Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification: In honor of Vyjayanthi Chari on the occasion of her 60th birthday (Progress in Mathematics, 337) 3030638480, 9783030638481

This volume collects chapters that examine representation theory as connected with affine Lie algebras and their quantum

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English Pages 464 [453] Year 2022

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Table of contents :
Publications of Vyjayanthi Chari
Edited Volumes
Students of Vyjayanthi Chari
Part I Courses
String Diagrams and Categorification
1 Introduction
2 Strict Monoidal Categories and String Diagrams
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Examples
2.3 String Diagrams
3 Monoidally Generated Algebras
3.1 Presentations
3.2 The Symmetric Group
3.3 Degenerate Affine Hecke Algebras
3.4 The Braid Group
3.5 Hecke Algebras
3.6 Wreath Product Algebras
3.7 Affine Wreath Product Algebras
3.8 Quantum Affine Wreath Product Algebras
4 Pivotal Categories
4.1 Duality
4.2 Mates
4.3 Pivotal Categories
5 Categorification
5.1 Additive Categories
5.2 The Grothendieck Ring
5.3 The Trace
5.4 Action of the Trace on the Center
5.5 The Chern Character
5.6 Idempotent Completions
6 Heisenberg Categories
6.1 Categorification of Symmetric Functions
6.2 Base Category
6.3 Affine Oriented Brauer Category
6.4 Heisenberg Categories
Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras
1 A Forerunner: Chari and Pressley's Paper on Quantum Affine sl2
1.1 The Hopf Algebra U_q(Lsl2)
1.2 Simple Finite-Dimensional U_q(L sl2)-Modules
1.3 Relation with Cluster Algebras
1.4 How Can We Generalize?
2 Reminder on Finite-Dimensional U_q(g)-Modules
2.1 Cartan Matrix
2.2 Classification
2.3 q-Characters
2.4 T-Systems
3 Quivers, Subcategories, and Cluster Algebras
3.1 Quivers
3.2 Subcategories
3.3 Cluster Algebras
4 Main Conjecture
4.1 Statements and Examples
4.2 What Is Known?
4.2.1 Part (ii)
4.2.2 First Evidences
4.2.3 Proof in Simply-Laced Cases
4.2.4 Connection with Quiver Hecke Algebras
4.2.5 Non-Simply-Laced Cases
4.2.6 Real Modules
5 Geometric Character Formulas
5.1 Quiver Grassmannians and F-Polynomials
5.2 The Algebra A
5.3 Some A-Modules
5.4 Geometric q-Character Formula
5.5 Comments on Theorem 5.6
5.5.1 Kirillov–Reshetikhin Modules
5.5.2 Standard Modules
5.5.3 Relation to Nakajima's Theory
5.5.4 Beyond KR-Modules and Standard Modules
Part II Surveys
Work of Vyjayanthi Chari
Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs: An Introduction with OpenProblems
1 Introduction
2 Elementary Linear Groups and Their Steinberg Groups
2.1 Elementary Linear Groups
2.2 Why Is En(A) Important?
2.3 The Steinberg Groups Stn(A) and St(A)
2.4 Central Extensions
2.7 Another Look at Stn(A) and St(A): Using Root Systems
2.8 Another Look at StN(A): Fewer Generators
2.9 Another Look at StN(A): Fewer Relations
2.10 The Steinberg Group St(MIJ(A),R)
2.12 Another Look at EN(A)
3 Generalizations
3.1 Locally Finite Root Systems lfrs
3.2 Classification of Root Systems
3.3 3-Graded Root Systems
3.4 Jordan Pairs
3.5 Examples of Jordan Pairs
3.6 Root Graded Jordan Pairs
3.7 The Steinberg Group St(V,R)
3.8 Theorem A
3.9 Highlights of Our Approach
3.10 The Tits–Kantor–Koecher Algebra and the Projective Elementary Group of a Jordan Pair
3.11 Theorem B
3.12 The Tits–Kantor–Koecher Algebra of a Rectangular Matrix Pair
3.13 The Projective Elementary Group of a Rectangular Matrix Pair
4 Some Open Problems
4.1 The Normal Subgroup Structure of PE(V)
4.2 Central Closedness of St(V,R) in Low Ranks
4.3 Centrality of Ker(π)
On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field
1 Introduction
2 From p-Adic Groups to Affine Hecke Algebras
2.1 Bernstein Decomposition
2.1.1 Equivalences of Categories
2.1.2 Parabolic Induction
2.2 The Case of Type A
2.2.1 Hecke Algebras
2.3 Classification of Irreducible Representations
2.4 Alternative Type-Theory Approach
3 From Affine Hecke Algebras to Quantum Groups
3.1 A Quantization
3.2 Standard Modules and Underlying Geometry
3.3 Dual Canonical Basis
3.3.1 KLR-Algebras
3.4 Kazhdan–Lusztig Polynomials
4 Quantum Affine Algebras
4.1 Quantum Affine Schur–Weyl Duality
4.2 Irreducibility and Cyclic Modules
Part III Papers
Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups
1 Introduction
2 Quiver-Hecke and Affine Hecke Algebras of Type C
2.1 Quiver-Hecke Algebras
2.1.1 Symmetric Quivers
2.1.2 The Quiver-Hecke Algebra of Type C
2.1.3 Induction and Restriction
2.1.4 The Mackey's Theorem
2.1.5 Example: The Case of Rank 1 or 2
2.2 Affine Hecke Algebras
3 Reminder on Representations of p-Adic Groups
3.1 Generalities
3.2 The Bernstein Center
3.2.1 Bernstein's Blocks
3.2.2 Bushnell–Kutzko Types
3.3 Level 0 and Unipotent Modules
4 Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups
4.1 Generalities on Representations of p-Adic Classical Groups
4.1.1 The General Linear Group
4.1.2 Classical Groups
4.2 Categorical Representations in Characteristic Zero
4.2.1 Categorical Action for GL
4.2.2 Categorical Action for SO
4.3 Categorical Representations in non-Natural Characteristic
5 Appendix: Geometric Realization of the Quiver-Hecke Algebra
5.1 The Convolution Algebra
5.1.1 Preliminaries
5.1.2 The Convolution Algebra
5.2 The Theorem
5.2.1 Definition of the Generators
5.2.2 The Theorem
Formulae of i-Divided Powers in U_qsl_2, II
1 Introduction
2 The -Divided Powers tev(n) for Even Weights and Even κ
2.1 The Quantum sl2
2.2 The Coideal Subalgebra U
2.3 Definition of tev(n) for Even κ
2.4 Polynomials pn(x) and p(n)(x)
2.5 Formulae for tev(n) with Even κ
2.6 The -Canonical Basis for ev for Even κ
2.7 Proof of Theorem 2.5
3 The -Divided Powers todd(n) for Odd Weights and Even κ
3.1 Definition of todd(n) for Even κ
3.2 Formulae of todd(n) with Even κ
3.3 The -Canonical Basis for odd for Even κ
3.4 Proof of Theorem 3.2
4 The -Divided Powers tev(n) for Even Weights and Odd κ
4.1 Definition of tev(n) for Odd κ
4.2 Polynomials pn(x) and p(n)(x)
4.3 Formulae for tev(n) with Odd κ
4.4 The -Canonical Basis for ev with Odd κ
4.5 Proof of Theorem 4.3
5 The -Divided Powers todd(n) for Odd Weights and Odd κ
5.1 Definition of todd(n) for Odd κ
5.2 Formulae for todd(n) with Odd κ
5.3 The -Canonical Basis for odd with Odd κ
5.4 Proof of Theorem 5.1
6 On the -Divided Powers for Generic κ
Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action
1 Introduction
2 The Group W"426830A n "526930B
2.1 Definition and a Projective System
2.3 Relations in W"426830A n "526930B
2.4 The Dual Picture
2.5 Reduced Burau Representation
2.6 W"426830A n "526930B as Complex Reflection Groups
3 The Identity w"426830A n "526930B 0 = - zc θ
3.1 The Statement
3.2 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type A
3.3 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type B
3.4 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type C
3.5 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type D
3.6 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type E6
3.7 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type E7, E8, and F4
3.8 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type G2
4 An Explicit Description of w0*"426830A n "526930B w v
4.1 A Characterization
4.2 Formula in Type A
4.3 Formula in Type D
4.4 An Algorithm to Compute B"426830A n "526930B w
Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(infinity) Crystal in the Bipartite Case
1 Introduction
1.1 Root Data and Kac–Moody Lie Algebras
1.2 The Crystal B(infinity)
1.3 Adjoining Faces to Trails
1.4 Comparison with Crystal Operators
2 Coxeter Elements
2.1 Coxeter Elements in Finitely Generated Groups
2.2 Bipartite Coxeter Elements
3 The Kashiwara Functions
3.1 Preliminaries
3.2 Kashiwara Functions
3.3 A Crystal Structure on B_J
3.4 Dual Kashiwara Operators
3.5 Berenstein–Zelevinsky Trails
3.6 The Initial Driving Trail
3.7 Trail Functions
3.8 Faces and the Parametrization of Trails
3.8.1 Faces and Face Functions
3.8.2 Parametrization of Trails
3.9 The Positivity Condition
4 Adjoining Faces to Trails
4.1 Preliminaries
4.1.1 S-Graphs
4.1.2 The Inductive Construction and -Minimal Trails
4.1.3 False Trails
4.1.4 Z-Skins and Trails
4.2 Assumptions
4.3 Some Computations
4.4 The Crystal B(w_t) as a Subcrystal of B(infinity)
4.5 The Map Theta
4.6 Corollary of Lemma in Sect.4.5
4.7 A Comparison Lemma
4.8 The Importance of Periodicity: An Example
4.9 The Image of Z-Skin of an S-Set in the Periodic Case
4.10 Corollary of Proposition in Sect.4.9
4.11 Concluding Remarks
5 Demazure Crystals
5.1 Demazure Modules
5.2 The Crystal Analogue
5.3 The Demazure Property
5.4 A Question Coming from Trails
6 Main Theorem
6.1 An Upper Bound on Coefficients
6.2 Corollary of Lemma in Sect.6.1
6.3 The Statement of the Main Theorem
6.4 The Induction
6.5 False Trails Revisited
6.6 Adjoining Faces to Trails
6.6.1 One Non-zero Value
6.6.2 Two Consecutive Non-zero Values
6.6.3 General Case
6.6.4 A Corollary of Sects.6.6.1–6.6.3
6.6.5 Comparison with Crystals
6.7 The Last Step of the Proof of Theorem in Sect.6.3
6.8 The Case When cn-1≠0
6.9 Reduction to the Case When cn-1≠0
6.9.1 Orthogonal Simple Roots
6.9.2 Non-orthogonal Simple Roots
6.9.3 A Condition for K(d) and K(d) to be Trails
6.9.4 The Case When the Coefficient Set Is Described by Sect.6.6.1
6.9.5 The Case When the Coefficient Set Is Described by Sect.6.6.3
6.10 Concluding Remarks
6.11 Exceptional Types
6.12 The Difficulty
7 Examples
8 Index of Notation
Lusztig's t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals
1 Introduction
2 Generalized Exponents
2.1 Background
2.2 Classical Types
2.3 Stable Versions
3 Stabilized Generalized Exponents and Crystal Graphs of Type A_+infinity
3.1 Crystal of Type A_+infinity
3.2 Combinatorial Preliminaries
3.3 A Combinatorial Description of the Series K_lambda,0 Cinfinity(t)
3.4 Distinguished Tableaux and Zero Weight King Type Tableaux
4 Type C_n Generalized Exponents via the Kwon Model
5 Three Applications of Theorem 4.1
5.1 Growth of Generalized Exponents
5.2 Reducing a Type C Generalized Exponent to One of Type A
5.3 The Smallest Power of t in KC_n_lambda0(t)
6 The Atomic Decomposition: Definitions and Basic Facts
6.1 Characters and t-Deformations
6.2 The Definition of the Atomic Decomposition
6.3 Atomic Decomposition of Finite Crystals
7 The Partial Order on Dominant Weights
7.1 Type A_n-1
7.2 Types B_n, C_n, and D_n
8 Modified Crystal Operators on Classical Crystals
8.1 Definition of the Modified Crystal Operators
8.2 Properties of the Modified Crystal Operators
9 Atomic Decomposition of Crystals in Classical Types
9.1 Type A_n-1
9.2 Types B_n, C_n, and D_n
10 Atomic Decomposition: Additional Facts and Perspectives
11 Geometric Interpretation of the Atomic Decomposition
12 Atomic Decomposition for 1-Dimensional Sums
12.1 Background on 1-Dimensional Sums
12.2 Bi-Crystal Structure and Atomic Decomposition in Type A
12.3 Atomic Decomposition of the Stable 1-Dimensional Sums
Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian
1 Introduction
2 Dynkin Diagrams and Weyl Groups
2.1 Finite Type Dynkin Diagrams
2.2 Extended Dynkin Diagram and Root System
2.3 Bruhat Order and Reduced Expressions
2.4 The Weyl Involution
2.5 Semi-Direct Product Decomposition
2.6 Support
2.7 Minimal Representatives
2.8 The Group G
2.9 The Loop Group
2.10 The Adjoint Group G
2.11 Nilpotent Set of Roots
2.12 Tits' Functor for Kac–Moody Groups
2.13 Parabolic Subgroups
2.14 The Bruhat Decomposition
2.15 Affine Schubert Varieties
2.16 The Opposite Cell
2.17 The Demazure Product
3 The Cominuscule Grassmannian
3.2 The Cominuscule Grassmannian
3.3 The Cotangent Bundle
3.5 Bilinear Form
3.10 Action on W
3.11 The Co-Weight q
4 The Conormal Variety of a Schubert variety
4.1 The Conormal Variety
5 Determinantal Varieties
5.1 The Weyl Group of D_n
5.2 The Involution i for D_n
5.3 Skew-Symmetric Determinantal Varieties
Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gl_n Algebras
1 Introduction
2 Quantum Groups
2.1 Quantum Algebra U_q gl_n
2.2 Quantum Affine Algebra U_q(hat gl_n)
3 Quantum Toroidal gl_n
3.1 Definition of E_n
3.2 Fused Currents
3.3 The Subalgebra A
4 Quantum Affine Evaluation Map
4.1 The Definition of the Quantum Affine Evaluation Map
4.2 Proof
5 Evaluation Modules
5.1 Evaluation Modules
5.2 Highest Weight Evaluation Modules
5.3 Wakimoto Evaluation Modules
6 Proof of Theorem 5.3
6.1 The Plan of the Proof
6.2 Projection
6.3 Action of Ki+-=(z) on GZ0
6.4 Action of K+-=(z) on GZ0: The First Components
6.5 Action of Kpm=(z) on GZ0: The General Case
6.6 The End of the Proof
Dynamical Quantum Determinants and Pfaffians
1 Introduction
2 Dynamical Analogue of the Quantum Algebra M(n)
3 Quasideterminants and Dieudonné Determinants
4 Dynamical Quantum Pfaffians
Recommend Papers

Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification: In honor of Vyjayanthi Chari on the occasion of her 60th birthday (Progress in Mathematics, 337)
 3030638480, 9783030638481

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Progress in Mathematics 337

Jacob Greenstein David Hernandez Kailash C. Misra Prasad Senesi Editors

Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification In honor of Vyjayanthi Chari on the occasion of her 60th birthday

Progress in Mathematics Volume 337

Series Editors Antoine Chambert-Loir , Université Paris-Diderot, Paris, France Jiang-Hua Lu, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China Michael Ruzhansky, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York, USA

Progress in Mathematics is a series of books intended for professional mathematicians and scientists, encompassing all areas of pure mathematics. This distinguished series, which began in 1979, includes research level monographs, polished notes arising from seminars or lecture series, graduate level textbooks, and proceedings of focused and refereed conferences. It is designed as a vehicle for reporting ongoing research as well as expositions of particular subject areas.

More information about this series at

Jacob Greenstein • David Hernandez Kailash C. Misra • Prasad Senesi Editors

Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification In honor of Vyjayanthi Chari on the occasion of her 60th birthday

Editors Jacob Greenstein Department of Mathematics University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA, USA

David Hernandez IMJ-PRG Université de Paris Paris, France

Kailash C. Misra Department of Mathematics North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC, USA

Prasad Senesi Department of Mathematics Catholic University of America Washington D.C., WA, USA

ISSN 0743-1643 ISSN 2296-505X (electronic) Progress in Mathematics ISBN 978-3-030-63848-1 ISBN 978-3-030-63849-8 (eBook) Mathematics Subject Classification: 17Bxx, 17Cxx, 16Fxx, 16Txx, 16Wxx, 18Dxx © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This book is published under the imprint Birkhäuser, by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland


This volume is dedicated to Vyjayanthi Chari on the occasion of her 60th birthday. A summer school and a conference entitled Interactions of quantum affine algebras with cluster algebras, current algebras and categorification was held in her honour at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA, in June 2018. The conference attracted over a hundred participants from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Russia, Singapore and the USA. Apart from two mini-courses and eighteen talks given by renowned researchers, several sessions of short talks were organized in order to provide young researchers with an opportunity to present their work. Subsequently, distinguished experts in representation theory were invited to contribute survey and research articles, which comprise the present volume. The focus here is on various aspects of representation theory connected with affine Lie algebras and their quantum analogues, the area in which the impact of Vyjayanthi Chari’s work is difficult to overestimate. The volume contains lecture notes from minicourses, three survey articles and eight original research articles. All contributions underwent a rigorous refereeing process befitting any mathematical journal. The detailed notes of lecture courses not only provide a welcome reminder of the content of these courses to the participants but also enable all those who did not attend the meeting to profit from insights of leading specialists into the latest developments in corresponding fields. The first, String Diagrams and Categorification, presented by Alistair Savage (Ottawa), provides an exposition of the use of the diagrammatics and the definition of various strict monoidal categories by generators and relations. The simplicity, brevity and clarity of these notes should be appreciated by graduate students and more advanced researchers seeking a quick introduction to the field. It also takes as its focus the Heisenberg category, which is not so well-known. The second, Quantum affine algebras and cluster algebras, presented by Bernard Leclerc (Caen) and written jointly by him and David Hernandez (Paris 7), is concerned with categorification of cluster algebras via monoidal categories of finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras. The area progressed significantly since the original work of Hernandez and Leclerc (Duke Mathematical v



Journal, 2010). The present notes provide an introduction to the subject, building up from seminal work of Chari and Pressley on classification of simple finitedimensional modules over quantum affine algebras to the latest developments, providing connections with geometric representation theory as well as a discussion of some conjectures. The second part (Surveys) of the volume opens with a survey of scientific contributions of Vyjayanthi Chari, written by Jacob Greenstein and David Hernandez. In his survey Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs: An Introduction with Open Problems, Erhard Neher provides a concise introduction to the theory developed in his book (co-authored with Ottmar Loos). The paper contains a lot of examples and, while avoiding heavy proofs and cumbersome technical details, provides necessary definitions and ideas behind the proofs. It ends with a list of important open problems for Steinberg groups and related questions in the setting of Jordan pairs. Maxim Gurevich in his survey On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups over a p-Adic Field presents some similarities and links between various objects of rather different nature corresponding to root data of type A. It connects the category of complex smooth representations of GLn (D), where D is a division algebra over a non-Archimedean local field, with representations of affine Hecke algebras. The Grothendieck ring of the latter is then connected to the positive part of the quantum version of slN and, via Chari–Pressley version of the Schur– Weyl duality, with quantum affine algebras. The survey puts a particular emphasis on recent developments. The original research papers contained in the last part of the volume cover a large variety of topics, which reflects the versatility and scope of the work of Vyjayanthi Chari and her influence on the field. It opens with Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups by Michela Varagnolo and Éric Vasserot, which is closely connected to some of the structures discussed in the preceding survey. The paper studies categorical action for p-adic groups of types B and C. The quiver Hecke algebra involved has been introduced in an earlier work of the authors (Inventiones Mathematicae, 2011) when the involution of the quiver does not have fixed points. In this paper, the authors gave some more general results on these algebras when the involution has fixed points. As in type A, these quiver Hecke algebras also categorify some Boson algebra. The authors constructed a categorical action of this Boson algebra on the p-adic groups of types B and C and compared it with the categorification given by quiver Hecke algebras. The paper Formulae of ı-Divided Powers in Uq (sl2 ), II by Weiqiang Wang and Collin Berman is concerned with coideal subalgebras of Uq (sl2 ) and their ıcanonical bases whose existence was established in an earlier work of the first author and Huanchen Bao (Inventiones Mathematicae, 2018). The coideal subalgebra U ı in question depends on a parameter κ. The present work extends the results of the authors (Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2018) for κ = 0 or 1 to the case when κ is an arbitrary polynomial in q + q −1 and obtains explicit formulae for elements of the ı-canonical basis in that case.



In Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action, Yiqiang Li and Yan Ling define, for each Cartan matrix, a projective system of Weyl-like groups indexed by nonnegative integers. In type A, these groups are related to reduced Burau representations and, in general, to complex reflection groups. This construction is inspired by graded quiver varieties and is expected to serve as a toll in the study of graded/cyclic quiver varieties in the spirit of recent work of the first author. The next two papers are concerned with crystals, which proved to be an invaluable tool in representation theory since their appearance in the early nineties in works of Kashiwara and Lusztig. A notoriously hard problem in theory of crystals is finding an explicit combinatorial description of Kashiwara’s B(∞) crystal. Only partial results are available so far. Notably, Berenstein and Zelevinsky (Inventiones Mathematicae, 2001) described B(∞) for any simple finite-dimensional Lie algebra g, as a polyhedral subset of the set of integer points of an r-dimensional affine space, where r is the number of positive roots of g. The linear functions describing this polyhedral subset are given by “trails” in the fundamental modules of lowest weight of the Langlands dual of g, depend on a reduced decomposition i of the longest element of the Weyl group of g and, in general, are very difficult to compute. In Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case, Anthony Joseph used combinatorial tools introduced in his recent work to show that, in the special case when i is obtained from a power of a suitable Coxeter element, the set of trails is in natural bijection with the crystal of a suitable highest weight fundamental module (the existence of such a bijection was conjectured by Shmuel Zelikson). The paper Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals by Cédric Lecouvey and Cristian Lenart is concerned with combinatorial descriptions of Kostant’s generalized exponents (also known to coincide with Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials in a special situation, as well as Lustig’s t-analogues of weight multiplicities). These polynomials have been attracting attention of combinatorialists and representation theorists for quite a while, due to a large variety of their interpretations from different points of view. The present paper surveys earlier results obtained by authors, as well as new results and ideas. For instance, they introduce modified crystal operator and, for symplectic Lie algebras, obtain a combinatorial description of the generalized exponents based on the so-called distinguished vertices in crystals of type A2n−1 and, as a result, a combinatorial proof of the positivity of Lusztig t-analogues. They were also able to deduce known results in type A without using either combinatorics of semistandard tableaux or charge statistics. More geometric aspects of representation theory are represented in this volume in Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian by V. Lakshmibai and Rahul Singh. Let G be an almost simple, simply connected algebraic group over an algebraically closed field k either of characteristic zero or of a “good” positive characteristic. The paper is concerned with the study of certain special homogeneous spaces G/P , known as “cominuscule Grassmannians”, where P is a maximal parabolic subgroup corresponding to omitting a cominuscule root. Specifically, the



authors construct an open dense embedding of the cotangent bundle of G/P into a Schubert variety in a partial affine flag variety associated with the loop group   G k[t, t −1 ] . This embedding is then used to study the geometry of conormal bundles of subvarieties of G/P . Evaluation modules over affine Lie algebras and quantum affine algebras were featured prominently in Vyjayanthi Chari’s work. For instance, in one of her early papers, she classified simple modules of that type over affine Lie algebras, while in her joint work with Andrew Pressley they described all simple modules over quantum affine sl2 in terms of quantum evaluation map. However, evaluation homomorphism does not exist in quantum affine setting outside of type A. Morally, toroidal algebras can be obtained from quantum affine algebras by applying Drinfeld’s affinization to quantum affine algebras, and Kei Miki showed (although without a complete proof) that the resulting algebra admits an evaluation homomorphism to the quantum loop algebra of gln . In Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras, Boris Feigin, Michio Jimbo and Evgeny Mukhin study homomorphism and, under some restriction on quantum parameters, modules over quantum toroidal algebras that can be built out of it. They also obtained the decomposition of the evaluation Wakimoto module with respect to a Gelfand– Zeitlin-type subalgebra of a completion of this quantum toroidal algebra. The last paper in this volume, Dynamical Quantum Determinants and Pfaffians by Naihuan Jing and Jian Zhang, is concerned with the so-called dynamical quantum groups. The famous way of constructing quantum (semi)groups out of Rmatrices, due to Faddeev, Reshetikhin and Takhtajan, was generalized by Etingof and Varchenko to yield the so-called dynamical quantum groups. Just like in the “ordinary” FRT setting, a dynamical quantum group is obtained from the corresponding quantum semigroup using localization with respect to the dynamical quantum determinant, which is a canonical group-like central element, and one can develop quantum dynamical linear algebra. In the present paper, the authors introduce dynamical quantum Pfaffians and study their properties (“usual” quantum Pfaffians were studied in authors’ earlier work Advances in Mathematics 2014). Their main technique is to use quadratic algebras or quantum de Rham complexes.

Acknowledgments The conference Interactions of quantum affine algebras with cluster algebras, current algebras and categorification was supported by the NSF grant DMS1810211, the European Research Council under the European Union’s Framework Programme H2020 with ERC Grant Agreement number 647353 QAffine, the Catholic University of America (Washington DC, USA) and the Department of Mathematics at the University of California Riverside (Riverside, CA, USA).



The editors thank all the authors who contributed to this volumes and all the referees for their meticulous work. Riverside, CA, USA

Jacob Greenstein

Paris, France

David Hernandez

Raleigh, NC, USA

Kailash C. Misra

Washington, DC, USA August, 2020

Prasad Senesi

With speakers of the conference “Interactions of quantum affine algebras with cluster algebras, current algebras and categorification” First row left to right: Monica Vazirani, Shrawan Kumar, Vyjayanthi Chari, Erhard Neher, David Hernandez and Cristian Lenart Second row left to right: Masaki Kashiwara, Georgia Benkart, Anthony Joseph, Eric Vasserot, Bernard Leclerc, Alistair Savage, Adriano Moura and Bogdan Ion Third row left to right: Yiqiang Li, Weiqiang Wang, Michael Lau and Aaron Lauda

x Preface

With graduate students, postdocs and visiting students First row left to right: Lisa Schneider, Kayla Murray, Ronald Dolbin, Nathan Manning and Matthew Bennett Second row left to right: Vyjayanthi Chari, Justin Davis, Matthew Lee and Peri Shereen Third row left to right: Ghislain Fourier, Tanusree Khandai, Adriano Moura, Jeffrey Wand and Deniz Kus Fourth row left to right: Prasad Senesi, Ryan Moruzzi Jr., Rekha Biswal, Matheus Brito and R. Venkatesh

Preface xi

Publications of Vyjayanthi Chari

1. (with S. Ilangovan), On the Harish-Chandra homomorphism for infinitedimensional Lie algebras, J. Algebra 90 (1984), no. 2, 476–490, https://doi. org/10.1016/0021-8693(84)90185-6. 2. Annihilators of Verma modules for Kac-Moody Lie algebras, Invent. Math. 81 (1985), no. 1, 47–58, 3. Integrable representations of affine Lie algebras, Invent. Math. 85 (1986), no. 2, 317–335, 4. (with A. Pressley), New unitary representations of loop groups, Math. Ann. 275 (1986), no. 1, 87–104, 5. (with A. Pressley), Towards a classification of integrable representations of affine Lie algebras, Topological and geometrical methods in field theory (Espoo, 1986), World Sci. Publ., Teaneck, NJ, 1986, pp. 17–28. 6. (with A. Pressley), A new family of irreducible, integrable modules for affine Lie algebras, Math. Ann. 277 (1987), no. 3, 543–562, BF01458331. 7. (with A. Pressley), Unitary representations of the maps S1 → su(N, 1), Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 102 (1987), no. 2, 259–272, 1017/S0305004100067281. 8. (with A. Pressley), Integrable representations of twisted affine Lie algebras, J. Algebra 113 (1988), no. 2, 438–464, 9. (with A. Pressley), Unitary representations of the Virasoro algebra and a conjecture of Kac, Compositio Math. 67 (1988), no. 3, 315–342. 10. (with A. Pressley), Unitary representations of some infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, Theta functions—Bowdoin 1987, Part 1 (Brunswick, ME, 1987), Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., vol. 49, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1989, pp. 239–257. 11. (with A. Pressley), Integrable representations of Kac-Moody algebras: results and open problems, Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and groups (LuminyMarseille, 1988), Adv. Ser. Math. Phys., vol. 7, World Sci. Publ., Teaneck, NJ, 1989, pp. 3–24. xiii


Publications of Vyjayanthi Chari

12. (with A. Pressley), An application of Lie superalgebras to affine Lie algebras, J. Algebra 135 (1990), no. 1, 203–216, 13. (with A. Pressley), Yangians and R-matrices, Enseign. Math. (2) 36 (1990), no. 3–4, 267–302. 14. (with A. Pressley), Notes on quantum groups, Nuclear Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 18A (1990), 207–228, Integrability and quantization (Jaca, 1989). 15. (with A. Pressley), Fundamental representations of Yangians and singularities of R-matrices, J. Reine Angew. Math. 417 (1991), 87–128. 16. (with A. Pressley), Minimal cyclic representations of quantum groups at roots of unity, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 313 (1991), no. 7, 429–434. 17. (with A. Pressley), Introduction to quantum groups, Proceedings of the Hyderabad Conference on Algebraic Groups (Hyderabad, 1989), Manoj Prakashan, Madras, 1991, pp. 81–122. 18. (with A. Pressley), Quantum affine algebras, Comm. Math. Phys. 142 (1991), no. 2, 261–283. 19. (with A. Pressley), Fundamental representations of quantum groups at roots of 1, Lett. Math. Phys. 26 (1992), no. 2, 133–146, BF00398810. 20. (with A. Pressley), Representations of modular Lie algebras through quantum groups, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 317 (1993), no. 8, 723–728. 21. (with A. Pressley), Representations of quantum so(8) and related quantum algebras, Comm. Math. Phys. 159 (1994), no. 1, 29–49. 22. (with A. Pressley), Small representations of quantum affine algebras, Lett. Math. Phys. 30 (1994), no. 2, 131–145, 23. (with A. Premet), Indecomposable restricted representations of quantum sl2, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 30 (1994), no. 2, 335–352, prims/1195166137. 24. (with A. Pressley), Minimal affinizations of representations of quantum groups: the nonsimply-laced case, Lett. Math. Phys. 35 (1995), no. 2, 99–114, https:// 25. (with A. Pressley), Quantum affine algebras and their representations, Representations of groups (Banff, AB, 1994), CMS Conf. Proc., vol. 16, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1995, pp. 59–78. 26. Minimal affinizations of representations of quantum groups: the rank 2 case, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 31 (1995), no. 5, 873–911, prims/1195163722. 27. (with A. Pressley), Minimal affinizations of representations of quantum groups: the irregular case, Lett. Math. Phys. 36 (1996), no. 3, 247–266, 10.1007/BF00943278. 28. (with A. Pressley), Minimal affinizations of representations of quantum groups: the simply laced case, J. Algebra 184 (1996), no. 1, 1–30, 1006/jabr.1996.0247.

Publications of Vyjayanthi Chari


29. (with A. Pressley), Quantum affine algebras and affine Hecke algebras, Pacific J. Math. 174 (1996), no. 2, 295–326. 30. (with A. Pressley), Yangians: their representations and characters, Acta Appl. Math. 44 (1996), no. 1–2, 39–58, Representations of Lie groups, Lie algebras and their quantum analogues. 31. (with A. Pressley), Yangians, integrable quantum systems and Dorey’s rule, Comm. Math. Phys. 181 (1996), no. 2, 265–302. 32. (with A. Pressley), Quantum affine algebras at roots of unity, Represent. Theory 1 (1997), 280–328, 33. (with A. Pressley), Factorization of representations of quantum affine algebras, Modular interfaces (Riverside, CA, 1995), AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., vol. 4, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1997, pp. 33–40. 34. (with A. Pressley), Quantum affine algebras and integrable quantum systems, Quantum fields and quantum space time (Cargèse, 1996), NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. B Phys., vol. 364, Plenum, New York, 1997, pp. 245–263. 35. (with A. Pressley), Twisted quantum affine algebras, Comm. Math. Phys. 196 (1998), no. 2, 461–476, 36. (with J. Beck and A. Pressley), An algebraic characterization of the affine canonical basis, Duke Math. J. 99 (1999), no. 3, 455–487, 1215/S0012-7094-99-09915-5. 37. (with N. Xi), Monomial bases of quantized enveloping algebras, Recent developments in quantum affine algebras and related topics (Raleigh, NC, 1998), Contemp. Math., vol. 248, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999, pp. 69–81, 38. (with N. Jing), Realization of level one representations of Uq (g) ˆ at a root of unity, Duke Math. J. 108 (2001), no. 1, 183–197, S0012-7094-01-10816-8. 39. On the fermionic formula and the Kirillov-Reshetikhin conjecture, Internat. Math. Res. Notices 12 (2001), 629–654, S1073792801000332. 40. (with A. Pressley), Weyl modules for classical and quantum affine algebras, Represent. Theory 5 (2001), 191–223, 41. (with A. Pressley), Integrable and Weyl modules for quantum affine sl2, Quantum groups and Lie theory (Durham, 1999), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., vol. 290, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 48–62. 42. Braid group actions and tensor products, Int. Math. Res. Not. 7 (2002), 357– 382, 43. (with M. Kleber), Symmetric functions and representations of quantum affine algebras, Recent developments in infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and conformal field theory (Charlottesville, VA, 2000), Contemp. Math., vol. 297, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002, pp. 27–45, 297/05091. 44. (with J. Greenstein), Quantum loop modules, Represent. Theory 7 (2003), 56– 80,


Publications of Vyjayanthi Chari

45. (with T. Le), Representations of double affine Lie algebras, A tribute to C. S. Seshadri (Chennai, 2002), Trends Math., Birkhäuser, Basel, 2003, pp. 199–219. 46. (with A. A. Moura), Spectral characters of finite-dimensional representations of affine algebras, J. Algebra 279 (2004), no. 2, 820–839, 1016/j.jalgebra.2004.01.015. 47. (with A. A. Moura), Characters and blocks for finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras, Int. Math. Res. Not. 5 (2005), 257–298, 48. (with J. Greenstein), Filtrations and completions of certain positive level modules of affine algebras, Adv. Math. 194 (2005), no. 2, 296–331, https:// 49. (with D. Jakelic’ and A. A. Moura), Branched crystals and the category O, J. Algebra 294 (2005), no. 1, 51–72, 008. 50. (with J. Greenstein), An application of free Lie algebras to polynomial current algebras and their representation theory, Infinite-dimensional aspects of representation theory and applications, Contemp. Math., vol. 392, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2005, pp. 15–31, 51. (with A. Moura), The restricted Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules for the current and twisted current algebras, Comm. Math. Phys. 266 (2006), no. 2, 431–454, 52. (with A. A. Moura), Characters of fundamental representations of quantum affine algebras, Acta Appl. Math. 90 (2006), no. 1–2, 43–63, 1007/s10440-006-9030-9. 53. (with S. Loktev), Weyl, Demazure and fusion modules for the current algebra of slr+1 , Adv. Math. 207 (2006), no. 2, 928–960, 2006.01.012. 54. (with J. Greenstein), Current algebras, highest weight categories and quivers, Adv. Math. 216 (2007), no. 2, 811–840, 006. 55. (with A. Moura), Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules associated to G2 , Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras and their applications, Contemp. Math., vol. 442, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2007, pp. 41–59, conm/442/08519. 56. (with J. Greenstein), Graded level zero integrable representations of affine Lie algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 6, 2923–2940, https://doi. org/10.1090/S0002-9947-07-04394-2. 57. (with G. Fourier and P. Senesi), Weyl modules for the twisted loop algebras, J. Algebra 319 (2008), no. 12, 5016–5038, 2008.02.030. 58. (with J. Greenstein), A family of Koszul algebras arising from finitedimensional representations of simple Lie algebras, Adv. Math. 220 (2009), no. 4, 1193–1221, 59. (with R. J. Dolbin and T. Ridenour), Ideals in parabolic subalgebras of simple Lie algebras, Symmetry in mathematics and physics, Contemp. Math., vol. 490,

Publications of Vyjayanthi Chari



62. 63.





68. 69.






Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009, pp. 47–60, conm/490/09586. (with D. Hernandez), Beyond Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules, Quantum affine algebras, extended affine Lie algebras, and their applications, Contemp. Math., vol. 506, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, pp. 49–81, 10.1090/conm/506/09935. (with G. Fourier and T. Khandai), A categorical approach to Weyl modules, Transform. Groups 15 (2010), no. 3, 517–549, (with J. Greenstein), Minimal affinizations as projective objects, J. Geom. Phys. 61 (2011), no. 3, 594–609, Representations of affine and toroidal Lie algebras, Geometric representation theory and extended affine Lie algebras, Fields Inst. Commun., vol. 59, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2011, pp. 169–197. (with M. Bennett, R. J. Dolbin, and N. Manning), Square-bounded partitions and Catalan numbers, J. Algebraic Combin. 34 (2011), no. 1, 1–18, https://doi. org/10.1007/s10801-010-0260-6. (with M. Bennett, J. Greenstein, and N. Manning), On homomorphisms between global Weyl modules, Represent. Theory 15 (2011), 733–752, 10.1090/S1088-4165-2011-00407-6. (with S. Loktev), An application of global Weyl modules of sln+1 [t] to invariant theory, J. Algebra 349 (2012), 317–328, 2011.09.017. (with A. Khare and T. Ridenour), Faces of polytopes and Koszul algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 216 (2012), no. 7, 1611–1625, jpaa.2011.10.014. (with M. Bennett and N. Manning), BGG reciprocity for current algebras, Adv. Math. 231 (2012), no. 1, 276–305, (with M. Bennett), Tilting modules for the current algebra of a simple Lie algebra, Recent developments in Lie algebras, groups and representation theory, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., vol. 86, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2012, pp. 75–97, (with A. Moura and C. Young), Prime representations from a homological perspective, Math. Z. 274 (2013), no. 1–2, 613–645, s00209-012-1088-7. (with M. Bennett, A. Berenstein, A. Khoroshkin, and S. Loktev), Macdonald polynomials and BGG reciprocity for current algebras, Selecta Math. (N.S.) 20 (2014), no. 2, 585–607, (with A. Bianchi, G. Fourier, and A. Moura), On multigraded generalizations of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules, Algebr. Represent. Theory 17 (2014), no. 2, 519–538, (with L. Schneider, P. Shereen, and J. Wand), Modules with Demazure flags and character formulae, SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 10 (2014), Paper 032, 16,


Publications of Vyjayanthi Chari

74. (with G. Fourier and D. Sagaki), Posets, tensor products and Schur positivity, Algebra Number Theory 8 (2014), no. 4, 933–961, 2014.8.933. 75. (with R. Venkatesh), Demazure modules, fusion products and Q-systems, Comm. Math. Phys. 333 (2015), no. 2, 799–830, s00220-014-2175-x. 76. (with B. Ion), BGG reciprocity for current algebras, Compos. Math. 151 (2015), no. 7, 1265–1287, 77. (with B. Ion and D. Kus), Weyl modules for the hyperspecial current algebra, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 15 (2015), 6470–6515, imrn/rnu135. 78. (with M. Bennett), Character formulae and a realization of tilting modules for sl2 [t], J. Algebra 441 (2015), 216–242, 06.026. 79. (with R. Biswal, L. Schneider, and S. Viswanath), Demazure flags, Chebyshev polynomials, partial and mock theta functions, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 140 (2016), 38–75, 80. (with P. Shereen, R. Venkatesh, and J. Wand), A Steinberg type decomposition theorem for higher level Demazure modules, J. Algebra 455 (2016), 314–346, 81. (with M. Brito and A. Moura), Demazure modules of level two and prime representations of quantum affine sln+1 , J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 17 (2018), no. 1, 75–105, 82. (with R. Biswal and D. Kus), Demazure flags, q-Fibonacci polynomials and hypergeometric series, Res. Math. Sci. 5 (2018), no. 1, Paper No. 12, 34, https:// 83. (with D. Kus and M. Odell), Borel–de Siebenthal pairs, global Weyl modules and Stanley-Reisner rings, Math. Z. 290 (2018), no. 1-2, 649–681, https://doi. org/10.1007/s00209-017-2035-4. 84. (with M. Brito), Tensor products and q-characters of HL-modules and monoidal categorifications, J. Éc. polytech. Math. 6 (2019), 581–619, https://

Preprints 85. (with M. Brito), Resolutions and a Weyl Character formula for prime representations of quantum affine sln+1 , available at arXiv:1704.02520. 86. (with R. Biswal, P. Shereen, and J. Wand), Macdonald Polynomials and level two Demazure modules for affine sln+1 , available at arXiv:1910.0548. 87. (with J. Davis and R. Moruzzi Jr.), Generalized Demazure Modules and Prime Representations in Type Dn, available at arXiv:1911.07155.

Publications of Vyjayanthi Chari


Book 88. (with A. Pressley), A guide to quantum groups, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.

Edited Volumes 89. (with I. B. Penkov), Modular interfaces, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 4, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI; International Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997. Proceedings of the conference held in honour of Richard E. Block at the University of California, Riverside, CA, February 18–20, 1995. 90. (with D. Babbitt and R. Fioresi), Symmetry in mathematics and physics, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 490, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2009. Papers from the conference in honour of V. S. Varadarajan’s birthday held at the University of California, Los Angeles, CA, January 18–20, 2008. 91. (with J. Greenstein, K. C. Misra, K. N. Raghavan, and S. Viswanath), Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 602, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2013. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Satellite Conference on Algebraic and Combinatorial Approaches to Representation Theory held in Bangalore, August 12–16, 2010, and its Follow-up Conference held at the University of California, Riverside, CA, May 18–20, 2012.

Students of Vyjayanthi Chari

Matthew Bennett Angelo Bianchi (joint with Adriano Moura) Donna Blanton Samuel Chamberlin Justin Davis Ronald Dolbin Tammy Fisher-Vasta Thang Le Matthew Lee Suzanne Lindborg Mathew Lunde Nathan Manning Ryan Moruzzi, Jr. Kayla Murray Matthew O’Dell Timothy Ridenour Lisa Schneider Prasad Senesi Peri Shereen Jeffrey Wand



Part I Courses String Diagrams and Categorification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alistair Savage


Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Hernandez and Bernard Leclerc


Part II Surveys Work of Vyjayanthi Chari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob Greenstein and David Hernandez Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs: An Introduction with Open Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erhard Neher



On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Maxim Gurevich Part III Papers Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Michela Varagnolo and Eric Vasserot Formulae of ı-Divided Powers in Uq (sl2 ), II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Weiqiang Wang and Collin Berman Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Yiqiang Li and Yan Ling Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case . . . 277 Anthony Joseph




Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Cédric Lecouvey and Cristian Lenart Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 V. Lakshmibai and Rahul Singh Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 Boris Feigin, Michio Jimbo, and Evgeny Mukhin Dynamical Quantum Determinants and Pfaffians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Naihuan Jing and Jian Zhang

Part I


String Diagrams and Categorification Alistair Savage

Dedicated to Vyjayanthi Chari on the occasion of her 60th birthday

Abstract These are lecture notes for a mini-course given at the conference Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras, and Categorification in June 2018. The goal is to introduce the reader to string diagram techniques for monoidal categories, with an emphasis on their role in categorification.

1 Introduction Categorification is rapidly becoming a fundamental concept in many areas of mathematics, including representation theory, topology, algebraic combinatorics, and mathematical physics. One of the principal ingredients in categorification is the notion of a monoidal category. The goal of these notes is to introduce the reader to these categories as they often appear in categorification. Our intention is to motivate the definitions as much as possible, to help the reader build an intuitive understanding of the underlying concepts. We begin in Sect. 2 with the definition of a strict k-linear monoidal category. Our treatment will center on the string diagram calculus for such categories. The importance of this formalism comes from both the geometric intuition it provides and the fact that string diagrams are the framework upon which the applications of categorification to other areas such as knot theory and topology are built. In Sect. 3, we give a number of examples of strict k-linear monoidal categories. Most mathematicians encounter monoidal categories as additional structure on

A. Savage () Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



A. Savage

some concept they already study: sets, vector spaces, group representations, etc., all naturally form monoidal categories. However, we will define abstract monoidal categories via generators and relations. Even though this idea has been around for some time, it is still somewhat foreign to many mathematicians working outside of category theory. We will see how, using this approach, one can obtain extremely efficient descriptions of familiar objects such as symmetric groups, degenerate affine Hecke algebras, braid groups, and wreath product algebras. The formalism of string diagrams is at its best when one has a pivotal category, and we turn to this concept in Sect. 4. We start by discussing dual objects in monoidal categories. Pivotal categories are categories in which all objects have duals, the duality data is compatible with the tensor product, and the right and left mates of morphisms are equal. In pivotal categories, isotopic string diagrams correspond to the same morphism, allowing for intuitive topological arguments, as well as deep connections to topology and knot theory. In Sect. 5, we discuss the idea of categorification, beginning with what is perhaps the standard approach, involving the Grothendieck group/ring of an additive category. We then discuss the trace of a category, and how this gives rise to the second type of categorification. We also define the Chern character map, which relates the Grothendieck group to the trace, and the notion of idempotent completion, motivated by the concept of a projective module. We conclude, in Sect. 6, with the example of Heisenberg categories. We define these categories using the ideas we have developed and explain their relationship to the Heisenberg algebra. Our discussion here is necessarily brief, aiming only to give the reader a taste of a current area of research. We point the interested reader to references for further reading.

2 Strict Monoidal Categories and String Diagrams 2.1 Definitions Throughout this chapter, all categories are assumed to be locally small. In other words, we have a set of morphisms between any two objects. A strict monoidal category is a category C equipped with • a bifunctor (the tensor product) ⊗ : C × C → C and • a unit object 1 such that, for all objects X, Y , and Z of C, we have • (X ⊗ Y ) ⊗ Z = X ⊗ (Y ⊗ Z) and • 1 ⊗ X = X = X ⊗ 1,

String Diagrams and Categorification


and, for all morphisms f , g, and h of C, we have • (f ⊗ g) ⊗ h = f ⊗ (g ⊗ h) and • 11 ⊗ f = f = f ⊗ 11 . Here, and throughout the chapter, 1X denotes the identity endomorphism of an object X. Remark 2.1 Note that, in a (not necessarily strict) monoidal category, the equalities above are replaced by isomorphism, and one imposes certain coherence conditions. For example, suppose k is a field, and let Vectk be the category of finite-dimensional k-vector spaces. In this category, one has isomorphisms (U ⊗ V ) ⊗ W ∼ = U ⊗ (V ⊗ W ), but these isomorphisms are not equalities in general. Similarly, the unit object in this category is the one-dimensional vector space k, and we have k⊗V ∼ =V ∼ = V ⊗k for any vector space V . We will be building monoidal categories “from scratch” via generators and relations. Thus, we are free to require them to be strict. In general, Mac Lane’s coherence theorem for monoidal categories asserts that every monoidal category is monoidally equivalent to a strict one. (For a proof of this fact, see [16, §VII.2] or [12, §XI.5].) So, in practice, we do not lose much by assuming that monoidal categories are strict. (See also [24].)   Fix a commutative ground ring k. A k-linear category is a category C such that • for any two objects X and Y of C, the hom-set HomC (X, Y ) is a k-module and • composition of morphisms is bilinear: f ◦ (αg + βh) = α(f ◦ g) + β(f ◦ h), (αf + βg) ◦ h = α(f ◦ h) + β(g ◦ h), for all α, β ∈ k and morphisms f , g, and h such that the above operations are defined. The category of k-modules is an example of a k-linear category. For any two k-modules M and N, the space Homk (M, N ) is again a k-module under the usual pointwise operations. Composition is bilinear with respect to this k-module structure. A strict k-linear monoidal category is a category that is both strict monoidal and k-linear, and such that the tensor product of morphisms is k-bilinear. Before discussing some examples, we mention the important interchange law. Suppose f

X1 − → X2



Y1 − → Y2

are morphisms in a strict k-linear monoidal category C. Then,


A. Savage

(1X2 ⊗ g) ◦ (f ⊗ 1Y1 ) = ⊗((1X2 , g)) ◦ ⊗((f, 1Y1 )) = ⊗((1X2 , g) ◦ (f, 1Y1 )) = ⊗((f, g)) = f ⊗ g, where the second equality uses that the tensor product is a bifunctor. Similarly, (f ⊗ 1Y2 ) ◦ (1X1 ◦ g) = f ⊗ g. Thus, the following diagram commutes: X1 ⊗ Y1 f ⊗1

X2 ⊗ Y1

1⊗g f ⊗g


X1 ⊗ Y2 f ⊗1

X2 ⊗ Y2

2.2 Examples Let us consider a very simple strict monoidal category. Every monoidal category must have a unit object 1 by definition. But it is possible that this is the only object. The identity axiom for a strict monoidal category forces 1 ⊗ 1 = 1. There is only one hom-set in this category, namely End(1) := Hom(1, 1). The associativity axiom for morphisms in a category implies that End(1) is a monoid under composition, with identity 11 , the identity endomorphism of 1. The axioms of a strict monoidal category imply that End(1) is also a monoid under the tensor product. However, the interchange law forces these monoids to coincide and to be commutative! Indeed, for all f, g ∈ End(1), we have f ◦ g = (f ⊗ 11 ) ◦ (11 ⊗ g) = f ⊗ g = (11 ⊗ g) ◦ (f ⊗ 11 ) = g ◦ f.


Conversely, given any commutative monoid A, we have a strict monoidal category with one object 1, and End(1) = A. The composition and tensor product are both given by the multiplication in A. Now, consider a strict k-linear monoidal category with one object 1. Then, End(1) is an associative k-algebra, and an argument exactly analogous to the one above shows that it is, in fact, commutative. Conversely, every commutative associative k-algebra gives rise to a one-object strict k-linear monoidal category. Note that the above discussion actually shows that End(1) is a commutative monoid in any strict monoidal category and is a commutative k-algebra in any strict

String Diagrams and Categorification


k-linear monoidal category. The monoid/algebra End(1) is called the center of the category. Example 2.2 (Center of Vectk ) Suppose k is a field and consider the category Vectk of finite-dimensional k-vector spaces. This is not a strict monoidal category, but, as noted in Remark 2.1 (see, in particular, [24, Th. 4.3]), we can safely avoid this technicality. The unit object of Vectk is the one-dimensional vector space k, and so the center of this category is Endk (k), which is canonically isomorphic, as a ring, to k via the isomorphism ∼ =

Endk (k) − → k,

f → f (1).


2.3 String Diagrams Strict monoidal categories are especially well suited to being depicted using the language of string diagrams. These diagrams, which are also sometimes called Penrose diagrams, have their origins in the work of Roger Penrose in physics [19]. Working with string diagrams helps build intuition. It also often makes certain arguments obvious, whereas the corresponding algebraic proof can be a bit opaque. We give here a brief overview of string diagrams, referring the reader to [27, Ch. 2] for a detailed treatment. Throughout this section, C will denote a strict k-linear monoidal category. We will denote a morphism f : X → Y by a strand with a coupon labeled f : Y f X

Note that we are adopting the convention that diagrams should be read from bottom to top. The identity map 1X : X → X is a string with no coupon: X


We sometimes omit the object labels (e.g., X and Y above) when they are clear or unimportant. We will also sometimes distinguish identity maps of different objects by some sort of decoration of the string (orientation, dashed versus solid, etc.), rather than by adding object labels. Composition is denoted by vertical stacking (recall that we read pictures bottom to top), and tensor product is horizontal juxtaposition:


A. Savage

f g


f ◦g








The interchange law then becomes f






g f

A general morphism f : X1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Xn → Y1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Ym can be depicted as a coupon with n strands emanating from the bottom and m strands emanating from the top: Y1




··· X1


For the moment, let us denote the identity morphism 11 of the identity object 1 by a dashed line:

Then, the translation into diagrams of our argument from Sect. 2.2 that the center End(1) of the category is a commutative algebra becomes that, for all f, g ∈ End(1), f g


f g


f g


g f


g f



. f

In fact, as we see above, the axioms of a strict (k-linear) monoidal category make it natural to omit the identity morphism 11 of the identity object. So, we draw endomorphisms f ∈ End(1) of the identity as free-floating coupons: f

By (2.1), the horizontal and vertical juxtapositions of such free-floating coupons coincide. So, we may slide these coupons around at will.

String Diagrams and Categorification


3 Monoidally Generated Algebras 3.1 Presentations One should think of working with strict k-linear monoidal categories as doing “twodimensional” algebra with the morphisms. Besides the addition (which corresponds to formal addition of string diagrams), we have two flavors of “multiplication”: horizontal (the tensor product) and vertical (the composition in the category). Just as one can define associative algebras via generators and relations, one can also define strict k-linear monoidal categories in this way. Recall that the free associative k-algebra A on some set {ai : i ∈ I } of generators consists of formal finite k-linear combinations of words in the generators. These words are of the form ai1 ai2 · · · ain ,

i1 , i2 , . . . , in ∈ I.

Multiplication is given by concatenation of words, extended by linearity. The empty word corresponds to the multiplicative identity. If we wish to impose some set R ⊆ A of relations, we then consider the algebra A/ R , where R is the two-sided ideal of A generated by the set R. What this means in practice is that we can make “local substitutions” in words using the relations. For example, if A is the algebra with generators a, b, c, and d and relations ab = c and d 2 = ba, then R = {ab − c, d 2 − ba}, and we have acabbcdda = ac(ab)bc(d 2 )a = accbcbaa. In a similar way, we can give presentations of strict k-linear monoidal categories. (See [26, §I.4.2] for more details.) Now we should specify a set of generating objects, a set of generating morphisms, and some relations on morphisms (not on objects!). If {Xi : i ∈ I } is our set of generating objects, then an arbitrary object in our category is a finite tensor product of these generating objects: Xi1 ⊗ Xi2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Xin ,

i1 , i2 , . . . , in ∈ I, n ∈ N.

We think of 1 as being the “empty tensor product.” If {fj : j ∈ J } is our set of generating morphisms, then we can take arbitrary tensor products and compositions (when domains and codomains match) of these generators, e.g.,   (fj1 ⊗ fj2 ) ◦ (fj3 ◦ fj4 ) ⊗ fj5 ,

j1 , j2 , j3 , j4 , j5 ∈ J.

Working with string diagrams, our generating morphisms are diagrams, and we can vertically and horizontally compose them in any way that makes sense (i.e., making sure that domains and codomains match in vertical composition). Relations allow us to make “local changes” in our diagrams.


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In the examples to be considered below, we will often have generating objects that we will denote by ↑ and ↓. We will always draw their identity morphisms as and



3.2 The Symmetric Group As a concrete example, define S to be the strict k-linear monoidal category with • one generating object ↑, • one generating morphism, : ↑ ⊗ ↑ → ↑ ⊗ ↑, • two relations: =





One could write these relations in a more traditional algebraic manner, if so desired. For example, if we let s=

: ↑ ⊗ ↑ → ↑ ⊗ ↑,

then the two relations in (3.1) become s 2 = 1↑⊗↑


(s ⊗1↑ )◦(1↑ ⊗s)◦(s ⊗1↑ ) = (1↑ ⊗s)◦(s ⊗1↑ )◦(1↑ ⊗s).

Now, in any k-linear category (monoidal or not), we have an endomorphism algebra End(X) of any object X. The multiplication in this algebra is given by vertical composition. In S, every object is of the form ↑⊗n for some n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . An example of an endomorphism of ↑⊗4 is

String Diagrams and Categorification




Using the relations, we see that this morphism is equal to





Fix a positive integer n, and recall that the group algebra kSn of the symmetric group on n letters has a presentation with generators s1 , s2 , . . . , sn−1 (the simple transpositions) and relations si2 = 1,

1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1,


1 ≤ i ≤ n − 2,


1 ≤ i, j ≤ n − 1, |i − j | > 1.


si si+1 si = si+1 si si+1 , si s j = sj s i , Consider the map kSn → EndS (↑⊗n ),

where si is sent to the crossing of the ith and (i + 1)th strands, labeled from right to left. In fact, this map is an isomorphism of algebras. So, the category S contains the group algebras of all of the symmetric groups! Note that the presentation of S is much more efficient than the presentation of the algebras kSn . To define S, we need only one generator and two relations, as opposed to the n − 1 generators and relations (3.2)–(3.4) (whose number is of order n2 ) in the algebraic presentation of kSn , for each n. This efficiency comes from the fact that we are generating the algebras monoidally, where we have both vertical and horizontal “multiplication.” In particular, the “distant braid relation” (3.4) follows for free from the interchange law:


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3.3 Degenerate Affine Hecke Algebras Let AHdeg be the strict k-linear monoidal category S defined in Sect. 3.2, but with an additional generating morphism, which we will call a dot, : ↑→↑ and one additional relation: −



Now, EndAHdeg (↑⊗n ) is isomorphic to the degenerate affine Hecke algebra of type An−1 . In the category AHdeg , the endomorphism algebra of ↑ is now infinite-dimensional, with basis given by m dots , m = 0, 1, 2, . . . .

3.4 The Braid Group Consider another strict k-linear monoidal category B with one generating object ↑ and one generating morphism : ↑ ⊗ ↑→↑ ⊗ ↑ .


We want to impose the relation that this morphism is invertible. Thus, we add another generating morphism that is inverse to (3.5). Let us denote this inverse by : ↑ ⊗ ↑→↑ ⊗ ↑ .


String Diagrams and Categorification


To say that (3.5) and (3.6) are inverse means that we impose the relations =





To complete the definition of B, we impose one more relation: =



Then, EndB (↑⊗n ) is isomorphic to the group algebra of the braid group on n strands. Again, we see that generating these algebras monoidally is extremely efficient.

3.5 Hecke Algebras Fix z ∈ k. Let H(z) be the strict k-linear monoidal category B defined in Sect. 3.4, but with one more relation: −




If z = 0, the relation (3.9) forces the generators (3.5) and (3.6) to be equal. The relations (3.7) and (3.8) then reduce to (3.1). Hence, H(0) = S. On the other hand, if k = C(q) and z = q − q −1 , then EndH(z) (↑⊗n ) is isomorphic to the Iwahori– Hecke algebra of type An−1 .

3.6 Wreath Product Algebras Let A be an associative k-algebra. Let us modify the category S from Sect. 3.2 by adding an endomorphism of ↑ for each element of A. More precisely, define the wreath product category W(A) to be the strict k-linear monoidal category obtained from S by adding morphisms such that we have an algebra homomorphism A → End(↑), In particular, this means that





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a b




for all α, β ∈ k, a, b ∈ A.


(3.10) We call the closed circles appearing in the above diagrams as tokens. We then impose the additional relation a



a ∈ A.



As an example of a diagrammatic proof, note that we can compose (3.11) on the top and bottom with a crossing to obtain



a a








So, tokens also slide up left through crossings. One can show that EndW(A) (↑⊗n ) ∼ = A⊗n  Sn , the nth wreath product algebra associated with A. As a k-module, A⊗n  Sn = A⊗n ⊗k kSn . Multiplication is determined by (a1 ⊗ π1 )(a2 ⊗ π2 ) = a1 (π1 · a2 ) ⊗ π1 π2 ,

a1 , a2 ∈ A⊗n , π1 , π2 ∈ Sn ,

where π1 · a2 denotes the natural action of π1 ∈ Sn on a2 ∈ A⊗n by permutation of the factors. Note that W(k) = S, the symmetric group category.

3.7 Affine Wreath Product Algebras The wreath product category W(A) is a generalization of the symmetric group category S that depends on a choice of associative k-algebra A. We can generalize the degenerate affine Hecke category AHdeg in a similar way as long as we have some additional structure on A. In particular, we suppose that we have a k-linear trace map

String Diagrams and Categorification


tr : A → k ‹

and dual bases B and {b : b ∈ B} of A such that ‹

tr(a b) = δa,b

for all a, b ∈ B.

An algebra with such a trace map is called a Frobenius algebra. We will assume for simplicity here that the trace map is symmetric: tr(ab) = tr(ba)

for all a, b ∈ A.

It is an easy linear algebra exercise to verify that the element b⊗b ∈A⊗A ‹


is independent of the choice of basis B. Also, for all x ∈ A, we have

a ⊗ tr(xa b)b =


a ⊗ tr(a bx)b


a ⊗ xa .





tr(a bx)a ⊗ b =

bx ⊗ b = ‹


We define the affine wreath product category AW(A) to be the strict k-linear monoidal category obtained from W(A) by adding a generating morphism : ↑→↑


and the additional relations b







for all a ∈ A.



To motivate this definition, examine what happens if we add a token labeled a ∈ A to the bottom of the left strand of the diagrams involved in the first relation in (3.13). For the diagrams on the left side, the token slides up to the top of the right strand: a








Since diagrams are linear in the token labels (see (3.10)), (3.12) tells us that the exact same thing happens with the term on the right side of the first relation in (3.13):



ba b∈B


(3.12) =






a b


b a

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Loosely speaking, tokens can “teleport” across the sum appearing in the left relation in (3.13). The name affine wreath product category comes from the fact that

is isomorphic to an affine wreath product algebra. See [22] for a detailed discussion of these algebras. Note that AW(k) is the degenerate affine Hecke category AHdeg . (Here, we take the trace map tr : k → k to be the identity.)

3.8 Quantum Affine Wreath Product Algebras One can also define affine versions of the Hecke category H(z) and generalizations of these categories depending on a Frobenius algebra. We refer the reader to [6, 8, 20] for further details.

4 Pivotal Categories We give here a brief overview of pivotal categories. Further details can be found in [27, §1.7, §2.1].

4.1 Duality Suppose a strict monoidal category has two objects, ↑ and ↓. Recalling our convention that we do not draw the identity morphism of the unit object 1, a morphism 1 →↓ ⊗ ↑ would have string diagram

where we may decorate the cup with some symbol if we have more than one such morphism. The fact that the bottom of the diagram is empty space indicates that the domain of this morphism is the unit object 1. Similarly, we can have

We say that ↓ is right dual to ↑ (and ↑ is left dual to ↓ ) if we have morphisms

String Diagrams and Categorification


such that

(4.1) (The above relations are analogous to the unit–counit formulation of adjunction of functors.) A monoidal category in which every object has both left and right duals is called a rigid, or autonomous, category. If ↑ and ↓ are both left and right dual to each other, then, in addition to the above, we also have

such that

(4.2) To give a concrete example of duality in a monoidal category, consider the category Vectk of finite-dimensional k-vector spaces, where k is a field (see Example 2.2). In this category, the unit object is k. We claim that, if V is any finitedimensional k-vector space, the dual vector space V ∗ is both right and left dual to V in the sense defined above. Indeed, fix a basis B of V , and let {δv : v ∈ B} denote the dual basis of V ∗ . Viewing V as ↑ and V ∗ as ↓, we define

Let us check the right-hand relation in (4.1). The left-hand side is the composition 1V ⊗ ⊗1V V ∼ = V ⊗ k −−−−−→ V ⊗ V ∗ ⊗ V −−−−−→ k ⊗ V ∼ = V,



w ⊗ δv ⊗ v v∈B

δv (w) ⊗ v v∈B

δv (w)v = w. v∈V


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Thus, this composition is precisely the identity map 1V , and so the right-hand relation in (4.1) is satisfied. The verification of the left-hand equality in (4.1) and both equalities in (4.2) are analogous and are left as an exercise for the reader. If ↑ and ↓ are both left and right dual to each other, then we may form closed diagrams of the form ,


f ∈ End(↑). (4.3)

Such closed diagrams live in the center End(1) of the category. Let us consider such a diagram in the category Vectk , where we know from Example 2.2 that the center of the category is isomorphic to k. If f ∈ Endk (V ), then the diagram (4.3) is the composition f ⊗1V ∗

k −−→ V ⊗ V ∗ −−−−→ V ⊗ V ∗ −−→ k, α

v ⊗ δv

α v∈B

f (v) ⊗ δv

α v∈B

δv (f (v)) = αtr(f ),

α v∈B


where tr(f ) is the usual trace of the linear map f . Therefore, under the isomorphism (2.2), the diagram (4.3) corresponds to tr(f ).

4.2 Mates Suppose that an object X in a strict monoidal category has a right dual X∗ . Since we will now need to consider multiple objects with duals, we will denote the identity endomorphisms of X and X∗ by upward and downward strands labeled X: 1X =

and X

1X ∗ =

. X

As explained in Sect. 4.1, the fact that X∗ is right dual to X means that we have morphisms

(4.5) such that


String Diagrams and Categorification


Here, we again label the strands with X to distinguish between the cups and caps for different objects. Suppose X and Y have right duals X∗ and Y ∗ , respectively. Then, every

Now, suppose C is a strict monoidal category in which every object has a right dual. Consider the map R : C → C that sends every object to its right dual and every morphism to its right mate. How does R behave with respect to vertical composition? Omitting object labels, we have

It follows that R is a contravariant functor. In particular, for every object X, the functor R induces a monoid anti-automorphism End(X) → End(X∗ ). (If C is strict k-linear monoidal, then this is an algebra anti-automorphism.) In a manner analogous to the above, if X∗ and Y ∗ are left dual to X and Y , respectively, then every X∗

Y f


∈ End(X, Y )

has left mate



This gives another contravariant endofunctor of C.

∈ End(Y ∗ , X∗ ).


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4.3 Pivotal Categories Let C be a strict monoidal category. Suppose that all objects have right duals, and (X∗ )∗ = X for every object X. It then follows that X∗ is also left dual to X for every object X. In particular, in the language of Sect. 4.2, we define a left cup and cap labeled X to be a right cup and cap, respectively, labeled X∗ : X








If we also add the requirement that the duality data (i.e., the cups and caps) be compatible with the tensor product and that right mates always equal left mates, we get the following definition. Definition 4.1 (Strict Pivotal Category) A strict monoidal category C is a strict pivotal category if every object X has a right dual X∗ with (fixed) morphisms (4.5) satisfying (4.6) and the following three additional conditions: (a) For all objects X and Y in C, (X∗ )∗ = X,

(X ⊗ Y )∗ = Y ∗ ⊗ X∗ ,

1∗ = 1.

(b) For all objects X and Y in C, we have X⊗Y

XY =




. XY

(c) For every morphism f : X → Y in C, its right and left mates are equal: X

X =





. (4.7)

It is important to note that a strict pivotal structure is extra data on the category C, namely the morphisms in (4.5).   If C is strict pivotal, and Y f


∈ Hom(X, Y ) ,

String Diagrams and Categorification


then we typically define the corresponding coupon on a downward strand to be the right (equivalently, left) mate: X

X f



X =






Suppose that a strict monoidal category C is defined in terms of generators and relations and that each generating object X has a right dual generating object X∗ , with (X∗ )∗ = X. Then, in order to show that C is pivotal, it suffices to show that the right and left mates of each generating morphism are equal. The axioms of a strict pivotal category then uniquely determine the duality data for arbitrary objects, which are tensor products of the generating objects. In a strict pivotal category, isotopic string diagrams represent the same morphism! (See [27, §2.4] for a detailed discussion.) This allows us to use geometric intuition and topological arguments in the study of such categories. In some places in the literature, the strict pivotal nature of a category is implicit in the definition. More precisely, categories where morphisms consist of planar diagrams up to isotopy are strict pivotal by definition. This is the case, for example, for the Heisenberg categories defined in [9, 13, 21] and the categorified quantum group of [14]. One of the simplest examples of a strict pivotal category is the Temperley–Lieb category TL(δ), δ ∈ k. This is a strict k-linear monoidal category on one generating object X. We make this object self-dual by adding generating morphisms

and relations = =


We also impose the relation = δ. The endomorphism algebra EndTL(δ) (X⊗n ) is the Temperley–Lieb algebra T Ln (δ).


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5 Categorification 5.1 Additive Categories A k-linear category is said to be additive if it admits all finitary biproducts (including the empty biproduct, which is a zero object). For example, if A is an associative kalgebra, then the category of left modules over A is additive, with biproduct given by the direct sum ⊕ of modules. Given a k-linear category C, we can enlarge it to an additive category by taking its additive envelope Add(C). The objects of Add(C) are formal finite direct sums n

Xi i=1

of objects Xi in C. Morphisms n



Xi → i=1

Yj j =1

are m × n matrices, where the (j, i)-entry is a morphism fi,j : Xi → Yj . Composition is given by the usual rules of matrix multiplication. Example 5.1 Let A be an associative k-algebra, and let C be the k-linear category of free rank-one left A-modules. Then, Add(C) is equivalent to the category of free left A-modules.  

5.2 The Grothendieck Ring Suppose C is an additive k-linear category. Let IsoZ (C) denote the free abelian group generated by isomorphism classes of objects of C, and let [X]∼ = denote the isomorphism class of an object X. Let J denote the subgroup generated by the elements [X ⊕ Y ]∼ = − [X]∼ = − [Y ]∼ =,

X, Y objects of C.

The split Grothendieck group of C is K0 (C) := IsoZ (C)/J.

String Diagrams and Categorification


In general, the split Grothendieck group is simply an abelian group. However, if C is an additive k-linear monoidal category, then K0 (C) is a ring with multiplication given by [X]∼ = · [Y ]∼ = = [X ⊗ Y ]∼ = for objects X and Y (with the multiplication extended to all of K0 (C) by linearity). The process of passing to the split Grothendieck ring is a form of decategorification. The process of categorification is a one-sided inverse to this procedure. Namely, to categorify a ring R is to find monoidal category C such that K0 (C) ∼ =R as rings. Example 5.2 (Categorification of the Ring of Integers) Suppose k is a field, and let Vectk be the category of finite-dimensional k-vector spaces. This is an additive k-linear category under the usual direct sum of vector spaces. Up to isomorphism, every vector space is determined uniquely by its dimension. Thus, IsoZ (C) = SpanZ {[kn ]∼ = : n ∈ N}. Now, for an n-dimensional vector space V , we have V ∼ = k⊕n , and so [V ]∼ = = n[k]∼ = in K0 (Vectk ). It follows that we have an isomorphism ∼ =

→ Z, K0 (Vectk ) −


ai [Vi ]∼ = →



ai dim Vi .



Since, for finite-dimensional vector spaces U and V , we have dim(U ⊗ V ) = (dim U )(dim V ), the isomorphism (5.1) is one of the rings. In other words, Vectk is a categorification of the ring of integers.  

5.3 The Trace There is another common method of decategorification, which we now explain. (See also [27, §2.6].) Suppose C is a k-linear category. The trace, or zeroth Hochschild homology, of C is the k-module Tr(C) :=


 EndC (X) / Spank {f ◦ g − g ◦ f },


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where the sum is over all objects X of C, and f and g run through all pairs of morphisms f : X → Y and g : Y → X in C. We let [f ] ∈ T r(C) denote the class of an endomorphism f ∈ EndC (X). If the category C is strict pivotal, we can think of the trace as consisting of diagrams on an annulus. In particular, if f

is an endomorphism in C, then we picture [f ] as



The fact that [f ◦ g] = [g ◦ f ] in Tr(C) then corresponds to the fact that we can slide diagrams around the annulus:


f ◦g


g f


f g






If C is a k-linear monoidal category, then Tr(C) is a ring, with the multiplication given by [f ] · [g] = [f ⊗ g]. If C is strict pivotal and we view elements of the trace as diagrams on the annulus, then this multiplication corresponds to nesting of annuli:

String Diagrams and Categorification








We see from the above that the trace gives another method of decategorification. We thus have another corresponding notion of categorification. To categorify a kalgebra, R can mean to find a k-linear monoidal category C such that Tr(C) ∼ = R as k-algebras. To justify the use of the term trace, consider the category Vectk of finitedimensional vector spaces over a field k. Let V be a k-vector space of finite dimension n. Then, we have an isomorphism ∼ =

g: V − → kn . For 1 ≤ a ≤ n, define the inclusion and projection maps ia : k → kn ,

α → (0, . . . , 0, α, 0, . . . , 0),   n−a


pa : k → k, n

(α1 , . . . , αn ) → αa .

Note that pb ◦ ia = δa,b 1k



ia ◦ pa = 1kn .


Now suppose f : V → V is a linear map. For 1 ≤ a, b ≤ n, define fa,b = pa ◦ g ◦ f ◦ g −1 ◦ ib : k → k. Then, we have f = g −1 ◦ g ◦ f ◦ g −1 ◦ g =

n  a,b=1

g −1 ia fa,b pb g.


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Hence, in Tr(Vectk ), we have [f ] =

n n

  g −1 ia fa,b pb g = fa,b pb gg −1 ia a,b=1



n n       fa,b pb ia = fa,a . a,b=1



So, the class of [f ] is equal to the sum of classes of endomorphisms of k given by its diagonal components in some basis. By (2.2), it follows that we have an isomorphism of rings Tr(Vectk ) ∼ = k,

[f ] → tr(f ).


In particular, Vectk is a trace categorification of the field k.

5.4 Action of the Trace on the Center Suppose C is a strict pivotal k-linear monoidal category. We have seen that the trace Tr(C) can be thought of diagrams on the annulus, while the center EndC (1) can be thought of as closed diagrams. There is then a natural action of the trace on the center given by placing a closed diagram inside the inner boundary of the annulus and then viewing the resulting diagram as a closed diagram. In particular, if z ∈ EndC (1) is a closed diagram and f ∈ EndC (X), then the action of [f ] ∈ Tr(C) on z is


·z =




For example, (4.3) is the action of [f ] on the identity 1k (the empty diagram) of the center Endk (k) of Vectk . This explains the connection between (4.4) and (5.3).

5.5 The Chern Character There is a nice relationship between the split Grothendieck group of a category and the trace of that category, as we now explain. Suppose C is an additive k-linear category.

String Diagrams and Categorification


Lemma 5.3 ([2, Lem. 3.1]) If f : X → X and g : Y → Y are morphisms in C, then [f ⊕ g] = [f ] + [g]  

in Tr(C). Proof We have f ⊕ g = (f ⊕ 0) + (0 ⊕ g) : X ⊕ Y → X ⊕ Y . Thus, [f ⊕ g] = [f ⊕ 0] + [0 ⊕ g]. Let i: X → X ⊕ Y


p: X ⊕ Y → X

denote the obvious inclusion and projection. Then, [f ⊕ 0] = [ifp] = [pif ] = [f ]. Similarly, [0 ⊕ g] = [g]. This completes the proof.


If X and Y are objects of C, then we have 1X⊕Y = 1X ⊕ 1Y . Thus, by Lemma 5.3, we have [1X⊕Y ] = [1X ⊕ 1Y ] = [1X ] + [1Y ]. It follows that we have a well-defined map of abelian groups hC : K0 (C) → Tr(C),

hC ([X]∼ = ) = [1X ].


The map (5.4) is called the Chern character map. If C is an additive strict k-linear monoidal category, then hC is a homomorphism of rings. In general, the Chern character map may not be injective, and it may not be surjective. See, for example, [2, Examples 8–10]. However, there are some situations when it is an isomorphism. A k-linear category C is called semisimple if • it has finite direct sums; • idempotents split (i.e. C has subobjects); and • there exist objects Xi , i ∈ I , such that HomC (Xi , Xj ) = δi,j k (such objects are called simple) and such that for any two objects V and W in C, the natural composition map


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HomC (V , Xi ) ⊗ HomC (Xi , W ) → HomC (V , W )


is an isomorphism. If C is an abelian category that is semisimple in the above sense and has a zero object, then C is semisimple in the usual sense (i.e., all short exact sequences split). If k is algebraically closed, then the two notions are equivalent for abelian categories. See [18, p. 89] for details. Proposition 5.4 If C is a semisimple additive k-linear category, then the map hC ⊗ 1 : K0 (C) ⊗Z k → Tr(C)  

is an isomorphism.

Proof Choose representatives Xi , i ∈ I , of the isomorphism classes of the simple objects in C. As explained in [18,  p. 89], every object in C is a finite direct sum of the Xi . Thus, K0 (C) ∼ = = . Suppose Y is an object of C. By i∈I Z[Xi ]∼ assumption, there exist β ∈ Hom (Y, X ) i,j i and αi,j ∈ HomC (Xi , Y ) such that C   1Y = i∈I j αi,j βi,j . Thus, [1Y ] =

   [αi,j βi,j ] = [βi,j αi,j ] ∈ [EndC (Xi )]. i∈I




Since HomC (Xi , Xj ) = δi,j k, it follows that Tr(C) = hC ⊗ 1 is an isomorphism.



k[1Xi ]. It follows that  

There are other conditions on a category that imply that the Chern character map is injective; see, for example, [3, Prop. 2.5].

5.6 Idempotent Completions Suppose R is a ring. Throughout this subsection, we will assume that all R-modules are finitely generated left modules. The category of free R-modules is quite easy to work with, since all such modules are isomorphic to R n for some n ∈ N. However, we often want to work with the larger category consisting of projective R-modules. Fortunately, there is a natural relationship between these two categories. Recall that an R-module is projective if and only if it is a direct summand of a free module. In other words, an R-module M is projective if and only if there exists another R-module N and n ∈ N such that M ⊕N ∼ = R n as R-modules.


String Diagrams and Categorification


Now, given the isomorphism (5.5), let p : R n  M denote the projection onto M, and let i : M → R n denote the inclusion of M into R. Then, i ◦ p ∈ EndR (R n ) is an idempotent endomorphism of R n that corresponds to projection onto a submodule of R n isomorphic to M. Conversely, if e ∈ EndR (R n ) is an idempotent (i.e., e2 = e), then we have R n = eR n ⊕ (1 − e)R n . So, the image eR n of e is a projective R-module. We see from the above that projective R-modules are precisely the images of idempotent morphisms of free R-modules. So, if we start with the category of free R-modules, we can enlarge this to the category of projective R-modules by adding objects corresponding to the images of idempotents. This motivates the following definition. Definition 5.5 (Idempotent Completion) The idempotent completion (or the Karoubi envelope) of a category C is the category Kar(C) whose objects are pairs of the form (X, e), where X is an object of C and e : X → X is an idempotent in C, and whose morphisms are triples (e, f, e ) : (A, e) → (A , e ), where f : A → A is a morphism of C such that f = e ◦ f ◦ e.


One should think of the idempotent completion as a way of formally adding in images of idempotents, where (A, e) is thought of as the image of the idempotent e. The original category C embeds fully and faithfully into Kar(C) by mapping an object A of C to (A, 1A ). The idempotent completion of the category of free Rmodules is equivalent to the category of projective R-modules.

6 Heisenberg Categories We conclude with some examples of categories, defined using the concepts introduced above, that are the focus of current research.

6.1 Categorification of Symmetric Functions Recall the strict k-linear monoidal category S from Sect. 3.2. We assume in this subsection that k is a field of characteristic zero. The objects of S are precisely ↑⊗n ,


A. Savage

n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , where ↑⊗0 := 1. Note that all of our generating morphisms are endomorphisms, that is, their domain and codomain are equal. Hence, HomS (↑⊗n , ↑⊗m ) = 0 for m = n. In particular, ↑⊗n is not isomorphic to ↑⊗m for m = n. It follows that K0 (Add(S)) ∼ = Z[x],

[↑]∼ = → x,

is an isomorphism of rings. Now, let us consider the idempotent completion Kar(S). To describe all the objects of Kar(S), we need to know all the idempotents of EndS (↑⊗n ) ∼ = kSn

for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . .

Fortunately, the idempotents in the algebra kSn are well known. For each partition λ of n, we have the corresponding Young idempotent eλ ∈ kSn . For example, the Young idempotents for the partitions (n) and (1n ) are the complete symmetrizer and antisymmetrizer: e(n) =

1  π, n! π ∈Sn

e(1n ) =

1  (−1) (π ) π, n! π ∈Sn

where (n) is the length of the permutation π ∈ Sn . It follows that the indecomposable objects in Kar(S) are, up to isomorphism, (↑⊗n , eλ ),

n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , λ  n.

One can show that K0 (Kar(Add(S))) ∼ = Sym, the ring of symmetric functions. The isomorphism is given explicitly by   ⊗n

→ sλ , (↑ , eλ ) ∼ = where sλ is the Schur function corresponding to the partition λ  n.

String Diagrams and Categorification


6.2 Base Category Recall the strict k-linear monoidal category AHdeg from Sect. 3.3. This category has one generating object ↑, generating morphisms : ↑ ⊗ ↑→↑ ⊗ ↑

: ↑ → ↑,


and relations =







Let us add another generating object ↓ that is right dual to ↑. As noted in Sect. 4.1, this means that we have morphisms

such that =




Let us define a right crossing by :=


We will now define various categories by imposing one additional relation involving this right crossing.

6.3 Affine Oriented Brauer Category Suppose that, in addition to the above generating objects, morphisms, and relations, we impose the additional relation that the right crossing (6.1) is invertible. This means that it has a two-sided inverse, which we will denote .



A. Savage

The assertion that (6.1) and (6.2) are two-sided inverses is precisely the statement that =




Up to reflecting diagrams in a vertical axis, the resulting category AOB is the affine oriented Brauer category defined in [1]. One can show that it is strict pivotal (see [5, Th. 1.3]). The left cups and caps are defined by :=




Omitting the dot generator yields the oriented Brauer category OB, which is the free symmetric monoidal category on a pair of dual objects. It is obtained from the strict k-linear monoidal category S of Sect. 3.2 by adding a right dual object and inverting the right crossing as in Sect. 6.2. The categories OB and AOB encode much of the representation theory of gln (k). Let gln (k)-mod denote the monoidal category of gln (k)-modules, and let End(gln (k)-mod) be the monoidal category of endofunctors of gln (k)-mod. Objects are functors gln (k)-mod → gln (k)-mod, and morphisms are natural transformations. For functors F, G, F  , and G and natural transformations η : F → F  and ξ : G → G , we define the tensor product by F ⊗ G := F ◦ G,

η ⊗ ξ := ηξ : F ◦ G → F  ◦ G .

