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Table of contents :
Editorial Board JCAAM.pdf
maroscia ricci.pdf
Sofonea Viano.pdf
Instructions to Contributors JCAAM.pdf
Editorial Board JCAAM.pdf
Instructions to Contributors JCAAM.pdf
Editorial Board JCAAM.pdf
Belingeri Breti.pdf
Instructions to Contributors JCAAM.pdf
Editorial Board JCAAM.pdf
1. Introduction
2. Taylor's Formula
2.1. Minimizing the upper bound
3. Main Results
4. Minimizing the bound
5. Cubature and grid generation
Dattoli Ricci.pdf
martellotti sambucini.pdf
Instructions to Contributors JCAAM.pdf
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ISSN:1548-5390 PRINT,1559-176X ONLINE


SCOPE AND PRICES OF THE JOURNAL Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics A quartely international publication of Eudoxus Press,LLC Editor in Chief: George Anastassiou Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis Memphis, TN 38152, U.S.A. [email protected] The main purpose of the "Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics" is to publish high quality original research articles from all subareas of Non-Pure and/or Applicable Mathematics and its many real life applications, as well connections to other areas of Mathematical Sciences, as long as they are presented in a Concrete way. It welcomes also related research survey articles and book reviews.A sample list of connected mathematical areas with this publication includes and is not restricted to: Applied Analysis, Applied Functional Analysis, Probability theory, Stochastic Processes, Approximation Theory, O.D.E, P.D.E, Wavelet, Neural Networks,Difference Equations, Summability, Fractals, Special Functions, Splines, Asymptotic Analysis, Fractional Analysis, Inequalities, Moment Theory, Numerical Functional Analysis,Tomography, Asymptotic Expansions, Fourier Analysis, Applied Harmonic Analysis, Integral Equations, Signal Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Operations Research, Linear Programming, Fuzzyness, Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Analysis, Game Theory, Math.Physics aspects, Applied Real and Complex Analysis, Computational Number Theory, Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Computer Science Math.related topics,combinations of the above, etc. In general any kind of Concretely presented Mathematics which is Applicable fits to the scope of this journal. Working Concretely and in Applicable Mathematics has become a main trend in many recent years,so we can understand better and deeper and solve the important problems of our real and scientific world. "Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics" is a peer- reviewed International Quarterly Journal. We are calling for papers for possible publication. The contributor should send three copies of the contribution to the editor in-Chief typed in TEX, LATEX double spaced. [ See: Instructions to Contributors]

Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics(JCAAM) ISSN:1548-5390 PRINT, 1559-176X ONLINE. is published in January,April,July and October of each year by EUDOXUS PRESS,LLC, 1424 Beaver Trail Drive,Cordova,TN38016,USA, Tel.001-901-751-3553 [email protected] Annual Subscription Current Prices:For USA and Canada,Institutional:Print $250,Electronic $220,Print and Electronic $310.Individual:Print $77,Electronic $60,Print &Electronic $110.For any other part of the world add $25 more to the above prices for Print.

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Editorial Board Associate Editors

Editor in -Chief: George Anastassiou Department of Mathematical Sciences The University Of Memphis Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-3144,fax 901-678-2480 e-mail [email protected] Areas:Approximation Theory, Probability,Moments,Wavelet, Neural Networks,Inequalities,Fuzzyness. Associate Editors: 1) Ravi Agarwal Florida Institute of Technology Applied Mathematics Program 150 W.University Blvd. Melbourne,FL 32901,USA [email protected] Differential Equations,Difference Equations,inequalities

2) Shair Ahmad University of Texas at San Antonio Division of Math.& Stat. San Antonio,TX 78249-0664,USA [email protected] Differential Equations,Mathematical Biology 3) Drumi D.Bainov Medical University of Sofia P.O.Box 45,1504 Sofia,Bulgaria [email protected] Differential Equations,Optimal Control, Numerical Analysis,Approximation Theory 4) Carlo Bardaro Dipartimento di Matematica & Informatica Universita' di Perugia Via Vanvitelli 1 06123 Perugia,ITALY tel.+390755855034, +390755853822, fax +390755855024 [email protected] , [email protected] Functional Analysis and Approximation Th.,

19) Rupert Lasser Institut fur Biomathematik & Biomertie,GSF -National Research Center for environment and health Ingolstaedter landstr.1 D-85764 Neuherberg,Germany [email protected] Orthogonal Polynomials,Fourier Analysis, Mathematical Biology 20) Alexandru Lupas University of Sibiu Faculty of Sciences Department of Mathematics Str.I.Ratiu nr.7 2400-Sibiu,Romania [email protected] Classical Analysis,Inequalities, Special Functions,Umbral Calculus, Approximation Th.,Numerical Analysis and Methods 21) Ram N.Mohapatra Department of Mathematics University of Central Florida Orlando,FL 32816-1364 tel.407-823-5080 [email protected] Real and Complex analysis,Approximation Th., Fourier Analysis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 22) Rainer Nagel Arbeitsbereich Funktionalanalysis Mathematisches Institut Auf der Morgenstelle 10 D-72076 Tuebingen Germany tel.49-7071-2973242 fax 49-7071-294322 [email protected] evolution equations,semigroups,spectral th., positivity 23) Panos M.Pardalos Center for Appl. Optimization University of Florida 303 Weil Hall P.O.Box 116595 Gainesville,FL 32611-6595

Summability,Signal Analysis,Integral Equations, Measure Th.,Real Analysis

tel.352-392-9011 [email protected] Optimization,Operations Research

5) Francoise Bastin Institute of Mathematics University of Liege 4000 Liege BELGIUM [email protected] Functional Analysis,Wavelets

24) Svetlozar T.Rachev Dept.of Statistics and Applied Probability Program University of California,Santa Barbara CA 93106-3110,USA tel.805-893-4869 [email protected] AND Chair of Econometrics and Statistics School of Economics and Business Engineering University of Karlsruhe Kollegium am Schloss,Bau II,20.12,R210 Postfach 6980,D-76128,Karlsruhe,Germany tel.011-49-721-608-7535 [email protected] Mathematical and Empirical Finance, Applied Probability, Statistics and Econometrics

6) Paul L.Butzer RWTH Aachen Lehrstuhl A fur Mathematik D-52056 Aachen Germany tel.0049/241/80-94627 office, 0049/241/72833 home, fax 0049/241/80-92212 [email protected] Approximation Th.,Sampling Th.,Signals, Semigroups of Operators,Fourier Analysis 7) Yeol Je Cho Department of Mathematics Education College of Education Gyeongsang National University Chinju 660-701 KOREA tel.055-751-5673 Office, 055-755-3644 home, fax 055-751-6117 [email protected] Nonlinear operator Th.,Inequalities, Geometry of Banach Spaces 8) Sever S.Dragomir School of Communications and Informatics Victoria University of Technology PO Box 14428 Melbourne City M.C Victoria 8001,Australia tel 61 3 9688 4437,fax 61 3 9688 4050 [email protected], [email protected] Math.Analysis,Inequalities,Approximation Th., Numerical Analysis, Geometry of Banach Spaces, Information Th. and Coding 9) A.M.Fink Department of Mathematics Iowa State University Ames,IA 50011-0001,USA

25) Paolo Emilio Ricci Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Dipartimento di Matematica-Istituto "G.Castelnuovo" P.le A.Moro,2-00185 Roma,ITALY tel.++39 0649913201,fax ++39 0644701007 [email protected],[email protected] Orthogonal Polynomials and Special functions, Numerical Analysis, Transforms,Operational Calculus, Differential and Difference equations 26) Cecil C.Rousseau Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2490,fax 901-678-2480 [email protected] Combinatorics,Graph Th., Asymptotic Approximations, Applications to Physics 27) Tomasz Rychlik Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Chopina 12,87100 Torun, Poland [email protected] Mathematical Statistics,Probabilistic Inequalities 28) Bl. Sendov Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia 1090,Bulgaria

tel.515-294-8150 [email protected] Inequalities,Ordinary Differential Equations 10) Sorin Gal Department of Mathematics University of Oradea Str.Armatei Romane 5 3700 Oradea,Romania [email protected] Approximation Th.,Fuzzyness,Complex Analysis 11) Jerome A.Goldstein Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis, Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2484 [email protected] Partial Differential Equations, Semigroups of Operators 12) Heiner H.Gonska Department of Mathematics University of Duisburg Duisburg,D-47048 Germany tel.0049-203-379-3542 office [email protected] Approximation Th.,Computer Aided Geometric Design

[email protected] Approximation Th.,Geometry of Polynomials, Image Compression 29) Igor Shevchuk Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv 252017 Kyiv UKRAINE [email protected] Approximation Theory 30) H.M.Srivastava Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Victoria Victoria,British Columbia V8W 3P4 Canada tel.250-721-7455 office,250-477-6960 home, fax 250-721-8962 [email protected] Real and Complex Analysis,Fractional Calculus and Appl., Integral Equations and Transforms,Higher Transcendental Functions and Appl.,q-Series and q-Polynomials, Analytic Number Th.

31) Ferenc Szidarovszky Dept.Systems and Industrial Engineering The University of Arizona Engineering Building,111 PO.Box 210020 Tucson,AZ 85721-0020,USA 13) Dmitry Khavinson [email protected] Department of Mathematical Sciences Numerical Methods,Game Th.,Dynamic Systems, University of Arkansas Multicriteria Decision making, Fayetteville,AR 72701,USA Conflict Resolution,Applications tel.(479)575-6331,fax(479)575-8630 in Economics and Natural Resources [email protected] Potential Th.,Complex Analysis,Holomorphic Management PDE,Approximation Th.,Function Th. 32) Gancho Tachev Dept.of Mathematics 14) Virginia S.Kiryakova Univ.of Architecture,Civil Eng. and Geodesy Institute of Mathematics and Informatics 1 Hr.Smirnenski blvd Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BG-1421 Sofia,Bulgaria Sofia 1090,Bulgaria Approximation Theory [email protected] Special Functions,Integral Transforms, 33) Manfred Tasche Fractional Calculus Department of Mathematics University of Rostock 15) Hans-Bernd Knoop D-18051 Rostock Institute of Mathematics Germany Gerhard Mercator University [email protected] D-47048 Duisburg Approximation Th.,Wavelet,Fourier Analysis, Germany Numerical Methods,Signal Processing, tel.0049-203-379-2676

[email protected] Approximation Theory,Interpolation 16) Jerry Koliha Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics University of Melbourne VIC 3010,Melbourne Australia [email protected] Inequalities,Operator Theory, Matrix Analysis,Generalized Inverses 17) Mustafa Kulenovic Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected] Differential and Difference Equations 18) Gerassimos Ladas Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected] Differential and Difference Equations

Image Processing,Harmonic Analysis 34) Chris P.Tsokos Department of Mathematics University of South Florida 4202 E.Fowler Ave.,PHY 114 Tampa,FL 33620-5700,USA [email protected],[email protected] Stochastic Systems,Biomathematics, Environmental Systems,Reliability Th. 35) Lutz Volkmann Lehrstuhl II fuer Mathematik RWTH-Aachen Templergraben 55 D-52062 Aachen Germany [email protected] Complex Analysis,Combinatorics,Graph Theory


Hermite-Kamp´ e de F´ eriet polynomials and solutions of Boundary Value Problems in the half-space Giulia Maroscia Universit` a di Roma “La Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli Matematici per le Scienze Applicate, Via A.Scarpa, 16, 00161 Roma, Italia e-mail: [email protected]

Paolo E. Ricci Universit` a di Roma “La Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Matematica, P.le A. Moro, 2 00185 Roma, Italia - e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Explicit solutions of multidimensional canonical BVP of parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic type in the half-space are derived by using operational methods and series expansions in terms of the Hermite-Kamp´e de F´eriet polynomials.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 33C45, 44A45, 35G15. Key words and phrases. Hermite-Kamp´e de F´eriet (or Gould-Hopper) polynomials, Operational calculus, Boundary value problems.



In a preceding article [5], the two-dimensional polynomials considered by Hermite, and subsequently studied by P. Appell and J. Kamp´e de F´eriet [1], H.W. Gould and A.T. Hopper [12], (see also: [16], p. 76, Eq. 1.9 (6)), G. Dattoli et al. [7], were stressed in order to obtain explicit solutions of all the canonical (parabolic, hyperbolic or elliptic) BVP in the half-plane. For shortness, in the following, we will use the abbreviation H-KdF to denote the Hermite-Kamp´e de F´eriet polynomials. In the present article, by using the same operational approach recalled in [6], we present here some generalizations of the results obtained in [5] to the case of the solution of all the canonical BVP in the half-space. According to our results, the two-dimensional H-KdF polynomials appear as the natural tool for representing the solutions of all these problems. It is worth noting that the use of operational methods in this framework naturally leads to the consideration of fractional operators. However in all the considered cases, it



is possible to exploit the peculiarity of problems in order to avoid fractional derivatives, so that the relevant solutions are always expressed in terms of suitable series expansions for which a general convergence criterion is proved. The convergence conditions on the data expressed by this criterion are not necessary. It should be interesting to find more general conditions to be satisfied by the data in order to ensure convergence for the formal expansions, but the main motivation of this article is to show the relevance of the H-KdF polynomials in the explicit solutions of the considered problems. We recall that, in the two-dimensional case, the H-KdF polynomials are closely related to the classical Hermite ones, and consequently to the Gauss’ normal distribution which is the weight of the Hermite polynomials. We conjectured in [5] that this was the hidden motivation of the possibility to express the solutions of all the canonical BVP. In any case, the importance of the H-KdF polynomials in the framework of the multidimensional or multi-index special functions was recently recognized (see e.g. [7], [4], [10]), and their importance even in the solution of BVP seems to be another property which is worthy to be noted (see e.g. [5], [2], [15]).


Hermite-Kamp´ e de F´ eriet polynomials

We recall the definitions of the H-KdF polynomials, in the two-dimensional case. (2) Definition 2.1 The H-KdF polynomials in two variables Hm (x, y) are defined by

(2) Hm (x, y) := m!

m [X 2 ]


y n xm−2n n!(m − 2n)!


(j) Definition 2.2 The H-KdF polynomials in two variables Hm (x, y) are defined by

(j) Hm (x, y)

:= m!

m [X j ]


y n xm−jn n!(m − jn)!


In a number of articles by G. Dattoli et al., (see e.g. [7], [8],[9]), by using the so called monomiality principle, the following properties for the two-variable H-KdF (j) (x, y), j ≥ 2 have been recovered. polynomials Hm • Operational definition y

(j) Hm (x, y) = e

∂j ∂xj


∂ j−1 xm = x + jy j−1 ∂x





• Generating function

∞ X

Hn(j) (x, y)


tn j = ext+yt . n!



(2) In the case when j = 2, (see [19]), the H-KdF polynomials Hm (x, y) admit the following

• Integral representation (2) (x, y) Hm

2 1 Z +∞ m − (x−ξ) = √ ξ e 4y dξ, 2 πy −∞


which is a particular case of the so called Gauss-Weierstrass (or Poisson) transform [18].


Hyperbolic and circular functions of the derivative operator

The two-variable H-KdF polynomials allow us to define, in a constructive way, the hyperbolic and circular functions of the derivative operator. Definition 3.1 For any j ≥ 1 cosh(yDj )f (x) :=

∞ X

(j) am Km (x, y),






(j) (j) Km (x, y) = Ey Hm (x, y)


and Ey (·) denotes the even part, with respect to the y variable, of the considered H-KdF polynomial. Definition 3.2 For any j ≥ 1 sinh(yDj )f (x) :=

∞ X

(j) am Sm (x, y)






(j) (j) (x, y) (x, y) = Oy Hm Sm


and Oy (·) denotes the odd part, with respect to y, of the considered H-KdF polynomial. The properties of the hyperbolic and circular functions of the derivative operator, and the relevant generalization to the pseudo-hyperbolic and pseudo-circular functions (see [11], [17], [3]), were considered in [6].




Convergence results

In this section we will recall an uniform estimate, with respect to j, for the convergence of series involving the H-KdF polynomials Hn(j) (x, y): ∞ X

an Hn(j) (x, y).



Theorem 4.1 For every j ≥ 2, −∞ < x < +∞, −∞ < y < +∞, n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., the following estimate holds true: |Hn(j) (x, y)| ≤ n! exp {|x| + |y|} .


The proof is derived by the same method used in the book of Widder [19], p. 166, for the case j = 2. A deep analysis of the convergence condition for the series (4.1), in the case j = 2, is performed in this book, however the relevant estimates can be only partially extended to the general case, since many of them are based on the integral representation (2.5). Unfortunately, if j > 2, an integral representation generalizing the Gauss-Weierstrass transform is known only when j = 2q, q being an odd number (see [13], [14]). Considering, as boundary (or initial) data, analytic functions f (x) =

∞ X

an xn


whose coefficients an tend to zero sufficiently fast, we can prove the following theorem: Theorem 4.2 Suppose there exists a number α > 1, such that the coefficients an satisfy the following estimate: µ

|an | = O

1 , α n n!


then, for every j, the series expansion (4.1) is absolutely and uniformly convergent in every bounded region of the (x, y)-plane. Proof. The result immediately follows from the estimate ¯ ¯∞ ∞ ∞ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯X X X ¯ ¯ ¯ (j) ¯ |x|+|y| (j) |an |n!, |an | ¯Hn (x, y)¯ ≤ e ¯ an Hn (x, y)¯¯ ≤ ¯ n=0




considering that the last series is convergent by condition (4.3). Remark 4.1 The condition (4.3) include analytic functions with polynomial growth at infinity, but not the exponential function ex , whereas, in the case j = 2, the book of Widder [19] includes all functions belonging to the so called Huygens class H 0 .



Remark 4.2 Obviously the above convergence conditions are sufficient, but not necessary, and it should be interesting to extend it in order to include wider classes of boundary (or initial) data. However, by the point of view of the Applied Analysis, the considered conditions cover many realistic situations, since data are usually expressed by bounded functions, vanishing at infinity, and negligible outside a suitable bounded interval. In the following we show explicit solutions of the canonical BVP of parabolic, perbolic or elliptic type problems, starting from the three-dimensional case, in der to introduce our results in a more friendly way. The relevant extensions to n-dimensional case are almost straightforward, since the demonstration methods exactly the same. Consequently, the general results are given without proofs.


hyorthe are

The two-dimensional heat equation

We start considering the two-dimensional heat equation. Assuming that the initial condition q(x, y) is expressed by an analytic function, and using an operational approach, we find the explicit solution in terms of the H-KdF polynomials. A convergence result is given generalizing the Theorem 4.2. Theorem 5.1 Consider the two-dimensional heat equation   ∂ 2S ∂ 2S ∂S   = +  ∂t ∂x2 ∂y 2     S(x, y, 0) = q(x, y)

in the half − space

t > 0, (5.1)

with analytic initial condition. Then, the operational solution is given by: 2


S(x, y, t) = et(Dx +Dy ) q(x, y), where, by definition: Dx =


∂ ∂ and Dy = . ∂x ∂y

Proof. We have, indeed: ∂S = ∂t



∂ 2S ∂ 2S ∂2 ∂2 t(Dx2 +Dy2 ) q(x, y) = + e + 2 ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂x2 ∂y

and the initial condition, when t = 0, is trivially satisfied. Considering the Taylor expansion of q(x, y): q(x, y) =

∞ X n=0 |α|≤n

aα xα1 y α2




(where we used the multi-index notation: α = (α1 , α2 ), |α| := α1 + α2 ), it is possible to write down explicitly the solution (5.2). Consider first the case when q(x, y) = xp y q . Then: 2


et(Dx +Dy ) xp y q = (x + 2tDx )p (y + 2tDy )q (1) = (x + 2tDx )p Hq(2) (y, t) = =

p X k=0

à !

p (2) Hp−k (x, t)(2tDx )k Hq(2) (y, t) = Hp(2) (x, t)Hq(2) (y, t) k

where we used the Hausdorff and the Burchnall identity (see [7]). Consequently, for the analytic initial condition (5.3), the solution will be expressed by: 2


S(x, y, t) = et(Dx +Dy )

∞ X

aα xα1 y α2 =


n=0 |α|≤n


∞ X

aα (x + 2tDx )α1 (y + 2tDy )α2 (1) =

n=0 |α|≤n

∞ X

(x, t) Hα(2) (y, t). aα Hα(2) 1 2

n=0 |α|≤n

A sufficient condition for the convergence of the expansion (5.4) is expressed by the following result, generalizing Theorem 4.2: Theorem 5.2 Suppose that there exist numbers ξ1 > 1, ξ2 > 1 such that the coefficients cγ of the series expansion ∞ X

cγ Hγ(2) (x, t)Hγ(2) (y, t) 1 2


n=0 |γ|≤n




1 1 |cγ | = O , (5.6) ξ1 ξ2 γ1 γ1 ! γ2 γ2 ! then the series (5.5) is absolutely and uniformly convergent in every bounded region of the (x, y, t)-space. Proof. Using the estimate (4.2) of Theorem 4.1:

¯ ¯ ¯ (j) ¯ ¯Hn (x, t)¯ ≤ n! exp{|x| + |t|} ,

we deduce: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∞ ∞ ∞ ¯X ¯ ¯ ¯ X X ¯ ¯ ¯ (2) ¯ (2) (2) (2) ¯ cγ Hγ1 (x, t)Hγ2 (y, t)¯ ≤ |cγ | ¯Hγ1 (x, t)Hγ2 (y, t)¯ ≤ |cγ |γ1 ! γ2 ! e|x|+|y|+2|t| ¯ ¯ ¯ n=0 ¯ n=0 n=0 ¯|γ|≤n ¯ |γ|≤n |γ|≤n

so that, since by hypothesis the last series is convergent, the series expansion (5.5) satisfies the Weierstrass test in every bounded region of the (x, y, t)-space.




The general heat equation

Denote by x the (n − 1)-dimensional vector x ≡ (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn−1 ), and consider the corresponding (n − 1)-dimensional heat equation, with analytic initial condition q(x). Putting ∆ := ∂ 2 /∂x21 + ∂ 2 /∂x22 + . . . + ∂ 2 /∂x2n−1 , the result of the preceding section can be easily generalized as follows. Theorem 6.1 The operational solution of the problem  ∂S   = ∆S,    


in the half − space

t > 0,


S(x, 0) = q(x),

is given by S(x, t) = et∆ q(x).



n−1 If q(x) = xα1 1 · · · xn−1 , then the explicit solution of the problem (6.2) is given by


n−1 S(x, t) = et∆ xα1 1 · · · xn−1 =


= (x1 + 2tDx1 )α1 · · · xn−1 + 2tDxn−1


(1) =

= Hα(2) (x1 , t) · · · Hα(2) (xn−1 , t). 1 n−1 For a general analytic initial condition q(x) =

∞ X

aα xα ,

n=0 |α|≤n

the explicit solution is expressed by the series expansion (6.1): ∞ X

S(x, t) = et∆

aα xα =

n=0 |α|≤n


∞ X


aα (x1 + 2tDx1 )α1 · · · xn−1 + 2tDxn−1


(1) =

n=0 |α|≤n


∞ X

aα Hα(2) (x1 , t) · · · Hα(2) (xn−1 , t). 1 n−1

n=0 |α|≤n

A convergence condition is given by the theorem




Theorem 6.2 If there exist n − 1 numbers ξi > 1, (i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1), such that the coefficients of the series (6.3) satisfy the condition: Ã

1 1 |aα | = O · · · ξn−1 ξ1 α1 α1 ! αn−1 αn−1 !



then the series is absolutely and uniformly convergent in every bounded region of the (x, t) space.


The canonical hyperbolic problem in R3

In this section we find explicit solutions for the canonical hyperbolic problem in R3 , with analytic initial conditions. Convergence results are also derived. Theorem 7.1 Consider the hyperbolic problem in R3 , with analytic initial data q(x, y) and v(x, y):  2 ∂2S ∂2S ∂ S    = + ∂t2 ∂x2 ∂y 2    S(x, y, 0) = q(x, y),

in the half − space

t > 0,

∂ S(x, y, 0) = v(x, y). ∂t


The operational solution of the problem (7.1) is given by:  Ã  Ã !1  !1  2 2 2 2 2 2 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂  q(x, y) + sinh t  w(x, y) (7.2) S(x, y, t) = cosh t + + ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂x2 ∂y 2 Ã

where we put, by definition: w(x, y) :=

∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2

!− 1 2

v(x, y).

Proof. The initial conditions are trivially satisfied, furthermore, by differentiating two times with respect to t equation (7.2), we find: ∂S = ∂t




∂ 2S = ∂t2 =



∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2  Ã


 Ã !1  2 2 2 ∂ ∂  q(x, y) + sinh t + ∂x2 ∂y 2


 Ã !1  2 2 2 ∂ ∂  w(x, y) cosh t + ∂x2 ∂y 2



∂2  ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 t + cosh + ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂x2 ∂y 2

∂ 2S ∂2S + 2. ∂x2 ∂y

 Ã  !1  !1  2 2 2 2 ∂ ∂  q(x, y) + sinh t  w(x, y) + ∂x2 ∂y 2



By using the Taylor expansion of the initial data: ∞ X

q(x, y) =

aα x



y ,

v(x, y) =

n=0 |α|≤n

∞ X

bβ xβ1 y β2 ,


n=0 |β|≤n

where α := (α1 , α2 ), β = (β1 , β2 ), and |α| := α1 + α2 , |β| := β1 + β2 , we try to write down explicitly the solution of problem (7.1). To this aim, we consider first the operational identity: Ã

∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2

!m p


x y =

m X



m k

∂ ∂x

!2k Ã

where we used the commuting property of the operators By using the identities: Ã

∂ ∂x

p 2

∂2 ∂2 and . ∂x2 ∂y 2

p! xp−2k (p − 2k)!



y q = q(q − 1) · · · (q − 2(m − k) + 1)y q−2(m−k) =

for q − 2(m − k) ≥ 0, or m ≤ ∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2 h i


h i



xp y q

xp = p(p − 1) · · · (p − 2k + 1)xp−2k =

for p − 2k ≥ 0, or k ≤ ∂ ∂y

!2 (m−k)




∂ ∂y


q! y q−2(m−k) (q − 2(m − k))! h i q 2

+k ≤

h i q 2


h i p 2

, we find the following equation:

[p] Ã ! p! m q! xp y q = xp−2k y q−2(m−k) k (p − 2k)! (q − 2(m − k))! k=0 2 X

h i

(7.5) h i

where m ≤ p2 + 2q (and, by definition, the terms for which m−k < 0 or m−k > 2q must be replaced by zero). The above equation (7.5) can be written in the equivalent form: Ã

∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2


xp y q =

X k1 +k2 =m 0≤k1 ≤[ p2 ] 0≤k2 ≤[ 2q ]

m! p! q! xp−2k1 y q−2k2 k1 !k2 ! (p − 2k1 )! (q − 2k2 )!




We use now the identity (7.6) in order to represent the solution of the problem (7.1) when the initial data are expressed by the monomials: q(x, y) = xp y q ,

v(x, y) = xh y r .

In this case, we find:  Ã !1  Ã !m ∞ 2 2 2m 2 2 2 X ∂ ∂ t ∂ ∂ p q x y = cosh t + + 2 xp y q = 2 ∂x2 ∂y 2 (2m)! ∂x ∂y m=0


[ p2 X ]+[ 2q ] m=0


[ p2 X ]+[ 2q ] m=0

t2m (2m)! 


X k1 +k2 =m 0≤k1 ≤[ p2 ]

p! q! m! xp−2k1 y q−2k2 = k1 !k2 ! (p − 2k1 )! (q − 2k2 )!

0≤k2 ≤[ 2q ]



2 t m!  X 

2 X

p! q! tk1 xp−2k1 tk2 y q−2k2   = (2m)! k1 =0 k1 !(p − 2k1 )! k2 =0 k2 !(q − 2k2 )! m


[ p2 X ]+[ 2q ] m=0


i tm m! h (2) , Hp (x, t) · Hq(2) (y, t) m (2m)! i

where the symbol: Hp(2) (x, t) · Hq(2) (y, t)



stands for the homogeneous part of degree ³


m, with respect to the t variable, contained into the product: Hp(2) (x, t) · Hq(2) (y, t) , i.e. in equation (7.7) we ³have to erase all the´ terms for which the exponent of t appearing in the product Hp(2) (x, t) · Hq(2) (y, t) is different from the index m (as a matter of fact, the condition k1 + k2 = m must hold true). Proceeding in an analogous way we find:  Ã

sinh t Ã


∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2

∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2

!1  ∞ 2 X  xh y r =

! 1 [ h2 ]+[ r2 ] 2 X m=0


t2m+1 (2m + 1)!

t2m+1 (2m + 1)!

X k1 +k2 =m 0≤k1 ≤[ h 2]


∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2

!m+ 1


xh y r

h! r! m! xh−2k1 y r−2k2 k1 !k2 ! (h − 2k1 )! (r − 2k2 )!

0≤k2 ≤[ r2 ]



 h  ! 1 [ h2 ]+[ r2 ] [2] [ r2 ] m+1 2 X X X ∂ ∂ t m!  h! r! + 2 tk1 xh−2k1 tk2 y r−2k2    2 ∂x ∂y m=0 (2m + 1)! k =0 k1 !(h − 2k1 )! k =0 k2 !(r − 2k2 )! 2





! 1 [ h ]+[ r ] ∂ 2 2 2 X 2 tm+1 m! h

∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2


(2m + 1)!




Hh (x, t) · Hr(2) (y, t)









where the symbol Hh (x, t) · Hr(2) (y, t)



denotes the homogeneous part of degree m, ³



with respect to the t variable, contained into the product: Hh (x, t) · Hr(2) (y, t) . As a consequence, in this case, the solution of the problem (7.1) becomes:  Ã

S(x, y, t) = cosh t


[ p2 X ]+[ 2q ] m=0

 Ã !1  !1  Ã !− 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ p q  x y + sinh t  + + + xh y r 2 2 2 2 2 2 ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y 2

t2m (2m)!


X k1 +k2 =m 0≤k1 ≤[ p2 ]

m! p! q! xp−2k1 y q−2k2 + k1 !k2 ! (p − 2k1 )! (q − 2k2 )!

0≤k2 ≤[ 2q ]


[ h2 X ]+[ r2 ] m=0

t2m+1 (2m + 1)!

X k1 +k2 =m 0≤k1 ≤[ h 2]

m! h! r! xh−2k1 y r−2k2 = k1 !k2 ! (h − 2k1 )! (r − 2k2 )!

0≤k2 ≤[ r2 ]

[ h2 X ]+[ 2q ] m ]+[ r2 ] m+1 [ p2 X i i t m! h (2) t m! h (2) Hp (x, t) · Hq(2) (y, t) + Hh (x, t) · Hr(2) (y, t) . = m m (2m + 1)! m=0 (2m)! m=0 Consider now the case of general analytic data (7.3). Then the solution of the problem (7.1) becomes:  Ã !1  ∞ 2 2 2 X ∂ ∂  S(x, y, t) = cosh t + aα xα1 y α2 + 2 2 ∂x ∂y n=0 |α|≤n

 Ã !1  Ã !− 1 ∞ 2 2 2 2 2 2 X ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂  + sinh t + + bβ xβ1 y β2 = 2 2 2 2 ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y n=0 |β|≤n


 Ã !1  ∞ 2 2 2 X ∂ ∂  xα1 y α2 + + aα cosh t 2 2 ∂x ∂y n=0




∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2

!− 1 2

 Ã !1  2 2 2 ∂ ∂  xβ1 y β2 = + bβ sinh t 2 2 ∂x ∂y n=0 ∞ X





∞ X

[ α21 X ]+[ α22 ] m=0

n=0 |α|≤n

t2m (2m)!

X k1 +k2 =m α 0≤k1 ≤[ 21 ] 0≤k2 ≤[


∞ X

[ β21 X ]+[ β22 ] m=0

n=0 |β|≤n

t2m+1 (2m + 1)!

α2 2


X k1 +k2 =m β 0≤k1 ≤[ 21 ] 0≤k2 ≤[


∞ X

[ α21 X ]+[ α22 ] m=0

n=0 |α|≤n

m! α1 ! α2 ! xα1 −2k1 y α2 −2k2 + k1 !k2 ! (α1 − 2k1 )! (α2 − 2k2 )!

β2 2

m! β1 ! β2 ! xβ1 −2k1 y β2 −2k2 = k1 !k2 ! (β1 − 2k1 )! (β2 − 2k2 )!


i tm m! h (2) Hα1 (x, t) · Hα(2) (y, t) + 2 m (2m)!

(7.9) +

∞ X n=0 |β|≤n

β1 2

β2 2

]+[ ] [ X m=0

i tm+1 m! h (2) (2) , Hβ1 (x, t) · Hβ2 (y, t) m (2m + 1)!

where we used the same notations of equations (7.7)-(7.8). A convergence condition for the series expansions in equation (7.9) is expressed by the theorem: Theorem 7.2 Suppose there exist numbers ξi > 1 and ρi > 1, i = 1, 2 such that the coefficients aα and bβ of the series in equation (7.9) satisfy the condition: Ã


1 1 |aα | = O , ξ1 ξ2 α1 α1 ! α2 α2 !


1 1 |bβ | = O ρ1 ρ2 β1 β1 ! β2 β2 !



then the series are absolutely and uniformly convergent in every bounded region of the (x, y, t)-space. Proof. We consider the first of the series expansions in equation (7.9), since the result can be proved in the same way for the second one. By using the estimate: ¯ α ¯ ¯[ 1 ]+[ α2 ] ¯ ∞ ¯ 2 X 2 tm m! ¯ X |t|m m! ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯≤ ¯ (2m)! ¯¯ m=0 (2m)! ¯ m=0


m! 1 ≤ (2m)! m!


we find:


¯ α ¯ ¯[ 1 ]+[ α2 ] ¯ ∞ ¯ 2 X 2 tm m! ¯ X |t|m ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯≤ = exp{|t|}. ¯ (2m)! ¯¯ m=0 (m)! ¯ m=0

Furthermore, by exploiting the estimate (4.2) for the H-KdF polynomials, we find: ¯ ¯ ¯ (2) ¯ ¯Hα1 (|x|, |t|) · Hα(2) (|y|, |t|) ¯ ≤ α1 !α2 ! exp{|x| + 2|t| + |y|} 2

We have so derived the estimate: ¯ α ¯ ¯[ 1 ]+[ α2 ] ¯ ∞ ¯ 2 X 2 tm m! h i ¯ X ¯ ¯ (2) (2) |aα | ¯ H (x, t) · Hα2 (y, t) ¯ ≤ exp{|x| + 3|t| + |y|} |aα |α1 !α2 ! ¯ m¯ (2m)! α1 ¯ m=0 ¯ n=0 n=0 ∞ X



so that, since by hypothesis the last series are convergent, the series expansion (7.9) satisfies the Weierstrass test in every bounded region of the (x, y, t)-space. We conclude as follows: supposing that the coefficients of the analytic initial data of problem (7.1) satisfy conditions (7.10), then the solution of the same problem can be expressed by the series expansion (7.9), in terms of the H-KdF polynomials, the series being absolutely and uniformly convergent in every bounded region of the (x, y, t)-space.


The hyperbolic problem in Rn

Putting: x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn−1 ), we introduce the multi-index notation: α := (α1 , . . . , αn−1 ) |α| :=

n−1 X


i=1 α

n−1 xα := xα1 1 · · · xn−1 ,

and furthermore we set: ∆ :=

∂2 ∂2 ∂2 + + . . . + ∂x21 ∂x22 ∂x2n−1

The results of the preceding section can be generalized as follows:



Theorem 8.1 Consider the hyperbolic problem in Rn , with analytic initial data q(x) and v(x):  2 ∂ S    = ∆ S in the half − space t > 0, ∂t2 (8.1) ∂    S(x, 0) = q(x), S(x, 0) = v(x). ∂t The operational solution of the problem (8.1) is given by: ³






S(x, t) = cosh t∆ 2 q(x) + sinh t∆ 2 w(x)



where, by definition, we put: w(x) := ∆− 2 v(x). Considering the analytic initial data, in compact notation: ∞ X

q(x) =

a α xα ,

v(x) =

r=0 |α|≤r

∞ X

b β xβ


r=0 |β|≤r

and generalizing equation (7.6): X

∆ m xα =

k1 +...+kn−1 =m α 0≤ki ≤[ 2i ],i=1:n−1

where m ≤

Pn−1 h αj i

∞ X

S(x, t) =

m! α1 ! αn−1 ! αn−1 −2kn−1 xα1 1 −2k1 ··· xn−1 (8.4) k1 ! · · · kn−1 ! (α1 − 2k1 )! (αn−1 − 2kn−1 )!



, we find the explicit solution in the form:





aα cosh t∆ 2 xα +∆− 2

r=0 |α|≤r



r=0 |α|≤r




bβ sinh t∆ 2 xβ =

r=0 |β|≤r

Pn−1 αi [ ] i=1 X 2 t2m

∞ X

∞ X


(2m)! k

m! α1 ! αn−1 ! αn−1 −2kn−1 xα1 1 −2k1 ··· xn−1 + k ! · · · kn−1 ! (α1 − 2k1 )! (αn−1 − 2kn−1 )! =m 1

1 +···+kn−1 α 0≤ki ≤[ 2i ],i=1:n−1

Pn−1h βi i


∞ X


r=0 |β|≤r




t2m+1 (2m + 1)! k


βn−1 ! m! β1 ! βn−1 −2kn−1 xβ1 1 −2k1··· xn−1 k ! · · · k ! (β − 2k )! (β − 2k )! n−1 1 1 n−1 n−1 =m 1

1 +···+kn−1 β 0≤ki ≤ 2i ,i=1:n−1

h i



∞ X

Pn−1 αi [ ] i=1 X 2 tm m! h



r=0 |α|≤r


Hα(2) (x1 , t) · · · Hα(2) (xn−1 , t) 1 n−1




Pn−1 h βi i ∞ X




r=0 |β|≤r





i tm+1 m! h (2) (2) Hβ1 (x1 , t) · · · Hβn−1 (xn−1 , t) , m (2m + 1)! i

Hα(2) (x1 , t) · · · Hα(2) (xn−1 , t) 1 n−1


denotes the homogeneous part of degree m, ³



with respect to the t variable, contained into the product Hα(2) (x1 , t) · · · Hα(2) (xn−1 , t) . 1 n−1 The Theorem 4.2 in the n-dimensional case becomes: Theorem 8.2 If there exist numbers ξi > 1, ρi > 1, (i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1), such that the coefficients aα and bβ of the series expansions in equation (8.5) satisfy: !


1 1 |aα | = O ··· , ξ ξ 1 n−1 α1 α1 ! αn−1 αn−1 !


1 1 |bβ | = O ··· ρ1 ρn−1 β1 β1 ! βn−1 βn−1 !



then the two series are absolutely and uniformly convergent in every bounded region of the (x, t)-space.


The Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in R3

In this section, putting ∆ := ∂ 2 /∂x2 + ∂ 2 /∂y 2 + ∂ 2 /∂z 2 , we find explicit solutions for the Dirichlet problem in R3 , with analytic boundary conditions. Convergence results are also derived. Theorem 9.1 Consider the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in the halfspace z > 0, with analytic boundary condition q(x, y), on the real axis z = 0: (

∆S(x, y, z) = 0,

in the half − space

z > 0,

S(x, y, 0) = q(x, y) .


The operational solution of the problem (9.1) is given by:  Ã !1  2 2 2 ∂ ∂  q(x, y) + S(x, y, z) = cos z ∂x2 ∂y 2




Proof. Note that: ∂S = ∂z


∂ 2S = ∂z 2

 Ã  !1  !1  2 2 2 2 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ − sin z + 2 + 2  q(x, y) 2 2 ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y 2




 Ã

∂2 ∂2  ∂2 ∂2 z + − cos + ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂x2 ∂y 2 Ã

∂ 2S ∂ 2S = − + 2 ∂x2 ∂y

 !1  2  q(x, y)



and the boundary condition, for z = 0, is trivially satisfied. It is possible again to express the explicit solution of the problem (9.1), when the boundary condition is given by the analytic function: q(x, y) =

∞ X

aα xα1 y α2 ,


n=0 |α|≤n

where the multi-index notation is used. Let us consider first the case when q(x, y) = xp y q . Using equation (7.5) we find the explicit solution in the form:  Ã !1  2 2 2 ∂ ∂  xp y q = S(x, y, z) = cos z + ∂x2 ∂y 2 Ã

∞ X

z 2m  ∂ 2 ∂2 = + (−1)m (2m)! ∂x2 ∂y 2 m=0

! 1 2m 2

xp y q =

[ p2 X ]+[ 2q ] [ p2 ] Ã ! 2m X z p! m q! (−1)m xp−2k y q−2(m−k) = = (2m)! k (p − 2k)! (q − 2(m − k))! m=0 k=0 [ p2 X ]+[ 2q ] m h i m z m! = (−1) Hp(2) (x, z) · Hq(2) (y, z) , m (2m)! m=0 where the symbol



Hp(2) (x, z) · Hq(2) (y, z)



denotes the homogeneous part of degree

m, with respect to the z variable, contained in the product



Hp(2) (x, z) · Hq(2) (y, z) ,



i.e. all the terms whose index m is different from the exponent of z must be replaced by zero. Note that, in order to obtain the last equation, we decomposed first z 2m in the form z 2m = z m · z k1 · z k2 (k1 + k2 = m), so that, by using (7.6) which is equivalent to (7.5), it follows: [ p2 X ]+[ 2q ] zm (−1)m (2m)! m=0

X k1 +k2 =m 0≤k1 ≤[ p2 ]

m! p! q! z k1 xp−2k1 z k2 y q−2k2 . k1 !k2 ! (p − 2k1 )! (q − 2k2 )!

0≤k2 ≤[ 2q ]

Using the definition of the H-KdF polynomials: [p]

z k1 xp−2k1 Hp(2) (x, z) = p! k1 =0 k1 !(p − 2k1 )! 2 X

we find:


Hq(2) (y, z) = q!

z k2 y q−2k2 k2 =0 k2 !(q − 2k2 )!

2 X

[ p2 X ]+[ 2q ] [ 2q ] [ p2 ] k1 p−2k1 m X X z z k2 y q−2k2  z m! x  (−1)m q! p!  (2m)! m=0 k1 =0 k1 !(p − 2k1 )! k2 =0 k2 !(q − 2k2 )!


so that equation (9.4) holds true. In the general case, when the boundary condition is expressed in the form (9.3), the explicit solution becomes:  Ã !1  ∞ 2 2 2 X ∂ ∂  + aα xα1 y α2 = S(x, y, z) = cos z 2 2 ∂x ∂y n=0 |α|≤n


∞ X n=0 |α|≤n


∞ X

 Ã

∂2 ∂2 aα cos z + ∂x2 ∂y 2


n=0 |α|≤n


∞ X n=0 |α|≤n

[ α21 X ]+[ α22 ]

[ α21 X ]+[ α22 ] m=0

!1  2  xα1 y α2 =

α1 Ã ! 2 ] 2m [X α2 ! z m α1 ! xα1 −2k y α2 −2(m−k) = (−1)m (2m) k=0 k (α1 − 2k)! (α2 − 2(m − k))!


i z m m! h (2) Hα1 (x, z) · Hα(2) (y, z) . 2 m (2m)!


A convergence condition, for the series expansion in equation (9.5), is given by the theorem:



Theorem 9.2 If there exist numbers ξ1 > 1, ξ2 > 1 such that the coefficients aα of the series (9.5) satisfy the estimate: Ã


1 1 |aα | = O , ξ1 ξ2 α1 α1 ! α2 α2 !


then the series (9.5) is absolutely and uniformly convergent in every bounded region of the (x, y, z)-space. Proof. The result follows from the estimates: ¯ α ¯ ¯[ 1 ]+[ α2 ] ¯ ∞ m ¯ 2X2 ¯ X |z|m ¯ m z m! ¯ ¯ (−1) ¯≤ = exp{|z|}. ¯ (2m)! ¯¯ m=0 (m)! ¯ m=0 ¯ ¯ ¯ (2) ¯ ¯ ≤ α1 !α2 ! exp{|x| + 2|z| + |y|}, ¯Hα1 (|x|, |z|) · Hα(2) (|y|, |z|) 2

hence the series (9.5) is dominated by exp{|x| + 3|z| + |y|}

∞ X

|aα |α1 !α2 !

n=0 |α|≤n

which is convergent under the considered hypotheses, so that the series (9.5) satisfies the Weierstrass test in every bounded region of the (x, y, z)-space. We conclude: supposing that the coefficients of the analytic boundary condition (9.3) of the Dirichlet problem (9.1) satisfy (9.6), then the solution of the same problem can be expressed by the series expansion (9.5), in terms of the H-KdF polynomials, the series being absolutely and uniformly convergent in every bounded region of the (x, y, z)- space.


The Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in Rn

Consider now the n-dimensional Laplace operator ∆ := ∂ 2 /∂x21 +∂ 2 /∂x22 +. . .+∂ 2 /∂x2n , in the half-space xn > 0, and the Dirichlet problem with boundary condition on the real xn axis, expressed by the analytic function q(x), where we put again x := (x1 , . . . , xn−1 ). Then: Theorem 10.1 The operational solution of the problem (

∆n S(x, xn ) = 0, S(x, 0) = q(x).

in the half − space

xn > 0,



is given by





S(x, xn ) = cos xn ∆ 2 q(x)


If the boundary condition is expressed by the function: q(x) =

∞ X

aα xα

r=0 |α|≤r

(where we used again the compact multi-index notation), then the explicit solution in terms of the H-KdF polynomials is: ³


S(x, xn ) = cos xn ∆ 2

∞ ´ X r=0 |α|≤r


∞ X

Pn−1 αi [ ] i=1 X2


r=0 |α|≤r



∞ X r=0 |α|≤r

x2m n (2m)!k

Pn−1 αi [ ] i=1 X2 m=0

aα xα =

∞ X r=0 |α|≤r

∞ X



x2m n ∆ m xα = (2m)!


m! α1 ! αn−1 ! αn−1 −2kn−1 xα1 1 −2k1··· xn−1 k ! · · · k ! (α − 2k )! (α − 2k )! 1 n−1 1 1 n−1 n−1 1 +···+kn−1 =m α 0≤ki ≤[ 2i ]

h i xm n (2) (−1) Hα(2) (x , x ) · · · H (x , x ) . 1 n n−1 n α 1 n−1 m (2m)! m


A convergence condition, for the series expansions in equation (10.3), is given by the theorem: Theorem 10.2 If there exist n − 1 numbers ξi > 1, (i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1), such that the coefficients aα of the series (10.3) satisfy the estimate: Ã


1 1 |aα | = O , ··· ξ ξ 1 n−1 α1 α1 ! αn−1 αn−1 !


then the series (10.3) are absolutely and uniformly convergent in every bounded region of the (x, xn )-space. Acknowledgements This article was concluded in the framework of the Italian National Group for Scientific Computation (G.N.C.S.), whose partial support we wish to acknowledge. The Authors express their sincere gratitude to Dr. G. Dattoli, and Prof. Y. Ben Cheikh for useful discussions and comments.



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Abstract. Some properties of generalized m-accretive mappings in Banach spaces are proved in this paper. We also introduce and study a new class of variational inclusions with generalized m-accretive mappings and construct a new algorithm for approximating the solution of the variational inclusions with generalized m-accretive mappings in q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces by using the resolvent operator technique. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47H06; Secondary 49H40. Key words and phrases. Generalized m-accretive mapping, variational inclusion, resolvent operator, iterative algorithm, convergence.

1. Introduction Variational inequality theory, as a very effective and powerful tool of the current mathematical technology, has been widely applied to mechanics, physics, optimization and control, economic and transportation equilibrium, and engineering sciences, etc. (see [1]-[6], [8]-[13], [15] and the references therein). Because of its wide applications, the classical variational inequality has been generalized in various directions for the past years. Variational inclusion is an important generalization of variational inequality and has been studied by many authors. We also know that one of the most important and interesting problems in the theory of variational inequality is the development of an efficient and implementable algorithm for solving various variational inequalities and variational inclusions. In recent years, many numerical methods have been developed for solving various classes of variational 1



inequalities and variational inclusions in Euclidean Spaces or Hilbert spaces, such as the projection method and its variant forms, linear approximation, descent, and Newton’s methods. However, few iterative algorithms have been developed for solving variational inequality and inclusion problems in Banach spaces. Recently, Huang and Fang [7] introduced the concept of a generalized m-accretive mapping, which is a generalization of an m-accretive mapping, and gave the definition of the resolvent operator for a generalized m-accretive mapping in a Banach space. Motivated and inspired by the results in [2], [7] and [9], in this paper, we prove the Lipschitz continuity of the resolvent operator for a generalized m-accretive mapping in Banach spaces and construct a new iterative algorithm for solving a new class of variational inclusions with generalized m-accretive mappings in q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces by using the resolvent operator technique. 2. Preliminaries Let X be a real Banach space with the dual space X ∗ and h·, ·i be the dual pair ∗ between X and X ∗ . The generalized duality mapping Jq : X → 2X is defined by Jq (x) = {f ∗ ∈ X ∗ : hx, f ∗ i = kxkq


kf ∗ k = kxkq−1 },

x ∈ X,

where q > 1 is a constant. In particular, J2 is the usual normalized duality mapping. It is known that, in general, Jq (x) = kxkq−2 J2 (x) for all x ∈ X (x 6= 0) and Jq is single-valued if X ∗ is strictly convex (see, for example, [14]). If X = H is a Hilbert space, then J2 becomes the identity mapping of H. In the sequel, we shall denote the single-valued generalized duality mapping by jq . The modulus of smoothness of X is the function ρX : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) defined by n1 o ρX (t) = sup (kx + yk + kx − yk) − 1 : kxk ≤ 1, kyk ≤ t . 2 A Banach space X is said to be uniformly smooth if ρX (t) = 0. t The Banach space X is said to be q-uniformly smooth if there exists a constant c > 0 such that ρX ≤ ctq , q > 1. All Hilbert spaces, Lp (or lp ) spaces, 1 < p < ∞, and the Sobolev spaces W m,p , 1 < p < ∞, are all q-uniformly smooth. lim


In the study of the characteristic inequalities in q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces, Xu [14] proved the following theorem: Theorem X. Let X be a real uniformly smooth Banach space. Then X is quniformly smooth if and only if there exists a constant cq > 0 such that, for all x, y ∈ X, kx + ykq ≤ kxkq + qhy, jq (x)i + cq kykq . Definition 2.1. A multivalued mapping A : X → 2X is said to be (1) accretive if, for any u, v ∈ X, there exists j2 (u − v) ∈ J2 (u − v) such that hx − y, j2 (u − v)i ≥ 0,

x ∈ Au, y ∈ Av,


(2) strictly accretive if, for any u, v ∈ X, there exists j2 (u − v) ∈ J2 (u − v) such that hx − y, j2 (u − v)i ≥ 0, x ∈ Au, y ∈ Av, and the equality holds if and only if u = v, (3) strongly accretive if, for any u, v ∈ X, there exists j2 (u − v) ∈ J2 (u − v) such that hx − y, j2 (u − v)i ≥ γku − vk2 , x ∈ Au, y ∈ Av, where γ > 0 is a constant, (4) m-accretive if A is accretive and (I + λA)(X) = X for all (equivalently, for some) λ > 0, where I denotes the identity mapping. Remark 2.1. (1) In Definition 2.1, we can replace j2 by jq for all q > 1 and the strongly accretive constant γ is independent of q. (2) If X = X ∗ = H is a Hilbert space, then (1)–(4) of Definition 2.1 reduce to the definitions of monotonicity, strict monotonicity, strong monotonicity and maximal monotonicity, respectively. Definition 2.2. A mapping T : X → X is said to be Lipschitz continuous if there exists a constant k > 0 such that kT u − T vk ≤ kku − vk,

u, v ∈ X.

3. Generalized m-Accretive Mappings Definition 3.1. A mapping η : X × X → X ∗ is said to be (1) monotone if hu − v, η(u, v)i ≥ 0, u, v ∈ X, (2) strictly monotone if hu − v, η(u, v)i ≥ 0,

u, v ∈ X,

and the equality holds if and only if u = v, (3) strongly monotone if there exists a constant δ > 0 such that hu − v, η(u, v)i ≥ δku − vk2 ,

u, v ∈ X,

(4) Lipschitz continuous if there exists a constant τ > 0 such that kη(u, v)k ≤ τ ku − vk,

u, v ∈ X.

Note that the strong monotonicity of η implies the strict monotonicity of η. Definition 3.2. ([7]) Let η : X × X → X ∗ be a single-valued mapping and M : X → 2X be a multivalued mapping. Then M is said to be (1) η-accretive if hx − y, η(u, v)i ≥ 0,

u, v ∈ X, x ∈ M u, y ∈ M v,

(2) strictly η-accretive if hx − y, η(u, v)i ≥ 0,

u, v ∈ X, x ∈ M u, y ∈ M v,

and the equality holds if and only if u = v, (3) strongly η-accretive if there exists a constant r > 0 such that hx − y, η(u, v)i ≥ rku − vk2 ,

u, v ∈ X, x ∈ M u, y ∈ M v,




(4) generalized m-accretive if M is η-accretive and (I + λM )(X) = X for all (equivalently, for some) λ > 0. Remark 3.1. (1) In [7], Huang and Fang introduced the concept of generalized m-accretive mappings in Banach spaces and gave an example of the generalized m-accretive mapping and some properties of the generalized m-accretive mapping. (2) If X = X ∗ = H is a Hilbert space, then (1)–(4) of Definition 3.2 reduce to the definitions of η-monotonicity, strict η-monotonicity, strong η-monotonicity and maximal η-monotonicity, respectively. (3) If X is uniformly smooth and η(x, y) = J2 (x − y), then (1)–(4) of Definition 3.2 reduce to the definitions of accretivity, strict accretivity, strong accretivity, and m-accretivity in uniformly smooth Banach spaces, respectively. Now we prove some properties of the generalized m-accretive mapping in Banach spaces. Theorem 3.1. Let η : X × X → X ∗ be strictly monotone and M : X → 2X be a generalized m-accretive mapping. Then the following conclusions hold: (1) hx−y, η(u, v)i ≥ 0 for all (y, v) ∈ Graph(M ) implies that (x, u) ∈ Graph(M ), where Graph(M ) = {(x, u) ∈ X × X : x ∈ M u}. (2) The inverse mapping (I + λM )−1 is single-valued for all λ > 0. Proof. Suppose that (1) is false. Then there exists (x0 , u0 ) 6∈ Graph(M ) such that (3.1)

hx0 − y, η(u0 , v)i ≥ 0,

(y, v) ∈ Graph(M ).

Since M is generalized m-accretive, we have (I + λM )(X) = X. Then there exists (x1 , u1 ) ∈ Graph(M ) such that (3.2)

u1 + λx1 = u0 + λx0 .

It follows from (3.1) and (3.2) that λhx0 − x1 , η(u0 , u1 )i = hu1 − u0 , η(u0 , u1 )i ≥ 0. This implies that hu0 − u1 , η(u0 , u1 )i ≤ 0. Since η is strictly monotone, we have u0 = u1 and hence, from (3.2), we have x1 = x0 . This contradicts the fact (x0 , u0 ) 6∈ Graph(M ). Thus (1) is true. Now we prove (2). For any given z ∈ X and a constant λ > 0, let u, v ∈ (I + λM )−1 (z). Then λ−1 (z − u) ∈ M (u) and λ−1 (z − v) ∈ M (v). By η-accretivity of M , we obtain 0 = hz − z, η(u, v)i 1 1 = λh (z − u) − (z − v), η(u, v)i + hu − v, η(u, v)i λ λ ≥ hu − v, η(u, v)i. Since η is strictly monotone, we have u = v. Thus (I + λM )−1 is single-valued. This completes the proof.


Based on Theorem 3.1, we can define the resolvent operator for a generalized m-accretive mapping M as follows: JρM (z) = (I + ρM )−1 (z),

z ∈ X,

where ρ > 0 is a constant and η : X × X → X is a strictly monotone mapping. Theorem 3.2. Let η : X × X → X ∗ be strongly monotone and Lipschitz continuous with constants δ > 0 and τ > 0, respectively, and M : X → 2X be a generalized m-accretive mapping. Then the resolvent operator JρM for M is Lipschitz continuous with constant τ /δ, i.e., τ (3.3) kJρM (u) − JρM (v)k ≤ ku − vk, u, v ∈ X. δ Proof. Let u, v be any given points in X. From the definition of JρM , we have JρM (u) = (I + ρM )−1 (u),

JρM (v) = (I + ρM )−1 (v),

which imply that 1 (u − JρM (u)) ∈ M (JρM (u)), ρ

1 (v − JρM (v)) ∈ M (JρM (v)). ρ

Since M is η-accretive, we obtain 1 hu − JρM (u) − (v − JρM (v)), η(JρM (u), JρM (v))i ρ 1 = hu − v − (JρM (u) − JρM (v)), η(JρM (u), JρM (v))i ρ ≥ 0. From the above inequality, we have δkJρM (u) − JρM (v)k2 ≤ hJρM (u) − JρM (v), η(JρM (u), JρM (v))i ≤ hu − v, η(JρM (u), JρM (v))i ≤ τ ku − vk · kJρM (u) − JρM (v)k, which implies that kJρM (u) − JρM (v)k ≤

τ ku − vk, δ

u, v ∈ X.

This completes the proof. 4. Variational Inclusions In this section, we shall study a new class of variational inclusions with generalized m-accretive mappings in Banach spaces. We also construct a new iterative algorithm for approximating the solution of this class of variational inclusions with generalized m-accretive mappings in q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces by using the resolvent operator technique. Let η : X × X → X ∗ and A : X → X be two single-valued mappings and M : X → 2X be a generalized m-accretive multivalued mapping. Now we consider the following problem:




Find u ∈ X such that (4.1)

0 ∈ A(u) + M (u).

Remark 4.1. (1) If X = X ∗ = H is a Hilbert space and η(u, v) = u−v, then the problem (4.1) becomes the usual variational inclusion with a maximal monotone mapping M . (2) If X = X ∗ = H is a Hilbert space, η(u, v) = u − v and M = ∂ϕ, where ∂ϕ denotes the subdifferential of a proper convex lower semicontinuous function ϕ on H, then the problem (4.1) becomes the following classical variational inequality: Find u ∈ H such that hAu, v − ui + ϕ(v) − ϕ(u) ≥ 0,

v ∈ H.

Lemma 4.1. For given u ∈ X, u is a solution of the problem (4.1) if and only if u = JρM (u − ρAu), where ρ > 0 is a constant. Proof. The proof directly follows from the definition of JρM . Lemma 4.2. Let {an }, {bn } and {cn } be three sequences of nonnegative real numbers satisfying the following conditions: There exists a positive integer n0 such that (4.2)

an+1 ≤ (1 − tn )an + bn tn + cn ,

where tn ∈ [0, 1],

∞ X

tn = +∞,


lim bn = 0,


n ≥ n0 , ∞ X

cn < +∞.


Then an → 0 as n → +∞. Proof. Let σ = inf{an : n ≥ n0 }. Then σ ≥ 0. Suppose that σ > 0 and so an ≥ σ > 0 for all n ≥ n0 . It follows from (4.2) that (4.3)

an+1 ≤ an − σtn + tn bn + cn 1 1 = an − ( σ − bn )tn − σtn + cn n ≥ n0 . 2 2 Since bn → 0 as n → ∞, there exists n1 ≥ n0 such that 1 (4.4) σ ≥ bn , n ≥ n1 . 2 Combining (4.3) and (4.4), then we have 1 an+1 ≤ an − σtn + cn , n ≥ n1 , 2 which implies that ∞ ∞ X 1 X cn < +∞. tn ≤ an1 + σ 2 n=n n=n 1


This is a contradiction. Therefore, σ = 0 and so there exists a subsequence {anj } of {an } such that anj → 0 as j → ∞. It follows from (4.2) that anj +1 ≤ anj + bnj tnj + cnj


and so anj +1 → 0 as j → ∞. A simple induction leads to anj +k → 0 as j → ∞ for all k ≥ 1 and this means that an → 0 as n → ∞. This completes the proof. Theorem 4.1. Let X be a q-uniformly smooth Banach space. Let η : X × X → X ∗ be a strongly monotone and Lipschitz continuous mapping with constants δ and τ , respectively, A : X → X be a strong accretive and Lipschitz continuous single-valued mapping with constants r and s, respectively, and M : X → 2X be a generalized m-accretive multivalued mapping. Assume that there exists ρ > 0 such that (4.5)


τ (1 − rqρ + cq sq ρq ) q < δ,

where cq > 0 is the same as in Theorem X. Then the problem (4.1) has a unique solution u∗ ∈ X. Proof. Define a mapping F : X → X by (4.6)

F (u) = JρM (u − ρAu),

u ∈ X.

It follows from (3.3) and (4.6) that kF (u) − F (v)k = kJρM (u − ρAu) − JρM (v − ρAv)k τ ≤ ku − v − ρ(Au − Av)k. δ Since X is q-uniformly smooth, we have (4.7)


ku − v − ρ(Au − Av)kq ≤ ku − vkq − qρhAu − Av, jq (u − v)i + cq ρq kAu − Avkq ≤ (1 − qrρ + cq sq ρq )ku − vkq .

Combining (4.7) and (4.8), then we have 1 τ kF (u) − F (v)k ≤ (1 − qrρ + cq sq ρq ) q ku − vk. δ It follows from (4.5) that F is a contractive mapping and so there exists a unique point u∗ ∈ X such that u∗ = JρM (u∗ − ρAu∗ ). Therefore, by Lemma 4.1, u∗ ∈ X is a unique solution of the problem (4.1). This completes the proof. Remark 4.2. If X is 2-uniformly smooth and there exists ρ > 0 such that p r2 τ 2 − c2 s2 (τ 2 − δ 2 ) r (4.9) |ρ − | < , r2 τ 2 > c2 s2 (τ 2 − δ 2 ), c2 s2 c2 τ s2 then (4.5) holds. We note that all Hilbert spaces and Lp (or lq ) spaces, 2 ≤ q < ∞, are 2-uniformly smooth. Algorithm 4.1. Let η : X × X → X ∗ , A : X → X be two single-valued mappings and Mn : X → 2X be a generalized m-accretive multivalued mapping for each i = 1, 2, 3 · · · . For any given u0 ∈ X, define an iterative sequence {un } by ( un+1 = (1 − αn )un + αn JρMn (vn − ρAvn ), (4.10) vn = (1 − βn )un + βn JρMn (un − ρAun ),




where {αn } and {βn } be two sequences in [0, 1] satisfying the following ∞ X αn = +∞. n=0

Theorem 4.2. Let X, η, A and M be the same as in Theorem 4.1. Let Mn : X → 2X be a generalized m-accretive multivalued mapping for each i = 1, 2, 3, · · · . Assume that there exists ρ > 0 such that, for all z ∈ X, lim kJρMn (z) − JρM (z)k = 0


and the condition (4.5) holds. Then the iterative sequence {un } generated by Algorithm 4.1 converges strongly to the unique solution u∗ ∈ X of the problem (4.1). Proof. Let u∗ ∈ X be the unique solution of the problem (4.1). It follows from Lemma 4.1 that (4.11)

u∗ = (1 − αn )u∗ + αn JρM (u∗ − ρAu∗ ) = (1 − βn )u∗ + βn JρM (u∗ − ρAu∗ ).

From (4.10) and (4.11), we have (4.12)

kun+1 − u∗ k ≤ (1 − αn )kun − u∗ k + αn kJρMn (vn − ρAvn ) − JρM (u∗ − ρAu∗ )k ≤ (1 − αn )kun − u∗ k + αn kJρMn (vn − ρAvn ) − JρMn (u∗ − ρAu∗ )k + αn kJρMn (u∗ − ρAu∗ ) − JρM (u∗ − ρAu∗ )k τ ≤ (1 − αn )kun − u∗ k + αn kvn − u∗ − ρ(Avn − Au∗ )k + αn gn , δ

where gn = kJρMn (u∗ − ρAu∗ ) − JρM (u∗ − ρAu∗ )k → 0. Since X is q-uniformly smooth and A is strongly accretive and Lipschitz continuous, we have (4.13)

kvn − u∗ − ρ(Avn − Au∗ )kq ≤ kvn − u∗ kq − qρhAvn − Au∗ , jq (vn − u∗ )i + cq ρq kAvn − Au∗ kq ≤ (1 − qrρ + cq sq ρq )kvn − u∗ kq .

Substituting (4.13) into (4.12), then we obtain (4.14)

kun+1 − u∗ k ≤ (1 − αn )kun − u∗ k + αn hkvn − u∗ k + αn gn ,

where h= Similarly, we can prove that (4.15)

1 τ (1 − qrρ + cq sq ρq ) q < 1. δ

kvn − u∗ k ≤ (1 − βn )kun − u∗ k + βn hkun − u∗ k + αn gn .

It follows from (4.14) and (4.15) that (4.16)

kun+1 − u∗ k ≤ (1 − αn )kun − u∗ k + αn h(1 − βn )kun − u∗ k + αn βn h2 kun − u∗ k + αn2 hgn + αn gn ≤ (1 − αn (1 − h))kun − u∗ k + αn gn (αn h + 1).


Letting an = kun − u∗ k, tn = (1 − h)αn , bn = gn

(αn h + 1) , cn = 0, (1 − h)

then (4.16) can be rewritten as an+1 ≤ (1 − tn )an + bn tn + cn . It follows from Lemma 4.2 that an → 0 as n → ∞ and so the sequence {un } converges strongly to the unique solution u∗ ∈ X of the problem (4.1). This completes the proof. Corollary 4.2. Let X be a 2-uniformly smooth Banach space and η, A, M, Mn be the same as in Theorem 4.2. If the condition (4.9) holds, then the iterative sequence {un } generated by Algorithm 4.1 converges strongly to the unique solution u∗ ∈ X of the problem (4.1). 5. Acknowledgement The first and second authors are supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, and the third author is supported financially by the Korea Research Foundation Grant (KRF 2001-005-D00002). References [1] R. P. Agarwal, Y. J. Cho and N. J. Huang, Sensitivity analysis for strongly nonlinear quasivariational inclusions, Appl. Math. Lett., 13(6) (2000), 19–24. [2] X. P. Ding and C. L. Luo, Perturbed proximal point algorithms for generalized quasivariational-like inclusions, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 113 (2000), 153–165. [3] A. Hassouni and A. Moudafi, A perturbed algorithm for variational inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 185 (1994), 706–712. [4] N. J. Huang, Generalized nonlinear variational inclusions with noncompact valued mapping, Appl. Math. Lett., 9(3) (1996), 25–29. [5] N. J. Huang, A new completely general class of variational inclusions with noncompact valued mappings, Comput. Math. Appl., 35(6) (1998), 9–14. [6] N. J. Huang and C. X. Deng, Auxiliary principle and iterative algorithms for generalized set-valued strongly nonlinear mixed variational-like inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 256 (2001), 345–359. [7] N. J. Huang and Y. P. Fang, Generalized m-accretive mappings in Banach spaces, J. Sichuan Univ., 38(4) (2001), 591–592. [8] K. R. Kazmi, Mann and Ishikawa type perturbed iterative algorithms for generalized quasivariational inclusions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 209 (1997), 572–584. [9] C. H. Lee, Q. H. Ansari and J. C. Yao, A perturbed algorithm for strongly nonlinear variational-like inclusions, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 62 (2000), 417–426. [10] M. V. Solodov and B. F. Svaiter, A new projection method for variational inequality problems, SIAM J. Control Optim., 37 (1999), 765–776. [11] M. V. Solodov and P. Tseng, Some methods based on the D-gap function for solving monotone variational inequalities, Comput. Optim. Appl., 17 (2000), 255–277. [12] P. Tseng, Alternating projection-proximal methods for variational inequality problem, SIAM J. Optim., 7 (1997), 951–965. [13] R. U. Verma, A class of projection-contraction methods applied to monotone variational inequalities, Appl. Math. Lett., 13 (2000), 55–62. [14] H. K. Xu, Inequalities in Banach spaces with applications, Nonlinear Anal., 16(12) (1991), 1127–1138.




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C 1,1 functions and optimality conditions Davide La Torre∗

Matteo Rocca†

Abstract In this work we provide a characterization of C 1,1 functions on Rn (that is, differentiable with locally Lipschitz partial derivatives) by means of second directional divided differences. In particular, we prove that the class of C 1,1 functions is equivalent to the class of functions with bounded second directional divided differences. From this result we deduce a Taylor’s formula for this class of functions and some optimality conditions. The characterizations and the optimality conditions proved by Riemann derivatives can be useful to write minimization algorithms; in fact, only the values of the function are required to compute second order conditions.

Keywords: Divided differences, Riemann derivatives, C 1,1 functions, nonlinear optimization, generalized derivatives



The study of the class of C 1,1 functions has been renewed since the work of HiriartUrruty in his doctoral thesis [7]. The need for investigating these functions, as ∗

Contact author: University of Milan, Department of Economics, Faculty of Political Sciences, via Conservatorio,7, 20122, Milano, Italy. Tel.: +39276074462. Fax: +39276023198 E-mail: [email protected] † University of Insubria, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, via Ravasi, 2, 21100, Varese, Italy. Tel: +39258365693. Fax: +39258365617. E-mail: [email protected]




pointed out in [8], [10], [23], [24] and [25], comes from the fact that several problems of applied mathematics including variational inequalities, semi-infinite programming, iterated local minimization, etc. involve differentiable functions with no hope to be twice differentiable. In [8] the authors introduced the concept of generalized Hessian matrices and derived second order optimality conditions for nonlinear constrained problems. Further applications can be found in [10], [15], [19], [20], [22]. In this section we recall some concepts which are fundamental for understanding the proof of the results.


Riemann derivatives

In the following we will consider a function f : Ω → R, with Ω an open subset of Rn . For such a function we define: δ2d f (x; h) = f (x + 2hd) − 2f (x + hd) + f (x). with x ∈ Ω, h ∈ R and d ∈ Rn . Definition 1.1. The second Riemann derivative of f at a point x ∈ Ω in the direction d ∈ Rn is defined as: δ2d f (x; h) , h→0 h2

fr00 (x; d) = lim if this limit exists.

Definition 1.2. The second upper and lower Riemann derivatives of f at x ∈ Ω in the direction d ∈ Rn are defined, respectively, as: 00 f r (x; d)

δ2d f (x; h) = lim sup , h2 h→0

f 00r (x; d) = lim inf h→0

δ2d f (x; h) . h2

Similarly we can define differences: ∆d2 f (x; h) = f (x + hd) − 2f (x) + f (x − hd), 00

and then the corresponding second Riemann-type derivatives fR00 (x; d), f R (x; d) and f 00R (x; d). For properties of Riemann derivatives one can see [1], [2], [6] and [16]. 2



Lemma 1.1. Assume that f is bounded in a neighborhood of the point x0 ∈ Ω. If, for a fixed d ∈ Rn , there exist neighborhoods U of the point x0 and V of 0 ∈ R δ d f (x;h) (x) is bounded on such that 2 h2 is bounded on U × V \{0}, then also f (x+hd)−f h U × V \{0}. Proof. From the hypotheses we obtain that there exists a number δ > 0 such that ∀x ∈ U and ∀h with |h| ≤ δ, h 6= 0, the following inequalities hold: 2     h f (x + hd) − f (x) − 2 f x + d − f (x) ≤ M h , 2 2  2      h h f x + d − f (x) − 2 f x + d − f (x) ≤ M h , . . . 4 2 4  2      f x + h d − f (x) − 2 f x + h d − f (x) ≤ M h . 2n n−1 n 2 2 Multiplying these inequalities by 1, 2, 22 , . . . , 2(n−1) respectively, we obtain by addition: 2     h f (x + hd) − f (x) − 2n f x + d − f (x) ≤ 2M h , 2 2n and hence:

f (x + n 2

− f (x) ≤ M0 h

h d) 2n

for 21 δ ≤ |h| ≤ δ, by using the boundedness of f . Hence, writing ξ = 2hn , we have: f (x + ξd) − f (x) ≤ M 0 f or δ ≤ |ξ| ≤ δ , n = 0, 1, . . . , ξ 2n+1 2n and the lemma is established, since n can be arbitrarily chosen.

In the following we set: f (x + hd) − f (x) f 0 (x + hd; d) − f 0 (x; d) , f 00 (x; d) = lim , h→0 h→0 h h

f 0 (x; d) = lim

if these limits exist.





Standard mollifiers

The function: φ(x) =

 1   C exp( kxk2 −1 ), if kxk < 1  

if kxk ≥ 1


is C ∞ (Rn ) and we can choose the constant C ∈ R such that: Z φ(x)dx = 1. Rn

Definition 1.3. Let ε > 0. The following functions: φε (x) =

φ( xε ) εn

are called standard mollifiers. Definition 1.4. Let f : Ω → R. We say that f ∈ C0k (Ω) if f ∈ C k (Ω) and sptf = {x ∈ Ω : f (x) 6= 0} ⊂ Ω. Theorem 1.1. [3] The functions φε are C ∞ (Rn ) and satisfy: •

R Rn

φε (x)dx = 1

• sptφε ⊂ B(0, ε) = {x ∈ Rn : kxk < ε}. For a bounded function f : Ω → R, and ε > 0, we define functions fε : Rn → R by R the convolution fε (x) = Ω φε (y−x)f (y)dy. Observe that fε (x) = 0 if x ∈ / Ω+B(0, ε) ∞ n and that fε ∈ C (R ). Theorem 1.2. [3] Suppose that f ∈ L1loc (Ω). Then fε (x) → f (x) a.e. x ∈ Ω, when ε → 0. If f ∈ C(Ω) then the convergence is uniform on compact subsets of Ω. Theorem 1.3. [3] Let K be a compact subset of Ω. Then ∃ε0 > 0 such that ∀ε ≤ ε0 and ∀x ∈ K, the following function: y → φε (y − x) is C0∞ (Ω).





The main results

Definition 2.1. A function f : Ω → R is locally Lipschitz at x0 when there exist a constant K and a neighborhood U of x0 such that: |f (x) − f (y)| ≤ Kkx − yk, ∀x, y ∈ U. Definition 2.2. A function f : Ω → R is of class C 1,1 at x0 when its first order partial derivatives exist in a neighborhood of x0 and are locally Lipschitz at x0 . Some possible applications of C 1,1 functions are shown in the following examples. Example 2.1. Let g : Ω ⊂ Rn → R be twice continuously differentiable on Ω and consider1 f (x) = [g + (x)]2 where g + (x) = max{g(x), 0}. Then f is C 1,1 on Ω. Example 2.2. In many problems in engineering applications and control theory ([23], [24] and the references therein) one has to study nonsmooth semi-infinite optimization problems such as the following: minimize f (x) subject to max φj (x, t) ≤ 0, j = 1 . . . l t∈[a,b]

where f : Rn → R and φj : Rn → R are C 2 , j = 1 . . . l, −∞ < a < x < b < +∞. One approach for solving this problem is to convert the functional constraints into equality constraints of the form: Z b hj (x) = [max{φj (x, y), 0}]2 dt = 0, j = 1 . . . l a

and apply the methods of nonlinear programming. Hence the problem becomes: minimize f (x) subject to hj (x) = 0, j = 1 . . . l Since φj is C 2 , it is easy see that the function hj is C 1,1 with the gradient: Z ∇hj (x) = 2


max{φj (x, t), 0}∇φj (x, t)dt, j = 1 . . . l. a


This type of functions arises in some penalty methods.




Example 2.3. Consider the following minimization problem: min f0 (x) over all x ∈ Rn such that f1 (x) ≤ 0, . . . fm (x) ≤ 0. Letting r denote a positive parameter, the augmented Lagrangian Lr [21] is defined on Rn × Rm as m

1 X Lr (x, y) = f0 (x) + {[yi + 2rfi (x)]+ }2 − yi2 . 4r i=1 From the general theory of duality which yields Lr as a particular Lagrangian, we know that Lr (x, ·) is concave and also that Lr (·, y) is convex whenever the minimization problem is a convex minimization problem. Upon setting y = 0 in the previous expression, we observe that: Lr (x, 0) = f0 (x) + r

m X

[fi+ (x)]2


is the ordinary penalized version of the minimization problem. Lr is differentiable everywhere on Rn × Rm with: ∇x Lr (x, y) = ∇f0 (x) +

m X

[yj + 2rfj (x)]+ ∇fj (x)


−yi ∂Lr (x, y) = max{fi (x), }, i = 1 . . . m. ∂yi 2r When the fi are C 2 on Rn , Lr is C 1,1 on Rn+m . The dual problem corresponding to Lr is by definition: max gr (y) over y ∈ Rm , where gr (y) = inf x∈Rn Lr (x, y). In the convex case with r > 0, gr is again C 1,1 concave function with the following uniform Lipschitz property on ∇g, |∇gr (y) − ∇gr (x)| ≤

1 |y − y 0 |, ∀y, y 0 ∈ Rm . 2r

The following result characterizes a function of class C 1,1 by the boundness of second-order divided differences. Theorem 2.1. Assume that the function f : Ω → R is bounded on a neighborhood of the point x0 ∈ Ω. Then f is of class C 1,1 at x0 if and only if there exist neighborhoods δ d f (x;h) U of x0 and V of 0 ∈ R such that 2 h2 is bounded on U × V \{0}, ∀d ∈ S 1 = {d ∈ Rn : kdk = 1}. 6



δ d f (x;h)

Proof. i) Sufficiency. ¿From lemma 1.1, since 2 h2 is bounded on U × V \{0}, f (x+hd)−f (x) 1 . Observe that this last fact implies that f ∀d ∈ S , the same holds for h is locally Lipschitz at x0 and hence continuous in a neighborhood of x0 . For every x in a neighborhood of x0 and for ε ”sufficiently small”, we have, for d ∈ S 1 : fε (x + hd) − fε (x) = h  Z Z 1 φε (y − x − hd)f (y)dy − φε (y − x)f (y)dy . lim h→0 h Ω Ω fε0 (x; d) = lim


Putting z = y − hd, we obtain: Z Z φε (y − x − hd)f (y)dy = Ω

φε (z − x)f (z + hd)dz.


From theorem 1.3, we know that, for ε ”sufficiently small”, the functions z → φ (z − x) are C0∞ (Ω) and hence, if also |h| is ”small enough”, we get: Z Z φε (z − x)f (z + hd)dz = φε (z − x)f (z + hd)dz. Ω−{hd}

It follows that: fε0 (x; d)

Z = lim


f (z + hd) − f (z) φε (z − x)dz. h

Furthermore one can easily see that: fε (x + 2hd) − 2fε (x + hd) + fε (x) h→0 h2

fε00 (x; d) = lim and similarly deduce: fε00 (x; d)

Z = lim


δ2d f (z; h) φε (z − x)dz. h2

δ d f (x;h)

(x) From the boundedness of 2 h2 and of f (x+hd)−f , we obtain the existence of a h 0 00 constant M such that |fε (x; d)| ≤ M and |fε (x; d)| ≤ M , for every d ∈ S 1 , x in a neighborhood U˜ of x0 and ε ”sufficiently small”. Hence, for every x ∈ U˜ and d ∈ S 1 , there exists a sequence εn converging to 0 such that fε0n (x; d) converges to a limit which we denote by α(x; d). Observe that α(x; d) is bounded on U˜ whenever d ∈ S 1 . For every x ∈ U˜ , d ∈ S 1 and h with |h| ”small enough”, we can write:

1 fεn (x + hd) = fεn (x) + hfε0n (x; d) + h2 fε00n (ξn ; d), 2 7



where ξn ∈ (x, x + hd). Recalling theorem 1.2, taking the limit for n → +∞, it follows that fε00n (ξn ; d) converges to a limit which we denote by β(x, h, d). Moreover: 1 f (x + hd) = f (x) + hα(x; d) + h2 β(x, h, d). 2 Observing that β(x, h, d) is bounded for x ∈ U˜ , |h| ”sufficiently small” and d ∈ S 1 , it follows that α(x; d) = f 0 (x; d). Furthermore, ∀d ∈ S 1 the functions fε00n (x; d) are bounded on U˜ uniformly with respect to ε and thus the functions fε0n (x; d) satisfy the following uniform Lipschitz condition: 0 fε (y; d) − fε0 (x; d) ≤ Bky − xk, ∀x, y ∈ U˜ . n n Since fε0n (y; d) and fε0n (x; d) converge to f 0 (y; d) and f 0 (x; d) respectively, we see that f 0 (x; d) is Lipschitz on U˜ , ∀d ∈ Rn . Taking d = ei , i = 1, . . . , n (where ei is the i-th fundamental vector of Rn ), we obtain the thesis. ii) Necessity. Assume that f is of class C 1,1 at x0 . Set: d

∆2 f (x; s, t) = f (x + sd + td) − f (x + td) − f (x + sd) + f (x), where d ∈ S 1 , x ∈ Ω, s, t ∈ R and |s| and |t| are ”sufficiently small”. Applying the mean value theorem, we obtain: d

< ∇f (x + θtd + sd) − ∇f (x + θtd), d > ∆2 f (x; s, t) = , st s where θ ∈ (0, 1). Since f is of class C 1,1 at x0 it follows easily that there exist a constant M , a neighborhood U˜ of x0 and a number δ > 0 such that, ∀d ∈ S 1 we have: d ∆ f (x; s, t) 2 ≤ M, ∀x ∈ U˜ , |s| < δ, |t| < δ. st d

Now the thesis follows observing that if s = t = h, then ∆2 f (x; s, t) = δ2d f (x; h).

Corollary 2.1. Assume that the function f is bounded on a neighborhood of x0 ∈ Ω. Then f is of class C 1,1 at x0 if and only if there exist neighborhoods U of x0 and V ∆d f (x;h) is bounded on U × V \{0}, ∀d ∈ S 1 . of 0 ∈ R such that 2 h2




Proof. The proof is straightforward remembering that: δ2d f (x; h) = ∆d2 f (x + hd; h).

Corollary 2.2. If f is of class C 1,1 at x0 , there exist sequences εn converging to 0 and ξn ∈ (x0 , x0 + hd) such that fε00n (ξn ; d) converges to a limit β(x0 , h, d) and it holds: β(x0 , h, d) 2 h. f (x0 + hd) = f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 ; d)h + 2 Proof. It is enclosed in the proof of the previous theorem. Theorem 2.2. (Taylor’s formula) Let f be a function of class C 1,1 at x0 . 00

(i) If the function x → f r (x; d) is upper semicontinuous in a neighborhood of x0 , for a fixed d ∈ S 1 , then there exists ξ ∈ [x0 , x0 + hd] such that, for h ”small enough” we have: h2 00 f (x0 + hd) ≤ f (x0 ) + hf 0 (x0 ; d) + f r (ξ; d) 2! (ii) If the function x → f 00r (x; d) is lower semicontinuous in a neighborhood of x0 , for a fixed d ∈ S 1 , then there exists ξ ∈ [x0 , x0 + hd] such that for h ”small enough” we have: h2 f (x0 + hd) ≥ f (x0 ) + hf 0 (x0 ; d) + f 00r (ξ; d) 2! Proof. i) Without loss of generality, the term β(x0 ; h; d) in the previous corollary 2.2 can be expressed as: β(x0 ; h; d) = lim f00n (ξn ; d) n→+∞

for some sequences ξn → ξ ∈ [x0 , x0 + hd] and n → 0. Similarly to the proof of theorem 2.1, one can write that2 : Z 00 fεn (ξn , d) = φ00εn (y − ξn ; d)f (y)dy = Ω

δ2d φεn (y − ξn ; h) f (y)dy = h2 B(0,1) h→0




In the proof of this theorem we will use the following generalized version of Fatou’s lemma: if fn is a sequence of measurable functions, fn ≤ M and E ⊂ Rn is a subset of finite measure, then R R lim supn→+∞ E fn ≤ E lim supn→+∞ fn




Z lim



δ2d φεn (y − ξn ; h) f (y)dy = h2

δ2d f (ξn + εn y; h) φεn (y)dy ≤ h→0 B(0,1) h2 Z Z δ2d f (ξn + n y; h) 00 φ(y)dy = f r (ξn + n y; d)φ(y)dy. lim sup 2 h B(0,1) B(0,1) h→0 Z



Now using the upper semicontinuity of f r (·; d) we have: Z 00 lim sup f r (ξn + n y; d)φ(y)dy ≤ β(x; h; d) ≤ B(0,1) n→+∞




f r (ξ; d)φ(y)dy = f r (ξ; d) B(0,1)

and the proof is complete. ii) It is similar to the previous proof and we omit it. Theorem 2.3. Assume that f is continuous and fr00 (x; d) exists on a neighborhood of the point x0 , ∀d ∈ S 1 . Then f is of class C 1,1 at x0 if and only if there exist a neighborhood U of x0 and a function g ∈ L1 (U ) such that the following assumptions hold: (i) ∃M ≥ 0 such that |fr00 (x; d)| ≤ M , ∀x ∈ U , ∀d ∈ S 1 , d δ f (x;h) (ii) 2 h2 ≤ g(x), for |h| ”small enough” (h 6= 0), d ∈ S 1 and a.e. x ∈ U . Proof. i) Sufficiency. Arguing in a fashion similar to that of theorem 2.1 and using Lebesgue theorem, we obtain for ε ”sufficiently small”, for every x in a neighborhood of x0 and d ∈ S 1 : Z d δ2 f (z; h) 00 fε (x; d) = lim φε (z − x)dz = h→0 Ω h2 Z δ2d f (z; h) lim φε (z − x)dz = h2 Ω h→0 Z fr00 (z; d)φε (z − x)dz. 1

Ω 00 fε (x, d)

It follows that ∀d ∈ S is bounded on U (uniformly with respect to ε). Using the integral representation of divided differences (see for instance [9], ch. 6, th. 2), we have: Z 1 Z t1 δ2d fε (x; h) = dt1 fε00 (x + t2 hd + t1 hd; d)dt2 . 2 h 0 0 10



For x and h in suitable neighborhoods of x0 and 0 respectively, the left member in the previous inequality is bounded by a constant M (uniformly with respect to ε). Sending ε to 0 and recalling theorem 1.2, we get the existence of neighborhoods U δ d f (x;h) of x0 and V of 0 ∈ R such that ∀d ∈ S 1 2 h2 is bounded on U × V \{0}. The thesis now follows recalling theorem 2.1. ii) Necessity. The proof is similar to that of the necessary condition in theorem 2.1. Remark 2.1. Hypothesis (ii) in the previous theorem cannot be omitted. In fact, as is easily seen, the function f (x) = |x| satisfies hypothesis (i) but not hypothesis (ii) in a neighborhood of x0 = 0 and is not of class C 1,1 at 0. Remark 2.2. Theorems 2.1 and 2.3 extend the elementary condition which relates the Lipschitz condition on f 0 and the boundedness of f 00 . We generalize this relation without requiring any differentiability hypothesis and linking the existence and the δ d f (x,h) Lipschitz behaviour of f 0 to the boundedness of 2 h2 or of the directional Riemann derivatives. Remark 2.3. Conditions similar to those of theorem 2.3, expressed in terms of fR00 (x; d) can be proved in analogous way.


Optimality conditions for unconstrained optimization problems

The aim of this section is to study necessary and sufficient conditions for C 1,1 unconstrained optimization problems. These conditions are proved by using the generalized Taylor’s expansions given in the previous section and Riemann derivatives. These optimality conditions can be used to write minimization algorithms; in fact for the computation of the next results only the values of the function are required. 00 In the following we will suppose that, for any d ∈ S 1 , the function x → f r (x, d) is upper semicontinuous and that the function x → f 00r (x; d) is lower semicontinuous in a neighborhood of x0 . So we consider the following unconstrained optimization problem: P 1)

min f (x) x∈Ω

where Ω is an open subset of Rn . 11



Theorem 3.1. (necessary condition) If f is C 1,1 and x0 is a local minimum point 00 then ∇f (x0 ) = 0 and f r (x0 , d) ≥ 0 ∀d ∈ S 1 . Proof. ¿From Taylor’s formula we obtain, for h ”small enough”: f (x0 + hd) ≤ f (x0 ) + h < ∇f (x0 ), d > +

h2 00 f (ξ, d) 2 r

where ξ ∈ [x0 , x0 + hd]. So 00

0 ≤ f (x0 + hd) − f (x0 ) ≤ f r (ξ, d) and taking the limit when h → 0 we obtain the thesis. Theorem 3.2. (sufficient condition) If f is C 1,1 , ∇f (x0 ) = 0 and f 00r (x0 +αd, d) > 0, ∀α ∈ (0, 1) and ∀d ∈ S 1 , then x0 is a strict local minimum of f on Ω. Proof. On the contrary suppose that x0 is not a strict local minimum; then there exists a sequence xk such that xk → x0 , when k → +∞ and f (xk ) ≤ f (x0 ) ∀k ∈ N. So xk = x0 + δk uk , where kuk k = 1 and δk → 0 when k → +∞. So we have: f (xk ) ≥ f (x0 ) +


f 00r (ξk , uk ) 2

where x0 ≤ ξk ≤ x0 + δk uk . This implies that 0 ≥ f (xk ) − f (x0 ) ≥


f 00r (ξk , uk ) 2

and then, when k is ”sufficiently large”, we obtain: f 00r (ξk , uk ) ≤ 0 which contradicts the hypothesis.

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Numerical analysis of a quasistatic sliding contact problem with wear Jos´e R. Fern´andez(1) , Mircea Sofonea(2) and Juan M. Via˜ no(1) (1) Departamento de Matem´atica Aplicada, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Campus Sur s/n, Facultade de Matem´aticas. 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] (2) Laboratoire de Math´ematiques et Physique pour les Syst`emes (MEPS), Universit´e de Perpignan via Domitia, 52 Avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan, France, E-mail: [email protected] Abstract We consider a mathematical model which describes the sliding contact with wear between a viscoelastic body and a rigid moving foundation. The process is quasistatic, the contact is bilateral and the wear is modeled with a version of Archard’s law. The variational formulation of the problem consists of a system of nonlinear evolutionary equations which has a unique solution under certain assumptions on the given data. We study the numerical approach to the problem using a fully discrete finite elements scheme with implicit discretization in time and we derive error estimates for the approximative solutions. Finally, we present numerical results in the study of one and two dimmensional test problems.

Keywords: Viscoelasticity, contact, Archard’s law, wear, finite elements.

1 . Introduction Wear is one of the plagues which reduce the lifetime of modern machine elements. It represents the unwanted removal of materials from surfaces of contacting bodies occuring in relative motion. Wear arises when a hard rough surface slides against a softer surface, digs into it, and its asperities plough a series of grooves. Generally, a mathematical theory of friction and wear should be a generalization of experimental facts and it must be in agreement with the laws of thermodynamics of irreversible processes. A general model of quasistatic frictional contact with wear between deformable bodies was derived [11], [12] from thermodynamic considerations. This model was used in various papers (see for example [9, 10]), where existence and uniqueness results of weak solutions have been proved.



The present paper is devoted to the study of the numerical analysis of a problem of sliding contact with wear. The process is quasistatic, and the contact is bilateral. We model the process as in [12] by introducing the wear function which measures the wear of the contact surface and which satisfies Archard’s law. The variational analysis of the model was provided in [2]. Here we study the numerical approach to the problem using spatially semi-discrete and fully discrete finite elements schemes with implicit discretization in time. Notice that from physical point of view our model is quite limited and, since the processes involved in wear of contact surfaces are very complicated, there is a need to consider in the future more sophisticated mathematical models. However, we believe that the rigorous numerical analysis in the context of this simplified physical model may be helpful and represents a first step in the study of more realistic models describing the contact with wear. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce some notations and preliminaries. In Section 3 we present the sliding contact problem and derive the variational formulation. Then, we recall a version of the result obtained in [2] concerning the unique solvability of the model. In Section 4 we consider the fully discrete approximation of the model, by using finite elements for the spatial variable and the backward Euler scheme for the time variable. We state the existence and uniqueness of the fully discrete solution and we derive error estimates which prove its convergence to the solution of the continuous problem. Finally, in Section 5 we present some numerical results for one and two dimensional test examples.

2 . Notation and preliminaries In this short section we present the notation we shall use and some preliminary material. For further details we refer the reader to [3, 6, 8]. We denote by Sd the space of second order symmetric tensors on IRd (d = 1, 2, 3), while “ · ” and | · | will represent the inner product and the Euclidean norm on Sd and IRd , respectively, i.e. u · v = u i vi , σ · τ = σij τij ,


∀u, v ∈ IRd ,

|v| = (v.v) 2


|τ | = (τ · τ ) 2

∀σ, τ ∈ Sd .

