Introduction to Vectors and Tensors Volume 2: Vector and Vector Analysis [2. print ed.]
 0306375095, 9780306375095

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Volume 2

Ray M. Bowen Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, Texas

and C.-C. Wang Mathematical Sciences Rice University Houston, Texas

Copyright Ray M. Bowen and C.-C. Wang (ISBN 0-306-37509-5 (v. 2))


PREFACE To Volume 2 This is the second volume of a two-volume work on vectors and tensors. Volume 1 is concerned with the algebra of vectors and tensors, while this volume is concerned with the geometrical aspects of vectors and tensors. This volume begins with a discussion of Euclidean manifolds. The principal mathematical entity considered in this volume is a field, which is defined on a domain in a Euclidean manifold. The values of the field may be vectors or tensors. We investigate results due to the distribution of the vector or tensor values of the field on its domain. While we do not discuss general differentiable manifolds, we do include a chapter on vector and tensor fields defined on hypersurfaces in a Euclidean manifold. This volume contains frequent references to Volume 1. However, references are limited to basic algebraic concepts, and a student with a modest background in linear algebra should be able to utilize this volume as an independent textbook. As indicated in the preface to Volume 1, this volume is suitable for a one-semester course on vector and tensor analysis. On occasions when we have taught a one –semester course, we covered material from Chapters 9, 10, and 11 of this volume. This course also covered the material in Chapters 0,3,4,5, and 8 from Volume 1. We wish to thank the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support during the preparation of this work. We also wish to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Kurt Reinicke for critically checking the entire manuscript and offering improvements on many points. Houston, Texas

R.M.B. C.-C.W.




Vector and Tensor Analysis

Contents of Volume 1…………………………………………………


PART III. VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS Selected Readings for Part III…………………………………………


CHAPTER 9. Euclidean Manifolds…………………………………………..


Section 43. Section 44. Section 45. Section 46. Section 47. Section 48.

Euclidean Point Spaces……………………………….. Coordinate Systems…………………………………… Transformation Rules for Vector and Tensor Fields…. Anholonomic and Physical Components of Tensors…. Christoffel Symbols and Covariant Differentiation…... Covariant Derivatives along Curves…………………..

297 306 324 332 339 353

CHAPTER 10. Vector Fields and Differential Forms………………………...


Section 49. Section 5O. Section 51. Section 52. Section 53. Section 54.

CHAPTER 11. Section 55. Section 56. Section 57. Section 58. Section 59. Section 60.

Lie Derivatives……………………………………….. Frobenius Theorem…………………………………… Differential Forms and Exterior Derivative………….. The Dual Form of Frobenius Theorem: the Poincaré Lemma……………………………………………….. Vector Fields in a Three-Dimensiona1 Euclidean Manifold, I. Invariants and Intrinsic Equations…….. Vector Fields in a Three-Dimensiona1 Euclidean Manifold, II. Representations for Special Class of Vector Fields……………………………….

359 368 373 381 389


Hypersurfaces in a Euclidean Manifold Normal Vector, Tangent Plane, and Surface Metric… Surface Covariant Derivatives………………………. Surface Geodesics and the Exponential Map……….. Surface Curvature, I. The Formulas of Weingarten and Gauss…………………………………………… Surface Curvature, II. The Riemann-Christoffel Tensor and the Ricci Identities……………………... Surface Curvature, III. The Equations of Gauss and Codazzi v

407 416 425 433 443 449


CONTENTS OF VOLUME 2 Section 61. Section 62.

CHAPTER 12. Section 63. Section 64. Section 65. Section 66. Section 67. CHAPTER 13.

Section 68. Section 69. Section 70. Section 71. Section 72.

Surface Area, Minimal Surface………........................ Surfaces in a Three-Dimensional Euclidean Manifold.

454 457

Elements of Classical Continuous Groups The General Linear Group and Its Subgroups……….. The Parallelism of Cartan……………………………. One-Parameter Groups and the Exponential Map…… Subgroups and Subalgebras…………………………. Maximal Abelian Subgroups and Subalgebras………

463 469 476 482 486

Integration of Fields on Euclidean Manifolds, Hypersurfaces, and Continuous Groups Arc Length, Surface Area, and Volume……………... Integration of Vector Fields and Tensor Fields……… Integration of Differential Forms……………………. Generalized Stokes’ Theorem……………………….. Invariant Integrals on Continuous Groups…………...


491 499 503 507 515 x



Linear and Multilinear Algebra

PART 1 BASIC MATHEMATICS Selected Readings for Part I…………………………………………………………


CHAPTER 0 Elementary Matrix Theory………………………………………….


CHAPTER 1 Sets, Relations, and Functions………………………………………


Section 1. Section 2. Section 3.

Sets and Set Algebra………………………………………... Ordered Pairs" Cartesian Products" and Relations…………. Functions…………………………………………………….

13 16 18

CHAPTER 2 Groups, Rings and Fields……………………………………………


Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7.

The Axioms for a Group……………………………………. Properties of a Group……………………………………….. Group Homomorphisms…………………………………….. Rings and Fields……………………………………………..

23 26 29 33

PART I1 VECTOR AND TENSOR ALGEBRA Selected Readings for Part II…………………………………………………………


CHAPTER 3 Vector Spaces………………………………………………………..


Section 8. Section 9. Section 10. Section 11. Section 12. Section 13. Section 14.

The Axioms for a Vector Space…………………………….. Linear Independence, Dimension and Basis…………….….. Intersection, Sum and Direct Sum of Subspaces……………. Factor Spaces………………………………………………... Inner Product Spaces………………………..………………. Orthogonal Bases and Orthogonal Compliments…………… Reciprocal Basis and Change of Basis………………………

41 46 55 59 62 69 75

CHAPTER 4. Linear Transformations………………………………………………


Section 15. Section 16.

Definition of a Linear Transformation………………………. Sums and Products of Linear Transformations………………

85 93


CONTENTS OF VOLUME 2 Section 17. Section 18. Section 19.

Special Types of Linear Transformations…………………… The Adjoint of a Linear Transformation…………………….. Component Formulas………………………………………...

97 105 118

CHAPTER 5. Determinants and Matrices…………………………………………… 125 Section 20. Section 21. Section 22. Section 23

The Generalized Kronecker Deltas and the Summation Convention……………………………… Determinants…………………………………………………. The Matrix of a Linear Transformation……………………… Solution of Systems of Linear Equations……………………..

125 130 136 142

CHAPTER 6 Spectral Decompositions……………………………………………... 145 Section 24. Section 25. Section 26. Section 27. Section 28. Section 29. Section 30.

Direct Sum of Endomorphisms……………………………… Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues……………………………….. The Characteristic Polynomial………………………………. Spectral Decomposition for Hermitian Endomorphisms…….. Illustrative Examples…………………………………………. The Minimal Polynomial……………………………..……… Spectral Decomposition for Arbitrary Endomorphisms….…..

145 148 151 158 171 176 182

CHAPTER 7. Tensor Algebra……………………………………………………….


Section 31. Section 32. Section 33. Section 34. Section 35.

Linear Functions, the Dual Space…………………………… The Second Dual Space, Canonical Isomorphisms…………. Multilinear Functions, Tensors…………………………..….. Contractions…......................................................................... Tensors on Inner Product Spaces…………………………….

203 213 218 229 235

CHAPTER 8. Exterior Algebra……………………………………………………...


Section 36. Section 37. Section 38. Section 39. Section 40. Section 41. Section 42.

Skew-Symmetric Tensors and Symmetric Tensors………….. The Skew-Symmetric Operator……………………………… The Wedge Product………………………………………….. Product Bases and Strict Components……………………….. Determinants and Orientations………………………………. Duality……………………………………………………….. Transformation to Contravariant Representation…………….

247 250 256 263 271 280 287




Selected Reading for Part III BISHOP, R. L., and R. J. CRITTENDEN, Geometry of Manifolds, Academic Press, New York, 1964 BISHOP, R. L., and S. I. GOLDBERG, Tensor Analysis on Manifolds, Macmillan, New York, 1968. CHEVALLEY, C., Theory of Lie Groups, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1946 COHN, P. M., Lie Groups, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1965. EISENHART, L. P., Riemannian Geometry, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1925. ERICKSEN, J. L., Tensor Fields, an appendix in the Classical Field Theories, Vol. III/1. Encyclopedia of Physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg, 1960. FLANDERS, H., Differential Forms with Applications in the Physical Sciences, Academic Press, New York, 1963. KOBAYASHI, S., and K. NOMIZU, Foundations of Differential Geometry, Vols. I and II, Interscience, New York, 1963, 1969. LOOMIS, L. H., and S. STERNBERG, Advanced Calculus, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1968. MCCONNEL, A. J., Applications of Tensor Analysis, Dover Publications, New York, 1957. NELSON, E., Tensor Analysis, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1967. NICKERSON, H. K., D. C. SPENCER, and N. E. STEENROD, Advanced Calculus, D. Van Nostrand, Princeton, New Jersey, 1958. SCHOUTEN, J. A., Ricci Calculus, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1954. STERNBERG, S., Lectures on Differential Geometry, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1964. WEATHERBURN, C. E., An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry and the Tensor Calculus, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1957.


Chapter 9 EUCLIDEAN MANIFOLDS This chapter is the first where the algebraic concepts developed thus far are combined with ideas from analysis. The main concept to be introduced is that of a manifold. We will discuss here only a special case cal1ed a Euclidean manifold. The reader is assumed to be familiar with certain elementary concepts in analysis, but, for the sake of completeness, many of these shall be inserted when needed.

Section 43

Euclidean Point Spaces

Consider an inner produce space V and a set E . The set E is a Euclidean point space if there exists a function f : E × E → V such that:


f ( x, y ) = f (x, z) + f ( z, y ),

x, y , z ∈ E

and (b)

For every x ∈E and v ∈V there exists a unique element y ∈E such that f ( x, y ) = v .

The elements of E are called points, and the inner product space V is called the translation space. We say that f ( x, y ) is the vector determined by the end point x and the initial point y . Condition b) above is equivalent to requiring the function f x : E → V defined by f x ( y ) = f ( x, y ) to be one to one for each x . The dimension of E , written dimE , is defined to be the dimension of V . If V does not have an inner product, the set E defined above is called an affine space.

A Euclidean point space is not a vector space but a vector space with inner product is made a Euclidean point space by defining f ( v1 , v 2 ) ≡ v1 − v 2 for all v ∈V . For an arbitrary point space the function f is called the point difference, and it is customary to use the suggestive notation

f ( x, y ) = x − y

In this notation (a) and (b) above take the forms




Chap. 9


x−y =x−z+z−y


x−y =v



Theorem 43.1. In a Euclidean point space E (i ) (ii )

x−x =0 x − y = −( y − x )

(iii )

if x − y = x '− y ', then x − x ' = y − y '


Proof. For (i) take x = y = z in (43.2); then x−x = x−x+x−x

which implies x − x = 0 . To obtain (ii) take y = x in (43.2) and use (i). For (iii) observe that

x − y ' = x − y + y − y ' = x − x '+ x '− y ' from (43.2). However, we are given x − y = x '− y ' which implies (iii).

The equation

x−y =v has the property that given any v and y , x is uniquely determined. For this reason it is customary to write x=y+v


Sec. 43

Euclidean Point Spaces


for the point x uniquely determined by y ∈E and v ∈V . The distance from x to y , written d ( x, y ) , is defined by d (x, y ) = x − y = {( x − y ) ⋅ ( x − y )}

1/ 2


It easily fol1ows from the definition (43.6) and the properties of the inner product that d ( x, y ) = d ( y , x )


d ( x , y ) ≤ d ( x , z ) + d ( z, y )



for all x, y , and z in E . Equation (43.8) is simply rewritten in terms of the points x, y , and z rather than the vectors x − y , x − z , and z − y . It is also apparent from (43.6) that d ( x, y ) ≥ 0


d ( x, y ) = 0 ⇔ x = y


The properties (43.7)-(43.9) establish that E is a metric space. There are several concepts from the theory of metric spaces which we need to summarize. For simplicity the definitions are sated here in terms of Euclidean point spaces only even though they can be defined for metric spaces in general. In a Euclidean point space E an open ball of radius ε > 0 centered at x 0 ∈E is the set

B( x 0 , ε ) = {x d ( x, x 0 ) < ε }

and a closed ball is the set



Chap. 9


B ( x 0 , ε ) = {x d ( x, x 0 ) ≤ ε }


A neighborhood of x ∈E is a set which contains an open ball centered at x . A subset U of E is open if it is a neighborhood of each of its points. The empty set ∅ is trivially open because it contains no points. It also follows from the definitions that E is open. Theorem 43.2. An open ball is an open set. Proof. Consider the open ball B( x 0 , ε ) . Let x be an arbitrary point in B( x 0 , ε ) . Then ε − d ( x, x 0 ) > 0 and the open ball B(x, ε − d (x, x 0 )) is in B(x 0 , ε ) , because if y ∈ B( x, ε − d ( x, x 0 )) , then d ( y, x ) < ε − d ( x 0 , x ) and, by (43.8), d ( x 0 , y ) ≤ d ( x 0 , x ) + d ( x, y ) , which yields d ( x 0 , y ) < ε and, thus, y ∈ B( x 0 , ε ) . A subset U of E is closed if its complement, E U , is open. It can be shown that closed balls are indeed closed sets. The empty set, ∅ , is closed because E = E ∅ is open. By the same logic E is closed since E E = ∅ is open. In fact ∅ and E are the only subsets of E which are both open and closed. A subset U ⊂ E is bounded if it is contained in some open ball. A subset U ⊂ E is compact if it is closed and bounded. Theorem 43.3. The union of any collection of open sets is open. Proof. Let {Uα α ∈ I } be a collection of open sets, where I is an index set. Assume that x ∈ ∪ α∈IUα . Then x must belong to at least one of the sets in the collection, say Uα0 . Since Uα0 is open, there exists an open ball B( x, ε ) ⊂ Uα0 ⊂ ∪ α∈IUα . Thus, B( x, ε ) ⊂ ∪ α∈IUα . Since x is

arbitrary, ∪ α∈IUα is open. Theorem43.4. The intersection of a finite collection of open sets is open. Proof. Let {U1 ,...,Uα } be a finite family of open sets. If ∩ni=1Ui is empty, the assertion is trivial. Thus, assume ∩ni=1Ui is not empty and let x be an arbitrary element of ∩ni=1Ui . Then x ∈Ui for i = 1,..., n and there is an open ball B( x, ε i ) ⊂ Ui for i = 1,..., n . Let ε be the smallest of the positive numbers ε1 ,..., ε n . Then x ∈ B( x, ε ) ⊂ ∩ni=1Ui . Thus ∩ni=1Ui is open.

Sec. 43

Euclidean Point Spaces


It should be noted that arbitrary intersections of open sets will not always lead to open sets. The standard counter example is given by the family of open sets of R of the form ( −1 n ,1 n ) , n = 1, 2,3.... The intersection ∩ ∞n =1 ( −1 n ,1 n ) is the set {0} which is not open. By a sequence in E we mean a function on the positive integers {1, 2,3,..., n,...} with values in E . The notation {x1 , x 2 , x 3..., x n ,...} , or simply {x n } , is usually used to denote the values of the sequence. A sequence {x n } is said to converge to a limit x ∈E if for every open ball B (x, ε ) centered at x , there exists a positive integer n0 (ε ) such that x n ∈ B( x, ε ) whenever n ≥ n0 (ε ) .

Equivalently, a sequence {x n } converges to x if for every real number ε > 0 there exists a positive integer n0 (ε ) such that d ( x n , x ) < ε for all n > n0 (ε ) . If {x n } converges to x , it is conventional to

write x = lim x n n →∞


x → x n as n → ∞

Theorem 43.5. If {x n } converges to a limit, then the limit is unique.

Proof. Assume that x = lim x n , n →∞

y = lim x n n →∞

Then, from (43.8) d ( x, y ) ≤ d ( x, x n ) + d ( x n , y ) for every n . Let ε be an arbitrary positive real number. Then from the definition of convergence of {x n } , there exists an integer n0 (ε ) such that n ≥ n0 (ε ) implies d ( x, x n ) < ε and d ( x n , y ) < ε . Therefore, d ( x, y ) ≤ 2ε for arbitrary ε . This result implies d ( x, y ) = 0 and, thus, x = y .