Let V be the natural n-dimensional representation of gln (k), with dual representation V ∗ . We have a monoidal functor OB → gln (k)-mod


defined as follows. On objects, ↑ → V ,

↓ → V ∗ ,

and, on morphisms, k → V ∗ ⊗ V,


δv ⊗ v ,

a v∈B

V ⊗ V ∗ → k,


f (v) ,

V ⊗ V → V ⊗ V,


v⊗u ,

where B is a basis of V , and {δv : v ∈ B} is the dual basis.

String Diagrams and Categorification


Now, we have a natural monoidal functor gln (k)-mod → End(gln (k)-mod),

M → M ⊗ −,

f → f ⊗ 1.

Composition with (6.3) yields a monoidal functor. OB → End(gln (k)-mod). This can be extended to a monoidal functor AOB → End(gln (k)-mod) by defining

where ei,j is the matrix with a 1 in the (i, j ) position and a 0 in all other positions. This functor sends the center of AOB to End(Id), which can be identified with the center of U (gln (k)).

6.4 Heisenberg Categories Fix k ∈ Z0,



and relations + − ] = [pn− , pm ] = [c, pn± ] = 0, [pn+ , pm

− [pn+ , pm ] = δn,m nc,

n, m ∈ Z>0 .

Since the element c is central, it acts as a constant on any irreducible representation. If we fix a central charge k ∈ Z, we can consider the associative algebra U (h)/ c − k , where U (h) is the universal enveloping algebra of h. Representations of U (h)/ c − k are equivalent to representations of h on which the central element c acts as multiplication by k. In particular, in U (h)/ c − k , we have p1+ p1− − k = p1− p1+ .


Now, the inversion relation (6.4) implies that, in the Grothendieck group of the additive envelope of Heis k , we have [↑]∼ = [↓]∼ = + (−k)[1]∼ = = [↓]∼ = [↑]∼ =.


− We see that (6.5) and (6.6) are the same relation after replacing p1+ ↔ [↑]∼ = , p1 ↔ [↓]∼ = , 1 ↔ [1]∼ = . In fact, if k is a field of characteristic zero, then we have an isomorphism of algebras

U (h)/ c − k ∼ = K0 (Kar(Add(Heis k ))).


Injectivity was proved in [13, Th. 1] in the case k = −1 and in [17, Th. 4.4] in the general case k < 0. It was conjectured in [13, Conj. 1] and [17, Conj. 4.5] that (6.7) is an isomorphism. This conjecture was recently proved in [7, Th. 1.1]. Earlier, an analog of the conjecture was proved when one enlarges the Heisenberg category by adding in additional generating morphisms corresponding to elements of a graded Frobenius algebra with nontrivial grading. See [9, Th. 1], [21, Th. 10.5], and [23, Th. 1.5]. The trace of the Heisenberg category has also been related to W -algebras in [11]. One can also define a quantum Heisenberg category by replacing the symmetric group relations by the Hecke algebra relations (3.7)–(3.9). See [8, 15]. The resulting category also categorifies the Heisenberg algebra. Its trace has been related to elliptic Hall algebras in [10]. The quantum analog of the oriented Brauer category is the HOMFLY-PT skein category introduced by Turaev in [25, §5.2], where it was called the Hecke category. See also [4, 8]. Acknowledgments This work was supported by Discovery Grant RGPIN-2017-03854 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

String Diagrams and Categorification


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Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras David Hernandez and Bernard Leclerc

To Vyjayanthi Chari on her birthday

Abstract This article is an extended version of the minicourse given by the second author at the summer school of the conference Interactions of quantum affine algebras with cluster algebras, current algebras and categorification, held in June 2018 in Washington. The aim of the minicourse, consisting of three lectures, was to present a number of results and conjectures on certain monoidal categories of finitedimensional representations of quantum affine algebras, obtained by exploiting the fact that their Grothendieck rings have the natural structure of a cluster algebra.

 2) 1 A Forerunner: Chari and Pressley’s Paper on Uq (sl In [3], Chari and Pressley launched a systematic study of tensor categories of finitedimensional representations of quantum affine algebras by investigating in detail the case of Uq ( sl2 ). They gave a classification of simple objects, as well as a concrete description of them as tensor products of evaluation modules. They also gave a necessary and sufficient condition for such tensor products to be irreducible, and they described the composition factors of a reducible tensor product of two evaluation representations.

D. Hernandez Université de Paris, Univ Paris Diderot, CNRS Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche UMR 7586, Paris, France Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France e-mail: [email protected] B. Leclerc () Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, CNRS, LMNO, Caen, France e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

In retrospect, these results may be seen as providing a cluster algebra structure on the Grothendieck ring of this category, predating by 10 years the invention of cluster algebras by Fomin and Zelevinsky [14]. We will therefore start our lectures by reviewing these results.

 2) 1.1 The Hopf Algebra Uq (sl Throughout the paper, we fix q ∈ C∗ not a root of unity. The algebra Uq ( sl2 ) is generated over C by E0 , F0 , K0 , K0−1 , E1 , F1 , K1 , K1−1 , subject to the following relations: Ki Ki−1 = 1,


Ki Kj = Kj Ki ,


Ki Ei Ki−1 = q 2 Ei ,


Ki Ej Ki−1 = q −2 Ej ,


Ki Fi Ki−1 = q −2 Fi ,


Ki Fj Ki−1 = q 2 Fj ,


Ei Fi − Fi Ei =

Ki − Ki−1 , q − q −1


Ei Fj − Fj Ei = 0,


− (q 2 + 1 + q −2 )Ei2 Ej Ei + (q 2 + 1 + q −2 )Ei Ej Ei2 − Ej Ei3 = 0,


Fi3 Fj − (q 2 + 1 + q −2 )Fi2 Fj Fi + (q 2 + 1 + q −2 )Fi Fj Fi2 − Fj Fi3 = 0,


Ei3 Ej

where i = j are indices in {0, 1}. Moreover Uq ( sl2 ) is a Hopf algebra, with comultiplication given by (Ei ) = Ei ⊗ Ki + 1 ⊗ Ei , (Fi ) = Fi ⊗ 1 + Ki−1 ⊗ Fi , (Ki ) = Ki ⊗ Ki . sl2 )-modules is again a It follows that a tensor product of finite-dimensional Uq ( Uq ( sl2 )-module.

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras


 2 )-Modules 1.2 Simple Finite-Dimensional Uq (sl Let E, F , K, K −1 denote the generators of Uq (sl2 ). (They are subject to the same relations as (1.1), (1.3), (1.5) and (1.7).) For every a ∈ C∗ , we have a surjective algebra homomorphism eva : Uq ( sl2 ) → Uq (sl2 ) such that eva (E1 ) = E,

eva (F1 ) = F,

eva (E0 ) = q −1 aF,

eva (F0 ) = qa −1 E.

Hence, every simple finite-dimensional Uq (sl2 )-module M becomes a finitedimensional Uq ( sl2 )-module M(a) by pull-back through eva . It is well-known that the simple finite-dimensional Uq (sl2 )-modules1 are classified by their dimension: for every n ∈ Z≥0 there is a unique (up to isomorphism) simple module Vn with dimension n + 1. Therefore, pulling back by the evaluation sl2 )morphisms eva , we get for all n ∈ Z≥0 a one-parameter family of simple Uq ( modules Vn (a) (a ∈ C∗ ) with dimension n + 1. The representations V0 (a) are all equal to the trivial representation. Otherwise, for n ≥ 1, the simple modules Vn (a) and Vn (b) are non-isomorphic if a = b. The modules Vn (a) are called evaluation modules. Theorem 1.1 ([3]) Every non-trivial simple finite-dimensional Uq ( sl2 )-module M is isomorphic to a tensor product of evaluation modules, that is, M  Vn1 (a1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vnk (ak ) for some k ∈ Z>0 , n1 , . . . , nk ∈ Z>0 , and a1 , . . . , ak ∈ C∗ . Note that tensor products of evaluation modules are not always irreducible. The next task is therefore to find some necessary and sufficient condition of irreducibility. In order to formulate this condition we introduce the notion of a string. This is a subset of C∗ of the form:

(n, a) := {aq −n+1 , aq −n+3 , . . . , aq n−1 },

(n ∈ Z≥0 , a ∈ C∗ ).

(In fact, (n, a) is nothing else than the set of roots of the Drinfeld polynomial of Vn (a).) We say that two strings 1 and 2 are in general position if and only if (i) 1 ∪ 2 is not a string, or (ii) 1 ⊆ 2 or 2 ⊆ 1 .

1 In

these lectures, we will only consider type I representations of quantum enveloping algebras. All representations can be obtained from the type I representations by twisting with some signs, see e.g. [4, §10.1].


D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

Theorem 1.2 ([3]) The tensor product Vn1 (a1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vnk (ak ) is irreducible if and only if for every (i, j ) ∈ {1, . . . , k}2 the strings (ni , ai ) and (nj , aj ) are in general position. Two strings which are not in general position are called in special position. What can we say about the tensor product Vn1 (a1 ) ⊗ Vn2 (a2 ) when the strings 1 :=

(n1 , a1 ) and 2 := (n2 , a2 ) are in special position? It turns out that in this case the tensor product always has two non-isomorphic composition factors. These two irreducible modules are, by Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, parametrized by two collections of strings in general position. Here is how to obtain them from 1 and 2 . Because of Theorem 1.2 (i), 3 := 1 ∪ 2 is a string. Clearly, 4 := 1 ∩ 2 is also a string, contained in 3 . Removing from 3 the points of 4 together with its two nearest neighbours, we are left with the union of two strings 5 and 6 . It is easy to see that the two pairs of strings ( 3 , 4 ) and ( 5 , 6 ) are in general position. For instance, if

1 = {1, q 2 , q 4 , q 6 , q 8 },

2 = {q 6 , q 8 , q 10 , q 12 , q 14 , q 16 },


3 = {1, q 2 , q 4 , q 6 , q 8 , q 10 , q 12 , q 14 , q 16 },

4 = {q 6 , q 8 }


5 = {1, q 2 },

6 = {q 12 , q 14 , q 16 }.

We can then state: Proposition 1.3 ([3, Proposition 4.9]) Let 1 and 2 be two strings in special position. With the above notation, in the Grothendieck ring the following relation holds: [V ( 1 ) ⊗ V ( 2 )] = [V ( 3 ) ⊗ V ( 4 )] + [V ( 5 ) ⊗ V ( 6 )].


Here, V ( i ) denotes the evaluation module whose associated string is i .

1.3 Relation with Cluster Algebras A reader familiar with the definition of a cluster algebra will recognize in (1.11) an exchange relation. Let us make this more precise. First note that if two strings are in special position, all their points belong to the same class in C∗ /q 2Z , that is, they all are of the form aq k for some fixed a ∈ C∗ and some k ∈ 2Z. This motivates the following definition:

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras


Definition 1.4 ([22]) Let a ∈ C∗ and ∈ Z>0 . Let Ca, be the full subcategory of sl2 )-modules whose objects V satisfy: the category of finite-dimensional Uq ( Every composition factor of V is of the form Vn1 (a1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vnk (ak ) where all strings (ni , ai ) are contained in S := {a, aq −2 , . . . , aq −2 }. The category Ca, depends only on up to isomorphism. We can therefore restrict ourselves to the case a = 1, and write C1, = C . Then Theorems 1.1, 1.2 and Proposition 1.3 yield the following reformulation: Theorem 1.5 ([22]) The category C is a monoidal category, and its Grothendieck ring K0 (C ) has the structure of a cluster algebra of finite type A in the Fomin– Zelevinsky classification. More precisely, the cluster variables of K0 (C ) are the classes of the evaluation modules contained in C , the class [V +1 (q − )] being the only frozen variable. The cluster monomials are equal to the classes of the simple modules in C . Two cluster variables are compatible (i.e. belong to the same cluster) if and only if the corresponding strings are in general position. Otherwise they form an exchange pair with exchange relation given by (1.11).

1.4 How Can We Generalize? In an attempt to extend these results from Uq ( sl2 ) to other quantum affine algebras, Chari and Pressley introduced in [7] the notion of a prime module: this is a simple finite-dimensional module that cannot be factored as a tensor product of modules of smaller dimension. It follows from Theorem 1.1 that the prime Uq ( sl2 )-modules are precisely the evaluation modules. This is no longer true for Uq ( sl3 ), and Chari and sl3 )-modules which are not Pressley have constructed an infinite class of prime Uq ( evaluation modules, see [7]. In view of this, the following problems naturally arise. Let g be a simple Lie algebra over C, and let Uq ( g) denote the corresponding untwisted quantum affine algebra. (P1) What are the prime Uq ( g)-modules? g)-modules are simple? (P2) Which tensor products of prime Uq ( It is known that Kirillov–Reshetikhin modules (see below Definition 2.6) are prime. The minimal affinization modules introduced by Chari and Pressley [5] as replacements for evaluation modules which do not exist outside type A, are also prime. But this is not a complete list as we shall see below. Problem (P2) is also completely open. In [22] we proposed to use cluster algebras to shed new light on these questions.


D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

2 Reminder on Finite-Dimensional Uq ( g)-Modules 2.1 Cartan Matrix Let C = (cij )i,j ∈I be the Cartan matrix of g. There is a diagonal matrix D = diag(di | i ∈ I ) with entries in Z>0 such that the product B = D C = (bij )i,j ∈I is symmetric. We normalize D so that min{di | i ∈ I } = 1, and we put t := max{di | i ∈ I }. Thus ⎧ ⎨ 1 if C is of type An , Dn , E6 , E7 or E8 , t = 2 if C is of type Bn , Cn or F4 , ⎩ 3 if C is of type G2 . Example 2.1 The Lie algebra g = so7 , of type B3 in the Cartan–Killing classification, has Cartan matrix ⎛

⎞ 2 −1 0 C = ⎝−1 2 −1⎠ 0 −2 2 We have D = diag(2, 2, 1) and the symmetric matrix B is given by ⎛

⎞ 4 −2 0 B = ⎝−2 4 −2⎠ 0 −2 2 We denote by αi (i ∈ I ) the simple roots of g, and by i (i ∈ I ) the fundamental weights. They are related by αi =

cj i j .


j ∈I

2.2 Classification By Cartan–Killing theory, the simple finite-dimensional g-modules are in one-toone correspondence with their highest weight, an element of the positive cone of integral dominant weights:

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras

P+ :=


Ni .


We denote by L(λ) the simple g-module with highest weight λ ∈ P+ . Chari and Pressley have obtained a similar classification of simple finiteg)-modules. To formulate it, we introduce the cone dimensional Uq (  + := P N(i , a) i∈I, a∈C∗

of dominant loop-weights. Theorem 2.2 ([4]) Up to isomorphism, the simple finite-dimensional Uq ( g)modules are in one-to-one correspondence with their highest loop-weight, an + . element of P   + . We denote by L( λ) the simple Uq ( g)-module with highest loop-weight  λ∈P Example 2.3 Let g = so8 , of type D4 . Thus I = {1, 2, 3, 4}, where we  denote by 3 the trivalent node of the Dynkin diagram. Then the g-module L(3 ) = 2 C8 is of dimension 28. For a ∈ C∗ , the Uq ( g)-module L(3 , a) has dimension 29. This is a minimal affinization of L(3 ) in the sense of [5].

2.3 q-Characters Finite-dimensional g-modules M are characterized by their character  dim(Mμ )eμ , χ (M) := μ∈P

where P := ⊕i∈I Zi is the weight lattice, M := ⊕μ∈P Mμ is the weight space decomposition of M, and eμ is a formal exponential. So χ (M) is a Laurent polynomial in the variables yi := ei , (i ∈ I ).  have a loop-weight space g)-modules M Similarly, finite-dimensional Uq ( decomposition  := ⊕  M M μ, μ∈P  := ⊕i∈I, a∈C∗ Z(i , a). Frenkel–Reshetikhin introduced the q-character where P  := χq (M)

 μ  dim(M μ )e ,


a Laurent polynomial in the variables Yi,a := e(i ,a) , (i ∈ I, a ∈ C∗ ).


D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

 and N  be two finite-dimensional Uq ( Theorem 2.4 ([13]) Let M g)-modules. The following are equivalent: (i) (ii) (iii)

 = χq (N);  χq (M)   [M] = [N] in the Grothendieck ring K0 (-mod(Uq ( g)));  and N  have the same composition factors with the same multiplicities. M

In particular, q-characters characterize simple Uq ( g)-modules up to isomorphism. Note also that, because of Theorem 2.4, χq descends to an injective ring ±1 homomorphism from K0 (-mod(Uq ( g))) to the ring of Laurent polynomials Z[Yi,a | ∗ i ∈ I, a ∈ C ]. Example 2.5 Let g = sl2 , of type A1 . Then, as is well-known, we have χ (L(1 )) = χ (V1 ) = y1 + y1−1 χ (L(21 )) = χ (V2 ) = y12 + 1 + y1−2 ...


On the other hand, for any a ∈ C∗ , −1 χq (L(1 , a)) = χq (V1 (a)) = Y1,a + Y1,aq 2 −1 −2 2 χq (L(2(1 , a))) = Y1,a + 2Y1,a Y1,aq 2 + Y1,aq 2

χq (L((1 , a) + (1 , aq 2 )) = χq (V2 (aq)) −1 −1 −1 = Y1,a Y1,aq 2 + Y1,a Y1,aq 4 + Y1,aq 2 Y1,aq 4 .

This shows that L((1 , a) + (1 , aq 2 )) is a minimal affinization of L(21 ), but L(2(1 , a)) is not. Definition 2.6 For i ∈ I , k ∈ N, a ∈ C∗ , set  λ(i) k,a :=

k−1  + . (i , aq 2di j ) ∈ P j =0

  (i) The simple Uq ( g)-module L  λk,a is called a Kirillov–Reshetikhin module. We   (i) (i) (i) often write for short Wk,a = L  λk,a . The modules W1,a = L((i , a)) are the g)-modules. fundamental Uq (

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras


2.4 T -Systems With the quantum affine algebra Uq ( g) is associated a system of difference equations called a T -system [33]. Its unknowns are denoted by (i)

(i ∈ I, k ∈ N, r ∈ Z).

Tk,r ,

We fix the initial boundary condition (i)

T0,r = 1,

(i ∈ I, r ∈ Z).


If g is of type An , Dn , En , the T -system equations are (i)




Tk,r+1 Tk,r−1 = Tk−1,r+1 Tk+1,r−1 +

(j )

Tk,r ,

(i ∈ I, k ≥ 1, r ∈ Z).

j : cij =−1

(2.3) If g is not of simply-laced type, the T -system equations are more complicated. They can be written in the form (i) (i) (i) T (i) = Tk−1,r+d T (i) + Sk,r , Tk,r+d i k,r−di i k+1,r−di

(i ∈ I, k ≥ 1, r ∈ Z),



where Sk,r is defined as follows. If di ≥ 2, then (i) Sk,r =

(j )


j : cj i =−1

(j )

j : cj i ≤−2

Tdi k, r−di +1 .


If di = 1 and t = 2, then



⎧   (j ) (j ) (j ) ⎪ Tk,r Tl,r Tl,r+2 , if k = 2l, ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ j : c =−1 j : cij =−2 ij   = (j ) (j ) (j ) ⎪ Tk,r Tl+1,r Tl,r+2 if k = 2l + 1. ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ j : cij =−1


j : cij =−2

Finally, if di = 1 and t = 3, that is, if g is of type G2 , denoting by j the other vertex we have dj = 3 and

(i) Sk,r

⎧ (j ) (j ) (j ) ⎪ T T T ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ l,r l,r+2 l,r+4 (j ) (j ) (j ) = Tl+1,r Tl,r+2 Tl,r+4 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ (j ) ⎩ T (j ) T (j ) T

l+1,r l+1,r+2 l,r+4

if k = 3l, if k = 3l + 1, if k = 3l + 2.



D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

Example 2.7 Let g be of type B2 . The Cartan matrix is  2 −1 C= −2 2 and we have d1 = 2 and d2 = 1. The T -system reads (1)


Tk,r+2 Tk,r−2 (2)


T2l,r+1 T2l,r−1 (2)




= Tk−1,r+2 Tk+1,r−2 + T2k,r−1 , (2)



(k ≥ 1, r ∈ Z),


= T2l−1,r+1 T2l+1,r−1 + Tl,r Tl,r+2 , (l ≥ 1, r ∈ Z),






T2l+1,r+1 T2l+1,r−1 = T2l,r+1 T2l+2,r−1 + Tl+1,r Tl,r+2 , (l ≥ 0, r ∈ Z). It was conjectured in [33], and proved in [39] (for g of type A, D, E) and [21] (general case), that the q-characters of the Kirillov–Reshetikhin modules of Uq ( g) satisfy the corresponding T -system. More precisely, we have Theorem 2.8 ([21, 38]) For i ∈ I, k ∈ N, r ∈ Z,   (i) (i) Tk,r = χq Wk,q r ,

±1 is a solution of the T -system in the ring Z Yi,q r | (i, r) ∈ I × Z . Equivalently, by Theorem 2.4,

(i) (i) Tk,r = Wk,q r , is a solution of the T -system in the Grothendieck ring K0 (-mod(Uq ( g))). Remark 3.9 (i) For g = sl2 , Theorem 2.8 is a particular case of Proposition 1.3. (ii) Theorem 2.8 allows to calculate inductively q-characters of Kirillov– Reshetikhin modules in terms of q-characters of fundamental modules. Note, however, that it is not straightforward to compute the q-characters of the fundamental modules in type E8 or F4 , say. An algorithm has been obtained by Frenkel and Mukhin [12]. Another one, based on cluster mutation, is described in [23]. (iii) The T -system in the Grothendieck ring comes from a non-split short exact sequence (i)





0 → Sk,r → Wk,q r−di ⊗ Wk,q r+di → Wk−1,q r+di ⊗ Wk+1,q r+di → 0, (i)

where the module Sk,r is defined as the tensor product of Kirillov–Reshetikhin (i)

modules associated with the factors of Sk,r above (it does not depend on the (i)

order of the tensor product up to isomorphism). The representation Wk,q r−di ⊗

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras



Wk,q r+di is of length 2. By a general result of Chari on tensor products of Kirillov–Reshetikhin modules [2], it is cyclic generated by the tensor product of the highest weight vectors and so it is indecomposable.

3 Quivers, Subcategories, and Cluster Algebras Following [25], we attach an infinite quiver to Uq ( g), and we define some subcategories of the category of finite-dimensional Uq ( g)-modules. We then introduce cluster algebras corresponding to finite segments of this infinite quiver.

3.1 Quivers ! = I × Z. We introduce a quiver ! !. Recall the symmetric Put V  with vertex set V  are given by matrix B = (bij )i,j ∈I of Sect. 2.1. The arrows of ! ((i, r) → (j, s))


(bij = 0


s = r + bij ).

It is easy to check that the oriented graph !  has two isomorphic connected components. We pick one of them and call it . The vertex set of  is denoted by V . Examples in type A3 and B2 are shown in Fig. 1.

3.2 Subcategories First, using the vertex set V , we introduce +,Z := P

N(i , q r+di ),


+ of loop-weights. a discrete subset of the positive cone P Definition 3.1 Let CZ be the full subcategory of the category of finite-dimensional Uq ( g)-modules whose objects M satisfy: +,Z . Every composition factor of M is of the form L( λ) with  λ∈P By [23], CZ is a monoidal subcategory, i.e. it is stable under tensor products. Moreover, it is known that every simple finite-dimensional Uq ( g)-module can be written as a tensor product of simple objects of CZ with spectral shifts. Therefore it is enough to study the simple objects of CZ .


D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

(1, 2)

.. .

(3, 2)

(2, 1)

(1, 0)

(1, 4)

(3, 0)

(1, 0)

(3, − 2)

(1, − 4)

(3, − 4)

(3, − 6)

.. .

(1, 6)

(2, 6)

(1, 2)

(2, 0)

(1, − 2)

(2, − 4)

(2, − 6)

(2, − 5)

(1, − 6)

(2, 6)

(2, − 2)

(2, − 3)

(1, − 4)

.. .

(2, 2)

(2, − 1)

(1, − 2)

.. .

(1, − 8)

(2, − 8)

.. .

.. .

(1, − 6)

.. .

Fig. 1 The quivers  in type A3 and B2

In order to relate CZ with cluster algebras of finite rank, we need to “truncate” it, as we did in Sect. 1.3 for g = sl2 . Fix ∈ N, and put +, := P

N(i , q r+di ).

(i,r)∈V , −2 −1≤r+di ≤0

Definition 3.2 Let C be the full subcategory of the category of finite-dimensional Uq ( g)-modules whose objects M satisfy: +, . Every composition factor of M is of the form L( λ) with  λ∈P Again by [23], C is a monoidal category and its Grothendieck ring is a polynomial ring in finitely many variables, namely, the classes of the fundamental modules contained in C :  

K0 (C ) = Z [L (i , q r+di ) ] | (i, r) ∈ V , −2 − 1 ≤ r + di ≤ 0 .

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras


3.3 Cluster Algebras We refer the reader to [16] and [19] for an introduction to cluster algebras, and for any undefined terminology. Let  denote the full subquiver of  with vertex set V := {(i, r) ∈ V | −2 − 1 ≤ r + di ≤ 0}. Let z := {z(i,r) | (i, r) ∈ V } be a set of commuting indeterminates indexed by V . The pair (z ,  ) can be regarded as a seed, in the sense of [16]. Definition 3.3 Let A ⊂ Q(z ) be the cluster algebra with initial seed (z ,  ), where we consider the variables zi,r with r − di < −2 − 1 as frozen variables.  

4 Main Conjecture 4.1 Statements and Examples The category C and the cluster algebra A are related as follows: Theorem 4.1 ([23]) For (i, r) ∈ V put

mi,r := max{k | r + (2k + 1)di ≤ 0} + 1. (i) The assignment zi,r → Wm ,q r+di extends to a ring isomorphism ι : A → i,r

K0 (C ). We can now formulate our main conjecture from [22, 23]. Conjecture 4.2 (i) The isomorphism ι maps the subset of cluster monomials of A into the subset of classes of simple objects of C . (ii) The isomorphism ι maps the subset of cluster variables of A into the subset of classes of prime simple objects of C . In the situation of Theorem 4.1 and Conjecture 4.2, we say that C is a monoidal categorification of the cluster algebra A [22]. We illustrate the conjecture with simple examples. Example 4.3 We take g = sl4 , of type A3 , and we choose = 1. The isomorphism ι1 is displayed in Fig. shows the image of the initial seed of A1 . For

2, which (2) instance, ι1 (z2,−1 ) = W1,q 0 . The 3 frozen variables are marked with a box.


D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc (2, −1)

(2) W1,q 0

(1, −2)

(3, −2)



W1,q −1

W1,q −1



(2) 2,q −2

W (1,−4)

(3,−4) (1) 2,q −3


(3) 2,q −3


Fig. 2 The isomorphism ι in type A3 for = 1 ∗ The cluster variable z2,−1 obtained by mutating z2,−1 in this initial seed is given by the exchange relation: ∗ = z2,−3 + z1,−2 z3,−2 , z2,−1 z2,−1

which translates under ι1 into the T -system equation:


W1,q 0

(2) (2) (1) (3) W1,q −2 = W2,q −2 + W1,q −1 W1,q −1 .

(2) ∗ Thus, ι1 (z2,−1 ) = W1,q −2 . In this case, A1 is a cluster algebra of finite type A3 in the Fomin–Zelevinsky classification, and Conjecture 4.2 is proved [22]. Moreover, since A1 has finite type, the inclusions of Conjecture 4.2 are in fact bijections. The algebra A1 has 9 cluster variables plus 3 frozen variables. The prime simple modules of C1 corresponding to cluster variables are W1,q −1 = L((1 , q −1 )), W1,q −2 = L((2 , q −2 )), W1,q −1 = L((3 , q −1 )), (1)


(1) −3 )), W (2) = L(( , q 0 )), W1,q 2 −3 = L((1 , q 1,q 0


(3) −3 )), W1,q −3 = L((3 , q

L((1 , q −3 ) + (2 , q 0 )), L((1 , q −3 ) + (2 , q 0 ) + (3 , q −3 )), L((2 , q 0 ) + (3 , q −3 )). There are 6 fundamental modules, and 2 minimal affinizations, but the 70dimensional module L((1 , q −3 ) + (2 , q 0 ) + (3 , q −3 )), which restricts to L(1 + 2 + 3 ) ⊕ L(2 ) as a Uq (sl4 )-module, is not a minimal affinization. By [15], there is a bijection between the set of cluster variables of A1 and the set of almost positive roots of a root system of type A3 . A natural bijection was given in [22]:

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras


L((1 , q −1 )) ↔ −2 L((2 , q )) ↔ L((3 , q −1 )) ↔ L((1 , q −3 )) ↔ L((2 , q 0 )) ↔ L((3 , q −3 )) ↔ L((1 , q −3 ) + (2 , q 0 )) ↔ L((2 , q 0 ) + (3 , q −3 )) ↔ L((1 , q −3 ) + (2 , q 0 ) + (3 , q −3 )) ↔

−α1 −α2 −α3 α1 α2 α3 α1 + α2 α2 + α3 α1 + α2 + α3

∼ K0 (C1 ) Following [15] and using this bijection one can read the 14 clusters of A1 = from the associahedron of Fig. 3. Every cluster variable corresponds to a face, indicated by the attached almost positive root (the negative simple root −αi labels the unique rear face parallel to the face labelled by αi ). Every cluster corresponds to a vertex and consists of the 3 faces adjacent to it. For instance, there is a cluster {α1 , α3 , −α2 } ≡ {L((1 , q −3 )), L((3 , q −3 )), L((2 , q −2 ))}. The neat final result is that every simple module of C1 is a tensor product of prime simple modules belonging to a single cluster, and of frozen simple modules (corresponding to the frozen variables of A1 ). Example 4.4 We take g = so5 , of type B2 , and we choose = 2. The isomorphism ι2 is displayed in Fig.

shows the image of the initial seed of A2 . For 4, which (2) instance, ι2 (z2,−2 ) = W1,q −1 . The 3 frozen variables are marked with a box. Fig. 3 The associahedron in type A3


α2 + α3 α1 + α2

α1 +α2 +α3




D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc (2, −2)


(1, −2)

(2, −4)

(2) W1,q −1


(2) W2,q −3

(1) 1,q −2



(1) W1,q 0

(1,−6) (2) 3,q −5


(1) 2,q −4


Fig. 4 The isomorphism ι in type B2 for = 2

Again, A2 has finite cluster type A3 . So C2 has 12 prime objects, namely, the 6 Kirillov–Reshetikhin modules of the initial seed, together with W1,q −4 , W1,q −3 , W1,q −5 , W2,q −5 , L((1 , q 0 ) + (2 , q −5 )), (1)




L((1 , q 0 ) + (2 , q −3 ) + (2 , q −5 )). A bijection between the highest loop-weights of the unfrozen primes and the almost positive roots of type A3 , allowing to determine the clusters using the associahedron as in Example 4.3, is for instance: ↔ (1 , q −4 ) (2 , q −3 ) + (2 , q −1 ) ↔ (2 , q −1 ) ↔ (1 , q 0 ) ↔ (2 , q −5 ) ↔ (2 , q −3 ) ↔ (1 , q 0 ) + (2 , q −5 ) ↔ (2 , q −3 ) + (2 , q −5 ) ↔ (1 , q −0 ) + (2 , q −3 ) + (2 , q −5 ) ↔

−α1 −α2 −α3 α1 α2 α3 α1 + α2 α2 + α3 α1 + α2 + α3 .

Example 4.5 We take g of type G2 , and we choose = 3. The isomorphism ι3 is displayed in Fig. 5, which shows the image of the initial seed of A3 . There are 4 frozen variables. A3 has finite cluster type A4 . So C3 has 18 prime objects, namely, the 8 Kirillov–Reshetikhin modules of the initial seed, together with (1)







W1,q −6 , W1,q −3 , W1,q −5 , W2,q −5 , W2,q −7 , W3,q −7 , W1,q −7 , L((1 , q 0 ) + (2 , q −7 )), L((1 , q 0 ) + (2 , q −5 ) + (2 , q −7 )), L((1 , q 0 ) + (2 , q −3 ) + (2 , q −5 ) + (2 , q −7 )).

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras

53 (2) W1,q −1

(2, −2) (1, −3)

(2, −4)

(2, −6)

(1) W1,q 0


(2) W2,q −3

−→ (2)

W3,q −5 (2,−8)

(1) 1,q −2


(1,−7) (2) 4,q −7


(1) 1,q −4



(1) 2,q −6


Fig. 5 The isomorphism ι in type G2 for = 3

Remark 4.6 (i) There is a similar Conjecture in which the finite quiver  is replaced by the semi-infinite quiver  − with vertex set V − := {(i, r) ∈ V |r + di ≤ 0}, and the category C is replaced by the category C− of finite-dimensional Uq ( g)-modules whose composition factors are of the form L( λ),  λ ∈ N(i , q r+di ), see [23].

(i,r)∈V −

(ii) There is also a similar Conjecture in which the finite quiver  is replaced by the doubly-infinite quiver . In that case, the corresponding category is no longer a subcategory of the category of finite-dimensional Uq ( g)-modules. We have to consider a certain subcategory of the category O of (possibly infinitedimensional) representations over a quantum Borel subalgebra Uq ( b) of Uq ( g), see [26]. The category CZ of Definition 3.1 can be regarded as a subcategory of this category of Uq ( b)-modules. The initial seed consists of the classes of prefundamental representations, which are simple infinite-dimensional modules of Uq ( b) which cannot be extended to Uq ( g)-modules.

4.2 What Is Known? 4.2.1

Part (ii)

The difficult part of Conjecture 4.2 is (i). If (i) is known, then (ii) follows from a result of [17] which says that if a cluster algebra is a factorial ring, then every cluster variable is a prime element of this ring.



D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

First Evidences

As explained in Sect. 1, when g = sl2 Conjecture 4.2 follows from [3]. In [22], (i) was proved for type An and D4 when = 1. The proof was algebraic and combinatorial, and certain parts of the proof were more general. In [38], Nakajima proved (i) for types A, D, E and = 1, using the geometric approach to Uq ( g) via quiver varieties. (An introduction to this proof is presented in [35].) A variant of Conjecture 4.2 for type An and Dn when = 1 was proved in [23]. This involves finite subquivers of  different from  . Very recently Brito and Chari [1] generalized the results of [23] in type A using purely representation theoretic methods.


Proof in Simply-Laced Cases

In [40], Qin gave a proof of (i) for types A, D, E and arbitrary . The proof also relies on the geometric approach, and uses the t-deformation of K0 (C ) introduced by Varagnolo–Vasserot and Nakajima in terms of quiver varieties.


Connection with Quiver Hecke Algebras

In type A, D, E, for = h/2 − 1, where h is the Coxeter number supposed to be even, there is another approach as follows. In [24], we have shown that there is a ring isomorphism i : C ⊗Z K0 (Ch/2−1 ) −→ C[N ], where N is a maximal unipotent subgroup of a simple Lie group G with Lie(G) = g. The ring of polynomial functions C[N] has a well-known cluster algebra structure, and the isomorphism i transports the cluster structure of Ah/2−1 ∼ = C⊗Z K0 (Ch/2−1 ) to the cluster structure of C[N]. We have shown that the isomorphism i maps the basis of C ⊗Z K0 (Ch/2−1 ) consisting of classes of simple objects to the dual canonical basis (or upper global basis) of C[N]. Therefore to prove (i) in this case amounts to prove: (i’) The cluster monomials of C[N] form a subset of the dual canonical basis of C[N]. This was proved by Kang et al. [30]. They used the categorification of the dual canonical basis of C[N] by simple objects of a category H of graded modules over quiver Hecke algebras. This raises the question of a relation between the two categories H and Ch/2−1 . In [28], Kang, Kashiwara and Kim constructed a functor from H to Ch/2−1 inducing the isomorphism i −1 at the level of Grothendieck rings. In type A this can be regarded as a variant of the quantum affine Schur–Weyl

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras


duality of Chari–Pressley and Ginzburg–Reshetikhin–Vasserot [6, 18]. Recently, Fujita [10, 11] proved that the KKK-functor is in fact an equivalence of categories.


Non-Simply-Laced Cases

For non-simply-laced types, let us start with the example of the category C2 in type B2 discussed in Example 4.4. Comparing with the category C1 in type A3 discussed in Example 4.3, we observe that not only the cluster algebras A1 in type A3 and A2 in type B2 have the same cluster type A3 and the same numbers of frozen variables, but also the quivers in Figs. 3 and 4 are mutation-equivalent. This is illustrated in Fig. 6 with the mutation sequence at nodes (3, −2), (2, −1), (1, −2). Arrows between frozen vertices may be omitted as this does not change the cluster algebra structure. Hence we get a distinguished isomorphism between Grothendieck rings K0 (C1, A3 )  K0 (C2, B2 ) which is compatible with the cluster algebra structures. This last point is the most important since we know already that the two rings are isomorphic to the polynomial ring in 6 variables. This example is the first instance of a family of isomorphisms of cluster algebras K0 (Ch/2−1, A2n−1 )  K0 (CBn ) obtained by the first author in a joint work with Hironori Oya [27]. These are distinguished isomorphisms between the Grothendieck rings of the type A2n−1 categories Ch/2−1, A2n−1 already mentioned in Sect. 4.2.4 above, and remarkable subcategories CBn of finite-dimensional representations in type Bn . The proof is established at the level of quantum cluster algebras, in order to demonstrate a conjecture on quantum Grothendieck rings and related analogs of Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials formulated in [20]. Using a completely different method based on functors from categories of representations of quiver Hecke algebras, Kashiwara–Kim–Oh and Kashiwara– Oh [31, 32] constructed isomorphisms of Grothendieck rings in types A2n−1 /Bn preserving the classes of simple modules. In fact, these match the distinguished isomorphisms obtained from cluster algebra structures in [27]. Hence the cluster algebra isomorphisms also preserve classes of simple modules. For instance, in the example above, the bijection between prime simples can be directly written from the bijection with almost positive roots in Examples 4.3 and 4.4. Consequently, combining these results, the analogue of Conjecture 4.2 for the subcategories CBn holds. It is expected that this approach will be extended to larger categories and to more general types.


D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc (2, −1) (1, −2)

(2, −1) (3, −2)

(1, −2)


(3, −2)






(2, −1) (1, −2)

(3, −2)




(2, −1) (1, −2)

(3, −2)

(3, −2)






(2, −1)

(1, −2)



Fig. 6 Mutations : from A1 in type A3 to A2 in type B2


Real Modules

When the cluster algebra A is not of finite cluster type, cluster monomials do not span the vector space C ⊗ A . This raises the question of describing the simple objects of C whose class in the Grothendieck ring is a cluster monomial. Conjecture 4.7 ([22, 23]) The class of a simple object S of C in the Grothendieck ring is a cluster monomial if and only if S is a real simple object, that is, if and only if S ⊗ S is simple.

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras


Let us assume that Conjecture 4.2 (i) holds. Then one direction of Conjecture 4.7 is obvious: the square of a cluster monomial is clearly a cluster monomial. The converse is wide open. Real Uq ( g)-modules have interesting properties. For instance Kang, Kashiwara, Kim and Oh proved the following theorem, which was conjectured in type A in [34]. Theorem 4.8 ([29]) If S1 and S2 are two simple Uq ( g)-modules, and one of them (at least) is real, then S1 ⊗ S2 has a simple socle and a simple head. Moreover the socle and the head are isomorphic if and only if S1 ⊗ S2 is simple. Classification of real simple modules (in terms of their highest loop-weight) is a difficult open problem. Recently Lapid and Minguez [36] classified in type A all real simples satisfying a certain regularity condition. Surprisingly, this classification is related to the classification of rationally smooth Schubert varieties in type A flag varieties.

5 Geometric Character Formulas An important obstacle for proving Conjecture 4.2 in general is the absence of Nakajima’s geometric theory in the non-symmetric cases Bn , Cn , F4 , G2 . It turns out that, applying the results of Derksen, Weyman and Zelevinsky [8, 9] to the cluster algebras A , one can define projective varieties whose Euler characteristics calculate the q-characters of the standard Uq ( g)-modules in all types. These varieties can be seen as generalizations of the Nakajima graded varieties L• (V , W ) for types A, D, E. We shall now review this theorem of [23].

5.1 Quiver Grassmannians and F -Polynomials Let Q be a quiver with vertex set I . Let M be a representation of Q over the field C of complex numbers. Let e = (ei )i∈I ∈ NI be a dimension vector, and write  e := i∈I ei . The variety Gr(e, M) is the closed subvariety of the Grassmannian Gr(e, M) of e-dimensional subspaces of M whose points parametrize the subrepresentations of M with dimension vector e. Thus, Gr(e, M) is a projective complex variety, called a quiver Grassmannian. Definition 5.1 The F -polynomial of the representation M of Q is FM (v) :=

χ (Gr(e, M))ve ,


" where v := (vi )i∈I is a sequence of commutative variables, ve := i viei , and χ (V ) denotes the Euler characteristic of a complex projective variety V .


D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

5.2 The Algebra A Recall that in Sect. 3.1 we have associated with Uq ( g) an infinite quiver . Recall also the notation of Sect. 2.1 for the Cartan matrix. For every negative entry cij < 0 of the Cartan matrix and every (i, r) ∈ V , the graph  contains an oriented cycle γi,j,r : (i, r) (i, r − bii ) .. .

(j, r + bij )

(5.1) (i, r + 2bij + bii ) (i, r + 2bij )

We define a potential S as the formal sum of all these oriented cycles γi,j,r up to cyclic permutations, see [8, §3]. This is an infinite sum, but note that a given arrow of  can only occur in a finite number of summands. Hence all the cyclic derivatives of S, defined as in [8, Definition 3.1], are finite sums of paths in . Let R be the list of all cyclic derivatives of S. Let J denote the two-sided ideal of the path algebra C generated by R. Following [8], we now introduce Definition 5.2 Let A be the infinite-dimensional C-algebra C/J . Example 5.3 Let g = sl3 , of type A2 . The quiver  is displayed in Fig. 7. We slightly abuse notation using the same letter α for every arrow of the form (2, r) → (1, r − 1), and similarly for β, γ , δ. All cycles γi,j,r are of length 3, and are either of the form (γ , β, α) or of the form (β, δ, α). Therefore the potential is   S= (γ , β, α) + (β, δ, α), and the relations obtained by taking its cyclic derivatives are of the form: derivative with respect to α  γβ + βδ = 0, derivative with respect to β  αγ + δα = 0, derivative with respect to γ 

βα = 0,

derivative with respect to δ 

αβ = 0.

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras

59 (2, 5)

.. . α


(1, 4)


(2, 3)


α γ

(1, 2)


(2, 1)


α γ

(1, 0)


(2, −1)



(1, −2)

.. .

Fig. 7 The algebra A in type A2

So A is the algebra defined by the quiver  of Fig. 7, subject to the above 4 families of relations.

5.3 Some A-Modules The algebra A is infinite-dimensional. For every (i, r) ∈ V there is a onedimensional A-module S(i,r) supported on vertex (i, r). Let I(i,r) denote the injective hull of S(i,r) , an infinite-dimensional indecomposable A-module. Example 5.4 We continue Example 5.3. The injective module I(1,2) is represented in Fig. 8. Each vertex occurring in the picture carries a one-dimensional vector space, and all occurring arrows are nonzero. The β arrows are all zero and therefore not represented. The infinite socle series of this module is .. . S(1,−2) ⊕ S(2,1) S(1,0) ⊕ S(2,3) S(1,2)


D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc (2, 3) α

(1, 2)



(2, 1) α γ

(1, 0)

(2, −1)


.. .


(1, −2) .. .

Fig. 8 The injective A-module I(1,2) in type A2

Note that we have a short exact sequence of A-modules 0 → K(1,2) → I(1,2) → I(1,0) → 0, where K(1,2) is the two-dimensional module: (2, 3) α

(1, 2) Proposition 5.5 For every (i, r) ∈ V there is a unique submodule K(i,r) of I(i,r) such that I(i,r) /K(i,r) is isomorphic to I(i,r−di ) . The module K(i,r) is finitedimensional.

5.4 Geometric q-Character Formula The next theorem gives a geometric description of the q-character of the fundameng)-module L((i , q r−di )) in terms of the F -polynomial of the A-module tal Uq ( K(i,r) . To state it we need some more notation. To every (i, r) ∈ V we attach a commutative variable z(i,r) , and we set  y(i,r) :=




−1 z(k,l) ,

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras


where the first product runs over all arrows of  starting at vertex (i, r), and the second product over all arrows of  ending in vertex (i, r). Theorem 5.6 ([23]) The F -polynomial FK(i,r) ( y) of the A-module K(i,r) evaluated in the variables  y(i,r) can be expressed as a Laurent polynomial in the new variables Yj,q s−dj :=

z(j,s−2dj ) z(j,s)


((j, s) ∈ V ).

Then we have y), χq (L((i , q r−di ))) = Yi,q r−di FK(i,r) ( where in the right-hand side FK(i,r) ( y) is expressed in terms of the variables Yj,q s−dj . Example 5.7 We continue Example 5.4. The A-module K(1,2) has exactly three submodules: {0}, S(1,2) , and K(1,2) . So there are three nonempty quiver Grassmannians, each reduced to a single point, hence each having Euler characteristic 1. It follows that FK(1,2) (v) = 1 + v(1,2) + v(1,2) v(2,3) . On the other hand  y(1,2) =

z(2,1) z(1,4) , z(1,0) z(2,3)

 y(2,3) =

z(1,2) z(2,5) . z(1,4) z(2,1)

Hence FK(1,2) (y) = 1 +

z(2,1) z(1,4) z(1,2) z(2,5) −1 −1 −1 −1 + = 1 + Y1,q Y1,q 3 Y2,q 2 + Y1,q Y2,q 4 , z(1,0) z(2,3) z(1,0) z(2,3)

and −1 −1 Y1,q FK(1,2) (y) = Y1,q + Y1,q 3 Y2,q 2 + Y2,q 4 = χq (L((1 , q))).

Example 5.8 We take g = so5 , of type B2 . The A-modules K(1,0) and K(2,0) are displayed in Fig. 9. In this case too, the nonempty quiver Grassmannians are reduced Fig. 9 The A-modules K(1,0) and K(2,0) in type B2

(2, 2)

(1, 0)

(1, 2)

(2, 4)

(2, 0)

(1, 2)

(2, 0)


D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

to points, and we can calculate easily:  χq (L((1 , q −2 )) = Y1,q −2 1 +  y(1,0) +  y(1,0) y(2,2) +  y(1,0) y(2,2) y(2,0)  + y(1,0) y(2,2) y(2,0) y(1,2) ,   χq (L((2 , q −1 )) = Y2,q −1 1 +  y(2,0) +  y(2,0) y(1,2) +  y(2,0) y(1,2) y(2,4) . To express these q-characters in terms of variables Yj,q s one uses the formulas:  y(1,r) =

Y2,q r−1 Y2,q r+1 z(1,r+4) z(2,r−2) = , z(1,r−4) z(2,r+2) Y1,q r+2 Y1,q r−2

 y(2,r) =

Y1,q r z(1,r−2) z(2,r+2) = . z(1,r+2) z(2,r−2) Y2,q r−1 Y2,q r+1

5.5 Comments on Theorem 5.6 5.5.1

Kirillov–Reshetikhin Modules

In [23] we give a similar q-character formula for every Kirillov–Reshetikhin module. One only needs to replace the A-modules K(1,r) by some larger finitedimensional submodules of the injective modules 1I(i,r) .


Standard Modules

Classical properties of Euler characteristics imply that, given two finite-dimensional A-modules M and N, we have FM⊕N (v) = FM (v)FN (v). On the other hand, q-characters are multiplicative on tensor products. So Theog)-modules, that is, rem 5.6 readily extends to tensor products of fundamental Uq ( g)-modules (or we have a similar geometric q-character formula for standard Uq ( local Weyl modules), in which one uses quiver Grassmannians of direct sums of A-modules K(i,r) .


Relation to Nakajima’s Theory

If g is of type A, D, E it follows from results of Lusztig [37] and Savage–Tingley [41] that the quiver Grassmannians

Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras

⎛ G(e, a) := Gr ⎝e,


⎞ ⊕a

K(i,r)(i,r) ⎠


are homeomorphic to Nakajima varieties L• (V , W ), where the graded dimension of V is encoded in the dimension vector e, and the graded dimension of W is given by the multiplicity vector a = (a(i,r) ). One can therefore regard the varieties G(e, a) in non-simply-laced types B, C, F, G as natural candidates for replacing the graded Nakajima varieties L• (V , W ).


Beyond KR-Modules and Standard Modules

By the Derksen–Weyman–Zelevinsky theory, every cluster monomial of A has an expression of the form y) m = zg FK ( g)for an appropriate A-module K. So, if Conjecture 4.2 is true, all the simple Uq ( modules corresponding to cluster monomials (all the real modules, if Conjecture 4.7 is true) have a similar geometric q-character formula in terms of quiver Grassmannians. Acknowledgments D. Hernandez is supported in part by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Framework Programme H2020 with ERC Grant Agreement number 647353 QAffine.

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D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc

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Part II


Work of Vyjayanthi Chari Jacob Greenstein and David Hernandez

Abstract The goal of this survey is to describe the most important contributions of Vjyayanthi Chari in representation theory.

For almost four decades Vyjayanthi Chari’s work in representation theory of affine Kac–Moody algebras, affine quantum groups, and current algebras has changed the face of these subjects. Lie theory has been a central theme in mathematics since its origin in the late nineteenth century. In the second half of the twenty-first century, the introduction of Kac–Moody algebras (infinite-dimensional analogs of classical simple finitedimensional Lie algebras) and of quantum groups (quantization of simple Lie algebras and Kac–Moody algebras) by Drinfeld and Jimbo increased considerably the richness of the field. These expansions led to many important developments and the discovery of new structures that play a fundamental role in Lie theory and in other areas of mathematics and physics. They are also the underlying algebraic structures for important models in statistical and quantum physics, such as the XXZ spin chain model (the quantum Heisenberg model) or the ice model. The corresponding representation theory is crucial for the understanding of the properties of the algebraic structure as well as for its applications. Vyjayanthi Chari obtained several groundbreaking results in this field. She is one of the founders of large parts of the representation theory of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and their quantum groups.

J. Greenstein () Department of Mathematics, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA e-mail: [email protected] D. Hernandez Université de Paris, Université of Paris Diderot, CNRS Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche UMR 7586, Paris, France e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



J. Greenstein and D. Hernandez

We will focus on some of her most influential results. The fundamental contribution of Vyjayanthi Chari to the field already started in her PhD thesis (which yielded, in particular, two papers published in Inventiones Mathematicae [9, 10]). In [9], she extended Duflo’s theorem [36] describing annihilators of Verma modules in the universal enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra to an arbitrary Kac–Moody algebra. A special case was settled in [19] by a different method. In the same paper, she proved that the center of the universal enveloping algebra of a Kac–Moody Lie algebra is “trivial,” namely coincides with the universal enveloping algebra of the center of the Lie algebra itself. In the semisimple case, the situation is exactly the opposite: the Lie algebra’s center is trivial, while the universal enveloping algebra has a large and quite nontrivial center. In [10], Chari classified simple integrable modules over an affine Lie algebra. In particular, she showed that, apart from the highest and lowest weight modules, which exist for any Kac–Moody algebra, there is one more class, the loop modules, those existence stems from the “loop algebra” nature of affine Lie algebras. More precisely, an (untwisted) affine Lie algebra  g is obtained by attaching a derivation to the central extension of the Lie algebra Lg of maps from the unit circle to a simple finite-dimensional Lie algebra g. More algebraically, Lg is the tensor product of the algebra C[t, t −1 ] of Laurent polynomials in t with g with the Lie bracket defined by [x ⊗ f, y ⊗ g] = [x, y] ⊗ f g,

x, y ∈ g,

f, g ∈ C[t, t −1 ]

and is referred to as the loop algebra of g. Several ideas that will be crucial in the quantum setting too already appeared in this work. Then, Vyjayanthi Chari started a famous and very fruitful collaboration with Andrew Pressley. It began with [25–27] where explicit realizations of simple loop modules from [10] were obtained. Furthermore, Chari and Pressley initiated a new field, the systematic study of finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras. The relations between these various algebraic structures (Lie algebras, affine algebras, quantum groups, and affine quantum groups) may be summed up in the following diagram: Affine Lie algebra Quantization


Finite-dimensional Lie algebra

Affine quantum group



Quantum Group

One of their most famous results is the classification of simple finite-dimensional representations of quantum versions of Lg, called quantum affine algebras, in terms of “Drinfeld polynomials” [11, 29, 31]. Namely, let n be the rank of g. Then

Work of Vyjayanthi Chari


there is a bijection between the isomorphism classes of simple finite-dimensional representations of Uq (Lg) and n-tuples of polynomials in one variable with constant term 1. This is a quantum affine analog of the classical parametrization of complex simple finite-dimensional representations of g by integral dominant weights, that is, n-tuples of non-negative integers (in fact, the degree of the Drinfeld polynomials). This result of Chari and Pressley is familiar to everyone who ever worked with the representations of quantum affine algebras. This collaboration led to several other fundamental results. In particular, the Schur–Weyl duality established in [32] between categories of representations of quantum affine algebras associated with sln+1 and affine Hecke algebras has a lot of applications, and echoes today is the recent work of Kang, Kashiwara, and Kim [38], which generalizes this construction to Schur–Weyl dualities between quiver Hecke algebras (Khovanov–Laura–Rouquier algebras [40, 42]) and representations of quantum affine algebras. One very important feature of the tensor category of finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras or Yangians is that it is not braided, but only generically braided. More precisely, for any finite-dimensional representations V , W of the Yangian, there is an isomorphism RV ,W (z) : V (z) ⊗ W → W ⊗ V (z) which is meromorphic in the formal parameter z. Here, the representation V (z) is obtained from V by twisting with a natural “shift” automorphism of the Yangian corresponding to z. The operator RV ,W (z) may have poles when regarded as a function of z. In fact, in general, V ⊗ W  W ⊗ V . This is one of the features that make the structure of the category of finitedimensional representations of a Yangian so intricate. A fundamental problem is to localize the poles of these meromorphic operators. Chari and Pressley made a very important contribution on this problem in [28], but it is still open in general. Another fundamental result of Chari and Pressley is the complete description of simple finite-dimensional representations V of the quantum affine algebra Uq (Lsl2 ) associated with the simple Lie algebra sl2 . This description is given in the form of a factorization into a tensor product of various evaluation representations Wi : V  W1 ⊗ W2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ WN , that is, simple representations of Uq (Lsl2 ) obtained from a simple representation of the underlying finite-type quantum group Uq (sl2 ) through a Jimbo evaluation algebra morphism Uq (Lsl2 ) → Uq (sl2 ).


J. Greenstein and D. Hernandez

This has remarkable consequences. For example, it implies that all simple finitedimensional representations V of this algebra Uq ( sl2 ) are real, in the sense of monoidal categorification of cluster algebras, that is, the tensor square of V is simple. Moreover, each such simple representation admits a unique factorization into prime representations, that is, so that each factor has no nontrivial tensor factorization, with a very precise combinatorial rule to describe the factors. Besides, there are very explicit relations between the classes of these prime representations in the Grothendieck ring of the category. This may be seen as a premise of the theory of cluster algebras and their monoidal categorifications. This also leads to the general notion of prime representations and factorization of representations [33]. In [34, 35], Chari and Pressley introduced a class of representations that play the role of Weyl modules in representation theory in positive characteristics. Together with J. Beck [1], they established important intrinsic properties of the algebraic structure of affine quantum groups and their canonical bases. Chari made important advancements toward establishing the famous Kirillov– Reshetikhin conjecture. As before, let g be a simple finite-dimensional complex Lie algebra. Since the category of finite-dimensional Uq (g)-modules is semisimple, every finite-dimensional Uq (Lg)-module decomposes into a direct sum of simple finite-dimensional Uq (g)-modules. Motivated by statistical physics, Kirillov and Reshetikhin conjectured in 1987 [41] that there exists a class of simple finitedimensional Uq (Lg)-modules, whose tensor products decompose into a direct sum of simple modules over Uq (g) with multiplicities given in terms of combinatorial formulae, known as fermionic formulae. Such modules are called Kirillov– Reshetikhin modules. They are known to be prime in the sense that they are not isomorphic to tensor products of nontrivial Uq (Lg)-modules. In [12], Chari used specializations of Uq (Lg)-modules at q = 1 to prove the Kirillov–Reshetikhin conjecture in classical types. In [13], she obtained a proof of an important theorem on the cyclicity of a tensor product W1 ⊗ W2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Wk of Kirillov–Reshetikhin modules Wi (analogous statements were also proved simultaneously by Kashiwara and by Varagnolo and Vasserot using different methods). Under certain precise conditions on the order of the tensor factors, such a tensor product is generated by the tensor product of the highest weight vectors wi ∈ Wi w1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ wk ∈ W1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Wk . An important idea of this work was to use the action of the braid group corresponding to g on -weights. Furthermore, she introduced [11] an important class of representations called minimal affinizations of simple finite-dimensional Uq (g)modules. Roughly speaking, these are the “smallest,” with respect to a certain partial order, modules over Uq (Lg) whose Uq (g)-module simple “top” has the given dominant integral weight. For example, a Kirillov–Reshetikhin module is the minimal affinization corresponding to a multiple of a fundamental weight. Minimal

Work of Vyjayanthi Chari


affinizations, also known as Chari modules, appeared later in the work of Hernandez and Leclerc [37] as classes of certain cluster variables in the context of monoidal categorification of cluster algebras. It should be noted that quasi-classical limits of simple finite-dimensional modules over quantum affine algebras are indecomposable but usually not simple, and many important classes of such modules can be considered as graded modules over the current algebra g[t] = g ⊗ C[t], which is, naturally, a Lie subalgebra of Lg. So, it is only natural to study the category of such modules. This was another important direction of Chari’s work (see [2–4, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24]) in recent years, in collaboration with her students Matthew Bennet, R. J. Dolbin, Nathan Manning, and Tim Ridenour, as well as Jacob Greenstein, Bogdan Ion, Apoorva Khare, Sergei Loktev, and Adriano Moura. In particular, different highest weight category structures were discovered, an analog of BGG reciprocity was established, tilting modules were constructed, and homological properties of various important families of indecomposable modules were understood. This line of investigation also led Vyjayanthi Chari and her students to study several questions pertaining to very classic aspects of Lie theory. Vyjayanthi Chari obtained, with Adriano Moura, a description of blocks of the category of finite-dimensional representations of untwisted quantum affine algebras [22] (the result was extended very recently in [39] to twisted quantum affine algebras by another method). An analogous result for integrable level-zero modules was obtained in [16]. In [14], with Ghislain Fourier and Tanusree Khandal, she developed a categorical way of defining and studying Weyl modules. In recent years, Vyjayanthi Chari pursued very active researches on the representations of current algebras [6, 7] as well as on the representations of quantum affine algebras and their relations to cluster algebras [5, 8]. Not only seminal papers of Vyjayanthi Chari served as a source of inspiration for many researchers. In addition, she and Andrew Pressley wrote a very influential book “A Guide to Quantum Groups” [30]. It is well-known and is used as a standard reference book in the field of quantum groups. Many students and researchers around the world, including ourselves, learned the theory of quantum groups using “the book.” Vyjayanthi Chari mentored more than twenty graduate students and a large number of young researchers. Notably, most of her collaborative projects in recent years were with graduate students, post-docs, and junior faculty members.

References 1. J. Beck, V. Chari, and A. Pressley, An algebraic characterization of the affine canonical basis, Duke Math. J. 99 (1999), no. 3, 455–487, 2. M. Bennett, A. Berenstein, V. Chari, A. Khoroshkin, and S. Loktev, Macdonald polynomials and BGG reciprocity for current algebras, Selecta Math. (N.S.) 20 (2014), no. 2, 585–607,


J. Greenstein and D. Hernandez

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Work of Vyjayanthi Chari


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Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs: An Introduction with Open Problems Erhard Neher

Dedicated to Vyjayanthi Chari on the occasion of her 60th birthday

Abstract The paper gives an introduction to Steinberg groups for Jordan pairs, a theory developed in the book recent book by Ottmar Loos and the author.

1 Introduction The connection between Jordan structures (Jordan algebras, Jordan pairs) and Lie algebras and groups has a long and successful history, starting with the work of Chevalley–Schafer [3] and continued by Jacobson [8–10], Kantor [13–15], Koecher [17–20], Loos [24, 25, 27], Springer [40], Springer–Veldkamp [41] and Tits [46, 47]. The book [30] by Loos and the author is a further contribution to the theme “Groups and Jordan Structures”. It contains a detailed study of Steinberg groups associated with certain types of Jordan pairs. These groups generalize the classical linear and unitary Steinberg groups of a ring by, roughly speaking, replacing associative coordinates with Jordan algebras or Jordan pairs. We are able to prove the basic results on Steinberg groups (central closedness, universal central extension in the stable case) in our setting, thereby recovering all previous results, except those on groups of type E8 , F4 and G2 , and in addition deal with new types, not considered before. The main novelty, however, is our approach based on 3-graded root systems and Jordan pairs. The present paper is an introduction to the theory developed in [30]. In Sect. 2 we describe the linear Steinberg group St(A) of a ring A from the point of view of Jordan pairs. This is motivation for Sect. 3 where we define the Steinberg group of

E. Neher () Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



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a root graded Jordan pair and state the main results of [30] regarding these groups. The final Sect. 4 discusses some open research problems in the area of Steinberg groups and Jordan pairs. The paper does not assume any prior knowledge of linear Steinberg groups or Jordan pairs: all relevant definitions are given in the paper. We demonstrate their scope by many examples and refer the reader to [29] and [30] for most proofs. But we include the details of our discussion of the linear Steinberg group and the elementary linear group of a ring from the point of view of Jordan theory (Sects. 2.7– 2.10 and 2.12, respectively). We also give all details of our description of the Tits–Kantor–Koecher algebra and the projective elementary group of a rectangular Jordan pair (Sects. 3.12 and 3.13). Notation Throughout k is a unital commutative associative ring and A is a not necessarily commutative, but unital associative k-algebra. Its identity element and zero element are denoted by 1A and 0A , respectively. We will often simply write 1 for 1A if A is clear from the context, and analogously for 0 ∈ A. We use A× to denote the invertible elements of A. If k = Z, we will refer to A as a ring. For non-empty sets I and J , we denote by MatI J (A) the k-module of I × J matrices over A, i.e. maps x : I × J → A with only finitely many values different from 0. As usual, we write a matrix in the form x = (xij )(i,j )∈I ×J . In case I = J we abbreviate MatI (A) = MatI J (A). This is an associative k-algebra with respect to ordinary matrix multiplication, which is unital if and only if I is finite. We put Matn (A) = MatI (A) if |I | = n < ∞. Here and in general |I | denotes the cardinality of the set I . The identity element of Matn (A) is denoted by 1n , and the group Matn (A)× by GLn (A). The group commutator of elements g, h in a group G is ((g, h)) = ghg −1 h−1 .

2 Elementary Linear Groups and Their Steinberg Groups In this section we give an introduction to elementary linear groups over a ring A (Sect. 2.1) and their associated Steinberg groups (Sect. 2.3). After a review of central extensions in Sect. 2.4, we state the Kervaire–Milnor–Steinberg Theorem (2.6), which says, for example, that the stable Steinberg group is the universal central extension of the stable elementary group. We also exhibit a new set of generators and relations for the Steinberg groups considered in this Sect. 2.7–2.9, which we take as axioms for a new Steinberg group defined in Sect. 2.10. The main result is Theorem 2.11: the classical and the new Steinberg groups are isomorphic.

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


2.1 Elementary Linear Groups Let n ∈ N, n  2. As usual, Eij ∈ Matn (A) is the n × n-matrix with entry 1A at the position (ij ) and 0A elsewhere. For 1  i = j  n and a ∈ A, we put eij (a) = 1n + aEij ,

(a ∈ A).

The well-known multiplication rules aEij bEkl = δj k abEil for a, b ∈ A imply eij (a) eij (b) = eij (a + b).


Hence eij (a) eij (−a) = 1n = eij (−a) eij (a), and so eij (a) ∈ GLn (A). The elementary linear group (of rank n) is the subgroup # $ En (A) = eij (a) : 1  i = j  n, a ∈ A of Matn (A)× generated by all eij (a). One easily verifies two further relations of the eij (a): ((eij (a), ekl (b))) = 1n

(j = k, i = l),


((eij (a), ej l (b))) = eil (ab)

(i, j, l =).


Taking the inverse of (E3) and using ((g, h))−1 = ((h, g)) yield the equivalent relation ((eij (a), eki (b))) = ekj (−ba)

(i, j, k =).


We will also need an infinite variant of Matn (A) and the group En (A). Let MatN (A) be the set of all N × N-matrices x = (xij )i,j ∈N with entries from A, but with only finitely many xij = 0. The usual addition and multiplication of matrices are welldefined operations on MatN (A) satisfying all axioms of a ring, except the existence of an identity element. To remedy this, let 1N = diag(1A , 1A , . . .) be the diagonal matrix of size N × N with every diagonal entry being 1A . Then, MatN (A)ex := k1N + MatN (A) is a ring with the usual addition and multiplication of matrices. Its identity element is 1N and its zero element is the zero matrix, see for example [5, 1.2B] where this ring is denoted by Mat∞ (A) (its elements are the N × N-matrices with entries from A that have only finitely many non-zero entries off the diagonal and whose diagonal elements become eventually constant).


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We associate with x ∈ Matn (A) the matrix ιn (x) ∈ MatN (A)ex by putting x in the upper-left corner and filling the diagonal outside x with 1A : ιn (x) =

 x 0 . 0 diag(1A , . . .)

matrices in Matn (A)to invertible matrices Then ιn maps  invertible     of MatN (A)ex , e e in particular ιn eij (a) ∈ MatN (A)× . Since ι (a) = ι (a) for p  n, we n ij p ij ex can take the maps ιn as identification and view all eij (a), i, j ∈ N with i = j , as elements of MatN (A)× ex . The (stable) elementary linear group is the subgroup E(A) generated by all the eij (a): of MatN (A)× ex # $ E(A) = eij (a) : i, j ∈ N, i = j . It is immediate that the relations (E1)–(E4) also hold in E(A). The group E(A) is canonically isomorphic to the limit of the inductive system (En (A), ιpn ) where ιpn : En (A) → Ep (A) for p  n is defined by taking the upper-left (p × p)-corner of ιn (x).

2.2 Why Is En (A) Important? One reason is that En (F ) = SLn (F ) in case of A = F is a field—in other words, every matrix of determinant 1 can be reduced to the identity matrix by elementary row and column reductions. The equality En (A) = SLn (A) even holds for a noncommutative local ring, for example a division ring, if one uses the Dieudonné determinant ([5, 2.2.2] or [38, 2.2.2–2.2.6]). If A is commutative, then obviously En (A) ⊂ SLn (A). Equality holds for example if A is a Euclidean ring [5, 1.2.11]. While all of this is interesting, the real interest in En (A) and E(A) stems from their connection to Steinberg groups of A and to the K-group K2 (A), defined in (2.3.2).

2.3 The Steinberg Groups Stn (A) and St(A) We assume n ∈ N, n  3 (the case n = 2 is uninteresting since then the definitions below yield free products of A. The group St2 (A) is defined differently, see e.g. [33]; it will not play a role in this paper). The Steinberg group Stn (A) is the group presented by • generators xij (a), 1  i = j  n and a ∈ A, and • relations (E1)–(E3) of Sect. 2.1:

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


xij (a) xij (b) = xij (a + b) ((xij (a), xkl (b))) = 1

for all 1  i = j  n and a, b ∈ A,

if j = k and l = i,

((xij (a), xj l (b))) = xil (ab)

if i, j, l = .

The (stable) Steinberg group St(A) is the group presented by • generators xij (a), i, j ∈ N distinct, a ∈ A, and • relations (E1)–(E3) for i, j ∈ N. Since the defining relations (E1)–(E3) hold in En (A) and E(A), we get surjective group homomorphisms ℘n : Stn (A) → En (A)

℘ : St(A) → E(A)



determined by xij (a) → eij (a). The second K-group of A is then defined as K2 (A) := Ker(℘).


This is an important but also mysterious group, even for fields. The reader can find more about this group in the classic [33], and in [5, Ch. 1], [32, Parts IV and V], [38, Ch. 4] or [49, III] (the list is incomplete). To put all of this in a bigger picture, we make a short detour on central extensions of groups.

2.4 Central Extensions Let G be a group. An extension of G is a surjective group homomorphism p : E → G. An extension is called central if Ker(p) is contained in the centre of the group G. A central extension q : X → G is a universal central extension if for all central extensions p : E → G there exists a unique homomorphism f : X → E such that q = p ◦ f: ∃! f


E q



A group X is called centrally closed if IdX : X → X is a universal central extension. Thus, X is centrally closed if and only if every central extension p : E → X splits uniquely in the sense that there exists a unique group homomorphism f : X → E satisfying p ◦ f = IdX . The concepts defined above are related by the following facts, proved for example in [5, 1.4C], [33, §5], [38, 4.1] or [43, §7].


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(a) A group G has a universal central extension if and only if it is perfect, i.e. generated by all commutator ((g, h)) of g, h ∈ G. In particular, a centrally closed group is perfect. (b) For two universal central extensions of a group G, say q : X → G and q  : X → G, there exists an isomorphism f : X → X of groups, uniquely determined by the condition q = q  ◦ f . (c) Let q : X → G be a universal central extension, whence G is perfect by (a). Then X is centrally closed and thus also perfect, again by (a). Obviously, G is a central quotient of X. The following fact (d) says that every universal central extension of G is obtained as a central quotient of a centrally closed group. (d) A surjective group homomorphism q : X → G is a universal central extension if and only if (i) X is centrally closed and (ii) Ker(q) is central. ¯ be central extensions. Then f is a universal (e) Let f : X → G and g : G → G central extension if and only if g ◦ f is a universal central extension. To describe a universal central extension of a group G, we have, by (d) and (e), two approaches: (I) Find successive central extensions G1 → G0 = G, . . . , Gn → Gn−1 , . . . until one of them, say Gn → Gn−1 , becomes universal, and then take the composition Gn → G of these central extensions, or (II) find an extension q : X → G with X centrally closed and then find conditions for Ker(q) to be central. Although (I) sees to be the more natural approach, we will actually follow (II). But first back to Steinberg groups. In [42] Steinberg gave a very elegant description of the universal central extension of a perfect Chevalley group over a field. “Most” Chevalley groups are perfect by [43, Lemma 32]. In particular, for n  2 and F a field, the group SLn (F ) = En (F ) (equality by Sect. 2.2) is a Chevalley group, and it is perfect if n  4 or if n = 3 and |F |  3 or if n = 2 and |F |  4. A special case of Steinberg’s result in [42] is the following theorem. Theorem 2.5 ([42, 43, Thm. 10],[44, Thm. 1.1]) Let n ∈ N, n  2, and let F be a field satisfying |F | > 4 if n = 3 and |F | ∈ {2, 3, 4, 9} if n = 2. Then the map ℘n : Stn (F ) → En (F ) of (2.3.1) is a universal central extension. We have defined the maps ℘n : Stn (A) → En (A) and ℘ : St(A) → E(A) for any ring A. It is therefore natural to ask if Theorem 2.5 even holds for rings. An answer is given in the following Kervaire–Milnor–Steinberg Theorem. Kervaire-Milnor-Steinberg Theorem 2.6 ([16, 33, 43]) For an arbitrary ring A, (a) the group Stn (A), n  5, is centrally closed. (b) The map ℘ : St(A) → E(A) is a universal central extension.


An indication of the proof of (a) can be found in [5, 1.4.12] or [43, Cor. 1]. The attribution of part (b) of this theorem is somewhat complicated. Kervaire cites a preliminary version of [33], Milnor attributes it to Steinberg and Kervaire [33,

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


p. 43] and Steinberg says that (b), proved in [43, Thm. 14], is “based in part on a letter from J. Milnor”. In view of (a), the map ℘n : Stn (A) → En (A), n  5, is a universal central extension if and only if it is a central extension. It is known that this is not always the case, see [5, 4.2.20]. However, by Sect. 2.4(c), both Stn (A) and St(A) are centrally closed. It is this result that we will be concentrating on, following the strategy Sect. 2.4(II).

2.7 Another Look at Stn (A) and St(A): Using Root Systems To treat Stn (A), n ∈ N, n  3 and St(A) at the same time, we use the subset N ⊂ N, which is the finite integer interval N = [1, n] or N = N. We can then put % StN (A) =

Stn (A)

if N = [1, n],


if N = N.

By definition in Sect. 2.3, StN (A) is generated by xij (a), (i, j ) ∈ N × N, i = j and ˙ N (notation of Sect. 3.2), a ∈ A. We replace this indexing set by the root  system A which we realize in the Euclidean space X = Rε i with basis (εi )i∈N and i∈N inner product ( | ) defined by (εi |εj ) = δij : ˙ N = {εi − εj : i, j ∈ N}, R=A

R × = R \ {0}.

Thus R × = An−1 for N = [1, n] in the traditional notation, while for N = N we get an infinite locally finite root system—a concept that we will review later in Sect. 3.1. For the moment, it suffices to use the concretely given R above. For α, β ∈ R, one easily checks that (α|β) ∈ {0, ±1, ±2} with (α|β) = ±2 ⇐⇒ α = ±β. To conveniently describe the remaining cases, we use the symbols α ⊥ β ⇐⇒ (α|β) = 0



β ⇐⇒ (α|β) = 1.


A straightforward analysis of the indices shows for α = εi −εj and β = εk −εl ∈ R that α ⊥ β or α α



j = k and l = i,



j = k, i, j, l = or i = l, i, j, k = .

Hence, putting xα (a) = xij (a)

for α = εi − εj ∈ R × ,



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the relations (E1)–(E4) can be rewritten in terms of roots as follows. Let α, β ∈ R × and denote the relations corresponding to (Ei) by (ERi). Then the previous relations read ((xα (a), xα (b))) = 1,


((xα (a), xβ (b))) = 1,

if α ⊥ β or α

((xα (a), xβ (b))) = xα+β (ab)

if α = εi − εj , β = εj − εl , i, j, l =, (ER3)

((xα (a), xβ (b))) = xα+β (−ba)

if α = εi − εj , β = εk − εi , i, j, k = . (ER4)

In particular, the two cases for α relations (ER3) and (ER4).

(−β) in (2.7.4) correspond precisely to the



2.8 Another Look at StN (A): Fewer Generators We continue with N and R as in Sect. 2.7. In addition we choose a nontrivial partition ˙ N = I ∪J,

∅ = I = N,

which we fix in the following. It induces a non-trivial partition ˙ 0 ∪R ˙ −1 , R = R1 ∪R


whose parts are R1 = {εi − εj : i ∈ I, j ∈ J }, R−1 = {εj − εi : i ∈ I, j ∈ J } = −R1 , ˙I ×A ˙J. R0 = {εk − εl : (k, l) ∈ I × I or (k, l) ∈ J × J } = A ˙ 0 ∪R ˙ −1 will later be seen to be an example of a 3-grading The partition R = R1 ∪R of R, but we do not need this now. Observe that every μ ∈ R0 can be written (not uniquely) as μ = α − β with α and β ∈ R1 satisfying α β. Indeed, (i) if μ = εk − εl with k, l ∈ I , then μ = (εk − εj ) − (εl − εj ) for any j ∈ J , hence xμ (a) = xkl (a) = ((xkj (a), xj l (1))) = ((xα (a), x−β (1))) by (ER3) for α = εk − εj and β = εl − εj ∈ R1 , and


Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


(ii) if μ = εk − εl with k, l ∈ J , then μ = (εi − εl ) − (εi − εk ) for any i ∈ J , hence xμ (a) = xkl (a) = ((xil (−a), xki (1))) = ((xα (−a), x−β (1)))


by (ER4) for α = εi − εl and β = εi − εk ∈ R1 . Equations (2.8.6) and (2.8.7) show that StN (A) is already generated by {xα (a) : α ∈ R1 ∪ R−1 , a ∈ A}.


2.9 Another Look at StN (A): Fewer Relations Our next goal is to rewrite some of the relations (ER1)–(ER4) in terms of the smaller generating set (2.8.8). Each of these relations depends on two roots ξ , τ ∈ R. Because of ((g, h))−1 = ((h, g)), we only need to consider the relations involving (ξ, τ ) lying in one of the following subsets of R × R: R1 × R1 ,

R−1 × R−1 ,

R1 × R−1 ,

R0 × R1 ,

R0 × R−1 ,

R0 × R0 .

(a) Case (ξ, τ ) = (α, β) ∈ R1 × R1 : Given α, β ∈ R1 , exactly one of the relations α = β, α β, α ⊥ β holds. Hence only (ER1) and (ER2) apply in this case and yield ((xα (a), xβ (b))) = 1

for α, β ∈ R1 and a, b ∈ A.


It will now be more convenient to change notation (again) and put for α = εi − εj ∈ R1 and uα = aEα+ Eα+ = Eij , Vα+ = AEα+ ,

x+ (uα ) = xα (a) = xij (a)   V + = α∈R1 Vα+ = (ij )∈I ×J AEij .

(2.9.10) (2.9.11)

Because of (2.9.9), the map x+ : V + −→ StN (A),



uα →


is well-defined (independent of the chosen order for x+ (u + u ) = x+ (u) x+ (u )



x+ (uα )

α∈R1 )

for u, u ∈ V + .


and satisfies (2.9.13)

It is clear that conversely (2.9.13) implies (2.9.9). (b) Case (ξ, τ ) = (−α, −β) ∈ R−1 × R−1 : This case is analogous to Case (a). Given α = εi − εj ∈ R1 and vα = aEα− , we define


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Eα− = Ej i , Vα− = AEα− ,

x− (vα ) = x−α (−a) = xj i (−a),   V − = α∈R1 Vα− = (j i)∈J ×I AEj i .


(The minus sign in the definition of x− (vα ) is not significant but has been included so that the relations below are precisely those used later on. It avoids a minus sign in the formula (2.12.27).) As in Case (a), the relations (ER1)–(ER4) for (−α, −β) ∈ R−1 × R−1 yield ((x− (vα ), x− (v  β))) = 1 and thus give rise to a well-defined map x− : V − −→ StN (A),



aα Eα− →

" α∈R1

x− (−aα Eα− ) (2.9.15)

satisfying x− (v + v  ) = x− (v) x− (v  )

for v, v  ∈ V − .


At this point, we obtain a new generating set of StN (A) # $ StN (A) = x+ (V + ) ∪ x− (V − ) ,


(c) Case (ξ, τ ) = (α, −β) ∈ R1 × R−1 : From this case, we will only explicitly keep the relation (ER2), which in our new notation says ((x+ (u), x− (v))) = 1

for (u, v) ∈ Vα+ × Vβ− with α ⊥ β.


In the following Case (d), we use the relations (ER3) and (ER4) for (α, −β) ∈ R1 × R−1 in double commutators. (d) Case (ξ, τ ) = (μ, γ ) ∈ R0 × R1 : To deal with this case, we view the elements of V + as I ×J -matrices with only finitely many non-zero entries, as in (2.9.10). Similarly, elements in V − are J × I -matrices with finitely many non-zero entries. Matrix multiplication of matrices in V + ×V − ×V + is then well-defined and yields the Jordan triple product {· · · }, i.e. the map {· · · } : V + × V − × V + −→ V + ,

(x, y, x) → {x y z} := xyz + zyx.

We claim that (ER2)–(ER4) imply ((((x+ (uα ), x− (vβ ))), x+ (zγ ))) = x+ (−{uα vβ zγ }) for α, β, γ ∈ R1 with α

β and all uα ∈ Vα+ , vβ ∈ Vβ− , zγ ∈ Vγ+ . (2.9.19)

We prove this by evaluating all possibilities for μ = α − β with α, β ∈ R1 satisfying α β and γ = εr − εs ∈ R1 . By Sects. 2.8(i) and 2.8(ii), there are two cases for such a representation of μ, discussed below as (I) and (II).

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


(I) α = εi − εj , β = εi − εl for i ∈ I and j, l ∈ J distinct. Thus μ = α − β = εl − εj . We let uα = aEij , vβ = bEli , zγ = cErs . Then, by (ER4)–(E4), ((((x+ (uα ), x− (vβ ))), x+ (zγ ))) = ((((xij (a), xli (−b))), xrs (c))) = ((xlj (ba), xrs (c))) =: A, {uα vβ zγ } = {aEij bEli cErs } = δsl cbaErj =: B. If l = s, then, again by (E4), A = xrj (−cba), while B = cba Erj . Otherwise l = s, whence A = 1 by (E2) and clearly B = 0. This finishes the proof of (2.9.19) in case (I). (II) α = εi − εj , β = εk − εj for distinct i, k ∈ I and j ∈ J . This can be shown in the same way as (I). To obtain a slightly simpler version of (2.9.19), we apply the commutator formula ((g, h1 h2 )) = ((g, h1 )) · ((g, h2 )) · ((((h2 , g)), h1 )) with g = ((x+ (uα ), x− (vβ ))), h1 = x+ (zγ ) and h2 = x+ (zδ ) for arbitrary δ ∈ R1 . We obtain ((g, h1 h2 )) = ((g, h1 )) · ((g, h2 )), which allows us to rewrite (2.9.19) in the form ((((x+ (uα ), x− (vβ ))), x+ (z))) = x+ (−{uα vβ z}) for α, β ∈ R1 with α

β and arbitrary uα ∈ Vα+ , vβ ∈ Vβ− , z ∈ V + . (2.9.20)

(e) Case (ξ, τ ) = (μ, −γ ) ∈ R0 × R−1 . We proceed as in Case (d) and define the Jordan triple product {· · · } : V − × V + × V − −→ V − ,

(x, y, x) → {x y z} := xyz + zyx,

using matrix multiplication in the definition of {· · · }. As in Case (d), one then proves the relation ((((x− (vα ), x+ (uβ ))), x− (w))) = x− (−{vα uβ w}) for α, β ∈ R1 with α

β and arbitrary vα ∈ Vα− , uβ ∈ Vβ+ , w ∈ V − . (2.9.21)

(f) Case (ξ, τ ) ∈ R0 ×R0 : As we will see below, the relations involving these (ξ, τ ) are not needed for presenting StN (A).


