Table of contents : Cover Half Title Series Page Title Page Copyright Page Contents Preface Acknowledgments About the Author Part I The Basics of Python Chapter 1 Introduction to Python 1.1 Introduction to Python 1.1.1 Why Should Humanists Learn to Code? The Timeline for Starting a Large Digital History Project The Self-Reliant Digital Humanist Other Benefits 1.1.2 What Is Python? 1.1.3 Why Python? 1.2 Installing Python 1.2.1 Trinket 1.2.2 Using Google Colab 1.2.3 Using Binder from JupyterBook 1.2.4 Using Jupyter Notebooks Online 1.2.5 Installing Python Locally Download Anaconda Navigator Using Anaconda Navigator Installing JupyterLab 1.2.6 Conclusion 1.3 Coding Basics 1.3.1 The Print Function 1.3.2 Objects 1.3.3 Variables 1.3.4 Case Sensitivity 1.3.5 Reserved Words 1.3.6 Built-in Types 1.3.7 Type Function 1.3.8 Bugs Chapter 2 Data and Data Structures 2.1 Introduction to Data 2.1.1 What Is Data? 2.1.2 Strings 2.1.3 Working with Strings as Data Upper Method Lower Method Capitalize Method Replace Method Split Method 2.1.4 Numbers (Integers and Floats) 2.1.5 Working with Numbers as Data 2.1.6 Booleans 2.1.7 Conclusion 2.2 Introduction to Data Structures 2.2.1 Data Structures 2.2.2 Lists Indexing a List 2.2.3 Tuples 2.2.4 Mutability vs Immutability 2.2.5 Sets (Bonus Data Structure) 2.2.6 Dictionaries Indexing Dictionaries Chapter 3 Loops and Logic 3.1 Introduction to Loops 3.1.1 What Are Loops? 3.1.2 For Loops 3.1.3 List Comprehension 3.1.4 Indexing a List with and without Enumerate 3.1.5 Operators 3.1.6 While Loops 3.2 Conditionals 3.2.1 If Statement 3.2.2 Else Statement 3.2.3 Elif and the ‘in’ Operator with Strings 3.2.4 Conditionals and Lists with ‘in’ and ‘not in’ 3.2.5 Conclusion Chapter 4 Formal Coding: Functions, Classes, and Libraries 4.1 Functions 4.1.1 Introduction 4.1.2 Functions in Action 4.1.3 Docstrings 4.1.4 Functions with Multiple Arguments 4.1.5 Keyword Argument 4.1.6 Keyword Arbitrary Arguments 4.1.7 Conclusion 4.1.8 Answer for Result 4.2 Classes 4.2.1 Introduction 4.2.2 Creating a Class 4.2.3 Adding Functions to a Class 4.3 Libraries in Python 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 How to Install Python Libraries 4.3.3 How to Import a Library 4.3.4 Conclusion Chapter 5 Working with External Data 5.1 Working with Textual Data 5.1.1 Introduction 5.1.2 The “With” Statement 5.1.3 How to Open a Text File 5.1.4 How toWrite Data to a Text File 5.2 Working with JSON Data 5.2.1 Introduction 5.2.2 Writing JSON Data with json.dump() 5.2.3 Reading JSON data with json.load() 5.3 Working with Multiple Files 5.3.1 Introduction 5.3.2 Working with Glob 5.3.3 Grabbing Multiple Nested Directories 5.3.4 Walking a Directory 5.3.5 Conclusion Chapter 6 Working with Data on theWeb 6.1 Introduction to HTML 6.1.1 Introduction 6.1.2 Diving into HTML 6.1.3 Understanding Attributes 6.1.4 Parsing HTML with BeautifulSoup 6.1.5 How to Find aWebsite’s HTML 6.2 Scraping Web Pages with Requests and BeautifulSoup 6.2.1 Introduction 6.2.2 Requests 6.2.3 BeautifulSoup Part II Data Analysis with Pandas Chapter 7 Introduction to Pandas 7.1 Introduction to Pandas 7.1.1 What Is Pandas? 7.1.2 Why Use Pandas? 