Chap. 9


A point x ∈E is a limit point of a subset U ⊂ E if every neighborhood of x contains a point of U distinct from x . Note that x need not be in U . For example, the sphere {x d (x, x 0 ) = ε } are limit points of the open ball B(x 0 , ε ) . The closure of U ⊂ E , written U , is the union of U and its limit points. For example, the closure of the open ball B( x 0 , ε ) is the closed ball B ( x 0 , ε ) . It is a fact that the closure of U is the smallest closed set containing U . Thus U is closed if and only if U = U . The reader is cautioned not to confuse the concepts limit of a sequence and limit point of a subset. A sequence is not a subset of E ; it is a function with values in E . A sequence may have a limit when it has no limit point. Likewise the set of pints which represent the values of a sequence may have a limit point when the sequence does not converge to a limit. However, these two concepts are related by the following result from the theory of metric spaces: a point x is a limit point of a set U if and only if there exists a convergent sequence of distinct points of U with x as a limit. A mapping f :U → E ' , where U is an open set in E and E ' is a Euclidean point space or an inner product space, is continuous at x 0 ∈U if for every real number ε > 0 there exists a real number δ ( x 0 , ε ) > 0 such that d ( x, x 0 ) < δ (ε , x 0 ) implies d '( f ( x 0 ), f ( x )) < ε . Here d ' is the distance function for E ' . When f is continuous at x 0 , it is conventional to write lim f ( x ) x→x0


f ( x ) → f ( x 0 ) as x → x 0

The mapping f is continuous on U if it is continuous at every point of U . A continuous mapping is called a homomorphism if it is one-to-one and if its inverse is also continuous. What we have just defined is sometimes called a homeomorphism into. If a homomorphism is also onto, then it is called specifically a homeomorphism onto. It is easily verified that a composition of two continuous maps is a continuous map and the composition of two homomorphisms is a homomorphism. A mapping f :U → E ' , where U and E ' are defined as before, is differentiable at x ∈U if there exists a linear transformation A x ∈ L (V ;V ') such that f ( x + v ) = f ( x ) + A x v + o( x, v )


Sec. 43

Euclidean Point Spaces



lim v →0

o( x, v ) =0 v


In the above definition V ' denotes the translation space of E ' . Theorem 43.6. The linear transformation A x in (43.12) is unique. Proof. If (43.12) holds for A x and A x , then by subtraction we find



− A x ) v = o ( x, v ) − o( x, v )

By (43.13), ( A x − A x ) e must be zero for each unit vector e , so that A x = A x . If f is differentiable at every point of U , then we can define a mapping grad f :U → L (V ;V ') , called the gradient of f , by grad f ( x ) = A x ,

x ∈U


If grad f is continuous on U , then f is said to be of class C 1 . If grad f exists and is itself of class C 1 , then f is of class C 2 . More generally, f is of class C r , r > 0 , if it is of class r −1 C r −1 and its ( r − 1) st gradient, written grad f , is of class C 1 . Of course, f is of class C 0 if it is continuous on U . If f is a C r one-to-one map with a C r inverse f −1 defined on f (U ) , then f is called a C r diffeomorphism. If f is differentiable at x , then it follows from (43.12) that

A x v = lim τ →0

f (x + τ v) − f (x)



d f (x + τ v ) dτ τ =0



Chap. 9


for all v ∈V . To obtain (43.15) replace v by τ v , τ > 0 in (43.12) and write the result as

Ax v =

f (x + τ v) − f (x)


o( x, τ v )



By (43.13) the limit of the last term is zero as τ → 0 , and (43.15) is obtained. Equation (43.15) holds for all v ∈V because we can always choose τ in (43.16) small enough to ensure that x + τ v is in U , the domain of f . If f is differentiable at every x ∈U , then (43.15) can be written

( grad f (x ) ) v =

d f (x + τ v) dτ τ =0


A function f :U → R , where U is an open subset of E , is called a scalar field. Similarly, f :U → V is a vector field, and f :U → T q (V ) is a tensor field of order q . It should be noted that the term field is defined here is not the same as that in Section 7. Before closing this section there is an important theorem which needs to be recorded for later use. We shall not prove this theorem here, but we assume that the reader is familiar with the result known as the inverse mapping theorem in multivariable calculus.

Theorem 43.7. Let f :U → E ' be a C r mapping and assume that grad f ( x 0 ) is a linear isomorphism. Then there exists a neighborhood U1 of x 0 such that the restriction of f to U1 is a

C r diffeomorphism. In addition grad f −1 ( f ( x 0 )) = ( grad f ( x 0 ) )



This theorem provides a condition under which one can asert the existence of a local inverse of a smooth mapping.

Exercises 43.1

Let a sequence {x n } converge to x . Show that every subsequence of {x n } also converges to x .

Sec. 43

Euclidean Point Spaces



Show that arbitrary intersections and finite unions of closed sets yields closed sets.


Let f :U → E ' , where U is open in E , and E ' is either a Euclidean point space or an inner produce space. Show that f is continuous on U if and only if f −1 (D ) is open in E for all D open in f (U ) .


Let f :U → E ' be a homeomorphism. Show that f maps any open set in U onto an open set in E ' .


If f is a differentiable scalar valued function on L (V ;V ) , show that the gradient of f at A ∈ L (V ;V ) , written

∂f (A) ∂A is a linear transformation in L (V ;V ) defined by ⎛ ∂f ⎞ df tr ⎜ ( A )BT ⎟ = (A + τ B) ⎝ ∂A ⎠ dτ τ =0

for all B ∈ L (V ;V ) 43.6

Show that ∂μ1 (A) = I ∂A


∂μ N T ( A ) = ( adj A ) ∂A


Chap. 9


Section 44 Coordinate Systems Given a Euclidean point space E of dimension N , we define a C r -chart at x ∈E to be a pair (U , xˆ ) , where U is an open set in E containing x and xˆ :U → R N is a C r diffeomorphism. Given any chart (U , xˆ ) , there are N scalar fields xˆ i :U → R such that xˆ ( x ) = ( xˆ1 ( x ),..., xˆ N ( x ) )


for all x ∈U . We call these fields the coordinate functions of the chart, and the mapping xˆ is also called a coordinate map or a coordinate system on U . The set U is called the coordinate neighborhood. Two charts xˆ :U1 → R N and yˆ :U2 → R N , where U1 ∩U2 ≠ ∅ , yield the coordinate

transformation yˆ xˆ −1 : xˆ (U1 ∩U2 ) → yˆ (U1 ∩U2 ) and its inverse xˆ yˆ −1 : yˆ (U1 ∩U2 ) → xˆ (U1 ∩U2 ) . Since yˆ (x ) = ( yˆ 1 ( x ),..., yˆ N ( x ) )


The coordinate transformation can be written as the equations

( yˆ (x),..., yˆ 1


( x ) ) = yˆ xˆ −1 ( xˆ1 ( x ),..., xˆ N ( x ) )



( x ) ) = xˆ yˆ −1 ( yˆ 1 ( x ),..., yˆ N ( x ) )


and the inverse can be written

( xˆ (x),..., xˆ 1

The component forms of (44.3) and (44.4) can be written in the simplified notation y j = y j ( x1 ,..., x N ) ≡ y j ( x k )


Sec. 44

Coordinate Systems


and x j = x j ( y1 ,..., y N ) ≡ x j ( y k )


The two N-tuples ( y1 ,..., y N ) and ( x1 ,..., x N ) , where y j = yˆ j ( x ) and x j = xˆ j ( x ) , are the coordinates of the point x ∈U1 ∩U2 . Figure 6 is useful in understanding the coordinate transformations. RN U1 ∩U2



xˆ(U1 ∩U2 )

yˆ(U1 ∩U2 )

yˆ xˆ −1 xˆ yˆ −1

Figure 6

It is important to note that the quantities x1 ,..., x N , y1 ,..., y N are scalar fields, i.e., realvalued functions defined on certain subsets of E . Since U1 and U2 are open sets, U1 ∩U2 is open, and because xˆ and yˆ are C r diffeomorphisms, xˆ (U1 ∩U2 ) and yˆ (U1 ∩U2 ) are open subsets of R N . In addition, the mapping yˆ xˆ −1 and xˆ yˆ −1 are C r diffeomorphisms. Since xˆ is a diffeomorphism, equation (44.1) written in the form

xˆ( x ) = ( x1 ,..., x N )

can be inverted to yie1d



Chap. 9


x = x( x1 ,..., x N ) = x( x j )


where x is a diffeomorphism x : xˆ (U ) → U .

A C r -atlas on E is a family (not necessarily countable) of C r -charts

{(U , xˆ α


) α ∈ I} ,

where I is an index set, such that E = ∪Uα



Equation (44.9) states that E is covered by the family of open sets {Uα α ∈ I } . A C r -Euclidean manifold is a Euclidean point space equipped with a C r -atlas . A C ∞ -atlas and a C ∞ -Euclidean manifold are defined similarly. For simplicity, we shall assume that E is C ∞ . A C ∞ curve in E is a C ∞ mapping λ : (a, b) → E , where (a, b) is an open interval of R . A C ∞ curve λ passes through x 0 ∈E if there exists a c ∈ (a, b) such that λ ( c) = x 0 . Given a chart

(U , xˆ )

and a point x 0 ∈U , the jth coordinate curve passing through x 0 is the curve λ j defined by λ j (t ) = x ( x01 ,..., x0j −1 , x0j + t , x0j +1 ,..., x0N )


for all t such that ( x01 ,..., x0j −1 , x0j + t , x0j +1 ,..., x0N ) ∈ xˆ (U ) , where ( x0k ) = xˆ (x 0 ) . The subset of U obtained by requiring x j = xˆ j (x ) = const


is called the jth coordinate surface of the chart Euclidean manifolds possess certain special coordinate systems of major interest. Let {i ,..., i } be an arbitrary basis, not necessarily orthonormal, for V . We define N constant vector 1


fields i j : E → V , j = 1,..., N , by the formulas

Sec. 44

Coordinate Systems


i j (x) = i j ,

x ∈U


The use of the same symbol for the vector field and its value will cause no confusion and simplifies the notation considerably. If 0E denotes a fixed element of E , then a Cartesian coordinate system on E is defined by the N scalar fields zˆ1 , zˆ 2 ,..., zˆ N such that z j = zˆ j ( x ) = ( x − 0E ) ⋅ i j ,

x ∈E


If the basis {i1 ,..., i N } is orthonormal, the Cartesian system is called a rectangular Cartesian system. The point 0E is called the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system. The vector field defined by r ( x ) = x − 0E


for all x ∈E is the position vector field relative to 0E . The value r (x ) is the position vector of x . If {i1 ,..., i N } is the basis reciprocal to {i1 ,..., i N } , then (44.13) implies

x − 0E = x ( z1 ,..., z N ) − 0E = zˆ j ( x )i j = z j i j


Defining constant vector fields i1 ,..., i N as before, we can write (44.15) as r = zˆ j i j


The product of the scalar field zˆ j with the vector field i j in (44.16) is defined pointwise; i.e., if f is a scalar field and v is a vector field, then fv is a vector field defined by

fv ( x ) = f ( x ) v ( x )


for all x in the intersection of the domains of f and v . An equivalent version of (44.13) is

zˆ j = r ⋅ i j



Chap. 9


where the operator r ⋅ i j between vector fields is defined pointwise in a similar fashion as in (44.17). As an illustration, let { i 1 , i 2 ,..., i N } be another basis for V related to the original basis by

i j = Qkj i k


and let 0E be another fixed point of E . Then by (44.13)

z j = ( x − 0E ) ⋅ i j = ( x − 0E ) ⋅ i j + (0E − 0E ) ⋅ i j = Qkj ( x − 0E ) ⋅ i k + (0E − 0E ) ⋅ i j = Qkj z k + c j


where (44.19) has been used. Also in (44.20) the constant scalars c k , k = 1,..., N , are defined by

c k = (0E − 0E ) ⋅ i k


If the bases {i1 , i 2 ,..., i N } and { i 1 , i 2 ,..., i N } are both orthonormal, then the matrix ⎡⎣Qkj ⎤⎦ is orthogonal. Note that the coordinate neighborhood is the entire space E .

The jth coordinate curve which passes through 0E of the Cartesian coordinate system is the curve

λ (t ) = ti j + 0E


Equation (44.22) follows from (44.10), (44.15), and the fact that for x = 0E , z1 = z 2 = ⋅⋅⋅ = z N = 0 . As (44.22) indicates, the coordinate curves are straight lines passing through 0E . Similarly, the jth coordinate surface is the plane defined by

Sec. 44

Coordinate Systems


( x − 0E ) ⋅ i j = const







z1 Figure 7 Geometrically, the Cartesian coordinate system can be represented by Figure 7 for N=3. The coordinate transformation represented by (44.20) yields the result in Figure 8 (again for N=3). Since every inner product space has an orthonormal basis (see Theorem 13.3), there is no loss of generality in assuming that associated with every point of E as origin we can introduce a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system.


Chap. 9











z2 i1






Figure 8 Given any rectangular coordinate system ( zˆ1 ,..., zˆ N ) , we can characterize a general or a curvilinear coordinate system as follows: Let (U , xˆ ) be a chart. Then it can be specified by the coordinate transformation from zˆ to xˆ as described earlier, since in this case the overlap of the coordinate neighborhood is U = E ∩U . Thus we have

( z1 ,..., z N ) = zˆ xˆ −1 ( x1 ,..., x N ) ( x1 ,..., x N ) = xˆ zˆ −1 ( z1 ,..., z N )


where zˆ xˆ −1 : xˆ (U ) → zˆ(U ) and xˆ zˆ −1 : zˆ(U ) → xˆ (U ) are diffeomorphisms. Equivalent versions of (44.23) are z j = z j ( x1 ,..., x N ) = z j ( x k ) x j = x j ( z1 ,..., z N ) = x j ( z k )


Sec. 44

Coordinate Systems


As an example of the above ideas, consider the cylindrical coordinate system1. In this case N=3 and equations (44.23) take the special form ( z1 , z 2 , z 3 ) = ( x1 cos x 2 , x1 sin x 2 , x 3 )


In order for (44.25) to qualify as a coordinate transformation, it is necessary for the transformation functions to be C ∞ . It is apparent from (44.25) that zˆ xˆ −1 is C ∞ on every open subset of R 3 . Also, by examination of (44.25), zˆ xˆ −1 is one-to-one if we restrict it to an appropriate domain, say (0, ∞) × (0, 2π ) × ( −∞, ∞) . The image of this subset of R 3 under zˆ xˆ −1 is easily seen to be the set



R 3 ( z1 , z 2 , z 3 ) z1 ≥ 0, z 2 = 0 and the inverse transformation is

2 ⎛ 1 2 ⎞ −1 z 2 2 1/ 2 ( x , x , x ) = ⎜ ⎡⎣( z ) + ( z ) ⎤⎦ , tan 1 , z 3 ⎟ z ⎝ ⎠ 1




which is also C ∞ . Consequently we can choose the coordinate neighborhood to be any open subset U in E such that



zˆ(U ) ⊂ R 3 ( z1 , z 2 , z 3 ) z1 ≥ 0, z 2 = 0


or, equivalently, xˆ(U ) ⊂ (0, ∞) × (0, 2π ) × ( −∞, ∞) Figure 9 describes the cylindrical system. The coordinate curves are a straight line (for x1 ), a circle lying in a plane parallel to the ( z1 , z 2 ) plane (for x 2 ), and a straight line coincident with z 3 (for x 3 ). The coordinate surface x1 = const is a circular cylinder whose generators are the z 3 lines. The remaining coordinate surfaces are planes.


The computer program Maple has a plot command, coordplot3d, that is useful when trying to visualize coordinate curves and coordinate surfaces. The program MATLAB will also produce useful and instructive plots.


Chap. 9


z3 = x3


x2 x1

z1 Figure 9

Returning to the general transformations (44.5) and (44.6), we can substitute the second into the first and differentiate the result to find k ∂y i 1 N ∂x x x ( ,..., ) ( y1 ,..., y N ) = δ ij ∂x k ∂y j


By a similar argument with x and y interchanged, i ∂y k 1 N ∂x ( x ,..., x ) k ( y1 ,..., y N ) = δ ij j ∂x ∂y


Each of these equations ensures that ⎡ ∂y i ⎤ 1 ≠0 det ⎢ k ( x1 ,..., x N ) ⎥ = j ⎣ ∂x ⎦ det ⎡ ∂x ( y1 ,..., y N ) ⎤ ⎢ ∂y l ⎥ ⎣ ⎦


For example, det ⎡⎣( ∂z j ∂x k )( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) ⎤⎦ = x1 ≠ 0 for the cylindrical coordinate system. The determinant det ⎡⎣( ∂x j ∂y k )( y1 ,..., y N ) ⎤⎦ is the Jacobian of the coordinate transformation (44.6).

Sec. 44

Coordinate Systems


Just as a vector space can be assigned an orientation, a Euclidean manifold can be oriented by assigning the orientation to its translation space V . In this case E is called an oriented Euclidean manifold. In such a manifold we use Cartesian coordinate systems associated with positive basis only and these coordinate systems are called positive. A curvilinear coordinate system is positive if its coordinate transformation relative to a positive Cartesian coordinate system has a positive Jacobian. Given a chart (U , xˆ ) for E , we can compute the gradient of each coordinate function xˆ i and obtain a C ∞ vector field on U . We shall denote each of these fields by g i , namely

g i = grad xˆ i


for i = 1,..., N . From this definition, it is clear that g i (x ) is a vector in V normal to the ith coordinate surface. From (44.8) we can define N vector fields g1 ,..., g N on U by g i = [ grad x ] (0,...,1,...,0) i


Or, equivalently,

g i = lim t →0

x( x1 ,..., x i + t ,..., x N ) − x( x1 ,..., x N ) ∂x 1 ≡ i ( x ,..., x N ) t ∂x


for all x ∈U . Equations (44.10) and (44.33) show that g i ( x ) is tangent to the ith coordinate curve. Since xˆ i ( x( x1 ,..., x N )) = x i


The chain rule along with the definitions (44.31) and (44.32) yield g i ( x ) ⋅ g j ( x ) = δ ij

as they should.



Chap. 9


The values of the vector fields {g1 ,..., g N } form a linearly independent set of vectors

{g1 (x ),..., g N (x )} at each

x ∈U . To see this assertion, assume x ∈U and

λ 1g1 ( x ) + λ 2g 2 ( x ) + ⋅⋅⋅ + λ N g N ( x ) = 0 for λ 1 ,..., λ N ∈R . Taking the inner product of this equation with g j (x ) and using equation (44.35) , we see that λ j = 0 , j = 1,..., N which proves the assertion. Because V has dimension N, {g1 ( x ),..., g N ( x )} forms a basis for V at each x ∈U .

