How well are you willing to bee?: A beginners's ''auto'' fix it guide 096443444X, 9780964434448

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How well are you willing to bee?: A beginners's ''auto'' fix it guide
 096443444X, 9780964434448

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Apitherapists, Beekeepers, You, and especially to

RENA ('cause everybody loves Rena)

Copyright Page Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 94-96615 International Standard Book Number: 0-9644344-4-X MD Sales & Use Tax Registration Number: 07387647 HOW WELL ARE YOU WILLING TO BEE? A Beginner's "Auto" Fix-It Guide Author: Pat Wagner, "The Bee Lady" SECTION 1 - "AUTO" BASICS SECTION 2 — KISS, STING, & MAINTAIN SECTION 3 — FOR YOUR MIND AND BODY SECTION 4 — THANKS FOR THE MIRACLES Copyright 1994 by Pat Wagner, "The Bee Lady." All Rights Reserved under Copyright Laws of the International and Pan-American copyright conventions. Published in the United States originally December, 1994. Revised June, 1997. Acknowledgment and appreciation for their assistance goes to the following: Printing: Proof reading: Computer assistance: Graphics: Promotions:

THE ENTIRE STAFF FROM: WILDES-SPIRIT DESIGN & PRINTING, WHITE PLAINS, MD! Jack "B-Man" Iannuzzi, John Whittenton, and Wildes John Whittenton, John Sherbert Foxx Sign Services, Waldorf, MD Wildes-Spirit Design & Printing American Apitherapy Society members U. S. and Canadian Beekeepers Association members State and Local Beekeepers Association members And especially all of you user-friendly apitherapists!

This book was printed in the United States. Duplication is not allowed under copyright taws without express written permission from the author.


Apitheraply yours,

Pat Wagner 'The Bee Lady" A BEGINNER'S "AUTO" FIX-IT GUIDE Updated July 1998

Preface The contents of this guide are intended to give the reader knowledge of some alternatives to the manner in which he/she may view the treatment of a specified illness. Although a variety of choices exists, the hope is that this book may enlighten you about some new, yet very old, ways to get better. Did that super heart medication, digitalis, not come from the foxglove plant? Sure it did. Do you know where aspirin originated? It was in the willow tree. Even the buffering agent now used in aspirin comes from that same willow tree. What else does nature have to offer? This is something many of us are now asking and we are getting answers, too. Why do so many of us use things that just mask a problem? A bandage can help protect a scratch from further harm, but why not use something to aid the healing process before you apply the bandage? Well, did you know that raw honey is one of the most sterile topical ointments you could use? When used on a scratch or burn, for example, it actually assists in speeding the healing process. Of course, honey is good on piping hot biscuits, too! However, that's another story. What else can we learn about natural healing? It's not invasive to our bodies. It does not require a whole new way of living, but it can give you one. The cost is affordable. The "feel good" feeling is natural, not synthetic. The documentation about the powers of natural healing has been handed down for thousands of years. The Bible speaks often of the benefits of honey and propolis. Since the time of Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, there is evidence of the use of apitherapy (the therapeutic use of bee products). The Chinese have used herbs, bees, and other natural means of healing for hundreds of centuries. Do you realize that money has not been an issue when dealing with these ways of healing? Only when mankind starts to "fool with Mother Nature" does the wallet become an important factor. Remember when you would fall down and Mom could simply kiss it and make it all better? Of course the bad knee scrapes sometimes needed a BandAid. Now, for instance, many of us feel we need to 'see a doctor' for a hurt knee. What do we get? Perhaps it will be a cortisone shot. Ouch!! Your body produces cortisol, so why not use it instead? Because we don't know how, right? Well, let's start learning, saving money, and getting better. First, learn what KISS can really mean: Keep It Simple, Sweetheart!

[If you, as a potential user of knowledge received herein, require opinions, diagnoses, treatments, or any other aid relating to your health, it is recommended that you consult your own medical expert. Because this book has been written strictly for informational purposes, in no way should it be used as a therapeutic modality or as a substitute for your own physician's advice. Though the reader may choose to act on it at his or her own discretion, the information presented here should not be construed as the practice of medicine.]

TABLE OF CONTENTS Copyright.........................................................................................................ii Dedication ......................................................................................................iii Preface............................................................................................................iv SECTION 1 "AUTO" BASICS IS THIS LIKE YOUR "AUTO"-IMMUNE SYSTEM?....................................1 HOW MY "AUTO"-IMMUNE SYSTEM GOT ITS JUMP START ................3 ABOUT MY "AUTO'S" PAST (Got M. S.? Use B. S.!)..................................6 WHAT'S ALL THE BUZZ ABOUT? ............................................................10

SECTION 2 KISS, STING, & MAINTAIN KISS!.............................................................................................................15 Important Notes To Remember When Beginning Honeybee Healing........ 19 KEEP THESE THOUGHTS IN MIND..........................................................22 HONEYBEE HEALING ...............................................................................25 SPECIFIC BEE STING SUGGESTIONS .....................................................29 MAINTENANCE of your "auto" using diet, vitamins, chiropractic, massage and more....................................................................................41 SECTION 3 FOR YOUR MIND AND BODY BEE THINGS................................................................................................47 APITHERAPY CAN WORK ........................................................................52 WELL?..........................................................................................................53 I BELIEVE....................................................................................................54 WHAT MONEY CAN BUY .........................................................................55 HERB JUICE ................................................................................................56 JOGGING IN A JUG.....................................................................................58 THE STATION ..............................................................................................59

