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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Учебное пособие по домашнему чтению на английском языке для студентов факультетов иностранных языков
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Л. Г. Романова
ЗАДАНИЯ И УПРАЖНЕНИЯ ПО КНИГЕ ЭЛИЗАБЕТ СТАКЛИ “MAGNOLIA BUILDINGS” Учебное пособие по домашнему чтению на английском языке для студентов факультетов иностранных языков
Оренбург Издательство ОГПУ 2015
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
УДК 811 (075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-1я73 Р69
Рецензенты С. В. Мангушев, кандидат филологических наук, доцент Т. Н. Галинская, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент
Романова, Л. Г. Р69
Задания и упражнения по книге Элизабет Стакли “Magnolia Buildings” : учебное пособие по домашнему чтению на английском языке для студентов факультетов иностранных языков / Л. Г. Романова ; Мин-во образования и науки РФ, ФГБОУ ВПО «Оренб. гос. пед. ун-т». — Оренбург : Изд-во ОГПУ, 2015. — 120 с. ISBN 978-5-85859-598-4 УДК 811 (075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-1я73
ISBN 978-5-85859-598-4
© Романова Л. Г., 2015 © Оформление. Изд-во ОГПУ, 2015
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Предисловие......................................................................................4 Chapter 1. Ally’s New Year Resolution................................................6 Chapter 2. The Black Hand Gang.....................................................13 Chapter 3. Ruby................................................................................20 Chapter 4. “I’ve just got to take it”......................................................25 Chapter 5. Glamour...........................................................................32 Chapter 6. Home By Smog................................................................38 Chapter 7. The Epidemic...................................................................43 Chapter 8. Wych Cottage..................................................................48 Chapter 9. Val’s Perfect Crime..........................................................55 Chapter 10. Mum Away.....................................................................62 Chapter 11. Summer.........................................................................70 Chapter 12(a). The Holiday (p. 53—56)............................................76 Chapter 12(b). The Holiday (p. 57—61)............................................82 Chapter 13. The Wedding.................................................................89 Chapter 14. Jobs...............................................................................96 Chapter 15. The Pantomime...........................................................103 Chapter 16. Fame and Afterwards................................................... 111 Использованная литература.........................................................118 Appendix 1. Phrases expressing agreement and disagreement.....119 Appendix 2. Reported speech.........................................................119 Appendix 3.......................................................................................119
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Предисловие Учебное пособие составлено в помощь преподавателям для проведения занятий по домашнему чтению на материале произведения английской писательницы Элизабет Стакли “Magnolia Buildings” и предназначено для студентов 2—4 курсов английского отделения. Целью пособия является развитие у студентов навыков устной и письменной речи, изучение лексического материала книги, закрепление на основе изученной лексики грамматических структур, формирование навыков монологической и диалогической речи, перевода художественного текста, а также работа над фонетическими аспектами языка. Книга может быть использована в группах студентов различного уровня подготовки, поскольку разработка к каждой главе содержит упражнения разного уровня сложности, структура каждой разработки построена по принципу от простого к сложному. Согласно правилам методики преподавания английского языка работа над каждой главой книги предполагает фонетическую тренировку наиболее сложных слов, ознакомление с лексикой текста, последующее закрепление лексического материала, отработку наиболее важных грамматических конструкций. В пособии использованы предложения и фрагменты из оригинального текста в неизменном виде в качестве примеров, а также для рассмотрения и объяснения примененных автором грамматических конструкций и оборотов речи. Студентам предлагается творчески подойти к переводу отдельных фрагментов произведения, в составлении диалогов и монологических высказываний от имени разных героев книги с использованием изученного вокабуляра. Кроме того, учащиеся получают возможность выразить свое мнение на такие важные темы, как выбор профессии, роль тех или иных предметов в воспитании детей, семейные ценности и т.д. 4
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Таким образом, данное учебное пособие не только призвано способствовать развитию владения английским языком, но и развивать умение студентов анализировать, обобщать прочитанное и делать логические умозаключения. Читая и обсуждая вечные темы и ценности, студенты учатся ставить себя на место героев произведения, сопереживать им, накапливают жизненный опыт. Преподаватели могут эффективно применять все предложенные задания, варьируя их по своему усмотрению, в зависимости от учебного плана, конкретных задач преподавания и языковой подготовленности студентов.
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Chapter 1 Ally’s New Year Resolution I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. To christen, to be christened A mop of curly hair To snore in one’s sleep To give smb. a bump Glamorous Let alone Not that Cubic space To make a fuss She’s just cut out for a teacher, for an actress, for a star Things are slack Scullery Curlers To smell stuffy To be flung on the floor To be dying for smth Stout To take the weight off one’s feet To burst out laughing To embroider To get a move on To get into mischief To get drowned A droopy moustache Kid’s stuff A waste of money A smashing picture To wheedle 6
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To chuck one’s money away Dimples To feel sour An exhilarating day To shuffle No one but To glean ideas from pictures or TV To lag behind To get stuck A queue To rush in Lucky thing To catch sight of smth To make a New Year resolution To attain glamour II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To become good-looking, to see smth, a happy person, to spend money in vain, to strike, to be thrown on the floor, overweight, to sink, things for children, a wonderful movie, to be in a bad mood, a line. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To lie, to lay, to get, to wake, to say, to make, to snore, to give, to have, to think, to wear, to share, to sleep, to bring, to die, to take, to speak, to slip, to write, to go, to come, to hear, to begin, to smell, to eat, to show, to fling, to stir, to shake, to pick, to throw, to shut, to shave, to seem, to leave, to see, to keep, to sit, to stand, to cost, to break, to slide, to ride, to spoil, to feel, to let, to run, to reign, to lose, to stick, to buy, to cut, to grow. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Alleluia, bikini, dwarf, Eleven Plus exam, count, princess, pneumonia. V. Write out, transcribe and pronounce all the proper names out of the chapter. 7
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VI. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. She was fourteen years old and had been christened Gloria Evelin, but the other children had always called her Gloria Alleluia, and this had become Ally for short. 2. That would be grand. 3. Nor did she speak at meals… 4. You would have thought she was the only girl in the world to take it, judging by the fuss she made. 5. We all live here in the flat. 6. She is still cleaning offices but will be back for breakfast. 7. Dad was now shaving at the sink. 8. To an observer, the Berners family might seem to be performing a complicated dance as they washed, shaved, cleaned teeth and cooked meals. VII. State the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. The first one was to get Doreen out of her bed for good. 2. She gave Doreen a good bump with her behind to stop her snoring. 3. You would have thought she was the only girl in the world to take it, judging by the fuss she made. 4. She must start to write it. 5. There was nothing to say. 6. It was too cold to move. 7. To an observer, the Berners family might seem to be performing a complicated dance as they washed, shaved, cleaned teeth and cooked meals. 8. No one saw her go. 9. All she had done was to leave an empty cup with a few tea leaves in it. 10. She was always laughing and talking and always ready to sit down and have a cup of tea. 11. “The house is made for the people and not the people for the house,” Mum would say, gathering up some clothes and toys and shoving them into the nearest drawer. VIII. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 8
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1. Auntie Glad began taking out her curlers. 2. Picking up all the clothes off the floor, she threw them on top of the boys. 3. “The house is made for the people and not the people for the house,” Mum would say, gathering up some clothes and toys and shoving them into the nearest drawer. 4. …she said, cross at being mocked. 5. She liked spoiling the children. IX. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. She had to take her Eleven Plus exam this month. 2. She must start to write it. 3. …so that they could compare notes… 4. Breakfast could be late. 5. To an observer, the Berners family might seem to be performing a complicated dance as they washed, shaved, cleaned teeth and cooked meals. 6. Cor, you ought to have been with the girls this morning… 7. Alas, the park keepers must have got up very early to break the ice… 8. …and a dress cut so low you’d think she must die of pneumonia. X. Reproduce the following sentences in reported speech. Use the words from Appendix 2. 1. “Hullo New Year. Aren’t you cold? We all live here in the flat…I heard Mum go out to work at five. She is still cleaning offices but will be back for breakfast…” 2. “The house is made for the people and not the people for the house,” Mum would say… 3. “I’m going up to the pond to see if there’s ice,” cried Len. 4. “They don’t want you getting drowned,” said Dad. 5. “I don’t want to go to the pictures. It’s kid stuff. Cowboys riding round that same old village. And who wants to see Mickey Mouse?” 9
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XI. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Though some kids are christened one name, they get a nickname in their family and everyone seems to have forgotten about their Christian names. 2. Kids must be taught to be smart and neat. When you see that their things are flung on the floor mixed with dirt and toys you must make them wash their clothes themselves. 3. It smelt stuffy in the kitchen and everyone was dying for a cup of tea. 4. Now things are slack and everyone in the family has to cut down the expense. 5. Though things were slack in the family they were kindhearted and merry people so they often joked and burst out laughing at meals. 6. When things were slack we couldn’t chuck our money away but recalling those days I understand how happy we were. 7. Every New Year Ally made a resolution connected with the ideas she had gleaned from pictures and TV. 8. That lucky thing with dimples and dark curls was such a lovely kid that nobody could resist his charms. 9. When I go to the movies to see a smashing picture my Dad grumbles that it is a waste of money. 10. At night you snore in your sleep, in the morning you shuffle around the flat! You don’t leave anyone in peace! 11. Not that I make a fuss about cubic space but you take too much room! 12. The girl made so much fuss about her studies, books and tasks that it was obvious she was cut out for a teacher. 13. Stout people are always longing to take a seat and take weight off their feet. 14. That kid always got into mischief! One day he almost got drowned. XII. Fill in the gaps using the words from the list. 1. Looking at TV stars and actresses many girls want to … 2. She … of her reflection in the mirror and didn’t like it. 3. There was a long … before the cinema theatre. 10
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4. It is hard to walk with kids, as they always … and … When they see something interesting, or, visa versa, they … 5. She is not a stupid girl but the trouble is that she … from pictures or TV but not from books. 6. Do you …? Why do you have such an upset look? 7. Who is that man with…? 8. I must … but I will not start until I have a cup of tea! I’m … for one! 9. It was a terrible mess in the flat. It … in the kitchen and the clothes … on the floor. 10. Water could be found only in the … in that house. 11. She was a charming girl with … and … on her cheeks. 12. We can’t … our money …! Things …! 13. The kids enjoyed a … about cowboys. 14. “Please, go shopping!,” — … my Mum. XIII. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Сегодня ты вышиваешь имена кинозвезд на джинсах, а что будет завтра? 2. — Где мои бигуди? — Они у тебя на голове! 3. Эта девочка с копной рыжих кудрявых волос считает, что рождена стать актрисой. 4. Одежда Элли была старой и поношенной, не говоря уж о ботинках. 5. Хотя девочку окрестили Глория, в семье ее все звали Элли. 6. Зачем устраивать такой ажиотаж из-за одежды, 7. В комнате было очень душно, одежда валялась на полу вперемежку с грязной обувью. 8. Ты постоянно попадаешь в неприятности! 9. В кино Элли увидела потрясающий фильм, из него она и стала черпать свои идеи. 10. На Новый год Элли пообещала себе любой ценой стать гламурной. 11. Увидев свое отражение в зеркале, Элли скисла. 12. Утром все просыпались либо от папиного храпа, либо от теткиного шарканья. 11
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13. Увидев вышитые имена актеров на джинсах дочери, мать расхохоталась. 14. Хоть дела шли неважно, мама всегда готова была истратить пару пенсов на кино, хотя папа и ворчал, что это пустая трата денег. XIV. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 9. “There was a long queue … if it killed her.” XV. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words from Appendix 1. 1. Ally lived in a very rich house. 2. Ally was the only child in the family. 3. Auntie Glad was a very modest person. 4. Doreen didn’t like to study. 5. Auntie Glad had lived with the family from the start. 6. Mum was a teacher. 7. Mum was a very strict person. 8. Ally’s dream was to become a doctor. 9. Old Sprot was a very kind and hospitable person. 10. When Ally caught her reflection in the mirror she felt proud of herself. XVI. Answer the following questions. 1. What New Year resolution did Ally make? 2. What was Ally’s real name? Why was she called Ally? 3. Speak about Ally’s dreams. 4. Speak about the relations in the family. 5. What was Mum’s attitude to life? XVII. Give a detailed description of the appearance and character of the following heroes: • Ally; • Doreen; • Auntie Glad; • Mum; • Len; • Val. XVIII. Make up dialogues between: • Ally and her friend speaking about films and their dreams of glamour; 12
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• Auntie Glad and her friend speaking about the living conditions in the flat; • Mum and Dad speaking about their kids and their future. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XIX. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: • Ally; • Mum; • Dad; • One of the boys; • Auntie Glad.
Chapter 2 The Black Hand Gang I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. Precaution To leap out Dangerous A Chicago gunman Self-defense Battle Chap To lean against the wall To pretend Scenery To keep clear off the walls Muted voices In a bunch To arouse suspicion To keep an eye on smb Nuisance Menace 13
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To muck about A big mouth By rights To go through a keyhole To have the police on one’s tail To make a row To slide behind Evergreen bushes It was the fun of the thing To force the door In a state of decay Headquarters Hideout To be on guard To be uneasy Breaking and entering An approved school To hear one’s heart thudding To hold one’s breath To use one’s loaf Filthy To keep one’s big mouth shut II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. Dirty, to feel uncomfortable, a fellow, low voices, together, to make a noise, shabby, to hang about, a gangster, a shelter, a chatterbox, to use one’s brains, to keep silence, a fight, selfprotection, to jump out. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To go, to walk, to leap, to get, to pass, to lean, to give, to keep, to drop, to see, to think, to meet, to hiss, to arise, to trot, to dodge, to break, to amuse, to muck, to beat, to have, to pitch, to pinch, to say, to agree, to come, to weave, to fight, to fall, to put, to trust, to run, to spend, to read, to make, to know, to throw, to tell, to stand, to slide, to hide, to freeze, to crawl, to 14
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strike, to pull, to smell, to take, to find, to hear, to catch, to shut, to hold, to hurt, to cut, to leave, to dive, to spend. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Chicago, balcony, bandstand, detour, pram, lieutenant, wheel, Common, perilous, crowbar, beneath, Bluebottle, cop, chap, pitch, gritty, middlemost, adventure, hiccough, jab, cautious. V. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting movements out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting manner of speech out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting appearance out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting character out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. When he got to the yard, Sprot was shouting at some small children, a few mothers were passing with shopping baskets, or were shouting conversations up and down the balconies. 2. Something’s got to be done about Shorty and his lot, Val was thinking as he panted along. 3. Val had been collecting his gang together all the winter. 4. … in fact he would have been quite content with a peaceful life, but he was a natural leader. 5. He wasn’t going to have the small chaps beaten up and their bikes pinched or broken. 6. He had broken two front teeth falling off his bike, when Nap, Shorty’s lieutenant, had put a stick in the front wheel. 7. Val was uneasy, for it would be awful if the cops caught them. 15
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X. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. It was safer to keep clear of the walls… 2. Don’t want to be seen in a bunch. 3. Something’s got to be done about Shorty and his lot, Val was thinking as he panted along. 4. He wasn’t going to have the small chaps beaten up and their bikes pinched or broken. 5. Every gang must have a hideout, somewhere to keep things and to cook food. 6. No one is to move till I say so, see? XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. This was pretty safe, being near to the main road. 2. He had broken two front teeth falling off his bike, when Nap, Shorty’s lieutenant, had put a stick in the front wheel. 3. They all went running across the grass. XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. …his hands were in his pockets that might or might not contain a gun. 2. Something’s got to be done about Shorty and his lot, Val was thinking as he panted along. 3. He walked with precaution, because at any moment one of Shorty’s gang might leap out and attack him. 4. … they could dodge into a café. Shorty couldn’t start anything there. 5. Brian was fifteen and by all rights he should have been in Shorty’s lot… 6. No explorer can make a perilous voyage and come back without a treasure. 7. Discipline must be maintained. 8. Coal must have been kept here… 9. Every gang must have a hideout, somewhere to keep things and to cook food. 10. He dare not get pinched again. 16
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11. That idiot Ginger could not have shut it properly. 12. They ought to go to school all day and every day of the week. XIII. Translate from English into Russian. 1. The boys liked adventures and pretended to be real gunmen. In the old deserted house they talked in muted voices, hold their breath and took all precautions not to have the police on their tails. 2. Every gang needs headquarters. It must be a good hideout to have a rest and make plans or battles. 3. The boys in Val’s gang were really kind-hearted chaps but they had to organize a gang for the sake of self-defense. 4. When teens steal apples from gardens they don’t really want the apples. It is the fun of the thing when you have an adventure and hear your heart thudding. 5. Billy was all right but he had a big mouth. Because of him the gang could arise suspicion. If he didn’t keep his big mouth shut everybody would be sent to an approved school. 6. To force the door of a deserted house was really a crime, but not a child’s misbehavior. It was breaking and entering. 7. The boys in Val’s gang were smart and could use their loaves. During their adventures they tried not to make a row. By rights they were considered the most dangerous gunmen in the neighborhood. 8. If you want to have headquarters in a deserted house you have to be on guard because the police always keep an eye on teens. 9. Eddy was such a thin child that he could go through a keyhole. 10. The scenery of the neighborhood was not a rich one. But it was decorated with evergreen bushes. 11. Teens seek adventures. But as they don’t know how to amuse themselves they become a real menace for the neighborhood and the police. 12. Try to keep clear of the walls and don’t muck about the streets. Something may drop off the balconies. 17
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13. The house was old and empty. It was in a state of decay. 14. The boys called themselves Black Hand Gang as they always had filthy hands. 15. These kids always muck about in a bunch and do nothing useful! They have become a real menace! XIV. Fill in the gaps using the active vocabulary. 1. It was dangerous to … the walls. Anything could drop off a balcony. 2. You should … your … shut. The police can find our … and will have no place to rest and cook food. 3. If you want to be a member of a gang you must … not to arise suspicion and have… 4. Keep your … hands out of the things! 5. The boys did not have any money to amuse themselves so they organized a gang and imagined themselves to be real… 6. He was accused of … and sent to an… 7. The house was … and it smelt badly there but for the boys it was a real … 8. If your family is not very rich you have to find entertainment yourself. No wonder you become a real … for the neighborhood. 9. The boys saw the policemen and … to the … bushes. 10. The child was so thin that everyone said he … 11. The boys found a deserted house. It was their… 12. They were so afraid of losing their headquarters that they tried not to … when they were inside. 13. … bushes are plants that are green all the year round. 14. I was so afraid that I… 15. The boy … because everyone saw his … hands. XV. Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary. 1. Мальчики сидели в укрытии. Они так волновались, что слышали, как стучат их собственные сердца. 2. Мальчики воображали себя настоящими чикагскими гангстерами. 3. Вэл был по праву лидер группы. 18
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4. Поскольку мальчики были основной проблемой в городе, полиция пристально следила за ними. 5. Вэл был добрым и миролюбивым мальчиком и основал банду ради самозащиты. 6. Парни стояли, прислонясь спиной к стене дома, и делали вид, что ничего не замечают. 7. Он был неплохим парнем, но его недостаток состоял в том, что он был болтун и хвастун. 8. Поскольку дверь была заперта, ее пришлось выломать. 9. Мальчиков могли судить за кражу со взломом и отправить в спецшколу. 10. Старый ветхий дом был настоящим убежищем для банды Черной руки. 11. Я отпрыгнул от стены, потому что с балкона падал цветочный горшок. 12. Чтобы не возбуждать подозрений и не привести полицию на хвосте, мы либо держали рот на замке, либо говорили приглушенными голосами. 13. Мальчики называли себя бандой Черной руки, потому что руки у них обычно были грязными. 14. Подростки, которым нечего делать, обычно слоняются группами и дерутся между собой. XVI. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 11. “That’s right then. Let’s go…” up to p. 12 “in the bushes.” XVII. Reproduce the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech using the word combinations of the previous exercise and Appendix 2. XVIII. Agree and disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. Prove your opinion with the words from the text. 1. Shorty was a good boy who liked books and studied well. 2. Val was a hooligan by nature. 3. Val stole fruit and flowers from the gardens because he sold them on the market. 19
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4. The boys found a deserted house to have a hideout. XIX. Answer the following questions. 1. Why did Val organize a gang? 2. Why did Val climbed into other people’s gardens? 3. Why were the boys afraid of the police? 4. Describe the boys’ headquarters. 5. Why did the boys call themselves Black Hand Gang? XX. Give a character sketch of the following characters: • Val; • Shorty; • George; • Billy; • Bert; • Ginger; • Brian. XXI. Make up dialogues between: • the policemen discussing the problem of the hooligans in the neighborhood; • two boys from the Black Hand Gang discussing their headquarters. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XXII. Retell the text as if you were: • Val: • a policeman; • Val’s mother.
