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English Pages [345] Year 2004/04
I:slalo G1end '"""''"' Voglna
.a1-...or Earth ln13"CIIala-a
l~OTE: Polnb where tho
Olmen.slon-3 Kothara Cenlrl:s manUe5t
within tho body
..___ Placomtn! oi·Kathm bvoi-112·TrBII Grid /(;Jlhu.:~ Canlarsand KaD>m Unu\'Mhln tho human boEfually unfo~! wfllrln Ill• 3ElemalS~i!lng Wavu·Fl•m" o1:
tvr~Ua. Jfrt b'..,eq...~.n•
.2DI!J,Illd l11111ln,rnllllla li fit~gn.J.JI'I't .U.n;th\miD ~'7JJI
The ManU, ManA & EirA Primal Source Currents are the pwerful, Eternal, standing-wave fields from which the smaller dimensionalised currents of the 15 Rays emerge. Heliotalic Currents are the powerful linking currents, called Flame Currents, through which the Primal Source Currents "step down" through a central core called the Ecka, to form sets of 15-Ray Currents. The Ecka Flame Currents are powerful enough to clear Miasmic Blockages manifesting through distortions in the 15Dimensionalised Ray Currents.
The 15 Ray Currents enter "Step Down" manifestation as
specific dimensionalised Ionic Particulate Ray Currents within the 5 Densities and 15 Dimensions of Matter Manifestation
Telluric "Shield ,EirA;---).>- Ray,1 D·1 Chi PROTONS ManA: ~ Ray-2 D·2 ·Ki ELECTRONS . M§nU: )o_il.§IY:3 D·;ule;i NFlJTRnl>llc;
Density-2 Semi-Etheric p Den~ity-3 Etheric Doradic!Triba/ Shield ~ Teuric!Ga/actic Shield R'a y-4 Prana MIONS . Denslty·2 Protons Ray·5 Mana DIONs··. Density·2 Electrons · Ray~6 Traia IONONS -o.enslty-2-Neotrons -
. ~
Ray·7 Mira EIRONS · Denslty·3 Protons Ray-6 Maya ECTRONS Denslly·3 Electrnns Ray-9 Yana RAEC)NS Deslty-3 Neutrons
Density-4 Pre-matter Mahafic Univ. Christos Shie/c
Ray-10 Ta'a MEAJHONS Densily-4_ Protons Ray-11 Hara TAlONS · Denslty-4 Electrons . Ray-12 Ma'a REIONS Denslty-4 Neutrons
2. Soul star
(lNncigoSiarCi)'laiSoa.q Tynuu
Eukatharlsta Shield Code & Ecka-Vec·a Flame Body ·Activation Initiates activation of the 9 Etheric·Ethos Flame Seal Centres & corresponding Crystai .Seals Hara Centres &Complexes
Galacil= SIM (12" WhlloSiarCi)'laiSoa.q Ccnasi11"Chaln3&"11boKt)oad
sun Star
()'YellowSiarCI)'Illls..J) 'J..IbobwHnCODIIr
5. .EarthStar 6.
l!"~c!\!,.~s:!t Earth Cere
In 13" Cho!n at &th': ea.
'-' Tile e Primary Ha;o Poi~ls (SlarCI)'Sial Seals) c! the Hara Lsvelln.the Ka!hara l.Sval-2· Cryslal Seals Grid gcvem the functions of ccrre.sp:mding Shields and relsled p leal
(' b -..ltrlllloiU+1~w.t·~lfUI4j
_,•f'l.ul•l..t,~IIMirJidol~ltt,\.ctftlln,DitllDIOI,.....IMICullod a.u,::i~
1. Hara Cenl.er- D-9 'TIW.AMUS COMPUX FocuS: .Braln FUndiCJll
1Mlt .....,.n&~ICI1oblloolo.t\arlc:ulan-udHnt.l.,..._,
D-ot .... ,.,
.... D'ylai . . .J'J
~~-A-Tooalll~es 11 an~ 12 combine with the
!lcui Slar- p.a THYMUS COMPLEX
Focus: MelaboBc Function 3. ~acti~ Blsr-C-111 SHARA COMPI.EX ~.
