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Alex’s Basterma Recipe Ingredients: 5 lb. Very lean beef: sirloin, top or eye of the round Wooden box with a layer of fine salt Chemen Flavouring Paste Tender Quick™ (or 5 grams of Sodium Nitrite) -----See note below in red. Cure the Meat: 1. Place a layer of salt in a wooden box. 2. Trim the meat of all visible fat, sinew and tendon. Cut meat into 3-inch thick slabs. 3. Before putting the meat in the salt stab it all over with a Gardeners fork. 4. Now add a layer of meat to the surface of the salt making sure that the meats are not touching each other; the meat must be able to drain freely. 5. Prepare the curing mixture by adding 5 grams sodium nitrite (NaNO2) to one kilo of salt. [Note: do not use saltpeter, which is potassium nitrate KNO3) … Len’s note: You can use Tender Quick™ according to package directions for drycure].
6. Pack the meat solidly with the salt mixture (or Tender Quick™) leave this for 48 hours, then wash well with running water. 7. Stand rinsed meat in water for 6 hours, covering the meat well, and changing the water every 2 hours [or 3 to 4 times]. 8. Now squeeze out the water out of the meat and wrap it well in a clean cotton cloth. 9. Place a brick or similar heavy object on top of the bundle and keep changing the cloth until there is little or no seepage. 10. Pock a hole in one end of the meat chunks thread with a string and hang to dry near an open window, until the outside feels quite dry. Make the Chemen Flavouring Paste according to Alex’s special recipe:
½ cup ¼ cup ½-head 1+ Tbs.
Chemen (in English, fenugreek) Paprika Garlic Cumin Cayenne pepper (optional) Salt (optional)*
115.0 g 56.0 g 30.0 g 8.0 g To taste To taste
* Taste a small sliver of the meat for saltiness. Usually there is enough salt in the meat, but you can add more if you choose.
Method: Mix all ingredients together with a little water in a blender or food processor. The paste must be thick and tacky. Using a knife or your hands thoroughly, coat the meat; you may want to dip your hands into fresh water to prevent the paste from sticking to your hands. Hang again to dry then seal in plastic bag and leave up to 3 weeks for the seasoning to penetrate, it is then ready to eat Alex Semerdjian – Jimboomba, Australia Copyright © December, 2005
Alsatian Sausage - Saucisses d’Alsace-Lorraine
U.S. 2 lb. 1 lb. 2 tbsp. 1/8 tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp.
Ingredient Pork shoulder, lean Pork back fat Salt, coarse (kosher) Ginger, ground Pepper, black Sugar, table Quatra-épices* Cure #1
3 lb.
ÍTotals Î
Metric 910.0 g 454.0 g 24.0 g 0.3 g 1.0 g 6.0 g 1.7 g 3.0 g
1.4 Kg
Method: 1. Grind the meat and the fat through the fine plate of the grinder. 2. Add ingredients the meat paste, mixing well. Note: If you use table salt, use less than 2 tablespoons; coarse kosher salt is about ½ the weight of table salt. 3. Stuff the casings and tie off sausages into 4-inch lengths. 4. Air dry them at 60oF for 24 hours; cover and refrigerate. 5. Cook before eating by either simmering in stock or lightly frying.
_____ * Quatra-épices* = “French spice”. 7 parts black pepper, 1 part each of nutmeg, clove and cinnamon. Modified from Jane Grigson Copyright © (All rights reserved) - October, 1976
Andouille – Cajun style Smoking is completed! U.S. 5 lbs. ½ cup 1/3 cup 5 tsp. 3 tbsp. 2 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tsp. 4 tsp.. 1 ½ tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp.
Ingredient Pork shoulder 80/20 Dry red wine Garlic, chopped Salt Ancho chili, ground Onion powder Sugar Red pepper flakes Paprika Black pepper, cracked Prague powder #1 Pequin pepper File powder Cayenne pepper Mace Thyme, dried 40+mm hog casings
5.7 lb.
ÍTotals Î
Metric 2270.0 g 125.0 ml 45.0 g 35.0 g 22..0 g 16.0 g 13.0 g 7.0 g 6.2 g 6.2 g 6.0 g 6.0 g 3.0 g 1.8 g 1.6 g 1.4 g
2.6 Kg
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. Grind the meat through the fine plate of the grinder. Set aside in the chiller. 2. Peel the garlic cloves; blend them until very finely chopped in the processor along with the wine. 3. Add the remaining ingredients to a spice mill and grind them to a fine powder. 4. Add the garlic, wine and other ingredients the meat paste, mixing well. 5. Stuff the meat paste into very large hog casings. Leave sausage as a rope or tie off into pairs about 10 inches long. 6. Air-dry them at room temperature for 2 hours. A small fan on low may help! 7. Smoke for three hours at 150oF (65oC), mixture of oak and hickory are nice, then raise smokehouse temperature to 170oF (76oC) and continue cooking --if necessary--to an internal temperature of 150oF (65oC). 8. Cook before eating in your favorite Cajun or Creole recipe! Len Poli – Sonoma California Copyright © - September, 2002
Andouille Cajun Style Sausage U.S. 4 lb. 1 lb. 2 Tbs. 3 2 Tbs. 4 cloves 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. ¼ tsp. ¼ tsp. 1/8 tsp.
5¼ lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork lean 1820.0 g 75.20 Pork trim 454.0 g 18.75 Salt 44.0 g 1.80 Pepper, jalapeno, pickled 30.0 g 1.25 Sugar, brown 22.0 g 1.00 Garlic, minced (fresh) 15.0 g 0.65 Liquid smoke (optional) 15.0 ml 0.65 Sausage Phosphate 12.5 g 0.50 Cure#1 6.0 g 0.25 Pepper, black 1.0 g 0.04 Thyme, dried 0.4 g 0.02 Bay leaf, ground 0.2 g 0.01 Mace 0.2 g 0.01 Casings-Beef middles »Totals Æ
2.4 Kg 100%
Note: Use metric weight and volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. Cut the pork (very lean) by hand into ½ to ¾-inch pieces; Chill and grind the pork trim twice through a small (6.5mm) plate 2. Peel the garlic cloves; blend them until very finely chopped in the processor along with the pickled jalapeno pepper. 3. Add the remaining ingredients to a spice mill and grind them to a fine powder. 4. Add the garlic, jalapeno and other ingredients the meat paste, mixing well. 5. Stuff the meat paste into very beef middles and tie off sausage about 12 inches long. 6. Air-dry them at room temperature for 12 hours. 7. Smoke for six hours at 150oF (65oC) with a mixture of oak and hickory; traditionally sugar cane is added—you can soak wood chips with brown sugar to approximate the taste. 8. Raise smokehouse temperature to 170oF (76oC) and continue cooking --if necessary--to an internal temperature of 150oF (65oC). 9. Cook before eating in your favorite Cajun recipe!
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) – April 2006
Apple Cranberry Pork Sausage U.S. 5 lbs 3 1 cup 1½ cup 1 cup ½ cup 3 tsp 4 tsp. 1 Tbs. 2 tsp. ½ tsp.
Ingredient Metric Pork Shoulder 2270.0 g Apples, Fuji 600.0 g Apple juice concentrate 250.0 ml Cranberries, raw 175.0 g Pecans 125.0 g Brown Sugar 88.0 g Salt 66.0 g MSG (optional) 20.0 g Amesphos (optional) 11.0 g Sage, ground 1.4 g Rosemary, ground 0.6 g 22 mm sheep casings
8 lb.
Å Totals Æ
Percent 62.933 16.634 6.931 4.852 3.465 2.44 1.83 0.554 0.305 0.039 0.017
3.6 kg
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: 1. Cube and partially freeze the pork; then grind through a large grinder plate. 2. Add salt and spices (and optional ingredient, if desired) to the coarsely ground meat and then regrind through a small plate. 3. Add the apple concentrate and brown sugar to a saucepan and bring to a simmer; then add the whole cranberries and cook gently until the skins being to burst on some of the cranberries. Set aside to cool. 4. Peel, core and cut the apples into chunks; place in a food processor and give a few pulses…your looking for a coarse texture. Remove and add to cooled cranberries. 5. Place the pecans in the processor and give a few short pulses….don’t make them into a meal! Add these to the cranberry-apple mixture and stir everything well. 6. Stir this mixture into the meat mixture and blend well; allow this mixture to rest for several hours (or overnight) in the refrigerator. 7. Stuff into link sausage size sheep casings (22mm) and link. Note: See the “Tips” page on my web site to see how to link these sausages. 8. Sausages are ready to grill or store.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © -November, 2004 (All rights reserved)
Apple Sausage U.S. 4 lb. 1 cup 2 Tbs. 4 tsp. 2 Tbs. 1½ tsp. 4 tsp. ¾ tsp. ½ tsp. ¼ tsp. ¼ tsp.
4.5 lb.
Ingredient Pork shoulder 60/40* Apple; dried** Sweet white wine Salt Sugar White pepper, ground Sage, rubbed Allspice, ground Ginger; dried, ground Clove, ground Cinnamon, ground Sheep casings, large » Totals
Metric 1800.0 g 86.0 g 50.0 ml 28.0 g 26.0 g 3.4 g 2.8 g 1.4 g 0.9 g 0.5 g 0.5 g
2 Kg
Formulation based on Metric Measurements, U.S. Measurements are approximate! * You can substitute dark meat chicken (or turkey) with the skin for the pork.
** chop coarsely, soak in hot water for 10 minutes, then drain off water.
Method of Preparation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Cube chilled pork and grind through the fine plate. Add the salt, mixing in well; chill for 1 hour prior to adding remaining ingredients. Add all the ingredients including the moistened dried apples; mix well. Stuff the mixture into the large sheep casings. Twist off the casing at approximately 5-inch intervals. Cook the sausages before eating.
Len Poli – Sonoma California Copyright ©(All rights reserved) - September, 2002
Armenian Black Soujouk (sausage) U.S. 2.2 lb. ¼ cup 2 tsp 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. ½ cup
Ingredient Meat Garlic, raw minced Salt Pepper, white (opt.) Cinnamon Pepper, black Cumin Pimento (Allspice) Ouzo Å Totals Æ
2-2/3 lb.
Metric 1000.0 g 35.0 g 15.0 g 7.2 g 6.8 g 6.3 g 6.3 g 5.7 g 125.0 ml 1.2 Kg
Percent 82.829 2.899 1.242 0.596 0.563 0.522 0.522 0.472 10.354 0.0 0.0
* Meat can be beef, beef & lamb mix, [or pork (nitrite cure should be added at rate of 1.2 grams per pound)]. Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements. FRESH
1. Mix the ingredients together well and refrigerate at least 12 or up to 24 hours. 2. Stuff the paste into 35 mm hog casings. 3. Hang in air at room temperature 3-to-5 days depending on the weather. (Less if it’s hot; more if it’s cool). 4. Serve in an omelet combining chips (American-hash browns), eggs and soujouk or in place of any sausage on a pizza (topped with cheese to prevent the soujouk from drying out). Alex Semerdjian – Jimboomba, Australia Copyright © December, 2005
Armenian RED Soujouk (Sausage) U.S. 2.2 lbs ¼ cup 3 Tbs. 2 tsp 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. ½ cup
Ingredient Beef (70% Lean/30%fat)* Garlic, raw, minced Paprika, sweet Salt Fenugreek, ground Cumin, ground Pepper, black Red wine, your preference Å Totals Æ
2-2/3 lb
Metric 1000.0 g 35.0 g 20.0 g 15.0 g 11.0 g 6.3 g 6.3 g 125.0 ml 1.2 Kg
Percent 82.061 2.872 1.641 1.231 0.903 0.517 0.517 10.258 100%
* Meat can be beef, beef & lamb mix [or pork (nitrite cure should be added at rate of 1.2 grams per pound)]. Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are approximation of the metric measurements. FRESH
Method 1. Mix the ingredients together well and refrigerate at least 12 or up to 24 hours. 2. Stuff the paste into 35 mm hog casings. 3. Hang in air at room temperature 3-to-5 days depending on the weather. (Less if it’s hot; more if it’s cool). 4. Serve in an omelet combining chips (American-hash browns), eggs and soujouk or in place of any sausage on a pizza (topped with cheese to prevent the soujouk from drying out). Alex Semerdjian – Jimboomba, Australia Copyright © December, 2005
Asian Chicken Peanut Sausage U.S. 3½ lb. 1½ cup 1 cup ¾ cup 3 Tbs. ¼ cup 1 cup 4 tsp. 6 tsp. 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs.
Ingredient Chicken thighs with skin Peanuts, roasted-salted Sticky or short grain rice Coconut milk Green onions, minced Garlic, chopped Cilantro, chopped Salt Thai hot chili-garlic sauce* Brown sugar Sesame oil* Black pepper Galangal, ground 28 mm Sheep Casings
5½ lb.
» Totals ¼
Metric Percent 1590.0 g 61.05 360.0 ml 13.82 250.0 ml 9.60 180.0 ml 6.91 45.0 g 1.73 36.0 g 1.38 35.0 g 1.34 30.0 g 1.15 30.0 ml 1.15 22.0 g 0.84 15.0 ml 0.58 6.0 g 0.23 5.5 g 0.21
2.6 Kg
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
* Asian dark, toasted sesame oil; Rooster Brand hot sauce
Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Cook the rice in water and allow it to cool and refrigerate until needed. Bone the chicken, reserve the meat, fat and skin and chill until partially frozen. Grind the chicken, rice and peanuts through a small [¼" or 4.5mm] plate. Add the salt, coconut milk and green onions to the meat and mix in very well. Add remaining ingredients and mix until all is well dispersed. Stuff into 28 mm sheep casings and tie off into 4-inch sausages. Air-dry for a several hours until the casing are dry. Grill slowly over charcoal fire.
Len Poli – Copyright © (All rights reserved) - December 2007 Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Sonoma, California
Baba’s Polish Sausage U.S. 5 lb. ½ cup 4 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 4 tsp. 1 tbsp. 4 tsp. 4 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 ¼ tsp. 1 ½ tsp. 1 ½ tsp. 1 ½ tsp. 1 tsp. 1/3 tsp.