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2.10 The Steinberg Group St(MI J (A), R) We keep the setting of (Sects. 2.7–2.9). In Sect. 2.9 we defined a pair of matrix spaces   (V + , V − ) = MatI J (A), MatJ I (A) =: MI J (A), and Jordan triple products {· · · } : V σ × V −σ × V σ → V σ ,

(x, y, z) → {x y z} = xyz + zyx

for σ ∈ {+, −}. In (2.9.11) and (2.9.14) we also introduced a family Vα = (Vα+ , Vα− )

R = (Vα )α∈R1 ,

 σ of pairs of subgroups with the property that V σ = α∈R1 Vα . Furthermore, in (2.9.17) we found a new generating set for StN (A), and we rewrote some of the relations defining StN (A) in terms of this new generating set. It is then natural to define a new Steinberg group using these new generators and relations. The Steinberg group St(MI J (A), R) is the group presented by • generators x+ (u), u ∈ V + and x− (v), v ∈ V − , and • the relations (2.9.13), (2.9.16), (2.9.18), (2.9.20) and (2.9.21). Taking σ ∈ {+, −}, these are xσ (u + u ) = xσ (u) xσ (u )

for u, u ∈ V σ ,

((x+ (u), x− (v))) = 1 for (u, v) ∈



× Vβ− , α

⊥ β,

((((xσ (u), x−σ (v))), x− (z))) = xσ (−{u v z}) for uα ∈ Vασ , v ∈ Vβ−σ , z ∈ V σ with α

(EJ2) (EJ3)


(The letter “J” in (EJi) stands for “Jordan”, to be explained in the next section.) From the review above, it is clear that we have a surjective homomorphism of groups  : St(MI J (A), R) → StN (A),

xσ (u) → xσ (u)


where xσ is defined in (2.9.12) and (2.9.15). Moreover, composing  with the surjective group homomorphisms ℘N : StN (A) → EN (A) of (2.3.1) yields another surjective group homomorphism pN : St(MI J (A), R) → EN (A), x+ (aEij ) → eij (a),

x− (aEj i ) → ej i (−a)


Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


and hence a commutative diagram


Theorem 2.11 ([30]) The map  of (2.10.22) is an isomorphism of groups. In particular, St(MI J (A), R) is centrally closed if |N |  5 and pN is a universal central extension of E(A) if N = N. Proof To prove bijectivity of  is bijective, a canonical approach is to show that the family of x+ (aEij ) and x− (−bEij ) ∈ St(MI J (A), R) can be extended to a family of elements satisfying the defining relations (E1)–(E3) of StN (A). As a consequence, this yields a group homomorphism  : StN (A) → St(MI J (A), R) such that  ◦  and  ◦  are the identity on the respective generators and therefore also on the corresponding groups. Another proof of the bijectivity of  is given in [30, 24.18], based on the interpretation of both groups as initial objects in an appropriate category of groups mapping onto EN (A). The second part of the theorem follows from the Kervaire–Milnor–Steinberg Theorem 2.6.

2.12 Another Look at EN (A) It follows from the existence of the surjective group homomorphism pN of (2.10.23) that EN (A) is generated by pN (x+ (V + ) ∪ x− (V − )) and that the matrices in this image satisfy the relations (EJ1)–(EJ3). It is instructive to verify this directly. For (u, v) ∈ MI J (A), we define elements e+ (u) and e− (v) of the ring MatN (A)ex of Sect. 2.1 by 

1 u , e+ (u) = I 0 1J

1I 0 . −v 1J


e− (v + v  ) = e− (v) e− (v  ).


e− (v) =

Then clearly e+ (u + u ) = e+ (u) e+ (u )


In particular, the matrices e+ (u) and e− (v) are invertible with e+ (u)−1 = e+ (−u) and e− (v)−1 = e− (−v). Since e+ (aEij ) = eij (a) and e− (vEj i ) = ej i (−v) for (ij ) ∈ I × J , Eqs. (2.12.26) also show that e+ (u) ∈ EN (A) and e− (v) ∈ EN (A). By straightforward matrix multiplication, one obtains


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 1 − uv + uvuv uvu . ((e+ (u), e− (v))) = I vuv 1J + vu


In particular, taking (u, v) with vu = 0 or uv = 0, this proves 

1I − uv 0 0 1J

∈ EN (A)


 0 1I ∈ EN (A). 0 1J + vu

Specifying (u, v) even more, one then easily sees that all elementary matrices ekl (a) with (k, l) ∈ I × I or (k, l) ∈ J × J lie in the subgroup of EN (A) generated by e+ (V + ) ∪ e− (V − ). Therefore, this subgroup equals EN (A). The relation (EJ1) is (2.12.26), and the relation (EJ2) follows from (2.12.27) since for (u, v) ∈ Vα+ × Vα− with α ⊥ β we have uv = 0 and vu = 0. In order to prove (EJ3) in case σ = +, let (u, v) ∈ Vα+ × Vβ− with α ⊥ β and let z ∈ V + arbitrary. Then uvu = 0 = uvzvu, vuv = 0 and (1J + vu)−1 = 1J − vu. Hence, by (2.12.27),   1 − uv 0 1I z  I , ((((e+ (u), e− (v))), e+ (z))) = 0 (1J − vu)−1 0 1J  1 −z + (1 − uv)z(1 − vu) = e+ (−{u v z}). = I 0 1J The relation (EJ3) for σ = − can be verified in the same way. To put this example in the general setting of the following Sect. 3, we point out that the calculations above are not only valid for matrices of finite or countable size |N| but also hold for N of arbitrary cardinality.

3 Generalizations In this section we generalize the Steinberg groups considered in Sect. 2. The generalization has a combinatorial aspect, 3-graded root systems and an algebraic aspect, root graded Jordan pairs. They are presented in Sects. 3.1–3.3 and 3.4–3.6, respectively. We define the Steinberg group of a root graded Jordan pair (Sect. 3.7) and state the Jordan pair version of the Kervaire–Milnor–Steinberg Theorem (Sects. 3.8 and 3.11). Since the elementary linear group only makes sense for special Jordan pairs, we replace it by its central quotient, which can be defined for any Jordan pair: the projective elementary group PE(V ) of a Jordan pair V defined in terms of the Tits–Kantor–Koecher algebra L(V ) (Sect. 3.10). We discuss L(V ) and PE(V ) for the Jordan pair of rectangular matrices over a ring in Sects. 3.12 and 3.13.

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


3.1 Locally Finite Root Systems [29] We use ·, · to denote the canonical pairing between a real vector space X of arbitrary dimension and its dual space X∗ , thus x, ϕ = ϕ(x) for x ∈ X and ϕ ∈ X∗ . If ϕ ∈ X∗ satisfies α, ϕ = 2, we define the reflection sα,ϕ ∈ GL(X) by sα,ϕ (x) = x − x, ϕ α. A locally finite root system is a pair (R, X) consisting of a real vector space X and a subset R ⊂ X satisfying the axioms (i)–(iv) below: (i) R spans X as a real vector space and 0 ∈ R, (ii) for every α ∈ R × = R \ {0}, there exists α ∨ ∈ X∗ such that α, α ∨ = 2 and sα,α ∨ (R) = R. (iii) α, β ∨ ∈ Z for all α, β ∈ R × . (iv) R is locally finite in the sense that R ∩ Y is finite for every finite-dimensional subspace of X. Locally finite root systems form a category RS, in which a morphism f : (R, X) → (S, Y ) is an R-linear map with f (R) ⊂ S. In this category, an isomorphism f : (R, X) → (S, Y ) is a vector space isomorphism f : X → Y with f (R) = S. Such an isomorphism necessarily satisfies f (α), f (β)∨ = α, β ∨ for all α, β ∈ R × . Remarks, Facts and More Definitions (a) The linear form α ∨ in (ii) is uniquely determined by the two conditions in (ii). Therefore, we simply write sα instead of sα,α ∨ in the future. (b) Our standard reference for locally finite root systems is [29]. As in [29], we will also here abbreviate the term “locally finite root system” by root system. Then a finite root system is a root system (R, X) with R a finite set, equivalently dim X < ∞. Finite root systems are the root systems studied for example in [2, Ch. VI]. That [2] assumes that 0 ∈ / R does not pose any problem in applying the results developed there. The real vector space X of a root system (R, X) is usually not important. We will therefore often just refer to R rather than to (R, X) as a root system. (c) As in [29] and again in [30, §2], we assume here that 0 ∈ R, which is more natural from a categorical point of view. In [30, §2] the real vector space X is replaced by a free abelian group X and condition (iv) becomes that R ∩ Y be finite for every finitely generated subgroup Y of X. With the obvious concept of a morphism, this defines a category of root systems over the integers, which is equivalent to the category RS [30, Prop. 2.9]. (d) A locally finite root system need not be reduced in the sense that Rα∩R = {±α} for every α ∈ R × . The rank of a root system (R, X) is defined as the dimension of the real vector space X. (e) The direct sum of a family (R (j ) , X(j ) )j ∈J of root systems is the pair


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j ∈J

R (j ) ,

 X(j ) ,

j ∈J

which is again a root system [29, 3.10], traditionally written as R =

 j ∈J

R (j ) .

A non-empty root system is called irreducible if it is not isomorphic to a direct sum of two non-empty root systems. Every root system uniquely decomposes as a direct sum of irreducible root systems, called its irreducible components [29, 3.13]. (f) Every root system (R, X) admits an inner product ( | ) : X × X → R, which is invariant in the sense that (sα (x) | sα (y)) = (x | y) holds for all α ∈ R × and x, y ∈ X, equivalently β, α ∨ = 2

(β | α) (α | α)

for all α, β ∈ R ×


[29, 4.2]. If R is irreducible, ( | ) is unique up to a non-zero scalar. It follows that the definition of a root system given in [35] is equivalent to the definition above and that a finite reduced root system is the same as a “root system” in [7], again up to 0 ∈ / R.

3.2 Classification of Root Systems ˙ We first present, as examples, the classical  root systems AI , . . . , BCI . Let I be a set of cardinality |I |  2, and let X = i∈I Rεi be the R-vector space with basis (εi )i∈I . Define ˙ I = {εi − εj : i, j ∈ I }, A


˙ I ∪ {±(εi + εj ) : i = j }, DI = A


BI = DI ∪ {±εi : i ∈ I },


CI = DI ∪ {±2εi : i ∈ I },


BCI = BI ∪ CI .


˙ I is a root system in X˙ = Ker(t) where t ∈ X∗ is defined by t (εi ) = 1, Then A ˙ instead of the traditional A is i ∈ I . Its rank is therefore |I | − 1. The notation A ˙ meant to indicate this fact. Observe that AN is the root system R of Sect. 2.7. All other sets DI , . . . , BCI are root systems in X, whence of rank |I |. The root systems ˙ I , BI , CI and DI are reduced, while BCI is not. A The isomorphism class of a classical root system only depends on the cardinality of the set I . In particular, when I is finite of cardinality n, we will use the index

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


˙ n+1 = A ˙ {0,1,...,n} = An in the n instead of I . Thus, Dn = D{1,...,n} etc. Note A traditional notation. The standard inner product ( | ), defined by (εi |εj ) = δij , is an invariant inner product in the sense of Sect. 3.1(f). With the exception of D2 = A1 ⊕ A1 , the root ˙ I , . . . , BCI are irreducible. Apart from the low-rank isomorphisms B2 ∼ systems A = C2 , D3 ∼ = A3 , they are pairwise non-isomorphic. The classification of root systems [29, Thm. 8.4] says that an irreducible root system is isomorphic either to a classical root system or to an exceptional finite root system.

3.3 3-Graded Root Systems ˙ 0 ∪R ˙ −1 satisfying the A 3-grading of a root system (R, X) is a partition R = R1 ∪R following conditions (i)–(iii): (i) R−1 = −R1 ; (ii) (Ri +Rj )∩R ⊂ Ri+j for i, j ∈ {1, 0, −1}, with the understanding that Rk = ∅ for k ∈ / {1, 0, −1}; (iii) R1 + R−1 = R0 , i.e. every root in R0 is a difference of two roots in R1 . In particular (ii) says that the sum of two roots in R1 is never a root and (R1 + R−1 ) ∩ R ⊂ R0 , a condition that is strengthened in (iii). Since a 3-grading of a root system (R, X) is determined by the subset R1 of R, we will denote a 3-graded root system by (R, R1 , X) or simply by (R, R1 ). A 3graded root system is a root system equipped with a 3-grading. An isomorphism f : (R, R1 , X) → (S, S1 , Y ) between 3-graded root systems is a vector space isomorphism f : X → Y satisfying f (R1 ) = S1 , hence also f (Ri ) = Si for i ∈ {1, 0, −1}, and is therefore an isomorphism f : (R, X) → (S, Y ) of the underlying root systems. References for 3-graded root systems are [29, §17,§18], [30, Ch. IV] and [35]. Some Facts and Examples ˙ N is a 3-grading. The (a) The decomposition (2.8.5) of the root system R = A restrictions on N imposed in Sect. 2.7 are not necessary for the definition of ˙ N. a 3-graded root system, as we have seen in Sect. 3.2 for the root system A ˙ ˙ Any non-trivial partition N = I ∪J induces a 3-grading of AN as in Sect. 2.8, ˙ I is ˙ I . Thus, the 1-part of the 3-graded root system A denoted A N N ˙ IN )1 = {εi − εj : i ∈ I, j ∈ N \ I }. (A


˙ N is obtained in this way for a non-empty proper subset Every 3-grading of A I ⊂ N. qf (b) A 3-grading BI of the root system BI is obtained by choosing a distinguished element of I , say 0 ∈ I , and putting R1 = {ε0 } ∪ {ε0 ± εi : 0 = i ∈ I }.


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(c) The root system R = CI has a 3-grading, denoted by Cher I , whose 1-part is ∼ ˙ I. R1 = {εi + εj : i, j ∈ I }. Note R0 = {εi − εj : i, j ∈ I } = A (d) The root system DI , |I |  4, is a subsystem of BI and CI . The 3-gradings of qf these two root systems, defined in (b) and (c), induce 3-gradings DI and Dalt I of DI . The first of these is determined by R1 = {ε0 ± εi : 0 = i ∈ I } and the qf second by R1 = {εi + εj : i, j ∈ I, i = j }. It is known that DI ∼ = Dalt I if qf ∼ alt  DI if |I |  5. |I | = 4, but DI = (e) The 3-gradings of a root system R are determined by the 3-gradings of its irreducible components (R (j ) )j ∈J as follows. If (R, R1 ) is a 3-grading, then (R (j ) , R1 ∩ R (j ) ) is a 3-grading for every j ∈ J . & (j ) (j ) Conversely, given 3-gradings (R (j ) , R1 ) for every j , the set R1 = j R1 defines a 3-grading of R. These easy observations reduce the classification of 3-graded root systems to the case of irreducible root systems. Their classification is given in [29, 17.8, 17.9]. It turns out that an irreducible root system has a 3-grading if and only if it is not isomorphic to E8 , F4 and G2 . Some irreducible root systems have several ˙ N or DI . But every 3-grading of CI is non-isomorphic 3-gradings, such as A isomorphic to the 3-grading Cher of (c). I ˙ N can be defined introduced in (2.7.3) in case R = A (f) The relations ⊥ and for any root system R without using an invariant inner product. For α, β ∈ R × , we put ⇐⇒

α, β ∨ = 0,



α, β ∨ = 1 = β, α ∨ ,

α −→ β


α, β ∨ = 2, β, α ∨ = 1.

α⊥β α

equivalently β, α ∨ = 0,

above generalThe formula (3.1.1) shows that the definitions of ⊥ and ize (2.7.3). The relation −→ occurs for example in the root system CI : we have 2εi −→ εi + εj for = j . (In [29] the notations % and & are used in place and −→, respectively.) of (g) Given α, β ∈ R1 , exactly one of these relations holds: α=β


α −→ β







α ⊥ β.


Moreover, again for α, β ∈ R1 , 2α − β ∈ R


2α − β ∈ R1


α ← β or α = β.


Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


3.4 Jordan Pairs This subsection contains a very short introduction to Jordan pairs over a commutative ring k, although for the purpose of this paper k = Z is completely sufficient. We will only present what is needed to understand this paper. A more detailed but still concise introduction to Jordan pairs is given in [30, §6]; the standard reference for Jordan pairs is [23]. We have already seen an example of a Jordan pair in Sect. 2.9: the rectangular matrix pair MI J (A) = (MatI J (A), MatJ I (A)) equipped with the Jordan triple product {x y z} = xyz+zyx for (x, y, z) ∈ V σ ×V −σ ×V σ and σ = ±. The Jordan triple product is the linearization with respect to x of the expression Q(x)y = xyx, which did not play any role in Sect. 2, but which is the basic structure underlying Jordan pairs. A Jordan pair is a pair V = (V + , V − ) of k-modules together with maps Qσ : V σ × V −σ → V σ ,

(x, y) → Qσ (x)y,

(σ = ±),

which are quadratic in x and linear in y and which satisfy the identities (JP1)–(JP3) below in all base ring extensions. To define these identities, we will simplify the notation and omit σ , thus writing Q(x)y or simply Qx y. This does not lead to any confusion, as long as one takes care that the expressions make sense. Linearizing Qx y in x gives Qx,z y = Q(x, z)y = Qx+z y − Qx y − Qz y, which we use to define the Jordan triple product {· · · } : V σ × V −σ × V σ → V σ ,

(x, y, z) → {x y z} = Qx,z y.

To improve readability, we will sometimes write {x, y, z} instead of {x y z}. If K is a commutative associative unital k-algebra, we let VKσ = V σ ⊗k K and observe that there exist unique extensions of the Qσ to quadratic-linear maps Q : VK × VK → VK . The identities required to hold for x, z ∈ VKσ , y, v ∈ VK−σ , σ ∈ {+, −} and any K as above are {x, y, Qx v} = Qx {y, x, v},


{Qx y, y, z} = {x, Qy x, z},


QQx y v = Qx Qy Qz v.


A homomorphism f : V → W of Jordan pairs is a pair f = (f+ , f− ) of k-linear maps fσ : V σ → W σ satisfying fσ (Q(x)y) = Q fσ (x) f−σ (y) for all (x, y) ∈ V σ × V −σ and σ = ±.


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Remarks and More Definitions (a) Instead of requiring that (JP1)–(JP3) hold for all extensions K, one can demand that (JP1)–(JP3) as well as all their linearizations hold in V . For example, linearizing the identity (JP1) with respect to x gives the identity {z, y, Qx v} + {x, y, Qx,z v} = Qx,z {y, x, v} + Qx {y, z, v}. (b) If V = (V + , V − ) is a Jordan pair and S = (S + , S − ) is a pair of submodules of V satisfying Q(S σ )S −σ ⊂ S σ for σ = ±, then S is a Jordan pair with the induced operations, called a subpair of V . (c) An idempotent in a Jordan pair V is a pair e = (e+ , e− ) ∈ V satisfying Q(e+ )e− = e+ and Q(e− )e+ = e− . An idempotent e gives rise to the Peirce decomposition of V V σ = V2σ (e) ⊕ V1σ (e) ⊕ V0σ (e),

σ = ±,

where the Peirce spaces Vi (e) = (Vi+ (e), Vi− (e)), i = 0, 1, 2, are given by V2σ (e) = {x ∈ V σ : Q(eσ )Q(e−σ )x = x}, V1σ (e) = {x ∈ V σ : {eσ e−σ x} = x}, V0σ (e) = {x ∈ V σ : Q(eσ )x = 0 = {eσ e−σ x}}. The Peirce spaces Vi± = Vi± (e) satisfy the multiplication rules σ , Q(Viσ )Vj−σ ⊂ V2i−j

{V2σ V0−σ V σ } = 0 = {V0σ V2−σ V σ },

σ {Viσ Vj−σ Vlσ } ⊂ Vi−j +l ,

(3.4.10) (3.4.11)

where i, j, l ∈ {0, 1, 2}, with the understanding that Vmσ = 0 if m ∈ / {0, 1, 2}. In particular, Vi = Vi (e) are subpairs of V . If 2 ∈ k × , we have Viσ (e) = {x ∈ V : {eσ e−σ x} = ix} for i = 0, 1, 2.

3.5 Examples of Jordan Pairs We now give concrete examples of Jordan pairs, to illustrate the abstract definition of Sect. 3.4. (i) Any associative, not necessarily unital or commutative k-algebra A gives rise to a Jordan pair V = (A, A) with respect to the operations Qx y = xyx. Indeed, since a base ring extension of A is again associative, it suffices to verify the identities in V , where they follow from the following calculations:

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{x, y, Qx v} = xy(xvx) + (xvx)yx = x(yxv + vxy)x = Qx {y, v, x}, {Qx y, y, z} = (xyx)yz + zy(xyx) = x(yxy)z + z(yxy)x = {x, Qy x, z}, QQx y v = (xyx)v(xyx) = x(y(xvx)y)x = Qx Qy Qx v. An idempotent c of the associative algebra A, defined by c2 = c, induces an associative Peirce decomposition A = A11 ⊕ A10 ⊕ A01 ⊕ A00 with Aij = {a ∈ A : ca = ia, ac = j a}. The pair e = (c, c) is an idempotent of the Jordan pair V whose Peirce spaces are V2σ (e) = A11 , V1σ (e) = A10 ⊕ A01 and V0σ (e) = A00 . Not only V1 (e) but also (A10 , A01 ) and (A01 , A10 ) are subpairs of V . Not every idempotent of V has the form (c, c), c an idempotent of A. For example, if u ∈ A× and c is an idempotent of A, then (uc, cu−1 ) is an idempotent of V , which, however, has the same Peirce spaces as (c, c). (ii) By (b) and (i), any pair (S + , S − ) ⊂ (A, A) of k-submodules closed under the operation (x, y) → xyx is also a Jordan pair. Jordan pairs of this form are called special. Their Jordan triple product is {x y z} = xyz + zyx

(x, z ∈ S σ , y ∈ S −σ ).


We next describe some important cases of special Jordan pairs. ˙  where J  is a set disjoint (iii) Let I and J be non-empty sets. Let N = I ∪J from I and in bijection with J under j → j  , and embed MatI J (A) into the upper-right corner of the associative algebra MatN (A). Similarly, we identify MatJ I (A) with the lower-left corner of MatN (A). Then,   MI J (A) = MatI J (A), MatJ I (A)   is a subpair of the Jordan pair MatN (A), MatN (A) and is therefore a Jordan pair, as claimed at the beginning of this subsection. If N is finite, MI J (A) is of type (A10 , A01 ) for A = MatN (A) and the idempotent c = 1I , see (i). (iv) Let a → a J be an involution of the associative k-algebra A. Then H(A, J ) = {a ∈ A : a J = a} is closed under the Jordan pair product, whence H(A, J ) = (H(A, J ), H(A, J )) is a Jordan pair. More generally, extend J to an involution of the associative k-algebra MatI (A), |I |  2, defined by (xij )J = (xjJi ) and again denoted by J . Then the Hermitian matrix pair   HI (A, J ) = H(MatI (A), J ), H(MatI (A), J ) is a special Jordan pair. In particular, taking A = k, J = Idk and I = {1, . . . , n}, we get the symmetric matrix pair Hn (k) = (Hn (k), Hn (k)). (v) Let AltI (k) be the alternating I × I -matrices over k, where x = (xij ) is called alternating if xii = 0 = xij + xj i for i, j ∈ I . Then the alternating matrix pair


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AI (k) = (AltI (k), AltI (k)) is a subpair of MI (k), whence a special Jordan pair. (vi) Let M be a k-module, and let q : M → k be a quadratic form with polar form b, defined by b(x, y) = q(x + y) − q(x) − q(y). Then J(M, q) = (M, M) is a Jordan pair with quadratic operators Qx y = b(x, y)x − q(x)y. (vii) Let J be a unital quadratic Jordan algebra with quadratic operators Ux , x ∈ J [11, 12]. Then (J, J ) is a Jordan pair with quadratic maps Qx = Ux . For example, if k is a field, the rectangular matrix pair Mpp (k) is of this form, but Mpq (k) for p = q is not. Thus, there are “more” Jordan pairs than Jordan algebras. Let C be an octonion k-algebra, see for example [41] in case k is a field or [31] in general, and let J = H3 (C) be the exceptional Jordan algebra of 3 × 3 matrices over C, which are Hermitian with respect to the standard involution of C. Then (J, J ) is a Jordan pair, which is not special in the sense of (ii). Such Jordan pairs are called exceptional.

3.6 Root Graded Jordan Pairs Let us first recast the Peirce decomposition Sect. 3.4(c) of an idempotent e in a Jordan pair V from the point of view of a grading. We use the 3-graded root system Cher I of Sect. 3.3(c) with I = {0, 1}. Its 1-part is R1 = {εi + εj : i, j ∈ {0, 1}} = {2ε1 , ε1 + ε0 , 2ε0 }. Putting σ (e) Vασ = Vi+j

we have the decomposition V σ = σ , Q(Vασ )Vβ−σ ⊂ V2α−β

{Vασ Vβ−σ V σ } = 0

(α = εi + εj ∈ R1 ),


Vασ , which satisfies

σ {Vασ Vβ−σ Vγσ } ⊂ Vα−β+γ ,

if α ⊥ β.

(RG1) (RG2)

Here 2α − β and α − β + γ in (RG1) are calculated in X = R · ε0 ⊕ R · ε1 ∼ = R2 , σ σ and V2α−β = 0 if 2α − β ∈ / R1 or Vα−β+γ = 0 if α − β + γ ∈ R1 . We see that, apart from the actual definition of the Peirce spaces, the rules governing the Peirce decomposition can be completely described in terms of R1 . The following generalization is then natural. Given a 3-graded root system (R, R1 ) and a Jordan pair V , an (R, R1 )-grading of V is a decomposition V σ = α∈R1 Vασ , σ = ±, satisfying (RG1) and (RG2). We will use R = (Vα )α∈R1 to denote such a grading. A root graded Jordan pair is a Jordan pair equipped with an (R, R1 )-grading for some 3-graded root system. In view of (3.3.9) we can make the first inclusion in (RG1) more precise:

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


Q(Vασ )Vβ−σ = 0 unless α −→ β, in which case σ 2α − β ∈ R1 and Q(Vασ )Vβ−σ ⊂ V2α−β .


We call R an idempotent root grading if there exist a subset ⊂ R1 and a family (eα )α∈ of non-zero idempotents eα ∈ Vα such that Vβ are given by Vβ =


V β,α ∨ (eα ).



Observe that (3.6.14) makes sense since α, β ∨ ∈ {0, 1, 2} by (3.3.8). Neither the idempotents nor the subset ⊂ R1 is uniquely determined by an idempotent root grading, see for example (iii) below. To avoid some technicalities, we will often assume that R is a fully idempotent root grading, i.e. R is idempotent with respect to a family of idempotents with = R1 . In the terminology of [34] this means that V is covered by the cog (eα )α∈R1 . Examples (i) Let R = A1 = {α, −α} equipped with the 3-grading defined by R1 = {α}. An (R, R1 )-graded Jordan pair is simply a Jordan pair V = (V + , V − ) for which V σ = Vασ . This root grading is idempotent if and only if V ∼ = (J, J ) where J is a unital Jordan algebra. To see sufficiency in case J is a Jordan algebra with identity element 1J , one uses eα = (1J , 1J ) and observes (J, J ) = V2 (eα ). (ii) Let (R, R1 ) = Cher 2 . We have seen above that the Peirce decomposition of an idempotent e ∈ V can be viewed as a Cher 2 -grading, which is idempotent with respect to e = eα , α = 2ε1 . Thus here = {α}. ˙ I be the 3-graded root system of Sect. 3.3(a). Put J = N \ I . (iii) Let (R, R1 ) = A N N ˙ An AI -grading of a Jordan pair V is a decomposition V =

(ij )∈I ×J

V(ij )

such that for all (ij ) and (lm) ∈ I × J and σ = ± we have, defining V(ij ) = Vεi −εj for εi − εj ∈ R1 , −σ σ σ Q(V(ij ) )V(ij ) ⊂ V(ij ) ,

−σ σ σ σ {V(ij ) V(ij ) V(im) } ⊂ V(im) ,

−σ σ σ σ {V(ij ) V(ij ) V(lj ) } ⊂ V(lj ) ,

−σ σ σ σ {V(ij ) V(lj ) V(lm) } ⊂ V(im) ,

and all other types of products vanish. ˙ N -graded Jordan pair V is the rectangular matrix pair An example of an A I MI J (A) of an associative unital k-algebra A = 0, see Sect. 3.5(iii), with ˙ I -grading of MI J (A) is respect to the subpairs V(ij ) = (AEij , AEj i ). This A N fully idempotent with respect to the family (eα )α∈R1 , eα = (aij Eij , aij−1 Ej i ), where α = εi − εj and aij ∈ A× . It is also idempotent with respect to the


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following smaller family: fix i0 ∈ I and j0 ∈ J and consider (eα )α∈ where = {εi − εj0 : i ∈ I } ∪ {εi0 − εj : j ∈ J }. Let a, b ⊂ A be k-submodules with aba ⊂ a and bab ⊂ b. Then S = ˙I (MatI J (a), MatJ I (b)) is a Jordan subpair of MI J (A). It inherits the A N I ˙ -grading of grading from MI J (A) by putting S(ij ) = (aEij , bEj i ). This A N S is in general not idempotent, e.g. if a is a nil ideal. (iv) The Hermitian matrix pair V = HI (A, J ) of Sect. 3.5(iv) has an idempotent Cher I -grading. Indeed, define % hij (a) = Then V =


aEij + a J Ej i

if a ∈ A and i = j,


if i = j and a ∈ H(A, J ).

Vα with

Vα = Vεi +εj

%  hij (A), hij (A) , if i =  j =   hii (H(A, J )), hii (H(A, J )) , if i = j

is a Cher I -grading of V . It is fully idempotent, for example with respect to the family (eα )α∈R1 for which eα = (hij (1), hij (1)), α = εi + εj . (v) The remaining examples in Sect. 3.5 all have idempotent root gradings. The alternating matrix pair AI (k) of Sect. 3.5(v) has an idempotent Dalt I -grading [30, 23.24]. The Jordan pair J(M, q) associated with a quadratic form q qf in Sect. 3.5(v) has an idempotent BI if q contains a hyperbolic plane, or even qf a DI -grading if q is hyperbolic [30, 23.25]. If C is a split octonion algebra in the sense of [41] or [31], the exceptional Jordan pair (H3 (C), H3 (C)) has an idempotent root grading with R of type E7 [34, III, §3].

3.7 The Steinberg Group St(V , R) Let (R, R1 ) be a 3-graded root system, and let V be a Jordan pair with a root grading R = (Vα )α∈R1 , not necessarily idempotent. The Steinberg group St(V , R) is the group with the following presentation: • The generators are x+ (u), u ∈ V + , and x− (v), v ∈ V − . To formulate the relations, we first introduce, for α = β ∈ R1 and (u, v) ∈ Vα+ × Vβ− , the element b(u, v) in the free group with the above generators by the equation x+ (u) x− (v) = x− (v + Qv u) b(u, v) x+ (u + Qu v). • Then the relations are


Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs

xσ (u + u ) = xσ (u) xσ (u )


for u, u ∈ V σ ,


((x+ (u), x− (v))) = 1 for (u, v) ∈ Vα+ × Vβ− , α ⊥ β, % ((b(u, v), x+ (z))) = x+ (−{u v z} + Qu Qv z), ((b(u, v)−1 , x− (y))) = x− (−{v u y} + Qv Qu y)

(St2) (St3)

for all (u, v) ∈ Vα+ × Vβ− with α = β and all (z, y) ∈ V . Remarks (a) Let us have a closer look at the element b(u, v) in (3.7.15). By (3.3.8), the possibilities for α, β are α ⊥ β, α β, α −→ β and α ← β and by (3.6.13), Qv u = 0 unless β −→ α, and Qu v = 0 unless α −→ β. Therefore, by (St2), ⎧ ⎪ 1, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨((x (−v), x (u))), − + b(u, v) = ⎪ x (−Q u) ((x ⎪ − v − (−v), x+ (u))), ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ((x− (−v), x+ (u))) x+ (−Qu v),

if α ⊥ β, if α


if α −→ β,


if α ← β.

In general, the factors x− (−Qv u) and x+ (−Qu v) in the last two cases are not equal to 1. The reader may be puzzled by the definition of b(u, v): why not take “b(u, v) = ((x− (−v) , x+ (u))) ? We will give a justification for this in Sect. 3.11. (b) We claim that (St3) follows from (St2) in case α ⊥ β. Indeed, the left-hand sides of the two equations (St3) are 1 because b(u, v) = 1, but also the righthand sides are 1, since, say for σ = +, we have {u v z} = 0 by (RG2) and Qu Qv z = 0 by (3.7.17) below: Q(Vασ )Q(Vβ−σ )Vγσ = 0 (⇒ α = β or α ← β = γ or α

β ← γ ⊥ α,


which can be shown by repeated application of (3.3.9). (c) Let (V , R) = (MI J (A), R). Comparing the definition of the group St(MI J (A), R) with the one in Sect. 2.10, it is clear that the first two relations coincide: (EJ1) = (St1) and (EJ2) = (St2). We claim that the relations (EJ3) coincide with the two relations in (St3). Indeed, since we do not have a relation ˙ I , it follows from (b) and the assumption α = β in (St3) that α ← β in A N β. Then the map Vβ− → St(V , R), we only need to consider the case α v → ((x+ (u), x− (v))) is homomorphism of groups, whence, by (3.7.16), b(u, v) = ((x− (−v), x+ (u))) = ((x+ (u), x− (−v)))−1 = ((x+ (u), x− (v))).


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Thus (EJ3) = (St3) for σ = + because Qu Qx z = 0 by (3.7.17). The equality of the two relations for σ = − can be established in the same way. We can now state the generalization of part (a) of the Kervaire–Milnor–Steinberg Theorem 2.6 in the setting of this section.

3.8 Theorem A Let (R, R1 ) be a 3-graded root system whose irreducible components all have rank  5, and let V be a Jordan pair with a fully idempotent root grading R. Then the Steinberg group St(V , R) is centrally closed. This theorem is one of the main results of [30]; its proof takes up all of Chapter VI of [30]. It is shown there in greater generality. First, it also true when R has connected components of rank 4, but not of type D4 . Moreover, it is not necessary to assume that the root grading R is fully idempotent. For the irreducible components of type BI or CI , |I |  5, one only needs idempotents eα ∈ Vα in case α is a long root in type B and α a short root in type C. This generality allows us to consider groups defined in terms of Hermitian matrices associated with form rings in the sense of [1].

3.9 Highlights of Our Approach The novel aspect of our approach is the consistent use of the theory of 3-graded root systems and Jordan pairs, which introduces new methods in the theory of elementary and Steinberg groups. For example, instead of first dealing with the case of finite root systems and then taking a limit to get the stable (= infinite rank) case, we deal with both cases at the same time. Moreover, our approach avoids having to deal with concrete matrix realizations of the groups in question, as is traditionally done, see e.g. [1] or [5]. It allows for a concise description of the defining relations, independent of the types of root systems involved. Finally, as the discussion of the linear Steinberg group in Sects. 2.9–2.11 shows, we need fewer relations than in previous works, for example no relations involving two roots in R0 . With the exception of groups defined in terms of root systems of type E8 , F4 and G2 , which are not amenable to a Jordan approach, cf. Sect. 3.3(e), our Theorem Sect. 3.8 covers all types of Steinberg groups considered before. In addition, it also presents some new types, e.g. for elementary orthogonal groups. A detailed comparison of our Theorem Sect. 3.8 with previously known results is given in [30, 27.11]. At this point, it is natural to ask if there also exists a generalization of part (b) of Theorem 2.6, stating that the map ℘ : St(A) → E(A) is a universal central extension. While the group St(V , R) gives a satisfactory replacement for the linear

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


Steinberg group St(A), recasting the elementary linear group E(A) in the framework of Jordan pairs is limited to special Jordan pairs in the sense of Sect. 3.5(ii). While this can be done, see [26], we will instead replace the elementary group E(A) by the projective elementary group PE(V ), see Sect. 3.10, that can be defined for any Jordan pair V . From the point of view of universal central extensions, this is harmless since, as we will see in Sect. 3.13, the group PE(V ) is isomorphic to the central quotient PE(A) = E(A)/Z(E(A)) and universal central extensions of a group and its central quotients are essentially the same by Sect. 2.4(e).

3.10 The Tits–Kantor–Koecher Algebra and the Projective Elementary Group of a Jordan Pair Let V be a Jordan pair, defined over a commutative ring k of scalars. It is fundamental (and well-known) that V gives rise to a Z-graded Lie k-algebra L(V ) = L(V )1 ⊕ L(V )0 ⊕ L(V )−1 ,


introduced at about the same time by Tits, Kantor and Koecher in [13–15, 17, 19, 46, 47] and called the Tits–Kantor–Koecher   algebra of V. Various versions of L(V ) exist, but all agree that L(V )1 , L(V )−1 = (V + , V − ) as k-modules. For our purposes, the most appropriate choice for L(V )0 is L(V )0 = kζ + Spank {δ(x, y) : (x, y) ∈ V },


where ζ = (IdV + , IdV − ) and δ(x, y) = (D(x, y), −D(y, x)) ∈ End(V + ) × End(V − ), defined by D(x, y)z = {x y z}. We let gl(V σ ) be the Lie algebra defined by End(V σ ) with the commutator as the Lie product. By definition, the Lie product of L(V ) is determined by the conditions that it be alternating, that L(V )0 be a subalgebra of the Lie algebra gl(V + ) × gl(V − ) and that [V σ , V σ ] = 0,

[D, z] = Dσ (z),

[x, y] = −δ(x, y)

for D = (D+ , D− ) ∈ L(V )0 , z ∈ V σ and (x, y) ∈ V . It follows from the identity (JP15) in [23] [D(x, y), D(u, v)] = D({x y u}, v) − D(u, {y x v}) that L(V )0 is indeed a subalgebra. As a k-Lie algebra, L(V ) is generated by ζ , V + and V − , and it has trivial centre. For a Jordan pair V with a fully idempotent root grading R, a description of the derived algebra [L(V ), L(V )] is given in [36]. The Tits–Kantor–Koecher algebra


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of a special Jordan pair is described in [26, §2]. We will work out L(V ) for a rectangular matrix pair in Sect. 3.12. An automorphism f of V gives rise to an automorphism L(f ) of L, defined by x⊕D⊕y

f+ (x) ⊕ (f ◦ D ◦ f −1 ) ⊕ f− (y).

The map f → L(f ) is an embedding of the automorphism group Aut(V ) of V into the automorphism group of L(V ). Any (x, y) ∈ V gives rise to automorphisms exp+ (x) and exp− (y) of L(V ), defined in terms of the decomposition (3.10.18) by the formal 3 × 3-matrices ⎛ ⎞ 1 ad x Qx exp+ (x) = ⎝0 1 ad x ⎠ , 0 0 1

⎞ 1 0 0 exp− (y) = ⎝ad y 1 0⎠ . Qy ad y 1


The map expσ , σ = ±, is an injective homomorphism from the abelian group σ (V σ , +) to the automorphism group of L(V ), whose image is denoted by   U . The projective elementary group of V is the subgroup PE(V ) of Aut L(V ) generated by U + ∪ U − , introduced in [26] and studied further in [30, §7, §8]. We have now explained all the concepts used in the generalization of part (b) of the Kervaire–Milnor–Steinberg Theorem 2.6.

3.11 Theorem B Let (R, R1 ) be a 3-graded root system, and let V be a Jordan pair with a root grading R = (Vα )α∈R1 . (a) There exists a group homomorphism π : St(V , R) → PE(V ), uniquely determined by   π xσ (u) = expσ (u),

(u ∈ V σ ).

(b) If all irreducible components of R have infinite rank and R is fully idempotent with respect to a family (eα )α∈R1 , the homomorphism π is a universal central extension. Theorem B is established in [30]. Part (a) follows from [30, Cor. 21.12]. By Fact Sect. 2.4(d) and Theorem Sect. 3.8, the proof of (b) boils down to showing that Ker π is central, which we do in [30, Cor. 27.6]. As for Theorem Sect. 3.8, it is not necessary to assume that R is fully idempotent. In the setting of (a) let (u, v) ∈ Vα+ × Vβ− with α = β and let b(u, v) be the element of St(V , R) defined in (3.7.15). Then π(b(u, v)) = L(f ) for some f ∈ Aut(V ) (for the experts: f is the inner automorphism (B(u, v), B(v, u)−1 ) of [23,

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


  3.9]). That π(b(u, v)) ∈ L Aut(V ) ⊂ Aut(L(V )) is the motivation for the perhaps surprising definition of b(u, v). We finish this section by describing L(V ) and PE(V ) for V = MI J (A).

3.12 The Tits–Kantor–Koecher Algebra of a Rectangular Matrix Pair   Let V = MI J (A) = MatI J (A), MatJ I (A) be the rectangular matrix pair of Sect. 3.5(iii). In this subsection we present a model for the Tits–Kantor–Koecher algebra L = L(V ) in terms of elementary Matrices, which will be used in Sect. 3.13 to link the elementary group of V and the abstractly defined group PE(V ). Let 1I = diag(1A , . . .) be the diagonal matrix of size I ×I , define 1J analogously and let A be the unital associative k-algebra  MatI J (A) k 1I + MatI (A) MatJ I (A) k 1J + MatJ (A)  MatI (A)ex MatI J (A) = MatJ I (A) MatJ (A)ex

A = A(V ) =

whose operations are given by matrix addition and matrix multiplication. In particular, 

1 0 e1 = I 0 0

 0 0 e2 = 0 1J


are orthogonal idempotents of A. We consider A rather than its subalgebra ˙ , since this will allow us to model the element ζ of (3.10.19). MatN (A)ex , N = I ∪J The Peirce decomposition of A with respect to the idempotent e1 is 

A11 A01

MatI (A)ex 0 = , 0 0  0 0 , = MatJ I (A) 0

A10 A00

 0 MatI J (A) = , 0 0  0 0 . = 0 MatJ (A)ex

Let A(−) be the Lie algebra associated with A. Thus, A(−) is defined on the k-module underlying A and its Lie algebra product is [x, y] = xy − yx for x, y ∈ A. The Lie  (−) algebra A(−) is Z-graded, A(−) = n∈Z An with A1(−) = A10 ,

A0(−) = A11 ⊕ A00 ,

(−) A−1 = A01


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and An = 0 for n ∈ / {1, 0, −1}. We define e = e(V ) as the subalgebra of A− generated by e1 , e2 and (−)

e1 =

 0 MatI J (A) (−) = A1 0 0

 e−1 =


0 0 (−) = A−1 . MatJ I (A) 0

 Put e0 = k e1 + k e2 + [e1 , e−1 ] and ei = 0 for i ∈ / {−1, 0, 1}. Then e = i∈Z ei is a Z-graded Lie algebra. We  relate e to the Tits–Kantor–Koecher algebra L = L(V ) of V . First, for  now a = a0 d0 ∈ e0 define (a) = ( (a)+ , (a)− ) ∈ Endk (V + ) × Endk (V − ) by (a)+ (u) = au − ud, so that 0 b  0 au − ud a, = c0 dv − va 0

(a)− (v) = dv − va,  =

0 + (a)(u) . 0 − (a)(v)


We claim: the map   : e → L,

ab cd

→ b ⊕ (a, d) ⊕ (−c)

is a surjective Lie algebra homomorphism whose kernel is z(e), the centre of e, and thus induces an isomorphism e/z(e) ∼ =L


of Lie algebras [26, 2.6], [30, 7.2]. Indeed,  is surjective since (e1 ) = ζ = − (e2 ) and for (x, y) ∈ V

  0 x   0 0  = xy 0 00 , y 0

0  −yx

= δ(x, y)

by (3.5.12). To see that Ker  = z(e), observe for m =


a b c d

∈ A that

[m, e1 ] = 0 ⇐⇒ b = 0 = c ⇐⇒ [m, e2 ] = 0,


whence by (3.12.21), m ∈ Ker 

a 0

∈ e0 ,


b = 0 = c, (a, d) = 0,


[m, e1 ] = 0 = [m, e2 ], [m, e1 ] = 0 = [m, e−1 ], m ∈ e,


m ∈ z(e)


because e1 , e2 , e1 and e−1 generate e as Lie algebra. Finally, since both e and L are Z-graded and  preserves this grading,  is a Lie algebra homomorphism as soon

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


as  preserves products of type [xi , yj ] for (i, j ) = (0, ±1), (1, −1) and (0, 0). For (0, ±1) and (1, −1), this follows from (3.12.21) and (3.12.23), respectively; the case (0, 0) is left to the reader. In the remainder of this subsection we will give a more precise description of e and its centre, see (3.12.25) and (3.12.27). Let [A, A] = Span{ab − ba : a, b ∈ A}, the derived algebra of the Lie algebra A− , and let slN (A) := {x = (xkl ) ∈ MatN (A) :


xnn ∈ [A, A]}.

From [aEkl , bErs ] = abδlr Eks − baδks Erl , one then gets e1 ⊕ [e1 , e−1 ] ⊕ e−1 = slN (A),



k e1 + k e2 + slN (A) = e.

The description of the centre z(e) depends on the cardinality of N because % (−) A0

∩ A1N =

A 1N

if |N| < ∞,

k 1N

if |N| = ∞.

Denoting by Z(A) = {z ∈ A : [z, A] = 0} the centre of A (= centre of A(−) ), a straightforward calculation shows (




: [x, e1 ] = 0 = [x, e−1 ] =


∩ Z(A)1N =

% Z(A)1N , k1N ,

|N | < ∞, |N| = ∞. (3.12.26)

Since e is generated by e1 , e2 , e1 and e−1 , (3.12.24) and (3.12.26) imply % z(e) = e0 ∩ (Z(A) 1N ) =

e0 ∩ (Z(A)1N ), |N | < ∞, k1N ,

|N| = ∞.



For example, if A = k is a field of characteristic 0 and |N | = n is finite, we get e = gln (k), z(e) = k1n and L ∼ = sln (k).

3.13 The Projective Elementary Group of a Rectangular Matrix Pair We use the notation of Sect. 3.12 and let V = MI J (A). The goal of this subsection is to show that the group PE(V ) is isomorphic to a central quotient of the elementary group E(A). We put


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E(V ) = EN (A) and call it the elementary group of V. Since by Sect. 2.12 the group EN (A) is generated by e+ (V + ) ∪ e− (V − ), this agrees with the definition of the elementary group of an arbitrary special Jordan pair in [26, §2] or [30, 6.2]. We will identify the Tits–Kantor–Koecher algebra L(V ) = L with e/z(e) via the isomorphism (3.12.22) induced by  : e → L. Any g ∈ A× gives rise to an automorphism Ad g of A− defined by (Ad g)(x) = gxg −1 . If Ad g stabilizes the subalgebra e of A− , it also stabilizes z(e) and therefore descends to an automorphism Ad(g) of e/z(e) = L satisfying  ◦ (Ad g|e ) = (Adg) ◦ . The map Ad : {g ∈ A× : (Ad g)(e) = e} → Aut(L), is a group homomorphism. For g = e+ (x) = automorphism Ad e+ (x) acts as follows:

1 x 01

g → Adg ∈ A× as in (2.12.25), the

  0b 0b = , 00 00    a0  a −ax + xd = Ad e+ (x) 0d 0 d   0 x a0 a0 = + , , 0d 00 0d    0 0  −xc xcx = Ad e+ (x) −c 0 −c cx    0 x 0 0 0 0 0 Qx c . = + , + 0 0 −c 0 00 −c 0 

Ad e+ (x)

These equations show that the automorphism Ad e+ (x) stabilizes e and, by comparison with (3.10.20), that Ade+ (x) = exp+ (x). One proves in the same way that Ad e− (y), y ∈ V − , stabilizes e and that Ade− (y) = exp− (y). Since PE(V ) is generated by exp+ (V + )∪exp− (V − ), the homomorphism Ad restricts to a surjective group homomorphism AdE : E(V ) → PE(V ),

g → Adg.

We claim that its kernel is the centre Z(E(V )) of E(V ): Z(E(V )) = Ker Ad |E(V ) = Ker AdE , E(V )/Z(E(V )) ∼ = PE(V ).


(3.13.28) (3.13.29)

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs


Proof of (3.13.28): Clearly, Z(E(V )) = Ker Ad |E(V ) ⊂ Ker AdE , so it remains to      show that g ∈ Ker AdE is central in E(V ). Let g = ac db and g −1 = ac db  . Then,  1 0 −1 g I g 0 0  0 0 g −1 g 0 1J  0x g −1 g 00  −1 0 0 g g y0

   aa ab , = ca  cb   bc bd  , = dc dd    a xc a  xd , =  c xc c xd   b ya b yb . = d  ya d  yp

(3.13.30) (3.13.31) (3.13.32) (3.13.33)

Since (Ad g) (m) ≡ m ≡ (Ad g −1 )(m) mod z(e) for all m ∈ e and since z(e) is diagonal by (3.12.27), it follows from (3.13.30), (3.13.31) and (3.13.33) that ab = 0 = ca  = bd  ,

d  ya = y for y ∈ V − .

Applied to c ∈ V − , this proves cb = (d  ca) · b = d  c · ab = 0 and then bc = b · (d  c a) = bd  · c a = 0. From 1N = gg −1 , we obtain  1I 0 0 1J


    aa + bc ∗ aa ∗ = . ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Together with the already established equations, this shows, using (3.13.30), that (Ad g)(e1 ) = e1 . Because g ∈ A, we get b = 0 = c from (3.12.24). Thus also b = 0 = c , so that (3.13.32) and (3.13.33) prove that Ad g fixes e±1 . Since e± (V ± ) = 1N + e±1 , we see that Ad g fixes the generators e± (V ± ) of E(V ), i.e. g is central. A similar result holds for any special Jordan pair V : there always exists a surjective group homomorphism from the elementary group E(V ) (which we have not defined) onto the projective elementary group PE(V ), whose kernel is central, but not necessarily the centre of E(V ), see [26, Thm. 2.8].

4 Some Open Problems We describe some open problems for Steinberg and projective elementary groups of Jordan pairs. Our list is very much limited by the author’s taste and knowledge. This section requires some expertise in Jordan pairs.


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4.1 The Normal Subgroup Structure of PE(V ) The problem is quite easily stated: Given a Jordan pair V, describe all normal subgroups of PE(V ). As stated, this may be too general. We therefore discuss some special cases. (a) In view of the results of [27] it is natural to ask: when is PE(V ) a perfect group, when is it simple? Indeed, [27, Thm. 2.6] says that, for a nondegenerate Jordan pair V with dcc on principal ideals, PE(V ) is a perfect  group if and only  if V has no simple factors isomorphic to (F2 , F2 ), (F3 , F3 ) or H2 (F2 ), H2 (F2 ) . Here Fq is the field with q elements. Also, by [27, Thm. 2.8], PE(V ) is a simple (abstract) group  if and only if  V is simple and not isomorphic to (F2 , F2 ), (F3 , F3 ) or H2 (F2 ), H2 (F2 ) [27, Thm. 2.8]. That the exceptional cases have to be excluded in these two theorems is evident from the isomorphisms PE(F2 , F2 ) ∼ = ∼ S3 (the symmetric group on three letters), PE(F , F ) A (the alternating = 3 3 4   group on four letters), and PE H2 (F2 ), H3 (F2 ) ∼ = S6 . Thus, the problem is to find out if these two theorems of [27] hold for more general Jordan pairs. It follows from (b) that is natural to assume simplicity of V for the second theorem. (b) Every ideal I of the Jordan pair V gives rise to a normal subgroup of PE(V ). Indeed, one can show [30, 7.5] that the canonical map can : V → V /I induces a surjective group homomorphism PE(can) : PE(V ) → PE(V /I ). We let PE(V , I ) be its kernel: PE(can)


PE(V , I )

PE(V )

PE(V /I )


Problem: describe PE(V , I ) by generators and relations. For elementary linear groups over rings, this is a standard result, see for example [6, Lemma 3]. The paper [4] shows that even in case SL2 (A) one needs methods from Jordan algebras.

4.2 Central Closedness of St(V , R) in Low Ranks We have excluded low rank cases in Theorem Sect. 3.8 for the simple reason that it is not true without further assumptions in low ranks. We discuss 2  rank R  4 in (a) and rank R = 1 in (b). (a) One knows [30, 27.11] that St(V , R) is a classical linear or unitary Steinberg group. Let us first consider the case that V is defined over a field F and that dimF Vα = 1 for all α ∈ R1 . Then [44, Thm. 1.1] applies and yields that St(V , R) is not centrally closed if and only if (R, R1 ) and F satisfy one of the following conditions.

Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs

111 qf

her alt (R, R1 ) A12 A13 or A23 Cher 2 B3 C3 D4 |F | 2, 4 2 2 3 2 2


In this table we use the abbreviation A12 = AIN for |N| = 2, |I | = 1 and analogously for A13 , . . . , Dalt 4 . The cases R = A4 , B4 , C4 do not appear in the table because in these cases St(V , R) is centrally closed, as mentioned in Sect. 3.8. Still assuming that V is defined over a field F , it is natural to replace the assumption dimF Vα = 1 by the requirement that the fully idempotent root grading R of V is a division grading in the sense that all root spaces Vα are Jordan division pairs, which means that for every non-zero x ∈ Vασ the endomorphism Q(x)|Vα−σ is invertible. Preliminary investigations lead us to conjecture: (C) If St(V , R) is not centrally closed, then dimF Vα = 1 for all α ∈ R1 and F satisfies the restrictions of table (4.2.1). (b) R = A1 : As in (a) we assume that R is a division grading, i.e. V is a division pair and is therefore isomorphic to the Jordan pair (J, J ) of a division Jordan algebra J . By [30, 9.13], this is equivalent to PE(V ) being a rank one group in the sense of [28]. Since the grading is trivial, St(V , R) is the free product of the abelian groups V + and V − , which is not perfect in general, a necessary condition for a group to be centrally closed (Sect. 2.4(a)). Following the example of Chevalley groups [43], it seems more promising to consider the group St(J ) defined by the following presentation: • generators xσ (a), a ∈ J , σ = ± and putting wb = x− (b−1 ) x+ (b) x− (b−1 ) for 0 = b ∈ J , • relations xσ (a + b) = xσ (a) xσ (b) for a, b ∈ J and  wb x− (a) w−1 b = x+ U (b)a) for all a ∈ J and all 0 = b ∈ J. We remark that St(J ) is the Steinberg group St(V , S) of [30, 13.1], where S is the set of all non-zero idempotents of V . By [30, 13.6], St(J ) is the classical Steinberg group St(A) in case V = (A, A) and A an associative division algebra. To motivate our conjecture in this case, let us first consider the special case J = Fq . Since by Sect. 4.1(a)) the group PE(V ) is not perfect in case J = Fq , q = 2, 3, these cases have to be excluded. Moreover, by [44, Th. 1.1], St(J ) is not centrally closed in case V = (Fq , Fq ) and q ∈ {4, 9}, but these values of q are the only exceptions for V = (F, F ), F a field. This leads us to ask:


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(Q) Is St(J ) centrally closed whenever J = Fq with q ∈ {2, 3, 4, 9} ? There exists an example of an associative unital F5 -algebra A for which St(A) is not centrally closed [45, Ex. 4], but A is not a division algebra.

4.3 Centrality of Ker(π) Let π : St(V , R) → PE(V ) be the homomorphism of Theorem Sect. 3.11(a). For simplicity, let us assume that R is irreducible. If R has infinite rank, part (b) of Sect. 3.11 says that π is a universal central extension. The problem here is: find sufficient conditions for Ker(π ) to be central if R has finite rank. Some special cases are known. For example, if V is split in the sense of [37], centrality of Ker(π ) is established in [21, 22, 48] and [39] for rank  3. The quoted papers all use the same method, pioneered by [48], namely a “basis-free presentation of St(V , R)”. Can the method of [48] be generalized to treat St(V , R), V split root graded, in a case-free manner? For a slightly different type of Steinberg group and a unit regular V , centrality of Ker(π ) is shown in [27, Th. 1.12]. Acknowledgments The author thanks Ottmar Loos for many helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. The author acknowledges with thanks partial support by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through a Discovery grant.

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On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field Maxim Gurevich

Abstract We survey some of the known links between the representation theories of p-adic groups, affine Hecke algebras and quantum affine algebras in type A, and their connection to quantum groups. Some recent applications are reviewed.

1 Introduction Representation theory often deals with families of objects and associated categories that are defined by combinatorial Lie-theoretic data, such as roots systems and their Dynkin diagrams. Roughly speaking, a choice of datum defines a Lie algebra, a padic group, a Hecke algebra, a quantum group, etc. Each of these will then give rise to categories of representations of its own particular nature. The aim of this survey is to present certain known similarities that arise between different settings, when the root data is of type A. In particular, the focus will be biased towards known and potential applications of such links in the study of the smooth representation theory of p-adic groups. We consider groups of the form Gn = GLn (D), where D is a division algebra over a non-Archimedean local field F . The category of complex smooth representations of Gn is decomposed into smaller categories known as Bernstein blocks. Each block can then be shown to be equivalent to a category of modules of an appropriately defined affine Hecke algebra. These are associative algebras defined by concrete generators and relations (of type A). This is the topic of Sect. 2, which presents in some detail an approach for these results, seen in the works of Bernstein and others. We put special emphasis on relatively recent results of Heiermann. We discuss how the Zelevinski classification of irreducible representations of p-adic groups behaves under transition to affine

M. Gurevich () Department of Mathematics, Technion, Haifa, Israel e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



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Hecke algebras. Finally, we discuss in less detail an alternative approach for same result using type-theory. The next two sections survey the links, in type A, between affine Hecke algebras and the domain of quantum algebra. Section 3 discusses how the positive part of the quantized algebra Uv (slN ) can naturally be viewed as a deformed Grothendieck ring of representations of affine Hecke algebras. The involvement of Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials of finite symmetric groups may be viewed as a link which connects between the geometries that govern the two settings. The last section recalls the Chari–Pressley version of the classical Schur–Weyl duality. While the classical functors relate the representation theory of symmetric groups with that of Lie groups (or algebras) of type A, our interest is in the quantum affine variation. Namely, these functors relate representations of affine Hecke algebras to representations of quantum affine algebras. We survey some recent developments related to this link. All topics covered here are well-known to experts and each one of them surely received more detailed expositions than the one provided by this survey. My hope is that most of such sources were referenced within the text for the convenience of the reader. Nevertheless, the specific choice of topics, with a particular stress on the representation theory of p-adic groups and the Zelevinski classification, is also aimed at promoting the benefits of our suggested point of view. The survey is based on several series of seminar talks and informal discussions I held during 2018 in the National University of Singapore, University of Vienna and Tel-Aviv University, in addition to the enlightening conference celebrating Vyjayanthi Chari’s 60th birthday in Washington, DC. I would like to thank the participants of these events and others who provided much valued feedback to my understanding and presentation of these topics. Among those are Valentin Buciumas, Ryo Fujita, Wee Teck Gan, Zahi Hazan, David Hernandez, Erez Lapid, Bernard Leclerc, Anton Mellit, Alberto Mínguez, Eugene Mukhin, David Soudry, and Eric Vasserot.

2 From p-Adic Groups to Affine Hecke Algebras Let F be a non-Archimedean local field. Let G be a connected reductive group defined over F and G = G(F ) be its group of F -points. We will refer to such G as a reductive p-adic group. The topology on F naturally equips G with a local compact totally disconnected topology. A smooth representation of G is a complex vector space on which G acts linearly, in such manner that the stabilizer of each vector is an open subgroup. We will write M(G) for the Abelian category of smooth representations of G. (Morphisms are defined as intertwiners between representations.)

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


Such categories are the source of much mathematical interest. In this section, we will survey parts of their basic structure, largely following the renowned lecture notes of J. Bernstein [5]. We note that the theory of smooth representations of p-adic groups, and the categories to which it gives rise, is in a highly mature state, spanning links to various mathematical fields and particularly motivated by its involvement in automorphic representations. This survey will not attempt to give an inclusive overview of the theory, but rather focus on specific aspects. (See, for example [48], for a more detailed review.)

2.1 Bernstein Decomposition The category M(G) can be decomposed into smaller Abelian categories named Bernstein blocks (sometimes we will abbreviate to “blocks”), each of which is amenable to convenient descriptions. A recurring ingredient in the study of p-adic groups is the pair of functors of (normalized) parabolic induction and restriction (the latter more commonly known as the Jacquet functor). A parabolic subgroup P < G is one which is given as P = P(F ), for a F subgroup P < G with projective quotient G/P. Parabolic subgroups admit Levi decompositions P = MN, where N < P is the unipotent radical and M < P is a (non-unique) reductive subgroup normalizing N in P . Each parabolic subgroup with a given Levi decomposition P = MN gives rise to functors iPG : M(M) → M(G),

rPG : M(G) → M(M),

which are adjoint in the sense that HomG (π, iPG (σ )) ∼ = HomM (rPG (π ), σ ) holds, for every π ∈ M(G) and σ ∈ M(M). Moreover, both functors send irreducible objects to finite-length objects. Let Irr(G) denote the collection (of isomorphism classes) of irreducible representations in M(G) (i.e. not having proper sub-objects). Let (G) denote the Abelian group of unramified characters of G, that is, continuous homomorphisms G → C× , which are trivial on the subgroup G0 < G generated by all compact subgroups. Note, that the group (G) naturally acts on Irr(G) by tensoring a representation with a character. A special subclass Irrc (G) ⊆ Irr(G) consists of irreducible representations ρ, which satisfy rPG (ρ) = 0, for every parabolic subgroup P < G. These are called


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(irreducible) supercuspidal representations. The (G)-orbit of ρ ∈ Irrc (G) is called the inertia class of ρ. The basic example of a Bernstein block is defined by a choice of ρ ∈ Irrc (G). Namely, the supercuspidal Bernstein block M[ρ] = M(G)[G,ρ] is defined to be the full subcategory of M(G) consisting of representations whose irreducible subquotients all belong to the inertia class of ρ. Now, a general Bernstein block can be defined using parabolic induction. Let P = MN < G be a parabolic subgroup with Levi decomposition, and let σ ∈ Irrc (M) be a choice of supercuspidal representation. Then, M(G)[M,σ ] is the full subcategory of M(G) consisting of representations whose irreducible subquotients all appear in iPG (M[σ ] ) (that is, the image under iPG of the given supercuspidal block in M(M)). Let B(G) denote the collection of Bernstein blocks as defined above. For M and σ as above, we will write [M, σ ] ∈ B(G) to index the block M(G)[M,σ ] . Note, that the data (M, σ ) used to define a block is not unique. In fact, the resulting equivalence relation [M, σ ] = [M  , σ  ] of data which defines the same block has a clear description. The equality holds only when M and M  are conjugate subgroups inside G, in such a way that M = gM  g −1 for an element g ∈ G which intertwines the actions of σ  and σ˜ , where σ˜ is a M-representation in the inertia class of σ . We are ready to formulate the Bernstein decomposition theorem, which states that M(G) is a product of the blocks defined above. Yet, prior to that, let us recall the meaning of such a statement. By decomposing an Abelian category M we mean finding a family of full Abelian subcategories (Mi )i∈I , such that for every object M of M, there are objects Mi of Mi with M ∼ = ⊕i∈I Mi . " When such a family could be found, we would write M = i∈I Mi . In particular, we have HomM (M, N ) = ⊕i∈I HomMi (Mi , Ni ) , for all objects M = ⊕Mi , N = ⊕i Ni in M. * Another clear consequence is that Irr(M) = i∈I Irr(Mi ), where Irr stands for the collection of isomorphism classes of the irreducible objects in a category. Theorem 2.1.1 (Bernstein Decomposition) For a reductive p-adic group G, we have  M(G) = M(G)[M,σ ] . [M,σ ]∈B(G)


Equivalences of Categories

Let us now treat each block M = M(G)[M,σ ] separately.

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


For an object  in M, let H() := HomM (, ) denote the resulting complex associative algebra. Note, that for every representation M in M, the vector space HomM (, M) is naturally a right module over H() by composition. Hence, we can define a functor F : M → H() − mod , M → HomM (, M) . By definition, F is an exact functor, when  is a projective object. The object  is called a generator for M, if F is faithful. In other words,  is a projective generator, if it is projective and F (M) = 0, for every object M in M. Lemma 2.1.1 If  is a projective generator for M which is a finitely generated representation, then F is an equivalence of categories. The question now becomes whether we can find finitely generated projective generators  for M, for which the algebra H() and the module category H() − mod are well-understood. Indeed, for supercuspidal blocks, this task is relatively easy using the basic theory of p-adic groups. For ρ ∈ Irrc (G), let us write (ρ) = indG G0 (ρ|G0 ), where ind stands for induction with compact support (Recall that G0 < G is the subgroup generated by all compact subgroups). It is easy to verify that (ρ) belongs to M[ρ] . For any representation π in M[ρ] , the semisimple behavior of supercuspidal representations when restricted to G0 , implies by Frobenius reciprocity that F(ρ) (π ) ∼ = HomG0 (ρ, π ) = 0 . Similarly, one can see that F(ρ) is exact. Hence, (ρ) is (one choice of) a finitely generated projective generator for M[ρ] . Note, that by taking a G0 -irreducible subrepresentation τ < ρ|G0 , we could have just as easily shown that  (ρ) = indG G0 (τ )


is also a finitely generated projective generator for M[ρ] . In fact, the algebra H( (ρ)) will become more relevant for our needs (although by our discussion is still Morita-equivalent to the algebra H((ρ))). As for the case of a general block, we have the following pivotal theorem of Bernstein.


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Theorem 2.1.2 Let P = MN < G be a parabolic subgroup with a Levi decomposition. For σ ∈ Irrc (M), let  be a finitely generated projective generator for M(M)[σ ] . Then, iPG () is a finitely generated projective generator for the block M(G)[M,σ ] . The difficult part in the proof of the above theorem is showing that iPG () is in fact a projective object. This is obtained through finding a right-adjoint functor to parabolic induction (the so-called second-adjointness). Summing up, we see that each Bernstein block M(G)[M,σ ] may be studied through the equivalent category of modules over the complex associative algebra H(iPG ()) , where  is an (easily constructed) choice of finitely generated projective generator for the supercuspidal block M(M)[σ ] . In some groups of classical type, the work of Heiermann [30] computed these algebras explicitly and showed that their structure is closely related to that of affine Hecke algebras. We will make this statement more concrete for groups related to GLn in the next section.


Parabolic Induction

We mention a result of Roche [49] which says that the parabolic induction functor (in fact, a similar statement is true for the Jacquet functor) can be transferred through the equivalences of the form F into an intrinsic operation of algebraic module induction. Namely, for a representation  in M(M), the algebra H() is embedded as a sub-algebra of H(iPG ()) due to functoriality of iPG . Thus, a natural module induction functor I,P : H() − mod → H(iPG ()) − mod exists. Theorem 2.1.3 For a finitely generated projective generator  in M[σ ] , the commutation relation I,P ◦ F = Fi G () ◦ iPG P


On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


2.2 The Case of Type A Suppose now that G is either GLm or one of its inner forms. In other words, G = GLn (D), the group of n × n invertible matrices with entries in a division algebra D over F (with n2 · dimF D = m2 ). The basic case is when G is F -split, that is, D = F. Let us write Gn = GLn (D), for a fixed D. We will often want to consider the sequence of groups {Gn }∞ n=1 and their smooth representations taken together. For a given n, let α = (n1 , . . . , nr ) be a composition of n. We denote by Mα the subgroup of Gn isomorphic to Gn1 × · · · × Gnr consisting of matrices which are diagonal by blocks of size n1 , . . . , nr and by Pα the subgroup of Gn generated by Mα and the upper unitriangular matrices. A standard parabolic subgroup of Gn is a subgroup of the form Pα and its standard Levi subgroup is Mα . In particular, we can put the group M = Gn1 × Gn2 as a standard Levi subgroup of Gn1 +n2 , associated with the standard parabolic subgroup P = P(n1 ,n2 ) . Then, for representations π1 , π2 in M(Gn1 ), M(Gn1 ), respectively, we define the Bernstein– Zelevinski product [14] Gn1 +n2

π1 × π2 := iP

(π1 ⊗ π2 ) ,

as a representation in M(Gn1 +n2 ). This product structure is fundamental in the understanding of the representation theory of the groups {Gn }n . Every character χ ∈ (Gn ) is of the form χ = ν s := | Nrd |sF , where Nrd : Gn → F × is the reduced norm of the algebra Mn (D), | · |F is the absolute value of F , and s ∈ C. For every ρ ∈ Irrc , there exists a unique positive tρ ∈ R, for which ρ × ν tρ ρ is reducible (see Appendix A of [41]). Let us write νρs = ν stρ . For the case of D = F , we have tρ = 1 and νρ = ν, for all ρ ∈ Irr. For reasons of conjugation, the Bernstein blocks of M(Gn ) are exhausted by representations of standard Levi subgroups induced through standard parabolic subgroups. Let σ ∈ Irrc (Mα ) be given. It is easily verified that an element g ∈ Gn can be found, which normalizes Mα and permutes its factors so that l l σg ∼ = ρ11 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρ11 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρk1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρkk , j

with {ρi } irreducible supercuspidal representations satisfying that ρi1 , . . . , ρili all lie in the same (Gni )-orbit Oi , for every 1  i  k, and Oi1 = Oi2 for i1 = i2 . Hence, [Mα , σ ] = [Mα , σ g ] ∈ B(Gn ). Moreover, since the block [Mα , σ ] is determined up to the (Mα )-orbit of σ , we may assume that σ = ρ1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρ1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρk ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρk ,



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for a given collection {ρi ∈ Irrc (Gni )}, with distinct i1 , i2 satisfying that either ni1 = ni2 or ρi1 , ρi2 not lying in the same (Gni )-orbit. 1 Let us write Mα < M(σ ) < Gn for the standard Levi subgroup given as M(σ ) = Gn1 l1 × · · · × Gnk lk , and P (σ ) < Gn for the corresponding standard parabolic subgroup. Then, [Mα , σ ] also defines a Bernstein block for the group M(σ ). Proposition 2.2.1 The parabolic induction functor   n   iPG(σ : M G × · · · × G n 1 l1 n k lk ) π1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ πk

[M,σ ]

→ M(Gn )[Mα ,σ ]

→ π1 × · · · × πk

is an equivalence of categories. When k = 1 (i.e. M(σ ) = Gn ), we will call M(Gn )[Mα ,σ ] a simple block. Any given ρ ∈ Irrc (Gd ) and an integer r  1 define a simple block (ρ, r) ∈ B(Grd ) by taking the Levi subgroup Mα < Grd with α = (d, . . . , d) and setting (ρ, r) = [Mα , ρ ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρ] . In light of Proposition 2.2.1, it makes sense to denote a general block of B(Gn ) which is given as in (2.2) by [M, σ ] = (ρ1 , l1 ) × · · · × (ρk , lk ) .


Hecke Algebras

The complex (finite) Hecke algebra for the symmetric group Sn and a parameter q ∈ C× is defined to be the complex associative algebra Hf (n, q) generated by T1 , . . . , Tn−1 , subject to the relations Ti Ti+1 Ti = Ti+1 Ti Ti+1 , ∀1  i  n − 2 (Ti − q)(Ti + 1) = 0, ∀1  i  n − 1 ∀|j − i| > 1 . Ti Tj = Tj Ti ,


Note, that for q = 1, Hf (n, 1) becomes nothing but the complex group algebra of Sn . Thus, the finite Hecke algebra can be viewed as a deformation of the Weyl group of GLn . We will define the complex affine Hecke algebra for GLn and a parameter q ∈ C× to be the vector space

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


H (n, q) = C[y1±1 , . . . , yn±1 ] ⊗ Hf (n, q) , with the associative algebra structure given by both subalgebras C[y1±1 , . . . , yn±1 ] (the commutative ring of Laurent polynomials) and Hf (n, q) and the commutation relations Ti yi Ti = qyi+1 , ∀1  i  n − 1 ∀j =  i, i + 1 , Ti yj = yj Ti , between them. Theorem 2.2.1 ([30]) Let  (σ ) be the projective generator as defined in (2.1) for the supercuspidal block M[σ ] , with σ as in (2.2). Then, the algebra H(iPG ( (σ ))) is isomorphic to     tρ o(ρk ) tρ o(ρ1 ) H n1 , qF 1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ H nk , qF k , where qF is the cardinality of the finite residue field of F and o(ρi ) is the cardinality of the stabilizer subgroup of ρi in (Gni ). In particular, each simple block (ρ, r) is equivalent as an Abelian category to the category of right modules over an affine Hecke algebra for GLr . Note, that the isomorphisms in the theorem above are compatible with parabolic induction in the following sense. Suppose that (ρ, r1 ), (ρ, r2 ) are simple blocks for representations of the groups Gn1 , Gn2 , respectively. Let 1 , 2 be the corresponding generators Gn

described by Theorem 2.2.1, that is, i = iPi i ( (σi )), i = 1, 2, for suitable o(ρ) supercuspidal representations σ1 , σ2 . Then, H(i ) ∼ = H (ri , qF ). Recall again that the group M = Gn1 × Gn2 appears as a standard Levi subgroup of Gn1 +n2 . Parabolic induction then gives an embedding H(1 ) ⊗ H(2 ) → H( (σ1 ) ×  (σ2 ))


of algebras, for the suitable parabolic subgroup P . Yet, since clearly  (σ1 ⊗ σ2 ) ∼ =  (σ1 ) ⊗  (σ2 ) holds and the Bernstein block defined by σ1 ⊗ σ2 in M(Gn1 +n2 ) is nothing but (ρ, r1 + r2 ), Theorem 2.2.1 implies that the embedding in (2.4) may be described as t o(ρ)

H (r1 , qFρ

t o(ρ)

) ⊗ H (r2 , qFρ

t o(ρ)

) → H (r1 + r2 , qFρ



The explication of Heiermann’s isomorphisms shows that the above map is in fact the natural map we obtain by sending generators to generators in our definition of affine Hecke algebras.


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In similarity to the Bernstein–Zelevinski product for group representations, for t o(ρ) t o(ρ) ), H (r2 , qFρ ), respectively, we modules π1 , π2 over the algebras H (r1 , qFρ t o(ρ)

)-module resulting from the moduledefine π1 × π2 to be the H (r1 + r2 , qFρ theoretic operation of induction of π1 ⊗ π2 through the algebra embedding in (2.5). Thus, by means of Theorem 2.1.3, we see that the category equivalences resulting from Theorem 2.2.1 intertwine the Bernstein–Zelevinski product of group representations with the one for affine Hecke algebras.

2.3 Classification of Irreducible Representations We would like to discuss the meaning of the category equivalences implied by Theorem 2.2.1 on the level of irreducible representations. For an Abelian category M, let Irr(M) denote its collection of isomorphism classes of irreducible objects in M. We will write Irr = {0} ∪

∞ +

Irrc =

Irr(M(Gn )),


∞ +

Irrc (M(Gn )) .


Given ρ ∈ Irrc , we will write Irr[ρ] = {0} ∪

∞ +

Irr((ρ, r)) .


It is a consequence of Proposition 2.2.1 that there is a natural identification Irr =


Irr[ρ] ,



where the product goes over all inertia classes in Irrc . Here, the product (of sets) is taken in a restricted manner, that is, all but finitely many factors should be zero. An early cornerstone achievement of the representation theory of p-adic was the Zelevinski classification [57] of Irr, for the case of D = F , in combinatorial terms. Through a long list of works involving several approaches (see Appendix A of [41] for a thorough discussion), it was later established that the classification of Irr for a general division algebra D remains essentially similar. Let us present it here in a way which is compatible with the decomposition of (2.6). A segment [a, b] is a formal object given by two numbers a, b ∈ C whose difference b − a is a non-negative integer. We will write Seg for the collection of segments.

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


We will write Mult for the collection of multisegments, that is, all sets with prescribed multiplicities of elements of Seg. It is convenient to think of Mult as Z0 (Seg), that is, the monoid of functions Seg → Z0 with finite support. This view also allows to write multisegments additively, e.g. [1, 1] + [1.3, 2.3] + [1.3, 2.3] + [i − 5, i − 11] ∈ Mult . Given = [a, b] ∈ Seg and ρ ∈ Irrc , the segment representation ρ ∈ Irr[ρ] is defined as the unique irreducible subrepresentation of νρa ρ × νρa+1 ρ × · · · × νρb ρ . ∼ ρ, the segment ˜ = [a + s, b + s] would give Note, that for s ∈ C with νρs ρ = ∼ ˜ ρ = ρ . In fact, such numbers s must form a discrete subgroup of the imaginary complex axis. Let Seg[ρ] be the quotient of the collection Seg by relations of the form ∼ ˜ which simply identifies segments up to a certain twist on the imaginary axis. , Similarly, we write Mult[ρ] = Z0 (Seg[ρ] ). Theorem 2.3.1 For every choice of ρ ∈ Irrc , there is a bijection Zρ : Mult[ρ] → Irr[ρ] , so that for each m = subrepresentation of




∈ Mult, Zρ (m) is the unique irreducible

1ρ × · · · × tρ , where the segments defining m are ordered in a prescribed manner. The prescribed ordering of segments in the theorem can in fact be taken as any j ordering which avoids a situation in which iρ = [ai , bi ] and ρ = [aj , bj ] exist, for which i < j , aj − ai , bj − bi are positive integers, and aj  bj + 1. Let us consider the family of categories M(n, q) of right modules over the algebra H (n, q). For q ∈ C× we will write IrrHecke (q) = {0} ∪

∞ +

Irr M(n, q) .


For every choice of ρ ∈ Irrc and r  1, Theorem 2.2.1 supplies an identification of t o(ρ) ). Thus, we obtain an identification Irr (ρ, r) with Irr M(r, qFρ tρ o(ρ) ) Tρ : Irr[ρ] ∼ = IrrHecke (qF



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of sets, which depends on the choice of ρ. Let us vary the field F and the algebra D for the sake of current discussion. tρ o(ρ1 )

Suppose that ρi ∈ Irrc (GLdi (Di )), i = 1, 2 are two representations with qF11

tρ o(ρ2 ) qF22 .

Then, Tρ1 ,ρ2 =

Tρ−1 2


◦ Tρ1 is a bijection from Irr[ρ1 ] to Irr[ρ2 ] . tρ o(ρ1 )

tρ o(ρ2 )

Proposition 2.3.1 ([27, Proposition 3.2]) The assumption qF11 = qF22 implies the existence of a bijection φρ1 ,ρ2 : Seg[ρ1 ] → Seg[ρ2 ] , which naturally extends to a bijection φρ1 ,ρ2 : Mult[ρ1 ] → Mult[ρ2 ] . The resulting map is compatible with the correspondence Tρ1 ,ρ2 , that is, Zρ2 ◦ φρ1 ,ρ2 = Tρ1 ,ρ2 ◦ Zρ1 . Let us mention that a direct classification (in the spirit of the Zelevinski classification) of IrrHecke (q), for any q which is not a root of unity, was conducted by Rogawski [50], using purely Hecke-algebraic techniques.

2.4 Alternative Type-Theory Approach The relation between Bernstein blocks of M(Gn ) and module categories over affine Hecke algebras, in fact, originated earlier than the result described in Theorem 2.2.1. Such relation was a major outcome of an approach called type-theory for the study of M(Gn ) (or, p-adic groups in general). Roughly speaking, type-theory studies compact subgroups of J < G of a padic group G and irreducible representations σ of such J , so that for every π ∈ Irr(M(G)), HomJ (σ, π |J ) = 0 holds, if and only if, π belongs to a given Bernstein block M(G)s . Such pair (J, σ ) is called a type for the block M(G)s . By Frobenius reciprocity, HomJ (σ, π |J ) ∼ = HomG (indG J σ, π ). Thus, when σ becomes a finitely (J, σ ) is a type for a given Bernstein block,  = indG J generated projective generator for that block, and by Lemma 2.1.1 the block is equivalent to the category of modules over H(). An early motivation for such theory was a discovery [13, 16] of a type for the principle block of M(G), for any connected reductive G. This is the block produced by taking the trivial representation of a minimal Levi subgroup of G, as a supercuspidal representation. In other words, the principle block is the one which is generated by unramified principal series. The type constructed for the principal block was of the form (I, trv), where I < G is a compact subgroup which may be referred to as the Iwahori subgroup for certain cases, while trv is its trivial representation. Using these results, the principle block M(G) could be realized (see, for example, [9]) as the category of modules of the algebra H() ∼ = Cc∞ (I \ G/I ) ,


On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


that is, the algebra (under a natural convolution product) of smooth functions on G with compact support, that are bi-invariant under the subgroup I . For the case of G = GLn (F ), the next development in this line of research came in the seminal works of Bushnell–Kutzko [8, 10]. Theorem 2.4.1 ([8]) For every simple block (ρ, r) of the category M(GLn (F )), there is a type (J, σ ). Moreover, there is a subgroup C < GLn (F ), such that C ∼ = GLr (E), where E/F is a field extension of degree n/r, C ∩ J is a Iwahori subgroup of C, and GLn (F )


(σ )) ∼ = Cc∞ (C ∩ J \ C/C ∩ J ) .