Central Vertical Kathara L:lne to form the Hara Line, the fou-ndation of·Ul~ Central Body Current
Immune System and HSP
~The Hm Level is the outer level of the Kathara Level-2 Crystal -Seals Grid, can be viewed from
SUn Star~ C-4 Nadia! Complex Focus: Cilllfio-Va.sc:ulsr, Pllfmonary, Nutrition 5, Earth Seals- Hannonlo-5 R>ja Camp lei.
9lh-DlfflansionBl perception and is used In Kathara
Healng L.evel-2 •
FOC\Js! Tnmsmuta6an
.Tha· Ha~ Level is composed of the Hara l.Jne, 6 Primary Hara Points-and the Complexes of energy processing theygovern. r
.5 0
.....!.~'* - .
. .. .
\.~ RlshlcShlold-Axlan U....l a . OAA,Chelns-UrWeRol·
The 3n1 Sun Star Seal. 8 and to Earth Seals'and RA Center
W~en combined with PSIS, Doradic, Teuric and Maharic Shields and Raja Complex, the 3rd
Sun Star Crystal Seal and the 121h Core Star Crystal Seal Hara Center merge to f9nn aTeuric.-. Telluric Cwrent that encompasses the Seed Crystal Seal within the 3hl Sci far Plexus Chakra, fanning a sphere of powerful healing energies at the 3rd Chakra called the RA Center. In Kathara Healing Level-2 we will begin activation of the RA Center for. healing and manifestation - The Haralevel of Kathara Level-2 and the 6 Primary Hara Poirits . ·· Though the study of the Crystal Seals of Kathara level-2 Crystal Seals Grid is complex in detail, one can become skJ1fed in healing facilitation through Crystal S~als mechanics by learning the basic orientation of the outer levels of the Kathara Level-2 scalar grid - The Hara Level. In simple analysis, the elements of the Hara Level can be viewed as follows: . The Hara Une- the Central Body Curren~ that is formed by the 11Ut and 121h·Axiom Unes wrapping around the fixed flash-line sequence of the Leve/-1 Kalhara 12-Tree Central Vertic;a/ Kathara Line. The 6 Primary Hara Points: Star Crystal Seals 1. # 9-Hara Center, 2. #5-Soul Star, '3. #t2 Galactic Star, 4. #3-Sun Stat, 5. #a-Earth Star and 6. #10-Earth Core. Each primary Hara Point governs the function of a complex bfinterwoven scalar, bio-energetic and physical .systems. Knowledge of the 6 Hara Points and the Thalamus, Thymus, Shara, Nadial anp Raja Complexes they respectively govern, allows the healing facTiitator a greater understanding of '!he 15-dirnensional anatomy. Such Foundations of Kathara Healing are necessary in ~reparation for Kathara HeaJing Level-2 practices that will utilize activation of the RA Centerfor advanced heaflng ·
Kathara- 1 Reminders: Star Crystal Seals & the Hara Complexes
VlMl~ ~~@ ~~ ~ITil~~n The snvery:gold ene11Jies of lhe Hara Ceriter (9• Star Crystal Seal) are lnteJWDven at lhe ba~e of the spina with wnatlsreferred to as tne KUNOAI,JNIII!e-fon:e enl!f!l\es. The Kundalinl energies represent the PRIMARY ENERGY CURRENTS through whit:h the Incarnating consciousness . anchors Its m01phogenetlc fi.eld wilhin the Fet.ll Body through the ARST 8 CEllS~ conception. The Hara Center energies Interweave at the base of the spin~ with the frequenCies of the 'first Star Crystal Sea~ the RED Star Seal, In the First cell. When lhe Hara Cenler Se_alls dormant and ac:tivall!d only 1D the 3-Dime~sfonal Level Its Pale Sfivery-gold ~equencles appearlo be encased within a crimson RED sheathe of 1"--llmenlonalenl!f!IY, often .making th~ Hara Ce~terand Hara Une appe~to be R.ED In color. As the HQr.l Cenm:com~ Into activation&~
through progressive release of the!!" Star Cryslal Seal, the Gold 8.. Dnnens1pnal and SUver·9 Olmensionalltequencles of the Hara become the dominant hues, giving the Hare Celiler and ~ Unelts·nalllral Silvery-gold color. With full aclivalion of the Hara Cenler and 12"-Dlmenslonal Maharlc lntegratlon, the tri-IDne.frequencles o!tlie Hara Cenler and Hara Une.~ on a trl·color spectrum of P.ale Sliver, Gold and Red-Violet (pale Mpgenta), as the Kundallnl pnmary fife force currents at the base of the spine activate within the Cenlr.!l Vertical C~ of the bot ~un activation of the Kundafini merges the 7"-Dimenslonal Viole~ 1"-DlmeOSional Red•.8 .D~~nenlonal . Gold and g• Dimensional Silver frequencies with the full speotrurn White-Silver energies of the 12• DimenSional Maharlc Current The Hara Center, fike all Star Crystal Seals, Is one of the primary regulat~ry ·elements of