SECTION 4 THANKS FOR THE MIRACLES STINGING STORIES, BUT NOT MIRACLES? .......................................... 60 EPILOGUE................................................................................................... 74 A BRIEF SUMMARY .................................................................................. 75 MY THANKS TO YOU................................................................................ 80 CHARTS BEE STING CHART A - M. S. — WEEK ONE........................................... 33 BEE STING CHART B - M. S. — WEEK TWO .......................................... 34 BEE STING CHART C - M. S. — WEEK THREE....................................... 35 BEE STING CHART D - M. S. — WEEK FOUR ........................................ 36 BEE STING CHART E - M. S. — WEEK FIVE........................................... 37 BEE STING CHART F - M. S. — WEEK SIX............................................. 38 BEE STING CHART G - M. S. — FOR EVERYONE .................................. 39 BEE STING CHART H - SPINE CHART — GENERAL ............................. 40



eeing sick or beeing well can often times depend on your

willingness to allow yourself to beecome sick or to beecome well. Much like taking care of your vehicle, the "health" of your car will not last without proper maintenance. You can't just give it oil. It needs gasoline, coolants, transmission fluid, tires, etc. In much the same way, you can't just give yourself food. You also need water, vitamins, exercise, repairs after collisions, etc. Now, if you have not properly taken care of your car, you can't get by with just a tune up. Your car may need a complete overhaul. Well, guess what! Like your car, you too may need an overhaul to avoid junking the clunker. So reader, get ready to

start your engine! What is going to bee shared with you in this book could very well change the destination of your future health. Are you headed for the junkyard or still getting around but with difficulty? Let's start cleaning you up. Rather than give it a coat of paint over the old (and probably rusting) one, let's get rid of the basic cause of your trouble. It could bee from using cheap paint to start with—like taking temporary pain relief medicines. You can plug a blown-out tire, but the problem will surface again unless you fix the cause. Plugging it over and over won't bee the way to fix it, either. You'll just have a tire with lots of plugs.

ave you noticed my use of the word "bee?" It is intentional. To "bee" specific, I am referring to the "honeybee" (apis mellifera). Why? Since I received my first intentional sting (when I was bedridden with multiple sclerosis), I have been seeing healing results that I never could have beelieved would occur. Wonderful changes have also happened to many others. With illnesses that were leading them to their junkyards, they are turning themselves around. How can this bee? It can bee naturally and very cost effective. My desire through this book is to briefly tell you the story about the turnaround in my health. Also, I will share some of the other miracles I have been blessed to both hear about and see happen to others. Then, and more importantly, if you are willing to at least try to bee well, I will provide you with a "fixit" guide of suggestions to help you

avoid going to the junkyard!

HOW MY "AUTO"-IMMUNE SYSTEM GOT ITS JUMP START ie year was 1970. The season was spring! Trees were budding, flowers were blooming, I was 19 years young and a mother since the previous June. I was a patient in the neurology ward of Georgetown University Hospital. My foot had recently fallen asleep and, after three weeks of staying that way, I decided to consult my family doctor. After an examination, he suggested that I see his friend, a neurologist. "A what?" I thought. "Isn't that the kind of doctor who does brain surgery?" Since my reflexes were so exceedingly good in the leg with the sleeping foot on the end of it, I wondered if he thought I had a brain tumor or something. I knew, from my reflexes at least, that I just couldn't have gangrene or need an amputation. What kind of trade off was that, I wondered. Brain surgery versus foot amputation. Anyway, there I was in a hospital with no idea of how I was going to be helped. So many things were going wrong. Originally, all I wanted was to get rid of the numbness. Now, electrical shocks were randomly running through my body. Blood samples were taken routinely, urinalysis was done, cough sputum was checked for activation of tuberculosis, a spinal tap was performed, IV steroids were introduced, and pills were given to me for what seemed to be just about everything from sunrise to sunset. My husband was divorcing me, fatigue was taking over, hunger and unrestful sleep went hand-in-hand, and everything—both mentally and physically—was going in different directions. DIAGNOSIS: 'SUSPECTED' MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS.

n retrospect, M. S. could easily stand for Major Stress. After all, how many of us have health problems that seem to flare up during periods of anxiety or stress? Isn't multiple sclerosis, like arthritis and so many other diseases, initially seen as inflammation? Aggravate it and then what? You need some help to calm your stress-related condition. So, you go to your doctor and get a prescription. Well, what have the medications done? Like your car, did they just re-coat your already rusty paint? If so, the old rust will come through the paint worse than it was to start. Or, were you given some new miraculous oil treatment without flushing out the old stuff? Well, you do realize you need to drain your old oil and change the filter first, don't you? Then you can add the new oil and get a fresh start. Otherwise, to coin an old phrase, you are just 'adding insult to injury.' I can remember back as far as 1966 when things were happening to me that I could not understand. At sixteen, so many changes in life happen that it is hard to separate rhyme from reason. Was it good old 'puppy love' that was causing me to feel those tingling sensations? Maybe lack of good sleep explained why I felt dizzy when I closed my eyes? Perhaps that occasional stumbling was due to those awkward teenage growing spurts? Whatever the explanation might have been, none of the symptoms seemed either constant enough or severe enough to warrant medical attention.


ince my car just seemed to need a quick 'fix-up' to get

going again, I took it to be checked by the mechanical know-alls of the auto world. My car got a lot of attention. The oil was checked with a dip stick, the cylinder head was tightened, a lube job was given, fresh paint was applied to repair dents, the tires were kicked, and now my car seemed just fine. I paid the bill and took my car

home. Shortly after the car came out of the shop, though, trouble started happening again. The car was burning a lot of oil, rust spots were showing through the painted patches, the tires needed more air added frequently, and so forth. The same types of things can happen with your health. You need a quick "fix-up" and you are checked by doctors. A pill to fix this, a shot for that, and all seems well. Sometimes new problems surface or the old ones come back worse than ever. Then what? Change your ways. Try alternatives such as are suggested in this guide. Whatever you do, you must

Use your common sense and fix it right. Don yt patch it. Restore it!


American Bee Journal* a magazine widely read and enjoyed by beekeepers and others alike, asked me to write a story about my use of honeybee stings for multiple sclerosis. That concept was something new and it was felt that the option should be available to their readers. The Journal also asked Charles Mraz to write a story for the same issue. What a thrill it was to be asked to write a story, and then to have it printed in the same issue with Charlie. How wonderful!





r ust over twenty seven long years ago, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Through the years, the medications, hospitalizations, hopes, letdowns, and tears too, I fought to not succumb to a wheelchair. I thought that would be the worst of it. Little did I know that on February 24, 1992, my neurologist would say that the medications he was prescribing were no longer effective. My M.S. had taken its course, and I should not look for improvement—little, if any. Later, I learned that being helped into a wheelchair was the least of my M.S. problems.