Here and below the indices i and j run between 1 and d, and the summation convention over repeated indices is adopted. Let Ω ⊂ IRd be a bounded domain with a Lipschitz boundary Γ and let ν denote the unit outer normal on Γ. We shall use the notation H = [L2 (Ω)]d = { u = (ui ) ; ui ∈ L2 (Ω) },

Q = { σ = (σij ) ; σij = σji ∈ L2 (Ω) },


H1 = { u = (ui ) ; ε(u) ∈ Q },

Q1 = { σ ∈ Q ; Div σ ∈ H }.


Here ε : H1 −→ Q and Div : Q1 −→ H are the deformation and the divergence operators, respectively, defined by 1 εij (u) = (ui,j + uj,i ), 2

ε(u) = (εij (u)),

Div σ = (σij,j ),

where the index that follows a comma indicates a partial derivative with respect to the corresponding component of the independent variable. The spaces H, Q, H1 and Q1 are real Hilbert spaces endowed with the cannonical inner products given by Z Z (u, v)H = ui vi dx, (σ, τ )Q = σij τij dx, Ω

(u, v)H1 = (u, v)H + (ε(u), ε(v))Q ,

(σ, τ )Q1 = (σ, τ )Q + (Div σ, Div τ )H .

The associated norms on these spaces are denoted by | · |H , | · |Q , | · |H1 and | · |Q1 , respectively. 1

Let HΓ = [H 2 (Γ)]d and let γ : H1 −→ HΓ be the trace map. For every element v ∈ H1 we still write v to denote the trace γv of v on Γ and we denote by vν and v τ the normal and the tangential components of v on the boundary Γ given by vν = v · ν,

v τ = v − vν ν.




Let HΓ be the dual of HΓ and let (·, ·) denote the duality pairing between HΓ and 0 HΓ . For every σ ∈ Q1 there exists an element σν ∈ HΓ such that (σ, ε(v))Q + (Div σ, v)H = (σν, γv) Moreover, if σ is a regular function, then Z (σν, γv) = σν · v da

∀v ∈ H1 .

∀v ∈ H1 .




We also denote by σν and σ τ the normal and tangential traces of σ and we recall that, when σ is a regular (say C 1 ) function, then σν = (σν) · ν,

σ τ = σν − σν ν.


Finally, for every real Hilbert space X, we use the classical notation for the space L∞ (0, T ; X) and we denote by C([0, T ]; X) and C 1 ([0, T ]; X), T > 0, the space of continuous and continuously differentiable functions from [0, T ] to X, respectively.



3 . The model of sliding contact with wear In this section we describe the model for the process, present its variational formulation and state an existence and uniqueness result, Theorem 3.1. The physical setting is as follows. A viscoelastic body occupies in its reference configuration a domain Ω with outer Lipschitz surface Γ that is divided into three disjoint measurable parts Γ1 , Γ2 and Γ3 , such that meas Γ1 > 0. Let [0, T ] be the time interval of interest, where T > 0. The body is clamped on Γ1 × (0, T ) and therefore the displacement field vanishes there. A volume force of density f0 acts in Ω × (0, T ) and surface tractions of density f2 act on Γ2 × (0, T ). On Γ3 the body is in bilateral contact with a moving rigid foundation, which results in the wear of the contacting surface. We assume that there is only sliding contact, which is always maintained. We denote by u the displacement field, σ the stress field and ε(u) the small strain tensor. We assume that the constitutive law of the material is of the form ˙ + Gε(u), σ = Aε(u)


where A and G are given nonlinear functions which will be described below. In (3.1) and below, in order to simplify the notation, we usually do not indicate explicitely the dependence of various functions on the variables x ∈ Ω ∪ Γ and t ∈ [0, T ]. Moreover, the dot above represents the derivative with respect to the time variable, i.e. u˙ =

du . dt

We recall that in linear viscoelasticity, the stress tensor σ = (σij ) is given by ˙ + gijkl εkl (u), σij = aijkl εkl (u)


where A = (aijkl ) is the viscosity tensor and G = (gijkl ) is the elasticity tensor, for i, j, k, l = 1, ..., d. Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic materials of the form (3.1) involving nonlinear constitutive functions have been considered recently in [9, 10]. Next we describe the conditions on the contact surface Γ3 in which our interest lies. We denote by v ? the velocity of the foundation and we assume that the tangential displacement on the contact surface vanishes, i.e. uτ = 0. We introduce the wear function w : Γ3 × [0, T ] −→ IR, which measures the wear of the surface, using the model derived in [11, 12]. The wear is identified as an increase in gap in the normal direction between the body and the foundation or, equivalently,


as the depth of the material that is lost. Since the body is in bilateral contact with the foundation it follows that w = −uν + u0ν (3.3) where u0 represents the initial displacement field. Thus, the position of the contact evolves with the wear. We remark that w(0) = 0 i.e. at the initial moment the material is new. Moreover, the effect of the wear is the recession of Γ3 and therefore it is expected that uν ≤ u0ν , which implies w ≥ 0. We conclude that the wear is non-negative which justifies the sign convention in (3.3). The evolution of the wear of the contacting surface is governed by a version of Archard’s law (see [11, 12]), which states that the rate of the wear is proportional to the contact stress and the slip, thus w˙ = −kw σν v ? ,


where kw > 0 is a wear coefficient and v ? = |v ? | > 0. We can now eliminate the unknown function w from our problem. Let β = 1/(kw v ? ). Using (3.3) and (3.4), we have σν = β u˙ ν . (3.5) Moreover, the wear increases in time, i.e. w˙ ≥ 0 and therefore, from (3.3), it follows that u˙ ν ≤ 0. Thus, the contact condition (3.5) implies σν = −β|u˙ ν |. Finally, we assume that the process is quasistatic, i.e. the inertial term can be neglected in the equation of motion. With these assumptions, the classical formulation of the quasistatic problem of sliding contact with wear is the following one. Problem P . Find a displacement field u : Ω × [0, T ] −→ IRd and a stress field σ : Ω × [0, T ] −→ Sd such that ˙ + Gε(u) in Ω × (0, T ), σ = Aε(u)


Div σ + f0 = 0 in Ω × (0, T ),


u = 0 on Γ1 × (0, T ),


σν = f2 σν = −β|u˙ ν |,

on Γ2 × (0, T ), uτ = 0 on Γ3 × (0, T ),

u(0) = u0

in Ω.


(3.9) (3.10) (3.11)



To obtain the variational formulation of Problem P , we need additional notation. To this end, let V denote the closed subspace of H1 , defined by V = {v ∈ H1 ; v = 0 on Γ1 , v τ = 0 on Γ3 }. Since meas Γ1 > 0, Korn’s inequality holds: there exists CK > 0 which depends only on Ω and Γ1 such that |ε(v)|Q ≥ CK |v|H1

∀v ∈ V.


A proof of Korn’s inequality may be found in [7, p. 79]. On V , we consider the inner product given by (u, v)V = (ε(u), ε(v))Q ∀u, v ∈ V, and let | · |V be the associated norm, i.e. |v|V = |ε(v)|Q

∀v ∈ V.


It follows from (3.12) and (3.13) that | · |H1 and | · |V are equivalent norms on V and therefore (V, | · |V ) is a real Hilbert space. Moreover, by the Sobolev’s trace theorem and (3.12) we have a constant C0 depending only on the domain Ω, Γ1 and Γ3 such that |v|[L2 (Γ3 )]d ≤ C0 |v|V ∀v ∈ V. (3.14) In the study of the frictional problems with wear, we assume that the viscosity and elasticity operators satisfy   (a) A : Ω × Sd → Sd .     (b) There exists LA > 0 such that      |A(x, ε1 ) − A(x, ε2 )| ≤ LA |ε1 − ε2 |     ∀ ε1 , ε2 ∈ Sd , a.e. x ∈ Ω.  (3.15) (c) There exists mA > 0 such that   2  (A(x, ε1 ) − A(x, ε2 )) · (ε1 − ε2 ) ≥ mA |ε1 − ε2 |     ∀ ε1 , ε2 ∈ Sd , a.e. x ∈ Ω.     (d) For any ε ∈ Sd , x 7→ A(x, ε) is Lebesgue measurable on Ω.     (e) The mapping x 7→ A(x, 0) ∈ Q.  (a) G : Ω × Sd → Sd .      (b) There exists an LG > 0 such that    |G(x, ε1 ) − G(x, ε2 )| ≤ LG |ε1 − ε2 | (3.16)  ∀ ε1 , ε2 ∈ Sd , a.e. x ∈ Ω.    (c) For any ε ∈ Sd , x 7→ G(x, ε) is Lebesgue measurable on Ω.     (d) The mapping x 7→ G(x, 0) ∈ Q.


We note that assumptions (3.15) and (3.16) are satisfied in the case of the linear viscoelastic model (3.2) provided that aijkl ∈ L∞ (Ω), gijkl ∈ L∞ (Ω) and there exists α > 0 such that aijkl (x) ξk ξl ≥ α |ξ|2

∀ ξ ∈ Sd , a.e. x ∈ Ω.

We also assume that the body forces and tractions have the regularity f2 ∈ C([0, T ]; [L2 (Γ2 )]d ),

f0 ∈ C([0, T ]; H),


and the function β is such that β ∈ L∞ (Γ3 ) and there exists β? such that β(x) ≥ β? > 0, a.e. x ∈ Γ3 .


Finally, the initial displacement satisfies u0 ∈ V.


Next, we define the element f (t) ∈ V given by (f (t), v)V = (f0 (t), v)H + (f2 (t), v)[L2 (Γ2 )]d and let j : V × V → IR be the functional Z j(u, v) = β|uν | vν da

∀v ∈ V, t ∈ [0, T ],

∀ u, v ∈ V.




Keeping in mind (3.17) and (3.18) we note that the integrals in (3.20) and (3.21) are well defined. Moreover, using (3.20) it follows that f ∈ C([0, T ]; V ).


Using (2.1)–(2.3) and (2.4), it is straightforward to show that if {u, σ} represents a regular solution to Problem P then ∀v ∈ V, t ∈ [0, T ].

˙ (σ(t), ε(v))Q + j(u(t), v) = (f (t), v)V


To conclude, from (3.6), (3.11) and (3.23) we obtain the following variational formulation of the mechanical problem P . Problem P V . Find a displacement field u : [0, T ] → V and a stress field σ : [0, T ] → Q such that ˙ σ(t) = Aε(u(t)) + Gε(u(t)) ˙ (σ(t), ε(v))Q + j(u(t), v) = (f (t), v)V

∀t ∈ [0, T ],

∀ v ∈ V, t ∈ [0, T ],

u(0) = u0 .


(3.24) (3.25) (3.26)



The well-posedness of this problem is given by the following result. Theorem 3.1. Assume that (3.15)–(3.19) hold. Then, there exists β0 > 0 which depends only on Ω, Γ1 , Γ3 and A such that Problem P V has a unique solution {u, σ} if |β|L∞ (Γ3 ) < β0 . (3.27) Moreover, the solution satisfies u ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]; V ),

σ ∈ C([0, T ]; Q1 ).

The proof of Theorem 3.1 is carried out in [2] in several steps, based on classical results for time-dependent nonlinear equations with strongly monotone operators followed by a fixed point argument. In the rest of the paper, we assume the conditions stated in Theorem 3.1 are satisfied so that contact problem P V has a unique solution. We end this section with the remark that if v ∗ is large enough then β = 1/(kw v ∗ ) is small enough and therefore condition (3.27) which guarantees the unique solvability of Problem P V is satisfied. We conclude that the mechanical problem (3.6)–(3.11) has a unique weak solution if the velocity of the foundation is large enough.


Fully discrete approximation

In this section we consider a fully discrete approximation of Problem P V . Let V h ⊂ V and Qh ⊂ Q denote finite dimensional spaces used to approximate the spaces V and Q satisfying ε(V h ) ⊂ Qh . Here h > 0 is a discretization parameter. Let PQh : Q → Qh be the orthogonal projection operator defined through the relation (PQh q, q h )Q = (q, q h )Q

∀ q ∈ Q, ∀q h ∈ Qh .

The orthogonal projection operator is non-expansive, i.e. |PQh q|Q ≤ |q|Q

∀ q ∈ Q.

This property will be used on various occasions. In addition, we need a partition of the time interval [0, T ]: 0 = t0 < t1 < . . . < tN = T . We denote the step size kn = tn − tn−1 for n = 1, 2, . . . , N and let k = max kn be n

the maximal step size. For a sequence {wn }N n=0 , we denote ∆wn = wn − wn−1 for the difference and δwn = ∆wn /kn the corresponding divided difference. In this section no summation is considered over the repeated index n and c will denote positive constants which are independent of the parameters of discretization h and k.


The fully discrete approximation method is based on the backward Euler scheme. It has the following form. N h hk N h Problem P V hk . Find uhk = {uhk = {σ hk n }n=0 ⊂ V and σ n }n=1 ⊂ Q such that hk hk σ hh n = PQh Aε(δun ) + PQh Gε(un ), h hk h h (σ hk n , ε(w ))Q + j(δun , w ) = (f n , w )V

∀ wh ∈ V h ,

h uhk 0 = u0 .

(4.1) (4.2) (4.3)

Using similar arguments to those employed in [2], we have the following. Theorem 4.1. Assume that (3.15)–(3.19) and (3.27) hold. Then Problem P V hk has a unique solution. Remark 4.2. In practice, the fixed point algorithm used to show the existence and uniqueness of solution for Problem P V hk is directly applied. To solve the semilinear equality obtained, a penalty-duality algorithm introduced in [4] is suggested. Details are given in Section 5. We now derive error estimates for the fully discrete solution. Let n ∈ {1, 2, ..., N } hk ˙ n ), un = u(tn ), v hk and let σ n = σ(tn ), v n = u(t n = δun . By integration of (3.24) we get Z t

σ(t) = Aε(v(t)) + Gε(

v(s)ds + u0 )

∀t ∈ [0, T ],



˙ where v(t) = u(t). Substracting now (4.4) at t = tn to (4.1), we obtain

hk σ n − σ hk n = (I − PQh )Aε(v n ) + PQh (Aε(v n ) − Aε(v n )) Z tn n X h kj v hk +(I − PQh )Gε(un ) + PQh [Gε( v(s)ds + u0 ) − Gε( j + u0 )], 0


where I is the identity operator on Q. Thus, hk h |σ n − σ hk n |Q ≤ |(I − PQh )Aε(v n )|Q + c|v n − v n |V + |u0 − u0 |V Z tn n X +|(I − PQh )Gε(un )|Q + | v(s)ds − kj v hk j |V . 0



Plugging (4.4) into (3.25) at time t = tn , (4.1) into (4.2) and substracting the obtained




equalities, we deduce that h h hk h (Aε(v n ) − Aε(v hk n ), ε(w ))Q + j(v n , w ) − j(v n , w ) = Z tn n X h h −(Gε( v(s)ds + u0 ) − Gε( kj v hk ∀wh ∈ V h . j + u0 ), ε(w ))Q 0


Therefore hk hk hk hk (Aε(v n ) − Aε(v hk n ), ε(v n ) − ε(v n ))Q + j(v n , v n − v n ) − j(v n , v n − v n ) h h hk h = (Aε(v n ) − Aε(v hk n ), ε(v n ) − ε(w ))Q + j(v n , v n − w ) − j(v n , v − w ) Z tn n X h h +(Gε( v(s)ds + u0 ) − Gε( kj v hk j + u0 ), ε(v n − w ))Q 0





v(s)ds + u0 ) − Gε( 0

n X

h hk kj v hk j + u0 ), ε(v n − v n ))Q

∀wh ∈ V h .


It can be verified that

hk hk hk hk (Aε(v n ) − Aε(v hk n ), ε(v n ) − ε(v n ))Q +j(v n , v n − v n ) − j(v n , v n − v n ) 2 ≥ (mA − C02 β0 )|v n − v hk n |V ,

where β0 is chosen in such a way that mA − C02 β0 > 0, and C0 is given by (3.14). After some algebra, we then obtain the inequality n ³ ´ X hk h |v n − v n |V ≤ c |v n − w |V + In + kj ej ∀wh ∈ V h ,




In = |



v(s)ds − 0

n X

kj v j |V ,

ej = |v j − v hk j |V .


The following lemma was proved in [5]. N Lemma 4.3. Assume {gn }N n=1 and {en }n=1 are two sequences of non-negative numbers satisfying n X en ≤ cgn + c kj ej , j=1


max en ≤ max gn .



Moreover, for the quadrature error In we have n Z tj X ˙ L∞ (0,T ;V ) In ≤ |v(s) − v j |V ds ≤ ctn k|v| j=1




if v˙ ∈ L∞ (0, T ; V ). Applying Lemma 4.3 to (4.6) we obtain the following error estimate: ³ ´ h ∞ (0,T ;V ) + max ˙ max |v n − v hk | ≤ c k| v| inf |v − w | . V n V L n 1≤n≤N 1≤n≤N w h ∈V h Using now the definitions of v n and v hk n we find hk h |un − uhk n |V ≤ c(In + max |v j − v h |V + |u0 − u0 |V ). 1≤j≤N


Therefore, from (4.5), (4.7) and (4.8) we obtain the following result. Theorem 4.4. Let {u, σ} ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]; V ) × C([0, T ]; Q1 ) be the solution of Problem hk N h h hk P V and {(uhk . n , σ n )}n=0 ⊂ V × Q be the solution of fully discrete problem P V ∞ ¨ ∈ L (0, T ; V ). Assume conditions (3.15)–(3.19) and (3.27) hold. Let us suppose u Then we have the following error estimate: ³ hk hk max {|un − un |V + |σ n − σ n |Q } ≤ c |u0 − uh0 |V 1≤n≤N

inf |u˙ n − wh |V wh ∈V h ´ + max {|(I − PQh )Aε(u˙ n )|Q + |(I − PQh )Gε(un )|Q } . +k|¨ u|L∞ (0,T ;V ) + max



As a consequence of Theorem 4.4 we obtain the following result. Corollary 4.5. Assume that conditions (3.15)–(3.19) and (3.27) hold. Then under the additional assumptions inf |w − w h |V ≤ ch ∀w ∈ V ∩ [H 2 (Ω)]d , wh ∈V h |(I − PQh )(τ )|Q ≤ ch ∀τ ∈ Q, u˙ ∈ L∞ (0, T ; [H 2 (Ω)]d ),

|u0 − uh0 |V ≤ ch,

we obtain the following error estimate: hk max {|un − uhk n |V + |σ n − σ n |Q } ≤ c(h + k).



Numerical results

In order to show the perfomance of the numerical method described in the above section, some numerical experiments have been done in the study of one and two dimensional test problems. In this section, we describe the complete algorithm to solve Problem P V hk and we resume some numerical results which exhibit the perfomance of the algorithm.





Algorithm to solve Problem P V hk

Sustituting (4.1) into (4.2), we obtain for n = 1, 2, . . . , N : hk h hk h h (PQh [Aε(δuhk n ) + Gε(un )], ε(w ))Q + j(δun , w ) = (f n , w )V

∀ wh ∈ V h , (5.1)

h where uhk 0 = u0 is given.

Using the properties of the orthogonal operator PQh defined in Section 4 and defining hk again v hk n = δun , we obtain that (5.1) is equivalent to: hk hk h hk h h h h (Aε(v hk n ) + Gε(un−1 + kn v n ), ε(w ))Q + j(v n , w ) = (f n , w )V ∀w ∈ V . (5.2)

Then, the element uhk n is obtained by hk hk uhk n = un−1 + kn v n ,

n = 1, 2, . . . , N.

In order to solve problem (5.2), the first step is to apply the fixed point argument introduced in [2] to prove the existence and uniqueness of solution. h h h , η hk For η hk r )}r≥0 ⊂ V × Q be the sequence obtained solving 0 ∈ Q given, let {(v η hk r problems (5.3)-(5.4) described below: ) v η hk ∈ V h, r (5.3) h h h h h hk , ε(w )) + j(v ∀ w ∈ V , (Aε(v η hk ) + η hk , w ) = (f n , w )V Q η r r r hk ). η hk r+1 = Gε(un−1 + kn v η hk r


We have (see [2]), lim v η hk = v hk n . r


To solve the semilinear equality (5.3) we used a penalty-duality algorithm introduced in [4]. In order to describe it, we remark that Z Z Z Z + + − βu− βuν vν da − β(uν − uν )vν da = β|uν |vν da = j(u, v) = ν vν da, Γ3



− where u+ ν = max{uν , 0} and uν = min{uν , 0}.

Let E h ⊂ L2 (Γ3 ) and K h ⊂ E h be defined by E h = {q h ∈ L2 (Γ3 ) ; q|hC ∈ P1 (C) ∀C ∈ θ h }, K h = {q h ∈ E h ; q|hC ≤ 0 in C


∀C ∈ θ h },


where θh is the induced triangulation of T h on Γ3 .


Let B : V h → E h be the operator Bv h = vνh

∀v h ∈ V h ,

and let B ∗ : E h → V h be the operator given by Z ∗ h h (B q , v )V = βq h vνh da ∀v h ∈ V h , ∀q h ∈ E h . Γ3

It is well known that problem (5.3) is equivalent to minimize on V h the functional J : V h → R defined by J(v h ) = f (v h ) − g(Bv h ), where f : V h → (−∞, ∞] and g : E h → (−∞, ∞] have the following form, Z 1 1 h h h h β[(vνh )+ ]2 da − (f n , v h )V − (η hk f (v ) = (Aε(v ), ε(v ))Q + r , ε(v ))Q , 2Z 2 Γ3 1 β[(q h )− ]2 da. g(q h ) = 2 Γ3 According to [4], the following iterative algorithm is considered: h hk hk h h Given phk 0 ∈ E and λ > 0, let {(v m , pm )}m≥0 ⊂ V × E be the sequence obtained solving the following problems: hk B ∗ phk m ∈ ∂f (v m+1 ),


0 hk hk phk m+1 = gλ (Bv m+1 + λpm ),


where ∂f denotes the subdifferential operator of f and gλ0 is the Yosida’s approximation of the maximal monotone operator ∂g. Then (see [4]): lim v hk . m = v η hk r


We can see that problem (5.5)-(5.6) is equivalent to the following.   Z Z    1 1 h + 2 hk + 2 hk h hk  (Aε(v m+1 ), ε(v − v m+1 ))Q + β[(vν ) ] da − β[(v m+1 )ν ] da    2 Γ3 2 Γ3  h v hk m+1 ∈ V ,

hk h hk ≥ (f n , v h − v hk m+1 )V − (η r , ε(v − v m+1 ))Q Z h hk h h + βphk m (vν − (v m+1 )ν ) da ∀v ∈ V , Γ3

phk m+1 =

1 hk − (Bv hk m+1 + λpm ) . λ


        




Finally, problem (5.7) is similar to the normal compliance contact problem in elasticity (see [13]). To solve it, we used the following penalty-duality algorithm previously introduced in [14]: hk h h Given q0hk ∈ E h and ω ∈ R, ω > 0, let {(v hk l , ql )}l≥0 ⊂ V × E be the sequence obtained solving the following problems:  h v hk  l ∈ V ,    Z   hk h h hk h (Aε(v l ), ε(w ))Q +ω β(v l )ν wν da = (f n , w )V (5.9)  Z Γ3 Z    h h  −(η hk βphk β qlhk wνh da ∀ wh ∈ V h ,  r , ε(w ))Q + m wν da − Γ3

q˜lhk = 2(v hk l )ν + hk ql+1 =

1 hk q , ω l


  

ω  [(1 − ω)˜ qlhk − 2PK h (˜ qlhk )],  1+ω


where PK h is the orthogonal L2 (Γ3 )-projection operator over the convex set K h . We obtain (see [14]): hk lim v hk l = v m+1 . l→∞


A one-dimensional test-problem

We consider a viscoelastic rod Ω = (0, L) which is fixed at its left end x = 0 and is subjected to the action of a body force of density f0 (x, t) in the x-direction (see Figure 1). Its right end x = L is in contact with a rigid moving obstacle which produces the

Figure 1: Test 1: Sliding contact of a viscoelastic rod. wear of the rod. This problem corresponds to Problem P with Ω = (0, L), Γ1 = {0}, Γ2 = ∅, Γ3 = {L}. We use a linear viscoelastic constitutive law, i.e. σ = a ε(u) ˙ + g ε(u).


Here ε(u) =

∂u , while a and g are material constants independants on x and t, a > 0. ∂x

A complete description of this problem is the following one. Problem T 1D. Find a displacement field u : [0, L] × [0, T ] → R and a stress field σ : [0, L] × [0, T ] → R such that: σ(x, t) = a

∂ 2 u(x, t) ∂u(x, t) +g ∂x∂t ∂x

in (0, L) × (0, T ),

∂σ(x, t) = f0 (x, t) in (0, L) × (0, T ), ∂x u(0, t) = 0 for t ∈ (0, T ), ¯ ∂u(1, t) ¯ ¯ ¯ σ(1, t) = −β ¯ for t ∈ (0, T ), ¯ ∂t u(x, 0) = u0 (x) in (0, L).

(5.11) (5.12) (5.13) (5.14) (5.15)

For computation we have used the following data: L = 1 m,

T = 10s.,

f0 (x, t) = 99Ae−t β = 10−4 N · s/m, A=−

a = 100 N · s/m,

g = 1 N/m,

∀x ∈ (0, 1), t ∈ [0, 10], 2

u0 (x) = A x2 + x ∀x ∈ (0, 1),

9899.99 . 9899.995

The exact solution of the above problem is ´ ³ x2 u(x, t) = A + x e−t , 2 ³ ´ σ(x, t) = −99 Ax + 1 e−t .

(5.16) (5.17)

We used a discretization by continuous piecewise affine functions for the space V h and by piecewise constant functions for the space Qh . Since ε(V h ) ⊂ Qh , in (4.1) no projection is needed. In Table 1 we provide the exact error values for several discretization parameters h and k. We note that the asymptotic behavior hk max (|un − uhk n |V + |σ n − σ n |Q ) ≤ c(h + k),




k ↓ |h →








0.1 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.0025 0.001

0.026276 0.027474 0.028167 0.028594 0.028738 0.028809 0.028853

0.013411 0.013749 0.014079 0.014291 0.014363 0.014399 0.014421

0.007236 0.006910 0.007041 0.007145 0.007181 0.007199 0.007209

0.004078 0.002862 0.002822 0.002858 0.002872 0.002879 0.002883

0.003392 0.001593 0.001422 0.014210 0.001436 0.001439 0.001442

0.003198 0.001061 0.000703 0.000715 0.000718 0.000719 0.000721

0.003142 0.000855 0.000349 0.000287 0.000287 0.000287 0.000288

Table 1: Problem T 1D: Exact error values.

derived in Corollary 4.5, is obtained with the constant c ≈ 0.13874157, independent of h and k (see Figure 2 (left-hand side)). The evolution of the wear, obtained from (3.3), is shown on the right-hand side of Figure 2. For computations we used here the values k = h = 0.01 . Error estimate for |U−Uh|

Evolution of the wear function through the time












































Figure 2: Problem T 1D: Asymptotic constant of error and evolution of the wear function through the time.


A two-dimensional test problem

As a two-dimensional example of Problem P , we consider the plane stress viscoelasticity problem for an isotropic material shown in Figure 3. The physical setting corresponds to a three-dimensional linear viscoelastic body of cross-section Ω = (0, 6)×(0, 6) submitted to the action of vertical forces in such a way that a plane stress hypothesis is assumed. A linearly decreasing traction force is supposed to act on the part Γ2 = [0, 6] × {6} of the boundary and no body forces act in Ω. The horizontal displacements on the lateral surface are supposed to vanish, i.e. Γ1 = {0, 6}×[0, 6]. Finally, the body is in sliding contact with a rigid moving foundation on Γ3 = [0, 6]×{0}.



Figure 3: Test 2: Contact of a 2D viscoelastic body.

A permanent contact with the foundation is maintained and the wear is then produced. We assume the wear coefficient to be constant on Γ3 and therefore the data β is constant on Γ3 too. The elasticity tensor G is then defined by: (Gτ )αβ =

Eκ E (τ11 + τ22 )δαβ + ταβ , 2 1−κ 1+κ

1 ≤ α, β ≤ 2,

where E is the Young’s modulus, κ the Poisson’s ratio of the material and δαβ denotes the Kronecker symbol. The viscosity tensor A has a similar form, i.e. (Aτ )αβ = µ(τ11 + τ22 )δαβ + ηταβ ,

1 ≤ α, β ≤ 2,

where µ and η are viscosity constants. Recall also that the von Mises norm for a plane stress field τ = (ταβ ) is given by ³ ´1 2 2 2 2 kτ k = τ11 + τ22 − τ11 τ22 + 3τ12 . For computation we have used the following data: T = 1 s,

f 0 = 0 N/m3 ,

σ 0 = 0 N/m2 ,

u0 = 0 m,

E = 100N/m2 ,

κ = 0.3,

f 2 (x1 , x2 , t) = (0, −10(6 − x1 )t) N/m2 , β = 10−2 N · s/m2 , µ = 32.967N · s/m2 ,

η = 23.077N · s/m2 .


As in the one dimensional test problem, we used continuous piecewise affine functions to approximate the space V and piecewise constant functions to approximate the space Q. Again, ε(V h ) ⊂ Qh and therefore no projections are needed in the discrete constitutive law (4.1). Moreover, for the time discretization, we used a uniform time step with k = 0.01. The amplified deformed mesh, the von Mises norm of stress at final time T = 1 s and the initial boundary are shown in Figure 4. We used again (3.3) to obtain the wear function. In Figure 5 we show the wear of the contact boundary for several time values as well as the evolution of the wear of the central contact node x = (3, 0).

Figure 4: Amplified (by 60) deformed mesh and von Mises stress norm at final time T = 1 s and initial boundary.

Evolution of the wear function amplified by 60

Amplified evolution of the wear of the central contact node





t=0.2 t=0.4 t=0.6 t=0.8 t=1


60 w(3,0,t)


60 w(x,t)
































Figure 5: Wear of the contact boundary for several time values amplified by 60 and evolution of the wear of the central contact node.


Acknowledgements The work of the first and third authors was partially supported by DGESIC-Spain (Project BFM2003-05357).

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Characterization of A Class of Band-limited Wavelets Biswaranjan Behera Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 208016, India. Current address: Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016 India. Email: [email protected] Shobha Madan Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 208016, India. Email: [email protected] Key words: Wavelet; MRA-wavelet; multiresolution analysis; dimension function. 2000 AMS Subject Classification: 42C40. Abstract For each integer n ≥ 2, we construct a subset Sn of R and characterize all wavelets of L2 (R) whose Fourier transform is supported in Sn . This result generalizes the characterization of a class of wavelets given by E. Hern´ andez and G. Weiss. Wavelets are usually constructed by using a multiresolution analysis (MRA); but there are wavelets which cannot be constructed through an MRA. We show that the wavelets associated with Sn are non-MRA wavelets, if n ≥ 3. The dimension functions of these wavelets are also computed explicitly.






A function ψ ∈ L2 (R) is said to be a wavelet if the system of functions {ψj,k : j, k ∈ Z} forms an orthonormal basis for L2 (R), where ψj,k (x) = 2j/2 ψ(2j x − k),

j, k ∈ Z.

A function ψ ∈ L2 (R) is a wavelet of L2 (R) if and only if it satisfies the following four conditions: X ˆ j ξ)|2 = 1 for a.e. ξ ∈ R. |ψ(2 (1) j∈Z


ˆ j (ξ + 2mπ)) = 0 ˆ j ξ)ψ(2 ψ(2

for a.e. ξ ∈ R and for all m ∈ 2Z + 1.




ˆ + 2kπ)|2 = 1 |ψ(ξ

for a.e. ξ ∈ R.




ˆ j (ξ + 2kπ)) = 0 ˆ + 2kπ)ψ(2 ψ(ξ

for a.e. ξ ∈ R and for all j ≥ 1.



We use the following definition of the Fourier transform Z ˆ f (ξ) = f (x)e−iξx dx, ξ ∈ R. R

The fact that equations (1)–(4) characterize all wavelets of L2 (R) was observed by many authors. Lemari´e and Meyer [7] obtained these equations for compactly supported wavelets. Bonami, Soria and Weiss [1] proved this fact under the assumption that ψ is band-limited, i.e., ψˆ is compactly supported. For a function ψ to be a wavelet, it is necessary that kψk2 = 1. With this assumption on ψ, the following theorem was proved independently by G. Gripenberg [2] and X. Wang [9] (see also [3]). Theorem 1. Let ψ ∈ L2 (R) with kψk2 = 1. Then ψ is a wavelet of L2 (R) if and only if ψ satisfies (1) and (2). For a proof of this theorem we refer to Chapter 7 of [4]. It was observed in [1] that the orthonormality of the system {ψj,k : j, k ∈ Z} is characterized by (3) and (4), and completeness by (1) and (2) (see also [4]). A consequence of Theorem 1 is that equations (1) and (2), along with the assumption kψk2 = 1, imply the equations (3) and (4). If ψ is a wavelet, then the support of ψˆ must have measure at least 2π. This ˆ is the characteristic function of minimal measure is achieved if and only if |ψ| some measurable subset K of R. Such a wavelet is called a minimally supported frequency (MSF) wavelet and the associated set K is called a wavelet set. We refer to [4] for proofs of the above statements. A function is said to be band-limited if its Fourier transform has compact support. The simplest example of a band-limited wavelet is the Shannon wavelet whose Fourier transform is the characteristic function of the set 2


S = [−2π, −π]∪[π, 2π]. Lemari´e and Meyer ([6], [8]) constructed a band-limited ˆ wavelet belonging to the Schwartz class. This wavelet satisfies ψ(ξ) = eiξ/2 b(ξ), where b is an even, non-negative “bell-shaped” function and its support is equal to the set [− 83 π, − 23 π] ∪ [ 32 π, 83 π]. In [1] the authors characterized all wavelets ˆ is an even continuous function whose support is equal to the ψ such that |ψ| 0 set [−2π −  , −π + ] ∪ [π − , 2π + 0 ], where , 0 > 0 and  + 0 ≤ π, so that this class includes the Lemari´e-Meyer wavelet as a particular case. Later, ˆ in [5] (see also Theorem 4.1, Chapter 3 of [4]), the restriction on ψ (i.e., |ψ| is even and continuous) was removed and all wavelets with Fourier transform supported in [− 83 π, − 23 π] ∪ [ 32 π, 83 π] were characterized. (In fact, they characterized all wavelets with Fourier transform supported in the set [− 38 a, 4π − 43 a], 0 < a ≤ π. It was also shown that for such a wavelet ψ, it is necessary that ψˆ = 0 a.e. on [− 23 a, 2π − 43 a].) In this article, we generalize this characterization: we construct a set Sn for each n ≥ 2, so that S2 is the set [− 83 π, − 23 π] ∪ [ 23 π, 83 π], and characterize all wavelets whose Fourier transform is supported in Sn . The article is organized as follows. In section 2 we construct a set Sn for each n ≥ 2, which is symmetric with respect to the origin and is a union of four intervals. In section 3 all wavelets ψ with Fourier transform supported in ˆ Sn are characterized, and a necessary and sufficient condition is given for |ψ| to be an even function. Next, in section 4 we show that none of these wavelets is associated with an MRA. For a wavelet to be associated with an MRA, it is necessary and sufficient that the corresponding dimension function is equal to 1 a.e. In section 5 we compute the dimension functions explicitly and show that each of these functions is even and assumes all integral values from 0 to the maximum value it attains. This gives an alternative proof of the fact that these wavelets are not MRA-wavelets, and in addition, provides an example of a family of dimension functions.


Construction of the set Sn

Let n ≥ 2. Put an = cn =

2n−1 2n −1 π, 2n−1 (2n −2) π, 2n −1

2n 2n −1 π, 2n−1 2n an = 22n −1 π.

bn = 2an = dn =

Define Sn = Sn+ ∪ Sn− , where Sn+ = [an , bn ] ∪ [cn , dn ] and Sn− = −(Sn+ ). Remark 1. 1. If n = 2, then a2 = 32 π, b2 = c2 = 43 π and d2 = 38 π. So S2 is the set associated with the Lemari´e-Meyer wavelets. 2. As n increases, the sets [an , bn ] move closer to 0 whereas [cn , dn ] move n−1 farther away. Also observe that the measure of the set Sn is 2 22n −1 π +  2n 2n −1 π which approaches 3π as n tends to infinity. All terms in the equations (1)–(4) that characterize all wavelets of L2 (R) involve dilations by powers of 2 and translations by integral multiples of 2π. In 3




the following lemma, for various subsets of Sn , we identify those translates and dilates which are possibly in Sn . Lemma 1. For n ≥ 3, let Sn be as above, and let en =

2n −2 2n −1 π.

(i) If ξ ∈ [an , en ], then ξ + 2kπ ∈ Sn iff k = 0, and 2j ξ ∈ Sn iff j = 0. (ii) If ξ ∈ [en , bn ], then ξ+2kπ ∈ Sn iff k = 0, −1, and 2j ξ ∈ Sn iff j = 0, n−1. (iii) If ξ ∈ [cn , dn ], then ξ + 2kπ ∈ Sn iff k = 0, −2n−1 , and 2j ξ ∈ Sn iff j = 0, −(n − 1). (iv) If ξ ∈ [−en , −an ], then ξ + 2kπ ∈ Sn iff k = 0, and 2j ξ ∈ Sn iff j = 0. (v) If ξ ∈ [−bn , −en ], then ξ + 2kπ ∈ Sn iff k = 0, 1, and 2j ξ ∈ Sn iff j = 0, n − 1. (vi) If ξ ∈ [−dn , −cn ], then ξ + 2kπ ∈ Sn iff k = 0, 2n−1 , and 2j ξ ∈ Sn iff j = 0, −(n − 1). Observe that [en , bn ] − 2π = [−bn , −en ], 2n−1 [en , bn ] = [cn , dn ],


 2n−1 [en , bn ] − 2π = 2n−1 [−bn , −en ] = [−dn , −cn ].


and n−2

Proof. Let ξ ∈ [an , en ]. If 1 ≤ k ≤ 2 − 1 then ξ + 2kπ ∈ [bn , cn ], and ˆ Similarly, if k ≥ 2n−2 then ξ + 2kπ ≥ dn . In either case, ξ + 2kπ 6∈ supp ψ. n−2 n−2 if −2 ≤ k ≤ −1, then ξ + 2kπ ∈ [−cn , −bn ], and if k ≤ −2 − 1, then ξ + 2kπ ≤ −dn . Thus, we get ξ + 2kπ ∈ Sn if and only if k = 0. Now, let ξ ∈ [en , bn ]. In this case, if 1 ≤ k ≤ 2n−2 − 1 then ξ + 2kπ ∈ [bn , cn ], and ξ + 2kπ ≥ dn if k ≥ 2n−2 . Also, if −2n−2 ≤ k ≤ −2, then ξ + 2kπ ∈ [−cn , −bn ], and if k ≤ −2n−2 − 1, then ξ + 2kπ ≤ −dn . This leaves k = −1, in which case ξ + 2kπ ∈ [−bn , −en ] which is a subset of Sn . Thus, ξ + 2kπ ∈ Sn if and only if k = 0, −1. Finally, let ξ ∈ [cn , dn ]. If k ≤ 1 then ξ + 2kπ ≥ dn . If −2n−2 + 1 ≤ k ≤ −1, then ξ + 2kπ ∈ [bn , cn ]. Now, ξ + 2kπ ∈ [−an , an ] if k = 2n−2 , and ξ + 2kπ ∈ [−cn , −bn ] if −2n−1 + 1 ≤ k ≤ −2n−2 − 1. Also, ξ + 2kπ ∈ [−dn , −cn ] if k = −2n−1 , and if k ≤ −2n−1 − 1 then ξ + 2kπ ≤ −dn . Thus, in this case, ξ + 2kπ ∈ Sn if and only if k = 0, −2n−2 . We have proved the statements for the translations in (i)–(iii) of the lemma. The proof for the dilations is similar, and (iv)–(vi) follow by the symmetry of the set Sn .


The main result

The following theorem characterizes all wavelets ψ of L2 (R) such that the support of ψˆ is contained in the set Sn . The case n = 2 is Theorem 4.1 of Chapter 3 in [4] in which case the wavelets are MRA-wavelets. 4



ˆ Theorem 2. Let n ≥ 2, ψ ∈ L2 (R), supp ψˆ ⊆ Sn and b(ξ) = |ψ(ξ)|. Then ψ is a wavelet for L2 (R) if and only if (i) b(ξ) = 1

for a.e. ξ ∈ [an , en ] ∪ [−en , −an ],

(ii) b2 (ξ) + b2 (2n−1 ξ) = 1

for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ],

(iii) b2 (ξ) + b2 (ξ − 2π) = 1

for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ],

 (iv) b(ξ) = b 2n−1 (ξ − 2π)

for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ],

ˆ (v) ψ(ξ) = eiθ(ξ) b(ξ), where θ satisfies  θ(ξ) + θ 2n−1 (ξ − 2π) − θ(ξ − 2π) − θ(2n−1 ξ) = (2m(ξ) + 1) π, 1 for some m(ξ) ∈ Z, for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ] ∩ (supp b) ∩ ( 2n−1 supp b).

Moreover, if n ≥ 3, then none of these wavelets is associated with an MRA. ˆ is completely determined Remark 2. 1. It follows from Theorem 2 that |ψ| ˆ by its values on [en , bn ]. On this set, let b = |ψ| be an arbitrary measurable ˆ function taking values between 0 and 1. Using equations (5) and (6), |ψ| can be extented to other sets of Sn with the help of properties (i)–(iv). Properties (ii), (iii) and (iv) can also be written as  1  ξ = 1 for a.e. ξ ∈ [cn , dn ], 2n−1 b2 (ξ) + b2 (ξ + 2π) = 1 for a.e. ξ ∈ [−bn , −en ],   1 b ξ + 2π = b(ξ) for a.e. [−dn , −cn ]. 2n−1

b2 (ξ) + b2

(7) (8) (9)

1 2. If (supp b) ∩ ( 2n−1 supp b) has an empty interior in [en , bn ], then θ can be chosen to be any measurable function. In particular, we can take θ(ξ) = 0.

Proof of Theorem 2. First let us assume that ψ is a wavelet for L2 (R), ˆ So ψ satisfies the equations (1)–(4). Consider supp ψˆ ⊆ Sn and b = |ψ|. equation (3): X b2 (ξ + 2kπ) = 1 for a.e. ξ ∈ R. k∈Z

We use Lemma 1 to pick out the non-zero terms in this sum. If |ξ| ∈ [an , en ], then only k = 0 will contribute to the sum. So we get b(ξ) = 1 a.e., which is (i) of the theorem. For ξ ∈ [en , bn ], we get non-zero contributions from k = 0 and k = −1. That is, b2 (ξ) + b2 (ξ − 2π) = 1 for a.e. ξ, which proves (iii). Also if ξ ∈ [en , bn ], then 2n−1 ξ ∈ [cn , dn ], and we get (non-zero terms now correspond to k = 0 and k = −2n−1 ) b2 (2n−1 ξ) + b2 (2n−1 ξ − 2n π) = 1


for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ].




This can also be written as b2 (ξ) + b2 (ξ − 2n π) = 1 Now consider equation (1): X b2 (2j ξ) = 1

for a.e. ξ ∈ [cn , dn ].


for a.e. ξ ∈ R.


For ξ ∈ [en , bn ], the only possible non-zero terms correspond to j = 0 and j = n − 1. So we conclude b2 (ξ) + b2 (2n−1 ξ) = 1. This proves (ii). Combining (ii) and (10) we get condition (iv). It remains to prove condition (v). For this purpose we consider equation (4) with j = n − 1: X ˆ + 2kπ)ψˆ (2n−1 (ξ + 2kπ)) = 0 for a.e. ξ ∈ R. ψ(ξ k∈Z

If ξ ∈ [en , bn ], the non-zero terms in the sum come from k = 0 and −1. Hence, ˆ n−1 ξ) + ψ(ξ ˆ − 2π)ψˆ (2n−1 (ξ − 2π)) = 0 ˆ ψ(2 ψ(ξ)

for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ].


Using (iii), (10) and (12), we see that for almost every ξ ∈ [en , bn ], the vectors     ˆ ˆ − 2π) ˆ n−1 ξ), ψ(2 ˆ n−1 (ξ − 2π)) ψ(ξ), ψ(ξ and ψ(2 ˆ are orthonormal in C2 . If we let ψ(ξ) = eiθ(ξ) b(ξ), then it follows that, for some real-valued measurable function α,   eiα(ξ) eiθ(ξ) b(ξ), eiθ(ξ−2π) b(ξ − 2π)   n−1 n−1 = −e−iθ(2 (ξ−2π)) b(2n−1 (ξ − 2π)), e−iθ(2 ξ) b(2n−1 ξ) (13) for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ]. But from (ii), (iii) and (iv), we know that  b(2n−1 ξ) = b(ξ − 2π)  for a.e ξ ∈ [en , bn ]. b(ξ) = b 2n−1 (ξ − 2π) So (13) can be written as h i n−1 eiα(ξ) eiθ(ξ) + e−iθ(2 (ξ−2π)) b(ξ) h i n−1 eiα(ξ) eiθ(ξ−2π) − e−iθ(2 ξ) b(2n−1 ξ)


 0 


0 


for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ].

This shows that e−iα(ξ) e−iα(ξ)


= ei[θ(ξ)+θ(2 (ξ−2π))+π] n−1 = ei[θ(ξ−2π)+θ(2 ξ)]

for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ] ∩ supp b. 1 supp b). for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ] ∩ ( 2n−1 6



1 Hence, for almost every ξ ∈ [en , bn ] ∩ supp b ∩ ( 2n−1 supp b), we have  θ(ξ) + θ 2n−1 (ξ − 2π) − θ(ξ − 2π) − θ(2n−1 ξ) = (2m(ξ) + 1) π,

for some integer-valued measurable function m. This proves (v). We now prove the converse. Suppose ψ ∈ L2 (R), supp ψˆ ⊆ Sn and the ˆ function b(ξ) = |ψ(ξ)| satisfies conditions (i)–(v) of the theorem. By Theorem 1, to show that ψ is a wavelet, it is sufficient to show that kψk2 = 1 and ψ satisfies (1) and (2). We have, Z 2 2 2 ˆ ˆ 2πkψk2 = kψk2 = |ψ(ξ)| dξ Sn Z Z Z Z Z Z ! −cn



+ −dn






+ −en


Z +








b2 (ξ) dξ

+ en



+2(en − an ).

+ −bn







By changing variables ξ → 2n−1 (ξ − 2π), ξ → 2n−1 ξ and ξ → ξ − 2π in the first, second and third integrals respectively, we get 2πkψk22





 2 n−1   b 2 (ξ − 2π) + b2 (2n−1 ξ) dξ




 2  b (ξ − 2π) + b2 (ξ) dξ + 2(en − an )

+ en


2n−1 (bn − en ) + (bn − en ) + 2(en − an ) = 2π,

where we have used (10) and property (iii) of the theorem. Hence, kψk2 = 1. We will now show that ψ satisfies (1). Let X ˆ j ξ) |2 . ρ(ξ) = | ψ(2 j∈Z

Suppose ξ > 0. Observe that R+



2l [an , bn ]




2l ([an , en ] ∪ [en , bn ]) .


So there is an l ∈ Z such that ξ ∈ 2l [an , en ] ∪ 2l [en , bn ]. If ξ ∈ 2l [an , en ] then since 2−l ξ ∈ [an , en ], by Lemma 1 we have, 2j (2−l ξ) 6∈ Sn if j 6= 0. That is, 2j ξ 6∈ Sn if j 6= −l. Hence, ρ(ξ) = 1, by (i). Similarly by using (ii), we can prove that ρ(ξ) = 1 if ξ ∈ 2l [en , bn ]. A similar decomposition for ξ < 0 proves that ρ(ξ) = 1 for a.e. ξ ∈ R.




Finally, we have to show that ψ satisfies (2). For m ∈ 2Z + 1, let us denote the function on the left hand side of (2) by tm (ξ). Then tm (ξ)





ˆ j ξ)ψˆ (2j (ξ + 2mπ)) ψ(2


 ψˆ 2j (ξ + 2mπ − 2mπ) ψˆ (2j (ξ + 2mπ))


= t−m (ξ + 2mπ).


Therefore, we have only to show that tm (ξ) = 0 for a.e. ξ, if m ∈ 2Z− + 1 (negative odd integers). Suppose m ∈ 2Z− + 1 and m 6= −1. Let ξ ∈ R and suppose that 2j ξ ∈ Sn . Since j ≥ 0, n ≥ 2 and m 6= −1 and is odd, therefore 2j m 6= 0, ±1, ±2n−1 . So by Lemma 1, we have 2j ξ + 2 · 2j mπ 6∈ Sn . This implies that each term of tm (ξ) is zero, which proves that tm is zero. It now remains to show that t−1 (ξ) = 0 for a.e ξ. We have t−1 (ξ) =


ˆ j ξ − 2 · 2j π). ˆ j ξ)ψ(2 ψ(2


Let ξ ∈ R and suppose that 2j ξ ∈ Sn . Then again by Lemma 1, 2j ξ−2·2j π ∈ 6 Sn if −2j 6= 0, ±1, ±2n−1 . So the only possible j’s to contribute a non-zero term are j = 0 and j = n − 1. Thus, ˆ ψ(ξ ˆ − 2π) + ψ(2 ˆ n−1 ξ)ψ(2 ˆ n−1 ξ − 2 · 2n−1 π). t−1 (ξ) = ψ(ξ)


Now, both ξ and ξ −2π belong to Sn only if ξ ∈ [en , bn ]. Hence, the first term of (16) is zero unless ξ ∈ [en , bn ]. Similarly, both 2n−1 ξ and 2n−1 ξ − 2 · 2n−1 π belong to Sn only when 2n−1 ξ ∈ [cn , dn ], which is equivalent to saying that ξ ∈ [en , bn ]. That is, the second term of (16) is also zero unless ξ ∈ [en , bn ]. Thus we get t−1 (ξ) = 0 if ξ 6∈ [en , bn ]. Now on [en , bn ], we have, by (14) t−1 (ξ) = b(ξ)b(2n−1 ξ)ei[θ(ξ)−θ(ξ−2π)] + b(2n−1 ξ)b(ξ)ei[θ(2


ξ)+θ (2n−1 (ξ−2π))]


1 If ξ 6∈ [en , bn ] ∩ supp b ∩ ( 2n−1 supp b), then either b(ξ) = 0 or b(2n−1 ξ) = 0. 1 So t−1 (ξ) = 0. And if ξ ∈ [en , bn ]∩supp b∩( 2n−1 supp b), then by (v), t−1 (ξ) = 0. This completes the characterization. There is another equation which characterizes all wavelets ψ such that ψˆ ˆ is even. For n = 2, the is supported in the set Sn and the function b = |ψ| following proposition is proved in [4] (Proposition 4.7, Chapter 3). We observe that the result can be extended to the general case.

ˆ and supp b ⊆ Sn . Proposition 1. Suppose that ψ is a wavelet of L2 (R), b = |ψ|, Then b is almost everywhere even if and only if b2 (ξ) + b2 (2π − ξ) = 1


for a.e. ξ ∈ [en , bn ].




ˆ is supported in Sn . Proof. Let ψ be a wavelet of L2 (R) such that b = |ψ| Suppose that b is an even function and ξ ∈ [en , bn ]. Since −ξ ∈ [−bn , −en ], we have 1

= b2 (−ξ) + b2 (−ξ + 2π), by (8) = b2 (ξ) + b2 (2π − ξ), since b is even,

which is (17). Conversely, suppose that (17) holds. Since by (i) of Theorem 2, b is even on [an , en ], it is enough to show that b is even on the sets [en , bn ] and [cn , dn ]. (i) Let ξ ∈ [en , bn ]. Therefore, −ξ ∈ [−bn , −en ]. Then b2 (−ξ) + b2 (−ξ + 2π) = 1,

by (8).

This fact, together with (17), gives us b(ξ) = b(−ξ). (ii) Now let ξ ∈ [cn , dn ]. Therefore, b

1 2n−1 ξ


∈ [en , bn ]. From (18) we get

 1   1  ξ = b − n−1 ξ . n−1 2 2


1 ξ ∈ [−bn , −en ], using (8) we obtain Since − 2n−1

   1  1 b2 − n−1 ξ + b2 − n−1 ξ + 2π = 1. 2 2


Now, since −ξ ∈ [−dn , −cn ], we get (using (9))   1 b − n−1 ξ + 2π = b(−ξ). 2


Substituting (19) and (21) in (20), we get b2

 1  ξ + b2 (−ξ) = 1. 2n−1


Comparing (22) and (7) we get b(ξ) = b(−ξ), which proves the proposition.


The wavelets associated with Sn , n ≥ 3 are non-MRA

A multiresolution analysis (MRA) is a sequence of closed subspaces {Vj : j ∈ Z} of L2 (R) satisfying the following properties: (i) Vj ⊂ Vj+1 for all j ∈ Z (ii) ∪j∈Z Vj is dense in L2 (R) and ∩j∈Z Vj = {0} 9



(iii) f ∈ Vj if and only if f (2·) ∈ Vj+1 for all j ∈ Z (iv) there exists a function ϕ ∈ L2 (R) such that {ϕ(· − k) : k ∈ Z} forms an orthonormal basis for V0 . A function ϕ that satisfies property (iv) is called a scaling function for the MRA. If ϕ is a scaling function for a given MRA, then it is easy to see that (see [4]) there exists a 2π-periodic function m0 in L2 (T), called the low-pass filter, such that ϕ(2ξ) ˆ = m0 (ξ)ϕ(ξ). ˆ (23) The function m0 satisfies the equation |m0 (ξ)|2 + |m0 (ξ + π)|2 = 1

for a.e ξ ∈ T.


Using (23) and (24), one can then construct a wavelet ψ associated with the MRA. For any such wavelet the following equation holds (see [4] for details): X 2 ˆ j ξ)|2 . |ϕ(ξ)| ˆ = |ψ(2 (25) j≥1

We will now prove the last statement in Theorem 2. Proposition 2. If n ≥ 3, then the wavelets characterized in Theorem 2 are not associated with any MRA. Proof. Let ψ be any wavelet such that ψˆ is supported in Sn and let it be associated with an MRA. Let ϕ be the corresponding scaling function and m0 be the low-pass filter associated with ϕ. Using (25) we can easily find that   if |ξ| ≤ an 1 n−l−1 (26) |ϕ(ξ)| ˆ = b(2 ξ) if |ξ| ∈ 2l [en , bn ], 0 ≤ l ≤ n − 2   0 otherwise. Hence,   1 |ϕ(2ξ)| ˆ = b(2n−l ξ)   0

if |ξ| ≤ a2n if |ξ| ∈ 2l−1 [en , bn ], 0 ≤ l ≤ n − 2 otherwise.


Case 1. b(ξ) 6≡ 1 on [en , bn ], i.e., b(ξ) 6≡ 0 on [cn , dn ]. If |ξ| ≤ an , then from (23) and (26), we have |ϕ(2ξ)| ˆ = |m0 (ξ)| · |ϕ(ξ)| ˆ = |m0 (ξ)|. Therefore, by (27), we obtain |m0 (ξ)| = 1 if |ξ| ≤ a2n . Since m0 is 2π-periodic, we have   |m0 (ξ)| = 1 on − a2n , a2n + 2 · 2n−3 π. Note that [− a2n , a2n ] + 2 · 2n−3 π = [ c2n , d2n ] = 2n−2 [en , bn ]. Now, from (26), on 2n−2 [en , bn ] we have |ϕ(ξ)| ˆ = b(2ξ). So |ϕ(2ξ)| ˆ = |m0 (ξ)| · |ϕ(ξ)| ˆ = b(2ξ). But 10



by (27), |ϕ(2ξ)| ˆ = 0 on 2n−2 [en , bn ]. Therefore, b(2ξ) = 0 on 2n−2 [en , bn ]. That is, b(ξ) = 0 on 2n−1 [en , bn ] = [cn , dn ], which is a contradiction. Case 2. b(ξ) ≡ 1 on [en , bn ]. As above, we have   1 if |ξ| ≤ an |ϕ(ξ)| ˆ = or if ξ ∈ 2l [−bn , −en ], 0 ≤ l ≤ n − 2   0 otherwise.


Therefore,   1

if |ξ| ≤ a2n |ϕ(2ξ)| ˆ = or if ξ ∈ 2l−1 [−bn , −en ], 0 ≤ l ≤ n − 2   0 otherwise.


Now |ϕ(2ξ)| ˆ = |m0 (ξ)| · |ϕ(ξ)| ˆ = |m0 (ξ)| if |ξ| ≤ an , by (28). Therefore, by (29), |m0 (ξ)| = 1 if |ξ| ≤ a2n . Using the 2π-periodicity of m0 , we get   |m0 (ξ)| = 1 on − a2n , a2n − 2 · 2n−3 π. Note that [− a2n , a2n ] − 2 · 2n−3 π = [− d2n , − c2n ] = 2n−2 [−bn , −en ]. Hence, on the interval 2n−2 [−bn , −en ], we have |ϕ(2ξ)| ˆ = |m0 (ξ)| · |ϕ(ξ)| ˆ = |m0 (ξ)| = 1. But by (29), |ϕ(2ξ)| ˆ = 0 on 2n−2 [−bn , −en ], which is again a contradiction. Therefore, for n ≥ 3, the wavelets characterized in Theorem 2 are non-MRA wavelets.


The dimension functions of wavelets associated with Sn

Let ψ be any wavelet of L2 (R). Define Vj to be the closure of the span of {ψl,k : l < j, k ∈ Z}. If {Vj : j ∈ Z} forms an MRA of L2 (R), then we say that ψ is associated with an MRA, or ψ is an MRA-wavelet. Not every wavelet of L2 (R) is associated with an MRA. In the last section we proved that the wavelets associated with the set Sn are non-MRA wavelets. The first example of a non-MRA wavelet, which is an MSF wavelet,  was given by J.L. Journ´ e. The associated wavelet set is J = − 32 7 π, −4π ∪    −π, − 47 π ∪ 47 π, π ∪ 4π, 32 7 π . Another interesting non-MRA wavelet is the Lemari´ewavelet which is also   an MSF wavelet  with the corresponding wavelet 32 set L = − 87 π, − 47 π ∪ 74 π, 67 π ∪ 24 π, π . These two wavelets belong to the 7 7 class of wavelets characterized in section 3 (see Remark 3). Given a wavelet ψ of L2 (R), there is an associated function Dψ , called the dimension function, defined by XX  Dψ (ξ) = |ψˆ 2j (ξ + 2kπ) |2 . j≥1 k∈Z




It was proved independently by Gripenberg and Wang that a wavelet ψ is an MRA-wavelet if and only if Dψ = 1 a.e. For a proof of this fact see [4]. In this section we compute the dimension functions for the wavelets characterized in Theorem 2. In addition to providing a family of dimension functions, this will give an alternative proof of the fact that these wavelets are not associated with any MRA. These dimension functions are symmetric with respect to the origin and attain all integral values starting from 0 to the maximum value. Also note that for a fixed n, all wavelets whose Fourier transform is supported in Sn have the same dimension function Dn . Theorem 3. Fix n ≥ 3. Let ψ be a wavelet such that supp ψˆ ⊆ Sn and let Dn be the dimension function associated with ψ. Then    n − 1 a.e. if |ξ| ∈ 0, 2n2−1 π    l − 1 a.e. if |ξ| ∈  2n−l π, 2n−l+1 π  (2 ≤ l ≤ n − 1) n −1 2n −1   22n−1 Dn (ξ) = 2n −2  0 a.e. if |ξ| ∈ π, π = [an , en ]  2n  −1  22nn −1  −2 1 a.e. if |ξ| ∈ 2n −1 π, π = [en , π]. Proof. For l ∈ Z, we define pl =

2n+l−1 π = 2l an 2n − 1

and ql =

2n+l−1 − 2l π = 2l−1 en . 2n − 1

Note that p0 = an , p1 = 2p0 = bn , pn = dn , q1 = en and qn = cn . Also observe that pl < ql+1 < pl+1 for all l ≥ 0. As Dn is 2π-periodic, it is enough to compute its values for ξ ∈ [−π, π]. Since [−π, π] ⊂ [−p1 , p1 ], we will compute Dn for the interval [−p1 , p1 ]. Note that [ [ (0, p1 ] = 2−l [p0 , p1 ] = [p−l , p−l+1 ]. l≥0 n−1



Case 1. ξ ∈ [ 22n −1 π, 2n2−1 π] = [p0 , p1 ]. An elementary calculation shows that if k 6= 0, −1, then 2j (ξ + 2kπ) lies outside the support of ψˆ for all j ≥ 1. Therefore, we have only to consider k = 0, −1. We consider the intervals [p0 , q1 ] and [q1 , p1 ] separately. (a) If ξ ∈ [p0 , q1 ], then 2j ξ ∈ [bn , cn ] for 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1 and 2j ξ ≥ dn for j ≥ n. By a similar argument 2j (ξ − 2π) 6∈ supp ψˆ for all j ≥ 1. So Dn (ξ) = 0 for a.e. ξ ∈ [p0 , q1 ]. (b) If ξ ∈ [q1 , p1 ], then it can be shown that 2j (ξ− 2π) 6∈ supp ψˆ if j 6= n − 1. ˆ n−1 ξ)|2 + |ψˆ 2n−1 (ξ − 2π) |2 = 1, by (11), as 2n−1 ξ ∈ Therefore, Dn (ξ) = |ψ(2 [qn , pn ] = [cn , dn ]. We now proceed to compute Dn on other sets. Observe that Dn (ξ)


−1 X X X  ˆ j ξ) 2 + ψˆ 2j (ξ + 2kπ) 2 + ψ(2 k=−∞ j≥1





∞ X X  ψˆ 2j (ξ + 2kπ) 2 k=1 j≥1

Dn− (ξ)

= Let ξ ∈


2n−l+1 2n −1 π, 2n −1 π

+ Dn0 (ξ) + Dn+ (ξ), say.

= [p−l+1 , p−l+2 ], l ≥ 2.

In the sum Dn− (ξ), the only pairs of (j, k) giving a possible non-zero term correspond to j = n − m − 2 and k = −2m , 0 ≤ m ≤ n − 3. Thus, n−3 X

Dn− (ξ) =

 ψˆ 2n−m−2 (ξ − 2 · 2m π) 2 .


Similarly, n−3 X

Dn+ (ξ) =

 ψˆ 2n−m−2 (ξ + 2 · 2m π) 2 .


Case 2. ξ ∈


2n −1 π,

2n−l+1 2n −1 π

= [p−l+1 , p−l+2 ], l ≥ n.

Observe that in this case 2n−m−2 (ξ + 2 · 2m π) ∈ [cn , dn ],

for 0 ≤ m ≤ n − 3.

Therefore,   |ψˆ 2n−m−2 (ξ + 2 · 2m π) |2 + |ψˆ 2n−m−2 (ξ − 2 · 2m π) |2   = |ψˆ 2n−m−2 (ξ + 2 · 2m π) |2 + |ψˆ 2n−m−2 (ξ + 2 · 2m π) − 2n−1 π |2 = 1, by (11). Hence, we get Dn+ (ξ) + Dn− (ξ) = n − 2. Now, [p−l+1 , p−l+2 ] = [p−l+1 , q−l+2 ] ∪ [q−l+2 , p−l+2 ]. ˆ if j 6= l − 1. But 2l−1 ξ ∈ (a) If ξ ∈ [p−l+1 , q−l+2 ], then 2j ξ 6∈ supp ψ, 0 l−1 2 ˆ [p0 , q1 ] = [a1 , en ]. Therefore, Dn (ξ) = |ψ(2 ξ)| = 1. (b) If ξ ∈ [q−l+2 , p−l+2 ], then 2j ξ 6∈ supp ψˆ if j 6= l − 1, n + l − 2. Now ˆ n+l−2 ξ)|2 +|ψ(2 ˆ l−1 ξ)|2 = 2n+l−2 ξ ∈ [qn , pn ] = [cn , dn ]. By (7) we get Dn0 (ξ) = |ψ(2 1. Thus, in either case Dn (ξ) = n −i 2 + 1 = n − 1. We have proved that h n−l n−l+1 Dn (ξ) = n − 1, if ξ ∈ 22n −1 π, 22n −1 π , l ≥ n. That is, Dn (ξ) = n − 1 for a.e. ξ ∈ [0, 2n2−1 π]. Case 3. ξ ∈


2n−l+1 2n −1 π, 2n −1 π

 , l = 2.

As in Case 2, it can be shown that 2n−m−2 (ξ − 2 · 2m π)

and 13

2n−m−2 (ξ + 2 · 2m π)




are not in supp ψˆ for all m such that 0 ≤ m ≤ n − 3. Therefore, Dn− (ξ) = Dn+ (ξ) = 0.  n−2  n−1 −1 Now if ξ ∈ 22n −1 π, 2 2n −1 π , then 2j ξ 6∈ supp ψˆ if j 6= 1; and if ξ belongs  2n−1 −1 2n−2  to the set 2n −1 π, 2n −1 π , then 2j ξ 6∈ supp ψˆ if j 6= 1, n. In either case, Dn (ξ) = Dn0 (ξ) = 1. 2n−l+1 2n −1 π, 2n −1 π


 , 3 ≤ l ≤ n − 1. (This case is required if n ≥ 4.)  n+p−l  n+p We can write 2n−m−2 ξ ∈ 22n −1 π, 22n −1 π , where p = n − m − l − 1. Using   2n+p ˆ we can show that if ξ ∈ 2n+p−l the condition on support of ψ, 2n −1 π, 2n −1 π , then ˆ n−m−2 ξ ± 2 · ξ ± 2 · 2n−2 π ∈ supp ψˆ only when p ≤ −1. So in order that ψ(2 n−2 2 π) 6= 0, we must have p = n − m − l − 1 ≤ −1, i.e., m ≥ n − l. We also have, 0 ≤ m ≤ n − 3. Therefore, 1 ≤ n − m − 2 ≤ l − 2. Thus X ˆ j ξ)|2 |ψ(2 Dn (ξ) = Case 4. ξ ∈



n−3 X

n o ˆ n−m−2 (ξ + 2 · 2m π))|2 + ψ(2 ˆ n−m−2 (ξ − 2 · 2m π)) 2 |ψ(2



l−2 n X X o ˆ j ξ) 2 + ˆ s ξ + 2 · 2n−2 π) 2 + ψ(2 ˆ s ξ − 2 · 2n−2 π) 2 . ψ(2 ψ(2 j≥1


Now, 2s ξ + 2 · 2n−2 π ∈ [cn , dn ], 1 ≤ s ≤ l − 2. By (11), the second sum on the right hand side of the last equality above is equal to l−2. Also as in the previous cases, the first sum can be shown to be equal to 1. Hence, Dn (ξ) = l − 1. Remark 3. In [3] MSF wavelets were considered where they were called uniˆ modular wavelets. Let ψ be an MSF wavelet and K = supp ψ. Define K + = K ∩ [0, ∞) and K − = K ∩ (−∞, 0]. One of the results proved in [3] is about wavelets ψ such that K − = −K + and K + consists of two disjoint intervals. They proved the following: ˆ (A) Let ψ(ξ) = µ(ξ)χK (ξ), where K = K + ∪ K − , K − = −K + and K + = [an , π] ∪ [2n−1 π, dn ] with |µ(ξ)| = 1. Then ψ is a wavelet for L2 (R). Moreover, each MSF wavelet for which K − = −K + , and K + is a union of two disjoint intervals is of this form. If we define b = χ[en ,π] on [en , bn ], and extend it to Sn by using (i)–(iv) of Theorem 2, then we get all wavelets described in (A). In particular, for n = 3, the corresponding wavelet is the Journ´e wavelet. The paper [3] also contains the following result. ˆ (B) Let ψ(ξ) = µ(ξ)χK (ξ) where       2p + 1 2p + 1 − K = −2 1 − n π, − 1 − n π 2 −1 2 −1



and K+ =

  n  2(p + 1) 2(2p + 1) 2 (2p + 1) 2n+1 (p + 1) π, π ∪ π, π 2n − 1 2n − 1 2n − 1 2n − 1

for n ≥ 3, 1 ≤ p ≤ 2n−1 − 2 and |µ(ξ)| = 1. Then ψ is a wavelet for L2 (R). Moreover, each MSF wavelet for which K − is an interval and K + is the union of two disjoint intervals is of this form. If we define b(ξ) = 0 on the interval [en , bn ] and extend it to Sn by using (i)–(iv) of Theorem 2, then we get b = χ[−bn ,−an ]∪[an ,en ]∪[cn ,dn ] which corresponds to the case p = 2n−2 − 1 in (B). In particular, for n = 3, we get the Lemari´e wavelet.

Acknowledgements The first author was supported by The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), Govt. of India.

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Ostrowski Type Inequalities for Functions Defined on Linear Spaces and Applications for Semi-Inner Products S.S. Dragomir School of Computer Science and Mathematics Victoria University of Technology PO Box 14428, Melbourne City MC Victoria 8001, Australia. Email: [email protected]

Abstract A generalisation of Ostrowski’s inequality for functions defined on linear spaces in terms of Gˆ ateaux derivatives is given. Applications for semiinner products in normed linear spaces are also pointed out. Keywords: Ostrowski’s Inequality, Semi-Inner Products. AMS Subject Classification Codes: Primary 26D15; Secondary 46B05.



The following result is known in the literature as Ostrowski’s inequality (see e.g. [18]). Theorem 1 Let f : [a, b] → R be a differentiable mapping on (a, b) with the property that |f 0 (t)| ≤ M for all t ∈ (a, b) . Then " 2 # Z b x − a+b 1 1 2 f (t) dt ≤ + (b − a) M, (1) f (x) − 2 b−a a 4 (b − a) for all x ∈ [a, b] . The constant 14 is the best possible constant in the sense that it cannot be replaced by a smaller constant. This result has been generalised for absolutely continuous functions f : [a, b] → R (see [19], [20] and [22]) as follows.



Theorem 2 Let f : [a, b] → R be absolutely continuous on [a, b] . Then for all x ∈ [a, b] , we have Z b 1 f (t) dt (2) f (x) − b−a a    a+b 2  x− 2 1   (b − a) kf 0 k∞ , if f 0 ∈ L∞ [a, b] ; +  4 b−a          p+1  p+1  p1 1 1 x−a b−x ≤ (b − a) p kf 0 kq , if f 0 ∈ Lq [a, b] ; + 1 b−a b−a  (p+1) p           1 x− a+b   + b−a2 kf 0 k1 , 2 where k·kr (r ∈ [1, ∞]) are the usual Lebesgue norms on Lr [a, b], i.e., kgk∞ := ess sup |g (t)| t∈[a,b]

and b

Z kgkr := The constants 14 ,

1 1

(p+1) p


! r1 r

|g (t)| dt


r ∈ [1, ∞).

a 1 2

respectively are sharp in the sense mentioned in

Theorem 1. The above inequalities can also be obtained from Fink’s result in [23] on choosing n = 1 and performing some appropriate computations. Recently, the Ostrowski type inequalities (2) were extended to functions with values in Banach spaces (see [2]). Theorem 3 Let (X, k·k) be a Banach space with the Radon-Nikodym property and f : [a, b] → X an absolutely continuous function on [a, b] . Then we have the inequalities

Z b


(B) f (t) dt

f (s) −

b−a a   !2  a+b   0  1 + x − 2  (b − a) k|f 0 |k   [a,b],∞ , if f ∈ L∞ ([a, b] ; X) ;  4 b−a         " (3)  q+1  q+1 # q1  1 1 s−a b−s 0 q ≤ + (b − a) k|f |k[a,b],p , 1  b−a b−a  (q + 1) q     if f 0 ∈ Lp ([a, b] ; X) ; p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1,             1 + s − a + b k|f 0 |k[a,b],1 , 2 2



for any s ∈ [a, b] , where k|f 0 |k[a,b],∞ := ess sup kf 0 (t)k t∈[a,b]

and k|f 0 |k[a,b],p :=



! p1 p

kf 0 (t)k dt


p ≥ 1.


In this paper we establish similar results for functions f defined on segments in general linear spaces. We recall that, if a, b ∈ X, a 6= b and X is a real linear space, then by the segment generated by a and b we understand the set [a, b] := {x ∈ X|x = (1 − λ) a + λb, λ ∈ [0, 1]} . Natural applications for semi-inner products in normed linear spaces are also provided.


Ostrowski Type Inequalities

The following result of Ostrowski type for functions defined on linear spaces holds. Theorem 4 Let X be a linear space, a, b ∈ X, a 6= b and f : [a, b] ⊂ X → R be a function defined on the segment [a, b] and such that the Gˆ ateaux differential ∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a) exists a.e. on [0, 1] . Then for any s ∈ [0, 1] we have the inequalities: Z 1 f [(1 − s) a + sb] − f [(1 − t) a + tb] dt 0     1 2   k∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)k∞ , + s − 12   4     if ∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a) ∈ L∞ [0, 1] ;       h i1 (4)  1 q+1 q k∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)kp , sq+1 + (1 − s) ≤ 1  (q + 1) q     if ∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a) ∈ Lp [0, 1] , p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;             1 + s − 1 k∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)k1 , 2 2 where k·kr (r ∈ [1, ∞]) are the usual Lebesgue norms on Lr [a, b] , i.e., k∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)k∞ := ess sup |∇f [(1 − u) a + ub] (b − a)| u∈[0,1]

and Z k∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)kp :=



 p1 |∇f [(1 − u) a + ub] (b − a)| du , p ≥ 1. p



The constants

1 4,

1 1

(q+1) q


1 2

respectively are sharp in the sense that they

cannot be replaced by smaller constants. Proof. If we consider the auxiliary function g : [0, 1] → R, g (t) := f [(1 − t) a + tb] then we observe that for any s ∈ (0, 1) g 0 (s)

g (t) − g (s) f [(1 − t) a + tb] − f [(1 − s) a + sb] = lim t→s t→s t−s t−s f [(1 − s) a + sb + h (b − a)] − f [(1 − s) a + sb] = lim h→0 h = ∇f [(1 − s) a + sb] (b − a) = lim

showing that s is a point of differentiability for g iff the Gˆateaux differential of f in the point (1 − s) a + sb along the direction b − a exists. Since we assumed that ∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a) exists a.e. on [0, 1] , it follows that g is absolutely continuous on [0, 1] and by Theorem 2 we may state that Z 1 g (s) − g (t) dt    0 2 1 1   kg 0 k∞ , if g 0 ∈ L∞ [0, 1] ;  4 + s− 2        h i1  1 q+1 q q+1 kg 0 kp , if g 0 ∈ Lp [0, 1] , p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1; s + (1 − s) ≤ 1 q  (q + 1)           1  1  + s − 2 kg 0 k1 , 2 for any s ∈ [0, 1] , and the inequalities (4) are proved. The sharpness of the constants follows by the scalar case. The best inequality we can get from (4) is embodied in the following corollary. Corollary 1 With the assumptions of Theorem 4, we have the inequality:   Z 1 f a + b − f [(1 − t) a + tb] dt 2  0 1   k∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)k∞ ,     if4 ∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a) ∈ L [0, 1] ;   ∞      (5)  1 ≤ 1 k∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)kp ,  2 (q + 1) q     if ∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a) ∈ Lp [0, 1] ;          1 k∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)k1 . 2


The constants 14 ,

1 1

2(q+1) q


1 2

are sharp in the sense mentioned above.

Remark 1 If the function f : [a, b] ⊂ X → R is convex on [a, b] then ∇f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a) exists a.e. on [0, 1] and ∇f [(1 − s) a + sb] (b − a) = ∇± f [(1 − s) a + sb] (b − a) for a.e. s ∈ [0, 1] , where ∇± f [(1 − s) a + sb] (b − a) are the Gˆ ateaux lateral derivatives which exist in every point s ∈ (0, 1) . If we recall the Hermite-Hadamard integral inequality for convex functions defined on the segment [a, b] ⊂ X,   Z 1 a+b f (a) + f (b) ≤ f [(1 − t) a + tb] dt ≤ , (6) f 2 2 0 then the above corollary applied for convex functions f : [a, b] ⊂ X → R provides the following counterpart inequality for the first inequality in (6):   Z 1 a+b 0 ≤ f [(1 − t) a + tb] dt − f 2 0 1   k∇± f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)k∞ ,   4    if ∇± f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a) ∈ L∞ [0, 1] ;       (7)  1 1 k∇± f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)kp , ≤  2 (q + 1) q    if ∇± f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a) ∈ Lp [0, 1] , p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;           1 k∇± f [(1 − ·) a + ·b] (b − a)k . 1 2


Applications for Semi-Inner Products

Now, assume that (X, k·k) is a normed linear space. The function f0 (x) = 2 1 2 kxk , x ∈ X is convex and thus the following limits exist h i 2 2 (iv) hx, yis := (∇+ f0 (y)) (x) = lim ky+txk2t−kyk ; t→0+

(v) hx, yii := (∇− f0 (y)) (x) = lim



ky+sxk2 −kyk2 2s



for any x, y ∈ X. They are called the lower and upper semi-inner products associated to the norm k·k . For the sake of completeness, we list here some of the main properties of the mappings that will be used in the sequel assuming that p, q ∈ {s, i} and p 6= q : 2

(a) hx, xip = kxk for all x ∈ X;




(aa) hαx, βyip = αβ hx, yip of α, β ≥ 0 and x, y ∈ X; (aaa) hx, yip ≤ kxk kyk for all x, y ∈ X; (av) hαx + y, xip = α hx, xip + hy, xip if x, y ∈ X and α ∈ R; (v) h−x, yip = − hx, yiq for all x, y ∈ X; (va) hx + y, zip ≤ kxk kzk + hy, zip for all x, y, z ∈ X; (vaa) The mapping h·, ·ip is continuous and subadditive (superadditive) in the first variable for p = 0 (or p = i); (vaaa) The normed linear space (X, k·k) is smooth at the point x0 ∈ X\ {0} if and only if hy, x0 is = hy, x0 ii for all y ∈ X; in general hy, xii ≤ hy, xis for all x, y ∈ X; (ax) If the norm k·k is induced by an inner product h·, ·i , then hy, xii = hy, xi = hy, xis for all x, y ∈ X. Now, if we apply Theorem 4 for the function f0 : X → R, f0 (x) = then we may state the following proposition: Proposition 1 For any a, b ∈ X and s ∈ [0, 1] , one has the inequality: Z 1 2 k(1 − s) a + sbk2 − k(1 − t) a + tbk dt

1 2


kxk ,



    1  1 2  + s − sup − a, (1 − u) a + ubi  hb s(i) , 2   4 u∈[0,1]         p  p1 h i 1 Z 1  1  q+1 q q+1 s + (1 − s) , hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubis(i) du 1 ≤ 2× q 0 (q + 1)     p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;        Z 1   1   + s − 12 hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubis(i) du  2 0 (9)


and, in particular,

Z 1

a + b 2 2

0 ≤ k(1 − t) a + tbk dt −

2 0  1  sup − a, (1 − u) a + ubi hb  s(i) ,  2  u∈[0,1]        Z 1  p  p1  1  , hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubis(i) du 1 ≤ q 0 (q + 1)    p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;        Z 1     hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubis(i) du.




Remark 2 Since hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubis(i) ≤ kb − ak k(1 − u) a + ubk then sup hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubis(i)

≤ kb − ak sup k(1 − u) a + ubk



= kb − ak max {kak , kbk} , 1  p1 1  p1 Z Z p  hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubi du ≤ kb − ak  k(1 − u) a + ubkp du s(i) 0


and Z1 Z1 hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubis(i) du ≤ kb − ak k(1 − u) a + ubk du 0


and by (8) we may deduce the inequalities Z 1 2 k(1 − s) a + sbk2 − k(1 − t) a + tbk dt



   2 1 1   + s− 2 , max {kak , kbk}   4      #  Z 1  p1 "  h i1   1  p q+1 q q+1 k(1 − u) a + ubk du s + (1 − s) , 1 ≤ 2 kb − ak× 0 (q + 1) q    p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;         Z 1    1   k(1 − u) a + ubk du · + s − 12 2 0 (12)



and, in particular,

a + b 2

0 ≤ k(1 − t) a + tbk dt − 2 0  1   max {kak , kbk} ,   2       Z 1  p1   1  p  k(1 − u) a + ubk du , 1 ≤ kb − ak × 0 (q + 1) q    p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;       Z 1     k(1 − u) a + ubk du.  Z





Now, if we choose the function f0 : X → R, f0 (x) = kxk , then we may state the following proposition as well. Proposition 2 For any a, b linearly independent vectors in X and s ∈ [0, 1] , one has the inequalities: Z 1 k(1 − s) a + sbk − k(1 − t) a + tbk dt 0     hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubis(i) 2 1  1  + s− 2 sup  ,   4 k(1 − u) a + ubk u∈[0,1]        ! p1   h i q1 Z 1 hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubi p   1 s(i) q+1 , sq+1 + (1 − s) du 1 ≤ k(1 − u) a + ubk q 0 (q + 1)     p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;          Z 1  hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubi  1 s(i)   + s − 21 du   2 k(1 − u) a + ubk 0 (14)     1 2 1   + s− 2 kb − ak ,   4       h i1  1  q+1 q  q+1 s + (1 − s) kb − ak , 1 q ≤ (q + 1)    p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;             1 + s − 1 kb − ak , 2 2


and, in particular,

Z 1

a + b

0 ≤ k(1 − t) a + tbk dt − 2 0 hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubi  1  s(i)  sup  ,   4 u∈[0,1] k(1 − u) a + ubk         Z 1 hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubi p ! p1    1 s(i) , du 1 ≤ k(1 − u) a + ubk q 0 2 (q + 1)     p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;        Z 1 hb − a, (1 − u) a + ubi   1 s(i)   du.   2 k(1 − u) a + ubk




From the first inequality in (15), we get the simple and nice result :

Z 1

a + b 1

≤ kb − ak ,

0≤ k(1 − t) a + tbk dt − 2 4 0 holding in any normed linear space X and for any a, b ∈ X. The constant 14 is sharp. Indeed, if we assume that (16) holds with a constant C > 0, i.e.,

Z 1

a + b

≤ C kb − ak

0≤ k(1 − t) a + tbk dt − 2 0



and choose X = R, k·k = |·| , a = −1, b = 1, then we get Z 1 Z 1 1 k(1 − t) a + tbk dt = |2t − 1| dt = 2 0


a + b

2 = 0, kb − ak = 2 and (17) becomes 1 ≤ 2C, 2 showing that C ≥ 14 .


Applications for Functions of Several Variables

Now, let Ω ⊂ Rn be an open convex set in Rn . If F : Ω → R is a differentiable function on Ω, then, obviously, for any c¯ ∈ Ω we have n X ∂F (¯ c) ∇F (¯ c) (¯ y) = · yi , y¯ ∈ Rn , ∂x i i=1



∂F where ∂x are the partial derivatives of F with respect to the variable xi i (i = 1, . . . , n) . Using Theorem 4, we may state the following inequality: Z 1     ¯ ¯ F (1 − s) a ¯ + sb − F (1 − t) a ¯ + tb dt (18) 0

n   "  2 # X ∂F (1 − u) a ¯ + u¯b 1 1    + s − sup (b − a ) i i   4 2 ∂x i u∈[0,1]  i=1       n p ! p1    h i q1 Z 1 X ¯b ∂F (1 − u) a ¯ + u 1 q+1 q+1 ≤ · (b − a ) s + (1 − s) du i i 1  ∂x q  (q + 1) i 0 i=1         Z 1 n    X ∂F (1 − u) a  ¯ + u¯b 1 1   + s − · (b − a )  i i du. 2 2 ∂xi 0 i=1 Now, observe that  n X ∂F (1 − u) a ¯ + u¯b · (bi − ai ) ∂x i i=1  

 ∂F (1 − u) a ¯ + u¯b

 

|kb − ak|1  

∂ x ¯   ∞    

    ¯ + u¯b ∂F (1 − u) a

|kb − ak|β ,

 ∂x ¯   α    

   ∂F (1 − u) a  ¯ + u¯b 

 

|kb − ak|∞ 

∂x ¯ 1


where |k·k|` (` ∈ [1, ∞]) are the `−norms in R , i.e., |k¯ v k|1 |k¯ v k|α

:= :=

n X

|vi | ,

i=1 n X

! α1 α

|vi |

, α>1


and |k¯ v k|∞ := max |vi | , i=1,n

whereas  ∂F (1 − u) a ¯ + u¯b = ∂x ¯

 ! ∂F (1 − u) a ¯ + u¯b ∂F (1 − u) a ¯ + u¯b ,···, . ∂x1 ∂xn



Consequently, we get n  X ∂F (1 − u) a ¯ + u¯b sup · (bi − ai ) ∂x i u∈[0,1] i=1   ∂F (1 − u) a  ¯ + u¯b

  |kb − ak|1 sup

 

∂ x ¯  u∈[0,1]  ∞    

   ∂F (1 − u) a  ¯ + u¯b

|kb − ak|β sup ≤


 ∂ x ¯ u∈[0,1]   α    

   ∂F (1 − u) a  ¯ + u¯b 

 |kb − ak| sup 

∞ 

∂x ¯ u∈[0,1]

1 α


1 β


= 1, α > 1 ,


and 1 Z  0

p  p1  n X ¯ ∂F (1 − u) a ¯ + u b · (bi − ai ) du ∂x i i=1


 ! p1  p Z 1 

∂F (1 − u) a ¯b  ¯ + u 

 |kb − ak|1 

du  

∂x ¯ 0   ∞      ! p1   Z 1 

∂F (1 − u) a

p ¯ ¯ + u b

≤ , |kb − ak|β

du 

∂ x ¯  0  α        p ! p1  Z 1 

∂F (1 − u) a ¯b  ¯ + u 

 

du  |kb − ak|∞

∂ x ¯ 0 1

for p ≥ 1. In practical applications we usually assume that

∂F ∂F (¯ u)

:= sup < ∞.

∂xi ∂xi ¯ u ¯∈Ω Ω,∞ Then, by the first inequality in (18) we deduce: Z 1     ¯ ¯ F (1 − s) a ¯ + sb − F (1 − t) a ¯ + tb dt 0 " #

 2 X n

∂F 1 1

≤ + s− |bi − ai | ,

∂xi 4 2 Ω,∞ i=1 for any s ∈ [0, 1] .




In particular, we have the following mid-point inequality 

 Z 1 n

∂F   1X ¯ + ¯b ¯ F a

− F (1 − t) a ¯ + tb dt ≤ |bi − ai | . 2 4 i=1 ∂xi Ω,∞ 0


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Multivariate Steinberg Theorem Daniel Boichu and Vincent Robin Universit´e de Technologie de Compi`egne GI/LMAC BP 20529 - 60205 COMPIEGNE Cedex, FRANCE [email protected] [email protected] Abstract We prove the following theorem, already proved by S. Steinberg [6] in one variable. Let d ≥ 1 be an integer and Ω ⊂ Cd be a connected open set. Suppose that the mapping T :Ω





T (z)

is holomorphic in Ω, and that T (z) is compact for all z ∈ Ω. Then we have the following alternative: (i) either for all z ∈ Ω, e − T (z) is not invertible; (ii) either z 7→ [e − T (z)]−1 is meromorphic in Ω. When dimX < ∞, it is a consequence of Cramer’s rule. When dimX = ∞, the proof is based on spectral theory and complex analysis.

Keywords holomorphy and meromorphy for multivariate operator-valued functions, spectral theory, meromorphy of z 7→ (e − T (z))−1 when T (z) is compact. AMS codes 32A30, 47A13, 35P99



Throughout this article, X denotes a complex Banach space and B(X) is the set of bounded linear operators on X. B(X) is a Banach algebra (with operator composition as multiplication) and we denote its unit by e (as Rudin, see [5, p.227-230] for details). We aim to prove the following



Theorem 1 Let d ≥ 1 be an integer and Ω ⊂ Cd be a connected open set. Suppose that the mapping T : Ω −→ B(X) z 7−→ T (z) is holomorphic in Ω, and that T (z) is compact for all z ∈ Ω. Then we have the following alternative: (i) either for all z ∈ Ω, e − T (z) is not invertible; (ii) either z 7→ [e − T (z)]−1 is meromorphic in Ω. Steinberg [6] proved this theorem in the case d = 1. Motivation. The typical situation where the Steinberg theorem should be used is the following. Suppose that a linear partial differential equation (PDE) problem can be stated as :  ∀z ∈ Ω, for b(z) ∈ Y, find u(z) ∈ X such that A(z)u(z) = b(z) where X and Y are Banach spaces, z 7→ A(z) is holomorphic in Ω and A(z) ∈ B(X, Y ) is an isomorphism minus a compact perturbation for all z ∈ Ω : A(z) =

Θ0 |{z}


Θ(z)] − Θ(z) = Θ0 [e − Θ−1 | {z } | 0 {z } compact



Thus T (z) = Θ−1 0 Θ(z) ∈ B(X) is compact for all z ∈ Ω and holomorphic in Ω. For example, using this technique, the electric field scattered by a perfectly conducting object is shown to be meromorphic with respect to the frequency [4]. In order to deal with problems depending on more than one parameter, we have to generalize this Steinberg theorem to compact operators T (z) with z ∈ Cd , where d ≥ 1 denotes the number of parameters of the problem. Note also that meromorphy is a necessary condition for convergence of Pad´e approximants (see [1]). The outline is as follow. In section 2, we recall some elements of spectral theory. In section 3, we define holomorphic multivariate X-valued function. In section 4, we state precisely the notion of meromorphy for operator-valued functions in Cd . In particular we emphasize that in finite dimension, the Steinberg theorem reduces to Cramer’s rule. In section 5, we prove the Steinberg theorem for several variables.


Some basic facts about operators

Our proof of theorem 1 will make wide use of symbolic calculus and spectral properties of compact operators. We recall here, without proof, only what is needed to understand the proof of theorem 1.


Lemma 1 [5, p.235] G = {T ∈ B(X) : T invertible} is an open subset of B(X) and the mapping I:G T

−→ 7→

G T −1

is a diffeomorphism. The spectrum of T ∈ B(X) is σ(T ) = {λ ∈ C :

λe − T not invertible}

σ(T ) 6= ∅ and σ(T ) is compact (closed and bounded) in C (see Rudin [5, p.235]). Moreover σ(T ) changes continuously with T , precisely : Lemma 2 [5, p.239] Suppose T ∈ B(X), O is an open set in C, and σ(T ) ⊂ O. Then there exists  > 0 such that σ(T +S) ⊂ O for every S ∈ B(X) with |S| < . Symbolic calculus. (see Rudin [5, p.240-248] for details) If P (z) = a0 + a1 z + · · · + an z n is a polynomial, we can define P (T ) for every T ∈ B(X) by the formula P (T ) = a0 e + a1 T + · · · + an T n ∈ B(X) (2) Moreover, we can do the same extension for any f ∈ O(O), the algebra of complex holmorphic function on the open set O ⊂ C, using a Cauchy formula. Precisely, we define a mapping f ∈ O(O) 7→ f˜ ∈ AO = {T ∈ B(X) : σ(T ) ⊂ O} by the Cauchy formula : Z 1 f˜(T ) = f (λ)(λe − T )−1 dλ (3) 2iπ Γ where Γ is any contour that surrounds σ(T ) in O. If f is polynomial, the two formula (2) and (3) coincide. In particular, for the holomorphic functions in O defined respectively by 1O : z 7→ 1 and λ : z 7→ z, we have for all T ∈ AO , Z 1 1f (T ) = (λe − T )−1 dλ = e (4) O 2iπ Γ Z 1 e ) = λ(T λ(λe − T )−1 dλ = T (5) 2iπ Γ This mapping f 7→ f˜ is an algebra isomorphism [5, p.244], in particular ffg = f˜g˜. Moreover, we have the important Lemma 3 (spectral mapping theorem) [5, p.244] Suppose T ∈ AO and f ∈ O(O). Then σ(f˜(T )) = f (σ(T )) It is worth noticing that all the facts mentioned above remain true when B(X) is replaced by any Banach algebra (see [5, p.227-259]). However, the compact elements of B(X) have additional crucial properties. Recall that T ∈ B(X) is compact if the closure of T (U ), U the open unit ball of X, is compact (in X).




Lemma 4 [5, p.103] If T ∈ B(X) is compact, σ(T ) is at most countable, and has at most one limit point, namely, 0. Lemma 5 [5, p.99] If T ∈ B(X) is compact, and λ 6= 0, then the nullspace N (λe − T ) is finite dimensional.


