Hispanic manuscripts and printed books in the Barberini collection [Vol. 1] 8821005003, 9788821005008

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Hispanic manuscripts and printed books in the Barberini collection [Vol. 1]
 8821005003, 9788821005008

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153. Prete, S. 11Il Cedice Codice Bembino Bembino di di Terenzio. Terenzio. Prete, S. 1950. 110, 55 tav. tav. 1950. pp. pp. 110, 154. Mercati, G. Il Il frammento frammento Maffeiano Maffeiano di di NeNeMercati, G. storio la catena catena dei dei Salmi Salmi d'ende d'onde fu fu tratti. tratto. atiriσ ee la 1950. vili, 40. 40. 1950. pp. pp. vilI, 155. Blum, R. La La biblioteca biblioteca della della Badia Badia FlorenFiorenBlur, R. tina ee ii codici codici didi Antonio Antonio Corbinelli. Corbinelli. 1951. 1951. tina pp. XII, xii, 190. 190. pp. 156. Gian, V. Un Un illustre illustre rnmzio nunzio pontificio pontificio dei del Cian, Ν. Rinascimento: Baldassar Castiglione. Castiglione. 1951. 1951. Rinascimento: Baldassar pp. XI, 340. 340. pp. XI, 157. Mercati, A. Dall Dall'Archivio Vaticano... 1951. MercatI, Α. ΑιchΙviο Vaticano ... 1951. pp. vi, 119. 119. pp. VI, 158. Mercati, G. Alla Alla ricerca ricerca dei dei nomi nomi degli degli s« al-. alMercati. G. tri traduttori nelle nelle Omilie Omilie sui sui Salmi Salmi di di s.s. tri s» traduttori Giovanni Crisostomo ee variazioni variazioni su su alcune alcune Giovanni Crisσstomo catene dei del Salterio. Salterio. 1952. 1952. pp. Vili, 248, 248, 10 10 tav. tav. pp. viii, catene 159. Rossi, E. Il « Kitab-i Dede Qorqut»; racconti Rossi, Ε. 11 s Kitab -i Dede Qorqut ; racconti epico-cavallereschi dei turchi turchi Oguz Oguz tradotti tradotti epico-cavallereschi dei annotati con con s« facsimile facsimile »s del del ms. Vat. turco turco ms. Vat. ee annotati 102. 1952. pp. 2, [364]. 102. 1952. pp. 2 [364]. 160. Pertusi, A. Costantino Costantino Porlirogenito: Porfirogenito : De De Ρ ertυsi A. thematibus. 1952. 1952. pp. pp. XV, xv, 2Ι0 210, 33 tav. tav. thematibus. 161. Rationes decimarum Italiae. Umbria, Umbria, aa -um Italiae. Rationes decimas cura di P. P. Sella. Sella. I.I. Testo. Testo. 1952. 1952. pp. pp. [4], 916. cura di [4], 916. 162 - -. Π. Indice. Carta. geogr. delle diocesi. 1952. 204. 1952. pp. pp. 204. 163. Monneret de Villard, Villard, U. U. Le Le leggende leggende orienorienMonneret de tali sui Magi Magi evangelici. evangelici. 1952. 1952. pp. pp. 262. 262. tali sui 164. Mercati, G., card. card. Note Note per per lala storia storia di di aialMercati, G., cune biblioteche romane romane nei nei secoli secoli xvi-xix. xvi-xix. cune biblioteche 1952. [5], 190, 190, 99 tav. tav. 1952. pp. pp. [5], 165. Miscellanea archivistica Angelo Angelo Mercati. Mercati. Miscellanea archivistica 1952. xxvii, 462, 462, ant. ant. (rit.), (ritr.), 10 10 tav. tav. 1952. pp. pp. xxvii, 166-169. Rouët de de Journei. Journel, Μ. M. J. J. Nonciatures Nonciatures 166-169. Ringt de Russie d'aprls d'après les les documents documents authentiauthentide Russie ques. 1922-52. vol. vol. 4. 4. ques. 1922-52. 170. Maier, A. Cσ Codices Burghesiani Bibliothecae Bibliothecae Maier. Α. dices Burghesiani Vaticanae. 1952. pp. pp. vi!, vil, 496. 496. Vaticanae. 1952. 171. Franchi de* Cavalieri, P. Constantiniana. FranchI de' Cavalieri, Ρ. Constantiniana. 1953. pp. 207, [1]. [1]. 1953. pp. 207, 172. Graf, G. Geschichte Geschichte der der christlichen christlichen araaraGraf. G. bischen Literatur. Literatur. V. V. Bd. Bd. Register. Register. 1953. 1953. bischen pp. 1, 196. pp. 1, 196. 173. Honigmann, E. Patristic Patristic Studies. Studies. 1953. 1953. pp. pp. Honigmann, Ε. vu, 255. VII, 255. 174. Rossi, E. Elenco Elenco dei dei manoscritti manoscritti turchi turchi della della Rossi, Ε. Biblioteca Vaticana. 1953. 1953. pp. pp. XXII, xxil, 416. 416. Biblioteca Vaticana. 175. Franchi de' Cavalieri, Cavalieri, Ρ. P. Note Note agiograll agiografi-FranchI de' che. Fascicolo Fascicolo 9.9. 1953. 1953. pp. pp. [5], [5], 253. 253. che. 176. The Haran Gawaita Gawaita and and The The Baptism Baptism of of The Haran Hibil-Ziwa and commencommenHibil-Ziwa ... ... translation, translation, notes notes and tary by by Ε. E. S. S. Drower. Drower. 1953. 1953. pp. pp. xI, xi, 96. 96. Facs. Facs. tary 177. Andreu, F. Le Le lettere lettere di di s.s. Gaetano Gaetano da Andreu, F. Thiene. da Thiene. 1954. pp. xxxiv, 144, 3 tav. 1954. pp. xxxIv, 144, 3 tav. 178. Mercati, A. II costituti costituti di di Niccolb Niccolò Franco Franco Mercati, A. (1568-1570) dinanzi l'Inquisizione l'Inquisizione didi Roma, Roma, (1568-1570) dinanzi esistenti nell'Archivio Segreto Segreto Vaticano. Vaticano. 1955. 1955. esistenti nell'Archivio pp. [2], 242. [2], 242. pp. 179. Patzes, M. Κρ Kqltou too Πατζ IlaT^ìi~~Τιπσ~κειτσς. TiJtoijîteiToç. tτοfi TOO Patzes, M. Librorum LX LX Basmcorum Basilicorum aunimarium. summarium. Libros Libros Librorum XXXIX-XLVIII edid. edid. St. St. IIoermami Hoermann et et Ε. E. XXXIX-XLVIXI Seidl. 1955. ρρ. pp. xxiv, 287. Seidl. 1955. xxIv, 287. 180. Baur, C. Initia InitiaPatrum Patrumgraecorum. graecorum. Vol. Vol. I.I. Baur, C. A-A. 1955. 1955. ρρ. pp. cxm [2], 661. 661. cxiii [2], -- A-A. 181 - - Vol. II. Μ -52. 1955. . pp. XLVI, 720. 182. Gullotta, G. Gli Gli antichi antichi cataloghi cataloghi ee ii codici codici Gullotta, G. della abbazia di di Nonantola. Nonantola. 1955. 1955. pp. pp. della abbazia xxviii, 539. xxvIii, 539.

182-bis. Ruysschaert, J.J. Lea Les manuscrita manuscrits de de l'abbaye l'abbaye 182-bis. Ruysschaert, de Nonantola. 1955. 1955. pp. pp. 76. 76. de Nonantoia. 183. Devreesse, R. Les Les manuscrits manuscrits grecs grecs de de lIta l'Ita-Devreesse, R. lie méridionale. 1955. 1955. pp. pp. 67, 67, 11 tav. tav. lie mYridionale. 184. Biedl, A. Zur ZurTextgeschichte Textgeschichte dea des Laertios Laertios Bled', Α. Diogenes. Das Groase Grosse Exzerpt Exzerpt φ. (J). 1955. 1955. pp. pp. Diogenes. Das 132, ill. 132, ill. 185. Tarchnisvili, M. Geschichte der kirchlichen Tarchnlsvili, M. Geschichte der kirchlichen georgischen Literatur. Literatur. 1955. 1955. pp. pp. 540. 540. georgiachen 186. Loenertz, R. J.J. Ddιτ~triυs Démétrius Cydοna, Cydonès, CorCorLoenertz, R. respondance. Vol. II... 1956. pp. XVI, 220. 220. respondance. Vol. ... 1956. pp. XVI, 187. Bidawid, R. J.J. Les lettres du du patriarche patriarche Bidawid, R. Lea lettres nestorien Timothée Ier. 1er. Etude Etude critique... critique... nestorien TimothYe 1956. pp. pp. xiii, xiii, 132 132 [48]. [48]. 1956. 188. Aly, W. De De Strabonis Strabonis codice codice rescripto, rescripto, cuiva cuius Aly, W. reliquiae in codicibus codicibus Vaticanis Vaticanis Vat. Vat. gr. gr. 2306 2306 reliquiae in et 2061 2061 A A aervatae servatae sunt. sunt. Corollarium Corollarium adiecit adiecit et Fr. Sbordone... Sbordone... 1956. 1956. pp. pp. xiv, xiv, 285, 285, 36 36 tav. tav. Fr. 189. Pásztor, L. -- Pirri, Pirri, Ρ. P. L'Archivio L'Archivio dei dei Go. GoPUsztor, L. verni provvisori di Bologna e delle Provincie verni provvisori di Bologna e delle Provincie Unite del 1831 1831 ... ... 1956. 1956. pp. pp. lxxx, LXXX, 635. 635. Unite del 190. Santifaller, L. Quellen Quellen und und Forschungen Forschungen zum zum Santifaller, L. Urkundenund Kanzleiweaen Kanzleiwesen Papst Papst Gregors Gregors Urkunden- und VII. I. Teil... Teil... 1957. 1957. pp. pp. xxiI, XXVI, 479, 479, 25 25 tav. tav. VII. I. 191. Incisa della Rocchetta, Rocchetta, G. G. -- Vian, Vian, N. N. Il II Incisa della primo processo per S. Filippo Neri. Vol. I. processo primoIndice. per geogr. S. Filippo Neri. Vol. I. II. Carta diocesi. Testimonianze dell'inchiestadelle romana: 1595... Testimonianze dell'inchiesta romana: 1595... 1957. pp. xxvil, 419. 419. 1957. pp. xxvii, 192. Van Lantschoot, Α. A. Les Les «s Questions de Van Lantschoot, Questions de Théodore »... 1957. VIII, 303. 303. Τh ο dore s... 1957. pp. pp. viii, 193. Patzes, M. Κριτο~~ KqitoO τοO tov ΠαIlcrd;-^ TucoûweiTOç. Patzes, Μ. uτο~κε ~τσς. ct~~Τ Librorum LX Libros Librorum LX Basilicorum Basilicorum Summarium. Summarium. Libros XLIX-LX edid. St. St. Hoermann Hoermann et et Ε. E. Seidl... XLIX -LX edid. Seidl... 1957. XII, 351. 351. 1957. pp. pp. xii, 194. Rouët de Journel, Journel, M. M. J.J. Nonciatures Nonciatures de de Rου8t de Russie. Vol. 1: V: Interim Interim de de Benvenuti, Benvenuti, 17991799Russie. Vol. 1803... 1957. pp. pp. XL, XL, 471. 471. 1803... 1957. 195. Petrarca, F. Ii Il «s De otioο religioso religioso »... cura Petrarca, F. s... aa cura De ou di G. G. Rotondi... Rotondi... 1958. 1958. pp. pp. xv, xv, 113. 113. di 196. Incisa della Rocchetta, Rocchetta, G. G. -- Vlan, Vian, Ν. N. Il Il Incisa della primo processo per per s.s. Filippo Filippo Neri. Neri. Vol. Vol. II. II. primo processo Testimonianze dell'inchiesta dell'inchiesta romana: romana: 15961596Testimonianze 1609. xvi, 365. 366. 1609. 1958. 1958. pp. pp. Xvi, 197. Pratesi, A. Carte Carte latine latine di di abbazie abbazie calabresi calabresi Pratesi, Α. provenienti dall'Archivio Aldobrandini... 1958. provenienti dall'Archivio Aldobrandini... 1958. pp. LV, 585. LV, 585. pp. 198. Cerulli, E. Scritti Scritti teologici teologici etiopici etiopici dei dei sec. sec. Cerulli, Ε. xvi-xvii. Vol. Vol. I.I. Tre Treopuscoli opuscoli dei dei Mikaeliti... Mikaeliti... XVI-XVII. 1958. 331. 1958. pp. pp. xxii, xxiI, 331. 199. Ressuli, N. Il Il s« Messale Giovanni BuBuRessull, N. Messale e» di di Giovanni zuku. Riproduzione Riproduzione ee trascrizione... trascrizione... 1958. 1958. zuku. pp. XIX, 407. XIX, 407. pp. 200. Tavole e indici indici generali generali dei dei volumi volumi 101101Tavole e 200 e Testi Testi b... »... 1959. 1959. pp. 155. 200 di di «4 Studi Studi e pp. 155. 201. Devreesse, R. Les Les anciens anciens comlnenteurs commenteurs greci greca Devreesse, R. de TOctateuque etet des des Rois... Rois... 1959. 1959. pp. pp. xv, xv, de i'Octateuque 208, m. 208, ill. 202. Llorens, J. M. M. Capsllae Capellae Sixtinae Sixtinae ccodices Llorona, J. σ dices musicis notisinatructi instructi sisive manuscripti sive sive musicis fitis Ιe mariuscripti praelo excusai... excussi... 1960. 1960, pp. pp. xxii, xxn, 555, 555, tav. tav. praelo 203. Manzini, L. M. M. Ii Il cardinale cardinale Luigi Luigi Lambru. LambruManzinl, L. schini. 1960... pp. XXVIII, 686. schini. 1960... pp. xxviii, 686. 204. Cerulli, E. Scritti Scritti teologici teologici etiopici etiopici dei dei sec. sec. Cerulli, Ε. XVI-XVII. Vol. II. La storia storia dei dei Quattro Quattro ConConXVI-XVII. Vol. II. La cili edaltri altriopuscoli opuscolimonoflaiti... monofisiti... 1960. 1960. pp. pp. ciii ed XX, Μ{, 246. 246. 205. Vol. Incisa della Rocchetta, G. Vian, N. Il Il Incisa della Rocchetta, -- Vlan, N. M-ÍL 1955. pp.G. XLVI, 720.Vol. primo processo per s. Filippo Filippo Neri. Vol. III. III. primo II. processo per s. Neri. Testimonianze dell'inchiesta romana: romana: 1610. 1610. Testimonianze dell'inchiesta Testimonianze Urbem»:5: 1595-1599.,. 1595-1599... Testimonianze ««extra extra Urbem 1960. XVI, 458. 458. 1960. pp. pp. xvI,

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PREFACE The library of of Cardinal Cardinal Francesco Francesco Barberini Barberini (1597-1679), (1597-1679), nephew nephew The of Pope Urban VIII, VIII, developed developed into one one of of the the richest richest and andmost mostsubsubof Pope stantial of of the thegreat greatcollections collections assembled assembled by by European European magnates magnates stantial during the seventeenth century. Now housed housed in the the Vatican Vatican Library, Library, during the seventeenth century. Now it contains contains approximately approximately 50,000 50,000 books books printed printed before before 1700, 1700, and and over over 10,000 cσdices. codices. Scholars Scholars were were welcomed to the the library libraryfrom fromits itsinception, inception, accessibihty diminished dechne of of the the family familyfortunes fortunes though accessibi]ity diminished with with the decline beginning in Among early early notable notable investigators investigators beginning in the the eighteenth century. Among such as Lucas Lucas Holstein Holstein and and Leone Leone Allacci Allacci was was the the great great Spanish Spanish such bibhographer Nicolás Antonio. Several times in both the Bibliotheca bibliographer ΝicoΙ~s Antonio. Several times in both the BiblioYheca Vetus and and the the Nova Antonio collection and its Antonio praises praises the the collection and its Hispana Veins founder. But But after after this thisearly earlyinterest, interest,the the Hispanicholdings holdingswere were founder. Hispanic neglected. With With the theexception exception of ofLorenzo Lorenzo Ηerνιs Hervás y y Panduro Panduro at at the the neglected. end of the the eighteenth eighteenth century, century, no no Spanish Spanish bibliographer bibliographer of of the the last last end two hundred years years has has concerned concerned himself himself with the the collection collection as as such. such. two Only within last few few decades, decades, with with the thematerial materialmore moreaccessible accessible Only within the last in the Vatican Vatican Library, Library, have have aa few few of of the the major major Spanish Spanish texts texts been been in the investigated. The bulk bulkof of the thecollection collection remains remains unstudied unstudied and and ignored. ignored. investigated. The Yet the Hispanic Hispanic part part of of the thelibrary, library,though thoughsmall smallin incomparison comparison with with whole, contains contains a wealth wealth of of unknown unknown or or rare rare material. material. the whole, The present present two-volume two-volume catalogue cataloguedescribes describes about about 2100 2100 printed The books pamphlets and and 220 codices, which considerably which contain aa considerably books and pamphlets 220 codices, larger Much of of the the material material is is cited cited larger number number of of individual individual manuscripts. manuscripts. Much in print for for the the first first time time here. here. The Theworks workslisted listed are areby bySpanish, Spanish, PorPorand Ibero Ibero-American José tuguese and —Americanauthors. authors. Following Following the the example of Jos Simón Diaz, Díaz, ΙI cite cite books books in in Latin Latinand andother othernon-Hispanic non-Hispaniclanguages languages Sim~n only if their authors authors have vernacular. Works Works on on only if their have also also written written in in the the vernacular. Spanish topics non-Spaniards are The printed printedbooks books Spanish topics by by non-Spaniards are excluded. excluded. The are cited by short title, title, so so ΙI have have made made every every effort effort to refer refer the the reader reader bibhographies where books are are described described and and commented commented on on to bibliographies where the the books detail. ΙI have have given given aa more more complete complete account account of of the the manuscripts, manuscripts, in detail. since most not been been studied studiedelsewhere. elsewhere. Three Three indices indices to the the manmansince most have not uscripts are appended: first-fine indices to the drama and poetry uscripts are appended: first-line indices to the drama and poetry respectively, and author-title index. index. respectively, and an author-title consists of nature The introduction consists of aa brief brief sketch sketch of of the the history and nature

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Preface Preface

of the Barberini Barberini Collection, Collection, with special special consideration consideration given the of given to the Hispanic Among the topics topics covered covered are are the thebiography biographyofof Hispanic holdings. holdings. Among founder, his his preferences preferences in in acquisition acquisition of ofthe theholdings, holdings,their their provthe founder, enance and and present present interest. interest. ΝicοΙ~s Nicolás Antonio's Antonio's use of the library is is use of library catalogues of it are cited. The Theintroduction introduction noted, and other studies and catalogues concludes with in in formation formation on onthe thespecific specificmakeup makeupofofthis thiscatalogue, catalogue, concludes lists of of reference reference works works and andabbreviations. abbreviations. and lists Modern two goals goals the thelocation, location, Modern Hispanic Hispanic bibliography bibliographyhas has as as its two description and organization of manuscripts and printed books, books, as as description and organization of manuscripts and printed well as cataloguing of the world's world's book my hope hope well as the catalo guing of book resources. resources. It isis my this catalo catalogue of an an important importantcollection collection ofoflittle littleknown known Hispanthat this gu e of will prove prove to to be be aauseful usefulcontribution contribution toward towardachieving achieving both both istica win of goals. of these goals. express my appreciation appreciation to to the theNational NationalEndowment Endowment ΤI would like to express for the Humanities Humanities for the the opportunity opportunity to topursue pursueresearch research at atthe theVatVatfor ican Library during during the the academic academic year year 1972-73, 1972-73, supported by aaFellowFellowship Younger Humanists. Humanists. The TheResearch ResearchCouncil Council of of the theGraduate Graduate ship for Younger School, University of Missouri-Columbia generously provided a summer School, University of Missouri—Columbia generously provided a summer fellowship and and two twotravel travelgrants grantswhich whichmade madefurther furtherinvestigation investigation fetlowsbip in Europe Europe possible' possible. The TheAmerican AmericanAcademy Academyin inRome Romekindly kindly accepted accepted me guest during during two two of of my my visits. visits. me as a guest My first first encounter encounter with subject matter matter was was at atthe theKnights Knights with the subject ly of Columbus Vatican St. Louis Louis University, University, St. St. Louis, Louis, of Columbus Vatican Film Film Library Library at St. am most most grateful grateful to to the thelibrarians librarians there, there, particularly particularly ProProMissouri. ΙI am fessor John John Daley, Daley, S.J. S.J.,, who who introduced introduced me me to to the theriches riches of of the theVatVatican Collections. Collections. My My further furtherindebtedness indebtedness is is owed owed to to R.Π. R.P, Alfonso Alfonso M. Stickler, Stickler, Prefect of the the Vatican Vatican Library, Library, and andtotoMonsignor Monsignor Jοs José M. Prefect of Vice-Prefect. Both Bothmen menencouraged encouragedmy myinvestigations investigations Ruysschaert, Vice-Prefect. and made many many helpful helpful suggestions suggestions regarding of the the book. book. regarding the format of Professors Agostino Borromeo, Borromeo, Daniel Daniel Guistad Gulstad and and Charles Charles lauert Nauert Prof es sors Agostino read parts of of the the text text and andwere were most most generous generous with with their their help. help. Others Others whom the the work work owes owes improvement improvement are areProfessor Professor Jοsé José Luis Gotor, Gotor, to whom D'Amico, and and Catherine Catherine Swietlicki. Barbara BarbaraBlunt Blunt typed typed an an early early John D'Amico, draft without without complaint. complaint. My Mygreatest greatestappreciation appreciation goes goes to tomy mywife wife Barbara, who who typed typed much much of of the thefinal finaldraft, draft,and andwhose whoseencouragement encouragement sustained me the long long course course of of this thisendeavor. endeavor. sustained me during the

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INTRODUCTION History HISTORY Library was was the the pride prideof ofseventeenth-century seventeenth-centuryRome, Rome, The Barberini Library and aa marvel marvel to toforeigners. foreigners. InstaLled Installed in inmagniikent magnificentsurroundings surroundings on on the top ifloor of the the Barberini Barberini Palace, Palace, on on the the Quirinal Quirinal Hill, Hill, it it evoked evoked the οοr of admiration from the the contemporaries contemporaries of of its itsfounder, founder, Cardinal CardinalFrancesco Francesco By1679, 1679, the the year year of of Barberini's Barberini's death, death, Giovanni Giovanni Domenico Domenico Barberini. By Musanti could this library: library: "si "siVaticanam Vaticanamexcipimus, excipimus, nullam nullam Musanti could say say of this habet illustriorem illustriorem Italia, vix unam unam aut aut alterar alteram praestantiorem praestantiorem EuEuΙta1a, vix ropa." Ι1 Spain's Spain'sown owngreat greatbibliographer bibliographer Nicolás Antonio never never ceased ceased Νicols Antonio to extol extol the the collection collection with with such such superlatives superlatives as as ainplissima, amplissima, setectisselectis2 sima and and celeberrima. celeberrima. 2 Later Laterbibliographers bibliographers such such as as Montfaucon Montfaucon conconcurred. The Barberini Barberini family family maintained maintained the the library library for for two twocenturies centuries following of Francesco Francesco and the the decline dechne of of the thefamily's family'sforforfollowingthe the death death of tune, supporting librarians librarians and allowing public public access access on limited tune, supporting and allowing on aa limited waslittle littleused, used,especially especiallyby byforeigners, foreigners, and andwas wasfinally finally acquired acquired basis. ItItwas by Pope Pope Leo Leo XIII in 1902. former setting setting is is evoked evoked for the Vatican by 1902. Its former the Sala Sala Barberini Barberini of of the the Vatican Vatican Library, Library, where where a portion portion of of the the by the Barberini Collection Collection isis stored on original original shelving shelving from from the thepalace. palace. Barberird stored on The library that that entered entered the theVatican Vaticancontained containedalmost almosti1,000 11,000 The library codices and some 36,000 36,000 volumes books, volumes volumes containing containing codices and some volumes of of printed books, perhaps 50,000 This body body of of material material perhaps 50,000 separately separatelypublished publisheditems. items. Tbis was essentially essentially unchanged known to toCardinal CardinalFrancesco Francesco was unchanged from from that known 1Ι Giovanni Domenico In juisere funere eminentissimi eminentissimi el et reveresutissimi reverendissimi Doiuiico Musanti, Gιονλννι Μυsλντχ, lis principisFrancisci Francisci Cardiisalis Cardinalis Barberini..., Barberini..., oratio oratio (Pisauri, (Pisauri, ex typographia typographia fratrum fratrum ρυinci'is Gottis, 1680), 1680), p. 8. 8. de Gottis, 22 Nicolás Αντοντo, Antonio, Bibliotheca his hispana nova (Matriti, (Matriti, apud apud Joachimum Joachimum licous pana nova Ibarra, 1783-88), 1783-88), I, xiv; xiv; Bibliotheca vetus (Matriti, (Matriti, apud apud viduam viduam et et de Ibarra, Bibliothecahispana hisanιz velus heredes d. d. Ioachimi loachimi Ibarrae, Ibarrae, 1788), 1788), I,I, 510. 510.

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Introduction Introduction


although minor minor ad~tiοns additions had had been been made made since since 1679, 1679, and and Barberini, although some So to aa large large extent extent the the coflection collection reflects reflects some losses losseshad hadoccurred. occurred. So the interests, interests, tastes, and and position position of of its its founder. founder. The Thefollowing following biobiographical sketch of Cardinal Barberini may be helpful, therefore, to may be helpful, therefore, to graphical of Cardinal Barberini explain the nature of of the theholdings. holdings. explain the nature Barberini was born in in Florence Florence on onSeptember September23, 23,1597. 1597. 3 Francesco Barberini strong inclination inchnation toward towardscholarship, scholarship, he hespecialized specialized in inlaw, law, With aa strong philosophy and literature at the University of Pisa, graduating in philosophy and literature at the University of Pisa, graduating in 1623. In In the thesame same year, year, his his uncle uncle Maffeo Maffeo Barberini Barberini was was elected elected Pope, Pope, 1623. taking name Urban VIII. Urban, Urban,who whowas wastotobecome becomeinfamous infamous taking the name for his nepotism, proceeded to to lavish lavish honors honorsand andpositions positionson onhis hisnephew. nephew. Francesco the Cardinalate Cardinalate in 1624. 1624. Among Amongthe thebenefices benefices Francesco was was raised raised to the he received received were were those of governor governor of Tivoli Tivoli and and Ferma, Ferma, abbot abbot of of nunumerous monasteries such such as as Grottaferrata Grottaferrata and and Farfa, Farfa, archprieset archprieset of of menus monasteries Santa Maria Maggiore Maggiore (1629), Saint Peter's Peter's in inthe the Santa Maria (1629),and and archpriest archpriest of of Saint Vatican (1633). He He was was made made librarian librarian of of the the Vatican Vatican in in 1626, 1626, aa post post Vatican (1633). rehnquished to uncle Antonio Antonio in 1633. Other Other οflιces offices followed, followed, he relinquished to his his uncle in 1633. including Further including the the lucrative lucrative one one of of vice-chancellor vice-chancellorofofthe theVatican. Vatican. Further pensions positions as as Cardinal-protector Cardinal-protector of of Aragon Aragon and and pensions came came from from his positions of Portugal, and and of of the theCatholics Catholics in in England, England, Scotland, Scotland,and andSwitzerland. Switzerland. By 1630 his his annual annual income income was was between between 80,000 80,000 and and xoo,000 100,000 scudi scudi By 1630 and itit increased increased substantially substantially during during the thefollowing following fifteen fifteen years. years. 1625, Francesco Francesco went to France France as as legate legate a latere latere to to champion champion In 1625, the Pope's Pope's views views on the problem problem of of the the Valtemna. Valtellina. This Thiswas wasfollowed followed by a similar visit to Spain Spain in in 1626. 1626. He Hewas wasunsuccessful unsuccessful in in his his diplomatic diplomatic efforts, and France and and Spain Spainresolved resolved their theirdifferences differences with with little little efforts, and France regard for Urban's Urban's concerns. concerns. During During Francesco's Francesco's stay stay in in Madrid Madrid and and elsewhere magnificently. For For the thenext nexteighteen eighteen elsewhereinin Spain Spain he he was was fêted fêted magnificently. years the Cardinal Cardinal was Durwas active active as as the Vatican's Secretary of State. During period he he used used his his substantial substantial income income largely largely to foster foster the the ing this period arts. Apartfrom fromhis hisprincipal principalinterest interestininstrengthening strengthening his hislibrary, library, arts. Apart Francesco building of of the the Barberini Barberini Palace, Palace, Francesco was was responsible responsible for for the the building designed by Bernini and Borromini, and and for for the the restoration restorationof ofnumerous numerous Roman churches. He established estabhshed an an important important art artcollection, collection, part part Roman churches. He of the dramatic dramatic of which which isis still still on on display display at at the palace, and he supported the 3

The following following biographical drawn from from Dizionario Dizionario biograbiograbiographical information information is is drawn fico degli Roma, 1960, i960, VI, VI, 172-176. 172-176. and and J. Bignami ODIaR, Odier, La La biblibibli/lco degli italiani, Roma, J. BIGNAMI othèque Vaticane Vaticane de de Si,ste Sixte IV IV à~~Pie Pie XI [Studi ee Testi, Testi, 272), 272), Città Città dei del Vaticano, Vaticano, otheque XI (Studi 5973, 1973. 509. 109-

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History of of the the Barberini Barberini library library History

11 11

arts arid and public public festivals. festivals. He Hesent sentLucas LucasHolstein Holsteinall allover overEurope, Europe, only to to collect collect books books but but to toestablish establish relationships relationships with with notable notable not only humanists and Many of of these these were were his his guests guests during during their their humanists and literati. literati. Many Barclay, Naud€, Naudé, Vossius Vossius and and Milton Milton enjoyed enjoyed visits to Rome; men such as Barclay, his hospitality. hospitality. His His interests interests extended extended to to science; science; he he had had aabotanical botanical his garden naturalhistory historymuseum. museum. garden and and aa natural With death of of Urban UrbanVIII VIIIinin1644, 1644,Francesco's Francesco'sposition, position,like like With the death those brothers Antonio Antonio and and Taddeo, Taddeo, deteriorated deteriorated rapidly. Inthose of his brothers rapidly. Investigations ordered by Pope Innocent X into the finances of the vestigations ordered Pope Innocent Χ into the finances of the Barberinis He was was later later Barberiniscaused causedAntonio Antoniototoseek seekhaven havenininFrance. France. He followed, and 17th, 17th, 1646, 1646, by by Francesco Francesco and and Taddeo Taddeo followed, on on January 16th ι~th and and their children, children, whereupon whereupon their Franand their their goods goods were were impounded. impounded. Francesco of 1648, 1648, under under the the auspices auspices of of cesco returned returned from from exile exile in in February of Cardinal Jules Mazarin, and he succeeded in recuperating many of Cardinal Mazarin, and he succeeded in recuperating many of local benefices However, his foreign foreign rents, principally principally his local beneficesand and positions. positions. However, from Spain and and the the Spanish Spanish provinces, provinces, had had also also been beensequestered, sequestered, from Spain and their return proved proved to to be be difficult difficult to arrange. arrange. InIn1654 1654the thecardinal cardinal was forced to send Francesco Mancini to Madrid to handle the matter, was forced Francesco Mancini to Madrid to matter, and it was was not not until until some some years years later later that thatall allofofhis hisHispanic Hispanicpensions pensions were him. were restored restored to hiiii. After 1648, 1648, Barberini's Barberini's public public activity activity diminished diminished greatly greatly in incorncomparison with earher period Francesco was was thus thus parison with the the earlier period under under Urban Urban VIII. VIII. Francesco able to intensify intensify his his private private interests interestsas asMaecenas, Maecenas, as ascollector collector of ofbooks, books, art, coins coins and and medals, medals, etc., etc., and and as asscholar. scholar. Francesco Francescosponsored sponsored aa large number number of of writers, writers, who who gratefully gratefully dedicated dedicated their theirpublications publications large him. He Hehimself himselfpublished pubhshedaascholarly scholarlytranslation translationofofMarcus MarcusAureAureto him. 4 Finally,after aftera along longand and active life,Cardinal CardinalFrancesco FrancescoBarBarlius. 4 Finally, active life, berini died died in in Rome Rome on onDecember December ro, 10, 1679. 1679. Barberini Library Library was was primarily, primarily, but but not notentirely, entirely,molded molded The Barberini Francesco's interests. The original original core core was was the the private private library library by Francesco's interests. The Maffeo Barberini, Barberini, and and once once Maffeo Maffeo became hefavored favored of Maffeo becameUrban UrbanVIII, irri, he his Vatican for for the thedeposit depositof ofbooks books collection over over that that of the Vatican bis nephew's collection he received as presents. In addition, the library of Francesco's brother received as presents. In addition, the library of Francesco's brother Antonio, latter's Antonio, especially especiallyrich richin in French French books, books, was was added added after after the latter's 1671. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, the the library library bears bears the thestamp stampofofFrancesco. Francesco. death in 1671.

4 IΣ dodici dodici libri di di Marco MarcoAurelio AvrelioA,etoisino Antonino imperadore imper ador e De De se se stesso, stesso, ed ed aa se se stesso, communemente intitolati intitolati della della sua vita vita traslatati traslatati dal dal greco. greco. Cois Con varie lezioni lezioni stesso, communemsute de testi testi grece... grece... (Roma, (Roma, G. G. Dragondelli, Dragondelli, 1675). 1675).

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few records records survive survive which which would would allow allow us us to tofollow follow Unfortunately, few development of But the thenature natureofofthe theholdings holdingsperperthe development of the the collection. collection. But mits certain certain conclusions. conclusions. InInsome somefields—notably fields—notablyGreek Greekclassics classics and and vernacular literature—, literature—, Francesco Francesco spared spared no noeffort effortororexpense expense Italian vernacular acquire the the finest finest copies copies and and the themost mostcomplete completerepresentation representation posposto acquire sible. InIn other areas coverageisismore moreirregular. irregular. other areas thethe coverage The makeup makeup of Hispanic holdings holdings suggests this area area The of the Hispanic suggeststhat that in in this Francesco was concerned with working library library of ofreference reference Francesco was concerned with building a working tools him in his his position position as Secretary of The books books he he tools to to aid him as Secretary of State. State. The actively sought on contemporary contemporary history, history, politics politics and law, law, and and actively sought are are on on religious religious topics. There is is no no evidence evidence that thatthe theCardinal Cardinalbought bought on topics. There Spanish works or collectibility, collectibility, or or for for their their literary literary Spanish works for for their their rarity or value. Hispanic Hispanic incunabula incunabula are are few, few, and there there are are no no extremely extremely rare rare value. medieval manuscripts thekind kindthat that contemporarybibliophiles bibliophilessuch such medieval manuscripts of the contemporary as the the Count-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares Olivares were were zealously zealously acquiring. acquiring. Moreover, Moreover, as Francesco did take advantage advantage of of opportunities opportunities to tocorrespond correspond rereFrancesco did not not take such famous famous Spanish Spanish collectors collectors as the the Count-Duke Count-Duke garding books with such and Lorenzo Lorenzo Ramirez Ramírez de de Prado. Prado. Two Twovolumes volumes of of the the former's former's letters letters to him him contain contain almost almostno noreferences referencesto tobooks books(see (seeMss. Mss. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 859885988599).. And AndRamirez Ramírez de de Prado Prado received received no response response to his his request request of of 8599) 10th, 1643, 1643, for three three Spanish Spanish books books published published in in Rome Rome (see (see Barb. Barb, May xoth, 8480, ff. ff. 76-78 76-78 and and 8482, 8482, f. f. 25). 25). lat. 8480, was alive, alive, Francesco Francesco bought works in the Iberian Iberian While Urban Urban VIII VIII was officiais of Forexample, example, peninsula through officials ofthe the Vatican Vatican stationed stationed there. For 159-160 of Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 3158 3158 contain contain a "cat~Ιοgο "catálogo de de libros libros impresos impresos ff. 159-160 España aa 1639, 1639, 1640, 1640, 1641" 1641" sent sent to to the the Cardinal Cardinal by by the theNuncio Nuncio en Espafia Giacomo Panziroli. Panziroli. And Andf.f.14 14of of Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 8479 8479 is list of of Giovanni Giacomo is a list books published published in Spain in 1642 that that were were acquired acquired for for FranFransixty books in Spain in 1642 cesco by by the theNuncio. Nuncio. After After1644, 1644,Francesco Francesco continued continued to to buy buybooks books his own own agents, agents, including includingCarlo Carlo Pellegrini Pellegrini and and especially especially there through his Niccolò Ricci. Ricci. For ForRicci, Ricci,the theacquisition acquisitionofofbooks bookswas was aapriority; priority;he he ΝiccοΙ~~ often sought sought out rarer rarer and andearlier earlierbooks booksnot notspecifically specifically requested requested by by often Ricci's correspondence correspondence is references to books books (Barb. (Baxb. Francesco. mcci's is rich rich in references lat. 9850-9856). 9850-9856). The period covered is Most of the the books books is 1654 1654 to to 1663. 1663. Most that Ricci obtained are are still in the Ricci mentions mentions having having obtained the collection. collection. Some, Some, particularly those Presumably particularly those which which he he bought bought on on his his own, own, are are not. Presumably all of these, and Ricci Ricci must have have kept kept the Cardinal did not wish to buy ail of Ri Ricci's was cci's effort was them for himself himself or or resold resoldthem. them. The greater part of spent locating locating books some cases cases aa spent books requested requestedbyby Francesco. Francesco. In In some complicated and lengthy lengthy effort effort was was involved involved in in the acquisition complicated and acquisition of of aa

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History of the Barberini Barberini Library Library History


single Diego Aduarte's Aduarte's Historia single work, work, such as Diego HisYoria de la provincia del Sancto Rosario de la Orden de Predicadores en Philippinas, Philippinas, lapon, lapon, y y China Rosario de la Orden de Predicadores en (Manila, 1640). (Manila, 1640). Apart from from the the books books in infields fields for forwhich whichFrancesco Francesco showed showed prepreApart dilection, the collection collection aa heterogenous heterogenous miscellany miscellany of literary literary dilection, there is in the works (drama, poetry poetryand andfiction) fiction),, scientific scientific and and philosophical philosophical treatises, treatises, works (drama, books on cooking and tailoring, and so on. Probably most of these these books on cooking and tailoring, and so on. Probably most of works form of of gifts. gifts. Because BecauseofofFrancesco's Francesco's posiposiworks were were acquired acquired in in the form and his his reputation reputationas asaacollector, collector, tion, his special relationship with Spain, and was continually continually offered offered books, books, especially especially by authors. Francesco Francesco he was by authors. received printed books from Juan Bautista Valenzuela Velázquez, received printed books from Bautista Valenzuela VelYzquez, Gonzalo Ávila, Agostinho Agostinho Barbosa, Barbosa, and and Diego Diego Enrlquez Enriquez de de Villegas, Villegas, Gonzalo de de Avila, among Manuscripts in in the thecollection collection with with dedications dedications to to FranFranamong others. others. Manuscripts cesco include Baltasar Porrefio, Porreño, Vicente Vicente Slavazati, Slavazati, Francisco Francisco cesco include works works by Baltasar de Borja, Borja, and and Juan Juan Soria Soria y Quiñones. Presumably aa substantial substantial porporοnes. Presumably y Quii tion of the gifts were obtained during Francesco's visit to Spain in tun of the gifts were obtained during Francesco's visit to Spain in 1626 legate aa latere. latere. Sometimes Sometimesentire entirelibraries librarieswere wereoffered offered (and (and 1626 as as legate accepted?), as letter to tothe theCardinal Cardinalfrom fromLuis LuisLobo Lobo accepted?), as can can be be seen seen in in a letter de Ansueta (Madrid, (Madrid, August ioth, 10th, 1624) 1624):: "He ajuntado ajuntado una gran librelibrería; si Vuestra Señoría Illustrísima se querrá servir de toda, o parte, ria; si Vuestra Sefiorfa Illustrisima se qυerτ~~servir de toda, o parte, luego se se la la enνiar" enviaré" (Barb. (Barb. lat. lat. 9889, 9889, f. f. 39r). 39r). A source than than gifts gifts to toFrancesco Francesco Barberini Barberini himself Α more important source was those Urban, as as noted noted above, above, turned turned the the was those made madeto to Urban UrbanVIII. VIII. Urban, bulk of this this material material over over to to Francesco, Francesco, rather rather than thandepositing depositing ititinin bulk the Vatican Library. Library. Some Some manuscripts manuscripts dedicated dedicated to Urban Urban VIII VIII the Vatican are now now in in the the Barberini Barberini Collection Collection include: include: Gabriel Gabriel de de Corral's Corral's that are translation of poetry of of the the Pope, Pope, and and Manuel Manuel de de Fana Faria y y Sousa's Sousa's translation of the poetry coronación de de Ν N.S.P.S. Urbano VIII. VIII. The volumes dedicated dedicated to to La cοrοnaci~n .S. Π.S. Urbano The volumes previous popes also presumably presumably transferred transferred from from the the Vatican Vatican previous popes were were also Library. Several lists lists of of works works forwarded forwarded to to the the Barberini Barberini Library Library Library. Several Vatican are are in in Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 3157. 3157. For Forexample, example, the the manmanby agents of the Vatican uscript of Conversion de de Filipinas Filipinas y Japón uscript of Rodrigo RodrigoAganduru AganduruMoriz's linz's Cοnυersi~n ρ ~n y Ja los Augustinos Augustinos descalzos descalzos was was acquired acquired in in 1632, 1632, and and ininSeptember September de los of 1635 1635 one the manuscripts manuscripts of of Manuel Manuel de de Fana Faria y y Sousa's Sousa's La La corocoroof one of the nación de de N.S.P.S. N.S.P.S. Urbano Urbano VIII VIII was was transferred. Printedbooks booksalso also naci~n transferred. Printed ^ entered In1630 1630 the the Barberini Barberini librarian librarian obtained obtained ReΙaci~n Relación entered in in this this way. way. In w las fiestas fiestas que que Felipe Felipe IV hizo al al patronato patronato de de Santa Santa Teresa Teresa (Madrid, de las IV hizo 1627) de SSolórzano (Madrid, 1629). 1629). 1627) and and Juan de οl~rzanο Pereira's De indiarum jure (Madrid, In addition addition to to gifts gifts and and individual individual purchases, purchases, Cardinal Cardinal Antonio Antonio junior must musthave haveacquired acquiredbooks books in in bulk. bulk. A A substantial substantial numBarberini junior nur-

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Introduction Introduction


few of ofthe themanuscripts manuscriptsbear bearthe themomober of the printed printed books books and and aa few nogram « F. S. » of Fabrizio Sirleto, neplew of the Cardinal Guglielmo nogram « F. S. » of Fabrizio Sirleto, neplew Cardinal Guglielmo Sirleto. These These books books entred entred into into the theVatican VaticanLibrary Libraryinin1635 163565.. Also, Also, relatively large large number number of the manuscripts manuscripts are from from the the library libraryofof a relatively Royal Chronicler Chronicler Τοm~s Tomás Tamayo de Vargas, at the Royal Vargas, presumably bought at the time of his death. Printed books may also have come from this the time of his death. Printed books may also have come from this source, though collection bears bears Tamayo's Tamayo's name. name. source, though none none in in the collection short, though though the the collection collection has has strengths strengths in in certain certain areas areasofof In short, to Cardinal Cardinal Fiancexo Fiancexo Barberini such such as as religion religion and politics, pohtics, it interest to also has has breadth, breadth, with with at at least leastsome somerepresentation representation from from almost almost also every area area on onwhich which books books were were being being written. written. Gifts, Gifts, individual individual and and every bulk purchases, purchases, and the initiatives initiatives of of some some agents agents account account for for this this bulk and the variety, as as does does the theincorporation incorporationofofAntonio Antonio Barberini's Barberini's library. library. variety, Nicolás Antonio, Antonio, Spain's Spain's foremost foremost bibliographer, bibliographer, made made extensive extensive ΝicοΙ~s use of the Barberini Barberini Library Library in in the thepreparation preparation of ofhis hismagnum magnum opus, opus, use Hispana, published pubhshed in in Rome Rome in in 1672 1672 (Bibliotheca {Bihliotheca Hispana the Bibliotheca Hispana, 1696 [Bibl. Hisp. Vetus) Vetus). Thismonumental monumentalachievement achievement (Bib?. Hisp. . This Nova) and 1696 is even even more more impressive impressive when one realizes realizes that Antonio Antonio spent spent most most is when one Spain, as Philip Ii's IV'sGeneral GeneralAgent AgentininRome. Rome. of his his adult life outside of Spain, After his early early studies studies in in Seville, Seville, the the principal principal libraries libraries that thatAntonio Antonio After could consult the Vatican Vatican and andofofFrancesco Francesco Barberini. Barberini. could consult were were those those of the The latter was useful to Antonio in two ways. First,he heincorporated incorporated latter was ways. First, information on Hispanic holdings holdings into into his hisbibliography, bibliography, citing, citing, information on its Hispanic for example, the manuscript manuscript works works of of Baltasar Baltasar de de Porrefuo, Porreño, Albanιs Albarus for example, Cordubensis, Diego Moriz. Second, Second, Cordubensis, Diego del del Castillo, Castillo, and and Rodrigo Aganduru Moriz. and more more important, important, he he utilized utilizedtwo tworeference reference books books ininthe thecollection collection as basic sources sources of information, information, viz., catalogue of library of of as basic viz. , the the catalogue of the library Count-Duke of of Olivares, Olivares, and and Τοm~s Tomás Tamayo Tamayo de de Vargas' Vargas' Junta Junta the Count-Duke de libros libros la la mayor mayor que que Espaiia España ha ha visto visto en en la la lengua lengua castellana castellana hasta el hastael año probably been been obtained obtained by by CarCaraiio de 1624. Both of these works had probably dinal Barberini Barberini during during his his visit visit to to Spain Spain in in 1626. 1626. The TheCount-Duke's Count-Duke's library had been been dispersed dispersed in the the 1640's, 1640's, and and Tamayo Tamayo de deVargas' Vargas' library bibhography, never appeared appeared in in print. print. bibliography, though prepared for publication, never Both provided Antonio with with information informationfor for thousands thousandsof ofbibliographical bibhographical entries. Tamayo de deVargas' Vargas'work workwas wasparticularly particularlyhelpful helpfultotoAntonio, Antonio, entries. Tamayo the authors, authors,on onwhich whichhe hedrew drewfreely. freely. * because it included biographies of the opinion of this work, work, and and his his use use of of the the Barberini copy, copy, Antonio's high opinion 5

J. Bignami,IDlER odier cit., pp. pp. 79 79 et et114. 114. J. BIGlAI',

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Manuscripts theCollection Collection Manuscripts in the


is seen in the the following following quotation: quotation: "Quer "Quern antea antea nunc nunc iterum iterum jure jure is seen laudamus, Thomas Tamajus in libro sic inscripto: Junta de libros. Hujus Hujus exemplum nunquam nunquam publicati publicati opens operis videtur videtur Eminentissimo Eminentissimo S. S. Rom. Rom. Eccle. Cardinali Francisco Francisco Barberino, Barberino, dur dum extraordinaria extraordinaria Urbani Urbani VIII. Vili. Eccie. Cardinali Pontif. Max. Max, patrui patrui sui sui legatione legatione apud Philippum Philippum Regem Regem nostrum nostrum IV. IV. es fere fere tempore tempore fungeretur, fungeretur, obtulisse obtulisse auctor; auctor; quid quod nobis, nobis, annuente annuente ac erutidissimo erutidissimo mihique mihique multis multis nominibus nominibus eximio eximio cultu cultu humanissimo ac purpurati ordinis ordinis apice, apice, Carolus Carolus Moronus, Moronus, bibliothecae semper habendo purpurati ejus amplissimae amphssimae ac ac selectissimae selectissimae praefectus, praefectus, ad ad Sancti Sancti Laurentii Laurentii in in canonicus, excutiendum excutiendum atque atque exprimendum exprimendum liberaliter liberaliter conconDamaso canο~cυs, cessit." 6~~ Barberini fostered fostered Antonio's Antonio's investigations. investigations. He He was was Cardinal Barberini one few to have have borrowing borrowing privileges, privileges, and was was also also granted granted perperone of of the few mission copy some some 0f of Francesco's Francesco's manuscripts. manuscripts. Barberini's Barberini's mission to to copy benevolence of critical critical importance importance in in the the benevolenceand and generosity generositywere were thus thus 0f creation work. One One can canonly onlywonder wonder why why the themany many creation of 0f Antonio's Antonio's great work. references the Bibliotheca Bihliotheca Hispana Hispana to to materials materials in the the Barberini Barberini references in in the Library utilized by later later scholars. scholars. Perhaps Perhapsnow, now,300 300years years Library were were not not utilized after the the appearance appearance 0f of Antonio's Antonio's bibliography, bibhography, the the holdings holdings of of the the after library that Antonio so admired will at last become generally known library that Antonio so admired will at last become generally known to Hispanists. Hispanists. Manuscripts IN in MANUSCRIPTS

the THE Collection COLLECTION

An overview overview and of some some of of the the highlights highlights is no no substitute substitute An and list list of for the catalogue catalogue itself, will serve serve to in indicate more specifically specifically for itself, but but it will di cate more the significance significance and strengths strengths of ofFrancesco Francesco Barberini's Barberini's library library in the the Hispanic encourage the peruse the thecatalogue catalogue Hispanic field, field, and and may encourage the reader to peruse care. with care. The unknown texts deserve deserve first first consideration. consideration. These Theseare areworks works The unknown which either have not been been mentioned mentioned by by bibliographers, bibliographers, or or have have been been which ignored by last two two centuries centuries or or more. more. There Thereare arefive five ignored by scholars scholars for fir the last Golden Age which are are uncited uncited (e.g., (e.g., Antonio Antonio Hurtado Hurtado de MenMenGolden Age plays plays which Ni callarlo callarlo ni ni decirlo) decirlo) or orare arepresumed presumedlost lost(Antonio (AntonioSigler Sigler de de doza, Ni Huerta, Las doncellas de Madrid). An outstanding outstanding volume volume is is aacollection collection of largely largely unedited Luis de de G~ngοra. Góngora. Substantial Substantial bo bodies dies of unedited poetry poetry by by Luis of verse unknown poets de Olea Olea and and Juan Juan de de Soria Soria of verse by unknown poets such such as Esteban de y Quifiones Quiñones are are preserved, preserved, as as are are Gabriel Gabriel de de Corral's Corral's translation translation of of y 6


