Mastering Kubernetes: Level up your container orchestration skills with Kubernetes to build, run, secure, and observe large-scale distributed apps, 3rd Edition [3 ed.] 9781839213083, 1839213086

Go beyond simply learning Kubernetes fundamentals and its deployment, and explore more advanced concepts, including serv

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Table of contents :
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Understanding Kubernetes Architecture
What is Kubernetes?
What Kubernetes is not
Understanding container orchestration
Physical machines, virtual machines, and containers
The benefits of containers
Containers in the cloud
Cattle versus pets
Kubernetes concepts
The master
Label selectors
Replication controllers and replica sets
Diving into Kubernetes architecture in depth
Distributed system design patterns
The sidecar pattern
The ambassador pattern
The adapter pattern
Multi-node patterns
The Kubernetes APIs
Resource categories
Kubernetes components
Master components
Node components
Kubernetes runtimes
The container runtime interface (CRI)
App container
Hyper containers
Continuous integration and deployment
What is a CI/CD pipeline?
Designing a CI/CD pipeline for Kubernetes
Chapter 2: Creating Kubernetes Clusters
Creating a single-node cluster with Minikube
Meet kubectl
Quick introduction to Minikube
Getting ready
On Windows
On macOS
Creating the cluster
Checking out the cluster
Doing work
Examining the cluster with the dashboard
Creating a multi-node cluster with KinD
Quick introduction to KinD
Installing KinD
Creating the cluster with KinD
Doing work with KinD
Accessing Kubernetes services locally though a proxy
Creating a multi-node cluster with k3d
Quick introduction to k3s and k3d
Installing k3d
Creating the cluster with k3d
Comparing Minikube, KinD, and k3d
Creating clusters in the cloud (GCP, AWS, Azure)
The cloud-provider interface
Kubernetes on EC2
Other cloud providers
Once upon a time in China
IBM Kubernetes Service
Oracle Container Service
Creating a bare-metal cluster from scratch
Use cases for bare metal
When should you consider creating a bare-metal cluster?
Understanding the process
Using virtual private cloud infrastructure
Building your own cluster with Kubespray
Building your cluster with KRIB
Building your cluster with RKE
Chapter 3: High Availability and Reliability
High availability concepts
Hot swapping
Leader election
Smart load balancing
High availability best practices
Creating highly available clusters
Making your nodes reliable
Protecting your cluster state
Clustering etcd
Verifying the etcd cluster
Protecting your data
Running redundant API servers
Running leader election with Kubernetes
Making your staging environment highly available
Testing high availability
High availability, scalability, and capacity planning
Installing the cluster autoscaler
Considering the vertical pod autoscaler
Live cluster updates
Rolling updates
Complex deployments
Blue-green deployments
Canary deployments
Managing data-contract changes
Migrating data
Deprecating APIs
Large cluster performance, cost, and design trade-offs
Availability requirements
Best effort
Maintenance windows
Quick recovery
Zero downtime
Site reliability engineering
Performance and data consistency
Chapter 4: Securing Kubernetes
Understanding Kubernetes security challenges
Node challenges
Network challenges
Image challenges
Configuration and deployment challenges
Pod and container challenges
Organizational, cultural, and process challenges
Hardening Kubernetes
Understanding service accounts in Kubernetes
How does Kubernetes manage service accounts?