Holomorphy for operator-valued functions

In the sequel, Ω denotes an open subset of Cd . Definition 1 Let W be a complex topological vector space. f : Ω −→ W is said to be holomorphic in Ω if it is holomorphic with respect to each complex variable zi , i = 1, . . . , d, that is the complex partial derivatives f (z1 , . . . , zi−1 , ti , zi+1 , . . . , zd ) − f (z1 , . . . , zd ) ∂f (z) = lim ti →zi ∂zi t i − zi

, i = 1, . . . , d

exist (in the topology of W ) for every z = (z1 , . . . , zd ) ∈ Ω. Let O(Ω, W ) the set of holomorphic W -valued function on Ω. In the sequel, we consider only the case where W is a complex Banach space (namely C, X, or B(X)). We simply write O(Ω) for O(Ω, C). The following lemmas are very useful for proving holomorphy. Lemma 6 Suppose that the mapping T : Ω −→ z 7→

B(X) T (z)

is holomorphic and that T (z) is invertible for all z ∈ Ω. Then the mapping z 7→ T (z)−1 is holomorphic in Ω. Proof. T (z)−1 = I(T (z)). Use the chain rule and lemma 1. Lemma 7 If the B(X)-valued mappings z 7→ T (z) and z 7→ R(z) are holomorphic in Ω, then the mapping z 7→ T (z)R(z) is holomorphic in Ω. Proof. Use the chain rule, after noting that the mapping (S, T ) 7→ ST from B(X) × B(X) to B(X) is bilinear continuous, hence differentiable. Or just proceed by direct calculus, using definition 1 above. Lemma 8 Let U be a measurable subset of Rn . Suppose that the mapping T : (z, λ) 7→ T (z, λ) from Ω × U to B(X) is such that : • z 7→ T (z, λ) is holomorphic almost everywhere in U ; • t 7→ T (z, λ) is measurable for every z ∈ Ω;


• For each z ∈ Ω, there exists a neighborhood V of z and a positive function θ : U −→ R such that, almost evrywhere in U , ∀t ∈ V,

|T (t, λ)| ≤ θ(λ)

Z Then the mapping z 7→ G(z) =

T (z, λ)dλ is holomorphic in Ω. U

Proof. Let z ∈ Ω and V be a neighborhood of z as in the hypothesis of the lemma. By Lebesgue theorem, G(z) is continuous in V . Hence we can use the Morera caracterization of holomorphic function, for each of the d complex variables. The Fubini theorem gives the result. Indeed, let Q be a triangle in the z1 -plane of V .  Z Z Z Z Z G(z)dz1 = T (z, λ)dλdz1 = T (z, λ)dz1 dλ = 0 Q Q U U Q {z } | =0


Meromorphy for operator valued functions

We may define a meromorphic function f : Ω → X as a function which can be written as f = φh , with h : Ω → X and φ : Ω → C holomorphic. However such a global definition is rather impracticable and we use a local definition of meromorphy, adapted from Range [3, p. 233]. Definition 2 f : Ω → X is meromorphic in Ω if for every a ∈ Ω there are a connected neighborhood U ∈ Ω and holomorphic function g ∈ O(U ) with g ≡ 6 0, such that gf can be holomorphically continued into U . Remark 1 The main problem with a meromorphic function f in Ω is that f is not well defined as a function : f (z) is not defined when g(z) = 0. Remark 2 Connectedness of U is crucial in order to avoid that g ≡ 0 in an open subset of U . In other words, the germ of holomorphic function defined by g at each point t ∈ U can not be null (see Range [3, p.233] for a definition in term of germs). However, if U happened to be not connected, we can always choose a smaller neighborhood which is connected (a polydisc for example). Remark 3 In the particular case d = 1, every meromorphic function f : Ω −→ X where Ω is an open set of C, can be written as f = φh with h : Ω −→ X and φ : Ω −→ C holomorphic. For d ≥ 2, this result is no more true in general, but it still holds if Ω is a Stein manifold [3, p. 249]. In particular, it holds if Ω is a polydisk B(z, R) =  t ∈ Cd ; |ti − zi | < Ri , ∀i = 1, . . . , d , and this is all we need to apply extrapolation by Pad´e approximants [2].




Obviously, f ∈ O(Ω, X) is meromorphic in Ω and the sum of two meromorphic function is meromorphic. As a more interesting example, we show that theorem 1 when dimX < ∞ is nothing else than the Cramer’s rule. Lemma 9 Let X be a complex finite dimensional vector space and Ω be a connected open subset of C. Suppose that T : Ω −→ z 7→

B(X) T (z)

is holomorphic. Then we have the following alternative : (i) either T (z) is nowhere invertible (⇔ det(T (z)) ≡ 0 in Ω); (ii) either T (z)−1 is meromorphic in Ω. Proof. Since X is finite dimensional, we choose a base for X and identify T (z) as a matrix with holomophic coefficients. Suppose that (i) is false. Let z ∈ Ω, therefore Ω is a connected neighborhood of z. The Cramer’s rule T (t)−1 =

1 T (t)com det(T (t))

if det(T (t)) 6= 0

shows that det(T (t))T (t)−1 can be continued into a holomorphic function in Ω, namely T (t)com .


Proof of theorem 1

Let X be a Banach space and Ω ⊂ Cd be an open set. Let T : Ω −→ B(X) z 7−→ T (z) be holomorphic in Ω, and suppose that T (z) is compact for all z ∈ Ω. If e − T (z) is nowhere invertible, there is nothing to prove. Suppose exists z ∈ Ω for which e − T (z) is invertible. We have to show that [e − T (z)]−1 is meromorphic in Ω. First consider the set U = {z ∈ Ω;

e − T (z) is invertible } = 6 ∅

U is open (by lemma 1 and continuity of z 7→ T (z)) and z 7→ [e − T (z)]−1 is holomorphic in U (see lemma 6), hence meromorphic.



Now, suppose z0 ∈ Ω \ U . We are going to prove that, for all z in a neighborhood of z0 , the operator e − T (z) can be splited into a regular part (with holomorphic inverse) and a singular part on a finite dimension space (hence with meromorphic inverse). Since e−t(z0 ) is not invertible, we have 1 ∈ σ(T (z0 )), where σ(T (z0 )) denote the spectrum of operator T (z0 ). Since T (z0 ) is compact, 1 is an isolated point of σ(T (z0 )) (see lemma 4). Thus we can choose O1 and O2 , two open subsets of C, such that  O1 ∩ O2 = ∅  O1 ∩ σ(T (z0 )) = {1} (6)  σ(T (z0 )) ⊂ O1 ∪ O2 Furthermore, we can choose two strictly smaller open subsets O10 ⊂ O1 and O20 ⊂ O2 with the same conditions (6). Now consider Γ = Γ1 ∪Γ2 , a curve which surrounds σ(T (z0 )) in (O1 ∪ O2 ) \ (O10 ∪ O20 ). See figure 1.


Im( λ) O1 O’2 0


1 O’1

Γ1 Γ2

Figure 1: Spectrum of T (z0 ). Due to lemma 2 and the continuity of z 7→ T (z) in z0 , there exists a connected (choose a polydisc, for example) neighborhood V ⊂ Ω of z0 such that ∀z ∈ V,

σ(T (z)) ⊂ O10 ∪ O20

and thus Γ surrounds σ(T (z)) in (O1 ∪ O2 ) \ (O10 ∪ O20 ). For all z ∈ V , we consider Z P (z) = (λe − T (z))−1 dλ = 1g O1 (T (z)) Γ1





where 1O1 (λ) = 1 if λ ∈ O1 and 1O1 (λ) = 0 if λ ∈ O2 (note that 1O1 is therefore holomorphic in O1 ∪ O2 ). By lemma 8, the mapping z 7→ P (z) is holomorphic in V . Since 1O1 (λ)1O1 (λ) = 1O1 (λ), the spectral mapping theorem (lemma 3) implies that P (z)P (z) = P (z) (9) Let Mz = R(P ) (range of P ) and Mzc = N (P ) (null space of P ). We have Mz ∩ Mzc = {0} and X = Mz + Mzc (easy, see [5, p.126]). Moreover, we have P (z)T (z) = T (z)P (z)


e (z)) and λ1O (λ) = 1O (λ)λ, the spectral mapping Indeed, since T (z) = λ(T 1 1 theorem gives again the result. Hence T (z)Mz ⊂ Mz and T (z)Mzc ⊂ Mzc . The key point is that P (z) is compact. Indeed, for all λ ∈ O1 , we have (λe − 1 (z))−1 T (z) T (z))−1 (λe−T (z)) = e. Since 0 6∈ O1 , (λe−T (z))−1 − λ1 e = R λ (λe−T 1 1 is compact. Since λ 7→ λ e is holomorphic in O1 , we have Γ1 λ edλ = 0. Hence  Z  1 (11) P (z) = (λe − T (z))−1 − e dλ λ Γ1 is compact as a limit of compact operators. Hence Mz = N (e − P (z)) is a finite dimensional vector space (lemma 5). However, it is no use to reduce directly T (z) by the projection P (z) because Mz depends on z. In this case it is usual to introduce U (z)

= P (z0 )P (z) + (e − P (z0 ))(e − P (z)) = e − [(P (z) − P (z0 ))P (z) − P (z0 )(P (z) − P (z0 ))]

(12) (13)

Since z 7→ P (z) is continuous, there exists a neighborhood V of z0 such that |(P (z) − P (z0 ))P (z) − P (z0 )(P (z) − P (z0 ))| < 1 for all z ∈ V . Thus U (z) is invertible. Since it is obviously holomorphic in V (use lemma 7), so is U (z)−1 (lemma 6). On the other hand, it is clear that, for all z ∈ V , U (z)Mz U (z)Mzc

= Mz0 = Mzc0


Now consider the following operator (for all z ∈ V ) B(z) = U (z) [e − T (z)] U (z)−1


B(z) is splited into two parts. B(z) = B1 (z)P (z0 ) + B2 (z)(e − P (z0 )) where :



• B1 (z) = B(z)|Mz0 : Mz0 −→ Mz0 Since Mz0 is finite dimensional, we can use the Cramer’s rule as in lemma 9. The only thing to prove is that det(B1 (z)) can not be identically null in V . Suppose the contrary. B(z) is nowhere invertible in V . Thus 1 ∈ σ(T (z)) for all z ∈ V . Consequently z0 is an interior point of P = {z ∈ Ω : 1 ∈ σ(T (z))}. Thus P˙ is a non empty open subset of Ω. We are going to show that P˙ is also closed. Let z 0 be an accumulation point ˙ There exist zn0 ∈ P˙ such that zn0 −→ z 0 when n → +∞. Since of P. P is closed, z 0 ∈ P. The same construction as above can be done for z 0 . In particular, there exists a connected neighborhood V 0 of z 0 where B 0 (t) = B10 (t)P 0 (z 0 ) + B20 (t)(e − P 0 (z 0 )). There exists n ∈ N such that ˙ there exists an open neighborhood W of zn0 such zn0 ∈ V 0 . Since zn0 ∈ P, that W ⊂ P. Since B20 (t) is invertible (see below), B10 (t) is not. Hence det(B10 (t)) ≡ 0 in W ∩ V 0 , thus in V 0 because V 0 is connected. This proves ˙ Since P˙ is a non empty open and closed subset of the connected set z 0 ∈ P. Ω, we have P˙ = Ω, which is in contradiction with the hypothesis (e−T (z)) invertible in B(X) for some z ∈ Ω. Thus det(B1 (z)) 6≡ 0 in V and z 7→ B1 (z)−1 is meromorphic in V . • B2 (z)|Mzc : Mzc0 −→ Mzc0 0 We have B2 (z)x = U (z) [e − T (z)(e − P (z))] U (z)−1 x, for all x ∈ Mzc0 . ] Since we have T (z)(e − P (z)) = λ1 O2 (T (z)), the spectral mapping theorem gives σ(T (z)(e − P (z))) = (λ1O2 )(σ(T (z)), hence 1 6∈ σ(T (z)(e − P (z))). Thus [e − T (z)(e − P (z))] is invertible, and so is B2 (z). Thus z 7→ B2 (z)−1 is holomorphic in V (lemma 6). Hence z 7→ B(z)−1 = B1 (z)−1 P (z0 ) + B2 (z)−1 (e − P (z0 )) is meromorphic in V . −1 Thus so is z 7→ [e − T (z)] = U (z)B(z)−1 U (z)−1 and this ends the proof of theorem 1.


Final comments

In the above proof we have shown that the interior of the polar set P = {z ∈ Ω : 1 ∈ σ(T (z))} is empty. On the other hand, P is an analytic set and has other properties not discussed here (for example, see [3]). In the end let us mention some links between Steinberg alternative and Fredholm’s one. Fredholm alternative. Let T ∈ B(X) be compact. Then the following alternative holds : (i) either e − T is invertible (hence N (e − T ) = {0} and equation x − T x = f has a unique solution for all f ); (ii) either 0 < dimN (e − T ) < ∞ (equation x − T x = f has infinitly many solutions which form a vector space of dimension dimN (e − T ) if f ∈ R(e − T ), and has no solution if not.).




Both are easy in finite dimension, and they use compacity for running in infinite dimension. Now consider a holomorphic compact operator-valued function z 7→ T (z) in a connected set Ω ⊂ Cd . If e − T (z) is nowhere invertible in Ω (case (i) of Steinberg alternative) then case (ii) of Fredholm alternative holds. Or else (e − T (z))−1 is meromorphic in Ω (case (ii) of Steinberg alternative). Hence, for every z0 ∈ Ω, either z 7→ (e − T (z))−1 is holomorphic in a neighborhood of z0 , where case (i) of Fredholm alternative holds, either e − T (z0 ) is not invertible and case (ii) of Fredholm alternative holds.

References [1] D. Boichu, V. Robin, Multivariate Pad´e-Bergman Approximants, Numerische Mathematik, 93, p. 223-238, 2002. [2] A. Huard, V. Robin, Continuity of Approximation by Least Squares Multivariate Pad´e Approximants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 75, p. 255-268, 2000. [3] R.M. Range, Holomorphic functions and integral representation in several complex variables, Springer-Verlag, New-York, 1986. [4] V. Robin, Utilisation des d´eriv´ees d’ordre ´elev´e pour le calcul en ´electromagn´etisme, Th`ese de doctorat, Universit´e Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, 1997. [5] W. Rudin, Functional Analysis, TMH Edition, 1974. [6] S. Steinberg, Meromorphic Families of Compact Operators, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 31 (1968), pp. 372–379.


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APRIL 2005

ISSN:1548-5390 PRINT,1559-176X ONLINE


SCOPE AND PRICES OF THE JOURNAL Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics A quartely international publication of Eudoxus Press,LLC Editor in Chief: George Anastassiou Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis Memphis, TN 38152, U.S.A. [email protected] The main purpose of the "Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics" is to publish high quality original research articles from all subareas of Non-Pure and/or Applicable Mathematics and its many real life applications, as well connections to other areas of Mathematical Sciences, as long as they are presented in a Concrete way. It welcomes also related research survey articles and book reviews.A sample list of connected mathematical areas with this publication includes and is not restricted to: Applied Analysis, Applied Functional Analysis, Probability theory, Stochastic Processes, Approximation Theory, O.D.E, P.D.E, Wavelet, Neural Networks,Difference Equations, Summability, Fractals, Special Functions, Splines, Asymptotic Analysis, Fractional Analysis, Inequalities, Moment Theory, Numerical Functional Analysis,Tomography, Asymptotic Expansions, Fourier Analysis, Applied Harmonic Analysis, Integral Equations, Signal Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Operations Research, Linear Programming, Fuzzyness, Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Analysis, Game Theory, Math.Physics aspects, Applied Real and Complex Analysis, Computational Number Theory, Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Computer Science Math.related topics,combinations of the above, etc. In general any kind of Concretely presented Mathematics which is Applicable fits to the scope of this journal. Working Concretely and in Applicable Mathematics has become a main trend in many recent years,so we can understand better and deeper and solve the important problems of our real and scientific world. "Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics" is a peer- reviewed International Quarterly Journal. We are calling for papers for possible publication. The contributor should send three copies of the contribution to the editor in-Chief typed in TEX, LATEX double spaced. [ See: Instructions to Contributors]

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Editor in -Chief: George Anastassiou Department of Mathematical Sciences The University Of Memphis Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-3144,fax 901-678-2480 e-mail [email protected] Areas:Approximation Theory, Probability,Moments,Wavelet, Neural Networks,Inequalities,Fuzzyness. Associate Editors: 1) Ravi Agarwal Florida Institute of Technology Applied Mathematics Program 150 W.University Blvd. Melbourne,FL 32901,USA [email protected] Differential Equations,Difference Equations,inequalities

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tel.352-392-9011 [email protected] Optimization,Operations Research

5) Francoise Bastin Institute of Mathematics University of Liege 4000 Liege BELGIUM [email protected] Functional Analysis,Wavelets

24) Svetlozar T.Rachev Dept.of Statistics and Applied Probability Program University of California,Santa Barbara CA 93106-3110,USA tel.805-893-4869 [email protected] AND Chair of Econometrics and Statistics School of Economics and Business Engineering University of Karlsruhe Kollegium am Schloss,Bau II,20.12,R210 Postfach 6980,D-76128,Karlsruhe,Germany tel.011-49-721-608-7535 [email protected] Mathematical and Empirical Finance, Applied Probability, Statistics and Econometrics

6) Paul L.Butzer RWTH Aachen Lehrstuhl A fur Mathematik D-52056 Aachen Germany tel.0049/241/80-94627 office, 0049/241/72833 home, fax 0049/241/80-92212 [email protected] Approximation Th.,Sampling Th.,Signals, Semigroups of Operators,Fourier Analysis 7) Yeol Je Cho Department of Mathematics Education College of Education Gyeongsang National University Chinju 660-701 KOREA tel.055-751-5673 Office, 055-755-3644 home, fax 055-751-6117 [email protected] Nonlinear operator Th.,Inequalities, Geometry of Banach Spaces 8) Sever S.Dragomir School of Communications and Informatics Victoria University of Technology PO Box 14428 Melbourne City M.C Victoria 8001,Australia tel 61 3 9688 4437,fax 61 3 9688 4050 [email protected], [email protected] Math.Analysis,Inequalities,Approximation Th., Numerical Analysis, Geometry of Banach Spaces, Information Th. and Coding 9) A.M.Fink Department of Mathematics Iowa State University Ames,IA 50011-0001,USA

25) Paolo Emilio Ricci Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Dipartimento di Matematica-Istituto "G.Castelnuovo" P.le A.Moro,2-00185 Roma,ITALY tel.++39 0649913201,fax ++39 0644701007 [email protected],[email protected] Orthogonal Polynomials and Special functions, Numerical Analysis, Transforms,Operational Calculus, Differential and Difference equations 26) Cecil C.Rousseau Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2490,fax 901-678-2480 [email protected] Combinatorics,Graph Th., Asymptotic Approximations, Applications to Physics 27) Tomasz Rychlik Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Chopina 12,87100 Torun, Poland [email protected] Mathematical Statistics,Probabilistic Inequalities 28) Bl. Sendov Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia 1090,Bulgaria

tel.515-294-8150 [email protected] Inequalities,Ordinary Differential Equations 10) Sorin Gal Department of Mathematics University of Oradea Str.Armatei Romane 5 3700 Oradea,Romania [email protected] Approximation Th.,Fuzzyness,Complex Analysis 11) Jerome A.Goldstein Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis, Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2484 [email protected] Partial Differential Equations, Semigroups of Operators 12) Heiner H.Gonska Department of Mathematics University of Duisburg Duisburg,D-47048 Germany tel.0049-203-379-3542 office [email protected] Approximation Th.,Computer Aided Geometric Design

[email protected] Approximation Th.,Geometry of Polynomials, Image Compression 29) Igor Shevchuk Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv 252017 Kyiv UKRAINE [email protected] Approximation Theory 30) H.M.Srivastava Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Victoria Victoria,British Columbia V8W 3P4 Canada tel.250-721-7455 office,250-477-6960 home, fax 250-721-8962 [email protected] Real and Complex Analysis,Fractional Calculus and Appl., Integral Equations and Transforms,Higher Transcendental Functions and Appl.,q-Series and q-Polynomials, Analytic Number Th.

31) Ferenc Szidarovszky Dept.Systems and Industrial Engineering The University of Arizona Engineering Building,111 PO.Box 210020 Tucson,AZ 85721-0020,USA 13) Dmitry Khavinson [email protected] Department of Mathematical Sciences Numerical Methods,Game Th.,Dynamic Systems, University of Arkansas Multicriteria Decision making, Fayetteville,AR 72701,USA Conflict Resolution,Applications tel.(479)575-6331,fax(479)575-8630 in Economics and Natural Resources [email protected] Potential Th.,Complex Analysis,Holomorphic Management PDE,Approximation Th.,Function Th. 32) Gancho Tachev Dept.of Mathematics 14) Virginia S.Kiryakova Univ.of Architecture,Civil Eng. and Geodesy Institute of Mathematics and Informatics 1 Hr.Smirnenski blvd Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BG-1421 Sofia,Bulgaria Sofia 1090,Bulgaria Approximation Theory [email protected] Special Functions,Integral Transforms, 33) Manfred Tasche Fractional Calculus Department of Mathematics University of Rostock 15) Hans-Bernd Knoop D-18051 Rostock Institute of Mathematics Germany Gerhard Mercator University [email protected] D-47048 Duisburg Approximation Th.,Wavelet,Fourier Analysis, Germany Numerical Methods,Signal Processing, tel.0049-203-379-2676

[email protected] Approximation Theory,Interpolation 16) Jerry Koliha Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics University of Melbourne VIC 3010,Melbourne Australia [email protected] Inequalities,Operator Theory, Matrix Analysis,Generalized Inverses 17) Mustafa Kulenovic Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected] Differential and Difference Equations 18) Gerassimos Ladas Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected] Differential and Difference Equations

Image Processing,Harmonic Analysis 34) Chris P.Tsokos Department of Mathematics University of South Florida 4202 E.Fowler Ave.,PHY 114 Tampa,FL 33620-5700,USA [email protected],[email protected] Stochastic Systems,Biomathematics, Environmental Systems,Reliability Th. 35) Lutz Volkmann Lehrstuhl II fuer Mathematik RWTH-Aachen Templergraben 55 D-52062 Aachen Germany [email protected] Complex Analysis,Combinatorics,Graph Theory



Abstract. A new family of Gauss type quadrature formulae, which contain terms involving certain derivatives at an interior point in the interval of integration, is first presented and discussed. It is then shown how these quadratures can be constructed via eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix. Numerical comparisons are made with the classical Gaussian quadrature formulae. We also derive new explicit sharp weighted L2 inequalities for coefficients of polynomials. They are all obtained as direct applications of the quadrature formulae created in this paper.

1. Introduction and motivations The aim of this series of papers is to propose and analyze methods for developing efficient algorithms for the numerical computation of a new class of quadrature formulae. The discussion of [17] and [27] is partly concerned with quadratures that contain boundary terms involving some derivatives at both endpoints of the interval of integration. These quadrature formulae have the novel feature that they can best be appreciated in the case of integrals with severely ill-behaved integrands such as those with singularities at one or both endpoint. However, such techniques or popular methods are often computationally inefficient when integrating a function that has both “interior” regions with large functional variation and regions with small functional variation. This is entirely due to the excessive number of points required to achieve a reasonable amount of accuracy. In this part of the series, we shall present and construct a different class of quadratures which uses terms involving some well-determined derivatives of the integrand at certain sampling interior nodes fixed in advance and suitably chosen in the interval of integration. The remaining (free) nodes and weights are determined so as enable a minimum number of function evaluations. The choice of an appropriate quadrature for solving a numerical integration problem depends on the form and content of helpful singularity information about the integrand -like important information about the values of specific points or bounds of certain derivatives-. The most effective way we found for exploiting such additional informations is to incorporate in the quadrature formula some of these values, that can be chosen judiciously at locations where the integrand function is predominant. Thus, this approach may indeed have a strong influence on the 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 42C05, 65D07, 65D15, 65D30, 65D32. Key words and phrases. Quadrature formulae, Gaussian quadrature formulae, Jacobi polynomials, quasi-orthogonal polynomials, three-term relation, algorithms. This research was supported by the CNRS under grant INTAS-94-4070. 1




accurately and efficiently of such quadratures, because, as already expressed by Christoffel (cf. [18, p. 86]), it often helps to find quadratures extremely well suited for numerical treatment in practice and it gives good ways of taking effective use of available information about certain smoothness properties of the integrand. The main purpose of this paper is centered around the development of a simple procedure for computing numerically the nodes xl,m,n = xl,m,n (dσ; j1 , ..., jm ) and the weights λl,m,n = λl,m,n (dσ; j1 , ..., jm ) and ωji ,m,n = ωji ,m,n (dσ; j1 , ..., jm ) , such that the new quadrature formula, (1.1)

Qσ,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm ) =

m X

ωji ,m,n f (2ji ) (0) +


n X

λl,m,n f (xl,m,n ),


has maximum polynomial degree of exactness (MPDE) M P DE(Qσ,m,n ) = 2n + 2m − 1, i. e., Iσ (f )

R1 = −1 f (x) dσ(x) = Qσ,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm ),

∀f ∈ P2n+2m−1 .

Here and subsequently j1 , ..., jm , are given distinct real arranged in increasing order such that 2ji ≤ 2n + 2m − 1, i = 1, ..., m. For simplicity of presentation, we shall suppose that dσ is a even (nonnegative) measure with symmetric support with respect to the origin on the interval [−1, 1] and all of whose moments exist. It is easy to modify the results to cover the more general case of an arbitrary nonnegative measure. Note that, these formulae share the property of the classical Gaussian formula that a formula with N = n + m evaluations is exact for all polynomials of degree ≤ 2N − 1. Thus, they can be viewed as natural extension of the standard Gaussian quadrature. The problem stated, in the special case ji = i, i = 1, ..., m, is classical, and the best of our knowledge there are only two methods for computing a such type of quadrature. One of them [41] is based on solving by Newton’s method the nonlinear moment equations expressing exactness of the formula. Such a procedure is subject to considerable loss of accuracy and therefore required elevated precision. This is considered its main disadvantage. The other [24] is a very general algorithm that uses among other tools the full eigenvector matrix of a tridiagonal matrix derived by matrix decomposition methods. The weights are then obtained using general methods for constructing interpolatory quadrature formulae [15]. Except for their availability only for small n, both these methods lack the rapid convergence and elegance of the well-known algorithms of Golub and Welch [23] and Gautschi [20, p. 86] for ordinary Gaussian case (case where preassigned nodes do not exist, i. e., m = 0). Apart from these rather Hermitian cases, surprisingly no effective methods is currently available to compute Birkhoff-Hermite type case. For these reasons, we approach the problem of constructing the functional Qk,n differently. Here, our principal results give a numerical algorithm which offers an efficient way of reducing the computation of the functional Qσ,m,n (i. e., the computation of the nodes xl,m,n and weights λl,m,n ) to the well-studied problem of computing ordinary Gaussian quadrature formulae from recurrence coefficients, and can therefore be brought into the realm of stable modern methods of constructing orthogonal polynomials; see Gautschi [18]. The only overhead of this computation is the construction of new Jacobi matrix by changing some recurrence coefficients




which characterize the original measure dσ. This is a crucial aspect of the method, since both the programming task and computational effort are elevated considerably. The approach on this topic was stimulated by a request from a theoretical physicist to find a good quadrature which contains some derivatives at given interior nodes. However, the approach and techniques used here, which extend some of the results in [7], have been strongly motivated by the problem of Tur´an [43, Problem XXXIII], who asked if there exists a quadrature formula of the form Z


f (x)dσ(x) ≈

(1.2) −1

n X

(λi f (xi ) + δi f


(xi )),


which is exact for all f ∈ P2n . In this form the problem has been solved, in the case k = 1, by Dimitrov [12] and extended, for arbitrary k, by the same author in [13] constructing a quadrature formula which uses exactly 2n function evaluations. It is naturally led to ask whether a quadrature formula of type (1.2) might have a minimal number of function evaluations. It should be observed that since dσ is even and the support of dσ is symmetric with respect to the origin then the free nodes of (1.1) are located symmetrically in the interval (−1, 1) . Consequently, when n is odd then, due the symmetry, one of the nodes will coincide with the origin. Thus, if m = 1, the present work offers a simple solution for Tur´an problem. We also remark that not only the latter is more pleasing than those presented in [12, 13] since it requires considerably few evaluations (n + 1 instead of 2n) and it can be computed most conveniently as eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix, but additionally it achieves the highest possible polynomial exactness among all nested quadrature formulae which use the same number of function evaluations. Furthermore, this new class of quadrature formulae can find a wider range of applicability than merely to the particular type of problems considered here. In fact, in many physical applications it is not uncommon that no only the values of a function are accessible, but also some of its derivatives. In such a situation, it is meaningful to employ quadrature formulae involving these derivative values. An important method in which such type of quadratures can be applied in natural way is in the numerical solution of partial differential equations by spectral approximation. See, in this connection, Bernadi and Maday [4] where generalized Lobatto-type formulae have been successfully used, and the author’s joint work [17] where efficient spectral methods based on a new family of quadrature formulae where complex boundary conditions terms were included. The remaining six sections of this paper are organized as follows: In the next section, we prove existence and uniqueness of the quadratures we are seeking (1.1) and we also develop some of their properties. Then, in section 3, we give a detailed description of their characterization, and after that we present some properties of the Jacobi matrix associated with (1.1). The proofs are constructive, so it is straightforward to develop an algorithm which can compute (1.1). In section 4, we apply these properties together with the characterization results of section 3 to construct a class of quadrature formula of type (1.1), we also solve a classical integration problem of Tur´ an [43, Problem XXXIII]. Numerical examples demonstrating the efficiency and accuracy of our quadrature formulae, as well as some comparisons with the classical Gauss quadrature formula are presented in section 5. Section 6 offers some sharp L2 inequalities for coefficients of polynomials. These




inequalities are all obtained as direct applications of the quadrature formulae created in the previous sections. Finally, we give some concluding remarks, followed by an appendix in which we include some of more technically involved proofs of Section 5 and 6. Remark 1. Throughout this paper, we will take the “standardized” integration interval [−1, 1] as a matter of convenience, since any finite interval [a, b] can be mapped onto [−1, 1] via an affine transformation and the resulting transformed integration formula has the same MPDE. To simplify the presentation, we only seek quadrature formulae which contain terms involving some derivatives at 0. The reader should bear in mind that it is, in particular, for integrands, with a (integrable) singularity or with a high peak at 0 or near 0 as well as functions that are highly oscillatory in a neighborhood of 0, that this quadrature formula is designed specifically. When the integrands have several peaks or an arbitrary number of internal point singularity, we suggest to subdivide the interval [−1, 1] into several subintervals, in such a way that the integrand has a peak or a singularity at the midpoint of each subinterval, and applying the quadrature formula (1.1) (using, if necessary, an appropriate linear transformation) to each subinterval separately. A consequence of this approach is that the most significant part of the analysis need only be carried out on the reference domain. 2. Existence of the quadratures and some of their properties Our first result states that there exists one and only one quadrature formula of type (1.1). It is also shown that (1.1) possesses most of the desirable properties of the classical polynomial Gaussian quadrature formulae, namely, the interlacing property of the free nodes, their inclusion in the support of the measure, and even more importantly the positivity of all weights λl,m,n . These, as is known classically, are important properties that numerical quadrature formulae required to have. We first consider the problem of the existence and uniqueness of (1.1). Theorem 1. Given a nonnegative even measure dσ and nonnegative integers n, m, j1 , j2 , ..., jm with n ≥ 1, then there is precisely one quadrature formula of type (1.1), which integrates exactly all polynomial of P2n+2m−1 . The nodes x1,m,n , . . . , xn,m,n are all in the open interval (−1, 1), and their weights λ1,m,n , . . . , λn,m,n are positive. Proof. The proof is adapted version of the proof of Theorem 1 of the author’s joint work [7]. I) Uniqueness. Suppose z = {z1,m,n , ..., zn,m,n } and y = {y1,m,n , ..., yn,m,n } were both sets of nodes such that the quadrature formula (1.1) based on each of them were exact for all polynomials from P2n+2m−1 . Suppose that there exists i0 ∈ {1, ..., n} such that zi0 ,m,n 6= yi0 ,m,n . We now show that this impossible. In fact, by the well-known Atkinson-Sharma interpolation theorem [2], there exists a polynomial Pi0 ∈ P2n+2m−1 such that Pi0 (yl,m,n ) Pi0 (zl,m,n ) Pi0 (zi0 ,m,n ) (2j ) Pi0 i (0) (2j +1) Pi0 i (0)

= = = = =

0, l = 1, ...., n, 0, l = 1, ...., n, l 6= i0, 1, 0, i = 1, ..., m, 0, i = 1, ..., m,




(with the natural modification for the case: if zl,m,n = yl,m,n then the conditions Pi0 (zl,m,n ) = Pi0 (yl,m,n ) are replaced by Pi0 (zl,m,n ) = Pi00 (yl,m,n )). The result now follows from the simple observation that if f = Pi0 and xl,m,n = yl,m,n in (1.1) we obtain Iσ (Pi0 ) = 0, while if f = Pi0 and xl,m,n = zl,m,n in (1.1) we obtain Iσ (Pi0 )

= λi0 ,m,n (z),

which is impossible, because λi0 ,m,n (z) > 0, so zl ,m,n = yl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n. On account of the uniqueness of the nodes xl ,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, it follows the equality of quadrature weights λl,m,n (z) = λl,m,n (y), l = 1, ..., n, and ωji ,m,n (z) = ωji ,m,n (y), i = 1, ..., m. This fact can be easily derived from interpolation. Thus from now on we may assume that the quadrature formula (1.1), if it exists, is unique. II) Existence result. In order to establish the existence of (1.1) let us consider the space S2n−1,2m defined by n o S2n−1,2m = P ∈ P2n+2m−1 ; P (2ji ) (0) = P (2ji +1) (0) = 0, i = 1, ..., m . It follows from Atkinson-Sharma theorem that for any choice of ti , i = 1, . . . , n, n on,1 such that t1 < ... < tn and for all real data yij , there exists a unique i=1,j=0

polynomial P ∈ S2n−1,2m such that P (ti ) = yi0 , P 0 (ti ) = yi1 ,

i = 1, ..., n, i = 1, ..., n.

Thus S2n−1,2m is a space of dimension 2n, then by the classical Krein theorem [29], there exists a unique quadrature formula of the form Z 1 n X K K (2.1) λK f (x) dσ(x) = l,m,n f (xl,m,n ) + Rm,n (f ), −1


which integrates exactly all polynomials of S2n−1,2m and such that K −1 < xK 1,m,n < . . . < xn,m,n < 1,

and λK l,m,n > 0,

l = 1, . . . , n.

We are now ready to prove the existence of (1.1). Let I2n+2m−1 (f ) be the interpolation polynomial of P2n+2m−1 based on the information n o 0 K (2ji ) (2ji +1) f (xK ), f (x ), l = 1, . . . , n; f (0), f (0), i = 1, . . . , m . l,m,n l,m,n Then, it is well-known that I2n+2m−1 (f )(x) =

1 X n X j=0 l=1

f (j) (xK l,m,n )hj,l,m,n (x) +

m 2j i +1 X X i=1 k=2ji

f (k) (0)pk,i,m,n (x),




where hj,l,m,n , pk,i,m,n are the so-called fundamental polynomial functions. When f (x) is a polynomial of degree ≤ 2n+2m−1, the interpolation polynomial coincides with f (x). Thus f (x) =

1 X n X

f (j) (xK l,m,n )hj,l,m,n (x) +

j=0 l=1

m 2j i +1 X X

f (k) (0)pk,i,m,n (x),

i=1 k=2ji

when f ∈ P2n+2m−1 . It follows immediately that an integration of I2n+2m−1 (f ) leads to the following quadrature formula, (2.2) Z 1 1 X n m 2j i +1 X X X (j) (k) (j) K f (x) dσ(x) = λl,m,n f (xl,m,n )+ ωi,m,n f (k) (0), ∀f ∈ P2n+2m−1 , −1

j=0 l=1

i=1 k=2ji

where Z


λl,m,n =


hj,l,m,n (x) dσ(x), −1

and (k) ωi,m,n





pk,i,m,n (x) dσ(x). −1

Note that h1,l,m,n ∈ S2n−1,2m , for all l = 1, ..., n, and vanishes at the nodes of (1) (2.1), then applying (2.1) to h1,l,m,n , we obtain λl,m,n = 0, l = 1, ..., n. We have (0)

also λl,m,n = λK l,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, this fact follows immediately by applying the quadrature formulae (2.1) and (2.2) to h0,l,m,n , l = 1, ..., n. Hence, all weights of the free nodes in (2.2) are positive. (2ji +1) Now, it only remains to prove that ωi,m,n = 0, i = 1, ..., m. For this we use (2.3), the symmetry of dσ and the fact that p2ji +1,i,m,n , i = 1, ..., m, are odd functions. This shows that (2.2) is a quadrature formula of the unique one (1.1) and thereby establishes the existence and uniqueness of (1.1).  To be useful in practice, it is particularly desirable that an excellent quadrature formula should have the interlacing property. The latter is, for example, shared by all the Gaussian quadrature. Our next theorem shows that for the formula (1.1) this holds true. Theorem 2. Given a nonnegative even measure dσ and nonnegative integers n, m, j1 , j2 , ..., jm with n ≥ 1. Assume that Z 1 m n X X (2.4) f (x) dσ(x) = ωji ,m,n f (2ji ) (0) + λl,m,n f (xl,m,n ), ∀f ∈ P2n+2m−1, −1


and Z 1 f (x) dσ(x) = −1

m X i=1

ωji ,m,n+1 f (2ji ) (0) +


n+1 X

λl,m,n+1 f (xl,m,n+1 ), ∀f ∈ P2n+2m+1,


with −1 < x1,m,n < . . . < xn,m,n < 1 and −1 < x1,m,n+1 < . . . < xn+1,m,n+1 < 1. Then the following interlacing property holds: −1 < x1,m,n+1 < x1,m,n < ... < xn,m,n < xn+1,m,n+1 < 1.




Proof. Arguing by contradiction, we suppose there exists µ with xµ,m,n ∈ / (xµ,m,n+1 , xµ+1,m,n+1 ) . Define the polynomial Pµ ∈ P2n+2m−1 by the interpolation conditions Pµ (xl,m,n ) = 0, l = 1, ...., n, Pµ (xl,m,n+1 ) = 0, l = 1, ...., n + 1, l 6= µ and l 6= µ + 1, Pµ (xµ,m,n+1 ) = 1, (2j ) Pµ i (0) = 0, i = 1, ..., m, (2j +1) Pµ i (0) = 0, i = 1, ..., m. (As in the proof of Theorem 1, the modifications necessary are obvious if some nodes xl,m,n and xl,m,n+1 coincide.) The existence of Pµ follows from the theorem of Atkinson-Sharma once more. Taking into account that the total number of zeros of Pµ on [−1, 1] does not exceed 2n+2m−1 it easily follows that Pµ (xµ+1,m,n+1 ) > 0. Therefore, Z 1 (2.5) Pµ (x) dσ(x) = 0 −1

by (2.4). But, by the second quadrature formula we have Z 1 Pµ (x) dσ(x) = λµ,m,n+1 Pµ (xµ,m,n+1 ) + λµ+1,m,n+1 Pµ (xµ+1,m,n+1 ). −1

We remark that (2.5) cannot hold because λµ,m,n+1 Pµ (xµ,m,n+1 ) + λµ+1,m,n+1 Pµ (xµ+1,m,n+1 ) > 0, which gives a contradiction. This shows the required interlacing property.

3. Characterization Theorems The main result of this section shows that the free nodes of (1.1) are zeros of a certain orthogonal polynomial with respect to a linear functional Iqn,r . We also establish that the weights relative to the interior nodes are proportional to the squares of the first components of the orthonormal eigenvectors, of the Jacobi matrix of order n associated with Iqn,r . Then, we identify the orthogonal polynomial with respect to Iqn,r as a quasi-orthogonal polynomial which can be represented as characteristic polynomial of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix, this is the key to our analysis. Thus, the interior nodes and weights of (1.1) can then be computed directly by standard software for Gaussian quadrature formulae. This will facilitate considerably the computation of the functional Qσ,m,n . In order to formulate the problem precisely, we first give some addtional notation and formal definitions as well as some known results. A further particular measure, which will play an essential role, is db σ (x) = x2jm +2 dσ(x).


We also introduce the following quadrature formula, ∧


Qdσb,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm )


n P l=1

2jm +2

xl,m,n λl,m,n f (xl,m,n ),




in which xl,m,n , λl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, are respectively the interior nodes and their respective weights in (1.1). Notice the new quadrature formula satisfies ∧

Qdσb,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm ) = Qσ,m,n (x2jm +2 f ; j1 , ..., jm ). ∧

Thus, Qdσb,m,n is positive ( all its weights are positive) and it integrates exactly all polynomials from P2n−r−1 , where, for notational convenience, we denoted by r the following integer r = 2jm − 2m + 2.


Here, as well as in the remaining of this paper, we assume that such a integer has been given which satisfies 2 ≤ r < n.


Let now the “nodes polynomial”, which we write, for future convenience, qn,r , (3.5)

qn,r (x) =

n Y (x − xl,m,n ) l=1

having as zeros the interior nodes xl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, of (1.1). Let f ∈ P2n−1 , dividing f by the polynomial qn,r gives (3.6)

f (x) = q(x)qn,r (x) + rqn,r (x),

where both q and rqn,r are unique polynomials of degree less than or equal n − 1. We follow the authors [40], [46] and define a linear functional associated with qn,r by: (3.7)

Iqn,r : P2n−1 f

→ R R1 → Iqn,r (f ) = −1 rqn,r (x)db σ (x).

Note that the form Iqn,r depends on db σ , but for convenience we have suppressed this dependence to simplify the notation. This functional is positive on P2n−1 in the following sense: for every nonnegative polynomial f ∈ P2n−1 , we have Iqn,r (f ) ≥ 0, and (3.8)

Iqn,r (f ) = 0, only if f = 0.

The proof of this result is essentially the same as the proof in [40, p. 397]. We include it here for the sake of completeness. It is easily shown, since the quadrature formula (3.2) is exact for all elements of Pn−1 (⊂ P2n−r−1 ), that the functional Iqn,r satisfies R1 Iqn,r (f ) = −1 rqn,r (x)db σ (x), ∧

= Qdσ,m,n (rqn,r ; j1 , ..., jm ), ∧ in view of rqn,r (xl,m,n ) = f (xl,m,n ), l = 1, ..., n. So, we have ∧

Iqn,r (f ) = Qdσb,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm ).




Thus, since Qdσb,m,n is positive (all its coefficients are positive), we deduce that Iqn,r (f ) ≥ 0 for all nonnegative polynomial f of P2n−1 , and it remains to show that the only solution of Iqn,r (f ) = 0 is the zero solution. This is done by applying Luk´ acs representation theorem for nonnegative polynomials (see Szeg¨o [42, Theorem 1.2.2, p. 4]), which ensures that if f ∈ P2n−1 and nonnegative in [−1, 1], then f can be represented in the form f (x) = (1 + x)C 2 (x) + (1 − x)D2 (x) for some polynomials C and D ∈ Pn−1 . As such and if it is non-trivial polynomial, then it has the property that it cannot vanish at all the nodes xl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n. The positivity of the linear functional Iqn,r (3.7) on P2n−1 gives rise to the concept of orthogonality with respect to the functional Iqn,r : Two polynomials u and v are orthogonal with respect to Iqn,r if Iqn,r (uv) = 0 (see [10, Chapter 1, Section 2]). In particular, there exists unique monic polynomials πn (.) = πn (., Iqn,r ) of degree n orthogonal with respect to the functional Iqn,r to all polynomials of lower degree. These orthogonal polynomials can conveniently be represented by the tridiagonal Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,r ) of coefficients of the recurrence relation which they satisfy. We begin by showing an essential property of the interior nodes of (1.1), which we record for later use. Theorem 3. Suppose r, qn,r and Iqn,r are given respectively as in (3.3), (3.5) and (3.7). Suppose further that x1,m,n , ..., xn,m,n are n-points on the interval (−1, 1) , such that xi,m,n 6= xj,m,n for all i 6= j. Then the n nodes x1,m,n , ..., xn,m,n are the free nodes of the quadrature formula (1.1) if and only if they are precisely roots of the monic orthogonal polynomial πn . Proof. We prove this result by using some elementary argument and showing that πn (., Iqn,r ) is in fact qn,r . To show this, observe that ∧


Iqn,r (qn,r p)

= Qdσb,m,n (qn,r p; j1 , ..., jm ), for all p ∈ P n−1 = 0.

Thus, since πn (., Iqn,r ) (assumed monic of degree n) is uniquely determined by (3.9), this identifies πn (., Iqn,r ) as qn,r . The rest of proof proceeds exactly as usual.  The following interesting corollary, which is obvious from Theorem 3, gives a simple and an important characterization of the free nodes in (1.1) that are recognized as eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix. We will use this fact later to efficiently compute them. Corollary 1. Suppose r, qn,r and Iqn,r are given respectively as in (3.3), (3.5) and (3.7). Then the n nodes x1,m,n , ..., xn,m,n are free nodes of the quadrature formula (1.1) if and only if they are the eigenvalue of the Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,r ) which defines the orthogonal polynomial with respect to the functional Iqn,r . Let us now suppose that the interior n-nodes of (1.1) are be found as eigenvalues of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix Jn (Iqn,r ) of Corollary 1. We now establish the following result, which simply says that the weights λl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, of (1.1) are proportional to the squares of the first components of the normalized eigenvectors of Jn (Iqn,r ). This result will later be the key to efficient computation of λl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, of (1.1).




Theorem 4. Suppose the symmetric tridiagonal matrix Jn (Iqn,r ) is given as in Corollary 1. Suppose the eigenvectors of Jn (Iqn,r ) are calculated such that Jn (Iqn,r )Vl = xl,m,n Vl , VlT Vl

l = 1, ..., n,


with = 1 and = (v1,l , ..., vn,l ). Then, the weights λl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, can be expressible in terms of the first components v1,l of Vl by Z 1 2 v1,l (3.10) λl,m,n = 2jm +2 db σ (x), l = 1, ..., n, (l is such that xl,m,n 6= 0). xl,m,n −1 Proof. The proof of our result is facilitated by showing that the quadrature formula (3.2) is precisely the Gaussian one for the functional Iqn,r (3.7). Indeed, this fact can be proved, if one observes, in view of the exactness of (3.2) on Pn−1 (⊂ P2n−r−1 ), that for all polynomial of degree ≤ n − 1 R1 Iqn,r (f ) = −1 f (x)db σ (x), (3.11) ∧ = Qdσb,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm ). ∧

Hence, the weights of Qdσb,m,n and those of the Gaussian quadrature formula (relative to Iqn,r ) are then identical. This result is a trivial consequence of the well known fact that the weights of a quadrature formula, which is exact on Pn−1 and uses n distinct nodes, is uniquely determined. Consequently, the weights can be obtained uniquely from the linear system (3.12)

Iqn,r (f )

= Qdσb,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm ), all f ∈ Pn−1 .

A number of methods are known for their construction. However, the equations (3.12) do not lend to constructive purposes because of the well-known illconditioning associated with power moments, which is highly inconvenient for practical use. In order to combat the high condition number, it is more effective to reduce this problem to a eigenvalue problem with respect to the functional Iqn,r . By the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, the positivity of the linear functional Iqn,r (3.7) on P2n−1 implies the existence of a unique system of polynomials o n qk (.) = qk (., Iqn,r ), k = 0, ..., n , qk being of exact degree k, that are orthonorqR 1 2 (x)db mal with respect to Iqn,r . We observe that qn = qn,r / −1 qn,r σ (x) and, since qR 1 σ (x). 0 ≤ r < n, an easy calculation shows that we also have q0 = 1/ −1 db The remainder of the proof may be obtained by using a trivial modification of the argument for the simplest common case of Golub and Welsch [22, p. 223]. Indeed, it follows, from the fact that qk are orthonormal polynomials for Iqn,r and from the well-known result of the zeros and the Christoffel-Darbout formula satisfied by all orthogonal polynomials, that if l is such that xl,m,n 6= 0 then the weights λl,m,n can be expressed in terms of q0 , ..., qn−1 , by 1 2jm +2 (3.13) xl,m,n λl,m,n = Pn−1 2 , l = 1, ..., n. k=0 [qk (xl,m,n )] Pn−1 2 Finally, to complete the proof of Theorem 4, we use the fact that k=0 vk,l = 1, 2 2 to prove that v1,l = λl,m,n [q0 (xl,m,n )] . This establishes the theorem. 




We remark that, since Qdσb,m,n (.; j1 , ..., jm ) is a Gaussian quadrature formula for the functional Iqn,r , the positivity of the weights λl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, and the interlacing property of the nodes xl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, proved in Section 2, are thereby guaranteed at once, because these properties are shared by all Gaussian quadrature formulae. Remark 2. We do not know the functional Iqn,r , but we do know a lot about it: We defer until Section 4 other aspects of its numerical implementation, such as the explicit or numerical construction of the coefficients of the three-term recurrence (or equivalently the Jacobi matrice) which define the polynomials orthogonal with respect to Iqn,r . Note that, from an implementation standpoint, an important practical aspect of our characterization of the weights is that the expression given in (3.10) depend only on Jn (Iqn,r ) and db σ . We remark also that the elegant relationships (3.10) can easily be extended to the case of an arbitrary positive quadrature formula. Following the same path as in [17] and [27], the next step in our quest for the quadrature formula (1.1) identifies the quasi-orthogonal polynomial (3.5). For this purpose, we first introduce the space Kn+2jm +1 , which is useful subsequently, by (3.14) n o Kn+2jm +1 = P = qn,r R ∈ Pn+2jm +1 ; P (2ji ) (0) = P (2ji +1) (0), i = 1, ..., m . Again, using Atkinson-Sharma theorem, it is easy to verify that the dimension of Kn+2jm +1 is r. Consequently, we may construct a basis {Ψ0 , ..., Ψr−1 } for Kn+2jm +1 of the form = xn+2m+i + Ri (x),

Ψi (x)


i = 0, ..., r − 1,

with Ri belonging to Pn+2m−1 . In order to define a basis of P2n+2m−1 , which will play an essential role for the proof of Theorem 5, we introduce the following polynomials Φk (x) = x2m+r+k qn,r (x), k = 0, ..., n − r − 1.


Observe that these polynomials satisfy the following orthogonality relations, Z


Φk (x) dσ(x) = 0, k = 0, ..., n − r − 1.

(3.17) −1

Note also that we have for, i = 1, ..., m, (2ji )



(2ji +1)

(0) = Φk

(0) = 0, k = 0, ..., n − r − 1.

The relations (3.17) follow immediately from the quasi-orthogonality of qn,r (see (3.20)) and the fact that R1 −1

Φk (x) dσ(x)


R1 −1

xk qn,r (x)db σ (x), k = 0, ..., n − r − 1.

Thus, it can be easily proved that the following collection of polynomials  (3.19) xi , i = 0, ..., n + 2m − 1; Ψj , j = 0, ..., r − 1; Φk , k = 0, ..., n − r − 1 , forms a basis for P2n+2m−1 . In the proof of the next theorem we shall have a use for this observation.




We are now in position to present our main result of this section, which is undoubtedly the key point to develop an algorithm for the computation of the functional Qσ,m,n . Theorem 5. Given a nonnegative even measure dσ and nonnegative integers n, m, j1 , j2 , ..., jm with n ≥ 1. Suppose r and the functions db σ , Ψ0 , ..., Ψr−1 are given respectively as in (3.3), (3.1) and (3.19). Suppose further that x1,m,n , ..., xn,m,n are n-points located symmetrically in the interval (−1, 1) , such that xi,m,n 6= xj,m,n for all i 6= j. Then the n nodes x1,m,n , ..., xn,m,n are the free nodes of the quadrature formula (1.1) if and only if they are zeros of a quasi-orthogonal polynomial qn,r of degree n and order r with respect to db σ (= x2jm +2 dσ), i. e. Z 1 qn,r (x)p(x)db σ (x) = 0, for all p ∈ Pn−r−1 , (3.20) −1

such that (3.21)

R1 −1

Ψi (x)dσ(x)


i = 0, ..., r − 1.


Proof. For the sake of notational simplicity the dependence of Qdσb,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm ) on j1 , ..., jm , will from on be suppressed, therefore we denote Qdσb,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm ) = Qdσb,m,n (f ), ∧

where Qdσb,m,n is the quadrature formula defined in (3.2). We recall that Qdσb,m,n integrates exactly all polynomials from P2n−r−1 . Necessity. Assume that the nodes x1,m,n , ..., xn,m,n , are those of the quadrature formula (1.1). The first part of the result follows directly from the fact that the quadrature formula (1.1) is exact on P2n−r−1 . In fact, suppose that p has degree less that or equal n − r − 1. Since qn,r (x)p(x) is of degree at most 2n − r − 1 and the quadrature formula (3.2) is exact for elements of P2n−r−1 , we have R1

q (x)p(x) −1 n,r

db σ (x)

= Qdσb,m,n (qn,r p), = 0,

therefore, qn,r is a quasi-orthogonal polynomial of degree n and order r with respect to the measure db σ. For the second result, note first that, since r ≤ n then for all i = 0, ..., r − 1, Ψi is a polynomial of degree ≤ 2n + 2m − 1. Thus, the exactness of Qσ,m,n on P2n+2m−1 gives for all i = 0, ..., r − 1, R1 Ψ (x)dσ(x) = Qσ,m,n (Ψi ), −1 i = 0. Which proves the necessity of the condition asserted in Theorem 5. Sufficiency. Assume that (3.21) holds and that the polynomial qn,r is a quasiorthogonal polynomials of degree n and order r having n distinct zeros x1,m,n , ..., xn,m,n on (−1, 1) . For a given function f on (−1, 1), we denote by In+2m−1 (f ; .), {hl,m,n , p2ji ,i,m,n , p2ji +1,i,m,n } respectively the interpolation polynomial and the set of nodal basis functions of Pn+2m−1 with respect to the data n o f (xl,m,n ), l = 1, . . . , n; f (2ji ) (0), f (2ji +1) (0), i = 1, . . . , m .




The existence of In+2m−1 (f ; .) and {hl,m,n , p2ji ,i,m,n , p2ji +1,i,m,n } follows at once from Atkinson-Sharma theorem. Then, we have n X

In+k−1 (f )(x) =

f (xl,m,n )hl,m,n (x) +

m 2j i +1 X X

f (k) (0)pk,i,m,n (x).

i=1 k=2ji


Since In+2m−1 (f ; x) = f (x) for all f ∈ Pn+2m−1 , we obtain the following quadrature formula (3.22) Z 1 n m 2j i +1 X X X (k) f (x) dσ(x) = λl,m,n f (xl,m,n ) + ωi,m,n f (k) (0), ∀f ∈ Pn+2m−1 , −1

i=1 k=2ji


where Z


λl,m,n =

hl,m,n (x) dσ(x), −1

and (k) ωi,m,n





pk,i,m,n (x) dσ(x). −1

To complete the proof of the theorem it remains to show that (3.22) integrates exactly, all polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2n + 2m − 1. This is easily accomplished by using (3.19) that every polynomial P from P2n+2m−1 can be expressed uniquely as (3.24)

P (x) =

n−r−1 X

r−1 X

ak Φk (x) +

bj Ψj (x) + R(x),



where R is a polynomial of degree less than n + 2m − 1. The integration of (7) leads to, R1 (3.25)


P (x) dσ(x)


n−r−1 P k=0 R1 + −1


R1 −1

Φk (x) dσx) +

r−1 P j=0


R1 −1

Ψj (x) dσ(x)

R(x) dσ(x).

As for all k = 0, ..., n − r + 1, and j = 0, ..., r − 1, we have from (3.20) and (3.21) Z 1 Z 1 Φk (x) dσ(x) = 0 and Ψj (x) dσ(x) = 0. −1


Therefore, by (3.22), we have Z 1 Z (3.26) P (x) dσ(x) = −1


R(x) dσ(x).


Since R is a polynomials of degree at most n + 2m − 1, equations (3.22) and (3.22) imply that R1 2ji +1 (k) (k) (3.27) P (x) dσ(x) = nl=1 λl,m,n R(xl,m,n ) +m (0). i=1 k=2ji ωi,m,n R −1 However, for l = 1, ..., n, and i = 1, ..., m, we have (2j )

(2j +1)

Ψj (xl,m,n ) = Ψj i (0) = Ψj i (0) = 0, (2j ) (2j +1) Φk (xl,m,n ) = Φk i (0) = Φk i (0) = 0,

j = 0, ..., r − 1, k = 0, ..., n − r − 1,




which gives for all l = 1, ..., n, and i = 1, ..., m, P (xl,m,n ) = R(xl,m,n ), P (2ji ) (0) = R(2ji ) (0), (2ji +1) P (0) = R(2ji +1) (0). This implies that the quadrature formula (3.22) is exact for P, since (3.28)

R1 −1

P (x) dσ(x)


n P

λl,m,n P (xl,m,n ) +

m 2jP i +1 P i=1 k=2ji



ωi,m,n P (k) (0).

Furthermore, since dσ is symmetric, and the support of dσ is symmetric with respect the origin, it follows easily from uniqueness that p2ji +1,i,m,n , i = 1, ..., m, are odd (2ji +1) polynomials. So that ωi,m,n = 0, i = 1, ..., m, hold trivially. This shows that (3.28) is a quadrature formula of the form (1.1). By Theorem 1, the quadrature formula (1.1) is unique, so the nodes xl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, are indeed those of (1.1). This completes the proof of Theorem 5.  We recall that, since dσ is assumed an even function and its support is symmetric to the origin on [−1, 1] , it follows from uniqueness that the nodes polynomial qn,r satisfy the following property: qn,r (−x) = (−1)n qn,r (x).


Thus, qn,r is an odd or even function depending on whether n is even or odd. In the discussion which follows, we suppose n = 2k + 1 and we denote by π bi the monic orthogonal polynomial of exact degree i, that are orthogonal with respect to db σ . Since qn,r is a linear combination of π b0, π b1, ..., π bn , the orthogonality relations of the polynomials {b πl } and the symmetry property (3.29) yield that qn,r can be expressed uniquely as qn,r (x) =

k X

ρi π b2i+1 , (ρ2k+1 = 1).


So that, if the number of nodes n is odd then 0 is a zero of the latter. Thus, a separate treatment is required for the case n odd, because in this case it is preferable to use the following characterization of the polynomial qn,r (x)/x, which can be useful in practice. Theorem 6. Given a nonnegative even measure dσ and nonnegative integers n, m, j1 , j2 , ..., jm with n = 2k + 1 (k ≥ 1). Suppose r, qn,r and the measure db σ are given respectively as in (3.3), (3.5) and (3.1). Then the polynomial qn,r (x)/x is a quasi-orthogonal polynomial of degree n − 1 and order r − 2 with respect to db σ , i.e. Z 1 (3.30) (qn,r (x)/x)p(x)db σ (x) = 0, for all p ∈ Pn−r , −1

or equivalently (r−2)/2


qn,r (x)/x =


ρ2k−2i π b2k−2i , (ρ2k = 1).


Proof. The argument is essentially the same that in Theorem 5, so we omit details. 




Utilizing Theorem 5, Theorem 6 may be restated in term of the quasi-orthogonal polynomial qn,r (x)/x. The computation of the functional Qσ,m,n may be considered as solved, once the Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,r ) has been obtained. The basic idea of computing the coefficients in Jn (Iqn,r ) is as follows: The first step in our quest for Jn (Iqn,r ) computes the coefficients of the quasiorthogonal polynomial qn,r that represent it in the basis: {b πk (.) = π bk (., db σ ), k = 0, ..., n} . Thus, we first express the nodes polynomial qn,r in terms of monic orthogonal n polynomials {b πk }k=0 , therefore qn,r may be written in the following form (3.32)

qn,r = π bn + ρb1 π bn−1 + . . . + ρbr π bn−r ,

for some choice of real constants ρb1 , . . . , ρbr , since, by virtue of Theorem 5 qn,r r is orthogonal to Pn−r−1 with respect to the measure db σ . The coefficients {b ρk }k=1 can then computed as follows: We substitute (3.32) into the equations (3.21) and a simple calculation shows that this gives rise to a (nonlinear) system of r equations with the unknown coefficients ρbk , k = 1, ..., r, ( note that the polynomials Ψi are of the form Ψi = qn,r Ri for some Ri ∈ P2jm +1 .) Thus finding these coefficients in qn,r amounts to solving a r × r system of nonlinear equations. Our strategy is then to choose the solution in a way which will assure that the corresponding polynomial (3.32) has all its zeros on (−1, 1) . To clarify this fact, we will discuss this more fully in section (4) for the particular case r = 2. Once the underlying polynomial qn,r is available, we then appeal to Corollary 1 which tells us that the latter must have a symmetric tridiagonal matrix representation. In theory there are a number of ways to calculate zeros of a such polynomial. The most effective one is to compute them as eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix (just like the classical orthogonal polynomials), see, e. g., Goedecker [21]. This leads to great reductions in cost of quadratures. To use such a method for finding zeros of qn,r , it is necessary to evaluate the elements of the Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,r ), for which qn,r is its characteristic polynomial. If we knew the quasi-orthogonal polynomial in the form (3.32), we could in principle find its Jacobi matrix for small r, see [17, 46], but, because of nonlinearity, the complexity increases rapidly with r. We will see in the section that follows how to use this technique in the case r = 2. Finally, in the light of the discussion following the statement of Corollary 1, and in view of Theorem 4, the weights in (1.1) can be computed very easily and efficiently once the interior nodes have been determined. At this point in order to apply the results of this section, the matrix Jn (Iqn,r ) must be investigated. This serves as a motivation for the work outlined in the next section, in which we will say even more on the Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,r ). 4. Computation of the Jacobi matrix The eigenvalue analysis described in Section 3 suggests to compute the roots of the n−th orthogonal polynomial with respect to Iqn,r . As shown in Corollary 1, it can be computed via the Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,r ), which we denote by





a0  √  b1   Jn (Iqn,r ) =  0   .  .. 0


0 .. .

a1 .. .


. p bn−2 0


. ···

··· .. . p bn−2 an−2 p bn−1

0 .. . 0 p bn−1 an−1

        



This matrix plays a very important role in what follows. In order to clarify the connection between the original Jacobi matrix Jn (db σ ) and Jn (Iqn,r ), we first collect some auxiliary results for orthogonal polynomials {b πl } . Thus, the remainder of this section is mainly devoted to the details of computing the coefficients of Jn (Iqn,r ) whose eigenvalues are the quadrature nodes. In so doing, we find a remarkable structure of Jn (Iqn,r ). The orthogonal polynomials {b πl } with respect to db σ (3.1) are important tools for us. We suppose them monic, i. e., they are normalized so that the leading coefficient of each π bl is 1. Since db σ is an even measure, then these orthogonal polynomials satisfy a three-term recurrence relation of the form π b−1 (x) = 0, π b0 (x) = 1, π bl+1 (x) = xb πl (x) − βbl π bl−1 (x), l = 0, 1, 2, ..., n o where the coefficients βbl , l = 1, ... are given by the well-known formulae of Stieltjes:   Idσb π bl2  , l = 1, ..., (4.3) βb0 = βb0 (db σ ) = Idσb π b02 , βbl = βbl (db σ) = 2 Idσb π bl−1


with Idσb being the functional Z Idσb (u) =


u(x)db σ (x). −1

Note that βbl > 0 . These coefficients (assumed known or computable) define an unreduced symmetric tridiagonal matrix Jn (db σ ), the so-called Jacobi matrix, 


     Jn (db σ) =      

0 q βb1

q βb1

0 .. .

0 .. . .. .




0 .. . .. .

··· .. . q βbn−2


0 q βbn−1


 0 .. . 0 q βbn−1 0

          



With the vector bn (x) = (b v π0 (x), π b1 (x), ..., π bn (x))T we can conveniently rewrite the three-term recurrence relation (4.2) in matrix notation xb vn−1 (x) = Jn (db σ )b vn−1 (x) + βbn π bn (x)en




where en = (0, 0, ..., 1)T denotes the n-th unit vector. In order to construct (1.1), we need to know the coefficients of its Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,r ). To do this, we begin by proving an essential result which reduces considerably the number of unknown coefficients in Jn (Iqn,r ). In the following the symbol [x] denotes as usual the greatest integer in the real number x. Lemma 1. Suppose db σ , Jn (Iqn,r ) and Jn (db σ ) are given respectively as in (3.1), (4.1) and (4.4). Then, for any integer r, such that 0 ≤ r < n, the following hold: (a) the first n − [r/2] − 1 diagonal elements of Jn (Iqn,r ) are equal to 0, and (b) the first n − [(r + 1)/2] subdiagonal elements of Jn (Iqn,r ) equal those of Jn (db σ ). Proof. We first note that the recursion coefficients ak , bk in turn are expressible in terms of the monic orthogonal polynomials qk relative to the functional Iqn,r as


 Iqn,r xqk2 ak = , k = 0, ..., n − 1, Iqn,r (qk2 )   Iqn,r qk2 2  , k = 1, ..., n − 1. b0 = Iqn,r q0 , bk = 2 Iqn,r qk−1

On the other hand, if f is an arbitrary polynomial in P2n−r−1 then it can be written uniquely as f = qqn,r + h, where q ∈ Pn−r−1 and h ∈ Pn−r−1 . This implies whenever f is a polynomial of degree less than or equal to 2n − r + 1, ∧

Iqn,r (f )


Qdσb,m,n (h; j1 , ..., jm ), ∧

= Qdσb,m,n (f ; j1 , ..., jm ), where the trivial relations f (xl,m,n ) = h(xl,m,n ), l = 1, ..., n, have been used in the ∧

last equality. Thus, since Qdσb,m,n is exact for all polynomials of degree ≤ 2n−r−1, we conclude that (4.6)

Iqn,r (f ) = Idσb (f ), ∀f ∈ P2n−r−1 .

Moreover, for every k = 0, ..., n−[(r + 1)/2] , and f ∈ Pk−1 , we have qk f ∈ P2n−r−1 and therefore, by (4.6), Iqn,r (qk f )

= Idσb (qk f ), = 0.

This means that qk is also orthogonal to Pk−1 with respect to the linear functional Idσb . Since the two polynomials qk and π bk have the same leading coefficient, it follows from uniqueness that they must be identical. This identifies qk as π bk , for k = 0, ..., n−[(r + 1)/2] . The proof of (a) and (b) is completed by using the formulae (4.3) and (4.5).  This Lemma shows that the first desired 2n − r − 1 recursion coefficients in the sequence {a0 , b, a1 , b1, ...} equal coefficients belonging the measure n the corresponding o b b db σ in the known sequence 0, β0 , 0, β1 , ... . So, an easy calculation shows that Jn (Iqn,r ) contains only r parameters. The basic idea of computing them is as follows. Suppose that the nodes polynomial qn,r has been determined as a quasiorthogonal polynomial degree n and order r, one can therefore obtain the remaining




r unknown coefficients of Jn (Iqn,r ) by the condition that qn,r is its characteristic polynomial. However, in order to determine this polynomial, we need to solve a nonlinear system of r equations with the r unknown coefficients ρbk . Of course, this is in general not so easy for large r to evaluate such coefficients by explicit expressions. Nevertheless, as we shall see in the next section, we are able to determine them analytically at least for small values of r that are of interest in applications. We are thereby interested in the following problem: Problem 1. Given a quasi-orthogonal polynomial in the form qn,r = π bn + ρb1 π bn−1 + . . . + ρbr π bn−r . As such how it can be represented as characteristic polynomial of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix. Explicit results in this direction, involving an arbitrary measure, indeed have already been obtained in [17] for the case r = 1, 2, 3 or 4. We reformulate it, in our situation, as follows: Theorem 7. Let qn,4 be a quasi-orthogonal polynomial of the form qn,4 = π bn + ρ1 π bn−1 + . . . + ρ4 π bn−4 , where Then qn,4 has a symmetric tridiagonal matrix representation of the form qn,4 (x) = det(xIn − Jn∗ ) with         ∗ Jn =       

0 q βb1 0

q βb1 0 q βb2

0 q βb2 .. . .. .

··· .. .

0 0 ..


0 .. .




0 q βbn−2 − v2






0 q βbn−2 − v2 −u2 q βbn−1 − v1

0 .. .

      0    0   q  βbn−1 − v1   −u1


if and only if ρ4 v1

(4.7) and v1 u1 u2 v2

< βbn−3 βbn−2 , ≤ βbn−1 , = ρ2 − v2 − u2 u1 , = ρ1 − u 2 ρ3 − v2 ρ1 = , βbn−2 − v2 ρ4 = . b βn−3

The main results of the previous Theorem were given for the particular case r ≤ 4. Of course, it could have been carried over to r ≥ 5, but the problem is mainly computational. A more general form of this result has already appeared in [46, Theorem 4.1]. Note that, the quasi-orthogonal polynomial considered here has a symmetric tridiagonal matrix representation, then the inequalities (4.7) are automatically satisfied.




As remarked previously for quadrature formula, it is important to have all its nodes in the support of the measure. We shall see in the next section when trying to construct the quasi-orthogonal polynomials qn,r that there are, in general, only two polynomials which satisfy the conditions (3.21). Then, we are faced with the following problem: Problem 2. How should one select the polynomial which has all its zeros in (−1, 1)? In general, it is easy for small r to diagnose whether a quasi-orthogonal polynomial has all its zeros located in (−1, 1) once its coefficients {b ρk } are available: we refer the interested reader to the discussion of that point in [14] or [45]. For the case r = 2, the following Theorem gives an easy way which ensures that a quasiorthogonal polynomials has no exterior roots. This result will play particularly a key role in our discussion later in obtaining an explicit expression for the nodes polynomial of (1.1) for the particular case r = 2. Theorem 8. Let qn,2 be a quasi-orthogonal polynomial of degree n, and order 2, of the form qn,2 = π bn − ρ2 π bn−2 . ∧

Suppose that ρ2 ≤ β n−1 , then qn,2 has all its zeros in (−1, 1) if and only if   π bn (1) π bn (−1) , . ρ2 ≤ min π bn−2 (−1) π bn−2 (1) Proof. By Theorem 7, the n zeros x1 < x2 < ... < xn of qn,2 are distinct eigenvalues of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix q   0 βb1 0 0 ··· 0   q q   .. .. b   βb1 . 0 β2 0 .   q   . .   0 . . . . βb2 0 0   q . Jn (qn,2 ) =   ..   . βbn−2 0 0 0   0   q q   .. .. bn−2 bn−1 − ρ2   . . 0 β 0 β   q b βn−1 − ρ2 0 0 ... 0 0 n×n

Let the n − 1 zeros of π bn−1 be ordered according to t1 < t2 < ... < tn−1 . Obviously, these nodes are eigenvalues of the (n − 1) × (n − 1) leading submatrix of the matrix Jn (qn,2 ), then Cauchy’s interlace theorem (see, e. g., [30, p. 186]) can be applied to give the following interlacing property of the nodes: x1 < t1 < x2 < ... < tn−1 < xn , which implies that qn,2 has n − 2 zeros on (−1, 1) . Note also that, qn,2 can have at most two exterior nodes, one at each end point, because of the interlacing property. Since the leading coefficient of qn,2 is 1, then qn,2 (1) is positive if only if it has no zeros greater that or equal to 1. According that π bn (1) and π bn−2 (1) are both π bn (1) positive, and hence xn ∈ (−1, 1) if only if ρ2 ≤ ; the derivation of x1 is π bn−2 (1) similar. 




´n quadratures 5. Computation of Tura In this section, we see how the above theory is put into practice to construct a new class of quadrature formulae of type (1.1). As with the earlier results quoted above, the amount of computation in our approach increases rapidly with r. To shorten our presentation and to better illustrate our approach we only concentrate on the devivation of our quadrature in the case r = 2. More precisely, we shall examine the problem of computing the following quadrature formula, Z 1 n X (5.1) f (x)dσ(x) ≈ ω2,n f 00 (0) + λl,n f (xl,n ), −1


which is exact for all f ∈ P2n+1 . Note that, as we have previously pointed out at the introduction, the present quadrature offers another solution for the problem of Tur´an ( [43, Problem XXXIII]). Since the construction of (5.1) is rather technical, we sketch the main ideas. To begin, observe that Theorem 1 guarantees the existence and uniqueness of (5.1), with respect to dσ on the interval [−1, 1] . Moreover, in this particular case (using the values consistent with our notations of Section 3) the relevant parameters are m = 1, j1 = 1 and r = 2. Following the analysis of the previous sections, the first step in our method is to establish some important information about the entries of Jn (Iqn,2 ) and the coefficients of the quasi-orthogonal polynomial qn,2 associated to (5.1). The lemma 1 in Section 4 furthers this aim, since, in the present case, it reduces the problem of finding the Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,2 ) (4.1) to compute the remaining two its unknown coefficients an−1 and bn−1 . Indeed, here the known elements of Jacobi matrix are ai bi

= 0, = βbi ,

i = 0, ..., n − 3 i = 1, ..., n − 2,

where βbk being the recurrence coefficients associated with the orthogonal polynomials  π bn = π bn (.; db σ (x) (= x4 dσ(x)) n=0,1,2,..,. This observation drastically simplifies the calculation issues associated with (5.1) which we will carry out in what follows. We are now faced with the problem of computing the remaining unknown coefficients an−1 , an−2 and bn−1 in the Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,2 ). Thanks to Theorem 7, this task can be achieved by computing the quasi-orthogonal polynomial induced by (5.1). Note that, in view of Theorem 5, the latter is a quasi-orthogonal polynomial of degree n and order 2. Thus, we see that (5.1) exists if its nodes are roots of 2 a polynomial, which can be expressed in term of {b πn−k }k=0 as (5.2)

qn,2 = π bn + cn π bn−1 + dn π bn−2 .

So we have two unknown coefficients in qn,2 . To find them, recall that qn,2 is an odd or even function depending on whether n is even or odd, then it is clear that there is only one free parameter in qn,2 , since, due to symmetry, one obtains cn = 0. Thus the polynomial to be studied now takes the form (5.3)

qn,2 = π bn + dn π bn−2 .




Furthermore, let us note that, applying Theorem 7 allows us to infer that the unknown coefficient an−2 and an−1 are equal to 0. Thus, the problem of finding (5.1) is essentially solved if either the parameters dn and bn−1 in Jn (Iqn,2 ) and qn,2 respectively can be evaluated analytically or at most numerically. We remark that once dn is know bn−1 can be determined uniquely by the representation Theorem 7. Now, we proceed by first discussing how one can determine the remaining free parameters dn in (5.3), and then outline the basic steps of a numerical algorithm for constructing (5.1). The parity of n plays a basic role in the computation of the latter, for this reason, we have to distinguish between two cases. First we begin with: 5.1. Case I: n is odd. This is the simplest case. The key observation is that in view of Theorem 6 the quasi-orthogonal polynomial qn,2 (x)/x coincides with the monic orthogonal polynomial π bn−1 . Thus, the nodes of (5.1) are precisely zeros of the polynomial qn,2 (x)


= xb πn−1 (x).

Since xb πn−1 can be written (uniquely) as a linear combination of π b0 , π b1 , ..., π bn , the orthogonality relations of {b πl } yield qn,2 (x) = γn π bn + γn−1 π bn−1 + γn−2 π bn−2 . Clearly γn = 1, since qn,2 , π bn are monic polynomials having the same degree. Moreover, we also have R1 R1 2 2 γn−1 = −1 xb πn−1 (x)db σ (x)/ −1 π bn−1 (x)db σ (x), = 0, 2 since the integrand xb πn−1 and is an odd function, and so, by virtue of Z 1 Z 1 2 γn−2 = xb πn−1 (x)b πn−2 (x)db σ (x)/ π bn−2 (x)db σ (x), −1


the expression of qn,2 becomes Z 1 Z o (5.5) qn,2 := qn,2 = π bn + xb πn−1 (x)b πn−2 (x)db σ (x)/ −1



 2 π bn−2 (x)db σ (x) π bn−2 .

Thus, the remaining free parameter dn in (5.3) is equal to (5.6)

don := dn = γn−2 .

Having determined the polynomial qn,2 , we now debate the principal topic of this case, that of determining the nodes which occur in (5.1). So we need investigate the zeros of qn,2 . For this, we shall now discuss the determination of the remaining parameter in the Jacobi matrix Jon (Iqn,2 ) := Jn (Iqn,2 ). Our solution is based on the fact that the polynomial qn,2 admits the following matrix representation (see Theorem 7) q2,n (x) = det(xIn − Jon (Iqn,2 )),




where 


q 0 q βb1

     Jon (Iqn,2 ) =      


0 .. .

0 .. . .. .



0 .. . .. . q

... .. . q βbn−2

βbn−2 0

0 .. .

0 q βbn−1 − do


0 q βbn−1 − don 0

          



Thus, it follows from (5.7) that the unknown coefficient bn−1 in the Jacobi matrix Jn (Iqn,2 ) is given by bn−1 = βbn−1 − don .


Therefore, in this particular case, the nodes xl,n of (5.1) can be computed conveniently as the well-studied ordinary Gaussian quadrature formulae. It remains to calculate the weights λl,n in (5.1). To do this, we suppose that the eigenvectors of Jon (Iqn,2 ) are computed such that Jon (Iqn,2 )Vl,n = xl,n Vl,n ,

l = 1, ..., n,

T T with Vl,n Vl,n = 1 and Vl,n = (v1,l,n , ..., vn,l,n ). Then, as for the ordinary Gauss quadrature formula, it follows from Theorem 4 that the coefficients λl,n are expressible in terms of the first components v1,l,n of Vl,n by

λl,n =

2 v1,l,n x4l,n



db σ (x), l = 1, ..., n and l is such that xl,n 6= 0. −1

We finally have that the weights ω2,n and ω2,n (0) (the weight relative to the node 0) in (5.1), in turn is expressible in term of the orthogonal polynomial π bn−1 as R1 2 x π bn−1 (x)dσ(x) −1 , ω2,n = 2b πn−1 (0) ! R1 00 π b (x)dσ(x) π bn−1 (0) −1 n−1 ωn (0) = 2 R 1 − ω2,n . πn−1 (0) x2 π bn−1 (x)dσ(x) 2b −1

It should be noted that in the present case the nonzero nodes in (5.1) coincide with the nonzero nodes in the quadrature formula, Z 1 3 n−1 X X (i) f (x)dσ(x) = ωi,n f (0) + λl,n f (xl,n ), ∀f ∈ P2n+1 , −1



discussed by Stancu and Stroud [41, p. 387], since the coefficients of the odd (3) derivatives f (1) (0) and f (0) are equal to zero. 5.2. Case II: n is even. In the present case, which is treated differently, we proceed in the following manner. Our first goal is to construct a system of nonlinear equations implementing conditions (3.21) of Theorem 5 for the unknown coefficient dn of the nodes polynomial qn,2 (5.3). Thus, at first, we obtain from (3.14) that Kn+3 = span{Ψ0 , Ψ1 },




where Ψ0 and Ψ1 are two polynomials of exact degree n + 3, which satisfy the interpolation conditions Ψ0 (xl,n ) Ψ1 (xl,n )

= =

Ψ000 (0) Ψ001 (0)

= Ψ000 0 (0) = Ψ000 1 (0)

= 0, = 0,

l = 1, ..., n, l = 1, ..., n.

Here, we are forced to look for an appropriate base for the space Kn+3 in a way which will make these conditions simple to determine the parameter dn in qn,2 . To do so, we first note that from the definition of Kn+3 its elements also vanish at the nodes of (5.1). Moreover, since n is assumed even it follows that qn,2 is an even function, it can then be easily verified that the polynomials (5.9)

Ψ0 (x) = (x3 + x2 −

2qn,2 (0) 00 (0) )qn,2 (x), qn,2

Ψ1 (x) = (x3 − x2 +

2qn,2 (0) 00 (0) )qn,2 (x), qn,2

and (5.10)

form a basis for Kn+3 . We do not present the coefficient of the elements of {Ψ0 , Ψ1 } in term of the standard power expansion, but in place we express them in term of the nodes polynomial qn,2 , such a representation is the most convenient form for computation, since it unveils important relationships between the expansion coefficients and the nodes polynomial qn,2 . This is the basic idea behind the construction of (5.1) in the present case. On the other hand, according to Theorem 5, the polynomials Ψ0 and Ψ1 defined in (5.9) and (5.10) must also satisfy the orthogonality relations Z 1 Z 1 Ψ0 (x)dσ(x) = Ψ1 (x)dσ(x) = 0. −1


Thus, by symmetry and taking into account that qn,2 is an even function, the remaining unknown parameter dn in (5.3) is then a solution of R1 2 x qn,2 (x)dσ(x) 2qn,2 (0) −1 (5.11) . = 00 R1 qn,2 (0) qn,2 (x)dσ(x) −1

Since qn,2 = π bn +dn π bn−2 , using an elementary manipulation one may show that the last equation can be re-expressed in the interesting and simpler form of a quadratic polynomial, (5.12)

aρ2 + bρ + c = 0.

Of course, the remaining unknown coefficient dn in qn,2 will be certainly found amongst roots of the (5.12). Then, the next important issue that we face here is how to assess the exact value of dn . Now, by Theorem 8 the only solution den := dn of (5.12) such that   π bn (1) π bn (−1) e , dn ≤ min π bn−2 (−1) π bn−2 (1) guarantees that the polynomial, (5.13)

e qn,2 := qn,2 = π bn + den π bn−2 ,

has n distinct real zeros all located in the open interval (−1, 1) .




We now turn to the problem of determining the Jacobi matrix Jen (Iqn,2 ) := Jn (Iqn,2 ). As before, the following construction provides a tool for finding its remaining unknown coefficient bn−1 , once the parameter dn in (5.3) is obtained. We may rewrite, using Theorem 7, the polynomial qn,2 in matrix notation as follows qn,2 (x) = det(xIn − Jen (Iqn,2 )), where (5.14)   q0   βb1   e Jn (Iqn,2 ) =   0  .  .  .  0

q βb1

0 .. .

0 .. . .. .

... .. . q βbn−2

.. . q βbn−2



0 .. . 0 q

βbn−1 − den

0 q

βbn−1 − den


          



a fact which allows us to compute the nodes xl,n and their respective weights wl,n in (5.1) by standard techniques via an eigensystem problem for the (symmetric, tridiagonal) Jacobi matrix Jen (Iqn,2 ). Finally, as above, a simple calculation shows that an explicit formula for the weight ω2,n in (5.1) is R1 ω2,n



e x2 qn,2 (x)dσ(x) e (0) 2qn,2


An alternative approach to constructing (5.1) when n is odd, without the use of Theorem 6, would be to proceed analogously as in the present case. Indeed, to adapt the latter to the odd case, we just have to find a more workable basis of Kn+3 . We can do even better by observing that, when n is odd the polynomials Ψ0 (x) = (x3 + 1)qn,2 (x) and Ψ1 (x) = (x3 − 1)qn,2 (x), form a basis for Kn+3 . Thus, in view of (3.21) and the parity of qn,2 , the resulting quasi-orthogonal polynomial qn,2 turns out to be identical to the one given by (5.5), so the argument as in the odd case can be carried over verbatim to construct (5.1). One particularly interesting point to note from either Jon (Iqn,2 ) or Jen (Iqn,2 ) is that their structures are unexpectedly simple. Since, in each case, to evaluate them, it suffices to take the same set of recurrence coefficients as when computing the Gauss quadrature formula G(n; db σ ), except that the last coefficient βbn−1 is modified. The rest of computation proceeds exactly as usual. This permits a more straightforward implementation and simplifies coding. We summarize this construction process in the following theorem. Theorem 9. Given a nonnegative even measure dσ and nonnegative integers n. o e Define db σ = x4 dσ. Suppose the quasi-orthogonal polynomials qn,2 , qn,2 and the o e matrices Jn (Iqn,2 ), Jn (Iqn,2 ) are given respectively as in (5.5), (5.13) and (5.7),




(5.14). Then, there exists a unique quadrature formula of the form, Z 1 n X (5.15) f (x)dσ(x) ≈ ω2,n f 00 (0) + λl,n f (xl,n ), −1


which integrates exactly all polynomial from P2n+1 . With: If n is odd, the nodes xl,n , l = 1, ..., n, in (5.15) are the eigenvalues of Jon (Iqn,2 ) and the weights ω2,n and ωn (0) are given by R1 2 x π bn−1 (x)dσ(x) −1 , ω2,n = 2b πn−1 (0) ! R1 (5.16) 00 π b (x)dσ(x) π bn−1 (0) −1 n−1 ωn (0) = 2 R 1 − ω2,n . πn−1 (0) x2 π bn−1 (x)dσ(x) 2b −1 If n is even, the nodes xl,n , l = 1, ..., n, in (5.15) are the eigenvalues of Jen (Iqn,2 ) and the weight ω2,n is given by R1 2 e x qn,2 (x)dσ(x) −1 (5.17) ω2,n = . e (0) 2qn,2 In all cases, the weights λl,n are all positive and are given by Z 1 2 v1,l,n λl,n = 4 db σ (x), l = 1, ..., n and l is such that xl,n 6= 0, xl,n −1 with v1,l,n being respectively the first components of the normalized eigenvectors of Jon (Iqn,2 ), Jen (Iqn,2 ) relative to the eigenvalues xl,n . Proof. It remains to determine the sign of ω2,n in (5.15). This can be done by deriving an explicit formula for ω2,n , from which its sign can be read off. To do so, we first define the polynomial p2n (x) =

2 qn,2 (x) 0 00 (0) . 2 2(qn,2 (0)) + 2qn,2 (0)qn,2

Therefore since p2n ∈ P2n+1 and (5.15) is exact on P2n+1 , we also have the following representation Z 1 ω2,n = p2n (x)dσ(x). −1

Hence, the desired result now follows immediately, by observing that 0 00 0 2(qn,2 (0))2 + 2qn,2 (0)qn,2 (0) = 2(qn,2 (0))2 > 0

if n is odd, and 0 00 2 2(qn,2 (0))2 + 2qn,2 (0)qn,2 (0) = −qn,2 (0)

n X 1 0) I1 (v) = −1 3 v2 +(−v+x) 2 dx, 1−v √ arctan( √3 v ) arctan( −1−v ) √ √ 3v , = − 3v 3v I2 (v)


log(1+x) 1 −1 1+ − 1 +v x 2 dx, ( ( 4 ) )

ω ∈ (0, 1) > 0,

16 log(2) 16 log(2) − 3 − 8 v − 16 v 2 5 − 24 v + 16 v 2 16 log(5 − 4 v) 16 log(3 + 4 v) − + 2 5 − 24 v + 16 v 5 − 24 v + 16 v 2 Z 2π 2mπ I3 (m) = x cos(50x) sin(mx)dx = , (m 6= 50), 2500 − m2 0 All the computations described in this paper were carried out on a personal IBM computer in a double precision. =

1 Example 1. The integrands here are the functions fv (x) = 3 v2 +(−v+x) 2 , v > 0, 1 6 x (−2 v + x) and fv00 (x) =  which satisfy fv0 (0) = 3 . It should be noted 8v 3 2 3 v 2 + (−v + x)   1 that the graph of fv has the inflection point 0, 2 , (this graph is concave upward 4v over (−1, 0) , and concave downward over (0, 2v)). It can also be seen that, when v is sufficiently small, this function exhibits a peak near x = 0, with increasing steepness




m n err. GLn+1 err. BLn 130 8.9(-9) -1.0(-8) 180 2.2(-12) 1.2(-12) 1 240 -6.1(-14) 6.3(-14) 300 -1.0(-14) 6.3(-14) 130 2.0(-3) -1.7(-3) 180 -2.7(-5) 2.1(-5) 2 240 1.3(-7) -1.1(-7) 300 -7.1(-10) 5.5(-10) 130 -1.7 1.0 180 2.0(-2) 2.3(-2) 4 240 1.2(-2) -8.3(-3) 300 1.1(-4) -2.1(-4) Table 1. Numerical results of I1 (v) and comparison with Gauss quadrature.

as v tends to 0. One would expect that the difficulty of the integrand f depends heavily on the selection of the parameter v, which is equal to the location of the peak. For this example, since fv00 (0) = 0, it seems reasonable, therefore, to compare the quadrature formula (BLn ) with the ordinary Gaussian quadrature (GLn ) having the same number n of interior nodes. We did our computation for v = vm = 1/102m , m = 1, ..., 6 and n = 130, 180, 240, 300, but in Table 1 shown only select results. Also shown in the last two columns are the respective integration errors. It can be seen Table 1 that the new quadrature formula produces more accurate result than those furnished by the ordinary Gauss quadrature formula, especially for v close 0. With decreasing v, ordinary Gauss-Legendre is seen to converge rather slowly. This weakness is accentuated when the peak is moderately high. However, for small m, both quadratures produce results which are comparable in accuracy, the formula (GL) being somewhat more accurate than (BL) for small values n, the latter for larger values of n. Example 2. The integrand here is a function having a logarithmic endpoint sinlog(1 + x) gularity of the type fv (x) =  2 . Thus, fv (0) = 0, fv0 (0) = 0 and 1 + − 14 + v x fv00 (0) = −4v. We therefore compare the results of (5.25), at the same cost, by the ordinary (n + 1)−Gauss quadrature formula (5.26). The results are shown in Table 2 for selected values of v = 1/(100j) and n. It can be seen that both formulae converge slowly, with (BL) having a slight edge on (GL), particulary when v is very close to 0. Example 3. As suggested in the introducation, we can compare the results of the composite quadrature formula,

CBLn (f ) =

si r X X i=1 j=1

 BL 00 BL wj,s f (0) + wj,i,s f (xBL j,i,si ) , i




n err. GLn+1 50 3.0(-4) 1 150 3.6(-5) 250 1.2(-5) 50 3.3(-4) 2 150 3.8(-5) 250 1.3(-6) 50 3.6(–4) 3 150 4.1(-5) 250 1.5(-5) Table 2. Numerical results of I2 (w) quadrature.


err. BLn 3.2(-4) 3.6(-5) 1.3(-5) 3.4(-4) 3.8(-5) 1.3(-6) 3.7(-4) 3.2(-6) 1.2(-7) and comparison with Gauss

n err. GLn+1 err. BLn 200 1.02(-7) 9.9(-8) 3.581(-13) 250 2.18(-12) Table 3. Numerical results of I1 (v) and comparison with Gauss quadrature.

n err. GLn+1 err. BLn 200 1.17(-6) 8.93(-7) Table 4. Numerical results of I1 (v) and comparison with Gauss quadrature.

with the standard composite quadrature formula CGLn+1 (f ) =

r+1 sX i +1 X

GL wj,i,s f (xGL j,i,s )

i=1 j=1

relative to the same subdivision [−1, 1] =

r S

[ξi−1 , ξi ] . We illustrate these for-


mulae by computing again the integrals Ii (v), i = 1, 2. We will refer to the number r P used by each quadrature as n = si . For I1 (v), we did our computation for i=1

v = 1/104 , r = 3, s1 = 50, s2 = 100, 150, s3 = 50 and therefore n = 200, 250. It seems reasonable to employ the quadrature formulae CBLn and CGLn+1 choosing the nodes ζi , i = 1, ..., r, near 0. Table 3 shows the respective integration errors for ζ0 = −1, ζ1 = −0.2, ζ2 = 0.2 and ζ2 = 1. Table 3 shows the error of the s-point approximations I2 (v), for v = 1/300, r = 3, s1 = 90, s2 = 70 , s3 = 40 and therefore n = 200. These examples demonstrate the superiority of CBLn over CGLn+1 . However, both quadrature formulae are even better than BLn and GLn+1 . For example, if I2 (1/104 ) is approximated by BLn or GLn+1 with n = 300, they produce only 4 correct decimal digits, which is several orders of magnitude larger that BLn and GLn+1 .




6. Applications to polynomial inequalities In this last section we apply the results of the previous sections to derive and calculate, in a simple manner, new explicit sharp weighted L2 inequalities for coefficients of polynomials. They are all obtained as direct applications of the quadrature formula Z 1 m n−m X X (6.1) f (x)dσ(x) = ωi,n f (2i) (0) + λl,m,n f (xl,m,n ), ∀f ∈ P2n+1 . −1



We point out that the nodes of such quadrature formula are the zeros of the orthogonal polynomials associated with respect to the measure db σ = x2m+2 dσ(x). This result can be obtained as an immediate consequence of Theorem 5. Problem 3. Let p(x) = a0 +a1 x+...+an xn be a polynomial of degree n. We assume !1/2 2  R 1 2m dm p(x) dσ(x) is given as a measure of the “size” that kpkm,2 = x −1 dxm of p. We now ask the question, how large the coefficient |am | can be? Below, we answer this question. We will calculate explicitly the constants that appear in our estimations. These are derived using essentially the quadrature formula (6.1). Before stating the particular Legendre case, we prove a more general theorem which leads to the best possible estimation for |am | in terms of kpkm,2 . Theorem 11. Let p(x) =

n P

ai xi be a polynomial of degree n. Then for any fixed


k, 0 ≤ m ≤ n, such that n − m is even, we have



1 m,2 kpkm,2 , (6.2) |am | ≤ m! R 1 x2m L b n−m (x)dσ(x) −1 b n−m (x) = Qn−m (x − xl,m,n ), with xl,m,n , l = 1, ..., n, being the nodes of where L l=1 dm the quadrature formula (6.1). The equality hods if and only if p(x) = const dxm b n−m (x). L Remark 3. An equivalent expression of (6.2) is



Ln−m d m,2 R = max p(0) : p ∈ Pn , kpkm,2 = 1 . 1 dxm b n−m (x)dσ(x) m! −1 x2m L More explicit estimates than those in Theorem 11 can be obtained when the orthogonal polynomials associated with respect to the measure db σ = x2m+2 dσ(x) can be explicitly written down. The content of the following result is to give an exact expression of the above constant, for simplicity, we only consider the Legendre case. Thus, if dσ(x) = dx then the above Theorem becomes the following result, which will be proven in the Appendix B.