Thus, it was shown that all simple blocks for the groups GLn (F ) are equivalent to module categories over algebras of the form (2.8), up to a change of field. In the subsequent work [10], it was further established that all blocks in M(GLn (F )) are in fact governed by tensor products of algebras of the form (2.8). The relation to affine Hecke algebras (that is, the class of algebras which specializes in the case of GLn to the definition of the previous section) from this point of view is intriguing on its own. Algebras of the form (2.8) were initially studied by Iwahori–Matsumoto [37]. The fact that they can be presented as affine Hecke algebras (generalizing our definition for GLn ) was a non-trivial discovery attributed to Bernstein and Zelevinski and presented in a paper of Lusztig [44]. In that respect, we mention Bezrukavnikov’s work [6], which sheds more light from a categorical perspective on this non-trivial isomorphism. When taking under account, for the case of G = GLn (F ), the identification of (2.8) with affine Hecke algebras, we see that Theorem 2.4.1 (together with its extensions) and Theorem 2.2.1 give essentially the same result using two distinct approaches. Finally, the work of Bushnell–Kutzko received a successful extension for the general case of Gn = GLn (D) in the works of Sécherre and Stevens [52, 53]. Their results showed again that all blocks admit types which produce generators whose endomorphism algebras are isomorphic to the algebras of (2.8). In this manner, we see that the type-theory approach provides a full alternative (and earlier) proof of Theorem 2.2.1.

3 From Affine Hecke Algebras to Quantum Groups As mentioned before, one of the key challenges in the study of the representation theory of the groups Gn , or the algebras H (n, q), is the decomposition of representations of the form π1 ×π2 , where π1 , π2 ∈ Irr, into their irreducible constituents. One tool which is available to us in this task is realizing the problem as a specialization of a decomposition problem arising in the domain of quantum groups. We would


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like to overview these relations. A large part of the following discussion will closely follow the expository treatment in [43]. The discussion of the previous section shows that it is enough to treat such problems in the setting of M(n, q), that is, the module categories of affine Hecke algebras. We will fix a parameter 0 = q ∈ C which is not a root of unity (indeed, when coming from group representations, q will always be a positive power of the prime power qF ). Let Rn be the complex Grothendieck group of the category Mf l (n, q) consisting of finite-length objects in M(n, q), that is, the complex vector space with a formal basis {[π ]}π ∈Irr M(n,q) . Then, for each object σ in Mf l (n, q), the element [σ ] ∈ Rn stands for the formal sum given by the Jordan-Hölder series of σ . Naturally, the Bernstein–Zelevinski product equips R := ⊕∞ n=0 Rn with an associative algebra structure (here, R0 := C · 1 serves as the ring identity element). In fact, the algebra R turns out to be commutative. t o(ρ) ), Irr[ρ] may be identiRecall, that for ρ ∈ Irrc (Gd ) (assuming q = qFρ fied (2.7) with the basis of simple modules in R. In particular, we can index this basis by Mult[ρ] through the map Zρ of Theorem 2.3.1. Let us make a further basic reduction in the analysis of the product structure on R. For s ∈ C, let Mults = Mults[ρ] ⊆ Mult[ρ] be the collection of multisegments containing only segments of the form [a + s, b + s], for a, b ∈ Z. Let R s ⊆ R be space spanned by Zρ (Mults ). For each s ∈ C, R s is a subalgebra of R, and we have R∼ = ⊗ν s ∈(Gd )/{ν k : k∈Z} R s . Furthermore, R r and R s are isomorphic rings, for all r, s ∈ C, as a result of the shift functor π → ν s−r π . In particular, it is enough to study the product structure of the algebra R 0 , whose basis is parameterized by Mult0 , that is, multisets of segments [a, b], with integer a, b. We write Seg0 for these segments, i.e., Mult0 = N(Seg0 ).

3.1 A Quantization Let us recall a different Lie-theoretic setting in which Mult0 naturally parameterizes a basis. Let n be a maximal nilpotent sub-algebra of the simple Lie algebra sln . Its basis, given by the set of positive roots of sln , can be indexed by segments [a, b], with integers 1  a  b  n − 1. Hence, by the PBW theorem, the universal enveloping algebra U (n) = U (sln )+ comes with a (non-canonical) basis parameterized by multisets of segments of the form above. In fact, to make things more convenient we may take the infinitedimensional Lie algebra sl∞ , with n being the algebra of strictly uppertriangular

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


bi-infinite matrices. Again, through a PBW theorem, U (sl∞ )+ becomes equipped with a basis indexed by Mult0 . In order to see the precise links between the algebras R 0 and U (sl∞ )+ , we need to quantize the setting. Let Uv = Uv (sl∞ )+ be the C(v)-algebra (Here C(v) is the complex field of rational function in a formal variable v) given by the countable set of generators {Ei }i∈Z , subject to the (so-called quantum Serre) relations ,

|i − j | > 1 Ei Ej = Ej Ei , . Ei2 Ej − (v + v −1 )Ei Ej Ei + Ej Ei2 = 0 |i − j | = 1

In analogy to the classical PBW situation, each segment [a, b] ∈ Seg0 may give rise to an element E ∗ ([a, b]) ∈ Uv in the algebra generated by {Ea , Ea+1 , . . . , Eb }. The collection E∗ = {E ∗ (m)}m∈Mult0 , where E ∗ (m) = E ∗ ( 1 ) · . . . · E ∗ ( k ), for a  prescribed (in a similar sense to the prescription in Theorem 2.3.1) ordering m = ki=1 i , is a (dual-PBW) basis for Uv . While Uv has a natural specialization at v = 1 to the classical algebra U (sl∞ )+ , it has yet another specialization to our commutative algebra of interest R 0 . Next, we will give an overview of the phenomenon.

3.2 Standard Modules and Underlying Geometry k i Recall, that for m = i=1 "∈ Mult[ρ] , Zρ (m) was defined as an irreducible subrepresentation of ζρ (m) := ki=1 iρ , for a prescribed ordering of the segments in m. We will call representations of the form ζρ (m) standard representations (or modules). It is known that the standard representations give a basis to the complex algebra R. In particular, {[ζρ (m)]}m∈Mult0 is a basis for R 0 . Note, that in the commutative algebra R the order of segments which defines [ζ (m)] is immaterial. Moreover, it is evident that [ζρ (m)][ζρ (n)] = [ζρ (m + n)]


holds in R, for all m, n ∈ Mult[ρ] , even though as representations, we may often have ζρ (m) × ζρ (n) ∼ = ζρ (m + n). The last multiplicative property makes the basis of standard representations especially relevant to the study of the product structure on R 0 . It is a simple linear algebra exercise to see that if we fully knew the coefficients of the transition matrix between the basis of irreducible representations to that of standard ones, then we would have a closed formula for the decomposition of Zρ (m) × Zρ (n) into irreducible constituents.


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Indeed, we would like to describe how the said coefficients may be computed by means of the Kazhdan–Lusztig theory. First, let us reinterpret the collection Mult0 in terms of quiver representations (see, for example, [45]). Let Q be the Dynkin quiver of type A∞ , that is, the directed graph whose vertices are given by Z, with an arrow i → i + 1, for each i ∈ Z. A (complex) representation of Q is a finite-dimensional graded complex vector space V = ⊕i∈Z Vi together with linear maps gi : Vi → Vi+1 . The representations of Q (with their natural morphisms) form an Abelian category M(Q). A segment [a, b] ∈ Seg0 defines an indecomposable object V[a,b] of M(Q) by setting 



, =

Caib , 0 i ∈ [a, b]

and gi : Vi ∼ = Vi+1 , for all a  i < b. It can be verified that all representations of Q are isomorphic to direct sums of objects of the form V , for ∈ Seg0 . In other words, the objects of M(Q) are in a natural correspondence with the multisegments in Mult0 . A geometric context can be added to this setting. Let us fix a dimension vector, that is, d = (di )i∈Z , with di ∈ Z0 , and di = 0, for all but finitely many i. We set the vector space Ed = ⊕i∈Z HomC (Cdi , Cdi+1 ) . Then, each representation V of Q, with dim Vi = di , for all i, can be viewed as a point in Ed . Moreover, the isomorphism classes of Q-representations with the fixed " dimension vector d can be thought of as orbits of the group i∈Z GLdi (C) acting on the space Ed . For m ∈ Mult0 , let Om denote the orbit in Ed(m) , for a suitable d(m) (ith coordinate of d(m) is determined by the number of segments in m that contain i), of the corresponding Q-representation isomorphism class. Some of the results of [57] can be stated in the following geometric manner. Proposition 3.2.1 For m ∈ Mult0 and ρ ∈ Irrc , the irreducible constituents of the representation ζρ (m) are precisely those of the form Zρ (n), where n ∈ Mult0 is such that Om ⊆ On . The above proposition hints that the transition matrix between the bases of standard and irreducible representation is related to the geometry of the varieties {Om }m∈Mult0 . This might have lead Zelevinski [58] to formulate a Kazhdan– Lusztig-type conjecture for the setting in hand. For any m, n ∈ Mult0 satisfying the inclusion Om ⊆ On , let us write Hi (On )m for the stalk at a point of Om of the i-th intersection cohomology sheaf of the variety On . The intersection cohomology polynomial is then defined as

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field

I Cm,n (q) =

q i dim H2i (On )m .




Theorem 3.2.1 For any ρ ∈ Irrc and m, n ∈ Mult0 such that Om ⊆ On , the multiplicity of the irreducible representation Zρ (n) in the Jordan-Hölder series of ζρ (m) is given by the value I Cm,n (1). This theorem was eventually proved in [17] using a realization of affine Hecke algebras as Grothendieck groups of equivariant coherent sheaves on Steinberg varieties (see further the remark following Theorem 3.4.1).

3.3 Dual Canonical Basis Theorem 3.2.1 states that the geometry of the varieties associated with Qrepresentations governs some of the behavior of representations in M(n, q). Yet, it is also evident that when specializing the polynomials I Cm,n (q) at q = 1, some of the geometric information encoded in these varieties is lost. This additional information still bears meaning in our context of representation theory, which can be recovered through the algebra Uv . Lusztig defined in [45] another C(v)-basis for Uv , indexed again by Mult0 , which is named the canonical basis, due to some remarkable properties which go beyond the scope of this survey. For our purposes, we will deal with yet another related basis B∗ = {G∗ (m)}m∈Mult0 , which is dual to the canonical basis relative to a given scalar product on Uv . It was then shown that the transition matrix between the dual-PBW basis E∗ defined above to the dual canonical basis B∗ is given precisely by the geometric data encoded in the polynomials I Cm,n . Theorem 3.3.1 ([45]) For any m, n ∈ Mult0 , let cm,n ∈ C(v) be the transition coefficient given by the equations E ∗ (m) =

cm,n G∗ (n) .


Then, cm,n = 0, unless Om ⊆ On is satisfied. In the latter case, we have cm,n (v) = v dim On −dim Om I Cm,n (v −2 ) . We see now that the above transition matrix inside the quantum group is specialized at v = 1 precisely to the transition matrix between the irreducible and standard bases of R 0 . This statement is made more precise in the following proposition, whose proof is essentially the combination of Theorems 3.2.1 and 3.3.1.


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Proposition 3.3.1 ([43]) Let L ⊆ Uv be the Z[v, v −1 ]-ring (lattice) spanned by the basis E∗ . Let U = Cv→1 ⊗Z[v,v −1 ] L be the complex algebra constructed by taking Cv→1 = C as a Z[v, v −1 ]-module in which v acts trivially. Then, the linear map defined as U → R0 , ∗ 1 ⊗ E (m) → ζρ (m) , ∀m ∈ Mult0 for any choice of ρ ∈ Irrc , is an isomorphism of algebras, which sends each dual canonical basis element 1 ⊗ G∗ (m) to the irreducible representation Zρ (m). The understanding that Uv serves as a quantization of the ring R 0 coming from representation categories of affine Hecke algebra and p-adic groups, gives a new perspective on the problem of decomposing the Bernstein–Zelevinski product. Namely, for any m, n ∈ Mult0 , we may decompose the product G∗ (m)G∗ (n) =

km,n G∗ (p) p



in Uv , for some coefficients km,n ∈ Z[v, v −1 ]. By Lusztig’s positivity result [46, p Theorem 14.4.13(b)], we actually have km,n ∈ Z0 [v, v −1 ]. Yet, by Proposition 3.3.1 we may specialize (3.3) at v = 1 to obtain the equality p

[Zρ (m) × Zρ (n)] =


km,n (1)[Zρ (p)]


in the algebra R 0 . For example, multisegments m ∈ Mult0 of the form m = [a1 , b1 ]+. . .+[ak , bk ], for integers a1 < . . . < ak and b1 < . . . < bk , are called ladders. In the context of quantum groups, the corresponding dual canonical basis elements were studied in [15] under the name of quantum minors. It was proved in [28] that when m, n are both ladders, the irreducible constituents p of Zρ (m) × Zρ (n) all appear with multiplicity 1. In other words, km,n (1) ∈ {0, 1}, 0 for all p ∈ Mult . p p p Thus, for non-zero km,n with ladder m, n, we have km,n (v) = v dm,n , for a certain p integer dm,n ∈ Z. These newly obtained integer invariants shed additional light on the original decomposition problem (as was studied in [26]).



Let us mention briefly the tight relation of this discussion to the representation theory of Khovanov–Lauda–Rouquier algebras (also known as quiver Hecke

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


algebras). The ring R 0 was obtained by taking the Grothendieck ring resulting from representation categories of affine Hecke algebras. In much similarity, the quantum group Uv can be viewed as the Grothendieck ring of representations of corresponding KLR algebras. This is a process of categorification of quantum groups, which was achieved in [40] and [51]. Furthermore, it was shown in [56] that the dual canonical basis is categorified into the set of simple modules. This correspondence together with Proposition 3.3.1 immediately characterizes the representation categories of KLR algebras of type A as the “categorical quantization” of representations of affine Hecke algebras of type A. In fact, such a phenomenon can be better explained through the remarkable algebraic relations between the algebras involved discovered in [11] and [51]. The categorical equivalent of a quantization is a grading on the algebras. KLR algebras and their natural modules are (Z-)graded, while the Z[v, v −1 ] action on Uv , viewed as an action on a Grothendieck group, is a shift of grading on a module. p Thus, the coefficients km,n of (3.3) give the multiplicities of distinct shifts of the same (isomorphism class of a) KLR-module.

3.4 Kazhdan–Lusztig Polynomials Another interesting feature of the theory we discuss is that the intersection cohomology polynomials of (3.2) are nothing but another manifestation of the ubiquitous Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials (specifically, those that are defined by symmetric groups). Therefore, the quantization process described in the previous sections through which we are exposed to the “full” polynomials, may be viewed as a link between the representation theory of affine Hecke algebras (and p-adic groups) and the Kazhdan–Lusztig theory. Such link may be exploited in both ways. On one hand, Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials are in principle computable invariants with vast literature on their algorithmic aspects (see [12]). This gives us the ability to compute representation-theoretic invariants, at least in low-rank cases, and gain insight into open questions related to the categories in question. On the other hand, it may occur that representationtheoretic results will supply more precise formulas and insight into the nature of Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials. In order to explain the precise links we mentioned, we will need to adopt a new point on view on multisegments. A pair  A=

a1 . . . ak b1 . . . bk

of two sequences of integers satisfying a1  . . .  ak , b1  . . .  bk and ai  bk+1−i + 1, for all 1  i  k, will be called a bi-sequence of length k.


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A bi-sequence A as above defines two standard parabolic subgroups of the group Sk , in the following manner. Let P1 (A) < Sk (respectively, P2 (A)) be subgroup generated by transpositions (i i + 1), for which bi = bi+1 (respectively, ai = ai+1 ) holds. We write D(A) = P1 (A) \ Sk /P2 (A) for the set of double-cosets related to A. For σ ∈ D(A), we will write σ˜ ∈ Sk for the shortest representative of σ . Let us define a permutation σ0 = σ0 (A) for each bi-sequence A by the following recursion. Given σ0−1 (k), . . . , σ0−1 (i + 1), we set σ0−1 (i) = max{j ∈ σ0−1 ({i + 1, . . . , k}) : aj  bi + 1} . By [42, Section 6.1], for any permutation σ ∈ Sk , the inequality σ0  σ holds in the Bruhat order of Sk , if and only if, ai  bσ (i) + 1, for all i. Given a bi-sequence A of length k as above and a permutation σ0 (A)  σ ∈ Sk , we can construct a multisegment mσ (A) =

k  [ai , bσ (i) ] ∈ Mult0 , i=1

by considering expressions of the form [a, b], with b < a, as empty segments (These will only occur in the form of b = a − 1). Note, that mσ  (A) = mσ (A), for any σ  ∈ P1 (A)σ P2 (A). Thus, we can also write mσ (A) by specifying a double-coset σ ∈ D(A). In fact, it can be easily seen that every element of Mult0 can be written in the form mσ (A), for some (non-unique) σ and A. Given a multisegment m = mσ (A) ∈ Mult, for a bi-sequence A and (a doublecoset of) a permutation σ ∈ D(A), the closure of the corresponding variety Om , which is relevant to Proposition 3.2.1, decomposes as Om =


Omω (A) .

ω∈D(A), σ˜ ω˜

Let us recall that the Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials (for the symmetric group Sk ) are a collection of integer polynomials {Pσ,ω (q)} attached to each pair of permutations σ  ω in Sk . Briefly, the Hecke algebra Hf (k, q) may be equipped with a standard basis and a canonical one. The Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials essentially form the transition matrix between these bases (see, for example [36]). Some monumental developments of mathematics were the discoveries that the same polynomials encode the singularities of Schubert varieties [39] and count multiplicities in representation categories of Lie algebras [2, 7]. For our discussion, the Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials became relevant through Zelevinski’s realization that the varieties Om are locally isomorphic to Schubert

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


varieties [59]. Using further combinatorial work of Henderson [31], the following was established. Theorem 3.4.1 For any bi-sequence A and σ, ω ∈ D(A) with σ0 (A)  σ˜  ω, ˜ we have I Cmω (A),mσ (A) = Pωω ˜ 0 ,σ˜ ω0 . It is worth mentioning that another approach for establishing Theorems 3.2.1 and 3.4.1 is through application of the Arakawa–Suzuki functors [1, 54], which take us from the classically familiar category O(slk ) to that of modules over graded affine Hecke algebras (in the sense of [44]). More on this approach can be read in [4] or the introduction to [31]. Note, that a particular consequence of Theorems 3.2.1 and 3.4.1 is that the multiplicity of a representation of the form Zρ (mσ (A)) inside the Jordan-Hölder series of a standard representation ζρ (mω (A)) does not depend on the bi-sequence A. Moreover, the complexity of the computations involved in finding such multiplicities depends on the number of segments in the defining multisegment, rather than the rank of the group (which can be arbitrarily large). Let us finish with brief examples of the kind of interplay between p-adic representation theory and Kazhdan–Lusztig theory that we described above. In [42], the authors tackled the question of characterizing all representations π ∈ Irr, which satisfy π ×π ∈ Irr. These were called square-irreducible representations. The importance of this class becomes more evident in the quantum affine setting, after passing through the quantum affine Schur–Weyl duality of our next section. Namely, the class is expected to play a role in newly discovered cluster structures on relevant ring (see [35]). We say that a bi-sequence A is regular, if P1 (A) and P2 (A) are trivial groups. Theorem 3.4.2 For a regular bi-sequence A and ρ ∈ Irrc , any representation of the form Zρ (mω (A)) ∈ Irr is square-irreducible, if and only if, the Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomial Pσ0 ,ω is trivial (i.e. Pσ0 ,ω ≡ 1), for σ0 = σ0 (A). Consequently, in [29], the representation-theoretic Theorem 3.4.2 was applied, using the quantization procedure discussed above, to obtain new identities that are satisfied by the parabolic analogues of Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials.

4 Quantum Affine Algebras A valuable tool in the study of representations of affine Hecke algebras of type A is the quantum affine version of the Schur–Weyl duality. While the classical duality involves functors which take representations of (finite) symmetric groups to representations of Lie groups of type A, the quantum affine analogue will take us from modules over the quantum (that is, deformed) affine version of the symmetric


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group, i.e. the algebra H (n, q), to modules over the quantum version of the affine Lie algebra  slN . Before our discussion will commence, let us mention some lines of research which are not covered by the scope of this manuscript, but need to be mentioned for their close ties to our topic: One is the work of Brubaker-Buciumas-Bump-Friedberg [3] and its related papers. This is an intriguing study on quantum structures of Whittaker models of representations of Gn . Another topic is the affine Schur algebra [24, 47, 55] which can serve as another bridge between affine Hecke algebras and the quantum affine setting. Let us first recall the meaning of the latter objects and the basics of the theory of their representations. We refer the reader to [19], [18, Chapter 12], [21] for a comprehensive study. Each symmetric generalized Cartan matrix C defines a Kac–Moody algebra g(C), a notion which generalizes semisimple Lie algebras. The theory of quantum groups allows for a proper definition of a quantized version Uv (g(C)) of the universal enveloping algebra of g(C). A particular family of Kac–Moody algebras is that of affine Lie algebras. To each simple Lie algebra g, one can attach its affine version  g, into which the original algebra g embeds. The associative algebras resulting from quantizing the universal enveloping algebras of affine Lie algebras are known as the quantum affine algebras. Their structure is far better understood than the case of a general Kac–Moody algebra, while their representation theory is a rapidly developing subject, partly motivated by its high relevance for mathematical physics (see [33]). Our case of interest will be  slN . For a choice of non-root of unity v ∈ C× , its  quantum version, AN,v := Uv (slN ), is the complex associative algebras generated ±1 by a Laurent polynomial algebra C[k0±1 , k1± , . . . , kN −1 ] together with additional 2N ± ± generators x0 , . . . , xN −1 , subject to the relations %

|i − j | = 0, 1 (mod N) xi± xj± = xj± xi± ,  ± 2 ± , ± ± ± ±  ± 2 −1 = 0 |i − j | = 1 (mod N) xi xj − (v + v )xi xj xi + xj xi

⎧ ± ± ⎪ |i − j | = 0, 1 (mod N) ⎨ kj xi = xi kj , kj xi± kj−1 = v ±2 xi± , |i − j | = 0 (mod N) , ⎪ ⎩ k x ± k −1 = v ∓1 x ± |i − j | = 1 (mod N) j i j i

xi± xj± −xj± xi± = δij

ki − ki−1 . v − v −1

The defining presentation for AN,v given above will actually not be material for our discussion. However, let us take note that the sub-algebra of AN,v generated by ± k1 , . . . , kN −1 and x1± , . . . , xN −1 is precisely the quantum group Uv (slN ). Instead, the alternative Drinfeld presentation of AN,v , whose details will be omitted here, identifies 3 subalgebras: U 0 , which contains k1 , . . . , kN −1 and U ± , which ± contains, respectively, x1± , . . . , xN −1 . These satisfy a triangular decomposition (as a vector space)

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


AN,v = U − ⊗ U 0 ⊗ U + , whose behavior resembles the classical semisimple theory. We are interested in the Abelian category C(N, v) of finite-dimensional modules over AN,v of type 1. The last condition means that a module V has a weight decomposition of the form V = ⊕μ Vμ , where Vμ = {x ∈ V : ki · x = v μ(i) x, ∀i = 0, . . . , N − 1} , for μ : {0, . . . , N − 1} → Z. This notion is in fact not too restrictive, since any finite-dimensional module over AN,v is known to be of type 1, up to a suitable algebra automorphism. For a module V in C(N, v), we say that a vector x ∈ V is a highest weight vector, if x is an eigenvector for the sub-algebra U 0 and U + · x = 0. The character of U 0 by which it acts on a highest weight vector x is called the -weight of x. Given a V ∈ Irr(C(N, v)), it is known there is a unique, up to scalar, highest weight vector x ∈ V . The -weight P of x characterizes the isomorphism class of V . We can write in this case V = V (P ). Let us write DN for the subset of characters P of U 0 which give rise to V (P ) ∈ Irr(C(N, v)). In other words, we obtain a bijection Irr(C(N, v)) ↔ DN . The set DN can now be described using what is known as Drinfeld polynomials. Each element P ∈ DN is identified with a tuple P = (P1 , . . . , PN −1 ) of monic complex polynomials with non-zero constant term. Moreover, each such tuple gives an element of DN . Finally, recall that C(N, v) is a monoidal category, that is, modules can be tensored one against another to produce a new module, coming from the Hopf algebra structure of AN,v . The co-multiplication : AN,v → AN,v ⊗ AN,v used to define such structure is given by (ki ) = ki ⊗ ki ,

(xi+ ) = xi+ ⊗ ki + 1 ⊗ xi+ ,

(xi− ) = xi− ⊗ 1 + ki−1 ⊗ xi− ,

on the generators used to define the algebra.

4.1 Quantum Affine Schur–Weyl Duality The classical Schur–Weyl duality may be viewed as a functor of tensoring with a bimodule, which enjoys remarkable properties. In particular, it serves as a gateway between different settings of representation theory in type A. To recall the classical setting, consider the natural action of slN on the vector space V = CN , as a left module over the enveloping algebra U (slN ). For any n  1, the tensor space MN,n = V⊗n is again a left module over U (slN ) (using the natural Hopf algebra structure).


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Yet, the space MN,n also has a natural action of the symmetric group Sn by permuting its tensor components. These two actions obviously commute, making MN,n into a (U (slN ), C[Sn ])-bimodule. The Schur–Weyl duality can then be stated in terms of properties of the functor MN,n ⊗C[Sn ] −, taking representations of Sn to representations of slN . This situation was quantized in the work of Jimbo [38]. Suppose that q ∈ C× is a choice of non-root of unity. The Hecke algebra Hf (n, q 2 ) then acts on MN,n through the following formulas. If {ei }N i=1 is a choice of basis for V, then ⎧ 2 r=s ⎨ q (· · · er ⊗ er · · · ) Ti (· · · er ⊗ es · · · ) = q(· · · es ⊗ er · · · ) r s where Ti , i = 1, . . . , N − 1, are the generators as in (2.3) and · · · x ⊗ y · · · denotes the i-th and i + 1-th tensor components of pure tensors in MN,n . The space V is also equipped with a natural structure of a Uq (slN )-module. It conveniently happens that when tensoring V as a module to produce MN,n , the resulting quantum group action commutes with the Hecke algebra action we described. Hence, MN,n becomes a (Uq (slN ), Hf (n, q 2 ))-bimodule. Theorem 4.1.1 The functor FN,n from the category of finite-dimensional modules over Hf (n, q 2 ) to the category of finite-dimensional modules over Uq (slN ), given by FN,n (V ) = MN,n ⊗Hf (n,q 2 ) V , is fully faithful, when n  N − 1. In other words, when n  N, the functor FN,n injects Hf (n, q 2 )-modules as a full subcategory of Uq (slN )-modules. The next generalization step is the main interest of our discussion. The following quantum affine duality was precisely stated and proved by Chari–Pressley [20], while an intriguing geometric point of view was established by Ginzburg– Reshetikhin–Vasserot in [25]. See further the introduction of [22]. Theorem 4.1.2 For a finite-dimensional module V in M(n, q 2 ), the space FN,n (V ), for the functor defined in Theorem 4.1.1, can be equipped with an additional structure of a (type 1) AN,q -module. The resulting functor 2 Faff N,n : Mf l (n, q ) → C(N, q)

is fully faithful, when n  N − 1. Thus, the structure of the category Mf l (n, q 2 ), and as a consequence of Theorem 2.2.1, of any finite-length objects in a simple Bernstein block (ρ, n) o(ρ)/2 ), can be studied as a full subcategory of C(N, q). (when setting q = qF

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


Moreover, the duality functors are monoidal [20, Proposition 4.7], in the sense that aff ∼ aff Faff N,n1 (π1 ) ⊗ FN,n2 (π2 ) = FN,n1 +n2 (π1 × π2 ),


for any representations π1 , π2 in Mf l (n1 , q 2 ), Mf l (n2 , q 2 ), respectively. Recall, that π1 × π2 denotes the induction product which produces a representation in Mf l (n1 + n2 , q 2 ) through the embedding (2.5). Let us clarify the correspondence that we obtain on the level of irreducible representations. By Theorem 4.1.2, we see that for n  N, the functor Faff N,n sends simple objects to simple objects, hence, gives an injection Irr(M(n, q 2 )) → Irr(C(N, q)) .

(4.2) o(ρ)/2

Going back to the p-adic group setting, let us fix ρ ∈ Irrc and q = qF . Then, by Theorem 2.3.1 and (2.7), we see that Irr(M(n, q 2 )) may be identified with a subset of the collection of multisegments Mult[ρ] . On the other hand, we have seen that Irr(C(N, q)) has a combinatorial description in terms of the polynomials DN . Chari–Pressley have identified the correspondence between subsets of combinatorial objects resulting from (4.2). Let us recall it here in an explicit manner. For all 2  N, let ιN : DN → Mult[ρ] be the map given as follows. For a Drinfeld polynomial P = (P1 , . . . , PN −1 ) ∈ DN , let ai,1 , . . . , ai,deg Pi ∈ C× be the set of roots of Pi (counted with multiplicities), for i = 1, . . . , N − 1. Choose numbers si,j ∈ C, for which ai,j = q −2si,j holds. Then, ιN (P ) =

N −1 deg  Pi i=1 j =1

si,j −

. i−1 i−1 , si,j + ∈ Mult[ρ] 2 2


is a well defined multisegment. −1 For k(P ) := N i=1 i deg Pi , we clearly obtain Zρ (ιN (P )) ∈ Irr((ρ, k(P ))). Proposition 4.1.1 ([20, Theorem 7.6]) For m ∈ Mult[ρ] , let us use the correspondence Tρ of (2.7) to identify Zρ (m) as an element of Irr M(n, q 2 ), for suitable n  1. For a choice of n  N − 1, let P ∈ DN be the Drinfeld polynomial which satisfies ∼ Faff N,n (Zρ (m)) = V (P ) ∈ Irr(C(N, q)) . Then, m = ιN (P ). Let us comment that the map ιN , which is shown above to give the combinatorial counterpart of the quantum affine Schur–Weyl duality, is of a simple linear nature. Namely, the information given by a Drinfeld polynomial is the location of the root


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z ∈ C of the i-th polynomial. Such root becomes a segment of length i − 1 centered in a point determined by z.

4.2 Irreducibility and Cyclic Modules One remarkable contribution of the quantum affine approach to the study of representations of affine Hecke algebras and p-adic groups is the following result on irreducibility. A celebrated recent result of Hernandez points on the following phenomenon. Theorem 4.2.1 ([32]) Suppose that V1 , . . . , Vk ∈ Irr(C(N, v)) are modules, for which Vi ⊗ Vj is a simple module, for all i = j . Then, the module V1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vk is simple. The combination of Theorems 4.2.1, 4.1.2, the multiplicative property (4.1), and Theorem 2.2.1 immediately gives the following corollary about representations of p-adic groups. Corollary 4.2.1 Suppose that π1 , . . . , πk ∈ Irr are representations, for which πi × πj is irreducible, for all i = j . Then, π1 × · · · × πk is an irreducible representation. Hernandez later proved in [34] a more subtle extension of Theorem 4.2.1, which again gave implications through the Schur–Weyl duality functors. This extension deals with a notion called cyclic products. Suppose that V1 , . . . , Vk ∈ Irr(C(N, v)) are given. Let xi ∈ Vi , 1  i  k be the corresponding highest weight vectors. We say that the product V1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vk is cyclic (or, highest weight), if it is generated as a module by the vector x1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ xk . Theorem 4.2.2 Suppose that V1 , . . . , Vk ∈ Irr(C(N, v)) are modules, for which Vi ⊗ Vj is a cyclic product, for all 1  i < j  k. Then, the product V1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vk is cyclic. Though the last theorem may appear as a statement on the intrinsic structure of modules, the cyclicity property can in fact be stated in a more categorical language. This will allow to transfer Theorem 4.2.2 through the Schur–Weyl duality functors.

On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


Let us recall that the set DN comes with a natural monoid structure, through entry-wise multiplication of complex polynomials. Now, suppose that V , W are modules in C(N, v). Given highest weight vectors xP ∈ V , xQ ∈ W of respective -weights P , Q ∈ DN , the vector xP ⊗xQ ∈ V ⊗W is also a highest weight vector, whose -weight is given by P ·Q ∈ DN . In particular, we always have the isomorphism class of V (P Q) as an irreducible subquotient of V ⊗ W. Proposition 4.2.1 Given irreducible modules V (P 1 ), . . . , V (P k ) ∈ Irr(C(N, v)) that are parameterized by P 1 , . . . , P k ∈ DN , the product V (P 1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ V (P k ) is cyclic, if and only if, it has a unique irreducible quotient whose isomorphism class is given by V (P 1 · . . . · · · P k ). Note that the maps ιN from (4.3) clearly respect the additive structure of the monoids DN and Mult[ρ] . Thus, in light of Propositions 4.1.1 and 4.2.1, we can apply the functors of Theorems 4.1.2 and 2.2.1 to reformulate Theorem 4.2.2 as follows. Corollary 4.2.2 For a choice of ρ ∈ Irrc , let π1 = Zρ (m1 ), . . . , πk = Zρ (mk ) ∈ Irr be given irreducible representations, parameterized by m1 , . . . , mk ∈ Mult[ρ] . If πi × πj has a unique irreducible quotient which is parameterized by Zρ (mi + mj ), for all 1  i < j  k, then the representation π1 × · · · × πk has a unique irreducible quotient which is parameterized by Zρ (m1 + · · · + mk ). Both Corollaries 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 are remarkable in the sense that no proof which uses purely p-adic (or purely Hecke-algebraic) methods, without relying on the quantum affine Schur–Weyl duality, was known for these statements, up until recently. In a joint work with Alberto Mínguez under preparation, we were able to construct such a “pure” proof, using the ideas of the quantum affine proofs of Hernandez. Corollary 4.2.2 has in fact intriguing applications for natural questions in the representation theory of p-adic groups. Suppose that π ∈ Irr(M(Gn )) is a given irreducible representation. The restriction problem asks how does π decompose when restricted to the smaller group Gn−1 embedded inside Gn . In particular, one could ask how to describe the irreducible quotients of π |Gn−1 . A variant of the Gan–Gross–Prasad conjectures [23] attempts to give a partial answer to this question. Recently, in [27] we found that Corollary 4.2.2 was the key missing tool for settling a large part of these conjectures.

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On the Hecke-Algebraic Approach for General Linear Groups Over a p-Adic Field


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Part III


Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups Michela Varagnolo and Eric Vasserot

Abstract We characterize the categorical representation on finite dimensional modules of affine Hecke algebras of classical types (for arbitrary value of the parameters and of the characteristic). This reduces the classification of simple objects to computing a representation previously introduced by Enomoto and Kashiwara. We did this in some particular cases.

1 Introduction The quiver-Hecke algebras introduced recently by Khovanov–Lauda and Rouquier are associated to any quiver without one-loops. When the quiver is of type A∞ , the quiver-Hecke algebra of rank n is known to be Morita equivalent to the affine Iwahori–Hecke algebra of type GLn , and it categorifies some weight subspaces of the negative half of the quantum group of type A∞ . This is a fundamental result, which permits to relate the quantum group to the Grothendieck group of the affine Iwahori–Hecke algebras in characteristic zero, recovering some previous results of Ariki, etc. When the quiver is of type A(1) d , for a fixed positive integer d, one gets in a similar way the affine Hecke algebra of type GLn at a d-th root of unity and the quantum group of the corresponding type. This yields in particular a link between modular representations of the affine Iwahori–Hecke algebra of type GL and the combinatorics of quantum groups of type A(1) .

M. Varagnolo () CY Cergy Paris Université, UMR 8088 (CNRS), Cergy Pontoise, France e-mail: [email protected] E. Vasserot Université de Paris, Paris, France Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), Paris, France e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

The Bernstein center theory relates the smooth representations of the group GLn (F ), where F is a local non-Archimedean field, over an algebraically closed field R of characteristic = 0, to the representations of the affine Iwahori–Hecke algebras associated with standard Levi subgroups of GLn over the same field. In particular, we get a relation between smooth finite length representations over R of the p-adic group and the combinatorics of an affine quantum group of type A∞ . Under this identification, the parabolic induction/restriction functors are related to Kashiwara’s boson algebra, which acts on the positive half of the quantum group. The Bernstein center theory does not extend easily to the positive characteristic. Nevertheless, part of the identification above still holds in positive non-natural characteristic . The goal of this paper is to study the cases of a positive non-natural characteristic and the case of classical groups. For a p-adic group of type SO(2n + 1) or SP(2n), a new algebra has been introduced in [18] which plays a similar role to the quiver-Hecke algebra. In this note we review the main properties of this algebra and we explain its relation with the Bernstein center theory for classical types. Once again, the Grothendieck group of finite length smooth (unipotent) representations acquires an action of a version of Kashiwara’s boson algebra. This case is more complicated than the GLn one: the module we get is not known explicitly except in some particular cases. Now, let us explain the plan of the paper. The second section is a reminder on quiver-Hecke algebras. Then, we discuss the quiver-Hecke algebras of type C introduced in [18]. Our setting here is more general than in [18]. In this generality, the categorification theorem in loc. cit. do not hold anymore. In the appendix we explain the geometric realization of this version of the quiver-Hecke algebra of type C, generalizing the construction from [18]. The third section concerns representations of p-adic groups in characteristic = 0. First, we give an introduction to the Bernstein center of general p-adic groups. Then, we consider the groups of types A, B, C. If = 0, we equip the Grothendieck group of the category of unipotent representations with an action of a Boson algebra, using Bernstein’s theory to reduce to the case of affine Hecke algebras. In type A, the resulting module is explicit described. In types B and C, this is unknown in general. Finally, in the last section we consider the case of representations in positive nonnatural characteristic. In this case there is no Bernstein theory to apply. However, it is still possible to define a categorical action of a boson algebra on the category of unipotent modules. From now on R is a fixed algebraically closed field of characteristic and A = Q[v, v −1 ], K = Q(v) where v is a formal variable.

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


2 Quiver-Hecke and Affine Hecke Algebras of Type C Quiver-Hecke algebras of type C have been introduced in [18], with some restriction on the parameters. We will need a more general version here. In this section we recall briefly the definition of quiver-Hecke algebras of type C, in this more general version, and we recall the relation with affine Hecke algebras of type C.

2.1 Quiver-Hecke Algebras 2.1.1

Symmetric Quivers

Let (Q, D) be a symmetric quiver, i.e., a pair consisting of a quiver Q whose set of vertices is I and whose set of arrows is !, and an involution D which acts on the sets I and ! so that it switches the source and the target of the arrows. Hence, we have D(h) = D(h ) for each h ∈ !, where h is the incoming vertex and h the outgoing one. We will assume that there are no 1-loops, i.e., no arrow joins a vertex to itself. For each elements i, j of I we set ci,j = "{h ∈ ! ; h = i, h = j }. Example 2.1.1 Fix an element q ∈ R \ {0, ±1} and a subset I ⊆ R × which is stable by the multiplication by q and by the involution D given by D(i) = i −1 . Let QI, q = (QI, q , D) be the symmetric quiver such that ! = {i → j ; j = iq}, so we have ci,j = δiq,j for all i, j . Note that QR × , q is the direct sum of quivers QIz ,q & such that Iz = zq Z z−1 q Z and either z2 ∈ / q Z or z = ±1, ±q 1/2 . Let e ∈ N ∪ {∞} be the multiplicative order of q. Fix a square root q 1/2 of q. For Iz with z ∈ R × one of the following cases occurs: • z2 ∈ / q Z , then Iz does not contain any D-fixed point, • z = ±1 and e is infinite or odd, then Iz = zq Z admits a unique D-fixed point, • z = ±q 1/2 and e is infinite or even, then Iz = zq Z does not contain any D-fixed point, • z = ±1 and e is even, then Iz = zq Z admits two D-fixed points. We say that the symmetric quiver QIz , q is without fixed points if Iz does not contain any fixed point by the involution D.


The Quiver-Hecke Algebra of Type C

For a positive integer n, let [n] = {1 − n, . . . , 0, 1, . . . , n}. Fix a dimension vector λ = i λi i in NI . Set I [n],D = {ν = (ν1−n , . . . , νn ) ∈ I [n] ; D(νk ) = ν1−k , ∀k}.


M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

We will identify the sets I n and I [n],D via the obvious bijection (ν1 , . . . , νn ) → (D(νn ), . . . , D(ν1 ), ν1 , . . . , νn ) whenever this is more convenient. Write A(n) = R[x1 , . . . , xn ],

P(n) =


RC(0; λ) = R.


Let Wn be the subgroup of permutations w of [n] such that w(1 − k) = 1 − w(k). For each k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 let sk ∈ Wn be the permutation which flips the pairs (k, k +1), (1−k, −k) and fixes the other elements of [n]. The group Wn is a Coxeter group of type Cn with simple reflections s0 , . . . , sn−1 . For each ν ∈ I n , w ∈ Wn we set wν = (νw−1 (1−n) , . . . , νw−1 (n) ).


Moreover for each w ∈ Wn and f ∈ A(n) set wf (x1 , · · · , xn ) = f (xw(1) , · · · , xw(n) ).


Here, we write x1−l = −xl . Putting together (2.1) and (2.2) we get an action of Wn on P(n). Definition 2.1 Let RC(n; λ) be the Z-graded R-subalgebra of EndR (P(n)) generated by e(ν), xl and τk with ν ∈ I n , l = 1, . . . , n, k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 such that, if k = 0, we have (a) e(ν)f e(ν  ) = δν,ν  f e(ν) for each f ∈ A(n), % λν x 1 s0 e(ν) if ν0 = ν1 , (b) τ0 e(ν) = 0λν x 1 ∂ e(ν) else, % 0 0 (xk − xk+1 )cνk ,νk+1 sk e(ν) if νk = νk+1 , (c) τk e(ν) = ∂k e(ν) else. Here, we set ∂k = (xk − xk+1 )−1 (sk − 1). The Z-grading is given by (d) deg(xk e(ν)) = % 2, λν0 + λν1 if ν0 = ν1 , (e) deg(τ0 e(ν)) = λ + λν1 − 2 else, % ν0 cνk ,νk+1 + cνk+1 ,νk if νk = νk+1 , (f) deg(τk e(ν)) = −2 else.


Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


The Z-graded R-subalgebra R(n) ⊆ RC(n; λ) generated by e(ν), xl and τk with ν ∈ I n , l = 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , n − 1 is the quiver-Hecke algebra of rank n associated with the quiver Q. We may write RC(n; λ; Q, D) or R(n; Q) to stress the underlying quiver and we set RC(λ; Q, D) =

RC(n; λ; Q, D),

R(Q) =


R(n; Q).


For each tuple α ∈ NI we may write RC(α, λ; Q, D) = e(α) RC(n; λ; Q, D)e(α), where e(α) is the sum of all tuples e(ν)’s such that ν sums up to α. Proposition 2.2 The R-algebra RC(n; λ) is generated by e(ν), xl , τh with ν ∈ I n , l = 1, . . . , n, h = 0, . . . , n − 1 modulo the defining relations (a) e(ν) e(ν  ) = δν,ν  e(ν), τh e(ν) = e(sh ν)τh , xl e(ν) = e(ν)xl , (b) xl xl  = xl xl  , ⎧ ⎪ ⎪−e(ν) if l = k, νk = νk+1 , ⎨ (c) (τk xl − xsk (l) τk )e(ν) = e(ν) if l = k + 1, νk = νk+1 , ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 0 else, % λν x 0 e(ν) if l = 1, ν0 = ν1 , (d) (τ0 xl − xs0 (l) τ0 )e(ν) = 0 0 else, (e) τk2 e(ν) = Qνk ,νk+1 (xk , xk+1 )e(ν), % λν λν x 0 x 1 e(ν) if ν0 = ν1 , 2 (f) τ0 e(ν) = 0 λ1ν 0 ∂0 (x0 )τ0 e(ν) else, (g) τh τh = τh τh if h = h ± 1 then (h) (τk+1 τk τk+1 − τk τk+1 τk )e(ν) =

Qνk+1 ,νk (xk+1 ,xk )−Qνk+1 ,νk (xk+1 ,xk+2 ) e(ν), xk −xk+2  2 λi = 0 or 1 for all i ∈ I , (τ1 τ0 ) − (τ0 τ1 )2 e(ν) = ⎧ aν0 ν2 −(x1 +x2 )aν0 ν2 (−1)cν0 ν2 (−x2 )λν2 (x1 −x2 ) 2x τ0 e(ν), ⎪ ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ −1 −1 ⎪ ν =  ν ⎪ 1 = ν2 = ν2 , 1 ⎪ ⎪

δνk ,νk+2

(i) If


λν1 (−x

x2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 0,


λν λν2 −(−x1 )λν1 x1 2 x1 +x2

τ1 e(ν), ν2 = ν1−1 = ν1 otherwise.

Here we set ai,j = 2δi,j −ci,j −cj,i and Qi,j (u, v) = (1−δi,j )(v −u)ci,j (u−v)cj,i . Further l  = 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , n − 1 and h = 0, . . . , n − 1.


M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

Proof Direct computation. Remark 2.1.2 The relation (i) can be computed for any parameter λ. We will not need it.   For each element w ∈ Wn we fix a reduced decomposition w˙ = sk1 sk2 · · · sk of w and we write τw˙ = τk1 τk2 . . . τk . Proposition 2.3 (a) RC(n; λ) is free of finite rank over its center, which is equal to P(n)Wn . (b) RC(n; λ) is free as a left P(n)-module with basis {τw˙ ; w ∈ Wn }. Proof Part (a) is proved as in [18, prop. 7.7], part (b) as in [18, prop. 7.5].


Induction and Restriction

Denote by Mod(RC(n; λ)), Proj(RC(n; λ)), mod(RC(n; λ)) the categories of arbitrary, finitely generated projective, and finite dimensional Z-graded left modules over the graded R-algebra RC(n; λ). Let mod0 (RC(n; λ)) be the category of all finite dimensional modules such that x1 , . . . , xn are nilpotent. The morphisms are the degree preserving homomorphisms. Define [Proj(RC(λ))] =

 [Proj(RC(n; λ))], n∈N

[mod(RC(λ))] =

 [mod(RC(n; λ))], n∈N

where [Proj(RC(n; λ))] is the split Grothendieck group of the category Proj(RC(n; λ)) over Q while [mod(RC(n; λ))] is the Grothendieck group of mod(RC(n; λ)) over Q. We define the degree shift functors v by vM = M 1 where M m d = Md+1 and M = ⊕d∈Z Md . Then, one can define A-structures on [Proj(RC(λ))] and [mod(RC(λ))]. For each i ∈ I and n > 0 let RC(n − 1, i; λ) ⊆ RC(n; λ) be the R-subalgebra generated by the elements e(ν), xl , τk with νn = i and k = n − 1. For a pair of vertices i, j ∈ I we define the  subalgebra RC(n − 2, i, j ; λ) ⊆ RC(n; λ) in a similar way. Set e(n − 1, i) = ν e(ν), where the sum runs over all ν’s as above. The inclusion RC(n−1, i; λ) ⊆ RC(n; λ) and the graded R-algebra homomorphism RC(n − 1, i; λ) → RC(n − 1, i; λ)/(xn ) = RC(n − 1; λ) yield the functors Fi,n−1 : mod(RC(n − 1; λ)) → mod(RC(n; λ)), Ei,n−1 : mod(RC(n; λ)) → mod(RC(n − 1; λ))


Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


given by Fi,n−1 (V ) = RC(n; λ) ⊗RC(n−1,i;λ) (V ⊗ R[xn ]) = RC(n; λ)e(n − 1, i) ⊗RC(n−1;λ) V , Ei,n−1 (V ) = RC(n − 1; λ) ⊗RC(n−1,i;λ) e(n − 1, i)V . Note that for a finitely generated RC(n; λ)-module V the RC(n − 1; λ)-module obtained by taking the direct summand e(n−1, i)V and restricting it to RC(n−1; λ)  may not be finitely generated. The functors Ei = n0 Ei,n and Fi = n0 Fi,n yield A-linear operators on [Proj(RC(λ))].


The Mackey’s Theorem

For each θ and each a ∈ N, we write θ (a) = θ a /[a]! for the v-version of the a-th divided power. Following [8] consider the following K-algebra. Definition 2.4 Let Bv (Q, D) be the K-algebra generated by ei , fi and invertible elements ti for each i ∈ I , satisfying the following defining relations: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

ti tj = tj ti and tD(i) = ti , ti ej ti−1 = v ai,j +aD(i),j ej , ti fj ti−1 = v −ai,j −aD(i),j fj , ei fj − v −ai,j fj ei = δi,j + δD(i),j ti ,  (b) a (a) = 0 if i = j and θi = ei or fi . a+b=1−ai,j (−1) θi θj θi


For each i ∈ I , the endofunctors Ei , Fi yield the linear endomorphisms ei = [Ei ], fi = [Fi ] of [Proj(RC(λ))]. We define an operator ti on [Proj(RC(λ))] by setting ti [P ] = v λi +λD(i) −2 δi,D(i) −α·i [P ], where we write α · β =  β i of NI . i i

i,j ∈I

∀P ∈ Proj(RC(α; λ)),

αi βj ai,j for each elements α =


αi i, β =

Proposition 2.5 The operators ei , fi , ti with i ∈ I define a representation of   Bv (Q, D) on [RC(λ)-proj] ⊗A K. Proof We must check that the relations above are satisfied. They are obvious, except the relations (d) and (e). The relation (e) is proved as in [18] and goes back to [9]. To prove (d) it is enough to check the following version of the Mackey’s theorem. Lemma 2.6 Fix i, j ∈ I. Let α, β ∈ NI D such that α + i + D(i) = β + j + D(j ) and 2n = |α| = |β|. Set α  = α − j − D(j ). Then the Z-graded (RC(n, 1; λ),RC(n, 1; λ))-bimodule e(α, i) RC(n + 1; λ)e(β, j ) has a filtration by Z-graded bimodules whose associated graded is isomorphic to


M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

  (a) RC(α; λ) ⊗ R(i)     ⊕ RC(n,  1; λ)e(α , i, i) ⊗RC(n−1,1,1;λ) e(α , i, i) RC(n, 1; λ) −2 ⊕ δi,D(i)  RC(α; λ) ⊗R(i) −2 − α · i if j = i, (b) δi,D(i)  RC(α) ⊗ R(i)  ⊕ RC(n, 1; λ)e(α  , D(i), i) ⊗RC(n−1,1,1;λ) e(α  , i, D(i)) RC(n, 1; λ) −i · D(i) ⊕ RC(α) ⊗ R(D(i)) λi + λi −1 − 2δi,D(i) − α · i if j = D(i),  (c) RC(n, 1; λ)e(α  , j, i) ⊗RC(n−1,1,1;λ) e(α  , i, j ) RC(n, 1; λ) −i · j if j = i, D(i). Proof Set εn+1 = sn · · · s1 s0 s1 · · · sn . Recall first that Proposition 2.3(b) yields RC(n+1; λ) =

P(n+1)τw˙ ⊕

 w∈Wn sn Wn


P(n+1)τw˙ ⊕

P(n+1)τw˙ .

w∈Wn εn+1 Wn

Next, for each ν, ν  ∈ I n and u = e, sn , εn+1 , the element xu = e(D(i), ν, i) τu˙ e(D(j ), ν  , j ) ∈ e(α, i) RC(n + 1; λ)e(β, j ) is non-zero only if one of the following cases holds: ⎧  ⎪ ⎪ ⎨i = j, ν = ν, deg(xu ) = 0 ν  = (D(i), ν2−n , . . . , νn−1 , i), deg(xu ) = −i · j ⎪ ⎪ ⎩i = D(j ), ν = ν  , deg(x ) = λ + λ − 2δ u




if u = e, if u = sn , −ν·i

if u = εn+1 .

The lemma follows. We do not know what is the representation of Bv (Q, D) on [Proj(RC(λ))] ⊗A K in general. More precisely, by [8, prop. 4.2], for each λ ∈ NI there is a unique Bv (Q, D)-module Vv (λ) = Vv (λ; Q, D) up to isomorphism, which is generated by a non-zero vector φλ such that for each i ∈ I we have ei φλ = 0,

ti φλ = v λi +λD(i) −2 δi,D(i) φλ ,

{x ∈ Vv (λ) ; ei x = 0, ∀i ∈ I } = K φλ . The Bv (Q, D)-module Vv (λ) is irreducible. If (Q, D) has no fixed points, then it is proved in [18, lem. 10.9, thm. 10.31] that the Enomoto–Kashiwara Bv (Q, D)module Vv (λ) is isomorphic to [RC(λ)-proj] ⊗A K. This is false in general, see Sect. 2.1.5. However, we have the following conjecture. Conjecture 2.7 If λ = 0, then Vv (λ)  [Proj(RC(λ))] ⊗A K.   * (k) , D (k) ) (a possibly infinite sum), then we have Remark 2.1.3 If (Q, D) = k (Q (k) as a finite sum of dimension vectors in an obvious decomposition λ = kλ (k) NI such that

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups

Bv (Q, D) = ⊗k Bv (Q(k) , D (k) ),


Vv (λ; Q, D) = ⊗k Vv (λ(k) ; Q(k) , D (k) ),

where ⊗ is the restricted tensor product. Similarly, we have RC(n; λ; Q, D) =


 n= k n(k)


RC(n(k) ; λ(k) ; Q(k) , D (k) ).

A similar decomposition holds for the quiver-Hecke algebra R(n; Q).


Example: The Case of Rank 1 or 2

Example 2.1.1 with q of infinite order, and that Assume that (Q, D) = QI,q is as in the dimension vector λ is such that i λi  1. Using Remark 2.1.3 and the results of [18], we may assume that I = I1 . The following holds. Proposition 2.8 If the element α ∈ NI does not contain the vertex 1 ∈ I , then we have Vv (λ)λ−α  [Proj(RC(α; λ))] ⊗A K.


Proof Since α ∈ NI does not contain the vertex 1 ∈ I , the results in [18, §10.20] imply that for any simple module V and any i = 1, the induced modules Ei (V ), Fi (V ) defined in (2.3) have a simple head if non-zero. This permits to define analogues of Kashiwara’s crystal operators on the set of the isomorphism classes of simple modules of the algebras RC(α; λ) for all such α’s. Then, the claim is proved as in [18, lem. 10.9, thm. 10.31]. Note that if V is a simple RC(α; λ)-module, then the induced module F1 (V ) may have a non-simple head. For example, if α = q + q −1 and λ = 0, then F1 Fq (R) = P1 ⊕ P2 where P1 , P2 are indecomposable modules such that Fq F1 (R) = v −1 P1 ⊕ vP1 ,

Fq −1 F1 (R) = v −1 P2 ⊕ vP2 .

The module Fq (R) is indecomposable. Let S, S1 , S2 be the tops of Fq (R), P1 , P2 . We have F1 S = S1 ⊕ S2 . If the rank n is 1 or 2, to prove the conjecture we are reduced to check (2.4) with α = 1 + 1, α = 1 + 1 + q + q −1 , and α = 1 + 1 + i + i −1 with i = q, q −1 . A direct computation yields the following. • If α = 1 + 1, then dim Vv (λ)λ−α = 1, and dim[Proj(RC(α; λ))] = 1 if λ1 = 0 and 2 if λ1 = 1. • If α = 1 + 1 + i + i −1 and λ = 0, then Vv (λ)λ−α and [Proj(RC(α; λ))] ⊗A K are one-dimensional. They are spanned by the element fi f1 (φλ ) and by the class of the module Fi F1 (R), respectively.


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• If α = 1 + 1 + q + q −1 and λ = 0, then Vv (λ)λ−α and [Proj(RC(α; λ))] ⊗A K are 2 dimensional. They are spanned by {fq f1 (φλ ) , fq −1 f1 (φλ )} and by the classes of the modules Fq F1 (R), Fq −1 F1 (R), respectively.

2.2 Affine Hecke Algebras Given integers n, and elements q, q1 , q0 in R × , let H(n, q, q1 , q0 ) be the affine Hecke algebra of type Cn with parameters q1 and q0 , which is associated with the root datum (Xn , Yn , Rn , Rn∨ , n ) such that • • • •

Xn = Yn = Zn , with (ei ), (ei∨ ) the canonical bases of Xn and Yn , Rn = {±ei ± ej ; 1  i < j  n} ∪ {±ei ; 1  i  n}, Rn∨ = {±ei∨ ± ej∨ ; 1  i < j  n} ∪ {±2ei∨ ; 1  i  n}, n = {α0 , α1 , . . . , αn−1 } with αi = ei − ei+1 if i = 1, . . . , n − 1 and α0 = −e1 .

Let Wn be the corresponding Weyl group and si ∈ Wn be the reflexion with respect to αi . The R-algebra H(n, q, q1 , q0 ) is generated by elements Ti with i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 and commuting invertible elements Xα with α ∈ Xn modulo the following relations: • • • • • • • •

Xα Xβ = Xα+β , Ti Tj = Tj Ti if |i − j | = 1, Ti Tj Ti = Tj Ti Tj if |i − j | = 1 and i, j = 0, (Ti Tj )2 = (Tj Ti )2 if |i − j | = 1 and i = 0 or j = 0, (Ti + 1)(Ti − q) = 0 if i = 1, . . . , n − 1, (T0 + 1)(T0 − q1 q0 ) = 0, Xα Ti − Ti Xsi (α) = (q  − 1)(Xα − Xsi (α) ) / (1 − X−αi ) if i = 1, . . . , n − 1, Xα T0 − T0 Xs0 (α) = (q1 q0 − 1) + X−α0 (q1 − q0 ) (Xα − Xs0 (α) ) / (1 − X−2α0 ).

We recover the presentation used in [18, Appendix A] by setting p = q 1/2 , Xi = X−ei , T0 = q1 T0 , and Ti = pTi for i = 0. The center of H(N, q, q1 , q0 ) is the subalgebra Z(n) = R[X1±1 , . . . , Xn±1 ]Wn . The affine Hecke algebra of type GLn is the subalgebra H(n, q) ⊆ H(n, q, q1 , q0 ) generated by T1 , . . . , Tn−1 and Xα with α ∈ Xn . Let mod(H(n, q, q1 , q0 )) and mod(H(n, q)) be the categories of left modules over H(n, q, q1 , q0 ) and H(n, q) which are finite dimensional over R. × × Set (Q,  D) = QI, q with I ⊆ R and q ∈ R \ {0, ±1}. Fix any q1 , q0 ∈ R , and set λ = i∈I λi i with λi = δi,−q0 + δi,q1 .


Note that, since −q0 , q1 may not belong to I , the parameter λ may be 0. The action of the elements Xk is locally finite with eigenvalues in R × on any module in mod(H(n, q, q1 , q0 )). Let modI (H(n, q, q1 , q0 )) be the subcategory consisting

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


of all modules such that the spectrum of Xl belongs to I for each k = 1, . . . , n. We have the following, compare with [18, thm. A.4]. Proposition 2.9 We have an equivalence of R-linear abelian categories mod0 (RC(n; λ; QIq )) → modI (H(n, q, q1 , q0 ))  

which respects the dimension of the modules. Proof For each k = 1, . . . , n and ν ∈ I α,D we set % −λν x 1 τ0 e(ν) if ν12 = 1, • ϕ0 e(ν) = 0 1−λν1 (1 + 2x0 τ0 ) e(ν) else, % −δνk+1 ,qνk (xk − xk+1 ) τk e(ν) if νk = νk+1 , • ϕk e(ν) =   (xk − xk+1 )τk + 1 e(ν) else. Similarly, for each k = 1, . . . , n we write • φ0 − 1 = • φk − 1 =

X12 −1 (X1 +q0 )(X1 −q1 ) (T0 − q1 q0 ), Xk −Xk+1 qXk −Xk+1 (Tk − q).

We must check that the assignment ϕ0 → φ0 ,

ϕk → φk ,

xk → νk−1 Xk − 1

yields an algebra isomorphism RC(n; λ) ⊗A(n) R[[x1 , . . . , xn ]] →  H(n, q, q1 , q0 ) ⊗Z(n) R[[X1 − ν1 , . . . , Xn − νn ]]. ν∈I n

The pushforward by this isomorphism is the equivalence in the proposition. To prove the isomorphism, we first extend the representation of RC(n) on P(n)  to a representation on ν Frac(A(n)) e(ν). Then, the operators ϕ0 , ϕk introduced above act as s0 , sk . Next, we consider the (faithful) representation of H(n, q, q1 , q0 ) on R(X1 , . . . , Xn ) such that the operators φ0 , φk introduced above act as s0 , sk . Then, under the identification xk = νk−1 Xk − 1 for k = 1, . . . , n, the claim follows from the following relations: • if νk+1 = qνk : (Tk − q) =

q −1

1 τk e(ν) − 1 + q −1 xk − xk+1


M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

xk − xk+1 e(ν), q −1 − 1 + q −1 xk − xk+1

• if νk+1 = νk , qνk : (Tk − q) =

qνk + qνk xk − νk+1 − νk+1 xk+1 (τk − 1)e(ν), νk + νk xk − νk+1 − νk+1 xk+1

• if νk = νk+1 : (Tk − q) = (q − 1 + qxk − xk+1 )τk e(ν), • if ν12 = 1 : (T0 − q1 q0 ) =

(1 + x1 + ν1−1 q0 )(1 + x1 − ν1−1 q1 ) (1 + x1


− ν1−2



τ0 − 1)e(ν),

• if ν12 = 1 : (T0 − q1 q0 ) =

(1 + x1 + ν1 q0 )(1 + x1 − ν1 q1 ) 1−λν1 2x0 τ0 e(ν). (1 + x1 )2 − 1

Note that, to get the required isomorphism, one of the four assertions below must be true: • • • •

λν1 = 0, ν1 = −q0 = q1 and λν1 = 1, ν1 = q1 = −q0 and λν1 = 1, ν1 = q1 = −q0 and λν1 = 2,

which is ensured by (2.5). Remark 2.2.1 A similar Morita equivalence holds for usual quiver-Hecke algebras, see [2, 16].

3 Reminder on Representations of p-Adic Groups 3.1 Generalities Let F be a local non-Archimedean field of characteristic zero and let vF : F → Z ∪ ∞ be its non- Archimedean evaluation normalized in such a way that the image coincides with Z ∪ ∞. Let O = {x ∈ F ; vF (x)  0} be the ring of integers of F and let Fq denote the residue field of characteristic p which we assume different from

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


2. Let  be a uniformizer of F and x → |x| = q −vF (x) be the normalized absolute value. Let G be a connected reductive group over F . We will abbreviate G = G(F ) and ¯ = G(q) = G(Fq ). Let R be an algebraically closed field of characteristic = p. G We will write ⊗ = ⊗R . Let Mod(RG) be the category of all smooth RG-modules and mod(RG) be the subcategory of finite length modules. Both are Abelian categories. By a parabolic subgroup P ⊆ G we will mean the set of F -points of a parabolic subgroup P ⊆ G G G defined over F . If M is a Levi subgroup of P, we denote by iM⊆P and rM⊆P the normalized parabolic induction and restriction functors. Both functors are exact [19, §II.2.1]. They depend on the choice of the parabolic subgroup P. If M and P are both G G and r G G standard we will abbreviate iM⊆P = iM M⊆P = rM . Let ind denote the compact induction. Let Irr(RG) be the set of isomorphism classes of irreducible modules in Mod(RG) and Cusp(RG), SCusp(RG) be the subsets of cuspidal and supercuspidal ones. Recall that a smooth irreducible RG-module is cuspidal if it is killed by all proper Jacquet functors, i.e., all proper parabolic restriction functors, and that it is supercuspidal if it does not occur as a subquotient of a properly parabolically induced module.

3.2 The Bernstein Center 3.2.1

Bernstein’s Blocks

Let X∗ (G) be the group of characters of G defined over F and ◦ G ⊆ G be the open, closed, normal subgroup given by ◦

G = {g ∈ G ; χ (g) ∈ O× , ∀χ ∈ X∗ (G)}.

Let (RG) be the group of unramified R-valued characters of G, i.e., the set of all group homomorphisms G → R × which factorize through ◦ G. The quotient G/◦ G is a free abelian group of finite type and (RG) is the group of R-points of the algebraic torus HomZ (G/◦ G, Gm,R ). Let BG be the R-algebra of regular functions on this torus. The universal unramified character ψG of G is the obvious representation of RG in BG . Given a representation π of RG, let π ∨ denote its contragredient module, and for any unramified character ψ ∈ (RG) we will write π ψ = π ⊗ ψ for the corresponding twisted representation. Two pairs (M, π ), (M , π  ) consisting of a Levi subgroup of G and irreducible cuspidal representations π , π  of RM, RM are inertially equivalent if there is an element g ∈ G and an unramified character ψ ∈ (RM ) such that M = gMg −1 and the g-conjugate g π = π(g • g −1 ) is isomorphic to π  ψ. Let [M, π ] be the inertial class of (M, π ). Denote by B(RG) the Bernstein spectrum of G that is the set of all inertial classes of G and by C(RG) ⊆ B(RG) the subset of inertial equivalence


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classes of cuspidal RG-modules, i.e., we consider only cuspidal pairs such that the Levi is equal to G. If τ ∈ Irr(RG), then there is always a parabolic subgroup P ⊆ G with a G (π ) Levi subgroup M ⊆ P such that τ is isomorphic to a submodule of iM⊆P for some cuspidal RM-module π . The G-conjugacy class of (M, π ) is uniquely determined by τ and is called the cuspidal support of τ . Given an inertial class s, let Mods (RG) ⊆ Mod(RG) be the full subcategory generated by the irreducible modules whose cuspidal support belongs to s. If = 0, the theory of the Bernstein center gives a decomposition Mod(RG) =

Mods (RG),

Irr(RG) =



Irrs (RG),


where each category Mods (RG) is indecomposable and Irrs (RG) = Irr(RG) ∩ Mods (RG). Let s = [M, π ] ∈ B(RG) be an inertial class. Let Oπ = {π ψ ; ψ ∈ (RM)} be the (RM)-orbit of π in Cusp(RM). We view Oπ as the algebraic torus given by the quotient of the torus (RM) by the subgroup {ψ ∈ (RM) ; π ψ  π }. The function ring Bπ of Oπ has a natural structure of an RM-module which is a submodule of BM . Let ψπ ⊆ ψM be the restriction of the universal unramified character ψM of M to the submodule Bπ ⊆ BM . We will consider the representation π˜ of RM given by π˜ = π ψπ . G (π The RG-module iM⊆P ˜ ) is a small progenerator of Mods (RG). Set G Hs = EndRG (iM⊆P (π˜ ))op .

Then, we have an equivalence of Abelian categories Mods (RG) → Mod(Hs ),

G  σ → HomRG iM⊆P (π˜ ), σ .


We will write mods (RG) = mod(RG) ∩ Mods (RG).


Bushnell–Kutzko Types

Let = 0. Let K ⊆ G be an open compact subgroup and let ρ be an irreducible representation of K. To such a couple we associate an algebra Hρ = EndRG (indKG (ρ))op and a functor

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups

Mod(RG) → Mod(Hρ ),


  σ → HomRK (ρ, σ |K )  HomRG indKG (ρ), σ . (3.2)

The couple (K, ρ) is a type if the above functor induces an equivalence of categories Modρ (RG) → Mod(Hρ ), where Modρ (RG) is the subcategory of Mod(RG) of representations generated by their ρ-isotypic subspace, see [3]. For s ∈ B(RG) the type (K, ρ) is a s-type if any smooth irreducible representation with non-trivial ρ-isotypic subspace has cuspidal support in s. In that case Modρ (RG) = Mods (RG) as subcategories of Mod(RG).

3.3 Level 0 and Unipotent Modules ¯ be the quotient of K by its pro-p-nilpotent Given a parahoric subgroup K ⊆ G, let K radical K+ . It is the group of Fq -points of a reductive connected group. An RG + module π is of level 0 if it is generated by the subspace K π K where K runs over the set of all parahoric subgroups in G. Any subquotient of a level 0 module or any extension of level 0 modules is again a level 0 module, see, e.g., [19, §II.5.7–8]. Let Irr0 (G) be the set of isomorphism classes of level 0 irreducible modules, and let mod0 (RG) ⊆ mod(RG) be the subcategory of level 0 modules of finite length. Set Cusp0 (RG) = Irr0 (RG) ∩ Cusp(RG), SCusp0 (RG) = Irr0 (RG) ∩ SCusp(RG). Assume that the center of G is connected if = 0. We call an irreducible cuspidal RG-module unipotent if it is isomorphic to indNGG (K) (σ ), where K ⊆ G is a maximal standard parahoric subgroup of G, and σ is an NG (K)-module whose restriction to ¯ in Lusztig’s K is the inflation of an irreducible cuspidal unipotent module σ¯ of K sense, i.e., σ¯ is a constituent of the decomposition of a unipotent module over a field of characteristic zero. Let Irru (RG) be the set of isomorphism classes of unipotent irreducible modules, by which we means all modules isomorphic to an irreducible subquotient of a parabolically induced module from a cuspidal unipotent pair in G. Let Cuspu (RG) = Cusp(RG) ∩ Irru (RG) be the set of isomorphism classes of irreducible cuspidal unipotent RG-modules, and let SCuspu (RG) = SCusp(RG) ∩ Irru (RG). Finally, let modu (RG) ⊆ mod(RG) be the Serre subcategory generated by Irru (RG). We have modu (RG) ⊆ mod0 (RG). G G Proposition 3.1 The functors rM⊆P and iM⊆P preserve the categories of finite length, unipotent or level 0 modules.  


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Proof The first claim is [19, §II.5.13], the last one is [19, §II.5.12], see also [6, prop. 6.3]. The parabolic induction preserves the category of unipotent modules by definition. The parabolic restriction either by the geometric lemma. Remark 3.3.2 (a) If the characteristic of R is 0, then Irru (RG) is the set of the irreducible unipotent modules considered by Lusztig in [12, thm. 6.11]. See [15]. (b) If G = GLn and the characteristic of R is positive, then Irru (RG) is the set of the irreducible unipotent modules considered in [20], i.e., it is the set of all irreducible modules with supercuspidal support inertially equivalent to the trivial character of a minimal Levi subgroup, by [7, cor. 1.2].  

4 Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups 4.1 Generalities on Representations of p-Adic Classical Groups 4.1.1

The General Linear Group

Given any integer N  1 and any element i ∈ R × , let ηi denote the unramified character of GLN such that ηi (g) = i vF (det(g)) for all g ∈ GLN . So, we have (R GLN ) = {ηi ; i ∈ R × }. We will write η = ηq −1 . Given a tuple μ = (N1 , N2 , . . . , Na ) of positive integers summing to N, we consider the standard Levi subgroup GLμ = GLN1 × · · · × GLNa of GLN . Then, given an R GLNb -module πb for each b = 1, 2, . . . , a we write π1 × π2 × · · · × πa for the R GLN -module given by the normalized parabolic induction of π1  π2  · · ·  πa . For each isomorphism class ρ ∈ Cusp(R GLN ) its inertial class cρ ∈ C(R GLN ) is canonically identified with the (R GLN )-orbit Oρ = {ρ ηi ; i ∈ R × } in Cusp(R GLN ). We will also view it as an R × -orbit. Following [14], we associate to ρ an unramified character ηρ ∈ (R GLN ) and integers Nρ , eρ , qρ  0 such that • Nρ = N, • qρ ∈ q Z is such that for all d > 0 there is an R-algebra isomorphism H(d, qρ )  EndR GLdN (ρ˜ ×d ), • eρ is the order of qρ in R × (it may be infinite), • ηρ = ηqρ−1 , hence, by [13, §4.5], for all ρ  ∈ Cusp(R GLN  ) we have ρ × ρ  reducible ⇐⇒ N  = N and ρ  = ρ ηρ±1 .


We abbreviate c = cρ = {ρηi ; i ∈ R × }. The parameters ηρ , eρ , Nρ , qρ do not depend on the choice of ρ in the class c. So we write ηc = ηρ , ec = eρ , Nc = Nρ

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


and qc = qρ . It is known that " { ρ (ηc )i ; i ∈ Z} = ec ,


see, e.g., [14, lem. 5.3]. Let Qc = (c, !c ) be the quiver with vertex set c and set of arrows !c = {ρ → ρ ηc ; ρ ∈ c}. By (4.2), it is the disjoint union of an infinite number of copies of quivers of affine (1) (1) (1) type Aec −1 . Here A0 holds for the Jordan quiver and A∞ for A∞ . If & = ∅, u, 0 we write + Cusp& (R GLN ), Cusp& (R GL) = N 1

SCusp& (R GL) =


SCusp& (R GLN ),

N 1

and we define the quiver QR GL by QR GL = (Cusp(R GL), !R GL ) =



QcN .


N 0 cN ∈C(R GLN )

The incidence matrix of the quiver QR GL is C = (c ρ , ρ  ) with c ρ , ρ  = " {ρ → ρ  ∈ !R GL }. Let A = 2Id − C − C T be the corresponding Cartan matrix. Consider the involution on the set Cusp(R GL) given by π → π ∨ . It yields an involution D of QR GL such that the pair (QR GL , D) is symmetric. Considering only the unipotent modules, we get a full symmetric subquiver (QR GL;u , D) whose set of vertices is Cuspu (R GL). Example 4.1.1 If ρ ∈ Cusp(R GLN ), then we have qρ = q N , see [14, prop. 5.4]. In particular, if ρ ∈ Cuspu (R GLN ) and e is the order of q in R × , then we have N ∈ {1, e r ; r ∈ N} and we deduce that qρ = q or 1.   Example 4.1.2 Fix a supercuspidal representation ρ ∈ SCusp(R GLN ). For each integer n  0 let St(ρ, n) be the irreducible subquotient of ρ × ρηρ × · · · × ρηρn−1 defined in [14, thm. 6.14]. We will call it a generalized Steinberg representation. Recall that [14, prop. 6.4] St(ρ, n) ∈ Cusp(R GLnN ) ⇐⇒ n = 1 or n ∈ eρ N , St(ρ, n) ∈ SCusp(R GLnN ) ⇐⇒ n = 1. Any cuspidal representation of R GLN is of this form. Further, we have SCuspu (R GLN ) = ∅ if N > 1 and SCuspu (R GL1 ) = {ηi ; i ∈ R × }.  



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Classical Groups

We set either Gn = SO2n+1 for all n > 0, or Gn = SP2n for all n > 0. Set also G0 = {1}. Let Tn ⊆ Bn ⊆ Gn be the usual maximal torus and Borel subgroup. A parabolic subgroup of Gn containing Tn is called semistandard. If it also contains Bn it is called standard. A semistandard (resp. standard) parabolic subgroup has a unique Levi subgroup containing Tn . Such Levi subgroups are called semistandard (resp. standard). Given n = m + N and a composition μ = (N1 , N2 , . . . , Na ) of N we consider the standard Levi subgroup Gm,μ = Gm × GLμ in Gn and the corresponding standard parabolic subgroup Pm,μ ⊆ Gn and opposite semistandard parabolic subgroup P− m,μ ⊆ Gn . We abbreviate n n iGGm,μ = iGGm,μ ⊆Pm,μ ,

n n rGGm,μ = rGGm,μ ⊆Pm,μ ,

n r¯GGm,μ = rGGn

− m,μ ⊆Pm,μ


n n n , iGGm,μ , r¯GGm,μ ). The 2nd adjunction We have an adjoint triple of functors (rGGm,μ n n (iGGm,μ , r¯GGm,μ ) is called the Bernstein adjunction. It is known to hold for all classical groups. If & = ∅, u, 0, we write

mod& (RG) =

mod& (RGn ),


C(RG) =


C(RGn ),


B(RG) =


B(RGn ).


4.2 Categorical Representations in Characteristic Zero In this section we assume that the characteristic of R is zero. In particular, any cuspidal module is also supercuspidal. For each integers m, N  0, given representants of some inertial classes cm ∈ C(RGm ) and sN ∈ B(R GLN ), the external tensor product gives a cuspidal module of some Levi subgroup Gm,μ of Gm+N for some composition μ of N. Let cm × sN denote the corresponding inertial class of cuspidal pairs. Now, we fix m and we allow N to vary. Define modcm ו (RG) =

N 0 sN ∈B(R GLN )

Then, we have

modcm ×sN (RGm+N ).

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups

mod(RG) =


modcו (RG).



Categorical Action for GL

For each integer n  0 set Gn = GLn . Let s = [Gμ , σ ] ∈ B(RGn ) be an inertial class. We can assume, up to multiplication by some unramified characters in (RGμ ), that μ is a partition of n such that μ = (m1 , . . . , m1 , . . . , ma , . . . , ma ),  



σ = σ1  · · ·  σ1  · · ·  σa  · · ·  σa , 




with σi ∈ Cusp(RGmi ) and Oσi = Oσj for i = j . Then it is known [4, 11] that Hs 

a /

H(li , q mi ).



Definition 4.1 Let Q = (I, !) be a quiver. Let B(Q) be the Q-algebra generated by {ei , fi , hi ; i ∈ I }, satisfying the following defining relations for all i, j ∈ I : (a) (b) (c) (d)

hi h j = h j h i [hi , ej ] = ai,j ej , [hi , fj ] = −ai,j fj , [ei , fj ] = δi,j ,  (b) a (a) = 0 if i = j and θi = ei or fi . a+b=1−ai,j (−1) θi θj θi

Here, we write θi(a) for the a-th divided power. For each inertial class c ∈ C(RG) the simply laced quiver Qc = (c, !c ) is the disjoint union of an infinite number of copies of quivers of type A∞ by (4.2), because = 0. More precisely, we have Qc  QR × , ηc and the decomposition of the quiver Qc is given by the decomposition of R × into (ηc )Z -orbits. − be the universal Now, consider the quiver Q = QR GL in (4.3) and let UQ enveloping algebra of the negative part of the Kac–Moody algebra of type Q over − Q. The restricted dual of UQ is isomorphic to the coordinate algebra Q[NQ ] of a pro-unipotent group NQ . It is also a B(Q)-module by the Ariki theorem, see [8]. For each n  1 we have an isomorphism of Q-vector spaces 

[mod(Hs )] 

s∈B(RGn )

 s∈B(RGn )

[mod0 (

a / i=1

R(li ; QR × ,q mi ))]


M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

 [mod0 (R(n; Q))], where a, li , mi depend on s and are as in (4.4). The first isomorphism follows from (4.5) and the Morita equivalence proved in [2, 16], see Remark 2.2.1. The second one follows from the decomposition in(4.3). Further, by the Morita equivalence and [8], the Q-algebra B(Q) acts on [mod0 (R(n; Q))], hence on n0  [mod(Hs )], and we have an isomorphism of B(Q)-modules s∈B(RG)

Q[NQ ] 

[mod(Hs )].


Therefore, from (3.1) we deduce the following. Proposition 4.2 The Grothendieck group [mod(RG)] over Q is equipped with an action of the algebra B(Q) and the resulting module is isomorphic to Q[NQ ]. The goal of the next section is to prove an analogous statement for classical groups.


Categorical Action for SO

Set Gn = SO2n+1 for all n > 0. We restrict ourselves to the subcategory modu (RG) ⊆ mod(RG) to simplify. The group Gn is adjoint, hence Z(Gn ) = {1} and ◦ Gn = Gn . The classification of the unipotent cuspidal pairs of Gn is given by the theory of types as in [12, 21]. More precisely, let  ⊆ N × 2N × {±} be the set of all triples θ = (r  , r  , ε) such that ε = + if r  = 0. Write nθ = r  (r  + 1) + (r  )2 and n = {θ ∈  ; nθ  n}. Then, the Bernstein decomposition gives modu (RGn ) =

modsθ (RGn ),



where sθ ∈ B(RGn ) is the inertial class of the cuspidal pair (Gnθ ,1n−nθ , ρθ ) such that the representation ρθ is compactly induced from the normalizer of a maximal parahoric subgroup of Gnθ ,1n−nθ . Given integers N, a, b with N > 0 and a triple θ ∈ n we write aθ = sup(2r  + 1, 2r  ), bθ = inf(2r  + 1, 2r  ) and H(N, q, a, b) = H(N, q, q

a+b 2


a−b 2


Hθ (N ) = H(N, q, aθ , bθ ). Let ρ˜θ be the representation defined as in Sect. 3.2.1, with π = ρθ .

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


Lemma 4.3 For each θ ∈ n we have (a) an R-algebra isomorphism Hsθ  Hθ (n − nθ ), (b) an equivalence of categories  σ → HomRGn iGGn

modsθ (RGn ) → mod(Hθ (n − nθ )),

nθ ,1n−nθ

 (ρ˜θ ) , σ . (4.7)

Proof The Hecke algebra Hsθ = EndRGn (iGGn

nθ ,1n−nθ

(ρ˜θ ))op

is computed explicitly in [11, thm. 7.7]. There, it is proved that Hsθ is the semi-direct product of an affine Hecke algebra and a finite group. Since the cuspidal module ρθ is unipotent, this finite group is trivial. The parameters of the affine Hecke algebra can be computed from the Langlands parameter of ρθ as in [10], from which we deduce the isomorphism between the two algebras. The second assertion follows now from (3.1). The discussion above yields a bijection C(RG)   and an equivalence of categories modu (RG) 

mod(Hθ ),



 where mod(Hθ ) = N 0 mod(Hθ (N )). For each i ∈ I and N > 1 let RC(N − 1, i; λ) ⊆ RC(N; λ) be the R-subalgebra defined in Sect. 2.1.3. We consider the functors Fi,N −1 : Mod(RC(N − 1; λ)) → Mod(RC(N ; λ)), Ei,N −1 : Mod(RC(N; λ)) → Mod(RC(N − 1; λ))


given by Fi,N −1 (V ) = RC(N; λ) ⊗RC(N −1,i;λ) (V ⊗ C[xN ]/(xN )), Ei,N −1 (V ) = HomRC(N −1,i;λ) (RC(N − 1, i; λ) , V ).   The functors Ei = N 0 Ei,N and Fi = N 0 Fi,N are exact and preserve the category mod0 (RC(λ)). Consider the linear endomorphisms ei = [Ei ], fi = [Fi ] on [mod0 (RC(λ))]. Now, specializing v = 1 in Definition 2.4, we consider the following algebra.


