Latin Vocabulary: A QuickStudy Laminated Reference Guide 9781423238966, 1423238966

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Table of contents :
Latin Vocabulary
The Gods
Expressions of Time
Prepositions & Conjunctions
Recommend Papers

Latin Vocabulary: A QuickStudy Laminated Reference Guide
 9781423238966, 1423238966

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Colors white black yellow brown

glaucus, -a, -um purpureus, -a, -um ruber, -bra, -brum viridis, -e

gray purple red green

the god of the sun and of healing the god of wine the goddess of agriculture the goddess of hunting the goddess of marriage the most powerful god, god of the skies the household gods the god of war the messenger of the gods the goddess of wisdom the household gods the god of the underworld the goddess of the underworld the most ancient god, father of Iuppiter and Iuno the goddess of love the god of fire

spring summer autumn winter

Expressions of Time ad extrēmum ad infinītum ante merīdīem crās, crāstinus dīes dūdum herī herī vesperī hodiē modō nox, noctis (f) post merīdīem proximus, -a, -um tempus merīdīanum vesper, -eris (m)

at last forever morning tomorrow long ago yesterday yesterday evening today just now night afternoon (cf. pm/am) next noon evening

nihil ūnus, -a, -um duo, duae, duo trēs, tria quattuor quīnque sex septem octō novem decem ūndecim duodecim tredecim quattuordecim quīndecim sēdecim septemdecim duodevigintī ūndevigintī vigintī vigintī ūnus, -a, -um vigintī duo, duae, duo trīgintā trīgintā ūnus, -a, -um quadragintā quīnquagintā sextāgintā septuāgintā octōgintā nōnāgintā centum ducentī, -ae, -a trecentī, -ae, -a quadrigenti, -ae, -a mīlle duo mīla decies centena milia viginti centena milia

zero/nothing one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty thirty-one forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred two hundred three hundred four hundred one thousand two thousand one million two million

Note: Every noun is followed by the ending of the genitive singular. The gender of each noun is indicated in parentheses: (m) for masculine, (f) for feminine, and (n) for neuter.

Nouns accūsātor, -ōris (m) acerbitās, -tātis (f) aciēs, -ēī (f) acipēnser, -eris (m) adūlātiō, -ōnis (f) adulēscēns, -ntis (m) adulescentia, -ae (f) aedificium, -ī (n) aequitās, -tātis (f) aes, aeris (n) aestas, -atis (f) aetās, -tātis (f) aevum, -ī (n) ager, agrī (m) agricola, -ae (m) agricultura, -ae (f) allēc, -ecis (n) ambitiō, -onis (f) amica, -ae (f) amicitia, -ae (f) amicus, -ī (m) amnis, -is (m/f) amor, -oris (m) amygdala, -ae (f) amygdalum, -ī (n) ancilla, -ae (f) angellus, -ī (m) anima, -ae (f) animal, -ālis (n)

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twentieth thirtieth one hundredth

Seasons ver, -is (n) aestās, -tātis (f) autumnus, -ī (m) hiems, -is (f)

The Gods Apollō, -onis (m) Bacchus, -ī (m) Ceres, -eris (f) Diana, -ae, (f) Iūnō, -onis (f) Iuppiter, Iovis (m) Lares, -ium (m) Mars, Martis (m) Mercurius, -ī (m) Minerva, -ae (f) Penates, -ium (m) Plūtō, -ōnis (m) Prōserpina, -ae (f) Saturnus, -ī (m) Venus, -eris (f) Vulcanus, -ī (m)


prīmus, -a, -um secundus, -a, -um tertius, -a, -um quārtus, -a, -um quīntus, -a, -um sextus, -a, -um septimus, -a, -um octāvus, -a, -um nōnus, -a, -um decimus, -a, -um ūndecimus, -a, -um vīcēsimus, -a, -um tricesimus, -a, -um centesimus, -a, -um

Since most students translate Latin rather than speak it, this guide is organized alphabetically. However, since composition is also an important way to learn Latin, this guide is organized first by part of speech with the exception of certain useful groupings. They represent a good (if not exhaustive) sample of common vocabulary items found in the most frequently read Latin literature. Note: Many Latin words have more than one meaning in English. Only the translation that corresponds to the most frequent or general use of the word is provided. If in doubt, please consult a more comprehensive dictionary.