Chapter 3 Ruby I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. Stray kitten To lead smb.by his/her hand 20
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To sob loudly Scratched knees To bleed In a soothing voice To howl Soft-hearted To wipe smb’s nose On smb’s lap With a practiced hand A check frock Petticoat Can’t bear tears It’s a blooming shame To pay double rents Without a roof over one’s head Live and let live To knock at the door It won’t be any good A missionary II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. In a mild voice, to cry, kind, a tartan dress, without a dwelling. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To bring, to break, to come, to walk, to lead, to tie, to sob, to run, to bleed, to keep, to talk, to soothe, to make, to howl, to bang, to begin, to tremble, to think, to yell, to weep, to wipe, to find, to sit, to look, to pass. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Sparrow, Jamaica, sheep-dog, doughnut. V. Write out the words denoting: • Appearance; • Character; • Feelings and emotions. 21
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Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. He was always bringing home something, sparrows with broken legs or stray kittens. 2. Mum had been washing all day, and had just brought up the first lot of dry things as the children came out of school. 3. They’ve been mucking her about at school… 4. It’s a blooming shame. I’ll speak to the teacher. 5. Why, they’re paying double rents to get flats… 6. She would not have mentioned it if Alf’s wife had asked a crocodile to tea. VII. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. … Len was sent to her mother’s to say where her child was. 2. Why, they’re paying double rents to get flats… 3. …our young people can’t get married because there’s nowhere for them to live. VIII. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. Len kept talking to her in a soothing voice… 2. Len walked slowly upstairs leading Ruby by the hand. 3. …and picking up the sobbing girl, carried her into the flat… IX. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. Now, Len, I can’t have any clutter here today. 2. …our young people can’t get married because there’s nowhere for them to live. 3. Why can’t they stop in their own country? 4. The black oughtn’t to come over there… 5. Auntie Glad looked a little surprised when she came in to tea to see the small black visitor, but she said nothing. 6. I ought to speak to the teacher. X. Translate from English into Russian. 1. Kind-hearted people can’t bear tears. 22
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2. People without a roof over their heads are ready to pay double rents for any dwelling. 3. When Mum opened the door she saw her son leading a sobbing girl by her hand. 4. It won’t be any good to talk to the teachers about white kid’s cruelty. 5. Len always brought home some stray kittens or sparrows with broken wings. 6. Kids quickly forget their sorrows. No sooner have you wiped their nose and given them a sweet they smile. 7. Looking at the girl sitting on his mother’s lap Len had mixed feelings. 8. Len was glad that his mother had stopped Ruby’s howling, but he didn’t like that she was sitting on her lap. 9. To make the girl forget the offence Mum talked to her about her check frock and nice petticoat. 10. The girl’s knees were scratched and bleeding. XI. Fill in the gaps using the active vocabulary. 1. It’s a … that kids are so cruel! 2. … children always bring home … or sparrows. 3. … Mum wiped the girl’s face. 4. … is the motto of … people. 5. He is so kind-hearted, he ought to be a … 6. If a kid is crying talk to him … and give him a sweet. 7. The kid was crying and … 8. If there is a problem with dwelling people are ready to … not to be … XII. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Мама хотела поговорить с учителями насчет жестокости детей, но отец сказал, что толку от этого не будет, потому что в присутствии учителей дети не делают ничего плохого. 2. Лен, видимо, станет миссионером. Он то приносит домой шелудивых котят, то приводит за руку плачущих детей. 3. У мамы было такое же доброе сердце, как и у Лена, поэтому она не выставила рыдающую черную девочку, а вытерла ей нос и оставила пить чай. 23
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4. Вспомнив о жестокости белых детей, Руби зарыдала еще громче. 5. Некоторые молодые люди не могут пожениться, потому что жить им негде, а платить двойную ренту за жилье они не могут. 6. Жить с девизом «живи сам и давай жить другому» не так-то просто. 7. Люди боялись остаться без крыши над головой, по этому они были готовы платить двойную плату за квартиру. XIII. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 16. “The blacks oughtn’t to come over here … a missionary.” XIV. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. Prove your opinion with the words from the text. 1. Mum was angry when Len brought home Ruby and asked her to go home. 2. Len couldn’t bear tears as he was kind-hearted. 3. Mum went to the teacher and talked to her about the kids’ behavior. 4. When Dad saw Ruby he sympathized her. 5. Auntie Glad was astonished to see Ruby at the table. She made a scandal. 6. Dad lead Ruby home and talked to her parents. XV. Answer the following questions. 1. What happened to Ruby? 2. How did the girl look? 3. Why was Ruby crying? 4. What was Dad’s attitude to the incident? 5. Why didn’t Dad want to talk to Ruby’s parents? XVI. Give a character sketch of the following characters: • Mum; • Len; • Dad; • Auntie Glad. XVII. Make up dialogues between: • Mum and Dad after the incident; 24
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• The kids after the incident. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XVIII. Retell the text as if you were: • Len; • Mum; • Dad.
Chapter 4 “I’ve just got to take it” I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. To work oneself up into a state about smth Smb’s eyes grew pink Over-reading To come out in spots To dose smb To do away with To give up Smb’s face, green between the red Rat-tail hair To have a good mind to do smth To keep smb.in bed To take an exam To be destined to be smth/smb Not to mention that… To get on all right To have a try Determination Pick-me-up A natural fusser To hesitate The deep wishes of her heart 25
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Burning desire Intelligence test Inspiration Private thoughts and longings II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To make smb. stay in bed, a tonic, to be ok, a great wish, hidden hopes and wishes, to make an effort, to pass an examination, to make up one’s mind to do smth, to read too much, let alone that…, to have a fate to be smb, to stop smth. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To say, to grow, to come, to dose, to make, to do, to run, to go, to waste, to sigh, to give, to wake, to send, to grab, to put, to swell, to lie, to pile, to ply, to glance, to squeeze, to keep, to sink, to get, to take, to know, to teach, to come, to think, to bring, to shove, to see, to clutch, to let, to mean, to speak, to eat, to swallow, to pass, to hear, to lead, to feel, to throw, to sit, to tell, to make, to strike, to fix, to dive, to drink, to shake, to sip, to burn, to leave, to shut, to sing, to fly, to choose, to find, to learn, to write, to lose, to swim, to hold, to fall, to feel, to eat. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Eleven Plus Exam, disaster, mop, bucket, bundle, dizzily, crooner, gaol, fervently, amen, tolerance, muffle, plain, stolid, earthquake, queer, glow, essay, theme, arithmetic. V. Write out and transcribe the words denoting people’s health condition. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Write out and transcribe the words denoting people’s feelings and emotions. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out and transcribe the words denoting people’s look in different situations. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Find the information about Eleven Plus Examination and prepare a short report about it. Give your opinion about the necessity of such kind of exams. 26
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IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. I wish they’d do away with this old Eleven Plus… 2. I’ll run you out to the doctor tomorrow. 3. I’ll never be a teacher if I don’t. 4. … ever since she could walk she had been playing at schools. 5. She would drink anything to succeed. 6. … but it was beginning to lose its magic power by the time she reached her intelligence test. X. State the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. Disaster sent Ally to wake Mum. 2. …sent Ally for bucket and mop and to put on a kettle. 3. I’ve got a good mind to keep you in bed tomorrow. 4. I’ve got to get through the Eleven Plus. I’ve just got to take it, Mum. 5. But she knew in her heart that Doreen was destined to be a teacher. 6. I’ve got a good mind to keep you in bed tomorrow. 7. … and Mum had just time to shove the bucket before her. 8. …her burning desire to make other people love learning. 9. …sentences that were queer stuff to be written by an eleven-year-old girl. 10. And then, so odd is the working of the nervous system, the moment of examination was over, she felt quite well and went home to eat an enormous dinner. 11. …she would be sure to fail. XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. Ally was woken by Doreen being sick all over the floor. 2. She sat up clutching the air. 3. Please stop me being sick. 4. To stop being sick, she kept thinking of the black children that she had seen in a missionary film. 5. And then, so odd is the working of the nervous system, the moment of examination was over, she felt quite well and went home to eat an enormous dinner. 27
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XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. I can’t go to the doctor and waste the whole morning’s school. 2. Auntie Glad took no part in the discussion at breakfast about whether Doreen should go to school. 3. You ought to be in bed, my girl. 4. She dared not speak. 5. All she could think of was that she must get to her desk and sit there. 6. If she could do part of the exam, she told herself, they would have to let her finish it another day. 7. They must have got something in there to stop sickness. 8. She had to pass. 9. They must think that she was a silly idiot! 10. You’ll be able to sit and watch TV and no nonsense. XIII. Reproduce the following sentences in reported speech. Use the words from Appendix 2 1. I wish they’d do away with this old Eleven Plus… 2. I’ll run you out to the doctor tomorrow. 3. I can’t go to the doctor and waste the whole morning’s school. 4. I’ve got a good mind to keep you in bed tomorrow. 5. I’ve got to get through the Eleven Plus. I’ve just got to take it, Mum. I’ll never be a teacher if I don’t. 6. …Can’t think where you can get it from….There’s Glory Ally with her head full of nonsense about crooners and glamour, and Val heading straight to the gaol for all I can see… 7. Please, God, let me be well tomorrow, I mean today. I’ve just got to be a teacher. Please stop me being sick. Amen. 8. They must have got something in there to stop sickness. 9. No, Mum! It’ll make me worse again. 10. I’ll give the young lady a cocktail that would fix an earthquake. 11. This here education of women’s a lot of nonsense. 28
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XIV. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Doreen was a persistent and intelligent student. She worked herself into a state about her Eleven Plus Exam. 2. In the family Doreen was considered to be a natural fusser but she was a very persistent and brave girl and had more determination than anyone else. 3. A pick-me-up is a tonic that makes people calm down, concentrate and gain energy. 4. When I saw the child’s face, green between the red, I thought that he would not take any exam that day. 5. If you have a good mind to do something you should never give up. 6. You must have a lot of will, burning desire and determination to reach your aim. 7. The deep wish of Doreen’ heart was to become a teacher and go to Africa. 8. Eleven Plus Exam was rather hard and consisted of Intelligence Test, Arithmetic work, and an essay. You must have not only knowledge but a good deal of inspiration to pass it. 9. Looking at her face and rat-tail hair around it I hesitated whether to let her go to the exam or keep her in bed. 10. A girl with such a determination and a burning desire to study will make the deep wishes of her heart come true. 11. Looking at their kids being sick because of nervous tension progressive parents made the authorities do away with Eleven Plus Exams. 12. Her eyes grew pink because of over-reading and her face came out in spots because of nervous strain. XV. Fill in the gaps using the words from the list. 1. The girl wrote about her…She had a queer … that gave her great … 2. As the girl was sick her mother… 3. When a person feels bad his face… 4. …an exam gives a great nervous strain. 5. …is a tonic that gives a person energy. 6. She was a … and took all her exams with a great tension. 29
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7. The girl had … to teach kids in Africa. 8. Looking at the … on the pillow the mother made her stay in bed. 9. A teacher is not only a person who has passed all the … but who never… 10. If you have failed to do something you must … 11. Because of .., her eyes… 12. Because of nervous tension your face may… 13. Looking at the efforts of the girl the mother tried to … but it was useless. 14. All the parents wished to … with the Eleven Plus Exam. XVI. Translate from Russian into English. 1. От напряженного чтения глаза Дорин были красными, а лицо то краснело, то зеленело. 2. Если ребенок болеет, ему нужен постельный режим. 3. Дорин мечтала стать учительницей. Из всей семьи у нее был самый сильный характер. И хотя ее и считали зубрилой и паникершей, в ней была очень сильна тяга к приключениям. 4. Поняв жгучее желание дочери стать учительницей, мать без колебаний отправила ее на экзамен. 5. В сочинении девочка написала обо всех своих желаниях и мечтах о будущем. 6. Тест на интеллект требует не только знаний, но и вдохновения. 7. Все родители мечтали об отмене экзамена, потому что дети слишком много и напряженно работали, готовясь к нему, не говоря уж о том, что многие заболевали из-за нервного стресса. 8. Дорин была просто создана для работы учительницей. 9. Перед экзаменом девочка была на грани срыва. 10. Сначала мама колебалась, но потом отвела дочь в аптеку, где ей дали возбуждающее средство. XVII. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 19. “Now, said the chemist….” — p. 20 “…enormous dinner.” 30
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XVIII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words from Appendix 1. 1. Doreen worked herself into a state about the Eleven Plus Exam because she was not ready for it. 2. The night before the Eleven Plus Exam Doreen was not sleeping because she was reading up. 3. Mum sent Doreen to the exam without any hesitations about her health. 4. Doreen gave up and stayed in bed. 5. Doreen was eager to pass Eleven Plus Exam because she wanted to become a teacher. 6. After the exam Doreen came home and fell asleep. 7. The girl was absolutely sure in her success. 8. After the dinner Mum sent Doreen to read. XIX. Answer the following questions. 1. What happened to Doreen during the night before the exam? 2. What did her father think of her exam? 3. What did Mum do to help her? 4. What was Doreen’s reaction to the “pink-me-up”? 5. Can you guess what the “pick-me-up” was? 6. What did the girl write in her composition? 7. How did the girl feel after the exam? XX. Make up dialogues between: • Mum and Dad discussing Doreen’s exam; • Doreen’s sister and brother discussing Doreen’s trouble; • Teachers discussing Doreen’s essay. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XXI. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: • Doreen; • Mum; • Dad; • Doreen’s teacher; • One of the kids.