tile natur.~l Kundafinl ene11Jles. As the Kundallnl eneryies at the base of the sp1ne ane brought out of higher dimensional donnancr, through progressive aclivation of the Star Crystal Seals In the ·Kalhara·leve~2 Cryslal Seils grid, the ~>lara Center progressively renects these changes by · expanding In s\28 and enl!f!IY processing capacities and taking on the hues (wave spectr:a) of the higher dimensional frequencies. The Kundallnl energies at the base of.Uu~ spine are the key to physical cellulartransmutatlon of the body. Kundallnlenergy currents ragulats the phY$1cal body's posJUon In space-Ume, keepl.?g the physical b~dy phase-l~d Into the pl~etary llme Cycle in which nwas conceived, loUow~ng the mathematical programs set by the Star Crystal Seals and the Kalllara Grid. For phrslcal transmulation ID occur, the Kundallnlenergles of the higher dimensions must be broughllnto embodied aclivaliori, se!Hng the processes ollhB lnlef!lal Temp\ar Complex In motion. The DNA Template manllesls upon the programs set by the Kathara Grid. As theKalhara Cenlers and their corresponding Star Crystal Seals, Shields, Kundallnl currenls, Cranial-Sacral. (Pineal-Tailbone) Seals. Seed Cryslai Seals and Chakras activate, do~t DNA Slrand T"'!'P.lale also activate progressively ailenng the Angular RotaUon of Partlcle Sp1n, energy-processing · apactties ~et.abollc orientation and neurological processes of the body and molecular ~cture. As these phrslcal changes occur through activation of the Crystal Seals.and Kundafinl imeryles, the Merl-1Dnal conducllon,lniD the more Individuated Scalar Aelds that house the Avatlr Identity gestalt Consciousness CoUeelive- the 'Galactic Family of Consciousness'. . The Shara Complex regulalss the dlsbwsement ofconstiousness in Individuated fonn lhrough the dimensional fields of the Tune Mal!ix and serves to llnk~ach Individuated and · memberofthe Geomantic Entity CoUeelive beyond the Tuna Matrix, to lis Avatar identity ~~actic Famty of Consciousness in Harmonic Uniwrse-ll, !ilrough tho Unlveo;al Family of Coilsclousness of the Rlslilldenlity 1n Hamtanlc Unlverse-5. The Shara Complex represents the primary facility through which an _Individual coosciousne., retains Its Indelible energetic connection ID Its grealerf:unlly of consciousness, !hmugh which HIs directly inJa:d to Sourc!'The Sharn Complex governs, regulales and orchestralesthe tansductlon, tanslalion and ~r,? mylhms of electro-tcnol projection o.f consciousness lntc dlmenslonallzatlon, sels_ the ongmal operational s!nlcbrres of Kathan~ Scalar Grtd arrangement and d'vects the ~chronlstic evolution of f:unllles cif consciousnoss through time. Thro~gh th_e ?P•fo'lions of the Shara __Complex, an Identity's cycles oflnc..-.aUon and manHestation within '!'• 5 Harmonics ola 15-DimenslonaiTune Mal!ix are regulated, which sets the core regulatory rbythms of Partlld ·Phasing, eicpanslon and conlraction of consciousness, and vibra!ioll-OScWation rallos that govern the fonnation andfuncllon.oftheThalamus and Thymus Complexes and all aspects of the Individuated Kathanr Grid, Bio-energetic Reid and bodily systems. The Shara ColliJIIex controls the cycles ofln-nowand ou!-low of energy between the personal morphogenetic field and that of the dimensional Unffied Aelds, and thus alfects all systems of the body and consciDusness, with a primary emphasis upon the !unc6oAS of the blood, cons~mptlon-excretion and Immunological heifiUes oflhe bodr and oflhe a~on of the higher dimensional sense faclfl!ies within the embodied conscmusness. Th Shara Complex finks the {unctions of the Mahara and Raja Hova Bodies, the Maharie and Rl:hlc Shields and Ilia Avir!arand Rishllevels ofidenlity within the embodied consciousness. Primary area of dominion of the D-10 S~ara Complex Is the Immune System and H~P.