albus, -a, -um āter, -tra, -trum flāvus, -a, -um fulvus, -a, -um



prosecutor harshness line of battle fish flattery young man youth building fairness bronze, money summer period of life age, generation farm estate farmer agriculture popular sauce made of fish ambition female friend friendship male friend river love almond almond handmaid angel air, life animal

annus, -ī (m) ānulus, -ī (m) aper, aprī (m) apparatus, -ūs (m) aqua, -ae (f) āra, -ae (f) arātrum, -i (n) arbitrium, -ī (n) arbor, -oris (f) arcus, -ūs (m) argentum, -ī (n) argumentum, -ī (n) arma, -ōrum (n) armilla, -ae (f) ars, artis (f) arx, arcis (f) asellum, -ī (n) astrum, -ī (n) auctor, -oris (m) audacia, -ae (f) auditor, -ōris (m) augur, -uris (m/f) aura, -ae (f) auris, -is (f) aurum, -ī (n) autumnus, -ī (m) auxilium, -ī (n) avaritia, -ae (f) avia, -ae (f) aviditās, -ātis (f)

year ring wild boar equipment water altar plow judgment tree bow silver, money proof weapons bracelets skill citadel cod star author daring listener soothsayer breeze ear gold fall help greed grandmother longing 1

avis, -is (f) avunculus, -ī (m) avus, -ī (m)

bird uncle grandfather

bāsium, ī (n) bellum, -ī (n) belua, -ae (f) beneficium, -ī (n) bestia, -ae (f) bōs, bovis (m/f)

kiss war wild beast kindness animal bull, cow

caelum, -ī (n) calamitās, -tātis (f) campus, ī (m) canis, -is (m/f) caput, capitis (n) caritās, -tātis (f) carmen, -minis (n) casa, -ae (f) castrum, -ī (n) casus, -ūs (m) causa, -ae (f) celeritās, -tātis (f) cella, -ae (f) cena, -ae (f) cerasus, -ī (f) certāmen, -minis (n) civis, -is (m) civitās, -ātis (f)

sky misfortune level field dog head affection poem house fort disaster, accident legal cause speed room dinner cherry contest citizen state, citizenship



Nouns C (continued )

clementia, -ae (f) comēs, -itis (m/f) coniūnx, coniugis (m) coniūratiō, -ōnis (f) conscientia, -ae (f) cōnsilium, -ī (n) cōnsul, -ulis (m) copia, -ae (f) copiae, -arum (f) cor, cordis (n) cornū, cornūs (n) corōna, ae (f) corpus, -ōris (n) culpa, -ae (f) cupiditās, -tātis (f) cupido, -inis (m) cura, -ae (f) currsus, -ūs (m) custodia, -ae (f) custos, -is (m)

mercy companion spouse conspiracy knowledge advice consul abundance troops heart horn crown body blame desire desire anxiety race protection guard

dea, -ae (f) decor, -ōris (m) decretum, -ī (n) detrimentum, -ī (n) deus, -ī (m) dictator, -ōris (m) dīes, -ēī (m/f) digitus, ī (m) dignitās, -tātis (f) diligentia, -ae (f) discessus, -ūs (m) dīscipulus/a, -is/ae (m/f) disputātiō, -ōnis (f) dīvitiae, -ārum (f) doctrīna, -ae (f) dolor, -ōris (m) donum, ī (n) domina, -ae (f) dominatus, -ūs (m) dominus, -ī (m) dominus, -ī (m) domus, -ūs (f) donum, -ī (n) dubium, -ī (n) dux, ducis (m)

goddess beauty decree loss god dictator day finger, toe dignity diligence departure student argument wealth instruction pain gift mistress of the household control master of the household master house gift doubt leader

ecclesia, -ae (f) elephantus, ī (m) eloquentia, -ae (f) eques, equitis (m) equus, -ī (m) excellentia, -ae (f) excidium, -ī (n) exemplar, -is (n) exercitus, -ūs (m) exilium, -ī (n) exitium, -ī (n) exsul, -ulis (m/f)

church elephant eloquence knight horse excellence destruction model army exile destruction banished person

fabula, -ae (f) factum, -ī (n) facultās, -tātis (f) fama, -ae (f) familia, -ae (f) fatum, -ī (n) fēmina, -ae (f) fenestra, -ae (f) fēriae, -ārum (f) ferrum, -ī (n) fībula, -ae (f) ficus, -ī and -ūs (m) fīdes, -eī (f) figura, -ae (f) filīa, -ae (f) filīus, -ī (m) fīnis, -is (m) flamma, -ae (f) flūmen, -minis (n) foedus, foederis (n) forma, -ae (f) fortuna, -ae (f)

fable fact ability rumor household fate woman window festivities sword brooch fig faith shape daughter son end flame river treaty appearance fortune




forum, -ī (n) frāter, -tris (m) frīgus, -oris (n) fructus, -ūs (m) fuga, -ae (f) fulgor, -is (m) furor, -īris (m)

marketplace brother cold fruit flight lightening wrath

garum, -ī (n) gaudium, gaudiī (n) gemma, -ae (f) gēns, gentis (f) genū, -ūs (n) genus, generis (n) gladius, ī (m) gloria, -ae (f) gravitās, -ātis (f)

popular sauce made of fish joy jewel a people knee type sword fame importance

habitus, -ūs (m) hasta, -ae (f) hiems, -emis (f) homō, -inis (m) honor, -ōris (m) hora, -ae (f) hospes, -pitis (m) hostis, -is (m) humus, humī (f)

