Lethal Weapon - Lifestyle And Mentality Of A G

Description of Lethal Weapon – Lifestyle And Mentality Of AG You become high caliber when you’re comfortable in these 5

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Table of contents :
Chapter One – Fitness and Diet
Chapter Two – Money
Chapter Three – Women
Chapter Four – Networking
Chapter Five – Integrating it all together
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Lethal Weapon - Lifestyle And Mentality Of A G

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Lethal Weapon Lifestyle & Mentality of a G

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By Joe Lampton

r o p r o -l C

What is a G?

A G is a free man

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E / He doesn’t have a job. Heio has power over his . surroundings, over people d e k c He has morea money that most, more women that r c adore him and no one can tell him what to do / / : s p t Others are afraid to bother him. Younger people are t h trying to emulate him 2

He’s clearly superior to most

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You’re a high caliber man when you’re comfortable and effective in these 5 scenarios:

1. In the trenches grinding

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2. In the Dojo alongside savages

d e

3. In the club partying with beautiful, in demand females

k c

a r c 4. At dinner tables with shot callers / / : s p t 5. In the bedroom t h 3

A man that isn’t capable of focusing on a goal won’t grow financially

n o i You must develop discipline. You must build strong t a routines. r o You must be able to sit quietly and plot. p r o the plan You have to be ready to execute and make C real. There’s no bright future ahead l without this i v E / Phisicality is a main component i. o of masculinity d Being able to hurt other men gives you enormous e k confidence c a You’re relaxed in a room with You walk differently. r c / dangerous /: individuals. s You have faith in yourself due to the skills you’ve p t and the experience you’ve gained built t h 4

Surrounded by beauty, a lot of apparently strong men crumble

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The looks of the thirsty men around stresses them out.

r o Their confidence level decreases dramatically. p r o They‘re intimidated. Girls notice. C l “Am I enough for her?” he ponders i v E / o i . Shot callers, genuinely powerful men d e Are experts in sit downs k c Renown made men from the mafia, CEO’s a r c They‘re having lunch with you, cracking jokes while / / : convincing you to do whatever they desire s p body language Strong t t h Self-doubt and high cortisol levels.

Well dressed


Professionals in persuading others

Sex is an art

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r o p to Will she text you the next day. Or are you runable o called make her yours in this exchange of energy C sex? l i v Most suffer from sexual performance E anxiety / Only few master the bedroom i. o d e k Understand c a r G's rely on ruthlessness and money c / / : Playboy's rely on looks and charm s p Intellectuals rely on IQ and competence t t h Will she leave in love with you or disappointed laughing bout it with her friends

Top 1% master them all



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● Chapter One - Fitness and Diet

● Chapter Two - Money

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E / ● Chapter Three - Bitches i. o d e k c ● Chapterra Four - Networking c / / : s tp

● Chapter Five - Integrating it all together


Chapter One - Fitness and Diet

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How you perform is influenced by how you feel

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Having a strong body comes before having a strong mind

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Even Plato said it thousands of years ago

E / o i “A man shouldn’t worry.about philosophy until he’s d 30. He should worryeabout his physical strength” k c a r I don’t know if it’s the exact quote but I remember c /: / talking about it in one of his podcasts. Firas Zahabi s p is one of the most famous MMA trainers in Zahabi t t h the world and also has a PHD in philosophy. His point was:


Who cares about your opinion if you look & are fragile?

n o i The goal of fitness is not to jerk off at calories and to t a obsess over cooking chicken breast r o p r o with the The goal is pushing your body to the limit C aim of improving your mental fortitude l i v E / Being in shape also increases i. o your confidence d e k “When you exercise, your body releases chemicals c a These endorphins interact with called endorphins. r c the receptors in your brain that reduce your / / of pain. Endorphins also trigger a : perception s positive feeling in the body, similar to that of p t morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a t h run or workout is often described as euphoric.”


