Li Zehou and Confucian Philosophy
For more than a century scholars both inside and outside of China have undertaken the project of modernizing Confucianis
Pages 408
Year 2018
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Table of contents :
Series Editors’ Preface
Response to Paul Gauguin’s Triple Question
Part I. Li Zehou and the Modernization of Confucianism
1. Li Zehou and New Confucianism: A Philosophy for New Global Cultures
2. “Western Learning as Substance, Chinese Learning for Application”: Li Zehou’s Thought on Tradition and Modernity
3. Modernizing Confucianism: Li Zehou’s Vision and Inspiration for an Unfinished Project
4. Determinism and the Problem of Individual Freedom in Li Zehou’s Thought
5. What Should the World Look Like? Li Zehou, Confucius, Kant, and the World Observer
Part II. Li Zehou’s Reconception of Confucian Philosophy
6. Li Zehou’s Lunyu jindu (Reading the Analects Today)
7. Li Zehou’s Reconception of Confucian Ethics of Emotion
8. Li Zehou’s Doctrine of Emotion as Substance and Confucian Philosophy
9. Li Zehou and Pragmatism
10. Li Zehou’s View of Pragmatic Reason
Part III. Li Zehou’s Aesthetical Theory and Confucianism
11. Li Zehou’s Aesthetics: Moving On after Kant, Marx, and Confucianism
12. Li Zehou, Kant, and Darwin: The Theory of Sedimentation
13. Li Zehou’s Aesthetics and the Confucian “Body” of Chinese Cultural Sedimentation: An Inquiry into Alternative Interpretations of Confucianism
14. Modern Chinese Aesthetics and Its Traditional Backgrounds: A Critical Comparison of Li Zehou’s Sedimentation and Jung’s Archetypes
15. Li Zehou’s Aesthetics as a Form of Cognition
Appendix: Li Zehou’s Life and Works