condition spear winter human being honor hour guest enemy soil

iānua, -ae (f) ignāvia, -ae (f) ignis, -is (m) ignōminia, -ae (f) imperātor, -ōris (m) imperium, -ī (n) inaurēs, -ium (f, pl) incola, -ae (m) industria, -ae (f) ingenium, -ī (n) inimīcitia, -ae (f) initium, -iī (n) iniūria, -ae (f) īnsidiae, -ārum (f) īnsula, -ae (f) invidia, -ae (f) ira, irae (f) iter, itineris (n) iūdex, -dicis (m) iūdicium, -ī (n) iūs, iuris (n) iussum, -ī (n) iuvenis, -is (m/f) iuventūs, -ūtis (f)

janitor idleness fire disgrace general authority earrings inhabitant diligence talent unfriendliness beginning injustice plot, ambush island envy anger road judge judgment law, a right command a youth youth

labor, -ōris (m) lacrima, -ae (f) lapis, -idis (m) laus, laudis (f) lector, -ōris (m) lectrīx, -īcis (f) legatus, -ī (m) lepus, -ōris (m) lēx, lēgis (f) libellus, ī (m) liber, librī (m) līberta, -ae (f) libertās, -tātis (f) lībertus, -ī (m) līmen, -inis (n) lingua, -ae (f) littera, -ae (f) litterae, -arum (f) lītus, -oris (n) locus, -ī (m) ludus, -ī (m) lumen, -inis (n) luna, -ae (f) lux, -icis (f)

work tear stone praise reader reader envoy hare, rabbit a law little book book freedwoman freedom freedman threshold tongue letter literature shore place game, school light moon light

magister, -trī (m) manus, -ūs mare, -is (n) marītus, -ī (m)

schoolteacher hand sea husband







māter, mātris (f) medica, -ae (f) medicus, -i (m) memoria, -ae (f) mel, mellis (n) mēns, mentis (f) mēnsa, -ae (f) merx, mercis (f) mīles, militis (m) miseria, -ae (f) moenia, -um (n) monīle, -is (n) mons, -is (m) monumentum, -ī (n) mora, -ae (f) morbus, -ī morēs, morum (m) mors, mortis (f) mōs, mōris (m) mulier, -eris (f) mulsum, -ī (n) mundus, -ī (m) mūnia, -ōrum (n)

mother physician physician memory honey mind table goods soldier misery city walls necklace mountain monument delay disease character death custom woman drink made of wine and honey world duties

nasus, -ī (m) nāta, -ae (f) nātus, -ī (m) nauta, -ae (m) nāvigātiō, -ōnis (f) nāvis, -is (f) nefās (n, indecl.) nēmō, nomine (m/f) nemus, nemoris (n) nepōs, -ōtis (m) nihilum, -ī (n) nōmen, nominis (n) numen, -is (n) numerus, -ī (m) nox, noctis (f) noxa, -ae (f) nūbēs, nubis (f) nūntius, -ī (m) nūptiae, -ārum (f)

nose daughter son sailor voyage ship sin no one forest granddaughter, grandson nothing name divinity number night harm cloud messenger marriage

obitus, -ūs (m) obses, -idis (m/f) obsidiō, -ōnis (f) occasio, -onis (f) oculus, -ī (m) odium, -ī (n) officium, -ī (n) onus, oneris (n) opera, -ae (f) opēs, opum (f) opīniō, ōnis (f) oppidum, ī (n) ops, opis (f) opus, operis (n) oratiō, -ōnis (f) orbis, -is (n) ortus, -ūs (m) ōs, ōris (n) ostrea, -ae (f) ōtium, -ī (n) paedagōgus, -ī (m) pānis, -is (m) parēns, -entis (m/f) pars, partis (f) pater, patris (m) patientia, -ae (f) patria, -ae (f) paupertās, -tātis (f) pāx, pācis (f) pecūnia, -ae (f) pectus, pectoris (n) pedes, -itis (m) perdīx, -īcis (m/f) perīculum, -i (n) pes, pedis (m) phāsiāna, -ae (f) philosophia, -ae (f) plebs, plebis (f)



death hostage siege occasion eye hatred duty burden service wealth opinion town help work speech circle origin mouth oyster leisure


slave teacher bread parent part father patience homeland poverty peace money heart foot soldier partridge danger foot pheasant philosophy common people

poena, -ae (f) poeta, -ae (m) polenta, -ae (f) populus, -ī (m) porta, -ae (f) portus, -ūs (m) potestās, -tātis (f) praemium, -ī (n) pretium, ī (n) prīnceps, -cepis (m/f) prīncipium, -ī (n) probitās, -ātis (f) prōvincia, -ae (f) prūdentia, -ae (f) puella, -ae (f) puer, -īi (m) pugna, -ae (f)

penalty poet barley porridge nation gate harbor power reward price leader beginning honesty province wisdom girl boy battle

radius, -ī (m) rapīna, -ae (f) ratiō, -ōnis (f) regina, -ae (f) regiō, -ōnis (f) regnum, -ī (n) res, -reī (f) rēs pūblica, reī pūblicae (f) rēx, rēgis (m) rūs, rūris (n)

ray pillage reason queen region monarchy thing state king country

sacerdōs, -ōtis (m/f) sagitta, -ae (f) sapientia, -ae (f) satura, -ae (f) scelus, sceleris (n) schola, -ae (f) scientia, -ae (f) scrīptor, -ōris (m) senātor, -ōris (m) senectūs, -tūtis (f) senex, senis (m) serva, -ae (f) servus/os, -ī (m) signum, ī (n)

priest, priestess arrow wisdom satire crime school knowledge writer senator old age old person female slave male slave sign