7.1.3 How to Install Pandas 7.1.4 How to Import Pandas 7.2 The Basics of Pandas 7.2.1 How to Create a DataFrame from a Dictionary 7.2.2 How to Display a DataFrame 7.2.3 How to Save DataFrame to CSV 7.2.4 How to Read DataFrame from CSV 7.2.5 How to Save DataFrame to JSON 7.2.6 How to Add a Column to the DataFrame 7.2.7 How to Grab a Specific Column 7.2.8 How to Convert a Column to a List 7.2.9 Isolating Unique Values in a Column 7.2.10 How to Grab a Specific Row of a DataFrame with iloc 7.2.11 Iterating over a DataFrame with df.iterrows() 7.2.12 Conclusion Chapter 8 Working with Data in Pandas 8.1 Finding Data in DataFrame 8.1.1 About the Titanic Dataset 8.1.2 How to Find Column Data 8.1.3 How to Get a Quick Sense of the Dataset with df.head() 8.1.4 How to Grab a Specific Range of Rows with df.iloc[] 8.1.5 HowtoGet aQuickQuantitativeUnderstanding of theDatasetwith describe() 8.1.6 How to Find Specific Information in the Dataset with df.loc 8.1.7 How to Query with “OR” (|) on a DataFrame 8.2 Organizing the DataFrame 8.2.1 How to Sort Data By Single Column 8.2.2 How to Reverse Sort Data by Single Column 8.2.3 How to Sort Data by Multiple Columns 8.2.4 How to Sort Data byMultiple Columns with Different Values Organized Differently 8.3 Cleaning the DataFrame 8.3.1 How to Drop a Column in Pandas DataFrame 8.3.2 How to Remove Rows That Have NaN in Any Column 8.3.3 How to Remove Rows That Have NaN in a Specific Column 8.3.4 How to Convert DataFrame Data Types (from Float to Int) 8.3.5 Conclusion Chapter 9 Searching for Data 9.1 Advanced Searching on Strings 9.1.1 Finding Features within a String 9.1.2 Finding Strings That Don’t Contain Feature 9.1.3 Using RegEx with Pandas 9.2 Filter and Querying 9.2.1 Introduction 9.2.2 The Filter Function 9.2.3 The Query Function 9.3 Grouping with groupby() 9.3.1 Introduction 9.3.2 groupby() 9.3.3 Quantitative Analysis with .count() and .sum() 9.3.4 Working with Multiple Groups 9.3.5 Groupings with Many Subsets Chapter 10 Advanced Pandas 10.1 Plotting Data with Pandas 10.1.1 Importing the DataFrame 10.1.2 Bar and Barh Charts with Pandas 10.1.3 Pie Charts with Pandas 10.1.4 Scatter Plots with Pandas 10.2 Graphing Network Data with Pandas 10.2.1 Getting the Data from Pandas to NetworkX 10.2.2 Graphing the Data 10.2.3 Customize the Graph 10.3 Time Series Data 10.3.1 What Is Time Series Data 10.3.2 About the Dataset 10.3.3 Cleaning the Data from Float to Int 10.3.4 Convert to Time Series DateTime in Pandas Part III Natural Language Processing with spaCy Chapter 11 Introduction to Spacy 11.1 The Basics of spaCy 11.1.1 What Is spaCy? 11.1.2 How to Install spaCy 11.1.3 Containers 11.2 Getting Started with spaCy and Its Linguistic Annotations 11.2.1 Importing spaCy and Loading Data 11.2.2 Creating a Doc Container 11.2.3 Sentence Boundary Detection (SBD) 11.2.4 Token Attributes Text Head Left Edge Right Edge Entity Type Ent IOB Lemma Morph Part of Speech Syntactic Dependency Language 11.2.5 Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging 11.2.6 Named Entity Recognition (NER) 11.2.7 Conclusion 11.3 spaCy’s Pipelines 11.3.1 Standard Pipes (Components and Factories) Available from spaCy Attribute Rulers Matchers 11.3.2 How to Add Pipes 11.3.3 Examining a Pipeline 11.3.4 Conclusion Chapter 12 Rules-Based spaCy 12.1 The EntityRuler 12.1.1 Introduction to spaCy’s