Ingredient Pork Water Brown sugar Salt MSG Phosphate White pepper Garlic powder Cure #1 Liquid smoke Mustard, yellow seeds Coriander seed Mace Winter savory Sodium erythorbate 38 mm hog casings
5.5 lb.
ÍTotals Î
Metric 2270.0 g 125.0 ml 44.6 g 22.0 g 16.0 g 12.5 g 9.5 g 9.0 g 6.0 g 6.0 g 5.0 g 4.0 g 2.5 g 1.5 g 1.4 g
2.5 Kg
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Chill raw pork until partially frozen; then grind pork through the fine plate. Combine meat, dry ingredients, liquid smoke and water; blend to uniform mix. Stuff into 38 mm hog casings. Heat-process in smoker or cook-oven at 180oF(82°C); after 1 hour, apply heave smoke for 30 minutes. 5. Cook sausage to an internal temperature of 160oF(72°C). 6. Chill to 90oF (32°C) by immersing into ice water; store in refrigerator at 39oF(4oC).
Glenn Shapley & Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © - August 2002 (All rights reserved)
Balinese Fried Pork Sausage (Urutan Celeng) Ingredients: 1 kg Pork Shoulder [2¼ lb] 1 c Balinese Gede Curry Paste (see below) ¼ c Tamarind juice (from 3-4 tamarinds soaked in warm water to cover) 2 ts Salt 2 ts Black Peppercorns, crushed ½ ts Prague Powder® No. 1 6 feet Natural Pork Sausage Casings Preparation: 1. Cut pork into ½” cubes and chill to almost frozen. Chop or grind half of the pork through a ¼” plate. 2. Combine the ground and cubed pork with the salt and cure. Mix well then add the gede curry paste, tamarind juice, and pepper. Mix well, and then chill 24-hours to 2days in the refrigerator. 3. Tie off one end of the casing with string and stuff meat mixture into the open end. When fully stuffed, tie the open end closed with string. 4. Hang the sausage to cure and dry for about 6-hours at 85ºF. In a humid climate, a small fan can aid in the drying process, which in turn is conducive to achieving a “snappy” skin after frying. 5. To cook, deep-fry sausages in hot oil until skin is well caramelized.
Balinese Gede Curry Paste (Yields about 2-cups) ½ ⅓ 3 1¾ 1¾ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¼
lb lb oz oz oz oz oz oz T
1¼ 2 ¼ 4 ⅓ ½ ½
T ts ts c T c
Shallots, chopped Large Red Asian Chilies, fresh Turmeric root, skinned, minced Garlic, chopped Kencur or Gra-chai, minced Ginger (young), skinned, minced Galanga (young), skinned, minced Candlenut, Macadamia or Cashew Indonesian dried Shrimp paste, roasted (or use shrimp powder) Coriander seed, crushed Black Peppercorns, crushed Nutmeg, fresh grated Cloves, ground Coconut Oil Salt Water
Preparation: Combine all ingredients in a blender or processor. Pulse to achieve a coarse grind. Pour into a saucepan and simmer over medium heat, stirring regularly, for about ½-hour, or until the water evaporates and the paste caramelizes to a golden color. Cool before using. Store refrigerated in a glass jar. This curry paste can also be used for Balinese stir-fry and coconut curries.
This sausage can be served as an accompaniment to main dishes; as a snack with rice; or sliced (after deep-frying) and stir-fried with yardlong beans or leafy vegetables (such as kale, chard, spinach or Chinese broccoli) with a little oyster sauce and garlic.
Notes: Indonesian shrimp paste can be found at Asian markets; shrimp powder at Asian and Mexican markets. If you cannot locate kencur (aka: aromatic ginger) or gra-chai, substitute with additional ginger or galanga, using half the weight called for. Large Asian chilies are similar to red-ripe Serrano chilies. For more piquancy, try using fresh cayenne or bird chilies.
© May 2006 All Rights Reserved
Kirk Mazzia Chainat, Thailand
Basterma- Armenian Dried Beef Variations of this meat are found in Turkey, Lebanon and Syria. Sometimes written as Pasterma. Some villages make a very hot (red pepper) version of this meat. U.S. 2.2 lb. 4 Tbs. 3 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 2 tsp. 1½ tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp.
Ingredient Beef Sirloin Tender Quick Cure Fenugreek Paprika Garlic, powdered Cumin Allspice Pepper, black Pepper, cayenne
2½ lb.
← Totals →
Metric 1000.0 g 55.0 g 28.0 g 14.0 g 6.0 g 4.5 g 2.0 g 2.0 g 2.0 g 1.1 Kg
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: 1. Select a cut of beef from sirloin (about 2 ½ pounds) and trim it to about four inches thick, removing all fat and connective tissue. 2. Mix the cure with the remaining ingredients and process in a spice mill or coffee grinder to a powder. 3. Rub meat with this mixture and store it in a thick, ½ gallon ZipLoc bag in refrigerator for 6 days; rotate the bag once a day but do not drain off any liquid. 4. Rinse meat well with cold water, let drain until the surface is dry. This can be done in the refrigerator if desired. 5. When the meat is dry, enclose it in netting or stockinet and hang in an airy place (65oF/50% R/H) to dry about 3-4 days.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © - September 2004 (All rights reserved)
Bauerwurst - Farmer-style Sausage U.S. 3.0 lb. 1¼ lb. ¾ lb. 7.0 tsp. 1¼ tsp. 3.0 tsp. 2.0 tsp. 1.0 tsp. 1.0 Tbs. 2.0 tsp. 2.0 tsp. 1.0 tsp. 1.0 tsp. 7 ea. 1/8 tsp.
Ingredient Metric Pork, lean* 1370.0 g Pork back fat* 570.0 g Beef, lean 350.0 g Salt 49.0 g Dextrose 12.0 g Pepper, black 7.0 g Mustard seed 6.6 g Cure #2 6.5 g Marjoram 4.5 g Paprika 0.0 g Mace 3.4 g Garlic powder 2.8 g Caraway 2.0 g Juniper berries 1.0 g Lactic Starter culture 0.4 g Casings, beef rounds
5 ¼ lb.
ÍTotals Î
2.4 Kg
Formulation based on Metric Measurements, U.S. Measurements are approximate!
Method: *Note: Bauerwurst is classified as a Rohwurst, which in English means 'raw sausage'. Traditionally these types of sausages are uncooked and are salted, cured or smoked and eaten raw. This curing method does meet USDA guidelines. Impeccable cleanliness must be maintained to reduce contamination by E. coli and L. monocytogenes. The pork in this formula must be certified Trichina-free (or pork which is frozen in a home freezer, and kept 20 days at 5oF for meat blocks that are 6 inches or less in thickness… 30 days for meat blocks larger than 6 inches in thickness.) I’d recommend adding an extra 5 days to the above numbers.
1. Grind all meats through medium plate. 2. Add the starter culture (dissolved in ¼ cup of water); mix until it is evenly distributed throughout the meats. 3. Add the salt and cure and mix until they are evenly distributed and refrigerate the meat paste for 1 hour. 4. Prepare the remaining ingredients by coarsely grinding them, using a mortar and pestle, and then mixing them well into the meat paste. 5. Stuff into prepared beef rounds, tie off and allow to hang at room temperature until the surface is dry. 6. Incubate at 27oC (80oF) for 48 hrs.---apply cold heavy smoke after 24 hrs for 3 hrs.--7. Keep sausage refrigerated. Bauerwurst may also be cooked, if desired. Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - August 2002
Bavarian Leberkäse – Bavarian Meat Loaf U.S. 2½ lb. 2 ¾ lb. 3 4 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 1 tsp. 1½ tsp. 1 tsp. ¾ tsp. ½ tsp.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork shoulder 1000.0 g 50.97 Onion, medium 375.0 g 19.11 Bacon 375.0 g 19.11 Eggs, large 150.0 g 7.65 Salt 29.0 g 1.48 MSG (optional) 0.23 4..5 g AmesPhos(optional) 3.8 g 0.19 Cure# 1 2.8 g 0.14 White pepper 2.5 g 0.13 Marjoram 2.2 g 0.11 Nutmeg 2.2 g 0.11 Clove 1.5 g 0.08 Garlic 1.5 g 0.08 Totals
4.5 lb.
2 Kg
100 %
Note: Bavarian leberkäse contains no liver; however, in other parts of Germany liver is added. If you wish to add liver, then reduce the pork shoulder by 50% and make up the difference with calves liver. Note: I use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Ready for steaming
After 90 minutes of steaming. After 15 minutes of baking
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8.
Chill and partially freeze the pork and bacon. Grind through a large (22.52mm) plate; then regrind through a medium plate. Grind the raw onion through the medium plate also. Reserve the 3 eggs, grind salt, remaining spices, etc in a spice grinder or coffee mill. Add the ground mixture to the onions and mix well. Add the onion mixture to the ground meats and grind everything twice through a fine grinder plate. Divide the mixture into three portions. Add one portion at a time to the food processor along with one egg and emulsify for two minutes; transfer mixture to a buttered loaf pan. Continue until all three portions are emulsified. Place loaf pan in a steamer set-up and cook for 90 min. Remove loaf pan and place on a rack in the oven and cook 15 min. at 250 oC (460oF) until nicely browned on the surface.
Len Poli – Sonoma Mountain Sausage - Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) – January, 2005 http://home.pacbell.net/lpoli
Bayerische Bierwurst U.S. 3 lb. 1¾ lb. 1¼ lb 1 lb 2½ Tbs. ¼ cup 1½ Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1½ tsp. 1¾ tsp. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. ¾ tsp. 1 tsp. ½ cup
7¾ lb.
Ingredient Pork shoulder Beef, lean Pork belly Beef heart Salt Garlic, raw Sugar AmesPhos1 Cure #1 MSG Pepper Cardamom seeds Nutmeg Juniper berries Rum Large beef bungs Å Totals Æ
Metric 1362.0 g 795.0 g 681.0 g 454.0 g 55.0 g 35.0 b 19.0 g 12.5 g 8.0 g 8.0 g 4.0 g 2.0 g 1.7 g 1.7 g 125.0 ml
3.6 Kg
Percent 38.23 22.31 19.11 12.74 1.54 1.00 0.53 0.35 0.22 0.22 0.10 0.05 0.04 0.04 3.51
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements. 1
See the “Resources” and the “Tips” pages for more information.
Method: 1. Smash, peal and mince garlic cloves and add to the rum..let it steep for 4-5 hours. 2. Partially freeze all meats then treat as follows: -Grind the pork shoulder, pork belly, and beef heart first through the medium (10 mm or 3/8”) plate then a small (6.5mm or 1/4”) plate. -Grind the beef through a small (6.5mm or 1/4”) plate then a fine (4.5mm or 3/16”) plate. 3. Combine the meats, rum and garlic, and the remaining ingredients mixing well. 4. Refrigerate for several hours to cool down after mixing the paste. 5. Stuff into beef bungs or large diameter casings; hang until the surface is dry to the touch. 6. Place in 130oF (55oC) pre-heated smoker; apply light smoke for 2 hours. 7. Over another 2-3 hour period, gradually raise the temperature to180oF (82oC) and apply heavy smoke until the bierwurst has an internal temperature of 160oF (71oC). 8. Chill immediately in ice water, then before use, refrigerate until cold. Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) – January, 2005
Beef Griller Beef sausages are notoriously dry, but the addition of textured soy protein and sausage phosphates make these sausages nice and moist. U.S. 4 lb. 1 lb. ¾ cup 5 tsp. 2¼ tsp. ½ Tbs. 1½ tsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ¾ cup
Ingredient Lean beef Beef fat Textured soy protein* Salt Sausage Phosphates Sugar Red pepper flakes Cardamom, ground Fenugreek, ground Cayenne pepper, ground Ginger, ground Ice water 32mm casings
5½ lb.
Metric Percent 1814.0 g 80.00 454.0 g 20.00 45.0 g 2.00 37.0 g 1.65 9.0 g 0.40 6.0 g 0.25 3.0 g 0.13 2.0 g 0.10 1.8 g 0.08 1.0 g 0.04 1.0 g 0.04 175.0 ml 7.75
2.5 Kg
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements. * TSP or TVP is added to provide a pleasant mouth-feel. Its use is optional
Method: 1. Trim beef of any sinew, connective tissue and silver skin. Cut meat and fat into cubes that fit your grinder. 2. Chill meat and the fat to 40oF (4.4oC); grind the meat and fat separately through a ¼-inch (6.5 mm) plate. 3. Add the remaining ingredients to the meat and the fat and mix well. 4. Stuff the meat paste into 32 mm hog casings and tie off into 5-inch (12.5 cm) links. 5. Age them in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours to allow the flavors to meld and the soy protein to become completely hydrated. 6. Best if used fresh and not frozen. Grill over medium-low heat without piercing them.
Len Poli – Sonoma Mountain Sausage - Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) March 2006
Biroldo (Called Sanguinaccio in Tuscany) U.S. 3 lb. 2 cups 1 lb. 1 cup 1 cup 2½ Tbs. 3 Tbs. ½ tsp. 1½ tsp. 1 tsp. ¾ tsp. ½ tsp. ¾ tsp. ½ tsp. 7.0 lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork trimmings (65/35) 1350.0 g 39.00 1250.0 ml 36.00 Pork blood, fresh* Pork skin 454.0 g 13.13 Sultana raisins 175.0 g 5.00 Pine nuts, whole 120.0 g 3.50 Salt 54.0 g 1.60 Sugar 40.0 g 1.16 Cure #1 5.0 g 0.15 Garlic powder 5.0 g 0.15 Nutmeg, ground 1.7 g 0.05 Anise, ground 1.5 g 0.04 Cinnamon 1.0 g 0.03 Cloves, ground 0.8 g 0.02 Marjoram, ground 0.2 g 0.01 Beef rounds casings Totals 3.5 Kg 100%
* Note: begin with 5-6 cups of raw, fresh blood. Immediately upon draining from pig, stir rapidly with as stick to aerate and then remove the coagulants. Filter through cheese cloth and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and ½ teaspoon of salt to help preserve the blood. You should have about 3 cups of prepared blood. refrigerate immediately. Note: Use metric weight and volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements. See the TIPS page on my website: Preparing Fresh Pork Blood
Method: 1. Cut the pork skin into strips and add them to boiling water; cook for 45 minutes, rinse in cold water and chill to slightly above freezing. 2. Chill the pork trimmings (65% meat:35% fat) to slightly above freezing, and then grind the meat, skin and fat through the ¼” or 6.5mm grinder plate. Re-grind them a second time. 3. Add the cure, salt, and spices to ground meats and mix well until the paste is very sticky; refrigerate for 2 hours. 4. Stir in the fresh pig’s blood, raisins and pine nuts, mixing well. 5. Stuff into beef rounds, cut in 16-inch lengths and tie into a ring. 6. Poach biroldo in 170oF water to and internal temperature of 155oF (about 1 hour). 7. Chill rapidly in cold water, drain and then allow the casing to dry at room temperature. 8. When the biroldo is cold, it may be dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes to shrink the casings tightly around the meat. May be eaten as prepared, or fried in butter or grilled. Note: Biroldo should be consumed within 8-10 days. The story goes that biroldo was first formulated in Siena in the 700’s for German mercenary soldiers employed by a prince.