Antonio, Bibl. I, xiii-xiv. xiii-xiv. Αντονιο, Β bΙ. nov., iwo., I,

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poetry of of Urban UrbanVIII VIIIand and several collectionsofofmiscellaneous, miscellaneous, the poetry several collections largely anonymous, poetry. Literary prose is represented by an an Italian Italian largely anonymous, poetry. Literary prose is represented by of Lazarillo de Tormes, with many many noteworthy noteworthy modifications. modifications. translation of Other presently unknown works works include include Juan Juande deMariana, Mariana, Censura Censura duplex in Biblia Biblia Regia, Regia, and and Tomás Tamayo de de Varga's Varga's bibliography bibliography duplex Τom~s Tamayo of Mariana. The latter latter is is of of particular particular interest, interest,being beingthe theonly onlysurviving surviving of Mariana. The fragment of Tamayo's Tamayo's massive massive project project Elogia Elogia scriptorum scriptorum ManIuae Mantuae fragment Alsototobebementioned mentioned are area anumber numberofofvolumes volumes of of Carpentanorum. Also Spanish works by Νiccοlδ Niccolò Riccardi, "il "il mostro"; mostro"; Baltasar Baltasar Porrefio, Porreño, Spanish works papas y cardenales cardenales que ha tenido la naci~n nación esρa española Libro de elogios de los ρaρas οΙa (praised by Nicolás textand andillustrations) illustrations);; an an interesting interesting Νicοl~s Antonio for its text οnceρci~τι; and sermons collection of de la la CConcepción; sermons collection of mystical mystical writings writings by by Pedro de Damián Alvarez, Francisco Terrones Aguilar dei del Cano, Cano, and aa number number by Dami~n of sixteenth-century clerics. clerics. Likewise Likewise worthy worthy of of note noteare are Curia apostóCuria aρost of ~romana by by Juan Juan Pablo Pablo Francs, Francés, Epitome del del oficio oficio y y autoridad autoridad dei del lica romana (1630)by by Juan Juan L~by Vicente Vicente Slavazati, Slavazati, Sucesos Sucesos de de la la armada armada (1630) Lólegado by pez Bertrán, and Conversión de Filipinas y Japón por los Agustinos los Βertr~n, and Cοnυeυsi~n de Filipinas Ιaρ ~n por Agustinos Rodrigo Aganduru Finally,there thereisisaaseries series of of saint's saint's descalzos by Rodrigo AganduruMoríz. linz. Finally, lives in Latin Latin by the lives in the auditors auditors of of the the Rota, Rota, as aswell well as astwo twotreatises treatises on on and moral moral philosophy, philosophy, aa travel guide guide to the the Holy Holy Land, Land, and and natural and volumes sundry topics topics like likemilitary militaryfortifications, fortifications, oriental oriental volumes on on other sundry costumes, and and astrology. astrology. Many costumes, Many of of the thelarge largenumber numberof ofshorter shorterworks works such as letters, letters, relations, relations, memorials, memorials, legal legal documents, documents, and the like like such and the also unique. unique. are also Of comparable comparable interest the works works mentioned mentioned above above are are those those Of interest to to the which are known to exist in manuscript in other libraries, but which which are known exist in manuscript in other libraries, but which have never never been Usually the the Barberini Barberini manuscripts, manuscripts, unknown unknown have been edited. edited. Usually to modern bibliographers, bibliographers, are important sources sources because because they they are are to modem are important original, contemporary copies, copies, or the earliest earliestsurviving survivingcopies. copies. original, or or contemporary or the Examples are Mateo Mateo Renzi's Renzi's El privado perfecto, the Cr~nica Crónica castellana, castellana, Tamayo de de Varga's Varga's Junta Junta de de libros. libros..., the catalogue catalogue of of the the library library of of .. , the the Count-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares, Olivares, several several works works by by Rodrigo Rodrigo Sanchez Sánchez de de Arévalo, Jerónimo de Urrea's Urrea's Don Don Clarisel Clarisel de de las las Flores. Flores. ArYvalo,and and Jeτ~nimo important in many many instances instances as the the unknown unknown and and the the as important Just as unedited texts are those manuscript versions of works that have been unedited are those manuscript versions of works that have been printed, Golden Age when the printed printed text texthas has printed, during during the the Golden Age or or later, later, when been those in in the the Barberini Barberini Collection. Collection. For been based based on on texts texts other than those example, there are fifteen example, there fifteen plays plays and and two two interludes interludes which which have have been been edited in the the seventeenth seventeenth century century and andusually usually also alsoininmodern moderntimes. times. edited These dramas are These are by by well-known well-known playwrights playwrights such such as as Tirso Tirso de de Molina, Molina,

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Manuscripts the Collection Collection Manuscripts in the


Juan Ruiz de de ΑΙarc~n, Alarcón, Antonio Antonio Hurtado Hurtado de de Mendoza, Mendoza, Antonio Antonio Mira Mira de de J uan Ruiz and Luis Luis Vélez de de Guevara, Guevara, as as weH well as as by by lesser lesser lights lights like like Amescua and Jerónimo de de ΝiΙlayΖ~n Villayzán and and Antonio Antonio Sigler Sigler de de Huerta. Huerta. The Theinterludes interludes Jer~nimο are by Luis Luis Quifiones Quiñones de de Benavente. Benavente. Apparently Apparentlycopied copied during during the the are 1630's, these antedate the the first first appearance appearance of of the the 1630's, these manuscripts manuscripts often often antedate plays in print by twenty years or more. Many of these manuscripts plays in print by twenty years or more. Many of these manuscripts are of primary importance importance for estabhshment of The are for the establishment of critical critical texts. texts. The manuscript of of Tirso's La firmeza firmeza en en lα la hermosura, to to cite cite one one Barberini manuscript case, contains verses than do do the the other othersurviving surviving case, contains over six hundred more verses texts, all all printed printed books. books. Similarly, Similarly, the thepoetry poetrymanusc manuscripts of FranFrantexts, ri pts of de Borja, Borja, Manuel Manuel de de Fana Faria y y Sousa, Sousa, Diego Silva, and others others Diego de de Silva, cisco de usually antedate first printing printing by by some some years, years, and and may maytherefore therefore usually antedate the first contain significant Another example example is of the the contain significanttextual textualvariants. variants. Another is that of Cuaderno de varias varias escrituras escrituras compiled compiled by Fernández de de Velasco, Velasco, by Juan Fern~ndez Cuaderiw de This work work was was published pubhshed on ecclesiastical ecclesiastical and and royal jurisdiction in Milan. This 1597, but the Barberini Barberini manuscript manuscript has has seven seven folios folios of of additional additional in 1597, but the material dated 1599. 1599. Even Even when when aawork work has hasbeen been edited edited recently recently for for material time, the the Barberini Barberini version version may provide provide improvements. improvements. For For the first time, instance, ReΙaci~n Relación dei del esp&itu, espíritu, by by Jer~nimo Jerónimo GraciYn Gracián de de la la Madre Madre de de Dios, was known manuscript manuscript of the time time by by Dios, was first first edited edited from from the the only known P. Silverio Silverio de de Santa Santa Teresa Teresa in in 1932. 1932. His Histext textlacked lackedthe theprologue prologue and and Ρ. two of work's ten chapters. chapters. The The Barberini Barberini manuscript manuscript is is complete complete two of the work's authoritative, being being signed signed by by Graci~n. Gracián. and authoritative, There are some some major major works works which which have have already already been been studied studied There basis of of manuscripts in the the Barbe Barberini Collection. These These ri ni Collection. or edited on the basis include: Antonio Antonio V~ΖqueΖ Vázquez de de Espinosa, Espinosa, Compendio Compendio yy descrifici~n descripción de include: las Indias Indias Οccideitζdes; Occidentales) Juan Juan de de Matienza, Matienza, Gobierno Gobierno del del Ρer; Perú) Libel/us Libellus Ι's medicinalibus Ι Indorum) Gonzalo de Oviedo's Oviedo's letter letter to to Cardinal Cardinal Pietro Pietro dουυm; Gonzalo de medicirnilibus Bembo on on OreHana's Orellana's expedition expedition down down the Amazon; Amazon; and Juan Juan G~mez Gómez de Mora, Mora, Re~aci~n Relación de de las las casas casas que tiene el el Rey Rey eenΕsρ'za. España. Evidently Evidently Americanists have have been been among among the first first to to explore explore and and utilize utilize the the the Americanists Hispanic holdings collection. Prof. Prof. Verf Vern Williamsen Wilhamsen has recently recently holdings of of the collection. pubhshed aa critical Ruiz de de Αlarc~n's Alarcón's Don Don Domingo Domingo published critical edition edition of of Juan Ruiz de Don Bias, based on the only known manuscript, part of the Barof the Barde Don Blas, based on the only known manuscript, berini holdings. be ri ni holdings. There are of of course course cases cases where where the the Barberini Barberini texts texts are areless lesssignifisignificant. First Firstare arethose those manuscriptswhich whichare arecopies copiesofofearlier earherones, ones, cant. manuscripts when the still survive. survive. Such Such isis the thesituation situation with with the theworks works of of when the latter still Cordubensis; the the Cr~nica Crònica de de Yria; Y ria) Ambrosio Ambrosio de de Morales, Morales, Viaje Viaje Albarus Cordubensis; por Galicia Galicia y González de de Mendoza, Mendoza, Los pareceres pareceres que que Asturias; Pedro Gοnz~lez y Asturias) i

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ΙIntroduction itrοdυctiοχi

he dado dado en en el el Concilio Concilio de de Trento; Trento', Aly Aly Αben Aben Ragel, Ragel, Libro Libro de de los los juicios estrellas] and and Gregorio Gregorio L~ρez, López, Explicación del Apocalipsis. Apocalipsis. These These de las estrellas; Εxρlicaci~n dei

works have basis of the the original original text, text, or or of ofmore more works have been been edited edited on on the basis authentic copies. copies. The Thecorrespondence correspondencebetween betweenCharles Charles Ν V and and Adrian Adrian VI has been published pubhshed from a sister manuscript in in the the Hamburg HamburgLibrary. Library. ΝΙ A consequence is those those which which Α second group group of of manuscripts manuscripts of of less less consequence contain works It contain workswhich whichsurvive surviveininmany manymanuscripts manuscriptsand andininprint. print. It is unlikely, for example, that the Barberini copy of Diego Enriquez is unlikely, for example, that the Barberini copy of Diego Enriquez del Castillo's Castillo's Crònica del rey rey Enrique Enrique IV would add significantey significantey to dei Cr~nica del IV would know about work from from the the three three editions editions and and23 23 manumanuwhat we know about the work scripts otherwise A third third group group isis manusc manuscripts which were were scripts otherwise available. available. A ri pts which copied from printed books. Such volumes are of interest because they copied from printed books. Such volumes of interest because they perhapsbecause becauseof ofsuppression, suppression, show which works were were so so sought after, perhaps they merited merited the theeffort effortofofhand handtranscription. transcription. Α A notable notable case case that they is the discourse on the the government government of the Jesuits attributed to Juan is ~scοurse on of the Jesuits to Juan de Mariana; there are are manusc manuscript copies of Italian ri pt copies of both both the Spanish and Italian in the thecollection. collection. Other Otherexamples examplesinclude include Αnt~niο Antonio Sousa Sousa printed texts in Carta que qve a un vn senor señor de de la corte corte de de Inglaterra Inglaterra escriuio escriuio ; de Macedo, Carla Beltrán de de Guevara, Guevara, Discursos Discvrsos del del origen y uso vso de la monarchia monarchia and Juan Βeltr~n ;

de Sicilia. de

The collection includes substantial number number of of briefer brieferitems— items— The collection includes aa substantial relations, lists, lists, memo memorials, censures, instructions, decrees, memletters, relations, ri als, censures, instructions, decrees, remallegations, etc. etc.—which summarized or or evaluated evaluated oranda, allegations, —which cannot cannot be summarized easily. This This material dates p primarily sixteenth and and seventeenth seventeenth easily. ri marily from the sixteenth centuries, and treats treats most most topics topics relating relatingto toSpanish Spanishhistory historyand andpolitics politics centuries, of that that period. period. There Thereisisa considerable a considerableamount amountofofcorrespondence correspondenceofof of royalty, nobihty, and important important ecclesiastics. ecclesiastics. There There are are wwritings on royalty, nobility, ri tings on Council of of Treft; Trent; the the battles battles of of Lepanto Lepanto and and La LaGoulette; Goulette; the thedeath death the Council of P Prince Charles; the Armada; Spanish Spanish activities activities in Flanders and and of ri nce Charles; the Armada; in Flanders Italy; the therelations relationsbetween betweenthe theCrown Crownand andthe theChurch; Church; particularly in Italy; wars, and treaties; treaties;the theInquisition; Inquisition;conclaves; conclaves;descriptions descriptionsofof wars, truces, and the Court; Court; courtesies, courtesies, forms forms of ofaddress, address,and andquestions questionsofofprecedence; precedence; festivals and other courtly pastimes; genealogies and heraldry; wills festivals and other courtly pastimes; genealogies heraldry; wills and testaments; testaments;political politicalsatires; satires;tuna tunafishing, fishing,legumes, legumes,comets, comets,horology, horology, etc., etc. etc. bezoars, etc., In summary, summary, the the manuscripts manuscripts of of the the Barberini Barberini Collection, Collection, like like those in most major libraries, run the the gamut gamutfrom from unique uniquetexts textsofofsignifisignificant works works to texts of of little little import. import. What Whatdistinguishes distinguishes the the Barberini Barberini Collection so many many of of its itsHispanic Hispanic manuscripts manuscripts have have Collectionisisthe the fact fact that so remained obscurity until the the present. present. remained in in obscurity

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Catalogues of of manuscripts manuscripts Catalogues

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Catalogues of MANUSCRIPTS manuscripts CATALOGUES OF There no general general printed printed catalogue catalogue of ofthe themanuscripts, manuscripts, 77 but but There is no there are aa number number of ofexcellent excellent handwritten handwritten inventories. inventories. Principal Principal there by Sante Sante Pieralisi. Pieralisi. The Thefirst first is is titled titled '"Inventorium Ιnνentοriυm among these are two by Codicum Mmss., Bibhothecae Barberinae Redactum et Digestum D. Codicum Mmss., Bibliothecae Barberinae Redactum Digestum aa D. Sánete Pieralisi Pieralisi Bibliothecario Bibliothecario et in in Tomos Tomos Vigintitres Vigintitres Distributum." Distributum." Sancte It describes describes 590 590 Greek Greek manuscripts, manuscripts, 158 158 oriental orientalones, ones,and and6337 6337 manumanuIt scripts in and later later western western languages. languages. This This work work isis shelved shelved in in scripts in Latin and the Sala Sala Barberini Barberini of of the theVatican VaticanLibrary, Library,nos. nos.376-377 376-377 and and 335 335-355. -355. (no. 356) 356) by by Sante's Sante'ssuccessor successorAlessandro Alessandro Pieralisi Pieralisi extends extends An appendix (no. catalogue to Ms. Ms. latinus latinus 6558, 6558, the the last lastofofthe themanuscripts manuscriptsbefore before the catalogue codices of of correspondence correspondence begin. begin. the codices Sante Pieralisi's Pieralisi's second second compilation compilation is author and and subject subject index index is an author for the 21 volumes of Latin-alphabet manuscripts which he had prefor 2ι volumes of Latin-alphabet manuscripts which he had prepared: "Index "Index Codd. Codd. mm.ss. mm.ss. Latinorum LatinorumetetOccidentalium OccidentahumBibliothe Bibhothe-pared: Barberinae..." This42-volume 42-volume index index is is also also located located in the the Sala Sala cae Barberinae. . . " This nos. 110-151. 110-151. Alessandro Alessandro Pieralisi Pieralisi prepared prepared aasimilar similarindex index Barberini, nos. (nos. 152-153) appendix mentioned mentioned above above (i.e., (i.e., no. no.356). 356). (nos. 152-153)for for the the appendix Codices correspondence, while while Codices 6559-8674 6559-8674contain contain general diplomatic correspondence, 8675-9807 are correspondence and and other otherdocuments documentsrelated related 8675-9807 are made made up of correspondence Papal States. States. Inventories Inventoriesofofthese thesevolumes volumes by by Sante Sante and and AlesAlesto the Papal sandro Pieralisi the Sala Sala Barberini, Barberini, nos. nos. 357-369. 357-369. No. No. 363 363 is is sandro Pieralisi are are in the titled "Spagna. "Spagna. Portogallo", Portogallo", and and covers covers codices codices 8262-8612. 8262-8612. An author author subject index indexof of mss. mss. 6559-9807, 6559-9807, by by Alessandro Alessandro Pieralisi, Pieralisi, fills fills another another and subject 15 volumes Sala, nos. nos. 154-168. 154-168. Later Later ccodices general σdices contain general 15 volumesin in the the Sala, correspondence and miscellaneous items. Volumes9808-10127 9808-10127 have have correspondence and miscellaneous items. Volumes been catalogued in typescript in turn by E. Nasalli Rocca, O. BertoBerto Ε. Nasalli Rocca, Ο. been catalogued in typescript in turn by fini, M. Pallone, P. Pecchiai, and G. Morello (nos. 370-374). uni, Μ. Pallone, P. Pecchiai, and G. Morello (nos. 370-374). Other catalogues subject index index of of the theGreek Greek catalogues include include an an author and subject oriental manuscripts manuscripts (nos. (nos. 169-175), 169-175), an an inventory inventoryof ofmusical musicalcodices codices and oriental (no. 381), cursory guide guide to the the Barberini Barberini Archives Archives (no. (no. 382), 382), and and (no. 381), aa cursory two concordances of the various pressmarks which the manuscripts two concordances of the various pressmarks which the manuscripts have had since since entering entering the the Barberini Barberini Library Library (nos. (nos. 378-379). 378-379). There There have catalogues of the the collection collection which which have have historical historicalinterest, interest, are also older catalogues 7 There is one onespecialized specialized catalogue: catalogue: Theodore Silverstein, Medieval Med ieval THEODORE SILVERSTEIN, There is Latin in the the Βαυberisi Barberini CοΥectιοi'. Collection. Α A Prouisio'nci' Provisiona1 Catalog (Chicago, Ct ~dοg (Chicago, Scientific Writings Writings in Lαtin Scientific University of Chicago Chicago Press, Press, ι7). 1957). University of

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such as the the seventeenth-century seventeenth-century "Index "Index librorum librorum Card. Card. Antonii Antonii BarBarsuch (Mss. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 3110-3113) 3110-3113) and Mss. Mss. Barb. lat. lat. 3104-06, 3104-06, 3117 3117 berini" (Mss. 3120-22, 3124-35, 3137-42. 3146-49, 3146-49. 3152-76, 3152-76, 3178, 3178, 3187, 3187, 3189, 3189, and 3120-22, 3124-35, 3137-42, 3192-3203. These catalogues and indices of the the Barberini Barberini manuscripts manuscripts make make These catalogues and indices investigation convenient is studying studying individual individual authors, authors,works, works, investigation convenient if if one is or certain well-defined well-defined subjects, are less less satisfactory satisfactory ifif one one or subjects,but but they are is researching researching broad topics, because because many days days of of consultation consultation are are is broad topics, required to insure thoroughness. Another drawback drawback is that that they theymust must required to insure thoroughness. Another the Vatican, Vatican, or, or, on onmicrofilm, microfilm, at at the theVatican VaticanFilm FilmLibrary Library be used at the and wherever wherever else Consultation on film film would would and else films filmsmay may be be found. found. Consultation be difficult difficult in any event, because of the numerous rolls involved. Even in numerous involved. Even the opportunity opportunity to tohandle handlethese thesecatalogues, catalogues, he hewould wouldfind find if one had the that the thedescriptions descriptions of of the the contents contentsof of cσdices, codices, while generally excellent, excellent, that are not always always as detailed detailed as as they they could could be. be. Some Somevolumes volumesare aremerely merely miscellanies, with Butconsiderconsidercited as miscellanies, with no no enumeration enumeration of the contents. But enormous task of of cataloguing cataloguing the the manuscripts manuscripts of of the the Barberini Barberini ing the enormous Library, the the Pieralisi's Pieralisi's can can be beforgiven forgiven the theoccasional occasional impulse impulse to to Library, summarize. Without Without their their work, work, and andthat thatofoftheir theirsuccessors, successors,the theconconsummarize. tents of of the thecollection collection would would still still be belargely largely terra incognita. terra iicοgii~a.

The catalogue THE present PRESENT CATALOGUE Because size of the the Barberini Barberini Collection, Collection, it unlikely that that Because of of the size it is unlikely catalogue of of αall of its its manuscripts manuscripts will will ever be published. pubhshed. One One way way a catalogue li of the need need for for dissemination dissemination of of information information is is to to pprint specialized to meet the ri nt specialized lists. InInthis thisway, way,complete complete desc descriptions materials available lists. ri ptions of of the mate ri als available in limited limited fields fields can can be be publicized. publicized. The present catalogue attempts to list list and anddescribe describe all all of of the the manuattempts to scripts scripts of of the the Barberini Barberini Collection Collection that were written, translated or that were written, translated or or 'ben—Americans Ibero-Americans in their their vernacular vernacular edited by Spaniards, Portuguese, or languages. Translations Translations from from or or into into these theselanguages languages are areincluded. included. languages. Also included Hispanic writers, but but minor minor Also included are are many many works works in in Latin Latin by Hispanic items are normally normally omitted, omitted, especially especially if anonymous. anonymous. Works Works items in Latin are by non-Hispanics non-Hispanics have been excluded, excluded, with aa few few exceptions, exceptions, such such have been as the se series biographies in prepared by the the auditors auditors of of the the as ri es of biographies in Latin Latin prepared Rota in preparation preparation for for the thecanonization canonization ofofSpaniards Spaniards(nos. (nos.44-56). 44-56). Rota in

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The Present Present Catalogue Catalogue The

21 21

Another two accounts accounts by Itahans Itahans of of Cardinal Cardinal FranFranAnother exception exception isis the the two cesco Barberini's Barberini's visit visit to to Spain Spain as as legate legate az latere latere (no. (no. 200). 200). Relevant Relevant diplomatic and family family correspondence correspondence is if itit occurs occurs diplomatic is described described in in detail if to 6558. 6558. But Butmost mostofofthis thiscorrespondence correspondence has has been been gathered gathered in codices ι1 to several blocks blocks of ofhigher-numbered higher-numberedcodices, codices, specifically specifically Barb. Barb. lat. lat. into several 8263-8612 and and 9848-9894. 9848-9894. ΙI have have not not described described this this material material in in detail, detail, 8263-8612 but an an outline outline of of itit wifl will be be found found at atthe theend endofofthe thepresent presentvolume. volume. Pertinent material material not in in these these two two blocks blocks or orotherwise otherwise cited cited in in the the Pertinent just-mentioned outhne included in the the catalogue catalogue (i.e., (i.e., Barb. Barb, just-mentioned outline has has been included 9920 and and 10049). 10049). lat. 9920 The catalogue was compiled compiled by by examining examining the theseveral several inventoinventoThe catalogue in the the Sala Sala Barberini Barberini (nos. (nos. 110-153 110-153 and and 335-374). Locating the ries in Locating the 335-374). 220 cσdices codices included the descriptions descriptions of of the the 220 included here here required required my reading the contents of of 10.127 10.127 codices. Examination of the individual individual volumes volumes contents codices. Examination of the sometimes brought to fight material not registered by the Pierafisis sometimes brought to light material not registered by the Pieralisis their successors. successors. All All manuscripts manuscripts listed fisted were were seen seen by by me, me, usually usually and their several occasions. occasions. on several Each of the the cσdices codices is 220. Order is determined is numbered, numbered, from ιx to 220. determined by beginning with the the lowest lowest pressmark, hence hence the the first first volume volume described described is Codex Codex Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 172 172 (numbered ι) 1) and and the the last, last, Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 10049 10049 also provides ordering by subject subject ((numbered numbered220). 220). To To some some extent extent this also matter, since since the Pieralisis Pierafisis arranged library by subject. subject. While While matter, arranged the the library their classification classification was not strict, the reader may find it useful to know was not the reader may find it useful to know that in this thiscatalogue catalogue Barb. Barb. lat. lat. entries entries are arecatalogued cataloguedasasfollows: follows: 172that in 172700 (approximately) are medieval texts; the the 88oo's are on on the theCouncil Council 700 (approximately) are medieval οo's are Trent; 1000-1600 are religious religious works; works; the the 2700's 2700's contain contain saint's saint'slives; fives; of Treft; ιοoο-ι~οo are the 2900's are works works in Spanish Spanish by by Νiccol~~ Niccolò Riccar~; Riccardi; 3090-3200 3090-3200 are 2900'S are bibliography; 3450-3650 are books and and miscellaneous miscellaneous writings writings in in Spanish; Spanish; bibliography; 3450-3650 the 4300's 4300's are maps maps and and plans. plans. Additional Additionalmaterial, material,including includingsome some which placed in one one of of the theabove abovesections, sections, isiswidely widely which should should have have been placed scattered the collection collection scattered throughout the Entries in the the present present work work include include information information on the the format format of of Entries the codex codex (date, (date, material, material, size, size, foliation, foliation, number numberof ofhands handsrepresented) represented) and on on the the text(s) text(s) (author, (author,title, title,incipits, incipits,references referencesand andother othernotes). notes). The cataloguing cataloguing conventions conventions follow. follow. Format. The year the themanuscript manuscript was was FORMAT. The date date given givenisisthat that of of the year written, if known. known. Otherwise Otherwise an anapproximate approximate date dateisisassigned, assigned, either either written, a century or or part part of of aacentury. century.The The compositionofofthe theleaves—paper, leaves—paper, composition vellum, parchment—is typical page page is is stated stated inin vellum, parchment—isnoted. noted.Size Sizeofof aa typical

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22 22

Introduction Introduction

millimeters, length before Thenumber numberof offolios folios or or pages pages is is given. given. millimeters, before width. width. The The modern modern foliation of the the Vatican Vatican Library Library The foliation as as provided provided by by the staff of preferred when differs from original. The Thenumber numberof ofdifferent different is preferred when itit differs from the the original. represented in in the the codex codex is is specified, hands represented speciiied, when small; small; the the word word "many' "many"' substantial number number of of different different manuscripts manuscripts are are bound bound is used when a substantial together. Author. The The author's capital letters, letters, AUTHOR. author's complete completename nameisis stated stated in capital

even The absent absent part part even ifif absent absent or or only only partially partiallypresent presentininthe thetext. text. The is supplied supplied between between angle Unknown authors authors are are called called is angle brackets. brackets. Unknown "ANONYMOUS", this term term isis frequently frequently omitted omitted for for brief, brief, traditradi((ANONYMOUS ,, , but this tionally anonymous texts, such as as relaciones. relaciones. tionally anonymous texts, such Title. The complete title appears on on the the TITLE. The complete title isis transcribed transcribedasasitit appears frontispiece Withlonger longer titles, titles, the theessential essential frontispieceororatat the the head head of of the the text. With part is is indicated indicated by by spaced spaced letters; letters; shorter shorter titles titles are are entirely entirely in inspaced spaced letters. Theoriginal original spelling spelling and punctuation is maintained. Except Except letters. The and punctuation is maintained. entirely in in upper uppercase, case,in inwhich whichlower lower case case is substituted substituted for words written entirely for all but but the thefirst firstletter, letter,the theoriginal originalcapitalization capitalizationisisalso alsoretained. retained. for Missing titles OtherMissing titles are are supplied supplied between between angle anglebrackets, brackets, ifif known. known. Otherwise an English of the contents contents is is provided provided as as aa substitute. substitute. wise an account account in English Incipits. Ingeneral, general, incipits incipits and and desinets desinets are are quoted quoted for for works works INCIPITS. In and for for some some items items in in Spanish Spanishwhich which might mightotherwise otherwisebe bedifficult difficult in Latin Latin and to identify. lines of of all all poetry poetry and anddrama dramaare arealso alsotranscribed. transcribed. t@ identify. First lines Separate are at the the Separate indices indicesofofthe the first first lines lines of of poetry poetry and and of of drama drama are back of the the present present volume; volume; there is is no no index index of of incipits. incipits. back Notes. the codex codex N OTES. Bibliographical Bibliographicalreferences referencesand andcomments comments on on the or the text text are are provided provided where where appropriate. appropriate. AA list listofofabbreviations abbreviations or of frequently cited reference reference works follows this introduction; introduction; referenreferenof works follows ces mentioned mentioned only the entries. entries. Many Many ces onlyonce onceare aregiven giveninin full full in in the other reference reference works were consulted than are mentioned. When inworks were consulted than are mentioned. When ΙI indicate manuscript is is uncited, uncited, therefore, therefore, this be taken taken to to dicate that aa manuscript this can can be mean that note that that mean that itit is is probably probably unknown unknowntotobibhographers. bibliographers.IfIf II note the work work is unknown, unknown, the text text isisprobably probably unique unique the end of this volume volume isis an At the end an index index to to the the manuscripts. manuscripts. It isis primarily author-title index, index, though thoughthere thereare aresome somesubject subjectheadings. headings. prima ri ly an author-title

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Referencescited citedonly onlyonce onceare are given givenin in full full in in the text. References text. Αντονιο, Bibi. = Antonio, Αντονιο, NICOLAS. Antonio, Bihl. vel. vet. = Nicolás. Βib~iοthec' Bibliotheca hisρana hispana velus. vetus. Matriti, J. J. de de Ibarra, Ibarra, 1788. 1788. 2 2 i. v. ΑΝΤΟΝΙΟ, Bibi. Antonio, Bibl. nov. nov. = =—. —.Bibliotheca Bibliotheca hispana hispana nova. nova. Matriti, Matriti, J. J. de de Ibarra, 1783-88. 1783-88. 2 2 1. v.

BACKER, AnGUSTIΙ Backer, Augustin DE. de. See See SoMMERvoGEL. Sommervogel. BARRERA Υ Barrera y LEIRADO, Leirado, CAYETANO Cayetano ALBERTO Alberto DE de LA. la. Catdiogo Catálogo bibiiogrd bibliogrà-esρanοΙ desde desde sus fico y y biogrd/lco biográfico dei del teatro teatro antiguo antiguo español sus origines origines hasta hasta VIII. Madrid, Madrid, M. Rivadeneyra, mediados dei del siglo siglo Χ XVIII. Rivadeneyra, 1860. i860. CALENZIO = = CALEIZIO, Calenzio Calenzio, GENEROSO. Generoso. Documenti Documenti inediti inediti e nuovi nuovi lavori lavori Roma, Tip. Tip. di di E. Sinimberghi, letterarii sul Concilio Concilio di di Trento. Trento. Roma, Sinimberghi, letterarii sul 1874.

Cοlecci ~n de Colección de docs. does, ine'ds. inéds. — Colección de documentos documentos ine'ditos inéditos para para la la = Co~ecci ~n de historia de historia de Εsρana. España. Madrid, Madrid, Impr. Impr. de de la viuda de Calero, 1842-95 1842-95 [Vaduz, 1964-66]. 112 112 1. v. [Vaduz, Kraus Kraus Reprint, Reprint, 1964-66]. Escudero = ESCUDERO Escudero Y y PERosso, Perosso, FRANCISCO. Francisco. Tipografia Tipografía hisahispaESCUDERO = lense. Madrid, Madrid, « Sucesores de de Rivadeneyra Rivadeneyra». ». 1894. 1894. Gallardo = GALLARDO, Gallardo, BARTOLOIVAY Bartolomé Jost. José. Ensayo Ensayo de una una biblioteca biblioteca GALLARDO = española libros raros Madrid, M. M. Rivadeneyra, Rivadeneyra, 18631863esρa ιola de libros raros y curiosos. Madrid, 89. 4 v. 4 1. Gil Faustino. Noticia bibliográfica de de teztos textos GIL Ayuso Αυusο = = Gil GIL Ayuso, Αγusσ, FAUSTINO. Noticia bibliogra'fica y disposiciones disposiciones legales legales de de los los reinos reinos de de Castilla Castilla en los siglos siglos XVI en los XVI y XVII. XVII. Madrid, Madrid, Biblioteca Biblioteca Nacional, Nacional, 1935. 1933. Herrero = HERRERO Herrero SALGADO, Salgado, Félix. bibliográfica a a la HERRERO = FLιΧ. Aportación Αρor~aci~n bibliogrd/ica la oratoria sagrada española. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investioratoria sagrada espanola.Madrid, Consejo Superior Investigaciones Cientificas, Científicas, 1971. 1971.

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Madrid, Teatro — Madrid. Biblioteca Bibliotecanacional. nacional. Catdlogo Catálogo de de las piezas MADRID, Teatro = MADRID. teatro que que se se conservan conservan en en el el departamento departamento de de manuscritos. manuscritos. 2nd 2nd de teatro ed. Madrid, Madrid, Patronato Patronato de de la la Biblioteca Biblioteca Nacional Nacional [Blass], [Blass], 1934-35. 1934-35. 2 i. v. Edited Edited by by JuliYn Julián Paz Paz from from the the first first ed. ed. by by Antonio Antonio Paz Paz y y Melia. lelia. Palau =PALAU Palau Υ y DULCET, Dulcet, Αντονιο. Antonio. Manual Manual del del librero librero hispanoPALAU = 2nd ed., ed., corr. corr. and and augm. augm. by by the the author. author. Barcelona, Barcelona, americano. 2nd Lib. anticuaria anticuaría de de A. A. Palau, Palau,1948-76. 1948-76. V. V. Ι1-27 [A-Vox], in in course course -27 [A-Vox], of publication. publication. of Paz Υ y MELIΑ, Melia, ANTONIO. Antonio. See SeeMADRID, Madrid, Teatro. Teatro. PAZ Pazos, "FernYndez "Fernández de de Otero" Otero" = = Pλzοs, Pazos, P. P. MANUEL Manuel R. R. "Un "Un jurisjurisΡλzοs, español dei del siglo siglo XVII: XVII: Jer~nimο Jerónimo Fern~ndez Fernández de de Otero." Otero." consulto espafiol Archivo Ibero-Americano, Ibero-Americano, 33 [segunda [segunda ρoca] época] (1943), (1943), pp. pp. 102-107. 102-107, Pazos, "Documentos" "Documentos" ==—. —. "Documentos "Documentos espafioles españoles en en los los c~dices códices Ρλzοs, Vaticana." Hispania Hispania (Madrid), 6 (1946), (1946), Barberini de la Biblioteca Vaticana." pp 125-145. 125-145. Pérez Martínez PérezMARTINEZ, Martínez, LoRENzo. Lorenzo. Los Los fondos lulianos lulianos PYREZ MARTfIEZ ==PYREZ en las las bibliotecas bibliotecas de de Roma. Roma. Iglesia Nacional Nacional existentes en Roma, Iglesia Española, 1961. 1961. Espafiola, Pinto de lATTIS Mattos ==PINTo Pinto DE de Μλττοs, Mattos, RICARDO. Ricardo. Manual Manual bibliograbibliograPii -ri DE de livros livras raros raros classicos classicos ee curiosos. curiosos. Porto, Porto, Livraria Livraria phico-portuguez de 1878. Portuense, 1878. Quetif-Echard = Quetif, JACOBUS Jacobus AND and JACOBUS Jacobus ECHARD. Echard. ScriQUETIF-ECHARD = QUETIF, ptores Praedicatorum recensiti. recensiti. Paris, Paris, 1719-23 1719-23 [offset [offset edieditοres Ordinis Praedicatorum tion, New New York, York, 1957]. 1957]. 22 i. v. in in 4. 4. Sánchez Alonso = =S Sánchez Benito. Fuentes Fuentes de de la historia historia S ΑNCHEZ ALONSO ΑNCHEZ Alonso, ALoNso, BENITO. española ee hispano-americana. hispano-americana. Madrid, Madrid, Pubs. Pubs, de de la la Revista Revista de de esρa1'ola Filología Espafiola, Española, 1952. 1952. Filologia

3 v. 3 1.

Santiago = = SANTIAGO Santiago VELA, Vela, GREGORIO Gregorio DE. de. Ensayo Ensayo de de una una biblioteca biblioteca SANTIAGO ibero-americana de de la orden orden de de San San Agustin. Agustín. Madrid (etc.), (etc.), Impr. Impr. ibero-americana del Asilo de de Ηυ Huérfanos del S. C. de Jesús (etc.), 1913-31. 8 v. rfanοs del S. C. JesYs (etc.), 1913-31. 8 i. Silva = = SILVA, Silva, IiiocYicio Innocêncio FRANCISCO Francisco DA. da. Diciondrio Dicionáriobibliogrd/ico bibliográfico SILVA portugués. Lisboa, Imprensa Imprensa nacional, nacional, 1858-1923. 1858-1923. 22 22 i. v. portuguds. Lisboa,

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25 25

SILVERSTEIN = SILVERSTEIN, SiLVERSTEiN = SiLVERSTEiN, THEODORE. Theodore. Medieual Medieval Latin LatinScienti/ic Scientific Collection. Α Provisional Catalog. Writings in Barberini in the the Barberini A Catalog. Cbicago, Chicago, Univ. of of Chicago Chicago Press, Press, 1957. 1957.

la literatura Sιµ ~ ν Díaz, D Ιλz, Bibl. Bibl. = = Simón Sul& Dfλz, Simón Díaz, Josii. José. Bibliografia Bibliografia de de la literatura hispdnica. Madrid, hispánica. Madrid, Consejo Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientfuicas, Científicas, -Io, in 1960-72. V. V. ii-xo, in course course of of publication. publication. Jess, by by Augustin SOMMERVOGEL = Bibliothèque Βib~iοthqυe de Sommervogel de la la Compagnie Compagnie de de Jesús, de Backer. de Backer. New New ed. ed. by by CARLOS Carlos SOMMERVOGEL. Sommervogel. Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Ο. O. IO Ν. Schepens; Paris, Paris, A. A.Picard, Picard,1890-1909. 1890-1909. 10 v. TODA Υ = TODA Toda y GUELL Güell = Toda ¥yGUELL, Güell, EDUART. Eduart. Bibliografia Bibliografia espanyola espanyola /Ins aa l'an d'Italia dels dels origens origens de de la imprempta imprempta fins Vanyy 1900. Castell Castell de Sant Miquel Miquel d'Escornalbou, d'Escornalbou, 1927-31. 1927-31. 55 1. v. TRAME = Trame = TRAME, Trame, RICHARD Richard Η. H. Rodrigo RodrigoSdnchez Sánchezde deAre'valo Arévalo 1404-1410, 1404-1470, Washington, Spanish Diplomat and Champion Spanish Diplomat and Champion of the the Papacy. Papacy. Washington, Catholic Univ. Univ. of of America America Press, Press, 1958. 1958.

RΤJΒΝ. Biblioteca VARGAS UGARTE = VARGAS Vargas Ugarte = Vargas UGARTE, Ugarte, Rubén. Biblioteca peruana, peruana, I I (Manuscritos peruanos [Manuscritos peruanos en en las las bibliotecas bibliotecas del del extranjero). extranjero). Lima, Lima, 1935. 1935-

ed. GaVILLIERS = = VILLIERS, ViLLiERS ViLLiERS, Cσsµλ Cosma DE. De. Bibliotheca Bibliotheca carmelitana, carmelitana, ed. Gain 1. r. tiοn, Romae, i. in briel Wessels. Wessels. Orleans, 1752 1752 offset offset e~ edition, Romae, 1927. 1927. 22 v.

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adds. --additions adds. additions ann. year ann. year (i.e. (i.e. anno anno Domini) Domini) anon. --anonymous anon. anonymous augm. --augmented augm. augmented Barb. - Barberini Barb. Barberini Bib. - Biblioteca, Βibhοthqυe Bib. Biblioteca, Bibliothece, Bibliothece, Bibliothèque bibi. bibliography bibl. bibliography bks. - -books bks. books c. - circa circa cit. cit. -- cited cited by cod. - -codex cod. codex col. - column column coli. coll. - collected collected cols. - -columns cols. columns comm. -- commentary comm. commentary comp. --compiled comp. compiled corr. - -corrected corr. corrected ded. - dedication, dedication, dedicated, dedicated, dedicatory dedicatory ed. - editor, editor, edited edited f. - folio folio ff. if. - folios folios fol. - folio folio (size) (size) idem. - used used when when place, place, printer, printer, and/or and/or date are are identical identical to tothose of the preceding of preceding entry entry int. - interno interno lat. - latini latini mm. - millimeters mm. - millimeters ms. -- manuscript ms. manuscript mss. - manuscripts mss. manuscripts Nac., Nat., Naz. Naz. - Nacional, Nacional, Nationale, Nationale, Nazionale Nazionale lac., Nat., n.d. - no no date date stated stated n.p. - no no place, place, or no no place place and and no no printer, printer, stated stated p. page page Π. pp. - pages pages pp. pt. - part part pubi. published publ. - published stamp. stampati stamp. - stampati tr. - translation, translation, translated translated v. - volume, volume, volumes volumes i.

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- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 186 186


1. Barb. lat. lat. 172 172

14th cent., χ 260 mm., 14th cent., parchment, parchment, 370 370x260 mm., 190 190 ff., ff., one one hand. hand. s t r o r u r in omde jjudicijs u dicijs Α Incipit Haly Haly Habenragel Habenragel de Astrorum nibus quatuor quatuor partibus. partibus. Liber Liber primus primus de de interrogationibus. interrogationibus.

et comp?emagrnis et οmine dei. Hic Inc. (f. (f. ir; prologue) prologue).. In ii nomine Hic est liber magnus compuοοgis cοmροs~t judiciis tus, quem Aly Abeiwagel filius summus astr de quern Aly Abenragel filius summus astrologus composuit judiciis οasteΥaε Ιhic1a filius filius Musce iΥiistris regis Αs~rο~οgi, quem Astrologiaz, quern Ihuda Musce praecepto praecepto illustris regis castellae ρanicυm ydioma, transtulit de arabico arabico in in materm maternumuidelicet videlicet ys yspanicum ydioma, et et qiem quern transt'zdit de Α i Ιae protonotarius cum egiet~Ιλ s de petrus de Regio Regio magnae magnae et et imperialis imperialis Aulae protonotarius 1,mα una cum egiijsiiλs aidae ~atinm... dio de de Thebaldis Thebaldis Parmensi Parmensi ipsius aulae notario notario transtulit transtulit in latinum... dei uictorioso ~ctοriοsο gratiα s vni deo (f. Ir; ir; text) text).. Dixit Dixit a?i ali filius abenragd abenragel gratias Inc. (f. honor ato... honorato... οiι it deus. Hic melis n Des. (f. Des. (f. 187v) 187V).. Et Et quid quid futurum est est melius nouit Hic explicit dicijs stellar'um, οsiλ i~~ Albohazen liber cοmρΙetus liber computus in in i'υ iudicijs stellarum, quer quern cοm composuit Albohazen Aly Aly per simpiterna saecda Dei benragel, de lαiλ dem et gratias Abenragel, de qi quoο laudem gratias ago ago per simpiterna saecula Deo filius Α Patri amen. Patri amen. Finito Finito libri libro esto esto rejeramus. rejeramus. gratia gratia Christi. Christo. Cit.: SILVERSTEIN, Cit.: Silverstein, pp. pp. 45-46. 45-46. He He notes: notes: "A "A list listof of60 60 chaps. chaps, follows follows the prologue. prologue. Cf. Cf. THORIDIKE Thorndike AND and KIBRE, Kibre, A A CataΙσgfe Catalogue if of incipits..., incipits..., which does does not, not, however, col. 2Ι2 2x2 el et al., which however, record present ms. or the translator from from Arabic Arabic into Spanish, Spanish, ihuda filius musce. See See also also CARMODY, Carmody, Ar. astron., astron., 28. 28. la," la," p. 46. See See also also Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 4363. 4363. p. 46.

Followed two astrological astrological treatises Latin, ff. ff. 188v-190r, iSSv-xqor, Followedby by two treatises in in Latin, and an astrological astrological chart, f. 190v. iqov. For Fordescriptions descriptions of of these theseitems, items, and an chart, f. unrelated the present present catalogue, catalogue, see see SILVERSTEIN, Silverstein, pp. pp. 46-47. 46-47. unrelated to the 2. Barb. lat. lat. 186 186 15th cent., paper, paper, 123 123 x mm., 78 78 ff., fi., several several hands. ι5th cent., χ 93 93 mm., Miscellany. Hispanic interest: interest: Miscellany. Of Hispanic

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Barb. lat. lat. 210 210 Barb,

32 32


(fí. 45Ν-48Ν). 45V-48V). memòria.) Inc. Inc. Primerament, Primer ameni, tot tot excellent excellent fredor fredor de fora fora destroueix de destroueix la la memoria... memoria...

table. Inc. 4 (ff. (ff. 59v-62). 59V-62). Astrological Astrological table. Inc. conte en en la la taula taula que que es es al al altre altre Banda... Banda...

tot ρο ques Si vols saber Si saber tot ço ques

-ν). Note 55 (f. (f. 64r 641-v). Noteon onthe thelegend legend of ofthe thebarons barons of of fame, fame, and and the the first attempt to first to wrest wrest Catalonia Catalonia from from the the Moors, Moors, with a list of of the the noble noble los moros moros tenien En lo temps que los houses descended descendedfrom fromthe the barons. barons. Inc. houses Inc. En lo principat de Cathalunya... principal de Cathalunya...

en manuscritos de la BibhoCit.: J. PijoAi, Pijoan, "Miniaturas "Miniaturas espafiolas españolas en Bibhoteca Vaticana," teca Vaticana," Escuela espanola española de de arqueologia arqueología ee historia historia en en Roma, Roma, and of ι II, Madrid, 1914, pp. 14-15. Items Cuadernos de trabajo Cuadernos trabajo Madrid, 1914, pp. 14-15. 1 and 33 of this J. CARRERAS codex have have been codex been edited edited by M. M. BATLLORI Batllori and and J. Carreras Ii ARTAU: Artau: pp. 201-249 1947, 2, 2, pp. Amai de Arnao de Vilanova, Vilanova, Obres Obres catalanes, catalanes, Barcelona, Barcelona, 1947, 201-249 the codex codexon onpp. pp.858ribe the respectively. The and 251-255 251-255 respectively. The editors editors desc describe 70 and 77-78. 86; see also 86; also pp. 70 and 77-78. 11. Barb. lat. 398 II. 398 Ann. 1587, Ann. 1587, paper, 157 157 Χ x 102 ff., one one hand. hand. 102 mm., 26 26 ff., Of ficia propria Officia propria Sanctorum Sanctorum Ecclesiae Ecclesiae HisHisp a I1 e n s i s. Anno pa Anno 1587. 1587. (Frontispiece). (Frontispiece). (f. ir-v). .Ded. V from from Cardinal Cardinal Rodrigo Rodrigo de de Castro, Castro, (f. 1m-v) Ded.letter letter to Sixtus V with autograph with autograph signature. signature.

(f. 3r). 3r). Index (f. Index Festorum... Festorum... Inc. (f. 4r). 4r). Dedicatio Ecclesiae Hispalensis Hispalensis duplex duplex primae primae classis. classis. Inc. (f. Dedicatio Ecclesiae Des. (f. Des. (f. 26r). 26r). ...et commemoratio commemoratio dominicae dominicae et et sanctae sanctae Foelicitatis Foelicitatis martyris.

The text contains The contains the the orce office of of the the dedication dedication of of the the Cathedral Cathedral of and the of Seville, Seville, and the orces offices of ofArchbishops Archbishops Leander, Leander, Isidorus, Isidorus, and and Laureanus, of King Hermenegildus, Hermenegildus, and martyrs Justa Justa and and Laureanus, of King and of of the martyrs Rutina, Florentinus, Rufina, Florentinus, and and Clemens. Clemens. In In Latin Latin prose prose and and verse. verse. The The orces listed earliest publication of of these these offices listed by ESCUDERO Escudero (no. 1798) 1798) dates from 1679. 1679. There from There is aa copy copy of of this this edition edition in in the the Vatican Vatican Library. Library.

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- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 478 478

37 37


12. Barb. lat. lat. 438 438 i6th cent., cent., paper, paper, 197 197x142 mm., 60 60 Π., ff., autograph. autograph. ι~th χ 142 mm., GÓMEZ DE DE CIUDAD CIUDAD REAL. REAL. Ρ Prouerbia ALVARO GOMEZ r o u e r b i a SSo0lo m o n i s cantata per Aluarum Gomez. Ι o r o n s cantata per Aluarum G σmez. (f. iv). Ded. Ded.totoCardinal CardinalFrancisco FranciscoQuifiones. Quiñones. (f. xv). Inc. (f. 2r). 2r). Has domini domini voces voces dinini diuini pignora pignora Regni... Regni... Inc. (f. Des. (f. 6or). Quid facis, ah vacuos Cur sinis ire dies, finis. Des. (f. ~σr). Quid ah vacuos Cur sinis ire dies. no others others known. known. The Thework work was was published pubhshed at at Rome Rome Uncited ms.; no (1535) ΑΙcaΙ~~de (ïSSS) and Alcalá de Henares Henares (1536) (1536) (Sul& (Simón Dbiz, Díaz, Bibi., Bill., IO, 10, 577257725773)5773). 13. Barb. lat. lat. 478 478 17th cent., paper, paper, 2Ι2 212 x 271 ff., ff., one one hand hand plus plus annotaannota150 mm., mm., IV IV + + 271 17th cent., χ 150 tions in two two others. others. tions ALBARUS CORDUBENSIS. CORDUBENSIS. Avreli Flavi Viri Inlvstris Inlvstris αν~~ Alvari Aliad Viri ALBARUS Avreli Fl Patricii Cordvubensis Cordvubensis S. S. Eviogi Evlogi Archiepiscopi Archiepiscopi Toletani Toletani Martyris Martyris Amici Amici Et Stvdiorvm Stvdiorvm collegie collegie O Opera omnia Quae In Bibhothecis Hisi a Quae In Bibhothecis Hise r a o r n p Nvnqvar Edita paniae A Mutis Mvltis Hactenvs Hactenvs Desiderata Desiderata Nvnqvam Edita ee cocopaniae Exstant A dice peruetusto Ecclesiae Ecclesiae Corbubensis Corbubensis htteris litteris gothicis gothicis exarato exarato bona fuie fide di ce peruetusto primum transcripta, tandem tandem eeBibliotheca Bibhotheca Domini Domini Thomae Thomae Tamaio Tamaio prirum transcripta, de Vargas Vargas Historiographi Historiographi regij regi] libenter libenter communicata. communicata. (Fontispiece). (Fontispiece). de (IIIr-v). List Listofofmedieval medieval and andmodern modern authors authors who who refer refer to toAlAl(IIIr-v). barus. barns. Inc. (f. ir) ir).. Alvari Cordub. Indicvlvs Indicvlvs Luminosus. Lvminosvs. In defensione serInc. (f. Α lνανi Cordub. uorum tuorum Domine Domine non non humano humano tenui... tenui... Des. (f. (f. 2711). 271V). ...Gratia fulgoris fuit fuit intima intima causa causa dotons. doloris. finis. finis. Des. . . .Gratia fuigoris This is transcription of the the ioth-cent. loth-cent. ms. ms. of of the the works works of of AlAlThis is a transcription barus Cordubensis Cordubensis in archive of of the theCathedral CathedralofofCordova: Cordova:codex codex barns in the archive I. Another Anothercopy, copy, dating dating from from the the ι~th 16th cent., cent., is BC ι. is in in the the Bib. Bib, Nac. lac. (Madrid): Ms. contents have been been edited edited from from the the earliest earhest (Madrid): Ms.7365. 7365. The The contents "confessio Albari"), by H. H. FΙ~rez Flórez ("indiculus ("indiculus luminosus", luminosus", "confessio Alban"), by by L. L. ms. by ("carmina"), and and by J. Madoz ("epistolae xii"). The Barberini Traube ("carmina"), Madoz ("epistolae xii"). The J.