Years ago, when I could walk, my foot dragged. When I could see to write, my fingers could not grasp the pen. How could I feel whether or not my baby's diaper pin was through the cloth? I could burn myself and not even feel that! And lock my apartment door for safety? Noway. How could someone get in when I called for help to get myself off the floor? Oh well, that was years ago. Things have changed. ow, back to that day: February 24. 1992. My condition? I was bedridden. No chance of moving a toe—I had no feeling or movement in my legs at all. Hug my new granddaughter? Sure, if someone put me in my wheelchair and her in my lap. Someone had to "keep an eye on us" to make sure we didn't fall. Bowel and bladder control? Not me! But then I couldn't see the people who could see me. So, why be embarrassed about it? I would never recognize them the next time we met. You see, I was all but blind. Huh? Did you say something? Sorry, but I was deaf in my right ear, too. Talk about exciting. I was too weak to lift a sandwich without trembling. I could wear myself out sitting up in bed. Hey, don't laugh. That took some real coordination and effort! After all, I had to push the button on my at-home hospital bed, you know. And by the time I was basically upright, I had to go through it all over again, in reverse. Why? Because I was EXHAUSTED! And you can just forget about me even attempting to roll over in bed or feel like my very bones were not made of ice. But, through it all, I could still breathe. So what's the big deal about being helped into a wheelchair? Well, I was wrong thinking that was the worst of it. But, there's another date, one month later: MARCH 24,1992, That was the day I said B.S. to my M.S.!

Yes, BEE STINGS! There have been many people at my home for B.S. parties. I have not had one person have a potentially fatal reaction to BVT (Bee Venom Therapy). In fact, there are several who have gotten feeling back, when nothing else had worked. Many have begun getting their vision back— from double or even triple—to single, and then have the blurring begin clearing too! Others were hospitalized, yet saw no improvement. But when BVT was used, the improvement came. Doctors are getting inquisitive, and some (including my own neurologist) are suggesting patients might want to contact me about this "bee-sting thing." Though I am not a doctor, this is basically my bottom line. When medical personnel give medicines (ACTH, steroids, prednisone, antibiotics, etc.), they are giving the adrenal glands (your internal get-well system) a day off for bad behavior. You see, those glands produce the very medicinal properties the doctors are using for treatment. However, bee stings tell your adrenal glands "Hey! Wake up! You're going to work overtime in order to help this person start to bee WELL AGAIN!" ick or not, we all have adrenal glands. Sometimes, they just don't function properly. That's when we either let doctors do their thing or we, by using bee stings, cause our own system to do its thing. As we all know, the ultimate goal is for us to get well. Of course, there's no money in bee stings for doctors—as Charles Mraz always says—so they may not suggest such a treatment. On the other hand, God's bees sure do make getting well cost effective for us, don't they?

What have you got to lose? A wheelchair? Numbness? Rigidity? Incontinence? Could it simply be just your ability to see the person you wish you had the ability to hug? Whatever it is, go ahead and lose it! You have everything to gain.

ell, as a victim of multiple sclerosis, I thank God for His honeybees and what they have done for me. They have given up their lives and given me life—again! There is nothing equivalent to the sweet (natural and healthy) sting of success. Bees are good medicine and you don't need a prescription to get them!


. lthough honeybees were the sole cause of my turnabout

with the ravages of multiple sclerosis, they also got rid of the painful and stiffening difficulties connected with my arthritis. Many other health problems have been relieved through the use of honeybee venom. Stories have been shared with me by people receiving bee-sting therapy to fight M. S. In the course of so doing, they have noticed other changes. Menstrual cycles have become regulated. Extreme fatigue has gone away. Depression has been alleviated. Sexual functioning abilities have returned. The list goes on and on. You will read more later, O.K?


TT M^JL ONEYBEES! There has been a recent emergence of the very old technique of using honeybee stings for improved health. The object of that procedure, being nonpareil in structure, cannot meet the present double-blind placebo standards required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Oddly enough, the various other beneficial properties derived from honeybees are also being denied the commendation they so justly deserve. However, long before the creation of that overseeing FDA, GOD approved honeybees—that's good enough forme! It is my hope that the therapeutic use of honeybee products, or apitherapy, will soon be appreciated for both its individual and combined values. The merits of the healing powers of these products need to be exhibited. This can only happen when you become aware of these values and use them. Perhaps this awareness will be accepted and shared when you, too, uncover these ancient truths firsthand. Let's take a brief glimpse into apitherapy. "Apis" is Latin for "bee." Thus, apitherapy is bee therapy. Although there are many bees, I will be referring to the honeybee (apis mellifera). My actual introduction to apitherapy came in the form of a bee sting. There are other products of apiculture such as honey, pollen, and more that I will briefly share with you later. (BEE THINGS)



eekeepers have been historically recognized for different reasons. Many have been known for their medicinal and/or

scientific interests in bees, others for their unique ways of handling hives for pollination. Still some for their ability to manage vast numbers of colonies for a variety of purposes. Charles Mraz is among all those, and more. As an apitherapist since 1936, he has gone above and beyond the call of teaching others the healthy advantages of honeybees. After being cured of rheumatic fever as a young man in his early twenties, Charlie later decided to sting his knees for the pain of arthritis he endured. Though the sting initially caused him to question why he would intentionally inflict discomfort upon himself, the very next day he knew the benefit. He was free of all arthritic pain in his knees! Throughout the years, Charles Mraz crusaded to spread the word of freedom from the crippling effects of arthritis through honeybee venom. During this venture, he happened to come up against other autoimmune diseases that were also miraculously improved via honeybees. How could he possibly help any more? Through collecting bee venom! So, he set forth to do that very thing.


ee venom comes in many forms. First, of course, is the

natural stuff straight from the bee. Other forms include grinding the whole bee, and there are some other types of extractions that leave impure particles in the midst of the venom. With Charles' method, however, only the pure venom is culled. Charles' venom extractions are checked for purity, etc., by the Food and Drug Administration. No pages are left unturned. This venom, to my knowledge, is the best, second only to the venom right from God's own hypodermic—the bee in its


natural state. Since honeybee venom, with its many complex components, cannot be artificially created, the powers that be are reluctant to notify the public of this phenomenon. As was noted before, without mankind's ability to create this venom, little if any money can be made. Of course, Charlie knows how to collect it, but how many government employees can you imagine would be willing to even learn the process? And to what avail? For the cost of about two visits to your doctor, you can buy your own hive and get as many "injections" as you feel necessary. Plus, don't forget the added benefits you can enjoy such as honey, etc. Also, to collect bee venom, many hives spread out over a large area are needed to get what will amount to be a very small portion—and thus it can become quite costly. Oh, the advantages of getting oneself into honeybee management!