Len Poli – Sonoma Mountain Sausage, California Copyright (All rights reserved) – August 2004, October 2014
Blueberry Sausage U.S. 3 lb. 4 tsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. 1/8 tsp ½ tsp. ¼ tsp. 1½ cup
Ingredient Pork Shoulder Maple syrup Salt, table Cure #1 Sausage Phosphates [opt.] Vanilla extract Nutmeg, ground Cinnamon, ground Blueberries, fresh, sweetened* Corn Starch [as needed] Table Sugar
3.5 lb.
» Totals ¼
Metric Percent 1400.0 g 85.00 20.0 ml 1.25 22.0 g 1.35 3.0 g 0.2 2.0 g 0.15 1.0 ml 0.10 1.0 g 0.10 0.6 g 0.05 200.0 g 12.00
1.65 Kg
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate! * More or less as desired!
Method: 1. Cube and chill the pork until it is partially frozen. 2. Grind the pork through a ¼-inch [6.5mm] grinder plate. 3. Add the salt and the cure and mix it into the meat until the meat becomes quite sticky [important!]. 4. Reserve the blueberries, corn starch and sugar; mix the remaining ingredients into the meat and chill for at least 6 hours to allow the flavors to develop. 5. The blueberries should be sweetened by macerating them in table sugar for an hour, and then frozen solid. 6. Roll and very lightly dust the frozen berries with powdered sugar and refreeze them until rock hard so they will not burst when forced through the stuffing tube. 7. Add the sugar-coated frozen berries to the sausage meat and very gently, fold them in trying not to mash them. 8. Stuff into casings and tie off into 5-inch [12 cm] links. 9. Grill or fry over medium heat.
Len Poli – Copyright © (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company Sonoma, California - August 2007
Blut-Zungenwurst (Blood Tongue Sausage) U.S.
3 lb. 1.2lb. 1.9lb. 3 lb. 4 Tbs. 1 1/2 tsp. 6 tsp. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 3 tsp. ½ tsp. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. 2 Tbs. ½ tsp. 6 tsp. 2 tsp.
Beef or Bison Tongues (finished wt.) Cubed, scalded pork backfat Beef blood, frozen (3x10 oz.) Pork shoulder Kosher salt Cure #1 Dextrose Pepper, white Marjoram Mace Onion powder Thyme Coriander Ginger, ground Bloom gelatin* or: 2 pkg Knox gelatin Sodium erythrobate*, optional Phosphates* (AmesPhos), optional MSG, optional
* Bloom gelatin, phosphates, sodium erythrobate available from http://www.butcher-packer.com/
Pre-work: 1. Cook 3-4 beef or bison tongues in 194° F water that is somewhat salted for 2 to 3 hours. (You may add 1 tsp cure #1 to make the tongues pinker in color when cooled). Then, while still warm, peel skins off and remove gristle, fat and any bony pieces. Cut tongues into irregular chunks to your liking. I try to keep the chunks 1-2” by up to 3” long. 2. Cube backfat into uniform ½” to ¾” pieces. Then blanch in 194°-203° F water for 5 mins. This will prevent blood from discoloring the fat. 3. Thoroughly chill tongue chunks and fat cubes before proceeding. Method: 1. Partially freeze pork shoulder and grind it with the finest plate. 2. Thoroughly mix all spices, cure and partially thawed beef blood with the ground pork shoulder. Try to keep beef blood as cold as possible when mixing. Emulsify ground
pork shoulder mixture in food processor. You may need to do this in several batches, depending on the size of your food processor. 3. Mix the emulsion mixture with the fat cubes and tongue chunks. 4. Stuff into large diameter synthetic or collagen casing. I like to use 5-6” diameter. It would be best to use waterproof casings, but they are almost impossible to obtain in the US. Therefore, after stuffing, use your seal-a-meal vacuum processor to seal the stuffed casings in boilable sealed bags. 5. Poach sealed sausages in 160°-170° F water until internal temperature reaches 152° F, about 90 minutes. Notes: 1. Fresh beef blood is all but impossible to find in the US. However, many larger oriental food stores still carry this product in either their fresh or frozen food department. Ask for “Dugo Ng Baka”. They are usually packaged in 10 or 11 ounce clear plastic tubs. You can use either pork or beef blood. Pork will produce a lighter color sausage. Both will have an anticoagulant added which prevents clotting. If you can obtain fresh blood, all the better, but I have found the frozen blood to be a good substitute.
Rudy Reichelt (CDR, USN-Retired)—Sandpoint, Idaho January, 2008
Bockwurst U.S. 4 lb. 1 lb. ½ lb. 2 cups 2/3 cup 5 tsp. 1 Tbs. 4 tsp. 1 Tbs. 4 tsp. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 Tbs. ½ tsp.
Ingredient Pork Veal Pork, Fat Cream, heavy Non Fat Dry Milk Salt Phosphates* Onion powder Dextrose Egg white solids White pepper Cure #1 Citric Acid Ginger Mace Parsley (dried) Celery seed
6 ¾ lb.
Å Totals Æ
Metric 1800.0 450.0 200.0 470.0 50.0 35.0 12.5 12.0 10.0 10.0 7.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.3 3 kg
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. Chill the meat and fat until partially frozen and grind twice through a 3/16-inch plate.. 2. Grind the celery seed to a fine powder then add the ingredients (except the parsley) to the meat and mix well. 3. Divide the meat into batches as necessary and emulsify each batch for three minutes. 4. Combine the batches and mix in the dried parsley. 5. Stuff into 32 mm hog casings. 6. Poach in water at 170°F until the internal temperature of the sausage reaches 150°F. 7. Chill the bockwurst in ice water until internal temperature is approximately 100°F 8. Hang at room temperature until surface is dry (about 1 hour). 9. Place in refrigerator and chill to 38°F for several hours before use. Recipe by: Len Poli - Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - April 2002 *Phosphates: a commercial product used to assist moisture retention in the mixture; contains Sodium tripolyphosphate, Tetrasodium pyrophosphate, and Sodium hexametaphosphate. Available as Amesphos at http://www.amescompany.com
Boerewors – A Family Recipe U.S. 5.5 lb 3.5 lb 2 tsp. 2 tbs. 2 tbs. 2 tbs. 2 tsp. 4 tbs. 2 tbs.
Ingredient Pork meat, 30% fat Beef, chuck, lean Salt Cloves, ground Nutmeg, ground Pepper, cracked Cure #1* Vinegar Worcester sauce
Metric 2500.0 g 1500.0 g 14.0 g 12.0 g 12.0 g 12.0 g 11.0 g 60.0 ml 30.0 ml
32 mm hog casings 9 lb
4.2 Kg
The original recipe calls for a pinch of saltpetre; Cure#1 has been substituted!
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Separate the fat from the pork and cut it into 5 mm dice (about a 1/5 inch) Cut the beef and pork into cubes and chill to slightly above freezing. Grind the meats using a medium grinding plate. Add the fat, salt and the cure to the meats; mix well. Allow to rest for about 20 minutes to extract the meat proteins...this allows for a firmer sausage! Mix all the dry ingredients together; mix into the meats. Now mix in the vinegar and Worcestershire sauce to the meat paste. Stuff into 32 mm hog casings. Coil (traditional) or link.
Note: Len, It turns out the recipe I sent you was in fact my great grandparents recipe. No one has any idea to the actual date it was developed. I would say it was around the early 1900’s, not too sure though. My grandparents are South African and they used to make this a lot - you have my permission to put it on your site.Regards Nigel Nigel Pedersen - Seaspray, Victoria, Australia Copyright © (All rights reserved)- April 26, 2004
Boerewors - Afrikaner Farmer Sausage U.S. 7 lb. 3 lb. 4 tsp. 7¾ tsp. 4 Tbs. 1 tsp. 2/3 tsp. 1¼ tsp. 2/3 tsp. 2/3 tsp. 1/3 tsp. 1/3 tsp 1/3 tsp. 10 Tbs. 4 Tbs. 10.6 lb.
Ingredient Metric Pork 3629.0 g Beef 907.0 g Salt 30.0 g Phosphates 20.0 g Ground coriander* 23.0 g Cure #1 7.0 g Citric acid 3.0 g Ground pepper 2.7 g Garlic powder 1.7 g Ground cloves 1.6 g Ground dried thyme 1.2 g Ground allspice 1.2 g Nutmeg, grated 0.6 g Red wine vinegar 140.0 ml Worcestershire sauce 55.0 ml < Totals > 4.8 kg
* Dry toast the coriander seeds in a hot frying pan and then grind fine. Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Cut the beef and pork into cubes. Grind the meats using a medium to fine grinding plate; grind the beef twice! Dissolve phosphates in warm water; refrigerate and allow to cool. Add the salt and phosphates with the meats; mix well. Mix all the other dry ingredients together; mix into the meats. Now mix in the vinegar and Worcestershire sauce to the meat paste. Stuff into 32 mm hog casings. Coil (traditional) or link. Can also apply a light smoke. But not necessary.
Glenn Shapley/Len Poli - Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - October 2001
U.S. 4 lb. 1 lb. ½ lb. 2 Tbs. 2½ Tbs. 2 tsp. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1tsp. ½ tsp. 1 tsp. 1/3 tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp.
5¾ lb
Ingredient Metric Wt. Percent Pork 1850.0 g 73.0 Beef 455.0 g 18.0 Pork belly/back fat 225.0 g 9.0 Salt 44.0g 1.7 Ground coriander* 12.0 g 0.5 Worcestershire sauce 10 ml 0.4 Phosphates 8.0 g 0.3 Cure #1 6.0 g 0.2 Liquid Smoke 5 ml 0.2 Red wine vinegar 5 ml 0.2 Sodium erythorbate 2.3 g 0.15 Pepper, black ground 2.0 g 0.1 Garlic powder 1.5 g 0.1 Mace, grated 1.0 g 0.04 Ground cloves 0.8 g 0.03 Ground allspice 0.6 g 0.02 32-35 mm hog casings Totals
2.6 Kg
* toast and grind the coriander seeds. Method: 1. Cut the beef and pork into cubes. 2. Grind the beef and pork separately using a 6.5mm (¼-inch) grinding plate. 3. Thoroughly mix only the ground beef half of the salt; refrigerate. 4. Partially freeze and grind the pork fat using a 6.5mm (¼-inch) grinding plate. 5. Dissolve phosphates and erythorbate in warm water; allow to cool. 6. Now, mix all the fat pork and beef in a large container. 7. Add phosphate solution, vinegar, liquid smoke and Worcestershire sauce; mix well. 8. Combine all the other dry ingredients together and add into the meats. 9. Keeping the meats as cold as possible mix the meat paste until all is well amagulated. 10. Stuff into hog casings. 11. Coil (traditional) or link to desired length. 12. Allow to air dry for several hours before refrigerating.
Len Poli – Sonoma Mountain Sausage Copyright (All rights reserved) – December 2014 Santa Rosa, California
Boiled Ham - Prosciutto cotto U.S. Ingredient 9 lb. Pork picnic (foreleg) 12 cups Water ½ cup Morton’s TQ Cure ½ cup Brown Sugar, light 2 tsp. Liquid smoke* 1 Tbs. Gelatin powder 1 tsp. Maple flavoring*
Metric 4000.0 g 2850.0 g 125.0 g 88.0g 10.0 g 8.5 g 5.0 g
* For Italian style Prosciutto cotto, substitute these ingredients with 4 dried, crushed bay leaves, 2 Tbs. dried rosemary, 2 Tbs. dried marjoram all re-hydrated in ¼ cup gin.
Method: The most difficult part of this preparation involves boning the leg. What you want to end up with is one continuous flat sheet of boneless muscles attached to the skin. 1. Remove the bones from the leg as follows: Take a boning knife and cut around the bone (from the shoulder end). Work around the piece of shoulder blade attached to the arm bone. Cut through the socket and set aside the bone. Now work around the arm bone with the boning knife, freeing as much of the bone as possible; find the tissue-line separating the upper arm muscles (biceps) from the lower arm muscles (triceps) and with the knife, separate these bundles freeing them from the bone. Continue this way until the entire arm bone and lower arm bones in the hock are exposed. Cut away the connective tissue and soft fat and blood vessels. Cut through the elbow and remove the bones. You will find several (4 or 5) small muscle pieces about 1 ½ inches by 4 inches loosely attached in places along the exposed muscle bundles. Separate them and carefully remove any silver skin, loose fat or connective tissue. 2. Prepare the brine by dissolving all of the above ingredients in warm water to make sure all the salt and sugar is dissolved. Then refrigerate the solution to 38 oF (4oC). 3. Place the boned leg in a stainless steel, plastic or glass container that is sized to hold the leg and have it covered by the brine. 4. Pour the brine into the container, making sure the meat and skin are covered by the solution. Keep it in the refrigerator for 12 days. 5. Remove the meat from the brine, lay it out flat on a rack and refrigerate it uncovered for 24 hours to dry the surfaces of the muscles. 6. Remove meat from the refrigerator, dust with dry gelatin and wrap the ham in a large cotton or muslin dishcloth. You can use the small pieces of meat that were cured along with the ham if you wish or use them for some other product. 7. Roll the ham into a neat circular bundle using the cloth as a covering. Wrap several yards of twine around the ham to help give it a circular shape. 8. Simmer in 185oF (85oC) water for two hours; remove from heat, rest at room temp for 3 hours, then refrigerate overnight. Unwrap twine and cloth. Thin slice for sandwiches or thick slices for ham and eggs..enjoy! Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) - January 2002
Boudins Blanc de Paris Before Poaching U.S. 1¼ lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 cup ½ cup ¼ cup ½ cup 4 tsp. 8 tsp. 2 tsp. 1½ tsp. 1½ tsp. 1 tsp.
