while the opposite happens for values lower than q.
Fig. 3 Vector field ( blue [ dark gray in print versions ]) and phase portrait ( black ) for the reduced system. In order to get some ideas on the behavior of the system, phase portraits obtained from solutions to Eq. (4), with initial values very close to the equi- librium set (very low values of v corresponding to situations in which the disease develops from a very small number of viral particles entering the system) are shown in Fig. 3. It can be noted that initial conditions with
have a final steady state (u define
= lim
u(τ)) with . Therefore, we τ→∞ , which are shown in green (light gray in
print versions) and red (dark gray in print versions), respectively. Note that trajectories with initial states close to the set
remain close to the set
Also, it can be seen that the larger the ratio of initial number of healthy cells with respect to
, the lower the final healthy cell count. Note that even
though the initial number of healthy cells U is invariant in the original sys- 0 tem, that value is mapped in the nondimensionalization process by and p which are dependent on the available therapies. More important it is to note that higher viral loads at the time when
, maps to lower u . ∞
2.2.1: Admissible treatments In the general context of antiviral treatments, the infection rate will be time varying, accounting for the antiviral therapy effects. To account for realistic treatments, it is assumed that β(⋅) ∈ Ωβ, where Ωβ is the set of func- such that , for t ∈ [t , t ], and , for tions i f , being 0 < ti < tf < ∞ the starting and ending treatment time (tf is assumed to be finite since acute infection treatments are always finite- duration treatments) and
are the minimal and maximal values of the
infection rate, respectively ( and represent the untreated and fully treated infection rate, respectively; the case
is not considered since antivirals
have always a limited effect on the infection rate). The bounds on β(t) and a possible curve under treatment are shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 Bounds on β ( t ).
2.3: Equilibria characterization and stability This section is devoted to the characterization of the equilibrium states of system (1) and their stability. We will only consider untreated systems in our analysis, since the treatment is assumed to be time limited and therefore its effects vanish after a finite time. We can characterize the set of equilibrium states by equating to zero all subequations of system (1), resulting in the set
given by
(5) A first attempt at determining the stability condition on the states con- tained in
is not conclusive, as it results that all these are indifferent equi-
librium point since the associated linearized system of differential equations has a zero eigenvalue. From the linearization of the system at a generic equilibrium state the set
can be split into two subsets
according to the value of
the largest eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix, where 437
(6) corresponds to states at which the evaluation of the Jacobian matrix has eigenvalues lower or equal to 0, while the set
(7) contains equilibrium states that are definitely unstable, and therefore also the set
itself, because of the existence of a positive eigenvalue.
Nevertheless, if instead of considering the stability of each single equi- , we analyze the stability of the set
librium state within
as a whole, it
can be determined that it is stable—regardless of zero-valued eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at all states in
—and, moreover, it is locally
AS, in the sense of Definitions 12–15, in Appendix A. Indeed, even when every equilibrium point in
is ϵ − δ stable, there is no single equilibrium and
point in it that is attractive. In the following, we will refer to the sets as
, respectively, accounting for their stability conditions.
Next, it is shown in Section 2.3.1 that
is the smallest attractive set in
while in Section 2.3.2 it is demonstrated that this set is also the largest lo- cally ϵ − δ stable set in
. These two results allow us to show, in Section
2.3.3, a strong results concerning UIV models: is unstable.a which means that
is the unique AS set in
2.3.1: Attractivity analysis In this section, we will study the attractivity of set
. According to Defi-
nition 12, any set containing an attractive set is also attractive. So, we are interested in finding the smallest closed attractive set in
Theorem 1: (Attractivity of
Consider system (1), with
replaced by β(t), constrained by
, with
β(⋅) ∈ Ωβ. Then, the set
is the smallest attractive set in
is not attractive.
The proof is divided into two parts. First, it is proved that
is an
attractive set, and then, that it is the smallest one. is attractive: To prove the attractivity of
(and to show that
is not attractive), we need to prove that U ∈ [0, U*] for any ini- ∞ for t > tf (with tf finite), U∞ de- tial conditions. Recalling that pends on U* and the conditions U(tf), V (tf), and I(tf), according to Eq. (11). The minimum of U
is given by U = 0, and it is reached ∞ ∞ when U(tf) = 0 (for any value of U*, I(tf), and V (tf)). The maximum
of U , on the other hand, is given by U = U*, and it is reached ∞ ∞ only when U(t ) = U* and I(t ) = V (t ) = 0 (for any value of U*), as f f f it is shown in Lemma 18 in Appendix B. Then, for any and U* > 0, U ∈ [0, U*], which means that ∞ attractive, and the proof of attractivity is complete.
is the smallest attractive set: It is clear from the previous analysis, converges to a state x that any initial state ∞ = (U∞, 0, 0) with U∞∈ [0, U*]. This means that is not attrac- . However, to show that
is the smallest
attractive set, we need to prove that every point
is necessary
tive for any point in for the attractivity.
Let us consider Eq. (11) with an initial state of the form (U*, I(t ), 0) f with I(tf) ≥ 0. Since W is a bijective function from (−1/e, 0) to (−1, 0), then U∞(U*, ⋅, 0) is bijective from (0, +∞) to (0, U*). Hence, , there exists I(t ) ≥ 0 such that the initial for every point f state (U*, I(tf), 0) converges to xs. Since every interior point of is necessary for the attractivity, then the smallest closed attractive set is
, and the proof is concluded.□
2.3.2: Local stability analysis In this section, we will study the local ϵ − δ stability of
. Next, a the-
orem is introduced that shows the ϵ − δ or Lyapunov stability of
Theorem 2: (Local ϵ − δ stability of Consider system (1), with
replaced by β(t), constrained by
β(⋅) ∈ Ω . Then, the equilibrium set β δ stable.
, with
is the largest locally ϵ −
Proof We proceed by analyzing the stability of single equilibrium points , with (i.e., sider the following Lyapunov function:
). For each
, let us con-
(8) Function J is continuous in and
, is positive for all nonnegative
. Furthermore, for
and t ≥ tf, we have
Note that function
depends on x(t) only through V (t). So,
independently of the value of
for V (t) ≡ 0. This means
, V (t ) = I(t ) = 0 and so, V (t) = 0, for all t f f is null for any (i.e., it is not only null for
that for any single ≥ tf. So,
but for any
On the other hand, for
, function
positive, depending on if the value of than for any
is smaller, equal or greater
, respectively, and this holds for all ,
(particularly, for
is negative, zero, or and t ≥ t . So, f , ,
and t ≥ tf) which means that each is locally ϵ − , that δ stable (see Theorem 16 in Appendix A). Finally, when for all
, we define the Lyapunov functional as J(x) = U + I +
δ/pV and proceed analogously as before. Therefore, since every state in
is locally ϵ − δ stable and
is compact, by Lemma 14,
the whole set tive in
is locally ϵ − δ stable. Finally, since
, then it is impossible for any
which implies that
is attrac-
to be ϵ − δ stable,
is also the largest locally ϵ − δ stable set in
, which completes the proof.□ 2.3.3: Asymptotic stability In this section, we will study the asymptotic stability (AS) of
. In the next
theorem, based on the previous results concerning the attractivity and ϵ − δ stability of
, the AS is formally stated.
Theorem 3 Consider system (1), with replaced by β(t), constrained by the posi- , with β(⋅) ∈ Ω . Then, the set is the unique AS equi- β . Fur- librium set, with a domain of attraction (DOA) given by
tive set
is unstable.
Proof The proof follows from Theorems 1, which states that smallest attractive set in
, and Eq. (2), which states that
largest locally ϵ − δ stable set in
is the is the
Fig. 5 shows phase portrait plots of system (1), corresponding to different states x(t ) = (U(t ), I(t ), V (t )), for t > t . f f f f f
Fig. 5 Phase portrait for virtual Patient A. (A) Case U ( t f ) > U *. States (in red [ dark gray in print versions ]), x ( t ) arbitrarily close to f converges to (in green [ light gray in print versions ]). (B) Case U ( t f )
< U *. States x ( t ) arbitrarily close to , also converges to , but f without increasing V at any time. Empty circles represent the states at t f while solid circles represent the states for a large time.