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Barb. lat. 674 674 Barb. lat.

38 38


ms. is is mentioned mentioned vaguely vaguely by by Μ. M. Diaz Díaz y Díaz; not Diaz; presumably presumably it it has not been studied studied since since the 17th 17th cent. cent. been This codex codex may of interest interest for for the the marginal marginal notes notes by by Τom~s Tomás This may be be of Tamayo de Vargas Vargas and ΝicοΙ~~ Nicolás Antonio. Antonio. The The latter latterwrote wroteon onthe theverso verso of the first leaf: "Ego D. Nicolaus Antonius eques D. lacobi Agens Tacobi Agens Nicolaus Antonius eques D. of first leaf: "Ego D. Regis Hispaniarum Hispaniarum in in Romana Romana Curia Curia recognoui recognoui haec haec Aluari Aluari Catholici Regis aliorum opera opera eminentissimi eminentissimi Cardenalis Cardenalis Francisci Francisci Barberini Barberini benebeneet aliorum mihi communicata, communicata, et et ex ex incorrectissimis, incorrectissimis, quod quod vitio vitio excriptoris excriptoris ficio mihi contigerat, utcumque in apertissimis apertissimis erroribus, erroribus, contigerat, utcumque correxi, correxi,uel uel textum textur in quod aequum fuit fuit reformans, reformans, uel conjecturas coniecturas meas meas ad ad libri libri orar, oram, quid quod quid operae praetium praetium fuit, annotans, hoc anno MDCLXII. decuit, fortasseque operae Nicolaus Antonius." Αντονιο Antonio devotes devotes six six pages pages of of his his bibliography bibliography D. Nicoiaus to a detailed detailed study of of this text text (Bibi. {Bihl. Vel., Vet., ι, 1, pp. pp. 476-481), 476-481), aa now-lost now-lost copy of which which he transcribed transcribed for for his his own ownlibrary. library. copy For bibi., bibl., see see M. M. D Díaz Díaz, Index Index scriptorum scriptorwm latinorum medii ~λz υy Dfλz, aevi Hispanorum, Hispanorum, Salamanca, Salamanca, Acta ActaSalmanticensia, Salmanticensia, 13, 13, 1958, 1958, I, 1, pp. pp. aeui 125-127. 14. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 674 674 14. Ann. 1622, 1622, paper, paper, 295 295 X x 203 66 fi, if., one one hand hand pius plus additions additions by Ann. 203 mm., 66 Tomás Tamayo Tamayo de de Vargas. Vargas. Ροm.s JUAN MARIANA. R.P. R.P. bannis Ioannis Marianae Marianae Elborensis Elborensis ee SoSoJUAN DE MARIANA. cietatis lesi lesv Dictons Doctoris Theoiogi Theologi [! [!]] et et in in Romana, Romana, ac ac Parisiensis Parisiensis AcaAcademijs publici publici ohm ohm Sacrae Sacrae Theoiogiae Theologiae et et Sacrarum Sacrarum literarum literarum profes profes-demijs sons. Censvra Censvra Dvplex Dvplex In In Biblia Biblia Regia Regia diligentia, diligentia, et et sins. studio D. D. Benedicto Benedicto Ariae Ariae lontani Montani Ex Ex militari militari Sancti Sancii Jacobi Jacobi ordine ordine studio Theologi Clarissimi Clarissimi in in lucem lucem edita edita Jussu Jussu Sacrosancti Sacrosancti quaesitorum quaesitorum de de Theologi Fide senatus senatus scripta. scripta. E E Bibliotheca Bibliotheca D. D. Thomae Thomae Tamaio Tamaio de de Vargas Vargas Auctario edidit. edidit. (Frontispiece). (Frontispiece). qui illam cum Ariae ac Marianae vitarum vitarum Auctario Censura duplex duplex is is preceded preceded by: by: The Censura (ff. ι-13Ν). 1-13V). TOM TOMÁS Ex Elogiis Elogns ScriptoIi (ff. ΑS TAMAYO DE VARGAS. Ex rvm Ulvstrivm Carpetanorvm D. D. Thomae Thomae Tamaio Tamaio de de Vargas Vargas HistoHistoΙllνstriνm Carpetanorvm Regii. riographi Regii. Inc. (f. (f. 2r). 2r). bannes Joannes Mariana. Mariana. Si roger rogem cum cum Pindaro Pindaro Hymnos... Hymnos... Inc. Des. (f. 13ν). 13V). Toleti Toleti AA.D. M.DC.xxij. D. D. Thomas Thomas Tamaio Tamaio de de larVarDes. (f. .D. M.DC.xzij. gas Hystoriographus Regius. gas Hystoriogra$us Regius.

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- Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 684 684

39 39


bio-bibliographical study de Mariana, Mariana, with witheulogies eulogies study of of Juan de A bio-bibliographical by his his contemporaries. contemporaries. Signed Signed by by Tamayo Tamayo de de Vargas Vargas at at Toledo Toledo in in 1622. This This life life of of Mariana Mariana is an an uncited uncited excerpt excerpt from from Tamayo's Tamayo's lost lost 1622. than Elogia scriptorum illustrium illustrium Carpetanorum, Carpetanorum, which which included more more than Elogia Bibi. iwu., 2, 315. The only 500 authors, according to Antonio, Bihl. nov., 2, p. 3x5. The only 500 authors, according Ai'roiio, p. (p. reference that IIhave havefound foundisis in in PEDRO Pedro DE de Rivadeneira's RIVADENEIRA'S referenceto to the the text text that Bihliotheca scriptorvm Societatis Societatis lesi, lesv, Antverpiae, Antverpiae, 1643, 1643, s.l. s.v. bannes Joannes Bibliotheca scriptorum Mariana: "Eius "Eius vitam vitam & & res res gestas gestas scripsit scripsit Thomas Thomas Thomaius Thomaius de de VarVargas..." (p. 258). 258). (ff. 14-66). 14-66). JUAN JUAN DE DE MARIANA. MARIANA. bannis loannis Iarianae Marianae [added [added 2 (ff. in Tamayo's Tamayo's hand]. hand]. Censvrae Censvrae In In Biblia Biblia Regia Regia Qvae Qvae nuper nuper diligentia, dihgentia, industria D. D. Benedicti Benedicti Ariae Ariae lontani Montani in in Lucem Lucem aedita aedita sunt. sunt. Pars Pars et industria prima [-secunda]. [-secunda]. est...

Inc. (f. (f. 14r). I4r). In ea contronersia, controuersia, quae minoribus animis Inc. In ea aniinis suscepta sυsceta quae non 'ininoribus Des. (f. 64ν). 64V). ...D. ...D. Hieronymus Hieronymusto. 2. lib. apologia apologia contra louinianum. Des. (f. to. 2. (if. 65-66). 65-66). Table Table of of contents. contents. (Π.

unique The Censura duplex, finished on Seρtember September Uncited and u ni que ms. The an 2, 1577, d consequently Mariana's earhest-known work, is tmedited, 2, 1577, and consequently lariana's earliest-known work, is inedited, "Pro although it was was partly partlyincorporated incorporated into into "Pro editione editione vuigata" vulgata" of of although his Tractatvs VII, Coloniae Coloniae Agrippinae, Agrippinae, 1609. 1609. Tract atus VII,

15. lat. 684 684 15. Barb. lat. Ann. 1424, parchment, parchment, 305 305 Χ x 220 60 Π., if., one one hand. hand. Ann. 1424, 220 mm., 60 RAMÓN LULL. LULL. (Liber

Mariae.) RAMUN Inc. (f. (f. Ir). ir). Quaestiones, Quaestiones, de7initiοnes, deffinitiones, laudes, laudes, orationes, or aliones, intenliones intentiones Inc. sunt fundamenta fundamenta istius istius libri... libri... .quaestiones el Des. (f. (f. 60v). 6ov). .....quaestiones et haec haec omnia omnia ad ad gloriain gloriam et et honorer... honorem... Des. Amen... et transcriptus transcriptus Romae Romae el et completas completas die die VI VI novembris novembris 1424 1424 in Aren.., et die sancti sancii Leonardi. Leonardi. Orate Orate pro pro scriptore. scriptore. Amen. Amen.

NEZ, p. 87 Cit.: Pérez MARTf Martínez, 87 (with (with the theerroneous erroneous pressmark pressmark 648). 648). Cit.: PYREZ

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Barb. lat. lat. 822 822 -

40 40


16. Barb. lat. 822 16. 822 17th cent., χ 203 203 mm., 17th cent., paper, paper, 268 268 x ram., 492 492 Η., ff., one one hand. hand. Letters regarding Letters regarding the Council Council of of Treft. Trent. InInSpanish Spanish is: is:

(Η. 397r -398ν). Philip (ff. 397r-398v). PhilipII: II:copy copyofofa aletter lettertotoAmbassador Ambassador FranFrancisco Vargas Mejfa instructing him him to support the continuation cisco Mejia in Rome, Rome, instructing continuation of the Council, provided that itit not of Council, provided notre-examine re-examine questions questions determined determined in the 22, 1562). in the first first session session (n.p., (n.p., March March 22, 1562). 29. Codex cit.: cit.;CALEIZIO, Calenzio, p. p. 380, 380, no. no. 29.

17. Barb. lat. 17. lat. 827 827 17th cent., x 203 mm., 17th cent., paper, paper, 268 268x203 mm., 167 167 Η., ff., one one hand. hand. Miscellany,primarily primarily on on the Council Miscellany, Council of Treft. Trent. InInSpanish Spanish are: are: 1ι (Η. (ff. 29ν 29v-33r). Philip II: II:copy copyofofhis hisresponse response to to the theNuncio Nuncio -33r). Philip Ottaviano Rivera, Rovera, thanking thanking Pius Pius IV IV for for the thecontribution contribution of of forty forty galleys league against against the the Turks, Turks, and andpledging pledging similar similar support support galleys to to a league (n.p., n.d. [1561]). (n.p., [1561]). 2 (Η. (ff. 143-147). 143-147). Charles Charles V [?]: incomplete incomplete copy to Diego Diego copy of 0f a letter to Hurtado de de Mendoza Mendoza [?], ambassador to the the Council, Council, citing citing the the reasons reasons why should remain remain at Treft Trent (Innsbruck, (Innsbruck, May May 29, why it should 29, 1555). 1555). 33 (Η. (ff. 148-150). 148-150). Charles letter to to arι an anonymous anonymous CharlesV: V:copy copyof0f aa letter cardinal, continuation of of the the Council Council at at Treft Trent cardinal, urging urging support support for for the continuation (n.p., [Innsbruck, May May 29, (n.p., n.d. [Innsbruck, 29, 1552]). Codex cit.: cit.:CALEIZIO, Calenzio, p. p. 380, 380, no. no. 34. 34.

18. lat. 835 835 18. Barb. lat. 17th paper, 275 275 x 200 mm., ι68 168 H., ff., many hands. hands. 17th cent., paper, χ Zoo Miscellany Council of Treft. Trent. The TheSpanish Spanish items items are: are; Miscellany on on the Council iι (Η. (ff. 20-22). 20-22). Charles reviewing his attempt CharlesV: V: copy copyof of aa letter reviewing his attempt

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- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 895 895



to arrange arrange aa convocation convocation of of Catholic Catholic leaders leaders to consider consider the the schism schism of the Church and the threat of Church and threat posed posed by by the the Turks Turks (n.p. (n.p. April April 7, 1550). 7, 1550). δf Naples: Naples: copy copy of of aa letter 2 (ff. (ff. 98-99). 98-99). Pedro Pedrode deToledo, Toledo, Viceroy Viceroy of to Paul [II, defending his view that substitutes should be named Paul III, defending his view that substitutes should be named for for prelates who cannot prelates who cannot attend attend the the Council Council of of Treft Trent (Pozzuoli, (Pozzuoli, May May 2, 2, 1 545) . 1545)33 (f. (f. 134). 134). Charles Charles V: V: copy copy of of his his consent consent to to the theconvocation convocation of of the prelates prelates of of the the Council Council of of Treft Trent and and others others at Rome Rome to to work work on on reforms, provided provided that that nothing reforms, nothing already already established established by the the Council Council be moditied [1546]. modified [1546]. 4 of reasons reasons why why Paul Paul III 4 (f. (f. 136). 136). Anonymous Anonymous memorandum memorandum of III should not move should move the the Council Council from Treft Trent [July [July or or August August 1546]. 1546]. The contents of this The contents of this codex codex are are listed fisted by by CALEIZIO, Calenzio, pp. pp. 383-386. 383-386. Friburgi Brisg σviae, Item 44 is is published published in in Concilium Concilium Tridentinuin, Tridentinum, Friburgi Brisgoviae, 1938, 13, 1938, 13, Π. p. 3.

19. Barb. lat. lat. 863 863 16th cent., paper, paper, 260 260 x 201 Π., if., one one hand. hand. ι ~ th cent., χ 195 195 mm., 201 Miscellany Council of Treft. Trent. Items ItemsininSpanish Spanish are: are: Miscellanyon on the Council (ff. 23ν 23v-24r). Philip II: II: copy copy of of aaletter lettertotohis hisambassadors ambassadors ι1 (Π. -24r). Philip to the the Council, Council, instructing them to to agree agree to toaasuspension suspension of of the theCouncil Council for period of of not less less than two two years years (n.p., (n.p., n.d.). n.d.). for a period 22 (Π. (if. 35ν 35v-37r). Philip II: letter to toCardinal Cardinal Charles Charles -37r). Philip copy of of a letter II: copy de Lorraine, conveying conveying his of Fran François de de Lorraine, his condolences condolenceson onthe the death death of ςois de Lorraine, Duke Duke of of Guise Guise, and pledging his support of the the Council Council (Madrid, (Madrid, support of April 1563). April 30, 1563). ,

The contents of codex are listed fisted by by CALEIZIO, Calenzio, pp. pp. 399-402. 399-402. The contents of this codex 20. Barb. lat. 895 895 Barb. lat. lyth cent., paper, paper, 325 325x225 mm., 197 197 Π., ff., several several hands. hands. 17th cent., χ 225 mm., Miscellany Council of of Treft. Trent. The TheSpanish Spanish items items are: are: Miscellany on on the Council


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Barb, lat. Barb. lat. 1083 1083 -

42 42


1ι (ff. (ff. 91ν-92Τ). giv-gar). Memorial Memorial de de cartas cartas dei del Concilio Concilio [c. [c. 1562]. 1562]. A A summary summary of of recent recent decisions. decisions. -ν). Philip (f. 197r 2 (f. igyr-v). PhilipII: II:copy copyofofinstructions instructions for for Luis Luis de de ZMiiga, Zúñiga, specilk instructions instructions ambassador to the Holy Holy See See (n.d.). (n.d.). Incomplete; Incomplete; the specific are lacking. lacking.

This codex This codex is described described by CALEIZIO, Calenzio, pp. pp. 413ff. 413¾.

21. Barb. lat. 21. lat. 1083 1083 17th cent., paper, mm., 846 χ 220 mm., 17th paper, 310 310x220 846 ff., ff., one one hand. hand.

Censvrae Episcoporum Censvrae Episcoporum Theologorum Theologorum HyspaHyspaniae aliorumque niae aliorumque Doctorum Doctorum pertinentes pertinentes ad ad ma ma-tenar De teriam De Avxiliis Avxiliis Divinae Divinae Gratiae. Gratia e. Ad Ad Instantiam Inquisitoris Generalis Inquisitoris Generalis Hyspaniarum Hyspaniarum Illustnissimi Illustrissimi Domini Domini Cardinalis Cardinalis Quirogae Archiepiscopi Toletani. Archiepiscopi Toletani. (ff. 4-21). 4-21). Ded. Ded. letter letter in in Spanish Spanish by by Andr€s Andrés Pacheco, Pacheco, Bishop Bishop of Segovia, Segovia, to to Cardinal Gaspar de Quiroga (October 1594) . Followed (October 26, 26,15g4). Followed Concordia by by Luis in Latin Latin or Spanish, by censures censures of of Concordia Luis de de Molina, Mohna, in Spanish, by: 1I (ff. (ff. 22-131) 22-131).. AndrYs Andrés Pacheco Pacheco (in (in Latin). Latin). 2 (ff. (ff. 132-216). 132-216). Latin).

Sancho of Cartagena Sancho D~νila Dávila Toledo, Toledo, Bishop Bishop of Cartagena (in (in

33 (ff. (ff. 217-356). 217-356). Pedro Pedro Gοnz González Acevedo, Bishop of Plasencia Ιez de Acevedo, (in (in Latin). 4 (ff. (ff- 357-402). 357-402)- Pedro Pedro Garcia Garcia de de Galarza, Galarza, Bishop Bishop of of Coria Coria (in (in Spanish). 55 (ff. (ff. 404-427). 404-427). Isidro Isidro Caja Caja de de Lai Lajara, Bishop of of Mondofiedo Mondoñedo ana, Bishop (in Spanish). (in Spanish). 6~~(ff. (ff. 428-437). 428-437). Doctor Doctor Sierra Sierra (in (in Spanish, Spanish, with with Latin Latin tr. on on ff. ff. 438-446). 77 (ff. (ff. 447-665). 447-665). Francisco Francisco Ζ~meΙ Zúmel (in (in Latin). Latin). 8 (ff. (ff. 666-692). 666-6g2). Dr. Dr. Pedro Pedro de deCastro Castro (in (inSpanish). Spanish).

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Βaib. lat. -- Barb. lat. 1132 1132


9 (ff. (ff. 693-833). 693-833). Miguel Miguel SaΙ~n Salón (in (in Latin). Latin).

ιο (Π. 10 (ff. 833-846). 833-846). Luis Luis Colora Coloma (in (in Spanish). Spanish). in the The original original ms. ms. is is preserved preserved in the Biblioteca Biblioteca Angelica Angelica (Rome): (Rome): Ms. 882. 882. The Αντονιο ASTRAIN, Ms. The censures censures have been studied by by Antonio Astrain, Historia ~ia de Jes4s, ria de de ta la CοmρaF Compañía Jesús, en la la asistencia asistencia de Espaila, España, Madrid, Madrid, 1913, 1913, 4, pp. 234-244. Astrain ΒarberΙ~~ ms. on p. ι. pp. 234-244. Astrain cites the Barberini ms. 235, note 1. p. 235, 22. Barb. lat. 1086 1086

ι~th and mm., 411 χ 222 222 mm., 16th and 17th 17th cent., cent., paper, paper, 318 318 x 411 Π., ff., many many hands. hands. MiscellanyononLuis LuisdedeMohna's bijna's Concordia, in Latin Miscellany Concordia, in Latin and and Spanish. Spanish. In Spanish: Spanish:

(Π. 113-118). VIII, defending (ff. 113-118). Spanish Spanish Jesuits: Jesuits: memorial memorial to Clement Clement VIII, defending themselves against accusations of obstinacy and and unorthodoxy unorthodoxyconcerning concerning bijna's book Mohna's book(February (February1602). 1602). 23. Barb. lat. lat. 1132 1132 16th cent., paper, paper,240 240Xx 170 170 mm., mm., 52 52 Π., ff., two two hands. hands. ι~th cent., Miscellany Concordia, in and Spanish. Spanish. MiscellanyononLuis LuisdedeMolina's bijna's Concordia, in Latin and In Spanish: Spanish: 1ι (f. (f. ir-y). ir-v). Este Este mandato se mujo inuio al prouincial de Santo Santo Domingo Domingo prouincia de de espafia españa que publico la carta de Su Santidad que que alde la pronincia teraron en espafia españa [1598?]. Permission for discussion [1598?]. Permission for prelates prelates to rresume esume discussion of work, signed signed by Alonso Alonso Gaitán and fíñigo de Salcedo Salcedo by by of Mohna's bijna's work, Gaitn and fugo de order López de Alegrfa, Alegría, of order of of Pedro L~ρez of the Inquisition. 2 (Π. (ff. 2r-4r). 2r-4r). Notice Noticefrom fromthe theInquisition Inquisitionto tothe theFaculty FacultyofofTheology Theology 2 at the the University University of of Salamanca, Salamanca, informing informing them them that that discussion discussion of of Concordia can be resumed resumed (Valladolid, (Vahadohd, May May 5, 1598). The same signers 5, 1598). The same signers as in item item ι, 1, by by order order of of Pedro Pedro de de Bolivar. Bohvar. as

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Barb. lat. lat. 1487 1487 Barb.

44 44


24. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 1487 1487 24. 15th paper, 435x290 403 ff., ff., many many hands. hands. 15th cent., paper, mm., 403 435 χ 290 mm., DE ΑR1 ARÉVALO. Miscellany of of treatises treatises RODRIGO SSÁNCHEZ ΑNCHEZ DE ΝΑLΟ. Miscellany in Latin by aa number number of authors. authors. Those Those by by Snchez Sánchez de de Ar~valo Arévalo are: are: in Latin 1ι (ff. (ff. 79r ygr-SSv). Incipit tractatus tractatus de sen-88ν). Incipit nde aapellatione p e Ι l a t i o n e aa se tentia Romani Romani pontificis pontificis non non informati informati ad ad sesebene informandum et disputatur quaestio pro. iipsum bene n f o r r a n d u r et disputatur quaestio pro. s u r i p parte at at tandem tandem adducitur adducitur ventas Veritas quae quae pluribus pluribus testimonijs testimonij s vtraque parte juris divini divini et et humani humani roboratur. roboratur. declaratur declaratur etiam etiam quotuplex quotuplex sit sit su su-et quae quae sit sit illa ilia quae quae requiritur requiritur in in appellatione. appellatione. Dedicatus Dedicatus perioritas, et hie libellus libellus sanctissimo sanctissimo patri patri domino domino paulo paulo ij ij pontifici pontifici maximo máximo edi edi-est hic Reuerendo patre patreroderico roderico sancij sancij de de areualo arcualo vtriusque vtriusque junis juris proprotus aa Reuerendo Episcopo Ouetensis Ouetensis apostolico apostolico Referendario. Referendario. fessore Episcopo Inc. Beatissimo Beatissimo 'w ac clementissimo clementissimo patri... paIn.. Des. ...non ...non autem autem maionitas maioritas informationis informationis aut autcognitionis. cognitionis. Et Et sic sic finis taus laus dei. deo. Tu Tu qui qui suxisti de de u&gine virgine virginum virginum lac lac Celestis Celestis regni regni est finis scriptorem participer participem fac. fac. scniptorem 2 (ff. (ff. 89r-105r). Sgr-iosr). Incipit Incipit libellus libellus de s septem 2 e p t ern q quaesti u a e s t i on ibus conuocationem et et congragationem congragationem gegebus circa conuocationem neralis ubi inter cetera agitur ex quibus causis, quando n e r a li s ssynodi ubi ynodi inter cetera agitur ex quibus causis, quando et per per quer quem et et ad ad quid quid generale generale conuocandum conuocandum sit sit agitur agitur et de de diuersis diuersis materiis generalis generalis concilia concilia concementibus. concementibus. editus editus a a Roderico Roderico sancij... sancij... mateniis Beatissimo ac ac clementissimo clementissimo patri... Inc. Beatissimo summo sacerdoti sacerdoti reseruata. reseruata. Des. .....occurrunt .occurrunt summo (ff. ιo7r I07r-i5iv). ...libellus incipit de de r remediis -151 ν). ...libellus e r e d i i s aafflictae f f li c t a e 33 (Π. ecclesiae rilitantis militantisaduersus aduersus extrinsecas extrínsecas turturcorum persecutiones, ac ac iustentinas iustentinas [sic] [sic] eius eius corur persecutiones, pressuras et an an generalis generalis synodus synodus por por hoc hoc p r e s s u r a s et et a angustias; n g u s t i a s; et tempore sit sit expediens expediens aut aut sumciens sufficiens remediur remedium ad ad cas eas extirpandas. extirpandas.

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- Barb. Barb. lat. lai. 1589 1589

45 45


Demum ostenditur ostenditur quando quando et et quomodo, quomodo, et et ex exquibus quibuscausis causisgeneralia generaba Demur congregari debent. debent.Rursus Rursusdeducitur deduciturRomanum RomanumPontificem Pontificem concilia congregan in terris terris supremam supremam auctonitatem auctoritatem foreque foreque summum summum et et ordina ordina-habere in rium tribunal tribunal ad ad leuanda leuanda quaeuis quaeuis mala mala et incommoda incommoda ab Ecciesia Ecclesia Dei. Dei. nur Reuerendo patre patreRoderico... Roderico... Editus aaReuerendo Inc. Reuerendissimo Reuerenclissimo in in Christo Christo pain... patri... Des. .....diuitium cursum perducat ad nitam uitam eternam. eternam. Amen. Amen. .dinitium cursum perducat ad (ff. 151ν-156ν). 151V-X56V). Tabula Tabula materiarum. materiarum. Cit.: Trame, pp. 226-227. Trame incorrectly incorrectly states that another another TRAME, pp. states that 226-227. TRAME of item ι1 is is in Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 3716. 37x6. He Helists listsfour fourmss. mss. each each for for ι1 and and 3. 3. ms. of According to him, item 2 is unique. According to him, item 2 unique.

25. Barb. lat. lat. 1589 1589 25. Barb. 15th cent., cent., paper, paper, 280 280x213 mm., 146 146 ff., ff., two two hands. hands. 15th χ 213 mm., RODRIGO SΑNCHEZ SÁNCHEZ DE DE ARÉVALO. Incipit liber liber D Dee rmoΑR ΝΑLΟ. Incipit onarchia, ac origine origine & & differentia differentia ciuislibet ciuislibet pnincipatus principatus tam impeimpen a r c h i a, ac rialis quam regalis, regalis, nec nec non non de de antiquitate antiquitate aut aut justicia iusticia utniusque. utriusque. Et Et nialis quo alter alter pnincipatus principatus altenum alterum excedat. excedat. Rursus Rursus in in secunda secunda eiusdem eiusdem in quo quibus ex ex causis causis reges ipsi & & principes principes cornipi, compi, libri parte pante agitur a qui et quibus aut punid puniri possint. possint. Editus aa Reverendo Reverendo Patre PatreRodenico Roderico episcopo episcopo deponi ant Zamorensis postea Calagurritano sanctissimi sanctissimi domini domini nostri nostri pauli pauli Π II Zamonensis postea Calagurritano pontífices maximi maximi in in castro castro suo suo sancti sancii angeli angeli de de urbe urbe castellano castellano & & ne re-pontifices ferendario. fenendario. (fi. τ-6), 1-6), Prologue; Prologue; (Π. (ff. 6ν-13r), 6v-i3r), table table of of contents; contents; (Π. (ff. 13r-146n), I3r-i46r), text. (Π. text. Inc. (f. 13f). I3r). Primam Inc. (f. Primarpartem principalem aggrediamur in qua auctore dea breui... breui... dei Des. .....oppida et castra, castra, quibus quibus de de facto facto fuit fuitspolialus. spoliatus. .ορida et Cit.; Trame, p. 226, 226, as are two two other other mss. mss. De monarchia was written Cit.: TRAME, 1467 and first first published published in in1521 1521 (Rome, (Rome, Stephanus StephanusGuillireti). Guillireti). in 1467

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Barb. lat. 1598 1590 Barb, lat.

46 46


26. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 1590 1590 15th cent., paper, paper, 278 278x215 mm., 112 ff., two two hands. hands. 15th cent., 112 ff., χ 215 mm., RODRIGO SSÁNCHEZ DE ARÉVALO. Reuerendissimos in RODRIGO ΑNCHEZ DE ΑR] ΝΑLΟ. Ad Reuerendissimos Christo ac praestantissimos praestantissimos dominos dominos Nicolaum Nicolaum Sancte SanateCaeciliae Caeciliae Christo Patres ac Thiatensis uulgariter uulgariter nuncupatum, nuncupatum, et etRodericum Rodericum sancti sancii presbyterium Thiatensis Nicolai in carcere carcere Tuliano Tuliano diaconum diaconumvicecancelarium vicecancelarium facto facto sancte sánete RoRoNicolai Libellus incipit dictus CClipeus Monarmanae ecclesiae cardinales. Libellus IipeusΜ o n a rchiae edditus aa Roderico Roderico sanctii sanctii utriusque utriusque iuris iuris et et c h i a e e ecclesiae, c c 1 e s i a e, edditus artium professore professore Episcopo Episcopo Calagurritano Calagurritano Sanctissimi Sanctissimi Domini Domini Nostri Nostri Pauli II II pontilicis pontificis maximi maximi in in castro castro suo suo Sancti Sancii Angeli Angeli de de urbe urbe CastelCastellano in in defensionem defensionem libri libri ab ab ei eoedditi edditi de de Monarchia Monarchia & & principatus principatus lano in quo quoostendit ostenditveram verammonachiam monachiam orbis orbis in in spiritualibus spiritualibus et et origine, in temporalibus Romano Romano pontifici pontifici Christi Christi vicario vacano et et non non imperatori imperatori comcomcontra quemdam quemdam emulum emulum nonnulla nonnulla eiusdem eiusdem Episcopi Episcopi scripta scripta petere, contra probantem ac ac eundem eundem suppremum suppremum principatum principatum monarchicum monarchicum totoin probantem orbis imperatori imperatori falso falso tribuentem. tribuentem. tius orbis Inc. (f. (f. Ir, ir, prologue). prologue). V Vacanti mihi consueto consveto ac ac desiderato... desiderato... Inc. αcαnti mi/ii Des. (f.ioir). Michaelis Michaelis archangeli archangeli in in seen/a sécula secnlorum seculomm Amen. Amen. Des. Explicit libe//us libellus dictus dictus clipeus... clipeus... (fi. 102r-112r). I02r-ii2r). Table Table of of materials materials treated the text. text. (ff. treated in the cit.: TRAME, Trame, who who mentions mentions only in Vat. Vat. Lat. Lat. 4881, 4881, Not cit.: only the the text in f. 49 on. 49 on. 27. Barb. lat. 1742 1742 Barb. lat. Ann. 1626, paper, paper, 205 205 χ x 150 150 mm., mm., 35 fi., one one hand. hand. Ann. 1626, 35 ff., BAUTISTA VALENZUELA VALENZUELA VEL VELÁZQUEZ. JUAN BAUTISTA ΑZQUEZ. VVetera et e r a Hispánica monumenta si sive lapides etetinscriptiones. inscriptiones. Hispanica monumenta Ιe lapides (f. ir-v). Ded.totoCardinal CardinalFrancesco Francesco Barberini Barberini (Madrid, (Madrid, June June (f. ii-v). Ded. 1626). Inc. (f. (f. 2r). 2r). En una vna calcada calcada de de Romanos... Romanos... Inc. Des. (f. 35ν). 35v). .....quos Deus Elisijs Elisijs imponat impanai sedibus sedibus a/mis. almis. Des. (f. .quos Dens mainly aa collection collection of of Hispano-Riman Hispano-Roman inscriptionsinscriptions— The work is mainly

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- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 1864 1864

47 47


few medieval medieval ones—, ones—, with notes notes on on location location and and interpretation. interpretation. and a few Ff. 2-20 2-20 were were redacted in 1608, the rest in 1626. The inscriptions are redacted 1608, the in 1626. The inscriptions are followed by on Cardinal Cardinal Gil Gil de de Albornoz, Albornoz, with with aadescription description followed by aa note on of the tombs tombs of of the the Albornoz Albornoz family family in in Cuenca Cuenca (ff. (if. 31-35). 31-35). of Cit.; Bibl. nou., nov., ι, 1, p. p. 655. 655. Described Described and and utilized utilized by by Αντονιο, Bibi. Cit.: Antonio, E. HUBER, Hüber, Inscriptiones Inscriptiones Hispaniae Hispaniae Latinae, Latinae, Berlin, Berlin, 1869, 1869, 1, p. XIX XIX I, p. Ε. and passim. passim.

Barb. lat. lat. 1864 1864 28. Barb. paper, 230 230 χ x 154 154 mm., 45 Π., if., one one hand hand plus plus autograph autograph mm., IV IV + + 45 17th cent., paper, signature. URBAN [MAFFEO BARBERIl'] BARBERINI] and and GABRIEL DE DE CORCORURBAN Vili VIII [MAFFE' RAL. Poems Poems of of Urban Urban VIII VIII in inLatin, Latin,with withSpanish Spanish tr. tr.by byGabriel Gabrielde de RAL. Corral, on Also two two original original poems poems in in Latin Latin by byCorral. Corral. Corral, on facing facing pages. pages. Also autograph signature signature appears appearson onleaf leafIV: IV:Gabriel Gabrielde deCorral, Corral, limosnero His autograph del excelentísimo Conde de Monterrey. The first verses Corral's dei excelentisimo Conde de Monterrey. The first verses ofofCorral's work as follows: follows: work are as xι (f. (f. Ir). ir). Latin Latinepigram epigram to toUrban Urban VIII: VIII: Quer Quem trepidant trepidant stygii sty gii maestissima regna regna Tyranni. 2 (f. (f. 2r). 2r). De De San San Luis Luis Rey Rey de Silba I. I. Α A la la vista vista de de un 2 de Frangia. Frania. Silba mar y otro cercada. y otro cercada. Da a luz Da luz oo lyra lyra mia. mia.

3 3 (f. (f- 3r). 3r)-

[Silva] II. [Silva]

4 (f. (f. 4r). 4r). 4

[Silva] Mas no no me me detingais: detingais: mas mas alta alta empresa. empresa. [Silva] III. III. Mas

5 (f. (f. 5r). 5r). 5

[Silva] [Silva] IV.

6 (f. (f. 6r). 6r). ~~

[Silva] V. [Silva] V.

7 (f. (f. 7r). 7r). 7

[Silva] Qual flor flor en en ei el jardin bien bien cuitivado. cultiuado. [Silva] VI. Qual

8 (f. (f. 8r). 8r). 8

[Silva] Esta es es la la que que dei del nectar nectar que que apa'ienta. apaçienta. [Silva] VIL VII. Esta

9 (f. (f. 9r). gr). 9

[Silva] VIII. Que Que de de la la triste triste suerte suerte lastimado. lastimado.

En mas mas robustos robustos allis años dei del pecado. pecado. Como en en los los quadros quadros de de un un jardin jardin hermoso. hermoso. Como

10 (f. (f. lor). xor). [Silva] [Silva] IX. IX. io

Mas de de ordinario, ordinario, quando quando mas mas parece. parece. Mas

11 (f. iir). [Silva] X. X. ii (f. lir). [Silva]

No fue fue menor menor tu tu gloria. gloria.

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Barb. lat. 2802 2002 Barb. lat.

48 48


12 12

(f. 12r) I2r)..

[Silva] XI XI.. [Silva]

Los ánimos cii~ confirmes vacilantes. Lis animos rmes vacilantes.

13 (f. I3r). 13r).

[Silva] XII. XII.

El escojidi escojido puebli, pueblo, elelpueblo pueblo amado. amado.

14 (f. 141-). 14r).

[Silva] XIII. XIII.

De el el bdrbaro bárbaro gitano. gitano.

15 (f. i5r). 15r) .

[Silva] XIV. XIV.

No ay ay cuidado cuidado en en que que tanto tanto te te desbiles. deshiles.

16 (f. i6r). ι~~ (f. 16r).

[Silva] XV. XV.

monarca ya en en dichoso. dichoso. Inuencible monarca

17 (f. (f. 17r-2 171--201-). Romances. Que Quefaciles faciles los los sentidos. sentidos. οr). Romances. 17 18 (f. 2ir). Contra vn vn malediciente malediciente que que dei del nombre nombre de de Roma Roma ι8 (f. 2 ir). Contra vso en en sentido sentido indecente. indecente. Soneto. Soneto. Roma, Roma, aquella aquella que que inclita indita oprimia. oprimía. vsi 19 (ff. (fí. 22r-27r). 22r-27r). Parafrasis. Paráfrasis. Romance. Romance. Α A titioogran gran seflor señor de todo. todo. 20 (ff. (ñ. 28r-36ν). 28r-36v). De Denvestro nvestrosanctissimo sanctissimo padre padre Irbano Vrbano Papa viii 20 Παρα viii de la vanidad humana, dei del fin de los hombres, de la breuedad de la vida, de de la estrecha estrecha quenta quenta que que se se h hà[de] [de] dar dar aa Dios, Dios, del del acuerdo acuerdo y y dolor de los pecados, pecados, de de la la esperanza, esperanza, dei del perdσn, perdón, y y de de la la inefable inefable gloria. gloria. de los Elegia, Tercetos. Tercetos. Con Con veloz veloz planta huyen huyen '1à por porfía. Elegia. fia. 21 37r-4ir). Α A la la turbaci~n turbación de de vna vna mala mala consciencia consciencia y y ai al (if. 37r-41r). 21 (fí. de vn vn alma alma justa. justa. Lyras. Lyras. Quando Quando Marte Marte inclemente. inclemente. sosiego de 22 (fí. 41v-44r). qiv-qqr). 'Heroyca 'Heroyca carmina' carmina' in in Latin, Latin, ded. ded. to to Card. Card. FranFran22 (Η. Barberini on on the the occasion occasion of of his his iegation legation to to Spain: Spain; Jam lam luz lux prima cesco Barberini Geniumque habitura perennem. perennem. que habitura nitet, Genium Unedited Bibl., 9, 9, 378, 378, cites cites from from ΑΝΤΟΝΙΟ Antonio a lost lost D Ιλz, Bibi., Unedited tr. Simón Sιµ ~ ν Díaz, "Traducción de de las las Obras Obras poYticas poéticas de de Urbano Urbano VIII." VIII." Mrs. Mrs.Oremia Oremia "Τraducci~n Peñalver is preparing preparing a critical critical edition edition of of these these poems poems as part part of of her her Ρefaiver dissertation (University (University ofofMissouri). Missouri). doctoral dissertation 29. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 2002 2002 29. 17th cent., paper, paper, 275 275x200 19 Π. ff., one one hand. hand. 17th mm., 19 χ 200 mm., ,

Miscellaneous originals in in Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 2158. 2158. Miscellaneousletters, letters, copied copied from from the originals Two are by by Portuguese: Portuguese: Two iτ (f. (f. Ir). ir). Jorge JorgeCoelho: Coelho: copy copy of a letter letter in in Latin Latin to toCardinal Cardinal Pietro Pietro thanking him February I,1,1542). 1542). Bembo, thanking him for forhis hisletters letters(Évora, (v σra, February

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-- Barb, Barb. lat. 2864 2064

hr-I). Dami of a letter in Latin to 22 (f. (f. ur-v). Damiaoο de G~is: Góis: copy copy of to Cardinal Cardinal Pietro Bembo, Bembo, describing describing several books books he is sending as gifts gifts (Louvain, (Louvain, October 14, October 14, 1540). 1540). 38. Barb. lat. 2011 30. 2011 17th cent., paper, χ 210 mm., mm., 136 17th paper, 275 275x210 136 H., ff., many hands. Miscellany, including including in Spanish: Miscellany, Spanish: 1ι (ff. (ff. 29ν-32ν). 29V-32V). Philip PhilipII: II:copy copy0f ofaaletter lettertotoan anunnamed unnamedbishop, bishop, on a convocation being called to consider the reformation reformation of of the the Moorish Moorish converts in Valencia converts Valencia (Valladolid, (Valladolid, May May 9, 1565). 1565).

-34ν). Philip 2 (Π. (ff. 33r 33r-34v). PhilipII: II;copy copyofofa aletter lettertoto Archbishop FerFerArchbishop nando de Αrag~n Aragón and the the other other prelates prelates at atthe theconvocation, convocation, instructing instructing them to follow follow the provisions and precautions precautions established estabhshed by by the theCouncil Council Treft for the the maintenance of the purity of Trent purity of of the the Catholic Catholic faith faith (Osque [?], [?], September 3, 1565). 1565). 31. Barb. lat. 2864 31. 2064 17th cent., x 205 mm., 17th cent., paper, paper, 280 280x205 mm., 220 220 Π., ff., many many hands. hands. Letters miscellaneous writings Includes Letters and miscellaneous writingsdirected directedto to popes. popes. Includes of Hispanic of Hispanic interest: interest: .

-ν) . Juan 1ι (f. (f. 37r 37r-v). JuandedeMariana: Mariana: original original letter in Latin Latin to to Paul Paul V, V, thanking for obtaining obtaining his his release release from from prison, prison, and and requesting requesting thanking him him for further succor succor (Madrid, (Madrid, May May 7, 7, '6'0). 1610). Also Also aa copy, copy, Π. ff. 36r 36r-v, Not -ν, 39r. 39r. Not cit. : SOMMERIOGEL, cit.: SOMMERVOGEL, 5, 5, cols. COls. 565-567. 565-567. 2 (Π. (ff. 40r-ν, qor-v, 41A-42r). 4ir-42r). Jer~nimo Jerónimo de de Saizedo: Salzedo: two two original original letters letters in Latin to Paul Paul V, V, requesting requesting that that he hebe beallowed allowed to to join join another another order, order, because present persecution persecution by the the Jesuits Jesuits(Burgos, (Burgos, September September because of of his his present 19, '610 1610 and and n.d.). n.d.). 33 (Π. (ff. 48r-53v). 48r-53v). Portuguese Portuguese Jesuits Jesuits in in Goa: Goa: copy copy of of three three letters letters in Latin to to Paul Paul V, V, on on the theunfortunate unfortunate situation situation of of the the Ch Christians in ri stians in Armenia, war between between the Persians and the Turks, Turks, and and Armenia,due due to to the the war the Persians and the announcing the Patriarch Patriarch and andseveral severalbishops bishops ofofArmenia Armeniawish wish announcing that that the 44

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Barb, lat. Barb. lat. 2103 2103 -

50 50


to make to Paul Paul V. V. By make their obedience obedience to ByDiogo Diogo de de Santa Santa Anna Anna (May (May 15, de Gουν 15, 1607), 1607), Αnt~niο António de Gouvêaa (December (December 26, 26, 1616), 1606), and and Agostinho Agostinho de Gracia Gracia (December (December 23, 23, 1606). 1606). 4 (ff. (ff. 67r-841). 67r-84v). Information Information in in Latin Latin on on the the purity purity of of blood blood of of Τhοm~s de Vega the Portuguese Portuguese Thomás Vega and his his brothers, brothers, compiled compiled by order order of Cardinal GiacomoPanziroli, Panziroli,nuncio nunciototo Spain, Spain, and and subof Cardinal Giovanni Giovanni Giacomo submitted to to Cardinal Cardinal Francesco Francesco Barberini Barberini (1644). (1644).

32. Barb. lat. 32. lat. 2103 2103 Χ 208 mm., Ann. 1625, Ann. 1625, paper, paper, 305 305x208 mm., 131 131 ff., ff., one one hand. hand.

et alus Adriani Papae VI Adriani VI ad ad Carolvm Carolvm V V Caesarem Caesarem et alios principes principes et et Adrianum e p ii ss tt oo 1Ι aa e. e. ministros, eiusdemque Caesaris, ministros, Caesaris, et aliorum ahorum ad Adrianum Quibus quis quis rerum rerum status status ei eo pontifice pontifice fuerit fuerit facile facile potest potest colligi. colligi. AcAccedit instructio cedit instructio data Lupo Lupo Hurtado Hurtado aa Caesare Caesare ad ad Adrianum Adrianum legato, legato, Columna, Vrsino, et Cesarino legatis et alia S.R.E. Cardinalibus ~~ sacro S.R.E. Cardinahbus Columna, Cesarino á sacro Cardinalium Collegio Collegio ad ad Adrianum Adrianum jam iam electum electum in Papar, Papam, et et de de eiuseiusomnia vero vero nonnulla nonnulla dem pontificis electione breuis commentarius. Ante omnia et illius iπius temporis quae ad ad Cardinalem Cardinalem Ximenium, Ximenium, et temporis res res spectant. spectant. In In Spanish and and Latin. Latin. Items Spanish Items ininSpanish: Spanish: Ιr5 ν). Table (ff. ir-5v). Tableof ofcontents. contents. 55r-61 ν, 73r-78r, -34r, 41v-48r, 1ι (Π. (ff. 28ν 28v-34r, qiv-qSr, 52Τ-ν, 52r-v, 55r-6iv, 73r-78r, 81ν-82ν, 8iv-82v, 84ν, 84V, 93ν-95 ν). Adrian VI: copy of nineteen letters Ssv-Syr, Syv-qsr, 93V-95V). Adrian VI: copy of nineteen letters to to 85ν-87r, 871-93r, Charles V Charles V (1522-1523). (1522-1523). -71~, 78r -81 ν, 82ν-84ν, -ν, 22 (Π. (ff. 34r-36r, 34r-36r, 48r-50r, 48r-5or, 65r-69r, ó¡r-6gr, 69r bgr-yir, ySr-Siv, 82V-84V, 87r 87r-v, ιιι r-1131). Charles V: copy copy of of eighteen letters to 93r-Ν, 951-107r, 93r-v, psv-ioyr, iiir-ii3v). Charles V: eighteen letters to Adrian VI VI (1522-1523). (1522-1523).

