Huihui: Navigating Art and Literature in the Pacific
This groundbreaking anthology is the first to navigate the interconnections between the rhetorics and aesthetics of the
Pages 320
Year 2014
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Table of contents :
Introduction: Ho‘ohuihui: Navigating the Pacifi c through Words
Part 1. Makali‘i: Identity
1. . . . And I who am still a woman woven . . . !
2. A Contemporary Response to Increasing Mele Per for mance Contexts
3. Un/Civilized Girls, Unruly Poems: Jully Makini (Solomon Islands)
4. The Fisherman
5. Pasin/Ways
6. Nau mai, hoki mai: Approaching the Ancestral House
7. Tiki Manifesto
Part 2: Peleiake: Institutions
8. let’s pull in our nets
9. Speeches from the Centennial of the Overthrow, ‘Iolani Palace, January 17, 1993
10. Something in the Wind
11. Sovereignty out from under Glass? Native Hawaiian Rhetorics at the Bishop Museum
12. The Many Diff erent Faces of the Dusky Maiden: A Context for Understanding Maiden Aotearoa
13. Stealing the Piko: (Re)placing Kānaka Maoli at Disney’s Aulani Resort
Part 3: Kūpuku: Community
14. “I Lina‘la‘ Tataotao Ta‘lo”: The Rhetoric and Aesthetics of Militarism, Religiosity, and Commemoration
15. The Words to Speak Our Woes
16. All Things Depending: Renewing Interdependence in Oceania
17. Pasin Pasifik / Pasifik Way
18. He Huaka‘i ma Hā‘ena: Trea sured Places and the Rhetorical Art of Identity
19. Words & Music
Part 4: Ke Aweawe a Makali‘i: Word
20. I write (J’écris)
21. Ka Li‘u o ka Pa‘akai (Well Seasoned with Salt): Recognizing Literary Devices, Rhetorical Strategies, and Aesthetics in Kanaka Maoli Literature
22. First Class
23. Adventures in Chronicling: The Relational Web of Albert Wendt’s The Adventures of Vela
24. When will I be content with my words? When will I sound out my poem words?