Corollary 2. Let p(x) =

n P


ai xi be a polynomial of degree n. Then for any fixed


k, 0 ≤ k ≤ n, such that n − m = 2ν , we have 1 Γ(ν + m + 3/2) p (6.3) |am | ≤ kpkm,2 , (m!)2 m + 1/2 Γ(m + 1/2) The equality hods if and only if

dm (0,m+1/2) p(x) = const pν (2x2 − 1). dxm

Let us recall that a number of weighted L2 inequalities for coefficients of polynomials have been suggested in [31] and in [25]. A full history and a detailed account of the current state of this theory and its applications appears in the recent monograph [35]. 7. Concluding remarks Our purpose has been to shown how to modify the Jacobi matrix in such a way that the nodes and weights of a new class of quadratures can then be evaluated directly by standard software, the complexity of the various calculations associated with computing such quadratures is significantly reduced. Particularly encouraging is that this matrix is easy to construct employing only elementary transformations of the recurrence coefficients which characterize the original measure. This approach extends the well-known method for ordinary Gaussian quadrature formulae. The formulae derived in this way have been implemented and some numerical tests performed with the latter show a improvement over the classical Gaussian quadrature formulae. We have also exploited the connection between quadrature formulae and polynomials inequalities to apply the new class of quadratures for the latter to derive new explicit sharp inequalities for polynomials. For sake of simplicity only even measure has been considered, but the method developed here can be applied to arbitrary measure with slight technical modifications. It can also be extended to the construction of quadratures with more general interior conditions, such as the following class Q(f ) =

k X

ωj,n Cj (f ) +

n X


λi,n f (xi,n ),


where Cj , j = 1, ..., k, are given more general linear functionals of the form Cl (f ) :=

qX l −1

alm f (m) (0),

l = 1, ..., k.


The analysis leading to these new quadrature formulae takes place most naturally on more general domains, for example, on semi-finite or infinite with adapted interior conditions. This problem requires different approaches, to which we hope to return. Finally, the possibly most important merit of this class of quadratures is that they can be useful in the numerical solution by spectral approximation of partial differential equations, involving interior conditions, as has been successfully applied in the author’s joint work [17], where efficient methods based on a new family of quadrature formulae, with complex boundary conditions terms, were proposed. In that paper, the appending of additional terms in the quadratures was motived by the well known lumped mass spectral approximation problem.




We have also apply these quadratures to derive and calculate new explicit sharp weighted L2 inequalities for coefficients of polynomials. Appendix A: Proofs of Lemmas. In this Appendix, we provide the proofs of Lemmas 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The proofs involve substantial use of the properties of Jacobi polynomials, these properties are first summarized. They are included here to facilitate verification by the interested reader. All the results are standard and can be found in books such that [42, 3]. We start with some basic notations and known results. For any real number a and integer n, the Prochhammer’s symbol (a)n is defined by (a)n = a(a + 1)...(a + n − 1) =

Γ(a + n) , Γ(a)

where Γ is the Gamma function. With the weight function dσ α,β (x) = (1 − x)α (1 + x)β

on (−1, 1) ,

(α, β > −1),

we associate the scalar product Z (7.1)


(φ, ψ)α,β :=

φ(x)ψ(x)dσ α,β (x),


which is defined on the space of all functions whose square is integrable with respect to the measure dσ α,β . There exists a sequence of polynomials called Jacobi polynomials of parameters α and β, which are orthogonal w. r. t. the scalar product (α,β) (., .)α,β . As in [42], we shall use for these polynomials, the ( unusual) notation pn and normalization (α + 1)n (7.2) pn(α,β) (1) = . n! Their orthogonality relation is [42, Formula 4.3.3] (pn(α,β) , p(α,β) )α,β = hn δnm , m

(7.3) where

2α+β+1 Γ(n + α + 1)Γ(n + β + 1) , (2n + α + β + 1)Γ(n + 1)Γ(n + α + β + 1) and δnm is the Kronecker delta. They have the explicit representation (see [42, Formula 4.3.2])   ν  n−ν n  X x−1 x+1 n+α n+β p(α,β) (x) = . n n−ν ν 2 2 ν=0 hn =

Note that (n + α + β + 1)n n x + lower order terms. 2n n! This gives us that the associated (monic) orthogonal polynomials are given by


p(α,β) (x) = n

pb(α,β) (x) = n

2n n! p(α,β) (x). (n + α + β + 1)n n

Further we have (7.5)

p(α,β) (−x) = (−1)n p(β,α) (x). n n




As it is well known for Jacobi polynomials the derivatives of arbitrary order are also Jacobi polynomials. This is easily derived from general properties of the hypergeometric functions F (a; b; c; z) [42]. For instance, we have p(α,β) (1 − 2z) = n

(α + 1)n F (−n, n + α + β + 1; α + 1; z). n!


ab d F (a; b; c; z) = F (a + 1; b + 1; c + 1; z), dz c it follows the simple differentiation formula d (α,β) 1 (α+1,β+1) pn (x) = (n + α + β + 1)pn−1 (x), dx 2 or more generally for k ≤ n (7.6)

dk (α,β) pn (x) dxk


1 Γ(n + k + α + β + 1) (α+k,β+k) pn−k (x). 2k Γ(n + α + β + 1)

Finally, we will need to use heavily the following formulae, see [42, Formula 4.5.4, p. 72], [3, Formula 4, p. 263] and [3, Formula 5, p. 263]. (7.7)   2 (α,β) (α,β) (1 + x) p(α,β+1) (x) = (n + β + 1)p (x) + (n + 1)p (x) , n n n+1 2n + α + β + 2 Z 1 2β+ρ+1 Γ(ρ + 1)Γ(β + n + 1)Γ(α − ρ + n) ρ,β (7.8) p(α,β) (x)dσ (x) = , ρ < α, n n!Γ(α − ρ)Γ(β + ρ + n + 2) −1 and Z


(7.9) −1

n o2 2α+β Γ(α + n + 1)Γ(β + n + 1) α−1,β p(α,β) (x) dσ (x) = . n n!αΓ(α + β + n + 1)

Now we prove the technical results needed in the proof of Theorem 10. We begin with the proof of Lemma 2. Proof. Let first k be even (k = 2ν). Then, by (4.3) and (5.18) we have o2 R 1 4 n (0,3/2) 2 dx x (2x − 1) p 2 ν c1 (ν) −1 βbk = n o2 2 R c2 (ν) 1 6 (0,5/2) x pν−1 (2x2 − 1) dx −1 o2 R 1 4 n (0,3/2) (2x2 − 1) dx c21 (ν) 0 x pν = o2 n c22 (ν) R 1 6 (0,5/2) 2 − 1) x p (2x dx ν−1 0 R1 2 2 3/2 (0,3/2) 2c1 (ν) −1 (1+u) {pν (u)} du n o2 , = R1 (0,5/2) c22 (ν) −1 (1+u)5/2 pν−1 (u) du where in the last equality, we have used the change of variable u = 2x2 − 1. Since, from (7.3) we have Z 1 n o2 25/2 (1 + u)3/2 p(0,3/2) (u) du = , ν (2ν + 5/2) −1 and Z



n o2 (1 + u)5/2 p(0,3/2) (u) du = ν

27/2 , (2ν + 3/2)




one immediately obtains (2ν + 3/2)c21 (ν) βbk = . (2ν + 5/2)c22 (ν)

(7.10) On the other hand, we have

c1 (ν) ν = . c2 (ν) (2ν + 3/2) Inserted in (7.10), this yields the first relation in (5.20). The case k even is proved similarly.  We add a remark concerning more general nonnegative even measure dσ: In the o present case, one may verify directly that the polynomial xb πn−1 (= qn,2 ) has the matrix representation xb πn−1 (x) = det(xIn − Jn ), where   q b1 β 0 . . . 0 0   q  ..  .. ..  βb . . .  0 1   q   .. .. . Jn =   . . βbn−1 0   0   q   .. .. .  . βbn−1 0 0  0 ··· 0 0 0 n×n A trivial consequence, which, by applying Theorem 7, could also be used to show (5.21), is that dn = βbn−1 . o Remark 4. It is remarkable that, taking into account that we also have qn,2 (x, dσ) = xb πn−1 (x, dσ), ∀ dσ, the particular and convenient above structure of the matrix Jn remains valid more generally, for any nonnegative even measure dσ.

We now proceed to the proof of Lemma 3. R1 R1 2 Proof. We need only compute don = −1 xb πn−1 (x)b πn−2 (x)db σ (x)/ −1 π bn−2 (x)db σ (x), since, from (5.5) and (5.18), we have (0,5/2)

o qn,2 (x) = c2 (ν)xp(0,5/2) (2x2 − 1) + don c2 (ν − 1)xpν−1 ν

(2x2 − 1).

For this, note first that o n (0,5/2) (0,3/2) 2 4 2 − 1) dx x p (2x − 1)p (2x ν ν−1 c1 (ν) −1 o n 2 R1 c2 (ν) (0,5/2) x6 pν−1 (2x2 − 1) dx −1 n o R 1 4 (0,3/2) (0,5/2) 2 2 p (2x − 1)p (2x − 1) dx x ν ν−1 c1 (ν) 0 n o R 1 6 (0,5/2) c2 (ν) x pν−1 (2x2 − 1) dx 0 n o R1 (0,3/2) (0,5/2) 5/2 (1 + u) p (u)p (u) du ν ν−1 c1 (ν) −1 . n o2 R 1 c2 (ν) 5/2 p(0,5/2) (u) du (1 + u) ν−1 −1 R1





= From(7.3) we have Z (7.12)



n o2 (1 + u)5/2 pν(0,5/2) (u) du =

27/2 . (2ν + 3/2)




The formula (7.7), with α = 0, β = 3/2 and n = ν − 1, yields   2 (0,5/2) (0,3/2) (1 + u)pν−1 (u) = (ν + 3/2)pν−1 (u) + νpν(0,3/2) (x) . 2ν + 3/2 Therefore, one finds that Z 1 Z n o (0,5/2) 5/2 (0,3/2) (1 + u) pν (u)pν−1 (u) du = e −1


n o2 (1 + u)3/2 pν(0,3/2) (u) du,


2ν . Using this, and (7.3) with α = 0, β = 3/2 and n = ν, gives 2ν + 3/2 Z 1 n o ν (0,5/2) (u)pν−1 (u) du = 27/2 . (1 + u)5/2 p(0,3/2) ν (2ν + 3/2)(2ν + 5/2) −1

where e =

This together with (7.12) gives o n R1 (0,5/2) (0,3/2) 5/2 (u)p (u) du (1 + u) p ν ν−1 −1 ν . = n o 2 R1 (2ν + 5/2) (0,5/2) 5/2 p (1 + u) (u) du ν−1 −1 Inserted in (7.11), and also using the fact that result.

ν c1 (ν) = , this proves the c2 (ν) (2ν + 3/2) 

We pass now the proof of Lemma 4. Proof. It follows easily from (5.16) and (5.18) that o n √ R 1 √1 + u p(0,3/2) (u) du ν 2 −1 o n ω2,n = , (0,3/2) 8 (−1) pν This together with (7.5) and by a change of variable gives o n √ R 1 √1 − u p(3/2,0) (u) du ν 2 −1 o n . (7.13) ω2,n = (3/2,0) 8 (1) pν Since, from (7.2), we have (7.14)




Γ(ν + 5/2) , Γ(ν + 1)Γ(5/2)

it remains to evaluate the integral in the numerator of (7.13). To do this, once again, we appeal to the identity (7.8), with ρ = 1/2, α = 3/2 and β = 0, to obtain Z 1 n o √ Γ(ν + 1) Γ(3/2). (7.15) 1 − u p(3/2,0) (u) du = 23/2 ν Γ(ν + 5/2) −1 Finally, combining (7.15), (7.14), (7.13) and using the fact that {Γ(3/2)Γ(5/2)} = 3π 8 yields (5.22). In order to prove the explicit expression for ωn (0) we have to use an argument similar the one above. This will be omitted here.  Next we prove Lemma 5.




Proof. For simplicity, we refer to d = dn . First, (5.11) gives that d is a zero of R1 2 R1 x π bn (x)dx + d −1 x2 π bn−2 (x)dx π bn (0) + db πn−2 (0) −1 (7.16) = 2 00 . R1 R1 00 π bn (0) + db πn−2 (0) π b (x)dx + d −1 π bn−2 (x)dx −1 n As suggested in the remark after the equation (5.13), to establish the lemma, we need to find the zero d of (7.16) with smaller magnitude. To solve equation (7.16) we first remark that this is equivalent to R1 R1 1 + d −1 x2 π bn−2 (x)dx/ −1 x2 π bn (x)dx 1 + db πn−2 (0)/b πn (0) = 2f , (7.17) R1 R1 00 πn00 (0) 1 + db πn−2 (0)/b 1+d π bn−2 (x)dx/ π bn (x)dx −1


where R1 bn (x)dx π bn (0) −1 π f = 00 . R1 π bn (0) x2 π bn (x)dx −1

We chose this representation because it gives a particularly easy proof of Lemma 5. We now show that R1 2 x π bn−2 (x)dx (2v + 1/2)(2v + 3/2) =− (7.18) N1 := −1 , R1 2 v2 x π bn (x)dx −1

This follows by observing, since n = 2ν, that o R 1 2 n (0,3/2) R1 2 2 x p (2x − 1) dx x π b (x)dx ν−1 n−2 c1 (ν − 1) −1 −1 o n = R1 R 1 (0,3/2) c1 (ν) x2 π bn (x)dx x2 pν (2x2 − 1) dx −1 −1 o R 1 2 n (0,3/2) 2 c1 (ν − 1) 0 x pν−1 (2x − 1) dx o n (7.19) = c1 (ν) R 1 x2 pν(0,3/2) (2x2 − 1) dx 0 n o R1 √ (3/2,0) 1 − u p (u) du ν−1 c1 (ν − 1) −1 o , n = − R √ 1 (3/2,0) c1 (ν) (u) dx 1 − u pν −1

The result now follows by using (7.15). R1 R1 To evaluate −1 π bn−2 (x)dx/ −1 π bn (x)dx we proceed as follows: o R 1 n (0,3/2) R1 2 p (2x − 1) dx π b (x)dx ν−1 c1 (ν − 1) −1 −1 n−2 n o = R1 R 1 (0,3/2) c1 (ν) π b (x)dx pν (2x2 − 1) dx −1 n −1 o R 1 n (0,3/2) 2 c1 (ν − 1) 0 pν−1 (2x − 1) dx n o = c1 (ν) R 1 pν(0,3/2) (2x2 − 1) dx 0 o R 1 n (3/2,0) √ p (u)/ 1 − u du c1 (ν − 1) −1 ν−1 n o , = − R √ 1 (3/2,0) c1 (ν) pν (u)/ 1 − u dx −1

which, since n o √ Γ(1/2)Γ(ν + 2) √ p(3/2,0) (u)/ 1 − u dx = 2 , ν Γ(ν + 23/) −1






reduces to R1 (7.20)

N2 := −1 R1

π bn−2 (x)dx


π bn (x)dx


(v + 1/2)(2v + 1/2)(2v + 3/2) . v(v + 1)(v + 3/2)

Now using (7.2), we get from (7.5) (7.21)

D1 :=

(2v + 1/2)(2v + 3/2) π bn−2 (0) . =− π bn (0) (v + 3/2)2

00 To evaluate π bn−2 (0)/b πn00 (0), we obtain from

π bn (x) = c1 (ν)p(0,3/2) (2x2 − 1) ν by differentiation this expression twice, then set x = 0 and using (7.6) π bn00 (0) = (−1)ν−1 2(ν + 5/2)c1 (ν)

Γ(ν + 5/2) , Γ(7/2)Γ(ν)

so that (7.22)

D2 :=

00 π bn−2 (0) (ν − 1)(2v + 1/2)(2v + 3/2) = . 00 π bn (0) ν(v + 3/2)(v + 3/2)

Combining (7.18), (7.20), (7.21) and (7.22) yields 1 − N1 d 1 − D1 d = 2f , 1 − N2 d 1 − D2 d where 5(v + 1)(v + 3/2) f =− . 2v(v + 5/2) Finally, one finds, after a somewhat laborious but elementary calculation, that √ √ ν(3 + 2ν)(5 − 3 5 + (12 − 4 5)ν + 8ν 2 ) . d= (−1 + 2ν + 4ν 2 )(3 + 16ν + 16ν 2 ) The representation (5.23) now follows from (5.13). We now can prove Lemma 6. Proof. By (5.17), with the use of (5.23), we obtain R1 2 R1 bn (x)dx + dn −1 x2 π bn−2 (x)dx 1 −1 x π . ω2,n = 2 π bn (0) + dn π bn−2 (0) It turn out to be convenient for the computation to write R1 2 R1 bn (x)dx bn−2 (x)dx/ −1 x2 π 1 1 + dn −1 x π ω2,n = f , 2 1 + dn π bn−2 (0)/b πn (0) where R1 2 x π bn (x)dx f = −1 . π bn (0) Since R1 R1 bn (x)dx 1 + dn −1 x2 π bn−2 (x)dx/ −1 x2 π 1 − N1 dn d = , 1 + dn π bn−2 (0)/b πn (0) 1 − D1 dn where N1 and D1 are given by (7.18) and (7.21), we then have 1 1 − N1 d n (7.23) ω2,n = f . 2 1 − D1 dn




We also have R1

x2 π bn (x)dx −1 π bn (0)

n o (0,3/2) x2 pν (2x2 − 1) dx n o = (0,3/2) pν (−1) o R 1 2 n (0,3/2) 2 x p (2x − 1) dx ν 0 n o = 2 (0,3/2) pν (−1) n o R √ 1 (3/2,0) √ 1 − u p (u) du ν 2 −1 n o = , (3/2,0) 4 pν (1) R1


then we use (7.15) and (7.2) to obtain  2 3 Γ(3/2)Γ(ν + 1) f= , 2 Γ(ν + 5/2) which, inserted in (7.23) and using the value of dn found in Lemma (5), yields after a simple computation the desired result.  Appendix B: Proof of Theorem 11 and Corollary 2. The technique we use in the proofs is essentially the same as that in [8, 26]. We begin by the proof of Theorem 11. Proof. This is an immediate consequence of the quadrature formula (6.1) and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, combined with a cleaver idea that appears in [8]. By the quadrature formula (6.1) which is exact in P2n+1 , we have for any p ∈ Pn  m    m Z 1 d b n−m (x)dσ(x) = (2m)! d p(0) L b n−m (0)ωm,n . L p(x) x2m dxm dxm −1 Hence, using the fact that Z 1 b n−m (x)dσ(x) = (2m)!L b n−m (0)ωm,n , x2m L −1

we get R1 am =

1 m!




R1 −1

 dm p(x) π bn−m (x)dσ(x) dxm x2m π bn−m (x)dσ(x)


The theorem now follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. The sharpness of the estimate is guaranteed by the latter.  We now mention how we can prove Corollary 2 Proof. When dσ(x) = dx, using the same arguments as before, the inequality (6.3) is a simple combination of Theorem 11, the identities (7.8), (7.9) and the fact that ( −1 ) 2ν + m + 1/2 π bn−m (x) = pν(0,m+1/2) (2x2 − 1), (n − m = 2ν). ν Details are omitted for brevity.




Acknowledgment. The author would like to acknowledge B. Bojanov and Q. I. Rahman for stimulating discussions. The author would like to take this opportunity to express his acknowledgent to the INTAS for the financial support ( grant INTAS94-4070 of the European Union). References [1] R. Askey, Positive quadrature methods and positive polynomial sums, Approximation Theory 5, C.K. Chui, L. L. Schumaker and J. D. Ward, eds., Academic Press, New York, 1986, 1-30. [2] K. Atkinson and A. Sharma, a partial characterization of poised Hermite-Birkhoff interpolation problems, Siam J. Numer. Anal. 6 (1969), 230-235 [3] P. Berckmann, Orthogonal polynomials for engineers and physicists, The Golem Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1973. [4] C. Bernardi and Y. Maday, Approximations spectrales de probl` emes aux limites elliptiques, Spinger-Verlag France, Paris, 1992. [5] B. Bojanov B. and G. Nikolov, Comparison of Birkhoff type quadrature formulae, Math. Comput., 54(1990), pp. 627–648. [6] B. Bojanov, G. Grozev and A. A. Zhensykbaev, Generalized Gaussian quadrature formulas for weak Chebychev systems, in Optimal Recovery of Functions, B. Bojanov and H. Wozniakowski, eds., Nova Sciences, New York, 1992, pp. 115-140. [7] B. Bojanov and A. Guessab, Gaussian quadrature formula of Birkhoff’s type, Calcolo 34(1997), pp. 41-50. [8] B. Bojanov, An inequality of Duffin and Schaeffer type, East J. Approx. 1(1995), pp. 37-46. [9] B. Bojanov, Total positivity of the spline kernel and its applications, M. Gasca and C. A. Micchelli, eds., Total positivity and its applications, 3-34, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, pp. 3–34. [10] T. S. Chihara, An introduction to orthogonal polynomials, Math. Appl., vol. 13, Gordon & Breach, New York, 1978. [11] Ph. J. Davis and Ph. Rabinowitz, Methods of numerical integration, Academic Press, London, 1984. [12] D. K. Dimitrov, On a problem of Tur´ an:(0,2) quadrature formula with a high algebraic degree of precision, Aequationes Math. 41(1991), 230-235. [13] D. K. Dimitrov, Lacunary quadrature formulae and interpolation singularity, J. Approx. Theory 75(1993), 237-247. [14] E. A. Van Doorn, Representation and bounds for zeros of orthogonal polynomials and eigenvalues of sign-symmetric tri-diagonal matrices, J. Approx. Theory, v. 51, 1987, pp. 254–266. [15] S. Elhay and J. Kautsky, IQPACK: Fortran subroutines for the weights of interpolatory quadratures, School of Mathematical Sciences. The Flinders University of South Australia, April 1985. [16] A. Ezzirani, Construction de formules de quadrature pour des syst` emes de Chebyshev avec applications aux m´ ethodes spectrales, Th` ese de l’Universit´ e de Pau, France, 1996. [17] A. Ezzirani and A. Guessab, A fast algorithm for Gaussian type quadrature formulae with mixed boundary conditions and some lumped mass spectral approximations, to appear in Math. Comp. (1998). [18] W. Gautschi, A survey of Gauss-Christoffel quadrature formulae, in E. B. Christoffel, P. L. Butzer and F. Feh´ er, eds., Birkh¨ auser, Basel, 1981, pp. 72-147. [19] W. Gautschi, Algorithm 726: ORTHPOL— A package of routines for generating orthogonal polynomials and Gauss-type quadrature rules, ACM Trans. Math. Software 20(1994), 21–62. [20] W. Gautschi, On the construction of Gaussian rules from modified moments. Math. Comp. 24(1970), 245-260. [21] S. Goedecker, Remark on algorithms to find roots of polynomials. SIAM J. Sci. Computing 15(1994), pp. 1059–1063. [22] G. H. Golub and J. H. Welsch, Calculation of Gauss quadrature rules, Math. Comp., 23(1969), pp. 221-230. [23] G. H. Golub, Some modified matrix eigenvalue problems, SIAM Rev., 15(1973), pp. 318-334. [24] G. H. Golub and J. Kautsky, Calculation of Gauss quadratures with multiple free and fixed knots, Numer. Math., 41(1983), 147-163.




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Current address: Department of applied mathematics, University of Pau, 64000, Pau, France. E-mail address: [email protected]


A Cyclic Subgraph Methodology for Estimating de Bruijn Weight Class Distributions Gregory L. Mayhew Boeing Phantom Works P. O. Box 516 MC S306 – 5145 St Louis, MO 63166-0516 tel: 314 – 232 – 0667 email: [email protected] Abstract Order n de Bruijn sequences are the period 2n binary sequences produced by an n stage feedback shift register. At present, determining the weight class distribution of the gen-erator functions is theoretically and computationally intractable for all but the smallest n. This paper combines graphical, combinatorial, and numerical techniques to develop a method, illustrated by n=7, that estimates an unknown de Bruijn weight class distribution. 1. Introduction n -1 The order n de Bruijn sequences are the 2 2 − n period 2n binary sequences in which every binary n-tuple occurs exactly once. The de Bruijn sequences are equivalent to Hamiltonian circuits through the de Bruijn graph. The de Bruijn sequences can be algebraically constructed by n-stage nonlinear feedback shift registers and categorized by the Hamming weight of the truth tables of the generating functions [1]. The complete weight class distributions for de Bruijn sequences are known for n ≤ 6 [2]. For n ≥ 7, the extreme weight classes can be calculated by counting rooted trees of the PCR and CCR decompositions of the state vector space V(n) [1]. Since a similar algorithm is not known yet for the interior weight classes, limited information has been obtained by exhaustive computer searches [2, 3]. The de Bruijn graph contains many cyclic subgraphs which have equivalent representations as short cycles in the feedback function xn ⊕ g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) [4, 5]. These short cycles are restrictions on the odd weight truth tables for any given order n. Since exhaustive testing of truth tables is not feasible currently for most orders n, subsets of truth table states can be tested for the existence of short cycles. Convolving results from disjoint subsets produces an upper bound on each weight class in an order n distribution. The numerical and combinatorial effects of these short cycle restrictions greatly improve the bound over the combinatorial bound



obtained by counting all the cycle decompositions possible for any odd weight truth table. The underlying weight class distribution can be estimated by combining the cyclic subgraph bound with the symmetry groups [6] in an order n and the ratio of remaining truth tables to de Bruijn sequences. 2. Weight Classes The weight w of xn ⊕ g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) is the number of logical ones (Hamming weight) among the 2n-1 entries in the truth table of g(xn-1 ... x2 x1). Truth tables which produce de Bruijn sequences have odd weight between the minimum weight Z(n)-1 and the maximum weight 2n-1-Z*(n)+1, inclusive [1]. Z(n) and Z*(n) are the number of cycles from the pure and complementing cycling registers, respectively. 3. Combinatorial Upper Bound Let C(j,r) denote the binomial coefficient j choose r [7]. For odd weight feedback functions which produce de Bruijn sequences, the values at g(0) and g(2n-1-1) are 1. Each order n odd weight class w has C(2n-1-2,w-2) truth table candidates. Using order n = 7 to illustrate that this is a weak upper bound, C(62,w-2) > 257 for all odd w in 27 ≤ w ≤ 39, which means that this naive upper bound would allow placement of all order 7 de Bruijn sequences into any one of several odd weight classes. However empirical evidence indicates that all odd weight classes in the proper weight range are nonempty and that the overall de Bruijn weight class distribution has a Gaussian shape [2]. The Cyclic Subgraph Methodology uses short cycles to significantly reduce this combinatorial upper bound. 4. Ratios Collectively for an order n ≥ 7, the ratio of truth table candidates to de Bruijn sequences approaches 2n-3. At n = 7, the total number of C(2n-1-2,w-2) truth table candidates is 2,305,741,118,628,006,748 and the total number of 2 2

n -1


de Bruijn sequences is

144,115,188,075,855,872. The order 7 candidate to sequence ratio is 15.999292992. Within the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology, the quality or "goodness" metric is the reduction of this 2n-3 ratio. Individually by weight class w within an order n, this 2n-3 ratio is closely approximated only at the middle weights 2n-2-1, 2n-2+1, and 2n-2+3. The candidate to sequence ratio is significantly



higher than 2n-3 at the minimum weight Z(n)-1 and the maximum weight 2n-1-Z*(n)+1. Nevertheless, a first approximation to an order n weight class distribution is C(2n-1-2,w-2) / 2n-3 for each valid weight w. Later, this approximation will be compared with the results from the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology. 5. Cyclic Subgraphs and Short Cycles Most feedback functions with odd weight produce cycles with lengths k < 2n. These short cycles are cyclic subgraphs of the de Bruijn graph as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Let β(n,k) denote the number of distinct length k cycles producible in an n stage shift register using the feedback function xn ⊕ g(xn-1 ... x2 x1). The distinct and canonical forms of the length k cycles are the cyclic equivalency classes (CEC) in a Bounded Synchronization Code [1]. The number of CECs is β (k , k ) =

1 k


∑ μ (d )2 k / d = k ∑ μ ⎜⎝ d ⎟⎠2 k 1

d |k

d |k


For each length k cycle, there exists some shift register length m that is the shortest shift register which can produce this particular length k cycle and guarantee each state has a unique successor. This value m is the minimum span of the length k cycle. A length k cycle and its minimum span is called an [m,k] sequence [5]. (Note m is assigned here instead of the usual n to distinguish the minimum span m from the order n de Bruijn shift register.) An [m,k] sequence is a sequence of least period k in which all successive k sets of m adjacent digits (called ‘m windows’) are distinct. If m ≤ n, then the length k cycle is producible in an n stage shift register with a unique successor for each state. If m > n, then the length k cycle is not producible in an n stage shift register with a unique successor for each state. For example, the length 7 cycle (0101111) is a [4,7] cycle but not a [3,7] cycle. As will be explained later, when applied to a particular order n, Cyclic Subgraph Methodology uses [m,k] sequences with m ≤ n. Figure 1 illustrates the following cyclic subgraphs for an n=4 stage shift register: the short cycle (1) has length k=1, has minimum span m=1, and is a [1,1] sequence; the short cycle (01) has length k=2, has minimum span m=2, and is a [1,2] sequence; the short cycle (011) has length k=3, has minimum span m=2, and is a [2,3] sequence; the short cycle (0001) has length k=4, has minimum span m=3, and is a [3,4] sequence; and the short cycle (00111) has length k=5, has minimum span m=3, and is a [3,5] sequence.







0100 1001





0110 1011





Figure 1: Cycles with Lengths 1 through 5





0100 1001





0110 1011





Figure 2: Cycle with Length 14



Table I [m,k] Sequences for k ≤ 8 Cycle length k 1 2 3 4 5 6



Minimum span m 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 3 4

5 6 7

[m,k] Sequences 0, 1 01 001, 011 0011 0001, 0111 00011, 00111 00001, 00101, 01011, 01111 000111, 001011, 001101 000011, 000101, 001111, 010111 000001, 011111 0001011, 0001101, 0010111, 0011101 0000101, 0000111, 0001111, 0101111 0000011, 0010011, 0011011, 0011111 0000001, 0001001, 0101011, 0110111 0010101, 0111111 00010111, 00011101 00001011, 00001101, 00001111, 00010011, 00011001, 00101101, 00101111, 00110111, 00111011, 00111101 00000101, 00000111, 00011011, 00011111, 00100111, 00101011, 00110101, 01011111 00000011, 00001001, 00010101, 00111111, 01010111, 01101111 00000001, 01011011, 00100101, 01111111

Figure 2 illustrates the cyclic subgraph for an n=4 stage shift register with the short cycle (00001101111001) that has length k=14, has minimum span m=4, and is a [4,14] sequence. Table I categorizes the CECs for k ≤ 8 into [m,k] sequences using the lexographically least member of each CEC. Any truth table xn ⊕ g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) which produces an [m,k] sequence cannot produce a de Bruijn sequence. In a subsequent section, these [m,k] sequences become the basis of tests for length k short cycles and these tests expedite the identification of truth tables that cannot produce de Bruijn sequences.



6. Enumerating β(n,k) Observe β(n,k) is the total number of [m,k] sequences with length k and miniminum span m ≤ n. To enumberate β(n,k), first construct all cycles with length k, second test the minimum span of each length k cycle, and third tally all length k cycles with m ≤ n. The testing for minimum span proceeds directly from the notion of ‘m windows’. Let (a0, a1, ..., ak-1) be a sequence having least period k from a CEC. By definition, (a0, a1, ..., ak-1) is an [m,k] sequence only if there does not exist any i and j, 0 ≤ i < k, 0 < j < k, for which the (i+1)th ‘m window’ equals the (i+j+1)th ‘m window’, where indices are computed mod k. This ‘m window’ testing process is easily programmed on a computer. Table II summarizes the combinations of n and k at which formulas for β(n,k) are known [4, 5]. The function φk,r is defined as the number of integers t ≤ k satisfying (k,t) ≤ r, where (k,t) denotes the greatest common divisor of k and t. The applicable domains for these formulas are illustrated in Figure 3. Table III extends previous results by enumerating β(n,k) in the unsolved region labelled D in Table II and in Figure 3. An arrow indicates that the value perpetuates in that row or column. When the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology is applied to a particular order n, β(n,k) represents the maximum number of tests for short cycles at each length k. 7. Short Cycle Testing The [m,k] sequences become the basis for tests which expedite the identification of truth tables that cannot produce de Bruijn sequences. By this method alone, testing truth tables for subcycles up to one-third the sequence length is required to verify a particular truth table produces a de Bruijn sequence. In practice, the majority of invalid truth tables can be quickly eliminated with some subcycle testing and the remaining truth tables tested by attempting to construct a full period sequence from the particular truth table. Theorem: If m ≤ n, then a cycle of length k with minimum span m can be structured into a logical test for an n stage shift register that eliminates truth tables which contain that particular length k cycle.



Table II Formulas for β(n,k) Region A B C


Domain n>k n=k 0 ≤ s = k-n ≤ 1/4 k+1

β (n, k ) = β (k , k ) β (n, k ) = β (k , k ) s − 2 s −t − 2

β (n, k ) = β (k , k ) − 2 s − 2 φ k ,s −1 − ∑ t =1

j 0 2 q 1 (s

β (n, k ) = β (k , k ) − 4φ k ,3 − 2(k ,2) + 10 β (n, k ) = β (k , k ) − 8φ k , 4 − (k ,3) + 19 β (n, k ) = β (k , k ) − 16φ k ,5 − 4(k ,2) − 2(k ,3) + 48


k=2 k>2

β (n, k ) = 2 2 β (n, k ) = 0




de Bruijn sequences

Shift Register Stages n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2










6 Cycle Length k


μ (q)2 d ∑ ≤ < + − −

β (n, k ) = β (k , k ) β (n, k ) = β (k , k ) − φ k β (n, k ) = β (k , k ) − 2φ k , 2 + 2

n=k-1 n=k-2 n=k-3 n=k-4 n=k-5 n=k-6 D E










10 11






13 14


15 16



Figure 3: Domains for β(n,k) Formulas


j) / t


+e j



Table III Values of β(n,k) for n ≤ 12 and k ≤ 17 k\n














































































































































3 6 9 18 30 56 99

Proof: Let (a0, a1, ..., ak-1) be a sequence having least period k from a CEC. Length k subcycles are constructed in an order n shift register as follows. The methods are slightly different for k < n and n ≤ k < 2n, where k is the cycle length and n is the register length. For k < n, the fundamental sequence is extended cyclically until its new length k' > n. Once n < k or k' < 2n, the ‘n windows’ test is the following. For 0 ≤ j ≤ k-1 construct k ‘n+1 windows’, (aj, aj+1, ..., aj+n-1, aj+n), where indices are computed modulo k. Note that (aj, aj+1, ..., aj+n-1) represents the truth table state (xn xn-1 ... x2 x1) and (aj+n) represents the value of xn ⊕ g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) at that state. Because the bottom half of the truth table is the complement of the top half for a de Bruijn sequence, all conditions on xn ⊕ g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) can be translated to conditions on g(xn-1 ... x2 x1). A valid test exists on g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) for that k cycle if four conditions are



satisfied. First, all ‘n windows’ are distinct because m ≤ n. Second, if the all zeros state is part of the k cycle, then g(0)=1. Third, if the all ones state is part of the k cycle, then g(2n-1-1)=1. Fourth, translation of truth table state assignments from the bottom half to the top half does not create any conflicting assignments for g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) at some state because m ≤ n. As examples, consider length k cycles in a n=7 stage shift register. The length 2 cycle (01) exists if g(21)=1 and g(42)=1. The length 3 cycle (001) exists if g(9)=1 and g(18)=0 and g(36)=1. Similarly, the length 4 cycle (0111) exists if g(29)=0 and g(46)=0 and g(55)=1 and g(59)=1. Likewise, the length 9 cycle (000100101) exists if g(4)=0 and g(9)=0 and g(10)=1 and g(17)=1 and g(18)=1 and g(20)=0 and g(34)=0 and g(37)=0 and g(40)=1. Note that different length k cycles can place different conditions on some subset of states. Again, as an example, consider length k cycles in a n=7 stage shift register. The length 3 cycle (001) requires g(9)=1 and g(18)=0 whereas the length 9 cycle (000100101) requires g(9)=0 and g(18)=1. Theorem: If a feedback function g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) with odd weight w, Z(n)-1 ≤ odd weight ≤ 2n-1-Z*(n)+1, does not produce any length k cycle for 1 ≤ k ≤ 2n/3, then g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) produces a de Bruijn sequence. Proof: For n > 2, the number of cycles into which the n dimensional vector space V(n) is decomposed by a shift register is even or odd according to whether weight w is even or odd [1]. All truth tables producing de Bruin sequences have odd weight. So if one cycle is not produced, then three is the least number of subcycles possible. Any subcycle longer than 2n/3 also produces a subcycle shorter than 2n/3, so subcycle testing up to 2n/3 determines whether or not the truth table produces a period 2n sequence. 8. Cyclic Subgraph Methodology The exact and complete weight class distribution for any order n ≥ 7 could be determined by producing all feedback functions g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) with odd weight, testing these feedback functions for the β(n,k) cycles with length k ≤ 2n/3, and then counting only those feedback functions which produce full period sequences. Testing for all short cycles with lengths 2 ≤ k ≤ 2n/3 requires variable access across all states in g(xn-1 ... x2 x1). However, this approach currently is not feasible due to combinatorial size with readily available computer resources.



On the other hand, partitioning the states into feasible combinatorial sizes, testing these disjoint partitions for short cycles with lengths 2 ≤ k ≤ 2n/3, and then convolving the results is an approach that is currently feasible. Some short cycle tests may not be included because they could have states in more than one partition. Also, the lengths of cycles tested could be less than 2n/3 because the partitions may not have sufficient states to support the longer cycles. As a result, this alternate approach produces an upper bound rather than counting exactly the number of de Bruijn sequences in any or all weight classes for that order n. The Cyclic Subgraph Methodology for a particular order n has these steps. 1) Determine the cardinality s of the largest set of states for which all 2s conditions in g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) can be examined for length k cycles. 2) Set length k=2. Initialize all partitions Pi to the null set of states from g(xn-1 ... x2 x1). 3) Select an unassigned short cycle with length k from the [m,k] sequences with m ≤ n. If all short cycles of length k with m ≤ n have been considered, then increment k while 2 ≤ k ≤ 2n/3 and return to the start of step 3. 4) Determine the test conditions on states in function g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) for the existence this length k cycle. Valid conditions are produced only when the [m,k] sequence has m ≤ n. 5) The states used in the test for that length k cycle are assigned to some partition {P0, P1, ..., Pj} of states of g(xn-1 ... x2 x1) provided these conditions are satisfied: i) if all of the states do not exist in any partition, create a new partition. ii) if some of the states exist in one partition and the other states do not exist in any partition, add the unassigned states to the existing partition provided the maximum partition size s is not exceeded (otherwise discard the length k cycle). iii) if some of the states exist in one partition and the other states exist in another partition, merge the two partitions provided the maximum partition size s is not exceeded (otherwise discard the length k cycle). 6) Return to step 3 until short cycles with increasing lengths cannot be included due to the constraints on partitions (e.g., size, disjoint). 7) For each partition {P0, P1, ..., Pj}, build all 2p binary patterns on the p = |Pi| states in partition Pi. Test each pattern for the short cycles which defined that partition. Patterns with short cycles are eliminated. Count the remaining patterns by weight.



8) The overall result, the count of the remaining patterns by total weight w, is obtained by combining the partial results from two partitions at a time until the results of all partitions {P0, P1, ..., Pj} are merged. Suppose two partitions Pt and Pu contain t and u states, respectively. The count of surviving patterns of weight r with 0 ≤ r ≤ w is obtained by combining two partitions at a time using the Vandermonde Identity [7] ⎛ t + u ⎞ r ⎛ t ⎞⎛ u ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ∑ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜⎜ ⎝ r ⎠ i =0 ⎝ i ⎠⎝ r −

⎞ ⎟⎟ i⎠

9) Determine the performance metric for the results. For an individual weight class w, compare the final results with C(2n-1-2,w-2). For a weight class distribution for order n, sum the final results for all weight classes, divide this sum by the number of order n de Bruijn sequences, and compare the quotient with 2n-3. Note that step 3 gives preference to the shortest available subcycle since intuitively a shorter subcycle eliminates more invalid truth tables than a longer subcycle. Furthermore, step 7 eliminates truth tables which produces short cycles and counts the survivors. Invariably, if there is more than one partition and step 7 does not use all cycles up to length 2n/3, then the results are an upper bound rather than the exact number of de Bruijn sequences. Also, if a particular partition was determined by a small number of k cycles, then the number of surviving binary patterns on the states could be counted analytically using inclusion / exclusion [7] rather than by exhaustive testing. 9. Order 7 Cyclic Subgraph Bound Order 7 is the smallest order for which the complete weight class distribution is unknown. Order 7 also has some partial results available for comparative purposes so this order illustrates the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology application. The computations were performed using a Sun Ultra 60 workstation which contains a Superscalar Ultra SPARC-II version 9 CPU operating at 300 MHz, 2 Megabyte cache, 4 Gigabyte of RAM, and Solaris 6.2 operating system. The numerical algorithms were written in the C programming language. Given these computer resources, the limit on partition size was 36 states. This was borne out in the CPU time profile discussed later. The initial partitions were determined by the length 2, 3, 4, and 5 cycles. All possible combinations of merging these partitions were considered



based on including the maximum number of length 6 and 7 cycles while not exceeding 36 states total. This resulted in two partitions labelled River and Ocean (for convenience) as shown in Table IV. Note that the length 6 cycles (001011), (001101), and (000011) are not included because they each have states in both partitions.

Name River (26 states)

Ocean (36 states)

Table IV Summary of Order 7 Partitions States in g(x6x5x4x3x2x1) Short Cycles k ≤ 7 in Partition 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 01, 001, 0001, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 32, 00101, 00001, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 48, 000101, 000001, 50, 52, 0000101, 0000001, 0001001, 0010101 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 011, 0011, 0111, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 00011, 00111, 01011, 01111, 35, 38, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 000111, 001111, 010111, 011111, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 0001111, 0101111, 0011011, 0011111, 59, 60, 61, 62 0110111

Cycles up to length 25 were included as possible in the appropriate partition. Table V summarizes the number of short cycle tests included in each partition, where β(n,k) defines the maximum number of cycles which could have been included at any length k. All 226 and 236 binary patterns on the states in the River and Ocean partitions, respectively, were constructed, examined for short cycles, and tallied by weight if they survived. The Ocean partition was tested up to length 10, 13, 16, and 25 cycles in order to investigate the point of diminishing returns for including longer cycle lengths. The CPU hours required and the percent of remaining Ocean patterns are shown in Table VI. The Ocean program execution time in CPU hours exhibited a profile given by



⎛ 36 ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ 3 ⋅10 −9 3 (k-10 ) / 3 ⎝r⎠

where r is the pattern weight and k is the maximum length subcycle tested.


Table V Short Cycle Test Summary for Cyclic Subgraph Upper Bound of Order 7 de Bruijn Weight Class Distribution Short Total River Ocean Cycle Cycles Cycles Cycles β(7,k) Length k Tested Tested Tested 2 1 1 1 0 3 2 2 1 1 4 3 3 1 2 5 6 6 2 4 6 9 6 2 4 7 18 9 4 5 8 30 12 4 8 9 50 17 5 12 10 85 22 5 17 11 154 30 7 23 12 271 44 9 35 13 482 65 13 52 14 877 97 18 79 15 1,502 116 14 102 16 2,638 152 21 131 17 4,618 209 13 196 18 8,105 292 16 276 19 14,262 396 12 384 20 24,931 499 14 485 21 43,912 668 26 642 22 76.236 861 20 841 23 132,632 1,164 36 1,128 24 229,990 1,446 16 1,430 25 397,260 1,700 0 1,700

Maximum Length Cycle k 10 13 16 25

Table VI Ocean Partition Profile Percent CPU Hours Patterns Remaining 206 55.734032 620 53.047629 1,860 51.866302 50,145 50.959738




The River and Ocean results were combined for each weight class w using w− 2

∑ 26 Riveri

36 Ocean w − 2 −i

i =0

(dual of Vandermonde Identity) to yield an upper bound for that weight class as shown in Table VII. Summing all weight class bounds and dividing by the 257 sequences yields an overall ratio of 4.077159482. The Cyclic Subgraph Methodology metric is a 74.52 percent reduction of the 15.999292992 metric from the original combinatorial based upper bound on weight class sizes.

Weight Class 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 Total Ratio

Table VII Upper Bounds on Weight Class Distribution of Order 7 de Bruijn Sequences Naive Upper Cyclic Subgraph Bound C(62,w-2) Upper Bound D(7,w) 739,632,519,584,070 98,666,900,393,138 4,282,083,008,118,300 774,674,197,918,760 18,412,956,934,908,690 4,017,542,518,481,138 59,678,358,445,158,600 14,542,557,734,155,318 147,405,545,359,541,742 38,106,646,712,313,044 279,692,573,246,309,972 74,084,027,212,710,224 409,894,288,378,212,890 108,641,336,612,781,434 465,428,353,255,261,088 121,460,568,740,676,744 409,894,288,378,212,890 104,147,518,340,124,508 279,692,573,246,309,972 68,634,482,648,537,036 147,405,545,359,541,742 34,714,653,123,132,692 59,678,358,445,158,600 13,413,012,490,444,814 18,412,956,934,908,690 3,927,199,071,108,794 4,282,083,008,118,300 861,077,229,690,120 739,632,519,584,070 139,077,193,488,948 93,052,749,919,920 16,177,749,516,244 8,308,281,242,850 1,313,493,786,292 508,271,323,092 71,175,705,612 20,286,591,270 2,406,502,980 2,305,741,118,628,006,748 587,580,605,551,467,840 15.999292992 4.077159482



10. Order 7 Weight Class Distribution A combinatorial based approximation to an order n de Bruijn weight class distribution is given by C(2n-1-2,w-2) / 2n-3 for each odd weight w, Z(n)-1 ≤ w ≤ 2n-1-Z*(n)+1. This is each weight class binomial coefficient size divided by the overall ratio of the sum of the weight class sizes to the number of de Bruijn sequences. Using the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology, the underlying order n weight class distribution is estimated by combining the calculated upper bound with the symmetry groups in an order n and the ratio of remaining truth tables to de Bruijn sequences. Let D(n,w) be the upper bound of the weight class w which results from the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology. Let R(n) be the overall ratio of the sum of the weight class sizes to the number of order n de Bruijn sequences. Let E(n,w) be the estimate of the number of order n de Bruijn sequences in each weight class w. Then R(n) and E(n,w) are R ( n) =

2 n -1 − Z *( n ) +1

∑ D(n, w)


n −1


E (n, w) = D(n, w) R(n) .


The de Bruijn weight classes within an order n contain large symmetry groups [6]. Thus the estimate for each weight class is conveniently and more concisely expressed in terms of the coefficient in each weight class. Order 7 is the smallest order for which the complete weight class distribution is unknown. Order 7 also has some partial results available [2, 3] for comparative purposes so this order will be used to illustrate and apply this weight class estimating methodology. In order 7, each weight class has a symmetry group of 226 sequences [2, 6]. The coefficient estimates for the order 7 de Bruijn sequences per weight classes are shown in Table VIII. The first estimate is given by C(62,w-2) / (15.999292992 • 226). The second estimate is D(7,w) / (4.077159482 • 226), where D(7,w) is the appropriate entry from Table VII. Actual coefficients are listed where known. In all order 7 weight classes for which the actual coefficient is known, the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology estimate is much closer than the combinatorial based value. Presumably, the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology estimate at weight class 19 would have been even closer if more length 7 cycle tests could have been included. The Cyclic Subgraph Methodology estimates also suggest that the middle weight classes 2n-2-1 and 2n-2+1 contain more order 7 de Bruijn sequences than suggested by the combinatorial bound and 2n-3 ratio.



Weight Class 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 Total

Table VIII Coefficient Estimates for Weight Class Distribution of Order 7 de Bruijn Sequences Coefficient from Coefficient from Actual C(62,w-2) Bound D(7,w) Bound Coefficient [2, 3] 688,867 360,607 91,125 3,988,177 2,831,271 17,149,160 14,683,274 55,582,259 53,149,993 137,288,178 139,271,787 260,495,518 270,761,553 381,760,673 397,061,257 433,483,087 443,912,857 381,760,673 380,637,296 260,495,518 250,844,612 137,288,178 126,874,763 55,582,259 49,021,742 17,149,160 14,353,087 3,988,177 3,147,056 688,867 508,298 86,666 59,126 52,240 7,738 4,800 3,773 474 260 160 19 9 3 2,147,483,648 2,147,483,648

In the two order 7 weight classes for which intermediate projections are available, the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology estimate also is closer that the combinatorial derived estimate. A computer program written in C is currently being used to attempt an “exhaustive search” of order 7 de Bruijn weight classes 21 and 47. Weight classes 21 and 47 have 4,282 trillion and 739 trillion truth table candidate cases, respectively, for an unknown number of sequences. From these searches, the weight class 21 and 47 estimates are 1,259,021 * 226 sequences and 526,578 * 226 sequences, respectively. As seen in Table VIII, both of these estimates are more consistent with the estimates from the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology than the estimates from the combinatorial upper bound method. Finally, empirical evidence again indicates that the valid order 7 weight classes are nonempty and the overall order 7 weight class distribution has a Gaussian shape (albeit truncated on the low weight side).



11. Conclusions At present, the weight class distributions of the de Bruijn sequence generator functions are theoretically unresolved and computationally intractable for all but the smallest orders n. As a benchmark, a computer program was constructed for an exhaustive search of order 7 de Bruijn weight classes 21 and 47. With the same workstation resources, this program examines 1 billion cases per CPU hour. At this rate, completely examining the order 7 weight classes would require 2.3 billion CPU hours. As an alternative to exact weight class distributions which are currently unattainable, graphical, numerical, and combinatorial techniques were combined to develop a method for estimating an unknown de Bruijn weight class distribution. With just 50 thousand CPU hours, the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology produced a higher fidelity estimate than the combinatorial derived approach as measured by the known partial order 7 de Bruijn weight class distribution. Perhaps access to a specialized processor such as a hypercube might lead to more data points on the order 7 weight class distribution and provide an opportunity to further assess the accuracy of the estimates based on the Cyclic Subgraph Methodology presented herein. 12. References [1] H. Fredricksen, “A survey of full length nonlinear shift register cycle algorithms”, SIAM Review 24, 1982, pp. 195-229. [2] G. L. Mayhew, “Weight class distributions of de Bruijn sequences”, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 126, 1994, pp. 425-429. [3] G. L. Mayhew, “Further results on de Bruijn weight classes”, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 232, 2001, pp. 171-173. [4] P. Bryant and J. Christensen, “The enumeration of shift register sequences”, Journal Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol. 35, 1983, pp. 154-172. [5] Z. Wan, R. Xiong, and M. Yu, “On the number of cycles of short length in the de Bruijn Good Graph Gn”, Discrete Mathematics, Vol 62, 1986, pp. 85-98. [6] E. R. Hauge and J. Mykkeltveit, “The analysis of de Bruijn sequences of nonextremal weight”, Discrete Mathematics, Vol 189, 1998, pp. 133-147. [7] D. Cohen, Basic Techniques of Combinatorial Theory, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1978.



A Positive Linear Operator for the Approximation of Functions of Two Variables Alexandra Ciupa Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania e-mail: [email protected] Abstract. We consider a positive linear operator Pm,n defined on the space of functions of two variables having exponential growth at infinity. We study the properties of approximation of a function f by means of its image Pm,n f and we estimate the order of approximation.


Introduction In a recent paper [2], using a method given by A. Jakimovski and D. Leviatan [3], we

introduced a generalized Szasz type operator. Let us remind it and some of its properties. We denote the weight function by wp (x) = e−px , x ≥ 0, where p > 0 and we consider Cp = {f ∈ C[0, ∞) : wp f is uniform continuous and bounded on [0, ∞)}, with the norm kf kp = sup wp (x)|f (x)|. x∈[0,∞)

We define the positive linear operators ∞

X 1 Pn (f ; x) = p2k (nx)f ch1chnx k=0 1

2k n




where f ∈ Cp , chx is the hyperbolic cosine of x and p2k are the polynomials defined by the relation chuchux =


∞ X

p2k (x)u2k ,


that is p2k (x) =

(1 + x)2k + (1 − x)2k . 2(2k)!

We will use some properties of operator Pn . Lemma A. If x ∈ [0, ∞) and n ∈ N, we have Pn (e0 ; x) = 1 Pn (e1 ; x) = xthnx +

1 th1 n

x 1 Pn (e2 ; x) = x2 + (1 + 2th1) thnx + 2 (1 + th1) n n and Pn ((t − x)2 ; x) ≤

3 (x + 1), n

where ei (x) = xi , i ∈ {0, 1, 2} and thx is the hyperbolic tangent of x. Lemma B. Let p > 0, r > p and n0 be a natural number such that n0 > For all x ∈ [0, ∞) and n ≥ n0 we have ch ep/n wr (x)Pn (e ; x) ≤ 2 ch1


and  ch ep/n x + 1 wr (x)Pn ((t − x) e ; x) ≤ Ap,r · , ch1 n 2 pt

where Ap,r is a positive constant depending only on p and r. Lemma C. If f ∈ Cp and r, p and n0 are numbers like in Lemma B, then kPn f kr ≤ 2kf kp

ch(ep ) . ch1

p . ln r − ln p




Definition of operators in two variables Now we consider an extension of operator Pn to the case of two variables. We denote by C(R2+ ) the space of real valued functions of two variables, continuous

on R2+ = {(x, y) : x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0}. We will use the weight function wp (x) = e−px , x ≥ 0, p > 0 and we will consider for p, q > 0 and (x, y) ∈ R2+ the weight wp,q (x, y) = wp (x)wq (y). Let Cp,q = {f ∈ C(R2+ ) : wp,q f is uniform continuous and bounded on R2+ }, with the norm kf kp,q =


sup wp,q (x, y)|f (x, y)|. (x,y)∈R2+

For each f ∈ Cp,q we consider the following positive linear operator   ∞ X ∞ X 1 2j 2k Pm,n (f ; x, y) = 2 , p2j (mx)p2k (ny)f , m n ch 1chmxchny j=0 k=0


where m, n ∈ N, (x, y) ∈ R2+ . Remark 1. If p2k are defined by the relation chux =

∞ X

p2k (x)u2k ,


we obtain p2k (x) =

x2k , (2k)!

and we get to the operators considered by M. Lesniewicz and L. Rempulska [4]   ∞ X ∞ X 2j 2k 1 (mx)2j (ny)2k . Lm,n (f ; x, y) = · f , chmxchny j=0 k=0 (2j)! (2k)! m n Remark 2. If f (x, y) = f1 (x)f2 (y) with f1 ∈ Cp , f2 ∈ Cq , p > 0, q > 0, then for all (x, y) ∈ R2+ and m, n ∈ N, the following holds (4)

Pm,n (f ; x, y) = Pm (f1 ; x)Pn (f2 ; y).




Some properties of Pm,n operators In order to study the approximation properties of Pm,n operators we need some

auxiliary results. First we study the effect of the operators on the test functions. Lemma 1. If (x, y) ∈ R2+ and m, n ∈ N the following holds: Pm,n (e0,0 ; x, y) = 1 1 th1 m 1 Pm,n (e0,1 ; x, y) = ythny + th1 n  x   1 y 1 2 2 Pm,n (e2,2 ; x, y) = x + y + (1 + 2th1) thmx + thny + (1 + th1) + m n m2 n2 Pm,n (e1,0 ; x, y) = xthmx +

where e0,0 (t, τ ) = 1, e1,0 (t, τ ) = t, e0,1 (t, τ ) = τ and e2,2 (t, τ ) = t2 + τ 2 . Proof. The easiest way to prove these relations is to use remark 2 and Lemma A. We can also obtain these results by calculus. For instance ∞ ∞ X X 1 2j Pm,n (e1,0 ; x, y) = 2 p2k (ny) p2j (mx) . m ch 1chmxchny k=0 j=0

From (1) we have: ∞ X

p2k (ny) = ch1chny.


By using the derivative of (1) with respect to the variable u and replacing u by 1 and x by mx it results ∞ X

p2j (mx)


2j 1 = sh1chmx + xch1shmx. m m

Hence Pm,n (e1,0 ; x, y) = xthmx +

1 th1. m

Lemma 2. Let p, q > 0, r > p, s > q be fixed numbers. We consider m0 , n0 natural numbers such that m0 >

p ln r − ln p


n0 >

q . ln s − ln q



Then for all m ≥ m0 and n ≥ n0 the following holds ch(ep )ch(eq ) . ≤ 4kf kp,q ch2 1

kPm,n kr,s

Proof. For all (x, y) ∈ R2+ , we have wr,s (x, y)|Pm,n (x, y)| ≤   ∞ X 1 2j 2k , ≤ wr,s (x, y) 2 p2j (mx)p2k (ny) f . m n ch 1chmxchny j,k=0 According to relation (2), we have   2k 2j q 2k ≤ kf kp,q ep 2j f me n , , m n hence wr,s (x, y)|Pm,n (x, y)| ≤ wr,s (x, y) ·kf kp,q

∞ X

1 · ch 1chmxchny 2



p2j (mx)p2k (ny)ep m eq n =


= wr (x)ws (y)kf kp,q Pm (ept ; x)Pn (eqτ ; y) ≤ ≤ kf kp,q kPm ep kr kPn eq ks . Now we can use Lemma C and we get to the desired inequality. Theorem 1. Let p, q > 0 and r > p, s > q be fixed numbers. 1 If f ∈ Cp,q and m0 , n0 are natural numbers such that

m0 >

p ln r − ln p


n0 >

q , ln s − ln q

then there is a positive constant Kp,q,r,s depending on p, q, r, s such that wr,s (x, y)|Pm,n (f ; x, y) − f (x, y)| ≤



r ≤ Kp,q,r,s kfx0 kp,q

x+1 + kfy0 kp,q m


y+1 n

! .

1 and all (t, τ ) ∈ R2+ we have Proof. Let (x, y) ∈ R2+ be a fixed point. For f ∈ Cp,q t


fu0 (u, τ )du

f (t, τ ) − f (x, y) =



fv0 (x, v)dv




and, for m, n ∈ N, t


fu0 (u, τ )du; x, y

Pm,n (f ; x, y) − f (x, y) = Pm,n





fv0 (x, v)dv; x, y




We multiply this relation by the weight function and we have Z


wr,s (x, y)|Pm,n (f ; x, y) − f (x, y)| ≤ wr,s Pm,n

fu0 (u, τ )du; x, y


Z +wr,s (x, y)Pm,n


fv0 (x, v)dv; x, y



According to relation (2) we can write Z t Z t fu0 (u, τ )du ≤ kfx0 kp,q epu eqτ du ≤ x


≤ kfx0 kp,q eqτ (ept + epx )|t − x|. In the same way we obtain Z



fv0 (x, v)dv

≤ kfy0 kp,q ept (eqτ + eqy )|τ − y|.

Using this inequalities it results: wr,s (x, y)|Pm,n (f ; x, y) − f (x, y)| ≤ ≤ wr,s kfx0 kp,q Pm,n (eqτ (ept + epx )|t − x|; x, y)+ +wr,s kfy0 kp,q Pm,n (ept (eqτ + eqy )|τ − y|; x, y) = Am,n + Bm,n .




Next we will use remark 2 and we can write Am,n = e−rx e−sy kfx0 kp,q Pn (eqτ ; y){Pm (ept |t − x|; x) + epx Pm (|t − x|; x)} and Bm,n = e−rx e−sy kfy0 kp,q Pm (ept ; x){Pn (eqτ |τ − y|; y) + eqy Pn (|τ − y|; y)}. We will focus on Am,n and we try to estimate it. We can apply Lemma B and Cauchy’s inequality and we obtain:  ch eq/n qτ ws (y)Pn (e ; y) ≤ 2 ch1 and wr (x)Pm (|t − x|ept ; x) ≤


wr (x)Pm (ept ; x) ·


wr (x)Pm ((t − x)2 ept ; x).

Also wr (x)epx Pm (|t − x|; x) ≤


Pm ((t − x)2 ; x) · e(p−r)x .

By making use of these inequalities and Lemma B we obtain  s  r q/n  p/m ch e 2ch e ch (ep/m ) x + 1 Am,n ≤ kfx0 kp,q · 2 · Ap,r · + ch1  ch1 ch1 m r (p−r)x


3(x + 1) m


r =

kfx0 kp,q Kp,r

x+1 . m

In the same way we obtain r Bm,n ≤

kfy0 kp,q Kq,s

y+1 . n

By adding Am,n and Bm,n we get the desired result.


Estimate of the order of approximation Now we will estimate the order of approximation of function f ∈ Cp,q by operators

Pm,n .



For u ≥ 0, v ≥ 0 and f ∈ Cp,q we consider ∆u,v f (x, y) = f (x + u, y + v) − f (x, y) and the modulus of continuity ω(f, Cp,q ; h, δ) = sup k∆u,v f (·, ·)kp,q .


0≤u≤h 0≤v≤δ

Theorem 2. Let p > 0, q > 0, f ∈ Cp,q and let r > p, s > q be fixed numbers. If m0 , n0 are fixed numbers such that m0 >

p ln r − ln p


n0 >

q , ln s − ln q

then there is a positive constant K depending only on p, q, r, s such that ! r r x+1 y+1 wr,s (x, y)|Pm,n (f ; x, y) − f (x, y)| ≤ Kω f, Cp,q ; , m n holds for all (x, y) ∈ R2+ and m ≥ m0 , n ≥ n0 . Proof. We consider the Steklov mean of f ∈ Cp,q fh,δ

1 = hδ





f (x + u, y + v)du dv 0


where h, δ > 0 and (x, y) ∈ R2+ . We have Z hZ δ 1 fh,δ (x, y) − f (x, y) = [f (x + u, y + v) − f (x, y)]du dv = hδ 0 0 Z hZ δ 1 ∆u,v f (x, y)du dv. = hδ 0 0 Because ∂fh,δ 1 (x, y) = ∂x hδ


∂fh,δ 1 (x, y) = ∂y hδ



[f (x + h, y + v) − f (x, y + v)]dv 0

and h

[f (x + u, y + δ) − f (x + u, y)]du 0


1 it results that fh,δ ∈ Cp,q .

By making use of relations (2) and (5) we can write successively: (6)

kfh,δ − f kp,q =

sup wp,q (x, y)|fh,δ (x, y) − f (x, y)| = (x,y)∈R2+

Z Z 1 h δ ∆u,v f (x, y)du dv ≤ = sup wp,q (x, y) hδ 0 0 (x,y)∈R2+ Z hZ δ 1 ≤ sup wp,q (x, y)|∆u,v f (x, y)|du dv = hδ 0 0 (x,y)∈R2+ Z hZ δ 1 = k∆u,v f kp,q du dv ≤ hδ 0 0 Z hZ δ 1 sup k∆u,v f (·, ·)kp,q du dv = ω(f, Cp,q ; h, δ). ≤ hδ 0 0 0≤u≤h 0≤v≤δ

Next we can proceed in the same way:

∂fh,δ ∂fh,δ


∂x = sup 2 wp,q (x, y) ∂x (x, y) = (x,y)∈R+ p,q Z 1 δ = sup wp,q (x, y) [f (x + h, y + v) − f (x, y + v)]dv = hδ 0 (x,y)∈R2+ Z δ 1 = sup wp,q (x, y) [f (x + h, y + v) − f (x, y) + f (x, y) − f (x, y + v)]dv ≤ hδ 0 (x,y)∈R2+ Z δ 1 ≤ sup wp,q (x, y) (|∆h,v f (x, y)| + |∆0,v f (x, y)|)dv = hδ 0 (x,y)∈R2+ Z δ 1 = (k∆h,v f (·, ·)kp,q + k∆0,v f (·, ·)kp,q )dv ≤ hδ 0 Z δ 2 2 ≤ sup k∆u,v f (·, ·)kp,q dv = ω(f, Cp,q ; h, δ). hδ 0 0≤u≤h h 0≤v≤δ

In a similar manner one obtains:

∂fh,δ 2


∂y ≤ δ ω(f, Cp,q ; h, δ). p,q For every fixed (x, y) ∈ R2+ , r > p, s > q, h, δ > 0 we have wr,s |Pm,n (f ; x, y) − f (x, y)| ≤ wr,s {|Pm,n (f − fh,δ ; x, y)|+




+|Pm,n (fh,δ ; x, y) − fh,δ (x, y)| + |fh,δ (x, y) − f (x, y)|}. Using Lemma 2 and (6) for all m ≥ m0 and n ≥ n0 , it results: wr,s |Pm,n (f − fh,δ ; x, y)| ≤ 4kf − fh,δ kp,q ≤ 4ω(f, Cp,q ; h, δ)

ch(ep )ch(eq ) ≤ ch2 1

ch(ep )ch(eq ) . ch2 1

Now we apply Theorem 1 and relations (7), (8) and so, for all m ≥ m0 and n ≥ n0 , one obtains: wr,s |Pm,n (fh,δ ; x, y) − fh,δ (x, y)| ≤ !




∂fh,δ x + 1 y + 1

≤ Kp,q,r,s + ≤


∂x m n p,q p,q ! r r 1 x+1 1 y+1 ≤ 2Kp,q,r,s ω(f, Cp,q ; h, δ) + . h m δ n Therefore, for all m ≥ m0 , n ≥ n0 , h, δ > 0 it results that:  ch(ep )ch(eq ) wr,s (x, y)|Pm,n (f ; x, y) − f (x, y)| ≤ 4 + ch2 1 ! # r r 1 x+1 1 y+1 + + 1 ω(f, Cp,q ; h, δ). +2Kp,q,r,s h m δ n r r x+1 y+1 Now we choose h = ,δ= and we get to the desired result. m n From this theorem we can extract a result which we also obtained from Lemma 1. Corollary. If f ∈ Cp,q , with p, q > 0, then lim Pm,n (f ; x, y) = f (x, y)


for all (x, y) ∈ R2+ , the convergence being uniform on every rectangle [0, a] × [0, b], a > 0, b > 0.



References [1] M. Becker, D. Kucharski, R.J. Nessel, Global approximation theorems for the SzaszMirakjan operators in exponential weight spaces, Linear Spaces and Approximation (Proc. Conf. Oberwolfach, 1977), Birkh¨auser Verlag, Basel, ISNM 40(1978), 319-333. [2] Alexandra Ciupa, Approximation by a Generalized Szasz Type Operator, J. Comp. Anal. Appl., vol.5, no.4, October 2003, 413-424. [3] A. Jakimovski, D. Leviatan, Generalized Szasz operators for the approximation in the infinite interval, Mathematica (Cluj), 34, 1969, 97-103. [4] M. Le´sniewicz, L. Rempulska, Approximation by some operators of Szasz-Mirakjan type in exponential weight spaces, Glasnik Matematiˇcki, Vol.32(52), 1997, 57-69. Department of Mathematics Technical University Cluj-Napoca Str. C. Daicoviciu nr.15 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania



On the solution structures of a class of semilinear elliptic equations on Rd Nedra Belhaj Rhouma Institut Pr´eparatoire aux Etudes d’Ing´enieurs de Tunis.Tunisia February 16, 2006



In this paper, we consider the semilinear elliptic equation of the form Lu − k1 f1 (u)u − k2 f2 (u)u = 0 in IRd , d ≥ 3,


where the operator L is in the following form: L=

d X i,j=1

aij (x)

d X ∂2 ∂ bi (x) + + c(x) ∂xi ∂xj i=1 ∂xi

k1 and k2 are given Green-tight functions defined on IRd , f1 and f2 are nonnegative continuous functions. We shall prove the existence of two types of solutions of (1): 1. Positive solutions uc of (1) satisfying uc (x) → c as |x| → ∞ for some c ≥ 0.


2. Maximal solution uT where uT = sup {u(x) : u is a positive solution of (1) such that u ≥ T } . Then we give the asymptotic behaviour of the maximal solution. We show −ν that if k2 ∼ = |x| near ∞ for some ν > 2, , then 1




Um0 (x) = O(|x| q−1 ) when

d P

|bi | = 6 0 and



Um0 (x) = O(|x| q−1 ) when

d P

|bi | = 0 . Moreover, if L = ∆ and f2 (y) = y q−1 , q > 1, then


ν−2 Um0 (x) ∼ = (|x| q−1 )

Equation (1) arises from physics and geometry. We give a description of the geometric application of this work (For more details see [5], [6] and [10]). Let g = (gi,j )i,j=1,...,d , be a Riemannian metric on IRd and k1 (x) be its scalar curvature. Let k2 (x) be a given function on IRd . The following question has been raised: Can we find a knew metric g1 on IRd such that k1 (x) is the scalar curvature of g1 and g1 is conformal to g ( that is g1 = Φg) 4 for some positive function Φ. When d ≥ 3, if Φ = u d−2 , u > 0, then, this is equivalent to the problem of solving the elliptic equation d+2 4(d − 1) 4g u − k1 u − k2 u d−2 = 0 in IRd d−2


1 X ∂ q ∂ ( |g|g i,j ) 4g u = q ∂xj |g| i,j ∂xi

is the Laplace Beltrami operator, |g| = det(gi,j ), g i,j = (gi,j )−1 . Equation (1) has been around for a long time. Ni in [10] proved that the equation d+2 4u + K(x)u d−2 = 0 has infinetely many bounded positive solutions in IRd , when the decay of |K(x)| is faster than C |x|−2 near ∞ for some positive constant C > 0. 2



Under the same assumptions, this result was improved by Naito in [9] and Li and Ni in [7]. Kenig and Ni in [6] considered the problem Lu − k(x)u + K(x)uq = 0 in IRd , where q > 1, Lu =

d P i,j=1


(ai,j (x)uxi )xj and (ai,j (x)) is symmetric,

positive definite matrix with smooth coefficients of which the eigenvalues are of the order of magnitude |x|a(2−d) at ∞ with −∞ < a < 1. they showed that if there exists ε > 0 such that |K(x)| ≤ C1 |x|a(2−d)−2−ε and 0 ≤ k(x) ≤ C2 |x|a(2−d)−2−ε for |x| large and for some positive constants C1 and C2 , then (3) possesses infinitely many bounded positive solutions with the property that each of these solution is bounded below by a positive constant. Later on, Lin in [8] consider a matrix (ai,j (x)) such that ai,j = aj,i for i, j = 1, ..., d, are measurable and satisfy the uniform ellipticity condition and a function w : IR+ → IR+ locally bounded and such that Z∞

r−1 w(r)dr = A < ∞.


They showed that there exists a constant θ = θ(d, A) such that if |K(x)| ≤ θw(|x|) c0 w(|x|) and |k(x)| ≤ (1+|x|) 2 for some positive constant c0 > 0, then for (1+|x|)2 1 1 every c ∈ ( 3 , 2 ), (3) possesses a positive solution uc satisfying uc (x) → c as |x| → ∞. Chern in [3], consider the problem 4u + K1 (x)up + K2 (x)uq = 0 in IRd


when d ≥ 3, q > p ≥ 1, K1 and K2 are two given holder continuous functions on IRd such that K1 ≥ 0, K2 ≤ 0 and there exist a H¨older continuous function f = K(|x|) f K and a positive constant T such that f i. K(|x|) ≤ K2 (x),


R∞ f sK(s)ds > −∞, 0

iii. K1 (x) ≤ −T q−p .K2 (x). 3



He showed particularly that there exists T0 > 0 such that for all c > T0 , the problem (4) has a bounded positive solutions uc with the property uc (x) → c as |x| → ∞. Also he gave some conditions to get the existence of maximal solutions of (4).



Let B(IRd ) (C(IRd ) resp.) denote the set of all measurable (continuous resp.) functions on IRd . Given any set A of functions, let A+ (Ab resp.) be the set of positive (bounded resp.) functions in A. Let L be a partial differential operaror in the following form: d X


aij (x)


d X ∂ ∂2 + bi (x) + c(x) ∂xi ∂xj i=1 ∂xi

such that i. c ≤ 0, ii. aij = aji for i, j = 1...n, are positive measurable and satisfy the uniform ellipticity condition: there exists λ ≥ 1 such that

d P

aij (x)ξi ξj ≥


λ−1 |ξ|2 for all x, ξ ∈ IRd . iii. There exists α ∈ ]0, 1[ such that d X

|aij (x) − aij (y)| +



d P i,j=1

|aij (x)| +

d X

|bi (x) − bi (y)| + |c(x) − c(y)| ≤ λ |x − y|α ,


d P

|bi (x)| + |c(x)| ≤ λ.


We will denote by GL (G resp.) the Green function of L (4 resp.) on IRd . It is known that there exists a constant C = C(λ, α, d) such that GL ≤ C kx − yk2−d .




Let f be a positive measurable function on all IRd such that x→


GL (x, y)f (y)(dy)

is a continuous bounded potential. We denote by K f the mapping defined on Bb (IRd ) as follows: ∀g ∈ Bb (IRd ) f

K (g)(x) = K(f g)(x) =


GL g(y)f (y)(dy).

Note that for every g ∈ Bb+ (IRd ), K f (g) is a potential on IRd . In the sequel, for an open subset V of IRd , we will denote by S(V ) the set of superharmonic functions on V . Proposition 2.1 The bounded operator I + K f on the banach space Bb (Rd ) is invertible and 0 ≤ (I + K f )−1 s ≤ s for every s ∈ S + (IRd ) Proof. Similar to the proof of Proposition 2.5 in [2]. Definition 2.1 A borel function f defined on IRd is called Green-tight if and only if f satisfies the two conditions: "



m(A)→0 A⊂Rd




f (y)(dy) =0 kx − ykd−2


and "


M →∞

sup x∈IRd

Z y≥M


f (y)(dy) = 0. kx − ykd−2


In the next, we recall the Kato class defined in [1]. Definition 2.2 A borel function f is said to be in the Kato cass Kd , if and only if " # Z f (y)(dy) lim sup d−2 = 0 ε→0 x∈IRd kx−yk≤ε kx − yk and f ∈ Kdloc , if and only if for every ball B in IRd , 1B f ∈ Kd . 5



In [11], Zhao introduced the class Kd∞ as follows (



= f∈

Kdloc : lim M →∞



Z y≥M



f (y)(dy) =0 . kx − ykd−2

Proposition 2.2 A borel function f defined on IRd is Green-tight if and only if f ∈ Kd∞ . Proof. see [12]. Proposition 2.3 Let f be a borel function in IRd . Suppose that f is in the Kato cass Kdloc and there exits a number L > 0 and a positive function ϕ defined on [L, ∞[ such that ∀ |x| ≥ L, |f (y)| ≤ ϕ(|y|) and



rϕ(r)dr < ∞.


Then f is a Green- tight function in IRd . Proof. Since (5) is obvious, we shall prove that f satisfies the limit equality in (6). For each x ∈ IRd , we take a coordinate system (r, θ1 , ..., θn ) such that x = (|x| , 0, ..., 0). Then, we have by ( 7) that ∀M ≥ L Z y≥M

Z |f (y)| ϕ(|y|) dy ≤ d−2 d−2 dy y≥M kx − yk kx − yk

≤ σd−2 = σd−2







(sin θ1 )d−2 dθ1


(r2 + |x|2 − 2r |x| cos θ1 )


 Z rϕ(r) 



# d−2 2

(sin θ1 )d−2 dθ1 (1 + ( |x| )2 − 2( |x| ) cos θ1 ) r r

rd−1 dr

d−2 2

 dr,

where σd−2 is the area of Sd−2 (1). On the other hand, we have the estimate, ∀x ≥ 0 Z π (sin θ)d−2 d−2 π. d−2 dθ ≤ 2 2 0 (1 + |x| − 2r |x| cos θ) 2 It follows that Z Z ∞ |f (y)| d−2 sup dy ≤ σ 2 π rϕ(r)dr → 0 as M → ∞. d−2 d−2 M x∈IRd y≥M kx − yk



Remark 2.1 If |f (x)| ≤ is Green-tight.

c kxk2+ε


for kxk large and for some ε, c > 0, then f



Let C0 (IRd ) = u ∈ C(IRd ) : limkxk→∞ u(x) = 0 . Proposition 2.4 Let Φ be a Green-tight function in IRd and n


FΦ = ϕ ∈ B(IRd ) : |ϕ(x)| ≤ |Φ(x)| , ∀x ∈ IRd . Then, the family



|ϕ(y)| dy,ϕ kx−ykd−2

∈ FΦ is uniformly bounded and equicon-

tinuous in C0 (IRd ), and consequently it is relatively compact in C0 (IRd ). Proof. For each ϕ ∈ FΦ , we have Z IRd

Z |ϕ(y)| |Φ(y)| d−2 dy ≤ d−2 dy. d IR kx − yk kx − yk

Hence, the family FΦ is uniformly bounded and lim|x|→∞ uniformly for all function ϕ ∈ FΦ . Finally, let x, x0 ∈ IRd , then Z Z Z ϕ(y) ϕ(y) dy − dy ≤ d−2 IRd kx − ykd−2 IRd kx0 − yk IRd


|ϕ(y)| IRd kx−ykd−2 dy


1 1 − d−2 |Φ(y)| dy → 0 kx − ykd−2 0 kx − yk

as x → x0 . Thus the family FΦ is equicontinuous. Since it is uniformly bounded, we conclude by Ascoli-Arzela theorem that the family FΦ is relatively compact in C0 (IRd ). Since G and GL are comparable, then we get the following result. Corollary 2.1 Let Φ be a Green-tight function in IRd and n


FΦ = ϕ ∈ B(IRd ) : |ϕ(x)| ≤ |Φ(x)| , ∀x ∈ IRd . nR


Then, the family IRd GL |ϕ(y)| dy,ϕ ∈ FΦ is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous in C0 (IRd ), and consequently it is relatively compact in C0 (IRd ). Let ff1 (ff2 resp.) denote the map: y → f1 (y)y (y → f2 (y)y resp.) and for all y > 0, we denote by key , the function x → key (x) = k1 (x) + yk2 (x). In all the next, we assume that the functions k1 and k2 are Green-tight, and that the functions f1 and f2 are nonnegative and continuous, 7




Existence of positive solutions uc for (1)

In this section, we shall prove the existence of positive solutions uc of (1) which satisfies (2). We suppose that the following property is satisfied: (A) ∀c > 0, there exists αc ≥ 0 such that for every x ∈ IRd , the function y → −k1 (x)f1 (y)y − k2 (x)f2 (y)y + αc (|k2 (x)| + |k1 (x)|)y is increasing on [0, c]. Particularly; if f is locally Lipschitz, then (A) is satisfied. In the next, we shall prove the following result: Theorem 3.1 We suppose that the set n

P = c > 0 : k1 (x)f1 (c) + k2 (x)f2 (c) ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ IRd


is nonempty. Then, for all c ∈ P , there exists a positive solution uc of (1) which satisfies (2). Corollary 3.1 We Suppose that: 1. k2 ≥ 0 on IRd , 2. There exists T0 > 0 such that keT0 (x) ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ IRd , (y) = +∞. 3. limy→∞ ff21 (y)

Then, there exits m0 > 0, such that for each c ≥ m0 , equation (1) has a positive solution uc which satisfies (2). Proof. There exits m0 > 0, such that for each y ≥ m0 , we have Hence, for each c ≥ m0 , we have k1 (x)f1 (c) + k2 (x)f2 (c) = f1 (c)(k1 (x) + k2 (x) ≥ f1 (c)keT0 (x) ≥ 0. The conclusion follows by using Theorem 3.1. 8

f2 (c) ) f1 (c)

f2 (y) f1 (y)

≥ T0 .


Remark 3.1 Note that the condition k1 and k2 are Green-tight is more general than the decay condition |k2 | ≤ cr−l near ∞ for some l > 2 which appeared first in [9], later in [6] and [10] and it is more general than the condition ∞ Z

rK(r)dr < ∞


which appeared in [4] and [3]. Moreover, Lin proved in [8] that if k2 ≥ kxkC2−ε , for some ε > 0, then (1) has no positive solution in IRd . He also showed that if L = 4, k2 = 0 and 1 k1 = k1 (r) = 1+r Rd . 2 , equation (1) has no bounded solution in I In what follows, we shall prove Theorem 3.1. Definition 3.1 We say that a function u is a subsolution of (1) if u + K k1 f1 (u) (u) + K k2 f2 (u) (u) ∈ S(IRd ). We say that a function u is a sursolution of (1) if u + K k1 f1 (u) (u) + K k2 f2 (u) (u) ∈ −S(IRd ). Proposition 3.1 Suppose that there exists two bounded functions u0 ≤ v0 such that u0 is a subsolution of (1) satisfyuing (2) and v0 a sursolution of (1) satisfyuing (2). Then there exits a solution w of (1) which satisfies (2) and such that u0 ≤ w ≤ v0 . Proof. There exit s ∈ S(IRd ) and s0 ∈ −S(IRd ) such that v0 + K k1 f1 (v0 ) v0 + K k2 f2 (v0 ) v0 = c + s and u0 + K k1 f1 (u0 ) u0 + K k2 f2 (u0 ) u0 = c + s0 . Since limkxk→∞ v0 (x) = limkxk→∞ u0 (x) = c, it follows that limkxk→∞ s(x) = limkxk→∞ s0 (x) = 0, we get s ≥ 0 and −s0 ≥ 0 on IRd . Let c = max(ku0 k , kv0 k) and αc satisfying (A3 ), then for each u ∈ Cb+ (IRd ), we set F (u) = −k1 (x)f1 (u)u − k2 (x)f2 (u)u + αc (|k2 (x)| + |k1 (x)|)u





and f = α K |k2 |+|k1 | . K c

Now, we define an operator T on Cb+ (IRd ) as follows: f −1 (K F (u) + c). ∀u ∈ Cb+ (IRd ), T (u) = (I + K)

First, we claim that the operator T is increasing. In fact, if 0 ≤ u ≤ v, f −1 K F (v)−F (u) ≥ 0 . On then by Proposition 2.1, T (v) − T (u) = (I + K) f the other hand, we have T (v0 ) ≤ v0 . In fact, since (I + K)(v 0 − T (v0 )) = k1 f1 (v0 ) k2 f2 (v0 ) + d v0 + K v0 + K v0 − c = s ∈ S (IR ), hence, by Proposition 2.1, f −1 s ≥ 0. v0 − T (v0 ) = (I + K) Similarly, we show that T (u0 ) ≥ u0 . Thus, the sequence defined inductively by un = T (un−1 ) and vn = T (vn−1 ) are monotonous and un ≤ vn . Let w = limn→∞ vn . Since by Proposition 2.4 the operator T is compact and continuous, we get T (w) = w and consequently w + K k1 f1 (w) w + K k2 f2 (w) w = c.



In what follows, we set E = u ∈ C0 (IRd ) : 0 ≤ u ≤ c and we define the operator F as follows: +


∀u ∈ E, F (u) = (I + K k1 f1 (u)+k2 f2 (u) )−1 c. Lemma 3.1 F (E) is relatively compact in C0 (IRd ). Proof. Let (un )n be a sequence in E. Then F (un ) + K(k1+ f1 (un ) + k2+ f2 (un )(F (un )) = c. By Proposition 2.1, we have 0 ≤ F (un ) ≤ c. Thus, by Proposition 2.4, the family n

K(k1+ f1 (un ) + k2+ f2 (un ))(F (un ))) : n ∈ N

is relatively compact in C0 (IRd ) 10



Lemma 3.2 The operator F is continuous. Proof. Let (un )n be a sequence in E such that (un )n converges uniformly to a function u ∈ C0 (IRd ). Let us suppose that (F (un ))n converges to a + + function v. Then v + K k1 f1 (u)+k2 f2 (u) (v) = c and therefore v = F (u). Lemma 3.3 Let c ≥ 0. Then there exists vc ∈ E such that vc is a subsolution of (1) satisfying (2). Proof. We have F (E) ⊂ E. Since F is completely continuous, then by Shauder’s fixed point Theorem, we conclude that the operator F has a fixed point vc satisfying vc + Kk1+ f1 (vc )vc + Kk2+ f2 (vc )vc = c. Hence vc + Kk1 f1 (vc )vc + Kk2 f2 (vc )vc = c − Kk1− f1 (vc )vc − Kk2− f2 (vc )vc . Thus vc is a subsolution of (1). Since k1 and k2 are Green-tight, then lim K(|k1 f2 (vc )vc |)(x) = lim K(|k2 f2 (vc )vc |)(x) = 0



and therefore limkxk→∞ vc (x) = c. Now, we are ready to prove Theorem 3.1. Proof of Theorem 3.1 Since c ∈ P , then v0 = c is a sursolution of (1) and satisfies (2). Let vc as in Lemma 3.3, then vc is a subsolution of (1) which satisfies (2) and vc ≤ v0 . Thus, by Proposition 3.1, there exits a solution uc of (1) such that vc ≤ uc ≤ v0 , obviously limkxk→∞ uc (x) = c.


Existence of maximal solution uT

For this section, we assume that the following conditions hold: (F 1 ) k2 ≥ 0 on IRd and locally bounded, (F 2 ) f1 and f2 are derivable on ]0, ∞[ , 11





(F 3 )limy→∞ fe2 0 (y) = +∞. f1 There exists a > 0 such that : (F 4 )ff1 is increasing on ]a, ∞[ and limy→∞ ff1 (y) = ∞ (F 5 ) There exist δ > 0 and q > 1 such that f2 (y) ≥ δy q−1 , for all y ≥ a. Example 4.1 We can choose f1 and f2 as follows: f1 = P , where P is a polynome of degree p ≥ 1. f1 (y) = y p log(y), p ≥ 1. f2 = Q, where Q is a polynome of degree q > p. f2 (y) = H(y) exp(λy), λ > 0, where H is a polynome. Remark 4.1 For every x, y > 0, there exists cx,y ∈ ]x, y[ such that

ff2 (x) − ff2 (y) ff1 (x) − ff1 (y)


g) (c ) (f 2 x,y

= f . (f1 )0 (cx,y )

Thus, by the assumptions given above, we get that lim fe2 (y) = +∞. f1 e

In this section, we shall prove the following results: Theorem 4.1 We suppose that there exist a sequence of bounded smooth domains {Ωi }i∈N , a sequence of positive real (δi )i∈IN and T0 ≥ a such that 1. IRd = ∪∞ i=1 Ωi with Ωi ⊂ Ωi+1 , i = 1, 2, ..., 2. keT0 ≥ 0 on IRd , 3. For each i, k2 ≥ δi on a neighberhood of ∂Ωi , 4. For each i, there exists 1 > ρi > 0 such that k1 + (1 − ρi )k2 T0 ≥ 0 on a neighberhood of ∂Ωi , 5. There exists a positive solution v of (1) such that v ≥ m0 , where m0 ≥ 0

T0 satisfies (fe2 )0 (y) ≥ T0 and (f1 ) (y) e

f2 (y) f1 (y)


≥ T0 for all y ≥ m0 .



Then, the function Um0 = sup {u(x) : u is a positive solution of (1) with u ≥ m0 } is well defined and is a solution of (1). Corollary 4.1 We suppose that 1. k1 and k2 are continuous, 2. There exist T0 ≥ a and a sequence (rn )n → ∞ such that keT0 (x) > 0 and k2 (x) > 0 for all kxk = rn , 3. keT0 ≥ 0 on IRd , 4. There exists a positive solution v of (1) such that v ≥ m0 , where m0 ≥ 0

T0 satisfies (fe2 )0 (y) ≥ T0 and (f1 ) (y) e

f2 (y) f1 (y)

≥ T0 for all y ≥ m0 .

Then, the function Um0 = sup {u(x) : u is a positive solution of (1) with u ≥ m0 } is well defined and is a solution of (1). Proof. IRd = ∪∞ B(0, ri ). Since k1 and k2 are continuous, then for each i=1 i, there exist δi > 0 and 1 > ρi > 0 such that keT 0 ≥ δi and ρi k2 T0 ≤ δi on a neighberhood of B(0, ri ). Thus k1 + (1 − ρi )k2 T0 ≥ 0 on a neighberhood of B(0, ri ). The conclusion follows by Theorem 4.1.

In what follows we shall prove some preliminary results which will be needed for the proof of Theorem 4.1. n

Proposition 4.1 Let γ > 0, q > 1. Let x0 ∈ IRd , U = x ∈ IRd : kx − x0 k < R for R > 0. Then there exists a function u such that Lu − γuq ≤ 0 in U and lim u(x) = ∞, for all z ∈ ∂U.









u(x) = λ(R2 − kx − x0 k2 ) q−1 3

where λ = C(1 ∨ R) q−1 for a positive constant C which depends only on q,γ, the dimention d and the upper bound for aij and bi . −2

Proof. Let u = λ(R2 − r2 ) q−1 for some λ > 0, where r = kx − x0 k. By a direct computation we get: −2q


bi zi )+c(R2 −r2 ) q−1 −γλq−1 ) (9) −1 −2 Where zi = xi − x0,i , c1 = 8(q + 1)(q − 1) , c2 = 4(q − 1) . Let A and P P B be the upper bounds |aii | and |bi | . Then (9) implies (8) if

Lu−γuq = λ(R2 −r2 ) q−1 (c1


aij zi zj +c2 (R2 −r2 )(



aii +

c1 Ar2 + c2 A(R2 − r2 ) + Bc2 R3 − γλq−1 ≤ 0


for all 0 ≤ r ≤ R. The condition (10) holds if λq−1 ≥

(c1 + c2 )AR2 + Bc2 R3 γ 3

(11) 1

2 q−1 which is true for λ = C(1 ∨ R) q−1 , where C = ( (c1 +c2 )A+Bc ) . γ

Notation 4.1 Let Ω be an open subset of IRd and f be a measurable function on IRd , we denote by Z KΩf = GLΩ (·, y)f (y)dy Ω

where GLΩ denotes the Green function in Ω. Proposition 4.2 Let q, γ > 0 and u, v such that Lu − γuq ≤ 0 and Lv − γv q ≥ 0 in Ω. If lim inf x→z u(x) ≥ lim supx→z v(x) for every z ∈ ∂Ω, then u ≥ v on Ω. Proof. Let s = u − v. Then lim inf x→z s(x) ≥ 0 for every z ∈ ∂Ω and q −v q Ls − γ( uu−v )s ≤ 0. Using the minimum Principle, we obtain u − v ≥ 0 on Ω. For the (next, we consider the problem Lu − k1 f1 (u)u − k2 f2 (u)u = 0 in Ω (Em ) limx→y u(x) = m, for all y ∈ ∂Ω 14


Definition 4.1 We say that u is a subsolution for (Em ) if (

Lu − k1 f1 (u)u − k2 f2 (u)u ≥ 0 in Ω u ≤ m on ∂Ω.

We say that u is a sursolution for (Em ) if (

Lu − k1 f1 (u)u − k2 f2 (u)u ≤ 0 in Ω u ≥ m on ∂Ω.

Proposition 4.3 We suppose that there exists a subsolution u and a sursolution v for (Em ) such that u ≤ v, then there exists a solution w of (Em ) such that u ≤ w ≤ v. k f (v)−k f (v)

2 2 Proof. There exists s, s0 ∈ Sb (Ω) such that v +KΩ1 1 (v) = m+s k1 f1 (u)−k2 f2 (u) 0 and u + KΩ (u) = m − s . Since v ≥ m on ∂Ω and u ≤ m on ∂Ω, we conclude that s ≥ 0 and s0 ≤ 0. Let c = M ax(kuk , kvk) and αc satsfiying (A). For each u ∈ Cb+ (IRd ), we set F (u) = −k1 (x)f1 (u)u − k2 (x)f2 (u)u + αc (|k2 (x)| + |k1 (x)|)u

and f = α K |k2 |+|k1 | . K c f −1 (K F (u) +m). We define an operator T on Cb+ (IRd ) as follows: T (u) = (I+K) Hence, as in the proof of the Proposition 3.1, the operator T has a fixed point u ≤ w ≤ v which is solution of (Em ).