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Chapter 5 Glamour I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. Nail varnish To manicure one’s nails With distaste Varnish remover To persist Pin Grip Naturally curly hair To share a bad with smb To rip out Smb’s latest hit tune To be worth smth./doing smth. To giggle To train children in good manners Smashing To talk posh To get shivers down one’s back To be thrilled To work smth.out for oneself Scent Fascination To drip in mink and pearls To write in an elegant script To smooth smth.out To coil one’s hair neatly To give out an announcement To get some clue To play catch 32
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To find one’s type II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To do one’s nails, to play tag, to guess the meaning of smth., charm, perfume, to work out one’s style, to be luxurious, to sleep in the same bed with smb, to chuckle, with disgust, to insist, to have a nice handwriting. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To achieve, to buy, to manicure, to stay, to keep, to get, to have, to look, to persist, to go, to preserve, to sleep, to fall, to share, to spend, to rip, to embroider, to hear, to croon, to walk, to giggle, to sound, to reach, to talk, to read, to shiver, to whisper, to stick, to think, to wear, to sit, to mean, to make, to come, to lie, to lay, to die, to begin, to end, to sing, to know, to find, to smell, to feel, to write, to teach, to imitate, to smooth, to take, to give, to shut, to spoil, to rehearse, to eat, to shine. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Grip, hedgehog, to croon, parson, gosh, brunette, tartan, mysterious, cor, knight, publicity, crick, glamour, glamorous, haunt, coil, nape, stud, scolding, gracefully, rector, curate, don, bishop, hymn, ballet. V. Write out and transcribe the words denoting articles of clothing. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Write out and transcribe the words describing people’s appearance and manners. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out and transcribe the words denoting people’s feelings and emotions. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Find the information about Elvis Presley and Izzy Waters and prepare a short report about them. IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. All through February Ally was trying to achieve glamour. 33
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2. It had been a long job, but was worth it to anyone who had heard Izzy crooning… 3. “I wonder how Tennison would have liked being on television?” asked Miss Fleetwood smiling. 4. Ally had never quite worked out for herself where Glamour began and ended. 5. The girls would stop her in the corridor and ask “Are you teaching us today?...” 6. Perhaps rehearsing day after day, she would get some clue. X. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. She had to keep touching up the nails… 2. She did not have enough money to buy any varnish remover. 3. She went to bed at night in a row of pins and grips that were to preserve the set in her naturally curly hair… 4. She wanted to find out the secret thing that Miss Fleetwood knew. 5. She tried to smooth out the wild pony tail and to coil it neatly. 6. I’ve got to experiment to find my type. XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 7. The trouble was that with so much washing up, the varnish did not stay on very well. 8. …and Doreen complained it was like sharing a bed with a hedgehog. 9. Ally also spent a long time ripping out Elvis Presley’s name from her pants and embroidering “Izzy Waters”. 10. “I wonder how Tennison would have liked being on television?” asked Miss Fleetwood smiling. 11. There was no fuss or scolding in Miss Fleetwood’s classes. 12. Perhaps rehearsing day after day, she would get some clue. 34
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XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. She went to bed at night in a row of pins and grips that were to preserve the set in her naturally curly hair… 2. I can’t stick Mr. Grainger. 3. They ought to do that on TV. 4. He was a shy, absent-minded man who should have been a don at a university. 5. He might as well have been addressing them in Greek. 6. I thought some of you might like to act in it. XIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Young girls dream of glamour and try to find their types so they often experiment with their appearance. 2. Teachers should smell fresh and not use any strong scent not to annoy and distract their pupils from studies. 3. The lady dripped in mink and pearls but as she was unpleasant and impolite her clothes didn’t impress anybody. 4. Yesterday the Rector gave out an announcement concerning the Christmas play and the timetable of rehearsing. 5. If you want to manicure your nails first you should buy a varnish remover. 6. People spoke about Ally’s manicure with distaste, because there was a layer of dust under each coat of varnish. 7. There was some special fascination about the young teacher. She was neat, her hair was neatly coiled and she wrote in an elegant script. 8. Ally wanted to smooth her naturally curly hair to look like Miss Fleetwood. 9. The girls always giggled when they went to school together. They thought that their jokes were smashing. 10. It is hard for a young girl to work out for herself what glamour really means so they often experiment with their appearance. Sometimes it boarders to the extreme. 11. On the playground kids were playing catch. Some of the girls were talking and giggling. 12. The young teacher was so good at reciting poems that her pupils got shivers down the back when they heard her. 35
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13. It seemed to Ally that the young teacher knew what real glamour was and tried to get at least some clue of it. 14. The young teacher seemed to talk posh but in all the other respects she was smashing. XIV. Fill in the gaps using the active vocabulary. 1. As the girl had … she tried to straighten and smooth it down. 2. Teens are unpredictable in their tastes. They can embroider the name of a famous crooner on their jeans and then … it out and embroider another one. It takes much time but they think it is … doing it. 3. Ally bought … and … her nails. 4. On their way to school and home the girls discussed famous crooners and their … and … because they were happy. 5. Parents believed that in church schools teachers … children … 6. The girls were so… by the way the teacher read poems that they got… 7. Ally … in getting glamorous but she hadn’t … what glamour was. 8. There was some special … in the young teacher. She did not … and did not have expensive … but the girls thought she was smashing. 9. At the playground the kids were … and having a rest. 10. The Rector came in and … the plans for rehearsing of a new play. XV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Элли старалась выпрямить свои от природы кудрявые волосы, поэтому спать ложилась со множеством шпилек и заколок в волосах. Вся семья шутила, что с ними она похожа на ежика. 2. Элли еще не решила для себя, что такое гламур. Она старалась делать маникюр и прическу, но все ее попытки были безуспешны и смешны. 3. Элли упорно искала свой стиль, пока, наконец, не поняла, что стиль заключается не в прическе и маникюре, а в манерах и поведении человека. 36
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4. Учителям свойственна высокопарная манера разговаривать, и порой это мешает им найти общий язык с детьми. 5. Иметь свой стиль — не значит утопать в мехах и жемчугах, но найти свой собственный внутренний шик. 6. От молодой учительницы пахло мылом, а не духами. И это помогало ей найти общий язык с детьми из небогатых семей. 7. В молодой учительнице было какое-то очарование. Она писала изящным почерком, носила чистые отглаженные рубашки, аккуратно закалывала волосы. Хотя во всем этом не было ничего гламурного, девочки стремились подражать ей. 8. Подростки очень непостоянны в своих вкусах. Они могут мечтать о мехах, жемчугах и гламуре, а через минуту убежать на улицу играть в пятнашки с малышами. 9. Иногда простая манера декламировать стихи может впечатлить так, что мурашки побегут по телу. 10. Элли мечтала о популярных певцах и хотела стать гламурной, но вскоре поняла, что все это не стоило ни времени, ни усилий. 11. Элли и ее подруга всегда обсуждали последние музыкальные хиты по дороге в школу. 12. Обсуждая учителей и школу, девочки все время хихикали. XVI. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 20. “All through February…” — p. 21 “Miss Fleetwood”. XVII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. 1. Mum and Dad approved Ally’s efforts to achieve glamour. 2. Ally didn’t like her school. 3. Miss Fleetwood was an unpleasant elderly lady. 4. Miss Fleetwood was luxuriously dressed and the girl liked her for that. 5. Doreen wanted to take part in school plays because she decided to become an actress. 37
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XVIII. Answer the following questions. 1. Who was Ally’s best friend? 2. Why did everyone love the young teacher? 3. How did Ally’s taste change with the time? XIX. Make up dialogues between: • Doreen and Lou speaking about teachers; • Mum and Dad discussing Doreen’s attempts to achieve glamour. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XX. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: • The author; • Doreen; • Lou; • Miss Fleetwood; • Mum; • Dad.
Chapter 6 Home By Smog I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. Sinister Glow Coal dust To have a down on smb. Rival Smb’s second in command To sneak about To spy for smb Vicious To have a pinch like a crab To leave a bruise on smb 38
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To lay hands on smb To be caught fighting To liquidate To come to a bad end On the tips of one’s toes Guerilla war To be engaged in smth To blame smb for smth/doing smth To want smth badly To escape smth/smb II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To be involved in smth, to hung about, to put an end to, smb’s assistant, very quietly, mean, to wish smth greatly, enemy, glitter. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To set, to see, to grow, to fight, to make, to come, to fall, to read, to write, to spy, to pinch, to leave, to take, to fade, to lay, to lie, to catch, to know, to defend, to swear, to keep, to chat, to mean, to hide, to dash, to fear, to feel, to hope, to fly, to go, to smell, to think, to give, to hurt, to let, to draw. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Horrid, mouthful, wrist, scarlet, banister, gallop, ankle, fire brigade, fortress, permanently, syrup. V. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. They said in the flats that Nap would kill someone one day, and it was no use arguing with him, because he’d no brains to reason with. 2. He knew they had sworn to liquidate his own gang. 3. Luckily Thompson was not looking for a trouble. 4. Going out? VI. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. It was horrid walking in the mornings to see everything as dark as night. 39
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2. Val grew to hate coming home at night. 3. … it was no use arguing with him, because he’d no brains to reason with. 4. One more flight to come. 5. No. Want to see TV. VII. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. It was horrid walking in the mornings to see everything as dark as night. 2. Val grew to hate coming home at night. 3. …if he fell on you it was like fighting a tiger. 5. … it was no use arguing with him, because he’d no brains to reason with. 6. Keeping near to the banisters, Val was up and passed it like a shadow. 7. Everybody blamed Val for fighting… VIII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. Each street lamp had to fight to make even the smallest glow. 2. Shorty’s gang might be anywhere… 3. He could not even read or write. 4. There could be no one hiding in the dark space beneath the stairs. 5. So that flight might be the worst place of all. 6. Can’t you wait a minute? IX. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. The boys could come to a bad end. Because of fights they could get into prison. 2. On the tips of his toes Val sneaked into the staircase. 3. There were some mean boys who never fought but had a pinch like crabs. 4. When it was smoggy in the air there was a mixture of coal, dust and fog. 5. The boys from Shorty’s gang were grown up and vicious. When they fought with Val’s gang they left bruises on them. 40
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6. Val was a straight person and didn’t want to sneak about and spy. 7. The boys were engaged in a guerilla war and there was no one to blame. 8. Val wanted a bike badly and wanted to escape Shorty and his gang. 9. Shorty had a lot of boys in his gang who spied for him. He himself didn’t want to make his hands dirty. 10. Shorty’s aim was to liquidate Val’s gang. 11. Nap was Shorty’s second in command. 12. The police wanted to lay hands on the both gangs. X. Fill in the gaps using the words from the text. 1. Val wanted a bike … because it was safer to ride home. 2. The boys from Shorty’s gang were … and that’s why it was dangerous to walk in the streets. 3. Every time Val came home he tried to … meeting with Shorty’s gang. 4. In the smog … got into the mouth and nose so it was hard to breathe. 5. Jim from Shorty’s gang was very mean. He never fought. He just … 6. The … of the lamps was dim in the smog. 7. The police haven’t … on Shorty’s gang yet. 8. The boys from the neighborhood were in… 9. Val was … in fighting though he wanted peace. 10. The police wanted to … the gang but they couldn’t. 11. All the mothers were afraid that their boys would… 12. Val sneaked home … not to be caught and beaten. 13. After fights the boys had … on their bodies. 14. The gangs were old … and nobody knew how their fights had begun. XI. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Все винили Вэла в том, что он дерется. Мать предсказывала ему то, что он плохо кончит. 2. «Однажды полиция сцапает мальчиков во время драки, и они попадут в тюрьму», — говорили все. 41
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3. В квартиру Вэлу приходилось пробираться на цыпочках, иначе поймают и наставят синяков. 4. Каждый мальчик в округе отчаянно хотел велосипед, чтобы было быстрее и безопаснее пробираться по улицам. 5. Если вас еще раз поймают в драке, то вы попадете в полицию. 6. Соперничающие банды поклялись ликвидировать друг друга. 7. Угольная пыль не давала дышать. Все обитатели квартала «Магнолия» ненавидели смог. 8. Шныряя по улицам, мальчики совсем забывали про школу. 9. Джим был слабым и подлым. Он подкрадывался на цыпочках и щипался. 10. В конце концов полиция схватит вас всех и отправит в тюрьму. XII. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 24. “At the end of February…” — p. 25 “…he was caught fighting.” XIII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. Prove your opinion with the words from the text. 1. The kids enjoyed the smog because they could play hide-and-seek. 2. Nap, Shorty and Thompson were Val’s friends. 3. The boys had honest fights. 4. Val liked fighting very much. XIV. Answer the following questions. 1. Why was Val afraid going up the stairs home? 2. Who was the winner in the fight? 3. Why did Val have to fight with Shorty and his gang? XV. Give a detailed description of the appearance and character of the following heroes: • Nap; • Shorty; • Thompson; • Jim. 42
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XVI. Make up dialogues between: • Shorty and Nap; • Val and one of his gang; • Two adults discussing the fights between the gangs. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XVII. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: • the author; • Val; • Shorty; • Mum.
Chapter 7 The Epidemic I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. To curse To dry the washing Soaked to the skin To nurse smb It hurts smb to breathe To put off smth/doing smth To have had enough of smth In a state of despair To look/to be death tired A touch of pleurisy To look grave To miss a dose To flop into smth fiercely to feel deeply thankful exhausted but happy 43
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a huge slice of cake to bit into one’s cake II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To fall into smth, to look unhappy, tired but glad, to look/ to be exhausted, to be tired of smth, to be wet, to swear, to take care of smb. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To come, to curse, to dry, to go, to get, to think, to offer, to leave, to sit, to do, to hurt, to breathe, to keep, to sleep, to pay, to ring, to forget, to send, to know, to give, to run, to wake, to let, to take, to die, to telephone, to burst, to see, to put, to make, to miss, to lie, to lay, to stand, to weep, to spring, to read, to feel. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Black Death, temperature, queer, induce, receiver, flu, penicillin, pneumonia, to pant, scullery, rummage, pleurisy, awkwardly, to mumble, crew-cut, errand, invalid, roller skates. V. Reproduce the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech using the word combinations of Appendix 2. VI. Write out, translate, transcribe and pronounce all the symptoms of illnesses mentioned in the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out, translate, transcribe and pronounce the words describing manner of behavior in the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Find out the information about the Black Death and prepare a short report about it. IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. I’ll give him your message. 2. She always did all the telephoning for the family, because nothing would induce Mum to pick up the receiver. 3. His face had gone quite pale now and when he woke he cried. 4. He’s breathing just like Bob before he died. 44
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5. The fever that had sprung on him like a tiger, and that only been kept down by drugs, now gave up his attacks. 6. By the fourth day, Len could sit up and read the comics that Auntie Glad had been keeping for him. X. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. …Auntie Glad never thought of offering her help and no one liked to ask her. 2. She just went out to business as usual, and left Doreen to do all the shopping. 3. He says it hurts him to breathe. 4. You won’t get the doctor to come on Sunday, especially with this epidemic. 5. They finally sent her out to telephone on Sunday evening. 6. …we didn’t want to bother the doctor on Sunday. 7. Why didn’t you let me know this morning? 8. …Mum and Dad were too worried to explain. 9. They just took him in to see Len. 10. …she was afraid to come home for fear of what might have happened in the flat. 11. He’s going to be all right, Mum? XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. Mum went shopping and got soaked to the skin… 2. …Auntie Glad never thought of offering her help and no one liked to ask her. 3. But they put off ringing that night. 4. Auntie Glad did not turn round, but went on making her tea. 5. Her eyes were red from no sleep and from weeping. XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. The mothers cursed it as they couldn’t dry the washing. 2. I think we ought to get the doctor. 3. Mrs James said we should have rung this morning. 45
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4. He ought to have penicillin. 5. We just can’t wait until morning. 6. He must not miss a dose all through the night. 7. …she was afraid to come home for fear of what might have happened in the flat. By the fourth day, Len could sit up and read the comics that Auntie Glad had been keeping for him. XIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. If someone in your family is ill, never put off calling the doctor. 2. Though the doctor had had enough of the epidemic he kept visiting the sick. 3. The doctor looked death tired but he spoke to the patients in a calm voice. 4. Len didn’t have pneumonia, he got a touch of pleurisy. 5. When a person is ill he must not miss a dose of medicine. 6. The family were in a state of despair because of Len’s illness. 7. When Mum went out to dry the washing she caught a cold. 8. Mum had always been cheerful at that moment she flopped into the chair and wept. 9. The parents fiercely fought with the epidemic. 10. The family looked grave as they were worried about Len all the time. 11. When Mum went out for shopping she turned back soaked to the skin because of the rain. 12. The boy had a fever and it hurt him to breathe. XIV. Fill in the gaps using the words from the text. 1. When Len got better, Mum baked a cake, and everyone got a … 2. The family … for Len’s recovery. 3. The boy … into his cake. 4. Why are you so …? Are you unwell? 5. Never … taking medicine when you are ill. 6. As it was raining I got back … 7. I … the weather as it’s impossible … because of the rain. 46
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8. You look ..! I’ve … of this epidemic! 9. There is only … but the child can die. 10. When a patient has pneumonia … 11. Mum was … and she … the chair. 12. The family … to the doctor. XV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Когда в квартале была эпидемия, все жители проклинали погоду и были на грани отчаяния. 2. Доктора падали от усталости, но все же ходили к больным. 3. Жене доктора порядком надоели звонки от больных. 4. Ребенок не сможет поправиться, если вы будете пропускать прием лекарств. 5. Уставшие, но счастливые, все члены семьи собрались за большим столом. 6. Хотя папа и молчал и не высказывал свои страхи, но выглядел он суровым и встревоженным. 7. С глубокой благодарностью вся семья отпраздновала выздоровление Лена. 8. Мама яростно боролась за жизнь ребенка, забыв о своей болезни. 9. Тетушка Глед ни с кем не нянчилась во время эпидемии. Никто даже и не думал просить ее об этом. 10. Дети вернулись из школы промокшие до нитки. 11. Невозможно было сушить белье из-за дождя. 12. Придя домой, доктор, смертельно усталый, упал в кресло. XVI. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 30. “On the third day… into his cake.” XV. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. Prove your opinion with the words from the text. 1. There was Black Death in the neighborhood. 2. The doctor refused to come to Len. 3. Len had a flu. 4. Mum and Dad didn’t worry because Len often got ill. 5. When Len got better Mum cooked a great cake. 47
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XVII. Answer the following questions. 1. Why did the mothers curse the rain? 2. Why was all the family ill? 3. Who took care of the family? 4. Why didn’t Auntie Glad help? 5. What did the doctor’s wife say when Ally rang her up? 6. What were Len’s symptoms? 7. What did Mum do when Len got better? XVIII. Make up dialogues between: • The doctor and his wife discussing the epidemic; • Mum and Dad speaking about the trouble. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XIX. Give the retelling of the chapter as if you were: • Len; • Mum; • The doctor; • A neighbour.
