Lupus of Ferrieres as scribe and text critic: a study of his autograph copy of Cicero's De oratore b5644s08h

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Table of contents :
Lupus and the De oratore (page 3)
History of the Harleianus (page 5)
Description of the Manuscript (page 6)
Lupus as a Scribe (page 9)
Orthography (page 11)
Division of Syllables (page 13)
Punctuation, Capitals, and Paragraph Signs (page 15)
Abbreviations (page 17)
Vacant Spaces (page 21)
Technical Signs (page 27)
The Correctors (page 29)
Marginal Index (page 32)
Marginal Variants (page 34)
Marginal Corrections (page 36)
Interlinear Corrections (page 37)
Corrections in the Line (page 41)
Erasures (page 45)
Concordance Table (page 50)
Facsimile of the Manuscript
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Lupus of Ferrieres as scribe and text critic: a study of his autograph copy of Cicero's De oratore

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Pus.ication No. 4


AS SCRIBE AND TEXT CRITIC © A Study gftiis Autograph Copy of ‘Cicero's ‘De oratore by

CHARLES HENRY BEESON | Professor of Latin in the University of Chicago

With a Facsimile of the Manuscript

The Mediaeval Academy of America Cambridge, Massachusetts








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PREFACE , THE present volume represents the first fruits of an investigation which began in 1910, when the writer undertook to search for manuscripts which once belonged to Lupus of Ferriéres, and to

make a study of them. During the spring and summer of that year | this work was carried on in the libraries of Leyden, Paris, Orléans, and Berne. At first glance, the attempt to find and identify manuscripts which in the ninth century belonged to the abbot of a poor and obscure French monastery might seem a hopeless task —- manuscripts which from the be-

ginning were exposed to the perils incident to a period of political and social disorder and indifference to learning. But books have a way of surviving. It is true that most of Lupus’ considerable collection of manuscripts has disappeared, but an important residue remains to bear enduring

testimony to the enthusiastic and scientific spirit of this ninth-century collector and scholar. That we are able to identify the handwriting of Lupus is due to a sug-

gestion of Traube’s in the Sitzungsberichte of the Bavarian Academy (Phil.-Hist. Klasse, 1891, S. 387), to the effect that the revision of the Berne manuscript (366) was by the hand of Lupus himself. This suggestion was later confirmed by the clever demonstration of Traube’s pupil Schnetz (Ein Kritiker des Valerius Maximus im 9. Fahrhundert, Neuburg a. D. 1901). In addition to the many marginal and interlinear corrections in the Bernensis, one column of the manuscript was copied by Lupus.

The results of the search surpassed expectation. Two manuscripts were found at Paris: the one, our best witness for the text of Cicero’s De inuentione (B. N. tat. 7774.4), and the other, the important Codex Thuaneus

of Livy (B. N. Lat. 7526); this manuscript was later identified by Rand. vil

Preface The Harley manuscript (2736) was identified late in the summer of Ig1o at Munich from the reproduction in the Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts in the British Museum. ‘The following winter the Reginensis of Aulus Gellius (Reg. 597) was identified by E. A. Lowe, who examined a number of Vatican manuscripts for me. The recognition of Lupus as the corrector of the Reginensis of Tiberius Claudius Donatus’ Commentary on Vergil (Reg.

1484) is due to Lindsay. In 1922 the Paris manuscript of the Letters of Symmachus (B.N. tat. 8623) was identified from photographs kindly furnished by M. Omont. The Harleianus was chosen for publication first because it is the only one that is an autograph; the manuscript was studied and transcribed in the spring and summer of 1923. The writer is under obligation to the University of Chicago, the General Education Board, and the Mediaeval Academy of America for grants

which made the publication of this volume possible. He wishes also to express his thanks to Sir Frederic Kenyon, to whom the volume is dedicated, for permission to publish the manuscript and for procuring the

photographs; to Dr Lowe; to Professor E. K. Rand for his efforts in securing funds for publication; to Mr John Nicholas Brown for his active interest and practical assistance; to Miss Adele Kibre for assistance in revising the proof; to the proof readers of the Harvard University Press; and especially to Mr John Marshall, whose untiring exertions and unremitting kindness have relieved the author of almost all the care and responsibility of seeing the work through the press. CHARLES H. BEESON UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO


Lupus and the De oratore a, History of the Harleianus =. 7 www eee eS Description of the Manuscript . . . . . . . . . ee se e 6

LupusasaScribe . 2... 1 ee ee @

Orthography 2. 2... 1 ee ee ee ee ee YD

Division of Syllables 2. 2. 2. 2. . 2. ee ee ee ee

Punctuation, Capitals,and Paragraph Signs . . . . . . ww 18

Abbreviations . . . . . eee ee eT

Vacant Spaces... ew ee ee Technical Signs 6 ww we 87

The Correctors . 2... we ee ee 29

Marginal Variants | Marginal Corrections Ce ee 36

Marginal Index . . 2. 2... 1 ee ee ee ew ee 2

Interlinear Corrections . . . . . . 0. ee ee ee ee OT

Correctionsinthe Line . . . . 1... 2. eee QT

| Frasures © www kee ee ew gS

Concordance Table . . . . . . ee ee ee 0



Lupus and the De oratore HE first mention of Cicero’s De oratore in the Middle Ages is found in a letter of Lupus of Ferriéres. This is the first in the collection of Lupus’ Epistles, and was addressed to the former Abbot of Fulda, Einhard, the biographer of Charlemagne, who was then living in

retirement at Seligenstadt. In this characteristic and illuminating letter, the young monk, who had been sent by the Abbot of Ferriéres to Fulda to study under the famous Rhabanus Maurus, declares his devotion to classical learning, and, at the end, strikes a note that is seldom lacking if there is the slightest possibility of success — a request for manuscripts. The passage 1s as follows: Sed semel pudoris transgressus limitem, etiam hoc postulo ut quosdam librorum uestrorum mihi hic posito commodetis, quaamquam multo sit minus libros quam amicitiam flagitare. Sunt autem hi: Tullii,de rhetorica liber; quem quidem habeo, sed in plerisque mendosum, quare cum codice istic reperto illum contuli et, quem

certiorem putabam, mendosiorem inueni. Item eiusdem auctoris de rhetorica tres libri in disputatione ac dialogo de oratore; quos uos habere arbitror, propterea quod in breut [‘list’] uoluminum uestrorum post commemorationem libri ad Herennium, interpositis quibusdam aliis, scriptum repperi: Ciceronis de rhetorica. Item: Explanatio in libros Ciceronis. Praeterea: Auli Gellii Noctium Atticarum. Sed et alii plures in praedicto breui; quos, si Deus apud uos mihi gratiam dederit, istis remissis accipiens describendas mihi, dum hic sum, auidissime curare cupio.

The letter was written between the years 829 and 835." * According to Levillain, Bidliothéque de P Ecole des Chartes, x11 (1901), 47 §; 830, according to Desdevises du Dezert, Lettres de Servat Loup (1889); Diimmler in his edition of the Letters, M.G. H., Ep. vi, p. 14, dates it 836; Lupus went to Fulda c. 828 and returned to Ferriéres in 836.


Lupus as Scribe _ The second mention of the De oratore is in another letter of Lupus addressed to Pope Benedict (Ep. c111) about the year 856:" Commentarios beati Hieronymi in leremiam, post sextum librum usque in finem

praedicti prophetae, nobis mitti deposcimus in codice reuerendae uetustatis, uestrae sanctitati, si id optinuerimus, postquam celeriter exscriptus fuerit, sine dubio remittendos. Nam in nostris regionibus nusquam ullus post sextum commentarium potuit inuenir1; et optamus in uobis recuperare quicquid paruitati nostrae deesse sentimus. Petimus etiam Tullium De oratore et duodecim libros Institutionum oratoriarum Quintiliant, qui uno nec ingenti uolumine continentur, quorum utriusque auctorum partes habemus, uerum plenitudinem per uos desideramus obtinere. .

The significant feature of the letter to Benedict is that Lupus’ request

throughout is for copies of texts that he already possesses. He had attempted to secure copies of the Jerome Commentary and of Quintilian from Altsigus of York (849) but evidently without success. The urge for a second copy from which to correct the first is almost as strong in Lupus as

the desire for a new text. It is this characteristic that distinguishes him from all the other scholars of the Middle Ages. The use he makes of his two texts, and the respect for the tradition which he shows in preserving discrepant readings or old readings when he occasionally does emend, more than atone for the mediocrity of his scholarship.

The letter to Benedict shows that Lupus owned a copy of the De oratore. The probability is that he had owned it for twenty years, for there is . little reason to doubt that his request to Einhard had met with success. From a second letter to Einhard (Ep. v), written in the year 836, we learn that he actually did receive the Gellius and other manuscripts, Aulum Gellium misissem, nisi rursus illum abbas [i.e., Rhabanus] retinuisset, questus necdum sibi esse descriptum; scripturum se tamen uobis dixit quod prae* Benedict was Pope 855-858; Desdevises du Dezert fixes the date as 856; Diimmler and Levillain, Bibliotheque de [ Ecole des Chartes, Ux111 (1902), 323, date the letter 855-858.


and Text Critic fatum librum mihi extorserit, uerum et illum, et omnes ceteros, quibus uestra liberalitate fruor, per me, si Deus uult, uobis 1pse restituet.

If he secured Einhard’s copy of the De oratore it must have been returned promptly; we should expect the youthful monk to be punctilious in his dealings with the distinguished churchman and author, especially on the occasion of his first borrowing of manuscripts.7 The natural assumption that the Harleianus, an autograph manuscript of Lupus, may well be the actual copy of Einhard’s manuscript finds some support in the fact that every page bears evidence of the haste in which it was written.

Efistory of the Harleianus : TuHE earliest information we have about our codex leads us to a French centre not far distant from Ferriéres, the abbey of Cormery, a dependency of St Martin of Tours. This hint is obtained from two poems in a collection that was copied later, presumably at Cormery, on the vacant pages at the end of the Cicero text. The first poem, ‘Herardus presul templum sacrauit et aram’ etc. (f. 107%), apparently refers to the dedication by Herardus, Archbishop of Tours, of the monastery of Villeloin, a cell of the abbey of

Cormery, during the abbacy of Odacer (859). The second poem, ‘Hoc Fredricus adest tumulo’ (f. 108), is the epitaph of a certain Fredricus who, according to a suggestion of the editor of the Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts in the British Museum,? was probably the ‘uir nobilis’ who appears as a benefactor of the abbey of Cormery (840; Gallia Christiana, vol. x1v, Instr. 21). A connecting link between Cormery and Lupus is easy to find; it is Odacer, the Abbot of Cormery. One letter of Lupus to him has been preserved (Ep. xc), written in the year 844; Lupus refers to him in another x In a letter written earlier in the same year (Zp. 1v) Lupus promises to return some manu-

scripts oo to Einhard at Seligenstadt, on his journey back to Ferriéres. §

Lupus as Scribe letter of the same year (Ep. LXxXvVI1) as ‘consanguineus noster’ and in a later

letter (Ep. xcvit), written after the year 850, as “propinquus meus.’ It is quite possible, therefore, that it is through Odacer that the De oratore came

to Cormery. We next find the manuscript in the possession of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford, in 1719; according to the Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts in the British Museum, he probably obtained it from the London bookseller Nathaniel Noel. It was first collated by Zachary Pearce for

his edition of the text (Cambridge, 1732), but it remained for German scholars to assess the manuscript at its true value; it escaped the notice of Wilkins until he had published the first edition of Book I and. Book II. Facsimiles may be found in the Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts in the British Museum, Pt. u, Latin (1884), pl. 58; Chatelain, Paléographie des classiques latins, Pt. 11 (1884-1920), pl. 19, a; Wilkins’ edition of the De oratore, Bk. III (1892); Sandys, Companion to Latin Studies (1921), p. 784.

Description of the Manuscript Tue Harleianus* is a square quarto-codex containing 109 folios of excellent parchment (222 X 193); the size of the leaves varies slightly, since they have been unevenly trimmed in rebinding. The folios were ruled with a dry point for two columns with double vertical lines for the text margin; there are twenty-four lines to a column, except the first column of f. 42’, which has twenty-five lines (the written space, however, is the same as that of the second column). The text of the De oratore stands on ff. 1-106”. This codex (H) belongs to the oldest family of the manuscripts of the De t Through the kindness of Professor W. M. Lindsay, Miss H. Macdonald has placed at my disposal her unpublished dissertation on the Harleianus. I have indicated in footnotes various suggestions of hers that seem pertinent. The most valuable part, which deals with the importance of H and in which numerous passages are discussed from a text-critical point, I have not used, since this Introduction deals solely with the palaeography of the manuscript, and problems of text-criticism are considered only when they affect the accuracy of the scribe or the authenticity of the correction. 2 The pages of the facsimile are slightly reduced in size.


and Text Critic oratore, the Mutili (M); the other manuscripts are Avranches 238, written by two scribes (A, A’, both of the ninth century), and Erlangen 848 (EB),

written in the tenth century. _ Of these defective manuscripts, H has the largest amount of text, A the smallest. Stroux, however, has very cleverly shown’ that A and E originally had the same amount, and their common lacunae were due to a defect in their archetype. This external proof of their relationship confirmed the conclusion of Strdbel,? which was based on the internal evidence of their texts. Neither manuscript ever had as much as is found in H. H has I. 1-

128; 157-193; II. 13-90; 92-367; III. 1-17; 110-230. E has I. 1-123; IT. 19-90; 92-233; 288-367; III. 1-17; 110-148; 171-230. A has I. 1950; 60-90; 92-233; 234-245 (A”); 288-367; III. 1-17; 110-148; 149171 (A?); 171-230.

. Strdbel’s stemma indicates the relationship as follows: # Codex Archetypus

Codex Ignotus Codex Ignotus

-———— |

Abrincensis Abrincensis Gemellus Harleianus 4 Erlangensis | * Handschriftliche Studien zu Cicero, De oratore (Leipzig: Teubner, 1921), SS. 162 ff. 2 Acta sem. Erlangensis, 111 (1884), S. 47.

s A curious error has crept into Gercke-Norden (Finleitung in die Aitertumswissenschaft, Bd.1, S. 40), ‘Die beiden wichtigsten codices lacunosi von Cicero De oratore, der Abricensis 9. Jahrh. und der Harleianus 9./1o. Jahrh., standen friher fast gleichwertig nebeneinander. Aber Ed Strobel hat

gesehen, dass die Liicken durch Blatterverlust in der Hds. von Avranches eingetreten sind; und daraus folgt, dass der Harleianus nachher aus ihr abgeschrieben worden ist’; S. 42, “Nachdem sich die Hds. von Avranches als Vorlage sdmtlicher tbrigen codices mutili von Ciceros rhet. Schriften erwiesen hat (oben S. 40), sind diese fiir den Herausgeber wertlos geworden.’ I am not familiar with any published statement of Strébel’s to that effect and the facts do not justify these statements. * Miss Macdonald notes that there are more divergences from the received text in that part of - Book I where H is our sole authority among the older manuscripts, and suggests the possibility that H has been filled in from an exemplar belonging to an entirely different tradition. 7

Lupus as Scribe | The arrangement of the leaves is as follows: a double folio (without a number) precedes the first page of text. The first leaf was once pasted to the inner covering of the manuscript. At the top (recto) is written “23 die Februarii; 17;2;” the verso is blank. At the top of the second leaf (recto) stands the name of the owner, Harley; the verso is blank. The quaternions are regular, except ff. 17-24 and 81-86; ff. 17-24 are in disorder; the arrangement ts as follows: 17, 18, thread, two loose strips; two blank leaves, unnumbered; 21, 22, thread, 23, 24; four blank leaves, unnumbered; I9, 20, thread, two loose strips; two blank leaves, unnumbered. Folio 21 was originally numbered 19; at the lower right-hand margin of f. 18 is a mark of reference that was probably intended to direct the reader to the misplaced folio 19; 18% was left blank, probably because the original was de-

fective at this point; the amount of text omitted represents about four leaves of the Harleianus. With f. 24 begins another lacuna (there are only ten lines of text on 24”), equivalent to about two quaternions of our manu-

script. Part of this lacuna already existed in the archetype; our manuscript has suffered, however, the loss of one quaternion: “hic de- €- un quatnio” (in the hand of Lupus) stands at the bottom of f. 24%. The quaternion signatures have been cut off in rebinding the manuscript, but there are traces of a signature (uz) at the bottom of f. 40%; the number .XI, on f. 80% was added later but is undoubtedly correct; between 16 and

25, therefore, our manuscript originally had two quaternions; there are traces of the bracket that stood above the quaternion number at the bottom of ff. 64” and 94%. The twelfth quaternion (81-86) has only six leaves;

this irregularity is without doubt connected with the fact that the archetype had suffered a loss of two quaternions at this point (after 86"). The last leaf of the last quaternion (103-109) is lost; after 109” follow four blank leaves; these, like the other blank leaves in the manuscript, are of coarser parchment and are unruled; they were all a later addition. 8

and Text Critic Lupus as a Scribe In THE following pages an attempt has been made to give as complete a description as possible of the methods of Lupus in his treatment of a classical text. This is important not merely for the text of the De oratore and the other surviving manuscripts that we now know passed through his hands, but also for the long list of other texts that his letters show he possessed. How many more were on the shelves of his library we do not know; twoof the seven that have survived are not mentioned in his letters. His influence did not stop here; the tradition was handed on to his pupil Heiricus, to Remigius, the pupil of Heiricus, and undoubtedly to others in his wide circle of acquaintances. One finds evidence of this influence, for example, on the margin of our best manuscript of Priscian (B. N. Lat. 7496) where Lupus’ Priscian is quoted as an authority and in the Vatican manuscript of Valerius Maximus, which is a product of the same philological school as its

gemellus of Berne. :

The script of Lupus is a beautiful specimen of Caroline minuscule; * it is the script of a skilful and experienced hand. While at Fulda, Lupus and the monk Gerolf of Fulda had corrected a manuscript of Rhabanus’ Commentary on the Book of Numbers; he had copied a huge manuscript of the Leges Francorum et Ripuariorum et Langobardorum et Alamanorum et Bauariorum for Count Eberhard of Friaul and adorned it with a dedication in verse and with illustrations. His expertness as a scribe enabled him to

| write a compact, uniform script that moved rapidly with never-failing rhythm and, to one who becomes familiar with his ductus, is as character-

istic as the handwriting of a modern scribe. The style of his writing is * Miss Macdonald points out evidence of the influence of the script of Tours on the Harleianus (Chatelain, Paléographie des classiques latins, 1, 32, calls the manuscript ‘Turonensis’); she calls attention to the fact that Alcuin had been Abbot of Ferriéres and that Orsmar, Metropolitan of Tours, was a relative of Lupus.


Lupus as Scribe | several decades in advance of the current style; that 1s the reason why most of the Lupus manuscripts have been dated by one modern scholar or another as late ninth or early tenth century. A few peculiarities are outstanding: his g is open (figure 3 type); in the abbreviation for pro the slant-

ing stroke has a hook that 1s concave on the left side (see f. 3.1.14 and 3.2.5); sometimes the hook is missing but the end of the stroke is thickened (see f. §3%.2.19); he regularly writes s¢ without ligature except where the space is crowded (especially at the end of the line); curiously enough, he regularly employs the ligature in such combinations as amatast, statiost,

etc.; the ligature Nis regular at the end of a word (about 250 times); he rarely uses the ligature & (in correcting the Berne Valerius Maximus he repeatedly breaks up the ligature with strokes, unless it 1s the verb ending); the & of Lupus is characteristic (see 52°.2.3, §8%.1.21 and, in a correction,

66.1.12) and quite different from that of the corrector (e.g., 17%.1.2; 88.1.5); the ligature or occurs a few times at the end of the line; he is careful to correct e to a cursive e when the eye of the letter is filled with ink (nine times in the first column of 2%). He employs rustic capitals in the Incipits and Explicits; the capital H regularly has the K form; his tall letters are slightly clubbed; he uses the uncial NV and the open a (oc-type) rarely;* the first stroke of N often curves at the bottom (see 24.2.14);? the ligature @ occurs occasionally but most of the apparent cases of @ are really corrections of 2 to ¢ (e. g., 47.1.12); he occasionally uses the apex over words like 0, os, alias, or a stroke to indicate accent, eddem. Lupus shows a curious disregard of the conventions of the scriptorium

at some points. The columns are often ragged on the left margin (32°; 39.1; 74%.2); the first line often projects a space or two (e. g., 19.2; 19%.2; 26'.2; 43.13 49%.13 §5%.2; 60%.1; 64”.1) or is inset (76.2; 86%.2); some of * According to Miss Macdonald, NW occurs 20 to 25 times, the open @ about 20 times. 2 In about a dozen cases N has apparently been corrected from f or c.


and ‘Text Critic the columns are quite narrow; there is a considerable divergence in the amount of text on a page, ranging from 34 (f. 2%) Teubner lines to 24 (f. 78). These irregularities are probably to be accounted for by the fact that Lupus is writing in great haste.”

Orthography | In MATTERS of orthography it can safely be assumed that in general Lupus

has followed his archetype.” He preserves archaic forms (generally along with A); e. g., guom* (once for the preposition; guum once, gor once, inquumbite once), guoius, quoi, quoiquomaque; ei for i (reisum, auiteis); is for the accusative plural ending (also for the nominative); o for u after u (zniquom, perspicuomst, saluom; uolgus, uolnus, uoltus; relinquont, sequontur,

distinguontur); o after cin such forms as iutdus, iutditas, secdus may be a mere matter of abbreviation (the spelling with ¢ is also used by Lupus in the Paris De inmuentione); the regular spelling is zucundus, secundus, etc., when the words are written in full; o for e after u (animaduorto, conuorsio, conuorsus, uostra, etc.); u in such forms as dicundo, ferund1, faciundae, etc.; u for i, especially common in superlatives (factllumus, optumus, peritissumus, etc.; dissupo, dissupatio, frequent; existumo, existumatio; lubido, lubitum, artubus, finitumi, sonupedes, etc.). Another archaism is the combination of est with the preceding word ( ferendast, necessest, dicttost, sttust,

persequendumst, etc.). One must hesitate, therefore, about attributing corrections of these forms in the manuscript to Lupus; for example, in the last = Miss Macdonald notes the constant omissions, numerous contractions, and the fact that the lines are much less carefully ruled towards the end as indications of the desire to economize time and space. 2 Cf. Strobel, Acta sem. Erlangensis, 111 (1884), 26 ff.

3 9uom occurs more frequently than cum; two thirds of the occurrences are in the first half of the manuscript. With one or two exceptions this form has been corrected to cum. In the compound forms guom is less common than cum and generally remains uncorrected.


Lupus as Scribe item mentioned, a corrector has frequently written est above the line; the only one that can safely be assigned to Lupus is the marginal variant at 57.1.3, where the reading of the Harleianus differs from A. We are familiar with Lupus’ practice in questions of assimilations from his corrections in the Berne Valerius Maximus. Here we have the teacher who is revising a text for the purpose of dictating it to his classes; in his revision he follows the rules laid down by the Latin grammarians for assimilation and syllable division and accordingly assimilates everywhere. If the orthography of the Harleianus agrees with that of the Bernensis we cannot decide whether Lupus is copying or adapting his forms, unless A furnishes evidence; e. g., we find the same assimilation in the Bernensis and the Harleianus in words like guicquid, nunquam, nunquid, tanquam, quanquam and unquam, but in prepositional compounds there is a marked

difference in the procedure of Lupus in the two manuscripts. In the Bernensis he almost invariably assimilates; in the Harleianus assimilation is the exception rather than the rule in most combinations; e. g., ad: aceis commoner than adc-; adf- almost without exception; adg-, ads-, adm-,

adq-, adn-, adl- commoner than the assimilated forms; adp- and appoccur with about equal frequency; a/f- is regular; con/- is commoner than coll-, but corr- is regular; inb-, inl-, inr- are almost invariably written; inmand imm- occur with about equal frequency; imp- occurs more frequently than inp-, but, conforming to the practice of ninth-century scribes, Lupus occasionally writes zn- negative without assimilation (inproutsa, inmutata, inprudentia); ob- is regularly assimilated, optineo (A), optentum (A), but obclusum occurs alongside of occaecat (once corrected to obcaecat); sub- is regularly assimilated before ¢ and before ¢ in supitlis, suptilitas (Lupus cor-

rects 6 to p in these words in the Paris De inuentione). Most of the minor peculiarities and inconsistencies in orthography may well have been in the archetype; e. g., aegregius, aemolumentum, fedus (but 12

and Text Critic foederatus), poenire, etc.; Lupus himself is inconsistent in the treatment of diphthongs; e. g., graecus, grecus, and grecus; scaena, scena, and scena; paene, pene, and pene; haereo, hereo, and hereo, etc.; beniuolentia occurs four

times; Lupus prefers y to z in such words as phylosophus, phylosophia (philosophus also occurs); but phisicus is found along with physicus; he cotrects gimnasia to gymnasia (8%.2.7) and charibdim to charybdim

(95.2.19); sillaba is regular, but sudlaba occurs once. | Irregularities in the use of consonants are much rarer than in most ninth-century manuscripts; e. g., adque, capud; lygurgus, neclectus; relicum, | guommonstrare; chio for cio (AHE), aescines; eporus, phythagorius; tales (for

thales), trasimacho; prohoemium, but exametro (AHE), annibal (and hannibal); p is omitted in promptus twice; there are several cases of omitted c, negleta, expetat, autoritas, but guinctus; there are a few instances of a single consonant instead of a double consonant (posit, acerimus, apellandi,

teserulae); both cottidianus and cotidianus occur. | The inconsistency in writing the compounds of prehendo existed already

in M; e.g., comprendenda, 3.1.18; comprenderis, 90.1.23; comprensus,. 48%.2.20; comprenderint, 2.1.23; reprendendi, 43°.2.11; but reprehensione, 17’.1.7, and reprehendere, 72.1.6; H alone has reprensio, 68°.2.15; uementi

occurs once, 84.1.5. : '

Division of Syllables , THE practice of Lupus in dividing a word at the end of the line was already known to us from the Berne Valerius Maximus. We find the same usage in the Harleianus. A single consonant goes with the following vowel; this applies also to x: e.g., forms of dixi, 1.1.7; 49.2.19; 65%.2.12; 65%.2.21; 66.2.6; 84.2.125 forms of maximus, 7.2.22; 7%.1.213 17%.1.163 17.2.9; 33%.2.4; 61.1.12; 13

- Lupus as Scribe 77.1.243 85%.1.23; 93.1.1; 951.25 100.2.45 other words, 19%.1.11; 74%.2.24;

99.2.2; 106.2.9. The one exception to this practice is found in the case of compound words or their derivatives; e.g., 1%.1.22, ex | ercitationis; g.1.12, ex | istere; 6.1.4, ex | actioné; 6.2.23, ad | ulescentulus; 16.1.16, in | eptias; 34%.1.20, ad | ulescentulos; 36.2.23, ad | ulescente; 104%.1.9, ex | albescat; he also divides in | ania (6.1.7). The most notable feature in the division of a word into syllables is the adoption of the rule of the Latin grammarians, by which any pronounceable group of consonants is placed with the following vowel. In all his other manuscripts Lupus has corrected his texts to conform to this rule (I noted

a hundred cases of such corrections in the Vatican Gellius); it was this practice, mentioned by Seeck in his edition of Symmachus, that drew my __

attention to the Paris manuscript of that author. We find, therefore, the } following combinations written at the beginning of the line where a word is divided: ct, gn, mn, only one case, o | mnit# (33°.1.21); this case violates

Lupus’ rule not to have an initial vowel separated from the rest of the word; ps, one case (92°.1.22); pt, Sc, Sp, St.