Lemma 4.1 Let Ω be a smooth bounded domain. Suppose that there exists T0 ≥ a such that keT0 (x) ≥ 0 on Ω. Let m0 ≥ T0 such that ff21 (y) ≥ T0 and (y) f20 (y) f10 (y)

≥ T0 for all y ≥ m0 . If the equation (1) possesses a positive solution v ≥ m0 , then, for each m ≥ m1 = max {v(x) : x ∈ ∂Ω}, the problem (Em ) has a solution wm ≥ v on Ω. Moreover the sequence (wm )m≥m1 is increasing. Proof. Let m ≥ max {v(x) : x ∈ ∂Ω}. It is obvious that v is a subsolution of (Em ). On the other hand, since kem ≥ 0 for m ≥ m1 , then m is a sursolution of (Em ). Thus, we conclude by Proposition 4.3 that there exists a solution wm of (Em ) such that v ≤ wm ≤ m. 15




Now, by setting z = wm+1 − wm , we get (

Lz − hz= 0 in Ω z = 1 on ∂Ω

)−f1 (wm ) . Since wm+1 , wm ≥ m0 , where h = (k1 + k2 ( fe2 (wm+1 )−fe2 (wm ) )) f1 (wwm+1 m+1 −wm





f1 (wm+1 )−f1 (wm )

then h ≥ 0 on Ω and by the minimum principle, we get z > 0 on Ω.

Proposition 4.4 Let T0 and m0 ≥ T0 as in Lemma 4.1. Suppose that there exists a sequence of bounded smooth domains {Ωi }i∈N and a sequence of positive real (δi )i∈N such that: 1. IRd = ∪∞ i=1 Ωi with Ωi ⊂ Ωi+1 , i = 1, 2, ..., 2. keT0 ≥ 0 on IRd , 3. For each i, k2 ≥ δi > 0 on a neighberhood of ∂Ωi , 4. For each i, there exists 1 > ρi > 0 such that k1 + (1 − ρi )k2 T0 ≥ 0 on a neighberhood of ∂Ωi , 5. Equation (1) possesses a positive solution v satisfying v(x) ≥ m0 for all x ∈ IRd . Then, there exists a positive solution ui satisfying (

Lui − k1 f1 (ui )ui − k2 f2 (ui )ui = 0 in Ωi limx→y ui (x) = ∞ , for all y ∈ ∂Ωi .


Furthermore ui ≥ ui+1 ≥ m0 on Ωi for each i. Proof. Since ∂Ωi is smooth, we can use (x, tν(x)), x ∈ ∂Ωi , |t| < ε, for some 1 > ε > 0, as local coordinates for a neigberhood of ∂Ωi , where ν(x) is the outward normal of ∂Ωi at x ∈ ∂Ωi . From the assumptions 3 and 4, we can choose ε > 0 so small that (

k1 (x, tν(x)) + (1 − ρi )k2 (x, tν(x))T0 ≥ 0 k2 (x, tν(x)) ≥ δi > 0

for all −ε ≤ t ≤ 0 and for all x ∈ ∂Ωi . Now, fix x ∈ ∂Ωi , −εo ≤ t < n 0 0 t < 0 and let y = (x, t ν(x)). Put Uy = z ∈ IRd : kz − yk < R where R = inf(−t0 , t0 − t). 16


For each i, let (wm )m be the sequence defined in Lemma 4.1. Then, on Uy we have Lwm = k1 f1 (wm )wm + k2 f2 (wm )wm f2 (wm ) = (k1 + (1 − ρi )k2 )f1 (wm )wm + ρi k 2 f2 (wm )wm f1 (wm ) ≥ (k1 + (1 − ρi )k2 T0 )f1 (wm )wm + ρi k 2 f2 (wm )wm q ≥ ρi δδi wm . By Proposition 4.1, there exists a suitible λ such that the function −2

u(z) = λ(R2 − kz − yk2 ) q−1 satisfies Lu − ρδδi uq ≤ 0 on Uy . Consequently, by Proposition 4.2 we get wm (z) ≤ u(z), for all z ∈ Uy . Particularly, for z = y, we get −2

wm (y) ≤ u(y) ≤ λ(R2 ) q−1 . But, from hypothesis 2, we have that wm is a subharmonic function on IRd , which yields −2 wm (y) ≤ λ(R2 ) q−1 ∀y ∈ Ωti , where Ωti = Ωi − {(x, t0 ν(x)), x ∈ ∂Ωi , t < t0 < 0}. Hence, for every −ε ≤ t < 0, (wm )m≥m1 is increasing and uniformly bounded in Ωti . Thus (wm )m≥m1 converges uniformly in Ωti to a function ui which satisfies Lui − k1 f1 (ui )ui − k2 f2 (ui )ui = 0. Now, let z = ui − ui+1 . Then z satisfies Lz − hz = 0 on Ωi , f1 (ui+1 ) where h = (k1 + k2 ( fe2 (ui )−fe2 (ui+1 ) )) f1 (uui )− ≥ 0. We can choose ε > 0 i −ui+1





f1 (ui )−f1 (ui+1 )

small enough to get z > 0 on ∂Ωti for −ε ≤ t < 0. By using the minimum principle, we get z > 0 on ∂Ωti for all ε ≤ t < 0 17




and hence ui ≥ ui+1 on Ωi . Next, we give The proof of Theorm 4.1. Proof of Theorm 4.1. Consider the sequence of functions (ui )i defined in Proposition 4.4. Then, for each i, ui ≥ v ≥ m0 in Ωi . Thus, (ui )i converges to a function ue such that ue ≥ m0 and ue is a solution of (1). On the other hand, if u is a solution of (1) such that u ≥ m0 , then, u ≤ ui on Ωi . Thus, u ≤ ue on IRd . This proves that ue = Um0 .


Asymptotic behaviour of the maximal solution

In this section, we keep the assumptions given in Section 4. We will study the asymptotic behaviour of Um0 . We shall prove the following results. Theorem 5.1 Suppose that there exist T0 ≥ a and 1 > ρ > 0 such that 1. k1 + (1 − ρ)k2 T0 ≥ 0 on IRd , 2. There exists a positive solution v of (1) such that v ≥ m0 , where m0 ≥ ≥ T0 for all y ≥ m0 . T0 satisfies ff21 (y) (y) −ν 3. k2 (x) ∼ = |x| near ∞ for some ν > 2.

Then, the maximal solution Um0 is such that ν−1

1. Um0 (x) = O(|x| q−1 ) when ν−2

2. Um0 (x) = O(|x| q−1 ) when

d P

|bi | = 6 0.

i=1 d P

|bi | = 0.


Theorem 5.2 We suppose that L = ∆ and that the assumptions 1, 2 and 3 in Theorem 5.1 are satisfied. Moreover, we assume that there exists α > 0 such that k1 ≤ αk2 T0 . If f2 (y) = y q−1 , then, the maximal solution Um0 is such that 18


ν−2 Um0 (x) ∼ = (|x| q−1 ).

Such a result was proved for radial solutions in [4] when k1 = 0, f2 (y) = y q−1 and in [3] when k1 ≤ 0 and f2 (y) = y q−1 . Proof of Theorm 5.1. Let C > 0, R0 > 1 such that k2 (r) ≥ Cr−ν for all r ∈ [R0 , +∞[. We fix . x ∈ IRd such that kxk > 2R0 and we set U = B(x, R) where R = kxk 2 Hence, if v is a solution of (1) such that v ≥ m0 , we get Lv = k1 f1 (v)v + k2 f2 (v)v = k1 f1 (v)v + (1 − ρ)k2 f2 (v)v + ρk2 f2 (v)v ff2 (v) = ff1 (v)(k1 + (1 − ρ)k2 f ) + ρk 2 ff2 (v) f1 (v) ≥ ρδk2 v q . Thus, for each y ∈ U , we have R0 ≤ kyk ≤ 3R and q

Lv(y) ≥ ρδC kyk−ν v (y) ρδC ≥ ν ν v q (y). 3 R By Proposition 4.1, the function −2

u(y) = λ(R2 − kx − yk2 ) q−1 satisfies


q Lu − 3ρδC ν Rν u ≤ 0, on U limy→z u(y) = ∞, ∀z ∈ ∂U

for λq−1 ≥ 3ν Thus, if

d P i=1

and if

d P i=1

(c1 + c2 )AR2 + Bc2 R3 ν R . ρδC 1


2 )A+Bc2 q−1 |bi | = 6 0, we take λ = λ1 = (3ν (c1 +cρδC ) R q−1 1


+c2 )A q−1 |bi | = 0, we take λ = λ2 = (3ν (c1ρδC ) R q−1 .





In bouth cases, we have v(y) ≤ u(y), ∀y ∈ U and consequently, we get −2

v(x) ≤ λ(R2 ) q−1 . Hence, for λ = λ1 , we obtain that v(x) ≤ (3ν

ν−1 1 (c1 + c2 )A + Bc2 q−1 q−1 ) kxk 2ν−1 ρδC

which yields ν−1

Um0 = O(kxk q−1 ). For λ = λ2 , we obtain that v(x) ≤ (3ν

ν−2 1 (c1 + c2 )A q−1 ) kxk q−1 ν−1 2 ρδC

which yields ν−2

Um0 = O(kxk q−1 ). Proof of Theorm 5.2. We supoose that f2 (y) = y q−1 and L = ∆. Thus, by Theorem 2 in [4], the equation ∆u − (1 + α)k2 uq = 0 (13) ν−2

has a maximal solution U such that U (x) ∼ = |x| q−1 near ∞. Now, let ui be the solution of (12), then by setting s = ui − U , we get ∆s − (1 + α)k2

fe2 (ui ) e (ui q − U q ) s = (k1 − αk2 e )f1 (ui ) ≤ 0. ui − U f1 (ui )


Since s > 0 on a neigberhood of ∂Ωi , we get by the maximum principle that ui ≥ U on Ωi . which yields that Um0 ≥ U on Ωi for all i. Thus by Theorem ν−2 5.1 we get Um0 (x) ∼ = |x| q−1 near ∞.



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On the degree of copositive approximation Ivan V.Smazhenko

Department of Mathematical Analysis, Mechanics-Mathematics Faculty, Kyiv National University, Kyiv, Ukraine and Laboratory ETMA, Faculty of Science and Technics, University of South, Toulon-Var, Toulon, France. E-mail address:

[email protected] Abstract

The functions which are continuous and change their sign finitely many times on the segment [a, b] are considered. For such functions all cases are investigated, when the analogs of uniform and pointwise Jackson type estimates are valid for the approximation of function by copositive with it polynomial.

AMS classification: 41A10, 41A25, 41A29. Key words and phrases: Copositive, polynomial, approximation, Jackson type, pointwise.



Let I := [−1, 1], and for s ∈ N let Y := {yi }si=1 , − 1 = ys+1 < · · · < y1 < y0 = 1; Ys — the set of all such collections. Finally let ∆(0) (Y ) be the set of continuous functions f on I such that f is non-negative on [yi , yi−1 ], when i is odd and is non-positive, when i is



even, and set Π(x) := Π(x, Y ) :=

s Y (x − yi ). i=1

Note that f ∈ ∆(0) (Y ) if and only if f (x)Π(x) > 0, x ∈ I. A function g is said to be copositive with f ∈ ∆(0) (Y ) if g(x)f (x) > 0, x ∈ I. The following notations are used (k ∈ N; r, n ∈ N0 ): C := C(I), kf k := max{|f (x)| : x ∈ I}, C (r) := {f : f (r) ∈ C}, Pn — the space of algebraic polynomials of degree 6 n, En (f ) := inf{kf − Pn k : Pn ∈ Pn }, En(0) (f, Y ) := inf{kf − Pn k : Pn ∈ Pn ∩ ∆(0) (Y )}, √ 1 − x2 1 ρn (x) := 2 + , x ∈ I (ρ0 (x) := 1, briefly ρn (x) =: ρ), n n ωk (f ; t) — the ordinary k-th modulus of smoothness of function f ∈ C. The main result of this paper is the following theorems. Theorem 1.

Let k = 1, or r = s − 1, k = 2, or r > s, and Y ∈ Ys . If f ∈

C (r) ∩ ∆(0) (Y ), then for every n > k + r − 1 the polynomial Pn ∈ Pn ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) exists such that |f (x) − Pn (x)| 6 C(k, r, s)ρrn (x)ωk (f (r) ; ρn (x)). Theorem 2.

Let r > 1, or r = 0, k 6 3, and Y ∈ Ys . If f ∈ C (r) ∩ ∆(0) (Y ), then

for every n > N (Y ) > k + r − 1 the polynomial Pn ∈ Pn ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) exists such that |f (x) − Pn (x)| 6 C(k, r, s)ρrn (x)ωk (f (r) ; ρn (x)), and for every n > k + r − 1 the polynomial Pn ∈ Pn ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) exists such that |f (x) − Pn (x)| 6 C(k, r, Y )ρrn (x)ωk (f (r) ; ρn (x)).



If we compare Theorems 1 and 2 and Counterexamples from Section 5 (which are valid in the uniform case) we are possible to make some conclusions in graphical form (they are the same in uniform and pointwise case, see Tables I–IV below). In tables I–IV entry + means that at the corresponding k, r, s the estimate for f ∈ ∆(0) (Y ) and for some polynomial Pn ∈ ∆(0) (Y ) |f (x) − Pn (x)| 6 Cρrn (x)ωk (f (r) ; ρn (x)),



is valid for C = C(k, r, s) and N = k + r − 1. Entry ⊕ means that (1.1) is valid for C = C(k, r, s) and N = N (Y ) > k + r − 1 and vice versa for C = C(k, r, Y ) and N = k + r − 1, and it cannot be obtained with C = C(k, r, s) and N = k + r − 1. And finally entry − means that (1.1) isn’t valid even with the constants which depend on f .

Tables of Truth I. The case s = 1 r 3 2 1 0

.. . + + + + 1

.. . + + + + 2

.. . + + + ⊕ 3

.. . + + + – 4

.. . + + + – 5

. .. ··· ··· ··· ··· k

II. The case s = 2 r 3 2 1 0

.. . + + + + 1

.. . + + + ⊕ 2

.. . + + ⊕ ⊕ 3

.. . + + ⊕ – 4

.. . + + ⊕ – 5

. .. ··· ··· ··· ··· k

III. The case s = 3 r 3 2 1 0

.. . + + + + 1

.. . + + ⊕ ⊕ 2

.. . + ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ 3

.. . + ⊕ ⊕ – 4

.. . + ⊕ ⊕ – 5

IV. The case s > 3

. .. ··· ··· ··· ··· k



r s s−1 s−2 .. . 1 0

.. . + + + .. .

.. . + + ⊕ .. .

.. . + ⊕ ⊕ .. .

.. . + ⊕ ⊕ .. .

.. . + ⊕ ⊕ .. .

. .. ··· ··· ··· .. .

+ + 1

⊕ ⊕ 2

⊕ ⊕ 3

⊕ – 4

⊕ – 5

··· ··· k

Let’s give a short history of the problem. The first estimate in copositive approximation of Jackson type was obtained by D.Leviatan[5]. The estimate (1.1) was established with at least one constant depending on Y for r = 0, k 6 3 by Y.K.Hu, K.A.Kopotun and X.M.Yu[3] and for r > 1 by G.A.Dzyubenko[1] and Y.K.Hu, K.A.Kopotun and X.M.Yu[3] (as the consequence of the result in so-called intertwining approximation). A counterexample for r = 0, k > 4 and s = 1 was obtained by S.P.Zhou[8]. For more detailed survey one can address to the work by Y.K.Hu and X.M.Yu[4]. We will use the Chebyshev partition of [−1, 1], namely, let x−1 := 1, xn+1 := −1 and for each j = 0,..., n, set xj := xj,n := cos(jπ/n), Ij := [xj , xj−1 ], and hj := |Ij | := xj − xj−1 . The following inequalities take place: ρn (x) < hj < 5ρn (x),

x ∈ Ij , j = 1,..., n


hj±1 < 3hj ,

j = 1,..., n,


ρ2n (y)

x, y ∈ I,


x, y ∈ I.


< 4ρn (x)(|x − y| + ρn (x)),

which implies 2(|x − y| + ρn (x)) > |x − y| + ρn (y), Let’s set for each j = 1, n Γj (x) :=

hj , |x − xj | + hj

γj (x) :=

ρn (x) , dist(x, Ij ) + ρn (x)

where dist(x, E) = inf{|x − y| : y ∈ E}. We make use of some other inequalities: n X

hj γj2 (x) < 20ρn (x),



γj2 (x)

< 16Γj (x),

Γ2j (x) < 400γj (x).


For a given Y, let if yi ∈ [xj , xj−1 ),

Oi := (xj+1 , xj−2 ), and set O :=

s [

Oi .


eq := [aq , bq ], q 6 s, be the connected components of the closure O of O, indexed Next let O so that bq+1 < aq . We will write j ∈ H, if Ij ∩ O = ∅, j = 1, n. The next inequality is easily verified:  s Π(x) 6 |x − y| + 1 , x ∈ I, y ∈ I \ O. (1.8) Π(y) ρn (y)




Auxiliary lemmas

Let ϕ ∈ Φk , i.e., ϕ(0+) = 0 and ϕ(t) is nondecreasing while t−k ϕ(t) is nonincreasing on (0, ∞). If function f belongs to C (r) and ωk (f (r) ; ·) 6 ϕ, we will denote this by f ∈ W r Hkϕ . It is assumed in the paper that f ∈ W r Hkϕ ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) for some k, r and Y ∈ Ys . We will stand c, ci , i ∈ N for different constants, which depend only on k, r, s (but not Y ). First we recall one known statement, which we need. It was proved by J.Gilewicz and I.A.Shevchuk[2]. Statement 1. Let s ∈ N, Y ∈ Ys , k ∈ N, (r + 1) ∈ N, [a, b] ⊂ I, h := b − a, g ∈ W r Hkϕ ∩ ∆(0) (Y ). If i) k = 1 or ii) s = r + 1, k = 2 or iii) s 6 r, then such a polynomial Pk+r−1 (x) := Pk+r−1 (x, g, [a, b], k, r) of degree 6 k + r − 1 exists that for every x ∈ [a, b] |g(x) − Pk+r−1 (x)| 6 c∗ (k, r)hr ϕ(h), and x ∈ [a, b],

Pk+r−1 (x)Π(x) > 0, where c∗ (k, r) = const depends only on k and r.

Let’s denote by Σk the collection of piecewise polynomials (not necessarily continuous) of degree 6 k with the knots at the xj ’s, and denote by Σk,O the subset of S ∈ Σk which eq . When we use the notation S(xj ) we mean either S(xj +) or are polynomials on each O S(xj −), when x tends to xj from the right and from the left respectively. This makes no difference in our arguments. Note that all derivatives of the piecewise polynomial (spline) exist except perhaps at the Chebyshev nodes. When we will use them for Chebyshev nodes, we will make corresponding reservations. Lemma 1. If f ∈ C[a, b] and f (x) > 0 for x ∈ [a, b], then a polynomial Pk−1 of degree 6 k − 1 exists such that kf − Pk−1 k[a,b] 6 cωk (f ; h; [a, b]),


and Pk−1 (x) > 0,

x ∈ [a, b],


where h = b − a. Proof. and

∗ Let Pk−1 be the polynomial of the best uniform approximation of f in [a, b], ∗ Ek := kf − Pk−1 k[a,b] .

Let’s set ∗ Pk−1 (x) := Pk−1 + Ek .

Inequality (2.2) is evident and kf − Pk−1 k[a,b] 6 2Ek . Then (2.1) follows from Whitney’s inequality. An obvious consequence of Statement 1, Lemma 1 and (1.3) is following Lemma 2. Let r > s, or s = r + 1, k = 2, or k = 1. Then there exists S ∈ Σk+r−1,O ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) such that kf − SkIj 6 chrj ωk (f (r) ; hj ),

j = 1,..., n.




Lemma 2 can be formulated also for many other k, r, s, provided we take n > N (Y ), eq contains exactly one point where N (Y ) is taken so that for each n > N (Y ) every O yq ∈ Y. So we have Lemma 3. Let r > 1, or r = 0, k = 1, 2 and suppose that n > N (Y ). Then a piecewise polynomial S ∈ Σk+r−1,O ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) exists such that (2.3) holds. Copositive piecewise polynomial, which gives proper estimate, can be constructed also when r = 0, k = 3. For this case we have Lemma 4. that

Let r = 0, k = 3 and n > N1 (Y ). There is an S ∈ Σ2,O ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) such kf − SkIj 6 cω3 (f ; hj ),

j = 1,..., n.


Proof. We choose N1 (Y ) so that for all n > N1 (Y ) holds: if for some i, j yi ∈ Ij then Ij−1 ∩ Y = Ij+1 ∩ Y = ∅. When for certain i, j yi ∈ Ij let P j (x) := L(x; f ; xj+1 , yi , xj−2 ), where L is a quadratic Lagrange polynomial interpolating the function f at the points xj+1 , yi , xj−2 . For these i, j it satisfies

f − P j 6 cω3 (|Oi |), (2.5) O i

and P j (x)Π(x) > 0,

x ∈ Oi .


Indeed, (2.6) is evident, and (2.5) follows, for example, from [7], Theorem 4.2. Thus Lemma 4 follows from (2.5), (2.6), (1.3) and Lemma 1. Now let Ii,j be the smallest interval containing Ii and Ij and denote hi,j := |Ii,j |. Following [6], for S ∈ Σk−1 put   kpi − pj kIi hj k , i, j = 1, n, (2.7) ai,j = ai,j (S, ϕ) := ϕ(hj ) hi,j where pi is the polynomial defined by pi |Ii := S|Ii . Finally let ak := ak (S, ϕ) := max ai,j (S, ϕ), 16i,j6n

The next Statement 2 which we need was proved by D.Leviatan and I.A.Shevchuk [6] (Lemma 6). Statement 2. and S ∈ Σk−1 , if

There is a constant c, depending only on k, such that for any f ∈ Hkϕ kf − SkIj 6 ϕ(hj ),

j = 1,..., n,


then ak 6 c.


We need one statement for the partition of unity, proved in already mentioned paper by J.Gilewicz and I.A.Shevchuk [2]. Statement 3. For each fixed integer l there exists a collection {τj,n }nj=1 of polynomials of degree 6 cln with the following properties: n X

τj,n (x) ≡ 1,



(λ) τj,n (x) 6 C

hj ρn (x) λ+1 ρn (x) |x − xj | + ρn (x)

l+1 ,

x ∈ I,

λ = 0, 1, 2,...,




where C = C(s, l, λ), and eq and Ij 6⊂ O eq . ∀i, j such that yi ∈ O

τj,n (yi ) = 0,


We have to prove one more lemma. Lemma 5. Let l > 3k − 1 and assume that S ∈ Σk−1,O and S(yi ) = 0, i = 1,..., s. Then the polynomial n X Dn (x) := pi (x)τi,n (x), (2.13) i=1

satisfies Dn (yi ) = 0,

1 6 i 6 s,

and for each λ = 0,..., s, ϕ(ρn (x)) (λ) , S (x) − Dn(λ) (x) 6 C0 ak (S) λ ρn (x)


x ∈ I,


where C0 = C0 (s, k, l). Remark 1. By S (λ) (xj ), j = 1,..., n we mean either S (λ) (xj +) or S (λ) (xj −) and inequality (2.15) is considered for x → xj + or x → xj − respectively. It doesn’t matter what derivative we choose. This fact can be seen from the proof of Lemma 8. Proof. Evidently (2.14) follows by (2.12), where we use the fact that S is a single polynomial in each connected component of O. Further we fix 1 6 ν 6 n, and x ∈ Iν . Since pν − pi is a polynomial of degree not exceeding k − 1, then   hi,ν k−1 kpν − pi kIν 6 c kpν − pi kIi . hi Hence by (1.7) and (2.7), kpν − pi kIν

    hi,ν k−1 hi,ν k 6c ϕ(hν )ai,ν hi hν   hi,ν 3k−2 6 cai,ν ϕ(hν ) = : cΩi,ν hν




Now by (2.10), S(x) − Dn (x) =

(pν (x) − pi (x))τi (x) = :



αi (x),


and by virtue of (2.11) and (2.16),   hi,ν 3k−2 ρl |αi (x)| 6 c(l, k)ai,ν hi ϕ(hν ) hν (ρ + |x − xi |)l+1  l+3−3k ϕ(ρ) ρ 6 c(l, k)ak hi . ρ ρ + |x − xi | Hence |S(x) − Dn (x)| 6

n X

|αi (x)|


 l+3−3k n ϕ(ρ) X ρ hi 6 c(l, k)ak ρ ρ + |x − xi | i=1



Finally by means of (1.6)  2 n ρ ϕ(ρ) X |S(x) − Dn (x)| 6 c(l, k)ak hi 6 c(l, k)ak ϕ(ρ), ρ ρ + |x − xi | i=1

what is (2.15) in the case λ = 0. If 0 < λ 6 s and x ∈ Iν , then with the help of representation (see (2.17)) S


(x) − D


(x) =

n λ   X X λ i=1,i6=ν q=0




(p(q) ν (x) − pi (x))τi


taking into account (2.11) and observing that it follows by (2.16) that


(q) (q)

pν − pi 6 q Ωi,ν , hν Iν we can obtain (2.15) for λ > 0 by repeating the previous arguments. This concludes the proof. Note that we used no continuity of the spline S in the proof.


Main lemmas

For every j = 1, n we set x0j := x0j,n

tj (x) := tj,n (x) := x −

( cos ((j − 1/4)π/n), := cos ((j − 3/4)π/n),

if j < n/2, if j > n/2;

xj := xj,n := cos (j − 1/2)π/n;  −2 2 0 −2 xj cos2 2n arccos x + x − xj sin 2n arccos x


the polynomial of degree 4n − 2; and for j ∈ H, b ∈ N denote dj := dj,n (b, Y ) := min tbj (x) |Π(x)| ; x∈Ij

Tj (x) := Tj,n (x, b, Y ) :=

tbj (x)Π(x) — dj

the polynomial of degree b(4n − 2) + s. Obviously for j ∈ H dj > 0, so the definition is correct. Lemma 6.

Let j ∈ H and b ∈ N, b >

s+k 2 ,

ϕ ∈ Φk . Then

ch−2b |Π(xj )| 6 dj 6 Ch−2b |Π(xj )| , j j Tj (x)Π(x) > 0,

x ∈ I,

ϕ(hj ) |Tj (x)| > ϕ(ρ), x ∈ Ij ,  4b+k Π(x) ρ ϕ(hj ) |Tj (x)| > ϕ(ρ) Π(xj ) , x ∈ I, |x − xj | + ρ   2b−s−k 2 ρ ϕ(hj ) |Tj (x)| 6 cϕ(ρ) , x ∈ I. |x − xj | + ρ

(3.2) (3.3) (3.4) (3.5) (3.6)




For dj we have by (1.8) (see also [7], Proof of Lemma 17.2)

|Π(xj )| , tbj (x) |Π(x)| > c min{(x − x0j )−2b , (x − xj )−2b } |Π(xj )| > ch−2b j

x ∈ Ij .

It is known that tj (x) 6 312h−2 j ,

x ∈ Ij .

So the above estimate of dj is tbj (x) |Π(x)| 6 Ch−2b |Π(xj )| , j

x ∈ Ij .

Also we have 1 1 max , 0 2 (x − xj ) (x − xj )2



1 |x − xj | + hj



1 |x − xj | + hj


and 1 1 , 0 2 (x − xj ) (x − xj )2


x 6∈ Ij ,



x 6∈ Ij .


And for the polynomial Tj we obtain ϕ(hj ) |Tj (x)| > cϕ(ρ),

x ∈ Ij ;

taking into account the estimates of dj , (3.7) and (1.2)–(1.8), for x ∈ I 2b  Π(x) hj ϕ(hj ) |Tj (x)| 6 cϕ(hj ) Π(xj ) |x − xj | + hj  2b−s hj 6 cϕ(hj ) |x − xj | + hj q  2b−s hj 6 cϕ 4ρ(|x − xj | + ρ) |x − xj | + hj  k/2  2b−s |x − xj | + ρ hj 6 cϕ(ρ) ρ |x − xj | + hj  2b−s−k hj 6 cϕ(ρ) |x − xj | + hj   2b−s−k 2 ρ 6 cϕ(ρ) . |x − xj | + ρ Applying (3.2), (3.8) and (1.2)–(1.8), for x 6∈ Ij 2b  Π(x) hj ϕ(hj ) |Tj (x)| > cϕ(hj ) Π(xj ) |x − xj | + hj   2b Π(x) hj ρ2 > cϕ Π(xj ) |x − xj | + hj |x − xj | + hj   2b Π(x) hj ρ2 > cϕ Π(xj ) |x − xj | + ρ |x − xj | + hj  k  2b Π(x) hj ρ > cϕ(ρ) Π(xj ) |x − xj | + ρ |x − xj | + hj  4b+k Π(x) ρ > cϕ(ρ) Π(xj ) . |x − xj | + ρ Now the proof is complete.



In the next lemma we construct correcting polynomials. Lemma 7. For each ϕ ∈ Φk , there exists a polynomial Qn = Qn (x, ϕ) of degree 6 (2s + 2k + 16)n, satisfying x ∈ I;

Qn (x)Π(x) > 0,


x ∈ I \ O;

Qn (x) sgn Π(x) > ϕ(ρ), |Qn (x)| 6 c1 ϕ(ρ),

x ∈ I.

(3.10) (3.11)

Proof.  We take a polynomial Tj (x) = Tj (x, b, Y ), defined above the Lemma 6, where  b = s+k + 4. Put 2 X Qn (x) := ϕ(hj )Tj (x). j∈H

Now (3.9) follows from (3.3). Because at the fixed x all Tj (x) have the same sign, (3.10) follows from (3.4). We have also by (3.6)  ϕ(hj ) |Tj (x)| 6 cϕ(ρ)

ρ |x − xj | + ρ

3 .

Hence we obtain at last with the help of (1.2), (1.5) and (1.6) n X

3 ρ |Qn (x)| 6 c |x − xj | + ρ j=1 2  n X ρ 6c ϕ(ρ)hj ρ−1 6 c1 ϕ(ρ), |x − xj | + ρ  ϕ(ρ)


that is (3.11).


Proofs of the positive results Lemma 8.

Let ϕ ∈ Φk and S ∈ Σk−1,O . Assume that ak (S, ϕ) 6 c2 ,


and S(x)Π(x) > 0,



Then there is a polynomial Pn of degree 6 cn such that |Pn (x) − S(x)| 6 Cϕ(ρn (x)),


and Pn (x)Π(x) > 0,

x ∈ I.


Proof. We begin with the polynomial Dn of Lemma 5, associated with the spline S (we take l = 3k − 1) of degree 6 cn. We have |S(x) − Dn (x)| 6 C0 c2 ϕ(ρ)


Now we proceed with the polynomial of degree 6 cn Rn := Dn + C0 c2 Qn ,




where the polynomial Qn is defined in Lemma 7. By virtue of (3.11) and (4.5) we have |S(x) − Rn (x)| 6 cϕ(ρ),

x ∈ I,

and by virtue of (3.10), (4.2) and (4.5) Rn (x) sgn Π(x) > C0 c2 Qn (x) sgn Π(x) + S(x) sgn Π(x) − |S(x) − Dn (x)| > 0,

x ∈ I \ O.

It remains to modify the polynomial Rn so that it will be copositive with f also in O. For this we have deal only with Dn , because by (3.9) copositivity takes place for Qn . So we eq (ν 6 s). eq , a connected component of closure O of O and we let yiq +1 ,..., yiq +ν ∈ O take O e Also we put xjq to be the closest to Oq , such that Ijq ∩ O = ∅. Then (2.14) and (2.15) eq together with (4.1) and (4.2) yield for x ∈ O ν Y |S(x) − Dn (x)| = (x − yiq +µ )[x, yiq +1 ,..., yiq +ν ; S − Dn ] µ=1 ν Y 1 (ν) (ν) = (x − yiq +µ )(S (θ) − Dn (θ)) (4.7) (ν + 1)! µ=1 ν Y −ν 6 cϕ(ρn (θ))ρn (θ) (x − yiq +µ ) , µ=1 by the square brackets we denoted the divided difference of order ν of the function S − Dn eq . For the definition and necessary properties of divided differences one can see and θ ∈ O [7], ch.1. Hence Qν µ=1 x − yiq +µ |S(x) − Dn (x)| 6 cϕ(ρn (xjq )) Qν µ=1 xjq − yiq +µ (4.8) |Π(x, Y )| . 6 c3 ϕ(ρn (xjq )) Π(xjq , Y ) eq is connected and contains at most For the first inequality in (4.8) we used the fact that O 3s intervals, so that e Oq ∼ ρn (θ) ∼ ρn (xjq ) ∼ (xjq − yjq +µ ), 1 6 µ 6 ν; eq and for the second inequality we used the above together with the fact that for any yi 6∈ O |x − yi | |x − yi | ρn (x) > c > 0. xjq − yi > x − xjq + |x − yi | > |O eq | + ρn (x) Now we again make use of polynomials Tj from Lemma 6 (and again we take b = By (3.5) we have |Π(x, Y )| , ϕ(hjq ) Tjq (x) > c4 ϕ(ρn (xjq )) Π(xjq , Y ) Thus if we set

c3 Tejq := ϕ(hjq )Tjq , c4

eq . x∈O

 s+k  2 +4).




and e n := Dn + D


Tejq ,


eq , then it follows by (4.8), (4.9), where the sum is taken over all connected components O eq (3.3) and (4.2), that for x ∈ O 0 e n (x)Π(x, Y ) = (Dn (x) − S(x))Π(x, Y ) + Tejq (x)Π(x, Y ) D 0 X + Tejq (x)Π(x, Y ) + S(x)Π(x, Y ) > 0. q6=q0

Hence, for the polynomial Pn := Rn +


Tejq ,


we have Pn (x)Π(x, Y ) > 0,

x ∈ I.

Note that one can prove that X Tejq (x) 6 c5 ϕ(ρn (x)),



as in the proof of Lemma 7. So we observe that |S(x) − Pn (x)| 6 c6 ϕ(ρn (x)),

x ∈ I.

This concludes the proof. Proofs of Theorems 1 and 2. Theorem 1 for n > c7 > k + r − 1 now follows from Lemmas 2 and 8 with the help of Statement 2. While for k + r − 1 6 n < c7 it follows from the Statement 1. Theorem 2 for n > N (Y ) follows from Lemmas 3, 4, 8 and Statement 2, and for k + r − 1 6 n < N (Y ) it follows also from Statement 1.



Example 1. For each s > 1, r < s − 1, A > 0, n ∈ N there exists a collection Y := Y (n, r, A, s) and function f := fn,r,A ∈ C (r) ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) such that En(0) (f, Y ) > Aω2 (f (r) ; 1) > A2−k+2 ωk (f (r) ; 1),

k > 2.


Proof. We assume without loss of generality that n > r + 1. Let choose b ∈ (0, 1) from the condition 1 br − = A. 4bn2(r+1) 4(r + 1)! We fix arbitrary collection Y of points yi such that −1 + b = y1 > y2 > ... > ys > −1. Following [2], set Qr+1 (x) := (x − y1 )r+1 ; ( Qr+1 (x), if x > −1 + b, r+1 f (x) := (x − y1 )+ := 0, if x < −1 + b.



Evidently f ∈ C (r) ∩ ∆(0) (Y ). We take an arbitrary polynomial Pn ∈ Pn ∩ ∆(0) (Y ). Let’s denote Rn (x) := Qr+1 (x) − Pn (x). We consider divided difference [y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Rn ]. Because Pn ∈ ∆(0) (Y ), there is Pn (yi ) = 0, i = 1, r + 2, so [y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Pn ] = 0. Besides, [y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Qr+1 ] = 1, that is, [y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Rn ] = 1. Therefore the point θ ∈ (−1, −1 + b) exists such that Rn(r+1) (θ) = (r + 1)![y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Rn ] = (r + 1)!. Applying Markov’s inequality we obtain (r + 1)! = Rn(r+1) (θ) 6 n2(r+1) kRn k 6 n2(r+1) (kf − Pn k + kf − Qr+1 k) = n2(r+1) (kf − Pn k + br+1 ), whence kf − Pn k >

(r + 1)! − br+1 . n2(r+1)

On the other hand ,

(r) (r) ω2 (f (r) ; 1) = ω2 (f (r) − Qr+1 ; 1) 6 4 f (r) − Qr+1 = 4(r + 1)!b. Hence

kf − Pn k 1 br > − = A. ω2 (f (r) ; 1) 4bn2(r+1) 4(r + 1)!

Example 2. Let r = s − 1. For each A > 0, n ∈ N there exists a collection Y := Y (n, r, A) and function f := fn,r,A ∈ C (r) ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) such that En(0) (f, Y ) > Aω3 (f (r) ; 1) > A2−k+3 ωk (f (r) ; 1), Proof.

k > 3.


We assume that n > r + 2. Let choose b ∈ (0, 1) from the condition 1 br − = A. 4(r + 2)bn2(r+1) 4(r + 2)!

We fix arbitrary collection Y of points yi such that −1 + b = y1 > y2 > ... > ys > −1. Set Qr+2 (x) := (x − y1 )r+2 ; ( Qr+2 (x), if x > −1 + b, r+2 f (x) := (x − y1 )+ := 0, if x < −1 + b. Evidently f ∈ C (r) ∩ ∆(0) (Y ). We take an arbitrary polynomial Pn ∈ Pn ∩ ∆(0) (Y ). Let’s denote Rn (x) := Qr+2 (x) − Pn (x).



We set yr+2 := −1 and consider divided difference [y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Rn ]. Because Pn ∈ ∆(0) (Y ), there is Pn (yi ) = 0, i = 1, r + 1, so [y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Pn ] =

Pn (−1) > 0. Π(−1)

Besides, [y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Qr+2 ] 6 0, and (see [7], Theorem 1.2) −[y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Qr+2 ] > (y1 − y2 ) +... + (yr+1 − yr+2 ) = b that is, [y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Rn ] 6 −b. Therefore the point θ ∈ (−1, −1 + b) exists such that (r+1) (θ) = (r + 1)! |[y1 ,..., yr+2 ; Rn ]| > (r + 1)!b. Rn Applying Markov’s inequality we obtain (r + 1)!b 6 Rn(r+1) (θ) 6 n2(r+1) kRn k 6 n2(r+1) (kf − Pn k + kf − Qr+2 k) = n2(r+1) (kf − Pn k + br+2 ), whence kf − Pn k >

(r + 1)!b − br+2 . n2(r+1)

On the other hand ,

(r) (r) ω3 (f (r) ; 1) = ω3 (f (r) − Qr+2 ; 1) 6 8 f (r) − Qr+2 = 4(r + 2)!b2 . Hence

Example 3. such that

1 br kf − Pn k > − = A. ω3 (f (r) ; 1) 4(r + 2)bn2(r+1) 4(r + 2)! For any collection Y ∈ Ys there is a function f = f (Y ) ∈ ∆(0) (Y ) (0)

En (f, Y ) lim sup = ∞, ω n→∞ k (f, 1/n)


when k > 4. Proof. Note that it is sufficient to prove (5.3) only for k = 4, so we will deal with the fourth modulus. Denote (Q s i=2 (x − yi ), s > 2, Π1 (x) := 1, s = 1. For b ∈ [0, 1] we construct a function Sb such that ( 1, |x| > 2b; Sb (x) = 0, |x| 6 b; 0 6 Sb (x) 6 1,

b < |x| < 2b;

Sb ∈ C (4) .



For example for x ∈ [b, 2b] one can set Z Sb (x) =


Z (u − b)4 (2b − u)4 du



(u − b)4 (2b − u)4 du

−1 ,


and Sb (x) = Sb (−x), x ∈ [−2b, −b]. Put qb (x) := ((x − y1 )2 − b2 )(x − y1 ), Π1 (x) Π1 (x) gb (x) := qb (x)Sb (x − y1 ) , Qb (x) := qb (x) . kΠ1 k kΠ1 k For these functions there are following relations: gb (x) = 0,

x ∈ [y1 − b, y1 + b],

gb ∈ C (4) ∩ ∆(0) (Y ),


kgb k 6 kQb k 6 kqb k 6 10,



kgb − Qb k[y1 ,y1 +2b] 6 6b , evidently 0 < B =

Π1 (y1 ) kΠ1 k


< 1, therefore

(4) ω4 (gb ; t) 6 16 kgb − Qb k + t4 Qb 6 96b3 + 10t4 (s + 2)8 6 c7 (b3 + t4 ).


For each Pn ∈ Pn ∩ ∆(0) (Y ) we denote Rn (x) = Pn (x) − Qb (x), and obtain Pn0 (y1 ) > 0,

Rn0 (y1 ) > −Q0b (y1 ) = Bb2 .


Applying Bernstein’s inequality (we assume n > s + 1), for 0 < h 6 1 − |y1 | from (5.6) and (5.8) Bhb2 6 hRn0 (y1 ) 6 n kRn k[y1 −h,y1 +h] 6 n(kgb − Pn k[y1 −h,y1 +h] + 6b3 ). Hence kgb − Pn k[y1 −h,y1 +h] > B

hb2 − 6b3 . n


For n > s + 1 put bn = n−4/3 ;

fn (x) = gbn (x)


and note that (5.7) implies ω4 (fn ; t) 6 2c7 t4 , t > 1/n. First we put ε = 0.1 and choose n0 so large that nε0 > 4c7 and bn0 6 and 2 B bnj−1 bnj dj := dj−1 , 40 nj

(5.11) 1−|y1 | 2 .

Set d0 := 1 (5.12)

where the increasing sequence {nν }∞ ν=1 is defined by induction as follows. Suppose that {n0 ,..., nσ−1 } have been defined, then put Fσ−1 :=

σ−1 X j=1

dj−1 fnj (F0 := 0)



and take nσ > nσ−1 so large that


Fσ−1 < dσ−1 nεσ ,


Bbnσ−1 > 12n−ε σ .


and We will put Φσ =

∞ X

dj−1 fnj ,



the uniform convergence of the series follows from (5.5) and the inequality   ∞ X 1 1 dj−1 < dσ−1 1 + + +... < 2dσ−1 , 40 402



which follows from (5.12), (5.10) and 0 < B < 1. Next we define f := f (Y ) :=

∞ X

dj−1 fnj ,



and note that (5.5) yields that f ∈ ∆(0) (Y ). Inequalities (5.11), (5.16) and nε0 > 4c7 yield   ∞ 1 1 X 1 1 ω 4 Φσ ; 6 2c7 4 dj−1 < 4c7 dσ−1 4 < dσ−1 4−ε , nσ nσ nσ nσ j=σ

and (5.13) provides  ω4

1 Fσ−1 ; nσ

So for all σ



1 1

(4) F

σ−1 < dσ−1 4−ε . 4 nσ nσ

1 f; nσ

B σ−1 nσ − 6b3nσ . nσ On the other hand (5.5), (5.16), and (5.12) yield kΦσ+1 k 6 10

∞ X j=σ+1

bn b2 1 dj−1 6 20dσ = dσ−1 B σ−1 nσ . 2 nσ

Hence kf − Pnσ k > kf − Pnσ kJσ > kPnσ − dσ−1 fnσ kJσ − kΦσ+1 k = dσ−1 kpnσ − fnσ kJσ − kΦσ+1 k   1 bnσ−1 b2nσ B − 6b3nσ . > dσ−1 2 nσ



Now by (5.10) and (5.14)  kf − Pnσ k > 6dσ−1

b2nσ n1+ε σ


 = 6dσ−1

1 nσ



And by (5.18)  kf − Pnσ k > 3 nσ1/3−2ε − n−ε → ∞, σ ω4 (f ; 1/nσ ) which implies (5.3).

σ → ∞,

1 nσ

4  .



Acknowledgment In conclusion I express a sincere gratitude to Professor I.A.Shevchuk for the statement of the problem, constant attention, useful advice and discussions of the results received in the work and to A.Bondarenko for the expressed remarks.



References [1] G.A.Dzyubenko, Copositive pointwise approximation (in Russian), Ukainian Math. Journal, 48, 326-334 (1996). [2] J.Gilewicz and I.A.Shevchuk, Comonotone approximation (in Russian), Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Mathematica, 2, 319-363 (1996). [3] Y.K.Hu, K.Kopotun, X.M.Yu, Constrained approximation in Sobolev spaces, Canadian Journal Math., 49, 74-99 (1997). [4] Y.K.Hu and X.M.Yu, Copositive polynomial approximation revisited, in Applied Mathematics Reviews (G.Anastassiou, ed.), World Scientific Pub., 2000, Vol.1, pp.157-179. [5] D.Leviatan, The degree of copositive approximation by polynomials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 88, 101-105 (1983). [6] D.Leviatan and I.A.Shevchuk, Nearly comonotone approximation, Journal of Approximation Theory, 95, 53-81 (1998). [7] I.A.Shevchuk, ”Polynomial Approximation and Traces of Functions Continuous on a Segment” (in Russian), Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 1992. [8] S.P.Zhou, A counterexample in copositive approximation, Israel Journal Math., 78, 75-83 (1992).



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JULY 2005

ISSN:1548-5390 PRINT,1559-176X ONLINE


SCOPE AND PRICES OF THE JOURNAL Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics A quartely international publication of Eudoxus Press,LLC Editor in Chief: George Anastassiou Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis Memphis, TN 38152, U.S.A. [email protected] The main purpose of the "Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics" is to publish high quality original research articles from all subareas of Non-Pure and/or Applicable Mathematics and its many real life applications, as well connections to other areas of Mathematical Sciences, as long as they are presented in a Concrete way. It welcomes also related research survey articles and book reviews.A sample list of connected mathematical areas with this publication includes and is not restricted to: Applied Analysis, Applied Functional Analysis, Probability theory, Stochastic Processes, Approximation Theory, O.D.E, P.D.E, Wavelet, Neural Networks,Difference Equations, Summability, Fractals, Special Functions, Splines, Asymptotic Analysis, Fractional Analysis, Inequalities, Moment Theory, Numerical Functional Analysis,Tomography, Asymptotic Expansions, Fourier Analysis, Applied Harmonic Analysis, Integral Equations, Signal Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Operations Research, Linear Programming, Fuzzyness, Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Analysis, Game Theory, Math.Physics aspects, Applied Real and Complex Analysis, Computational Number Theory, Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Computer Science Math.related topics,combinations of the above, etc. In general any kind of Concretely presented Mathematics which is Applicable fits to the scope of this journal. Working Concretely and in Applicable Mathematics has become a main trend in many recent years,so we can understand better and deeper and solve the important problems of our real and scientific world. "Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics" is a peer- reviewed International Quarterly Journal. We are calling for papers for possible publication. The contributor should send three copies of the contribution to the editor in-Chief typed in TEX, LATEX double spaced. [ See: Instructions to Contributors]

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Editor in -Chief: George Anastassiou Department of Mathematical Sciences The University Of Memphis Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-3144,fax 901-678-2480 e-mail [email protected] Areas:Approximation Theory, Probability,Moments,Wavelet, Neural Networks,Inequalities,Fuzzyness. Associate Editors: 1) Ravi Agarwal Florida Institute of Technology Applied Mathematics Program 150 W.University Blvd. Melbourne,FL 32901,USA [email protected] Differential Equations,Difference Equations,inequalities

2) Shair Ahmad University of Texas at San Antonio Division of Math.& Stat. San Antonio,TX 78249-0664,USA [email protected] Differential Equations,Mathematical Biology 3) Drumi D.Bainov Medical University of Sofia P.O.Box 45,1504 Sofia,Bulgaria [email protected] Differential Equations,Optimal Control, Numerical Analysis,Approximation Theory 4) Carlo Bardaro Dipartimento di Matematica & Informatica Universita' di Perugia Via Vanvitelli 1 06123 Perugia,ITALY tel.+390755855034, +390755853822, fax +390755855024 [email protected] , [email protected] Functional Analysis and Approximation Th.,

19) Rupert Lasser Institut fur Biomathematik & Biomertie,GSF -National Research Center for environment and health Ingolstaedter landstr.1 D-85764 Neuherberg,Germany [email protected] Orthogonal Polynomials,Fourier Analysis, Mathematical Biology 20) Alexandru Lupas University of Sibiu Faculty of Sciences Department of Mathematics Str.I.Ratiu nr.7 2400-Sibiu,Romania [email protected] Classical Analysis,Inequalities, Special Functions,Umbral Calculus, Approximation Th.,Numerical Analysis and Methods 21) Ram N.Mohapatra Department of Mathematics University of Central Florida Orlando,FL 32816-1364 tel.407-823-5080 [email protected] Real and Complex analysis,Approximation Th., Fourier Analysis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 22) Rainer Nagel Arbeitsbereich Funktionalanalysis Mathematisches Institut Auf der Morgenstelle 10 D-72076 Tuebingen Germany tel.49-7071-2973242 fax 49-7071-294322 [email protected] evolution equations,semigroups,spectral th., positivity 23) Panos M.Pardalos Center for Appl. Optimization University of Florida 303 Weil Hall P.O.Box 116595 Gainesville,FL 32611-6595

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tel.352-392-9011 [email protected] Optimization,Operations Research

5) Francoise Bastin Institute of Mathematics University of Liege 4000 Liege BELGIUM [email protected] Functional Analysis,Wavelets

24) Svetlozar T.Rachev Dept.of Statistics and Applied Probability Program University of California,Santa Barbara CA 93106-3110,USA tel.805-893-4869 [email protected] AND Chair of Econometrics and Statistics School of Economics and Business Engineering University of Karlsruhe Kollegium am Schloss,Bau II,20.12,R210 Postfach 6980,D-76128,Karlsruhe,Germany tel.011-49-721-608-7535 [email protected] Mathematical and Empirical Finance, Applied Probability, Statistics and Econometrics

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25) Paolo Emilio Ricci Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Dipartimento di Matematica-Istituto "G.Castelnuovo" P.le A.Moro,2-00185 Roma,ITALY tel.++39 0649913201,fax ++39 0644701007 [email protected],[email protected] Orthogonal Polynomials and Special functions, Numerical Analysis, Transforms,Operational Calculus, Differential and Difference equations 26) Cecil C.Rousseau Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2490,fax 901-678-2480 [email protected] Combinatorics,Graph Th., Asymptotic Approximations, Applications to Physics 27) Tomasz Rychlik Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Chopina 12,87100 Torun, Poland [email protected] Mathematical Statistics,Probabilistic Inequalities 28) Bl. Sendov Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia 1090,Bulgaria

tel.515-294-8150 [email protected] Inequalities,Ordinary Differential Equations 10) Sorin Gal Department of Mathematics University of Oradea Str.Armatei Romane 5 3700 Oradea,Romania [email protected] Approximation Th.,Fuzzyness,Complex Analysis 11) Jerome A.Goldstein Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis, Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2484 [email protected] Partial Differential Equations, Semigroups of Operators 12) Heiner H.Gonska Department of Mathematics University of Duisburg Duisburg,D-47048 Germany tel.0049-203-379-3542 office [email protected] Approximation Th.,Computer Aided Geometric Design

[email protected] Approximation Th.,Geometry of Polynomials, Image Compression 29) Igor Shevchuk Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv 252017 Kyiv UKRAINE [email protected] Approximation Theory 30) H.M.Srivastava Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Victoria Victoria,British Columbia V8W 3P4 Canada tel.250-721-7455 office,250-477-6960 home, fax 250-721-8962 [email protected] Real and Complex Analysis,Fractional Calculus and Appl., Integral Equations and Transforms,Higher Transcendental Functions and Appl.,q-Series and q-Polynomials, Analytic Number Th.

31) Ferenc Szidarovszky Dept.Systems and Industrial Engineering The University of Arizona Engineering Building,111 PO.Box 210020 Tucson,AZ 85721-0020,USA 13) Dmitry Khavinson [email protected] Department of Mathematical Sciences Numerical Methods,Game Th.,Dynamic Systems, University of Arkansas Multicriteria Decision making, Fayetteville,AR 72701,USA Conflict Resolution,Applications tel.(479)575-6331,fax(479)575-8630 in Economics and Natural Resources [email protected] Potential Th.,Complex Analysis,Holomorphic Management PDE,Approximation Th.,Function Th. 32) Gancho Tachev Dept.of Mathematics 14) Virginia S.Kiryakova Univ.of Architecture,Civil Eng. and Geodesy Institute of Mathematics and Informatics 1 Hr.Smirnenski blvd Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BG-1421 Sofia,Bulgaria Sofia 1090,Bulgaria Approximation Theory [email protected] Special Functions,Integral Transforms, 33) Manfred Tasche Fractional Calculus Department of Mathematics University of Rostock 15) Hans-Bernd Knoop D-18051 Rostock Institute of Mathematics Germany Gerhard Mercator University [email protected] D-47048 Duisburg Approximation Th.,Wavelet,Fourier Analysis, Germany Numerical Methods,Signal Processing, tel.0049-203-379-2676

[email protected] Approximation Theory,Interpolation 16) Jerry Koliha Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics University of Melbourne VIC 3010,Melbourne Australia [email protected] Inequalities,Operator Theory, Matrix Analysis,Generalized Inverses 17) Mustafa Kulenovic Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected] Differential and Difference Equations 18) Gerassimos Ladas Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected] Differential and Difference Equations

Image Processing,Harmonic Analysis 34) Chris P.Tsokos Department of Mathematics University of South Florida 4202 E.Fowler Ave.,PHY 114 Tampa,FL 33620-5700,USA [email protected],[email protected] Stochastic Systems,Biomathematics, Environmental Systems,Reliability Th. 35) Lutz Volkmann Lehrstuhl II fuer Mathematik RWTH-Aachen Templergraben 55 D-52062 Aachen Germany [email protected] Complex Analysis,Combinatorics,Graph Theory


On Meromorphic Approximation in the Space Lp A.V. Krot, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics Belorussian State University 4 Scorina Ave., Minsk, 220080, Belarus V.A. Prokhorov, Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of South Alabama Mobile, Alabama 36688, U.S.A. [email protected] tel: (251) 460-6264, fax: (251) 460-7969 Abstract Let Ep (G), 1 ≤ p < ∞, be the Smirnov class of analytic functions on a bounded domain G containing 0. We assume that the boundary Γ of G consists of N closed analytic Jordan curves. For any nonnegative integers n and m denote by Mpn,m the class of all meromorphic functions h on G that can be represented in the form h = α/βz m , where α ∈ Ep (G), β is a polynomial degree at most n, β 6≡ 0. We investigate the problem of approximation of a function f ∈ Lp (Γ) by functions in the class Mpn,m . A theorem giving necessary conditions for a function belonging to the class Mpn,m to be an element of best approximation is proved. As a consequence we show that the denominators of the best meromorphic approximants are orthogonal polynomials with respect to a weight that varies with n.

AMS Classification: 41A20, 30E10, 30D50. Key words: Meromorphic approximation, Best approximation, Orthogonal polynomial.


Necessary Conditions for an Element of Best Approximation

Let G be a bounded N -connected domain and let the boundary Γ of G consist of closed analytic Jordan curves. We assume that Γ is positively



oriented with respect to G and 0 ∈ G. Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. Given a pair (n, m) of nonnegative integers, we consider the following collection of meromorphic functions Mpn,m = Mpn,m (G) = {h = α/βz m , α ∈ Ep (G), β ∈ Pn , β 6≡ 0} , where Ep (G) is the Smirnov class of analytic functions on G and Pn is the class of algebraic polynomials of degree at most n. Denote by Lp (Γ), 1 ≤ p < ∞, the Lebesgue space of functions with integrable pth power. For ϕ ∈ Lp (Γ) the norm of ϕ in Lp (Γ) is Z

kϕkp =



|ϕ(ξ)| |dξ|



The Smirnov class Ep (G), 1 ≤ p < ∞, of analytic functions on G consists of the functions ϕ for which there is a sequence of domains Gk with rectifiable boundaries having the following properties Gk+1 ⊂ Gk ,

Gk ⊂ G,


Gk = G




sup k

|ϕ(ξ)|p |dξ| < ∞.


Here and in what follows we consider the Smirnov class Ep (G) as a subspace of the space Lp (Γ). The condition Z Γ

ϕ(ξ) dξ =0 ξ−z

for all z ∈ C \ G


is necessary and sufficient for a function ϕ ∈ L1 (Γ) to be the boundary value of a function in the Smirnov class E1 (G) (see [5] and [8] for more details about the classes Ep (G)). Let f belong to the space Lp (Γ), 1 ≤ p < ∞. The error in best approximation of f in the space Lp (Γ) by functions from the class Mpn,m is denoted by ∆pn,m : ∆pn,m = ∆pn,m (f ; G) = infp kf − hkp . (2) h∈Mn,m

It is not difficult to prove that there exists a function hn,m ∈ Mpn,m for which the infimum in (2) is attained: ∆pn,m = ||f − hn,m ||p



(see, for example, [6] for p = ∞). We represent hn,m in the form hn,m = P/Qz m , where Q is a monic polynomial with all its zeros in G, P ∈ Ep (G) and P 6= 0 at the zeros of Q. From the relation ∆pn,m =


u∈Ep (G)

kf − u/Qξ m kp ,


we can assert with the help of duality relations (see [9], [10]; for the case when G is the unit disk see [3] and [4]) that there exists a unique function φ ∈ Eq (G), ||Qξ m φ||q = 1, 1/p + 1/q = 1, such that Q(ξ)ξ m φ(ξ)(f − hn,m )(ξ)dξ = ∆pn,m |Q(ξ)ξ m φ(ξ)|q |dξ|


almost everywhere on Γ if 1 < p < ∞, and Q(ξ)ξ m φ(ξ)(f − hn,m )(ξ)dξ = |(f − hn,m )(ξ)||dξ|


almost everywhere on Γ if p = 1. We now formulate a theorem giving necessary conditions for an element of Mpn,m to be an element of best approximation to the function f in the space Lp (Γ) in the class Mpn,m . Theorem 1. Suppose that f ∈ Lp (Γ), 1 ≤ p < ∞, and hn,m = P/Qz m is an element of best Lp (Γ) approximation to f in the class Mpn,m . Then there exists a function ϕ ∈ Eq (G) with ||Q2 ξ m ϕ||q = 1, 1/p + 1/q = 1, such that Q2 (ξ)ξ m ϕ(ξ)(f − hn,m )(ξ)dξ = ∆pn,m |Q2 (ξ)ξ m ϕ(ξ)|q |dξ|, (6) almost everywhere on Γ if 1 < p < ∞, and Q2 (ξ)ξ m ϕ(ξ)(f − hn,m )(ξ)dξ = |(f − hn,m )(ξ)||dξ|


almost everywhere on Γ if p = 1. Moreover, for all 1 ≤ p < ∞ we can assert that deg Q = n. The occurrence of the constant 2 in the power of Q is a consequence of the fact that Q is constructed from free poles of the meromorphic approximants (compare with the factors in (6) and (7) that are connected with the “fixed part” of the element of best approximation). In connection with Theorem 1 we single out paper [7], where an analog of (6) was obtained in the case when f is continuous on Γ and p = ∞. This paper is organized as follows. The proof of Theorem 1 is presented in Section 2. In Section 3 questions concerning the orthogonal polynomials are investigated. Using equations (6) and (7) we prove that Q is the orthogonal polynomial with respect to a weight that varies with n.




Proof of Theorem 1

We now show that in the case when 1 < p < ∞ the polynomial Q satisfies (6) on Γ. The case p = 1 can be treated in the same manner as 1 < p < ∞. It will be assumed that ∆pn,m > 0 since for ∆pn,m = 0 the assertion is obvious. Fix an arbitrary u ∈ Ep (G). It is easy to see that we can represent u in the form u = αQ − βP , where α ∈ Ep (G) and β is a polynomial with deg β ≤ n. For any real ε, let hn,m,ε :=

P ω + εα , (Qω + εβ)ξ m


where ω is an arbitrary monic polynomial of degree d = n − deg Q with all its zeros in G (for d = 0 we can take ω ≡ 1). We remark that hn,m,ε belongs to the class Mpn,m . Assume that |ε| is small enough so that Qω + εβ 6= 0 on Γ. We choose a function φ ∈ Eq (G) with ||Qξ m φ||q = 1, satisfying (4). Let us estimate Z Iε = Q(ξ)ξ m φ(ξ)(f − hn,m,ε )(ξ)dξ. Γ

Since hn,m,ε − hn,m =

εu , (Qω + εβ)Qξ m

we have 


Q(ξ)ξ m φ(ξ) f (ξ) − hn,m (ξ) −

Iε = Γ





φ(ξ)u(ξ) dξ + o(ε) Q(ξ)ω(ξ)

εu(ξ) dξ (Qω + εβ)(ξ)Q(ξ)ξ m


ε → 0.


Next we claim that ||f − hn,m,ε ||p = ||f − hn,m ||p + o(ε)


ε → 0.


Indeed, we have ||f − hn,m,ε ||p = ||f − hn,m ||p + ελ + o(ε)


ε → 0,


where λ := −(∆pn,m )1−p


|(f − hn,m )(ξ)|p−2 Re (f − hn,m )(ξ)


Since, for any ε, ||f − hn,m,ε ||p ≥ ||f − hn,m ||p ,

u(ξ) (Q2 ω)(ξ)




from (11) we get that λ = 0. Thus (10) holds, and consequently |Iε | ≤ ||f − hn,m,ε ||p ||Qξ m φ||q = ||f − hn,m ||p + o(ε) = ∆pn,m + o(ε)


as ε → 0. Letting ε → 0 we obtain from (9) and (12) that Z Γ

φ(ξ)u(ξ) dξ = 0. Q(ξ)ω(ξ)


Since ω is an arbitrary monic polynomial of degree d and u is an arbitrary function in Ep (G), we can conclude from (13) that d = 0, deg Q = n, and φ = Qϕ, where ϕ ∈ Eq (G). In view of (4), this completes the proof of Theorem 1. •

3 3.1

A Connection with the Orthogonal Polynomials G is the Unit Disk, 1 < p < ∞

Our goal in this section is to prove that Q is a nonhermitian orthogonal polynomial for a weight that varies with n (cf. [1] and [7]). Here and in the next subsections we assume that f is holomorphic on C \ E, where E is a compact set, E ⊂ G. Since f is holomorphic on Γ it follows from (6) and (7) that the function Q2 ξ m ϕ(f −hn,m ) can be continued analytically across Γ (see, for example, [9], [10]). Let D be an arbitrary domain such that E ⊂ D and D ⊂ G. We assume that the boundary γ of D is positively oriented with respect to D and consists of finitely many disjoint contours. We first consider the case when G is the unit disk with the center at 0. In this case the Smirnov class Ep (G), 1 ≤ p < ∞, coincides with the Hardy class Hp (G) of analytic functions on G. The Hardy class Hp (G) consists of the functions ϕ such that 2π



|ϕ(reiθ )|p dθ < ∞.

0 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n,

where each φi (t) is a continuous function for t ≤ t0 , each ci (t) and alij (t) are bounded continuous functions on [t0 , +∞) and m X

inf (


alii (t)) > 0, alij (t) ≥ 0, i ≤ j ≤ n, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and τl ≥ 0, 0 ≤ l ≤ m.


In this paper, for the above system of pure-delay type, by improving the former work (Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis 9, 31-45) which extended the averaged condition offered by S. Ahmad and A. C. Lazer (2000, Nonlinear Analysis 40, 37-49), we offer conditions of persistence which are independent of time delays, and considering a continuous Lyapunov-like (nonnegative and non-differentiable) function to the above pure-delay type system, we establish sufficient conditions of global asymptotic stability. AMS Subject Classifications : 34K20, 34K60 Key words : persistence ; global asymptotic stability ; pure-delay type nonautonomous LotkaVolterra differential system.



Consider conditions of the persistence and global asymptotic stability of the following pure-delay type nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra delay differential system.  n X m X   dxi (t) = x (t){c (t) − alij (t)xj (t − τl )}, t ≥ t0 , i i dt j=1 l=0  

xi (t) = φi (t) ≥ 0, t ≤ t0 , and φi (t0 ) > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n,




where each φi (t) is a continuous function for t ≤ t0 , each ci (t) and alij (t) are bounded continuous functions on [t0 , +∞) and m X

inf (


alii (t)) > 0, alij (t) ≥ 0, i ≤ j ≤ n, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, τl ≥ 0, 0 ≤ l ≤ m.



Recently, in [11], Xu and Chen have established conditions for the permanence of system and using a Lyapunov functional, they obtained conditions for the global asymptotic stability of the time-dependent pure-delay-type Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model of three species. In this paper, for the above system of pure-delay type, by applying the former work of Muroya [7] which extended the averaged condition offered by Ahmad and Lazer [2], we offer conditions of persistence which are independent of time delays, and considering a continuous Lyapunov-like (nonnegative and non-differentiable) function to the above pure-delay type system, we establish sufficient conditions of global asymptotic stability which extend the results of Zhen and Ma [12] and are a different type from those of Xu and Chen [11]. Let  m X    alii (t), a a ¯ (t) = ¯lii (t) ≡ 0, a ¯lij (t) = alij (t), j 6= i, 0 ≤ l ≤ m,  i     l=0  m m  X X   l   a alii (t)), ciL = inf ci (t), ciM = sup ci (t), a ¯ = inf ( (t)), a ¯ = sup ( iL iM  ii  t≥t t≥t0 0  t≥t0 l=0 t≥t0  l=0   l− l+ l l   a ¯ (t) = min(0, a ¯ (t)), a ¯ (t) = max(0, a ¯ (t)), ij  ij ij  ij m m X X ¯b− = inf ( a ¯+ ¯l− a ¯l+  ijL ij (t)), and bijM = sup( ij (t)), 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n,  t≥t  0 t≥t 0  l=0 l=0  Z t2   1    ci (s)ds | t0 ≤ t1 < t2 and t2 − t1 ≥ t}, m[c ] = lim inf{ i   t→∞ t2 − t1 t1     and     1 Z t2    ci (s)ds | t0 ≤ t1 < t2 and t2 − t1 ≥ t}, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. M [c ] = lim sup{  i t→∞

t2 − t1



¯+ Note that ¯b− iiL = biiM = 0 and ciL ≤ m[ci ] ≤ M [ci ] ≤ ciM , 1 ≤ i ≤ n. First, applying the results of Muroya [7] to this system, we improve sufficient conditions for the persistence of system. Then, the newly extended averaged condition is as follows: For any xi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n such that M [ci ] ≥ a ¯iL xi +

n X

¯b− xj , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, ijL



it holds that m[ci ] >

X j6=i

¯b+ xj , 1 ≤ i ≤ n. ijM




Let (

¯+ ¯L− = [¯b− ¯+ A¯L = diag(¯ a1L , a ¯2L , · · · , a ¯nL ), B ijL ], BM = [bijM ], are n × n matrices, ¯ = [M [ci ]] are n−dimensional vectors. and c = [m[ci ]] and c


Then, the condition (4)-(5) is equivalent to the following: For any n-dimensional vector x = [xi ] ≥ 0 such that ¯ − )x, ¯ ≥ (A¯L + B c L


¯ + x. c>B M


¯L− is an M −matrix, (A¯L + B ¯L− )−1 c ¯>0 A¯L + B + ¯ ¯M ¯L− )−1 c ¯. (AL + B and c > B


it holds that Assume that


¯L− )−1 ≥ 0 and Eq.(7) implies that Then, (A¯L + B ¯ − )−1 c ¯ ≥ x, (A¯L + B L + ¯ + ¯M ¯L− )−1 c ¯M ¯ and B (AL + B ≥ 0, we have that and from c > B

¯ + (A¯L + B ¯ − )−1 c ¯ + x, ¯≥B c>B M L M which implies Eq.(8). Thus, the newly extended averaged condition (4)-(5) is satisfied. Put   τ¯ = max τl , τ¯i = max{τl | alii 6= 0, 0 ≤ l ≤ m}, 1 ≤ i ≤ n,   0≤l≤m    c1M  , x¯1 = x˜1 exp(c1M τ¯1 ), x ˜ =  1  a ¯1L   i−1 i−1  X X

x˜ = (c

¯b− x¯ )/¯ a , x¯ = x˜ exp{(c

¯b− x¯ )¯ τ }, 2 ≤ i ≤ n − 1,

i iM iL i i iM ijL j ijL j i    j=1 j=1    n−1 n−1  X X   ¯b− x¯j )/¯ ¯b− x¯j )¯  a , x ¯ = x ˜ exp{(c − τn }, x ˜ = (c − nL n n nM n nM  njL njL  j=1



and assume ciM −

i−1 X

¯b− x¯j > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. ijL



Then, x¯i ≥ x˜i > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. ¯L− )−1 c ¯ > 0, then for n-dimensional Note that if A¯L + BL− is an M -matrix and (A¯L + B ¯ = [¯ vector x xi ] and cM = [ciM ], we have that ¯ − )−1 cM ≥ (A¯L + B ¯ − )−1 c ¯ ≥ (A¯L + B ¯ > 0. x L L




Thus, Eq.(9) implies Eqs.(11) and (12). For any two solutions {xi (t)}ni=1 and {yi (t)}ni=1 of the system (1)-(2), we have the following equation which will be useful to obtain sufficient conditions for the global asymptotic stability of system (see Lemma 8):              

d {ln(xi (t)/yi (t))} dt

= −¯ ai (t)(xi (t) − yi (t)) − +

m X

alii (t)


            

n X m X


n X m X

a ¯lij (t)(xj (t − τl ) − yj (t − τl ))

j=1 l=0 n X m X



[{ci (s) −

akij (s)yj (s − τk )}(xi (s) − yi (s))

j=1 k=0

xi (s)akij (s)(xj (s − τk ) − yj (s − τk ))]ds,

j=1 k=0

t ≥ t0 + τ¯, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. (13)

Put an n × n matrix as

¯˜ = [a ¯˜ij ], A

where   aliiM = sup alii (t),    t≥t0   m  X   ¯ l

a ˜ii = a ¯iL − (

aiiM τl ){¯ aiM x¯i + max(−ciL + (¯ aiM x¯i +

n X

¯b+ x¯j ), ciM − ijM

 j=1 l=0   m  X   − + l ¯˜ij = (−bijL + bijM ){1 + ( aiiM τl )¯  xi }, j 6= i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.   a

n X

¯b− x¯j )}, ijL



(14) We shall establish the following extension of the Ahmad and Lazer’s results in [2] and Muroya [7] to the system (1)-(2). Theorem 1. (Cf. Ahmad and Lazer [2] and Muroya [7]) For the system (1)-(2), assume Eq.(9) and suppose that there exists a nonempty subset Q ∈ {1, 2, · · · , n} such that ciL −


b+ ¯j > 0, f or any i ∈ Q. ijM x



Then, the system is persistent for solutions, that is, 0 < inf xi (t) ≤ sup xi (t) < +∞, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. t≥t0

Moreover, if



¯˜ is an M − matrix, A


then for any two solutions xi (t) and yi (t), 1 ≤ i ≤ n, it holds lim (xi (t) − yi (t)) = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.





In particular, if there exists a positive equilibrium x∗ = (x∗1 , x∗2 , · · · , x∗n ) of the system ¯˜ii , 1 ≤ i ≤ n as (1)-(2), then in Eq.(14), we can take a n X

¯˜ii = a a ¯iL − (

aliiM τl )¯ aiM x¯i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n.


Note that if + A¯L − (−BL− + BM ) is an M − matrix,

then Eq.(17) holds for sufficiently small delays such that

m X

aliiM τl , 1 ≤ i ≤ n are suffi-


ciently small. The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, using the same techniques in Ahmad and Lazer [2] and Muroya [7], we prove that Eqs.(9) and (15) ⇒ Eq.(16), and Eqs.(16) and (17) ⇒ Eq.(18).


Conditions of persistence and global asymptotic stability

Consider the persistence and the global asymptotic stability of models governed by a pure-delay-type nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra delay differential system (1)-(2). We have a lemma. Lemma 1. For the system (1)-(2) and 1 ≤ i ≤ n, xi (t) = xi (t0 ) exp(




{ci (s) −

n X m X

alij (s)xj (s − τl )}ds), t ≥ t0 ,


j=1 l=0

and every solutions xi (t), 1 ≤ i ≤ n, exist and remain positive for all t ≥ t0 . Proof.

From Eq.(1), we have for any t ≥ t0 , Z t n X m X 1 d alij (s)xj (s − τl )}ds)} = 0. { exp( {ci (s) − dt xi (t) t0 j=1 l=0

Thus, integrating both sides with respect to t on [t0 , t], one obtains Eq.(19), from which we get the conclusion. 2 We have the following lemma which is an extension of Theorem 2.1 in Xu and Chen [11] for a time-dependent pure-delay-type Lotka-Volterra-prey model of three species.



Lemma 2. For Eqs.(3) and (10), assume Eq.(11). Then, any solutions xi (t), 1 ≤ i ≤ n of system (1)-(2), are bounded above and lim sup xi (t) ≤ x¯i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n. t→∞

Proof. Let D− denote the lower left Dini-derivative. If for some t ≥ t0 , D− x1 (t) ≥ 0, then there exists a nonnegative integer ¯l1t such that 0 ≤ ¯l1t ≤ m and x1 (t − τ¯l1t ) ≤ ca¯1M = x˜1 . 1L Because, if c1M , min x1 (t − τl ) > 0≤l≤m a ¯1L then n m c1 (t) −


al1j (t)xj (t − τl ) ≤ c1M − a ¯1L ( min x1 (t − τl )) < 0, 0≤l≤m

j=1 l=0

which implies D− x1 (t) < 0, by Eq.(1). Therefore, by Eq.(19), x1 (t) ≤ x1 (t − τ¯l1t ) exp(c1M τ¯l1t ) ≤ x¯1 . Thus, if x1 (t) > x¯1 for some t ≥ t0 , then we have D− x1 (t) < 0. Now, let us consider the case that x1 (t) is eventually decreasing and bounded below by x¯1 . Then, lim x1 (t) exists. Set β = lim x1 (t) − x¯1 ≥ 0. t→∞ t→∞ We will show that β = 0. Indeed, suppose β > 0. Let take any positive constant η. Then, there exists t˜0 ≥ t0 such that β ≤ x1 (s) − x¯1 ≤ β + η, f or s ≥ t˜0 , since x1 (t) − x¯1 eventually decreases to β. Thus, we have D− x1 (t) ≤ x1 (t){c1M −

m n X X

al11 (t)x1 (t − τl )}

j=1 l=0

≤ x1 (t)(−¯ a1L β), f or t ≥ t˜1 ≡ t˜0 + τ¯. Therefore, we have x1 (t) ≤ x1 (t˜1 ) exp{−β which in turn implies, due to





a ¯1L ds},


a ¯1L ds = +∞, lim x1 (t) = 0. t→∞

This contradicts x1 (t) ≥ x¯1 + β > 0. Thus, lim x1 (t) = x¯1 . t→∞ Hence, we have lim sup x1 (t) ≤ x¯1 . t→∞

Then, for any fixed positive constant , there exists a constant t¯1 ≥ t¯0 = t0 such that x1 (t) ≤ x¯1 , for any t ≥ t¯1 − τ¯.



Next, for some 2 ≤ i ≤ n, suppose inductively that for any fixed positive constant , there exists a constant t¯i−1 ≥ t¯i−2 such that xj (t) ≤ x¯j + , f or any t ≥ t¯i−1 − τ¯, 1 ≤ j ≤ i − 1. If for some t ≥ t¯i , D− xi (t) ≥ 0, then there exists a nonnegative integer lit such that 0 ≤ lit ≤ m and xi (t − τlit ) ≤ {ciM −

i−1 X

¯b− (¯ aiL ≤ x˜i + {(− ijL xj + )}/¯

i−1 X

¯b− )/¯ ijL aiL }.



Because, if min xi (t − τl ) > (ciM −


n X

¯b− (¯ aiL , ijL xj + ))/¯


then ci (t) −

n X m X

alij (t)xj (t − τl ) ≤ ciM −

j=1 l=0

i−1 X

¯b− (¯ ¯iL ( min (xi (t − τl )) < 0, ijL xj + ) − a



which implies D− xi (t) < 0, by Eq.(1). Therefore, by Eq.(19), xi (t) ≤ xi (t − τlit ) exp{(ciM −

i−1 X

¯b− (¯ ijL xj + ))τlit }


xi + {(− ≤ x¯i ≡ [¯

i−1 X

¯b− )/¯ ijL aiM } exp{(ciM −


× exp{(−

i−1 X

i−1 X

¯b− x¯j )τl }] ijL it


¯b− )τl }. ijL it


Thus, if there exists a constant t˜i ≥ t¯i−1 such that xi (t) > x¯i for some t ≥ t˜i , then D− xi (t) < 0. If xi (t) is eventually decreasing and bounded below by x¯i . Then, as similar to the above discussions of i = 1, we see lim xi (t) = x¯i . t→∞ Since  > 0 is any positive constant, we have that by inductions of i = 1, 2, · · · , n, lim sup xi (t) ≤ x¯i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n. t→∞


This completes the proof. The following lemma is an improved result to Lemma 2.2 in Ahmad and Lazer [2].

Lemma 3. For Eqs.(3) and (10), assume Eqs.(11) and (15). Then, for solutions xi (t), 1 ≤ i ≤ n of system (1)-(2), lim inf t→∞

X i∈Q

xi (t) > 0.




Proof. By assumptions to the system (1)-(2), there exist positive constants γ, ¯bl , 0 ≤ l ≤ m such that for i ∈ Q, ciL −


¯b+ x¯j ≥ γ, and a ¯iM , a ¯lijM ≤ ¯bl , j ∈ Q, 0 ≤ l ≤ m. ijM


By Eq.(1), it follows that for i ∈ Q, x0i (t) ≥ xi (t){ci (t) −

m XX j6∈Q l=0

≥ xi (t){γ −

m X l=0



m XX

a ¯l+ ¯i (t)xi (t) − ijM xj (t − τl ) − a

a ¯lij (t)xj (t − τl )}

j∈Q l=0

xj (t − τl )}.


This shows that if X

V (t) =

xj (t),


then V 0 (t) ≥ V (t){γ −

m X

¯bl V (t − τl )}.



Now, suppose that lim inf V (t) = 0. Then, there exists a sequence {tp }∞ p=1 such that t→∞

V 0 (tp ) ≤ 0, and lim V (tp ) = 0. p→∞

m X

Since V (t) > 0 and for V ∗ = γ/(

¯bl ) > 0,


V 0 (t) ≥ V (t)

m X

¯bl (V ∗ − V (t − τl )),


it holds that for each p ≥ 1, there exists a lp ∈ {0, 1, 2, · · · , m} such that V (tp − τlp ) ≥ V ∗ . Similar to Eq.(19), it follows from Eq.(21) that V (tp ) ≥ V (tp − τlp ) exp(



{γ −

tp −τlp

m X

¯bl V (s − τl )}ds).


By Lemma 2 and assumptions, there is a positive constant V¯ such that for V (t) ≤ V¯ , t ≥ t0 and for τ¯ = max τl , we have that 0≤l≤m

V (tp ) ≥ β ≡ V exp({γ −

m X l=0

¯bl V¯ }¯ τ ) > 0, p ≥ 1,



which is a contradiction. Therefore, lim inf V (t) > 0, t→∞


and hence, Eq.(20) holds.

From Lemma 3, we easily obtain the following Lemmas 4-6 (see Lemmas 2.3-2.5 in Ahmad and Lazer [2]). Lemma 4. For Eqs.(3) and (10), assume Eqs.(11) and (15) and suppose that Eq.(16) does not hold. Then for solutions xi (t), 1 ≤ i ≤ n of system (1)-(2), there exists a maximal nonempty subset J of {1, 2, · · · , n} such that J 6= {1, 2, · · · , n} and inf max{ xj (t) | j ∈ J} = 0.


Lemma 5. For Eqs.(3) and (10), assume Eqs.(11) and (15) and suppose that Eq.(16) does not hold. Let xi (t), 1 ≤ i ≤ n and J be as in Lemma 4 and put min{ xj (t0 ) | j ∈ J} = δ > 0. ∞ Then, there exist sequences {sp }∞ p=1 and {tp }p=1 such that for any p ≥ 1,

   t0 ≤ sp < tp ,  

tp − sp ≥ p, max{ xj (t) | j ∈ J, sp ≤ t ≤ tp } = δ/p,


and there exists jp ∈ J such that xjp (sp ) = δ/p.


The following lemma is a little improved version of Lemma 2.5 in Ahmad and Lazer [2] (see Lemma 2.6 in Muroya [7]). Lemma 6. For Eqs.(3) and (10), assume Eqs.(11) and (15) and suppose that Eq.(16) ∞ does not hold. Let xi (t), 1 ≤ i ≤ n, J, and the sequences {sp }∞ p=1 , {tp }p=1 be as in Lemma 5 and let K be the subset of {1, 2, · · · , n} such that J ∩ K = φ and J ∪ K = {1, 2, · · · , n}. Then, there exists a number  > 0 such that for all p ≥ 1 and all k ∈ K, xk (t) ≥ , f or any t ∈ [sp , tp ].



Continuing the proof that Eqs.(9) and (15) ⇒ Eq.(16), we note that if Eq.(16) does not hold and xi (t), 1 ≤ i ≤ n, J, and jp are as in Lemma 5, there exists an integer j∗ ∈ J such that jp = j∗ for infinitely many integers p. Let {pq }∞ q=1 be an increasing sequence of integers such that jpq = j∗ , f or any q ≥ 1. To simplify the notation, let cq = spq and dq = tpq for q ≥ 1, so dq − cq ≥ pq , f or any q ≥ 1. Since, according to Eq.(22), max{ xj (t) | j ∈ J, cq ≤ t ≤ dq } ≤ δ/pq , and for 0 ≤ l ≤ m, 1 Z dq 1 Z dq 1 Z cq 1 Z dq xj (t − τl )dt = xj (t)dt + xj (t)dt − xj (t)dt, dq − cq cq dq − cq cq dq − cq cq −τl dq − cq dq −τl we have that for any j ∈ J, 1 Z dq xj (t − τl )dt = 0, 0 ≤ l ≤ m. q→∞ d − c q q cq lim

Since, according to Eqs.(22) and (23), xj∗ (cq ) = δ/pq ≥ xj∗ (dq ), we have that for any q ≥ 1, ln(xj∗ (dq )/xj∗ (cq )) ≤ 0. (24) The following lemma is an improved version of Lemma 2.6 in Ahmad and Lazer [2] (see Lemma 2.7 in Muroya [7]). Lemma 7. For Eqs.(3) and (10), assume Eqs.(11) and (15) and suppose that Eq.(16) does not hold. Let J and K be as in Lemmas 5 and 6. Then there exists for each k ∈ K, a number xk > 0 such that for any k ∈ K, M [ck ] ≥ a ¯kL xk +


¯bkjL xj ,



and there exists a j∗ ∈ J such that m[cj∗ ] ≤


¯bj∗ kM xk .



It is now easy to finish the proof that Eqs.(9) and (15) ⇒ Eq.(16) in Theorem 1 by contradiction. Suppose that conditions (9) and (15) are true but Eq.(16) does not hold. Then, Eq.(9) implies Eq.(11) and by the above lemmas, there exist two subsets J and K of {1, 2, · · · , n}, an integer j∗ ∈ J and positive numbers xk , k ∈ K such that Eqs.(25)



and (26) hold. Let xj = 0 for any j ∈ J and x = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn )T . From Eqs.(25) and (9), we see that  n X X   ¯b− xj , f or any k ∈ K, ¯  M [c ] ≥ a ¯ x + b x ≥ a ¯ x + k kL k kjL j kL k  kjL  j=1


n X   ¯b− xj , f or any i ∈ J.  M [c ] ≥ 0 ≥ a ¯ x +  i iL i ijL  j=1

Then, by Eqs.(1) and (9), it holds that ¯ − )−1 c ¯. x ≤ (A¯L + B L


It follows from Eq.(26) that X

m[cj∗ ] ≤

¯bj∗ kM xk ≤



¯b+ xk . j∗ kM


However, by conditions (9) and (27), we see that ¯ + (A¯L + B ¯ − )−1 c ¯ + x. ¯≥B c>B M L M Therefore, by Eq.(6), it holds that X

m[cj∗ ] >

¯b+ xk = j∗ kM


¯b+ xk . j∗ kM



This contradiction proves that Eqs.(9) and (15) ⇒ Eq.(16).


The following lemma is a basic result to obtain a sufficient conditions of the global asymptotic stability of system (1)-(2). Lemma 8. For any two solutions {xi (t)}ni=1 and {yi (t)}ni=1 of the system (1)-(2), it holds Eq.(13). Proof.

We have that

(xi (t) − xi (t − τl )) − (yi (t) − yi (t − τl )) = =



l Zt−τ t



x0i (s)ds

{ci (s) −





n X m X

yi0 (s)ds akij (s)yj (s − τk )}(xi (s) − yi (s))ds

j=1 k=0

n X m X

t−τl j=1 k=0

xi (s)akij (s)(xj (s − τk ) − yj (s − τk ))ds, t ≥ t0 + τl , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 0 ≤ l ≤ m.

On the other hand, by Eq.(1), we have that n X m X x0i (t) yi0 (t) a ¯lij (t)(xj (t − τl ) − yj (t − τl )) − =− xi (t) yi (t) j=1 l=0

m X l=0

alii (t)[(xi (t) − yi (t)) − {(xi (t) − xi (t − τl )) − (yi (t) − yi (t − τl ))}],




from which we obtain Eq.(13).

Now, consider the proof that Eqs.(9), (15) and (17) ⇒ Eq.(18) in Theorem 1. The proof relies on ideas already used by Gopalsamy [4], Tineo and Alvalez [10], Redheffer [8], Ahmad and Lazer [1], [2] and Muroya [7] (see also Teng and Chen [9]). Lemma 9. In addition to the conditions (9), (15) and (17), suppose that in the system (13)-(14), there exist positive constants α1 , α2 , · · · , αn and η > 0 such that ¯˜ii − αi a


¯˜ji ≥ η, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. αj a



Then any two solutions xi (t), yi (t), 1 ≤ i ≤ n of system (1)-(2), satisfy the conditions lim (xi (t) − yi (t)) = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.


Proof. For the positive constants α1 , α2 , · · · , αn in Eq.(28), consider a continuous Lyapunov-like (non-negative and non-differentiable) function v(t) such that for t ≥ t0 , v(t) =

n X

αi [| ln(xi (t)/yi (t))| +

i=1 m Z t X




m Z X

alii (s + τl )



Z s


m Z n X X


|¯ alij (s + τl )||xj (s) − yj (s)|ds

j=1 l=0 t−τl m n X X

|ci (u) − m n X tX

akij (u)yj (u − τk )||xi (u) − yi (u)|duds

j=1 k=0

alii (s + τl ) |xi (u)akij (u)||xj (u − τk ) − yj (u − τk )|duds t−τ s l j=1 k=0 l=0 Z s+τk m Z t m X n X X ( + alii (u + τl )du)|xi (s + τk )akij (s + τk )||xj (s) − yj (s)|ds]. t−τ s−τ +τ k l k l=0 j=1 k=0 +

One can verify that x(t)σ(x)(t) = |x(t)| and D+ |x(t)| = σ(x)(t) where σ(x)(t) =

    1,


   −1,

if x(t) > 0; or x(t) = 0 and if x(t) = 0 and x(t) = 0, dt if x(t) < 0; or x(t) = 0 and

dx(t) , dt dx(t) dt x(t) dt

> 0, 0 such that 0 < η/2 ≤ η and for a sufficiently large t ≥ t0 , xi (t), yi (t) < x¯i + , 1 ≤ i ≤ n and D+ v(t) ≤−

n X

αi [{¯ ai (t) −


− ≤− ≤

n X m X j=1 l=0 n X

m Z X


alii (s + τl )ds)|ci (t) −


t−τl m X


{|¯ alij (t + τl )| +


¯˜ii − {αi a

i=1 n X − η2 |xi (t) i=1


n X m X

akij (t)yj (t − τk )|}|xi (t) − yi (t)|

j=1 k=0




t−τl +τk

alii (s + τl )ds)|xi (t + τk )akij (t + τk )|}|xj (t) − yj (t)|]

¯˜ji }|xi (t) − yi (t)| αj a


− yi (t)|,

where  m X     ¯ a ˜ii = a ˜iL − ( aliiM τl ){¯ aiM (¯ xi + )      l=0  n n  X X   +  ¯ ¯b− (¯  b + max(−c + (¯ a (¯ x + ) + (¯ x + )), c − iL iM i j iM  ij ij xj + ))}, j=1


m  X   + ¯˜ij = (−b−  aliiM τl )(¯ a + b ){1 + ( xi + )}, j 6= i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n,  ijL ijM    l=0  X   ¯˜ji } > 0. ¯˜ii −  αj a η ≡ min {αi a    1≤i≤n j6=i

Hence, the remained part of proof is similar to the proof in Gopalsamy [4] and Ahmad and Lazer [2]. Thus, we get the conclusion. 2 We prove that the condition (17) implies Eq.(28) (see Lemma 2.9 in Muroya [7] and cf. Lemma 3.2 in Ahmad and Lazer [2]). Lemma 10. (See Berman and Plemmons [3]). The condition (17) holds, if and only if, there exist constants αi > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n such that ¯˜ii − αi a


¯˜ji > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. αj a



¯˜ = [a ¯ = diag(a ¯ = I −D ¯ −1 A¯ be n × n ¯˜ij ], D ¯˜11 , a ¯˜22 , · · · , a ¯˜nn ) and B Proof. Let A¯ = A ¯˜ii > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n and I is the n × n unit matrix. Then, it is well known matrices, where a (see for example, Berman and Plemmons [3]) that A¯ is an M -matrix, if and only if, ¯ ≥ 0 and ρ(B) ¯ < 1, ¯˜ii > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, B a



¯ is the spectral radius of matrix B. ¯ where ρ(B) Then, (

¯ − B), ¯ A¯T = (I − B ¯ T )D ¯ = D(I ¯ −D ¯ −1 B ¯ T D), ¯ D ¯ −1 B ¯T D ¯ ≥0 A¯ = D(I −1 T T ¯ B ¯ D) ¯ = ρ(B ¯ ) = ρ(B) ¯ < 1, and ρ(D

which implies that A¯T is also an M -matrix. It is also well known ( see Berman and Plemmons [3]) that A¯T is an M -matrix, if and ˜ = diag(α1 , α2 , · · · , αn ) such that only if, there is a diagonal matrix D ˜ is a diagonally dominant matrix, αi > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and A¯T D which implies Eq.(30). Thus, we get the conclusion.


By Lemmas 9 and 10, we complete the proof that Eqs.(9), (16) and (17) ⇒ Eq.(18) in Theorem 1. Now, consider the following Lotka-Volterra type competitive system with discrete delays (see Zhen and Ma [12]): (

x0 (t) = x(t){c1 − a11 x(t − τ11 ) − a12 y(t − τ12 )}, y 0 (t) = y(t){c2 − a21 x(t − τ21 ) − a22 y(t − τ22 )},


with initial conditions    x(t) = φ1 (t) ≥ 0, t ∈ [−τ, 0], φ1 (0) > 0,  

y(t) = φ2 (t) ≥ 0, t ∈ [−τ, 0], φ2 (0) > 0, τ = max{τij },

where x(t), y(t) stand for densities of both the population at time t, respectively, ci , aij are all positive constants, and τij are nonnegative. To this system, in [12], Zhen and Ma have obtained the following result. Theorem A. Suppose that

(Zhen and Ma [12]). c1 a12 a11 > > , a21 c2 a22


aii τii Mi < 1, i = 1, 2, and A11 A22 − A12 A21 > 0,


and where

   A11 = a11 (1 − a11 τ11 M1 ), A12 = −a12 (1 + a11 τ11 M1 ),


= −a (1 + a τ M ), A

= a (1 − a22 τ22 M2 ),

21 21 22 22 2 22 22   M = ( c1 )ec1 τ11 and M = ( c2 )ec2 τ22 . 2 1 a a 11


Then the positive equilibrium (x , y ) of system (31) is globally asymptotically stable.



To the system (31), by (32) implies (15) for Q = {1, 2} and the existence of the positive equilibrium (x∗ , y ∗ ) of system (31). Then, by the particular case in Theorem 1, we have that ¯˜ii = Aii , a ¯˜ij = Aij , j 6= i, i = 1, 2, a (34) and (17) is equivalent to (33). Hence, by Theorem 1, we obtain the same conclusion of Theorem A. Thus, Theorem 1 is an extension of Theorem A to nonautonomous cases of several species. Similarly, we consider the following time-dependent pure-delay-type Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model (see Xu and Chen [11]):  dx1 (t)    = x1 (t)(c1 (t) − a11 (t)x1 (t − τ11 ) − a12 (t)x2 (t − τ12 )),   dt  

dx2 (t)

= x2 (t)(−c2 (t) + a21 (t)x1 (t − τ21 ) − a22 (t)x2 (t − τ22 ) − a23 (t)x3 (t − τ23 )),   dt    dx3 (t)   = x3 (t)(−c3 (t) + a32 (t)x2 (t − τ32 ) − a33 (t)x3 (t − τ33 )),


dt where ci (t) and aij (t), 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 3 are continuous, bounded, and strictly positive functions on [0, +∞), and τij , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 3 are nonnegative constants. To this system, in [11], Xu and Chen have obtained the following result.