harles Mraz will be, as of this writing (1997), a very young 92 years of age. Finally, he is reaching middle age! He is

extremely healthy, as are beekeepers in general. That alone says something for bee venom, doesn't it? Back to Mr. Mraz. He either knows, has exchanged information, passed on knowledge, or taught experts in the field of apitherapy. He is truly a Master. He is to be given credit for his efforts in evidencing apitherapy, especially bee venom, for its truly remarkable powers. Though his time-consuming apitherapy work did not lend itself to allowing him to keep records, he did in fact help many, many autoimmune disease-afflicted people to experience healthier lives. On behalf of them, and especially myself, I give him credit for his persistent diligence in this field. Because he had no doubt about the benefits of apitherapy, he told many people and convinced many more of what he already knew. Thanks to his passing the word to all who would listen, that word found its way to me. Though I


did not meet Charlie until his 86iii birthday (July 26, 1992—the day before my 42fld birthday, by the way) I was already greatly improved in my health. J ust four months after my first sting, there I was in Boston, meeting that wonderful Charlie from Middlebury, Vermont. Because I am so grateful to him for speaking out about honeybee therapy, I also want to spread the word. People need to know there are alternatives to the often harmful medications we take simply because we have not yet learned of nature's healing and curing abilities. Should you take the natural approach and not have the benefit you expected, at least you have not invaded your body with medications that can be harmful. I took many of those harmful medications and am now experiencing some of the adverse effects of them even though they were taken many years ago. I am glad I found out about the safe and effective use of apitherapy for my health needs. Charles, first I want to thank you for speaking out about this. Bob Cory read about apitherapy through the American Apitherapy Society (AAS) and he mentioned it to Phil Griffith (a beekeeper friend of my parents). Phil then asked my mom if she thought I would even want to hear about such a thing. Mom asked me, I agreed, and now I am truly living again. I have this wonderful lineup of caring people to thank, and I do thank them, for getting the word to me. As mentioned before, at the root of all this honeybee hope (in my lifetime, at least) is Charles Mraz. Charlie, you are a living legend—I love you for it.


When reaching deeper into apitherapy, look up other names such as Glenn P. Warren, Gerald Weissman, P. H. O'Connell, Bodog Beck, Dr. Fang Zhu, James A. Vick, and many more. You can look back to the times of Hippocrates, Aristotle, and even the Bible (honey and also myrrh—being propolis). ou can check information from hundreds of years ago and see what is happening now. Do something yourself about the future of the honeybee healing phenomenon. Also, please don't overlook the book authored by Charles Mraz entitled Health and the Honeybee. It is published by Honeybee Health Products, P. O. Box 4326, Burlington, VT 05406 1-800/603-3577. Well, it's time now to turn our attention to getting our "auto"-immune system going in the right direction. Readers, here come some keys. Try them and see if they don't get your "auto" back on the road to better health.




. emember Mom's KISS? Well, didn't she keep it simple?

O.K., I may not know you, but I'm referring to you when I call you sweetheart. If I called you honey, then the title of this chapter would be K I S. H, and I am not sure about bee venom and lisps! However, I am sure that you should Keep It Simple, Sweetheart. Why? Because it basically is that easy, with common sense. So many people have requested charts to show them the acupuncture points I use or where to locate the nerve meridians. In the part entitled HONEYBEE HEALING (starting on page 25) the places I have described ARE where the nerve meridians are located. Some of those places also correspond with acupuncture points. As I have jokingly told so many people before, "You don't have to be a rocket scientist or a genius to do this. I just happen to be both!" If my three-year-old granddaughter (now 7) can do this (with very little help), then surely you and yours can too. Charts are, however, included in this beginner's fix-it guide. If you will think of your spine as the main highway to all the parts of your body, just take the thoroughfare exit that leads toward your final destination. Let's say your legs trouble you. Well, take the exit located on your lower spine. Those nerves, or exit roads, travel down your spine, across your buttocks and down the legs. Some go down the back of the leg, some out to your side and then down the outside of your leg, and still some others turn sharply after their exit from the spine and travel down the inside of your legs. Now, if the exit is blocked with traffic (inflammation or injury), then your nerve signal (auto) can't get to its destination (perhaps your knee). By stinging from the main thoroughfare past


the blockage, you can have that highway cleared so the signals can reach the knee. The same is true with your upper spine as it relates to your hands and arms. Think about it. Common sense is what you need to focus on most. Don't repair the same place over and over. Once you have cleared the traffic jam closest to the main highway, then move on down that road clearing traffic jams along the way. Should one of your repairs have been missed, don't start over. Instead, go back to the missed place on the highway and fix that area. Then, continue on with the repairs as you were doing originally. Remember: use common sense and



The "scientific proof of the efficacy of apitherapy must now be heard as more than just "anecdotal evidence." Many people, and some organizations, don't or won't realize that our 'anecdotal' references to apitherapy are not based on some fictitious yarn. Neither are they the result of some placebo effect. What is happening through apitherapy is REAL. The word efficacy means "having the power or capability to produce a desired result." Don't we have that power through honeybees? Where else can we even hope to achieve the multitudes of health-restoring results that are being "anecdotally" reported around the world? We must scientifically prove the efficacy of apitherapy. Many organizations, hospitals, universities, and others are finally beginning to research honeybee healing. By joining the American Apitherapy Society (AAS), you can help. Join the AAS and give them the "scientific proof they need. Let them share with you what they have learned. Contact them at 5390 Grande Road, Hillsboro, OH 45133. Call them at 937/364-1108 and/or fax info to them at 937/364-9109. Do it now! n addition to the above, especially for those of you dealing with MS, I would strongly suggest you contact the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, Inc. They are an innovative group that actually deals with the hardships associated with MS. They are responsible for funding the research, begun in June of 1997, on bee venom therapy for chronic/progressive MS. This is the first clinically controlled study and it is being done at the prestigious Georgetown University Hospital. You can call the MSAA and actually talk to people and get help with many different aspects of dealing with this disease. The MSAA is located at 706 Haddonfield Road in Cherry Hill, NJ 08002. Reach them by phone at 1800/LEARN MS or call 609/488-4500. Their fax number is 609/661-9797. Either way, tell them I sent you! Even if you just report the benefits you have received through honeybees, you will be taking an active part in the scientific proof-gathering required by the powers that be. Was proof required for the B. S. we are offered today, or was it MONEY? Well?



