Kids Books Series 9 Solar System and Space Science Quiz for Kids Bandana Ojha 2018

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Kids Books Series 9 Solar System and Space Science Quiz for Kids Bandana Ojha 2018

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Solar System & Space Science- Quiz for Kids Quiz book Series-2

By Bandana Ojha

All Rights Reserved ©2018

Introduction This is a very good source for every student to take a self-evaluation test to determine their basic and in-depth knowledge of Space science and Solar system. Each question is designed in such a way that the kids will be very excited to take the test and increase their knowledge and understanding of Space Science including the Universe, Planets, gravity and inertia. Filled with the extraordinary compendium of fascinating facts and interesting information, this book is highly beneficial for both students and parents. The answers of all the questions are there at the end of the book.

1. Which is the largest planet in the solar system? a) Earth b) Mars c) Jupiter d) Uranus

2.Which is the smallest of all planets? a) Earth b) Mars c) Jupiter d) Mercury

3.Which planet is closest to the sun? a) Earth b) Mars c) Jupiter d) Mercury

4.Which planet has the most volcanoes? a) Mars b) Venus

c) Saturn d) Mercury

5.Which Planet spins backwards relative to the others? a) Mars b) Venus c) Saturn d) Mercury

6.Who was the first person to reach space? a) Valentina Tereshkova b) Yuri Gagarin c) Alan Shepard d) Rakesh Sharma

7.Who was the first woman to reach space? a) Valentina Tereshkova b) Judith Resnik c) Sally Ride d) Anna Lee Fisher

8. How long a solar eclipse can last? a) 15 mins b) 7 and 1/2 mins c) 30 mins d) 5 mins

9. How many natural satellites of Earth are there? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

10. What is the hottest planet in the Solar System? a) Mars b) Venus c) Saturn d) Mercury

11. What is the second smallest planet in the solar system? a) Mars b) Venus c) Saturn d) Mercury

12. Which planet is closest to Earth in terms of mass and size? a) Mars b) Venus c) Saturn d) Mercury

13. What is the brightest planet in the night sky? a) Mars b) Venus c) Saturn d) Mercury

14. Which planet is nicknamed as ‘Red Planet’? a) Mars b) Venus c) Saturn d) Mercury

15. what is the atmospheric pressure of Mars as compared to the earth? a) about the same as the earth's b) about 100 times as great as the earth's c) about 1/200th that of the earth's d) half as much as that of the earth's

16. Which gas is the main component of the atmosphere of Mars? a) Carbon dioxide b) Nitrogen c) Helium d) Hydrogen

17. The planet Jupiter has a mass that is: a) equal to the combined masses of the earth and Mars b) equal to the combined masses of Saturn and Uranus c) equal to the combined masses of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus d) greater than the combined masses of all the planets

18. Name the only two moonless planets. a) Mars & Venus b) Venus & Mercury c) Saturn & Mercury d) Mercury & Jupiter

19. What is formed when a massive star, after reaching supergiant status, explodes? a) Main Sequence Star

b) White Dwarf c) Neutron Star d) Black Hole

20. Which type of star is maintained by the pressure of an electron gas? a) Main Sequence Star b) White Dwarf c) Neutron Star d) Black Hole

21. Name the outer boundary of the sun's magnetic field? a) Troposphere b) heliosphere c) stereo sphere d) outer sphere

22. According to Kepler's Laws, all orbits of the planets are: a) ellipses b) parabolas c) hyperbolas d) square

23. The largest moon in our solar system? a) Titan b) Ganymede c) Triton d) I-O

24. A comet's tail, points which direction? a) toward the sun b) toward the earth

c) behind the comet in its orbit d) away from the sun

25. Which of the following statements is true for BOTH Saturn and Jupiter? a) both rotate faster than the Earth b) both rotate slower than the Earth c) only one rotates rapidly while the other rotates very slowly d) their periods of rotation are linked to their period of revolution

26. Europa, Ganymede and Calisto are satellites of what planet? a) Jupiter b) Saturn c) Neptune d) Uranus

27. Which planet seems to be turned on its side with an axis tilt of 98 degrees? a) Uranus b) Pluto c) Neptune d) Saturn

28. Which of the following first hypothesized that the Earth orbited the sun? a) Alexander the Great b) Copernicus

c) Socrates d) Tyco Brahe

29. The period from one full moon to the next is: a) 30.3 days b) 30 days c) 29.5 days d) 28 days

30. Which of the following planets, the sun rises in the west? a) Saturn b) Pluto c) Mercury d) Venus

31. How much time does sun rays take to reach earth? a) 10 mins 20 sec b) 8 mins 20 sec c) 18 mins 20 sec d) 20 min 20 sec

