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English Pages 148 [149] Year 2018
Letters of a Ticonderoga Farmer
A $15,000 LAWStriT! ABOUT A FOUR YEAR OLD COLT. [UT'Re-printed from the Whitehall 24th, 1874.-EDITOR.] Tlt.JONI>KBOGA, January 20, 1874.
Elitor of the WhUehall G'hroniele. j/211" THE Coo11: Holi!IE C.\SE.-In your ist-u" of the lith inst., yon dl'scribe tb" proct!l'tliogs of a tluy at Judge Pott.. r's Cbambt>rs in your villagt>. umong wbicb appears t.be ca."" of Cook vs. Ballt>y, upon a motion by plnintill' to re•train tbu defend· ant from trotting tbe Ticond••roga colt "Kitty Cook" in ract>s for WAgt>rs Ol' otherwise, during tb•• pcndt-ncy of tbl! suit. A brief outline may b" inte•·esting, and is a.• follows: In tb .. ~pring ol'1873 Wm. H. Cook, of our town, gavu pei"Dli:hysicinn) to drive and use his colt ·• Kitly Cook," tb~n tlu·ee years old, past. Tb., ductnr claims tbat soon after tbi• be made a bill"gain for thl.' purcbase of the colt at $700, wilb a long time for P"Ym~nt. Mr. Cook's version is 1bat be off~•·"'! tb" colt for $700, nnd tb .. r•· was talk about a tradt•, but no ~ncb condition .... to timplied that be was not tbPn in r.·adine11.~ to pay, but wonhl s~curo M1·. Cook if )II! batl any fears. Mr. Cook