2.4: Assessment on the severity of infections and the effect of antiviral treatments Typically, two metrics are used to assess the severity of an infectious dis- ease, namely, the IFS and V LP. They describe, respectively, the accumulated dead cells during the infection and the maximal value of the viral load. High viral loads typically correlate with the severity of the disease and its infec- tivity. Also, diseases with high final sizes promote coinfection and have stronger consequences. These indexes, IFS and V LP, are defined as (9) (10) where U0 denotes the number of healthy (susceptible) cells just before the outbreak of the disease and U is an explicit function of the system param- ∞ and the states at tf, (U(tf), I(tf), V (tf)), but not of β(⋅) ∈ Ωβ eters
(i.e., β(t) affect U∞ only trough (U(tf), I(tf), V (tf))):
(11) Since, as shown in Lemma 18, Appendix B, the supremum of U is ∞ reached when U(tf) = U*, then, the infimum of IFS is given by . A metric related to the IFS is
, namely, the area under the
curve of the viral load, for any β(⋅) ∈ Ωβ. Moreover, it can be shown that the infima of AUC
and IFS are bound to each other by
This states an important condition for time-limited treatments as, in order to minimize the IFS (and simultaneously the AUC ), the state should be as VL close as possible to (U*, 0, 0) by the end of the treatment. On the other hand, this also states some compromise on the viral load and the treatment duration, since the minimization of the IFS implies a fixed value for the AUCVL, which, for a fixed time, requires the viral load to be above some threshold for some interval. Nevertheless, keeping the VLP below some adequate threshold while applying a treatment leading to the infimum IFS are compatible objectives.
3: Antiviral treatment effectiveness 3.1: Inclusion of the PD of antiviral treatment Next, we will incorporate the PD to system (1). To obtain a controlled sys- tem, that is, a system with certain control actions—given by the antivirals— that allows us to (even partially) modify the whole system dynamic accord- ing to some control objectives, we need to specify how parameter is modi- fied in Eq. (1) (note that antivirals inhibit the virus infection and replication rates). Thus, the PD is introduced in system (1) as follows: (12a)
(12b) (12c) where
and η(t) ∈ [0, 1) represent the inhibition antiviral ef-
fects affecting the infection rate β (according to Ref. [16], the effect of an- tivirals on the replication rate p is analogous to the one on ).
3.2: Antiviral effectiveness characterization The treatment initiation time ti is assumed to be between the minimum and maximum time of V without treatment (as shown in Ref. [22], V (t) has a minimum at the very beginning of the infection and, then, a unique maximum, at a time ) since otherwise (if
) the treatment has not signif-
icant effect on the patient. The final time t is assumed in this section large f enough for the virus to reach an undetectable level of approximately 100 - −1 100 -copies mL (Section 5, we explicitly consider the effect of a finite treatment final time), while η(t) is a fixed value in [0, 1) from t to t . i f Biologically, the antiviral effect η is limited by the inhibitory potential of the drug (expressed in terms of EC50, or drug concentration for inhibiting 50% of antigen particles, as described in the following section) and its cyto- toxic effect (expressed in terms of IC50, or drug concentration which causes death to 50% of susceptible cells) [30, 42]. As the antiviral treatment re- duces the parameter
in some amount, it quantitatively modifies the virus 444
behavior. Particularly, the virus peak time will be modified from (untreated patient case) to
(treated patient case). However, given that the treatment
is initiated when the virus is increasing (i.e., between its minimum and its maximum), the new peak will occur at the same time or after the treatment time, that is,
. This way, even when the virus peak will always be small-
er with a treatment (smaller peaks are obtained for smaller values of ), the time at which this peak takes place can be smaller or greater than the one without any treatment. The ability to reduce the time of the virus peak (and doing so, also its value V LP) could be critical to define whether or not a given antiviral is able to prevent severe disease. Indeed, in some cases, an- tivirals significantly delay the virus peaks, largely increasing the area under the curve of the viral load AUC
. In order to qualitatively assess antiviral VL effectiveness according to the time of the virus peak, the following classi- fication is made.
Definition 4: (Antiviral treatment effectiveness [22]) Consider system (12), constrained by the positive set , such that the virus spreadsb in the host from time t = 0, which implies that: U(0) > U*, I(0) = 0, and V (0) > 0. Consider also that, at time t , i , an antiviral treatment is initiated such that η jumps from with 0 to some value in [0, 1). Then, the treatment is said to be effective if the virus peaks at a time
, the latter being the virus peak time
for the untreated viral dynamics. Otherwise, if
, it is said that
the treatment is ineffective. Definition 4 is closely related to the capacity of the antiviral drug to clear the infection (or, the same, cut off its spread) in such a way that an effective treatment could: (a) decline the viral growth at the treatment time, and, so, the virus clearance starts when the therapy is initiated or (b) hasten the virus peak, and, so, even though the virus clearance is not started at treat- ment time, it begins prior to the untreated case. Note also that Definition 4 accounts for three typical antiviral effect metrics: the virus peak V LP, the area under the curve of the viral load AUCVL, and the duration of infection (the time from t = 0 up to a time when the virus is undetectable, V , ap- det −1 proximately 100 copies mL ) [43], in a direct way, and the viral load peak V LP [44], in an indirect way. Now, we will show that the effectiveness of antivirals depends on whether
η is greater or smaller than a specified threshold, which is a function of the parameters and the time of the treatment initiation, t . The critical value of i η is the one that makes U* = 1, that is: (13) From Eq. (13), it can be inferred that η*(ti) is an increasing function of U(ti). Fig. 6 shows η*(ti) for the COVID-19 Patient A, mentioned in Section
2.1.1. Note that η*(t ) ≈ 1 − cδ/(U βp) for t → 0 and η*(t ) ≈ 1 − i 0 i i . Similar results concerning the critical drug effi- cδ/(U*βp) = 0 for
cacy with respect to the availability of target cells at the treatment time were obtained in Ref. [45], for acute models, although the authors focused the analysis on the treatment starting at the beginning of the infection.
Fig. 6 η *( t i ) corresponding to Patient A.
The following theorem determines the effectiveness of antivirals in terms
of η*(t ). i Theorem 5 446
Consider system (1), constrained by the positive set
. Consider
that the virus spreads in the host for t ≥ 0, which implies that: U(0) > U*, I(0) = 0, and V (0) > 0. Consider also that, at time ti, with (when the virus is increasing), an antiviral treatment is initiated such that η(t) jumps from 0 to some value in [0, 1). Then, (i)If the inhibition effect is such that η > η*(ti), then the max- imum of V (t) occurs at t , which is smaller than by hypothesis. i In this case,the antiviral treatment is said to be effective. (ii)For two antiviral treatment, 1 and 2, with inhibition effects η¹, η²such that η*(t ) < η¹ < η², there exist a time t* > i ti(large enough) such that V2(t) < V1(t), for all t ∈ (ti, t*], being V (t) and V (t) the virus corresponding to treatments η¹ 1 2 and η², respectively. In this case, both treatments are effec- tive, and treatment 2 is more eff icient than treatment 1. (iii)If the inhibition effect is such that η < η*(t ), then the i . Furthermore, there virus reaches a maximum at a time exists a time t = t (η, t )—denoted as early treatment time— e e i for t ∈ (0, t ]. In this case,the antiviral treat- such that i e ment is ineffective. (iv)For two antiviral treatment, 1 and 2, with inhibition effects η¹, η²such that η¹ < η² < η*(ti) with ti ∈ (0, te(η, ti)], , being and the virus maximum time corre- it is sponding to treatments η¹ and η², respectively. In this case,both treatments are ineffective, but treatment 1 is more eff icient than treatment 2, which is a rather counterintuitive fact. Proof The proof of Theorem 5 can be seen in Ref. [16].□ Remark 6 Item (iii) of Theorem 5 establishes just the existence of te > 0 such that for the treatments starting at t ∈ (0, t ], and η < η*(t ), the i e i new virus peak time is larger than the one corresponding to the
untreated case, that is,
. However, it should be noted that for
parameters coming from real patient data, t is indeed close to . e This means that the time period where treatments can be ineffective is in most of the cases similar to
, that is, comparable with the
time period where the virus is growing. A consequence of item (iii) of Theorem 5 is that early treatments, if not effective, could be worse than late ones. Even more, when early treatment is not strong enough to avoid the virus spreadability right after t , the highest i the antiviral effectiveness η is, the longer time the virus remains in the host, since the maximum time
is delayed, as established in item (iv). As a
result, antivirals could be worse as treated patients would need to be iso- lated for larger periods of time than untreated ones. Note that even when virus peak time can be delayed for some treatments, the virus peak will be always smaller than the one without any treatment. Furthermore, the IFS (fraction of dead cells at the end of the infection, IFS) will be always greater if no antiviral is administrated [16]. Remark 7 This preliminary analysis should be understood just as an addi- tional description of the antiviral effects, concerning the capability of reducing the time of the VLP. Indeed, the final time of the treat- ment t is not considered here (or it is considered large enough). f So, according to the stability analysis made for time-limited treat- ments, if the susceptible cells are such that U(tf) > U* for any of the cases described in Theorem 5, then a rebound of the infection will take place. Fig. 7 shows the virus evolution, corresponding to Patient A, when dif- ferent treatments (different values of η, which is assumed to be constant from t to a large enough t ) are applied, at a starting time t = 7 days (which i f i is a time between (0, te)). As it can be seen, for values of η greater than η* = 0.85 the virus starts to monotonically decrease to zero (i.e., the virus
does not spread in the host) which means that the treatment is effective (and more efficient for larger values of η). For values of η smaller than η*, the treatment is ineffective (according to Definition 4). 448
Fig. 7 Viral load time evolution with treatment initial time given by t = i 7 days, corresponding to Patient A. Values of η ( t i ) smaller, approximately equal to and greater than η * are simulated to
demonstrate the results in Theorem 5. The blue line (dark gray in print versions) denotes the untreated case (η = 0).