32. Which planet is known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star? a) Uranus b) Venus c) Neptune d) Saturn

33. Which Planet has the Most Moons? a) Jupiter b) Saturn c) Neptune

d) Uranus

34. What is the Orbital period of Moon? a) 30 days b) 29 days c)28 days d) 27 days

35. Which planet has the most volcanoes? a) Saturn b) Uranus c) Mercury b) Venus

36. What percentage of the Sun's mass has been converted to energy? a) 50% b) 1% c) 2% d) .001%

37. Laika, the first living creature to orbit the earth was what type of animal? a) Cat b) Dog c) Bird d) Rabbit

38. Which of the following men was the first to make systematic use of a telescope in astronomy?

a) Copernicus b) Tyco Brahe c) Kepler d) Galileo

39.Which Planet spins backwards relative to the others? a) Saturn b) Uranus c) Mercury b) Venus

40. A comet's apparent size does which of the following as the comet gets closer to the Sun? a) decrease b) remain the same c) increase d) depends upon the direction

41. Name of the star CLOSEST to our sun? a) Wolf 359 b) Barnard's Star c) Proxima Centauri d) Ross 154

42. Who was the first person to set foot on the Moon? a) Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom b) Neil Armstrong. c) Roger Chaffee d) Wally Schirra

43. What is the average surface temperature of the Moon

during the day? a) 105 degrees Celsius b) 106 degrees Celsius c) 107 degrees Celsius

d) 108 degrees Celsius

44.What is the average surface temperature of the Moon at night? a) -150 degrees Celsius b) -151 degrees Celsius c) -152 degrees Celsius

d) -153 degrees Celsius

45. When was the Pluto reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet? a) 2004 b) 2006 c) 2008

d) 2010

46. Beads of light visible around the rim of the moon at the beginning and end of a total solar eclipse are called? a) Lunar Beads b) Solar Beads c) Baily's Beads d) Rim Beads

47. The study of the origin and evolution of the universe is known as: a) tomography b) cystoscopy

c) cry ology d) cosmology

48. The cosmic background radiation, a remnant of the Big Bang, is at what temperature? a) 100K b) 0K c) 5.3K d) 2.7K

49. What is the HOTTEST region of the sun? a) The core b) The photosphere c) The chromosphere d) The corona

50. Which civilization developed and implemented the first solar calendar? a) Babylonian b) Greek c) Egyptian d) Aztec

51. A planet is said to be at aphelion when it is: a) closest to the sun b) farthest from the sun c) at its highest point above the ecliptic d) at its lowest point below the ecliptic

52. Which of the following planets has the greatest eccentricity?

a) Pluto b) Jupiter c) Mars d) Mercury

53. The largest moon in our solar system has an atmosphere that is denser than the atmosphere of Mars. The name of this moon is: a) Titan b) Ganymede c) Triton d) I-O

54. The angle that the full moon takes up in the night sky is equal to which of the following values? a) 1/8 degree b) 1/2 degrees c) 1 degree d) 2 degrees

55. People who study the planets and space are called? a) Astronauts b) Astronomers c) Astrologers

56. Which of the following was Galileo's discovery? a) Venus was covered in clouds b) Venus had phases like the moon c) Venus' surface was like the earth's d) Venus had retrograde motion

57. Cassini's division is described by which of the following? a) A break in the rings of Saturn b) A break in the clouds of Jupiter c) The distance between the first two moons of Jupiter d) The distance between the Van Allen belts

58. A first magnitude star is how many times brighter than a second magnitude star? a) 2.5 b) 7.3 c) 10.0 d) 12.0

59. A pulsar is a: a) black hole b) white dwarf c) red giant d) neutron star

60. The gravity on the moon is what fraction of the gravity on the earth? a) 1/3 b) 2/3 c) 1/6 d) 1/10

61. The rocks that enter the earth's atmosphere and blaze a trail all the way to the ground and do not burn up completely are known as:

a) meteorites b) meteors c) asteroids d) none of these

62. 95% of the Martian atmosphere is composed of what substance? a) Carbon dioxide b) Nitrogen c) Argon d) Carbon monoxide