In compounds, Lupus divides within the prefix three times, 15%.2.1, ne | glegere, 80.1.9, 0 | stenderd, and 98.2.9, su | stinent. Of course combinations of a mute and a liquid are never separated; cdp | renda (5°.1.8) is from a correction (céparandaé?). Significant for the pronunciation are 2.2.8, Au |

ic and 106.1.15, ésu | etudinis.

Occasionally, at the end of the line, Lupus writes the end of a word | above the line; e. g., 1.1.1; 3%.1.21; 4%.1.10 (apparently the last two syllables added later by him); 16.1.4; 18.1.24; 47%.1.18; 83.2.1. This practice would not be approved by a professional scribe.

The trouble that Lupus took with his line endings is shown by the numerous erasures made in the course of his copying (see below, p. 47). He did not, however, entirely escape the dangers connected with the end of the 14

and Text Critic line; he omits or repeats a part of the word: e. g., 4.2.20, ma | magis; 8.2.8 atg: omnes repeated; 12.1.5, ora | onis; 12.2.17, pspi | endis; 13.1.6, nega | garet; 17%.2.1, anto | us; 20%.1.7, pete | tebat; 20%.1.12, plus repeated;

25.1.14, familiari | arius; 25.2.5, ne ad| ne adulescens; 26.2.6, soce | cero; 26.2.20, pereatio | onis; 27%.1.1., in repeated; 34.1.6, cdphende | derit; 37°.2.12, uero | uero; 38.1.18, reppu | pulit; 39.1.14, licue | erit; 42.1.9, omit | miltis; 42.2.20, ha | habere; 46.1.19, iucundio | orem; §1°.1.15, cogita | tatione;

$4%.1.3, defensio | onis; 54°.2.24, mini (me by corrector); 56%.2.15, file | tendos; 60.1.21, tantanté (beginning of line); 60%.1.7, defuge | geri; 64.1.10, studio | ose; 65°.1.4, exspe | tatione; cf. 69.1.20; 71.1.8, fo for loco; 75.2.22, criminatio | oné; 76.1.17, et | et; 77%.2.24, admouendst; 90.2.19, dé | mone;

91.2.13, instructi | tior; 97%.1.21, du|ducas; 99”.2.20, ta| td; 100%.1.24, adhi | ta.

Punctuation, Capitals, and Paragraph Signs Lupus is sparing in the use of punctuation marks. He employs the point at the top of the line where we employ a period; if the point follows the ligature N it is placed above the line opposite the cross-stroke of ¢. For the comma or semicolon he uses a point halfway above the base-line, or close to

the base-line.* Occasionally he uses the question mark (without a dot) above the line. Later correctors have changed the punctuation in hun-

| T§

dreds of cases; e. g., a stroke is added over the point at the top of the line, or a comma-like stroke or a semicolon inserted below a point; a point ts } « Cf. Donatus Ars Grammatica I. 6, De posituris (Keil G. L., IV, 372); “Tres sunt omnino positurae vel distinctiones, quas Graeci Jécers vocant, distinctio, subdistinctio, media distinctio. distinctio est, ubi finitur plena sententia: huius punctum ad summam litteram ponimus. subdistinctio est, ubi non multum superest de sententia, quod tamen necessario separatum mox inferendum sit: huius punctum ad imam litteram ponimus. media distinctio est, ubi fere tantum de sententia superest, quantum iam diximus, cum tamen respirandum sit: huius punctum ad mediam litteram ponimus.”

Lupus as Scribe often added below Lupus’ interrogation sign, or an interrogation mark is placed over the point made by Lupus. Very often two correctors meddle

: with the original punctuation made by Lupus. Further, additional marks are inserted throughout the text. These marks are sometimes mere dots, sometimes figure 2-shaped or 7-shaped strokes, sometimes a semicolon; an

interrogation mark consisting of the curved stroke and the dot is added. For examples of these types of question mark see 2.2.3 (= Lupus); 2.2.13, the commonest type, in general use in all manuscripts; and 3.1.9. Lupus’ practice in the use of initial capital letters and of the paragraph sign is obscured at the beginning of the manuscript; a corrector (probably H?) has erased the initial letters and whatever paragraph signs there were and substituted large initials where the interlocutors change (also at 3.1.18 and 37.1.2). Probably the same corrector has added the names of the inter- | locutors in the margins (the names are omitted twice on 4” and once on 5”) and erased paragraph signs at 17.2.9, 7%.1.5, and 7%.2.5. Beginning with f. 19 Lupus uses the paragraph sign* frequently (generally followed by a small initial capital) where the interlocutors change and occasionally elsewhere. Paragraph signs have been erased a number of times and replaced by a new sign (e. g., 41.2.24; 41%.2.18; 44%.1.10). The corrector (H?) con-

tinues writing the names of the interlocutors through f. 60%, with a few omissions (e. g., 19, 19”, 57-60"). The latest corrector (H?) apparently inserted paragraph signs at most of the places where Lupus failed to do so. He almost invariably retouched those made by Lupus and in a few places he duplicated them. These changes are made only where the names of the interlocutors occur in the margin. t The paragraph is often indicated by writing the initial capital in the margin.


and Text Critic Abbreviations Lupus employs an unusually large number of abbreviations, though most of them fall within a rather limited range. The old Roman system of suspension is preserved in a large number of cases, especially in technical expressions. -a» (Aulus), 62%.2.23.

-c: (Gaius), frequent (-g- 5%.1.21, possibly from a correction). C+ uiri (centumuiri), etc., 21%.2.73 21%.2.173 22.1.1; 22.2.133 37%.2.23; but -C-V-, $8.1.21. -cos- or cds (consul), 39.1.6; 68%.2.1; 85%.1.8 (Esul, 48.2.20). ‘f+. (filius), 22%.2.2. -on- (Gnaeus), 20.2.15; 23.2.235 41%.2.11.

-l. (Lucius), frequent; for Lucilius, 96%.2.15. -m- (Marcus), frequent; also by error for Manius, e. g., 22.2.12; 22%.1.9; 53.2.4.

-p- (Publius), frequent. pontif. max. (pontifex maximus), 30%.1.14 and 16 (both at end of line).

-pr- (praetor), occasionally. . p-r. or pr. (populi romani), 4 times (populi r., twice, populo romano, once). -q: (Quintus), 8 times.

resp., reip., remp., rep., for respudblica, etc.; about 60 times. | ‘rp: = republica, 1.1.7. ‘r+ (romanum), 24.1.20 (see also pr. above). -s-c- or-sc: (senatus consultum), 22°.1.21; 42%.2.243 43.2.7. ser: (Seruius), 6.2.20; 9.1.16. sex: (Sextus), 9O’.1.9. -sp- (Spurius), 63.2.8. 17

Lupus as Scribe -t- (Titus), 53°.2.16 (by mistake for Tiberius, 39.1.10; 48%.2.17). -ti- (Tiberius), 69.2.10; 90%.1.23. tr. pl. (ridunus plebis), 6 times. -x+ uit (decemuiri), 9.1.12. Other abbreviations occur as follows:

ap (apud), about 60 times. au (autem), 175 times (auté, a few times). cap (caput), 12%.2.5; 77%.2.10 (corrected from cap:; also in A); 85%.1.10. ds (deus), 0.2.15 and 16. dr (dicitur), 14 times. ++ (enim), 21%.1.53 38.1.8; 39%.2.243; 71.1.10; 105.1.24 (3 times at end of line). &e (esse), about 400 times; éét, about 65 times; eém, and éés, twice each. € (est), about 550 times. h’ (hoc), 22 times (through ff. 1-48 and 52%.2.12 corrected by H3 to hoc);

half the occurrences are at end of line. m (mihi), 8 times, always at end of line.

nob (nobis), about 50 times.

n (non), about 670 times. | fr, nra, nrum, or, once or twice, nru (noster, nostra, etc.), etc.; about 130

times; a complete inflection occurs. 7

fic (nunc), about 30 times. omis, oms, (omnis, omnes); OMS, 55.1.1; 88.1.24; 100%.2.6; all at end of

line; oms, about 25 times. These are the only forms; omnit (91%.2.22) is, of course, an error.

p (per), about 385 times. p (pro), about 390 times. Pp (propter), 72.2.7; pt, 22%.1.20. 18

and Text Critic G (qua), 30°.2.17 (aequali, end of line); 57%.2.18 (equa | biliter); 33.1.15, in a correction. q: (guae), about 40 times (the dots have occasionally been erased).

q: (gue), extremely common. | q (quam), 10%.2.53 34.2.6; 35%.1.24 (apparently corrected to gue, the right reading); 71.2.24; 78%.2.12; all in compounds (unquam, etc.), and

| 3 times at end of line.

q (quam), 14.1.9; 17%.2.53 47%.2.13 (in marginal index); 73%.2.19; 75%.2.1

(from a correction); 76.2.7; 78.1.1; 86.2.14 (6 times at end of line); 96%.1.7 (from a correction). q (gui and gui-) (quibus, quid, quidem, etc.); over 50 times; for guid, ad 1s common. Q (guo), 21%.1.10; 25%.2.21; 42.1.20 (correction); 66%.1.19; 68%.2.17; 72.2.19; 84%.2.23; also in guodam, 13%.2.10; quoque, 17%.2.8; 25.2.21; 32.2.24; 36%.1.16 (from a correction); 74.1.20; in aeguo, 29".1.24 (these abbreviations are nearly always at end of line).

qd (quod), about 495 times. | qm (guoniam), about 40 times; by mistake for quom (58.1.12; 59%.1.22 and 63%.1.11).

qt (quot), 12%.2.15; 44.1.9 (marginal correction); 67%.1.103; corrected to guod several times. s> (sed), about 365 times. sic (sicut), 16 times. S (sunt), about 270 times. tm (¢amen), 27°.2.13 (end of line). I (uel), about 20 times. U (wero), 1.2.2; 2%.2.23; 21.2.24; 797.1.24; 85%.2.24 (all but one at end of line). 1g

Lupus as Scribe ura, urum, etc. (uestra, uestrum, etc.); ura, 3 times; urum, § times; uro, twice; uram, once; urds, once; uest occurs twice. uob (uobis), 14 times.

Syllable-symbols: | -e: de, d (deind), 93.2.21 (end of line). en: cen, ¢ (doédi), 73.2.24 (end of line). men, m; about 395 times.

ter, t; about 305 times. | uer, U; ada | Sarit, 20°.1.14. |

er: ber, b; 13 times.

et: bet, b; 6 times (always Aabet). cet, € (plaz), 98%.2.16 (end of line).

it: bit, b; 4 times.

dit, d; 3 times. : cit, C¢; Ig times.

xit, X; 28 times. on: con, C; over 600 times (the reversed c- symbol occurs in a correction, 70%.2.11).

rl: pri, D; about 60 times. unt: runt, Ff; the verb-ending is abbreviated about 120 times; never -ft. ur: mur, m; about 50 times. tur, t; about 865 times (about 22 times in initial or interior syllables, turba, diuturnus, etc.; in the other cases it is the verb-ending). t; 60.2.23; 72.1.1. us: bus, b:; very common in case-endings; also morb: once (51°.1.9). cus, C, 8%.1.1; 26%.2.21.

ius, 1:; always e1:, cul:, quoi:, hui:; over 150 times (often corrected with

the apostrophe by H); Lupus uses this system in his other manuscripts. 20

and Text Critic mus, m:; about 270 times. m; about 80 times. nus, n; about 85 times. rus, ©; over 15 times. sus, $; Over 16 times. tus, t; about 26¢ times. xus, X; 627.2.24.

Lupus employs the m-stroke freely; it is used for 7 at 98.2.4, anténa and 100.1.12, uéédust and it is retained in the correction of wt to nic (103.1.20).? The figures giving the number of occurrences of the abbreviations might perhaps well have been omitted, but they have significance. Lupus used

several thousand abbreviations, but the great majority involve a very small number of words or symbols. It can readily be imagined what would have happened when a scribe like Lupus copied a manuscript full of unusual and symptomatic abbreviations; they would be almost completely eliminated to make way for the scribe’s own system; one or two might escape the scribe, as is the case in the Harleianus, where Lupus twice writes t for tur.

Vacant Spaces EspEcIaLty characteristic of Lupus’ methods 1s his practice of preserving spaces left vacant in the archetype and of leaving spaces where the text is corrupt or he thinks it is corrupt. In the first case he is faithfully preserving the tradition; in the second he is prompted by the hope that he may

find another manuscript from which he can fill the gap. In some cases these spaces are preserved in A and E, but others must have existed in their common ancestor which were not preserved by the copyists; gaps left in a text generally tend to become smaller and gradually disappear in the * See p. 36, footnote I.


Lupus as Scribe course of successive transcriptions. The list is as follows: 2.2.5," [space of 2-3 letters]; correctly filled in with ut, probably by H’; 2.2.6, [2]; nothing

omitted here; 4.2.19, petiturti [2]; later corrected to petiturus (right); 8¥.2.15, [2] exiguo (corrected at once from exigui); H? inserted & in the gap; 9.1.20, [2]; erasure of one letter (7?) followed by gap of one letter; apparently z had been written over ” and then partially erased (text has in); 12.2.24,[3-4]; text corrupt in H, but nothing omitted; 13.1.24, mina’ [2-3] trere, for minaciter terrere; 14%.2.1, [7]; negue omitted; Lupus wrote ne (later?) but g. is in lighter ink (Lupus writes g:); E has me; 15.1.11, [3-4]; space should follow do, not precede it (cto sscr. H?); 15.2.18, sta t]seas;

Lupus did not recognize the proper name Staseas; 'H’ closed the gap; 15.1.4, catiline na [2], for cantilenam (error in H only); 17%.1.2, ent [12-

13] sed; cryphia? in HE; the marginal reading faciendo sola gd decet (adopted by Friedrich) 1s not by Lupus; 26.2.20, p[2] creatio|onis; procreationis right; 28.1.12, et7@[5—6] guentis (= A), for et languentis (H3 inserts lan in the gap); 29.2.1, [2] 75 guidé, for 7s quem (nothing omitted; A also is corrupt); 30.2.21, [3]; est omitted (gap also in E); 32.1.4,5, [2] orts [3] Ais-

toria, for oratoris historia (M had oris, E has horis; no sign of erasure in H); 33.1.20, et [7-8], for etiam si (A has et non; E etiam non, with mark of correction); 33.1.23, egregie [2] neidé; nothing wrong (A has eneidem, E aeneidem); 34°.2.10, hannibal |2] is [12] et, for Hannibal et (corrupt in M; AE have the cryphia above the line); 35.2.11, peri [6-7], for perite (corrupt in M; AHE have the cryphia); 35.2.20, demonstratur [3], for demon« Square brackets indicate a gap in the text without erasure; the figures indicate the number of letters required to fill the gap; the plus sign is used where two lines are involved. Some of the small spaces, especially at the beginning of the line, are probably without significance, and most of them have not been included in the list unless the text is corrupt. The presence of the cryphia is only occasionally noted as a complete list of its occurrences is given later. 2 Corrected to minis by H2. 3 Defined by Isidore, Etym, 1.21.10, “Cryphia, circuli pars inferior cum puncto, ponitur in his locis ubi quaestio dura et obscura aperiri uel solui non potuit.’’ Lupus often omits the dot. 2.2

and ‘Text Critic straturum (=H1?); 36.1.9, orator se [2-3], for oratores esse (corrupt in AE; cryphia in AH); 36%.2.5,6, ¢a|m [1] te, for tote mente; later corrected by reddish-brown hand; 38.1.3, ad sas [12-14], for ad causas (corrupt also in A; AH have the cryphia); 39%.1.10, incerta [7-8] tione [3-4] saepe, for inter-

pretatione saepe (corrupt in AE; cryphia in E); 40.1.1, gua [6] sét, for quale sit (corrupt in M); 42.2.20, wis [5-6] uid, for usu iam (uisuiam AE; AHE have the cryphia); 42%.2.13, date [3] factu, for Jatet factum (corrupt in M; E has the cryphia); 42%.2.23, »° ecui; [3], for decius (corrupt in M; cryphia in AH); 43.1.23, ¢trouersia [1], for controuersias; 43.2.6, dignitas [3-4], for dignitas aut indignitas (corrupt in M; sign of omission in E); 44.2.1, [3] 7m; nothing wrong; 44.2.3, quaestion [4], for guaestio (corrupt in

M); 45.2.8, uenire [8-9], for uenere (corrupt in M; sign of error in E); 45.2.10, cogitatione [6] sapseris, for cogitatione saepseris (corrupt in M, corrected by H? and E?——not by Lupus); 45%.1.23, wiris iné[7] ingenia; text

corrupt (cryphia in E; edd. read diligentia est after uiris); 45%.2.9, sum: [2-3]; corrupt in M (most edd. supply us); 48.2.1,2, attingat [8] extrinsecus; nothing wrong; 487.2.16, ponendae [1] td, for ponendae iam (corrupt in M); 49.1.10, fuzsti [7] quidé, for fuisti quod eam (corrupt in M; sign of correction in EF); 49.1.22,23, paria[8] mus [14] sic, for paria comparabimus sic (corrupt in M; sign of correction in E); 49.2.9, ex pari’ [1] es [2-3], for ex pari est (corrupt in M; sign of correction in E); 50%.1.12, ¢latio [7] aliqua, for conlocatione rerum aliquid (corrupt in M); 50%.1.21, aduersarioré [1]; nothing wrong; 50%.2.11, [1-2] sz; nothing wrong; 50%.2.14, gratia nimi [2], for grati

animi (A has the same error; cryphia in AH); 51.1.5, oratio [12-13] 7; corrupt in M (Lupus repeats the passage in the following line); 51.1.8, comdatos [3], for commendat reos (corrupt in M); 51.2.9, adali [8-9], for alio (corrupt in M; sign of error in E); 51%.1.24, imciz [7-8], for inclinant (cor-

rupt in M; cryphia in AH); 51.2.9, flex atqganimama [4-5], for flexanima atque (cryphia in AH; corrected later by Lupus and Hs’; corrupt in M); 23

Lupus as Scribe §3°.1.11,12, sine rati [2-3], for miseratio (corrupt in M; cryphia in AH); §3%.1.13, imploratio [16-17]; nothing wrong (sign of error in FE); 537.2.8, superiora [1-2] uim [1-2] fuca, for superiora uim fugam (M had fuca with

cryphia; later corrected to fugam in H); 54.2.8,9, norbano [3-4 + whole line]; in nefario crimine omitted in M (mark of correction in E); 54%.1.7,8, ciunctio [9 + 1], for coniunctione defenderam et iudicum (corrupt in M); 54%.2.8, iusto [20-21], for zusto st pio (corrupt in M); 54%.2.21, orationis [11-12], for partibus orationis (corrupt in M); 56.1.2, cete [11-12] modandi, for ceteris commodandi (corrupt in M); 56.2.1-3, interior [30-32]; est ille

proprius sed omitted (corrupt in M; sign of error in E); 56.2.5, perducen [8]; dus omitted in M; 56%.1.2-4, fas [25-26] autem, for fastidium ad sedandum autem (corrupt in M); 56%.1.20, a misericordia [2], for iam misericordia

(corrupt in M); 56%.2.4, casus [11]; rerum omitted (corrupt in M; sign of error in E); 57.1.10, 2//e [1-2], for z//o (corrupt in M); 57%.2.12,13,5[2 +1]; artemque tradere sic insulsi extiterunt omitted in M; 58.1.1, €[ 15-16]; totum

omitted in M (sign of error in E); 58.1.4,5, sedi [1] 5°, for sed (cryphia in AH); 58.1.8, zmitatores facetur [4], for imitatores et narratores facetos (corrupt in M; cryphia in AH); 58.1.22-24, p [line + 6-7] zd, for pro cn. planco diceret nam id (corrupt in M); 58.2.20-22, azunt[12-13 + line] pienti, for aiunt ennium flammam a sapienie (corrupt in M); §9.1.2, 52 [2] ezzd, for se etiam (M had s2); 60.1.17-20, genus [two lines] 57, for genus hoc tocandi guale sit (space in A, sign of error in E); 60.2.19,20, confi [12 + 1], for.confidamus aut praua (space of 12 letters in A); 60%.1.19, [one line]; fenum omitted in M (gap in A); 60%.2.12, etlicid [4], for et eiciam; 61.1.10, [5] formitate, for deformitate; 61%.1.3, [4-5]; nothing wrong; 61%.2.15, dixisse erased after guendd, then unerased gap [3-4]; oppidanum omitted in M; gap in A; 61%.2.20, siue [2] habeas; nothing omitted here (possibly had reference to uere omitted after habeas in M); 61°.2.23,24, finger [16 + 4], for fingas (M had fingere); 62.1.14,15, addi [one line], for addidit uehementius risimus 24

and ‘Text Critic (corrupt in M; gap in A); 62.2.16,17, ad [4~5 + whole line], for ad irridendum uitio re- (space of 16 letters in A); 62%.1.16, [13-14]; rogaéo omitted; 62.2.9, guia [4-5] medilata, for guia meditata; Lupus recognized the corruption but could not cure it (not corrupt in M); 63.1.11, face [2], for facete (not corrupt in M); 63.1.15, uer lo [3-4] g:, for re uerbogque (not corrupt in M); 63.2.15, tua [7-8], for tuarum (not corrupt in M); 63.2.17, €[3]; nothing wrong (text corrupt in following line); 63.2.24, sczpio [3] at; nothing wrong; 63%.1.23, potest [6], for potest esse (corrupt in M); 64.1.17-19, fregisset[2-3 + whole line] cani, for fregisse diceret ut illud africani (no omission in M); 64.1.20, nuculan [3-4] cficere, for nuculam an confixum uts facere (M corrupt); 64.1.22, sextd [1-2] tis, for sextantis; 64.2.19,20, [10-12 + whole

line]; ile gui iudicatum omitted in M; 64%.2.3, de [8-9] immo; nothing wrong (M corrupt after the following word); 66.1.16,17, [whole line + 12]; sane tllud quod an omitted in M; 66.2.17, [whole line]; uenalium ut quisque omitted in M; 67.1.17, za [8-9], for appellat elpwva; 67°%.2.12, [13-14] tur, for ridentur; 68.1.11,[9-10]; nothing omitted; 68%.1.10,[9]; arcam omitted in M; 68%.1.14, stultitia [2-3], for stultitiae (error in M); 69%.2.1, guesit [4], for quaesisset; 69%.2.12,13, [11 + 2]; lepidus omitted in M; 70.1.12-14, tnriden [6~7 + whole line + 22] /e, for inridendis ipsorum ridicule (space of 20 letters in A, of 10 in E); 70.2.14,15, accep [one line], for acceptus inquit et (space of 18 letters in A, of 10 in E); 71.1.4,5, possé [3 + 1] mt: [9-10], for possum miht (AE have space of 6 letters after mz); 71.1.6, sumo: [2-3] na [2-3], for sumo unum (corrupt in M); 71%.2.3,4, caesar. [4-5] quid, for caesar inquit guid intellegam sed (corrupt in M); 72.1.20, gud tam fuerit [3], for quanta

mens fuerit (mistaken abbreviations); 72.1.21, gui [7-8] itarit, for qui ita responderit (corrupt in M; gap and cryphia in A); 72.1.22-24, pos [1011 + whole line + 2], for possemus nihil ex illius (corrupt in M; space of 17 letters in A after pos, of 3 in E); 72%.1.12,13, ef uita. [10] nec, for et pondus in uita nec (space of 8 letters in AE); 72%.1.21,22, ne [2] mmo uero 2§

Lupus as Scribe [2]; nothing wrong (AH have cryphia over ne); 73.2.8, % illud. [5-6], for ne quid mali (corrupt in M; space of 6 letters in A); 76.2.4,5, -é- [18 + whole line]; text corrupt (space of 32 letters in A, of 20 in E); 76%.2.13,14, demonstraris [4] st, for demonstrata res sit (corrupt in M); 80.2.13, ni [2], for nist (M had nz); 81%.1.22, aspectu [1], for aspectus (M had aspectu);

81°.2.6,7, ueniunt(3 +1] 5 for uentunt sede (sed in M; cryphia in H); 83.1.20, homini [2]; nothing omitted; Lupus corrected the preceding gngua to g gud; 83%.1.4, re- [2], for re dicere ille (corrupt in M); 83%.2.2, [12-13];

lacuna in M (space of 14 letters in A); 83%.2.10, mauoltis [4]; nothing wrong; 84.1.16, [16-17]; nothing omitted (space of 6 letters in A); 87.1.6, reis [2-3]; nothing wrong; 87.1.1, wiri [4-5]; nothing wrong (corrupt passage in preceding line); 87%.1.19, zaps [2], for znpressum (error in H only); 87%.2.11, crimeina [3-4], for prima (M corrupt; space also in A; cryphia in

AH); 89.1.7, acles [3-4], for acies (corrupt in M; AH have the cryphia; AE have space of 4 letters); 93.1.7, istu [1], for ista (M corrupt); 93.1.12, crass’ [1], for crasse (M corrupt; cryphia in AH); 94°.2.7,8, significata [2-3]; nothing wrong; 9§.1.13, dulcitudo [2] rationis [3-4], for dulcitudo orationis (M had rationis); 95%.1.19, eet [6] ueas, for esset uetas (esse tu eas A); 95.1.21, nomine [1] eunde, for nomine unde (M corrupt); 95°.2.12, uerbis [2] que, for uerbis neque (corrupt in M); 96.1.4, ornam [3], for ornamentum (corrupt in

M); 96%.1.5, sensust [4-5]; nothing wrong; 96%.2.10, neue [2]; nothing wrong; 96%.2.12, lepidis [2], for lepide (M had Jlepidi); 98.1.4,5, inde [34 + 1] st [5-6], for inde sensim (M had sim; gap in A); nothing omitted after sim; 98.2.4, anténa [1], for antennae (antenna M); 98%.1.6, suaue [2], for suaue est (est omitted in M); 99¥.2.19, [3-4] ca [6-7], for causa (same gaps in M); 99%.2.23, @ lege [3-4], for ad legem (a lege M); 100.1.12, guos [4] e¢, for guasi (corrupt in M; gapin A); 100%.1.18, e[1], for ex (M had e); 102.1.10, peussio [1] stet, for percursiost et (M corrupt); 103.1.14, demonstratio [1] stet, for demonstratiost et (error in H only); 104.2.13, e [1] guts, 26

and Text Critic for ecquis (equis M); 104%.2.14, demonstrans [5] clarans, for declarans (space also in A); 105.2.19, alts [1], for alzts.

