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English Pages 49 Year 1940
D R GEORGE MONTANDON Professor at the School of Anthropology
COMMENT recognize
and explain THE JEW? with ten out-of-text photos followed by
The Race (Payot). The French Ethnicity (Payot).
The Jewish Ethnicity or Whore Ethnicity.
Copyright by Nouvelles Éditions ançaises 1940. Scan, ORC, layout
Mars 2008
LENCULUS For the Excommunicated Digital Bookstore for those Curious to Read the Usuals.
CONTENTS I PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JEW brief history of the Hebrews. ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... . ...... ...... ...... ..... 7
Jews in France. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 9 conclusion – historical. . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. .... ...... ...... ...... ..... 10 is there a Jewish racial type? ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. .... .... . 11 Are there multiple Judaic subtypes? ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....
the formation of the Judaic or Jewish type. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... . . 13 a) First contribution = first crossbreeding. ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... . .... 13 b) Second contribution = second crossbreeding. .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... 14 c ) Third contribution = the Jewish mask. .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... . 14 d) Fourth contribution = third crossbreeding. .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 15 List of traits of the Jewish type . .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 15 Pathology of the Jewish type. ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... . ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 16 Why are the features of the Jewish mask so persistent? ..... ...... .... . 17 The blood of the Jews. .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... . 18 And the Israelite guy? - Conclusion. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... ... ..... 22
II MORAL PORTRAIT OF THE JEW Introduction. .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 27 I. — Jewish Religion, Morality and Solidarity. ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 30 1) the thora and the Talmud. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... ... ...... ...... ...... ..... 30 2) The kahal. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 32 3) Jewish solidarity . .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 33 II — The Jew and the gold. .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 36 III. — The revolutionary instincts of the Jew. ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... 39 IV. — The Aspiration for world domination. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. ... 42 V. — The Race defends itself. . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 44 Works to read and consult. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. .... ...... ...... ...... ..... 48
A person with a Jewish appearance sits in front of you at the café, and you say to yourself: “There's a Jew,” but if you wonder how you recognized him, it's often difficult to specify. A companion will take his place next to the first individual; it is very different in appearance. However, you say to yourself: “A second Jew! ". But, this time, you have even more difficulty explaining your certainty. We will try to show why and how the Jews speak loudly among themselves and are nevertheless recognizable.
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE HEBREWS We must not confuse Hebrews, Israelites and Jews. Around 4000 BCE; Mesopotamia (Tigris and Euphrates valleys, in earlier Asia) was occupied by the Sumerians, who were part of a so-called “Asian” population that has now disappeared, neither European, nor Turkish, nor Semitic. It was then that Semites called Accadians arrived in Mesopotamia, we do not know where, perhaps from an Arabia not deserted like today, who contributed to creating the Assyrian civilization. These Accadians were descended from nomadic tribes that were also Semitic, including the small tribe (family in the broad sense, with its ins and outs) of Abraham, ancestor of the Hebrews. This tribe - and this is where the history of the Hebrews begins - passed from Mesopotamia into the country of Canaan (Palestine), on the edge of the Mediterranean. After several centuries, a large concourse of nomadic tribes from Asia invaded Egypt, then highly civilized. These Asian tribes, called the Hyksos, did not only produce devastation, because it was the Hyksos who introduced the horse into Africa. Just as the Cimbri and Teutons ravaging ancient Gaul took with them tribes through whose territory they passed, the Hyksos took the Hebrews with them towards Egypt. These
The latter lingered there after the Hyksos had been rejected in Asia, the Hyksos episode taking place around the year 2000 BCE. The Jews prospered in Egypt, then became so unbearable that they had to leave the country (the so-called “Exodus”), around 1300 BCE. Prowling through the desert and the
There they founded a state, which, under their sovereigns Saul, David and Solomon, was five times larger than Palestine proper, extending from the Euphrates to the Red River, and which may be called the Hebrew Empire , to distinguish it from the two much smaller States which succeeded it rent. After Solomon, the empire, at the same time as it lost its external marches, was divided into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Israel in the North, comprising ten tribes, which did not want to recognize the preeminence of that of Judah, and the kingdom of Judah in the south, encompassing only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. The thirteenth tribe, that of Levi, a priestly tribe, that is to say providing the priests, but not possessing territory, remained represented in the two kingdoms. The kingdom of Israel entered into conflict with the empire of Assyria; whose emperor Sargon, in 722 BCE, transplanted the Israelite population into Assyria, except for a few groups of individuals, and replaced it with Assyrian settlers. There is no people today who are traditionally descended from the Israelites, except for a few small isolated groups, particularly in Kurdistan, and the puny group of Samri tains, who, numbering only two hundred individuals, are descended from the remaining Israelites. in the land of Israel.
Does this mean that the descendants of Israel are extinct? No, but what happened with the Israelites was what was asked in vain of the Jews: the Israelites certainly had descendants, but they completely blended into the people among whom they lived. were going.
The kingdom of Judah suffered, later, in two formidable shocks, the same fate as this his As he had entered into war with the empire of Babylonia, whose power, further downstream on the course of the Euphrates and the Tigris, that is to say more to the South-East of the empire of Assyria , had succeeded to the Assyrian power, the emperor Nebuchadnezzar t deported the Judean population to Mesopotamia, in 586 BC. But the Persian emperor, Cyrus, having in turn conquered Babylonia, authorized the Jews to return to Palestine in 538 BCE. It is between this shock and the next that, under Roman domination, the life of Jesus, who marks the beginning of our era, that is to say of our accounting of years. But the Jews did not submit to the suzerainty of the Romans as the latter intended, Titus, son of the emperor Vespasian, took Jerusalem after a memorable siege and carried out a terrible massacre of its inhabitants, the year 70 AD. time. The dispersion of Jews around the world, what is called the diaspora, is commonly traced to this capture of Jerusalem. The ruin of the city, by Titus, was, however, only one of the causes. On the one hand, officially so to speak, the diaspora was only legally necessary in 135; it was only then that Julius Severus, lieutenant of Emperor Hadrian, having reoccupied the city, renamed it Aelia Capitolina, prohibiting Jews from staying in the city and Judea (a measure reported two centuries later , by the Emperor Constantine, who had embraced Christianity). On the other hand, the diaspora had certainly started
the weakening of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and from the first deportations. Some Israelites will certainly have later joined one of the two major trends of Judean emigration.
The Jews, in fact, poured out, little by little, into other countries, according to two main currents. The first, southern current, was formed by the Jews known as Sephardim, who are supposed to represent more specifically the tribe of Judah. The Sephardim headed towards the West, that is to say along both shores of the Mediterranean where they underwent various vicissitudes. The Sephardim, much less numerous than those of the other current, consider themselves to be the pure of the pure; They claim to be descended from Judah, and to be the most anciently established in the countries where they are found. For, while communications, within the Roman Empire, were free along the Mediterranean, those via Germany, the route that the northern current was to take, were not yet. Also, either because of this older establishment, or because of their smaller number, the Sephardim are generally better assimilated than those of the northern current, and it is above all they who supplied the Marranos, i.e. say converted Jews and their descendants. The other current, northern, was formed by those who gradually emigrated to Eastern Europe, passing through Asia Minor, then on both sides of the Black Sea. These are the Jews known as Ashkenazim, who are supposed to represent the tribe of Benjamin (already in Palestine, the tribe of Benjamin was confined to the north of that of Judah). This current constitutes a much larger mass (around ten times) than the southern current. The small tribe of Benjamin could not have provided these personnel, but it happened that the Ashkenazim Jews recruited numerous adherents in central-eastern Europe. It is to these memberships that the Ashkenazim owe a large part of the blond or partially blond individuals who are not rare among them. In France, the Sephardim are commonly called Jews of Spain, the Achkenazim Jews of Germany.
JEWS IN FRANCE A certain number of Jews were already found in Spain, in Italy, in southern Gaul before the Christian era, and it is not without interest to note that, under the emperor Augustus (at the threshold of our era) , the king of the Jews Herod Archelaüs, son of Herod the Great who had
ordered the sacred mass of the male children of Bethlehem, was exiled to Vienne-sur-Rhône, where he ended his day After the successive captures of Jerusalem under Vespasian and under Adrian, a good part Jews reached Spain and Gaul. In the 3rd century, they were reported as far away as Metz (which was then called Divodurum); They were always Sephardim from the South. As soon as the Germanic peoples were established within the limits of the ancient Roman Empire (4th century AD), the new governments had serious disagreements with the Jews. The Visigoths, who occupied southern France and, later, Spain, issued various edicts against them, then expelled them from Spain, even though they no longer occupied Gaul. It was the first global expulsion from Spain and the first mass arrival of Jews in France. The expellees settled in what is today Languedoc and neighboring regions; from the 6th century century, several of them had obtained the right of bourgeoisie, in Arles in particular.
Since then, measures of rigor and those of leniency have alternated against them in France. The Merovingian kings (6th and 7th centuries) took austerity measures, reported by the Carolingian emperors (8th and 9th centuries). New measures of severity and banishment were taken by Philippe-Auguste and Philippe-le-Bel (12th and 13th centuries), but reported by Louis-le-Hutin and Jean-le-Bon (14th century). In 1394, they were banished again, by Charles VI, and this time for one hundred and fifty years, but these expulsions had only a limited value, first because many great vassals kept the banished in their homes, then because that those who were actually expelled retreated to the County of Toulouse, or the Kingdom of Arles (the Rhone Valley) or Lorraine, which were not yet an integral part of France. And this is also how the Jews expelled from Spain in 1492 and from Portugal in 1496 settled mainly in Bordeaux and Bayonne, as well as in Avignon and Carpentras (Venaissin County). Until then, France had barely had anything to do with the Sephardim, even for Lorraine. The Ashkenazim began to strike at the borders from the 15th century, and when Henry II welcomed the Jews, organizing them, in the year 1552, into four "nations", two of these nations (those of Bordeaux-Bayonne and that of Avignon -Carpentras) are made up of Sephardim, while the other two (those of Lorraine and Alsace) are already largely formed by Achkenazim. However, there was still going to be a large influx of Sephardim, at least from a racial point of view, if not from a religious point of view. In fact, during the expulsion from Spain of the last Saracens or Moors, in 1610, those who settled in France or passed through its territory to return to Africa, were accompanied by a strong contingent of Marranos. Spain did not expel the latter, but, probably not satisfied with the conditions given to them there, and having, deep down, not. did not make a complete split from their former Jewish ethnic group, they took advantage of the opportunity to move from Iberia to France. It is to these Marranos that we attribute various colonies of Christianized Jews established in particular in Auvergne, Charolais and Lozère. From this time, the 17th century, the majority of new arrivals were Ashkenazim, arriving from the North. In 1791, the French Revolution, by granting political rights to the Jews, accelerated the invasion, with the Ashkenazim dominating more and more quantitatively. But, for both, it was a rush for the leading positions of the country and the State. The 90,000 Jews in 1870 could not have been far from half a million shortly before the war. In 1939, they already practically held the levers, when...
CONCLUSION – HISTORY In summary and conclusion of this historical introduction, we can say: 1° That the ancient Hebrews, having split into Israelites and Jews, the former almost disappeared, while it was the Jews who multiplied and spread across the globe - today numbering around twenty million ; 2° That this swarming mainly occurred according to two currents, which joined in France: the Sephardim current flowing south, and the Achkenazim current, which emerged from the North. As far as we can judge from Jewish surnames , those with a Latin sound, such as Crémieux, Péreire, Pinto, generally indicate Sephardim origins. Germanic-sounding names, such as Blum, Rosenfeld, Weil, refer to Ashkenazim. It is more difficult
to pronounce when they are the names of French cities, such as Besançon, Lyon, but it is also usually Achkenazim. Finally, family names like Abraham, Cohen,
IS THERE A JUDAIC RACIAL TYPE? We have just seen that the Jewish people, a branch of the Hebrew people, had divided into two major currents, which subsequently joined together, but which can still be clearly differentiated historically. There are, however, many peoples (such as, for example, the Swiss people, the people of the United States), who do not possess a racial type (that is to say bodily, physical or somatic) which makes them characterizes. Is there therefore a type specific to the Jewish people taken as a whole, or must we believe what a Jewish scholar, Salomon Reinach, asserted peremptorily in 1903 (in La pré tensione race Juive, Paris, Durlacher , p. 16): “There has never been a Jewish race; there are not any ; there won't be any. » We can already oppose this daring armament and declare firmly that there is a Jewish racial type.