asically, I can easily think of four kinds of B. S. Just sitting around talking about nothing of any real importance is one kind of B. S. Of course we all know about political B. S.-business and sex, right? Well now, what does B. S. stand for in the medical world? Beta seron? Possibly. But, can that B. S. help us? It has the E-Coli germ in it! Think of that. How good can that be for our bodies? The powers that be are hopeful that for some the Beta seron may possibly "slow the progression of the disease." Not help it, just possibly slow it. And how much does it cost to find out? $10,000 a year? Yes. And what if it doesn't slow the disease? Well, I've heard nothing ventured, nothing gained. WRONG! A lot is lost. Like so many other drugs, I would be inclined to say anything that expensive that doesn't help has to do 'something'. And like steroids, etc., that 'something' is not good. It is invasive to our bodies, we pay for it physically and emotionally, and hey ... where is that mandatory "scientific proof? Just look at the victims—there's your proof. The fourth and best B. S. is, of course, Bee Stings! Now I personally can't imagine this, but just suppose you tried them and for some reason they did not help you at all. What did you lose? Money? No. Some physical and/or emotional health? No. Have you done anything invasive to your body? No. In fact, I'm sure that in some way or ways, you've improved your health condition.


Important Notes To Remember When Beginning Honeybee Healing hen starting bee venom therapy (B VT), plan to continue at least six (6) months, then on an as-needed basis. Plan on three (3) sting sessions each week; Mon., Wed., Fri., for example. For very mild cases, you might only need to sting twice per week (perhaps Monday and Friday). Start with six (6) to eight (8) stings the first two (2) sessions. Increase by two (2) for the next two (2) sessions, and so on—reaching a maximum of twenty (20) stings at each session as needed. Milder cases of MS may not require that many stings—perhaps twelve (12) to sixteen (16). Should you reach a plateau in your healing process, increase by ten (10) stings for two (2) sessions and then drop back to your previous level of stings. However, should you keep a sluggish feeling as though you are walking through honey, decrease your number of stings (maybe by four [4] to six [6]) per session. You probably do not need as many stings as you were doing. While doing bee sting sessions, alternate the general locations from session to session. Don't expect to heal one leg and then work on one arm. Although bee venom works locally, you must remember that overall it works systemically. Fix the problem and especially the cause. Try to not sting the same area repeatedly. Every third or fourth session in a previous part seems to work well. For instance: buttocks and legs one session; neck, shoulders, arms and hands one session; back and spine one session; joints one session. Then start over. Use your individual condition to set up your own session rotations. You can do it! Also, don't put too many stings too close together in any one area. Space them at least a few inches apart. Stings right on the spine are good too. They, like scars, are an exception to the spacing of stings. If you are stinging your spine or have any scars, such as from surgery, sting them about every inch. Watch for changes not only in the appearance of the scar, but also in feeling and functioning abilities related to the scar. You'll probably bee surprised. These are some extra and very important things for you to know and do during bee venom therapy. Divide your body into three (3) parts: Part one— waist to toes. Part two—head, neck, shoulders, arms and hands. Part three—


main trunk of your back. Since you are stinging three times per week, sting one part on each sting day. If you don't have any problems with your heart, lungs, liver, spleen, etc., and you have no numbness in the main trunk of your body, then you don't need to sting the main trunk. Sting the areas with noticeable trouble. With each sting session, begin closest to the spine. The next time you are stinging that part, move out further from the spine. Some examples are if your feet feel numb and/or tingly, sting the very base of your tailbone. That is where the nerves come out that affect your feet. Your bad hands may easily begin at your neck. Start there, especially if you have tender spots along the sides of your spine at the neck. If not, but your hands or fingers are numb, try stinging about one inch below your elbow on the top part of your arm.


. emember, should you have loose bowels, feel "blah" one day or have itching perhaps, this will not last long nor will it continue happening. This is a purging process. You're getting rid of "junk" in your body. Get rid of it! Any or all of these things could happen—usually within the first four (4) to six (6) weeks of stinging. Don't stop stinging because of these things. Get rid of the "junk" now rather than live with it for the rest of your life. Also, do not cut back on your stings. The number of stings is not the cause. If you get swelling, it's good. Just don't sting where you're already swollen. Let your health bee all that it can bee. If, for any reason, you should stop BVT and two (2) or more weeks later decide to begin again, STING SLOWLY. Try two (2) stings spaced over about five (5) minutes' time. Then proceed with the remainder of your stings—about six (6) or eight (8) more. Don't start back up with as many stings as you were doing prior to stopping BVT. Remember this with those you may be stinging, too. Perhaps you shouldn't have stopped BVT yet, but if you did, proceed with patient caution when beginning again.

ore stings are not necessarily better. Just as a glass or two of red wine may have its medicinal values, it is doubtful that a bottle or two will have more medicinal values! Personally, I believe almost anything used in excess can only be harmful to our better health.


hen stinging for arthritis, long-term stinging is not necessary. A few stings for arthritis, bursitis, stiff muscles, etc., can bring amazing relief. Other auto-immune diseases can be relieved through bee venom, but some require lengthier persistence (such as with rheumatoid arthritis). However, it's worth it. These include, but are not limited to, endometriosis, scleroderma, cancer, muscular dystrophy, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, herniated disks, warts, moles, cysts, and more. Using common sense, you can decide where to sting. For example, when stinging for a mole, sting the mole itself. Endometriosis? The front and back of your lower torso. Lupus? Along both sides of the spine, especially the lower half of the middle of your back. It's really hard to not get positive results, even if you don't sting in any precise points. So sting and "Don't Worry, Bee Happy!" Remember, No Sting — No Zing!