Ingredient Pork, Fresh ham Chicken white meat Onion Pork, fat back Rice, cooked Cream White vermouth Milk powder Salt Egg white powder AmesPhos Quatre-éspices Pepper, white Tarragon 35mm hog casings
5 lb.
! Totals "
Metric 565.0 g 454.0 g 454.0 g 454.0 g 160.0 g 60.0 ml 50.0 ml 35.0 g 29.0 g 18.0 g 8.0 g 4.0 g 3.5 g 3.0 g
Percent 24.59 19.76 19.76 19.76 6.94 2.61 2.18 1.52 1.26 0.78 0.35 0.17 0.15 0.13
2.3 Kg
After Poaching
Note: I used metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Grind meats, fat and onions through the medium, then fine plates. Add the rice and cream to a food processor and pulse, two or three times. Add the remaining ingredients to the meat paste and mix in well. Add the meat paste to the contents of the food processor and process until everything is well amalgamated. 5. Stuff the paste loosely into 38mm hog casings and double-tie off each link (about 6 inches long). 6. Poach sausages in water for about 20 minutes; cool rapidly in ice water. Dry sausages and refrigerate. 7. To serve, brown sausages in butter.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved)- February, 2005
Bratwurst – Nürnberg style U.S. 2½ lb. 1½ lb 1 lb. 4 tsp. 2 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 1 tsp. 0.05 oz.
Ingredient Pork shoulder, 80% lean Veal, lean Bacon, smoked * Salt White pepper, ground Caraway, whole seed Mace, ground Citric acid (optional)**
Metric 1150.0 g 680.0 g 454.0 g 28.0 g 14.0 g 13.0 g 1.7 g 1.0 g
22 mm hog casings 5 lb.
Å Totals Æ
2.4 Kg
* If you use pork trimmings instead of bacon, add some liquid smoke (to taste). ** Citric acid is an antioxidant and is added to preserve color. It can be left out without affecting the taste.
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
METHOD: 1. Cut the meats and bacon into pieces to fit your grinder and partially freeze them. 2. Grind the meats and bacon through small plate. Keep meat as close to 38oF as possible! Add an ice cube or two to push all the meat from the grinder. 3. Mix all dry ingredients and sprinkle them over meat. Mix them in well for several minutes. 4. Stuff into 22 mm hog casings and tie off into 8 inch (20 cm) links. 5. To cook: bring a pot of water to boil; lower to 170oF (76oC). Add the sausages and cover the pot and let them sit for 15 minutes. Grill to desired color over medium heat.
Since there are no preservatives in this sausage, refrigerate for no more than 4 days--or vacuum pack and freeze.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - July – 2003
Bratwurst Bramberger Art- Bramberg-style Bratwurst This recipe was given to me by the owner of a Gasthaus in the town of Bramberg, in southern Germany. U.S. 3 lb. 1½ lb. ¾ cup 2 4 tsp. 4 tsp. 1¾ tsp. 1¾ tsp. 1 tsp. 1¼ tsp
5 Lb.
Ingredient Pork shoulder Bacon Milk, whole Eggs, large Salt White wine, dry Pepper, white Mace Cardamom Marjoram 30 mm casings Å Totals Æ
Metric 1360.0 g. 680.0 g. 175.0 ml. 90.0 g 28.0 g. 20.0 ml. 4.0 g. 2.9 g. 2.7 g. 2.0 g.
Percent 57.515 28.758 7.401 3.806 1.184 0.846 0.169 0.123 0.114 0.085
2.4 Kg
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Chill meat and pork belly until partially frozen. Grind through large diameter plate. Finely grind the salt and other dry ingredient in a spice or coffee mill. Sprinkle the ground spices and wine over the coarsely ground meats and mix very well. Grind the above mixture through a fine grinder plate. Beat the egg(s) with the milk, add to the meat paste and mix well again. Stuff into casings and pinch off and twist into 6 inch (or 15 cm) links. Sausages are now ready to grill or store. They will last 3 days in the refrigerator; for longer storage, I suggest vacuum sealing and freezing up to 2 months. 8. Serve with copious amounts of beer, brown mustard and sauerkraut.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) – January 2005
Bratwurst, Wurtenberg-style - Wurtemburger Art U.S. 4¼ lb. ½ lb. 5 Tbs. 5 tsp. 3 cloves 1 Tbs. 3¼ tsp. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. 5 lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork shoulder 1915.0 g 83.60 Bacon, Smoked 225.0 g 9.80 Rhein wine 75.0 ml 3.27 Salt 36.0 g 1.57 Garlic 15.0 g 0.67 Sugar 13.0 g 0.57 Coriander 6.0 g 0.26 Pepper, black 4.0 g 0.18 Caraway seeds 2.0 g 0.09 35mm hog casings ! Totals " 2.3 Kg 100%
Note: I use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Preparation: 1. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and mince up any remaining pulp; Add all to the sine and let seep for 1 hour. 2. Place the coriander seeds in a fry pan and heat on high until they begin to pop; allow them to cool. 3. Cut the meat into about 1-inch cubes, and then partially freeze. 4. Grind the pork and bacon through the medium plate (4.5 mm) twice. 5. Grind the salt, sugar and all the spices to a powder with a spice mill 6. Add the contents of the spice mill and the wine garlic mixture to the meat and then mix well. 7. Stuff into hog casings, making links about 4-5 inches long. 8. Hang a cool place to dry the casings, and then cook, refrigerate or vacuum-pack and freeze.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) – January 2006
Bratwurst Len, Here is a great grilling fresh bratwurst! U.S. 5 lb. 5 lb. 1 pt. 3 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp.
Ingredient Pork shoulder butt Veal, lean Cream Salt Dextrose Black pepper ground Nutmeg, ground Coriander, ground Mace, ground
Metric 2270.0 g 2270.0 g 500.0 ml 63.0 g 18.0 g 8.5 g 2.2 g 1.8 g 1.7 g
32 mm hog casings Å Totals Æ
11 lb.
5.1 Kg
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Grind the meat through a 3/8 in place and chill in shallow pans for 1 hour. Mix the cream and the seasonings stir until well mixed. Pour cream mixture over meat and mix thoroughly. Stuff the casings and link to about 4 inches. Refrigerate the sausages overnight to develop flavor. They are great on the BBQ. Gently preheat the sausages by immersing them in hot water for 15-20 minutes prior to grilling-don't simmer just heat the water take it off of the stove and add the sausages. This promotes uniform browning of the sausages when you grill them.
Glenn Shapley - Santa Rosa, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - April 2001
Breakfast Link Sausage U. S. 4.5 lb. 0.5 lb. 1.5 Tbs. 1.0 Tbs. 1.0 Tbs. 1.5 Tbs. 1.0 tsp. 0.5 tsp. 0.05 oz 0.5 cup
INGREDIENTS METRIC Pork shoulder 2050.0 g Pork back fat 225.0 g Salt 32.0 g Dextrose 17.0 g Rosemary, ground 3.0 g Sage, rubbed 3.0 g White pepper 3.0 g Cayenne or arbol pepper flakes 1.0 g Citric acid 1.5 g Ice water 125.0 ml 24 mm sheep casings
Note: I used metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Mix all dry ingredients; grind to a fine powder in a spice grinder. Grind the meat through a ¼ in. plate. Keep meat as close to 38oF as possible! Sprinkle dry ingredients over meat. Add the ice water, pour over meat and mix well. Stuff into sheep casings and braid in 4-inch links. See the “Tips” page on my web site to see how to link these sausages.
Note: Since there is no preservative, refrigerate for no more than three days--or vacuum pack and freeze. Citric acid is an antioxidant and is added to preserve color. It can be left out without affecting the taste.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - August - 2000
Breakfast Sausage Maple Flavored U.S. 3.5 lb. 1.5 lb. 3 Tbs. 5 tsp. 2 ½ tsp. 1 ¼ tsp. ¼ tsp.
Ingredient Pork shoulder, lean Pork fat Maple syrup Salt MSG Coriander, ground Citric acid (optional) Sheep casings ! Totals "
5 lb.
Metric Wt. 1600.0 g 700.0 g 66.0 g 36.0 g 11.0 g 2.5 g 1.0 g
2.4 kg
Note: I used metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Trim pork; grind meat and fat through 4.5 mm (1/8”) plate. Mix remaining ingredients with the meat paste. Stuff into breakfast link size sheep casings...or...form it into a roll so you can make patties. See the “Tips” page on my web site to see how to link these sausages (Do a right click) Prepare as you do your favorite breakfast sausage.
Note: This sausage is a close clone of “Jimmy Dean’s Maple Sausage”
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) - October 2002
Bresaola – Italian-style Dried Beef Bresaola (pronounced breh-ZOHL-ah) is air-dried beef that comes from Northern Italy that has a rose-red color, delicate texture, but stronger flavor, than that of prosciutto. It is sliced very, very thin and often eaten with melon and cheese…
U.S. 6 lb. 3 Tbs. 4 Tbs. 1¼ tsp. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. 7 ea.
Ingredient Metric Beef sirloin 2725.0 g Salt 66.0 g Sugar 53.0 g Cure #2 8.0 g Pepper, black 6.0 g Garlic, granulated 3.0 g Rosemary, dry 2.0 g Thyme, dry 1.0 g Juniper berries, crushed 1.0 g Collagen casing & netting
Note: Used metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement.
Preparation 1. Trim the meat of all visible fat, connective tissue and silver skin; if you’re using sirloin, you’ll end up with two 3 lb. chunks of muscle. Note: if you have to “butterfly” any of the muscle because of silver skin or tendon removal, dust surfaces with a little powdered gelatin at the end of the curing period…. just before stuffing into the casing. 2. Mix all ingredients together and process in a spice grinder to a fine powder. 3. Divide the mixture into two equal portions. 4. Rub 1 portion over the meat; work in well and place in a tray or zip-loc bag. 5. After day 3, pour off any liquid produced and rub in the second portion of cure into the meat. 6. After day 7, rinse off excess cure and spices with water…do not soak! Air-dry meat for several hours and, dusting any butterflied cuts with powdered gelatin, stuff into collagen casings. Cover all with elastic netting and tie off. 7. Hang in a cool place (55oF and 55% R/H) to dry. The meat should be hung for at least a minimum 3 weeks. (It may be kept longer as the bresaola improves with age) When ready to eat, meat should feel firm, yet be “creamy” and should have lost about 40% of its weight.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - April 2002
British Bangers – Pub Style U.S. 5 lb. 1½ cups 1 cup 5 tsp. 4 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 1 tsp.
6 lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork shoulder 2270.0 g 83.61 Pork broth 325.0 ml 11.97 Rusk (or Breadcrumbs) 70.0 g 2.58 Salt 36.0 g 1.33 Pepper, white 9.0 g 0.33 Ground ginger 1.7 g 0.06 Mace 1.7 g 0.06 Nutmeg 1.0 g 0.04 Rubbed sage 0.7 g 0.03 35mm hog casings Totals
2.7 Kg
Note: I used metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement.
Method: 1. Chill the pork until it is partially frozen, then grind through a medium (10mm or 3/8”) plate and regrind through a fine (4.5mm or 3/16”) plate. 2. Place the remaining ingredients in a spice mill and pulse several times to blend well. 3. Store in the refrigerator overnight to meld and blend the flavors with the meat. 4. Stuff into 35mm casings and tie off into 5 inch lengths. 5. Hang at room temperature until the casing are dry; refrigerate and use within the next week or freeze.
Recipe by: Len Poli Sonoma Mountain Sausages Santa Rosa, California Copyright (All rights reserved) - March, 2005, Revised May - 2014
Buckboard Bacon - Shoulder Bacon Len,….. Here is the recipe I told you about. 2 lb. 1/3 cup 1/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp.
Pork shoulder butt Un-sulfured molasses Kosher salt Brown sugar, dark, packed Liquid smoke Garlic powder Onion powder Cure #2
910.0 g 75.0 ml 48.0 g 45.0 g 30.0 ml 9.0 g 8.0 g 6.0 g
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. Trim out the “Boston Butt” from a pork shoulder. 2. Put the butt in a zip lock bag with the molasses and liquid smoke and coat the meat. 3. Add all of the other ingredients to the bag. 4. Let cure for 2 weeks, turning every few days. 5. Wash off butt and return to bag, fill bag with fresh water and let sit for 2 hours. 6. Pour off water and tie it with string as shown in the top photograph. 7. Hang the butt until dry (a few hours). 8. Smoke at 200oF (93oC) until internal temperature gets to 140oF (60oC). 9. Cool before serving. 10. The bacon can be fried like regular American or Canadian bacon.
Glenn Shapley – Santa Rosa, California Copyright © - February 2005 (All rights reserved)
Bulgarian Loukanika U.S. 4 lb. 1 5 tsp. ¼ cup ½ cup 4 tsp. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. 2 tsp. 2 tsp. ½ tsp. 1½ tsp. ¼ tsp.