M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

Definition 4.4 Let (Q, D) be any symmetric quiver. Let B(Q, D) be the Q-algebra generated by {ei , fi , hi ; i ∈ I }, satisfying the following defining relations for all i, j ∈ I : (a) (b) (c) (d)

hi hj = hj hi and hD(i) = hi , [hi , ej ] = (ai,j + aD(i),j )ej , [hi , fj ] = (−ai,j − aD(i),j )fj , [ei , fj ] = δi,j + δD(i),j ,  (b) a (a) = 0 if i = j and θi = ei or fi . a+b=1−ai,j (−1) θi θj θi

One proves as in [8, prop. 4.2] that there is a unique (up to isomorphism) B(Q, D)-module V (λ) = V (λ, Q, D) which is generated by a non-zero vector φλ such that for i ∈ I we have ei φλ = 0, hi φλ = (λi + λD(i) − 2δi,D(i) )φλ , {x ∈ V (λ) ; ej x = 0, ∀j } = Q φλ . Further, the B(Q, D)-module V (λ) is irreducible. Let V (λ)∨ be the dual of V (λ). It is equipped with the B(Q, D)-action obtained by composing the transpose of the operators ei , fi , hi with the anti-homomorphism of B(Q, D) such that ei , fi , hi → fi , ei , hi . The following follows from Proposition 2.5. Proposition 4.5 There are linear endomorphisms {hi ; i ∈ I } of the vector space [mod0 (RC(λ))] such that ei , fi , hi define a B(Q, D)-module structure on [mod0 (RC(λ))]. If (Q, D) has no fixed points, the resulting B(Q, D)-module is isomorphic to V (λ)∨ . Now, we consider the symmetric quiver (Q, D) = (QR GL; u , D). Since = 0, we have Cuspu (R GL) = (R GL1 ) = {ηi ; i ∈ R × }. So there is a unique inertial class c of unipotent cuspidal representations and ηc = η, yielding an isomorphism of symmetric quivers (Q, D)  QR × , q . Given integers a, b, we consider the algebras  RC(N, a, b) = RC(N; λ; Q, D) and B(Q, D), where the dimension vector λ = i λi i is given by λi = δi,−q (a−b)/2 + δi,q (a+b)/2 .


There is an equivalence of categories mod0 (RC(N, a, b)) → mod(H(N, q, a, b))


which preserves the dimension of the modules. If a = aθ , b = bθ we write λ = λθ . Combining (4.8) and (4.11) we get an equivalence of categories modu (RG) 


mod0 (RC(λθ )).

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


This equivalence together with Proposition 4.5 gives the following Corollary 4.6 For (Q, D) = (QR GL; u , D), the Grothendieck group [modu (G)] over Q is equipped with an action of the algebra B(Q, D). We do not know how to describe explicitly the resulting B(Q, D)-module (cf. Sect. 2.1.4). Now, we turn to the positive characteristic.

4.3 Categorical Representations in non-Natural Characteristic If = 0 we do not have the Bernstein decomposition. Nevertheless, we can define a categorical representation on the category of finite length modules. We will assume that Gn = SO2n+1 for all n > 0 and G0 = {1}. For each cuspidal representation ρ ∈ Cusp(R GLN ) we define the exact endofunctor Fρ of mod(RG) by setting n Fρ (π ) = iGGm,N (π  ρ)


for each m, n with n = m+N and each π ∈ mod(RGm ). Next, if ρ is supercuspidal of level 0, we define an exact endofunctor Eρ of mod(RG) as follows. There is a unique supercuspidal representation ρ¯ of R GLN (q) and a unique lifting ρ˜ to the subgroup  Z GLN (O) ⊆ GLN , such that ρ is isomorphic to the compactly GLN ˜ Let Pρ¯ be the projective cover of ρ, ¯ z be the induced module ind Z GL (O) (ρ). N

central character of ρ, and Pρ˜ be the lifting to  Z GLN (O) of z ⊗ Pρ¯ . For each representation π ∈ mod(RGn ), we set   n Eρ (π ) = HomGLN (O) Pρ˜ , r¯GGm,N (π ) ∈ Mod(RGm ).

The functor Eρ is exact, because the GLN (O)-module Pρ˜ is projective. Since the

n (π ) is smooth of finite length, the  Z -action on Eρ (π ) is RGm,N -module r¯GGm,N locally finite. We define

Eρ (π ) = {v ∈ Eρ (π ) ; ∃d > 0 s.t. ( v − z( )v)d = 0}.


Proposition 4.7 Let ρ, σ ∈ SCuspu (R GL). (a) Fρ , Eρ preserve the unipotent modules and are exact, yielding linear endomorphisms fρ , eρ of the rational Grothendieck group [modu (RG)]. (b) Assume that q − 1 is invertible modulo . Then, the following relations hold: (1) [eσ , eρ ] = 0 and [fσ , fρ ] = 0 if aσ , ρ = 0. (2) [eσ , [eσ , eρ ]] = [fσ , [fσ , fρ ]] = 0 if aσ , ρ = −1. (3) [ eσ , fρ ] = δσ , ρ + δσ ∨ , ρ for all σ , ρ.



M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

Proof Note that, since ρ, σ ∈ SCuspu (R GL), they are both of the form ηi for some i ∈ R × . Part (a) follows from Proposition 3.1, except the fact that Eρ (π ) is of finite length, which is left to the reader. To prove (b), relations (1) and (2), let us first observe that, for any representation π ∈ mod(RGm+1 ), the module Eηi (π ) is the set of all elements of   Gm+1 (π )1+ O HomR(Fq )× P , r¯Gm,1 killed by a power of  −i, where P is a projective cover of the trivial representation of R(Fq )× and 1+ O ⊆ GL1 (O) is a subgroup of Gm,1 = Gm ×GL1 in the obvious way. Since q − 1 is invertible modulo , the module P is trivial, so we have   × Gm+1 Gm+1 HomR(Fq )× P , r¯Gm,1 (π )1+ O = r¯Gm,1 (π )O . We deduce that the functor Eρ is right adjoint to Fρ . Therefore, it is enough to check the relations for the operators fρ , fσ . To do that, by the transitivity of induction, we must check that in the Grothendieck group [mod(R GL)], we have the following relations: [σ × ρ] = [ρ × σ ]

if aσ , ρ = 0,

[σ × σ × ρ] + [ρ × σ × σ ] = 2 [σ × ρ × σ ]

if aσ , ρ = −1.

We can assume that R is the residue field of a local ring A with fraction field K of characteristic zero. Then the R GL1 -modules ρ, σ lift to A GL1 -modules and, by base change from A to K, we are reduced to the case where the characteristic of R is zero. In this case the relations follow from the Bernstein equivalence and the Ariki theorem, [1]. Finally, to prove (3), we compute the class eσ fρ (π ) in the Grothendieck group [mod(RG)] for any σ ∈ SCusp(R GLNσ ), ρ ∈ Cusp(R GLNρ ) and π ∈ mod(RGmρ ). Set n = mρ + Nρ = mσ + Nσ . The RGmσ -module Eσ Fρ (π ) is a generalized eigenspace of  acting on the RGmσ -module  Eσ Fρ (π ) = HomGLNσ (O) Pσ˜ , r¯GGmn

σ ,Nσ

i GGmn

ρ ,Nρ

 (π  ρ) .

Hence, since the functor Eσ Fρ is exact, the class eσ fρ (π ) depends only on the class of the module r¯GGmn

σ ,Nσ

i GGmn

ρ ,Nρ

(π  ρ)

in the Grothendieck group [mod(RGmσ ,Nσ )], which coincides with the class of the module rGGmn

σ ,Nσ

i GGmn

ρ ,Nρ

(π  ρ).

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


Now, the geometric lemma, see, e.g., [19, §II.2.18], implies that this RGmσ ,Nσ module is filtered and the sections of this filtration are G

Gmρ ,Nρ

mσ ,Nσ iw−1 ◦ w ◦ rL (L)

(π  ρ),

where L = w(Gmρ ,Nρ ) ∩ Gmσ ,Nσ and w runs over the set of minimal length representatives in Wn of the double cosets in Wmσ ,Nσ \ Wn / Wmρ ,Nρ . So w runs over the subset {wk,l  ; k, l   0 , k + l   Nρ , l   mσ } ⊆ Wn such that wk,l  is the unique element w as above satisfying the following conditions: " (w[mρ + 1, n] ∩ [1 − n, −mσ ]) = k, " (w[mρ + 1, n] ∩ [1, mσ ]) = l  . The Weyl group of L is given by WL = w(Wmρ , Nρ ) ∩ Wmσ , Nσ = Wmσ −l  , l  , k , Nσ −Nρ +l  , Nρ −k−l  . Now, by cuspidality of ρ, only three cases are possible: • k = 0, l  = Nρ : then, we have WL = Wmσ −Nρ , Nρ , Nσ and ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨h − Nσ , ∀h ∈ [1 + mρ , n], w(h) = h + Nρ , ∀h ∈ [1 + mσ − Nρ , mρ ], ⎪ ⎪ ⎩h, ∀h ∈ [1, mσ − Nρ ]. • k = Nρ , l  = 0: then, we have eσ fρ (π ) = 0 unless Nσ = Nρ because σ is supercuspidal. Write N = Nσ = Nρ and m = mσ = mρ . We have WL = Wm , N and % h − m − n, ∀h ∈ [1 + m, n], w(h) = h, ∀h ∈ [1, m]. • k = l  = 0: then, we have eσ fρ (π ) = 0 unless Nρ = Nσ , because σ is supercuspidal. Write N = Nσ = Nρ and m = mσ = mρ . We have WL = Wm , N and w = e. Further, according to Bernstein and Kazhdan, whenever τ ∈ Irr(GLN ), the representation g → τ ((g T )−1 ) is isomorphic to τ ∨ . We deduce that


M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

eσ fρ (π ) = fρ eσ (π ) + δσ ∨ , ρ · π + δσ , ρ · π. Remark 4.3.1 (a) If Gn = GLn for all n > 0, then all claims in Proposition 4.7 hold, except the last relation which is replaced by the relation [e[σ ] , f[ρ] ] = δ[σ ] , [ρ] . The proof is similar to the case of type B/C and is left to the reader. (b) For any representations π ∈ mod(RGm ), τ ∈ mod(R GLN ) we write Fτ (π ) = n i GGm,N (π  τ ). The transitivity of the parabolic induction and restriction yields isomorphisms of functors Fρ Fσ  Fρ×σ . From (4.1) we deduce that if aσ , ρ = 0, then ρ × σ and σ × ρ are both irreducible. Thus, by [14, prop. 2.2], they are isomorphic, hence the relation Fρ Fσ  Fσ Fρ holds in this more general setting. We expect Proposition 4.7 to be again true with ρ, σ ∈ Cuspu (R GL).   Consider the symmetric quiver given by (Q, D) = (SCuspu (R GL) , !R GL , D), compare (4.3). Thus, we have (Q, D) = QR × ,q . Conjecture 4.8 Assume that q − 1 is invertible modulo . The endomorphisms eρ , fρ with ρ, σ ∈ SCuspu (R GL) extend to a B(Q, D)-module structure on [modu (RG)].   Note that, for G = SP(8), some irreducible G-module may occur as a subquotient of the induced module of two non-inertially equivalent supercuspidal pairs, see [7]. Remark 4.3.2 In the case Gn = SO2n+1 and = 0, composing (4.8) with (4.11) we get a chain of equivalences of categories

modu (RG)



θ∈ mod(Hθ )



θ∈ mod0 (RC(λθ )),

which yields an isomorphism of Grothendieck groups. We claim that the operators Eηi , Fηi on the left hand side coincide with the operators Ei , Fi on the right hand side. Hence, the linear operators eηi , fηi yield a representation of B(Q, D) on [modu (RG)] where (Q, D) = QR × ,q . Compare with Proposition 4.5. To prove the claim, write modu (RG) =


modsθ (RGn ).

n0 θ∈n

The equivalence A is the sum over all θ ∈  and all integers N = n − nθ  0 of the functors

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


 modsθ (RGn ) → mod(Hθ (N )), σ → HomRGn iGGn

nθ ,1N

 (ρ˜θ ) , σ ,


n+1 considered in (4.7). Now, recall that Fηi = iGn,1 (•  ηi ) and that Eηi is a direct ×

n+1 summand of the functor r¯Gn,1 (•)O . Further, the universal unramified character


ψGL1 is the representation of R GL1 in the Laurent polynomial ring R[x, x −1 ] such that an element g ∈ GL1 acts by multiplication by the monomial x vF (det(g)) . For each modules π ∈ mod(RGn ), σ ∈ mod(RGn+1 ), the second adjunction yields the isomorphism  Gn+1   × Gn+1 HomRGn+1 i Gn,1 (π  ψGL1 ) , σ  HomRGn π , r¯ Gn,1 (σ )O . Setting π = iGGn

nθ ,1N

(ρ˜θ ) and summing over all θ , N, we get

  Gn+1  G × HomRGn+1 iG n+1N+1 (ρ˜θ  ψGL1 ) , σ  A r¯ Gn,1 (σ )O . nθ ,1


n+1 Thus, the equivalence A intertwines the functor r¯Gn,1 (•)O with the restriction of affine Hecke algebra modules


+1 −1 ResN N,1 : Mod(Hθ (N + 1)) → Mod(Hθ (N ) ⊗ R[XN +1 , XN +1 ]).

Since ηi = ψGL1 /(x − i), it also intertwines Eηi with the generalized eigenspace of (XN +1 − i) +1 Ei,N ⊆ ResN N,1 .


Since (4.7) is an equivalence, the unicity of the left adjoint implies that the Gn+1 equivalence A intertwines the functor i Gn,1 (•  ψGL1 ) with the induction of affine Hecke algebra modules +1 −1 IndN N,1 : Mod(Hθ (N ) ⊗ R[XN +1 , XN +1 ]) → Mod(Hθ (N + 1)).

Hence, it also intertwines Fηi with the functor +1 −1 Fi,N = IndN N,1 (•  R[XN +1 , XN +1 ]/(XN +1 − i)).


Finally, the equivalence B intertwines the functors Ei,N , Fi,N in (4.14), (4.15) with the eponymous functors in (4.9), see [18]. Now, the proof follows from Proposition 4.5.  


M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

5 Appendix: Geometric Realization of the Quiver-Hecke Algebra We give here a geometric realization of quiver-Hecke algebras of type C based on a complex flag variety of type C. Note that in [18] we used a flag variety of type D. In this section we set Q = QI, q with I ⊆ C× and q ∈ C \ {0, 1}. To simplify, we will also set = 0.

5.1 The Convolution Algebra 5.1.1


A symplectic I-graded vector space V is a pair consisting of a finite dimensional I -graded complex vector space V = i∈I Vi and a symplectic form ω such that ω(Vi , Vj ) = 0 whenever D(i) = j . Then, the dimension vector α of V belongs to the set  αi i ; αD(i) = αi , ∀i}. NI D = { i

Two symplectic I -graded vector spaces with the same dimension vector are isomorphic. So we will fix once for all a symplectic I -graded vector space for each dimension vector α in NI D . Let us call it V , or Vα if some confusion is possible. Let 2n be the dimension of V . We will say that α is of length n. An I-graded symplectic basis of V is a basis (ek ; k ∈ [n]) consisting of homogenous elements such that ω(ek , el ) = δl,1−k ,

∀k, l ∈ [n] with k > 0.

We identify ∧2 V with the space of alternating forms of V via the isomorphism V  V ∗ defined by ω. So, the symplectic form ω is identified with the element  n ∗ k=1 ek ∧ e1−k . Let (•) be the transpose relatively to the symplectic form ω. Any 2 element of ∧ V is of the form f (v, v  ) = ω(u(v), v  ) = ω(v, u(v  )),

v, v  ∈ V

for some unique u ∈ End(V ) such that u∗ = u. Let Eα ⊆ ∧2 V be the set of representations of the quiver Q on V such that (xh )∗ = xD(h) for all arrows h. The elements of Eα are called the symmetric representations of the quiver Q in V relatively to ω.  Fix an I -graded vector space W = i∈I Wi with dimension vector λ. Set

Categorical Representations and Classical p-Adic Groups


Eα,λ = {(x, y) ∈ Eα × HomI (W, V ) ; (xh )∗ = xD(h) }. We will abbreviate GLn = GL(V ) and Gn = SP(V ). Set GLα =

GL(Vi ) ⊆ GLn ,


Gα = {(gi ) ∈ GLα ; (gi )∗ = (gD(i) )−1 } ⊆ Gn . The group Gα acts by conjugation on Eα,λ .


The Convolution Algebra

Let I α,D = {ν ∈ I n ;

νk = α}.


Let (•)⊥ denote the orthogonal for the symplectic form ω. A flag φ = (0 = φ−n ⊆ · · · ⊆ φn = V ) is isotropic of dimension ν if dim(φk /φk−1 ) = νk and (φk )⊥ = φ−k for * all k. Let Fν be the variety of all isotropic flags of dimension ν. Put Fα = ν∈I α,D Fν . Set F˜ν = {(φ, x, y) ∈ Fν × Eα,λ ; x(φk ) ⊆ φk−1 , y(W ) ⊆ φ0 },

F˜α =


F˜ν .

ν∈I α,D

(5.1) For ν, ν  ∈ I α,D we define the Steinberg-type variety Zν,ν  = F˜ν ×Eα,λ F˜ν  = {(φ, φ  , x, y) ∈ Fν × Fν  × Eα,λ ; (φ, x, y) ∈ F˜ν , (φ  , x, y) ∈ F˜ν  }, and let Zα =


ν,ν  ∈I α,D

Zν,ν  . We define

RC(ν, ν  ; λ) = H∗Gα (Zν,ν  ) −2 dim F˜ν , P(ν) = HG∗α (F˜ν ),

P(α) =

RC(α; λ) =

RC(ν, ν  ; λ),

ν,ν  ∈I α,D


ν∈I α,D

Then RC(α; λ) becomes an associative graded algebra with the convolution product


M. Varagnolo and E. Vasserot

' : HpGα (Zν,ν  ) ⊗ HqGα (Zν  ,ν  ) → H Gα

(Zν,ν p+q+2 dim F˜ν 


defined as in [5, 17]. Moreover, P(α) has the graded RC(α; λ)-module structure arising from the convolution product q q Gα ' : HpGα (Zν,ν  ) ⊗ HGα (F˜ν  ) → HpGα (Zν,ν  ) × HGα (Zν,ν  ) → Hp+q (Zν,ν  ) p+q+2 dim F˜ν ˜ Gα → Hp+q (F˜ν )  HGα (Fν ).

Here, the first arrow is the pullback by the projection Zν,ν  → F˜ν  , the second one is the Multiplication, and the last arrow is the pushforward by the proper map Zν,ν  → F˜ν .

5.2 The Theorem 5.2.1

Definition of the Generators

Fix an I -graded symplectic basis (ek ; k ∈ [n]) of V . For each k ∈ [n] let νk ∈ I be such that ek ∈ Vνk . Then, the tuple ν• = (νk ; k ∈ [n]) belongs to I α,D . Let Dk ⊆ V be the line spanned by the basis vector ek . Note that Dk ⊆ Vνk for all k. The canonical flag associated with the basis (ek ; k ∈ [n]) is the flag φ• ∈ Fν• such that  Dk = V ). φ• = (0 ⊆ D1−n ⊆ D1−n ⊕ D2−n ⊆ · · · ⊆ k∈[n]

Let T ⊆ Gα ⊆ Gn be the maximal torus which fixes the lines D1−n , . . . , Dn . The Weyl group of the pair (Gn , T ) is identified with the Coxeter group Wn by setting wφ• = φw with 

φw = (0 ⊆ Dw(1−n) ⊆ Dw(1−n) ⊕ Dw(2−n) ⊆ · · · ⊆

Dw(k) = V ).

−n 0, and p0 (0) = 1. The formulae in Theorems 2.5 and 2.6 in the special case for κ = 0 recover the formulae in [5, Theorem 2.5, Proposition 2.7].   For n ∈ N, we denote b(n) =


q −a(n−a) Eˇ (a) F (n−a) .


a=0 (n)

Example 2.5.1 The formulae for tev in Theorem 2.5, for 1  n  3, read as follows: −1 ˇ t(1) ev = F + E + κK ,

ˇ (2) + q −1 EF ˇ + F (2) + q[h; 0] + κ(q −1 K −1 F + q −1 EK ˇ −1 ) + κ 2 t(2) ev = E

K −2 , [2]

(3) ˇ t(3) + q 3 [h; −1]F + q 3 E[h; −1] ev = b   −2 (2) −1 ˇ −1 F + q −2 K −1 F (2) + q 3 [h; −1]K −1 κ + q Eˇ K + q −3 EK


κ 3 + (q −4 + q −2 )κ −3 q −2 ˇ −2 (EK + K −2 F )κ 2 + K . [2] [3]!

˙ ıev for Even κ 2.6 The ı-Canonical Basis for U Denote by L(μ) the simple U-module of highest weight μ ∈ N, with highest weight vector vμ+ . Then L(μ) admits a canonical basis {F (a) vμ+ | 0  a  μ}. Following [2, 3], there exists a new bar involution ψı on L(μ), which, in our current rank (n) one setting, can be defined simply by requiring tev vμ+ to be ψı -invariant for all n. As a very special case of the general results in [3, Corollary F] (also cf. [2]), we μ know that the ı-canonical basis {ba }0aμ of L(μ) exists and is characterized by the following 2 properties: (iCB1) (iCB2)


ba is ψı -invariant;  μ ba ∈ F (a) vμ+ + 0r b + 2c. It follows by (2.23), (2.24), and (2.25) that + (n) + t(n) v2λ + ev v2λ ∈ F

+ q −1 Z[q −1 ]F (b) v2λ ,

for λ / n.


b 0, and p0 (0) = 1. The formulae in Theorems 3.2 and 3.3 in the special case for κ = 0 recover the formulae in [5, Theorem 3.1, Proposition 3.4].  

Formulae of ı-Divided Powers in Uq (sl2 ), II


˙ odd for Even κ 3.3 The ı-Canonical Basis for U Recall from Sect. 2.6 the ı-canonical basis on simple U-modules L(μ), for μ ∈ N. Theorem 3.7 + (a) Let n ∈ N. For each integer λ / n, the element t(n) odd v2λ+1 is an ı-canonical basis element for L(2λ + 1). ı (b) The set {t(n) odd | n ∈ N} forms the ı-canonical basis for U (and an A-basis in ı   A Uodd ).   , 1 m h; a Proof Recall from (2.20) and from (3.1). Let λ, m ∈ N. It follows by c c a direct computation using Theorem 3.3 and (3.8) that

+ = todd v2λ+1 (2m)


(−1)c q −c+b(2m−b−2c) p(2m−b−2c) (κ)

b=0 c0

 · F (b) K b−2m+2c



q −2c

2 −c+(b−2λ−1)(2m−b−2c)

b=0 c0

 h; 1 + m − c + v2λ+1 c

p(2m−b−2c) (κ)

, 1 m−λ−c + . · F (b) v2λ+1 c


Similarly using Theorem 3.3 we have (2m+1) + todd v2λ+1



(−1)c q c+b(2m−b−2c+1) p(2m−b−2c+1) (κ)

b=0 c0

·F =


q −2c




  h; 1 + m − c + v2λ+1 c

2 +c+(b−2λ−1)(2m−b−2c+1)

b=0 c0


p(2m−b−2c+1) (κ)

, 1 m−λ−c + . F (b) v2λ+1 c

By a similar argument for (2.26), using (3.9)–(3.10) we obtain



W. Wang and C. Berman + + todd v2λ+1 ∈ F (n) v2λ+1 + (n)

+ q −1 Z[q −1 ]F (b) v2λ+1 ,

for λ / n.

b i.

Proof We prove this lemma by induction on i. If i = , it follows from the definition. n Assume that the formula holds for all k > i. Let si v = v and apply induction n n n n n n n hypothesis to si+1 · · · s · · · si+1 si (v) = si+1 · · · s · · · si+1 (v ) = v . We then have vk (a)=vk (a)=vk (a), ∀k  i − 2;

vk (a)=vk (a − 2)=vk (a − 2), ∀k  i + 2.

We also have vi−1 (a) = vi−1 (a) = vi−1 (a) + vi (a − 1), vi (a) = vi (a) + vi+1 (a − 1) − v˜ i+1 (a + 1) = vi+1 (a − 1) − v˜ i+1 (a + 1), vi+1 (a) = v˜ i+1 (a). n

Applying si to v , the values vk (a) will only change when k = i − 1, i, i + 1. Observe that vk (a) = v˜ k (a) if k = i − 1, i, i + 1. If we can show that −vi (a − 2) = v˜ i (a),

(3.4) n

then the lemma follows. Indeed, at the (i − 1, a)-th entry of si v , we get (3.4)

vi−1 (a) + vi (a − 1) = vi−1 (a) + vi (a − 1) − v˜ i (a + 1), n

and at the (i + 1, a)-th entry of si v , we get v˜ i+1 (a) + vi+1 (a − 2) − v˜ i+1 (a) = vi+1 (a − 2). The equality (3.4) can be checked as follows:

Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action


vi (a − 2) = vi+1 (a − 3) − v˜ i+1 (a − 1) = vi+1 (a − 3) + vi+1 (a − 1 − c(i + 1)) +

vj (a − 1 − j + (i + 1) − 2)

j =i+2


vj (a − 1 − c(i + 1) + j − i − 1)

j =i+2

= vi+1 (a − 3) + vi+1 (a − c(i) + 1) + vi (a − c(i)) +

vj (a − j + i − 2) +

j =i+2

vj (a − c(i) + j − i)

j =i+2

= v˜ i (a). This finishes the induction and the lemma follows. By applying Lemma 3.4 repetitively, we obtain the following formula: n n


n n





(si si+1 · · · s · · · si+1 si )(si+1 · · · s · · · si+1 ) · · · (s1 · · · n

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨−vk (a − c)  vk (a) = v˜ i (a − 2(i − 1)) ⎪ ⎪ ⎩v (a − 2i) k


s · · · s1 )v = v , if k < i,


if k = i, if k > i.

The formula (3.5) can be obtained by an induction on i in light of Lemma 3.4 and the equality: v˜ i (a−2i+2)+vi+1 (a−2i−1)−˜vi+1 (a−2i+1)=−vi (a − c),

∀1  i  . (3.6)

The verification of the latter equality is straightforward and omitted. From [1, Table 1], we know that w0 admits a reduced expression of the form w0 = (s )(s −1 s s −1 ) · · · (si si+1 · · · s · · · si+1 si ) · · · (s1 s2 · · · s · · · s2 s1 ). (3.7) Taking i = in (3.5) leads to Proposition 3.1 in type B .


Y. Li and Y. Ling

3.4 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type C In this section, we deal with type C . We fix an indexing of type C Dynkin diagram. ◦

◦ 1




The proof follows the same line of arguments in type B . We begin with a lemma similar to Lemma 3.4. Recall that c(i) = 2 − 2(i − 1). n n



Lemma 3.5 For all v ∈ Z[I × Zn ] and 1  i < , we have si si+1 · · · s · · · si+1 n

si v ≡ v˜ where v˜ i (a) = −


vj (a − j + i − 2) −

j =i+1

vj (a − c(i) + j − i),

j =i

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨vk (a) v˜ k (a) = vi−1 (a) + vi (a − 1) − vˇ i (a + 1) ⎪ ⎪ ⎩v (a − 2) k

if k < i − 1, if k = i − 1, if k > i.

Note that i = in the assumption and j = in the first sum of v˜ i (a) in the above lemma. Proof The proof is similar to that of Lemma 3.4. First one observes that the formula holds when i = − 1. Assume that it holds for all j such that i < j < . Following the argument as in the proof of Lemma 3.4, it is reduced to show that −vi+1 (a − 3) − vi (a − c(i)) + ! vi+1 (a) = v˜ i (a),


which can be verified directly. (Here v˜ i+1 (a) is obtained by substituting i in v˜ i (a) by i + 1 in the Lemma.) Observe that (3.6) still holds in here, and so by induction we obtain the counterpart of (3.5). Taking i = in (3.5) yields the proof of Proposition 3.1 in type C since w0 still has a reduced expression (3.7).

3.5 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type D We fix an indexing of type D Dynkin diagram.

Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action







We set c (i) = 2 − 2i = c(i) + 2. The following is a type D counterpart of n n n n n n n n Lemmas 3.4 and 3.5. Set ri = si si+1 · · · s −2 s s −1 s −2 · · · si+1 si for 1  i  n


− 2. We also set r −1 = s −1 and r = s . Lemma 3.6 For all v ∈ Z[I × Zn ] and 1  i  − 2, we have ri (v) = v˜ , where v˜ i (a) = −


vj (a − j + i − 2) −

vj (a − c (i) + j − i)

j =i

j =i+1


vj (a − c (i) + − i − 1),

j = −1

v˜ k (a) =

⎧ ⎪ vk (a) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨vi−1 (a) + vi (a − 1) − v˜ i (a + 1) vk (a − 2) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ v (a − 2) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩v (a − 2) −1

if k < i − 1, if k = i − 1, if i < k  − 2, if k = − 1, if k = .

The lemma can be proved in a similar way as that of Lemma 3.4 once we check the case i = − 2 and have the identity obtained from (3.8) by replacing c(i) with c (i). Note that (3.6) still holds here. By using Lemma 3.6 and (3.6), we obtain via induction the following formula. For all i = − 2, ri ri−1 · · · r1 (v) = v , ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨−vk (a − c)  vk (a) = v˜ i (a − 2(i − 1)) ⎪ ⎪ ⎩v  (a − 2i) k

if k < i, if k = i,


if k > i,

where k  = k if i is even and if i is odd, it is defined by k  = k if k  − 2 and % 

k =

if k = − 1,


if k = .



Y. Li and Y. Ling

Note that when i = − 2, the ( − 2, a)-th entry of ri ri−1 · · · r1 (v) is −v −2 (a − c)−v −1 (a−c+1)−v (a−c+1). The entry at ( −1, a) and ( , a) of ri ri−1 · · · r1 (v) n is either v −1 (a −c+2) or v (a −c+2)}. From [1], we see that w0 = r r −1 · · · r1 and hence by taking i = − 2 in (3.9) and apply r r −1 , we have Proposition 3.1 in type D as desired.

3.6 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type E6 We shall use the following indexing of type E6 diagram: 4

◦ 1



◦ 5

◦ 6

Recall from [1] that w0 = r5 r4 · · · r1 r6 , n

with ri for i = 1, · · · , 5 the same as in type D5 and r6 is the product of si following order:

in the

(6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1). By a direct computation, we have

(r6 v)i (a) =

⎧ ⎪ v (a − 4) ⎪ ⎪ 6 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ v5 (a − 4) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨v (a − 4) 3

⎪ v2 (a − 4) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ v4 (a − 4) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ β

if i = 1, if i = 2, if i = 3, if i = 4,


if i = 5, if i = 6,

where β = v4 (a − 5) + v3 (a − 6) + v2 (a − 6) + v5 (a − 6) + v6 (a − 7) + v3 (a − 7) + v5 (a − 8) + v4 (a − 8) + v3 (a − 9) + v2 (a − 10) + v1 (a − 11).

Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action


So we have



(w0 v)i (a) = (w0 (D5 )r6 v)i (a) =

⎧ ⎪ −v6 (a − 4 − c ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ −v5 (a − 4 − c ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨−v (a − 4 − c ) 3

⎪ −v4 (a − 4 − c ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪−v2 (a − 4 − c ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩  β

if i = 1, if i = 2, if i = 3, if i = 4,


if i = 5, if i = 6,

for some β  and c is the Coxeter number for D5 . By the diagram involution of E6 , we see that β  must be −v1 (a − 4 − c ). The proof of Proposition 3.1 for type E6 follows once we know that c = c + 4.

3.7 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type E7 , E8 , and F4 For the exceptional cases E7 , E8 , and F4 , we use computer software R to verify Proposition 3.1. The R-codes can be found at the first author’s website. Since the n “n-deformed” simple reflection si commutes with the shift function z, we only need to check the formula when evaluated at ei (0) for various i. Note that we use the reduced expression of w0 in [1, Table 1]. But since we are using computer it might be easier to write the code by using the expression w0 = χ h/2 where χ is a Coxeter element written as a product of two commuting involutions and h is a Coxeter number of type E7 , E8 , or F4 . We refer to J. E. Humphreys’ notes [5] for further details. Note that the indexing of type E7 , E8 , and F4 Dynkin diagrams used in the programming are as follows: • E7 : 4

◦ 1

• E8 :

◦ 2

◦ 3

◦ 5

◦ 6

◦ 7


Y. Li and Y. Ling 4

• E8 :

◦ 1

• F4 ◦







• F4 ◦







+3 ◦

◦ 3


3.8 Proof of Proposition 3.1: Type G2 We use the following index of type G2 Dynkin diagram due to (2.13) and (2.15) since complete.

n w0


n n (s1 s2 )3 .

◦ 1

_*4 ◦ . This is 2

The proof of Proposition 3.1 is


4 An Explicit Description of w0 ∗w v In this section, we study a non-linear W n -action which is an algebraization of the one used in graded quiver varieties.

4.1 A Characterization For each i ∈ I , we define a non-linear function n

si ∗w : Z[I × Zn ] → Z[I × Zn ] by the following rule: for all v ∈ Z[I × Zn ], % vj (b) n (si ∗w v)j (b) = (zw − C n v + v)i (a) Note that we have (zw − C n v + v)i (a) = wi (a − 1) +

 h:h =i,h =j

if j = i, if (j, b) = (i, a).

vj (a − 1) − vi (a − 2).

Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action


The following lemma is an analogue of a well-known identity used in quiver varieties. n


Lemma 4.1 For any v ∈ Z[I × Zn ], we have si (C n v−zw)=C n si ∗w v−zw   Proof The proof is indeed formal. We have the following calculation. For all (j, a) ∈ I × Zn , 


(C n si ∗w v − zw)j (a) = n

C(j,a),(k,b) vk (b)



   n n C(j,a),(i,b) wi (b − 1) − C(i,b),(k,c) vk (c) + vi (b) − wj (a − 1)




n C(j,a),(k,b) vk (b) − wj (a




(k,b)∈I ×Zn



C(j,a),(k,b) (si ∗w v)k (b) − wj (a − 1)




− 1)


C(i,b),(k,c) vk (c) − wi (b − 1)


= (C n v − zw)j (a) +


C(j,a),(i,b) (C n v − zw)i (b)

b∈Zn n

= (si (C n v − zw))j (a). (4.1) The lemma follows at once. It is convenient to rewrite the identity in Lemma 4.1 as n


C n si ∗w v = si (C n v − zw) + zw. n



We denote by w0 ∗w the composition of the si ∗w ’s for a fixed reduced expression. Certainly, one must show that the definition is independent of the choice of reduced expression. We shall prove this after the following proposition. Proposition 4.2 When C is a Cartan matrix, the matrix C 0 is injective.


Proof It is enough to show that C 0 can be row-reduced to an upper triangular matrix. This can be done by writing C 0 as a block matrix with the i-th diagonal blocks being the sum of the standard basis matrices E(i,a),(i,a) and E(i,a),(i,a−2) for all a ∈ Z. The off-diagonals are identity matrices, up to a shift. One can use the latter to make the diagonal blocks to be identity matrix, that is to get rid of E(i,a),(i,a−2) and then get rid of the nonzero entries below in the lower triangular part. This procedure transforms matrix C 0 to the desire upper triangular form.


Y. Li and Y. Ling n

Lemma 4.3 The definition of w0 ∗w is independent of the choice of the reduced expression of w0 .   Proof Recall there is an embedding Z[I × Zn ] → ZI ×Z in (2.5) and (2.6), so it makes sense to say that w ∈ Z[I × Zn ] if w ∈ ZI ×Z . It can be checked that 0


si ∗w |Z[I ×Zn ] = si ∗w ,

if w ∈ Z[I × Zn ].



Thus it suffices to show that w∗0 is independent of the choice of expression of w0 . In light of Lemma 4.1 and Proposition 3.1, the vector C 0 w0 ∗ 0 v is equal to 0 w0 (C 0 v−zw)+zw, which is independent of the choice of the reduced expression of w0 . From Proposition 4.2, we have that C 0 is injective, which implies the desired result. By (4.2) and Proposition 3.1, there is n

C n w0 ∗w v = −C n zc θ v + zc+1 θ w + zw. n

w0 ∗w v = −zc θ v + (C n )−1 (zc+1 θ w + zw),

(4.4) if C n is invertible. (4.5)

Recall that c is the Coxeter number of Cartan matrix. With Proposition 4.2 and (4.3), the equality (4.5) can be strengthened as follows. Proposition 4.4 We have n

w0 ∗w v = −zc θ v + B n w, for some matrix B n , independent of v, such that C n B n w = zc+1 θ w + zw.


Proof Consider the two parameter function n

f (w, v) = C n (w0 ∗w v + zc θ v) By (4.4), f (w, v) is equal to zc+1 θ w + zw, hence independent of v. If C n is n injective, then the sum w0 ∗w v+zc θ v is also independent of v, and by the definition n of w0 ∗w v, it must be a linear sum of w. In other words, there is a square matrix B n n of size (I × Zn ) × (I × Zn ), independent of v, such that w0 ∗w v + zc θ v = B n w, n which is exactly (4.6). If C is not invertible, we still have B 0 since C 0 is injective by Proposition 4.2. Let B n = B 0 | mod n . Then the equality (4.6) still holds in view of (4.3) via restriction. This finishes the proof. Remark 4.5 In the following Sects. 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4, we shall give an explicit description of B n (or rather of B n w) of type A , D , E6 , E7 , and E8 . Note that coefficients in B n are all nonnegative integers. Formulas for other non-simplylaced type can be obtained similarly.  

Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action


The following numerical criterion, which will be used in the analysis of graded/cyclic quiver varieties, is clearly due to (4.6). n

Corollary 4.6 The condition v = w0 ∗w v with v, v , w ∈ Z[I × Zn ] if and only if v + zc θ v = B n w.


When n = 1, C 1 = C and z = 1. In this case, the equality 4.7 reads v + θ v = C −1 (w + θ w). Remark 4.7 In type A1 , the condition (4.7) reads: vi (a) + vi (a − 2) = wi (a − 1) for all a.   n

In what follows, we shall provide a precise description of w0 ∗w v, in other words, to provide an explicit description of the vector B n w in (4.6).

4.2 Formula in Type A n

In this section, we provide an explicit formula for w0 ∗w v in type A . Lemma 4.8 For 1  i  j  , we have n



(si ∗w si+1 ∗w · · · sj ∗w v)i (a) =


wk (a−k+i−1)+vj +1 (a−j +i−1)−vj (a−j +i−2)+vi−1 (a − 1).


(4.8) Proof We prove by induction on the number (j − i). When j − i = 0, the formula follows from the definition. By applying induction hypothesis, n



(si ∗w si+1 ∗w · · · sj ∗w v)i (a) n


= wi (a − 1) + vi−1 (a − 1) − vi (a − 2) + (si+1 ∗w · · · sj ∗w v)i+1 (a − 1) = wi (a − 1) + vi−1 (a − 1) − vi (a − 2) +


wk (a − k + i − 1)


+ vi (a − 2) + vj +1 (a − j + i − 1) − vj (a) − j + i − 2) =

j  k=i

wk (a−k+i−1)+vj +1 (a−j +i−1)−vj (a−j +i−2)+vi−1 (a − 1).


Y. Li and Y. Ling

The lemma follows. For convenience, we set n

v[i] = ri ∗ n ri−1 ∗ n · · · r1 ∗w v,

1  i  .

The following lemma will be used in the induction step in deriving the formula. Recall that in type A , we have θ (i) = + 1 − i. Lemma 4.9 For 1  j  i  , we have [i−j ]

[i−j ]

vi−j (a − j ) − vθ(j ) (a − j − θ (i)) =


[i−(j +1)]

wi−j +k−1 (a − j − k) + vi−(j +1) (a − (j + 1))

k=1 [i−(j +1)]

− vθ(j +1)

(a − (j + 1) − θ (i)).

Proof This is obtained by using Lemma 4.8. n

Recall the Coxeter number c = + 1 in type A . The formula for w0 ∗w v is as follows. n

Proposition 4.10 For any 1  i  , the number (w0 ∗w v)i (a) is given by n

(w0 ∗w v)i (a) =

i −i+1  

wj +k−1 (a − i + j − k) − vθ(i) (a − c).


j =1 k=1 n

Proof Recall w0 = r r −1 · · · r1 where ri = si · · · s . When i = 1, (w0 ∗w v)1 (a) = (v[1] 1 )1 (a) and the proposition follows from Lemma 4.8. In general, we n have (w0 ∗w v)i (a) = (v[i] )i (a). Hence, by using Lemmas 4.8 and 4.9, we have (v[i] )i (a) =


[i−1] wi+k−1 (a − k) + v[i−1] ((a − 1) − θ (i − 1)) i−1 (a − 1) − v




wi+k−1 (a − k) + w(i−1)+k−1 ((a − 1) − k)

k=1 [n−2] + v[i−2] i−2 (a − 2) − vθ(2) ((a − 2) − θ (i − 2))

= ··· =

i −i+1   j =1 k=1

Proposition is thus proved.

wj +k−1 (a − i + j − k) − vθ (a − c).

Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action


4.3 Formula in Type D n

This section is devoted to deducing the formula of w0 ∗w v in type D . Recall, in n type D , ri = si si+1 · · · s −2 s s −1 sn−2 · · · si+1 si for 1  i  − 2. Then ri ∗w v n is the composition of sj ∗w in the order in ri . Recall also c = 2 − 2. Lemma 4.11 For 1  i  − 2, we have n

(ri ∗w v)i (a) = w[i] i (a) + vi−1 (a − 1) + vi−1 (b − 1) − vi (b − 2), where w[i] i (a)=


wj (a−j +i−1)+wj (a−c+i+j −1)+

j =i

wj (a− +i),

j = −1

(4.10) b ≡ b(i, a) = a − c + 2i.


Here we set v0 (a) ≡ 0 for all a. n




Proof Clearly, ri ∗w v = si ∗w ri+1 ∗w si ∗w (v). By definition and induction on i decreasingly, we have the following calculation: n



ri ∗w v = wi (a − 1) + vi−1 (a − 1) + (ri+1 ∗w si ∗w v)i+1 (a − 1) n

− (si ∗w v)i (a − 2) n

= wi (a − 1) + w[i+1] i+1 (a − 1) + (si ∗w v)i (b(i + 1, a − 1) − 1) − vi+1 (b(i + 1, a − 1) − 2) + vi−1 (a − 1) = wi (a − 1) + w[i+1] i+1 (a − 1) + wi (b − 1) + vi−1 (b − 1) − vi (b − 2) + vi−1 (a − 1) = w[i] i (a) + vi−1 (a − 1) + vi−1 (b − 1) − vi (b − 2). It is then reduced to show the initial step of the induction for i = − 2. In this case, it follows easily from the calculation as follows:


Y. Li and Y. Ling n


(r −2 ∗w v) −2 (a) = w −2 (a − 1) + v −3 (a − 1) + (s −1 ∗w v) −1 (a − 1) n


+ (s ∗w v) (a − 1) − (s −2 ∗w v) −2 (a − 2) n

= w −2 (a − 1) + w −1 (a − 2) + w (a − 2) + (s −2 ∗w v) −2 (a − 2) − v −1 (a − 3) − v (a − 3) + v −3 (a − 1) [ −2] = w −2 (a) + v −3 (a − 1) + v −3 (a − 3) − v −2 (a − 4).

(4.12) This matches with the formula once we see that b( − 2, a) = a − 2. The lemma follows. For convenience, we set n



v[i] = ri ∗w ri−1 ∗w · · · r1 ∗w (v),

∀0  i  − 2.


Lemma 4.12 For 1  j  i  − 2, we have [i−j ]

[i−j ]

vi−j (b − j ) − vi

[j ]

(b − 2j ) = Ui (b − j ) [i−j −1]

[i−j −1]

+ vi−j −1 (b − j − 1) − vi [i−j −1]

(b − 2j − 2)

[i−j −1]

− vi−j −1 (b − 3j − 1) + vi−j

(b − 3j − 2), (4.14)

where [j ]

ui (b − j ) =


wi−j +k−1 (b − j − k) − wi−j +k−1 (b − 3j + k − 1).



Proof By definition, we deduce that the left-hand side of (4.14) is equal to i 

[i−j −1]

wi−j +k−1 (b − j − k) + vi−j −1 (b − j − 1)

k=1 n


− (si−1 ∗w · · · si−j ∗w v[i−j −1] )i−1 (b − 2j − 1) [i−j ]

− vi

(b − 2j ). n


Applying definition on the term (si−1 ∗w · · · si−j ∗w v[i−j −1] )i−1 (b − 2j − 1) in the above expression leads to the lemma. By combining Lemmas 4.11 with 4.12, we obtain

Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action


Lemma 4.13 For 1  j  i  − 2 with b = a − c + 2i, there is [i−j ]

[i−j ]

[i−j ]

vi−j (a − j ) + vi−j (b − j ) − vi [i−j −1]

[i−j ]

[j ]

(b − 2j ) = wi−j (a − j ) + ui (b − j )

[i−j −1]

[i−j −1]

+vi−j −1 (a − j − 1) + vi−j −1 (b − j − 1) − vi

(b − 2j − 2). (4.16)

[i−j ]

Proof We apply Lemma 4.11 to vi−j (a − j ) to get [i−j ]


vi−j (a − j ) = (ri−j ∗w v[i−j −1] )i−j (a − j ) [i−j ]

[i−j −1]

= wi−j (a − j ) + vi−j −1 (a − j − 1) [i−j −1]

[i−j −1]

+ vi−j −1 (b(i − j, a − j ) − 1) − vi−j

(b(i − j, a − j ) − 2).

Clearly, we get b(i − j, a − j ) = b − 3j . With this, a sum of the above equality with that in Lemma 4.12 gives rise to (4.16). n

We finally have the explicit description of w0 ∗w v for type D and 1  i  −2. n

Proposition 4.14 For 1  i  − 2, the number (w0 ∗w v)i (a) can be described as follows: n

(w0 ∗w v)i (a) =


[i−j ]

wi−j (a − j ) +

j =0


[j ]

ui (b − j ) − vi (a − c).


j =1 n

Proof We first observe that (w0 ∗w v)i (a) = v[i] i (a). By using Lemma 4.11, we get [i] [i−1] [i−1] [i−1] v[i] (b − 2). i (a) = vi (a) + vi−1 (a − 1) + vi−1 (b − 1) − vi

Now apply Lemma 4.13 to obtain the proposition. To reach the case when i = − 1 and the following lemma is needed. Lemma 4.15 For x ∈ { − 1, } and j  1, we have [( −1)−j ]

[( −1)−j ]

v( −1)−j (a − j ) − vx [j ]

(a − 2j )

[( −1)−j −1]

[( −1)−j −1]

= ux + v( −1)−j −1 (a − j − 1) − vθ(x)

[j ]

where ux =


k=1 w( −1)−j +k−1 (a

(a − 2j − 2),

− j − k) + wθ(x) (a − 2j − 1).



Y. Li and Y. Ling

Proof A direct computation yields that the left-hand side of the equality in Lemma 4.15 is j −1  [( −1)−j −1] [( −1)−j ] w( −1)−j +k−1 (a − j − k) + v( −1)−j −1 (a − j − 1) − vx (a − 2j ) k=1

+ (s −2 ∗ sx ∗ sθ(x) ∗ s −2 ∗ s −3 ∗ · · · s( −1)−j v[( −1)−j −1] ) −2 (a − 2j + 1) − (s −3 ∗ · · · s( −1)−j v[( −1)−j −1] ) −3 (a − 2j ). (4.18) The last three terms in (4.18) can further be simplified to [( −1)−j −1]

w −2 (a − 2j ) + wθ(x) (a − 2j − 1) − vθ(x)

(a − 2j − 2).


The lemma follows by (4.18) and (4.19). n

Now we can state the formula for i = −1, , finishing the description of w0 ∗w v in D . Proposition 4.16 For x = − 1, , we have n

(w0 ∗w v)x (a) = wx (a − 1) +

−1  j =1

[j ]

uθ j −1 (x) − vθ(x) (a − c).


Proof By definition and using Lemma 4.15, we have n


(w0 ∗w v)x (a) = (sx ∗w v[ −2] )x (a) [ −2] = wx (a − 1) + v −2 (a − 1) − vx[ −2] (a − 2) [(n−1)−2]

[( −1)−2]

= wx (a − 1) + u[1] x + v( −1)−2 (a − 2) − vθ(x) = ··· = wx (a − 1) +

−1  j =1

The proposition is thus followed.

[j ]

uθ j −1 (x) − vθ(x) (a − c).

(a − 4)

Longest Weyl Group Elements in Action


4.4 An Algorithm to Compute B n w n

Recall that w0 ∗w v + zc θ v = B n w. We are interested in determining explicitly n w0 ∗w v, and hence B n w, in type E6 , E7 , and E8 . The computation is too involved to be done by hand, so instead we resort to computer for this duty. In this section, we derive aformula so that computer can be used to do the remaining job. If we write w = (j,b)∈I ×Zn wj (b)ej (b), then the number (B n w)i (a) can be expressed as follows:  (B n w)i (a) = ( wj (b)B n ej (b))i (a) j,b



wj (b)(B n ej (b))i (a)

1j  b∈Zn



1j  b∈Zn



1j  b∈Zn



1j  b∈Zn



1j  b∈Zn


wj (b)(w0 ∗ej (b) 0)i (a) (4.21)


wj (b)(zb w0 ∗ej (0) 0)i (a) n

wj (b)(w0 ∗ej (0) 0)i (a − b) n

wj (a − b)(w0 ∗ej (0) 0)i (b).

So to determine (B n w)i (a), it is reduced to determine the vector n



:= w0 ∗ej (0) 0,

∀1  j  .



Conveniently, Bj can be presented as a matrix of size Zn ×I , whose (b, i)-th entry n

is (w0 ∗ej (0) 0)i (b). From this presentation, the coefficient (B n w)i (a) as in (4.21) n

is a proper linear combination of the i-th column vectors of Bj with wj (b)’s. It can be seen that the (b, i)-th entry is zero unless 1  b  c − 1 when n = 0. The n matrix Bj for 1  j  is computable by using computer for all exceptional types. The results can be found in the first author’s website. Acknowledgments We thank Jim Humphreys for helpful discussions. We also thank the anonymous referee for very helpful suggestions in improving the paper. Y. Li is partially supported by the NSF grant DMS 1801915.


Y. Li and Y. Ling

References 1. G. Benkart, S.-J. Kang, S.-J. Oh and E. Park, Construction of irreducible representations over Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras of finite classical type, arxiv:1108.1048. 2. A. Björner and F. Brenti, Combinatorics of Coxeter groups, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 231, Springer, New York, 2005. 3. W. Burau, Über Zopfgruppen und gleichsinnig verdrillte Verkettungen, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg. 11 (1935), 179–186. 4. J.E. Humphreys, Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. 5. J.E. Humphreys, Longest element of a finite Coxeter group, available at the following website. jeh/pub/longest.pdf. 6. Y. Li, Quiver varieties and symmetric pairs, Representation Theory, 23 (2019), 1–56. 7. Y. Li, in preparation. 8. G. Lusztig, Introduction to quantum groups, Progress in Math. 110, Birkhäuser, 1993. 9. H. Matsumoto, Générateurs et relations des groupes de Weyl généralisées. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 258 (1964), 3419–3422. 10. J. Moody, The faithfulness question for the Burau representation, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 119 (1993), no. 2, 671–679. 11. H. Nakajima, Quiver varieties and finite dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras, JAMS 14 (2000) no. 1, 145–238.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case Anthony Joseph

Abstract Let g be a simple algebra. Let r be the number of its positive roots. The Kashiwara B(∞) crystal is an important combinatorial object that describes a crystal basis for the simple finite dimensional g modules. After [A. Berenstein and A. Zelevinsky, Tensor product multiplicities, canonical bases and totally positive varieties. Invent. Math. 143 (2001), no. 1, 77–128], it is a polyhedral subset of the integer points of an r-dimensional affine space, and moreover, the linear functions describing this polyhedral subset are given by “trails” in the fundamental modules of lowest weight of the Langlands dual. In general, trails depend on a reduced decomposition of the longest element of the Weyl group and are very difficult to compute. In the present work, it is shown for g classical, when the reduced decomposition is given by a power of a suitably chosen Coxeter element, that the set of trails is in natural bijection with the crystal of a suitable highest weight fundamental module. The proofs are based on a specially developed theory of S-sets and do not require any of the results in Berenstein–Zelevinsky (loc cit).

1 Introduction This paper is part of a project to understand the combinatorics behind the Kashiwara B(∞) crystal and on which several papers have been published so far [6–12]. In this, S. Zelikson has played a key, if not essential, role. I have attempted on each occasion for him to agree to joint authorship, and I regret he did not accept even this time. In any case following a lead given by Nakashima–Zelevinsky [17, Sects. 5,6], for which type A and type A affine were found to simplify for a certain periodic reduced decomposition, Zelikson conjectured that in the “bipartite case” the Berenstein– Zelevinsky trails should themselves form the structure of a crystal (of a fundamental

A. Joseph () Department of Mathematics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



A. Joseph

module). He backed this up with many computer computations not least in type F4 for which the correctness of his suggestion remains a startling “unexplained” fact. On the other hand, outside the bipartite case the corresponding assertion is completely false and even fails for sl(4). Here, we establish the Zelikson conjecture when g is classical. Moreover, we describe rather explicitly all the trails. In general, one would like a “global” combinatorial object to describe all trails, as in the present example of a crystal. Some of the present analysis might be deemed to be somewhat complicated, though it is entirely elementary. The reader might find it useful to read [11] in which the relatively easy minuscule case is treated. A key new combinatorial object used in the present theory is the notion of an S-graph on which a study was made particularly in [12] with several illustrations. These have a totally unexpected relationship with the Chevalley–Serre relations in Demazure modules [9], and this should extend [9, Sect.7] the result of Berenstein–Zelevinsky [1] from the finite to the infinite case. Unfortunately, the proof does not so far go through because of the possible existence of “false trails”. In the case treated here, false trails are rather common yet despite this we are able to proceed at least for g classical, though only by some prodigious efforts.

1.1 Root Data and Kac–Moody Lie Algebras For each positive integer n, set [1, n] := {1, 2, . . . , n}. For each rational number q, let [q] denote the largest integer  q. Let g be a Kac–Moody Lie algebra of rank . Set I = [1, ]. Fix a Cartan subalgebra h of g, and choose a set π = {αi }i∈I (resp. π ∨ = {αi∨ }i∈I ) of simple roots (resp. coroots). Let b (resp. b− ) denote the Borel subalgebra of g associated with these choices, that is to say containing h and whose roots lie in Nπ (resp. −Nπ ). We can assume without loss of generality that the Dynkin diagram of π is connected. This avoids some minor technicalities. Fix a Chevalley basis for g. For each s ∈ I , let es (resp. fs ) be the element of this basis of weight αs (resp. −αs ) and set hs = [es , fs ]. We shall sometimes drop the s subscript. We recall that (e, h, f ) satisfy the relations [h, e] = 2e, [h, f ] = −2f, [e, f ] = h and, hence, their linear span is an sl(2) subalgebra. It is called an s-triple. For all i ∈ I , let i (resp. i∨ ) denote the corresponding fundamental weight (resp. coweight). Let si denote the simple reflection defined by αi : i ∈ I . By definition, they form a set of generators of the Weyl group W associated to g. It is a finite group if and only if g is semisimple.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


1.2 The Crystal B(∞) From the above data, one may construct, [6, 14, 15], the Kashiwara crystal B(∞) as a purely combinatorial object. It depends on a choice of reduced decomposition as a set, but not as a crystal. Again the latter is associated to the dual Verma module of highest weight 0 for g, whilst set dependence is related to the Bott–Samelson resolution that also depends on a choice of reduced decomposition. Thus, B(∞) is an intricate combinatorial object, which demands understanding. After Gleizer and Postnikov [3], it is polyhedral in type A. After Berenstein and Zelevinsky [1], this also holds for finite type. In the latter case, the linear inequalities that define B(∞) as a set are given by i-trails (which we shall simply call trails) in the lowest weight fundamental module V (−i∨ ) for the Langlands dual of g. Trails also depend on a choice of reduced decomposition. They are neither combinatorially defined nor easy (not to say impossible) to compute. Again the theory of Berenstein– Zelevinsky does not extend to infinite type. Our approach to describing B(∞) was founded on some commutation relations coming from a duality on B(∞) developed by Kashiwara [15] and Joseph [6, 2.5]. We used these relations to inductively construct sets of dual Kashiwara functions [10], using a specially developed theory of S-graphs [7, 12]. In the above, each set Zt of dual Kashiwara functions is associated to a simple root αt : t ∈ I .

1.3 Adjoining Faces to Trails In Sect. 3.8, we describe a process of adjoining “faces” to trails. This is analogous to, though more, in general, complicated than, the action of the Kashiwara operations on a crystal. Here, following a suggestion of Zelikson, we consider the simplifying condition that the reduced decomposition, which is used to construct B(∞) as a set, is periodic, that is to say given by a power of a Coxeter element. Eventually, we must restrict to a very special Coxeter element, which we refer to as being “bipartite”, a concept we explain in Sects. 2.2 and 4.6. The first steps needed for the present theory are made here and applied to the case when the reduced decomposition defining the trails is bipartite. In order that Zt describes the dual Kashiwara parameter εt' , it must be a t-semiinvariant set in the sense of [10, Prop. 5.1]. This will play no role here except that it tells us that Zt should be constructed by adjoining faces corresponding to S-sets at each induction step. We check here (and this is not so easy) that for g classical, this constructs all trails corresponding to a bipartite reduced decomposition of unique longest element of the Weyl group.


A. Joseph

We further show that, almost miraculously, the set of trails with adjunction of faces is just a suitable Demazure subcrystal associated to the corresponding fundamental highest weight module of the Langlands dual with an action of the Kashiwara operators. This is not quite an isomorphism because adjoining faces is less demanding than crystal structure (see Remark 2 of Proposition in Sect. 6.4).

1.4 Comparison with Crystal Operators For the above purpose, we prove a comparison lemma (Lemma in Sect. 4.7) for the data needed to describe the appropriate S-graphs, with the data needed to describe the action of the crystal operators. Notably, it is special to the periodic case. Yet this is far from enough to settle the issue. Indeed as we note in Sects. 5.4, 6.11 and Fig. 3 that even in this simple case, adjoining S-graphs and crystal elements follow slightly different rules. For type A, the result is of less interest because we already have a precise description of the dual Kashiwara functions either from [1] or in a more elementary fashion by Joseph [11]. Ignoring type A, we can assume that the Coxeter number c is even. Then the Coxeter element σ must be chosen so that σ c/2 is the longest element w0 of the Weyl group and so defines a reduced decomposition of w0 . Owing to a failure of equality in the last line of Eq. (14), we must make a further restriction on the choice of Coxeter element, namely that it be bipartite (see Sect. 2.2). We analyse in Sects. 6.5–6.8 the “false trails” that can arise under these very special circumstances. In this manner, the aim outlined in the last paragraph of Sect. 1.3 is achieved when the coefficient of αt in the highest root is  2 and gives an elegant description of Zt . This is sufficient for g of classical type (Theorem in Sect. 6.3). The analogous result holds trivially in type G2 and has been verified by Zelikson for the two remaining cases in type F4 using a computer generated description of the crystal associated to the corresponding fundamental module. In this case, the result is even more remarkable and mysterious.

2 Coxeter Elements 2.1 Coxeter Elements in Finitely Generated Groups Recall that a Coxeter element σ of W is a product of all the simple reflections taken once and in any order. It is a remarkable fact due to Speyer [18] that if the Dynkin diagram is connected and W is infinite, then any power of σ is a reduced word. The above result fails if W is finite, yet as we note below we do have the next best thing.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


Following Bourbaki [2, Chap. IV], associate to any finitely generated group  a graph (or Dynkin diagram D) whose set V (D) of vertices labels the given generators gv ∈  such that v, v  are joined by an edge if and only if gv , gv  do not commute. Fix a total order on V (D). Call a product of the gv : v ∈ V (D) defined by that order, a Coxeter element of . Assume that D has no cycles and is connected, for example, if  is the Weyl group of a simple Lie algebra, assumed of rank > 1 to avoid trivialities. Then, one easily checks (cf [2, Chap. IV, Prop. 2] that V (D) admits a, unique up to permutation, decomposition into disjoint subsets V1 , V2 such that for i = 1, 2, the gv : v ∈ Vi commute. Obviously, the product σi of the gv : v ∈ Vi is independent of order and σ := σ1 σ2 is a Coxeter element of . Again under the above hypothesis on D, the Coxeter elements of  are all conjugate [2, Chap. V, Sect. 6, Lemma 1]. Briefly, the argument is as follows. Since the graph D has no cycles and is finite, it admits [2, Chap. IV, Prop. 2(i)] a vertex v with only one neighbour, say v  . Fix a Coxeter element τ . Up to conjugation, we can assume that τ ends in gv . Now the product gξ of the generators in σ , lying strictly between gv  and gv , commutes with gv , so taking gξ through gv and the resulting product of elements lying after gv  gv to the left we conclude that τ , and so any Coxeter element of , is conjugate to an element that ends in gv  gv . Finally, consider the Dynkin diagram of the group   with generators (gv  : v  ∈ V (D) \ {v  , v}) ∪ {gv  gv }. It is obtained by deleting v from D, so is of cardinality one less and has no cycles. Then the assertion results by induction on ||.

2.2 Bipartite Coxeter Elements Now assume that W is the Weyl group of a simple Lie algebra. Then as noted in [2, Chap. V, Sect. 4, Prop. 8], the Dynkin diagram of W is finite with no cycles. Thus, all the Coxeter elements of W are conjugate. In particular, the order of a Coxeter element is independent of choice. It is called the Coxeter number c. A Coxeter element acts on the set of roots, and each orbit has cardinality c. Moreover, the number of orbits is exactly |π |. These last two classical facts may be conveniently proved by considering the Coxeter group < σ1 , σ2 > generated by the pair σ1 , σ2 , defined two paragraphs above. Moreover, as noted above, the unique longest element of this Coxeter subgroup of W is exactly the unique longest element w0 of W , [10, Lemma 2.8]. We call σ := σ1 σ2 a bipartite Coxeter element. When the Coxeter number is even, say c = 2m, the assertions of the previous paragraph imply that σ m = w0 , a result that can also be found in [2]. Finally, the Coxeter number only fails to be even in type A2k . Since trails are completely understood in type A, we may just assume that c is even. Thus, we may write w0 as a power of σ , and the resulting expression is reduced. When w0 = −1, so in particular central in W , then since all the Coxeter elements are conjugate, the


A. Joseph

previous result holds for any choice of Coxeter element. However, it fails in general. For example in type A3 with the Bourbaki labelling, s1 s2 s3 s1 s2 s3 is not a reduced decomposition, and so in particular not equal to w0 . Yet even then for (12) to hold, we also need σ to be bipartite.

3 The Kashiwara Functions 3.1 Preliminaries A reduced sequence J is a sequence (. . . , ij , ij −1 , . . . , i1 ) of elements of I such that for all k ∈ N+ the product wk := sik sik−1 · · · si1 is reduced. If the Weyl group is finite, then g has r < ∞ positive roots and j → ij is bijection of [1, r] onto J . Otherwise, it is a bijection of N+ onto J . We shall often identify these sets in bijection. In the finite (resp. infinite) case, we set Jˆ = [1, r + 1] (resp. Jˆ = J ). For a given Kac–Moody algebra, we generally assume J fixed, eventually making special choices of J . Fix t ∈ I . A Berenstein–Zelevinsky trail associated to t is a sequence of non-zero vectors in the lowest weight fundamental module vγ K ∈ V (−t∨ ) : j ∈ J for the j Langlands dual of g satisfying the auxiliary conditions (T ), (B) defined below. Our personal preference is to consider trails as lying in the lowest weight fundamental module vγ K ∈ V (−t ) for g. This means that we have to interchange roots and j coroots in the construction of the dual Kashiwara functions in terms of trails in V (−t ). As we shall see, the construction of the resulting functions uses sums of successive differences of Kashiwara functions (in which roots and coroots are interchanged).

3.2 Kashiwara Functions Consider the set BJ of all elements of the form b = (. . . , mn , mn−1 , . . . , m1 ) : mj ∈ N with all but finitely many mj : j ∈ J equal to zero. Sometimes we consider the {mj }j ∈Jˆ as coordinate functions on BJ taking values in N. If W is finite, we always set mr+1 = 0. It is convenient to represent the subscript j ∈ J by the pair (s, k) ∈ I × N+ , where for a fixed s ∈ I , we let k ∈ N+ denote the number of times ij = s counting from the right. In this, we set mks = mj . Observe that the natural linear order on J ⊆ N+ induces a linear order on the image of the map j → (s, k). Then identifying J with its image, we may write j > (s, k) to mean j > j  , whenever (s, k) is the image of j  . In this notation, the Kashiwara function described in [6, 2.3.2, 2.4.1] can be written as

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case

rsk (b) = mks +

αs∨ (αij )mj , ∀s ∈ I, k ∈ N+ ,



j ∈J |j >(s,k)

where b ∈ BJ is as above. It is a linear function on BJ . We call rsk the k th Kashiwara function of type s ∈ I . The sum in (1) is finite since all but finitely many mj are equal to zero. When we consider mj as the j th coordinate function on BJ , the expression mj in (4) should be written as mj (b). Alternatively, we may replace rsk (b) by rsk in the left hand side of (1). Observe that rsk is a linear function on BJ , but not locally finite, that is to say not a finite sum of the coordinate functions mj : j ∈ J .

3.3 A Crystal Structure on BJ The Kashiwara functions were used by Kashiwara to give BJ a crystal structure. This goes as follows.  Given b = (. . . , mn , mn−1 , . . . , m1 ) ∈ BJ , set wt b = − j ∈J mj αij . It is a finite sum. Set εs (b) = maxk∈N+ rsk (b) and ϕs (b) = εs (b) + αs∨ (wt b). We call these as the Kashiwara parameters associated to s ∈ I . If J is infinite, then εs (b)  0 for all b ∈ BJ . Otherwise, this may fail and a small technical adjustment is made. In this case, suppose s ∈ I appears ks < ∞ times in J and set rsks +1 (b) = 0, for all s ∈ I, b ∈ BJ . In other words in our previous notation, we view r + 1 as (s, ks + 1), for all s ∈ I . This is justified by the way Kashiwara uses his embedding theorem [6, Thm. 2.5.7]. Indeed, this required him to take b∞ as the (r + 1)th entry of BJ . Omitting this seemingly innocuous factor can make a difference already in type A2 —see [8, 2.5.26]. To describe how the Kashiwara operators e˜s , f˜s : s ∈ I act on an element of b ∈ BJ , let s (b) (resp. rs (b)) be the largest (resp. smallest) value of k such that (b) rsk (b) = εs (b). Then, e˜s b (resp. f˜s b) is obtained from b by decreasing ms s (resp. r (b) increasing mss ) by one, and deeming an element of BJ to be zero if it has a negative entry. In this, we say that e˜s (resp. f˜s ) enters b at the s (b)th (resp. rs (b)th ) place. Observe that f˜s acts injectively, but e˜s does not. Using the fact that the Cartan matrix has 2 on the diagonal, one may check that e˜s f˜s is the identity on BJ and f˜s e˜s b = b if e˜s b = 0.

3.4 Dual Kashiwara Operators ˜ denote the monoid generated by {e˜s }s∈I (resp. {f˜s }s∈I ). Let b∞ be Let E˜ (resp. F) ˜ ∞ . Remarkably, the element of BJ in which all entries are zero. Set BJ (∞) = Fb ˜ J (∞) = BJ (∞), that is to say BJ (∞) is a crystal. More precisely, it is a strict EB


A. Joseph

subcrystal of BJ , that is to say the embedding of BJ (∞) → BJ is strict in the language of Kashiwara [15, Sect. 1]. (In terms of the crystal graphs, BJ (∞) is a component of BJ and indeed the unique connected component containing b∞ .) Moreover, as a crystal, BJ (∞) is independent of the choice of J and this common crystal is denoted as B(∞). It is upper normal, that is to say εs (b) = maxk∈N {e˜sk b = 0}, for all b ∈ B(∞). Finally, it admits an involution ', with the crucial property that the transposed operators e˜i' , f˜i' commute with the e˜j , f˜j , for all distinct pairs i, j ∈ I . All these results are due to Kashiwara [15] using the quantum group, so requiring the Cartan matrix to be symmetrizable, and were extended using the Littelmann path model to the general case in [6]. Note that in [6] we wrote e˜s , f˜s simply as es , fs . The dual Kashiwara parameters and dual Kashiwara operators are obtained by transport of structure through '. In particular, we must have εt' (b) = maxk∈N {(e˜s' )k b = 0}, for all b ∈ B(∞). By Joseph [6, 3.2.3], if we use the parametrization of BJ (∞) given by Sect. 3.3, then BJ (∞) is determined rather concretely as a polyhedral subset of BJ , given for each t ∈ I , a set Zt of linear functions on BJ (∞) for which εt' (b) = maxz∈Zt z(b), ∀b ∈ BJ (∞). We call the elements ztk : k ∈ N+ of Zt , the dual Kashiwara functions associated to t ∈ I . We cannot simply take them to be the Kashiwara functions associated to t ∈ I transposed under ' because we do not know that ' is a linear map. Worse still ' is only defined BJ (∞) that does not obviously inherit the additive structure of BJ , so the question of linearity does not even make sense. Again ' is, surprisingly, utterly complicated, and we have no idea of what such a procedure would give. For the highlighted relation above to hold, it is enough by the commutation relations noted in Sect. 1.2 that the set Zt be t-semi-invariant in the sense of [10, Prop. 5.1]. This is where S-sets come into play and why they should determine the trails ultimately by an inductive construction. (The difficulties in realizing this construction are discussed in [10, 5.3].)

3.5 Berenstein–Zelevinsky Trails Fix t ∈ I . A Berenstein–Zelevinsky trail K associated to t is a sequence of non-zero vectors vγ K ∈ V (−t ) : j ∈ Jˆ of weight γjK satisfying the following rules: j


(T). The Trail Condition. For all j ∈ J , there exists nj ∈ N such that eijj vγ K = j vγ K . j +1

Thus a trail is given by an appropriate sequence of monomials ejK : j ∈ J in the simple root vectors ei : i ∈ I . We denote this sequence briefly by eK . Note that if n j = (s, k), then ij = s and eK has a factor of es j at position (s, k), by definition.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


(B). The Boundary Conditions. (i). γ1K = −st t . (ii). For every trail K, there exists ϕ(K) ∈ N+ such that γjK+1 = −wj t , for all j ∈ J |j  ϕ(K). The set of all Berenstein–Zelevinsky trails associated to t ∈ I is denoted by KBZ t , or simply Kt . We shall say that a trail K trivializes at wj : j ∈ J , or simply at j ∈ J , if j  ϕ(K). From then on, the trail is just the appropriate sequence of extremal vectors and so is uniquely determined by the form it takes to the vector v−wj t . Thus, we may regard eK as a finite sequence since it is determined for K . j  ϕ(K). However, one should note that eK is not quite determined by eϕ(K) K Observe in particular that eϕ(K) v−t = v−wϕ(K)t , up to a non-zero scalar. The latter is the generator of the Demazure submodule Fwϕ(K) (−t ) := U (b− )v−wϕ(K)t of V (−t ). j Let Kt denote the subset of Kt of trails that trivialize at j ∈ J . j From this definition, it follows that the subsets Kt of Kt are increasing in j . When W is finite, we can take ϕ(K) = (w0 ), for all K ∈ Kt in the above. Notice K that this means that γ (w = −w0 t . However, a trail may trivialize before w0 0 )+1 is reached. The second boundary condition means that the trail has to move fast and efficiently.1 For example in V (− ) with  a regular dominant weight, one could only have γjK+1 = −wj t , for all j ∈ J . This imposed efficiency and the required non-vanishing of the vectors make trails particularly difficult to determine.

3.6 The Initial Driving Trail The initial “driving trail” associated to t is defined as follows. Set u = (t, 1), so then iu = t. Set K1 γj t

, :=

if j  u + 1, −st t , −sij −1 . . . siu+1 st t , if j > u + 1.


The driving trail Kt1 consists just of extremal vectors; but it only trivializes at K1

t (t, 1) because γj +1 = −wj t , if and only if j  u = (t, 1). We also shall refer to 1 Kt as the (open) face Ft1 associated to t.

Lemma j

(i) Take j ∈ J . If j < (t, 1), then Kt is empty.

1 As

recommended by the music hall song, “Don’t dilly-dally on the way”.


A. Joseph (t,1)

(ii) Kt

= {Ft1 }.


j Kt .

Proof Take K ∈ If j < (t, 1), then wj t = t , so then γjK+1 = −t . On the other hand by (T ) and B(i), we have γjK+1 ∈ Nπ + αt − t . This contradiction gives (i). Again if j = (t, 1), then wj t = st t , so then γjK+1 = −st t . Then by K1

(T ) and B(i), we obtain γjK+1 = −st t , for all j  (t, 1). Thus, γjK = γj t , for j > (t, 1), by the assumption that K trivializes at (t, 1).

3.7 Trail Functions Following [1], we associate to a trail K, a linear function zK on BJ as follows. Set δjK = 12 (γjK + γjK+1 ) and zK :=

 j ∈J

αi∨j (δjK )mj .


 1 One checks that zt1 := zFt = m1t + j k.

Note the trail function zK determines K. We shall not always distinguish between the trail K and the trail function zK . Remark 2 For counting purposes, it is convenient to introduce the trivial trail K∞ defined by zK∞ = 0.

3.8 Faces and the Parametrization of Trails 3.8.1

Faces and Face Functions

We define the (closed) face Fsk+1 : s ∈ I, k ∈ N+ through the face function zFs defined to be the difference of successive Kashiwara functions rsk − rsk+1 in which roots and coroots are interchanged. Precisely, one has k+1


z Fs

:= rsk − rsk+1 = mk+1 + s

 (s,k) i  . K One easily shows, [9, Eq. (26)], that the coefficients ck min , or simply ck , of the −mks : k ∈ N+ in zK min are given (in the notation of Sect. 3.5) by ck = a (k) − ( (k) + (k−1) ), ∀k ∈ N+ .


In addition, an exercise just using the Chevalley–Serre relations shows that they satisfy [9, 5.3.3,5.3.4] the conditions ck  0 with ck = 0 for all k  n. Thus, z := zK min provides a coefficient set in the sense of Sect. 4.1.1. We define z to be the driving function (of type s) for Ts (e). j Recall the notation of Sect. 3.8.2. One may remark that if e ∈ Es , then the trails K ∈ Ts (e) trivialize at wj . Let Ts− (e) denote the subset of Ts (e) of trails that trivialize at wj −1 . In particular, the assertion cn = 0 implies that the minimal trail trivializes at wj −1 by Joseph [9, Lemma 5.3.4(i)]. Then, if the n-tuple l defining L = K min satisfies (8), for k = n we obtain a (n) = n +2 (n−1) . Yet by (5), we have αs∨ (−wj t ) = 2 (n) −a (n) = n and so v−wj t = es n v−wj −1 t .


In particular, L ∈ Ts− (e). (In this, we remark that Ts− (e) need not be reduced to K min , [9, Sect. 7].) Our inductive construction is  (∗) to obtain Ts (e) adjoin sums of faces of the form F = kn dk Fsk : dk ∈ N to the -minimal trail L in Ts (e). Observe that K min + F has support in [1, j ] (and not in [1, j − 1]) (resp. trivializes at wj (and not at wj −1 )) if and only if dn = 0. This proves the required converse.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


We make this construction more precise by requiring that the sum of faces we adjoin is determined by the S-set Z(c) of type s = ij and where each such sum consists of an element of Z convex hull KZ (c) of Z(c). Of course what we also have to prove is that this gives all of Ts (e). This is carried out in the present special case in Sects. 6.6–6.9. Even that is not so easy partly because of the presence of “false trails”. It is already a total leap of faith to believe that all the trails in Ts (e) are obtained by just adding faces to K min . This is shown in Sects. 6.7–6.9 for the present rather simple case and is already quite difficult. We regard this as an important test case. Notice that this construction means that if j ∈ J : j > (t, 1) is maximal such that the coefficient of mj in zK is non-zero, then this coefficient d is positive and d  copies of Fsi : j = (s, i) possibly together with faces Fsi : i  < i (as determined by the S-set in question) may be removed from K, to obtain a previously constructed trail. We use this in 6.9.3 where we show that fortunately lower order terms are not needed in the particular cases studied. Notice from the point of view of trails, we can equally well designate Z(c) as j Z(e) (and KZ (c), by KZ (e)), since e ∈ Es determines zK min and its coefficient set c, as was done in [9].


False Trails

Definition A false trail in Ts (e) is a trail that does not obtain from the -minimal trail L by adjoining faces prescribed by the S-set defined by l. The main result of [9] is to show that if there are no false trails in the subset Ts− (e) of Ts (e) of trails that trivialize at wj −1 , then there are no false trails in Ts (e) and moreover, Ts (e) is obtained by adjoining the sums of faces in KZ (c) to K min . This uses sl(2) theory (specifically [9, Lemma 3.2]) and a detailed analysis of Ssets. In the case that the cj : j ∈ [1, n − 1] are increasing, Ts− (e) is reduced to K min and the proof is rather easy [9, Sect. 6]. In general, it is a difficult result. Because of the possible existence of false trails, we need to push through at least part of the analysis of [9] without the assumption that false trails are absent. This is carried out below.


Z-Skins and Trails

The method used in [9, 5.3] to prove the positivity of the cj also establishes the following result. Both are mainly an exercise in the use of the Chevalley–Serre relations. Take a trail K ∈ Ts (e) defined by an n-tuple k through (5). Take j ∈ [1, n − 1] such that ki = i , for all i < j . Then, v k defined by (5) may be written in the form v k = ekn e−an · · · ekj v−dj , where v−dj := e−aj e j −1 e−aj −1 · · · e 1 v−a1 , j ∈


A. Joseph

[1, n − 1], which one checks has weight −dj , where dj = cj + j , with respect to h of the s-triple (e, h, f ). Let c = (cn , cn−1 , . . . , c1 ) be the coefficient set defined by L, recalling Sect. 4.1.2 that the ci are non-negative integers with cn = 0. We set c0 = 0. Recall that the pointed chain [9, 6.3] of the S-set defined by c is defined through the set of n-tuples {k(j )}nj=1 , where ⎧ ⎨ i + ci − ci−1 , if i ∈ [j + 1, n], k(j )i = i + ci , if i = j, ⎩ if i ∈ [1, j − 1]. i , Here, we may remark that in terms of the coefficients ci := k (i) − (i) , as first defined in [9, Eq. (30)], we have for k = k(j ), that ci =


ci , if i ∈ [j, n], 0, if i ∈ [1, j − 1].

Definition The Z-skin of the pointed chain is given by the set of n-tuples given by ⎧ if i ∈ [j + 1, n], ⎨ ci , ci = ∈ [0, ci ], if i = j, ⎩ 0, if i ∈ [1, j − 1], where j runs from 1 to n. The Z-skin of the pointed chain has a natural linear order, c  c given by  ci = ci , n  i > j, cj > cj . It contains the pointed chain and is contained in the Z convex hull of the pointed chain. Again the number of elements in the Z-skin is  n i=1 ci , an expression that we shall see again in (12). Lemma Take j ∈ [1, n − 1]. Suppose in the n-tuple k, one has ki = i , for all i < j. (i). If kj > dj . Then, v k = 0. (ii). Conversely suppose that an n-tuple k with ki = i for all i  j defines a trail. Then if cj +1 = 0, one may move up to cj copies of e to the right through e−aj in vk and still obtain a trail. (iii). The elements of the Z-skin are trails.   Proof (i). The proof is by induction following closely the analysis of [9, 5.3.2]. One has d1 = a1 , whilst ek1 v−a1 = 0 if k1 > a1 , since v−a1 is a lowest weight vector. Thus, the assertion holds for j = 1. Let v k and v−dj be as above. Recall that l defines the -minimal trail K min , so in particular j −1 cannot be decreased. Noting that aj − j −1  0 by Joseph [9, Lemma 5.3.1],

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


then by Joseph [9, Remark 2 of 5.2], there exists an integer qj  kj + j −1 − aj −1 so that we may take qj copies of e to the right through e−aj and in so doing only change v k by a non-zero scalar. Up to this scalar v k = ekn · · · ekj −qj e−aj eqj + j −1 v−dj −1 . Thus by the induction hypothesis, non-vanishing of this last expression implies that qj  cj −1 . Consequently, kj  aj − j −1 +cj −1 = cj + j = dj , as required. (ii). One has aj +1 − j +1 − j = cj +1 − cj = −cj . By minimality, j cannot be decreased, whilst by (i) it cannot be increased beyond j + cj . Then by Joseph [9, Lemma 5.2], we can move any qj ∈ [0, cj ] copies of e through e−aj +1 , only changing v k by a non-zero scalar. Hence (ii). (iii). The proof of (iii) follows closely that of (ii) and proceeds by decreasing induction. Since cn = 0, it holds for j = n − 1. Now assume it holds for some n − 1  j > 1, and let k be some k(j ). Then, kj = cj + j . By minimality, kj −1 = j −1 cannot be decreased, and by (i), it cannot be increased beyond cj −1 + j −1 . On the other hand, kj + j −1 − aj −1 = cj + j + j −1 − aj −1 = cj −1 . Then by Joseph [9, Lemma 5.2], we can take eqj : qj ∈ [0, cj −1 ] to the right through e−aj , only changing v k by a non-zero scalar. Hence, the assertion. Remark 1 Notice that (i) falls short of showing that edj +1 v−dj = 0. The latter would in turn imply by sl(2) theory that v−dj is a lowest weight vector. Given such a result (for all j ∈ [1, n − 1] and noting that it holds for j = n by Joseph [9, Lemma 5.3.4(i)]), we could conclude that K min is a minimal trail in the sense of [9, Sect. 4]. Yet although we cannot say that f v−dj = 0, we have the next best thing, namely ekn · · · ekj f v−dj = 0. Indeed, the action of f on v−dj is to reduce one factor of e by 1. Then, the above vanishing results from l being an -minimal trail. We shall see in Sect. 6 that (i) limits the possible false trails in Ts (e). Remark 2 Notice that by (i) we can obtain a stronger result, should some cj : j ∈ [1, n−1] vanish. Indeed, we may decompose c into connected components such that cj = 0 in each such component, say cj,j  := (cj , cj −1 , . . . , cj  ). Then by definition, cj +1 = 0. Starting from j + 1 instead of n, the exact same argument given in (iii) shows that each element of the Z-skin of the S-set defined by cj,j  is a trail. We call this set the extended Z-skin of the S-set. Remark 3 If we believe that all trails are obtained by adjoining faces to the initial driving trail, then there is an alternative definition of a minimal trail L in Ts (e), namely that we cannot remove a face or sum of faces of type s from L. If we take l to be the n-tuple that defines L, it follows easily from [9, Lemma 5.3.4(i)] that this is equivalent to saying for any i ∈ [1, n] that i cannot be decreased in l, which of course is also true of the unique -minimal trail. However for the latter, we have the stronger property that this is also true even after increasing some j : j > i. We were unable to establish analogues of [9, Lemma 5.3.2] and the above lemma for minimality in this weaker sense.


