Invariant Differential Operators: Volume 4 AdS/CFT, (Super-)Virasoro, Affine (Super-)Algebras 9783110611403, 9783110609684

With applications in quantum field theory, general relativity and elementary particle physics, this three-volume work st

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Table of contents :
1. Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography
2. Non-relativistic invariant differential operators and equations
3. Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras
4. Affine Lie (super-)algebras
Author Index
Subject Index
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Invariant Differential Operators: Volume 4 AdS/CFT, (Super-)Virasoro, Affine (Super-)Algebras
 9783110611403, 9783110609684

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Vladimir K. Dobrev Invariant Differential Operators

De Gruyter Studies in Mathematical Physics


Edited by Michael Efroimsky, Bethesda, Maryland, USA Leonard Gamberg, Reading, Pennsylvania, USA Dmitry Gitman, São Paulo, Brazil Alexander Lazarian, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Boris Smirnov, Moscow, Russia

Volume 53

Vladimir K. Dobrev

Invariant Differential Operators |

Volume 4: AdS/CFT, (Super-)Virasoro, Affine (Super-)Algebras

Mathematics Subject Classification 2010 17A70, 17BXX, 17B35, 17B60, 17B68, 17B67, 81R10, 17B81, 11F03, 35A22, 31A10, 31B10, 32A26, 33Cxx, 33C70, 33D80, 33E30, 45E10, 45Pxx, 46N20, 47G10, 65R10, 20CXX, 81Q60, 81T30, 81T60, 83EXX, 16S30, 22E47, 81R20, 47A15, 47A46, 53A55, 70H33, 32C11, 46S60, 58A50, 14K25, 13F60 Author Prof. Dr. Vladimir K. Dobrev Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Tsarigradsko Chaussee 72 1784 Sofia Bulgaria [email protected];

ISBN 978-3-11-060968-4 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-061140-3 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-060971-4 ISSN 2194-3532 Library of Congress Control Number: 2016033263 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at © 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Typesetting: VTeX UAB, Lithuania Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck

Preface This is Volume 4 of our monograph series on invariant differential operators. In Volume 1 we presented our canonical procedure for the construction of invariant differential operators and showed its application to the objects of the initial domain— noncompact semisimple Lie algebras and groups. In Volume 2 we gave a detailed exposition with many concrete examples of the application of our procedure to quantum groups. In Volume 3 we gave a detailed exposition with many concrete examples of the application of our procedure to supersymmetry. Chapter 1 of Volume 4 treats aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence, or, more generally, of relativistic and nonrelativistic holography. First we present the intertwining operator realization of the Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence. The symmetry object here is the Euclidean conformal (or de Sitter) group SO(n, 1). Then we give a similar exposition for the anti de Sitter holography on the example of the anti de Sitter group SO(3, 2). In the last section we treat nonrelativistic holography using as symmetry object the Schrödinger group (called also the nonrelativistic conformal group). Chapter 2 treats in detail nonrelativistic invariant differential operators and equations. We start with the easiest example of invariant differential equations for the § in (1 + 1)-dimensional space-time. Next we give the general expressions for the invariant differential equations in the case of (n + 1)-dimensional space-time. Finally, we consider in great detail the case of (3 + 1)-dimensional space-time as this is the most relevant case for the applications. Next we consider the q-deformed situation and give the construction of the q-Schrödinger algebra and the corresponding invariant operators and equations. Finally, we present difference analogues of the free Schrödinger equation. Chapter 3 treats in detail the Virasoro and super-Virasoro algebras, their representations, character formulae and modular invariants. We use a unified treatment for the Virasoro and N = 1 super-Virasoro algebras. A very important tool is the multiplet classification of the reducible (generalized) Verma modules over these (super-)algebras. Using the multiplet classification we derive the character formulae for all irreducible (generalized) highest weight modules. On the basis of the multiplet classification we also introduce a Weyl group for Virasoro and N = 1 super-Virasoro algebras. Another development is the consideration of the Fock modules over the Virasoro algebra using which we give new formulae for the singular vectors which are not accessible in the category of Verma modules. Next we pass on the N = 2 super-Virasoro algebras. We give the characters of the unitarizable highest weight modules over the N = 2 superconformal algebras. Then we consider the related modular invariants for theta-functions with characteristics and the twisted N = 2 superconformal and su(2) Kac–Moody algebras. Further we give the classification of modular invariant partition functions for the twisted N = 2 superconformal algebra, for the twisted su(2) Kac–Moody algebra and D2k parafermions.

VI | Preface Chapter 4 treats examples of affine Lie (super-)algebras. First we present the multiplet classification of Verma modules over affine Lie algebras and the invariant differential operators explicitly in the case of the affine algebra A(1) ℓ . From the latter we (1) use the case of A1 to introduce new Weyl groups and to give the characters of singular highest weight modules over A(1) 1 . We also derive a correspondence between some representations of Virasoro and A(1) 1 algebras. Next we consider the case of the SO(3,2) Kac–Moody algebra for which we construct a special representation. Finally, we consider the multiplets of Verma modules over the osp(2, 2)(1) super-Kac–Moody algebra. Each chapter has a summary which explains briefly the contents and the most relevant literature. Besides there is a bibliography, an author index, and a subject index. Sofia, August 2018

Vladimir Dobrev

Contents Preface | V 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2

Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography | 1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence | 1 Preliminaries | 1 de Sitter space from Iwasawa decomposition | 3 Conformal field theory representations | 5 Representations on de Sitter space | 8 Intertwining relations between conformal and de Sitter representations | 10 Intertwining operator realization of anti de Sitter holography | 22 Preliminaries | 22 Eigenvalue problem and two-point functions in the bulk | 27 Bulk–boundary correspondence | 30 Intertwining properties | 34 Nonrelativistic holography | 37 Preliminaries | 37 ̂ | 41 Triangular decomposition of 𝒮 (n) Choice of bulk and boundary | 41 One-dimensional case | 43 Boundary-to-bulk correspondence | 45 Nonrelativistic reduction | 48 Non-relativistic invariant differential operators and equations | 51 ̂ | 51 Non-relativistic invariant differential equations for 𝒮 (1) Canonical procedure | 51 Verma modules and singular vectors | 52 Generalized Schrödinger equations from a vector-field realization of the Schrödinger algebra | 58 Generalized Schrödinger equations in the bulk | 60 Non-relativistic invariant differential equations for arbitrary n | 62 Gauss decomposition of the Schrödinger group | 62 ̂ Representations of S(n) | 63 ̂ Singular vectors and invariant equations for 𝒮 (2N) | 69 ̂ Singular vectors and invariant equations for 𝒮 (2N + 1) | 71 ̂ | 73 Non-relativistic invariant equations for 𝒮 (3) Algebraic structure and actions | 73 Singular vectors | 76

VIII | Contents 2.3.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.8 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3 3.8.4 3.8.5 3.9

3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 3.9.4

Non-relativistic equations | 79 q-Schrödinger algebra | 79 q-deformation of the Schrödinger algebra | 79 Lowest weight modules of 𝒮q̂ (1) | 80 Vector-field realization of 𝒮q̂ (1) and generalized q-deformed heat equations | 83 Difference analogues of the free Schrödinger equation | 85 Motivations | 85 Definition and notation | 87 Construction of a realization of 𝒮 ̂ | 88 Invariant finite difference equations | 89 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras | 91 Preliminaries on Virasoro and N = 1 super-Virasoro algebras | 92 Unitarity | 96 Multiplet classification of the reducible (generalized) Verma modules | 97 Characters of (generalized) highest weight modules | 104 Weyl group for Virasoro and N = 1 super-Virasoro algebras | 106 Fock modules over the Virasoro algebra | 111 Characters of the unitarizable highest weight modules over the N = 2 superconformal algebras | 116 Preliminaries | 116 Highest weight modules, reducibility, unitarity | 116 Character formulae | 118 Modular invariants for theta-functions with characteristics and the twisted N = 2 superconformal and su(2) Kac–Moody algebras | 122 Preliminaries | 122 Characters of the twisted N = 2 superconformal and su(2) Kac–Moody algebras | 122 Modular invariants for Θ-functions with characteristics | 125 Modular invariant partition functions | 129 Appendix | 130 Classification of modular invariant partition functions for the twisted N = 2 superconformal algebra, twisted su(2) Kac–Moody algebra and D2k parafermions | 132 Preliminaries | 132 Parafermions, su(2), N = 2 and the untwisted line of conformal models | 132 Twisted sector of N = 2 and su(2) and c-disorder fields | 135 Modular invariants for the ℤ2 orbifold line | 137

Contents | IX

4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4

Affine Lie (super-)algebras | 143 Multiplet classification of Verma modules over affine Lie algebras and invariant differential operators: the A(1) ℓ example | 144 Definitions and notation | 144 Multiplets of reducible Verma modules, imaginary reflections and extended Weyl group | 145 Multiplet classification in the A(1) ℓ case | 147 (1) The A1 case | 150 The Virasoro–A(1) 1 correspondence | 153 The A(1) case | 157 2 New Weyl groups for A(1) 1 and characters of singular highest weight modules | 160 Introduction | 161 Singular Verma modules over A(1) 1 | 162 Calculation of characters | 163 Weyl groups for the singular highest weight modules | 170 Discussion | 174 Special representation of the SO(3, 2) Kac–Moody algebra | 175 Introduction | 175 Preliminaries | 177 Lowest weight representations of g and g̃ | 180 Null vectors and reduced Weyl groups | 183 Summary | 190 Multiplets of Verma modules over the osp(2, 2)(1) super Kac–Moody algebra | 190 Definitions and notation | 190 Verma modules, their reducibility and multiplets | 192 Verma modules with nonsingular integral highest weights | 193 Verma modules with singular highest weights | 195

Epilogue | 197 W algebras | 197 Yangians | 197 Cluster algebras and quivers | 197 Bibliography | 199 Author Index | 231 Subject Index | 233

1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography Summary The AdS/CFT correspondence was introduced by Maldacena 20 years ago [433]. Soon important contributions were made by Gubser–Klebanov–Polyakov [293] and by Witten [572]. We recall the two ingredients of the AdS/CFT correspondence [433, 293, 572]: 1. the holography principle, which is very old, and means the reconstruction of some objects in the bulk (which may be classical or quantum) from some objects on the boundary; 2. the reconstruction of quantum objects, like 2-point functions on the boundary, from appropriate actions on the bulk. Here we give a group-theoretic interpretation of the AdS/CFT correspondence as a relation of a representation equivalence between representations of the conformal group describing the bulk AdS fields ϕ, their boundary fields ϕ0 and the boundary conformal operators 𝒪 coupled to the latter. We use two kinds of equivalences. The first kind is the equivalence between the representations describing the bulk fields and the boundary fields and it is established here. The second kind is the equivalence between conjugated conformal representations related by Weyl reflection, e. g. the coupled fields ϕ0 and 𝒪. Operators realizing the first kind of equivalence for special cases were actually given by Witten and others—here they are constructed in a more general setting from the requirement that they are intertwining operators. The intertwining operators realizing the second kind of equivalence are provided by the standard conformal two-point functions. Using both equivalences we find that the bulk field has in fact two boundary fields, namely, the coupled fields ϕ0 and 𝒪, the limits being governed by the corresponding conjugated conformal weights. In this chapter we give a group-theoretic interpretation of relativistic holography as equivalence between representations in three cases: 1. the Euclidean conformal (or de Sitter) group; 2. the anti de Sitter group SO(3,2); 3. the Schrödinger group. In each case we give explicitly boundary-to-bulk operators and we show that these operators and the easier bulk-to-boundary operators are intertwining operators. Furthermore, we show that each bulk field has two boundary (shadow) fields with conjugated conformal weights. These fields are related by another intertwining operator, given by a two-point function on the boundary.

1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence 1.1.1 Preliminaries Recently there arose renewed interest in (super-)conformal field theories in arbitrary dimensions. This happened after the remarkable proposal in [433], according to which the large N limit of a conformally invariant theory in d dimensions is governed by supergravity (and string theory) on d + 1-dimensional AdS space (often called AdSd+1 ) times a compact manifold. Actually the possible relation of field theory on AdSd+1 to field theory on ℳd has since long ago been a subject of interest; cf., e. g. [231, 22, 246,

2 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography 473, 297, 183]. The proposal of [433] was elaborated in [293] and [572] where a precise correspondence was proposed between conformal field theory observables and those of supergravity: correlation functions in conformal field theory are given by the dependence of the supergravity action on the asymptotic behaviour at infinity. More explicitly, a conformal field 𝒪 corresponds to an AdS field ϕ when there exists a conformal invariant coupling ∫ ϕ0 𝒪 where ϕ0 is the value of ϕ at the boundary of AdSd+1 [572]. Furthermore, the dimension Δ of the operator 𝒪 is given by the mass of the particle described by ϕ in supergravity [572]. Also the spectrum of Kaluza–Klein excitations of AdS5 × S5 can be matched precisely with certain operators of the N = 4 super Yang–Mills theory in four dimensions [572]. After these initial papers there was an explosion of related research of which of interest to us are two aspects: 1) Calculation of conformal correlators from AdS (super-)gravity; cf., e. g. [311, 242, 426, 111, 458, 272, 411, 122, 562, 337, 68, 77, 72, 423, 136]. 2) Matching of gravity and string spectra with conformal theories; cf., e. g. papers by Ferrara, Flato, Fronsdal and others [223, 231, 486, 20, 225, 34, 222, 227, 482, 295]. The main aim of this chapter is to give a group-theoretic interpretation of the above correspondence. In fact such an interpretation is partially present in [183] for the d = 3 Euclidean version of the AdS/CFT correspondence in the context of the construction of discrete series representations of the group SO(4, 1) involving symmetric traceless tensors of arbitrary nonzero spin. In short the essence of our interpretation is that the above correspondence is a relation of representation equivalence between the representations describing the fields ϕ, ϕ0 and 𝒪. There are actually two kinds of equivalences. The first kind is new (besides the example from [183] mentioned above) and was proved first in [168]—it is between the representations describing the bulk fields and the boundary fields. The second kind is well known—it is the equivalence between boundary conformal representations which are related by Weyl reflections, the representations here being the coupled fields ϕ0 and 𝒪. In this section we follow [168]. Our interpretation means that the operators relating these fields are intertwining operators between (partially) equivalent representations. Operators giving the first kind of equivalence for special cases were actually given in, e. g. [572, 426, 458]. Here they are constructed in a more general setting from the requirement that they are intertwining operators. The operators giving the second kind of equivalence are provided by the standard conformal two-point functions (and the latter intertwining property has been known since a long time ago; cf. [397]and [183]). Using both equivalences we find that the bulk field has naturally two boundary fields, namely, the coupled fields ϕ0 and 𝒪, the limits being governed by the corresponding conjugated conformal weights d − Δ and Δ. Thus, we notice that from the point of view of the bulk-to-boundary correspondence the coupled fields ϕ0 and 𝒪 are generically treated on an equal footing. On the AdS side the representations are realized on de Sitter space 𝒮 (the Euclidean counterpart of AdS space), which is isomorphic to the coset G/K. What is also

1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence |


very essential for our approach is that 𝒮 is isomorphic (via the Iwasawa decomposĩ where Ñ is the abelian group of Euclidean tion) also to the solvable product group NA, translations (isomorphic to ℝd ), A is the one-dimensional dilatation group. The isõ and related ones are explicated in the next subsection. On the morphism 𝒮 ≅ NA conformal side the representations are realized on N,̃ and we use also the fact that the latter is locally isomorphic (via the Bruhat decomposition) to the coset G/MAN, (where N is the group of special conformal transformations). These representations, called elementary representations (ERs), are introduced next. Then we introduce the representations on de Sitter space. Next we give the bulk-to-boundary and boundaryto-bulk intertwining operators and discuss the difference between equivalence and partial equivalence. We also display the second limit of the bulk fields and we derive some further intertwining relations. From the latter we derive the relation to the Plancherel measure for G. We illustrate the intertwining relations by a commutative diagram.

1.1.2 de Sitter space from Iwasawa decomposition As mentioned, the relation between the two pictures uses the fact that ℝd is easily identified within the d + 1-dimensional de Sitter space (d ≥ 2). Indeed, de Sitter space may be parametrized as d+1

2 − ∑ ξα2 = 1, ξd+2 α=1

ξd+2 ≥ 1,


and the first d of the ξα may be taken as coordinates on ℝd . The group-theoretic interpretation of this relation is present in [183] using the so1 ̃ called Iwasawa decomposition G = NAK. This is a global decomposition, i. e. each element g of G can be decomposed as the product of the corresponding matrices: g = ̃ nak, with ñ ∈ N,̃ a ∈ A, k ∈ K. To be explicit we use the following defining relation of G: G = {g ∈ GL(d + 2, ℝ) | t gηg = η ≐ diag(−1, . . . , −1, 1), det g = 1, gd+2,d+2 ≥ 1},


which is the identity component of O(d + 1, 1), (t g is the transposed of g). Then we have the following matrix representations of the necessary subgroup elements (cf. formu1 There are several versions of the Iwasawa decomposition, e. g. one may use the group N instead of N,̃ and one may take a different order of the three factors involved. The choice of version is a matter of convenience.

4 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography lae (1.20a), (1.21), and (1.23), of [183], with 2h replaced here by d): δij ñ = ñ x = ( xj xj x ∈ ℝd , δij

−xi 1 − 21 x2 − 21 x2 d

kij k = (kd+1,j 0






∈ N,̃

x2 ≡ ∑ xi2 , |a|2 +1 2|a| |a|2 −1 2|a|

a = (0

xi 1 2 x ) 2 + 21 x2


|a|2 −1 2|a| ) |a|2 +1 2|a|

ki,d+1 kd+1,d+1 0

∈ A,

|a| > 0,

0 0) ∈ K, 1

(kαβ ) ∈ SO(d + 1).



̃ one may determine the factors n,̃ a, k in terms of the matrix Writing g = nak elements of g. We use this for the elements of the last column of g, which actually parametrize the de Sitter space, i. e. ξA = gA,d+2 ,

A = 1, . . . , d + 2.


Indeed, substituting (1.4) in (1.1) we recover the (d + 2, d + 2)-element of the defining relation (1.2), i. e. (t gηg)d+2,d+2 = ηd+2,d+2



2 2 = 1. gd+2,d+2 − ∑ ga,d+2 a=1


Now in terms of the parameters in (1.3) we get for the elements of the last column of g, respectively, for the parameters of de Sitter space gi,d+2 = ξi =

1 x, |a| i

gd+1,d+2 = ξd+1 = gd+2,d+2 = ξd+2 =

|a|2 − 1 + x2 , 2|a|

|a|2 + 1 + x2 ≥ 1. 2|a|


Notice that the only the d + 1 parameters of the matrices ñ x , a of the Iwasawa decomposition (cf. (1.3a,b)) are involved. Solving (1.6) we obtain for the latter parameters: xi =

gi,d+2 ξi = , gd+2,d+2 − gd+1,d+2 ξd+2 − ξd+1

1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence |

|a| =

1 1 > 0. = gd+2,d+2 − gd+1,d+2 ξd+2 − ξd+1



(The previous condition follows from gd+2,d+2 ≥ 1.) From (1.6) we get also the consistency condition: |a|2 + x2 = gd+2,d+2 + gd+1,d+2 = ξd+2 + ξd+1 . |a|


Indeed, inserting (1.7) in (1.8) we recover (1.1) and (1.5). ∙ Thus, in (1.6) and (1.7) we have the mentioned correspondence between de Sit̃ ≅ G/K ≅ ℝd ×ℝ>0 of the de Sitter ter space 𝒮 and the (coset) solvable subgroup S = NA group G. In addition, this explicates the group-theoretical interpretation of Euclidean space-time ℝd as the abelian subgroup Ñ of the solvable subgroup S, and the topological interpretation of ℝd as the boundary of ℝd × ℝ>0 for |a| → 0. Remark 1. Note that for deven some expressions are simpler if we work with the extended de Sitter group: 󵄨 G󸀠 ≐ {g ∈ GL(d + 2, ℝ) 󵄨󵄨󵄨 t gηg = η, gd+2,d+2 ≥ 1},


which includes reflections of the first d + 1 axes. Then K → K 󸀠 = O(d + 1), M → M 󸀠 = O(d), but the de Sitter space 𝒮 and the results of this section are not changed. ⬦ 1.1.3 Conformal field theory representations The representations used in conformal field theory are called (in the representation theory of semisimple Lie groups) generalized principal series representations (cf. [390]). In [183, 185, 161] they were called elementary representations (ERs). They are obtained by induction from the subgroup P = MAN (P is called a parabolic subgroup of G). The induction is from unitary irreps of M = SO(d), from arbitrary (nonunitary) characters of A, and trivially from N. There are several realizations of these representations. We give now the so-called noncompact picture of the ERs—it is the one actually used in physics. The representation space of these induced representations consists of smooth functions on ℝd with values in the corresponding finite-dimensional representation space of M, i. e. Cχ = {f ∈ C ∞ (ℝd , Vμ )}


where χ = [μ, Δ], Δ is the conformal weight, μ is a unitary irrep of M, Vμ is the finitedimensional representation space of μ. We use the standard SO(p) representation parametrization of μ: μ = [ℓ1 , . . . , ℓp̃ ],

p p̃ ≡ [ ], 2


6 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography where all ℓj are simultaneously integer or half-integer, all are positive except for p even when ℓ1 can also be negative, and they are ordered: |ℓ1 | ≤ ℓ2 ≤ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≤ ℓp̃ . Below we shall use also the mirror-image representation μ̃ of μ. For d odd holds μ̃ ≅ μ, while for d ≥ 4 even μ̃ may be obtained from μ by exchanging the representation labels of the two distinguished Dynkin nodes of SO(d), i. e. μ̃ = [−ℓ1 , ℓ2 . . . , ℓd̃ ].


μ̃ = [−ℓ1 ].


Analogously, for d = 2 we set

In addition, the functions (1.10) have a special asymptotic expansion as x → ∞. The leading term of this expansion is f (x) ∼ (x12 )Δ f0 (for more details of this expansion we refer to [183, 185, 161]). The representation T χ acts in Cχ by (T χ (g)f )(x) = |a|−Δ ⋅ d̂ μ (m)f (x󸀠 )


̃ where the nonglobal Bruhat decomposition g = nman is used:2 g −1 ñ x = ñ x󸀠 m−1 a−1 n−1 ,

g ∈ G, ñ x , ñ x󸀠 ∈ N,̃ m ∈ M, a ∈ A, n ∈ N;


d̂ μ (m) is the representation matrix of μ in Vμ .3 Remark 2. In the case d = 2 when M = SO(2) and the elements of M are parametrized as eiθ/2 mθ = ( 0

0 ) e−iθ/2


the elements of Cχ are Cχ = {φ ∈ C ∞ (ℝ2 , ℂ), φ(z) = φ(x1 + ix2 )}.


The representation μ is parametrized by ℓ ∈ ℤ and the representation d̂ μ (m) acts as follows: (d̂ μ (mθ )φ)(z) = eiℓθ φ(e−iθ z).


2 For the cases with measure zero for which g −1 ñ x does not have a Bruhat decomposition of the form ̃ nman the action is defined separately, and the passage from (1.14) to these special cases is ensured to be smooth by the asymptotic properties mentioned above. Further, we may omit such measure-zero exceptions from the formulae—in a rigorous exposition all of them are taken care of; cf. [183, 185, 161]. 3 One may interpret Cχ also as a space of smooth sections of the homogeneous vector bundle with base space G/MAN and fibre Vμ .

1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence |


The action of the mirror image μ̃ is ̃ (d̂ μ (mθ )φ)(z) = e−iℓθ φ(e−iθ z).

More details for the case d = 2 may be found in Appendix B of [183].

(1.19) ⬦

The ERs are generically irreducible both operatorially (in the sense of Schur’s lemma) and topologically (meaning nonexistence of nontrivial (closed) invariant subspaces). However, most of the physically relevant examples are when the ERs are topologically reducible and indecomposable. In particular, such are the representations describing gauge fields; cf., e. g. [494]. The importance of the elementary representations comes also from the remarkable result of Langlands–Knapp–Zuckerman [405, 391] stating that every irreducible admissible representation of a real connected semisimple Lie group G with finite centre is equivalent to a subrepresentation of an elementary representation of G.4 To obtain a subrepresentation of a topologically reducible ER one has to solve certain invariant differential equations, cf. [183, 185, 161]. Note that the representation data given by χ = [μ, Δ] fixes also the value of the Casimir operators 𝒞i in the ER Cχ , independently of the latter reducibility. For later use we write 𝒞i ({X})f (x) = λi (μ, Δ)f (x),

d i = 1, . . . , rank G = [ ] + 1, 2


where {X} denotes symbolically the generators of the Lie algebra 𝒢 of G, and the action of X ∈ 𝒢 is given by the infinitesimal version of (1.14): (Xf )(x) ≐

󵄨󵄨 𝜕 χ 󵄨 (T (exp tX)f )(x)󵄨󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨t=0 𝜕t


applying the Bruhat decomposition to exp(−tX)ñ x . Next, we would like to recall the general expression of the conformal two-point function Gχ (x1 − x2 ) (for special cases cf. [495, 224, 238], for the general formula with special stress on the role of the conformal inversion; cf. [397]and [183]): γχ

d̂ μ (r(x)), (x2 )Δ ̃ r(x) 0 0 r(x) = ( 0 1 0) ∈ M, 0 0 1

Gχ (x) =

̃ =( r(x)

2 x x − δij ), x2 i j


4 Subrepresentations are irreducible representations realized on invariant subspaces of the ER spaces (in particular, the irreducible ERs themselves). The admissibility condition is fulfilled in the physically interesting examples.

8 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography where γχ is an arbitrary constant for the moment. (Note that for d even r(x) ∈ O(d), so we work with G󸀠 ; cf. (1.9).) Finally, we note the intertwining property of Gχ (x). Namely, let χ̃ be the representation conjugated to χ by Weyl reflection, i. e. by the nontrivial element of the twoelement restricted Weyl group W(G, A) [183]. Then we have χ̃ ≐ [μ,̃ d − Δ],

for χ = [μ, Δ].


Then we have the following intertwining operator [397, 183]: Gχ : Cχ̃ 󳨀→ Cχ ,

T χ (g) ∘ Gχ = Gχ ∘ T χ (g), ̃


(Gχ f )(x1 ) ≐ ∫ Gχ (x1 − x2 )f (x2 ) dx2 .

(1.24a) (1.24b)

(Here dx ≡ dd x.) This means that the representations are partially equivalent. Note that because of this equivalence all Casimir values coincide: λi (μ,̃ d − Δ) = λi (μ, Δ),



Note that at generic points the representations are equivalent, namely, one has [183, 185]: Gχ Gχ ̃ = 1 χ ,

Gχ̃ Gχ = 1χ̃ .


This may be used to fix the constant γχ . From the point of view of the AdS/CFT correspondence the importance of the pair χ, χ̃ is in the fact that the corresponding fields have a conformally invariant coupling through the standard bilinear form: ⟨ϕ0 , 𝒪⟩ ≐ ∫ dx⟨ϕ0 (x), 𝒪(x)⟩μ ,

ϕ 0 ∈ Cχ ̃ , 𝒪 ∈ Cχ ,


where ⟨⋅, ⋅⟩μ is the standard pairing between μ and μ.̃ (Note that if ϕ0 determines a p-form, (with p < d), then 𝒪(x) determines a (d − p)-form.) 1.1.4 Representations on de Sitter space In the previous section we discussed representations on ℝd ≅ Ñ induced from the parabolic subgroup MAN which is natural since the abelian subgroup Ñ is locally isomorphic to the factor space G/MAN (via the Bruhat decomposition). Similarly, it is ̃ which are induced from natural to discuss representations on de Sitter space 𝒮 ≅ NA ̃ is isomorthe maximal compact subgroup K = SO(d + 1) since the solvable group NA phic to the factor space G/K (via the Iwasawa decomposition). Namely, we consider the representation space: ̂ = {ϕ ∈ C ∞ (ℝd × ℝ , U )} C τ >0 τ


1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence |


where τ is an arbitrary unitary irrep of K, Uτ is the finite-dimensional representation space of τ, with representation action: (T̂ τ (g)ϕ)(x, |a|) = D̃ τ (k)ϕ(x 󸀠 , |a󸀠 |)


where the Iwasawa decomposition is used: g −1 ñ x a = ñ x󸀠 a󸀠 k −1 ,

g ∈ G, k ∈ K, ñ x , ñ x󸀠 ∈ N,̃ a, a󸀠 ∈ A


and D̃ τ (k) is the representation matrix of τ in Uτ . However, unlike the ERs, these representations are reducible, and to single out an irrep equivalent, say, a subrepresentation of an ER, one has to look for solutions of the eigenvalue problem related to the Casimir operators. This procedure is actually well understood and is used in the construction of the discrete series of unitary representations; cf. [325, 530] (also [183] for d = 3). In the actual implementation of (1.29) it is convenient to use the unique decomposition k = m(k)kf ,

̃ m(k) m(k) = ( 0 0

0 1 0

0 0) ∈ M, 1

k̃ kf = ( f 0

0 ) ∈ K, 1


representing the decomposition of K into its subgroup M and the coset K/M: K ≅ M K/M. Explicitly, using the parametrization of k in (1.3c), we have (for kd+1,d+1 ≠ −1) ̃ m(k) = (kij − δij − k̃f = (

1 k ), k 1 + kd+1,d+1 i,d+1 d+1,j 1 k k 1+kd+1,d+1 d+1,i d+1,j


2 δij − 1+x 2 xi xj =( 2 x 1+x 2 j

x ∈ ℝd , xi =

2 − 1+x 2 xi



kd+1,d+1 1−x 2 ) 1+x 2


≐ k̃x ,

1 − kd+1,d+1 1 k . , x2 = 1 + kd+1,d+1 d+1,i 1 + kd+1,d+1

Note that kx ≐ ( k0x 01 ) appeared in (1.30a) of [183].5 ̂ a representation that may be equivalent Further, we would like to extract from C ̃


to Cχ , χ = [μ, Δ]. The first condition for this is that the M representation μ is contained in the restriction of the K representation τ to M. Another condition is that the two 5 The matrices kx realize the (local) isomorphisms: ℝd ≅ Ñ

loc ≅

K/M ≅ G/MAN (using for the last

isomorphism the Iwasawa decomposition in the version G = KAN).

10 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography representations would have the same Casimir values λi (μ, Δ). Having in mind the degeneracy of the Casimir values for partially equivalent representations (see, e. g. (1.25)) we add also the appropriate asymptotic condition. Furthermore, from now on we shall suppose that Δ is real. Thus, we shall use the representations ̂ τ = {ϕ ∈ C ̂ : 𝒞 ({X})ϕ(x, ̂ C |a|) = λi (μ, Δ)ϕ(x, |a|), ∀i, τ i χ μ ∈ τ|M , ϕ(x, |a|) ∼ |a|Δ φ(x) for |a| → 0},


where {X}̂ denotes symbolically the generators of the Lie algebra 𝒢 with the action X̂ of X ∈ 𝒢 given by the infinitesimal version of (1.29): ̂ (Xϕ)(x, |a|) ≐

󵄨󵄨 𝜕 ̂τ 󵄨 (T (exp tX)ϕ)(x, |a|)󵄨󵄨󵄨 , 󵄨󵄨t=0 𝜕t


applying the Iwasawa decomposition to exp(−tX)ñ x a. Certainly, the Casimir operators ̂ τ are ̂ with (1.34) substituted are differential operators and the elements of C 𝒞i ({X}) χ solutions of the equations above. Remark 3. Note that generically the functions in (1.33) have also a second limit with Δ → d − Δ: ̃ φ(x) = lim |a|Δ−d ϕ(x, |a|), |a|→0


which will appear as a consequence of the formalism. With this we shall establish—for generic representations—the following important relation: ̂τ, ̂τ = C C χ χ̃

χ = [μ, Δ], χ̃ = [μ,̃ d − Δ],


for which, besides (1.35), we use the equality between the Casimir operators (1.25), and the fact that if τ contains μ then it also contains the mirror image μ.̃ This is established towards the end of the next section, where also a comment on the exceptional cases is made. ⬦ ̂ ,C ̂ , We end this section by noting that for the representations on de Sitter space C χ τ there is no exhaustivity result as the Langlands–Knapp–Zuckerman result [405, 391] for ERs cited above. Thus, it is not surprising that not all conformal representations can be realized on de Sitter space, or, in other words, that some conformal fields live only on the boundary of de Sitter space and cannot propagate into the bulk. 1.1.5 Intertwining relations between conformal and de Sitter representations Bulk-to-boundary intertwining relation This section contains our main results, explicating the relations between CFT and de Sitter representations as intertwining relations. We first give in this subsection the

1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence |


intertwining operator from the de Sitter to the CFT realization. The operator which we use maps a function on de Sitter space to its boundary value and was used in a restricted sense (explained below) in many papers, starting from [572]. Also for those cases our result is new since we use it as operator between exactly defined spaces, and most importantly we give it the interpretation of an intertwining operator. Theorem 1. Let us define the operator: ̂ τ 󳨀→ C , Lτχ : C χ χ


(Lτχ ϕ)(x) = lim |a|−Δ Πτμ ϕ(x, |a|)


with the following action: |a|→0

where Πτμ is the standard projection operator from the K-representation space Uτ to the M-representation space Vμ , which acts in the following way on the K-representation matrices: Πτμ D̃ τ (k) = d̂ μ (m(k))Πτμ D̃ τ (kf )


where we have used (1.31). Then Lτχ is an intertwining operator, i. e. Lτχ ∘ T̂ τ (g) = T χ (g) ∘ Lτχ ,

∀g ∈ G.


In addition, in (1.38) the operator Πτμ acts in the following truncated way: Πτμ D̃ τ (k) = d̂ μ (m(k))Πτμ .


Proof. Applying the LHS side of (1.40) to ϕ we have (Lτχ ∘ T̂ τ (g)ϕ)(x) = lim |a|−Δ Πτμ (T̂ τ (g)ϕ)(x, |a|) |a|→0

= lim |a|−Δ d̂ μ (m(k))Πτμ D̃ τ (kf )ϕ(x 󸀠 , |a󸀠 |), |a|→0

g −1 ñ x a = ñ x󸀠 a󸀠 k −1 .

(1.42a) (1.42b)

Applying the RHS side of (1.40) to ϕ we have (T χ (g) ∘ Lτχ ϕ)(x) = |a󸀠󸀠 |−Δ d̂ μ (m)(Lτχ ϕ)(x󸀠󸀠 )

= |a󸀠󸀠 |−Δ d̂ μ (m) lim |a|−Δ Πτμ ϕ(x 󸀠󸀠 , |a|), |a|→0

g −1 ñ x = ñ x󸀠󸀠 m−1 a󸀠󸀠 n−1 . −1

(1.43a) (1.43b)

In view of the Bruhat decomposition it is enough to prove coincidence between (1.42a) and (1.43a) for g = ñ y ∈ N,̃ â ∈ A, m̂ ∈ M, and some element w ∈ K, w ∉ M, representing the nontrivial element of the restricted Weyl group W(G, A), since this element transforms elements of Ñ into elements of N: wñ y w = ny󸀠 (and thus makes it

12 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography unnecessary to check g = ny ). Such an element is, e. g. w = diag(1, . . . , 1, −1, −1, 1), i. e. rotation in the plane (d, d + 1). However, for simplicity we shall demonstrate only the case of odd d when we can take w → R, since in this case the conformal inversion R ≐ diag(−1, . . . , −1, 1) is an element of K (or we should suppose that we work with G󸀠 ). We have the following cases. 󸀠 󸀠 – g = ñ y : then (1.42b) gives ñ −1 y ñ x a = ñ x−y a, i. e., x = x − y, a = a, k = 1, and (noting τ D̃ (1) = 1τ ) (1.42a) becomes lim |a|−Δ Πτμ ϕ(x − y, |a|),



󸀠󸀠 󸀠󸀠 while (1.43b) gives ñ −1 y ñ x = ñ x−y , i. e., x = x − y, m = 1, a = 1, n = 1, and (noting d̂ μ (1) = 1 ) (1.43a) also becomes (1.44). μ

g = a:̂ then (1.42b) gives â −1 ñ x a = ñ x â −1 a, i. e., x󸀠 = |a|̂

(1.42a) becomes

lim |a|−Δ Πτμ ϕ(


a󸀠 = â −1 a, k = 1, and

x x |a| , ) = |a|̂ −Δ lim |a|−Δ Πτμ ϕ( , |a|), |a|→0 |a|̂ |a|̂ |a|̂

while (1.43b) gives â −1 ñ x = ñ x â −1 , i. e., x󸀠󸀠 = |a|̂

x , |a|̂

x , |a|̂

m = 1, a󸀠󸀠 = a,̂ n = 1, and (1.43a)

also becomes (1.45). 󸀠 g = m:̂ then (1.42b) gives m̂ −1 ñ x a = ñ m̂ −1 x am̂ −1 , i. e., xi󸀠 = m−1 ij xj , a = a, k = m(k) = m,̂ and (1.42a) becomes 󸀠 ̂ ̂ lim |a|−Δ Πτμ ϕ(x 󸀠 , |a|), lim |a|−Δ Πτμ D̃ τ (m)ϕ(x , |a|) = d̂ μ (m)





while (1.43b) gives m̂ −1 ñ x = ñ m̂ −1 x m̂ −1 , i. e., x󸀠󸀠 = x󸀠 , m = m,̂ a󸀠󸀠 = 1, n = 1, and (1.43a) also becomes (1.46). g = R: then (1.42b) gives Rñ x a = ñ x󸀠 a󸀠 k −1 with x󸀠 = x(x, a) ≡ − a󸀠 = a(x, a)−1 a,


k = k(x, a) ≡ (


+ |a|2


|a(x, a)| = x2 + |a|2 ,

2 xx x2 +|a|2 i j

− δij

2|a| x x2 +|a|2 j


2|a| x x2 +|a|2 i x2 −|a|2 x2 +|a|2

0 0) .




Using (1.32) we note for later use that k(x, 1) = −t kx , and also k(x, a) = m(k(x, a))k(x, |a|)f = r(x)k |a| x . x2

Here we first record (for x ≠ 0) lim x(x, a) = −


1 x ≡ Rx, x2


1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence

lim a(x, a) = a(x),


| 13

|a(x)| = x2 ,

lim k(x, a) = r(x),



and (1.42a) becomes lim |a|−Δ Πτμ D̃ τ (k(x, a))ϕ(x(x, a), |a(x, a)|−1 |a|)


−Δ = (x2 ) d̂ μ (r(x)) lim |a|−Δ Πτμ ϕ(Rx, |a|).



On the other hand (1.43b) gives (also for x ≠ 0): Rñ x = ñ x󸀠󸀠 m−1 a󸀠󸀠 n−1 with x󸀠󸀠 = Rx, m = r(x), a󸀠󸀠 = a(x), using the notation introduced in (1.49). Thus, (1.43a) also becomes (1.50). −1

This finishes the proof of the intertwining property. On the way we have proved also (1.41). Indeed, though we have started with (1.39) in the generic formula (1.42a) for the LHS of the intertwining property, in the four generating cases above we have kf = 1, i. e., we could have started with (1.41) in (1.42a). Boundary-to-bulk intertwining relation Now we look for the possible operator inverse to Lτχ which would restore a function on de Sitter space from its boundary value, as discussed in [572, 136]. Again what is new here is that we define it as intertwining operator between exactly defined spaces in a more general setting. Moreover, we shall construct the operator just from the condition that it is an intertwining integral operator. Indeed, let us take the operator ̂τ, L̃ τχ : Cχ 󳨀→ C χ


(L̃ τχ f )(x, |a|) = ∫ Kχτ (x, |a|; x󸀠 )f (x 󸀠 ) dx󸀠


and try the following Ansatz:

where Kχτ (x, |a|; x󸀠 ) is a linear operator acting from the space Vμ to the space Uτ , and let us suppose that L̃ τχ is an intertwining operator, i. e., T̂ τ (g) ∘ L̃ τχ = L̃ τχ ∘ T χ (g),

∀g ∈ G.


As in Theorem 1, we apply (1.53) for g = ñ y , a,̂ m,̂ R and we use the same decompositions as above, so we can present things in a short fashion. Applying (1.53) for g = ñ y results in the fact that Kχτ depends only on the difference of the x arguments: Kχτ (x, |a|; x󸀠 ) = Kχτ (x − x󸀠 , |a|).