S, T, U

silva, -ae (f) socius, -ī (m) sōl, sōlis (m) soror, -ōris (f) sors, sortis (f) speculum, -ī (n) spēs, speī (f) status, -ūs (m) stella, -ae (f) studium, ī (n) summa, -ae (f) temeritās, -tātis (f) temperantia, -ae (f) tempestās, -ātis (f) templum, -ī (n) tempus, -ōris (n) terra, -ae (f) testis, -is (m) timor, -ōris (m) turba, -ae (f) tyrannus, ī (m) urbs, urbis (f) uxor, uxoris (f)


valētūdō, -dinis (f) vacca, -ae (f) venenum, -i (n) vēr, vēris (n) verbum, -ī (n) veritās, -tātis (f) vestis, -is (f) via, -ae (f) victor, -ōris (m) victōria, -ae (f) victus, -ūs (m) vicus, -ī (m) villa, -ae (f) vinum, -ī (n) vir, virī (m) virēs, virium (f) virtūs, virtūtis (f) vīs, vīs (f) vulgus, -ī (n)

forest ally sun sister lot mirror hope position star eagerness sum rashness moderation season temple time earth witness fear crowd dictator city wife health cow poison spring word truth clothes street winner victory way of life village country house wine man strength courage force common people

Pronouns aliquī, aliqua, aliquod aliquis, aliquid egō, meī hic, haec, hoc īdem, eadem, idem ille, illa, illud ipse, ipsa, ipsum is, ea, id iste, ista, istud meus, -a, -um nemō, nūllīus nōs, nostrum noster, -a, -um quā quālis, -e quantus, -a, -um qui, quae, quod quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque quīdam, quaedam, quoddam quis, quid quisquam, quicquam/quidquam quisque, quaeque, quidque quisquis, quidquid suī, sibi suus, -a, -um tū, tuī tuus, tua, tuum vōs, vestrum

some somebody, something I this the same that myself, yourself, himself, herself he, she, it that, that of yours my no one we our where of what kind how great who, what, which who someone anyone, anything any person each one whoever, whichever himself, herself, itself his/her/its/their own you your you (plural)

Prepositions & Conjunctions ā, ab away from, by ad to ante before contrā against cum with dē about deinde next dum while et and ex from in in

inter nam ne/nisi ob per prō post sed sī sine trans

between for not/if not on account of through in front of after but if without across

Adjectives The masculine, feminine, and neuter nominative endings are listed as appropriate.

A absēns, absentis ācer, ācris, ācre acerbus, -a, -um adversus, -a, -um aequus, -a, -um aeturnus, -a, -um albus, -a, -um alius, -a, -ud alter, -a, -um altus, -a, -um amicus, -a, -um antiqus, -a, -um asper, -ra, -rum āter, -tra, -trum audāx, -ācis aureus, -a, -um avārus, -a, -um beatus, -a, -um bellus, -a, -um bonus, -a, -um brevis, -e caecus, -a, -um caeruleus, -a, -um candidus, a, um cārus, -a, -um celer, -ris, -re certus, -a, -um civilis, -e clarus, -a, -um commūnis, -e conscius, -a, -um

absent sharp harsh opposite equal eternal white other other (of two) high friendly ancient harsh black bold golden greedy

B, C

fortunate beautiful good short blind blue shining dear quick sure civic clear common aware

crūdēlis, -e cupidus, -a, -um decōrus, -a, -um dēmēns, -entis dexter, -a, -um dēsidiōsus, -a, -um difficilis, -e dignus, -a, -um diligēns, diligentis dissimilis, dissimile doctus, -a, -um dubius, -a, -um dulcis, -e dūrus, -a, -um ēloquēns, -entis exiguus, -a, -um eximius, -a, -um extremus, -a, -um facilis, -e falsus, -a, -um fēlīx, -īcis ferox, -ocis ferus, -a, -um fidelis, -e firmus, -a, -um flāvus, -a, -um fortis, -e fortūnātus, -a, -um frigidus, -a, -um fulvus, -a, -um geminus, -a, -um glaucus, -a, -um

cruel eager


graceful crazy right lazy difficult worthy careful unlike learned doubtful sweet hard

E, F

eloquent poor extraordinary extreme easy false happy daring uncivilized faithful strong yellow strong lucky cold brown