Chapter 8 Wych Cottage I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. It was getting on for spring/summer/autumn To come to life Pram Chess Dominoes To be in bloom A tremendous cooing To dive-bomb To tug To float high 48
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Swing Slide Dig To pounce out of one’s lair to do smth To muck about To stroll To have a change A tremendous event To show off To double the fare To see to smth To give smb directions To waste time Off one’s legs and doing nothing Frizzed up hair You mind your manners! Wait till you are offered things In the newest way To modernize Gay temper Fortune-teller To think a world of oneself Convalescent home To do one’s best II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To repair, to think very high of oneself, a person who predicts future, curled hair, behave yourself, a sanatorium, a merry character, in the most modern way, to walk, to lose time, to be in blossom, to instruct, to take care of smth, to try hard, to revive. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To get, to come, to push, to bring, to play, to make, to throw, to build, to run, to tug, to float, to swing, to ride, to slide, to dig, to pounce, to scold, to say, to stroll, to see, to happen, 49
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to get, to sew, to send, to show, to think, to keep, to glance, to melt, to bake, to wear, to put, to kneel, to make, to lay, to lie, to smell, to sing, to shine, to sit, to shut, to write, to fall, to feel, to leave, to tell, to lead, to forget, to mind, to grow, to know, to possess, to find, to die, to buy, to begin, to pay, to meet. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Lair, miracle, suburb, autograph, savage, ornament, kaleidoscope, photograph, tobacco, promenade, hearth, venture, choir, shrubbery, gipsy, carpenter, fortnight, convalescent. V. Reproduce the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech using the word combinations of the previous exercise and Appendix 2. VI. Write out, translate, transcribe and pronounce all the words denoting articles of clothing in the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out, translate, transcribe and pronounce all the words denoting dwellings in the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Write out, translate, transcribe and pronounce all the words describing appearance in the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. It was getting on for spring now and the Common was really coming to life. 2. The old men had brought along their chess and dominoes and were playing serious games. 3. Soon the white and pink flowers would be in bloom. 4. Wouldn’t have her job for a thousand pounds… 5. Mum had been looking so tired all the week that Ally was afraid she wouldn’t be able to go, and she kept glancing at Mum wondering how she was, and whether the treat would be put off. 6. I always doze off. 7. And wait till you’re offered things. 8. I’d lie down and die right away, if I had to live in a dirty old town… 50
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9. I used to love it when I was a little girl. X. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. …the children ran through the wood to see whether the May fair had arrived yet. 2. …she was thankful to go to bed herself. 3. Then there’s only the potatoes to boil… 4. I’m not going to marry… 5. …there was no time to waste. 6. To tell the truth, the village was almost suburban. 7. It’s enough to give the girl ideas! 8. But Grandma’s kitchen seemed to have no particular colour at all. 9. That’s to say as they women don’t want you and me for a bit. 10. It seemed to have been there for ever and ever… 11. Well, how was I to carry it home? XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. The pigeons made a tremendous cooing… 2. Children ran along, tugging at their kites which floated high. 3. Mum had been looking so tired all the week that Ally was afraid she wouldn’t be able to go, and she kept glancing at Mum wondering how she was, and whether the treat would be put off. 4. It’s no good looking at me every two minutes, Glory… 5. Mum, scarlet in the face, knelt before the electric fire, giving Doreen directions about the warming up of a huge pie that was already made. 6. Ally hoped along, looking for once a neat schoolgirl in a skirt. XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. Mum had been looking so tired all the week that Ally was afraid she wouldn’t be able to go, and she kept glancing at 51
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Mum wondering how she was, and whether the treat would be put off. 2. …and even you, Doreen Bernes, can get around to that. 3. You can sit by the window, Glory, and look at the view… 4. Why you couldn’t have called her Mary or Kate or some sensible name, I don’t know. 5. A long way off, Ally could see Grandpa working in the garden. 6. I’d lie down and die right away, if I had to live in a dirty old town… 7. … you and your Dad’ll have to manage somehow. XIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. To recover completely people spend some time in a convalescent home. 2. The fortune-teller was a real gipsy with gold earrings. She told that the couple would never marry. Being old the spouses often told that story to their grandchildren. 3. In spring birds fly and produce a tremendous cooing. 4. Young people often think a world of themselves and do their best to be noticed. 5. Well-bread kids always mind their manners and wait till they are offered things. 6. Mum never took her kid for rides because it was tiresome and doubled the fare. 7. There was no time to waste. 8. Mothers like to show off their kids. 9. For Ally to go out was a tremendous event. 10. In spring all the trees were in bloom. 11. The old house needed modernization. 12. Ally and her mother got their gay temper from Grandfather who had always been marry. 13. It was getting on for winter and everyone looked forward to Christmas. 14. Mum couldn’t manage to conceal het weariness although she had frizzed up her hair. XIV. Fill in the gaps using the words from the text. 1. Mothers were pushing forward … with babies. 52
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2. The teacher … to scold the kids when they misbehaved. 3. Mum was happy … 4. In spring everything … The children were … in the sand, the lovers were … in the wood, the old men were playing chess in the park. 5. Young ladies … and are sure that their future TV stars. 6. In the sky the birds were … 7. Sparrows and pigeons … to get the crumbs on the asphalt. 8. The kids were … their bikes in the park. 9. The house was old and shabby. Nobody … it. 10. The house was modernized and renovated … according to the latest fashion. 11. The kids were shy and delicate. They always … and … 12. Mum did much work about the house and didn’t … of going out. 13. A person who looks like a gipsy and who can predict your future is a … 14. After the hospital Mum was to spend some days in … XV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Во время поездки мама дремала. Она была рада уже тому, что сидит, и ей ничего не надо было делать. 2. Кухня была отремонтирована в новейшем стиле, но там не хватало вкуса и уюта. 3. Несмотря на завивку и макияж, мама казалась усталой и изможденной. 4. В доме бабушки дети всегда стеснялись, старались вести себя хорошо и ничего не брали без спросу. 5. Во время сборов мама давала всем указания и очень нервничала. 6. У домохозяек очень много работы. У них нет возможности сменить обстановку. 7. Мать велела Элли самой позаботиться о своей одежде. 8. Весной старики выходят на улицу поиграть в шахматы и домино, а мамы прогуливаются с колясками. 53
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9. Начиналась весна, и все оживало. 10. На игровой площадке дети катались на велосипедах, а малыши возились в песке. 11. Иногда для разнообразия мама ходила к соседке попить чаю. 12. В молодости цыганка нагадала бабушке счастливый брак и много детей. XVI. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 33. “Cor! Isn’t it lovely?… to possess that walking stick.” XVII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. Prove your opinion with the words from the text. 1. When spring began Mum and Dad had some change and rest. 2. Mum took Ally to visit Grandma and Grandpa because she had behaved herself. 3. Mum didn’t want to take Doreen to her trip because Doreen was always sick on a bus. 4. Doreen didn’t want to visit her grandparents as she thought they were boring. 5. Grandma had offered to call Ally Glory. 6. The glass walking stick was a legendary thing in the family. XVIII. Answer the following questions. 1. How did the Common change when spring came? 2. Why did Mum have any change? 3. What did Mum and Ally do before the trip? 4. Why was Doreen jealous? 5. What was Ally thinking about during the trip? 6. How did Wych Cottage look like? 7. Describe Ally’s Grandma and Grandpa. 8. How did Ally’s grandparents meet each others? 9. Why did Mum organize the trip? What was the real reason of her looking tired and grey. 10. What did Ally feel having heard about Mum being ill? 54
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XIX. Make up dialogues between: • Doreen and Ally discussing the trip to their grandparents; • Mum and Dad speaking about Mum’s disease; • Mum and Grandmother speaking about family matters; • Grandma and Grandpa discussing their daughter’s family and future; • Grandpа and Grandma speaking about their past. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XX. Give the retelling of the chapter as if you were: • Ally; • Doreen; • Mum; • Dad; • Grandma.
Chapter 9 Val’s Perfect Crime I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. Easter holidays Explore Cash was shorter than usual Newsvendors The stationers’ A black eye Steady To make excuses for oneself The grocers’ The laundry Saturday boy Snigger Errand 55
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To drive smb to crime Revenge Act on impulse To feel weak at the knees At all costs Tremble Commit a crime All to no purpose Pungent To recognize a lie To frisk That won’t wash! Nosey Unwillingly Disgorge money Catechism Whip the change Die of shame Scrumping Disgrace to smb/smth To think the world of smb To make a fuss To get into trouble To leave smth at that II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To understand a lie, a shame to smb/smth, quiet, to think high of smb, you won’t cheat me, curious, calm, stealing, without wanting, shiver, less money than usual. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To say, to get, to explore, to think, to know, to fight, to fade, to give, to mend, to take, to make, to stand, to tell, to put, to feel, to run, to break, to forget, to drive, to earn, to shine, to begin, to bring, to hold, to dive, to steal, to burn, to slide, to hide, to buy, to leave, to find, to keep, to show, to spend, to 56
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smell, to spoil, to force, to sit, to fall, to lie, to lay, to rise, to raise, yank, to tell, to mean, to beat, to throw, to shake, to draw, to sink, to pour, to weep, to catch, to hand. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Cash, spectacles, sideways, button, lad, booth, society, community, nylon, fur coat, brisk, second-hand, complication, lavatory, thief, nuisance, permanently, extricate, tobacconist, kiosk, fag, toofer, steam engine, linger, yank, coin, defiance, mattress, counter, squeeze. V. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words describing people’s feelings and emotions out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words denoting money out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words denoting shops out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Reproduce all the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech. Use the words and word combinations from Appendix 2. IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. Now Mum was not working, cash was shorter than usual. 2. There had been no pocket money at all lately. 3. If the boy you’ve got now goes, would you take me on then?... 4. The purse was burning in his pocket. 5. The lady at the counter had never seen him, and would not be able to describe him. 6. Have you been scrumping? 7. Val was feeling too sick to think up a good story, so he came out with the truth. 8. You are coming with me. 57
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X. State the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. I’ve just got to have a bike… 2. But the question was how to get the money? 3. Then he went to see Mr Copley at the stationer’s. 4. I don’t want to fight. 5. Tell your Mum to put you in the next bag wash. 6. It’s enough to drive you to crime… 7. He began to hate everybody, and to feel the whole world was against him. 8. She had collected some bananas and was holding them out to be packaged. 9. Enough money to buy a second-hand bicycle! 10. Val was feeling too sick to think up a good story, so he came out with the truth. XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. …said Mr Copley looking at him over the top of his spectacles. 2. Mum had practically given up mending for him. 3. Go home and wash your face before you go asking for a job. 4. …he ran away, with the giggling of the laundry girls still in his ears. 5. …Val discovered the problem of the safe keeping of wealth. XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. If I had a bike I could get away from Shorty’s gang… 2. Val could feel tears in his eyes, so he ran away… 3. At all costs, he must avoid the gang… 4. The lady at the counter had never seen him, and would not be able to describe him. 5. …he saw what he must do. 6. The purse and the money must be hidden. 7. …the other boys might find the treasure. 58
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8. They dared not attack Val… 9. Those boys might smoke dull, ordinary fags… 10. She had called him a thief. He couldn’t be that. 11. I tried to get a job, but no one would take me. 12. I ought to have made you go to Sunday school. 13. And, Val, this must be the end of thieving… XIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Nobody wanted to take Val as a Saturday boy because he was not reliable. He made excuses for himself thinking that the society was unjust to him. 2. Easter holidays were approaching but as the cash was shorter nobody was happy. 3. Boys from working families tried to get jobs at all costs. They sniggered around and offered themselves as Saturday boys at shops and laundries. The owners wanted to hire steady boys and ‘gangsters’ with black eyes usually were refused. 4. Sometimes when teens get into trouble it is wise not to make fuss about it but to leave at that and give the pal an opportunity to correct everything by himself. 5. Scrumping is a usual thing among teenagers. They whip the change in small shops and don’t even consider it to be a crime. Having being caught they understand what they have done and die of shame. 6. Mum thought the world of her kids and didn’t let her nosey neighbours say a bad word of them. 7. Teens usually act on an impulse and it can often drive them to troubles and even to crime. 8. Val felt week at his knees when he saw a policeman. He felt as a person who had committed a crime. 9. Working with teens it is better to stay away from catechism as it is useless and annoying. 10. Such a boy can’t work at the stationer’s because he is not steady and always has a black eye. 11. Mum could always recognize a lie seeing that her kid was trembling and feeling weak at his knees. 59
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12. Though the family were not reach and cash was short as usual, they were brought up honest and stealing was a disgrace for them. XIV. Fill in the gaps using the words from the list. 1. The boy is already … ! Let’s … 2. Cash was … so the family didn’t want to … 3. Val was not a boy who could … He stole the purse … without thinking and understanding. 4. The boy tried to get a job at the … and the … but it was … 5. When people worry they … and … 6. As the society didn’t take the man, he hated it. His crime was his … 7. The boy was not a … one, so it was useless to ask him to help with the … or shopping. He usually forgot the purchases or made the clothes dirty. 8. Stop your …! There is no need to … about the matter! 9. The boy tried to find a job …But it … Nobody wanted to take him even as a … 10. A good mother can always … in her child when he … 11. In summer kids … around trying to find a job because they want to have some pocket money. 12. It is useless to … If nobody gives you a job it’s all your fault! XV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Приближалась Пасха, но подарков не предвиделось, поскольку денег было меньше, чем обычно. 2. Когда мама увидела неподалеку любопытную соседку, она немедленно отвела сына домой. Она не хотела, чтобы все соседи знали, что Вэл совершил преступление. 3. Подростки часто действуют под влиянием импульса. Стянув мелочь с прилавка, они не понимают, что совершают преступление, и это может довести их до беды. 4. Поняв, что это не приключение, а кража, Вэл сгорал от стыда. 5. Мать ничего не рассказала о преступлении Вэла. Так как мальчик очень переживал, они больше к этому не возвращались. 60
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6. В магазинах и прачечных требовались посыльные. Однако брали не каждого мальчика. Всем требовался спокойный и надежный мальчик, а не хулиган в рваной одежде с фингалом под глазом. 7. Мальчик любой ценой пытался заработать на велосипед. Неудачи расстраивали его, и однажды даже дошло до преступления. 8. Узнав, что мальчик ворует мелочь с прилавков, родители умирали от стыда. 9. По виду ребенка было легко распознать, что он лжет. 10. В газетном киоске и в канцелярских товарах требовался посыльный для работы по выходным. 11. Так дело не пойдет! Вчера ты не принес одежду из прачечной, а сегодня разбил пол-дюжины яиц! 12. Мальчик украл кошелек неосознанно, не понимая, что делает. Тяга к приключениям довела его до преступления. XVI. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 37. “I’ve just got to have a bike … asking for a job.” XVII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words from Appendix 1. 1. Val wanted to have a bike to use it for his work. 2. People didn’t give Val any work because he didn’t have a bike and couldn’t move fast. 3. At the laundry women sniggered at Val because he was unsteady and awkward. 4. The boy stole the purse from his mother’s bag. 5. Val bought a cigar to impress the boys from Shorty’s gang. 6. When Mum recognized Val’s lies she made him find the fat woman whose purse he had stolen and return the purse to her. 7. Mum told everyone about Val’s crime. XVIII. Answer the following questions. 1. Why did Val need a bike? 2. Why didn’t everybody want to give Val a job? 3. What did Val do with the money he had stolen? 4. Why couldn’t he buy a bike? 61
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5. How did Mum understand that Val had got into trouble? 6. What did Mum do with the purse? XIX. Make up dialogues between: • Two boys of Shorty’s gang; • Two shop assistants discussing Val and his attempts to get a job; • Two teachers discussing the reasons of kids’ stealing. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XX. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: • Mum; • Val. XXI. Write an assay about the reasons of children’s stealing and the way of solving this problem.