I started training in the gym when I was about 14 years old

n o i Those people were ruthless and did not shy away t a from mean remarks if it was the case r o I remember one guy telling me all the timep r o “Hey fat kid” C l happy to show He also did martial arts and was very i v me his flexibility by putting his leg E on my shoulder / o that it’s time to Because I had a big ego .I idecided d not be fat anymore and to learn how to fight e k 8 months later I already had a 6 pack and looked like c a UFC Bantamweight a r c / This is one /: of the advantages of being naturally arrogant and cocky s p t You’re trying to cover every gap, so people don’t t h have reasons to attack you or joke about you Back then, I was part of street gang from my town


Especially the ones you respect

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There’s multiple ways in which you can approach your fitness training

r o And depending on your circumstances yourp can o choose one and start putting in the work C l train at home Right now I live in a mansion so I can i v I have the space and also it’s/E a waste of time for me to drive to the gym i. o d I have barbells and e dumbbells and I do full body k workouts 1-2 times a day c ahas 45 minutes Each session r c / / I do 45 minutes of weights + 25 minutes Some :days s with my friends ofp sparring tIf you buy this equipment you can see a lot of t h I will present a few methods

examples of exercises on Youtube


I won’t sit and explain every exercise because in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter You can figure it out on your own The advantage of training at home is TIME

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r o p r The main thing you should focus on is o C l Progressive Overload i v Eyou gradually “Progressive overload is when / increase the weight, frequency, i. o or number of repetitions in your strength training routine. This d e challenges your body and allows your k musculoskeletal system to get stronger c a Although progressive overload is usually used in r c strength training, the same idea can be applied to / / : of exercise, including cardiovascular any s type p endurance exercises like running. t t h By changing up your workouts and adding

You can work on something then 5 minutes later be ready to train

additional tension to your muscles, you can avoid plateauing, which is when your body adapts to the


type of exercise you’re doing. With progressive overload, you may notice you feel fitter and stronger. “

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r o If I wanna bulk up I eat 3000 calories p r If I wanna get ripped I eat 1500-2000 o C You can calculate how much you gotta l eat in order i to reach your objective here: v E / https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/31973 o i . 1 d e k c I mostly eat a r c Steak, chicken, eggs, rice, dairy, milk, protein / /: powder, fruit, salmon, tuna s p t I eat clean when I’m not partying and I eat dirty if I t h My diet plan is simple

gotta go to clubs or I’m with bitches


Can’t sit like a nerd eating healthy if I’m having fun Don’t overthink it. Use this simple information and apply it

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Chapter Two - Money

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HOW you make money dictates the lifestyle you'll have

r o p r oin the Doctor = Gotta practice diplomacy, stuck C office, can't act crazy l i v YOUR JOB/CAREER DEFINES YOUR E LIFESTYLE / HOW you make money dictates i. o d HOW YOU SPEND THE MONEY e k If I focused my c energy into becoming a lawyer or a ahave been forced to be a participant judge, I would r c / in CLOWN /: WORLD s p t t h But I didn’t so that’s why I’m free to do what I Making money online = Freedom to be YOURSELF, not stuck in a certain city, flexible schedule



The most important aspect is CASH FLOW This is where it all starts

n o i Make sure you increase your cash flow by having t a r the following mentality o p WAKE UP BROKE r o Every day wake up and don’t do nothing else until C l you reach your financial goal i v E Ex: / o i If you wanna make 10k a. month you gotta make 330 d dollars per day e k Focus on making it happen c a r Not tomorrow not next week c / / : NOW s p have the employee mindset where you’re Don’t t t h paid once a month How much money are you earning every month

Gotta get paid every single day


After you get enough cash flow You have to invest it “The best investment I’ve made was in my reputation” Tristan Tate

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When you start getting money you have you invest in how you look, in meeting richer people, in having at least one girlfriend

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Maybe buying yourself a nice car

E / If you show up looking broke i. o at a business meeting d nobody will want to associate with you e k I’m not saying spend all your money buying c champagne a r c / BUT DON’T /: BE A DORK s I remember a kid who washed p tTristan Tate’s supercars t h Imagine


One day he asked Tristan

n o i t Tristan replied “You can’t fuck hoes in the back ofaa r Bitcoin. Get a car first, don’t be a nerd” o p r Basically don’t be a dork that things of investing o when you’re barely making a living -C l i v INCREASE YOUR CASH FLOW E FIRST / o i HAVE A GIRLFRIEND . d e DECENT CLOTHESk c a r A CAR c / / : ETC.s p t t h Then, after you start effortlessly saving money “I have $4000. Should I invest in crypto or buy myself my first car?”