A. Joseph

  i+1 with c integer. Part of the The trails in Ts (e) are of the form L + n−1 i=1 ci Fs i definition (see Sect. 6.4) of there being no false trails (at the previous induction step) is that ci  0, for all i < n − 1. In [9, Lemma 7.4], we used sl(2) action to show that then this also holds when i = n − 1. The condition cj  0, for all j ∈ [1, n − 1], is equivalent to there being no distinction between the above two notions of minimality.

4.2 Assumptions From now on, we assume that W is the Weyl group of a simple Lie algebra g whose Coxeter number c is even. Recall the notation of 1.1. Fix σ a Coxeter element si si −1 · · · si1 , where by definition {i , i −1 , . . . , i1 } = π , and assume that every power of σ up to c/2, which is an integer by hypothesis, is a reduced decomposition. This holds for σ defined in 2.1. We shall say that J is periodic if it is given by a reduced decomposition of w0 obtained from powers of a Coxeter element. Apart from Sect. 4.8, we shall assume in the remainder of Sect. 4 that J is periodic and relabel π so that ij = j : j = 1, 2, . . . , . This relabelling is not used in the tables and figures.

4.3 Some Computations j −1

Fix a positive integer j > (t, 1) and assume Kt has been constructed as a sum with non-negative coefficients of closed faces Fuv : u ∈ I, v > 1 adjoined to the j −1 open face Ft1 . Now, Fuv has support in [1, (u, v)], whilst the elements of Kt have support in [1, j − 1] by Sect. 4.1.2. Now set s = ij , then by Sect. 4.1.2, the driving function given by the unique j −1 -minimal element of Ts (e) lies in Ts− (e) and, hence, in Kt . Let F z denote the z F corresponding driving trail (defined by z = z). Recall (Sect. 4.2) how a reduced sequence is given by the power of a suitable Coxeter element. Let n be the positive integer defined by  j − (n − 1) > 0, explicitly that n − 1 = [(j − 1)/ ]. Observe that s = ij = j − (n − 1) . Again a closed face Fuv has support in [1, j − 1] if and only if either v = n, 0 < u < j − 1 − (n − 1) = s or 1 < v < n, u ∈ I . Consequently, the closed faces occurring in F z must satisfy these conditions. The sums of closed faces Fuv to be adjoined at the next induction step must have support in [1, j ] and so must satisfy either that v = n, u  j − (n − 1) or 1 < v < n, u ∈ I . In this, we require u = s. Moreover, unless the coefficient of Fsn is j −1 non-zero, the resulting terms already lie in Kt .

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


For the precise sums to be adjoined, we must compute the coefficients of −mis in z as these determine the coefficient set c.  Now by (4), the face Fuv , for u ∈ I \{u}, v   n, makes the contribution αu∨ (αu ) v to mu given that (u , v  − 1) < (u, v) < (u , v  ). In the present periodic case, one has (u, v) = u + (v − 1) , so this last equation simplifies to u + (v  − 2) < u + (v − 1) < u + (v  − 1) .


Yet 0  |u − u | < . Thus if u < u , one has u − < u, so the contribution to mvu is made exactly when v = v  , whilst if u > u , one has u − < u , so the contribution αu∨ (αu ) to mvu is made exactly when v = v  − 1.  Again by (4), the face Fuv makes the contribution of 1 to mvu given that either v = v  or v = v  − 1. We conclude that the overall contribution duv to the coefficient of mvu : v  n    coming from the driving trail F z := u ∈I,v  n auv Fuv (where we note that aun = 0 if  u  s) of type u corresponding to z is just αu∨ (αu )

duv = auv + auv+1 +

u−1  u =1

αu∨ (αu )auv+1 + 

αu∨ (αu )auv ,


u =u+1

using the convention that aun = 0, if  u  s.

4.4 The Crystal B(t ) as a Subcrystal of B(∞) We may consider the crystal B(t ) of the highest weight module V (t ) as a subcrystal of B(∞). This means that the crystal graph of B(t ) is a subgraph of the crystal graph of B(∞). However, the embedding B(t ) → B(∞) is not a strict in the sense of Kashiwara [15, Sect. 1]. Indeed, the latter would mean that the crystal graph of B(t ) is the connected component of the crystal graph of B(∞) containing b∞ . In order to obtain this latter property, we may proceed as in [6, 2.5.9] by introducing the crystal S(t ) having just one element st of weight t satisfying ϕi (st ) = 0, for all i ∈ I . Then, indeed [6, Lemma 2.5.9], B(t ) is a strict subcrystal of B(∞) ⊗ S(t ). In this, there is a very slight difference in computing the action of the Kashiwara operators f˜i : i ∈ I . Explicitly for all b ∈ B(∞), one has f˜i (b ⊗ st ) = b ⊗ f˜i st = 0, if and only if ϕi (b)  −αi∨ (t ), which is what is required for a strict embedding (see proof of [6, Lemma 2.5.9]). For example, one has ϕi (b∞ ) = 0, for all i ∈ I and so f˜i (b ⊗ st ) = 0, if and only if i = t.


A. Joseph

Notice that in this presentation of B(t ), we are taking B(∞) to be BJ (∞). In order to indicate this, we shall write the former as BJ (t ), though to avoid heavy notation this J subscript is sometimes dropped.

4.5 The Map θ 

Let F denote the additive semigroup of formal sums of faces Fuv : u ∈ I, v  ∈ N+  with non-negative integer coefficients. Let 1vu be the element of BJ having 1 in the (u , v  ) place and zero elsewhere. Let  denote the additive bijection from F → BJ   defined by (Fuv ) = 1vu . Given b ∈ BJ , let Supp b denote the set of places of its  non-zero entries. By (4), Fuv has support in [(u , v  − 1), (u , v  )], whilst the support   of its image is just {(u , v )} ⊆ [(u , v  − 1), (u , v  )]. Thus if Supp(F) ⊆ [1, k], then Supp((F)) ⊆ [1, k]. Again let L denote the Z module of locally finite additive functions on BJ with 1 values in Z. Then by (4) and the definition of zFt , it follows that F → zF is an additive bijection of F onto L. It is convenient to view the inverse image of b∞ as the trivial trail K∞ . ˆt = Recall (Sect. 4.1.1), the subset Ft of F. It may be identified with Kt . Set K ˆ Kt ∪ {K∞ } and, correspondingly, Ft = Ft ∪ {0}. An interesting open question is to describe (Fˆ t ) as a subset of BJ . The result f depends on the choice of J and the form of the final function zt , which by [11, Lemma 2.6] equals mθ(t) , where θ (t) is the unique value of j ∈ J such that wj αt = −αij . The trivial case is when θ (t) = 1 (which arises when i1 = t) and the most complicated case is when θ (t) = r. For any choice of J , the latter always arises for some (unique) t ∈ I . This is clear for example from the paragraph following [11, Eq. (11)]. Let Fw (t ) denote the Demazure submodule U (b)vwt . In all cases we have examined, one always has |(Fˆ t )|  dim Fwθ(t) (t ) and this inequality is generally strict. One may compute θ when the Coxeter element σ = σ1 σ2 is bipartite; that is, it takes the form given in the first paragraph of Sect. 2.2. Let the roots be labelled so that σ1 = s s −1 · · · sm+1 , σ2 = sm sm−1 · · · s1 . Assume that the Coxeter number c is even. Then, σ c/2 = w0 . One has w0 (αi ) = −ακ(i) , which defines κ as a Dynkin diagram involution. Because c = 2m is even, g is not of type A2k , and then one easily checks that κ(i)  m if and only if i  m. Lemma For all i ∈ I , one has the following: (i) θ (i) = i, if i  m. (ii) θ (i) = (w0 ) − ( − κ(i)), if i > m. Proof (i) is obvious. If i > m, then j := κ(i) > m. Yet w (w0 )−( −j ) = sj sj −1 · · · sm+1 σ2 σ c/2−1 = sj +1 sj +2 · · · s w0 .


Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


On the other hand, sj +1 sj +2 · · · s w0 αi = −sj +1 sj +2 · · · s ακ(i) = −ακ(i) . Remark Thus, θ (i) = r exactly when κ(i) = .

4.6 Corollary of Lemma in Sect. 4.5 We shall need the following consequence of the above lemma. In this, we let Supp w denote the set of simple reflections that occur in some (and hence any) reduced decomposition of w. Corollary Suppose  u > t. (i) If t  m, one has αu∨ (αt ) = 0 for all su ∈ Supp wθ(t) . (ii) If t > m, one has αu∨ (αt ) = 0 for all u > t.


Proof (i) (resp. (ii)) follows from (i) (resp. (ii)) of Lemma in Sect. 4.5. Remark and Definition The result of this corollary is needed in Proposition in Sect. 4.9. It seems unlikely that it holds for an arbitrary Coxeter element. We say J is periodic (resp. bipartite) if w0 is given by the power of a Coxeter (resp. bipartite Coxeter) element.

4.7 A Comparison Lemma We may consider the “string” of crystal elements bi := f˜ui (b ⊗ st ) ∈ BJ (t ), with i = 0, 1, . . . , m, where m is the largest integer for which this expression does not vanish. Since BJ (t ) is lower normal, one has m = ϕu (b ⊗ t ) and this equals ϕu (b) + δu,t , where δ is the Kronecker delta. Our present goal is to show that {bi }m i=1 is the image under  of the Z-skin of the S-set defined by cz , and specifically that m=


ciz ,



when J is bipartite. Towards this aim, we first prove the following comparison lemma. Take (u, v)  k and set d˜uv = (ruv − ruv+1 )(b). Here, we shall be calculating the latter using (1) that is to say using the Kashiwara functions in which roots and coroots are not interchanged. j −1

Lemma Assume that J is periodic. Fix a driving trail F z ∈ Kt (F z ) ⊗ st ∈ BJ (t ). Then,

and assume that


A. Joseph

duv = d˜uv ,

∀(u, v)  j − 1.


Proof By the linearity of the Kashiwara functions, it is enough to add the   contributions coming from each face. The contribution from (Fuv ) = 1vu to ruv ,  that is to say ruv (1vu ), is given by (1). When u = u, its value is 2 (resp. 1, 0) when    v  > v (resp. v  = v, v  < v). Thus, (ruv − ruv+1 )( v  n auv 1vu ) is just auv + auv+1 , using the same convention as in 4.3. This is the sum of the first two terms of (11).  The contribution from 1vu to ruv when u = u is αu∨ (αu ) (resp. 0) when (u , v  ) > (u, v) (resp. (u , v  ) < (u, v)). For our particular reduced decomposition, one has (u, v) = u + (v − 1) , and so (u , v  ) > (u, v) ifand only if u < u, v  > v or   u > u, v   v. Thus, the contribution d˜uv from u ∈I \{u}v  n auv 1vu , to ruv − ruv+1   is just u u αu∨ (αu )auv , using the same convention as in 4.3.  These are the same sums as in (11). Combined with the first part and recalling the definition of b, this proves the lemma. Remark The conclusion of the lemma may be expressed as follows. The contribuv  +1

tion of the face function zFu = ruv − ruv +1 to the coefficient of mvu is the same as   the contribution of its image in BJ , namely (Fuv +1 ) = 1vu +1 to the coefficient of ruv − ruv+1 . The former determines the coefficient set of a driving sum F z and hence the S-set it defines, whilst the latter determines in which place of (F z ) ∈ BJ , an element f˜s : s ∈ I enters. This coincidence is special to periodic decompositions.

4.8 The Importance of Periodicity: An Example The above lemma is of itself not quite sufficient to obtain (12). In this section, we just note that the lemma fails if the decomposition is not periodic as might be expected from Remark in Sect. 4.7. This is shown in the following example. Take g of type A3 and adopt the Bourbaki labelling. Consider the reduced decomposition of the longest element given in shorthand notation by 123212, in which i denotes si . It is not a periodic decomposition. The initial driving face associated to 3 is just F31 . It is a driving face of type 2. The contribution of F31 j j makes to the coefficient d2 of m2 is (0, −1, −1), for j = 3, 2, 1, respectively. The 3 1 S-set it defines is {F3 , F2 + F31 , F22 + F23 + F31 }. Then, Z3 consists of this set together with F12 +F22 +F23 +F31 . Their images in BJ (∞) under  are, respectively, (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0).

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


On the other hand, the contribution of (F31 ), which is 1 in the (3, 1) place, to j j r2 equals (0, 0, −1, −1) for j = 4, 3, 2, 1, respectively, and so the contribution d˜2 j j +1 to r2 − r2 is (0, −1, 0), for j = 3, 2, 1, respectively. In particular, d21 = d˜21 . Then, the crystal rules for B(∞) give the elements f˜3 b∞ = (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), f˜2 f˜3 b∞ = (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), which so far correspond to the above sums of faces; but then f˜22 f˜3 b∞ = (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), which corresponds to the face sum F21 + F23 + F31 , which differs from the third element of the S-set in the paragraph above. Worse still this element has zero image in B(3 ) because ϕ2 (f˜22 f˜3 b∞ ) = 0 = α2∨ (3 ). Again dim V (3 ) = 4, whilst the number of dual Kashiwara functions (including the zero function) is 5. Notice also that f˜1 f˜2 f˜3 b∞ = (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), which is not the image of an element of Ft . Further examples indicate that Lemma in Sect. 4.7 practically always fails if J is not periodic.

4.9 The Image of Z-Skin of an S-Set in the Periodic Case Recall that a driving function z with support in [1, k] determines a coefficient set cz , or simply c, and that we adjoin the functions in the S-set Z(c). Here and in the next section, we establish (12). In general, an S-set Z(c) has the structure of a hypercube that is in general more complicated than that of an sl(2)-string. Rather the latter should correspond to the Z-skin of the pointed chain of Z(c). Set cj = ni=j ci . Proposition Assume J periodic. Then, the Z-skin of the S-set Z(c) maps under  1 to {f˜ui b = bi }ci=1 . Moreover, if αu∨ (αt ) = 0 given u > t, then (12) holds. Proof Fix a driving sum F of type u. Let cz = {ci : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} be the coefficient set defined by the corresponding driving function z = zF (of type u). Recall that cn = 0, by Joseph [9, Lemma 5.3.4(ii)]. Augment this set by taking cj = 0 : j > n. By definition, the pointed chain consists of the set of formal sums  {F + ni=j ci Fui+1 }n+1 j =1 . On the other hand by definition, the coefficient of miu is −ci , for all i ∈ N+ . Set b = (Fu ). By Lemma in Sect. 4.7, one has rui (b) − rui+1 (b) = −ci , for all i ∈ N+ , so the rui are increasing i. On the other hand, rur+1 = 0. Thus, rui (b)  0, for all i ∈ [1, r + 1], and then by definition, εu (b) = 0. On the other hand, the only face in F of the form Fs1 : s ∈ I is Ft1 . Thus, (Ft1 ) has entry 1 in the (t, 1)th place and zeros elsewhere. Since the reduced decomposition is periodic, we also have (s, k + 1) > , for all k ∈ N+ . Thus for the first places of b = (Fu ) counting from the right are all zero except (t, 1), which has entry 1. We conclude that


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⎧ if u < t, ⎨ −αu∨ (wt b), 1 ∨ ∨ ru (b) := 1 − αu (wt b + αt ) = −1 − αu (wt b) if u = t, ⎩ if u > t. −αu∨ (wt b + αt )  −αu∨ (wt b)


 Consequently, ϕu (b) + αu∨ (t ) = αu∨ (wt b + t )  −ru1 (b) = ni=1 ci = c1 . We conclude that the fui (b ⊗ st ) = 0, for all i = 1, 2, . . . , c1 . More precisely, i fu (b ⊗ st ) = 0 if and only if 0  i  ni=1 ci + du,t , where , du,t =

−αu∨ (αt ), if u > t, 0 if u  t.


On the other hand, since rui (b) − rui+1 (b) = −ci  0, for all i ∈ N+ , it follows from the crystal rules [6, 2.3.2] that the first cn powers of f˜u enter b at the (n + 1)th place, then the next cn−1 powers of f˜u enter b at the nth place and so on. Thus, the j set {f˜uc (b ⊗ st )}1j =n+1 contains the image of the pointed chain. More precisely, 1 j the set of crystal elements {bj = f˜u (b ⊗ st )}c is the image of the Z-skin of j =0

Z(c), as required. Finally under the hypothesis of the last part, c1 = m, hence (12).

4.10 Corollary of Proposition in Sect. 4.9 Retain the notation and hypotheses of Sect. 4.7 in particular that b := (F z ) satisfies b ⊗ st ∈ BJ (t ). Corollary If J is bipartite, then (12) holds.


Proof This follows from Proposition in Sect. 4.9 and Corollary in Sect. 4.6, noting that we need never go beyond the final function. Remark Suppose that the Coxeter element is chosen as in Sect. 2.2. Then, if t  m, f one has zt = m1t and Zt is reduced to this one element.

4.11 Concluding Remarks In Remark 2 of Sect. 4.1.4, we noted that if the coefficient set c has more than one connected component of non-zero elements, then there are additional trails coming from the remaining part of the extended Z-skins (as defined in Remark 2 of Sect. 4.1.4). A priori it is not obvious that these lie in −1 (BJ (t )). For this, we will need to apply the induction hypothesis (described in Sect. 6.4 below), the point being that these trails and hence crystal elements appear at a previous induction step.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


It leads to a fundamental difficulty (see Sect. 6.12) that would appear to exclude a simple proof of our main theorem.

5 Demazure Crystals In this section, we assume J fixed, though not necessarily of bipartite type or even periodic, and omit the J subscript. j We need to describe the subset of BJ obtained as (Ft ). The natural choice is the Demazure “subcrystal” of BJ (t ) defined below.

5.1 Demazure Modules Let λ be a dominant weight. As is well-known, there is a simple U (g) module V (λ) with highest weight λ. Its multi-set of weights is stable under W . Consequently, for all w ∈ W , there is a unique up to scalars vector vwλ ∈ V (λ) of weight w ∈ W . The U (b) module Fw (λ) := U (b)vwλ is called the Demazure module associated to the pair (w, λ). Take any reduced decomposition sij · · · si1 of w and set Fw =

0 nj ∈N,∀j


fij j · · · fin1 1 ,


a notation justified by the fact that the right hand side is independent of choice of reduced decomposition. This last assertion was proven by Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand who showed that Fw vλ = Fw (λ),


for all dominant weights λ—see [5, Cor. 4.4.6]. One may remark that we used (17) in [9, 4.2] to establish a matching property for adjoining faces to trails ([9, Remark 4.2]).

5.2 The Crystal Analogue The above results have a crystal analogue due to Kashiwara in the symmetrizable case and extended in [4] to the general Kac–Moody case using the Littelmann path model. Here, we shall use [4] as a convenient reference.


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For all w ∈ W , define F˜ w by replacing fi by f˜i , in (16), viewed as maps of B(∞). The notation is justified by the fact [4, 2.10] that the resulting set is independent of the choice of reduced decomposition viewed as maps of B(∞) but not for an arbitrary crystal. Set Bw (λ) := F˜ w bλ , which is what we call a Demazure subcrystal ˜ λ , though it is only nearly a subcrystal as made precise by the lemma of B(λ) := Fb below. Here, we view bλ as b∞ ⊗ sλ . Fix J as in Sect. 3.1. Then, wj : j ∈ J , as defined in Sect. 3.1, also comes with a reduced decomposition. The following is an immediate consequence of the insertion rules for the Kashiwara operators e˜, f˜i : i ∈ I . Lemma With either λ a dominant weight or ∞, one has the following: (i) (ii) (iii)

Bwj (λ) = {b ∈ B(λ)| Supp b ∈ [1, j ]}. e˜i Bwj (λ) ⊆ Bwj (λ), for all i ∈ I . f˜i Bwj (λ) ⊆ Bwj (λ), if and only if si wj < wj (in the Bruhat order).


5.3 The Demazure Property A significant fact for our purposes is the “Demazure property” also due to Kashiwara (in the symmetrizable case). Corollary Suppose b ∈ Bw (λ) satisfies f˜i b ∈ Bw (λ), then f˜in b ∈ Bw (λ), for all n ∈ N.   Proof By Lemma in Sect. 5.2 (iii) and independence of reduced decomposition, we can assume w = wj and i = ij +1 . If f˜i enters at the (j + 1)th place (that is j +1 / Bw (λ). Hence, it must enter increasing the value of mi from 0 to 1), then f˜i b ∈ at an earlier place (that is at the kth place for k < j ), then by the crystal rules in Sect. 3.3, further factors of f˜i must enter at earlier places. Hence, the assertion. Remark This was first proven by Kashiwara (see, for example, [5, 6.3.3]) by a more complicated argument using the almost commutativity of the dual operators. For these, we found in this work another use.

5.4 A Question Coming from Trails Assume that J is bipartite. Take w = wj and i = s := ij +1 in Sect. 5.3. New trails are obtained from the S-set of a driving function z of type s. Set b := (z), which lies in BJ . Here by an induction argument (which will become explicit in Sect. 6.4), we can assume that b ∈ Bwj (t ).

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


The property that the coefficients of mks : k ∈ N+ are all non-positive translates to b := (z) ∈ Bwj (t ) having the property that the rsk (b) decrease as k decreases. As a consequence, e˜s b = 0. Unfortunately, the converse is false since e˜s b = 0 only requires that rsk (b)  0, for all k ∈ N+ . On the other hand, we only need to consider the new elements (that is to say not lying in Bwj (t )) obtained by the action of f˜s on b. Compatibility with what we expect from trails then leads to the question. (Q). For all s, t ∈ I, w ∈ W, b ∈ Bw (t ), one has f˜s b ∈ / Bw (t ) only if the rsk (b) decrease as k decreases. Remark Notice that by Corollary in Sect. 5.3, the hypothesis implies that e˜s b = 0. We prove in Sect. 6.10 that Q holds for classical type given a periodic decomposition of w0 of Coxeter type. Yet computer computations of Zelikson show that it fails in type F4 . This indicates a distinction between the action of the Kashiwara operators and the adjunction of faces following S-sets. A further distinction is that an S-set is generally larger than the Z convex hull of its pointed chain. These distinctions do not necessarily mean that the conclusion of our main theorem should fail in exceptional type—see Sect. 4.11. Indeed in type F4 , its conclusion still holds, via computer calculations of Zelikson.

6 Main Theorem 6.1 An Upper Bound on Coefficients Let J be a reduced sequence but not necessarily periodic. Let zK be a dual Kashiwara function given by a trail K ∈ KBZ t . Let Mt be the largest value that the coefficient of αt can take in a real root for g. Lemma The coefficient dsk of mks in zK : K ∈ KBZ satisfies the bound |dsk |  Mt .  t Proof By (3), the coefficient of mj in zK is 12 αi∨j (γjK + γjK+1 ). Here, we recall that γjK , γjK+1 are weights of V (−t ) and that we should interchange roots and coroots. Thus, we are reduced to computing bounds on αs (γ ) with γ a weight of V (−t∨ ). Suppose that γ is an extremal weight, thus of the form −wt∨ . In this case, we must compute bounds on −w −1 αs (t∨ ). This is just the coefficient of αt in the real root −w −1 αs . Hence, the assertion in this case. For the general case, it suffices to recall a result of Kac [13, Prop. 12.5 b)], which asserts that every weight of an integrable highest (or lowest) weight module is a convex linear combination of extremal weights. Remark 1 This result can be interpreted and also proved by noting that the length of an αs -string in V (−t∨ ) (or indeed in V (t )) is bounded by Mt . In particular, in (5), we necessarily have ki  Mt , for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n.


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Remark 2 It is of interest to describe the extremal elements of BJ (λ), particularly when λ = t . This is generally be much more than the extremal vectors bwλ : w ∈ W . For example, if λ = 2 in type C3 with J as in Table 1, then the only crystal elements not of the form bwλ : w ∈ W are those of zero weight. Moreover, there are just two, designated by 7 and f in Table 1. Yet 7 is extremal (in BJ (λ)), whereas the false trail f is not. Remark 3 In [17], the authors show that B(∞) is polyhedral under a positivity assumption. This often fails seemingly related to the S-graphs not all being reduced to their pointed chain, contrary to the present case when J is bipartite and g is classical. For a particular choice of J being bipartite, Nakashima and Zelevinsky [17] showed that their positivity hypothesis holds in type A. We have so far been unable to show this holds even for the remaining classical Lie algebras. Remark 4 Under the positivity assumption, Nakashima [16] described the extremal elements bwλ : w ∈ W though a system of linear equations using the functionals described in his work with Zelevinsky [17].

6.2 Corollary of Lemma in Sect. 6.1 Retain the notation of Sect. 6.1. Suppose that zK : K ∈ KBZ is a driving function of t type s. By the above result, its coefficient set c = {ci }ni=1 satisfies ci  Mt , for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n. However, we will obtain a much stronger assertion in the bipartite case based on the following result. Corollary Suppose that J is bipartite. Let z ∈ Zt be  a driving function and c its coefficient set. Then if b := (zK ) ∈ BJ (t ), one has ni=1 ci  Mt . n


Proof By Sect. 4.9, one has fs i=1 i b = 0. Then, the assertion follows by Remark 1 of Lemma in Sect. 6.1 concerning the length of αs -strings. Remark This conclusion fails in the non-periodic case. Indeed already it fails for the example given in Sect. 4.8 in type A3 .

6.3 The Statement of the Main Theorem The conclusion of Sect. 6.2 gives little choice for a coefficient set in classical type. Thus, either the coefficient set is reduced to one non-zero element that may be either 1 or 2, or it admits two elements equal to 1 separated by a (possibly empty) string of zeros. This result does not seem to be of much use if we just concentrate on crystals and ignore trails. Simply (and surprisingly), we do not know enough about BJ (t ) even when J is periodic nor if the latter has special properties because t is fundamental.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


However, doing a little extra work on the theory of trails developed in [9] to take account of the presence of false trails, the following theorem results. In this, we recall the definition of r given in Sect. 3.1 and of θ given in Sect. 4.5. Theorem Let g be a simple Lie algebra and J of bipartite type. Suppose θ (t) = r. Then, for all t ∈ I such that the coefficient Mt of αt in the highest root is  2, one has εt' (b) =


F ∈−1 (BJ (t ))

zF (b).


More precisely, the set of Zt of dual Kashiwara functions associated to t ∈ I can be taken to be {zF }F ∈−1 (BJ (t )) , that is to say is given by the crystal BJ (t ).   Of course, the hypothesis is satisfied for all t ∈ I for g of classical type. The proof of this result is given in the subsections below. When θ (t) = r and t > m, the same analysis will show that Zt may be replaced by a slightly smaller but easily computable subset of −1 (BJ (t )). On the other hand by Corollary in Sect. 4.6(i), it follows that Zt is reduced to the initial driving function zt1 if t  m. Remark Zelikson conjectured that the theorem holds for all g simple.

6.4 The Induction Recall the notation of Sect. 4.1.2 and assume the hypotheses of the theorem in particular that J is of bipartite type. To avoid heavy notation, we take J to be fixed and drop the J subscript on B(t ). Our aim is to prove by induction on j ∈ N: j

Proposition K → (K) is a bijection of  of Kt onto Bwj (t ), satisfying the following: (i). If K + Fsu ∈ Kt for some (s, u) ∈ I × N+ , then wt (K + Fsu ) = −αs + wt (K). j (ii). Suppose K ∈ Kt and s ∈ I . If αs∨ (wt (K)) is strictly positive (resp. j negative), then there exists an integer u > 1 such that K + Fsu ∈ Kt (resp. j K − Fsu ∈ Kt ) and f˜s (K) = (K + Fsu ) (resp. e˜s (K) = (K − Fsu )). j

Remark 1 Continue to assume that J is bipartite. One could hope to show that the proposition holds without restriction on Lie algebra type. Of course for classical Lie algebras, we have the simplifying feature that αs∨ (wt (K)) ∈ {−2, −1, 0, 1, 2}. Remark 2 If αs∨ (wt (K)) = 0, it can happen that e˜s (K) = 0 (resp. f˜s (K) = 0), whilst K − Fsu (resp. K + Fsu ) is a trail for some u ∈ N+ . Moreover, it can also happen that K1 + Fsu1 , K2 + Fsu2 coincide as trails even if K1 , K2 are distinct trails (and necessarily u1 = u2 ). An example obtains from Fig. 1. Take K1 to be the trail


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designated by 7 and K2 to be the false trail. Then, K1 + Fsu1 = K2 + Fsu2 is the trail designated by 8. To obtain an example of not using a false trail, one must go to rank 4. This phenomenon is not reproduced in crystals, yet it should be related to the manner in which the es , fs act on the corresponding global bases—see [15, 3.1]. Indeed the cited result shows that the global basis is not necessarily compatible with decomposition into simple sl(2) defined by a given s ∈ I , except up to filtration by dimension (see also Remark 2 of Sect. 6.5). We make a few preliminary steps towards the proof below. j First, if j < (t, 1), then Kt is reduced to K∞ by Lemma in Sect. 3.6(i), whilst Bwj (t ) is reduced to b∞ . Then, the assertion holds by definition (Sect. 4.5). (t,1)

= {Ft1 }, by Lemma in Sect. 3.6. Moreover, Now take j = (t, 1). Then, Kt 1 1 (Ft ) = 1t . Yet as noted in Sect. 4.4, one has ft (b∞ ⊗ st ) = ft (b∞ ) ⊗ st , whilst ft (b∞ ) = 11t , by Sect. 3.3. Thus, the  is a bijection for j = (t, 1). j −1 Assume that  is a bijection of Kt onto Bwj −1 (t ). Set s = ij . Then, we can write j = (s, n) for some n ∈ N+ . Define Ts (e) as in Sect. 3.8.2 and define the n-tuple c with respect to the -minimal element j −1 ∼ L := K min of Ts (e). Since → Bwj −1 (t ) ⊆ B(t ), it follows by  L ∈ Kt Corollary in Sect. 6.2 that  i∈[1,n−1] ci  Mt  2. Notice we can assume i∈[1,n−1] ci > 0. Otherwise, the S-set to be adjoined is trivial, and on the other hand, f˜s (L) = 0.

6.5 False Trails Revisited Retain the above hypotheses and notation. Recall Sect. 4.1.3. Let K ∈ Ts (e) be defined by the n-tuple k. Let L be the unique -minimal trail in Ts (e). Then, we can  write K = L + ni=1 ci Fsi+1 , for some ci ∈ Z and where ci = k (i) − (i) , as noted in [9, 5.4]. Then by Joseph [9, 7.6], a trail in Ts (e) is false unless ˆ ci  ci  0, ∀i ∈ N,


together with a more complicated condition [9, (38)], which if the ci : i ∈ N are increasing just says that the ci are increasing. The latter is all that we need here. (An example of a more complicated condition obtained when the ci are not increasing is given in the caption to Fig. 2.) Now let Ts− (e) denote the subset of trails in Ts (e) that trivialize at wj −1 . In  the above notation, these are exactly the trails for which cn−1 = 0, in particular − L ∈ Ts (e). In [9, Sect. 7], we showed that if there are no false trails in Ts− (e), then there are no false trails in Ts (e) and that the latter set is determined by adjoining the Z convex hull KZ (c) of the S-set defined by c. Unfortunately, this does not quite give an inductive argument for determining all trails because the definition of a false trail depends on s ∈ I defined to be ij at the j th induction step.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


Worse than this, we show here (see Fig. 1) that the second condition on the ci : i ∈ [1, n − 1] given above can fail. On the other hand, we still believe that (19) will always hold. Notice it means that L (resp. L+ i∈[1,n−1] ci Fsi+1 ) is then the unique minimal (resp. maximal) element of Ts (e) with respect to the partial order defined by adjoining faces. Recall Sect. 4.1.3, the notion of the Z-skin of an S-set. Lemma Let c be the coefficient set of the unique -minimal trail L of Ts (e). Let K ∈ Ts (e) belong to the Z-skin of the S-set defined by c. Then for all j  1, j +1 K + Fs is not a trail if cj = 0.   Proof Let k be the n-tuple defined by K. The assertion follows from Lemma in Sect. 4.1.3(i) if ki < i , for all i < j . We shall reduce to this case by successively removing appropriate multiples of the faces Fs2 , Fs3 , . . . , Fsi in that order. The argument is essentially a reversal of the proof of (iii) of Lemma in Sect. 4.1.3. We can assume i < j minimal such that ki > i . Then by definition of the Zskin, one has ki+1 = i+1 + ci+1 − c, ki = i + c, for some c ∈ [1, ci ]. By (i) of Lemma in Sect. 4.1.3, ki cannot be increased to be strictly greater than i + ci , whilst by choice of i and minimality, it cannot be decreased to be strictly less than i . On the other hand, ki+1 + ki − ai+1 = i+1 + i − ai+1 + ci+1 = ci . Thus by Joseph [9, Lemma 5.2], we can move ki − i = c copies of es to the left through e−ai . This replaces ki by i and increases ki+1 by c to i+1 + ci+1 . Repeating this process eventually achieves the required reduction. Remark 1 This proves a weak version of the upper bound in (19). Proving the upper bound was already very difficult, even given that there are no false trails in Ts− (e)— see [9, Sect. 7]. Remark 2 Decompose c into connected components so that in every component the entries are all non-zero. Then by Joseph [9, 5.8.1], the S-set (say of type s) defined by c may be viewed as a union of the S-sets defined by the connected components of c. It is easy to see that the conclusion of the lemma applies when K belongs to the union of the corresponding Z-skins. This can be larger than the Z-skin of the S-set itself. We call it the complete Z-skin of S. In this, the only case that will concern us here is when the non-zero values of ci are separated by a non-empty string of zeros, for example, if n = 4 and c3 = c1 = 1, c2 = 0. Then, the S-set consists of its Z-skin, forming a 3 element string in BJ (t ) and a singleton string {b} defined by c3 = 0, c1 = 1. The S-set defined by these parameters is given in Fig. 3. Examples occur for J periodic if g has rank  4 and is not of type A. On the other hand by Kashiwara [15, 3.1], the global basis elements corresponding to the 3 element string span a simple three dimensional submodule V of V (−t ); but the remaining global basis element G(b) need not form the trivial module and indeed es G(b), fs G(b) can be non-zero elements of V . One would like to relate these phenomena.


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Remark 3 We prove in Sects. 6.6–6.9 under the hypothesis of Theorem in Sect. 6.3 that both bounds in (19) hold. Moreover, all possible solutions to (19) occur. The latter is special to periodic reduced sequences.

6.6 Adjoining Faces to Trails Retain the hypotheses and notation of Sect. 6.4. Further adopt the hypothesis of Theorem in Sect. 6.3, namely that the coefficient Mt of αt in the highest root  2. j −1 By the induction hypothesis, we can assume that (Ft ) ⊆ Bwj −1 (t ) ⊆ B(t ) and so by Corollary in Sect. 6.2 that i∈[1,n−1] ci  2. 6.6.1

One Non-zero Value

Suppose that cu−1 = 0 for just one value of u ∈ [2, n]. Then, in the notation of Sect. 4.1.4, we view L := K min to be given by the subsequence of l := ( u , u−1 ) corresponding to the vector v l := e n e−an · · · e u e−au e u−1 v−du−1 . By Lemma in Sect. 4.1.4, we may adjoin up to m  cu−1 copies of the face Fsu to K min . This moves m copies of e to the right through e−au giving the vector v k := e n e−an · · · e u −m e−am e u−1 +m v−dm−1 . The latter may be viewed as being given by the subsequence k := ( u − m, u−1 + m). All these new trails belong to the Z-skin, and so no further faces Fsv can be adjoined for v  u − 1 by minimality or for v  u + 1 by Lemma in Sect. 6.5.


Two Consecutive Non-zero Values

Suppose that the cj take non-zero values for two successive values of j ∈ [1, n − 1]. Thus, we can write cu−1 = cu−2 = 1, for some u ∈ [3, n], with all other coefficients zero. In this case, we view K min to be given by the subsequence l := ( u , u−1 , u−2 ) corresponding to the vector v l := e n e−an · · · e u e−au e u−1 eau−1 e u−2 v−du−2 . By Lemma in Sect. 4.1.4, the Z-skin of the corresponding S-set defines new trails. As in Sect. 6.6.1 to any element of this Z-skin, no faces Fsv can be adjoined for v  u − 2 by minimality or for v  u + 1 by Lemma in Sect. 6.5. Yet we cannot exclude adjoining the face Fsu−1 to L, though by Lemma in Sect. 4.1.4, only one copy of Fsu−1 may be adjoined. This trail K is defined by  = the subsequence k := ( u , u−1 − 1, u−2 + 1). It is a false trail because cu−1  − 0, cu−2 = 1, which are not increasing. It lies in Ts (e) and so must arise from a previous induction step. No further faces Fsv can be adjoined to K = L + Fsu−1 for v  u − 2 by minimality, but we cannot immediately deduce the same for v  u + 1 using Lemma in Sect. 6.5.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


This will be proved below assuming that the second inequality in (19) holds. Notice we only need to assume it holds for Ts− (e), for then it holds for Ts (e) by Joseph [9, 7.4]. We want to show that a face Fsv for n  v  u + 1 cannot be adjoined to the false trail L := L + Fsu−1 , which we had been unable to do by applying Lemma in Sect. 6.5. Of course this is only of interest if u < n. Suppose otherwise, that is to say K := L + Fsv is a trail and deduce a contradiction. By the second inequality in (19) that we are assuming to hold, we cannot remove the face Fsv−1 from K. This means that in K we cannot move a factor of e to the left through e−av−1 . Now in the n-tuple k defined by K, we have kv−1 = v−1 + 1 and , kv−2 =

if v > u + 1, v−2 , v−2 − 1, if v = u + 1.

Now recalling that cu−1 = cu−2 = 1 and that all other coefficients vanish, we have , 0, if v > u + 1, av−1 − v−1 − v−2 = cv−1 − cv−2 = −1, if v = u + 1. Since v  u + 1, we obtain in all cases that kv−1 + kv−2 − av−1 = 1. It follows from [9, Remark 2 of Lemma 5.2] that we can move eq , for some q  1, to the right through e−av−1 . (We shall henceforth consider just the case q = 1 since the general case follows a fortiori by the same reasoning but is just more messy to write down. We may also appeal to Remark 1 of Sect. 6.1 that forces q  1). Thus, we obtain the trail K +Fsv−1 = L +Fsv +Fsv−1 . Repeating this procedure, we obtain the trail K  = L +Fsv +Fsv−1 +· · ·+Fsu = L+Fsv +Fsv−1 +· · ·+Fsu−1 . In the n-tuple    = : w < u − 2. k defined by K  , we have ku−1 = u−1 , ku−2 = u−2 + 1, kw w Since cu−2 = 1, it follows by Lemma in Sect. 4.1.3(i) and the minimality of l that we  cannot increase ku−2 , or decrease it by > 1. On the other hand, au−1 − u−1 − u−2 =   cu−1 −cu−2 = 0 and so ku−1 +ku−2 −au−1 = 1. Thus, we can move a copy of e to the left through e−au−1 to obtain the trail K  := K  −Fsu−1 = L+Fsv +Fsv−1 +· · ·+Fsu .   = : w  u − 2. Yet k  In this, ku = u , ku−1 = u−1 + 1, kw w u−1 cannot be increased by Lemma in Sect. 4.1.3 and cannot be decreased by > 1 by the  = au − u − ( u−1 + 1) = minimality of L. On the other hand, au − ku − ku−1 cu − cu−1 − 1 = −2. Together, these contradict the conclusion of [9, Lemma 5.2]. In particular, K  cannot be a trail. If v = u + 1, this also follows from Lemma in Sect. 6.5 and in general is a slight addendum to this lemma.


A. Joseph

Remark The case v = n is of particular interest being the only case for which we need [9, 7.4]. Indeed in all other cases, L + Fsv ∈ Ts− (e). Below we give a second proof. When v = n, the vector corresponding to the supposed trail K := L + Fsv is a highest weight vector of Ms (e). On the other hand, as noted in [9, 5.3.4] the trails, L, and the false trail L , correspond to lowest weight vectors when n is reduced to  0, for which we denoted the corresponding n-tuples by l and l. Then, we can verify that it vanishes by sl(2) theory, that is to say by applying [9, Lemma 3.2]. Recall that n = v > u. Let k (resp. l, l ) be the n-tuple corresponding to K (resp. L,L ). All the entries for i < n of k (resp. l ) coincide with those of l except kn−1 = n−1 +1, ku−1 = u−1 = u−1 −1, ku−2 = u−2 = u−2 +1. This excludes f v k being a multiple of v l , whilst it is multiple of v l times the right hand side of [9, (7)]. In this, only bn−1 is non-zero and indeed equals 1. Then there is only one non-positive factor in [9, Eq. (7)], and this equals a (n−1) + 1 − 1 − k (n−2) − (n−1) = a (n−1) − (n−2) − (n−1) = cn−1 = 0. Thus, v k = 0, and so K is not a trail, as required. (Had this factor been positive, we would have obtained a contradiction with our previous result!)


General Case

Finally suppose that c has two non-consecutive occurrences of 1. By our assumption in Sect. 6.6, we can suppose cu−1 = cv−1 = 1 for some u, v ∈ [2, n], with u  v+2. Following Remark 2 of Sect. 6.5, decompose c into its (two) connected components. Then by Lemma in Sect. 4.1.3, the union of the Z-skins of the corresponding S-set defines trails. Moreover by Lemma in Sect. 6.5, no other trials can be obtained from L by adjoining faces. Note we obtain no false trails in this case, and this is why the difficulty we met in Sect. 6.6.2 is absent. Remark Eventually, we show that Sects. 6.6.1–6.6.3 describe all the trails in Ts (e).


A Corollary of Sects. 6.6.1–6.6.3 j −1

Take K ∈ Kt . We can suppose that Sects. 6.6.1–6.6.3 describe all the trails at  this previous induction step with s replaced by s  := ij −1 . Let c(K)us  , for (s  , u ) ∈  I × N+ denote the coefficient of mus  in zK . Inspection of coefficients of mj : j ∈ J in the trail functions gives the ∞ u  Corollary   u =1 |c(K)s  |  2, for all s ∈ I . Remark Again by inspection of coefficients in Sects. 6.6.1–6.6.3, we may observe j −1 that the unique minimal trail L in some Ts  (e ) ⊆ Kt is characterized by all the   coefficients of zL in mns  : n ∈ N+ being non-positive. In general, this is of course

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


a necessary condition but is not sufficient—see [10, 5.2] for an example in type D5 with J non-periodic. This example was obtained by Zelikson using a computer.


Comparison with Crystals

Assume that the second bound in (19) holds at the j th step. We show as a consequence that Proposition in Sect. 6.4 extends from the (j − 1)th to the j th induction step. Indeed under this assumption all the new trails, that is to say those in Ts (e) \ Ts− (e), belong to the Z-skin of the corresponding S-set and so by Lemma in Sect. 4.10, lie in BJ (t ).    Finally, set rsu = rsu − rsu +1 . Then, the hypothesis of Question Q, namely that   f˜s b ∈ / Bw (t ), implies u ∈N+ rsu < 0. Yet as noted in Sect. 6.4, it follows that  ci  2. Consequently, the only element in the S-set not satisfying this condition is the driving function itself. Thus, the only new crystal elements are obtained by applying f˜s to the image of the driving function, and these in turn belong to the image of the Z-skin, by Corollary in Sect. 4.10. Comparison of the new trails with the new crystal elements (i) and (ii) of Proposition in Sect. 6.4 results for K ∈ Ts (e) \ Ts− (e). Remark Let us explain why Proposition in Sect. 6.4 does not quite lift to an isomorphism as warned in Remark 2 of Sect. 6.4. This is because Ts− (e) need not be reduced to the unique -minimal trail. Indeed, it also consists of the false trail L described in Sect. 6.6.2, which need not be present2 and the trail L not obtained from the Z-skin described in Sect. 6.6.3, which is always present. 

Yet from a calculation of rsu on either (L ) or on (L ), we deduce that they are annihilated by e˜s  and by f˜s  .

6.7 The Last Step of the Proof of Theorem in Sect. 6.3 The proof of Theorem in Sect. 6.3 is concluded by showing that the second j inequality in (19) holds for all K ∈ Kt . As before, we set s = ij and prove j −1 the assertion for K ∈ Ts− (e), which lies in K ∈ Kt . Then, it follows for all K ∈ Ts (e) by Joseph [9, 7.4]. However, the first assertion does not follow by the induction hypothesis because that only gives it to hold for s  = ij −1 . Nevertheless, we can assume that Proposition in Sect. 6.4 and Corollary in Sect. 6.6.4 hold with respect at the previous induction step since these hold independent of the choice of s ∈ I . 2 We

have no example for J bipartite when this false trail is not present even in type F4 , as noted by Zelikson. Yet already in the example in Sect. 4.8, this false trail is missing. Go figure!


A. Joseph

Thus in the notation of (19), we want to show that ci  0 for all i ∈ [1, n − 1]. Notice this is more than just showing that a face cannot be removed from one of the trails described in Sect. 6.3. Let L denote the unique -minimal element of Ts (e) that we recall lies in Ts− (e). Define n as in Sect. 3.8.2 and as in (5) choose the n-tuple l so that v l = v−wj t . As a consequence of (9), it follows that K ∈ Ts (e) lies in Ts− (e) if and only if its corresponding n-tuple k satisfies kn = n . Consider a possible trail of the form K =L+


di Fsi : di ∈ Z.


Lemma (i) If dn > 0, then K ∈ / Ts− (e). (ii) If dn < 0, then K is not a trail.


Proof Obviously, kn = n − dn . Thus, (i) results from the observations proceeding the lemma. For (ii), set dn = −dn ∈ N+ . Now if K is a trail 

v k = e n +dn vγ , for some non-zero vector v−γ ∈ V (−t ) of weight −γ . We claim that v := v k is zero. Suppose that v = 0. Then, it lies in the simple module Ms (e) and has the same weight as v l ; hence, it must be proportional to the latter, which in turn is the a nonzero multiple of v−wj t . On the other hand by (9), we have wj t + n αs = wj −1 t . Yet the expression for v means that −γ satisfies γ = dn αs + wj −1 t . Then, (γ , γ ) > (t , t ), contradicting that −γ is a weight of the integrable lowest weight module V (−t ).

6.8 The Case When cn−1 = 0 Suppose the coefficient set is described as in Sects. 6.6.1 or 6.6.2. Then, the assertion that the second inequality in (19) holds when cn−1 = 0 follows by Lemma in Sect. 6.7. The case when the coefficient set is described by Sect. 6.6.3 will be considered in Sect. 6.9.5 to avoid repeating the same construction as given in Sect. 6.9.

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


6.9 Reduction to the Case When cn−1 = 0 Continue to let L denote the unique -minimal element of Ts (e) with coefficient set c. Recall that the coefficient of −mn−1 in zL is cn−1 . s Suppose that cn−1 = 0. This does not quite mean that Ts (e) identifies with the set of trails that trivialize at w(s,n−1) . Indeed, it can happen that there exists j  ∈ J with (s, n − 1) < j  < (s, n) such that the coefficient of mj  in K min is non-zero. Assume j  maximal with this property. Using the notation of Sect. 3.2, we write j  = (s  , n ), with s  ∈ I \ {s}, n ∈ N+ . Recall Sect. 4.1.2 that by our inductive construction of trails given by adjoining faces it follows that mj  is a positive integer and we must be able to remove  mj  copies of the face Fsn from L, up to lower order terms (determined by the corresponding S-set). Then, the resulting trail becomes an element of L ∈ Fs (e ), where e is defined by moving mj  factors of es  to the left from its position at (s  , n − 1) to position (s  , n ). Yet (s  , n −1) < (s, n−1) < (s  , n ), since J is periodic, so this adds a term −mj  αs∨ (αs  ) to the coefficient of mn−1 , with a possible change in the remaining s coefficients of the mis : i ∈ N+ \ {n − 1} on account of the lower order terms. 6.9.1

Orthogonal Simple Roots

Suppose αs∨ (αs  ) = 0. Then, the coefficients of mis : i ∈ [1, n−1] for any K ∈ Ts (e) are unchanged by the above operation and become elements of Ts (e ). Conversely,  the same applies on adjoining faces Fsn : n  n . Thus, Ts (e) having unique -minimal element L identifies with Ts (e ) having unique -minimal element L .


Non-orthogonal Simple Roots

Suppose αs∨ (αs  ) = 0 and so αs∨ (αs ) = 0, by definition of the Cartan matrix. Lemma Suppose L takes the form given in Sect. 6.6.3 or in Sect. 6.6.2 and the false trail L defined there exists. Then, cn−1 = 0.   Proof Suppose cn−1 = 0, so the coefficient set c obtained from L has just non-zero entries cu = 1 : 1  u  n − 2 and cv = 1 : 1  v < u. Then, the trails described in Sect. 6.6.3 or in Sect. 6.6.2 lie in Ts− (e). Yet αs∨ (αs ) = 0. Then, one easily checks through (4) that the bound in Sect. 6.6.4 cannot be satisfied with respect to s  for all of them.



A. Joseph

A Condition for K(d) and K  (d) to be Trails

Suppose the coefficient set c obtained from L is as described in Sect. 6.6.2 and that the false trail L = L + Fsu−1 does not exist. Then, L, L + Fsu , L + Fsu + u−1 are trails. Then, the only new trails we can obtain are K(d) = L + F u + F s s i  u−1 . i>u di Fs : di ∈ Z (with some di strictly negative) and K (d) = K(d) + Fs By Lemma in Sect. 6.7, they lie in Ts− (e) if and only if i < n in the sum. By Joseph [9, Lemma 7.4], we need to only consider this case. Lemma K(d) and K  (d) are trails (if) and only if di =0, for all i ∈ [u+1, n−1].   Proof By Lemma in Sect. 4.1.4(ii) and by reversing its argument as in the proof of Lemma in Sect. 6.5, it follows that K(d) is a trail if and only if K  (d) is a trail. Then one easily checks, as in Sect. 6.9.2, that the bound in Sect. 6.6.4 cannot be satisfied with respect to s  for both K(d), K  (d), whatever (integer) values are given to the di unless they are all zero.


The Case When the Coefficient Set Is Described by Sect. 6.6.1

It remains to consider the case when L takes the form given by Sect. 6.6.1. Take m as given there and recall that m ∈ {1, 2}. Through Lemma in Sect. 6.7, it is enough to consider the case when u  n − 2. By the above reduction, we are reduced to the case αs∨ (αs  ) = 0; moreover, (s  , n ) is the maximal value of j ∈ J such that the coefficient of mj in zL is non-zero (and hence positive). We claim that the coefficient of ms  ,n −1 in zL is zero. Otherwise, we obtain a contradiction with Corollary in Sect. 6.6.4 with respect to the trail K  := L + Fsu ,  since zK has a non-zero coefficient of ms  ,n , and moreover, by periodicity, n =  n − (n − u) < n − 1. Again using Corollary in Sect. 6.6.4, we can even assert that coefficient of ms  ,n in zL is 1. Recalling the penultimate paragraph of Sect. 4.1.2, the above implies that we can  remove one copy of the face Fsn from L, to obtain a new trail. Repeating the above process, we obtain e ∈ Es and a trail L ∈ Ts (e ) for which  the coefficients of mj : j > (s, n − 1) in zL are all zero. Then, the coefficient of   mn−1 in zL must be non-negative and the coefficients of the mis : i < n − 1 in zL s must be the same as those in zL . Of the latter, there is exactly one equal to −m and the rest are zero. Now by Remark in Sect. 6.6.4, it follows that either the coefficient of mn−1 in s  L z is zero (which is necessarily the case if m = 2) and L := L is the unique -minimal trail in Ts (e ) or it is 1 and L := L − Fsn−1 is the unique -minimal trail in Ts (e ).  i Now let K ∈ Ts− (e) be a trail of the form L + n−1 i=u di Fs .  K Now the coefficients of mj  : (s, n − 1) < j < (s, n) in z are the same as those  in zL because the faces Fsv : v  n − 1 only change the values of the mns  , with j

n < n . It follows that we may remove exactly the same faces Fs (with the same

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


multiplicities) from K as from L for (s, n −  1) < j  < (s, n) to obtain an element     i K ∈ Ts (e ). We conclude that K = L + n−1 i=u di Fs .   Yet K , L belong to an earlier induction step, and so the di must all be nonnegative, as required.


The Case When the Coefficient Set Is Described by Sect. 6.6.3

Finally, we consider the case omitted from Sect. 6.8, that is when the coefficient set is described by Sect. 6.6.3. This follows by removing faces, word for word as in Sect. 6.9.4.

6.10 Concluding Remarks This concludes the proof of Theorem in Sect. 6.3, and recalling Sect. 6.6.5 shows that Question Q has a positive answer under its hypothesis. We note that by Remark 2 of Sect. 6.5, individual strings in BJ (t ) do not necessarily form S-sets even for g classical—see also the legend to Fig. 3. This precludes the most obvious shortcut to proving that {zF }(F )∈BJ (t ) is a t-semiinvariant set in the sense of [10, Prop. 5.1]. Define independent variables αˆ j : j ∈ J . They specialize to the simple  roots via ˆ := − j ∈J mj αˆ j . the map αˆ j → αij . For all b = (. . . , m2 , m1 ) ∈ BJ , set wtb  ˆ wtb ˆ J (λ) := This defines an extended character chB , which depends b∈BJ (λ)e on J , but which specializes to the usual character of B(λ) given by the Weyl character formula (as obtained for an arbitrary Kac–Moody algebra by combining  v v [6, 2.4.3,3.1.2,3.1.3]). Similarly for any F = + cu Fu ∈ F, define an u,v∈I ×N  v ˆ extended weight wtF := − u,v∈I ×N+ cu αˆ (u,v) . In that the elements of Kt can ˆ t := be expressed as a sum of faces, and this defines an extended character chK  ˆ wtF . It depends on J and so does it specialization. However, what Theorem F ∈Kt e in Sect. 6.3 shows is that for J bipartite, g classical, and t satisfying θ (t) = r, one has ˆ t = chB ˆ J (t ), ˆK ch


ˆ t = Kt ∪ {K∞ }. recalling that K When θ (t) = r, Lemma in Sect. 4.5 describes how to find a Demazure subcrystal to replace the right hand side of (20). Obviously, Kt is determined by its extended character, and one may ask if the latter takes a computable form and to what extent it is determined by its specialization, which for arbitrary J is also rather mysterious.


A. Joseph

6.11 Exceptional Types  On the other hand, in say type F4 , the above upper bound becomes ci  4. This weaker inequality permits  an element of the S-set besides the driving function to satisfy the condition k∈N+ rsk < 0. Indeed, this can even arise for the elements of the extended Z-skin (as defined in Remark 2 of Sect. 4.1.4). For example, suppose there is a driving function z of type s with the coefficient of {mks }6k=1 given by (0, 0, −1, −1, 0, −1). Then the extended Z-skin contains the element with coefficients {mks }6k=1 given by (0, 0, −1, −1, 1, 0), for which  k k∈N+ rs = −1. A computer computation of Zelikson shows that this does occur in type F4 with J = (1324)6 . Thus, Question Q has a negative answer, but this does not mean that Theorem in Sect. 6.3 must fail in this case.  Indeed, let us write a face sum in the form (s,k)∈I ×N+ csk Fsk . By definition, its  image under  is (s,k)∈I ×N+ csk 1ks . Set F = (0000 0010 0131 2231 2221 0100) with cs,k above, being the coefficient of the k th block of 1324 and s above, determined as the corresponding entry of that block. For example, F31 occurs with coefficient 1 (so t=3) and F22 occurs with coefficient 2. Then, the driving face is obtained by removing the face F12 to give the element z F = (0000 0010 0131 2231 1221 0100). One shows that (F ), (F z ) ∈ B(3 ) by applying the Kashiwara operators to BJ (∞) ⊗ S(t ), which is simple enough to do by hand.

6.12 The Difficulty Can one directly prove that −1 (BJ (t )) is a t-semi-invariant set in the sense of [10, Prop. 5.1]? Here a severe difficulty is to recognize its S-subsets. Whereas the indices over edges can be expected to be independent of the choice of J , this will certainly be false for the vertices. Besides as pointed out in the legend to Fig. 3, the S-subsets cannot be simply pre-images of single sl(2)-strings. In type F4 , t-semi-invariance of −1 (BJ (t )) was checked by Zelikson using a computer in the two remaining cases when Mt > 2, but we have not been able to prove it abstractly. A curious empirical fact is that only the union of complete Z-skins of each S-set is needed because the remaining terms (not present for J bipartite for g classical) are redundant being in the convex linear combination of S-sets of some different types. Outside the minuscule case and for J not bipartite, this is false even in rank 3. This leads to a further surprise. Following [9, Sect. 6], define a giant S-set to be subset of Xt , which for all s ∈ I is a union of S-sets of type s, with the exception that for s = t the set {zt1 } (which is not an S-set of type t) is adjoined. Such a subset is t-semi-invariant, and we may choose it to be Zt . We had longtime believed [9, 8.8] that for all t ∈ I , a giant S-set exists and indeed given as the extremal points of

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


the set {zF }F ∈Kt . For example, by Theorem in Sect. 6.3, this is true for g classical with J bipartite, and it is also true for many examples outside J bipartite. However for J bipartite, giant S-sets fail to exist in type F4 when the coefficient of αt in the highest root > 2.

7 Examples Through Table 1 (resp. 2) below, we compute the crystal graph of BJ (2 ) (resp. the set of trails in V (−2 )) for g simple of type C3 . the former, we use the Kashiwara functions described in (1) to compute as in Sect. 3.3 the action of the Kashiwara operators f˜i : i ∈ I . In the latter, we express the trails as sums of faces using (3) in which roots and coroots have been interchanged. Both modules have dimension 14. Then, we compute Fig. 1, and this illustrates Theorem in Sect. 6.3. Of course, this is a baby example, but nevertheless contains the main feature having an octagon containing the false trail, though in general there will be several such octagons. The simplest case in which more complex diagrams occur is in type F4 , but then the graph has 273 vertices and so difficult to draw!

Table 1 The below table describes the entries of the crystal BJ (2 ) in type C3 using the Bourbaki convention for the latter. The reduced decomposition of the longest element is given in the first row with sij being written as ij . Below ij stands for the coefficient of mij for the element given at the end of the row. The dimension of the module is 14. In this, b2 has been omitted, whilst the element f corresponds to a false trail lies between 3 and 6 and has zero weight. In the isomorphism described by Theorem in Sect. 6.3, the latter is a convex linear combination of the trails designated by the same indices (given as superscripts). Thus, the latter as an element determining ε2' by (18) is redundant 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

2 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2

1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

3 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Crystal elements 1 2 3 4 5 f 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


A. Joseph

Table 2 The below table describes the computation of Z2 , in type C3 for the reduced decomposition defined by the first row. This is the same reduced decomposition used in Table 1 above. Then, the entries in the left columns are the coefficients of the coordinate functions mj occurring in the faces or functions in the right hand columns. The labelling on the {z2i }12 i=1 corresponds to the j ordering on the Z2 . It illustrates the inductive procedure defined in 4.1 and presented above so that one may more easily see how the dual Kashiwara functions are given as a sum of faces. f One trail is missing in the above table, namely the one, which we denote by z2 , is a convex 3 6 5 linear combination of z2 and z2 . Here, one may also remark that z2 is an -minimal element with respect to 1 ∈ I , and the former trail is a “false trail”. The corresponding coefficient set of z25 can be read off from the table and is (0, 1, 1). Thus, the S-set associated to z25 is reduced to its f pointed chain and consists of {z25 , z27 , z28 }. In this, z2 is a false trail in the sense of Sect. 4.1.3 and is an example of which arises in Sect. 6.6.2. (It may just be a coincidence that the false trail is redundant—here this fact was not used.) 2 0

1 0

3 0

2 0

1 0

3 0

2 1

1 −1

3 −1

Faces F21










































































Functions z21 z22

F22 z25 F13 z27 F12 z28






































































































F22 z29 F33 z211 F23

F12 z23 F32 z24


































































2F22 z26 F33 z210 F13

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case


Table 2 (continued) 2 0

1 0

3 0

2 0

1 1

3 0

2 −1

1 1

3 0





































Faces F12

Functions z24 z26

F13 z29

8 Index of Notation Symbols appearing frequently are given below in the paragraph they are first defined. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2.2. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8.1. 3.8.2. 3.8.3. 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.4. 4.1.5. 4.1.6. 4.1.8. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.7. 4.9. 5.1. 5.2. 6.1.

[1, n], [q], g, , I, h, π, αi , π ∨ , αi∨ , b, b− , es , fs , hs , i , i∨ , si , W . B(∞), V (−i∨ ). Zt . c, , < σ1 , σ2 >, w0 . J, wk , r, Jˆ, V (−t ). BJ , mj , (s, k), mks , rsk . wt b, εs (b), ϕs (b), e˜s , f˜s . ˜ F, ˜ b∞ , BJ (∞). E, K, γjK , ejK , eK , ϕ(K), KBZ t , Fw (−t ). 1 1 Kt , Ft . zK , δjK , zt1 . Fsk+1 , eK . j J s , e, e−ak , v k , k, a, a (j ) , Es , Ts (e). vk , Ms (e). Ft , E(·), cz , Z(cz ), K(cz ), KZ (cz ). j Ft , K min , l, zK min . j Zt , Zt . j +1 Kt . Kt (s). rs0 . F z , duv . B(t ), S(t ), st , BJ (t ).  ˆ BZ , Fˆt . 1vu , , Supp b, L, F∞ , K∞ , K t d˜uv . Z − (c). Fw (λ), Fw . F˜ w , Bw (λ). Mt .


A. Joseph I F21 1 F12

F32 2

3 F32




5 F13

2F22 7 F33



F12 F13



8 9


11 F23 12

Fig. 1 This describes the graph of the set Z2 of trails in type C3 , with J chosen as in Table 2. The trivial face F∞ is designated by φ. The vertices are labelled by i designating z2i of Table 2. The false trail lies at the end point of the two dotted lines. The trail z25 is minimal for 1 ∈ I . Alternatively replacing Fuv by the Kashiwara operator f˜u , it describes the crystal graph of Bj (2 ). Then, φ designates the highest weight element bt . Here, the superscript v determines the place at which f˜u enters, that is to say mvu increases by 1. One may remark that there is a unique up to scalars vector vf ∈ V (−2 ), namely f2 f1 f3 f2 v−2∨ through which the false trail f passes. It has zero weight. Again there is a f

unique crystal element bf ⊗ st ∈ BJ (2 ) corresponding to the vertex v2 . One may check that e˜1 (bf ⊗ st ) = 0 and f˜1 (bf ⊗ st ) = 0, illustrating the point made in Remark 2 of Sect. 6.4

Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case Fig. 2 An S-graph for n = 4 and for c2  c1 , c3 , computed using the construction of [7, Sect. 7], as exemplified in [12, 5.6.2]. The functions zv as v runs though the vertices of the graph are the convex set defined by (3) and the relations c3 − c2  0, c2 − c1  c2 − c1



321 1








4 2

2 2


2, 3




1, 3



2, 4

1, 4

Fig. 3 The degeneration of the above S-graph (for n = 4) when c2 = 0. This S-graph appears when the coefficient of αt in the highest root is 2. It is the situation described in Sects. 6.6.3 and 6.9.3. However, unlike the case when c has two consecutive non-zero entries, it does not correspond via  to a single crystal string. Rather it corresponds to two crystal strings, one of length 1 coming from the vertex in the bottom right hand corner and a second of length 3. This results in an obstruction to the obvious proof of −1 (B(t )) being a t-semi-invariant set.3 In this case, the corresponding convex set is that given by (19)


3 Indeed, we have a pairing (b, b ) → (z (b) (b )) of B × B into Z. It would be pleasant but J J wrong to believe that this pairing was essentially invariant with respect to the crystal operators for J bipartite.


A. Joseph

References 1. A. Berenstein and A. Zelevinsky, Tensor product multiplicities, canonical bases and totally positive varieties. Invent. Math. 143 (2001), no. 1, 77–128. 2. N. Bourbaki, Éléments de mathématique. Fasc. XXXIV. Groupes et algèbres de Lie. Chapitre IV–VI: (French) Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles, No. 1337 Hermann, Paris 1968. 3. O. Gleizer and A. Postnikov, Littlewood-Richardson coefficients via Yang-Baxter equation. Internat. Math. Res. Notices 2000, no. 14, 741–774. 4. A. Joseph, A decomposition theorem for Demazure crystals. J. Algebra 265 (2003), no. 2, 562–578. 5. A. Joseph, Quantum groups and their primitive ideals. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3) [Results in Mathematics and Related Areas (3)], 29. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,1995. 6. A. Joseph, Consequences of the Littelmann path theory for the structure of the Kashiwara B(∞) crystal. Highlights in Lie algebraic methods, 25–64, Progr. Math., 295, Birkäuser/Springer, New York, 2012. 7. A. Joseph, A Preparation Theorem for the Kashiwara B(∞) Crystal, Selecta Mathematica, 23, no.2, (2017), 1309–1353. 8. A. Joseph, Convexity properties of the canonical S-graphs, Israel J. Math. 226 (2018), no. 2, 827–849. 9. A. Joseph, Trails, S-graphs and identities in Demazure modules, arXiv:1702.00243. 10. A. Joseph, Dual Kashiwara functions for the B(∞) crystal. Lie Groups, Geometry, and Represention Theory, Progress in Mathematics 326, 201–233, Birkhauser, Boston, 2018 11. A. Joseph, Trails for minuscule modules and dual Kashiwara functions for the B(∞) crystal. Quantum theory and symmetries with Lie theory and its applications in physics. Vol. 1, 37–53, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 263, Springer, Singapore, 2018. 12. A. Joseph and P. Lamprou, A new interpretation of the Catalan numbers, arXiv:1512.00406. 13. V. G Kac, Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. Second edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985. 14. M. Kashiwara, Global crystal bases of quantum groups. Duke Math. J. 69 (1993), no. 2, 455– 485. 15. M. Kashiwara, The crystal base and Littelmann’s refined Demazure character formula. Duke Math. J. 71 (1993), no. 3, 839–858. 16. T. Nakashima, Polytopes for crystallized Demazure modules and extremal vectors. Comm. Algebra 30 (2002), no. 3, 1349–1367. 17. T. Nakashima, A. Zelevinsky, Polyhedral realizations of crystal bases for quantized KacMoody algebras. Adv. Math. 131 (1997), no. 1, 253–278. 18. D. E. Speyer, Powers of Coxeter elements in infinite groups are reduced. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), no. 4, 1295–1302.

Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals Cédric Lecouvey and Cristian Lenart

Abstract We give a purely combinatorial proof of the positivity of the stabilized forms of the generalized exponents associated with each classical root system. In finite type An−1 , we rederive the description of the generalized exponents in terms of crystal graphs without using the combinatorics of semistandard tableaux or the charge statistic. In finite type Cn , we obtain a combinatorial description of the generalized exponents based on the so-called distinguished vertices in crystals of type A2n−1 , which we also connect to symplectic King tableaux. This gives a combinatorial proof of the positivity of Lusztig t-analogues associated with zero weight spaces in the irreducible representations of symplectic Lie algebras. We then present three applications of our combinatorial formula. Our methods are expected to extend to the orthogonal types. By a result of Lascoux, the type A Kostka–Foulkes polynomials also expand positively in terms of the so-called atomic polynomials. We define, in arbitrary type, a combinatorial version of the atomic decomposition, based on the connected components of a modified crystal graph. We prove this property in type A, as well as in types B, C, and D in a stable range for t = 1. We also discuss other cases, applications, and a geometric interpretation. Finally, in classical types, we state the atomic decomposition for stable 1-dimensional sums or, equivalently, for the stable Lusztig t-analogues.

C. Lecouvey Institut Denis Poisson, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université de Tours, Tours, France e-mail: [email protected] C. Lenart () Department of Mathematics and Statistics, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY, USA e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



C. Lecouvey and C. Lenart

1 Introduction Let g be a simple Lie algebra over C of rank n and G its corresponding Lie group. The group G acts on the symmetric algebra S(g) of g, and it was proved by Kostant [13] that S(g) factors as S(g) = H (g) ⊗ S(g)G , where H (g) is the harmonic part of S(g). The generalized exponents of g, as defined by Kostant [13], are the polynomials appearing as the coefficients in the expansion of the graded character of H (g) in the basis of the Weyl characters. It was shown by Hesselink [5] that these polynomials coincide, in fact, with the Lusztig t-analogues Kλ,0 (t) of zero weight multiplicities in the irreducible finite-dimensional representations of g. In particular, they have nonnegative integer coefficients, because they are affine Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials. For g = sln , the generalized exponents admit a nice combinatorial description in terms of the Lascoux-Schützenberger charge statistic on semistandard tableaux of zero weight [16]. This statistic is defined via the cyclage operation on tableaux, which is based on the Schensted insertion scheme. This combinatorial description extends, in fact, to any Lusztig t-analogue of type An−1 , that is possibly associated with a nonzero weight (also called Kostka polynomials). Another interpretation of the charge statistic in terms of crystals of type An−1 was given later by Lascoux, Leclerc, and Thibon in [17]. Despite many efforts during the last three decades, no general combinatorial proof of the positivity of the Lusztig t-analogues Kλ,μ (t) is known beyond type A. Nevertheless, such proofs have been obtained in some particular cases: [6], [7], [22], and [23]. In type A, the Kostka–Foulkes polynomials Kλ,μ (t) are well-known t-analogues of the Kostka numbers Kλ,μ , i.e., the number of semistandard Young tableaux of shape λ and content μ. Lascoux [18] stated the decomposition of the Kostka– Foulkes polynomials into the so-called atomic polynomials. Some arguments of the proof in [18] remained elusive, and it was not until the work of Shimozono [30] that the type A atomic decomposition was completely accepted, this time in larger generality (for the so-called generalized Kostka–Foulkes polynomials). However, the latter proof involves several intricate combinatorial arguments and related concepts, such as plactic monoid, cyclage, and catabolism. This expository paper mainly follows [20, 21], to which we refer for detailed proofs. Nevertheless, the results of Sect. 12 on the atomic decomposition of stable 1-sums are new. We first give a combinatorial description of the stabilized version of the generalized exponents and a proof of their positivity by using the combinatorics of type A+∞ crystal graphs. This can be regarded as a generalization of results in [17] for the weight zero, and in fact we were able to rederive the latter without any reference to the charge statistic or the combinatorics of semistandard tableaux. Our description is in terms of the so-called distinguished vertices in a crystal of type A+∞ , but we show that these vertices are in natural bijection with some generalizations of symplectic King tableaux, which makes the connection with the

Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals


stable Lusztig t-analogue more natural. Next, we provide a complete combinatorial proof of the positivity of the generalized exponents in the non-stable Cn case. Note that this case is much more involved than the stable one, essentially because we need a combinatorial description of the non-Levi branching from gl2n to sp2n , which is complicated in general. Here one needs in a crucial way recent duality results by Kwon [14, 15], giving a crystal interpretation of the previous branching and a combinatorial model relevant to its study. Our approach has been extended to the orthogonal types in [8]. Next, following Lascoux [18, 19], we formulate the t-atomic decomposition property in arbitrary Lie type, as a nonnegative expansion for both a Kostka– Foulkes polynomial Kλ,μ (t) (Lusztig’s t-analogue of weight multiplicity [26]), and a t-analogue χλ+ (t) of the dominant part of an irreducible character (defined in terms of Kλ,μ (t)). In fact the underlying t-atomic polynomials are related to the Hall–Littlewood polynomials by the Möbius function for the dominance order on weights [19]. The t-atomic decomposition property is a strengthening of the monotonicity of Kλ,μ (t) [1]. As opposed to the above algebraic approach, we define a t-atomic decomposition property at the combinatorial level of the highest weight crystal B(λ) [10]. This property involves a partition of the dominant part B(λ)+ of B(λ), and a statistic on B(λ)+ . We prove that the combinatorial t-atomic decomposition holds in type A, thus realizing combinatorially the classical result, while also providing a simple, conceptual proof of it. We also prove this property in types B, C, and D for t = 1 in a stable range. Our main ingredients are: the partial order on dominant weights, and a modified crystal graph structure on B(λ)+ , whose connected components define the needed partition. We conjecture that our result in types B, C, and D holds without specializing t. Furthermore, in type C, we conjecture that this result, together with our combinatorial formula for the corresponding Kλ,0 (t), leads to a statistic which computes any Kλ,μ (t). Such a statistic (charge) has been long sought. We also propose a geometric interpretation of the atomic decomposition in terms of the geometric Satake correspondence. In classical types, the Lusztig t-analogues have stable forms, which are known to coincide (up to renormalization) with the 1-dimensional sums defined using the coenergy function on finite crystals of classical affine types. We conclude by establishing an atomic decomposition for these 1-dimensional sums. Section 2 recalls the definition of the generalized exponents. Section 3 is devoted to the combinatorial description of the stabilized form (in classical type) of the generalized exponents in terms of distinguished tableaux, which we define and study here. In Sect. 4, we give the combinatorial description of the generalized exponents in type Cn by using King tableaux [12]. In Sect. 5, we derive three applications of the description in Sect. 4. The concept of a t-atomic decomposition in any type is introduced in Sect. 6. Section 7 is devoted to important properties of the partial order on dominant weights. In Sect. 8, we define the modified crystal operators yielding the desired partition of B(λ)+ . The t-atomic decomposition in type A and the atomic decomposition in types B, C, and D are established in Sect. 9, whereas perspectives and conjectures are proposed in Sect. 10. In Sect. 11, we give a geometric interpretation of the atomic decomposition of characters. Finally, in


C. Lecouvey and C. Lenart

Sect. 12 we show that there also exists an atomic decomposition for the stable 1dimensional sums defined using the coenergy function on finite affine crystals of classical types.

2 Generalized Exponents 2.1 Background Let g be a simple Lie algebra over C of rank n with triangular decomposition g= ⊕α∈R+ gα ⊕ h ⊕ ⊕α∈R+ g−α ,so that h is the Cartan subalgebra of g and R+ its set of positive roots. The root system R = R+  (−R+ ) of g is realized in a real 2α for Euclidean space E with inner product ·, · . For any α ∈ R, we write α ∨ = α,α its coroot. Let S ⊆ R+ be the subset of simple roots and Q+ the Z+ -cone generated by S. The set P of integral weights for g satisfies β, α ∨ ∈ Z for any β ∈ P and α ∈ R. We write P+ = {β ∈ P | β, α ∨  0 for any α ∈ S} for the cone of dominant weights of g, and denote by ω1 , . . . , ωn its fundamental weights. Let W be the Weyl group of g generated by the reflections sα with α ∈ S, and write for the corresponding length function. By a classical theorem due to Kostant, the graded character of the harmonic part of the symmetric algebra S(g) satisfies "n chart (H (g)) =

i=1 (1 − t (1 − t)n

di )


 1 = (1 − t di ) chart (S(g)) , α 1 − te n


where we have di = mi + 1, for i = 1, . . . , n, and m1 , . . . , mn are the (classical) exponents of g. In type An we have mi = i, in types Bn and Cn mi = 2i − 1 and in type Dn mi = 2i − 1 for i = 1, . . . , n − 1 with mn = n − 1. On the other hand, it is known (see [5]) that chart (H (g)) coincides with the Hall–Littlewood polynomial Q0 , namely we have chart (H (g)) = Q0 =



Kλ,0 (t) sλ ,

λ∈P+ g

where sλ is the Weyl character associated with the finite-dimensional irreducible "n 1−t di representation V (λ) of g with highest weight λ and W0 (t) = i=1 1−t . The g polynomials Kλ,0 (t) are the generalized exponents of g, and they coincide with the Lusztig t-analogues associated with the zero weight subspaces in the representations V (λ). The classical exponents m1 , . . . , mn correspond to the adjoint representation gn n mi ,where ! (t) = α is the highest root in R+ . of g, namely we have K! i=1 t α ,0

Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals


2.2 Classical Types In classical types, chart (S(g)) is easy to compute. Let Pn be the set of partitions with at most n parts, and P the set of all partitions. The rank of the partition γ is defined as the sum of its parts, and is denoted by |γ |. In type An−1 , we start from the Cauchy identity1  1i,j n

 1 = t |γ | sγ (x)sγ (y). 1 − txi yj γ ∈Pn

By setting yi = x1i for any i = 1, . . . , n, and by considering the images of the symmetric polynomials in R An−1 = Sym[x1 , . . . , xn ]/(x1 · · · xn − 1), we get chart (S(sln )) = (1 − t)

t |γ | sγ (x)sγ (x −1 ) = (1 − t)

γ ∈Pn

= (1 − t)

t |γ | sγ sγ ∗ =

γ ∈Pn

t |γ |

γ ∈Pn

(2.1) cγλ,γ ∗ sλ (x) .


Here γ ∗ = −w◦ (γ ), where w◦ is the permutation of maximal length in Sn , and we use the same notation for a symmetric polynomial and its image in R An−1 . For any positive integer m, define P(2) m as the set of partitions of the form 2κ (1,1) with κ ∈ Pm , and Pm as the subset of Pm containing the partitions of the form sp so so (2κ) with κ ∈ P. Moreover, we denote by sλ 2n+1 , sλ 2n , and sλ 2n the irreducible characters corresponding to the highest weight λ, for the Lie algebras of types Bn , Cn , and Dn , respectively. In type Bn , we start from the Littlewood identity [25]  1i (|λ| + 1)/2, then the cocover (. . . 12 0k )  (. . . 0k+2 ) is the only one which can appear in the Hasse diagram of the interval [ 0, λ] beside the type A cocovers in (7.1).   We turn to type Bn , and assume that λ is a partition (λ1  . . .  λn  0), where λi ∈ Z. The unique minimal element below λ is clearly always 0. Proposition 7.2 If n > |λ|/2, then the cocover (. . . 10n−k )  (. . . 0n−k+1 ) is the only one which can appear in the Hasse diagram of the interval [ 0, λ] beside the type A cocovers in (7.1).   We conclude with type Dn . Now λ is a sequence (λ1  . . .  λn ) with λi ∈ 12 Z, all congruent mod Z, such that λn−1 + λn  0. We will now assume that λi ∈ Z. This implies that the interval [ 0, λ] only contains weights μ = (μ1  . . .  μn ) with μi ∈ Z. Note that, in this case, there are the same possibilities for the minimal element  0 as in type C.


C. Lecouvey and C. Lenart

Proposition 7.3 If n > |λ|, then the cocover (. . . 12 0k )  (. . . 0k+2 ) is the only one which can appear in the Hasse diagram of the interval [ 0, λ] beside the type A cocovers in (7.1).   We will work under the assumptions of Propositions 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3, and we call this the stable range. In each classical type, we derived a classification of the short intervals, consisting of the same cases as in type A, and a few extra ones involving the new cover.

8 Modified Crystal Operators on Classical Crystals Now consider a classical Lie algebra, with Dynkin diagram labeled in the standard way.

8.1 Definition of the Modified Crystal Operators Given a positive root α, consider the shortest length Weyl group element satisfying w(α1 ) = α. We define the modified crystal operators fα and eα as the conjugations fα := w f˜1 w −1 ,

eα := w e˜1 w −1


of the ordinary crystal operators f˜1 and e˜1 by the Kashiwara action of w on B(λ) [10]. This means that fα (b) = 0 precisely when f˜1 applied to w −1 (b) is 0. Clearly, fα and eα are inverses to one another. Moreover, for any b ∈ B(λ), we have wt(fα (b)) = wt(b) − α. We endow the vertices of B(λ) with the structure of a α colored directed graph B(λ) with edges b  b when b = fα (b). The graph B(λ) is different from the Kashiwara crystal B(λ) and, unlike the latter, the former is not connected in general. In type Bn , in addition to the operators fα for α ∈ W α1 , i.e., a long root, we need such operators indexed by short roots. They are defined completely similarly to (8.1). Namely, given a short root α, consider any w ∈ W satisfying w(αn ) = α. We then define fα := w f˜n w −1 ,

eα := w e˜n w −1 .