Technical Signs _ In addition to leaving vacant spaces in the line where he thinks the passage is corrupt, Lupus also marks a corrupt passage with the cryphia. In most

| cases this sign was copied from the archetype, since we almost always find it in A and occasionally in E; but in some instances it was undoubtedly inserted by Lupus himself. He used it freely in his other manuscripts, especially in the Valerius Maximus, De inuentione and Gellius. In the Harleianus the following cases occur: 13%.2.12; 1§%.1.4; 15%.1.23; 17%.1.2; 19”.1.45

27.2.5 (text not corrupt but Lupus did not understand it); 35.1.1 (also in A); 35.2.11 (in AE); 36.1.9 (in A); 36%.2.9; 38.1.4 (in A); 39.2.8 (in A); 40.2.4, underneath the corrector’s aut (in A); 41%.1.11 (in A); 42.2.20 (in A); 42%.2.23 (in A); 43.2.3 (in A); 44%.1.14 (in A); 44%.2.9 (underneath the corrector’s tuam); 45.2.10, underneath the corrector’s e (in A); 477.1.6; 48.1.6 (in A); 48.1.20 (in A); 48.2.20 (in AE); 50%.2.43 5$0%.2.15 (in A); §1.1.7; §1%.1.24 (in A); §1%.2.9 (in A); 52%.2.4 (in A); 53.1.4 (in A); 53.1.6 (in A); 53.2.11 (in A); §3%.1.11 (in A); §3%.2.9 (in A); 57.2.9; 57%.2.12;

68.1.4 (in A); 58.1.8 (in A); 59%.2.19 (in A); 60%.2.12; 61%.2.2; 62.2.8; 63.1.12; 63.2.233 67.2.11; 72.1.1; 72%.1.21 (in A); 81%.1.20 (in A); 81%.2.6; 83.1.8; 85%.2.7 (in A); 86%.2.24 (in A); 87.1.22; 87.2.24 (in A); 87%.2.11

(in A); 88%.1.19; 88%.1.20 (in A); 89.1.7 (in A); 92°1.21; 93.1.12 (in A); 9§.2.12; 98.2.5 (in A); 104”.1.11 (in A); 105%.1.8 Gin A); 105%.1.9. To correct wrong word-order Lupus places slanting strokes over the words involved, two strokes followed by one where only two words are to be reversed, three, two, and one, where three words are involved; in some + Many examples are omitted by Friedrich, and my own notes on this manuscript are not complete; for E I have depended on Strébel and Friedrich.


Lupus as Scribe cases H has substituted the letters a, 4, and ¢ for the strokes, sometimes adding a letter. Lupus uses the same device in other manuscripts. The cases in the Harleianus are as follows: 2°.1.22,23 (H’b.a.c.); 5.2.23,245 s%,1.2 (Hic.a.b.); 7.2.8 (H'b.a.c.); 10%.2.20 (H’b.a.c.); 15%.2.13 (H’%b.a.); . 237.2.203 27%.2.133 29%.1.24 and 2.1; 37.2.6; 42.1.1; 52%.1.9; 637%.2.2; 64°.2.23; 68%.2.22; 94.1.17,18; 96%.2.10; 99.1.1; 100.1.22. Strokes with

dots are used to correct the word-order at 1037.1.21,22. . The use of the ligature NW ( = ofa) in the margin to call attention to something in the text is common in Latin manuscripts. Lupus employs it freely in all his manuscripts. Its frequency in the Harleianus shows again how thorough was Lupus’ revision of his text. The symbol occurs on the following pages: 3’, 4, 5, 7°, 8%, 9%, 12%, 15, 16” (twice), 17, 17” (three times), 18 (three times), 19, 19’, 23, 23%, 26, 27 (twice), 28, 29”, 31, 32 (twice), 33% (twice), 35, 36 (twice), 38%, 39, 40%, 41, 41%, 42%, 45%, 46”, 47", 50 (twice), 63; 72°, 745 76; 77> 79» 79% 80, 80%, 82%, 83, 84”, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 100%, 103%, 105, 106”. The somewhat similar symbols found on 2°, 35 10’, 34%, 38%, 45%, 51% are much later.

Lupus employs here, as well as in his other manuscripts, the abbrevia-

tion g (= guaere) in the margin, opposite a corrupt passage in the text (sometimes combined with the cryphia). The list is as follows: 8%.2.7; 17%.2.20; 19%.2.13; 51.1.3; 59%.2.18 (corrupt passage Is In 2.19); 60%.2.12; 63.2.17; 637.2.14; 75.1.20; 76.1.19; 76%.2.14; 81%.2.6; 92¥.1.19.

The abbreviation .r. (= require), which occurs nine times, from ff. 6 to 83, is by the hand(s) using the yellow and reddish-brown ink. A mark consisting of two cross-strokes with four dots in the angles occurs three times; it is used once (15¥.1.13) as a reference mark for a marginal variant of Lupus, but it must be by a later hand, since Lupus does not employ this mark elsewhere for this purpose and in this particular case a reference mark was unnecessary; furthermore the same mark occurs on 28

and Text Critic f. 108, 1, opposite line 9, which was written in the eleventh century; on 25%.2.8 it may have some connection with the fact that A begins at this point and E resumes. A similar mark in the lower right-hand corner of 18 may have been followed by instructions to the reader to skip to 19 (the folios after 18 had fallen into disorder), or it may be connected with the fact that there is a gap after 18 (187 is blank). A somewhat similar mark (without the dots) occurs four times; at 92%.2.21 it marks the passage : where A and E resume; at 22.2.23, 69".22 and 97’.1.16 it appears to be used like the sign N.

The Correctors THe text of the Harleianus underwent correction from the beginning.” Lupus himself made changes as he wrote; he made many more changes after the copy was finished; the marginal words and signs probably represent the final stage of his revision. He was followed by at least two main correctors,

one of the twelfth or thirteenth century (H7’), the other of the fourteenth (Hs). In the clear cases there is no difficulty in distinguishing these hands. The ink of Lupus 1s dark brown; the ink of H? is generally black or dark brown, often exactly like that of Lupus; the strokes are precise. The undoubted corrections of H3 are in a pale yellow ink, the pen is broader, the strokes are less precise, giving an impression of negligence; where the ink 1s thick it is difficult to distinguish from the preceding scribes. Some corrections are in a bright reddish-brown ink that becomes dark brown when it is t In the matter of corrections, especially by erasure, it will be found occasionally that there is no visible evidence in the plates; the traces of a change, often faint enough in the parchment, have disappeared in the process of photography and printing. Unfortunately, too, in about a dozen places the photographer failed to include letters written at the edge of the page. These omissions however are unimportant; two variants have been cut off (€, 57.1.3 and de, 94.1.16); also the first letter of another variant (é//a, 10.1.18). A few reference or critical marks have disappeared (/, 65.1. 16; 9, 8¥.2.7 and 75.1.20; NW’, 63.1.6; =, 18 and 108.1.9); the other omissions affect the marginal index-words.


Lupus as Scribe thick and yellowish when thin; the strokes are precise, with a sharp distinction between heavy and light lines. It is often impossible to decide whether these corrections are by H? or Hs; indeed, it is quite possible that a

fourth hand has been active. Since most of the corrections in the manuscript are of a minor sort, involving only a single letter or syllable, they do not offer much material for a study of handwriting. In any case, owing to the insignificance of the corrections, it is not a matter of much importance whether they were made by H?, H3, or another corrector. The important

point in our examination of the changes is to identify the corrections of Lupus, and to determine whether he or the later correctors had access to ' another manuscript. The activity of H? is chiefly limited to the first seventeen folios. He 1s probably the scribe who substituted large initial capitals where the interlocutors change; guom is changed to cum by erasure only on these pages; €.9., 1%.2.22; 3%.1.10; 4.1.15; 4.1.15; 4%.2.18; 4%.2.24; 6.2.5; 6%.1.20; 7.1.20; 8%.1.22; 9.2.20; 10.1.2,9, and 16; 11.1.18; I1%.2.22; 12.1.1; 13.1.20; 14.1.13; 14.2.5,16, and 19; 15.1.23; 16.2.3 and 15; 17.1.2. Most of the added interrogation signs of type 2 (see p. 16) are on these folios. Nearly all the corrections that involve more than one or two letters are found here. It is quite clear that this corrector had another codex from which he supplied words or letters that were omitted in the Harleianus; e. g., 1.2.6, colendas to recolendas; 1.2.3, quid eét superscript; 2.2.1 and 2, i” superscript; 2.2.5, uf inserted in gap; 2.2.11, artim superscript; 4.2.8, eodé

inserted in a gap, etc. The manuscript used belonged to the Mutili and was related to that used by the corrector of E, which in turn, as Strdbel has shown,’ was closely akin to the Harleianus; e.g., 2.1.2, gud corrected to aligua (E? corrected gua to aligua); 9.1.6, ut superscript, H? E?; 9%.2.20, quaciq. de re, H, quactique de re, EK? for guaequomg: of H (res omitted); * Op. cit., p. 46.


and ‘Text Critic 10.1.23, guae corrected to aliqua, H? KE. At 7.1.1, quad to guae ergo and

8°.1.9, dixerat to dixera H? agrees with M?; at 6.1.21, H? alone of the Mutili has the right reading, aég. is corrected from adguis. Many of the changes are obvious attempts at emendation and show no great intelligence on the part of the scribe. Beginning with f. 25 a hand in dark ink has added several hundred 2-shaped punctuation marks (to 106) and has placed the rough-breathing | sign over iis (occasionally over #z) to correct to his (to 104; over fifty cases) ;" he corrects guom to cum, without erasure (to 106), over 70 times. (There are a number of insignificant changes, mostly involving only a single letter.) This scribe, for some reason, failed to make any of these types of correction on 49-59, 60-64, 77-80" and 93-102"; nor are there any other corrections in this ink on these folios. There remains a series of corrections, extending almost to the end of the

manuscript, made in yellow or reddish-brown ink (H'). The yellow hand everywhere corrects the punctuation of his predecessors, retouches the paragraph signs, changes iis to his by writing 4 above the first 7 (about 20 times, 2-93”); he occasionally corrects the rough breathing of his predecessor to A (e. g., 26.1.6; 39%.2.6 and 11; 45%.1.16; 47%.2.23); he also corrects guom to cum without erasure (to 67; about 65 times); this is the hand that expands the abbreviation for hoc (see p. 18). A large number of his changes

are wrong; nearly all of them involve only one or two letters, and affect especially the orthography. While some of his correct readings could easily be made by a fairly intelligent scribe, there are a few that make it probable that he had another manuscript at his disposal; e. g., 14.1.6, he restored the original reading guanta, which had been corrected to tanta by H?; 19%.2.13, da inserted; 28.1.13, /an inserted in gap (easy emendation); 287.2.8, nzhil : Lupus in the Berne Valerius Maximus used 4, not the rough-breathing sign, in making this



Lupus as Scribe corrected to michi; 36°.2.5, tam te corrected to fofa mite (transparent reddishbrown); 447.2.9, istatim corrected to isté tuam (reddish-brown); 50%.1.12,

ne rera (reddish-brown) inserted 1n gap; not in M (probably an emendation). This second manuscript was closely related to that used by the corrector of E; e. g., 7%.1.24, gs inserted (also E*); 8.2.6, séguad superscript, Hi E?; 28.1.9, ornata corrected to ornate, H E?; 40.2.4, an to aut, H3 (heavy reddish-brown) E?; 48.2.18, sua adrogans to siue arrogans, H3 (reddishbrown) E?; 49.1.22,23, mus corrected to qgueremus (gap in H),* H3 (reddishbrown) E?; 51.2.9, H3 (reddish-brown) corrects flex atg animama (corrected to animima by Lupus) to flexa atg- ab animi nata; E3 (according to Friedrich) reads flexag; ab animi natura; §3°.1.12, g: deleted, H* (reddish-brown) E?. The correction srutina for ruina (47°.1.6), which also occurs in A, and cuigua

(wrong) for guiquam (83.1.20) seem in a hand different from any of those mentioned above.

There are no corrections, except those made by Lupus, on 56-59; 60; 77-80"; 84; 86%; 95-97; 98-101; 102; 102%; only a few on 87; 89%; 95°; 104%; 105 (mostly punctuation).

Marginal Index In THE Berne Valerius Maximus Lupus wrote in the margin any words of

the text that attracted his attention for one reason or another; he followed : the same practice in the Harleianus and the Vatican Gellius. Some of the: words appealed to him doubtless as a schoolmaster — words that required investigation or comment; others may have struck the fancy of a writer who in his Letters shows a fondness for turning an apt phrase or using a neat classical idiom. The list shows how thoroughly Lupus worked over his manuscript; it begins on f. 3” and ends only with the last page (the word in * Miss Macdonald suggests that guere is not intended to form a part of the verb guaeremus but is a critical note inserted by the correctors of H and E or copied by them from a second manuscript.


and Text Critic the text is sometimes in the line above or the line below); 37.1.3, memoria; : 47.1.5, impend.; 4%.2.15, RELAX; 5.1.23, regi; 5%.1.8, Csecis §%.2.12, moenib: ; Q’.1.15, armamtariu; 9%.2.18, quis orator; 10.1.6, arati memoria; 10%.2.9, subirat ; 12%.2.19, retrusa; 13%.2.16, DISERT; 14.1.5, Ugur; 14.1.21, lectito; 15.2.12, delect? (a erased after ¢; Lupus generally avoids a vowel-ending in his abbreviations); 17.1.14, BARB; I9’.1.11, integ: ; 20.1.3, exedif; 21.2.12,

usucapiona; 22%.1.2, postum (in text, postum:) with reference marks; | 22%.1.21, patpatrat; 22.%.2.13, infit; 23%.2.21, definitio; 25°.1.6, INEPT; 26.1.3, poptato; 26.2.6, RELAX (a wiped out after x); 26.2.9, rusticari; : 26.2.16, conch; 26%.2.4, aLT (with reference dots above, but no corresponding ones in the text); 26%.2.7, psius; 26°.2.18, nauas’; 27.2.20, aliut; 27°.1.4, AUCUP; 28.1.11, explicit-; 30%.1.9, historia; 30%.2.20, dol (a wiped out after 1); 31%.2.14, IND; 32.1.16, exaed; 33.1.5, INTEX; 33.2.18, POLYCLIT (part on

erasure); 37.1.16, maz; 39.2.7, pgud; 40%.1.14, arcessere; 41.1.9, quomin; 41.1.21, REVER!; 41'.1.12, DILOD; 417.2.6, Zff (a erased after /); 41°.2.17, delego; 42.2.9, adiudic;; 42%.1.21, peucur;; 42%.2.7, subact. erased; 43.2.20, luxurt; 43%.1.20, pat patrat; 43°.2.1, POStM; 44%.2.10, 05€33 45.2.10, CALLEO

(CALLEO erased between the columns, opposite lines 11 and 12); 45.2.22, diligentia; 46.2.13, subausc;; 47.1.14, 9d in dialectica; 47.2.11, RETEXIT; 47°.2.13, Pp g. opt: 5 48.1.3, mansa; 48.1.10; acula (ac erased on left margin); §4.2.21, REF; 56%.2.6, DOL; §7%.1.18, SENT; §7%.2.14, INSUL; §7%.2.22, CAVIL5;

59.1.4, ASSENT; 61.2.6, RELA: ; 61.2.9, QUATEN; 61.2.1I, PERQUA (PERQUAM wiped out on right margin); 61°.1.20, mimicus; 63.2.17, -GL- (refers

to glacicanti in text one line below); 65%.1.9, inuers; ; 67.1.19, dissimul; 69.1.5, ac (simul ac in text); 69%.1.20, sentios?; 70.2.4, SESS; ‘71.2.3, sume; 71.2.16, LIBEN; 71’.1.9, VEL MA; 71Y%.1I.13, RESP; 72.2.13, VT; 73.2.16, cOpar; ; '78.2.13, TV; 78%.2.19, sits 79.1.3, deberi; 81.2.9, EIDE; 82.2.13, bene

longa (6 wiped out before 4); 84%.1.10, PIGNE; 88.2.13 pens; ; 88%.2.6, inuol; ; 88%.2.20, expil; ; 89%.1.20, soccos; 89%.1.21, Scili- ; 89%.2.5, abderita; 33

Lupus as Scribe 90.2.12, hippocrates; 92.2.6, p me lic; 92.2.12, infant; ; 92.2.14, INSCIEN; 92°.2.24, PERC}; 937.I.14, DILECT; 967.1.14, CONEX: ; 96%.2.16, TESER’ ;

96.2.17, EMBL; 98%.1.8, ppetuo; 98%.2.22, CRETIC; 102.1.1, INLUST; ; 106.2.11, FORE; 106%.1.1, SUCCT; .

Marginal Variants Most significant in Lupus’ work of revision are the variants written on the margin, generally prefixed by a capital A with dots on either side (occasionally a single dot);* the reference is exactly defined by the use

of two, or sometimes three, dots over the variant and the corresponding word in the text. The only exceptions are 157.1.13 and $4.2.3, where the variant is close to the text reading, and 103.2.9. Beginning with f. 103 Lupus employs the abbreviation for ue/ (f) with or without dots (an early

case on 65.1.16). These signs he uses in the manuscripts of Valerius Maximus, of De inuentione, and of Gellius. The small number of cases in the Harleianus would alone be enough to indicate that Lupus did not have access to another manuscript in making his revision,’ and none of the variants is of such a sort as to make it necessary to assume the use of another manuscript. The list is as follows: 10.1.18, za, the right reading (= M) for ea; the latter word was probably a mistake of Lupus; 15%.1.13, the variant

putaui dew is correct; the reading in the text, patuit ed, apparently was taken from the archetype, which may have contained the variant; the e of eum was later corrected to ¢ by erasure; the unusual reference mark 1s not by Lupus; 16%.1.21, szm¢ for sunt; sint was the reading of M and is correct; Lupus wrote the incorrect form in the text, whether by accident or intentionally, and preserved the original reading as a variant; 29.1.8, * Variously expanded as aliter, alibi, alias, alter, alius. 2 Lindsay, Palaeographia Latina, Pt. 1, p. 11, calls attention to the fact that these signs are often used to cloak mere scribal errors.


and ‘Text Critic the variant ante preserves the reading of the archetype (AE*); Lupus wrote a te in the text, probably correctly; the error may have been due to an apex

over a, which, as often, was mistaken for an v-stroke; 51.2.20, the text reads animi, the right form; Lupus preserved the reading of M (AE*) as a variant; he may have emended here or the variant may have existed in the archetype; E also is corrected here; 54.2.3, the variant incorrectly expands the abbreviation -pr- to populi r., which is also the reading of AE; 54%.1.19, the text has the correct reading more; the variant mazore may be a contribution of Lupus, though not a very intelligent one; 57.1.3, the right reading inflémandist stands in the text; Lupus added é as a variant; A has inflammanda é. ‘The archetype of the Harleianus probably had the same reading as A, which Lupus changed to conform to the regular

usage, but he preserved the original reading as a variant; §7.2.1, the text has the correct form #i#; the variant reads ¢ertius, which, according

to my notes, is also the reading of A (Friedrich is silent here); again Lupus apparently has made an easy emendation but has preserved the original reading as a variant; 65.1.16, the variant is % ea in re, which was

the reading of M; the text has 7 in ea re; the archetype may have had

| 35

strokes above the words, indicating a change of order, and Lupus preserved both the original and the corrected word order (the L group has 2” re); of course the order in the text may be due to Lupus himself; 77%.1.14, the text has the correct form metiam; the variant reads metiam’ (not metimus, as Friedrich has it); A has metimus; again Lupus has made an obvious emendation but preserved the original as a variant; 94.1.16, the text reading ts incuruascere, while the variant substitutes Je for ua; A has incurbescere;

the explanation is the same as in the preceding cases; 97%.2.2, the text

reading 1s genere, the marginal reading is genera, which is also found 1n A; again Lupus tries to emend (but unsuccessfully — the correct form 1s ge-

nerum) and again he preserves the reading of the archetype as a variant;

Lupus as Scribe 99.2.3, the text has dithyrab: ; the variant reads 7 in place of m, possibly the reading of the archetype; * 103.2.5, the text reads et /iberationes; the variant is deliberationes, the correct word, found also in A; Lupus again preserves the reading of M as a variant; is his own reading due to an error or did his original contain both readings? The variant was later corrected to -nis; the last e of both /berationes and laudationes has been tampered with; in L both words end in -v7s; 103.2.9,10, the word disputatio is intended as a variant to dissupatio in |. 9 (also the reading of A); probably the variant existed in M and was omitted by A; 103.2.12, the text has the incorrect reading at (also in A); the variant an may be an obvious emendation of Lupus or the trouble may have been caused by the form 4, which was misunderstood or emended by the scribe of M (@ = an or aut; E* has aut); 1037.1.16, the text has eet, the reading of M; the variant adisset probably represents Lupus’ attempt to make sense; an Erlangen manuscript (303) has excessisset, L has cessisset.

Marginal Corrections A CONSIDERABLE number of corrections were entered by Lupus on the mar-

gins, regularly with reference marks on the margins and in the text; the marks employed are the same that he uses in his other manuscripts, (1) a

light stroke followed by a dot (twice three dots are added above), or (2) two dots. In the following cases Lupus changes the reading of the text: 7%.1.7, aut, the correct form (= M) in place of é¢ in the text; 19.2.3, guas (later corrected to gud) for quasi, which 1s the correct form (= M);

44.1.9, gt (= guot), the correct form, for gf (= M); 44.1.24, @ for ¢ in nature (= M); the correct form is naturam; §8%.1.2, nd in the margin cor* The archetype apparently used the m-stroke for 7 also; cf. 103.2.12 below. This double use was probably responsible for the uncertainty of Lupus at 64.1.23, where he left a gap between sextd and tis (for sextantis).


and ‘T’ext Critic rects the error in the text 7 (= non); the reference mark was incorrectly written over the following word ea; 7 was later deleted; 74%.2.5, uel (the correct word) for guam; Lupus in his haste wrote the familiar quam maxime for uel maxime and corrected his error from the archetype; 78.2.23, @ of

the text (before fristitia) 1s corrected to af; AE have ad, mL have a; 82°.2.15, uoluisti, the right reading, stands in the text; a variant changing it to uoluistis (= AE) has been erased; 89%.2.4, c in the margin restores the correct reading prodico for prodito; 98.2.7, uoluptatis restores the correct form in place of uenustatis; the latter word, which stands at the end

of the line, has been expunged; the reference marks are omitted, since uoluptatis immediately follows in the margin. The error was caused by uenustaté in the preceding line. In the following places Lupus restores words or letters omitted by him in copying: 1.2.3, ex; 1°.2.11, gestaru; 2%.2.19, magistroru; 20%.1.8, guan (cor-

rected by H3 to guam) corrects té to quantum; 23°.2.3, ad is to be inserted before Aibitast (corrected from habitast); 31%.2.21, guadd is to be inserted;

here. :

36".1.14, arripuit was omitted; likewise 39.2.12, gd sit ars, and 52.2.3, nescio. ‘The meaning of the repeated passage on §5°.1.7, marked for inser-

tion after solem:, is not clear; the archetype may have been in disorder

Interlinear Corrections

INTERLINEAR insertions are labelled with strokes and dots, or dots alone; occasionally, especially in the case of narrow letters (like z and s), no marks

are employed; these methods are also employed by Lupus in his other manuscripts. The following insertions, marked with the stroke and dot, may be safely attributed to Lupus: 1.1.10, egofio corrected to negotio; 3Y.1.5, cogitis to cogitatis; 3°.2.20, pationé to partioné (the correct word is partitionem); §.2.23, antecellat to antecellant (wrong reading; 7 later 37

Lupus as Scribe erased); 5%.1.18, rep. to reip. ; §%.2.24, ful to tullo (should be tullio; later corrected by H3); 6.2.16, w/a inserted; 6%.1.19, 7m inserted; 67.2.6, uiuersi corrected to uniuersi; 7.1.6, in inserted; 7.1.7, psuadedé corrected to psuadenda; 7°.2.15, thephrastus corrected to theophrastus; 8.1.7, in inserted after ubertaté (the word originally was written before udertaté but later erased); 9.1.1, Ai corrected to Ais (studiis follows); 9.2.15, re corrected to vei; 9%.1.10, tllustra to tllustrari; 11.1.4, # (= non) inserted; 11%.1.17, atg7 corrected to affigi; 11°.2.11, gra to grauit; 14%.1.19, me inserted; 14%.2.10, gm ( = quoniam) inserted; 15.2.1, separaté corrected to esse paraté (es later deleted); 16.2.16, per to perge; 16%.2.24, celio to coelio; 19.2.3, fodera to foedera; 19”.1.6, locatts to Clocatis; 20%.2.10, tuet to tueat; 21.1.7, ta to tanta;

26.1.24, uctionis to unctionis; 26°.2.9, NFO to nroré; 31.2.2, ipso to ipsos;

31.1.6, ruditissim: to eruditissim: (longe precedes); 34.2.15, 7 inserted (nolle follows); 35%.2.18, potero to potuero; 36.1.8, stime inserted; 37.2.24, etiamalabandensé corrected to etidamalabandensé (for etiam alabandensem) ;

39.1.1, ex inserted; 39.2.5, z//u corrected to 7/ud; 40.2.20, im inserted; 44.1.6, 7¢ (= nunc) inserted; §1%.2.24, fractatur corrected to ¢tractantur; §2%.1.4, cOphendad to céphendendd; 53.1.9, istrio to Atstrio; 53.2.2, acto to actor; 59.1.24, nobilitas to nobilitatis; §9.2.6, re to rei; 59”.1.9, #% inserted;

61’.1.19, scurilis to scurrilis (the second r was originally /, probably corrected at once); 65.2.14, acina# corrected to acidina; 66.1.8, ant to ante; 66.1.12, & inserted; 66%.2.14, felix corrected to infelix; 69%.2.16, guaereret. to guaererent; 70”.2.3, m inserted; 74%.2.9, 77 inserted; 77%.1.8, pugna cor-

rected to pugnare; 80%.1.6, ad inserted; 80%.2.21, /o corrected to /oco; 82°.2.14, attissime to attentissime; 83°.1.1, deide to deinde; 84.1.17, extre to extremo; 84.1.4, c# inserted; 84°.1.20, meis corrected to me iis (the super-

script 7 later erased); this probably was an emendation of Lupus, as the manuscripts have meis; the correct reading is me his; 84%.2.7, freques corrected to frequens; 84%.2.11, eo inserted; 85.1.3, Lupus first wrote zanis for 38

and Text Critic inanis (the correct reading), then changed @ to » and wrote 2 above the line; later the lower reference mark was erased and the 7 corrected to e (H3); 85%.1.15, fratris inserted; 86%.1.18, zunzoré corrected to zezunioré; 86".2.23, fere inserted; 88%.2.16, deg: corrected to deniq: ; 92.1.2, accepis-

set to accepissent; 93.2.14, taxat inserted; 94.1.11, ef inserted; 9§.1.15, uer corrected to uero (oculor& follows); 98.1.10 habet to habent; 99.1.17, thephrasto to theophrasto; 100%.2.2, mo to modo; 104%.1.17, st inserted

| (i. e., miscendust). The following insertions are marked by dots, one in or below the line, the other before the inserted letter or letters; most of these are probably by Lupus; he employs dots in his other manuscripts: 2%.2.22, gati@ corrected to gratia; 3.2.3, omni to omnis; 4.2.8, uentse to uentsse; 7.1.14, seuola to sceuola; 7.2.7, a inserted (dot below omitted); 10.1.15, afini corrected to affini; 11%.2.11, e¢ to aut (e deleted); 19.2.2, re to rei; 35.1.7, uideat to uiderit; 35.2.8, concine corrected to concinne; 41.1.19, maxim

hausit to maxime hausit (for maxume auxif); M had maxume hausit; 41°.2.18, pstanti corrected to pstantia; 42°.2.18, qua to guas; 42%.2.19, re to rei; 45%.2.8, Cplecto to Cplector (= M); 49.1.21, maira to maiora; §3%.2.24,

cudelé to crudelé; 61.2.3, sigificat to significat; 63%.2.23, uidet to uident; 66%.2.19, obstrixisse to obstrinxisse; 68%.2.19, albuci to albucio; 70%.2.1, 1b to ibi; '72.1.19, acerrim to acerrimi (ingenti follows); 77%.1.1, guid to guide; 81°.2.24, sententi to sententiae; 82°.1.10, agnoscim: to adgnoscim: (only one dot); 91.1.2, diciue to disciue; 101.1.23, negleta to neglecta. At 35%.2.3, éseguent to adsequent (later to assequent), and at 66%.2.11, stmul- ut to simal.

ui (i. e., 52 malui), the lower dot serves also as an expunction mark. The following insertions are made without any reference marks; it is impossible to distinguish with certainty the ink of Lupus and the second corrector, though it is probable that most of the corrections are by Lupus;

in his other manuscripts he often omits reference marks in the case of single | 39

Lupus as Scribe | letters; sometimes the letter is squeezed into the line; 1.2.5, fum’ corrected to fuim’; 7°.2.1, posit to possit; 8.1.21, ne to nec; 8.1.22, quiguid to quicquid; 9.2.2, asclepides to asclepiades; 10.2.9, g: inserted; 30%.2.2, a/t corrected to alii; 33.1.15, reliqua to relig quia; 35.1.14, parti to partis; later to partes, H3; 39%.2.15, frequentisimé to frequentissimt; 43.1.18, apellandi to appellandi; 43.2.9, deng: to denig: ; 44.1.23, ¢ 1s squeezed into the line (cause); §5.1.24, mecessario to p necessario; §8%.2.23, consignato to consignatos; 78.1.14, talé is added at the end of the line; 82%.2.22, accdere to accedere; 88.1.14, offict to officti; 88%.2.24, dicendis to discendis; 103.1.20,

ni to nic (with inserting stroke below; probably not by Lupus); 103%.2.15, € fo €é.