You can think of crypto or other similar investments


I can’t stand losers who barely have some money And think of investments when they don’t even have ONE GF

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r o p r Idiots think they need large amounts ofo money in C li order to open a company v False E / i. ocan make money Think of ways in which you d WITHOUT NEEDINGeTENS OF THOUSANDS TO START k c This is very important a r Don’t think about opening a restaurant c / / : A store s p t Something that’s expensive t h Losers. Now back to the cash flow

My advice is


Get in the adult industry It’s basically free Everyone has a laptop, internet, a phone and an apartment where the girl/girls can work

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r o p When I say the adult industry r o I’m not saying you should start doingC porn l i I’m saying you should put girls on v Esimilar platforms) / Webcam / Onlyfans ( or other i. o Making money like this gives you d e A. Freedom – k You don’t have a boss. Your schedulea isc flexible and only requires a few r day from you hourscper / B. :A/ good understanding of the male female s dynamic – You’ll learn how to wield power over p t girls. How to influence them. How to be t h charming and obtain whatever you want from females


C. Bitcoin – If your girl works on cam, you get paid in crypto You don’t even need a girlfriend. You can work with girls from all over the world In my course ONLYFANS GENIUS I teach you how to open an agency for 0 dollars and hire girls from other countries

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r o p r Basically all you need in order to make 6ofigures per C year is this l i v E / Internet + Computer + Smart i. o Phone + An apartment (if u choose webcam) d + girl ( your girlfriend or e someone else youkhire) c AND a r c / / : s My course Pussy Money. It teaches you about all the p t in which you can monetize girls ways t h


Details here -> https://joe-lampton.gumroad.com/#vFLIm

Or if you wanna specifically learn OnlyFans

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r o p Details here -> r o https://joe-lampton.gumroad.com/#WxHxl C l i v E After the girl/girls work by themselves / o i And do not require a lot.of assistance from you d e You can utilize the money you’ve made k c In order to open other ventures a r c Or to invest in stocks, crypto, NFT’s etc. / / : s But first p t FOCUS ON INCREASING YOUR CASH FLOW AS MUCH t h You need OnlyFans GENIUS



Talking crypto and stocks means nothing if you’re broke You need CASH FLOW, MONEY IN every month 1. Build skills

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r o p 3. Live good r o 4. Make so much money that you save by default C l i 5. Invest the savings v Eif your girl is a 6 / And stop talking about Bitcoin i. o d e k c a r c / / : s p t t h 2. Get the cash coming


Chapter Three - Bitches

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Getting bitches in this day and age

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It’s a numbers game

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E / If a lot of women know you i. oexist, and you approach them d e k c a of having them increases Then your chances r c / / : s Back in the day you’d have to go on the streets and p t approach them t h Today, you have Instagram


Instagram is your new business card It is extremely crucial to have a good IG profile You will learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about it here:

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i You have a good Instagram profile which makes you v look like you’re high value /E o i You just gotta approach.50 girls per day d And go on dates ke c The more youado this r c The more chances increase that you’ll find good / / : blueprints s p t t h How to fuck using IG: If you look decent


1. Create the narrative that you’re high value through pictures, captions and stories

n o i 3. Include new females to your online life, make t them part of your Universe (Follow new bitchesra o every week) p r 4. Make your lifestyle look appealing and omysterious C 5. Make them interested in being ipart l of your real v life E / 6. Approach them or get direct signals that they o i . want to be approached ( When you're high value d e they'll reply to stories etc) k 7. Go from IG toca more intimate place like a r WhatsApp c / / 8. Date: as much as possible and filter them s pKeep good blueprints for long term relationships 9. t t h 10. Keep hoes for fun 2. Push this narrative constantly


It’s really not that difficult to fuck Everyone can do it

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Especially now when girls are hedonistic and fuck everyone

r o p HAVING OBEDIENT GIRLFRIENDS r o Retaining good quality girls – this is the most crucial C l aspect of the dating life i v E Every loser pick up artists fucks / o i . Only the best playboys have OBSESSED FEMALES d e k c I cover this topic extensively here: a r c / / : s https://joe-lampton.gumroad.com/#CwZuN p t t h The hard part is


Basically You should care about having sex with multiple women

n o i But you should care more about having multiple t girls obsessed with you & trying their best to ra o convince you that they love you p r Adoration and attention from females isosuperior to C pussy/one night stands etc. l i You should want her soul more v than you want her E / pussy o i . If I had to choose between fucking 30 women & d e making 3 women obsessed k c I’d choose the second option a r It is more satisfying to see them cry & remember c / / you for: the rest of their life rather than fucking a s p chick that does this every weekend random t t h Collecting souls > Random sex To simplify it, you need to understand the following


You need REACH. Hundreds/Thousands of girls that know who you are. That you can instantly approach Ok, you can date your co-workers, ex’s