Accessing the API server
Authenticating users
Authorizing requests
Using admission control plugins
Securing pods
Using a private image repository
Specifying a security context
Protecting your cluster with AppArmor
Pod security policies
Authorizing pod security policies via RBAC
Managing network policies
Choosing a supported networking solution
Defining a network policy
Limiting egress to external networks
Cross-namespace policies
Using secrets
Storing secrets in Kubernetes
Configuring encryption at rest
Creating secrets
Decoding secrets
Using secrets in a container
Running a multi-user cluster
The case for a multi-user cluster
Using namespaces for safe multi-tenancy
Avoiding namespace pitfalls
Chapter 5: Using Kubernetes Resources in Practice
Designing the Hue platform
Defining the scope of Hue
Smart reminders and notifications
Security, identity, and privacy
Hue components
Hue microservices
Planning workflows
Automatic workflows
Human workflows
Budget-aware workflows
Using Kubernetes to build the Hue platform
Using kubectl effectively
Understanding kubectl resource configuration files
Deploying long-running microservices in pods
Creating pods
Decorating pods with labels
Deploying long-running processes with deployments
Updating a deployment
Separating internal and external services
Deploying an internal service
Creating the Hue-reminders service
Exposing a service externally
Advanced scheduling
Node selector
Taints and tolerations
Node affinity and anti-affinity
Pod affinity and anti-affinity
Using namespaces to limit access
Using kustomization for hierarchical cluster structures
Understanding the basics of kustomize
Configuring the directory structure
Applying kustomizations
Kustomizing the entire staging namespace
Launching jobs
Running jobs in parallel
Cleaning up completed jobs
Scheduling cron jobs
Mixing non-cluster components
Outside-the-cluster-network components
Inside-the-cluster-network components
Managing the Hue platform with Kubernetes
Using liveness probes to ensure your containers are alive
Using readiness probes to manage dependencies
Employing init containers for orderly pod bring-up
Pod readiness and readiness gates
Sharing with DaemonSet pods
Evolving the Hue platform with Kubernetes
Utilizing Hue in an enterprise
Advancing science with Hue
Educating the kids of the future with Hue
Chapter 6: Managing Storage
Persistent volumes walkthrough
Using emptyDir for intra-pod communication
Using HostPath for intra-node communication
Using local volumes for durable node storage
Provisioning persistent volumes
Provisioning persistent volumes externally
Creating persistent volumes
Volume mode
Access modes
Reclaim policy
Storage class
Volume type
Mount options
Making persistent volume claims
Mounting claims as volumes
Raw block volumes
Storage classes
Default storage class
Demonstrating persistent volume storage end to end
Public cloud storage volume types – GCE, AWS, and Azure
Amazon EBS
Amazon EFS
GCE persistent disk
Azure data disk
Azure Files
GlusterFS and Ceph volumes in Kubernetes
Using GlusterFS
Creating endpoints
Adding a GlusterFS Kubernetes service
Creating pods
Using Ceph
Connecting to Ceph using RBD
Connecting to Ceph using CephFS
Flocker as a clustered container data volume manager
Integrating enterprise storage into Kubernetes
Rook – the new kid on the block
Projecting volumes
Using out-of-tree volume plugins with FlexVolume
The Container Storage Interface
Volume snapshotting and cloning
Volume snapshots
Volume cloning
Chapter 7: Running Stateful Applications with Kubernetes
Stateful versus stateless applications in Kubernetes
Understanding the nature of distributed data-intensive apps
Why manage state in Kubernetes?
Why manage state outside of Kubernetes?
Shared environment variables versus DNS records for discovery
Accessing external data stores via DNS
Accessing external data stores via environment variables
Consuming a ConfigMap as an environment variable
Using a redundant in-memory state
Using DaemonSet for redundant persistent storage
Applying persistent volume claims
Utilizing StatefulSets
Running a Cassandra cluster in Kubernetes
Quick introduction to Cassandra
The Cassandra Docker image
Hooking up Kubernetes and Cassandra
Creating a Cassandra headless service
Using StatefulSets to create the Cassandra cluster
Chapter 8: Deploying and Updating Applications
Horizontal pod autoscaling
Declaring an HPA
Custom metrics
Autoscaling with Kubectl
Performing rolling updates with autoscaling
Handling scarce resources with limits and quotas
Enabling resource quotas
Resource quota types
Compute resource quota
Storage resource quota
Object count quota
Quota scopes
Resource quotas and priority classes
Requests and limits
Working with quotas
Using namespace-specific context
Creating quotas
Using limit ranges for default compute quotas
Choosing and managing the cluster capacity
Choosing your node types
Choosing your storage solutions
Trading off cost and response time
Using multiple node configurations effectively
Benefiting from elastic cloud resources
Autoscaling instances
Mind your cloud quotas
Manage regions carefully
Considering container-native solutions
Pushing the envelope with Kubernetes
Improving the performance and scalability of Kubernetes
Caching reads in the API server
The pod lifecycle event generator
Serializing API objects with protocol buffers
Other optimizations
Measuring the performance and scalability of Kubernetes
The Kubernetes SLOs
Measuring API responsiveness
Measuring end-to-end pod startup time
Testing Kubernetes at scale
Introducing the Kubemark tool
Setting up a Kubemark cluster