KEEP THESE THOUGHTS IN MIND t cannot be stressed enough that you have a bee sting kit, but also that you frequently review its instructions and expiration date. Even though it is known that many things (such as Advil, oysters, strawberries, vitamin B-12, etc.) can cause—in some people—anaphylactic shock, too many people have found out by having a dangerous and/or fatal situation arise. Let's not have that happen to us. BEE AWARE and in so doing BEE SAFE. Keep a bee sting kit on hand. You can get a prescription by request when you join the AAS (See page 17). Bee stings work systemically. Once you begin acquiring a good saturation of bee venom in your system through getting stings—usually about 2 to 6 weeks—most people seem to feel a "sense of well being." When you begin stinging, you're only getting six (6) to eight (8) at a time. That's like taking a shower from a dripping faucet. As the number of stings increases, it is like turning up the pressure on your shower water. Now you can start getting clean! You will most likely find you are less prone to colds, flu, further exacerbations, etc. When your immune system is working more properly, you should feel better. Also, do you do things such as walk into a room and forget why you went in there? I call that "fuzzy thinking." You will find that bee venom can, systemically, take care of that too. Also look for other changes. Perhaps you are told you look or sound better and happier. Don't doubt it. You may not realize it yet, but you ARE getting better. Here's another caution: Although vision and hearing problems can improve, NEVER STING THE EYEBALL OR INSIDE THE EAR. Just about everywhere else is fine.


When beginning, I suggest you not try to fix one leg and then the other. Again, bee stings work systemically. Your whole body will be affected. EXAMPLES: You may get stung on the leg, but experience itching on your palms. If so, you can use Benadryl Kapseals to relieve the itching. Your histamines are now beginning to normalize. Also, bee venom effects are systemic. Should you sting your ankle and have your entire foot or even leg swell, that too is systemic. There is something important to be said here. Should you have that swelling effect, it is a very good indication that this form of therapy will work well for you. The swelling doesn't continue. It may happen two (2) or three (3) times in a particular location, but will most likely decrease each time it is done. Many people are lead to believe that such swelling means they are deathly allergic to bees. On the contrary! It means your immune system is working. However, if you do not experience any great swell, don't worry. It does not mean this won't work for you. Now, back to some serious thoughts.


e responsible for your own health. Know that when doing

bee venom therapy, although it is natural and not invasive, you can over or under do it. Also, you can simply not do it right. When stinging for M.S. for example, don't go to the feet or hands too soon. Because of fluid changes in your body, you may cause large blisters to appear at the sting sight. Don't sting just anywhere, in a carefree manner. This is your health, your life, you're dealing with. CARE. Once you have been stung enough to know there is something healing to it, try looking into other forms of therapy along with bee venom. Benefit can be obtained through chiropractic help, herbs, vitamins, exercise, etc. (See the MAINTENANCE section in this guide.) 23


on't worry about "Where and what are hot spots or

trigger points?" or "What doctors can give me this treatment?" The suggestions listed elsewhere in HONEYBEE HEALING explain where to sting. Those places are where the hot spots or trigger points are located. Those areas are predominantly along the nerve meridians. If you don't find hot spots or trigger points on your neck, don't bother to sting there. Just go to the next chart (B) and use those sting spots. The areas that need to be stung will vary from time to time. You'll probably get to sting the neck area soon enough. Just remember to not sting any one body part more than once a week. It is not necessary to have a physician treat you. They most likely don't have honeybees in their office anyway! Do it yourself. You don't have to be a rocket scientist or a genius to do this. I just happen to be both! Ha! You just have to bee willing. Another question often brought up is "How do I get bees out of the hive in winter without 'breaking cluster'?" Answer: Cut a piece of Styrofoam the size of the outside top dimension of the hive. After smearing some honey or sugar syrup on the inner cover, place the Styrofoam between it and the top cover. Some bees will come up to get the sweetness, and the Styrofoam will provide them with insulation. Now, just lift the Styrofoam and scoop as many bees as desired into a jar. When they get warmer, they will be naturally more active and ready for retrieval for stinging purposes. Here's one more note. When you can't seem to get bees to come into the jar, try rubbing the jar across the opening of the hive and/or shining a flashlight through the jar. This should get their attention. If not, breathing into the opening will surely make them 'Scope' out the situation!





GET A BEE STING KIT This is epinephrine, and may be obtained by prescription from your doctor. If necessary, with your membership to the A AS, you can get the prescription from Theo Cherbuliez. Call him at 914/723-0920. For your safety, as well as that of those who may come in contact with your bees, it is imperative that you keep epinephrine on hand and know how to use it. Ask your doctor to prescribe an Ana Kit. It costs less and can be used on a child, if necessary. Refresh yourself on the instructions from time to time. #2

GET A SOURCE FOR OBTAINING HONEYBEES Call a local beekeeper. The Dept. of Agriculture can give you the names and numbers of beekeepers in your area. Or, contact your state beekeepers association or the local extension office for information on bees. You can call Ferris Apiaries at 1-800/787-HONY (4669) to purchase bees by mail. They ship bees all over the U. S. Or check with them about an indoor hive!


KEEP HONEYBEES IN A JAR FOR ABOUT 11/2 TO 2 WEEKS Get an empty jar (mayonnaise or pickle jars are good, for example). Simply wash with only warm water. Punch holes in the lid so the bees can get plenty of air. Put a spoonful or two of honey in the bottom of the jar. Place a single layer of tissue paper over the honey. This is to prevent the bees from drowning yet still allow them to eat the honey through their proboscis. Ask the beekeeper to put some bees (50-75) in the jar and to put on the top. Getting the bees from the top of the hive seems to be the best. Cut inverted 'V's in the ends of an empty toilet paper roll. Hit the jar on your palm to knock the bees to the bottom for a moment. Quickly open the lid, insert the empty toilet paper roll, and replace the lid. Place the jar of bees in a cupboard or dark, undisturbed place. In a day or so your bees will be calmer for you to retrieve them from the jar. Try using a pair of


self-locking tweezers or you may even use long hair clips. Check a hobby or craft store or you may contact a jeweler about tweezers. Also, you can check with your local drug store to locate the long hair clips. You might want more than one pair. #4

"TEST" FOR ALLERGIC REACTION Find a place near a sunlit window. Bees go there when they get loose. If the bees are too active, just let a few go to the window and retrieve them at your leisure. With your tweezers, grasp a bee by the head or thorax. Place the honeybee where you need to be stung. She'll do the next part! Remove the honeybee and wait a few minutes. Repeat the process. Should you encounter difficulty breathing in that time, use your bee sting kit. Otherwise, you've just gotten your first two stings! Now,... #5

GET READY TO HAVE GOD'S BEES HELP YOU START HEALING YOURSELF Place the bee on the location to be stung. She will generally sting right away. Remove and discard the used bee, but leave the stinger in for 20 minutes. A hot, wet washcloth can be placed right on the stinger and this is therapeutically soothing. Without waiting, continue with the remainder of stings required for that day. The actual hot, burning sting only lasts about 30 to 45 seconds.