Reference marks are of course unnecessary where the superscript letters

displace letters in the text, which are generally either expunged or deleted; e. g., 1%.1.10, e¢ corrected to ac; 8.2.22, excitant to incitant; 17.2.8, quid to quod; 19”.2.15, p angusto to p anguste; 23.2.5, cagtigem to castigem’;

23.2.24, artificiosa to artifictose; 25.1.4, graegoré to graecoré; 28.1.18, abitiis to auitiis; 36°.1.8, consecuth to exsecutu; 36°.1.16, gug: to 99:3 38°.1.22, potarent to putarent; 39%.1.12, potes to potest; 42.1.20, gi ( = M) tO 9; 432.17, criminis to criminal; 51°.1.20, guid educt to quod educi (quo

deduci right); 52.1.19, tmesti to inusti; 62°.1.5, nrum to urim; 63°.2.19, conuioio to conuiuio; 68°.1.9, et to ac; 72%.2.9, faciant to faciunt (u later erased); 76.2.6, uzrstculis to uersiculis; 81.1.5, momoria to memoria; 83.2.15, | grauerer to grauarer; 84%.2.10, ésilio to csilit; 93%.1.9, e¢ to aut (Lupus restores the reading of M; Friedrich reads et); 99.2.6, gd 5 to im; 101%.2.18, possibly co or cd to cé; 102%.1.21, ad to in; 104.2.10, mets to meos; 106%.1.6,

Lupus corrected the miscopied second a of aetati (oc-type of @ in archetype?).


and Text Critic Corrections in the Line EVIDENCE of hasty copying can be seen in the numerous instances where

Lupus made a mistake, and, discovering his error, corrected it (in most cases at once and without erasure); only a few examples are included where

he began to write the wrong letter and immediately corrected his error; | 5.2.6, for final s of possis Lupus started to make #; 6%.1.10, second 7 of copiosissime corrected from 5; 7.1.2, first s of esse (end of line) written over

e; Lupus wrote, or started to write, @é; 147.1.5, e of ordiendi on erased f (next word is fuit); 14%.2.5, n of addicenda from a correction (¢ ?); 22%.1.18, e of ent from 5 (next word is sic); 22%.1.23, ut of recepissent from t; 24.1.24,

second 7 of ciuile from /; 26.1.23, a of disputanté from e; 27.2.18, crass to

crass’; 27.2.21, for the last e of dicere Lupus started to make an j; 307.2.18, in uf Lupus made the first stroke of 4 for u (homo is the next word); 32.2.5, ¢ of uf from d (next word is de); 33.1.12, instead of m in me he wrote the first stroke of p (praecepta is the next word); 33.2.3, posF to possint; 35.2.24, in place of the second ¢ of denuntiatione he wrote the first stroke of c and, without erasing, followed with ¢; 40.2.19, possibly @ of tota from 0; 41.1.4, uratoris to oratoris; 44.1.6, instead of s in istora he wrote /;.

i.e., he started to write ilorum; 46.1.13, m at the end of the line was corrected from ma; 1.e., Lupus overlooked mihi and wrote the first syllable of magis; he at once changed ma to mi (cursive 7 through a), then, erasing i and a, wrote 7 above m, and put magis on the next line; §6.1.24, in ipsora he made the first stroke of p, then corrected to 7; §8%.1.5, r of altero from n;

59.1.9, instead of rin immortales he started to write ¢; 60%.1.9, 5 of recusandi from J; 62.2.10, r of facetiara from a, without erasure; 77.1.1, aa to au (without erasure) ; 77.2.2, ¢ of au|ctoritate from t; 80.1.3, Lupus wrote admis

and made the first stroke of e (i. e., he had in mind admiseratione), then

changed s to 7, and wrote, without erasure, a after the unfinished e; 4I

Lupus as Scribe 82°.1.2, instead of m in impulerit he started to write p (so also in comitiis, — 96.2.4); 85.2.5, for exi/ia Lupus wrote exci (1.e., he started to write exci-

dium), and immediately corrected to exi/, without erasure; 86°.1.7, instead of i in ipsi he started to write p (qui precedes); 86.2.8, the first u of animaduersa from a without erasure; 92%.2.1, @ of religuas from 7; 93.2.4, Lupus

made the first stroke of an ¢ instead of 7 in the last syllable of orationis but immediately corrected to cursive i; 94%.1.12, he wrote the top stroke_ of g (largifico), then wrote the letter at the beginning of the next line; 97%.1.22, ¢ of ducas from 5; 98%.2.24, second e of exeguar from 5; 100%.1.22,

r of sequerent from n; 101.2.13, instead of x in dixim: he started to write ¢; IOL’.2.3, m of innumerabilit corrected from 4; 102.2.23, / of Ailaritaté from r; 102%.1.9, the final o in pposito corrected from 7; 103.2.10, r of historia from ¢, which was apparently followed by the first stroke of an a; 104%.1.23, m of simulabat from 1.

: Most of the following corrections are fairly certain and were probably made by Lupus; some of them he corrected as he wrote: 1.1.13, adq: to atg: 3 2%.2.3, imperiat to imperio: 3.2.1, Statu to natu; 5.1.15, tucundu to tocundié; 5.2.11, tucundius to tocundius; §%.1.15, adulescentes to adolescentes; 7%.2.4, P to p; 8%.1.3, ¢ of auctore inserted at the beginning of the line;

8°.1.7, ulla to illa; 8%.1.19, sue to suo; 8%.2.7, gimnasia to gymnasia; 10.1.12, alios to illos; 1§.1.19, tuuerent to iuberent; 1§5.2.21, possibly genere corrected from genera; 19%.2.8, dbomine corrected to homine (ab precedes) ; 21%.1.10, g from a correction (one or two letters erased after ¢); 21%.1.12, cOmitiendi to comittendd; 29.2.10, éstituta to éstitutae, probably by H’; later the original reading was restored by H3; 33.1.3, in ore to more; 34%.2.1, nré

apparently to nrom; 35.2.17, corsu apparently to cursu; 36.1.18, last e of intercesserat from a, without erasure; 41.1.16, 5 of inlustrent has been corrected; 41%.1.6, apparently locuple?’ to locupleté; 46.1.18, catule to catule;

. 46.2.21, scupulé to scopulié; 46°.1.17, ¢ of auctoritate inserted at the begin42

and Text Critic ning of the line; 46.2.17, e of enni# from a, without erasure (possibly the ligature is original); 47.1.12, ef from af; 48.1.14, cOmonstrent to cOmonstret;

1.2.6, second u of adiuuante from a, without erasure; 61.2.7, sape to saepe; 63.2.1, g of nequd apparently from g; 63.2.9, i of caruilio from 4; 63.2.24, the second / of maleolentem from t; 63%.1.10, capud to caput; 63%.1.18, loci to ioci; 63%.2.11, possibly solem: to solem’ (the last stroke of

m on erasure); 637.2.21, tocu to toco (= M; Joco right); 63%.2.23, postta to positae; 63°.2.24, apparently g@ to gd; 64%.1.12, / of infligit from 7; 65°.2.22, tam to tandé; 66.2.8, s of magis from 1; 67%.1.6, tarenta to tarento; 67%.2.8, r of censorem from J; 70%.2.11, ciliatione to 3|ciliatione; 72%.2.5, solo

re to sole re (i. e., solere); 75%.2.1, Lupus corrected guae to quam (abbreviation) quae (g over an erased u); 76%.1.1, abbreviating stroke erased over g of gd; 76%.2.21, infirmandis to cfirmandis (infirmandis in preceding line) ; 82.2.4, second r of metrodora’ over erased d; 85.1.1, later to lateris; 85.1.6, r of obruunt from / or else Lupus started to write 4; 85%.1.21, sa (end of

line) corrected to su, without erasure (suapte); 87°.1.3, e of disperitun; corrected from a, without erasure; the a-half of the ligature was expunged 87°.2.22, the second c of ulcisci was corrected from s; 88.1.23, 0 of C¢sola-

tiones from u; 88%.1.4, poss corrected to possint; 89%.1.1, r of auctores corrected from s, without erasure; 89%-1.13, 7 of Gtinerent corrected from n; 89°.1.22, d of guidé from 4; 90.2.18, na from nd without erasure, a expunged (nam M); 90’.2.6, second p of popula from 4; 91.2.6, a of petenda corrected

to @ (petenda HAE, petendae A? m); 93%.2.12, last @ of inusitata corrected ) from u; H expunged the letter and wrote a above the line; 94.1.22, u of celebrauit apparently from 3; 94%.2.8, o of tralato corrected from 4; 7 is also from a correction; 95.2.19, y of charybdi from i (Lupus is the only corrector along here); 96%.1.7, uf was corrected to guam by changing wu to g, writing

G above it, and deleting ¢; 96%.2.15, /apidae corrected to /epidae without erasure; 98%.1.17, frequen? corrected to frequenie (so; 1. e., frequentem); 43

Lupus as Scribe 987.2.13, p of deinceps corrected from si; 99°.2.11, apparently neg: was — corrected to meg: ; 101°.1.23, of habenda from r; 102%.1.12, fere from ent; 104.1.13, g was corrected to g:; 104.2.1, 0 of flexo corrected from 4. The following corrections are made by expunction: 13.1.3, ¢udict# corrected to iudici 15%.1.16, guia to gua; 25.2.3, aligulla to aliqua (qu also apparently from a correction; a/ia ulla right); 26%.2.11, indlitterata to inlitterati; 29.1.8, reffellissé to refellissé; 30.1.18, arespondt to respond (multa precedes); 31.1.2, Aabeant to habeat; 39.1.2, % expunged (von 1s right); 64°.1.17, guio to quo; 76.1.17, e¢ expunged at end of line, repeated at beginning of next line; 92%.1.17, eae corrected to eae. Corrections by the use of deleting strokes occur: 6.1.20, e¢ deleted (cor-

rector wrong here); 9.2.7, sumedu corrected to sumdt; 13.1.14, studiosius (second 7 deleted); 16%.2.22, adiscendi (s deleted); 26.1.11, catulae (second a

deleted); 26%.2.4, ab corrected to a; §0%.2.21, ab alienanant (na deleted); 60.1.12, ne deleted (not in M); 62%.1.14, philipphus (second A deleted); 64.2.9, mouent (n deleted); 70%.1.22, doni deleted; 83.1.20, 2 of gnqua deleted; 89.2.3, et studio deleted (flagret studio precedes) ; 94.%.2.23, ad deleted; 97.1.3, tlle deleted (the word was written twice); 105%.1.9, first / of util | le

(=M) deleted; H has the cryphia. In cases where the letter 7 is to be inserted Lupus adopts the common practice, found also in other manuscripts corrected by him, of drawing a cursive 7 through the letter to be deleted (H? also makes use of the same device, but the 7 does not have — the same form); e. g., 5¥.2.6, sermones corrected to sermonis; 6%.2.5, guaessesse to guaesisse (5s erased); 9.2.12, maritamari to maritimari; 10%.2.21, didecerint to didicerint; 20.1.3, exaedificare to exaedificart (wrong; Lupus omitted the following zd; H3 later corrected 7 to ¢); 23%.1.1, degeneratd to

digeneraté for generatim; H3 apparently intended to correct to et generati (or -t2m?); L has et generata; 23°.2.23, definire to definiri (wrong); 45%.1.18,

insunuet to insinuet; 50%.1.7, reguissesse to reguisisse (s erased); 51.2.6, 44

and Text Critic animama to animima (A has animina); 61.2.19, nise to nist; 80%.2.20, memenisset to meminisset; 84.2.4, anime to animt; 104.2.17, flextbile to _ flexibili (for flebilt).

Evasures A CHARACTERISTIC feature of Lupus’ revision is his practice of erasing

whole lines or parts of lines and rewriting them; the erasing has been so thoroughly done that it is impossible to determine what was erased, and so skilfully that it easily escapes notice (many similar cases are found in the Paris De inuentione*); e. g., 1%.1, whole line; 2.2.18, pid poetari; 2°.1.19, b: como; 9%.1.19, tius artificio; 11%.2.13, whole line; 21.1.14, rem maxime admiror; 21%.2.15, heredé scripsisset; 23.1.6, whole line; the last two letters,

however, extend beyond the erasure; 26.1.5, hoc genere disputationis; 26.1.17 and 18; 26.2.2, cfation; 27%.1.2, xa sit quae; the next word7is by H3; 30.1.7, hil possit; 31%.2.16, de uir; 33.2.1, whole line; 33%.2.10, whole line; 35.1.12, whole line; 35.1.13, dico ut; 3'7.1.13, ef tantii; 38.2.22, & conténunt ad5€; 43.2.24, de genere testium (the remains of a superscript 0, with a reference mark, are still visible above fe); 43%.1.3, whole line; 44.2.24, radiles sint; 46%.1.24, athent; 49.1.7, whole line; §1%.2.19, ctari; §4.1.21, cOmemorabat; 56.2.20, whole line; 56%.1.16, fortune ut; 56%.2.16, uolum: ; §9.2.1, per

€; 60.1.1, whole line; 60.1.2, nisi 2; 60.1.12, cius quid igit patie; 61.1.9, whole line; 62.2.22, narrationi; 63°.1.13, tari inquit si (the erased space extends above the line); 63%.1.15, dabile et honestu at (something has been erased on the left margin); 63’.1.16, eodé genere est calu; 63°.2.14, si quando;

63%.2.23, whole line (something has also been erased in the margin to the left) ; 66%.2.6, whole line and mus in the next line; the letters have been spread

out to fill the space; 67.2.1, whole line except the last syllable; 67%.1.3, * A long list is given by Strobel in the preface of the Teubner edition of De inuentione, pp. XVI-XVil.


Lupus as Scribe dilig; 67°.2.20, depre (d has been erased before the d); 70%.2.15, potest con- -

fero+st; 71%.2.11, all but the last two letters; 71’.2.12, all but the last two words; 72.2.12, crassi; '72°.1.24, nisi pfidia acci (not sure as parchment is rough here, but traces of ink above nisi); 73%.2.22, do* degre; 74%.1.1, whole

line; 76.1.7, pellanda -é-; 78%.2.23, laudanda: gen; 82.1.9, mébra oratio; 85°%.1.19, pro, and 20, whole line; 87%.2.19, mdine over erasure of 9 or 10 letters; the n’s are spread out; 88.1.7, whole line; 90.1.1, guzsg: uelle; 91.2.3, guage 50; 91%.2.18,19, two lines; 104.1.8, eminentia; 104.2.15, miserats 106.1.16, ad forum de; 106.2.13, enatu; 106%.1, the first line of the colophon

seems to have been erased and rewritten. Short groups of letters also are found written in an erasure; in the follow- . ing cases it is impossible to determine what was erased: 6%.1.4, re of munere; 8.2.17, ab hisce; 8.2.19, quae; 16%.1.11, non (end of line); 17”.1.7, 0¢ of poena

(end of line); 26%.2.8, fere (end of line); possibly Lupus wrote nostrorum (abbreviated) and immediately noted his omission; 40%.2.16, s of generis; 41’.2.22, si of sitis; 43°.1.16, ra of obscura (beginning of line); 49%.2.18, t of oportet (apparently corrected from oporteat) and quid; 52.2.16, uid of uideare; 58.2.22, e and i of ore in; 60%.2.9, hosp of hospitium; 63°.2.19, Sed; 79.2.22, r of admirationis, with a long sweep, covers an erasure of 3 or 4 letters (cf. 80.1.3, where Lupus started to write admiseratione); 80.2.16, l of libeni; 89%.2.20, m of guestionem (m-stroke erased over e) and que;

1O1’.2.4, cio n of scio noth; 102.1.4, da of exponenda and re. | Especially characteristic are the erasures made by Lupus, in the course of his copying, at the end of the line. Sometimes he 1s not satisfied with the line ending; e. g., he avoids leaving an initial vowel standing alone at the end of the line (so too in the Berne Valer1us Maximus); he may decide that the line is too long or too short (e. g., 10%.1.14, finitim is changed to

finitimus to fill out the line; similarly tis expanded to tur, 80.2.14; vice versa, 40%.1.22, guestionibus 1s shortened to guestionib: at the end of a . 46

and Text Critic long line). Occasionally, however, the erasures are due to his desire to secure a correct division of syllables; frequently he erases a syllable that

in his haste he had repeated at the beginning of the next line. These erasures easily escape notice because they are almost invariably made by wiping off the ink while it is still fresh. The erased letters cannot always be deciphered; in fact, in some cases it is not certain that Lupus finished writing the syllable before he changed his mind and wiped off the letters. In the following places Lupus has certainly or probably wiped out (or erased) letters that now stand at the beginning of the next line: 1.2.18, cor (*); 1%.1.24, sé@ (probably; Friedrich reports im erased); 2.1.6, anz; 2%.1.2, dj 2%.1.24, UCN; §.2.7, 5; 5.2.10, oto (long line); 8%.2.18, so; 10.2.18, fo; 10%.1.10, 5 (or @); 12.2.5, 7; 12.2.12, 7m; 12%.1.17, 5 OF SCS 13.1.10, sumag:

changed to sum; 13.2.20, 0; 13%.2.22, omnis; 14.1.6, m1 Or N1a; 14.1.7, de;

Lupus probably wrote de|spero n despero; he immediately discovered his error, erased the first two words, and wrote non where spero had stood (space of 5 or 6 letters); 14.2.19, e; 17.2.3, 2; I7%.1.10, ex; 20%.2.12, m; . 22.2.9, Par; 24.2.20, Stas; 25.1.8, ne (probably); 25%.2.22, ses; 26.1.24, res 31.1.20, 5; 37.1.1, 7; 37.1.24, Stiri; 38.2.5, Te; 39.2.1, 8; 39%.1.17, 25 41%.2.10, d; 44.1.23, Y€; 44%.1.9, ac; 45.2.24, plu; 46.1.4, €; 46%.2.5, mos; 517.2.6, ze;

§9.2.14, m; 65.1.5, unte; 66.2.23, pi; 66%.1.4, 5; 66%.1.20, p; 66%.2.9, gra; 67.2.3, m; 67.2.12, fe; 68.1.6, de; 68%.2.16, ga; 70.1.11, 5 (s added to following line later); '71%.1.17, ret; '75.1.24, probably ## ad; '76.2.14, ra; 76.2.15,

ty 77.2.7, M3 80.2.17, euo; 84%.2.2, Per; 85.1.19, su; 86%.2.1, nto (o above the line); 88%.2.20, ad; 89.2.13, 0; 90.1.14, ras 91.1.24, Bre; 92%.2.14, 1e3 94.%.1.2, 52; 100%.1.20, /u; 102.1.17, g; 103.2.4, ud (line too long); 103.2.18, U OY Ul; 104.2.21, mis 104%.1.15, mas 105%.2.21, om; 106.1.22, lus; 106.2.5,

ne or ner; 106.2.19, probably céri. At 56%.1.12, g: 1s apparently corrected from gm; at 93.1.2, Lupus wrote auf, erased it and wrote et at the beginning of the next line. 47

Lupus as Scribe There are many other cases of erased letters; most of the following are . probably by Lupus: 2%.1.21, ¢ after eloguentia; 3%.1.20, erasure of about three letters after guib:dd; 5%.2.12, q: after at; 12°.1.18, g: after describendis; 15%.2.24, one or two letters at the beginning of the line; 18.2.6, p before arté; 24.2.24, s after ciuil/i (next word begins with s); 26%.2.11, one or two letters after Joni; 27.2.9, uidere apparently corrected at once from uidetre; 31.1.16, uicit corrected from uincit; 33.1.17, neccesse corrected to necesse; 337.2.1, A erased before exptio; 40.1.4, g erased after t#a; 40%.1.1, t after isti; 44.1.10, sint corrected to sin; 44°.1.22, in before certd; 46.2.11, ¢ after ne; 46.2.14, 5 after excipere; 46°.1.9, g at the beginning of the line; 49%.1.8, et at the end of the line; 52.2.21, s after fui; §4%.1.17, one or two letters at the end of the line (co?; coepi begins the next line); 55.1.19, diz corrected to di; 60.2.19, e wiped out before @é; 617.2.15, dixisse apparently erased after quenda; 62.2.24, et (the following word begins with e#); 63.2.14, two letters

wiped out at the end of the line, the first was a; 66.2.7, one letter after the first s in dixisset; 72%.1.15, three letters after multi (ita?); 75.1.21, aut apparently wiped out at the end of the line (az precedes); 77.2.5, re after minore; '79%.1.24, @ erased before e of emolumto (the same correction at 103%.1.19); 82.1.11, m apparently after similitudine; 83°.1.2, one letter at the beginning of the line; 83’.2, erasure after LIBER; 88%.1.15, first 2 of antemeridiane; 88°.1.17, s before essiones (sessiones M); 99%.1.18, e or & before eo; 106.2.6, o before hortensius.

The erasure of the m-stroke is frequent; in some places the change was made at once by Lupus for technical reasons, e. g., to fill out a short line or to facilitate syllable division; most of the other cases, whether by Lupus or not, correct to the right reading: 2.1.2, gud corrected to qua; 4%.1.23, opacandi to opacandum (end of line); 5.2.24, Lupus began by writing uenia and changed to ueniamus; §’.2.4, Ctioné corrected to Ctione; 8.1.7, scientia to scientia; 147%.1.16, antonii to antonium (end of line); 18.2.10, stmilé to 48

and Text Critic simile; 21%.1.5, ti to tus 21%.2.1, morté to morte; 26°.1.14, amicori: to amicorum (end of short line); 30.1.1, rationé to ratione (rationem = M; both readings in the editions); 30'.1.15, annorii to annorum (end of short line); 32%.2.17, adsiimad to adsumda; 45.2.20, ingeniii to ingenium (end of

line; m apparently on erasure of two or three letters); 55.1.21, t# to tu; 731.23, Lupus first wrote argé at the end of the line; he then erased the m-stroke and wrote mtis on the next line; 85%.2.1, meroré corrected to merore; 88.2.18, pspic# immediately corrected to pspicuum; 897.2.20, questioné to questionem; 91.1.7, nulla to nulla; 91.1.8, cognitioné to cognitione; Q1.1.20, cursé to cursus 92.1.6, eloguentid to eloquentia; 98.1.4, brumalé to brumale; 106.2.24, uostraé to uostram.

Lupus as Scribe Concordance Table The numerals at the right indicate the book and section of the De oratore in which the first word of each page of the manuscript is found.

I cogitanti ....... It 16 wolgari......... 10g 31" usUuS........... 58 IY repetenda....... 4 16% (natu)ram...... 113 32 taloguontur.... 61

2 guiforte........ 8 7 honori......... 117 32" infinita........ 65

2° guodhoc ....... 12 7 indicendo...... 120 33 in moribus...... 68

3. nostrorum...... 15 18 non potuisse.... 124 33” guiddiscere..... 71

3° pauci.......... 18 19 [exer|citatione... 157 34 uerborum....... 73 4 (iudi)ciorum.... 22 19° aspexerim...... 161 34" fertur.......... 78 4’ (di)uinitus ..... 26 20 habemus........ 164 35 Gua4........... 79 5 maioribus ...... 30 20” (orato)ris....... 167 35” possumus....... 82 SY alia........... 33 21 (dtcen)di....... 170 36 sitintellegam.... 85 6. guidin ceteris... 37 21° deridenda....... 174 36° (faci)lius....... 88

6" (le)gum........ 40 22 quod........... 177 37 polest.......... 92

7 (concin)gitur®... 44 22” testamentorum... 180 37” meneclem ...... 95

WV iPS... eee ees 47 23° Quaeritur....... 183 38 defutt.......... 98 8 uteum......... §0 23% digeste3........ 186 38” operam......... 102 8° atgue totus...... 54 24 hisce........... 190 39 plerumque...... 105 g his studiis...... 57 24” scaeuola........ 193 39° Saepe.......... 109 g’ (ma)turis....... 60 25 temptans......11 13 40 tam quaeritur ... 112 IO mimis.......... 65 25° utdum......... 16 40° aque istt....... 117 10” eritornare...... 69 26 guodam........ 20 41 tametst......... 120 Il pingere......... 73 26” aclibere........ 23 4%" tu uero......... 124 11” nonde......... 78 27 (sulpici)us...... 26 42 (do)ctrina ...... 126

. 12 fe modo........ 82 27° imeius......... 30 42” solent.......... 130 12” prudentiae...... 85 28 (ora)tor........ 34 43 (ser)uandae..... 132 13 (oratio)nibus.... 88 28” (ar)tium ....... 37 43° guae........... 135 13” aiqueita?....... 91 29 mamhesterno.... 40 44 (ge)nera........ 139 14 (ani)mo........ 94 29° itainguit....... 44 44” debilitati....... 142

14° in dicendo...... 97 30 quoniam....... 47 4§ definita........ 145 . 15 megare......... YO 30° age............ 51 45” plurimum ...... 148 15° (geren)dus...... 105 31 (stu)det........ 55 46 maxime........ 1§2 t For coniungitur. 2 Corrected to at gd ita.