14 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography Applying (1.53) for g = â results in the fact that Kχτ is homogeneous in its arguments: Kχτ (σx, σ|a|) = σ Δ−d Kχτ (x, |a|),

σ ∈ ℂ, σ ≠ 0.


Kχτ̂ (y) ≐ Kχτ (y, 1).


Thus, we shall write x Kχτ (x, |a|) = |a|Δ−d Kχτ̂ ( ), |a|

Note now that (1.56) means, in particular, that Kχτ (0, |a|) (if it exists) is fixed up to a constant matrix: Kχτ (0, |a|) = |a|Δ−d Kχτ (0, 1) = |a|Δ−d Kχτ̂ (0).


Applying (1.53) for g = m̂ results in the fact that Kχτ has the following covariance property: D̃ τ (m)Kχτ̂ (x) = Kχτ̂ (mx)d̂ μ (m),

∀m ∈ M


The above means, in particular, that Πτμ Kχτ̂ (0) is M-invariant: d̂ μ (m)Πτμ Kχτ̂ (0) = Πτμ Kχτ̂ (0)d̂ μ (m),

∀m ∈ M,


which then, by Schur’s lemma, means that Πτμ Kχτ̂ (0) = σ1μ , 0 ≠ σ ∈ ℂ. Thus, we have μ K τ̂ (0) = σΠτ , the latter being the canonical embedding operator from Vμ to Uτ , such χ


that Πτμ ∘ Πτ = 1μ . Finally, applying (1.53) for g = R means that

x2 + |a|2 x y) + D̃ τ (r(x))D̃ τ (k |a| x )Kχτ̂ (− |a| |a|y2 x2 =(


x2 + |a|


) 2

Kχτ̂ (

x − y ̂μ )d (r(y)) |a|


where we have used the decomposition of k(x, |a|) in (1.48). Now we set y = x and we get d−Δ

x2 |a| D̃ τ (r(x))D̃ τ (k |a| x )Kχτ̂ ( 2 x) = ( ) 2 x x2 x + |a|2

Kχτ̂ (0)d̂ μ (r(x)).


Kχτ̂ (0).


Using (1.58) for x = 0 we obtain (using also that r(x)2 = 1) d−Δ

x2 |a| D̃ τ (k |a| x )Kχτ̂ ( 2 x) = ( ) x x2 x2 + |a|2 Next, we make the change

|a| x x2

→ x and we get

Kχτ̂ (x) = Nχτ (


1 ) x2 + 1

D̃ τ (k−x )Πμτ


1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence |


or finally Kχτ (x, |a|) = Nχτ (



x2 + |a|

) 2

D̃ τ (k− x )Πμτ



where Nχτ is arbitrary for the moment and should be fixed from the requirement that L̃ τχ is inverse to Lτχ (when the latter is true). The above operator exists for arbitrary representations τ of K = SO(d + 1) which contain the representation μ of M = SO(d). The condition that τ = [ℓ1󸀠 , . . . , ℓd󸀠 ̂ ] (d̂ ≡ [ d+1 ]) contains μ = [ℓ , . . . , ℓ ̃ ] (d̃ ≡ [ d ]) explicitly is (cf. (1.11), (1.12), and (1.13)) 2




|ℓ1󸀠 | ≤ ℓ1 ≤ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≤ ℓd̃ ≤ ℓd󸀠 ̂ , |ℓ1 | ≤

ℓ1󸀠 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

≤ ℓd̃ ≤

ℓd󸀠 ̂ ,

d odd, d̂ = d̃ + 1,


d even, d̂ = d.̃


If one is primarily concerned with the ERs χ = [μ, Δ] it is convenient to choose a ‘minimal’ representation τ(μ) of K = SO(d+1) containing μ. This depends on the parity of d. Thus, for μ as above, when d is odd we would choose ̃ = [−ℓ1 , ℓ2 , . . . , ℓd̃ ], τ(μ) = [ℓ1 , ℓ2 , . . . , ℓd̃ ] or τ(μ)

μ ≅ μ,̃


while for even d we would choose ̃ = τ(̃ μ)̃ τ(μ) = [|ℓ1 |, ℓ2 . . . , ℓd̃ ] = τ(μ)̃ ≅ τ(μ)


Thus, in the odd d case for each μ we would choose between two K-irreps which are mirror images of one another, while in the even d case to each two mirror-image irreps of M we choose one and the same irrep of K. The explicit formulae which appeared until now in the literature are actually in the cases in which τ = τ(μ), though there is no such interpretation as we have here. In such a restricted setting and from other considerations formula (1.64) for the scalar case (when both μ and τ = τ(μ) are scalar irreps) was given by Witten [572], while some other nonscalar cases were given in [572, 426, 458]. Note that in (2.38) of [572] it is written for the conjugated conformal weight: Δ → d − Δ, which in our language would mean to work with the representation χ̃ = [μ,̃ d − Δ] and to use Kχτ̃ (x, |a|) = Nχτ̃ (



̃ ) D̃ τ (k− x )Πμτ . |a| x2 + |a|2


Equivalence vs. partial equivalence Either one of the representation equivalences established in the previous subsections means that the representations Ĉ χτ and Cχ are partially equivalent representations. In

16 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography order for them to be equivalent representations it is necessary and sufficient that the operators L̃ τχ , Lτχ are inverse to each other, i. e., the following relations should hold: L̃ τχ ∘ Lτχ = 1Ĉ τ

Lτχ ∘ L̃ τχ = 1Cχ ,



If (1.69) does not hold then at least one of the representations Ĉ χτ and Cχτ is topologically reducible. For the first relation in (1.69) we have (Lτχ ∘ L̃ τχ f )(x) = lim |a|−Δ Πτμ (L̃ τχ f )(x, |a|) |a|→0

= lim |a|−Δ Πτμ ∫ Kχτ (x − x󸀠 , |a|)f (x 󸀠 ) dx󸀠 . |a|→0


For the above calculation we interchange the limit and the integration, and use the following result from [572] (there for Δ > d/2): lim |a|Δ−d (




) ∼ δ(x) x2 + |a|2


substituting for our needs Δ → d − Δ. To obtain the proportionality constant in (1.71), and thus fix Nχτ , we first find the

Fourier transform of (x2 + |a|2 )−Δ :


dx dx dααΔ−1 e−ip⋅x− 2 α(x = ∫ ∫ ∫ (2π)d/2 2Δ Γ(Δ) (x2 + |a|2 )Δ (2π)d/2 ∞



+|a|2 )



d 1 p2 2 1 ∫ dααΔ− 2 −1 e− 2 ( α +α|a| ) Δ 2 Γ(Δ)



Δ− d2

√p 2 ) = Δ ( 2 Γ(Δ) |a|

KΔ− d (|a|√p2 ) 2


where we have used formula (3.47.9) of [287], involving the Bessel function Kν . Note that for |a| → 0 the above formula goes over to formula (5.2) of [183] (with Δ = h + c), in particular, the RHS of (1.72) goes over to d

Γ( d2 − Δ) p2 Δ− 2 ( ) , 2Δ Γ(Δ) 2

d − Δ ∉ ℤ− . 2


For (1.73) one uses the relation lim 2βν Kν (β) = 2ν Γ(ν),


ν ∉ ℤ− .


1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence |


Now we can find the necessary limit in (1.71) (again using (1.74)): lim |a|Δ−d (




x2 + |a|

) 2 d

√p2 Δ− 2 2|a|2Δ−d eip⋅x dp ) KΔ− d (|a|√p2 ) = lim Δ ∫( 2 |a|→0 2 Γ(Δ) |a| (2π)d/2 ip⋅x d 2 √p2 )Δ− 2 K d (|a|√p2 ) e dp ∫(|a| Δ− 2 |a|→0 2Δ Γ(Δ) (2π)d/2

= lim


Γ(Δ − d2 )

d eip⋅x dp π 2 Γ(Δ − 2 ) = = d δ(x) ∫ Γ(Δ) (2π)d/2 2 2 Γ(Δ)


where we have used eip⋅x dp . (2π)d

δ(x) = ∫


In the scalar case prompted by (1.75) (with Δ → d − Δ) we choose the constant in (1.64) as Nχτ =

Γ(d − Δ) d

π 2 Γ( d2 − Δ)


Δ ≠ d + k, k ∈ ℤ+ for d odd.


This is the choice made in [242] (for Δ → d−Δ) from other considerations. In the general case we choose Nχτ as Nχτ = N0

Γ(d̂ − Δ)

Γ( d2 − Δ)

∏(mk + k=1

mk ≐ |ℓk + k − 1 + δd |, d d̃ ≡ [ ], 2

d − Δ), 2


k = 1, . . . , d,̃

d+1 d̂ ≡ [ ], 2

δd =

0 d − d̃ = { 1 2 2

d even, d odd,

where N0 is a constant independent of Δ having no poles or zeroes for any χ. Note that for d odd Nχτ has poles and thus is not defined in the following cases: Δ=

d+1 + p, 2

p ∈ ℤ+ ,

1 p ≠ mk − , k = 1, . . . , d,̃ d odd, 2


(which for the scalar case coincide with the exclusion conditions in (1.77)). We note also the zero cases: Nχτ

= 0,

Δ = mk + d2 , k = 1, . . . , d,̃ { { { for {Δ = mk + d2 ≠ d+1 + p, k = 1, . . . , d,̃ p ∈ ℤ+ , 2 { { d {Δ = 2 + p, p ∈ ℤ+ .

d even d odd d odd


18 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography Further we need also the following fact, which for simplicity we write for d odd (or for G → G󸀠 ): lim k− x = r(x)R.




With the choice (1.77) (or (1.78)) and using (1.75) and (1.81) the last line of (1.70) gives f (x), thus establishing the first relation in (1.69) for generic values of Δ (i. e., when Nχτ is finite and nonzero). As a corollary we recover the fact [572] that for generic values of Δ we can restore a function on de Sitter space from its boundary value on Rd . Indeed, suppose we have ϕ(x, |a|) = ∫ Kχτ (x − x󸀠 , |a|)f (x󸀠 ) dx󸀠 ,

ϕ ∈ Ĉ χτ , f ∈ Cχ


Then we have for the boundary value ψ0 (x) ≐ (Lτχ ϕ)(x) = lim |a|−Δ Πτμ ϕ(x, |a|) |a|→0

= lim |a| Πτμ ∫ Kχτ (x − x󸀠 , |a|)f (x󸀠 ) dx 󸀠 = f (x). −Δ



Now we can prove the second relation in (1.69): (L̃ τχ ∘ Lτχ ϕ)(x, |a|) = ∫ Kχτ (x − x󸀠 , |a|)(Lτχ ϕ)(x 󸀠 ) dx󸀠 = ∫ Kχτ (x − x󸀠 , |a|) lim ṽ0−Δ Πτμ ϕ(x 󸀠 , ṽ0 ) v0̃ →0

= ∫ Kχτ (x − x󸀠 , |a|)ψ0 (x󸀠 ) dx 󸀠 = ϕ(x, |a|)


where in the last line we used (1.83). ∙ Thus, we have found that the partially equivalent representations Ĉ χτ and Cχ (χ = [μ, Δ]) are equivalent iff Δ is not in the excluded ranges given in (1.79), (1.80). This result may be used for the conjugate situation χ → χ.̃ The constant then is ̃ d Γ(Δ − d)̃ d (mk − + Δ) Nχτ̃ = Ñ 0 ∏ d 2 Γ(Δ − 2 ) k=1


where Ñ 0 is a constant independent of Δ having no poles or zeroes for any χ. The cases when Nχτ̃ is not defined are Δ = d̃ − p,

p ∈ ℤ+ ,

1 p ≠ mk − , k = 1, . . . , d,̃ d odd, 2


while the zero cases are Nχτ̃

= 0,

Δ= { { { for {Δ = { { {Δ =

d 2 d 2 d 2

− mk , k = 1, . . . , d,̃

d even

− p, p ∈ ℤ+ .

d odd

− mk ≠

d+1 2

+ p, k = 1, . . . , d,̃ p ∈ ℤ+ , d odd


1.1 Intertwining operator realization of Euclidean AdS/CFT correspondence

| 19

∙ Thus, we find that the partially equivalent representations Ĉ χτ̃ and Cχ̃ (χ̃ = [μ,̃ d − Δ]) are equivalent iff Δ is not in the excluded ranges given in (1.86), (1.87). Further intertwining relations We start by recording the second limit of the bulk functions (which we mentioned ̂τ towards the end of Section 1.1.4). We take as before ψ0 ∈ Cχ , χ = [μ, Δ], and ϕ ∈ C χ expressed through ψ0 by (1.82) and (1.83). We set and calculate ϕ0 (x) ≐ lim |a|Δ−d Πτμ̃ ϕ(x, |a|) |a|→0

= lim |a|Δ−d Πτμ̃ ∫ Kχτ (x − x󸀠 , |a|)ψ0 (x󸀠 ) dx 󸀠 |a|→0

dx󸀠 Πτ̃ D̃ τ (r(x)R)Πμτ ψ0 (x󸀠 ) (x − x󸀠 )2(d−Δ) μ dx󸀠 ̃ = Nχτ ∫ d̂ μ (r(x))ψ0 (x󸀠 ) (x − x󸀠 )2(d−Δ) Nχτ = ∫ dx󸀠 Gχ̃ (x − x󸀠 )ψ0 (x󸀠 ). γχ̃ = Nχτ ∫


Since ψ0 ∈ Cχ from the intertwining property of Gχ̃ it follows that ϕ0 ∈ Cχ̃ , χ̃ = [μ,̃ d−Δ]. This is valid for generic representations—in the exceptional cases it may happen that ϕ0 = 0 (when ψ0 is in the kernel of Gχ̃ ) or that the asymptotic expansion contains logarithms, (for the latter, cf., e. g. (7.45) of [183]). Thus, we have established (1.36) at generic representation points. The two different limits of the bulk field ϕ are given by the coupled fields ϕ0 and ψ0 (the latter we denote also by 𝒪). Formulae (1.88) mean that if we define τ ̂τ 𝒜χ ̃ : C χ 󳨀→ Cχ̃


(𝒜τχ̃ ϕ)(x) = lim |a|Δ−d Πτμ̃ ϕ(x, |a|)


with the action |a|→0

then we can show as in the theorem the intertwining property: τ




𝒜χ̃ ∘ T̂ (g) = T (g) ∘ 𝒜χ̃ ,

∀g ∈ G,


since in the proof of the theorem we have used only the fact of the existence of the limit. On the other hand 𝒜τχ̃ is equal to Lτχ̃ because of (1.36). Next we note that the intertwining property (1.91) is fulfilled if we take the following as a defining relation: 𝒜

󸀠τ χ̃

= Gχ̃ ∘ Lτχ .


20 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography Expectedly, we get the same result as in (1.88) (up to a multiplicative constant): (𝒜󸀠 χ̃ ϕ)(x) = (Gχ̃ ∘ Lτχ ϕ)(x) = ∫ dx󸀠 Gχ̃ (x − x󸀠 )(Lτχ ϕ)(x󸀠 ) = ∫ dx󸀠 Gχ̃ (x − x󸀠 )ψ0 (x 󸀠 ).


Gathering everything we have in this subsection we obtain the following relation between three of the operators under consideration: Lτχ̃ =

Nχτ γχ̃

Gχ̃ ∘ Lτχ .


At generic points from this we can obtain a lot of interesting relations, e. g. applying L̃ τχ from the right we get Lτχ̃ ∘ L̃ τχ =

Nχτ γχ̃

Gχ̃ ,


which is in fact (1.88). Applying Gχ from the left we get Lτχ =



Gχ ∘ Lτχ̃


and making the change χ ←→ χ̃ in the last equality we get Lτχ̃ =



Gχ̃ ∘ Lτχ


Comparing (1.94) and (1.97), we obtain the following relation between the normalization constants: Nχτ Nχτ̃ = γχ γχ̃ = Cρ(χ)


where ρ(χ) is the analytic continuation of the Plancherel measure for the Plancherel formula contribution of the principal series of unitary irreps of G, and the last equality was shown in [390]. (The constant C is independent of χ.) The Plancherel measure itself is given as follows [463, 317]:6 ρ(χ) = ρ(χ)̃ = ρ0 (μ)( ∏ (m2j − m2i )) 1≤i 3. Actually, the only difficulty for d > 3 and nontrivial spin would be to find the explicit form of the function Q. In fact, below, some calculations are valid implicitly or explicitly for arbitrary d. ⬦

30 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography 1.2.3 Bulk–boundary correspondence ̂ Λ from the boundary and bulk representations Consider the fields φ ∈ C Λ and ϕ ∈ C for the same Λ. By construction they are eigenfunctions of the Casimir operator with the same eigenvalue: 𝒞 φ = λφ,

𝒞 ϕ = λϕ.


The bulk field behaves as in (1.123) when approaching the boundary. Thus, we define the bulk-to-boundary operator LΔ by ̂ Λ 󳨀→ C Λ , LΔ : C


φ(x, z) = (LΔ ϕ)(x, z) := lim y ϕ(x, y, z). y→0


On the other hand the boundary-to-bulk operator L̃ Λ is defined by ̂ Λ, L̃ Λ : C Λ 󳨀→ C


ϕ(x, y, z) = (L̃ Λ φ)(x, z) := ∫ SΛ (x − x󸀠 , y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )φ(x 󸀠 , z 󸀠 )d3 x󸀠 , where the kernel SΛ is obtained from the two-point Green function Γ defined in (1.134) as follows: y󸀠Δ−3 Γ(x, y, z; x󸀠 , y󸀠 , 𝜕z 󸀠 ). SΛ (x − x󸀠 , y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 ) = lim 󸀠


y →0

The formula for SΛ (for s ∈ ℤ+ ) is given by SΛ = NΛ ũ 3−Δ Rs ,

4y , (x − x󸀠 )2 + y2

ũ =


ũ ℒ , 4y


with 󸀠 2


ℒ = 2I1̃ − ((x − x ) − y )I2̃ − 2yI3̃ ,

I1̃ = ⟨x − x󸀠 , z⟩⟨x − x󸀠 , 𝜕z 󸀠 ⟩,


I2̃ = ⟨z, 𝜕z 󸀠 ⟩,


I3̃ = ∑ (xμ − xμ󸀠 )(z × 𝜕z 󸀠 )μ , μ=0

and NΛ is a normalization constant depending on the representation Λ = [s, Δ]. Now we check consistency of the operators LΔ and L̃ Λ : LΔ ∘ L̃ Λ = 1


L̃ Λ ∘ LΔ = 1 ̂ Λ . C


For the first relation in (1.145) we have to show that φ(x, z) = (LΔ ∘ L̃ Λ φ)(x, z) = lim y−Δ ∫ SΛ (x − x󸀠 , y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )φ(x󸀠 , z 󸀠 )d3 x󸀠 . y→0


1.2 Intertwining operator realization of anti de Sitter holography | 31

We take the limit first by exchanging it and the integral. To calculate the limit it is necessary to express the kernel SΛ in another form. To this end we establish the following formula of the Fourier transform: ∫



√−p ei⟨p,X⟩ iπ d3 X = ) ( 2 α 2α−1 α 3/2 y (⟨X, X⟩ + y ) (2π) (−1) 2 Γ(α)

(1) (y√−p2 ), Hα−3/2


where Xμ = xμ −xμ󸀠 and Hβ(1) is a Hankel function. The (X1 , X2 ) integration can by carried out by making use of the following two formulae: The first one is a formula for (d−1)-dimensional angular integration in d-dimensional Euclidean space: ∫ f (r)e

−ip⋅⃗ x⃗


d/2 ∞

1 dd x =( ) 2π (2π)d

r 2 ∫ rf (r)( ) J d −1 (pr) dr, 2 p −1







p⃗ = (p1 , p2 , . . . , pd ), x⃗ = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xd ), p2 = ∑ p2k , r 2 = ∑ xi2 , which is valid for any radial function f (r). The second formula is an integration of the Bessel function: ∞

∫ 0

r β+1 Jβ (ar)

dr = (r 2 + ρ2 )γ+1

aγ ρβ−γ Kβ−γ (aρ)


2γ Γ(γ + 1)

2ℜγ +

3 > ℜβ > −1. 2


We modify the second formula (1.149). Set β = 0 and replace ρ with −iρ, then use the relation between Bessel functions Kγ (z) =

π γπi/2 (1) ie Hγ (iz), 2

−π < arg z
− , 2

a, b > 0.

By these formulae we obtain ∞

∫ dX0 0

(1) ̃ 02 + y2 ) (p√X Hα−1

(X02 + y2 )(α−1)/2

cos(p0 X0 )


πy 1/2 (−⟨p,p⟩) (1) { (y√p̃ 2 − p20 ) Hα−3/2 { (2) ̃ α−1 (py) ={ α/2−3/4 { )1/2 ⟨p,p⟩ Kα−3/2 (y√p20 − p̃ 2 ) −i( 2y ̃ α−1 π (py) { 1/2


πy ) 2

0 < p0 < p̃ p̃ < p0

(−⟨p, p⟩)α/2−3/4 (1) Hα−3/2 (y√p̃ 2 − p20 ). ̃ α−1 (py)


In the last equality equation (1.150) was used to unify two separate cases. Note that ⟨p, p⟩ = p20 − p̃ 2 . In this way the Fourier transform (1.147) has been established. Now we evaluate the Fourier transform of the kernel SΛ , ∫ SΛ (X, y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )ei⟨p,X⟩

d3 X (2π)3/2

(4y)3−Δ Ss ei⟨p,X⟩ d3 X (⟨X, X⟩ + y2 )s−Δ+3 (2π)3/2 −iπNΛ s−Δ+3/2 (1) Ss (√−p2 ) = s+Δ−1 Hs−Δ+3/2 (y√−p2 ), 2 Γ(s − Δ + 3)ys−3/2 = NΛ ∫

where S = −2(𝜕p ⋅ z)𝜕p ⋅ 𝜕z 󸀠 + (⟨𝜕p , 𝜕p ⟩ + y2 )⟨z, 𝜕z 󸀠 ⟩ + 2iy⟨𝜕p , z × 𝜕z 󸀠 ⟩,

1.2 Intertwining operator realization of anti de Sitter holography | 33

with a ⋅ b = ∑2μ=0 aμ bμ . The inverse Fourier transform gives the following formula of the kernel: SΛ =

−iπNΛ s−Δ+3/2 ∫ Ss (√−p2 ) s−3/2 − Δ + 3)y

2s+Δ−1 Γ(s

(1) (y√−p2 )e−i(⟨p,X⟩ × Hs−Δ+3/2

d3 p . (2π)3/2


Since we take a limit of y → 0, we replace the Hankel function by its asymptotic form α

−iHα(1) (z) → −

Γ(α) 2 ( ) , π z

z → 0.

Then s−Δ+3/2

Γ(s − Δ + 3/2) 2 s−Δ+3/2 (1) Hs−Δ+3/2 (y√−p2 ) = − ( ) −i(√−p2 ) π y s − Δ + 3/2 ∉ ℤ− ,


is independent of pμ so that the action of S is reduced to y2 ⟨z, 𝜕z 󸀠 ⟩ and the integration over p becomes Dirac’s delta function: (2π)3/2 NΛ Γ(s − Δ + 3/2) Δ 3 y δ (X)⟨z, 𝜕z 󸀠 ⟩s , 22Δ−5/2 Γ(s − Δ + 3) s − Δ + 3/2 ∉ ℤ− , y → 0.

SΛ → −


Substituting this formula of S in (1.146) we obtain π 3/2 NΛ Γ(s − Δ + 3/2) φ(x, z), 22Δ−4 Γ(s − Δ + 3) s − Δ + 3/2 ∉ ℤ− , s − Δ + 3 ∉ ℤ− .

φ(x, z) = −


From the latter expression we see the first consistency relation (1.145) to be true by an appropriate choice of NΛ , e. g. 22Δ−4 Γ(s − Δ + 3) , π 3/2 Γ(s − Δ + 3/2) s − Δ + 3/2 ∉ ℤ− , s − Δ + 3 ∉ ℤ− .

NΛ = −


As a corollary we conclude that for generic values of Δ we can reconstruct a function on anti de Sitter space from its boundary value. Indeed, suppose we have ϕ(x, y, z) = ∫ SΛ (x − x󸀠 , y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )f (x 󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) dx 󸀠 .


Then we have for the boundary value ψ0 (x, z) ≐ (LΔ ϕ)(x, z) = lim y−Δ ϕ(x, y, z) y→0


34 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography = lim y−Δ ∫ SΛ (x − x󸀠 , y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )f (x󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) dx󸀠 = f (x). y→0

Now we can prove the second consistency relation in (1.145): (L̃ Λ ∘ LΔ ϕ)(x, y, z) = ∫ SΛ (x − x󸀠 , y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )(LΔ ϕ)(x 󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) dx󸀠


y󸀠 −Δ ϕ(x󸀠 , y󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) = ∫ SΛ (x − x󸀠 , y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 ) lim 󸀠 y →0

= ∫ SΛ (x − x , y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )ψ0 (x 󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) dx 󸀠 = ϕ(x, y, z) 󸀠

where in the last line we used (1.158).

1.2.4 Intertwining properties Here we investigate the intertwining properties of the boundary ↔ bulk operators. Bulk-to-boundary operator LΔ It is not difficult to verify the intertwining property of the bulk-to-boundary operator LΔ . Namely, one should verify the following: LΔ ∘ X̂ = X̃ ∘ LΔ ,


where X ∈ so(3, 2), X̃ denotes the action of the generator X on the boundary (1.112) and X̂ denotes the action of the generator in the bulk (1.118). More explicitly, ̃ ̂ Xφ(x, z) = lim y−Δ Xϕ(x, y, z), y→0

̂ Λ. φ ∈ CΛ , ϕ ∈ C


̃ If the field φ belongs to the conjugate representation φ ∈ C Λ , L̃ = [s, 3 − Δ], then relations (1.160) and (1.161) hold with the change Δ → 3 − Δ, the same change being made also in (1.112).

Boundary-to-bulk operator LΛ̃ The intertwining property of the boundary-to-bulk operator L̃ Λ means that X̂ ∘ L̃ Λ = L̃ Λ ∘ X.̃


More explicitly, it reads ̂ Xϕ(x, y, z) = ∫ SΛ (x, y, z; x󸀠 , 𝜕z 󸀠 )X̃ Λ φ(x󸀠 , z 󸀠 )d3 x󸀠 ,

̂ Λ , φ ∈ CΛ . ϕ∈C


1.2 Intertwining operator realization of anti de Sitter holography | 35

This is an immediate consequence of LΔ ∘ L̃ Λ = 1CΛ , L̃ Λ ∘ LΔ = 1Ĉ Λ and (1.160). By sandwiching (1.160) by L̃ Λ one has acting on C Λ

L̃ Λ ∘ LΔ ∘ X̂ ∘ L̃ Λ = L̃ Λ ∘ X̃ ∘ LΔ ∘ L̃ Λ ,

This is nothing but (1.162). For a proof of (1.163) by direct computation, we refer to [7]. Further intertwining relations We start by recording the second limit of the bulk functions φ0 (x, z) ≐ lim yΔ−3 ϕ(x, y, z)



= lim yΔ−3 ∫ SΛ (x − x󸀠 , y; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )ψ0 (x󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) dx󸀠 y→0

= NΛ lim yΔ−3 ∫( y→0


(x − x󸀠 )2 + y

= NΛ ∫(


4y ) (x − x󸀠 )2 + y2 s

) ψ0 (x󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) dx 󸀠 2 3−Δ

4 ) (x − x󸀠 )2

s 2I1̃ − ((x − x󸀠 )2 )I2̃ ) ψ0 (x󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) dx 󸀠 (x − x󸀠 )2 dx󸀠 = 𝒩Λ ∫ ((x − x󸀠 )2 )3−Δ s 2⟨x − x󸀠 , z⟩⟨x − x󸀠 , 𝜕z 󸀠 ⟩ 󸀠 󸀠 󸀠 ⟩) ψ0 (x , z ) ×( − ⟨z, 𝜕 z (x − x󸀠 )2 dx󸀠 s (r(x − x󸀠 ; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )) ψ0 (x 󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) = 𝒩Λ ∫ ((x − x󸀠 )2 )3−Δ





∫ dx 󸀠 GL̃ (x − x󸀠 ; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )ψ0 (x󸀠 , z 󸀠 ),

𝒩Λ = 4


NΛ ,

where in the second line we have used (1.158), in the third line we have used (1.143) and (1.144), and in the last line we have recovered the well-known conformal two-point function, cf., e. g. [495], GΛ (x; z, z 󸀠 ) = γΛ

(r(x; z, z 󸀠 ))s , (x2 )Δ

r(x; z, z 󸀠 ) = r(x)μσ z μ z 󸀠 σ ,

r(x)μσ =

g = (gμν ) = diag(1, −1, −1),

(1.165) 2 x x − gμσ , x2 μ σ

36 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography ̃ for the conjugate weight L̃ = [s, 3 − Δ]. The latter is natural since ψ0 ∈ C Λ , φ0 ∈ C L , and the conformal two-point function realizes the equivalence of the conjugate representations Λ, L̃ which have the same Casimir values; cf. [183]. The normalization constant γΛ depends on the representation Λ = [s, Δ] and below we derive a formula for the product γΛ γL̃ . Further, using (1.164) we define the operator GΛ through the kernel GΛ (x; z, z 󸀠 ):

GΛ : C L → C Λ ,



(GΛ φ0 )(x, z) = ∫ dx GΛ (x − x ; z, 𝜕z 󸀠 )φ0 (x , z ). 󸀠




Then equation (1.164) may be written as LΔ̃ =



Δ̃ ≐ 3 − Δ

GL̃ ∘ LΔ ,


̂ Λ. as operators acting on the bulk representation C Note that at generic points (those not excluded in (1.155)) the operators GΛ and GL̃ are inverse to each other [183]: GΛ ∘ GL̃ = 1CΛ ,

GL̃ ∘ GΛ = 1CL̃ .


At generic points from this we can obtain a lot of interesting relations; e. g. applying L̃ Λ from the right we get 𝒩 LΔ̃ ∘ L̃ Λ = Λ GL̃ . γL̃


Then we write down the conjugate relation: 𝒩̃ LΔ ∘ L̃ L̃ = L GΛ . γΛ


Then we combine relations (1.169) and (1.170): LΔ ∘ L̃ L̃ ∘ LΔ̃ ∘ L̃ Λ =


γΛ γL̃

GΛ ∘ GL̃ =


γΛ γL̃

1Λ .


For the LHS of (1.171) we use the second relation of (1.145), then we use the first to obtain LΔ ∘ L̃ L̃ ∘ LΔ̃ ∘ L̃ Λ = LΔ ∘ 1Ĉ Λ ∘ L̃ Λ = LΔ ∘ L̃ Λ = 1Λ .


Thus, from (1.171) and (1.172) it follows that 24 Γ(s − Δ + 3)Γ(s + Δ) , − Δ + 3/2)Γ(s + Δ − 3/2) s − Δ + 3/2 ∉ ℤ− , s − Δ + 3 ∉ ℤ− ,

γΛ γL̃ = 𝒩Λ 𝒩L̃ =

π 3 Γ(s

s + Δ − 3/2 ∉ ℤ− , s + Δ ∉ ℤ− .


1.3 Nonrelativistic holography | 37

The product of constants in (1.173) should be proportional to the analytic continuation of the Plancherel measure for the Plancherel formula contribution of the principal series of unitary irreps of G, cf., e. g. [168], but we shall not go into that. Remark 5. One may wonder what happens at the excluded values in (1.173). This requires further nontrivial examination. Such a study was done in the Euclidean case in [183]; see also Section 1.1. Since some results follow by a Wick rotation, we may conjecture that, for example, the operators GΛ and GL̃ would not be inverse to each other.

This would be the case since at these points the representations C Λ and C L would be reducible and the G-operators would have kernels. ⬦ ̃

1.3 Nonrelativistic holography This section is based on [6]. We consider our third example of holography, namely, a nonrelativistic case, using the Schrödinger group.

1.3.1 Preliminaries The role of nonrelativistic symmetries in theoretical physics has always been important. Currently one of the most popular fields in theoretical physics—string theory, which claims to be a universal theory—encompasses relativistic quantum field theory, classical gravity, and certainly, nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, in such a way that it is not even necessary to separate these components. Since the cornerstone of quantum mechanics is the Schrödinger equation then it is not a surprise that the Schrödinger group—the group that is the maximal group of symmetry of the Schrödinger equation—is playing recently more and more a prominent role in theoretical physics [476, 521, 543, 35, 278, 314, 435, 203, 578, 303, 11, 31, 249, 564, 120, 75, 484, 6, 466, 517, 330, 126, 321, 85, 16, 294, 93, 400, 62, 331, 560, 590, 366]. The latter is natural since originally the Schrödinger group, actually the Schrödinger algebra, was introduced by Niederer [474] and Hagen [298] as a nonrelativistic limit of the vector-field realization of the conformal algebra. We mention some recent developments to nonrelativistic conformal holography; cf., e. g. [218, 219, 4, 465, 557, 467, 10, 577, 21, 200, 587, 280, 201, 94, 575, 36, 126, 309, 547] Recently, Son [543] proposed another method of identifying the Schrödinger algebra in d + 1 space-time. Namely, Son started from anti de Sitter (AdS) space in d + 3-dimensional space-time with metric that is invariant under the corresponding conformal algebra so(d + 1, 2) and then deformed the AdS metric to reduce the symmetry to the Schrödinger algebra. In view of the relation of the conformal and Schrödinger algebra there arises a natural question: Is there a nonrelativistic analogue of the AdS/CFT correspondence,

38 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography in which the conformal symmetry is replaced by the Schrödinger symmetry? Indeed, this is to be expected since the Schrödinger equation should play a role both in the bulk and on the boundary. This section provides a positive answer to this question. ̂ Schrödinger algebra 𝒮(n) The Schrödinger algebra 𝒮 (n) (n ≥ 1), in (n + 1)-dimensional space-time has (n2 + 3n + 6)/2 generators with the following nontrivial commutation relations, cf., e. g. Barut– Ra̧ czka [43]: [Jij , Jkℓ ] = δik Jjℓ + δjℓ Jik − δiℓ Jjk − δjk Jiℓ ,


[Jij , Pk ] = δik Pj − δjk Pi ,


[Jij , Gk ] = δik Gj − δjk Gi ,


[Pt , Gi ] = Pi ,


[K, Pi ] = −Gi ,


[D, Gi ] = Gi ,


[D, Pi ] = −Pi ,


[D, Pt ] = −2Pt ,


[D, K] = 2K,


[Pt , K] = D,


where the Jij = −Jji , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n, are the generators of the rotation subalgebra so(n), Pi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, are the generators of the abelian subalgebra t(n) of space translations, Gi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, are the generators of the abelian subalgebra 𝒢 (n) of special Galilei transformations, Pt is the generator of time translations, D is the generator of dilatations (scale transformations), and K is the generator of Galilean conformal transformations. Actually, mostly we shall work with the central extension of the Schrödinger algê bra 𝒮 (n), obtained by adding the central element M to 𝒮 (n) which enters the additional commutation relations: [Pk , Gℓ ] = δkℓ M.


Note that the centre is one-dimensional. Of course, (1.175) gives also a central extension of the Galilei subalgebra 𝒢 (n); however, for n = 1, 2 this is not the full central ̂ extension 𝒢 (n) of 𝒢 (n), since the centre is (n + 1)-dimensional in these cases; cf., e. g. [43]. The centrally extended Schrödinger algebra for n = 3 was introduced in [474, 298] by deformation and extension of the standard vector-field realization of the conformal

1.3 Nonrelativistic holography | 39

algebra 𝒞 (3) in 3 + 1-dimensional space-time. The resulting vector-field realization for arbitrary n is Pj = 𝜕j ,


Gj = t𝜕j + Mxj ,


D = 2t𝜕t + xj 𝜕j + Δ,


K = t 2 𝜕t + txj 𝜕j +


Pt = 𝜕t ,

Jjk = xk 𝜕j − xj 𝜕k ,

(1.176c) M 2 x + tΔ, 2 j


where 𝜕t ≡ 𝜕/𝜕t , 𝜕j ≡ 𝜕/𝜕xj , summation over repeated indices is assumed, Δ is a number called the conformal weight (more about it will be said below). We note that (1.176f) may be extended by the matrices of a finite-dimensional representation Σjk of so(n) which satisfies (1.174a) as follows: Jjk = xk 𝜕j − xj 𝜕k + Σjk .

(1.176f 󸀠 )

Now we list the important subalgebras of the Schrödinger algebra 𝒮 (n): The generators Jij , Pi form the ((n+1)n/2)-dimensional Euclidean subalgebra ℰ (n). The generators Jij , Pi , D form the ((n + 1)n/2 + 1)-dimensional Euclidean Weyl subalgebra 𝒲 (n). ̃(d) generated by Jij , Gi and by Jij , Gi , D, respectively, The subalgebras ℰ̃(n) and 𝒲 are isomorphic to ℰ (n), 𝒲 (n), respectively. The generators Jij , Pi , Gi , Pt form the ((n + 1)(n + 2)/2)-dimensional Galilei subalgebra 𝒢 (n). The generators Jij , Pi , Gi , K form another ((n + 1)(n + 2)/2)-dimensional ̃ which is isomorphic to the Galilei subalgebra. subalgebra 𝒢 (n) The isomorphic pairs mentioned above are conjugate to each other in a sense explained below. ̂ For the structure of s(n) it is also important to note that the generators D, K, Pt form an sl(2, ℝ) subalgebra. Obviously 𝒮 (n) is not semisimple and has the following Levi–Malcev decomposition (for n ≠ 2): 𝒮 (n) = 𝒩 (n) ? ℳ(n),


𝒩 (n) = t(n) ⊕ g(n),

t(n) = l.s.{Pi }, g(n) = l.s.{Gi },

ℳ(n) = sl(2, ℝ) ⊕ so(n),

with ℳ(n) acting on 𝒩 (n), where the maximal solvable ideal 𝒩 (n) is abelian, while the semisimple subalgebra (the Levi factor) is ℳ(n).

40 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography For n = 2 the maximal solvable ideal t(n) ⊕ g(n) ⊕ so(2) is not abelian, while the Levi factor sl(2, ℝ) is simple. Note, however, that many statements below will hold for arbitrary n, including n = 2, if we extend the definition of 𝒩 (n) and ℳ(n) to the case n = 2 (which is natural since ℳ(2) is then reductive, and it is well known that many semisimple structural and representation-theoretic results hold for the reductive case). The commutation relations (1.174) are graded if we define deg D = 0,


deg Gj = 1,


deg K = 2,


deg Pj = −1,


deg Pt = −2,


deg M = 0,


deg Jjk = 0.


As expected the corresponding grading operator is D. For future reference we record also the following involutive antiautomorphism of the Schrödinger algebra: ω(Pt ) = K,

ω(Pj ) = Gj ,

ω(Jjk ) = −Jjk

ω(D) = D,

ω(M) = M.


Note that this conjugation is transforming the isomorphic pairs of subalgebras introduced above, namely, we have ω(ℰ ) = ℰ̃,

̃, ω(𝒲 ) = 𝒲

ω(𝒢 ) = 𝒢 .̃


̂ We end this discussion of the general structure of 𝒮 (n) with the question of invariant scalar products. Since the Schrödinger algebra is not semisimple its Cartan– Killing form is degenerate. More than that—the Schrödinger algebra does not have any nondegenerate ad-invariant symmetric bilinear form [175]. For the discussion of nonsemisimple Lie algebras with nondegenerate ad-invariant symmetric bilinear form we refer to [445]. Matrix representation ̂ by (2n + 2) × (2n + 2) matrices: It is useful to have a representation of 𝒮 (n) n

Dab = ∑ (−δa,2μ δb,2μ + δa,2μ+1 δb,2μ+1 ), μ=1

(Gk )ab = δa1 δb,2k − δa,2n+3−2k δb,2n+2 , (Pk )ab = δa1 δb,2n+3−2k + δa,2k δb,2n+2 ,

Mab = −2δa1 δb,2n+2 , (1.181)

1.3 Nonrelativistic holography | 41 n


(Pt )ab = − ∑ δa,2μ δb,2n+3−2μ ,

(K)ab = ∑ δa,2μ+1 δb,2n+2−2μ ,



(Jkl )ab = δa,2l δb,2k − δa,2k δb,2l − δa,2n+3−2k δb,2n+3−2l + δa,2n+3−2l δb,2n+3−2k , where Xab denotes the (a, b) element of matrix X. In this representation D is diagonal: D = diag(0, −1, 1, −1, 1, . . . , −1, 1, 0), while Pt and K are minor-diagonal. For n = 3 we give the above explicitly. The positions of nonzero entries are indicated by the name of the generators as follows: 0

n = 3,

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (0

G1 D J12 J13 K

P3 D J23 Pt J13

G2 J12 D K J23

P2 J23 Pt D J12

G3 J13 K J23 D

P1 Pt J13 J12 D

M P1 G3 ) ) P2 ) ) ). G2 ) ) P3 ) G1 0 ).