4: Inclusion of the PK of antiviral treatment Although the effect of the PK of antivirals does not alter the dynamic funda- mentals of system (1) made in the previous sections, we will briefly discuss its details, for completeness in the description of the problem. If we define D as the amount of drug available, then η can be expressed as (14) where EC
represents the drug concentration in the blood where the drug 50 , is half-maximal. The antiviral effects η(t) are then assumed to be in with
(full antiviral effect is not considered, since that would be an un-
realistic scenario, as discussed in the previous sections). The PK can be modeled as a one compartment with an impulsive input action (impulses account for pills intakes or injections, as described in Refs. [28, 29]): (15a) (15b) where D is the amount of drug available (with D(0) = D = 0), δ is the 0 D drug elimination rate and the antiviral dose uk enters the system impulsively . Time de- at times t := kT , with T > 0 being a fixed time interval and k d d notes the instant just before t , that is, . Note that Eq. k (15) is a continuous-time system impulsively controlled, which shows dis- continuities of the first kind (jumps) at times t and free responses in t ∈ k [tk, tk+1) (see Ref. [28] for details). Based on the PK and PD analysis, the complete COVID-19 infection model, which takes into account an antiviral treatment (the controlled sys- tem) reads as follows:
(16b) (16c) (16d) (16e) with initial conditions given by x = (U , I , V , D ). Given that D(t) ≥ 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Also, a con- for all t ≥ 0, the constraint set is enlarged to be , where
straint for the input, u, is defined as represent the maximal antiviral dosage (
is usually determined by the ), while sets
drug side effects and maximal effectiveness, larged by considering
are en-
. Fig. 8 shows a schematic plot of the
complete compartmental PK-PD system.
Fig. 8 PK-PD system. The form of uk over time is directly related to the constraint Ωβ on β(t) through the relations
. Indeed, the antiviral
doses u must be bounded from below by zero and from above by some k umax > 0, which fulfills the condition that, if uk= umax, for tk ∈ [0, ∞), then
, where
represents the mean value
operator over Td. In other words, any possible antiviral treatment uk must fulfill
(17) To demonstrate the impulsive control actions describing the effects of an- −1 tiviral administration, we simulated Patient A with D0 = 0, δD = 2 day mg. A scenario of 30 days was considered, and a fixed dose of and uk = 20 mg of antivirals is administered each Td days, starting at ti = 4 days, with Td = 1. As shown in Fig. 9, the system response shows a ripple because of the impulsive nature of the inputs. The idea, however, is that regardless of the time period Td of the doses, β(t) should fulfill condition (17).
Fig. 9 Time evolution of virtual Patient A, with u = 20 mg of antivirals and T d = 1 day.
5: Control strategy to tailor therapies Control objectives in in-host infections can be defined in several ways. The peak of the virus load uses to be a critical index to minimize (as described in Section 3) since it is directly related to the severity of the infection and the ineffective capacity of the host. However, other indexes—usually put in a second place—are also important. This is the case of the time the infection lasts in the host over significant levels [16]—including virus rebounds after reaching a pseudo-steady state, and the total viral load or infected cells at the end of the infection (i.e., the AUC ). These latter indexes also inform VL (in a different manner) about the severity of the infection and the time dur- ing which the host is able to infect other individuals, and are directly deter- mined by the amount of susceptible cells at the end of the infection. The following definition formalizes the control objectives of the problem under study, according to the discussion made in Section 2.4. Definition 8: (Control objectives) The control objective for the closed-loop equation (12) consists in (1) minimizing the IFS, and (2) keeping the V LP under a given upper bound
(determined by the severity of the disease and the
host infectiousness), while minimizing—as long as possible—the total amount of administered antiviral (to avoid drug side effects). Thus, the control problem consists in finding a function β(⋅) ∈ Ω ac- β counting for the control objectives from Definition 8. In view of the dynamic analysis made in the previous sections, we can pose the following optimal control problem
that—in contrast to many
other strategies—takes advantage of the stationary/transient distinction for each of the objectives:
(18) where T > tf is a large enough time that covers the whole dynamic of the forces variable V (τ) to be smaller than the infection. Conditions externally imposed maximum
at every time t ∈ [0, T], while constraints
U(T) = U* and V (T) ≤ Vdet, where Vdet is a small detectable virus concen- tration (usually 100 copies mL−1), are meant to force the system to reach a quasisteady-state condition (i.e., with V (T) approaching zero) at the end time T, while U(t) is equal to U*. The key point of Problem
is that the
clinical objectives (i.e., controlling the IFS and the V LP) are imposed by constraints while only the objective of minimizing the antiviral drug admi- nistration is achieved by optimality, avoiding the competition between them. Remark 9 It can be shown that Problem
is well posed and properly ac-
counts for the control objectives (Eq. 8). Furthermore, any other optimization problem, that is, the one minimizing V (t) (or U(t) = U*) along T, without terminal constraints, will necessarily produce a suboptimal solution, as the control objectives would be competing in the cost function.
5.1: Numerical simulations Here, we resume the simulation of Patient A. Fig. 10 (dashed blue and red lines [dark gray in print versions]) shows the open-loop system time evolu- tion, which consists in using
(no treatment is a particular case of
β(⋅) ∈ Ω ), while Fig. 11 (dashed blue lines [dark gray in print versions]) β shows the phase portrait in the plane U, V. As predicted, U ol is ∞
(significantly) smaller than U* (IFSol = U − U ol = 3.9974 × 10⁸ cells 0 ∞ mm−3), while the peak of V is given by V LPol = 1.5064 × 10⁷ copies mL−1 (the viral load is considered undetectable under the detectable value of Vdet = 100 copies mL−1).
Fig. 10 U ( blue [ dark gray in print versions ]), V ( red [ dark gray in print versions ]), and β ( black ) time evolution ( left ). System with U * = −3 −1 copies mL . 5.44 × 10 ⁷ cells mm and
Fig. 11 Phase portrait ( right, blue [ dark gray in print versions ]), corresponding to open loop ( dashed line ) and optimal control ( solid line ). System with U * = 5.44 × 10 ⁷ cells mm −3 and copies mL −1 . Fig. 11 (solid blue and red lines [dark gray in print versions]) also shows the optimal control system time evolution, considering a β(t) (left, solid black lines) obtained from P . The time horizon T was selected to be 32.8 days, opt ol (30% of V LP ). while the maximal allowed VLP is given by As it can be seen, the control objectives are reasonably approached, with opt −3 ol IFS = 3.4723 × 10⁸ cells mm (80% of IFS ), −1 copies mL , while the total amount of antiviral is minimized. Note that β(⋅) separates the control objectives over time: first, it handles the V LP (from t ≈ 8 to t ≈ 17 days) and, once V cannot further increase, it tries to reach U(T) ≈ U*, at steady state, to minimize IFS. Although not simulated here, it can be shown that any other optimization problem—for instance, the one minimizing the viral load along the time (as it is usually done in the literature)—systematically produces a suboptimal performance, avoiding the achievement of the control objectives. Remark 10
A better description of the control would be obtained by considering system (16) instead of Eq. (12) in Eq. (18), since this way we include the PKs and PDs of a particular antiviral, which considers also the impulsive nature of the doses (pill intakes) that affect parameter β. However, it is important to note that the optimality concepts intro- duced in this chapter are not altered.