3 For digesta. 4 For guast. 50

and Text Critic 46" namet......... 154 64 gquibusquomque.. 252 81° uerum......... 387 AT VOSccceccceeees 196 64" genus.......... 255 82 informatio...... 358 47’ multitudinis .... 1§9 65 (su)perbia? nam. 257 82° adhanc........ 361

48 diem........... 162 66% salsa........... 260 83 eadem.......... 364 48” namet......... 166 66 alieno.......... 263 83° facere®......... 366

49 (pos)simus ..... 170 66% (hel)uium ...... 266 84 imstituenti.... TII1

49° deberet......... 174 67 contraria....... 269 84” dignitatis....... 3 50 quidquid*...... 177 67% quaereretque .... 272 85 septimo........ 6 50” moram......... 180 68 wuides.......... 275 85% enim........... 9 §1 (ora)tionis...... 183 68” (sto)machosa.... 279 86 fe crasse........ 12 51” ufilitas......... 186 69 (familia)ris..... 282 86" suspicatur...... 15

52 horrere......... 188 69% potest.......... 285 87 mnonut......... 110 52" ad exardescendum 190 70 nimis.......... 288 87% wirt........... 113

63 furere.......... 193 70° uoltis.......... 291 88 (hone)stum ..... 116 53° (cicatri)ces...... 195 71 (defen)sione..... 293 88% utei........... 120 54 (crude)lem...... 198 71% esse dictum..... 296 89 (discen)dis...... 123 54. propter......... 199 72 (dispu)tatas apud 299 89° (aucto)resque.... 126

55 praeceptis...... 201 72" denique........ 301 9O guisque........ 129 55° modo.......... 204 73 praemunitione... 304 90° aliam.......... 132 86 hominum....... 207 73° causad.......... 308 Qt imhac......... 3135 56° merita ......... 209 74 Saepe.......... 311 91" populares....... 138 57 excittamus ...... 212 74" guoutar........ 315 92 uwuellet.......... 140 57. non effici....... 218 75 (prote)euit’..... 317 92” inferiores....... 143 58 enim est........ 218 75% (contra)ria...... 321 93 inguit.......... 146 58” bona........... 222 76 uibrant......... 325 93% (com)tunctis..... 149 59 tam haberet..... 224 76" inhoc.......... 329 94 autalia........ 153 59’ (cen)sura....... 227 77 eaautem....... 33% 94” (bre)uitas....... 157 60 uidemur........ 230 77° dignitatem...... 334 95 audit.......... 160 60” (gene)re........ 233 78 adanimorum ... 337 95° traferendis...... 163 61 guomodo....... 235 78% (acerbi)tate ..... 340 96 imperi......... 166 61° moderatio....... 238 79 fortuna......... 342 96" (trepi)dat....... 168

62 utita.......... 241 79° laudamus....... 344 97 efego.......... I7I 62” similitudo ...... 244 80 aut genere...... 347 97° ex multis....... 175

63 abige.......... 247 80" antonius ....... 351 98 (ru)tundum..... 178 63” uideo.......... 249 81 fertur.......... 353 98° (uti)iitatem..... 181

t For guid. 2 For superbiam. 3 For disputo ita, 4 For praetexutt. 5 For faceret.


Lupus as Scribe 99 (nu)mero....... 183 0% dicerent........ 198 104” demissum ...... 218 99° (interual)lis..... 186 102 inve........... 202 105 (fimien)dis...... 220 OO gui............ 190 102” duo............ 205 105" (guae)cumque... 224

100" aut aurium..... 192 103 (senten)tits ..... 208 106 (ascende)re ..... 227 IOl a@fin........... 196 103% omnigue........ 212 06" succrescit....... 230 104 4 actione ...... 215



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_ Ga : 1? MAXKLTMNA CT nunc duced:

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| 3" nrorabomiunamul-ca cerers?™ bo quofbomma genertreru vase

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oe 3 mplorh oxalate pa Rap ecbretn

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= segue fpecareportiniffande cognncioneflorefear ecredun

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Sa Aa P |

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, quo — de pitra oratorth; hn . finam. quaecaufA tte i ied i gromeds Ube k pollicer-tudet tr ommder-e-

iM IB 3 ie ornazeahes rian ecdig nreafearae uc opto rear; (ed quia ndubren Animor-et mecom A magne qumboc ler-yz leerar™ neq:ef auc faur = Pstemmfuinfini “ih.

P é ial a ; tug: utdear ecqdgrpcorhorm

Ag orif Aucexercaariom ; net nfolampemoerdoccrims

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| feifrduihemenqunb (esas Lemnerrogonerwrteged af ela

nn seccatesicensaed borates fepofiniTe-acerery”

, ~—e i tah ts dictiomb: ea parce decench gm areru ee ey Ares forentib: direepearionsh: sds


cord aucdelsberanoms uer ta incaufa prinapa eral phil sppry-

, fe/nea plese mitt Libra ampls rremmefisfcepeinfring ufquaqdburezenerrrequifia bileear-tq:deree'dtctmbrme ecrnutlcii dsr puch famorai ho mintludoriairomanoridteb;

; mint i ppet tent eer sburcit ‘Corarficquan colligend: fut repeagn abmeunabul snr canta temreutealanis coneulsfye~ weve tf 4 erthfa-doco-tnaequen uenif ode focer ent gorfuerte

rth eLoquennf {tmor~u ecomm evita cu craffofarmlsart Ae ramepncipi ry difpuexcione- Tarecumer exterancan Perl

pe aa AquowL acai que tpfocraffo fe ecdru gracaiducends araficefecdocco fimaximefarmbrarel, ecingb:

retreliquerf cu. m hs pace magnara | altima nat asic inpmpasa firm ommsbur- igre’ fi meaurdted nexpeaint precationernes aust coma quer ph pecebat. cop ornaniuf | explicart Aur Lam fulprauf. quidemcepreu Sanat

ufexprommpofyine. es er » percent poabaeritqenb: radial pete anni umuerferep qui obeusfaue hormmnsb; Eeerra ft Aucmrtacte neratlmubcunefe ufqadex Craeci arwepona rrponam | ¢ Tremirce pul Spufdrercolloarat:

igre mat semopomaets Oo quogundefer-monemutcads

4° : aus avert arribur lly €filarsb: ramrfquadla cum imnbra fe , ‘covradepl oy-aara eccomemora cuve focrares, gquaemt hinder

_ tanarrahacconbilmadyyet WEA IPI dcala quedeferibur

pofteaciuranima lta nim qua plot oranonecresif _ ferrc’ eos ommifermones L:fecr ucreabicerecin beri fFeccotarrca incraffo bioma Arg? tra g: phs Loroph diam nroe fer ffe-eeed Laser Ac Fereedicra loquerec. tdmenf”

J _ caburfferreolleret serene = pedi bicerteé cedieacqutuf; . tLLatpenonferifacaferme , tucraf’ vir eevee ourro como

Pag: eecin bormnetocdrafec d suferiapulamof. g: 2 hae _ tance inlogquen dolepor. acd: feecomnifinfiul feds que

; efinceofturuefayyeudere- erancfubplaxano efediffe

| fconu cnacufeulam; o_o dicebacshs ucexpriftanofer— roandiect tlhimatorer RELA monerelaxarencammiommt ze

nar (ATI. quater ferc,ecina xX * amy folebar cocta narrarecraf fu

bul atone uerca ee dicebar fermonequenda defardio Tu reeaol duob: (pacuforth; CRASS dtcend: wrreulaf' fe Jenca_m

4 _ nefacafdrcenfe e(arn m1. rrAcet erty nftbh1 cohor_ omecraf efi ocrare- la qute- randy fulprca CTOrK. Pow.

_ binyeceuaplarcen phecroplacomt name —— acrug: collas el admonutc tudey~1 qdearra 1A cept facu

a mn ad dum te Ade pears. aequals b: fiasg7

_ bune Lacks pecalat af fola anreponerent freu m

> , 5° masortbinarscopararer wi fi aervmubnt qxepcenipetiinn 6s MAR BAT al , | biluirindericrud por vecheendo rrolifrecmerebormnefin : cenerebormmmna nend(alleere 7 cusreace“qaid mawesee igs

volancrets ellerequoue uarener ef bar ™MAGUuIb:

ner Sawa eS cabecloptool epomiguelp —

unaref inomnilabero pope UOCATETITEERT Of, oelzeula .

le mayen ermpacarirorangual (a Lacey fic Ageueronet ep | Lerepctesrexeab: porpaefepflore eort fubpeLliarofoacr Ag:

tr fepardormnacat’ quid enté- mediere- guid ceporefein aurea admerabilequiecenfs mle aut tncundiufAucma fiItTA-77 alxreudinebormna ox guppria bumanranifaqur ifeere-unisqurrd qdommb:na fermofacecacnallainreru uraticdam uel folurueleti f dir‘ bocent unop faasr vel pauctf facere pofte-acrraito mazamefersf atcol Logut

conda. copra Acqueaudert. minenof. eva Seprirnare gua faprenab, fencencuf gra indicendo fenapoffemut;

ub: ¢: verhifor-nara orano quiobrequt bocnusrer

ecpol Pia a ee mmolsboran 1F1CU,rea: Gua: 1TNOCTUL1A tice aver. auouno

_ tae Me mI S74 homineft: coscmeie ate? ure enuf oranene cuerc” foencinbo chommb; tpi

cr eae So we arwecelLxc- umuerv1a Adis , muamfica.qaaropeferre matLlauemamuf quaenyy

5° me Ride =Ty alaporure Aued per foto ficcedereuniiad. aboracorh:

minef. e¢regare: tint tnloci cturratef erinmo ¢ famreaf er

bumand ealza cwutlég:dedu teruadr-emow For-o,.ccon€ 11 cere Auctia conftrard c1u trea dicaffenar frarutftioramremn

tab: leg-eptuidrera teradtiert renere fem ondfechumanra bere‘acnepluraquaely — Tiree pfecar, quirenicibhoce at c feco InnumMera bilsa C: feccer-cop . cefferitc.Aucin miogen bom rua

| opti brow ficent fiarno- 177 momatk: acnhlufdin par. | pfectioracorf moderatione nen efilareopulm porsuf quads fer EF aptercis Afola tpfiuf dignt toru oranone- del nie. feop care f? ecpriuacory ecplurt moente; pice moenb: g fepnire“axc

moru eranuersre rep falus is eae:fer-uand Aucin 4 | te maximecunert. quicbre c *f Aurcine pyreucfacror, Adalegzerrey- ciurcarih: 9. apie b: ecfor~ atqrin id feudidinguoeftyin ab: url Padiferal oy-nacea: a acecuohtf bonorteramti dt avieibics- Sitmuent howesh afaalrmar ecr‘ep- Aemplurirco aibir-omul af i Ule-aucparto

| eeporitas” Pernigenolacorme refeceuenal CEregayie; Aur ucfolebar-cereyatngure adfen sabinora coniagta cramenYe: tror-crafvo.neaur deg Laelss Aut fintcimorit uireprenyifie

jill ‘ ae

focertmerautdehuuaucar eloquennaurded: Aeonnlto er

teasettoriadecaba fedilla oe er abies, ¢;

| duo cvaVeuereor Audcibrpor in numa pop o- quidinver-in) cal,


re) T

urd wneecert b.quoriimul Aricurerenem 1adsanul Li

TG remeascbenamcinletp Lhebdahine en filaidifer nu ek ARENT apparee*” 1 ecommb; uA nanraetdocert qui exaceifregtbj tA ee pia ex naepride fadduendisparart actionéviicenLing uapfeccil ces menexeFueL paznoz fils

1 brinteecer mnt feddemcepy uel aur Army pend | omnia neplenaé entliorain fina Accepif Yenc 1ftap | amauerborit atdeniegouero A A cit

nuelz ernrae cusreacifexcern cach eloquencurép disfipa plifucteraliarixplurapferre uer quid legefi ueceref morefy: porfideerinma pubLlici-ebuy maroraquid aurpiaa quib, | quiadumna pbormnereloquen eqvecm ca magna rerp-falis

tu fimorf Imm porata; fé edurre tepium, quidreel ecce

Liqua prema omnia rmb1 naan

utdeor~exc craffeuobiy wactaprideimnrafa

daob-: hentia mofaudt ea

(ere evefempmsf quord per 7: deuer anc: niaucnuenat homeprudem ecg rauif” baud vnsiiia>’. ames aucomnunoabora

} quagua eloquent, ecfaepealias- xoriigenere craccam! equi ecrmaxtime-cenforfaluareip dé ecter- gal bx memoriaze furc’ Acq’ aon. accurata quad neo diuinuhommesndicen

oraniont copia. mudi sca: ter PE

boltbercanotnurbansforth: - ~ ere ipra carbone quémuad

cranfoulee ad: mfifec fecrep alefaulur paulitragnea le—

oe Mee a ¢ihpners rrmisers wane debomyreb:tmurea nthil demabyr rademurre cil echarcarcar ntbel deanmy pmorions b: nibnl ura mr crasTequrnomagty debomman mortb:mnbal deraxio

vs ein a neuracdicierye—nithil ommng

quod cipé-coras usf-anob cunleck qaae r497ve nibaltia-etemneerey

creer. gd erodes eri erca qi ueryi 1mm peri Feo”

raft pa seen fenc:cinn Lifirnishaetad nequaftaio turefupfifa Orato GL a inftarer Ack reinomml(ermony difpura derma quaequreautd drrarper Tene copiofi/ nme uerfaripor icheespras tdiiaads fons wernrny. ferdniti hic arucreeno efter difpercxnionu (Aru ATyWwIEWO

preals(ermularey pete quia gariona Laquest THY errs cere urecterpcec comenderenc Aur Peric peripacenict aia eeth baer

Teé< 1uremanu ¢ fern ure! tpA quaseppria orxcpruputarTey

quod inalienar porter fionefia Adiaria ay: ornasiracheerdi remeretrruy lef, Aterencem Afeperiuincerent opor-ctere— tec legeprima plrchugorae acn folametsora federta rnulzp ovmefary: demoarra cecver-iq: pliva Ariftocelecheophraprig Infito phirics atnchcarencdicen dertfar reb-qua ommitcdicends

do erevanetquibsen rretbs 11 magrferof’ {crime oftende tha OO i a li rere, misfof Fa eg cer-er’ urgerenc y ba THA ETA MATICOY muN cot aie

Loropbora rege Labelle Hi. a ura tirade ct pe force errapur {ocrare. mibil-ce nermnima quider Cclecrecen

a powers i nahecpert BOGE! : fi ona Me mans ener wge PR uf, melioreepbab : tlio-ebuiclear. pacericr erteolas,diodor-ut’

scinzaomb; ecfermera dicen mulxerancpeereaclartin dradprandér eunplorrmivs philorophrs ecnobiler int lemrorano densa: ueomudenctb: ovmmmib: pene imauscerepel

diferce-fonlaw extinertrides: li orscore agub ernaculifet redicereb ccd plrarAgssd po wrrraent. excels abommidoeer

“corte nidymbindebre ovetnr- narerad: pnaiory (crema Mecrasfur(ua quadippria Ai te’oeor heee agee Pa. eet atea Oa *eae oe “~ - Pp ote ‘ atAges bc ans te Ogee ean a- aey

tsy = *aloar ipsnehed: mnt ae a3.ie3 ;. :; 4et‘

Be | As ge a aad aie OE” eae : FP ily ig: De 2 ee ee ‘ Re? Mg op erie ie shee a: ars : he rs Sn” as ee ee * 2 xd 5 ‘an y as ~ aah ak ae ae eG b ee a ee ate ieee 5 ge ia = ie Cee aie a” So cee ‘i ae EAs es cae, ea = nn ey Se cay ‘ A SESE ye ad em Star erat oe Tee sh aes ro ts 1° 2s 4 > ore a, 4 F ¢ * * ‘* } ba ¥) Se : ; wT hous, ee She ees i fae a ee eae F * * oo ty tad ae py ae” ae wy aes eee : . 43 Arh As pe POE Ce Faiatcle fs, + as < a ete. & a a ae c 4 2 roe ae “i ;‘igs mee 84 i4ee” erage ;2ay ae Pen Ba ants ss .Se "|eee $eape ws ‘ he i"bth, eee ahes > alee ene ee yas ee aree eo ee ee oo” Spee A? Tee Meo ee ie Pe >pe ie ;c cee eo do Bp te SPtT SN De Bee ee aes ERE ed Aes Se as. 6 aes ay ae es a, he 7 : 7 i, en x oe Se a ~ ee ee ‘a? + Se a3 fF re Dea Oa ates ectA quomods., 3

ee nobaunn fami pruderci(Tirn een deeuerrasdicarty~ farntliares: (> tLlacr-edequide irecasfae expls cent ormef-

caine quanti munuffte ort uelcasiy aelapienciae uel bs fi xerla b sail fe10 anflum: Temertaty hominis. g‘1pfo

NE OT ATION ECUIAYLCTATE MAK rantolirel gery. freaagui |

mai neqiedreperrounguim fama nfola acnormne-excel | feparan inforucta rhewris LasT decura: ura ArgnearA: _ p cop, traf en anceoculos' , uerbora aiirarto ecgenvra J na gutf neferc prima e¢ bifcorye tome fafa acq:cracci ecoa le

lege nequid eee a urcarequada aequa bile pflis

demdenequ uerin. audeacned: | ent finebhactudterals AL4 perta

fufpicio graniaeficinfertben Te erfinefencenciaru nb; do siaieesliie baecrerlscer Aculerf- prequen d z 73 iit | ferndarirca nocaf omnib;.1piaais TOCTANEATU grern itdecyne

Maca exaed ficxri0o pore inr-ebser nulla Pp cepa guaeinarri

‘ur bir “prertrarw ordinew b: rhecora reperiant ineode por detiderar. rregionis defert ftlerrcio mula alsa oracori prione. ubleena gdran snveb: of fica tacuer cobor-mai0nef-

magn memor ta digna evils prepa croLarionyadmentza pmi.demde ACTA poftes eutr! - ; quaecracandafommia difer expeccert ecdecrilurpigntfics ry fiime-f> Loch faa inifaraab:

1 guid fer iprorp ber. erinr-eb: guaerradrter habercnul La, K Shae dedavart n fola quid AcTU Arg: inbocgener-eillaga:&


inftnrra fila qa Orcor ef plerigs ee b Scdeaadl Oration ¢ qd treex

; , uremia craffur oftendre-duoge cepru; pnilla quog: par-cem : neraaddicenda dederanisde quefaoni oratorrt uolum; cemadefinteag: cau fagualery ad ain. ‘he LIAGA eclibera quaeinlectb: quaeindedsbers etlacepaccerce. Ae dese; Lb o

tiomb: uerfart-addacfiqui nr aucmalsf expecerd (Aur uoler evik Luudariontfaleerdad Fu Stent honeferf aut prb: hin AppelLanc om Fer-eferipen tsb: animeciliby-cleurrcuscede

mi explicar istic amr 1afeteadeceinemeiacdepruden

gener fineee Pere ecfine- 1A: demagnradine-animt . p Peng qu aeftione- hocquider del: eae ice eprerare de

quarcuftc duom dicurrcineelle Amicria-deofficto, defade— geremmbin arden: fiernieftornr decererif a ruareih: Ctrartifa:

rorifqueguog: refinfintcepofl ureipdicenda orxcori pura: ca frdeea poftedicenda ertrerquan tceg: derep-derm ertod ere | witectels (plenreude, quaeform a mil rart. dobveghets Clu rrariftrae dem athermaxicidemuficr dehominamort b;-ald fuma ea reb; nporerte quiddicar hocgene quog: Parte. 3 tra uct circu firt

refi ceprorecuare: denigiet pra mods efregiomb: equrd @ quipfreet fui nfola dees Gero Omnia quaepomnenc ad ufiscrina.

uerfi f quaecé por tb; ecpfomy mor-embormnu quaeuer~at | noch bocédeommt: Forenib . tné fuerudmeurae-tnranone

fr ecu d ert infanrafgu ie rew-inbacfocerare-c1ul1in

aN Sipe pocete fenrubormnyco- MUNLInnacurrn


inmortb: aphenda Ce or-xt0 n pof{tc . neq: eomnine arf ripuro:-firninuf acfepararim alla Inga OPMPUAGUAD lla

dentreb:phrlorophoriimore Arreeffici pol tim adoccore refpondesc.cerreucincatyr _ tradanc: Pqui primaru etce prudent pof tt treencere” bce LNT Ex terarureru ‘Genera. pradi

ad ipfifdereb; urna loquacun ae i 7B ang erquruaragquilegefqurcturca brearbteror inhacftuerationg refconfereser Locue. firnplicee ‘f Weexercrationedicendt qu ectplendide finetetma Ccermani Li ni adepe rer. areorti mot

oneuerbora® hocloco n uae dey~ep- aucdet fier

Ad (rors ii Soord nk pots ease ed nulla amepcepea purer fic pausb ‘dAu ooLacy: {TA ftacuourincerer ts. arabur tuends poreftace quorrerad tea fine catia: Artif Ad fua Arbrond motiere

duffel macrel itr aucfac porticsilliideroro :Llogene liora auc firmbsafeurcacar re reliquara Orarionz pe plur

tycvrad nne cetleerfe- unin pt quaeftruru etquiddicar qua rot :

ceurg quihomina fpeciepin polrelted llaguembercu cht dicheer-te-poffeeaci 7 le fingebar.quéad moda pel

ha ar pala le aur brdrafingeree oak nididicer-te pingere’n see fthaec nunauireparand

perveula quileoné peas a eatiae eee fec se a os oF cA. “a ania: Sle al nerdein mul 3 pelaremib: uiderif-ancnt mali quadru pedib: facere porary fe ingar ance-oculoe


: a id d iee-eeporrer ered guts corti h ciPnAri reXEyy Hexprio 4

: ovator eet fururufquid eria IncAUfrrt comce-rciombi magne fn rididreag fer at 8 didicl Fad dx opur acq: baad cra As) foc ddyiumerer: a aia ent débamamyr opert he Longema

Toru hominé induogenerafo — snqatb: anforacoryl ple ld caufarucecerainnumera vigq:Abimper mf ecient ect bila exercreationt ecfinnils crortatwudicar.ubiadéarmar dem reliqaifa: fratderwnesfar Ad uerfariuf: guiftc efferten

duob:genernb: brdracthiyer dur ecrepellenduf. ubsyaepe

ecpellir: herculefaa ecalia if qut rer dominur Furcur-ufeOpera mAlora millitreb: quar Alienuf avd:irar AurenAamicaf

Prommecarrelinquart. nent ad aer-arto eammmicufohie.

mibiminut oper i uidecde gdm aut docendaf fete auc |

umuer tif cenerth:rerit qs dedocendufaucrepr om dar denn gulora caus Acmalz Aucincranduf. aucommracio ecta mAtuf denacuradeora , neaddwpur, Adcaufa orarione-

uidehomma lab: dicere- , moderandur” inquofaepeben ANT 0H: Pontes ingute Arrconiuf; : uolemaa Adodia-odiaaaad decd entetbtcarulesadoce - q bentuolencia deducenda-€ .“

qua idadématuf agers. gut arranqgua madinarione_mnida c&cerararera crane Abquanct Ad

mihi credeludur bomimnin adremifnoneanimt:caadeori

J bebext neq: Ine er cIamone PrIciaA Eror-quendufomma comuniu leccerara erpol fencemaaru Crass rrATe-oOma


uerbora ponder ib: & ercendesrn , cua null ad afi metas aceedar OPOV ERE ALTIONAT IA: cognotcend tfeud 101 ad dircr”

sebemenpplena. anvnrplena requir’ nee mibicopul gre

laa pet et oe co Alige odoccore-qu arnthy

, paver wary, iniifoperibur puolgaca prepa decamer : fiqasy lla arte copbende caipfenunqua fora nung

deri urrand 1A phidiasm uli wadiera AVY poxyerts : ner-userigna efficereporttr. ueperspareetcus Ledr pho nfanequead modt meclipen mio guom anmbal cartha

erdéarni fey. minora.ttl aope- alfug hevz >

arenre x | A Sgte/al gd we

va. Eacere-ditarlaborabre °, Tiec uentl Tec, Exarpgieo : L Ta conruilul gotta riatora cat. qa ey nom ern mAgmaaport

“—— germvrabiliorafecifireome gloria inurcar eer al borpt MALOT EXPECEMCLOTENEL Gist ab: for arced quédixin uellec

bida rarromb: gustb:e: peepar , audirer,. jttoma: enolle COTAIVEN uiycoparern qttomea. : d UT er. tM wth qutde- 1A Incite neq: ent Aeray ptofural: quot borardetmpe

td meadericlersc ecaliudger' ritoffiero erderemtrart . qdtdadicends not Vecuciiinn; Ta gto ceveriquillaaudi quinunga ferent demas: ranc uehentrer-eetdeleccarn .

tadvet wrqtiada ore, : querebanc abanene em ag

tOrvirm Acpouuyy placufeoru _ NA 1p ft e-derllophrlorop 0

Ant tani quarrel ipfipa , tudicar-er: hicpoen nopaime trebant acceprm: (eae tft. Gracce fram libererefpond 1Ve


Fercur-mulxofttdelt-of| fenef Rracory Garquemqua num faepeutdir (eH oe IMAL Gur quiequa wrelleverearbreree tg

pform todel ecearer uidiffene acobiqaide-n ramolcfaf. mine: neg: meherculein 1117714; factleom( ppeaor ecpferc'quid ent Aur Adrogarcut AUT na aucaliquid adlferad: rmiba

Loquacut li SY 38 nar pliceacaucefficuncur

_ bali Gurr annif. eim mend tdheffeminuy, paenwe perio cu pope loromano ont at dimrcw aa eCofnta concurne-

umeeray iicrorecertUffer. Liofe- eephanres liz graced bormnéqainung uA banmbal

cafcrauidit fecnunquadenig eceofortf fe eplu habeoent

yUNIMA parce ulliar; publi neque /*art a. docer cimunertfataefer pce NA quancu ee-o1 1carepof

praderemilatidare-by C Siceliilicduadesedt

mihi facereomf ifergusce- wareinduas, party. chains

arcedtcend peiprane ul fAaeccrouer fia erinquae dene-gd ent iphexpanr { frionel. caut> appellaseid doce coves of Shocomn r€ porrainditepacione Formaffeerranc: gqdnometr y-eor-uevecrouer na: quae , ucin mpale fh puerof, Aucad foonéan ye pofwa infin ulefcenculo¢ docere-conarl : 3 aad stiigionis dubnarione’ ,

ig omnes 5 sarang sie 3.3 SER dealzers nxeqomecinmulrof ia phor par veendimira filen

emn1onel i inci quit em ¢ Worn 1 eft. demdequing: facut

i AS

qua membra eloqueneiae- nue ransonsbidemdeteramarebe nireqaid dical, inuetrea df pone- rare-taaaaliz cluftonéora

redemndeornareuerbitpoft Tomi ecquafiporacioné col memorise mandaretind locarre: ali tubere armequa

excremu Agere nrlAre oret orand1 aura 1Caus

re fanenrecd A atedihes ere Saw we

n fia Cpore-uidege nemine pot Acporar-e:nebaecquidérep pedteere: miterqund dicerec. bendo-fent concinediferrby

erect buerbir- erquoordine cxf cam to gdneffefurrhe dicerer haberer-eceamem: minth: exprtls uerrone mit fer: Arg: hecegonrephen nenpert al quacem pee

dof Anceoca: lor portace Prprincipioru etnarra

d (Co. Ur eA TOE qeuarmuor quia: tiona e¢ uoluer eaureory

{ex nepartiluel ena fepe. oranomb:f, confer-uandn’ f qin Abe AbaLaur digeruncur. na equen hi bensuola sacl

inquar eabir omntif cratic ce factliur facerepoftiem

difor: bins tubertentexord: quomya newrfucrsamiomys: rita ured gus astdiar bentu0 gua guomommia f Aucsea’ : Llanos facia ecdoaléerac donl&aa A quem pol Liceor-

ceneirdewndertnae-rarreee Pear emacs ec | {reas traucuervimilef nas rane uomndoceo “eC