The first column and eighth row are empty. ̂ 1.3.2 Triangular decomposition of 𝒮(n) The grading (1.178) can be viewed as extension of the triangular decomposition of the algebra sl(2, ℝ) = sl(2, ℝ)+ ⊕ sl(2, ℝ)0 ⊕ sl(2, ℝ)− , where sl(2, ℝ)+ is spanned by K, the Cartan subalgebra sl(2, ℝ)0 is spanned by D, and sl(2, ℝ)− is spanned by Pt . Taking into account also the triangular decomposition: so(n) = so(n)+ ⊕ so(n)0 ⊕ so(n)− (more precisely of its complexification so(n, ℂ)), we can introduce the following triangular decomposition: ̂ ̂ + ⊕ s(n) ̂ 0 ⊕ s(n) ̂ − s(n) = s(n)


̂ + = g(n) ⊕ sl(2, ℝ)+ ⊕ so(n)+ s(n)

̂ 0 = sl(2, ℝ)0 ⊕ so(n)0 ⊕ lin.span M, s(n) ̂ − = t(n) ⊕ sl(2, ℝ)− ⊕ so(n)− . s(n)

(Clearly, for n = 1 the so(n) factors are missing, while for n = 2 only the Cartan subalgebra so(n)0 survives.) 1.3.3 Choice of bulk and boundary In the beginning of this section we review the work of Son [543]. To realize the Schrödinger symmetry in (n + 1) dimensions geometrically, Son takes the AdS metric,

42 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography which is invariant under the conformal group O(n+2, 2) in (n+2) dimensions, and then deforms it to reduce the symmetry down to the Schrödinger group. The AdS space, in Poincaré coordinates, is ds2 =

ημν dx μ dxν + dz 2 z2

μ, ν = 0, 1, . . . , n + 1, ημν = diag(−1, 1, . . . , 1).



The generators of the conformal group correspond to the following infinitesimal coordinates transformations that leave the metric unchanged: P μ : x μ → x μ + aμ , μ



D : x → (1 − a)x , μ





z → (1 − a)z,

K : x → x + a (z + x ⋅ x) − 2xμ (a ⋅ x), where x ⋅ x ≡ ημν xμ xν . Then Son deforms the above metric so as to reduce the symmetry to the Schrödinger group. The resulting metric is [543] ds2 = −

2(dx+ )2 −2dx + dx− + dx i dxi + dz 2 , + z4 z2

i = 1, . . . , n.


It is straightforward to verify that the metric (1.186) exhibits a full Schrödinger symmetry. Indeed, the generators of the Schrödinger algebra correspond to the following isometries of the metric: Pi : xi → xi + ai ,

Gi : xi → xi − ai x+ , D : xi → (1 − a)xi ,

H : x+ → x+ + a,

x− → x− − ai xi ,

z → (1 − a)z,

M : x− → x− + a, x+ → (1 − a)2 x+ ,

K : z → (1 − ax+ )z, xi → (1 − ax+ )xi , a x− → x− − (xi xi + z 2 ), 2

(1.187) x− → x− ,

x+ → (1 − ax+ )x+ ,

while the generators Jjk of so(n) rotate the coordinates xj as before. We require that the Schrödinger algebra is an isometry of the above metric. We also need to replace the central element M by the derivative of the variable x− which is chosen so that 𝜕x𝜕 − continues to be central. Note the variable x− does not scale w. r. t. D. Such variables are called ultralocal. ̂ in the (n + 3)-diThus, a vector-field realization of the Schrödinger algebra 𝒮 (n) mensional bulk space (t, xi , x− , z) is Pj = 𝜕j ,

Gj = t𝜕j + mxj , Pt = 𝜕t ,


1.3 Nonrelativistic holography | 43

𝜕 , 𝜕z 𝜕 1 K = t 2 𝜕t + txj 𝜕j + tz + (xj2 + z 2 )M, 𝜕z 2 Jjk = xk 𝜕j − xj 𝜕k ,

D = 2t𝜕t + xj 𝜕j + z


𝜕 . 𝜕x−

We would like to treat the realization (1.176) as a vector-field realization on the boundary of the bulk space (t, xi , x− , z). Obviously, the variable z is the variable distinguishing the bulk, namely, the boundary is obtained when z = 0. The exact map will be displayed below but heuristically, passing from (1.188) to (1.176) one first replaces 𝜕 z 𝜕z with Δ and then sets z = 0. 1.3.4 One-dimensional case Here and below we review Reference [6]. Now we restrict ourselves to the 1 + 1-dimensional case, n = 1. In this case the centrally extended Schrödinger algebra has six generators: – time translation: Pt – space translation: Px – Galilei boost: G – dilatation: D – conformal transformation: K – mass: M with the following non-vanishing commutation relations: [Pt , D] = 2Pt ,

[D, K] = 2K,

[Px , K] = G,

[D, G] = G,

[Pt , G] = Px ,

[Px , D] = Px ,

[Pt , K] = D, (1.189)

[Px , G] = M. Further we need also the Casimir operator. It turns out that the lowest order nontrivial Casimir operator is the fourth order one [493]: 2 C̃ 4 = (2MD − {Px , G}) − 2{2MK − G2 , 2MPt − Px2 }


In fact, there are many cancelations, and the central generator M is a common linear multiple. (This is seen immediately by setting M = 0, then C̃ 4 → 0.)

44 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography The metric (1.186) of the four-dimensional bulk space (t, x, x− , z) now reads9 ds2 = −

2(dt)2 −2dtdx− + (dx)2 + dz 2 + . z4 z2


Accordingly, the vector-field realization of the Schrödinger algebra is given by 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 , Px = , M= , 𝜕t 𝜕x 𝜕x− 𝜕 + xM, G=t 𝜕x 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 D=x + z + 2t , 𝜕x 𝜕z 𝜕t 𝜕 𝜕 1 𝜕 + z + t ) + (x2 + z 2 )M, K = t(x 𝜕x 𝜕z 𝜕t 2

Pt =


and it generates an isometry of (1.191). This vector-field realization of the Schrödinger algebra acts on the bulk fields ϕ(t, x, x− , z). In this realization the Casimir operator becomes C̃ 4 = M 2 C4 ,

𝜕2 C4 = Ẑ 2 − 4Ẑ − 4z 2 Ŝ = 4z 2 2 − 8z𝜕z + 5 − 4z 2 S,̂ 𝜕z 2 𝜕 Ŝ ≡ 2𝜕t 𝜕x− − 2 , 𝜕x ̂ Z ≡ 2z𝜕z − 1.

(1.193) (1.194)

Note that (1.194) is the pro-Schrödinger operator. The vector-field realization (1.176) of the Schrödinger algebra on the boundary becomes 𝜕 𝜕 , Px = , M 𝜕t 𝜕x 𝜕 + xM, G=t 𝜕x 𝜕 𝜕 D=x + Δ + 2t , 𝜕x 𝜕t 𝜕 𝜕 K = t(x +Δ+t )+ 𝜕x 𝜕t Pt =


𝜕 , 𝜕x− (1.195)

1 2 x M, 2

where Δ is the conformal weight. 9 This metric was given first in [333, 485], prior to [543], albeit without relation to the Schrödinger symmetry.

1.3 Nonrelativistic holography | 45

Thus, the vector-field realization of the Schrödinger algebra (1.195) acts on the boundary field ϕ(t, x, x− ) with fixed conformal weight Δ. In this realization the Casimir operator becomes C̃ 40 = M 2 C40 ,

C40 = (2Δ − 1)(2Δ − 5).


As expected C40 is a constant which has the same value if we replace Δ by 3 − Δ: C40 (Δ) = C40 (3 − Δ).


This already means that the two boundary fields with conformal weights Δ and 3 − Δ are related, or in mathematical language, that the corresponding representations are (partially) equivalent. 1.3.5 Boundary-to-bulk correspondence As we explained in the Introduction we concentrate on one aspect of AdS/CFT [293, 572], namely, the holography principle, or boundary-to-bulk correspondence, which means to have an operator which maps a boundary field φ to a bulk field ϕ; cf. [572, 168]. Mathematically, this means the following. We treat both the boundary fields and the bulk fields as representation spaces of the Schrödinger algebra. The action of the Schrödinger algebra in the boundary, respectively, bulk, representation spaces is given by equations (1.195), respectively, by equations (1.192). The boundary-to-bulk operator maps the boundary representation space to the bulk representation space. The fields on the boundary are fixed by the value of the conformal weight Δ, correspondingly, as we saw, the Casimir operator has the eigenvalue determined by Δ: C40 φ(t, x, x− ) = λφ(t, x, x− ),


λ = (2Δ − 1)(2Δ − 5).

Thus, the first requirement for the corresponding field on the bulk ϕ(t, x, x− , z) is to satisfy the same eigenvalue equation, namely, we require C4 ϕ(t, x, x− , z) = λϕ(t, x, x− , z),


λ = (2Δ − 1)(2Δ − 5),

where C4 is the differential operator given in (1.193). Thus, in the bulk the eigenvalue condition is a differential equation. The other condition is the behaviour of the bulk field when we approach the boundary: ϕ(t, x, x− , z) → z α φ(t, x, x− ), α = Δ, 3 − Δ.


46 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography Let us denote by Ĉ α the space of bulk functions ϕ(t, x, x− , z) satisfying (1.199) and (1.200). To find the boundary-to-bulk operator we first find the two-point Green function in the bulk solving the differential equation: (C4 − λ)G(χ, z; χ 󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) = z 󸀠 4 δ3 (χ − χ 󸀠 )δ(z − z 󸀠 )


where χ = (t, x− , x). It is important to use an invariant variable, which here is u=

4zz 󸀠 . (x − x󸀠 )2 − 2(t − t 󸀠 )(x− − x−󸀠 ) + (z + z 󸀠 )2


The normalization is chosen so that for coinciding points we have u = 1. In terms of u the Casimir operator becomes C4 = 4u2 (1 − u)

d d2 − 8u + 5. 2 du du


The eigenvalue equation can be reduced to the hypergeometric equation by the substitution ̂ G(χ, z; χ 󸀠 , z 󸀠 ) = G(u) = uα G(u)


and the two solutions are ̂ G(u) = F(α, α − 1; 2(α − 1); u),

α = Δ, 3 − Δ,


where F = 2 F1 is the standard hypergeometric function. As expected at u = 1 both solutions are singular: by Bateman–Erdelyi [45], they can be recast into uΔ F(Δ − 2, Δ − 1; 2(Δ − 1); u), 1−u u3−Δ G(u) = F(1 − Δ, 2 − Δ; 2(2 − Δ); u), 1−u G(u) =

α = Δ, α = 3 − Δ.

Now the boundary-to-bulk operator is obtained from the two-point bulk Green function by bringing one of the points to the boundary, however, one has to take into account all information from the field on the boundary. More precisely, we express the function in the bulk with boundary behaviour (1.200) through the function on the boundary by the formula ϕ(χ, z) = ∫ d3 χ 󸀠 Sα (χ − χ 󸀠 , z)φ(χ 󸀠 ),


1.3 Nonrelativistic holography | 47

where d3 χ 󸀠 = dx+󸀠 dx−󸀠 dx 󸀠 and Sα (χ − χ 󸀠 , z) is defined by Sα (χ − χ 󸀠 , z) = lim z 󸀠−α G(u) = [ 󸀠 z →0


4z ] . (x − x󸀠 )2 − 2(t − t 󸀠 )(x− − x−󸀠 ) + z 2


An important ingredient of this approach is that the bulk-to-boundary and boundary-to-bulk operators are actually intertwining operators. To see this we need some more notation. Let us denote by Lα the bulk-to-boundary operator: (Lα ϕ)(χ) ≐ lim z −α ϕ(χ, z),



where α = Δ, 3 − Δ consistently with (1.200). The intertwining property is Lα ∘ X̂ = X̃ α ∘ Lα ,

̂ X ∈ s(1),


where X̃ α denotes the action of the generator X on the boundary (1.195) (with Δ replaced by α from (1.200)), X̂ denotes the action of the generator X in the bulk (1.192). Let us denote by L̃ α the boundary-to-bulk operator in (1.206): ϕ(χ, z) = (L̃ α φ)(χ, z) ≐ ∫ d3 χ 󸀠 Sα (χ − χ 󸀠 , z)φ(χ 󸀠 ).


The intertwining property now is L̃ α ∘ X̃ 3−α = X̂ ∘ L̃ α ,

̂ X ∈ s(1).


Next we check consistency of the bulk-to-boundary and boundary-to-bulk operators, namely, their consecutive application in both orders should be the identity map: L3−α ∘ L̃ α = 1boundary , L̃ α ∘ L3−α = 1bulk .

(1.212) (1.213)

Checking (1.212) in [6] one obtains (L3−α ∘ L̃ α φ)(χ) = 22α π 3/2

Γ(α − 32 ) Γ(α)



Thus, in order to obtain (1.212) exactly, we have to normalize, e. g. L̃ α . We note the excluded values α −3/2 ∉ ℤ− for which the two intertwining operators are not inverse to each other. This means that at least one of the representations is reducible. This reducibility was established [175] for the associated Verma modules with lowest weight determined by the conformal weight Δ and is reviewed below. Checking (1.213) is now straightforward, but it also fails for the excluded values.

48 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography Note that checking (1.212) we used (1.208) for α → 3 − α, i. e. we used one possible limit of the bulk field (1.206). But it is important to note that this bulk field has also the boundary as given in (1.208). Namely, we can consider the field φ0 (χ) ≐ (Lα ϕ)(χ) = lim z −α ϕ(χ, z),



where ϕ(χ, z) is given by (1.206). We obtain immediately φ0 (χ) = ∫ d3 χ 󸀠 Gα (χ − χ 󸀠 )φ(χ 󸀠 ),


where Gα (χ) = [


4 ] . 2 x − 2tx−


If we denote by Gα the operator in (1.216) then we have the intertwining property, X̃ α ∘ Gα = Gα ∘ X̃ 3−α .


Thus, the two boundary fields corresponding to the two limits of the bulk field are equivalent (partially equivalent for α ∈ ℤ + 3/2). The intertwining kernel has the properties of the conformal two-point function. Thus, for generic Δ the bulk fields obtained for the two values of α are not only equivalent—they coincide, since both have the two fields φ0 and φ as boundaries. As in the relativistic case there is a range of dimensions when both fields Δ, 3 − Δ are physical: Δ0− ≡ 1/2 < Δ < 5/2 ≡ Δ0+ .


At these bounds the Casimir eigenvalue λ = (2Δ − 1)(2Δ − 5) becomes zero. 1.3.6 Nonrelativistic reduction In this section we review the connection of [543, 35, 249] with the formalism of [6] reviewed in the previous section. For this purpose, we consider the action for a scalar field in the background (1.191): I(ϕ) = − ∫ d3 χdz√−g(𝜕μ ϕ∗ 𝜕μ ϕ + m20 |ϕ|2 ).


By integrating by parts, and taking into account a nontrivial contribution from the boundary, one can see that I(ϕ) obeys the following expression: I(ϕ) = ∫ d3 χdz√−gϕ∗ (𝜕μ 𝜕μ − m20 )ϕ − lim ∫ d3 χ z→0

1 ∗ ϕ z𝜕z ϕ. z3


1.3 Nonrelativistic holography | 49

The second term is evaluated using (1.206). For z → 0, one has z𝜕z ϕ ∼ α(4z)α ∫ d3 χ 󸀠

φ(χ 󸀠 ) + O(z α+2 ). [(x − x󸀠 )2 − 2(x+ − x+󸀠 )(x− − x−󸀠 )]α


It follows that lim ∫ d3 χ



1 ∗ 4 ϕ z𝜕z ϕ = lim α ∫ d3 χd3 χ 󸀠 z α−3 ϕ∗ (χ, z)( ) φ(χ 󸀠 ) z→0 A z3 φ(χ)∗ φ(χ 󸀠 ) = 4α α ∫ d3 χd3 χ 󸀠 . 󸀠 2 [(x − x ) − 2(x+ − x+󸀠 )(x− − x−󸀠 )]α


The equation of motion being read off from the first term in (1.221) can be expressed in terms of the differential operator (1.193): (𝜕μ 𝜕μ − m20 )ϕ = (

C4 − 5 + 2𝜕−2 − m20 )ϕ = 0. 4


The fields in the bulk (1.206) do not solve the equation of motion. Now we set an Ansatz for the fields on the boundary: φ(χ) = eMx− φ(x+ , x). Further we compactify the x− coordinate: x− + a ∼ x− as in, e. g. [278, 39]. This leads to a separation of variables for the fields in the bulk in the following way: ϕ(χ, z) = e


a 󸀠 󸀠 ∫ dx+ dx ∫ dξ ( 0


4z ) e−Mξ φ(x+󸀠 , x󸀠 ). 󸀠 2 (x − x ) − 2(x+ − x+󸀠 )ξ + z 2

Thus we are allowed to make the identification 𝜕x− = M both in the bulk and on the boundary [543, 35]. We remark that under this identification the operator (1.194) becomes the Schrödinger operator. Integration over ξ turns out to be incomplete gamma function: ϕ(χ, z) = eMx− ϕ(x+ , x, z), α

ϕ(x+ , x, z) = (−2z) M



γ(1 − α, Ma)

dx+󸀠 dx󸀠 (x − x󸀠 )2 + z 2 ×∫ M)φ(x+󸀠 , x󸀠 ). exp(− 󸀠 α (x+ − x+ ) 2(x+ − x+󸀠 )


This formula was obtained first in [249]. The equation of motion (1.224) now reads (

λ−5 − m2 )ϕ(x+ , x, z) = 0, 4


where m2 = m20 − 2M 2 . Requiring ϕ(x+ , x, z) to be a solution to the equation of motion makes the connection between the conformal weight and mass: 1 Δ± = (3 ± √9 + 4m2 ). 2


50 | 1 Relativistic and nonrelativistic holography This result is identical to the relativistic AdS/CFT correspondence [293, 572]. The action (1.221) evaluated for these classical solutions has the following form (α = Δ± ): I(ϕ) = −(−2)α M α−1 αγ(1 − α, Ma) ×∫

dxdx+ dx 󸀠 dx+󸀠 (x − x󸀠 )2 exp(− M)φ(x+ , x)∗ φ(x+󸀠 , x󸀠 ). (x+ − x+󸀠 )α 2(x+ − x+󸀠 )


The two-point function of the operator dual to ϕ computed from (1.229) coincides with the result of [543, 35, 308, 547]. We remark that the Ansatz for the boundary fields φ(χ) = exp(Mx− − ωx+ + ikx) used in [543, 35] is not necessary to derive (1.229). One can also recover the solutions in [543, 35] rather simply in the group-theoretical context of [6]. We use again the eigenvalue problem of the differential operator (1.193): C4 ϕ(x+ , x, z) = λϕ(x+ , x, z),


but we make a separation of variables ϕ(x+ , x, z) = ψ(x+ , x)f (z). Then (1.230) is written as follows: 𝜕2 5−λ 2 1 1 2 ̂ Sψ(x ( 2 − 𝜕z + )f (z) = + , x) = p (const). f (z) 𝜕z z ψ(x+ , x) 4z 2 The Schrödinger part is easily solved: ψ(x+ , x) = exp(−ωx+ + ikx) which gives p2 = −2Mω + k 2 .


The equation for f (z) now becomes 𝜕2 m2 2 2 𝜕 f (z) + (2Mω − k − f (z) − )f (z) = 0. z z 𝜕z 2 z2


This is the equation given in [543, 35] for d = 1. Thus solutions to equation (1.232) are given by modified Bessel functions: f± (z) = z 3/2 K±ν (pz) where ν is related to the effective mass m [543, 35]. In the group-theoretic approach one can see its relation to the eigenvalue of C4 : ν = √λ + 4/2 [6]. We close this section by giving the expression of (1.229) for the alternate boundary field φ0 . To this end, we again use the Ansatz φ(χ) = eMx− φ(x+ , x) for (1.216). Then performing the integration over x−󸀠 it is immediate to see that: φ0 (x, x+ ) ∼ eMx− ∫

dx󸀠 dx+󸀠 (x − x󸀠 )2 M)φ(x+󸀠 , x󸀠 ). exp(− 󸀠 α (x+ − x+ ) 2(x+ − x+󸀠 )


One can invert this relation since G3−α ∘ Gα = 1boundary . Substitution of (1.233) and its inverse to (1.229) gives the following expression: I(ϕ) ∼ ∫

dxdx+ dx 󸀠 dx+󸀠 (x − x󸀠 )2 exp(− M)φ0 (x+ , x)∗ φ0 (x+󸀠 , x󸀠 ). 2(x+ − x+󸀠 ) (x+ − x+󸀠 )3−α


2 Non-relativistic invariant differential operators and equations Summary We give a review of some group-theoretical results related to non-relativistic holography. Our main playgrounds are the Schrödinger equation and the Schrödinger algebra. We recall the fact that there is a hierarchy of equations on the boundary, invariant w. r. t. the Schrödinger algebra. The derivation of this hierarchy uses a mechanism introduced first for semisimple Lie groups and adapted to the non-semisimple Schrödinger algebra. This requires development of the representation theory of the Schrödinger algebra, which is reviewed in some detail. In Section 2.1 the Schrödinger equation is reviewed as an invariant differential equation in the (1 + 1)-dimensional case. On the boundary this was done in [175] (extending the approach in the semisimple group setting [161]), constructing actually an infinite hierarchy of invariant differential equations, the first member being the free heat/Schrödinger equation). In Section 2.1.4 the extension of this construction is reviewed to the bulk combining techniques from [6] and [175]. In Section 2.2 the Schrödinger equation is reviewed as an invariant differential equation in the general (n + 1)-dimensional case following [8, 190]. The general situation is very complicated and requires separate study of the cases n = 2N and n = 2N + 1. In Section 2.3 the (3 + 1)-dimensional case is reviewed separately and in more detail, since it is most important for physical applications. In Section 2.4 the q-deformation is reviewed of the Schrödinger algebra in the (1 + 1)-dimensional case; cf. [176]. In Section 2.5 the difference analogues of the Schrödinger algebra in the (n + 1)-dimensional case are reviewed; cf. [177].

̂ 2.1 Non-relativistic invariant differential equations for 𝒮(1) 2.1.1 Canonical procedure In this subsection, we briefly outline the method of [161] that will be used subsequently. Let G be a complex semisimple Lie group and g its Lie algebra. Let g = g+ ⊕ g0 ⊕ g− be the standard triangular decomposition. We consider representations of g whose representation spaces 𝒞Λ are ℂ∞ functions ℱ on G with the property called right covariance ℱ (gxg− ) = e


ℱ (g),

g ∈ G, x = eH ∈ G0 , H ∈ g0 , g− ∈ G− ,


where Λ ∈ g∗0 , Λ(H) ∈ ℤ, G0 ≡ exp g0 , G± ≡ exp g± . Thus the functions of 𝒞Λ are actually functions on the coset G/B, B ≡ G0 G− being a Borel subgroup, or equivalently [161], on G+ , which is dense in G/B. We denote by CΛ the restricted representation spaces of functions f on G+ , such that f = ℱ |G+ . We introduce the left πL (X) and right πR (X) actions of g on 𝒞Λ by the standard formulae πL (X)ℱ (g) ≡

󵄨 d −τX 󵄨󵄨 ℱ (e g)󵄨󵄨󵄨 , 󵄨󵄨τ=0 dτ

πR (X)ℱ (g) ≡

󵄨 d τX 󵄨󵄨 ℱ (ge )󵄨󵄨󵄨 , 󵄨󵄨τ=0 dτ


52 | 2 Non-relativistic invariant differential operators and equations where X ∈ g. The left action gives representations of g by differential operators. It may be considered for arbitrary Λ(H) ∈ ℂ and it may be restricted to CΛ . On the other hand, the space 𝒞Λ has a lowest weight structure with respect to the right action, since one can show, using the right covariance, that πR (H)ℱ (g) = Λ(H)ℱ (g),

πR (X)ℱ (g) = 0,


where H ∈ g0 and X ∈ g− . Thus we are prompted to employ properties of the Verma module V Λ with the lowest weight Λ, such that V Λ ≃ U(g+ )v0 , where v0 is the lowest weight vector, U(g+ ) is the universal enveloping algebra of g+ . When a Verma module is reducible, it has (at least one) singular vector vs such that Hvs = Λ󸀠 (H), Λ󸀠 ≠ Λ, H ∈ g0 , Xvs = 0, X ∈ g− . It has the general structure vs = P(g+ )v0 , where P(g+ ) is a polynomial of the generators of g+ . Then it is shown that the same polynomial P(g+ ) gives rise to a g-invariant differential equation given explicitly by P(πR (g+ ))ψ = 0, ψ = ℱ , f . Below the procedure of [161] shall be used in our non-semisimple Schrödinger setting.

2.1.2 Verma modules and singular vectors In this subsection we follow [175]; see also [8, 190]. We consider lowest weight modules ̂ (LWMs) over s(n), in particular, Verma modules, which are standard for semisimple Lie algebras (SSLAs) and their q–deformations. (For more information on representations of the Schrödinger algebra we refer to [510, 219, 61, 95, 557, 547, 31, 4, 9, 577, 21, 218].) ̂ is given by the lowest weight Λ ∈ ℋ∗ A lowest weight module (LWM) M Λ over s(n) ∗ 0 ̂ −, ̂ (ℋ is the dual of s(n) ) and a lowest weight vector v0 so that Xv0 = 0 if X ∈ s(n) 0 Λ ̂ ̂ Hv0 = Λ(H)v0 if H ∈ s(n) . In particular, we use the Verma modules V over s(n) which are the lowest weight modules induced from a one-dimensional representation ̂ − spanned by v0 . The Verma module of the analogue of a Borel subalgebra ℬ0 ⊕ s(n) Λ + ̂ ̂ + ) is the universal enveloping is given explicitly by V ≅ U(s(n) ) ⊗ v0 , where U(s(n) ̂ + . Further, for brevity we shall omit the sign ⊗, i. e. we shall write instead algebra of s(n) of ⊗v0 just v0 . ̂ 0 is generated Now we restrict to the case n = 1. Then the Cartan subalgebra s(1) by D, M and we can write all above-mentioned properties as Dv0 = Δv0 ,

Px v0 = 0,

Mv0 = Mv0 ,


Pt v0 = 0,

where Δ ∈ ℝ is the (conformal) weight. The Borel subalgebra ℬ is generated by the nonpositively graded generators D, M, Px , Pt . Now we denote the Verma module as V Δ since M is constant.

̂ 2.1 Non-relativistic invariant differential equations for 𝒮(1)

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Clearly, U(𝒮 +̂ ) is abelian and has basis elements pk,ℓ = Gk K ℓ . The basis vectors of the Verma module are vk,ℓ = pk,ℓ ⊗ v0 , (with v0,0 = v0 ). The action of 𝒮 ̂ on this basis is derived easily from (1.189): Dvk,ℓ = (k + 2ℓ + Δ)vk,ℓ ,

Gvk,ℓ = vk+1,ℓ , Kvk,ℓ = vk,ℓ+1 ,

Px vk,ℓ = ℓvk+1,ℓ−1 + Mkvk−1,ℓ , Pt vk,ℓ = ℓ(k + ℓ − 1 + Δ)vk,ℓ−1 + M

k(k − 1) vk−2,ℓ . 2


Because of (2.5) we notice that the Verma module V Δ can be decomposed in homogeneous (w. r. t. D) subspaces as follows: Δ V Δ = ⊕∞ n=0 Vn ,

VnΔ = lin.span.{vk,ℓ | k + 2ℓ = n}, n dim VnΔ = 1 + [ ]. 2


Next we analyze the reducibility of V Δ through the singular vectors. In analogy to the SSLA situation (cf., e. g. [161]) a singular vector vs here is a homogeneous element of V Δ , such that vs ∉ ℂv0 , and Px vs = 0,

Pt vs = 0.


All possible singular vectors were given explicitly in [175], where the following was proved. Proposition 1. The singular vectors of the Verma module V Δ over 𝒮 ̂ are given as follows: p/2

vsp = a0 ∑ (−2M)ℓ ( ℓ=0

= a0 (G2 − 2MK)

p/2 )v ℓ p−2ℓ,ℓ


3−p , p ∈ 2ℕ, Ma0 ≠ 0, 2 Δ arbitrary, p ∈ ℕ, M = 0, a0 ≠ 0.

⊗ v0 ,

vsp = a0 vp0 = a0 Gp ⊗ v0 ,



Remark 1. We stress the very different character of the representations for M ≠ 0 and M = 0 from one another and furthermore from the semisimple case. For M ≠ 0 and fixed lowest weight at most one singular vector may exist and that vector can be only of even grade. For M = 0 an infinite number of singular vectors exist – one for each positive grade—and there is no restriction on the weight. This difference is because the value M = 0 changes the algebra—it is not a centrally extended one anymore. Both cases differ from the semisimple case. To compare we take, e. g. the algebra sl(2)

54 | 2 Non-relativistic invariant differential operators and equations ̂ since it also has only one Cartan generator as s(1). For sl(2) for a fixed lowest weight only one singular vector is possible, however, for any ‘grade’ nβ, where n ∈ ℕ, β the positive root of sl(2), and not just for even n. ⬦ Whenever there is a singular vector, the Verma module is reducible. We could analyze this reducibility also via an analogue of the Shapovalov form [539] used in the semisimple case. This is a bilinear form which we define using the involutive antiautomorphism of the Schrödinger algebra (cf. (1.179)): ω(Pt ) = K,

ω(Px ) = G,

ω(D) = D,

ω(M) = M.


Explicitly, the form here is given by (vkℓ , vk󸀠 ℓ󸀠 ) = (pkℓ ⊗ v0 , pk󸀠 ℓ󸀠 ⊗ v0 ) ≡ (v0 , ω(pkℓ )pk󸀠 ℓ󸀠 ⊗ v0 ) = (v0 , Ptℓ Pxk Gk K ℓ v0 ) 󸀠



supplemented by the normalization condition (v0 , v0 ) = 1. Clearly, subspaces with different weights are orthogonal w. r. t. to this form: (vkℓ , vk󸀠 ℓ󸀠 ) ∼ δk+2ℓ,k󸀠 +2ℓ󸀠 .


To show this for k + 2ℓ > k 󸀠 + 2ℓ󸀠 we move all Pt and Px operators to the right until there are no G and K operators left, while for k + 2ℓ < k 󸀠 + 2ℓ󸀠 we first rewrite the LHS of (2.11) as (vkℓ , vk󸀠 ℓ󸀠 ) = (pkℓ ⊗ v0 , pk󸀠 ℓ󸀠 ⊗ v0 ) = (ω(pk󸀠 ℓ󸀠 )pkℓ ⊗ v0 , v0 ) = (Ptℓ Pxk Gk K ℓ v0 , v0 ) 󸀠



and then again move all Pt and Px operators to the right until there are no G and K operators left. The above also shows that the form is symmetric. In the case k + 2ℓ = k 󸀠 + 2ℓ󸀠 we have the following explicit expression: (vk,ℓ , vk+2a,ℓ−a ) =

mk+a k!ℓ!(k − d + a)ℓ−a (k + 1)2a 2a a! k 1−k × 3 F2 ( , , a − ℓ; 1 + a, 1 − k + d − ℓ; 1) 2 2


where a ∈ ℤ+ , (a)p ≐ Γ(a + p)/Γ(a) is the Pochhammer symbol and 3 F2 (a, b, c; a󸀠 , b󸀠 ; y) is a generalized hypergeometric series: 3 F2 (a, b, c; a


, b󸀠 ; y) ≐ ∑


(a)s (b)s (b)s s y, s!(a󸀠 )s (b󸀠 )s

which for a, or b, or c ∈ ℤ− reduces to a polynomial.


̂ 2.1 Non-relativistic invariant differential equations for 𝒮(1)

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A singular vector is orthogonal to any other vector w. r. t. to the form (2.10). Thus we expect (as in the SSLA case) to obtain the same reducibility results analyzing the so-called determinant formula. The determinant formula is the determinant of the matrix ℳp of all Shapovalov forms at a fixed grade p. In [175] was made the following conjecture for det ℳp : αp

det ℳp = const.(p)m αp =

p2 +2p 4 { (p+1) 2 4

[ p2 ]−1


∏ (2Δ − 1 + 2i)[ 2 ]−i , i=0


for p even, for p odd,

which there was verified for p ≤ 6. We see that the determinant has zeroes exactly in the cases when we have singular vectors. The above conjecture was proved in [10]. Further we consider the consequences of the reducibility of the Verma modules. We start with M ≠ 0 and consider the subspace of V (3−p)/2 : I (3−p)/2 = U(𝒮 + )vsp .


It is invariant under the action of the Schrödinger algebra. Indeed, all vectors have grade ≥ degmin = p: lower grades cannot be achieved since the negative grade gener󸀠 ators annihilate vsp . Furthermore this subspace is isomorphic to a Verma module V d with shifted weight Δ󸀠 = Δ + p = (p + 3)/2. The latter Verma module has no singular vectors, since its weight is restricted from below: Δ󸀠 ≥ 5/2, while by (2.8) the necessary weight is ≤ 1/2. Let us denote the factor–module V (3−p)/2 /I (3−p)/2 by ℒ(3−p)/2 . Let us denote by |p⟩ the lowest weight vector of ℒ(3−p)/2 . It satisfies the following conditions: Px |p⟩ = 0,

Pt |p⟩ = 0, 2

(G − 2MK)

(2.17a) p/2

(2.17b) |p⟩ = 0.


Consider in more detail the simplest example p = 2. In this case the last condition (2.17c) is G2 |2⟩ = 2MK|2⟩,


i. e. K can be replaced by G2 /2M. Thus, all vectors of a fixed grade are proportional: Gk K ℓ |2⟩ =

1 Gk+2ℓ |2⟩, (2M)ℓ

Δ = 1/2,


so all graded subspaces are one-dimensional, i. e. we have a singleton basis: dim Vn1/2 = 1,



56 | 2 Non-relativistic invariant differential operators and equations which is given only in terms of G. (The term ‘singleton’ was used first by Flato– Fronsdal [231] for two special representations of the algebra so(3, 2) discovered by Dirac (for more information, see also Volume 1).) Analogously, for arbitrary p ∈ 2ℕ and Δ = (3 − p)/2, from (2.17c) we see that p/2−1

K p/2 |p⟩ = − ∑


1 p/2 ( )Gp−2ℓ K ℓ |p⟩. (−2M)p/2−ℓ ℓ


Applying repeatedly this relation to the basis one can get rid of all powers of K which are ≥ p/2. Thus the basis of ℒ(3−p)/2 will be quasi-singleton if p ≥ 4, namely, dim Vn(3−p)/2 = 1,

for n = 0, 1 or n ≥ p,


and it is given by p ≡ Gk K ℓ |p⟩, vkℓ

3−p . 2

p ∈ 2ℕ, k, ℓ ∈ ℤ+ , ℓ ≤ p/2 − 1, Δ =


The transformation of this basis is easily obtained from (2.5): p = (k + 2ℓ + Dvk,ℓ p p , = vk+1,ℓ Gvk,ℓ

3−p p )vk,ℓ , 2


vp p = { k,ℓ+1 Kvk,ℓ − ∑p/2−1 s=0

p Px vk,ℓ


p 1 (p/2)vk+p−2s,s (−2M)p/2−s s p p , + mkvk−1,ℓ ℓvk+1,ℓ−1

p = ℓ(k + ℓ + Pt vk,ℓ

ℓ< ℓ=

p 2 p 2

− 1, − 1,

1−p p k(k − 1) p )vk,ℓ−1 + m vk−2,ℓ . 2 2

From the transformation rules we see that ℒ(3−p)/2 is irreducible. It is also clear that in the simplest case p = 2 the irrep ℒ1/2 is also an irrep of the centrally extended Galilean ̂ spanned by Px , Pt , G. subalgebra 𝒢 (1) For M = 0 we consider the subspaces of V Δ : IpΔ = U(𝒮 + )Gp ⊗ v0 ,

p ∈ ℕ.


They are invariant under the action of the Schrödinger algebra, which is shown as in the case M ≠ 0. The corresponding singular vectors are ṽsp = Gp ⊗ v0 .


Furthermore the subspace IpΔ is isomorphic to a Verma module V Δ with shifted weight Δ󸀠 = Δ + p. The latter Verma module again has an infinite number of singular vectors, 󸀠

̂ 2.1 Non-relativistic invariant differential equations for 𝒮(1)

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= U(𝒮 + )Gp ⊗v0 , p󸀠 ∈ ℕ, isomorphic to Verma and an infinite number of subspaces IpΔ+p 󸀠 󸀠

modules V Δ+p+p . Furthermore, the original Verma module V Δ is itself a submodule of 󸀠󸀠 an infinite number of Verma modules V Δ+p , p󸀠󸀠 ∈ ℕ. Altogether, for each Δ there exists a doubly infinite sequence of Verma modules: 󸀠

⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⊃ V Δ−1 ⊃ V Δ ⊃ V Δ+1 ⊃ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ,

M = 0, Δ arbitrary.


Of course, all V Δ whose weights differ by an integer are in one and the same sequence. Such embedding diagrams were called multiplets in [153] (see also the earlier volumes). For each V Δ the submodule I1Δ ≅ V Δ+1 contains as submodules all other submodules of V Δ , i. e. in (2.26) only the singular vector with p = 1 is relevant. Consider the ̃ its lowest weight vector. The latter satisfactor space ℒΔ0̃ = V Δ /V Δ+1 and denote by |0⟩ fies the following conditions: ̃ = 0, Px |0⟩ ̃ = 0, P |0⟩

(2.28a) (2.28b)


̃ = 0. G|0⟩


Consequently, the basis of ℒd0̃ is given by ̃ φ̂ 0ℓ = K ℓ |0⟩.


This is another example of an even smaller than singleton basis, since the odd-graded levels are empty. Thus, we call the basis in (2.29) a singleton-void basis. Its transformation rules are (cf. (2.5)) Dφ̂ 0ℓ = (2ℓ + Δ)φ̂ 0ℓ ,


Gφ̂ 0ℓ = 0,


K φ̂ 0ℓ = φ̂ 0ℓ+1 , Px φ̂ 0ℓ = 0, Pt φ̂ 0ℓ

= ℓ(ℓ − 1 +

(2.30c) Δ)φ̂ 0ℓ−1 .

(2.30d) (2.30e)

Clearly, ℒΔ0̃ is in fact a Verma module over the sl(2, ℝ) subalgebra spanned by D, K, Pt . It is well known that such a Verma module is reducible (cf., e. g. [161]) iff Δ ∈ ℤ− . In this case there exists a singular vector given by ̃ vs0 = φ̂ 01−Δ = K 1−Δ |0⟩,

Δ ∈ ℤ− .


̃ ℓ ∈ ℤ , and is isomorThus the invariant subspace I0Δ̃ of ℒΔ0̃ is spanned by K 1−Δ+ℓ |0⟩, + Δ−2 phic to another Verma module ℒ0̃ which is irreducible.

58 | 2 Non-relativistic invariant differential operators and equations Let us stress that vs0 is not a singular vector of the original Verma module V Δ , but of its factor module ℒΔ0̃ . Vectors which become singular vectors only in factor modules are called subsingular vectors [167]. ̃ Consider now the factor space ℒΔ0 = ℒΔ0̃ /ℒΔ−2 0 , denoting by |0⟩ its lowest weight vector. It satisfies the following conditions: Px |0⟩ = 0,


Pt |0⟩ = 0,


G|0⟩ = 0,




|0⟩ = 0.


Consequently, the basis of ℒΔ0 is given by vℓ0 = K ℓ |0⟩,

−Δ, ℓ ∈ ℤ+ , ℓ ≤ −Δ.