~r-7r). Tocante 3 (Π. (ff. 6r-7r). Tocante al al Cardenal Cardenal Fray Fray Francisco Francisco Ximenez Ximenez [de [de de Toledo. Αr οbispο de Cisneros], Arçobispo Toledo. Biographical Biographical note. note. 44 (Π. (ff. 7v-9v). yv-gv). Copy Copyofofananagreement agreementamong amongCardinal CardinalFrancisco Francisco Jiménez, Bishop of Tortosa, Monsieur Monsieur Lachaulx, Fadrique Jiménez, Adrian, Adrian, Bishop Lachaulx, and Fadrique de Toledo, Toledo, Duke Duke of of Alba, Alba, that that the latter de latter will will relinquish relinquish control control of of the Priory of 2, 1517). 1517). Priory of San San Juan (Madrid, (Madrid, July 2, (Π. lor-lir). 5 (ff. ior-iir). Instrucion Instrucion del Cardenal de Espafia España [Jiménez] [Jiménez] para

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- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 2103 2103



Don Juan de de Mauleon Mauleon de de lo lo que que auia aula de de dezir dezir a los los Reyes Reyes de de Nauarra Nauarra Don despues de de muerto muerto el el Rey Rey Catholico Catholico Don Don Fernando Fernando (n.d.). (n.d.). luego despues 6~~(f. (f. iir). nr). Capitulo Capitulo de de carta carta de de Roma Roma del del ano ano 1516 1516 al Cardenal Cardenal [Jiménez], Heisisnotified notified that thatthe theBishop Bishop of of Tortosa is to be be made made InIn[Jiménez]. He quisitor General General of of Aragon. Aragon. 77 (f. (f. iIr nr-v). Carta dei del Emperador Emperador Carlos Carlos Ν V ai al Papa Papa Leon Leon decimi decimo -v). Carta Herequests requestsbenefices beneficesfor forCardinal CardinalGuillaume Guillaume de deCroy. Croy. (n.d.). He

ι5r). Carta 8 (ff. (if. Ι4r iqr-iSr). Carta dei del dean dean y cabildo cabildo de de Toledo Toledo a su su arobisρο arçobispo Guillermo de Croy Croy (1520). (1520). Guillermo 99 (ff. (if. ι~r i6r-i6v). Cartade deDon Don Juan JuanManuel Manuel embaxador de Carlos... Carlos... -ι~ν). Carta en Roma Roma al Papa Papa Adriano Adriano dandole dandole nueuas nueuas de de su su eleion eleçion (1522). (1522). en 10 (if. 17ν-19r). lyv-igr). Aduertericias Aduertencias de de Don Don Juan Juan Manuel Manuel al al Papa Papa io (ff. Adriano (1522). (1522). 11 20v). Juan JuanManuel: Manuel: copy copy of of aaletter lettertotoCharles Charles Ν V on the ix (f. 20ν). election of Adrian Adrian ΝΙ VI (n.d.). (n.d.). election (if. 20ν-24ν). 20V-24V). Idem, Idem, sobre sobre las las cosas cosas de de aquel aquel tiempo tiempo (January (January 12 (Π. 20, 1522). 20, 1522). 13 (Π. (fi. 24ν-27r). 24v-27r). Carta Carta dei del Cardenal Cardenal Adriano Adriano obispo obispo de de Tortosa Tortosa Emperador Carlos Carlos quinto quinto (n.d.). (n.d.). al Emperador 14 (Π. (if. 27r-281). 27r-28v). Idem Idem (February (February 15, 15, 1522). 1522). 15 (Π. (if. 39ν-41 39V-41V, 5or-5ir). JuanManuel: Manuel: copy copy of of two two letters letters to to ν, 5or -51~). Juan Adrian VI (1522). (1522). Adrian VI x6 (Π. (if. 51r-52r). 5ir-52r). Creencia Creencia que que el el Papa Papa Adriano Adriano sexto sexto scriuio scriuio al al ι~~ Arçobispo de Cosencia Cosencia [Teodoli [Teodoli Giovanni Giovanni Ruffo] Rufío] en en 55 de de mayo mayo 1522. 1522. Αrobisρο de 17 (f. (f. Ιo7r I07r-v). Carta dei del Emperador Emperador Carlos Carlos V Duque de de Sessa Sessa 17 -ν). Carta V al Duque Heinstructs instructshim himtotourge urgethe thepope popetotoreinstate reinstatethe theMarquis Marquis (n.d.). He of Mantua as as Captain Captain General General of of the theChurch. Church. 0f Mantua 18 (f. ι15r 1151-v). Charles V: V: copy copy of of aa letter letterto tothe theDuke DukeofofMilan, Milan, ι8 (f. -ν). Charles advising him not to correspond with the Swiss (Piacenza, August advising him to correspond with the Swiss (Piacenza, August 11, ix, 1523). 1523)-

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Barb, lat. Barb. lat. 2158 2158 -

52 52


19 (ff. (ff. 115ν-116ν). ii5v-ii6v). Instrucion Instrucion que que se dio a Lope Hurtado, Hurtado, quando quando por parte por parte dei del Emperador Emperador Carlos Carlos Ν V fue embiado embiado a Adriano Adriano ΝΙ VI recien recien ροnti1ce. On elegido pontífice. Onhow howtotomake makethe theKing's King'sobedience. obedience.

ms. AAnote Uncited ms. note(f.(f.131r), I3ir),signed signedand anddated datedL.T., L.T.,Madrid, Madrid, 1625,attests attests to to the the authenticity authenticity of of the the texts transcribed. 1625, transcribed. An An identical identical manuscript, located located in in the Hamburg manuscript, Hamburg Library, Library, was was published published (with (with some omissions) by M. Cοrυesρο ndnce de some omissions) by M. GACHARD: Gachard: Correspondance de Charles-Quint Charles-Quint et Brussels, Ghent, and Leipzig, 1859. Gachard summarizes d'Andrien VI... VI..., Brussels, Leipzig, 1859. each item; each item; with minor minor exceptions exceptions ΙI do do not not duplicate duphcate his his effort. effort. ,

33. Barb. lat. 2158 33. 2158 ι~th cent., mm., 250 χ 330 mm., xôth cent., paper, paper, 420 420x330 250 ff., ff., many many hands. hands. Letters to Cardinal Cardinal Pietro Bembo and others. others. Includes Includes of of Hispanic Hispanic interest: 1I (ff. (if. 82r-83v, 82r-83v, 85r 85r-86v). JorgeCoelho: Coelho: two two original original letters letters in in -86ν). Jorge Latin to Cardinal Latin Cardinal Pietro Pietro Bembo Bembo (Lisbon, (Lisbon, September September 4, 1540; Évora, ~νοrα, 4, 1540; February ι, 1, 1542). 1342). In Inthe thefirst, first,Coelho Coelho introduces introduces himself, himself, and presents presents copies of his his books; books; in in the the second, copies of second, he expresses expresses appreciation for Bembo's Bembo's letters. A copy copy of of the the first first letter letter is is on on f. f. 88xr-v. letters. A ιr-ν. 22 (ff. (ff. 151-154). 151-154). Dami Damiâoο de Góis: two two original original letters Latin letters in in Latin de G~is: to Cardinal Cardinal Pietro Bembo Bembo (Louvain, (Louvain, September September 13, 13, 1539 1539 and October October 14, In the thefirst, first,heherecommends recommends Pedro Pedro lunes; Nunes; in in the the second, second, 14, 1540). 1540). In he describes describes several several books books sent as as gifts. gifts. 33 (ff. (ff. 200-201). 200-201). Gonzalo Gonzalo PYrez: Pérez: original Cardinal originalletter letter in in Latin Latin to Cardinal Pietro Bembo, accompanying a copy of letters letters of of Charles Charles V to his Ν to his brother brother Ferdinand problem of of Hungary Hungary (Toledo, (Toledo, March March II, 11, 1539). 1539). Ferdinand on on the problem

lote: aa seventeenth-century Note: seventeenth-century copy of the first first two two items items is is in in Barb. Barb, lat. 2002, 2002, ff. ff. ιi and and II. ii. 34. lat. 2288 2288 34. Barb. lat. 17th paper, 210 210 x 478 ff., ff., one one hand. 17th cent., paper, χ 150 150 mm., 478 PEDRO DE DE ALBA ALBA Y ASTORGA. Indicvlvs Indicvlvs Bullarij Υ ΑSΤΟRGΑ. Seraphici, vbi Literae Literae ornes omnes Apostolicae, Apostolicae, quae a principio principio ReReSeraphic i, vbi

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- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 2422 2422

53 53


ligionis Minorum aa Summis Summis Ecclesiae Ecclesiae Pontificibus Pontiñcibus por por tota totaSeraphica Seraphica ligionis S.P.N. Francisci Familia Familia Obseruantium, Obseruantium, Conuentualium, Conuentualium, Reformato-. ReformatoS.P.N. Francisci rum, Capuccinorum, ac Tertiariorum, nec nec non Monasteriorum Monialium Monialium tam in communi communi quam quam in in particulari particulari huc hue usque usque expeditae expeditae fuerunt fuerunt tam in breuiter recensentur. recensentur. A A Regestis Regestis Summorum Summorum Pontiikum, Pontificum, Archiuijs Archiuijs Va Va-ticanis, Typographia Camerali, Camerali, Romanae Romanae Curiae Curiae Monumentis, Monumentis, Reh Reliticanis, Typographia gionis Protocolis, uarijsque ItaliaeBibliothecis, Bibliothecis, ac ac deriique denique di di-gionis Protocohis, uarijsque totius Italiae uersis libris libris impressis impressis manuscriptisque manuscriptisque Codicibus Codicibus per per R.P.F. R.P.F. Petrum Petrum de Alua Alua et et Astorga Asterga lectorem lectorem iubilatum, iubilatum, Supremae Supremae Inquisitionis Inquisitionis Quali Quali-ficatorem, Prouinciae Limensis Liraensis Patrem Patremcohlectae collectae ac ac dispositae. dispositae. ficatorem, Prouinciae (Frontispiece). (Frontispiece). 2-3). Ded. Ded. to to Pedro Pedro Manero Mañero (lacking); (lacking); (ff. (ff. 4-5) 4-5) ad ad Lectorem Lectorem (ff. 2-3). (lacking); (ff. (ff. 6-11 6-iiv) list ofofPopes; Popes;(H. (ff.21-31r) 2i-3ir) sources. sources. ν) list Inc. (f. 36r). 36r). Honorius Honorius III. III. VVtpraelati praelati Ecc Ecclesiamm recipicmt Inc. (f. lesiarum recipiant Fraires Minores... Minores... Fratres Des. (f. (f. 478r). 478r). ...Pro ...Pro cappella cappella S. lacohi fratrum Laonensis Laonensis Promptum Des. S. lacobifratrum et beneuolum. heneuolum. 6 idus novembris novembrisvatica,uze. vaticanae. ~~idus and only only ms. ms. Incomplete, Incomplete, being being the the first first volume volume of of aa Uncited and two-volume pubi, at at Rome Rome in in1655 1655 (Sιµ (Simón Díaz, Bibi., Bihl., 5, 5, 145). 145). two-volume work publ. ~ ν Dfλz, Space for ded. ded. and and preface. preface. Material Materialfrom fromthe thepontificates pontificates of of Space is is left for III(1218) (1218) to toPaul PaulIIII(1470), (1470),inclusive. inclusive. Honorius III

35. Barb. lat. lat. 2422 2422 35. Barb. 17th paper, 267 267 χ x 195 195 mm., mm., 84 H., ff., one one hand. hand. 17th cent., paper, Tractatus de de statu statu Sancti Sancti In In-ANONYMOUS. Tractatus quisitionis in in Regno Regno Portugalhiae, Portugalliae, et et speciatim speciatim de de nouis Christianis seu Iudaeis ludaeis ad ad lidern fidem recipiendis recipiendis disquisitio. disquisitio. fOuis Christianis Inc. (f. (f. Ir). ir). Libellum Libellum hunc hunc (Beatissime [Beatissime Pater) Pater) ab ah ignoto ignoto conscriptuin conscriptum Inc. auctore... Des. (f. (f. 82v). 82v). ...ante σculos oculos mauri maiori Dei Dei honore honore et et gloria. gloria. Des. By aa Portuguese Portuguese author, author, c. c. 1602. 1602. Also Also included included at at the theend end(H. (ff. By Sgr-Sqv): Lettere patenti patenti del del Re Re Catholico Catholico [Philip [Philip III] III] in in fauor fauor de' de' 83r-84ν): Lettere Christiani nuoui nuoui (Madrid, (Madrid, April April 4, 1602). Italian Italian tr. tr. from from Spanish. Spanish. Christiani 4, 1602).

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Barb. lat. lat. 2519 2519 -

54 54


36. Barb. lat. 2519 2519

mm., 32 ff., 17th cent., paper, χ 200 mm., 17th paper, 275 275x200 ff., one one hand. hand. LUIS DE DE CRUZAMONTE. CRUZAMONTE. Gesta Gesta impiorum impiorum per per FranFrancos, siue cos, sine Gesta Gesta Francorum Francorum per per impios impíosexexuarijs uarijs auctoribus orni omniexceptione exceptione maioribus maioribus collecta collecta aa Ludouico Ludouico de Cruza Cruza-monte doctore doctore catholico. catholico. Rhenopoli, Rhenopoli, 1632. 1632.

Inc. (f. Inc. (f. 2r). 2r). Horres Horres ad ad hum hum titulum, titulum, lector lector catholice... catholice... credei. mihi credei. Des. (f. flua non audiat, audiat, multo minus mihi Des. (f. 32ν). 32v). ...si matrem filia DfλΖ describes describes the the Incited ms. of aa printed book. S ιµ ~ ν Díaz Uncited ms. copy copy of printed book. Simón publication (Bibi., (Bibl., 9, 9, 1357). 1357). 37. Barb. lat. lat. 2543 2543 Χ 205 mm., ι~th cent., 16th cent., paper, paper, 275 275x205 mm., 52 52 ff., if., one one hand. hand.

Miscellany. Includes: Miscellany. (f£. 17-24). Sent Sententia lata per per S.D.N. S.D.N. Gregorium Gregorium PP. XIII XIII (ff. 17-24). e n t i a lata contra Reuerendissimum D. Bartholoraeum contra Reuerendissimum D. Bartholomaeum aaCaranza CaranzaArchiepisco Archiepisco-pum Toletanum, cum cum oratione oratione per per ipsum ipsum Archiepiscopum Archiepiscopum habita habita in in pum Toletanum, articulo mortis post post sacramenti sacramenti Eucharistiae Eucharistiae sumptionem. sumptionem. articulo mortis

sacrosanta Romana ecclesia ecc! esiacui cui nos licet Inc. (f. 17r). I7r). Cum sacrosanta Inc. (f. licei inmeriti... inmeriti... Des. (f. 23r). 23r). ...et ...et forma quibus quibus possumus et debemus. debemus. Ita Des. (f. Ita pronunciauimus. Inc. (f. 23r; theprayer). prayer). Cum e Mundo ad Inc. (f. r; the ad altiora altura migraturus migraturus esset... Des. (f. 24r). 24r). ...et ...et angelis angelis eius eius aggregatum aggregatum esse. esse. Des. (f. Simón Díaz, Bibl., does does not mention mention this ms. another in Barb. Barb, Sιµ ~ν D f λz, Bibi., ms. or another lat. 2589 (ff. (ff. 332-363), 332-363), nor library nordoes doeshe hecite citeaathird third transcription transcription in the library of Escorial: I. III. 30, 30, ff. 150-167. 150-167. He He does does list one ms. of the SenSenof the Escorial: I. III. ms. of tentia, which which apparently apparently lacks the prayer prayer (Bibi., [Bibl., 7, 7, 5185). 5185). A A Spanish Spanish of the theSententia Sententiaby byAmbrosio Ambrosio de deMorales, Morales, not not mentioned mentioned by by512 Simón tr. of ,16Ν Díaz, is in CοΙecci Colección de docs. docs, indds., inéds., 5, 5, pp. pp. 482-493. 482-493. Diλz, is ~n de

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- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 2589 2589

55 55


38. Barb. lat. lat. 2564 2564

mm., 61 ff., ι~th or χ 202 mm., Late i6th or early early 17th 17th cent., cent., paper, paper, 284 284x202 fí., one hand. ΖΙ~1ΙGΑ. Jacob! Jacobi Lopidis Stunicae Viri Viri PatriPatri ~ΡΕΖ DE ZÚÑIGA. DIEGO L LÓPEZ tij Hispanicarum Hispanicarum Historiarum Breuiarium tij Breuiarium De De orioriAthanarico. gine Gotthorum, et de primo Hispaniarum Rege Gotthorum, et de primo Hispaniarum Rege Athanarico. -y). Ded. (f. Ir ir-v). Ded. to to Ferdinand, Ferdinand, Archduke Archduke of of Austria Austria (Rome, (Rome, SepSeptember 12, 12, 1524). 1524). Inc. (f. Hispania, Inc. (f. Iv). iv). Hisp anici, ut ut aliae aliae pleraeque pier aeque orbis orbis Prouinciae Prouinciae RoRomano paruit mano paruit Imperio... Imperio... Des. (f. r). .....Granatamque apud .Granatam que dei alus in Des. (f. 61 6ir). delatus in Caihedrali Cathedrali ecciesia ecclesia apud Isabeilam Izorem Isabellam Vxorem Regio Regio funere funere est est se/uitus. sepultus. Finis. Finis. '■ work. Four Uncited ms. of of this this unedited unedited work. Four other other mss. mss. are listed listed by S1ΝCΗΕΖ ALONSO, Sánchez Alonso, ι, i, p. p. 85. 85. 39. Barb. Lat. Lat. 2589 2589

200 mm., ff. 16th cent., paper, paper, 278 278 x ff. 231-363, 231-363, several several hands. hands. ι~th cent., χ 200 de Carranza, Miscellany, on Bartolomé Miscellany,including includingmaterials materials by by and on Βαrtοlοmé de Archbishop These are: are: Archbishop of of Toledo. Toledo. These pro Archiepiscopo 1I (ff. (ff. 325r-33 325r-330v). Ad Pium quintum quintum P.M. P.M. oratio pro ον). Ad Toletano eius nomine nomine Ecclesiae Ecclesiae canonicorum canonicorum ac ac totius totiusHispaniae. Hispaniae. Toletano eius Inc. Insedit Insedit sic sic opinio opinio in in animo animo meo meo P.B. P.B. ut... ut... PP. xiii contra 22 (ff. (fí. 331r-3551). 33ir-355v). Sententia lata per per S.D.N. S.D.N. Greg. Greg. PP. contra Reuerendissimum Bartholomeum à~~Caranza, Caranza, archiepiscopum archiepiscopum ToToReuerendissimum D. D. Bartholomeum licet letanum. (f. 332r). 332r). Cum sacrosancta sacrosancta Romana Romana ecciesia ecclesia cui cui nos licet letanum. Inc. (f. inmeriti... 33 (ff. (fí. 356r 356r-363v). Oratio, seu seu uerba uerba habita habita ab ab Illustrissimo Illustrissimo et et -363'ν). Oratio, Reuerendissmo Domino Archiepiscopo Archiepiscopo Toletano Toletano post postSanctissimae Sanctissimae Reuerendissmo Domino Eucharistiae sumptionem, quando quando in in monasterio monasterio Mineruae Mineruae moritur moritur Eucharistiae sumptionem, Romae, post post suar suamliberationem liberationem ex ex Castro Castro Sancti Sancti Angeli. Angeli. Inc. Inc. Cum Cum e mundo ad ad altura altiora migraturus migraturus esset... esset... The orations may may be be unedited. unedited. Sιµ Simón [Bibl., 7, 7, 5185) 5185) ~ ν Díaz Dfλz (Bibi., The two orations

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Barb. lat. lat. 2629 2629 -

56 56


cites another ms. from the the 17th century. See cites ms. of of the the Sententia, Sententia, dating dating from 17th century. See and 3, Barb. lat. lat. 2543 2543 for another another copy copy of of items items 22 and and for additional and for additional 3, bibliography. bibhography. 48. Barb. lat. 40. lat. 2629 2629 17th cent., paper, χ 200 200 mm., mm., 257 17th paper, 300 300 x 257 ff., if., many many hands. hands. Miscellany, Includes: Miscellany, 1ι (f. (f. 213r). 2i3r). Cardinal Cardinal Gaspar Gaspar de de Borja Borja y Velasco: Velasco: original original letter in Spanish in Spanish [to [to Cardinal Cardinal Francesco Francesco Barberini?], Barberini?], respectfully respectfully insisting insisting on an audience, audience, after having been denied one by the recipient's recipient's secretary secretary (n.p., July (n.p., July 9, 9, 1632). 1632). 2 (ff. (ff. 214-219). 214-219). Charles Charles V: V: Instrucion Instrucion de lo lo que uos uos el el Reueren Reueren-dissimo Cardenal Cardenal de de Trento Trento [Cristoforo [Cristoforo Madruzzo] Madruzzo] haueis haueis de de dezir, dezir, y negoziar negoziar en Roma Roma de nuestra parte (n.p., (n.p., November Io, 10, 1547). 1547). MaMadruzzo should shouldinform informPaul Paul III III of druzzo of the the efforts efforts of of Charles Charles V to to compel compel of Germany to submit submit to the the states, states, cities, cities, and other other authorities authorities of Germany to the Treft. Treft, and he is to urge the Pope to Council of Trent, to keep keep the the Council Council at Trent. Not cit.: cit.:CALEIZIO, Calenzio, pp. pp. 373-418. 373-418.

41. lat. 2648 2648 41. Barb. lat. 17th paper, 291 291 x 322 ff., if., many many hands. hands. 17th cent., paper, χ 203 203 mm., 322 Miscellany, over the the limits limits of ofecclesiastical ecclesiastical Miscellany,primarily primarily on on disputes disputes over and royal jurisdiction. jurisdiction. Includes Includes in in Spanish: Spanish: and royal 1ι (ff. (if. 24r 24r-25v). PhilipIV: IV: copy copy of of aa letter letter to tothe theCount Countof of Monterrey, Monterrey, -25ν). Philip ordering not acknowledge acknowledge certain appointments appointments of of Urban Urban VIII ordering him him to not VIII in Naples made made without without the royal royal Exequatur Exequatur (Madrid, (Madrid, October October 27, in Naples 27, 1631). 2 (Η. (if. 26r-30r). 26r-3or). Relaciσn Relación fatta a su Magestad por por el sefior señor regente Moles Ñapóles. Includes (ff. 29r29rMoles de de iurisdictione... que toca a Napoles. Includes aa letter (ff. 3or) Philip II by by Liofontes Liofontes de de Heredia Heredia (Palermo, (Palermo, March March 20, 3or) to to Philip 20, 1581). 1581). 33 (ff. (if. 64r-66r). óqr-óór). Copia Copia de una carta, que el Catholico Catholico Rey Rey don FerFer-

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- Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 2675 2675

57 57


nando escriuio escriuio al al Conde Conde de de Ribagorza Ribagorza virrey virrey dei del reyno reyno de de lapoles Ñapóles (Burgos, May May 22, (Burgos, 22, 1508). 4 (ff. 68r-72ν). 68r-72v). Copia Copia de de una una carta carta que que Lupercio Lupercio Leonardo Leonardo [de 4 (ff. Argensola] escriuio al Marques de Camaraza sobre la precedente del Argensola] escriuio al Marques de Camaraza sobre la precedente dei Rey Don Don Fernando Fernando al Conde de He justifies justifies Rey al Conde de Ribagorza Ribagorza(n.p., (n.p.,n.d.). n.d.). He King's views. views. There There are are at atleast leastlive fivemss. mss. of ofthis thisletter letterin inthe theBib. Bib. the King's Nac.(Madrid): (Madrid):inintwo twoofofthese theseititisisattributed attributedtotoFrancisco Franciscode de Quevedo. lac. catalogue fis, nos. are: are: 1763, 1763, 2944, 2944, 8512, 8512, 9073, 9073, and and11,036. 11,036. Their catalogue 55 (ff. (ff. Iozr-IIov). io2r-ixov). Sentimientos Sentimientos y y qvexas qvexas del del Rey Rey de de Espafia España [Philip la corresροnden9ia correspondençia dei del Papa Irbano Vrbano VIII VIII y justificación [Philip IV] IV] en la σn y justificaci su Sanctidad Sanctidad con con el el estado estado de de las las cosas cosas de de Roma. Roma. Afio Año de de1632. 1632. de su 6 (ff. 146r-158ν). I46r-X58v). 187 187clauses clausesofofsecret secretinstructions instructions for for Pedro Pedro ~~(ff. Afán de Ribera, Ribera, Duke Duke of of Alcalá, Viceroy of (n.d.). ΑlcaΙ~ Viceroy of Naples lap ιes (n.d.). Αf~n de ,

77 (ff. {&. 179r-186ν) I79r-i86v).. Philip PhilipIV: IV:copy copy of of aaletter lettertotoFernando Fernando Afán Αf~n de Ribera, Ribera, Duke Duke of of ΑΙcaι~, Alcalá, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples, Naples, on on the the conflict conflict with with Urban VIII VIII over overjurisdiction jurisdiction (Madrid, (Madrid, May May ι8, 18, 1631). 1631). Urban 8 (Η. (ff. 187r-234v). i87r-234v). Lo Lo que que ha ha passado passado por por el el Monasterio Monasterio de de Santa Santa los mas mas monasterios monasterios de de monjas monjas desta desta ciudad ciudad de de napoles ñapóles Clara, y y de los (1596-1598). on this this (1596-1598). Letters Letters and and briefs briefs in in Spanish, Spanish, Latin, Latin, and Italian on instance jurisdictional conflict and Clement Clement VIII, VIII, instance of jurisdictional conilict between between Philip Philip II and by Clement Clement VIII, Enrique de de Gυzm~n, Guzmán, Count Count of of Olivares, Olivares, VIII, Philip Philip II, Enrique Antonio of Sessa, Sessa, Cardinal Cardinal Alfonso Alfonso Gesualdo, Gesualdo, Cardona, Duke of Antonio Folch Filch y y Cardona, Marcos Gorostiola, and Juan de deMistanza. Mistanza. Marcos de de Gorostiola, and Juan (ff. 269r-293v). 269r-293v). Sobre Sobre los los derechos derechos y ra raçones que tiene tiene su su MaMaσnes que 99 (Η. gestad para conocer en las las causas causas eclesiasticas eclesiásticas por por nia uia de de ffuerça (n.d.). υ erςa (n.d.). 42. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 2675 2675 42. 16th and 17th 17th cent., cent., paper, paper, 295 295x200 mm., 112 112 Η., ff., many many hands. hands. ι~th and χ 200 mm., Miscellany, including: Miscellany, (fí. 107-112). 107-112). JUAN ADAM ADÁM DE LA LA PARRA. PARRA. Fragmenta Fragmenta ex ex libro libro (Η. cui Conspiratio cuititulus titulus Conspiratiohaeretico-christianissima haeretico-christianissima Ioannis Adam de de la la Parra Parra excerpta. excerpta. bannis Adam

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Barb. lat. lat. 2713 2713 Barb.

58 58


Inc. (f. (f. 107r). 1071:). Praeterea Pr aeterea Hispanos Hispanos oratores or atores ad ad Urbarntm Urbanum Romanae Romanae Ecclesiae et reiigionis religionis antistitem... antistitem... Ecciesiae et Des. (f. (f. 112ν). Ii2v). ...ignorare ...ignorare debet, debet, vel vet plane plane insolens insolens est, est, et et nullo nullo Des. serenda. modo serenda. Thecomplete completework workwas waspublished published in in Murcia Murcia by by Lu Lu-Uncited ms. The dovicus Berossius, 1634 (Sιµ (Simón Díaz, Bihl., 4,1635). No ms. mentioned is ~ ν D Ιλz, Bibi., 4, 1635). Noms, by Sιµ Simón Bihl. ~ ν Díaz, D Ιλz, Bibi.

43. Barb. lat. lat. 2713 2713 43. Barb. paper, 300 300 χ x 200 200 mm., 126 126 ff., ff., many many hands. hands. 17th cent., paper, Miscellany on between Paul PaulV Vand andVenice Veniceregarding regarding Miscellany on the the controversy between authority and andecclesiastical ecclesiastical immunity immunity (1606). ItemsininSpanish Spanish papal authority 4606). Items Portuguese are: are: and Portuguese 1ι (Π. (ff. 37r-42r). 37r-42r). Parecer Parecer do Doctor Francisco Francisco Diaz. InPortuguese, Portuguese, Diaz. In autograph signature. signature. with autograph 22 (Π. (ff. 55r-65r). 55r-65r). Opinion Opinion of ofFrancisco Francisco Z~rne!. Zúmel. InInSpanish, Spanish, with with signature. autograph signature. (f. ιι Ii6r-v). Preguntase si si el el embajador embajador de de Venecia Venecia por por auer auer ~r-ν). Preguntase 33 (f. como no no descomulgado... descomulgado... se se haya hayahecho hechosospechoso sospechoso que que confessado... como el santi santoomcio... officio... proceder proceder contra contra el. el. The Theanswer answer is is amrmative. affirmative. pueda el 4 (ff. 117r-118r). iiyr-xiSr). Antonio Antonio Ramirez Ramírez and and lancio Mancio Blanco: Blanco: report report 4 (Π. on their discussion with the Venetian ambassador, who admitted the on discussion with Venetian ambassador, who the practices listed item 3. 3. practices listed in in item 55 (f. (f. 121r I2ir-v). Fernando de de Ribera: Ribera: description description of of his hisdiscussions discussions -ν). Fernando Francisco Ζ~meΙ Zúmel and and the thenuncio, nuncio, on onthe theVenetian Venetianambassador. ambassador. with Francisco

44. Barb. lat. lat. 2757 2757 44. Barb. 17th cent., paper, paper, 250 250 χ x ι8ο 180 mm., 39 ff., one one hand plus plus three autograph autograph 39 Π., signatures. De sanctitate sanctitate vitae vitae & & miraculis miraculis venerabi venerabi-serui Dei Dei Francisci Francisci Borgiae Borgiae ohm ohm Duds Ducis Gandiae Gandiae lis serui

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- Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 2767 2767



demùmIII IIIGeneralis Generalis Societatis Societatis Tesi. lesv. Ad Ad sanctissimum sanctissimum D.N. D.N. VrbaIrba& demur Α1nvm VIII R ee Ι1 a t i o. bannis loannis Baptistae Baptistae Coccini Coccini Rotae Rotae Decani. Decani. Alnvm VIII R phonsi Manzanedi Manzanedi de de Quinines Quiñones Patriarchae Patriarchae Hierosolymitani, Hierosolymitani, & & Rotae Rotae ρhοns~~ Locumtenentis. lacobi Caualerij Rotae Rotae Auditons. Auditoris. Locumtenentis. lacobi Caualerij Inc. (f. (f. Ir). ir). Beatissime Beatissime Pater. Pater. Difficile Difficile est est Principem Principem diuitem diuitem & & Inc.

nohilem... nobilem...

Des. (f. 39ν). 39v). ...in ...in numero numero sanctorum sanctorum adscriptionem adscriptionem in in forma forma EcEcDes. (f. consueta. clesiae consueta.

Autograph signatures signaturesofofthe the three three auditors are at Autograph auditors are at the theend. end. 45. Barb. lat. lat. 2758 2758 17th cent., paper, paper, 252 252 χ x ι86 186 mm., mm., 27 one hand plus plus three three autograph autograph 27 ff., one signatures. Sanctissimo Vrbano VIII. VIII. P.O.M. Toi Sanctissimo D.N. D.N. Vrbano Π.Ο.Μ. Τ t a n a CCanoa n oo Ι ee tana nizationis Serui Semi Dei Dei luliani luliani a a Sancto Sancto AugustiAugust inoo R Relatio loannis Baptistae Baptistae Coccini Coccini Decani, Decani, Aiphonsi Alphonsi lanza Manza-n e Ι a t i o bannis nedo PatriarchaeHierosolymitani, Hierosolymitani, Philippi Philippi Pirouani Pirouani Rotae Rotae Auditons. Auditoris. fedi Patriarchae (Frontispiece). Inc. (f. (f, Ir). ir). Beatissime Beatissime Pater. Pater. Celeberrimae Celeberrimae Toletanae anti Inc. Toletanae Vrbis Irbis anti bis mille mille annos... annos... Des. (f. (f. 27r). 27r). .....deuenire inquorum quorum /idem fidem huiusmodi huiusmodi rela rela-Des. .deuenire posse, ροsse, in tionem manibus manibus proprijs subscripsimus subscripsimus 'sac hac die. Followed tuner Followed by by the the autographs of the three three auditors. auditors. graphs 46. Barb. lat. lat. 2767 2767 17th paper, 262 262 Χ x 190 190 mm., 109 109 ff., ff., one one hand. hand. 17th cent., paper,

De Sanctitate et et Miracvlis liracilis Quibus De Sanctitate Quibus in in vita vita et post post obitum obitum claruit claruit Venerabilis Venerabilis Vir Vir Frater Frater et Thomas Villanoua Cognomento Eleemosynanius Eleemosynarius Archiepisco Archiepisco-Τ i 11 a n o u a Cognomento h o r a sà V pus Valentinus Valentinus ex ex Ordine Ordine Eremitarum Eremitarum Sancti Sancii Augustini. Augustini. Ad Ad S.D.N. S.D.N. pus P.O.M. RRelatio Francisci Sacrati SacratiArcbiepisdopi Archiepiscopi DaDaPavlvm V. Π.Ο.Μ. e Ι a t i o Francisci loannis Baptistae Baptistae Coccini Coccini Rotae Rotae Decani, Decani, Aiphonsi Alphonsi Manzanedi Manzanedi masceni, bannis Quiñones Rotae (Frontispiece). de Quifiones Rotae Auditoris. Auditons. (Frontispiece).

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Barb. lat. lat. 2768 2768 -

60 60


Inc. (f. Inc. (f. Ir). ir). Recte Rede admodum admodum Beatissime Beatissime Pater Pater prouidet prouidet SapientisSapientissimus iiie Deis... simus Ule causarum causarum ordinator ordinato? Dm... Des. (f. patris fratris Tho Des. (f. 109ν). logv). ...ad ...ad soiemnem solemnem canonizationem canonizationem patris Tho-rchiepiscopi Va mae dd Viilanoua Villanoua Ordines Or dines Eremitarum Eremitarum S. S. Auguslini A ugustini Α Archiepiscopi Va-lentini cognomento cognomento Eieemosynarij Eleemosynarij denenire. deuenire. SANTIAGO (8, p. 285) only a defective copy of 0f this this text, now Santiago 285) cites cites only defective copy now in Calella. Calcila.

47. Barb. lat. lat. 2768 2768

191 mm., 17th 17th cent., cent., paper, paper, 261Χ 261 x 191 mm., 62 62 ff., ff., one one hand. hand. De Sanctitate Sanctitate vitae vitae et et miracvlis miracvlis Servi Servi Dei Dei F. Paschalis Baylon Paschalis Baylon Laici Laici professi professi Ordinis Ordinis Minorum Minorum DiscalDiscalV. P.O.M. Π.Ο.Μ. R eceatorum Regularis Regularis Obseruantiae. Obseruantiae. Ad Ad S.D.N. S.D.N. Pavlvm V. ReΙla a t i o Francisci Francisci Sacrati Sacrati Archiepiscopi Archiepiscopi Damasceni, Damasceni, bannis Ioannis Baptistae Baptistae Coccini Rotae Decani, Coccini Decani, Aiphonsi Alphonsi Manzanedi Manzanedi de de Quifiones Quiñones Rotae AudiAuditons. (Frontispiece). toris. (Frontispiece).

Inc. (f. Inc. (f. 2r). 2r). Variae Variae sunt sunt Beatissime Beatissime Pater Pater eorum, eorum, quos quos electorum eledorum suorum numero... numero... Des. (f. .fuerunt examinati testes Des. (f. 62r). 62r). .....fuerunt testes in Vrbe, Vrbe, vi vi habetur habetur in in dicto dicto regestro regestro à' fol. fol. 352. 352.

48. Barb. lat. lat. 2770 2770

17th cent., χ 200 200 mm., 17th cent., paper, paper, 265 265 x mm., 37 ff., one one hand. hand. 37 ff., De Sanctitate Sanctitate vitae vitae et et Miraculis Miraculis Beatae Beatae EliElisabethae Reginae sabethae Reginae Portugalliae Portugalliae ad ad Sanctissimum Sanctissimum DoDominυ~~Nostrum minum Nostrum Vrbanvm Vrbanvm VIII. VIII. R R e 1Ι a tt i oo bannis IoannisBaptistae Baptistae CocCoccini Quiñones Patriarchae cmi Rotae Decani. Alphonsi Manzanedi de Quifiones Patniarchae HieroHierosolymitani et et Rotae Rotae Locumtene'ntis. Locumtençntis. Iacobi lacobi Caualenij Caualerij Rotae Auditoris. Rotae Auditons. (Frontispiece). Inc. (f. ir). ir). Beatissimae Beatissimae Pater. Pater. Tanta Tanta est est grauitas granitos causae causae Canoni Canoni-Inc. (f. zationis Semi Dei... Dei... zationis alicuius aiicuius Serui Des. (f. 37ν). 37v). .. ...ad Beatae Reginae Reginae solemnem solemnem Canonizationem Canonizationem Des. (f. .ad istius istius Beatae et in numerum numerum Sanctorum Sanctorum adscriptionem adscriptionem in in forma forma Ecclesiae Ecclesiae consueta. consueta. et in

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61 61

- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 2776 2776


49. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 2771 2771 17th cent., cent., paper, paper, 265 265 χ x 200 200 mm., mm., 41 41 H., iï., one one hand. hand. 17th Another text of of Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 2770. 2770. Another copy copy of of the the text 50. Barb. lat. 2772 2772 Barb. lat. X7th cent., paper, paper, 265 265 χ x ι85 185 mm., mm., 47 47 ff., ff., one one hand hand plus plus three three autograph autograph 17th signatures. Another text of of Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 2770, 2770, with the the autographs autographs Another copy copy of of the text of the three auditors at the end. of three auditors at the end. 51. Barb. lat. 2774 2774 Barb. lat. 17th cent., paper, paper, 262 262 χ x 190 190 mm., 90 go Π., ff., one one hand hand plus plus three three autograph autograph signatures. R e Ι1 a t i oo Francisci Francisci Sacrati Sacrati Archiepiscopi Archiepiscopi Damasceni, Damasceni, Io. Io. Baptistae Coccini Coccini Decani, Decani, Io. Io. Baptistae Baptistae Pamphilii Pamphihi Rotae Rotae Auditorum Auditorum Sanctissimo D.N. D.N. Bailo Pavlo Papae Papae V. V. S Svper facta Sanctissimo i p e r SSanctitate a n c t it a t e et Miraculis Miraculis P. P. Francisci Francisci Xaverii Xaverii Societatis Societatis lesi lesv ex ex et super iHius illius canonizatione formatis formatis extracta. extracta. (Frontispiece). (Frontispiece). processibvs super Inc. (f. (f. Ir). ir). Per Per euangelicum euangelicum illud rete rete quo quo ex ex nauicula nauicula Petri, Petri, in in Inc. qua Christus Christus Dominus... Dominus... Des. (f. (f. 90r). gor). ...eundem ...eundem Paulus Pavlvs V. 'let det apud apud Deur Deum Ο Opt. Max. illes Ules t. Max. Des. patronum inter cessar em. Followed Followed by by the theautographs autographs of of the the three three patronuin etet intercessorein. auditors. Not cit.: SSimón Díaz, Bibi., Bïbl., IO, 10, 2741-2758. 2741-2758. Not cit.: ιµ ~ ν Dfλz,

52. Barb. lat. 2776 2776 Barb. lat. 17th paper, 262 262 χ x 190 igo mm., 47 47 Π., ff., one one hand. hand. 17th cent., paper, Sanctissimo D.N. Papae Ν. Y. Η Hispaniarum Sanctissimo D.N. Pavlo Pavlo Papae i s p a n i a r u r CCanoa n oSerui Dei Dei Isidori Isidori Agricolae Agricolae Oppidi Oppidi nizationis Serui

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Barb. lat. lat. 2781 2781 Barb,

62 62


de Madrid Relatio RelatioPer Per tres Rotae Rotae Auditores Auditores ab eadem eadem Sancti Sancti-de Madrid tate Vestro Vestro deputatos, deputatos, nempe nempeFranciscum FranciscumSacratum SacratumArchiepiscopum Archiepiscopum Io.Baptistam BaptistamCoccinum Coccinum Decanum Decanum eiusdem eiusdem Rotae, Rotae, Damascenum, Io. Alphonsum Mançanedum de Quifiones. Quiñones. In qua qua processum processum acta acta et et proproAiphonsum Μanςanedυm de bationes expenduntur, & & iudicium iudicium super super Canonizatione Canonizatione facienda facienda interinterbationes ponitur ad ad praescriptum praescriptum Sacrorum Sacrorum Ritualium Ritualium S.R.E. S.R.E. (Frontispiece). (Frontispiece). ponitur Inc. (f. (f. Ir). ir). Beatissime Beatissime Pater. Pater. Offerimvs hodie Sanctitati Sanctitati Vestro Vestro Ο erimυs hodie Inc. Sanctorum numero numero adscribendum adscribendum non non Regem Regem diademate diademate coronatum... coronatum... in Sanctorum Des. (f. (f. 47r). 47r). Ιsidονi Isidori solemnem solemnem canonizationem, canonizationem, &in &in nu nu mero mero SancSancDes. adscriptionem in in forma forma Ecclesiae Ecclesiae consueta. consueta. torum adscriptionem

53. Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 2781 2781 paper, 265 265 χ x 195 195 mm., ff. ff. 48, 48, one one hand plus plus three three autograph autograph 17th cent., paper, signatures. De vita vita fratris fratris Nicolai Nicolai Factoris Factoris Valentini Valentini De Ordinis Minorum Minorum de de Observantia Observantia Relatio Relatio IoloOrdinis annis S. Rotae Rotae Decani, Decani, A. A. Manzanedi Manzanedi de deQuifiones Quiñones annis Baptistae CCoccini οcci~~S. Patriarchae Hierosolymitani Hierosolymitani et Ph. Ph. Pirouani Pirouani S. S. Rotae RotaeAuditorum. Auditorum. Inc. (f. Ir). ir). Beatissime Beatissime Pater. Pater. Seraphica Seraphica Franciscanorum Franciscanorvm Cohors Cohors Inc. (f. celeberrima Hispaniarum Hispaniarum Vrbs Vrbs Vatentia... Valentia... & celeberrima Des. (f. 48r). 48r). .....legitimum astrorum possessorem possessorem & & gtoriosum gloriosum cadi caeli Des. (f. .tegitimum astrorum hospitem pronunciare. Followed by by the the autographs autographs of of the the three three auditors. auditors. ρrοnunciαre. Followed

54. Barb. lat. 2785 2785 Barb, lat. 1630, paper, 265 265 χ x 195 195 mm., 46 46 ff., one one hand hand plus plus three three autograph autograph Ann. 1630, signatures. De et miraculis miraculis Serui Serui Dei Dei De Sanctitate Sanctitate vitae vitae et F. PPetri Auctoris Regularis Regularis obseruantiae obseruantiae S. S. Francisci Francisci F. e t r i RRegolati e g ο Ι a t i Auctoris in Hispania Hispania R Relatio Sanctissimum Dominum Dominum Nostrum Nostrum in e i a t i ο adadSanctissimum Vrbanvm VIII. P.O.M. loannisBaptistae BaptistaeCoccini Coccini Decani, Decani, Philippi Philippi Vrbanvm Π.Ο.Μ. bannis Pirouani, Clementis dementis Merlini, Merlini, Rotae Auditorum. Extendit Extendit R.P.D. R.P.D.CieCocPirouani, Rotae Auditorum. cinus Decanus Decanus anno anno 1630. 1630. (Frontispiece). (Frontispiece).

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- Barb, Barb. lat. 2791 2791

63 63


Inc. (f. Inc. (f. ir). ir). Ecciesia, Ecclesia, Pater Pater Beatissime, Beatissime, quam quam in in sororem sororem et et spinsponDeis... sam secundis sibi nuptijs elegit sam secundis sibi nuptijs elegit Devs... .vt possit que sibi Dec. (f. Dec. (f. 46r). 46r). .....vt possit Sanctitas Sanctitas iestra vestra quandocum quandocumque sibi pia pla-Followedby by the the autographs of the cuerit ad ad ilteriora vlteriora procedere. procedere. &c. &c. Followed autographs of the three auditors. auditors. 1630 (copy in the Pubi.: Roma, Roma, Ludovicus Ludovicus Grignanus, Grignanus, 1630 (copy in the Vatican Vatican Library). 55. Barb. lat. lat. 2786 2786

χ 194 194 mm., mm., 83 Π., 17th cent., paper, xyth paper, 265 265 x ff., one one hand. R e 11 aa t i oo Francisci Francisci Sacrati Sacrati Archiepiscopi Archiepiscopi Damasceni, Damasceni, Aiphonsi Alphonsi bannis Baptistae Pamphilii Rotae Manzanedi de de Quifiones, Quiñones, Ioannis Baptistae Pamphilii Rotae Audito Audito-iD.N. Pavlo Pavlo Papae V. V. S iperV i t a et Μ rum facta Sanctissimo Sanctissimo D.N. Svper Vita Miraculis B. B. P. P. Ignatii Ignatii Societatis Societatis lesi lesv FundatoFundator i ss ex exprocessibus processibussuper superirnus illiusCanonizatione Canonizatione formatis, formatis, extracta. extracta. (Frontispiece).

Inc. (f. Inc. (f. Ir). ir). Nullum Nullum fuit fuit vnquilm vnquàm tempus, tempus, Pater Pater Beatissime, Beatissime, in in alicubi aditus... si quo, si alicubi aditus... .Beatum istum Des. (f. Des. (f. 83ν). 83V). .....Beatum istum canonizare canonizare & & inter inter Sanctos Sanctos re/erre referre in forma Ecciesiae Ecclesiae consuelta. consuelta. Barb, lat. 56. Barb. lat. 2791 2791 ι7th cent., 270 χ 195 mm., 17th cent., paper, paper, 270x195 mm., 58 Π., if., one one hand. hand. V. Hispaniarum, Hispaniarum, s seu e u OrSanctissimo D.N. D.N. Pavlo Pavio Papae V. Sanctissimo Ordinis Discalceatorum dinis Discalceatorum Β. B. Mariae de de Monte Monte CarCarVirginis Teresiae melo Canonizationis melo Canonization is Β. B. Virginis Teresiae de de οrmatiο~s ac eiusdem nouae Ref lesv Monialis predicti predicti Ordinis, Ordinis, ac eiusdem nouae Reformationis I e s i Monialis Fundatricis, RRee 11 a t i oo Trium Fundatricis, Trium Rotae Rotae Auditorum Auditorum deputatorum, deputatorum, FranFrancisci Sacrati Archiepiscopi cisci Archiepiscopi Damasceni, Damasceni, bannis Ioannis Baptistae Baptistae Coccini Coccini Decani, Alfonsi Alfonsi Manzanedi Manzanedi de de Quifiones. Quiñones. In qua qua processum processum acta & & procani, bationes & iudicium iudicium super super Canonizatione Canonizatione facienda facienda interinterbationes expenduntur, & ponitur ad praescriptum praescriptum Sacrorum Sacrorum Ritualium Ritualium S. S.R.E. (Frontispiece). ponitur ad R.E. (Frontispiece).

per nos nos Sanctitate Vestrae Inc. (f. ir). ir). Beatissime Pater. relatione per Vestrae Inc. (f. Pater.In In relatione facta circa miracula miracula a a Dei... Beo... (acta circa

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Barb. lat. lat. 2824 2824 Barb.

64 64


Des. (f. 58ν). 58v). ...in ...in eadem eadem sententia sententia fuimsss, fuimus, sicut sicut in principio hums huius Des. (f. notauimus. Relationis noYauimus. Published in Barcelona Barcelona by by STEPHANUS Stephanus Liberôs 1621: Beatae Beatae Published LIBERUS in in 1621: T eresiae vitae, vitae, virtvtvm, virtvtvm, ac ac iniraculorum miraculorum rel reí aliones Virginis Teresiae atunes (Π(Palau, ΑτΑτ

19, Π. p. 500: 500: 299307). 299307). 19,

57. Barb. lat. lat. 2824 2824 57. Barb. 16th and and 17th 17th cent., cent., paper, paper, 280 280x210 mm., 285 285 ff., ff., many many hands. hands. ι~th χ 210 mm., Miscellany Ferrara to to the theHoly Holy Miscellanyon onthe the restoration restoration of of the the Duchy of Ferrara See Clement VIII. ItemsininSpanish Spanishare: are: See by by Clement VIII. Items 1I (ff. (if. 161~-163ν). lóxr-iósv). Relación de lo lo que que en en sustancia sustancia se se entiende entiende Relaciσn de que passò en la congregación general que su Santidad juntó en su prepreρass~~en la congregacion general que su Santidad junt~~en su en Montecavalo Montecavalo a 22 de Noviembre Noviembre 1597. 1597. Because Because of of the the death death sencia en the congregation congregationstudied studiedways waysofofincorporatincorporatof Alfonso, Alfonso, Duke Duke of of Ferrara, Ferrara, the ing Ferrara into into the the papal papal states. states. ing 22 (ff. (if. 165r-166r). i65r-i66r). Relacion Relación de de lo lo que que passo passo en en lalacongregacion congregación Cardenales que que su su santidad santidad junt~. juntó.... . en en Montecavalo Montecavalo aa 55 de de NoNo20 Cardenales de 20 viembre 1597. They discussed discussed how how to tocounter counterthe thepretensions pretensionsofofCeCeviembre 1597. They sare, the new Duke of Ferrara. sare, new Duke of Ferrara. 3 (f. (f. 167r i67r-v). Relación de de las las prevenciones prevenciones que que su su santidad santidad ~~ á 3 -ν). Relaciσn mandado hazer hazer para para la la guerra guerra de de ferrara ferrara hasta hasta 55 de de Noviembre Noviembre 1597. 1597. A list of of men men and andfinances finances provided provided for for the theinvasion. invasion. A (ff. 234r-2371). 234r-237v). Lo Lo que que trato trato su su santidad santidad sobre sobre las las cosas cosas de de 44 (ff. Ferrara a 7 de diciembre diciembre de de 1598 1598 en en lalacongregacion congregación que que para para aquel aquel Ferrara 7 de efíeto mando juntar. iuntar. The Thecardinals cardinalsagreed agreed that thatClement Clement VIII VIII was was effeto mando the proper proper judge, he was was the the ruler rulerof ofFerrara. Ferrara. judge, and and that he 58. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 2854 2854 58. 17th cent., paper, paper, 275 275x205 694 ff., if., many many hands. hands. 17th cent., χ 205 mm., 694 ecclesiastical immunity, Portuguese Writings defending ecclesiastical immunity, against the Portuguese suppressed it; also also relations, relations, decrees, decrees, briefs, briefs, decisions, decisions, and and law which suppressed letters to Urban Urban VIII VIII and andtotoCardinal CardinalFrancesco Francesco Barberini Barberini on on this this letters

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- Barb. lat. 2854 2854



matter, and and on on other other topics. topics. Mss. Mss. and and printed printed works, works, in Latin, Latin, Italian, Italian, Spanish, and and Portuguese. Portuguese. The Spanish, The Spanish Spanish and and Portuguese Portuguese items are listed listed here: -36r). Anonymous memorial 1ι (fi. (ff. 25Γ 25r-36r). Anonymous memorial against against ecclesiastical ecclesiastical immunity in in Portugal Portugal [c. [c. 1640]. 1640]. Inc. immunity Inc. Beatissimo Beatissimo Padre. Padre. Por Por responder responder à~~Inestra Vuestra Santidad con con entero entero conocimiento... conocimiento... 73-82). Two 2 (ff. (fí. 39-48, 39-48, 73-82). Two copies copies of of the the printed printed version version of of the the above text. above [but 8 pp.]). Anonymous 33 (f1. (fí. 191-192 191-192 [but Anonymous publication publication against against the No ay cosa Spanishrule ruleofofPortugal. Portugal. No No title. title. Inc. Spanish Inc. No cosa entre entre tos los mortales mortales (Lisboa fortuna, que los imperios... variedad de la m~s expuesta a la más expuesta a la variedad de la que los imperios... (Lisboa Manuel de de Sylva, Sylva, 1641). 1641). See Manuel See item item 5. 5. Cunha: original original letter letter in Portuguese to Joâo Jodo de de 44 (f. (f. 193). 193). Nuno Nuno da Cunha; Mattos, on on matters regarding Mattos, regarding the Jesuits in in Portugal Portugal (Lisbon, (Lisbon, February February 17, 1642). 17, 1642). 5 (Π. (ff. 238-245). 238-245). Ms. Ms. copy copy of item item 33 above. above. ~~ 6 (f. (f. 378). 378). Francisco FranciscoBarreto, Barreto,Bishop BishopofofAlgarve: Algarve; original original letter letter in Portuguese in Portuguese to to Cardinal Cardinal Francesco Francesco Barberini, Barberini, recommending recommending his nephew, February nephew, Manoel Manoel Corterreal Corterreal de de Abranches, Abranches, for for aa prebend prebend (Faro, February I, 1640). 1640). 77 (f. (f. 387). 387). Nuno Nuno da da Cunha: Cunha: original original letter in Portuguese Portuguese to to CarCardinal Francesco dinal Francesco Barberini, Barberini, recommending recommending an an individuai individual for for favor favor (Lisbon, 2, 1642). 1642). (Lisbon, January 2,

8 letter in in Latin 8 (f. (f. 4ι6). 416). Nuno Nuno da da Cunha: Cunha: original original letter Latin to to Cardinal Cardinal Francesco Barberini, recommending an individual individual for for aa benefice benefice (Lisbon, (Lisbon, 1642). February 3, 1642). 3, 99 (fi. (ff. 417-418). 417-418). Nuno Nuno da da Cunha: Cunha: original original letter to CarCarletter in in Latin to dinal Francesco Barberini, Barberini, on on ecclesiastical ecclesiastical immunity immunity in in Portugal Portugal dinal Francesco (Lisbon, 1642). (Lisbon, February 3, 3, 1642). io (fi. 10 (ff. 551-567). 551-567). Excerpts Excerpts in two two hands hands from from one one or or two two ununspecified histories, regarding regarding royal royal succession succession in in Portugal Portugal specified printed printed histories, (1579-1580).


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66 66

Barb, lat. Barb. lat. 2942 2942 -


ii (f. (f. 592). il 592). Copy Copy of of an an anonymous anonymous letter in in Spanish Spanish to to Cardinal Cardinal Francesco Barberini, him not not to negotiate Francesco Barberini, urging urging him negotiate with Pantaleón [Car-ΡantaΙe~n [Car vaiho?], who valho?], who has has no no authority authority(Rome, (Rome, January January30, 30,1642). 1642).