uO=Orn ~[JB.u[}[) ©~[1,© Earth Seals 8 and 10 and the Raja Comprex
Wrthin the Hara level of field depth In which the 3"' Sun Stir Crystal Seal can be delected thene are 2 other Star Crystal Seals of primary lmportmce stationed along the Hara Line of Kathara Glid level-2; these are referred to as the Earth._Seals. The Earth Seals fimc6on as intrinsic aspects of the Planetary Bio-feed lnteiface System and the Raja Compli!x. The B~ Slar Crystal Seal, called the Earth Star-Sea/Is located within the 12• Chakra 6' below the feet and Is associated with the 7.., B~and 12~ dimensional frequencies of the Harmonic-3 oVer.:Sout·Mal!ix (Teuric Shield) and the Harmoni~ Ava!ar Malrix (Maharic Shield). The Earth Star Is visible as a subUe Gold-Orange point of diffused light positioned along th~ Hai-a Une 6" belo'V the fee~ as the Harn Una leaves the physical body through the 1•1Base Chalaa ID extend downward lniD the · Earth's core. The-10• Slar Crystal Sea~ called the Earth Core Seal Is loi:aled within the 13• Chakra where the HarnUne connects lniDthe Earth's Core and Is associaled with the go, 10•, 12"' and 13• dimensional frequencies of the Harmonic-3 TeuricShield, Harmoni~ Maharic Shield and Harmonio-5 Rlshl Mal!ix (Rishic Shield). The Earth Core Seal Is visible as a pale BlueBlack point of diffused tight positioned In the Earth's Core, at the Jiolntwhene the personal Hara Line connects to the center of the Earth's Core at the 1• and 12• Planetary Kalhara Centers; The Bih Earth St.lr Seal Is the point at which the rfrmenslonalizing Identity combines the 12"ddmensional frequencies of the Hannonlc-4 Pre-matter Uquid U9ht ~ensltywlth the s• ·and g"--dlmenslonal frequencies oflhe Etberie Matter densl6es of Hannonlc-3 to connecttha personal morphogene6c field and Kalharn Gdd ID those of the Planetary Body. The Earth Star Crystai.Seal can be viewed as the point where Personal and Planetary Kalhara Grids connect tc Galactic Kathara Grid. The Earth Slar represents tho point lniD which the Iii ahara and Bettha H'ova Bodies, Kalhara Centers 8, 9 and 12 and the 12~ Galactic Slar Seal and Shaia Compleicfirst anchor inlll the Planetary and Galactic Ka'thara Grids. The Earth Slai' holds the . morphogenetic Imprint for ali DNA strands.for all manifest Incarnations In 4 Hannon}cs of Time, corresponds ln. Chalrn Centers and Plonetary Vortices and Personal and Planetary Axl·. A-tcnal Unes 8; g, 10 and 12 and Is a key point forrepatlemlilg the electro-lnnal programs of the Persona/Maharic,'Teuri~ Doradlc and Telluric Shields, and nealignlrig and ac6vating corresponding DNA strands, Chakras, Planetary