Hence ℒΔ0 is finite-dimensional: dim ℒd0 = 1 − Δ, and in fact, when Δ runs through ℤ− one obtains all irreducible finite-dimensional representations of sl(2, ℝ). The latter are not unitary, except in the trivial one-dimensional case obtained for Δ = 0. The transformation rules for vℓ0 are as for φ̂ 0ℓ in (2.30), except that KvΔ0 = 0. Summarizing the above in [175] the following was proved. Theorem 1. The list of the irreducible lowest weight modules over the (centrally extended) Schrödinger algebra is given by – V d , when Δ ≠ (3 − p)/2, p ∈ 2ℕ and M ≠ 0; – ℒ(3−p)/2 , when Δ = (3 − p)/2, p ∈ 2ℕ and M ≠ 0; – ℒΔ0̃ , when Δ ∉ ℤ− and M = 0; – ℒΔ0 , when d ∈ ℤ− and M = 0. In the last case one has dim ℒΔ0 = 1 − Δ; in all other cases the irreps are infinitedimensional. The representation ℒ1/2 is also an irrep of the centrally extended Galilean ̂ subalgebra 𝒢 (1). The irreps in the last two cases are also irreps of the subalgebra sl(2, ℝ). 2.1.3 Generalized Schrödinger equations from a vector-field realization of the Schrödinger algebra Now we shall employ the vector-field representation (1.195) as in [175]. This realization was used to construct a polynomial realization of the irreducible lowest weight modules considered in the previous subsection. For this realization we represent the lowest weight vector by the function 1. Indeed, the constants in (1.195) are chosen so that (2.4) is satisfied: D 1 = Δ,

M 1 = M,

Px 1 = 0,

Pt 1 = 0.


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Applying the basis elements pk,ℓ = Gk K ℓ of the universal enveloping algebra U(𝒮 +̂ ) to 1 we get polynomials in x, t. Let us denote these polynomials by fk,ℓ ≡ pk,ℓ 1. (In partial cases we have explicit expressions for fk,ℓ from [175] but we shall not need them here.) Let us denote by C Δ the spaces spanned by the elements fk,ℓ , and by LΔ the irreducible subspace of C Δ . Now in [175] the following was shown. Theorem 2. The irreducible spaces LΔ give a realization of the irreducible lowest weight ̂ given in Theorem 1. representations of 𝒮 (1) ⬦ We consider now in more detail the most interesting cases of the representations L(3−p)/2 with M ≠ 0 and p ∈ 2ℕ. We first introduce an operator by the polynomial G2 − 2MK ∈ U(𝒮 +̂ ) expressing this polynomial in the vector-field realization: 1 S ≐ G2 − 2MK = t 2 (𝜕x2 − 2M𝜕t ) + 2Mt( − Δ). 2


In these case we have the following [175]. Proposition 2. Each basis polynomial fk,ℓ of L(3−p)/2 satisfies Sp/2 fk,ℓ = (t 2 (𝜕x2 − 2M𝜕t ) + (p − 2)Mt) p/2

= t p (𝜕x2 − 2M𝜕t )

fk,ℓ = 0,


fk,ℓ 3−p Δ= . 2

(2.36) ⬦

Thus we have obtained in (2.36) an infinite hierarchy of PDOs Sp/2 which give rise to differential equations, we call free generalized heat/Schrödinger equations. The equations are obtained by substituting the vector-field realization in the singular vectors (thus extending the procedure of [161]). This substitution gives Sp/2 = (G2 − 2MK)


= t p (𝜕x2 − 2M𝜕t )

= (t 2 (𝜕x2 − 2M𝜕t ) + (p − 2)mt)





Thus, the hierarchy of equations is t p (𝜕x2 − 2M𝜕t )


f = 0.


In the case of function spaces with elements which are polynomials in t (as our representation spaces) or are singular at most as t −p/2 for t → 0, the hierarchy is p/2

(𝜕x2 − 2M𝜕t )

f = 0.


The above proposition also shows that the representation spaces are comprised from solutions of the corresponding equations (2.39). The case p = 2 and M real is the ordinary heat or diffusion equation and for p = 2 and M purely imaginary we get the

60 | 2 Non-relativistic invariant differential operators and equations free Schrödinger equation. So the members of the hierarchy of equations which are invariant under the Schrödinger group have generically higher orders of derivatives in t. This shows that the Schrödinger symmetry is not necessarily connected with first order (in t) differential operators. We can further extend [161] to the non-semisimple situation by considering equations with nonzero RHS. However, invariance w. r. t. the Schrödinger algebra requires that the RHS is an element of the irreducible representation space C (p+3)/2 , while the functions in the LHS are not restricted to the solution subspace of (2.39). Thus, using the operator in (2.38) we obtained the following hierarchy of generalized heat/Schrödinger equations: p/2

t p (𝜕x2 − 2M𝜕t )

f = j,

f ∈ C (3−p)/2 , j ∈ C (3+p)/2 .


Remark 2. It is interesting to note that (2.40) looks similar to an hierarchy of equations involving the d’Alembert operator and conditionally invariant w. r. t. conformal algebra su(2, 2): ̂ ◻n φ(x) = φ̂ 󸀠 (x),

n ∈ ℕ,


where φ,̂ φ̂ 󸀠 are scalar fields of different fixed conformal weights depending on n, x = (x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ) denotes the Minkowski space-time coordinates, and ◻ is the d’Alembert operator: ◻ = 𝜕μ 𝜕μ = (𝜕)⃗ 2 − (𝜕0 )2 ; see, e. g. [167]. ⬦ Of course, we may consider more general function spaces of the variables t, x, say C ∞ (ℝ2 , ℝ), on which the centrally extended Schrödinger algebra is acting by formulae (1.195). For the example of the ordinary heat equation one may find also solutions of the type λt (α cosh(√λx) + β sinh(√λx)) exp( ), 2M

α, β, λ ∈ ℝ,


which results from separation of the t and x variables, while the polynomial solutions above may be obtained also by separation of the variables t and Mx 2 /2t; cf. [175]. 2.1.4 Generalized Schrödinger equations in the bulk In this subsection we review [170]. Now we shall employ the bulk vector-field representation (1.192) trying similarly to the previous subsection to construct generalized Schrödinger equations in the bulk. We start with the operator (distinguishing bulk operators by hats) 1 Ŝ ≐ Ĝ 2 − 2𝜕− K̂ = t 2 (𝜕x2 − 2𝜕− 𝜕t ) + 2t( − z𝜕z )𝜕− − z 2 𝜕−2 . 2


̂ 2.1 Non-relativistic invariant differential equations for 𝒮(1)



We could use the one-point invariant variable obtained from u by setting in (1.202) t 󸀠 = 0, x󸀠 = 0, x−󸀠 = 0, z 󸀠 = 1, i. e. we use ũ =


4z . − 2tx− + (z + 1)2


Substituting this change in (2.43) we obtain ũ 4 𝜕2 t2 ). Ŝ = (ũ 3 𝜕ũ + z 2 𝜕ũ 2


1 Ŝ0 ≐ Ĝ 02 − 2M K̂ 0 = t 2 (𝜕x2 − 2M𝜕t ) + 2tM( − z𝜕z ) − z 2 M 2 . 2


We shall elaborate on the use of (2.45) elsewhere. Now we set an Ansatz for the fields in the bulk: ϕ(t, x, x− , z) = eMx− ϕ(t, x, z), which leads to the identification 𝜕x− = M both in the bulk and on the boundary. Thus, we shall use

Thus, we obtain the following Schrödinger-like equation in the bulk: ϕ ∈ Ĉ 1/2 ,

Ŝ0 ϕ = ϕ󸀠 ,

ϕ󸀠 ∈ Ĉ 5/2 .


The relation to the Schrödinger equation on the boundary is seen by the following commutative diagram: Ĉ 1/2 ↓ L1/2 C


󳨀→ Ŝ0

󳨀→ S

Ĉ 5/2 (2.48)

↓ L1/2 C


where L1/2 is the bulk-to-boundary operator defined in (1.208), and (2.48) may be rewritten as the intertwining relation: acting as operator Ĉ 1/2 󳨀→ C 5/2 .

S ∘ L1/2 = L1/2 ∘ Ŝ0 ,


Equation (2.49) and therefore (2.48) follow by substitution of the definitions. As expected, we have a Schrödinger-like hierarchy of equations in the bulk: (Ŝ0 )p/2 ϕ = ϕ󸀠 ,

ϕ ∈ Ĉ (3−p)/2 ,

ϕ󸀠 ∈ Ĉ (3+p)/2 ,

p ∈ 2ℕ.


They are equivalent to the Schrödinger hierarchy of equations on the boundary (2.40) which is proved by showing the analogues of (2.48) and (2.49): Ĉ Δ ↓ LΔ C


Sp/2 ∘ LΔ = LΔ ∘ (Ŝ0 )p/2 ,

Δ = (3 − p)/2,

󳨀→ (Ŝ0 )p/2

󳨀→ Sp/2

Ĉ 3−Δ ↓ LΔ C

acting as operator Ĉ Δ 󳨀→ C 3−Δ , p ∈ 2ℕ.




62 | 2 Non-relativistic invariant differential operators and equations

2.2 Non-relativistic invariant differential equations for arbitrary n In this section we review references [8, 190]. 2.2.1 Gauss decomposition of the Schrödinger group ̂ for n = 2N Triangular decomposition of 𝒮(n) We have +


̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ 𝒮 (2N) = 𝒮 (2N) ⊕ 𝒮 (2N) ⊕ 𝒮 (2N) , +


̂ 𝒮 (2N) = l.s.{Ga , K, Eℓi ±ℓj }, 0

̂ 𝒮 (2N) = l.s.{D, M, Hk }, −

̂ 𝒮 (2N) = l.s.{Pa , Pt , E−(ℓi ±ℓj ) }, where l. s. stands for linear span, a, k, i, j are integers of 1 ≤ a ≤ 2N, 1 ≤ k ≤ N, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N. For N > 1 the generators {Hk }, {Eℓi ±ℓj }, {E−(ℓi ±ℓj ) } are the Cartan subalgebra generators, the positive root vectors and the negative root vectors of so(2N), respectively. They are related to the antisymmetric generators {Jij } as follows (only the first line remaining for N = 1): Hk = −iJk N+k (k = 1, 2, . . . N), 1 E±(ℓj +ℓk ) = − (Jjk ∓ iJj N+k ± iJk N+j − JN+j N+k ) 2 1 Eℓj −ℓk = − (Jjk + iJj N+k + iJk N+j + JN+j N+k ) 2

(2.54) (1 ≤ j < k ≤ N), (1 ≤ j ≠ k ≤ N).

̂ for n = 2N + 1 Triangular decomposition of 𝒮(n) We have 0


̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ 𝒮 (2N + 1) = 𝒮 (2N + 1) ⊕ 𝒮 (2N + 1) ⊕ 𝒮 (2N + 1) , +

̂ 𝒮 (2N + 1) = l.s.{Ga , K, Eℓk , Eℓi ±ℓj },



̂ 𝒮 (2N + 1) = l.s.{D, M, Hk }, −

̂ 𝒮 (2N + 1) = l.s.{Pa , Pt , E−ℓk , E−(ℓi ±ℓj ) }, where a, k, i, j are integers of 1 ≤ a ≤ 2N + 1, 1 ≤ k ≤ N, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N. The generators {Hk }, {Eℓk , Eℓi ±ℓj }, {E−ℓk , E−(ℓi ±ℓj ) } are the Cartan subalgebra generators, the positive root vectors and the negative root vectors of so(2N + 1), respectively. They are related to the antisymmetric generators {Jij } as in the case n = 2N for Hk , E±(ℓj +ℓk ) , and Eℓj −ℓk , while E±ℓk is defined by E±ℓk = −

1 (J ∓ iJN+k 2N+1 ) √2 k 2N+1

(k = 1, 2, . . . , N).


2.2 Non-relativistic invariant differential equations for arbitrary n |


̂ Gauss decomposition of the Schrödinger group S(n) ̂ Let g ∈ S(n) be an element with Gauss decomposition: g = g+ g0 g− . For even n = 2N we have 2N

g+ = (∏ exa Ga )etK ( ∏ e a=1

ξjk Eℓj +ℓk

1≤j 0.


Further with any partition λ = {λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ . . .} one associates a Schur polynomial: Sλ (x) = Sλ1 ,λ2 ,... (x) = det(Sλj +k−j (x))j,k .


For a given partition λ = {λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≥ λℓ } with λℓ > 0 we shall call ℓ the length of λ. Next we introduce variables in terms of which we shall write the singular vectors. Namely, for k ≠ 0 we denote xk = γa−k /k, γ = γ± = √2α± , then we have [Ln , xk ] =

γ [L , a ] = γ(an−k − (k + 1)ξδn,k ) k n −k

(k − n)xk−n n ≠ k, ={ γ(a0 − (k + 1)ξ ) n = k.


Further, we shall write a unified formula assuming that ((k − n)xk−n )|k=n = 0 and substituting the central oscillator a0 with its value in the Fock module, namely,

3.6 Fock modules over the Virasoro algebra | 113

with ξ + η. Thus, we get [Ln , xk ] = (k − n)xk−n + γ(η − kξ )δn,k .


For the derivation of the singular vectors we need only the action of L1 and L2 (since they generate all Ln , n ≥ 3). Consider a function f (x) of x = (x1 , x2 , . . .). Then from (3.94) we obtain at once ∞

𝜕f 𝜕f + √2γ(η − ξ ) , 𝜕xj+1 𝜕x1


𝜕f 𝜕 𝜕f 𝜕f 𝜕2 f + √2γ(η − 2ξ ) + γ 2 2 + 2γ 2 . 𝜕xj+2 𝜕x2 𝜕x1 𝜕x1 𝜕x1


[L1 , f (x)] = ∑ jxj j=1

and after some manipulation ∞

[L2 , f (x)] = ∑ jxj j=1

The last term in (3.96) indicates that L2 is not a derivative operator on functions of x. We need the following properties of the elementary Schur polynomials: 𝜕Sk (x) = Sℓ−k , 𝜕xℓ


∑ (ℓ − j)xℓ−j Sk−ℓ = (k − j)Sk−j .



Using these properties we obtain from (3.95) and (3.96) the formulae necessary for the derivation of the singular vectors: [L1 , Sk (x)] = (k − 1 + γ(η − ξ ))Sk−1 (x), [L2 , Sk (x)] = (k − 1 + γ(η − ξ ))Sk−2 (x) + γ 2 Sk−1

(3.98) 𝜕 . 𝜕x1


We are now ready to tackle the question of the explicit expressions for the singular vectors. As in the case of Verma modules the singular vector of level t is given by a linear combination of basis monomials of the oscillator algebra of level t applied to the vacuum. In terms of the x-variables we use (3.94) for n = 0, [L0 , xk ] = kxk ,


and thus we get [L0 , Sk ] = kSk ,

[L0 , Sλ ] = (λ1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + λℓ )Sλ


(ℓ is the length of λ). We consider first the case c = 1, i. e. ξ = 0. The singular vector of level mn is given by [533] c=1 vm,n = S⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟ n, . . . , n ( m

√2 a )|η⟩, k −k


114 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras or, equivalently, by c=1 vm,n = S ⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟ m, . . . , m (− n

√2 a )|η⟩, k −k


the two expressions differing by sign. Let us note that the Schur polynomials involved are exactly of length m (respectively n), i. e. each term involves the product of exactly m (respectively n), elementary Schur polynomials. − These formulae were generalized for the discrete cases h = h−(m,n) and c = cp,q 1 are much more interesting. In particular, for m = 2 or n = 2 we have n

vm=2,n = ∑ βkn (α+ )S2n−k,k ( k=0 m

√2 α a )|η⟩, j + −j

vm,n=2 = ∑ βkm (α− )S2m−k,k ( k=0

βkt (α± ) =

√2 α a )|η⟩, j − −j

(3.105a) (3.105b)

(−1)k Γ(2(t + u± )) Γ(2t − k + u± + 1)Γ(k + u± )

= (−1)k (

2(t + u± ) − 1 ), k + u± − 1


where u± = γ± (η − ξ ) − 1 = α±2 − t, and only the expression in terms of Γ-functions can be used if u± is not integer. Our first observation is that in (3.105), all Schur polynomials of level 2t (t = m or t = n) and of length ≤ 2 are involved, since the term with k = 0 involves the elementary Schur polynomial S2t = S2t,0 . Of course, there are partial cases when not all terms are present in (3.105a,b). Thus, for p = 1, respectively q = 1, we have u+ = q − n for (3.105a), respectively u− = p − m for (3.105b), and βkt (α± ) = 0 for k < 1 − u± . Finally, for c = 1, p = q = 1 we have βkt (±1) = 0 for k < t and (3.105a,b) collapse (up to signs) to (3.102a,b). Note that βtt ≠ 0 in all cases.

3.6 Fock modules over the Virasoro algebra | 115

Let us give also the example of a singular vector in the case m = n = 3: v3,3 =


9 βj,s (α+ )S9−j−s,j,s (


(−1)j+s βj,s

9 βj,s (α+ ) =


√2 α a )|η⟩, k + −k

, Γ(10 − j − s + u)Γ(j + u)Γ(s + u − 1)u = β1,0 = (u − 3)(u + 8), β1,1 = β2,1 = (u − 1)(u + 6),

β4,0 = β4,1 = −(u + 2)(u + 3),

β2,0 = −18,

β3,1 = −6,

β2,2 = β3,2 = β3,3 = u(u + 5),

β3,0 = −(u2 + 5u + 12),

9 where u = u+ = γ+ (η(3,3) − ξ ) − 1 = 2α+2 − 3 = 2q/p − 3 > −3. Note that βj,s have no poles

9 (even for u = 0). For c = 1, p = q = 1 = −u, all coefficients are zero except β3,3 and (3.106) goes into (3.103). For u = −2, 0, 1, 3 there are also some vanishing coefficients 9 9 (always β0,0 ). Note that β3,3 ≠ 0 in all cases. The same expression is valid if we replace α+ → α− , u = u+ → u− = 2α−2 − 3 = 2p/q − 3. Thus we are lead to the conjecture that the general expression for the singular vectors should be

vm,n =

(−1)k1 βk1 ,...,km (α+ )

∑ k1 ≥⋅⋅⋅≥km ≥0 k1 +⋅⋅⋅+km =mn

Γ(k1 + u+ + 1) . . . Γ(km + u+ − m + 2)

× Sk1 ,...,km (

√2 α a )|η⟩ j + −j


or, up to sign, vm,n =

∑ k1 ≥⋅⋅⋅≥kn ≥0 k1 +⋅⋅⋅+kn =mn

(−1)k1 βk1 ,...,kn (α− )

Γ(k1 + u− + 1) . . . Γ(km + u− − n + 2)

× Sk1 ,...,kn (

√2 α a )|η⟩ j − −j


where u± = γ± (η(m,n) − ξ ) − 1 = √2α± (η(m,n) − ξ ) − 1, and the coefficients obey a simple recursion relation (from the action of L1 ): n

βk1 ,...,kn = ∑ βk1 −1,...,kℓ +1,...,kn , ℓ=2


and a more complicated one (from the action of L2 ), which we omit. Note that in (3.107a) (respectively, (3.107b)), n ≤ k1 ≤ mn (respectively m ≤ k1 ≤ mn), 0 ≤ km ≤ n (respectively 0 ≤ kn ≤ m), βn,...,n ≠ 0, βm,...,m ≠ 0. Thus according to our conjecture Schur polynomials of level mn, and of arbitrary length ≤ m (or ≤ n), are involved, i. e. every term involves the product of at most m (respectively n), elementary Schur polynomials.

116 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras

3.7 Characters of the unitarizable highest weight modules over the N = 2 superconformal algebras In this section we follow mainly [79] (by Boucher–Friedan–Kent) and [158]. 3.7.1 Preliminaries The N = 2 superconformal algebras (or super-Virasoro algebras) in two dimensions are three complex Lie superalgebras: the N = 2 Neveu–Schwarz superalgebra [1], the N = 2 Ramond superalgebra [1], the N = 2 twisted superalgebra [79], which are denoted as 𝒜, 𝒫 , 𝒯 , respectively, or 𝒢 when a statement holds for all three superalgebras. They have the following nontrivial super-Lie brackets: [Lm , Ln ] = (m − n)Lm+n +

1 z(m3 − m)δm,−n 4


1 j , j = 1, 2 [Lm , Gnj ] = ( m − n)Gm+n 2 [Lm , Yn ] = −nYm+n , [Ym , Yn ] = zmδm,−n k , [Ym , Gnj ] = iϵjk Gm+n

ϵjk = (

0 −1

(3.109b) (3.109c)

1 ) 0


j , Gnk ]+ = 2δjk Lm+n + iϵjk (m − n)Ym+n + z(m2 − [Gm

1 jk )δ δm,−n 4


j where m ∈ ℤ in Lm for all superalgebras; m ∈ ℤ in Ym and m ∈ 21 + ℤ in Gm for 𝒜; m ∈ ℤ 1 1 j 2 in Ym and Gm for 𝒫 ; m ∈ ℤ in Gm and m ∈ 2 + ℤ in Ym and Gm for 𝒯 . The standard triangular decomposition of 𝒢 is


𝒢 = 𝒢+ ⊕ ℋ ⊕ 𝒢−

̃∗ {z, L0 , Y0 } for 𝒜, 𝒫 , ℋ=ℒ q ̃∗ {z, L0 , G1 } for 𝒯 , = ℒ q 0


(G01 ) = L0 − z/8 j

̃ {Lm , m > 0, Yn , n > 0, G p > 0} ⊕ ℒ ̃ {Ḡ 0 }𝒫 𝒢+ = ℒ q p q 𝒢− =

̃∗ {Lm , m ℒ q

< 0, Yn , n < 0,

Gpj p

< 0} ⊕

̃∗ {G0 }𝒫 ℒ q

(3.110b) (3.110c) (3.110d)

where the generators G0 , Ḡ 0 which appear for 𝒫 in (3.110c,d) are the zero modes of 1 Gn = (Gn1 + iGn2 ), 2

1 Ḡ n = (Gn1 − iGn2 ). 2


3.7.2 Highest weight modules, reducibility, unitarity A highest weight module (HWM) over 𝒢 is characterized by its highest weight λ ∈ ℋ∗ and highest weight vector v0 so that Xv0 = 0, for X ∈ 𝒢+ , Hv0 = λ(H)v0 for H ∈ ℋ. Denote λ(L0 ) = h, λ(z) = c, λ(Y0 ) = q. [Note that interchanging G0 and Ḡ 0 in (3.110c,d)

3.7 N = 2 characters | 117

means to pass from P + to P − modules in the terminology of [79].] The largest HWM with these properties is the Verma module V λ = V h,c,q (= V h,c for 𝒯 ), which is isomorphic to U(𝒢− )v0 , where U(𝒢− ) denotes the universal enveloping algebra of 𝒢− . Denote by Lλ (respectively Lh,c,q , Lh,c ) the factor module V λ /I λ , where I λ is the maximal proper submodule of V λ . Then every irreducible HWM over 𝒢 is isomorphic to some Lλ . A Verma module V h,c,q (V h,c ) over 𝒢 is reducible if and only if [79]: 1 1 2 (c − 1)2 + [(c − 1)r + s] = 0, 4 4 for some r ∈ ℕ, s ∈ 2ℕ, 1 or gnA ≡ 2h − 2nq + (c − 1)(n2 − ) = 0, 4 1 for some n ∈ + ℤ, for 𝒜; 2 1 1 2 P ≡ 2(c − 1)(h − ) − q2 + [(c − 1)r + s] = 0, fr,s 8 4 for some r ∈ ℕ, s ∈ 2ℕ, 1 1 or gnP ≡ 2h − 2nq + (c − 1)(n2 − ) − = 0, 4 4 for some n ∈ ℤ, for 𝒫 ; 1 1 2 T ≡ 2(c − 1)(h − ) + [(c − 1)r + s] = 0, fr,s 8 4 for some r ∈ ℕ, s ∈ 2ℕ − 1, for 𝒯 . A fr,s ≡ 2h(c − 1) − q2 −






The necessary conditions for the unitarity of Lh,c,q (Lh,c ) are [79] 1 + ℤ; 2 A ≥ 0, gnA = 0, gn+sign(n) ≤ 0,

case A3 :

c ≥ 1, gnA ≥ 0,

case A2 :

A c ≥ 1, f1,2

for some n ∈ case A0 :

for all n ∈

1 + ℤ; 2

c < 1, c = 1 − ω,̃



(3.113b) 1 1 (jk − ), m 4

1 + ℤ, 2 0 < j, k, j + k ≤ m − 1;


1 (j − k), m

for m ∈ 1 + ℕ, j, k ∈


case P3 :

c ≥ 1, gnP ≥ 0,


case P0 :

sign(0) = ±1 for P ± ; 1 jk 1 c < 1, c = 1 − ω,̃ h = c + , q = ± (j − k), 8 m m for m ∈ 1 + ℕ, j, k ∈ ℤ, 0 ≤ j − 1, k, j + k ≤ m − 1;


case P2 :

c ≥ 1,

P f1,2

≥ 0,

for all n ∈ ℤ;


for some n ∈ ℤ,

= 0,

P gn+sign(n)

(3.114a) < 0,

118 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras


1 c; 8

case T2 :

c ≥ 1,

case T0 :

c < 1, c = 1 − ω,̃


1 1 c+ (m − 2r)2 , 8 16m 1 for m ∈ 1 + ℕ, r ∈ ℕ, 1 ≤ r ≤ m. 2 h=


Furthermore, we write V h,c,(q) , Lh,c,(q) in the cases when a statement holds for V h,c,q , Lh,c,q over 𝒜, 𝒫 as written and for V h,c , Lh,c over 𝒯 after deleting q and all related quantities.

3.7.3 Character formulae The weight decomposition of V h,c,(q) is h,c,(q) , V h,c,(q) = ⨁ Vn,(m)



h,c,(q) = {v ∈ V h,c,(q) | L0 v = (h + n)v, for 𝒢 , Vn,(m)

Y0 v = (q + m)v, for 𝒜, 𝒫 },


where the ranges of n, m in (3.116) are 1 n ∈ ℤ+ , 2 n ∈ ℤ+ , 1 n ∈ ℤ+ , 2

m ∈ 2n + 2ℤ,

|m| ≤ √2n,

for 𝒜,

1 1 (1 − √8n + 1) ≤ m ≤ (1 + √8n + 1), 2 2

m ∈ ℤ,

for 𝒫 ,

for 𝒯 .


h,c,(q) , m its relative charge. n is called the level of Vn,(m)

Then the character of V h,c,(q) may be defined as follows [79]: h,c,q h+n q+m )x y = ∑ P(n, m)xh+n yq+m ch V h,c,q = ∑ (dim Vn,m n,m


h q

ch V


= x y ψ(x, y); = =

∑(dim Vnh,c )xh+n n xh ψT (x);

= ∑ PT (n)x





ψA (x, y) ≡ ∑ PA (n, m)xn ym n,m

(1 + xk−1/2 y)(1 + xk−1/2 y−1 ) ; (1 − xk )2 k∈ℕ



3.7 N = 2 characters | 119

ψP (x, y) ≡ ∑ PP (n, m)xn ym−1/2 n,m

(1 + xk y)(1 + xk y−1 ) ; (1 − xk )2 k∈ℕ

= (y1/2 + y−1/2 ) ∏

(1 + xk )(1 + xk−1/2 ) . k k−1/2 ) k∈ℕ (1 − x )(1 − x

ψT (x) ≡ ∑ PT (n)xn = ∏ n

(3.119b) (3.119c)

For P − representations one should write ym+1/2 instead of ym−1/2 [79]. Proposition 1 ([79, 158]). The character formulae for the unitary cases A3 (P3 ), with either c > 1 and gn > 0, ∀n ∈ 21 + ℤ (∀n ∈ ℤ), or c = 1, and cases T2 are given by ch Lh,c,q = ch V h,c,q h,c

ch L

= ch V



c h ≠ , 8

ch L

c ,c 8

c 1 = ch V 8 ,c . 2

(3.120a) (3.120b)

Note that the Verma modules involved are irreducible except in the last case, where c c c c c c c V 8 ,c = I 8 ,c ⊕ V 8 ,c /I 8 ,c , I 8 ,c ≅ V 8 ,c /I 8 ,c . ⬦ Proposition 2 ([158]). The character formulae for the unitary cases A3 (P3 ), with c > 1, q/(c − 1) = n0 ∈ 21 + ℤ (n0 ∈ ℤ), and gn0 = 0, and for the cases A2 (P2 ), with f1,2 > 0, are given by ̃ V h,c,q ≡ ch Lh,c,q = ch n

1 ch V h,c,q (1 + x|n| ysign(n) )


A where for A3 , P3 , n = n0 , and for A2 , P2 , n is such that gn = 0, gn+sign(n) < 0.

Proof. Actually, the proposition holds in a more general situation beyond the unitary cases, namely, when, for a fixed V h,c,q (3.112b) ((3.112d)) holds for some n, possibly also for some n󸀠 such that sign(n) = sign(n󸀠 ) and |n󸀠 | > |n|, and (3.112a) ((3.112c)) does not hold for any r, s. [In the statement of Proposition 2 the additional reducibility appears in the cases A2 (P2 ) when 2q(c − 1) ∈ ℤ, then n󸀠 = M − n, M ≡ 2q(c − 1) and gM−n = 0.] In this situation there is a singular vector vns and possibly a singular vector vns 󸀠 , however, the latter (when existing) is a descendant of vns . Thus, we have the following embedding diagram: V h,c,q 󳨀→ V h+|n|,c,q+sign(n)


where the convention is used that the arrow points to the embedded module. This embedding has a kernel, since there is an infinite chain of embeddings of Verma modules: ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 󳨀→ Vt 󳨀→ Vt+1 󳨀→ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅


where Vt ≡ V h+t|n|,c,q+t sign(n) , t ∈ ℤ. Using the Grassmannian properties of the odd generators one can show that this chain of embedding maps is exact. Due to the kernel

120 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras one has ̃ V h+|n|,c,q+sign(n) ch Lh,c,q = ch V h,c,q − ch n ̃ V = ch n




Proposition 3 ([158]). The character formulae for the unitary cases A2 , P2 , with f1,2 = 0 is given by ch Lh,c,q =

(1 +

(1 − x) ch V h,c,q + x|n|+1 ysign(n) )

x|n| ysign(n) )(1


Proof. The character relevant structure of V h,c,q is given by the embedding diagram:

(3.126) where the dashed arrows denote even embeddings, V0 is reducible v. r. t. gn = 0 = f1,2 from the statement; then (with μ = 0 for 𝒜, μ = 1 for 𝒫 ) h=

1 1 (c − 1)(2n + ϵ)2 + nϵ + μ, 8 8

1 q = (c − 1)(2n + ϵ), 2

ϵ ≡ sign(n).


The other reducibilities relevant for the structure are V1 w. r. t. gn = 0 = f1,2 , V0󸀠 and V1󸀠 w. r. t. gn+sign(n) = 0. Thus for the character formula follows: ̃ V h+|n|,c,q+sign(n) ch Lh,c,q = ch V h,c,q − chV h+1,c,q − ch n ̃ + ch V h+|n|+2,c,q+sign(n) , n+sign(n)


which after substituting the definitions gives (3.125). Proposition 4 ([158, 444, 385]). The character formulae for the unitary cases A0 , P0± , is given by 2

ch Lm,j,k (x, y) = ∑ xmn +(j+k)n {1 − x(m−j−k)(2n+1) n∈ℤ+

+ xmn+k y[


1 x2(m−j−k)(n+1) ] − 1 + xmn+m−j y 1 + xmn+k y

x2(m−j−k)(n+1) 1 − ]} 1 + xmn+m−k y−1 1 + xmn+j y−1 × ch Vm,j,k (x, y)

+ xmn+k y−1 [

where Lm,j,k = Lh,c,q , Vm,j,k = V h,c,q , when h, c, q are expressed through m, j, k as in (3.113c) and (3.114c).

3.7 N = 2 characters | 121

Proof. The structure of V0 ≡ Vm,j,k is given by the following embedding diagram:

(3.130) 2

Vn = V h+mn +(k+j)n,c,q ,

2 Vn󸀠 = V h+mn +m(2n+1)−(k+j)(n+1),c,q , 2 Vn+ = V h+mn +(m+k+j)n+k,c,q+1 , 2 Vn󸀠 + = V h+mn +m(3n+2)−(k+j)(n+2)+k,c,q+1 , 2 Vn− = V h+mn +(m+k+j)n+j,c,q−1 , 2 Vn󸀠 − = V h+mn +m(3n+2)−(k+j)(n+2)+j,c,q−1 .


From this it follows that + ̃ − ̃ ch Lm,j,k (x, y) = ∑ [ch Vn − ch Vn󸀠 − ch mn+k Vn − chmn+j Vn n∈ℤ+

󸀠+ ̃ 󸀠− ̃ + ch mn+m−j Vn + chmn+m−k Vn ],


which after substituting the definitions gives (3.129). Remark 1. It should be stressed that diagrams (3.126) and (3.130) represent the structure of the Verma modules V0 , Vm,j,k , respectively, and the embeddings between the Verma modules in these diagrams. The structure as shown determines the character formulae (3.125) and (3.129) completely. Later it was shown that in (3.130) each even embedding between the Verma modules Vn and Vn󸀠 , n = 1, 2, . . ., and between the Verma modules Vn󸀠 and Vn+1 , n = 1, 2, . . ., is generated by two uncharged fermionic singular vectors [191]. However, this refinement of embeddings has no relevance for the character formulae (3.129). ⬦ Proposition 5 ([158, 444, 385]). Let Vr,s , r ∈ ℕ, s ∈ ℕ − 1/2, be the Verma module V h,c with h = hTr,s = [(tr − ms)2 − t 2 ]/4mt + 1/8 = hTm−r,t−s , c = 1 − 2t/m, t, m ∈ ℕ, tr ≤ ms, s < t < m, t, m have no common divisor. Then the character formula for the corresponding irreducible quotient Lr,s is given by ch Lr,s (x) = ch Vr,s (x) ∑ xj(tmj+tr−ms) (1 − xs(2mj+r) ). j∈ℤ


122 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras In particular, the character formula for the T0 unitary cases r ≤ m/2 is obtained from (3.133) by setting t = 1, s = 1/2. The proof relies on the realization that the Verma modules Vr,s has exactly the structure of certain Virasoro and N = 1 super-Virasoro (Neveu–Schwarz and Ramond) Verma modules for which the character formulae are known; cf. Section 3.4. ⬦

3.8 Modular invariants for theta-functions with characteristics and the twisted N = 2 superconformal and su(2) Kac–Moody algebras This section is based on [181]. We classify the modular invariants for Θ-functions with characteristics relevant for the twisted N = 2 super-Virasoro and the twisted su(2) Kac–Moody algebras. Detailed and complete proofs are given. Based on this we give the classification of the modular invariants for the above algebras. 3.8.1 Preliminaries The construction of the modular invariant partition functions on the torus is a crucial step towards the classification of two-dimensional conformal field theories [101, 336, 270, 98]. The classification of modular invariants for the Virasoro and su(2) Kac– Moody algebras was conjectured in Cappelli–Itzykson-Zuber [98] and proved in [269, 268, 99, 367]; for the N = 1 super-Virasoro algebras was given in [97] and for the untwisted N = 2 super-Virasoro algebras in [268]. For the twisted N = 2 super-Virasoro algebras the study of modular invariance was done in [180–182]. We consider the discrete series of unitarizable highest weight modules (HWM) with central charge c < 1 (Subsection 3.8.2). We classify the modular invariants for the Θ-functions with characteristics (in terms of which are expressed the characters of the HWM) in a complete and detailed way (Subsection 3.8.3 and Appendix). Based on this we give the classification of the modular invariant partition functions for the twisted n = 2 superconformal algebra (or equivalently for the twisted su(2) Kac–Moody algebra) (Subsection 3.8.4). 3.8.2 Characters of the twisted N = 2 superconformal and su(2) Kac–Moody algebras The main object of interest here are the following Θ-functions with characteristics ε, ω ∈ {0, 1/2}: 2

Θr,k [ ωε ](τ, z) = ∑ e2πik(τ(j+r/2k) −z(j+r/2k)) , j∈ℤ


3.8 Modular invariants for theta-functions with characteristics | 123

where k ∈ 21 ℕ, r ∈ ℤ + ε (mod 2k), z, τ ∈ ℂ, Im τ > 0. When ε = ω = 0 and k ∈ ℕ they coincide with the classical Θ-functions describing level k representations of su(2) Kac– Moody algebras [354]. For k = 1/2 and r = ε we obtain the classical Jacobi Θ-functions [460]: ], Θ2 = Θ[ 1/2 0

Θ3 = Θ[ 00 ],

0 Θ4 = Θ[ 1/2 ],


which are the even ones, and the odd one: Θ1 = Θ[ 1/2 1/2 ],


where we have denoted Θ[ ωε ] ≡ Θε,1/2 [ ωε ]. Let ℋ[ ωε ] be the 2k-dimensional space spanned by χr [ ωε ](τ, z) = Θr,k [ ωε ](τ, z)/η(τ) where η(τ) is the Dedekind η-function. The action of the modular group Γ = SL2 (ℤ) on (z, τ) is given by [354] a Γ∋( c

b aτ + b z , ). ) ⋅ (z, τ) = ( d cτ + d cτ + d


1 1 One can take as generators of the modular group the matrices S = ( 01 −1 0 ), T = ( 0 1 ), thus S : (τ, z) 󳨃→ (−1/τ, z/τ) and T : (τ, z) 󳨃→ (τ +1, z). These generators act on the direct sum ℋ of ℋ[ ωε ] as follows [180]:

S : [ ωε ] 󳨀→ [ ωε ]

with matrix elements Srr󸀠 =

ε T : [ ωε ] 󳨀→ [ ω+ε+k ]

CS −2πirr󸀠 /N e , √N

with matrix elements Trr󸀠 = CT eπir



δrr󸀠 ,

(3.138) (3.139)

where CS , CT are phases that will cancel between the left and right chiral parts when we consider modular invariants. More explicitly we have T

] ⃝ [ 1/2 0


⃝ [ 1/2 1/2 ]


0 ⃝ [ 1/2 ]


⃝ [ 00 ]

S T 0 [ 1/2 ] [ 00 ] 󳨀→ 󳨀→ ⃝ S, k ∈ ℕ − 1/2, S ] [ 1/2 0 󳨀→ ⃝ S, k ∈ ℕ.

T 󳨀→

[ 1/2 1/2 ]

⃝ S,

k ∈ ℕ − 1/2,

(3.140a) (3.140b)

⃝ S,

k ∈ ℕ,

(3.141a) (3.141b)

The characters of the c < 1 unitarizable HWM of the n = 2 superconformal algebras (SCA) were found in [158, 444]. (For the cases c ≥ 1 and for some nonunitarizable HWM see [158, 162].) Later, it was pointed out that these characters coincide with the characters of the integrable HWM of the twisted su(2) Kac–Moody algebra [512]. In [180] these characters were rewritten in terms of (3.134). The unitarizable representations of the SCA with c < 1 are parametrized by c = 1 − 2/m, m ∈ ℕ + 1. In the twisted case

124 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras the character corresponding to a field of conformal weight hr = c/24 + (m − 2r)2 /16m, r ∈ ℕ, 1 ≤ r ≤ m/2 is for m even: ε ](τ, z)/Θ4 (τ, z)|z=0 , χrT (τ) = Θ(m−2r)/4,m/4 [ 1/2


where 0 ε={ 1/2

if m − 2r = 0 mod 4, if m − 2r = 2 mod 4,

and for m odd: ](τ, z))/Θ4 (τ, z)|z=0 . ](τ, z) − Θ(m+3)/2+r,m [ 1/2 χrT (τ) = (Θ(m−1)/2−r,m [ 1/2 0 0


Let us introduce the following notation when m = 2 mod 4: ε Θ(0) s [ω] ≡

Θs,m/4 [ ωε ]

[ ωε ] ≡ Θ(1/2) s

Θ[ ωε ]

[ ωε ] ≠ [ 1/2 1/2 ],


Θs,m/4 [ 1/2 1/2 ] Θ[ ωε ]



[ ωε ] ≠ [ 1/2 1/2 ],


[ 0 ] (with ε from (3.142)); and when m = 0 mod 4: thus χrT (τ) = Θ(ε) (m−2r)/4 1/2 Θs,m/4 [ ωε ]

Θs [ ωε ][ ωε 󸀠 ] ≡ 󸀠

󸀠 Θ[ ωε 󸀠 ]


[ ωε ] ≠ [ 00 ],

[ ωε 󸀠 ] ≠ [ 1/2 1/2 ], 󸀠


ε 0 ][ 1/2 ]. From (3.140) and (3.141) we obtain for m = 2 mod 4: thus χrT (τ) = Θ(m−2r)/4 [ 1/2


] ⃝ Θ(η) [ 1/2 0

S 󳨀→

0 Θ(η) [ 1/2 ]

T 󳨀→

Θ(η) [ 00 ]

⃝ S,

η = 0, 1/2,


and for m = 0 mod 4: ] ][ 1/2 Θ[ 1/2 0 0

S 󳨀→

0 0 Θ[ 1/2 ][ 1/2 ]

T 󳨀→

T↕ 1/2 Θ[ 1/2 1/2 ][ 0 ]

0 Θ[ 1/2 ][ 00 ]

↕S S 󳨀→

0 Θ[ 1/2 1/2 ][ 1/2 ]

T 󳨀→



][ 00 ] Θ[ 1/2 0

Let Zst , s, t ∈ {0, 1}, be the partition function on the torus where s (respectively, t) denote the boundary conditions in the space (respectively, time) direction so that the “0” (respectively, “1”) boundary condition is periodic (respectively antiperiodic). The partition function Z00 is a quadratic form of the untwisted characters, while Z10 is a quadratic form of the twisted characters (3.142) and (3.143). For m = 2 mod 4 ] (respectively, Θ(ε) [ 00 ]), ε = 0, 1/2. Z01 (respectively, Z11 ) is given in terms of Θ(ε) [ 1/2 0

3.8 Modular invariants for theta-functions with characteristics | 125

1/2 For m = 0 mod 4 Z01 (respectively, Z11 ) is given in terms of Θ[ 1/2 ε ][ 0 ], ε = 0, 1/2 0 1/2 0 0 (respectively Θ[ 1/2 ][ 0 ] and Θ[ 0 ][ 0 ]). The ℤ2 orbifold partition function is given by

1 Zorb = (Z00 + Ztwist ), 2

Ztwist = Z01 + Z10 + Z11 .