Chapter 10 Mum Away I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. A night gown As smart as fashion plates To die of shame To give smb plenty of advice Let alone Sheepish = shy Can’t/couldn’t help smiling/crying/laughing Tremble with excitement To do /undo the parcel Wool bed jacket Dressmaker A dressing gown Like a real shop one Garment 62
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Safely over Return to normal Conscientious Get bored with one’s virtue Take smth for granted In spite of smb’s grumbling I’m not that sort Cook proper meals Scamp one’s work Become cross and hysterical Have dizzy fits Wouldn’t fasten (about skirts, trousers, coats) To bulge (about trousers) Do the mending A streaming nose Whine for smb Life and soul of smth Ward Exchange jokes with smb Look downcast Pour the information down to smb Be allowed in Collapse into an armchair With/without enthusiasm Burst into loud sobs II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To miss smb; a running nose; become angry and irritable; to kid with smb; to tell the news; a merry and communicative person; to avoid work; to wrap/unwrap the parcel; tailor; hardworking; to shiver because of strong feelings; to fix smth; to prepare appropriate dishes; get tired of one’s conscientiousness; outfit, I’m another kind of person, looking nice, to sit down into an armchair. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. 63
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To go, to wear, to sit, to rise, to raise, to give, to chatter, to come, to bring, to shove, to undo, to hold, to feel, to shout, to feel, to creep, to keep, to carry, to make, to run, to put, to parade, to get, to see, to drink, to begin, to leave, to take, to mutter, to finish, to shut, to eat, to whine, to buy, to grow, to find, to lie, to lay, to chalk, to know, to pour, to shine, to muck, to learn, to burst, to break, to forget, to lend, to spoil, to mean, to send. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Decent, cardigan, awful, excitement, invisible, rehearsal, essay, margarine, tackle, quip, locker, lino, qualms, enthusiasm, disgustedly, gesture, shoulder. V. Reproduce the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech using the word combinations of the previous exercise and Appendix 2. VI. Write out, translate, transcribe and pronounce all the words denoting household chores in the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out, translate, transcribe and pronounce all the words denoting feelings and emotions in the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Write out, translate, transcribe and pronounce all the words describing food in the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. I’d die of shame rather than wear one of those things… 2. While the three women and the girls were chattering, Dad came home. 3. She crept round the door as usual, almost invisible in her black coat and hat, ate the supper Mum had kept hot for her, and said nothing about a large parcel she was carrying. 4. Little by little Val and Doreen were leaving all the housework to Ally. 5. A rotten bad wife you’ll make! 6. …Len was always whining and asking for Mum. 64
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7. During the last two months she had been getting fatter, and the girls at school laughed at her and called her Pudding Face. 8. She would pour all this information out to Ally as she sat by the bed. 9. …I’ll be going home soon, the doctor says… 10. As soon as I get it clean, the boys muck it up again. 11. He’d break half the eggs and forget the bread. X. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. It might be all right at home to go to bed in old summer dresses. 2. But where was Mum to raise a couple of decent nightgowns, let alone the four the hospital asked for? 3. I was glad to make it for you. 4. It’s almost worth going to hospital to find out how kind people are! 5. To begin with, Ally was very conscientious. 6. In the evenings, she hurried home after school to make tea. 7. Len was too slow to be much use… 8. I’ve got to concentrate. XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. The chief difficulty about going to hospital was — night gowns. 2. He carried a brown paper parcel and looked so sheepish that all the ladies couldn’t help smiling. 3. …the little dress-maker produced her parcel without saying a word. 4. It’s almost worth going to hospital to find out how kind people are! 5. No one had stayed to help her in spite of her grumbling. 6. Val just said washing up was a woman’s work and Dad never did it. 7. So she had started to diet, giving up bread and margarine. 65
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XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. It might be all right at home to go to bed in old summer dresses. 2. But you couldn’t wear these sitting up in a ward with all the other ladies looking as smart as fashion plates. 3. They all took it for granted that Ally should stay at home every evening, and couldn’t act in the church play or go to the pictures. 4. …and they told Ally about the rehearsals and the exciting costumes they were to wear. 5. …Doreen had insisted that she must finish her essay. 6. It may have been wearing damp clothes, or just the sudden hot weather that gave Len a bad cold. 7. … Ally had to trail up to the hospital every other evening to visit Mum and bring back the night gowns that had to be properly washed and ironed. 8. Doreen ought to help you. XIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. When a person keeps to a diet he may have dizzy fits in the evenings. 2. Len got cold. He had a streaming nose and was always whining for Mum. 3. The girl tried to cook proper meals but as she was always tired and angry she didn’t manage to do it so all the family were half-hungry. 4. As Ally did not eat enough she became cross and hysterical and quarreled with brothers and sister. 5. All the ladies in the hospital tried to look as smart as fashion plates so they wore their best night and dressing gowns there. 6. The little dressmaker was so used to making garments for other people that she didn’t even guess that she could make a nice dressing gown for herself. 7. Ally became cross and hysterical because she had to take all the responsibility for the family. All the other children tried to scamp their work whenever they could. 66
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8. First Ally tried to do the mending and put on the torn buttons but then she gave up. 9. The dressing gown that Auntie Glad had made for Mum looked like a real shop one. 10. The family were not very rich. Mum and the girls even didn’t have night gowns and wore old summer frocks instead of them. 11. Mum said she would die of shame if she didn’t have proper night gowns for the hospital. 12. All sank in the arm-chair. She looked at the flat without enthusiasm. Having understood that nobody would help her with the cleaning she burst into loud sobs. 13. As Mum was always cheerful and merry she soon became the life and soul of the hospital. 14. Sometimes kids have a great desire to help about the house but soon they get bored with their own virtue and scamp their work. XIV. Fill in the gaps using the words from the text. 1. In girls’ presence boys become … 2. The women came to Mum and gave her … about the life in the hospital. 3. When the child was … his fingers were … 4. The wool … was the best thing Mum had ever had. 5. As Mum was going to hospital all the family … and gloomy. 6. In the hospital you can’t be … all the time. There are special hours for visiting. 7. Len missed Mum very much so he was always … 8. As Mum was very merry and cheerful she usually … with other patients. 9. Kids usually … all their parents’ efforts … and never value them. 10. …Ally’s … Val and Doreen never helped her. 11. When the operation … she soon … 12. Ally …She was very tired. 13. The kids helped about the house … 14. When Ally got tired she… 67
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XV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Увидев красивый сверток и папино смущенное лицо, женщины не удержались от улыбки. 2. В больнице полагалось иметь четыре новых ночных рубашки и халат. 3. Дорин считала, что никогда не выйдет замуж, не такой она человек. 4. Сначала Элли старалась поддерживать чистоту, готовить еду как положено и чинить одежду. Но с каждым днем она делала это все с меньшим энтузиазмом. 5. От голода бывают приступы головокружения и слабости. 6. Дрожащими от волнения пальцами мать развернула сверток и вынула красивую ночную кофточку из шерсти. 7. Устав от собственной старательности, дети перестали помогать Элли и убегали на улицу, не помыв посуду, несмотря на ее ворчание. 8. Лен все время просился к маме и хныкал. Он умудрился простыть и страдал от насморка. 9. В последнее время Элли сильно растолстела. Она старалась мало есть и страдала приступами слабости по вечерам. Но ничего не помогало. Юбки не застегивались, а брюки топорщились по бокам. 10. Куда бы этот человек ни попал, он всегда был душой компании. 11. Когда кто-то один берет на себя всю ответственность за семью, все принимают это как должное. 12. После школы Элли бежала домой, чтобы приготовить ужин, а потом в больницу к маме, чтобы не пропустить часы, когда в палаты пускают посетителей. 13. Если мальчишки постоянно рвут одежду, бесполезно пытаться чинить ее. 14. Из-за того что дети отказывались помогать по дому, Элли стала угрюмой, а временами бывала сердитой и раздраженной. 68
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XVI. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 45. “To begin with, Ally was very conscientious … — p. 46 … I’ve got to concentrate.” XVII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. Prove your opinion with the words from the text. 1. The worst problem of going to the hospital was getting night gowns. 2. In the hospital all the women wore some old unnecessary clothes like old summer frocks. 3. Auntie Glad bought a dressing gown for Mum. 4. Dad did all the household chores. 5. Auntie Glad and the kids helped Ally. 6. Ally didn’t eat much because she economized on food. 7. Ally always cooked proper meals. 8. In the hospital Mum looked downcast as she missed her family. 9. Ally refused to do the mending as she was angry with the family who scamped their share of the housework. XVIII. Answer the following questions. 1. What was the worst problem for Mum? 2. Who did all the housework in Mum’s absence? 3. What reasons did the kids give to avoid the work? 4. What did Ally try to do to get slim? 5. What was the problem with the laundry? 6. Did Ally iron the clothes? Why? 7. What was Mrs. Cobber’s fate? 8. Who finally helped Ally to clean up? 9. Why did Ally eat a proper helping of meal? What thoughts made her do so? XIX. Make up dialogues between: • Ally and Doreen discussing the household chores; • Mum and other women in the ward speaking about the family and Ally’s efforts to keep the house. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. 69
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XX. Give the retelling of the chapter as if you were: • Ally; • Mum; • Dad; • A neighbour.
Chapter 11 Summer I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. Convalescent home Pale and shaky The table all laid for tea Spit and polish Provide proper meals A stray dog Exhausted Chuck smb out Buttons missing Settee Top of the list Out of work Entitled for some place Fix smth Make smb sit up Scrape together some pennies Daredevils Drunk with excitement Give smb a slap Extras to buy for smb Raise smb’s spirits Have a marvelous time 70
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Wearily Tumult of people Absolutely bewildered Book a chalet II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. Insane because of emotions; hit smb; enjoy; tired; crowd of people; settle smth down; save some money; homeless dog; one of the best; unemployed; lift one’s mood. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To come, to shine, to tidy, to do, to get, to lay, to lie, to feel, to provide, to see, to throw, to rush, to run, to find, to escape, to put, to forget, to keep, to lose, to know, to sink, to chuck, to die, to arrive, to make, to eat, to go; to wash; to creep; to wear, to whisper, to ride, to sit, to win, to pay, to fix, to drink, to show, to buy, to raise, to rise, to take, to leave, to shine, to book, to begin, to swank, to wake. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Convalescent, grand, general, inspection, ordinary, temporarily, filthy, coach; Bikini; settee, scholarship, principal, Government, circus, clown, mysterious, chalet. V. Find out the information about Premium Bond and make a short report about it. VI. Reproduce the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech using the word combinations of Appendix 2. VII. Write out, translate, transcribe and pronounce all the words describing circus performances in the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. Mum still looked pale and shaky, but the flat was shining with cleanness and everything had been tidied away. 2. He had run all the way home, because he had found a tiny, stray puppy, and must escape Mr Sprot if he were to get safely to the flat. 71
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3. If we chuck the puppy out he’ll die! 4. Val rushed in looking quite as black as usual, but Mum was so thankful to see him that she made no remarks about his filthy face nor all the buttons missing. 5. Somehow, everyone had always felt that Doreen would get her scholarship except Doreen herself. 6. Only the Berners family didn’t talk about holidays, because they all knew they would not be able to go away this year. IX. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. … but Mum was so thankful to see him that she made no remarks about his filthy face nor all the buttons missing. 2. I’ve got to go to the Green Coats… 3. Val and his gang of course managed to scrape together enough pennies to sit in the cheap seats. 4. Len went on whining to see the circus, until Mum sent him off with Doreen… 5. Money was short, and there would be extras to buy for Doreen. 6. The Rolls Royce is waiting for you to take you to the yacht. X. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. Len came rushing in. 2. Val rushed in looking quite as black as usual… 3. … and after eating a huge tea, went right on with homework as usual. 4. There’s nothing like being home again… 5. … she would certainly have a chance of going to the University. 6. They ought to seeing the tax we pay on beer and tobacco. 7. Len went on whining to see the circus, until Mum sent him off with Doreen… XI. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 72
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1. He had run all the way home, because he had found a tiny, stray puppy, and must escape Mr Sprot if he were to get safely to the flat. 2. Look, ducks, you can’t keep a dog here. 3. I must go now, I’ve won it. 4. Can’t we get the uniform secondhand or something? 5. Perhaps the Government’ll help…They ought to seeing the tax we pay on beer and tobacco. 6. I must run along and tell Mrs Doherty and old nosey Crawley. 7. She ought to have a holiday. XII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Doreen was entitled to a very prestigious girls’ school as she was almost top of the list. 2. Mum was so happy that her daughter would study in a well-known school in London that she went off to tell all the neighbours about it. She was sure it would make them sit up. 3. Though Mum looked pale and shaky she was glad to see the kids and the clean flat and the table all laid for tea. 4. Every summer circus came in and kids scraped together some pennies to see the performance. 5. Len always brought home some stray dogs or hurt birds or crying little pals. 6. Every summer the families tried to book a chalet at the seaside and go to the sea. 7. The kids sat in the circus drunk with excitement and watched the daredevils, acrobats and clowns. 8. Money was short as Mum was out of work and there were extras to buy for Doreen. 9. Even the circus didn’t raise Ally’s spirits as she dreamt of rest and sea and envied her friends who had a wonderful time. 10. In spite of buttons missing and the dirty faces of her sons Mum was happy to be at home. 11. Len would bring home stray pets and say they would die if the family chucked them out. 73
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12. The family were happy for Doreen’s success but they were worried if they could scrape together some pennies to buy her new uniform. 13. As the responsibility for the family was now off Ally’s shoulders, she started dreaming of glamour again. 14. When Ally got home she was absolutely bewildered as there was a tumult of people shouting, laughing and speaking about some holiday. XIII. Fill in the gaps using the words from the text. 1. Even the circus didn’t … as she was … and wanted some rest. 2. Families going to the seaside … to live there. 3. Going out of the … Mum looked… 4. Len couldn’t … stray pets … 5. Students who were … were … a good high school. 6. Though the family didn’t have money for Doreen’s uniform they promised … 7. Mum was so proud of Doreen that she wanted to tell all the friends about it and … 8. The family were sitting on a … and having tea. 9. When Mum got home she found … 10. Before Mum’s arrival Ally tried to … 11. Ally was a good housekeeper. Though it was hard she tried to … 12. Though Mum was … she was ready to pay for the uniform. 13. In the circus the kids looked at the …, being … 14. The news about the holiday … everyone’s … XIV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Придя домой, Элли увидела толпу людей. Они все говорили о лотерее, о море и отдыхе. Все были как пьяные от восторга и радости. 2. Дорин нужна была новая школьная форма. Девочка сдала экзамены и оказалась одной из лучших. 3. Все друзья Элли замечательно проводили время на море, в то время как Элли была очень утомлена заботами о семье. 74
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4. Скинув ответственность за семью со своих плеч, Элли снова стала мечтать о гламуре и славе. 5. Мечтая об отдыхе на море, Элли думала о яхтах, элегантных нарядах, пляжах и бикини. 6. Приехав из санатория, мама выглядела счастливой, но все же была бледной и утомленной. 7. Когда Дорин зачислили в лучшую школу Лондона, родители были счастливы, однако покупка новой школьной формы стала дополнительной проблемой. 8. Когда приезжал цирк, дети были как пьяные от волнения. Они наскребли последние карманные деньги, чтобы купить самые дешевые билеты и посмотреть на акробатов, каскадеров и клоунов. 9. Хотя Лен прекрасно провел время в цирке, потом он не мог спать всю ночь из-за тигров, которых он видел в клетке. 10. Узнав о выигрыше в лотерее, вся семья была ошеломлена. 11. Дома маму ждал стол, накрытый к чаю. XV. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 52. “So it went on being a very hot summer … to buy for Doreen.” XVI. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. Prove your opinion with the words from the text. 1. When Mum got home she looked rosy and happy. 2. The flat was awfully messy. 3. Doreen wanted a new uniform because she had grown out of the old one. 4. The family refused to buy the uniform for Doreen. 5. Len couldn’t sleep because he felt pity for the tigers in the zoo. 6. Aunty Glad saved some money and booked a chalet for herself. XVII. Answer the following questions. 1. How did Mum feel when she got home? 75
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2. What did she see in the flat? 3. Why did Ally ask Len to shut up? 4. What did Mum tell about? 5. Why did Doreen need new clothes? 6. What did ally like in the circus. 7. Describe Ally’s dreams about holidays. 8. What troubled Len when he visited the circus? 9. What did the kids see in the circus? 10. Where were the family going for the holiday? Who gave them such an opportunity? XVIII. Make up dialogues between: • The kids discussing their holiday; • Doreen and Mum speaking about the studies; • Mum and a neighbor discussing Doreen and her success; • Auntie Glad and Mum speaking about the lottery and the chalet. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XIX. Give the retelling of the chapter as if you were: • Ally; • Doreen; • Mum; • Dad; • Auntie Glad. XX. Write a composition describing a holiday of your dream.