Vortices, Axi-A-Tonal Lines and personal or planetary body negions they govern. in the Maharic ShleldActivajion process the Earth·Star Is activated-to release phase-lock on the12• Chakra to open the personal Kalhara Grid In the PBIS. Thef()tlo Earth Core Sea/Is the point at which the dimenslonafiZing Identity combines the frequencies of the 8~ Earth Star Crystal Seal with the 13"-dimenslonal frequencies of Hannonic~s Ante-matter density to connect the persorial and planetary· morphogenetic field and · Kalhara Gdd to those of the Universal Kathara.Grid'ofHarmonlc-S:The Eaitb Core Seal can be viewed as the point where Person~ Pla~etary andGatac!lc Kalhar.o Grids connec.t tc the Universal Kathara Grid, The Earth Core represents the polntlrrjo which the Rishlldentity,the Raja Hova Body and Unlv... al Kathara Centers 1, 2 and 3 first anchor into the 3"' Earth Slar and 12• Galactic Star Seals Inform the Raja Complex of 5 Hannonic scalar fields through which personai, planetary, galactic and univeiSal experiential manlfestaiion takes place. The Earth Core Seal corresponds ID Chakra 13, and holds the morphogenetic Imprint for aU manifest Incarnations of persons, planets and galaxies within the 5 Harmonics of Time In one 15-
dimensional lime Matrix. Through the combined frequencies of the Earth Star and Earth Core Seals the personal Kathara Grid connects !!I the Planetary, Galactic and·Universal Kalhara Grids fanning the Planetary BiO'feed lnleriace Syatem and the Raj~ Complex-or Unlversa/Bio-feed Interlace System·- that Unks personal, planetary, galactic and univeiSal.consciousness In time.
ECKA·VECA FLAME BODY & HARA ECKA·HELIOTALIC CURRENT SUBHARMONIC ACTIVATION 1. Reuche Sceptre Pillar Arc Activation via Eukatharista Shield 3. Etheric;Ethos Flame Seal Centres activate corresponding Code activation expedite Ecka-Veca Flame Body activation
Hara points &their Crystal Seals
6 Primary'Hara Points (Star Crystal Seals on Hara Level) 1. Hara Center (Cere Star) (0"1 Sihter Star Crystal SeaQ 2' below Haw./
Soul Star· ~ [rxigo Star Crystal Seal} Top af Emst Bans sl Thymll$
Galactic Star (12" WhlleStar crysia! Seal} Cane at 14" Chskra 35" abow.hsad
4. sun Star
(0" Yellow. Star CI)'Stal SeaQ Just below Hn Center
4. Hara Points activate corresponding Hara Complexes
5.. Earth Star (8"' c:cldSiarCryslaiSeal) In 12"' Cha~ 6' below·iool
Earth Core
(1 ~ 81ue-!llaek Star Cl)'!ltal SeaQ In 13" Chatp 111 E:.otjh': ern
The 6 Primary Hara Pcln!.s {Star CI)'S!al Seals} of the Hara Level.ln.lhe Kalhm:a Level-2· Crystal Seals Grid govern the functions of . corresponding Shields and related physical systems.