EntityRuler 12.1.2 Demonstration of EntityRuler in Action 12.1.3 Introducing Complex Rules and Variance to the EntityRuler (Advanced) 12.2 The Matcher 12.2.1 Introduction 12.2.2 A Basic Example 12.2.3 Attributes Taken by Matcher 12.2.4 Applied Matcher Grabbing all Proper Nouns Improving it with Multi-Word Tokens Greedy Keyword Argument Adding in Sequences 12.3 The PhraseMatcher 12.3.1 Introduction 12.3.2 Setting a Custom Attribute 12.3.3 Adding a Function with on_match 12.4 Using RegEx with spaCy 12.4.1 What Is Regular Expressions (RegEx)? 12.4.2 The Strengths of RegEx 12.4.3 The Weaknesses of RegEx 12.4.4 How to Use RegEx in Python 12.4.5 How to Use RegEx in spaCy 12.5 Working with Multi-Word Token Entities and RegEx in spaCy 3x 12.5.1 Key Concepts in This Notebook 12.5.2 Problems with Multi-Word Tokens in spaCy as Entities 12.5.3 Extract Multi-Word Tokens 12.5.4 Reconstruct Spans 12.5.5 Inject the Spans into the doc.ents 12.5.6 Give Priority to Longer Spans Chapter 13 Solving a Domain-Specific Problem: A Case Study with Holocaust NER 13.1 Cultivating Good Datasets for Entities 13.1.1 Introduction to Datasets 13.1.2 Acquiring the Data 13.1.3 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 13.1.4 Normalizing Data 13.2 The Challenges of Holocaust NER 13.2.1 An Overview of the Problems 13.2.2 Ethical 13.2.3 Linguistic 13.2.4 Toponyms 13.3 Creating a Rules-Based Pipeline for Holocaust Documents 13.3.1 Creating a Blank spaCy Model 13.3.2 Creating EntityRulers 13.3.3 Creating Function for Matching RegEx 13.3.4 Add Pipe for Finding Streets 13.3.5 Creating a Pipe for Finding Ships 13.3.6 Create Pipe for Identifying a Military Personnel 13.3.7 Create Pipe for Identifying Spouses 13.3.8 Creating a Pipe for Finding Ghettos 13.3.9 Creating a Geography Pipe 13.3.10 Seeing the Pipes at Work Chapter 14 Topic Modeling: Concepts and Theory 14.1 What Is Topic Modeling? 14.1.1 Rules-Based Methods 14.1.2 Machine Learning-Based Methods 14.1.3 Why Use Topic Modeling? 14.2 Topics and Clusters 14.2.1 What Are Topics? 14.2.2 What Are Clusters? 14.3 Bigrams and Trigrams 14.3.1 Textual Ambiguity 14.3.2 Bigrams 14.3.3 Trigrams 14.3.4 Why Are These Important? 14.4 LDA Topic Modeling 14.4.1 Process of Topic Modeling 14.4.2 Knowing the Total Number of Topics 14.4.3 Applying a Topic Model 14.4.4 Summary of Key Issues with LDA Topic Modeling 14.5 Creating LDA in Python 14.5.1 Importing the Required Libraries and Data 14.5.2 Cleaning Documents 14.5.3 Create ID-Word Index 14.5.4 Creating LDA Topic Model 14.5.5 Analyze a Document 14.5.6 Analyze the Topic Model 14.6 Transformer Models 14.6.1 Importing Libraries and Gathering Data 14.6.2 Embedding the Documents 14.6.3 Flattening the Data 14.6.4 Isolating Clusters with HDBScan 14.6.5 Analyzing the Labels 14.6.6 Outliers (Noise) 14.7 Top2Vec in Python 14.7.1 Creating a Top2Vec Model 14.7.2 Analyzing Our Topic Model 14.7.3 Working with Bigrams and Trigrams 14.7.4 Saving and Loading a Top2Vec Model Chapter 15 Text Analysis with BookNLP 15.1 Introduction to BookNLP 15.1.1 What Is BookNLP? 15.1.2 Why Books and Larger Documents? 