Chapter 12 (a) The Holiday (p. 53—56) I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. Chalet camp Procession 76
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Lug Bundle Enthusiastic Weather-worn Tremendous excitement Rush in Parlour Kitchenette Shallow Head for the unknown Leave smth unguarded Great expanse of water Have a paddle Beam all over one’s face Ooze out of smb Coincidence In a furious temper Pop out Kick up a shindy Complain to smb Bathing cap Snug little place II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. Eager, have a broad smile, make a noise, swim, big mass of water, run in, line, cozy small place, being angry, look out, carry, shabby. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To walk, to go, to lug, to bring, to buy, to dot, to fetch, to give, to turn, to shake, to rush, to sleep, to drink, to surge, to run, to waste, to breathe, to come, to get, to see, to throw, to fall, to know, to feel, to frighten, to stand, to lick, to kick, to take, to steal, to cling, to meet, to think, to ooze, to beam, to learn, to count, to mean, to hear, to sing, to yell, to sigh, to say, to begin, to screech, to make, to fall. 77
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IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Path, bundle, parlour, divan, explorer, deckchair, porch, jolly, sentimentally, discovery. V. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words describing dwellings out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words describing sea out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words denoting people’s appearance and character out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Reproduce all the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech. Use the words and word combinations from Appendix 2. IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. While all the rest of the family were surging round the chalet, Val didn’t stop a minute. 2. It took some time to find them, and he was afraid they had been stolen, but at last he saw them. 3. Val had learned not to give his name to strangers… 4. Haven’t been inside yet. 5. Inside the house Ally was singing at the top of her voice… 6. He and Mum had made a date at six-thirty. X. State the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. There had been no need to bring food as that could be bought at the camp shop. 2. They went straight to the office to fetch the key of the chalet. 3. They all rushed in to look at the three bedrooms… 4. All he wanted was to get to the sea… 5. To be alone in such a great expanse of water was a treat and a rest. 78
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6. It took some time to find them, and he was afraid they had been stolen, but at last he saw them. XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. He didn’t want to waste time on unpacking. 2. Len rushed out yelling… XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. The key of the door wouldn’t turn… 2. Can we sleep here, Mum? 3. He must have been about forty. 4. He might have said more, if a furious voice hadn’t shouted… 5. I must run! 6. Mum, could I buy a bathing cap? XIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. The chalet was shabby and old. The kitchenette was small and the furniture — old-fashioned. But the family were happy to have a rest at the seaside. 2. The family were large and noisy. They kicked up a shindy and made the neighbours complain. 3. The family went up to the chalet camp in a procession. They were lugging heavy bundles and suitcases. 4. They saw a weather-worn chalet and got into a tremendous excitement. 5. Val was impressed by the great expanse of water in front of him. 6. There was a woman who usually got into a furious temper and complain of the weather, the noise, the sea and her headache. 7. Dad found a snug little place where he could have beer and play darts. 8. As Val had left his clothes unguarded, he thought they were stolen. 9. The girls wanted to buy bathing caps for swimming. 79
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10. Mum had always been enthusiastic about everything so being at the seaside she rushed in the chalet in a tremendous excitement. 11. The kids wanted to have a paddle in the sea. 12. The man was obviously very kind. He beamed all over his face. 13. The man was obviously afraid of his sister who popped out from time to time and screamed at him. 14. Kindness oozed out of the man. XIV. Fill in the gaps using the words from the list. 1. Kindness and good nature … the man. 2. To keep his hair dry one must wear a … 3. Val …for the … as any boy of his age. 4. The kids … the chalet in a … 5. The family went to the … in a … 6. The chalet was … and old 7. There was a … to cook meals. 8. The boys wanted to … in the sea. 9. The sea was … but to Val it seemed to be a … 10. Never … your clothes and things … on the beach as they may be stolen. 11. Near the sea there was a … where men gathered and organized darts competitions. XV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Семья заселилась в шале, и все стали с энтузиазмом осматривать кухню, комнаты, мебель. Они занесли туда узлы и чемоданы и стали устраиваться. 2. Семья шла гуськом. За отцом шли мама и дети с узлами в руках. 3. Возле моря дети остановились и долго всматривались в огромную массу воды. 4. Шале был старым и ветхим, кухня была меньше, чем в их квартире, но все были счастливы и рады отдыху и солнцу. 5. На отдыхе всегда найдется пожилая леди, недовольная всем. У нее вечно болит голова, она вечно жалуется на соседей, которые, как ей кажется, поднимают шум. 80
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6. Маленькое уютное местечко возле моря было местом свиданий местных пар. Люди постарше играли в дартс и пили пиво. 7. Когда дети увидели море, их лица засветились улыбкой. 8. Вэлу так хотелось поплескаться в море, что он оставил одежду без присмотра, и потом пришлось ее долго искать. XVI. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 56. “What a jolly family! … a darts match there on Saturday.” XVII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words from Appendix 1. 1. The family hired a car to get to the chalet camp. 2. The chalets were very comfortable, modern and luxurious. 3. The kitchenette in the chalet was very large and comfortable. 4. Val helped the family to unpack. 5. At the sea Val met a man who was very friendly and kind. 6. The man had a charming young sister. 7. The man offered Val to sell him his bicycle. 8. Somebody stole Val’s shoes. 9. Mr. Truby complained of the noise produced by the family. 10. Mum and Dad decided to have a date at the local pub. XVIII. Answer the following questions. 1. What were the emotions of the family when they got to the chalet? 2. Describe the chalet? Was it a comfortable place to have a rest in? 3. Were there magnificent views of the sea? Describe the landscape. 4. What did Val feel when he was bathing? 5. What did Mr. Truby say about Val’s family? 6. Describe Mr. Truby’s sister. Was she a pleasant person? 7. Why was the lady angry? 81
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XIX. Give a detailed description of the appearance and character of the following heroes: • Mr. Truby; • His sister. XX. Make up dialogues between: • Mr. Truby and his sister; • Mum and Dad speaking about their rest and the view and the chalet; • Val and one of his brothers and sisters. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XXI. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: • Ally; • Mum; • Dad; • One of the boys; • Mr. Truby; • Ms. Truby.
Chapter 12 (b) The Holiday (p. 57—61) I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. keep one’s weight off one’s feet A one-woman snack-bar in agonies from sunburn attain a nice shade of brown sleep beneath one’s paper change out of all recognition stray dogs make smb gasp invisible taken aback 82
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look smashing show up smb’s eyes strike up a friendship with smb soft drinks yell at smb slip away (about time, money) sanitary engineer do well earn smth (money, a bike, respect, etc) forlorn hope for smth pay smb bit by bit loud rap on the door sneak off engaged to be married to smb entrapped by smb wicked scheming talk smb over sensibly talk smb out of smth sue smb for breach of promise between two fires full of excitement II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To make money, to pay to smb part by part, to discuss smth with common sense, to be impressed, a harsh knock on the door, a useless desire for smth, to succeed, to become tanned, homeless dogs, to have wonderful appearance, to scream at smb, to suffer from sunburn, to make friends with smb, to be spent fast, to escape, evil, cunning. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To spend, to lie, to lay, to si, to keep, to give, to become, to sleep, to peel, to join, to eat, to make, to come, to wear, to take, to get, to show, to think, to feel, to burst, to spend, to speak, to bathe, to drink, to hear, to know, to mean, to save, to pay, 83
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to beam, to leave, to make, to tell, to grow, to dig, to sing, to sneak, to stand, to throw, to shine, to entrap, to find, to shoot, to sink, to fly, to put, to whimper, to pat, to clutch, to let, to sue, to hold, to cling, to sniff. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Frequently, fiery, transparent, windfall, disquiet, grand, chalet, sanitary, couple, fortnight, odd, kiosk, saga, mackintosh, scorn, hysterics, erect, breach, determined, rescue, drama, heroine, gosh! V. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting manner of speech out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting appearance out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting character out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting emotional state out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. IX. Reproduce all the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech. Use the words and expressions of Appendix 2. X. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. In the flat, wearing her dark coat and the cap pulled down to her ears, she had been invisible, nearly transparent. 2. Thought you were putting your bit of money in the post office… 3. I’ve been doing it all my life… 4. It was all Audrey, Audrey, till Mum said she’d scream out loud if she heard the name again. 5. Now if I had a bike, I’d get out every week. 6. Me and Mr. Truby are getting married. 7. She’ll talk you out of it like she did last time. 8. A man like you, Bill, would have married years ago if it hadn’t been for her… 84
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9. She was still sniffing and clinging to her brother. XI. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. The family soon settled in to enjoy itself. 2. Dad lay in the sun and went to sleep beneath his paper… 3. He ate enormous meals and stopped worrying about stray dogs or poor crabs with no homes to go to. 4. Now I’m going to spend a bit. 5. She seemed glad to be alone and out of doors. 6. Nothing to do and too many people. XII. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. He ate enormous meals and stopped worrying about stray dogs or poor crabs with no homes to go to. 2. I’m tired of putting my money in the post office… 3. Instead of always being black, Val was now always wet. 4. The only horror was the thought of having to go back to London… 5. She is not one for giving things away. 6. All the family were sad at leaving the chalet. 7. Then everyone burst out laughing. XIII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. Why can’t they act more like the chaps in the pictures? 2. The Berners could sometimes hear Ms Truby yelling at her brother in their chalet. 3. …Val, who could not imagine that any boy could be unhappy by the sea. 4. Don’t see why you shouldn’t get have it… 5. It might take time. 6. Can I come as soon as we go back? 7. She’ll have to know sooner or later, won’t she? 8. Must be Audrey… 9. Oh, Willy, what should I do without you? 10. No heroine on the pictures could have spoken up better that quiet little Auntie Glad. 11. Mr. Truby must give him the bike now. 85
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XIV. Translate from English into Russian. 1. When the family learnt that Auntie Glad was going to merry they were full of excitement. 2. When Mr Truby offered Val his old bike earned his love and respect at once. 3. Sanitary engineers can do very well if they are industrious and are sympathetic to people’s domestic problems. 4. The man was rather scheming and many women tried to sue him for breach of promise but in vain. 5. When people are getting married there are always some men who try to talk them out of it. 6. When people are resting at the seaside they change out of all recognition. They forget their troubles and sorrows and enjoy even the smallest things. 7. Mum was happy to keep her weight off her feet. She was lying on the beach and watching her kids splashing in the sea. 8. Kids are usually communicative and easy-going. They can easily strike up a friendship with anybody. 9. In a blue dress which showed up her eyes Auntie Glad looked smashing. Her looks made all the family gasp. 10. One must be very careful with sunbathing. If you are sunburn you can be in agonies from it. 11. A mother of a big family acts as a one-woman snack bar on the beach. She gives out sandwiches, soft drinks, chatting with friends at the same time. 12. When you have a rest at the seaside time slips away. 13. When a man wife and sister have a fight he is between two fires. 14. As the boy couldn’t earn a bike at once he paid for it bit by bit. XV. Fill in the gaps using the active vocabulary. 1. During a conflict you must … and come to an agreement. 2. Val thought about his … for a bike. 3. As the man was … and … many people were … by him. 4. Before the journey auntie Glad was … in her black clothes. 86
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5. At the seaside elderly people were lying and … 6. As Auntie Glad … all the family were … 7. First the family were … but later the skin peeled off and they … 8. Mum was giving out snacks and sandwiches like a … 9. Ally easily … with a girl from a glamorous family. 10. Who is that angry woman who constantly … her family? 11. Any mother of a big family is happy to sit down for a while and … 12. Mr. Truby’s sister was … when she heard the news about the marriage. 13. At the seaside the kids … They forgot about their troubles and became calmer and softer. 14. The dress was lovely. It … the girl’s … XVI. Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary. 1. Я мечтаю об отдыхе. Хочу спать, прикрывшись газетой, на пляже и купаться на мелководье. 2. Девочки сплетничали, пили безалкогольные напитки и болтали с мальчишками. 3. Мальчик был очень добрый. Он жалел бездомных собак и кошек. 4. Хотя сантехник был работящим и преуспевал, ему пришлось покупать дом в кредит и выплачивать свой долг частями. 5. Когда семья услышала громкий стук в дверь, все вздрогнули. 6. Сестра мистера Труби была очень хитрая и злая женщина. Всякий раз, когда ее брат собирался жениться, она отговаривала его от этого. 7. Мистер Труби был между двух огней. С одной стороны, он был помолвлен с тетушкой Глэд, но, с другой стороны, он очень боялся сестры, которая кричала на него и устраивала истерики, стараясь отговорить его от свадьбы. 87
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8. С сестрой мистера Труби просто невозможно было разговаривать разумно. Она не хотела оставлять преуспевающего брата, в доме которого было так удобно жить. 9. Тетушка Глэд потрясающе выглядела. Ее вид ошеломлял всю семью. 10. До завтрака дети ускользали на пляж и купались почти до обеда. 11. Сначала вся семья мучилась от ожогов, но потом все приобрели приятный коричневый загар. 12. Время на море ускользало очень быстро. Скоро нужно было собираться домой. 13. Вся семья была ошеломлена словами тетушки Глэд. Она обещала, что засудит мистера Труби за нарушение брачного обещания. 14. Мистер Труби был добрым и мягким человеком. Он боялся сестру и не хотел ее расстраивать. Но на самом деле он был обманут и запуган этой злой и хитрой женщиной. XVII. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 60. “Before Ally could answer…” up to p. 61 “…like she did last time.” XVIII. Agree and disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. Prove your opinion with the words from the text. 1. Mum was angry that the kid spent all days at the sea. 2. Len pitied all the crabs with no homes to live in and brought all stray dogs into the chalet. 3. Auntie Glad looked badly because she was sunburn. 4. Auntie Glad economized money. 5. Ally and her new friend flirted with boys on the beach. 6. Mr. Truby offered his old bike to Val. 7. Mr. Truby’s sister was happy for her brother and his bride. 8. Auntie Glad was determined and threatened to sue Vr. Truby for breach of promise. XIX. Answer the following questions. 1. How did Auntie Glad look at the seaside? 2. How did the family spend time at the seaside? 88
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3. What was Mr. Truby and auntie Glad’s decision? 4. What was the reaction of Mr. Truby’s sister? 5. Who was the winner in the fight because of the marriage? XX. Give a character sketch of the following characters: • Mr. Truby; • Ms. Truby; • Auntie Glad. XXI. Make up dialogues between: • Mr. Truby and auntie Glad speaking about their plans for the future; • Mr. Truby and his sister discussing the marriage; • Auntie glad and Mum speaking about the problem with the future sister-in-law. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XXII. Retell the text as if you were: • Auntie Glad; • Mum; • Mr. Truby; • Ms. Truby.