REMOVING THE STINGER By grasping the stinger with your tweezers, slide it along the skin. This way you are most likely to get out the entire stinger. If you don't, your body will take care of it by forming a small pustule. This is not an infection nor a reason for concern.


REMEMBER TO FEED THE BEES Just give them a spoonful or two of honey every couple of days. Or, you can put a tissue in your hand with sugar on it and wad it up in your fist. Put it under running water for a moment, squeeze out the excess water, then put the wadded tissue in the jar with the bees. A fine misting of water is good for calming the bees, but not necessary otherwise.



WHAT YOU MIGHT EXPERIENCE DURING YOUR HEALING If you have fatigue, that will most likely be one of the first things to disappear. Some light redness at the sting location is normal and will go away. If and when it is extreme, your body is responding and those large saucer-size red spots may last about a week. Go back to stinging the trunk area of your body for a while. For slight surface itching, use lotion, vitamin E, aloe vera, toothpaste, or even Preparation H! For severe itching (which will make you feel like ripping your skin off), use Benadryl Kapseals (antihistamine). Itching will also stop within a short length of time. For any one or more flu-like symptoms—just rest. This may last anywhere from a day or so to as much as a week, but then you should feel much better! These symptoms may include increased or decreased body temperature, a heavy "I can't move" feeling, nausea, diarrhea, splotchy hive-type marks, etc. You're O.K. Don't give up! It's better to feel this way now for a short time than to feel this way later for a lifetime. Keep that in mind. For swelling, which could be intense, do nothing. Again, your body is waking up and these symptoms may happen two or three times, but they will not continue. Feet and hands seem to swell the easiest. Great swelling, by the way, is a very good indication that this therapy will work well for you. However, if you don't get that great swell, don't worry. It does not mean this therapy won't work for you. Anyway, do not sting where already swollen from previous stings. Spread the wealth to other parts of your body. This healing process is your body's natural defense mechanism functioning. Let it work. Since everyone is unique, the duration of this purging process will vary. Generally, it will occur during the first two to six weeks, if in fact it occurs at all. Everyone is different, so this process will be unique to your body. #9

WHY DO HONEYBEE STINGS HELP YOU GET BETTER? Stings will activate your internal "get-well" system. For some reason, your adrenal glands have not been functioning properly. Other glandular systems, such as the endrocrine and pituitary glands, will also be corrected as they may be malfunctioning also. Numbness, heavy arms/legs, spasticity, incontinence, "blah" feelings, rigidity, pain, etc., can go away. Sting yourself and plan to BEE WELL!



ABOUT MEDICATIONS Try to be as free of medication as possible. It is hard for bee venom to fight through medicine, especially antibiotics (these, by the way, are very hard on MS patients). Take things like magnesium or raw honey for muscle spasms. Don't take magnesium with calcium, though. In people with auto-immune diseases, calcium tends to collect in the joints. This makes them even harder to bend and move. Do not use bee venom when taking anti-inflammatory drugs. There are anti-inflammatory properties in the venom. If you are taking a beta blocker, ask your doctor to prescribe another type of medication in its place. Take 6-8,000 units of a good vitamin C (I suggest Ester C) along with vitamins B2 and B6 (100 mgs. each). Together they help your body produce ACTH (your body's natural steroid). Also, take vitamin E for its help in restoring healing. Use raw honey in place of sugar (it's hard for the body to digest). Use Royal Jelly (for sustained energy) and Propolis ("Russian penicillin")—products also good for their healing properties. Use Bee Pollen—a great source of protein and it is good for allergies, too! Royal Jelly, Propolis, Bee Pollen and raw honey can get rid of tumors and even prostate cancer! There is healing in honeybee products—use them. (Health-food stores carry these items.) (See BEE THINGS)


SPECIFIC BEE STING SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR FEET AND LEGS Get six (6) to eight (8) stings in the lumbar/sacrum region (low back below waist level). Beginning at the very bottom of the tailbone, get one (1) sting on each side—right at the crack of your rear end. Then, moving up the spine about two (2) inches, sting each side again. Repeat this once more, totaling three (3) stings on each side. Now, you can give yourself a sting in the middle of each buttock. At another time, on each of your buttocks, give three (3) stings in the shape of a V with the point quite low and maybe a sting or two on each hip. Next, you can do three (3) stings on the outside of each thigh (high, middle, and low) and two (2) stings on the inside of your thigh (very high and middle). When you have done this, you can sting the front of your upper legs. Later, you might sting the back (hamstrings) and the top of your calves. You might even find and sting sore spots further down your leg. Eventually, you can sting your feet and ankles. When you do, sting your foot five (5) times. Two (2) stings on top of the foot about one (1) inch above the toes, one (1) at the front of your ankle a little toward the outside bone, and one (1) below and toward the back of both the inside and outside ankle bones. Along with the foot stings, try your kidney area. As though someone is punching your kidneys, sting a circle around that imaginary fist—about five (5) stings per kidney. It is amazing how these stings can help your legs, especially when combined with the foot stings.

FOR YOUR HANDS AND ARMS See if you have any tender spots along the base of your skull and down each side of the spine of your neck. If so, sting them. Next time, start with a sting on each side of the spine (backbone) at the shoulder-blade level. Feel for tender spots across the shoulder blade and along the shoulder bone. Then get stung on the joint where your arm connects to your body (front, back, top and side). As you increase the number of stings, do the back and front of the upper arm, sting the elbow itself, and then each forearm about an inch below the elbow. Continue to move down to the fingers, mainly the joints, if needed. Lower arm and wrist stings are great for carpal tunnel syndrome. Again, find those tender spots.