;~· Related Bio-eneroetic Como!~
1. Hara ·Center- D-STIIALAMUS COMPl.E( 2.
Focus: Brain Funciion Star- Doll THYMUS COM?!.EX
Focus: Melabonc Funr:lfcit
3. ~ac!ic S!ar-·0·10 SHARA COMPLEX · F.ccus: Immune System and HSP 4. Sun Star- D-4 Nadia! Complex Focus: Cardio-Vasc:u/sr, Pulmonary, Nuiii6on 5. Earth Seals- Harmonic-S Raja Complex. ·Focus: Transmutation -:.-'~~!1.11 Maharic Shield- Axian Lines, ~~--:~'11
Doradlc Shield- Axian Wries DNft.. Chakms· 4-5-6
Dln:slty4Etlm !G Edopla:lll11
Dlm•MID M 7~·1
DNA,Chakras10-11-12 ,
Teuric Shield· Axian Wnes DNA.. Ctuiklas 7-8-9 Telluric Shield-Axlan Lines, • DNA. Chakn!s 1,2.:3·
G~t~ul.llrtltrPlum •
,,D'ol\8nslcnli ·2·3
Hara Points activate corresponding Axiom Lines, Meridians, Raais, DNA Template, Chakras & Nadis to sub-harmonic flow of Ecka-Heliotalic Ecka-Veca Flame Body Healing Currents
(5 Danslty Sl\!tld.J +1 Elhos·Elherlc 8tueprinl S~leld}
Th! 9 Elho~·Elherlc loiC'FiamaSuls
Amcrau Flame Body Actlv~tlcn \nltlata5 ptogre.sslva ActlvaUon. of the Ethc3 Fl~e Seal Centen'& their corresponding c~l Seals, Hara canlarHnd Hara Complexa3.
Sf .
Merkaba Field Anatomy, the Merkabic Circulatory System, DNA Template Fire Letters, Merkaba Vehicle Phases, Merkaba Types and the Yon- a- Sa Ecka Krist Seed Atom Base Shield Purpose: Understanding the anatomy, structure & function of Me.rkaba Fields, the Merkaba Vehicle, the Merkabic Circulatory System and Eternal Life & Finite Life Merkaba Types in prepcuation for the activation · of Ecka-Heliotalic Sub-harmonic Currents within the personal Merkaba Field &activation of the Tri-Veca i:ckasha Merkaba Field · . through Kathara-2 Ecka-Veca Flame Body Acti~ation. Section-5 introd.uces Bi-Veca, Double Bi-Veca, Tri-Veca Eckasha Eternal Life and organic & artificial Sho-na Finite Life Miasmic Merkaba Field anatomy, the 4-Phases of Bi-Veca Merkaba Activation, Double Bi-Veca & Tri-Veca Eckasha Merkaba Activation and the Ecka Seed Atom Base Shield. .
Etheric-Ethos Flame Seal Centre and Hara Point Activation (addressed in Section-4) initiate accelerated Merkaba Vehicle & DNA Fire Letter Activation, and accelerated Merkaba Vehicle Activation expedites Veca Flame Body Activation for rapid anchoring of Ecka-Heliotalic Healing Current Sub-harmonics within the Merkabic Circulatory system.
15-Dimensional iime Matrix
r~~!-:.Y.:«.,.!'.,.:·:o!-.."!''!Y:··l:+:~: -.,-,.~ ... ~«, ;-:t.t.·.-=.:·:~i.·:·~·
~· ·FO!l1lation of ·the Mahunta l Merkaba marks fulffilment . ~ 'of the 12-8trand DNA
~O'l'll!~~r,~:~,M....,.;. •.~.-;~o:-~:
f The 4 Personal Scalar
. ~ 09 t;• ..... .~ (g .. •
-·4.c .
Shields to form l 'the 12-Dimensional r ~ahunta Merkaba
·~ 07 Hallah Phase
Avatar Strands
· .
'Mahuny .i1 •'::/" H'o; Merkaba \ ••
101 "
•• ••
f& fo
"*'""}k ·~
·tncama . •
•• ·
6 Dimensional
.· ·
• f •"•
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'•"• '" '"'·• • •''' 'o '• •r·
•• .. ... ' ' •o eo • ,•,• .• ..... ' •'4• ,•• •• .
Q).. .... .. .. .. ..... ..
. \•!,
....•. , . ·. ...... ... ··::.
ve-.SOOI Strands.
!! 7
Quatra ~ .
'8 A.
• ~
Hallah Merkaba
.---, Sot!! Strands
.V."·':o:·~!f,~ ... ~~
.. . ·~··"·~~ :-~!·!-:·:·~·~·:.:·:·~·:~~·
12-8trand Silicate Matrb
·DNA Dlagra·mshowS
.... .
. .·: : . 1 .
•... .•• ·-~.:.......... ··-=-·· e.•~-~ g.... . •.:::···· •.. .... ·::•...·:-
i::t.-:-:~~:-:·:·:~-: · :~:~~-~:-:~·:t:~~~o:·:-:-: ...