Equation (44.35) shows that {g1 ( x ),..., g N ( x )} is the basis reciprocal to {g1 ( x ),..., g N ( x )} . Because

of the special geometric interpretation of the vectors {g1 ( x ),..., g N ( x )} and {g1 (x ),..., g N ( x )}

mentioned above, these bases are called the natural bases of xˆ at x . Any other basis field which cannot be determined by either (44.31) or (44.32) relative to any coordinate system is called an anholonomic or nonintegrable basis. The constant vector fields {i1 ,..., i N } and {i1 ,..., i N } yield the natural bases for the Cartesian coordinate systems. If (U1 , xˆ ) and (U2 , yˆ ) are two charts such that U1 ∩U2 ≠ ∅ , we can determine the transformation rules for the changes of natural bases at x ∈U1 ∩U2 in the following way: We shall let the vector fields h j , j = 1,..., N , be defined by

h j = grad yˆ j


Then, from (44.5) and (44.31), ∂y j 1 ( x ,..., x N ) grad xˆ i (x ) i ∂x ∂y j = i ( x1 ,..., x N )g i ( x ) ∂x

h j ( x ) = grad yˆ j ( x ) =

for all x ∈U1 ∩U2 . A similar calculation shows that


Sec. 44

Coordinate Systems

h j (x) =

317 ∂x i 1 ( y ,..., y N )g i ( x ) j ∂y


for all x ∈U1 ∩U2 . Equations (44.37) and (44.38) are the desired transformations. Given a chart (U1 , xˆ ) , we can define 2N 2 scalar fields gij :U → R and g ij :U → R by gij ( x ) = g i ( x ) ⋅ g j (x ) = g ji ( x )


g ij ( x ) = g i ( x ) ⋅ g j ( x ) = g ji ( x )



for all x ∈U . It immediately follows from (44.35) that ij ⎣⎡ g ( x ) ⎦⎤ = ⎡⎣ gij ( x ) ⎤⎦



since we have g i = g ij g j


g j = g ji g i



where the produce of the scalar fields with vector fields is defined by (44.17). If θij is the angle between the ith and the jth coordinate curves at x ∈U , then from (44.39)

cos θij =

gij (x ) 1/ 2

⎡⎣ gii ( x ) g jj ( x ) ⎤⎦

(no sum)



Chap. 9


Based upon (44.44), the curvilinear coordinate system is orthogonal if gij = 0 when i ≠ j . The symbol g denotes a scalar field on U defined by g ( x ) = det ⎡⎣ gij ( x ) ⎤⎦


for all x ∈U . At the point x ∈U , the differential element of arc ds is defined by

ds 2 = dx ⋅ dx


and, by (44.8), (44.33), and (44.39), ∂x ∂x ( xˆ ( x )) ⋅ j ( xˆ ( x ))dx i dx j i ∂x ∂x i = gij ( x )dx dx j

ds 2 =


If (U1 , xˆ ) and (U2 , yˆ ) are charts where U1 ∩U2 ≠ ∅ , then at x ∈U1 ∩U2 hij ( x ) = hi ( x ) ⋅ h j (x ) =

l ∂x k 1 N ∂x ( y ,..., y ) ( y1 ,..., y N ) g kl ( x ) ∂y i ∂y j


Equation (44.48) is helpful for actual calculations of the quantities gij (x ) . For example, for the transformation (44.23), (44.48) can be arranged to yield

gij ( x ) =

k ∂z k 1 N ∂z ( ,..., ) ( x1 ,..., x N ) x x i j ∂x ∂x


since i k ⋅ i l = δ kl . For the cylindrical coordinate system defined by (44.25) a simple calculation based upon (44.49) yields

Sec. 44

Coordinate Systems


0 ⎡1 ⎢ ⎡⎣ gij (x ) ⎤⎦ = 0 ( x1 ) 2 ⎢ 0 ⎣⎢0

0⎤ 0⎥ ⎥ 1 ⎦⎥


Among other things, (44.50) shows that this coordinate system is orthogonal. By (44.50) and (44.41) 0 ⎡1 ⎢ ⎡⎣ g ( x ) ⎤⎦ = 0 1 ( x1 ) 2 ⎢ 0 ⎣⎢0 ij

0⎤ 0⎥ ⎥ 1 ⎦⎥


And, from (44.50) and (44.45), g ( x ) = ( x1 ) 2


ds 2 = ( dx1 ) 2 + ( x1 ) 2 ( dx 2 ) 2 + ( dx 3 )2


It follows from (44.50) and (44.47) that

Exercises 44.1

Show that

ik =

∂x ∂z k


i k = grad zˆ k

for any Cartesian coordinate system zˆ associated with {i j } . 44.2

Show that

I = grad r (x )

320 44.3

Chap. 9


Spherical coordinates ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) are defined by the coordinate transformation z1 = x1 sin x 2 cos x 3 z 2 = x1 sin x 2 sin x 3 z 3 = x1 cos x 2 relative to a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system zˆ . How must the quantity ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) be restricted so as to make zˆ xˆ −1 one-to-one? Discuss the coordinate curves and the coordinate surfaces. Show that 0 ⎡1 ⎡⎣ gij ( x ) ⎤⎦ = ⎢0 ( x1 ) 2 ⎢ 0 ⎢⎣0


⎤ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ( x1 sin x 2 ) 2 ⎥⎦ 0

Paraboloidal coordinates ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) are defined by

z1 = x1 x 2 cos x 3 z 2 = x1 x 2 sin x 3 1 z 3 = ( ( x1 ) 2 − ( x 2 ) 2 ) 2 Relative to a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system zˆ . How must the quantity ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) be restricted so as to make zˆ xˆ −1 one-to-one. Discuss the coordinate curves and the coordinate surfaces. Show that ⎡ ( x1 ) 2 + ( x 2 ) 2 ⎢ ⎡⎣ gij ( x ) ⎤⎦ = ⎢ 0 ⎢ 0 ⎣



⎤ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ( x1 x 2 ) 2 ⎥⎦ 0

(x ) + (x ) 0 1 2

2 2

A bispherical coordinate system ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) is defined relative to a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system by

Sec. 44

Coordinate Systems


a sin x 2 cos x 3 z = cosh x1 − cos x 2 a sin x 2 sin x 3 z2 = cosh x1 − cos x 2 1

and a sinh x1 z = cosh x1 − cos x 2 3

where a > 0 . How must ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) be restricted so as to make zˆ xˆ −1 one-to-one? Discuss the coordinate curves and the coordinate surfaces. Also show that ⎡ a2 ⎢ 2 ⎢ ( cosh x1 − cos x 2 ) ⎢ ⎢ ⎡⎣ gij ( x ) ⎤⎦ = ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎣



( cosh x

a2 1

− cos x 2 )

⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ a 2 (sin x 2 ) 2 ⎥ 1 2 2⎥ ( cosh x − cos x ) ⎦ 0



Prolate spheroidal coordinates ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) are defined by z1 = a sinh x1 sin x 2 cos x 3 z 2 = a sinh x1 sin x 2 sin x 3 z 3 = a cosh x1 cos x 2 relative to a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system zˆ , where a > 0 . How must ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) be restricted so as to make zˆ xˆ −1 one-to-one? Also discuss the coordinate curves and the coordinate surfaces and show that


Chap. 9


⎡ a 2 ( cosh 2 x1 − cos2 x 2 ) ⎤ 0 0 ⎢ ⎥ ⎥ ⎡⎣ gij ( x ) ⎤⎦ = ⎢ 0 a 2 ( cosh 2 x1 − cos2 x 2 ) 0 ⎢ ⎥ 0 0 a 2 sinh 2 x1 sin 2 x 2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎣ ⎦


Elliptical cylindrical coordinates ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) are defined relative to a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system by

z1 = a cosh x1 cos x 2 z 2 = a sinh x1 sin x 2 z3 = x3 where a > 0 . How must ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) be restricted so as to make zˆ xˆ −1 one-to-one? Discuss the coordinate curves and coordinate surfaces. Also, show that ⎡ a 2 ( sinh 2 x1 + sin 2 x 2 ) 0 0⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎡⎣ gij ( x ) ⎤⎦ = ⎢ 0 a 2 ( sinh 2 x1 + sin 2 x 2 ) 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 0 0 1⎥ ⎢ ⎣ ⎦ 44.8

For the cylindrical coordinate system show that g1 = (cos x 2 )i1 + (sin x 2 )i 2 g 2 = − x1 (sin x 2 )i1 + x1 (cos x 2 )i 2 g3 = i3


At a point x in E , the components of the position vector r (x ) = x − 0E with respect to the basis {i1 ,..., i N } associated with a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system are z1 ,..., z N .

This observation follows, of course, from (44.16). Compute the components of r ( x ) with respect to the basis {g1 ( x ), g 2 ( x ), g 3 ( x )} for (a) cylindrical coordinates, (b) spherical coordinates, and (c) parabolic coordinates. You should find that

Sec. 44

Coordinate Systems


r ( x ) = x1g1 ( x ) + x 3g 3 ( x )

for (a)

r ( x ) = x g1 ( x )

for (b)


r(x) =

1 1 1 x g1 ( x ) + x 2 g 2 ( x ) 2 2

for (c)

44.10 Toroidal coordinates ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) are defined relative to a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system by a sinh x1 cos x 3 cosh x1 − cos x 2 a sinh x1 sin x 3 2 z = cosh x1 − cos x 2 z1 =


z3 =

a sin x 2 cosh x1 − cos x 2

where a > 0 . How must ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) be restricted so as to make zˆ xˆ −1 one to one? Discuss the coordinate surfaces. Show that ⎡ a2 ⎢ 2 ⎢ ( cosh x1 − cos x 2 ) ⎢ ⎢ ⎡⎣ gij ( x ) ⎤⎦ = ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎣


( cosh x

a2 1

− cos x 2 ) 0


⎤ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ a 2 sinh 2 x 2 ⎥ 2 ( cos x1 − cos x 2 ) ⎥⎦


Chap. 9


Section 45. Transformation Rules for Vectors and Tensor Fields In this section, we shall formalize certain ideas regarding fields on E and then investigate the transformation rules for vectors and tensor fields. Let U be an open subset of E ; we shall denote by F ∞ (U ) the set of C ∞ functions f :U → R . First we shall study the algebraic structure of F ∞ (U ) . If f1 and f 2 are in F ∞ (U ) , then their sum f1 + f 2 is an element of F ∞ (U ) defined by ( f1 + f 2 )( x ) = f1 ( x ) + f 2 ( x )


and their produce f1 f 2 is also an element of F ∞ (U ) defined by ( f1 f 2 )( x ) = f1 (x ) f 2 (x )


for all x ∈U . For any real number λ ∈R the constant function is defined by

λ (x) = λ


for all x ∈U . For simplicity, the function and the value in (45.3) are indicated by the same symbol. Thus, the zero function in F ∞ (U ) is denoted simply by 0 and for every f ∈ F ∞ (U ) f +0= f


1f = f


− f = ( −1) f


It is also apparent that

In addition, we define

Sec. 45

Transformation Rules


It is easily shown that the operations of addition and multiplication obey commutative, associative, and distributive laws. These facts show that F ∞ (U ) is a commutative ring (see Section 7). An important collection of scalar fields can be constructed as follows: Given two charts (U1 , xˆ ) and (U2 , yˆ ) , where U1 ∩U2 ≠ ∅ , we define the N 2 partial derivatives ( ∂y i ∂x j )( x1 ,..., x N )

at every ( x1 ,..., x N ) ∈ xˆ (U1 ∩U2 ) . Using a suggestive notation, we can define N 2 C ∞ functions ∂y i ∂x j :U1 ∩U2 → R by ∂y i ∂y i ( ) = x xˆ (x ) ∂x j ∂x j


for all x ∈U1 ∩U2 . As mentioned earlier, a C ∞ vector field on an open set U of E is a C ∞ map v :U → V , where V is the translation space of E . The fields defined by (44.31) and (44.32) are special cases of vector fields. We can express v in component forms on U1 ∩U2 , v = υ i gi = υ j g j


υ j = g jiυ i


As usual, we can computer υ i :U ∩U1 → R by

υ i (x ) = v( x ) ⋅ g i (x ),

x ∈U1 ∩U2


and υi by (45.9). In particular, if (U2 , yˆ ) is another chart such that U1 ∩U2 ≠ ∅ , then the component form of h j relative to xˆ is

hj =

∂x i gi ∂y j



Chap. 9


With respect to the chart (U2 , yˆ ) , we have also v = υ k hk


where υ k :U ∩U2 → R . From (45.12), (45.11), and (45.8), the transformation rule for the

components of v relative to the two charts (U1 , xˆ ) and (U2 , yˆ ) is ∂x i υ = jυ ∂y i



for all x ∈U1 ∩U2 ∩U . As in (44.18), we can define an inner product operation between vector fields. If v1 :U1 → V and v 2 :U2 →V are vector fields, then v1 ⋅ v 2 is a scalar field defined on U1 ∩U2 by v1 ⋅ v 2 (x) = v1 (x) ⋅ v 2 (x),

x ∈U1 ∩U2


Then (45.10) can be written

υ i = v ⋅ gi


Now let us consider tensor fields in general. Let Tq∞ (U ) denote the set of all tensor fields of order q defined on an open set U in E . As with the set F ∞ (U ) , the set Tq∞ (U ) can be assigned an algebraic structure. The sum of A :U → T q (V ) and B :U → T q (V ) is a C ∞ tensor field

A + B :U → T q (V ) defined by

( A + B ) (x) = A(x) + B(x) for all x ∈U . If f ∈ F ∞ (U ) and A ∈ Tq∞ (U ) , then we can define f A ∈ Tq∞ (U ) by


Sec. 45

Transformation Rules


f A ( x) = f ( x) A ( x )


Clearly this multiplication operation satisfies the usual associative and distributive laws with respect to the sum for all x ∈U . As with F ∞ (U ) , constant tensor fields in Tq∞ (U ) are given the same symbol as their value. For example, the zero tensor field is 0 :U → T q (V ) and is defined by 0( x ) = 0


for all x ∈U . If 1 is the constant function in F ∞ (U ) , then − A = (−1) A


The algebraic structure on the set Tq∞ (V ) just defined is called a module over the ring F ∞ (U ) . The components of a tensor field A :U → T q (V ) with respect to a chart (U1 , xˆ ) are the N q scalar fields Ai1 :U ∩U1 → R defined by Ai1 (x) = A (x)(g i1 (x),..., g iq (x))


for all x ∈U ∩U1 . Clearly we can regard tensor fields as multilinear mappings on vector fields with values as scalar fields. For example, A (g i1 ,..., g iq ) is a scalar field defined by A (g i1 ,..., g iq )(x) = A (x)(g i1 (x),..., g iq (x))

for all x ∈U ∩U1 . In fact we can, and shall, carry over to tensor fields the many algebraic operations previously applied to tensors. In particular a tensor field A :U → T q (V ) has the representation

A = g i1 ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g q i



Chap. 9


for all x ∈U ∩U1 , where U1 is the coordinate neighborhood for a chart (U1 , xˆ ) . The scalar fields are the covariant components of A and under a change of coordinates obey the

transformation rule

∂xi1 ∂x q = k1 ⋅⋅⋅ kq ∂y ∂y i



Equation (45.22) is a relationship among the component fields and holds at all points x ∈U1 ∩U2 ∩U where the charts involved are (U1 , xˆ ) and (U2 , yˆ ) . We encountered an example of (45.22) earlier with (44.48). Equation (44.48) shows that the gij are the covariant components of a tensor field I whose value is the identity or metric tensor, namely I = gij g i ⊗ g j = g j ⊗ g j = g j ⊗ g j = g ij g i ⊗ g j


for points x ∈U1 , where the chart in question is (U1 , xˆ ) . Equations (45.23) show that the components of a constant tensor field are not necessarily constant scalar fields. It is only in Cartesian coordinates that constant tensor fields have constant components. Another important tensor field is the one constructed from the positive unit volume tensor E . With respect to an orthonormal basis {i j } , which has positive orientation, E is given by (41.6), i.e.,

E = i1 ∧ ⋅⋅⋅ ∧ i N = ε i1 ⋅⋅⋅iN i i1 ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ i iN


Given this tensor, we define as usual a constant tensor field E : E → T ˆN (V ) by

E( x ) = E


for all x ∈E . With respect to a chart (U1 , xˆ ) , it follows from the general formula (42.27) that E = Ei1⋅⋅⋅iN g i1 ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iN = E i1⋅⋅⋅iN g i1 ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iN


Sec. 45

Transformation Rules


where Ei1⋅⋅⋅iN and E i1⋅⋅⋅iN are scalar fields on U1 defined by

Ei1⋅⋅⋅iN = e g ε i1⋅⋅⋅iN


e i1⋅⋅⋅iN ε g



E i1⋅⋅⋅iN =

where, as in Section 42, e is +1 if {g i ( x )} is positively oriented and −1 if {g i ( x )} is negatively oriented, and where g is the determinant of ⎡⎣ gij ⎤⎦ as defined by (44.45). By application of (42.28), it follows that E i1⋅⋅⋅iN = g i1 j1 ⋅⋅⋅ g iN jN E j1⋅⋅⋅ jN


An interesting application of the formulas derived thus far is the derivation of an expression for the differential element of volume in curvilinear coordinates. Given the position vector r defined by (44.14) and a chart (U1 , xˆ ) , the differential of r can be written

dr = dx = g i ( x )dx i


where (44.33) has been used. Given N differentials of r , dr1 , dr2 , ⋅⋅⋅, drN , the differential volume element dυ generated by them is defined by

dυ = E ( dr1 , ⋅⋅⋅, drN )


dυ = dr1 ∧ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ∧ drN


or, equivalently,


Chap. 9


If we select dr1 = g1 ( x )dx1 , dr2 = g 2 ( x )dx 2 , ⋅⋅⋅, drN = g N ( x )dx N , we can write (45.31)) as

dυ = E ( g1 ( x ), ⋅⋅⋅, g N ( x ) ) dx1dx 2 ⋅⋅⋅ dx N


By use of (45.26) and (45.27), we then get E ( g1 ( x ), ⋅⋅⋅, g N ( x ) ) = E12⋅⋅⋅N = e g



dυ =

gdx1dx 2 ⋅⋅⋅ dx N


For example, in the parabolic coordinates mentioned in Exercise 44.4,

dυ =

(( x ) + ( x ) ) x x dx dx dx 1 2

2 2

1 2





Exercises 45.1

Let v be a C ∞ vector field and f be a C ∞ function both defined on U an open set in E . We define v f :U → R by v f (x) = v(x) ⋅ grad f (x),

x ∈U

Show that v


(λ f + μ g ) = λ ( v

f ) + μ (v g)


Sec. 45

Transformation Rules v

( fg ) = ( v

331 f ) g + f (v g)

For all constant functions λ , μ and all C ∞ functions f and g . In differential geometry, an operator on F ∞ (U ) with the above properties is called a derivation. Show that, conversely, every derivation on F ∞ (U ) corresponds to a unique vector field on U by (45.37). 45.2

By use of the definition (45.37), the Lie bracket of two vector fields v :U →V and u :U → V , written [u, v ] , is a vector field defined by

[ u, v ]

f =u


f )−v




For all scalar fields f ∈ F ∞ (U ) . Show that [u, v ] is well defined by verifying that (45.38) defines a derivation on [u, v ] . Also, show that

[u, v ] = ( grad v ) u − ( grad u ) v and then establish the following results: (a)

[ u, v ] = − [ v , u ]


⎡⎣ v, [u, w ]⎤⎦ + ⎡⎣u, [ w, v ]⎤⎦ + ⎡⎣ w, [ v, u ]⎤⎦ = 0

for all vector fields u, v and w . (c)

Let (U1 , xˆ ) be a chart with natural basis field {g i } . Show that ⎡⎣ g i , g j ⎤⎦ = 0 .