Chapter 13 The Wedding I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. To stick to one’s ultimatum To be a sticker To be fixed To be sympathetic about smb’s troubles Solid mahogany pieces Once in a lifetime A miracle of loveliness To titivate 89
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A wreath The altar Wedding feast To get under everybody’s feet To drink a health to the bride and the groom To rob, a robbery To break into a shop An informer To eye smb suspiciously To put smb in a fix To stick one’s nose into what’s not one’s business To interfere when you’ve no call to To give a sigh of relief II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. To bewilder smb, to stare at smb with suspicion, to interfere, to insist, a persistent person, to be arranged. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To stick, to tell, to become, to fix, to get, to have, to keep, to go, to inspect, to take, to make, to think, to hang, to let, to come, to fill, to feel, to bounce, to see, to shut, to say, to mind, to hold, to lie, to lay, to wear, to buy, to find, to send, to reach, to tie, to tether, to stand, to lean, to know, to walk, to speak, to bring, to drive, to draw, to fall, to throw, to sing, to put, to beam, to upset, to read, to lead, to sit, to bump, to tear, to drink, to begin, to collect, to slide, to run, to write, to build, to climb, to fetch, to break, to steal, to shake, to leave, to eye, to leap, to bet, to yawn. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Ultimatum, van, mahogany, penetrate, ornament, suite, retinue, velvet, wreath, coronet, bouquet, buttonhole, enormous, threat, tether, garment, career, awe, chauffer, veil, miserable, altar, vestry, queer, chum, sergeant, junk, ladder, constable, assortment, gosh, rifle, revolver, innkeeper, predicament. 90
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V. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting dwelling and furniture out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting appearance out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting wedding preparations and outfits out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting emotional state out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. IX. Find the information about the traditional wedding ceremony in Great Britain and make a short report on this topic. X. Reproduce all the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech. Use the words and expressions of Appendix 2. XI. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. She had stuck to her ultimatum. 2. If you paper up the walls, and hang some fresh curtains, it’ll be OK. 3. Ally and Doreen would need a lot of titivating, but if the boys were ready too soon, they would be filthy before they reached the church. 4. Auntie Glad dressed in Mum’s room, and the girls were still having their wreath adjusted when the Rolls were at the door. 5. Now he is putting on the ring. 6. Tomorrow it will all be finished and I’ve got to remember it always. 7. He doesn’t want to make his speech. XII. State the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. … there were still enough objects to make Mum cry, ‘What a place!...’ 2. …ladies had been in to see it where it lay on Mum’s bed. 91
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3. … and there were chauffeurs in uniform to open the door, and to hand in Ally. 4. But Mum refused to dance with him. XIII. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. Uncle William had just said that he didn’t mind being a circus. 2. Being a regular customer, he had influence. 3. Ally and Doreen would need a lot of titivating… 4. Mum rushed round, tying ties and doing hair… 5. The police, having written everything down in their notebooks, were now leaving the shop. 6. That would not be like informing the police. XIV. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. Still, I must say, the bathroom’s nice. 2. Ally and Doreen were to be bridesmaids. 3. She and her retinue could easily have walked across, but Uncle William insisted that the whole thing should be done properly. 4. Words cannot describe the excitement in 49 on the morning of the wedding. 5. …even Val didn’t dare to move. 6. She wished the drive could last for hours and hours. 7. …and thought something must be wrong as she knew the shop was shut. 8. It must have been Shorty’s lot who had broken into the shop. 9. You ought to be in bed, son. 10. The police must have had their own methods after all… XV. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Ally dreamt about her future wedding feast, the altar and the ring. 2. Wedding must happen once in a person’s lifetime and everything should be done properly: the dress of the bride must be a miracle of loveliness, the wedding feast must be delicious, the guest must drink expensive wine. 92
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3. Kids often stick their noses into what’s not their business and get under everybody’s feet. 4. The bridesmaids titivated for a long time, putting on their velvet dresses and shoes and adjusting their wreathes. 5. William was a successful plumber. Sanitary engineers could succeed when they were industrious and sympathetic about people’s plumbing troubles. 6. The man had a great house furnished with solid mahogany pieces. 7. When a policeman eyes you suspiciously he can put you in a fix even if you are absolutely innocent. 8. The boy didn’t want to be a police informer. He knew who had broken into the shop but didn’t tell anybody. 9. When the guests were drinking a health to the bride and the bridegroom there was a robbery in the shop nearby. 10. Sometimes a woman must be a sticker in her family life. 11. If you have given an ultimatum you must be firm and stick to it. 12. The date of the wedding was fixed though William’s sister was against it and stuck her nose into the couple’s business and tried to interfere in every affair. XVI. Fill in the gaps using the words from the list. 1. William was a very good and successful sanitary engineer, so he had a rich house decorated with … 2. If you are a policeman and have to deal with … sometimes you have to mistrust people and to …them … 3. When the gang got into the approved school, all the block … 4. The bridesmaids had very lovely dresses and … on their heads. 5. The … was delicious and the wedding dress was … 6. The bride and the bridegroom were standing at the … 7. The date of the wedding was … due to the fact that the bride … 8. There was a … in the shop nearby and somebody …it. 93
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9. Wedding is an occasion that happens … 10. Before the wedding the boys … and Mum had to scold them. 11. Everybody in the Common disapproved of Shorty’s gang behavior but nobody called the police because no one wanted to be … 12. A person who is … often … other people’s business. XVII. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Тетушка Глэд была просто чудо в своем подвенечном платье у алтаря. 2. Элли долго прихорашивалась в комнате мамы. А для Дорин платье подружки невесты ничего не значило. Она быстро оделась в приготовленный для нее наряд и стала читать. 3. Поскольку мальчишки путались у всех под ногами, мама заставила их сесть на диван и пригрозила, что иначе не возьмет их на свадьбу. 4. Когда родители узнали об ограблении близлежащего магазинчика, они очень встревожились. 5. Элли мечтала о своей свадьбе. Однажды она станет невестой, будет стоять у алтаря, резать свадебный торт и у нее будет кольцо. 6. В венке и бархатном платье Элли выглядело просто чудесно. Она хотела, чтобы этот день никогда не кончался. 7. Тетушка Глед оказалась человеком с сильным характером. Она поставила своему жениху ультиматум, что они либо женятся немедленно, либо никогда. 8. Сестре Вильяма очень не хотелось покидать дом с мебелью из красного дерева, она старалась отговорить брата от свадьбы и все время совала нос туда, куда ее не просили. 9. Помогать полицейским считалось позором среди мальчишек, потому что тебя могли посчитать доносчиком. 10. Когда банду Шорти забрали в полицию, вся округа вздохнула с облегчением. 11. На свадьбе все пили за здоровье жениха и невесты и поздравляли их. 94
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12. Под подозрительным взглядом полицейских всем стало неловко, хотя никто не знал ничего об ограблении. XVIII. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 64. “Downstairs went Ally… with his hands clasped behind his back.” XIX. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words from Appendix 1. 1. All the family disapproved Auntie Glad’s ultimatum to William. 2. William’s house was very poor and modest. 3. William’s sister took all the furniture and ornaments when she moved to another house. 4. Doreen admired her outfit for the wedding. 5. Ally looked charming and all the Common looked at her admiringly. 6. Uncle William insisted on a rich wedding. 7. Val was taken to the police station on suspicion of robbery. XX. Answer the following questions. 1. Describe Mr. Truby’s house. 2. How did Ally and Doreen look in their outfits? 3. Why didn’t Doreen care about her dress? 4. What was Ally thinking and dreaming about at the wedding? 5. Did the couple go anywhere for their honeymoon and why? 6. What happened at the nearest shop? 7. Why didn’t Val say about his suspicion to the policemen? 8. What happened to the boys from Shorty’s gang? XXI. Make up dialogues between: • Ally and her friend speaking about the wedding; • Auntie Glad and Mum speaking about the living conditions in the house and her plans concerning the decorations and furniture; • Mum and Dad speaking about the robbery in the shop. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. 95
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XXII. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: • Ally; • Mum; • Dad; • One of the boys; • Auntie Glad • William.
Chapter 14 Jobs I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. Oddly enough Evening waitress Baby-sit Accept a job/money/present, etc Without considering any details Most flattering way Eager to please Have doubts about smb Deter Go off Pretend to do smth Snatch up an apron Be cutting teeth Keep whimpering Jig Drizzle Cot Give smb the sack Full of beans Bob up 96
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Romp about smth Crawl around Come back to consciousness From head to foot Terrible row Thrown out of the flat Trash about romance Pay the balance on smth Deserve smth Suffer from smth Pointed comments As proud as ten peacocks Take on a job Do smth properly Chronic unpunctuality Rise at dawn Take precautions Gangling You dirty so-and-so! pinch smb’s job Punch Kick up a row II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. Start a fight, take smb’s work, beat, wake up early, constant being late, a great quarrel, in a good mood, strange, fire smb, wake up. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. to get, to have, to offer, to suggest, to take, to shut, to do, to say, to go, to find, to begin, to come, to snatch, to run, to sleep, to cut, to keep, to sing, to lie, to lay, to wake, to leave, o stay, to give, to put, to read, to let, to crawl, to think, to forget, to save, to hurry, to let, to sit, to throw, to die, to hear, to trust, to pay, to rush, to rise, to raise, to leap, to bear, to learn, to beat, to fight, to pour, to see, to speak, to know. 97
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IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Snatch, howl, celluloid, poisoning, unconscientiously, chronic, sleeve. V. Write out, translate and transcribe all the words, denoting character out of the chapter. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Reproduce all the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech. Use the words and expressions of Appendix 2. VII. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. I look as old-fashioned as everything. 2. Even if Brian did go off and find another girl, she must have a new frock. 3. …although really she was looking round at Mrs. Frank’s flat and admiring her ornaments and curtains. 4. Now you’ll stay till Bert comes back, won’t you, Ally? 5. She began to wonder what Brian was doing, and whether he had taken another girl to the pictures. 6. By the time Mr. Frank came home, the baby was still asleep and he was quite pleased. 7. She had been sitting by the coal bucket contentedly licking the coal! VIII. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. …the girl seemed so eager to please. 2. …you don’t want to go shutting yourself up every evening, Al. 3. …I’ve got to get some new clothes. 4. …and pretended to listen to all the instructions about the baby and her food... 5. It was fun to have an empty flat all to herself. 6. Everyone but Ally seemed to be having fun. 7. Tim seemed too have got it, for he went off quickly and didn’t look back. 98
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IX. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. Ally accepted the job at once without considering any of the details. 2. She was cutting teeth, and kept whimpering and would not sleep. 3. Mrs. Frank was worried at having to go off and leave the child. 4. The door of the flat opened and Mrs. Frank came hurrying in. 5. Still sobbing, Ally fled upstairs to Mum. X. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. … she suggested that Ally should baby-sit for her five evenings a week from six till eight. 2. Even if Brian did go off and find another girl, she must have a new frock. 3. …and if I stay at home so soon, they may give me the sack. 4. …so that Ally could wander through the rooms and examine everything. 5. Would the shop keep the installments, if Ally could not finish paying for the dress? 6. For by this time, the whole family thought that Ally should have a job... 7. But after this Ally did begin to see that money must be earned by good work... XI. Translate from English into Russian. 1. When the kids in Magnolia Buildings grew up they started looking for a job. They usually accepted every offer without considering any details. 2. The teens of Magnolia Buildings valued people’s opinion greatly. If anyone had doubts about you, you could have problems getting a job. 3. When kids cut teeth they whimper day and night. But when their teeth come out they become lively and full of beans. 99
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4. Teens are usually bad baby-sitters. They watch TV or read a book instead of taking care of the baby and come back to consciousness only when it starts howling or hurt itself. 5. Ally read stories about love and glamour and other trash about romance and didn’t notice that the baby crawled to the coal bucket and started licking the coal. 6. People can be given a sack for chronic unpunctuality. 7. When a teen takes up his first job he is usually proud as ten peacocks. 8. When Ally failed at her work nobody gave her pointed remarks. But she suffered from thoughts that she didn’t deserve respect. 9. Ally was thrown out of the flat for her bad work. The terrible row happened because of Ally’s bad work. 10. There were no vacancies in Magnolia Buildings. And if a person was given a sack, his job was pinched at once. 11. Ally took a frock in the shop and had to pay the balance for it every week. 12. When a person it given a job first he is eager to please and does his best in a most flattering way. But then he allows himself chronic unpunctuality. 13. The baby was dirty from head to foot. If Ally had done her work properly the baby wouldn’t have crawled to the bucket of coal. 14. First Ally wanted to become an evening waitress. But later she accepted the job of a baby-sitter. XII. Fill in the gaps using the active vocabulary. 1. When a child is … he keeps … all the time. 2. You cannon hire a baby-sitter … 3. The woman …, took her hat and ran out of the house. 4. The baby was capricious. Ally had to … holding it in her arms. 5. A child cannot lie in his … all the time. He should … and crawl on the floor. 6. When Ally … for her new dress she went to the cinema … 100
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7. Ally was … for reading … 8. If you want to … at the newsvendors’ stall you should … 9. A good baby-sitter should … not to let the baby do anything wrong. 10. Having lost her job Ally … from … of some neighbours. 11. The boys fought because of the job. They … each other until the neighbours called the police. 12. If you … you must … 13. The child was lively and … and … about in her cot. 14. If the owner of the stall … there will be a … XIII. Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary 1. В округе все подростки рано начинали работать. Они очень боялись, что их уволят и вышвырнут с работы. 2. Мальчишки могли подраться не из-за пустяков, а изза работы. 3. Странно, но даже такая легкомысленная девочка, как Элли, мечтала о работе. 4. Элли хотелось поскорее выплатить кредит за новое платье. Она гордилась им, как сто павлинов. 5. У ребенка резались зубы, и няньке приходилось весь день держать ее на руках, ходить с ней и даже пританцовывать. 6. — Ах, ты такой-сякой! Ты украл у меня мою работу! — Я не крал, тебя уволили за постоянные опоздания и за то, что ты плохо работал! 7. Хотя Элли мечтала о гламуре и читала всякую романтическую чушь, она очень хотела начать работать, чтобы самой платить за свою одежду. 8. Когда мальчишки подрались, Вэл был грязным с головы до ног. 9. Вчера ребенок был здоровым и веселым, а сегодня он кричит и хнычет, потому что у него режутся зубы. 10. В округе то и дело начинались драки из-за банды Шорти. 101
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11. Потеря работы — это не только отсутствие денег. Это еще и колкие замечания соседок. 12. Когда девушку-подростка берут на работу няней, она всеми силами старается угодить хозяйке, а потом перестает хорошо выполнять работу. 13. Лучше уж работать нянькой и заботиться о ребенке, чем работать официанткой. 14. Если тебе дают работу, надо брать ее как можно скорее, не думая о деталях. XIV. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 70. “On this particular evening…” up to p. 71 “paying for the dress?” XV. Agree and disagree with the following statements. Use the words and expressions from Appendix 1. Prove your opinion with the words from the text. 1. Ally worked as evening waitress. 2. Mrs. Frank was charmed by Ally because she was pretty. 3. Ally worked because she had to feed the family. 4. There were no problems with the baby. 5. Ally was given a sack because she beat the baby. 6. Ally didn’t get the dress she wanted so much. 7. All the neighbours pitied Ally for losing her job. 8. Val sneaked some other boy’s job at the newsvendors’. 9. Dad stopped the fight. XV. Answer the following questions. 1. Describe Mrs. Frank’s family. 2. What did ally work for? 3. What was the problem with the baby? 4. Why was there a terrible raw because of Ally? 5. Why did Ally fail? 6. Who gave Ally the dress she wanted? 7. How did Val get a job? 8. Did Val work properly? 9. Why did the boys fight? XVI. Make up dialogues between: • Ally and Mrs. Frank speaking about the baby; 102
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• Val and the newsvendor discussing the details of the work; • Mum and Dad discussing their kids’ jobs. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XVII. Retell the text as if you were: • Val: • Ally; • Mum; • Dad; • Mrs. Frank.