6: Conclusions and future works In this work, the dynamical long-term behavior of UIV-type models describ- ing the SARS-CoV-2 infection in the host has been analyzed, including a PK and PD study. The effectiveness of antiviral treatments is defined according to the time of the virus peak and its ability to stop the spread of the virus. Furthermore, an optimal control is developed that takes explicit advantage of the closed-loop dynamical analysis, and the characterization of a thresh- old for the susceptible cells U. The control strategy accounts for three con- trol objectives simultaneously: minimizes the number of infected (death) cells at the end of the infection, maintains the virus peak under a maximum, and minimizes, as long as possible, the total amount of administered antivi- rals. Future works include the study of more complex control strategies (mainly model-based control strategies such as model predictive control and similar) to explicitly account for uncertain scenarios.
Appendix A: Stability theory In this section, some basic definitions and results are given concerning the AS of sets and Lyapunov theory, in the context of nonlinear continuous-time systems [20, Appendix B]. All the following definitions are referred to system (A.1) where x is the system state constrained to be in
, f is a Lipschitz con-
tinuous nonlinear function, and ϕ(t;x) is the solution for time t and initial condition x. Definition 11: (Equilibrium set) Consider system (A.1) constrained by librium set if each point
. The set
is an equi-
is such that f(x) = 0 (this implies that
ϕ(t;x) = x for all t ≥ 0). Definition 12: (Attractivity of an equilibrium set) Consider system (A.1) constrained by
and a set
. A closed
is attractive in if for all equilibrium set c . If is a ɛ-neighborhood of for some η > 0, we say that is locally attractive. We define the DOA of an attractive set of all initial states x such that
for the system (A.1) to be the set as t →∞. We use the term region
of attraction to denote any set of initial states contained in the DOA. A closed subset of an attractive set (for instance, a single equilibrium point) is not necessarily attractive. On the other hand, any set containing an attractive set is attractive, so the significant attractivity concept in a cond strained system is given by the smallest one. Definition 13: (Local ϵ − δ stability of an equilibrium set) Consider system (A.1) constrained by
. A closed equilibrium set
is ϵ − δ locally stable if for all ϵ > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that if then , for all t ≥ 0. Unlike attractive sets, a set containing a locally ϵ − δ stable equilibrium
set is not necessarily locally ϵ − δ stable. Even more, a closed subset of a locally ϵ − δ stable equilibrium set (for instance, a single equilibrium point) is not necessarily locally ϵ − δ stable. However, any (finite) union of equilibrium sets locally ϵ − δ stable is also locally ϵ − δ stable. So, the significant stability concept in a constrained system is given by the largest one. Although a finite union of equilibrium set locally ϵ − δ stable is also lo- cally ϵ − δ stable, in general we cannot extend this result to the case of arbitrary unions of points. Thus, even when every equilibrium point of an equilibrium set is locally ϵ − δ stable, we cannot assure that the whole set would be locally ϵ − δ stable. This is due to the fact that given a fixed ϵ the δ chosen for each point depend on the point and so the infimum of them could be zero. However, if in addition we also assume that the set is compact, then the stability of the set can be inherited from the stability of its points. Lemma 14 Let
be a compact equilibrium set. If every
ble, then
is ϵ − δ locally sta-
is ϵ − δ locally stable.
Proof such that if Given ϵ > 0, there exists δ = δ(xs) > 0 for each then ϕ(t;x) ∈ B (x ) for t ≥ 0. The family of δ-balls ϵ s form an open cover of . Let V denote the union of this cover, that . Since
is compact and the complement
of V is closed, then the distance between them is strictly positive, . Therefore, the δ* neighborhood of the
that is, equilibrium set
is contained in V. Thus, if
for t ≥ 0. Therefore,
, then
is ϵ − δ locally stable.□
Definition 15: (AS of an equilibrium set) Consider system (A.1) constrained by equilibrium set tractive in
is AS in
and a set
. A closed
if it is ϵ − δ locally stable and at-
Next, the theorem of Lyapunov, which refers to single equilibrium points
and provides sufficient conditions for both, local ϵ − δ stability and AS, is introduced. Theorem 16 [Lyapunov's stability theorem [47, Theorem 4.1]] Consider system and an equilibrium state
(A.1) constrained by
. Let
be a
such that V (x) > neighborhood of xsand consider a function , denoted as Lyapunov function. 0 for x≠x , V (x ) = 0, and s s Then, the existence of such a function in a neighborhood of xsimplies that
is locally ϵ − δ stable in
x≠x , then x is AS in s s
. If in addition
for all
Appendix B: Behavior of the terminal healthy cells count As described by Eq. (11), U can be expressed as a function of U(t ), I(t ), ∞ f f and V (tf) (denoted here as U, I, and V, for simplicity) as follows:
(B.1) is the critical susceptible cells threshold. The following
property specifies how U∞ behaves for different values of Property 17
, for some
Consider system (1) with arbitrary conditions
finite tf ≥ 0. Then: (i)For fixed I > 0, V > 0, if U > U* then U decreases when U ∞ increases, and U∞ < U*. This means that the closer U is to U* from above, the closer will be U
to U* from below. ∞ (ii)For fixed I > 0, V > 0, if U < U* then U increases with U, ∞ and U∞ < U*. This means that smaller values of U produce smaller values of U , both below U*. ∞ (iii)For any fixed U, U∞decreases with I and V, and U∞≤ U*. (iv)For fixed U = U* and I = V = 0, U∞reaches its maximum over , and the maximum is given by U* (seeLemma 18). Proof It follows directly from Eq. (B.1) and properties of the exponential and the Lambert W functions.□ Consider now an ɛ ≥ 0 and define a domain of
given by
The following lemma specifies the maximum of U on each ∞
Lemma 18: (Maximum of the function U ) ∞ Consider the function U given by Eq. (B.1) and for each ɛ ≥ 0 the ∞ given by Eq. (B.2). Then, the maximum of U∞(U, I, V domains ) in
is reached in (U*, ɛ, ɛ). In particular, the maximum value
of U∞ over
is reached in (U*, 0, 0) and is given by U∞(U*, 0,
0) = U*. Proof According to Eq. (B.1), U can be written as ∞
. Since − W(−⋅) is an increasing (injective)
at the function, then U (U, I, V ) achieves its maximum over ∞ same values as f(U, I, V ). Then, we focus our attention in finding the maximum (and the maximizing variables) of f(U, I, V ). , f can be stud- −(x+y) ied as a function of the form g(x, y) = xe . Note that
Through the change of variables
if and only if x ≥ 0 and y ≥ η where Therefore, to find extremes of f in
it is enough to study the ex-
treme points of g over . Since ∇g = [(1 − −(x+y) −(x+y) x)e , −xe ] does not vanish and g tends to 0 when ∥(x, y)∥ goes to ∞, then the maximum is reached at the boundaries of . A simple analysis shows that g restricted to the boundary of achieves its maximum in (1, η). This means that f(U, I, V ) achieves its maximum at U = U* and I = V = ɛ, and the maximum of U∞ is given by
, which is an decreasing function of ϵ (the maximum of U∞ in- creases for decreasing values of ϵ). In particular, when ɛ = 0, f(U, I, V ) reaches its maximum at (U*, 0, 0), while the maximum of U ∞ reads
which concludes the proof.□
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Although similar results are given in Ref. [22], uniqueness was not proved. b According to Ref. [16], the virus spreads in the host if it shows a positive derivative in some future time. In other words, the virus does not spread in the host, if c The notation
for all future time. indicates the distance from x to the set
. d Given two different attractive sets in
, that is,
with the same DOA, one must be
contained in the other. So, the family of all attractive sets in
with the same
DOA is a totally ordered set under the set inclusion (nested family). An arbi- trary (finite, countable, or uncountable) intersection of nested nonempty closed subsets of a compact space is a nonempty compact set [46]. Then, if one element of the family is bounded, and therefore compact, the inter- section of all the family is a nonempty compact set. This set is the smallest attractive set.