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r o pmore It’s a numbers game. The more you DM. The r o chances you will have sex C l i v E You need to CONVERT / o i . From follower on Instagram to sexual partner d e The more skill you possess, the more girls will go k from an online c follower to a potential girlfriend a r You increase conversion by increasing: c / / : A. Your Game s p t t h But you rely on FRESH BLOOD

B. Your perceived value


You need to RETAIN a girl you enjoy spending time with, who also has the potential to become a DOWN ASS BITCH

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r o She needs to be OBSESSED with you. “Spinning p r plates” is ok. But you also need love. A woman o in C love will do anything for you, she’ll be more useful l i than your family v E / o i . If a woman already loves you, you don’t need to d e spend enormous amounts of time with her. Sex few k times a week. Texting for 30 minutes daily. It’s more c aShe’s gotta become LOW than enough. r c / MAINTENANCE. She will only respect your presence /: if she experiences your absence s p t When your GF is in love & LOW MAINTENANCE t h


You can focus on having MULTIPLE SOURCES OF PUSSY You have options. Because you’ve already built REACH

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r o p r Game is another important componento C l Yes, you’ll meet girls online i v Elife But when you see them in real / o i . Game takes you from coffee to sex d e For me GAME means k c ability to deliver captivating stories 1. Charisma -a the r c 2. Humour - the ability to make people laugh / / : s 3. Seduction - the ability to make her interested in p you. Master these 3 and you'll have a solid fucking t t h GAME


In a social circle, the guy who talks the most and has everyone looking at him while he's talking and telling stories is considered CHARISMATIC

n He can captivate the audience He can make others io t remember him a r o When he leaves others talk about him p r Learn how to express yourself o C If you're able to make others laugh, l you have a big i v advantage over most men E / i. o d Because men nowadays sit on their phones all day e long, talk via textk and are socially awkward c a r c / Learn THE /: ART OF BEING HILARIOUS and getting drunk and saying/ doing dumb funny shit It's s p important t t h 32

Seduction for me is

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The ability to convince a female to fuck you and be extremely horny around you

r o por much If you master this, you don't need 10 dates r o effort C l efficient and It happens fast because you become i v extremely skilled as a playboyE / i. o d For this to happen, e meet more girls k c a r You can download my dating routine here c /: / s pFREE: For t t h https://aw199334.aweb.page/p/e6ee2e43-1573-4 b42-8237-0d985a8fc3e7


Chapter Four - Networking

n o i Using rigid methods, taken from mainstream bookst a that everyone reads at 15 r o Meeting important people and asking annoying p r questions isn’t gonna make you rich o C Real networking is credibility, friendship l and i v usefulness E / Recently, I made an average man’s annual salary by o i . saying: d e “I know how I’ll make you money without you k c investing any and without wasting time” a r No begging for 200k, no bullshit complicated idea c / / people don’t care about : that busy s p to the point. Efficiency Straight t t h Networking doesn’t mean imploring a richer man to Idiots force networking. It’s fake

provide resources


Especially if you don’t know him And it doesn’t mean trying to extract info from him. He doesn’t trust you. He’ll lie anyway

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- Build credibility

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- Build a real friendship - Provide value. Be useful Simple

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E / o i You did the heavy lifting.before trying to level up d It means you’re note going to embarrass yourself in k case somebodycprovides an opportunity a r If 50 Centcwasn’t already a good rapper, Eminem /: / have signed him wouldn’t s p aren’t likeable, you’ll get ignored even if Iftyou t h you’re good at what you do. Credibility means you’ve already proved you’re competent

Dress accordingly


Know when to speak. Read between the lines. Be fun and high energy

n o i Keep a flexible schedule & be ready when chances t a appear r o Try your best to be useful p r o Don’t waste others time C l provide value Even if it’s not reciprocated, always i v Don’t be a leech that’s trying/E to extort profit from every interaction without i. obringing something to the d table e Make others lookk better by having you around c a And of course r c / / the importance of networking down Never :neglect s p talks about networking up, few Everyone t t h understand the benefits of NETWORKING DOWN Nobody is interested in “depressed” morons


Networking down = Leveraging the status you’ve built so you find people that look up to you, in order to utilize them to make your life easier & to fuel your ego by helping them improve.