Here Z00 and Ztwist are modular invariant by themselves. Let ℋ(s) be the Hilbert space corresponding to s = 0, 1 boundary conditions. The combinations 1 (Z + Zs1 ) 2 s0


appearing in (3.148) should be interpreted as projections of a given parity on the Hilbert space ℋ(s) . We shall not consider the case m odd independently, since, as we saw in [180], the modular invariants for m odd are obtained from those with m󸀠 even if m󸀠 = 4m (this is expected comparing (3.143) with (3.142) for m = 0 mod 4). 3.8.3 Modular invariants for Θ-functions with characteristics The modular invariant partition functions are built as sesquilinear combinations of the characters which are expressed in terms of the Θ-functions with characteristics. In this section we shall obtain a classification of the modular invariants built from these Θ-functions and then from these we shall obtain the partition functions in Subsection 3.8.4. Expanding the approach of [99, 269] we introduce a Heisenberg algebra of matrices P[ ωε ] and Q[ ωε ] acting on the space spanned by χr [ ωε ] = Θr,N/2 [ ωε ]/η, N ∈ ℕ, r ∈ ℤ + ε mod N, as follows (we skip denoting explicitly the sectors [ ωε ] when no confusion may arise): Qχr = e2πir/N χr ,

Pχr = χr−1 .


It is easy to see that the Weyl commutation relations hold: QP = e2πi/N PQ, and the normalizations are N

(P[ ωε ]) = e2πiω 1[ ωε ],


(Q[ ωε ]) = e2πiε 1[ ωε ].


The action of SL2 (ℤ2N ) on the Θ-functions induces in an obvious way an action on the P and the Q. The set {P k Qℓ : k, ℓ mod N} spans the matrix algebra in the respective sector, thus averaging P k Qℓ over SL2 (ℤ2N ) for different k, ℓ will give all modular invariants we are looking for. We introduce the symbols k

[k, ℓ][ ωε ] ≡ eπikℓ/N (P[ ωε ]) (Q[ ωε ]) , ℓ


where k, ℓ are mod 2N but are independent only mod N due to the normalization (3.151) [k + aN, ℓ + bN][ ωε ] = eπi(a(ℓ+2ω)+b(k+2ε)+abN) [k, ℓ][ ωε ].


126 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras 1 −1 The generators of the modular group S = ( 01 −1 0 ), T = ( 0 1 ) act on these symbols as follows:



S+ [k, ℓ][ ωε ]S = [ℓ, −k][ ωε ] = ([k, ℓ]S) ⊗ ([ ωε ]S),

[k, ℓ][ ωε ]T

= [k, ℓ −

ε ] k][ ω+ε+N/2

= ([k, ℓ]T) ⊗


([ ωε ]T).


Thus the action of a general element of A ∈ SL2 (ℤ2N ) is realized as the action of A on the right of [k, ℓ] and the action of A mod 2 ∈ SL2 (ℤ2 ) on [ ωε ] given by (3.140) and (3.141) with k = N/2. Consider first the case N odd. Then the group of modular transformations factorizes SL2 (ℤ2N ) = SL2 (ℤN ) × SL2 (ℤ2 ). SL2 (ℤ2 ) is embedded into SL2 (ℤ2N ) by 1+N S=( N

N ), 1+N

1 T=( 0

N ), 1


and it permutes the sectors as in (3.140). Since from the k, ℓ (mod 2N) symbols only k, ℓ mod N are independent we can restrict ourselves to [2k, 2ℓ] on which SL2 (ℤ2 ), given by (3.156), acts trivially. Thus we obtain two sets of modular invariants: (0)

ℳk,ℓ =

1 0 (∑[2k, 2ℓ]A) ⊗ ([ 00 ] + [ 1/2 ]) ] + [ 1/2 0 C


1 (∑[2k, 2ℓ]A) ⊗ [ 1/2 1/2 ], C


and (1/2)

ℳk,ℓ =


where C = |SL2 (ℤN )| and the sum is over A ∈ SL2 (ℤN ) ⊂ SL2 (ℤ2N ). Obviously ℳk,ℓ A = (η)

ℳk,ℓ for A ∈ SL2 (ℤ2N ). Thus if α = gcd(k, ℓ) we can find a unimodular matrix A󸀠 with

first column (ℓ/α, −k/α), hence ([2k, 2ℓ][ ωε ])A󸀠 = [0, 2/α][ ωε 󸀠 ]. Next we can find A󸀠󸀠 ∈ 󸀠

SL2 (ℤ2 ) ⊂ SL2 (ℤ2N ) such that [ ωε 󸀠 ]A󸀠 = [ ωε ]; thus if A = A󸀠 A󸀠󸀠 we get ℳk,ℓ = ℳk,ℓ A = (η)






ℳ0,α . However, ℳ0,α = ℳN,α and repeating the same argument with δ = gcd(N, α) we (η)




find that ℳk,ℓ = ℳ0,δ . Thus when N is odd we have two sets of invariants ℳδ ≡ ℳ0,δ (cf. (3.157) and (3.158)) labelled by δ, the divisors of N. Let us consider now N even. In this case SL2 (ℤ2N ) does not factorize in a simple way and the analysis is more involved. (For details we refer to the appendix.) The action of the modular group on the sectors factorizes through μ2N 2 : SL2 (ℤ2N ) → SL2 (ℤ2 ) and is given by (3.141). For N even we shall not discuss the sector [ 00 ] (which transforms by itself) since this case was considered in [99, 269] and moreover the twisted ∗ ]. characters are expressed through [ 1/2 2N 3 The kernel Λ2N N of the map μN : SL2 (ℤ2N ) → SL2 (ℤN ) is isomorphic to K ≡ (ℤ2 ) . An element A ∈ Λ2N N has the form

1 + αN A=( γN

βN ), 1 + αN

α, β, γ = 0, 1.


3.8 Modular invariants for theta-functions with characteristics | 127

2N The maximal subgroup that does not lead out of a sector is Λ2N N ⊂ Λ2 . Using (3.159) and (3.153) we get

[k, ℓ]A = eπi(α(2εℓ+2kω)+β(k+2ε)+γℓ(ℓ+2ω)) [k, ℓ].


Averaging over K ⊂ SL2 (ℤ2N ) we get 1 ⟨[k, ℓ][ ωε ]⟩K = (1 + e2πi(kω+ℓε) )[k, ℓ][ ωε ]. 2


Therefore we consider only symbols [k, ℓ] such that k

0 is even in [ 1/2 ],

], ℓ is even in [ 1/2 0

k and ℓ have the same parity in

[ 1/2 1/2 ].


Note also that from (3.153) we have in particular 0 [2k, ℓ] = [2k, 2ℓ + N] in [ 1/2 ],

], [k, 2ℓ] = [k + N, 2ℓ + N] in [ 1/2 0

[ℓ, ℓ + 2k] = [ℓ + N, ℓ + 2k + N] in

[ 1/2 1/2 ];


thus in (3.162) we shall take k, ℓ mod N. The modular invariants will be given by ℳkℓ =

1 0 ] + [ℓ, −ℓ − 2k][ 1/2 ] + [ℓ, −2k][ 1/2 ∑ ([2k, ℓ][ 1/2 1/2 ])A. 0 |Λ2N | 2N 2 A∈Λ



0 In what follows we shall concentrate on the sector [ 1/2 ]. We want to find the inN dependent invariants. Note that we can reduce the averaging over Λ2N 2 to one over Λ2 N 2N because K acts trivially on symbols of the form (3.162) and Λ2 ≅ Λ2 /K. First let us consider symbols of the form [even, odd]. Let α = gcd(2k, ℓ) be odd and let ξ and η be Bézout multipliers such that ηℓ/α + ξ 2k/α = 1, hence [2k, ℓ]A = [0, α], ℓ/α ξ A = ( −2k/α η ). We want to have A ∈ ΛN2 , i. e. to have odd entries on the diagonal and even entries off the diagonal. Obviously η is odd, while we may assume that ξ is even, because if it is not we shall take ξ + ℓ/α (even), η − 2k/α (odd) as Bézout multipliers. Since A ∈ ΛN2 the symbols [2k, ℓ] and [0, α] lie on the same orbit of ΛN2 and give the same invariant upon averaging. By the same reasoning [0, α] = [2N, α] and [0, α], δ = gcd(2N, α) odd, give the same invariant ℳδ = ℳ0δ from (3.164). Next let us consider symbols of the form [even, even]. As we said, K leaves invariN 2N ant all (3.162), thus averaging over Λ2N 2 is equivalent to averaging over Λ2 ≅ Λ2 /K. Let r N N = 2 ν with ν odd. If r ≥ 2 then ΛN/2 ≅ K and we check the effect of averaging [2k, 2ℓ] 0 over it. Recall that in the sector [ 1/2 ] we have [∗ + N, 2ℓ] = −[∗, 2ℓ]. Taking an element N of ΛN/2 we have

1 + αN/2 [2k, 2ℓ] ( γN/2

βN/2 ) = eπi(αk+γℓ)/2 [2k, 2ℓ]. 1 + αN/2


128 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras Thus averaging over ΛNN/2 leaves [2k, 2ℓ] invariant if k and ℓ are both even and gives

zero otherwise. Next consider the action of ΛN2 /K = ΛN/2 on [4k, 4ℓ]. We repeat the 2 argument r − 1 times. Thus finally we are left with the action of Λ2ν 2 = SL2 (ℤν ) on [2r k, 2r ℓ]. Similarly to the case that N is odd we conclude that the independent modular invariants among the ones coming from [even, even] are labelled by the divisors δ of N such that δ̄ = N/δ is odd. Putting everything together we obtain the following result. Theorem 2. The modular invariants which can be built from the functions Θr,N/2 [ ωε ] are from (3.157)) (= ℳ(0) given as follows. (a) For N odd there are two sets of invariants ℳ(0) 0,δ δ from (3.158)), labelled by δ, the divisors of N. (b) For N even the (= ℳ(1/2) and ℳ(1/2) 0,δ δ 0 ] and modular invariants are given by ℳδ (= ℳ0δ from (3.164)) in the sectors [ 1/2 ], [ 1/2 0 1/2 [ 1/2 ], where δ is a divisor of N such that either δ or N/δ is odd; for the sector [ 00 ] the invariants (found in [269]) are labelled by all divisors of N/2. ⬦

For later convenience we will present a different set of modular invariants also labelled by divisors of N. We will use a modified Kronecker δ, which is ω-periodic in N, (ω) δr,s

0 { { { = {1 { { 2ω {(−1)

if N|r − s, if 2N|r − s,


if N|r − s and 2N|r − s;

thus ω = 0 means periodic, while ω = 1/2 means antiperiodic. For δ|N, δ odd, we define (Ωδ [ ωε ])rr̄ =

, δ(ω) ̄ r,yδ+(x+ε)δ r,yδ−(x+ε)δ

∑ δ(ω) ̄ ̄

x mod δ̄ y mod δ


where δ̄ = N/δ, r,̄ r ∈ ℤ + ε mod N. As is well known the invariants are labelled by divisors δ such that either δ or δ̄ is odd. (We can use (3.167) also for δ even and δ̄ odd adding ε to y and not to x.) These Ωδ can be written in the form (for δ odd and δ̄ = N/δ) e2πiωα (ω) δr,s ={ 0

if δ|̄ r ̄ + r and α is the parity of (r ̄ + r)/δ,̄ otherwise.


We can check directly that the Ω are modular invariants. Under the S-transformation we have (S+ Ωδ [ ωε ]S)rr̄ =


∑ s,β̄ mod N

̄ e2πirβ/N e−2πirs/N (Ωδ [ ωε ])βs̄ √N √N

= (Ωδ [ ωε ])rr̄ .


To show (3.169) one needs 1 ∑ e2πiay/δ = { 0 y mod δ

if δ|a, otherwise,


3.8 Modular invariants for theta-functions with characteristics | 129

where a and y are integers. As an example let us see how we get by the S transformation 0 from the [ 1/2 ] sector where we have integer r and antiperiodicity in N to the sector 1/2 [ 0 ] with half-integer modes r and periodicity in N. In (3.169) we shall have terms of the form ∑ r mod N

(1/2) 2πirs/N δr,a e = e2πias/N ,

r ∈ ℤ, s ∈ ℤ + 1/2,

and this is an identity between antiperiodic under a 󳨃→ a + N functions (the RHS is antiperiodic: exp(2πi(a+N)s/N) = − exp(2πias/N) since s ∈ ℤ+1/2). Conversely, going 0 ] to [ 1/2 ] we have from [ 1/2 0 ∑ s mod N

(0) e2πisr/N = e2πiar/N eπir/N , δs,a+1/2

r ∈ ℤ, s ∈ ℤ + 1/2,

0 ]. and the second factor on the RHS builds up to an antiperiodic δ-function in Ω[ 1/2 Let us see now what happens under the T-transformation:

(T + Ωδ [ ωε ]T)rr̄ = e2πi

̄ ̄ (r−r)( β−s) 2δδ̄

(Ωδ [ ωε ])rr̄ .


When N is odd both δ and δ̄ are odd. If ε = 1/2, then r ̄ ± r have different parity, the two in the denominator is compensated and thus ω does not change. If ε = 0 both r ̄ ± r 0 have the same parity, thus ω is changed. Therefore when N is odd T interchanges [ 1/2 ] ε and [ ω+ε+1/2 ], as we know. When N is even, one of the two divisors is even, the other odd. If ε = 0 both r ̄ ± r have the same parity which is even because one of them is divisible by an even number, thus the other compensates the two in the denominator and ω does not change. If ε = 1/2 the prefactor becomes the parity of (r ̄ + r)/δ (if δ̄ is ε ] even) and changes ω. Therefore, again as it should be, T interchanges [ ωε ] and [ ω+ε when N is even. We want to check that Ωδ are a maximal set of independent invariants as the ℳδ . Using the general formula ℳ=

1 N

∑ k,ℓ mod N

P k Qℓ Tr(ℳQ−ℓ P −k ),


which is true in each sector [ ωε ], we find that Ωδ [ ωε ] is expressed through ℳδ󸀠 [ ωε ], δ󸀠 running over the appropriate divisors by an invertible matrix, thus showing that the set of Ωδ is equivalent to the set of ℳδ . 3.8.4 Modular invariant partition functions In the expressions (3.142) and (3.143) for the twisted characters the Θ-functions are taken for z = 0. These Θ-constants have the property Θr,k [ ωε ] = Θ−r,k [ ωε ], which corresponds to the invariance of the twisted characters and the conformal weights under

130 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras the change r 󳨃→ m − r. Therefore a Θ-function modular invariant ℳr,r̄ will give an invariant quadratic form for the twisted characters if it satisfies ℳr,r̄ = ℳ−r,r̄ = ℳr,−r ̄ . Hence all the invariants will be given by ℳ[ ωε ] = ∑ Cδ (Ωδ + Ωδ̄ )[ ωε ]. δ|N δ odd

The requirements that the coefficients in the quadratic forms Z00 and Z10 have the meaning of operator content (i. e. these coefficients must be nonnegative integers and the vacuum must come with coefficient 1) and that 21 (Z00 + Z01 ) is interpreted as a projection on the Hilbert space ℋ(0) leave us with the following possibilities: 1) the diagonal invariant present for all m; 2) the diagonal invariant of [ ωε ] ≠ [ 1/2 1/2 ] for m = 2 mod 4; 3) (Ω1 + Ω6 − Ω2 − Ω3 )[ ωε ] for m = 12; 4) (Ω1 + Ω9 − Ω3 )[ ωε ] of [ ωε ] ≠ [ 1/2 1/2 ] for m = 18;

5) (Ω1 + Ω15 − Ω5 − Ω3 )[ ωε ] of [ ωε ] ≠ [ 1/2 1/2 ] for m = 30.

These modular invariant partition functions will be considered in more detail in the next section. 3.8.5 Appendix Here we have collected several simple facts together with their proofs. Let us denote ℤm = ℤ/nℤ; ℤ∗m is for the units in ℤm (which have a multiplicative inverse mod m); |G| for the number of elements of G; p|N means p divides N; Γ = SL2 (ℤ) for the modular group; Γ(N) = {A ∈ Γ : A = 1 mod N} is the order N principal congruence subgroup; ΓN = SL2 (ℤN ); gcd(a, b) the greatest common divisor of a and b. The cornerstone of all arguments is the following simple fact. If a and b are relatively prime then there exist Bézout multipliers c, d ∈ ℤ such that ad − bc = 1 and all such multipliers are {c + ra, d + rb : r ∈ ℤ}. In other words, given a two-vector with integer relatively prime entries it can be complemented to a matrix in SL2 (ℤ). The fact follows if we show that the sets {0, 1, . . . , a − 1} and {kb mod a : k = 0, 1, . . . , a − 1} coincide. Suppose not, then we must have a|j − i for some 0 ≤ i < j ≤ a − 1, which is a contradiction. Next we consider the sequence 1 → Γ(N) → Γ → ΓN → 1,


where the homomorphism Γ → ΓN is realized by mod N. This sequence is exact (see e. g. [404]); so we may identify ΓN with Γ/Γ(N). Next we want to prove |ΓN | = N 3 ∏(1 − 1/p2 ), p|N


3.8 Modular invariants for theta-functions with characteristics | 131

where the product is over the prime divisors of N not counting multiplicities. Note that if p is prime then ℤ∗p = ℤp \{0} = (ℤ−pℤ)/pℤ; more generally ℤ∗pr = (ℤ−pℤ)/pr ℤ, thus |ℤ∗pr | = pr − pr−1 . First assume N = p, p a prime. Take (a, b) ∈ ℤ × ℤ so that at least one is a unit. There are p2 − 1 such choices. Let k = gcd(a, b) (by convention gcd(0, b) = b). This k is a unit so there is a k 󸀠 such that kk 󸀠 = 1 mod p. Let {c + rα, d + rβ : r ∈ ℤ} be the multipliers for α = a/k, β = b/k. Then a ( 󸀠 k (c + rα)

b ) ∈ Γp , k 󸀠 (d + rβ)

where for r ∈ ℤp we have p choices. Thus |Γp | = p(p2 − 1). Second, assume N = pr , p a prime, r ∈ ℕ. Take (a, b) as above. There are pr−1 (pr −pr−1 )+(pr −pr−1 )pr = p2r −p2(r−1) = N 2 (1 − 1/p2 ) such choices. Completing a/k, b/k as above to an element of ΓN gives N more choices, thus |ΓN | = N 3 (1 − 1/p2 ). Third, let N = pq, with p, q primes. Again take a, b so at least one is a unit. There are (p2 − 1)(q2 − 1) such choices (because the number of pairs such that both are zero divisors is p2 + q2 − 1). Proceeding as above we find the order of ΓN to be pq(p2 − 1)(q2 − 1) = N 3 (1 − 1/p2 )(1 − 1/q2 ). Combining the above gives the general case. If n|N let us denote by μNn the canonical homomorphism ΓN → Γn realized by mod n and by ΛNn its kernel. From the surjectivity of mod N in (3.173) we see that μNn is surjective. If N = mn and gcd(m, n) = 1 then |ΓN | = |Γm ||Γn | and ΓN = Γm ×Γn ; moreover, N M M M 2N ΛNp ≅ ΓN/p for p = m, n. If L|M|N then μM L = μL ∘ μN and ΛN ⊂ ΛL . If N is even ΛN is isomorphic to K ≡ (ℤ2 )3 , consisting of the eight elements 1 + αN ( γN

βN ), 1 + αN

α, β, γ = 0, 1,


2N 2 and Λ2N N ⊂ Λ2 . The group Γ consists of six elements. It can be represented as generated by S and T with the relations S2 = T 2 = (ST)3 = 1. (Thus Γ2 is isomorphic to the Weyl group of sl(3, ℂ).) By definition the sequence 2N 1 → Λ2N → Γ2 → 1 2 →Γ

is exact. The group Γ2 acts by permuting the sectors [ ωε ], while Λ2N 2 is their maximal invariance subgroup (it is generated by T 2 and ST 2 S). Let N = 2r ν where n is odd. Obviously we have Γ2N ↑ K

→ → →

ΓN ↑ K

→ → →

⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅

→ → →

Γ4n ↑ K

→ → →

Γ2n ↑ Γ2

→ → →

Γn ↑ K


→ → →

Γ2 ↑ . K


where each ↑→ is a short exact sequence. Next we obtain Λ2N 2 ↑ K

→ → →

ΛN2 ↑ K

→ → →

⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅

→ → →

Λ2n 2 ↑ K

→ → →

Γn ↑ Γ2

132 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras In the main text we use this diagram to “peel off” powers of two by averaging over K, which either gives zero or leaves things invariant.

3.9 Classification of modular invariant partition functions for the twisted N = 2 superconformal algebra, twisted su(2) Kac–Moody algebra and D2k parafermions This section is based on [182]. The characters of the twisted N = 2 super-Virasoro algebra (or equivalently the twisted su(2) Kac–Moody algebra) and the closely related characters for the twisted sector of the parafermion algebra are represented in terms of order N Θ constants with characteristics. All modular invariants for order N Θ-functions with characteristics are characterized by δ|N such that either δ or N/δ is odd. The modular invariant ℤ2 orbifold partition functions for theories with c = 3k/(k + 2) are found and classified in an A-D-E series.

3.9.1 Preliminaries The c = 3(1 − 2/m) representations of the N = 2 super-Virasoro algebra and the level k(= m − 2) representations of the affine su(2) algebra are closely related. Both can be decomposed as a product of a ℤk parafermionic current algebra [212] and a single boson. There is an integrable marginal operator that changes the radius of the boson, deforming the N = 2 case into su(2) [580]. Thus a picture emerges, analogous to the c = 1 case (for the classification of c = 1 conformal theories, see, e. g. [274, 146, 90, 386]) which in particular contains a ℤ2 orbifold line containing the twisted N = 2 and su(2) for special values of the compactification radius. For the orbifold partition function one has Zorb (R) = (Z(R) + Ztwist )/2, where Z(R) is the untwisted partition function and Ztwist does not depend on the radius R. Based on the classification of modular invariants for Θ-functions with characteristics we classify all the modular invariant ℤ2 orbifold partition functions for theories with c = 3k/(k + 2). The results are contained in formulae (3.227)–(3.232); cf. [182]. The difference between the characters of the twisted N = 2 and the characters for the c-disorder sector of the parafermion algebra is irrelevant as far as modular transformations are concerned, thus the modular invariants will be the same (cf. (3.227)– (3.232)).

3.9.2 Parafermions, su(2), N = 2 and the untwisted line of conformal models The moduli space of c = 1 theories consists of two lines parametrized by the radius of the compactification circle and by the radius of the S1 /ℤ2 orbifold which lines intersect

3.9 Classification of modular invariant partition functions | 133

at a multicritical point having a symmetry enhanced up to su(2), level 1, and three disjoint points corresponding to su(2) moded out by polyhedra subgroups. The motion along the lines is realized by marginal operators. At Rcircle = √3 and, its dual √3/2 the symmetry is enhanced to N = 2 supersymmetry, while at Rorbifold = √3 and √3/2 one gets twisted N = 2 supersymmetry. This picture was put together by [274] and [146] and was proved to give a complete classification of c = 1 rational conformal theories in [386]. The algebra of parafermionic currents ψℓ (z), ℓ = 0, 1, k − 1, ψ0 = I, ψ+ℓ = ψk−ℓ , of conformal weight hpf ℓ = ℓ(k − ℓ)/k, was introduced by Zamolodchikov and Fateev [212] as a ℤk generalization of the ℤ2 Ising fermions: ψℓ1 (z)ψℓ2 (0) = cℓ1 ℓ2 z −2ℓ1 ℓ2 /k ψℓ1 +ℓ2 (0), ψℓ (z)ψ+ℓ (0) = z −2hℓ (I +

2hℓ 2 pf z T (0) + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅), cpf


where T pf is the parafermion stress energy tensor closing a Virasoro algebra with central charge cpf = 2(k − 1)/(k + 2). Both the central charge c = 3k/(k+2) N = 2 superconformal algebra and the level k SU(2) Kac–Moody algebra can be described by tensoring (see [586] and [212] respectively) a ℤk parafermion with a free boson φ (however, with different compactification radius R for N = 2 and su(2)). It is easy to check that J ± (z) = √kφ±1 (z) : exp J 3 (z) = √kφ󸀠 (z),

i φ(z) : √k

(ψ−1 = ψk−1 ), (3.179)

respectively, G± (z) = √2c/3φ±1 (z) : exp ±i√(k + 2)/2kφ(z) :, J(z) = √c/2uφ󸀠 (z),


together with the total stress energy T(z) = T pf (z) + Tboson (z) close the level k su(2) current algebra with central charge c = 1 + cpf = 3k(k + 2), respectively the N = 2 superconformal algebra with the same central charge. The characters of the level k representations of the su(2) Kac–Moody algebra are [354] aff χr,k (τ, z) =

k Θr,k+2 − Θ−r,k+2 (τ, z) = ∑ csr−1 (z)Θs,k (τ, z) Θ1,2 − Θ−1,2 s=−k+1


where (r − 1)/2 is the spin, Θr,u (τ, z) = Θr,u,z (τ, z, u = 0) Θr,n (τ, z, u) = e−2πinu



e2πin(j τ−jz) ,

r ∈ ℤ2n ,


134 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras are order 2n Θ-functions, csℓ are the string functions. The investigation of modular invariance was carried out in [336, 270, 98, 269, 268] and culminated in the A-D-E classification [99, 367]: aff aff ̄̄ , Zkaff (𝒢 ) = ∑ Nr,r ̄ (𝒢 )χr,k χr,k r,r ̄

N(Am−1 ) = Ωm ,


m ∈ ℕ + 1,

N(Dm/2 + 1) = Ωm + Ω2 ,

m ∈ 2ℕ + 4,

N(E6 ) = Ωn + Ωj + Ω2 ,

N(E7 ) = Ω18 + Ω3 + Ω2 ,

m = 12, m = 18,

N(E8 ) = Ω30 + Ω5 + Ω3 + Ω2 ,

m = 30,


where m = k + 2 and 1 (Ωδ )rr ̄ = { 0

̄ + r,̄ if 2δ|r ̄ − r and 2δ|r



for δ|m and δδ̄ = m. Using the connection (3.179) between parafermions and affine su(2) and the character formula (3.181) Gepner and Qiu found that the characters for the ℤk parafermions are simply the level k su(2) string functions times the Dedekind η-function [269]. For the N = 2 superconformal algebra, depending on the boundary conditions for the supercurrents G± = (G1 ± iG2 )√2, one has NS when both b± are periodic, R when both are antiperiodic, and T (twisted) when G1 (respectively G2 ) is periodic, while G2 (respectively G1 ) is antiperiodic. The characters of the c < 1 unitarizable representations of the N = 2 superconformal algebras were found in [158, 444]. Because of the factorization of the N = 2 theory into a product of parafermionic times a free boson, the N = 2 character can be put in a form similar to the last expression in (3.181), i. e. a sum of terms consisting of a string function (a parafermionic character) times a Θ-function (a free boson character). Of course, since the radius of the boson is different from the case of su(2), so is the level of the Θ-functions. The modular invariants for the untwisted N = 2 are given by [268] N=2 Zk,± (𝒢 ) =

1 k ∑ 4 ̄




NS NS∗ NS NS∗ χℓ,m + χℓ,m χℓ,m ∑ Nℓℓ̄(𝒢 )(χℓ,m ̄ ̄

ℓ,ℓ=0 m=−k−1



R R∗ R R∗ + χℓ,m χℓ,m ̄ ) ̄ ± χℓ,m χℓ,m


̃ and R̃ are obtained by where Nℓℓ̄(𝒢 ) are given by (3.184) and the characters for NS inserting the fermion parity operator in the trace. Having the example of the Gaussian line of critical theories in the case of c = 1, one would like to describe its analogue in the case c = 3k/(k + 2). Yang has noticed

3.9 Classification of modular invariant partition functions | 135

[580] that the partition function introduced in [144] Zk (𝒢 , R) = ∑ 𝒵k (r, s, 𝒢 )Ẑ k (r, s, R),



where 𝒵k (r, s, 𝒢 ) =

k 1 2 k ̄ ℓ∗ |η| ∑ ∑ e2πi(μ−r)s/k Nℓℓ̄(𝒢 )cμℓ cμ−2r 2 μ=−k+1 ̄



is the ℤk -twisted parafermionic partition function, Ẑ k (r, s, R) =

k + − 1 ∑ ∑ e2πi(r−μ)s/k qhmn q̄ hmn , 2 k|η| μ=k+1 m,n∈ℤ 2

μ−r 1 1 ) ∓ R(km − kn + r)) , h±mn = ( (m + n − 2 2R k

(3.189) (3.190)

is the ℤk twisted boson partition function, describes the modular invariant partition function for arbitrary R interpolating between the su(2) partition function (3.183) for R = 1/√2k and the N = 2 partition function (3.186) (with sign “−”) for R = 21 √ k+2 . k The operator product algebra generated by a pair of oppositely charged currents of spin s ∈ 21 ℕ is studied in [489]. The currents split in a product of a U(1)-field and a parafermionic current. These theories are discrete points on the line parametrized by R.

3.9.3 Twisted sector of N = 2 and su(2) and c-disorder fields The ℤk symmetry of the parafermion model is enlarged to a Dk symmetry (the dihedral group of order 2k) when complex conjugation C is included. To each element of Dk corresponds a disorder field. To the elements containing C correspond the so-called C-disorder fields [586]. When a parafermionic current is taken around a C-disorder field it goes into its conjugate. In the boson theory one may consider a twisted sector build on top of two twist fields of dimension (1/16, 1/16). Taking the field φ around one of the twist fields gives φ → −φ, while circling the other gives φ → φ + πR. Using equation (3.180) for the N = 2 currents one sees that the twisted sector of N − 2 can be realized by combining c-disorder fields and bosonic twist fields [506, 500, 586]. The characters for the twisted N = 2 superconformal algebra with c = 3k/(k + 2), corresponding to a primary twisted field of conformal dimension hr = c/24 + (m − 2r)2 /16m, m = k + 2 were found in [158, 444]: χrT (τ) =

Θm/2−r,m − Θm/2+r,m 󵄨󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨 , 󵄨󵄨 Θ0,2 − Θ−2,2 󵄨z=0

r ∈ ℕ, 1 ≤ r ≤ m/2.


136 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras The modular properties of (3.191) will be considered in the next section. As in the untwisted case from the connection (3.180) between N = 2 and parafermions the characters corresponding to C-disorder fields can be obtained [506, 500]. The difference from (3.191) is only in the denominator which for parafermions becomes ∞

Dt = Θ−1/2,3 − Θ−7/2,3 = q1/48 ∏(1 − qn/2 ). n=1


Under modular transformations one easily gets (cf. [500]) T

T S ⃝ D̃ + ←→ Dt ←→ D̃ +


and this coincides with the modular properties of the denominator of (3.191) which is the classical Jacobi Θ-function Θ4 (see next section). Therefore the invariants for the twisted sector of the N = 2 SCA and the C-disordered sector of the parafermionic algebra are the same. In general if the operator algebra admits an automorphism α, α2 = 1, we obtain a ℤ2 orbifold by projecting on invariant states. The untwisted partition function can be written as Z = Σℓℓ̄Nℓℓ̄ trℓℓ̄(qL0 −c/24 q̄ L0 −c/24 ) where (ℓ, ℓ)̄ label the set of primary operators in the theory, Nℓℓ̄ ∈ ℤ+ (the modular invariant form) gives the operator content and the trace is taken over the tensor product of the left Hℓ and right Hℓ̄ Hilbert spaces. Moding out by ℤ2 means to insert a projector in the trace, i. e. to consider Z 󸀠 = ∑ Nℓℓ̄ trℓℓ̄(( ℓℓ ̄

1 + αᾱ L0 −c/24 L0 −c/24 )q q̄ ) 2

1 = (Z + ZPT ) 2


where ZPT means that on the torus we have periodic boundary conditions in the space direction (the trace is taken over the untwisted Hilbert space) and antiperiodic in the time direction (α is inserted in the trace). On the other hand (3.193) is not modular invariant, hence under S, T we have T



⃝ ZPT ←→ zTP ←→ ZTT



where in ZT∗ the traces are taken over the twisted Hilbert spaces (antiperiodic boundary conditions in the space direction). Thus the modular invariant orbifold partition function will be 1 Zorb = (Z + Ztwist ), 2

Ztwist = ZPT + ZPP + ZTT .


In the case of c = 1 Ztwist does not depend on the compactification radius R, because the marginal operator that changes the radius does not couple to the twist fields; thus Zorb depends on R through Z.

3.9 Classification of modular invariant partition functions | 137

The twisted su(2) Kac–Moody algebra is obtained when two of the three generators J 1 (z), J 2 (z), J 3 (z) become antiperiodic as z circles the origin. Because this twisting is realized by an inner automorphism the twisted su(2) is isomorphic to the untwisted su(2) KM algebra. In spite of this the stress energy tensor obtained by the Sugawara formula is different in the twisted and untwisted case; hence the characters are different. The latter were calculated in [512] and coincide with the twisted N = 2 characters (3.191). This comes as no surprise in view of the fact that Ztwist in (3.195) does not depend on the radius, and the difference between su(2) and N = 2 is only a difference of R. Determining the orbifold modular invariants (3.195) will involve the following: finding the modular invariants in the twisted sector (3.194) and then imposing the requirements that the Ztwist invariants are consistent with the untwisted invariants (3.186) through (3.193) and that the modular invariant form for ZTP (the form in which the twisted characters participate) has nonnegative entries. Because Ztwist does not depend on R we can make the connection (3.193) between the twisted and untwisted invariants for the case of su(2). Thus if the twist automorphism is α : α(J 3 ) = J 3 , α(J i ) = −J i , i = 1, 2, instead of the untwisted character (3.181) which are χr = trr 3 (qL0 −c/24 yJ0 ) where y = exp(−2πiz) and J03 is the zero mode of J 3 (z), we have to consider 3

χr̃ = tr(αqLo−c/24 yJ0 )|z=0 . The insertion of α is equivalent to changing z → z + 1/2. Thus in (3.181) we get (Θr,m − Θ−r,m )(z = 1/2) = (1 − exp(πir)) exp( 2 exp( −πir )Θrm 2 ={ 0

−πir )Θr,m (z = 0) 2

if r odd, if r even,

and exp(πi(1 − r)/2)Θr,m /Θ1,2 χr̃ = { 0

if r odd, if r even.


The twisted characters χrT are given by the trace of qL0 −c/24 over the Hilbert space ℋrT (having as a cyclic vector φTr (0)|0 >, where φTr is the twisted primary field of conformal dimension hr ). Inserting the twisting automorphism under the trace we obtain the functions χr̃ T out of which one constructs the quadratic form ZTT . Thus 1 (Z + ZTT ) results in a projection on a subspace of ℋT with definite parity. 2 TP 3.9.4 Modular invariants for the ℤ2 orbifold line In this section we assume that m = k + 2 is even. In [180] in order to study the modular properties of the twisted characters (3.191) we have written them in terms of Θ

138 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras functions with characteristics Θr,N/2 [ ωε ](τ, z) = ∑ exp(2πiω) exp 2πi j∈ℤ


N r r (τ(j + ) − z(j + )) 2 N N


where r ∈ ℤ + ε (mod N) and ε, ω = 0, 1/2 (mod 1). This is a Θ-function of order N. When N is even and ε = 0 = ω this coincides with the Θ functions defined in (3.182). Let ℋ[ ωε ] be the N-dimensional space spanned by Θr,N/2 [ ωε ](τ, z)/η(τ), where η is the Dedekind function. The generators of the modular group Γ act as S: (τ, z) 󳨃→ (−1/τ, z/τ) and T : (τ, z) 󳨃→ (τ+1, z). They act on the direct sum ℋ of the different ℋ[ ωε ] as follows: cS exp(2πirr 󸀠 /N), √N ε T : [ ωε ] ←→ [ ω+ε+N/2 ] with matrix elements Trr󸀠 = cT exp(πir 2 /N)δrr󸀠 S : [ ωε ] ←→ [ ωε ] with matrix elements Srr󸀠 =

(3.198) (3.199)

where cS , cT are phases, irrelevant in what follows. The principal congruence subgroup Γ(2) = {A ∈ Γ : A = 1(mod 2)} permutes the sectors as follows; S




Nodd : T

0 ] ←→[ 1/2 ] ←→[ 00 ] ⃝ [ 1/2 0

Neven : T

0 ] ←→[ 1/2 ⃝ [ 1/2 ] ←→[ 1/2 1/2 ] 0

⃝ S, ⃝ S,


⃝ [ 1/2 1/2 ]

⃝ S,


⃝ [ 00 ]

⃝ S.


In Section 3.8 (cf. [181]) we have proved that the modular invariants for the above Θ-functions (3.197) are labelled by the divisors δ of N and that either δ or δ̄ = N/δ is odd and are (Ωδ [ ωε ])rr ̄ = ∑ δ(ε) ̄ x mod δ̄ y mod δ

δ(ε) ̄ ̄ r,yδ+(x+ω)δ r,y,δ−(x+ω)δ


where δ is assumed odd (if δ is even then ω should be added to y and not to x) and (ε) δrs

0 { { { = {1 { { 2ε {(−1)

if N/|r − s,


if 2N|r − s, if N|r − s and 2N/|r − s,

are ε-periodic in N δ-functions (periodic for ε = 0 and antiperiodic for ε = 1/2). The general modular invariant will have a block diagonal structure labelled by the sectors [ ωε ] and the blocks will be ℳ[ ωε ] = ∑ cδ Ωδ [ ωε ]


where the sum is over δ|N with δ or δ̄ odd. The characters of the twisted N = 2 can be written as (m is even) χrT (τ) =

1 Θ [ ε ](τ, z = 0), Θ4 (τ) m/4−r/2,m/4 1/2

r = 1, . . . , m/2,


3.9 Classification of modular invariant partition functions | 139

where 0 ε = {1

if m/4 − r/2 is even, if m/4 − r/2 is odd,


and Θ4 is one of the even classical Jacobi functions. The classical Jacobi functions can be written in terms of (3.197) as follows: 0 Θ4 = Θ[ 1/2 ],

], Θ2 = Θ[ 1/2 0

Θ3 = Θ[ 00 ],


which are the even ones, and the odd one: Θ1 = Θ[ 1/2 1/2 ],


where Θ[ ωε ] = Θε,1 [ ωε ]. When we set z = 0 in (3.197) we get Θρ,N/2 [ ωε ] = Θ−ρ,N/2 [ ωε ].