63. What is the motion called when a planet seems to be moving westward in the sky? a) Retrograde b) Parallax c) Apocentric d) Reverse parallax

64. With which one of the following astronomical objects are meteor showers associated? a) Asteroids b) Comets c) Planets d) None of the above

65. A device which would not work on the Moon is: a) thermometer b) siphon c) spectrometer

d) spring balance

66. A comet's apparent size does which of the following as the comet gets closer to the Sun? a) decrease b) remain the same c) increase d) None of above

67. Approximately how many times could a beam of light travel around the earth in one second? a) 3 times b) 7.5 times c) 15 times d) 25 times

68. The average density of the earth is approximately a) half the density of water b) twice the density of water c) five and a half times the density of water. d) ten times the density of water

69. Of the following colors, which is bent least in passing through a prism? a) orange b) violet c) green d) red

70. Which of the following planets has the lowest density? a) Mercury b) Venus c) Saturn d) Mars

71. What causes the gas tail of a comet to always point away from the sun? a) solar wind b) air pressure c) centrifugal force d) gravity

72. What are Saturn's rings composed of? a) completely connected solid masses b) billions of tiny solid particles c) mixtures of gases d) highly reflective cosmic clouds

73. The reason we call an astronomical body a black hole is that a) it is a huge star which appears black at its center. b) its gravity is so high that it absorbs its own photons. c) it represents lack of matter in a portion of space. d) it is a dead planet.

74. The first and largest asteroid discovered was: a) Pallas. b) Juno. c) Ceres. d) Trojan.

75. Which of the following Saturnian satellites is known to possess an atmosphere? a) Tethys b) Titan c) Dione d) Mimas

76. The atmosphere of Venus contains mostly a) oxygen b) carbon dioxide c) nitrogen d) water

77. What causes a planet to have a magnetic field? a) the dynamo effects. b) the Doppler effects. c) the Photoelectric effect. d) its rotation about its sun.

78. On the celestial sphere, the annual path of the Sun is called a) the eclipse paths b) ecliptic c) diurnal d) solstice

79. The angular distance between a planet and the Sun, as viewed from the Earth, is called a) angle of inclination b) elongation

c) latitude d) opposition

80. Which of the following has the greatest density? a) the sun b) Venus c) Mars d) Jupiter

81. Identify the ripples in the overall geometry of space produced by the acceleration of moving objects. a) Doppler effect. b) granulation. c) gravitational waves. d) elongation.

82. What process produces a star's energy? a) hydrogen and oxygen combustion b) nuclear fusion c) neutron beta decay d) nuclear fission

83. What is the surface of mercury covered with? a) rocks b) craters c) sand d) helium gas

84. How many days does mercury take to orbit the sun? a) 135 days b) 99 days

c) 88 days d) 265 days

85. How far is mercury from the sun? a) 26 million miles b) 36 million miles c) 29 million miles d) 39 million miles

86.How many moons mercury has? a) five b) ten c) zero d) two

87. When did the Mariner spacecraft take close photographs of Mercury? a) 1974 b) 1985 c) 2011 d) 2015

88. What is the sun side facing temperature of Mercury? a) 500-degree Ferrante b) 800-degree Ferrante c) 900-degree Ferrante d) 950-degree Ferrante

89. When Soviet Union sent spacecraft to Venus? a) 1974 b) 1975 c) 1978

d) 1979

90.How many moons does Venus have? a) five b) ten c) zero d) two

91. What is an asteroid? a) steroid b) rocky object orbiting the sun c) A Comet d) A moon

92. How long does Venus take to orbit the Sun? a)365 days b) 225 days c)250days d) 265 days

93. What’s the percentage of oxygen on Earth? a)52% b) 37% c)21% d) 18%

94. How many astronomical unit’s is the Earth from the Sun? a) 10 AU b) 5 AU c) 2 AU d) 1 AU

95. What temperature can it drop to on Mars in winter?

a) -100-degree F b) -125-degree F c)-150-degree F d) -200-degree F

96. What is the largest canyon called? a) Olympus Mons b) Borealis Basins c) Valles Marineris d) meteorites

97. How long is the largest canyon? a) 8000 Kilometers b) 6000 Kilometers c) 5000 Kilometers d) 4000 Kilometers

98. How many hours does it take Uranus to turn on its axis? a) 17.9 hrs. b) 18.9 hrs. c) 20.7 hrs. d) 23.4 hrs.

99. How many moons does Uranus have? a)13 b) 18 c)22 d) 27

100. How many moons does Neptune have? a)13

b) 18 c)22 d) 27

101. Venus is covered by clouds of a) Water vapor and Hydrogen b) Water vapor and Nitrogen c)Helium gas d) water vapor and Sulphuric acid