The results (a) and (b) are known as Jacobi’s identities. 45.3

In a three-dimensional Euclidean space the differential element of area normal to the plan formed from dr1 and dr2 is defined by

dσ = dr1 × dr2 Show that dσ = Eijk dx1j dx2k g i (x)


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Section 46. Anholonomic and Physical Components of Tensors In many applications, the components of interest are not always the components with respect to the natural basis fields {g i } and {g j } . For definiteness let us call the components of a tensor field A ∈ Tq∞ (U ) is defined by (45.20) the holonomic components of A . In this section, we shall consider briefly the concept of the anholonomic components of A ; i.e., the components of A taken with respect to an anholonomic basis of vector fields. The concept of the physical components of a tensor field is a special case and will also be discussed. Let U1 be an open set in E and let {e a } denote a set of N vectors fields on U1 , which are linearly independent, i.e., at each x ∈U1 , {e a } is a basis of V . If A is a tensor field in Tq∞ (U ) where U1 ∩U ≠ ∅ , then by the same type of argument as used in Section 45, we can write A = Aa1a2 e a1 ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ e



or, for example, A= A1

b ... bq

e b1 ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ e bq


where {e a } is the reciprocal basis field to {e a } defined by e a ( x ) ⋅ e b ( x ) = δ ba


for all x ∈U1 . Equations (46.1) and (46.2) hold on U ∩U1 , and the component fields as defined by Aa1a2 = A(e a1 ,..., e aq )


and b ... bq


= A(e b1 ,..., e q ) b


Sec. 46

Anholonomic and Physical Components


are scalar fields on U ∩U1 . These fields are the anholonomic components of A when the bases

{e } and {e } are not the natural bases of any coordinate system. a


Given a set of N vector fields {e a } as above, one can show that a necessary and sufficient condition for {e a } to be the natural basis field of some chart is

[e a , e b ] = 0 for all a, b = 1,..., N , where the bracket product is defined in Exercise 45.2. We shall prove this important result in Section 49. Formulas which generalize (45.22) to anholonomic components can easily be derived. If {eˆ a } is an anholonomic basis field defined on an open set U2 such that

U1 ∩U2 ≠ ∅ , then we can express each vector field eˆ b in anholonomic component form relative to the basis {e a } , namely

eˆ b = Tba e a


where the Tba are scalar fields on U1 ∩U2 defined by

Tba = eˆ b ⋅ e a The inverse of (46.6) can be written e a = Tˆabeˆ ba


Tˆab ( x )Tca ( x ) = δ cb





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Tca ( x )Tˆbc (x ) = δ ba


for all x ∈U1 ∩U2 . It follows from (46.4) and (46.7) that

Aa1 = Tˆab11 ⋅⋅⋅ Tˆaqq Aˆb1


Aˆb1 = A(eˆ b1 ,..., eˆ bq )




Equation (46.10) is the transformation rule for the anholonomic components of A . Of course, (46.10) is a field equation which holds at every point of U1 ∩U2 ∩U . Similar transformation rules for the other components of A can easily be derived by the same type of argument used above. We define the physical components of A , denoted by A a ,...,a , to be the anholonomic 1


{ } whose basis vectors g

components of A relative to the field of orthonomal basis g i


are unit

vectors in the direction of the natural basis vectors g i of an orthogonal coordinate system. Let

(U1 , xˆ )

by such a coordinate system with gij = 0, i ≠ j . Then we define g i (x) = gi (x) gi (x)

(no sum)


at every x ∈U1 . By (44.39), an equivalent version of (46.12) is g i ( x ) = g i ( x ) ( gii ( x ))1 2

(no sum)


{ } is orthonormal:

Since {g i } is orthogonal, it follows from (46.13) and (44.39) that g i g a ⋅ g b = δ ab


Sec. 46

Anholonomic and Physical Components


as it should, and it follows from (44.41) that ⋅

0 ⎡1 g11 ( x ) ⎢ 0 1 g 22 ( x ) ⎢ ⎢ ⋅ ⎡⎣ g ij ( x ) ⎤⎦ = ⎢ ⎢ ⋅ ⎢ ⋅ ⎢ 0 ⎣ 0

⎤ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⋅ ⎥ ⎥ ⋅ ⎥ ⎥ ⋅ ⋅ ⎥ ⋅ 1 g NN (x ) ⎦

⋅ ⋅ ⋅



This result shows that g i can also be written

g i (x) =

gi (x ) = ( gii ( x ))1 2 g i ( x ) ( g ii ( x ))1 2

(no sum)


Equation (46.13) can be viewed as a special case of (46.7), where ⎡1 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎡Tˆab ⎤ = ⎢ ⎣ ⎦ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣



0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅


g 22 ⋅ ⋅



⎤ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⋅ ⎥ ⎥ ⋅ ⎥ ⎥ ⋅ ⋅ ⎥ ⋅ 1 g NN ⎥⎦ ⋅



By the transformation rule (46.10), the physical components of A are related to the covariant components of A by


A a a ... a ≡ A(g a1 , g a2 ,..., g a ) = g a1a1 ⋅⋅⋅ g aq aq 1 2




−1 2

Aa1 ... aq

(no sum)


Equation (46.18) is a field equation which holds for all x ∈U . Since the coordinate system is orthogonal, we can replace (46.18)1 with several equivalent formulas as follows:


Chap. 9


A a a ...a = g a1a1 ⋅⋅⋅ g aq aq 1 2



= g a1a1

) (g



−1 2

a2 a2


a ... aq


⋅⋅⋅ g aq aq




a2 ... aq

⋅ ⋅ ⋅



= g a1a1 ⋅⋅⋅ g aq−1aq−1

) (g ) −1 2


aq aq

Aa1 ... aq−1


In mathematical physics, tensor fields often arise naturally in component forms relative to product bases associated with several bases. For example, if {e a } and {eˆ b } are fields of bases, possibly anholonomic, then it might be convenient to express a second-order tensor field A as a field of linear transformations such that Ae a = Ab a eˆ b ,

a = 1,..., N



In this case A has naturally the component form A = Ab a eˆ b ⊗ e a ˆ


Relative to the product basis {eˆ b ⊗ e a } formed by {eˆ b } and {e a } , the latter being the reciprocal

basis of {e a } as usual. For definiteness, we call {eˆ b ⊗ e a } a composite product basis associated with the bases {eˆ b } and {e a } . Then the scalar fields Ab a defined by (46.20) or (46.21), may be ˆ

called the composite components of A , and they are given by Ab a = A(eˆ b ⊗ e a ) ˆ


Similarly we may define other types of composite components, e.g., Abaˆ = A(eˆ b , e a ), etc., and these components are related to one another by

Aba = A(eˆ b , e a ) ˆ


Sec. 46

Anholonomic and Physical Components


Abaˆ = Acˆ a gˆ cbˆ ˆ = Abˆ c g ca = Acdˆ gˆ bcˆ ˆ g da


etc. Further, the composite components are related to the regular tensor components associated with a single basis field by Abaˆ = AcaTbˆc = Abcˆ ˆTˆacˆ ,



where Tbˆa and Tˆbaˆ are given by (46.6) and (46.7) as before, In the special case where {e a } and

{eˆ b } are orthogonal but not orthonormal, we define the normalized basis vectors e a

and eˆ a as

before. Then the composite physical components A bˆ,a of A are given by

A bˆ ,a = A(eˆ bˆ , e a )


and these are related to the composite components by

A bˆ,a = ( gˆ bbˆ ˆ )


Ab a ( g aa ) ˆ


(no sum)


Clearly the concepts of composite components and composite physical components can be defined for higher order tensors also.

Exercises 46.1

In a three-dimensional Euclidean space the covariant components of a tensor field A relative to the cylindrical coordinate system are Aij . Determine the physical components of A.


Relative to the cylindrical coordinate system the helical basis {e a } has the component form


Chap. 9


e1 = g 1 e 2 = ( cos α ) g 2 + ( sin α ) g 3


e 3 = − ( sin α ) g 2 + ( cos α ) g 3

{ } is the orthonormal basis associated

where α is a constant called the pitch, and where g α

with the natural basis of the cylindrical system. Show that {e a } is anholonomic. Determine the anholonomic components of the tensor field A in the preceding exercise relative to the helical basis. 46.3

Determine the composite physical components of A relative to the composite product basis e a ⊗g b



Sec. 47

Christoffel Symbols, Covariant Differentiation


Section 47. Christoffel Symbols and Covariant Differentiation In this section we shall investigate the problem of representing the gradient of various tensor fields in components relative to the natural basis of arbitrary coordinate systems. We consider first the simple case of representing the tangent of a smooth curve in E . Let λ : ( a, b ) → E be a smooth curve passing through a point x , say x = λ (c) . Then the tangent vector of λ at x is defined by

λ = x

dλ (t ) dt t =c


Given the chart (U , xˆ ) covering x , we can project the vector equation (47.1) into the natural basis

{gi }

of xˆ . First, the coordinates of the curve λ are given by xˆ ( λ (t ) ) = ( λ 1 (t ),..., λ N (t ) ) ,

λ ( t ) = x ( λ 1 (t ),..., λ N (t ) )


for all t such that λ ( t ) ∈U . Differentiating (47.2)2 with respect to t , we get

∂x d λ j λ = j x ∂x dt

(47.3) t =c

By (47.3) this equation can be rewritten as dλ j λ = x dt

g j (x) t =c

Thus, the components of λ relative to {g j } are simply the derivatives of the coordinate representations of λ in xˆ . In fact (44.33) can be regarded as a special case of (47.3) when λ coincides with the ith coordinate curve of xˆ . An important consequence of (47.3) is that



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xˆ ( λ (t + Δt ) ) = ( λ 1 (t ) + υ 1Δt + o( Δt ),..., λ N (t ) + υ N Δt + o( Δt ) )


where υ i denotes a component of λ , i.e.,

υ i = d λ i dt


In particular, if λ is a straight line segment, say

λ (t ) = x + tv


λ (t ) = v


xˆ ( λ (t ) ) = ( x1 + υ 1t ,..., x N + υ N t ) + o(t )


so that

for all t , then (47.5) becomes

for sufficiently small t . Next we consider the gradient of a smooth function f defined on an open set U ⊂ E . From (43.17) the gradient of f is defined by

grad f (x) ⋅ v =

d f ( x + τ v ) τ =0 dτ


for all v ∈V . As before, we choose a chart near x ; then f can be represented by the function f ( x1 ,..., x N ) ≡ f x( x1 ,..., x N )


Sec. 47

Christoffel Symbols, Covariant Differentiation


For definiteness, we call the function f x the coordinate representation of f . From (47.9), we see that f ( x + τ v ) = f ( x1 + υ 1τ + o(τ ),..., x N + υ Nτ + o(τ ))


As a result, the right-hand side of (47.10) is given by d ∂f ( x ) j f ( x + τ v ) τ =0 = υ dτ ∂x j


Now since v is arbitrary, (47.13) can be combined with (47.10) to obtain

grad f =

∂f j g ∂x j


where g j is a natural basis vector associated with the coordinate chart as defined by (44.31). In fact, that equation can now be regarded as a special case of (47.14) where f reduces to the coordinate function xˆ i . Having considered the tangent of a curve and the gradient of a function, we now turn to the problem of representing the gradient of a tensor field in general. Let A ∈ Tq∞ (U ) be such a field and suppose that x is an arbitrary point in its domain U . We choose an arbitrary chart xˆ covering x . Then the formula generalizing (47.4) and (47.14) is

grad A(x) =

∂A(x) ⊗ g j ( x) j ∂x


where the quantity ∂A(x) ∂x j on the right-hand side is the partial derivative of the coordinate representation of A , i.e., ∂A(x) ∂ = j A x( x1 ,..., x N ) j ∂x ∂x From (47.15) we see that grad A is a tensor field of order q + 1 on U , grad A ∈ Tq∞+1 (U ) .



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To prove (47.15) we shall first regard grad A(x) as in L (V ;T q (V )) . Then by (43.15), when A is smooth, we get

( grad A(x) ) v =

d A ( x + τ v ) τ =0 dτ


for all v ∈V . By using exactly the same argument from (47.10) to (47.13), we now have

( grad A(x ) ) v =

∂A( x ) j υ ∂x j


Since this equation must hold for all v ∈V , we may take v = g k (x) and find

( grad A(x) ) g k =

∂A(x) ∂x k


which is equivalent to (47.15) by virtue of the canonical isomorphism between L (V ;T q (V )) and

T q+1 (V ) . Since grad A(x) ∈ T q+1 (V ) , it can be represented by its component form relative to the natural basis, say grad A(x) = ( grad A(x) ) 1

i j

g i1 (x) ⋅⋅⋅ g iq (x) ⊗ g j (x)


Comparing this equation with (47.15), we se that

( grad A(x) )

i1 j

g i1 (x) ⋅⋅⋅ g iq (x) =

∂A(x) ∂x j


Sec. 47

Christoffel Symbols, Covariant Differentiation


for all j = 1,..., N . In applications it is convenient to express the components of grad A (x) in terms of the components of A (x) relative to the same coordinate chart. If we write the component form of A (x) as usual by A(x) = A 1 q (x)g i1 (x) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq (x) i ...i


then the right-hand side of (47.21) is given by ∂A(x) ∂A 1 q (x) = g i1 (x) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq (x) ∂x j ∂x j ∂g i (x) ⎤ ⎡ ∂g i (x) i ...i + A 1 q (x) ⎢ 1 j ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq (x) + g i1 (x) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ q j ⎥ ∂x ⎦ ⎣ ∂x i ...i


From this representation we see that it is important to express the gradient of the basis vector g i in component form first, since from (47.21) for the case A = g i , we have ∂g i (x) k = ( grad g i (x) ) j g k (x) j ∂x


∂g i ( x ) ⎧ k ⎫ = ⎨ ⎬ g k (x) ∂x j ⎩ij ⎭


or, equivalently,

⎧k ⎫ ⎧k ⎫ We call ⎨ ⎬ the Christoffel symbol associated with the chart xˆ . Notice that, in general, ⎨ ⎬ is a ⎩ij ⎭ ⎩ij ⎭ function of x , but we have suppressed the argument x in the notation. More accurately, (47.25) should be replaced by the field equation ∂g i ⎧ k ⎫ = ⎨ ⎬ gk ∂x j ⎩ij ⎭



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which is valid at each point x in the domain of the chart xˆ , for all i, j = 1,..., N . We shall consider some preliminary results about the Christoffel symbols first. From (47.26) and (44.35) we have ⎧ k ⎫ ∂g i k ⎨ ⎬ = j ⋅g ⎩ij ⎭ ∂x


By virtue of (44.33), this equation can be rewritten as ⎧k ⎫ ∂ 2x k ⎨ ⎬ = i j ⋅g ij x x ∂ ∂ ⎩ ⎭


It follows from (47.28) that the Christoffel symbols are symmetric in the pair (ij ) , namely ⎧k ⎫ ⎧ k ⎫ ⎨ ⎬=⎨ ⎬ ⎩ij ⎭ ⎩ ji ⎭


gij = g i ⋅ g j


for all i, j , k = 1,..., N . Now by definition

Taking the partial derivative of (47.30) with respect to x k and using the component form (47.26), we get ∂gij ∂x



∂g ∂g i ⋅ g j + g i ⋅ kj k ∂x ∂x


When the symmetry property (47.29) is used, equation (47.31) can be solved for the Christoffel symbols:

Sec. 47

Christoffel Symbols, Covariant Differentiation ⎧ k ⎫ 1 kl ⎛ ∂gil ∂g jl ∂gij ⎞ ⎨ ⎬= g ⎜ j + i − l ⎟ ∂x ∂x ⎠ ⎩ij ⎭ 2 ⎝ ∂x



where g kl denotes the contravariant components of the metric tensor, namely g kl = g k ⋅ g l


The formula (47.32) is most convenient for the calculation of the Christoffel symbols in any given chart. As an example, we now compute the Christoffel symbols for the cylindrical coordinate system in a three-dimensional space. In Section 44 we have shown that the components of the metric tensor are given by (44.50) and (44.51) relative to this coordinate system. Substituting those components into (47.32), we obtain ⎧ 1⎫ 1 ⎨ ⎬ = −x , ⎩22 ⎭

⎧ 2⎫ ⎧ 2⎫ 1 ⎨ ⎬=⎨ ⎬= 1 ⎩12 ⎭ ⎩12 ⎭ x


and all other Christoffel symbols are equal to zero. Given two charts xˆ and yˆ with natural bases {g i } and {hi } , respectively, the transformation rule for the Christoffel symbols can be derived in the following way: ⎧k ⎫ ∂x k l ∂ ⎛ ∂y s ⎞ k ∂g i = g ⋅ = h ⋅ j ⎜ i hs ⎟ ⎨ ⎬ ∂x j ∂y l ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎩ij ⎭ ⎠ ∂x k l ⎛ ∂ 2 y s ∂y s ∂h s ∂y l ⎞ ⋅ + h h ⎜ j i s ⎟ ∂y l ∂x i ∂y l ∂x j ⎠ ⎝ ∂x ∂x ∂x k ∂ 2 y l ∂x k ∂y s ∂y l l ∂h s = l + h ⋅ l ∂y ∂x j ∂x i ∂y l ∂x i ∂x j ∂y =


∂x k ∂ 2 y l ∂x k ∂y s ∂y l + ∂y l ∂x j ∂x i ∂y l ∂x i ∂x j

⎧ l⎫ ⎨ ⎬ ⎩ st ⎭



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⎧k ⎫ ⎧ l⎫ where ⎨ ⎬ and ⎨ ⎬ denote the Christoffel symbols associated with xˆ and yˆ , respectively. Since ⎩ij ⎭ ⎩ st ⎭ (47.35) is different from the tensor transformation rule (45.22), it follows that the Christoffel symbols are not the components of a particular tensor field. In fact, if yˆ is a Cartesian chart, then ⎧l⎫ ⎨ ⎬ vanishes since the natural basis vectors h s , are constant. In that case (47.35) reduces to ⎩ st ⎭ ⎧ k ⎫ ∂x k ∂ 2 y l ⎨ ⎬= l j i ⎩ij ⎭ ∂y ∂x ∂x


⎧k ⎫ and ⎨ ⎬ need not vanish unless xˆ is also a Cartesian chart. The formula (47.36) can also be used ⎩ij ⎭ to calculate the Christoffel symbols when the coordination transformation from xˆ to a Cartesian system yˆ is given.