15.1.3 How to Install BookNLP 15.2 Getting Started With BookNLP 15.2.1 Importing BookNLP and Creating a Pipeline 15.2.2 Setting up the File and Directories 15.2.3 Running the Pipeline 15.3 The Output Files 15.3.1 The .tokens File 15.3.2 The .entities File 15.3.3 The .quotes File 15.3.4 The .supersense File 15.3.5 The .book File 15.3.6 The .book.html File 15.4 Character Analysis 15.4.1 Analyzing the Characters (From BookNLP Repo) 15.4.2 Parsing Verb Usage 15.5 Events Analysis 15.5.1 Exploring the Tokens File 15.5.2 Grabbing the Events 15.5.3 Analyzing Events Words and Lemmas 15.5.4 Grabbing Event Sentences 15.5.5 Bringing Everything Together 15.5.6 Creating an .events File 15.5.7 Conclusion Chapter 16 Social Network Analysis 16.1 The Basic Concepts of Social Network Analysis 16.1.1 Basic Terminology 16.1.2 SNA Libraries in Python 16.2 Introduction to NetworkX 16.2.1 Adding All Edges at Once 16.2.2 Asymmetrical Networks 16.2.3 Calculating Shortest Distance 16.2.4 Calculating Connections 16.2.5 Identifying Major Actors in a Network 16.2.6 Limitations of Matplotlib and NetworkX 16.3 Producing Dynamic Graphs with PyVis 16.3.1 The Basics of PyVis 16.4 NetworkX and PyVis 16.5 Adding Color to Nodes 16.6 SNA on Humanities Data: Structuring the Data 16.6.1 Examining the Data 16.7 SNA on Humanities Data: Creating the Graph 16.7.1 Building the Network 16.7.2 Visualizing the Network 16.7.3 Adding Menus 16.7.4 Conclusion Part IV Designing an Application with Streamlit Chapter 17 Introduction to Streamlit 17.1 Creating Our First App 17.1.1 Options for Application Development in Python 17.1.2 Installing Streamlit 17.1.3 Creating a Home Page 17.2 Displaying Data in Streamlit 17.2.1 Displaying Text to Users 17.2.2 Displaying Python Data Structures Data Structures with st.write() Data Structures with st.json() 17.2.3 Displaying Tabular Data Tabular Data with st.write() Tabular Data with st.dataframe() Tabular Data with st.table() Tabular Data with st.markdown() 17.2.4 Displaying Multimedia in Streamlit Images Audio Video 17.3 Streamlit Input Widgets 17.3.1 Text Input Widgets st.text_input() st.text_area() 17.3.2 Numerical Input Widgets st.number_input() st.slider() 17.3.3 Date and Time Input Widgets st.date_input() st.time_input() 17.3.4 Boolean Input Widgets st.checkbox() st.button() 17.3.5 Selection Widgets st.selectbox() st.multiselect() Chapter 18 Advanced Streamlit Features 18.1 Data Visualization 18.1.1 Metrics 18.1.2 Plotting Basic Graphs with Streamlit Line Charts with st.line_chart() Bar Charts with st.bar_chart() Area Charts with st.area_chart() 18.1.3 Map Charts Creating Maps with Third-Party Maps – An Example with PyDeck 18.2 Layout Design 18.2.1 Layout Widgets Sidebar Columns Expander Container Tabs Empty 18.3 Streamlit Cache and Session States 18.3.1 Caching Data with @st.cache_data 18.4 Storing Data with st.session_state 18.5 Custom HTML 18.6 Multi-Page Applications Chapter 19 Building a Database Query Application 19.1 Building a Database Query Application 19.1.1 Importing the Libraries 19.1.2 Caching Data 19.1.3 Creating Our App Layout 19.1.4 Using User Inputs to Produce a New DataFrame 19.2 Deploying an App in the Cloud with Streamlit Share 19.2.1 Create a GitHub Account 19.2.2 Upload Application to GitHub 19.2.3 Connect Streamlit Share to your GitHub 19.2.4 Create a New App 19.2.5 Set Custom Subdomain Part V Conclusion Chapter 20 Conclusion Index