G, H

twin gray


grātus, -a, -um gravis, -e hic, haec, hoc honestus, -a, -um horridus, -a, -um hūmānus, -a, -um humilis, -e idoneus, -a, -um ille, illa, illud immortālis, -e impius, -a, -um inānis, -e incertus, -a, -um indignus, -a, -um infirmus, -a, -um īnfōrmis, -e ingēns, -tis inimīcus, -a, -um iniūstus, -a, -um integer, -gra, -grum invictus, -a, -um īrātus, -a, -um iūcundus, -a, -um iūstus, -a, -um laetus, -a, -um levis, -e līber, -ra, -rum librālis, -e longus, -a, -um magnus, -a, -um maior, -us malus, -a, -um maximus, -a, -um

grateful heavy this distinguished wild human humble


suitable that immortal evil empty uncertain unworthy weak ugly large enemy unjust whole unconquerable angry pleasant just

L, M

happy light free freeborn, decent long big greater bad greatest

mediocris, -e medius, -a, -um melior, -us memor, -oris merus, -a, -um meus, -a, -um minimus, -a, -um minor, -us mīlitāris, -e mirabilis, -e mīrus, -a, -um miser, -a, -um mortālis, -e mortuus, -a, -um multus, -a, -um necesse (indecl.) neuter, -tra, -trum nullus, -a, -um novus, -a, -um obstinātus, -a, -um omnis, -e opportūnus, -a, -um optimus, -a -um

N, O


par, -is parvus, -a, -um paucī, -ae, -a paulus, -a, -am pauper, -is peior, peius

ordinary middle (of) better mindful pure my smallest smaller military amazing wonderful miserable mortal dead many

perpetuus, -a, -um pessimus, -a, -um piger, pigra, pigrum pius, a, -um plēnus, -a, -um plurimus, -a, -um plus, -is potens, potentis praeclārus, -a, -um praeteritus, -a, -um primus, -a, -um princeps, -is prior, prius proprius, -a, -um proximus, -a, -um prūdēns, -entis pūblicus, -a, -um pudīcus, -a, -um pulcher, -chra, -chrum purpureus, -a, -um

unavoidable neither none strange firm all suitable best

quot (indecl.) rarus, -a, -um rectus, -a, -um ridiculus, -a, -um ruber, -bra, -brum rūsticus, -a, -um

equal small few small poor worse

eternal worst lazy loyal full most more powerful noble past first chief former one’s own nearest wise public modest beautiful purple

Q, R


sacer, -cra, -crum sacrilegus, -a, -um salvus, -a, -um

how many rare straight laughable red rural holy sacrilegious safe

sānctus, -a, -um sapiēns, -ntis scelestus, -a, -um securus, -a, -um sērius, -a, -um similis, -e simplex, simlplicis sollicitus, -a, -um sōlus, -a, -um stabilis, -e studiōsus, -a, -um stultus, -a, -um suavis, -e subitus, -a, -um sublīmis, -e superbus, -a, -um suus, -a, -um tardus, -a, -um tōtus, -a, -um tristis, -e turpis, -e tuus, tua, tuum


holy wise infamous safe grave similar simple disturbed alone stable eager foolish sweet sudden elevated haughty his/her/its/their own late, slow entire sad shameful your

U, V urbanus, -a, -um of the city utilis, -e useful vehemēns, -entis violent vēlōx, -ōcis fast verus, -a, -um true vetus, -eteris old viridis, -e green

Adverbs A

abhinc ago adhūc so far admodum very much aliās/aliter otherwise aliquā somewhere aliquandō sometimes amplius moreover ante before

F, G

passim all over plānē plainly plurimum most primo at first primum primary prius previously prope near

H, I

quaesī as if quoad as long as recte correctly retrō backward

facile easily ferē almost forīs outside fortasse perhaps fortiter bravely furtim stealthily graviter seriously

B, C

haud not at all ibi there interdum at times intus within ita thus item similarly iterum again

bene well bis twice breve tempore soon breviter briefly cēterum furthermore circa around clam secretly comminus close by contra on the other side cotīdiē daily crās tomorrow

M, N, O

male badly nimis too nimium too non not nunc now occulte secretly

D, E

deinde next dēmissē humbly dīligenter diligently diū for a long time eō toward that place eōdem to the same place ex out of


paene almost palam openly partim partially parum insufficiently

Q, R

S, T

saepe often semel once sic thus statim at once subitō suddenly tamen however tantum modō only tum then, next tunc then, next

U, V

ultrō on the other side undique everywhere ut/utē that utinam if only vērē truly vix hardly

Verbs adsum, esse, -fuī, -futūrum advenio, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum aestimō, -āre affero, afferre, attulī, allātus agō, -ere, egī, actum ait, aiunt alō, -ere, aluī, altum ambulō, -āre amō, -āre aperiō, -īre, -peruī, -pertum appareō, -ere, -parui, -itum appellō, -āre arbitror, -ārī, -atus sum ārdeō, -ēre, ārsī, ārsum audeō, -ēre, ausum sum audīo, -īre, -īvī, -ītum