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r o Yes, finding mentors is crucial p r Mentors know things that would take you o YEARS to C find out by yourself l i v They provide experience, knowledge, inspiration, E / contacts etc. o i Having good teachersd is.as important now as it was thousands of years e ago when Plato was learning k from Socrates c a r Networking down is also extremely beneficial c / / a strong team of disciples that respect you : You need s &p want to be like you in the future t t h


Once others want to emulate you & want to follow in your footsteps, they'll have an incentive to be loyal and useful in the long run

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You need loyal individuals around you. Loyalty isn't free. Most men are mercenaries therefore they must have a motivation to not betray. If they appreciate you & want to imitate your moves

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Chances increase that they'll do whatever you say.

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Another thing you should also consider is

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Joining the right online communities

k c

Online communities are the best networking tool now

a r - Friends/c from you past are mostly idiots / : - Low chances you’ll find people sharing the same s p as you in real life ideology t t h

80% of my friends right now I’ve met on the internet


Join some groups then meet those people in real life You can’t do a lot of shit without FRIENDS

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And the things you can do alone, you’ll do it better alongside other valuable individuals

r o p r o C Imagine relying on the friends you’ve l met on high i v school E / Most were brainwashed by the wrong people, o i . they’ve been influence into becoming part of the d e Matrix k c So In order to get to the next level a r 1. Choose the online group/groups that suit you the c / / most : s pBecome friends especially with the members 2. t t h from you area and do shit together or move to Ex: It’s better to build businesses, train, go to clubs, live, go on vacations WITH A BUNCH OF MEN THAT SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE

another city/country and create a strong crew


If you’re not already in REVENGE I advise you to get in

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My online community has hundreds of members from all over the world

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99% if my real life friends are in this group Details here:

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https://joe-lampton.gumroad.com/Revengee#cHvO F

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Chapter Five - Integrating it all together

Don’t become the slave of the grind

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r o p r o C These things hurt you only when they li define you v E / Mix discipline and fun io . d e k You need memories and experiences as much as c a future ahead of you you need a bright r c / / : s Bepcompetent EVERYWHERE t t h

Get drunk, laugh, fall in love, act stupid, chase pussy

You must understand


Ripped guys fuck Rich guys fuck

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r o p r But if you have it all? o C You’ll fuck more and better qualitylwomen i Become competent everywherevin order to E and life in general / dominate the sexual marketplace i. o Men have a tendencyd to overlook facets of their life e where they’re naturally untalented k c You must reprogram yourself to do it even though it a r might be c hard / / : Ex: Smart guy avoids MMA training s p guy avoids reading etc. Tough t t h Charismatic guys fuck

Well-connected guys fuck

It’s mandatory to be at least decent in many directions


People will respect you more when you’ll demonstrate your mastery over multiple disciplines Imagine a guy like 50 Cent

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r o p r o drugs He was hustling and made money by selling C l Shocked Then he became a multi platinumirapper. v the whole music industry when E he first appeared / Sold 13 million records .io d Then went and became a manager too. Signed Lloyd e Banks, Tony Yayo,k Young Buck c asold millions by themselves All 3 of them r c / / After becoming the hottest rapper : s p having the best new artists in the game And t t h 50 went harder into entrepreneurship At 20 he already bought himself a Mercedes S Class from selling drugs. He was respected on the streets


Sold his Vitamin Water to Coca Cola for 100 million dollars

Now Imagine

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r o p Successful rapper – checked r o Successful exit as an entrepreneur – checked C l i It wasn’t enough for him and hevdecided to write a E book too / o i . So in 2009 he wrote a book with Robert Greene d e One of the most famous authors of that era k c Now he’s producing TV series like Power a r The idea/c is / : s People like 50 Cent are NEVER SATISFIED p t They can adapt to every environment and they’re t h Successful drug dealer – checked

always trying to add new skills to their repertoar


In order to be effective and have success with this mentality You also need the right people around you Lone wolfs don’t go far in life

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r o p Be willing to penetrate different kinds of social r o circles so you learn from everyone C l different Also, you must create friendships iwith v kinds of individuals E / You need people to go the i. ogym with d Athletic types to train martial arts with e k Nerds to do business with c a r Crazy individuals to party with c / / And s so: on p Ittis extremely difficult to only have 3 friends that do t h it all Most people aren’t that sophisticated


Consequently, you need more diversity in your life Work with nerds that have one girlfriend and care about discipline and saving money

n o i Party with playboys that drink 4 days per week andt a know all the bitches and night life people r o Can't do crazy shit with dorks. Can't build &pearn r with crazy hedonistic people o C l i v E / i. o d e k c a r c / / : s p t t h 46