" {1T uca pra erbretty: porta wae uero pe se a diusdere caufa aur pponere. ! ne excrandy ntccbs sada nra € fr Mare drt-anragac A pma demu rasan oneeffscere-


per fur: tA ueronarratione fiery finan quisebrova we deel

‘ qa tubeneaerifimmle ee etap cendifadeoti gui tere d er quar taerbreué rectenofadmone’. tKexplicxca erppol rca C feguer! qa baec MA raring wines tal fentinnumerabilerd wretnel:

picarre ce pprisquatocus < libra neq: obfeurtf? iideare orarioni” valdermubs wurden guste nelunc Ad ludendineam er-rare'omnino q- tre boc omnrvif” Ad pornanda AMON TE 903 prs

F error qd exifamamcarcf re plnd ont pagartaneral aa & bocgd dtnidutimmlere ud ludurcd pury: n~dericdeTer ort cit: modiderproiure rae: ATtTAm ArT) faludiera

etutls hefrernodtecrariiar Armoru ecgladiacortec

coponi pot, fedicebacurrgene omilrer 1 pde-alacest d: fedant

rareru prima exponerer! 1m aces eepienf ecacicul

, inquourad efefigen#ulla dé xoq: ver fue muicwfes prer-mrene-deindefingulora yotefpar n dAiffierls uf Ay

oe OL erde-ce Tromiuncr, guare- egorwbt aliga parte ecfiperare oraavre sic 1A infrtaid fj ipo mdofa tra verborit omni tere urquid ef ficere poli definreionefinautb; neq: Aber Ameepypicii: neentmihreanee

quicqua decerneg: redunda Lreeerif Aud terre aliquid le

re-thoe fiunareciuslt flea gererifia prapctepa Accepe anparutfaucmedioertbire preceprabo qurddecesx.q etd b:doceor-rrad fequi por rnide — errtb: qed pirven tartabac inretAg imma pore guid neu ef frcere por re.



fiisrcel Lega potead fet mos, pue pottte hormime sco cacule 3

nire.nyola horvabor urela dequoda cla maroredixaft , m GENRES an-quog bor? dovnefeicos- pcomo collsgen : mibiusdebrre ee obfecrabo- ru sdeboeigré qurertaly TANT ego ine seul ,

heal ialeeh oe re jidaiinidbile ecdit

buenda Lauferc. doar firm Leucine exemplavirt mo uuert quom-q mecella exaloru facaf aurdienf”

ca prelugerean deantrex Auceuereyy. ecficraenarra ‘pr ee porefcacedeberldd EXCTYArIO fie gracchof

nerbanua accufaf carert “‘exéfequermb: fiecferro

banat uoluncart parur it teer tlle ereurnmicaf

Ciutat. exparreag ead: FD HES RLS Erabsecca gener fiemmf 1791 ULorpye loco ernemo a

rep ¢ falonc cartisch ceths urfute- amma

ee deberr cerceinprmy mi ercunefermnp Auda x de

Imperxtorey querucen gd defacinoredubrarepor


wal maxtocumA diereiftarreppere pfcar erper enc:specie ugnaretsoe ‘urcrag stadia nfiopimu queanegloryimaigdie

defendifer carbo i experenda exmmnore-. |

tei bona c.uem purabur! hte ‘sitMorte fueraodimicas fimalaffere ecaligund que (a 111° cA Fertfa (a (epertpreuat; qdra ni learte quid fiapte amar gracch Morte faepern fer'q und htemtbt facier

cciomb: deplorafa qa pacrt . expart ef ede

— cantlegem —er ever ipere ete Sa 1 atde Lrg ecumaf, ail cael qd: fe aa Adfi ane cAquaen

pa bon dir fedifc: excu fuaut hf exrranea fuble Af Au rerufic; Asarrcia bare uchec bocuerwe-

rreol ler-euolal macer& dix ent leraxciy b>

Au quaef orrcadecaufif- 3 e- boefequn necet{& ere

(1 aerarn copii ecad bel creo emtabular ‘dequo

liad ar ecad ornama genererocw pauloanced:

pacifcrcrm e+ posted Xba urbr-eu (aimed; feruiam: m Ail ecm ct poruer- taAAmedieas,

muf fic eer a ee

HOTA. PEPaT tA. quere ureniftduru que id qd

exmareres fibonaexith quo monferareuelle fat ee


d e berec fifigna ecnocafoften n modo forenft b: difce

: derélocora quib:copnreif prarromb; f? ommmno in al ipfefibrfoderer ecidad lo 7 isso sss saa

ueller paruols borenul A fequer actaltfindeacur-

loerroreinuemrer fic quale urdertuelte erant bat egvargumroru nout mofeorn tra ad fraarap

notat querenademontha quot Ager uceof quo jug:

abiane’ religua curA et ? uelit ie al

coprcatione eruunead perepof tir nibil pfecco

| Au Argumtori ger cura: perms. Addicenddr-equt

caufardl generimaxme yer: tatlluduidem: nequa C uentat none ara ex qua (xo ee reperrrequid quiftee prertbere-fe dica¢-mfiid inuencutraca m ediocrng ingen tuds TO POlTe, CrAcexto Aud

CAre- neq:ne id agim: uc rmisaee debec neAut cogno

arcé Aliqua dicend: a , (car tcegitt aadiar auecde poomimb: ‘ ? ercdocaf' ferrger; { amilscudiny facie ufuf fim nr quaft Onn Opor-eee ured

or acini al ad four ak setae 1f 1gte locarinence-erco ofcendere ex ydedlly

Greate ne-defircif’ erin locir incda concludere

omniread ettnib1 pet relinguerealial Aliogm TagKerat tranfirefaepen nere orarore ef futere por 4 —penseabena s fe 7 da


quidguid ipponenda Fuerte mone med qua er rate Aue

declarares; igutd gard firm Pere? sae ee

ledicar priureefimmleds Aligua Acre 1udiciformu

cafe firmer deindeqdazre la ee ee ad tun TAL Ine puncta are } nobalw placeradillapcam } menrcord plea gq: occaleer 5 aul ha ahaa culufend «4+. nequif eanumerare por (tc na deee uider 19 7-eb-areo were difeinguat uerbifnec MEG UAT CHeporintes qdire

fufa ee ardead haec ur eeppe aibianrce explicandd qui

, ron ecap doceof ecfemt 1 Use phew “req uocedh

doce ipfepeurro acral et nvtendere )- quidna im ANTON

quando Adidlla maioraue qutr qut ordocibiplace ar Vt

mam: nihilé eniimdicendo acingure caculat erdidif pe catule mat: qua orc faue ac (Tre Ar Rumor INgUd Orarort qui Audter uvig: yi tumsbs fepdruderrfoler ipfefte mousar rein peru a Uidequifa inqure df tn 1fto ANT O N. quoda Animt expt her; one | Senerecacule- nhercule TAR GIA 141 dicto Aucecfi mibinifiadmontreouentf ly Or OLA. pluraenimulzo fer nme tre porfit enxtftx

—— homtner tadteane odtoaur mareme tneaingut bmn | Amore Aue cupid tcere qua Alagund oe undeor ira cundia autd ol ore Aur au afufolerein wcende uelcr ( Aerre1a Aut {pe Aucamoere ft poeufincurrere Acre, Aurcerrore Aut Aliqua pro guide fa qua ego quan Ah

50" oes nora fictane oP 3 en thes pause dicer oraxer "con

in = sengeii boon quom erva OTALOTE THON RA

dicendo ucad amcen dum ethane ad anim dignrcare

nul La plurportic ; Par omni robafer extfarma rms usdertfarcece pufame- vroneung quae facsliufor

racioné or-dinif ent ee naripott fimodof gaa nendara rerarequu sy: fangs finullar frbaecad na fiego omneti oramerif IUuMAT INorTAcCore lentrar

inargumnt ecinreipiapTe uoct aule pudorir frgme _phanda pofianlre-cé pureer frcecto uer-bora comreas-

1a deordineargunrcoru fi guid prequareacriuf

ecdec Lanone reru al; qua wrcinuteul ercoAcr facere dicere- Pquomern firtame utdeare- facil react Uber porta deuno dicra qd de- manfuerudiny, prreaesy'grm

dub: reliqenf dixer-ora tani n Appecereif n ertedeng: dedifponenda mgmeey _—— TUCA Orarione da , &autds eag:omntagqu ade

lon eget mall ad dicen va e sare lapiii

di phart more, CcinftrariTa saoteee pe nacer-

eoru quiagenr causal ereoru boris f ebenruolenaa pyub: enk impbart aduer connane Ab ales Anata: farioru Animofg:eor a abufinguib: haect; reagieade Apquof, Agee falart qua fc in aduerfartor ral crrario Maxum e- Ad beneuolerta , bferenda ger ceteris ora


Tiomy imsif cauty excell rein rift ef fimgat orsrio: Tenere nats BBY flamart eni quoda fenermart er G qurb; amm:tudterf acriecuehem genereuerbori adbibrea , f w1 quada inctcacioneeni fep erta acrione Lem factlara

fortif oracio 7 TEGAIgM IF ICATE efficte irc A ent feng force orario qug pbracbenemoran chon riefi ed fepeplacda fare ust e@ urdearw- hutcaae Aliemfg: maximecomda lla dir par Adumearanio

ot. os c 4 Gappellon orsmiontf qrdals

tof” modoautar ure fed qti0dla genere meg widicip

omni” quort fa ea moner wre berg: urrode ficert oli loquebarenr- rine Aue io 3 Auris

borti raed exprmeremoref urdearst udm uelrre oraxtione. 111fCof” tmeegrof- Aurmeruaste AUT {pnane

religrofof- cimidof: ‘pferen Aut ur cupranr aucabbor

dir In1uMtAru mira quid ret aurlaecenc aAutmere di ualer ectuel hoc aelingn | Are Aum; er-eart AuT poe

ciptit uel inrenarrarda mreveline Aucadeofmorur

ask inporandotarea baberus deducartt figs finrcurnnfy

1é@fuaure eccufenfurra a ecdep pinqut acealib:.on

CTATL urfaepeplufqua caufr Af mi pmoriomb? acg:tllud

valear-ranni Au ef frereur opr ndaéorarrt or alsqua (entu quoda Acranonedi pmonone fuafponce ipfi cendi.acquaft Moreforare Adcaufa undicefad isd qt ¢


oc liza oratorif” ferer Ac | pendurre’ acciprogd dac

N co modara’ facileufe en ec adidun dealsguit flat Cir rence uramune inci sttendeé ucla do: fineft requa co mouert Languen ince Ter quierg: = plus te; fin id Aur n ert Aucerit é oper, "4 eni omnia ditendo

obfears uf {1c medicodil: excranda nthil adiasan genet pri uf qua coner ae Tenacura (ora athabilla groad hi beremedicina n q NAererer abono poecadt co (ola mort: et: Kena Zfue e+ Lexa Arqammmsma nata tudo aalennif PT NATUTA omnia NATE! OTATIO

corporyy cognofcen daft urn Me ee Bea exe

{1¢ one id e q tuod ad grectoz pore Aur france inclinare

nan apr cAufA e rau (ecaA Auerfarne dcrepu

Adammof tadica prraccan grane acimperncer for 7 dof omnia mee ner cogta tw achon capere por fit: tatione curag: uer for ut baec fila quae-me- lideny od orer qua faga cif fine craffuf modo flagreabar pos quid fenciame qa id q tama me daustnir cra

x ifcimenc er ctart foleredicerec a at 6

quiduelin 7 edaci ora INICAIIA C aguils c-quenor

tionef fac Lume pofte hsiue rnallig: absi¢ quasi

uideanr. fi fedanc ecurarle pelare Aacalaudarer que dix fua{ponce-quoimpel mer cule egecralfe qaom

Lim: wncit Ary:p avecractirurt ncaufif-

| 52° horrerefoleo-rancaufani forpixaneer requrendsnc mitanc impec-cant dolor eququideabrcray fe qurdcece ocu Licubleu.gefeu-dicteo ry. Accidxt, demeai caufanul ‘nefcio ,

dena: iftocui0 {ign ftcart Lee curap borne pruden folecxammett Flu Graar ty fimof Ata: Armen’ firnof

{imoru opamorig:uerbo moar; n meherculeungui ruta trrcegrae ferrcenmale Ap tardicef dolore aurrmse

tA uereramnousa>tafine ricord1a Aurinuidia Aur

Pisa fucoq:puernls od 4 deendo ex crareuolu!

utmthin folic incendere quinipfe incomouend tf 1ud:

tudice .? ipfeuideartl neq:1 «1 pa anonne seed freripovetc utdoleacifqui Lorbef Adduceréuellé cme aud ucoderte.urcinuidear uerer neg: eent facilepfi 7 urpamefcar Aligurd urcad cere ucirafcat et quernue

fecter mifericordia q:de Lirtudex fiturpteidLen ducar nifiomnifi Uimouy te-ferre cideare/neq: ur quot orator Ad btbereuoler | oderte eu quecu uelif nits

tudie in ipfo OTATOYe1™ PIT TeIpiia fla grance odtoance

ee Aras in &fa aidebuncur, urdey-tre — dileeilercndy-

qa nfrcealsquidol or fuser dia Adducee nifttu et vega pienduf eer. erfitnet’ mod: dolorigriun verb: Cfencen Senereoracioniy nihilee t1fuoce-udlru - Lacrismma arg: imra>rLionefi Tione densa: ofcendertfur . —omu amAtorarf aligua eni nulla mareriefa fac lir

52° Ad exardefcenda e qapmii Foro accider-e mrem qsiom Admocorym ig bleconcipe IgE nfola "Pol ATT exifet reporfrefienut lamenfe MATIO’NAt et Lem af quam ta Ad cophendi ui oracori¢ qua gd Fer tint steer porrefa pAarata quaepotf{trin cendy ceredd pAuct nerdquidé negle

mfiipremél amar aded er Renda © Paliag masora mule ardenr Accent artes: Acne Fider Fe diligemna garb: boc forte magna Acmmiraby ret: duct eriA quom Alte ledideat é bonnntcaeny mit fimot defendim: ca cor trafcrtocient dole-e tonens Alienor firpn art bont uolas COMM Morty Aninn CCtrart , m: babert ex utinfceuola nr bie facecif} firme cif par

fier tacraf fut acq: m of brurt cee libel tLloaleene gener-einquo Loferth:Legendoy we

nulls str abn li bropmo 5 eat

inérart caAufa Ll Xdifpurea Inpri wer nati efvern: bu

rioné g: Luftr:ficinbrasco te ceftificat pat (ecb ~" que oderar erqued IgM Cex uernate fundur-eliqutf7e

omaha pe ne ige deinde Vai (ibr-ofecundo- 1

nerepugnatir parton “2 Albano a eco fal: debal nef qual nap ile af: faprenti ardelicechomo

uendiderar qua mula de cu prt nrae a

SS ee dix banc mec ne Acq: rh b-euta aie lleeur-ene pr el Ves err-elica: dicerec fefinecaufa fuda purarer tu ex bbroerio

reminimeeni mode in quofine rorthend: fectr debal nen OO rorent uvaudiut fe olid: fuer armnufiucanda Sep TE ais. * ee lla pperua: quom Gi bru ubarnforreafved im: ere

vduo leccor-ef excrasta” ecm filruf ublif nfund lira

eral cero oo ae ll uw si aofrtbt par public co

- bonenficraffieracione mraritf c onfignacofrel: legenda dedirfec aher . shel “qdnnfi puberécemau ‘

| 59 ' tA baberee quarvailsbr-ai copoft ntbil fa per: & Lubrdinereoru

iffer eryi ecsa nbal ney, diffupauer aniureciatlre

ca ca filto fertpearel qr” patnu Odicecreca aedefuen fec~ quifergte qu facear boc deref nemnruppty guide erre

Lepore-acg: bi faceay nets rf folia cbt sl? religatr refurratii eebruren qui lly fe Anremi rar if quinun tragoedtf qual eet erde quo qua CALTIVA uider-uf “Anelv

cA fu meade caufa Ferrecur = itce- er

AnuftuntA’ dt immorrnaler cgeescayeat e uoctfacling uae

confiandbinneit uf qi "" omnetintfeu tpn mu calime expecuta qadrepencina quaefru cea lifer culucé Af p! quom teceif occ lil ¢efcuomm cereaudefru hofincuert

erinm nen {ii ma tra Tuinciuia ce cfpeccu coll a

re ercel Resaasion a bru morcua liadtest, hlteedh pias tequid fedef quid lla ANUP. np borreteif qaibin medo

Trinunttare uifcuo gutd imrrandif nec rangendsy tlligomnt b: quoru imag ney cibiloca allareliquire ductarder gerd ma rorbiciaw (heervagrea acg:diaina:

guid { br-urco-quthene opu face Au hia a alate) la dommaru recwlthors merabilia AuT exunacten are quidceagere caine cut Tione memimifot necenin

seruccnwcntae, | mMAtor “4Populu unqua«fure re pAaTMimonione Att co AP 107 nec ore

avis nobisict irr de as inellaae


} furanup leporeerfe Arce eefaceciaru allx

frturrarec ror quire negarel A per utfrt gqutd di etbtarcon utrt Adren qd pcipienda aider-er-habe ASSENT rior ermulcu faceriar rteni dinetfriracioné opor indicendopdee fAepe cere bormmnar-erreportt ereat arcenullomodopor nequid locufdeeraurence ferradt- sllad gquidead decer-perer olipedien F mirorcenobif ineogene mifacrafvo obferuartfo retributfferanca ethar: ler: 17 hoc pcepai prpe mic retquog: palma crasfo de eihielan ii re Sg gqeom culirfe- Tuarreoniuf ego apnbil opuf fir nofin uero tra fecifi fe ingurrnt quomodo “ream cil opuf

nineda inhoccraffto pat frrquaert m: ucinAduer La inutdere-na ee qadair fartu ecomaxumefier: faceri xrq: falta Anime fculrteia poterte agtea e pfeip fu tnuidenda & ad rt incetce Frulca cupide omniu ftcuenufcif fim leue fifactle bominerau ecarbantffim: omnia q dicur-1urdeburrc omni no graurfimu erfeuer tT 1 ; ; pbabs Loragure quaela mu eree ecaidert ad ith cef (tri dicim: noua que pri crete untmiln urcferen oref {na eringent 1celes-1 daardebar’ bieqm adr CA malorne quae Appa fiffecipfecra f faut Actam yrecinref | pon dendo er

inqute Anconiuf quem. bumanreacnl-¢ refpon fie


uid em em gut ecurt faifye ee arce fal” brequed ful pi nite eem Lacefira SEER RA ciuf reacull (ec, Qua fiuero

ifcactione mil feredicci inqarecrar(atr eS ili diceg an qd npuocer gure ar falls obr adie ref; ponderr’ erarautan troguaeda ev earu tatndomrri ograureaftan reru quaet reendoual eT Fabboc d guide faceciar degutb:arcomufia tulo

TA Auccorimes ucgd eer abeo quaefi eloquennt facer-e

ob 1ectTu leporema glean por ftc gutfere n eloqueny si da qua contencione fran guifent baee uel nfacile t

end a utder-ee/Ta ful pr cereals quomodo potter

crafquid te pacer pein edifcere fegoinufp ce

gittc cAefare gui GUAndua por banc ui ecbanc uals MAT CO CrYAffo faceraf €ce- care ee Arbitror nucad

d tt ram mul-coineo fcudio ertenda qd dieam ‘ar

magifiprelaborar n ex Fi ae ecurban rari! ee farearuy~ J quareciefar- eqeqaod: hee Q aidfn inqutc talsuradfen sind shail urftcibt arded difpu

ttoranconio dicercnalli ae» & eee tocandi gene


requidferciafnégqua Forte ito ‘4 vomreliqua ardearns k fran

dicendi param tea uiol sth Toni | ppaaca mibt andéy-c inhocralecoetu Ary: 19TA Ac france ingure fram fae CUrAEOLer-mone Prerta-eF 1A laborearg temeredif po utdear) Egoueroingureille TATIONIS meae reqaieycaAin qm conleca Aculuacrafrfe carfary fi sillieiataiaie sx sis in

bar al neo mca a” Alt quo Pp _— d eucr

gerteb cAtifa Aliqui-c 1 wil. fort ob Arqat inqeutr tulraf recugands dé quanqua roleo nn mrt LiberaLe horprn am

(epemirart ora impuden mei dicefnateinuni fiinul TIA guiagurrin fcenacefti Acppa ula UAT if exrruda inf pecrarrtey~of cia quifent 9 bea eclacna acnedt wen ucy

fee co mouere pocefe curt de-morer-deommnt iftorenere leurruan utdear’ fieegonc guid ferma 5 br-eurt excpona

crarto audterte primi lo Derifa quing:f quae quaeys) quar-defacerif erdoceboft unt guid ftc abera anderic :

if tte Aturrc oratore et que ted frrneoracorifuelle que cxculuf nupaudif fer gout mouere.- quar gua ‘Terk geeee quaenine Tenera

alior ave barfeoporcere ridicaly xcq: tllad primu

CHOSE ate tocahat nqure exces ee cre ! laf prerc caradicar tpreue Ccreet fe quomode ex: am bronaalenduree urdexr. FCAT At g: Pe perererugur teri tecaefar audiam: uran uced cuptencry teneam? er


quomedofimul Larera of delewmaddeerex qd refi uenal ocalofuala occuper caruelad pra OED E 0 utdertedemo crre neg:eni {tea e@ hormné igifrcarAdbune fer-mol 1dprineé qd urbana mat

ech! ipuinerer nefctyemernrn megdert feria AC{euertta Rea ida purarec gdnerpriills 2 te mre var acrelaycar odr KFLA guide {arene qutpollicerer] ‘ ofAlgeret ripe — at ‘on

locayaa ecregioguafiridt mrufdi lan nfacile- & 1oco re cul; nd id pximequaerte rifug:dirfolur- guaren’ QVAIEN

nee er vray a TAKE QUAGA conti ner: : ADOT Amr 1 ua di

end howe ael folauel ne re uidendive Fd oe. sa

Mime quaenorane ecfignar) loco quaer-endt pofierarni eZ a sellentalegalineenpeis NA Necinf: i ida ump bray

€’Au arad tlludeaa aen1a eciceler-e-tuneta. nec

¢ plane orf mouere fulrnferita infigmfaqi

rif. uelgd 1pfAa bt lartar taccarider. facinéroff maA1o

beneuoclemi cetliar ep requadi ai qua rtdicals

q ue excram-€uelad Ads se ae aolurre nifere rancur Omf Accum unofae for~cetacasre- parcendi

pein uerbo porta: er sia Ad m Aximee cartatiho

ref: ponderrer: nnunguad ex ming nereme7ve1neofdrat

a lacery enc uel Avis | uidals une; han teread

ad Uerfarti. qdimpedrcyd bibenda-é prt mu Intocan do

01 '

mo deratio. read: FA mife Faceriard. quoru abreru ;

rtcor dia mixtimedignaf recractat Alceru diecor? qoa obrem aumenerter ftquandogmndrangus alt

ommnif ridicu lora einny quaefabellacnarrat acolt “tof qt inurttabominis tTucraffeinmemia come negcaroru neq: caLisnt dirreea Licerxn laceresi Tforunced: eoru qutob Largas quem Cer cti COTA: -

facin’ac fupplicia raps racing deamicula ryccc end: ardent eag:belleag fala acetam ate ipfoft cartiutder CaA deform CTA NAY TATILO’ ad d t difta

TAT eccor port uarcior-u claufulitoratarract nA rantbella marernterad ta ommnb: inpariecib? infcrt tocandd, {> quaerim: ide pra furl felrererafduo’ cu: qd ncecerfreb: INIAM 1 gquaererem: td guid eer fe mequaerenda @- quacen” newb: auenda Inquon tllad Pp cipre nequid dicirfe- lacerarlacerail ar

ingul fe feria fipridieas eu mor-dax me miu, pipt Lepornr utcandd: Foraro crctf: ‘gener hoc gus ftcface wiemru gq: neaue fedbalir a qua eleganf qua oraro

locuf ftraurmimicuf rium frue babeafdd n. + scapes quaecur?medt fine factor rare poffif qdeandéé mda » (Zrmeellecem: quomad cremeulirarpeenda fiue

tprariditulora genera finger

suenerim: Ducf eni ¢enera éaa borur ‘gener wre


urrea facta demonferefuc oracor furripiar oporter mor ef et: dequonarref am tratione urifqunand

ucflermo or aule orn, ex } en qudiurde primar. uct quiaddea 4 ac. pfter ingenutear er tagert peat me ideart ruboréfua uerborieur

Inve & trer-idicu agd Oxia prudine etreru obfcem dX tm reattione furmfoler tAace- urcanda ergo bec duo ,

ut idé craft ful prud nobils genera f eT: r1d1 eoli gt

TATE Puram farml1a.quid inr~eporrcuft quaefppria | Aliud fute ingio erioride Ppecara faceria xu in

rec nifitlla ableafecaccat qui bi derert hunt homaini 1MITATIO PTUAL frarudafue morefectca effin Cune

roc d j 7, excterreo bracehio ur aurrenarrara Aliqua

paul i ecta degertu add qualerrimeellegane r Aur

i imratione brearcintieca

ex hocgenereé tllaroye: mals quoin figm ad Ana trnircatio femfcbiego

arrerpho baffero inguicye periane ‘indicnoaurtdt

n1iutre ci Audio ATY: trae culd-&rdqd uer-braucren

cocohoc ipfogenererid t tenciaequodd Acuminemo

culd uccAurt fu merra tet: f? uanillo fuperiore candéfre-minora efcent genere uecbomarracionty ecethologorii fininnae uel wnreariontl utrandae Aeftrimario fic obfcenrrar CoM mort | ‘echoqora


famtlteude neinhoc feurrn ifrequifenbled ace ecmeliy orscortf dtactofmagno herculeappiuse- frnandua perefugiendad qunigré dit inbocuted farrviledelabre Quem: acrafvo Acarulo Acere- cenahk o inqure Apre-hurelss

riffamLaré trum grana fco farmliasrimeo-e-fexerio. asreuareul LX Armictimeum © anient loca praia: ed

fimebercule mnrrcermbiad rilegdrinecaalaceffure uente; Eni dicacer” gramiocun erm ids diyerr qdinome dé nemo dicacior- hocopinor- Lafcef conaenrer eAguiA

primu nequocient quoq: pe medt a pecans rare cuertdicridicineceffela yidenc- thles egregia fex heaen: dicere punillufreftay v1 ever pore masuf Caua

Lice imqurr rogare phils ingerr a me le 1¢4 a Tracie eripfiufdicacrarny . burro aad ’ hice § Acco faboy 8

ppenlla ecrarteM dicroru difcin

ridiculers redebariudex quen orsrore AL(CUI TA: er

| t Aurtfex bretnor ipfe-qua qd niet cu cAni{> dram nur rete ecid omni er1fasinw ridieuls utdeam fi acp fic dicé fuer fularfieeroui eft Am: alrqund tl eroradie fawn lertdicul a: ergohec erfinecaufr:,gurdeni eft

quarcaderepoff inquolne uargulla widaal dite | Lif qua uffirebella Pom canchdat-afEpmus civ