Note that, in this case, the definition does not depend on the choice of w. All the basic properties of the modified crystal operators indexed by long roots extend to the additional operators. Moreover, to the modified crystal graph B(λ) constructed α before, we add the extra edges b  b when b = fα (b) and α is a short positive root.

Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals


8.2 Properties of the Modified Crystal Operators We start with some properties of the modified crystal operators indexed by roots α ∈ W α1 , in any classical type. Lemma 8.1 For b ∈ B(λ) and a positive root α ∈ W α1 , if wt(b), α > 0, then fα (b) = 0.   Theorem 8.2 Consider two positive roots α and β in W α1 and a vertex b in B(λ) such that wt(b), α > 0 and wt(b), β > 0. (a) Assume that (α, β) satisfies: (i) it is (εi −εj , εj ±εk ) or (εj ±εk , εi −εj ), for i < j < k; (ii) it is (εj −1 +εj , εi −εj ) for i < j −1, and wt(b)−β, εj −1 −εj = 0. Then we have fα fβ (b) = fα+β (b) = 0 . (b) Assume that the pair (α, β) is in the W -orbit of (α1 , α3 ). Then fα fβ (b) =   fβ fα (b) = 0 . We have an analogous result to Theorem 8.2 for the e· operators. Theorem 8.3 Consider two positive roots α and β in W α1 and a vertex b in B(λ) such that wt(b), α  0 and wt(b), β  0. Assume also that eα (b) = 0 and eβ (b) = 0. (a) Assume that (α, β) satisfies: (i) it is (εi − εj , εj ± εk ) or (εj ± εk , εi − εj ), for i < j < k; (ii) it is (εi −εj , εj −1 +εj ) for i < j −1, and wt(b), εj −1 −εj = 0. Then we have eα eβ (b) = eα+β (b) = 0 . (b) Assume that the pair (α, β) is in the W -orbit of (α1 , α3 ), and w is a shortest length element satisfying w(α1 , α3 ) = (α, β). Let γ := w(α2 ), and also assume   that wt(b), γ > 0. Then eα eβ (b) = eβ eα (b) = 0. We conclude with some properties of the modified crystal operators fα indexed by short roots α, in type Bn ; we will not need analogues of these properties for the operators eα . Theorem 8.4 (a) Given i < j < k, assume that fεi −εj (b) = 0 and fεk (b) = 0. Then we have fεi −εj fεk (b) = fεk fεi −εj (b) = 0 . The same is true with the f· operators replaced by the e· operators. (b) Consider a vertex b with wt(b), εj −1 = 1 and wt(b), εj = 0. Then we have fεj fεj −1 −εj (b) = fεj −1 (b) = 0 . (c) Assume that, in addition to the conditions in (1), we have i < j − 1 and wt(b), εi > 1. Then we have fεj fεi −εj (b) = fεi −εj −1 fεj −1 (b) = 0 .


C. Lecouvey and C. Lenart

9 Atomic Decomposition of Crystals in Classical Types Fix a dominant weight λ for a classical Lie algebra. Consider the subgraph of B(λ) α consisting of the vertices of dominant weight, and the edges b  fα (b) for which wt(b)  wt(fα (b)) is a cocover in the dominant weight poset. This new colored directed graph on the vertices of B(λ)+ will be denoted by B(λ)+ . It can also be viewed as a poset (with cocovers given by the above edges), and the weight function is a poset projection to the interval [ 0, λ] in the dominant weight poset. The two points of view will be used interchangeably. The main goal is to identify situations in which the components of the poset B(λ)+ define an atomic, respectively, t-atomic decomposition, cf. Definitions 6.3.1 and 6.3.2.

9.1 Type An−1 Lemma 9.1 (a) Consider two distinct edges b b and b b in B(λ)+ . The vertices b and b have a lower bound in this poset. (b) Consider two distinct edges b  b and b  b in B(λ)+ . The vertices b and b have an upper bound in this poset.   The proof of this lemma relies on the structure of the short intervals in the dominant weight poset, discussed in Sect. 7.1. More precisely, we consider one by one all the types of short intervals, and for each of them, we show that we obtain the same structure in the poset B(λ)+ . This is achieved by using the commutation relations between the modified crystal operators discussed in Sect. 8.1, namely Theorems 8.2 and 8.3 Theorem 9.2 The components of B(λ)+ define a t-atomic decomposition. These components are isomorphic to intervals of the form [ 0, μ] in the dominant weight poset via the weight projection, and the distinguished vertex h ∈ H (λ) in each of them is chosen to be the respective maximum.   The proof has two parts. First, the atomic decomposition is proved (i.e., the t = 1 case), by using Lemma 9.1 to derive the existence of a maximum and a minimum in each interval. Using the realization of B(λ) in terms of semistandard tableaux, we show that we can choose the statistic c(·) in Definition 6.3.2 to be the Lascoux-Schützenberger charge [16], which expresses the type A Kostka–Foulkes polynomials combinatorially; only some basic properties of charge are needed. Example 9.3 Consider λ = (3, 2, 1) in type A3 . The modified crystal graph B(λ)+ is shown in Fig. 1. Its vertices are labeled by semistandard Young tableaux whose

Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals 1 1 1 2 2 3

1 1 3 2 2 3 (2, 4)

(1, 3)

1 1 1 2 3 4

1 1 2 2 3 3

(3, 4) 1 1 3 2 2 4

347 1 1 1 2 4 3

1 1 4 2 2 3

(1, 2) 1 1 2 2 4 3

(1, 2)

(3, 4) 1 1 2 2 3 4

Fig. 1 The modified crystal graph B(λ)+ in Example 9.3

content is a partition, and its edges are labeled as above. In particular, this graph gives the following atomic decomposition of the character: χλ = w(3,2,1) + w(2,2,2) + w(3,1,1,1) + w(2,2,1,1) .

9.2 Types Bn , Cn , and Dn This section refers to the stable ranges in types Bn , Cn , and Dn , namely to a corresponding graph/poset B(λ)+ . The approach is completely similar to that in Sect. 9.1. Theorem 9.4 The components of B(λ)+ define an atomic decomposition. These components are isomorphic to intervals of the form [ 0, μ] in the dominant weight poset via the weight projection.  

10 Atomic Decomposition: Additional Facts and Perspectives We conjecture that the atomic decompositions in type B, C, D, as stated in Theorem 9.4, are t-atomic decompositions, for appropriate choices of the statistic c(·) in Definition 6.3.2. Let us describe a possible such choice in type C, for partitions λ of even rank. In [20], we gave a combinatorial formula Kλ,0 (t) based on a new statistic on King tableaux of zero weight (indexing the crystal vertices of zero weight). We can translate this statistic via the Sheats bijection [29] between King and Kashiwara–Nakashima tableaux (the crystal structure is only known on


C. Lecouvey and C. Lenart

the latter), and then we can extend it recursively on B(λ)+ via (6.15). By (6.17), such a statistic would also give a combinatorial formula for all Kλ,μ (t). Other cases in which we derive a t-atomic decomposition are: (1) the crystal B(∞) in types A − D and G2 ; (2) the crystal of the adjoint representation of g in any type.

11 Geometric Interpretation of the Atomic Decomposition We give an interpretation of the combinatorial atomic decomposition in terms of the geometric Satake correspondence. For a reductive group G, this important theory exhibits a geometric realization of the irreducible representation V (λ) of highest weight λ of the Langlands dual group, as the intersection cohomology I H ∗ (Gr λ ) of the Schubert variety denoted Gr λ in the affine Grassmannian GrG for G; there is also a geometric basis of MV-cycles [27]. However, it is hard to give concrete formulas for the MV-cycles and the action. We will show how one can understand the combinatorics of the geometric Satake correspondence via our combinatorial atomic decomposition. The module I H ∗ (Gr λ ) has the truncation filtration (or standard Grothendieck filtration), which gives the Kostka–Foulkes polynomials when restricted to the weight spaces [4]. The degree 0 piece in this filtration is the cohomology of the constant sheaf H ∗ (Gr λ ), so I H ∗ (Gr λ )  H ∗ (Gr λ ) ⊕ other summands .


On another hand, H ∗ (Gr λ ) has the basis of classes of Schubert varieties inside Gr λ , which are indexed by the weights of V (λ) considered without multiplicity, as recorded by the layer sum polynomials. In this language, the atomic decomposition decomposition (6.9), cf. Definition 6.2.1, is expressing the fact that there is a refinement of the truncation filtration (with the H ∗ (GrG )-action), whose successive quotients are isomorphic to H ∗ (Gr μ ) for μ ∈ P + (λ). These quotients correspond precisely to the blocks of the partition in the combinatorial atomic decomposition, cf. Definition 6.3.1.

12 Atomic Decomposition for 1-Dimensional Sums For this section, we refer the reader to [24] and the references therein. As explained in Remark 6.2, Lascoux’s original atomic decomposition was established for a slight renormalization of the Kostka polynomials. This renormalization coincides in fact with the 1-dimensional sums, defined via the coenergy function on finite crystals of

Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals


affine type A. The aim of this section is to establish that this atomic decomposition has an analogue in any classical affine root system of sufficiently large rank.

12.1 Background on 1-Dimensional Sums Let g be an affine algebra of nonexceptional type, and I = {0, 1, . . . , n} the index set of its Dynkin nodes. Let 0 ∈ I as specified in [9], and set I0 = I \{0}. For a pair (r, s) (r ∈ I0 , s ∈ Z>0 ), there exists a crystal B r,s called the Kirillov–Reshetikhin (KR) crystal. It is a crystal base (in the sense of Kashiwara) of the Kirillov–Reshetikhin module W r,s (a), for a suitable parameter a, over the quantum affine algebra Uq (g) without the degree operator q d . Let B be a tensor product of KR crystals B = B r1 ,s1 ⊗ B r2 ,s2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ B rl ,sl , and for a subset J of I , set hwJ (B) = {b ∈ B | e˜i b = 0 for any i ∈ J }, where e˜i is the Kashiwara operator acting on B. We set |B| :=


ri si and 6B6 :=

min(ri , rj ) min(si , sj ) .

1i0 sufficiently large. In particular, we obtain Xλ,σ (t) = t 6μ6 Kλ, μ (t ) = l 6μ6 −1 t Kλ,μ (t ) for ♦ = ∅. For any σ = (s1 , . . . , sl ) ∈ Z0 , set |σ | := s1 + · · · + sl . Given a positive integer s, define

Bs :=


σ =(s1 ,...,sl )∈Zl0 |σ |=s

as the direct sum of all tensor products of row KR crystals with length sum s. For each vertex b ∈ Bs , let (b) be the unique l-tuple in Zl0 such that b ∈ B (b) .

12.2 Bi-Crystal Structure and Atomic Decomposition in Type A In this section, we assume ♦ = ∅. The vertices of the KR crystals B sk , for k = 1, . . . , l, can be identified with the row tableaux of length sk on the ordered alphabet An = {1 < · · · < n}. It is well-known (see [31]) that the RSK correspondence yields a bijection 1:1

b ∈ B s1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ B sl ←→ (P (b), Q(b)) , where P and Q are semistandard tableaux with the same shape on An and Al , respectively. Given two vertices b1 and b2 of Bs , we then have: (a) P (b1 ) = P (b2 ) if and only if b1 and b2 belong to isomorphic connected I0 components of Bs , and are matched by the associated isomorphism; (b) Q(b1 ) = Q(b2 ) if and only if b1 and b2 belong to the same connected I0 component. By considering the An−1 × Al−1 crystal action on the pairs of semistandard tableaux (P , Q), one gets a An−1 × Al−1 bi-crystal structure on Bs (i.e., the actions of the crystal operators for An−1 and Al−1 commute). The An−1 -action is just the


C. Lecouvey and C. Lenart

I0 -action on Bs . It was proved in [31] that for the Weyl group Al−1 -action (that is, of the symmetric group Sl ) on Bs , each elementary transposition (i, i + 1), for i = 1, . . . , l − 1, acts as the combinatorial R-matrix 

B s1 ⊗· · ·⊗B si ⊗B si+1 ⊗· · ·⊗B sl −→ B s1 ⊗· · ·⊗B si+1 ⊗B si ⊗· · ·⊗B sl .


Thus, for any b ∈ Bs and w ∈ Sl , we have D(w(b)) = D(b) .


In the sequel, we will need the action of the Al−1 -crystal operator F˜1 on Bs . In fact, it suffices to describe its action on the An−1 -highest weight (i.e., I0 ) vertices. Observe that each such vertex has the form b = R1 ⊗ R2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Rl where, in particular, R1 = (1s1 ) contains only letters 1, and R2 = (1s2 −a 2a ) contains only letters 1 and 2 with a  max(s1 , s2 ). Proposition 12.3 Assume s1 > s2 . Then for any An−1 -highest vertex b ∈ B s1 ⊗ B s2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ B sl , F˜1 (b) is the vertex of B s1 −1 ⊗ B s2 +1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ B sl obtained by moving one letter 1 in b from R1 to R2 . Moreover D(F˜1 (b)) = D(b).   Proof Set RSK(b) = (Tλ , Q). Then RSK(F˜1 (b)) = (Tλ , F˜1 Q), and F˜1 Q is obtained by changing in Q the rightmost letter 1 into a letter 2. By the definition of the RSK correspondence based on the Schensted bumping algorithm, this exactly means that F˜1 (b) is obtained by moving one letter 1 in b from R1 to R2 . It is also known that cochn (Q) = D(b) (see [31]) and cochn (F˜1 Q) = cochn (Q). Here cochn is the cocharge statistics  of Lascoux and Schützenberger such that cochn (T ) + chn (T ) = n(μ) = i (i − 1)μi for any semistandard tableau T of evaluation μ. We therefore get cochn (F˜1 (Q)) = D(F˜1 (b)) and D(F˜1 (b)) = D(b). We call the action of F˜1 (b) the splitting of the highest weight vertex b. Assume that μ is a partition. Then, by the RSK correspondence, each vertex b in hwI0 (Bμ ) of highest weight λ is matched with a pair (Pλ , Q), such that Pλ is the semistandard tableau of shape λ with letters i in row i, and Q has shape λ and dominant evaluation μ. In the semistandard realization of the Al−1 -crystals, the atomic decomposition yields a graph structure on the set of semistandard tableaux with s boxes and dominant evaluation (that is, with an evaluation equal to a partition μ of s). By the RSK correspondence, these tableaux are in bijection with the highest weight vertices of the crystals Bμ ⊆ Bs , where μ is a partition of s. This leads us to defining part

Bs,∅ := part

Bμ .

μ partition of s

Each component of hwI0 (Bs,∅ ) is isomorphic to an interval for the dominance order on partitions, and in particular has a minimum and a maximum. More precisely, for each positive root εi − εj , 1  i < j  l, of type Al−1 , one can define part the operator Lα (resp. Rα ) on hwI0 (Bs,∅ ) ∪ {0} by Lα := RSK−1 ◦ fα ◦ RSK

Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals


(resp. Rα := RSK−1 ◦ eα ◦ RSK), where fα (resp. eα ) is the modified crystal operator associated with α. Then, under the action of the operators Lα and Rα corresponding to the covering relations for the dominance order on partitions, the set part hwI0 (Bs,∅ ) decomposes into connected components, each of which is isomorphic to a component B(λ, h) defined in Sect. 6.3, and thus, under the map , to an interval in the dominance order on partitions. This is to say that the mentioned connected components are defined by considering arrows b  b between two part vertices of hwI0 (Bs,∅ ) when b = Lα (b) for a root α = εi − εj , and the partition

(b) covers (b ). Observe that, by (12.4) and Proposition 12.3, the action of each operator Lα can be obtained as the conjugation of the splitting by combinatorial R-matrices. Therefore, it can be defined independently of the RSK correspondence. Furthermore, for each partition λ, the operators Lα and Rα stabilize the set part


hwI0 (Bs,∅ )λ := {b ∈ hwI0 (Bs,∅ ) | wt(b) = λ} ∪ {0} . Now set part

Hλs,∅ := {h ∈ hwI0 (Bs,∅ )λ | Rα (h) = 0 for any α = εi − εj , 1  i < j  l} , and for each vertex h ∈ Hλs , let B∅(h,λ) be the connected component (for the arrows

 ) of b in hwI0 (Bs,∅ )λ . Then the map is a bijection between B∅(h,λ) and the set of partitions μ such that μ  (h). For any partition ν, we define the atomic 1-dimensional sum  ∅ Y λ,ν (t) := t D(h) . part



Theorem 12.4 For any partition μ, we have the atomic decomposition ∅

X λ,μ (t) =

Y λ,ν (t) .


Proof We have ∅

X λ,μ (t) =

t D(b) ,

b∈hwI0 (Bμλ )

where hwI0 (Bμλ ) = {b ∈ hwI0 (Bμ ) | wt(b) = λ}. Since hwI0 (Bμλ ) is a subset of part hwI0 (Bs,∅ )λ , we can write hwI0 (Bμλ ) =

* h∈Hλs,∅

B∅(h,λ) ∩ Bμ .


C. Lecouvey and C. Lenart

Moreover, each set B∅(h,λ) ∩ Bμ is nonempty if and only if μ  (h), in which case it reduces to one vertex. This gives 

X λ,μ (t) =

t D(b) =

h∈Hλs,∅ b∈B∅(h,λ) ∩Bμ


t D(b) .

μν h∈Hλ b∈B∅ ∩Bμ s,∅ (h,λ)


But for any b in B∅(h,λ) ∩ Bμ , we must have D(b) = D(h), by (12.5) and Proposition 12.3. Finally, we get ∅

X λ,μ (t) =


t D(h) =

μν h∈Hλ s,∅


Y λ,ν (t) .


Remark 12.5 By (12.2), the previous decomposition coincides with the original atomic decomposition of the renormalized Kostka polynomials obtained by Lascoux from the cocharge statistics.  

12.3 Atomic Decomposition of the Stable 1-Dimensional Sums We now assume that ♦ ∈ {∅, (1, 1), (2), (1)}, and for any positive integer s, we consider the affine crystal Bs defined in (12.3). Then max(Bs ) is the union of the I0 components whose highest weight vertices have weight a partition λ of rank s. This means that their highest weight vertices are exactly those appearing in Bs when ♦ = part ∅. In the previous section, we defined operators Lα and Rα on the set hwI0 (Bs,∅ ), for each positive root α of type Al−1 . We will first extend this definition to the subset part


) := max(Bs ) ∩

Bμ .

μ partition of s part

Since Lα and Rα are defined on the highest weight vertices of max(Bs ) and preserve these vertices, it suffices to define these operators such that they commute with the actions of the crystal operators f˜i , e˜i , i = 1, . . . , n − 1. Then Lα and Rα correspond to I0 -crystal isomorphisms. In particular, we have for any b in part max(Bs ): D(Lα (b)) = D(b) and D(Rα (b)) = D(b) ;


indeed, the coenergy D is constant on the I0 -connected components, and both part relations hold on the highest weight vertices of max(Bs ), since D does not depend part on ♦ on max(Bs ). Observe also that Lα and Rα stabilize hwI \{0,n} (Bs )∩max(Bs ). Letting

Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals part

Bs,♦ :=


Bμ ,

μ partition of s part

we can now define Lα and Rα on hwI0 (Bs,♦ ) by Lα := F ◦ Lα ◦ F and Rα := F ◦ Rα ◦ F . part

Indeed, assume b ∈ hwI0 (Bs,♦ ) is of highest weight λ in Bμ . Then, by Proposipart tion 12.2, F(b) belongs to hwI \{0,n} (Bs,♦ ) ∩ max(Bs ) ∩ Bμ with weight λ. When part Lα ◦ F(b) = 0, it belongs to hwI \{0,n} (Bs,♦ ) ∩ max(Bs ) ∩ Bμ−α with weight λ. part Therefore, F ◦ Lα ◦ F(b) is well defined and belongs to hwI0 (Bs,♦ ) ∩ Bμ−α with weight λ. By Proposition 12.2, we also have for ♦ = (1, 1) or ♦ = (2): D(Lα (b)) = D(F(Lα (F(b)))) =

|μ| − |λ| + D(Lα (F(b))) . 2

But D(Lα (F(b))) = D(F(b)) by (12.6). Thus we get D(Lα (b)) =

|μ| − |λ| + D(F(b)) = D(b) . 2

The proof is similar for ♦ = (1) and for Rα . So we established the following result. Proposition 12.6 For any positive root α of type Al−1 , the operators Lα and Rα part are well defined on hwI0 (Bs,♦ ) and preserve the coenergy.   For any partition λ, set part


hwI0 (Bs,♦ )λ := {b ∈ hwI0 (Bs,♦ ) | wt(b) = λ} ∪ {0} , part

Hλs,♦ :={h ∈ hwI0 (Bs,♦ )λ | Rα (h) = 0 for any α=εi − εj , 1  i < j  l} . For each vertex h ∈ Hλs,♦ , let B♦ (h,λ) be the connected component of hwI0 (Bs,♦ )λ obtained by applying operators Lα to h. Then the map is a bijection between B♦ (h,λ) and the set of partitions μ such that μ  (h). Indeed, if we denote by ν part

♦ the highest weight vertex of F(h) ∈ max(Bs ), the map F : B♦ (h,λ) → B(F(h),ν) commutes with the operators Lα and Rα . For any partition ν, define the atomic 1-dimensional sum  ♦ Y λ,ν (t) := t D(h) , part



where s = |ν|. The proof of the following theorem is similar to that of Theorem 12.4.


C. Lecouvey and C. Lenart

Theorem 12.7 For any ♦ ∈ {∅, (1, 1), (2), (1)} and any partition μ, we have the atomic decomposition of the stable 1-dimensional sum ♦

X λ,μ (t) =

Y λ,ν (t) .

μνλ part

Remark 12.8 The operators Lα , Rα defined on hwI0 (Bs,♦ ) can be extended to hwI0 (Bs,♦ ) = hwI0 (Bs ) as follows. Given b of highest weight in Bσ , let θ be the unique isomorphism of affine crystals θ : Bσ → Bμ , where μ is the reordering of σ (θ is unique because Bσ and Bμ are connected affine crystals). Then one sets Lα (b) := θ −1 ◦ Lα ◦ θ (b) and Rα (b) := θ −1 ◦ Rα ◦ θ (b). It is then also possible to define Lα and Rα on the whole crystal Bs by requiring that they are isomorphisms of I0 -crystals.   Acknowledgments The second author Cristian Lenart gratefully acknowledges the partial support from the NSF grant DMS–1362627 and the Simons grant #584738. Both authors are grateful to Arthur Lubovsky and Adam Schultze for the computer tests (based on the Sage [28] system) related to this work; they also received support from the NSF grant mentioned above.

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Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian V. Lakshmibai and Rahul Singh

Dedicated to Professor Vyjayanthi Chari on her 60th birthday

Abstract Let G be a simply connected, almost simple group over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p, where either p = 0 or p is an odd prime which is also a good prime for G. Let P be a maximal parabolic subgroup corresponding to omitting a cominuscule root. We construct a compactification φ : T ∗ G/P → X(u), where X(u) is a Schubert  variety in a partial affine flag variety associated with the loop group G k[t, t −1 ] . Let N ∗ X(w) ⊆ T ∗ G/P be the conormal variety of some Schubert variety X(w) in G/P ; hence we obtain that the closure of φ(N ∗ X(w)) in X(u) is a B-stable compactification of N ∗ X(w). We further show that this compactification is a Schubert subvariety of X(u) if and only if X(w0 w) ⊆ G/P is smooth, where w0 is the longest element in the Weyl group of G. This result is applied to compute the conormal fibre at the zero matrix in any determinantal variety.

1 Introduction Given a quiver Q, let Q = Q  Qop be the double of Q, the quiver that has the same vertex set as Q and whose set of edges is a disjoint union of the sets of edges of Q and of Qop , the opposite quiver. Thus, for any edge e ∈ Q, there is also a reverse edge e∗ ∈ Qop ⊆ Q with the same endpoints as e, but in the opposite direction. For d a dimension vector, the quiver variety Repd Q is naturally identified as the cotangent bundle of Repd Q (cf. [8]).

V. Lakshmibai Department of Mathematics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA R. Singh () Department of Mathematics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

Consider the quiver A2 , with dimension vector d = (n, m). Orbit closures in Repd A2 (see Table 1) are called determinantal varieties. Lakshmibai and Seshadri [18] have identified determinantal varieties as open subsets of certain Schubert varieties in the type A Grassmannian. Consider the following subvariety of T ∗ Repd A2 = Repd A2 , 4 ) ( Z = (x, y) ∈ H om(km , kn ) × H om(kn , km ) 4 xy = 0, yx = 0 . Strickland [24] has identified the conormal varieties of determinantal varieties as the irreducible components of Z. !n the extended Dynkin diagram corresponding to An (see We denote by A !n is called nilpotent if the composite map Table 1). A point (x1 , · · · , xn ) ∈ Repd A xn xn−1 · · · x1 : V1 → V1 is nilpotent, and the orbit of such a point is called a nilpotent orbit. It is easily seen !2 , and that each irreducible component of Z is the closure of a nilpotent that A2 = A orbit in Repd A2 , where d = (n, m). On the other hand, Lusztig [19] has identified each nilpotent orbit closure in !n as an open subset of some Schubert variety in the type A affine GrassRepd A mannian. Inspired by these results, Lakshmibai [14] has suggested an exploration of the relationship between the conormal varieties of Schubert varieties and the corresponding affine Schubert varieties. Recall that a prime p is called a good prime for G, if p is co-prime to all the coefficients of the highest root of G written in terms of the simple roots. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p, and let G be a simply connected, almost simple algebraic group over k. We assume that either p = 0 or that p is an odd prime which is also a good prime for G. We may identify G as a Kac–Moody group corresponding to some irreducible   def finite type Dynkin diagram D0 . The loop group LG = G k[t, t −1 ] is then a Kac–Moody group corresponding to the extended Dynkin diagram D, obtained by attaching to D0 the extra root α0 (see Table 1). Recall that a simple root αd ∈ D0 is called cominuscule if its coefficient in the highest root θ0 is 1. We see from Table 1 that αd is cominuscule if and only if there exists an automorphism ι of D such that ι(α0 ) = αd . Let P be the parabolic subgroup in G corresponding to omitting a cominuscule root αd , and P the parabolic subgroup in LG corresponding to omitting both αd and α0 . For k = C, Lakshmibai [14], and Lakshmibai et al. [17] have constructed a dense embedding φ of T ∗ G/P into a Schubert variety in LG/P. We use the Kac–Moody functor of Tits [25] to give a definition of φ which works in good and odd characteristic (see Proposition 3.14 and Theorem 3.18). Let J = D0 \{αd }, the set of simple roots associated with the parabolic subgroup P as defined above. Further, let wJ (resp. w0 ) be the longest element in the Weyl

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


Table 1 (See [5]) finite type Dynkin diagrams with cominuscule simple roots marked in black (left column), and the corresponding extended Dynkin diagrams with all the cominuscule roots and the additional affine root marked in black (right column) 1



A1 1












An n 2


1 1









n 2




n 3 1

















n 2

n 2 n−1 1












n 4

n 4











E6 2





















group of P (resp. the Weyl group of G). Our first result, Theorem A (which appears right after Proposition 4.8), is the following: Theorem A Let XJ (w) be a Schubert variety in G/P , and let N ∗ XJ (w) be its conormal variety. Then the closure of φ(N ∗ XJ (w)) in LG/P is a Schubert variety if and only if the Schubert variety XJ (w0 w) in G/P is smooth.   We also obtain (Proposition 4.11) a description of the conormal fibre at the identity for the Schubert varieties to which Theorem A applies. Lakshmibai and Seshadri [16, 18] have identified determinantal varieties, symmetric determinantal varieties, and skew-symmetric determinantal varieties as open subsets of certain Schubert subvarieties of cominuscule Grassmannians of type A, C, and D, respectively. Using this identification, along with the combinatorial criterion for smoothness of Schubert varieties in cominuscule Grassmannians (see Proposition 4.5) given by Billey and Mitchell [3], we deduce that Theorem A applies


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

to determinantal varieties, symmetric determinantal varieties, and skew-symmetric determinantal varieties. In our second result, Theorem B (which appears right after Appendix 5.3), we obtain an explicit determination of the conormal fibre at the zero matrix of a skew-symmetric determinantal variety. Similar results are known for determinantal varieties (see [10, 24]) and symmetric determinantal varieties (see [9]), and our proof of Theorem B can be adapted in a straightforward manner to recover these results. sk,n

Theorem B Let r sk,n


denote the rank r skew-symmetric determinantal variety,

4 > ? 4 = A ∈ Matn×n (k) 4 A = −AT , rank(A)  r . sk,n

The conormal fibre of r


at 0 is isomorphic to n−r , where % n=


if n is even,


if n is odd.

The paper is arranged as follows. In Sect. 2, we recall the basics of finite and affine type root systems and Kac–Moody groups. We also describe how extending a finite type root system by attaching an extra root (in the manner prescribed in [11]) corresponds to extending the associated finite type group to its loop group. Finally, we recall some results on Weyl groups and (affine) Schubert varieties. In Sect. 3, we show that the cotangent bundle of a cominuscule Grassmannian has a compactification φ by an affine Schubert variety. Along the way, we construct (Definition 3.6) an involution ι of affine type Dynkin diagrams that exchanges a cominuscule root αd with the extra root α0 . The involution ι, viewed as a linear automorphism of the root lattice, acts on the associated Weyl group by conjugation (Eq. (3.2)). In Sect. 4, we study the conormal variety N ∗ XJ (w) of a Schubert variety XJ (w) in a cominuscule Grassmannian G/P . We leverage the main result of [3] to develop characterizations of smooth Schubert varieties in G/P , see Proposition 4.5. We then use this to prove that N ∗ XJ (w) has a compactification as a Schubert variety via the embedding φ if and only if the Schubert variety XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth, see Theorem A. This yields powerful results about the geometry of N ∗ XJ (w) when XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth, see Theorem 4.9. Further, using Littelmann’s work [15] on the standard monomial theory of affine Schubert varieties, we can write down the equations defining N ∗ XJ (w) as a subvariety of T ∗ G/P , see Theorem 4.10. In Proposition 4.11, we give a description of the fibre of N ∗ XJ (w) at identity as a union of Schubert varieties. In Sect. 5, we apply the results of Sect. 4 to skew-symmetric determinantal varieties. The (usual, symmetric, skew-symmetric resp.) rank r determinantal varieties can be identified as the opposite cells of certain Schubert varieties XJ (wr ) in certain cominuscule Grassmannian (of type A, C, D resp.). Working in type D, we

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


first verify that XJ (w0 wwr ) is smooth (Eq. (5.5)); hence Proposition 4.11 applies. We then make explicit computations in the Weyl group (Proposition 5.6) to prove that the fibre at the zero matrix of the skew-symmetric determinantal variety is the rank n − r skew-symmetric determinantal variety, where n is as in Theorem B.

2 Dynkin Diagrams and Weyl Groups In this section, we recall the basics of the theory of finite type and extended Dynkin diagrams, their root systems, and certain Kac–Moody groups associated with them. Throughout, we assume that the base field k is algebraically closed. The primary references for the combinatorial results in this section are [5, 13, 25]. For the geometric results, one may refer to [7, 13].

2.1 Finite Type Dynkin Diagrams Let D0 be an irreducible finite type Dynkin diagram, and 0 the abstract root system − associated with D0 . We shall denote by + 0 , 0 , D0 , θ0 , and W0 , the positive roots, negative roots, simple roots, highest root, and the Weyl group of 0 , respectively.

2.2 Extended Dynkin Diagram and Root System The extended Dynkin diagram D is obtained by attaching a simple root α0 to D0 , see [11]. Let , + , − , D, and W denote the set of roots, positive roots, negative roots, simple roots, and the Weyl group, respectively, of the abstract root system of D. A root α ∈ is called a real root if there exists a w ∈ W such that w(α) ∈ D; def otherwise α is called an imaginary root. The root δ = α0 + θ0 is called the basic imaginary root, where θ0 denotes the highest root in 0 . The set of real roots re , and the set of positive roots + , have the following characterizations in terms of δ: 4 ( ) re = α + nδ 4 α ∈ 0 , n ∈ Z , 4 ( )+ + 0 . + = α + nδ 4 α ∈ 0  {0} , n > 0


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

2.3 Bruhat Order and Reduced Expressions The Weyl group W is a Coxeter group with simple reflections {sα | α ∈ D}. The Bruhat order ≤ on W is the partial order generated by the relations wsα > w ⇐⇒ w(α) > 0

∀ α ∈ + ,

sα w > w ⇐⇒ w −1 (α) > 0

∀ α ∈ + .


We say w = s1 . . . sl is a reduced expression for w if each si is a simple reflection, and any other expression w = s1 . . . sk satisfies k  l. The length l(w) of an element w ∈ W is the number of simple reflections in a reduced expression for w. The length function satisfies the relation v < w (⇒ l(v) < l(w).

2.4 The Weyl Involution The Weyl group W0 is finite, and has a unique longest element w0 . The element w0 − is an involution, i.e., w02 = 1, and further satisfies w0 ( + 0 ) = 0 . It follows that −w0 induces an involution of D0 , called the Weyl involution (see [5, pg 158]).

2.5 Semi-Direct Product Decomposition Let *∨ 0 be the co-root lattice of 0 . There exists (cf. [13, §13.1.7]) a group isomorphism W → W0  *∨ 0 given by sα → (sα , 0) sα0 →

for α ∈ D0 ,

(sθ0 , −θ0∨ ),

∨ where θ0 is the highest root in 0 . For q ∈ *∨ 0 , we write τq = (1, q) ∈ W0  *0 . The action of τq on is determined by the formula τq (δ) = δ, and def

τq (α) = α − α(q)δ

∀ α ∈ 0 .


2.6 Support The support of w ∈W , denoted Supp(w), is the smallest subset J ⊆ D satisfying aβ β, we define the support of α to be w ∈ WJ . For α = β∈D

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


4 ) def ( Supp(α) = β ∈ D 4 aβ = 0 . Observe that if α ∈ + and w(α) ∈ − , then Supp(α) ⊆ Supp(w).

2.7 Minimal Representatives Let J be some proper (necessarily finite type) sub-diagram of D. We write J , + J, − , J, and W for the set of roots, positive roots, negative roots, simple roots, and J J the Weyl subgroup, respectively, whose support is contained in J. Given an element w ∈ W , there exists a unique element wJ , which is of minimal length in the coset wWJ . The element w J is called the minimal representative of w with respect to J. The set of minimal representatives in W with respect to J is denoted by W J . For J = D0 , we will also use W 0 to denote the set of minimal representatives W D0 . It follows from Eq. (2.1) that W J = {w ∈ W | w(α) > 0, ∀ α ∈ J} .


In particular, we have WJ ⊆ W D\J for any J ⊆ D.

2.8 The Group G Let G be the simply connected, almost simple algebraic group over k whose Dynkin diagram is D0 . We fix a torus T ⊆ G, and a pair of Borel subgroups B and B − in G, which are opposite with respect to T , i.e., we have B ∩ B − = T . We identify the root system of (G, B, T ) with the abstract root system 0 , and the Weyl group W0 with N/T , where N is the normalizer of T in G.

2.9 The Loop Group Let O = k[t], O− = k[t −1 ], and K = k[t, t −1 ]. The loop group LG = G(K) is a Kac–Moody group with Dynkin diagram D, and is ind-representable by an affine scheme over k. Throughout, we shall identify the Weyl group W of D with N (K)/T . Let g be the Lie algebra of G. We identify the Lie algebra Lg of LG with g ⊗ K. Let Uα denote the root subgroup corresponding to a real root α ∈ 4 [4, 20, ) ( re (see 22]). We can identify G as the subgroup of LG generated by T and Uα 4 α ∈ 0 . def



Let L+ G = G(O), L− G = G(O− ), and consider the evaluation maps def




V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

π : L+ G → G,

π− : L− G → G,

t → 0,

t −1 → 0.

The subgroups B = π −1 (B) and B− = π−−1 (B − ) are called Borel subgroups of LG. The Borel subgroups B and B− are opposite subgroups with respect to T , i.e., B ∩ B− = T . def


2.10 The Adjoint Group G Observe that the adjoint action of G on g induces a t-linear G-action on Lg, and hence a G-action on End(Lg). Following [20, §7.54], we have a G-equivariant homomorphism, Ad : LG → GL(Lg), induced by the conjugation action of LG on itself. Let G (resp. G0 ) denote the image of LG (resp. L+ G) under Ad. We have ker(Ad) ⊆ T (cf. [20, §7.55]); consequently, Ad yields a G-equivariant isomorphism, LG/L+ G ∼ = G/G0 . Finally, the conjugation (resp. left multiplication) action of G on LG (resp. LG/L+ G) yields a G-action on G (resp. G/G0 ). It is a simple verification that the quotient map G → G/G0 is G-equivariant with respect to these actions.

2.11 Nilpotent Set of Roots (See [25]) Let  be a finite set of real roots. We say that  is pre-nilpotent if there exist w, w  ∈ W such that w() ⊆ + and w  () ⊆ − . We say that  is closed if α, β ∈ , α + β ∈ (⇒ α + β ∈ . Finally, we say  is nilpotent if it is pre-nilpotent and closed. For α ∈ , let gα be the associated root space (see, for example, [11]). If  is nilpotent, then so is the Lie sub-algebra def

g =

gα .



2.12 Tits’ Functor for Kac–Moody Groups For α a real root, let Uα be the group scheme over k isomorphic to Ga with Lie algebra gα . To every nilpotent set of roots , Tits[25] associates a group scheme

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


U that depends only on g , and is naturally a closed subgroup scheme of LG (cf. [25]). For any ordering of , the product morphism 

U α → U


is a scheme isomorphism. Hence, we get a scheme isomorphism exp : g → U .

2.13 Parabolic Subgroups Recall the identification W ∼ ! of w to = N(K)/T . For every w ∈ W , we fix a lift w N (K). Then, for any subset J ⊆ D, the subgroup 4 ) ( def PJ = BWJ B = b! w b 4 b, b ∈ B, w ∈ WJ is the parabolic subgroup of LG corresponding to J. The parabolic subgroup PD0 is precisely L+ G. For a subset J ⊆ D0 , the subgroup 4 ( ) def PJ = BWJ B = b! w b 4 b, b ∈ B, w ∈ WJ is the parabolic subgroup of G corresponding to J ⊆ D0 .

2.14 The Bruhat Decomposition Consider some subset J of D0 . The Bruhat decomposition of G is G=


BwPJ ,


where W0J = W0 ∩ W J . The partial flag variety G/PJ has the decomposition def

G/PJ =


BwPJ (mod PJ ).


Let ≤ denote the Bruhat order on W . For w ∈ W0J , the Schubert variety


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh



XJ (w) = BwPJ (mod PJ ) =

BvPJ (mod PJ )

v∈W0J vw

is a projective variety of dimension l(w).

2.15 Affine Schubert Varieties Fix a proper subset J  D. We have the Bruhat decomposition +

LG =

BwPJ .

w∈W J

The quotient LG/PJ is an ind-scheme (in the sense of [7]). For w ∈ W J , the affine Schubert variety def

XJ (w) = BwPJ (mod PJ ) is a projective variety of dimension l(w), and has the decomposition XJ (w) =


BvPJ (mod PJ ).

vw v∈W J

Consider a proper subset L  D, and let wL be the longest element in WL . The J Schubert variety XJ (wL ) is PL -homogeneous, hence smooth. Indeed, we have J PL ∩ PJ = PL∩J , and further, XJ (wL ) = PL /PL∩J .

2.16 The Opposite Cell Let J, L be as above. Let e denote the image of the identity element in the quotient LG/PJ . The opposite cell XJ− (w), given by XJ− (w) = B− e def


XJ (w),

is an open affine subvariety of XJ (w). The opposite cell of the Schubert variety J ) is isomorphic to the affine space Ak for k = Card( − XJ (wL L \ J ). Indeed, for − any enumeration α1 , . . . , αk of L \ J , the map

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


Uα1 × . . . × Uαk −→ LG/PJ , (u1 , . . . , uk ) → u1 . . . uk (mod PJ ) J is an open immersion onto the opposite cell XJ− (wL ). We also mention here the − L G cell YJ (w) ⊆ XJ (w),

YJ (w) = L− Ge def


XJ (w),


which is also an open affine subvariety in XJ (w).

2.17 The Demazure Product The Demazure product ' on W is the unique associative product satisfying % sα ' w =


if sα w < w,

sα w

if sα w > w.


The double coset BwB is called a Bruhat cell in LG. Suppose v = s1 . . . sk is a reduced presentation for v ∈ W . Then v = s1 ' . . . ' sk , and BvB = Bs1 B . . . Bsk B. Consider v ∈ W J , w ∈ WJ . Then v ' w = vw. More generally, we have l(vw) = l(v) + l(w) ⇐⇒ v ' w = vw.


Remark The reader may refer to [12, Remark 3.3] for further details, including a justification of the name “Demazure product”.  

3 The Cominuscule Grassmannian Let D0 be a finite type Dynkin diagram, and D its associated extended Dynkin diagram. In this section, we first recall the notion of cominuscule roots and cominuscule Grassmannians associated with D0 . We then fix a choice of cominuscule root αd , and develop the rest of this section (and the next) for that fixed choice of αd . We introduce in Definition 3.6 a canonical Dynkin diagram involution ι depending only on αd . Let G be the almost simple, simply connected algebraic group defined over k, with Dynkin diagram D0 , and let P ⊆ G be the maximal parabolic subgroup


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

corresponding to “omitting” the simple root αd . In the case where char(k) = 0, Lakshmibai, Ravikumar, and Slofstra [17] have constructed an isomorphism φ of T ∗ G/P with the opposite cell of an affine Schubert variety in LG/P (see Appendix 3.2 for the definition of P). We give an alternate description of this Schubert variety in Eq. (3.3). Our goal in this section is to extend the results of [17] to the case where char(k) is an odd prime which is also a good prime for G, see Proposition 3.14 and Theorem 3.18. Definition 3.1 A simple root αd ∈ D0 is called cominuscule if the coefficient of αd in the highest root θ0 (or equivalently, in the basic imaginary root δ = α0 + θ0 ) is 1.   Observe from Table 1 that a simple root αd is cominuscule if and only if there exists an automorphism ι of D such that ι(α0 ) = αd . For the remainder of this section (and the next), let αd be some fixed cominuscule root in D0 , and set def


Dd = D\ {αd } ,

J = D0 ∩ Dd ,


θd = δ − αd .

− We write d , + d , d , and Wd for the set of roots, positive roots, negative roots, and Weyl group, respectively, of the root system associated with Dd . Further, we denote by W d the set of minimal representatives in W with respect to Wd . Observe that θd is the highest root of the finite type root system d .

3.2 The Cominuscule Grassmannian Let Pd be the parabolic subgroup corresponding to the set of simple roots Dd . We will write P , P for the parabolic subgroups PJ ⊆ G and PJ ⊆ LG, respectively. Observe that P = L+ G ∩ Pd and P = G ∩ Pd . The variety G/P is called a cominuscule Grassmannian of type D0 .

3.3 The Cotangent Bundle Let g, p, h denote the Lie algebras of G, P , T , respectively. We have the root space decompositions g=h⊕

gα ,

α∈ 0


− α∈ + 0  J

gα ,

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian

uP =


gα .

+ α∈ + 0 \ J

Following [2, §5.1.11], we have T ∗ G/P = G ×P uP = G × uP / ∼, where ∼ is the equivalence relation given by (gp, u) ∼ (g, Ad(p)u) for g ∈ G, u ∈ uP , p ∈ P . Lemma 3.4 Let wJ be the longest element of WJ . We have wJ (αd ) = θ0 and wJ (α0 ) = θd .   Proof To show wJ (αd ) = θ0 , it is enough to show that wJ (αd ) is maximal in + + 0 \ J . Observe first that wJ ( 0 ) = 0 , wJ ( J ) = J , and (

4 ) + 4 α ∈ + 0 wJ (α) < 0 = J .

+ + + + + Consequently, wJ ( + 0 \ J ) ⊆ 0 \ J . Consider α ∈ 0 \ J , and let γ = α − αd . Observe that αd  α; hence γ  0. Further, since αd is cominuscule, we have 2αd ≤ α. It follows that αd ∈ Supp(γ ), and so Supp(γ ) ⊆ J. Hence

wJ (γ )  0 (⇒ wJ (α) = wJ (αd ) + wJ (γ ), (⇒ wJ (α)  wJ (αd ). + We see that wJ (αd ) is maximal in + 0 \ J , hence wJ (αd ) = θ0 . The formula + wJ (α0 ) = θd follows similarly, by showing that wJ (α0 ) is maximal in + d \ J .

3.5 Bilinear Form Let V denote the real vector space with basis D. There exists a W -invariant symmetric bilinear form ( | ) on V (cf. [11, §3.7]) such that sα (β) = β − 2

(α | β) α. (α | α)

Definition 3.6 (The Involution ι) Let ι be the linear involution of V given by ⎧ ⎪ for α = α0 , ⎪ ⎨αd ι(α) = α0 for α = αd , ⎪ ⎪ ⎩−w (α) for α ∈ J. J



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Lemma 3.7 The form ( | ) is invariant under ι ∈ GL(V ).


Proof Recall that (δ | ) = 0 (cf. [11, §5.2]). It is sufficient to verify the invariance on the basis J ∪ {α0 , αd }. For α, β ∈ J, we have 4   (ι(α) | ι(β)) = −wJ (α) 4 −wJ (β) = (α | β) , 4  4    (ι(α0 ) | ι(β)) = αd 4 −wJ (β) = wJ (θ0 ) 4 −wJ (β) = (−θ0 | β) = (α0 − δ | β) = (α0 | β) , 4  4    (ι(αd ) | ι(β)) = α0 4 −wJ (β) = wJ (θd ) 4 −wJ (β) = (−θd | β) = (αd − δ | β) = (αd | β) , (ι(α0 ) | ι(αd )) = (αd | α0 ) = (α0 | αd ) . Proposition 3.8 The map ι induces an involution of the Dynkin diagram D.


Proof It is clear from the definition that ι is an involution. Further, since −wJ induces an involution of J that preserves its Dynkin diagram structure (cf. [5, pg 158]), it follows that ι preserves the set of simple roots D. Now, it follows from αi∨ (αj )

 4  αi 4 αj = (αi | αi )

  that the Cartan matrix αi∨ (αj ) ij is preserved under ι, and so ι preserves the Dynkin diagram structure on D. Corollary 3.9 We have the equality ι(δ) = δ.


Proof Consider γ ∈ ZD satisfying (γ | ) = 0. Then γ = kδ for some k ∈ Z (cf. [11, §5.6]). Now, it follows from Lemma 3.7 and the fact (δ | ) = 0, that (ι(δ) | ) = 0. Hence ι(δ) = kδ for some k ∈ Z . Further it follows from Proposition 3.8 that k > 0 and k 2 = 1. We deduce that k = 1, i.e., ι(δ) = δ.

3.10 Action on W We also define an involution ι of W given by ι


sα = sι(α)

for α ∈ D.

It is clear that ι preserves the length and the Bruhat order on W , and ι

W J = W J,


wJ = wJ ,

W0 = Wd,


wd = w0 .

WJ = WJ ,


W0 = Wd ,



Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


Next, we show that the action of ι on W is the same as conjugation by ι, i.e., ι

w = ι ◦ w ◦ ι,


where both w and ι are viewed as elements of GL(V ). Using Eq. (3.1), Definition 3.6, and Lemma 3.7, we have for any β ∈ D,  (α | ι(β)) α (ι ◦ sα ◦ ι)(β) = ι(sα (ι(β))) = ι ι(β) − 2 (α | α) =β −2

(ι(α) | β) ι(α) (ι(α) | ι(α))

= sι(α) (β). Note also that since Schubert varieties depend only on the underlying Dynkin diagrams, there exists an isomorphism XJ (ι w) ∼ = XJ (w) for any w ∈ W .

3.11 The Co-Weight q Let w0 , wd be the maximal elements in W0 , Wd , respectively, and let d∨ be the fundamental co-weight dual to αd . Set q = w0 (d∨ ) − d∨ ∈ *∨ 0, def


and let τq ∈ W be the element corresponding to q ∈ *∨ 0 (see Appendix 2.5). Proposition 3.12 We have the equality τq = w0 wJ wd wJ = w0J wdJ .


Proof The set of roots is contained in the Z-span of the set D0 ∪ {δ}. Since the action of W on is faithful, it is enough to verify w0 wJ wd wJ (α) = τq (α)

∀ α ∈ D0 ∪ {δ} .


Further, since δ is fixed under the action of W (cf. Appendix 2.5), it is sufficient to verify Eq. (3.4) for α ∈ D0 . Recall from Appendix 2.4 −w0 induces an involution on D0 . Set β = −w0 (αd ), so that −w0 (d∨ ) = β∨ , the fundamental co-weight dual to β. It follows from Eqs. (2.2) and (3.3) that τq (α) = α + α(d∨ )δ − α(w0 (d∨ ))δ =α

+ α(d∨

Hence we can rewrite Eq. (3.4) as

+ β∨ )δ.



V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

w0 wJ wd wJ (α) = α + α(d∨ + β∨ )δ

∀ α ∈ D0 .


Next, it follows from β = −w0 (αd ) that ι(β) = −ι(w0 (αd )) = −ι w0 (ι(αd )) (⇒ ι(β) = −wd (α0 )

using Eq. (3.2), using Appendix 3.10.


Further, we have wd wJ (αd ) = wd (θ0 ) = wd (δ − α0 ) = δ − wd (α0 ) = δ + ι(β) w0 wJ (α0 ) = ι (wd wJ )(ι(αd )) = ι(δ + ι(β)) = δ + β

using Lemma 3.4


using Eq. (3.7), using Appendix 3.10


using Corollary 3.9.

We are now ready to prove that Eq. (3.6) holds for α ∈ {αd , β}. Case 1 Suppose β = αd . Then ι(β) = α0 , d∨ = β∨ , and q = τ2d∨ . We have w0 wJ wd wJ (αd ) = w0 wJ (δ + ι(β))

using Eq. (3.8)

= w0 wJ (δ + α0 )

using β = αd

= w0 (δ + θd )

using Lemma 3.4

= w0 (2δ − αd ) = 2δ + β

using β = −w0 (αd )

= αd + 2δ = τq (αd )

using β = αd and Eq. (3.5).

Case 2 Suppose β = αd . Then β, ι(β) ∈ J, and β∨ (αd ) = d∨ (β) = 0. It follows from Definition 3.6 that ι(β) = −wJ (β), hence wJ (ι(β)) = −β. We have w0 wJ wd wJ (αd ) = w0 wJ (δ + ι(β))

using Eq. (3.8)

= w0 (δ − β) = δ − w0 (β) = δ + αd = τq (αd )

using Eq. (3.5)

w0 wJ wd wJ (β) = w0 wJ wd (−ι(β)) = w0 wJ wd wd (α0 )

using Eq. (3.7)

= w0 wJ (α0 ) = δ + β

using Eq. (3.9)

= τq (β)

using Eq. (3.5).

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


Finally, we prove that Eq. (3.6) holds for any α ∈ D0 \ {αd , β} = J\ {β}. Since α ∈ D0 , we have −w0 (α) ∈ D0 . Observe further that since α = β, we have −w0 (α) = αd , and so −w0 (α) ∈ J. Applying Definition 3.6, we get ι(−w0 (α)) = wJ w0 (α) (⇒ wJ ιw0 (α) = −w0 (α).


We see from Eq. (3.5) that τq (α) = α. We compute w0 wJ wd wJ (α) = −w0 wJ ι w0 ι(α)

using α ∈ J, and Definition 3.6

= −w0 wJ ιw0 (α)

using Eq. (3.2)

= w02 (α) = α = τq (α)

using Eq. (3.10).

Lemma 3.13 Let  = − d \ J , and consider some γ ∈ D0 ∪ ±J. Then def

(a) All subsets of  are nilpotent (see Appendix 2.11). (b) The set  ∪ {γ } is nilpotent.   4 ) ( − Proof First observe that  = d \ J = α ∈ 4 −θd  α  −α0 . Consider α, β ∈ . Then Supp(α + β) ⊆ Dd . Further, we have α, β  −α0 (⇒ α + β  −2α0 . Now, since α0 is cominuscule in Dd , it follows that α + β ∈ . Consequently, every subset of  is closed. Next, we prove that  ∪ {γ } is closed. (a) Suppose γ = αd . Consider α ∈ . The coefficient of α0 in α + γ is −1, and the coefficient of αd is 1. Hence, α + γ is not a root. (b) Suppose γ ∈ J. Suppose further that α + γ ∈ for some α ∈ . Since Supp(α + γ ) ⊆ Dd , we see that α + γ ∈ d . Further, since the coefficient of α0 in α + γ is −1, we have α + γ ∈ J . (c) Suppose γ ∈ −J. Suppose further that α + γ ∈ for some α ∈ . Then α + γ  −α0 and α + γ ∈ d . It follows that α + γ ∈ . Finally, consider u+ , u− ∈ W given by

u+ =

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨wd w s ⎪ d γ ⎪ ⎩w d

if γ = αd , if γ ∈ J, if γ ∈ −J,

u− =

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨sαd

if γ = αd ,

sγ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩1

if γ ∈ −J.

It is easy to verify that u± ( ∪ {γ }) ⊆ ± . Recall from Eq. (2.4) the Lie sub-algebra g =


if γ ∈ J,

gα . Recall also from

Appendix 2.12 the isomorphism, exp : g → U , for some ordering on .


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

Proposition 3.14 Recall the opposite cell XJ− (wdJ ) from Appendix 2.16. There exists a P -equivariant isomorphism φ : uP → XJ− (wdJ ) given by φ(X) = exp(t −1 X) mod P. Proof The map X → t −1 X is G-equivariant (hence also P -equivariant), and takes + the root space gα to gα−δ . Observe that uP = g 0 \ J , and further 4 ) ( 4 + 0 \ J − δ = α − δ α ∈ 0 \ J 4 ) ( = α − δ 4 α ∈ , αd  α  θ0 4 ( ) = α ∈ 4 −θd  α  −α0 = − d \ J .


Hence, we have a map t −1 : uP → g , where  = − d \ J . It follows from def

Appendix 2.16 that exp ◦t −1 is an isomorphism from uP to YJ (wdJ ). It remains to show that exp is P -equivariant. For γ ∈ D0 ∪ −J, it follows from Lemma 3.13 that the group scheme U∪{γ } is well-defined. The action of Uγ on U (resp. g ) being the restriction of the adjoint action of U∪{γ } on itself (resp. g∪{γ } ), It follows that exp is P -equivariant, since P = #the map4 exp is Uγ -equivariant. $ T , Uγ 4 γ ∈ D0 ∪ −J , and exp is T -equivariant by construction. Lemma 3.15 For X ∈ g, let adX : Lg → g be given by adX (Y ) = [X, Y ]. For X ∈ uP , we have adX 3 = 0.   Proof Since the adX is t-linear, it is sufficient to show that ad3X (Y ) = 0 for all  Y ∈ g. Consider γ ∈ 0 , β1 , β2 , β3 ∈ + 0 \ J , and set γ = γ + β1 + β2 + β3 . We have β1 , β2 , β3  αd . Suppose γ =

aα α.


Since αd is cominuscule, we have aαd  −1. Consequently, the coefficient of αd in γ  is  2, and so γ  is not a root. In particular, we have [gβ1 , [gβ2 , [gβ3 , gγ ]]] ⊆ gγ = 0. The lemma now follows from the observation that the map (X, Y ) → [X, Y ] is + linear in X and Y , and from the equality uP = g 0 \ J . Proposition 3.16 Let θ : T ∗ G/P → N be the Springer map, see [23], and let C ⊆ N be the G-orbit such that θ (T ∗ G/P ) = C. The map φ from Proposition 3.14 extends to a G-equivariant map, ψ : C → LG/L+ G.  

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


Proof Recall from Appendix 2.10 the groups G and G0 , the G-equivariant isomorphism, LG/L+ G ∼ = G/G0 , and the G-equivariant quotient map pr : G → G/G0 . ! : C → End(Lg), given by Consider first the map, ψ !(X) = 1 + t −1 adX + ψ

t −2 adX 2 . 2


!. Note that our Since the map X → adX is G-equivariant, the same is true for ψ ! assumption that char(k) = 2 ensures that ψ (X) is well-defined. Following Lemma 3.15, we have ad3X |g = 0 for all X ∈ uP , and hence, !|uP = Ad ◦ exp . ψ


!(uP ) ⊆ G. The G-equivariance of ψ ! now yields the In particular, we have ψ def !(C) ⊆ G. We define ψ = pr ◦ ψ !. The map ψ is G-equivariant because ψ ! inclusion ψ and pr are G-equivariant, and agrees with φ on uP , as can be seen from Eq. (3.13). Proposition 3.17 Recall the map ψ : C → LG/L+ G from Proposition 3.16 and the co-weight q = w0 (d∨ ) − d∨ from Eq. (3.3). We have ψ(C) = YD0 (τq ), and further, the induced map, ψ : C → YD0 (τq ), is an isomorphism.   Proof Since ψ is G-equivariant and ψ(uP ) = φ(uP ) = XJ− (wdJ ), we have − − (wdJ ) = GB− XD (wdJ ). ψ(C) = GXD 0 0

Next, τq = w0J wdJ (see Proposition 3.12) is the maximal element in the coset W0 wdJ (cf. [17]), and hence we have − (wdJ ) = YD0 (w0J wdJ ) = YD0 (τq ). GB− XD 0

The induced map, ψ : C → YD0 (τq ), is an isomorphism because it admits an inverse map, which we describe below. In [1], Achar and Henderson study a Gequivariant finite map π from a subset of the affine Grassmannian to a subset of the nilpotent cone. The co-weight q satisfies the equality q = −w0 (q), and hence we ∼ can apply [1, Proposition 6.6], to obtain an induced isomorphism, YD0 − → C. That this isomorphism is inverse to ψ can be seen by comparing the definition of the map π (see [1, (2.1),(2.2)]) with Eqs. (3.12) and (3.13). Theorem 3.18 Let θ , C, ψ, and q be as in Proposition 3.16. The map φ from Proposition 3.14 extends to a G-equivariant isomorphism, φ : T ∗ G/P → YJ (τq ), φ(g, X) = g φ(X) Further, we have a commutative diagram,

for g ∈ G, X ∈ uP .


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

where pr denotes the quotient map LG/P → LG/L+ G.


Proof The proof of [17, Theorem 1.3] applies to show that φ is well-defined and Gequivariant, and that φ(T ∗ G/P ) ⊆ XJ (w0J wdJ ). The commutativity of the diagram follows from the G-equivariance of φ and ψ, and the observation that pr(φ(1, X)) = φ(X) (mod L+ G) = ψ(θ(X)),

∀ X ∈ uP .

Next, we show that φ is injective. Let π : T ∗ G/P → G/P denote the structure map defining the cotangent bundle. The product map, (π, θ ) : T ∗ G/P → G/P × C, is injective. Let Q denote the parabolic subgroup of LG corresponding to the subset Dd ⊆ D, and let pr : LG/P → LG/Q denote the quotient map. We have an ∼ identification id : G/P − → XDd (w0J ). Consider the commutative diagram,

The map (pr , pr) is injective because it is the restriction to XJ (τq ) of the map LG/P → LG/L+ G × LG/Q. Since (pr , pr) ◦ φ = (id ×ψ) ◦ (π, θ ) is injective, the same is true of φ. Further, XJ (τq ) is a normal variety, and it follows from Zariski’s Main Theorem that φ is an open embedding. We use the G-equivariance of φ, along with Proposition 3.14 to compute, φ(T ∗ G/P ) = GXJ− (wdJ ) = GB− XJ− (wdJ ) = YJ (τq ). Hence, we have an induced isomorphism, φ : T ∗ G/P → YJ (τq ), as claimed. Remark The G-orbits Nλ ⊆ N are naturally indexed by certain co-weights, see, for example, [6]. As a consequence of Theorem 3.18, we see that the orbit C ⊆ N is precisely the orbit corresponding to the co-weight q.  

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


4 The Conormal Variety of a Schubert variety 4.1 The Conormal Variety Consider the Schubert variety XJ (w), viewed as a subvariety of G/P . For a smooth point x ∈ XJ (w), the conormal fibre Nx∗ XP (w) is the annihilator of Tx XJ (w) in Tx∗ G/P , i.e., 4 ( ) Nx∗ XP (w) = f ∈ Tx∗ G/P 4 f (v) = 0 ∀v ∈ Tx XP (w) . The conormal variety N ∗ XJ (w) of XJ (w) → G/P is the closure in T ∗ G/P of the conormal bundle of the smooth locus of XJ (w). Let D0 be a finite type Dynkin diagram and D the associated extended diagram. Fix a cominuscule root αd ∈ D0 and let J, ι, G, LG, P , P, and φ : T ∗ G/P → def LG/P be as in the previous section. We fix w ∈ W0J = W0 ∩ W J and set def

v = ι (w0 wwJ ).


It follows from Theorem 3.18 that the closure of φ(N ∗ XJ (w)) in XJ (τq ) is a B-stable compactification of N ∗ XJ (w). The primary goal of this section is Theorem A: This compactification of φ(N ∗ XJ (w)) is a Schubert subvariety of XJ (τq ) if and only if XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth. This yields powerful results (Theorems 4.9 and 4.10) regarding the geometry of N ∗ XJ (w) in the case where XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth. We first give a combinatorial description of N ∗ XJ (w) in Proposition 4.2, and then develop a sequence of lemmas leading to the proof of Theorem A. Finally, we show in Proposition 4.11 that the fibre at identity of N ∗ XJ (w) can be identified as the union of opposite cells of certain Schubert varieties. 4 )  α def ( R 4 Proposition 4.2 Let R = α ∈ + g . The 0 α  αd , w(α) > 0 and g = conormal variety N ∗ XJ (w) is the closure in T ∗ G/P of


4 > ? 4 (bw, X) ∈ G ×P uP 4 b ∈ B, X ∈ gR . Proof The tangent space of G/P at identity is g/p. Consider the action of P on g/p induced from the adjoint action of P on g. The tangent bundle T G/P is the fibre bundle over G/P associated with the principal P -bundle G → G/P , for the aforementioned action of P on g/p, i.e., T G/P = G ×P g/p. Let   ( 4 ) +4 α  αd , w(α) < 0 , R  = + \ + J ∪R = α ∈ # 4 $ Uw = Uα 4 −α ∈ R  .


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

For any point b ∈ B, we have (see, for example, [4]): BwP (mod P ) = bBwP (mod P ) = b(wUw w −1 )wP (mod P ) = bwUw P (mod P ). It follows that the tangent subspace at bw of the big cell BwP (mod P ) is given by ⎧ 4 ⎫ 4 ⎨ ⎬  4 Tw BwP (mod P ) = (bw, X) ∈ G ×P g/p 44 X ∈ gα /p , ⎩ ⎭ 4 −α∈R  where gα /p denotes the image of a root space gα under the map g → g/p. Recall from Appendix 3.3 the symmetric bilinear G-invariant form on g identifying the dual of a root space gα with the root space g−α . We see that a root + space gα ⊆ u annihilates Tbw BwP (mod P ) if and only if α ∈ + 0 \ J and  α ∈ R , or equivalently, α ∈ R. The result now follows from the observation that BwP (mod P ) is a dense open subset of XJ (w), and is contained in the smooth locus of XJ (w). Lemma 4.3 Recall from Eq. (4.1) that v = ι (w0 wwJ ). We have: (a) W0 ∩ W J = W0d = W0 ∩ W d and Wd ∩ W J = Wd0 = Wd ∩ W 0 . (b) v ∈ Wd0 . (c) l(wv) = l(w) + l(v) = dim G/P . def



Proof It follows from Appendix 2.6 that W0 ⊆ W {α0 } , hence W0 ∩ W J ⊆ W0 ∩ W {α0 } ∩ W J = W0d . Conversely, since W d ⊆ W J , we have W0d = W0 ∩ W d ⊆ W0 ∩ W J . Consequently, W0 ∩ W J = W0d . Applying ι to this equality, we have Wd ∩ W J = Wd0 . + Next, we prove v ∈ W J . It is sufficient to verify v( + J ) ⊆ , see Eq. (2.3). + v( + J ) = ιw0 wwJ (ι( J ))

using Eq. (3.2)

+ (⇒ v( + J ) = ιw0 wwJ ( J )

using Appendix 3.10

− (⇒ v( + J ) = ιw0 w( J )

using Appendix 2.4.


Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


Now, since Supp(w) ⊆ D0 , we see from Appendix 2.6 that w( − J ) ⊆ 0 . − − J Further, since w ∈ W , it follows from Eq. (2.3) that w( J ) ⊆ 0 . Applying − + + J Eq. (4.2), we have v( + J ) ⊆ ιw0 ( 0 ) = ι( 0 ) ⊆ . This proves v ∈ W . Further, since w0 , w, wJ ∈ W0 , we have w0 wwJ ∈ W0 . It follows from Appendix 3.10 that v = ι (w0 wwJ ) ∈ Wd . Combining with v ∈ W J , we deduce (2): v ∈ W J ∩ Wd = Wd0 . Finally, since v ∈ W J , we have ι v = w0 wwJ ∈ W J . Consequently, l(w0 w) = l(w0 wwJ ) + l(wJ ) (⇒ dim G − l(w) = l(v) + dim P (⇒

dim G/P = l(w) + l(v) = l(wv),

where the last equality follows from the observations w ∈ W0 and v ∈ W 0 . Lemma 4.4 Let u ∈ Wd0 . Then Supp(u) is a connected sub-graph of Dd .


Proof Suppose Supp(u) is not connected. Let L1 be the connected component of def Supp(u) containing αd , and let L2 = Supp(u)\L1 . Now, since L1 and L2 are disconnected, we have sα sβ = sβ sα

∀ sα ∈ L1 , sβ ∈ L2 .

Let s1 . . . sl be a reduced word for u, and let k be the largest index such that sk ∈ L2 . Then sk sm = sm sk for all m > k. It follows that usk = (s1 . . . sl )sk = (s1 . . . sk−1 sk+1 . . . sl sk )sk = s1 . . . sk−1 sk+1 . . . sl . Now, since Supp(u) ⊆ Dd , we have α0 , αd ∈ L2 . In particular, sk ∈ WJ . Hence usk = u (mod WJ ) and usk < u, contradicting the assumption u ∈ Wd0 ⊆ W J . Proposition 4.5 For u ∈ Wd0 , the following are equivalent: (a) XJ (u) is smooth. (b) XJ (u) is PL -homogeneous, i.e., XJ (u) = PL /(PL ∩ P) for some connected sub-graph L ⊆ Dd . (c) l(u−1 ' uwJ ) = l(uwJ ), where ' is the Demazure product, see Appendix 2.17. (d) ((uwJ )−1 (α) 4 < 0 for)all α ∈ Supp(u). + (e) α ∈ + 4 u(α) < 0 = + Supp(u) \ J . (f) u = wL wL∩J , where L = Supp(u), and wL , wL∩J denote the maximal elements in WL , WL∩J , respectively.  


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

Proof The claim (1) ⇐⇒ (2) is [3, Theorem 1.1]. Suppose (2) holds, i.e., XJ (u) = PL /PL∩J . We have the following Cartesian square:

Since XJ (u) is PL -stable, the same is true of its pull-back XB (uwJ ). Further, since u ∈ WL , any lift of u−1 to N(K) (see Appendix 2.9) is in PL . Consequently, XB (uwJ ) is u−1 stable, and so u−1 ' uwJ = uwJ . Hence we obtain (2) (⇒ (3). It is clear from Eq. (2.6) that (3) is equivalent to u−1 ' uwJ = uwJ , which holds if and only if sα ' uwJ = uwJ for all α ∈ L. This is equivalent to (4) from Eq. (2.1). Hence we obtain (3) ⇐⇒ (4). Suppose (4) holds. Then (uwJ )−1 (α) < 0 for all α ∈ + Supp(u) . It follows from Appendix 2.6 and Eq. (2.3) that (

4 ) + α ∈ + 4 u(α) < 0 ⊆ + Supp(u) \ J .

+ Consider α ∈ + Supp(u) \ J satisfying u(α) > 0. Since u preserves Supp(u) , we −1 have u(α) ∈ + Supp(u) . Applying (4) to u(α), we get wJ u (u(α)) = wJ (α) < 0. + It follows that α ∈ + J , contradicting the assumption α ∈ J . Hence we obtain the implication (4) (⇒ (5). Suppose (5) holds. We verify that


4 ) + α ∈ + 4 wL wL∩J (α) < 0 = + L \ J .

4 ) ( Now since u ∈ W is uniquely determined by the set α ∈ + 4 u(α) < 0 (cf. [13, §1.3.14]), we get u = wL wL∩J . Hence we obtain (5) (⇒ (6). Finally, suppose (6) holds. Since wL∩J ⊆ J, we have u = wL (mod WJ ). It follows that XJ (u) = XJ (wL ) = PL /(PL∩J ). Hence we obtain (6) (⇒ (2). Lemma 4.6 For α ∈ + 0 \ J , we have v(α − δ) = −ιw0 w(α).


Proof Since α ∈ + 0 \ J , we have α  αd . Set γ = α − αd . Since αd is cominuscule, Supp(γ ) ⊆ J. In particular, ι(γ ) = −wJ (γ ). We compute ι(α) = ι(αd ) + ι(γ ) = α0 − wJ (γ ) (⇒ ι(α − δ) = −θ0 − wJ (γ ).


Recall from Eq. (4.1) that v = ι (w0 wwJ ). We now compute v(α − δ): v(α − δ) = ι (w0 wwJ )(α − δ) = ιw0 wwJ (ι(α − δ)) = −ιw0 wwJ (θ0 + wJ (γ ))

using Appendix 3.10 using Eq. (4.3)

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


= −ιw0 w(αd ) − ιw0 w(γ )

using Lemma 3.4

= −ιw0 w(αd + γ ) = −ιw0 w(α). Lemma 4.7 The map α → α − δ induces a bijection (

4 4 ) ) ∼ ( 4 4 → α ∈ − α ∈ + d v(α) > 0 . 0 α  αd , w(α) > 0 −

Proof Observe that ± ± −ιw0 ( ± 0 ) = ι(−w0 0 ) = ι( 0 )


± d

using Appendix 2.4 using Appendix 3.10.

Now, since v(α −δ) = −ιw0 w(α) (see Lemma 4.6), it follows that for α ∈ + 0 \ J , w(α) > 0 is equivalent to v(α − δ) > 0. The result now follows from Eq. (3.11), − which states that α → α − δ induces a bijection from + 0 \ J to d \ J . Proposition 4.8 Recall the map φ from Proposition 3.14. Let 4 ( ) 4 R = α ∈ + 0 α  αd , w(α) > 0 . Then φ(gR ) is dense in v −1 XJ (v). Proof Following the proof of Proposition 3.14, we see that def where  = {α − δ | α ∈ R}. It follows from Lemma 4.7 that

  exp(t −1 gR )

= U ,

4 ) ( −1 + − 4  = α ∈ − d v(α) > 0 = v ( ) ∩ . In particular, # = l(v) (see [13, §1.3.14]), and so, dim gR = dim U = # = l(v) = dim XJ (v) = dim v −1 XJ (v). Further, observe that φ(gR ) = exp(t −1 gR ) (mod P) ⊆ v −1 Bv (mod P) ⊆ v −1 XJ (v). The result follows from the injectivity of φ and the irreducibility of v −1 XJ (v). Theorem A The closure of φ(N ∗ XJ (w)) in LG/P is a Schubert variety if and only if the variety XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth.   Proof For (bw, X) be a generic point in N ∗ XJ (w), we have φ(bw, X) = bw φ(X) ∈ Bwv −1 BvP (mod P)


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

Hence the minimal Schubert variety containing φ(N ∗ XJ (w)) is XJ (wv −1 ' v). Consequently, the closure φ(N ∗ XJ (w)) is a Schubert variety if and only if dim XJ (wv −1 ' v) = dim N ∗ XJ (w) = dim G/P .


Consider the following Cartesian diagram,

The dimension of the generic fibre for the right projection is dim P/B. Observe that XB (wv −1 ' v ' wJ ) is the pull-back of XJ (wv −1 ' v) to LG/B. It follows that Eq. (4.4) is equivalent to dim XB (wv −1 ' v ' wJ ) = dim G/P + dim P/B = dim G/B.


We see from Lemma 4.3 and Eq. (2.7) that wv −1 = w ' v −1 and v ' wJ = vwJ . Hence, we have wv −1 ' v ' wJ = w ' v −1 ' vwJ .


Observe that since v, wJ ∈ Wd , we have v −1 ' vwJ ∈ Wd . Recall also from Lemma 4.3 that w ∈ W J ∩ W0 ⊆ W d . It follows that w ' v −1 ' vwJ = w(v −1 ' vwJ ) (⇒ l(wv −1 ' v ' wJ ) = l(w(v −1 ' vwJ ))

using Eq. (2.7) using Eq. (4.6)

= l(w) + l(v −1 ' vwJ ) using w ∈ W d , v −1 ' vwJ ∈ Wd .


Now l(v −1 'vwJ )  l(vwJ ), with equality holding if and only if v −1 'vwJ = vwJ . Continuing Eq. (4.7), we have dim XB (wv −1 ' v ' wJ )  l(w) + l(vwJ ) = l(w) + l(v) + l(wJ ) = l(wv) + l(wJ )

v ∈ W J , wJ ∈ WJ w ∈ W d , v ∈ Wd

= dim G/B. Hence, Eq. (4.5) holds if and only if v −1 ' vwJ = vwJ , which is equivalent to XJ (v) being smooth, see Proposition 4.5. Finally, the Schubert varieties XJ (v) and

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


XJ (w0 wwJ ) being isomorphic (since v = ι (w0 wwJ )), we deduce that the closure φ(N ∗ XJ (w)) is a Schubert variety if and only if XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth. Theorem 4.9 Let w ∈ W0J be such that XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth. Then N ∗ XJ (w) is normal, Cohen–Macaulay, and has a resolution via Bott–Samelson varieties. Further, the family (

4 ) N ∗ XJ (w) 4 XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth

is compatibly Frobenius split in good and odd positive characteristic.


Proof These are standard results for Schubert varieties. One can find details in [7, 15, 21]. Let i denote the fundamental weight associated with the simple co-root αi . Consider a dominant weight λ = ai i , ai ∈ Z0 , satisfying ai = 0 if and only if αi ∈ J. Let L(λ) be the line bundle on G/P associated with the weight λ, and set V (λ) = H 0 (G/P , L(λ)), the dual Weyl module (see [26]). Recall from [15, Theorem 2], the monomial basis of V (λ), whose elements uπ are indexed by LS paths π of shape λ. For an LS path π , we shall denote its initial point by i(π ), as in [15]. Theorem 4.10 Let w ∈ W0J be such that XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth. Then the ideal sheaf of N ∗ XJ (w) in T ∗ G/P is φ −1 I, where I is the ideal generated by the monomials (

4 ) uπ 4 i(π )  τq , i(π )  wv .

Proof The ideal sheaf of XJ (wv) in XJ (τq ) is generated by the monomials (

4 ) uπ 4 i(π ) ≤ τq , i(π )  wv ,

see [15, Theorem 6]. Since N ∗ XJ (w) is closed in T ∗ G/P , we have φ(N ∗ XJ (w)) = φ(N ∗ XJ (w)) ∩ φ(T ∗ G/P ) = XJ (wv) ∩ L− Ge ∩ XJ (τq ) = YJ (wv). It follows that the ideal sheaf of N ∗ XJ (w) in T ∗ G/P is the pull-back (via φ) of the restriction of I to YJ (τq ), i.e., the ideal sheaf is φ −1 (I). Proposition 4.11 Let w ∈ W0J be such that XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth, and let N0∗ XJ (w) denote the fibre at identity of the conormal variety N ∗ XJ (w). Then


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

φ(N0∗ XJ (w)) =


XJ− (u),


4 ( ) where S = u ∈ Wd0 4 u  (wv)D0 , and (wv)D0 is the minimal representative of   wv with respect to D0 . Proof Recall from Proposition 3.14 that φ(Te∗ G/P ) = XJ− (wdJ ). It follows that φ(N0∗ XJ (w)) = XJ− (wdJ ) ∩ XJ (wv) =


XJ− (u),

4 > ? 4 where the union runs over u ∈ W J 4 u  wdJ , u  wv . Since wdJ is maximal in ? > WdJ , the condition u ∈ W J , u  wdJ is equivalent to u ∈ Wd ∩ W J = Wd0 , see Lemma 4.3. Hence, 4 4 > ? > ? 4 4 u ∈ W J 4 u  wdJ , u  wv = u ∈ Wd0 4 u  wdJ , u  wv . Finally, consider u ∈ W 0 . If u  wv, then u  (wv)D0 . It follows that 4 4 > ? > ? 4 4 u ∈ W J 4 u  wdJ , u  wv = u ∈ Wd0 4 u  wdJ , u  wv 4 ? > 4 = u ∈ Wd0 4 u  (wv)D0 = S.

5 Determinantal Varieties In this section, we use the results of Appendix 4 to prove the following: The conormal fibre at the zero matrix of the rank r (usual, symmetric, skew-symmetric resp.) determinantal variety is the co-rank r (usual, symmetric, skew-symmetric resp.) determinantal variety. Consider a rank r (usual, symmetric, skew-symmetric resp.) determinantal variety . There exists a simply connected, almost simple group G (of type A, C, D resp.) and a cominuscule Grassmannian G/P such that is naturally identified as the opposite cell of some Schubert variety XJ (w) ⊆ G/P , see [16, 18]. For such w, we verify that the Schubert variety XJ (w0 wwJ ) is smooth. This allows us to apply Proposition 4.11. Finally, we show that the union of the various Schubert varieties in Proposition 4.11 is equal to a single Schubert variety, which we further verify to be isomorphic to the co-rank r (usual, symmetric, skew-symmetric resp.) determinantal variety. We carry out the proof in detail only for the skew-symmetric determinantal varieties. The other two cases are completely analogous. For the usual determinantal varieties, this result has been proved by Strickland [24]. Further, the conormal fibres

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


at the zero matrix of the usual determinantal varieties and symmetric determinantal varieties have been studied by Gaffney and Rangachev (cf. [10]) and Gaffney and Molina (cf. [9]).

5.1 The Weyl Group of Dn !n , and W0 (resp. W ) the Weyl group of D0 (resp. D). For Let D0 = Dn , D = D 1  i, j  n − 1, the relations in W0 are si sj = sj si

if |i − j |  2,

si s j s i = sj s i s j

if |i − j | = 1.

The latter are called braid relations. The remaining relations are sn si = si sn for i = n − 2, and the braid relation sn sn−2 sn = sn−2 sn sn−2 . def

Let μ be the involution on {1, . . . , 2n} given by μ(i) = 2n + 1 − i. Following [16, 18], we embed the Weyl group W0 into the symmetric group S2n via the homomorphism given by si → ri r2n−i

for i = n,

sn → rn rn−1 rn+1 rn , where ri denotes the transposition (i i + 1) in S2n . Under this embedding, we have W0 = {w ∈ S2n | wμ = μw, sgn(w) = 1} .


It is clear that w ∈ W0 is uniquely determined by its value on 1, . . . , n. Accordingly, we represent w by the string [w(1), . . . , w(n)].

5.2 The Involution ι for Dn def

The simple root αn is cominuscule in D0 = Dn , and J = D0 \{αn } = {α1 , . . . , αn−1 } is isomorphic to An−1 . Let ι be the involution defined in Definition 3.6. Recall that the action of the Weyl involution −wJ on J ∼ = An−1 is given by −wJ (αi ) = αn−i (cf. [5, Ch.VI§4.7]), and so ι(αi ) = αn−i for 1  i  n − 1. Further, since ι interchanges α0 and αn , we have


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

ι(αi ) = αn−i

∀ αi ∈ D.


5.3 Skew-Symmetric Determinantal Varieties Let Matnsk be the variety of skew-symmetric n × n matrices. The rank r skewsk,n symmetric determinantal variety r is the subvariety of Matnsk given by sk,n


4 ? > 4 = A ∈ Matnsk 4 rank(A)  r .

Recall that the rank of a skew-symmetric matrix is necessarily even. Hence, we assume without loss of generality that r is even. Let G be the simply connected, almost simple group of type Dn , and let P ⊆ G be the parabolic group corresponding to J = {α1 , . . . , αn−1 }, see Table 1. Following [18], we identify Matnsk with the opposite cell in G/P . Under this identification, the sk,n zero matrix corresponds to e ∈ G/P , and r = XJ− (wr ), where def

wr = [r + 1, . . . , n, 2n − r + 1, . . . , 2n],


in the sense of Eq. (5.1). Observe that J∪{α0 }

wr ∈ W J ∩ W0 = W0



The last equality is Lemma 4.3, (1). Remark In [18], the skew-symmetric variety is identified with a Schubert variety corresponding to the group SO(2n), which is not simply connected. This is not a problem, however, since Schubert varieties depend only on the underlying Dynkin diagram, and not on the group per se.   sk,n

Theorem B The conormal fibre of r % n=


at 0 is isomorphic to n−r , where


if n is even,


if n is odd.

!n , Dn \{αn }), Proof Let D0 (resp. D, resp. J) be the Dynkin diagram Dn (resp. D and W0 (resp. W , WJ ) its Weyl group. Recall that J ∼ = An−1 . For L a sub-diagram J for of D0 , we write wL for the longest element in W supported on L, and wL its minimal representative with respect to J. The longest elements w0 ∈ W0 and wJ ∈ WJ are given by w0 = wn = [2n, . . . , n + 2, n + 1],

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian


wJ = [n, . . . , 1], def

in the sense of Eq. (5.1), see [16]. Let wr be as defined in Eq. (5.3), and set vr = 0 wr wJ ). We have

ι (w

J , w0 wr wJ = [1, . . . , r, n + 1, n + 2, . . . , 2n − r] = wL


where L = {αr+1 , . . . , αn }. Hence XJ (w0 wr wJ ) is smooth, see Proposition 4.5. It now follows from Proposition 4.11 and Proposition 5.6 that sk,n φ(N0∗ XJ (wr )) = XJ− (ι wn−r ) ∼ = XJ− (wn−r ) ∼ = n−r .