Having presented some basis properties of the Christoffel symbols, we now return to the general formula (47.23) for the components of the gradient of a tensor field. Substituting (47.26) into (47.23) yields i ...i ∂A( x ) ⎡ ∂A 1 q ( x ) ki ...i ⎧ i ⎫ i ...i k ⎧ iq ⎫ ⎤ =⎢ + A 2 q ⎨ 1 ⎬ + ⋅⋅⋅ + A 1 q −1 ⎨ ⎬⎥ g i1 ( x ) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq ( x ) j j ∂x ⎢⎣ ∂x ⎩kj ⎭ ⎩kj ⎭⎥⎦


Comparing this result with (47.21), we finally obtain

A 1 q , j ≡ ( grad A ) 1

∂A 1 q ki ...i +A 2 q j ∂x i ...i


i ...i



⎧ i1 ⎫ i1 −1k ⎧ iq ⎫ ⎨ ⎬ + ⋅⋅⋅ + A ⎨ ⎬ ⎩kj ⎭ ⎩ kj ⎭


i ...i

This particular formula gives the components A 1 q , j of the gradient of A in terms of the i

contravariant components A 1 becomes

of A . If the mixed components of A are used, the formula

Sec. 47



Christoffel Symbols, Covariant Differentiation


∂Ai1 j1 ... js

⎧ ir ⎫ ⎨ ⎬ ⎩lk ⎭

, ≡ ( grad A )

j1 ... js k


i1 lj2 ... js

⎧i⎫ + Ali2 j1 ... js ⎨ 1 ⎬ + ⋅⋅⋅ + Ai1 −1l j1 ... js ∂x ⎩lk ⎭ ⎧l ⎫ ⎧l ⎫ i ...i ⎨ ⎬ − ⋅⋅⋅ − A 1 r j1 ... js −1l ⎨ ⎬ ⎩ j1k ⎭ ⎩ js k ⎭


j1 ... js ,k




We leave the proof of this general formula as an exercise. From (47.39), if A ∈ Tq∞ (U ) , where q = r + s , then grad A ∈ Tq∞+1 (U ) . Further, if the coordinate system is Cartesian, then Ai1 j1 ... js ,k

reduces to the ordinary partial derivative of Ai1 j1 ... js wih respect to x k . Some special cases of (47.39) should be noted here. First, since the metric tensor is a constant second-order tensor field, we have gij ,k = g ij ,k = δ ij ,k = 0


for all i, l , k = 1,..., N . In fact, (47.40) is equivalent to (47.31), which we have used to obtain the formula (47.32) for the Christoffel symbols. An important consequence of (47.40) is that the operations of raising and lowering of indices commute with the operation of gradient or covariant differentiation. Another constant tensor field on E is the tensor field E defined by (45.26). While the sign of E depends on the orientation, we always have Ei1 ...iN ,k = E i1 ...iN ,k = 0


If we substitute (45.27) and (45.28) into (47.41), we can rewrite the result in the form 1 ∂ g ⎧ k⎫ =⎨ ⎬ i g ∂x ⎩lk ⎭

where g is the determinant of ⎡⎣ gij ⎤⎦ as defined by (44.45).



Chap. 9


Finally, the operation of skew-symmetrization K r introduced in Section 37 is also a constant tensor. So we have

δ ij ......ij ,k = 0 1





in any coordinate system. Thus, the operations of skew-symmetrization and covariant differentiation commute, provided that the indices of the covariant differentiations are not affected by the skew-symmetrization. Some classical differential operators can be derived from the gradient. First, if A is a tensor field of order q ≥ 1 , then the divergence of A is defined by div A = Cq ,q +1 ( grad A )

where C denotes the contraction operation. In component form we have div A = A 1

i −1k

,k g i1 ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq −1


so that div A is a tensor field of order q − 1 . In particular, for a vector field v , (47.44) reduces to div v = υ i ,i = g ijυi , j


By use of (47.42) and (47.40), we an rewrite this formula as


i 1 ∂ gυ div v = ∂x i g



This result is useful since it does not depend on the Christoffel symbols explicitly. The Laplacian of a tensor field of order q + 1 is a tensor field of the same order q defined by

Sec. 47

Christoffel Symbols, Covariant Differentiation


ΔA = div ( grad A )


ΔA = g kl A 1 q ,kl g i1 ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq


In component form we have i ...i

For a scalar field f the Laplacian is given by

Δf = g kl f ,kl =

1 ∂ ⎛ ∂f ⎞ g g kl k ⎟ l ⎜ ∂x ⎠ g ∂x ⎝


where (47.42), (47.14) and (47.39) have been used. Like (47.46), the formula (47.49) does not i ...i depend explicitly on the Christoffel symbols. In (47.48), A 1 q ,kl denotes the components of the second gradient grad ( grad A ) of A . The reader will verify easily that A 1 q ,kl , like the ordinary i ...i

second partial derivative, is symmetric in the pair (k , l ) . Indeed, if the coordinate system is Cartesian, then A 1 q ,kl reduces to ∂ 2 A 1 i ...i


∂x k ∂x l .

Finally, the classical curl operator can be defined in the following way. If v is a vector field, then curl v is a skew-symmetric second-order tensor field defined by curl v ≡ K 2 ( grad v )


where K 2 is the skew-symmetrization operator. In component form (47.50) becomes

curl v =

1 υi , j −υ j ,i ) g i ⊗ g j ( 2


By virtue of (47.29) and (47.39) this formula can be rewritten as

curl v =

1 ⎛ ∂υi ∂υ j ⎞ i − i ⎟g ⊗ g j ⎜ j 2 ⎝ ∂x ∂x ⎠



Chap. 9


which no longer depends on the Christoffel symbols. We shall generalize the curl operator to arbitrary skew-symmetric tensor fields in the next chapter.

Exercises 47.1

Show that in spherical coordinates on a three-dimensional Euclidean manifold the nonzero Christoffel symbols are ⎧ 2 ⎫ ⎧ 2 ⎫ ⎧ 3 ⎫ ⎧ 3⎫ 1 ⎨ ⎬=⎨ ⎬=⎨ ⎬=⎨ ⎬= 1 ⎩ 21⎭ ⎩12 ⎭ ⎩31⎭ ⎩13⎭ x ⎧1⎫ 1 ⎨ ⎬ = −x ⎩ 22 ⎭ ⎧1⎫ 1 2 2 ⎨ ⎬ = − x (sin x ) ⎩33⎭ ⎧ 3⎫ ⎧ 3⎫ 2 ⎨ ⎬ = ⎨ ⎬ = cot x ⎩32 ⎭ ⎩ 23⎭ ⎧ 2⎫ 2 2 ⎨ ⎬ = − sin x cos x ⎩33⎭


On an oriented three-dimensional Euclidean manifold the curl of a vector field can be regarded as a vector field by

curl v ≡ − E ijkυ j ,k g i = − E ijk

∂υ j ∂x k



where E ijk denotes the components of the positive volume tensor E . Show that curl ( curl v ) = grad ( div v ) − div ( grad v ) . Also show that curl ( grad f ) = 0

For any scalar field f and that


Sec. 47

Christoffel Symbols, Covariant Differentiation


div ( curl v ) = 0


⎧k ⎫ ∂g k = − ⋅ gi ⎨ ⎬ ∂x j ⎩ij ⎭


⎧k ⎫ ∂g k = − ⎨ ⎬ gi j ∂x ⎩ij ⎭


for any vector field v . 47.3

Verify that



Prove the formula (47.37).


Prove the formula (47.42) and show that

div g j =


1 ∂ g j g ∂x


Show that for an orthogonal coordinate system ⎧k ⎫ i ≠ j, i ≠ k , j ≠ k ⎨ ⎬ = 0, ⎩ij ⎭ ⎧ j⎫ 1 ∂gii if i≠ j ⎨ ⎬=− 2 g jj ∂x j ⎩ii ⎭ ⎧ i⎫ ⎧ i ⎫ 1 ∂gii ⎨ ⎬=⎨ ⎬=− 2 gii ∂x j ⎩ij ⎭ ⎩ ji ⎭ ⎧ i⎫ 1 ∂gii ⎨ ⎬= i ⎩ii ⎭ 2 gii ∂x

Where the indices i and j are not summed.


i≠ j

352 47.7

Chap. 9


Show that ∂ ∂x j

⎧k ⎫ ∂ ⎨ ⎬− l ⎩il ⎭ ∂x

⎧ k ⎫ ⎧t ⎫ ⎧ k ⎫ ⎧t ⎫ ⎧ k ⎫ ⎨ ⎬+ ⎨ ⎬⎨ ⎬− ⎨ ⎬⎨ ⎬ = 0 ⎩ij ⎭ ⎩il ⎭ ⎩tj ⎭ ⎩ij ⎭ ⎩tl ⎭

The quantity on the left-hand side of this equation is the component of a fourth-order tensor R , called the curvature tensor, which is zero for any Euclidean manifold2.


The Maple computer program contains a package tensor that will produce Christoffel symbols and other important tensor quantities associated with various coordinate systems.

Sec. 48

Covariant Derivatives along Curves


Section 48. Covariant Derivatives along Curves In the preceding section we have considered covariant differentiation of tensor fields which are defined on open submanifolds in E . In applications, however, we often encounter vector or tensor fields defined only on some smooth curve in E . For example, if λ : (a , b) → E is a smooth curve, then the tangent vector λ is a vector field on E . In this section we shall consider the problem of representing the gradients of arbitrary tensor fields defined on smooth curves in a Euclidean space. Given any smooth curve λ : (a, b) → E and a field A : (a , b) → T q (V ) we can regard the value A(t ) as a tensor of order q at λ (t ) . Then the gradient or covariant derivative of A along λ is defined by d A( t ) A(t + Δt ) − A(t ) ≡ lim Δ t → 0 dt Δt


for all t ∈ (a, b) . If the limit on the right-hand side of (48.1) exists, then d A(t ) dt is itself also a tensor field of order q on λ . Hence, we can define the second gradient d 2 A(t ) dt 2 by replacing A by d A(t ) dt in (48.1). Higher gradients of A are defined similarly. If all gradients of A exist, then A is C ∞ -smooth on λ . We are interested in representing the gradients of A in component form. Let xˆ be a coordinate system covering some point of λ . Then as before we can characterize λ by its coordinate representation ( λ i (t ), i = 1,..., N ) . Similarly, we can express A in component form A( t ) = A 1


(t )g i1 ( λ (t )) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq ( λ (t ))

where the product basis is that of xˆ at λ (t ) , the point where A(t ) is defined. Differentiating (48.2) with respect to t , we obtain



Chap. 9


i ...i

d A(t ) dA 1 q (t ) = g i1 ( λ (t )) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq ( λ (t )) dt dt dg i ( λ (t )) ⎤ ⎡ dg i ( λ (t )) i ...i + A 1 q (t ) ⎢ 1 ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq ( λ (t )) + ⋅⋅⋅ + g i1 ( λ (t )) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ q ⎥ dt dt ⎣ ⎦


By application of the chain rule, we obtain dg i ( λ (t )) ∂g i ( λ (t )) d λ j (t ) = dt ∂x j dt


where (47.5) and (47.6) have been used. In the preceding section we have represented the partial derivative of g i by the component form (47.26). Hence we can rewrite (48.4) as dg i ( λ (t )) ⎧k ⎫ d λ j (t ) =⎨ ⎬ g k ( λ (t )) dt ⎩ij ⎭ dt


Substitution of (48.5) into (48.3) yields the desired component representation i ...i ⎧ iq ⎫⎤ d λ j (t ) ⎫⎪ d A(t ) ⎧⎪ dA 1 q (t ) ⎡ ki2 ⎧ i1 ⎫ i ...i k (t ) ⎨ ⎬ + ⋅⋅⋅ + A 1 q −1 (t ) ⎨ ⎬⎥ =⎨ + ⎢A ⎬ dt ⎢⎣ ⎩kj ⎭ ⎩kj ⎭⎦⎥ dt ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ dt ×g i1 ( λ (t )) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq ( λ (t ))


where the Christoffel symbols are evaluated at the position λ (t ) . The representation (48.6) gives the contravariant components ( d A(t ) dt ) 1


of d A(t ) dt in terms of the contravariant components

i ...i A 1 q (t ) of A(t ) relative to the same coordinate chart xˆ . If the mixed components are used, the representation becomes

i ...i ⎧ i1 ⎫ ⎧ ir ⎫ d A(t ) ⎪⎧ dA 1 r j1 ... js (t ) ⎡ ki2 i ...i k =⎨ + ⎢A ⎬ + ⋅⋅⋅ + A 1 r −1 j1 ... js (t ) ⎨ ⎬ j1 ... js (t ) ⎨ dt dt ⎩kl ⎭ ⎩kl ⎭ ⎪⎩ ⎣ ⎧k⎫ ⎧ k ⎫ ⎤ d λ l (t ) ⎫ i1 i1 − A kj2 ... js (t ) ⎨ ⎬ − ⋅⋅⋅ − A j1 ... js−1k (t ) ⎨ ⎬ ⎥ ⎬ ⎩ j1l ⎭ ⎩ js l ⎭ ⎦ dt ⎭

×g i1 (λ (t )) ⊗ ⋅⋅ ⋅ ⊗ g ir (λ (t )) ⊗ g j1 (λ (t )) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g js (λ (t ))


Sec. 48

Covariant Derivatives along Curves


We leave the proof of this general formula as an exercise. In view of the representations (48.6) and (48.7), we see that it is important to distinguish the notation

⎛ dA ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ dt ⎠


j1 ... js

which denotes a component of the covariant derivative d A dt , from the notation

dAi1 j1 ... js dt

which denotes the derivative of a component of A . For this reason we shall denote the former by the new notation DAi1 j1 ... js Dt

As an example we compute the components of the gradient of a vector field v along λ . By (48.6) ⎧ i ⎫ d λ j (t ) ⎫ dv (t ) ⎧ dυ i (t ) k =⎨ + υ (t ) ⎨ ⎬ ⎬ g i ( λ (t )) dt ⎩kj ⎭ dt ⎭ ⎩ dt


⎧ i ⎫ d λ j (t ) Dυ i (t ) dυ i (t ) = + υ k (t ) ⎨ ⎬ Dt dt ⎩kj ⎭ dt


or, equivalently,

In particular, when v is the ith basis vector g i and then λ is the jth coordinate curve, then (48.8) reduces to


Chap. 9


∂g i ⎧k ⎫ = ⎨ ⎬ gk ∂x j ⎩ij ⎭ which is the previous equation (47.26). Next if v is the tangent vector λ of λ , then (48.8) reduces to d 2 λ (t ) ⎧ d 2 λ i (t ) d λ k (t ) ⎧ i ⎫ d λ j (t ) ⎫ =⎨ + ⎨ ⎬ ⎬ g i (λ (t )) 2 dt 2 dt ⎩kj ⎭ dt ⎭ ⎩ dt


where (47.4) has been used. In particular, if λ is a straight line with homogeneous parameter, i.e., if λ = v = const , then d 2 λ i (t ) d λ k (t ) d λ j (t ) ⎧ i ⎫ + ⎨ ⎬ = 0, dt 2 dt dt ⎩kj ⎭

i = 1,..., N


This equation shows that, for the straight line λ (t ) = x + tv given by (47.7), we can sharpen the result (47.9) to ⎛ ⎧ N⎫ ⎞ 1 ⎧ 1⎫ 1 xˆ ( λ (t ) ) = ⎜ x1 + υ 1t − υ kυ j ⎨ ⎬ t 2 ,..., x N + υ N t − υ kυ j ⎨ ⎬ t 2 ⎟ + o(t 2 ) 2 ⎩ kj ⎭ 2 ⎩ kj ⎭ ⎠ ⎝


for sufficiently small t , where the Christoffel symbols are evaluated at the point x = λ (0) . Now suppose that A is a tensor field on U , say A ∈ Tq∞ , and let λ : (a, b) → U be a curve in U . Then the restriction of A on λ is a tensor field ˆ (t ) ≡ A (λ (t )), A

t ∈ ( a, b)


In this case we can compute the gradient of A along λ either by (48.6) or directly by the chain rule of (48.13). In both cases the result is

Sec. 48

Covariant Derivatives along Curves

i ...i ⎧ iq ⎫⎤ d λ j (t ) ⎧ i1 ⎫ d A(λ (t )) ⎡ ∂A 1 q (λ (t )) ki2 i1 −1k =⎢ + + ⋅⋅⋅ + A ( t ) A ( t ) ⎨ ⎬ ⎨ ⎬⎥ ∂x j dt ⎩kj ⎭ ⎩kj ⎭⎥⎦ dt ⎣⎢ ×g i1 (λ (t )) ⊗ ⋅⋅⋅ ⊗ g iq (λ (t ))



or, equivalently, d A(λ (t )) = ( grad A(λ (t )) ) λ (t ) dt


where grad A(λ (t )) is regarded as an element of L (V ;T q (V )) as before. Since grad A is given by (47.15), the result (48.15) also can be written as d A(λ (t )) ∂A(λ (t )) d λ i (t ) = dt ∂x j dt


A special case of (48.16), when A reduces to g i , is (48.4). By (48.16) it follows that the gradient of the metric tensor, the volume tensor, and the skewsymmetrization operator all vanish along any curve.