59. Barb. lat. 59. lat. 2942 2942

17th cent., paper, χ 210 mm., 253 17th paper, 315 315x210 253 ff., if., autograph. autograph. ΝΙCCΟLΟ RICCARDI. Sermons, NICCOLÒ Sermons, notes notes for forsermons, sermons, and and panegyrics. In items in in Latin Latin or Italian. panegyrics. In Spanish, Spanish, with with occasional occasional items Itahan.

On this this author, author, see Αντονιο (Bibi. On see Antonio (Bihl. iwv., nov., 2, pp. 371-72) and and QuetifQTJETIFpp. 371-72) ECHARD (2, 503-04); they do not mention this or the following Echard (2, pp. 503-04); they do not mention this or the following pp. mss. which which contain contain works in Spanish. mss. Spanish. Note: other other codices of this this author Note: codices of author in the the Barberini Barberini collection, collection, made up up of works in Italian or made works written written solely solely in or Latin, Latin, are: are: Barb. Barb. lat. 1093-94, 1107-'0, 1093-94, 1107-10, 2034, 2034, 2935-41, 2935-41, 2947-51, 2947-51, 3437. Writings of of Riccardi Riccardi 3437. Writings also appear in 3150 and 4602. These codices are not described also appear in 3150 and 4602. These codices are described in in this catalogue. this catalogue. 68. Barb. lat. 60. lat. 2943 2943 17th paper, 315 315x210 if., auto autograph. 17th cent., paper, χ 210 mm., 59 gr aph. 59 ff., NICCOLÒ NICCOLY RICCARDI.

Similar to to no. no. 59. 59. Similar

61. Barb. lat. lat. 2944 2944 17th cent., paper, paper, 315 315x210 mm., 169 169 ff., ff., auto autograph. 17th cent., χ 210 mm., graph. NICCOLÒ RICCARDI. ΝΙCCΟL~~RICCARDI.

Similar to to no. no. 59. 59. Similar

62. Barb. lat. 2945 2945 Barb. lat. 17th cent., paper, paper, 315 315x210 116 ff., if., auto autograph. 17th cent., χ 210 mm., 116 gr aph. NICCOLÒ Sermons and and notes notes for for sermons, sermons, prima primarily ΝΙCCΟL~~RICCARDI. Sermons ri ly on the Eucharist and on Purgatory, in Spanish, with occasional items on Eucharist and on Purgatory, in Spanish, with occasional items in Latin or Italian. Italian. See See no. no. 59. 59. in Latin

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- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 2952 2952



63. Barb. lat. lat. 2946 2946

17th cent., paper, χ 210 mm., mm., 78 ff., 17th paper, 315 315x210 ff., autograph. autograph.

NTCCOLC)RICCARDI. RICCARDI. Sermons NICCOLÒ Sermons and and notes notes for for sermons, sermons, primarily primarily on the on the Immaculate Immaculate Conception, Conception, in Spanish, Spanish, with with occasional occasional items in in Latin or or Italian. Latin Italian. See See no. no. 59. 59.

64. Barb. lat. lat. 2952 2952

mm., 280 ff., 17th cent., paper, paper, 3Ι0 310 χ x 200 mm., ff., autograph and several several other hands.

ΝΙCCΟL~~RICCARDI. NICCOLÒ RICCARDI. Letters, Letters,opinions, opinions,notes, notes,book bookcensures, censures, sermons,and and prayers, prayers, in in Latin, Latin, Spanish, Spanish, and and Italian. Italian. The sermons, TheSpanish Spanish pieces are: pieces 1I (ff. (ff. 4-13). 4-13). Two Two copies copies of of an an opinion opinion against against the the admission admission of Dominicans the University University ofofValladolid. Valladolid. Dominicans and and Jesuits Jesuits into the 22 (ff. (ff. 46-61). 46-61). Opinion Opinion on on whether whether the pope pope or the the local local chapter chapter has the has the right right totomake makecertain certainecclesiastical ecclesiasticalappointments. appointments. 33 (ff. (ff. 1321-133r). I32v-I33r). Two Two copies copies of letter to toPhilip PhilipIV, IV,offering offering of a letter his services services (n.p., (n.p., n.d.). n.d.). 4 (ff. 258-259) 258-259).. Oration Orationon onthe theoccasion occasion of of the the entry entry of of the the Duke Duke 4 (Π. of Lerma Lerma into into the theUniversity University of ofValladolid Valladolid (n.d.). (n.d.). 55 (ff. (ff. 262-265). 262-265). Invective Invective epistle epistle to to Lorenzo Lorenzo Gutiérrez Gutiérrez (n.p., n.d.). 6~~(f. (f. 268). 268). Letter LettertotoPhilip PhilipIV, IV,urging urginghim himtotowithdraw withdrawpermispermission granted to to several several Dominicans Dominicans to travel travel to tothe theNew NewWorld, World,because because they are are unworthy unworthy (Rome, (Rome, July July1621). 1621). 77 (f. (f. 270). 270). Letter, Letter,on onthe theright rightofofaamonk monktotoleave leavehis hismonastery monastery (n.p., n.d.). (n.p.,

III, 8 (ff (ff 276-279). 276-279). Two Two copies copies of of an an essay, essay, dedicated dedicated to to Philip Philip III, on why aa prince prince should should promote promote peace. peace. on why

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Barb. lat. lat. 3098 3098 Barb, -

65. Barb. lat. lat. 3098 3098 17th cent., cent., paper, paper, 198 198x142 x66 ff., ff., one one hand. hand. 17th χ 142 mm., 166 Bibliotheca selecta selecta Comitis Comitis Dvcis Dvcis Impressa. M. M. S. S. Lvcar. Impressa.

de San San de

Inc. (f. Ir). ir). A. A. /I Abbatis Pan" Paulide de Angelis... Angelis... Inc. (f. Des. (f. 166ν). i66v). Xysti XystiBetuleij. Betuleij. in in Ciceronis Ciceronis paradoxa. paradoxa. 8. 8. Des. (f. An alphabetical listing listing of books books owned owned by Gaspar Gaspar de de GuzmYn, Guzmán, An alphabetical Count-Duke of of Olivares. Olivares. There Thereisisa asection sectionofofprohibited prohibited books, books, as as Count-Duke French,and andmiscellaneous miscellaneous well as as ones ones of ofthose thosein in Latin, Latin, Spanish, Italian, Italian, French, languages. Uncited Gallardo (4, (4, no. no. 4541, 4541, cois. cols. 1479-1527) 1479-1527) transcribes transcribes Ijncited ms. GALLARDO from a ms. ms. copied copied in the the year year1744 1744 the thematerials materials on onSpanish Spanish history history from literature. See SeeG. G.DE de ANDRYS, Andrés, "Historia "Historia de la biblioteca dei del Condeand literature. Duque Olivares y y descripci~n descripción de de sus sus codices," codices," Cuadernos Cuadernos bibtiogrdbibliográDuque de Olivares ficos, 28 (1972), pp. 131-42, and 30 (1973), pp. 5-73cοs, 28 β pp. 131-42, and 30 (1973), pp. 5-73. 66. Barb. lat. lat. 3177 3177 X7th cent., paper, paper, 300 300 χ x 200 200 mm., 248 248 ff., ff,, four four hands hands (one (one autograph?). autograph?). 17th TOMÁS TAMAYO DE DE VARGAS. VARGAS. J Junta libros la TOMΑS TAMAYO u n t a de li b r o s la que Espafia España ha ha visto visto en en la la lengua lengua castellana castellana hasta hasta el el aflo año de de mayor que Por Don Thomas Thomas Tamayo Tamayo de de Vargas Vargas Choronista Choronista de su Magestad. Magestad. 1624. Por (Frontispiece). (fí. I-29). 1-29). List Listofofauthors; authors; (fi. (if. 30-37) 30-37) addition list; (fl. (if. 3838(fi. addition to the list; 248) text. 248) Inc. (f. 38r). 38r). A. A. /j ABEN-RAGEL, Aben-Ragel, Arabe natural de de Toledo... Toledo... Inc. (f. Α rabe natural Des. (f. (f. 248v). 248V). ...escriuir ...escriuir su su lengua. lengua. // Ambers. Ambers, por por Guill. Guilt. Simon Simon Des. 1558. 8. 1558. 8. Uncited ms. Other Othertexts textsof of this this bibi. bibl. are at the Bib. Bib. lac. Nac.(Madrid) (Madrid) and at at the theLibrary Libraryofofthe theUniversity UniversityofofOviedo Oviedo (Sιµ (Simón Díaz, and ~ν D fAZ, Bibl., 2, 28-29). The Thework workis is discussed Theodore S. S. BEARDSLEY, Beardsley, Jr., Jr., 2, 28-29). discussed byby THEODORE First Catalog Catalog of of Hispano-Classical Hispano-Classical Translations: Translations: Torιιs Tomás Tamayo Támayo "The First Vargas, 'A los los aficionados aficionados a la lengua espafiola,'" española,' " Hispanic Hispanic Review, Review, de Vargas,

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- Barb. Barb. lat. 3453 3453



Jtnta 32 (1964), (1964), ρρ. pp. 287-304. 287-304. Beardsley Beardsley is preparing preparing an edition edition of of the the Junta de libros. libros.

67. Barb. lat. lat. 3369 3369

17th cent., paper, 196 mm., 207 ff. one hand. 17th paper, 264 264 Χ x 196 f£. (98-125 (98-125 lacking), lacking), one Miscellanyon onNaples Naplesand and Sicily, Sicily,inin Latin, Latin, Italian, Italian, and Miscellany and Spanish. Spanish. Includes Includes in Spanish: Spanish: 1I (ff. (ff. 126r-145r) I26r-i45r).. Trattato Trattato della della monarchia monarchia dei del regno regno di di Sicilia Sicilia composta dei del Duca Duca di di Feria Feria Vice Vice Rb Rè dei del regno mandato al Rb Rè Filipp. Filipp. Segundo 1606. de la la origin, principio de de la la 1606. Inc. Inc. El primero es es saber saber de origin, yy principio monarquia. AAstudy monarquía. studyby byLorenzo Lorenzo Sυ~rez Suárez de de Figueroa, Figueroa, Duke Duke of Feria, Feria, of the history state of this of history and present present state this institution. institution. Other Othercopies copies in in the collection: Barb. lat. ff. ff. 2 ΙΟ 10 -ι~; 3560, Π. 1353558, collection: Barb. lat. 3558, ff. 2-10; 3559, 3559, ff. 10-16; 3560, ff. 135143; 3561, 143: 3561, ff. ff. 39-57. 39-57-

ν). Anonymous letter on on the the use 2 (ff. (ff. 168r-171 lóSr-iyiv). Anonymous letter use of of the the royal royal Exequatur in in Naples Naples to to prevent prevent the theimplementation implementation of of various various briefs briefs and bulls on spoils spoils and other other disputed disputed areas areas of of jurisdiction jurisdiction (n.d.). Inc. Inc. El Cardenal Cardenal de de Gran Gran Vela Vela por por una una relaciσn... relación... 68. Barb. lat. lat. 3453 3453 17th cent., paper, paper, 139 139X x 114 114 mm., mm., 66 66 Π., ff., one one hand. hand. 17th cent.,

ANTHONYSHIRLEY. Discvrso sobre ANTHONY SHIRLEY. Discvrso sobre el el casamiencasamiento, que que se se trata trata entre entre el el Principe Principe de de Gales, Gales, yy la serenissima serenissima Ynfanta Ynfanta de de Espafla. España. Del Del Conde Conde Don Don Antonio Xerley. Xerley. Dirigido Dirigido al Sefior Señor Duque Conde Conde de Olivares, Oliuares, dei del ConConca de Estado, Estado, y Guerra Sumilüer de.Corps, de. Corps, y sejo de Guerra de su Magestad, su Sumillier y cauallerizo mayor. (Frontispiece). (Frontispiece). ualierizo mayor. οr. Estas Inc. (f. Inc. (f. ir). ir). Excelentissimo Excelentissimo se señor. Estas son son ciertas ciertas conclusiones, conclusiones, que hazen hazen al al caso... caso... Des. (f. (f. 66ν). 66v). ...que ...que no no querria, querría, y muchos muchos mal yntencionados con con el. el. Des. Uncited ms. of of this this unedited unedited work. Another is Bib. Nac. work. Another is in in the the Bib. lac. (Madrid): Ms. Ms. 10,794. 10,794. (Madrid):

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70 70

Barb. lat. lat. 3455 3455 -


69. Barb. lat. 3455 69. 3455 ~ σο mm., 17th cent., paper, 17th paper, 142 142 x 100 mm., 45 ff., one one hand. hand. 45 ff., de Borja br a s de FRANCISCO DE BORJA. FRANCISCO BORJA. O Obras de Don Don Franisc Françiscoο de Borja Principe de Esquilache. Principe de Esquiladle. The following poems are included: following poems included; 1Ι (f. (f. ir). ir). Soneto. Soneto. Al Al Illustrissimo Illustrissimo Sefior Señor Cardenal Cardenal Legado. Legado. Ο O majorai ‚lei maioral del gran gran pastor pastor romano. romano.

Ιοr~~de (f. Iv). 22 (f. xv). Soneto. Soneto. L Lloró de amor amor la la duke dulçe tirania. Urania. 33 (f. (f. 2r). 2r). Soneto. Soneto. SaΙi~~ Salió una vna tarde tarde enamorada enamorada y triste. triste.

ρregntο. 4 (f. (f. 2V). 2v). Soneto. Soneto. Si Si a a Fuis Filis porqzie' porqué llora llora le pregunto. 55 (f. (f. 3r). 3r). Soneto. Soneto, a a las las ruinas ruinas de de Cartago. Cartago. Desechos Desechos muros muros ani ani-radas piedras. madas piedras.

Entre enuidias 6~~(f. (f. 3V). 3v). Soneto Soneto aa la la rosa. rosa. Entre enuidias del del camρο campo generosa. generosa. 77 (f. (f. 4r). 4r). Soneto. Soneto. Quando Quando se se tοc~~ tocó la la campana campana de de Velilla. Velilla. Con Con voz del del aire aire tragico tragico portento. 88 (f. (f. 4V). 4v). Soneto. Soneto. Dichoso tu tu que que de de las las rubias rubias mieses. mieses. 99 (f. (f. 5r). 5r). Soneto. Soneto. Graςias Gracias al al ‚ielo çielo venerable venerable Tajo. Tajo.

Porque' Señor Selior properas properas el io (f. 10 (f. 5ν). 5v). Soneto. Soneto. Porqué el camino. camino. ii (f. 11 (f. 6r). 6r). Soneto Soneto aa la launction unction de delalaMadalena. Madalena. De De el blanco blanco raso raso que rοmρi~~ rompió Maria. Maria. 12 (f. 6ν). 12 6v). Soneto Soneto a a la la muerte muerte de de Christo. Christo. Ρe~di~~ Perdió su su luz luz el el Sol, Sol, cυbri~~de cubrió de luto. luto.

Ardiendo el 13 (f. 13 (f. 7r). 7r). Soneto Soneto al al Purgatorio. Purgatorio. Ardiendo él oro oro entre entre la la llama llama rosa. rosa. 14 (ff. (fí. 7v-8ν). 7v-8v). Silua a la flaue. ñaue. Adonde Adonde vas del viento acomρaadο. acompañado.

fatigadas de los Ruinas fatigadas Silua a mas 15 (ff. (fí. 8v-ιor). 8v-ior). Silua vnas ruinas. ruinas. Ruinas los aflos. años. 16 (fí. ior-xxr). ior-iir). Silua Silua al al sepulcro sepulcro del del Rei Rei Don Don Phehpe Phelipe tercero tercero ι~~(ff. nuestro señor. Si Si nase nasçe de de otros otros siglos siglos heredero. heredero. nuestro sefior.

οj7renda. 17 (ff. (fí. 11v-13v). 11V-13V). Can9i Cançion. O cuantas cuantas vezes vezes con con piadosa piadosa offrenda. οn. Ο

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- Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 3457 3457

71 ιοn. Amor ι8 (ff. 18 (ff. 14r-151.). I4r-i5y). Can Cançion. Amor si si quise quise darYe. darte.

Αrag~n. 19 (ff. (ff. 15V-19V). 15V-19V). Egloga Egloga en la muerte de de Dofia Doña Isabel de Aragón, Α A la Duquesa de Uillahermosa Uillahermosa Dofia Doña Maria María su hermana. Pastores Tirsi, Tirsi, Lisardo. Si Si de de un vn esposo esposo eell misero misero lamento. lamento. 20 (fi. (ff. 20r-24r). 2or-24r). Elegla Elegía a la muerte muerte dei del Conde Conde de Lemos. Lemos. Si Si amor amor Ψrουοca. a justo llanto llanto la la prouoca. de Lemos LemosDon DonFrançisco Franisc ο de de Castro. 21 (fi. (ff. 24r-32r). 24r-32r). Carta al Conde Conde de Aqui A qui donde donde enuidioso enuidioso de de las las fuentes. fuentes.

ν). Carta. 22 (ff. 22 (ñ. 32ν-33 32V-33V). Carta. Fabio Fabio aconsejarte aconsejarte quiero. quiero. 2 (ff. 33ν-35ν). Carta. Mi muerte en c'sta os escriuo. 23 3 (E. 33v-35v). Carta. Mi muerte en ésta os escriuo.

-37r). D 24 (ff. ~cimas. Quien οra mia. 24 (ff. 35ν 35v-37r). Décimas. Quien dard dará se señora mía.

Α lamos dei 5 (fi. (E- 37r-381). 37r-38v). Rοmanςe. Romançe. Alamos del soto soto adios. adiós.

2 25

26 (ff. -40r). Romane. 26 (ff. 38ν 38v-4or). Romançe. Tan Tan triste viuo en mi aldea. aldea. 27 27 (ff. (ff. 40r-411). 4or-4iv). Rοmanςe. Romançe. En En los los bra9οs braços de de el el inuierno. inuierno. -43r). Romançe. Rοmaυ e. Verdes de el el Tajo. 28 (fi. (ff. 41ν 4iv-43r). Verdes alamos alamos de Tajo. 29 (ff. οmanςe. De 29 (ff. 43r-44r). 43r-44r). R Romançe. De el el siΙenio silenzio deste deste valle. valle. 30 (fi. (ff. 44ν-45ν). 44V-45V). Romane Romançe al al Rei Rei nuestro nuestro sefior. señor. Los Los galanes galanes enenuidiosos. Not cit.: ιµ ~ ν Díaz, D ιλz, Bibl., 6, but it it is cit.; S Simón 6, 4984-4986, 4984-4986, but is listed Usted by VARVarGAS UGARTE, gas Ugarte, pp. pp. 116-117. 116-117. Since Since the the volume volume begins begins with sonnet to to with a sonnet legatus aa latere, latere, it is presumably a presentaCardinal Francesco Barberini, legatus of c. c. 1626. tion copy copy of 1626. The The poems poems were were not published pubUshed until 1640 1640 (Fran(Francisco de Borja, Las S ιµ ~ ν Díaz, DiAZ, Bibi., cisco Las obras obras en verso; verso] see Simón Bibl., 6, 4989). 4989).

70. Barb. lat. 70. lat. 3457 3457 ioo mm., IV -|+ 101 xii fi., χ 100 17th 17th cent., cent., paper, paper, 147 147 x mm., IV ff., one one hand hand plus plus auto auto graph signature. graph signature. lo r de o nJΟΝΕS. Libro JUAN SORIA SORIA Υ Y QUΠ QUIÑONES. Libro intitvlado F Flor de c conceptos a ceptos a la la purissima purissima concepcion concepción de de Nuestra Nuestra Señora. S e fi o r a.

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Barb. lat. 3457 3457 Barb. lat. -

72 72

The following following poems poems are included: included: (fí. Ir-IVv). Ded. silva silva to to Cardinal Cardinal Francesco Francesco Barberini. Barberini. PrinPrinIr-ui). Ded. ι1 (ff. cipe augusto, augusto, illustre illustre Barberino. Barberino. ciρe 22 (ff. (ff. ιir-gr). Aquel no'iuo, noçiuo, si si fatal L Luçero. r-3 Γ). Canción. Canciσn. Aquel υςeυο. 33 (Π. (ff. 3r-6r). 3r-6r). Romance. Romance. No apresure apresure desconsuelos. desconsuelos. 4 (f. (f. 6r-ν). 6r-v). Soneto. Soneto. Si Si en en Dios Dios la la eχecuiοn execuçion a a estado estado unida. (fí. 6ν-8ν). 6v-8v). ΝiΙΙanςicο. Villançico. Culpa Culpa y y error. error. 55 (Π. 6 (Π. (fí. 9r-ιΟr). gr-ior). Glosa. Glosa, (a) (a) La muestra muestra de de amor amor major, maior, (b) Dexarse Dexarse ~~ de otro otro ofender. ofender. (ff. iii-iii). iov-iiv). La La misma. misma, (a) (a) La muestra muestra de de amor amor major, maior, (b) HaHa77 (Π. vn rey rey a a un un privado. priuado. cer vn (ff. 12Γ-13r). I2r-i3r). La misma. misma, (a) (a) La muestra muestra de de amor amor majOr, maior, (b) (b) Dios 8 (Π. eternamente amo. eternamente 99 (Π. (ff. 13ν-14ν). 13V-14V). Hieroglifico. (Prose (Prosedescription description of of an anemblem, emblem, exphcation and and three threeverses:) verses:) Si es es tanta tanta la la oposicion. oposición. with explication 10 (ff. 15r-21ν). i5r-2iv). Séptimas. Quiso el el mismo mismo Dios Dios nager. nacer. io (Π. Septimas. Quiso 11 (f. 22r). 22r). Soneto Soneto aa la la cσnceρ9iσn. concepçion. Difusas Difusas vierte vierte lagrimas lagrimas la la ii (f. aurora. aurora. 12 (Π. (ff. 22ν-25v). 22V-25V). Deςimas Deçimas a que que llora llora la la aurora aurora del del sentimiento sentimiento 12 aya auido auido atreuimiento atreuimiento que que se se atreba atreba auelpar auelpar aaMaria. María. Lagrimas Lagrimas que aya vierte el el aurora. aurora. (ff. 25ν-26r). 25v-26r). Soneto Soneto aa la la incompatibilidad incompatibilidad de de la la luz luz y y las las titi13 (Π. nieblas. Gira el el pastor pastor de de Delo Délo turquesada. turquesada. 14 (Π. (ff. 26r-30ν). 26r-30v). Romance. Romance. De De la turquesa turquesa djuina. diuina. 15 (Π. (ff. 30V-35ν). 30V-35V). Can Cançion. Aquel ser ser sin sin principio ab eterno. eterno. ρriniΡiο de ab ςiοn. Aquel 16 (fí. 36r-37v). 36r-37v). Villançico. Spiritus alados. alados. Νillan9icο. Spiritus ι~~(Π. 17 (Π. (ff. 37v-38r). 37v-38r). Soneto Soneto aalalaconcepciσn concepción sobre sobre la la sentencia sentencia de de San Pablo. Prumulga Prumulga Pablo Pablo la la senten'ia sentençia dada. dada. 18 (f. (f. 38r-ν). 38r-v). Soneto Soneto aa la la sentencia sentencia de de Sancto Sancto Thomas. Thomas. Aquel Aquel que que ι8 prodixio de de la cienia. ciençia. fue prodixio

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- Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 3457 3457



Gerogliiko. Pues 19 (f. 19 (f. 39r-ν). sgr-v). Geroglifico. Pues fui destierro destierro a a la la noche. noche.

iπο ien9ia. 20 (ff. (ff. 40r-43r). 4or-43r). Romance. Romance. Al tiempo tiempo que que la la inoçiençia. 21 (f. 21 (f. 43ν). 43v). Soneto. Soneto. S'ienia Sçiençia erigiσ erigió al al amor amor pura pura posada. posada. 22 (Η. (ff. 44r-49r). 44r-49r). Can9ion. Cançion. Spiritus Spiritus nοιυοs. noçiuos. 23 (ff. (ff. 49r-50Τ). 49r-5or). Glossa. Glossa, (a) (a) Si auer auer pudiera pudiera ygualada, ygualada, (b) (b) Tanto Tanto Dios el Dios el resto resto aa hechado. hechado. 24 (Π. (ff. 50ν-54ν). 50V-54V). Soneto. Soneto, (a) (a) Vn Vn imposible imposible Dios Dios hico hiço possible. possible. (b) glissa. De la causa de muerte de peccado. glossa. De la causa de muerte y de 2 (Π. 55r-56r). oponen 25 Cambia tanta tanta luz luz en en vos, vos, (b) Si se 5 (ff- 55r-56r). Glissa Glossa (a) (a) Cambia (b) Si se oponen las estrellas. estrellas.

Cambia tanta luz en 26 (ff. (ff. 56v-57v). 56V-57V). La misma. misma, (a) (a) Cambia tanta luz en vos, (b) (b) Aunque nada nada neessi~a. neçessita. 27 (Η. la fulminante. (ff. 58r-62r) 58r-62r).. En En manos manos del del cherub cherub la

28 28 (ff. (ff. 62v-7or) 62v-7or).. Roman Romançe en que que se se infiere infiere no no tener tener Maria Maria pec pec-ςe en cado original cado original de no hauer hauer sido sido tentada. Antes Antes que al avismo cayga. cayga.

Preseruo dei 29 (Π. (ff. 70v-71v) 70V-71V).. Hieroglilico. Hieroglifico. Preseruo del mal mal futuro. futuro. 30 (ff. 30 (ff. 71ν-72r). 7iv-72r). Soneto. Soneto. En En tos los claustros claustros maternos maternos en'errado. ençerrado. 31 (ff. 31 (fí. 72r-74v). 72r-74v). Liras. Liras. Purissima Purissima Maria. Maria. 32 (ff. 74v-75~). 74v-75r). Mil Mil vezes vezes la la justicia justicia castigada. castigada. 32 (ff.

Despues de de Dios 33 (f. 33 (f- 75r-v). 75r-v)- Hieroglifico. Hieroglifico. Despues Dios sola sola yo. yo. 34 (ff. 75v-79v). 75V-79V). Madrigales. Madrigales. Aunque Adam Adam observara. observara. 34 (Π.

La mejor 35 (ff. (ff. 8οr-8ιr). 8or-8xr). Glosa. Glosa, (a) (a) No pudo la la omnipotencia, (b) (b) La mejor 35 es Maria. Maria. madre es 36 (f. 36 (f. 881ιν). v). Soneto. Soneto. Βaa Baxa et el verbo verbo del del alto alto firmamento. firmamento. 37 (ff. 37 (ff. 82r-85ν). 82r-85v). Letra Letra a a la la con conçepçion. De la la idea idea soberana. soberana. ςeρςion. De 38 (f. (f. 86r-ν). 86r-v). Soneto Soneto a a que que nunca nunca Luzbel Luzbel intento intento manchar manchar a a 38 Maria. Como Como al al primer amago amago demostrando. demostrando.

Si fοrin~~omnipotencia, 39 (ff. 86ν-87ν). 86V-87V). Glissa. Glossa, (a) (a) Pues Pues te te formó omnipotencia, (b) (b) Si 39 (Η. el poder poder el el resto resto aa hechado. hechado.

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Barb. lat. lat. 3461 3461 -

74 74


fουm ~~omnipotencia, (b) 40 (ff. (ff. 88r-89r). SSr-Sgr). La misma. misma, (a) (a) Pues te formó (b) PoPo-

der a a ρυeiρitadο. precipitado.

Αυnqυ~e] es 41 (ff. (ff. 89ν-90r). Sgv-gor). Hieroglifico. Hieroglifico. Aunqu\e\ es humano humano mi mi ser. ser. 42 (ff. (ff. 9οr-92ν). gor-gav). Redondillas. Redondillas. El El mas mas admirable admirable ser. ser. 43 (ff. (ff. 921-94r). g2v-g4r). Hieroglifico. Hieroglifico. Mas Mas pura pura soy soy que que el el Impirio. Impirio.

44 (f. 44 (f. 94r-ν). g4r-v). Otro. Otro. Aunque humano humano ser ser estrella. estrella. σn. Amor 45 (ff. (ff. 94Ν-ΙoΟr). g4v-ioor). Abeçedario concepción. Amor toda toda exceexceΑbeςedariο aa lalaconcepci


Ioor-IoIv). Hieroglifico. 46 (Π. (ff. loor-ioiv). Hieroglifico. Solo Solo aora aora no no conduce. conduce. Unknownauthor authorand and work. work. The Unknown The heading heading of of the the ded. ded. refers refers to to Cardinal Francesco Barberini Cardinal Barberini as as "legado "legado en en estos estos reinos reinos de de Espafia", España", so the date of so of the the ms. is is presumably presumably c. c. 1626. 1626. 71. Barb. lat. 3461 3461

mm., 60 17th cent., cent., paper, paper, 190 igo x 60 Π., ff., one one hand. hand. 17th χ 127 127 mm., ANONYMOUS. Por Por Amar, Amar, Aborreçerse. (Play). Α b ο rre ς erse. (Play). First verse: verse: Mal Piensas siendo siendo Discreto. Discreto. Last verse: verse: Por Por amar amar aBorre'erse. aBorreçerse.

Unknown work. Unknown 72. Barb. lat. lat. 3463 3463 17th paper, 198 ig8 x ff., one one hand. hand. 17th cent., paper, χ 135 135 mm., mm., 46 Π., Flores del jardin jardin de de Christo Christo nuestro nuestro Flores cojidas del señor por su su siervo siervo el el benerable benerable Padre Padre yy baron sefior por baron appostolico fray Francisco Solano de la Regular appostolico fray Francisco Solano de la Regular Obserbançia nuestro Padre Padre San San Francisco Francisco natural ciudad de de natural de la ciudad Obserbanςia de nuestro de su proçesso Montilla marquesado de pliego en la Andaluçia, Αndalu9ia, sacadas de su ρr σςesso hecho por por autoridad autoridad appostolica appostolica en en las las Yndias Yndias ocidentales ocidentales del del Piru, Piru, y aprovadas por sagrada Rota y testigos del donde reynos, aprovadas la sagrada Rota testigos ai tres reynos, por dei donde y y nueve provinçias, tres ar arçobispados, nueve obispados, obispados, los los quales quales cacaρrονinias, tres σbisρadοs, nueve

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- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 3464 3464

75 75


yudos con ρroνin9ias vildos con los los de de los los seglares seglares de de todos todos los los dichos dichos reynos reynos y provinçias de Espafia sus cartas escriven con el escriven el catholico catholico rey rey de España sus cartas a nuestro SanctisSanctissimo y Beatissimo Beatissimo Padre Padre y suplican suplican en en ellas ellas les beatifique beatifique y canοnie canoniçe el dicho dicho siervo siervo de de Dios Dios y se se lo lo de de por por su patron patron y abogado. abogado. that he Ded. to to Cardinal Cardinal Francesco Francesco Barberini, Barberini, requesting requesting that he obtain obtain to permit and canonization. a dispensation dispensation to permit early early beatification beatification and canonization. Inc. Inc. ((f.f. iv) Εminε tissim ο y Reurendissimo Se Ιοr para que Vuestra ErniEminentissimo Reurendissimo Señor, para que Vuestra Emine14tissim'i mas se a/i'iοne a faborecer... nentissima se afiçione faborecer... ,

consists of of aa list list of of miracles miracles worked workedby by the the saint, saint, followed The work consists followed by three three poems, poems, namely: namely: 1ι (f. (f. 36r). 36r). Del Del padre padre fray fray Bernardo Bernardo Abarca, Abarca, predicador predicador y y letor letor Tiene de artes en ei el convento de nuestro Padre San San Franςisco. Françisco. Soneto. Soneto. Tiene Franiscο sera fin hυmanο. Françisco ser afin humano.

σn y Alcozer 22 (f. (f. 36v). 36v). Del Del Dotor Dotor don don Sebastian Sebastian de Alarc Alarcon Alcozèr aa la ciudad de de Lima, Lima, cuyas cuyas armas armas son son coronas coronas y estrella. estrella. Soneto. Soneto. Lima, Lima, ciudad de de Reyes Reyes consagrada. consagrada. de Oña, Oua, en que -46ν). Canciσn 3 (ff. (ff. 37r 37r-46v). Canción real del del Licenciado Pedro Pedro de que se recogen las eexçelençias dei Santo. ntrσdυςe el poeta el rio de Lima Yntroduçe de Lima Υ χςelenςias del hablando con con el el Tibre Tibre de de Roma Roma para para el intento intento de de todo lo lo que que aqui escrito dei del fray fray Francisco Francisco Solano. Solano. Rio Rio Lima Lima ai al Rio Tibre. Α A ti, que que en en otra edad, otra edad, si si mas mas dorada. dorada. The two in the ms. The two sonnets sonnets are are transcribed transcribed in the description description of of this this ms. that the author by VARGAS Vargas UGARTE, Ugarte, pp. pp. 107-108. 107-108. He He suggests suggests that author of of the the narrative may be fray fray Alonso Cueto. The Thepoem poem by by Pedro Pedro de de Ofia Oña was was published in in Diego de C σrdoba Salinas' Vida, virtudes, pubhshed Diego de Cordoba Salinas' Vida, virtvdes, y y milagros milagros del apσstol del apostol dei del Peru Perv Francisco Francisco Solano, Solano, Lima, Lima, Geronimo Geronimo de de Contreras, Contreras, 1630.

73. Barb. lat. 73. lat. 3464 3464

χ 132 132 mm., mm., 67 ff., 17th cent., paper, paper, 190 190 x if., one hand plus plus autograph autograph corcorrections and and editing editing in in a third rections third hand. hand. ο r α c ο n. GABRIELDECORRAL. GABRIEL DE CORRAL. Dis Dos flechas flechas a a vn vn c coraçon. (Play).

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Barb. lat. lat. 3465 3465 -

76 76


First verse: First verse: Vuestra Vuestra Alteza Altezaconsidere. considere. Last verse: Last verse: que que Vuestro Vuestro fauor fauor las las supla. supla. Unknownwork. work. The Unknown The ms. ms. is is not not autograph, autograph, but but it it isis signed signed by by the playwright on the third leaf and at the end. There are corrections the playwright on the third leaf and at the end. There are corrections by Corral in the the text, in aa third by Corral in text, as as well well as as editing editing in third hand hand for for dramatic dramatic production. production. 74. Barb. lat. lat. 3465 3465

139 mm., χ 139 ι~th cent., ibth cent., paper, paper, 198 198 x mm., 46 46 ff., if., two two hands. hands. ANONYMOUS. Study Study on ANONYMOUS. on the the deployment deployment of of military militaryforces. forces. No title. No Inc. (f. Magestad. Siete Inc. (f. ir). ir). S.C.R. S.C.R. Magestad. Siete diΙerenςias diferençias de de sitios sitios tenemos tenemos para assentar fυer αs. para assentar fuerças. sus uasallos Des. (f. .como la Des. (f. 44r). 44r). .. ...como la Christiandad Christiandad ha ha menester menester y y sus vasallos desseamos. The work work ends ends on on f. The f. 44r; 44r; aa second second hand has has added added Conclusiones Conclusiones vniversales (ff. (ff. 441-46r). 44v-46r). Ten two-page illustrations. Ten 75. Barb. lat. lat. 3466 3466 χ 143 143 mm., mm., IV IV -f 17th 17th cent., paper, paper, 203 203 x + 92 ff., autograph plus another hand. hand.

VICENTESLAVAZATI. SLAVAZATI. Epytome dei autoVICENTE Epytome del oficio oficio y y autopolitica, histórica, histσrica, y legal. Compuesta r i d a d del del Ιlegado. e g a d o. Mate ri a politica, ridad Materia el Doctor Doctor Vicente Vicente Slauaati SlauaçatiRaguses, Raguses, academici académico humorista. humorista. DiDipor el rigida a la la ymortalidad del Cardenal Cardenal don Francisco Francisco Barberino, Barberino, legado legado de latere tos reynos latere en en es estos reynos de de Espafia. España, (f. (f. Ir). Ir). -lir) in Ded. (H. (ff. Iv Iv-IVr) in Latin. Latin. Ded. Ded. (f. (f. Iii) IVv)ininSpanish. Spanish.

Inc. (f. Ei nombre Inc. (f. Ir). ir). El nombre dei del legado legado corn comprehende j»'ehende en si... Des. (f. .hauiendo conuenido Des. (f. 92r). 92r). .....hauiendo conuenido todo todo ei el Pueblo Pueblo uer uer tan tan suene solene fiesta y entrada. entrada. Followed Followed by by aachapter chapterheading heading only only (f. (f. 92ν): 92V); El /1 esta y El CarCardenal Barberino Barberino Legado Legado a Francia Francia y Espafia. España.

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- Barb. Barb. lat. 3469 3469



This unknown work consists consistsofof three three books, books, the the last This unknown work last of of which which lacks aa final lacks final chapter chapter to to be be dedicated dedicated to to the thelife fifeof ofCardinal Cardinal Barberini. Barberini. Book ΙI is Book is on on the theambassador ambassador in in general, general, book book ΙΙ II treats treats the the apostolic apostolic contains the history of various legations to legates, and and book ΙΙΙ contains the history of various legations to different legates, book III different provinces. provinces. 76. Barb. lat. lat. 3467 3467 cor131 mm., mm., 67 67 ff., H., one one hand hand plus 17th cent., paper, 17th paper, 195 195 Χ x 131 plus aa minor minor correction in in aa second. rection second.

a 11 a. (Play). ANONYMOUS.Quien Qui en GGuarda uarda Η ANONYMOUS. Halla. (Play). First verse: First verse: Caisada Cansada estoy. estoy. —Si —Si fatigas. fatigas. Garda halla. Last verse: Quien Last verse: Quien Garda halla. Unknown work. Unknown 77. Barb. lat. lat. 3468 3468

147 mm., mm., 19 Ann. 1630, Ann. 1630, paper, 200 Χ x 147 19 Π., ff., autograph. autograph. JUANLÓPEZ LYPEZ BERTRAN. Svccessos armada JUAN BERTRÁN. Svccessos de de lalaarmada lleuò este real que que lleuò este aflo año de de 1630 1630 Don Don Fadrique Fadrique de de Toledo Ossorio Ossorio&c. &c. Escritos Escritos por Don Don Juan Juan Lopez Lopez Bertran Bertrán su que se hallo en ellos que ellos aa Don Don Thomas Thomas Tamaio Tamaio de de Vargas Vargas chronista chronista de de su Majestad ii de de su su Consejo. Consejo. Inc. (f. Ir). ir). AA Don DonTomas Tomas Tamaio Tamaio de de Vargas... Vargas... Amigo Amigo no no quiero quiero Inc. (f. mandasteis... que me auiso sin hauer con el lo se laici vaia al al auiso sin hauer con lo que me mandasteis... Des. (f. .a dios Des. (f. 19v). xgv). .. ...a dios las las gracias gracias que que da da las las vitorias Vitorias e los los guarde guarde con los los aumentos aumentos que que mereceis. mereceis. Cartaxena. Cartaxena. 20 20 de Enero Enero 1630. 1630.

(f. 7r). 7r). AA map (f. map of of St. St. Kitts Kittsin inthe theAntilles. Antilles. Unknown author author and work. Unknown work. 78. Barb. lat. lat. 3469 3469

133 mm., mm., 80 17th paper, 205 205 Χ x 133 80 Π., ff., one one hand. hand. 17th cent., paper, Description of forty forty people people of of various various offices offices or positions, principally principally Turks, but including and Jews, Turks, including Greeks, Greeks, Armenians, Armenians, Tunisians, Tunisians, and Jews, with with a colored drawing of each each one. one.

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Barb. lat. lat. 3470 3470 -

78 78


"AI. Aolan." Inc. (f. Inc. (f. Ir). ir). I. I. "Ai. Aolan." es es moyo moço de de cauallos..." cauallos..." Des. (f. Gran Soldán. Sudan. (Followed (Followed by by the Des. (f. 79ν). 79v). 40. 40. Gran the corresponding corresponding illustration on f. 8οr). illustration on f. 8or). 79. Barb. lat. 3478 79. 3470

17th cent., χ 150 mm., mm., IV + 72 pp., pp., one 17th cent., paper, paper, 204 204x150 one hand. Constitvciones dei del illustrissimo, illustrissimo, yy excelenexcele ntissimo orden orden dei del Tison. Tvson.

(ff. Ir-IVv). Ir-Tu). Indice (ff. Indice de de las cosas cosas que se contienen en las constituciones del del Ilustrissimo Ilustrissimo yy Excelentissimo Excelentissimo orden orden del del Tusσn. Tusón.

Inc. (p. Inc. (p. i). 1). ΡhiΙiρρο Philippo ρο, por la la gracia gracia de de Dios Dios duque duque de de Borgona... Borgoña... Hacemos saber saber aa todos todos como como a a gloria gloria y lsonrra... honrra... Des. (p. ..dada en en nuestra Des. (p. 5ι). 51). ....dada nuestra ciudad ciudad de de Insulas Insulas a a diez diez y y Siete Siete de nouiembre nouiembre de de mil mil y quatrocientos quatrocientos y y tre treynta y uno. vno. ynta y (pp. 52-72). (pp. 52-72). Indice Indice de de las las cosas cosas que que han han sido sido alteradas alteradas acerca acerca de las de las constituciones... constituciones... Spanish tr. Spanish tr. from from French. French. The Theconstitutions constitutions of of the the Order Order haie have been pubhshed in Spanish Spanish several several times, times, e.g. e.g. the Duke Duke of Β Béjar, Fun-been published jar, Fun daci~n, ordenanzas dación, ordenanzas y y constituciones constituciones del del Τοis Toisón de Oro, Oro, Madrid, 1726. ~n de Madrid, 1726. 88. Barb. lat. 80. lat. 3473

155 mm., mm., 3 -)ι~th cent., χ 155 16th cent., paper, paper, 204 204 x ff., many many hands. hands. + 461 ff., ANONYMOUS,and and SEBASTIÁN SEBASTIAN ALVAREZ, CABRERA, ANONYMOUS, ÁLVAREZ, ARCE, CABRERA, RRΕΖ, and CASTILLO, GUDIEL, GUDIEL, GUΡΙ GUTIÉRREZ, and LUIS LUISDE DEGRANADA. GRANADA. Sermons. Inc. (f. ir). ir). Dominica Dominica prima prima Aduentus Aduentus Domini... Domini... Lo Lo que que uy oy nos nos Inc. (f. representa la representa la iglesia... iglesia... Des. (f. 461v). 461V). ...que ...que solo solo el el Se Señor la podia podia ha'er haçer y y por por tanto tanto se se Des. (f. οr la diçe dia suyo... suyo... dice el dia Uncited ms. AAcollection collectionofofsermons sermons by by Spaniards, Spaniards, in in Spanish Spanish and occasionally occasionally in Most are anonymous, anonymous, but some are attributed in Latin. Latin. Most attributed

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79 79

- Barb, Barb. lat. lat. 3476 3476

to the authors authors listed listed above above (the (the one one by Luis Luis de de Granada Granada is is on on ff. ff. 103103110). Thesermons sermons date datefrom from 1562 1562 to to τ600; 1600; those those from from the the 1560's 1560's prepreiio). The Onthe thepreliminary preliminaryleaves leavesisisan anincomplete incompletetable tableofofcontents. contents. dominate. On One or more leaves leaves are lacking lacking at the the end. end. One or more 81. Barb. lat. lat. 3474 3474


17th cent., paper, paper, 206 206 χ x 150 150 mm., mm., 22 + 297 297 ff., ff., two two hands. hands. 17th cent., Sermones. GUDIEL. Sermones. The text text is is preceded preceded by by two twoleaves leaves containing containing aatable tableofofcontents, contents, different hand. hand. in aa different Inc. (f. ir). ir). In Infesto festa sancti sancii Andrea Andrea apostoli. apostoli. Ainbulans Amhulans Jesu. Jesu. Pa-. PaInc. (f. seauase Cristo Cristo seflor señor nuestro nuestro por por la la Ribera Ribera dei del mar mar de de galilea... galilea... seauase Des. (f. 297r). 297r). .....a que trabajasen trabajasen Por Por la ma... Des. (f. .a Isaac Isaac y a Jacob JacobPara Paraque ir, crossed crossed out, out, is is the the name name "gud", "gud", and and on on the the first first leaf, leaf, On f.f. Ir, in a different hand, appears appears "Gudiel". Some Some leaves leaves are lacking at the the end. end.

82. Barb. lat. lat. 3476 3476 17th paper, 206 206 χ x 148 148 mm., 59 ff., one one hand. hand. 17th cent., paper, 59 ff.,

LUIS LUIS DE GYNGORA GÓNGORA Υ Y ARGOTE. OObras de don don Lus Lvis de de b r a s de Gongora y y Argote Argote nunca nvnca ympresas. ympresas. The Thefollowing following poems poems and and letters letters are included: included: 1ι (f. (f. Ir). ir). Soneto Soneto aa Lope Lope de de Vega. Vega. Soneto Soneto ι. 1. Hermano Hermano Lope Lope borrare bórrame el soue—. sone-.

-u). A 2 (f. Ir ir-v). A un vn sermonario sermonario que que imprimiσ imprimió el el Padre Padre Florenzio Florenzio 2 de la Compafiia Compañia de de Iesus. lesus. Soneto Soneto 2. 2. Doze sermones sermones estampo estampo Florenzia. Florenzia. de -2r). A 33 (ff. (ff. ιu iv-2r). A la fabula fabula de de Orpheo Orpheo que que compuso compuso Don Don Juan Juan de de Xarigui en en ocasiσn ocasión que que ymprimio ymprimio la la suya suya el el Doctor Doctor Juan Juan Perez Perez de de Montalban. Soneto Soneto 3. 3. Es el el Orpheo Orpheo dei del seuor señor Don Don Juan. Juan. 4 (f. (f. 2r-u). 2r-v). Contra Contra los los aficionados aficionados a las las obras obras de de Lope Lope de de Vega Vega tachandole tachándole el el estilο estilo6'umilde. vmilde. Soneto Soneto 4. 4. Aqui Aqui dei del Conde Conde Claros Claros dixo, dixo, y y luego.

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Barb, lat. Barb. lat. 3476 3476 -


80 80

-3r). Α 5 (ff. (ff. 2ν 2v-3r). A Vallejo Vallejo autor autor de de comedias comedias que que representando representando la la del Antichristo Antichristo y hauiendo hamendo de bolar bolar por por una una maroma maroma no no se se atreui~ atreuiò,, peso y volo volo en en su su lugar lugar Luysa Luysa de de Robles. Robles. Soneto Soneto 5. 5. Quedando Quedando con tal tal peso en la caυea. en caueça. 6~~(f. (f. 3r). 3r). Soneto Soneto 6. 6. Ποια Poca justicia muchos muchos alguaciles. alguaciles.

-ν). A 77 (f. (f. 3r 3r-v). A ciertos ciertos mancebos mancebos afeminados. afeminados. Soneto Soneto 7. 7. Ay Ay entre entre Carrion y Tordecillas. Carrion Tor decillas. ν-4r). A ocista al 8 (ff. (ff. 33v-4r). A Lope Lope de de Vega. Vega. Soneto Soneto 8. Desde Desde la la blanca blanca ocista al pardo lusco. pardo lusco. 99 (f. (f. 4r). 4r). A A lo lo que que se se hallo hallo quando quando dizen dizen se toco la la campana de de Villilla. Soneto Soneto 9. 9. Tocose Tocose la campana campana de de IJililla. Vililla.

-ν). A io (f. 10 (f. 4r 4r-v). A don don Francisco Francisco de de Quevedo Quevedo soneto soneto en en ocasion ocasión de estar traduciendo satyrico io. estar traduciendo aa Anacreonte Anacreonte poeta griego. griego. Soneto Soneto 10. Anacreonte español, espanol, no no ay ay quien creonte quien os os tope. tope. ii (H. ix (fí. 41-5r). 4v-5r). A A dofla doña Luisa Luisa de de Cardona. Cardona. Soneto Soneto burlesco burlesco ii. 11. Senora Dona luisa luisa de Señora Doña de Cardona. Cardona. 12 (f. 12 (f. 5r). 5r). Soneto Soneto burlesco burlesco 12. 12. Llegue Llegue senora señora tja tia a la la mamora. mamara.

-ν). Soneto pedorreras. 13 (f. 5r 5r-v). Soneto burlesco burlesco 13. Dedo Dedo sobrino sobrino Juan con con pedorreras. 13 (f. ν-6r). Soneto 14 (ff. (ff. 55v-6r). Soneto satyrico satyrico 14. 14. Al Al Padre Padre Juan Juan de de Pineda Pineda de de la Compafiia Compañía de Que siendo jues de vn certamen poetico en Sede Jesus. Que villa, la translaci translación de Sant Sant Hermenegildo Hermenegildo no le le premio premio al al autor autor σn de villa, en en la su canci canción. Yo en justa injusta injusta expuesto expuesto a a la sentencia. σn. Yo la sentencia. 15 (f. 6r). 6r). Soneto Soneto satyrico 15. Las piadosas martas Las no piadosas pones. 15 (f. martasya ya te pones. x6 (f. 6r-ν). 6r-v). Soneto Soneto satyrico satyrico ι~ 16.. A A Maria Maria de de Vergara Vergara que que siendo ι~~(f. ya vieja tratava de de aliflo aliño y la vna sobrina suya y la gala como ina y hermosa. No sois, sois, aunque aunque en en edad edad de de quatro quatro sietes. sietes.

pobres 17 (Η. (fí. 6ν 6v-7r). Soneto satyrico 17. De vmildes padres hija hija en en pobres -7r). Soneto De umildes paños. panos. 18 (f. 7r). 7r). Soneto Soneto satyrico satyrico ι8. 18. A A la la prisiσn prisión dei del Licenciado Licenciado RaRaiB (f. mirez de Prado, del Consejo de Camara del Rey 'Don Phelipe terçero, mirez Prado, dei Consejo de Camara del Rey 'Don Phelipe ter ςerο, levandole preso preso aa la la Alameda. Alameda. En una vna fortale'a fortaleça preso preso queda. queda.

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- Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 3476 3476



19 (f. 19 (f. 7ν). 7v). Soneto Soneto satyrico satyrico 19. 19. Terneras Terneras cuyas cuyas borlas borlas magistrales. magistrales. 20 (ff. (ff. 71-8r). yv-Sr). Soneto Soneto satyrico 20. Dexa Dexa las las damas damas cuyo flaco flaco yerro. yerro. 21 (f. (f. 8r). Soneto nueue y nueue Soneto satyrico 21. Α A Lope de de Vega. Vega. Α A los diez diez y castillos que puso vida Locastillos puso por armas que son las de los Carpios. Por Por tu vida Lapillo que que me me borres. borres.