This is in agreement with the fact that for the twisted character and the conformal dimensions of the twisted primary fields there is an invariance under r → m−r. Therefore we can use the invariants (3.204) also for the twisted characters of the N satisfy (3.209)

ℳs,s̄ = ℳ−s,s̄ = ℳs,−s̄ ,

which implies that in (3.204) cδ = cδ̄ . Setting z = 0 in what follows let us denote ε Θ(1/2) [ ωε ] = Θs,m/4 [ 1/2 s 1/2 ]/Θ[ ω ],

ε ε ε Θ(0) s [ ω ] = Θs,m/4 [ ω ]/Θ[ ω ],

with [ ωε ] ≠ [ 1/2 1/2 ],


for m/2 odd and Θs [ ωε ][ ωε 󸀠 ] = Θs,m/4 [ ωε ]/Θ[ ωε 󸀠 ], 󸀠



for m/2 even, where the blocks [ ωε ][ ωε 󸀠 ] are permuted as in (3.147). The modular invariants for m/2 odd are given by 󸀠

∑ (Θ(η)∗ ℳ(η) Θ(η) )[ ωε ]

η=0,1/2 sectors


where the sum over sectors is for [ ωε ] ≠ [ 1/2 1/2 ] and (0) ε [ω]

= ∑ cδ(0) (Ωδ + Ωδ̄ )[ ωε ], δ|m/2 δ odd


140 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras (1/2) ε [ω]

= ∑ cδ(1/2) (Ωδ + Ωδ̄ )[ 1/2 1/2 ], δ|m/2 δ odd


while for m/2 even the invariants are given by ∑ (Θ∗ ℳΘ)[ ωε ][ ωε 󸀠 ] 󸀠



where the sum is over the sectors as depicted in (3.147) and ℳ[ ωε ][ ε 󸀠 ] = ∑ cδ (Ωδ + Ωδ̄ )[ ωε ], 󸀠


δ|m/2 δ odd

[ ωε ] ≠ [ 1/2 1/2 ].


In order to make contact between the twisted and untwisted parts via (3.193) we note that χr̃ in (3.196) (which are trace over the untwisted Hilbert space but with the automorphism α inserted in the trace and which build up ZPT ) can be written as a combi] and [ 1/2 nation of Θ-functions from [ 1/2 1/2 ]. Indeed we have 0 Θ1/2,m/4 ≤= Θs,m + (−1)2ε Θm−s,m ,

s odd,


which together with (3.210), (3.211) and (3.196) gives 1 ̃ ), exp(πi(s − 1)/2)(χs̃ + (−1)2ε χm−s 2 1 ̃ ). ] = exp(πi(s − 1)/2)(χs̃ − (−1)2ε χm−s ≤ [ 1/2 0 2

1/2 m = 2(mod 4) : Θ(ε) s/2 [ 0 ] =

m = 0(mod 4) : Θs/2

(3.218) (3.219)

For ZPT we can write in case m = 2 (mod 2) ZPT =

∑ ̄ s,s(mod m) odd

̄ eπi(s−s)/2 ̃ ∗ χm−s ̃ ) ](χs̃ ∗̄ χs̃ + χm−s ((ℳ(0) + ℳ(1/2) )r/2,r/2 [ 1/2 ̄ 0 4

̃ ∗ s̄ χs̃ )) ̃ + χm− ](χs̃ ∗̄ χm−s + (ℳ(0) − ℳ(1/2) )s/2,s/2 [ 1/2 ̄ 0


and when m = 0 (mod 4) ZPT =

∑ ̄ s,s(mod m) odd

̄ eπi(s−s)/2 1/2 ̃ ∗ χm−s ̃ ) ((ℳ[ 1/2 (χs̃ +̄ χs̃ + χm−s ̄ 1/2 ] + ℳ[ 0 ])s/2,s/2 4

1/2 ̃ ̃ ∗ s̄ χs̃ )). + (ℳ[ 1/2 (χs̃ ∗̄ χm−s + χm, ̄ 1/2 ] − ℳ[ 0 ])s/2,s/2


The requirements we have to impose are that ZPT coincides ZPT =

∑ ̄ s,s(mod m) odd

Nss̄ (𝒢 )χs̃ ∗̄ χs̃


for some N(𝒢 ) from (3.183) and that ZPT is a quadratic form of the twisted characters X T with non-negative integer coefficients.

3.9 Classification of modular invariant partition functions | 141

As a result we obtain the A and Deven sequences and E6 , E7 , E8 . When m = 0 (mod 4) one checks that for ZTP besides the diagonal invariant there is only one nontrivial for m = 12, while all the rest of them have negative coefficients. This is consistent with the fact that for m = 0 (mod 4) both Z(Am−1 ) and Z(Dm/2+1 ) produce the same ZPT when χ is 2 changed to χ,̃ namely, ∑m−1 r odd=1 |χr | , hence by the modular transformations the twisted part of the A sequence of orbifold invariants coincides with the twisted part of the Dodd sequence orbifold invariants. The A invariants are given by M = 1, for any m. When m = 2 (mod 4) there are the even D sequences: M (0) = 1,

M (1/2) = 0


the E7 invariant for m = 18 M (0) [ ωε ] = (Ω1 + Ω9 − Ω3 )[ ωε ],

M (1/2) = 0


and the E8 invariant for m = 30 M (0) [ ωε ] = (Ω1 + Ω15 − (Ω5 + Ω3 ))[ ωε ],

M (1/2) = 0.


When m = 0 (mod 4) the only nontrivial twisted invariant is at m = 12 M[ ωε ][ ωε 󸀠 ] = (Ω1 + Ω6 − (Ω3 + Ω2 ))[ ωε ]. 󸀠


More explicitly, for the modular invariant partition function of the ℤ2 -orbifold line in the space of c = 3k/(k + 2) = 3(1 − 2/m) theories we obtain 1 Zorb,k (𝒢 ; R) = (Zk (𝒢 ; R) + Ztwist,k (𝒢 )) 2


where 𝒢 is Am−1 , Dm/2−1 , E6 , E7 or E8 , Zk (𝒢 ; R) is given in (3.187) and for Ztwist we have (k + 2 = m) Ztwist (Am−1 ) =



r odd=1


T 2 | ∑ |χr̃ |2 + 2 ∑ |χrT |2 + |χm/2



̃ T |2 + 2 ∑ |χr̃ T |2 + |χm/2 r=1

T ̃ T are absent when m is odd); (of course, the terms χm/2 , χm/2

Ztwist (Dm/2+1(=odd) ) = Ztwist (Am−1 ), m/2−2

̃ |2 + 2|χm/2 ̃ |2 Ztwist (Dm/2+1(=even) ) = ∑ |χr̃ + χm−r r odd=1


142 | 3 Virasoro algebra and super-Virasoro algebras m/2−2


T 2 ̃ T |2 , + 4 ∑ |χrT |2 + 2|χm/2 | + 4 ∑ |χrT |2 + 2|χm/2

Ztwist (E6 ) = Ztwist (E7 ) =

Ztwist (E8 ) =

r odd=1 r odd=1 ̃ |2 |χ1̃ + χ7̃ |2 + |χ5̃ + χ11 + 2|χ4T |2 + 2|χ1T + χ5T |2 + 2|χ4̃ T |2 + 2|χ1̃ T − χ5̃ T |2 , ̃ |2 + |χ5̃ + χ13 ̃ |2 + |χ7̃ + χ11 ̃ |2 + |χ9 |2 |χ1̃ + χ17 + 4|χ1T |2 + 4|χ5T |2 + 4|χ7T |2 + |χ9T |2 ̃ ) + c.c. + 2χ9̃ ∗ χ3T + c.c. − 2χ9̃ T∗ χ3̃ T + c.c. + χ9̃ ∗ (χ3̃ + χ15 + 4|χ1̃ T |2 + 4|χ5̃ T |2 + 4|χ7̃ T |2 + |χ9̃ T |2 , ̃ + χ19 ̃ + χ29 ̃ |2 + |χ7̃ + χ13 ̃ + χ17 ̃ + χ23 ̃ |2 |χ1̃ + χ11 T 2 T 2 T 2 ̃ |2 . | + 4|χ7̃ = χ13 | + 4|χ1̃ T − χ11 | + 4|χ7T + χ13 + 4|χ1T + χ11




Note that the negative signs in the Zrr part of Ztwist (E) cause no problem, because the quadratic form in χ̃ and χ̃ T need not be with positive coefficient. Recall that these are not real characters; they are obtained by insertion of the α automorphism in the trace. The coefficients of the quadratic form going with them do not have the meaning of operator content.

4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras Summary The theory and applications of Kac–Moody algebras thrived in the last several decades on the interface between mathematics and physics. Kac–Moody algebras were identified first in the stationary Einstein–Maxwell equations [384], in two-dimensional (2D) principal- (or super-) chiral models [192], in 2D sigma models on coset spaces [113], in 2D Heisenberg model [208], in the (anti-) self-dual sector on pure Yang–Mills theory [114], in supersymmetric (N = 4) Yang–Mills theory [565], in completely integrable systems [528], in Toda systems [481] and also as current algebras in two- [570, 124, 439] and three-dimensional [448] models. Naturally, in these pioneer attempts little was used from the representation theory of these algebras (cf. [354] and the references therein). One motivation for our research came from the remarkable papers by the Sato followers [528] which use for the hierarchies of completely integrable systems the most basic representations—the so-called fundamental modules. We recall that every fundamental module appears as the irreducible subquotient of an indecomposable Verma module, the latter being a member of an infinite set of other partially equivalent indecomposable Verma modules. Such a set is called as in the semisimple Lie algebra (SSLA) case a multiplet [153]. However, there are other multiplets besides those containing the fundamental modules. Using an approach developed earlier for semisimple Lie groups or algebras [153] and adapted here for Kac–Moody algebras we classify and parametrize all such multiplets for A(1) ℓ and give them explicitly

(1) for A(1) 1 and A2 . One motivation for this was the search for new hierarchies of completely integrable systems arising from multiplets which do not contain the fundamental modules. This seems very natural since the setting we describe contains infinitely many differential invariant operators; namely, the intertwining operators which give the partial equivalences in the multiplets become differential operators when we realize the HWM as spaces of functions. Every invariant operator between function spaces gives rise to an invariant equation. These invariant operators and equations were very useful as we know from previous chapters and volumes. Such differential equations also led to the successful treatment of some statistical physics models by Belavin, Polyakov and Zamolodchikov [57] by considering another infinite-dimensional Lie algebra, the Virasoro one. We mention this not only because such a line of research is another of our motivations but also because the representation theory of the Virasoro algebra and the Kac–Moody A(1) 1 are closely related. The exact correspondence is discussed. A more general relation is that every HWM of a Kac–Moody algebra may be extended to the semidirect product with the Virasoro algebra [533]. The elements of the latter can be realized as bilinear combinations (normally ordered in some sense) of elements of the Kac–Moody algebras, i. e. as elements of the latter universal enveloping algebras. This in turn provides explicit constructions of the Kac–Moody fundamental modules [356]. Thus there is rich ground for interplay between the differential operators invariant under the two algebras. Possible applications of such interplays, e. g. for finding exact formulae for anomalous dimensions and differential equations for the correlation functions were first mentioned in lectures of Polyakov in Shumen (Bulgaria) in August 1984 [496] (see also Todorov [554]). Furthermore, in Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov [392] the simplest one was realized involving a first order linear differential equation. The Kac–Moody algebras encountered by Witten [570] (for even central charge) and by Craigie–Nahm [124] were also good starting points for such applications.

144 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras

4.1 Multiplet classification of Verma modules over affine Lie algebras and invariant differential operators: the A(1) example ℓ 4.1.1 Definitions and notation The material in this section is fairly standard and because of earlier availability mostly follows [243] although it may be found in [354] (see also Volume 1). Let 𝒢0 be a complex finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebra (SSLA). Let ℋ0 be the Cartan subalgebra of 𝒢0 , and ⟨X, Y⟩ = tr XY, X, Y ∈ ℋ0 be the Cartan–Killing form. We have the complex infinite-dimensional Lie algebra −1

𝒢 ̂ = 𝒢0 ⊗ ℂ[t, t ] ⊕ ℂĉ


where ℂ[t, t −1 ] is the algebra of Laurent polynomials in t. The bracket of 𝒢 ̂ is defined by ̂ m,−n ⟨X, Y⟩ [X ⊗ t m , Y ⊗ t n ] ≡ [X, Y] ⊗ t m+n + mcδ


where X, Y ∈ 𝒢0 , m, n ∈ ℤ, ĉ is in the centre of 𝒢 .̂ In order to have grading and subsequently a root space decomposition a degree derivation d̂ is adjoined to 𝒢 ,̂ thus obtaining the affine Lie algebra 𝒢 : d d̂ ≡ t dt


ℋ = ℋ0 ⊕ ℂĉ ⊕ ℂd.̂


𝒢 = 𝒢 ̂ ⊕ d,̂

The Cartan subalgebra ℋ of 𝒢 is therefore

Furthermore, ⟨, ⟩ is extended to 𝒢 by setting ⟨c,̂ d⟩̂ = 1,

⟨c,̂ c⟩̂ = ⟨d,̂ d⟩̂ = ⟨c,̂ X⟩ = ⟨d,̂ X⟩ = 0,

X ∈ ℋ0 .


Let us denote by Δ0 = Δ+0 ∪ Δ−0 the root system of 𝒢0 , Δ±0 being the positive and negative roots, respectively. Then the root system Δ = Δ+ ∪ Δ− of 𝒢 (± signs are correlated) is Δ± = {βnκα ≡ nd̄ + κα | n ∈ ±ℕ, κ = 0, 1, −1, α ∈ Δ+0 ; n = 0, κ = ±1, α ∈


Δ+0 }

̄ where d̄ is defined by d(̄ d)̂ = 1, d(̄ c)̂ = 0 = d(X), X ∈ ℋ0 . The corresponding root spaces ± ± shall be denoted by 𝒢nκα . The roots with n = 0 form Δ±0 , and 𝒢0,1,α is the root space 𝒢α± in 𝒢0 . The sets of simple roots of Δ0 and Δ are given by Δ0S = {α1 , . . . , αℓ },

ΔS = {α0 ≡ d̄ − α,̃ α1 , . . . , αℓ }

(ℓ = rank 𝒢0 ),


4.1 Verma modules over affine Lie algebras | 145

respectively, where α̃ is the highest root of 𝒢0 . We introduce the notation for the weights: Λ0 ≡ λ1 α1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + λℓ αℓ ∈ ℋ0∗ ,

Λ = cc̄ + dd̄ + Λ0 ∈ ℋ∗ ,

Λi ∈ ℂ;

c, d ∈ ℂ


̄ where c̄ is defined by c(̄ c)̂ = 1, c(̄ d)̂ = 0 = c(X), X ∈ ℋ0 . Furthermore, ⟨, ⟩ is extended ∗ to ℋ by ⟨c,̄ d⟩̄ = 1,

⟨c,̄ c⟩̄ = ⟨d,̄ d⟩̄ = ⟨c,̄ μ⟩ = ⟨d,̄ μ⟩ = 0,

μ ∈ ℋ0∗ .


From (4.9) it follows that ⟨βnκα , βn󸀠 κ󸀠 α󸀠 ⟩ = κκ 󸀠 ⟨α, α󸀠 ⟩.


Thus the product of a root for which κ = 0 with every other root is zero. Such roots are called by Kac imaginary roots, while the rest are called real roots. Let Ei , Fi , Hi , i = 1, . . . ℓ be the Chevalley generators of 𝒢0 : Ei ∈ 𝒢α+i ,

Fi ∈ 𝒢α−i ,

Hi = [Ei , Fi ],

αi (Hi ) = 2.


̃ 0 ) = −2, H0 = [E0 , F0 ] and set We choose E0 ∈ 𝒢α−̃ , F0 ∈ 𝒢α+̃ so that α(H e0 ≡ E0 ⊗ t,

f0 ≡ F0 ⊗ t −1 ,

(ei , fi , hi ) ≡ (Ei , Fi , Hi ) ⊗ 1,

h0 ≡ H0 ⊗ 1 + c,̂


i = 1, . . . , ℓ.

Now we can define an important element ρ ∈ ℋ∗ [354] (in the SSLA case half the sum of the positive roots): ρ = ρc c̄ + ρd d̄ + ρ1 α1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + ρℓ αℓ , 1 ρ(ha ) = ⟨αa , αa ⟩, a = 0, 1, . . . , ℓ. 2

(4.13a) (4.13b)

Note that (4.13b) does not fix ρd , but this value is not essential and may be set to zero. 4.1.2 Multiplets of reducible Verma modules, imaginary reflections and extended Weyl group A Verma module V Λ is a highest weight module completely characterized [354] by its highest weight Λ ∈ ℋ∗ and highest weight vector v such that ea v = 0,

a = 0, 1, . . . ℓ,

Xv = Λ(X)v,

X ∈ ℋ.


As in the SSLA case Verma modules are generically irreducible and again the reducible ones are of special interest. We recall the Kac–Kazhdan criterion [355] according to which V Λ is reducible only if the condition 2⟨Λ + ρ, β⟩ = m⟨β, β⟩


146 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras holds for some m ∈ ℕ and a positive root β. In our notation (4.15) may be written for β = βnκα and Λ = cc̄ + dd̄ + Λ0 as 2(n(c + ρc ) + κ⟨Λ0 + ρ, α⟩) = mκ2 ⟨α, α⟩.


Using the same result of [355] we see that whenever (4.15) holds, V Λ is partially equiv󸀠 󸀠 alent to V Λ , where Λ󸀠 = Λ − mβ. The Verma module V Λ is a submodule of V Λ . If β is 󸀠 an imaginary root then m is not restricted by (4.15) and V Λ is a submodule of V Λ for 󸀠 any m ∈ ℕ, while for m ∈ −ℕ then V Λ is a submodule of V Λ . Note that if (4.15) holds for one imaginary root then it holds for all imaginary roots. Note also that if βnκα ∈ Δ+0 , i. e. n = 0, κ = 1 then (4.15) reduces to the BGG criterion [70] for SSLA algebras. It is standard that to every positive real root β there corresponds a reflection which acts in ℋ: wβ (α) ≡ α − 2

⟨α, β⟩ β, ⟨β, β⟩

⟨β, β⟩ ≠ 0.


These reflections act also in ℋ∗ whenever (4.15) holds as it may be rewritten similarly to (4.17): wβ (Λ + ρ) ≡ Λ + ρ − 2

⟨Λ + ρ, β⟩ β = Λ + ρ − mβ = Λ󸀠 + ρ. ⟨β, β⟩


It is well known [348, 455] that the Weyl group W generated by the simple reflections (corresponding to the simple roots α0 , α1 , . . . , αℓ ) is infinite and is equivalent to the semi-direct product W0 × Q∨ of the Weyl group W0 of 𝒢0 and the dual integer root lattice Q∨ (the latter being generated by the dual roots αi∨ ≡ ⟨α 2,α ⟩ αi of 𝒢0 ). i i What is new in our treatment is that we propose to introduce imaginary reflections. These shall be defined on the weights for which c + ρc = 0 by “l’Hopital’s rule” on (4.18): wβ (Λ + ρ) ≡ Λ + ρ − β = Λ󸀠 + ρ,

⟨β, β⟩ = 0,

⟨L + ρ, β⟩ = 0,

“m” = 1.


Now we recall that in the SSLA case the elements of the Weyl group W0 of 𝒢0 are in 1-to-1 correspondence with the reducible Verma modules contained in multiplets with the following property: each such multiplet contains (exactly) one Verma module for which (4.15) holds for every simple root of 𝒢0 , (this weight being a dominant highest weight, see below). Such multiplets may be called maximal since |ℳ0 | ≤ |W0 |. It is true that the Kac–Moody Weyl group W corresponds to multiplets with the above property (replace 𝒢0 by 𝒢 ). However, we shall define an extended Weyl group W e to include also the imaginary reflections introduced above. More precisely, W e shall correspond to any multiplet which contains one (and then an infinite number of) Verma modules for which (4.15) holds for ℓ simple roots and for the imaginary roots. Examples of W e are shown below. Finally, we recall the standard modules. Every reducible Verma module V Λ contains a unique proper maximal submodule I Λ so that there is an irreducible HWM

4.1 Verma modules over affine Lie algebras | 147

L(Λ) = V Λ /I Λ [354]. In the case when Λ is a dominant weight, i. e. Λ(hi ) ∈ ℤ+ , i = 0, 1, . . . , ℓ (which implies (4.15) holding for every real β ∈ Δ+ ), L(Λ) is called a standard module (Kac calls it integrable module). An equivalent definition (usually used) of a standard module is as irreducible HWM with dominant weight Λ and such that (fi )Λ(hi )+1 v = 0, i = 0, l, . . . , ℓ. We invoked both definitions since this makes the place of the standard modules clear in the set of HWM. (It is clear that standard modules correspond to finite-dimensional modules in the SSLA case.) From the standard modules the fundamental modules mostly used, such that Λi (hj ) = δij , i, j = 0, 1, . . . , ℓ. Λ0 is called the basic module.

case 4.1.3 Multiplet classification in the A(1) ℓ From now on we restrict ourselves to the affine Lie algebra 𝒢 = A(1) ℓ , i. e. when 𝒢0 = sl(ℓ + 1, ℂ). In the notation of (4.7) α̃ = α1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + αℓ and the Cartan matrix (aij ) has the well-known form aij ≡ 2

⟨αi , αj ⟩

⟨αi , αi ⟩

= ⟨αi , αj ⟩ = aji = 2δij − δi+1,j − δi0 δjℓ ,

0 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ ℓ.


Consequently the element ρ (4.13a) is fixed using (4.13b) as ρc = ℓ + 1,

ρi = i(ℓ + 1 − i)/2,

i = 1, . . . , ℓ.


̄ ̄ d+Λ Furthermore, we introduce the signature χ = χ(Λ) of the highest weight Λ = cc+d 0 χ = [d, m0 , m1 , . . . , mℓ ],

mi = (Λ + ρ)(hi ),

i = 0, 1, . . . , ℓ


Note that if mi ∈ ℕ for i = 1, . . . , ℓ then the set of nonnegative integers (r1 , . . . , rℓ ), ri ≡ mi − 1, determines a finite-dimensional representation of sl(ℓ + 1, ℂ) and also a UIR of su(ℓ + 1). Instead of m0 we shall also use c = m0 + m1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + mℓ − ρc ; c is a convenient quantity having the same value for two partially equivalent HWM since c belongs to the centre of 𝒢 . The reducibility conditions (4.15), recalling that for every positive root α = αij = αi + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + αj , 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ ℓ, now becomes n(c + ρc ) + κ(mi + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + mj ) = mκ2 .


The signature of the partially equivalent representation Λ󸀠 = Λ − mβnκαij is given by χ 󸀠 = χ(Λ󸀠 ) = [d󸀠 , m󸀠0 , m󸀠1 , . . . , m󸀠ℓ ], 󸀠

d = d − mn,



= m0 + mκ(δi0 + δjℓ ),

= mk − mκ(δki + δkj − δk,i−1 − δk,j+1 ),

(4.24a) (4.24b) k = 1, . . . , ℓ,

m = n(c + ρc ) + κ(mi + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + mj ) for κ ≠ 0;

m ∈ ℤ\{0} for κ = 0.

148 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras We shall divide the reducible Verma modules into two (obvious) groups: (i) nonsingular Verma modules, for which (4.15) is satisfied only for some real root(s), i. e. c + ρc ≠ 0; (ii) singular Verma modules for which (4.15) is satisfied for the imaginary roots, i. e. c + ρc = 0. The exact results first classify the types of multiplets and then parametrize the various types. Theorem 1. The types of multiplets of nonsingular reducible Verma modules of A(1) ℓ are in 1-to-1 correspondence with the following sets of nonnegative integers: τℓ = {p; ν; r; Lr ; Pr ; Qr ; L󸀠1 , . . . , L󸀠r+1 }


Lr = {ℓ1 , . . . , ℓr }, L0 = 0, Pr = {p1 , . . . , pr+1 }, Qr = {q1 , . . . , qr+1 }, L󸀠i = {ℓi1 , . . . , ℓiqi },

which satisfy the following conditions: 1 ≤ p ≤ ℓ + 1;

0 ≤ ν ≤ δp,ℓ+1 ;

0 ≤ r ≤ min(p − 1, ℓ − p) + δp,ℓ+1 ;

1 ≤ ℓ1 ≤ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≤ ℓr ≤ ℓr+1 ≡ p − ℓ1 − ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ − ℓr ;

0 ≤ qi ≤ min(pi − 1, ℓi − pi − δr0 δp−1,p−1 ),

1 ≤ pi ≤ ℓi ,

1 ≤ ℓi1 ≤ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≤ ℓiqi ≤ ℓi,qi +1 ≡ pi − ℓi1 − ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ − ℓiqi , ℓi = ℓi+1 ⇒ pi ≤ ki+1 .


i = 1, . . . , r + 1;

For every nonsingular reducible Verma module V Λ there exists exactly one type τℓ such that V Λ is contained in a multiplet of that type. ⬦ Remark 1. Fix j, 1 ≤ ℓ − 1. Then the types τj of multiplets of nonsingular reducible Verma modules of A(1) are in 1-to-1 correspondence with the types τℓ of A(1) ℓ (4.25) for j which ℓ is replaced by j in (4.26). ⬦ Proposition 1. Fix j, 1 ≤ ℓ. Then the types of reducible Verma modules of sl(j + 1, ℂ), to be denoted by τ0j , are in 1-to-1 correspondence with the types τℓ of A(1) ℓ (4.25) for which in (4.26) the restrictions on p and qi are replaced by 1 ≤ p ≤ j, and 0 ≤ qi ≤ min(pi − 1, ℓi − pi ). ⬦ Before formulating the parametrization theorem we recall [354] that the expression the w = wi1 . . . wiu ∈ W is called reduced if it is the minimal possible among all representations of w as a product of simple reflections wi ∈ W. Note that for many elements of W the reduced expression is not unique. Theorem 2. Every multiplet of nonsingular reducible Verma module V Λ over A(1) ℓ of type τℓ , cf. (4.25), is parametrized by one arbitrary complex number d, ℓ + 1 − p noninteger complex numbers and by p1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ pr+1 positive integers as follows. Consider the signature χ = χ(Λ∗ ) = [d, m0 , m1 , . . . , mℓ ] where mt(i) , mj ,

i = 1, . . . , r + 1; t(i) = ℓ1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + ℓi + i,

j = p + r + 2, . . . , ℓ + 1 (mℓ+1 ≡ m0 ),


4.1 Verma modules over affine Lie algebras | 149

are the ℓ + 1 − p noninteger complex numbers; (−1)ν mk ,

k = ti (s − 1) + 1, . . . , ti (s) − 1,

ti (s) = t(i − 1) + ℓi1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + ℓis + s,

s = 1, . . . , qi + 1; i = 1, . . . , r + 1;


(ti (0) ≡ t(i − 1); t(0) ≡ 0),

are the p1 +⋅ ⋅ ⋅+pr+1 positive integers; all other mi in χ are zero. The other Verma modules in the multiplet are in 1-to-1 correspondence with those elements w of the Weyl group W (if p = ℓ + 1) or of W0 (if 1 ≤ p ≤ ℓ) which do not have a reduced expression w = wi1 . . . wiu such that miu is zero, and which (if 1 ≤ p ≤ ℓ) do have a reduced expression such that t(i − 1) + 1 ≤ i1 , . . . , iu ≤ t(i) − 1, for a fixed (depending on w) i = 1, . . . , r + 1. For such w the corresponding Λ = Λ(w) is such that Λ = wΛ∗ , if ν = 0, and Λ∗ = wΛ, if ν = 1. Corollary 1. The statement of Theorem 2 remains true if we replace A(1) ℓ with sl(ℓ + 1, ℂ) with the following changes: parametrization is by ℓ−p noninteger complex numbers and p1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + pr+1 positive integers; χ → χ0 = [m1 , , . . . , mℓ ]; in (4.27) j = p + r + 2, . . . , ℓ. ⬦ The proof of all statements above may be sketched as follows. There is 1-to-1 correspondence between the types τℓ in Theorem 1 and the HW Λ∗ in Theorem 2. The types for which pi = ℓi , i = l, . . . , r + 1, which we may call principal multiplet types, correspond to Λ∗ for which all mi are nonzero (since p1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + pr+1 = p) and represent all partitions of the number p into positive ordered summands (ordered because of Weyl group permutations). These summands are then used to enumerate the p positive integers in (4.28) and k = 1, . . . , p1 , p1 + 2, . . . , pl + p2 + 1, p1 + p2 + 3, . . . , p; the enumeration separates each summand from the next by omission of one number which is necessary to distinguish between different partitions and is sufficient to distinguish different Λ∗ . The latter follows from the fact that the Weyl group cannot permute a noninteger entry in the signature (the ones referred to are given by the first line in (4.27)). (One should keep in mind that the entry m0 is next to m1 and mℓ .) Actually the elements of W which may act on Λ∗ generate a subgroup W ∗ of W which is equivalent to the direct product W(ℓ1 ) × ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ × W(ℓr+1 ), where W(ℓi ) is generated by the simple reflections wj , t(i − 1) + 1 ≤ j ≤ t(i) − 1, and is equivalent to the Weyl group W0 of sl(ℓi + 1, ℂ) if p ≠ ℓ + 1. The types for which pi ≠ ℓi for at least one i shall be called principal types reductions as they correspond to the different (Weyl-) distinguishable ways of replacing some of the positive integers by zeroes (at least one remains nonzero), which in turn amounts to the description of all partitions of pi into qi positive ordered summands. The difference in the above consideration is that here the “acting” Weyl group W ∗ is not further divided into more factors but the factors are themselves diminished (cf. below for examples). Finally, also in connection with Proposition 1 and Corollary 1, we notice that the value of d is not essential for distinguishing the different types. only multiplets with p = Remark 2. As is clear from Theorem 2 and Remark 1 for A(1) j j + 1 are infinite, although according to Proposition 1 and Corollary 1 they correspond to the finite multiplets of sl(2 + j, ℂ) with p = j + 1. ⬦

150 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras Remark 3. All statements above follow the multiplet classification approach proposed in [153]. One should note that although the results for so(p, q) there look very complicated they do not distinguish between principal types and their reductions. ⬦ (ii) Next we turn to the classification of the singular reducible Verma modules. Theorem 3. The types τℓs of multiplets of singular Verma modules over A(1) ℓ are in l-to-1 , formulae (4.25) and (4.26), for which the correspondence with the types of τℓ over A(1) ℓ restrictions for p, pi and qi are replaced by 1 ≤ p ≤ ℓ, 1 − δr0 ≤ pi ≤ ℓi , 0 ≤ qi min(pi − 1 + δr0 , ℓi − pi ). For every singular reducible Verma module V Λ over A(1) ℓ there exists exactly ⬦ one type τℓs such that V Λ is contained in a multiplet of that type. s Theorem 4. Every multiplet of singular reducible Verma module over A(1) ℓ of type τℓ is parametrized by one arbitrary complex number d, ℓ − p noninteger complex numbers and p1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + pr positive integers as follows. Consider the singular Verma module V Λ with signature χ = χ(Λ) = [d, m̃ 0 , m1 , . . . , mℓ ], m̃ 0 = −m1 − ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ − mℓ . Then mi are given 󸀠 by (4.27) (with j ≤ j) or (4.28) (with ν = 0). The other Verma modules V Λ are in 1-to-1 correspondence with those elements w × dn , n ∈ ℤ, of the extended Weyl group W e = W0 × Qd for which w fulfils the conditions in Theorem 2 (where Qd is the integer lattice generated by the imaginary reflections (4.19) for β = d). Then Λ󸀠 = (w × dn )Λ = wΛn , where χ(Λn ) = [d − n, m0 , m1 , . . . , mℓ ]. ⬦

The proofs of Theorems 3 and 4 follow the ideas of the proof sketched above. Below the examples ℓ = 1, 2 are considered in detail. 4.1.4 The A(1) case 1 According to Theorem 1 we have five nonsingular types: p = ℓ1 = 1, 2; 1 ≤ p1 ≤ ℓ11 ≤ p; 0 ≤ ν ≤ δp2 ; r = q1 = 0 in all cases. (Below Λ = Λ∗ of Theorem 2) The type with p = 1 is the well-known sl(2, ℂ) multiplet (cf. Volume 1) consisting of two members with HW Λ and Λ − mα1 , m ∈ ℕ, and V Λ−mα1 is a submodule of V Λ . The type p = p1 = 2, ν = 0, may be described by the following diagram:

(4.29) 󸀠


() where the signatures χak , a = 0, l, k = 0, 1, . . ., of the HW Λ(ak) are

χ0k = [d − k(km0 + (k − 1)m1 ), (2k + 1)m0 + 2km1 , −2km0 − (2k − 1)m1 ],


4.1 Verma modules over affine Lie algebras | 151

󸀠 χ0k = [d − (k + 1)((k + 1)m0 + km1 ), −(2k + 1)m0 − 2km1 ,

2(k + 1)m0 + (2k + 1)m1 ],


2km0 + (2k + 1)m1 ],


−2km0 − (2k + 1)m1 ].


χ1k = [d − k(km0 + (k + 1)m1 ), −(2k − 1)m0 − 2km1 , 󸀠 χ1k

= [d − k(km0 + (k + 1)m1 ), (2k + 1)m0 + 2(k + 1)m1 ,

Note χ00 = χ10 = [d, m0 , m1 ]. Note that the sum of the second and third entry in every χ equals m0 + m1 = c + ρc . We have indicated the intertwining maps corresponding to the simple reflections w0 , w1 (or equivalently to the simple roots α0 , α1 ) and we use the convention that arrows point to the embedded Verma modules. It is obvious that Λ󸀠1k = w1 (w0 w1 )k Λ (4.31) k k and that w0 (w1 w0 ) , w1 (w0 w1 ) correspond to the positive real roots Λ0k = (w1 w0 )k Λ,

Λ1k = (w0 w1 )k Λ,

βk+1,−1 , βk,1

Λ󸀠0k = w0 (w1 w0 )k Λ,

where βnκ ≡ βnκα1 = nd̄ + κα1 .


The dashed arrows in (4.29) starting from Λ0k , Λ󸀠0k , Λ1k , Λ󸀠1k correspond (respectively) to the roots: β2k,1 , β2k+2,−1 , β2k+1,−1 , β2k+1,1 .


We should mention that this type is also described in [515]. The authors of this reference display the Weyl group W but do not introduce the notion of multiplets of Verma modules. They call (4.29) “the Bruhat ordering diagram” of W. 󸀠 We recall that the embedding of a Verma modules V Λ in another reducible Verma module V Λ is equivalent to the existence in V Λ of at least one vector vs different from 󸀠 the highest weight vector v of V Λ and having the weight of the HWV v󸀠 of V Λ [355]. This is in contrast with the uniqueness of vs in the SSLA case and is the cause of the non-uniqueness above. The vector vs —usually called singular vector—may be expressed as a homogeneous polynomial 𝒫 (f0 , f1 , . . . , fℓ ) in the negative canonical generators (cf. (4.12)) acting on v. As in the SSLA case [150] the degrees of homogeneity depend on the root under which V Λ is reducible, namely [154] the degrees in f0 , f1 , . . . , fℓ , respectively, are mn, m(n + κk1 ), . . . , m(n + κkℓ ); ⟨Λ + ρ, β⟩ , β = βnκα , α∨ = k1 α1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + kℓ αℓ . m=2 ⟨β, β⟩


For example, if β = αi is a simple root we have vs = const ⋅ fim v0 .


152 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras Going back to the A(1) 1 case we first note that the homogeneity degrees in f0 , f1 of the maps represented by the solid arrows in (4.29) and starting from Λ0k , Λ󸀠0k , Λ1k , Λ󸀠1k , respectively, are ((2k + 1)m0 + 2km1 , 0), (0, 2(k + 1)m0 + (2k + 1)m1 ),


(0, 2km0 + (2k + 1)m1 ), ((2k + 1)m0 + 2(k + 1)m1 , 0), i. e. they are determined by the positive entries in the signatures. The homogeneity degrees of the maps corresponding to the dashed arrows in (4.29) in the four cases as above are (2km1 , (2k + 1)m1 ), (2(k + 1)m1 , (2k + 1)m1 ),


((2k + 1)m0 , 2km0 ), ((2k + 1)m0 , 2(k + 1)m0 ).

Remark 4. The general structure of these singular vectors was given in [436]. Before that there were known some simple examples [154]. For example, the singular vector corresponding to dashed arrow starting from Λ󸀠00 in the case m1 = 1 is vβ2,−1 = [(m0 + 1)(m0 + 2)f02 f1 − 2m0 (m0 + 2)f0 f1 f0 + m0 (m0 + 1)f1 f02 ]v.


The operator starting from Λ󸀠10 is obtained from (4.38) by the changes m0 ↔ m1 , f0 ↔ f1 . The dashed arrow starting from Λ01 (not shown in (4.29)) corresponds to the root β2,1 . In the case m0 = m1 = 1 the singular vector is given by vβ2,1 = [f02 f13 + 2f13 f02 − 3f0 f13 f0 + 6f1 f0 f12 f0 +

3f0 f12 f0 f1

6f12 f0 f1 f0


3f0 f1 f0 f12 ]v.

The type p = p1 = 2, ν = 1 is obtained from the above by changing m0 , m1 into negative and turning the arrows in the opposite direction. The types p = 2, p1 = 1, ν = 0, 1 are obtained from those with p1 = 2 above by setting m1 = 0 (or equivalently m0 = 0). Then one notices that Λ0k = Λ󸀠1k and Λ1,k+1 = Λ󸀠0k . Thus, (4.29) becomes a simple chain. Explicitly, we have χ0k = [d − k 2 m0 , (2k + 1)m0 , −2km0 ],



χ1k = [d − k m0 , −(2k − 1)m0 , 2km0 ], w0





(4.40b) w0

Λ = Λ00 = Λ10 󳨀→ Λ11 󳨀→ Λ01 󳨀→ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 󳨀→ Λ1k 󳨀→ Λ0k 󳨀→ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅


From Theorem 3 we obtain one singular type of multiplets characterized by d ∈ ℂ and m ∈ ℕ and another one (the reduction of the first) fixed by d ∈ ℂ. The first type of multiplets includes all Verma modules which are reducible w. r. t. the imaginary roots and w. r. t. the positive roots with one and the same m in (4.15). Explicitly, these are the Verma modules ℳ(Λ+0 −nd−εmα1 ), Λ+0 = (m−1)Λ1 −(m+1)Λ2 , m ∈ ℕ, n ∈ ℤ, ε = 0, 1. The

4.1 Verma modules over affine Lie algebras | 153

multiplets are presented by such a diagram as appeared first in [154] (equations (35) and (36)): ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅

󳨀→ d̄


Λ + d̄ ↓ w1


Λ + d̄ − mα1


Λ ↓ w1


Λ − mα1


Λ − d̄ ↓ w1


Λ − d̄ − mα1





where the signature of Λ+0 is χ = [d, −m, m]. Example. We give also the expression for the singular vectors corresponding to the imaginary reflections: vd = [(m󸀠 + 1)f0 f1 + (1 − m󸀠 )f1 f0 ]v


where m󸀠 = m for those on the first row of (4.42), while m󸀠 = −m for those on the second row of (4.42). Note that when m󸀠 = 1 then vd is the composition of f1 and f0 . ⬦ The other (reduction) singular type is obtained from the first by setting m = 0 and is given by the first row of (4.42); (4.43) is valid with m󸀠 = 0. The singular types for A(1) 1 are considered in detail in Section 4.2. correspondence 4.1.5 The Virasoro–A(1) 1 The correspondence Even now it is not clear what the precise connection is between the full representation theory of the Virasoro algebra, of Kac–Moody algebras (although an analogy was drawn in [515]) and of the semidirect product. Here we make precise and explicit the analogy between the multiplet classification of the reducible Verma modules of the Kac–Moody algebra A(1) 1 and the analogous classification for Virasoro algebra given in Section 3.3. Below we use results of Chapter 3 where we considered the Virasoro algebra and N = 1 super-Virasoro algebras in a unified fashion using the parameters μ, ν to distinguish these three cases. Here we restrict ourselves to the Virasoro algebra, which means that here we use the values μ = 0, ν = 1 for the formulae we take from Chapter 3. We start the comparison between the most prominent types, namely, type N−1 for Virasoro and the A(1) 1 type (2,2,0) (i. e. with p = p1 = 2, ν = 0). From the diagrams of these types given in Table 3.1 (Section 3.3) and (4.29), respectively, it is clear that there should be some correspondence. However, for exactness we should also address a correspondence of the singular vectors. We recall that for affine Lie algebras (as for SSLA) any singular vector vs may be expressed as a homogeneous polynomial 𝒫 (f0 , f1 , . . . , fℓ ) in the negative canonical

154 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras generators acting on the highest weight vector v. Here ℓ = rank 𝒢0 = 1 and the degrees of homogeneity in f0 , f1 are clear from (4.30). Furthermore, it turns out [155] that to establish the exact correspondence we should consider the “enlarged” diagrams in which the primed entries should be omitted. Namely, in the A(1) 1 case instead of diagram (4.29) we should consider the following diagram:

(4.44) where m̂ ≡ m0 + m1 , and we have indicated the Weyl group elements w0̂ ≡ w1 w0 and w1̂ ≡ w0 w1 appearing due to the enlarged diagram. Furthermore, we have shown the homogeneity in f0 , f1 of the embedding maps (which are compositions of two singular vectors) between the pairs of Verma modules with HW Λ0k , Λ0,k+1 and Λ1k , Λ1,k+1 . (In order to avoid clutter the degree in f0 is shown above the embedding map, and the degree in f1 is shown below the embedding map.) Recalling that Λ = Λ00 = Λ10 we see that the homogeneity between the Verma modules with HW Λ, Λ01 is m0 , 2m0 + m1 , while the homogeneity between the Verma modules with HW Λ, Λ11 is 2m1 + m0 , m1 . Analogously, in the Virasoro case the “enlarged” diagram (instead of the one in Table 3.1) is

(4.45) Recalling that V = V00 = V10 we see that the degree of the singular vector between the Verma modules V, V01 is pq + mq − np, while the homogeneity between the Verma modules V, V11 is pq − mq + np. Now if we compare (3.30), (4.30), (4.44), and (4.45) we immediately get the correspondence between the parameters in the signature χ = [d, m0 , m1 ] which distinguish the type (2,2,0) multiplets of A(1) 1 and the parameters (p, q, m, n) which distinguish the 1 type N− multiplets of the Virasoro algebra (cf. equation (32) of [155]): [d, m0 , m1 ] = η[−hmn , pq + mq − np, np − mq]


where η is a common rational multiple possibly depending on (m, n, p, q). Thus, we have established the correspondence needed between these types.