Comparing a Kubemark cluster to a real-world cluster
Chapter 9: Packaging Applications
Understanding Helm
The motivation for Helm
The Helm 2 architecture
Helm 2 components
The Tiller server
The Helm client
Helm 3
Using Helm
Installing Helm
Installing the Helm client
Installing the Tiller server for Helm 2
Finding charts
Adding repositories
Installing packages
Checking the installation status
Customizing a chart
Additional installation options
Upgrading and rolling back a release
Deleting a release
Working with repositories
Managing charts with Helm
Taking advantage of starter packs
Creating your own charts
The Chart.yaml file
Versioning charts
The appVersion field
Deprecating charts
Chart metadata files
Managing chart dependencies
Managing dependencies with requirements.yaml
Utilizing special fields in requirements.yaml
Using templates and values
Writing template files
Testing and troubleshooting your charts
Embedding built-in objects
Feeding values from a file
Scope, dependencies, and values
Chapter 10: Exploring Advanced Networking
Understanding the Kubernetes networking model
Intra-pod communication (container to container)
Inter-pod communication (pod to pod)
Pod-to-service communication
External access
Kubernetes networking versus Docker networking
Lookup and discovery
Services and endpoints
Loosely coupled connectivity with queues
Loosely coupled connectivity with data stores
Kubernetes ingress
Kubernetes network plugins
Basic Linux networking
IP addresses and ports
Network namespaces
Subnets, netmasks, and CIDRs
Virtual Ethernet devices
Maximum transmission unit
Pod networking
Container networking interface
Kubernetes networking solutions
Bridging on bare metal clusters
Open vSwitch
Nuage networks VCS
Weave Net
Using network policies effectively
Understanding the Kubernetes network policy design
Network policies and CNI plugins
Configuring network policies
Implementing network policies
Load balancing options
External load balancer
Configuring an external load balancer
Finding the load balancer IP addresses
Preserving client IP addresses
Understanding even external load balancing
Service load balancing
Keepalived VIP
Writing your own CNI plugin
First look at the loopback plugin
Building on the CNI plugin skeleton
Reviewing the bridge plugin
Chapter 11: Running Kubernetes on Multiple Clouds and Cluster Federation
The history of cluster federation on Kubernetes
Understanding cluster federation
Important use cases for cluster federation
Capacity overflow
Sensitive workloads
Avoiding vendor lock-in
Geo-distributing high availability
Learning the basics of Kubernetes federation
Defining basic concepts
Federation building blocks
Federation features
The KubeFed control plane
The federation API server
The federation controller manager
The hard parts
Federated unit of work
Location affinity
Cross-cluster scheduling
Federated data access
Federated auto-scaling
Managing a Kubernetes Cluster Federation
Installing kubefedctl
Creating clusters
Configuring the Host Cluster
Registering clusters with the federation
Working with federated API types
Federating resources
Federating an entire namespace
Checking the status of federated resources
Using overrides
Using placement to control federation
Debugging propagation failures
Employing higher-order behavior
Utilizing multi-cluster Ingress DNS
Utilizing multi-cluster Service DNS
Utilizing multi-cluster scheduling
Introducing the Gardener project
Understanding the terminology of Gardener
Understanding the conceptual model of Gardener
Diving into the Gardener architecture
Managing cluster state
Managing the control plane
Preparing the infrastructure
Using the Machine controller manager
Networking across clusters
Monitoring clusters
The gardenctl CLI
Extending Gardener
Gardener ring
Chapter 12: Serverless Computing on Kubernetes
Understanding serverless computing
Running long-running services on "serverless" infrastructure
Running FaaS on "serverless" infrastructure
Serverless Kubernetes in the cloud
Don't forget the cluster autoscaler
Azure AKS and Azure Container Instances
AWS EKS and Fargate
Google Cloud Run
Knative Serving
The Knative Service object
The Knative Route object
The Knative Configuration object
The Knative Revision object
Knative Eventing
Getting familiar with Knative Eventing terminology
The architecture of Knative Eventing
Taking Knative for a ride
Installing Knative
Deploying a Knative service
Invoking a Knative service
Checking the scale-to-zero option in Knative
Kubernetes FaaS frameworks
Fission Workflows
Experimenting with Fission
Kubeless architecture
Playing with Kubeless
Using the Kubeless UI
Kubeless with the serverless framework
Knative and riff
Understanding riff runtimes
Installing riff with Helm 2
Chapter 13: Monitoring Kubernetes Clusters
Understanding observability
Log format
Log storage
Log aggregation
Distributed tracing
Application error reporting
Dashboards and visualization
Logging with Kubernetes
Container logs
Kubernetes component logs
Centralized logging
Choosing a log collection strategy
Cluster-level central logging
Remote central logging
Dealing with sensitive log information
Using Fluentd for log collection
Collecting metrics with Kubernetes
Monitoring with the metrics server
Exploring your cluster with the Kubernetes dashboard
The rise of Prometheus
Installing Prometheus
Interacting with Prometheus
Incorporating kube-state-metrics
Utilizing the node exporter
Incorporating custom metrics
Alerting with Alertmanager
Visualizing your metrics with Grafana
Considering Loki
Distributed tracing with Jaeger
What is OpenTracing?