Exercises 48.1

Prove the formula (48.7).


If the parameter t of a curve λ is regarded as time, then the tangent vector


is the velocity and the gradient of v

dλ dt


Chap. 9 a=


dv dt

is the acceleration. For a curve λ in a three-dimensional Euclidean manifold, express the acceleration in component form relative to the spherical coordinates.


Chapter 10 VECTOR FIELDS AND DIFFERENTIAL FORMS Section 49. Lie Derivatives Let E be a Euclidean manifold and let u and v be vector fields defined on some open set U in E. In Exercise 45.2 we have defined the Lie bracket [ u, v ] by

[ u, v ] = ( grad v ) u − ( grad u ) v


In this section first we shall explain the geometric meaning of the formula (49.1), and then we generalize the operation to the Lie derivative of arbitrary tensor fields. To interpret the operation on the right-hand side of (49.1), we start from the concept of the flow generated by a vector field. We say that a curve λ : ( a , b ) → U is an integral curve of a vector field v if dλ ( t ) = v ( λ (t )) dt


for all t ∈ ( a , b ) . By (47.1), the condition (49.2) means that λ is an integral curve of v if and only if its tangent vector coincides with the value of v at every point λ ( t ) . An integral curve may be visualized as the orbit of a point flowing with velocity v. Then the flow generated by v is defined to be the mapping that sends a point λ ( t0 ) to a point λ ( t ) along any integral curve of v. To make this concept more precise, let us introduce a local coordinate system xˆ . Then the condition (49.2) can be represented by

d λ i ( t ) / dt =υ i ( λ ( t ) )


where (47.4) has been used. This formula shows that the coordinates ( λ i ( t ) , i = 1,… , N ) of an integral curve are governed by a system of first-order differential equations. Now it is proved in the theory of differential equations that if the fields υ i on the right-hand side of (49.3) are smooth, then corresponding to any initial condition, say



Chap. 10


λ ( 0) = x 0


or equivalently

λ i ( 0 ) = x0i ,

i = 1,… , N


a unique solution of (49.3) exists on a certain interval ( − δ , δ ) , where δ may depend on the initial point x 0 but it may be chosen to be a fixed, positive number for all initial points in a sufficiently small neighborhood of x 0 . For definiteness, we denote the solution of (49.2) corresponding to the initial point x by λ ( t , x ) ; then it is known that the mapping from x to

λ ( t , x ) ; then it is known that the mapping from x to λ ( t , x ) is smooth for each t belonging to

the interval of existence of the solution. We denote this mapping by ρt , namely ρt ( x ) = λ ( t , x )


and we call it the flow generated by v . In particular, ρ 0 ( x ) = x,

x ∈U


reflecting the fact that x is the initial point of the integral curve λ ( t , x ) . Since the fields υ i are independent of t, they system (49.3) is said to be autonomous. A characteristic property of such a system is that the flow generated by v forms a local oneparameter group. That is, locally,

ρt1 +t2 = ρt 1 ρt2


λ ( t1 + t2 , x ) = λ ( t2 , λ ( t1 , x ) )


or equivalently

for all t1 , t2 , x such that the mappings in (49.9) are defined. Combining (49.7) with (49.9), we see that the flow ρt is a local diffeomorphism and, locally,

ρt−1 = ρ − t


Sec. 49


Lie Derivatives

Consequently the gradient, grad ρt , is a linear isomorphism which carries a vector at any point

x to a vector at the point ρt ( x ) . We call this linear isomorphism the parallelism generated by

the flow and, for brevity, denote it by Pt . The parallelism Pt is a typical two-point tensor whose component representation has the form

Pt ( x ) = Pt ( x ) j g i ( ρt ( x ) ) ⊗ g j ( x )


⎡⎣ Pt ( x ) ⎤⎦ ( g j ( x ) ) = Pt ( x ) j g i ( ρt ( x ) )



or, equivalently, i



where {g i ( x )} and g j ( ρt ( x ) ) are the natural bases of xˆ at the points x and ρt ( x ) , respectively. Now the parallelism generated by the flow of v gives rise to a difference quotient of the vector field u in the following way: At any point x ∈U , Pt ( x ) carries the vector u ( x ) at x to the vector ( Pt ( x ) ) ( u ( x ) ) at ρt ( x ) , which can then be compared with the vector u ( ρt ( x ) ) also at ρt ( x ) . Thus we define the difference quotient

1 ⎡ u ( ρt ( x ) ) − ( Pt ( x ) ) ( u ( x ) )⎤⎦ t⎣


The limit of this difference quotient as t approaches zero is called the Lie derivative of u with respect to v and is denoted by 1 L u ( x ) ≡ lim ⎡⎣ u ( ρt ( x ) ) − ( Pt ( x ) ) ( u ( x ) ) ⎤⎦ t →0 t v


We now derive a representation for the Lie derivative in terms of a local coordinate system xˆ. In view of (49.14) we see that we need an approximate representation for Pt to within first-order terms in t. Let x 0 be a particular reference point. From (49.3) we have

λ i ( t , x 0 ) = x0i + υ i ( x 0 ) t + o ( t ) Suppose that x is an arbitrary neighboring point of x 0 , say x i = x0i + Δx i . Then by the same argument as (49.15) we have also



Chap. 10


λ i ( t, x ) = xi +υ i ( x ) t + o ( t ) = x0i + Δx i + υ i ( x 0 ) t +

∂υ i ( x 0 ) ( Δx j ) t + o ( Δ x k ) + o ( t ) ∂x j


Subtracting (49.15) from (49.16), we obtain

λ i ( t , x ) − λ i ( t , x 0 ) = Δx i +

∂υ i ( x 0 ) ( Δ x j ) t + o ( Δx k ) + o ( t ) ∂x j


It follows from (49.17) that

Pt ( x 0 ) j ≡ ( grad ρt ( x o ) ) j = δ ij + i


∂υ i ( x 0 ) t + 0 (t ) ∂x j


Now assuming that u is also smooth, we can represent u ( ρt ( x 0 ) ) approximately by

u i ( ρt ( x 0 ) ) = u i ( x 0 ) +

∂u i ( x 0 ) j υ ( x0 ) t + o (t ) ∂x j


where (49.15) has been used. Substituting (49.18) and (49.19) into (49.14) and taking the limit, we finally obtain ⎡ ∂u i ( x 0 ) j ∂υ i ( x 0 ) j ⎤ L u ( x0 ) = ⎢ υ − u ( x0 )⎥ gi ( x0 ) j j v ∂x ⎣ ∂x ⎦


where x 0 is arbitrary. Thus the field equation for (49.20) is ⎡ ∂u i j ∂υ i j ⎤ L u = ⎢ j υ − j u ⎥ gi v ∂x ⎣ ∂x ⎦


By (47.39) or by using a Cartesian system, we can rewrite (49.21) as L u = ( ui , j υ j − υ i , j u j ) gi v


Consequently the Lie derivative has the following coordinate-free representation: L u = ( grad u ) v − ( grad v ) u v


Sec. 49


Lie Derivatives

Comparing (49.23) with (49.1), we obtain

L u = [ v, u ] v


Since the Lie derivative is defined by the limit of the difference quotient (49.13), L u vanishes if and only if u commutes with the flow of v in the following sense: v

u ρt = Pu i


When u satisfies this condition, it may be called invariant with respect to v . Clearly, this condition is symmetric for the pair ( u, v ) , since the Lie bracket is skew-symmetric, namely

[ u, v ] = − [ v, u]


v ϕ t = Qt v


In particular, (49.25) is equivalent to

where ϕ t and Qt denote the flow and the parallelism generated by u . Another condition equivalent to (49.25) and (49.27) is ϕ s ρt = ρt ϕ s


which means that ρt ( an integral curve of u ) = an integral curve of u ϕ s ( an integral curve of v ) = an integral curve of v


To show that (49.29) is necessary and sufficient for

[ u, v ] = 0


we choose any particular integral curve λ : ( −δ , δ ) →U for v , At each point λ ( t ) we define an integral curve μ ( s, t ) for u such that μ ( 0, t ) = λ ( t )



Chap. 10


The integral curves μ (⋅, t ) with t ∈ ( −δ , δ ) then sweep out a surface parameterized by ( s, t ) . We shall now show that (49.30) requires that the curves μ ( s, ⋅) be integral curves of v for all s. As before, let xˆ be a local coordinate system. Then by definition ∂μ i ( s, t ) / ∂s = u i ( μ ( s, t ) )


∂μ i ( 0, t ) / ∂s = υ i ( μ ( 0, t ) )


∂μ i ( s, t ) / ∂s = υ i ( μ ( s, t ) )



and we need to prove that

for s ≠ 0. We put

ζ i ( s, t ) ≡

∂μ i ( s, t ) − υ i ( μ ( s, t ) ) ∂t


ζ i ( 0, t ) = 0


By (49.33)

We now show that ζ i ( s, t ) vanishes identically. Indeed, if we differentiate (49.35) with respect to s and use (49.32), we obtain ∂ζ i ∂ ⎛ ∂μ i ⎞ ∂υ i ∂μ j = − ∂s ∂t ⎜⎝ ∂s ⎟⎠ ∂x j ∂s ∂u i ∂μ j ∂υ i j u = j − ∂x ∂t ∂x j ⎛ ∂u i ⎞ ∂u i ∂υ i = j ζ j + ⎜ j υi − j u j ⎟ ∂x ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠


As a result, when (49.30) holds, ζ i are governed by the system of differential equations ∂ζ i ∂u i ζ = ∂s ∂x j



Sec. 49


Lie Derivatives

and subject to the initial condition (49.36) for each fixed t. Consequently, ζ i = 0 is the only solution. Conversely, when ζ i vanishes identically on the surface, (49.37) implies immediately that the Lie bracket of u and v vanishes. Thus the condition (49.28) is shown to be equivalent to the condition (49.30). The result just established can be used to prove the theorem mentioned in Section 46 that a field of basis is holonomic if and only if ⎡⎣ hi , h j ⎤⎦ = 0


for all i, j − 1,… , N . Necessity is obvious, since when {hi } is holonomic, the components of each hi relative to the coordinate system corresponding to {hi } are the constants δ ij . Hence from (49.21) we must have (49.39). Conversely, suppose (49.39) holds. Then by (49.28) there exists a surface swept out by integral curves of the vector fields h1 and h 2 . We denote the surface parameters by x1 and x2 . Now if we define an integral curve for h3 at each surface point

( x1 , x2 ) ,

then by the conditions

[ h1 , h3 ] = [h2 , h3 ] = 0 we see that the integral curves of h1 , h 2 , h3 form a three-dimensional net which can be regarded as a “surface coordinate system” ( x1 , x2 , x3 ) on a three-dimensional hypersurface in the N-

dimensional Euclidean manifold E . By repeating the same process based on the condition (49.39), we finally arrive at an N-dimensional net formed by integral curves of h1 ,…, h N . The corresponding N-dimensional coordinate system x1 ,…, x N now forms a chart in E and its natural basis is the given basis {hi } . Thus the theorem is proved. In the next section we shall

make use of this theorem to prove the classical Frobenius theorem. So far we have considered the Lie derivative L u of a vector field u relative to v only. v

Since the parallelism Pt generated by v is a linear isomorphism, it can be extended to tensor fields. As usual for simple tensors we define Pt ( a ⊗ b ⊗

) = ( Pt a ) ⊗ ( Pt b ) ⊗


Then we extend Pt to arbitrary tensors by linearity. Using this extended parallelism, we define the Lie derivative of a tensor field A with respect to v by

1 L A ( x ) ≡ lim ⎡⎣ A ( ρt ( x ) ) − ( Pt ( x ) ) ( A ( x ) ) ⎤⎦ t →0 t v



Chap. 10


which is clearly a generalization of (49.14). In terms of a coordinate system it can be shown that

( ) L A v

i1…ir j1… js


∂Ai1…ir j1… js ∂x


− A ki2…ir j1… js +A


k… js

υk ∂υ i1 − ∂x k

∂υ k + ∂x j1

− Ai1…ir −1k j1… js A


j1… js −1k

∂υ ik ∂x k


∂υ k ∂x js

which generalizes the formula (49.21). We leave the proof of (49.42) as an exercise. By the same argument as (49.22), the partial derivatives in (49.42) can be replaced by covariant derivatives. It should be noted that the operations of raising and lowering of indices by the Euclidean metric do not commute with the Lie derivative, since the parallelism Pt generated by the flow generally does not preserve the metric. Consequently, to compute the Lie derivative of a tensor field A, we must assign a particular contravariant order and covariant order to A. The formula (49.42) is valid when A is regarded as a tensor field of contravariant order r and covariant order s. By the same token, the Lie derivative of a constant tensor such as the volume tensor or the skew-symmetric operator generally need not vanish.

Exercises 49.1 49.2 49.3

Prove the general representation formula (49.42) for the Lie derivative. Show that the right-hand side of (49.42) obeys the transformation rule of the components of a tensor field. In the two-dimensional Euclidean plane E , consider the vector field v whose components relative to a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system ( x1 , x 2 ) are

υ 1 = α x1 ,

υ 2 = α x2

where α is a positive constant. Determine the flow generated by v. In particular, find the integral curve passing through the initial point

( x , x ) = (1,1) 1 0


2 0

In the same two-dimensional plane E consider the vector field such that

Sec. 49


Lie Derivatives

υ1 = x2 ,

υ 2 = x1

Show that the flow generated by this vector field is the group of rotations of E . In particular, show that the Euclidean metric is invariant with respect to this vector field. 49.5

Show that the flow of the autonomous system (49.3) possesses the local one-parameter group property (49.8).


Chap. 10


Section 50. The Frobenius Theorem The concept of the integral curve of a vector field has been considered in some detail in the preceding section. In this section we introduce a somewhat more general concept. If v is a non-vanishing vector field in E , then at each point x in the domain of v we can define a onedimensional Euclidean space D ( x ) spanned by the vector v ( x ) . In this sense an integral curve of v corresponds to a one-dimensional hypersurface in E which is tangent to D ( x ) at each point of the hypersurface. Clearly this situation can be generalized if we allow the field of Euclidean spaces D to be multidimensional. For definiteness, we call such a field D a distribution in E , say of dimension D. Then a D-dimensional hypersurface L in E is called an integral surface of D if L is tangent to D at every point of the hypersurface. Unlike a one-dimensional distribution, which corresponds to some non-vanishing vector field and hence always possesses many integral curves, a D-dimensional distribution D in general need not have any integral hypersurface at all. The problem of characterizing those distributions that do possess integral hypersurfaces is answered precisely by the Frobenius theorem. Before entering into the details of this important theorem, we introduce some preliminary concepts first. Let D be a D-dimensional distribution and let v be a vector field. Then v is said to be contained in D if v ( x ) ∈D ( x ) at each x in the domain of v . Since D is D-dimensional, there exist D vector fields {vα , α = 1,… , D} contained in D such that D ( x ) is spanned by

{vα ( x ) , α = 1,…, D} at each point x in the domain of the vector fields. {vα , α = 1,…, D} a local basis for D .

We call

We say that D is smooth at some point x 0 if there exists a

local basis defined on a neighborhood of x 0 formed by smooth vector fields vα contained in D . Naturally, D is said to be smooth if it is smooth at each point of its domain. We shall be interested in smooth distributions only. We say that D is integrable at a point x 0 if there exists a local coordinate system xˆ

defined on a neighborhood of x 0 such that the vector fields {gα , α = 1,… , D} form a local basis for D . Equivalently, this condition means that the hypersurfaces characterized by the conditions

x D +1 = const,… , x N = const


are integral hypersurfaces of D . Since the natural basis vectors g i of any coordinate system are smooth, by the very definition D must be smooth at x 0 if it is integrable there. Naturally, D is said to be integrable if it is integrable at each point of its domain. Consequently, every integrable distribution must be smooth.