Iipforenere fourrila ur Frazre fucca plex eer purr


abi ufcarFfaquaefiare pottim + eCfte nequa tocar-1

petiveiintinenibtinlh ridiculaefc dlludnerom

tenutf fim ingenit fract : anu urt infuraceferuofola Tépuf igre dicends pruden 6 curdomunbil ree necobn TIA ecgraurcacemoderabr gran necobclufa.qd ide ) mm qQuarda ucina arte aliqua anbonoferue dictfolec

oe eae at narurxe boadé eruuerb- exirde nuane eepomasn: qeneratpi(a aurcé Loaf omnia: nagdrp-

fama guaert fu marame carutprograure cainllan

mo uUearrc~ baecigarfre prima a exablnere obremp-ac

wae face dicartdal: cepro ecobed caufa uere Saale ALibomirref eve “oeMat inpublica ipdire cecaf are tme-Au dt ampden: :o

NRE: A He c siete q? grada — tuncre uer lo ¥ mour- efconenabrena lee

ar .? boc menrrote quof ai § uit uentat mre pela

locor Arccnm A undertdies ru uce qdcalun CL | uocant exifde Loar fere Bc as ubreued 1L

11c1-CAncu ae sar 19nT Ladefcme clodicx bocrtdten J iC rain laé evar 1 q° exeo qdin

waf bonefart nreb: feuere cla udicxea one Ant aduer | ocuf ine proaltf ecquaf ide 1 porate educeaqurdboc for-mibiponre uel acideaer neuto It nanuf feuerefci

byerlaudare frugiferua pre arinmaleotenrem

‘oe. | utdeome are ca aenirt sub imrcandifmorrb: uocedema:

ridicule philippufruerdg ridet corpor-eipio- gal um genufcanec verb ecinler bunc pore duere: acy: ITA tera 1mMmutrT1 fim tlitudo n er:modi oramre ef feue

cxam bi guodtea uel argu (7 Pucmimu: quarepmit TH fima perane ave pin enuf qdrya maxcumemo

tocofaepeeua Qraureare uet n efenrum morofu

uerfae:Afrt cAano Usriupe fup forofa. faforprir ofi.

yor corona (1b1 méutiig glortofi: foul nacare ad capi ad c3mod anet ‘ident ipfae- qualpfonar qm eafacpiuf: ru pererur agrarefolem nfuafonere

p liantuf uarnolamil: ye eft imtrarione

tant inqutc fin conuenre. admo ridieulars nob capur ent magnu. é erlau | aancilwecfarct fi tar do dabile echonercit Arox eccurfimilee cominime-é eodécenere eft. caluofa efcltbesale-terna ortfdeci eft qa: diz paranemal prauatto nnob ‘quarta ob

ov nulla genufefelocr qd fcenrafn modo nforo digns. n exeodé feuera erqraunr fed anc conurdioliberorts: famasre* accg: bocentX anim decracat 1q12- corr ebiexh

aduertenda:-& n € omnia oratorio 10ca facenser-e

ridtcul a facer guident liquact quspasr ined pocete aridicula ucasmcedies (ft posice ndér

qua fanmio-€& fi oreuobcu- cffe- Aarcin uerbo- na ot


qurb:quoma: uer-bifdixe ~reunten rife

rif faceurcam € re Comet Mmouecne ALIA ee ee ad mucarifuerby faléamrer bigu upfeipfi pbat td gett }

ac mnuerbif baber omne dé uc ancedix: — lepore-am biguafinprmy me- ing entofi ent ut ACHTA ATG: tnuerbopoft ui uerbiin Aliud Arg:cere

ran inre dita nse riacciptant poffedatere

uenc mA aer elle uct re (admrarioné magifqua

cersce deca Lauidant ax rif mouerec mifi quando imilLirrreta qaica feudio inctdreimaliad quog:gen

ofepilaluderer ecidéfi ridicul 7 “sae

SNALACrANoctu frangere rl eqaide % dierey ee nony

purarec Sregaler gq: eu fimaridicals gen ca Aliud quom ncx punonuemf fer expeccam: liad dicreh tc

requirerert exes fAgor nobirmeciphit nr ero uefpaterenciaf gd eum v4 mouer qa ftad m 7]

bracebia fregiurer cruieftambiguad (ret flufacap noua utderee

cant qd e ap lualsa guid mifertcorf

{pedi uf nuculan c ft

cereingure armuf Armicuf ductutder per canceacur CO MTe ec1A qdnon * 9 ettn oat tien dk én rer | dicereficit a mbire nuaciingularifcurdat

RES? rponderememincece déporrencitirmle enfe vance a me-eeLaudan ul fu eft pot fe eals quein da: tllad uer*o1im p bieer uenin? oracore qarials

hom mf ecpfidioftdice ard malt facerec dicen

| reqd aliend eér ernoce Joobescace + anata de reTetp quo quifa:dice rec, fac ent efeciectiaA

vet; quaren pibreudifer currantcaul.,: ea

ru gut t dn Facerecturdert . neminé nificiu percee

him Pp oo yeni om ig ahasoed sede! babes

fteibs widet Ancom de TELIP ELON ep feanreiqua

monster ef oe Ly da ecextrnia7 pedeus:

AMA gNUp mbilin gart ecramun Hrrgeaadirqx


ATA’ AP “cof rincre {a unqua efficer— ort

dulsqrad riche ae ie = gadget ecfueree

ert arg: ingen! Athen obrabilrafoblinra potfe enfirille Fusrfechemiyto posiatgdmeminiffeno

cleradquegquida doce bomo lrr.quigd remel dudiffer At inprmferudre Acceffift . w1diffec ue meminif(e-

‘ed e1g: Artememoriae neq: pp bocthermfco 7

quaecu primi Pp Ferebar clirefponfu memori¢e pol Lrcrezi eecradraur iret no bit operands nett. pane wpe Reoeny wa neq: 1LLA mea cautcio er ar effrcere pos fer.dixir cumdrax(incanfif ppt

ferlladoctorearcomnia pirame prudentia cra memin fer. eechemifco neglegenda-&. uteniifto uT cléretpondifvegrxcius ranonmnibs accibreals nbulla e& faccura gfe Gud Ofua figmpficrure

obliut evi’ qua fi Faci brare: eceni prvixa

mmeminte | edoceutf fer sur ac ee mauit Inomni parte

def; neque uifi in bormne eration cic fpicien acerrimingemtt quad po pe equid offendatneg

tent” ecquatim fuerte . mrual, frepealtrefal

qui trarte urin aucn Lied aur min Led ix rellegerepof "1 ALaceriat. orxe reuf. wi daccxerucin ammogdremel eerin ue am wemaledicim: ff


demiq:urintroeem fimo of fe- ad fi aiaviogatpalcty fact fa iiirtaies i ed Wr

clo neg:tam nulla adfe malt facerehominef m1

J quor laude. hominef enn nim emalofquid sll ud ot fact Liat qd foal qd f' upradixt fol@ 7-e-me lixeritrephendere qua cedere. ecurp lamufdia. gd Aptencacuernt lasida fugere- an guae-tualde report: brequarred froma cCAufa mea pmer-enc-quo li gpurac pinfeubtifinle — ida facanc a lit-uerfarlg:

, vuecefrce leveri, Labecem inbofoa CAfertfAacfua

eruoluntaté®nocendt 1TA pridia drm trcunc medio cundta-eruiimn mgentoer crttneaufif- nocenc quo

111TA - necfthoc aurcaduer fartora adiu

crafrncomrcete tdeonmul mita € far-mane: Aur eag: {a Tt: -- -ecfaepen comrccune”, nar enequeunc exuleerarT,

quog utdémbil mibte-piuf uid uigd quo pfonara ee de . urder1 folec: sai aber.

ex oraror if dicco A fiquaefinint —AUTrefPonfo excenuando. (ermo fen equit oSAutro ade .? rae laa ndoecefferendo immo inutdicfiora fact ne

uero aiunfe eced que quancd & meotandé mals

defendre-, L’crarfafnon undfim bommnefcareg 1:

putae nifipfidia aceide dreabig tucdoffineulla


5munitione orattony Acer pee fal pis aAucaigqd , ap eoume Lint tnuebare haa me es

Anexcerudscet Alsenet.~ Aue T Ene Te Upt Oremmetéi , — quidfiquaurera auneiedrmo aheriis widtevera@ o-sseffiann

dafinaliquovadveeuneaur menfoler wboe war Voisin pliarrb::eacninaduer tars dred ent (pot Awmecbomsee'

if excpbrando n re m cianef alacure! dacendKlud ag tadon ceiniudicefinaebt excvereest .>| peceact Ege ide a pail Keac: st blser estes varie

Tero lnstand hecaabactly Irie oUTiBE patlossannLas

fut racuridta cats da ad adordeat et sscdeave ie ha ombuil nenocesf- 2 negirera acl oa Deg ine Pe? nqueste riquolibencna Eduplesc:a bowen sped atll-w *

leaudayrqtna can gars MAREE A CAME Hu Abeer Aapye

bene velinquomsma poss Orman ianancre coy acess

. ent ecleneufecifaener~ aes Sparwmcna wor shag wud Ce at aequoceips Gg : fi ul pic ob avrasy? dacacn: dernodesr turgaba s drmemverxeo re PRS OMLLE TIS Porm Unc ee.

reper ef A aduer Ari ewe: rar oe ident eHex~onna P Oo quo ecid ft Uud ad fequoy , a CT? earrti yr edeommmarit tlie

we Mga mibsmaledeat wedle-screelluclesons FOES de 0 Lasne oc planernjas? ® Se ad sd tr Proomeds acKENrs eu tdeat’ in pry. saatatadh te yrta, pier ib GLa EO? ARE I , wre {1 iqjered por er Uf dare "DS ODL qeucalng band €4 fot ae Vege

‘i a

CAUSA dicendafqueadmoda TIA ducim: aucdocendo sure

coponam: tdé uel maxime se aa arene uende ; ppria orator prudence una exertbshitrebirelp mura ent occur Argus no bre ferenda acmbil als mu brag: indi cendopfircura ad mifidocereuelleindeasv

uideant’' freori partitale reliquedugyicutt fangail : uta aphsraang a in parct incorp orth: fic Ue inppe erla fiquid babemcadium cutf oractomtb: Fuge ce debe TI fAnungua e1: mod} ucm bure: na erpncipia ercere (tc init, Alige id amined: reparcey Orariomys degut b; TA tr tllad qa pdeée ude pau Lopofe paucadicem ha At ucqua aligquo ynaloZtun | bese}, ANncul MANO opere

Koad quaeau ectlia f, Acg: deberearcad eoru mre Ap Frr-mafieatam ucfaepefir quot ARTIC mouendal,; pmo

ual demulaf eaque ext uere pos fenc: {> hiparcib

acucleaffimar accalay oranionif ag erfinthil

grantor ib; Chiemla fecer docenc argurntandopfaa niar-breror opor-rer-e-acd: dendoarvet comouend vd

exorxcioneremouert equt pficiane plurimi.quadg dé-gquo col ligvargurrca MAXimepprs ufe locufer

caufaru.ncam eanumera inexordiendo i al -efoleo qua expendere- dodeqredtam Abeo que

ecqm g4 1, MA dixcacrtb: pporuerif acd: wr ant haste | ae Gh ht ferrcen uendori Animora cAufara

ae | : 14 : faepeutt le-e4 rcagiuelrenar - -

PACA CTEXPOTTEA SP ery purane ee traed primu |

comouendot degrediends * “ie ve

locus uel argumctfuelcern pore itreoru ex pectr ssaidiiiibieeel Ghiowager croniquraadiard quamce-

uel exucrog: SOR e os Lerrimefuccurracicut

bL: nbabec ead caufa dignt ae ee! pati facai nfte

TATIF AT: caufa re { sistahan _——. or a

| dordadmih » SesLie co1ciane: page’ ko tg Seria dhe Hifceommb:re

aa 4 tbene pacro ‘1. dnt te dena:

nof-uciquod: cord minimii Poftrema 2 prima-é dicendy ; foleo co | ee


_guoutar exordiomafi rened: arcender

S ae etlibiadewates” snlehsotunloduserrs nulla mbroccaurrte mn mafiilarh, find cc. shoal

au extleaucnugarorm ; releutt ucecuenufean

Aucy olgareauccs mune: uel qual mascime fer uiane ee

principis ad dicendi fep reliquif, arth: fart cralast,

| quo ACCUTATA CTA CUTA CT necé-dubia quin exorha

inferucea fencencitf: Apa d tcendt uebement_ ecpugnay

uerbif-ca vero caufara n faepe ee debecfrfispio al ppria ee debenc: prima logladiarorto utee cerca.

Fent quaft er erco minequoferrp decer-nrc m datio orxtionif inprin tam arceegrerya evel

cipio qugd: crinuo euqut Franc quaenaduol mut” > audre pmulcere arg: al fradrpecié ualer-eundear! — — Laceredeber-in qua ad quancobocmagifinorseie purartfoleon equidé fof n eexpecanda An quan quinul Li burcre1 opera unf poauf quidel eeraxio . dedex= rbomme Inprimil pofculat “mibil &dema:

diferm atgs erudrra femiuerfap phi innaturareru aes et a lippa.quitayolech fundac

a er dicenda eadip Pont ns vee a:

uerba Labrarr ftcnefaar. ftc arate. quae fiumcquacg: - ecatr idé g¢ baccha concal A Gurre Acerrimelenrorm ~ fecertecd refolerepugns ly: pn erp NALNITA ipsa er

‘i ba

-ormfecnfalseendequaeren fd a A. re ipripenycertb: caane ignieace ; {> oporrecur

fum © ean aedth: aece plif uefeabala

prepaaacd: inf peecalo . evadré Necaa; prepa for-ucei.¢ fideranda E quo retitag: inparutf acd: mn

principiof te utenda fic Fr-equerreth: caufif aba

Slapdlanagetaly fumet reé 1. ordirt(aepecs eni exid'reb:quacerubrs modu. f quem err meg- aelucmarcumef urendi prinerpto qd

velini; parcib: adguas. dt plera q: er-tr ALT exree

degredi woe cen 1 Acre “xt ttaer mont quid Affedurexre Aur ex be Aduerfarto. renc.quo er paene— uofA ” (Crrcenias u Tima ye ase Pata wn athachenee ranting ecadparebrr eaf ri modo pello aorurefe qt A e&@ comunifnecinalaar figmn p pc Bee

cAupaf poffecranf fer. quae liberalé quecala fedpecre exeacaufa qu leone m1 trofu.que mifecor

sedinpalhass Ommeai. diac tL. qualia leat

pnoipra Aucr-etevcus: que Zora folca cr1myplario Agecur fi 1f1 catTIONe mM one- ex Aduerfartori

bsbere debt acre ade nfde ex loaf fere cra


a 2s

ria’ eererpicrudelar fine pronciptt (qqaemmedur fanda 11 P= opimione fin cautitdieunc sae ‘aeasias MeETTTOLimiferaf nga doaucrefel lendo- hier ad

tA findiena finoua Na: ma Ad copta pre ora epreren fAnarig? n posite’ Adtadice pe se se exufan Apquofager orc xur loaperabem: quad bemuol orbenea: exifa mot Ammora Cfiaendof mancdfefficia m:adarendo ner INcaufr quota mw L0f

effrete meltu f quir-ogan explicareinprincapionoe do: e tdauidétreork OTA pore bee. Ptarrei 19? pells

tionet fundenda necmint tudicé primo leurt ani

Me INEXxTreMA.. Sram mul inclinaroretiqua inca bar

tapn Epis-gceeronere orAario: CONES AG tra fie

Snare: A Attend mo principit cfequenciora

nent eraear uEpring pio TION UTH TAN qua etcharve

factam: tudice ecdoalé dipoerma adfeccaaligd quer acl Pn princ {? coherent ca omint corpo

magi pmpagquire re mebrori et undearur~,

quart parr facilto ae a Aes tllad me

TA CTIA inpncapiifadar dreact ed1 erficadrel;

TENT MAXI MeL duocm quacranfeunc reaudien, E

| omnia xpeceanc.ecdoc a1 frertf ibiuelléurdeart Lerma final ee poly” At a: e1:modt illaplurio

i tana | qugin debece?.f uc fanraa qa


atbrantc hafra(ance f ugna adn han c breurtate que

————— (Wf ferefferram adfepul {? utip af ferncenatt qonb: cru-uenim: in — impo

plac erie uel pugnarepot {trae . rnarra, y-euero re gd bre .

utc qubenchi br-eutafap decé arr ficalif tTotu con

pellan da th nerbreuifeuerbi ficer-epouufferquandnullaredundac hoctpra ef Ferm: eafae

-Lcraf ft orale ranca-é-bre | fa ucn breurcati ferutrcu

ureaquotanci uerbora (tcf? magit uenuftacrad

-e- quancd necef (ere: ali nanihil farfrecopiin 1gNe1 4 J uando id opufe: Ofepe oftta EtamMrefcocacogno

ob-& uel maximetnnar fa factle-porutffer: fier rando nfolagd obfeart Feferutcate baber nar raté ad fert.? ec1aA qd ea fr" atio difemcta pony. niddionied quenar for cod BI ee sa fermonib: . "MAXIMA: UTIUCUNdA ET ecepbabiliug gefar ee oligos denda OCCUPATA res a quel mo dit Acti (tc. poll utdeme1lLa na ftc exponn. senabee ap

ig qua excefftc exe aufad uncellegenda et P vere ua Lomeaé Narra Cfereure alracian do acn

tto.m oref chr f1difuote iftabreu TrATep Currie’

ecforma: eclamratio foro A pra ent raTioné-ci ee oer rtf” reliquapuarietucundg:. tet qua covery Pl?magaf


—twnhoc elaborandéeé qdec | NAY TAre opor-tre-necft

| ee ane sage Aduer {aril narra sre mihi

gnrenarranda quia Aur eee ae ern principte Aur inargam narranda ne1 quae farpr to aucpurgando aircpo cione ecorim efficienc —

ee ETM: samecqaicquid not ex~ eat. 2 culoepee becparforartomy pocuert ob stim qua cecerx ael Sl

figuo alo inloco-& dicca fu Nquando fc pfidian |

of obfeuraftasrce pertr roulerci fiert putat cad

saan e. “ssi iepimn accidar-ndiad obfaura-tor occecat ora HmAtrotiUs caufepriner

-tioné.a elgd alia por (iffe cAure Avi Ecrademonfora meLfrob(cartuf. dixertf q ret fiqad ommntiy orixKio

dicerealiol oco plam af, af reliqus Fone Narra narrationt anufe mca t10 fequar: uccA.aje. ponar

local ertec a wea inqao eT a meer

- Narracofiuer bifufta uerfid uremia eh fagyeren: TY. fiordine-cépora cfer daf fromanre augeemm watefin mcrupce narra ee ecinfar-vnand ferrari |

| beh uando acendaftc ifecrnfalient{ it fi-man | - efi na ai ccerrsensboull | dif nag:etorxnoentl{g: ond IncALT tS far neg enifincaref ugda-&

paneae id pera fue ! Iain gerrenond oi

i ad

yy CA eal ect fir-mationé err-ep ximmifreb: ecbonefa erd:

henftonéquaerer: fi quta neg: “(ern RIE Septet , rep bend:eAqueerrad cum are radio poffniftcu c firme neq: nepeee ere poltif arg shee

bec Cfr-marimfi tUarep ae | bendar idercobec ernaru paraee agenda fAaptenf

ya ecucl rate ecttracan ent Econnlia muboarg-als one é1unctaf omnia atam itdicendraclinquend:

RII! St reb:au loarf-uranda eTiA er

Gendif a in Fla mando riit ofterrationi {Uf picio: dice udm ee OMIMAd: Crio CApTE Ornneti1 Oram 0

gad fuperlorib: orxont nifefiderxrereoin Ls loarra ae eptiaa mouen we g:

a beige a q

daf ecaducileexté nam uo fuadendo nihile oprabil;

candaf = ferendaf neq: ufqua diental' na aut

fane iA caufaaidet e cor rctltexcé pectr Aquid

fecernam: Al, A maximetueltrfia for >

defuatiomb:traden af quid re dama qi fequxe autlaadxnomb: feni ple urder- neme-é- ont prer r ee comumnia’ fram fuade tt inclaracturcare-qum Z realiguid auc dit; fauadere- purer ex pecranda MAR

Sraufamae mibrp fone medig-nrexcé- Purmercect aident ee ma ecfaprenmstfe ltrarplerag: quo fub-e- rl éfilia explicarefua dema lecamor~ eaneclecea: ne

* as

dignrearéquidpoffer-en frert por fic qunda: eria fic

nert cxrouer {ia ai incho neceffeaucn rein

ming ferncerncaft auemil memAxXimee puaveodd

capi imei incidréeni delivibe ecid quidcuentat certat rartoomnis firrrcellegre of

ecru honefari ponufan ath wie Ses uctlrcart ¢ fulenda freque ferc ecg ct td docarr uiApucn int (e Autdenab:alurs fs19~1

oP aeiggueat ihn sasieraitenidudtde die enumerabre comods ——— cape nofferep; prcir opm poner ect d dircendur ier-o pbabs gala pridum slr actls lex nofYe-morefauranf rarefcecerara reru qui qutacrebro MUTCANE Fe a frucea actlecare me- nufquog: oraniomif € fr

ad aam ced: incomodacanr pemuranda erquan qua rior: quiaddignreare unaferemft eloquence

im pellre- MALOTI exem Tam eee ig

- ee pops iaaesentenae riwfa oO fATreip: MAXIMIMOT 8 ms + aaa ene: Be > sant se er que cfs memoria ee cendigran Sat gdazec

mesfepa: fromm oo tel bce 5A ea ca di¢ni Gut-maxima:

le drlecx: paid oracionif” remy



adant moramecanang fit pre fifordide ftquom | Aut co horcatt one Atit Anim utrio dicca ee Als comemoratione Altqua qd atder auchominicf

Aut f peAurment durcad Fenftone uel maidia que

cuptdreace ye tp Auriufta Atte ex Crimina

7 a conereandof” [epeecia s athaadlmctiy firma Asroref

ertcareiracundia {3 pe {1 difplicerauch 1einalr miuria inutdia crude | qutomotu fagcupidreary” ltcare reuocandal Frraa Aurmetuf mulercudo ‘ urgquia MAPLIN gua flora I, tg vaTrucr caufif ter

Tory {cena adear Caonif de medicine oppenunr NATUVA Ipfa Ador-naciuf, Tu obtue gato (te Aucco ;

aOniTTAafra Ad monrcic qua IV mu ado aiquandacle (tlemor obiurgartoseqtadeenbibcsbiligih Ta prmffto ftaud1ertt

nectibitfcaner-e- (tc orator a bacurof- Tu dep cartogd

(inemulerrudine audien einfrr-ma fnnunquam

te eloquenfee n poltte uctle- nul Loauréloco a uo fine popu la ref? mal facetiepe ec celertrar

TIUMAr II: lapyifi a trandaft ad breue aligu oddiceat

idelambrohduerfa po nec fined: trrAatre erccu

a li ee ae oe - Orr” hal entra fA r

nen eo esc ct equa muteraido acrt {tAf; pere iAdro caarceye {TITIA ecfaepe abacer bt


carecomodeecbhr-eutt eva li br gutbichemifroclefart

curv echtlaredicrodedu faidef Tek lau epaminon ctr} E port Fer-euc pout dat” phi ippaf alexander uobif inucrog:cenere- Alig: laudamenraeclauda CALI{A TU quaefequifolere Tion rqurb: nforo ecw

peryeregrenpes Aurrefamom breurate

equa. omnimnotncaufif” ba benr nuda —_ inorTrna

rationeuerfartnecil TA Auf cribuncurad fea

ladena laudariona Te nebr-é Ec10one quae Adora

nuf & difficile-ad nt ciomy Laude mintmead Tt1o quafiap epee co modata ft" foram qn fa fecreuera frecquta mul denda aliquando nnung TAf orarionagenera et CTIA fertbenda uelucp Sree ermatror lf copy tuberont-a fricanu auun dequ binemoferepape cula Laudaseiferip fir rec ecqd noflaudxciom -€- laeliuf aetacnofmec b: area mulradurtfolere ipf ornand: cAufr ebay: m:toru locorte fegregaba cornu eatiliecilaan | nofu i vP? ;

Locaripfient graectma (tr Laudare por fim: {ttano git legends et delerxmarto bifquog: traccat hiclocuf mraucbommrfalieat: or A Perfpicaa-e igre Alia-¢e nandi qua actlerartt bin: i inbomineopranda ali

forenfif cau {> laudarto lau danda ‘Fen f 07-7 nit (Crip. uer quoruft L117 ef opef diurcraeqs ¥

. i. ae Fortuna der Alte extringe Tircef quran dere IrdenIOT 1

cag. dticcompore n babet b: bomina qua d& comt INE UTA laude qusedebe debra cere Acbeneficenna po

rei1dirercuei unipucat {*tA pre vlia c qus oo m gd ipraumcutin eCAaru : Aligua faculare Aurant rer ava Aacmoderarione wr eats Yui tral dine Acro

PAAXIINE CENT THACTAN bore- ha clermaa tuft

da mnlaudatiomb: ena TIA benignttal fides for

bece nature ecforcine crude inpericalifco

bona: ingut be fama Laof musth: rucunda ft au r exculi fein poretcace J dtru mlaudartonb: Ome nenfurll(e infolemce inpe ent haewurrury n ipfif cuman feprulst fe alug cA qi ca-€- babenc qua ppeabun darrctX For-cime Geers borane frrucrcu

iaideant ie ah Ac a8 abidint fupbhie of le pucarre fApiernia {’ bo eT magniecade Antimt NITATI ec moderxrion tten ovat refba PTIAYIE facultacé ETINATET IA cermiuelsl Ac pe nihil pa dedif re : wire Au _—— rare (T1177? cograinde

prepa Caadabil if erime uf quaedam mnTentt gua nibil Audiripocett CcIpta eloguenta ad

TAM haber pluri(parci” rir = ation babex

quara alia ft Ad laudane nmin tucdtcariy rnin re Aptior {ent Alieur Iipfefent magiarder! quot


| laudam: ormnareactuert eta co Liboreacperscalo pram laadando tungen ipforu: baechabenc uber-

dafena hecgenerautra rimi copiaadlaudanda cath ferent auref bom qdecdiet ornrriffimepoy na que lla quaerucunda fecaudirt facllime eaem CCL TATA TH eTIA lla que denia: un~cufeffeuider Pp

mirabilia finutrare francif oir quae-e fruccu laudart ecgm fingula ofaaliny tpftascLaborio

cae A neClA eeeAcrnumefrAAucpert cul ofa airceerITA’ MAMMA CCIA

a refs laa ae 7 Blaar pane ree pe

Laufppriadeber er tr ex ; atdersfoleccu liffecarus plicanda inlauderufern fAptenc Aaduerfofn frac

i a we A:

ch i a a BO ee forrunarennutffewn

aequabilrace aid ca A: reb:af; eri(dignrear®n

modi Aliquo officio ifqui cam itLlanornanc habra

Lauda bre geri tee: in Lonoref decreauu-~areaf cover frefgefme ad cutig: Pp WI LA refgefeae tadieus

wirruei{ een ecuiecnom homina copbace- in quth;