FOR BALANCE, FOOT DROP, AND/OR TOE DRAG Sting across the shoulders as they are very important for balance. Also, you should do the hips (front and back, high and low of the hip bone). To lift your foot but keep your heel on the ground, now and then get stung on the Achilles which is just above the ankle level on the back of your lower leg. For toe drag, get stung both high and low on the outside of your shin bone and do the Achilles sting. Make sure your toes can grasp. This, too, is important for balance. Check the "Feet and Legs" section for foot stings to help your toes grasp. If necessary, sting the joints of your toes. Any or all of these areas could be causing your balance problems. FOR BLADDER PROBLEMS To fight infection and/or to have better bladder control, get 2 stings just below the top of the pubic hair, left and right of center about 1 to 2 inches apart. Also, sting mid-way between your navel and the top of your pubic hairs about 3 inches apart. These points seem to help considerably with the muscle control of the bladder. These bladder stings can be done in conjunction with any other stings. Do this three (3) times each week, if necessary. Most people notice improvement in bladder control in about 2 weeks. In the case of infection, use propolis. It is available at health-food stores. You won't overdose on it, and it's very good to use in general. Drink lots of water. Have a glass or two first thing in the morning and then a glassful every few hours. Don't sip the water. Drink the whole glassful each time you have water. FOR BOWEL PROBLEMS Stings just above and below the waist level on both sides of the spine often seem to improve this problem. Eating raw honey is very good for the digestive system as well as muscle relaxation and, therefore, also seems to help with bowel problems. In addition, men say they find lumbar stings help improve their sexual functioning ability when that is a problem. FOR VISION AND HEARING PROBLEMS Sting on the back of the neck at the base of the skull as far to the right and left as possible without going over the ridge behind the ear. Now sting straight down from there about in the center of the neck (vertically). Continuing down,


sting again at the base of the neck. These stings, especially the ones at the base of the skull, seem to help dramatically with vision and some hearing problems. Single stings in the temples are good for vision, as are stings on the head. Even with the top of your ears, go to each side of the back of your skull. Feel the indentations? Sting them according to which eye is bad. I even use bee venom eye drops for the eyes, but also for hearing and sinus problems. For hearing, besides the stings at the base of the neck, try stinging above the ear and behind the ridge behind the ear. FOR SPEECH, SWALLOWING, AND COUGHING About one (1) to three (3) inches down from the base of the skull, on the spine are good beginning points for speech, swallowing and some coughing symptoms. Next, stings on each side of the spine, mid neck, will give additional help. Alternate these locations, adding chest and back stings for voice volume. Coughing is also helped by taking a spoonful of honey. If sinus drainage seems to be the reason for coughing, or if you have a cold, try this: dip the end of a Q-Tip in raw honey, put it into your nostril and snort. This can really clear up your nasal cavity. FOR ARTHRITIS, GOUT, TENNIS ELBOW, ETC. Sting it where it hurts! Several sting sessions, again according to the severity of the condition, should be all it takes. Expect some swelling and then a decrease or elimination of pain. Remember to not sting where still swollen from previous bee stings. Get those aching joints and especially any scars from things such as surgery. Not only can the scar go away but healing it can make changes in other parts of the body. FOR PMS, IRREGULAR MENSTRUAL CYCLES, ETCTwo low-back stings twice a week for four (4) to six (6) weeks should be all it takes. Taking care of these problems is well worth the stings. HAVING TROUBLE CONCEIVING? (low sperm count/miscarriages) Bee venom can make that time of conception throughout delivery easier. Many reports of people desiring to have children, but unable to either achieve conception or avoid miscarriages, have reported pregnancy shortly after receiv-


ing bee stings. Both male and female problems in this area have been evidently corrected. Exercise caution when stinging during pregnancy. OTHER PROBLEMS MAY ALSO BE HELPED Herniated disks, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, general muscle aches, bells palsy, scleroderma, and many more problems—even cerebral palsy, cancer and muscular dystrophy—have been improved and/or eliminated using bee venom. Stinging scars can correct problems one would not generally consider to be related to the scar. For example, stinging a caesarian scar brought relief to the arms of one of my Chronic Fatigue 'victims'. Great energy increases are reported in most all sting situations. Please refer to the BEE STING SPINE CHART for many other problems and where to begin stinging for them. Stay with the number of stings that do best for you. The BEE STING CHARTS will supply you with suggestions for stinging, especially for MS. Press on the suggested areas and sting where you feel tenderness. Be sure to do the body parts that are tender. Should you have bands of numbness around the main trunk of the body, sting each side of the spine at the level of numbness. You don't have to begin with 8 nor continue to 20. Perhaps you're feeling best when you get 14 stings. If so, stay there. When things do change and the improvements seem to last for a while, then change the number of stings accordingly. Common sense about healing yourself should help carry you through to fruition. Get started.






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MONDAY: 20 - LEGS WEDNESDAY: 20 - NECK, SHOULDERS, ARMS (where needed) FRIDAY: 20 - MAIN TRUNK OF BACK (as desired)



KIDNEYS (5 each) AND FEET (5 each) (great to do at the same session for legs)





CHART H SPINE CHART CHART OF EFFECTS OF VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATIONS The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the human body." (Gray's Anatomy, 29th page 4). Misalignments of spinai vertebrae and discs may cause irritation to the nervous system and affect the structun organs, and functions which may result in the conditions shown below.

Vert© bra*


Effect* (Symptoms)

Blood supply to the head, pituitary gland, scalp, bones of the (ace, brain, inner and middle ear, sympathetic nervous system.

1 Headaches, nervousness insomnia, headMc , net1 high blood pressure, migraine headaches, net vous amnesia, chronic Sinusbreakdown* trouble, allergies, crossed eyes,tiredness, deafisfnes dizziness. eye troubles, earache, fainting spells, J certaii) cases of blindness.


Eyes, optic nerves, auditory nerves, sinuses, mastoid bonos, tongue.





hj Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, ecz