Fig. 1. — type of non-Jewish Araboid
Fig. 2. — type of non-Jewish armenoid
with which the Sephardic Jewish type has
with which the Ashkenazim Jewish type has
similarities: slender frame, long head and
connections: stocky frame, broad head, large
face, narrow and high nose, often aquiline.
plunging nose. All the following portraits are
But the facial features are austere, unlike the lascivious demeanor of the Jewish mask.
those of Jewish individuals.
ARE THERE SEVERAL JUDAIC SUBTYPES? Without talking about individual differences, we can always subdivide a racial type into several local subtypes, more or less clearly defined. It is therefore in no way extraordinary. that we can group the Jews into two main subtypes, one of which is found quite naturally among the Sephardim mainly, the other especially among the Ashkenazims. However, it is not because a people of a united racial type splits into two groups that they spontaneously acquire particular traits. To explain this existence of two Jewish subtypes, we must realize the radiological formation of the Hebrew group at the origin - which will at the same time give us the key to all the apparent difficulties relating to the Jewish racial problem.
Fig. 3. — Benjamin Cremieux, man of leres. Good Sephardim type, long face, black hair and beard; but through the latter the marked lower lip is visible; the nose is small, but prominent; big ear taken off. Henri Manuel.
Fig. 4. — Léon BLum, ex-mi Dniester
More than the precise characteristics of the mask, although they are all present, it is the eager sparkle of the muscular shine of the rough face, which would reveal, to those who were unaware of the character, its Jewish heritage. Rappoport.
Henri Manuel.
Fig. 5. — Temerson, filmmaker. The short head, the stocky neck, the nose, not large but plunging, clearly relate it to the brachycephalic types of Asia Minor and the Balkans. Protrusion of the eyeball; prognatism (advancement) of the lower jaw without the lower lip being swollen.
Fig. 6. — Jeroboam Rothschild, known as Georges Mandel, ex-minister, also has an outrageously prominent lower lip (residual of ancient Negroidism). The nose projects like a hull; pro tusion of the eyeball; in a word, classic mask.
THE TRAINING OF THE JUDAIC OR JUIFU TYPE a) First contribution = first crossbreeding. We must start from the idea that men, descendants of prehumans in multiple points of the Old World (and not in a single point called "paradise" or cradle of humanity), were then neither Black , neither Yellows nor Whites, but presented, with secondary differences, a type more or less undifferentiated compared to current types. It was little by little that certain groups, at the same time as they always crossed paths with each other, acquired and strengthened the characteristics which belong to some Whites, others Yellows, still others Blacks.
Lyonsians, etc.), are less so than the Whites of Europe, certain black peoples (the Abyssinians for example) have this aspect less clearly than the Negroes, etc. These peoples, with less distinct characters, form a transition between the Frankish races and are generally placed, geographically, between the latter. It is, moreover, not surprising that in a region, like Palestine, at the conuent of Europe, Africa and Asia, contributions of yellow elements and black elements continued to occur after the formation of the above-mentioned Frankish types.
HOW TO EXPLAIN AND RECOGNIZE THE JEW ? The first base of the Hebrew people, from the racial point of view, is therefore a lesser anchises of origin
gine, then a certain mixing of its white background with yellow elements and black elements. We will see later what are the characteristics due to these crossbreedings. b) Second contribution = second crossbreeding. This is, in combination with the third contribution, the crucial point of the Jewish racial problem, and what we must understand if we want to see everything clarified. Of the three races of Europe, the Nordic (blonde), the Alpine (brown, stocky, with a broad head) and the Mediterranean (brown, loose, with a long head), the last two have extensions in Asia. The alpine extends to the Pamirs by the Armenoid race, confined to Asia Minor and surrounding areas, and which, like the alpine, is brown, stocky, with a broad head (with secondary differences). The Mediterranean extends even further, to the heart of the Pacific Ocean, among others by the Araboid (or oriental) race in and around Arabia, a race which, like the Mediterranean of Europe, is brown, slender, with a head elongated (with secondary differences).
overlapping more or less one on top of the other. This means that the Jewish ethnic group, that is to say the Jewish community considered here according to all of its characteristics (race, language, religion, customs, mentality) was formed astride both Armenoid and Araboid races, assimilating elements of both, rather elements of the first in the North, rather elements of the second in the South. This explains the fact that the Jew does not have a skeleton with which he is racially
The second element of the Judaic racial type is therefore an association, to any degree, of arnienoid and araboid characters. c) Third contribution = the Jewish mask. Everyone knows the results that can be obtained by the domestication of animals, with regard to the development, reduction, modification of various characters, by constantly promoting crosses between individuals presenting said characters in the desired direction. Now, a fact recognized in anthropology for several years, an analogous phenomenon occurs, although slight, it is true, among human groups which, having long practiced intermarriage, have, so to speak, spontaneously cultivated such a trait already well developed in them. In anthropology, we call this phenomenon self-domestication. It is through self-domestication that the particular features of the population of certain nations can be explained. It is also through the fact of self-domestication that we understand the accentuation and constancy of certain traits among the Jews. It is, for example, not surprising that the nose has acquired a particular development among them, since this apparatus is already strongly marked
This set of specific features of the soft parts, among the Jews, we call the Jewish mask
The third element of the Judaic type therefore consists of a mask specific to the soft parts, overlying any cranial form, underlying, as we will see, any skin tone.
d) Fourth contribution = third crossbreeding. This third crossbreeding is above all a fruit of the diaspora. Through the play of geography and the confinement of races, it happened that the southern Jewish current has inhabited and traveled for 2,000 years in the Mediterranean countries, where it has naturally reinforced the Mediterranean racial elements that it possessed within itself, giving place in the Sephardim type. In contrast, the northern current, crossing Asia Minor, then the Balkans or Russia
But the passage through southern Russia, through Poland, through Germany, was accompanied by even more numerous crossings - we have alluded to this, that the Ashkenazim had multiple proselytes (even an entire people, that of the Khazars). , in southern Russia), prose lytes where blond elements were strongly represented.
acquiring a complexion, a complexion relating them even more to the Mediterraneans, the Achkenazim approaching, in terms of complexion, not only to the Alpins, but, depending on the individual, also to the Blonds. Thus, fourth contribution, the Sephardim have adult connections with the Mediterraneans, while the Ashkenazim have some with the Alpins, and also sometimes with the Nordics or Blonds.
LIST OF TRAITS YOU TYPE JUIFU However, between the underlying skeleton of the Jew, and his underlying complexion, whether Mediterranean or Alpine-Nordic, the Jewish mask remains. We recalled, in the first lines, the effect it produces on the retina. Let us now list its most important characters currents. These are : A strongly convex nose, moreover in a different way depending on the individual, frequently with lower prominence of the nasal septum, and very mobile wings; in certain subjects of southeastern Europe, the vulture's beak prole is so pronounced that one could believe in a selected product and that it can only be explained by the phenomenon of self-domestication mentioned above ; Full lips, the lower one of which often protrudes, sometimes very strongly (it is not
Eyes not very deep in the sockets, usually with something moister, more swampy than is the case with other racial types, and a slit in the eyelids less open.
The three organs which are the eyes, the nose and the lips are therefore strongly “loaded” and it is the combination of the mentioned characteristics of these three organs which mainly constitutes, with a slight swelling of all the soft parts , this which we called the Jewish mask.
Less frequent and less striking characters are:
The hair The ear is large and protruding.
Characteristics relating to the body, but also less important than those of the face, are: Shoulders slightly hunched ; Easily wide or fatty hips ; Flat feet . Certain attitudes are also more or less typical, namely: He gestures to them ;
The lanky look or the baoir gait. It must, however, be recognized that these attitudes, and even the mentioned characteristics of the trunk and feet, are perhaps due more to the non-racial ethnic environment than to that of the racial type. We said above that the skeleton did not present any particular character. Topinard, however, reported a certain degree of advancement of the jaw, known as prognathism. Generally speaking, black breeds are prognathic (have a strongly protruding jaw), yellow breeds are prognathic (have a moderately protruding jaw), white breeds are orthognathic (have a straight jaw). It is, among certain Jewish individuals, a certain meso-Gnathism, and this possible character, which is also found among numerous subjects of the Near of the. Similarly, if a Jew presents strong apples, a characteristic markedly marked in Yellows, moderately in Blacks and not at all in normal Whites, this character, as well as the narrowing of the slit of the eyelids can be put down to connections old or recent with the Yellows. and an elongated face, swarthy skin, black eyes and hair, a slender stature (classic Sephardim type), either with a broad or medium head and face, dark, medium or light eyes and hair, a generally stocky (ashkenazim type, moreover in itself more variable than sephardim). But let's not forget that between the two prototypes, there is room for all varieties and individual diversity.
JEWISH-TYPE PATHOLOGY Racial pathology is a chapter of medicine which is still far from having been thoroughly studied. Each breed has its special pathology. This does not mean that each race has diseases which are specific only to that race, but the races, or, at least, certain races in relation to certain diseases, present particular forms of this pathology and above all present percentages diients of individuals affected by a particular disease or form of illness. We can attribute to the Jews a high proportion of cases of: Diabetes in bulbar form (that is to say nervous), arthritism in cutaneous and visceral forms, leprosy, neuroses. While it is possible that the first three groups of aections were more particularly managed
of the Jewish racial type, the fourth (the neuroses) must be more related to the social life of the Jewish ethnic group than to the Jewish racial type. The Jewish type would produce little cholesterol.
Finally, a fact to be mentioned here, although it is more racial than pathological, the chemistry of the sweat glans seems particular in the Jew, because the cases where the latter gives off a rancid odor, which is unpleasant to us, are too frequent to ignore. not represent anything other than individual circumstances. The mutual racial odors are undeniable. The Chinese complain about the smell of white people and the latter about that of black people. Perhaps the Jewish smel
WHY THE FEATURES OF THE JEWISH MASK ARE THEY SO PERSISTENT? This persistence has long been known to the public. His explanation, however, is not that recent; it will demand the reader's attention. The persistence in question is due to the play of so-called Mendel's laws (not to be confused with Mandel p. The Austro-Silesian monk Gregor Mendel discovered them in the 19th century by cultivating and crossing species of peas in the garden of his convent, in Brünn in Moravia, but we know today that these laws are valid for animals as well as plants. Here are the main precepts:
1° The various characters of which we are made are not transmitted en bloc to our descendants. They are independent, “dismountable”, one in relation to the other, like the various 2° When we cross two individuals belonging to two species, therefore differing in certain characters (gray mouse and white mouse), the children, and especially the grandchildren, do not present mixed characters, but one or the other other of the two parental characters. 3° Two possibilities of a character (what we call a pair of characters: black hair compared to blond hair, gray coat of a mouse compared to white coat, red pea color compared to white color) n do not appear, when we cross the representatives of a pair of characters, with equal frequency. One of the characters is said to be dominant (black hair, gray coat, red coat) because, out of four times, appears on average three times, while the other character is said to be recessive (blond hair, white coat, white coat) because, out of four times, it only appears once on average.