The first Latin form is the present active indicative for the first-person singular (I love), followed by the present active infinitive (to love), the perfect active indicative (I loved), and the perfect passive participle (having been loved). Forms that are regular and follow clearly from the first-person singular present and the infinitive are not provided. Some “defective verbs” lack some tenses or verb forms (e.g., ait and canō).


abeō, -īre, -iī/ivī, -itum accedō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum accendō, -ere, -cendī, censum accidō, -ere, -cidī accipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum adeō, -īre, -iī/ivī, -itum adferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum adiuvō, -āre, -iuvī, -iutum admittō, -ere, -misi, -missum

to go away to approach to light to fall upon to take to go near to to bring to help to admit 4

to be present to come to assess to bring to to act, to do she/he says, they say to support to walk to love to uncover to appear to call to judge to blaze, to be eager to dare to hear

Verbs A (continued)

auferō, -erre, abstulī, ablātum augeō, augēre, auxī, auctum avertō, -ere, -verti, -versum bellō, -āre bibō, -ere, bibī cadō, -ere, cecidī, casum caedō, -ere, cecidī, caesum caleō, -ēre, -uī canō, -ere, cecinī capiō, -ere, cēpī, captum captō, -āre careō, -ēre, -uī, -itūrum carpō, -ere, carpsī, carptum castigō, -āre cēdō, -ēre, cēssī, cessum celō, -āre cenō, -āre censeō, -ere, censuī, censum cernō, -ere, crevī, cretum certō, -are cessō, -āre cieō, -ēre, -īvī, -itum cingō, -ere, cīnxī, cīntum citō, āre claudō, -ere, clausī, clausum coeō, -ēre, -iī/ivī, -itum coepiō, -ere, coepī, coeptum coerceō, -ere, -uī, -itum cōgitō, -āre cognōscō, -ere, -novī, -nitum cōgō, -ere, coegī, coactum colligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lectum colloquor, colloquī colō, -ere, coluī, cultum committō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum compellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum comprehendō, -ere concidō, -ere, -ī condō, -ere, -idī, -itum cōnferō, -ferre, -tulī, collatum cōnficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum cōnfidō, -ere, -fīsum cōnfiteor, -ērī, confessus sum congregō, -are cōnor, -ārī cōnservō, -āre cōnsīdō, -ere, -ēdī, -essum cōnstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum cōnsūmō, -ere, -sūmpsī, -sūmptum contemnō, -ere, -tēmpsi, -temptum contendō, -ere, contendī, contentum contineō, -ēre, continuī, contentum contundō, -ere, -tudī, -tūsum conveniō, -īre, -ēnī, -entum convocō, -āre crēdō, -ere, -didi, -ditum creō, -are, -āvī, -ātum crescō, -ere, crevī, crētum culpo, -are cupiō, -ere, cupīvī, cupītum curō, -āre currō -ere, cucurrī, cursum damnō, -āre debeō, -ēre, -uī, debitum decernō, -ere, -ēvi, -etum decet, -ēre, decuīt dedicō, -āre dedō, -ere, -idī, -itum dēdūcō, -dūcere, -dūxī, -ductum defendō, -ere, -dī, -defensum deferō, deferre, -tulī, -latum delectō, -āre dēleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum dēligō, -ere, ēgī, -ēctum demonstrō, -āre dēsiderō, -āre dēsinō, -ere, desiī, desitum despiciō, -ere, -ēxī, -ectum deterreō, -ēre, -ui, -itum

to take away to increase to turn away

dicō, -ere, dīxī, dictum differō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum diligo, -ere, -lexi, -lectum dimicō, -āre discēdō, -ere, -cēssi, -cēssum dīscō, -ere, dīdicī dō, -āre, dedi, datum doceō, -ēre, docuī, doctum doleō, -ēre, -uī dōnō, -āre dormiō, -īre dubitō, -āre ducō, -ere, duxī, ductum

B, C


to wage war to drink to fall to cut to be hot to sing to capture to seize to be without to harvest, to enjoy to punish to withdraw to conceal to dine to assess to distinguish to compete to delay to rouse to surround to excite to close to meet to begin to repress to think to recognize to force to gather together to speak with to cultivate to unite to assemble to grasp to collapse to put together to bring together to prepare to trust to admit to assemble to try to maintain to sit down to stand to consume to despise to strive to contain to beat to come together to call together to believe to create to believe to blame to desire to take care of to run