15: Statistical modeling to understand the COVID-19 pandemic Carlos E. Rodríguez; Ramsés H. Mena Department of Probability and Statistics, IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
Abstract We present two modeling ideas that aim at describing and under- standing the effects and evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mex- ico. First, a new and straightforward statistical methodology is pro- posed to model epidemic curves. The key here is to assume that the times when a certain number of infected individuals are observed have been censored, but follow a known probability distribution; the censor- ship point is the most recent date for which a record is available. The second idea exploits the information of patients identified as SARS- CoV-2 positive in Mexico to understand the relationship between comorbidities, symptoms, hospitalizations, and deaths due to the COVID-19 disease. Using the presence or absence of these latter vari- ables, a clinical footprint for each patient is created. The proposal con- siders all possible footprint combinations resulting in a robust model suitable for Bayesian inference.
Keywords Bayesian modeling; Correlation matrix; Density estimation; Multivariate Bernoulli distribution
Acknowledgment The authors are grateful for the support of PAPIIT-UNAM projects IV100220 and IG100221.
1: Introduction COVID-19 has placed an intense spotlight on statistical science. From the outset of the pandemic, the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have been reported by governments and media outlets daily around the world. In particular, the impact of sex, age, and comorbidities on infected patients was recognized and followed closely. With the vaccination program moving forward, time series of death and hospitalization rates desegregated by age groups have been also incorporated into the communication strat- egy. It would appear that statistics has never enjoyed such recognition as a critical tool for supporting decision-making and providing public account- ability. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most infected peo- ple will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospital- ization. The WHO divides COVID-19 symptoms in three groups: most com- mon symptoms: fever, dry cough, and tiredness; less common symptoms: aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes; and serious symptoms: breathing difficulty or shortness of breath, chest pain or pres- sure, and loss of speech or movement [1]. People of any age who have underlying medical conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes, have shown worse prognosis [2]. Diabetic pa- tients have increased morbidity and mortality rates, which have been linked to more hospitalization and intensive care unit admissions [3]. People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or any respiratory illnesses are also at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 [4]. From the first reports from China, a sex imbalance with regard to the fatality rate of COVID-19 patients has been detected. Case fatality rates re- ported in China, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and Switzerland support the view that a consistent phenomenon is operating, accounting for a higher case fatality in men. Such observation is independent of country-specific demographics and testing strategies [5]. Age has also been identified as a variable with high impact over the mortality rate of COVID-19 cases. All age groups appear to have significantly higher mortality compared with the im- mediately younger age group [6]. Many modeling ideas have been used to track, understand, and forecast several aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Mexico, for example,
Antonio-Villa et al. [7] assessed the impact of individual and municipal-level social inequalities; Azanza and Hernández-Vargas [8] evaluated different quarantine lifting strategies aiming to find the best alternative and avoid a high death toll; Santana-Cibrian et al. [9] used key high transmission dates for the year 2020 to create scenarios of the evolution of the pandemic in several states of Mexico for 2021; Mas and Pérez-Vega [10] analyzed spa- tiotemporal patterns of the epidemic and found that COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico is characterized by clusters evolving in space and time as parallel epidemics; and Capistran et al. [11] implemented a SEIRD-type model to pre- dict hospital occupancy in several metropolitan areas of Mexico, among many others. This chapter showcases two simple modeling ideas that aid to describe and understand the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico. Specif- ically, Section 2 describes a novel and straightforward statistical method- ology to model an epidemic curve, without the epidemiological context of a compartmental model. The central idea is to assume that the times when a certain number of infected individuals is observed have been censored, but follow a known probability distribution; the censorship point is the latest date for which a record is available. In Section 3, information of over 1.6 mil- lion patients identified as SARS-CoV-2 positive in Mexico is used to under- stand the relationship between comorbidities, symptoms, hospitalizations, and deaths due to the COVID-19 disease. Some concluding remarks are de- ferred to Section 4.
2: Epidemic curves via censorship An epidemic curve is a statistical chart that displays the course of an epi- demic by plotting the number of infections according to the time of onset. Epidemic curves can be constructed in many different ways, namely via solutions of nonlinear ODEs, as those induced by the classical Kermack- McKendrick [12] SIR model, simplistic approaches such as the logistic and Richards curves [13], Bayesian hierarchical models [14], or even with ensem- ble forecasts of various approaches [15].
2.1: Censorship idea During the course of an outbreak or epidemic, data about the number of daily new infected individuals are collected and carefully monitored. Clearly, the evolution of the number of infected individuals is partially observed, namely at most information until the present day is available. Thus, we treat the last available record's date as censoring threshold. Let I(t) be the number of infected cases at day t, for
, thus, the
censorship threshold will be the last infected case at day tk. The total num- . As time is ber of infected cases until this latter date is then measured in days, our infection dates dataset can be disaggregated as
namely a vector of dimension m1. Infections do not occur in a discrete— daily—manner as in , but rather in different moments during a given day. However, infection counts are reported as an aggregation summary of the whole day. Given this, one could try to distribute the number infections dur- ing the 24 h of a day, however, doing so neither impact our inference nor re- solves the uncertainty about the exact infection time.
2.2: The basic model: First wave Let
and assume the dates of the infected cases,
are a sample from some parametric probability distribution with density
f(t|θ), for t > 0 and some parameter θ. We will denote with F(t|θ) the corresponding cumulative distribution function (cdf). Furthermore, assume there is censorship and only
is observed, that is, we do not observe
With these assumptions and following a Bayesian approach, the full joint distribution is given by [e.g., Ref. 16, p. 176]
(1) where p(θ) and p(m2) are prior distributions for the parameters, θ, and , but the number of missing observations, m , respectively. Observe 2 and for the sake of simplicity in notation we will stick to .
2.3: Approximating I(t) To approximate the number of infected cases I(t), we scale the density func- tion that describes the distribution of dates, that is, (2) where
is the area under the curve of observed cases.
Observe the scaling factor
forces the area under the left tail of the
density to match the area of the scaled curve of the observed cases. This is obtained integrating both sides of expression (2), that is,
The last approximation is valid if and only if
2.4: Further waves of the outbreak It is straightforward to generalize Eq. (1) to describe a second or more waves of the original outbreak, this can be done via mixture models, that is, (3) where ν denotes the number of outbreaks, the mixture weights w = ν ν {wj}j=1 add up to one, and θ = {θ}j=1 are the parameters identifying the mixture components. Hence, the distribution of the times in jth outbreak is modeled via a scaled density w f(y|θ ), where w represents the weight of such outbreak. j j j and , are For inference purposes, two vectors of latent variables, introduced, where zi indicates the outbreak were the observed time yi be- longs, and d is the same but for the censored x s. The joint distribution of i i the model is then given by
2.5: Informative priors With an infectious disease like the one at issue, it is pertinent to use infor- mative priors over the parameters of the model. As ν is fixed and represents the number of waves of the outbreak, we can use information about the range of days each wave occurred to set the ν parameters of the priors over θ = {θ}j=1 . Also, any information available 477
about the current wave is used to set the prior over m , which is a sensitive 2 parameter.
2.6: Example A half-truncated normal distribution was used to model the times of each wave, that is,
. Conjugate normal and
gamma distributions were used as priors over the means and precisions, re- spectively. To set the hyperparameters, information of each wave was used. Hence, breaking the symmetry of the posterior distribution and avoiding identifiability problems. A negative binomial is used as the prior over the censured observations m . In this case, only the number of cases that be- 2 long to the last wave is used to set the negative binomial parameters. With these specifications, and following the ideas described later, epidemic curves to describe the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan (v = 5) a and Mexico (v = 3) were generated. These are shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Epidemic curves via censured ideas. (A) Japan and (B) Mexico. In both cases, a good fit is observed. It is important to mention that since we have analytical expressions for the curve that describes the number of cases, I(t), it is straightforward to obtain any statistical summary of interest.
3: COVID-19 footprint and mortality In this section, we use the available data from the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico to gain insight into the COVID-19 disease. The objective is to under- stand the relationship between comorbidities, symptoms, mortality risk, and hospitalization.