Let us take as a theoretical example (but this is valid for any other pair of characters) the crossing of a pea with red flowers and a pea with white flowers. There will be three possibilities among the first descendants (in reality, there are not these three possibilities for the pea, but we bring everything back to this plant to simplify the demonstration): a) They are all pink; b) They are all variegated red and white; c) They are all red. It is this last case which is the most important and which most luminously revealed Mendel's laws. In fact, now cross these first all-red descendants between them (but it would be the same if you crossed between them, respectively, the first pink descendants or the first variegated descendants). The second line descendants are divided into one
a quarter of whites (which, crossed between them, will give whites in perpetuity), a quarter of so-called pure reds (which, between them, will give reds in perpetuity) and a half of so-called impure reds, because, crossed between them, They will give back, like their parents, a quarter of whites, a quarter of pure reds and a half of impure reds. Red, which therefore appears three times out of four, is said to be dominant, compared to white which is said to be recessive.
this particularity of being precisely dominant characters, in the Mendelian sense of the word, in relation to opposing characters. In fact, the observations leaked so far show that dark hair and eyes are dominant compared to light hair and eyes, frizzy hair compared to straight hair, dark complexion compared to light complexion, thick lips versus thin lips; as for the nose, if the relationship of the straight shape to the aquiline shape is not definitively clarified, the aquiline shape is in all this dominant in relation to the concave shape.
roughly speaking , like the Jewish ethnic group, the vast majority of individuals are of Jewish descent, the characteristics of individuals who, through marriage, enter the Jewish ethnic group, have very little chance of maintaining themselves and are "covered" with particular rapidity . If therefore, for a long time, we had realized this persistence of characters ju characters had once penetrated, and if we were surprised by this, we now know that there is nothing divine — nor diabolical! Mendel's laws also explain, in all races, any tenacity of a character in relation to another character forming a couple with it. As for the deeper reason why a trait is dominant or recessive in relation to another we ignore as we ignore the primary reasons for all things.
It is impossible to complete the anthropological portrait of the Jew without saying two words about his blood. Because we talk a lot about blood to characterize races, and it has even been claimed that the Jews had a special blood. This is drawing exaggerated conclusions from certain facts. Every individual on the globe, whether he is a White, a Yellow or a Negro, has in his veins one of the four bloods called A, B, AB (by joining the properties A and B) or O (zero). . Specialists distinguish these bloods from each other by their various possibilities of agglutinating. We never change our blood (except in very rare cases called mutations, which only occur 1 time in 100,000 cases) and we always inherit “whole” blood (and not mixed) from one of the two parents. , according to very precise rules. With a few exceptions, all populations on the globe include individuals belonging to the four bloods, but in very different proportions. Given that, in practice, blood is inherited ne varietur, it will happen, in a group whose members intermarry, that the proportion of blood will remain the same in the group. Ethnic groups which have approximately similar proportions of the four bloods are likely to be related.
On the other hand, we must not want to mother blood in relation to racial types: that would be
an error, we know today, because blood mutations, rare as they are, continue to occur, the same mutation (for example from hatching blood, to blood A, or from blood O to blood B) hatching, from time to time, into very different breeds. That said, we will remember the following points:
1° O blood (the oldest), strongly represented everywhere, is especially so among Amerindians or Red Indians (up to 90 and 98% in certain tribes), among Australians (50 and 57%), and, in general, among isolated peoples, whatever the race to which they belong (certain Negroes, Icelanders, noble Tuaregs, Basques: 57%, some Mongo Australians can be considered isolated. 2° Blood A is most strongly represented among the Blackfoot Amerindians (due to a recent mutation), certain tribes of India, Australians (45 and up to 57%), inn North-Western Europe, whose averages fluctuate between 42 and 50%. This last figure is reached by the Norwegians, the Lapps even going up to 60%. The average formula for France is: 43 O, 42 A, 12 B, 3 AB. 3° B blood (the most recent) is the Asian blood par excellence. It should be said Asian and not Mongolian. In fact, although the Mongolian, or yellow, facies is the most typical of this continent, the even more (up to 41%). 4° Europe and Asia present. an inversely reciprocal relationship between bloods A and B. If, from Western Europe, where A dominates B by a lot (around 40% against 10%), we move towards China, blood A diminishes little by little, at the same time as B increases (in Manchuria 20% of A against 40% of B). The Jews are here in between, with, roughly speaking, 40 O, 30 A, 20 B, 10 AB. 5° Surprisingly, since Negroes have such a marked physique, they do not have anything very characteristic, A and B being on average equal, with a slightly stronger presence of O blood. 6° AB blood is nowhere strongly represented, since it rarely exceeds 10%. It follows from these data that, knowing the blood of an individual, you can never say it belongs to a certain population. At most there is a presumption for a certain belonging. What, on the other hand, has value is the percentage of population groups . These percentages, as we have said, remain very tenacious among ethnic communities which, having emigrated, have mixed little; this is how the proportion of blood among the Hungarians recalls that of certain Asian populations, among the Gypsies, that of India from which they originate. res.
As for the Jewish groups, they deviate in very varied ways from the theoretical percentage mentioned above, and what is remarkable is that, generally, their percentage is close to that of the population where the group is domiciled. If we did not know the rigor of Mendel's laws for blood groups, we could believe in a phenomenon of assimilation (a socalled biologist had suggested that it was because Jews eat kosher in the Orient: a grotesque opinion ! ) . As we know that such a phenomenon is impossible, this distribution of blood in Jewish communities can only be explained by crossings between Jews and natives. From this point of view, the following small table is instructive (fall of B and AB in north-western Europe, rise of O among the Jews of Yemen, which brings them singularly closer to the Bedouins of Arable mentioned above).
Fig. 7. — Henry BERNSTEIN,
man of leres. In the middle of the classic Jewish mask, the nasal appendage presents a particular twist. We understand that Henry Bernstein never has his photo taken. Henri Manuel.
Fig. 8. — The araits of Maurice de ROTHSCHILD, achkenazim with blue eyes.
Fig. 9. — Marianne OSWALD, cinema artist. No very marked character of the mask, but we will note, in addition to the soft swelling, the advancement of the upper jaw (without swelling of the corresponding lip), manifestation of moderate bone prognathism, common in non-European races. Henri Manuel.
Henri Manuel.
Fig. 10. — André HERZOG, known as MAUROIS, man of leres. Wearing a mustache failed to balance the strong protuberance of the lower lip. The pronounced nasal curvature can be guessed, although the portrait is also from the front.
Percentage of blood groups in some Jewish groups.
AB 5
— Polish
— Romanians
— from Anatolia
— from
Aleppo — from Beirut
— from Tunis
— from Morocco
— from Yemen (Arabia)
We can now draw the following conclusions: a) Jewish groups have on average twice as much B blood as groups Westerners. b) The percentage of blood, however, varies greatly depending on the grouping, the Jewish percentages almost always being close to those of the population among which the Jews camp.
c) These differences between Jewish groups are a reflection of the turbulent history of the Jews.
d) The comparison with the indigenous percentages demonstrates that non-Jewish Jewish crossings are more frequent than one supposes. e) Perhaps, a hypothesis recently put forward by an authority on the subject, the Jewish racial type (we say here racial) is also affected by a greater mutability (faculty of mutation) of its sang.
History showed that the Israelites had disappeared as a nation. Was their type different from the Jewish type? There still exist – fortunately to resolve the problem – some Israelite groups
in Kurdistan and especially the 200 Samaritans. 200! It's not a lot, but it's exhausting when such a small group is studied in depth. This is what Professor Genna, from Rome, did, measuring almost all of these 200 individuals, and photographing each of them from the front, from the side and in three-quarter view. We have the album on hand! First the chires speak. The families of Samaritans, whose genealogies are kept
Galilean-Samaritan) and Manasseh (originally in northern Palestine), families belonging to
As far as blood is concerned, the families of Levi are surprisingly close to the Western Europeans (lots of A blood), those of Manasseh are the most Asian (beautiful But the portraits are even more eloquent than the chires. Everyone, whatever their measurements, whatever their blood, have the Jewish mask. If we showed them to you, without telling you who they are, you would say: They are Jews! The Jewish mask was therefore also the Israelite mask, and, consequently, the Hebrew mask,
The Jewish mask is, in short, what is essential, most palpable, most glaring, most
according to the books of
many Jewish authors.
“The main signs by which we can recognize the Jew therefore remain: this famous curved nose, the blinking eyes, the clenched teeth, the protruding ears, the square nails instead. to be rounded like an almond, the torso too long, the flat foot, the round knees, the ankle extraordinarily out, the soft and melting hand of the hypocrite and the traitor. They quite often have one arm shorter than the other (1). » These notes from Édouard Drumont agree perfectly with the scientific presentation of Professor Montandon. But the portrait would be incomplete if we did not add the moral description of the Jew. This description exists, our best authors have made it. It is no longer today that Henri Heine, one of the most praised Jewish writers, could say as he did around 1840: “ The deeds and gestures of the Jews, as well as their morals, are things unknown to the world. We think we know them because we have seen their beards, but that is all we have seen of them, and, as in the Middle Ages, they are always a walking mystery. » Over the past century, a large number of works have been published in which the Jewish question is presented very clearly. We will have the opportunity to give copious citations in the pages that follow. Because, until now, the reading of these works has been reserved for an elite. They did not have the impact that the scale of the subject required. The Jewish press silenced them and established a conspiracy of silence around them. So much so that today the general public still ignores the Jewish question. Louis-Ferdinand Céline explained this phenomenon in a masterful page of his admira ble pamphlet “ Trifles for a massacre ”
(2) .
“In France,” he writes, “the little people, those who are going to suffer, who are going to line” all the trenches, they don't know the Jews much, they don't recognize them in the crowd... He doesn't even know where they are. find... The faces they have, that they can have, their manners... First, they are all camouflaged, transvestites, chameleons, the Jews, they change their names as well as their borders, they call themselves
sometimes Breton, Auvergne, Corsican, other times Turandots, Duran dards, Cassoulets... anything... which deceives, which sounds dece In the gang, it is the Meyers, Jacobs, Lévys who are still the least dangerous, the least treacherous. You have to take a little trouble to recognize yourself in the Jews, the people don't like to take any trouble. For the people, a Jew "is a man like any other"... that was 100 percent an explanation for him... The physical and moral characteristics of the Jew, his infinite arsenal of tricks, tricks, and tricks. , his delusional greed... his prodigious treachery... his implacable racism... his incredible power of lying, absolutely spontaneous, monstrous in nerve... the Aryan cashes them in on all occasions... in full, undergoes, dissolves, evaporates, dies without asking for a (1). Jewish France. (2). This magnificent book, the most virulent pamphlet that hatred and knowledge of the Jew have ever inspired, had been banned by a decree from the Daladier Government. It is back on sale today (Éditions Denoël).
only one small moment everything that happens to him... what is happening?... what strange music?... He is dying as he has lived, never undeceived, cuckolded to the core. It functions entirely and with all its meat... spirit and carcass for the prosperity, the glory of its most intractable, most voracious, most dissolving parasite: the Jew! and never notices it; out of twenty cents we spend, fifteen go to Jewish financiers. Even the carrion of the Aryan still serves the glory of the Jew, his propaganda. There are only a few rare species of birds in nature that can demonstrate themselves to be as uninstinctive, as stupid, as easy to fool as these crazy Aryans... A few species, the most stupid in the avian kingdom, thus incubate the cuckoo eggs, the cuckoo's “claimant” chicks who, as soon as they hatch, rush to kick all the eggs, the entire brood of their adoptive parents out of the nest! everything that is not cuckoo!... These species of birds so stupid do not recognize the cuckoo in their nest any more than the French recognizes the Jew, in the process of gorging, ransacking, carambling, dissolving his own heritage , same grotesque carelessness, same foul placidity, same stubborn brain of dirty piaf. »
A century earlier, exactly in 1846, Toussenel, author of “ The Jews, Kings of the Age ”, a work unfortunately not available in bookstores, Toussenel was already astonished at this incredible indifference of the people to the Jewish problem. “The French Government,” he wrote, “ has granted the transport monopoly on the Northern line to Jews (3). It is a Jew who is the director, most of the employees of the Administration are Jews. Well I don't think that there exists, in any other public administration in France, a staff more repulsive than this one in terms of tone, more proud, more curt in their relationships and less concerned with the comfort and life of travelers . Alas, instead of demanding justice, these brave French people, people liberated in 89, are shouting Christmas for the Jews and, not content with giving up on the impunity of the monopolists, they are choosing them as their agents. I'm starting to believe that Judas Iscariot was in too much of a hurry to hang himself. But how do you find these poor children of Israel who continue to pose as victims? Is not it that this tearful attitude suits them well? So, despite all the false philanthropists and all the charlatans of liberalism, I repeat that France must cruelly atone for the wrongs of its charity for the Jew, imprudent charity, deplorable charity which all the great thinkers of all centuries had warned of the dangers in advance; because Tacitus agrees on this point with Bossuet, with the encyclopedists and Fourier. Tacitus, the most illustrious of all the historians of antiquity, speaks out against the indomitable pride and spirit of deceit of the Jewish people. Bossuet who believes this people chosen by God to reveal his law to the world, Bossuet cannot help writing that the Jews are no longer anything to religion or to God and that it is just that their ruins are spread by the earth, as punishment for their hardness. »
However, anti-Semitism has always existed. The history of France is full — until the Revolution — of measures taken by its sovereigns against the abuses of the Jews. But school textbooks, inspired or written by Jews, say nothing about these revolts, pass over these austerity measures in silence, or more simply denigrate the kings who dared to rise against the power of Israel. A very distinguished historian, Henri de Vries de Heekelingen, specialist in Jewish questions, who has published in particular Israel, its past, its future (4), notes that anti-Semitism is an identical phenomenon among all peoples and in all ages , among all religions and in all civilizations. He distinguishes five stages: " First stage. Facility. The Jews arrive in a country whose population has no prejudice towards them. We welcome them with more or less eagerness. In antiquity, and until the 17th century, we were sometimes even happy to welcome them. Second step. Firming. Jews are tolerated or enjoy preferential treatment, thanks to which their situation is consolidated. Third step. Apogee. The Jews are distinguished by their wealth, their credit and sometimes by their knowledge. In certain classes of the people, a feeling of embarrassment, envy and hatred begins to emerge. Fourth step. Resistance. We are entering a period where uprisings, protests and attacks alternate
(3). Les Rothschild. (4). Perrin Academic Bookstore.