4.1 Verma modules over affine Lie algebras | 155

Another case in which the correspondence holds involves A(1) 1 type (2, 1, 0) (i. e. with p = 2, p1 = 1, ν = 0), which is obtained from the type (2, 2, 0) by setting m1 = 0 (or m0 = 0). Then, as explained, there remains a single line of embeddings given by (4.40) and (4.41). On the Virasoro side this corresponds to the type N−22 with ε = 0, np = mq, (3.39a): 0

Vk0 = V hk ,c ,

h0k = h00 + qpk 2 ,

h00 = −

(p − q)2 . 4pq


Thus, the analogue of (4.46) is [d, m0 , 0] = η[−hpq =

(p − q)2 , pq, 0]. 4pq


23 We note that this A(1) 1 type accommodates also the Virasoro types N− when c = 1. Explicitly, in the case ε = 0 one sets p = q = 1 in (4.47), then (4.48) gives

[d, m0 , 0] = η[0, 1, 0].


Finally, we note that the conjugated A(1) 1 types (2, 2, 1) and (2, 1, 1) when all embedding arrows are inverted, correspond to Virasoro types N+1 and N+22 , N+23 . The analogue of (4.46) is [155] [d, m0 , m1 ] = η[−h+mn , −pq − mq + np, −np + mq],


while the analogues of (4.48) and (4.49) follow obviously. Applications of the correspondence We recall that if the Virasoro HWMs are realized as function spaces the embedding maps between them are represented by invariant differential operators. The construction of such a differential operator obviously consists of two steps: Find the corresponding singular vector expressed for more convenience in terms of L−1 and L−2 . Next, find the differential operators corresponding to L−1 and L−2 and substitute them in the expression for the singular vector obtained in the first step. Naturally the second step depends heavily on the function space realization implemented. In the applications [57] are used the Virasoro type N−1 multiplets. There is 1-to-1 correspondence between these multiplets and the primary fields entering a “minimal theory” [57] which is fixed by the value of c and thus of p and q. The multiplet with n = q − 1, m = p − 1, corresponds to the identity operator, since hq−1,p−1 = h1,1 = 0. Furthermore, for instance the critical point of the two-dimensional Ising model is described in [57] by a minimal conformal theory with c = 21 (thus p/q = 3/4) containing three fields: the identity operator I (corresponding to the irreducible HWM on the tip of the multiplet with (m, n) = (2, 3)); the local spin σ (with (m, n) = (1, 2)) and the energy

156 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras density ϵ ((m, n) = (1, 3)). From (4.46) with η = 1 we obtain the corresponding values of m1 = 1, 2, 5. As the latter is related to the SU(2) spin j: m1 = 2j + 1, we thus correctly recover the spins of the three fields: j = 0, 21 , 2. More generally, let us have a field Φm,n is such theory with Virasoro parameters p, q so that qm⟨pn, n⟨q. Then we have for the SU(2) dimension and spin: dim Φm,n = pn − mq = 2jmn + 1. Of course, this theory also carries a Kac–Moody ment taking the value

A(1) 1


representation, the central ele-

c󸀠 = pq − 2 = m0 + m1 − 2,


which follows from (4.46) with η = 1 and recalling that m0 + m1 = c󸀠 + 2, the factor ‘2’ being the dual Coxeter number. We also write down the formula which gives the Virasoro central charge through the parameters of the A(1) 1 representation in (4.46) (with η = 1): (1 + 24d)(2 + c󸀠 ) − 6m21 . (4.53) 2 + c󸀠 This formula seems analogous to the one derived in the realization of the Virasoro algebra elements as bilinear combinations (normally ordered) of elements of Kac–Moody algebras which in the A(1) 1 case takes the form [243, 392]: c=


3c󸀠 . +2



However, in (4.54) c󸀠 ∈ ℕ and thus 1 ≤ c ≤ 3, while (4.53) is valid for c ≤ 1. Thus, the only contact we can make between the two formulae is for c󸀠 = c = 1. In this case the irreducible Virasoro field has dimension [392] h = 3/4(2+c󸀠 ) = 1/4, which corresponds to V0h,1 , ε = 1; cf. (3.42). It is made irreducible implementing a second order equation obtained from the degree −2 singular vector: 󵄨󵄨 3 󵄨 = (L2 − L21 )v. (4.55) L21 )v󵄨󵄨󵄨 v2 = (L2 − 󵄨󵄨h= 1 2(2h + 1) 4 Now in our scheme 2+c󸀠 = m0 +m1 , which is consistent with (4.46) with m0 = 0, c󸀠 = 1, m1 = η = 3. Thus the SU(2) representation involved is three-dimensional and this is of course the current J a , a = 1, 2, 3, used in [392]. However, there are still open problems in the Virasoro–A(1) 1 correspondence. One should try to find a more explicit connection between the corresponding singular vectors (actually two-term compositions) besides the relation between the homogeneity degrees obtained here. The point is that there are some indications that it would be possible to find the general formula for the singular vectors in the Virasoro case using the known A(1) 1 singular vectors. (We recall that only some series of Virasoro singular vectors are known; cf. Chapter 3.)

4.1 Verma modules over affine Lie algebras | 157

4.1.6 The A(1) case 2 According to Theorem 1 we have nine nonsingular types: p = ℓ1 = 1, 2, 3; 0 ≤ ν ≤ δp3 ; 1 ≤ p1 = ℓ11 ≤ p; r = q1 = 0 in all cases. The type for p = 1 corresponds to the same type for A(1) 1 (cf. Remark 1). The type for p = p1 = 2 is the sextet diagram for sl(3, ℂ):

(4.56) where w3 = w1 w2 w1 = w2 w1 w2 corresponds to the root α3 ≡ α1 + α2 , Λi = Λ − mi αi , Λij = Λ − mi αi − m3 αj , Λ󸀠 = Λ − m3 α3 , m3 ≡ m1 + m2 . (See Volume 1 for details.) The type for p = 2, p1 = 1 is the reduction of (4.56) by setting m2 = 0 (or equivalently m1 = 0). The Verma modules coincide two by two and the corresponding diagram is obtained from (4.56) (as before) by contracting coinciding Verma modules; thus the maps between the latter disappear and the other maps also coincide two by two. The multiplets of type p = p1 = 3, ν = 0, are represented by the diagram below (cf. [154]).

(4.57) The honeycomb structure fills the whole plain and each vertex represents a Verma module. There is a central vertex Λ (= Λ∗ of Theorem 2) with signature χ = [d, m0 , m1 , m2 ], mi ∈ ℕ, d ∈ ℂ. From that vertex the three arrows go out. The structure consists of three kinds of sextets: the one depicted in (4.57) and two obtained from it by

158 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras replacing w1 , α1 , or w2 , α2 with w0 , α0 (naturally with different Λ). (To avoid cluttering of the diagram we use 0, 1, 2 instead of w0 , w1 , w2 .) In order to describe the signatures of the other HWMs we first need an explicit representation of the Weyl group W. Let us introduce the following notation involving the simple reflections w0 , w1 , w2 : a ≡ (xyz) ≡ wx wy wz , t

a ≡ (xzy),

σ(a) = 0 σ(a) = 1


x, y, z = 0, 1, 2; x ≠ y ≠ z ≠ x;

a ≡ (yxz),

â ≡ (zyx);


if xyz is an even permutation of 012; if xyz is an odd permutation of 012; j



a󸀠󸀠 j



≡ wy wz (wx wy wz ) ;


W 󸀠 ≡ {w0 w1 w2 , w1 w2 w0 , w2 w0 w1 , w2 w1 w0 , w1 w0 w2 , w0 w2 w1 }.


aj ≡ (wx wy wz ) ,

≡ wz (wx wy wz ) ,

Proposition 2. In terms of the notation in (4.58) and (4.59) the Weyl group W (for A(1) 2 ) is given explicitly by W = ⋃ Wa ,


a∈W 󸀠

Wa = {aj , a󸀠j , a󸀠󸀠 j ;

atj a2k+σ(a) , j

(4.60b) ∈ ℕ,

a󸀠j t a2k+σ(a) , j

∈ ℕ,

â 󸀠j a󸀠2k+σ(a) , j

k ≥ 1 − σ(a),

â j a󸀠2k+σ(a) , j

̂ k ≥ 1 − σ(a),


t ℤ+ , a󸀠󸀠 j a2k+σ(a) , j

󸀠 ℤ+ , â 󸀠󸀠 j a2k+σ(a) , j

∈ ℤ+ ,


∈ ℤ+ ,

t 󸀠󸀠 󸀠󸀠 t 󸀠 󸀠󸀠 aj a󸀠󸀠 2k+σ(a) , j ∈ ℕ, aj a2k+σ(a) , j ∈ ℤ+ , aj a2k+σ(a) , j ∈ ℤ+ ,

k ∈ ℤ+ }.

The proof of the proposition is a rather tedious play with the basic properties of the simple reflections, wx2 = 1,

(wx wy )3 = 1,

x, y = 0, 1, 2.


It is more instructive to inspect the correspondence between W and the honeycomb in the figure. The backbone of the structure are the six infinite chains of Verma modules, to be called main chains, described by (4.60b). Each main chain starts with the central vertex and at every vertex bends in the “other direction” with respect to the previous bending. The three rows of formula (4.60c) describe the vertices between two main chains and to the right (with respect to the direction from Λ to infinity) of the main chain for that a. We shall give the explicit formulae for the signatures of the Verma modules corresponding to Wa for a = (012) only for the last two “m1 ” and “m2 ” entries (recall that

4.1 Verma modules over affine Lie algebras | 159

the sum of the last three entries is constant and equal to m0 + m1 + m2 (mi of Λ) for every Verma module of the multiplet): m0 + m2 , m1 + m2 + (3j − 1) m2 ; j ∈ 2ℕ − 1, χ(aj Λ) = { ̃ m1 , m2 + 3j m2 ; j ∈ 2ℤ+ ,


m2 + (3j + 1) m2 , −m1 − m2 − (3j − 1) m2 ; χ(a󸀠j Λ) = { ̃ ̃ m1 + m2 + 3j m2 , −m2 − 3j m2 ;





j ∈ 2ℕ − 1, j ∈ 2ℤ+ ,

−m2 − (3j + 1) m2 , m0 + m2 ; j ∈ 2ℕ − 1, χ(a󸀠󸀠 Λ) = { j ̃ −m1 − m2 − 3j m2 , m1 ; j ∈ 2ℤ+ , ̃

̃ m12 + (6k + 3j − 1) m2 , −m2 − (3k − 1)m;̃ χ(atj a2k Λ) = { ̃ m1 + 3j m2 , m2 + 3k m;̃

−m12 − (6k + 3j − 1) m2 , m1 + (3j + 1) m2 ; χ(a󸀠j t a2k Λ) = { ̃ ̃ −m1 − 3j m2 , m12 + 3(2k + j) m2 ; ̃


−m2 − (3k − 1)m,̃ −m1 − (3j + 1) m2 ; t χ(a󸀠󸀠 j a2k Λ) = { ̃ m2 + 3k m,̃ −m12 − 3(2k + j) m2 ; ̃

(4.62c) j ∈ 2ℕ − 1,

j ∈ 2ℕ,

j ∈ 2ℕ − 1, j ∈ 2ℤ+ ,

j ∈ 2ℕ − 1, j ∈ 2ℤ+ ,

̃ −m2 − (3k + 1)m,̃ −m1 − (3j − 1) m2 ; χ(â j a󸀠2k+1 Λ) = { m2 + (3k + 2)m,̃ −m12 − (3k + 1 + 32 j)m;̃

j ∈ 2ℕ − 1,

m1 + (3j + 1) m2 , m2 + (3k + 2)m;̃ χ(â 󸀠j a󸀠2k+1 Λ) = { m12 + (3k + 2 + 32 j)m,̃ −m2 − (3k + 1)m;̃

j ∈ 2ℕ − 1,


)m;̃ −m1 − (3j + 1) m2 , m12 + (3k + 2 + 3j+1 󸀠 2 χ(â 󸀠󸀠 a Λ) = { j 2k+1 3 3 −m12 − (3k + 2 + 2 j)m,̃ m1 + (1 + 2 j)m;̃ ̃

j ∈ 2ℕ,

j ∈ 2ℤ+ ,

j ∈ 2ℕ − 1, j ∈ 2ℤ+ ,

(4.62d) (4.62e) (4.62f) (4.62g) (4.62h) (4.62i)

)m;̃ j ∈ 2ℕ − 1, −m1 − (3j − 1) m2 , m12 + (3k + 3j+1 t 2 χ( aj a󸀠󸀠 2k Λ) = { m̃ m̃ −m12 − 3(2k + j) 2 , m1 + 3j 2 ; j ∈ 2ℕ,


m2 + (3k + 1)m,̃ −m12 + (6k + 3j + 1) m2 ; t χ( a󸀠j a󸀠󸀠 Λ) = { 2k ̃ −m2 − 3k m,̃ −m1 − 3j m2 ;




j ∈ 2ℕ − 1, j ∈ 2ℤ+ ,

m12 + (3k + 1 + 3j+1 )m,̃ −m2 − 3k m;̃ j ∈ 2ℕ − 1, t 󸀠󸀠 2 χ( a󸀠󸀠 j a2k Λ) = { m̃ j ∈ 2ℤ+ , m1 + (3j + 2) 2 , m2 + (3k + 1)m;̃


where m̃ ≡ m0 + m1 + m2 , m12 ≡ m1 + m2 , k ∈ ℕ in (4.62d,e,f), k ∈ ℤ+ in (4.62g,h,i,j,k,l). It is clear that one may introduce other equivalent parametrizations of W. Thus the elements of W corresponding to the positive real roots are most conveniently described as in the following proposition.

160 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras Proposition 3. For every positive real root βnκi ≡ βnκαi , i = 1, 2, 3; (α3 = α1 + α2 ) of the

κ root system of A(1) 2 the corresponding unique element wni of W is given by + wn1 = w1 (w0 w2 w0 w1 )n ,

+ wn3 − wn1 − wn3

+ wn2 = w2 (w0 w1 w0 w2 )n , n

= w1 w2 w1 (w0 w1 w2 w1 ) ,


= w0 w2 w0 (w1 w0 w2 w0 ) = w0 (w1 w2 w1 w0 )n−1 ,


n ∈ ℤ+ ,


− wn2 = w0 w1 w0 (w2 w0 w1 w0 )n−1 ,

n ∈ ℕ.

The type for p = 3, p1 = 2, ν = 0 is obtained from the previous one by setting m2 = 0 (or equivalently m0 = 0 or m1 = 0). Then the multiplets of this type are represented by “half” the honeycomb in the figure. Explicitly, delete the w2 arrow from the central vertex, then delete the two arrows parallel to it in the two adjacent hexagons, then the two arrows parallel to the previous in the next two adjacent hexagons, etc. Now the structure is divided in two parts which are mirror images; moreover, every Verma module coincides with its mirror image (for m2 = 0); e. g. the deleted arrows were connecting Verma modules Λ󸀠 and Λ󸀠 − m2 β. Thus, the multiplets are represented by any of the two parts and for future reference we shall keep the one containing the central vertex. The type for p = 3, p1 = 1, ν = 0, is obtained from the above by setting m1 = m2 = 0 (or equivalently any two of m0 , m1 , m2 ). Then the multiplets of this type are shown by “one third” of the previous one. Explicitly also delete the w1 arrow from the cental vertex and so on, as above. The remaining structure is divided into two uneven parts, however, the one containing the central vertex contains all noncoinciding Verma modules exactly once. The structure corresponds to Wa ∪ Wa󸀠̃ , where a = (210), ã = (120), Wa󸀠̃ is a main chain given by (4.60b). The types for p = 3, p1 = 1, 2, 3, ν = 1 are obtained from those with ν = 0 by changing the signs of mi and turning all arrows in the opposite directions. According to Theorem 3, we have four singular types of multiplets. Two coincide with the ones for A(1) 1 described above. The other two are the direct products of the hexagon in (4.56) with Qd . What is more important is that analogously to the A(1) 1 case the latter types may also be represented by the nonsingular types for p = 3, p1 = 3, 2 extended by some finite chains of imaginary reflections of length m1 +m2 −1 (for p1 = 3) or m1 − 1 (for p1 = 2, m2 = 0). Note that all arrows of the honeycomb shall point in one general direction; for m1 , m2 positive: downwards.

4.2 New Weyl groups for A(1) and characters of singular highest 1 weight modules We consider singular Verma modules over A(1) 1 , i. e. Verma modules for which the central charge is equal to minus the dual Coxeter number. We calculate the characters of certain factor modules of these Verma modules. In one class of cases we are able

4.2 New Weyl groups for A(1) 1 and characters of singular highest weight modules | 161

to prove that these factor modules are actually the irreducible highest modules for those highest weights. We introduce new Weyl groups which are infinitely generated abelian groups and are proper subgroups or isomorphic between themselves. Using these Weyl groups we can rewrite the character formulae obtained in this section in the form of the classical Weyl character formula for the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of semisimple Lie algebras (respectively, Weyl–Kac character formula for the integrable highest weight modules over affine Kac–Moody algebras) so that the new Weyl groups play the role of the usual Weyl group (respectively, affine Weyl group).

4.2.1 Introduction The notion of a Weyl group is very essential for the representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras and groups. It leads to the nice classical formula of Weyl for the characters of the finite-dimensional irreducible representations L of the semisimple Lie algebras. Connectedly it permutes the weights of the finite-dimensional irreducible representations L of the semisimple Lie algebras and determines the embedding pattern of reducible Verma modules over such algebras. Later the notion of a Weyl group was generalized for affine Kac–Moody algebras [354] and for finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras [351]. For affine Kac–Moody algebras the Weyl character formula holds for the integrable highest weight modules L by replacing the Weyl group with the affine Weyl group [349]. The affine Weyl group or Weyl–Kac group determines the embedding pattern of the Verma modules [355, 357], except for the so-called singular Verma modules. The latter were introduced in [154] (see Section 4.1) by the property that the central charge is equal to minus the dual Coxeter number or, equivalently, that they are reducible with respect to every imaginary root (see below for definitions). In [154, 159] in order to describe embeddings between singular Verma modules we introduced reflections (or translations) corresponding to imaginary roots with nontrivial action on the highest weights of the singular Verma modules. In the present section we make the next step, i. e. we introduce a new Weyl group, denoted by Wa , and several of its extensions. Our criterion is the following. The new Weyl group should be such that the formula for the characters of the analogues of L should look the same as for L by replacing the Weyl or Weyl–Kac group by Wa . Thus we have first to calculate the appropriate characters. We use results of Malikov–Feigin–Fuchs [436] for the singular vectors of singular Verma modules to calculate the characters of the highest weight modules FΛ = ℳ(Λ)/I(Λ), where ℳ(Λ) is a singular Verma module and I(Λ) is the submodule of ℳ(Λ) generated by these singular vectors. First we consider singular Verma modules ℳ(Λ0 ) which are irreducible with respect to real roots. In this case our result for the character of FΛ0 , ch FΛ0 coincides with ch V(Λ0 ), where V(Λ0 ) is a highest weight

162 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras module (HWM) constructed by Wakimoto [566]; thus FΛ0 ≅ V(Λ0 ). Then we use the result by Rao [502] that V(Λ0 ) ≅ L(Λ0 ), the irreducible HWM with weight Λ0 , thus FΛ0 ≅ L(Λ0 ). We further calculate ch FΛ±0 when the ℳ(Λ±o ) are reducible also with respect to some real roots.

4.2.2 Singular Verma modules over A(1) 1 Let 𝒢 be the affine Lie algebra A(1) 1 . We return to the settings of Sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.4. Here the only difference would be that here we shall enumerate the simple roots of the A(1) 1 as α1 , α2 instead of α0 , α1 —this change is because we follow [163] and [436]. Thus, we recall that any β ∈ Δ+ can be written as in (4.6): β = pα1 + (p + δ)α2

p ∈ ℤ+ , δ ∈ {0, ±1}, 2p + δ > 0,


where α1 , α2 are the A(1) 1 simple roots. Furthermore, in the present setting, let Λ1 , Λ2 ∈ ℋ∗ be such that (Λi , αj∨ ) = δij , (thus ρ = Λ1 + Λ2 ). Then any weight Λ ∈ ℋ∗ can be written as Λ = (m1 − 1)Λ1 + (m2 − 1)Λ2 .


Thus for a singular Verma module (cf. Section 4.1.3) we have Λ = (m0 − 1)Λ1 − (m0 + 1)Λ2 ,

m0 = m1 = −m2 .


For A(1) 1 in [436] there are exhaustive results for the singular vectors of singular Verma modules. It is shown that the number of singular vectors for fixed β = md is equal to the number of partitions of m and all singular vectors are given explicitly. To formulate these results of [436] one needs some notation. Let f3 = [f1 , f2 ], f4 = −[f1 , f3 ], f5 = [f2 , f3 ], . . . , f3k = [f1 , f3k−1 ], f3k+1 = −[f1 , f3k ], f3k+2 = [f2 , f3k ]. The fi form a basis of 𝒢− , [fi , fj ] = αij fi+j , where αij = −1, 0, 1, αij ≡ (j − i) mod 3. One also has [h1 , fj ] = −2α0j fj , [h2 , fj ] = 2α0j fj , [e1 , fj ] = 2α−1j fj−1 , [e2 , fj ] = 2α−2,j fj−2 . The singular vectors are given by the following. Theorem 5 ([436]). Let ℳ(Λ) be reducible w. r. t. the imaginary roots, i. e. Λ = (m0 − 1)Λ1 − (m0 + 1)Λ2 , (cf. (4.66)). Let Fk = f1 f3k−1 + f2 f3k−2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + f3k−1 f1 − m0 f3k ,

k ∈ ℕ.


For all k1 , . . . kr ∈ ℕ the vector Fk1 . . . Fkr v0 is a singular vector of degree k = k1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + kr of ℳ(Λ). This vector does not depend on the permutation of the numbers k1 , . . . , kr . The ⬦ vectors Fk1 . . . Fkr v0 are linearly independent. Corollary 2. Fk Fn = Fn Fk , ∀n, k.

4.2 New Weyl groups for A(1) 1 and characters of singular highest weight modules | 163

Remark 5. The simplest singular vector F1 v0 = (f1 f2 + f2 f1 − m0 f3 )v0 = [(1 − m0 )f1 f2 + (m0 + 1)f2 f1 ]v0 was given earlier in [154]; cf. here (4.43). ⬦ Let us denote by IΛ the submodule of ℳ(Λ) generated by the singular vectors of Theorem 5, and by FΛ the factor module of ℳ(Λ) by IΛ FΛ = ℳ(Λ)/IΛ .


Malikov, Feigin and Fuchs [436] made the hypothesis that FΛ is irreducible if ℳ(Λ) is not reducible w. r. t. the real roots. We shall prove this fact in the next section by calculating first the character of FΛ , then using a construction of Wakimoto and a result of Rao.

4.2.3 Calculation of characters Our results will rely on some calculations of characters, so we recall the basic facts following Kac [354]. Let Γ (respectively, Γ+ ) be the set of all integer (respectively, integer dominant) elements of ℋ∗ , i. e. λ ∈ ℋ∗ such that (λ, αi ) ∈ ℤ (respectively, ℤ+ ), i = 1, 2. We recall that for each invariant subspace V ⊂ 𝒰 (𝒢− )v0 ≅ ℳ(Λ) we have the following decomposition: V = ⨁V μ,


V μ = {u ∈ V | hk ⋅ u = (Λ − μ)(hk )u, k = 1, 2}.



(Note that V 0 = ℂv0 .) Following [354] let E(ℋ∗ ) be the associative abelian algebra consisting of the series ∑μ∈ℋ∗ cμ e(μ), where cμ ∈ ℂ, cμ = 0 for μ outside the union of a finite number of sets of the form D(λ) = {μ ∈ ℋ∗ |μ ≤ λ}, using any ordering of ℋ∗ ; the formal exponents e(μ) have the properties e(0) = 1, e(μ)e(ν) = e(μ + ν). Then we define ch V = ∑ (dim V μ )e(Λ − μ) μ∈Γ+

= e(Λ) ∑ (dim V μ )e(−μ).



For the Verma module ℳ(Λ), dim V μ = P(μ), [349, 354] where P(μ) is defined as the number of partitions of μ ∈ Γ+ into a sum of positive roots, where each root is counted with its multiplicity; P(0) = 1. We recall several ways to write ch ℳ(Λ) [349, 354]: −mult α

ch ℳ(Λ) = e(Λ) ∑ P(μ)e(−μ) = e(Λ) ∏ (1 − e(−α)) μ∈Γ+



164 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras −1 or, more concretely, for the A(1) 1 case setting e(−d) ≡ q, e(−α1 ) ≡ z (then e(−α2 ) = qz ), + and noting that mult α = 1, ∀α ∈ Δ : ∞

ch ℳ(Λ) = e(Λ)/ ∏(1 − qn )(1 − qn z −1 )(1 − qn−1 z).


Vj1 ≡ 𝒰 (𝒢− )Fj1 ... Fjm v0 ,



Let us set

where Fj1 . . . Fjm v0 is a singular vector as in Theorem 5. Clearly Vj1 is symmetric in its indices and Vj1 ⊂ Vk1 if {k1 , . . . kn } ⊂ {j1 , . . . jm }


the inclusion being proper unless m = n. Furthermore, we have ch Vj1 = qj1 +⋅⋅⋅+jm ch ℳ(Λ0 ),

Λ0 = (m0 − 1)Λ1 − (m0 + 1)Λ1 .


Following [354] we introduce in the ring ℂ[(q, z)] of formal power series in q, z a partial ordering by putting f = Σfλ e(λ) ≤ g = Σgλ e(λ) iff fλ ≤ gλ for every λ. Then because of (4.75),(4.76) we have ch Vj1 < ch Vk1 ,

if {k1 , . . . , kn } ⊂ {j1 . . . jm } and n < m.


The first crucial fact is that we can compute the character of IΛ0 in terms of the characters of Vj1 ...jn . Proposition 4. The following formula holds: ∞

ch IΛ0 = ∑ (−1)n+1 n=1

j1 ,...,jn ∈ℕ j1 0.

(4.166a) (4.166b) (4.167a) (4.167b) (4.167c)

We consider modules built on the unitary irreps of SO(3, 2) listed in (4.164) and (4.165), i. e. E0 ≥ 1/2+s0 or E0 ≥ s0 +1. Then it is clear that the norms (4.166) and (4.167) cannot be all nonnegative: For k ≥ E0 + s0 the norms (4.166) are positive but the norms (4.167) are negative, (or zero in (4.167a) for n = 0 = s0 ), while for k ≤ −s0 the norms (4.167) are nonnegative but the norms (4.166) are negative (except for n = 0). We should get rid of the negative norm states. To this end, following [151], we choose to work with k > 0. With this choice, all states in (4.167) have nonpositive norms. Eliminating them is equivalent to keeping only the states |x⟩ annihilated by the conjugates of the generators creating negative norm states, i. e. Kn3 |x⟩ = 0,

n > 0,

It follows that Jn± |x⟩ = 0 = Jn3 |x⟩, n > 1.

J1± |x⟩ = 0,

J13 |x⟩ = 0.


182 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras For simplicity we shall consider the spin zero case, s0 = 0. Then ‖J0+ |Λ⟩‖ = 0; moreover, as we shall see below, this is a null state and it decouples from the representation. Thus we shall impose also the condition J0+ |Λ⟩ = 0.


Following [151] we consider the states at level 1. It is not difficult to see that (when (4.169) holds) the level 1 states are given by −− S1 = M−1 |x⟩,

S2 =

S3 =

S4 = S5 =

S6 =

S7 = S8 = S9 =


− |x⟩, K−1 −+ M−1 |x⟩, − −− + − M0+− )|x⟩, K0 + γK−1 + βM−1 (αJ−1 − −+ + + M0++ )|x⟩, K0 + γ 󸀠 K−1 + β󸀠 M−1 (α󸀠 J−1 3 3 −+ +− − + (α1 K−1 + β1 J−1 + γ1 M0−− + δ1 M−1 M0 + ε1 K−1 K0 )|x⟩, 2 − −+ + +− −− + ++ + (K0+ ) K0 M0 + δ2 K−1 K0 M0 + γ2 M−1 + β2 M−1 [α2 K−1 − + M0++ ]|x⟩, M0+− + η2 J−1 + ε2 J−1 2 2 −+ −− ++ +− −− +− (M0+− ) M0 M0 + δ3 M−1 (K0+ ) + γ3 M−1 + β3 M−1 [α3 M−1 3 3 − + +− − + M0+− ]|x⟩, M0+− + κ3 J−1 K0 M0 + λ3 K−1 K0 + η3 K−1 + ε3 J−1 2 2 −− −+ ++ +− −+ ++ (M0++ ) M0 M0 + δ4 M−1 (K0+ ) + γ4 M−1 + β4 M−1 [α4 M−1 + + − + ++ 3 3 + ε4 J−1 K0 + η4 K−1 K0 M0 + λ4 K−1 M0++ + κ4 J−1 M0++ ]|x⟩,

where α, β, γ, . . . are constants, and |x⟩ is any state involving only the generators M0+± , K0+ , i. e. |x⟩ would be a state of the unitary irrep D(E0 , 0) if we replace |E0 , 0, k⟩ by |E0 , 0⟩. Furthermore, it is enough to consider |x⟩ = |Λ⟩. The first three states fulfil (4.168). Since these are to be the admissible states, their norm should be positive or zero; in the latter case they should decouple from the system. Their norms (as seen from (4.166)) are all proportional to k − E0 with positive coefficients. However, k − E0 = 0 is not possible because, as we shall see below, S2 is not a null vector for this choice. Thus the positivity of the norms of S1 , S2 , S3 gives k > E0 .


From S4 there are two independent states obeying (4.168): − − S4a = (E0 J−1 + K−1 M0+− )|Λ⟩,

S4b =

−− + (M−1 K0


− M0+− )|Λ⟩, K−1

(4.172a) (4.172b)

with norms ‖S4a ‖ = 2E0 k(k − 1)(k − E0 ),

‖S4b ‖ = 4E0 (k − E0 ).

(4.173a) (4.173b)

4.3 Special representation of the SO(3, 2) Kac–Moody algebra |


Thus we obtain k ≥ 1. However, we shall obtain stronger conditions below. The sector S5 is obtained from S4 by changing J − → J + , M ±− → M ±+ . There are two states obeying (4.168) analogous to those given in (4.172) and their norms are given by the right hand side of (4.173). Therefore no new restrictions arise in this sector. In the sector S6 there are three independent states obeying (4.168): 3 − + S6a = (2E0 K−1 + kK−1 K0 )|Λ⟩,

S6b = S6c =

3 (E0 (K−1 3 (E0 (K−1

− +

3 −1 +− J−1 ) + kM−1 M0 )|Λ⟩, −− ++ 3 I−1 ) + kM−1 M0 )|Λ⟩,

(4.174a) (4.174b) (4.174c)

with norms ‖S6a ‖ = 2kE0 (k − 1)(k − E0 ),


‖S6b ‖ = ‖Sgc ‖ = E0 k(k − 2)(k − E0 ).


k > 2.


Thus we obtain

(k = 2 is not possible because it gives zero norm states which do not decouple.) The sectors S7 , S8 and S9 have five independent states each. For lack of space we do not give them here; in any case their norms are positive if (4.171) and (4.177) hold. To summarize, the unitarity conditions are (4.171) and (4.177). We shall make the plausible conjecture that there are no further restrictions on |Λ⟩ coming from unitarity at higher levels. There is an exceptional value of k, namely k = 3, or for arbitrary noncompact algebras g, k = h∨ , where h∨ is the dual Coxeter number of g ℂ , the complexification of g. Unitarity in the region k > h∨ is conjectured in general [42]. However, the region k < h∨ is more interesting, since, as we shall see, there occur many null states. Their elimination reduces the representation space and is similar to the reduction of the singleton representation space.

4.3.4 Null vectors and reduced Weyl groups Verma modules and their reducibility While (4.171) and (4.177) guarantee nonnegativity of the scalar products at level 1, there are many null states, i. e. nonzero states with zero norms, which must be eliminated. A systematic way to find all null states is to find the null vectors (singular vectors) of the Verma modules V Λ [150] with the same lowest weight as H. As is well known, a Verma module V Λ is the lowest weight module with lowest weight vector v0 induced from the one-dimensional representation of a Borel subalgebra b = hℂ ⊕ g−ℂ , of g ℂ , where g−ℂ , hℂ , g ℂ are the complexifications of g− , h, g. For our purposes we can identify V Λ with

184 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras the representation space H which has the basis (4.160) or (4.161). (This is possible, since g is maximally split.) A singular vector vs of a Verma module V Λ is defined as follows: Xvs = 0,

Hvs = Λ󸀠 (H)vs ,

X ∈ g− ,

∀H ∈ h,


vs ≠ v0 , Λ󸀠 ≠ Λ. Thus vs can be represented as (see [150] and [172]): vs = 𝒫 (g+ )|Λ⟩,

(4.179a) 󸀠

[H, 𝒫 (g+ )] = (Λ − Λ)(H)𝒫 (g+ ),

∀H ∈ h,


where 𝒫 (g+ ) is a polynomial. Furthermore a singular vector of a Verma module exists iff the Bernstein–Gel’fand– Gel’fand (BGG) [70] criterion for finite-dimensional g, or the Kac–Kazhdan [355] criterion for affine g,̃ is fulfilled. It is the condition 2(Λ − ρ, α) = −m(α, α),

m = 1, 2, . . . ,


where ρ ∈ h∗ is defined by the condition that ρ(αi∨ ) = 1,

αi∨ ≡

2αi , ∀αi ∈ ΔS . (αi , αi )


For finite-dimensional g, ρ0 can be defined as the half-sum of all positive roots; for SO(3, 2) we have 3 1 ρ0 = (α1 + α2 + α3 + α4 ) = 2α1 + α2 . 2 2


If g̃ is the affinization of g then we have (see [354] and [172]) ρ̃ = ρ0 + h∨ c,̄


̄ where c̄ ∈ h̃ is the dual of c,̂ c(̄ c)̂ = 1, c(H) = 0, H ∈ h, and c(̄ d)̂ = 0. The scalar product (4.153) is extended to c̄ by setting (c,̄ α) = 0, ∀α ∈ Δ, (c,̄ d)̄ = 1. (In general, ρ̃ may contain a term proportional to d,̄ since the basis of h̃ ∗ consists of the basis of h, c,̄ and d.̄ However, because of the degeneracy of the Cartan matrices of affine Kac–Moody algebras, the coefficient of d̄ cannot be determined from (4.181) and being arbitrary may be set to zero.) Before applying this to our situation we need an explicit expression for Λ. This expression is Λ = (E0 − s0 )α1 + E0 α2 + k c.̄


This expression follows from (4.156a), (4.158), (4.148) and the above definition of c.̄ The term −N d̄ in the expression for Λ is missing, since we have taken the natural value for the lowest weight, namely N = 0.

4.3 Special representation of the SO(3, 2) Kac–Moody algebra

| 185

Next we substitute in (4.180) the expressions for Λ and ρ;̃ we also substitute α with the real positive roots from (4.155), i. e. α = nd̄ ± αi , n = 0, 1, . . . , taking for n = 0 only the plus sign is possible. Let us denote by m±i the resulting m from (4.180). Thus we see that V Λ is reducible in the affine case, if at least one of the following numbers is a positive integer: m±1 = 2n(3 − k) ± (1 + 2s0 ),

m±2 m±3 m±4


= n(3 − k) ± (1 − E0 − s0 ),


= n(3 − k) ± (2 − E0 + s0 ).


= 2n(3 − k) ± (3 − 2E0 ),


We do not consider reducibility with respect to imaginary roots α = nd̄ (with (α, α) = 0), which is possible only for k = 3. One reason is that the Sugawara construction of L0 in terms of the generators of g̃ involves k − 3 in the denominator. Thus we exclude k = 3. Note that the BGG conditions for g = SO(3, 2) are obtained by setting n = 0 and taking the only possible sign, plus, in (4.185). In the analysis of the previous section we used the claim that S1 given in (4.170,) with |x⟩ = |Λ⟩, is a null (singular) vector for s0 = 0. This means that m+1 = 1 should hold for n = 0 and s0 = 0, and it indeed does. We further claimed that there can be no singular vectors in the sectors S2 , S6 , with k = E0 , k = 2, respectively. Indeed, to have singular vectors in the sector S2 , we should have m−3 = 1, for n = 1, which is not the case (m−3 = 3). A singular vector in the sector S6 is possible only for the imaginary roots α = nd̄ and k = 3, and is not possible for k = 2. Going back to the analysis of (4.185) we see that for central charge k > 3 there would be very few reducibility conditions fulfilled. Thus we choose to analyze the interval 2 < k < 3. Further we observe that we get most reducibility conditions for the representations of g̃ for the special value of k = 5/2, built on the Rac representation of g, i. e. for 1 E0 = , 2

s0 = 0,


5 . 2


Indeed, substituting (4.186) in (4.185) we have m±1 = n ± 1,

m±2 =

n±1 , 2

m±3 = n ± 2,

m±4 =

n±3 . 2


Thus the Verma module V Λ with |Λ⟩ = | 21 , 0, 52 ⟩ is reducible with respect to the following roots: nd̄ + α1 , nd̄ − α , 1

n ≥ 0, n ≥ 2,

m+1 = n + 1,


= n − 1,

(4.188a) (4.188b)

186 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras nd̄ + α2 , nd̄ − α ,

n = 2t + 1, t ≥ 0,


n = 2t + 1, t ≥ 1,


n ≥ 3,


n = 2t + 1, t ≥ 2,

nd̄ + α3 , nd̄ − α ,

nd̄ + α4 , nd̄ − α ,

n ≥ 0,

m+3 m−3

m+2 = t + 1,


= n + 2,


= t,

(4.188d) (4.188e)

= n − 2,

n = 2t + 1, t ≥ 0,


m+4 = t + 2, m−4 = t − 1,

(4.188g) (4.188h)

i. e. only the roots d̄ − αi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 2d̄ − α3 , 3d̄ − α4 , 2t d̄ ± α2 , 2t d̄ ± α4 are excluded. Furthermore, we shall need the explicit expression for the weight Λ󸀠 in (4.178) and (4.179) when (4.180) is fulfilled. This expression is given by [150, 354, 172] Λ󸀠 = Λ + mα.