5 lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork or Pork/beef mix 1825.0 g 75.00 Pork jowl or belly 450.0 g 18.50 Salt 36.5 g 1.50 Fish sauce* 50.0 ml 2.00 Pine kernels 30.0 g 1.25 Glucose 12.0 g 0.50 Marjoram, ground 5.0 g 0.20 Paprika, ground 6.3 g 0.26 Cure#2 6.0 g 0.25 Savory, ground 5.0 g 0.20 Peppercorns, whole 4.0 g 0.15 Cumin, ground 2.0 g 0.08 Bay leaf, ground 1.0 g 0.04 Starter culture** 0.25 g 0.01 Beef round casings Totals
2.4 Kg 100%
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
* The original recipe uses garos (fish sauce); a fair substitute is a good Thai fish sauce like “Tiparos” ** Bactoferm LHP Method: 1. Cut into meats into cubes to fit grinder throat. 2. Cut the jowl into a large dice and partially freeze; Trim the meat of any sinew and chill it until almost frozen. 3. Grind the meat and fat through a ¼” or 6.5mm plate. 4. In a small bowl, add together all the dry ingredients (except the starter culture) and mix well to distribute them evenly; add them along with the fish sauce to the meat(s). 5. Dissolve the starter culture in 2 tablespoons of water and add the starter to the meats; mix it in well. 6. Stuff the paste into casings beef rounds and tie off into rings about 12-inches in diameter. To help retard mold growth, soak the casings in a solution of ½ water and ½ vinegar for one hour. 7. Incubate the sausage 95oF and R/H of about 90% for 24 hours; then lower temperature to 60oF and R/H of about 50%. 8. After 5 days, lay the sausage on a flat surface and cover with a weight to flatten out the casing; leave under the weight for several days until the sausage remains flat when the weight is removed. Hold it at 60oF and R/H of 50% during this time. 9. Re-hang at 60oF and R/H of 50% until 30% of the raw weight is lost. (Generally about 4 weeks for 1½ diameter casings, but this depends upon your drying conditions). Len Poli – Copyright © (All rights reserved) - December 2007 Sonoma Mountain Sausages - Sonoma, California
BURMESE CURRY CHICKEN SAUSAGE Ingredients: 4 lbs. boneless chicken thighs (w/skin) 2 tbsp. pureed Garlic (fresh) 1 tsp. Garlic powder 3 tbsp. pureed Ginger 2 tsp. Ginger powder 3 tsp. ground white pepper 4 tsp. ground Coriander seed 1 tsp. Cayenne powder (more if you like it HOT!!) 1/3 cup dark soy sauce ¼ cup unsalted chicken broth 1 tsp. Prague powder #1 (cure #1) 2 tsp. Amesphos* 4 tbsp. brown sugar (dark or light) 1/3 cup chopped Cilantro 1/2 cup Rusk (or zwieback crumbs) Method: Keep the meat very cold or near frozen, grind the thighs and skin through a medium (3/8”) plate and return to refrigeration. Combine all the spices, soy sauce, broth and sugar except the Rusk. Stir the spice slurry and Rusk into the coarse ground chicken well, and return to refrigeration for 1 hour to overnight. Grind the spiced chicken batch through a fine plate (3/16” or 1/4”) and stuff the meat paste into 32 mm hog casings, or 20-29 mm sheep casings twisting off at 6” links. Hang to dry for an hour (with a fan) then refrigerate. To store long term: freeze individual links spread out on a cookie sheet and then vacuum pack to prevent freezer burn. Do not thaw under vacuum; pierce the vacuum bag or juice will be pulled out of the sausage. Grill on low heat taking care not to pierce the skin while cooking. I like these served on a bun with roasted onion and pepper. *Amesphos (Combination of: Sodium Tripolyphosphate; Sodium Pyrophosphate and Sodium Hexametaphosphate) is optional, but helps with texture a juice retention. Len’s note: You can substitute Brine Pumping Phosphate(1lb) 450 Super Phosphate from Butcher-Packer.com or Super Sodium Tripolyphosphate from Allied-Kenco.com or similar if you have them!
Permission to post on Sonoma Sausage Web Page Granted by Timothy Fargo Recipe by: Timothy Fargo – Stafford Springs, Ct.
Copyright © (all rights reserved) – March, 2015
Butifarra - Catalonian Garlic Sausage There are many Spanish versions of this sausage (crudo, blanco, negro, cocinado). This version is often prepared with white beans, onions and Spanish pancetta.
U.S. 4¾ lb. ¼ lb. 4 tsp. 4 cloves 1 tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ¼ tsp. 1 Tbs.
Ingredient Pork shoulder Pork back fat Salt Fresh garlic, mashed Cure #1 Cumin, ground Pepper black, ground Nutmeg, ground Wine vinegar
Metric 2160.0 g 100.0 g 28.0 g 20.0 g 6.0 g 1.0 g 1.0 g 0.5 g 15.0 ml
35 mm hog casings 5 lb.
! Totals "
2.3 Kg
Note: I used metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement.
Preparation: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Chill the meat and fat to slightly frozen and then grind together through a 3/8” (10mm) plate. Mix the ground meat with the salt and cure; then add the remaining ingredients and remix. Stuff the casings, tying each sausage into 5-inch (12.5 cm) links. Cook at 180oF (82oC) to an internal temperature of 152oF (66oC); keep a pan of hot water in the cooker to raise the humidity. 5. Remove from cooker, chill in cold water; if sausage wrinkles, dip in boiling water for a few seconds to tighten the casing. 6. Air-dry the surface of casing to intensify the red coloration. Refrigerate up to 5 days or freeze.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) - July 2003
Calabrese Salami U.S. Ingredient Metric Percent 7 lb. Pork butt, lean 3178.0 g 64.37 3 lb. Pork fat, diced 1362.0 g 27.59 3½ Tbs. Salt 77.0 g 1.56 2½ Tbs. Glucose 23.0 g 0.40 3 Tbs. Pepper, red, flakes 20.0 g 0.40 2 tsp. Cure #2 12.0 g 0.24 1 Tbs. White pepper 7.0 g 0.14 2 tsp. Anise seed 5.0 g 0.10 1/2 tsp. Ascorbic acid 2.5 g 0.05 ¼ tsp. Starter culture 0.5 g 0.01 1 cup Vermouth, sweet 250.0 ml 5.06 42mm hog casings 11 lb.
Å Totals Æ
5 kg
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method 1. Partially freeze the lean pork and grind through the coarse disk. 2. Separately, do the same with the fat. 3. Mix the meat and fat together well and then mix in the starter culture (which should be dissolved in 2 tablespoons of pure water). 4. Add all the remaining dry ingredients to a spice mill and pulverize them. 5. Add the spices and vermouth to the meats and continue mixing until the meat paste becomes “sticky”. 6. Prepare the casings and stuff the paste into 24 inch links; bend in half and tie off as shown in the photo (above), and hang to dry for about 3 hours. 7. Incubate at 30oC (85oF) at 90% R/H for 24 hours, shut off heat, leave salami inside for 6 hours. 8. Remove from incubator and dry at 15oC (60oF) at RH of about 70%. A fine white mold should grow on the salami …this is desirable and contributes to the flavoring. If you prefer not to have the mold, you can rub it off with cheese cloth dampened with vinegar. 9. Salami will be ready when they have lost about 30% of their weight…in about 3 weeks.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - January 2003
California Hot Links These are very similar to the hot links you find at BBQ shops, fundraisers, food fairs, and church picnics in the African-American communities of the S. F. Bay Area. U.S. 3 lb. 2 lb. 2 Tbs. ½ cup 5 Tbs. 4 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 2 tsp. 1½ tsp. 4 Tbs. ½ cup 6 lb.
Ingredient Pork Trim (60/40) Beef, chuck Salt NF milk powder Paprika, hot Cayenne Onion powder Mustard powder Sugar, brown AmesPhos (opt.) Garlic powder Cure #1 Pepper, black Anise Coriander Allspice Crystal Hot Sauce Chipped ice* Å Totals Æ
Metric Percent 1590.0 g 57.24 908.0 g 32.68 44.0 g 1.58 40.0 g 1.44 30.0 g 1.08 21.0 g 0.76 16.0 g 0.58 14.0 g 0.50 11.0 g 0.40 10.0 g 0.36 9.0 g 0.32 6.0 g 0.22 6.0 g 0.22 6.0 g 0.22 4.0 g 0.14 3.0 g 0.11 60.0 ml 2.16 2.7 Kg 100%
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Partially freeze the meat and fat; then grind them together through a large plate. Add all the remaining ingredients to a spice grinder and pulverize to a fine powder. Sprinkle the ground ingredients over the meat and mix well. Grind the mixture through a medium plate; then, regrind through a fine plate, * adding a little ice at a time during the final grind. Stuff into 34mm hog casings and tie off in 6-inch links. Hang casings at room temperature until outer surface is dry. Place in 150oF (65oC) pre-heated smoker and apply smoke for 2½ hours; raise the temperature to 180oF (82oC) and continue to smoke until internal temp is 160oF (71oC). Plunge in ice water to stop cooking, then, dip in boiling water to shrink the casings.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - February 2005
Canadian Style Bacon - American Version U.S. 5 lb. 2 qt. 5 Tbs. 3 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp.
Ingredient Metric Pork loin 2270.0 g BRINE SOLUTION Percent Ice water 2000.0 g 91.46 Salt 110.0 g 5.50 Sugar 39.0 g 2.00 Hickory smoke, liquid 15.0 g 0.75 Cure #1* 5.8 g 0.29
5 lb.
2.3 Kg
*2 quarts of brine contain 146 PPM sodium nitrite This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: 1. Make a curing pickle by dissolving all the ingredients in water and chill to 38oF. 2. Inject the loins with a 10% pump. 3. Place loin in a plastic bag or container and add the remaining pickle. 4. Place it into the refrigerator for 3 days. 5. Wash the loin under cold water. 6. Heat the smoker-no smoke-to 120oF and then place the loin into the smoker to dry for 3 hours. 7. Now raise the temperature of the smoker 160oF, add wood chips and smoke until an internal temperature of 145oF is reached. 8. Remove from smoker and cool with tap water until the internal temperature is110F. 9. Allow the bacon to cool to room temperature then refrigerate overnight before using. Len Poli – Copyright © (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company Sonoma, California March 2007
Canadian-style Bacon This brine will cure about 2 pounds of meat, multiply as needed.
U. S. Ingredient Metric 2.2 lb. Pork loin 1000.0 g BRINE SOLUTION 1 gal. Bottled water 3.8 liters 1 lb. Brown sugar 454 .0 g 10 oz. Salt 285.0 g 2 oz. Black peppercorns 56.0 g 2 oz. Ground fenugreek 56.0 g 1 oz. Juniper berries 28.00 g ½ oz. Prague powder #1* 14.2 g 1 tsp. Parsley 0.5 g 1 tsp. Thyme 0.5 g 1 tsp. Rosemary 0.4 g 2 Bay leaves 0.3 g
Percent 76.46 12.00 7.50 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.38 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
* 1 gallon of brine contains 185 PPM of sodium nitrite Formulation based on Metric Measurements, U.S. Measurements are approximate!
Method: 1. Bring the water, salt and sugar to a boil and stir to dissolve thoroughly. Remove from heat. 2. Place the parsley, thyme and rosemary sachet bag. 3. Add everything else but the Prague powder. Cool 4. Add Prague powder and stir to dissolve. 5. Add the pork loin, making sure the meat is submerged in the brine.. I don't pump the meat. I let the pork sit in the brine in a cool spot in the fridge for about 10 days. I then soak the meat in ice water for an hour, dry it and smoke ((@ 180oF to an internal temperature of about 155oF) for about 4 hours. The fenugreek gives the brine a faint maple bouquet. Some say it doesn't add to the taste, I think different.
Glenn Shapley - Santa Rosa, California Copyright - (All rights reserved), October 2002
Carne Salada – Italian Style “Corned Beef” The carne salada is a specialty of Northern Italy; it can be served raw, cooked or smoked. Raw: It is cut thin like carpaccio and drizzled with a stream of extra virgin olive oil, and with a few ultrathin slices lemon or chopped capers; or Parmesan cheese and arugula. Cooked: The slices are cut a little thicker and tossed in hot frying pan for a minute and served with braised onions and borlotti beans. Smoked: Cold smoke the meat for 12 hours and slice thin and serve as above. U.S. 4½ lb. 5 Tbs. 4¾ tsp. 2 tsp. 2 tsp. 2¾ tsp. 2¾ tsp. ½ tsp. 3 cups 3 cups 4½ lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Beef rump 2000.0 g 94.60 Tender Quick 70.0 g 3.31 Black Pepper, coarse 30.0 g 1.42 Garlic, powder 6.0 g 0.28 Rosemary, dry 3.0 g 0.14 Sage, ground, dry 2.0 g 0.09 Bay leaves, ground 1.6 g 0.08 Juniper berries, ground 0.8 g 0.07 Water 750.0 ml 0.00 White wine 750.0 ml 0.00 » Totals Æ
2 kg
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: "Carne Salada" is made from beef rump. The meat is cleaned of all fat and sinew and cut into compact pieces about 1 or 2 kilograms each. They are then rubbed with a mixture consisting of the above dry ingredients. Let the meat rest under refrigerator for several hours and then place it in a food grade container, in such way that there are no air pockets between the pieces. Add the brine and the weight meat. Allow it to cure for 12 days between the 6-8 centigrade degrees. On the twelfth day drain the brine and add white wine until the meat is covered and refrigerate for 1 more day. Drain the meat, pat dry and store under refrigeration (uncovered for the first 24 hours). The meat should be consumed within 30 days from production. Recipe by: Len Poli August, 2006 – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved)
Carne Salata or Carne nel Bigoncio (Meat in the tub) – Lucca, Tuscany A salted prosciutto made from the pork cushion (boned out picnic ham) U.S. 5½ lb. 3 Tbs. 2½ Tbs. 2½ Tbs. 5 tsp. 1 tsp. 5 tsp. 2½ tsp. 2 tsp. 2 tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork Cushion 2500.0 g 94.00 Salt 66.0 g 2.50 Sugar 33.0 g 1.25 Garlic powder 21.0 g 0.80 Pepper 10.0 g 0.37 Cure #2 6.5 g 0.25 Rosemary, dry 6.5 g 0.25 Coriander seed 4.5 g 0.17 Nutmeg 4.5 g 0.15 Mace 3.5 g 0.12 Cinnamon 1.0 g 0.05 Clove 1.0 g 0.05
5¾ lb.
! Total "
2.6 Kg 100%
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Spiced and Cured
Soaked and Rinsed
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Use pork cushions and cut them into approximately 400-500 gram pieces. Combine the dry ingredients, place in a spice mill, and grind to a coarse consistency Rub the ground spices and cure mixture into the meat without adding any water. Arrange the rubbed meat in layers (in a glass or plastic container or wooden tub) and cover tightly. Refrigerate the meat for 5 days; as time progresses, a brine will form; do not drain it off, but rotate the meat every 24 hours! Remove the meat from the container, discard the brine and soak the meat in fresh water for 10 minutes, scrubbing off all traces of the spices. The salted meat is placed in ham stockings or nets and is aged for 15 days at 55oF (13oC) at 60% R/H. After the 15 days, it can be sliced and used as you would any prosciutto.