OpenTracing concepts
Introducing Jaeger
Jaeger architecture
Installing Jaeger
Troubleshooting problems
Taking advantage of staging environments
Detecting problems at the node level
Problem daemons
Dashboards versus alerts
Logs versus metrics versus error reports
Detecting performance and root cause with distributed tracing
Chapter 14: Utilizing Service Meshes
What is a service mesh?
Control plane and data plane
Choosing a service mesh
Linkerd 2
AWS App Mesh
Incorporating Istio into your Kubernetes cluster
Understanding the Istio architecture
Preparing a minikube cluster for Istio
Installing Istio
Installing Bookinfo
Traffic management
Istio identity
Istio PKI
Istio authentication
Istio authorization
Monitoring and observability
Distributed tracing
Visualizing your service mesh with Kiali
Chapter 15: Extending Kubernetes
Working with the Kubernetes API
Understanding OpenAPI
Setting up a proxy
Exploring the Kubernetes API directly
Using Postman to explore the Kubernetes API
Filtering the output with HTTPie and jq
Creating a pod via the Kubernetes API
Accessing the Kubernetes API via the Python client
Dissecting the CoreV1API group
Listing objects
Creating objects
Watching objects
Invoking Kubectl programmatically
Using Python subprocesses to run Kubectl
Extending the Kubernetes API
Understanding Kubernetes extension points and patterns
Extending Kubernetes with plugins
Extending Kubernetes with the cloud controller manager
Extending Kubernetes with webhooks
Extending Kubernetes with controllers and operators
Extending Kubernetes scheduling
Extending Kubernetes with custom container runtimes
Introducing custom resources
Developing custom resource definitions
Integrating custom resources
Dealing with unknown fields
Finalizing custom resources
Adding custom printer columns
Understanding API server aggregation
Utilizing the service catalog
Writing Kubernetes plugins
Writing a custom scheduler
Understanding the design of the Kubernetes scheduler
Scheduling pods manually
Preparing our own scheduler
Assigning pods to the custom scheduler
Verifying that the pods were scheduled using the correct scheduler
Writing Kubectl plugins
Understanding Kubectl plugins
Managing Kubectl plugins with Krew
Creating your own Kubectl plugin
Kubectl plugin gotchas
Don't forget your shebangs!
Overriding existing Kubectl commands
Flat namespace for Krew plugins
Employing access control webhooks
Using an authentication webhook
Using an authorization webhook
Using an admission control webhook
Configuring a webhook admission controller on the fly
Providing custom metrics for horizontal pod autoscaling
Extending Kubernetes with custom storage
Chapter 16: The Future of Kubernetes
The Kubernetes momentum
The importance of the CNCF
Project curation
Community and education
The rise of managed Kubernetes platforms
Public cloud Kubernetes platforms
Bare-metal, private clouds, and Kubernetes on the edge
Kubernetes Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Upcoming trends
Custom hardware and devices
Service mesh
Serverless computing
Kubernetes on the Edge
Native CI/CD
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