with periods of calm. The irritation of the people is generally contained by the clergy and the government. Fifth step. Open hostility. The people, exasperated, break all the dikes and massacre the Jews, or the authority chases them away... and the cycle begins again in another country. »
Jews had been expelled from France on several occasions. They began to proliferate again towards the end of the 18th century and reached their peak in recent years. The (5) resistance movement was initiated by Edouard Drumont with the publication of La France Juive which appeared for the first time in 1885. This vigorous study enjoyed “almost unparalleled success in literary history. » “If this book had such an echo,” wrote Drumont in the preface to the 115th edition, “it is because it was so completely the expression of the moment that everyone, having thought about it in detail, believed, so to speak , dictated it to me overall. And everyone was right. I have only been the secretary of all spirits and the spokesperson of all souls. It is almost an usurpation to have signed this book as mine, which was everyone's book. We do not, in fact, stir the crowd to this degree with a work which is external to it, with a work which brings it impressions outside itself; we only exercise such action when we translate feelings which already possess an entire people. When a nation experiences a certain quibble in the face of a literary work, it is because the writer has suddenly formulated the secret thought that many barely admitted to themselves. »
The three or four hundred thousand readers of La France Juive, however, represented only scattered goodwill in the face of the formidable organizational power of Israel. Edouard Drumont tried to bring them together, founded La Libre Parole (6), which was very successful, but eventually the newspaper changed hands and the movement failed. After the war of 1914, the triumph of the Jews was complete. They reigned everywhere. They fulfilled the almost prophetic words of Petrus Borel who, as early as 1845, wrote “The Jew is more and more intrusive, in art as in the city; the time is not far away when this race I said was proscribed and burned will have so decimated and subjugated us that our cities will only have in a small corner of rural suburbs a Christianity where they will be relegated to opprobrium and shame . misery the remains of the last Christians, as in the Middle Ages they each had a Jewry where the last remains of Judea rotted. »
The anti-Semitic movement regained strength a few years ago. The companions of Drumont and the Marquis de Morès, the first anti-Semites, Jean Drault, Urbain Gohier, Lucien Pemjean saw reinforcements arrive. Darquier de Pellepoix fought with La France Enchaînée and fought memorable battles in the Municipal Council; I am everywhere, with Alain Laubreaux, Lucien Rebatet and Robert Brasillach fully committed. And finally the books of Louis-Ferdinand Céline showed in a tragic light the seriousness of the problem. Why does the Jew inevitably suffer the curse of the crowds? Why, for example, does Luther cry: “Let the synagogues and the houses of the Jews be burned, and let them be herded into the stables!” Let their goods be formed into a treasury for the maintenance of converts; that the robust Jews and Jewish women be forced to do the hardest work, that their prayer book, the Talmud, the Bible be taken from them, and that they be forbidden, under penalty of death, even to pronounce the name of God. No weakness, no pity for the Jews! Let the princes, without any form of trial, chase them away! That the footsteps They instill hatred of the Jew in their flock. »
Why did Voltaire cover them with his sarcasm? Why Napoleon, Meernich, Fran
(5). Flammarion bookstore. (6). La Libre Parole reappears with a new team.
There is only one answer to these questions: it is because the Jew is unassimilable, that everywhere in the world he forms a State in the State which welcomes him. And if we ask why the Jew is unsimilar, we must answer: 1° Because of his religion and his morality. 2° From his thirst for gold.
3° Of his revolutionary instincts.
4° Of its aspirations for universal domination. Let’s go over each of these points.
I. — JEWISH RELIGION, MORALITY AND SOLIDARITY. The religion and morals of the Jews are codified in their sacred books. They find their application in various institutions of which the Mahal is, without doubt, the most curious and the least known. Finally, the entire Jewish ideology requires this solidarity which has ensured this “nation” world hegemony. 1) The Torah and the Talmud. Let us begin by recording the formal confession of the Israelite Archives (year 1864): “ Israel is a nationality. We were born Jews, “natu”, because we were born Jews. The child born to Israelite parents is an Israelite. Birth places upon him all the duties of an Israelite. It is not through circumcision that we receive the status of Israelite. No, circumcision has no analogy with Christian baptism. We are not Israelites because we are circumcised, but we have our children circumcised because we are Israelites. We acquire the Israeli character by our birth and we can never lose this character nor can we get rid of it. Even the Israelite who renounces his religion, even the
one who is baptized, does not cease to be an Israelite. All the duties of an Israelite continue to fall upon him. »
This is very clear. The Jew always remains a Jew. And what is his morality? Renan us the Renan who had not yet put his pen in the service of the Third Republic would say: “Morality itself was always understood by this race in a way very different from ours. The Semite hardly knows any duties except towards himself. Pursuing his revenge, claiming what he believes to be his right, is in his eyes a sort of obligation. On the contrary, to ask him to keep his word, to do justice in a disinterested manner, is to ask him something impossible. Nothing therefore holds in these passionate souls against the untamed feeling of self. Religion, moreover, is, for the Semite, a sort of special duty, which has only a very distant link with everyday morality. »
The religious precepts of the Jew are contained in two books: The Ora and the Talmud. The ora, which we call the Pentateuch, contains the teaching that God or Yahweh dictated to people a large number of prescriptions that the Jews did not record in writing until three centuries after Jesus Christ. The ora and the collection of additional prescriptions were the subject of countless discussions, exegesis and endless comments. All this literature was brought together in an immense work which we call the Talmud. During their travels in Central Europe, the Araud brothers visited gheos and synagogues. Here, for a moment, is what they write about the Talmud :
“The Talmud, born from the ora and which resembles it so little, all abstract, all logic, reasoning, quibbles. He smells of oil and the lamp, and no longer of the desert and the free life. It is not the beautiful story that we listen to openmouthed in the tent, but the book that we read with a preoccupied brow, tearing ourselves away, so tense is the mind, and without paying attention, one by one. one, the hairs of the beard - those hairs which we are very careful to leave between the pages to testify to the effort of thought, and which make certain of these Talmuds, as I have seen some of them, resemble horrifying herbaria (7). » Let us now ensure that the Talmud is indeed the source of Jewish laws, that this extraordinary code retains its validity. For this, let us turn to the Jewish authorities. What, for example, does Professor Cohen say:
“The practicing Jew considers himself bound by the entire content of the Talmud; he considers this as the teaching given to Moses on Sinai and transmitted by him to posterity. The entire organization of the Jewish community is based on the Talmud, which must be characterized as the source and basis of the Jewish religion, and which must be placed on the same level as the Bible. Non-observant Jews feel as little bound by the Bible as by the Talmud, but they still remain within the fold of Jewry, because they fully accept Jewish moral law. In this respect, they are mainly related to the Talmud, because it contains this moral law. » Let us also quote the Revue Juive de Genève so that the cause is clearly heard: “In the fateful turn of the centuries, there have been nations who, deceived by the beliefs of religions or races, have imagined that the Talmud is an abandoned cemetery, a garden covered with the patina of oblivion, foreign to all human activity. They forgot that, in the five parts of the world, three times a week, the Jews, thousands of Jews, patiently walk there and gather new teachings, new courage. From these in-depth readings, done in the light of day, other hopes are born that light up the dark horizon. It is in this reading, repeated for centuries, three times a week, that remains the secret of Jewish intelligence and the application of the spirit in the service of the unique cause: the divine cause. » Let us now see what some good minds think of the content of the sacred books of the Jews. Voltaire, in his usual persecutory tone, notes that the Jews saw nothing beyond their bodies:
“Whatever the author of the Pentateuch... The system of a future life, of an immortal soul is not found in any place in this book... The lawgiver of the Jews has always said, repeated, inculcated that God would only punish men during their lifetime. This author, whoever he may be, makes God himself say: Honor father and mother so that you may live long; if you obey... you will have rain in the spring..., if you do not keep all the ordinances, you will have anger, scabies, stula, ulcers on the knees and in the fat of the legs. He especially threatened the Jews that they would be obliged to borrow from foreigners at usury, and that they would be unfortunate enough not to lend at usury. He recommends them several times to exterminate, to massacre all the nations that God has delivered to them, to spare neither old age, nor childhood, nor sex; but, for the immortality of the soul, he never speaks of it; he never even supposes it. The philosophers... who denied this immortality, gave the reasons..., but the Jews never gave any reason. If they denied the immortality of the soul, it was only out of crudeness and ignorance; it is because their very crude legislator knew no more than them... In the books attributed to Moses, there is never any question of a future life... A well-known author was surprised that We see in Deuteronomy a law emanating from God himself concerning the manner in which a Jew must push his saddle, and which we do not see in the entire Pentateuch a single word concerning... another life... The Jews never thought of anything other than their bodies. »
If we examine the contents of the Talmud, we remain amazed. The Jewish religion is, above all, written by de Vries of Heekelingen: “A desperate flight from defilement. To avoid this, the Talmud surrounds every action in life with a hedge of prescriptions. It contains six hundred and thirteen, including two hundred and forty-eight commandments and three hundred and sixty-five prohibitions. Whether the Jew eats or drinks, whether he dresses or washes, whether he prays or plays, whether he lies down or satisfies the needs of nature, all action has been studied, discussed, returned in a thousand ways (7). A brief history of the Jews. (Plon, editor.)