Recipe by Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) – March, 2005
Cervelas – French Boiling Sausage U.S. 3½ lb. 1 lb. ½ lb. 1 cup ½ cup 4 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. 3 tsp. ¾ tsp. ½ tsp.
Ingredient Pork, lean Pork trimmings Pork back fat Dry milk powder Pistachio nuts, Cognac Salt Glucose Pepper, white Cure #1 Garlic powder Nutmeg, ground Thyme, ground 38mm hog casings
5½ lb.
Metric Percent 1600.0 g 68.82 455.0 g 17.86 230.0 g 9.03 69.0 g 2.71 60.0 g 2.36 50.0 ml 1.96 45.0 g 1.77 9.0 g 0.35 7.0 g 0.28 6.0 g 0.24 6.0 g 0.24 1.5 g 0.06 1.0 g 0.04
2.5 Kg 100%
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. Cube and partially freeze the fat and grind it through a small (¼” or 6.5mm) plate. 2. Blanch the fat in boiling water for 3 minutes then drain. Rinse it with cold water until cool, drain on absorbent paper, and refrigerate until needed. 3. Cube and partially freeze the pork meat and trimmings and then grind them through a medium (10mm or 38”) plate; then regrind twice through a fine (4.5mm or 3/16”) plate. 4. Combine all the remaining ingredients (except the ground back fat and pistachios) in a mixer and mix for 5 minutes and then re-chill the meat to 40oF (4oC) 5. Transfer the meat paste to a processor and emulsify the paste (add shaved ice to keep the temp below 55oF (13oC). 6. When the paste is emulsified, add the ground pork back fat and pulse several times to incorporate it…you are not trying to emulsify the added fat! 7. Stir the pistachio nuts into the paste, being careful to keep them from breaking. 8. Stuff the casings and tie the filled casing into 5" long sausages and to puncture the skin over any visible air pockets with a fine needle. 9. Place the sausages in a refrigerator and allow them to cure and develop flavor for 3 hours. 10. Cook the sausages in a large pot of the water and slowly bring up the temperature 175 to 185°F (80 to 85°C); poach the sausages to an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C). 11. Immediately transfer the sausages to an ice bath and cool to less than 40°F (4°C). Len Poli Copyright © April, 2005, modified September, 2009. (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Sonoma, California
Cervelat Sausage U.S. 3 lb. 2 lb. 1 lb. 7 tsp. 4 tsp. 1¼ tsp 2 tsp. 2 tsp. 1½ tsp. 1 tsp. ¼ tsp. 10 ½ tsp. 6½ lb.
Ingredient Pork shoulder Beef chuck Beef heart Salt Dextrose Cure #2 Mustard, coarse ground Black pepper, coarse Coriander, ground Garlic powder Sodium erythorbate Juniper berries, ground Nutmeg, ground Å Totals Æ
Metric 1400.0 g 1000.0 g 500.0 g 49.0 g 14.0 g 7.5 g 7.0 g 4.5 g 3.0 g 2.8 g 1.5 g 1.0 g 1.0 g 3 Kg
Note: Use metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement.
Method: 1. Chill meats to near freezing; then grind meat through 6mm ( ¼ inch) plate. 2. Add salt and the cure, then mix for 2 minutes. 3. Add the remaining ingredients and mix with the meat for approximately 2 more minutes. 4. Refrigerate meat paste for 24 hours. 5. Stuff into fat ends, beef middles or artificial casings and hang on smoke sticks until sausage is at room temperature. 6. Place a pan of water in the smoker and preheat smoker cabinet to 49oC (125oF). Place the cervelat in the smoker (no smoke) and incubate for 1 hour. 7. Raise the smoker temperature to 60oC (140oF), apply heavy smoke for 5 hours, then raise temperature to 74oC (165oF) and continue smoking until the sausages reach an internal temperature of 68oC (155oF). 8. Remove from the smoker, shower to with cold water, and allow the Cervelat to come to room temperature; then refrigerate. 9. Keep Cervelat under refrigeration.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - November 2002
Cevapcici (Salsiccia Iugoslavia) – Yugoslavian Sausage These sausages are popular in northeastern Italy in both Gorizia and Trieste. U.S. 1½ lb. 1 lb. ¾ lb. 1 Tbs. 1½ Tbs. 2 cloves 1 tsp. 1½ tsp. 1 tsp.
Ingredient Beef, sirloin, lean Lamb, shoulder Pork, trimmings Salt Onion, minced Garlic, raw Baking soda* Paprika, hot (Hungarian) Pepper, black
Metric Percent 700.0 g 44.80 454.0 g 29.00 350.0 g 22.40 23.0 g 1.47 20.0 g 1.28 6.0 g 0.38 4.5 g 0.29 3.5 g 0.25 2.0 g 0.12
! Totals "
1.5 Kg 100%
3½ lb.
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Traditional Style
* If you’re making the cevaps the traditional way (without the casings) add the baking soda to help crisp up the fried meat; If you’re stuffing the meat paste into casings, the baking soda is optional.
Method: 1. Cube and partially freeze the three meats; grind them twice through a 6.5mm (1/4”) plate. 2. Chop the onion into a fine mince. 3. Squeeze the garlic cloves through a garlic press and add to the onions (mince any large pieces of garlic). 4. Mix the garlic, onion, salt, pepper and paprika into Linked style the ground meats. (for baking soda, see above note) 5. The paste may be formed into skinless sausages (traditional) or stuffed into casings (commercial) 6. To form cevaps traditionally, moisten your hand with olive oil and form the paste into 1” by 3” long rolls; Fry or grill the rolls. 7. To form linked sausage, stuff paste into 32 mm casings and tie off into 1” by 3” links. 8. Cevapcici are eaten fresh, grilled over hot coals. Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) – October, 2005
Char Siu Lop Chong – BBQ-style Pork Sausage (Hawaii) U.S. 2½ lb. ½ cup ¼ cup 2 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 2 tsp. 2 cloves ½ tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1/8 tsp.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork butt, cubed 1135.0 g 78.54 Soy sauce 125.0 ml 8.65 Hoisin sauce 50.0 ml 3.46 Honey 30.0 ml 2.08 Zhao Xing or Sherry 30.0 ml 2.08 Sugar 26.0 g 1.80 Salt 22.0 g 1.52 Sesame oil, Chinese 10.0 ml 0.69 Garlic, minced 10.0 g 0.69 Cure #1 3.0 g 0.21 Ginger root, scraped 2.0 g 0.14 5-Spice powder 1.6 g 0.11 Red food coloring paste 0.5 ml 0.04 25mm sheep casings
3 lb.
! Totals "
1.4 Kg 100%
Note: I use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. Use previously frozen pork that meets the requirements for “certified” pork. (See web site). Cut the pork into 1½ -2 inch cubes. 2. Mix the ingredients and marinade pork in it for 2 days. (Zhao Xing wine is available at Asian markets or you can substitute a dry sherry.) 3. Strain off marinade and grind pork through a “chili” (18mm or ¾”) plate or large (12.5mm or ½”) plate. 4. Return ground pork to the marinade and refrigerate for at least 12 hours. 5. Place the meat in a strainer, and allow as much of the marinade to drip off. Allow 5-6 hours. 6. Stuff into sheep casings; tie off into 10 inch (25 cm) paired links. 7. Hang and air dry at room temperature for 3 hours or until the casing is dry to the touch and record their weights. 8. Place in 130oF (54oC) preheated smoker (no smoke) for three hours; Raise the temperature to 160oF (71oC) apply a very light smoke for 30 minutes, but continue heating until the internal temperature is 145oF (63oC). 9. Dry the sausage at room temperature for at least five days or until they have lost about 40% of their original weight and are very dry. 10. They can be kept in a cool larder or refrigerator until use. Recipe by: Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) -March, 2005
Chaurice - Creole-style Hot Sausage U.S. 4.5 lb. ½ lb. 4½ tsp. 6 Tbs. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 5 tsp. 2 tsp. 1½ tsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 1 small
5 lb.
Ingredient Pork shoulder Pork fat Salt Onion, flakes Cure #1 (optional) Garlic, granules Parsley, finely chopped Thyme leaves, crushed Cayenne, ground * Red pepper flakes* Allspice, ground Bay leaf, crushed 32 mm hog casing ! Totals "
Metric 2100.0 g 225.0 g 32.0 g 30.0 g 6.0 g 3.0 g 2.0 g 2.0 g 3.0 g 2.0 g 0.5 g 0.5 g
2.4 Kg
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate! * I consider this as relatively mild; increase or decrease to suit your taste.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Cut the pork and fat into small cubes and chill until partially frozen. Grind through the coarse (¼ inch or 6 mm) plate of a meat grinder. Add the seasonings and mix thoroughly until the meat paste well-blended. Stuff into casing and tie off into 8-inch ( 20 cm) lengths. Pan-fry or grill before eating!
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) - September 1, 2003
Cheese Franks U.S. 3½ lb 1½ lb. 1¼ cup ¾ cup 5 tsp. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1½ tsp. 2 tsp.
Ingredient Beef round Pork jowls Cheddar, high melt-diced Skim milk powder Salt Sausage phosphates Paprika, mild Pepper, white Prague Powder #1 Garlic, powdered Mace Liquid smoke 26 mm sheep casings 5 lb. Å Totals Æ
Metric Percent 1600.0 g 62.00 680.0 g 26.00 180.0 g 7.00 55.0 g 2.00 36.0 g 1.4 10.0 g 0.40 9.0 g 0.35 8.0 g 0.30 6.0 g 0.25 3.0 g 0.12 2.0 g 0.01 10.0 ml 0.40 2.6 Kg
100 %
Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Preparation: 1. Cut the beef in small cubes, partially freeze, and grind through a medium and then through a fine plate; add the salt, cure and phosphate to the meat and mix well chill to 40oF. 2. Add the ground beef to a food processor; process until the meat is the consistency of batter. 3. Cut the jowl in small cubes and grind through a medium and then through a fine plate; keeping it separate from the beef, chill to 40oF. 4. Add remaining dry ingredients to a spice mill or coffee mill, and process into a fine powder 5. Sprinkle dry ingredients over the beef and process for 30 seconds, 6. Add the chilled pork and process to a fine emulsion. [important: keep the mixture below 55oF by adding a very little ice water if necessary] 7. Stir the cheese into the emulsion until it is well mixed. 8. Place batter into the stuffer, Stuff, pinch and twist the sausage into links-about 8-inch links. 9. Poach in 180o F water [do not simmer] to internal temperature of 160o F. 10. Hold at room temperature until the casings are dry. 11. OPTIONAL: Smoke at 120oF for two hours; then plunge hotdogs into cold water to bring the temperature down.
Len Poli - Copyright (All rights reserved) © Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company Sonoma, California - July 2007
Chicken Apple Sausage U.S. 5 lb. ¾ lb. 4 tsp. 1½ tsp. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. ¼ tsp 1 tsp. ¼ tsp 2/3 cup
Ingredient Metric Percent Chicken thighs & skin 2268.0 g 76.50 Apples, Fuji, diced 340.0 g 15.00 Salt 30.0 g 1.35 Sodium polyphosphates* 5.0 g 0.22 Pepper, black, ground 4.2 g 0.19 Sodium erythorbate* 1.0 g 0.04 Nutmeg, ground 0.7 g 0.03 Sage, ground 0.7 g 0.03 Ginger, ground 0.4 g 0.02 Apple juice concentrate 150.0 ml 6.50 32 mm casings Totals
6 lb.
2.8 Kg
*optional—These substances contribute to mouth-feel, moisture retention and overall appearance.
Note: Use metric weight and volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Bone, the chicken and keep the meat with the fat and skin. Chill the meat and the fat/skin until almost frozen. Grind the meat through a ¼-inch (6.5 mm) plate. Add the salt to the meat and mix it in very well; refrigerate for 3 hours until a very sticky paste is formed. Grind the meat, skin and fat again, this time through a 3/16-inch (4.5 mm) fine plate. Peel and core the apples, and pass them through a 3/8-inch (10mm) coarse plate. Add the apples and the remaining ingredients and mix them in well with the meat paste. Stuff into 32 mm hog casings and twist off into 5-inch links. Grill over medium heat and do not pierce the sausage—use tongs.
Len Poli – Sonoma Mountain Sausages Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) – April, 2008
Chicken Jalapeno Basil Sausage U.S. 2½ lb. ½ lb. ½ lb. ½ cup ½ cup ¼ cup ½ cup 2½ tsp. 2 tsp. 2 tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp 4 lb.
Ingredient Chicken thighs, boned & skin Pork fat Jalapeño peppers, raw Sundried tomatoes chopped coarse Apple juice concentrate Fresh garlic minced Basil, coarsely chopped Salt White pepper Sage, ground Nutmeg, ground Allspice, ground Ginger, ground
Metric 1135.0 g 225.0 g 225.0 g 125.0 ml 75.0 ml 30.0 g 25.0 g 18.5 g 3.6 g 1.2 g 1.2 g 1.0 g 0.8 g
Percent 20.00 20.00 11.00 6.50 2.60 2.20 1.60 0.32 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.07
1.8 Kg
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: 1. Partially freeze the chicken meat and skin, grind through a ¼”-plate 2. Add the chicken and the salt to a sausage mixer and blend until the mixture is extreme sticky (about 4-5 minutes). 3. Add the remaining ingredients, including the pork fat (or use a “fat replacer” is you don’t want to add any pork). 4. Stuff into 35-38 mm hog casings— (use largest sheep casings to avoid pork). 5. Tie into 7-inch links, hang and dry outer surface of the casings; a small fan helps! 6. Refrigerate overnight to develop and meld flavors; shelf life is 3 days in the refrigerator. 7. Best served grilled over very low heat; do not pierce—use tongs!