The reducibility of the Verma module V Λ means that it has submodules isomor󸀠 phic to other Verma modules V Λ , where Λ󸀠 is given in (4.189) with α = nd ± αi , m = m±i from (4.188). Fortunately only a finite number of these submodules are independent. All others are themselves submodules of this finite set.1 To find the independent submodules we need the technique of the reduced Weyl groups [153, 154]. The idea is that the redundant submodules are related by elements of the Weyl group to the independent submodules. This is done in the next subsection. Reduced Weyl groups Let us recall that each root α ∈ Δ, defines a reflection sα in h∗ by the formula sα (λ) = λ − (λ, α∨ )α,

α∨ = 2α/(α, α),

λ ∈ h∗ ,

s2α = 1.


As is well known, these reflections generate a group, called the Weyl group W of g (or g)̃ [150, 354]. [The Weyl groups of a real Lie algebra g and its complexification differ, unless g is maximally split as SO(3, 2)]. W has a finite (infinite) number of elements if g is finite- (infinite-) dimensional. Actually W is generated by the reflections by simple roots wi = sαi , which for the affine SO(3, 2) obey (besides ω2i = 1) (w0 w1 )4 = (w0 w2 )2 = (w1 w2 )4 = 1.


For g = SO(3, 2), |W| = 8 and all elements are W = {1, w1 , w2 , w1 w2 , w2 w1 , w1 w2 w1 , w2 w1 w2 , w1 w2 w1 w2 }.


1 If V Λ were reducible with respect to all simple roots (here α1 , α2 , α0 = d̄ − α4 ) then only the (three) submodules corresponding to these reducibilities would be relevant.

4.3 Special representation of the SO(3, 2) Kac–Moody algebra |


We shall not write down the explicit parametrization of the full Weyl group W̃ for g,̃ but only the elements which correspond to the roots in (4.188): snd+α = (w1 w2 w0 )2n w1 , ̄


snd−α = (w0 w2 w1 ) ̄





w0 w2 ,

s(2t+1)d+α = (w2 w1 w0 w1 )2t+1 w2 , ̄


s(2t+1)d−α = (w1 w0 w1 w2 ) w1 w0 w1 , ̄


snd+α = (w2 w1 w0 ) w2 w1 w2 , ̄







snd−α = (w0 w1 w2 )2(n−1) w0 w1 w0 , ̄ 3


s(2t+1)d+α = (w1 w2 w1 w0 ) ̄ 4


w1 w2 w1 ,


s(2t+1)d−α = (w0 w1 w2 w1 )2t w0 . ̄



Actually, the above expressions are valid also for some of the roots not listed in (4.188), namely for d̄ − αi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4), 2d̄ − α3 and 3d̄ − α4 . For the other roots we have s2t d+α = (w2 w1 w0 w1 )2t w2 , ̄ s(2t+2)d̄


0 −α2


= (w1 w0 w1 w2 )


w1 w0 w1 ,


s2t d+α = (w1 w2 w1 w0 )2t w1 w2 w1 , ̄ 4


s(2t+2)d−α = (w0 , w1 , w2 w1 ) ̄ 4


w0 .


Our problem is that we do not have the whole affine Weyl group at our disposal since α2 and α0 = d̄ − α4 are not in the list (4.188). Thus we look at subgroups of the Weyl group, which we call reduced Weyl groups [153, 154]. They should be generated by elements sα with α in the list (4.188). The natural thing to try is to take Weyl groups of affine Lie subalgebras of g.̃ We have found it most convenient to work with four subalgebras of g,̃ each isomorphic to the affine SL(2), i. e. A(1) 1 . Their systems of simple roots are {α1 , 2d̄ − α1 },

{d̄ + α2 , 3d̄ − α2 },

{α3 , 3d̄ − α3 },

{d̄ + α4 , 5d̄ − α4 }.


These roots are the lowest level roots of each type in (4.188). The corresponding reduced Weyl groups WRi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, are isomorphic to the well-known Weyl group of A(1) 1 , discussed in detail in Section 4.1.4. In terms of the generating elements they are explicitly given as follows (for fixed i): s

u0s ≡ (w̃ i󸀠 w̃ i ) ,


u󸀠0s ≡ u0s w̃ i󸀠 ,

u1s ≡ (w̃ i w̃ i󸀠 ) ,

u󸀠1s ≡ u1s w̃ i ,

with w̃ 1 = sα1 = w1 ,

w̃ 1󸀠 = s2d−α = (w0 w2 w1 )3 w0 w2 , ̄ 1

s ≥ 0,


188 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras = w2 w1 w0 w1 w2 , w̃ 2 = sd+α ̄ 2

w̃ 3 = sα3 = w2 w1 w2 ,

w̃ 2󸀠 = s3d−α = (w1 w0 w1 w2 )2 w1 w0 w1 , ̄ 2

w̃ 3󸀠 = s3d−α = (w0 w1 w2 )4 w1 w0 w1 , ̄ 3

w̃ 4 = sd+α = w1 w2 w1 w0 w1 w2 w1 , ̄ 4

w̃ 4󸀠 = s5d−α = (w0 w1 w2 w1 )4 w0 . ̄ 4


(For fixed i the element w̃ i corresponds to w0 from Section 4.1.4; cf. e. g. formula (4.31), while the element w̃ i󸀠 corresponds to w1 there.) Furthermore, it will be convenient to introduce a shifted action of w ∈ W by the formula w ∗ Λ ≡ w(Λ − ρ) + ρ.


Using this, (4.190) and (4.180) we can rewrite (4.189) as follows: Λ󸀠 = Λ + mα = Λ − (Λ − ρ, α∨ )α = sα ∗ Λ.


The reduced Weyl group WRi guarantees that all submodules which are Verma modules 󸀠 with weights Λ󸀠 = w ∗ Λ, with w ∈ WRi , are submodules of the two Verma modules V Λ with w = w̃ i and w = w̃ i󸀠 . For those elements of (4.193) which are not in (4.195) this check should be done independently.2 Furthermore, we shall use (analogously to (4.31)) also the notation Λ0s ≡ u0s ∗ Λ, 󸀠 Λ1s ≡ u1s ∗ Λ, Λ󸀠os ≡ u󸀠0s ∗ Λ, Λ󸀠1s ≡ u󸀠1s ∗ Λ, and the notation Vos ≡ V Λ , with Λ󸀠 = Λos , 󸀠 󸀠 and similarly the notation V1s , Vos and V1s , (cf. the figure in (4.29)). Now all elements in (4.193a) with n = 2ℓ, ℓ ≥ 0, are of the form u󸀠1s , s = ℓ, i. e. s2ℓd+α = (w1 w0 w2 )4ℓ w1 = (w1 w̃ 1󸀠 ) w1 = u󸀠1ℓ , ̄ ℓ


ℓ ≥ 0.


󸀠 󸀠 This means, as we said above in general, that V1ℓ , ℓ ≥ 1, are submodules of V10 and of 󸀠 V00 . For the elements in (4.193a) with n = 2ℓ + 1, ℓ ≥ 0, we have

= (w1 w0 w2 )4ℓ+2 w1 = w1 ⋅ w0 w2 w1 w0 w2 ⋅ (w1 w0 w2 )4ℓ w1 s(2ℓ+1)d+α ̄ 1

= w1 ⋅ w0 w2 w1 w0 w2 ⋅ u󸀠1ℓ .


󸀠 󸀠 The question is whether Ṽ 1ℓ ≡ V Λ , with Λ󸀠 = s(2ℓ+1)d+α , is a submodule of V1ℓ , and ̄ 1 󸀠 󸀠 󸀠 ̄ hence of V and of V . For this we check that V is reducible with respect to d − α , 󸀠





󸀠 󸀠󸀠 and that there is a submodule of V1ℓ , namely, Ṽ 1ℓ ≡ V Λ , with Λ󸀠 = Λ̃ 󸀠󸀠 ∗ ̄ 1ℓ ≡ sd−α 1 󸀠 󸀠 4ℓ+2 󸀠 Λ1ℓ = w0 w2 w1 w0 w2 ∗ Λ1ℓ = (w1 w0 w2 ) ∗ Λ. Next we check that Ṽ 1ℓ is reducible with respect to α1 , so that Ṽ 󸀠 is a submodule of Ṽ 󸀠󸀠 since Λ̃ 󸀠 = w1 ∗ Λ̃ 󸀠󸀠 . Thus indeed Ṽ 󸀠 is 1ℓ

󸀠 󸀠 submodule of V10 and V00 .






2 The careful reader will notice that in (4.196) there are also elements which are not in (4.193) and (4.194), namely, u0s and u1s . This is a partial case of the general fact that a Weyl group contains many more elements besides those of the form sα , α ∈ Δ.

4.3 Special representation of the SO(3, 2) Kac–Moody algebra |


Next we consider the elements in (4.193b). Those with n = 2ℓ + 2, ≥ 0, are of the form u󸀠0s , s ≥ ℓ, i. e. s(2ℓ+2)d−α = (w0 w2 w1 )4ℓ+3 w0 w2 = (w̃ i󸀠 w̃ i ) w̃ i󸀠 = u󸀠0ℓ , ̄ ℓ


ℓ ≥ 0.


󸀠 󸀠 󸀠 Thus V0ℓ , ℓ ≥ 1, are submodules of V10 and V00 . For the elements in (4.193b) with n = 2ℓ + 3, ℓ ≥ 0, we have

s(2ℓ+3)d−α = (w0 w2 w1 )4ℓ+5 w0 w2 = w0 w2 w1 w0 w2 ⋅ w1 ⋅ (w0 w2 w1 )4ℓ+3 w0 w2 ̄ 1

= w0 w2 w1 w0 w2 ⋅ w1 ⋅ u󸀠0ℓ = w0 w2 w1 w0 w2 ⋅ u0ℓ .


Λ󸀠 ̄ ̃ Thus we have only to check that V0ℓ is reducible with respect to d−α 1 , so that Voℓ ≡ V 󸀠 󸀠 󸀠 󸀠 and V00 . [Note that Ṽ 0ℓ ≡ VΛ , with Λ󸀠 = Λ̃ 0ℓ ≡ s(2ℓ+3)d−α ∗ Λ, is a submodule of V10 ̄ 1 with Λ󸀠 = Λ̃ 󸀠0ℓ ≡ w1 ∗ Λ̃ 0ℓ is a submodule of Ṽ oℓ , but this is not important for our 󸀠 󸀠 󸀠󸀠 purposes as Λ̃ 󸀠0ℓ = w ∗ Λ, for w ≠ sα , ∀α ∈ Δ. Also Ṽ 0ℓ is a submodules of Ṽ 0ℓ and Ṽ 0ℓ is a submodule of Ṽ 0ℓ , which is also not important for our purposes.]

Thus all submodules corresponding to (4.188a,b) and (4.193a,b) will be taken care = w̃ 1󸀠 = (w0 w2 w1 )3 w0 w2 . of if we factor the submodules generated by sα1 = w1 , s2d−α ̄ 1 We have treated the cases (4.188c,d), (4.188e,f), and (4.188g,h) in a similar fashion to the case described above. Thus we are left with eight embeddings. Next, we also notice that w̃ 4 = w1 w̃ 2 w1 󸀠 󸀠󸀠 and that V Λ , with Λ󸀠 = w1󸀠 ∗ Λ, V Λ with Λ󸀠󸀠 = w̃ 2 ∗ Λ󸀠 , are reducible with respect to 󸀠󸀠󸀠 󸀠 d̄ + α2 , α1 , respectively. Thus V Λ with Λ󸀠󸀠󸀠 = w̃ 4 ∗ Λ is a submodule of V Λ . One should 󸀠 also consider the decomposition w̃ 4󸀠 = w1 s5d−α w1 . Indeed, V Λ , with Λ󸀠 = w1󸀠 ∗ Λ is ̄ 2

reducible with respect to s5d−α . However, V Λ with Λ󸀠󸀠 = s5̃ d−α ∗ Λ󸀠 , is reducible with ̄ ̄ 2 2 respect to 4d̄ + α , and not with respect to α . 󸀠󸀠



Thus there are seven relevant submodules V Λ , with weights Λ󸀠 = w ∗ Λ, with w = w1 , w̃ 1󸀠 , w̃ 2 , w̃ 2󸀠 , w̃ 3 , w̃ 3󸀠 , w̃ 4󸀠 . The cases w = w1 and w = w̃ 2 = w2 w1 w2 are inherited from the singleton. The corresponding singular vectors are J0+ |Λ⟩ and (K0+ )2 + 4M0+− M0++ )|Λ⟩. To factor them away we have to impose v1+ = J0+ |Λ⟩ = 0, v3+


2 [(K0+ )


|Λ⟩ = |1/2, 0, 5/2⟩,

+ 4M0 M0++ ]|Λ⟩ = 0,


subsuming (4.169). The other singular vectors are at levels 1, 2, 3 and 5. We give only the leading terms: − + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅)|Λ⟩, v1− = (J−2

α = 2d̄ − α1 , level 2, +− + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅)|Λ⟩, α = d̄ + α2 , level 1, v2+ = (M−1 −+ v2− = (M−3 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅)|Λ⟩, α = 3d̄ − α2 , level 3, v− = (K − + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅)|Λ⟩, α = 3d̄ − α , level 3, 3 v4−


−3 −− (M−5


+ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅)|Λ⟩,

α = 5d̄ − α4 , level 5.

(4.205a) (4.205b) (4.205c) (4.205d) (4.205e)

190 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras 4.3.5 Summary Our representation space now can be described as follows. It has the basis (4.161) with lowest weight: E0 = 1/2,

s0 = 0,

k = 5/2.


The states which survive are those which obey the conditions (4.168): Kn3 |x⟩ = 0,

n > 0,

J1± |x⟩ = 0,

J13 |x⟩ = 0,


and those which are not annihilated when we impose conditions (4.204) and (4.205): v1+ = v3+ = v1− = v2+ = v2− = v3− = v4− = 0,


on the vacuum.

4.4 Multiplets of Verma modules over the osp(2, 2)(1) super Kac–Moody algebra The infinite-dimensional superalgebra osp(2, 2)(1) is interesting for several reasons. The underlying finite-dimensional superalgebra osp(2, 2) is used in the building of two-dimensional N − 2, 4 conformal supergravities coupled to nonlinear σ-models [63, 475]. The superalgebra osp(2, 2) is also a subalgebra of the infinite-dimensional N = 2 Neveu–Schwarz-type superalgebra [1] (considered in Section 3.7). It is expected that osp(2, 2) and N = 2 Neveu–Schwarz superalgebras will have similarities in their representation theories, especially in the structure of their Verma modules. This expectation is based on other examples of pairs of infinite-dimensional (super-) Lie algebras, namely, Virasoro–A(1) , N = 1 Neveu–Schwarz–osp(1, 2)(1) , which share sl(2, ℂ), osp(1, 2), respectively, as subalgebras; cf. Section 4.1, [155, 156]. Finally, this paper is a natural extension to the super Kac–Moody case of our programme of multiplet classification of Verma modules over finite-dimensional (super-) Lie algebras, affine Lie algebras, (super-) Virasoro algebras, quantum groups, considered in earlier sections of this volume and in the first three volumes of our tetralogy. Because of the lack of space we consider only the two must interesting examples: Verma modules with nonsingular integral highest weights and the singular Verma modules. 4.4.1 Definitions and notation The osp(2, 2) superalgebra 𝒢 [350] is a complex Lie superalgebra with even generators K0 , K±1 , Y0 , odd generators Q±1/2 , Q̄ ±1/2 , and super-Lie brackets: [Kn , Km ] = (m − n)Kn+m ,

[Y0 , K0 ] = 0,


4.4 Multiplets of Verma modules over the osp(2, 2)(1) super Kac–Moody algebra

| 191

9 9 [Kn , Qs ] = (s − )Qn+s , [Kn , Q̄ s ] = (s − )Q̄ n+s , 2 2 ̄ [Qr , Qs ]+ = (r − s)Yr+s − 2Kr+s , [Qr , Qs ]+ = 0 = [Q̄ r , Q̄ s ]+ , [Y , Q ] = Q , [Y , Q̄ ] = −Q̄ . 0






We have the decomposition 𝒢 = 𝒢 + ⊕ ℋ ⊕ 𝒢 − , where ℋ is the Cartan subalgebra spanned by K0 , Y0 , while 𝒢 ± are spanned by L±1 , Q±1/2 , Q̄ ±1/2 , respectively. The positive roots of the system Δ = Δ(𝒢 , ℋ) are Δ+ = Δ+0 ∪ Δ+1 , where Δ+0 = {α3 = 21 δ}, Δ+1 = {α1 = δ + ϵ, α2 = δ − ϵ}, are the even, respectively, odd, positive roots, so that δ(L0 , Y0 ) = (1/2, 0), ϵ(L0 , Y0 ) = (0, 1), and obviously Δ+1 = ΔS , the system of simple roots. The bilinear form of ℋ∗ is fixed by ⟨δ, δ⟩ = 1/2 = −⟨ϵ, ϵ⟩, ⟨δ, ϵ⟩ = 0. The canonical generators Ei , Fi , Hi , i = 1, 2, 3, are chosen as E1 = Q1/2 ,

F1 = Q̄ −1/2 ,

[E1 , F1 ]+ = ⟨E1 , F1 ⟩H1 = −2H1 = Y0 − 2K0 , E2 = Q̄ 1/2 , F2 = Q−1/2 ,


[E2 , F2 ]+ = ⟨E2 , F2 ⟩H2 = −2H2 = −Y0 − 2K0 ,


[E3 , F3 ] = ⟨E3 , F3 ⟩H3 = −H3 = −2K0 = −H1 − H, 2


E3 = K1 ,

F3 = K− 1,

⟨Hi , Hj ⟩ = ⟨αi , αj ⟩,

⟨Hi , X⟩ = αi (X),

∀X ∈ ℋ.


(The Cartan–Killing form ⟨X, Y⟩, X, Y ∈ 𝒢 , defined in (4.210) is consistent with the super-trace str XY if we introduce a matrix realization for 𝒢 .) Let 𝒢 ̃ = 𝒢 ⊗ ℂ[t, t −1 ] ⊕ ℂĉ ⊕ ℂd̂ be the super Kac–Moody algebra osp(2, 2)(1) corresponding to 𝒢 [348], where ℂ[t, t −1 ] is the algebra of Laurent polynomials in t, ℂĉ is the centre of 𝒢 ,̃ d̂ ≡ t d/dtd, and the super-Lie brackets are ̂ m,−n ⟨X, Z⟩, [X ⊗ t m , Z ⊗ t n ] = {X, Z} ⊗ t m+n + mcδ m m [d,̂ X ⊗ t ] = mX ⊗ t ,

(4.211a) (4.211b)

where {X, Z} = [X, Z]+ if both X, Z are odd, otherwise {X, Z} = [X, Z]. Then ℋ̃ = ℋ ⊕ ℂĉ ⊕ ℂd̂ is the Cartan subalgebra of 𝒢 .̃ Let Δ̃ = Δ̃ + ∪ Δ̃ − be the root system (𝒢 ,̃ ℋ̃ ), then Δ̃ + = {βnκα = nd̄ + κα, | n ∈ ℕ, κ = 0, ±1; n = 0, κ = ±1; α ∈ Δ+ }


̄ where d̄ ∈ ℋ∗ is defined by d(̄ d)̂ = 1, d(̄ c)̂ = 0 = d(X), X ∈ ℋ. Then Δ̃ s = {α0 = d̄ − α,̃ α1 , α2 } is the system of simple roots, where α̃ = α3 is the highest root of Δ+ . The weights will be denoted by Λ: Λ = cc̄ + dd̄ + Λ0 ∈ ℋ̃ ∗ ,

c, d ∈ ℂ, Λ0 = λ1 α1 + λ2 α2 ∈ ℋ∗


192 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras ̂ = 1, c(d) ̂ ̂ where ĉ is defined by c(c) = 0 = c(X), X ∈ ℋ. Then we extend ⟨, ⟩ to ℋ̃ ∗ which ∗ ̄ ̄ is clear for ℋ and for c,̄ d is given by ⟨c,̄ d⟩ = 1, ⟨c,̄ c⟩̄ = ⟨d,̄ d⟩̄ = ⟨c,̄ μ⟩ = ⟨d,̄ μ⟩ = 0, μ ∈ ℋ∗ . Thus the product of two roots in our notation is ⟨βnκα , βn󸀠 κ󸀠 α󸀠 ⟩ = κκ 󸀠 ⟨α, α󸀠 ⟩.


The roots Δ̃ + are divided into imaginary roots, κ = 0, n > 0; real even roots, κ ≠ 0, α = α3 , and real odd roots, κ ≠ 0, α = α1 , α2 . The canonical generators of 𝒢 ̃ are chosen as ̂ 3 = c−2K ̂ e0 = F3 ⊗t, f0 = E3 ⊗t −1 , h0 = c−H 0 ⊗1 = [e0 , f0 ], (ei , fi , hi ) ≡ (Ei , Fi , Hi )⊗1, i = 1, 2. The element important for the representation theory, ρ̃ = ρc c̄ + ρd d̄ + ρ ∈ ℋ̃ ∗ , ρ ∈ ℋ∗ , is defined by (ρ,̃ αi ) = 21 (αi , αi ), i = 0, 1, 2, to give ρ̃ = 2c̄ + ρ󸀠 d,̄ where ρ󸀠 is arbitrary and we set it equal to zero. (The finite-dimensional part is defined as ρ = ρ0 −ρ1 , where 2ρ0 = ∑α∈Δ+ = 2δ, 2ρ1 = ∑α∈Δ+ = 2δ, to give ρ = 0.) Note that the coefficient of c,̄ here 2, 1 0 is called the dual Coxeter number; see, e. g. [354]. 4.4.2 Verma modules, their reducibility and multiplets We record the standard decomposition 𝒢 ̃ = 𝒢 +̃ ⊕ ℋ̃ ⊕ 𝒢 −̃ , 𝒢 ±̃ = ∑β∈Δ̃ ± 𝒢β±̃ , where 𝒢β±̃ is the root space corresponding to the root ±β. A highest weight module (HWM) over 𝒢 ̃ is characterized by its weight, Λ ∈ ℋ̃ ∗ , and a highest weight vector v such that Xv = 0, X ∈ 𝒢 +̃ , Xv = Λ(X)v, X ∈ ℋ̃ . The Verma module V Λ is the largest HWM with highest weight Λ. We have V Λ ≅ U(𝒢 −̃ )v, where U(𝒢 −̃ ) is the universal enveloping algebra of 𝒢 −̃ . We combine the results of Kac [351] for superalgebras and of Kac–Kazhdan [355] for affine Lie algebras to see that the Verma module V Λ is reducible if and only if one of the following relations is satisfied: β ∈ Δ̃ + , m ∈ ℕ.

2⟨Λ + r, β⟩ = m⟨β, β⟩,


Using β = βnκα , Λ = cc̄ + dd̄ + λ1 α1 + λ2 α2 , ρ = 2c,̄ and (4.214) we obtain from (4.215) n(2 + c) + κ(λ1 + λ2 ) = m ∈ ℕ, βnκα3 : n > 0, κ = ±1

n(2 + c) + κλ2,1 = 0,


n = 0, κ = 1;


for real odd roots

βnκα1,2 : n > 0, κ = ±1

2 + c = 0,

for real even roots:


n = 0, κ = 1;

for imaginary roots: βn0 = nd.̄

(4.216b) (4.216c)

As in [154] and earlier sections here we divide the reducible Verma modules into nonsingular Verma modules, for which c + 2 ≠ 0, and singular Verma module, for which c + 2 − 0. For a singular Verma module (4.216a,b) reduce to the three conditions κ(λ1 + λ2 ) = m,

λ2 = 0, λ1 = 0,


only two of which may hold for a fixed Λ. Note that (4.217) with κ = 1 are the reducibility conditions for the osp(2, 2) superalgebra which follow from (4.216a,b) for n = 0.

4.4 Multiplets of Verma modules over the osp(2, 2)(1) super Kac–Moody algebra

| 193

From [352, 355] it also follows that whenever (4.215) is fulfilled then the invariant submodule of V Λ (realizing reducibility) is isomorphic to the Verma module V Λ−mβ , where m = 1 for imaginary and real odd roots. We shall depict these situations by the following diagrams: n,κ

V Λ 󳨀→ V Λ−βnκα1 , V

Λ m,n,κ

󳨀→ V



V Λ 󳨀→ V Λ−βnκα2 , ,



V 󳨀→ V


(4.218a) (4.218b)


The maps in (4.218) will be called even, odd, imaginary, embedding maps, respectively, if β is a real even, real odd, imaginary, root. It is obvious that V Λ−βnκαi in (4.218a) is also reducible and contains an invariant submodule isomorphic to V Λ−2βnκαi ; moreover, Vk ≡ V Λ−kβnκαi , k ∈ ℤ, is reducible and contains Vk+1 . Thus we have an infinite chain of embedding maps. Each of these maps is realized by a singular vector vs in the embedding module. A singular vector has the characteristics of the HWV of the embedded module: Xvs = 0, X ∈ 𝒢 +̃ , Xvs = (Λ − mβ)(X), X ∈ ℋ̃ . Using the Grassmannian properties of the odd generators it can be shown that this infinite chain is exact. For example if βnκα = α1 , then vs = Q̄ −1/2 v for all Vk . Then the composition of two odd embeddings is given by vs󸀠 = Q̄ −1/2 vs = Q̄ 2−1/2 v = 0. (Thus, strictly speaking odd embeddings are not embeddings in the usual sense, since they have kernels.) The same considerations apply for βnκα = α2 , then vs = Q−1/2 v for all Vk . This also explains why we must set m = 1 for real odd roots. Finally, we should mention that the singular vectors corresponding to α1 , α2 are the only odd singular vectors encountered in the Verma modules over osp(2, 2). It is clear that V Λ−βn0 in (4.218b) is also reducible for any imaginary root. Thus, for the purposes of the multiplet classification it will be enough to use only the elementary embedding for β = β10 = d.̄ For further use we introduce the signature of Λ = cc̄ + dd̄ + λ α + λ α , 1 1

χ(Λ) ≡ [d, m + 0, λ1 , λ2 ] = {d, m0 , m3 , y},

2 2


m0 ≡ ⟨Λ + ρ, α0 ⟩ = (Λ + ρ)(h0 ) = c + 2 − λ1 − λ2 , m3 ≡ Λ(H3 ) = λ1 + λ2 ,

y ≡ Λ(Y0 ) = λ1 − λ2 .

4.4.3 Verma modules with nonsingular integral highest weights We further divide the Verma modules with nonsingular integral highest weights according to whether they are reducible with respect to some real odd root or not. We first obtain the following. Proposition 13. The Verma modules with nonsingular integral highest weight which are reducible only with respect to some real even roots have the signatures χ = {d, m0 , m3 , y}, with m0 , m3 ∈ ℕ. Each such module is grouped in a multiplet with reducible Verma modules with nonsingular integral highest weights in the following commutative diagram:

194 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras

(4.220) 󸀠

() , a = 0, l, k = 0, 1, . . ., are (m3 = λ1 + λ2 ∈ ℕ, y = λ1 − λ2 ): where the signatures χak

χ0k = {d − k(km0 + (k − 1)m3 ), m0k , −m󸀠0,k−1 , y},

= {d − (k + 1)((k + 1)m0 + km3 ), −m0k , m󸀠0k , y}, χ1k = {d − k(km0 + (k + 1)m3 ), −m󸀠1,k−1 , m1k , y}, 󸀠 = {d − k(km0 + (k + 1)m3 ), m󸀠1k , −m1k , y}, χ1k m0k ≡ (2k + 1)m0 + 2km3 , m󸀠0k ≡ 2(k + 1)m0 + (2k + 1)m3 m1k ≡ 2km0 + (2k + 1)m3 , m󸀠1k ≡ (2k + 1)m0 + 2(k + 1)m3 , 󸀠 χ0k

(4.221a) (4.221b) (4.221c) (4.221d)

Proof. We consider only Verma modules reducible with respect to conditions (4.216a). Then it remains to notice that the even real roots form the root system of the affine Lie algebra A(1) 1 . Then we use the results of Section 4.1; more precisely we use (4.29), (4.30). Proposition 14. The Verma modules with nonsingular integral highest weight which are reducible with respect to both even and odd real roots have the signatures χ = [d, m0 , λ1 , λ2 ], d ∈ ℂ, λ1 , λ2 ∈ ℤ+ , λ1 λ2 = 0. They are grouped in multiplets of type I1 , distinguished by a positive integer m0 . The multiplet I1 (m0 ) includes all such Verma modules with signatures: 1 χ j ≡ [d, m0 − j, j, 0], 2 χ j ≡ [d, m0 − j, 0, j], j = 0, 1, . . . , m0 − 1, (χ 0 = 1 χ 0 = 2 χ 0 ), and also infinitely many reducible Verma modules with nonsingular integrable highest weights. Part of the diagram looks as follows:

(4.222) j󸀠



1 , a = 1, 2 being the composiwhere 1 χ10 ≡ 2 χ−j, 2 χ10 ≡ 1 χ−j, the maps a χ 1 󳨀→ a χ10 0 tions through χ . The remaining part of the multiplet may be described as follows. First, any a χ j , j ≠ 0, module enters a submultiplet which has exactly the structure depicted in (4.220) with m0 󳨃→ m0 − j, m3 󳨃→ j, y = ±j (for a = 1, 2, respectively), a χ j playing the role of χ = χ00 = χ10 in (4.220). The signatures of the other modules will be denoted 󸀠

󸀠 󸀠 a j a j a j a j χ0k , χ0k , χ1k , χ1k , and they are given by (4.221) with the above changes. Second, there

4.4 Multiplets of Verma modules over the osp(2, 2)(1) super Kac–Moody algebra

| 195

is an infinite chain starting from χ 0 (as indicated) which is obtained from (4.220) and (4.221) by setting j = m3 = 0. The modules coincide two by two; the signatures of the 0 0 0󸀠 1 0 0󸀠 modules in this chain are denoted and given by χ0k = a χ0k = a χ1k , χ0k = a χ1k = a χ0,k−1 . Third, the two horizontal chains in (4.222) are infinite in both directions without further intersections. Thus we consider j ≥ m0 . For j ≠ pm0 , p ∈ ℕ, there exist submultiplets j󸀠

with fixed Λ(Y0 ) = j as for 0 < j < m0 ; the role of χ in (4.220) is played by a χ0q if j

(2q − 1)m0 < j < 2qm0 , and by a χ0q if 2qm0 < j < (2q + 1)m0 , q ∈ ℕ. For j = pm0 , j


p ∈ ℕ, there exist single chains as for j = 0, the role of χ0 being played by a χ0q = a χ1q for j


j = (2q − 1)m0 and by a χ1q = a χ0,q−1 for j = 2qm0 , q ∈ ℕ. This describes all members of this multiplet and all even noncomposition embedding maps. The description of all odd noncomposition embedding maps is given by the following diagrams: ...

−󳨀→ / k,−1

2 j+1 χ1k


←󳨀 //


󳨀→ // 1 χ1k




󳨀→ / 1 χ1k


−󳨀→ // k,1


←󳨀 / 2 χ1k


󳨀→ // 2 χ0k

󳨀→ / 2 χ0k


2 j󸀠 χ1k

←󳨀 / ...


−󳨀→ //

1 j−1, χ0k


󳨀→ // . . .

−←󳨀 /


←󳨀 //

1 j+1,󸀠 χ1k




←󳨀 // . . .

−←󳨀 /


←󳨀 / 1 χ0k


−←󳨀 // k,−1

−󳨀→ /

󳨀→ / ...

2 j χ1k

−←󳨀 //



1 j+1 χ1k

1 j χ0k



←󳨀 / ...

2 j−1 χ0k

󳨀→ // . . .

1 j χ0k



2 j−1,󸀠 χ0k

←󳨀 // . . . 󳨀→ / ...


The proof is easy. We only notice that the two chains of odd embedding maps may intersect only once for some j = pm0 , p ∈ ℤ+ . 4.4.4 Verma modules with singular highest weights Proposition 15. Any reducible singular Verma module over osp(2, 2)(1) belongs to a multiplet of one of the following types: S2 , S1 , S0 . Multiplets of type S2 are distinguished by the set (m, λ), m ∈ ℕ, λ ∈ ℂ, λ2 ≠ m2 . For a fixed such (m, λ) the singular Verma modules are arranged in the multiplet as follows:


196 | 4 Affine Lie (super-)algebras where χks = (d − k, −m, m, λ), χks = (d − k, m, −m, λ), k ∈ ℤ, d ∈ ℂ. Multiplets of type S1 are distinguished by the complex number λ ≠ ℤ. For a fixed such λ they include all singular Verma modules such that λ1 λ2 = 0, λ1 − λ2 = λ (mod ℤ). They are arranged in the multiplet S11 (λ) as follows: 󸀠

(4.225) s where 1 χkj = [d − k, −λ − j, λ + j, 0], j, k ∈ ℤ, d ∈ ℂ, and analogously for S12 (λ) with 1 s 2 s χkj 󳨃→ χkj = [d − k, −λ − j, 0, λ + j] and /→ changed to // → in (4.225). There is only one multiplet of type S0 . It includes all singular Verma modules such that λ1 λ2 = 0, λ1 , λ2 ∈ ℤ. sj




Their signatures are given by 1 χk = [d − k, −j, j, 0], 2 χk = [d − k, −j, 0, j], 1 χkj = 2 χk , 2 sj χkj



= 1 χk , j ∈ ℤ+ , k ∈ ℤ, d ∈ ℂ. For fixed k they are given as in (4.222) with the obvious substitutions and keeping only the fully drawn arrows. In addition we must draw the sj(󸀠 )

embeddings a χk

sj(󸀠 )

sj󸀠 j,− a sj → χk+j .

∘→ a χk+1 , k ∈ ℤ, and a χk

For all three types all even and

odd noncomposition embeddings and all β = d̄ imaginary embeddings are given.

Corollary 4. Any reducible Verma module over osp(2, 2) belongs to a multiplet of type S̃2 , S̃1 , S̃0 . Multiplets of type S̃a are obtained from those of type Sa for osp(2, 2)(1) as follows. Drop the d, m0 entries in the signatures, keep only the embeddings associated with the osp(2, 2) roots β = α1 , α2 , α3 and keep only the modules for a fixed k. ⬦ Remark 6. As we have discussed in earlier chapters in the case of superalgebras we have to use odd embeddings and to extend the usual Weyl groups by odd reflections. Analogously in the case of affine algebras we use imaginary embeddings and extend the Weyl groups by imaginary reflections. Finally, in the case of affine superalgebras, as in the present case of osp(2, 2)(1) we use both odd and imaginary embeddings. To those correspond odd and imaginary reflections which enlarge the Weyl group in both senses. ⬦

Epilogue Although our monograph spanned four volumes and more than 1300 pages there remain topics that we could not cover for various reasons. Thus in this epilogue we just mention several of those topics, giving some relevant literature.

W algebras In a systematic study of D = 2 conformal quantum field theory extensions of the conformal symmetry play an important role. The algebraic structures that emerge in the study of bosonic extended symmetry are higher-spin extensions of the Virasoro algebra, which are commonly called W algebras. They were introduced by Zamolodchikov in 1985 [585]. Among the earlier papers on W algebras we mention [80, 37, 329, 497, 74, 332, 255, 81, 127, 28, 360, 141], while for the extension to supersymmetry we refer, e. g. to [87, 88, 589].

Yangians In representation theory, a Yangian is an infinite-dimensional Hopf algebra. For any finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebra 𝒢 Drinfeld [197] defined an infinitedimensional Hopf algebra Y(𝒢 ), called the Yangian of 𝒢 . This Hopf algebra is a deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of polynomial loops of 𝒢 given by explicit generators and relations. The relations can be encoded by identities involving a rational R-matrix. Replacing it with a trigonometric R-matrix, one arrives at affine quantum groups defined in the same paper [197]. For further reading we recommend, e. g. [69, 193, 432, 454, 53, 239, 117, 198, 545, 410], in particular, for the extension to supersymmetry [87, 285, 492, 54, 258, 251, 459, 555, 304, 67].

Cluster algebras and quivers Cluster algebras are an axiomatic class of algebras, introduced in Fomin–Zelevinsky [234]. They are constructively defined commutative rings equipped with a distinguished set of generators (cluster variables) grouped into overlapping subsets (clusters) of the same finite cardinality (the rank of the algebra in question). A cluster algebra of rank n is an integral domain A, together with some subsets of size n called clusters whose union generates the algebra A and which satisfy various conditions. We should also note that they appeared earlier in mathematical physics, though in disguise [104, 534]. In the last 15 years cluster algebras and quivers have played a

198 | Epilogue fundamental role in many different contexts in combinatorics, representation theory, geometry and mathematical physics. A quiver is a finite oriented graph. We allow multiple edges (called arrows) but not loops (i. e. an arrow may not connect a vertex to itself) nor oriented 2-cycles (i. e. no arrows of opposite orientation may connect the same pair of vertices). A quiver does not have to be connected. Quivers are the combinatorial data which accompany (extended) clusters and determine exchange relations between them. Mutations of quivers lie at the heart of the combinatorial framework underlying the general theory of cluster algebras. For further reading on cluster algebras and quivers we would recommend, e. g. [235, 142, 199, 71, 312, 264, 498, 468, 438, 260, 119, 442, 279, 383, 488, 204, 368, 408, 282, 96, 118, 291, 199, 382, 511, 220].

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Author Index Bars 175 Barut–Ra̧ czka 38 Bateman–Erdelyi 46 Belavin–Polyakov–Zamolodchikov 91 Bernstein–Gel’fand–Gel’fand 184 Boucher–Friedan–Kent 116

Kac 91, 163, 192 Kac–Kazhdan 145, 184 Kac–Moody 91 Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov 143

Cappelli–Itzykson-Zuber 122 Craigie–Nahm 143

Maldacena 1 Malikov–Feigin–Fuchs 161

Dirac 56, 176 Dixon–Peskin–Lykken 175 Drinfeld 197 Drinfeld–Jimbo 79

Niederer 37

Feigin–Fuchs 91 Ferrara 2 Flato 2 Flato–Fronsdal 56, 176 Fomin–Zelevinsky 197 Fronsdal 2 Gelfand–Fuchs 91 Gervais–Neveu 91 Goddard–Kent–Olive 175 Gubser–Klebanov–Polyakov 1 Hagen 37

Langlands–Knapp–Zuckerman 7

Polyakov 91, 143 Rao 162 Sato 91 Segal 91 Shapovalov 54 Todorov 143 Virasoro 91 Wakimoto 166 Wess–Zumino–Witten 175 Witten 1, 15, 143 Zamolodchikov 197

Subject Index 3-state Potts model 96 A-D-E series 132 affine Lie algebra 144 basic module 147 boundary space 25 Bruhat decomposition 6 bulk space 25 de Sitter space 2 Dedekind η-function 123 elementary representations 5, 23 equivalent representations 16 fundamental modules 147 generalized highest weight module 93 generalized highest weight vector 93 homogeneous element 93 imaginary reflections 146 imaginary roots 145, 192 integrable module 147 intertwining operators 2 Ising model 96 Iwasawa decomposition 3 Jacobi Θ-function 136 Kac table 96

N = 2 Neveu–Schwarz superalgebra 116 N = 2 Ramond superalgebra 116 N = 2 superconformal algebras 116 N = 2 twisted superalgebra 116 Neveu–Schwarz superalgebra 92 noncompact picture 5 nonsingular Verma modules 148 partially equivalent representations 15 principal multiplet types 149 principal types reductions 149 q-deformed heat equation 85 q-deformed heat/Schrödinger equation 85 quasi-singleton basis 82 Ramond superalgebra 92 real even roots 192 real odd roots 192 real roots 145 reduced form 106 representation equivalence 2 singleton basis 55, 82 singleton-void basis 57 singular vector 52, 53, 95 singular Verma modules 148 standard module 147 subrepresentation 7 subsingular vectors 58 super-Virasoro algebras 92, 116

length of λ 112 length of w 106 level of a homogeneous element 93

tri-critical 3-state Potts model 96 tri-critical Ising model 96

maximal parabolic subgroup 23 mirror-image 6

V-active 107 Virasoro algebra 92

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