in the minds of the rabbis, often in the most indiscreet way, to establish how the Jew can avoid all impurity. »
But what interests us most is not the Talmud 's prescriptions regarding sexual like, for example, the following two, although very characteristic: “When anyone notices that evil appetites are taking over his senses, let him go to a right or he is not known, let him dress in black and follow the impulse of his heart. » “A man can do with his wife whatever he pleases, like a piece of meat from the butcher, which he can eat according to his tastes, salted, roasted, cooked; like a fish coming from the market... One day, a Jewish woman came and said to a rabbi: “Rabbi, I had prepared the table for my husband, but he turned it upside down. » The rabbi replied: “My daughter, the Torah has sacrificed you, what can I do for you? »
No, what should attract our attention and which explains in the most luminous way the attitude of the Jew in all times and in all countries are the prescriptions of the Talmud regarding the relationship between the Jew and the Goy , that is to say of the non-Jew. Here are a few : If a Jew owes a debt to a non-Jew, if the latter dies, without another non-Jew knowing this debt, the Jew is not obliged to repay it to the heirs of the non-Jew. » “It is permissible to take advantage of the error of a non-Jew, for example if he makes a mistake in his accounts. It is also permissible not to return a loan that he has forgotten, as long as he does not notice it, so that the name of Yahweh is not profaned. Many say, however, that it would be forbidden to intentionally mislead the non-Jew; it would not be permitted to benefit from it. only when he deceives himself. » It is not lawful to rob a brother, that is, a Jew, but it is lawful to rob a non-Jew, because it is written: “You shall not rob your neighbor. » “But these words,” said Jehuda, “do not refer to the goy, because he is not your brother. » The Jews are called men, the people of the world are not called men, but beasts hand »
Although the peoples of the world outwardly resemble the Jews, they are only what apes are in comparison to men. » The seed of a non-Jew is only the seed of an animal. » A non-Jew who hits a Jew deserves death. Whoever gives a gift to a Jew is guilty as if he were giving a gift to God. » It is forbidden to initiate a non-Jew into the secrets of the law. The Jew who does this is guilty as if he devastated the world and if it denied the holy name of God. »
And, last, but the most beautiful of all these prescriptions of the Talmud that the Israelite Universe calls the educator of the Jewish people: “Kill the best of the Gentiles. »
After reading these texts, so eloquent in their sobriety, the reader more easily admits the existence of the Jewish institution known as Kahal. The study of Kahal alone would be worth several volumes. We will only say the essentials here. 2) And Kahal. The Kahal is a Jewish court whose decisions are final. He first judges the relationships of the Jews with each other. It is then an instrument of Jewish conquest whose mechanism Oscar Havard has perfectly analyzed. “A sort of general auction puts the Goys’ buildings up for auction in each consistory. By virtue of this adjudication, the bidding Jew obtains the right to exploit the property and the owner alone, and to resort to all the expedients and all the ruses, which his fertile imagination will suggest to him, to make himself the true and definitive master of the building that the Consistory sold to him.
Let's take an example: Moses, - we suppose, - acquires the right to rob Lefebvre. Well, from the day the Consistory regularly sold him this right, Moïse, with the support of all his brothers, entered the campaign against Lefebvre. What can an isolated Christian do in this all-out war that an entire tribe is declaring against him, if not perish? But the Kahal does not only award buildings, it also awards people. If Lefebvre has no fields, no house, no business, he is sold cheaper; but, as he is, Lefebvre is still worth his price. Invested with the right to exploit it, Moses. therefore attacks this unfortunate man, and, without any other Jew having the ability to intervene, he leads him in the way that suits him, "surely, but slowly", to ruin, even to dishonor. . Are not the properties of the Goym, as well as the Goym themselves, according to Jewish laws, Heer, that is to say, taxable and corveable at will? »
It must be added that the Kahal 's decision is surrounded by all the necessary publicity. The Christian “sold” in this way is the exclusive property of the successful bidder and so that no one is unaware, a copy of the deed of sale is sent to all the synagogues. On the invasion of the United States by Eastern Jews, Henri de Vries de Heekelingen notes that the spirit of the Kahal has not changed for centuries. “During the years 1881 to 1910, 1,562,000 Jews arrived in the United States; in total 93.8% of all Jewish immigrants to the United States were Oriental Jews, Jews fresh from the gheos. Everywhere, they constituted their Kahal. The one in New York alone controls more than a thousand associations. These Kahals have their own justice system, they enact laws, and the Jews prefer the decisions of the Kahal Tribunal to those of American justice. This is a striking example of the fact that, even in a country so unprejudiced, Jews still prefer to live in a spiritual gheo and maintain their own customs and organizations. No wonder they also prefer to live separately from Christians, just like in the Middle Ages. »
The claims of the Kahal of New York are exorbitant. The same author cites some some “1° The right of unlimited immigration for Jews from any country. 2° The removal of any allusion to Christ in official documents. 3° The abolition of the Christmas party in schools and public places. The prohibition of erecting trees Christmas and singing Christmas carols in public. 4° The provision of all public officials who criticize the Jewish race, even if they believe they are acting in the public interest. 5° The installation of Jewish courts (Beth Din) in courthouses. 6° The suppression of all books that Jews consider offensive, in university libraries and in school libraries. »
We will not insist further. Let us point out, however, that the Kahal was in some way the necessary complement to the Talmud where it is written “ The property of the non-Jew is equivalent to an abandoned thing: the true possessor is the one of the Jews who first takes it. » 3) Jewish Solidarity. The Kahal is in short only the codified form of Jewish solidarity, which is exercised automatically, without prior concert, each time a Jew is at stake. This solidarity derives directly from the precepts of the Talmud which make Jew a being superior to all others. Drumont wrote an excellent page on this: “Thanks to this solidarity, everything that happens to a Jew, in the most remote corner of the desert, takes on the proportions of an event. The Jew, in fact, has a way of chirping that is unique to him. It was not in vain that he was told: “Caw and multiply, you innumerable seed of Abraham. » The Jew's shouting always recalls those tumults of the Middle Ages, where an unfortunate bearer of yellow rag,
beaten for any misdeed, uttered harsh lamentations which agitated the whole gheo
Unfortunately for delicate ears, there is constantly a Jew in the world who is shouting and demanding something. — What is he asking for? What we laughed at him, what we could have taken from him and finally what he could have earn. »
Louis-Ferdinand Céline perfectly portrayed Jewish solidarity regarding one of the most scandalous affairs of the interwar period: “During the entire Stavisky aair, a slogan was passed in all the editorial offices of the world which must have cost a lot per day, a formal instruction... They called him Turkish, this little paranoid Jew, foreigner loses, metec, oriental spy, Polish adventurer, heart, heimatlos, dentist, parachutist, pimp, tabetique, terreneuvas... anything... to mislead, entertain... but never the proper word Jewish... Yet it was just that... He had only been able to pull off all his tricks through the strength of Jewry... Like Loewenstein, like Burmat, like Mrs. Simpson, like Bigore, like all the nance and the rest.. .
Notice a little... on every similar occasion: the same fanfare... Roaring from the right, confused bawling from the left, fair in the center, discoloration everywhere... Pass on nutmeg! It's admirably well done... If you would risk a little word against the great invasion of yours, the colonization of your buttocks, all of you, as many as you are, newspapers! Rotten bully! Putinized, ink included, down to the last characters, we would strangle you so sharply that we would forget in eight days the very name you wore!... Right down to the color of your pages... No more announcement! Not a theater anymore! in five minutes it would be decided, transmitted, washed... No more credit, no more a permit, no more paper, and then soon no more news, no more a phone call, emptiness!... The Jew can make the desert around any business, bank, industry, theater or newspaper... Ford, who hates them, had to shut his mouth, even though it was very powerful. He was going to blow up within eight days!... The Jew waters or doesn't water!... with gold!... It grows or it no longer grows. If it stops growing, the man dies. As brave, as stoic as one could imagine! »
Louis-Ferdinand Céline cites the case of Ford. It is worth telling. We know that Ford came to Europe during the war of 1914, to see the masters of the day. He hoped to bring them to an agreement. Everywhere he appeared, he found Jews at command posts, always Jews, more Jews. Struck by the phenomenon, he carried out an in-depth investigation and some time later, he published the sum of his research under the title: e International Jew. The success was enormous. After six years, Ford recanted and publicly declared that he had been completely wrong. International Jewry, once again, had been the strongest. Jewish solidarity is exercised in all areas. But particularly in the field of arts and leres. And yet! “We should not judge,” says the author of La France Juive, “of the artistic or literary merit of the Jews by everything they print today. They would happily say of all their scholars what they say of Rabbi Eliezer in the (8). Let us quote in this regard, a tableau by Mistral in Nerto: In short, shouting, noisy parades Scuffles, alerts, And sometimes some Jew Who there, scratched, decamps... — “The rag!” the yellow hat! To Jewry! Let him hide! Fifty children are after him And a swine, in derision, Them simulating the ear With a corner of their breguee, The flock of stunned people shouts to him:
There's your father's ear!
Bartolocci Rabbinical Library: “When the rmament was of vellum and when the sea water turned into ink, it would not know how to write all that it knows. » Christian masterpieces are left in the shadows, on the contrary the big drum is beaten for everything that bears the Jewish mark; we award the epithet of honor, the epithet chover, to the smallest scribbler or the harshest dauber who belongs directly or indirectly to the brotherhood. The truth is that the Jew is incapable of going beyond a very low level. The Semites have no man of genius of the stature of Dante, Shakespeare, Bossuet, Victor Hugo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Newton, and one would not understand if they had any. The man of genius, almost always unrecognized and persecuted, is a superior being who gives something to humanity; however, the very essence of the Jew is to give nothing. No wonder they stick to an easy flow talent. Their Corneille is Adolphe d'Ennery, and their Raphaël is Worms. »
The Araud brothers in their Little History of the Jews (9), a little story composed with extreme caution, the Araud brothers are led to note this: “What is surprising is that, in these gheos where we lived so dramatically, where it seemed that from misfortune the sob and its poetry should have spontaneously arisen, not a poem arises, not a song of pain , none of these sublime manifestations which have the secret of moving all of humanity. Israel suffered, but it did not write the poem of its miserable fate. »
L.-F. Céline, to whom we must always resort for the analysis of the Jew, gives us a picture of his physiology which explains this impotence. “The Jew never assimilates, he apes, sluts and hates. He can only engage in crude mimicry, with no possible extensions. The Jew whose African nerves are always more or less of "zinc", only has a very vulgar network of sensitivity, in no way noted in the human series, like everything that comes from hot countries, he is precocious, he is sloppy . He is not made to rise much spiritually, to go very far... The extreme rarity of Jewish poets, all of whom are moreover resurrectors of Aryan lyricism... The Jew, born cunning, is not sensitive. He only saves appearances with perpetual antics, simulacra, grimaces, imitations, parodies, poses, “ci negeism”, photographs, blu, arrogance. In his very meat, to move him, he only possesses the most rudimentary nervous system of a Negro, that is to say the balance of a boor. The Negro Jew, mixed race, degenerate, by striving for European art, mutilates, massacres and adds nothing. One day or another he is forced to return to Negro art, let us not forget that. The biological inferiority of the Negro or half-Negro in our climates is obvious. Nervous system "dispatched", the price of precocity, it cannot go very far... Negro adolescence is extremely brief. A Negro is neither at four years old. The Jew is anxious about ranation, an obsession, to surround himself with gold and precious objects, to “make ranate”. Now, it is never intimately corrupted, somatically corrupted, impossible. I lived among the Negroes for a long time, I know them. Grimaces. The Negro, like the Jew, needs gilding, a lot of gilding, drums, tom-toms, publicity for him to wake up... He only understands the bass drum, or the syringing Arab horn, at best. . He passes through all the nuances, he leaps, gallops, collapses, shits on the violees as soon as we throw him on the gardens, like a poorly trained dog... And to think that we have become the submissive slaves of these disoriented sub-brutes! The Jew remains, despite so many contortions at the end of all these antics, much more log than violin...