Len Poli Copyright © July, 2009. (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Sonoma, California
Chicken Pineapple Sausage U.S. 4 lb. 1 cup ½ cup 5 tsp. 2 Tbs. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. ¼ tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ¼ tsp. 4½ lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Chicken, breast, thighs, skin* 1820.0 g 89.00 Pineapple, crushed 86.0 g 4.75 Dry Skim Milk Powder 35.0 g 1.90 Salt 36.5 g 2.00 Sugar 26.0 g 1.50 White pepper, ground 4.8 g 0.25 Sodium phosphates 4.0 g 0.20 Pineapple flavoring 1.25 ml 0.07 Allspice, ground 1.0 g 0.05 Ginger; dried, ground 1.0 g 0.05 Clove, ground 0.5 g 0.03 Hog casings, 32mm Totals
2.0 Kg
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate! * 60% chicken meat/40% skin
Method of Preparation: 1. Cube and chill the chicken to 38oF and grind through the medium plate. 2. Add the salt and sodium phosphate, mixing in well; chill for 1 hour prior to adding remaining ingredients. 3. Add all the ingredients including the pineapple; mix well. 4. Stuff the mixture into the 32 mm casings. 5. Twist off the casing at approximately 5-inch intervals. 6. Cook the sausages before eating.
Len Poli – Copyright © January, 2009. (All rights reserved) - Sonoma, California Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company
Chicken Raisin Breakfast Sausage This formulation created by my grand-daughter on Spring Break. She loves to cook and create new recipes. I turned her loose on my pantry and came up with this sausage. It’s quite good for a 9 year old cook! U.S. 5 lb. ¾ cup 1 cup 5 Tbs. 5 tsp. 8 Tbs. 1 Tbs. ½ tsp. 1 tsp 1 tsp. 5½ lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Chicken thighs & skin 2268.0 g 86.0 Walnuts, chopped 90.0 g 4.0 Apples, dried, diced 85.0 g 3.6 Raisins 55.5 g 2.5 Salt 37.0 g 1.6 TVP, (natural color)* 30.0 g 1.3 Sugar, brown 11.0 g 0.5 Sodium polyphosphates* 5.0 g 0.2 Quatre epice, ground 3.0 g 0.15 Sage, ground 0.7 g 0.04 20-22 mm sheep casings Totals
2.6 Kg
*optional—contribute to moisture retention and overall appearance. Quatre epice is also known as ―French spice‖ This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: 1. Bone the chicken keeping the meat with the fat and skin. Chill the meat and the fat/skin until almost frozen. 2. Grind the meat and skin through a 3/16-inch (4.5 mm) fine plate. 3. Add the salt to the meat and mix it in very well until a very sticky paste is formed. 4. Add the remaining ingredients to the meat paste and mix them in well. 5. Stuff into 20-22 mm sheep casings and braid them into 5-inch links.
Len Poli Copyright © April, 2009. (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Sonoma, California
Chicken Tarragon Sausage U.S. 4½ lb. ½ lb. ¼ cup 3½ tsp. 3 cloves 1 tbs. 1 tsp. ¾ tsp. 1 tsp. 2 tsp. ¾ tsp. ½ tsp. ¾ tsp. 1/8 tsp 5 lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Chicken thighs with skin 2050.0 g 86.0 Pork fat 225.0 g 9.5 Wine, white, semi-dry 50.0 ml 2.0 Salt 25.5 g 1.0 Garlic, fresh-minced 10.0 g 0.4 Basil, fresh-minced 7.0 g 0.3 Vinegar, Balsamic 5.0ml 0.2 Cure #1 4.5 g 0.19 Tarragon, dried 3.0 g 0.13 Parsley, fresh-minced 3.0 g 0.13 Mustard seed 2.5 g 0.10 Pepper, white 1.2 g 0.05 Rosemary, dried 0.9 g 0.04 Allspice berries 0.3 g 0.01 24 mm sheep casings » Totals ¼ 2.3 Kg 100%
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Dice the pork fat and chicken skin; place it in the freezer to partially freeze. Bone the thighs and place them in the freezer until they are partially frozen. Grind chicken and pork fat together, using a fine disc. Combine the salt and cure with the ground meat, mixing well so as to make the paste very sticky. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Add the dry ingredients to a spice grinder and pulverize them. Add all the remaining ingredients, plus the ground ingredients to the refrigerated meat and combine thoroughly. Stuff into large sheep casings [24mm - "hot dog" size] and twist off into 6-inch links. Refrigerate for several hours to allow flavors to develop before cooking. Sausage can be refrigerated up to 5 days or they can be frozen, uncooked.
Len Poli – Copyright © (All rights reserved) - November 2007 Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company, Sonoma, California
Chicken-Basil Sausage U.S. 4¾ lb. ½ cup 2/3 cup 4 tsp. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 1 tsp. 2 tsp. ½ tsp.
Ingredient Chicken thighs & skin Fresh garlic Basil, coarsely chopped Salt White pepper Cure #1 Sodium polyphosphate Monosodium glutamate Nutmeg Sage Allspice 32 mm hog casings
5 lb.
» Totals ¼
Metric 2150.0 g 60.0 g 40.0 g 30.0 g 7.2 g 6.0 g 3.8 g 2.3 g 2.2 g 1.5 g 1.0 g
Percent 93.3 2.6 1.7 1.3 0.31 0.26 0.16 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.05
2.3 Kg 100.00
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: 1. Bone the chicken thighs, cut in chunks retaining the skin. 2. Partially freeze the chicken, and then grind through a ¼" (6.5mm) plate. 3. Combine the salt, cure, phosphate, and MSG; mix it into the ground chicken until the whole mass becomes quite sticky--important! 4. Mix in the pepper, nutmeg, sage and allspice into the meat. 5. Pass the garlic cloves through a garlic press and add to the meat, mixing it in very well. 6. Roll up the basil leaves and slice into thin strips, then chop the strips coarsely; add them to the chicken and blend in well. 7. Stuff the sausage paste into hog casings and tie off into 5-inch [12cm] links. 8. Refrigerate for at least 24 hours to even out the flavors. 9. Grill or fry as desired. Len Poli – Copyright © August 2007 (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Sonoma, California
Chilean Longaniza U.S. 5 lbs. 2 1 tbs. 10 cl. 2 tbs. 4 tsp. 1½ tsp. ¼ cup
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork shoulder, coarse 2270.0 g 93.00 Chili Cristal (or jalapeño) 50.0 g 2.20 Salt 36.0 g 1.60 Garlic, minced 35.0 g 1.54 Paprika 30.0 g 1.32 Oregano, minced 6.2 g 0.27 Cumin, ground 3.3 g 0.15 Chicha* 50.0 ml 2.20
5¼ lb.
2.4 Kg 100 %
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate! * A sweet, often homemade Chilean wine; substitute a sweet wine like port, or sherry
Preparation: 1. Chill the pork to 40oF [4.4oC] and grind through 3/16-inch [4.5mm] plate. 2. Mash the garlic and add it to the wine; allow it to set for 30 minutes. 3. Mince the chili pepper and the fresh oregano; add them along with all the other ingredients and wine to the meat. 4. Mix until everything is well amalgamated. 5. Stuff into 32 mm hog casing forming the sausage into a long “rope”. 6. Age at least several hours (refrigerated) before cooking and eating.
Len Poli – Copyright © (All rights reserved) – April 2008 Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Sonoma, California
Chili Pepper Sausage U.S.
5 lb. ¼ cup 4 whole 5 tsp. 2 Tbs. cup 2 Tbs. 2 tsp. 2 Tbs. 2 tsp.
Pork shoulder 2268.0 g Chili, Chipotle, ground 60.0 g Chili, Scotch Bonnet 45.0 g Salt 33.0 g Paprika, smoked 20.0 g Coriander, fresh-chopped 15.0 g Onion, powder 15.0 g Cumin, ground 5.0 g Rosemary, fresh, minced 5.0 g Pepper, black, coarse 5.0 g 32 mm hog casings
5.5 lb.
91.8 2.4 1.8 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.2
2.5 Kg 100.0
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Chill and grind the pork through a fine plate; then regrind. Add the ground meats and salt; mix very well together-refrigerate for 2 hrs. Mince the Scotch Bonnet, rosemary and cilantro. Grind all the dry spices (except the cracked peppercorns) in a spice mill until powdered. Mix the dry and fresh flavorings into the meat paste (use gloves!) for 3-4 minutes Stuff into casings and link off into 6-inch sausages. Allow the surface to dry before cooking or smoking. Smoke if desired. Note: Of course, you can vary the amount of chilies according to your preferences; but by my taste, these are fairly hot! (but that depends upon your tolerance).
Len Poli Copyright © August, 2017. (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Santa Rosa, California
Chinese Bacon: lop yok or laap yuk - "cured meat" Chinese bacon is used not as a breakfast item, but as a flavoring agent for vegetable stir-fry dishes
U.S. 8 lb. 4½ Tbs. 4 tsp. 1½ tsp. 2 tsp. 2 tsp. 2 stars 1½ tsp. 8 lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork belly 3650.0 g 95.35 Salt 100.0 g 2.60 Sugar 52.0 g 1.36 Cure #1 9.0 g 0.25 5-Spice Powder 5.0 g 0.13 Pepper, White 5.0 g 0.13 Star Anise 4.0 g 0.10 Sichuan Pepper* 3.0 g 0.08 Å Totals Æ
3.8 Kg 100%
Formulation based on Metric Measurements, U.S. Measurements are approximate! *Sichuan or Chinese brown “pepper” (Zanthoxylum piperitum) is once again imported into the USA. (USDA had forbidden import of citrus family plants), however you can omit it or use black pepper as a very poor substitute.
Bacon strips prepared for curing. → Method: 1. Cut pork belly into 1-2 inches wide strips. 2. Heat (medium heat) the salt, white pepper, 5-spice powder, star anise and Sichuan pepper together until salt turns brown and the flavor comes out….3 or 4 minutes. 3. After cooling, add the spices to the cure and the sugar and mix well. 4. Use only 1/2 of the cure. Rub the cure on all sides of the bacon pieces and cure for 48 hrs. Rub the remaining ½ of the cure and refrigerate for another 48 hours. 5. Wash off the spices and excessive salt on the surface. Allow bacon to dry completely before smoking. 6. Place the bacon strips in the smoker (light smoke) at about 86o (30oC), 2 hours then raise the temperature to about 120oF (50ºC) and heavy smoking for about 3 hours. 7. Chinese bacon is generally diced and stir-fried and added to dishes as a flavoring agent. It must be cooked before eating! Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - February, 2005
Chinese Forest Mushroom Sausage - Dung Goo Lop Chong U.S. 3 lb. ¼ cup 1 oz 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. ¾ tsp.
Ingredient Metric Pork shoulder 1400.0 g Chinese soy sauce* 50.0 ml Black mushrooms* 28.0 g Rice wine* 25.0 ml Salt 22.0 g Onion powder 16.0 g Sesame oil* 15.0 ml. Sugar (sucrose) 13.0 g Black beans, salted* 7.0 g Liquid smoke 5.0 ml Ginger, powdered 3.5 g Garlic, granulated 3.0 g Pepper, white 2.5 g Cure #2 4.0 g ÍTotals Î
3.5 lb.
1.6 kg
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
*Chinese Ingredients: Use Chinese light soy sauce (refers to color not salt content) and is quite different from Japanese soyu, which is not a substitute; Chinese black forest mushrooms (dung goo) or substitute dry Japanese mushrooms (shitaki); Chinese rice wine (Shao Hsing) or substitute dry sherry or saki; Asian sesame oil is made from toasted sesame seeds-no substitute; Black beans (dow see) are salted and fermented soy beans with a strong flavor-no substitute. If there is no Chinatown near you, try a web search for “Asian cooking ingredients”
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Coarsely grind the meat, mixing in the salt. Let rest for 30-40 minutes, refrigerated. Break up the mushrooms and grind them in a spice grinder; Finely chop the fermented black beans. Add all the ingredients to the meat, mixing well. Stuff into small diameter casings (24-26 mm); air dry for 1 hour. Heat smoker/oven to 180oF. Cook sausage to 140oF internal temperature. Dry at room temperature for at least 3 days. After drying, sausages are usually cooked (165oF) in steamed or stir fry dishes.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) May 2002
Chinese Sausage - Lop Chong (Sometimes spelled lop ch'eung or lap xuong) U.S. 5.0 lb. 0.75 lb. 5.0 Tbs. 0.25 cup 0.25 cup 1.5 Tbs. 1.0 tsp. 2.0 tsp. 1.0 tsp.
6 lb.
Ingredient Pork butt Pork fat Sucrose Thin soy sauce Chinese rice wine Salt Prague powder #2 Five-spice powder White pepper 28 mm casings ÅTotals Æ
Metric 2250.0 g 350.0 g 72.0 g 50.0 ml 50.0 ml 35.0 g 7.0 g 3.0 g 3.0 g
2.8 kg
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
1. Grind meat through coarse disc (twice) then add the diced fat. 2. Mix all dry ingredients separately, in a large stainless steel bowl or pot 3. Add dry ingredients to the meat- mix well. 4. Add the liquids; blend until well mixed. 5. Hold under refrigeration for 24 hours (covered) to allow mixture to develop flavor. 6. Stuff into 28 mm sausage casings. 7. Place in pre-heated smoker at 160oF until internal temp is 140oF. 8. Allow to dry at room temperature for 5+ days or until they lose about 30% of their weight.
Notes: Use Shaohsing Rice Wine; if you can't get Chinese rice wine, you can substitute dry sherry, saki or vodka--I didn't notice much difference. The soy sauce I use is "Koon Chun Thin Soy" brand from Hong Kong. If you can't get five spice powder, a passable substitute may be made by grinding the following in a "coffee mill": Szechwan peppercorns (1 tsp) [don’t substitute black pepper]; Star anise (4 whole); cinnamon (1 stick); whole cloves (1/2 tsp) and whole fennel seeds (2 tsp).
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - September 2000
Chipolata Sausage – English Sausage U.S. 4½ lb. ½ lb. 5 tsp. 3½ tsp. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. ¼ tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ½ tsp. ¼ tsp.
Ingredient Pork shoulder Pork fat Breadcrumbs, toasted* Salt Onion powder Pepper, white, ground Sodium erythorbate Coriander, ground Paprika, ground Nutmeg, ground Thyme, ground Pepper, red ground** 28mm sheep casings
5 lb.
