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English Pages [292] Year 2001
isbn 0-312-28326-1
U P P O S J5 T H A T E V K K Y Y 1 1 INO ••
we think we know about the \ ictorians is w ro n g .” So begins Inventing
the Victorians by M atthew Sweet, a com pact
and m ind-bending w birlw hind tour through
the soul o f the n in eteen th century, and a
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round debunking of our assumptions about
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it. In the words of historian E. P. Thompson, 1
the V ictorians h ave been victim s o f th e .
"enorm ous con d escen sion of posterity/'
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Locked in the draw ing room , theirs was an age when, supposedly, existence was stulti-
fying, dank, and over-furnislied, and w hen b ehavior conform ed so rigorously to propri-
eties th at the repressed results put F reud into business. We think we h ave the Victorians pegged as self-righteous, im perialist, .
. .
racist, m aterialist, hypocritical, and, w orst of all, earnest. Oil, how wrong we are, argues M atthew
Sweet in this highly entertaining, provoca-
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tive, and illum inating look at our great- and
great-great-grandparents. In this, the year
of the centenary of Queen V ictoria’s death,
Sw eet forces us to th in k again about h er
century, entombed in our minds by Dickens, J r * the Elephant Man, Sw eeney Todd, and the
images of unfettered capitalism and grind-
ing poverty. Sw eet believes not only that w e’re wrong about the Victorians but profoundly indebted to them . In w ays we h ave been . * slow to acknowledge, th eir age and our ow n & rem ain closely intertw ined. The Victorians
invented the theme park, the shopping m all,
the m ovies, the penny arcade, the ro lle r
coaster, the crime novel, and the sensational new spaper story. Sw eet also argues that oui' tw e n ty -firs t-c e n tu rv sm ugness about how far we have evolved j> m isplaced. The Victorians were less rani-t■I ihais (hais we are, less