Sec. 50


The Frobenius Theorem

Now we are ready to state and prove the Frobenius theorem, which characterizes integrable distributions. Theorem 50.1. A smooth distribution D is integrable if and only if it is closed with respect to the Lie bracket, i.e., u, v ∈D ⇒ [ u, v ] ∈D


Proof. Necessity can be verified by direct calculation. If u, v ∈D and supposing that xˆ is a local coordinate system such that {gα , α = 1,… , D} forms a local basis for D , then u and v have the component forms u = uα gα ,

v = υ α gα


where the Greek index α is summed from 1 to D. Substituting (50.3) into (49.21), we see that ⎛ ∂υ α β ∂uα β ⎞ [ u, v ] = ⎜ β u − β υ ⎟ g α ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠


Thus (50.2) holds. Conversely, suppose that (50.2) holds. Then for any local basis {vα , α = 1,… , D} for D we have γ ⎡⎣ vα , v β ⎤⎦ = Cαβ vγ


γ where Cαβ are some smooth functions. We show first that there exists a local basis

{uα , α = 1,…, D} which satisfies the somewhat stronger condition ⎡⎣ uα , u β ⎤⎦ = 0,

α , β = 1,…, D


To construct such a basis, we choose a local coordinate system yˆ and represent the basis {vα } by the component form vα = υα1 k1 +

+ υαD k D + υαD +1k D +1 +

≡ υαβ k β + υαΔ k Δ

+ υαN k N



Chap. 10


where {k i } denotes the natural basis of yˆ , and whre the repeated Greek indices β and Δ are summed from 1 to D and D + 1 to N , respectively. Since the local basis {vα } is linearly independent, without loss of generality we can assume that the D × D matrix ⎡⎣υαβ ⎤⎦ is nonsingular, namely det ⎡⎣υαβ ⎤⎦ ≠ 0


Now we define the basis {uα } by uα ≡ υ −1αβ v β ,

α = 1,… , D


where ⎡⎣υ −1αβ ⎤⎦ denotes the inverse matrix of ⎡⎣υαβ ⎤⎦ , as usual. Substituting (50.7) into (50.9), we see that the component representation of uα is uα = δ αβ k β + uαΔ k Δ = k α + uαΔ k Δ


We now show that the basis {uα } has the property (50.6). From (50.10), by direct calculation based on (49.21), we can verify easily that the first D components of ⎡⎣ uα , u β ⎤⎦ are zero, i.e., ⎡⎣ uα , u β ⎤⎦ has the representation Δ ⎡⎣ uα , u β ⎤⎦ = Kαβ kΔ


but, by assumption, D is closed with respect to the Lie bracket; it follows that γ ⎡⎣ uα , u β ⎤⎦ = Kαβ uγ


Substituting (50.10) into (50.12), we then obtain γ Δ ⎡⎣ uα , u β ⎤⎦ = Kαβ k γ + Kαβ kΔ


γ Comparing this representation with (50.11), we see that Kαβ must vanish and hence, by (50.12),

(50.6) holds. Now we claim that the local basis {uα } for D can be extended to a field of basis {ui } for V and that

Sec. 50


The Frobenius Theorem

⎡⎣ ui , u j ⎤⎦ = 0,

i, j = 1,… , N


This fact is more or less obvious. From (50.6), by the argument presented in the preceding section, the integral curves of {uα } form a “coordinate net” on a D-dimensional hypersurface defined in the neighborhood of any reference point x 0 . To define u D +1 , we simply choose an

arbitrary smooth curve λ ( t , x 0 ) passing through x 0 , having a nonzero tangent, and not belonging to the hyper surface generated by {u1 ,… , u D }. We regard the points of the curve λ ( t , x 0 ) to

have constant coordinates in the coordinate net on the D-dimensional hypersurfaces, say ( xo1 ,…, xoD ) . Then we define the curves λ ( t, x ) for all neighboring points x on the hypersurface

of x o , by exactly the same condition with constant coordinates ( x1 ,… , x D ) . Thus, by definition, the flow generated by the curves λ ( t , x ) preserves the integral curves of any uα . Hence if we define u D +1 to be the tangent vector field of the curves λ ( t , x ) , then

[ u D+1 , uα ] = 0,

α = 1,… , D


where we have used the necessary and sufficient condition (49.29) for the condition (49.30). Having defined the vector fields {u1 ,… , u D +1} which satisfy the conditions (50.6) and (50.15), we repeat that same procedure and construct the fields u D + 2 , u D +3 ,… , until we arrive at a field of basis {u1 ,… , u N }. Now from a theorem proved in the preceding section [cf. (49.39)] the

condition (50.14) is necessary and sufficient that {ui } be the natural basis of a coordinate system xˆ. Consequently, D is integrable and the proof is complete. From the proof of the preceding theorem it is clear that an integrable distribution D can be characterized by the opening remark: In the neighborhood of any point x 0 in the domain of D there exists a D-dimensional hypersurface S such that D ( x ) is the D-dimensional tangent

hyperplane of S at each point x in S . We shall state and prove a dual version of the Frobenius theorem in Section 52.

Exercises 50.1

Let D be an integrable distribution defined on U . Then we define the following equivalence relation on U : x 0 ∼ x1 ⇔ there exists a smooth curve λ in U joining x 0 to x1 and tangent to D at each point, i.e., λ ( t ) ∈D ( λ ( t ) ) , for all t. Suppose that S is an equivalence set relative to the preceding equivalence relation. Show that S is an


Chap. 10


integral surface of D . (Such an integral surface is called a maximal integral surface or a leaf of D .)

Sec. 51


Differential Forms, Exterior Derivative

Section 51. Differential Forms and Exterior Derivative In this section we define a differential operator on skew-symmetric covariant tensor fields. This operator generalizes the classical curl operator defined in Section 47. Let U be an open set in E and let A be a skew-symmetric covariant tensor field of order r on U ,i.e., A: U → T ˆr (V



Then for any point x ∈U , A ( x ) is a skew-symmetric tensor of order r (cf. Chapter 8). Choosing a coordinate chart xˆ onU as before, we can express A in the component form A = Ai1…ir g i1 ⊗

⊗ g ir


where {g i } denotes the natural basis of xˆ . Since A is skew-symmetric, its components obey the identify

Ai1… j…k…ir = − Ai1…k… j…ir


for any pair of indices ( j, k ) in ( i1 ,..., ir ) . As explained in Section 39, we can then represent A by A=

i1 < 0 ds


It should be noted that (53.10) defines both κ and n : κ is the norm of ds / ds and n is the unit vector in the direction of the nonvanishing vector field ds / ds . The reciprocal of κ , r = 1/ κ


is called the radius of curvature of λ . Since s is a vector, we have 0=

d ( s ⋅ s) ds = 2s ⋅ = 2κ s ⋅ n ds ds


or, equivalently, s⋅n = 0


Thus n is normal to s , as it should be. In view of (53.14) the cross product of s with n is a unit vector b ≡ s×n


which is called the binormal of λ . The triad {s, n, b} now forms a field of positive orthonormal basis in the domain of v. In general {s, n, b} is anholonomic, of course. Now we compute the covariant derivative of n and b along the curve λ . Since b is a unit vector, by the same argument as (53.13) we have db ⋅b = 0 ds

Similarly, since b ⋅ s = 0, on differentiating with respect to s along λ , we obtain



Chap. 10


db ds ⋅ s = −b ⋅ = −κ b ⋅ n = 0 ds ds


where we have used (53.10). Combining (53.16) and (53.17), we see that db / ds is parallel to n, say db = −τ n ds


where τ is called the torsion of the curve λ . From (53.10) and (53.18) the gradient of n along λ can be computed easily by the representation n = b×s


dn ds db = b× + × s = b × κ n − τ n × s = −κ s + τ b ds ds ds


so that

The results (53.10), (53.18), and (53.20) are the Serret-Frenet formulas for the curve λ . So far we have introduced a field of basis {s, n, b} associated with the nonzero and nonrectilinear vector field v. Moreover, the Serret-Frenet formulas give the covariant derivative of the basis along the vector lines of v . In order to make full use of the basis, however, we need a complete representation of the covariant derivative of that basis along all curves. Then we can express the gradient of the vector fields s, n, b in component forms relative to the anholonomic basis {s, n, b} . These components play the same role as the Christoffel symbols for a holonomic basis. The component forms of grad s , grad n and grad b have been derived by Bjørgum.2 We shall summarize his results without proofs here. Bjørgum shows first that the components of the vector fields curl s , curl n , and curl b relative to the basis {s, n, b} are given by curls = Ωss + κ b

curln = − ( div b ) s + Ω n n + θ b


curlb = (κ + div n ) s + η n + Ω b b where Ωs , Ω n , Ω b are given by 2

O. Bjørgum, “On Beltrami Vector Fields and Flows, Part I. A Comparative Study of Some Basic Types of Vector Fields,” Universitetet I Bergen, Arbok 1951, Naturvitenskapelig rekke Nr. 1.

Sec. 53

Three-Dimensional Euclidean Manifold, I

s ⋅ curl s = Ωs ,

n ⋅ curl n = Ω n ,


b ⋅ curl b = Ω b


and are called the abnormality of s, n, b , respectively. From Kelvin’s theorem (cf. Section 52) we know that the abnormality measures, in some sense, the departure of a vector field from a complex-lamellar field. Since b is given by (53.15), the abnormalities Ωs , Ω n , Ω b are not independent. Bjørgum shows that Ω n + Ω b = Ωs − 2τ


where τ is the torsion of λ as defined by (53.18). The quantities θ and η in (53.21) are defined by b ⋅ curl n = θ ,

n ⋅ curl b = η


and Bjørgum shows that

θ − η = div s


n ⋅ curl s = 0


Notice that (53.21) implies that

but the remaining eight components in (53.21) are generally nonzero. Next Bjørgum shows that the components of the second-order tensor fields grad s , grad n , and grad b relative to the basis {s, n, b} are given by grad s = κ n ⊗ s + θ n − ( Ω n + τ ) n ⊗ b + ( Ωb + τ ) b ⊗ n − ηb ⊗ b grad n = −κ s ⊗ s − θ s ⊗ n + ( Ω n + τ ) s ⊗ b +τ b ⊗ s − ( div b ) b ⊗ n + (κ + div n ) b ⊗ b


grad b = − ( Ω b + τ ) s ⊗ n + ηs ⊗ b − τ n ⊗ s + ( div b ) n ⊗ n − (κ + div n ) n ⊗ b These representations are clearly consistent with the representations (53.21) through the general formula (47.53). Further, from (48.15) the covariant derivatives of s, n, and b along the integral curve λ of s are


Chap. 10


ds = ( grad s ) s = κ n ds dn = ( grad n ) s = −κ s + τ b ds db = ( grad b ) s = −τ n ds


which are consistent with the Serret-Frenet formulas (53.10), (53.20), and (53.18). The representations (53.27) tell us also the gradients of {s, n, b} along any integral curves μ = μ ( n ) of n and ν = ν ( b ) of b. Indeed, we have

ds / dn = ( grad s ) n = θ n + ( Ω b + τ ) b dn / dn = ( grad n ) n = −θ s − ( div b ) b


db / dn = ( grad b ) n = − ( Ω b + τ ) s + ( div b ) n and

ds / db = ( grad s ) b = − ( Ω n + τ ) n − η b dn / db = ( grad n ) b = ( Ω n + τ ) s + (κ + div n ) b


db / db = ( grad b ) b = ηs − (κ + div n ) n Since the basis {s, n, b} is anholonomic in general, the parameters ( s, n, b ) are not local coordinates. In particular, the differential operators d / ds, d / dn, d / db do not commute. We derive first the commutation formulas3 for a scalar function f. From (47.14) and (46.10) we verify easily that the anholonomic representation of grad f is grad f =

df df df s+ n+ b ds dn db


for any smooth function f defined on the domain of the basis {s, n, b} . Taking the gradient of (53.31) and using (53.27), we obtain


See A.W. Marris and C.-C. Wang, “Solenoidal Screw Fields of Constant Magnitude,” Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 39, 227-244 (1970).

Sec. 53

Three-Dimensional Euclidean Manifold, I


df ⎞ df df ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ grad ( grad f ) = s ⊗ ⎜ grad ⎟ + ( grad s ) + n ⊗ ⎜ grad ⎟ ds ⎠ ds dn ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ df df ⎞ df ⎛ + ( grad n ) + b ⊗ ⎜ grad ⎟ + ( grad b ) dn db ⎠ db ⎝ df ⎤ ⎡ d df =⎢ −κ ⎥s⊗s dn ⎦ ⎣ ds ds df df ⎤ ⎡ d df +⎢ −θ − ( Ωb + τ ) ⎥ s ⊗ n dn db ⎦ ⎣ dn ds df df ⎤ ⎡ d df +⎢ + ( Ωn + τ ) + η ⎥ s ⊗ b dn db ⎦ ⎣ db ds df ⎤ ⎡ df d df + ⎢κ + −τ ⎥ n ⊗ s db ⎦ ⎣ ds ds dn d df df ⎤ ⎡ df + ⎢θ + + ( div b ) ⎥ n ⊗ n db ⎦ ⎣ dn dn dn df d df df ⎤ ⎡ + ⎢ − ( Ωn + τ ) + − (κ + div n ) ⎥ n ⊗ b ds db dn db ⎦ ⎣ ⎡ df d df ⎤ + ⎢τ + b⊗s ⎣ dn ds db ⎥⎦ df df d df ⎤ ⎡ + ⎢( Ω b + τ ) − ( div b ) + b⊗n ds dn dn db ⎥⎦ ⎣ df d df ⎤ ⎡ df + ⎢ −η + (κ + div n ) + b⊗b dn db db ⎥⎦ ⎣ ds


Now since grad ( grad f ) is symmetric, (53.32) yields d df d df df df df − =κ +θ + Ωb ds ds ds dn ds dn db d df d df df df − = Ωn +η ds db db ds dn db d df d df df df df − = Ωs − ( div b ) + (κ + div n ) db dn dn db ds dn db


where we have used (53.23). The Formulas (53.33)1-3 are the desired commutation rules. Exactly the same technique can be applied to the identities curl ( grad s ) = curl ( grad n ) = curl ( grad b ) = 0



Chap. 10


and the results are the following nine intrinsic equations4 for the basis {s, n, b} : d dθ ( Ωn + τ ) − + (κ + div n )( Ω b − Ωn ) − (θ + η ) div b + Ωsκ = 0 dn db dη d − − ( Ω b + τ ) − ( Ω b − Ω n ) div b − (θ + η )(κ + div n ) = 0 dn db dκ d + ( Ω n + τ ) − η ( Ωs − Ω b ) + Ω nθ = 0 db ds dτ d − (κ + div n ) − Ω n div b + η ( 2κ + div n ) = 0 db ds dη − + η 2 − κ (κ + div n ) − τ 2 − Ω n ( Ωs − Ω n ) = 0 ds dκ dθ − − κ 2 − θ 2 + ( 2Ω s − 3τ ) + Ω n ( Ω s − Ω n − 4τ ) = 0 dn ds dτ d + div b − κ ( Ωs − Ω n ) + θ div b − Ω b (κ + div n ) = 0 dn ds d d 2 2 (κ + div n ) + div b − θ n + ( div b ) + (κ + div n ) dn db + Ωsτ + ( Ω n + τ )( Ω b + τ ) = 0 −

d Ωs dκ + + Ωs (θ − η ) + κ div b = 0 ds db


Having obtained the representations (53.21) and (53.27), the commutation rules (53.33), and the intrinsic equations (53.35) for the basis {s, n, b} , we can now return to the original relations (53.6) and derive various representations for the invariants of v. For brevity, we shall now denote the norm of v by υ . Then (53.6) can be rewritten as v = υs


Taking the gradient of this equation yields grad v = s ⊗ grad υ +υ grad s

dυ dυ dυ s⊗s+ s⊗n+ s⊗b ds dn db + υκ n ⊗ s + υθ n ⊗ n − υ ( Ω n + τ ) n ⊗ b


+υ ( Ω b + τ ) b ⊗ n − υη b ⊗ b


A. W. Marris and C.-C. Wang, see footnote 3.


Sec. 53

Three-Dimensional Euclidean Manifold, I


where we have used (53.27)1. Notice that the component of grad v in b ⊗ s vanishes identically, i.e., b ⋅ ( ( grad v ) s ) = [ grad v ] ( b, s ) = 0


or, equivalently, b⋅

dv =0 ds


so that the covariant derivative of v along its vector lines stays on the plane spanned by s and n. In differential geometry this plane is called the osculating plane of the said vector line. Next we can read off from (53.37) the representations5 dυ + υθ − υη ds dυ = + υ div s ds

div v =

dυ dυ ⎞ ⎛ curl v = υ ( Ω b + Ω n + 2τ ) s + n + ⎜υκ − ⎟b db dn ⎠ ⎝ dυ dυ ⎞ ⎛ = υΩss + n + ⎜υκ − ⎟b db dn ⎠ ⎝


where we have used (53.23) and (53.25). From (53.40)4 the scalar field Ω = v ⋅ curl v is given by Ω = υ s ⋅ curl v = υ 2Ωs


The representation (53.37) and its consequences (53.40) and (53.41) have many important applications in hydrodynamics and continuum mechanics. It should be noted that (53.21)1 and (53.27)1 now can be regarded as special cases of (53.40)4 and (53.37)2, respectively, with υ = 1.

Exercises 53.1 53.2 5

Prove the intrinsic equations (53.35). Show that the Serret-Frenet formulas can be written

O. Bjørgum, see footnote 2. See also J.L. Ericksen, “Tensor Fields,” Handbuch der Physik, Vol. III/1, Appendix, Edited by Flügge, Springer-Verlag (1960).


Chap. 10 ds / ds = ω × s,

where ω = τ s + κ b .

dn / ds = ω × n,

VECTOR FIELDS db / ds = ω × b


Sec. 54

Three-Dimensional Euclidean Manifold, II


Section 54. Vector Fields in a Three-Dimensional Euclidean Manifold, II. Representations for Special Classes of Vector Fields In Section 52 we have proved the Poincaré lemma, which asserts that, locally, a differential form is exact if and only if it is closed. This result means that we have the local representation

for any f such that

f = dg


df = 0


In a three-dimensional Euclidean manifold the local representation (54.1) has the following two special cases. (i) Lamellar Fields

v = grad f


is a local representation for any vector field v such that curl v = 0


Such a vector field v is called a lamellar field in the classical theory, and the scalar function f is called the potential of v . Clearly, the potential is locally unique to within an arbitrary additive constant. (ii) Solenoidal Fields

v = curl u


is a local representation for any vector field v such that div v = 0


Such a vector field v is called a solenoidal field in the classical theory, and the vector field u is called the vector potential of v . The vector potential is locally unique to within an arbitrary additive lamellar field. In the representation (54.3), f is regarded as a 0-form and v is regarded as a 1-form, while in the representation (54.5), u is regarded as a 1-form and v is regarded as the dual of a 2form; duality being defined by the canonical positive unit volume tensor of the 3-dimensional Euclidean manifold E .