3.1: Data and variables The source of information for this analysis is the database of the National Epidemiological Surveillance System for monitoring possible cases of COVID-19 in Mexico (SINAVE/SISVER for its acronym in Spanish), coordi- nated by the Secretary of Health (Spanish: Secretaría de Saludb ). The SINAVE/SISVER platform considers cases that are suspected of COVID-19. People who have had flu like symptoms, or that believe to have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, are entitled to attend any public or private health service in Mexico, and after an initial examination is sus- pected to suffer from the COVID-19 disease, are registered on this database. The database is updated daily with the suspected cases and 48 variables, these
https://www.gob.mx/salud/documentos/datos-abiertos-152127. Additional variables
http://covid-19.iimas.unam.mx/, as described in Loza et al. [17]. By August 23, 2021, this database had information for a total of 8,143,484 suspected cases and 115 variables. For the relevance of this analysis, we will use only variables meeting the following: •Have a positive result for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a blood test. We work with the information of 1,755,985 positive cases. •Gender (female or male) and age group (four groups were used 60). •Symptoms: fever (1), cough (2), ears pain (3), difficulty breathing (4), irritability (5), diarrhea (6), chest pain (7), chills (8), headache (9), muscle pain (10), joint pain (11), attack general state (12), nasal discharge (13), increased respiratory frequency and depth (14), vomiting (15), abdominal pain (16), conjunctivitis (17), blue color lack of oxygen (18), and sudden onset of symptoms (19). •Comorbidities: chronic kidney failure (1), COPD (2), heart disease
(3), diabetes (4), immunosuppression (5), hypertension (6), obe- sity (7), smoking (8), and asthma (9). •Disease outcomes: hospitalization (1) and death (2). It is important to observe that almost all relevant variables in this study are binary and indicate the presence or the absence of a symptom/ comorbidity or whether a patient has died, has been hospitalized, or not. Hence, we need a model that can handle all these dichotomous variables. Clinical knowledge about the COVID-19 disease has evolved during the pan- demic and several countries are implementing vaccination programs. These factors influence hospitalization and mortality rates of the disease across time. To have a glance of their impact in Mexico, we have included the onset date of symptoms in the analysis. We use this variable to select COVID-19 positive patients by month to perform some of the analysis as well as to have an idea of the evolution through time.
3.2: The model Let Yk be a k-dimensional random vector of possibly correlated Bernoulli random variables and y be a realization of it. A way to model such random k object is via the multivariate Bernoulli distribution, where its mass proba- bility function can be written as
(4) where
denotes to the lth parameter repre-
senting the probability of the lth combination of the k binary outcomes. denotes the matrix with 2k rows of possible outcomes of Here, the random vector Y and k outcome. For each
as the k dimensional vector of the lth possible
, the marginal probability of Yj (element of Yk) is given by the Bernoulli distribution
(5) where
(6) Furthermore, the conditional distribution of a subset of Y , namely Y for s 1), low risk (r100 < 50%), (III) high transmission (Rt > 1), high risk (r100 > 50%), and (IV) low transmission (Rt < 1), high risk (r100 > 50%). Two dif- ferent dates of the epidemic are shown 3 weeks apart (October 10 and 31). In general, the trajectory of the states goes in a counter-clockwise direction moving from I →II →III →IV although, in high transmission events, the states may move back and forth between quadrants III and IV. One can see from the graphs that in 3 weeks, the epidemic in most states has entered re- gion I with the exception of one (Baja California), which is still in region IV with high risk although reduced Rt. Since risk depends on the number of active cases and the depletion of these depends on the size of the active cases pool, then even if R is slightly below 1, high-risk events may still occur. t Lastly, by late October, the neighboring states of Chiapas and Tabasco in Southeast Mexico have increased their R with the possibility of experi- t encing an increase of their risk in the following weeks (passing from II →III).
Fig. 6 The R t -risk plane for two different weeks for all the federal states of Mexico. (A) October 10 and (B) October 31. The x -axis is the reproductive number and the y -axis is the risk of infection in a gathering of 100 persons. The black horizontal and vertical lines divide the regions at R = 1 and risk = 50 % . The R is the average of two t t values obtained with different methodologies as described in the text.
6: On public trust in science Science and mathematical models were important and popular keywords of the governmental discourse during the first quarter of 2020. In the United States, Kreps and Kriner [13] report results on credibility and public trust in science, in particular, in mathematical models. Apparently, the perception of the American people, in the early stages of the epidemic, was framed by the ideological and political divide of the country (Republican vs. Democrat). This situation is not directly applicable to the Mexican population given the different political factors that play within the Mexican context. In Mexico, we have a particular situation. A new government was elected in 2018 with a political agenda based on the so-called fourth transformation of the republic that aims to recover the country from the neoliberal policies of the past (roughly from 1970 to 2018). In this context, the CONACyT (National Coun- cil of Science and Technology) has aligned with this view and has publicly condemned the “neoliberal science” of that same past, that in its scientific sector was, in fact, lead by the same CONACyT. Regardless of the political or ideological virtues and failures of this scientific view, the management and public policies for the pandemic have developed within this framework. A brief summarized perspective of the main points of that development is given below: •In Mexico, there is a very popular president whose political party has the majority in Congress. The opposition parties are weak, many in disarray (there is a long historical reason for this). This has created a political vacuum where practically without organized polit- ical opposition and counterbalance (except the press) the govern- ment, not the scientists, had the principal voice when speaking about mathematical models and epidemiological issues in the first quarter of 2020 (although the academic, expert criticism from the scientific quarters has dramatically increased since the second half of 2020). •In Mexico, one “official” mathematical model was made public at the start of the epidemic. From very early on in the pandemic and until late May, this model was largely used with a political rather than a scientific aim. The model notoriously failed in its predictions but notwithstanding this and the opacity of its construction, the lack of expert scientific revision and analysis of its structure and
assumptions, it continued to be used to inform the government and the nation on the fate of the epidemic. Later, it was clear that the uncertainty of the data was not the only cause of its failure: inadequate assumptions, misguided parametrization, and limited advice in epidemiological dynamics were also key factors. •Media reporting about scientific issues is still a fringe activity in Mexico that requires strengthening and growth. Very quickly, it was sadly obvious that we do not have in the country enough science media reporters nor enough number of trustworthy media outlets to expose and divulge what scientists think about the scientific claims and opinions of the government. “Science” and “scientific” were words in the vocabulary of the ones in charge of the epidemic, frequently using these terms not so much to ensure people of the adequacy of their policies, but rather to dismiss any criticism, thus indirectly (negatively) qualifying it as “unscientific.” •At the early stages of the epidemic (before June), science and mathematical modeling had some authoritative meaning for the general population and the political class. However, the official model was not published nor put in an open archive before June, it was a black box only known to the handful of people making the predictions. The predictions on peak and epidemic ending were largely inaccurate but stubbornly embraced by the public health au- thorities. The government strategy, to counterbalance the growing criticism of the opacity of the “scientific model,” resorted to give newspaper and TV interviews to defend the “science” behind the model and other related issues. Later, it even claimed that the model could not be publicly released because it was “CONACyT intellectual property.” •The strategy did not quite work. By late April and the whole of May, the newspapers, from the left and the right, became sort of “edito- rial boards” of epidemic models and model criticism. This triggered a colorful and very politically charged fight between the contestants. A handful of models were “published” in the newspapers. This quickly generated a lot of widespread skepticism in the general pub- lic toward mathematical models and the “scientific” policies de- rived from them. However, the main thrust of support of
governmental policies regarding the management of the pandemic, included the mathematical model and other scientific products, has been largely based on political factors: approval ratings of the pres- ident have remained above 60% during 2020 and 2021. •To date, the words “model” and “scientific” have significantly de- creased its appearance in the political discourse, with infrequent and brief mentions except in the case of vaccines. •On May 1, 2020, an open letter was published in Science [59] call- ing for transparency in COVID models. The call pointed out that the open exchange of knowledge, at a time of crisis, demanded to openly share knowledge, expertise, tools, and technology. The pan- demic has been, after all, a national as well as international emer- gency. This call was largely ignored by the Mexican governmental scientific group in charge of the “scientific management” of the pandemic. The “scientific model” remained a black box for the rest of the month.