Atccomo Saber’ gras ect feliacaré 1piideora

fima si Laufeorumfaceo wmmorala 1a diaorribet ri haber quaefufcepraut biadrnomfre famde aires dencautrifforab: fine er Aacmagnrendine-pfer « emolurice ac prmi0-qupi biler aucnourcatepme


Aacgerert tpfo fin eu Laref”’ nowartacarcuperart fine

neg: ent parue neq: aftrare utrioru cognirione facil

noe aul garefadrnfratione in fiqvire seine

Aittommnino laudedigne fe acd’ uf loc eclaudan — utdertrolenc- & eniacuce : di evurcuperandt faepe

teri pfeancib: airth:co nob é ucenda inomnyi

~p Leto inlandarronepcla nerve cAu ato , | ra dequo generetubrea dernuentendifr-eb: difpo ; nation paulopluraquio nendifq? quid ferrctia’Ad

feendera dicere na Lppe i, afd forenfe quieametn uc borecrar{a leu? neg omni hoc {er mmone-craca e1 uIic qua Aaliud dequo

t qua achoc atderecis filan ditormerelenge nt eA dicionet eer! inorarortf of garb: haec exornencur fico qf nemonevar Orato L Pergeuero inqure craf; fi i

rm1airce omniu cognt i libene ent recog ntra 1a Ss

tione {1 nequalaudacto ef Ar~t1 free Aliquandog: :

factn pofftc ee neceffaria evolara tLLifincegrrciy |

ee diffimulLecionifeuaenu

riifexure ffum AceD dara de pfprcto etqdm

(prcucm ft- fimalée tllad vitbil auen malcarelin

anceoculof nechonaui-u quit, p co mode facr(eq:mn

Ff prte eccoprofe laudart grat tA tfeuc-quarrcum fineuir-rure necim phat tibtegoreliquert ingure |


| Arrroniaft erie inrtia pore dia e1- ergd pact eer tllo

frare~ ft enti uere agere car-mine daruru ie. es uoluert’ ommiattbire Afarfcrndaridy, quofaed: Lingquo-findifimualare Laadayyer pererer fier rugqueadmoda af tary urderet’ paulo pofc e&

factafuidern( Pucre fer nurncatru fimonid redeam: nfararto ego acpdirer (1 mateisidh head 3h inquire a pies qcaisrey Aadtanua df «ao quofda qo

them rs obli ext eat ercuogarer’ aionf fcocleft arte qua Fa malim furrext feralla pdiffe RrATIA 7 babeo fimoniut i tdiffenemine- hocunce lh chio-qué primafer rt ) weer éclauerllad arrememorte prals(fe- abs epularet fcopafca

Pitunt ent cucenarec diffe eara ipfe cu CORA erannoneincherya lia TY oppifu fu iincertve

timomdef Ap {copa for q 110f g uo ba mareuellet Tunatcu bomine ecnobi (tit neq: poffern oprrt

+ lé cecini fferg:idcarm tof incer-nofcer-e-ullo Be qd ineu {crt priffec modo-frmomderdr exceo

- aa @ °)

vit cgebaenng la ornandicura haben soe quo cora pear ovina Aceiecpadpathled gqattg: ct buffer de

(ertpta ecpol Lucefuir Mov cracor unis cet: q: fernc nimi illa fordide fepelrend: fail le- hac famonididixisre fedim ware Admontr inuenfYe


ferr ordiné maxume qu rer} pondendi fre-uel lL;

memortelumadferrer. nin fundereimaurtfen

reag:iquibanc parce in Aforacione. PiInAnirno gen exerterTr enc locoree : aideasre mf{cra bere ame §

cape endofiereaquaems foliqut ee eee

mor-racenereuellenc ef ferarme quid. etd uatrenils, |

fingenda ASIIINO, om we if feycome do d 1CCUT fire.

leciecollocandx fic fore quid refponderint.qind ucordinérera-locorii. fi up rc .e1 déq:mulra exali EIDE

or-dotfer-uarecrerain rau Aliquanda Afe ipiafreru ef firgte nora ACTA akin Ak rev-Aty: rt sagen qua re€ fi fimulacrif pl , { TAmeminer~ ceor equide bar: bona

uterem" quai {tr AU crato TUTA rep rin cipe. {te CAsxti

rimemor ye fr-uct. quan reru deq b: ancelocat fu

tari Leaf quanca arf. - omnia: 6 hecar frota

quid me accnet dicere” dicendt {tue arcif tma

renequedidicertft NAC BR tee 2 dx ecfimtl reudo

pienda CAY BOE By e hab hanc ain irccory gtcarifomnt fixafee aliquid Cut eee INANIMefArreritiaf_omne parrnul la Lpariecerp fcort pru uerboru Appa creen ueru UTEATUAET YREO MTA audt-euelle ora 1A innob frp cree.

ea andedifaltea ques TA educer aca: € farmer |


ueraramned: tx Acrime ITA NOTA ET UT eA quaeco

mortafereg ui fqaa ur gtando co plecct utx< pot” 7 ndifpofresr nocxtifa:re t,: fem: iwcuendo ine frrenie

ordinéuerbora Alttbo rem:h1 fia form arg:

mind Aurfentiiru co ple corporib: 4; 1¢ ommpb: gue

ctar neg: uerorta beber wz 4 fubafpecca aenune 3 mibil bac Cruecudine ec i opufe- Pe Nae corpuf

| exerctratione adianer* mel legit ne loconporeft-, Utdre ent hoe rudentfi ne elisa Opies

uefi a SMe hose? a ul gara mulr as.

guifinuente eamaxime fi. locafe ucendamular. Animif effingt Nr gite inlufertb: explicactfmo cer Afenrutridtza pa dicifineuxl! if maganib: im prt Acerriima aa ag agencib: Acrtb: mn exommnib: nriffenfrb: ce Gnreyf quae occury ere

fenfu indendt-quare colerreg:p curmre aniwmu factllim einmimortenert , porfine : qua Fa cubrare-

ees ew quaepaperer wade ecient dabre-ex

Aan: Aor rageeore uaAn c fuemdo rc ff? PTLA eoeene oculora Fhe ES Wi cue my rader-et). arr-ef ce fA CTIMMUTATA CA nb: ;

cAf ec Afpecta 1udicio Aurrraducan exparcead

remocf cformatiogte CEN noraxi0. Arauniu hr da erIMAgo ecfigura bs Imagine cocut fenrenn.


informatio pecror it. curda 1A athemy charmada ‘

fa mayarioneermodo for InAf1a quéuwerehodie mart auartercatelocofdifiin A1ONT fcepru metrodo 3

quence f? uerbort memoria ru-quortu utg:tangua q usemin &ndb necef{aria inLecrerif incerar ficfeale

maAtortuima qin LAYm1ETA bac — mit locer |

tedifeingurcur :mutzaenif quot babere: quaememt uevbA quae quafiaraen li mffeueller pfert bere: :

econeccunt mé-bra orn quare bacexercrextione nif. quae formar fim trea neru endA memortae dine- eoru nulla portfin (1é nulla naturalifys

gender nob imagines garb: cer-reftlLaret eaocandaft 7 ae

fépuram reramemoria brabear ¢ermone benelon ae falepie ents feangee gabomimrucina nim 1 (promt benepofter(no prudenofiill ud gu 1dé TArepofft nm; it fencernriaf joel nimif uerecun rma gimtb: ordinéloares diqur quidé 4iote cates phendam:neq:uera-e qd letra eria-l- craffoau Abinerabidr oppm sil dience-dedicendtracione Morita Wut, “bidiy ponde aa meta dixert: na 1fto

reecobfcurartena idad ny et a eT

ifer:eeut 16711 tafeeqoramos mouere deburt . 7 ho Hmbirenoscentpfe minef ecdunna ppememo cro fimo do q: cAufAment


; ad hanew rolrca 1 h 1 ie eomin’ eloquencta-rua ec

| quactrare tmpulertr ac malro ma furore ecdil: 3 cepertrit”>N ofu eroinge cerns epic etfimul

catuluf er enipmebocer qaudeoiudiera An19911 MeICO

; pmecfracretpondeo ‘ A pbarvgd féper frxcuimemme n modoribit ge oferm: fapiencie laudé er eloquencye forced tls Jim} magnrd: finefamofaudioe et abortec tibtha bem'gratidecc doccrina Efequs por ie- (rram ba MAN trace facilrexee gerd ni é qd dict er Foren op. pie ct i eee Adm tT b: ignofcerem: ft cognoffem: yam 1fca fcrenia eccopt qurcecaufa infer mone immpa

: am: Equidé erik bocme Lirfec“quaeé emt alia caupr

oT 77 rigdnoh ethoriadulefcen

fu leuar error t- agi Iu frudio quire acciffime adsmrxctonedeberaa qd Audier marecer- ee

mala a ifr’ Ta ride Sedona

vgar1fo leba undeert orn nerrculacione crafVo ag CANTATHA Incauftfditit Leas-qqure ego pauloamretoeba

ntcaf nec eni re1ifta acc uelpudemauf” aelimurmies (fe geet nolo seni diceraderd (ead ovt

pide (rime cog norte vomne tapridiofiof adhoc et undiq: colle gr fe afug Genut tormont acters “¢ docai parce sli ated e quid ent. porerivsiceret tals uideo parce copbarye ned: pe (ehomime ereenforii ~


Zé : : Sa.

eadénra caufae- Anaerute ad fppeem qat poru quia: in fort luene

‘ ferec-quadrt enmominore. necinde unquid torererf qua anfebec nef arequeegvfero quefeorafuert.frram Aud 1111 queciwrtt arr purqu.efubh ucberid 1ceba ecachent cu

[ ceuiopertt ur Arum tfceapue efvedocat ida aitof erin rofamoftudio farmtdocrorth: Afia fa pfu fcepau er nibild tcidemg-emo ca par dora cadent 1pfi freb:d ifpu nemofurc venitabrdensaila rarer ned: aero mibrqurfqua qutaudirec, nemnoanaus de — af ungua anfafs ened: fpiaenffurcg uinfpera Treva fi upeals uf inhoe -generedicen

meliafareeeodemodo fepor d1 qua ifte hodi ¢ ceverfar * (edtcere--craffodicencenemv qd fieer alee ecaliquid irrecl

ti adrog {quingimmlec fe Legere Abamonto peomfru ungad > me ee c fiderer: nette za tnur-banaf erpene

qua obr-enefrufera ttealer inbumariucineo qrauprer a

eee eee oe qd uofcupere ft ercre Ta crt (feaudiam: Ta 1 LITTTA ful picuf Aan rts sila

ee éceda ingure antoniquey oblec ef craffe anconia 1A

ual defecat-quid mbrandé Partie ee Tea ucip{ ei hocte-asre gw wa homint qd cui. frrunrn orarerif expo

drewporyre rolighitas 1CA nerecittbier: diftirixrio ne ent aere Amt cf fimbommnes ard: exornacarelinguerer x | qd ferro. fepedocrof hommer i te te prima quia NTONIO gd dico fepermmon nunqua pone it ingaslmerparcef

| 83°

faceredeide ego (ir-ecte mrecereutdefqua trcebomt

tinceller quo ualdelibed nicenforto.

Audire mibiétuancee-e-ut Agrreweroingure ie tiolcy,

ful deucrag:re-: L1e71rO frequide q” e ide port,

INgurt corta or narrtaona furcenda cenfeo errequt TOM Nn ACR deca: id eA law efcenda: potcmertdiem fi

dé exqua eloquernraanom rrauobiye commodum lo

fau inuen a) se quemur aliquid.nififorce

inqutc craffufmtbir quir incrafanu differrema ancomufré tlle fapire a uoleay’ Omniffeuel fa

714 epfar riqurd diffrcil sve aim uelft ipre poftmal

cibireliqurr.é-nobingure we a9 Po caufa curreaudire cupt Au rreaelledixeriunc Am: fingd factliat-erbs AVE, p RMI Yl franécurrecufef eccaculur

quid qd dixares ingurccral M TULL a CERONIS fe pihodie apteman erem:

temorenobi eefrurd 7 DEORATORE LIBER

rt pli dt ctrenipecv ! prinere Ta coctaridens, SECUNDYS ExXPil porte abungure craffecce

dere. furdenequid caculur C1T actulesre religtonif: boc opuf cenforra -€- idag co


IN CLPIT Lips TERTIVS ecilleecrenstfrequenfuo catu dr-ufi incurid uentr:

necremerccimsbt-Q ‘frat et fer thiradrufuf mu Leadephs

mone rtferre etmandare lippequefeur eer reriulr harctrial sbroqué pofean ; adfenxtii desllowproadim comedy; peurione craf fufba ed ordine cfulea grag 4

batVer acer-bafanerrcorda inCrione eec nuectbue to uecereamemcura mole urcfaepeine bominef fapt

ian ose na197111 illad aINS fimol tfeareuidi qua ui boccraffoquomals

wir Wahonae dled aatenaain me tl cramti- Siieriariy puapiiieaen recugt f feurenungua di

fubrea-e uycdteb:dect pofe ufemeliafpurarerur

ead quieadie qutboc& fis TAM omni confenfu fic

pert orelibro Exnecur eer adic ceterof acraf oe urenivp fof ep omniftlload die ma rediee excreludora {ce ecu 1pfa AfEfuperacit’

mor it die- uehbercer-camo D eploraxi entcafu. acy: or

r oratione ea. gueferebar bree yenar quowmf ord

babra ee ntcione-aphilip mifacralar qiiquarr pa po quedisVe Cfeabar us rent bonuf aucurwrf; denda fibiee aliudinkiag delay ێ-deberee-tin aa te fenat fi eremp: Serere Abaliquonefarto mt "7 por re manetdrb: fecebriy divn pertc parrimomia


‘ dignrracy’neq:uero cemi fa {piri tpfolibidine cua randa ficu fur confilur, rep libcarmea r-efira bie- : pFligariecé rilsii ferax rep Permalzaci uehemarjima

repudsarer bichormmer Ctereione Anime ingens

uemniercdiferco erinprt uir-ta Abeo dictace ¢ feabar mif form adrefifeenda fencenciad: CA qua fenar fre

Ee lippo quafiquafda uer quetrecuce ornacf fim ori Facer ad mounffer exgraufimifuerbyfuepo

rrealtet ee ei ar pu lor pet frerec mungqua MONE fre prgnerth:¢: allan fenat neg: ENLBreip nec

Craf fa infecratre coercere fide defuir fe ot ae

qd quidesproloco mulaa detd qa In ALICCOrtert b: f

acraf fodtamrc dicta effe feripat oar foribendo ad

pebant ca ribiilla éfulz Furffe~ iUaecanguid cignea

ee negarec quotfensxoy- fure diaintbominif uex ipfen eer’ Arrcucuomne everureqaa qaafiexpecan Auccorttate untuerfi orAm: gel gun tere er ten unre dinif ppiqnoréepuarnf incartweeucefa ga

e oieadipape 4 iL Ludipru inquerprepotre

€ ciderif metf eer. mu infercif {ee Seer wets” 7 "ete a poe(lcrarfu nag: dalat eardolangv ado 1 fcedenda req:mal donatamorf ce TY euencii recor dart Snail


ent ar enadecsauiie omy uetee refpfa Pe quomerore Laude fearredciisibii neo qua ree tllesn parr CFare.

| Lumé Forcuna (* exeeii exfe evita c carbon inimicih

gadeparet €€ coacti urea mt bom imf code tllodie Grae ac’ saline ne Lanran mort Fart (er nefarta-nen

tontin ent Pil roftrifin uidtr cord 1pfor-a artim

qui sb: lle rep ¢ fasteyffime- Ad voleycenrey ical Puede.

dl defenderar: a rant borrtby ler miferofa: forimperatorn{manubuf cafat-exquib: corza quel

OT NAT AE, Poste CAp tLLesd tefl or-encé reliquerxe pau

furc Aquo erase mulprit cif dteb; poft more. cram CAPITA (OT UATA ae ideicmiaas depalfuf pmundiicribuna

longeabeo.c usliica uc a nmulaf Abeoré pore bofprofecrufes se OE mfib: e1ecre- ec1utcce-. pdrew col waliicaptceta ful revufadquimeadein ; care urillearithec A uidre fh Flima farffer quibsci ecaixif{ecarep partir pri wae tancetffime-hof erie Lbs fammet extcener orcrtbunacu (poliareim ee uideat’ neg: enimpro frrcutec omnidignrerce-,

penqens fircers PAX Y cul quide ad f mA gloria

AMIN EP Cras fi (HX — eloquencie f oretcenri Fer : Apreine fecai manu neg: ro erepaurraft erpoena

collegaetur porrcificifma Temer tan n ibaa ex ums fanguine fimulacra resp malo c adam ac bess


cecraff{e cu arce fFlorecu mors uirora —_— more opor-cunrexce df ttiino omni CTeNITIONe ACAIMIL

cfilio ecornact ecextinerd cCatione Animireaccafat ’

ee arbrcror: tthe (> gem Lee 1A neq:in

essai c frarciag: acspel f edd

TuUAC rel Fer fubeunda reinrt MATA CO penfart Furccrudel tas auctiquace- gloria MIC TUT Peam: Fortuna Abarrocreatemor~ ad eafo Lica quen modo rif uindicaf fer, eadé eete fedarif mo lefenstucemds. funeru pacrtae (peccaxrore {> A berencah; falomrta coegt(ler.neg:fola-ctb: wm nob e€ por fir: fermo : poora dom Inar {? etl pp ned’ E craff reli cu Acpe Ad mica ctuta cede bonora nepofcremu memorte

ee. se * peer

uICTOrIA merortfuiffer , A sa Avg: nfinequrd Mt higutdé-q- Frac ereortica aye slliatin 10. AC faf degnb: ee eCTveRA prrocam fru 109M CTA

quenofmecipn Amore gre debreag: referam:*

in Sian of an credibilé ectin neq: ent atfqua nriuca gubrépeclim Acfenf{im: tabrer placohet morabn

cog teint (errcenc 1A (ope (ix for pot legar mab:

we wieonial enfeutde Fer-efocrxcef rlfOler.quippt tor rapomnib: mteguan w fcriporex |

a peipretaiet fur cling Z Rie. 2 2 bat. sea

fimora Domine avg: opet da deillodequoforipeaf


ful prexe ad ree nof pofculs ancea-eitfoudio eTING

aumarriba es wl nob omnua mio ecdoccrina pfran oh. tl Aacererily Tuinfuo >;

quthecinman fumenc mui ididddhe.

| ue gurd di dél- craffo qs nat orxtiomf- neg:in craft

ae mer-ectur fo red andarec’t gtr Antrerriefufpt ‘nofent quit pfi widiedifcef(fer- inprimyr fermoninire faiffem bocafe-corca Animadnerfii

ec uth:-c. COrtTA TATU mv e@ dicebar omnetlludwpal doLocof Acfemrerraafl beat: meridiano craffa inacer

difpucaxriomy cradidif qumd xq? Xcrennffima

(ec qucm ae Sere cot trarione pofurffe feted

nif crud: oracore cogno qa uolra et: cu etdicenda eer ueram: td tpfufurn ineo si aga qroculori incogteando

rafermone adumbrare phenoffecarg: inmaarm conAxtt- Quodfiquiferte caufif faepe urdiffer-ride

quiducr opimonenul cltca < gett efcercib: als

eg Anne Aopeoeee u 1uniore tf ine. -exbedra uenif{e r

auc orafta plentor® fa qaacraf ful pottcolecatlo iffepucec qui quomo do recubutl (ec: pag et defryen

are induce ft iferte ee incogramtonefentT fer

gent quisur dors aud featirecel fife a, i eyte auciud Lcarenipof fir’ filencio daathorafer E flips nafure arg: et ies Deinde cao omf inclinatyo 1A ff


n er tar-e Ate tud1c10 acdeme cic falaxciomb: difcepaccur

recuperareamyTr poflefto ftueinerfcaufif 5 ere:

ne Pucturectatls ferr-cul o te etinforenft nt

defr-ing-endo uft ar pareaide | ne-uuor-fenc neq:éu qin ane’ ni tllud alreru gen gd ad cognofcertds Aur adagendt

#cé por tb: locfrey ; de ulracionég:ref erat na ——

nita optinenc acq:idtip(u a COGNIT107-¢1 ctemeiad: eae pee ent i abil Joe geri neque ne aes sr agere Ape dignrexce Anppr fru ,

Audio ev1a bara 1A caufar-u ced aliqd Bs poison Aur COP MITIO EX lineata 2 cele agendi emnlia exqairet

brat: aleerauerovancum ut firnefapiencia capet:

modo inprt mas arte-cradenda fenda ref; Pp coguttionefast

nominanec etoratortf et ref: modi co pleccunc ‘de. dicumefs neg UI Neg: NACUTA fintrio ecurradtcx {ecuno et: HOR PASEN SOE NEE na qutd inr-efic C 1ECTUA

a ponarre ucprerirt ommnmo querte uctllad (renebumas Fuerte pciafqua arractu nogenere fapiencia’ qua defert nunceni tnopiareti Agu quegret babear de cereircel legume cu tudtcro Ainmoex lican ercfiquerat

uiderenc’ ommnif tere ref ganda erreia: ¢ fecarto eadem habencnacura abt AUT ACTAT- wie we tends dequa quaert ecdifce (( equat anguirte cil d. pear poet. ftueininfim frenealiquando rrce tnbont


art R edeurrc rurfut gent pee facereporrtr. tur

ad ¢1ecturs. eag: inquarry caret difortbare inparcy. | or generadi(pa-nunt ni urfig “erat quocfine Tene mH!

oat sate IT quaerit hoc reru xperendara ond. modomaruraneftr1ufine _ neertA cor porl-Animiexge

borminef aninopimomtb:. narugreru-durcaguiefor Aur queyre or é beegmnde ddiaies: maecauaft nacre Lif r1OTX

Aucgdfirinrciu lega auc quoraifre deferibre.ucfiace yerum publ, cari. Atrceau rar Auartfpeciet-fedreaoft.

fA écyarioatrcfi uerar cur glorin:é fecutiontf Aa docaffimi Lonieaa demx crimes » i aghamager x1 mifreb: dirfercaneauc nera ponunc- Tier plex 3 dermmurationetectidifpu edifceprario.uctidifferax

tert naincertreutrtinho 6 that Regen mine.AuT Na inuTrau pot “Xx co pararione- f An {tcc uer-cere- Pp efinraony drurcire- magifexp ecendp-

AU f difcepratoney. iteoca finc; {14 plicu Ad {Ure modi .

querte quid incomunim ter spa: Fuge endif uer~

Te quafiinpr (re acfidyy bern a (erar underecsufad maxcune bonort 177°C. na fugtenda

parti {tc acilecaue aud: quid paupur. D eAedtuo autcini quo.

quota: ficppria exquirt. aequa neficalafemiurtias ucornact di ee Nesp ena p pin quoru: dehonefta (troratorifanidera alu auccsrpiuchoorse neho ne


feu tlortae

se ae a more obtre’ stpacmcens Sa ea yar ees : : tata ae " nimimoui

ecu vse 7 ecfirarel fererc rert.rex a erie gato’ xplicet c “ as i ; nevis icmodif rea ge

tAator etamticul: u ; o 1 = onu cer caaberscahd omma nibilyanead oprimineg f Beparas fi as HH ndsa on =, jen se , ; CATT « state es # ce ean f Saas d cionerefert wre sirens :q:fa

1% adocuffirmth r peewee qusver omunb: 3 ni ‘adrelsqas ~

aiid to mal : mi

pracione-uer : ctdtfce- Ona ex tlw so tan

poser hciFactend futcar Loe quot i saa Riles fa:lie ini meontufomniaf

quer it uoilo oe fori Se * : send aes queftiona a Tutu ecurtieru foils sageq =as

1ECTA - ral ‘d er ut; mers ovDr 5 Sekar

eereg meendquia ongu iA a cuiaum A.dicentbil

is —< orn -. i

sna ee 1 fubtecratioh Z wit rasan 2 : lacsieobrarexct £ or y xeECAIN fame wa cap sie one. ¢ fo UATA lart gar Ss -etap et (ta paayr oxpleont2 iE deecfererc ctrouer Tener if a7 “wermcur

SS° , ure e1gutaus dias NATUT Ae ee Auccoref erprincipel fim.

neve ecuniuersa rPreognt nra eingua omnif tft pradén ta defingulty,; revercerimi tie doerr-ined: porter, ftoinqua

nib: ek. fexcuerepof it: homtner quafi caduca ae:

bancade fuecudine exerci uacua Abundascef ono nob tariom uofadaqlefcencer nual ; occapact{ inuolauer: Aca

coher ancomul acq:am) edd: aurcinetdentef eratore

nutfan fib c cert arcillem Sores focratef omb: adomne ut Art etareg: cautlLarenr-aacaliqued de me uct dif fi erendicradu cendof eine © Crater ar-ve panics paprerd

” oweft ifspauco Uibedlblireosa:rh peraurr:, quren 1 inti peewr-1eof ru l; he hocmunufurct fcr burlquarinil lapincp

gut fer1pfe erd edicendtrxcione pria rhewru queab erfde arb torvren egress culan aca! des uferciad eofficio.deciun

bes: ambulanoner 1 creme : tart: ae

ridvane-aurcnie pmerids dif. deomnti uiuends Pqseca Ane effionel nen fola ac denacurrranionedicune, queends nobif negipclu enda qm 14 alande-n porfamifam Lingus-e pin pee F coplen daf nob abufiprfagurb: ex d ug: pecuf maAximarureru xpi; pilanifi umidii mode Ula ecplurt maru papeeneee- cop. ’ ad bancerasle fe er1c1 A —_—

UAT ETATE” nva beni firnodo peinenc erqua trenencur nof orxmrefiunciuia difce- tTranf{ Feram*heq: acance

poxciomib: public adimdt dixt omnéteram: tnufdicen


dat r-eb: aerate. f cGfoncriut liberalet educerone doer

| derim:quof mi figus celerte nag: puert li ecflagierfin

es rumeuh coqnoteer dio.¢efeudso ecanaturiad 102 :

| omnino.ta quociens qued: uet.etinuniuerforu Tene : E ope ert. exiiftarrey qaan ru mfinraft dif cepraciontb: Tu ret; pever hauriemina cer crear’ or nacffimor

, neg:tat acrifaclef feripror-ef ovxnor- ef q co

oF immaturity bormmnu aaah at ofcenda tmreandiarde-

| nee, ucrefrannas quifqua lager te ned beaietan eque

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Try f “es

omning dict fupeiliut/ Aceri cu excerciraxone tn frilo

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qui ecalua echocma: e ornar aAcprery; numeri Ach bene

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eccuerfni one-uer-bora iufeaa feruandaf arb Pfaepecapienda uerbifrm Trorgaa faperrora gdiner

nirciortb: oranio ft quetam maxime-pfeccio axq:Abroliu

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fred 1cendt Ata: fe ae ac aca Apparenc ae

fi encencre uerbif finance eo a anacd neALicAnt ru gq:uerbora tunceionalcat mor 11di1c1 ifrepudiene 7


Aur aarti fattecure-ducem eadfequem “itlad aii nequit _Aaccref feref ecereenitt eruan adymy-e- qm mobeeuol gut

, diecnotan dipeder fimodobre Len pertcoru tnaudiendono - ineTra ec peta er fupertora tet saciaimttuet” Inleandislicne tt