Disastrously impenetrable to all the waves of intuition, to impersonal enthusiasms, an eager buzzard, madly pretentious and vain. An
L.-F. Céline finally shows how Jewish domination inevitably leads the Goy to denitive stupefaction. “The Jew only fears in this world authentic emotion, spontaneous, rhythmic, about natural elements. Any work that is not adulterated, not putinized to the depths, to the highest strings, provokes in the Jew the most fierce defensive reactions. There is immediately his loss, all the punishment of his terrible cosmic baage, of the phenomenal, cataclysmic Jewish imposture. The Jew turns away from the authentic like the snake from the mongoose. The snake knows well that the mongoose is not laughing, that it is certainly strangling him... The authentic, the only scale to weigh the Jew with his weight of filth and deception. To plunder, steal, pervert, brutalize, pollute, bleed everything he encounters, modesty, music, rhythm, value, it is (9). Plon, editor.
the gift of the Jew, his ancient reason for being. Egypt, Rome, Monarchies, Russia, tomorrow the rest of us, everything goes. He macerates the smallest of literatures like the greatest empires, even “Art and Technology”, with satanry, venoms, plagiarisms, incantations, scams of a thousand kinds. Ten thousand various poisons for all the works of death like certain toads. The Jew has hardly any other talent, but he possesses this right down to the root of the foreskin. The most obtuse, the most glarful, the most cheerful of the Jews nevertheless ultimately possesses this sense of alert for everything that he can grasp, that which must enter into his ropes, tumble into his tinee, to rot with his others. plunder, in his vat of mischief. The rest, everything it cannot absorb, pervert, swallow, spoil, standardize, must disappear. It's the simplest. He decrees it. Banks execute. For the robot world that is being prepared for us, there will be a few articles, inni reproductions, bland simulacra, innocuous cartonnages, novels, cars, apples, professors, generals, vedees, tendentious urinals, all standard, with a lot of tom-tom, imposture and snobbery. Universal junk, in short, noisy, Jewish and disgusting... The Jew runs all the governments, he controls all the standardization machines, he owns all the cables, all the currents, tomorrow all the Robots. »
The Jew's passion for gold is so well known that it is perhaps not necessary to talk about it again. Universal literature abounds in vengeful pages on this inexhaustible theme. The reader will be grateful, however, for bringing before his eyes some little-known or forgotten texts. Voltaire recalls in a few pleasant lines the contempt in which the Jew was held for his passion for usury: “Their great application having been from time immemorial to lending on pawn, they were forbidden to lend... on church ornaments... The Lateran Council ordered that they wear a small wheel on their chest, to ... They were expressly forbidden to take services or Christian nurses and distinguish them from Christians (10)
even more so concubines. There were even some countries where girls who had been abused by a Jew and men who had had the favor of a Jewess were burned, for the great reason given by the great juriconsult Gallus, that this is the same thing to sleep with a Jew as to sleep with a dog... We always took care to hang them between two dogs when they were condemned... They were everywhere usurers, according to the privilege and the blessing of their law, and everywhere in horror for the same reason. »
Michelet gets to the bottom of the subject. His painting of the Jew in the Middle Ages is an unforgettable etching: “In the Middle Ages,” he writes, “the one who knows where the gold is, the true alchemist, the true sorcerer, is the Jew, or the half-Jew, the Lombard. The Jew, the filthy man, the man who cannot touch food or woman without being burned, the man of contempt, on whom everyone spits, it is he who must be address. Prolic nation, which, above all others, had the multiplying force, the force which generates, which fertilizes at will the sheep of Jacob or the sequins of Shylock. Throughout the Middle Ages, persecuted, hunted, recalled, they acted as the indispensable intermediary between the sc and the victim of the sc, between the money and the patient, pumping the gold from below, and returning it to the king from above with an ugly grimace... But they always had something left... Patient, indestructible, they conquered through duration. ;They have solved the problem of volatilizing the wealth extorted by the exchange rate, they are now free, they are masters; from souet to souet, here they are For the poor man to address the Jew, for him to approach this dark little house, so ill-famed, for him to speak to this man who, it is said, cruciates little children, it is necessary no less that the horrible pressure of the sc. Between the sc, who wants his marrow and his blood, and the Devil who wants his soul, he will take the Jew as his middle.
(10). It was in 1215 that the Council took this decision to bring the Jews to the attention and distrust of Christians. The wheel was a piece of yellow cloth in a diamond or square shape on which a wheel was embroidered. In Germany, Jews wore pointed hats; in Portugal, a yellow hat.
When he had exhausted his last resource, when his bed was sold, when his wife and children, lying on the ground, were trembling with their mouths, crying: bread! head lowered and more bent than if he had been carrying his load of wood, he walked slowly towards the odious house of the Jew, and he remained at the door for a long time before knocking. The Jew having carefully opened the small gate, a dialogue began, strange and difficult. What did the Christian say? " In the name of God ! The Jew has killed him, your God! - Pity ! — Which Christian has ever felt sorry for the Jew? These are not the words that are needed. You need a pledge. —What can he who has nothing give? The Jew will say to him gently: — My friend, in accordance with the ordinances of the King, our lord, I do not lend either on bloody clothing or on plow iron... No, as security, I
only want you. I am not one of you, my right is not the right of a Christian. It is an ancient law (in partes secundo) ; your flesh will res
The good historian Capegue describes them at the time of the Revolution: “The Jews, once Paris opened to their speculations, came there from all sides, and took with all hands, they began, at first timidly, with small trade, the supply of horses and small usury, stock trading limited on assignats; they did not yet have their foot firmly enough on the ground to dare to build the bank which they the
left to the Genes; they were content to buy the old furniture from the castles, the relics from the churches,
consquished jewels, of course; lend a few louis to emigrants in exchange for good values. In some departments, they had established themselves on the soil of farmers like crows on their prey; in upper and lower Alsace and in Lorraine, they became masters of land ownership through mortgage loans and repurchased deeds. In Paris, they flooded the neighborhoods around the Temple, which became, in a way, their gheo. Let them walk free and, within a period of time, they would be the masters of the industrial market and of money. »
We also find in Kellermann's correspondence with the Emperor (1806) a very curious leer. Kellermann governed Alsace: “The mass of claims for which they have obtained registrations is appalling. The usury of the Jews is so enormous that it gave rise to an offense which had not yet appeared in the criminal courts of Alsace. These courts have had to judge, for some time, cases for false receipts brought against the Jews whose bad faith alone inspired the idea. The administrative and judicial bodies had to transmit to Your Majesty's Minister more extensive details on the evils resulting from the usury and bad faith of the Jews. »
On the Algerian Jew to whom the Crémieux decree gave French nationality, let us read Maupas health, excellent observer, in Au Soleil : “In Bou-Saada, we see them squatting in filthy dens, full of fat, sordid and stalking the Arab like a spider stalks a fly. They call him, try to lend him a hundred cents for a note that he will sign. Man senses danger, hesitates, does not want to; but the desire to drink and other desires torment him: a hundred sous represent so much pleasure for him! He finally gives in, takes the silver coin and signs the greasy paper. At the end of six months, he will owe ten francs, twenty francs after a year, one hundred francs after three years. Then the Jew sells his land, if he has any, or, if not, his camel, his horse, his donkey, everything he owns. The chiefs, caïds, aghas, or bac hagas, also fall into the grips of these birds of prey which are the water, the bleeding wound of our colony, the great obstacle to the civilization and well-being of the Arab. »
Emile Zola could not write L'Argent while ignoring the Jews. The Jews. of the Second Empire were already all powerful, also the painting of the banker “Gundermann” – is he one of the Rothschilds? perhaps it does not have all the depth that one might have hoped for from the great naturalist writer. Zola paints a portrait of this banking king as he enters a restaurant near the Bourse: “Gundermann had just entered, the banker king, the master of the Stock Exchange and of the world, a man of sixty years old, whose enormous bald head, with a thick nose, round eyes, with a head, expressed a stubbornness and immense fatigue. He never went to the Stock Exchange, even deciding not to send an official representative; he never ate lunch in a public place either. Only, from time to time, he would happen,
like that day, to show up at the Champeaux restaurant, where he would sit at one of the tables to simply be served a glass of Vichy w
seated. Smiling for twenty years from a stomach illness, he ate absolutely nothing but milk. Immediately, the staff was in the air to bring the glass of water, and all the guests present fell flat. Moser, looking devastated, contemplated this man who knew secrets, who rose or fell as he pleased, as God does thunder. Pillerault himself greeted him, having faith only in the irresistible force of the billion. It was half past twelve, and Mazaud, who quickly let go of Amadieu, returned, bowed before the banker, from whom he sometimes had the honor of receiving an order. Many fellows were leaving, who remained standing, surrounding the god, paying him respectful bows, in the midst of the stampede of soiled tablecloths; and they watched with veneration as he took the glass of water with trembling hands and brought it to his discolored lips. »
Further on, He shows him to us within his family and he relates the terms of the indictment that a banker – non-Jewish and doomed to bankruptcy – draws up against him. “Gundermann occupied a huge hotel there, barely big enough for his innumerable family. He had five girls and four boys, including three married girls and three married boys, who had already given him fourteen grandchildren. When, at the evening meal, this descendants were gathered together, there were, counting his wife and himself, thirtyone at the table. And, apart from two of his sons-in-law who did not live in the hotel, all the others had their apartments there, in the left and right wings, opening onto the garden; while the central building was taken up entirely by the installation of the bank's vast offices. In less than a century, the monstrous fortune of a billion had been born, had grown, overflowed in this family, through savings, and also through the happy combination of events. There was a sort of predestination there, aided by a lively intelligence, hard work, a prudent and invincible effort, continually tending towards the same goal. Now, all the rivers of gold were going to this sea, the millions were lost in these millions, it was a glut of public wealth at the bottom of this wealth of a single person, always growing; and Gundermann was the true master, the all-powerful king, feared and obeyed by Paris and the world.
As Saccard climbed the broad stone staircase, with steps worn by the continual comings and goings of the crowd, already more worn than the thresholds of old churches, he felt against this man an uprising of an inexhaustible hatred. Ah I the Jew He had against the Jew the ancient racial grudge, which we find especially in the south of France; and it was like a revolt of his very flesh, a repulsion of the skin which, at the idea of the slightest contact, filled him with disgust and violence, beyond all reasoning... He drew up an indictment against the race , this cursed race which no longer has a homeland, no more a prince, which lives as a parasite among the nations, pretending to recognize the laws, but in reality only obeying its God of theft, blood and anger; and he showed it fulfilling everywhere the mission of fierce conquest that this God gave it, establishing itself among each people, like the spider in the center of its web, to stalk its prey, suck the blood of all, fatten itself with the lives of others. Have we ever seen a Jew doing work with his ten fingers? Are there Jewish peasant workers? No, work is dishonorable, their religion almost forbids it, only exalts the exploitation of the work of others. Ah! the beggars! Saccard seemed seized with a rage all the greater because he admired them, because he envied them their prodigious financial faculties, this innate science of figures, this natural ease in the most complicated operations, this air and this luck which ensures the triumph of everything they undertake. In this game of thieves, he said, Christians are not strong, they die while take a Jew who does not even know how to keep books, throw he will carry all the
him into the troubled water always to drown; from some crooked deal, and he will escape, and
gain on his back. It is the gift of the race, its reason for being through the nationalities that are made and unmade. And he passionately prophesied the final conquest of all peoples by the Jews, when they would have monopolized the total fortune of the globe, which would not take long, since they were allowed to freely extend their royalty every day and we could already see , in Paris, a Gundermann reigned on a throne more solid and more respected than that of the emperor. »
Regarding this Gundermann-Rothschild, we would be remiss if we did not cite the amu healthy anecdote cited by Drumont about Baron James: “There were stories of unbelievable traits of cowardice about him. One day, a friend came to ask Dumas père for five hundred francs. The great generous was dry; the case, however, was pressing; he takes up his pen and writes a sparkling witty letter to the baron to borrow twenty-five louis. The billionaire doesn't even bother to respond. Some time later, we were talking about autographing, Rue Late. — So these papers have value? asked the baron.
- It depends. — I have one that I will get for you. He shows Dumas' letter and is immediately offered ten louis which he accepts, naturally. Dumas took revenge with a nice word. One day while begging at a charity event, one of the patronesses handed the chaplain to the baron. “I have already given,” said the financier. — I haven't seen it, replied the lady, but I believe it. —And I, Dumas, saw it, but I don't believe it. »
We will end this quick view with a page from L.-F. Céline, taken from her latest book: The School of Corpses (11). This is the transatlantic Normandie, of famous memory: “Another colorful spectacle not to be missed at any price. The departure of the Normandie from New York. Norman die triumphs over our contributions, the most brazen of our stories. Out of 3,000 passengers, at least 2,500 Jews. To us, Aryans, “subjujeis” of French genius, everything is said! We are prestigious guys, vicious people from the crazy belt. To the Jewish rats of the whole world the unprecedented lounging, the most exorbitant fashions, the caviar with the ladle of our additional cents. It's more passion, it's true youtrimmed fury to climb, swarm on this edge, deny, chew on all the spell of luxury, all the Talmudic opulence of the enormous raot. It would seem that the worst yurt rats, the most pernicious of the species, the most panicked, have opted for Normandy , for the gigantic belly, the fantastic all in gold, as the ship of the next flood. It is true that she represents very well the exact ideal of the Jew.
