Table of contents : Tables and Illustrations Foreword by D. A. Carson Acknowledgment Introduction: The Need
Part 1: Basic Interpretive Principles
God Interpretive Implications of God's Activity The Status of the Bible Interacting with Scientific Claims Three Modern Myths in Interpreting Genesis 1 The Genre of Genesis Summary of Hermeneutical Principles Part 2: Exegetical Concerns
Correlations with Providence in Genesis 1 The Water Above (Gen. 1:6–8) Correlations with Providence in Genesis 2–3 Part 3: Interpreting Genesis 1–3 as a Larger Whole
Time in Genesis 1 Implications for Modern Views of Genesis 1 Attitudes and Expectations The Days of Genesis 1 Factuality and Literalism Conclusion Appendix A: Genesis 1:1 Is the First Event, Not a Summary Appendix B: The Meaning of Accommodation Appendix C: A Misunderstanding of Calvin on Genesis 1:6–8 and 1:5 Appendix D: Multiple Interpretations of Ancient Texts Bibliography Subject Index Scripture Index