Theorem B. Assume

(see Xu and Chen [11]).

 c1M  exp(τ11 c1M ) − c2L )τ22 } a32M (a21M c1M exp(τ11 c1M ) − c2L a11L ) exp{( a21M  a11L        

−a11L a22L c3L > 0, a32L (a21L x1 − c2M − a23M x¯3 )/a22M × exp{(a21L x1 − c2M − a22M x¯2 − a23M x¯3 )τ22 } − c3M > 0,


where   x¯1 =      x¯ =   3

x =

1    x2 =      x = 3

¯1 −c2L c1M exp(τ11 c1M ), x¯2 = a21Max22L exp{(a21M x¯1 − c2L )τ22 }, a11L a32M x ¯2 −c3L exp{(a32M x¯2 − c3L )τ33 }, a33L c1L −a12M x ¯2 exp{(c ¯1 − a12M x¯2 )τ11 }, 1L − a11M x a11M ¯3 a21L x1 −c2M −a23M x exp{(a21L x1 − c2M − a22M x¯2 − a23M x¯3 )τ22 }, a22M a32L x2 −c3M exp{(a32L x2 − c3M − a33M x¯3 )τ33 }, a33M

and suppose further that the system (35) satisfies Ai > 0, i = 1, 2, 3,


where   biiL = aiiL xi , bijM = aijM x¯i , i = 1, 2, 3,       A1 = 2b11L − b12M − b21M − b11M (2b11M + b12M )τ11 − b21M b22M τ22 ,

A = 2b








2 22L 12M 21M 23M 32M 11M 12M 11    −b (b + 2b + b )τ − b b33M τ33 ,  22M 21M 22M 23M 22 32M    A = 2b 3 33L − b23M − b32M − b22M b23M τ22 − b33M (b32M + 2b33M )τ33 .



Then any positive solution of system (35) is globally asymptotically stable. To the system (35), we apply Theorem 1, then we obtain the following result. Corollary 1. Assume (36) and suppose that (



x¯1 = x¯3 =

¯˜11 , a ¯˜22 , a ¯˜33 > 0, and a ¯˜33 , ¯˜22 a ¯˜11 < a ¯˜11 a ¯˜32 a ¯˜33 + a ¯˜23 a ¯˜21 a ¯˜12 a a


c1M ¯1 −c2L exp(τ11 c1M ), x¯2 = a21Max22L exp{(a21M x¯1 a11L a32M x ¯2 −c3L exp{(a32M x¯2 − c3L )τ33 }, a33L

− c2L )τ22 },


and  ¯˜11 = a11L − (a11M τ11 ){a11M x¯1 + max(c1M , −c1L + a12 x¯2 )},   a

¯˜ a


− (a

τ ){a

x¯ + max(−c


x¯ , c

+ a23 x¯3 )},

22 22L 22M 22 22M 2 2L 21M 1 2M   ¯ a ˜33 = a33L − (a33M τ33 ){a33M x¯3 + max(−c3L + a32M x¯2 , c3M )},



¯˜21 = a21M (1 + a22M x¯2 ), a ˜¯12 = a12M (1 + a11M x¯1 ), a ¯ ¯ a ˜23 = a23M (1 + a22M x¯2 ), a ˜32 = a32M (1 + a33M x¯3 ).



Then any positive solution of system (35) is globally asymptotically stable. Proof. Eq.(36) implies the permanence of system (35) and hence Eq.(16) holds (see ¯˜ = [a ¯˜ij ] is an M -matrix, if and only Xu and Chen [11]). Since 3 × 3 tridiagonal matrix A ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯˜23 /a ¯˜22 )(a ¯˜32 /a ¯˜33 ) < 1, for if, a ˜11 , a ˜22 , a ˜33 > 0 ≥ a ˜12 , a ˜21 , a ˜23 , a ˜32 and (a ˜12 /a ˜11 )(a ˜21 /a ˜22 ) + (a this system (35), we can easily prove that Eq.(17) holds if and only if Eq.(38) holds (see for example, Berman and Plemmons [3]). Thus, by Theorem 1, we obtain the conclusion. 2 Note that Eqs.(37) and (38) are different type conditions from each other. Acknowledgement. Research partially supported by Waseda University Grant for Special Research Projects 2001A-571 and 2003A-573.

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A General Theory of Stochastic Roundoff Error Analysis with Applications to DFT and DCT Hansmartin Zeuner PAV Card [email protected] Abstract. In the first part of this article, a stochastic model for the average case analysis of roundoff errors is developed. Starting from the fractional roundoff error of an algebraic operation a Wilkinson type model fl(X ◦ Y ) = X ◦ Y + ε◦ |X ◦ Y | for the relative roundoff error ε◦ is derived for real valued operations in §1 and for complex operations in §2. The analysis of alternative implementations of complex multiplication shows that the standard method has roundoff errors of the smallest average size. In §3 this model is applied to the error analysis of the matrix–vector product. The average Euclidean norm of the roundoff error vector as well as the covariance between its components is determined. In the special case of Givens rotations these components are uncorrelated and the same holds for reflections. For rotations, the standard method of the matrix–vector product is compared with the representation by three lifting steps which enjoys roundoff errors of smaller average size if the rotation angle is small, however at the expense of a correlation between the components. In the last part, these results are applied to the discrete Fourier transform and the discrete cosine transforms of types II and III in the case n = 8. Taking into account the precomputation errors of the coefficients of the trigonometric matrices, both the direct method and a number of fast algorithms are studied. The latter show roundoff errors of only slightly larger average norm. In all algorithms the components of the roundoff errors are either uncorrelated or have covariances of only small size. The results are confirmed by simulations.

0. Introduction When an algorithm which uses a large number of floating point operations is implemented, it is important to analyse the size of the roundoff errors in order to ensure the accuracy of the result. By a worst case analysis an upper bound of the error is obtained. Usually, this bound is much larger than the “typical” roundoff error of the algorithm: whereas the worst case error grows like the number of steps in the algorithm, in simulations often an error is observed which is proportional to the square root thereof (see [7], pp. 52–53). When we have to choose between different algorithms for the same problem, then in the case of equal complexity the average size of the errors would be more conclusive than a theoretical upper bound. The average case analysis attempts to obtain a more realistic estimate for the roundoff errors by applying a stochastic model for these errors. Certainly, roundoff errors are not random, since the computer will produce the same result again, and hence the same error, when an operation is repeated with the same operands. But, as in other areas of applied mathematics, we develop a model of the roundoff errors which well describes the effects observed in the data. It will turn out at the end 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 65G05, 65T50. Key words and phrases. Roundoff error analysis, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform. Typeset by AMS-TEX




that the predictions of our stochastic model for the roundoff errors are in good accordance with the results of simulations. In the early days of the computer, average case analysis of roundoff errors has been mainly used to evaluate the benefits of different hardware concepts and implementations of the basic floating point arithmetic (see [3]). For special distributions of the data, the statistical properties of the roundoff errors in arithmetic expressions have been studied. Applications to the a posteriori average case analysis of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) are proved in [4] and [1] for the Cooley–Tukey resp. Gentleman–Sande algorithms – under the assumption that the roots of unity used in the FFT have been precomputed exactly. It turns out that these precomputation errors have a determinative influence on the accuracy of the result (see [11]). In [13], an average case error analysis for the Cooley–Tukey FFT is given which includes the treatment of the precomputation errors. In the first half of this article we lay the ground for a simple but realistic model for the a priori average case analysis of the roundoff errors in floating point arithmetic. It is valid both for real and complex valued data. In Section 1 we derive a Wilkinson–type (but stochastic) model for the relative error in the case of real valued arithmetic, which is based on properties of the fractional error as defined in [3]. For multiplication (and division) the distribution of the relative error can be given in closed form. The dependency from the distribution of the data is only very small. In contrast, for summation, the distribution of the data has a strong influence on the distribution of the relative error. A formula for the expectation of the relative error is proved under various rounding modes, and it is shown that the expectation is zero for the default rounding mode in the IEEE 754 standard. )−Z◦W for comIn Section 2 properties of the relative roundoff error ε◦ := fl(Z◦W |Z◦W | plex operands Z, W are derived from the stochastic Wilkinson model in Section 1. For all operations ◦, the real and the imaginary parts of the error are uncorrelated and have symmetric distributions with equal variances. For addition and multiplication the variance of the complex error does not depend on the distribution of the data, but only from the first two moments of the real valued relative errors. In the case of division there is only a weak dependence on the distribution of the data. Alternative methods for complex multiplication are shown to have inferior accuracy. In the second half of the article the stochastic model for the actual roundoff error is applied to matrix–vector multiplication and the discrete Fourier and cosine transforms (DFT and DCT) in particular. In Section 3 we state our final model which is based on the preliminary models of Sections 1–2. The main assertion of 2 2 the model is that the relative roundoff error ε◦ has expectation 0 and variance σK ,◦u 2 and is independent of the data. The constant σK,◦ only depends on the operation ◦ and the underlying number field K = R or C but not on the machine accuracy 2 u (see (1.1)). Motivated by the results of section 2 we also assume that σK ,◦ is not dependent on the distribution of X and Y, as long as the data has expectation 0 and is uncorrelated. Based on this model, we determine the variance of the roundoff error for the inner product of two vectors and the product of a matrix with a vector under different summation methods. It is possible to generalize this to data with non–zero expectation, but the statement of the result is more complicated. If entries of the matrix carry precomputation errors, several additional problems have to be considered: in many practical examples, the same constant occurs in




several entries of the matrix. The corresponding roundoff errors are clearly dependent. Moreover, multiplications with identical operands – and hence identical errors – enter in different components of the result, for example in the butterfly operations of the FFT. As a consequence, the components of the total roundoff error of a matrix–vector product are no longer independent. A general formula for the covariance matrix of the error vector in this situation is the main result of Section 3. If we are only interested in the mean square norm of the error vector (and not in the componentwise analysis), the result can be simplified considerably. In the Section 4 we apply this general result to the discrete Fourier transform, the fast Cooley–Tukey and Gentleman–Sande algorithms, the discrete cosine–II and –III transforms with two new fast algorithms from recent research by Loeffler et al. [9] and Schreiber [12]. We restrict the study to the special case n = 8, since here the effect of correlation between error components and non–equal variances is more pronounced than for larger n. In all these examples, we observe that the correlations between the components of the error vector – if non–zero – are always small compared to the variances, but that the size of the variance of different components can vary considerably. The theoretical results are confirmed by simulations. 1. Wilkinson’s roundoff error model revisited The standard representation for roundoff errors occuring in computations with floating point numbers is Wilkinson’s model, which gives the following estimate of the computed value of an operation ◦ ∈ {+, −, ×, ÷} (x, y ∈ R).

fl(x ◦ y) = (x ◦ y)(1 + ε◦ )


The relative error ε◦ satisfies the worst case bound |ε◦ | ≤ u, where u is the maximal relative machine error of the implementation of the arithmetic operations (depending on the CPU). If the mantissa in the floating point representation of a real number uses m + 1 bits (not including the sign), then u = 2−m−1 . Here and in the following we will neglect the possibility of an underflow or overflow. This model is based on the assumption that the computed result of an operation is obtained by rounding the precise result z = x ◦ y (or at least a more precise result) towards the nearest machine number fl(z) = z(1 + ε)

(|ε| ≤ u).

A sharper and more realistic (but more complicated) model which is based on the representation of floating point numbers, follows from the assumption fl(z) = z + ζ(z)η with

 ζ(z) :=

(|η| ≤ u)

 0, sgn(z) max{2n ≤ |z| : n ∈ Z} for z = 0 for z = 0.

Here, η is the fractional error (see [3]). It implies fl(x ◦ y) = x ◦ y + ζ(x ◦ y) η ◦

(x, y ∈ R, |η ◦ | ≤ u)





The difference between the implications of these models, however, is only small (see Remark 2.2). In the rest of the Section 1 our results will be based on the model (1.2) and we will study the consequences for (1.1). Following Calvetti [4] we begin to build a stochastic model for the roundoff errors by assuming that the relative errors ε◦ in (1.1) from an operation ◦ are random with expectation (1.3) E (ε◦ ) = µ◦ u and variance

V(ε◦ ) = σ◦2 u2 .


The constants µ◦ , σ◦ ∈ R will depend on the operation ◦ ∈ {+, −, ×, ÷} and the distribution of the data. In practice the result of a particular computation, and hence the roundoff error, is (hopefully) not random. Therefore we explain the randomness of ε◦ as a consequence of the randomness of the input data. In this model we will assume that the input is random and that the relative error ε◦ is independent of the data. Our simulations are in accordance with relative error and data being uncorrelated, but since the roundoff error is a function of the data, our stronger assumption of independence is certainly a simplification. It is motivated by the observation that the size of the relative error ε◦ is not related to the size of the data, and that the last digits of the data, which have the strongest influence on the roundoff error, are approximately independent of the rest of the mantissa. Calvetti [4] has observed that in numerical experiments µ+ < 0 is obtained for the addition, whereas µ× is close to zero. In her simulations the roundoff error is determined by rounding the exact result to a given precision. In our own experiments (using MATLAB on a Macintosh computer and an SGI workstation, and verifying 2 · 106 calculated values using long arithmetic) no statistically significant evidence against the hypotheses µ+ = 0 and µ× = 0 was found (see Remark 1.8). It is clear that the implementation of the basic arithmetic operations in different hardware or software will influence the distributions of the roundoff errors. It is therefore possible that the “drift” towards zero for the addition observed by Calvetti originates from the treatment of ties in her model, i.e., a result x ◦ y which is exactly the mean between two consecutive machine numbers. In her experiments these are rounded towards the smaller neighbour by the usual round function. Following the IEEE 754 standard (see [7], pp. 46–48), an arithmetic operation is performed to arbitrary precision and then rounded towards one of the adjacent machine numbers using one of four methods. In the default rounding method, ties are rounded towards the nearest even mantissa number. Lemma 1.3 below will explain the discrepancy between Calvetti’s model and ours. In the following we will study the probability p◦ of ties for addition and multiplication and its influence on the expectation µ◦ u of the roundoff error. We denote by m + 1 the number of bits in the mantissa (not counting the sign bit). The probability p+ of a tie in the computation of a sum (or difference) depends strongly on the distribution of the operands. 1.1 Lemma. Let X and Y be independent with 2j−1 ≤ X < 2j and 2k−1 ≤ Y < 2k (j, k ∈ Z). Assume that the |j − k| + 1 last digits in the binary representations are independent of the rest and uniformly distributed. Then the probability of a tie in the calculation of X + Y is   p+ = 2−|j−k|−1 1 + P {X + Y < 2max(j,k) } .




The calculation of X − Y yields no roundoff error if j = k, and the probability of a tie is  1 max(j,k)−1 } for j = k ± 1, 2 P {|X − Y | ≥ 2 + p =   −|j−k| max(j,k)−1 2 1 + P {|X − Y | < 2 } for |j − k| ≥ 2. From these special cases the probability p+ of a tie for arbitrary distributions of X and Y can be deduced. We observe that the probability of a tie can be as large as 50%, but very small probabilities are possible if X and Y are of very different size. Note that the assumption of independence is at least approximately true as long as |j − k| is much smaller than m. Furthermore, the different behaviour of addition and subtraction stems from the assumption X, Y > 0. Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume that k ≤ j = 0. Let Xl and Yl be the l-th digits in the binary representations of the mantissae of X and Y . Then we have a tie in the computation of X + Y if and only if X + Y ≥ 1 and Xm+1 + Ym+1+k = 1, Ym+2+k = · · · = Ym+1 = 0, or if X + Y < 1 and Ym+2+k = 1, Ym+3+k , . . . , Ym+1 = 0. Since we have assumed independence, the probability of the first event is P {X + Y ≥ 1} 2k−1 and P {X + Y < 1} 2k of the second. Note that X + Y < 1 is only possible for k ≤ −1. The sum of these probabilities is 2k−1 (1 + P {X + Y < 1}), and so the first equation follows. For k ≤ −1 a tie in the difference X − Y occurs if and only if |X − Y | ≥ 12 and Ym+2+k = 1, Ym+3+k , . . . , Ym+1 = 0, or if k ≤ −2, |X − Y | < 12 and Ym+3+k = 1, Ym+4+k , . . . , Ym+1 = 0. This implies the last two equations. 1.2 Lemma. If the density of the mantissa of X resp. Y (i.e. the probability that the mantissa is a particular number) is bounded by a/2m+1 resp. b/2m+1 , then for the multiplication the probability p× of a tie satisfies 3ab −m m2 . 8 For example we can choose a := fX ∞ and b := fY ∞ if X and Y are the machine approximations of random variables with densities fX resp. fY and values in [ 12 , 1]. In particular if X and Y are uniformly distributed in [ 12 , 1], [0, 1] or [−1, 1], then a = b = 2. p× ≤

Proof. Without loss of generality let 12 ≤ X, Y < 1. Let L resp. M be the number of trailing zeros in the mantissa of X resp. Y . Then P {L = k} =

2m−k −1 j=2m−k−1

P {X =

2j + 1 } ≤ 2m−k−1 a/2m+1 = 2−k−2 a 2m−k+1

and P {M = k} ≤ 2−k−2 b for k = 0, . . . , m − 1. A tie occurs if and only if L+M = m−1 and XY ≥ 12 , or if L+M = m−2 and XY < 12 (after normalization). Therefore the probability of a tie is bounded by P {m − 2 ≤ L + M ≤ m − 1} =


P {L = k}P {m − k − 2 ≤ M ≤ m − k − 1}


m−1  k=0

2−k−2 a(2−m+k + 2−m+k−1 )b


3mab2−m−3 .




This completes the proof. 1.3 Lemma. Let ◦ ∈ {+, −, ×, ÷} and q := E (ζ(X ◦ Y )/(X ◦ Y )) (see (1.2)). Then   0 µ◦ = −p◦ q   −q

for nearest neighbour rounding with ties rounded to even, for nearest neighbour rounding with ties truncated, for truncation.

The constant q depends on the distribution of the data, but only slightly: if X ◦Y

is standard normal, then q = (2π)−1/2 n∈Z 2−n (exp(−22n−1 ) − exp(−22n+1 )) ≈ 0.721; if X ◦ Y is uniform on [−1, 1], then q = ln 2 ≈ 0.693. Proof. Let Z := X ◦ Y and R := Z/2ζ(Z) − uZ/2uζ(Z) the part of the mantissa which would be lost with truncation. Since 0 ≤ R < u, the distribution of R is symmetric around u/2 (with the exception of R = 0) and hence the first result follows. For truncation we have ε◦ = −2R ζ(Z)/Z and µ◦ u = E (ε◦ ) = −2E (R)E (ζ(Z)/Z) = −uq by the assumption of independence between relative error and data. For the second rounding method we have to replace E (R) by E (R 1{R=u/2} ) = u2 P {R = u2 } = p◦ u2 . In the following we will assume that the default rounding method of IEEE 754 standard is used. Hence µ◦ = 0. For summation the error distribution depends strongly on the distribution of the data (see Lemma 1.1 and the following histogramms of roundoff errors in Figures 1–2) 1000










0 -1





0 -1





Figure 1: Distribution of roundoff errors ε+ /u from summation of standard Gaussian data (left) and data distributed uniformly on [1, 2] (right), with 100000 samples.

In contrast, one observes that the distribution of the relative error for the multiplication has a very similar shape for a large class of input distributions. Simulations show that this shape can very well be described by a density:














0 -1




0 -1






ε× /u

Figure 2: Distribution of roundoff errors from multiplication of standard Gaussian data (left) and data distributed uniformly on [1, 2] (right), with 100000 samples.

However, roundoff errors according to our definition are always discrete random variables. In order to avoid this problem, we assume that the input variables are continuous with a smooth density, and rounded to machine number after multiplication. Then the roundoff error fl(XY ) − XY also has a density. This modification is motivated by the fact that for uniformly distributed X and Y the remainder R (see Lemma 1.3) takes the value uj/2l with the same probability for all odd j = 1, . . . , 2l − 1 (l = 2, . . . , m + 1). Therefore the uniform distribution is a good approximation for the distribution of fl(XY ) − XY . 1.4 Proposition. Assume that X and Y are independent with 12 ≤ X, Y < 1 and that X density φ with uφ ∞ 1. Furthermore, let  has a differentiable  ψ(t) := E Y 1{Y ≤t} be the truncated moment. Then the relative error ε× /u in (1.1) has the density θ on [−1, 1] given by θ(t) = for |t| ≤

1 2

E (X)E (Y ) +


ψ 1/2

1 xφ(x) dx 2x


1 xφ(x) dx 2x 1/2 1 1/2|t| 1 1 xφ(x) dx + xφ(x) dx ψ ψ + 2 4x|t| 2x|t| 1/2 1/2|t|

θ(t) =

E (X 1{2|t|X≤1} )E (Y ) −



for |t| ≥ 12 . The assumption uφ ∞ 1 means that the exact density of ε× /u can be approximated by θ with a O(uφ ∞ )–error term. Proof. Under our assumptions the conditional distribution of fl(XY ) − XY given X, Y is the uniform distribution on [− u2 , u2 ] for XY ≥ 12 and [− u4 , u4 ] for XY < 1 1 × 1 1 2 . Hence ε /u has the conditional density XY 1[− 2XY , 2XY ] for XY ≥ 2 and 1  1 1 2XY 1[− 4XY , 4XY ] for XY < 2 . This holds up to an error of at most uφ ∞ .




Therefore the value θ(t) of the density of ε× /u is

1 2xy 1[0, 4|t| ] (xy)PY (dy)φ(x)dx +

xy< 12

1 xy 1[0, 2|t| ] (xy)PY (dy)φ(x)dx

xy≥ 12

1  1  1 1

1 , xφ(x)dx + −ψ xφ(x)dx. ψ ψ min =2 2x 4x|t| 2x|t| 2x 1/2 1/2


1 1 and ψ( 2x|t| )= For |t| ≤ 12 the value of the minimum in the integral above is 2x 1 1 1 ψ(1) = E (Y ). For |t| ≥ 2 the minimum is 4x|t| and for 2x|t| ≤ 1 we have ψ( 2x|t| ) = E (Y ). In both cases the result follows by a simple calculation.

1.5 Corollary. 1.4 let χ(t) :=  Under the same assumptions as in Proposition  −2 × E Y 1{Y ≤t} . Then the variance of the relative error ε in (1.1) is given by 2 σ× =

1 1 E (X −2 )E (Y −2 ) − 12 16

1 xφ(x) dx. 2x


χ 1/2

1.6 Example. If X, Y are uniformly distributed on [1/2, 1] (or [0, 1] or [−1, 1]), then the density of ε× /u is equal to  θ(t) =

3 8


ln |t| 4t2

ln 2 ≈ 0.722 for |t| ≤ 12 ,

+ ln22 + 18 t12 − 1 for 12 ≤ |t| ≤ 1.

1 2

 The standard deviation is σ× =

1 2

ln 2 −

1 6

≈ 0.424.

1.7 Remark. For the division of real numbers, Proposition 1.4, Corollary 1.5 and the density in Example 1.6 are also valid, since the same arguments are applicable. 1.8 Remark. By experimenting with standard normal data X, Y in MATLAB we have obtained the following values as multiples of the machine accuracy u (which is u = 12 eps = 2−53 for MATLAB): |µ+ |, |µ× |, |µ÷ | < 0.001, σ+ ≈ 0.406 and σ× ≈ 0.425 ≈ σ÷ . The results in [4] about µ+ and µ× are explained by Lemmas 1.1–1.3. For uniform data on [0, 1], σ+ ≈ 0.470 was obtained and σ+ ≈ 0.192 for the uniform distribution of [−1, 1]. The influence of the distribution on the roundoff error from summation is obvious. For multiplication no such effect has been observed. 1.9 Remark. The subsequent results remain valid even when µ+ = 0 or µ× = 0. However, if we replace the definition of the relative error in (1.1) by fl(X ◦ Y ) = X ◦ Y + ε◦ |X ◦ Y |,


then it is easy to see that E (ε◦ ) = 0 and V(ε◦ ) = σ◦2 + µ2◦ for any operation ◦ ∈ {+, −, ×, ÷}, as long as |X ◦Y | and sgn(X ◦Y ) are independent and fl(−x) = − fl(x) for all x ∈ R.




2. Complex arithmetic Starting now from the stochastic version of Wilkinson’s model (1.1) for real valued arithmetic operations, we will derive properties of the distributions of the relative roundoff errors for operations with complex data. These will be stated in the form of (1.5) which is more convenient for later use. 2.1 Proposition. Let X, Y, U, V be independent real–valued random variables with identical distribution symmetric around the origin. Set Z := X + iY , W := U + iV . Assume that fl(X + U ) = (X + U )(1 + ε+ 1 ), fl(Y + V ) = (Y + V )(1 + ε+ 2) + where ε+ 1 , ε2 are independent of Z and W and with for j = 1, 2. Define ε+ by

E (ε+j ) = µ+ u, V(ε+j ) = σ+2 u2

fl(Z + W ) = (Z + W ) + ε+ · |Z + W |. Then we have: (i) The distribution of ε+ is symmetric. In particular, E (ε+ ) = 0. (ii) Re ε+ , Im ε+ and |Z + W | are uncorrelated. 2 )u2 and Re ε+ and Im ε+ have equal variances (iii) We have V(ε+ ) = (µ2+ + σ+ + + V(Re ε ) = V(Im ε ). Proof. (i) From the definition we have ε+ =

+ (X + U ) · ε+ 1 + i(Y + V ) · ε2  . (X + U )2 + (Y + V )2

By independence and the symmetry of the distributions of X, Y, U and V the dis+ (−X−U )·ε+ 1 +i(−Y −V )·ε2 tribution of −ε+ = √ is the same as that of ε+ . 2 2 (−X−U ) +(−Y −V )

+ (ii) We have Cov (Re ε+ , |Z+W |) = E ((X+U )·ε+ 1 ) = E (X+U )·E (ε1 ) = 0·µ+ u = 0 and similarly for Cov (Im ε+ , |Z + W |). Furthermore

Cov (Re ε+ , Im ε+ )   Y +V X +U + + ε1 ·  ε2 =E  (X + U )2 + (Y + V )2 (X + U )2 + (Y + V )2   (X + U )(Y + V ) 2 2 = µ+ u · E = 0 (X + U )2 + (Y + V )2 again by symmetry. (iii) Since E (ε+ ) = 0, we have   (X + U )2 + 2 + V(Re ε ) = E (X + U )2 + (Y + V )2 · (ε1 )    1 2  2  (X + U )2 2 2 = µ+ + σ+ u . · E (ε+ =E 1) 2 2 (X + U ) + (Y + V ) 2




2.2 Remark. A more realistic model would be obtained by replacing the ε+ j from + (1.1) with the fractional relative roundoff error ηj from (1.2) in the assumptions in 2 2 2 Proposition 2.1. Since by definition E ((ηj+ )2 ) = E ((ε+ j ) ) E ((X + U ) /ζ(X + U ) ), we obtain     ζ(X + U )2 + ζ(Y + V )2 (X + U )2 + V(ε ) = E (X + U )2 + (Y + V )2 E ζ(X + U )2 (µ2+ + σ+2 )u2 instead of the result in (iii) above. The product of the two expected values (which depends on the distribution of the data) is very close to 1 for a large class of distributions. This justifies the use of (1.1) in the following. In the next proposition we study complex multiplication. Here and in the following we assume that roundoff errors propagate without further alteration (i.e., they have no influence on further roundoff errors). 2.3 Proposition. Let X, Y, U, V be real valued random variables such that X and Y have the same distribution which is symmetric around the origin, and set Z := X + iY , W := U + iV . Assume that × × fl(X × U − Y × V ) = (X × U − Y × V )(1 + ε+ 1 ) + (X × U )ε1 − (Y × V )ε2

and × × fl(X × V + Y × U ) = (X × V + Y × U )(1 + ε+ 2 ) + (X × V )ε3 + (Y × U )ε4 × × × + + × × 2 2 with X, Y, W, ε× 1 , ε2 , ε3 , ε4 , ε1 , ε2 independent and E (εj ) = µ× u, V(εj ) = σ× u + 2 2 × (j = 1, 2, 3, 4) and E (ε+ j ) = µ+ u, V(εj ) = σ+ u (j = 1, 2). If we define ε by

fl(Z × W ) = Z × W + ε× |Z × W |, then we have: (i) The distribution of ε× is symmetric. In particular, E (ε× ) = 0. (ii) Re ε× , Im ε× and |Z × W | are uncorrelated. (iii) Re ε× and Im ε× have the equal variances V(Re ε× ) = V(Im ε× ) and 2 2 + σ+ + µ2× + µ2+ )u2 . (σ×

V(ε+ )


Proof. (i) This follows from Re ε× = √


XU YV + + √ √ · (ε× · (ε× 1 + ε1 ) − √ 2 2 + ε1 ) 2 2 2 +Y U +V X + Y 2 U2 + V 2

and Im ε× = √

XV YU + √ √ · (ε× + ε+ )+ √ · (ε× 3 2 4 + ε2 ) X2 + Y 2 U 2 + V 2 X2 + Y 2 U 2 + V 2

as well as the fact that the distribution of ε× = Re ε× + i Im ε× remains the same, if we replace (X, Y ) by (−X, −Y ).



11 × × (ii) We have Cov (Re ε× , |Z × W |) = E (XU ε× 1 − Y V ε2 + (XU − Y V )ε1 ) = E (X)E (U )E (ε×1 ) − E (Y )E (V )E (ε×2 ) + E (X)E (U ) − E (Y )E (V ) E (ε+1 ) = 0 and similarly for Im ε× . Furthermore, Cov (Re ε× , Im ε× ) equals

   × × + × ×  (XU − Y V )ε+ 1 + XU ε1 − Y V ε2 (XV + Y U )ε2 + XV ε3 + Y U ε4 E . (X 2 + Y 2 )(U 2 + V 2 ) The terms going with

E (ε+1 )E (ε+2 ) are

XY U 2 X2 U V E + E E U2 + V 2 X2 + Y 2 U2 + V 2 X2 + Y 2 XY V 2 Y 2 UV − E E − E E U2 + V 2 X2 + Y 2 U2 + V 2 X2 + Y 2


and by our assumptions the  the last terms cancel, whereas the two middle  first and = 0. Here the symmetry of the distribution of terms vanish because of E X XY 2 +Y 2 × 2 2 X is used. The same terms also occur in conjunction with E (ε× j )E (εk ) = µ× u × 2 (where j = 1, 2, k = 3, 4) and with the mixed terms E (ε+ j )E (εk ) = µ+ µ× u (where × × j = 1, k = 3, 4 as well as j = 2, k = 1, 2) and therefore Cov (Re ε , Im ε ) = 0. (iii) This is a similar calculation as in (ii). 2.4 Remark. It is possible to use only three multiplications (but five additions) by defining α := (X + Y ) × (U − V ), β := X × V , γ := Y × U and using the identity (X + iY ) × (U + iV ) = (α + (β − γ)) + i(β + γ). Whereas the usual complex multiplication is based on the formula 

XU − Y V XV + Y U



−Y X


with an almost orthogonal matrix, the three–plus–five algorithm relies on 

XU − Y V XV + Y U


1 0

1 1

−1 1

X +Y  0 0

0 X 0

 0 1 0 0 Y 1

 −1   U 1  V 0

with non–orthogonal matrices. Therefore it is not surprising, that in terms of numerical stability this method is worse than the usual method. In fact, under the same assumptions on the data as in Proposition 2.3 one can prove that the relative error ε× := =

fl((α + (β − γ)) + i(β + γ)) − (X + iY )(U + iV ) |(X + iY )(U + iV )| + × + × × + + α(ε+ 1 + ε2 + ε1 + ε4 ) + βε2 − γε3 + (β − γ)(ε3 + ε4 ) |(X + iY )(U + iV )|


× + βε× 2 + γε3 + (β + γ)ε5 + O(u2 ) |(X + iY )(U + iV )|



12 + (where ε× 1 , . . . , ε5 are the relative roundoff errors from the successive computations) satisfies E (ε× ) = 0,

3 2 1 2 3σ+ + σ× + 5µ2+ + 3µ+ µ× + µ2× u2 + O(u3 ), 2 2   1 V(Im ε× ) = 2 σ+2 + σ×2 + µ2+ + µ2× u2 + O(u3 ), Cov (Re ε× , Im ε× ) = O(u3 ),

V(Re ε× )


 2  2 2 2 2 and so in particular E (|ε× |2 ) = 72 σ+ + 2σ× + 11 µ + 3µ µ + µ u + O(u3 ) is + × + × 2 larger than for the usual computation of the product of two complex numbers (see Proposition 2.3 (iii)). By reversing the role of real and imaginary parts we can obtain an algorithm with the same complexity and similar error variance. Yet another method with the same complexity is described in [10], p. 73 and based on XU − Y V = (X + Y )U − Y (U + V ), XV + Y U = (X + Y )U + X(V − U ). It leads to a complex roundoff error with equal variances of real and imaginary parts but with covariance  2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 σ+ + σ× + µ+ + µ× u + O(u ). Therefore they are not uncorrelated as in the case of all the other algorithms. The total variance of the relative error is 2 2 (3σ+ + 2σ× + 3µ2+ + 2µ2× )u2 + O(u3 ). 2.5 Remark. In the following diagrams of Figure 3 we show the results of 10000 simulated multiplications of complex numbers using the methods from Proposition 2.3 (left) and Remark 2.4 (right diagram). 3















Figure 3: Distribution of roundoff errors


ε× /u





for different methods of complex multiplication

As can be seen from these diagrams the distribution of the complex valued relative roundoff error ε× is not exactly rotation symmetric, even when Z and W are. This is also true for ε+ . If one of the factors of the product is a real number (or purely imaginary) then only two real multiplications are needed to calculate the product. As a consequence, the roundoff errors are smaller than in the general situation. 2.6 Proposition. Let X, Y, U be independent real valued random variables such that the distributions of X and Y are equal and symmetric around the origin, and set Z := X + iY . Assume that fl(U × X) = (U × X)(1 + ε× 1) fl(U × Y ) = (U × Y )(1 + ε× 2)



13 × with ε× 1 , ε2 independent of Z and U and with j = 1, 2), and define ε× by

E (ε×j ) = µ× u, V(ε×j ) = σ×2 u2 (for

fl(U × Z) = (U × Z) + ε× |U × Z|. Then we have: (i) The distribution of ε× is symmetric. In particular E (ε× ) = 0. (ii) Re ε× , Im ε× and |U × Z| are uncorrelated. (iii) Re ε× and Im ε× have equal variances V(Re ε× ) = V(Im ε× ), and 2 (µ2× + σ× )u2 .

V(ε× ) =

The proof is similar to the preceding ones and will be omitted. Finally we study division in C . We will restrict our attention to the roundoff errors in the computation of the inverse 1/Z, where Z is a complex variable such that Z = 0 almost surely. Unlike the cases of addition and multiplication the variance of the roundoff error is only approximately independent of the distribution of the data. 2.7 Proposition. Let X, Y be independent with equal and symmetric distributions such that P {X = 0} = 0, and set Z := X + iY . Assume that fl

X X = 2 × (1 + ε÷ 1 ), × 2 2 2 X +Y X ε1 + Y ε2 + (X 2 + Y 2 )(1 + ε+ ) 1

Y Y = 2 × (1 + ε÷ 2) × 2 2 2 X +Y X ε1 + Y ε2 + (X 2 + Y 2 )(1 + ε+ ) 1

× + ÷ ÷ × with X, Y, ε× 1 , ε2 , ε1 , ε1 , ε2 independent, E (εj ) = µ× u, ÷ 2 2 = µ+ u, V(ε+ j ) = σ+ u for j = 1, 2 and E (ε1 ) = µ÷ u, relative complex roundoff error ε÷ is defined by




V(ε×j ) = σ×2 u2 , E (ε+j ) V(ε÷1 ) = σ÷2 u2 . If the

1 ε÷ + Z |Z|

then we have: (i) The distribution of ε÷ is symmetric. In particular, E (ε÷ ) = 0. Cov (Im ε÷ , 1/|Z|) = O(u3 ). (ii) Cov (Re ε÷, Im ε÷ ), Cov (Re ε÷ , 1/|Z|),  4 4 2 2 2 (iii) Let κ := E (X + Y )/(X + Y ) . Then V(Re ε÷ ) = V(Im ε÷ ) and

V(ε÷ ) = (κσ×2 + σ÷2 + σ+2

+ µ2× + µ2÷ + µ2+ + 2µ× µ+ − 2(µ× + µ+ )µ÷ )u2 + O(u3 ).

X 2 ε× +Y 2 ε×

Proof. Let δ := X12 +Y 2 2 + ε+ of ε÷ that 1 . Then it follows from the definition  ÷   ÷ X −Y ÷ 2 ÷ Re ε = √X 2 +Y 2 ε1 − δ + O(u ) and Im ε = √X 2 +Y 2 ε2 − δ + O(u2 ). (i) This is a consequence of the symmetry of the distributions of X and Y .   −XY ÷ ÷ ÷ (ii) The covariances satisfy Cov (Re ε , Im ε ) = E X 2 +Y 2 (ε1 − δ)(ε÷ 2 − δ) +   ÷ 3 O(u3 ), Cov (Re ε÷ , 1/|Z|) = E X 2X (ε − δ) + O(u ), and the expected values +Y 2 1 are 0 by the symmetry of the distributions of X and Y .




  2 2 (iii) Obviously, V(Re ε÷ ) = E X 2X+Y 2 (ε÷ + O(u3 ) = 1 − δ) E (X 2 (X 4 + Y 4 )/(X 2 + Y 2 )3 ) = κ2 , the result now follows from


V(Im ε÷ ).


    ÷ 2 1 2 X2 X2 ÷ 2 = E E (ε1 ) = (σ÷ + µ2÷ )u2 , (ε ) 1 X2 + Y 2 X2 + Y 2 2   

 2 2 2 × 2 × X X X ε1 + Y ε2 ÷ + E X 2 + Y 2 ε1 δ = E X 2 + Y 2 X 2 + Y 2 + ε1 µ÷ u 1 = (µ× + µ+ )µ÷ u2 , 2  

X2 2 E X 2 + Y 2 δ = κ2 σ×2 + 12 µ2× + µ× µ+ + 12 (σ+2 + µ2+ ) u2 . 

The constant   κ depends on the distribution of X and Y and takes values in the interval 12 , 1 . For the standard normal distribution we obtain κ = 34 . 2.8 Conclusion. It follows from Propositions 2.1, 2.3, 2.6 and 2.7 that the roundoff error ∆◦ := fl(X ◦ Y ) − X ◦ Y = |X ◦ Y | ε◦ satisfies

E (∆◦ ) = 0,

V(∆◦ ) = E (|X ◦ Y |2 ) E

|ε◦ |2


for all arithmetic operations ◦ ∈ {+, −, ×, ÷}. This is essentially a consequence of the assumption that the data has expectation zero and is independent of the relative error. It holds even when µ◦ = 0. But (2.1) is valid even without the assumption on the expectation of the data, if we know E (ε◦ ) = µ◦ = 0 instead. In simulations, the standard deviations of the roundoff errors ε+ and ε× are up to 10% larger than to be expected from Propositions 2.1, 2.3, 2.6 and 2.7. Partially this is due to the effect observed in Remark 2.2, partially to the fact that, although the result of an operation and the roundoff error are uncorrelated, our stronger assumption of independence is only approximately satisfied. 3. Stochastic roundoff model Motivated by the propositions in the Section 2 and Remarks 1.9 and 2.8 we will describe the roundoff errors in operations with real or complex numbers by the following model: 3.1 Model. For each roundoff error ∆◦ = fl(X ◦ Y ) − X ◦ Y = |X ◦ Y | · ε◦ occuring during the computation of an elementary arithmetic operation ◦ in K = R or C we make the following assumptions: (M1) The relative error ε◦ is independent of the data (and in particular independent of the operands). 2 2 (M2) The relative error has expectation E (ε◦ ) = 0 and variance V(ε◦ ) = σK ,◦u . ◦ Therefore the total error ∆ has expectation and variance

E (∆◦ ) = 0,

V(∆◦ ) = ||X ◦ Y ||2 σK2 u2 , ,◦


where ||Z|| := E (|Z|2 )1/2 denotes the L2 -norm of a random variable Z. The constant σK,◦ depends on the operation ◦ and the number field K . It follows from the results



15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in Sections 1 and 2 that σR ,+ = σC,+ = σ+ + µ+ , σR ,× = σ× + µ× and σC,× = σ× + σ+ + µ2× + µ2+ , where the basic constants σ◦ and µ◦ (◦ = + or ×) are defined in (1.3) and (1.4). In the case K = C of complex operands we further assume that Re ε◦ and Im ε◦ are uncorrelated and V(Re ε◦ ) = V(Im ε◦ ). This is motivated by parts (ii) and (iii) of Propositions 2.1, 2.3, 2.6 and 2.7.

(M3) We assume that all relative roundoff errors εj occuring within one step of an algorithm are independent. This implies that all the total roundoff errors ∆j are uncorrelated. In fact, if the vector X denotes the data, we can write each roundoff error in the form ∆j = εj fj (X) and therefore Cov (∆j , ∆k ) = E (εj fj (X)εk fk (X)) = E (εj )E (εk )E (fj (X)fk (X)) = 0. (M4) We furthermore assume that all the input variables are uncorrelated with known expectations and variances. We then also know the L2 -norm ||X|| =

V(X) + |E (X)|2



If the data is complex valued, the real and imaginary parts have to be uncorrelated with equal variances. (M5) Finally we assume that roundoff errors occuring in one step of the algorithm are propagated linearly through the later steps. In particular, we neglect terms of order O(u2 ). 3.2 Remarks. The last part of condition (M2) in the complex case is obviously equivalent to E ([ε◦ ]2 ) = E ([Re ε◦ ]2 − [Im ε◦ ]2 ) + 2i E (Re ε◦ Im ε◦ ) = 0. Similarly, the last part of (M4) is equivalent to E (X 2 ) = [E (X)]2 for each component of the data. By a simple calculation we see that this property is preserved for every linear combination of uncorrelated components. Therefore, by (M4), for any algorithm proceeding in a series of matrix vector products, the condition on the real and imaginary part holds for all intermediary results. If an algorithm consists of several steps, then the assumption that the data are uncorrelated has to be checked for the intermediary result used in each step. For many algorithms each step consists in the multiplication of the data with a unitary matrix (or a multiple thereof). If the data are uncorrelated and all variances are equal, then these two properties are preserved in each step. Note that our model cannot be applied directly and has to be adapted if one of the algorithms in Remark 2.4 for the complex multiplication is used. Nonunitary algorithms often show more irregular roundoff error distributions (see for example [2], Figure 3 and Remarks 2.5 and 3.10 below). In condition (M2) of Model 3.1 we assume that the constants σK,◦ do not depend on the distribution of the data. For multiplication (and to a large extent for division) this is motivated by Propositions 1.4 and 2.3, whereas for summation we argue that the distribution of the exponent and sign of data (which essentially determines the roundoff errors) is well approximated by what would be obtained for standard Gaussian data – at least for most of the intermediary results of an algorithm. Instead of the independence assumptions (M1) in our Model 3.1 it is also possible to use the simpler but less realistic condition that the absolute error ∆◦ is uncorrelated with the data. This makes the calculations much easier and in the end leads to the same results. As the result of an average case study of a particular algorithm we usually state the variances of the components of the roundoff error vector and




its covariance structure. For specific values of the data it is quite possible that the roundoff error is much larger or smaller. In many cases, in addition to (M4) we will impose the assumption that the data has expectation zero. Then the norm ||X|| is equal to the variance V(Z). The general formula   (3.2) ||X + Y ||2 = ||X|| 2 + ||Y ||2 + 2 Re E (X)E (Y ) for uncorrelated variables of arbitrary expectation then takes the simpler form ||X + Y ||2 = ||X|| 2 + ||Y ||2 , which alleviates the computation of the norm of the data in subsequent steps of an algorithm. The assumption that the data has expectation 0 is valid for many algorithms (e.g. JPEG). However, the assumption that the data are uncorrelated is essential for our results, and so the analysis of a compression algorithm, where it is the main point that the data is not uncorrelated, would require a more complicated model.

3.3 Remark. It is interesting to note that for independent U, X, Y in K = R or C with E (X) = 0 or E (Y ) = 0, the variance of the roundoff error in the calculation 2 2 2 2 2 + ||U Y ||2 )u2 + σK if we of U X + U Y = U (X + Y ) is σK ,×(|| U X|| ,+ ||U X + U Y || u calculate the left hand side (using two multiplications and one addition), and the 2 2 2 2 2 2 + ||U ||2 σK for the roundoff error of variance is σK ,× ||U (X + Y )|| u ,+ ||X + Y || u the right hand side. Although the number of multiplications is different, the two variances are equal. The same holds for the use of the distributive law with more than two summands. Therefore with respect to roundoff errors in a matrix–vector multiplication, it matters little if we exploit the equality between matrix entries of the same row to reduce the number of multiplications (as long as the data have expectation 0). As an auxiliary result needed for the study of the roundoff error of

a matrix– n−1 T vector calculation, we investigate properties of the “inner product” x y = j=0 xj yj of two vectors x, y ∈ C n . n−1 3.4 Lemma. Let X = (Xj )n−1 j=0 and Y = (Yj )j=0 be independent random vectors in K = R or C with uncorrelated components satisfying condition (M4) and E (Yj ) = 0 for all j = 0, . . . , n − 1. Then we have (i) The roundoff error ∆ occuring in the recursive calculation of n−1 

Xj Yj = (((X0 Y0 + X1 Y1 ) + X2 Y2 ) + . . . ) + Xn−1 Yn−1


has expectation zero and variance

V(∆) =

(n − 1)|| X0 ||2 ||Y0 ||2 +


2 2 (n − j)|| Xj ||2 ||Yj ||2 σK ,+ u




2 2 ||Xj ||2 ||Yj ||2 σK ,× u .



(ii) For cascade summation the variance of the roundoff error is

V(∆) =

log2 n

n−1  j=0


 2 2 2 2 ||Xj ||2 ||Yj ||2 − r σK u + ||Xj ||2 ||Yj ||2 σK ,+ ,×u j=0





log2 n −2

r :=


s=0 n/2s  odd

is the sum of the norms rs of the term which is left out in stage s of the cascade.

Proof. (i) Since E (Xj Yj ) = 0, this follows as in [15], Lemma 5.1. (ii) The calculation of the products Xj Yj gives rise to the roundoff errors ∆× j = × 2 2 2 2 ||Xj ||||Yj ||εj of expectation 0 and variance ||Xj || ||Yj || σK,×u by (3.1). By (M3) the variance of the sum of roundoff errors is equal to the sum of variances. At stage s = 0, . . . , log2 n − 1 of the cascade the n/2s summands are grouped in pairs. If n/2s is odd, one term, which has variance rs , is carried to the next

stage unchanged. The remaining pairs are added; the computation of the X Y with S ⊆ {0, . . . , n − 1} produces a roundoff error of variance sum

j∈S j j 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 σK,+ || j∈S Xj Yj ||2 u = σK ,+ j∈S ||Xj ||2 ||Yj ||2 u . Hence by (3.2) the variance of  2 2  n−1 2 2 sum of the roundoff errors at this stage equals ,+u . j=0 ||Xj || ||Yj || − rs σK 3.5 Remark. As in the worst case study (see [7], p. 90) the size of the roundoff error depends strongly on the order of the summation, and it is clear from (i) that more accurate results are obtained, if we start the summation with terms of small norms. Likewise, the number r in (ii) depends on the order in which the summands in the cascade are combined. In order to obtain a small variance of the roundoff error, we try to make r large. For example, if all ||Xj ||||Yj || have the same value ρ, then at all stages s of the cascade where terms are left out, i.e., where n/2s s 2 is odd, we can make  2 as 2 ρ , and therefore the maximum is easily  logrs n as large calculated as r = 2 2 − n ρ . This leads to a variance of the roundoff error   V(∆) = n log2 n + n − 2log2 n ρ2 σK2,+u2 + nρ2 σK2,×u2 . If the expected values of the data are not 0, the situation is more complicated. We will analyse the simplest case only. n−1 3.6 Lemma. Let n = 2t and X = (Xj )n−1 j=0 and Y = (Yj )j=0 be independent random vectors uncorrelated components. Then the roundoff error ∆ in the

with n−1 calculation of j=0 Xj Yj by cascade has variance

V(∆) =

n−1  j=0


2 2 2 ||Xj ||2 ||Yj ||2 (tσK ,+ + σK ,×)u

c(j, k) Re

E (Xj )E (Yj )E (Xk )E (Yk ) σK2 u2 ,+


j 0. So we are weakening the hypotheses of the theorem replacing an almost increasing sequence by a quasi β-power increasing sequence. Now, we shall prove the following theorem: Theorem. Let (λn ) ∈ BVO and let (Xn ) be a quasi β-power increasing sequence for some 0 < β < 1. If all the conditions of Theorem A are satisfied, then the series


an λn is

¯ , pn | for k ≥ 1. summable | N k Remark. If we take (Xn ) as an almost incrasing sequence, then we get Theorem A. In this case the condition (λn ) ∈ BVO is not needed. We need the following lemma for the proof of our theorem. Lemma ([5]). Under the conditions on (Xn ), (βn ) and (λn ) as taken in the statement of the theorem, the following conditions hold, when (7) is satisfied: nβn Xn = O(1) as ∞ X

n → ∞,

βn Xn < ∞.


¯ , pn ) mean of the series 3. Proof of the Theorem. Let (Tn ) denotes the (N Then, by definition and changing the order of summation, we have Tn =

n v n X 1 X 1 X pv ai λi = (Pn − Pv−1 )av λv . Pn v=0 i=0 Pn v=0

Then, for n ≥ 1, we have Tn − Tn−1 =


n n X X pn pn Pv−1 λv vav . Pv−1 av λv = Pn Pn−1 v=1 Pn Pn−1 v=1 v

(15) P

an λn .



By Abel’s transformation, we have X X n+1 pn n−1 v+1 pn n−1 v+1 pn tn λn − pv tv λv + Pv ∆λv tv nPn Pn Pn−1 v=1 v Pn Pn−1 v=1 v

Tn − Tn−1 =

X pn n−1 1 Pv tv λv+1 Pn Pn−1 v=1 v


= Tn,1 + Tn,2 + Tn,3 + Tn,4 ,


Since | Tn,1 + Tn,2 + Tn,3 + Tn,4 |k ≤ 4k (| Tn,1 |k + | Tn,2 |k + | Tn,3 |k + | Tn,4 |k ), to complete the proof of the theorem, it is enough to show that ∞ X

(Pn /pn )k−1 | Tn,r |k < ∞ f or

r = 1, 2, 3, 4.



Firstly, we have that m X

(Pn /pn )k−1 | Tn,1 |k = O(1)


= O(1) = O(1)

m X pn

P n=1 n m X n=1 m−1 X

| λn |k−1 | λn || tn |k

| λn |

∆ | λn |


+ O(1) | λm | = O(1) = O(1)

m−1 X n=1 m−1 X

pn | tn |k Pn n X pv

P v=1 v

m X pn

P n=1 n

| tv |k

| tn |k

| ∆λn | Xn + O(1) | λm | Xm βn Xn + O(1) | λm | Xm = O(1) as

m → ∞,


by (5), (8), (11) and (15). Now, when k > 1 applying H¨older’s inequality with indices k and k 0 , where

1 k


1 k0

= 1, as in Tn,1 , we have that

m+1 X

m+1 X



(Pn /pn )k−1 | Tn,2 |k = O(1)

n−1 X pn { pv | λv |k | tv |k } Pn Pn−1 v=1


× {

n−1 X

1 Pn−1

= O(1) = O(1)


pv }k−1


m X v=1 m X


pv | λv | | λv |



| λv || tv |

m+1 X

pn P P n=v+1 n n−1

pv | tv |k = O(1) as m → ∞. Pv

Again, we have that n−1 X pn { | ∆λv | Pv | tv |k } Pn Pn−1 v=1

m+1 X

m+1 X


n=2 n−1 X

(Pn /pn )k−1 | Tn,3 |k = O(1) × {



= O(1) = O(1) = O(1) = O(1) = O(1) = O(1)

Pv | ∆λv |}k−1

v=1 m X

βv Pv | tv |k

v=1 m X

m+1 X

pn P P n=v+1 n n−1

βv | tv |k = O(1)

v=1 m−1 X v=1 m−1 X v=1 m−1 X v=1 m−1 X

m−1 X



∆(vβv )

v X i=1

1 | tv |k v

m X 1 1 | ti |k +O(1)mβm | tv |k i v v=1

| ∆(vβv ) | Xv + O(1)mβm Xm | (v + 1)∆βv − βv | Xv + O(1)mβm Xm vXv | ∆βv | +O(1)


m−1 X

| βv | Xv + O(1)mβm Xm


= O(1) as m → ∞, by (5), (7), (10), (14) and (15). Finally, we have that m X

(Pn /pn )k−1 | Tn,4 |k = O(1)


× {


m+1 X

n=2 n−1 X


= O(1)

X pn n−1 1 Pv | λv+1 || tv |k Pn Pn−1 v=1 v


m X v=1


| λv+1 | k−1 } v

Pv | λv+1 || tv |k

X 1 m+1 pn v n=v+1 Pn Pn−1



= O(1) = O(1) = O(1) = O(1)

m X

| λv+1 |

v=1 m−1 X v=1 m−1 X v=1 m−1 X

| tv |k v

∆ | λv+1 |

v X 1

r r=1

| tr |k +O(1) | λm+1 |

m X 1

v v=1

| tv |k

| ∆λv+1 | Xv+1 + O(1) | λm+1 | Xm+1 βv+1 Xv+1 + O(1) | λm+1 | Xm+1


= O(1) as m → ∞, by (5), (8), (9), (10) and (15). Therefore, we get that m X

(Pn /pn )k−1 | Tn,r |k = O(1) as

m → ∞,

f or

r = 1, 2, 3, 4.


This completes the proof of the theorem. If we take pn = 1 for all values of n in this theorem, then we get a new result concerning the | C, 1 |k summability factors. Also, if we take pn =

1 n+1

in this theorem, then we get another new result concerning the

¯ , 1 |k summability factors. |N n+1 References [1] S. Aljancic and D. Arandelovic, O-regularly varying functions. Publ. Inst. Math., 22 (1977), 5-22. [2] H. Bor, A note on two summability methods, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 98 (1986), 81-84. [3] H. Bor, On absolute Riesz summability factors, Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math., 3 (2001), 23-29. [4] G.H. Hardy, Divergent Series, Oxford University Press, 1949. [5] L. Leindler, A new application of quasi power increasing sequences, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 58 (2001), 791-796.


Portfolio Choice With Heavy Tailed Distributions Sergio Ortobelli University of Bergamo, Italy Almira Biglova University of Karlsruhe, Germany Isabella Huber University of Karlsruhe, Germany Borjana Racheva FinAnalytica Inc., Sofia, Bulgaria Stoyan Stoyanov FinAnalytica Inc., Sofia, Bulgaria


: This paper analyzes portfolio selection models with heavy tailed return distributions. Firstly, we examine investor’s optimal choices when we assume respectively either Gaussian or stable non-Gaussian unconditional distributed index returns. Then, we approximate discrete time optimal allocations assuming returns following an ARMA process. Finally, we describe further autoregressive portfolio choice models. 2000 AMS S   C: 91B28, 60E07, 60G10 K : Stable distributions, portfolio selection, ARMA models.

1. I  Over the last fifty years, the problem of optimal portfolio selection has lost none of its allure or importance for the financial community. Just consider the following reason, which will appeal immediately to every investor. At a time when more than fifty percent of all financial assets in North America are controlled by pension or mutual funds, a lot of people apparently employ someone else to manage their money. Also, they are obviously willing to pay high fees or expenses for these services and are naturally very interested in how well “their” funds are performing. The mean-variance analysis, developed by Markowitz and Tobin, generalized into an equilibrium theory by Sharpe, Lintner and Mossin and into an inter-temporal theory by Samuelson and Merton, was the first theory to give rigorous results to the portfolio selection problem in terms of the mean and the variance. However, many criticisms and empirical rejections have underlined the intrinsic limits of the mean-variance approximation. Probably Roll in [23], [24], [25] was the first to clearly understand the weaknesses of the theory and the empirical deficiencies. On the other hand, the fundamental work of Mandelbrot [15], [16] and Fama [10] has sparked considerable interest in studying the



empirical distribution of financial assets. The excess kurtosis, found in Mandelbrot’s and Fama’s investigations, led them to reject the normal assumption (generally used to justify the mean-variance approach) and to propose the stable Paretian distribution as a statistical model for asset returns. The Fama and Mandelbrot’s conjecture was supported by numerous empirical investigations in the subsequent years (see, among others, Mittnik and Rachev [21], Rachev, Ortobelli and Schwartz [22]). This paper presents and discusses conditional and unconditional portfolio selection models for returns with heavy tails. Firstly, we examine the case of sub Gaussian α-stable distributed returns. This assumption permits a mean risk analysis pretty similar to the MarkowitzTobin mean variance one. As a matter of fact, this model admits the same analytical form for the efficient frontier, but the parameters in the two models have a different meaning. Therefore, the most important difference is given by the way of estimating the parameters. In order to compare the performance of Gaussian and stable models we analyze an investment allocation problem. It consists of the maximization of the mean minus a measure of portfolio risk. The comparison made between the stable sub-Gaussian and the normal approach in terms of the allocation problem has indicated that the stable sub-Gaussian allocation is more risk preserving than the normal one and can give more opportunities of earning. Precisely, the stable approach, differently from the normal one, considers the component of risk due to the fat tails. Secondly, we examine dynamic portfolio choices when returns follow an ARMA(1,1) model. Thus, in the multistage portfolio allocation problem we analyze the investor’s choices considering an ARMA(1,1) model for the future scenarios of portfolio returns. Then, we compare investor’s optimal allocations obtained when the residuals are either α-stable distributed or Gaussian distributed. Thus, in order to value the impact of these distributional assumptions, we propose and examine an investment allocation problem. In Section 2 we introduce portfolio theory when returns are unconditionally stable distributed. In Section 3 we compare the stable sub-Gaussian multivariate approach with the normal multivariate one. Section 4 proposes a comparison among multi-stage conditional portfolio choice models. Finally, we briefly summarize the results.

2. T -G  α-   +1 =

In this section, we analyze the problem of optimal allocation among n assets: n of those assets are stable distributed risky assets with returns z

[z1 , ..., zn , and the n th asset is risk-free with return z0 . Assume the vector of risky returns z = [z1 , ..., zn ] ]


+ 1)

distributed with

1 < α < 2.

is sub-Gaussian

Then, the characteristic function of

following form

Φz (t) = E (exp(it z)) = exp


− (t Qt) 2 + it µ 



α-stable has the



where Q =







mean vector. The term

× n)−

µ = E (z )


is the

ij is defined by

2 qij

where zj = zj − µj


is a positive definite




= [zi , zj ]α zj 2α−α ,

(2) z , zj ]α

is the centred return, the covariation [ i


jointly symmetric stable random variables

z , zj ]α

[ i



si |sj |



between two

is given by

−1 sgn(s


j )γ (ds),


= S2 sj α γ (ds) α = [zj , zj ]α α . Here γ (ds) is the spectral measure and it has support on the unit circle S2 . This model can be considered as a special case of Owen-Rabinovitch’s elliptical model (see Owen and Rabinovitch [19]). However, no estimate procedure of the model parameters is given in the elliptical models with infinite variance. In our approach we use (1) and (2) to provide a statistical estimator of the stable efficient frontier. To estimate the efficient frontier for returns given by (1), we need to consider an estimator for the mean vector µ and an estimator for the dispersion matrix Q. The estimator of µ is given by the vector µ of sample averages. Using lemma 2.7.16 in Samorodnitsky, Taqqu [27] we can write for every p ∈ (1 α)   in particular,

zj α





[zi , zj ]α


zj αα

E zi zj

p−1  |




E ( zj p )

where zj p−1 = sgn (zj ) |zj |p−1 , and the scale parameter can be written σjj = zj α . Then, σjj can be approximated by the moment method suggested by Samorodnitsky, Taqqu in [27] Property 1.2.17 in the case β = 0 for every p ∈ (0, α)

p σjj

=  = p zj α




u−p−1 sin2 udu  E (|zj |p ) . p 2p−1 Γ 1 −



Moreover the following lemma holds. Lemma 1

For any sub-Gaussian α-stable distributed vector √ z = [z1 , ..., zn ] with null mean Γ(1− p2 ) π p and 1 < α < 2, it follows that σjj = 2p Γ(1− p )Γ( p+1 ) E (|zj |p ) for any p ∈ [0, α) α 2 √  2 Γ (1 − p qij 2 −p  p−1 2) π for any p ∈ [1, α). In particu= σ z  E z  and i j jj 2p Γ(1− p )Γ( p+1 ) 2 α 2 

lar, when the vector


= [

z1 , ..., zn ]

is multivariate normal distributed with

null mean and variance covariance matrix


p 2 2 Γ ( p+1 2 )


E ( zj

p ≥ 1.




) for any



2 and vij







 2 v ,



it follows that

3p−4 2 2 Γ ( p+1 2 )

E z z

i j








Proof Suppose we have a sequence of random variables   

Xn ∈ Lp(µ) = X



X p dµ < |

X ∈ Lp(µ), then the moments curves gn ( q ) = E (|Xn | ) (that are analytic functions), as n → ∞, conq verge uniformly to g (q ) = E ( |X | ) in the interval [0, p]. Consider a sequence Xn = Sαn (1 where αn ∈ p, and αn  , then the sequence Xn conthat converges in distribution to a random variable



, 0, 0),



verges in distribution to a Gaussian random variable variance equal to 2. Thus,


| ) =




= σjj

and for any

i, j


E zi zj



√  +∞ Γ( 1 − p ) π and 0 u−p−1 sin2 udu = 2pΓ 2p+1 . ( 2 ) ij

with null mean and

2p−1 Γ (1− αpn ) = + n→∞ p 0 ∞ u−p−1 sin2 udu p Γ ( p+1 ) 2 p−1 Γ(1 − p 2 ) p 2  = E (|X | ) = √π2 p 0+∞ u−p−1 sin2 udu

E Xn p n→∞ lim






E (|zj | )

2 p


Γ 1 − p2 

2p Γ 1 −


p   p+1  α Γ 2

E z z  −1

= 1, ..., n the elements of dispersion matrix Q = 2 qij


= (A(α,p)) p f (p, zi , zj ) 2

for every



i j

∈ [1, α)

2 qij


can be

(5) −

, and f (p, z i , zj ) = E zi (zj )p−1 (E (|zj |p )) p where A(α,p) = 2p ΓΓ(1(−1−αp2))Γ( πp+1 2 ) V In addition, as α  2, then Q → 2 , where V is the variance-covariance matrix the thesis holds. and considering that f(p) = f (p, zi , zj ) is an analytic function  q2  The above suggests the following estimator Q = 2 for the entries of the


2 p


unknown covariation matrix




=σ jj−

2 p


Γ 1 − p2 



2p Γ 1 − α Γ

where the σj is estimated as follows



N 1  (k)  (k) p−1   ,

N k=1 zi




 N p √ Γ 1 − π 1 (k) p 2 2   p+1   z = σjj = j p 2 2p Γ 1 − α Γ 2 N k=1 2 qjj

It is important to observe that “the best”




to the unknown matrix


p depends on α and on the number = Q

of observations we have. The rate of convergence of the empirical matrix  q2  ij



Q (to be estimated),

will be faster for a large



sample, if


p is as small as possible, (see Rachev [20], Lamantia, Ortobelli and

Rachev [13]).

Under these assumptions, the wealth

the portfolio x is given by

W = x z + (1 − x e)z0 associated to 

= x z + (1 − x e)z0 =d Sα (σW , βW , E (W )) and W = z0 when x = 0, √ where α is the index of stability, σW = σx z = x Qx E (W ) = x E ( z ) + βW = βx z = 0 (1 − x e)z0 . Recall that, when σW1 < σW 2 , βW 1 = βW 2 and E (W1 ) = E (W2 ), W

parameter ,

is the scale (dispersion) 

is the skewness parameter and


W1 second order stochastically dominates W2 and every risk averse investor W1 to W2 (see Ortobelli [18]). Thus, when the returns z = [z1 , ..., zn ] are 


jointly sub-Gaussian α−stable distributed and unlimited short sales are allowed, every risk averse investor will choose an optimal portfolio among the portfolio solutions of the following optimization problem:

x Qx min x 



x µ + (1 − x e)z0 = mW 

mW u  √ m −z  m ≥ z0 σ  √ µ−ez z −Qm µ−ez m < z0 , µ−ez Q µ−ez µ = E(z) m = x µ + (1 − x e)z0; e = [1, ..., 1] ; and σ2 = x Qx. Besides, . Therefore, every optimal portfolio that maximizes a

for some given mean

given concave utility function

, belongs to the mean-dispersion frontier








0 ) 0 0 )


−1 (


−1 (





the optimal portfolio weights x satisfy the following relation:

− z0 . (10) = Q 1 (µ − z0 e) (µ − ez m 1 (µ − ez ) ) Q 0 0 Note that (9) and (10) have the same form as the mean-variance frontier. However, even if Q is a symmetric matrix (it is positive definite), the estimator proposed in the sub-Gaussian case (see formulas (6) and (7)) generally is not symmetric. Therefore we could obtain an inconsistent situation in which x z has stable distribution with negative squared scale parameter. However, in most of    > 0 for every vector x ∈ Rn , because generally Q+(Q) the cases x Qx 2 x

is a


positive definite matrix .


 >0 Observe that for every x ∈ Rn , we get x Qx  

d efin ite m atrix.

T hu s, we can verify that

x z

the symmetric matrix

Q +(Q ) 2

 is a p ositive

Q +(Q ) 2 with negative scale parameter estimators. Moreover, we observe that   Q +(Q ) 

stable p ortfolios

 if and only if

is p ositive d efin ite in ord er to avoid


is an altern ative estim ator of the d isp ersion m atrix

statistical p rop erties h ave to b e proved .


w hose



Suppose z

= [z1

x µ and dispersion


..., zn ]


α1 −stable sub-Gaussian

distributed with mean

Qα1 . If we approximate the vector distribution with  an α2 −stable sub-Gaussian law with 1 < α2 < α1 , mean x µ and dispersion 2  α2 ≈ A(α2 ,1) Q α1 and there are no consequences of this matrix Qα2 , then, Q A(α1 ,1) 


approximation error because the results of the portfolio selection problem (8) do not change. While if 2 ≥ α2 > α1 > 1, we cannot guarantee the same results of the portfolio choice problem. This first difference is one of the reasons for considering and studying the convergence properties of the estimator (see Rachev [20]) and the suitability of the model. Moreover, (10) exhibits the two fund separation property for both the stable and the normal case (see Ross [26]), but the matrix Q and the parameter σ have different meanings. In the normal case, Q is the variance-covariance matrix and σ is the standard deviation, √ while in the stable case Q is a dispersion matrix and σ = x Qx is the scale

(dispersion) parameter. According to the two-fund separation property of the sub-Gaussian


-stable approach, we can assume that the market portfolio is

equal to the risky tangent portfolio under the equilibrium conditions (as in the classic mean-variance Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)). Therefore, every optimal portfolio can be seen as the linear combination between the market portfolio

1 ) x z = e Qz Q1 µ −(µe−Qz01eez 




and the riskless asset return z0 . Following the same arguments as in Sharpe, Lintner, Mossin’s mean-variance equilibrium model, the return of asset i is given by: (12) E (zi ) = z0 + βi,m (E (x z) − z0 ),

, with ei = [0, ..., 0, 1, 0, ..., 0] the vector with 1 in the i − th where βi,m = xx Qe Qx 


component and zero in all the other components.

3. A           

            -G    In this section we examine and compare the stable sub-Gaussian assumption with the normal distributional one. Thus, we implicitly assume that returns are uniquely determined by the mean m and σ that is either the scale parameter of stable distributions or the standard deviation of normal distributions. In a recent work Rachev, Ortobelli and Schwartz [22] compare the stable non-Gaussian assumption and the normal one by analyzing optimal allocations between a riskless return and a benchmark index. Three different indexes have been taken into consideration: CAC40, DAX30 and S&P500. Next, we extend Rachev, Ortobelli and Schwartz’s comparison to the multivariate case. This comparison is formally and theoretically different from the previous one because here the benchmark index is given by the market portfolio which generally will change, if the distributional assumptions change too. Thus, as a consequence of Roll [23], [24], [25], Dybvig and Ross’ [8], [9] analysis, we observe that:



a) an investor, who fits the return distributions with a joint α1 -stable subGaussian distribution, will consider as inefficient the choice of another investor who fits the return distributions with a joint α2 -stable sub-Gaussian distribution with α1  α2 ; and


b) the stable CAPM is still subject to some of the criticism already addressed to the classical one. Nevertheless, it seems that the stable case better explains the empirical data. This is the main reason why we interpret and analyze the different behavior here between the investor who fits the data with joint stable sub-Gaussian distribution and the investor who fits the data with the joint normal distribution.


An optimal allocation problem

First, we consider the optimal allocation among 24 assets: 23 of those assets are risky assets with returns z = [z1 , z2 , ..., z23 ] and the 24th is riskfree with an 

annual rate of 6%. We analyze the portfolio choice problems when short sales are allowed and when short sales are not allowed. In view of this comparison, we discuss and study the differences in portfolio choice problems without examining them so as to choose one of the two assumptions (Gaussian or sub-Gaussian). In our comparison we use daily data taken from 23 international risky indexes valued in USD and quoted from January 1995 to January 1998. In the analysis proposed we first consider the maximum likelihood estimation of the stable parameters and of the Gaussian ones for every risky asset. Thus, Table I assembles the approximating parameters obtained from using Cognity System 2

. In order to compare the different stable sub-Gaussian joint distributions and

the joint normal distributions for the asset returns, we assume that the vector


= αk , k = 1, 2, where α1 = 1.7488 represents the average of the indexes of stability and α2 = 1.8856 represents

is sub-Gaussian


distributed, with


the maximum of the indexes of stability (see Table I)3 . Moreover, when in the

following tables we consider the index of stability

α = 2,

we implicitly assume

that the returns are jointly normal distributed. Thus, every portfolio of risky assets is stable distributed in the following way:

xz = Sαk (σx z , βx z ,mx z ), d

k = 1, 2, σx z = (x Qkx) 2 where αk is one of the considered indexes of2stability  is the respective scale parameter,

Qk =

qij 2


is the dispersion matrix, with

= 1 2 βx z = 0 mx z x z. Observe that the matrix Qk is estimated with the method defined in the





is the skewness parameter, and

represents the mean of

previous section and thus it depends on the index of stability αk for k = 1, 2. As observed previously, the rate of convergence of the empirical matrix Qk to the This software is developed by FinAnalytica Inc. We consider different indexes of stability, in order to value the effects of heavy - tailedness on the portfolio selection problems. 2 3




Gaussian Parameters Mean µ

DAX 30 DAX 100 CAC 40 FTSE all share FTSE 100 FTSE actuaries 350 REUTERS Commodities NIKKEI 225 Simple Average NIKKEI 300 Weigh. Stock Av. NIKKEI 300 Simple Stock Av. NIKKEI 500 NIKKEI 225 Stock Average NIKKEI 300 BRENT Crude BRENT Current Month CORN n. 2 Yellow cents COFFE BRAZILIAN DOW JONES FUTURES 1 DOW JONES Commodities DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS FUEL OIL N. 2 GOLDMAN SACHS Comm. S&P 500

0.0007 0.0007 0.0005 0.0007 0.0008 0.0007 -0.0002 0.0005 0.0006 0.0004 0.0003 -0.0005 -0.0005 0 0 0.0002 0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0001 0.0013 -0.0001 0 0.0009

Stable Parameters

Standard Index of Stable Stable Stable scale Deviation σ stability α skewness β Mean µ parameter σ

0.0113 0.0106 0.011 0.007 0.0078 0.0072 0.0072 0.0157 0.0137 0.0129 0.0128 0.0158 0.0138 0.0185 0.0186 0.0152 0.0270 0.0055 0.0079 0.0086 0.0201 0.0092 0.0083

1.8148 1.7996 1.8381 1.8418 1.8856 1.8521 1.7959 1.663 1.6962 1.7064 1.7253 1.6798 1.6994 1.7423 1.7405 1.6869 1.5876 1.8063 1.6806 1.7368 1.7338 1.8036 1.7052

-0.6682 -0.6389 -0.1852 -0.5726 -0.5192 -0.5666 -0.2075 -0.0483 0.0869 0.085 0.0334 -0.0721 0.0303 -0.229 -0.2039 -0.1565 -0.0153 -0.4641 -0.1389 -0.2886 -0.1961 -0.2663 -0.0881

0.0005 0.0004 0.0004 0.0006 0.0007 0.0006 -0.0003 0.0004 0.0006 0.0004 0.0003 -0.0006 -0.0005 -0.0003 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0007 -0.0002 -0.0001 0.0012 -0.0002 -0.0002 0.0010

0.0069 0.0064 0.0071 0.0045 0.0052 0.0047 0.0045 0.009 0.0079 0.0075 0.0076 0.0091 0.008 0.0112 0.0112 0.0083 0.0144 0.0035 0.0037 0.0049 0.0117 0.0058 0.0047

Table I Maximum likelihood estimations of the Gaussian and Stable asset return parameters considering daily data from 1/3/95 to 1/30/98.



unknown matrix Qk

will be faster for a large sample, if p is as small as possible. However, studying stable simulated data we obtained very good approximations even using p not too small (we refer to Lamantia, Ortobelli and Rachev [13] for further studies on this problem). In our estimations we use p1 = 1.6 (relative to α1 = 1.7488) and p2 = 1.7 (relative to α2 = 1.8856). We assume the investors wish to maximize the following utility functional: U (W ) = E (W ) − cE (|W

where c and q are positive real numbers, W of the portfolio,


− E (W )|q ) , = λz0 + (1 − λ)x z 

is the risk-free asset return, and


(13) is the return

is the tangent portfolio

return given by equation (11). With reference to the allocation problem (13), we

= λz0 +(1− λ)x z that maximizes the utility functional (13) for some real λ and some q ∈ [1, α). We know that for λ = 1, portfolio return W = λz0 +(1− λ)x z

observe that risk averse investors should choose a portfolio


is distributed

according to a stable law

Sαk (|1 − λ| σx z , 0, λz0 + (1 − λ)mx z ); k = 1, 2 

and W

= z0

when λ = 1. Now, in order to solve the asset allocation problem

E (W ) − cE (|W − E (W )|q ) , max λ

∈ [1, α) and 1 < α < 2, we get q U (W ) = E (W ) − cE (|W − E (W )| ) = q q q = λz0 + (1 − λ)mx z − c ( H ( α, 0, q )) |1 − λ | σx z

notice first that, for all


where (

H (α, 0, q))




A(α,q) =

− q Γ q +1  αq  √ 2 Γ 1− 2 π

2q Γ 1

(see the above lemma and Samorodnitsky and Taqqu [27]). The above relation analyzes the stable non-Gaussian case. When the vector z admits a joint normal distribution (i.e. α ), then for all q > ,

=2 0 q U (W ) = E (W ) − cE (|W − E (W )| ) = q q +1 . = λz0 + (1 − λ)mx z − c 2 2 Γ√( π 2 ) 1 λ q σxq z Hence, the real optimal solution of the problem in the important case q ∈ (1, α), is given by |

λ = 1 − sgn(1 − λ)

where x is given by (11) and


sgn(1 − λ) (mx z z0 ) q qcσx z V (α, 0, q)

and x = (1 − λ)x,

 q−1 1





V (α, 0, q) =

 (H (α, 0, q))q 2 2 Γ ( q+1 2 ) q


in the stable case in the normal case

λ) = Cα 2 σ



α πα . Therefore, the fat tails of smaller stability indexes where Cα = Γ(2−1α−) cos 2 underline the risk of the loss component of every portfolio. In particular, under the diverse distributional assumption, we distinguish the different perception of risk in the market portfolio components. This issue can be easily analyzed in the market portfolio weights with reference to the 23 returns when no short sales are allowed. In fact, Table I shows that the index of stability of FTSE all Share is greater than the other indexes of stability (of the assets DAX 100 Performance, Nikkei 300 weighted stock average, Dow Jones Industrials). Observe that in Table III the component of the FTSE all Share in the market portfolio increases with the index of stability αk of the sub-Gaussian approach and the component of the other assets (DAX 100 Performance, Nikkei 300 weighted stock average, Dow Jones Industrials) decreases with the index of stability. Thus, the market portfolios obtained under Gaussian and sub-Gaussian distributional hypotheses consider the risks due to heavy tails differently. On the other hand the mean of market portfolios decreases with the index of stability. However, if we accept the idea that the market portfolios represent in some sense the market behavior, then according to the classic mean-risk interpretation, an optimal portfolio that has a greater mean, it has also a greater risk. This fact appears  clear enough when we consider and compare the dispersion measures xk Qj xk in −1 every mean-risk plane for every market portfolio weights xk = e QQk k1 µ(−µe−Qz0ke1)ez0 , 

for every




of market portfolio

Observe that

xk z 

σ j,k


considering the


xk Qj xk 

is the dispersion measure

-stable Paretian approach.

fore, for every fixed mean-risk plane (i.e. for every fixed



stable distributional

approach) we can compare the market portfolio risk positions considering their



Gaussian Market Portfolio (α=2)


Stable Market Portfolio α=1.7488

Market Portfolio α=1.8856

0.0742 0.0457 0.01366 0.00934

0.0456 0.0212 0.0094 0.00569

0.02451 0.00241 0.00621 0.00291

Table VI Stable sub-Gaussian and Gaussian market portfolio Values at Risk

risk position σ j,k (varying k). According to a mean-risk interpretation, we could observe that the market portfolio with a greater mean admits also a greater dispersion measure σ j,k , in any mean-risk plane (see tables IV and V). However, we obtain different results if we use the Value at Risk, VaRγ , as the risk measure of the market portfolios, which is implicitly defined by the following equality:

V aRγ (xz) = sup {y : P (xz ≤ −y) > γ } . In fact, VaR measures the risk of loss which is represented by the left tail of the market portfolio distribution. Then as reported by Table VI we could

observe that the VaR0 .01 and VaR0 .05 of the Gaussian market portfolio are greater than the analogous VaRγ of the Sub-Gaussian market portfolios. In this sense the Gaussian market portfolio is riskier than the stable market portfolios because it does not consider the risk due to the heavy tails. Moreover, comparing the different VaR numbers, we can identify the market portfolio with index of stability α1 = 1 7488 as the least risky. As a consequence of relation (16) it follows that every stable non-Gaussian



X =d Sα(σ,β,µ), with 1 < α < 2, has the property that q 0. That is,

N −→ ∞,

ΦY (u) = E (eiuY ) = e−|σ0 u|α . Under these

assumptions, Mikosh, Gadrich, Kluppelberg and Adler [17] determined estimators for this process based on the sample periodogramm of zt, and studied their asymptotic properties. Other estimators (a Gaussian-Newton type and an M-estimator) for the parameters of the ARMA process with infinite variance innovations were proposed and studied by Davis [7]. It is interesting to observe that in contrast to ARMA processes with finite variance, in the stable case we generally obtain an estimator the rate of convergence of which is considerably faster. Next we consider a portfolio choice ARMA(1,1) model and we want to compare the impact of stable residuals and Gaussian ones. So we propose a dynamic portfolio choice among three risky indexes Dow Jones Industrial, DAX 100 and FTSE all share. We consider 5000 portfolios of these assets and we assume that portfolio returns admit the form x zt = a0 + a1 x zt 1 + εt + b1 εt 1 where 

we suppose the sequence of innovations {εt} are either Stable or Gaussian distributed. We consider 803 daily observations of index returns from 01/04/1995 till 01/30/98 and for each portfolio we verify stationarity and we estimate the


Figure 1 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for Gaussian distributed residuals.

parameters of the model. By first comparison between the Gaussian and the stable non-Gaussian hypothesis it appears clear that stable distributions approximate much better the residuals than the Gaussian one. As a matter of fact, with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test we can compare the empirical cumulative distribution function (cdf) FE (x) of the residuals corresponding to several portfolios with either a simulated Guassian or a simulated Stable distribution fitted in advance. By this first analysis we can generally reject at 5% confidence level the hypothesis of normality because we obtain that the probability that the empirical distribution of the residuals is Gaussian, is on average (among different portfolios) equal to 1.2×10−6  5%. In addition we could observe that on average (among different portfolios)

k = sup |FE (x) − F (x)| = 0.1875 where

F (x) is the fitted cdf of the Gaussian law.


Both functions,

FE (x) and F (x), are

shown on Figure 1. In contrast, generally we cannot reject at 5% confidence level the hypothesis that the residuals follow a stable law because the probability, that the empirical distribution of the residuals is stable, is on average (among different portfolios) equal to 20.22%. In addition we could observe that on average (among different portfolios)

k = sup |FE (x) − F (x)| = 0.075 when F (x) is the cdf of a stable law.

Both functions,


FE (x)


F (x), are shown

on Figure 2.

In order to value the impact of different distributional approximations on




Figure 2 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for Stable distributed residuals.

investor’s portfolio choice we consider a dynamic asset allocation approach very

Schwartz [22]. So we generate about 2500 initial asset allocations. These allocations are then simulated into the future by using the economic scenarios, which are generated under the Gaussian and stable assumptions for the innovations of the time series models. Future economic scenarios are simulated at daily intervals. One set of scenario is generated by assuming that residuals of the variables are i.i.d. normal and another set of scenario is generated by assuming that residuals are i.i.d. stable. The horizon of interest is 10 days and two scenarios are generated for each day, so 1024 possible economic scenarios are considered for each initial portfolio. The 10-day scenario tree is repeated 10000 times. We assume that investors wish to maximize the following functional of final wealth: similar to those proposed by Boender [2] and Rachev, Ortobelli and

U (WT ) = E (WT ) − cE |WT − E (WT )|1 5 where c is a coefficient of investor’s risk aversion. Therefore, the investor will choose among the initial portfolios the portfolio weight vector x = [x1 , x2 , x3 ] ( xi ≥ 0, x1 + x2 + x3 = 1) which maximizes the utility functional U (WTx ) con x is the mean of final wealth that we obtain sidering that E (WTx ) = S1 Ss=1 Ws,T   .

with portfolio

x E WTx E WTx x x Ws,T ;


of risk associated to




− E (WTx )

S 1 x )| ) = S s=1  s,T  x = ΠT 1 t=1 1 + s,t


is the measure

is the final wealth that



Stable innovations Risk Optimal portfolio composition aversion Expected Dow parameter Utility Jones DAX 100 FTSE all “c” Industrials share 0.1 0.00318 0.01643 0.96489 0.01866 0.3 -0.00286 0.01643 0.96489 0.01866 0.5 -0.006 0.06585 0.33784 0.5963 0.7 -0.00853 0.06585 0.33784 0.5963 0.8 -0.0097 0.05988 0.31699 0.62312 2.2 -0.0247 0.0813 0.21418 0.70451 Gaussian innovations Risk Optimal portfolio composition Aversion Expected Dow Parameter Utility Jones DAX 100 FTSE all “c” Industrials share 0.1 0.00106 0.004192 0.520012 0.475796 0.3 -0.00295 0.04557 0.305768 0.648662 0.5 -0.0061 0.047021 0.268504 0.684475 0.7 -0.00902 0.05344 0.288484 0.658076 0.8 -0.01013 0.053643 0.239928 0.706429 2.2 -0.02575 0.053643 0.239928 0.706429

Table IX Maximum E(W10)-cE(|W10–E(W10)|) and portfolio composition considering return scenario generated with an ARMA(1,1) model under the Gaussian and stable assumptions for the innovations of the time series models.

we obtain with portfolio

x2 z2,s,t

+ x3 z3,s,t



s ∈ {1, 2, ..., S } ; Rxs,t = x1 z1,s,t portfolio x under scenario s ∈ {1, 2, ..., S }

under scenario

is the return of

in time period t and zi,s,t is the rate of return of i − th asset under scenario s ∈ {1, 2, ..., S } in time period t. The calculations for this empirical analysis were performed either in Matlab environment or programmed in Delphi. Table IX summarizes the results of this comparison.

In particular we observe that

for each risk aversion coefficient we obtain greater expected utility using stable distributed residuals. Thus it is implicitly confirmed that we have presumed a better distributional approximation. Just as in the case of the previous empirical comparison we observe that there exist substantial differences b etween the portfolio allocations under the different distributional approaches.

4. C  In this paper we have shown that the classical portfolio choice models can be generalized assuming stable distributions for the underlying random variables



and that the generalized models not only are theoretically justifiable and empirically testable, but they generally have better performance than the respective Gaussian models when asset returns exhibit heavy tails. By comparing the joint normal distribution with the joint stable sub-Guassian one, it has occurred that the results received from the examined optimal allocation problems are substantially different.

In particular, the stable market

portfolio is generally less risky than the Gaussian market portfolio.

This in-

tuitive result is confirmed by comparison of the optimal allocations when the different distributional hypotheses are assumed. Therefore, the investors who fit the data with the stable distributions are generally more risk preserving than the investors who fit the data with the Gaussian law because stable laws take into account the component of risk due to heavy tails. Thus, we find that the tail behavior of sub-Gaussian and Gaussian approaches could imply substantial differences in the asset allocation. These results are empirically confirmed if we compare portfolio choices obtained when considering portfolio returns that follow an ARMA(1,1) model with stable or Gaussian distributed residuals. As a matter of fact, we observed that the distribution of residuals is asymmetric and leptokurtic and the hypothesis of normality is usually rejected under statistical testing. In addition, we show that the approximation given by the stable residuals imply better performance for risk averse investors.

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SCOPE AND PRICES OF THE JOURNAL Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics A quartely international publication of Eudoxus Press,LLC Editor in Chief: George Anastassiou Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis Memphis, TN 38152, U.S.A. [email protected] The main purpose of the "Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics" is to publish high quality original research articles from all subareas of Non-Pure and/or Applicable Mathematics and its many real life applications, as well connections to other areas of Mathematical Sciences, as long as they are presented in a Concrete way. It welcomes also related research survey articles and book reviews.A sample list of connected mathematical areas with this publication includes and is not restricted to: Applied Analysis, Applied Functional Analysis, Probability theory, Stochastic Processes, Approximation Theory, O.D.E, P.D.E, Wavelet, Neural Networks,Difference Equations, Summability, Fractals, Special Functions, Splines, Asymptotic Analysis, Fractional Analysis, Inequalities, Moment Theory, Numerical Functional Analysis,Tomography, Asymptotic Expansions, Fourier Analysis, Applied Harmonic Analysis, Integral Equations, Signal Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Operations Research, Linear Programming, Fuzzyness, Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Analysis, Game Theory, Math.Physics aspects, Applied Real and Complex Analysis, Computational Number Theory, Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Computer Science Math.related topics,combinations of the above, etc. In general any kind of Concretely presented Mathematics which is Applicable fits to the scope of this journal. Working Concretely and in Applicable Mathematics has become a main trend in many recent years,so we can understand better and deeper and solve the important problems of our real and scientific world. "Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics" is a peer- reviewed International Quarterly Journal. We are calling for papers for possible publication. The contributor should send three copies of the contribution to the editor in-Chief typed in TEX, LATEX double spaced. [ See: Instructions to Contributors]

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Editorial Board Associate Editors

Editor in -Chief: George Anastassiou Department of Mathematical Sciences The University Of Memphis Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-3144,fax 901-678-2480 e-mail [email protected] Areas:Approximation Theory, Probability,Moments,Wavelet, Neural Networks,Inequalities,Fuzzyness. Associate Editors: 1) Ravi Agarwal Florida Institute of Technology Applied Mathematics Program 150 W.University Blvd. Melbourne,FL 32901,USA [email protected] Differential Equations,Difference Equations,inequalities

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5) Francoise Bastin Institute of Mathematics University of Liege 4000 Liege BELGIUM [email protected] Functional Analysis,Wavelets

24) Svetlozar T.Rachev Dept.of Statistics and Applied Probability Program University of California,Santa Barbara CA 93106-3110,USA tel.805-893-4869 [email protected] AND Chair of Econometrics and Statistics School of Economics and Business Engineering University of Karlsruhe Kollegium am Schloss,Bau II,20.12,R210 Postfach 6980,D-76128,Karlsruhe,Germany tel.011-49-721-608-7535 [email protected] Mathematical and Empirical Finance, Applied Probability, Statistics and Econometrics

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25) Paolo Emilio Ricci Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Dipartimento di Matematica-Istituto "G.Castelnuovo" P.le A.Moro,2-00185 Roma,ITALY tel.++39 0649913201,fax ++39 0644701007 [email protected],[email protected] Orthogonal Polynomials and Special functions, Numerical Analysis, Transforms,Operational Calculus, Differential and Difference equations 26) Cecil C.Rousseau Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2490,fax 901-678-2480 [email protected] Combinatorics,Graph Th., Asymptotic Approximations, Applications to Physics 27) Tomasz Rychlik Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Chopina 12,87100 Torun, Poland [email protected] Mathematical Statistics,Probabilistic Inequalities 28) Bl. Sendov Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia 1090,Bulgaria

tel.515-294-8150 [email protected] Inequalities,Ordinary Differential Equations 10) Sorin Gal Department of Mathematics University of Oradea Str.Armatei Romane 5 3700 Oradea,Romania [email protected] Approximation Th.,Fuzzyness,Complex Analysis 11) Jerome A.Goldstein Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis, Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2484 [email protected] Partial Differential Equations, Semigroups of Operators 12) Heiner H.Gonska Department of Mathematics University of Duisburg Duisburg,D-47048 Germany tel.0049-203-379-3542 office [email protected] Approximation Th.,Computer Aided Geometric Design

[email protected] Approximation Th.,Geometry of Polynomials, Image Compression 29) Igor Shevchuk Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv 252017 Kyiv UKRAINE [email protected] Approximation Theory 30) H.M.Srivastava Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Victoria Victoria,British Columbia V8W 3P4 Canada tel.250-721-7455 office,250-477-6960 home, fax 250-721-8962 [email protected] Real and Complex Analysis,Fractional Calculus and Appl., Integral Equations and Transforms,Higher Transcendental Functions and Appl.,q-Series and q-Polynomials, Analytic Number Th.