Lopa 22 (f. (f. 8v). Soneto Πουa Lopa 22. Bimos Soneto satyrico a Lope Lope de de Vega Vega 22. Bimos se señora

su epopeya. epopeya.

-9r). Soneto 23 (Π. (ff. 8ν Sv-gr). Soneto satyrico satyrico 23. 23. Α A D. D. Francisco Francisco de de Queuedo Queuedo peregrina. poeta en forma peregrina. en ocasiσn ocasión que que fue a romeria romería a Galicia. Galicia. Cierto Cierto poeta 24 (f. 24 (f. 9r). gr). Soneto Soneto burlesco burlesco 24. 24. Mis Mis albarcoques albarcoques sean sean de de Toledo. Toledo. 25 (f. 25 (f. 9Ν). gv). Soneto Soneto 25. 25. Al Al casamiento casamiento que hizo hizo Don Martin Martin Valen Valero de Franqυea Franqueça hijo hijo del del Conde Conde de Villalonga Villalonga con con la sefiora señora Dofia Doña Juana Mesclose con Franqueza de Μendο Mendoçaa hermana hermana del del Conde Conde de de Corufia. Coruña. Mesclose Franqueza justamente.

se va a Napoles. -Tir) . Soneto 26 (Π. (ff. 9V gv-ior). Soneto 26. 26. El conde mi senor señor se Ñapóles. -i). Romance 27 (f. br lor-v). Romance amoroso. amoroso. Lloraua Lloraua ausencias ausencias Rosardo. Rosardo. -13r). Romance Ιiυ ias. 28 (Π. (ff. ΙσV xov-i3r). Romance satynico. satyrico. Quando Quando pase pase de de las las Indias. 29 (Π. (ff. 13r-14r) I3r-i4r).. Romance Romance jocosa jocosa [!] [!].. En En aquel aquel siglo siglo dorado. dorado.

30 (Π. (ff. 14V-15V). 14V-15V). Romance jocoso. jocoso. La La villana villana de de las las borlas. borlas. -17r). Romance 31 (Π. (fí. 15ν I5v-i7r). Romance jocoso. jocoso. ly Oy pues estamos estamos a a solas. solas. 32 (Π. (ff. 17f-18v). I7r-i8v). Romance Romance jocoso. jocoso. Quando Quando los los campos campos se se vestian vestían 8v). Sonetos ου de Alualista 33 (f. ιi8v). Sonetos jocosos. jocosos. Al Al Conde Conde de Villallor Villaflor oy 33 (f. tardandose en en boluer boluer aa Don Don Luis Luis mis vnos dineros dineros que que le le hauia hauia prestado prestado en el juego. juego. El El conde conde mi seflor señor se fue a Cherela. Cherela. 34 (f. 34 (f. 19r). igr). A A los imitadores de Lope Felix de Vega Vega Carpio. Soneto. Patos del del agua agua chirle chirle castellano. castellano.

-ν). Al 35 (f. (f. 19r igr-v). Al famoso famoso Lope Lope de de Vega Vega quando quando se di9ia diçia que tenia 35 conuersacion con con Marta. Marta. Dicen Dicen me me por por vna carta. ina carta. 36 (f. 36 (f. 19V). xgv). Hauiendo Hauiendo apedreado apedreado vn vn loco loco que que se llamaua llamaua Balsam Balsain las ventanas ventanas de de Lope. Lope. Decima. Decima. En En vuestras vuestras manos manos ya ya creo. creo. 6~~

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Barb. lat. lat. 3476 3476 -


82 82

37 (ff. (fí. Ι9ν2οr). igv-aor). Al Al Dotor Dotor Collado Collado medico medico amigo amigo suyo suyo con con quien quien gracej a, haziendole instrumento instrumento de la muerte muerte del dei Conde Conde de de Villamediana Villamediana graceja, υοn a? se οr VillameΝiΥamede la quai de qual se se hablo hablo mucho. mucho. Octava Octava jocosa. jocosa. Μat' Mataron al señor diana. diana. 38 (f. 38 (f. 2or). 20r). Inscripcion Inscripción para para ina vna fuente fuente dei del Conde Conde de los los Arcos, Arcos, E? liquido ου desta en Batuo. Batuo. Madrigal. Madrigal. El liquido cristal cristal que que oy desta fuente. 39 (f. de Lira 39 (f. 20r). 2or). Inscripcion Inscripción para para ei el sepulcro sepulcro de de Dofia Doña Maria Maria de en Toledo. en Toledo. Madrigal. Madrigal. La bella bella lyra lyra muda muda jace jace ahora. ahora. 40 (f. 40 (f. 20r-ν) 2or-v).. Canciones Canciones amorosas. amorosas. Sobre Sobre trastes trastes de de guijas. guijas. 41 (ff. (ff. 201-21r). 20v-2ir). Seguidillas Seguidillas y cancion canción para para Dofia Doña Maria María Hurtado Hurtado quando fue Napoles marido, a en aussencia aussencia de Don Don Gabriel Gabriel ςa Çapata quando a Ñapóles su ρata con su su tio tio el el Cardenal Cardenal Çapata. Matan me me los los celos celos de de aquel aquel andaluz. andaluz. ςapata. Matan 42 (f. ina dama 42 (f. 21r-ν). 2ir-v). Para Para vn vn portugues portugués a a quien quien vna dama auia auia dado dado vn búcaro. Decima. Decima. Dulce Dulce nina niña el el barro barro bello. bello. vn bucaro. 43 (f. 2Ι1). 21 v). Decima. Decima. Guerra Guerra me hazen dis dos cuidados. cuidados. me hazen 43 (f. 44 (fí. 211-22r). 2iv-22r). En persona persona de de vn galan galan cuya dama le le auia ofreofre44 (Π. cido yr aa vn cido vn jardin. jardin. Decima. Decima. Vamos Vamos Philis Philis al al vergel. vergel. 45 (f. 22r). 22r). En nombre nombre de de Don Don Diego Diego de de Vargas Vargas mefiino meñino de de la la 45 (f. reyna a a la la sefiora señora Dofia Doña Francisca Francisca de de Tauara Tauara hauiendo hauiendo receuido receuido della vna banda leonada. leonada. Decima. Decima. Mil Mil vezes vezes vuestro vuestro favor. ina banda 46 (f. 22r-i). 22r-v). Contra Contra los los abogados. abogados. Decima, Decima. Ο 0 tu tu de de los los bachi bachi-46 (f. lieres. lleres. 47 (f. 221). 22v). Decimas Decimas jocosas. jocosas. A A Don Don Antonio Antonio Coioma Coloma canonigo canónigo 47 (f. de Toledo y arcidiano arcidiano de de Madrid Madrid camarero camarero ecclesiastico ecclesiastico dei del serenisserenisde Toledo simo Cardenal Cardenal Infante Infante Don Don Fernando Fernando tardandose tardandose en en embiarle embiarle in vn regalo que que le le avia prometido. Decima. Decima. Al Al cardenal cardenal mi seflor. señor. αν~α prometido. 48 (Π. (ff. 22ν-23r). 22v-23r). A Don Antonio Antonio Chacon Chacon que que desde desde Colmenar Colmenar le le A Don hauia embiado embiado ‚'n vn requeson. requesón. Decima. Decima. Este Este de de miembros miembros vestido. vestido. 49 (f. 23r). 23r). Al Al mismo en en ocasion ocasión que por acudir apresuradamente apresuradamente 49 (f. escusar vna pendencia se se desconcierto desconcierto [!] [!] in vn pie. pie. Decima, Decima, Ya Ya que que a escusar ina pendencia indignada cayda. indignada cayda. 50 (Π. (ff. 23r-24r). 23r-24r). Redondillas Redondillas satyricas satyricas contra contra ina vna muger muger roma. roma. Redondilla. Quisiera Quisiera roma roma infeliz. infeliz.

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51 (f. (f. 24r). 241-). Redondillas Redondillas jocosas jocosas aa mas vnas monjas monjas convaleziente convaleziente de de 51 la infermidad infermidad que que refiere. refiere. Ya Ya senοres señores de de mi mi vida. vida. 52 (f. (f. 24r). 24r). Redondilla Redondilla varia. varia. [Translation [Translation of of aaLatin Latinepigram]. epigram]. 52 A los ladrones ladrones ladri. ladré. Α los 53 (f. (f. 24ν). 24V). Decima. Décima. Caracoles Caracoles me pide la la nula. niña. 53 54 (f. (f. 25r). 25r). En vna fiesta fiesta de de San San Joseph Joseph estando estando descubierto descubierto el el 54 En ina santissimo sacramento. sacramento. Villancico. Villancico. ly Oy el el Joseph Joseph es es segundo. segundo. 55 (f. (f. 25r 25r-v). Letrilla amorosa. amorosa. Α Ansares de Menga. Menga. 55 -ν). Letrilla nsares de 56 (f. 26r). 26r). Letrilla. Letrilla. Cura Cura que que en en la la uici·ndad. vicindad. 6 (f. 57 (f. 26m). 26v). Letrilla. Letrilla. Todo se se murmura. murmura. 57 (f. (ff. 261-27r). 26v-27r). Letrilla. Letrilla. Dona Doña Menga Menga de que ries. 58 (ff. 59 (f. (f. 27r 27r-v). Romance. Cα11ανè Callaré la pena pena mia. mia. 59 -ν). Romance. (fí. 27v-28v) 27V-28V).. Romances satyricos. satyricos. Escuchadme Escuchadme un un rato rato atentos. atentos. 60 (ff. 61 (fi. 28V-29V). Romance. Si sus sus mercedes mercedes me me escuchan. escuchan. (ff. 28\7-29\7).

62 (ff. (ff. 291-31r) 2gv-3ir).. Romance. Romance. Α A la la fuente va va dei del olmo. olmo. 63 (f. 31r). 3ir). Α A D. D. Francisco Francisco de de Quevedo Quevedo en en la la jornada jornada de de Cadiz. Cadiz. 63 (f. Convocado ha ha todo todo el el munch mundo. o. 64 (f. 31ν). 3iv). Decima Decima tercera. tercera. De De vn vn toro toro brauo hrauo atrevido. atrevido. 64 (f. 65 (ff. (ff. 31v 31V-32V). Otra. BusquJ Busqué para para enamorarme. enamorarme. -32ν). Otra. 66 (Π. (ff. 32v-33r). 32v-33r). Romance Romance lyrico. lyrico. Para Para que que Manca Marica hermosa. hermosa. 67 (f. 33r). 33r). Decima. Decima. Tan Tan ciruelo ciruelo aa San San Fulano. Fulano. 67 (f. 68 (f. 33r). 33r). Redondilla. Redondilla. Dos Dos vezes vezes dio dio que que reir. reir. 68 (f.

69 (f. 69 (f- 33r-v). 33r-v). Redondillas. Redondillas. Ya Ya senoras señoras de mi mi vida. vida. 70 (f. 33ν). 33v). Decimas Decimas satyricas. satyricas. Cantemos Cantemos a a la la gineta. gineta. 70 (f. 71 (f. 34r-v). 34r-v). Decimas Decimas satyricas. satyricas. Pues Pues es es lunes lunes con con que que emρiea. empieça. 71 (f. 72 (Π. (ff. 34v-35v). 34V-35V). Letrilla Letrilla satyrica. satyrica. Α A toda toda ley, ley, madre madre mia. mia.

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84 84

-36r). Romance Mugeres dei (ff- 35ν 35v-36r). Romance satyrico. satyrico. Mugeres del tiempo. tiempo. 73 (ff. 74 (ff. (ff. 36ν-38ν). 36V-38V). Letrillas. Letrillas. Α A vn vn poeta poeta corcobado. corcobado. Quien Quien es es poeta poeta 74 joanetes. —Obras quitadas de de lo lo impreso impreso por por el el expurgatorio. expurgatorio. (That (That is, is, —Obras passages first item item given given is is the the passages omitted omitted from from published publishedworks. works. The first pubhshed The second second is key to to where where the theinsertion insertion should should published poem. poem. The is the key be made. The The last lastisisthe thefirst firstline lineofofthe theexpurgated expurgatedpart:) part:) be made.

75 Prosigue enemigo. Si 75 (f. (f- 39r). 39r)- Ya Ta de de mi mi dulce dulce instrumento. instrumento. Prosigue Siel el su muger muge? bella. bella. pobre aa su 76 (f. (f. 39v). 39v). Alla Alia dards darás rayo. rayo. Prosigue rayo. A A mi mi graue la viudita. viudita. 76

Prosigue vniuersidad. 77 (f. (f- 39ν). 39v)- Dineros Dineros son son calidad. calidad. Prosigue vniuersidad. En En VaVa77 lencia muy muy prenada. preñada. 78 (f. (f. 40r-v). 4or-v). Todo Todo el el mundo mundo estd estátrocado. trocado. Prosigue no no dire. dire. Los Los 78 clérigos 'leste deste ano. año. clerigos 79 (f. (f. 40ν). 40v). Trepan Trepan los los gitanos. gitanos. Prosigue tienda. Ay Ay otros otros gitanos. 79 —Mas obras obras de de Don Don Luis Luis de de Gongora Gongora y y Argote Argote nunca nunca impresas. impresas. Sonetos. 80 (f. (f. 41r). 4ir). Soneto Soneto ι. 1. Al Al Dotor Dotor Porras. Porras. Dotor Dotor que que su su riqueza, riqueza, es es 80 vn jacinto. jacinto. 81 (f. (f. 41r 4ir-v). Soneto 2. 2. Si aquel aquel cauello cauello bello bello de de Belilla. Belilla. 8ι -ν). Soneto 82 (f. (f. 41v) 4iv).. Soneto Soneto 3. 3. No No ay ay meollo meollo pardiez Belilla en en yesto. yesto. 82 83 (f. (f. 42r). 42r). Soneto Soneto 4. 4. lyame Oyame por mi mi fee fee seflor señor Alcino. Alcino. 83 84 (f. (f. 42r-v). 42r-v). Soneto Soneto 5. 5. Desρos~se Desposóse la la hija hija de de Anton Anton?Wet. Pata. 84 85 (f. 42ν). 42v). Soneto Soneto 6. 6. Estaua Estaua en en cas cas de de Pedro Pedro Remellado. Remellado. 8 (f. (ff. 42v-43r). 42v-43r). Soneto Soneto 7. 7. Dichoso Dichoso aquel aquel yy bien bien aventurado. aventurado. 86 (ff. 87 (f. (f. 43r). 43r). Soneto Soneto 8. 8. Nunca Nunca viste viste Gines Gines mi mi Carilleja. Carilleja. 87 88 (f. (f. 43v). 43v). Soneto Soneto 9. 9. Fuese Fuese aa la la villa villa Cipriano Cipriano vn vn dia. dia. 88 89 (ff. (ff. 43v-44r). 43v-44r). Soneto Soneto io. 10. Andaua Andana por por Teresa Teresa Gil Gil tostado. tostado. 89 90 (f. (f. 44r). 44r). Soneto Soneto ii. 11. En medio medio vn vn bosque bosque al al tramontar tramontar el el dia. día. 90

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91 (f. (f. 44r-ν). 44r-v). Soneto Soneto 12. 12. Α Aquel que saue saue qué qué es cagar cagar sentado. sentado. qeΙ que 91

-45r). Soneto en el 92 (Η. (ff. 44ν 44v-45r). Soneto 13. 13. Ηυυο Huuo en el desposorio desposorio de de Benita. Benita. /

93 93 (f. (f- 45r). 45r)- Soneto Soneto 14. 14. Botando Botando estauan estauan todos todos en en consejo. consejo. 94 (f. (f. 45r 45r-v). Soneto 15. 15. La noche noche de de sus sus bodas bodas Gil Gil Chaparro. Chaparro. -ν) . Soneto 94

95 95 (f. (f- 45V). 45v)- Soneto Soneto ι~ 16.. Si Si tanta tanta gana gana viue viue en en esse esse pecho. pecho. 96 (f. (í. 46r). 461). Α A vn vn amante amante aborre aborreçido y oliiidado oluidado contento contento con con su su 96 ςidο y suerte. Soneto Soneto 17. 17. Aborrecido Aborrecido viuo viuo y y oluidado. oluidado. 97 (f. (f. 46r 46r-v). Soneto iS. 18. Α A vn vn amor amor manifestado, manifestado, no no admitido. admitido. 97 -ν). Soneto el amoroso amoroso intento. intento. Manifestarse et 98 (f. (f. 46V) 46V).. Soneto Soneto 19. 19. Α A vn vn amor amor sin esρerana. esperança. hua Viua desesperado desesperado pensamiento. el pensamiento. 99 (ff. (ff. 461-47r). 46v-47r). Soneto Soneto 20. 20. Α A ina vna esρerana esperança burlada burlada con con los los concon99 Dio amor amor seguridad seguridad de de la la vitoria. Vitoria.

forzados. sonantes forzados.

100 (f. 47r) 47r).. Soneto 21. Al mismo asumpto con los mismos for9οsos. forçosos. loo (f. Quando rendido rendido pretendi pretendí vitoria. vitoria. Q&tando

firme desdefiado 101 (f. 47r 47r-v). Soneto 22. 22. Vn Vn firme desdeñado acudiendo acudiendo aa la la lol (f. -ν). Soneto fabula de de 'phis Iphis y Anaxarse. Offreze al lazo la penosa vida. y Anaxarse. Ο~ΙreΖe lazo la peflosa vida. 102 (f. 47ν). 47v). Soneto Soneto 23. 23. Peynandose Peynandose vna dama dexo dexo el el peyne peyne ina dama los cabellos cabellos sueltos. sueltos. Negro Negro y vndoso tu tu gentil gentil cauello. cauello. en los y vndoso 103 (f. 48r). 48r). Soneto Soneto 24. 24. A A ina vnasangria sangría de de Chris. Clorís. Mientras Mientras que que 103 (f. de vida te te divierte. divierte. de la vida 104 (f. (f. 48r 48r-v). Soneto 25. 25. A A Dofia Doña Ana Ana de de la la Cerda Cerda y y Latiloya Latiloya 104 -ν). Soneto del Valle Valle y Guaxaca. Guaxaca. En En esta esta valle valle yaze vua vna marquesa. marquesa. Marquesa dei 105 (f. (f. 48Ν). 48v). Soneto Soneto 26. 26. Al Al Dotor Dotor Porras. Porras. Medico Medico miserable miserable de de 105 los patos. patos. 106 (ff. 481-49r). 48v-49r). Soneto Soneto 27. 27. Al Al mismo mismo Dotor Dotor Po Porras. Ya que que dodoιο~~(ff. rr as. Ya tor de Camara Camara no no puedo. puedo. tor de 107 (f. 49r). 49r). Soneto Soneto 28. 28. Al Al casamiento casamiento del del Dotor Dotor Porras Porras medico medico 107 (f. hijo de de Porras Porras autor autor de de comedias comedias con con Dofia Doña Jacinta lacinia Baca Bacade deMorales Morales

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hija de Morales Morales el diuino autor de comedias, y hermana de losepa losepa Baca Baca representante famosa. famosa. La La Baca Baca se se cas~~ casó con con un Dotar. unDotor. representante 108 (f. 49V). 49v). Soneto Soneto 29. 29. Vn Vn amor amor saca saca otro. otro. Enfermo de de vn vn zeloso zeloso ιο8 (f.

desengaño. desenga Ιο.

—Romances [!]. 109 (f. (f. 50r) 5or).. [Quintillas] [Quintillas].. Α A instancia instancia y en nombre nombre de de vn vn ministro ministro 109 con rigor rigor de de su su dama dama por por no no querer querer descubrir descubrir vn vn secreto secreto &c. &c. tratado con Para que me me dais dais tormento. tormento. Glossas. Glossas. Saniendo Sauiendo se?οra señora que. que. Para que no (f. 50v). 50v). [Quintillas]. [Quintillas]. Con Con la la stafeta stafeta passada passada en en persona persona de de ITO (f. cavallero ausente a vna dama que amenaςaua amenaçaua con su venida al mismo mismo vn cavalieri a quien quien el la hauia hauia encomendado, encomendado, sentida de de que que le le huiesse huiesse dado dado auiso auiso su mala mala correspondencia. correspondencia. Que Que yo yo a a la la verdad verdad resisto. resisto. de su ni (f. 50v). 5ov). Romance. Romance. Las claras claras aguas aguas del del Tajo. Tajo. ΙΙΙ (f. 112 (f. 51r). 5ir). Romance. Romance. Desdtanse Desdtanse de de las las cumbres. cumbres. 112 (f. 113 (fi. (ff. 51v-52v). 51V-52V). Romance. Romance. No de de las las ceruleas cerúleas ondas. ondas. (ff. 53r-54r). 531-541). Carta Carta que que escriuieron escriuieron aa Don Don Luis Luis de de G~ngora Góngora 114 (fi razón de las solidades, sin firma. firma. Inc. Inc. Vn Vn quaderno de versos versos desiguales en razσn y consonantes consonantes errdticas erráticas se se ha ha parecido parecido en en esta esta Corte... Corte... (ff. 54r-56r). 54r-56r). Respuesta. Respuesta. Inc. Inc. Hasta Hasta ου oy nadie nadie me me ha ha quedado quedado 115 (ff. a defer deuer nada nada y y asi asi me me es es fuerza el el responder responder sin sauer sauer a a quien... quien...

(ff. (fí- 57-59). 57-59)- Index. Index. Vern Wirnamsen Williamsen has has described described this this ms. in in aa paper paper read read at at Prof. Verf the Cuarto Cuarto Congreso Congreso Internacional Internacional de de Hispanistas Hispanistas (Salamanca, (Salamanca, August, August, "Un nuevo nuevo c~dΙce códice gongorino." gongorino." The Thepaper paper is is to to appear appear in in the the 1971): "Un pubhshed Actas Adas of of the the Congress. Congress. Both BothWilliamsen Williamsen and and Prof. Prof. Jos€ José Luis Luis published volume, Gotor are presently at at work on critical editions of this important important volume, much of of which which is still still unedited. unedited. much 83. Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 3477 3477 83. 17th cent., paper, paper, 206 206 χ x 147 147 mm., 40 40 Π., ff., one one hand hand plus plus some some corrections corrections editing in others. others. and editing Del MOLINA.) Del enemigo, enemigo, el el primer primer consejo. consejo. (Play). (Play). First verse: verse: Buelue Buelue a ocultar ocultar el el azero. azero. Last verse: verse: aprenda aprenda en en mi mi quien quien bien hien ama. ama.

Uncited Uncited ms. The Theplay playwas wasfirst first published published in in Parte Parte tres tres de de las las cocomedias del del Maestro Maestro Tirso Tirso de de Molina, Molina, Tortosa, Tortosa, Francisco Francisco Martorell, Martorell, 1634. 163484. Barb. lat. lat. 3478 3478

17th cent., paper, xyth paper, 2Ι0 210 χ x 145 145 mm., 59 ff., one one hand. ras r i r mas JΕR~ ΝΙΜΟ DE JERÓNIMO DE VILLAYZAN VILLAYZÁN Υ Y GΑRCS. GARCÉS. Suf Sufrir por querer querer mas. mas. (Play). (Play).

First verse: verse; que que puede quererme, quererme, agora. agora. Last verse: verse; y las las faltas perdonad. perdonad.

Uncited ms. The Parte 25 Uncited Theplay playwas was first first published published in Parte 25 de de comedias comedias recopiladas de diferentes autores, Zaragoza, el Hospital general, recopiladas de diferentes autores, Zaragoza, el Hospital general, 1632. 1632. 85. Barb. lat. lat. 3479 3479

150 mm., 17th cent., 17th cent., paper, paper, 205 205 χ x 150 mm., 65 65 ff., ff., one one hand. hand.

JERYNIMO DE r a n d daño a fu JERÓNIMO DE VILLAYZAN VILLA YZÁN Υ Y GΑRCS. GARCÉS. AA g gran (Play). Gran rremedio. rremedio. (Play). First verse: verse: Esperad Esperad sed sed mas mas cortes. cortes. Last verse: verse: y el mas mas desdichado desdichado joben. johen.

Uncited ms. The Uncited Thetwo two other other knownmss., known mss., both both dating dating from from the seventeenth century, century, are are in in the Bib. seventeenth Bib. lac. Nac.(Madrid): (Madrid):Ms. Ms.15,517, 15,517, ff. ff. 13-87; Ms. 13-87; Ms. 15,518, 15,518, 59ff. sgff. First Firstpublished published in in Flor Flor de de los los mejores mejores doce doce Madrid, 1652. 1652. The The play comedias de de los los mayores mayores ingenios ingenios de de Espana, España, Madrid, Jer~nim ο has been has been edited recently recently by F. F. M. M. INSERΝ', Inserni, Vida Vida yy obra obra de de Jerónimo de de Villaizdn Villaizán y edici~n edición critica crítica anotada anotada de de "A "A gran grandaif dañoo gran gran remedio" Barcelona, 1960. i960.

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Barb. lat. lat. 3480 3480 Barb.

88 88


86. Barb. lat. lat. 3480 3480 X7th cent., paper, paper, 205 205 χ x 144 144 mm., mm., 70 70 ff., fí., one one hand. hand. 17th

ENCISO.) Comedia Comedia famosa famosa de de LLos DΙΕGΟ JIMÉNEZ JΙΜ]ΝΕΖ DE os de florenzia. florenzia. Medicis de verse: Deja Deja Isauela Isauela hermossa. hermossa. First verse: verse: la trajedia trajedia de Alejandro. Alejandro. Last verse: Another Ι7th I7th-cent. (Madrid): Uncited ms. Another -cent. text text is is in in the the Bib. Bib. Nac. lac. (Madrid): Ms. 18,093. The play was first published in Doce comedias nuevas Ms. 18,093. The play was first published in Doce comedias nuevas Lope de de Vega, Vega, pt. 2, de Lote 2, 1630.

87. Barb, lat, 3481 3481 Barb. lat. paper, 207 207 Χ x 147 147 mm., 56 56 ff., ff., one one hand hand plus plus minimal minimal editing editing 17th cent., paper, in another. another. HURTADO DE DE MENDOZA. MENDOZA. I Nii c callarlo ni ANTONIO HURTADO a 11 a r Ι o ni deçirlo. (Play). deir Ι o. (Play). First verse: verse: Ay suspension mas mas estraiia. estraña. Ay suspension verse: ni ni callallo callallo ni ni de9iΙΙο. deçillo. Last verse: Unknown Unknown work. 88. Barb. lat. 3482 3482 Barb, lat. 17th cent., paper, paper, 211Χ154 211 x 154 mm., mm., 62 62 ff., fL, one one hand. hand. 17th cent., ANONYMOUS. Come Comedia famossa de de L Laa IIllustre r edi a famossa llustr e FFregona amante al al vsso. vsso. g o n a y amante First verse: verse: dadme dadme otra otra vez vez essos essos bracos. braços. Last verse: verse; y amante amante al al vsso vsso /in fin damos. damos. and unique unique ms. The Theplay playwas wasfirst firstpublished pubhshed in in Parte Parte 24 24 Uncited and perfeta de las las comedias comedias del del fenix fénix de de España, Fr. Lope Lope Felix Felix de de Vega Vega per/eta Εsρana, Fr. Carpio, Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Pedro Pedro Verges, Verges, 1641. 1641.

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89. Barb. lat. lat. 3483 3483

17th cent., paper, 17th paper, 2Ι0 210 χ x 152 mm., 73 ff., ff., two two hands hands plus plus editing, editing, corcorrections and and additions rections additions in in others. others. as Α1ΤΟ1ΙΟ MIRA

AMESCUA.) Comedia Comedia famosa famosa de de M Mas examinarse (Title on the cover: bale finjir finjir que que amar. amar. (Title on the cover: examinarse de Rey). de Rey). Contra mi First verse: verse: Contra mi batir balor porfias. porfías. flnximiento Last verse: mi verse: mi finximiento j/ y mi mi amor. amor. at the the Bib. lac. (Madrid): Uncited ms. ms. Another Another ms. ms. is is located located at Bib. Nac. (Madrid): tions. suelta e di Ms. 14,953. Published in Ms. 14,953. Pubhshed suelta editions. 90. Barb. lat. lat. 3484 3484

17th cent., χ 150 mm., 54 ff., 17th cent., paper, paper, 209 209x150 ff., one one hand. hand. o n ddoodi a de

ALARCÓN.) La La gran gran come comedia de D Don

PATENCIA.) Coronica Coronica del del yllustriyllustriΑLΟΝSΟ DE simo principe principe don don enrrique enrrique quarto Rey deste nombre quarto Rey destenombre en Castilla Castilla y Leon. y en Leon. Inc. (f. (f. ir). ir). lascio Nascio este este Rey Rey don don enrrique... enrrique... Inc. Incomplete at The last lastchapter chapterisisno. no. 98 98 (De (De lo lo que que dedeIncomplete at the the end. end. The de hazer hazer los los que que estauan estauan en en la la uilla uilla de de areualo arcualo y y de la dolorosa dolorosa bieron de del ynoςente ynoçente Rey Rey don don Alonso). Alonso). An Ananonymous anonymousnote notefollows follows muerte del (f. 295r): "hasta "hasta aqui aqui ha halle escrita esta coronica coronica como como va. va. y y aqui aqui paro. paro, (f. ll e escrita no he podido saber saber la causa causa 1)01:4 porq el autor no no paso paso adelante addante si si por por venno le atajo atajo la la muerte. muerte. Υ Y asi asi mismo mismo no no he he podido podido saber saber quien quien fuese fuese tura le desta cororiica coronica aunque por conjeturas se sospecha auella auelia escrito el autor desta

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128 128

Barb. lat. lat. 3577 3577 -


ini que vno que se se llamaba llamaba alonso alonso de de palencia. palencia. dijomelo dijomelo el el secretario secretario imita." çurita." Below, in in another another hand: hand: "Sin Below, "Sin duda duda es es de de Alonso Alonso de de Palencia." Palencia."

This work work isis an an anonymous translation ofof part part of of the This anonymous translation the Latin Latin DeDecadas of of Alonso de de Palencia. Palencia. Neither Neither this this nor nor other other mss. mss. are are listed listed by by D Ιλz, Bib?., of this this book Sιµ ~ ν Díaz, 3 2. Simón BibL, 3: 2. J. Torres FONTES Fontes cites cites two two mss. mss. of book J. TORRES (which he he calls (which calls Cr~nica Crónica castellana) castellana) in in the theBib. Bib. lac. Nac.(Madrid): (Madrid): Mss. Mss. 1780 and 9879 (late sixteenth century and undated [presumably later] 1780 and 9879 (late sixteenth century and undated [presumably later] respectively). See respectively). See his his Estudio Estudio sobre sobre la la 'Cr~nica 'Crónica de de Enrique Enrique IV' IV' de?, del, Murcia, 1946, Dr. Galindez Galíndez de de Carvajal, Carvajal, Murcia, 1946, p. 27. p. 27. 138. Barb. lat. 130. lat. 3577 3577 ι7th cent., mm., 282 Χ 210 mm., 17th cent., paper, paper, 293 293x210 282 ff., if., one one hand.

Chronicle and and genealogy Chronicle genealogy in Spanish: Spanish: -227r). DIEGO ENRIQUEZ o r o1I (Η. (ff. Ιr ir-227r). ENRÍQUEZ DEL DEL CASTILLO. CASTILLO. CCoroe y ddon o n EEnrique n r i q u e 44 deste n i c a del RRey nica deste nombre, nombre, fecha fecha por por el licenciado el licenciado diego diego enriquez enriquez del del castillo, castillo, de de su su consejo consejo su su coronista coronista y y capellan. capellán. Inc. (f. Inc. (f. ir, ir, prologo). prologo). Todos los los principes principes y y seaΙadοs señalados barones... barones... Des. (f. . . .dijo la reDes. (f. 227r) 227r).. ...dijo la misa el cardenal cardenal de spana spaña con con algunos algunos prelados que que 'dli alli estaban estaban por asistentes. asistentes, finis. finis. Neither this ms. Neither ms. nor nor Barb. Barb. lat. lat. 3607, 3607, another another copy, cited by copy, is is cited Sιµ ~ ν Díaz, D Ιλz, but ~ ν Díaz, Dfλz, BibL, BibI., 3:: Simón but 23 23 other other mss. mss. are are known known (see (see Sιµ Simón 2, 5545-5566, 5569). The The work work has has been 2, 5545-5566, 5569). been published published three three times times (51161 (Simón 0 D Ιλz, Bib?., Díaz, BibL, 3; 2, 557 -5572). 2, 5570-5572). 3 2 (fi (ff. 229r-2821). 229r-282v). ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS. Genealogies Genealogies of of famous famous Spanish Spanish families, followed followedby by notes notes on archbishops, admirals, families, admirals, dukes, dukes, constables, constables, etc.

Cardona. Su Su apellido Inc. (f. Inc. (f. 229r). 229r). Cardona. apellido es... es... Des. (f. 282V). ...cien mil doblas que por aquel tiempo tiempo era era mucho. mucho. Des. (f. 282ν). ...cien mil doblas que por aquel Various mentioned; the latest latest isis1572. 1572. Va ri ous dates dates are mentioned;

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- Barb. lat. 3579 3579



131. Barb. lat. lat. 3578 3578

17th χ 207 207 mm., 17th cent., paper, paper, 248 248 x mm., 28 28 ff., ff., one one hand. hand. ist or i a de Υ RUΥ VÁZQUEZ.) r i a.) De •(RUY 115-120. Mourâo Horen, Homen, Lourenso: Lourenso: Allegasois sohre aa defensaο defensào e entendimiento entendimiento Μουro Allegasois sobre ordenaçcto do do libro libro 2 2 tomo tomo 1, 1, por por mando mando do do principe principe Alberto Alberto ararda οrdenaaο de Austria Austria (1586), 3606, Ι-25. 1-25. chiduque de -:

Naples: miscellany, miscellany, 3509. —: note notefrom fromthe theSpanish Spanishambassador ambassadortotothe theSacred SacredCollege CollegeofofCarCaron Spain's Spain's intention intention to todefend defendNaples Naples from from aapossible possible invainvadinals on sion by the the Duke Duke ofofModena Modena (n.p., (n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 3558, 3558, 106-107. sion —■: account account of of an an up uprising (n.d.), 3558, 3558, 169-170. rising (n.d.), —: anon, anon, satire satire against against the theviceroyalty viceroyalty of of Card. Card. Gaspar Gaspar de de Borja Borja (n.p., n.d. [1620?]), 3558, 193-194. (n.p., [1620?]), —: notice notice on on the rrestoration of order order by the the Duke Duke of of Osuna Osuna after after aa es toration of rumor spread the Inquisition Inquisition was was to tobe beestablished estabhshed (n.d. (n.d. rumor spread that the [1618?]), 3603, 168-169. •—: notice notice on on its itsunfortunate unfortunate state state (n.d.), (n.d.), 3603, 3603, 189-190. —:: list list in inItalian Itahanofofthe thethirty thirtygalleys galleysthere thereinin1572, 1572, 3604, 170.






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Escorial, ΙΙΙ to his dei Escorial, —: letter letter by by Philip Philip III his subjects subjects there there (San (San Lorenzo Lorenzo del September 13, 3618, 26-27. September 13, 1598), 1598), 3618, 26-27. —: two two anon. anon, reports reports on on the the departure departure from from there there of of the the Duke Duke of of Osuna (Rome, (Rome, October October 7 and and December December 8,8,1620), 1620), 5242, 5242, 125-129. 125-129. of the the current ΙΙ, and of —: list —: list of of churches churches under under the the jurisdiction jurisdiction of of Philip II, 151-154. archbishops and and bishops archbishops bishops (n.d. (n.d. [c. [c. 1587]), 1587]), 5384, 151-154. —: see —: see also also Inquisition; Inquisition; Terranova, Terranova, the Duke Duke of. of. Naples, the Collateral Councilof: of:letters letters to to it from Naples, Collateral Council from the the Duke Duke of of Osuna Osuna 3558, 119-121. ι8 and October 3,1619), 1619), 96-99; 5242, (n.p., September 18 3558, 96-99; 5242,119-121. 3, Naples, Viceroys of: see Naples, see Borja, Gaspar Gaspar de, Card.; Card.; Enriquez Enriquez de de Cabrera, Cabrera, Μοndjar; Juan Alfonso; Alfonso; L~pez López Hurtado Hurtado de de Mendoza, Mendoza, Marquis Marquis of Mondéjar; ~n, Rodrigo, Manriguez, Juan; Juan; Ponce Manríguez, Ponce de Le León, Rodrigo, Duke of Arcos; Arcos; Ribaliez Τ&Ιez-Gιr~n, Pedro, gorza, the theCount Count of; of; Téllez-Girón, Pedro, Duke Duke of of Osuna; Osuna; Vêlez de Guevara, Guevara, Ifiigo, Iñigo, Count Count of of Ofiate. Oñate. Naval battles: Naval battles: notice notice on on battles battles between between Spanish Spanish and andEnglish Englishforces forces [before 1636], [before 1636], 3515, 82. Navas, the Marquis Navas, Marquis of of las: las: see see Las Las Navas, Navas, the the Marquis Marquis of. of. Near Near East: pictures pictures and and descriptions descriptions of of forty forty individuals individuals of of different different orces or offices or positions, positions, 3469. Νegοciαci~n Negociación yy cambios cambios de de Espalia España sin sin necesidad necesidad de de genoveses genoveses ni ni otros otros 313-319. extranjeros 1w no vasallos vasallos (n.d.): (n.d.): 3561, 3561, 313-319. New Christians: Christians: letter letter patent from New from Philip Philip 111 III in their their favor favor (Madrid, (Madrid, April 4, 1602), 2422, 2422, 83-84. 83-84. 4, 1602), 69-74. —: treatise treatise on on their their origen origen in in Spain, Spain, 3605, 69-74. 3481. Ni callarlo callarlo ni ni decirlo: decirlo: play play by by Antonio Antonio Hurtado Hurtado de de Mendoza, Mendoza, 3481. Nicholas Factor, Factor, Blessed: Blessed:his hislife, life,by by three three auditors auditors of of the Rota, 2181. Nicholas Rota, 2781. letter* to Pius Pius VI (San Lcar de the Countess Countess [?] [?] of: of: (San Lúcar de Barrameda, Niebla, the March 26, 1566), 1566), 3638, 107-108. March 26, Niñas de: letter letter totounknown unknown on onEnglish English affairs affairs (n.p. (n.p. Τom~s de: Nifias [?], Tomás [London?], June 17, 17, 1573), 1573), 3604, 3684, 13-14. [Lοndοn?], June 13-14. ο: play No hay hay bien bien sin sin ajeno ajeno da daño: play by by Antonio Antonio Sigler Sigler de Huerta, Huerta, 3494. 3494. "No los mortales mortales m~s más expuesta a la variedad de de la forfor"No hay cosa entre los tuna .. .. .": (ms. copy copy of of aa printed printed book), book), 2854, 2854, 238-245. No hay hay mal mal que que por bien bien no no venga: venga: alternate alternate title of of Don Domingo de Don Domingo don Blas, Bias, which which see. see. Nobihty: all those those granted granted Spanish Spanish nobility nobility since since 1680 1680 Nobility: decree decree that that all shall for life life only, unless additional funds are paid paid shall hold hold their titles for to the royal royal treasury treasury (Madrid, (Madrid, August August 330, 1692), 3603, 218-219. to the ο, 1692), 3603, 218-219. —: list list of ofthe thedukes, dukes,marquises, marquises, and and counts counts in in Spain Spain (n.d.), (n.d.), 3604, 3604, 118-121. -:


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—:: list listof ofPortuguese Portuguese nobility nobility (n.d.), (n.d.), 3605, 3605, 123-128. 123-128. —: account account of of the the noble noble titles titles of of Spain, Spain, with with their their incomes incomes and the the location of of their estates 5310, 115-122. 115-122. location estates [c. [c. 1593], 5370, Nuestra Sefiora Señora de de Guadalupe, Guadalupe, Monastery Monastery of: of: see see s.l. s.v. Ceremonias. Ceremonias. Nuncios: justification justification of of their precedence over the ministers Nuncios: precedence over ministers of of secular secular rulers (n.d.), (n.d.), 3605, 3605, 75-77. -:

anon. play, 3986. Las Obligaciones Obligaciones de de honor: honor: anon, Obras: by Obras: by Francisco Francisco de de Borja, Borja, Prince Prince of of Esquilache, Esquilache, 3455. 3455. Obras nunca nunca impresas: Obras impresas: by by Luis Luis de de G~ngοra Góngora y Argote, Argote, 3416. 3476. Ocho libros de Ocho de las las guerras guerras de de Flandes: Flandes: by by Guido Guido Bentivoglio Bentivogho (Spanish (Spanish tr. from from Italian Italian by byFrancisco Francisco de de Mendoza Mendoza y y C€spedes) Céspedes),, 3546. 3546. 05'kia propria Officia propria sanctorum sanctorum Ecclesiae Ecclesiae Hispalensis: Hispalensis: 398. 398. Olea, Esteban Esteban de: de: Τraadο Tratado de de las cuatro cuatro j,ostrimerias postrimerías dei del hombre, hombre, 3514. Olivares, Oh vares, the the Count Count of: of: see see Gυzmn, Guzmán, Enrique Enrique de, de, Count Count of of Olivares. Olivares. Olivares, the theCount--Duke Count-Duke of of [Gaspar [Gaspar de de Gυzmn]: Guzmán]: works works dedicated dedicated 3453, 3568. to him, him, 3453, 3568. —; catalogue catalogue of of his his library, library, 3098. -: letter —: letterfrom fromPhilip PhilipIV, IV,removing removing him him from from orce office (n.p., (n.p., n.d. [1643]), [1643]), 3558, ι8, 18, 38. 38. —:: letter letter to toAndrea Andrea Cantelmo Cantelmo (Madrid, (Madrid, July July 24, 24, 1638), 1638), 3558, 3558, 39. 39. —: account account of of his his fall fallfrom fromgrace grace (Madrid, (Madrid, January January31, 31,1643) 1643),, 3558, 3558, 167-168. —: extracts extractsfrom fromletters letterson onhis hisfall fall(Madrid, (Madrid,January January24 24and and26, 26,1643), 1643), 3558, 201-202, 205-206, 210-211. 210-211. 201-202, 205-206, —; agreement signed signed by him and and the the Nuncio Nuncio Innocenzo Innocenzo Massimi Massimi on on -: agreement turning over over the the forts turning forts of of the the Valtellina Valtellina to to Philip Philip IV IV (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [February 16233), [February 1623]), 3603, 164-165. -: letter July 24, —: letter to toGiovanni Giovanni Battista Battista Pamphili, Pamphili, nuncio nuncio (Madrid, (Madrid, July 24, 1628), 6113, 225-229. 225-229. —; letter to toCard. Card. Giulio Giulio Sacchetti Sacchetti (Madrid, (Madrid, August August 2, 6113, -: letter 2, 1626), 1626), 6113, 230-231. —: thirty thirtyletters lettersto toGiulio Giulio Sacchetti (Madrid, (Madrid, April 30, 30, 1624 1624 to Monzón, Μonz~n, March 9, 1626), 6113, 237-249, 251-253, 280-289, 292-293, 1626), 251-253, 280-289, 292-293, 6113, 231-232, 9, 3x1-3x2, 315-317. 326-333, 326-333. 334-368. 334-368. 311-312, 315-317, —: memorial to to Giulio Giulio Sacchetti, Sacchetti, nuncio, nuncio, on on the Valtellina Valtellina (Madrid, (Madrid, -: memorial December 2, 1625), 6113, 257-271. 2, 6113, 257-271. —: letterto toGiovanni Giovanni Battista Battista Pamphili, Pamphili, nuncio nuncio (Madrid, (Madrid, Au August 10, gust io, -: letter 1629), 6113, 317-319317-319. :




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6113, 384-387; 384-387 —:: letter letter to to Louis Louis XIII XIII (Madrid, (Madrid, October October io, xo, 1623), 1623), 6113, 6127, 35-36. 35-36. 0127, 2, 1624), -: letter —: letter to to the theCount Count of of Rocheport Rocheport (El (El Pardo, Pardo, February February 2, 1624), 6113, 393-395393-395. —: two two letters letters to toGiulio Giulio Sacchetti, Sacchetti, nuncio nuncio (Aranjuez, (Aranjuez, April April ι8 18 and and May Is, May 15, 1625), 1625), 6125, 61 61 and and 83-84. 83-84. 20, —:: letter letter to toGiovanni Giovanni Battista Battista Pamphili, Pamphili, nuncio nuncio (Madrid, (Madrid, August August 20, 1626), 6125, 296-297. 1626), —:: memorial memorial to toCard. Card. Francesco Francesco Barberini requesting requesting various various benefices benefices (n.p., n.d. [October 6125, 320-321. (n.p., [October 16263), 1626]), 6125, 6126, 125-126. -: letter —: letter totoCesare Cesare Monti Monti (Madrid, (Madrid, June June ι8, 18, 1628), 1628), 6126, 125-126. -: his favorable response to the Count of Frankenberg, ambassador —: his favorable response the Count of Frankenberg, ambassador Bethien of Fernando ΙΙ, of II, on the the proposed proposed marriage marriage between between Gabriel Gabriel Bethlen 6127, 27. 27. and a daughter and daughter of of the the Emperor Emperor (n.p., (n.p., October October 7, 1623), 6127, 7, 1623), -: letter —; letter to tohim him from from the the Count Count of of Rocheport Rocheport (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [October [October 1623]), 6127, 6127, 32. 1623]), 6127, -: letter —: letter to tothe theCount Count of of Rocheport Rocheport (n.p., (n.p., n.d. [October [October 1623]), 1623]), 6127, -:

32-33-: three —: three notes notes to to Innocenzo Innocenzo Massimi, Massimi, nuncio nuncio (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [December [December 1623 1 6127, 1623]), 6127, 54-55. 54-55. him about about the —: note note to tothe theNuncio Nuncio Innocenzo Innocenzo Massimi, Massimi, reassuring reassuring him priority of introducing Catholicism Cathohcism into the lower lower Palatinate Palatinate (n.p., (n.p., November 7, 1623), 6127, 78. 1623), 7, —: see see also also Ferdinand Ferdinand If, II, Emperor Emperor of ofGermany. Germany. Ondedei, Zongo, Auditor of Portugal: relation and letters letters in in Portuguese Portuguese and Spanish on office and the the subsequent subsequent lifting lifting of of and Spanish on his his return return to orce excommunications from from various various Portuguese Portuguese by the excommunications the Collector Collector (n.p., (n.p., August 27, 1626), 1626), 6125, 302-308. August 27, Oña, Pedro de: de: poem, poem, 3463, 37-46. Ofia, Pedro Oñate, the Count Count of: of: see see Vêlez de Guevara, Guevara, [fugo, íñigo, Count Count of Ofiate. Oñate. Ofiate, the Vélez de Opera omnia-, by by Albarus Albarus Cordubensis, Cordubensis, 478. 478. Opera omnia: Madrid hasta hasta Orden embajadores del Japón Ιaρ~n desde Madrid Orden 00 forma forma del viaje de los embajadores Genova (n.d.): 3604, 178-180. Ge'nova 3604, Order of Collar: history history of of its itsfounding, founding, 3515, 136-146. 3515, 136-146. Order of the Collar: Orders, mihtary: military: decree decree of of Charles Charles II admission redefining standards standards of admission ΙΙ redefining to the orders orders ofofSantiago, Santiago, Αlcntara Alcántara and and Calatrava Calatrava (Madrid, (Madrid, to the September 4, 1692), 3603, 221. 4, 1692), Origen de los villanos que por cristianos viejos, viejos, 3605 3605 por otro nombre llaman cristianos 69-74. -:


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requesting that that the vacant Oropesa, the the Countess Countess of: of: memorial memorial requesting vacant posiposition of of archdeacon archdeacon and and canin canon 0f of the the Siglienza Sigiienza cathedral be given given to Juan 6126, 369. 369. to Juan de de Toledo Toledo (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [July 1631]), 6126, [July 1631]), Ortmn, fir him by Joseph Ortin, Ρ.: P.: letter* letter* of recommendation recommendation for Joseph Ponti, 3602, 3602, 25. 25. February Osuna, the the Duchess Duchess of: of: letter* to the the Prince Prince of Tarsia (Madrid, (Madrid, February 17, 1622), 17, 1622), 3603, 7. 7. Ρ11ez-Giτ~n, Pedro, Τ~Ηez Osuna, Dukes Dukes of: of: see see Téllez-Girón, Pedro, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples; Naples; Téllez Gir~n e? Ρ lΙez-Gir~n, Gaspar. Girón el Graiwle, Grande, Pedro; Pedro; Téllez-Girón, Gaspar. Αndr~s, Bishop ded. (October for aa Pacheco, Andrés, Bishop of Segovia: Segovia: ded. (October 26, 26, 1594) 1594) for 1083, 4-21. collection of of censures of Co,wordia collection Concordia by Luis Luis de de Molina, Mohna, 1083, -: Concordia, 1083, 22-31. —;censure censure of of Concordia, Pacheco, Francisco, Pacheco, Francisco, Card.: Card.: letter* to to Card. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa Carafa (Burgos, (Burgos, January 2, 1577), 9920, 183-186. 185-186. Pacheco, Pedro, Pedro, Card. Card.;: nine nine letters* to Carlo Carlo Carafa Carafa (Rome, (Rome, September September 1557 to ApriA 26, 1559), 38-39, 56-69, 29, 1557 April'26, 1559), 9920, 38-39, 56-69, 89-90. 89-90. Palaces: see Palaces: see Royal Royal Palaces. Palaces. Cardona, Jaime de, Archbishop letter to Innocent Palafox y Cardona, Archbishop of Seville: Seville: letter Innocent XI (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [1687]), [1687]), 6337, 151. Palafox y Mendoza, de, Bishop Bishop of Osma: Osma; memorial memorial to Philip IV IV Mendoza,Juan Juan de, to Philip defending ecclesiastical exemption exemption (1656) (1656) (ms. (ms. copy copy of of a printed printed defending ecclesiastical book), 3608, 1-33. I-33. Palatinate: see see Astolf, Astolf, Walter. Walter. Falencia, Alonso de: de: Gr~nica Crònica de 3576. Palencia, huso de Enrique Enrique IV, 3576. Palermo, the the Senate Senate of: of; letters letterstotoit itfrom fromthe the Prince Montesarchio Palerm&, Prince ofofMontesarchio (at sea, January io 10 to to 21, 1676), 3561, 274-282. (at sea, 274-282. the Prince Prince of: of; sonnet sonnet celebrating celebrating his by D.G.F.R. D.G.F.R. Palestrina, the his birth by (n.d.), 3602. 3602. —; see also also Colonna, Colonna, Francesco, Francesco, Prince Prince of of Palestrina. Palestrina. -: see Giovanni Battista, Battista, Collector Collector of Pallotto, Giovanni of Portugal: Portugal: relation relation and letters in Portuguese and Spanish on the restitution ofZongo Zongo Ondedei Ondedei in Portuguese and Spanish the restitution of to bis his position position as Auditor of Portugal, Portugal, and and the the subsequent subsequent lifting lifting of excommunication excommunication from (August 0f frbm various various Portuguese Portuguese by by Pallotto (August 27, 1627), 6125, 302-308, 310-313. 302-308, 310-313. Giovanni Battista, Battista, nuncio: nuncio: joint author of of 2774, Pamphili, Giovanni joint author 2774, 2784. —: letterto tohim himfrom from the theCount-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares Olivares (Madrid, (Madrid, July 24, 24, -: letter 1628), 6113, 225-229. —: letter letter to tohim himfrom fromthe theCount-Duke Count-Duke 0f of Olivares Olivares (Madrid, (Madrid, August -: 10, 1629), 6113, 317-319IO, 1629), 317-319.