How do you figure this out? Imagine the Champs-Elysées mounted on a barge... but then the Champs-Elysées become even more Jewish, having achieved supreme, absolute aurication, the Champs-Elysées for hallucinated billionaires, all in delirium of ostentation, hashish billionaires. From the Champs-Elysées, castrated, bolted into the most colossal, most spectacular, most Jewish transatlantic core-fort in the world. The cabins ? so many dazzling corets, with all the souks around, port, starboard, below and above, gold! shops, terraces, courtyards, swimming pools, telegraph, bars, sur-bars, and counter-bars all dripping with gold! puppies, elevators, music, manicures, captains, servants, absolutely guaranteed gold! gold plates! gold set! melted gold! all gold!... We feed on gold, we eat gold, we fill ourselves with it, we vomit from it, we faint from it. Go little moss All the gold pushes you! It squirts everywhere, it drains the gold, the lucky ones on board get sick with gold. They will, overfed, die d’or. The doctor from this golden edge, comes running all in gold to soften a little your guts, clogged with gold, to make you drain the excess gold, which is blocking (hey, hey) your intimate channels. Pains too divine! He evacuates you, he adorably delivers you, with a golden smile, from a formidable precious turd, containing at least 500 carats of gold!... It's not difficult to understand that the Jews love such navigation, all in carats. Ah! They laugh about their caravel, a hundred thousand times more miraculous than all the Mayowers their Ben Normandy, the phenomenal, gigantic oante port, the transatlantic golden belly of the Jew Line. There is even more jealousy possible between the classes, so much so that we find ourselves among Jews, happy, fulfilled, triumphant, fulfilled. It is paradise !
III. — The revolutionary instincts of the Jew.
The Jew is not rooted anywhere. It has no contact with the ground. He understands nothing about the traditions of the countries he invades. It therefore seems quite natural to him to despise them, to destroy them or to upset them. We also find the Jew at the origin of all revolutions. It is there that his taste for disorder and catastrophe is fully satisfied. Meernich noted this in 18 (11). This prophetic book was also stopped in full swing by order of the Daladier Government. He has just reappeared with a new strip: “ To read so as not to make any more mistakes ” (Éditions Denoël).
HOW TO EXPLAIN AND RECOGNIZE THE JEW ? “In Germany, the Jews play the leading roles and are revolutionaries of the first order. They are writers, philosophers, poets,
orators, publicists, bankers; who carry on their heads and in their hearts the weight of their old infamy. They will become water for Germany. But they will probably experience a tomorrow that will be harmful to them. »
This tomorrow was slow to come, but it came! But there is no need to go back that far. Let's just take a look at the Russian Revolution and the advent of Bolshevism in Hungary. Let us quote here once again Henri de Vries of Heekelingen: “The Russian Unity Association , 121 East 7th Street, New York, published in 1920 a complete list of Soviet leadership personnel, including the. details had been carefully noted in the bol chevistes ocial organs, such as the Isvestia, the Golos Trouda, the Gazee Rouge and others. By summarizing the contents of this list, we arrive at the following results:
Jewish Members Percentage Council of People's Commissars
War Commissariat
from Moscow
Foreign Affairs Commission
Commissariats of the Interior, Petrograd and
Social assistance
Bolshevist Red Cross
Provincial commissioners
General economy
Public education
87,5 100
Committees of the Main Workers' and Soldiers' Soviets
High Commissioners of Moscow
If we note, on the other hand, that the Jews constituted (in 1926) only 1.77% of the population of Soviet Russia, we realize even better the preponderant place that they had been able to acquire in the beginning of the revolution.
If we now move to Hungary at the time when Bela Kun took power, what do we see? We ? “A few weeks had known,” write J. and J. Araud in When Israel is King (12), “to overthrow, in Budapest, the old secular order. People who felt neither scruples nor regrets about sacrificing a world to which they remained profoundly foreign, had turned everything upside down to rebuild as they wished. A new Jerusalem rose on the banks of the Danube, coming from the Jewish brain of Karl Marx and built by Jewish hands on very ancient thoughts. For centuries and centuries, through all the disasters, the messianic dream of an ideal city, where there will be neither rich nor poor and where perfect justice and equality will reign, has never ceased to haunt the imagination of Israel. In their gheos filled with the dust of old dreams, the wild Jews of Galicia always persist in spying, on moonlit evenings, in the depths of the sky, for some harbinger sign of the coming of the Messiah. Trotzki, Bela (12). Plon, editor.
Kun and the others took up, in turn, the fabulous dream. Only, tired of looking in heaven for this kingdom of God which never arrives, they brought it down to earth. Experience has shown that their ancient prophets were best inspired by placing it in the cloud. »
Bela Kun recruited his political staff from his co-religionists: “Out of twenty-six people's commissars, eighteen were Jews. This is incredible if we consider that in Hungary there were only fifteen hundred thousand Israelites out of twenty-one million inhabitants. These eighteen people took charge of the leadership of the Bolshevik government; the others were only sidekicks, and it was joked in Budapest that they only appeared in the Council of the Jewish Republic to send out orders on the holy Sabbath day - in this respect just like those Christian servants who, from Friday to Saturday, do domestic work in the houses of Israel, which the law of Moses prohibits on that day. Bela Kun was content with the title of Commissioner for Foreign Affairs. Naive trickery that fooled no one. After the Arpad dynasty, after Saint Stephen and his sons, after the Anjous, the Hunyads and the Habsburgs, there was today a king of Israel in Hungary... As for the Political Research Service, it was headed by a Christian worker, Guzi; but the real leader was a certain Oo Klein, who had changed his name to that of Corvin, the most illustrious in Hungary. Where did he come from, this little Jew, hunchbacked and scrofulous, who during the interrogation of his patients, amused himself by shoving a ruler down their throats? From what depths had he emerged into the light? No one in Budapest has ever been able to inform me on this point. In the cellars of the Parliament, where, so to speak, this Klein-Corvin and his people worked, as in the Bahyani Palace and the Teachers' School, they were knocked out, hung, whipped with whips. and with wet ropes, they made one of your eyes go out with the tip of a knife, they cut pockets in your stomach, while outside, in front of the ventilator, in order to muffle the cries, an acolyte of the executioners made an automobile engine purr..."
The Arauds still report the activity of Tibor Szamuely, a failure of the press, a type of Sadi Jew as, claimant and executioner. “In Russia, he met Bela Kun, and worked together with him, in the prison camps, on communist propaganda. He is accused of having had a good number of Magyar officers shot who were not flexible enough. Then he returned to Hungary, and Bela Kun appointed him commander of all the rear of the army, with the mission of repressing counter-revolutionary movements that could arise in the provinces. His activity was appalling. Constantly, day or night, he got on his train or in his red automobile, accompanied by his Lenin boys, all armed to the teeth, to go on a punitive expedition somewhere. Sometimes it was in Kalocsa, sometimes in Kapuvar, in Sopron, in Csorna, in PüspökLadany, in Czegled, in Dunapataï, everywhere where it was reported to him that peasants had cut a telegraph wire, attacked red guards, refused to deliver their wheat or their livestock. He arrived in the village, surrounded by his leather men, who held hand grenades at arm's length. The peasants denounced by the local Soviet were brought, one after the other, before the revolutionary tribunal, composed of a single judge, around whom Szamuely's companions stood. Himself, sitting on a chair, his legs casually crossed, and smoking his gold-tipped cigar, he joked, sneered, and made pranks like this: — Well, comrade, what have you done? he asked one day to a peasant trembling with fear. — Well, sir, I didn't do anything, it was the others who forced me to walk with them. "Take him away," said Szamuely, addressing two of Lenin's guys. He's a poor devil, I'll forgive him... Don't hang him... Shoot him!... That day, in Kalosca, there was a large number of executions. Professors, a teacher, merchants, oarsmen, and a number of peasants were hanged in front of the windows of the Jesuit college. One of the victims, whose rope had broken, escaped. The recalcitrant hanged man was rescued and once again hung on his branch. Eight qualified executioners were among the thirty men who followed Szamuely everywhere. On occasion, Szamuely enjoyed tying the rope, in a beautiful tie knot, around the patient's neck, and he also found pleasure in making him kiss it. We saw him push his sadism to the point of forcing a relative of the condemned to remove the chair that supported the poor devil himself, or else he forced the children of a school to wander around the square where his victims were swinging; or else he managed to make a woman, who suspected nothing, pass in front of the body of
her husband, stiff on his acacia branch”
These few examples are sufficiently demonstrative for us not to expand further. We will now see that the revolutionary instinct of the Jew accommodates very well his aspiration for world domination.
IV. — THE ASPIRATION TO WORLD DOMINATION. We can establish in principle that the Jews use to enslave the world: 1° Workers, directed by creatures in their pay; 2° Governments and Parliaments subject to the obedience of the lodges; 3° Of the League of Nations, a Jewish creation, which in the international order would ensure the triumph of Israel. That the Jews use the working masses as they please is obvious to all. But here we have a crucial document, a confession from Karl Marx himself: “In this new organization of humanity (14), he wrote to Baruch Lévy, the children of Israel spread from now on over the entire surface of the globe... will become without opposition the ruling element everywhere, especially if they manage to impose on the working masses the stable leadership of a few of them. The governments of the nations forming the Universal Republic will all pass, without power, into Israeli hands, thanks to the victory of the proletariat. Individual property can then be abolished by rulers of the Jewish race who will administer public wealth everywhere. Thus will be fulfilled the promise of the Talmud that, when the time of the Messiah has come, the Jews will hold under their keys the property of all the peoples of the world. »
This is a text that we should buy “in all socialist town halls!” Perhaps the voters would finally understand how the Jews intend to fulfill the famous promise of Yahweh: “I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the ends of the earth for your dominion. » And if that was not enough, their mother would need to see this extract from the Manifesto of the Jewish Lodge The Sages of Zion (1911): “Our main goal, Jewish domination of the World, has not yet been achieved. We will achieve it, and our victory is more imminent than the crowds of so-called Christian states dream. Russian tsarism, the German empire, militarism will collapse; all peoples will be dragged into a debacle. It is at this moment that the real domination of Judaism will begin. » (13). Jews are naturally sadistic. During the retreat from Russia they murdered the wounded of the Grande Armée, as he recounted in his “ History of the Consulate and the Empire ”. “A horrible thing to say,” he wrote, “the miserable Polish Jews who had been forced to receive our wounded, as soon as they saw the enemy retreating, began to throw the wounded out of the windows and sometimes even to slit their throats. , thus getting rid of them after having stripped them. A sad tribute to the Russians whose supporters they were. » Let us again recall Voltaire's reflections on this subject: “If we read the history of the Jews written by an author of another nation, we would find it difficult to believe that there was in fact a fugitive people from Egypt who came, by the express order of God, to immolate seven or eight small nations that he did not know, mercilessly slaughtering all the women, the old men and the babies and reserving only the little girls; that this holy people were punished by their god when they had been criminal enough to spare a single devoted man from anathema. We would not believe that such an abominable People could have existed on earth: but, as this nation itself relates to us all these facts in its holy books, we must believe it. » The cruelty of the Jews is exercised even against their fellows, as the Araud brothers recount: “A synod of rabbis meeting in Barcelona excommunicated all Jews aged twenty-five who read books other than the Bible and the Talmud. Some Provencal rabbis, who had kept contact with Arab civilization, tried to resist. Everything was in vain. These Jews, whom the whole world tormented for their faith, persecuted their coreligionists more harshly than they themselves were persecuted. » (14). It is about the founding of a universal republic.