31) Ferenc Szidarovszky Dept.Systems and Industrial Engineering The University of Arizona Engineering Building,111 PO.Box 210020 Tucson,AZ 85721-0020,USA 13) Dmitry Khavinson [email protected] Department of Mathematical Sciences Numerical Methods,Game Th.,Dynamic Systems, University of Arkansas Multicriteria Decision making, Fayetteville,AR 72701,USA Conflict Resolution,Applications tel.(479)575-6331,fax(479)575-8630 in Economics and Natural Resources [email protected] Potential Th.,Complex Analysis,Holomorphic Management PDE,Approximation Th.,Function Th. 32) Gancho Tachev Dept.of Mathematics 14) Virginia S.Kiryakova Univ.of Architecture,Civil Eng. and Geodesy Institute of Mathematics and Informatics 1 Hr.Smirnenski blvd Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BG-1421 Sofia,Bulgaria Sofia 1090,Bulgaria Approximation Theory [email protected] Special Functions,Integral Transforms, 33) Manfred Tasche Fractional Calculus Department of Mathematics University of Rostock 15) Hans-Bernd Knoop D-18051 Rostock Institute of Mathematics Germany Gerhard Mercator University [email protected] D-47048 Duisburg Approximation Th.,Wavelet,Fourier Analysis, Germany Numerical Methods,Signal Processing, tel.0049-203-379-2676

[email protected] Approximation Theory,Interpolation 16) Jerry Koliha Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics University of Melbourne VIC 3010,Melbourne Australia [email protected] Inequalities,Operator Theory, Matrix Analysis,Generalized Inverses 17) Mustafa Kulenovic Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected] Differential and Difference Equations 18) Gerassimos Ladas Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected] Differential and Difference Equations

Image Processing,Harmonic Analysis 34) Chris P.Tsokos Department of Mathematics University of South Florida 4202 E.Fowler Ave.,PHY 114 Tampa,FL 33620-5700,USA [email protected],[email protected] Stochastic Systems,Biomathematics, Environmental Systems,Reliability Th. 35) Lutz Volkmann Lehrstuhl II fuer Mathematik RWTH-Aachen Templergraben 55 D-52062 Aachen Germany [email protected] Complex Analysis,Combinatorics,Graph Theory



Weighted Integral Inequalities in Two Dimensions George Hanna and John Roumeliotis School of Computer Science and Mathematics Victoria University, Australia Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract Weighted (or product) double integral inequalities are developed and extended to produce weighted cubature rules. The error bounds are of first and second order and rely on the first few moments of the weight. Various properties of the weight and weight nullspaces are considered. Minimization of the bound produces coupled non-linear equations whose solution furnish optimal weighted cubature grids. These grids are evaluated for some of the more popular weight functions. Key words: Integral inequalities, cubature, singular integration, grid generation

1. Introduction Milovanovi´c [3] (see also [4]), Barnett and Dragomir [1] and Hanna et al. [2] developed two dimensional integral inequalities whose error bounds were expressed in Lebesgue norms of the first partial derivatives of the integrand. In other work, Roumeliotis [7] developed and reviewed weighted one dimensional Ostrowski type inequalities with a particular emphasis of identifying optimal quadrature grids. These grids, influenced by the first few moments of the weight function, were evaluated via minimization of the Ostrowski type error bound. In this paper we combine and extend these results to develop weighted first and second order double integral inequalities. Particular attention is paid to the influence of the two dimensional weight function on the error bound and we explore this influence for different weights and weight null-spaces. Furthermore, weighted second order cubature rules are developed and we devise a method for calculating cubature grids that rely only on the first two moments of the weight. A method for calculating a priori cubature grids is given. The work in this paper is presented in the following order. In Section 2, a two variable Taylor expansion is employed to develop weighted two dimensional integral inequalities. Milovanovi´c [3] used this method to extend Ostrowski’s inequality to multiple dimensions. Here we will content ourselves with two dimensions, but extend the order of the rule to two. We undertake an examination of the error bound and identify parameters that will minimize the bound. In Section 3, we present a Peano kernel method, based on analogous results in [1], to derive a second order weighted double integral inequality. Error bounds are expressed in terms of the L1 and L∞ norms of the first mixed partial derivative of the integrand. Particular attention is paid to minimizing this integrand for different weights and null-spaces. Finally, the results of this section are extended in Section 5 to develop a weighted cubature formula. Minimizing the error bound furnishes a set of non-linear coupled equations in the first two moments of the weight whose solution produces a cubature grid influenced by the weight function. Plots of the grid for various weights are given. 2. Taylor’s Formula In 1975, Milovanovi´c [3] generalised the Ostrowski inequality to multiple dimensions using the multiple variable Taylor formula. As per the Ostrowski result, the inequality was expressed in terms of the first partial derivatives of the integrand. We state the two dimensional formula below. ¯ be the closure of D. Following [3], let D = {(x1 , x2 )|ai < xi < bi (i = 1, 2)} and let D ¯ and let ∂f ≤ Mi (Mi > 0; i = 1, 2) Theorem 1. Let f : R2 → R be a differentiable function defined on D ∂ti ¯ in D. Then, for every X = (x1 , x2 ) ∈ D, Z b1 Z b2 1 (1) f (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 − f (x1 , x2 ) (b1 − a1 )(b2 − a2 ) a1 a2 ! ! 2 2 1 2 x1 − a1 +b x2 − a2 +b 1 1 2 2 ≤ M1 (b1 − a1 ) + + M2 (b2 − a2 ) + . (b1 − a1 )2 4 (b2 − a2 )2 4



The weighted version of Theorem 1 appears below. ¯ and let ∂f ≤ Mi (Mi > 0; i = 1, 2) Theorem 2. Let f : R2 → R be a differentiable function defined on D ∂ti ¯ Then in D. Furthermore, let the function X 7→ w(X) be defined, integrable and w(X) > 0 for every X ∈ D. ¯ for every X ∈ D, (2)

R b1 R b2 a1 a2 w(t1 , t2 )f (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 − f (x1 , x2 ) R b1 R b2 w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 a1


≤ R b1 R b2 a1




w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1







w(t1 , t2 )|x1 − t1 | dt2 dt1 + M2







w(t1 , t2 )|x2 − t2 | dt2 dt1



Theorem 2 can be extended to higher orders and below we provide such an extension to second order. Theorem 3. Let f : [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ] → R be such that all its partial derivatives up to order 2 exist and be i f continuous, i.e. ∂t∂j ∂t k < ∞, i = 1, 2; j = 0, . . . , i; k = i − j. Furthermore, let w : (a1 , b1 ) × (a2 , b2 ) → (0, ∞) 1 2 RR be integrable (i.e. w dA < ∞). Then for all (x1 , x2 ) ∈ [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ] the following second order product double integral inequality holds Z Z Z b1 Z b2 b1 b2 w(t1 , t2 )f (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 − f (x1 , x2 ) w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 a1 a2 a1 a2 Z b1 Z b2 Z b1 Z b2 ∂f ∂f (x1 , x2 ) w(t1 , t2 )(x1 − t1 ) dt2 dt1 + (x1 , x2 ) w(t1 , t2 )(x2 − t2 ) dt2 dt1 + ∂t1 ∂t 2 a1 a2 a1 a2 ≤

2 k ∂∂t2f k∞ Z







2 a1 a2

2 Z

∂ f


∂t1 ∂t2 ∞

w(t1 , t2 )(x1 − t1 ) dt2 dt1 + b1





2 k ∂∂t2f k∞ Z








w(t1 , t2 )(x2 − t2 )2 dt2 dt1

w(t1 , t2 )|x1 − t1 ||x2 − t2 | dt2 dt1 .

Proof. The two-variable Taylor formula states that (4)

∂f ∂f (x1 , x2 ) + (t2 − x2 ) (x1 , x2 ) ∂t1 ∂t2 (t1 − x1 )2 ∂ 2 f ∂2f (t2 − x2 )2 ∂ 2 f + (ξ , ξ ) + (t − x )(t − x ) (ξ , ξ ) + (ξ1 , ξ2 ), 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 ∂t21 ∂t1 ∂t2 2 ∂t22

f (t1 , t2 ) = f (x1 , x2 ) + (t1 − x1 )

where ξi = ti + θ(xi − ti ), i = 1, 2, 0 < θ < 1. Multiplying (4) by w and integrating produces the identity (5)







w(t1 , t2 )f (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 − f (x1 , x2 ) +

∂f (x1 , x2 ) ∂t1




a1 Z b1

b1 a1




w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1



a2 Z b2

w(t1 , t2 )(x1 − t1 ) dt2 dt1

∂f (x1 , x2 ) w(t1 , t2 )(x2 − t2 ) dt2 dt1 ∂t2 a1 a2 Z b1 Z b2 (t1 − x1 )2 ∂ 2 f = w(t1 , t2 ) (ξ1 , ξ2 ) dt2 dt1 2 ∂t21 a1 a2 Z b1 Z b2 ∂2f + w(t1 , t2 )(t1 − x1 )(t2 − x2 ) (ξ1 , ξ2 ) dt2 dt1 ∂t1 ∂t2 a1 a2 Z b1 Z b2 (t2 − x2 )2 ∂ 2 f + w(t1 , t2 ) (ξ1 , ξ2 ), dt2 dt1 . 2 ∂t22 a1 a2 +

Taking the modulus of both sides of (5), applying the triangle inequality and then H¨older’s inequality on the right hand side gives (3). 



Corollary 4. Let the conditions for f be as in Theorem 3. Then the following double integral inequality holds   Z b1 Z b2 ∂f a1 + b1 1 f (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 − f (x1 , x2 ) + (x1 , x2 ) x1 − (6) (b1 − a1 )(b2 − a2 ) a1 a2 ∂t1 2 !    2 a1 +b1 2

(b1 − a1 )2 x − ∂f a1 + b1 ∂ f 1 1 2

+ (x1 , x2 ) x1 − + ≤ ∂t2 ∂t2 2 2 (b1 − a1 )2 12 1 ∞ ! !  

2 a1 +b1 2 a2 +b2 2

∂ f x − x − 1 1 1 2 2 2

+ + +

∂t1 ∂t2 (b1 − a1 )(b2 − a2 ) (b1 − a1 )2 4 (b2 − a2 )2 4 ∞ ! 2

2 2

∂ f (b2 − a2 )2 x2 − a2 +b 1 2

+ . + 2 ∂t2 ∞ 2 (b2 − a2 )2 12 Proof. Substituting w(t1 , t2 ) = 1 into (3) and simplifying produces the desired result.

The point (x1 , x2 ), the sample point of the integration rule, is free to be chosen. Often, such points are chosen to simplify the rule. For example, in (3) if we choose the weight mean R b1 R b2 ti w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 xi = Ra1b1 Ra2b2 , i = 1, 2 w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 a1 a2

then the partial derivative terms vanish. Fortuitously, in this case, this point also minimizes the bound. In the following sub-section, and indeed this paper, we will not be concerned with simplifying the integration rule, but instead attempt to determine such parameters (for eg. x1 and x2 ) in order for the error bound to be minimized. 2.1. Minimizing the upper bound. Corollary 5. The bound in equation (2) is minimized at the median point (x1 , x2 ) satisfying Z x1 Z b2 Z b1 Z b2 (7) w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 = w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 a1




and Z






w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 =







w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 .


Proof. It is a simple matter to show that Z Z b1 Z b2 I(x1 , x2 ) = M1 w(t1 , t2 )|x1 − t1 | dt2 dt1 + M2 a1







w(t1 , t2 )|x2 − t2 | dt2 dt1

is a convex function. Hence the upper bound in (2) is minimized at the stationary point of I. Evaluating the first partial derivatives of I produces equations (7) and (8). 

That is, the minimum point is the median of the weight in each direction. This is consistent with first order rules reported in [7]. Minimization of the second order bound in Theorem 3 is not as simple. It is quite difficult to identify a minimum point for the upper bound of (3). This bound is comprised of three components; the first and last are minimized at the mean (in each direction) R b1 R b2 R b1 R b2 t w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 t2 w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 a1 a2 1 (9) x1 = R b1 R b2 , x2 = Ra1b1 Ra2b2 , w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 a1 a2 a1 a2

while the second is minimized at the root of a median-type expression Z x1 Z b2 Z b1 Z b2 |x2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 = (10) |x2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 a1




and (11)







|x1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 =







|x1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 .

Of course, for weights in which the solutions of (9) are identical to those of (10) and (11) then identification of the minimum point presents little challenge. For example if w is a product weight and symmetric about 1 a2 +b2 the midpoint ( a1 +b 2 , 2 ) then the minimum point is the midpoint. That is, if w(t1 , t2 ) = w1 (t1 )w2 (t2 )



and wi ((a + b)/2 − t) = wi ((a + b)/2 + t) (i = 1, 2), then it can be shown that the solution of (9)–(11) is the mid-point. This is the case when w = 1 and Corollary 4 shows that the upper bound is minimized at xi = (ai + bi )/2, i = 1, 2. The major difficulty with (3) is that the upper bound is comprised of a linear combination of three terms involving norms of the partial derivative of the integrand. Hence it would be near impossible to find a global minimum that depends only on the weight and not f . To obtain a global minimum for a general second order rule will require either simplification of (3) or the derivation of another expression for the bound. The first point is dealt with in the corollary below, while the second is taken up in the next section. Corollary 6. Let f and w be as given in Theorem 3. Then for all (x1 , x2 ) ∈ [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ] the following second order product double integral inequality holds Z Z Z b1 Z b2 b1 b2 w(t , t )f (t , t ) dt dt − f (x , x ) w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 a1 a2 a1 a2 Z b1 Z b2 Z b1 Z b2 ∂f ∂f + (x1 , x2 ) w(t1 , t2 )(x1 − t1 ) dt2 dt1 + (x1 , x2 ) w(t1 , t2 )(x2 − t2 ) dt2 dt1 ∂t1 ∂t2 a1 a2 a1 a2

2  2 2  2

∂ f kwk1

x1 − a1 + b1 + b1 − a1 + ∂ f kwk1 x2 − a2 + b2 + b2 − a2 ≤ 2


2 2 2 ∂t2 2 2 2 1 ∞

2    ∞ 

∂ f a1 + b1 b1 − a1 a2 + b2 b2 − a2

(12) + , + + x2 −

∂t1 ∂t2 kwk1 x1 − 2 2 2 2 ∞ Rb Rb where kwk1 = a11 a22 w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 is the zero-th moment of the weight. Proof. The proof involves taking an upper bound of (3) using H¨older’s inequality. Thus, consider Z b1 Z b2 Z b1 Z b2 w(t1 , t2 )(x1 − t1 )2 dt2 dt1 ≤ sup (x1 − t1 )2 w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 a1

t1 ∈[a1 ,b1 ]





= max{(x1 − a1 ) , (x1 − b1 )2 }kwk1  2 a1 + b1 b1 − a1 = x1 − + kwk1 . 2 2

(13) Similarly (14)







Finally, Z





 2 a2 + b2 b2 − a2 w(t1 , t2 )(x2 − t2 ) dt2 dt1 ≤ x2 − + kwk1 . 2 2 2



w(t1 , t2 )|x1 − t1 ||x2 − t2 | dt2 dt1 ≤

sup (t1 ,t2 )∈[a1 ,b1 ]×[a2 ,b2 ]

|x1 − t1 ||x2 − t2 |kwk1

= max{x1 − a1 , b1 − x1 } max{x2 − a2 , b2 − x2 }kwk1     a1 + b1 b1 − a1 a2 + b2 b2 − a2 + + kwk1 . = x1 − x2 − 2 2 2 2

Making use of (13), (14) and (15) gives (3).

It is clear that the bound in (12) is minimized at the mid-point of the rectangular region. Unfortunately, the weight does not influence this minimum point. Taylor’s theorem is a popular vehicle for developing cubature and higher dimension rules. Stroud [8] uses Taylor’s expansion to develop cubature rules and recently Qi [5], used this technique to derive weighted Iyengartype multiple integrals. The drawback is in the size of the error bound. For two dimensions, an n-th order rule has a Taylor remainder of n + 1 terms. Minimizing any rule with order greater than one would be extremely difficult. Thus, in the next section, we turn to the Peano kernel and use the results of [1, 2] to derive a second order weighted double integral inequality that contains only one term in the upper bound. 3. Main Results Lemma 7. Let f : [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ] → R be bounded and integrable and whose first partial derivatives exist and are also bounded and integrable. Furthermore, let w : (a1 , b1 ) × (a2 , b2 ) → (0, ∞) be integrable. The following


identity holds Z b1 Z (16) I = a1




[f (x1 , x2 ) − f (x1 , t2 ) − f (t1 , x2 ) + f (t1 , t2 )] w (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 =






P (t1 , t2 )


∂2f dt2 dt1 ∂t1 ∂t2

where x1 ∈ [a1 , b1 ], x2 ∈ [a2 , b2 ] and (17)

 Z t2   p (t1 , u2 ) du2 ,   a2 P (t1 , t2 ) = Z t2     p (t1 , u2 ) du2 , b2

 Z t1   w (u1 , t2 ) du1 ,   a1 p(t1 , t2 ) = Z t1     w (u1 , t2 ) du1 ,



a2 ≤ t2 ≤ x2 , x2 < t2 ≤ b2 , a1 ≤ t1 ≤ x1 , x1 < t1 ≤ b1 .

Rb Proof. To begin, let I = a11 I2 dt1 and consider I2 where Z b2 ∂ 2 f (t1 , t2 ) dt2 I2 = P (t1 , t2 ) ∂t1 ∂t2 a2 Z x2 Z b2 ∂ 2 f (t1 , t2 ) ∂ 2 f (t1 , t2 ) = P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 + P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 ∂t1 ∂t2 ∂t1 ∂t2 a2 x2  2  2 Z b2 Z t2 Z x2 Z t2 ∂ f (t1 , t2 ) ∂ f (t1 , t2 ) dt2 + p(t1 , u2 )du2 dt2 = p(t1 , u2 )du2 ∂t ∂t ∂t1 ∂t2 1 2 x2 b2 a2 a2 = I21 + I22 . Using integration by parts, we find that x Z t2 Z x2 ∂f (t1 , t2 ) 2 ∂f (t1 , t2 ) I21 = p(t1 , u2 )du2 − p(t1 , t2 ) dt2 ∂t ∂t1 1 a2 a2 a2 Z x2 Z x2 ∂f (t1 , t2 ) ∂f (t1 , x2 ) − p(t1 , t2 ) dt2 = p(t1 , u2 )du2 ∂t1 ∂t1 a2 a2   Z x2 ∂f (t1 , x2 ) ∂f (t1 , t2 ) − dt2 . = p(t1 , t2 ) ∂t1 ∂t1 a2 Similarly

I22 =





p(t1 , t2 )

∂f (t1 , x2 ) ∂f (t1 , t2 ) − ∂t1 ∂t1

dt2 .

p(t1 , t2 )

∂f (t1 , x2 ) ∂f (t1 , t2 ) − ∂t1 ∂t1


dt1 .


Thus I2 becomes I2 =


and substituting into I gives   Z b1 Z b2 Z b1 Z b2 ∂2f ∂f (t1 , x2 ) ∂f (t1 , t2 ) I= P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 = p(t1 , t2 ) − dt2 dt1 ∂t1 ∂t2 ∂t1 ∂t1 a1 a2 a1 a2   Z b2 Z b1 ∂f (t1 , x2 ) ∂f (t1 , t2 ) = p(t1 , t2 ) − dt1 dt2 ∂t1 ∂t1 a2 a1 Z b2 (19) = I3 dt2 , a2


I3 =




p(t1 , t2 )

∂f (t1 , x2 ) ∂f (t1 , t2 ) − ∂t1 ∂t1

Applying the same treatment to I3 as for I2 gives Z b1 I3 = w(t1 , t2 )[f (x1 , x2 ) − f (t1 , x2 ) − f (x1 , t2 ) + f (t1 , t2 )] dt1 . a1



Substituting I3 into (19) we find that the identity (16) is thus proved.

The upper bound of the integration rule will depend on P . Below, we detail some properties of P that will be subsequently used in analysis of the bound. Lemma 8. The kernel P : [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ] → R as defined in Lemma 7 has the following properties: (1) P vanishes on the boundary of the rectangle [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ], (2) P (t1 , ·) : (a2 , b2 ) → R is monotonic increasing for all t1 ∈ (a1 , x1 ), (3) P (t1 , ·) : (a2 , b2 ) → R is monotonic decreasing for all t1 ∈ (x1 , b1 ), (4) P is positive on (a1 , x1 ) × (a2 , x2 ) and (x1 , b1 ) × (x2 , b2 ), (5) P is negative on (a1 , x1 ) × (x2 , b2 ) and (x1 , b1 ) × (a2 , x2 ), for all (x1 , x2 ) ∈ (a1 , b1 ) × (a2 , b2 ). Proof. These properties are quite simple to prove via inspection of the first partial derivatives of P .

In Figure 1, we plot the surface and contours of (17) for two different weights. The plots exhibit the properties discussed in Lemma 8. It is obvious that the kernel achieves its maximum deviation on of its branches at the discontinuous point (x1 , x2 ). In the following theorem we state the main result by employing the identity in Lemma 7 to produce second order weighted double integral inequalities. In contrast with the inequalities of the previous section, the upper bound here is comprised of just one term. Theorem 9. Let the conditions of Lemma 7 hold. The following double integral inequalities involving the usual Lebesgue norms of the first mixed partial derivative of f hold,

2 Z b1 Z b2

∂ f

(20) |x1 − t1 | |x2 − t2 | w (t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 , |I| ≤

∂t1 ∂t2 ∞



∂ f ∂t1 ∂t2




∈ L∞ [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ] and

2 Z x1 Z x2 Z x1 Z b2

∂ f

max w(t , t ) dt dt , w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 , |I| ≤ 1 2 2 1

∂t1 ∂t2 a1 a2 a1 x2 1  Z b1 Z x2 Z b1 Z b2 w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 , w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 x1


∂2f ∂t1 ∂t2




∈ L1 [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ], where I is defined in equation (16).

Proof. To prove (20) we begin with H¨ older’s inequality and then simplify using Lemma 8 Z Z b1 b2 ∂ 2 f (t1 , t2 ) |I| = P (t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 a1 a2 ∂t1 ∂t2

2 Z b1 Z b2

∂ f

≤ |P (t1 , t2 )| dt2 dt1

∂t1 ∂t2 a2 ∞ a1

2 Z x1 Z x2 Z x1 Z b2

∂ f

= P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 − P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 ∂t1 ∂t2 ∞ a1 a2 a1 x2  Z b1 Z x2 Z b1 Z b2 (22) − P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 + P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 . x1




Now each of the terms in (22) can be evaluated via partial integration and simplified using Lemma 7 and equations (17) and (18). For the first term  Z x2 Z x1 Z x2 Z x1  x2 P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 = (t2 − x2 )P a − (t2 − x2 )p dt2 dt1 2 a2 a1 a2 a1 Z x2 Z x1 =− (t2 − x2 )p dt1 dt2 a2 a1   Z x2 Z x1 x1 =− (t2 − x2 ) (t1 − x1 )p a1 − (t1 − x1 )w dt1 dt2 a a1 Z x2 2Z x1 (23) (x2 − t2 )(x1 − t1 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 . = a2


Employing the same procedure for the other terms we find Z x1 Z b2 Z x1 Z b2 (24) P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 = (x2 − t2 )(x1 − t1 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 , a1








x1 Z b1





P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 =

a2 Z b2

P (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 =




x1 Z b1 x1




a2 Z b2 x2

(x2 − t2 )(x1 − t1 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 , (x2 − t2 )(x1 − t1 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 .

Substituting (23)–(26) into (22) gives (20). To prove (21) we again begin with H¨older’s inequality Z Z b1 b2 ∂ 2 f (t1 , t2 ) |I| = P (t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 a1 a2 ∂t1 ∂t2


∂ f

sup |P (t1 , t2 )| ≤

∂t1 ∂t2 1 (t1 ,t2 )∈[a1 ,b1 ]×[a2 ,b2 ]

2 Z x1 Z x2 Z x1 Z b2

∂ f

= max w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 , w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 , ∂t1 ∂t2 1 a1 a2 a1 x2  Z b1 Z x2 Z b1 Z b2 (27) w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 , w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 . x1




The last line being computed by appealing to the properties of P as listed in Lemma 8. Thus the theorem is proved.  If the first moments of the weight w are known, as well as the one dimensional integrals ! ! Z b1 Z b2 Z b2 Z b1 (28) f (t1 , x2 ) w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 and f (x1 , t2 ) w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 a1




then RR (20) can form the basis of a cubature formula for the evaluation of the weighted double integral f (t1 , t2 )w(t1 , t2 ) dA over a rectangular region D. A major drawback is that in most cases the integrals D (28) are unknown. These can be eliminated using the one-dimensional weighted results in [6]. Roumeliotis et al. [6] showed that for mappings f with bounded second derivative that Z Z b Z b b kf 00 k Z b ∞ 0 (x − t)2 w(t) dt, (29) w(t)f (t) dt − f (x) w(t) dt + f (x) (x − t)w(t) dt ≤ a 2 a a a

where x ∈ (a, b) and w is a weight function. Thus making use of (29), the following inequalities hold ! Z b1 Z b2 Z b1 Z b2 (30) f (t1 , x2 ) w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 − f (x1 , x2 ) w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 a1



∂f + (x1 , x2 ) ∂t1

and Z (31)



f (x1 , t2 )










w(t1 , t2 ) dt1


∂f (x1 , x2 ) + ∂t2


b1 a1





2 ∂ f

(x1 − t1 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 ≤

∂t2 !

dt2 − f (x1 , x2 )









w(t1 , t2 )


(x1 − t1 )2 dt2 dt1 2



w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1


2 ∂ f

(x2 − t2 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 ≤

∂t2 2






w(t1 , t2 )


(x2 − t2 )2 dt2 dt1 . 2

It is of interest to note that combining (20), (30) and (31) will produce (3). Thus, in one sense, (20) is more general than (3) since it is not obvious how one may derive (20) from (3). One advantage of (20) over (3) is that the upper bound involves one term instead of three. Thus, with (20) we can find points (x1 , x2 ) that will minimize upper bound in terms of the weight and independent of the integrand. In the following corollary we will identify points (x1 , x2 ) to minimize the bound Z b1 Z b2 |x1 − t1 | |x2 − t2 | w (t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 . (32) J (x1 , x2 ) = a1


Corollary 10. J (x1 , x2 ) as defined in (32) is minimized at (x∗1 , x∗2 ) where x∗1 and x∗2 satisfy the equations Z b1 Z b2 Z x∗1 Z b2 ∗ (33) |x∗2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 |x2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 = a1

x∗ 1



and (34)


x∗ 2






− t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 =



x∗ 2




|x∗1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 .



Proof. Evaluating the partial derivatives of J gives Z x1 Z b2 Z b1 Z b2 ∂J (1) (35) J = (x1 , x2 ) = |x2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 − |x2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 , ∂x1 a1 a2 x1 a2 Z x2 Z b1 Z b2 Z b1 ∂J (36) J (2) = (x1 , x2 ) = |x1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 − |x1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 . ∂x2 a2 a1 x2 a1

Inspection of (35) reveals that, for fixed x2 , J (1) is monotonic increasing and J (1) (a1 , x2 ) = −J (2) (b1 , x2 ) ≤ 0. J (2) also exhibits similar properties and hence there exists a unique point (x∗1 , x∗2 ) that is the zero of (35) and (36) and minimizes J .  The behaviour of (32) is very dependant on the behaviour of the weight. In Figure 2 contours of J are plotted for different weight functions. In each case, the minimum point is readily observed and its location depends on the weight and weight null-space. In the following section, properties of the minimum point of J are identified for various conditions on w. 4. Minimizing the bound Solution of equations (33) and (34) provide the point that minimizes the bound (32). The equations are non-linear and two dimensional, thus, in most cases, require numerical treatment. In this section we identify solutions or simplifications to (33) and (34) for specific weight types. Some of these weights are of importance since they appear in the important areas of integral transforms and integral equations. With functions of two or more variables it is common that an identifiable relationship between the variables is observed. That is, w(t1 , t2 ) = w(φ(t1 , t2 )) for some φ. For singular weights, the null-space of φ, {(t1 , t2 ) : φ(t1 , t2 ) = 0}, may be of interest since this may furnish the singularity structure of the integral. Below, we explore the properties of J for φ being the difference mapping on a square and generalise to more general null-spaces in other corollaries. Corollary 11 (Difference weight). Let w : (a, b) → (0, ∞) be integrable and let a < x1 , x2 < b. Then the bound Z bZ b J (x1 , x2 ) = |x1 − t1 | |x2 − t2 | w |t1 − t2 | dt2 dt1 . is minimized at the midpoint x1 = x2 =

a a a+b . 2

Proof. As stated in Corollary 10, J is minimized at the root of equations (33) and (34). Substituting the midpoint in (33) gives Z (a+b)/2 Z b Z b Z b a + b a + b 2 − t2 w|t1 − t2 | dt2 dt1 − 2 − t2 w|t1 − t2 | dt2 dt1 a a (a+b)/2 a Z b Z b Z b Z b a + b a + b = 2 − t2 w|t1 − t2 | dt2 dt1 2 − v w|u − v| dvdu − (a+b)/2 a (a+b)/2 a = 0,

where u = a + b − t1 and v = a + b − t2 are integral substitutions. The same treatment on (34) shows that the midpoint minimizes the bound  The following two corollaries show that the simultaneous equations (33) and (34) may be decoupled under certain conditions for the weight. Corollary 12 (Separable weight). Let the conditions in Corollary 10 hold. Furthermore, let w be separable, that is w(t1 , t2 ) = w1 (t1 )w2 (t2 ), where wi are themselves weight functions defined on [ai , bi ], i=1,2. Then J is minimized at the median of each weight Z xi Z bi wi (ti ) dti = wi (ti ) dti , i = 1, 2. ai


Proof. Substituting w(t1 , t2 ) = w1 (t1 )w2 (t2 ) into (33) and (34) and simplifying produces the result.

Corollary 13 (Symmetric weight). Let the conditions in Corollary 10 hold and let w : (a, b) × (a, b) → R be symmetric, that is, w(t1 , t2 ) = w(t2 , t1 ). Then the minimum point is at x1 = x2 . Proof. With the above conditions, the two equations in Corollary 10 are Z x1 Z b Z bZ b ∂J (37) (x1 , x2 ) = |x2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 − |x2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 , ∂x1 a a x1 a Z x2 Z b Z bZ b ∂J (38) (x1 , x2 ) = |x1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 − |x1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 . ∂x2 a a x2 a



Beginning with (37) we have ∂J (x1 , x2 ) = ∂x1













|x2 − t1 |w(t2 , t1 ) dt1 dt2 −

x1 Z b


|x2 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 −


∂J (x2 , x1 ). ∂x2



x1 Z b





|x2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 −







|x2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1




|x2 − t1 |w(t2 , t1 ) dt1 dt2





|x2 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2

Thus the solution of ∂J (x1 , x2 ) = 0 ∂x1


∂J (x1 , x2 ) = 0, ∂x2

∂J (x2 , x1 ) = 0 ∂x2


∂J (x1 , x2 ) = 0, ∂x2

is identical to

and hence the solution occurs at x1 = x2 .

In Corollary 11 we showed that if a weight has a “difference” null-space on a square then the bound (32) is minimized at the centre of the square. The following corollary will generalise this result and we will consider a null space of the form t1 = φ(t2 ) where φ is anti-symmetric on a rectangle. Corollary 14. Let w : (−a, a) × (−A, A) → (0, ∞) be a weight function of the form w(t1 , t2 ) = w|t1 − φ(t2 )|, where φ : (−A, A) → (−a, a) is surjective and odd, for some a, A > 0, that is φ(−t) = −φ(t). Then J as defined in (32) is minimized at the origin. Proof. We need to show that (39)












|t2 |w|t1 − φ(t2 )| dt2 dt1 =



|t1 |w|t1 − φ(t2 )| dt1 dt2 =








|t2 |w|t1 − φ(t2 )| dt2 dt1

and (40)





|t1 |w|t1 − φ(t2 )| dt1 dt2 .

Making the substitution t1 = −u and t2 = −v in the first integral of (39) we have Z












|t2 |w|t1 − φ(t2 )| dt2 dt1 =



|t1 |w|t1 − φ(t2 )| dt1 dt2 =







|v|w|u − φ(v)| dvdu.






|u|w|u − φ(v)| dudv.

Hence, the corollary is proved.

5. Cubature and grid generation Theorem 9 can form the basis of a cubature formula for weighted double integrals. That is, we can form a mesh and apply equation (20) to each grid rectangle. The minimum point of each rectangle would be given by (33) and (34). The question that would remain is how would such a grid be “optimally” constructed? For example, for four grid rectangles, as shown in Figure 3, how would ξ1 and ξ2 be chosen? Let us consider a partition ai ≤ ξi ≤ bi of the interval [ai , bi ], with xi,1 ∈ [ai , ξi ] and xi,2 ∈ [ξi , bi ], for i = 1, 2. In addition, define D to be the rectangular region [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ] and define the sub-regions D1,1 = [a1 , ξ1 ] × [a2 , ξ2 ], D1,2 = [ξ1 , b1 ] × [a2 , ξ2 ], D2,1 = [a1 , ξ1 ] × [ξ2 , b2 ] and D2,2 = [ξ1 , b1 ] × [ξ2 , b2 ]. A sketch of this partition is shown is Figure 3.



Theorem 15. Let the conditions in Theorem 9 hold. Given the partition defined above, the following double integral inequality holds Z Z 2 Z Z X (41) f (t1 , t2 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 − D


f (x1,i , t2 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2

D1,i +D2,i


f (t1 , x2,i )w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2

Di,1 +Di,2

2 X 2 X


f (x1,j , x2,i )


i=1 j=1

2 X 2 ZZ X


∂ f

∂t1 ∂t2



∞ i=1 j=1

w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2

|x1,i − t1 ||x2,j − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 .

The bound is minimized at the points xi,j , ξi , (i, j = 1, 2) satisfying









a2 ξ1










a2 b1










a1 ξ2










a1 b2


|x2,1 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 + Z













x1,1 + x1,2 2



|x2,2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 ,

|x1,2 ξ1 ξ 2 Z b1




− t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1




|x2,2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 ,

|x2,2 ξ2 b1 Z b2




− t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1





|x2,2 ξ2 ξ 1 Z b2







|x1,1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 + ξ1 =



|x1,1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 +

|x1,1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 +



|x2,1 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 +

|x1,1 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 + Z


|x2,1 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 +

|x2,1 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 + Z



− t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2

|x1,2 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 ,


|x1,2 ξ1 b2 Z b1



ξ2 =

− t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2

|x1,2 − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 ,

x2,1 + x2,2 . 2

Proof. To obtain (41), it is a simple matter of applying equation (20) of Theorem 9 to each region Di,j (i, j = 1, 2), summing and finally employing the triangle inequality. To show equations (42)–(46), we calculate the stationary point of the bound (47)

J =

2 X 2 ZZ X


i=1 j=1

|x1,i − t1 ||x2,j − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 .

For x1,1 , X  2 ZZ ∂J ∂ |x1,1 − t1 ||x2,j − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 = ∂x1,1 ∂x1,1 j=1 D1,j Z x1,1 Z ξ2 ∂ (x1,1 − t1 )|x2,1 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 = ∂x1,1 a1 a2 Z ξ1 Z ξ2 + (t1 − x1,1 )|x2,1 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 x1,1

+ +




a1 Z ξ1





ξ2 b2


(x1,1 − t1 )|x2,2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 (t1 − x1,1 )|x2,2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1









|x2,1 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 −







|x2,2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 −







|x2,1 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1









|x2,2 − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 .

Setting the last expression to zero gives (42) and the same process can be used to show equations (43)–(45). To show (46), observe that Z ξ2 Z ξ2 ∂J = (ξ1 − x1,1 )|x2,1 − t2 |w(ξ1 , t2 ) dt2 − (x1,2 − ξ1 )|x2,1 − t2 |w(ξ1 , t2 ) dt2 ∂ξ1 a2 a2 Z b2 Z b2 + (ξ1 − x1,1 )|x2,2 − t2 |w(ξ1 , t2 ) dt2 − (x1,2 − ξ1 )|x2,1 − t2 |w(ξ1 , t2 ) dt2 =2



ξ2 ξ2 a2



b2 ξ2

ξ1 −

x1,1 + x1,2 2

ξ1 −

x1,1 + x1,2 2

|x2,1 − t2 |w(ξ1 , t2 ) dt2

|x2,2 − t2 |w(ξ1 , t2 ) dt2 ,

which obviously has a root at (46)1 . Similarly, we can show (46)2 .

We now proceed to a full weighted cubature formulae. Define the following partitions of the intervals [ai , bi ] Ii : ai = ξi,0 ≤ ξi,1 ≤ · · · ≤ ξi,n = bi , and let xi,j ∈ [ξi,j−1 , ξi,j ] for i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 2, . . . , n. Furthermore, let Di,j = [ξ1,i−1 , ξ1,i ] × [ξ2,j−1 , ξ2,j ], Sn Sn (1) (2) Di = k=1 Di,k and Di = k=1 Dk,i , for i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n. Consider the weighted cubature formula (48) A(f, w, I1 , I2 , ξ, x ) n Z Z X =


f (x1,i , t2 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 +





f (t1 , x2,i )w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2


n X n X

f (x1,i , x2,j )

i=1 j=1


 w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 .


Using the above assumptions, we can write the following theorem.

Theorem 16. Let f : [a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ] → R and w : (a1 , b1 ) × (a2 , b2 ) → (0, ∞) be as in Theorem 9 and I1 , I2 , ξ, x be given above. The following weighted cubature formula holds Z b1 Z b2 (49) f (t1 , t2 )w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 = A(f, w, I1 , I2 , ξ, x ) + R(f, w, I1 , I2 , ξ, x ), a1


where (50)

2 X n ZZ

∂ f n X

|x1,i − t1 ||x2,j − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 . |R(f, w, I1 , I2 , ξ, x )| ≤

∂t1 ∂t2 Di,j ∞ i=1 j=1

The bound (50) is minimized when x and ξsatisfy n Z x1,i Z ξ2,j n Z X X (51) |x2,j − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 = (52)

j=1 ξ1,i−1 n Z x2,i X j=1






|x1,j − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2 =


j=1 x1,i n Z ξ2,i X j=1








|x2,j − t2 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 |x1,j − t1 |w(t1 , t2 ) dt1 dt2

xk,l + xk,l+1 , for i = 1, . . . , n, l = 1, . . . , n − 1, k = 1, 2. 2 Proof. The proof follows that of Theorem 16. (53)

ξk,l =

To find the 4n − 2 unknowns xi,1 ≤ ξi,1 ≤ xi,2 ≤ · · · ≤ ξi,n−1 ≤ xi,n , for i = 1, 2, we need to solve the 4n − 2 coupled non-linear equations (51), (52) and (53). These equations are easily solved iteratively with a uniform grid as the starting point. With this method of solution all variables



are fixed apart from the parameter of interest. Thus for example if k = 1 and we fix i, then equation (51) may be considered as a function of x1,i only; say F (x1,i ). It is easy to see that n Z ξ2,j X F 0 (x1,i ) = 2 |x2,j − t2 |w(x1,i , t2 ) dt2 ≥ 0 j=1


and F (ξ1,i−1 ) ≤ 0, F (ξ1,i ) ≥ 0. Thus F has a unique root and the bisection algorithm would be an appropriate numerical technique to produce the solution. In Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7, the grid obtained via numerical solution of (51)–(53) is plotted for various weight functions and n. We can see that the grid clustering reflects the weight behaviour. Acknowledgments This work was completed while the second named author was on study leave from Victoria University to the School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Birmingham, UK. The author acknowledges support provided from both institutions. References [1] N.S. Barnett and S.S. Dragomir, An Ostrowski type inequality for double integrals and application for cubature formulae, Soochow J. Math., 27(1), 1–10 (2001). [2] G. Hanna, P. Cerone and J. Roumeliotis, An Ostrowski type inequality in two dimensions using the three point rule, ANZIAM J., 42(E), C671–C689 (2000). [ONLINE] Available from the internet at [3] G.V. Milovanovi´ c, On some integral inequalities, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak, Ser. Mat. Fiz., No. 498–541, 119–124 (1975). [4] D. S. Mitrinovi´ c, J. E. Pe˘ cari´ c, and A. M. Fink, Inequalities for functions and their integrals and derivatives, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1994. [5] Feng Qi, Inequalities for a weighted multiple integral, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 253(2), 381–388 (2001). [6] J. Roumeliotis, P. Cerone and S.S. Dragomir, An Ostrowski type inequality for weighted mappings with bounded second derivative, J. KSIAM, 3(2), 107–119 (1999). [7] J. Roumeliotis, Product inequalities and weighted quadrature, in Ostrowski type inequalities and applications in numerical integration, (S.S. Dragomir and T.M. Rassias, eds.). In press for Kluwer Academic. [8] A.H Stroud, Approximation Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1971.



Figure 1. Surface and contour plots of the Peano type kernels P defined in (17) for different weights. (a) w(t1 , t2 ) = − ln(t1 t2 ) over the unit square and x1 = x2 = 0.5, (b) w(t1 , t2 ) = p t1 /t2 over the unit square and x1 = x2 = 0.5.

















0 0














x1 1














0 0

















Figure 2. Contour plots of the J (x1 , x2 ) given by (32) for various weight functions. (a) w(t1 , t2 ) = − ln(t1 t2 ), (t1 , t2 ) ∈ (0, 1) × (0, 1), (b) w(t1 , t2 ) = − ln |t1 − t2 |, (t1 , t2 ) ∈ (0, 1) √ × (0, 1), (c) w(t1 , t2 ) = − ln |t1 − t22 |, (t1 , t2 ) ∈ (0, 1) × (0, 1) and (d) w(t1 , t2 ) = −t1 e / t2 , (t1 , t2 ) ∈ (0, 4) × (0, 1). b2 x2,2






x2,1 a2






Figure 3. A partition of the rectangular region D = [a1 , b1 ]×[a2 , b2 ] showing the sub-regions Di,j , i, j = 1, 2.







Figure 4. Grid generated from the solution of equations (51)– (53) for the weight w(t1 , t2 ) = p t2 /t1 over [0, 1] × [0, 1] and n = 10. The solid lines indicate the composite grid; in each grid square there is one function evaluation (dot) and two single integral evaluations (dashed lines).

Figure 5. Grid generated from the solution of equations (51)– (53) for the weight w(t1 , t2 ) = − ln(t1 t2 ) over [0, 1] × [0, 1] and n = 10. The solid lines indicate the composite grid; in each grid square there is one function evaluation (dot) and two single integral evaluations (dashed lines).

!!!"""###$$$%%%&&&'''((()))***+++,,,---...///000111 !!!"""###$$$%%%&&&'''((()))***+++,,,---...///000111 !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 222333444555666777888999:::;;;???@@@ WEIGHTED INTEGRAL INEQUALITIES...


Figure 6. Grid generated from the solution of equations (51)– (53) for the weight w(t1 , t2 ) = − ln(t1 t2 ) over [0, 1] × [0, 1] and n = 30. The solid lines indicate the composite grid; in each grid square there is one function evaluation (dot) and two single integral evaluations (dashed lines).

Figure √ 7. Grid generated from the solution of equations (51)– (53) for the weight w(t1 , t2 ) = e−t1 / t2 over [0, 4] × [0, 1] and n = 15. The solid lines indicate the composite grid; in each grid square there is one function evaluation (dot) and two single integral evaluations (dashed lines).



On a class of polynomials generalizing the Laguerre family Giuseppe Dattoli ENEA – Unit`a di Fisica Teorica, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Via E. Fermi, 45 - 00044 Frascati (RM), Italia - e-mail: [email protected]

Paolo E. Ricci Universit` a di Roma “La Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Matematica, P.le A. Moro, 2 00185 Roma, Italia - e-mail: [email protected]

Clemente Cesarano ENEA – Unit`a di Fisica Teorica, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Via E. Fermi, 45 - 00044 Frascati (RM), Italia & Ulm University, Department of Mathematics - Ulm, Germany e-mail: [email protected] Abstract {pn (x)}∞ n=0

Let be a sequence of polynomials of degree n, defined by a special class of generating function generalizing the generating function of the Laguerre polynomilas, by using the factorization method, introduced in [1], we determine their differential equations, and some other properties.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 33C45, 34A05. Key words and phrases. Laguerre polynomials, Appell polynomials, differential equations.



In recent articles [4], [5], [8], different versions of the factorization method [1] have been used in order to investigate properties of some recurrent polynomials {pn (x)}∞ n=0 , where pn (x) is a polynomial of degree n. G. Dattoli et al. (see [2], [3]) introduced the so called monomiality principle as an instrument useful to study in an unified way a large class of special functions, including the multivariable Bessel functions, Hermite and Laguerre polynomials, classical Bernoulli and Euler polynomials and many others. A family of special polynomials is called quasi monomial if there exist two operators ˆ ˆ , satisfying the commutation property: [Pˆ , M ˆ ] := Pˆ M ˆ −M ˆ Pˆ = 1, and such P and M that: ˆ (pn (x)) = pn+1 (x). Pˆ (pn (x)) = npn−1 (x), M (1.1)




This definition can be extended to some class of special functions, including the multi-variable or multi-indices cases. From equation (1.1) some important properties of the polynomial family can be easily deduced, such as: • the differential equation: • the explicit form:

ˆ Pˆ (pn (x)) = npn (x), M ˆ n (1), pn (x) = M

• the generating function: ˆ

etM (1) =

∞ n X t n=0


pn (x).

A more classical approach, connected with the work of L. Infeld and T.E. Hull [1], has been considered by M.X. He and P.E. Ricci [4], [5]. They define two operators L− n and L+ , depending on n, satisfying the properties: n L− n pn (x) = pn−1 (x),

L+ n pn (x) = pn+1 (x),


− (L+ n−1 Ln )pn (x) = pn (x),


and consequently + (L− n+1 Ln )pn (x) = pn (x),

− − − (L− n−k+1 Ln−k+2 · · · Ln−1 Ln )pn (x) = pn−k (x),


+ + + (L+ h−1 Lh−2 · · · L1 L0 )p0 (x) = ph (x).


Equations (1.3) give back the differential equation satisfied by the polynomials, and − furthermore the formulas (1.4)-(1.5) permit to recover the operator L+ n (Ln ) when the − + operator Ln (Ln ) together with a linear recurrence relation of any order satisfied by the polynomials pn (x) is known. It is worth to note that, the knowledge of the exponential generating function G(x, t) :=

∞ X n=0

pn (x)

tn n!


of the given family of polynomials often permits the construction of the operators (1.2). A very useful survey about different classes of generating functions is given in the classical book of H.M. Srivastava and H.L. Manocha [6]. In recent papers, the above methods have been used in order to derive the differential equations satisfied by polynomials belonging to the Appell family [4], [5], [7] and some particular case of d-orthogonal polynomials (see [9], [10], [11]).



Appell polynomials are characterized by the generating function ∞ n X t n=0


pn (x) = A (t) ext ,

p0 (x) = 1,


with A(t) being a function of t without singularities at t = 0. The main characteristic of A(t) is that d pn (x) = npn−1 (x) (1.8) dx according to which the ordinary derivative can be viewed as a negative shift operator in the discrete index n. It has been recently emphasized that polynomials characterized by the generating function [7],[12],[13] ∞ n X t G(t, x|0) = ln (x) = B(t)C0 (xt) (1.9) n=0 n! with B(t) playing the same role of A(t) and C0 (x) =

n X (−1)r xr r=0



being the 0th order Tricomi function, are characterized by the property [2] −

d d x ln (x) = nln−1 (x) dx dx


which shares some analogy with the properties of Appell polynomials. Such analogy is reinforced by the fact that the operator ˆ x := − d x d D dx dx


is recognized as a Laguerre derivative within the context of the monomiality principle applied to Laguerre polynomials [2],[13]. Since for B(t) = et the equation (1.9) gives back a family of Laguerre-type polynomials, we will denote by ln (x) the relevant polynomials. As a further example we consider the case A(t) = Cm (t) Cm (t) =

∞ X (−1)r xr r=0


r!(n + r)!

where Cm (t) is the mth order Tricomi function, eigenfunction of the operator 2 ˆ t,m = −t d − (m + 1) d D dt2 dt




In this paper we address the problem of obtaining general conditions on the function B(t) to derive the differential equations specifying ln (x). A first effort to derive differential equations for the Laguerre type family has been put forward in ref. [7], here we will develop a more systematic strategy also employing the methods of refs. [4]-[5].


Laguerre type polynomials and relevant differential equations

We have already remarked that the 0th order Tricomi function is an eigenfunction of the Laguerre derivative and that the mth order functions are eigenfunctions of the operator defined by equation (1.5). We will therefore derive the differential equations for families of Laguerre type polynomials by just taking advantage from this fact and consider as introductory example the generating function G(t; x|m) =

∞ X

tn ln(m) =


with ln(m) (x) =

Cm (xt) , 1−t


n X

(−x)r . r=0 r!(m + r)!


By applying the operator (1.5) to both sides of (1 − t)G(x, t|m) = Cm (xt),


we find for the generating function t(1 − t)

d2 dG G + [(m − 1)t − (m + 1)] + [m + 1 + x(1 − t)] G = 0, 2 dt dt


which provides the recursion (m)

n 1 (m) xnln−1 (x)+ n−m−1 o + [n(n − 1) − n(m − 1) − (m + 1) − x] ln(m) (x) .

ln+1 (x) =


In this case the second recursion is provided by (see equation (1.5)) and the concluding section) (m) ˆ x,m ln(m) (x) = nln−1 (x) (2.6) D so that we can write the differential equation for the ln(m) (x) polynomials in the form 2 ˆ x,m ln(m) (x) + [(n − 1)(n − 2) − (n − 1)(m − 1)+ xD ˆ x,m l(m) (x) = n(n − m − 2)l(m) (x), + m − 1 − x] D n





to this aim it is worth noting that the Laguerre derivative satisfies the relations [2],[13] n n ˆ xn = (−1)n d xn d = D dxn dxn n

= (−1) n!

n X

à !


n xk k k!


d dx




The method we have just outlined can be generalized, to this aim we consider the generating function Γ(x, t|m) =

∞ n X t n=0 n!

λ(m) n (x) = B (t) Cm (xt),


and on account of the identity ds Cn (x) = (−1)s Cn+s (x) dxs


it is shown that the polynomials λ(m) n (x) satisfy the recurrence d (m) (m+1) λ (x) = −nλn−1 (x). (2.11) dx n Limiting ourselves to the case when m = 0, we find that the generating function satisfies the equation −

d d t Γ(x, t|0) = [x + S0 (t) + S1 (t)] Γ(x, t|0) + dt dt + 2xtS0 (t)Γ (x, t|1)



1 dB(t) 1 d2 B(t) , S1 (t) = − . B(t) dt B(t) dt2 By assuming that S0,1 (t) are known through their series expansion S0 (t) = −

S0,1 (t) =

∞ X αr(0,1) tr r=0





(1) we obtain for the λ(0) n (x) the following recursion involving the λn (x) (0)

λn+1 (x) = πn(0,1) (x) =

i 1 h (0) xλn (x) + πn(0) (x) + πn(1) (x) + 2xnγn−1 (x) , n n X αr(0,1) r=0

γn (x) =


n X αr(1) r=0


ˆ r λ(0) (x), D x n

ˆ r λ(1) (x) D x n




which allows the derivation of a rather involuted differential equation satisfied by the λ(0) n (x). Simpler results can be obtained by using the relation Γ(x, t|0)

1 = C0 (xt), B(t)


in this case assuming known the expansion ∞ X 1 ts = βs B(t) s=0 s!


we end up with the recursion qn+1 (x) = − qn (x) =

x qn , n+1

n X

à !


n (0) βs λn−s (x), s


which has the advantage of not involving the polynomials λ(m) n (x) and yields a less involved differential equation. Further comments will be presented in the concluding section.


Concluding remarks

In this paper we have considered Appell and Laguerre type polynomials. Let us remark that, in general, if n n X X bs ts as ts , B(t) = (3.1) A(t) = s=0 s! s=0 s! we find pn (x) =

n X r=0

ln (x) =

n X r=0

à !

n an−r xr , r

à !

n bn−r r x. r r!


e e Furthermore if A(t) and B(t) possess the Fourier transforms A(σ) and B(σ), we find that the polynomials (3.2) are specified by the integral transforms

1 Z +∞ e A(σ)(x + iσ)n dσ, pn (x) = √ 2π −∞ 1 Z +∞ e ln (x) = √ B(σ)Ln (x, iσ)dσ, 2π −∞




where Ln (x, y) are the two variable Laguerre polynomials (see ref. [13],[14]), namely Ln (x, y) = n!

n X (−x)r y n−r r=0

(n − r)!(r!)2


In a forthcoming investigation we will analyze the case of multi-index polynomials and show how the techniques of this paper can be suitable extended to obtain the differential equations specifying multi-index and multi-variable Appell and Laguerre polynomials.

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Asymptotic Formulae for Positive Linear Operators on Convex Subsets of Banach Spaces. Francesco Altomare Department of Mathematics - University of Bari Via E. Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari (Italy) E-mail: [email protected] Sabrina Diomede Department of Economics - University of Bari Via C. Rosalba, 53 - 70124 Bari (Italy) E-mail: [email protected] Abstract We establish an asymptotic formula for general sequences of positive linear operators acting on spaces of continuous functions defined on convex subsets of (possibly infinite-dimensional) Banach spaces. Moreover we deduce analogous formulae for the Bernstein-Schnabl operators on bounded convex subsets of separable Banach spaces, as well as for the multidimensional extension of the so-called Sz´asz-Mirakjan operators. Key words and phrases: Asymptotic formula, positive operator, Bernstein-Schnabl operator. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 41A80, 41A36, 47N99.



In the recent paper [2], the authors have determined some general conditions under which a sequence (Ln )n≥1 of positive linear operators acting on a function space E satisfies an asymptotic formula of the type lim kn(Ln (f ) − f ) − A(f )k = 0 n

(f ∈ D(A))



with respect to a weighted norm on E, where A is a second order differential operator defined on a suitable subspace D(A) of E of twice continuously differentiable functions. The space E involved in the previous formula is a function space on some (possibly unbounded) real interval. In this Note we treat of the more general case in which E is a space of real-valued functions defined on a convex subset K of an arbitrary Banach space. In such a general setting, the second order differential operator is replaced by an ”abstract differential” operator of the form 1 A(f )(x) := T (f 00 (x))(x) + f 0 (x)(β(x)) + γ(x)f (x), 2 where f is a sufficiently smooth function on K, T an operator acting on the space of all bilinear continuous forms on X, β a mapping from K into X, γ a real-valued function on K and f 0 (x) and f 00 (x) denote the first and the second Fr´echet derivatives of f at x ∈ K. Our main results established in Section 3, besides having an intrinsic interest of their own, allow us to obtain some asymptotic formulae for several sequences of positive linear operators as, for instance, the Bernstein-Schnabl operators, defined by Z



x1 + · · · + xn Bn (f )(x) := ··· f dµx (x1 ) · · · dµx (xn ), n K K where K is a bounded convex subset of a separable Banach space, (µx )x∈K is a family of probability Borel measures on K, and f belongs to a suitable function space on K. In this special case, our results generalize those of [1] and [8]. We also discuss in detail the finite dimensional case extending, among other things, some results of [9]. As an application, we establish an asymptotic formula for the multidimensional extension of Sz´asz-Mirakjan operators introduced in [10].


Notation and preliminary results

Let (X, k · k) be a Banach space and K a convex subset of X. For all x ∈ X we shall consider the following mappings ψx : y ∈ K 7→ y − x ∈ X;


ψx(2) : y ∈ K 7→ (y − x, y − x) ∈ X 2 ;


dx : y ∈ K 7→ ky − xk ∈ R.


Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


Moreover, the symbols F(X, R), F(K, X), X 0 and L(2) (X, R) will stand respectively for the space of all real functions defined on X, the space of all mappings from K into X, the space of all linear and continuous forms on X and, finally, the space of all bilinear and continuous forms on X. The spaces X 0 and L(2) (X, R) will be equipped with the natural norms kuk := kukX 0 := sup{|u(x)| : x ∈ X, kxk ≤ 1} (u ∈ X 0 )


and kvk := kvkL(2) (X,R) := sup{|v(x, y)| : x, y ∈ X, kxk ≤ 1, kyk ≤ 1}


(v ∈ L(2) (X, R)). In the sequel we shall also consider the linear subspace of F(K, X) S(K, X) := span({ψx : x ∈ K})


spanned by the set {ψx : x ∈ K}. Let us now introduce the function spaces in which the next theorems are mainly set. By C(K, R) we denote the space of all continuous real-valued functions defined on K; moreover, Ce2 (K, R) stands indifferently for the space C (2) (K, R) : = {f ∈ C(K, R) : f is the restriction to K of a twice continuously differentiable function defined on an open neighborhood of K} if the interior Int(K) of K is empty, or for the space Ce2 (K, R) : = {f ∈ C(K, R) : f is twice continuously differentiable on Int(K) and its derivatives admit continuous extensions up to K } if Int(K) 6= ∅. Thus, in this second case, for any f ∈ Ce2 (K, R) by the symbols f 0 and f 00 we will mean the continuous extensions to K of the derivatives of f in Int(K). If X is finite dimensional, K is bounded and the boundary ∂K of K is sufficiently smooth, then C (2) (K, R) ⊂ Ce2 (K, R). We also set: Cf2 b (K, R) := {f ∈ Cf2 (K, R) : sup kf 00 (x)kL(2) (X,R) < +∞},


U Cf2 b (K, R) := {f ∈ Cf2 b (K, R) : f 00 is uniformly continuous on K}.






Let E be a linear subspace of F(K, R) such that {f ∈ C(K, R) : sup x∈K

|f (x)| < +∞} ⊂ E. 1 + kxk2


By virtue of (2.9), for any u ∈ X 0 , v ∈ L(2) (X, R) and x ∈ X, u ◦ ψx ∈ E


v ◦ ψx(2) ∈ E.


For every f ∈ Cf2 (K, R), x, y ∈ K set   0

ωf (x, y) := 

if x = y,

f (y)−f (x)−f 0 (x)(y−x)− 21 f ”(x)(y−x,y−x) ky−xk2

if x 6= y


In what follows, unless otherwise stated, we shall consider a function f ∈

Cf2 b (K, R) and set

M := supx∈K kf 00 (x)kL(2) (X,R) .

First notice that necessarily f ∈ E and ωf (x, ·)d2x ∈ E; indeed, if Int(K) 6= ∅, pick x0 ∈ Int(K); for any x ∈ Int(K), by the Taylor’s formula with integral remainder (see for instance [6], § 4.3.1) 0

f (x) = f (x0 ) + f (x0 )(x − x0 ) +

Z 1 0

(1 − t)f 00 (x + t(x − x0 ))(x − x0 , x − x0 )dt,

and thus M k x − x0 k2 ; (2.12) 2 by continuity this last inequality may be extended to K and therefore, by (2.9), f ∈ E. This, in turn, together with (2.10), implies that for any x ∈ K ωf (x, ·)d2x ∈ E. By analogous reasonings one may deduce that f ∈ E and ωf (x, ·)d2x ∈ E for any x ∈ K also in the case Int(K) = ∅. Moreover, it will be useful to notice that the function x ∈ K 7→ kf 0 (x)k ∈ R is itself an element of E, too; in fact, if Int(K) 6= ∅ we may choose x0 ∈ Int(K) and then, as a consequence of a mean-value theorem ([6], Corollary 2.1), for any x ∈ K kf 0 (x)k ≤ kf 0 (x0 ) k +M k x − x0 k; (2.13) |f (x)| ≤ |f (x0 )| + kf 0 (x0 )k k x − x0 k +

by continuity the same inequality holds for any x ∈ K. One may argue analogously to reach the same conclusion if Int(K) = ∅. Assume now Int(K) 6= ∅; for every x, y ∈ Int(K) by the definition (2.11) and by using the Taylor’s formula with integral remainder we deduce that ωf (x, y)d2x (y) = − =

Z 1 0

(1 − t)f 00 (x + t(y − x))(y − x, y − x)dt +


1 00 f (x)(y − x, y − x) = 2 Z 1


(1 − t)(f 00 (x + t(y − x)) − f 00 (x))(y − x, y − x)dt.

Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


Notice that the function ωf (x, y)d2x (y) is continuous with respect to both x and y, and therefore, by the continuity of f 00 , and by the Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem, the equality (2.14) holds also true for any x, y ∈ K. The previous formula implies that | ωf (x, y) | d2x (y) ≤ 2M k y − x k2

Z 1 0

(1 − t)dt = M k y − x k2 ,

and therefore for any x, y ∈ K |ωf (x, y)| ≤ M.


Finally notice that if, in addition, f 00 is uniformly continuous, then lim ωf (x, y) = 0


uniformly w.r.t. x ∈ K.


Indeed, for a given ε > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that kf 00 (x) − f 00 (y)k ≤ ε for any x, y ∈ K for which kx − yk < δ; therefore, for any such x and y, and by virtue of (2.14) one has | ωf (x, y) |

d2x (y)


whence it follows | ωf (x, y) |≤



Z 1 0

(1 − t)dt =

ε k y − x k2 , 2

ε . 2

Asymptotic formulae on convex subsets of Banach spaces.

In this section we establish an asymptotic formula for an arbitrary sequence of positive linear operators. The particular case in which these operators are associated with a family of measures is considered as well. Finally we develop similar results in finite dimensional settings. As in the previous Section we shall consider a Banach space X, a convex subset K of X and a linear subspace E of F(X, R) satisfying (2.9). Theorem 3.1 Let (Ln )n∈N be a sequence of positive linear operators from E into F(K, R), and consider a divergent sequence (ϕ(n))n∈N of positive integers. Given a mapping T : L(2) (X, R) → F (K, R), w, γ ∈ F (K, R) and β ∈ F (K, X), consider the operator A : Ce2 (K, R) 7→ F(K, R) defined by setting for any f ∈ Ce2 (K, R) and x ∈ K 1 A(f )(x) := T (f 00 (x))(x) + f 0 (x)(β(x)) + γ(x)f (x) 2 and assume that




(i) for k=0,2 lim kxkk w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (1)(x)−1)−γ(x)] = 0 n

uniformly w.r.t. x ∈ K;

e : S(K, X) 7→ F (K, X) (ii) for every n ∈ N there exists a linear operator L n 0 such that for every x ∈ K and u ∈ X e (ψ ) Ln (u ◦ ψx ) = u ◦ L n x


and for k=0,1 e (ψ )(x) − β(x)] = 0 limkxkk w(x)[ϕ(n)L n x n

uniformly w.r.t. x ∈ K;

(iii) for every bounded subset B ⊂ L(2) (X, R) lim w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (v ◦ ψx(2) ))(x) − T (v)(x)] = 0 n uniformly w.r.t. x ∈ K and v ∈ B. Then (1) for any f ∈ Ceb2 (K, R) such that lim w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (ωf (x, ·)d2x ))(x)] = 0 uniformly w.r.t. x ∈ K n


one gets lim w[ϕ(n)(Ln (f ) − f ) − A(f )] = 0 n uniformly on K. (2) If k0 :=

sup w(x)ϕ(n)Ln (d2x )(x) < +∞,




and if there exists q ∈]2, +∞[ such that dqx ∈ E for all x ∈ K and lim w(x)ϕ(n)Ln (dqx )(x) = 0 uniformly w.r.t. x ∈ K, n


then for every f ∈ U Ceb2 (K, R) formula (3.3), and therefore also formula (3.4), hold true. Proof. (1). Consider f ∈ Ceb2 (K, R); by (2.11) we deduce that 1 f = f (x)1 + f 0 (x) ◦ ψx + f 00 (x) ◦ ψx2 + ωf (x, ·)d2x , 2 whence we obtain that for every n ≥ 1


1 Ln (f ) = f (x)Ln (1) + Ln (f 0 (x) ◦ ψx ) + Ln (f 00 (x) ◦ ψx2 ) + Ln (ωf (x, ·)d2x ). 2

Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


Then, taking (3.2) into account, | w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (f ) − f )(x) − A(f )(x)] |≤ ≤ |w(x)f (x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (1)(x) − 1) − γ(x)] | + + | w(x)(ϕ(n)[Ln (f 0 (x) ◦ ψx )(x) − (f 0 (x) ◦ β)(x)] | + ϕ(n) 1 + | w(x)[ Ln (f 00 (x) ◦ ψx2 )(x) − T (f ”(x))(x)] | + 2 2 2 + | w(x)ϕ(n)Ln (ωf (x, ·)dx )(x) |≤ ≤ | w(x)f (x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (1)(x) − 1) − γ(x)] | + e (ψ )(x) − β(x))k + + k f 0 (x) k kw(x)(ϕ(n)L n x 1 + |w(x)(ϕ(n)Ln (f 00 (x) ◦ ψx2 )(x) − T (f 00 (x))(x))| + 2 + | w(x)ϕ(n)Ln (ωf (x, ·)d2x )(x) | .

By virtue of hypothesis (i), inequality (2.12), and the fact that kxk ≤ 1 + kxk2 for all x ∈ K one obtains lim w(x)f (x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (1)(x) − 1) − γ(x)] = 0 n


uniformly on K. Moreover, combining (2.13) and condition (ii) we deduce that e (ψ )(x) − β(x))k = 0 lim kf 0 (x)k kw(x)(ϕ(n)L n x n


uniformly on K. On the other hand, as f 00 is assumed to be bounded on K, the set B(f ) := {f 00 (x) ∈ L(2) (X, R) : x ∈ K} is a bounded subset of the space L(2) (X, R), and thus condition (iii) applies, implying that lim w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (f 00 (x) ◦ ψx2 ) − T (f 00 (x)))(x)] = 0 n


uniformly on K. Therefore, taking (3.3), (2), (3) and (4) into account we obtain the assertion. (2). Consider f ∈ U Ceb2 (K, R), and set again M := supx∈K kf 00 (x)k; we shall prove that (3.3) is fulfilled. To this aim, set first ε > 0; as a consequence of (2.16) there exists δ > 0 such that for every x, y ∈ K, kx − yk ≤ δ, one gets |ωf (x, y)| ≤

ε ; 2k0




furthermore, (3.6) implies the existence of some ν ∈ N for which | w(x)ϕ(n)Ln (dqx )(x) |≤

ε δ q−2 2(M + 1)


for every x ∈ K and n ∈ N, n ≥ ν. Now set x, y ∈ K; if kx − yk ≤ δ, then |ωf (x, y)|d2x (y) ≤

ε 2 d (y) 2k0 x

whereas, if kx − yk > δ, |ωf (x, y)|d2x (y) ≤ M d2x (y) ≤ M

dqx (y) . δ q−2

In any case, for all x ∈ K ε 2 dqx dx + M q−2 . (7) 2k0 δ Consider n ∈ N, n ≥ ν, and x ∈ K; by (3.5), (6) and (7) we deduce that |ωf (x, ·)|d2x ≤

|w(x)ϕ(n)Ln (ωf (x, ·)d2x )(x)| ≤ ≤ | w(x) | ϕ(n)Ln (|ωf (x, ·)|d2x )(x) ≤ ε M ≤ | w(x) | ϕ(n)[ Ln (d2x )(x) + q−2 Ln (dqx )(x)] ≤ ε. 2k0 δ 2 In the following Corollary we shall apply Theorem 3.1 to a sequence of linear positive operators defined by means of a family (µx,n )x∈K,n≥1 of Borel measures on K such that the linear subspace E introduced in (2.9) also satisfies the inclusion \ E⊂ L1 (K, µx,n ), (3.7) x∈K,n≥1 1

where each L (K, µx,n ) denotes the space of all µx,n -integrable functions on K. In the sequel, if x ∈ X and δ > 0, we set B(x, δ) := {y ∈ X : k x − y k< δ}. Corollary 3.2 Let E be a linear subspace of F(X, R) satisfying (2.9) and (3.7), where (µx,n )x∈K,n≥1 is a given family of Borel measures on K, and let w ∈ F(X, R). Moreover, consider a divergent sequence of positive integers (ϕ(n))n≥1 and the sequence (Ln )n≥1 of positive linear operators from E into F(K, R) defined by Z

Ln (f )(x) :=


f dµx,n

(f ∈ E, x ∈ K, n ≥ 1),


Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


and assume that it satisfies condition (3.5) of Theorem 3.1, namely k0 :=

sup w(x)ϕ(n)Ln (d2x )(x) < +∞;


moreover, suppose that for any δ > 0 Z

lim ϕ(n)w(x) n


d2x dµx,n = 0


uniformly w.r.t. x ∈ K. Then, for every f ∈ U Ceb2 (K, R) lim w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (ωf (x, ·)d2x ))(x)] = 0 uniformly w.r.t. x ∈ K n

and therefore, if also (i), (ii) and (iii) of Theorem 3.1 are fulfilled, the asymptotic formula (3.4) holds true. Proof. It suffices to adapt the proof of Theorem 2 of [2] to the present case. 2 Remark 3.3 Note that, if each µx,n is finite (x ∈ K, n R≥ 1), then formula (3.2) holds true. Indeed, as kψx k ≤ 1 + d2x for any x ∈ K, K kψx kdµt,n < +∞, and thus ψx is Bochner-integrable with respect to each µt,n . In order to obtain e : S(K, X) → F(K, X) (3.2) it suffices to consider the linear operator L n defined by e (ϕ)(t) := L n



(n ≥ 1, ϕ ∈ S(K, X), t ∈ K). 2

In what follows we apply Corollary 3.2 to obtain an asymptotic formula for a particular sequence of operators of the form (3.8). Consider a Banach space X and a probability Borel measure µ on X such that Z kxk2 dµ(x) < +∞ (3.10) X

and for every u ∈ X R



u(x) dµ(x) = 0.


Observe that X kxk dµ(x) < +∞, as for any x ∈ X, kxk ≤ 1 + kxk2 ; moreover for all v ∈ L(2) (X, R) the mapping x 7→ v(x, x) is µ-integrable, because it is continuous and for all x ∈ X | v(x, x) |≤k v k kxk2 .



Consider the space E := {f ∈ C(X, R) : sup x∈X

|f (x)| < +∞}, 1 + kxk2

which is included in L1 (X, µ) by assumption (3.10). Moreover, for every f ∈ E, x ∈ X and n ≥ 1 the function y 7→ f (x + is µ-integrable too; indeed, set M := supx∈X

|f (x)| ; 1+kxk2

√y ) n


y y 2 1 |f (x + √ )| ≤ M (1+ k x + √ k2 ) ≤ M (1+ k x k2 + √ kxkkyk + kyk2 ). n n n n Let us now introduce the sequence of positive linear operators from E into F(X, R) defined by Z

Ln (f )(x) :=

y f (x + √ ) dµ(y) n X

(f ∈ E, x ∈ X, n ≥ 1). (3.12)

Corollary 3.4 For every f ∈ U Ceb2 (X) lim n(Ln (f )(x) − f (x)) = n

1 Z 00 f (x)(y, y)dµ(y) 2 X


uniformly with respect to x ∈ X. Proof. We shall apply Corollary 3.2 to the special case in which K = X, w := 1 and ϕ(n) := n for any n ≥ 1; to this purpose we remark that the n-th operator in (3.12) may be regarded as a particular case of the one introduced in (3.8) if µx,n denotes the image measure of µ under the continuous mapping σx,n (y) := x + √yn (y ∈ X). First observe that for all n ≥ 1 Ln (1) = 1, and therefore condition (i) of Theorem 3.1 is fulfilled by setting γ = 0. Consider now u ∈ X 0 and x ∈ X; then, taking (3.11) into account, for every z ∈ X we have Z

Ln (u ◦ ψx )(z) =

y u(z − x + √ )dµ(y) = u(z − x) = u(ψx (z)), n X

e ’s the identity operator on the and thus (3.2) is satisfied by denoting with L n space S(X, X). Therefore, condition (ii) of Theorem 3.1 holds true for such e and β := 0. L n Next notice that, as for every v ∈ L(2) (X, R), n ≥ 1 and x ∈ X Z

Ln (v ◦ ψx(2) )(x) =

y y 1Z v( √ , √ )dµ(y) = v(y, y)dµ(y), n n n X X

Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


also condition (iii) of the previously quoted Theorem 3.1 applies if we introduce the operator T : L(2) (X, R) → F (X, R) defined as Z

T (v)(x) :=


v(y, y)dµ(y)

(x ∈ X).

We now show that the hypothesis of the preceding Corollary are satisfied; firstly we notice that Ln (d2x )(x)

1Z = kyk2 dµ(y) n X

for any x ∈ X; secondly for every δ > 0, n ≥ 1 and x ∈ X we have Z



d2x (y) dµx,n (y) = Z

y kyk2 √ = n 1X\B(x,δ) (x + ) dµ(y) = n n X Z




1X\B(0,√nδ) (y)kyk2 dµ(y)


√ X\B(0, nδ)

kyk2 dµ(y),

where 1X\B(x,δ) and 1X\B(0,√√ nδ) denote respectively the characteristic function of X \ B(x, δ) and X \ B(0, nδ). From the above equalities, and by virtue of hypothesis (3.10), we may apply Corollary 3.2 to the present case and then (3.13) holds true. 2 Let us turn our attention to the case in which K is a convex subset of Rp , where p ≥ 1. The space Rp will be endowed with an arbitrary norm k · k and, in analogy with the notation introduced preliminarily to Theorem 3.1, the symbol Ce2 (K, R) will stand indifferently for the space C (2) (K, R) : = {f ∈ C(K, R) : f is the restriction to K of a twice continuously differentiable function defined on an open neighborhood of K} if Int(K) = ∅, or for the space Ce2 (K, R) : = {f ∈ C(K, R) : f is twice continuously differentiable on Int(K) and its derivatives admit continuous extensions up to K } if Int(K) 6= ∅.



Moreover, by F(K, Rp ) we mean the space of all functions f from K into Rp , while S(K, Rp ) stands for the linear space spanned by the set {ψx : x ∈ K}. Let E be a linear subspace of F(K, R) such that {f ∈ C(K, R) : sup x∈K

|f (x)| ∈ R} ⊂ E, 1 + kxk2


and denote by pri : Rp 7→ R the i-th projection on Rp , i.e., the mapping defined by setting pri (x) := xi for every x = (xi )1≤i≤p ∈ Rp .


Before we state next theorem, we remark that if f ∈ Ce 2 (K, R) and each of 2f its second order partial derivative ∂x∂i ∂x is uniformly continuous and bounded, j 00 then the second order derivative f of f is uniformly continuous and bounded on K, that is, f ∈ U Ceb2 (K, R) according to the definition in (2.8). Indeed, by the sake of simplicity we assume that Rp is endowed with the Euclidean norm k · k. We recall that, if f ∈ Ce 2 (K, R), then f possesses continuous first and second partial derivatives on a neighborhood of K or, respectively, on the interior of K, which are continuously extendable up to K. Moreover, if a ∈ K, then f 0 (a) : Rp → R is the linear form defined by 0

f (a)(y) =

p X ∂f (a) i=1


(y = (yi )1≤i≤p ∈ Rp ),


while the second derivative of f in a is the bilinear form f 00 (a) : Rp × Rp → R defined by p X ∂ 2 f (a) f 0 (a)(y, z) = yi zj i,j=1 ∂xi ∂xj for every y = (yi )1≤i≤p , z = (zi )1≤i≤p ∈ Rp . Moreover, since kf 00 (a)kL(2) (Rp ,R) ≤

p X



∂ 2 f (a) |, ∂xi ∂xj

f 00 is bounded on K provided that each second partial derivative of f is bounded uniformly on K; furthermore, as for any a, b ∈ K 00


kf (a) − f (b)kL(2) (Rp ,R) ≤

p X ∂ 2 f (a)



∂xi ∂xj

∂ 2 f (b) |, ∂xi ∂xj

if all second partial derivatives are uniformly continuous on K, then f 00 is also uniformly continuous on K. We are now ready to present the following result.

Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


Theorem 3.5 Let αij , βi , γ, w : K 7→ R be given (i, j = 1, . . . , p), and consider a divergent sequence of positive integers (ϕ(n))n∈N and a sequence (Ln )n∈N of positive linear operators from E into F(K, R). Let A : Ce2 (K, R) → F (K, R) be the operator defined by setting for any f ∈ Ce2 (K, R) and x ∈ K A(f )(x) :=

p p X 1 X ∂ 2f ∂f αij (x) (x) + βi (x) (x) + γ(x)f (x). 2 i,j=1 ∂xi ∂xj ∂xi i=1


Assume that (a) for k = 0, 2 limkxkk w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (1)(x) − 1) − γ(x)] = 0 n

uniformly on K

(b) for k = 0, 1 and i = 1, . . . , p limkxkk w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (pri ◦ ψx )(x) − βi (x)] = 0 n

uniformly on K;

(c) for every i, j = 1, . . . , p lim w(x)[ϕ(n)Ln ((pri ◦ ψx )(prj ◦ ψx ))(x) − αij (x)] = 0 n

uniformly on K;

(d) sup w(x)ϕ(n)Ln (d2x )(x) < +∞,


(e) there exists some q ∈ R, q > 2, such that dqx ∈ E for all x ∈ K and lim w(x)ϕ(n)Ln (dqx )(x) = 0 n

uniformly with respect to x ∈ K. Then for any f ∈ Ce2 (K, R) such that all the partial derivatives i ≤ p, 1 ≤ j ≤ p) are uniformly continuous and bounded,

∂2f ∂xi ∂xj

(1 ≤

lim w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (f ) − f ) − A(f )](x) = 0 uniformly on K. n

Furthermore, the same result holds true provided that the operators Ln are of the form (3.8) and condition (e) is replaced by the following one (f ) for every δ > 0 Z

lim ϕ(n)w(x) n uniformly with respect to x ∈ K.


d2x dµn,x = 0



Proof. We shall apply Theorem 3.1, part (2) and Corollary 3.2 to the present 2f case. To this aim, consider f ∈ Ce2 (K, R) such that ∂x∂i ∂x is uniformly continj uous and bounded for every i, j : 1, . . . , p. Define for any n ∈ N the operator e : S(K, Rp ) 7→ F (K, Rp ) L n

by setting for every ϕ ∈ S(K, Rp ) e (ϕ) := (L (pr ◦ ϕ), L (pr ◦ ϕ), . . . , L (pr ◦ ϕ)). L n n 1 n 2 n p


Now observe that for any linear form u on Rp , denoted by (u1 , . . . , up ) the vector in Rp representing u, for every x, y ∈ K we have (u ◦ ψx )(y) =

p X

ui pri (y − x) =


p X

ui (pri ◦ ψx )(y);


therefore for any x ∈ K p X

Ln (u ◦ ψx ) = Ln (

ui (pri ◦ ψx )) =

p X

e (ψ ). (3.18) ui Ln (pri ◦ ψx ) = u ◦ L n x



If we set β(x) := (β1 (x), . . . , βp (x)) for any x ∈ K, we have for k=0,1: e (ψ )(x) − β(x)) = 0 lim w(x)kxkk (ϕ(n)L n x n

uniformly on K because of hypothesis (b) and of equality (3.18), and therefore condition (ii) of Theorem 3.1 is fulfilled. Furthermore, in order to verify that (iii) of the statement of Theorem 3.1 is satisfied by a suitable operator T, set for any v ∈ L(2) (Rp , R) and x ∈ K T (v)(x) :=

p X

vij αij (x),



where (vij )i,j=1,...,p is the p × p matrix canonically associated to v. In particular from (3.19) we deduce T (f 00 (x)) =

p X

∂ 2f (x)αij . i,j=1 ∂xi ∂xj

(x ∈ K)

We also point out that, if k · k2 denotes the Euclidean norm on Rp , there exists h > 0 such that k · k ≤ hk · k2 . Hence, for every v ∈ L(2) (Rp , R), denoted by (vij )i,j=1,...,p the relevant representing matrix, we have that | vij |≤ h2 k v k

for every i, j = 1, . . . , p.

Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


Consider a bounded subset B of L(2) (Rp , R) and set sB := supv∈B kvk; therefore for every x ∈ K |w(x)(ϕ(n)Ln (v ◦ ψx(2) )(x) − T (v)(x))| = 


|w(x)(ϕ(n)Ln 

p X

vij (pri ◦ ψx )(prj ◦ ψx ) (x) −


= |w(x)(

p X

p X

vij αij (x))| =


vij (ϕ(n)Ln ((pri ◦ ψx )(prj ◦ ψx ))(x) − αij (x))| ≤


≤ |w(x)|h2 sB

p X

|(ϕ(n)Ln ((pri ◦ ψx )(prj ◦ ψx ))(x) − αij (x))|


and so, by hypothesis (c), lim w(x)[ϕ(n)Ln (v ◦ ψx(2) )(x) − T (v)(x)] = 0 n

uniformly on K and with respect to v ∈ B. Therefore, Theorem 3.1, part (2) applies, and thus lim w(x)[ϕ(n)(Ln (f ) − f ) − A(f )](x) = 0 n uniformly on K. Finally, if each operator Ln is of the form prescribed in (3.8) and condition (f) replaces (e), by Corollary 3.2 the assertion readily follows. 2 Remarks 3.6 1). In the particular case in which K is a (possibly unbounded) real interval, the same result described above was already obtained in [2], Theorem 1. 2). Theorem 3.5 includes, as a particular case, Theorem 4.1 of [9].



In this Section we make use of the results of Section 3 to obtain an asymptotic formula for Bernstein-Schnabl operators defined on a bounded convex subset of a separable Banach space as well as for the multidimensional extension of the so-called Sz´asz-Mirakjan operators.



Let X be a separable Banach space, and consider a convex and bounded subset K of X. Moreover, let (µx )x∈X be a family of probability Borel measures on K such that Z u|K dµx = u(x) for any u ∈ X 0 . (4.1) K

Set E := Cb (K, R) the space of all bounded continuous functions on K. The space E verifies (2.9) because K is bounded. For every n ≥ 1 consider the n-th Bernstein-Schnabl operator defined by Z



x1 + · · · + xn dµx (x1 ) · · · dµx (xn ) Bn (f )(x) := ··· f n K K


(f ∈ E, x ∈ K)(see [3], Chapter 6, for several additional properties of these operators). Notice that if we consider the mappings πn : X n → X defined by πn (x1 , · · · , xn ) :=

x1 + · · · + xn n

(x1 , · · · , xn ∈ X)


and if we denote by µx,n := πn (µx ⊗ · · · ⊗ µx )

(x ∈ X, n ≥ 1)


the image measure of the n-times tensorial product µx ⊗ · · · ⊗ µx under πn , the operators Bn may be put in the form (3.8) by writing Z

Bn (f )(x) =


f dµx,n

(f ∈ E, n ≥ 1, x ∈ K). (4.5)

Moreover, by virtue of a theorem of Kolmogorov’s (see [7], Corollary 9.5), for any x ∈ K there exists a sequence (Xn,x )n≥1 of independent random variables defined on a suitable probability space (Ω, F, P ) and with values in K such that µx is the distribution of Xn,x , for all n ≥ 1. This argument allows us to write the operators Bn also as Ã


Bn (f )(x) =


n 1X Xi,x n i=1



(f ∈ E, n ≥ 1, x ∈ K) (4.6)

Finally we remark that for every v ∈ L(2) (X, R) and x ∈ K Z K

|v(y, y)|dµx (y) < +∞,

because of the boundedness of K. We are now ready to state the following result

Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


Theorem 4.1 Let X be a separable Banach space, K a bounded and convex subset of X and (µx )x∈K a family of probability Borel measures on K satisfying (4.1). Consider the sequence (Bn )n≥1 of the Bernstein-Schnabl operators defined by (4.2), and a bounded function w ∈ F(K, R). If sup n≥1,x∈K

| w(x) | nBn (d2x )(x) < +∞,


then for every f ∈ U Ceb2 (K, R) ·

1 lim w(x) n(Bn (f )(x) − f (x)) − n→∞ 2


¶¸ 00



f (x)(y, y)dµx (y) − f (x)(x, x)


uniformly with respect to x ∈ K. Proof. We shall apply Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2 to the present case, where E := Cb (K, R) and ϕ(n) = n, (n ≥ 1). Preliminarily observe that Bn (1) = 1,

(n ≥ 1)

and, for any u ∈ X 0 and x ∈ K, Bn (u ◦ ψx ) = u ◦ ψx .

(n ≥ 1)

Moreover, for every v ∈ L(2) (X, R) and x ∈ K

= = − =

Bn (v ◦ ψx(2) )(x) = µ ¶ Z Z x1 + · · · + xn x1 + · · · + xn ··· v − x, − x dµx (x1 ) · · · dµx (xn ) = n n ¶ K K µ Z Z x1 + · · · + xn x 1 + · · · + xn ··· v , dµx (x1 ) · · · dµx (xn ) + n n K K µ ¶ Z Z x1 + · · · + xn 2 ··· v , x dµx (x1 ) · · · dµx (xn ) + v(x, x) = n K K n Z Z X 1 v(xi , xj )dµx (xi )dµx (xj ) − v(x, x) = n2 i,j=1 K K µ

Z 1 n v(y, y)dµx (y) + n(n − 1)v(x, x) − v(x, x) = n2 K µZ ¶ 1 v(y, y)dµx (y) − v(x, x) . = n K


Therefore, if we set γ = 0, β = 0, Be n = I for every n ∈ N (where I is the identity operator on S(K, X)) and if we consider the operator T : L(2) (X, R) → F (K, R) defined as Z

T (v)(x) :=


v(y, y)dµx (y) − v(x, x),

(v ∈ L(2) (X, R), x ∈ K)



conditions (i), (ii) and (iii) of Theorem 3.1 are all satisfied. In addition, set D := supx∈K kxk; we shall prove that formula (3.9) is verified. Consider δ > 0, x ∈ K and n ∈ N, and take (4.5) and (4.6) into account; then Z



d2x dµx,n ≤ 4D2


1K\B(x,δ) dµx,n = Ã


= 4D


(1) !

n 1X 1K\B(x,δ) ◦ Xi,x dP = n i=1 Ω

= 4D2 P {k

n 1X Xx,i − x k> δ}. n i=1

By the strong law of large numbers there is some ν ∈ N such that for any n ∈ N, n ≥ ν E(k

n 1X δ Xx,i − x k) < ; n i=1 2

therefore, following the proof of a Lemma by Be´ska and Dziedziul (in [8], pg. 715), for any such n we obtain n n n 1X 1X δ 1X P {k Xx,i − x k> δ} ≤ P {k Xx,i − x k> + E k Xx,i − x k} n i=1 n i=1 2 n i=1

≤ P {k

n X

Xx,i − nx k −E(k


n X

Xx,i − nx k) >


nδ }. 2

By applying an inequality established in ([11], formula (2.19), page 184) to the independent sequence of bounded random variables on K Xn := Xx,n − x,

(n ∈ N)

we deduce that P {k

n X

Xx,i − nx k −E(k


n X i=1

Xx,i − nx k) >

nδ }≤ 2

n2 δ 2 nδ 2 n2 δ 2 ) ≤ 2exp(− ) = 2exp(− ); ≤ 2exp(− Pn 32 i=1 kXn k2 32n4D2 128D2 combining this last inequality with (1) we obtain that for any δ > 0 and n ≥ ν Z

nδ 2 ) 128D2 K\B(x,δ) uniformly with respect to x ∈ K, so that condition (3.9) of Corollary 3.2 is also fulfilled. The assertion follows straightforwardly from this last mentioned corollary. d2x dµx,n ≤ 8D2 exp(−

Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


2 Remarks 4.2 1) If (X, < ·, · >) is a Hilbert space, condition (4.7) holds true with w = 1; indeed, for any n ≥ 1 and x ∈ K Bn (d2x )(x) = Z Z x1 + · · · + xn x1 + · · · + xn = ··· < − x, − x > dµx (x1 ) · · · dµx (xn ) n n K K µZ ¶ 1 = kyk2 dµx (y) − kxk2 . n K 2) Theorem 4.1 was also obtained by Be´ska and Dziedziul in [8], Theorem 4.2, in the special case in which K is a simplex and w = 1. If K is a convex and compact subset of some Euclidean space, a similar result was previously proved in [1], Proposition 2.1 (see also [3], Theorem 6.2.5). As a second application of the results of the previous section we examine an asymptotic formula for the sequence of the p-dimensional Sz´asz-Mirakjan operators, p ≥ 1, which has been introduced by a more general scheme by Nishishirao in [10], Section 4. Consider the space Rp endowed with an arbitrary norm k · k and set K := {x = (xi )1≤i≤p ∈ Rp | xi ≥ 0 for every i = 1, . . . , p} and E := {f ∈ C(K, R)

|f (x)| ≤ M kxkm for any x ∈ K and for some M > 0 and m ∈ N}.


Next we introduce the n-th p-dimensional Sz´asz-Mirakjan operator, defined for any f ∈ E and (x1 , . . . , xp ) ∈ K as An,p (f )(x1 , . . . , xp ) := e



x i=1 i

∞ X


k1 =0

∞ X



kp =0

k1 kp ,..., n n

! p Y (nxi )ki i=1

ki !



The positive operators An,p are well defined on E. Assume, indeed, that a function f ∈ C(K, R) satisfies a growth condition of the form |f (x)| ≤ M kxkm (x ∈ K) for some m ∈ N and M ≥ 0. If m = 0, f is bounded and clearly the series in (4.3) are convergent; if m ≥ 1, since the norm k · k is equivalent to the lm -norm k(x1 , . . . , xp )km :=

à p X i=1


xm i

((x1 , . . . , xp ) ∈ K),



there exists a further constant R ≥ 0 such that |f (x)| ≤ Rkxkm m

(x ∈ K).

Therefore for every x = (x1 , . . . , xp ) ∈ K the series in (4.3) is convergent as a linear combination of the sum of the series ∞ X


ki =0

ki n


(nxi )ki ki !

(i = 1, . . . , p)

which are convergent by the ratio test. Among other things, the operator An,p may itself be put in the form (3.8); indeed, consider the following probability measure on R: πn,y :=

∞ X



where ε h denotes the unit mass at n

τn,x :=

(ny)h εh h! n h n

p O

(y ≥ 0, n ≥ 1),

and set, for any x := (x1 , . . . , xp ) ∈ K πn,xi ;

(n ≥ 1)


then we may write Z

An,p (f )(x) =


f dτn,x .

(f ∈ E, x ∈ K, n ≥ 1)

Let us now state the pre-announced asymptotic formula regarding the sequence (An,p )n≥1 . Theorem 4.3 For any f ∈ Ce2 (K, R) such that every partial derivative (1 ≤ i, j ≤ p) is uniformly continuous and bounded, "


p 1X ∂2f 1 n (A (f ) − f ) (x) − (x) = 0 lim x n,p i n 1 + kxk2 2 i=1 ∂x2i

uniformly with respect to x = (x1 , . . . , xp ) ∈ K. In particular, for every compact subset Q of K lim n (An,p (f ) − f ) (x) = n uniformly with respect to x = (xi )1≤i≤p ∈ Q.

∂2f ∂xi ∂xj

p 1X ∂ 2f xi 2 (x) 2 i=1 ∂xi


Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


Before we prove (4.4), we remark that it has already been established in the one-dimensional case for two different classes of operators which both include the Sz´asz-Mirakjan ones (see Theorem 2.3 in [4] and Proposition 3.1 in [5]). Let us now proceed to verify that conditions (a)-(e) of Theorem 3.5 hold true. To this purpose set γ = 0, βi = 0, αi,i = pri , and αi,j = 0 if i 6= j, for 1 every i, j = 1, . . . , p, and moreover set w(x) := 1+kxk 2 (x ∈ K) and ϕ(n) := n for any n ∈ N. Notice that, with this coefficients, the differential operator (3.16) prescribed in the statement of Theorem 3.5 has the form p 1X ∂ 2f A(f )(x1 , . . . , xp ) = xi 2 (x1 , . . . , xp ) 2 i=1 ∂xi

for all f ∈ Ce2 (K, R) and (x1 , . . . , xp ) ∈ K. For any n ≥ 1, i, j = 1, . . . , p and x = (x1 , . . . , xp ) ∈ K, we get An,p (1) = 1, An,p (pri ) = pri , An,p (pri2 ) = pri2 +

1 pri , n

and hence An,p (pri ◦ ψx )(x) = 0, An,p ((pri ◦ ψx )(prj ◦ ψx ))(x) = 0 if i 6= j, ³ ´ pri An,p (pri ◦ ψx )2 (x) = (x), n so that (a), (b) and (c) are satisfied; moreover, as An,p (d2x )(x)

p 1X xi , = n i=1

we readily deduce that nAn,p (d2x )(x) < +∞, 1 + kxk2 x∈K,n≥1 sup

and thus also formula (d) holds true. Next fix x = (x1 , . . . , xp ) ∈ K and observe that for any y ∈ K, y = (y1 , . . . , yp ), d4x (y)


à p X i=1



(xi − yi )



p X i=1

(xi − yi )4 ,



that is d4x



p X

(pri ◦ ψx )4 ,


and thus for any n ≥ 1 An,p (d4x )(x)



p X

An,p ((pri ◦ ψx )4 )(x).


On the other hand, for every i = 1, . . . , p it can be proved that An,p ((pri ◦ ψx )4 )(x) =

∞ X

e−nxi (


k (nxi )k 3 xi − xi )4 = 2 x2i + 3 n k! n n

(this equality is fully detailed in [12], Proposition 4; otherwise one may see it, in a more general case, in the proof of Proposition 3.1 of [5]). Summing up we obtain for every x = (x1 , . . . , xp ) ∈ K and n ≥ 1 An,p (d4x )(x)



p X 3




x2i +

xi ), n3

which implies that lim n

nAn,p (d4x )(x) =0 1 + kxk2

uniformly on K

and thus, finally, also condition (e) of Theorem 3.5 is satisfied with q=4.

References [1] F. Altomare, Lototsky-Schnabl operators on compact convex sets and their associated limit semigroups, Monatsh. Math., 114, (1992), 1-13. [2] F. Altomare and R. Amiar, Asymptotic formulae for positive linear operators, Math. Balkanica, 16 (2002), 283-304. [3] F. Altomare and M. Campiti, Korovkin-type Approximation Theory and its Applications, de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics, Vol 17, Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin, New York, 1994. [4] F. Altomare and I. Carbone, On some degenerate differential operators on weighted function Spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 213, (1997), 308-333. [5] F. Altomare and I. Ras¸a, On a class of exponential-type operators and their limit semigroups, preprint, 2004.

Asymptotic Formulae for positive linear operators...


