Mastering Python: 50 Specific Tips for Writing Better Code: Practical Strategies for Writing High-Quality Python Code
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Pages 345
Year 2023
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Table of contents :
Chapter 1:
The Zen of Python
Pythonic thinking
Chapter 2:
Pythonic thinking
Know your data structures
Write expressive code
Choosing good names
Avoiding magic numbers and strings
Using list comprehensions and generator expressions
Leveraging built-in functions
Using the with statement
Using decorators
Writing context managers
Take advantage of Python's features
Using named tuples
Leveraging closures
Using properties
Using descriptors
Using metaclasses
Writing idiomatic Python
Writing Pythonic loops
Using enumerate and zip
Using the ternary operator
Using multiple assignment
Using the walrus operator
Using context managers
Chapter 3:
Function basics
Function arguments and return values
Documenting functions
Writing doctests
Writing function annotations
Using default arguments
Using keyword arguments
Using *args and **kwargs
Function design
Writing pure functions
Writing functions with side effects
Writing functions that modify mutable arguments
Using the @staticmethod and @classmethod decorators
Using partial functions
Function decorators and closures
Writing simple decorators
Writing decorators that take arguments
Writing class decorators
Using closures
Using functools.partial
Chapter 4:
Classes and Objects
Class basics
Creating and using classes
Defining instance methods
Using instance variables
Understanding class vs instance data
Using slots for memory optimization
Understanding class inheritance
Using multiple inheritance
Class design
Writing clean, readable classes
Writing classes with a single responsibility
Using composition over inheritance
Using abstract base classes
Writing metaclasses
Advanced class topics
Using descriptors to customize attribute access
Using properties to control attribute access
Writing class decorators
Using the super function
Using slots to optimize memory usage
Chapter 5:
Concurrency and Parallelism
Threads and Processes
Understanding the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
Using threads for I/O-bound tasks
Using processes for CPU-bound tasks
Using multiprocessing
Using concurrent.futures
2. Coroutines and asyncio
Understanding coroutines
Using asyncio for I/O-bound tasks
Using asyncio for CPU-bound tasks
Using asyncio with third-party libraries
Debugging asyncio code
Chapter 6:
Built-in Modules
Using namedtuple
Using deque
Using defaultdict
Using OrderedDict
Using Counter
Using ChainMap
Using UserDict
Using UserList
Using UserString
Using count, cycle, and repeat
Using chain, tee, and zip_longest
Using islice, dropwhile, and takewhile
Using groupby
Using starmap and product
File and Directory Access
Using os and os.path
Using pathlib
Using shutil
Using glob
Dates and Times
Using datetime
Using time
Using timedelta
Using pytz
Using dateutil
Serialization and Persistence
Using json
Using pickle
Using shelve
Using dbm
Using SQLite
Testing and Debugging
Writing unit tests
Using pytest
Debugging with pdb
Debugging with logging
Using assertions
Chapter 7:
Collaboration and Development
Code Quality
Using linters
Using type checkers
Using code formatters
Using docstring conventions
Writing maintainable code
Code Reviews
Conducting effective code reviews
Giving and receiving feedback
Improving code quality through reviews
Collaboration Tools
Using version control with Git
Using GitHub for collaboration
Using continuous integration
Using code coverage tools
Documentation and Packaging
Writing documentation
Using Sphinx
Packaging Python projects
Distributing Python packages
Managing dependencies