ēdicō, -ere, -īxī, -īctum ēdō, -ere, -idī, -itum educō, -āre efficiō, -ere, -fēci, -fectum egeō, -ēre, eguī + abl. egredior, egredī ēiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum ēmendō, -āre emō, -ere, ēmī, emptum eō, īre, -iī/ivī, itum ēripiō, -ere, -ipuī, -eptum errō, -āre excipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum excōgitō, -āre exeō, -īre, exiī, exītum exerceō, -ercēre, -ercuī, -ercitum exigō, -ere, -ēgi, -actum exīstimō, -āre exorior, exorirī expellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum experior, experirī expleō, -ēre, explevī explicō, -āre exponō, -ere, -posui, -positum exspectō, -āre faciō, -ere, fēcī, factum fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum fateor, -erī, fassum sum fatigō, -āre fatur, -āri, fatus faveō, -ere, favī, fautum ferō, ferre, tulī, latum fiō, fierī, factus sum firmō, -āre fleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum fluō, fluere, fluxī, fluxum foveō, -ēre, fovī, fotum frangō, -ere, ēgi, āctum fugiō, -ere, fugī fugō, -āre fulgeō, -ere, fulsī fundō, -ere, -fūdi, fūsum fungor, -ī, fūnctum gaudeō, -ēre, gavisus sum gemō, -ere, -uī gerō, -ere, gessī, gestum gradior, gradī, gressus sum gubernō, -āre gustō, -āre

to condemn to owe to decree it is proper to dedicate to give up to launch to ward off to carry away to delight to destroy to choose to point out to long for to leave off to despise to frighten away

habeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum horrificō, -āre hortor, -ārī, -ātum sum iaceō, -ēre, iacuī iaciō, -ere, iēcī, iactum ignorō, -are ignoscō, -ere, ignovī, ignotum impediō, -īre, -ivī, -itum impellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum imperō, -āre impleō, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum imponō, -ere, -posuī, -positum incedō, -ere, -cēssi, -cēssum incipiō, -ere, -ēpī, -eptum 5




to say to bear away to esteem to fight to depart, to go away to learn to give to teach to suffer to present with a gift to sleep to doubt to lead to proclaim to put forth to bring up to construct to need to go out to throw out to correct to buy to go to snatch away to wander to capture to invent to go out to train to drive out to think to come out to expel to try to fill up to unfold to set forth to look for to do to deceive to confess to weary to speak to favor to bear to become to strengthen to weep to flow to cherish to break to flee to make flee to flash to pour out to perform to rejoice to groan to accomplish to walk to steer to taste

H, I

to have to frighten to urge to lie to throw to ignore to pardon to entangle to strike again to rule to fill in to impose to walk to begin

Verbs I (continued )

incitō, -āre indicō, -āre ineō, -īre, -iī/ivī, -ītum īnferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum ingredior, ingredī īnstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum insultō, -āre insūrgō, -ere, -ēxī, -ēctum intellegō, -ere, -exī intendō, -ere, intendī, intentum interficiō, -ficere, -fēcī, -fectum invadō, -ere, -vasī, invasum inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum invideō, -ēre, -vidī, -visum iubeō, -ere, iussī, iussum iungō, -ere, iunxī, iunctum iūrō, āre iuvō, -āre, iūvī, iūtum

L, M

to arouse to indicate to enter to bring in to advance to set up to insult to rise up to understand to hold out to kill to enter to find to look at with envy to order to join to swear to help

laborō, -āre laetōr, -āri laudō,-āre legō, -ere, lēgī, lectum liberō, -āre libō, -āre līcet, -ēre, -licuit or ītum est ligō, -āre loquor, loquī malō, malle, maluī maneō, -ēre, mansī, mansum meminī, meminisse mereor, -ērī, -itum minuō, -ere, minuī, minutum mīror, -ārī misceō, -ere, miscuī, mixtum misereor, -ērī mittō, -ere, mīsī, missum mōlior, -īrī, mōlītum sum moneō, -ēre, monuī, monitum monstrō, -āre morior, morī, mortuus sum moror, -āri moveō, -ēre, movī, motum mūniō, -īre, -īvi, -ītum mutilō, -āre mutō, -āre

to labor to be glad to praise to choose, to read to free to pour a libation to be permitted to bind to say to prefer to remain to remember to deserve to lessen to marvel at to mix to pity to send to work at to warn to show to die to delay to move to build to cut off to change

narro, -āre nāscor, nascī, natus sum navigō, -āre necō, -āre neglegō, -ere, -ēxī, -ectum negō, -āre nesciō, -īre, -ivī, -ītum nītor, nītī, nīsus or nīxus noceo, -ere, nocui, nocitum nolō, nolle, noluī nōscō, -ere, nōvī, nōtum nubō, -ere, nupsi, nuptum nuntiō, -āre

to tell to be born to sail to kill to neglect to deny to be ignorant of to make an effort to harm to not wish to know to veil, to marry to announce

obeō, -īre, -iī, -itum oblectō, -āre oblīvīscor, -iscī, -lītus sum obsideō, -ēre, -edī, -essum obstō, -āre occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsum occulō, -ere, -uī, -tum

to go up against to please to forget to besiege to oppose to strike down to hide



ōdī, ōdisse, ōsurum offerō, -ferre, obtulī, oblātum opinor, -āri oportet, -ēre, oportuit oppōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum opprimō, -ere, -pressī, -pressum oppugnō, -āre optō, -āre orior, orīrī ōrnō, -āre ōrō, -āre ostendō, -ere, ostendī, ostentum

to hate to offer to suppose it is right to oppose to oppress to fight against to choose to rise up to equip to speak, to beg to show