[6] A. Avez, Differential calculus, J. Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester, 1986. [7] H. Bauer, Probability Theory, de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 23, Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin, 1996. [8] M. Be´ ska and K. Dziedziul, Saturation theorems for interpolation and the Bernstein- Schnabl operators, Math. Comp., Vol 70, N. 234 (2000), 167-241. [9] W. Dahmen and C. A. Micchelli, Convexity and Bernstein Polynomials on k-symploids, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, 6, No. 1, (1990), 50-66. [10] T. Nishishirao, Refinements of Korovkin-type Approximation processes, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, (2) Suppl. 68, Vol. II, (2002), 711-725. [11] G. Pisier, Probabilistic methods in the geometry of Banach spaces, in Lecture Notes in Math., Vol 1206, Springer-Verlag, (1986), 167-241. [12] Y. Suzuki, Saturation of local approximation by linear positive operators of Bernstein type, Tohoku Math. J., Vol 19, N. 4 (1967), 429-453.



Generalised Weighted Trapezoidal Rules and Relationship to Ostrowski Results P. Cerone and J. Roumeliotis School of Computer Science and Mathematics Victoria University of Technology PO Box 14428, Melbourne City MC Victoria 8001, Australia. Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Abstract The generalised weighted trapezoidal rule is investigated which involves f (n) (t) of bounded variation. If the weight is taken to be identically unity, then previous results are recaptured. A comparison with weighted Ostrowski results is made and it is demonstrated that if the weight is symmetric about the midpoint over the interval [a, x) and (x, b] then the bounds are the same. In particular, if the weight is unity, then the generalised trapezoidal and Ostrowski results produce the same bounds. Keywords: Weighted Rules, Generalised Trapezoidal Bounds, Ostrowski. AMS Subject Classification Codes: Primary 26D15; Secondary 65D30.



K.S.K. Iyengar [11], by means of geometrical consideration, has proved the following theorem. Theorem 1 Let f be a differentiable function on [a, b] and |f 0 (x)| ≤ M . Then Z b 1 f (x) dx − (b − a) (f (a) + f (b)) a 2 (1) 2 M (b − a) 1 2 ≤ − (f (b) − f (a)) . 4 4M (See also [18, p. 471 - 474] for related results). Further generalisations were also given by Agarwal and Dragomir [13], and Cerone and Dragomir [15]. In [19], the following generalisation of Theorem 1 is proved analytically.




Theorem 2 Let f (x) be a differentiable function defined on [a, b] and |f 0 (x)| ≤ M for every x ∈ (a, b) . If p (x) is an integrable function on (a, b) such that 0 < c ≤ p (x) ≤ λc

(λ ≥ 1, x ∈ [a, b]) ,

then the following inequality holds A (f ; p) − 1 (f (a) + f (b)) 2  M (b − a) (λ + q) 1 − q 2 + 2 (λ − 1) q ≤ · , 2 2λ (1 + q) − (λ − 1) (1 + q 2 )


where A and q are defined by Rb p (x) f (x) dx |f (b) − f (a)| A (f ; p) = a R b . and q = M (b − a) p (x) dx a Cerone and Dragomir [6] also proved the following weighted trapezoidal result. Theorem 3 Let f : I ⊆ R → R be a differentiable mapping on ˚ I (the interior of I) and [a, b] ⊂˚ I with M = sup f 0 (x) < ∞, m = inf f 0 (x) > −∞ be the x∈[a,b]


first moment of w (·) on [a, b] . If f 0 is integrable on [a, b] , then the following inequality Z   b ν a+b w (x) f (x) dx − [f (a) + f (b)] − m [b − a − ν] a 2 2 (3) ν M −m ≤ (b − a) (S − m) ≤ ν (b − a) , 2 2 where S is the slope of the secant on [a, b] . The well-known Ostrowski inequality is given by the following theorem [19], Theorem 4 Let f be a differentiable function on [a, b] and let |f 0 (x)| ≤ M on [a, b] . Then, for every x ∈ [a, b] , " 2 # Z b x − a+b 1 1 2 f (t) dt ≤ + (b − a) M. (4) f (x) − 2 b−a a 4 (b − a) A weighted version of the Ostrowski inequality (4) for H¨older mappings has been given in [8] by Dragomir et al. Other results related to the Ostrowski inequality may be viewed in [2], [3], [20], [23] and a book devoted to Ostrowski type results edited by Dragomir and Rassias [9]. A weighted multidimensional generalisation of Ostrowski’s inequality was treated by Milovanovi´c [14]. In a recent thorough article Mati´c, Peˇcari´c and Ujevi´c [13] obtained weighted n−time differentiable Ostrowski type results in terms of a variety of norms.



The norms, including when f (n) is of bounded variation, H¨older continuous and differentiable allowing for f (n+1) ∈ Lp [a, b] in terms of the Lebesgue norms k·kp , p ≥ 1. It is the intention of the current paper to examine bounds for the generalised weighted trapezoidal functional. Bounds will be provided assuming f (n) (·) to be of bounded variation, absolutely continuous, Lipschitzian and monotonic. Placing restriction on the weight function provides more explicit coarser bounds. This is accomplished through the use of a result due to Karamata [12]. Qi [21] and [22] examines weighted trapezoidal bounds using a Taylor series argument. Following the presentation of some notation, identities are obtained for our functional of interest in Section 2. Various bounds are developed in Section 3 while in Section 4, the relationship between the trapezoidal and corresponding Ostrowski functionals is investigated. It is demonstrated that the bounds are the same if the weight function is symmetric over the mid-points of the respective intervals [a, x) and (x, b].


Some Notation and an Identity

Before proceeding to develop an identity, it is worthwhile to introduce some notation. Let w (·) be a weight function and suppose that w : [a, b] → (0, ∞) is integrable on the interval [a, b] and such that Z b 0< w (t) dt < ∞. a

Also, let Z mk (c, d; w) =


uk w (u) du



represent the k th moment about the origin of the weight function w (·) over the interval [c, d] ⊆ [a, b]. Further, let Z 1 x n (u − a) w (u) du 0 ≤ Mn (a, x; w) = n! a   n (6) 1 X n n−k = (−a) mk (a, x; w) k n! k=0


Z 1 b n 0 ≤ Mn (x, b; w) = (b − u) w (u) du n! x  n  1 X n k n−k = b (−1) mk (x, b; w) . k n! k=0

It may be observed that for x ∈ [a, b] Z M0 (a, b; w) = M0 (a, x; w) + M0 (x, b; w) =


w (t) dt = m0 (a, b; w) a






Mn (a, x; 1) =


(x − a) (b − x) , Mn (x, b; 1) = . (n + 1)! (n + 1)!

We introduce the kernel  Z 1    (n − 1)! Qn (x, t; w) :=    w (t) ,



(t − u)

w (u) du,


n ∈ N, x, t ∈ [a, b]



n = 0,

which satisfies

∂Qn = Qn−1 , n ∈ N. ∂t The kernel may further be written, using (6) and (7), as  n  (−1) Mn−1 (t, x; w) , a ≤ t ≤ x, Qn (x, t; w) := n∈N  Mn−1 (x, t; w) , x < t ≤ b, and Q0 (x, t; w) = w (t) . Further, define the functional Z b Tn (a, x, b; f ; w) = w (t) f (t) dt a n h i X k − Mk (a, x; w) f (k) (a) + (−1) Mk (x, b; w) f (k) (b)





for f : [a, b] → R, x ∈ [a, b] and w (·) is a weight function with Mk (·, ·; w) as defined by (6) and (7). The following theorem holds. Theorem 5 Let f : [a, b] → R with a < b. For n = 0, 1, 2, . . . let Qn+1 (x, t; w) be as given by (9). Further, suppose that for some n ∈ N ∪ {0}, f (n) (t) exists for t ∈ [a, b], where f (0) (t) ≡ f (t) then for f (n) (·) of bounded variation the identity Z b n+1 Tn (a, x, b; f ; w) = (−1) Qn+1 (x, t; w) df (n) (t) (13) a

holds where T and Qn+1 are as defined by (10) and (9) respectively. Proof. Before proceeding with the proof it is worthwhile to firstly note that the solution to the recurrence relation un = an − un−1 for n = 1, 2, . . .


is given explicitly as un =

n X k=1




ak + (−1) u0 .




Now, let Z


Qn+1 (x, t; w) df (n) (t)

In =



then integration by parts of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral gives In = Qn+1 (x, t; w) f






+ a


∂Qn+1 (n) f (t) dt ∂t


and so In = An (a, x, b; w; f ) − In−1 , n = 1, 2, . . . ,


where, to obtain (18) from (17), we have used An (a, x, b; w; f ) = Qn+1 (x, b; w) f (n) (b) − Qn+1 (x, a; w) f (n) (a)


and (10) and the fact that for f (n−1) (t) differentiable, df (n−1) (t) = f (n) (t) dt. To obtain I0 we may either use integration by parts from (16) or equivalently extend the validity of (18) to n = 0, producing I0 = A0 (a, x, b; w; f ) − I−1 , where from (16) Z


I−1 =

Q0 (x, t; w) f (0) (t) dt


and so from (9) Z I−1 =


w (t) f (t) dt. a

That is, Z


I0 = A0 (a, x, b; w; f ) −

w (t) f (t) dt.



The solution of (18) on comparison with (14) and (15) upon using (20) is given by Z b n X n+1 n−k In = (−1) w (t) f (t) dt + (−1) Ak (a, x, b; w; f ) . a


Thus, n+1




w (t) f (t) dt −

In = a

n X


(−1) Ak (a, x, b; w; f )


where from (19) and (11) k+1

Ak (a, x, b; w; f ) = Mk (x, b; w) f (k) (b) − (−1) and so from (21) the identity (13) is procured.

Mk (a, x; w) f (k) (a)




Remark 1 If f (n) (t) is absolutely continuous on [a, b], then it is differentiable and df (n) (t) = f (n+1) (t) dt giving from (13) the identity Z b n+1 Tn (a, x, b; f ; w) = (−1) Qn+1 (x, t; w) f (n+1) (t) dt, (22) a

where Tn and Qn are given by (12) and (9) or (11) respectively. Remark 2 It w (t) ≡ 1 then from (9) n

Qn (x, t; 1) =

(t − x) n!

and from (6) and (7) k+1


Mk (a, x; 1) =

(x − a) (k + 1)!

and Mk (x, b; 1) =

(b − x) . (k + 1)!

Further, from (12) and (22) Z Tn (a, x, b; f ; 1)


f (t) dt −

= a



= (−1)



n k+1 (k) k k+1 (k) X (x − a) f (a) + (−1) (b − x) f (b) k=0

(k + 1)! n+1

(t − x) f (n+1) (t) dt (n + 1)!

is the identity obtained in Cerone et al. [7], giving the non-weighted n−time differentiable generalised trapezoidal identity.


Inequalities for the Generalised Weighted Trapezoidal Rule

The following well known lemmas will prove useful for procuring bounds for a Riemann-Stieltjes integral. They will be stated here for lucidity. Lemma 1 Let g, v : [a, b] → R be such that g is continuous and v is of bounded Rb variation on [a, b]. Then the Riemann-Stieltjes integral a g (t) dv (t) exists and is such that Z b b _ g (t) dv (t) ≤ sup |g (t)| (v) , (23) a t∈[a,b] a Wb where a (v) is the total variation of v on [a, b]. Lemma 2 Let g, v : [a, b] → R be such that g is Riemann integrable on [a, b] and v is L−Lipschitzian on [a, b]. Then Z Z b b g (t) dv (t) ≤ L |g (t)| dt (24) a a



with v is L−Lipschitzian if it satisfies |v (x) − v (y)| ≤ L |x − y| for all x, y ∈ [a, b]. Lemma 3 Let g, v : [a, b] → R be such that g is Riemann integrable on [a, b] and v is monotonic nondecreasing on [a, b]. Then Z Z b b g (t) dv (t) ≤ |g (t)| dv (t) . (25) a a It should be noted that if v is nonincreasing, then −v is nondecreasing. Theorem 6 Let the conditions of Theorem 5 continue to hold so that f (n) (t) is of bounded variation for t ∈ [a, b]. Then we have for all x ∈ [a, b] and n ∈ N∪{0} |Tn (a, x, b; f ; w)|  [Mn (a, x; w) + Mn (x, b; w)    Wb   + |Mn (a, x; w) − Mn (x, b; w)|] × 12 a f (n) ,      = [Mn+1 (a, x; w) + Mn+1 (x, b; w)] L, f (n) L − Lipschitzian          Mn (a, x; w) f (n) (x) − f (n) (a)     +Mn (x, b; w) f (n) (b) − f (n) (x) , f (n) monoton. nondecr. (26) where Tn (a, x, b; f ; w) is given by (12) and Mn (a, x; w), Mn (x, b; w) by (6) and (7). Wb Here, by a (h) we signify the total variation of h (t) for t ∈ [a, b]. That is R Wb b a (h) = a |dh (t)| . Proof. Taking the modulus of identity (13) and using Lemma 1, we have Z b |Tn (a, x, b; f ; w)| = Qn+1 (x, t; w) df (n) (t) a (27) b  _ (n) ≤ sup |Qn+1 (x, t; w)| f . t∈[a,b]


Now, from (9) sup |Qn+1 (x, t; w)| (Z ) Z b x 1 n n max (u − a) w (u) du, (b − u) w (u) du = n! a x = max {Mn (a, x; w) , Mn (x, b; w)}





and so using the fact that max {X, Y } = 12 [X + Y + |X − Y |] gives the first inequality in (26) upon utilising (27). For f (n) (·) L−Lipschitzian on [a, b], then from Lemma 2 and (27) Z b (n) |Tn (a, x, b; f ; w)| = Qn+1 (x, t; w) df (t) a (29) Z b ≤L |Qn+1 (x, t; w)| dt. a

Using the definition (9), we may notice that  n+1 Z x (−1)  n   (u − t) w (u) du, t ∈ [a, x]   n! t Qn+1 (x, t; w) = Z    1 t n   (t − u) w (u) du, t ∈ (x, b] n! x


and so Z


|Qn+1 (x, t; w)| dt

n! a

Zx Zx

Zb Zt


(u − t) w (u) dudt +

= a

(31) n

(t − u) w (u) dudt.




We may simplify the expression on the right by an interchange of the order of integration to give Zx Zx


(u − t) w (u) dudt a









1 n+1


(u − t) dtdu

w (u) a





(u − a)

w (u) du


and in a similar fashion Zb Zt x

1 (t − u) w (u) dudt = n+1





(b − u)

w (u) du


Hence, from (31), Z


|Qn+1 (x, t; w)| dt = Mn+1 (a, x; w) + Mn+1 (x, b; w) a

giving the second inequality in (26) upon utilising (29).




For the final inequality in (26), when f (n) (t) is monotonic nondecreasing on [a, b] , we use Lemma 3 and thus, from identity (13) Z b |Tn (a, x, b; f ; w)| = Qn+1 (x, t; w) df (n) (t) a (34) Z b (n−1) ≤ |Qn+1 (x, t; w)| df (t) . a

Two cases need to be treated. For n = 0 then Z b |T0 (a, x, b; f ; w)| ≤ |Q1 (x, t; w)| df (t) , a

where, from (9),

|Q1 (x, t; w)| =

 Z     


Z     


w (u) du,

t ∈ [a, x] ,

w (u) du,

t ∈ (x, b].



Thus, |T0 (a, x, b;f ; w)|    Zx Zx Zb Zt ≤  w (u) du df (t) +  w (u) du df (t) a t   x Zx =  w (u) du f (t)




t  t=ab Z +  w (u) du f (t) x


Zx w (t) f (t) dt a


Zb −


w (t) f (t) dt x

= −M0 (a, x; w) f (a) Z x Z + w (t) f (t) dt + M0 (x, b; w) f (b) − a


w (t) f (t) dt x

≤ M0 (a, x; w) [f (x) − f (a)] + M0 (x, b; w) [f (b) − f (x)] . Here we have used the fact that if g (t) > 0 and f (t) monotonic nondecreasing for t ∈ [a, b], then Zb

Zb g (t) f (t) dt



≤ f (b)

g (t) dt and a

g (t) f (t) dt a




≤ −f (a)

g (t) dt. a



For n ∈ N then Z n!


|Qn+1 (x, t; w)| df (n) (t)   Zx Zx n =  (u − t) w (u) du df (n) (t)










(t − u) w (u) du df (n) (t)

+ x


:= An + Bn . Integration by parts produces on using the Leibnitz rule, x  x Z n An =  (u − t) w (u) du f (n) (t) t







w (u) du f (n) (t) dt   Zx Zx n−1 = −n!Mn (a, x; w) f (n) (a) + n  (u − t) w (u) du f (n) (t) dt (u − t)




a h it ≤ n!Mn (a, x; w) f (n) (x) − f (n) (a)

and Bn

t  b Z n =  (t − u) w (u) du f (n) (t) x b





 w (u) du f (n) (t) dt x x   Zb Zt n−1 = n!Mn (x, b; w) f (n) (b) − n  (t − u) w (u) du f (n) (t) dt Z


(t − u)

x xi h ≤ n!Mn (x, b; w) f (n) (b) − f (n) (x) ,

where we have used the monotonicity of f (n) (·) via (36) together with (31) and (33) to obtain the upper bounds. Substituting An and Bn into (37) and (34) and further recognising that it subsumes the result for n = 0 as given by (35), then the last inequality in (26) results. Remark 3 For the monotonic nondecreasing result in (26) a tighter bound could have been obtained if the result (36) were not used. This, however, would have produced a more cumbersome bound. The n = 0 case may have been accommodated in the general n case since, as given in (9), Q0 (x, t; w) = w (t) and since w (t) > 0 then |Q0 (x, t; w)| = w (t).



The following theorem gives bounds on |Tn (a, x, b; f ; w)| in terms of the Lebesgue norms of f (n+1) (t). Theorem 7 Let the general conditions of Theorem 5 hold and further, let f (n) (t) be absolutely continuous for t ∈ [a, b], then |Tn (a, x, b; f ; w)|

(n+1) 

, f (n+1) ∈ L∞ [a, b] ;  [Mn+1 (a, x; w) + Mn+1 (x, b; w)] f ∞    

   f (n+1) ∈ Lp [a, b] ,  kQn (x, ·; w)kq f (n+1) p , ≤ p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;    [Mn (a, x; w) + Mn (x, b; w) 

(n+1)  


   1 , f (n+1) ∈ L1 [a, b] , + |Mn (a, x; w) − Mn (x, b; w)|] 2

(38) where Mn (a, x; w) and Mn (x, b; w) are as given by (6) and (7), Qn (a, x, b; w) is defined in (9) and Tn (a, x, b; w) by (12). Further, k·kp signify the usual Lebesgue norms where khk∞ := ess sup |h (t)| for h ∈ L∞ [a, b] , t∈[a,b]


b  p1 Z p khkp :=  |h (t)| dt

for h ∈ Lp [a, b] , 1 ≤ p < ∞.


Proof. From the identity (22) we have on using properties of the modulus and integral, Z |Tn (a, x, b; w)| ≤ a


Qn+1 (x, t; w) f (n+1) (t) dt.


Now, for f (n+1) ∈ L∞ [a, b] b


|Qn+1 (x, t; w)| dt,




Qn+1 (x, t; w) f (n+1) (t) dt ≤ f (n+1)


which upon using (33) produces the first inequality in (38). For the second bound we use H¨older’s integral inequality in (39) to give Z a


Qn+1 (x, t; w) f (n+1) (t) dt Z ≤


! q1 q

|Qn+1 (x, t; w)| dt

= kQn (x, ·; w)kq f (n+1) , a


Z a


(n+1) p (t) dt f

! p1



where p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1. The final inequality in (38) is obtained from (39) to give b

Z a

Z (n+1) (t) dt ≤ sup |Qn+1 (x, t; w)| Qn+1 (x, t; w) f t∈[a,b]



(n+1) (t) dt, f

where we may use (28) and a property of the max {X, Y } to obtain the stated result. Remark 4 If we take the weight function w (t) ≡ 1 then the results of Cerone et al. [7] involving the generalised trapezoidal rule and n−time differentiable functions is recaptured. A question that needs to be asked is can we choose the parameter x in such a way that the bound is minimized? The following lemma examines such an issue. Lemma 4 Let 2φn (a, x, b; w) = [Mn (a, x; w) + Mn (x, b; w) + |Mn (a, x; w) − Mn (x, b; w)|]


and Ψn+1 (a, x, b; w) = Mn+1 (a, x; w) + Mn+1 (x, b; w) .


Then φ∗n (a, x ˜, b; w) = min φn (a, x, b; w) = x∈[a,b]

Mn (a, x ˜; w) + Mn (˜ x, b; w) , 2

where x ˜ is the solution of Mn (a, x; w) = Mn (x, b; w). Further,   a+b ∗ Ψn+1 a, , b; w = min Ψn+1 (a, x, b; w) 2 x∈[a,b]     a+b a+b = Mn+1 a, ; w + Mn+1 , b; w , 2 2



where w (·) is a positive weight function and x ∈ [a, b] , with Mn (a, x; w) and Mn (x, b; w) are as defined in (6) and (7). Proof. The functions Mn (a, x; w) and Mn (x, b; w) are both positive with Mn (a, x; w) increasing and Mn (x, b; w) decreasing in x ∈ [a, b]. Thus, the minimum is attained when |Mn (a, x; w) − Mn (x, b; w)| = 0 giving the result as stated. Now, Ψn+1 (a, x; w) ≥ 0 and Ψn+1 (a, a; w) = Ψn+1 (b, b; w) = Mn (a, b; w) .



Also, for w (x) > 0 w (x) n! and so Ψ0n+1 (a, a, b; w) < 0, Ψ0n+1 (a, b, b; w) > 0 bringing us to the conclusion that Ψn (a, x, b; w) is convex in x. Since w (x) > 0, the minimum is attained a+b 0 when x = a+b 2 , making Ψn+1 a, 2 , b; w = 0. The following lemma obtains some coarser bounds which may prove to be more useful in practice. It involves obtaining bounds on n


Ψ0n+1 (a, x, b; w) = [(x − a) − (b − x) ]

Ψn+1 (a, x, b; w) = kQn+1 (x, ·; w)k1 = Mn+1 (a, x; w) + Mn+1 (x, b; w) . (44) Lemma 5 Let w (t) be a weight function defined on [a, b] and x ∈ [a, b], then |Ψn+1 (a, x, b; w)| = kQn+1 (x, ·; w)k1  C (1) kwk∞ , w ∈ L∞ [a, b] ;        C 21 (q) kwk , w ∈ Lp [a, b] , p ≤ p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1;    n+1   ν   kwk1 , w ∈ L1 [a, b] , (n + 1)! where




(x − a)

+ (b − x) q (n + 1) + 1 a + b b − a + x − . ν= 2 2

C (q) = and

Proof. From the definitions (6) and (7) it may be noticed that Ψn+1 (a, x, b; w) from (44) may be expressed as = kQn+1 (a, x, b; w)k1 Z b 1 = κn+1 (a, x, b; u) w (u) du, (n + 1)! a

Ψn+1 (a, x, b; w)

where κ (a, x, b; u) =


  u − a, u ∈ [a, x] , 

b − u,


u ∈ (x, b].

Now, Z (n + 1)! |Ψn+1 (a, x, b; w)| ≤


n+1 κ (a, x, b; u) w (u) du


and so for w ∈ Lp [a, b], 1 < p < ∞ then Z b n+1 κ (a, x, b; u) w (u) du a

Z ≤

! q1


κ a



(a, x, b; u) du


w (u) du a


! p1





Explicitly, Z

! q1




(a, x, b; u) du





(u − a)



" =


(b − u)

du +


# q1



x q(n+1)+1

(x − a)


+ (b − x) q (n + 1) + 1


1 q

which together with (48) gives the second inequality (45). For w ∈ L∞ [a, b] , then Z b n+1 κ (a, x, b; u) w (u) du ≤ C (1) kwk∞ a

the first inequality in (45). Finally, for w ∈ L1 [a, b] , then Z a




n+1 κ (a, x, b; u) w (u) du ≤

sup κ (a, x, b; u) x∈[a,b]


where a + b b − a + x − = ν. sup κ (a, x, b; u) = max {x − a, b − x} = 2 2 x∈[a,b] Karamata [12] proved the following theorem. Theorem 8 Let g, w : [a, b] → R be integrable on [a, b] and suppose m ≤ g (t) ≤ M and 0 < c ≤ w (t) ≤ λc for t ∈ [a, b] and some constants m, M, c and λ. If G and A (g, w) are defined as Rb Z b g (t) w (t) dt 1 G := g (t) dt and A (g, w) := a R b (49) b−a a w (t) dt a

then λm (M − G) + M (G − m) m (M − G) + λM (G − m) ≤ A (g, w) ≤ . λ (M − G) + (G − m) (M − G) + λ (G − m)


Using the above theorem of Karamata, the third inequality in (45) may be improved. If we associate κn+1 (a, x, b; w) , as defined by (47), with g (t) above, then b − a a + b 0 ≤ κ (a, x, b; u) ≤ ν = max {x − a, b − x} = + x − 2 2


and G=

C (1) 1 = b−a b−a




κn+1 (a, x, b; u) du.


Hence, from (46) (n + 1)!Ψn+1 (a, x, b; w)

= kQn+1 (x, ·; w)k1 λν n+1 C (1) kwk1 ≤ (b − a) ν n+1 − C (1) + λC (1) ≤ ν n+1 kwk1 .

The last inequality follows from the fact that b


κn+1 (a, x, b; u) du ≤ ν n+1 (b − a) .

C (1) = a


Comparison of Ostrowski and Trapezoidal Results

The generalised weighted trapezoid kernel Qn (x, t; w) defined by (9) and (11) 2 is a mapping Qn (·, ·; w) : [a, b] → R, a, b ∈ R, a < b where  n Z x (−1)  n−1  (u − t) w (u) du, t ∈ [a, x] , n ∈ N    (n − 1)! t     n Z t (−1) (51) Qn (x, t; w) := n−1  (t − u) w (u) du, t ∈ (x, b] , n ∈ N   (n − 1)!  x      w (t) , n = 0. Here w (t) is a weight function with properties as ascribed earlier in the paper. An identity relating the generalised weighted trapezoid functional Tn (a, x, b; f ; w) as defined by (12) is given by (13). In our notation define the weighted Ostrowski functional Θ (a, x, b; f ; w) by Z


w (t) f (t) dt −

Θn (a, x, b; f ; w) := a

where 1 Ek (a, x, b; w) = k!

n X

Ek (a, x, b; w) f (k) (x) ,





(u − x) w (u) du.


t 2

Let the kernel Kn (x, t; w) be such that Kn (·, ·, w) : [a, b] → R, a, b ∈ R,



a < b and w (·) a given weight function, then  Z t 1  n−1  (t − u) w (u) du, t ∈ [a, x) , n∈N    (n − 1)! a        t=x  0 Kn (x, t; w) :=  n Z b   (−1) n−1   (u − t) w (u) du, t ∈ (x, b] , n∈N   (n − 1)! t       w (t) , x, t ∈ [a, b] . (54) Mati´c et al. [13] show that for f (n) (·) continuous and of bounded variation on [a, b] then for x ∈ [a, b] Z b n+1 Θn (a, x, b; f ; w) = (−1) κn+1 (x, t; w) df (n) (t) . (55) a

Further, for f (n) (·) absolutely continuous on [a, b] then df (n) (t) = f (n+1) (t) dt, giving the identity Z b n+1 Θn (a, x, b; f ; w) = (−1) κn+1 (x, t; w) f (n+1) (t) dt (56) a

from (55). The bounds for |T (a, x, b; f ; w)| and |Θ (a, x, b; f ; w)| depend on the behaviour of |Qn+1 (x, t; w)| and |Kn+1 (x, t; w)| respectively. The following lemma gives sufficient conditions for the bounds on |T (a, x, b; f ; w)| and |Θ (a, x, b; f ; w)| to be equal. Rb Lemma 6 For w : [a, b] → (0, ∞), a w (t) dt < ∞ and w (t) symmetric about the respective midpoints for t ∈ [a, x) and t ∈ (x, b] then,  |Qn (x, a + x − t; w)| , t ∈ [a, x) ,      0 t=x (57) |Kn (x, t; w)| =      |Qn (x, x + b − t; w)| , t ∈ (x, b] . An interchange of Qn and Kn in (57) is valid under the same conditions. Proof. Consider for t ∈ [a, x) Z (n − 1)! |Qn (x, a + x − t; w)| =



[u − (a + x − t)]

w (u) du Za+x−t t n+1 = (t − v) w (a + x − v) dv a

= (n − 1)! |Kn (x, t; w)| ,


  a+x provided w (a + x − v) = w (v) , that is, w a+x 2 −z = w 2 + z for z ∈ [a, x). A similar argument gives the result for t ∈ (x, b]. We note that if t varies from c to d, then T = c + d − t varies from d to c. Thus the interchange of Kn and Qn in (57) is valid and the equivalent expression to (57) holds. Remark 5 A consequence of Lemma 6 is that if w (t) ≡ α, a constant, then the Lebesgue norms giving the bounds for |T (a, x, b; f ; w)| and |Θ (a, x, b; f ; w)| are equal. In particular, the unweighted case w (t) = α = 1 produce the same bounds as shown in Cerone [4]. Weights such as  t−      0, wn (t) =      t− and

 a+x 2n 2

t ∈ [a, x)


t=x  x+b 2n 2

 t −      0, W (t) =      t−

t ∈ (x, b],


a+x , 2


t ∈ [a, x) t=x

x+b , 2

t ∈ (x, b],

would produce the same bounds for the trapezoidal and Ostrowski functions defined by (13) and (52). Acknowledgement 1 The work for the paper was undertaken while the first named author was on sabbatical at La Trobe University, Bendigo.

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Parallel schemes for two-dimensional parabolic equation with a boundary integral condition Mehdi Dehghan Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology, No. 424 Hafez Avenue, Tehran, Iran 12 Nov. 2000 Abstract- Several numerical schemes are developed for obtaining approximate solutions to an initial boundary-value problem for the second-order parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) with an integral condition replacing one boundary condition. The space derivatives in the PDE are approximated by finite difference replacements. The solution of the resulting system of first-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) satisfies a recurrence relation which involves a matrix exponential function. The accuracy in time is controlled by choosing several subdiagonal Pade approximants to replace this matrix exponential term. Numerical techniques are developed to compute the required solution using a splitting method, leading to algorithms for sequential and parallel implementation. The algorithms are tested on a model problem from the literature. The central processor unit (CPU) times needed are also considered and are compared . KEYWORDS: Two-Dimensional Diffusion-Numerical Integration- Sequential and Parallel Algorithms- Stability-Pade Approximant-Boundary Integral Condition- Central Processor Time- Partial Differential Equations.



Two-dimensional parabolic equation with an integral condition replacing one boundary condition arises in many important applications in heat transfer [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], control theory [8], medical science [9], and thermoelasticity [10, 11, 12]. So, recently much attention has been given in the literature to the developement, analysis and implementation of accurate methods for the numerical solution of time-dependent partial differential equations with a boundary integral condition. The purpose of this article is to present very efficient parallel methods for solving the following two-dimensional time-dependent diffusion equation ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂u = + , ∂t ∂x2 ∂y 2


with initial condition u(x, y, 0) = f (x, y), 1

0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1,




and boundary conditions u(0, y, t) = g0 (y, t),

0 ≤ t ≤ T,

0 ≤ y ≤ 1,


u(1, y, t) = g1 (y, t),

0 ≤ t ≤ T,

0 ≤ y ≤ 1,


u(x, 0, t) = h0 (x)µ(t), u(x, 1, t) = h1 (x, t),

0 ≤ t ≤ T, 0 ≤ t ≤ T,

0 ≤ x ≤ 1,


0 ≤ x ≤ 1,


0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1,


and the integral condition Z 1 Z s(x) 0


u(x, y, t)dxdy = m(t),

where f , g0 , g1 , h0 , h1 , s and m are known functions, while the functions u and µ are to be determined. The boundary condition (5) is variable separable, with spatial dependence given by h0 (x) and time dependence given by µ(t). The existence and uniqueness of the solution of this non-classic problem has been studied in [3]. An overview of this paper is as follows: Numerical schemes for the solution of ( 1 )-( 7 ) are described in Section 2. Developement of numerical methods which will be based on the Pade approximants is presented in Section 3. A discussion on the sequential and parallel algorithms is given in Section 4. The method of incorporating ( 7 ) with µ unknown is described in Section 5, and numerical results for a test problem produced by the method developed, are given in Section 6. Section 7 concludes this paper with a brief summary.


The Numerical Solution with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions

We divide the domain [0, 1]2 × [0, T ] into an M 2 × N mesh with spatial step size h = 1/M in both x and y directions and the time step size k = T /N respectively. Grid points (xi , yj , tn ) are given by xi = ih, yj = jh, tn = nl,

i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , M, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , M, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N,

(8) (9) (10)

in which M is an even integer. We use uni,j and µn to denote the approximations of u(ih, jh, nl) and µ(nl), respectively. The solution vector U n will be ordered in the following form: U n = (un1,1 , un2,1 , . . . , unM −1,1 , un1,2 , un2,2 , . . . , unM −1,2 , . . . , un1,M −1 , . . . , unM −1,M −1 )T .


The numerical methods suggested here are based on two ideas: Firstly, the method of lines semi-discretization approach will be used to transform the model partial differential 2



equation into a system of first-order linear ordinary differential equations, the solution of which satisfies a certain recurrence relation involving matrix exponential terms. The developement of numerical methods will be based on Pade approximations to such exponentials. A suitable rational approximant will be used to approximate such exponentials leading to an algorithm which may be parallelized through a partial-fraction splitting technique. This technique is used to approximate the solution of the two-dimensional diffusion equation, at interior grid points. Secondly, a highly accurate numerical integration scheme [13] is used to approximate the unknown function µ(t), using the integral condition ( 7 ). The space derivative in (1) will be replaced by their second-order central difference approximation given by ∂ 2u = h−2 (u(x − h, y, t) − 2u(x, y, t) + u(x + h, y, t)) + O(h2 ), ∂x2


∂ 2u = h−2 (u(x, y − h, t) − 2u(x, y, t) + u(x, y + h, t)) + O(h2 ), ∂y 2


as h → 0. Applying (1) to all the (M − 1)2 interior mesh points of the square at [0, 1] × [0, 1], at time level tn = nl, with the space derivatives replaced by ( 12 ) and ( 13 ), leads to a system of (M − 1)2 first-order linear ordinary differential equations of the form [16] dU (t) = AU (t) + ψ(t), dt

t > 0,


with initial condition U (0) = f,


in which the matrix A is of order (M − 1)2 and will be split into the constituent matrices B,C which commute such that A = B + C. The vector ψ(t), of order (M − 1)2 , arises from the use of the time dependent boundary conditions (3)-(6) in (12) and (13). The matrix B arises from the use of ( 12 ) in ( 1 ), it is block diagonal with tridiagonal blocks and has the form:       −2  B=h      

Q 0


0 .. .




0 .. .




0 ..  .   ...

   ,    0  

Q 0 Q


where Q is the tridiagonal matrix of order M − 1 given by





       Q=     

−2 1 1 .. .




−2 1 1 .. .



−2 1


0 .. .

−2 1 1 −2


       .     


The matrix C arises from the use of ( 13 ) in ( 1 ), it is block tridiagonal with diagonal blocks and has the form:       C = h−2       

−2I I I .. .




−2I I I .. .



−2I I




0 .. .

−2I I I −2I

      ,     


where I is the identity matrix of order M − 1. The (M − 1)2 eigenvalues of the matrix A are real and negative and are given by λi,j = −4h−2 [sin2

jπ iπ + sin2 ], 2M 2M

i, j = 1, 2, . . . , M − 1.


Solving the system of ODEs ( 14 ) subject to the initial condition ( 15 ) gives U (t) = exp(tA)f +

Z t 0

exp[(t − s)A]ψ(s)ds,

t ≥ 0,


which satisfies the recurrence relation [17] U (t + l) = exp(lA)U (t) +

Z t+l t

exp[(t + l − s)A]ψ(s)ds,

t = 0, l, 2l, . . .


in which l is a constant time step in the discretization of the time variable t ≥ 0, at the points tn = nl(n = 0, 1, 2, . . .).


Solution at the First Time Step and the Pade Approximant

Following [17] and using the trapezoidal rule for evaluating the quadrature in ( 21 ), gives the following second-order formula: l U (t + l) = exp(lA)U (t) + [ψ(t + l) + exp(lA)ψ(t)], 2

t = 0, l, 2l, 3l, . . .


Replacing the matrix A by B + C and using the commutativity of B and C, ( 22 ) may be written as 4


l U (t + l) = exp(lB)exp(lC)U (t) + [ψ(t + l) + exp(lB)exp(lC)ψ(t)], 2


t = 0, l, 2l, 3l, 4l, . . . .

(23) The developement of the numerical methods will be based on making appropriate approximations in this recurrence relation. Higher-order Pade approximants are popularly employed for such exponentials. Methods based on the use of these approximants are of high accuracy in time and, in the case of the subdiagonal Pades, have good stability properties. The pade approximant to the exponential function eθ , where θ is a real scalar, has the form Pd (θ) eθ ≈ Rb,d (θ) = , (24) Qb (θ)

where Pd (θ) and Qb (θ) are polynomials of degrees d and b, respectively with real coefficients, in each of which the constant term is unity. The polynomials pd (θ) and Qb (θ), for the approximants to be used in Section 4 are given in Table 1. (b, d)P ade (2, 0) (2, 1) (3, 0) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4)

Pd (θ) 1 1 + 3θ 1 θ θ 1 + 2 + 12 2 θ3 1 + 3θ + 3θ + 60 5 20 2 θ3 θ4 + θ5 + 30 + 360 1 + 2θ 3

Qb (θ) 2 1 − θ + θ2 2 1 − 2θ + θ6 3 2 3 1 − θ + θ2 − θ6 θ2 1 − 2θ + 12 θ2 1 − 2θ + 20 5 θ2 1 − 3θ + 30

Table 1: Pade approximant to eθ Note that the [d,b] denote the Pade approximation to eθ . High-order stable subdiagonal (b > d) Pade methods can be generated which are particularly efficient on machines utilizing several concurrent processors. It will be assumed that Qb (θ) has b1 real zero and 2b2 complex zeros occuring in complex conjugate pairs so that b = b1 + 2b2 . So Rb,d (θ) can be expanded in partial fraction form, resulting in approximating the matrix exponential function in ( 23 ) by exp(A) '

b1 X

wi (A − ci I)−1 + 2


b1X +b2

Re[wi (A − ci I)]−1 .(25)

i=b1 +1

The above expansion is particularly useful in parallel computing environments because it can be used to apportion the work of solving the corresponding linear algebraic systems to processors operating concurrently. Consequently, the solution of ( 14 ) can be implemented on a machine with b1 + b2 processors through parallel implicit Euler-like schemes, as described in Section 4. We can also construct parallel algorithms based on diagonal [b, b] Pade approximations. The numerical method to be developed in this report is based on the use of the subdiagonal [1/2] Pade approximant given by 5



−1 2 1 1 exp(lA) ≈ (I − lA + l2 A2 ) (I + lA), (26) 3 6 3 for the matrix exponentials in the recurrence relation ( 23 ) to give the O(h2 + l3 ) unconditionally stable scheme [18],

−1 2 1 1 u(t + l) = (I − lB + l2 B 2 ) (I + lB) 3 6 3 −1 2 1 1 (I − lC + l2 C 2 ) (I + lC)U (t) 3 6 3 l 2 1 2 2 −1 1 + [(I − lB + l B ) (I + lB) 2 3 6 3 −1 2 1 1 (I − lC + l2 C 2 ) (I + lC)ψ(t) + ψ(t + l)]. 3 6 3



Sequential and Parallel Algorithms

The implementation of the sequential algorithms resulting from pre-multiplying the matrix inverses in ( 27 ) involves using higher powers of the block matrices B and C, thus requiring considerable amount of CPU time and computer storage as reported in [14]. We can overcome this difficulty using the parallel algorithms. The expansion ( 25 ) has great importance in the parallel computing environment in that it can be used to solve a corresponding linear algebraic system on processors operating concurrently. Using this expansion, parallel algorithms may be implemented on machines with b1 + 2b2 processors (only). −1 The partial-fraction of (I − 32 lB + 16 l2 B 2 ) (I + 13 lB) leads to : −1 2 1 1 (I − lB + l2 B 2 ) (I + lB) ' [k1 (I − z1 lB)−1 + k2 (I − z2 lB)−1 ], 3 6 3


So we can express ( 27 ) in its partial-fraction splitting form [18] U (t + l) = [k1 (I − z1 lB)−1 + k2 (I − z2 lB)−1 ][k1 (I − z1 lC)−1 l + k2 (I − z2 lC)−1 ]U (t) + ψ(t + l) 2 l −1 + [k1 (I − z1 lB) + k2 (I − z2 lB)−1 ] 2 [k1 (I − z1 lC)−1 + k2 (I − z2 lC)−1 ]ψ(t),


where z1 and z2 are the poles of the (2, 1) Pade approximant and are given by: z1 = z¯2 = 0.33333333272613 + 0.23570226861019i,


and k1 and k2 are the constants resulting from the partial fraction decomposition and are given by: 1 √ k1 = k¯2 = − 2i, 2 6






Note that the closed form expressions for z1 and z2 are not available, so we have used their approximate values ( 30 ). U (t + l) in ( 29 ), the solution vector at time t = (n + 1)l, may now be obtained via the parallel algorithms using two processors [18]: Processor 1 : (I − z1 lC)w1 = k1 U (t) p1 = 2Re(w1 ) (I − z1 lB)w2 = k1 p1 p2 = 2Re(w2 ),


(I − z1 C)w3 = k1 ψ(t) p3 = 2Re(w3 ) (I − z1 lB)w4 = k1 p3 p4 = 2Re(w4 ),


Processor 2 :

l U (t + l) = p2 + [p4 + ψ(t + l)]. (34) 2 The intermediate vectors pi , wi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, need not to be stored once U (t + l) is computed at each time step. The matrices (I − z1 lB) and (I − z1 lC) are decomposed into lower and upper triangular (LU) forms only once. These LU products are then ”fed” to the two processors in order to compute the intermediate vectors zi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, using forward and backward substitutions. The principal part of the local truncation error arising from the use of the (b, d) Pade approximant is ∂ q+1 u 1 ∂4u ∂ 4u Cq+1 lq ( q+1 ) − h2 [( 4 ) + ( 4 )], (35) 12 ∂x ∂y ∂t q = b + d, where the error constants Cq+1 for a selection of second, third and fourth-order methods (in time ) are given in Table 2. order(q = b + d) P ade 2 (1, 1) 2 (2, 0) 3 (2, 1) 3 (3, 0) 4 (3, 1) 4 (4, 1)


Constants (Cq+1 ) −1 12 1 6 1 72 −1 24 1 −480 1 120

Table 2: The error constants Cq





The Computation of µ(t)

In this section the numerical integration procedure to be used to approximate the unknown function µ(t) using the boundary integral condition (7) will be described. The presence of an integral term in a boundary condition can greatly complicate the application of standard numerical techniques. The accuracy of the quadrature must be compatible with that of the discretization of the differential equation. In the following the double integral in (7) is approximated using the fourth-order Simpson’s composite “one-third ”rule. Consider the integral H(x, t) =

Z s(x) 0

u(x, y, t)dy.


Then application of Simpson’s composite “one-third ” rule gives Z 1 0

H(x, t)dx '

in which Hi =

M/2 (M/2)−1 ´ X X h³ H0 + 4 H2i−1 + 2 H2i + HM , 3 i=1 i=1

Z 2li h 0

u(xi , y, t)dy +

Z s(ih) 2li h

u(xi , y, t)dy,



where li = [s(ih)/2h],


and [ . ] represents the integer part of the argument. Substituting in the second integral of (38) zi = y/h − 2li yields

Z s(ih) 2li h

u(xi , y, t)dy = h

Z δi 0

u(xi , zi , t)dzi ,



where δi = (s(ih)/h) − 2li .


Replacement of u in the integral with a quadratic interpolating polynomial( the Newton’s forward-difference formula) through the grid values concerned, gives Z δi 0

u(xi , zi , t)dzi =

Z δi 0

1 [ui,2li + zi 4ui,2li + zi (zi − 1)42 ui,2li ]dzi + O(h4 ), 2


where 4ui,2li = ui,2li +1 − ui,2li ,


42 ui,2li = ui,2li +2 − 2ui,2li +1 + ui,2li .


and Integrating (43) and collecting the like terms means that


li lX i −1 X h [ui,0 + 4 ' ui,2j−1 + 2 ui,2j + ui,2li + 3δi (1 − 3δi /4 3 j=1 j=1

+ δi 2 /6)ui,2li + 3δi 2 (1 − δi /3)ui,2li +1 + (δi 2 /4)(2δi − 3)ui,2li +2 ]. 8



Putting V (t) =

Z 1 0

H(x, t)dx,



and using the approximation M/2 (M/2)−1 ´ X X h³ n n n n v ' H0 + 4 H2i−1 + 2 H2i + HM , 3 i=1 i=1 n


then gives vn '

(M/2)−1 M ´ X X X h2 ³ (M/2)−1 un0,0 + 4 un2i−1,0 + 2 un2i,0 + unM,0 + Rn . 9 i=0 i=1 i=1


Note that

h nZ 1 v ' µ s(x)dx + Rn , 2 0 where Rn is the summation in v n excluding the values at the boundary y = 0. We then approximate µn+1 by means of n



mn+1 − Rn , = h R1 s(x)dx 3 0

Z 1 0

s(x)dx 6= 0,



from which the boundary values along y = 0 may be computed at time tn+1 using the boundary condition (5).


Numerical Results

The numerical method described in the previous section was applied to the following problem: Consider (1)–(7) with f (x, y) = exp(x + y),


g0 (y, t) = exp(y + 2t),


g1 (y, t) = exp(1 + y + 2t),


h0 (x) = exp(x),


h1 (x) = exp(1 + x + 2t),


µ(t) = exp(2t),


m(t) = (4exp(exp(1)/4) − 4exp(1/4) − exp(1) + 1)exp(2t),


s(x) = exp(x)/4,


u(x, y, t) = exp(x + y + 2t).


for which the exact solution is




x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

y 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Exact u 9.025013 11.023176 13.463738 16.444647 20.905243 24.532530 29.964100 36.598234 40.447304

New Scheme Error −5.0 × 10−4 −6.0 × 10−4 −6.0 × 10−4 −5.0 × 10−4 −6.0 × 10−4 −7.0 × 10−4 −8.0 × 10−4 −6.0 × 10−4 −6.0 × 10−4

BTCS Scheme Error −2.0 × 10−3 −3.0 × 10−3 −2.0 × 10−3 −3.0 × 10−3 −4.0 × 10−3 −3.0 × 10−3 −3.0 × 10−3 −2.0 × 10−3 −4.0 × 10−3

Table 3: Results for u with T = 1.0, h = 0.02, l = 0.0001

1 The results for uN i,j with h = 0.02, l = 10000 at T = 1.0, using the method discussed in Section 4 and the (5,1) fully implicit finite difference BTCS formula of [3] are shown in Table 3. The CPU time for the new technique was 53.1 sec while the CPU time for the fully implicit finite difference method of [3] was 1553 sec. 1 The results obtained for µ with h = 0.02, l = 10000 , using the new method developed in this paper and the (5,1) fully implicit finite difference BTCS technique to solve the example non-classic boundary value problem are shown in Table 4.

t 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Exact µ 1.221403 1.491825 1.822119 2.225541 2.718282 3.320117 4.055200 4.953032 6.049647 7.389056

New Scheme BTCS Scheme Error Error −4 7.0 × 10 8.0 × 10−3 6.0 × 10−4 7.0 × 10−3 −4 6.0 × 10 7.0 × 10−3 6.0 × 10−4 6.0 × 10−3 −4 7.0 × 10 5.0 × 10−3 7.0 × 10−4 6.0 × 10−3 8.0 × 10−4 6.0 × 10−3 −4 7.0 × 10 5.0 × 10−3 6.0 × 10−4 4.0 × 10−3 −4 5.0 × 10 5.0 × 10−3

Table 4: Results for µ with h = 0.02, l = 0.0001 Note that the results showed that the new technique is about thirty times faster than the (5,1) fully implicit finite difference BTCS scheme.



In this paper a parallel algorithm was developed and applied to the two-dimensional 10



parabolic equation with a boundary integral condition replacing one boundary condition. The algorithm, which may be implemented on a parallel architecture using two processors, requires only the applications of tridiagonal solvers at every time step. This technique worked very well for two dimensional diffusion with an integral condition. For the model problems considered, the parallel algorithm ( 34 ) was found to be about thirty times faster than the fully implicit finite difference BTCS scheme of [14]. A comparison with the standard explicit finite difference scheme for the model problem clearly demonstrates that the new technique is computationally superior. The numerical results obtained by the new scheme discussed in this article on a test problem from the literature, give acceptable results and suggest convergence to the exact solution when h goes to zero. The new method discussed in this article is readily adaptable to similar three dimensional problems.

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Random Fixed Points and Iteration Process for Asymptotically Nonexpansive Random Maps Ismat Beg Centre for Advanced Studies in Mathematics and Department of Mathematics, Lahore University of Management Sciences, 54792 Lahore, PAKISTAN. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract– The purpose of this article is to prove existence of random fixed point for asymptotically nonexpansive random maps. We also construct a Mann type iteration process for asymptotically nonexpansive random maps which converges to the random fixed point. Key words and phrases. Random fixed point, asymptotically nonexpansive map, Banach space. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classifications. 47H40, 47H10, 47H09.

1. INTRODUCTION In rapidly developing area of nonlinear theory of differential equations, many important results have been obtained by the use of nonlinear functional analysis based on fixed point theory. Over the last thirty years, random operator theory has grown into a full fledged research area. The various ideas associated with random fixed point theory can be used to form a particularly elegant approach for the solution of nonlinear random systems (see [4]). Random fixed point theorems for random contraction mappings on Polish spaces were first proved by Spacek [21] and Hans [9,10]. Subsequently Bharucha-Reid




[5] (see also Mukherjea [16]) have given sufficient conditions for a stochastic analogue of Schauder’s fixed point theorem for a random operator. Itoh [12,13] introduced random condensing operators and considerably improved their results. Sehgal and Water [19,20] considered Browder-Fan type random operators and as a consequence obtained a stochastic generalization of the well known Rothe fixed point theorem. Recently Papageorgiou [17], Lin [14], Xu [23], Beg [1], Tan and Yuan [22], Beg and Shahzad [2,3] and many other authors have studied the fixed points of random maps. The aim of this note is to study in continuation the fixed points of asymptotically nonexpansive random maps ( i.e. ill conditioned random problems ) and to construct a Mann type iteration scheme [15] which converges to a fixed point of the aysmptotically nonexpansive random map. 2. PRELIMINARIES A Banach space X is called uniformly convex if for each ε > 0 there is a function δ : (0, 2] → (0, 1] such that if kxk ≤ d, kyk ≤ d , kx − yk ≥ ε then k x+y k ≤ (1 − δ( dε ))d. Moreover δ is increasing. In the sequel all normed spaces 2 are assumed to be taken over the real. Let (Ω, Σ) be a measurable space ( Σ = sigma algebra ) and E a nonempty subset of a Banach space X. A mapping ξ : Ω → X is measurable if and only

if ξ −1 (U ) ∈ Σ for each open subset U of X. The mapping T : Ω × E → X is a random map if and only if for each fixed x ∈ E, the mapping T (., x) : Ω → X is measurable, and it is completely continuous if for each ω ∈ Ω, the mapping T (ω, .) : E → X is completely continuous. A measurable mapping ξ : Ω → X

is a random fixed point of the random map T : Ω × E → X if and only if T (ω, ξ(ω)) = ξ(ω) for each ω ∈ Ω. For a subset E of X, let diam(E) denote the diameter, cl(E) the closure, co(E) the convex hull, clco(E) the closed convex hull of the set E, S(x0 , r) the spherical ball centred at x0 with radius r i.e. S(x0 , r) = {x ∈ X : kx0 − xk ≤ r} and T n (ω, x) the nth iterate T (ω, T (w, T (w, ...T (ω, x)...))).



Definition 2.1. Let E be a subset of a Banach space X and T : Ω×E → E be a random map. (i). The random map T is said to be nonexpansive if for arbitrary x, y ∈ E, kT (ω, x) − T (ω, y)k ≤ kx − yk, for each ω ∈ Ω. (ii).The random map T is called asymptotically nonexpansive if for each x, y ∈ E,

kT n (ω, x) − T n (ω, y)k ≤ kn kx − yk,

for each ω ∈ Ω and where {kn } is a decreasing sequence of real numbers such that n→∞ lim kn = 1. (iii). The random map T is said to be uniformly L-Lipschitzian (L > 0) if and only if for all x, y ∈ E,

kT n (ω, x) − T n (ω, y)k ≤ Lkx − yk

for each ω ∈ Ω. Theorem 2.2. [24,Theorem 2]. Let p > 1, r > 0 be two fixed real numbers. Then the Banach space X is uniformly convex if and only if there exists a continuous, strictly increasing and convex function g : R+ → R+ , g(0) = 0, such that, kαx + (1 − α)ykp ≤ αkxkp + (1 − α)kykp − Wp (α)g(kx − yk),


for all x, y in S(0, r), α ∈ [0, 1] where Wp (α) = α(1 − α)p + αp (1 − α) . For more details and other related results we refer to [2,5,7,24]. 3. THE RESULTS Our principal result in this section is the following random version of a generalization due to Goebel-Kirk [8] of Browder [6] fixed point theorem. Theorem 3.1. Let E be a nonempty closed bounded and convex subset of a separable uniformly convex Banach space X. Let T : Ω × E → E be an asymptotically nonexpansive random map. Then T has a random fixed point. Proof. Let ξ : Ω → E be a measurable map. Let w ∈ Ω be fixed, and let the set Rξ(w) consists of those real numbers r for which there exists an integer



k such that n E ∩ (∩∞ n=k S(T (w, ξ(w)), r) 6= φ.

Since diam (E) ∈ Rξ(w) , therefore Rξ(w) 6= φ. Let r0 = inf Rξ(w) . For each ε > 0, ∞ n (∪∞ k=1 (∩n=k S (T (w, ξ(w)), r0 + ε))) ∩ E,

are nonempty and convex. The reflexivity of X further implies that ∞ n ∩ε>0 (c (∪∞ k=1 (∩n=k S (T (w, ξ(w)), r0 + ε)))) ∩ E 6= φ.

Let η : Ω → E be a measurable map so that for each w ∈ Ω, ∞ n η(w) ∈ ∩ε>0 (c (∪∞ k=1 (∩n=k S (T (w, ξ(w)), r0 + ε)))) ∩ E,

(for existence of η see [11]). Let α > 0, then there exists an integer n0 such that if n ≥ n0 , then kη(w) − T n (w, ξ(w))k ≤ r0 + α. Suppose that the sequence {T n (w, η(w))} does not converge to η(w) (i.e. η is not a random fixed point of T ). Then there exist ε > 0 and a subsequence {T ni (w, η(w))} of {T n (w, η(w))} such that kT ni (w, η(w)) − η(w)k ≥ ε, i = 1, 2, 3, · · · . For m > n, kT n (w, η(w)) − T m (w, η(w))k ≤ kn kη(w) − T m−n (w, η(w))k, where kn is the Lipschitz constant for T n obtained from the definition of asymptotic nonexpansiveness. Suppose r0 > 0 and choose ρ > 0 so that Ã


ε ) (r0 + ρ) < r0 . 1 − δ( r0 + ρ

Select p so that kη(w) − T p (w, η(w))k ≥ ε, and also so that ρ kp (r0 + ) ≤ r0 + ρ. 2



If n0 ≥ p is sufficiently large, then m > n0 implies that ρ kη(w) − T m−p (w, ξ(w))k ≤ r0 + . 2 It further implies that kT p (w, η(w)) − T m (w, ξ(w))k ≤ kp kη(w) − T m−p (w, ξ(w))k ≤ r0 + ρ, also kη(w) − T m (w, ξ(w))k ≤ r0 + ρ. Thus by uniform convexity of X, if m > n0 , then Ã


η(w) + T p (w, η(w)) ε − T m (w, ξ(w))k ≤ 1 − δ k 2 r0 + ρ and this contradicts the definition of r0 .


(r0 + ρ) ≤ r0 ,

Hence we conclude r0 = 0 or

T (w, η(w)) = η(w) for each w ∈ Ω. But r0 = 0 implies {T n (w, ξ(w))} is

a Cauchy sequence yielding limn→∞ T n (w, ξ(w)) = η(w) = T (w, η(w), for each w ∈ Ω. Therefore for each w ∈ Ω, ∞ n ∩ε>0 (c (∪∞ k=1 (∩n=k S (T (w, ξ(w)), r0 + ε)))) ∩ E = {η(w)}.

Hence η is a random fixed point of T . This completes the proof. Let X be a separable normed space, E be a nonempty convex subset of X and L > 0. Let T : Ω × E → E be a uniformly L-Lipschitzian random map. We define a Mann [15] type random iteration process as follows. Let ξ0 : Ω → E be any measurable map. Then the following measurable maps are iteratively defined as follows: ηn (w) = βn T n (w, ξn (w)) + (1 − βn )ξn (w),


ξn+1 (w) = αn T n (w, ηn (w)) + (1 − αn )ξn (w)



for each w ∈ Ω and n = 0, 1, 2, 3, · · · where {αn } and {βn } satisfy ε ≤ 1 − αn , 1−βn ≤ 1−ε for all n and some ε > 0. Since E is nonempty convex subset



of X therefore the sequences of measurable functions {ξn } and {ηn } are well defined. Lemma 3.2. Let T : Ω × E → E be a uniformly L-Lipschitzian random map. Then for all n = 0, 1, 2, · · · . kξn (w) − T (w, ξn (w))k ≤ kT n (w, ξn (w)) − ξn (w)k ³


+ L + 3L2 + 2L3 kT n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k.


Proof. For all n = 0, 1, 2, · · · , we have kξn (w) − T (w, ξn (w))k ≤ kξn (w) − T n (w, ξn (w))k +kT n (w, ξn (w)) − T (w, ξn (w))k.


Now, kT n (w, ξn (w)) − T (w, ξn (w))k = kT (w, T n−1 (w, ξn (w)) − T (w, ξn (w))k ≤ LkT n−1 (w, ξn (w)) − ξn (w)k n


≤ LkT n−1 (w, ξn (w)) − αn−1 T n−1 (w, ηn−1 (w)) + (1 − αn−1 )ξn−1 (w) k h

≤ L αn−1 kT n−1 (w, ξn (w)) − T n−1 (w, ηn−1 (w))k i

+(1 − αn−1 )kT n−1 (w, ξn (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k h


≤ L Lkξn (w) − ηn−1 (w)k + kT n−1 (w, ξn (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k .


kξn (w) − ηn−1 (w)k ≤ kξn (w) − ξn−1 (w)k + kξn−1 (w) − ηn−1 (w)k



More over, kξn−1 (w) − ηn−1 (w)k = kξn−1 (w) − {βn−1 T n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) +(1 − βn−1 )ξn−1 (w)}k



≤ kT n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k.


And, kξn (w) − ξn−1 (w)k = kαn−1 T n−1 (w, ηn−1 (w)) + (1 − αn−1 )ξn−1 (w) − ξn−1 (w)k = αn−1 kT n−1 (w, ηn−1 (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k ≤ kξn−1 (w) − T n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w))k +kT n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) − T n−1 (w, ηn−1 (w))k ≤ kξn−1 (w) − T n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w))k + Lkξn−1 (w) − ηn−1 (w)k ≤ kξn−1 (w) − T n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w))k n


+Lkξn−1 (w) − βn−1 T n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) + (1 − βn−1 )ξn−1 (w) k ≤ (1 + L)kξn−1 (w) − T n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w))k.


In equalities (7), (8) and (9) imply, kξn (w) − ηn−1 (w)k ≤ (2 + L)kξn−1 (w) − T n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w))k.


Also note that, kT n−1 (w, ξn (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k ≤ kT n−1 (w, ξn (w)) − T n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w))k +kT n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k ≤ Lkξn (w) − ξn−1 (w)k + kT n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k. (by (9)) ≤ {1 + L(1 + L)} kT n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k Inequalities (6), (10) and (11) imply, kT n (w, ξn (w)) − T (w, ξn (w))k





≤ L L(2 + L)kT


(w, ξn−1 (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k


+ {1 + L(1 + L)} kT n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k

= (L + 3L2 + 2L3 )kT n−1 (w, ξn−1 (w)) − ξn−1 (w)k


Inequalities (5) and (12) yield the required inequality (2). This completes the proof. Theorem 3.3. Let X be a separable uniformly convex Banach space; φ 6= E ⊂ X, and E closed bounded and convex. Let T : Ω × E → E be a asymptotically nonexpansive random map with {kn } satisfying kn ≥ 1,

∞ ³ X



kn2 − 1 < ∞, ε ≤ 1 − αn ≤ 1 − ε

for all n and some ε > 0. Let ξ0 : Ω → E be a measurable map and define ξn+1 (w) = αn T n (w, ξn (w)) + (1 − αn )ξn (w) for n ≥ 0. Then lim kξn (w) − T (w, ξn (w)k = 0.


Proof. Set M = [diam(E)]2 . From Theorem 3.1, T has a random fixed point ξ (say) (i.e. ξ : Ω → E a measurable map and T (w, ξ(w)) = ξ(w) ). Using inequality (1), with r > 1 such that E ⊆ S(0, r), we have, kξn+1 (w) − ξ(w)kp = kαn T n (w, ξn (w)) + (1 − αn )ξn (w) − ξ(w)kp ≤ αn kT n (w, ξn (w)) − ξ(w)kp + (1 − αn )kξn (w) − ξ(w)kp −Wp (αn )g (kξn (w) − T n (w, ξn (w))k) ≤ αn knp kξn (w) − ξ(w)kp + (1 − αn )kξn (w) − ξ(w)kp −Wp (αn )g (kξn (w) − T n (w, ξn (w))k) ≤ kξn (w) − ξ(w)kp + (αn knp − αn ) M



−Wp (αn )g (kξn (w) − T n (w, ξn (w))k)


Since Wp (αn ) ≥ 2εp+1 ( See Xu [24]), thus from (13), we obtain 0 ≤ 2εp+1 g (kξn (w) − T n (w, ξn (w))k) ≤ kξn (w) − ξ(w)kp − kξn+1 (w) − ξ(w)kp − αn M (knp − 1) . It implies that 2εp+1

m X


g (kξn (w) − T n (w, ξn (w))k)

≤ kξ0 (w) − ξ(w)kp + (1 − ε)M

m X

(knp − 1)



¿From hypothesis on {ξn (w)}, inequality (14) implies that the series on the left converges. Therefore lim g (kξn (w) − T n (w, ξn (w))k) = 0.



Since g is continuous at 0 and strictly increasing therefore (15) implies that lim kξn (w) − T n (w, ξn (w))k = 0.


Lemma 3.2. now further implies lim kξn (w) − T (w, ξn (w))k = 0.


This completes the proof. Now we are able to show that {ξn } converges to the random fixed point of T : Ω × E → E. Theorem 3.4. Let E be a nonempty closed bounded and convex subset of a separable uniformly convex Banach space X. Let T : Ω × E → E be a completely continuous asymptotically nonexpansive random map with {kn } satisfying kn ≥ 1 and



(knp − 1) < ∞; r = max{2, p}; ε ≤ αn ≤ 1 − ε

for all n and some ε > 0. Choose ξ0 : Ω → E a measurable map, and define




ξn+1 (w) = αn T (w, ξn (w)) +(1 − αn )ξn (w), n ≥ 0. Then {ξn } converges to some random fixed point ξ of T . Proof. Clearly, clco({ξ0 (w)}∪T (Ω×E)) is a compact subset of E containing {ξn (w)}. Therefore there exists a measurable map ξ : Ω → E and some subsequence {ξni (w)} of {ξn (w)} such that limi→∞ ξni (w) = ξ(w). But T is continuous and limn→∞ kξn (w) − T (w, ξn (w)) = 0 by Theorem 3.3. Therefore T (w, ξ(w)) = ξ(w). It implies that kξn+1 (w) − ξ(w)k = kαn T n (w, ξn (w)) + (1 − αn )ξn (w) − ξ(w)k ≤ αn kT n (w, ξn (w)) − ξ(w)k + (1 − αn )kξn (w) − ξ(w)k = αn kT n (w, ξn (w)) − T (w, ξ(w))k + (1 − αn )kξn (w) − ξ(w)k ≤ (αn kn + (1 − αn )) kξn (w) − ξ(w)k for all n ≥ 0. Since Π∞ n=1 kn converges and limi→∞ ξni (w) = ξ(w). Therefore limn→∞ ξn (w) = ξ(w). Hence {ξn } converges to the random fixed point ξ of T. Remark 3.5. Schu [18, Theorem 1.5] is a particular case of the deterministic analogue of our Theorem 3.4.

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A note on a Liapounov-like theorem for some finitely additive measures and applications Anna Martellotti – Anna Rita Sambucini

Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica 1, Via Vanvitelli - 06123-I, Perugia (ITALY) e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract We give some results about the convexity of a pair of finitely additive measures and we apply them to derive the convexity of the Aumann integral of a suitable multifunction. 1991 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 28B20, 26E25, 46B20, 54C60 Key words: Aumann integral, finitely additive measures, selections, convex measures, Stone isomorphism.



The classical core-Walras equivalence result [13, Theorem II-2.1] is stated for a finite-dimensional commodity space, and a space of agents (Ω, Σ, µ) represented by a non-atomic, positive, countably additive measure space. This celebrated result of Equilibrium Theory has been extended in several directions: in particular ([1, 3, 28]) discuss and face the problem of extending it to the case of strongly non-atomic finitely additive measures. The proof of the classical result is based upon an idea of Aumann, and makes use of the geometrical and topological properties of the multivalued integral of a suitable 1




multifunction ranging on the commodity space. The Aumann integral of a Banach-valued multifunction with respect to a finitely additive measure has been considered in [21] and [22]: in [21] the investigation concerned integrands with compact and convex values, while [22] examined the case of integrands with weakly compact and convex values; (see also [26] for a survey on this topic). Recently, in [23] we have examined the case of multifunctions of the type F (ω) = [Γ(ω) − e(ω)] ∪ {0},


where Γ is a simple multifunction with values in the hyperspace of closed and convex values of a Banach space X, e ∈ L1µ (X) and µ is non atomic and countably additive. Integrands of this form are those that occur in the core-Walras equivalence: the assumption on Γ has a meaningful interpretation from the point of view of the economic model. The properties of the multivalued integral are usually achieved applying the classical Liapounov Theorem, together with its infinite dimensional versions. It is well known that Liapounov Theorem does not extend to finitely additive measures: weakened forms of it in this more general setting have been obtained by several authors [18, 6, 7, 29, 8, 2, 3]. A survey of the most important results can be found in [19]. What we obtained in [23] was that, if e has Liapounov indefinite integral, then F has convex Aumann integral. The proof of the result was based upon the following result Theorem A ([23] Theorem 3.7) Let X and Y be two Banach spaces, with X satisfying the (RNP), µ : Σ → R+ 0 a non-atomic countably additive measure, n X R f= xi 1Ei a Y -valued, simple function, and n2 = . edµ an X-valued Liai=1 R pounov measure. Then, setting n1 = . f dµ, the range of the pair (n1 , n2 ) is convex and compact in Y × Xw . This paper is concerned with the Aumann integral for integrands of the form (1), but when µ is simply finitely additive: in this setting Theorem A above is in general false; a counterexample can be obtained by means of the results in [8].


However we shall show, through a completely different path, that the convexity of the Aumann integral of F can be reobtained also in the finitely additive setting, when the commodity space X is a Banach lattice and the indefinite integral of e satisfies suitable assumptions.


Preliminaries and definitions

Throughout this paper X will be a reflexive, separable Banach lattice, X + its positive cone. With X ∗ we denote the topological dual and with X1 , X1∗ the unit balls of X and X ∗ respectively. We denote by Xw the space X equipped with its weak topology. Let Ω be a set, Σ a σ-algebra of subsets of Ω and µ : Σ → [0, +∞[ a finitely additive bounded measure. In accordance to [11, Chapter III] we denote by L1µ (X) the space of X-valued, µ-integrable functions f . When X = R we shall simply write L1µ . Throught the paper we will use the symbol µ to denote a scalar measure, while with the symbol m we denote a vector valued one. Definition 1 A finitely additive vector measure m : Σ → X is called Liapounov if, for every E ∈ Σ,

m(ΣE ) := {m(A), A ∈ Σ ∩ E} is convex

and weakly compact for every E ∈ Σ. Since we have assumed that X is a reflexive Banach space it is enough to assume that m(ΣE ) is bounded, closed and convex for every E ∈ Σ. If, for every E ∈ Σ, m(ΣE ) is only convex, we will say that m is a convex measure. If, for every E ∈ Σ, there exists B ∈ ΣE such that m(B) = 12 m(E), we will say that m is a semiconvex measure. We remind that for a scalar finitely additive, bounded measure µ : Σ → [0, +∞) the conceps of strong continuity, semiconvexity and Liapounov are equivalent [8, 18]; where µ is strongly continuous if for every ε > 0 there exists a finite decomposition of Ω, Ai ∈ Σ, i = 1, . . . , n such that µ(Ai ) ≤ ε. For a finitely additive vector measure we will denote by |m| the variation of m, defined for every E ∈ Σ, by: |m|(E) = sup


Π A ∈Π i

km(Ai )k




where the supremum is taken over all the finite decompositions Π of the set E. Moreover we denote by kmk its semivariation, given by kmk(E) = sup{|x∗ m|(E), x∗ ∈ X ∗ , kx∗ k ≤ 1}. It is known that: sup{km(A)k, A ∈ Σ ∩ E} ≤ kmk(E) ≤ 4 sup{km(A)k, A ∈ Σ ∩ E}, see for example [9, Proposition 1.1]. In the framework of [27] we will make use of the Stone extension; more precisely G will be the Stone algebra associated to Σ and τ : Σ → G the Stone isomorphism. With µ : Gσ → [0, +∞[ we will denote the extended measure of µ, where Gσ is the σ-algebra generated by G . Observe that if µ is strongly continuous then its Stone extension µ is non atomic and therefore Liapounov. Moreover, by [12], if f ∈ L1µ (X) then it is possible to define its Stone extension as a map f ∈ L1µ (X) such that for every E ∈ Σ, Z Z f dµ = E

f dµ


τ (E)

where the left hand side is defined in accordance to [11, Chapter III]. As a consequence if f ∈ L1µ (X) has Liapounov indefinite integral, its Stone extension f has the same property. It was also showed in [15] that kf k = kf k µ-almost everywhere. Let m : Σ → X be a vector-valued finitely additive measure. We say that m is s-bounded if limn→∞ m(An ) = 0 for every sequence (An )n of pairwise disjoint sets in Σ. Definition 2 A positive finitely additive measure σ : Σ → [0, ∞[ is a control for m if and only if kmk ∼ σ, in the sense that for every ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that the following implications hold: •

if σ(A) < δ then kmk(A) < ε;

if kmk(A) < δ then σ(A) < ε.


A control σ is said to be a Rybakov control if there exists a functional x∗ ∈ X ∗ such that σ = |x∗ m|. Remark 1 In [10, 25] the following equivalences were proved: a finitely additive measure m is s-bounded if and only if there exists a control for m if and only if there exists a Rybakov control for m. If m is also of bounded variation then its variation is equivalent to a Rybakov control for m. The following proof of this equivalence was communicated to us by one of the referees. If σ = |x∗ m| then obvioulsy σ  |m|. To prove the converse, for every F = {x∗1 , . . . , x∗n } in W X1∗ let ηF := ni=1 |x∗i m| be the lattice supremum of the finitely additive measures |x∗1 m|, . . . , |x∗n m|. Since all the ηF are dominated by |m|, then they are uniformly s-bounded and therefore they are uniformly σ-continuous. Hence the set-wise supremum |m|(E) = sup{ηF (E), F ⊂ X1∗ , F finite } is σ-continuous. So, in this case, kmk ∼ |m|. Moreover if m and σ are countably additive then the ε − δ absolute continuity is equivalent to 0 − 0 absolute continuity.


A Liapounov result

We will now show that if m is X + -valued and s-bounded then it admits a Rybakov control of the form σ = y ∗ m for some y ∗ ∈ (X ∗ )+ . Lemma 1 If m : Σ → X + is a s-bounded finitely additive measure then there exists y ∗ ∈ (X ∗ )+ such that kmk ∼ y ∗ m. Proof: Let σ = |x∗0 m| be a Rybakov control for m, and let y ∗ = |x∗0 | in the Banach lattice X ∗ . Then, easily, |x∗0 (x)| ≤ y ∗ (x) for every x ∈ X + . Let now ε > 0 be fixed and consider δ according to the absolute continuity of kmk with respect to σ; let A ∈ Σ be such that y ∗ m(A) ≤ δ; we want to show that kmk(A) ≤ ε. Indeed let Π be an arbitrary finite partition of A, since m is X + -valued we have X B∈Π

|x∗0 m(B)| ≤


y ∗ m(B) = y ∗ m(A) ≤ δ.


Taking the supremum with respect to Π we have σ(A) ≤ δ, which in turn yields kmk(A) ≤ ε. Conversely we prove now that y ∗ m  kmk. Let ε > 0 be fixed and consider




δ = εky ∗ k−1 . If kmk(A) < δ then y ∗ m(A) ≤ ky ∗ k kmk(A) ≤ ky ∗ k δ < ε.


We will show now that, also in the finitely additive case, if m is of bounded variation it is possible to find a control which is equivalent to the variation of m. Proposition 1 If m : Σ → X + is a finitely additive measure with bounded variation, then there exists y ∗ ∈ (X ∗ )+ such that |m| ∼ y ∗ m. Proof: By Lemma 1 there exists y ∗ ∈ (X ∗ )+ such that y ∗ m is a Rybakov control, namely y ∗ m ∼ kmk. Since m is of bounded variation then, by Remark 1, kmk is equivalent to |m|. This concludes the proof.


Proposition 2 Let m : Σ → X + be an s-bounded finitely additive measure. The following are equivalent: 2.1 m is semiconvex; 2.2 m admits a filtering family, namely for every B ∈ Σ there exists a filtering family {Bt }t∈[0,1] such that a) B0 = ∅, B1 = B and, if t < t0 , then Bt ⊂ Bt0 ; b) m(Bt ) = tm(B), for every t ∈ [0, 1]; 2.3 m is a convex measure. Proof: 2.1) =⇒ 2.2). Let B ∈ Σ be fixed. With a standard argument it is possible to construct a filtering sequence (Bt )t , t ∈ Q(2) which satisfies conditions a) and b), see for example [6, Lemma 2.1]. Let now t ∈]0, 1[ be fixed, with t 6∈ Q(2), and let (pn )n , (qn )n be two sequences in Q(2) such that pn ↑ t and qn ↓ t. Put Bt0 = ∪n Bpn , Bt00 = ∩n Bqn and note that Bt0 ⊆ Bt00 ; hence m(Bt0 ) ≥ sup m(Bpn ) = tm(B) = inf m(Bqn ) ≥ m(Bt00 ) ≥ m(Bt0 ). n


Therefore we can choose for instance Bt = ∩n Bqn . 2.2) =⇒ 2.3). Let A, B ∈ Σ be fixed and let t ∈ [0, 1]. As in [7, Theorem 2.4] let Ct = (B \ A)t ∪ (A ∩ B) ∪ (A \ B)1−t ,



where the families {(B \ A)t }t , {(A \ B)t }t are the filtering families for B \ A and A \ B respectively. We have that C0 = A, C1 = B and m(Ct ) = tm(B \ A) + m(A ∩ B) + (1 − t)m(B \ A) = = tm(B) + (1 − t)m(A) 2

2.3) =⇒ 2.1). It is obvious.

The equivalence between 2.1) and 2.2) in the finite dimensional case had already been obtained in [7].

We shall suppose now that m is the indefinite integral of a function e ∈ L1µ (X + ) which satisfies the following assumption: (h)

µ is a control for m.

Remark 2 A sufficient condition for (h) is, for example, the following: ess inf kek ≥ r > 0 Ω


The assumption (3) has a very meaningful interpretation in the application to the economic model namely, when e is the initial endowment. We could label it as minimal entrance feee (m.e.f.) because from the economic point of view this means that all the consumers, except a set of measure zero, have a minimal granted support r. Observe also that m.e.f. assumption is stronger than the condition (h). For instance, consider in the interval [0, 1], µ : Σ → [0, 1] defined as Z 1 √ dx, µ(A) = A 2 x where dx is the Lebesgue measure and A is a Lebesgue measurable set and √ take e(x) = 2 x. R The measure m = edµ coincides with the Lebesgue measure and admits µ as a control, but e does not satisfy m.e.f. assumption. We want now to prove the announced result:



Proposition 3 Let µ be a s-bounded, nonZnegative, finitely additive measure, and let e ∈ L1µ (X + ) be such that m = edµ is semiconvex and µ is a control for m; then the pairs (m, µ) and (m, xµ) are convex for every x ∈ X. Proof: The idea of the proof is analogous to that given in [7, Propositions 2.4 and 2.5]. First of all we prove that the pair (m, |m|) is semiconvex. Let E ∈ Σ be fixed and consider the filtering family {Et }t∈[0,1] associated to m and E. If |m|(E1/2 ) = 2−1 |m|(E) then we have semiconvexity. Otherwise let, for example, |m|(E1/2 ) < 2−1 |m|(E) and therefore |m|(E \ E1/2 ) > 2−1 |m|(E). If we apply Proposition 2 to m we find the filtering families {At }t , {Bt }t associated to E1/2 and E \ E1/2 respectively. We set Ct = At ∪ B1−t . By construction, for every t 1 m(Ct ) = tm(E1/2 ) + (1 − t)m(E \ E1/2 ) = m(E). 2 We prove now that |m|(Ct ) is a continuous function in t. Let y ∗ m be a Rybakov control for m as in Proposition 1. Therefore, for ε > 0 fixed, let δ > 0 be that of the absolute continuity of |m| with respect to y ∗ m. Let t, s ∈ [0, 1] be such that |t − s| y ∗ m(E) ≤ δ; suppose for instance t < s. The set Ct ∆ Cs is given by (As \ At ) ∪ (B1−t \ B1−s ). Since y ∗ m(Ct ∆ Cs ) = |t − s|y ∗ m(E) < δ we have that | |m|(Ct ) − |m|(Cs ) | ≤ |m|(Ct ∆ Cs ) < ε. Hence, by continuity, as |m|(C0 ) < 2−1 |m|(E), while |m|(C1 ) > 2−1 |m|(E), there exists t ∈]0, 1[ such that |m|(Ct ) = 2−1 |m|(E). Since µ is a control for m this implies also the continuity of t 7→ µ(Ct ) and then the semiconvexity of (m, µ). Finally the convexity of the pair (m, µ) follows by Proposition 2 if we consider E = X × IR, E + = X + × [0, ∞[, and the fact that the finitely additive measure (m, µ) is s-bounded. The convexity of (m, xµ) is an immediate consequence of the definition and of the convexity of (m, µ).




Applications to multivalued finitely additive integral of non convex integrands

Throughout this section, and similarly as in [23], we will adopt the following notations: (i) (Ω, Σ) is a measurable space and µ : Σ → [0, ∞[ a s-bounded finitely additive measure which is also strongly continuous. (ii) (cf (X), h) and (cwk(X), h) are the families of non empty, convex, closed (non empty, convex and weakly compact respectively) subsets of X with the Hausdorff distance. (iii) Γ =


i=1 Ci 1Ei

is a simple multifunction with closed and convex values

with Ei ∩ Ej = ∅ for i 6= j; (iv) e ∈ L1µ (X + ) is such that λ(E) :=

Z edµ is a convex finitely additive E

measure; (v) G = (Γ − e), F = G ∪ {0}.

We examine now the problem studied in [23] when the measure with respect to which we integrate is only finitely additive. This case is not a mere extension of the countably additive one. It has applications for instance in finitely additive economies which were introduced first in [1] by Armstrong and Richter: they explained why their model of a large economy is more realistic than the countably additive one. The same model was also extensively studied in [3], [4]. We begin with the bounded case, namely we assume that Ci ∈ cwk(X) for every i = 1, . . . , p. Thanks to the Radstr¨om Embedding Theorem ([24]) and to the Stone isomorphism we can consider the multifunctions Γ and G where Γ =

p X

Ci 1h(Ei ) ,



G = Γ−e=

p X i=1

Ci 1h(Ei ) − e.




Thanks to (v) above, F certainly admits totally measurable selections and so we can define the Aumann integral as usual, using the finitely additive µ-integrability, [11, Chapter 3]: namely - SF1 is the set of all µ-integrable selections of a multifunction F , that is SF1 = {f ∈ L1µ (X) : f (ω) ∈ F (ω)

µ − almost everywhere};

- the Aumann integral of F is defined by Z  Z 1 f dµ, f ∈ SF . (A) − F dµ = E


The finitely additive case here considered is quite different from the case considered, for instance, in [21] and [22], where the existence of suitable selections depends upon the topological properties of the values of F . Moreover, we shall denote by MΓ , MG the finitely additive multimeasures defined as the indefinite Aumann integrals of Γ and G respectively. By RX (M(·) ) we shall denote the range of M(·) that is RX (M(·) ) =


M(·) (E).


As Γ takes values in cwk(X), its Aumann integral is convex and weakly compact: in fact, for every E ∈ Σ, we have that p X

Z Ci µ(E ∩ Ei ) ⊆ (A) −

Z Γdµ ⊆ (A) −




p X

Γdµ =



Ci µ(h(E ∩ Ei )),


where the first inclusion and the last equality can be obtained by [9, Corollary 8] since in the proof of this corollary the countable additivity is not required, while the middle inclusion can be obtained analogously to the proof of [21, Theorem 5.1] (note that, since Γ is simple, we do not need the compactness of the values of Γ). Using these facts, statements analogous to those of [23, Propositions 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4], with the strong continuity of µ replacing the non atomicity, hold for Γ also in the finitely additive case. Namely


Z (a)

MΓ (E) =


 sdµ, s is a simple selection of Γ ;


(b) (c)

RX (MΓ ) ∈ cwk(X); Z Z MG (E) = (A) − Γdµ − edµ ∈ cwk(X) for every E ∈ Σ. E


In [23], Theorem 3.7 allowed us to obtain that RX (MG ) ∈ cwk(X) when µ is non atomic and countably additive. In the finitely additive case, Theorem 3.7 which is, in fact, a Lyapounov-type statement, does not hold in its complete extension (a counterexample is easily derived from [8, Theorem 4.4]). Its weakened finitely additive version, that is Theorem 1 below, will play a similar role in achieving the convexity of RX (MG ) in our case, although weak compactness is not assured in general. These two results, despite their similarity, do not compare: here we have only finite additivity but we have to assume the equivalence between µ and m; the proof of Theorem 1 completely differs from that of the quoted countably additive version, and is heavily based upon the results of Section 3. Theorem 1 Let X be a Banach lattice, Y a Banach space, µ a strongly continuous finitely additive measure and e ∈ L1µ (X + ) be such that the finitely R additive measure λ = edµ is convex andZadmits µ as a control. If f is a Y valued simple function then setting m =

f dµ, the range of the pair (m, λ)

is convex in Y × X. Proof: We know that if f =


i=1 ci 1Ei

for some finite decomposition of Ω,

{E1 , . . . , Ep } then (m, λ)(ΣE ) = (m, λ)(ΣE∩E1 ) + . . . + (m, λ)(ΣE∩Ep ). So it is enough to note that, from Proposition 3, for each i = 1, . . . p, (m, λ)(ΣE∩Ei ) is convex and m is a multiple of µ on ΣE∩Ei .


As an immediate consequence we obtain that Corollary 1 Let fj =


i i=1 zj 1Ei , j

= 1, 2 be simple and measurable funcR tions with values in X and let λ as in Theorem 1. Then setting mj = fj dµ−λ we have that m1 , m2 , (m1 , m2 ) are convex finitely additive measures.



Proof: Applying Theorem 1, one easily deduces that m1 and m2 are convex finitely additive measures. We shall prove that the finitely additive measure (m1 , m2 ) is convex. It is enough to prove that from Proposition 3, for each i = 1, . . . p, (m1 , m2 )(ΣE∩Ei ) is convex for every E ∈ Σ. By Proposition 3 the pair (λ, µ) is convex. So, for every D1 , D2 ∈ ΣE∩Ei and for every t ∈]0, 1[ there exists C ∈ ΣE∩Ei such that µ(C) = tµ(D1 ) + (1 − t)µ(D2 ) λ(C) = tλ(D1 ) + (1 − t)λ(D2 ). Since on ΣE∩Ei mj = zji µ we have, for j = 1, 2, mij (C) = zji µ(C) − λ(C) = = tzji µ(D1 ) + (1 − t)zji µ(D2 ) − tλ(D1 ) − (1 − t)λ(D2 ) = = tmj (D1 ) + (1 − t)mj (D2 ); thus (m1 , m2 )(C) = t(m1 , m2 )(D1 ) + (1 − t)(m1 , m2 )(D2 ).


Because of Theorem 1 the set RX (MG ) is convex. In fact Theorem 2 Under the previous assumptions RX (MG ) is convex. Proof: It is possible to prove it in an analogous way as in [16, Lemma 7]. We report the proof for completeness. We recall that G = Γ − e, with Γ = R Pp edµ. i=1 Ci 1Ei and λ = Pp Let ϕ = i=1 zi 1Ei be a fixed simple selection of Γ. Consider the finitely additive selection measure ν of MG , defined as Z ν(·) = ϕdµ − λ. ·

Fix x1 , x2 in RX (MG ) and t ∈]0, 1[. Then there exist two sets A1 , A2 ∈ Σ and P two simple selections of Γ, f1 and f2 (fj = pi=1 zji 1Ei , j = 1, 2), such that Z fj dµ − λ(Aj ),

xj = Aj

j = 1, 2.


We put mj =



fj dµ − λ, for j = 1, 2. By Corollary 1 m1 , m2 , (m1 , m2 ) are

convex. Then there exist B1 , B2 , B3 such that B1 ⊂ A1 \ A2 , B2 ⊂ A2 \ A1 and B3 ⊂ A1 ∩ A2 and m1 (B1 ) = tm1 (A1 \ A2 );

m2 (B2 ) = (1 − t)m2 (A2 \ A1 );

(m1 , m2 )(B3 ) = t(m1 , m2 )(A1 ∩ A2 ). Set B4 = (A1 ∩ A2 ) \ B3 and B = ∪4i=1 Bi . We will show that for a suitable selection ν ∗ of MG , ν ∗ (B) = tx1 + (1 − t)x2 . Indeed, for every E ∈ Σ, define ν ∗ (E) = ν(E \ B) + m1 (E ∩ (B1 ∪ B3 )) + m2 (E ∩ (B2 ∪ B4 )) = Z Z = ϕdµ − λ(E \ B) + f1 dµ + E\B E∩(B1 ∪B3 ) Z + f2 dµ − λ(E ∩ B) = E∩(B2 ∪B4 ) Z  = ϕ · 1E\B + f1 · 1E∩(B1 ∪B3 ) + f2 · 1E∩(B2 ∪B4 ) dµ − λ(E). E

Then the finitely additive measure ν ∗ is a selection of MG and if we evaluate ν ∗ on the set B we obtain ν ∗ (B) = m1 (B1 ∪ B3 ) + m2 (B2 ∪ B4 ) = tm1 (A1 \ A2 ) + tm1 (A1 ∩ A2 ) + + (1 − t)m2 (A2 \ A1 ) + m2 (A1 ∩ A2 \ B3 ) = 2

= tx1 + (1 − t)x2 . Moreover we have that Theorem 3 If

G is a multifunction as before then

cl{RX (MG )} =

RX (MG ). Proof: From (c), (5), (6) above and [22, Theorem 5.1], (which holds in our case without compactness of values of G), for every E ∈ Σ, MG (E) ⊂ MG (τ (E)). For the converse inclusion, if x ∈ RX (MG ) then there exists a set H ∈ Gσ such that Z x ∈ MG (H) = (A) −

Γdµ − λ (H) H



and then x =

p X

xi µ(H ∩ τ (Ei )) − λ (H) for some xi ∈ Ci , i = 1, . . . , p.


Since G is Fr´echet-Nikodym dense in Gσ , for every ε > 0 there exists a G measurable set B such that µ(H∆B) ≤

ε , 2kp

for some k > max{kek1 , h(C1 , {0}), . . . , h(Cp , {0})}. Then kx −

p X

xi µ(B ∩ τ (Ei )) − λ (B)k ≤

p X

kxi kµ(H∆B) + |λ |(H∆B) ≤ ε.



Since B is a G -measurable set, there exists E ∈ Σ such that τ (E) = B; let us put xε :=

p X

xi µ(B ∩ τ (Ei )) − λ (B) =


p X

xi µ(E ∩ Ei ) − λ(E).


We have that xε ∈ RX (MG ) and kx − xε k ≤ ε. Hence RX (MG ) ⊂ cl{RX (MG )} and again applying (c), the equality follows. 2 Now, as in [23, Theorem 3.15], one can show that, if 0 6∈ G(ω) for all ω ∈ Ω, then, for every E ∈ Σ, Z (A) − F dµ = RX (MG |Σ∩E )



and therefore it is convex. Let us now consider the unbounded case, namely assume that Ci ∈ cf (X), i = 1, . . . p. For each integer n, consider Γn (ω) = Γ(ω) ∩ nX1 ,

Fn (ω) = (Γn (ω) − e(ω)) ∪ {0}.

As in [23, Proposition 3.16] one shows that, for every E ∈ Σ Z Z [ (A) − F dµ = (A) − Fn dµ. E




The sequence on the right hand side of (8) is increasing. Hence, if 0 6∈ G, Z (A)− F dµ is the union of an increasing sequence of convex sets, and therefore E

is convex.



For the general case, that is when some values of G contain 0, similarly to [23, Theorem 3.18] denote by Ω0 the set {ω : 0 ∈ G(ω)}; the Aumann integral splits into two parts: Z Z (A) − F dµ = (A) −

Z F dµ + (A) −



F dµ E\Ω0

It only remains to derive the convexity of the first summand by noting that F has convex values in Ω0 . In conclusion we have obtained the following: Theorem 4 Let (Ω, Σ, µ) be a non negative finitely additive measure space with µ strongly continuous, X a Banach lattice, Γ : Ω → cf (X) a simple multifunction and e ∈ L1µ (X + ) generate a semiconvex finitely additive measure which admits Z µ as a control. Consider F = (Γ − e) ∪ {0}. Then, for every F dµ is convex. E ∈ Σ, (A) − E

We shall now derive a result similar to [23, Theorem 3.18]. Indeed, by means of Theorem 3, and the results in the countably additive case, [23, Theorem 3.18], we obtain the following Theorem 5 Let (Ω, Σ, µ) be a non negative finitely additive measure space with µ strongly continuous, X a Banach lattice, Γ : Ω → cf (X) a simple multifunction and let e ∈ L1µ (X + ) generate a Liapounov indefinite integral which admits µZas a control. Consider F = (Γ − e) ∪ {0}. Then, for every E ∈ Σ, (A) − F dµ is a convex set which is the union of an increasing E

sequence of convex and relatively weakly compact sets. Proof: The line of the proof is somewhat analogous to that of [23, Theorem 3.18]. As before consider Γn (ω) = Γ(ω) ∩ nX1 ,

Gn (ω) = Γn (ω) − e(ω),

Fn = Gn (ω) ∪ {0}.

and the Stone transforms of Γn , Gn , denoted by Γn and Gn respectively. From [23, Theorem 3.14] RX (MGn ) is weakly compact and, since from (7), Z (A) − E

Fn dµ = RX (MGn |E∩Σ )



Z by Theorem 3 above, we have that cl

 Fn dµ is convex and weakly compact


for each n. Hence the already proved equality Z Z [ (A) − F dµ = (A) − Fn dµ E




shows the assertion.

Remark 3 Note that Theorem 5 above is the only result that can be partially derived from the countably additive case [23] by means of the Stone extension. The other results in this section, despite the similarity of the statements, cannot be obtained in this way since the assumptions here and in [23] do not compare. For example if we take µ the Lebesgue measure on [0, 1], a R non negative integrable function e such that µ(supp e) ∈]0, 1[ then λ = edµ is automatically Liapounov but µ 6 λ. Viceversa the example which can be derived from [8] verifies the hypothesis on µ and λ given here but λ is not Liapounov.

Acknowledgment This work was partially supported by the G.N.A.M.P.A. of I.N.D.A.M. The authors would like to thank one of the referees for his suggestions and improvements of some of the results obtained in this paper.

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