Chapter 15 The Pantomime I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. Deserted Take short cuts Fail to do smth Indoor occupations To be used to smth Save up to do smth Go camping Have the freedom of the whole world Join the navy Go barefoot Make it up with smb There is a bone in every marriage School pantomime To play the principal girl A soppy part To sprout up fast To take smth seriously 103
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A talent scout Not for toffee Carpentry class Needlework class Odds and ends Dress rehearsal Disappointment To do the minimum of work To go with a bang To over-act To play the fool Gag To concentrate on smth/smb It serves smb all right With a mocking laugh To go too far To have the lead A leaving report II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. The last rehearsal, there’s a disadvantage in every marriage, to make peace with smb, indoor activities, a sentimental role, to grow up quickly, to have a success, to play the leading role, remnants, joke, economize for buying smth, to focus on smth/ smb, a school play, to play too enthusiastically, to become a sailor. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To feel, to fill, to get, to begin, to think, to come, to keep, to light, to buy, to make, to join, to pay, to rise, to raise, to deal, to teach, to tell, to talk, to bring, to mean, to know, to see, to cast, to sprout, to grow, to leave, to fix, to spend, to run, to sing, to lie, to lay, to learn, to sound, to forget, to shine, to put, to hear, to blow, to sit, to dry, to stand, to show, to die, to draw, to catch, to ride, to speak, to bite, to fight, to take. 104
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IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Whist, Lost Property Office, Good Fairy, wand, spotlight, Court Ball, grandeur, orchestra, chorus, choir, polka, lancer, caricature, improvisation. V. Write out the words concerning playing on the stage, costumes and organizing school plays. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Write out and transcribe the words denoting people’s feelings and emotions. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out and transcribe the words denoting people’s look in different situations. Use them in the sentences of your own. VIII. Reproduce all the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech. Use the words and expressions of Appendix 2. IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. He was saving up to buy a tent so that next summer he could go camping in the country. 2. I’m not working for shoes. 3. Ally was sure she would play the principal girl. 4. That would have been true glamour. 5. They’ll be sorry they didn’t take me. 6. The Ugly Sisters, who had been so funny at the first rehearsals were getting duller and duller. 7. Besides, the audience was adoring her. 8. … she knew she would be going on the stage. X. State the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. He never failed to be there and Mr. Arby said he was a good boy. 2. He was saving up to buy a tent so that next summer he could go camping in the country. 3. Perhaps a talent scout should just happen to be in the audience. 105
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4. Each child as it was made up went to the mirror to see the transformation with a joyful unbelief. 5. Cinderella was left in her rags, to sing her plaintive song in the ashes. 6. We didn’t know when to come in. XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. He was saving up to buy a tent so that next summer he could go camping in the country. 2. … he’ll stop bringing things home… 3. …Auntie Glad had never gone back to wearing her black hat again. 4. Not even a special spotlight would make up for being Fairy Godmother. 5. In spite of having the wrong part, Ally went round the flat singing the song refrains at the top of her voice… 6. … she made the audience die of laughing… 7. But there was no stopping her because she certainly had the audience on her side. XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. … and although she might groan a bit when she turned out into the icy darkness of five a.m… 2. He was saving up to buy a tent so that next summer he could go camping in the country. 3. Doreen had to rise early too… 4. You’ll be able to do a dance… 5. I think we can fix you a wand with an electric battery. 6. Perhaps a talent scout should just happen to be in the audience. 7. And if I did really a good Cinderella, I might be taken off to Hollywood and become a star. 8. He might be a parent, you never know. 9. I ought to get a chance. 10. None of the other girls can act for toffee. 11. … they should have given me a proper part and this wouldn’t have happened. 106
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12. I ought to have had the lead. 13. I think perhaps I should out and take another curtain,
14. … and that may muck up your getting a good job. XIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. All the teachers who organize school concerts and plays are used to the fact that all the girls dream of playing the principal girl in school pantos. 2. Before the dress rehearsal the teachers and the pupils made the costumes from odds and ends. 3. On the stage Ally was giving her gags with a mocking smile and all the audience were dying of laughter. 4. The headmaster was so angry with Ally. She had gone too far. Of course the public liked her over-acting but she had ruined the parts of the other kids. 5. None hopes that a school play can go with a bang. Everyone sees that parents come because of their sense of duty. More than that the actors are too shy and cannot concentrate on their lines. 6. It is very useful when kids prepare the performance themselves. They make costumes at the needlework classes and create the scenery at the carpentry classes. It develops their taste and ability to design. 7. Though the parents didn’t take the school pantomimes seriously and had come to see the play just for the sense of duty they really enjoyed it. 8. In her wildest dreams Ally saw mysterious talent scouts who would see her and adore her brilliant acting and get her to Hollywood right after the performance. 9. Though at the rehearsals pupils do the minimum of work they are all sure that they deserve to take the lead. 10. The greatest disappointment of Ally was that she couldn’t take the leading role and was given the part of Fairy Godmother, which she considered to be soppy. 11. After finishing school every child got a leaving report which could influence all their life. 107
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12. After the flop of the girl nobody sympathized her. Everyone thought that it had served her all right for playing the fool on the stage. 13. Listening to Ally’s gags the audience couldn’t concentrate on the other kids’ playing. 14. Teens sprout up fast and you never know what costume will suit them next term. XIV. Fill in the gaps using the words from the list. 1. Val was saving money for buying a tent to go camping and … 2. Every boy wants to become a soldier or to … 3. After a quarrel it is good to … at once. 4. When Val was grumbling that he was not saving money for boots, he was advised … 5. As Val was working hard he forgot his adventures at the … house and fighting with Shorty’s gang. 6. As it was very cold all the people … to get home. 7. Teachers … to the kids’ being capricious. 8. Sometimes there are quarrels in every family, … 9. When teens of Magnolia building wanted to get something they … 10. When it gets cold people turn to … 11. Teachers should not only give lessons but also organize … 12. The part of Cinderella was too … and sentimental for the girl who had … during the term. 13. … never visit any school pantomimes. 14. As they hadn’t given the principal part to Ally she thought … to ruin the play. XV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Дети, принимающие участие в школьных постановках, обычно сильно переигрывают, надеясь на то, что спектакль пройдет с шиком. 2. На спектакле все зрители сосредоточились на молодой и талантливой актрисе, которая мило дурачилась и отпускала забавные шутки на сцене. 108
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3. Конечно, все девочки хотели играть главную роль, даже несмотря на то, что на репетициях многие отсутствовали или выполняли роли по-минимуму. 4. На генеральной репетиции всех ждало разочарование, так как костюмы были не готовы, а многие актеры не знали слов. 5. Вэл копил деньги на палатку и не хотел покупать на них себе ботинки. Но и ходить босиком он не мог, поэтому пришлось отдать то, что он успел скопить. 6. Хотя Вилльям и помирился с сестрой, но для его жены она была как кость в горле, потому что везде совала свой нос и давала советы. 7. Из-за Элли другие дети провалились на спектакле, директор школы обещал дать ей плохую характеристику после окончания школы. 8. Элли была уверена, что из Голливуда приедет импресарио в поисках молодых талантов и сразу заметит ее блестящее выступление. 9. Мисс Флитвуд привыкла к капризам девочек, которые хотели играть главную роль, поэтому тем, кто играл второстепенные роли, она обещала красивые костюмы с блестками, особые прически или особую музыку при появлении на сцене. 10. Вэл мечтал о свободе и поэтому хотел взять велосипед, палатку и верного Джорджа и уехать в поход на все лето. 11. Костюмы для пьесы шили из остатков и обрезков на уроках труда, но детям это доставило много удовольствия. 12. «Так им всем и надо, — думала Элли после спектакля, — надо было дать главную роль мне, а не той глупенькой девочке!» 13. Когда дети пытались объяснить Элли, что она испортила им выступление своими шутками, она только издевательски посмеивалась. 14. В каждом браке что-нибудь да хромает, это или отсутствие денег, или досужие родственники, которые приходят в гости. 109
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XVI. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 78. “It was no good Miss Fleetwood…” — p. 79 “…a stick to her.” XVII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words from Appendix 1. 1. In spite of winter there were a lot of people in the yard. 2. The Berners family were sad because of the cold and smog of the winter. 3. Aggie made up with Mr. Truby and often came to visit him. 4. Auntie Glad was happy to see her sister-in-law. 5. Ally was given the part of the principal girl. 6. Miss Fleetwood didn’t give Ally the main role because Ally studied badly. 7. Brian believed in Ally’s success on the stage. 8. The kids fashioned costumes from odds and ends and they looked ugly. 9. When Ally was playing the fool on the stage all the other children were happy because she was saving the performance. 10. The teachers admired Ally’s play. 11. Though Ally had a great success her behavior remained modest. XVIII. Answer the following questions. 1. Why was Val saving money? 2. Why did Mum and dad decide to give Len a parrot for Christmas? 3. What was Ally’s problem with the school pantomime? 4. Why did she want to play the leading part? 5. How did the dress rehearsal take place? 6. Describe Ally’s costume for the play. 7. How did Ally change the performance? 8. What was the reaction of the teachers and the headmaster to Ally’s behavior. 9. Describe Ally’s feelings after the play. 10. Was Ally afraid of the headmaster’s bad leaving report? Why? 110
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XIX. Make up dialogues between: • Ally and Brian discussing the future performance; • Ally and her mother discussing her playing; • The teachers discussing Ally’s playing and behavior after the performance. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XX. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: • Ally; • One of the teachers; • Mum; • One of the schoolchildren.
Chapter 16 Fame and Afterwards I. Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used. To be completely captivated by smb/smth a real find to come straight across to the audience to be delirious with delight to disapprove of smth smb’s imagination was off at full gallop engagements at huge salaries a mink coat triumphantly to make a big fuss a large attendance to be sold like hot cakes to go wrong to reproduce in cold blood it takes a professional to do smth 111
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to be mirrored back to smb clumsy to wreck the show to reduce a dislocation a hairdressing saloon an apprentice apprenticeship a tendency to over-enthusiasm a posh lady II. Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list. Awkward, to be reflected back to smb, a luxurious woman, to ruin the performance, to be sold very quickly, offers with great wages, to be fully absorbed by smth/smb, to be drunk with happiness, a rare talent, a beauty parlour. III. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them. To guess, to stumble, to forget, to find, to come, to go, to see, to write, to run, to read, to begin, to feel, to fill, to make, to show, to wear, to leave, to know, to report, to meet, to muck, to sell, to lose, to die, to ride, to fall, to burst, to wreck, to get, to hurt, to sob, to break, to ring, to send, to fetch, to wake, to mend, to spend, to hear, to alter, to cut, to keep, to collect, to know, to think. IV. Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own. Bewitching, rare, triumphantly, reception, resentment, X-ray, theatre, dislocation, massage, contraption, duke. V. Write out and transcribe the words denoting diseases and treatment. Use them in the sentences of your own. VI. Write out and transcribe the words describing people’s appearance and manners. Use them in the sentences of your own. VII. Write out and transcribe the words denoting people’s feelings and emotions. Use them in the sentences of your own. 112
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VIII. Reproduce all the dialogues of the chapter in indirect speech. Use the words and expressions of Appendix 2. IX. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases. 1. She had always been popular and she didn’t care to lose her popularity. 2. Ally was crying with pain while the audience was dispersing and the children getting out of their clothes in the classroom. 3. Oh, it hurts, it hurts… 4. Doesn’t look as though Hollywood’s going to make you an offer. X. State the form and the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. 1. I’d like some manager to see her. 2. The show was certain to be packed tonight. 3. … Ally took good care not to go to the dressing-room too soon. 4. …they dared not make a big fuss, because they did not want to upset the nerves of the cast just before the show. 5. Ally herself tried to be wild and funny… 6. It takes a professional to reproduce the same emotions night after night. 7. To work at Louse’s was not as exciting as Hollywood… XI. State the form and the function of the gerund in the following sentences. 1. Most of them had come expecting something wonderful… 2. … she had to spend most of her Christmas holidays having massage. 3. She was frightened of being laughed at. XII. State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences. 1. That’s a girl who should go on a stage. 2. … how could the school stuff and the children disapprove of her? 113
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3. Mr. Browne might even run it for an extra evening. 4. If the papers said Ally was so good, then she must be. 5. …they dared not make a big fuss, because they did not want to upset the nerves of the cast just before the show. 6. I think she must have dislocated her shoulder. 7. She dared not say that she wanted to go on the stage. 8. Why, Ally, you may meet a Duke or someone grand, and get married and be a posh lady. XIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. The reporter was completely captivated by Ally’s performance. 2. Ally dreamt of huge salaries, engagements at Hollywood, mink coats and airplanes. 3. As the reports in the newspapers had offered a brilliant acting of a young and promising actress the tickets for the next night were sold like hot cakes. 4. The tricks, gags and mocking of the previous night couldn’t be reproduced in cold blood. They had been performed in a wild, extravagant burst and it took to be a professional to repeat the same night after night. 5. There was an apprenticeship at the hairdressing saloon and Ally became an apprentice there. 6. Ally who had always dreamt of being glamorous she liked and half-believed the idea to marry a Duke and become a posh lady. 7. As the audience was disappointed their mood mirrored back to the actors and they felt stiff and awkward. 8. All the family spoke about Ally’s performance triumphantly. They were proud and believed the reporters who admired the girl and predicted a great fame to her. 9. Even if an actor is a real find it will take much time and effort to become a professional. 10. Ally was delirious with delight when she read all the papers and believed all their praises. 11. The girl wrecked the show twice. But nobody triumphed over her as she was punished enough having got a bad dislocation. 114
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12. After the dislocation had been reduced Ally spent all the holidays recovering and having massage. XIV. Fill in the gaps using the active vocabulary. 1. As the tickets … there was going to be … 2. Maybe the girl … as apprentice in a hairdressing saloon she is nothing of an actor. 3. The headmaster pitied the girl and didn’t write anything wrong in the leaving report. He just wrote about her… 4. The emotions of the audience … to the actors and influence their work. 5. A really … lady wears … and has … in Hollywood. 6. As Ally was praised by the parents and the newspapers her… 7. The warmth of the actors’ personality should … 8. It … to reproduce the same gags and tricks with the same enthusiasm time after time. 9. Ally expected that the teachers and the kids would … after the performance., 10. Ally became a good … in a … 11. The girl had a … because she was … on the stage. 12. As the actress was young, pretty and talented, the public … XV. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Когда молодая актриса имеет успех на сцене, ей грезится Голливуд, ангажементы, огромные заработки, норковые манто и шикарная публика вокруг. 2. Элли не смогла воспроизвести те шутки и выходки, которые она показала на сцене в первое выступление. Чтобы так играть, нужно было быть профессионалом. 3. Обаяние этого молодого актера воздействует прямо на публику. Он очень яркая индивидуальность, и это захватывает зрителей с первых же реплик. 4. Для учениц парикмахера было большой честью работать в дамских залах Вест Энда. Там, как правило, обслуживались гламурные, шикарные леди, и только лучшие работники могли служить там. 115
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5. Директор школы был добрым человеком. Несмотря на то что Элли сорвала оба спектакля, он не стал писать плохую характеристику, а просто отметил в ней, что Элли имеет особенность слишком усердствовать в работе. Разумеется, такой отзыв не мог помешать ее карьере. 6. Успех Элли практически опьянил ее. Она перестала распознавать правду и вымысел. Воображение рисовало ей картины актерской карьеры, роскошной жизни, норковые манто, автомобили и самолеты. Все эти картины она видела в кино, и они заставляли ее фантазию работать в бешеном ритме. К счастью, родители девушки были разумными и реалистичными людьми. И хотя они говорили об удаче дочери с триумфом и радостью, но понимали, что самое большее, что уготовано для их дочери, — это карьера успешной парикмахерши. 7. Как правило, зрители на школьных спектаклях — это родители или родственники учеников. Они из чувства родственного долга согласны переносить два часа скуки, глядя на зажатых актеров, лепечущих свой текст со сцены. 8. Поскольку спектакль был разрекламирован во всех лондонских газетах, билеты на него продавались как горячие пирожки. Но зрителей ждало разочарование, поскольку актриса, ради которой они пришли на школьный спектакль, не только сорвала весь спектакль, но еще и повредила себе руку, неуклюже упав на сцене. 9. Вероятно, репортер, который раньше счел Элли настоящей находкой, пожалел, что поднял вокруг нее такую шумиху. 10. Иногда вывих болит больше, чем перелом. К счастью, девочку вовремя увезли на скорой и вправили вывих. 11. Все были просто поглощены игрой молодой актрисы. Ее душевное тепло и искренность были направлены прямо в зрительный зал. 12. На школьных спектаклях редко бывают аншлаги. XVI. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 80. “Oddly enough … what I shall decide to do.” 116
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XVII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words from Appendix 1. 1. A reporter of the South London press was in the audience because he was a talent scout. 2. The reporter wrote a praising paragraph about Ally in a newspaper. 3. Though Ally was pleased by the admiration of the public she was a realist by nature and understood that she was not an actress. 4. The children at school made a revenge to Ally being jealous of her success. 5. The headmaster gave Ally a very bad leaving report saying that she was very undisciplined, pompous and selfish. 6. The show was spoilt because all the actors were stiff and awkward. 7. Ally did not want to become a hairdresser. XVIII. Answer the following questions. 1. Who made a fuss because if Ally? 2. What did the reporter say about the girl and her acting? 3. What was the reaction of the people to Ally’s success? Was everyone happy with it? 4. Why didn’t the teachers punish Ally for her wrecking the show? 5. Why did the show go wrong? 6. What was Ally’s problem with her arm? 7. What job did Ally’s mother offer to her? 8. Why didn’t Ally insist on being an actress? 9. How did the work in the hairdressing saloon change Ally? 10. Why did she like her job? 11. Express your opinion, what profession was better for Ally: being a hairdresser or an actress and why? 12. What were Ally’s mother’s hopes for her future? XIX. Give a detailed description of the appearance and character of the following heroes: • Ally; 117
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• Mum; • The headmistress. XX. Make up dialogues between: • Ally and her Mum after the first show; • Ally and Mum after the second show; • Mum and Dad discussing Ally’s future; • The teachers speaking about Ally and her behavior; • The headmaster and Miss Fleetwood speaking about leaving report. Use the phrases from Appendix 3. XXI. Give the retelling of the text as if you were: • Ally; • Mum; • Dad; • One of the teachers; • The reporter. Использованная литература 1. Жильцы дома «Магнолия». (По Э. Стакли) : кн. для чтения на англ. яз. для студ. I курса пед. ин-тов : учеб. пособие по спец. 2103 «Ин. яз.» / обраб. и коммент. А. А. Керлин. М. : Просвещение, 1983. 96 с.
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Appendix 1 Phrases expressing agreement and disagreement I agree with… Right you are! You are absolutely right. I agree wholeheartedly. This is true. I couldn’t agree with you more. That’s exactly how I feel. No doubt. I partially agree. I disagree I am against it because… Instead, I think that… On the contrary… I am afraid I can’t agree… You are not quite right. I’m afraid, I completely disagree with you. I seriously doubt it. Appendix 2 Reported speech To say To report To agree/disagree To mention To tell To whisper To exclaim
To declare To assure To explain To ask To question To wonder Appendix 3
Can you imagine… Great!/Terrific!/Fantastic!/ Such a dear!/Such a bore!/Such a nuisance! If you ask me… This is my way of looking at it. You may be right, but… All the same…
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What makes you say that? Don’t you agree that… What’s your idea? What are your thoughts on all of this? How do you feel about that? Do you have anything to say about this? What do you think? Do you agree? Wouldn’t you say?
Учебное издание Романова Лилия Геннадьевна Задания и упражнения по книге Элизабет Стакли «Magnolia Buildings» Учебное пособие по домашнему чтению на английском языке для студентов факультетов иностранных языков Редактор И. Н. Рожков Компьютерная верстка Е. С. Рожковой
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