Naltlra Pha" (3-0 Markaba)
Han,ah Phase (s,o Merkaba)
SOS 113 EICW ·101 213 WCDW
DNA rlre l otie,ISiiands
li·D Markaba) · Mohun~ Phaso Merkaba)
l"hB Seed Alom.keops lhe PCM & PKA. Etectrn-magneUc domain& .separate raim each other, whilst pennltilng Frequency to clrcUiata open\'t between tho Mo interrelated S'Jslems:
~v "
The PC:M llnlverse Single Bi-Veca Merkaba Flald Go-e~lsls wllh lhe o Horizontal Veca Axis . Par..Jlal PKA U~lvoiso slnglo 81-Veca Merkaba Fl"eld. PCM & PKA · lin! versa Single BI-Voca !!erkaba:sllnk lhrough tholnler-woven . Tho paralla/ P/V1 Single B/-Veea l.ll!liaba FfoJd and It's corresponding Parameter, Peripheral, VIrtual and Bne Field• run on~ HorlrooW Voca· Kalhara Grid Templalo and a Slngolar, shared, Christo• Seod AlnmJ
~~\~ ~~J~i"t.SJ'!~"...s."~1n~~·~e~:3~J'.I,~!';.~~:,~~·.';;,;When respectively, 'o-Yan'Yun-A'.flows and lho Chri•los SBOd Afom rpllfslo na & Azurtan Deane, Em MC:. e 2003:-ALLR!GHTS RESERVED
Universal Androgynous Krist-Chrystallah Bi-Veca Merkaba Fie1ds The syncppaled, cw & ccw rotation of !he Ec!ta Universal Shield generales the Androgynous Bl-Veca Merkaba . Fields of the Vee; Universe Primal Ught-Soundfi.elds ;nd D-12 Universal Density Merkaba Field Divine Blueprint!he D-12 Universal Veca Merkaha Fields ·or !he PCM-parucle and Parallel PKAAnii' particle U.nivers~ set the base structural orientation for all 3-Dimensional Transhannohic Density Merkab; Fields witl1in the PCM and PKA Universes. Both PCM &PKA Universes have a "ma!e".Krist D-12 Merkaba Field generated by an lntemal"(emale" Chrystallah Monadic Core Merkaba Field .an~ boUJ PCM &PKA D-12 Universal Meritaba. Fields have a "Gender Fil)~ alignment t!-Jat represents the "start spin" posiUon for Top and Bottom Merk~ba Spirals. me PKA-Antiparllcla f'arallel Universe D-12 !lnlversal Krist Merkaba .& ~ 311 ~1.CCW, ·ve, . E ., T0 - · ErA Sp raJ. 'rhe PKA Unlirerse Field h . I as an r"- P Spiral . .D-12 Merkaba Field has a "male' of 11213 CCW; -ve Base spin, .~ender "fin" orientation wit~ a ManA Bottom s·~tral of 331/3 the 33113, cw, +ve, Bottom CW,.+ve, ease Spm .&an In!· . Spiral In the Shield Clock-12, ernal Crystallah Ml'lnadic Core Start Position Scttom.M~nA Merkaba Field with an 11 2/3, · S,P.Iralln ~Fin to Rear" position .CW, +ve,.ManA s.plral a; Top EirA Splralln .§!1MQ 0/ock-6, "Fin Front",Start Spin· po~itlon. PKA Uv CCW012 hlald ·
'' Merltaba Fields
TI1e syncopated, CW & CCW rotation of the Eclta Universal Shield generates the Androgynous Bi-Veca' Merkab~ Fields of the Veca Universe Primal Lfght-Soundi'ields and D-1!Z \.lniversal Density Merkaba.Field Divine Blueprintthe D-12 Univ ersal Veca ·Merkaba Fields of the PCM-particle ~n d Parallel PKA Anti· particle Universes set the base .structural orientation for all 3-Dimensional Transharmonic Dei1si!y Merkaba Fields within the PCM a1id PKA Universes. Both PCM & Pl