It remains to prove Proposition 5.6. The proof is obtained as a consequence of the following two lemmas. Lemma 5.4 Consider xi ∈ W0 defined inductively as % xi =


for i = n − 1,

si+1 si xi+1

for 1  i < n − 1.

Then si+2 si+3 xi = xi si si+1 for 1  i  n − 4.


Proof Observe that for j  i − 2, we have sj xi = xi sj , from which we deduce the equality si si+1 xi+3 = xi+3 si si+1 . Now, si+2 si+3 xi = si+2 si+3 si+1 si si+2 si+1 si+3 si+2 xi+3

using Eq. (5.6)

= si+2 si+1 si (si+3 si+2 si+3 )si+1 si+2 xi+3 = (si+2 si+1 si+2 )si+3 si (si+2 si+1 si+2 )xi+3

using Braid relations

= si+1 si+2 si+3 (si+1 si si+1 )si+2 si+1 xi+3

using Braid relations

= si+1 si+2 si si+1 si+3 si+2 si si+1 xi+3

using Braid relations

= si+1 si si+2 si+1 si+3 si+2 xi+3 si si+1 = xi si si+1

using Eq. (5.6).

Lemma 5.5 Let xi be given by Eq. (5.6). For 3  j, k ≤ n − 1, we have ι ι

xn−k xk = xk−2 ι xn−k+2 ,

xn−k xk xk−2 . . . xj = xk−2 xk−4 . . . xj −2 ι xn−j .


V. Lakshmibai and R. Singh

Proof The second $ follows from repeated applications $of the first. Observe # 4 equality # 4 first that xk ∈ sj 4 j  k , or equivalently, ι xn−k ∈ sj 4 j  k . Consequently, the braid relations yields ι xi xj = xj ι xi whenever i + j  n + 2. Now, ι

xn−k xk = ι sn−k+1 ι sn−k ι sn−k+2 ι sn−k+1 ι xn−k+2 xk

using Eq. (5.6)

= sk−1 sk sk−2 sk−1 ι xn−k+2 xk

using Eq. (5.2)

= sk−1 sk−2 sk sk−1 xk xn−k+2 ι

= xk−2 ι xn−k+2

using Eq. (5.6).

This proves the claim when n is even. Suppose n is odd, so that n = n − 1 and k  n − 2. Then, ι

xn−k−1 xk = ι sn−k ι sn−k−1 ι xn−k xk

using Eq. (5.6)

= sk sk+1 xk−2 xn−k+2

using Eq. (5.2)

= xk−2 sk−2 sk−1 ι xn−k+2

using Lemma 5.4

= xk−2 xn−k+1

using Eq. (5.6).



This proves the claim when n is odd. Proposition 5.6 For wr given by Eq. (5.3), and vr = ι (w0 wr wJ ), we have −1 0 = ι wn−r ∈ WJ∪{α . (wr vr )D0 = wr vr ι vn−r 0}

Consequently, ι wn−r is the unique maximal element in 4 > ? 4 0 D0 u  (w u ∈ WJ∪{α . v ) 4 r r } 0 Proof Let xi be as in Eq. (5.6). We have the following formulae, which are easily verified inductively, xi = [1, . . . , i − 1, i + 2, . . . , n − 2, 2n − i, 2n − i + 1] wr = xr−1 xr−3 . . . x1 w0 wr wJ = xn−1 xn−3 . . . xr+1 . Now,

Conormal Varieties on the Cominuscule Grassmannian ι


wr ι vr = ι xr−1 ι xr−3 . . . ι x1 xn−1 xn−3 . . . xr+1 = xn−r−1 xn−r−3 . . . x1 ι xn−1 ι xn−3 . . . ι xn−r+1

using Lemma 5.5.

= wn−r vn−r . −1 −1 It follows that ι wr ι vr vn−r = wn−r , hence wr vr ι vn−r = ι wn−r . Next, Eq. (5.4) yields J∪{α0 }

wn−r ∈ W0

0 (⇒ ι wn−r ∈ WJ∪{α ⊆ W D0 . 0}

Further, since ι vn−r ∈ W0 (see Eq. (5.5)), we have wr vr = ι wn−r (mod W0 ). Together, we deduce (wr vr )D0 = ι wn−r . Acknowledgments We thank Terence Gaffney for fruitful discussions that pointed us towards the results in Appendix 5. We also thank the referee for pointing out inconsistencies in our assumptions on the characteristic of k in an earlier version of this paper.

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Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras Boris Feigin, Michio Jimbo, and Evgeny Mukhin

To Vyjayanthi Chari on the occasion of her 60th birthday

Abstract The affine evaluation map is a surjective homomorphism from the n quantum toroidal gln algebra En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) to the quantum affine algebra Uq gl 2 at level κ completed with respect to the homogeneous grading, where q2 = q and q3n = κ 2 . We discuss En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) evaluation modules. We give highest weights of evaluation highest weight modules. We also obtain the decomposition of the evaluation Wakimoto module with respect to a Gelfand–Zeitlin-type subalgebra of a completion of En (q1 , q2 , q3 ), which describes a deformation of the coset theory n /gl n−1 . gl

1 Introduction For an arbitrary complex Lie algebra g and a non-zero constant u, we have the evaluation map g ⊗ C[t, t −1 ] → g,

g ⊗ t k → uk g.

B. Feigin National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation, International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics, Moscow, Russia Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia M. Jimbo Department of Mathematics, Rikkyo University, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan e-mail: [email protected] E. Mukhin () Department of Mathematics, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, USA e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



B. Feigin et al.

The evaluation map is a surjective homomorphism of Lie algebras. It plays a prominent role in representation theory of current algebras and various constructions in mathematics and physics. In type A, a quantum version of the evaluation map ev u : Uq  sln → Uq gln was introduced in [6], see (2.4) below. This map is used to construct simplest possible representations of the quantum affine algebra Uq  sln called evaluation modules. The evaluation modules are central for many studies. For example, the R matrix of the celebrated six vertex model is an intertwiner for tensor products of two evaluation modules. It is well-known that the quantum evaluation map does not exist for simple Lie algebras g other than in type A. The affine analog of the quantum evaluation map was discovered in [9], which we now recall. Let En = En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) be the quantum toroidal algebra associated with gln . It depends on complex parameters q1 , q2 , q3 such that q1 q2 q3 = 1 and a n central elements C (we set the second central element to 1), see Sect. 3. Let Uq gl be the quantum affine algebra associated with gln , see Sect. 2.2. It depends on a complex parameter q, and it has a central element C. We always assume q 2 = q2 . n → An easy well-known fact is that there is a homomorphism of algebras v : Uq gl  En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) such that v(C) = C, see (3.12). n in the Drinfeld new realization, and we denote by U n its !q gl We consider Uq gl completion with respect to the homogeneous grading, see (2.5). We also impose the n with parameter q3 : !q gl following key relation for the central elements of En and U C 2 = q3n .


Then by [9] there exists a surjective algebra homomorphism depending on a nonzero complex number u:  !  ev(3) u : En → Uq gln (3)


such that evu ◦ v = id. We call the homomorphism evu the quantum affine evaluation map. We give formulas for the quantum affine evaluation map in Sect. 4 and provide the proof in Sect. 4.2. We supply a number of details that were omitted in [9]. n acts on highest weight Uq gl n modules, and !q gl The completed algebra U therefore every such representation becomes an evaluation representation of the quantum toroidal algebra with the parameters satisfying (1.1). Moreover, this representation of En is also a highest weight module. We discuss the highest weights of evaluation modules in Sect. 5.2. It turns out that some evaluation representations appeared already in [5]. The algebra En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) has mutually commuting subalgebras E1,n−1  −1/(n−1)

, q2 , q3 q3 ). Under the E1 (q1n , q2 , q3 q1−n+1 ) and En−1  En−1 (q1 q3  affine evaluation map, the image of E1,n−1 is a deformation of the coset W algebra 0|n−1


Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


n−1 . Therefore it is important to describe the decomposition of evaluation n /gl gl modules with respect to these subalgebras. For that purpose, we recall the n remarkable pairwise commuting subalgebras E1,m (q1,m , q2 , q3,m ) corresponding to the diagonal inclusions of gl1 to gln , see [4]. n modules generated from Gelfand–Zeitlin modules We consider the Wakimoto Uq gl C 0 (u) of En (q1 , q2 , q3 ), of Uq gln and the corresponding evaluation module GZ λ C 0 (u) with respect to algebra see Sect. 5.3. We describe the decomposition of GZ λ  ⊗n−1 m=0 E1,m (q1,m , q2 , q3,m ), see Theorem 5.3. This result is also important for applications, see [3]. In fact, the screening operators commuting with a copy of quantum affine gl2 in [3] are obtained from currents of E1,2 acting in an E2 evaluation Wakimoto module. The paper is constructed as follows. We give definitions of various quantum algebras in Sects. 2 and 3.1. In Sect. 3.2 we recall the fused currents of [4] and study their commutation relations with other currents. In Sect. 3.3 we recall the definition of the subalgebras E1,m (q1,m , q2 , q3,m ). We give the evaluation map in Sect. 4 and prove that it is well-defined in Sect. 4.2. We discuss evaluation modules in Sect. 5. We discuss evaluation highest weight modules in Sect. 5.2 and evaluation Wakimoto modules in Sect. 5.3. We give a proof of the result on evaluation Wakimoto modules in Appendix 6.

2 Quantum Groups In this section we set up the notation for various quantum groups. Let n be a positive integer. For n  2, let (ai,j )i,j ∈Z/nZ be the Cartan matrix of (1) type An−1 . Let CP = ⊕i∈Z/nZ Cεi be an n-dimensional vector space with the chosen basis and a non-degenerate form such that (εi , εj ) = δi,j . Let P = ⊕i∈Z/nZ Zεi be the lattice.  Set αi = εi−1 − εi and *i = i−1 j =0 εj , 1  i  n − 1. We have (αi , *j ) = δi,j , (αi , αj ) =ai,j . Let CP¯ = ( i∈Z/nZ εi )⊥ ⊆ CP . For p ∈ CP , denote by p¯ ∈ CP¯ the projection  ¯ i , 1  i  n−1, are simple roots and fundamental along C( i∈Z/nZ εi ). Then α¯ i , * weights of sln , respectively. Fix log q, log d ∈ C and set q = elog q , d = elog d , q1 = q −1 d, q2 = q 2 , q3 = −1 q d −1 , so that q1 q2 q3 = 1. We assume that, for rational numbers a, b, c, the equality q1a q2b q3c = 1 holds if and only if a = b = c. We use the standard notation [A, B]p = AB − pBA and [r] = (q r − q −r )/(q − −1 q ).


B. Feigin et al.

2.1 Quantum Algebra Uq gln The quantum gln algebra Uq gln has generators ei , fi , q h , 1  i  n − 1, h ∈ P , with the defining relations 

q h q h = q h+h , [ei , fj ] = δi,j

q 0 = 1,

q h ei = q (h,αi ) ei q h ,

q h fi = q −(h,αi ) fi q h ,

Ki − Ki−1 , q − q −1

[ei , ej ] = [fi , fj ] = 0

(|i − j |  2),

[ei , [ei , ej ]q −1 ]q = [fi , [fi , fj ]q −1 ]q = 0

(|i − j | = 1),

where Ki = q αi . The quantum sln algebra Uq sln is the subalgebra of Uq gln generated by ei , fi , Ki , 1  i  n − 1. The element t = q ε0 +ε1 +···+εn−1 ∈ Uq gln is central and split.

n 2.2 Quantum Affine Algebra Uq gl The quantum affine algebra Uq  sln in the Drinfeld new realization is defined by ± h generators xi,k , hi,r , q , C, where 1  i  n − 1, k ∈ Z, r ∈ Z \ {0}, h ∈ P , with the defining relations C is central,

q h q h = q h+h ,

q h xi± (z)q −h = q ±(h,αi ) xi± (z) , [hi,r , hj,s ] = δr+s,0

q0 = 1 , [q h , hj,r ] = 0 ,

[rai,j ] C r − C −r , r q − q −1

[rai,j ] −(r±|r|)/2 r ± C z xj (z) , r  z −  δi,j   w  + φ δ C [xi+ (z), xj− (w)] = (w) − δ C φi (z) , z i w q − q −1 [hi,r , xj± (z)] = ±

(z − q ±aij w)xi± (z)xj± (w) + (w − q ±aij z)xj± (w)xi± (z) = 0 , [xi± (z), xj± (w)] = 0

if aij = 0,

Symz1 ,z2 [xi± (z1 ), [xi± (z2 ), xj± (w)]q ]q −1 = 0 if aij = −1.

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


    ± −k Here we set xi± (z) = k∈Z xi,k z , φj± (z) = Kj±1 exp ±(q−q −1 ) r>0 hj,±r z∓r , where Kj = q αj , 1  j  n − 1. n is the algebra Uq  The quantum affine algebra Uq gl sln with additional Heisenberg generators Zr , r ∈ Z \ {0}, such that [Zk , Uq  sln ] = 0,

[Zr , Zs ] = −δr+s,0 [nr]

1 C r − C −r . r q − q −1


n indicates that we do not consider the The prime in the notation Uq  sln , Uq gl degree operator. n . The element t = q ε0 +···+εn−1 is central and split in both Uq  sln and Uq gl ±  h n generated by x , q , 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, h ∈ P , is The subalgebra of Uq gl i,0 isomorphic to Uq gln . n can be described by the same relations as above by For n > 2, the algebra Uq gl allowing h0,r and setting α0 = εn−1 − ε0 . Then we have Zr =

n−1 ir  q + q (n−i)r hi,r . q r − q −r i=0

Define the Chevalley generators of Uq  sln : + ei = xi,0 ,

− fi = xi,0

(1  i  n − 1),

− − − , · · · [x2,0 , x1,−1 ]q · · · ]q q α1 +···+αn−1 , e0 = [xn−1,0 (r)




+ + + = q −α1 −···−αn−1 [· · · [x1,1 , x2,0 ]q −1 , · · · xn−1,0 ]q −1 .

The Chevalley generators ej , fj , 1  j  n − 1, e0(r) , f0(r) generate Uq  sln . We will also use the other set of Chevalley generators, which we call left Chevalley generators: − − − , x2,0 ]q · · · , xn−1,0 ]q , e0(l) = q −α1 −···−αn−1 [· · · [x1,1 + + + , · · · [x2,0 , x1,−1 ]q −1 · · · ]q −1 q α1 +···+αn−1 . f0 = [xn−1,0 (l)


The elements ej , fj , 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1, e0 , f0 generate Uq  sln as well. × For u ∈ C , we have the evaluation homomorphism, evu : Uq  sln → Uq gln , given in Chevalley generators by (see [6]) (l)

evu (ei ) = ei ,

evu (fi ) = fi


(1  i  n − 1),

evu (e0 ) = u−1 q −*1 +*n−1 [· · · [f1 , f2 ]q −1 , · · · , fn−1 ]q −1 ,



B. Feigin et al.

evu (f0 ) = u [en−1 , · · · [e2 , e1 ]q , · · · ]q q *1 −*n−1 . Note that evu (C) = 1. We have the homogeneous grading given by deg ei = − deg fi = 0 (l)

(1  i  n − 1),


deg e0 = − deg f0 = 1,

deg q h = 0

(h ∈ P ),

deg Zr = r

(r = 0) . (2.5)

We also have the principal degree given by pdeg ei = −pdeg fi = 1 (l)

(1  i  n − 1),


pdeg e0 = −pdeg f0 = 1,

pdeg q h = 0

(h ∈ P ),

pdeg Zr = nr

(r = 0) . (2.6)

± ± = k and pdeg xi,k = nk ± 1. Then, in particular, deg xi,k ×  n the quotient of Uq gl n by the relation C = κ. For κ ∈ C , we denote by Uq,κ gl   gl  n with respect to the ! We denote by Uq,κ gln the completion of the algebra Uq,κ  gl n have the form !q,κ homogeneous grading in the positive direction. Elements of U ∞   r=r0 gr , where gr ∈ Uq,κ gln , deg gr = r.  gl n generated by x ± , hj,r , Zr , q h , We denote by bq,κ the subalgebra of Uq,κ i,k where 1  i  n − 1, 1  j  n − 1, k  0, r  1, h ∈ P .

3 Quantum Toroidal gln In this section we recall the definition of quantum toroidal algebras and some facts we will use.

3.1 Definition of En For i, j ∈ Z/nZ and r = 0, we set ai,j (r) = (n)

 [r]  r (n) (n) −r (n) × (q + q −r )δi,j − d r δi,j −1 − d δi,j +1 , r (n)


where δi,j is Kronecker’s delta modulo n: δi,j = 1 (if i ≡ j mod n) and δi,j = 0 (otherwise).

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


Define further functions gi,j (z, w) by


⎧ ⎪ z − q1 w ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨z − q w 2

gi,j (z, w) =

⎪ z − q3 w ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ z−w % z − q2 w

(i ≡ j − 1), (i ≡ j ), (i ≡ j + 1), (i ≡ j, j ± 1), (i ≡ j ),


gi,j (z, w) =


g0,0 (z, w) = (z − q1 w)(z − q2 w)(z − q3 w),

(z − q1 w)(z − q3 w)

(i ≡ j ),

and set di,j = d ∓1 (i ≡ j ∓ 1, n  3), di,j = −1 (i ≡ j, n = 2), and di,j = 1 (otherwise). The quantum toroidal algebra of type gln , which we denote by En =  En (q1 , q2 , q3 ), is a unital associative algebra generated by Ei,k , Fi,k , and Hi,r and invertible elements q h , C, where i ∈ Z/nZ, k ∈ Z, r ∈ Z\{0}, h ∈ P . As always, we set Ki = q αi for i ∈ Z/nZ. We have K0 =


Ki−1 .



We present below the defining relations in terms of generating series: Ei (z) =

Ei,k z−k ,


Fi (z) =

Fi,k z−k ,


Ki± (z) = Ki±1 K¯ i± (z) ,

   K¯ i± (z) = exp ± (q − q −1 ) Hi,±r z∓r . r>0

The relations are as follows. C, q h Relations

C is central,

q h q h = q h+h ,

q h Ei (z)q −h = q (h,αi ) Ei (z) , q h Ki± (z) = Ki± (z)q h .

q0 = 1 , q h Fi (z)q −h = q −(h,αi ) Fi (z) ,

(3.2) (3.3)

K-K, K-E, and K-F Relations Ki± (z)Kj± (w) = Kj± (w)Ki± (z),



B. Feigin et al.

gj,i (w, C −1 z) + gi,j (C −1 z, w) − Ki (z)Kj+ (w) = K (w)Ki− (z), gi,j (Cz, w) gj,i (w, Cz) j


di,j gi,j (z, w)Ki± (C −(1±1)/2 z)Ej (w) + gj,i (w, z)Ej (w)Ki± (C −(1±1)/2 z) = 0, (3.6) dj,i gj,i (w, z)Ki± (C −(1∓1)/2 z)Fj (w) + gi,j (z, w)Fj (w)Ki± (C −(1∓1)/2 z) = 0 . (3.7) E-F Relations

[Ei (z), Fj (w)] =

 w  z δi,j (δ C Ki+ (w) − δ C Ki− (z)) . −1 z w q −q

E-E and F -F Relations [Ei (z), Ej (w)] = 0 ,

[Fi (z), Fj (w)] = 0

(i ≡ j, j ± 1) ,

di,j gi,j (z, w)Ei (z)Ej (w) + gj,i (w, z)Ej (w)Ei (z) = 0, dj,i gj,i (w, z)Fi (z)Fj (w) + gi,j (z, w)Fj (w)Fi (z) = 0. Serre Relations For n  3, Symz1 ,z2 [Ei (z1 ), [Ei (z2 ), Ei±1 (w)]q ]q −1 = 0 , Symz1 ,z2 [Fi (z1 ), [Fi (z2 ), Fi±1 (w)]q ]q −1 = 0 . For n = 2, i ≡ j , Symz1 ,z2 ,z3 [Ei (z1 ), [Ei (z2 ), [Ei (z3 ), Ej (w)]q 2 ]]q −2 = 0 , Symz1 ,z2 ,z3 [Fi (z1 ), [Fi (z2 ), [Fi (z3 ), Fj (w)]q 2 ]]q −2 = 0 . For n = 1, Symz1 ,z2 ,z3 z2 z3−1 [E0 (z1 ), [E0 (z2 ), E0 (z3 )]] = 0 , Symz1 ,z2 ,z3 z2 z3−1 [F0 (z1 ), [F0 (z2 ), F0 (z3 )]] = 0 . In the above we set Sym f (x1 , . . . , xN ) =

1  f (xπ(1) , . . . , xπ (N ) ) . N! π ∈SN


Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


Under the C, q h relations (3.3), the K-K, K-E, and K-F relations (3.4)–(3.7) are equivalently written as H -E, H -F , and H -H Relations For r = 0, [Hi,r , Ej (z)] = ai,j (r)C −(r+|r|)/2 zr Ej (z) , [Hi,r , Fj (z)] = −ai,j (r)C −(r−|r|)/2 zr Fj (z) , [Hi,r , Hj,s ] = δr+s,0 · ai,j (r)ηr ,

ηr =

C r − C −r . q − q −1

The E-E and F -F relations with j ≡ i ±1 in Fourier components read for n  3 [Ei,k+1 , Ei+1,l ]q −1 = q1 [Ei,k , Ei+1,l+1 ]q ,


[Fi,k+1 , Fi+1,l ]q = q3−1 [Fi,k , Fi+1,l+1 ]q −1 , and for n = 2 [Ei,k+1 , Ei+1,l−1 ]q −2 − (q1 + q3 )[Ei,k , Ei+1,l ] + q1 q3 [Ei,k−1 , Ei+1,l+1 ]q 2 = 0 , (3.10) [Fi+1,l−1 , Fi,k+1 ]q −2 − (q1 + q3 )[Fi+1,l , Fi,k ] + q1 q3 [Fi+1,l+1 , Fi,k−1 ]q 2 = 0 . The algebra En considered here is obtained from [4] by setting the second central " ⊥ element n−1 i=0 Ki to 1, dropping the scaling elements D, D and adding the split ε +···+ε 0 n−1 central element t = q . Our generators Ei (z), Fi (z), Ki± (z), C correspond to the perpendicular generators Ei⊥ (z), Fi⊥ (z), Ki±,⊥ ((q c )⊥ z), (q c )⊥ of [4]. Algebra En is Z-graded by deg Ei,k = deg Fi,k = k,

deg Hi,r = r,

deg C = deg q h = 0.


We denote by ! En the completion of En with respect to this grading in the positive direction. n → En given by We have a graded embedding v : Uq gl xi+ (z) → Ei (d −i z) ,

xi− (z) → Fi (d −i z) ,

φi± (z) → Ki± (d −i z) ,


and C → C, q h → q h . We call the image of v the vertical subalgebra and denote it n . by Uqv gl


B. Feigin et al.

We call the subalgebra of En generated by Ei,0 , Fi,0 , 0  i  n−1, the horizontal subalgebra. The horizontal subalgebra, which we denote by Uqh  sln , is isomorphic to   the quotient of Uq sln by the relation C = 1. There exists an isomorphism of algebras ι : En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) → En (q3 , q2 , q1 ), given by ι : Ei (z) → En−i (z),

Fi (z) → Fn−i (z),

± Ki± (z) → Kn−i (z) ,


and ι(C) = C. We have also the Miki automorphism θ that interchanges vertical and horizontal subalgebras, see [8]. We fix the definition of θ as in [4]. We remark that θ is defined for algebra En , not En , but expressions such as θ −1 (Ki± (z)) have a well-defined meaning in En as well. In particular, we have for n  2, θ −1 (Hi,1 ) = −(−d)−i [[· · · [[· · · [F0,0 , Fn−1,0 ]q , · · · , Fi+1,0 ]q , F1,0 ]q , · · · , Fi−1,0 ]q , Fi,0 ]q 2 ,


θ −1 (Hi,−1 ) = −(−d)i [Ei,0 , [Ei−1,0 , · · · , [E1,0 , [Ei+1,0 , · · · , [En−1,0 , E0,0 ]q −1 , · · · ]q −1 ]q −1 , · · · ]q −1 ]q −2


θ −1 (H0,1 ) = −(−d)−n+1 [[· · · [F1,1 , F2,0 ]q , · · · , Fn−1,0 ]q , F0,−1 ]q 2 ,


for 1  i  n − 1, and

θ −1 (H0,−1 ) = −(−d)n−1 [E0,1 , [En−1,0 , · · · , [E2,0 , E1,−1 ]q −1 · · · ]q −1 ]q −2 . (3.17) In addition, − − , F1,−1 ]q . . .]q K1 · · · Kn−1 , θ (E0,0 ) = d −1 [Fn−1,0 , . . . , [F2,0


θ (F0,0 ) = d(K1 · · · Kn−1 )−1 [. . . [E1,1 , E2,0 ]q −1 , . . . , En−1,0 ]q −1 .


n to be the subalgebra generated by Uqh  We define Uqh gl sln and θ −1 (K0± (z)).

3.2 Fused Currents We recall the fused currents of [4] and compute the commutation relations with n . generators of Uq gl

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


n defined by Ei (z) = x + (d i z), It is convenient to use series of generators of Uq gl i Fi (z) = xi− (d i z), Ki± (z) = φi± (d i z), 1  i  n − 1, cf. (3.12). n : !q gl Following [4], let us introduce the following elements of U E(z) =




zi  zi+1


· En−1 (q3

zn−1 ) · · ·



× E2 (q3 F(z) =


z2 )E1 (q3

4 4 z 1 )4

z1 =···=zn−1 =z


zi+1  −n/2+1 −n/2+2 z1 )F2 (q3 z2 ) · · · · F1 (q3 zi 4 4 n/2−1 × Fn−1 (q3 zn−1 )4 ,



z1 =···=zn−1 =z

K± (z) =



 −n/2+i  Ki± q3 z .




When n = 2, we have E(z) = E1 (z), F(z) = F1 (z), K± (z) = K1± (z). The following result is a special case of the construction in [4]. Proposition 3.1 ([4]) For n  2, the currents (3.20)–(3.22) satisfy [E(z), F(w)] =

  w  z −  1 + δ C K (z) − δ C K (z) , z w q − q −1


(z − q2 w)E(z)E(w) + (w − q2 z)E(w)E(z) = 0 ,


(w − q2 z)F(z)F(w) + (z − q2 w)F(w)F(z) = 0 ,


[E(z), Ei (w)] = [E(z), Fi (w)] = 0

(2  i  n − 2),


[Ei (z), F(w)] = [Fi (z), F(w)] = 0

(2  i  n − 2).


In addition we calculate the other commutation relations. Proposition 3.2 For n  3, we have −n/2 −1 q1 w)E1 (z)E(w)

(z − q3


(z − q3


w)E(w)E1 (z) ,

w)En−1 (z)E(w) = q(z − q3 q1−1 w)E(w)En−1 (z) ,


(z − q3


= q(z − q3


= q −1 (z


−n/2 −1 q1 w)F(w)F1 (z) ,


n/2−1 − q3 w)F(w)Fn−1 (z) ,


w)F1 (z)F(w) = q −1 (z − q3

n/2 − q3 q1 w)Fn−1 (z)F(w)



B. Feigin et al.

(z − C −1 q3



(z − Cq3


w)[E(z), F1 (w)] = (z − Cq3

w)[E1 (z), F(w)] = (z − C −1 q3


w)[E(z), Fn−1 (w)] = 0 , (3.32) w)[En−1 (z), F(w)] = 0 . (3.33)

Proof As an example, we consider (3.32). From the defining relations (3.8), we have (q − q −1 )[En−1 (q3



zn−1 ) · · · E1 (q3

z1 ), F1 (w)]   n/2−1 −n/2+2 n/2−1 w  + K (w) zn−1 ) · · · E2 (q3 z2 ) δ Cq3 = En−1 (q3 z1 1  −n/2+1 z1  − −n/2+1  − δ Cq3 K (q z1 ) . w 1 3

w, the second term in the right-hand side Upon multiplying by z1 − C −1 q3 vanishes. The first term does not have a pole at z1 = z2 because K1+ (w) is a power " series in w−1 placed at the rightmost. Multiplying further by n−2 i=1 (1 − zi /zi+1 ) and setting z1 = · · · = zn−1 = z, we find n/2−1

(z − C −1 q3


w)[E(z), F1 (w)] = 0

as desired. The rest of the relations can be shown in a similar manner.

3.3 The Subalgebra A We also recall from [4] the fusion construction of subalgebras 

En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) E1,m = E1 (q1,m , q2 , q3,m ) ⊆ ! q1,m = q1m+1 q3−n+m+1 ,

(0  m  n − 1),

q3,m = q3n−m q1−m ,

which mutually commute and intersect only by the central element C. The algebra E1,m is generated by the fused currents −

q3,m Em (z) 1 − q3,m =

n−2  i=0

 zi  1− · E0 (q3n z0 )En−1 (q3n−1 zn−1 ) · · · Em+1 (q3m+1 zm+1 ) zi+1

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras

4 4 × E1 (q3n q1−1 z1 ) · · · Em (q3n q1−m zm )4


z0 =···=zn−1 =z


(1 − q1,m )Fm (z) n−2 

 zi+1  1− · Fm (q3n q1−m zm ) · · · F1 (q3n q1−1 z1 ) zi i=0 4 4 × Fm+1 (q3m+1 zm+1 ) · · · Fn−1 (q3n−1 zn−1 )F0 (q3n z0 )4 =

z0 =···=zn−1 =z

K± m (z) =

n−1  i=m+1

Ki± (q3i z)



Ki± (q1−i q3n z).


Let A be the algebra generated by subalgebras E1,m , 0  m  n − 1. We have 

En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) . A = E1,0 ⊗ E1,1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ E1,n−1 ⊆ !


The algebra A can be considered as an analog of the Gelfand–Zeitlin subalgebra  in ! En .

4 Quantum Affine Evaluation Map In this section we define and prove the evaluation map in the quantum toroidal setting.

4.1 The Definition of the Quantum Affine Evaluation Map From now on, we consider the quotient algebra of En by the relation n/2

C = q3


Denote this quotient by E(3) n .   n by Introduce currents A± (z) = r>0 A±r z∓r , B± (z) = r>0 B±r z∓r in Uq gl setting A−r = ηr−1 C −r (H0,−r +

n−1  i=1

q3ir Hi,−r ) ,


B. Feigin et al.

Ar = −ηr−1 (H0,r +


q3(n−i)r Hi,r ) ,


B−r =

−ηr−1 (H0,−r





Hi,−r ) ,


Br = ηr−1 C r (H0,r +


q3−ir Hi,r ) .


Set further K = q −*1 +*n−1 . Note that K commutes with E(z), F(z). Theorem 4.1 ([9]) Let u ∈ C× , and set κ = q3 . The following assignment gives (3)  gl n such that ev(3) !q,κ a homomorphism of algebras ev(3) u : En → U u ◦ v = id: n/2

E0 (z) → u−1 eA− (z) F(z)eA+ (z) K ,

F0 (z) → u eB− (z) E(z)eB+ (z) K−1 ,

Ei (z) → Ei (z) ,

Fi (z) → Fi (z) (i = 1, . . . , n − 1),

Ki± (z) → Ki± (z)

(i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1),

q h → q h

(4.1) (4.2)

(h ∈ P ) .


Remark When n = 1, we set formally E(z) = F(z) = K = 1. Then (4.1) is nothing 1/2 but the known vertex operator realization of E1 for C = q3 . A proof of Theorem 4.1 is provided in Sect. 4.2. In the above theorem we have chosen the currents E0 (z), F0 (z) to play a special role. In view of the cyclic symmetry of En that sends Ei (z) → Ei+1 (z), Fi (z) → ± Fi+1 (z), Ki± (z) → Ki+1 (z), we could have started with Ei (z), Fi (z) for any i. Using the isomorphism ι (3.13) that interchanges q1 with q3 , it is easy to write (1) another evaluation homomorphism evu when n/2

C = q1 . This is parallel to the fact that there are two evaluation homomorphisms Uq  sln → Uq gln . We also remark that the evaluation map is clearly graded with respect to the homogeneous degree, see (2.5), (3.11), and commutes with the automorphism that rescales the spectral parameter, see (2.7) in [4].

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


4.2 Proof In this section, we prove Theorem 4.1. To simplify the notation, we consider (3) ev = ev1 . We shall need commutation relations between A± (z), B± (z) and Ei (w), Fi (w). First we have [A± (z), Ei (w)] = [A± (z), Fi (w)] = [B± (z), Ei (w)] = [B± (z), Fi (w)] = 0

(2  i  n − 2).

Other relations are given as follows: z − q3−1 w E1 (w) , z − q1 w

eA+ (z) E1 (w)e−A+ (z) = eA+ (z) F


(w)e−A+ (z)

z − Cq1 w


z − Cq3−1 w

eB+ (z) En−1 (w)e−B+ (z) = eB+ (z) F


(w)e−B+ (z)


e−A− (z) En−1 (w)eA− (z) = e−A− (z) Fn−1 (w)eA− (z) =

F1 (w) ,

z − C −1 q1−1 w En−1 (w) , z − C −1 q3 w z − q3 w z − q1−1 w


Fn−1 (w) ,

w − q3−1 z En−1 (w) , w − q1 z w − Cq1 z w − Cq3−1 z

(4.6) Fn−1 (w) ,

w − C −1 q1−1 z E1 (w) , w − C −1 q3 z

e−B− (z) E1 (w)eB− (z) = e−B− (z) F1 (w)eB− (z) =


w − q3 z w − q1−1 z


F1 (w) .

We also have eA+ (z) eA− (w) = eA+ (z) eB− (w)

(z − w)2 (z − q2 w)(z

− q2−1 w)

eA− (w) eA+ (z) ,

(z − Cq2 w)(z − C −1 q2−1 w) B− (w) A+ (z) e e , (z − Cw)(z − C −1 w)




B. Feigin et al.

eB+ (z) eA− (w) = eB+ (z) eB− (w) =

(z − Cq2 w)(z − C −1 q2−1 w) A− (w) B+ (z) e e , (z − Cw)(z − C −1 w) (z − w)2 (z − q2 w)(z − q2−1 w)

eB− (w) eB+ (z) .

(4.10) (4.11)

Let us verify the relations involving E0 (z), F0 (z) case-by-case. C, q h Relations

These are easy to check.

H -E and H -F Relations

The relation

[ev(Hi,r ), ev(E0 (z))] = ai,0 (r)C −r zr ev(E0 (z)) (r  1) n/2

follows from C = q3 [Hi,r , e


A− (z)

]=z e

r A− (z)



n−1   jr  ai,0 (r) + ai,j (r)q3 , j =1

[Hi,r , F(z)] = −zr F(z) ×


 −n/2+j r ai,j (r) q3 .

j =1

The relations for r  −1 and [ev(Hi,r ), ev(F0 (z))] can be verified in a similar manner. E-F Relations

First consider the relation [ev(E0 (z)), ev(Fi (w))] = 0 (i = 0).

We have ev(E0 (z))ev(Fi (w)) = eA− (z) F(z)Fi (w)eA+ (z) K× % q(z − Cq1 w)/(z − Cq3−1 w) q −δi,n−1

(2  i  n − 1)

ev(Fi (w))ev(E0 (z)) = eA− (z) Fi (w)F(z)eA+ (z) K× % 1 (w − Cq1 z)/(w

(i = 1)

− Cq3−1 z)

(1  i  n − 2) (i = n − 1)



so that the relations reduce to (3.30), (3.31), and (3.27). The case [ev(Ei (z)), ev(F0 (w))] = 0 (i = 0) is similar.

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


Using (4.4), (4.7), and (4.9), we obtain ev(E0 (z))ev(F0 (w)) = eA− (z) F(z)eA+ (z) K · eB− (z) E(z)eB+ (z) K−1 = eA− (z)+B− (w) F(z)E(w)eA+ (z)+B+ (w) . Computing ev(F0 (w))ev(E0 (z)) similarly and using further (3.23), we find 1 q − q −1     w z × eA− (z)+B− (w) − δ C K+ (z) + δ C K− (w) eA+ (z)+B+ (w) . w z

[ev(E0 (z)), ev(F0 (w))] =

Noting that eA− (z)+B− (Cz) = K¯ 0− (z) ,

eA+ (Cw)+B+ (w) = K¯ 0+ (w) ,

eA− (Cw)+B− (w) = K0 K− (w)−1 ,

eA+ (z)+B+ (Cz) = K0−1 K+ (z)−1 ,

we obtain the desired result. E-E and F -F Relations

To check the quadratic relations

d0,j g0,j (z, w)ev(E0 (z))ev(Ej (w)) + gj,0 (w, z)ev(Ej (w))ev(E0 (z)) = 0, we proceed in the same way as above; using (4.4) and (4.6), we bring A+ (z) to the right, A− (z) to the left, and apply (3.28) and (3.29). Verification of the F -F relations is entirely similar. Serre Relations

Let us check the Serre relations assuming n  3. We have

e−A− (w) [ev(E1 (z1 )), [ev(E1 (z2 )), ev(E0 (w))]q ]q −1 e−A+ (w) = E1 (z1 )E1 (z2 )F(w) − (q + q −1 )q −1 + q −2

w − q3−1 z2 E1 (z1 )F(w)E1 (z2 ) w − q1 z2

w − q3−1 z1 w − q3−1 z2 F(w)E1 (z1 )E1 (z2 ) . w − q1 z1 w − q1 z2

In view of (3.33), we can move F(w) to the right without producing delta functions. After simplification, the right-hand side becomes −

(1 − q2−1 )w (z1 − q2 z2 )E1 (z1 )E1 (z2 )F(w) . (w − q1 z1 )(w − q1 z2 )

Symmetrizing in z1 and z2 , we obtain 0 due to the quadratic relations for E1 (z).


B. Feigin et al.

Likewise we compute e−A− (z1 )−A− (z2 ) [ev(E0 (z1 )), [ev(E0 (z2 )), ev(E1 (w))]q ]q −1 e−A+ (z1 )−A+ (z2 ) =

z1 − q2−1 z2  −2 z1 − q3−1 w z2 − q3−1 w F(z1 )F(z2 )E1 (w) q z1 − q2 z2 z1 − q1 w z2 − q1 w

− (q + q −1 )q −1 =

 z1 − q3−1 w F(z1 )E1 (w)F(z2 ) + E1 (w)F(z1 )F(z2 ) z1 − q1 w

q2−1 (q1 − q3−1 )w (z1 − q2−1 z2 )E1 (w)F(z1 )F(z2 ) . (z1 − q1 w)(z2 − q1 w)

Due to (3.25), the last line vanishes after symmetrization. Serre relations in the remaining cases (including the case n = 2) can be verified by the same argument. We omit further details. The proof is over.

5 Evaluation Modules In this section we define and discuss the evaluation modules.

5.1 Evaluation Modules n given by (2.5). We say that a Uq gl n module V is Recall the grading of Uq gl admissible if for any v ∈ V there exists an N such that xv = 0 holds for  gl n with deg x > N. Algebra U n has a well-defined action on !q,κ any x ∈ Uq gl admissible modules of level κ. (3) The quantum affine evaluation map evu goes from the quantum toroidal gln  algebra En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) to the (completed) quantum affine gln algebra, provided that n/2 q3 has the special value related to the central charge by C = q3 . Note that for the quantum affine algebra the value for the central element is completely arbitrary as q and q3 are independent variables. n on which C acts as an It follows that any admissible representation V of Uq gl (3) arbitrary scalar κ can be pulled back by ev(3) u to a representation of En , by choosing n/2 (3) q3 so that κ = q3 . We call the resulting En module the evaluation module and denote it by V (u).

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


5.2 Highest Weight Evaluation Modules An example of admissible modules is given by highest weight modules. n module V is called a highest weight module of highest weight A Uq gl (κ0 , . . . , κn−1 ) ∈ (C× )n with highest weight vector v if v is a cyclic vector in V satisfying ej v = 0

(1  j  n − 1) ,

Ki v = κi v

(1  i  n − 1),


e0 v = 0 , Cv =


Zr v = 0

(r  1),

κi · v ,

i=0 (l)

where Zr is defined in (2.1) and e0 is the left Chevalley generator (2.3). n modules are principally graded, see (2.6). Highest weight Uq gl  An En module V is called a highest weight module with highest weight vector v if v is a cyclic vector in V satisfying θ −1 (Ei (z))v = 0,

θ −1 (Ki± (z))v = Pi± (z)v

(0  i  n − 1) .

Here Pi± ∈ C[[z∓1 ]] and θ is the Miki automorphism, see Sect. 3.2. We set the degree of the highest weight vectors to zero. Then all highest weight En modules are graded, see (3.11): V = ⊕k0 Vk . Let V be an irreducible highest weight En module such that dim Vk < ∞ for all k. Then in the terminology of [5] the module V is quasi-finite. Moreover, by Theorem 2.3 in [5], the series Pi± (z) are expansions of a rational function Pi (z). Moreover, the rational function Pi (z) is regular at z±1 = ∞ and satisfies Pi (0)Pi (∞) = 1. Denote P = (P0 (z), . . . , Pn−1 (z)). We call the n-tuple of rational functions P the highest weight of V . Highest weight modules of En were studied in detail in [5]. n module Since the evaluation map is graded, the evaluation highest weight Uq gl  with highest weight vector v is a highest weight En module with highest vector v. Indeed, using Lemma 2.4 in [4], we find the principal degrees −1 pdeg ev(3) u (θ (Ei,k )) = 1,

−1 pdeg ev(3) u (θ (Hi,r )) = 0,

0  i  n − 1, k ∈ Z, r ∈ Z \ {0}. The following proposition describes the corresponding highest weight. n module with highest weight Theorem 5.1 Let V be a highest weight Uq gl " (3) 2 (κ0 , . . . , κn−1 ). Let V (u) be the evaluation En module. Then q3n = n−1 i=0 κi and V (u) is a highest weight module with highest weight


B. Feigin et al.

 1 − κ −2 u /z 1 − q3 (κ0 κ1 )−2 u /z 0 , ..., P = κ0 , κ1  1 − u /z 1 − q3 κ0−2 u /z κn−1


−2   i=0 κi )u /z , " −2  1 − q3n−1 ( n−2 i=0 κi )u /z

1 − q3n−1 (

for an appropriate choice of u ∈ C× .


Proof The proposition is proved similarly to Theorem 5.7 in [10]. n/2

In the case of evaluation modules defined for C = q1 , the highest weight reads  1 − q1−1 κ02 u /z 1 − u /z , κ , ..., P = κ0 1 1 − κ02 u /z 1 − q1−1 κ02 κ12 u /z κn−1

1 − q1−n+1 ( 1 − q1−n+1 (

"n−2 i=0

κi2 )u /z 


κi2 )u /z



It follows from Theorem 5.1 that the modules H(k) (u1 , . . . , un ) and G(k) μ,ν in [5] are evaluation Verma- and Weyl-type modules, respectively.

5.3 Wakimoto Evaluation Modules A Gelfand–Zeitlin pattern for gln is an array of complex numbers λ1,n−1

λ0,n−1 λ0,n−2 λ=

λ1,n−2 ..


· · · λn−2,n−1 λn−1,n−1 ··· λn−2,n−2 .. .


λ1,1 λ0,0

Fix generic complex numbers λ0i,j ∈ C and consider the linear space GZλ0 with basis {|λ }, where λ runs over Gelfand–Zeitlin patterns for gln such that λi,j ∈ λ0i,j + Z for 0  i  j  n − 2 and λi,n−1 = λ0i,n−1 for 0  i  n − 1: GZλ0 = SpanC {|λ | λi,j ∈ λ0i,j + Z (0  i  j  n − 2), λi,n−1 = λ0i,n−1 (0  i  n − 1)} .


Proposition 5.2 ([7],[12]) The following formulas give a representation of Uq gln on GZλ0 .

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras

ei |λ =



+ ck,i−1 (λ)|λ + 1k,i−1 ,


fi |λ =


− ck,i−1 (λ)|λ − 1k,i−1 ,


q |λ = q hr (λ)−hr−1 (λ) |λ . εr

Here 1  i  n − 1, 0  r  n − 1, 1i,j stands for the vector (δr,i δs,j )0rsn−1 , and + ck,i−1 (λ)


l=0 [λl,i−2

= "i−1

l=k+1 [λl,i−1

− ck,i−1 (λ) = − "k−1

l=0 [λl,i−1

hr (λ) =


− λk,i−1 − l + k − 1]

− λk,i−1 − l + k − 1][λl,i−1 − λk,i−1 − l + k] "i l=0 [λl,i − λk,i−1 − l + k + 1] − λk,i−1 − l + k][λl,i−1 − λk,i−1 − l + k + 1]



λk,r .


  We call the Uq gln module GZλ0 the Gelfand–Zeitlin module.  gl n module GZ C 0 of Now we choose an arbitrary κ ∈ C× and define the Uq,κ λ level κ as follows. Consider the Uq gln Gelfand–Zeitlin module GZλ0 described in Proposition 5.2. We trivially extend it to the action of the subalgebra bq,κ by setting ± |λ = hj,r |λ = 0 xi,r

(1  i  n−1,

0  j  n−1,

r  1,

|λ ∈ GZλ0 ).

Then we induce 

C 0 = IndUq,κ gln GZ 0 . GZ λ λ bq,κ C 0 the Wakimoto module. Clearly, any Wakimoto module is an We call GZ λ  gl n module. admissible Uq,κ Finally, we choose u ∈ C× , set q3 = κ, and, using the evaluation homomorC 0 as an En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) module. We denote this evaluation phism ev(3) u , we view GZ λ C module by GZλ0 (u). Recall the subalgebras E1,m = E1 (q1,m , q2 , q3,m ) ⊆ En , 0  m  n − 1, and the algebra A, see (3.34). For each i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, the Fock module Fi (u) for E1 is defined to be the highest weight E1 (q1 , q2 , q3 ) module with highest weight n/2


B. Feigin et al.


P = qi

1 − qi−1 u/z . 1 − u/z

The Fock modules are well-known and understood, see, for example, [2] and [5]. explicitly via one free For E1 , the action of E0 (z), F0 (z), K0± (z) can be described  boson and vertex operators. In particular the character r≥0 dim(Fi (u))−r x r of the " Fock module Fi (u) is given by 1/(x)∞ = r>0 (1 − x r )−1 . Our main result of this section is the following statement. For this statement, we make a technical assumption that q is generic, meaning we exclude a set of values of q that is at most countable. Theorem 5.3 We have the decomposition of A modules C 0 (u) = ⊕λ W (λ) , GZ λ

W (λ) = A|λ = W0 (λ)  W1 (λ)  · · ·  Wn−1 (λ) ,

where the sum is over all GZ patterns as in (5.1), and the E1,m module Wm (λ) is given by m+1

 Wm (λ) = F3 (u0,m (λ)) ⊗ · · · ⊗ F3 (um,m (λ)) ⊗ m

 F1 (v0,m−1 (λ)) ⊗ · · · ⊗ F1 (vm−1,m−1 (λ)) , where −l+m n q3 u˜ , vl,m−1 (λ) n−1 0 n − r=0 λr,n−1 +n−1 λ

ul,m (λ) = q2 l,m u˜ = (−1) q


= q2 l,m−1


u˜ ,


Theorem 5.3 is proved in Appendix 6. The E1 modules Wm (λ) also appeared in [1].

6 Proof of Theorem 5.3 6.1 The Plan of the Proof Our logic is the following. ±,= Denote Ki±,= (z) = θ −1 (Ki (z)). Denote Km (z) = θm−1 (Km (z)), where θm is the Miki automorphism of E1,m . ±,= Since the degrees of Ki±,= (z), Km (z) are zero, these operators preserve the C space GZλ0 ⊆ GZλ0 . We show that these operators are diagonal in the basis {|λ } and give their eigenvalues.

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


First, we compute the eigenvalues of Ki±,= (z) using the fact that these operators belong to the horizontal algebra, which acts on GZλ0 through the standard evaluation ±,= (z) by finding the projection of map evu . Then we calculate the eigenvalues of Km ±,= these operators to the algebra generated by Ki (z) along annihilating operators. This is a long calculation. We first compute the projection of the first components ±,= (z) explicitly and then argue that this is sufficient. of Km ±,= We observe that the eigenvalue of Km (z) on eigenvector |λ coincides with the highest weight of module Wm (λ). It follows that the character of A|λ is at least 2 ±,= (z), 0  m  n − 1, is simple ((x)∞ )−n . We show that the joint spectrum of Km in ⊕λ W (λ). C 0 , we obtain the theorem. Comparing to the character of GZ λ

6.2 Projection  Let E± n ⊆ En be the subalgebras generated by Ei,r , Fi,r , Hi,r with 0  i  n − 1 +  Cn . Let ! and ±r > 0, and let E0n = Uqh gl En ⊆ ! En be the completion of E+ n . We use the triangular decomposition  0 ! !+ En = E− n ⊗ En ⊗ En .

While we expect this to hold for all q, we have been unable to find it in the literature. For generic q, it can be shown by taking the limit q → 1 and using the result of [11]. Consider the projection to the middle factor in the triangular decomposition  pr : ! En −→ E0n .  We shall write x ≡ y if pr (x) = pr (y) for x, y ∈ ! En . Similarly to the usual HarishChandra map, this projection is a homomorphism when restricted to the subalgebra   En consisting of elements of homogeneous degree 0. (! En ) 0 ⊆ ! The algebras E1,m are obtained by taking (n − 1) simple fusions. It is sufficient to consider a single simple fusion. For that purpose, following [5], we consider the subalgebra  0|1 En−1 = En−1 (q˜1 , q2 , q˜3 ) ⊆ ! En (q1 , q2 , q3 ) ,


1 − n−1

q˜1 = q1 q1n−1 , q˜3 = q3 q1



B. Feigin et al.

It is generated by the following currents: i

E˜ i (z) = Ei+1 (q1n−1 z) ,


F˜i (z) = Fi+1 (q1n−1 z) ,


± K˜ i± (z) = Ki+1 (q1n−1 z)

(1  i  n − 2) , 4   z 4 E˜ 0 (z) = E0|1 (z) = 1 −  E0 (q1 z )E1 (z)4  , z =z z 4    z 4 F1 (z)F0 (q1 z )4  , F˜0 (z) = F0|1 (z) = 1 − z =z z K˜ 0± (z) = K0± (q1 z)K1± (z) , and for n = 2 4   ˜ 0 (z) = E (1) (z) = 1 − z E0 (q1 z )E1 (z)44 , E 0|1 z =z z 1 − q1−1 q3 4  z  4 (1) (1 − q12 )F˜0 (z) = F0|1 (z) = 1 − F1 (z)F0 (q1 z )4  , z =z z −

qq1−1 q3

K˜ 0± (z) = K0± (q1 z)K1± (z) .  We also set K˜ i± (z) = K˜ i±1 exp(±(q − q −1 ) r>0 H˜ i,±r z∓1 ). 0|n−1 0|1 We will use also another subalgebra En−1 obtained from En−1 by applying the 0|1

isomorphism ι (3.13). In what follows we study projections of elements of En−1 , 0|n−1

En−1 . We will write formulas only for the former, while those for the latter are easily obtained by applying ι.  En generated by elements of homogeneous Let Nr denote the left ideal of ! degree  r. Lemma 6.1 Let n  3. Then, E˜ 0,0 , ≡ −q[E1,0 , E0,0 ]q −1 mod N1 , E˜ 0,1 ≡ q1−1 [E0,1 , E1,0 ]q mod N2 ,

F˜0,0 ≡ −q −1 [F0,0 , F1,0 ]q mod N1 , (6.1) F˜0,−1 ≡ −q1 q −1 [F0,−1 , F1,0 ]q mod N1 . (6.2)

For n = 2 and by setting a = q(1 − q12 )(1 − q1−1 q3 ) and b = −qq12 , we have b−1 E˜ 0,0 ≡ E0,0 E1,0 − (1 + q1−1 q3 − q1−2 )E1,0 E0,0 + q1−1 E1,1 E0,−1 mod N1 , b−1 E˜ 0,1 ≡ q1−1 E0,1 E1,0 − q1−2 (q1 + q3 − q1−1 )E1,0 E0,1 − q1−1 q3 E0,0 E1,0 + q1−2 E1,1 E0,0 mod N2 ,

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


abF˜0,0 ≡ F1,0 F0,0 − (1 + q1 q3−1 − q12 )F0,0 F1,0 + q1 F0,1 F1,−1 mod N1 , abF˜0,−1 ≡ q1 F1,0 F0,−1 − q12 (q1−1 + q3−1 − q1 )F0,−1 F1,0 − q1 q3−1 F1,−1 F0,0 + q12 F0,0 F1,−1 mod N1 . Proof Let n  3. By the definition along with (3.9), we obtain 

E0|1,l =

j −l


  E0,−j +l E1,j − q1 E0,−j −1+l E1,j +1

j 0


−j −l

q −1 q1

j 1

F0|1,l =

−j −l


j 0


j −l


  E1,−j E0,j +l − q3−1 E1,−j +1 E0,j +l−1 ,

  F1,−j F0,l+j − q1−1 F1,−j −1 F0,l+j +1

  F0,l−j F1,j − q3 F0,l−j +1 F1,j −1 ,

j 1

from which the assertion follows. For n = 2, we have  j −l   (1) E0|1,l = q1 E0,−j +l E1,j − q1−1 E0,−j +l−1 E1,j +1 . j ∈Z

Rewriting it as (1) (1 − q1−1 q3 )E0|1,l =

j −l 

E0,−j +l E1,j − (q1 + q3 )E0,−j +l−1 E1,j +1


j ∈Z

+ q1 q3 E0,−j +l+2 E1,j +2

and applying (3.10), we obtain (1 − q1−1 q3 )E0|1,l = (1)

j −l


 E0,l−j E1,j − (q1 + q3 )E0,l−j −1 E1,j +1

j 0

+ q1 q3 E0,l−j −2 E1,j +2 +

 j 1

−j −l


q1 q3 E1,−j E0,j +l − (q1 + q3 )E1,−j +1 E0,l+j −1  + E1,−j +2 E0,j +l−2 ,


B. Feigin et al. (1)

Proceeding similarly with F0|1 (z), we get (1 − q1 q3−1 )F0|1,l  −j −l  F1,−j F0,l+j − (q1−1 + q3−1 )F1,−j −1 F0,l+j +1 = q1 (1)

j 0


j −l


+ q1−1 q3−1 F1,−j −2 F0,l+j +2

q1−1 q3−1 F0,l−j F1,j − (q1−1 + q3−1 )F0,l−j +1 F1,j −1

j 1

 + F0,l−j +2 F1,j −2 ,

which imply the relations stated in Lemma.


6.3 Action of Ki

(z) on GZλ0

Recall that the horizontal subalgebra Uqh  sln of En is given in Chevalley generators. The next lemma describes the corresponding Drinfeld generators under the identification (2.2). Note that we use a different identification (2.3) for Chevalley generators of the vertical algebra Uqv  sln . Lemma 6.2 The Drinfeld generators of the horizontal subalgebra Uqh  sln are given by xi+ (z) = θ −1 (Ei (d −i z)) ,

xi− (z) = θ −1 (Fi (d −i z)) ,

φi± (z) = θ −1 (Ki± (d −i z))

(1  i  n − 1).

Proof Define the currents xi± (z), φi± (z) by the above formulas. Then they belong to the horizontal subalgebra and satisfy the relations for the Drinfeld currents of + − Uq  = Ei,0 , xi,0 = Fi,0 for 1  i  n − 1. Moreover, from (3.18) sln . We have xi,0 and (3.19) we obtain − − − , . . . , [x2,0 , x1,−1 ]q . . .]q K1 · · · Kn−1 , E0,0 = [xn−1,0 + + + F0,0 = (K1 · · · Kn−1 )−1 [. . . [x1,1 , x2,0 ]q −1 , . . . , xn−1,0 ]q −1 .

Hence the assertion follows from the identification (2.2) between the Chevalley and the Drinfeld generators.

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


Recall the standard evaluation map evu (2.4). Lemma 6.3 On GZλ0 , the action of horizontal algebra Uqh  sln is given by evu . h  Namely, for any x ∈ Uq sln , we have ev(3) u (x)|λ = evu (x)|λ . (3)

Proof It suffices to check the statement for x = e0 , f0 . By the definition of evu , we have   −1 A− (z) F(z)|λ , ev(3) u E0 (z) |λ = u Ke and in particular −1 ev(3) u (E0,0 )|λ = u KF0 |λ .

Using the q3 version of Lemma 6.1 Repeatedly, we find that the right-hand side becomes u−1 q −*1 +*n−1 [. . . [F1,0 , F2,0 ]q −1 , . . . , Fn−1,0 ]q −1 |λ and hence coincides with evu (e0 )|λ . The case of f0 is entirely similar. From Lemma 6.3, we obtain the explicit action of Drinfeld generators of horizontal algebra Uqh  sln on the “top level” GZλ0 . Lemma 6.4 On GZλ0 , the Drinfeld generators of horizontal algebra Uqh  sln act as follows: i−1   ±    ± ck,i−1 (λ)δ q 2λk,i−1 +i−2k±1 u/z ¯ |λ ± 1k,i−1 , ev(3) u xi (z) |λ = k=0

ev(3) u

 ±  φi (z) |λ = q 2hi−1 (λ)−hi−2 (λ)−hi (λ) × "i−2 "i 2λl,i−2 +i−2l−1 u/z) 2λl,i +i−2l+1 u/z) ¯ ¯ l=0 (1 − q l=0 (1 − q |λ , "i−1 2λl,i−1 +i−2l−1 u/z)(1 ¯ − q 2λl,i−1 +i−2l+1 u/z) ¯ l=0 (1 − q

where 1  i  n − 1 and u¯ = (−1)n q −

n−1 r=0

λ0r,n−1 +n−2



    Proof Define operators evu¯ xi± (z) , evu¯ φi± (z) acting on |λ by the right-hand sides of the above formulas. A direct computation shows that they satisfy the


B. Feigin et al.

defining relations for Uq  sln . It suffices to check that evu¯ (x) = evu (x) for x = e0 , f0 . We have (3)

− )|λ = u¯ −1 f1 q −2ε0 |λ , evu¯ (x1,−1

− evu¯ (xi,0 )|λ = fi |λ

(2  i  n − 1).

Noting that q ε0 commutes with fi for i  2 and using (2.2), we obtain  −  − − , . . . , [x2,0 , x1,−1 ]q . . .]q q α1 +···+αn−1 |λ evu¯ (e0 ) = evu¯ [xn−1,0 = u¯ −1 [fn−1 , . . . , [f2 , f1 ]q . . .]q q −2ε0 q ε0 −εn−1 |λ = (−q)n−2 u¯ −1 [. . . [f1 , f2 ]q −1 , . . . , fn−1 ]q −1 q −*1 +*n−1 t−1 |λ = ev(3) u (e0 ) . Similarly we check evu¯ (f0 ) = evu (f0 ). (3)

Now we are in a position to compute the action of K¯ i±,= (z) = Ki∓1 Ki±,= (z) on GZλ0 . Denote by K¯ i (z, λ) the eigenvalues of K¯ i±,= (z) on |λ , 0  i  n − 1. Proposition 6.5 With the definition (6.3), we have K¯ i (z, λ) =


"i i λl,i−2 +i−l−1 q u/z) i λl,i +i−l q u/z) ¯ ¯ l=0 (1 − q3 q2 l=0 (1 − q3 q2 "i−1 λl,i−1 +i−l−1 λl,i−1 +i−l i i q u/z)(1 ¯ − q3 q2 q u/z) ¯ l=0 (1 − q3 q2 (1  i  n − 1),

K¯ 0 (z, λ) =


1 − q2 0,0 q u/z ¯


λ 1 − q3n q2 n−1,n−1 q u/z ¯ l=0


1 − q3n q2 l,n−2


q u/z ¯

λ +n−l−1 1 − q3n q2 l,n−1 q u/z ¯


Proof The formulas for 1  i  n − 1 follow from Lemmas 6.2 and 6.4. Consider the special case where λ is dominant. Then the Wakimoto module has a highest weight submodule, and the eigenvalue of K0±,= (z) on highest weight vector can be determined by Theorem 5.1 along with the knowledge of K¯ i (z, λ) for 1  i  n − 1. In this case general eigenvalues can then be obtained by acting with Ei (z), Fi (z). ± Since the eigenvalues of Ki,r are polynomial functions of the parameters q λj,r , ±,= the formula for K0 (z) in the general case follows by “analytic continuation.” Denote by m (z, λ) the highest weight of E1,m module Wm (λ) and let ¯ m (z, λ) = m (z, λ)/m (∞, λ).  Corollary 6.6 For 0  m  n − 1, the highest weight of E1,m module Wm (λ) is given by

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras

¯ m (z, λ) = 


K¯ i (q3−n+i z, λ)





K¯ i (q1−i z, λ)


λ −l m m−1   1 − q2 l,m q u/z ¯ λl,m −l+m n q3 q u/z ¯ l=0 l=0 1 − q2

−l+m n q3 q u/z ¯ , λl,m−1 −l−1 1 − q2 q u/z ¯ λ

1 − q2 l,m−1

where u¯ is given by (6.3).



6.4 Action of Km (z) on GZλ0 : The First Components ±,= We show that the action of Km (z) on the top level is diagonal in the basis of |λ with eigenvalues given in Corollary 6.6. More precisely, we show the following formulas for the horizontal currents: ±,= Km (z)


K¯ i±,= (q3−n+i z)



K¯ i±,= (q1−i z).



In this section we do it for the first components using an explicit computation. 0|1 Recall the subalgebra En−1 and the currents K˜ i± (z) in Sect. 6.2. Let θ˜ be the Miki 0|1

automorphism for En−1 . To show (6.4), it is enough to prove the following statement. Proposition 6.7 For all 0  i  n − 2, we have i  ± −1  θ˜ −1 (K˜ i± (z)) ≡ θ −1 Ki+1 (q1n−1 z) (1  i  n − 2),   θ˜ −1 (K˜ 0± (z)) ≡ θ −1 K0± (z)K1± (q1−1 z) .

(6.5) (6.6)

In this section first we explicitly compute the projections of θ˜ −1 (H˜ i,±1 ). The general case is done in Sect. 6.5. Proposition 6.8 Let n  3. We have mod N1 ,     1− i θ˜ −1 H˜ i,1 ≡ q1 n−1 θ −1 Hi+1,1 ,     −1+ i θ˜ −1 H˜ i,−1 ≡ q1 n−1 θ −1 Hi+1,−1 (1  i  n − 2),       −1 −1 −1 θ˜ H˜ 0,1 ≡ θ H0,1 + q1 θ H1,1 ,       θ˜ −1 H˜ 0,−1 ≡ θ −1 H0,−1 + q1−1 θ −1 H1,−1 .


B. Feigin et al.

1   Proof We prove the case θ˜ −1 Hi,1 . Set d˜ = q1n−1 d. Suppose 1  i  n − 2. By the definition

  θ˜ −1 H˜ i,1 ˜ −i [[· · · [[· · · [F˜0,0 , F˜n−2,0 ]q , · · · , F˜i+1,0 ]q , F˜1,0 ]q , · · · , F˜i−1,0 ]q , F˜i,0 ]q 2 = −(−d) ˜ −i [[· · · [[· · · [F˜0,0 , F˜n−2,0 ]q , · · · , F˜i+1,0 ]q , F˜1,0 ]q , · · · , F˜i−1,0 ]q , F˜i,0 ]q 2 . = −(−d) Substituting (6.1) and noting that [· · · [F0|1,0 , F˜n−2,0 ]q · · · F˜i+1,0 ]q ≡ −q −1 [· · · [[F0,0 , F1,0 ]q , Fn−1,0 ]q · · · Fi+2,0 ]q = −q −1 [· · · [[F0,0 , Fn−1,0 ]q · · · Fi+2,0 ]q F1,0 ]q , we obtain the result. Next let i = 0. From (3.16), we have   ˜ −n+2 [· · · [F˜1,1 , F˜2,0 ]q , · · · , F˜n−2,0 ]q · F˜0,−1 θ˜ −1 H˜ 0,1 ≡ −(−d)   = −(−d)−n+1 q1 A · F0,−1 F1,0 − qF1,0 F0,−1 , with A = [[· · · [F2,1 , F3,0 ]q , · · · , Fn−2,0 ]q , Fn−1,0 ]q . Since A has degree 1, we have   A · F0,−1 F1,0 − qF1,0 F0,−1 ≡ [A, F0,−1 ]q F1,0   − q [A, F1,0 ]q F0,−1 + qF1,0 AF0,−1 ≡ [[A, F0,−1 ]q , F1,0 ]q 2 − q[[A, F1,0 ]q , F0,−1 ]q 2 . Noting that [[A, B]p , C]p = [[A, C]p , B]p if BC = CB, we find [A, F1,0 ]q = [[· · · [[F2,1 , F1,0 ]q , F3,0 ]q , · · · , Fn−2,0 ]q , Fn−1,0 ]q = (−d)−1 [[· · · [[F1,1 , F2,0 ]q , F3,0 ]q , · · · , Fn−2,0 ]q , Fn−1,0 ]q . In the last line we use the quadratic relations. By the same token, we have A = (−d)[[· · · [F3,1 , F2,0 ]q , · · · , Fn−2,0 ]q , Fn−1,0 ]q = (−d)[[[· · · [F3,1 , F4,0 ]q , · · · , Fn−2,0 ]q , Fn−1,0 ]q , F2,0 ]q ,

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


And by repeating this we get A = (−d)n−3 [[· · · [Fn−1,1 , Fn−2,0 ]q , · · · , F3,0 ]q , F2,0 ]q . Hence, [A, F0,−1 ]q ≡ (−d)n−3 [[· · · [Fn−1,1 , Fn−2,0 ]q , · · · , F2,0 ]q , F0,−1 ]q = (−d)n−3 [· · · [[Fn−1,1 , F0,−1 ]q , Fn−2,0 ]q , · · · , F2,0 ]q = (−d)n−2 [· · · [[F0,0 , Fn−1,0 ]q , Fn−2,0 ]q , · · · , F2,0 ]q . We obtain after simplification   θ˜ −1 H˜ 0,1 = θ −1 (H0,1 ) + q1 θ −1 (H1,1 ) . The case H˜ 0,−1 can be handled in the same way. Proposition 6.9 Let n = 2. Then we have mod N1 θ˜ −1 (H˜ 0,1 ) ≡ θ −1 (H0,1 ) + q1 θ −1 (H1,1 ), θ˜ −1 (H˜ 0,−1 ) ≡ θ −1 (H0,−1 ) + q1−1 θ −1 (H1,−1 ) . 0|1

Proof We recall that the Miki automorphism for E1 is given by     θ˜ −1 H˜ 0,1 = −a K˜ 0−1 F˜0,0 , θ˜ −1 H˜ 0,−1 = −K˜ 0 E˜ 0,0 ,     θ˜ −1 E˜ 0,0 = −C˜ −1 H˜ 0,1 , θ˜ −1 F˜0,0 = −a −1 C˜ H˜ 0,−1 ,     θ˜ −1 C˜ = K˜ 0−1 , θ˜ −1 K˜ 0 = C˜ ,   where a = q(1−q˜1 )(1−q˜3 ). As an example, let us check θ˜ −1 H˜ 0,1 . By Lemma 6.1, we have   qq12 θ˜ −1 H˜ 0,1 ≡ F1,0 F0,0 − (1 + q1 q3−1 − q12 )F0,0 F1,0 + q1 F0,1 F1,−1 . Using the quadratic relation [F0,1 , F1,−1 ]q 2 = [F1,1 , F0,−1 ]q 2 − (q1−1 + q3−1 )[F1,0 , F0,0 ] , we obtain     qq12 θ˜ −1 H˜ 0,1 ≡ q1 [F1,1 , F0,−1 ]q 2 + q1 [F0,0 , F1,0 ]q 2   = qq12 θ −1 (H0,1 ) + q1 θ −1 (H1,1 ) .


B. Feigin et al.


6.5 Action of Km (z) on GZλ0 : The General Case To compute projections of θ˜ −1 (H˜ i,±r ) for r  2, we use the following argument.  Let us summarize our knowledge so far. Inside ! En we have mutually commuting   subalgebras E1,0 and En−1 

E1,0 ⊗ En−1 → ! En . 0|1

1|0 Let H˜˜ 0,r ∈ E1,0 , H˜ i,r ∈ En−1 (0  i  n−2) be the respective commuting elements (we concentrate on the case r  1). Let θ˜˜ be the Miki automorphism of E1,0 . We  n ⊆ ! have two subalgebras of E0 = U h gl E n



      A = pr C[θ˜˜ −1 H˜˜ 0,r | r  1] ⊗ C[θ˜ −1 H˜ i,r | r  1, 0  i  n − 2] , B = C[θ −1 (Hi,r ) | r  1, 0  i  n − 1] . Both subalgebras are commutative. Note that both belong to the subalgebra generated by Ei,r , 0  i  n − 1, r ∈ Z. From Proposition 6.8 and 6.9, we know that θ −1 (Hi,1 ) ∈ A ∩ B (0  i  n − 1) . Proposition 6.10 We have A = B.


n to Uq  Proof We can reduce the problem from Uq gl sln . So it suffices to prove the following statement: Let Uq n = e0 , . . . , en−1 be the nilpotent subalgebra of Uq  sln , and let Hi,r ∈ Uq  sln (r  1, 1  i  n − 1) be the Cartan-like commutative elements. Then the commutant of H1,1 , . . . , Hn−1,1 in Uq n coincides with C[Hi,r | r  1, 1  i  n − 1]. The commutant obviously contains C[Hi,r | r  1, 1  i  n − 1]. Also for q = 1 the statement is easy to see. Therefore it follows for generic q.   Proposition 6.10 says that the projection pr θ˜ −1 (Ki,± (z)) belongs to the algebra generated by Ki±,= (z). From [5], we know that equalities (6.5) and (6.6) hold on the highest weight vectors of generic tensor products of Fock spaces. Therefore, by analytic continuation, these equalities hold on all highest weight vectors. We note that the ideal of the projection pr is contained in the ideal that annihilates highest weight vectors. Therefore Proposition 6.7 follows.

Evaluation Modules for Quantum Toroidal gln Algebras


6.6 The End of the Proof Applying Proposition 6.7 repeatedly, we obtain (6.4). ±,= (z) To show Theorem 5.3, it remains to show that the joint spectrum of Km ±,= is simple on ⊕λ W (λ). Suppose that the eigenvalues of Km (z) coincide on some vectors v ∈ W (λ) and w ∈ W (μ). Recall that λ0 is generic. Each Fock space entering as a factor in W (λ) depends on just one λ0i,j . It means that for each i, j the eigenvalues should be the same on Fock spaces depending on λi,j and μi,j . The spectral parameters of these Fock spaces differ by q2a with some a ∈ Z. The eigenvectors in a Fock space are parametrized by partitions, and the corresponding eigenvalues are given by products over concave and convex boxes, see Lemma 3.4 in [5]. With the aid of this formula, it is easy to see that if the eigenvalues are the same on two partitions in two such Fock modules, then a = 0 and the partitions are the same. Acknowledgments The research of BF is supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant project 16-11-10316. MJ is partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant number JP16K05183. EM is partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation #353831. We would like to thank the Kyoto University for hospitality during our visit in summer 2017 when part of this work was completed.

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Dynamical Quantum Determinants and Pfaffians Naihuan Jing and Jian Zhang

Dedicated to Vyjayanthi Chari in honor of her 60th birthday

Abstract We introduce the dynamical quantum Pfaffian on the dynamical quantum general linear group and prove its fundamental transformation identity. Hyper quantum dynamical Pfaffian is also introduced and formulas connecting them are given.

1 Introduction Dynamical quantum groups are important generalization of quantum groups introduced by Etingof and Varchenko [3] in connection with the elliptic quantum groups [5, 6]. See the review [2] for the background and related literature as well as comparison with usual quantum groups (see [1]). The dynamical quantum group is in fact some quantum groupoid, thus also related to the deformation of the Poisson groupoid [16, 19, 21]. In this paper we essentially follow [3] to define the dynamical quantum group with some modification [14]. As discussed in [4] in general, given an R-matrix one can associate certain quantum semigroup A(R) via the RT T formulation. Let V be the complex ndimensional vector space with basis vi and dual basis λi for V ∗ . We consider the dynamical R-matrix R(λ) defined on V ⊗ V as follows:

N. Jing () Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA e-mail: [email protected] J. Zhang School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J. Greenstein et al. (eds.), Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, Progress in Mathematics 337,



N. Jing and J. Zhang

R(λ) = q


eii ⊗ eii +

n  ij

h(λi − λj )eii ⊗ ejj ,



where λ = (λ1 , . . . , λn ), eij are the unit matrix elements inside End(V ) such that eij vk = δj k vi , and g, h are certain q-analog functions on V (see (2.1)). The corresponding bialgebra FR (M(n)) is called the dynamical quantum group in the general linear type, which generalizes the usual quantum general linear semigroup Mq (n). The non-dynamical quantum semigroup Mq (n) becomes the quantum group GLq (n) with the help of a special central element called the quantum determinant detq . On the quantum semigroup Mq (n), one can develop a theory of quantum linear algebra [8] and introduce quantum determinants and minors. One can prove key equations such as the quantum Cramer identity, Cayley–Hamilton identity etc. [17, 22]. For a unified treatment using Manin’s quadratic algebras, see [11, 13]. Correspondingly, on the dynamical quantum general linear semigroupoid FR (M(n)) we can also introduce the dynamical quantum determinant, minors and prove that they also enjoy similar favorable properties [9, 14, 15]. It turns out that the quantum dynamical determinant is also a central group-like element, and the Laplace expansions for quantum dynamical minors are also satisfied in a manner similar to the non-dynamical quantum situation. In particular the quantum dynamical determinant also turns FR (M(n)) into a dynamical quantum groupoid [18, 20]. The goal of this paper is to introduce the quantum dynamical Pfaffian and show that it enjoys favorable properties similar to the quantum group situation [10]. Our main technique is to use quadratic algebras or quantum de Rham complexes [17] to study quantum determinants and quantum Pfaffians and express them as the scaling constants of quantum differential forms (cf. [11]). In particular, we prove that the dynamical quantum Pfaffian satisfies the transformation property: Pf(ABAt ) = det(A)Pf(B)


√ even though the identity Pf(A) = det(A) no longer holds for the quantum antisymmetric matrix. The paper is organized as follows. In section two, we introduce the dynamical quantum general linear group via the generalized quantum Yang–Baxter R-matrix and review the basic information on quantum dynamical minors and determinants. In section three, we give a factorization formula for the dynamical quantum determinant in terms of quasi-determinant of Gelfand and Retakh. In section four, we study the dynamical quantum Pfaffians using q-forms. In the last section, quantum dynamical hyper-Pfaffians are given and their fundamental properties and identities are discussed.

Dynamical Quantum Determinants and Pfaffians


2 Dynamical Analogue of the Quantum Algebra M(n) In this section, we recall some basic facts about dynamical quantum groups [14]. Let h∗ be the dual space of the n-dimensional commutative Lie algebra h, and we fix a linear basis {ei } of h∗ , so h∗ can be identified with Cn . For [1, n] = {1, 2, . . . , n}, define ω : [1, n] → h∗ by ω(i) = ei . Fix a generic q ∈ C× . For λ ∈ h∗ , the functional q λ : h −→ C is defined as usual by v → q λ(v) , v ∈ h. We denote by h(λ) and g(λ) the following special meromorphic functionals on h: h(λ) = q

q −2λ − q −2 , q −2λ − 1

(q −2λ − q −2 )(q −2λ − q 2 ) g(λ) = h(λ)h(−λ) = . (q −2λ − 1)2


Let Mh∗ be the space of meromorphic functionals on h∗ . In particular, the above f (λ), g(λ) are elements inside Mh∗ . Let h-algebra FR (M(n)) be the associative algebra generated by the elements tij , 1  i, j  n, together with two copies of Mh∗ . The elements of the two copies Mh∗ are f (λ) = f (λ1 , . . . , λn ) and f (μ) = f (μ1 , . . . , μn ), embedded as subalgebras. Here λi (resp., μi ) is a function on h. The defining relations of FR (M(n)) consist of two types. The first group of relations are given by f1 (λ)f2 (μ) = f2 (μ)f1 (λ), f (λ)tij = tij f (λ + ω(i)),


f (μ)tij = tij f (μ + ω(j )), where f, f1 , f2 ∈ Mh∗ . The second set of relations are h(μk − μl )tik til = til tik ,

kl;k∈I1 ,l∈I2

Proposition 2.4 ([14]) Let I, J1 , J2 be subsets of {1, 2, . . . , n}. If J = J1 ∪ J2 , |I | = |J |. Then, 

μr (sign(J1 ; J2 ))ξJI =

I1 ∪I2 =I

ξIJ =

I1 ∪I2 =I

μl (sign(I1 ; I2 ))ξJI11 ξJI22 ,


μl (sign(J2 ; J1 )) I2 ξ . μr (sign(I2 ; I1 )) J2



It is easy to see from Proposition 2.4 that for any i, j ∈ [1, n] δij det =

n  ˆ sign({k}; k)(λ) k=1

δij det =


ˆ sign({i}; i)(μ) tj k


δij det =

ˆ {i})(λ) iˆ sign(i; ξ , ˆ {k})(μ) kˆ sign(k;

n  ˆ {k})(λ) sign(k; k=1

δij det =

ˆ i

tkj ξˆk ,

n  k=1


ˆ ξˆk tkj , i ˆ sign(i; {i})(μ)

ˆ ˆ sign({i}; i)(λ) tj k . k sign({k}; k)(μ) ˆ

ξ ˆi

Lemma 2.5 ([14]) In FR (M(n)), the determinant commutes with all quantum minor determinants. In particular, det commutes with all generators tij . Moreover, (det) = det ⊗ det and ε(det) = T−1 , with 1 = (1, . . . , 1) ∈ h∗ .   Proposition 2.6 ([14]) The h-bialgebroid FR (M(n)) is an h-Hopf algebroid with the antipode S defined on the generators by S(det−1 ) = det, S(μr (f )) = μl (f ), and S(μl (f )) = μr (f ) for all f ∈ Mh∗ and

Dynamical Quantum Determinants and Pfaffians

S(tij ) = det−1


μl (sign(jˆ; {j })) jˆ ξ ˆ {i})) iˆ μr (sign(i;

and extended as an algebra antihomomorphism.


3 Quasideterminants and Dieudonné Determinants Throughout this section, we work with rings of fractions of noncommutative rings. Definition 3.1 ([7]) Let X = (xij ) be an n × n matrix over a ring with identity such that its inverse matrix X−1 exists, and the (j, i)th entry of X−1 is an invertible element of the ring. Then the (ij )th quasideterminant of X is defined by the formula 4 4 x11 4 4 4 4 |X|ij = 4 xi1 4 4 4 4 xn1

4 . . . x1j . . . x1n 44 4 ... ... 4 . . . xij . . . xin 44 = (X−1 )−1 ji , 4 4 ... ... 4 . . . xnj . . . xnn 4

where the first or the second notation with xij denotes the quasideterminant.


When n  2, and let Xij be the (n − 1) × (n − 1)-matrix obtained from X by deleting the ith row and j th column. In general Xi1 ···ir ,j1 ···jr denotes the submatrix obtained from X by deleting the i1 , · · · , ir -th rows, and i1 , · · · , ir -th columns. Then,  xii  (|Xij |j  i  )xj  j , |X|ij = xij − i  ,j 

/ I \ {i}, j  ∈ / J \ {j }. where the sum runs over i  ∈ Theorem 3.2 Let T be the matrix of generators tij of FR (M(n)) and σ = i1 . . . in and τ = j1 . . . jn be two permutations of Sn . In the ring of fractions of FR (M(n)), one has that "n μl (sign(Ik c ; ik )) tin jn . . . |T i1 j1 |i2 j2 |T |i1 j1 , (3.1) det(T ) = "nk=1 c k=1 μr (sign(Jk ; jk )) where Ik = {i1 , . . . , ik }, Jk = {j1 , . . . , jk }.


Proof By definition the quasi-determinants of T are inverses of the entries of S(T ),


N. Jing and J. Zhang ˆ −1 μr (sign(jˆ; {j })) j ˆ {i})) μl (sign(i;

|T |ij = S(tj i )−1 = ξ iˆ

det(T ),


then det(T ) =

ˆ {i})) iˆ μl (sign(i; ξ ˆ |T |ij . μr (sign(jˆ; {j })) j


Equation (3.1) follows from induction on n. Remark 3.3 If ik = jk = n + 1 − k for any k, all the factors on the right-hand side of 3.1 commute with each other. In general the factors do not commute.  

4 Dynamical Quantum Pfaffians First we review the general theory of the Pfaffian [11, 12], and we assume the minimum condition here. Let B be the algebra generated by the elements bij for 1  i < j  2n, and a copy of Mh∗ embedded as a subalgebra, with its elements denoted by f (λ). The dynamical quantum Pfaffian is defined by Pf(B) =

S(σ )bσ (1)σ (2) bσ (3)σ (4) · · · bσ (2n−1)σ (2n) ,

σ ∈

where S(σ ) = S(σ, [1, 2n]),  is the set of permutations σ of 2n such that σ (2i − 1) < σ (2i), i = 1, . . . , n. For any two disjoint subsets I1 , I2 of [1, 2n], we define the dynamical quantum D 1 , I2 ) by sign functions sign(I1 , I2 ) and sign(I 

sign(I1 , I2 ) =

(−h(λk − λl )),

k>l;k∈I1 ,l∈I2

D 1 , I2 ) = sign(I

(−h(λk − λl )).