P, Q pareō, -ēre, -uī pariō, -ere, peperī, partum parō, -āre pascō, -ere, pavī, pastum patefaciō, -ere, -fēcī, -factum pateō, -ēre, patuī patior, patī, passus sum pellō, -ere, pepulī, pulsum perdō, -ere, perdidī, perditum perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum pernoctō, -āre persuadeō, -ēre, -suasī, -suasum petō, -ere, īvī, -ītum placeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum polliceor, -erī ponō, -ere, posuī, positum portō, -āre possum, posse, potuī praebeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum praeferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum praeficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus praestō, -āre, -stitī, -stitum praesum, -esse, -fui precor, -arī premō, -ere, pressī, pressum probō, -āre proficiscor, -ficīscī, -fectus sum prohibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum promittō, -ere, -misī, -missum pronuntiō, -āre properō, -āre prosum, prodesse, profuī protegō, -ere, -texī, -tectum provideō, -ere, -vidī, -visum pudet, -ere, puduit, puditus est pugnō, -āre puniō, -īre, -īvi, -ītum putō, -āre quaerō, -ere, quaesīvī, quaesītum quatiō, -ere, quassum queror, querī, questus sum

to obey to beget to prepare to feed to lay open to be open to suffer to drive out to destroy to finish to spend the night to make sweet to to seek to please to promise to place to carry to be able to to offer to carry in front of to put in charge to stand before to be in charge to beg to pursue to approve of to set forth to prevent to send forth to pronounce to hurry to be useful to protect to provide it shames to fight to punish to think to inquire to shake to complain

R rapiō, -ere, rapuī, raptum recēdō, -cēdere, -cessī, -cessum recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum recitō, -āre recognoscō, -ere, -novī, -nitum recreō, -āre recusō, -āre redeō, -īre, -iī, -ītum reficiō, -ere, -ēcī, -ectum regō, -ere, rēxī, rectum referō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum relinquō, -ere, -līquī, -lictum reperiō, -īre, -pperī, -pertum

to seize to go back to take back to recite to recognize to restore to refuse to return to repair to rule to carry back to abandon to discover

requiescō, -ere, -iēvī, -iētum requīrō, -ere, -sīvī, -sītum resistō, -ere, -stitī respicio, -ere, -spēxī, -spectum respondeō, -ere, -spondī, -sponsum restō, -āre retegō, -ere, -texī, -tectum rīdeō, -ēre, rīsī, rīsum rogō, -āre ruō, -ere, ruī, rutus

to remain to uncover to laugh to ask to fall

salutō, -āre salveo, salvere sanō, -āre sapiō, -ere, -uī scindō, -ere, -idī, -īssum sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītum scribō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum sēcernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētum sedeō, -ēre, sedī, sessum sentiō, -īre, sensī, sensum sequor, sequī, secūtus sum serenō, -āre serviō, -īre, -vīvī, -itum servō, -āre soleō, -ēre, -itus, sum spargō, -ere, sparsī, sparsum spectō, -āre sperō, -āre spirō, -are stō, -āre, stetī, statum studeō, -ēre, -uī sum, esse, fuī, futūrum sumō, -ere, sumpsī, sumptum superō, -are sūrgō, -ere, surrēxī, surrēctum

to greet to be well to heal to have great taste to separate to know to write to divide to sit to feel to follow to make clear to be a slave to guard to be accustomed to scatter to look at to hope to breathe to stand to be eager for to be to take up to be above, to conquer to arise


to rest to seek to resist to look back to respond

T taceō, -ēre, -uī, -itum tegō, -ere, texī, tectum teneō, -ēre, tenuī, tentum terminō, -āre terō, -ere, trīvī, tritum terreē, -ēre, -uī, -itum timeō, -ēre, timuī tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublatum tradō, -ere, tradidī, traditum trahō, -ere, traxī, tractum tutor, -āri, -atum

to be silent to cover to hold to end to wear out to frighten to fear to raise to surrender to draw to take care of

U, V urō, -ere, ussī, ustum usurpō, -āre ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum vagor, vagarī valeō, -ēre, valuī, valitum vehō, -ere, vexī, vectum veniō, -īre, vēnī, ventum versor, -ārī, -atum vertō, -ere, vertī, versum videō, -ēre, vīdī, vīsum vigilō, -āre vītō, -āre vīvō, -ere, vīxī, victum vocō, -āre volō, velle, voluī volō, -āre vulnerō, -āre

to burn to usurp to use to wander to be well to carry to come to be active in to turn to see to be awake to avoid to live to call to wish to fly to wound

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Author: Rachel Jacobs

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