It's a God thing: when miracles happen to everyday people
9780849921995, 0849921996
Some things in life have no earthly explanation.
Miracles are not reserved for the characters in the Old and New Testam
Pages xviii, 214 pages; 22 cm
Year 2014
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Table of contents :
Escape / Brenda Jackson --
A provision of friends / Kris Heckman --
Jail saved my life and my soul / Alison Wilson --
Our last day together / Sarrah Forbes --
Restored / Julie Kerrigan --
There is always hope / Tiffany Matthews --
A message from heaven / Debra Smith --
My God coma / Davis Spencer --
The unlikely ballerina / Lauri Khodababdehloo --
Surprised by hope / Amy Ward --
Does God watch baseball? / Donald L. Jacobsen, Sr. --
Choosing to obey / Michelle Myre --
One last scan / Chanda Miller --
An unexpected gift / Debbie Morrison --
I give you my angel / Holly Pugsley --
Nothing without God / Anonymous --
A big God and a tiny heart / Alan and Candice Hasfjord --
Sorrow, songs, and the singer / Jordan Skinner --
9 / 11 : escaping the World Trade Center / Lolita Jackson --
Not a moment too soon / Belinda Hogstrom --
Made in heaven / Michelle Eigemann --
The dog, the chicken, and the bomb / David Newkirk --
An angel in a nurse's uniform / Krystina Potter --
Thanking God for unanswered prayers / Ray and Betty Whipps --
The miracle of the son / Elizabeth Cavanaugh --
Midnight stranger / Kathleen Kohler --
Out of the blue / Anonymous --
Saved. Saved. Saved! / Steve Kaliszewski --
Kissing my wife saved my life / Gary Cropley --
God meets us where we are / Victoria Rodriguez --
Hurricane Omar / Emily Mayberry --
The check is in the mail / Ed Underwood --
Safe / Stephen Jewell --
Hostage / Lisa Kamprath --
Faithful provider / Beth Hopper --
My cup runneth over / Kimberly Creech --
Blind faith / C. M. Osewalt --
Our gift from God / Dawn Liberski --
Didn't you see him? / Denise Meyer --
Miracle in the mail / Kimberly Donaldson --
The day God flew my airplane / Donald Seybold --
The reluctant missionary / Bruce Broyles --
The man in the suit / Jamie Schull --
Do not be afraid / Megan McClowry --
A handful of change / Jessica Reyes --
Redeemed / Paul Holway