102. Name the spacecraft Soviet Union sent to Venus in 1975? a) Venera 7 and Venera 5 b) Venera 19 and Venera 75 c) Venera 9 and Venera 10 d) Venus and Venera

103. The largest continent on Venus has been named as a) Aphrodite Terra b) Maxwell c) Billie Holiday d) Venera

104. What is unique about planet earth? a) It is the only planet that has liquid water on its surface. b) It is the only planet in the solar system that has life. c) It is the only inner planet to have one large satellite. d) All are correct.

105. One year is how many days in Mars a)365 days b) 487 days c)587 days

d) 687 days

106. One day is how many hours and minutes in mars? a)24 hrs 12 mins b) 24 hrs 39 mins c)34 hrs 52 mins d) 48 hrs 24 mins

107. How long does Saturn take to orbit the Sun? a)20 yrs. b) 25 and ½ yrs. c)29 and ½ yrs. d) 35 yrs.

108. How long does Earth takes to orbit the Sun? a)1 yr. b) 2 yrs. c)3 yrs. d) 5 yrs.

109.Neptune has how many moons? a)9 b) 13 c)18 d) 19

110. How long Pluto takes to turn on its own axis. a) 6 and ½ days b) 1 and ½ days c) 1 days d) 3 days

111. The atmosphere also Uranus contains

a) hydrogen and helium b) Nitrogen c) methane d) Carbon dioxide

112. How long does Uranus take to orbit the Sun? a)20 yrs. b) 39 and ½ yrs. c) 65and ½ yrs. d) 84 yrs

113. What year was Pluto discovered? a)1930 b) 1945 c) 1965 d) 1972

114. How many moons orbit Pluto? a)3 b) 4 c) 0 d) 2

115. What are the dark flat spots on the surface of the moon called? a) Maria b) Highlands c) Craters d) Dust

116. How large is the moon compared to Earth? a) It is about the same size as Earth

b) It is much larger then Earth - It only appears small in the sky because of how far away it is. c)The moon's diameter is about 1/4 the Earth's diameter. d) Half of the size of Earth.

117. What are the terrestrial planets? a) Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars c) Earth, Jupiter, and Pluto d)Pluto, Comets, Asteroids, Meteors

118. What are the Jovian or gas planets? a) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars c) Earth, Jupiter, and Pluto d)Pluto, Comets, Asteroids, Meteors

119. What separates the terrestrial planets from the Jovian or gas planets in space? a) nothing b) Meteors c) The Asteroid Belt d)Comets

120.Why Pluto no longer considered as a planet? a) It’s too small b) It doesn’t stay on its own orbit c) It's more like the other objects in the Kuiper Belt than a planet d) All the above

ANSWER KEYS 1. c 2. d 3.d 4.b 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.a 10.b 11.a 12.b 13.b 14.a 15.c 16.a 17.d 18.b 19.d 20.b

21.b 22.a 23.a 24.d 25.a 26.a 27.a 28.b 29.c 30.d 31.b 32.b 33.a 34.d 35.d 36.d 37.b 38.d 39.d 40.c

41.c 42.b 43.c 44.d 45.b 46.c 47.d 48.d 49.d 50.c 51.b 52.a 53.a 54.b 55.b 56.b 57.a 58.a 59.d 60.c

61.a 62.a 63.a 64.b 65.b 66.c 67.b 68.c 69.d 70.c 71.a 72.b 73.b 74.c 75.b 76.b 77.a 78.b 79.b 80.b

81.c 82.b 83.b 84.c 85.b 86.c 87.a 88.d 89.b 90.c 91.c 92.b 93.c 94.d 95.b 96.c 97.d 98.a 99.d 100.a

101.d 102.c 103.a 104.d 105.d 106.b 107.c 108.a 109.b 110.a 111.a 112.d 113.a 114.b 115.c 116.c 117.b 118.a 119.c 120.d