Karl Marx’s theory of revolution. Volume II. The politics of social classes [2] 0853454396

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Table of contents :
1. Patterns of Revolution
1. Revolution—social and political
2. Class political power
3. The guiding aim of revolution
4. Proletarian and bourgeois revolution
2. The Special Class
1. Economic definition
2. Working-class circles
3. Vanguard and allies
4. Why the proletariat?
3. Anatomy of the Proletariat
1. The rejection of illusions
2. The proletariat as process: maturation
3. Bourgeoisification: modernizing aspect
4. Bourgeoisification: “sharing the feast”
5. Internal division
6. A class for all classes
7. Revolutionizing the revolutionary class
8. To become fit to rule
4. Trade Unions and Class
1. The litmus-test
2. Early considerations
3. “The real class organization”
4. Engels lays the basis
5. The role of trade-unionism in Marx’s theory
6. Limitations of trade-unionism
7. Business unionism
8. The labor aristocracy
9. Cooptation of trade-unionism
10. Breakthrough: the “new unionism”
5. Trade Unions and Politics
1. Progressive unionism
2. Class struggle and politics
3. The experiment in the International
4. Experiment in party-controlled trade unions
5. The primacy of the political movement
6. Forms of labor political action
7. “Revolutionary unionism” and syndicalism
6. The Principle of Class Self-Emancipation
1. From Chartism to the International
2. The sin of charity
3. Sheep and saviors
4. Emancipation from below
5. Literature and revolution
6. The Commune’s crime
7. The Bourgeoisie and Bourgeois Revolution
1. Marx’s starting point in 1843
2. Democracy and communism
3. Stages of the revolution
4. In reaction to “Feudal Socialism”
5. Marx poses the dilemma
6. The bloc of democratic classes
7. The revolutionary Democracy and the proletariat
8. Transition to the “second revolution”
9. The Communist Manifesto
8. Permanent Revolution in 1848
1. The term in 1848
2. Alternatives to permanent revolution
3. First response to the revolution
4. The line of the N.R.Z.
5. The N.R.Z. and the workers’ movement
6. The bourgeoisie refuses to “do its duty”
7. Why the bourgeoisie preferred reaction
8. Analyzing the counterrevolution
9. Permanent Revolution: Final Version
1. Writing off the bourgeoisie
2. “Social republic” or counterrevolution
3. End of the line
4. Second version of permanent revolution
5. The international meaning of permanent revolution
6. Third and final version
10. Bourgeois and Proletarian Revolution: Balance Sheet
1. Declaration of the permanent revolution
2. Toward a “revolution of the majority”
3. The lesson from Germany
4. The March 1850 Address
5. The battle plan
6. The thesis of incapacity
7. A calculus of difficulty
8. Can the revolution go too far?
9. Limited expectations
10. “Progressive as against”
11. The criterion of progressiveness
11. The Petty-Bourgeoisie in Revolution
1. Definitions
2. The Janus class
3. The petty-bourgeois as contradiction
4. Instability institutionalized
5. Portrait by Engels
6. Petty-bourgeois as anti-Semite
7. At arm’s length
8. The positive side
9. The “one reactionary mass” formula
10. Engels on “one reactionary mass”
12. The Peasant Question: Social Setting
1. Two forms of an evil
2. The historical view
3. Decline of the peasant: nominal ownership
4. Decline: relative forms
5. Small and big peasants
6. Hostility and concern
7. Hiker’s view
8. The peasant mentality
9. Atomization and initiative
10. Base for despotism
11. Riding the peasant
13. The Peasant Question: Toward a Revolutionary Alliance
1. A question of priorities
2. No automatic formulas
3. Prelude to revolution
4. The peasant policy of the
5. The N.R.Z. goes to the peasants
6. Organizing a peasant movement
7. The N.R.Z. line in permanence
8. Germany: to 1850
9. Germany: on the Peasant War
10. Germany: toward a peasant alliance
11. France: toward the alliance
12. France; the Commune and after
13. Italy, Denmark, Spain
14. Ireland: the national complication
15. Russia: hope in the peasant
14. The Peasant Question: Programmatic Problems
1. Socialization of land
2. Socialist agriculture: cooperatives
3. Flexibility and variation
4. Flexibility: in America
5. Flexibility: in England
6. Land to the peasants: Italy
7. Land to the peasants: Eastern Europe
8. Immediate programs
9. “The Peasant Question in France and Germany”
10. Programmatic issues: principle and practicality
11. Programmatic issues: some boundaries
12. Peasants and the party
15. The Lumpen-Class Versus the Proletariat
1. Genesis of the lumpenproletariat
2. From 1847 through the revolution
3. The “refuse of all classes”
4. The tools of reaction
5. Economic meaning: the analysis in Capital
6. The upper-class “lumpenproletariat”
7. The class cloaca
16. Intellectual Labor and Laborers
1. Marx’s area of concern
2. Integral human labor
3. Capitalism and intellectuals
4. Productive and unproductive labor
5. Bourgeois attitudes and rewards
6. The place of scientific labor
7. Intellectual labor and socialism
17. The Social Role of Intellectual Elements
1. The “servants of power”
2. The exceptional cases
3. Some guidelines
4. Tendencies among radical intellectuals
5. Intellectual elitism: the case of Lassalle
6. “The altitude of its great intellects”
7. The students
18. Intellectuals and the Proletarian Movement
1. The positive role
2. Anti-intellectualism and ex-clusionism
3. The case of the Willich-Schapper group
4. Exclusionism in the First International
5. The issue of class composition
6. The case of Bakunin
7. “The most dangerous people”
Special Note A. Marx on the Abolition of the Proletariat by Automation
Special Note B. Marx’s Conversation with Hamann
1. A chat with strangers
2. The trade-unionists’ revolt of 1869
3. Background of the conversation
4. The blurred image
Special Note C. Permanent Revolution: On the Origin of the Term
l.The “Blanquist” myth
2. The French Revolutionary connection
3. First uses
Special Note D. Hair! or, Marxism and Pilosity
Special Note E. The Address to the Communist League of March 1850
1. Marx’s official documents
2. The lineup in the September 1850 split
3. The Address and the Cologne trial
4. The Address from 1852 to 1885
5. Adventure in lexicography
Special Note F. The Alleged Theory of the Disappearance of the Middle Classes
1. What middle class?
2. How to read the Communist Manifesto
3. Stewards and salespeople in Capital
4. On “the course of bourgeois society”
5. Proletarianization
Special Note G. On the Origin of the Term Lumpenproletariat
1. A lumpen-lexicon
2. The translation problem
Special Note H. Two Adventures in Sophisticated Marxology
1. Documentation: on asses, intellectuals, and certified proletarians
2. Poor Eccarius and the Marx-monster
Special Note I. The Weitling Myth: Horny-Handed Proletarian vs. Intellectual
Special Note J. Marx’s Course in April-May 1848
Reference Notes
Bibliography Works Cited
List of Errata for Volume 1

Karl Marx’s theory of revolution. Volume II. The politics of social classes [2]

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