7: Lessons learned in COVID-19 The academic analysis on the Mexican Government management of the epi- demic has produced the term and concept of Punt politics described as a particular strategy of populist democratic leaders to defer, either by omis- sion or commission the national stewardship of health systems to subna- tional governments [31]. Although it is undeniable that populism and the concomitant prioritization of political gain versus evidence-based decisions have been indeed significant in Mexico and elsewhere, the causes of the behavior may go beyond populism. The COVID pandemic has thrown the world and every national government, into deep political, health, and eco- nomic crisis. Governments, in general, had no clue on how to manage the very rapid development and changing factors related to the epidemic growth and impact. In a crisis such as this, uncritical support for the particular strategy adopted by governments to resolve the crisis may appear, an atti- tude which, on its own, diminishes the credibility of criticisms from political adversaries or the media, particularly in polarized societies [60]. Besides, the pandemic has been dealt with differently in different parts of the world. In particular, mid- or low-income countries have problems associated with limited economic capability to implement many of the recommendations that wealthier countries can apply and this naturally lead to the prioritization of strategies summarized in the dichotomy: public health or economic via- bility? Important to frame a sound strategy of mitigation and control is also the past experience of different countries, on epidemic events. The expe- rience of African countries, in particular, highlights the importance of infor- mation sharing and collaborative scientific and policy efforts across coun- tries to combat the spread of infectious diseases and minimize the costs of pandemics in the region [61]. Well-designed and appropriately parameterized mathematical models are primary tools for effective policy making and, for this, open data collection and data sharing is a necessary condition. The wealth of problems, and at- tempted solutions, that the COVID pandemic has presented everywhere, highlight the deep differences that exist between different countries in eco- nomic constraints, social inequalities, access to information and resources, and research and development opportunities. Quoting a recent report [62] of the Johns Hopkins University:
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that a true, end-to-end research and development […] and response ecosystem—meaning, one that develops, pro- duces, and delivers needed vaccines to global populations in a rapid and equi- table fashion—remains an elusive goal. Most LMICs have been unable to ac- quire and administer a sufficient supply of COVID-19 vaccines, and the dearth of vaccines and limited capacity to deliver them are prolonging the pandemic and contributing to destabilizing economies and societies around the world. […] The consequences of this deeply inequitable global response extend beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Global initiatives to prepare for and respond to future pandemic threats cannot succeed if LMIC governments believe they will be the last to benefit from vaccines produced as a result of improvements in global dis- ease surveillance, increased sample sharing, or expedited vaccine R&D. A mathematical model is an approximation to reality constructed with a well-defined purpose. The COVID pandemic has put on the forefront of the epidemic fight the power of mathematical models as strategic tools to understand the basic science behind its immunological and epidemiological dynamics, and frame the design of public policies to control and mitigate the epidemic. In particular, as has been discussed in this chapter, models have contributed to clarify the role of the NPIs in the initial growth of the epidemic, the role of superdispersion events in outbreak generation, the effectiveness of the use of face masks, the dynamic nature of the generation interval, the impact of habitat and biodiversity destruction in spillover events, the correct estimation of the incubation period of the disease from the measurement of viral loads in patients, the selection pressures involved in the generation of variants of concern and probably vaccine escape mu- tants. This list is a small (and biased) sample of the important practical and theoretical problems, where mathematical models have contributed to ex- plain, clarify, or advance. However, the recent history in the epidemic man- agement has also confirmed a fundamental fact: the strategic use of mathe- matical modeling in medicine and public health is a fundamentally multidis- ciplinary activity that requires critical judgment in its construction and also when interpreting model results in the meaning of both the multiple param- eters involved and the validity of projections. There have been notable suc- cesses in the application of mathematical models to understand different factors, scales, and behaviors of the epidemic but, likewise, there have been failures, many arising by the political use of model outputs but others
having their roots on the incomplete knowledge of the basic theory of the biology of the virus and the epidemic, and on an uncritical generalization and interpretation and, finally, on the abuse of statistics conducive to the prioritization of parameter estimation and statistical inference to fit models to data (using an ample variety of methodologies) but forgetting that the epidemic is essentially a biological phenomenon which, in turn, is the ex- pression of both the population dynamics of the pathogen and human so- cial behavior, which imprints high variability, an inherent heterogeneity, and significant uncertainty to its phenomenological expression in both time and space.
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Index Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables. A Admissible treatments 267 Africa •
cumulative incidence rate 10, 10f
cumulative mortality rate in 13, 13f
lethality rate 16f, 17
weekly incidence rate in 8, 9f, 11f
weekly mortality rate 12f
Agent-based model (ABM), COVID-19 169–170 •
anxiety, level of 146, 161f
assumptions and scenario 162–163
computational analysis
epidemic with both PI and NPI 168
epidemic without interventions 164
epidemic with PI 164–168
nonpharmaceutical interventions assessment 146–147
deployment model 147–148
postpandemic work activities and workers well-being 147–158
one-at-a-time sensitivity validation analysis 158–162
technological NPI 146, 152
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) 253–255, 288 Alpha variant 238–239, 242–243 America •
cumulative incidence rate 10, 10f
cumulative mortality rate in 13, 13f
lethality rate 16f, 17
weekly incidence rate in 8, 9f, 11f
weekly mortality rate 12f
Antiviral treatments, SARS-CoV-2 mathematical models •
coinfections 262
disease-free equilibrium 262
effectiveness characterization 272–275
PD, inclusion of 272
PK, inclusion of 275–277
stability theory 281–283
target-cell-limited model 263–272
equilibria characterization and stability 267–270
infections severity and antiviral treatment effect 271–272
reduced system model and generic infection evolution 266–267
SARS-CoV-2 in-host mathematical model 263–266
therapies, control strategy to 278–281
numerical simulations 279–281
terminal healthy cells count, behavior of 283–284
Artificial intelligence (AI) 120–121 Artificial neural networks 138–139 Asia
cumulative incidence rate 10, 10f
cumulative mortality rate in 13, 13f
lethality rate 16f, 17
weekly incidence rate in 8–9, 9f, 11f
weekly mortality rate 12f
Astra Zeneca vaccine 210 Asymptotic stability (AS) equilibrium 262, 270 Attractivity analysis 269 Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) modeling 120 B Backward bifurcation 228–229 Basal transmission probability (BTP) 113 Basic vaccination model, COVID-19 in United States 222–235 •
combined impact vaccination and NPIs 231–234
disease-free equilibrium, asymptotic stability of
herd immunity threshold 225
next-generation operator method 223–225
endemic equilibria, existence of 227–229
model fitting and parameter estimation 229–230
numerical simulation of 230–231
sensitivity analysis 234–235
with waning immunity 235–238
Behavior with emotions and norms (BEN) architecture 152 Bernoulli distribution 293 Biases, in epidemiological analysis •
pathogen, natural history of 252–253, 288–291 533
testing system 253–255, 288–289
C CanSino vaccine 210 Case fatality rate (CFR) 255–257, 289, 303–304, 312–314 Case fatality ratio (CFR) 26 Cellular automata sensitive-undiagnosed-infected-removed (CA-SUIR) model 123–124, 128 Center manifold theory 228–229 Ceteris paribus115 China, lockdown strategy in 21 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 287 Constant control 136 Contact tracing (CT) 115–116 •
complex networks 110–111
contagion trees 113–114
epidemiological simulation 112–113
heterogeneity characteristics, contact networks 109–110
fundamentals and assumptions 110–111
Mexico City, contact network of 111
network epidemiology 110
dynamic models of 110
process 114
random and network-guided sampling 115, 116t
superspreading events (SSEs) 109
Continuous linear functions 50 Conv2LSTM neural networks 124–126, 125f Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) 120–121 534
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic 2 •
Bluetooth-based contact-tracing applications 147
deep learning SeeDeep learning
incidence-rate curves of
averaging of growth curves within clusters 80–81
country-level analysis in Europe 82–87, 86–87f
methodology 77–81
overview 73–77, 88–89
preprocessing steps 78, 79f
publicly available code 81
shape metric 78–80