It is on purpose that we quote this manifesto of a lodge, because it is Masonry that Jewish titulation, but there is no doubt that there too the Jews are kings, that they have the majority in all the lodges of any importance, that after having inspired the ceremonial of initiations, the passwords and all the strange through Masonic rites, they made this association the instrument of their demonic ambitions.
language, in his beliefs. Its rules, its principles are inherited from the Jews. It was English Masonry which launched the idea of a League of Nations which was to ensure Jewish domination over the world. This League of Nations enchanted all the Jews of the world. Israel Zangwill recognizes that it is “essentially Jewishly inspired”. Another Jewish author states:
“The Society (Nations) is an old Jewish ideal. It is only today that this ideal of nationalism and internationalism at the same time is understood by the world. The Jews had already nourished it for three thousand years. It came out of Judaism, it is included in most of the main teachings of our law and our prophets.”
The Association of Rabbis of France declares that this institution is " the first application proclaimed throughout the civilized world. »
And finally, a final Jewish author exclaims: All Jews must consider it a duty. formal to support the League of Nations by all possible means. We have the greatest interest in the success of the League. It is in harmony with our noblest and holiest traditions. It is of major interest to us as it ensures the most favorable solution to the Jewish question. Its future is also assured. »
We will not dwell on the misdeeds of the League of Nations. They are inscribed in everyone's memories. France, still trailing England and English Masonry, was the first victim. This influence of England on our politics was denounced in virulent terms by Céline in her prophetic book: L'Ecole des Cadavres : “The true motto of the French 1938: “Everything for the Youtres of England!” Everything for Ben John Bull! » The City, “Intelligence”, the English Jewish Court are perfectly responsible, since Cromwell, for all our bankruptcies, for all our debacles, of all kinds: continental, colonial, social, monetary, spiritual. English Great Masonry and ours in obedience, keep us impeccably in the average putrefaction.
The fantastic, endless Judeo-British prosperity only exists, lasts, cannot last without eclipses, function of our servitude, our bewilderment, our debility, our endemic anarchy. A France that is still very sophisticated, politically very grotesque; weak-willed, boastful, scoundrelsome, always very close to bankruptcy, budget never in balance, docile to all banking orders, that is to say at the hooks of London, is an extremely manageable France, infinitely pleasant to the Talmudic Lords of the city. Never resist! a true providence! Depending on the time, the circumstances, all we have to do is agitate ourselves a little, ease ourselves, give us a few more shakes, a little panic, fiddle with us, revive the rot, spray us, if it's the moment, of some revulsive scandals (Panama-Dreyfus-Stavisky). And it starts again! And that smokes again! it’s refermenting! we are getting more and more rotten! It's a pleasure ! This way England entertains us right on her doorstep, possesses us by the fork, a splendid manure! more or less crumbling, juicy, swollen, flattened, at ease, always ready to be sent to smoke other profits, other British counters almost everywhere! That ! How's it going ! it will be fine!... Jewish-British businesses have never had it so easy as with us on the continent.
HOW TO EXPLAIN AND RECOGNIZE THE JEW ? Always ready to spread us into all the crevices, into all the horrors that they concoct so that
grow back, let it grow again admirably, let it bloom again Magnificent in their prodigious gardens. Even the Indies do not exist beside us as enthusiastic, as frenzied, as devoted to the cause, to the spoiling of the worst pimps of Death that the World has ever known. »
At the beginning of this quick review, we mentioned the five stages that the Jew goes through in the countries where he settles.
popular. But resistance (fourth stage) had already been manifesting itself for a long time. As early as 1921, Georges Batault noted this in his book: “ The Jewish Problem ”
“The general rebirth of Anti-Semitism in the times we live in is a phenomenon that could be as stupid as it is vain to want to deny reality and gravity... “The attitude that many Jews are taking and which consists of attributing the age-old phenomenon of anti-Semitism solely to the basest feelings and the crassest ignorance is absolutely untenable. It is completely childish to perpetually want to oppose the good Jewish sheep, all bleating and talking in devout gentleness, to the wicked non-Jewish wolf, thirsty for blood and howling with fierce jealousy. We really need to renounce this philosophy of history as epinal images, as well as the process which consists of calling only those who risk dealing with the Jewish problem in a spirit which is not "pogromists". It is not that of delusional apologia. » The Jews defend themselves, found leagues against anti-Semitism, publish leaflets, newspapers, multiply instructions to the press, on the radio, in the cinema, pass laws against anti-Semites, bring lawsuits, in short, lead a read to the death against their adversaries. But more and more men of courage, more and more resolute, are making themselves heard. They have had enough. And we see important magazines like the Revue des Deux-Mondes worrying about the mysterious action of the Jewish International. It is curious to re-read today the article published on March 15, 1934 by this almost obnoxious organ:
“More and more, we have the impression that what we see on the front stage is only . puppet game whose threads remain hidden from us. Is a ministry trying to form itself? It will or will not be depending on whether an occult power has decided. We, however, endure it, dismayed and helpless spectators.
“This impression of mystery which weighs on us, this sensation of shady things and tortuous combinations being hatched in the shadows, is what makes the current atmosphere so heavy and so painful. May the Ministry of National Unity and Devotion to the Country free us! Like the ancient historian on the threshold of a restorative era, we will breathe a sigh of deliverance. “ Tum demum respirare coepimus. » Then we started to breathe. » But as Léon de Poncins says in his admirable book: The Mysterious International (16)
“Deploring this state of affairs is of no use; it is necessary to point it out loud to public attention, then coldly take stock of the adversary and act accordingly. There is in the success of such a policy of suppression an element of real power, but there is also an element of blu, blu which succeeds due to the apathy of the parties of order. The press organs, associations and politicians who are supposed to defend our ideas and who obey the instructions of silence imposed by (15). Plon Bookstore. (16). Beauchesne Bookstore.
our adversaries are traitors or incapable; We should not be shy about telling them face to face, and letting ; them know our opinion unequivocally. If we know how to speak loudly enough, it will quickly force them to
rethink most of the press organs, in particular, are guided by the concern for their commercial interests much more than by pure ideas; the day the pressure from their readers is strong enough to counterbalance the financial or political influence of the forces of suppression, they will speak; some of them started doing so since February 6. There is a core of individuals, journals and organizations which, often without support and with scant resources, have nevertheless succeeded despite fierce opposition from adversaries and amid the general indifference of supporters to say or print essential things about the secret forces of global disorder. The events following the February drama showed that their work was finally beginning to bear fruit. It would take little
now for these once isolated voices to sweep away the mass of public opinion like an irresistible torrent. Whoever we are, we can all act through propaganda around us, on our loved ones, on our newspapers, on our organizations, on our politicians, to force them to break this leaden blanket of silence which has masked the work for too long. destroyer of the secret forces of the revolution, forces which lose most of their power the day they are unmasked. »
This call does not go unanswered. Because as Georges Saint-Bonnet notes in “ The Jew or the International of Parasitism”, the Jews have gone beyond measure. Addressing them, the spiritual writer declares: "...Seeing you so intelligent, seeing you succeed so well, you concluded that you were the overseers of the divine will. Nothing could stop you in your momentum of conquest. And.
...At the Aryan, one can play many tricks with impunity. We can strip it, roll it, chew it. But there is a limit that must not be crossed. He who will not be angry for an empire will be angry for an era. He will see red then. And he will administer to you a punishment that you will remember for a century. »
For his part, a Catholic writer the Marquis de la Tour du Pin in “ Towards a Christian Social Order (17) showed that only a solid framework had defended France in the past against the abuses of the Jews: “The Christian city, let us hasten to say, did not only oppose Jewish rapacity with repression; Above all, it opposed its strong economic constitution through the corporate organization of work and the feudal organization of property. By the first, it prevented labor from being exploited and its fruits captured by foreign capital; by the second, it prevented the ground from being lacking under the feet of its inhabitants and the shelter over their heads. Under this paternal form, as under the fraternal form of the commune or corporation, the spirit of association was so lively in the Christian city that it could, in good times, largely tolerate the usurious arts among the Jews, without allow herself to be invaded by it. Just as a strong and armed man can live in the vicinity of an enemy without being molested, if he is both feared and respected, so the Christian city could live for centuries in contact with the Jewish city without smiling too much. »
And the author firmly concluded: The first condition of our emancipation is to return to the system of our Fathers in these three other points: a) Treat Jews only as foreigners, and dangerous foreigners. b) Recognize and abjure all the philosophical, political and economic errors with which they have poisoned us. c) Reconstitute in the economic order, as in the political order, the organs of our own life, which made us independent of them and masters of our own home. »
(17). Beauchesne Bookstore.
These energetic measures have just been taken by the Government of Marshal Pétain. But as we said at the beginning of this presentation, the people of France are so under the control of Israel that they do not realize their degree of degradation and submission. It is the task of those who are more enlightened to make the masses understand the harmful role of the Jew, to show them that he is not a victim, but a culprit justly punished. It is to them that the duty falls to protect the race, to restore it to its original purity, to restore to a people debased by a century of Jewry the sense of its dignity and its greatness. , must preserve his racial composition, not because he “ A people,” writes René Gontier (18) considers it superior, but because it is dear to him and he owes the essential traits of his personality to it. »
These preservation and protection measures must be extremely energetic, otherwise from which, the French ethnic group will sink, as Céline says in her green language: “Races do not create themselves, do not defend themselves
they are deep inside every man
me pending, in “becoming” at the bottom of each species. That's all. To last, to survive, they require a permanent, stoic effort from each living being, to overcome disappearance and death. They are “becoming”, always in danger, always threatened. The Aryans still have, perhaps, some possibilities of “fulfilling themselves” by purifying their race, of denigrating themselves, of dejudaizing themselves, it is only time! if they are too cowardly, too vile, too lazy... they will disappear ignominiously
ment. Other races will come, yellow no doubt, who will sweep them away, who will throw them back into the sea. France Empire of Sunset. The French negroids will not go away without pain. They will die through servitude, through wars, revolutions, by mutual, endemic, ritual, dazed killings, transformed into infernal, irresistible manias. “To be or not to be” Aryan? at is the question! And nothing else! All the doctrines of the inexistence of Races, of the greatest racial confusionism, all the apostolisms of the racial hodgepodge at all costs, the asshole Esperantism, "à la Romain Rolland", to the greatest copulatory Babelism, do not are just so many virulent destructive bullshit, all coming from the same Talmudic shop: “To the destruction of the Whites. » The Aryan must extricate himself from his disgusting miscegenation or disappear and not in a cushy way, quite simply, gently, kindly... No... The hereditary mosaic of the bastardized European hybrid contains enough absurd ferments, inclusions anarchic, of imminent dementia, to disconcert twenty hells, to fatten all the surgeons of the world. The famous humanitarian dream of the Jew is a Pandemonium of all the dissolved nations, a fantastic bouillabaisse of rotten, aoleous races, lost in grotesque caroms, always confused in a perpetual furious catastrophe.
No more race! nothing ! more than Jewish prostitutes, in all latitudes, bewildered, consenting to all escapades.
In short, the creation of a gigantic global cancer, made up of all our meats, for the enjoyment, the revenge, the predominance of the Jew. He, the bastard, the most repugnant hybrid in the world would, by dint of dirtying us, take on a little integral, authentic, precious look in comparison. In the kingdom of the “collapsed in shit” the twisted are kings.
We will not add anything to this warning: it is the conclusion, the only possible conclusion of this anthology.
(18). Towards French Racism (Éditions Denoël).
BOOKS TO READ AND CONSULT L.-F. Celine. Trifles for a Massacre. Corpse School. Jean Drault. Drumont, Jewish France and Free Speech. Edouard Drumont. Jewish France (2 vols.). The Testament of an Anti-Semite. Count of Gobineau. Essay on the Inequality of Human Races. René Gontier. Towards French Racism. Roger Lambelin. The Reign of Israel among the Anglo-Saxons. Israel's Victories. Léon de Poncins. The Secret Forces of the Revolution. The Mysterious Jewish International. Dr Montandon. The Race, the Races. The Ançaise Ethnicity.
Georges Saint-Bonnet. The Jew or the international of parasitism. J. & J. Tharaud. When Israel is King. Henri de Vries de Heekelingen.
Israel, its past, its future.
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