! Totals "
Metric 2000.0 g 200.0 g 40.0 g 25.0 g 6.0 g 2.0 g 1.0 g 1.0 g 1.0 g 0.8 g 0.5 g 0.5 g
2.3 kg
Note: I used metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement. * Breadcrumbs are used instead of rusk, which is traditional. You could substitute ground zwieback for the breadcrumbs. Rusk (breadcrumb) is a traditional “filler” in English-type sausages; in my opinion, you could leave it out. **Red pepper (40K Scoville units) is optional
Method: 1. Chill meats to just above freezing; then grind through 1/8” plate (4 mm). 2. Toast bread crumbs at 350oF (176oC) for 4 minutes. 3. Add all the ingredients to the ground meats and mix well. Refrigerate while preparing the casings. 4. Soak 28 mm sheep casings in tepid water for 1 hour. 5. Stuff meat paste into prepared casings and tie off in 2” (50mm) lengths. 6. Cook before eating.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) - July 2002
Chorizo Argentine Dried Sausage This chorizo is quite different from Mexican-styles in that it does not contain any hot peppers or vinegar U.S. 2½ lb. 1½ lb. 1 lb. ¼ cup 5 tsp. 3 cloves 1 Tbs. 5 tsp. 4½ tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. ¾ tsp. ½ tsp. 5¼ lb.
Ingredient Beef round Pork shoulder Pork jowls/belly Red wine Salt Garlic, mashed Sugar Paprika, sweet Black peppercorns Cure #2 Cloves, ground Nutmeg, ground Marjoram, dry 35 mm Hog casings ! Totals "
Metric 1135.0 g 680.0 g 454.0 g 50.0 g 36.0 g 15.0 g 13.0 g 10.0 g 10.0 g 6.0 g 2.1 g 1.7 g 0.8 g
Percent 47.00 28.20 18.80 2.07 1.5 0.62 0.54 0.41 0.41 0.25 0.09 0.07 0.3
2.4 Kg 100%
Note: Use metric weight & volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. Mash the garlic cloves and add them to the wine along with the remaining seasonings and let steep for about an hour. 2. Meanwhile, remove all tendons, membranes, and glands from the meat. 3. Cut the beef and pork meats into about 1 inch cubes and partially freeze them 4. Grind the partially frozen jowl (or belly) through a 3/8” plate (10 mm) once. 5. Grind the beef / pork shoulder mixture by passing it through the ¼” plate (6.5 mm) twice. 6. Mix the seasonings ground jowls, beef and pork together and amalgamate them well. 7. Pack the seasoned meat into a stainless or non-reactive pan, cover tightly, and hold for three days under refrigeration to cure. 8. Pack the sausage meat into the stuffer and stuff into 35 mm hog casings, tying off into 6-inch links. If necessary, puncture the casings with a pin in order to allow any entrapped air to escape. 9. Ferment the links at 75-80oF for 12 hours. 10. Apply a light, cold smoke (80-90oF) for up to two hours 11. Allow chorizo to dry at 70-75°F for 2 weeks. By that time the sausage should be hard and somewhat wrinkled. 12. Hold at 50-55oF with a 60% relative humidity or vacuum pack. Use in parrillada mixta, Argentine paella, guisado or fried chorizo with scrambled eggs, etc. Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright All rights reserved, January 2006
Chorizo de Bilbao Basque Chorizo This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate! U.S. 1.2 lb. 2/3 lb. 1.5 lb. 6 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 2¼ Tbs. 3 lg. 3½ tsp. 2 tsp. ½ tsp. ¼ tsp. 1 tsp.
Ingredient Beef sirloin Pork shoulder, trimmed Pork fat, ¼“ (6mm) cubes Paprika, (Spanish Sweet) Salt, table Sugar, refined Garlic cloves, minced Pepper, Black- ground Sausage phosphates Cure #1 Sodium erythorbate MSG
Metric 500.00 g 300.00 g 200.00 g 35.00 g 22.00 g 22.00 g 15.00 g 7.50 g 4.00 g 2.50 g 2.50 g 2.30 g
32 mm Hog casings 2.5 lb.
1.1 Kg
Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Chill meat and fat to 37 oF Trim the meats well. Grind lean beef and pork meat through a ¼“ grinder plate. Mix in the backfat to the ground meat, keeping all well chilled. Add the salt, curing salt, MSG, phosphate and Na+ erythorbate until the meat paste gets tacky. Now add in the remaining ingredients and mix until well blended. Cure at room temperature for about 8 hours. Stuff in natural casings, forming links into 4” (10cm) sausages Dry in oven at 100oF for 5 hours.
Len Poli Copyright © July, 2019. (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Santa Rosa, California
Chorizo de Res - Beef Chorizo U.S. 5 lb. 2½ Tbs. 7 Tbs. 2 Tbs. 5 Tbs. 2 ea. 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. 1½ tsp. ½ c. ½ c. 6 lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Beef Trim 70/30 2270.0 g 83.00 Salt 55.0 g 2.00 Pimentón (paprika) 44.0 g 1.60 Mole paste* 36.0 g 1.32 Chili Ancho, dried 35.0 g 1.28 Jalapeno, fresh 20.0 g 0.73 Cumin, ground 6.5 g 0.24 Cure #1 6.0 g 0.22 Garlic powder 5.6 g 0.20 Chipotle powder 2.5 g 0.10 Oregano, ground 1.5 g 0.06 Red wine vinegar 125.0 ml 4.58 Water 125.0 ml 4.48 35 mm hog casings Totals Æ 2.7 Kg 100%
If purchased, Faraon brand is my preference; Donna Maria brand has more oregano than Faraon.
Note: Use metric weight and volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurements.
Method: 1. Grind the beef trim through a coarse grinder plate; mix in the salt and regrind through the small (6.5mm) plate. You can use other grades of beef; Remember that Mexican chorizo was a way to use up trimmings and less desirable cuts at slaughter time. 2. Refrigerate for about 3 hours or until the beef fat is well chilled. 3. Add the finely diced fresh Jalapeno (or Serrano) chili to the meat paste and mix in well. 4. Add all dry ingredients to a spice mill or coffee grinder and grind to a fine powder. 5. Dissolve the mole paste in the liquids 6. Add dry ingredients to the liquids and then to the meat. Mix well. 7. Cover and refrigerate overnight to allow sausage meat to develop flavors. 8. Stuff into casing; twist and tie off in 3-inch lengths. 9. Dry in a heated smoker at 70-80oF-no smoke-until the casings develop a pleasant red color. 10. Refrigerate and use up in several days. The rest can be vacuumed packed and frozen up to 3 months. Mexican chorizos are generally removed from the casing and have a crumbled texture when cooked, unlike most sausages. They are used primarily as a seasoning in other Mexican dishes. Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright © (All rights reserved) - March 2006
Chorizo Mexicano - (Mexican-style Sausage) U.S. 5 lb. 3 Tbs. 3 Tbs. 5 tsp. 2 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 4 tsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp.
INGREDIENTS Pork shoulder butt Tequilla Red wine vinegar Salt Chili Ancho, dried Onion, powder Pimentón (paprika) Chili Piquin,*dried Garlic powder Pepper, white Oregano, ground Cumin, ground sausage casing, 32mm
5 ½ lb.
! Totals "
METRIC 2270.0 g 45.0 ml 45.0 ml 35.0 g 30.0 g 8.0 g 8.0 g 6.4 g 2.8 g 1.5 g 1.0 g 1.0 g
2.5 Kg
Note: I used metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement. * Caution: Be advised! Chili piquin is rated at 140,000 heat units, cayenne at 40,000, chili ancho at 3,000 and pimentón is 0. The Scoville heat unit is the standard for measuring a pepper's capsaicin or heat producing compounds. One part per million of the compound is equivalent to 15 Scoville units. Chili pepper and chili powder are NOT the same thing. Chili peppers are pods from the Capsicum plant; Chili powder is a mixture of ground chili pepper pods, oregano, cumin and garlic
Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Grind the pork through a coarse grinder plate; mix in the salt. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Add all dry ingredients to a spice mill or coffee grinder and grind to a fine powder. Add dry ingredients to the liquids and then to the meat. Mix well. Stuff into casing; twist and tie off in 4 inch lengths. Cover and refrigerate overnight to allow sausages to begin develop flavors. Refrigerate and use up in several days. The rest can be vacuumed packed and frozen up to 3 months.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved)- March 199
Chorizo Sonorense - Sonoran-style Mexican Chorizo U.S. 5 lb. ¼ cup 2 tsp. 5 cloves 2 Tbs. ¼ cup 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. ¼ tsp. ½ tsp. ¼ tsp. 1/8 tsp.
5¼ lb.
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork butt 2270.0 g 93.64 Cider vinegar 50.0 ml 2.06 Salt 36.0 g 1.50 Garlic 30.0 g 1.23 Guajillo chilies 14.0 g 0.58 Paprika, sweet 9.0 g 0.37 Cure #1 6.0 g 1.25 AmesPhos 4.0 g 0.17 Black pepper 2.0 g 0.08 Baking soda 1.5 g 0.06 Mexican oregano 1.0 g 0.04 Cinnamon 0.5 g 0.02 Cloves 0.2 g 0.01 32mm casings ! Totals "
2.4 Kg
Note: I used metric weight/volume measurement for better control of ingredients. The U.S. measurements are an approximation of the metric measurement.
Method: 1. Chill the meat until partially frozen; and then grind the meat to a medium grind. 2. Grind the chili (*or a mixture of Guajillo and Ancho chilies is nice), spices, salt, and other dry ingredients to a spice mill and grind very fine. 3. Mince the garlic and add to the vinegar. 4. Add vinegar, garlic to the ground spices mixture, stir well and mix into the meat paste. 5. Stuff in 32mm hog casings and link to 4 inches. 6. Let the sausages rest in the fridge overnight to develop flavors. 7. Sausages may be grilled or used in other chorizo dishes. They will keep for about a week in the refrigerator.
Len Poli – Sonoma, California Copyright (All rights reserved) – January 2005
Chorizo Verde - Green Chorizo Notes: This green chorizo recipe is a specialty of Toluca, near Mexico City. Each pork butcher has his own “secret recipe” so there is a large variation. Some have almonds, potatoes, rice, wine, vinegar, etc...the chilies used in this formulation are not included for their “heat”, but their flavor nuances. Some substitutions are Jalapeño for the Serrano or Pasillo for the Poblano. The chipotle is a chili that is dried over smoke and there is no substitute. Variations: you can increase or decrease the cilantro, and chilies to suit your tastes. This particular formulation is considered mild!
U.S. 5 lb. ½ lb. ½ lb. 2 bunch 3 ea. ¼ Cup 5 tsp. 3 Tbs. 6 ea. 4 lg. 1 Tbs. 1 Tbs. 1½ tsp. ¼ cup
Ingredient Metric Percent Pork shoulder, ground 2268.0 g Chili, Poblano, fresh 250.0 g 11.0 Tomatillos, fresh 250.0 g 11.0 Cilantro, fresh 220.0 g 10.0 Chili, Serrano, fresh 50.0 g 2.5 Pepitas (pumpkin seed) 50.0 g 2.5 Salt 37.0 g 1.7 Sesame seeds, toasted 27.0 g 1.2 Chili, Chipotle, dried 20.0 g 0.9 Garlic cloves, minced 20.0 g 0.9 Chili, Cayenne, ground 6.0 g 0.3 Oregano, ground 4.5 g 0.3 Black pepper, coarse 3.0 g 0.1 Vinegar (optional) 125.0 ml
7 lb. Totals 3.3 Kg This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate! Method: 1. Roast the fresh chilies directly over a gas flame, removed the charred skins and chop them roughly 2. Tear the dried chipotle chilies (de-stemmed) and soak them in a little water to cover until soft. 3. Stem and coarsely chop the cilantro and tomatillos. 4. Grind the pork along with the chilies and cilantro through a medium plate. 5. Toast the pumpkin and sesame seeds and mix with the salt, garlic, black pepper, and ground meat. 6. (add the vinegar if used) 7. Stuff in 32 mm pork casings; air dry and allow to rest at room temp for several hours. 8. Refrigerated for 24 hours for the flavors to develop. Mexican people remove the casings and fry for using in recipes requiring chorizo.
Len Poli –http://lpoli.50webs.com Copyright © April, 2012. (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Sonoma, California
Chorizo-Chili Verde This version of Chorizo Chili Verde is very mild-It’s not a Mexican recipe, but more designed for American tastes if you want to give a more “Latino” taste to your recipes. If you wish to spice it up add some diced serrano or jalapeño pepper to taste. U.S. 5 lb. 8½ Oz. ⅓ cup 4 Tbs. 3 Tbs. 5 tsp. 3 cloves 1 Tbs.
Ingredient Metric Pork Shoulder, ground 2268.0 g Tomatillo, diced 230.0 g Pasilla Chili, diced 185.0 g Onion, yellow, diced 135.0 g Cilantro, chopped 50.0 g Salt 40.0 g Garlic, minced 10.0 g Cumin seed, whole 7.0 g 32 MM Hog Casings Totals
6.5 lb.
2.9 Kg
This formulation is based on metric measures; U.S. measures are approximate!
Method: 1. Fire roast and peel the pasilla chili; dice into medium dice. 2. Dice the tomatillo and onion about the same size as the chili. 3. Mince the garlic. 4. Add the chili, tomatillo, onion, garlic and cumin seeds to a little lard (manteca) and wilt the vegetables; allow them to cool thoroughly. 5. Add the salt to the ground pork and mix it in thoroughly. 6. Add the cooled chili verde mixture along with the chopped cilantro and mix into the meat. 7. Stuff into 32mm hog casings and refrigerate 24 hrs before cooking.
Len Poli –http://lpoli.50webs.com Copyright © July, 2016. (All rights reserved) Sonoma Mountain Sausage Company - Santa Rosa, California
Ciauscolo (chee-OS-koh-lo) – A smoked, soft, dried cured salami This salami is typical of salami in Central Italy in the La Marche Province, which is surrounded by Emilia Romagna, Umbria and Abbruzzi. Some Italians prefer to eat this sausage, spread on bread, after 10 days of aging; others like the more developed taste of the sausage after 2 or 3 months of aging.
U.S. Ingredient Metric 2½ lb. Pork, 100% lean 1150.0 g 1¾ Pork Jowls or belly 800.0 g 2 Tbs. Salt 43.0 g