shapes of curves 74–77, 75–76f
state-level analysis for United States 81–82, 82–85f
Covidestim model 55–57, 207 CT SeeContact tracing (CT) D Decision support system (DSS) 147–148 Deep learning (DL), COVID-19 applications 120–121, 127–128 •
dynamical parameters via DL, extraction of 124–126
epidemiological model-driven DL approach 122–127
multiscale risk information 119–120
nation-state-county-level risk warning 126–127
nonpharmaceutical intervention strategies 119–120
prediction tasks 121
simulations via CA-SUIR model, preparation of 123–124
spatial-temporal analysis 121–122
Delta variant 64–65, 94, 238–239, 242–243, 311–312 Delta wave 26
Dirichlet distribution 294 Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) 60–62 Discrete recurrent high-order neural network 138–139 Disease-free equilibrium (DFE) 192, 205–206 Dynamic Programming algorithm 80 E Effective reproductive number 206 Elastic alignment algorithm 78 Elastic FDA 77 Emergency use authorization (EUA) 221–222 Emerging infectious diseases 257–258, 289–290 •
biases, in epidemiological analysis
pathogen, natural history of 252–253, 288–291
testing system 253–255, 288–289
case fatality rate, temporal variation of 255–257, 289
Epidemic management 318–320 •
confronting challenge 305–308
COVID-19 302
data 303–304
prevention 302–303
features, in Mexico 312–314
mathematical modeling 302–303
prediction 302–303
in science 315–318
vaccination 308–312
Epidemics on networks (EoN) 110
Epidemiological traffic light system (ETLS) indicator 153, 164, 169–170 Escape efficacy 96–97, 99 Escape-infection event 96 Escape mutants 94 •
infection with 98–99, 99f
Europe •
country-level analysis in 82–87, 86–87f
cumulative incidence rate 10, 10f
cumulative mortality rate in 13, 13f
lethality rate 16f, 17
weekly incidence rate in 9f, 10, 11f
weekly mortality rate 12f
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 23 F Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) 58–59 Force of infection 227–228 Friendship Paradox 111 Functional data analysis (FDA) 74 G Generation time 19 H Healthy Distance program 48–49
H1N1 influenza 1 I Impulsive control 136, 142–143, 142f Infection, COVID-19 status •
in-hospital dynamics, stochastic extension for
model description 188–189
model fitting 189–190
intervention strategies, qualitative analysis of
model fitting 183–184
scenarios 185–187
quarantine scenarios and hospital overload, dynamic model of 176–187
code availability 191–192
mathematical model 178–183
modeling context 176–178
reproduction number, isolation time 194–196
SEIR model parameters 180t
without quarantine and isolation effects 192–194
Infection final size (IFS) 263 Infectious diseases 1 Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) 14 Inverse optimal impulsive control 136–139 Italy, lockdown strategy in 21 J 538
Jacobian matrix 205–206, 267–268 Johnson & Johnson vaccine 221–222, 226, 236–238 K Kermack-McKendrick model 45, 50, 55 L Lambert function 265 Latin hypercube sampling 234–235 Locally asymptotically stable (LAS) 225 Local stability analysis 269–270 Lockdowns 307–308 Long short-term memory (LSTM) 120–121 Low- and middle income countries (LMICs) 301–304 Lyapunov function 262 Lyapunov theory 281 M Mathematical models 2 •
reopening schools, in Mexico (see Mexico, school reopening)
Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) 175 Mexico, COVID-19 disease in •
beginning of 45–48
epidemic curve in 45, 46f
epidemiological indicators for 57–61f
first nonpharmaceutical interventions 48–52, 49f, 51f
interventions 48–55
mathematical model 50–52, 52f
overview 43–45
relaxation mitigation measures 53–55, 54f
total number of infected people in 55–58, 56f
vaccination 58–65
beginning of 59–64, 62–64f
new variants and booster shots 64–65
Mexico, reopening of schools •
asymptomatic individuals 201
controlled external epidemic 219
COVID-19 infections 199–200, 219
discrete time SEIRS epidemiological model 200–201
effective contact probability, computation of 205–207
epidemic scenarios
controlled epidemic with sudden peak in cases 216
declining epidemic with sudden increase 214–215
in growing external epidemic 211–213
risk level, contact with infected individual at school 217–218
false-positive compartment 201
model compartments 202–203
model parameters 203–205
presymptomatic individuals 201
Queretaro city 207–211
confirmed cases, number of tests according to 210
daily tests, constant number of 209
fixed proportion of people in school, screening according to 210
parameters and probabilities, set up of 210–211
people in school, number of tests according to 209
Reed-Frost model 199–200
true positive individuals 201
Moderna vaccine 221–222, 226, 231–232, 236–237, 242–243, 245 MSEIR epidemiological model, for spread of COVID-19 dynamics 135, 135f •
behavioral dynamics of 140–141f, 141
description of 134t
for five-node network 138f
inverse optimal impulsive control 136–139
complex network for 137–138
control and identification of epidemic models 136–137
discrete recurrent high-order neural network 138–139
momentum dynamics of 138
overview 133–134
simulation results 139–143
Multidisciplinary Node of Applied Mathematics (NoMMA) 207 Multivariate Bernoulli model 294 N National Epidemiological Surveillance System 292 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) 1 New Normality 53 New variants, and booster shots 64–65 Next-generation matrix 205–206 Next-generation operator method 223–225 Nonpharmaceutical intervention (NPI) 145–147, 176, 221–222, 305–307 •
postpandemic work activities and workers well-being
decision support system (DSS) 147–148
deployment model 147–148
epidemiological model 149–151
recreational activities 149
technological NPI model 152
vaccination model 151
worker model 152–158
work schemes 149
N-terminal domain 95 O Oceania •
cumulative incidence rate 10, 10f, 13f
cumulative mortality rate in 13, 13f
lethality rate 16f, 17
weekly incidence rate in 8–9, 9f, 11f
weekly mortality rate 12f
Omicron variant 64–65, 94 Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) 133 Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine 221–222 P Partial rank correlation coefficients (PRCCs) 234–235 Passive immunity 134 Pfizer vaccine 221–222, 226, 231–232, 236–238, 242–243, 245 Pharmaceutical interventions (PI) 145 Phase-amplitude separation 78 Phylodynamics 25 Phylogenetics 25
Poisson distribution 252, 287 Postpandemic work activities and workers well-being, NPI •
decision support system (DSS) 147–148
deployment model 147–148
epidemiological model 149–151
recreational activities 149
technological NPI model 152
vaccination model 151
worker model 152–158
anxiety 152–156, 160f
NPI adoption 156–157
process 157–158, 159f
routine 156
work schemes 149
Punt politics 318 Q Quarantine scenarios and hospital overload 176–187 •
code availability 191–192
infected symptomatic individuals 181
mathematical model 178–183
hospital overload 180–181
SEIR model 178, 178f, 180t
modeling context 176–178
periodic isolation cycles 181–182
susceptible, asymptomatic and exposed individuals, isolation of 181
time-dependent effect, NPI on infection rate 182–183
R Receptor-binding domain 95 Recurrent high-order neural networks (RHONNs) 138–139 Recurrent neural network (RNN) 120–121 Reinfections 22 Relaxation mitigation measures 53–55, 54f Remdesivir 221–222 S Sampling bias 111 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic •
case fatality ratio (CFR) 26
continents 18t
cumulative number of 18t
cumulative rate of 18t
epidemiological parameters of 19–20
escape mutants 94
infection with 98–99, 99f
excess deaths 27–31t
fundamental assumption and justification 96–97
global epidemiology 8–19, 15f
impact of 25
local epidemics 96, 97f
mathematical models of 21
mitigation strategies 20–21
model parameters 101
orphanhood 31–39t
overview 7–8, 94
reinfections 22
transmission of wildtype virus 97–98
vaccine escape 95
risk indicators 100
variants 23–25
Shape analysis 74–77 Shape metric 78–80 SINAVE/SISVER platform 292 Square root velocity function (SRVF) 80 Statistical modeling, COVID-19 pandemic 296–298 •
epidemic curves via censorship 288–291
approximate infected cases, number of 289–290
basic model, first wave 289
hyperparameters 290
informative priors 290
negative binomial parameters 290
outbreak, waves of 290
footprint and mortality 291–296
Bayesian inference 293–294
COVID-19 footprint 294
data and variables 292
hierarchical clustering algorithm 296
model 293
Stay-at-home strategy 305–307 Susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered (SEIR) model 47f, 112–113 Susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) model 2, 122–123, 133–134, 143, 175–176 Susceptible-undiagnosed-infected-removed (SUIR) model 122–123 T Time-warping function 80 545
U United States, COVID-19 pandemic, incidence-rate curves for 81–82, 82–85f US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 221–222 V Vaccination 58–65 Vaccination, COVID-19 in United States 243–245 •
basic model 222–235
combined impact vaccination and NPIs 231–234
disease-free equilibrium, asymptotic stability of 223–226
endemic equilibria, existence of 227–229
model fitting and parameter estimation 229–230
numerical simulation of 230–231
sensitivity analysis 234–235
with waning immunity 235–238
modeling dynamics and SARS-CoV-2 variants 238–243
resident strain equations, dynamics of 239–240
variant strain equations, dynamics of 240–243
RNA virus, SARS-CoV-2 221
Vaccine efficacy 96–97, 99 Vaccine escape 95–96, 98, 101–103, 102f •
risk indicators 100
in SARS-CoV-2 95
Variants of concern (VOC) 8, 26, 64–65 Variants of interest (VOI) 64–65
Virus load peak (VLP) 263 W Waning immunity 235–238 •
disease-free equilibrium, asymptotic stability of 236–238
natural and vaccine-derived immunity 236–238
Wildtype virus, transmission of 97–98 World Health Organization (WHO) 7, 43, 146, 261, 287