Chap. 10


In Section 52 we remarked also that the dual form of the Frobenius theorem implies the following representation. (iii) Complex-Lamellar Fields v = h grad f


is a local representation for any vector field v such that v ⋅ curl v = 0


Such a vector field v is called complex-lamellar in the classical theory. In the representation (54.7) the surfaces defined by f ( x ) = const


are orthogonal to the vector field v . We shall now derive some other well-known representations in the classical theory.

A. Euler’s Representation for Solenoidal Fields Every solenoidal vector field v may be represented locally by v = ( grad h ) × ( grad f )


Proof. We claim that v has a particular vector potential uˆ which is complex-lamellar. From the remark on (54.5), we may choose uˆ by uˆ = u + grad k


where u is any vector potential of v . In order for uˆ to be complex-lamellar, it must satisfy the condition (54.8), i.e.,

0 = ( u + grad k ) ⋅ curl ( u + grad k ) = ( u + grad k ) ⋅ curl u = v ⋅ ( u + grad k )


Clearly, this equation possesses infinitely many solutions for the scalar function k, since it is a first-order partial differential equation with smooth coefficients. Hence by the representation (54.7) we may write

Sec. 54

Three-Dimensional Euclidean Manifold, II

uˆ = h grad f



Taking the curl of this equation, we obtain the Euler representation (54.10): v = curl uˆ = curl ( h grad f ) = ( grad h ) × ( grad f )


It should be noted that in the Euler representation (54.10) the vector v is orthogonal to grad h as well as to grad f , namely v ⋅ grad h = v ⋅ grad f = 0


Consequently, v is tangent to the surfaces


h ( x ) = const


f ( x ) = const


For this reason, these surfaces are then called vector sheets of v . If v ≠ 0, then from (54.10), grad h and grad f are not parallel, so that h and f are functionally independent. In this case the intersections of the surfaces (54.16) and (54.17) are the vector lines of v. Euler’s representation for solenoidal fields implies the following results.

B. Monge’s Representation for Arbitrary Smooth Vector Fields Every smooth vector field v may be represented locally by v = grad h + k grad f


where the scalar functions, h, k, f are called the Monge potentials (not unique) of v .

Proof. Since (54.10) is a representation for any solenoidal vector field, from (54.5) we can write curl v as curl v = ( grad k ) × ( grad f )


curl ( v − k grad f ) = 0


It follows that (54.19) that


Chap. 10


Thus v − k grad f is a lamellar vector field. From (54.3) we then we have the local representation v − k grad f = grad h


which is equivalent to (54.18). Next we prove another well-known representation for arbitrary smooth vector fields in the classical theory.

C. Stokes’ Representation for Arbitrary Smooth Vector Fields Every smooth vector field v may be represented locally by v = grad h + curl u


where h and u are called the Stokes potential (not unique) of v .

Proof. We show that there exists a scalar function h such that v − grad h is solenoidal. Equivalently, this condition means div ( v − grad h ) = 0


Δh = div v


Expanding (54.23), we get

where Δ denotes the Laplacian [cf. (47.49)]. Thus h satisfies the Poisson equation (54.24). It is well known that, locally, there exist infinitely many solutions (54.24). Hence the representation (54.22) is valid. Notice that, from (54.19), Stokes’ representation (54.22) also can be put in the form v = grad h + ( grad k ) × ( grad f )


Next we consider the intrinsic conditions for the various special classes of vector fields. First, from (53.40)2 a vector field v is solenoidal if and only if

dυ / ds = −υ div s


Sec. 54

Three-Dimensional Euclidean Manifold, II


where s,υ , and s are defined in the preceding section. Integrating (54.26) along any vector line λ = λ ( s ) defined before, we obtain



υ ( s ) = υ0exp -∫ div s ds s0



where υ0 is the value of υ at any reference point λ ( s0 ) . Thus1 in a solenoidal vector field v the vector magnitude is determined to within a constant factor along any vector line λ = λ ( s ) by the vector line pattern of v . From (53.40)4, a vector field v is complex-lamellar if and only if

υΩ s = 0


Ωs = 0


or, equivalently,

since in the intrinsic representation v is assumed to be nonvanishing. The result (54.29) is entirely obvious, because it defines the unit vector field s, parallel to v, to be complex-lamellar. From (53.40)4 again, a vector field v is lamellar if and only if, in addition to (54.28) or (54.29), we have also

dυ / db = 0,

dυ / dn = υκ


It should be noted that, when v is lamellar, it can be represented by (54.3), and thus the potential surfaces defined by f ( x ) = const


are formed by the integral curves of n and b. From (54.30)1 along any b − line

υ ( b ) = υ ( b0 ) = const


while from (54.30)2 along any n − line

υ ( n ) = υ ( n0 ) exp 1

O. Bj∅rgum, see footnote 2 in Section 53.

( ∫ κ dn) n




Chap. 10


Finally, in the classical theory a vector field v is called a screw field or a Beltrami field if v is parallel to its curl, namely v × curl v = 0


curl v = Ω s v


or, equivalently,

where Ω s is the abnormality of s, defined by (53.22)1. In some sense a screw field is just the opposite of a complex-lamellar field, which is defined by the condition that the vector field is orthogonal to its curl [cf. (54.8)]. Unfortunately, there is no known simple direct representation for screw fields. We must refer the reader to the three long articles by Bjørgum and Godal (see footnote 1 above and footnotes 4 and 5 below), which are devoted entirely to the study of these fields. We can, of course, use some general representations for arbitrary smooth vector fields, such as Monge’s representation or Stokes’ representation, to express a screw field first. Then we impose some additional restrictions on the scalar fields involved in the said representations. For example, if we use Monge’s representation (54.18) for v , then curl v is given by (54.19). In this case v is a screw field if and only if the constant potential surfaces of k and f are vector sheets of v , i.e.,

v ⋅ grad k = v ⋅ grad f = 0


From (53.40)4 the intrinsic conditions for a screw field are easily fround to be simply the conditions (54.30). So the integrals (54.32) and (54.33) remain valid in this case, along the b − lines and the n − lines. When the abnormality Ω s is nonvanishing, the integral of υ along any s − line can be found in the following way: From (53.40) we have

dυ / ds = div v − υ div s


Now from the basic conditions (54.35) for a screw field we obtain 0 = div ( Ωs v ) = Ωs div v + υ

d Ωs ds


So div v can be represented by div v = −

υ d Ωs Ωs ds


Sec. 54


Three-Dimensional Euclidean Manifold, II

Substituting (54.39) into (54.37) yields ⎛ dυ 1 d Ωs ⎞ = −υ ⎜ div s + ⎟ Ω s ds ⎠ ds ⎝


d (υΩ s ) = −υΩ s div s ds


or, equivalently,

The last equation can be integrated at once, and the result is

υ ( s) =

υ ( s0 ) Ω s ( s0 ) Ω s ( s0 )


exp − ∫ ( div s ) ds s




which may be rewritten as


s υ ( s ) Ω s ( s0 ) = exp − ∫ ( div s ) ds s υ ( s0 ) Ω s ( s ) 0



since υ is nonvanishing. From (54.43), (54.33), and (54.32) we see that the magnitude of a screw field, except for a constant factor, is determined along any s − line, n − line, or b − line by the vector line pattern of the field.2 A screw field whose curl is also a screw field is called a Trkalian field. According to a theorem of Mémenyi and Prim (1949), a screw field is a Trkalian field if and only if its abnormality is a constant. Further, all Trkalian fields are solenoidal and successive curls of the field are screw fields, all having the same abnormality.3 The proof of this theorem may be found also in Bjørgum’s article. Trkalian fields are considered in detail in the subsequent articles of Bjørgum and Godal4 and Godal5


O. Bjørgum, see footnote 2, Section 53. P. Nemenyi and R. Prim, “Some Properties of Rotational Flow of a Perfect Gas,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 34, 119124; Erratum 35, 116 (1949). 4 O. Bjørgum and T. Godal, “On Beltrami Vector Fields and Flows, Part II. The Case when Ω is Constant in Space,” Universitetet i Bergen, Arbok 1952, Naturvitenskapelig rekke Nr. 13. 5 T. Godal, “On Beltrami Vector Fields and Flows, Part III. Some Considerations on the General Case,” Universitete i Bergen, Arbok 1957, Naturvitenskapelig rekke Nr.12. 3


Chapter 11 HYPERSURFACES ON A EUCLIDEAN MANIFOLD In this chapter we consider the theory of (N-1)-dimensional hypersurfaces embedded in an Ndimensional Euclidean manifold E . We shall not treat hypersurfaces of dimension less than N1, although many results of this chapter can be generalized to results valid for those hypersurfaces also.

Section 55. Normal Vector, Tangent Plane, and Surface metric A hypersurface of dimension N-1 in E a set S of points in E which can be characterized locally by an equation

x ∈ N ⊂ S ⇔ f (x ) = 0


where f is a smooth function having nonvanishing gradient. The unit vector field on N n=

grad f grad f


is called a unit normal of S , since from (55.1) and (48.15) for any smooth curve λ = λ (t ) in S we have 0=

1 df λ = (grad f ) ⋅ λ = n⋅λ grad f dt


The local representation (55.1) of S is not unique, or course. Indeed, if f satisfies (55.1), so does –f, the induced unit normal of –f being –n. If the hypersurface S can be represented globally by (55.1), i.e., there exists a smooth function whose domain contains the entire hypersurface such that x ∈ S ⇔ f (x) = 0


then S is called orientable. In this case S can be equipped with a smooth global unit normal field n. (Of course, -n is also a smooth global unit normal field.) We say that S is oriented if a particular smooth global unit normal field n has been selected and designated as the positive unit normal of S . We shall consider oriented hypersurfaces only in this chapter.



Chap. 11


Since grad f is nonvanishing, S can be characterized locally also by x = x( y1 ,…, y N −1 )


in such a way that ( y1 ,… , y N −1 , f ) forms a local coordinate system in S . If n is the positive unit normal and f satisfies (55.2), then the parameters ( y1 ,… , y N −1 ) are said to form a positive local coordinate system in S when ( y1 ,… , y N −1 , f ) is a positive local coordinate system in E . Since the coordinate curves of y Γ , Γ = 1,… , N − 1, are contained in S the natural basis vectors

h Γ = ∂x / ∂y Γ , Γ = 1,… , N − 1


are tangent to S . Moreover, the basis {h Γ , n} is positive in E . We call the ( N − 1) dimensional hyperplane S x spanned by {h Γ ( x )} the tangent plane of S at the point x ∈ S. Since h Γ ⋅ n = 0,

Γ = 1,…, N − 1


The reciprocal basis of {h Γ , n} has the form {h Γ , n} where h Γ are also tangent to S , namely h Γ ⋅ n = 0,

Γ = 1,… , N − 1


Γ, Δ = 1,…, N − 1



h Γ ⋅ h Δ = δ ΔΓ ,

In view of (55.9) we call {h Γ } and {h Γ } reciprocal natural bases of ( y Γ ) on S . Let v be a vector field on S , i. e., a function v; S → V . Then, for each x ∈ S , v can

be represented in terms of the bases {h Γ , n} and {h Γ , n} by

v = υ Γh Γ + υ N n = υ Γh Γ + υ N n


where, from (55.7)-(55.9),

υ Γ = v ⋅ hΓ ,

υΓ = v ⋅ hΓ ,

υN = υ N = v ⋅ n


Sec. 55

Normal Vector, Tangent Plane, and Surface Metric


We call the vector field

vS ≡ υ Γ h Γ = υ Γ h Γ = v − ( v ⋅ n ) n


the tangential projection of v , and we call the vector field

v n ≡ υ N n = υ N n = v − vS


the normal projection of v . Notice that in (55.10)-(55.12) the repeated Greek index is summed from 1 to N-1. We say that v is a tangential vector field on S if v n = 0 and a normal vector field if vS = 0 . If we introduce a local coordinate system ( x i ) in E , then the representation (55.5) may be written

x i = x i ( y1 ,… , y N −1 ),

i = 1,… , N


From (55.14) the surface basis {h Γ } is related to the natural basis {g i } of ( x i ) by h Γ = hΓi g i =

∂x i gi , ∂y Γ

Γ = 1,… , N − 1


while from (55.2) the unit normal n has the component form n=

∂f / ∂x i gi ( g ab (∂f / ∂x a )(∂f / ∂x b ))1/ 2


where, as usual {g i } , is the reciprocal basis of {g i } and {g ab } is the component of the Euclidean metric, namely

g ab = g a ⋅ g b


The component representation for the surface reciprocal basis {h Γ } is somewhat harder to find. We find first the components of the surface metric. aΓΔ ≡ h Γ ⋅ h Δ = gij

∂x i ∂x i ∂y Γ ∂y Δ


Chap. 11



where gij is a component of the Euclidean metric

gij = g i ⋅ g j


Now let ⎡⎣ a ΓΔ ⎤⎦ be the inverse of [ aΓΔ ] ,i.e.,

a ΓΔ aΔΣ = δ ΣΓ ,

Γ, Σ = 1,…, N − 1


The inverse matrix exists because from (55.18), [ aΓΔ ] is positive-definite and symmetric. In fact, from (55.18) and (55.9)

a ΓΔ = h Γ ⋅ h Δ


so that a ΓΔ is also a component of the surface metric. From (55.21) and (55.15) we then have Γ

h =a


∂x i gi , ∂y Δ

Γ = 1,… , N − 1


which is the desired representation for h Γ . At each point x ∈ S the components aΓΔ ( x ) and a ΓΔ ( x ) defined by (55.18) and (55.21) are those of an inner product on S x relative to the surface coordinate system ( y Γ ) , the inner product being the one with induced by that of V since S x is a subspace of V . In other words if u and v are tangent to S at x , say

u = u Γh Γ (x)

v = υ Δ h Δ (x )



u ⋅ v = aΓΔ ( x )u Γυ Δ


This inner product gives rise to the usual operations of rising and lowering of indices for tangent vectors of S . Thus (55.23) 1 is equivalent to

u = aΓΔ ( x )u Γ h Δ ( x ) = uΔ h Δ ( x )


Sec. 55

Normal Vector, Tangent Plane, and Surface Metric


Obviously we can also extend the operations to tensor fields on S having nonzero components in the product basis of the surface bases {h Γ } and {h Γ } only. Such a tensor field A may be called a tangential tensor field of S and has the representation A = AΓ1 ... Γr h Γ1 ⊗

⊗ h Γ2

= AΓ1 Γ2 ... Γr h Γ1 ⊗ h Γ2 ⊗

⊗ h Γr , etc.


Then AΓ1 Γ2 ... Γr = aΓ1Δ AΔΓ2 ... Γr , etc.


There is a fundamental difference between the surface metric a on S and the Euclidean metric g on E however. In the Euclidean space E there exist coordinate systems in which the components of g are constant. Indeed, if the coordinate system is a rectangular Cartesian one, then gij is δ ij at all points of the domain of the coordinate system. On the hypersurface S , generally, there need not be any coordinate system in which the components aΓΔ or a ΓΔ are constant unless S happens to be a hyperplane. As we shall see in a later section, the departure of a from g in this regard can be characterized by the curvature of S . Another important difference between S and E is the fact that in S the tangent planes at different points generally are different (N-1)-dimensional subspaces of V . Hence a vector in V may be tangent to S at one point but not at another point. For this reason there is no canonical parallelism which connects the tangent planes of S at distinct points. As a result, the notions of gradient or covariant derivative of a tangential vector or tensor field on S must be carefully defined, as we shall do in the next section. The notions of Lie derivative and exterior derivative introduced in Sections 49 and 51, however, can be readily defined for tangential fields of S . We consider first the Lie derivative. Let v be a smooth tangent field defined on a domain in S . Then as before we say that a smooth curve λ = λ (t ) in the domain of v is an integral curve if

dλ (t ) / dt = v( λ (t ))


at all points of the curve. If we represent λ and v in component forms yˆ( λ (t )) = (λ 1 (t ),… , λ N −1 (t )) and v = υ Γ h Γ


relative to a surface coordinate system ( y Γ ) , then (55.28) can be expressed by

d λ Γ (t ) / dt = υ Γ ( λ (t ))


Chap. 11



Hence integral curves exist for any smooth tangential vector field v and they generate flow, and hence a parallelism, along any integral curve. By the same argument as in Section 49, we define the Lie derivative of a smooth tangential vector field u relative to v by the limit (49.14), except that now ρt and Pt are the flow and the parallelism in S . Following exactly the same derivation as before, we then obtain ⎛ ∂u Γ ∂υ Γ ⎞ L u = ⎜ Δ υ Δ − Δ u Δ ⎟ hΓ v ∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠


which generalizes (49.21). Similarly if A is a smooth tangential tensor field on S , then L A is v

defined by (49.41) with ρt and Pt as just explained, and the component representation for L A is v

(S A) Γ1 ... Γr Δ1 ... Δ s =

∂AΓ1 ... Γr Δ1 ... Δ s ∂y Σ


υ Σ − AΣΓ

2. ... Γ r

Δ1 ... Δ s

∂υ Γ1 ∂y Σ

− AΓ1 ... Γr −1Σ Δ1…Δ s

∂υ Γr ∂υ Σ Γ1 ... Γ r + A ΣΔ 2…Δ s ∂y Σ ∂y Δ1


+ AΓ1 ... Γr Δ1…Δ s −1Σ

∂υ Σ ∂y Δ s


which generalizes (49.42). Next we consider the exterior derivative. Let A be a tangential differential form on S , i.e., A is skew-symmetric and has the representations A = AΓ1 ... Γr h Γ1 ⊗ = =