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—:: letter letter to tohim himfrom fromthe theDuchess Duchess of of Gandia Gandia (Madrid, (Madrid, August August 19, 19, 1626), 6125, 295-296. —•; lettertotohim himfrom fromthe theCount-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares Olivares (Madrid, (Madrid, August August -: letter 20, 20, 1626), 6125, 6126, 296-297. —: testimony testimony sent sent to to him him by byJuan Juandel delEspiritu EspírituSanto, Santo,General General of of the the of Discalced Discalced Carmelites, Carmelites, on actions of of Alonso Alonso de de Cristo, Cristo, order of on the actions apostate priest priest (October (October 6,6,1626), 1626), 6125, 334-335. an apostate 334-335. —: note note to tohim himfrom from Joseph Joseph Befo Beno de de Rey Rey (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [May [May 1627]), 1627]), 6126, 43. 43. —•: request request for foraadispensation dispensation by by the theMarquis Marquis of of Montes Montes Claros Claros (n.p., (n.p., -: [May 1628]), 1628]), 6126, 112-113. n.d. [May Giovanni Giacomo, Giacomo, Card. Card.:: see see Vega, Vega, Τhοm~s Thomás de. de. Panzirola, Giovanni Paravicino y y Arteaga, Hortensio Hortensio Félix: Félix: extract extract from from aasermon sermondelivered delivered Philip IV, IV, in in which which he quotes quotes from from the Latin Latin poetry poetry of of Urban Urban to Philip (March ii, 11,1627), 1627), 6126, 9-xo. VIII (March 9 -I0. Los P'ireceres Pareceres que que he dado .. .. .. en en el el Santo Santo Concilio Concilio en en las las Congregaciones Congregaciones habido desde desde que que entre' entré en Trento, Trento, que que fue zΥtimο último de de noviembre noviembre que ha habido de 1561\ by Pedro Pedro Gοnz~Ιez González de de Mendoza, Mendoza, Bishop Bishop of of Salamanca, Salamanca, de 1561: 6512. 3542. Baylón, Saint: Saint: his his life life and and miracles, miracles, by three three auditors auditors of of the the Pascual ΒayΙ~n, Rota, 3768. 2768. Pastrana, the the Duke Duke of: of: letter letterto tohim himfrom fromFernando FernandoAlvarez Álvarezde deToledo, Toledo, of Alba Alba (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [1579]), [1579]), 6606, Duke of 3603, 216. Paterno, the Prince Prince of: of: see see Moncada, Moneada, Luis Luis de, de, Prince Prince of of Paterno. Paterno. Pate rno, the III, Pope: Pope: letter letter to tohim himfrom fromPedro Pedrode deToledo, Toledo,Viceroy Viceroyof ofNaples Naples Paul ΙΙΙ, (Pozzuoli, May May 2, 2, 1545), 1545), 665, (Pozzuoli, 835, 98-99, 98-99. —; advice advicetotohis hisnephew nephewCard. Card.Alessandro Alessandro Farnese on how to maintain -: influence after Pope's death death (n.d.), (n.d.), 3608, 6608, 171-172. influence after the the Pope's Paul IV, Pope: account of the harm he has donetotoSpain Spain(1556), (1556), Paul IV, Pope: account of the harm he has done 6509, x-8. 3509, ι-8. —:: letter* letter* to to him him from from Philip II II (Brussels, (Brussels, January 5, 1556), 3618, 6618, 2. 2. 5, 1556), —:: letter letter totohim himfrom fromFernando FernandoAlvarez Alvarez de deToledo, Toledo, Duke Duke of of Alba Alba (near Anagni, Anagni, September September ι~, 16, 1556), 1556), 5669, 5339, 202-203. 202-203. —:: letter* letter* in in Spanish Spanish to tohim himfrom from[Juana?], [Juana?], Princess Princess of of Portugal Portugal (Valladolid, March March ι8, 18, 1558), 1558), 6618, (Valladolid, 3618, 13. —:: letter letter to to him him from from Philip Philip II II (near (near Authie, Authie, September September 25, 25, 1558), 1558), 6618, 3618, 22-23. 22-23. —: letter* to to him himfrom fromFernando Fernando Alvarez Alvarez de de Toledo, Toledo, Duke Duke of of Alba Alba -: letter* (Naples, April 20, 1556), 1556), 3619, 6619, 13-14. (Naples, Ap ril 20, -:


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—: memorial* memorial* to to him him from from Gonzalo Gonzalo de de Gυzmn, Guzmán, requesting requesting aadispendispen(Brussels, March March 5, 5, 1558), 1558), 3620, 49. 49. sation (Brussels, —: letter* to to him him from from Juan Juande deLuna Luna(Casale (Casale-Monferrato, August -Monferrato, Α 'gust -: letter* 29, 1556), 3620, 52-55. 29, 1556). 6620, —:: letter* letter* to tohim himfrom fromJuan JuanManrfquez, Manriquez, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples Naples (June (June 1558). 3620, 62-63. 1558), —: letter* letter* to to him him from from Fernando Fernando Ruiz Ruiz de deCastro Castro y y Portugal, Marquis Marquis -: of Sarria Sarria (Artamua (Artamua[!], [!], October October 24, 24, 1558), 1558), 3620. —:: letter* letter* to to him him from from Juan JuanMartinez Martínez Guijarro, Guijarro, Archbishop Archbishop of of ToTo(Toledo, August August 8, 8, 1556), 1556), 9920, Ι-2. 1-2. ledo (Toledo, —: see also also Carafa, Carafa, Gian Gian Pietro, Pietro, Card. Card, [later [later Paul Paul IV]. IV]. -: see Paul V, V, Pope: Pope: letter* to to him him from from Juan Juande deMariana Mariana(Madrid, (Madrid, May May 7, 7, 1610), 2064, 37; copy of of the the same, same, 2064, 36, 36, 39. 39. ι~ιο), 2064, 37; copy —; two two letters* to to him him from from Jer~nimo Jerónimo de Salzedo Salzedo (Burgos, (Burgos, September September 19, 1610 and n.d.), 2064, 40-42. 19, ι~ιo and n.d.), 2064, —: letter letterininLatin Latintotohim himfrom fromDiego Diegode deSanta SantaAnna Anna(Goa, (Goa,May May 15, 15, -: 1607), 2064, 48-49. —:: letter letter in in Latin Latin to tohim him from from Antonio de Gouv€a Gouvêa (Goa, (Goa, December December Αnt~nio de 26, 1606), 2064, 2064, 50-51. 26, 1606), —: letter letterininLatin Latintotohim himfrom fromAgostinho Agostinho de de Gracia Gracia (Goa, (Goa, December December -: 23, 1606), 2064, 52-53. 23, 1606), —: material material on on his hiscontroversy controversy with with Venice Venice over over papal papal authority authority ecclesiastical immunity (1606), 2713. 2713. and ecclesiastical immunity 4606), —: lettertotohim himfrom fromPhilip PhilipIII III(Madrid, (Madrid,March March31, 31,1617), 1617), 3558, 17. -: letter —: lettertotohim himfrom from Philip (Madrid, June June14, 14,1606), 1606), 3558, 3558, 71. III (Madrid, ΡbiΗρ III -: letter —: lettertotohim himfrom fromPhilip Philip III III(n.p., (n.p.,n.d.), n.d.), 3558, 3558, 125. 125. -: letter —: letter* letter* to toblm himfrom fromFrancisco Francisco SSuárez (Lisbon, June June 25, 25, 1613), 1613), υ~rez (Lisbon, -: 3603, 74. 74. —:: letter* letter* in Spanish Spanish to him him from from Emanuele Filiberto of of Savoy Savoy (Aran(Aranjuez. May May ir, 11,1618), 1618), 3603, 3603, 89. juez, —: letter* letter* in in Italian Italian to to him him from from Jer Jerónimo Vidal (Madrid, (Madrid, May 13, 13, ~~mο Vidal -: x6i8), 3603, 94. 3603, 1618), 94. —: letter* to to him him from from G~mez Gómez Suárez de Figueroa, Figueroa, Duke Duke of of Feria Feria Surez de -: letter* (Valencia, May 22, 1618), 3603, 3603, ioo. 100. (Valencia, May 22, 1618), —: letter* to to him him from from Pedro Pedrode deToledo, Toledo, (Milan, (Milan, May May 2, 2,1618), 3603,101. ι618), 3603, iii. -: letter* —: letter* to to him him from from Pedro Pedro Fl~rez Flórez (Mexico (Mexico City, City, November November 17, 17, -: letter* 1611), 6510, 64. Pedro de la la C Concepción: various autograph autograph writings writings ((1650's and 60's), 6o's), τ~5ο's and οncepci~n: various Pedro 3517. See See also Moreno, Moreno, Joseph. Joseph. -:



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Percy, Thomas: accusation accusation of treason treason against against him him (Spanish (Spanish tr. tr. from from Percy, Thomas: English) (Westminster (Westminster Palace, Palace, November November 7, 1605), 3604, 43. 1605), English) 43. 7, Peretti, Francesco: Francesco: anon, assuring Urban Philip IV IV anon. note note assuring Urban VIII VIII that Philip Peretti to to be be elevated elevated to the the cardinalate cardinalate c. [c.1642], 1642], 35ι8, 3558, 53. 53. wants Peretti Pérez, Gonzalo; letter* to to Card. Card. Pietro Pietro Bembo Bembo (Toledo, (Toledo, March March xi, 11, P€rez, Gonzalo:

1539), 1539). 2158, 200-201. 200-201.

—: letter* letter* to to Giovanni Giovanni Carafa, Carafa, Count Count of of Montoni Montorio (Hampton (Hampton Court, Court, -: July 9, 9, 1555), 1555), 3620, 120-121. 120-121. —: seven seven letters* to to Card. Card. Carlo Carlo Carafa Carafa (Brussels, (Brussels, March March 13, 13, 1558 1558 to to January 14, 1559), 3620, 122-136. January 14, 1559), Peru: see Matienzo, Matienzo, Juan Juan de. de. Peru: see medidas de de Castilla Castilla y y de otras much'is muchas partes, las las cuales cuales de Italia yy otras Pesos yy medidas se reducen al de de Castilla Castilla (n.d.), (n.d.), 3604, 3604, 135-139. See also also ReΙaci~n Relación 135-139. See se reduces de los los pesos pesos y medidas .. .. .. y medidas Peter Regalado, Regalado, Saint: Saint: his his life Ufe and and miracles, miracles, by three three auditors auditors of of the the 2785. Rota, 2Τ85. Philip II, King King of of Spain: Spain: letter lettertotoFrancisco FranciscoVargas Vargas (n.p., (n.p., March March 22, Philip 22, 1562), 822, 397-3981562), 397-398. —: response response to to Ottavio Ottavio della della Rovere, Rovere, nuncio, nuncio, thanking thanking Pius Pius IV IV for for contribution of of forty forty galleys galleys for for aaleague leagueagainst againstthe theinfidels infidels the contribution in the Mediterranean, Mediterranean, and and pledging pledging similar similar support support (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. in the [1561]), 827, 821, 29-33. —:: letter lettertotothe theSpanish Spanishambassadors ambassadors to tothe theCouncil Councilof of Treft Trent (n.p., (n.p., 863, 23-24. n.d.), 863, —: letter to Card.Charles CharlesdedeLorraine Lorraine(Madrid, (Madrid,April April30, 30,1563), 1563), 863, -: letter to Card. 36-38. —: instructions instructions for for Luis Luis de de Ζιιfiiga, Zúñiga, ambassador ambassador to the the Holy Holy See See (n.d.), (n.d.), -: (incomplete). 895, 197 197 (incomplete). —; letter letter to to Femando Fernando de de Αrag~n, Aragón, Archbishop Archbishop of of Saragossa Saragossa (Osque (Osque [?], [?], -: September 3, 1565), 2011, 29-34. 3, 1565), —: study studyfor forhim himbybythe the Regent Molesonon ecclesiasticaljurisdiction jurisdiction Regent Moles ecclesiastical Naples, 2648, 26-30. in Naples, —; letter letterto tohim him from from Liofontes de Heredia (Palermo, (Palermo, March March 20, 20, 1581), -: 2648, 27-28. 27-28. —: anon, report to to him him on on the the harm harmdone done to toSpain Spainby byPaul PaulIV IV(1556), (1556), anOn, report 3509, ι-8. 1-8. 3589, —; anon, anon, advice advice sent sent to to him him on on the theadvisability advisabihty of of war war with with Paul Paul IV IV (Valladolid, November 15, 1555), 1555), 3509, 9-28. (Valladolid, November 15, —: anon, anon, treatise treatise on onthe thepriority priorityofofsome someof ofhis hisrights rightsover overthose thoseofof the Inquisition of Naples, 3509, 35-49. the Inquisition of Naples, 35-49. -:






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i ροιes" on : two two letters letters to to the the "Deputados "Deputados de de Nápoles" on the the Inquisition Inquisition (Madrid, March io, 1565), 3509, 97-98. (Madrid, March 10, 1565), 3509, 3558, -:: letter letter to to the theCount Count of of Olivares Olivares (Madrid, (Madrid, January 5, 1595), 3558, 5, 1595), 114-115. -:: letter lettertotohis hisenvoy envoywith withinstructions instructionsfor forarranging arranging aatruce trucebetween between 3559, Spain and France (n.p., n.d. [ι55 -), Ι-4. Spain France (n.p., n.d. [155-]), 3559, 1-4. -: letter lettertotohim himfrom fromSpanish Spanish prelates prelates at atthe theCouncil Council of of Treft Trent (n.p., (n.p., n.d.), 3561, 3561, 127-133. Treft on on the phrase -:: instruction instructiontotohis hisambassador ambassadorto tothe theCouncil Council of of Trent 3561, 135-141. io, 1562]), 3561, 135-141. "proponeutibus legatis" (n.p., "proponentibus (n.p., n.d. [August 10,1562]), 3603, letter to the Portuguese (Madrid, March 14, 1579), -: letter to the Portuguese (Madrid, March 14, 1579), 5603, 3. 3. : account account of of his his meeting meeting with with Sebastian, Sebastian, King King of of Portugal, Portugal, at the the 3603, 44-45. Monastery Monastery of of Nuestra Nuestra Sefiora Señora de de Guadalupe Guadalupe [1576], [1576], 3603, 44-45. 3603, 187. 187. -:: letter letterto tohim him from from Alonso de Ercilla (n.p., n.d. [c. 1592]), 1592]), 3603, Sidonia : letter letterto tothe theDuke Duke of of El Infantazgo and the the Duke Duke of of Medina Sidonia 3603, 209. (Madrid, July 29, 209. (Madrid, July 29, 1579), 1579), with with their theiranswers, answers, 3603, four fourmemorials memorials to him him on on the the unfortunate unfortunate situation situation of of the the English English Catholics, with with exhortations exhortations for for him him to come Catholics, come to their aid aid (1570's?], (1570^], -7, 9-12, 17-21, 27-42. 3604, 11-7, 9-12, 17-21, 27-42. two two lists lists of ofhis hismarriages, marriages, 3604, 75, 76. 76. —:: his his notables notables actions, actions, 3604, 77-78. -: letter 3604, 81-82; letter to to Pius Pius Ν V (Madrid, (Madrid, January zo, 20, 1568), 1568), 3604, 81-82; 5283, 5283, ι86-ι88. 186-188. : letter lettertotoCatherine, Catherine, Queen Queen of of Portugal Portugal (Madrid, (Madrid, January January 20, 20, 1588), 1588), 3604, 82-83; 5283, 189-191. letterin in Italian Italian to to Pedro Pedro Αf~n Afán de Ribera, Duke of Alcali, Alcalá, Viceroy Viceroy : letter of Naples (Madrid, (Madrid, January 22, 1568), 3604, of Naples 3604, 83. 83. —: his his income income from from revenues revenues in in 1578, 1578, 3604, 102-112. -: 102-112. two two decrees decrees on on the theembargo embargo of ofmoney money owed owed to tobusinessmen businessmen by by the Royal and by by the the Royal Council Council and the Council Council of of Finance Finance (El (El Pardo, Pardo, November 29, 1596), 1596), 3605, Ι-2. 1-2. November 13 13 and 29, anon, memorial memorial requesting requesting the the restoration restoration of of these these funds, funds, 3605, anon, 3685, 3-10. 3 -IO. five five letters* to to Card. Card. Carlo Carlo Caraf Carafaa (Hampton 8, 1555 1555 (Hampton Court, Court, June 8, to near Authie, Authie, September September 20, 20, 1558), 1558), 3618, 5-8. to near 3618, 2, 2, 5-8. letter* to to Paul PaulIV IV(Brussels, (Brussels, January January 5, 1556), 3618, : letter* 3618, 2. 2. 5, 1556), letter* to Fernando Fernando de de ΝaΙd~s, Valdés, Archbishop Archbishop of of Seville Seville (Madrid, (Madrid, letter* January 25, 1567), 1567), 3618, io. 10. January 25, letters* to Card. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa Carafa (Madrid, (Madrid, March March ι. x and and July July ι, 1, -: letters* to XI-12. 1572), 3618, ΙΙ-ΙΖ. -:







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: letter letter to to Femando Fernando Alvarez Alvarez de de Toledo, Toledo, Duke Duke of of Alba, Alba, Viceroy Viceroy 3618, 20-21. 20-21. of Naples January 4, of Naples (Brussels, (Brussels, January 1556), 3618, 4, 1556), 3618, 22-23. 22-23. -: letter letter to to Paul Paul IV IV (near (near Authie, September September 25, 25, 1558), 1558), 3618, : letter letter to toGregory Gregory XIII XIII (San (San Lorenzo Lorenzo dei del Escorial, Escorial, September September ι8, 18, 1584), 3618, 3618, 24-25. 1584), 24-25. letters* to two two letters* to Pius Pius IV IV (Villafranca, (Villafranca, December December 29, 29, 1562 1562; Toledo, Toledo, March 31, 1560), March 1560), 3638, ι, 1, 5. 5. letters* to twelve 2, ι566 twelve letters* to Pius Pius Ν V (Madrid, (Madrid, May May 2. 1566 to to San San Lorenzo Lorenzo 3638, 2-4, dei Escorial, 2-4, 7-16, 7 -Ι~ , 20-23, del Escorial, November November ι8, 18, 1571), 1571), 3638, 20-23, 25, 25, 35. 35. letters* to Micheli twenty-nine twenty-nine letters* Micheli Bonelli, Card. Card. Alessandrino (Madrid, (Madrid, 1567 to to San Lorenzo dei September 27, 1567 September del Escorial, Escorial, October October 9, 1596), 9, 1596), 6, 17, 3638, 6, 17, 24, 24, 26-27, 26-27, 31-34, 31-34, 36-37, 36-37, 41, 41, 43. 46-53. 57-64. 57-6443, 46-53, letter to to [Juan F Juan de de Lacerda], Lacerda], Viceroy Viceroy of of Sicily Sicily (Madrid, (Madrid, March March ι, 1, -: letter 1562), 3638, 28-29. 1562). 30. : letter lettertotothe theViceroy Viceroy of ofSicily Sicily (n.p., (n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 3638, 3638, 30. 27, 1579) 42. : letter lettertotothe thegovernor governorofofMilan Milan(Madrid, (Madrid, March March 27, 1579),, 3638, 3638, 42. lettertotothe theSenate SenateofofMilan Milan(San (SanLorenzo Lorenzo del delEscorial, Escorial, April April 15, 15, -: letter 1579), 3638, 44. 44. 3638, 45. lettertotoan anunnamed unnamedduke duke(Madrid, (Madrid, February February 5, 1580), 3638, -: letter 45. 5, 1580), 3638, letter to to the the Count Count of of Olivares Olivares (Madrid, (Madrid, June June 25, 25, 1587), 1587), 3638, : letter 55-56. ri l ι~ letter* in in Latin Latin to tothe theSenate SenateofofMilan Milan (Lisbon, (Lisbon, Ap April x6,, 1587), 1587), : letter* 3638, 54. 54. ΙΙΙ (London, letterin inSpanish Spanish to to Julius Julius III (London, November November 30, 30, 1554) 1554),, 5266, 5266, -: letter 385-387. 385-387excerpt from from aa letter letter totoCard. Card.Antoine Antoine Perrenot Perrenot de de Granvelle, Gran velie, : excerpt Viceroy Naples (Madrid, (Madrid, July 17, 17, 1572), 1572), 5382, Viceroy of of Naples 5382, 8-9. 8-9. letter to toCard. Card. Antoine Antoine Perrenot Perrenot de de Granvelle, Granvelle, Viceroy Viceroy of Naples Naples : letter (Madrid, 24, 1573), 1573), 5382, 12-13. (Madrid, February February 24, 5382, 12-13. letter to to Juan Juan de de Ζ~ι~iga Zúñiga (Madrid, (Madrid, February February 24, 24, 1573) 1573),, 5382, 5382, 13-14. 13-14. -: letter letter to toGregory Gregory XIII XIII (Mad (Madrid, 23, 1573), 1573), 5382, -: letter 14-15. 5382, 14-15. ri d, February 23, letter and instruction to Card. Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle letter and instruction to Card. Antoine : Perrenot de Grarivelie (Madrid, 1571 and and n.d.), n.d.), 5382, 5382, 21-23. 21-23. (Madrid, September September 28, 28, 1571 letter to to [fugo íñigo L~ρez López Hurtado Hurtado de Mendoza, Mendoza, Marquis of MondYjar, Mondé jar, -: letter Viceroy Naples (Madrid, (Madrid, July 15, 15, 1577), 1577), 5382, Viceroy of of Naples 5382, 30-32. 30-32. letterin inItalian Italiantotohim himfrom from Pedro Pedro AfYn Afán de Ribera, Duke of Alcalá, AlcalY, -: letter which the Duke Duke which includes includesthe theSpanish Spanishtext text of of the the King's King's letter to the of March 24, 24, 1567, 1567, 5382, 55-56. of March letterin inItalian Italiantotohim himfrom from Pedro Pedro Afán Αf~n de Ribera, Duke of Alcalá, Αical~, -: letter -:



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which King's letter to to the the Duke Duke which includes includesthe the Spanish Spanishtext text of of the the King's March 7, 1568; 5382, 65. of March 1568; 5382, 65. 7, —: instructions instructionsto tothe theMarquis Marquisof of Las Las Navas Navas and andto toFrancisco Francisco de deVera Vera for discussing jurisdiction in Naples with Gregory XIII (n.d.), for discussing jurisdiction Naples with Gregory XIII (n.d.), 5382, 100-107. —: information information from from the the Regents Regents Ramundetta Ramundetta and andCarbanel Carbanel on on royal royal and ecclesiastical ecclesiastical jurisdiction Naples (n.d.), (n.d.), 5383, 5383, 49-52. jurisdiction in in Naples —:: letter letter to toAntoine Antoine de de Perrenot Perrenot de de Granvelle Granvelle (Madrid, (Madrid, December December 28, 1571). 5383, 90-102. 28, 1571), —;: letter letter to to Pedro Pedro Afán de Ribera, Ribera, Duke Duke of ofAlcalY Alcalá, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples Naples Αf~n de (n.p., July 12, 135-139. (n.p., 12, 1568), 5384, 135-139—:: letter letter to to Pedro Pedro Téllez-Girón, Duke of of Osuna, Osuna, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples Naples Τ~lΙez-Gir~n, Duke (San Lorenzo del Escorial, September 18, 1584), 5384, 249-250. (San Lorenzo del Escorial, September ι8, 1584), 249-250. —: two twoletters letterstotoClement ClementVIII VIII(Madrid (Madridand andValladolid, Valladolid, May May 19 19 and and August 29, 29, 1600), 1600), 5866, 5866, 185-186. August —: letter letterininLatin Latintotothe the SwissConfederation Confederation(Hampton (HamptonCourt, Court,April April -: Swiss -:




14, 1555), 14. 1555). 6509, 9. —;: decree decree in in Latin Latinappointing appointing Card. Card. Cristoforo Cristoforo Madruzzo, Madruzzo, Bishop Bishop Trent, to tobe bethe thegovernor governorofofthe thestate stateof of Milan(Brussels, (Brussels, Milan of Treft, December 8, 1555), 1555), 6509, 10-11. 6509, ιο - ιι. December —: document* document* in in Latin Latin by bywhich which he he appoints appoints ~fiigο íñigo López Hurtado -: L~ρez Hurtado de Mendoza ambassador of Spain to the Holy See (Toledo, March de Mendoza ambassador of Spain the Holy See (Toledo, March 1560), 6509, 31, 1560), 6509, 13. —:: decree decree in in Italian Itahanordering orderingthe theobservance observance of of the theresolutions resolutions of of the the Council Trent in in Sicily Sicily (Madrid, (Madrid, July July17, 17,1564) 1564),, 6509, 6509, 14-15. Council of Treft —: privilege privilege in in Latin Latin granting granting nobility nobihty to to Scipio Scipio and and Lucio Lucio Cutinario Cutinario (El Pardo, Pardo, October October 25, 25, 1575), 1575), 6509, (El 6589, 17-18. —; privilege privilege in in Latin Latingranting grantingnobility nobilitytotothe theAmarati Amaratifamily familyofofSicily Sicily (n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 6589, 6509, 19-20. 19-20. (n.p., —:: letter* letter* to to Pius PiusVV(Madrid, (Madrid, March March 20, 20, 1566), 9920, 221. 221. —:: letter letter totoFemando FernandoAlvarez Alvarez de deToledo, Toledo, Duke Duke of of iba, Alba, governor governor of Milan (Hampton (Hampton Court, Court, August August 17, 17, 1555), 1555), 9920, of Milan 9920, 109-110. —: seealso also Lo que que ha ha pasado pasado por por el el Monasterio Monasterio de de Santa Santa Clara Clara . . . -: see Philip King of of Spain: Spain; letter letterpatent patentininfavor favorofofNew NewChristians Christians Philip III, King (Madrid, April 4, 1602), 2422, 83-84. (Madrid, April 4, 1602), —:: letters letters by by him, him, Alonso Alonso Manrfquez, Manríquez, and and others others on on the the border border dispute dispute between Castelpoto and Benventanos Benventanos ((1600-1601), 3509, 107-148. between Castelpoto ι~oο-ι~οι), 3509, —:: his his counsel counsel to to his hisdaughter daughter Anne Anne of of Austria Austria upon upon her herdeparture departure to become become Queen Queen of of France France [c. [c.1615], 1615], 3558, 13-16. 13 -ι~ . —: letter totoPaul PaulVV(n.p., (n.p.,March March31, 31,1617), 1617), 3558, 17. -: letter :



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3558, 71. 71. -: letter —: letter to to Paul Paul Ν V (Madrid, (Madrid, June June 14, 14, 1606), 1606), 3558, -: letter 125. —: letter to to Paul Paul Ν V (n.p., (n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 3558, 3558, 125. 3560, —: description description of of the the organization organization of of the the court court during duringhis hisreign, reign, 3560, 101-132. —; memorial memorial to to him him from from Camillo Camillo Carracciolo, Carracciolo, Prince Prince of of Avellino, Avellino, listing services servicesto to the the crown and requesting to be listing crown and requesting to be made made aa grandee, grandee, ι. 3603, 8ο-8 80-81. —: order ordernaming namingCard. Card. Antonio Antonio Zapata Zapatade deMendoza Mendoza interim interim governor governor 129. of Naples (n.d. of (n.d. [1620]), [1620]), 3603, 129. of the fleet instructions to Αdn —; instructions Adán Centυrι~n, Centurión, commander commander of fleet based based at 200-203 (incomplete). Genoa (Madrid, Genoa (Madrid, 1612), 1612), 3603, 3603, 200-203 (incomplete). —: edict edict permitting permitting the the English English tototransport transportgoods goodsfrom fromGermany Germany 3604, 49. 1606), to Spain (San (San Lorenzo Lorenzo dei del Escorial, Escorial, September 3, 1606), 3604, 3, 49. -: letter —: letter totothe theNeapolitans Neapolitans(San (SanLorenzo Lorenzodel delEscorial, Escorial,September September 13, 1598), 13, 1598), 3618, 26-27. -: letter* letter* to to the Prince —: Prince of of Castelbono, Castelbono, President President of of Sicily Sicily (San (San LoLorenzi dei 3638, 65. 65. renzo del Escorial, Escorial, September September 13, 13, 1597), 1597), 3638, -: letter* —: letter* in in French French to to Francesco Francesco Colonna, Colonna, Prince Prince of Palestrina Palestrina (Va (Va-liadolid, March lladolid, March 6, 6, ι~το), 1610), 10049, 10049, Ι-2. 1-2. Philip IV, King King of of Spain: Spain: letter letter to toManuel Manuel de deAcevedo Acevedo yy Zúñiga, Ζ~fiiga, Count of Monterrey 1631), 2648, 2648, 24-25. 24-25. of Monterrey (Madrid, (Madrid, October October 27, 27, 1631), -: letter —: letter to toFernando Fernando Αf~n Afán de Ribera, Ribera, Duke Duke of ΑlcaΙ~~ Alcalá (Madrid, (Madrid, May ι8, 1631), 18, 1631), 2648, 179-186. —: memorial to to Urban Urban VIII VIIIlisting listinggrievances, grievances, presented presented by byDomingo Domingo -: memorial 3549, 1-43. I-43. Carrillo (1633), Pimentel and and Juan Juan Chumacero Chumacero y Carrillo (1633), 3549, —: his testament testament(Madrid, (Madrid,September September 14, 14,1665), 1665), 3557, 3557, Ι-58. 1-58. -: his —: letter to tothe theCount-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares, Olivares, removing removing him from from ofllce office -: letter (n.p., n.d. [1643 [1643]), 3558, 18, 38. 3558, ι8, 38. 1 —:: letter letterto tothe theMarquis Marquis of of Velada, governor of Milan Milan (L€rida, (Lérida, August 21, 1644), 21, 1644), 3558, 19-20. —:: letter lettertotoManuel Manuelde deAcevedo Acevedo y (Madrid, y Zúñiga, Ζ ~fΙiga, Count of Monterrey (Madrid, April 7, 1629), 1629), 3558, 23. April 7, —: document document appointing appointing Luis Luis de de GuzmYn Guzraán Ponce Ponce de de Le~n León his his rerepresentative convocation in Rome Rome called called to establish establish aa league league presentative to aa convocation against Turks (Madrid, (Madrid, September September ι~ 16,, 1661), 1661), 3558, 3558, 24. against the Turks 24. —: letterby bythe theRoyal RoyalCouncil Councilininhis hisname nametotoCesare Cesare Fachinetti, nun-: letter cio (Madrid, September September ι~ 16,, 1639), 1639), 3558, 29. 25-26, 29 cio extraordinary (Madrid, 3558, 25-26, —: lettertotoGiulio Giulio Cesare Cesare Busalini Busahni (San (San Lorenzo Lorenzo dei del Escorial, Escorial, August -: letter 21, 1618), 3558, 31-32. —: tohis his subjects subjects reaffirming foreigners letter reamrming the laws and his will that that foreigners -: letterto -:





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1626), 20, 1626), cannot enjoy enjoy ecclesiastical ecclesiastical incomes incomes (Balbastro, (Balbastro, December December 20, 3558, 33. 3338. Αn, Duke of Medina : letter lettertotoRamiro RamiroFelipe Felipe de de Guzm Guzmán, Medina de las Torres 3558, 35-36. (Machid, January January 25, (Madrid, 25, 1643), 1643), 3338, 12, : decree decree establishing establishing a council council to reform reform taxes taxes (n.p., (n.p., February February 12, 3558, 37. 1643), 3338, two two letters letters totoAndrea AndreaCantelmo Cantelmo (Madrid, (Madrid, July 26 26 and and August August 7, 7, 3558, 39-40. 1638), 3338, 3558, lettertotothe theChapter ChapterofofMallorca Mallorca(Madrid, (Madrid, July July24, 24,1644), 1644), 3338, -: letter 41-42. 3558, 43. 1642), 3338,43. -: letter lettertotothe theMarquis MarquisofofLos LosVélez Vêlez(Saragossa, (Saragossa,July July23, 23,1642), -: letter letterininSpanish Spanish totohim himfrom from James James ΙI (London, (London, February February 23, 23, 3558, 54. 1623), 3338, agreement agreementwith withthe theDuke Dukeof ofSavoy Savoyregarding regarding the thepassage passage of of Spanish Spanish 3558, 60 60 (incomplete), (incomplete). Monferrato [c. 1629], 3338, troops through Savoy to Monferrato -: decree decreeagreeing agreeing to to leave leave Mantua Mantua and and Monferrato Monferrato in in possession piossession XIII Mantua on on the condition of ~f Mantua of the Duke of condition that Louis Louis XIII withdraw 3558, 61. his forces from Italy Italy (Madrid. his forces from (Madrid, May May 3, 1629), 1629), 3338, 61. lettertotohim himfrom fromhis hisambassador ambassador to toUrban UrbanVIII, VIII,complaining complaining -: letter of of the discourteous discourteous treatment received received from the the Pope Pope (n.p. (n.p.,, n.d.), n.d.), 3338, 3558, 81-82. memorialto tohim himfrom fromthe thetax taxcollector collectorofofMessina Messina on on the thelongstandlongstand: memorial ing jurisdictional dispute dispute between between the the Archbishops Archbishops of ofMessina Messina ing jurisdictional 91-92. and the Knights Knights of of St. St. John John of of Jerusalem Jerusalem (n.d.), (n.d.), 3558, 3338, 91-92. decreeordering ordering Naples Naples to tosupply supply eight eightgalleons galleons to to help helpsecure secure -: decree 3558, ιο8. the Atlantic Atlantic sea sea routes routes (Madrid, (Madrid, February February 25, 25,1622), 1622), 3338, 108. memorial to him him from from the the Chapter Chapter of of Badajoz Badajoz listing listing objections objections memorial 3558, 110-113. 110-113. to new taxation taxation (Badajoz, (Badajoz, December December 6, 6, 1639), 1639), 3338, to new lettertoto him from Councilorsof of Barcelona(Barcelona, (Barcelona, -: letter him from the the Councilors Barcelona September ι8, 18, 1640), 1640), 3338, 3558, 129. memorial to to him him from from the theDuke DukeofofMontalto, Montalto, cricizing cricizing the the decree decree -: memorial debarring natives from from public public ofuice office in Sicily Sicily (n.d.), (n.d.), 3558, 3338, 172-174. 172-174. letterto to Visitor General(Madrid, (Madrid,July July23, 23,1657), 1657), 3338, 3558, 177. 177. -: letter thethe Visitor General lettertotoAlexander Alexander ΙΙΙ VII (Madrid, (Madrid, June IX,1655), 1655), 3338, 3558, 191-192. 191-192. -: letter June ii, description of allegiance sworn as the the description of the allegiance swornby bythe the court court to to him him as legitimate January 13, 13, 1608, 1608, 3559, 3339, 22-27. 22-27. legitimate heir, heir, which which took place on January paperfrom fromWalter Walter Astolf Astolf on on behalf behalf of of James James Ι, I, on the the restitution restitution paper of the Palatinate Palatinate (n.d.), (n.d.), 3603, 3693, 56-59. of memorial from from the the Royal Royal Council, Council, urging Duke urging him him to to support support the Duke -: memorial of Orleans against France (n.d.), 3603, 82-83. of Orleans against France (n.d.), 3603, 82-83. :






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: letter letter to toCard. Card. Baltasar Baltasar de de Sandoval, Sandoval, Archbishop Archbishop of of Toledo Toledo (Ei (El Pardo, January January 28, 28, 1657), 1657), S603, Pardo, 3603, 121-122. 121-122. : Cédula de interin ínterin para para el el gobierno de de Sicilia al duque duque de de Terranova, Terranova, Cιdula de don Juan de Aragón, durante su vida (Madrid, March 17, 1622), 1622), don Juan de Αυag~n, durante vida (Madrid, March 17, 3603, 151. letterto toLuis Luis de de Moneada, Prince of Paterno, President and Captain-:: letter Moncada, Prince CaptainGeneral of Sicily (Madrid, (Madrid, January January 3, 1638), 3603, 183. General of Sicily 1638), 3, lettertotoRamiro RamiroFelipe Felipe de de Guzm~n, Guzmán, Duke Duke of of Medina Medina de de las las Torres Torres -:: letter (Madrid, July 21, (Madrid, 21, 1636), 3603, 191. : decree decree granting granting Francisco Francisco de de Melo Melo y y Castro, Viceroy of of Sicily, Sicily, Castro, Viceroy power to nominate nominate an aninterim interimgovernor governor(Madrid, (Madrid,April April1640), 1640), the power 3603, 198-199. : forms forms of of address address he heuses usestotocorrespond correspondwith withother otherdignitaries, dignitaries, 3603, 236-252. 236-252. : letter* letter* to toCard. Card.Francesco Francesco Barberini Barberini (Madrid, (Madrid, May May ι8, 18, 1630), 1630), 3603, 255. 3603, 255. : letter lettertotounknown unknown(Madrid, (Madrid, August August 5, 1629), 3605, 34. 34. 5, 1629), : decree decree read read to tothe theCouncil Council of of State Stateon onhis hisdesire desireto tosever severrelations relations with the the Pontilicate Pontificate (Madrid, (Madrid, August August ι8, 18, 1639), 1639), 3605, 99-103. with : memorial memorial to him from from Juan Juan de de Palafox Palafox y y Mendoza, of to him Mendoza, Bishop Bishop of defending ecclesiastical ecclesiastical exemption exemption (1656) (1656) (ms. (ms. copy copy of of aa Osma, defending printed book), 3608, x-33. p ri nted book), I-33. lettertotoUrban UrbanVIII VIII(Madrid, (Madrid,September September 2, 211-212. -: letter 2, 1629), 3608, 211-212. letter to to Urban Urban 11H VIII (n.p., (n.p., u.d. n.d. [1625]), [1625]), 6113, 223-225. : letter 223-225. letter to to Urban Urban VIII VIII (Mad (Madrid, October 7, 1625), 6113, : letter ri d, October 13113, 253-255. 7, 1625), letter to toLouis Louis XIII XIII (Mad (Madrid, October 2, 1624), 6113, 382-384: -: letter ri d, October 2, 1624), 6113, 382-384; 6127, 35. 35. : two two letters letters to tohim himfrom from the theCount Count of of Rocheport Rocheport (n.p., (n.p., n.d., n.d., and and Madrid, February 28, 28, 1624), 1624), 6113, 387-390, 392-393. Madrid, 387-390, 392-393. letter to tohim him from from Garcer~n Garcerán de de Albanell, Albanell, Archbishop Archbishop of of Granada Granada -:: letter (n.p., December December 20, (np., 20, 1624), 6113, 543-548. letter to tothe theCount CountofofBristol Bristol (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [October [October 1626]), 1626]), 6125, -:: letter 327-328. unsigned memorial memorial to him on on obtai obtaining grant of of two two million million to him ni ng a grant -:: unsigned Portugal (n.p., (n.p., ud. n.d. [1626]), [1626]), 6125, 328-331. escudos from from Portugal letter to toAntonio Antonio Pimentel, Pimentel, Viceroy Viceroy of of Sicily Sicily (Mad (Madrid, December : letter ri d, December 1626), 6125, 345-3466, 1626), 345-346. : live five letters letters in in Portuguese Portuguese in in bis his name, name, by by Christoval Christoval Soares, Scares, to to governors and the the Collector Collector of of Portugal Portugal (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [March [March the governors 1627]), 6126, 30-31. :




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—: memorial to to him him from from Dimitrio Dimitrio Ducala, Ducala, seeking seeking help help for for Albania Albania -: memorial against Turks (u.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [October [October 1628]), 1628]), 6126, 159-160. against the Turks —: declaration declaration that he he wiH will leave leave the the Duke Duke of of levers Neversininpossession possession of Mantua and Monferrato provided that Louis XIII withdraw of Mantua and Monferrato provided that Louis XIII withdraw his forces from from Italy Italy (Madrid, (Madrid, May May 3, 1629), 6126, 236. his forces 3, 1629), —:: letter lettertotohim himfrom fromthe theMarquis MarquisofofSanta SantaCruz Cruz(Casale (Casale-Monferrato, -Monferrato, October 28, 1630), 1630), 6156, 310-312. October 28, —: description description of of the the events events surrounding surrounding the the oath oath he heswore swore for for the the peace between Spain Spain and andEngland, England, ininMadrid Madridon onDecember December peace treaty treaty between 17, 1630, 1630, 6126, 316-317. 17, —; decree decree pardoning pardoning ten ten persons, persons, according according to terms of of the the treaty treaty -: to the terms between Genoa Genoa and Savoy Savoy (Madrid, (Madrid, November November 27, 27, 1631), 1631), 6126, between 383-384. 383-384—: list list of ofrevenues revenues provided provided to to him him by bythe thekingdoms kingdoms of of Castile, Castile, in in held during during October October 1623, 1623, 6127, 19. cortes held —: notice notice sent sent to to him him by by the theCount Count of of Rocheport, Rocheport, announcing announcing that XIII is is withdrawing withdrawing his his troops troops from from Mansfeld Mansfeld (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. Louis XIII 1623]), [October 1623 1 ), 6127, 34-35. 34-35. —: letter lettertotohim himfrom fromCharles, Charles,Prince PrinceofofWales Wales(Segovia, (Segovia,September September -: 13, 1623), 6127, 65. 13, 1623), 6127, 6. —:: letter letter totoCharles, Charles, Prince PrinceofofWales Wales(San (SanLorenzo Lorenzodel delEscorial; Escorial, 1623), 6127, September 12, 12, 1623), 6121, 66. —: letter* letter* in French French to to Francesco Francesco Colonna, Prince of Palestrina (Madrid, (Madrid, -: 28, 1624), 1624), 10049, 5-6. September 28, —: see see also also Ferdinand Ferdinand ΙΙ; II; Sentimieit Sentimientos quejas . .. οs yy quejas letter* V, King King of of Spain: Spain: to Vittoria Vittoria Salati Salviati Colonna, Colonna, P Princess Philip V, to ri ncess Carbognano (Vienna, (Vienna, February February13, 13,1726) 1726),, 10049, 10049, 17-18. of Carbognano Philosophy: anon, treatise on on natural naturalphilosophy, philosophy, 3611, Ι-47. 1-47. Philosophy: anon. treatise —; anon. anon, treatise treatise on onmoral moralphilosophy, philosophy, 3611, 49-91. Piacenza: see Copia Copia de de la la respuesta respuesta . . . Piacenza: see Pimenta, Alvaro: Alvaro: Lusitaizia Lusitania libera libera [1641], [1641], 6521, 2-3. Pimentel, Antonio, Antonio, Viceroy Viceroy of him from from Philip Philip IV IV of Sicily: Sicily: letter letter to to him (Madrid, December December 6, 6, 1626), 1626), 6125, 345-346. " (Madrid, Domingo: answer Juan Chumacero Chumacero Pimentel, Domingo: answer presented presented by by him him and Juan y Carrillo Philip IV IV to to Urban Urban1111's VIII'sjustification justification Carrillo in in the the name of Philip of his actions actions toward toward Spain Spain(1633), (1633), 3549, 56-169. of his —: owner owner of of 3543 in 1622 1622 (see (see s.v. s.v. Pareceres). Pareceres). Pifia, Bernardo Bernardo de: de: letter letter to toCard. Card. Luis LuisManuel Manuel Fern~ndez Fernández de de Porto Porto-carrero (n.p., September September 9, 9, 1670), 1670), 3558, 132. carrero (n.p., :












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letter* to Pinto, Mauro, Pinto, Mauro, prior prior of of Montserrat: Montserrat: letter* to Card. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa Carata (Naples, June 15, 199-200. (Naples, 15, 1577), 1577), 9920, 199-200. letter* in Spanish Pirez de Tavora, Lorenzo: Lorenzo: letter* Spanish to Pius IV IV (Lisbon, (Lisbon, March March 17, 1564), 3638, 105-106. 17, 1564), -: letter* 6509, —: letter* in in Spanish Spanish to to Pius Pius IV IV(Lisbon, (Lisbon, September September 25, 25, 1562), 1562), 6509, 47-48. -: letter* 209-210. 9920, 209-2x0. —: letter* in Spanish to Pius Pius IV IV (Lisbon, (Lisbon, June June24, 24, 1563), 1563), 9920, Pirovani, Filippo; Filippo: joint joint author author of Pirovani, of 2758, 2781, 2785. 2785. 2758, 2781, Pius IV, Pope: Pius Pope: two two accounts accounts of of the the conclave conclave at at which which he he was was elected elected 3561, 155-158, 159-174. (1559), 155-158, I59-I74-: letter* —: letter* in in Portuguese Portuguese to to him him from from Sebastian, Sebastian, King King of of Portugal Portugal (January 26, (January 26, 1563), 1563), 3613, 41-42. -: letter* Αf~n de Ribera, Duke of Alcalá, —: letter* to him him from from Pedro Afán ΑΙcaΙ~, Viceroy Viceroy of Naples 3614, 154. of Naples (Naples, (Naples, August August ιο, 10, 1560), 1560), 3614, 154. —-: two two letters* to to him him from from Philip Philip Η II (Villafranca, (Villafranca, December December 29, 29, 1562; Toledo, Toledo, March 31, 1562; 31, 1560), 1560), 3638, i, 1, 5. 5. -: —•: letter* letter* in in Spanish Spanish to to him him from from Lorenzo Lorenzo Pirez Pirez de de Tavora Tavora (Lisbon, (Lisbon) March 17, 1564), March 1564), 3638, 105-106. letters* to —:: three three letters* to him him from from Catherine, Catherine, Queen Queen of of Portugal, Portugal, two in in Latin and the Latin the last last in in Portuguese Portuguese (Lisbon, (Lisbon, July July 29, 29, 1560; 1560; June June ι8, 18, 1561; April April 30, 1561; 30, 1562), 1562), 6509, 33-34, 45-46. 33-34, 45-46. -: eighteen —: eighteen letters* letters* in Latin Latin to to him him from from Henry, Henry, Card.-Infante Card.-Infante of of Portugal, in the name Portugal, name of of King King Sebastian Sebastian (Lisbon, (Lisbon, August August 1, 1560, i, 1560, to January to January 5, 1565), 6509, 41-44, 49-71 • 41-44, 49-71. 5, 1565), -: letter* —; in Spanish Spanish to tohim himfrom fromLorenzo Lorenzo Pirez Pirez de deTavora Tavora(Lisbon, (Lisbon, letter*in September 25, September 25, 1562), 1562), 6509, 47-48. —;: letter* letter* in in Latin Latin to tohim himfrom fromTheodoro, Theodoro, Duke Duke of of Braganza Braganza (Vila (Vila Vi9οsa, February Viçosa, February 24, 24, 1560), 1560), 6509, 6509, 72-73. 72-73. —:: letter* letter* in in Portuguese Portuguese to to him him from from Sebastian, Sebastian, King King of of Portugal Portugal (Lisbon, February 20, (Lisbon, 20, 1560), 1560), 9920, 203-204. 203-204. —:: letter* letter* to to him himfrom fromPrince PrinceCharles Charles of of Spain Spain (Madrid, (Madrid, January January 2, 1563), 2, 1563), 9920, 205-206. —; four four letters* in in Portuguese Portuguese to to him him from from Catherine, Catherine, Queen Queen of Por Por-tugal (Lisbon, January 28, 1563; 1563; October October 8, October 22, 22, and and tugal (Lisbon, January 28, 8, October December 5, 1564), 9920, 207-208, 213-2x4, 216-217. 1564), 207-208, 213-214, 216-217. 5, —: letter* in in Spanish Spanish to to him him from from Lorenzo Lorenzo Pirez Pirez de de Tavora Tavora (Lisbon, (Lisbon, -: letter* June 24, 24, 1563), 1563), 9920, 209-210. —; letter* to him him from from Gabriel Gabriel de la Cueva, governor of of Milan Milan (Milan, (Milan, -: letter* May ι~ 16,, 1564), 1564), 9920, 211-212. -:


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—: letter* in inPortuguese Portuguese to to him himfrom fromSebastian, Sebastian, King King of ofPortugal Portugal -: letter* (Lisbon, October 20, 1564), 9920, 215. (Lisbon, October 2 ο, 1564), 9920, 215. —: see see also also Rivera, Rovera,Ottaviano. Ottaviano. -: Pius V, V, Pope: Pope: anon. anon, oration oration read read before before him in in favor favor of of Bartolomé Pius Βarto1οm de Carranza, Carranza, Archbishop Archbishop of of Toledo Toledo (n.d.), (n.d.), 2589, 2589, 325-330. de —: four four letters* in Portuguese Portuguese to to him him from from Sebastian, Sebastian, King King of of Portugal Portugal Lisbon, February 1566 to to May May 20, 7-Ι~ . Lisbon, February 6, 6, 1566 20, 1568), 3613, 7-16. —:: three three letters* in in Portuguese Portuguese to to him him from from Catherine, Catherine, Queen Queen of of PorPor(Lisbon, February February 6, 6, 1566; 1566; Xabregas, Xabregas, December December 12, i57r; 1571; tugal (Lisbon, Lisbon, January 19, 19, 1572), 1572), 3613, 27-28, 31-34. Lisbon, 27-28, 31-34. letters* —: twelve twelve to him him from from Philip Philip ΙΙ II (Madrid, (Madrid, May May 2, 1566 to to San to 2, 1566 del Escorial, Escorial, November November 8, 8, 1571), 1571), 3638, 2-4, 7-16,, 20-23, 20-23, Lorenzo dei 2-4, 7-Ι~ 25, 35. 25, 35—: letter* letter* to to him himfrom fromIsabella, Isabella, Queen Queen of of Spain Spain (Madrid, (Madrid, February February -: 23, 23, 1566), 1566). 3638, 66. —:: letter* in French French to tohim himfrom fromIsabelia, Isabella,Princess PrincessofofSpain Spain(Madrid, (Madrid, 1572), 3638, 67. February 22, 22, 1572), —: letter* to to him himfrom fromAnne, Anne, Queen Queen of of Spain Spain (Madrid, (Madrid, January January ι, 1, -: letter* 1572), 3638, 68. —: letter in Italian Italian to tohim himfrom fromDon DonJohn JohnofofAustria Austria(Madrid, (Madrid, March March 11, 1566), 3638, 71-72. Ιι, 1566), —: letter* Italian to tohim himfrom fromIsabella, Isabella,Princess PrincessofofSpain Spain(Madrid, (Madrid, letter* in Italian March 26, 1566), 1566), 3638, 73-74. March 26, 3638, 73 -74. —: letter* to to him him from from Don Don John JohnofofAustria Austria(Medina, (Medina, January January 30, 30, -: letter* 1572), 3638, 75-76. —: letter* letter* in in Latin Latin totohim himfrom fromFrancisco Franciscode deMendoza Mendoza y Bobadilla, -: y Bobadilla, Card, Burgos (Burgos, (Burgos, February February 15, 1566), 3638, 77-78. ι, 1566), Card. of Burgos —: letter* in in Latin Latin totohim himfrom fromAntonio AntonioAgustin, Agustín, Bishop Bishop of of LLérida ~rida -: letter* (Barcelona, February 15, 15, 1566), 1566), 3638, 81-82. (Barcelona, —: letter* letter* to to him him from from Garcia Garcia de de Haro, Haro, Bishop Bishop of of Cdiz Cádiz (C (Cádiz, ~d~Ζ, -: 12, 1566), 1566), 3638, 83-84. February 12, 3638, 83-84. —: letter* Latin totohim himfrom fromDiego DiegoRamirez RamírezdedeSedefuo, Sedeño, Bishop Bishop letter* in Latin -: of Pamplona (Pamplona, June 1, 1566), 3638, 87-88. of Pamplona (Pamplona, June I, 1566), —: letter* letter*ininSpanish Spanishtotohim himfrom fromunknown unknown(Milan, (Milan,January January14, 14,1566), 1566), -: 3638, 97-98. —: letter* letter* to to him himfrom fromthe theDuke DukeofofAlbuquerque Albuquerque (Milan, (Milan, January January -: 23, 1566), 1566), 3638, 99-100. 99-100. 23, —: two two letters* letters* totohim himfrom fromFernando FernandoAlvarez Alvarez de deToledo, Toledo, Duke Duke of of Alba (Madrid, (Madrid, February February 28, 28, 1566 1566 and and {Rapolano [Rapolano Terme?], Terme?], July July Alba 25, 1568), 1568), 3638, 101 101-102, 25, -102, 113-114. :



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~ , January 28, -: letter* —: letter* to him him from from Garcia García de de Toledo Toledo (Catam (Catamá, 28, 1566), 1566), 3638, 103-104. Lcar de —:: letter* letter* to to him him from from the theCountess Countess [?] [?] of of Niebla (San (San Lúcar de BaBarrameda, March 26, 1566), 3638, 107-108. March 26, 1566), 107-108. the City CityofofSeville e νiΙΙe (Seville, —:: letter* letter* in Latin Latin from from the (Seville, March March 15, 1566), 1566), 3638, ιι8. 118. 20, 1568), 1568), 3604, 3604, —:: letter letter to to him him from from Philip Philip ΙΙ II (Madrid, (Madrid, January January 20, 81-82; 5283, ι86-ι88. 186-188. Ζ~fiiga with Juan de —: summary summary in in Spanish Spanish of of his his conversation conversation with de Zúñiga 201-202. on jurisdiction jurisdiction in Naples ι~, 1570) on Naples (October (October 16, 1570),, 5384, 5384, 201-202. -: letter* —: letter* in in Latin Latin to tohim himfrom from the theCouncil Council of of the the Indies, Indies, with with nine nine signatures (Seville, (Seville, December December 4, 1568), 6509, 6509, ι~. 16. 4, 15~8), 221. 20, 1566), 1566), 9920, 9920, 221. -: letter* —: letter* to him him from from Philip ΙΙ II (Madrid, (Madrid, March 20, Plays: 3461, 3464, 3464, 3467, 3467, 3477, 3477, 3478, 3478, 3479, 3479, 3480, 3480, 3481, Plays; 3461, 3481, 3482, 3482, 3483, 3484, 3485, 3486, 3486, 3487, 3485, 3487, 3488, 3488, 3489, 3489, 3490, 3490, 3491, 3491, 3492, 3492, 3493, 3493, 3494. 3494. 304, 226; 36-46; Poetry: 273, 273, 165-172; 165-172; 304, 226; 438; 438) 1864, 1864, 3455; 3455) 3457; 3457) 3463, 3463, 36-46; 3514; 3515, ι-8ι, 3571, Ι-ΙΙ; 3476; 3505, 128; 3514) 3476) 1-81, 84-95; 84-95; 3571, I-II; 3602, 3602, ι-86, 1-86, ι 5040, 47-48, 5Ο-5 200-201; 88-102; 3608, 187-196; 3626,1-23; 3626, 1-23: 3741, 3741, 47-48, 50-51; 5040, 200-201; 5689, 132; 5689, 132; 6516, 6516, 91-93; 6521, 2-3. Ponce de Le ~n, Rodrigo, Ponce León, Rodrigo, Duke of Arcos, Arcos, Viceroy Viceroy of Naples: Naples: engraved engraved proclamationinin Italian Italian of of a general proclamation general pardon pardon of of the the insurgents insurgents of of Naples (Naples, with an an engraved letter to Naples (Naples, November November 7, 1647) 1647), , with engraved letter Innocent Χ, X, 3603, 3603, 4-5. letter* for P. P. Ortin, Ponti, Joseph: Joseph: letter* of of recommendation recommendation for Ortin, 3602, 3602, 25. 25. Por amar, Por amar, aborrecerse: aborrecerse: anon. anon, play, play, 3461. Porrefio, Baltasar: ρaρas y cardeiaΙes Porreño, Baltasar: Libro de de elogios elogios de tos los papas cardenales que que ha ha tete~n espaiiola, 3571. nick) la rnwi nido nación española, 3571. Portocarrero, Alonso: Alonso: letter* letter* to to Card. Card. Carlo Cario Carafa Carafa (Milan, (Milan, December December 28, 1559), 28, 1559), 3620, 137-138. de, Card.: Card.: letter from his secretary Fern ~ndez de, Portocarrero, Luis Manuel Fernández secretary to the 122. to the Bishop Bishop of of Vaison Vaison (n.p., (n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 3558, 3558, 122. —: note note to tohim himfrom from Bernardo Bernardo de de Pifia Pifia (n.p., (n.p., September September 9, 1670), 9, 1670), 3558, ι32. 132. —:: letter letterto tohim himfrom from Gabriel Gabriel de de Esparza, Esparza, Bishop Bishop of of Calahorra Calahorra (n.p., (n.p., March ι7, 17, 1671), 1671), 3558, 134. Portocarrero, Pedro: Pedro: letter* to to Card. Card. Carlo Carlo Carafa Carafa (Naples, (Naples, December December 3620, 139-140. 28, ι559), 1559), 3620, 139-140—: two two letters* to to Card. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa Carafa (Naples, (Naples, September September 19, 19, ι568 1568 22, 1572), and November November 22, 1572), 9920, 117-ι18, 117-118, ι45-ι46. 145-146. Portugal: the status 2854. Portugal: status ofofecclesiastical ecclesiastical immunity immunity there, there, 2854. -:



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—: prerequisites prerequisites itit must mustmeet meet in inorder order for for Spain Spain to to sign sign aa peace peace treaty treaty -: 3515, 147-148. (1666), 3515, —:: letter letterfrom from Philip Philip ΙΙ II to to the thePortuguese Portuguese(Madrid, (Madrid,March March14, 14,1579), 1579), 3603, 3. 3. —; proposal proposal for for aa peace peace settlement settlement with with Spain, Spain, made made by by the the English English ambassador 1664, 3603, 193-194. ambassador in 1664, —: list list of of its itsnobility nobihty (n.d.), (n.d.), 3605, 3605, 123-128. 123-128. -: —:: three threeaccounts accountsofofSpanish Spanishmilitary militaryactivities activitiesthere there[c. [c.1580], 1580], 3615, 145, 146, 147-148. 147-148. 145, 146, —: see see Montalbán, the Marquis Marquis of. of. ΜontaΙΒ~n, the -: Spain: instrument* on on missing missing holy holy relics relics there there (April (April Portugalete, Spain: 26, 1629), 1629), 3603, 228 (incomplete). 228 (incomplete). 26, Poza, Juan Juan Bautista: Bautista: Carta los padres de Santo Santo Domingo Domingo en enkzs las librelibreCarta aa tos $dres de rías y y corrillos corrillos y y p'tlpitos pulpitos y y cdleclras cátedras de Εsριrnc España y y principalmente principalmente rias de Madrid (June 28, 28, 1628), 1628), 3603, 143-146. de Pozzo, Cassiano Cassiano dal: dal: his his diary diaryofofCard. Card.Francesco Francesco Barberini's Barberini's visit visit Pozzo, to Spain Spain as as legate legate a latere, latere, 5689, 5689, Ι-264. 1-264. to Calderón, Francisco Francisco de: de: letter* to to Card. Card. Carlo Carlo Carafa Carafa (Brussels, (Brussels, Prado Calder~n, May 22, 22, 1558), 1558), 9920, 74-75. May 74-75. Pragmatic: see see Pregmdtica, Pregmdtica, Premdtica. Premàtica. Pragmatic: Prebends: Prebends: aa list of of thbse those of of an an unnamed unnamed church, church, from from the theinheritance inheritance of Luisde Ltds de los los Infantes, Infantes, 3683, 3603, 48. of Precedence of study in in Spanish Spanish of the the king of Spain Spain over the the king of France: study 3561, 63-124. by Agostino Agostino di di Crava]iz Cravaliz (1564), (1564), 3561, 63-124. Precedencia de de Espaifa España debida debida a a sus sus cat~Ιicοs católicos reyes reyes (n.d.), (n.d.), 3605, 3605, 45-67. by Agostino di Cravaliz (Italian Precedenza fra Spagna et Francia: by Agostino di Cravaliz (Italian el Francia: Precedenza fra Spagna from Spanish), Spanish), 5154, 33-38. tr. from Pregmdtica de de las las cortesias: cortesías: two two articles articles for for and and against against this thispragmatic, pragmatic, on on whether whether the the prescribed prescribed forms forms of of address address apply apply to toclerics clerics as as 146-154, 156-159. well to laymen, laymen, 3604, 146-154, 156-159. well as as to Pregúntase el embajador embajador de Venecia Venecia por haber confesado confesado como como no no descodescoΡreg'&ntase si el mulgado, haya hecho hecho sospechoso sospechoso que que pneda pueda el el Santo Santo Oficio Oficio proceder mulgado. se haya ~. contra él (1606): (1606): 2713, ιι 116. contra Premdtica y ley mandada mandada promulgar por Su SuMagestaci Magestad sobre sobre el el orden orden que que salinas de las han de tener tener y y guardar guardar los los administradores administradores generales generales de las salinas kan de del reino, sobre sobre la observancia observancia del gasto de de la sal sal dellas délias (Madrid, (Madrid, July 29, 1631): (ms. (ms. copy copy of of aaprinted printedbook), book), 3561, 58-62. 29, Primera parte de las las comedias comedias viejas, viejas, recopiladas recopiladas por por el el prior prior de de San Primera parte de ferónimo los mejores mejores ingenios ingenios de de Εsρaa: España: satirical satirical application application Jer~nimο de los ΙOΙ-102. of of plays plays to to political political figures, 3602, 3602, 87-88; 101-102. of titles of -:

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ρerfec ο: by 3568, Ι-30. El Privado Privado perfecto: by Mateo Mateo Renzi, Renzi, 3568, x-30. Pro ecGlesiastica Ιibeτtαε contrci Laurentium ecclesiastica libértate contra Laurentium Moronum: Moronum: collection collection of writings in in Portuguese Portuguese and and Latin on writings on the the jurisdiction jurisdiction of of the the legate legate a latere latere in in Portugal Portugal(1586), (1586), 3606. Portugal propuestas Proposiciones de de ajuste ajuste entre entre Castilla Castilla yy Portugal propuestas por por el el emembajador de Inglaterra a ο de 1664: 3603, 193-194. bajador de Inglaterra año de 1664: 3603, 193-194. Proverbia Solomonis: poetry ~mez de de Ciudad Ciudad Real, Proverbia poetry in in Latin Latin by by Alvaro Alvaro G Gómez 438. Provisions: amount amount consumed daily by "los Provisions: consumed daily "los principes" príncipes" in in Barcelona Barcelona (n.d.), 3603, 166-167. 3603, Provisions: list list of of what what is required Provisions: required each year for for the theroyal royalhousehold household (n.d.), 3604, 3604, 124-128. Puget, Jean de: Puget, de: Breve yy curiosa curiosa re~aci~n relación dei del discurso discurso que ha ha hecho MonIonsiur — sobre los cometas que que han aparecido este año de 1618 (Spanish han aparecido ano 1618 (Spanish tr. from from French French by by Diego Diego Alvarez Alvarez de de Salcedo) Salcedo) (Barcelona, (Barcelona, GeroGeronimo Margarit, Margarit, 1618) x6i8) (ms. (ms. copy copy of of aa printed printed book), book), 3559, 359, 88-90; 88-90; 3560, 145-150. Quevedo Villegas, Francisco Francisco G~mez Gómez de: 81. de: poetry, 3515, 3515, 67-70, 67-70, 75-76, 8ι. Quien halla, anon. anon, play: play; 3467. Quien guarda, guarda, halla, 3467. Quifiones, Francisco, Quiñones, Francisco, Card. Card.: : work him, 438. work ded. ded. to him, 438. Quifiones de Quiñones de Benavente, Benavente, Luis: Luis: El remediador, remediador, interlude, interlude, 3487, 3487, 49-54. 49-54. —: La Lacapeadora, capeadora, interlude, interlude, 3487, 55-60. 55-60. Quiroga, to Card. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa Carafa (Madrid, (Madrid, Q uiroga,Gaspar Gaspar de: de: three letters* to May February 6, 6, 1572), 1572), 9920, May 21, 21, 1569 1569 to ti February 9920, 125-128, 125-128, 139-140. La Rábida; see see Statutos. Statutos. La R~bida: Ragel, Aly Ragel, Aly Aben: see Aly Aly Aben Ragel. Αben: see Αben Ragel. Ram, Dr. Gaspar: Gaspar: letter Lemos (Saragossa, (Saragossa, July July 1621), 1621), Ram, Dr. letter to Tomás Τorn~s de Lemos 3608, 141. —: Advertimientos y razones razones de de dudar dudar cerca cerca de de la sentencia que que el el ViViAdvertimientos y la sentencia cario General dei del Arzobispado Arzobispado de de Zaragoza Zaragoza ha pronunciado aproaprocario General ha pronunciado bando un milagro milagro sucedido sucedido en en la villa villa de Zuera Zuera dei del reino reino de A Aragon rag~n diócesi Zaragoza £1621?J, [1621?], 3608, 3608, 205-210. di~cesi de de Zaragoza 205-210. Ramírez, discussion he Mancio Blanco Blanco Ramirez, Antonio: Antonio:report report on on the the discussion he and Mancio had with the the Venetian Venetian ambassador, ambassador, during the the controversy controversy between between Paul V and and Venice Venice over over papal papal authority authority(1606), (1606), 2713, Paul V 2713, 117-118. 117-118. letter* in Ramírez de Sedefuo, Sedeño, Diego, Bishop of of Pamplona: Pamplona: letter* in Latin Latin to Ramirez de Diego, Bishop Pius Ν V (Pamplona, (Pamplona, June ι, 1, 1566), 1566), 3638, 3638, 87-88. 87-88. —: letter* letter* in in Latin Latintotoananunnamed unnamedcardinal cardinal(Pamplona, (Pamplona, n.d.), n.d.), 3638, 3638, 89-90. -:


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Real hacienda hacienda de Majestad. ReΙaci~n Relación del estado estado de de ella, ella, de de su su einemLa Real de Su Majestad. peño y y en qué consiste, consiste, criados criados que que le le sirven sirven y en que' qué gιneros; géneros) con con lo lo ρeΙο gastado en los estados de Flandes de cincuenta años de esta parte gastado en los estados de Flandes de cincuenta aflos de esta parte by Domingo Domingo de de Salcedo, Salcedo, 3604, 360á, 130-133. (n.d.): by Registro di di brevi brevi ee lettere lettere concernenti concernenti la nunciatura nunciatura de de Spagna Spagna di di Mons. Mons. Sacchetti scritta da diversi dell anno 1624 [-1626]: 6113. Sacchetti da diversi deli anno 1624 [-1626]: 6113. Regiment de II: by by Arnau Arnau de de Vilanova, Vilanova, 311, 311, 5-14. 3-14. Regiment de santitat santitat aa Jaume ΙΙ: Reinoso, Francisco de: two letters* to Card. Antonio Carata (Piacenza, (Piacenza, Remiso, Francisco de: two to Card. Antonio Carafa 10, 1574 1574 and February February ι~, 16, 1575), 1575), 9920, 161-162, 165-166. 165-166. October io, Relación acerca acerca del del presente presente y y feliz feliz estado estado de de las las Indias Indias Occidentales Occidentales en en Relaci~n la apostólica administración de los santos sacramentos y conversión santos sacramentos οnversi ~n la aρost~lica administraci~n de los yc de los los indios indios por por los los religiosos religiosos de de nuestro nuestro serd/ico seráfico padre padre San FranSan Francisco hasta 1635: 1635: 3560, 3560, 182-219. 182-219. cisco Relación de de la batalla batalla en en los los eje'rcitos ejércitos del del Rey Rey de de la la Gran Gran Bretaña Relaci~n Βretaa yy del Parlamento domingo 23 de octubre [1642?]: 3603, 117-118. Parlamento domingo 23 de octubre [1642?]: Relación de de la batalla batalla que que el el ejrci~ο ejército del rey rey nuestro nuestro seflor señor dio dio al al del del rey rey Re~aci~n Francia gobernado gobernado por por el el Mariscal Mariscal de de la sobre las las orcas oreas de Francia la Mota Iota sobre de Lérida en 15 15 de de mayo mayo 1644: 1644: 3560, 3560, 151-153. de L ιrida en Relación de la Cουtς Corte de España, 3560,101-132. ReΖaci~n 101-132. Εsρaa, reinando .... . . Felipe tercero: 3560, Relación de la entrada entrada que hizo la recdmara recámara del Relaci~n del duque de Lerma en Madrid 3603, 54 54"55(n.d.): 3603, -55. Relación de la entre tos los principes príncipes cristianos cristianos para para socorro socorro ReΙaci~n la junta junta que se hace entre de la guerra guerra de de Alemania Alemania ~1619?3: [1619?]: list list of of the theforces forces provided, provided, 3558, de 149. listofofforces forcesprovided providedby bythe theProtestant Protestant alhes(December (December1619), 1619), —: list allies 3558, 150. Relación de de la la victoria victoria que que ha ha tenido tenido el el maestre maestre de de campo campo don don Miguel Miguel Relaci~n Pérez de Xea en Santa Margarita y Santo Onorato contra la gruesa Pdrez de Xea Margarita Onorato contra la gruesa armada y poder de Francia, Francia, la cual atac~~ atacó en en 24 24 de de marzo marzo 1627: 1627: 3603, 3603, armada 181-182. Relación de de las cosas cosas que que tiene tiene el el Rey Rey de de España algunas de de ellas ellas se se Εspaa yy de algunas Relaci~n hecho trazas que que se kan han de de ver con con esta esta reΙaci~n relación (1626): (1626): by by Juan han hecho Gómez de de Mora, Mora, 4372. 4312. G~mez Relación de de las las congregaciones congregaciones que que Su Su Santidad Santidad ha ha mandado mandado tener tener sobre sobre ReΙaci~n la veneraci~n veneración que que algunos algunos introducian introducían en en honra honra de de hombres hombres muertos muertos no canonizados canonizados (1602-1603): (1602-1603): 3558, 199-200. 199-200. aun no Relación de de las las libreas, libreas, invenciones, invenciones, y y letras letras que que sacaron sacaron los los caballeros caballeros ReΙaci~n que salieron salieron en la sortija sortija que que se se hizo hizo en en la la plaza de palacio aa pOstrerO postrero marzo de de 1590: 1590: 3603, 3603, 49-50. de marzo

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Relación de las las personas personas que que piden piden s'ι satisfacción de lα la hacienda de franR ε?aci~n de isf'wci ~n de haciend~~ de fr'nceses que que se se ha ha represado [c. 1625]: 1625]; 6113, 549-564. υe υesadο [c. Relación de de las las ρΙι plazas que han han faltado de de la muestra muestra que que se se dio dio estando estando Rekιci~n zas que en cuarteles cuarteles la la cabatteria: caballería-, list list of of the the number number of ofmissing missing soldiers soldiers that that the captains captains named named are are required required to toreplace replace (n.d.): (n.d.); 3603, 3603, 203. Relación lo que ha sucedido en el armada de ReΙaci~n de del() de la la liga de los lor 30 de septiembre hasta los los 10 10 del del mes mes de de octubre octubre 1571: 1571: 3604, 3604, 164-168; 3605, '1-1.6. 11-16. Relación de lo lo sucedido sucedido al al marque's marqués de los Ve'lez Vélez embajador embajador de de la Majestad Majestad ReΙαci~n de de tos Católica en Roma Roma aa 20 20 de de agosto agosto 1642: 1642: 3561, Cat~Ιica en 361, 269-272. 269-272. Relación de lo lo sucedido sucedido en en el el armada armada de santa liga de los los 10 10 de de octubre octubre ReΙaci~n de de la la santa hasta los los 25 25 del del mismo: mismo: on on the the battle battleof ofLepanto, Lepanto, 3605, ι7-18. 17-18. Relación de lo lo sucedido sucedido en en el el consistorio consistorio que que Urbano Urbano VIII VIII tuvo tuvo con con los los ReΙaci~n de cardenales en en su su palacio palacio de de San San Pedro Pedro lunes lunes 88 de de marzo, marzo, 1632: 1632: on an altercation altercation between between Urban Urban VIII VIII and andCard. Card.Gaspar Gasparde de Borja, Borja, 3603, ι73-174. 173-174Relación de lo lo sucedido sucedido en en 1401es Ñapóles desde desde el el domingo domingo de de este este mes mes de de julio ReΙaci~n de hasta hoy sdbado sábado del del dicho mes mes (n.d.): (n.d.): on on an an uprising, uprising, 3558, ι69-17ο. 169-170. Relación de de los los duques, duques, marqueses, marqueses, y y condes condes que que hay hay en en Espana España (n.d.). (n.d.). ReΙaci~n 3604, 118-12X. 118-121. Relación de los pesos y medidas medidas de de diversos diversos lugares y reinos reinos (1587): (1587); 3604, ReΙaci~n 142-145. —; see see also also Pesos Pesos y medidas medidas .. .. .. —: Relaci~n Relación de tos los se'Fiores señores regentes sobre algunos capitulos capítulos de la bula In In Coena Coena Domini del del ititimo último de de agosto agosto 1568: 1568: on bull encroaches on whether the bull in Naples, Naples, 5384, 68-8 68-81. on royal jurisdiction in ι. Relación de todas audiencias, arzobispados, y obispados que hay hay en en las las Re~aci~n de todas audiencias, arzobispados, y obispados que Indias, y y del paraje paraje y parte en en que que esid está cada cada uno (n.d.) (n.d.):: by by Antonio Antonio Vázquez de de Espinosa, Espinosa, 3605, 41-44. Ν~zqυez Relación de todos todos los los mercedes mercedes que que Su Su Majestad Majestad tiene tiene de de renta renta en en estos estos R εlaci~n de reinos de de España, Nápoles y y Sicilia y Mi/df Milán. ... alcabalas y terΕsρaa, Idpoles . . dedealcabalas cias, subsidios subsidios y excusados yy almojarifazgos, almojarifazgos, salinas salinas y otras rentas rentas .. . . año de de 1518: 1578: 3684, 3604, 102-112. ao Relación de de todos todos tos los titulos títulos de de Espana España ezcepto excepto Portugal Portugal asi las casas casas ReΙaci~n asi de de las y linajes linajes que que son son como como de de las las rentas rentas que que tienen tienen y y adonde adonde tienen tienen sus sus estados [c. [c. 1593]: 1593]: 5370, 115-122. [Maria Ana Relación del del bautismo bautismo de de la serenissima serenissima infanta infanta de de Espana España [María ReΙaci~n vec Teresa de Austria?] Austria?] que que fue fue jueves jueves 77 de de octubre octubre [1634?] [1634?] m Ia real ^ Teresa en la capilla: 3603, 3603, 192. capilla: ReΙaci~n Relación del del buen buen suceso suceso que que han tenido tenido las las armas armas de de Su SuMagestad Magestad sobre sobre Barcelona (on (on September 4, 1642): 3558, 196-197. 4, 1642):

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Relación del dia día 13 13 de de „gοs agostoο de 1659, en que que se se viero'n vieron Luis [M€ndez] [Méndez] Rekzci ~n del 'le 1659, de y Cardenal Cardenal Μ'ιzarinο Mazarino en en la la Isla Isla de de los los Faisanes Faisanes coffin confín de de de Haro y Francia la prouinciz provincia de de Gui$zcoa: Guipúzcoa: 3603, 3603, 46-47. Frι izcia por la Relación dei del esρ&i~s: espíritu: by by Jer~nimο Jerónimo Gracián de la la Madre Madre de de Dios, Dios, 3502. Re~aci~n Graci~n de Relación dei del fe?icisimo felicísimo y y deseado deseado parto de de la la reina reina nuestra nuestra se'iiora señora do#ia doña ReΙaci~n Mariana de Α Austria: regocijos yy fiestas pestas hechas hechas en en esta esta Corte, Corte, hasta hasta us$ria; regocijos Μανiαnα el dia día dei del bautismo: bautismo: refers refers to to Charles Charles ΙΙ, II, born born November November 11, 1661, ii, 1661, 3608, Χ65 Ï65-169. 169. Relación dei del juramento del príncipe ReΙaci~n juramento dei principe Felipe Felipe IV: IV: description of the ceremony -

when accepted him legitimate heir to the the throne throne when the court accepted him as the legitimate on January 13, 13, 1608, 1608, 3559, 3559, 22-27. on January 22-27. Relación del negocio negocio del del Convento Convento de de San San Francisco Francisco y dei del Colegio Colegio de de la la ReΙaci~n dei Compañía de Jesús con los padres Carmelitas Calzados [c. 1620]: 1620]: Compai'iia de Jesi2s con los padres Carmelitas Calzados [c. on a dispute dispute over over the thelocation location of ofaanew newCarmelite Carmelite monastery monastery in in on Murcia, 3603, 184-185. Relación dei del progreso progreso que que Su Su Alteza Alteza [Don [Don John John of of Austria] Austria] hizo hizo con con el el ReΙaci~n ejército desde ititimo último de de jnlio julio hasta hasta tres tres de de agosto agosto 1578: 1578: 3559, 3559, 6-9. ejrcito desde 6 9. Relación del viaje que que ha hecho hecho Jaime Losada a Constantinopla Constantinopla por orden orden Relaci ~n del del duque duque de de Terranova Terranova [c. 1577]: by Jaime Losada, Losada, 3559, 3559, 66-70. [c. 1577]: by Jaime Relación que haze haze don don Octavio Octavio de de Aragón duque de de Osuna Osuna mi ReΙaci~n puntual ρ ntυaΙ que Α rag~n al duque señor de la presa de de la galera galera "Capitana "Capitana de de Santa (1619): seflor de SantaMaura" laura" (1619): 121-125. 3559, 62-65; 5254, 121-125. Relación sumaria de de lo lo que que Su Su Majestad Majestad ha ha menester menester en en cada cada un un ai?o año ReΙaci~n sumaria para las las provisiones provisiones de de su su real real servicio, servicio, dentro dentro y y fuera del del reino, reino, a a para más oo menos, menos, y y dei del estado estado de de la la hacienda hacienda (n.d.): (n.d.): 3604, 3604, 124-128. poco inds Relación sumaria sumaria dei del señor regente Ramundetta y y seflor señor regente regente Carbanel Carhanel Re~aci~n 36'1407 regente de las las cosas cosas de de la la jurisdicci~n jurisdicción de de Sicilia Sicilia (n.d.) (n.d.):: 5383, 5383, 49-52. Relación sustancial sacada sacada de de diversos diversos papeles de de hombres hombres curiosos curiosos acerca acerca Relaci~n sustancial οres conde la salida salida y y despedida despedida de de los los se señores conde de de Lemos Lemos y y cardenal cardenal de de Lerma [~618]: [16x8]: on on the the fall fall of ofFrancisco Francisco Sandoval Sandoval yy Rojas, Rojas, Duke Duke of of 3603, 231-234. Lerma, 3603, Relación verdadera de de la la derrota derrota que que ha ha hecho hecho el el Marque's Marqués de de Mortara Mortara Reσaci~n verdadera con ejército francés Villanoveta a 25 25 de de julio desk deste alio año de de con el eje'rcito franc~s junto aa Villanoveta (ms. copy copy of of aaprinted printedbook), book), 3603, 41-42. 1643: (ms. Relación verdadera de de las las /estas pestas que que se se hicieron hicieron a a las las velaciones velaciones del del rey rey Relaci ~n verdadera nuestro señor en en la la villa villa de de Navaicarnero Navalcarnero .. .. .. (Madrid, (Madrid, 1649): 1649); (ms. (ms. nuestro selior copy of aa printed printed book), book), 3561, 255-267. copy of 3561, 255-267. Relación: see also also Breve reiaci~n; relación: Breve Breve y curiosa curiosa relaci~n; relación: Copia Copia de de la Relaci ~n: see relación: Discurso y y reiaci~n; relación: Sumaria Sumaria υe~aci~n. relación. relaci~n; Discurso del viaje viaje que que Ambrosio Ambrosio de de Morales, Morales, chronista chronista de Su Su Majestad, Majestad, Relaciones del -

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hizo ρου por su mandado el a añoο de 1572: 1572: Galicia Ambrosio Galicia y Asturias: by Ambrosio de Morales, Morales, 3δ97. 3597. Relatio de de sanctitate sanctitate vitae et miraculis miraculis venerabilis Servi Dei Dei Francisci Francisci ~iae et υeπerabiΙis Servi Borgiae: by by three three auditors auditors of of the the Rota, Rota, 2757. ToletanacanonizaYionis canonizationis Servi Servi Dei Dei luliano luliano a a Sancto Sancto Αυg'stinο: Angustino: Relatio Toletana by three auditors auditors of of the the Rota, Rota, 2758. by three Relatio de de sanctitate sanctitate et et miraculis miraculis quibus quibus in in vita vita etet post post obitum obitum claruit claruit venerabilis vir frater Thomas a Villanova: by three auditors of the the venerabilis Thomas a Vitlanova: by three auditors of Rota, 2767. Relatio de de sanctitate sanctitate vitae vitae et et miraculis miraculis Servi Servi Dei Dei F. F. Paschalis Paschalis Baylon: Bay Ion: Retatio by three auditors auditors of of the the Rota, Rota, 2768. by three Relatio de de sanctitate sanctitate vitae vitae et et miraculis miraculis Beatae Beatae Elizabethae Elizabethae Reginae Reginae Ports' Portu-galliae: by three three auditors auditors of of the the Rota, Rota, 2770; 2771; 2772. 2772. gaΥiae: by 2770; 2771; Relatio super sanctitate et miraculis miracutis p. Francisci Xaverii: by three auditors of the Rota, Rota, 2774. of Relatio Hispaniarum Canonizationis Servi Servi Dei Dei Isidori Agricolae Oppidi Oppidi Relatio Canonizationis Ιsidοr~~Agricolae de Madrid: Madrid: by three auditors auditors of of the the Rota, Rota, 2776. de by three de vita vita /rains fratris Nicolai NicolaiFactoris FactorisVaZent&&i Valentini Ordinis Minorum de de Relatio de Ordinis Minorum Observantia: by by three three auditors auditors of of the the Rota, Rota, 2781. Obseruantia: Relatio de sanctitate vitae et et miracutis miraculis Servi Dei Dei f. Petri Regolati: by by three three f. Petri auditors Rota, 2785. auditors of of the Rota, Relatio super super vita vita et et miracutis miraculis b.p. b.p. Ignatii Ignatii Societatis Societatis lesu lesufundatoris: fundatoris: Retatio by three three auditors auditors of of the the Rota, Rota, 2786. by Relatio Hispaniarum ses' seu Ordinis Ordinis Discalceatorum Discalceatorum Β. B. Iariae Mariae de de Monte Monte Relatio Carmelo Canonizationis b. Virginis Virginis Teresiae Teresiae de lesu: Jesu: by three auditors of Rota, 2791. of the Rota, Relation battle at at Asti Asti(n.d.): (n.d.): by bythe thegovernor governorofofMilan, Milan, 3558, Relation of of aa battle 181-182. Relation of the meeting meeting on restoring restoring Ferrara Ferrara to tothe theHoly HolySee, See,convoked convoked Clement VIII VIII atatMontecavallo Montecavallo on on November November 2, by Clement 2, 1597: 2824, 161-163. — idem, November November 5, 1597: 2824, 165-166. 5, 1597: — idem, November November 20, 1597; 2824, 206. 20, 1597: — idem, December December 7, 1597: 2824, 234-237. 7, 1597: Relation of preparations for for war made made by by Clement Clement VIII VIII against against Relation of the preparations Ferrara, up to to November November 5, 1597, 167. Ferrara, 1597, 2824, 5, Relation of of court appointments appointments and and general general events events in inSpain Spain(October (October Relation 27, 1642): 1642): 3558, 189-190. Relazione di di Venezia: Venezia: by Alonso Alonso de de la Cueva Cueva (Italian (Italian tr. tr. from fromSpanish), Spanish), 5121, 153-214; 5127, 5264, 238-291; 5419, 1-83: 5450, x-79. 5450, 5121, 55-94: 5264, Ι-83; Ι-79. 55-94;

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Remediador-, interlude interlude by Luis Luis Quifiones Quiñones de de Benavente, Benavente, 3487, M87, 49-54. 49-54. El Remediador: Renzi, Mateo: Mateo; El privado perfecto perfecto (1622), 3568. Renzi, E? privado El Reρe~υitiο Repetunio (pseudonym) (pseudonym):: Comento Comento de — aal~~soneto "Que "Que pars est Sehr, Selim, jκιrs est Salamelech," 3602, 3602, xo-19. Salarelech," 10-19. Luis de, de, governor governor of of Milan: Milan: two Card.Antonio Antonio two letters* letters totoCard. Requesens, Luis (Milan, May May 22, 1572 and September September 15, 15, 1573), 1573), 9928, 9920, 143Carafa (Milan, 22, 1572 144, 147-148. 147-148. 144, Resunta breve breve de de Zas las causas causas por por las las cuales cuales el el Erperador Emperador de deJapón Jαρ ~n ha Ιυ la cristianidad cristianidad de de su su reino reino y y derribado derribado todos todos bis los templos templos perseguido Ι' los religiosos que habia había eis en sus tierras tierras (Rome, (Rome, 1617): 1617): yy expelido a todos bos religioso que que era era ministro ministro y predicador predicador en en aquellos aquellos reinos," by "un religioso 3608, 176-180. Retes [?], [?], Juan Juan de: de; letter* to to Card. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa Carafa (Medina (Medina dei del Campo, Campo, November 9, 1587), 3620, 209-210. 209-210. 1587), 9, Retes, Pedro Pedro de: de: two two letters* to toCard. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa Carafa (Saragossa, (Saragossa, April 26, 26, 1577), 1577), 9920, 181-182, 193-194. December 21, 21, 1576 1576 and April 181-182, 193-194. Revenues: see Income. Revenues: see Income. Ribagorza, Ferdinand R.ibagorza, The Count of, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples: Naples: letter letter to him from Ferdinand V of Aragon Aragon (Burgos, (Burgos, May May 22, V of 22, 1508), 264:8, 2648, 64-66. —:: letter letter commenting commenting on on the the previous previous item, item, by by Lupercio Lupercio Leonardo Leonardo de Argensola Argensola (n.p., (n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 2648, 2648, 68-72. Ribera, Fernando Fernando de: de: description description of ofhis hisdiscussions discussions with withFrancisco Francisco Zúmel and the the nuncio nuncio on on the thecontroversy controversy between between Paul Paul V V and and Ζ~rnel and Venice authority, 2713, 121. Venice over over papal authority, Riccardi, Niccolb: Niccolò: autograph autograph sermons, sermons, panegyrics, panegyrics, and and notes notes in in Spanish, Spanish, 2942-2946. —: miscellaneous miscellaneous writings writings (letters, (letters, opinions, opinions, censures, censures, prayers, prayers, etc.), etc.), 2953. —; numerous numerous volumes volumes by him solely solely in Latin Latin are are ininthe thecollection; collection; by him see no. 59. see 59. —: opi opinion against the the admission admission of of Jesuits Jesuits and andDominicans Dominicans into into ni on against University of ofValladolid, Valladolid, 2952, 4-13 (two copies). copies). the University 4-13 (two —: opinion opinion on on whether whether the the Pope Pope or or the thelocal local chapter chapter should should make make certain ecclesiastical ecclesiastical appointments, appointments, 2952, 46-61. —: oration orationon onthe theoccasion occasion of of the the entry entryof of the theDuke Dukeof of Lerma Lerma into the University of Valladolid, Valladolid, 2952, 258-259. University of —: invective invective epistle epistle to to Lorenzo Lorenzo Guti€rrez Gutiérrez (n.p., (n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 2952, 2952, 262-265. letter to toPhilip PhilipIV IV(Rome, (Rome,July July1621), 1621), 2952, 268. —: letter —: essay, essay, ded. ded. to to Philip Philip III, III,on onthe theneed needfor foraaprince princetotofoster fosterpeace, peace, 2952, 276-279. -:







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Río, Felipe Felipe dei: del: list list of ofhis hisheretical hereticalcrimes crimes(1698) (1698),, 4531, 4531, item 7. item 7. Rfo, —: (Italian tr. of of the thesame), same), 4531, item 8. item 8. (Itahan tr. di un un gentilkuomo gentilhuomo spagnuolo spagnuolo ri€irato ritirato dalla dalla corte corte ad ad un ministro ministro Risposta di -:

del Consiglio Consiglio di Stato Stato de de Madrid: Madrid: by Antonio Antonio Homer Homem Peres Peres FerFerdel reira (Italian (Italian tr. tr. from from Portuguese), Portuguese), 5228. Rivadeneira, Pedro Pedro de: de: seven seven letters* in Itahan Italian to Card. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa (Madrid, January 1575 Toledo, June 8, 1577), 5728, 107-120. (Madrid, January 3, 1575 to Toledo, June 8, 1577), 3, Roca, Αndr~s Andrés de: de; letter letter to toCard. Card.Giulio Giulio Sacchetti Sacchetti (Madrid, (Madrid, May May 19, 19, 1626), 6113, 333-334333-334. Rocheport, the the Count Count of, of, ambassador ambassador of of France France at at the theSpanish SpanishCourt: Court: letters in in Spanish Spanish to to Card. Card. Giulio Giulio Sacchetti (Madrid, (Madrid, February three letters 27, 1626, 1626, June [1625?], June June 21, 1626), 6113, 280-282, 280-282, 322-324, June xi, Ii, [1625?], 345-347345-347. —; two twoletters lettersin inSpanish Spanish to to Philip Philip IV IV (n.p., n.d., and Madrid, Madrid, February 28, 1624), 6113, 387-390, 392-393. 387-390, 392-393. —: letter letterininSpanish Spanish to toGiulio Giulio Sacchetti Sacchetti (Madrid, (Madrid, December December 27, 1623), -: 0 2 -39 6113, 39 390-392. —; letter lettertotohim himfrom fromthe theCount-Duke Count-Dukeof of Olivares (El (El Pardo, February February -: 2, 1624), 6113, 393-395393-395. —; letter in in Spanish Spanish to to Innocenzo Innocenzo Massimi, Massimi, nuncio nuncio (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [July [July -: letter 1623]), 6127, 8. —; letter letter to tothe theCount-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares Olivares (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [October [October Ι623), 1623]), -: 6127, 32. —;: letter lettertotohim himfrom fromthe theCount-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares Olivares (n.p. (n.p.,, n.d. [October [October 1623]), 6127, 32-33. —; notice notice in in Spanish Spanish sent sent to toPhilip PhihpIV IVannouncing announcing that thatLouis Louis XIII XIII is withdrawing his troops troops from from Mansfeld (n.p. (n.p.,, n.d. [October [October 1623]), 1623]), 6127. 34-35. 34-356127, —: letter letterin inSpanish Spanish to Innocenzo Innocenzo Massimi, Massimi, nuncio (n.p., n.d. [November [November -: 1623]), 6127, 46. Rodriguez del Ρadr~n, Padrón, Juan: Juan; work work incorrectly incorrectly attributed to to him, him, 3578. Romance of Chivalry: Chivalry; see see Urrea, Urrea, Jer~nimο Jerónimo de. de. Romance Rome: of flood flood control control there by by Joseph Joseph Fortan, Fortan, 3560, 3560, 240-251. Rome: study study of letters* to Alonso Romero de deMorm.les, Morales, Gregorio: Gregorio: 27 27 letters* Alonso de de Ibarra Ibarra (Rome, (Rome, Romero 1642-1644), 3515, 151-213. —: seven seven letters* to to Alonso Alonso de de Ibarra Ibarra (Rome, (Rome, 1642), 1642), 3558, 228-229, -: -:


235-238. Royal Palaces of of Spain: Spain: prose prose description description and and architectural architectural plans plans of of Ryal Palaces them by by Juan Juan G~mez Gómez de de Mora, Mora, 4372. 4372. them

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Rueda. Bishop of of Aquila: letter* to Paul 1 V (Aquila, (Aquila, February February Rueda, Gonzalo de, Bishop 2, 1618), 16x8), 3558, 3558, 135. Ruffo, Teodoli Giovanni, Giovanni, Archbishop Archbishop of of Cosenza: Cosenza; brief him from from Ruffo, Teodoli brief to him Adrian VI (1522), 2103, 51-52. Adrian 11(1522), Ruiz de Alarcón, Juan: Don Domingo de de don don B?as, Blas, play, play, 3484. Ruiz de Αlarc~n, Juan: Don Domingo etters * Ruiz de Castro Castro y Fernando, Marquis Marquis of of Sarria: Sarria: two two lletters* Portugal, Fernando, Ruiz y Portugal, Giovanni Carafa, Carafa, Count Count of of Montoni Molitorio (Citone, (Gitone, August August 2, and to Giovanni Siena, September September 7, 7, 1556), 1556), 3620, 149-152. Siena, 149-152. —: two two letters* to to Card. Card. Carlo Carlo Carafa Carafa (Brussels, (Brussels, December December II, 11, 1557, 1557, Artamua [!], [!], October October 24, 24, 1558), 1558), 3620, 153-156. and Artamua —: letter* to to Paul Paul IIIV(Artamua (Artamua[!], [!],October October24, 24,1558), 1558), 3620, 157-158. -: letter* —: letter MarquisofofAytona Aytona(Venice, (Venice, April April 21, -: letter to to thethe Marquis 21, 1607), 3558, 123. 123. -:

Saavedra Fajardo, Fajardo, Diego Diego de: de: poetry, poetry, 3515, iS, 18, 22. 22. Saavedra Giulio, Card., [from the the CountCountSacchetti, Giulio, Card. ,nuncio nuncioto to Spain: Spain: letter letter to him [from Duke Olivares?] (Madrid, (Madrid, August August 2, 1626), 6113, 230-231. Duke of Chiares?] 230-231. —: 30 letters lettersto tohim himfrom fromthe theCount-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares Olivares (Madrid, (Madrid, April April -: 30 30, 1624 March 9, 1626), 6113, 231-232, 237-249, 25125130, 1624 to ti Monzón, Μοnz~n, March 231-232, 237-249, 9, 1626), 253, 280-289, 280-289, 292-293, 292-293, 311-312, 311-312, 315-317, 315-317. 326-368. 326-368. 253, —:: memorial memorial to him him on on the the Valtellina, Valtellina, from from the the Count-Duke Count-Duke of of OliOlivares (Madrid, (Madrid, December December 2, 2, 1625), 1625), 6113, 257-271. —: letter totohim himfrom fromthe theCount CountofofRocheport Rocheport(Madrid, (Madrid, February February -: letter 27, 1626), 6113, 280-282. 280-282. —: lettertotohim himfrom fromMartin MartíndedeAcosbegul Acosbeguí(n.p., (n.p.,September September24, 24,1624), 1624), -: letter 6113, 297-298. —: letter letterto tohim himfrom from the theMarquis Marquis of of El El Carpio Carpio (Barbastro, (Barbastro, February February -: 15, 1626), 1626), 6113, 306-307. 15, —:: letter lettertotohim himfrom fromAntonio AntoniodedeSalazar Salazar(Madrid, (Madrid,March March6,6,1626), 1626), 6113, 307-309307-309. —: two two letters letters to tohim himfrom fromCard. Card. Enrique Enrique de deGuzm Guzmán (Barbastro, ~n (Barbastro, February 15, 15, 1626 1626 and n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 6113, 6113, 309-3x1. February and n.p., 309-311. —; letter lettertotohim himfrom fromGabriel Gabrieldel delSantfsirno SantísimoSacramento Sacramento(Madrid, (Madrid, -: October 20, 20, 1625), 1625), 6113, 312-314. October —: four four letters letters to tohim himfrom from Juan Juande deCenca Cérica(n.p., (n.p.,October October 20, 1625 Madrid, January January 2, 1626), 6113, 314-315. 319-321, 324-325. 324-325to Madrid, 314-315, 319-321, —:letter lettertotohim himfrom fromthethe Count Rocheport(Madrid, (Madrid, June June -: Count of of Rocheport 11, [1625?]), [1625?]), 6113, 322-324. ΙΙ, 6113, 322-324. —; letter lettertotohim himfrom fromJuan JuandedeInsausti Insausti(Madrid, (Madrid,November November ι8, 18, 1625), 1625), -: 6113, 325-326. 6113, 325-326. :


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—: letterto tohim himfrom from Andrés Roca (Madrid, (Madrid, May May19, 19,1626), 1626), 6113, -: letter Αndr~s de Roca 333-334333-334. —: letter lettertotohim himfrom fromthe theCount CountofofRocheport Rocheport(Madrid, (Madrid, June June 21, -: 21, 1626), 6113, 345-347345-347. —: letterto tohim him from from Sancho Sancho dei del Emzén (Madrid, November November 5, 1625), -: letter Εmzn (Madrid, 5, 1625), 6113, 350. —; lettertotohim himfrom fromthe the Count Rocheport(Madrid, (Madrid,December December -: letter Count of of Rocheport 27, 1623), 6113, 390-39227, 390-392. —: lettertotohim himfrom fromGarciρ~rez Garcipérez de Araziel Araziel (Madrid, (Madrid, August August 4, 1624), -: letter 4, 1624), 6113, 357-358. —: two two letters letters to tohim himfrom fromthe theCount-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares Olivares (Aranjuez, (Aranjuez, April 18 and May 15, 1625), 6125, 61, 83-84. Aprii ι8 and May 15, 1625), 61, 83-84. —: see see also also Registro di brevi e lettere cοncernen~i concernenti Ιlan'ιλrnciatυr'ι nunciatura de Spagiza Spagna -:


di Μοis. Mons. S'zcchetti Sacchetti .. .. .. Sacrati, Francesco: Francesco: joint author author of of 2767, 2768, 2774, 2776, 2776, 2786, 2786, 2791. 2791. 2767, 2768, Salamanca, University and Spanish Spanish supporting supporting Salamanca, University of; of: testimonial testimonial in Latin and the doctrine doctrine of of the the Immaculate ImmaculateConception Conception (May (May 12, x6i8),, 3603, 86. 12, ι618) —: another another copy copy in inSpanish, Spanish, 3603, 88. Salazar, Antonio to Card. Card.Giulio Giulio Sacchetti Sacchetti (Madrid, (Madrid, March March Salazar, Antonio de: de: letter to 6, 1626), 1626), 6113, 307-309307-309. Salazar, Femando: Fernando: ΑΙegζwi Alegación y discurso discurso teο~~gicο teológico y y juridico jurídico en en que que se se Salazar, ~n y que la de Jos los sellos sellos y y ce'dυk cédula de de reserυ'zci reservación y tasaci~n tasación de de prueba que lα ley de ~n y los pliegos pliegos sellados sellados comprende comprende a a los los tribunales tribunales eclesidsticos eclesiásticos (n.d.), 3560, 25-49. Domingo de: de: La real real hacieida hacienda de de S'ti Su Majestad. Majestad. Rel Relación Salcedo, Domingo αci~n del de ella, ella, de de su su empeiio empeño yy en en que' qué consiste, consiste, criados criados que que le le sirven sirven estado de y en qué géneros, con lo gastado en los estados de Flandes de cinquenta gιneros, con Flandes y años de esta esta parte parte (n.d.), (n.d.), 3684, 3604, 130-133. alios de Salcedo, [fugo íñigo de: de: signer signer of notices of the Inquisition, Inquisition, 1132, 1-4. Salcedo, I-4. Salón, Miguel: censure of of Concordia by Luis Luis de de Molina, Molina, 1083, 693-833. Sal~n, Miguel: Salviati Colonna, Vittoria, Vittoria, Princess Princessof ofCarbognano: Carbognano: letter* letter* to to her her from from Salati Colonna, Philip V (Vienna, February 13, 1726), 10049, 17-18. Philip 1 (Vienna, February 13, 1726), Salzedo, Jerónimo de: two two letters* to to Paul PaulVV(Burgos, (Burgos,September September 19, 19, Salzedo, Jer~nimο de: 1610 and and n.p., n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 2064, 2064, 40-42. '6'0 San ... ...[?], [?],Card.: Card.: letter lettertotohim himfrom fromFemando FernandoAlvarez AlvarezdedeToledo, Toledo, San (near Valmontone, Valmontone, September September21, 21,1556), Duke of Alba (near 1556), 5339, 203-204. San Felice, Juan JuanVincencio: Vincencio: Discurso Discurso y relaci~n relación sobre la empresa empresa de Baia Bala de Salvador del del Brasil, Brasil, 3579. 3579. de San Salvador Sánchez de de Arévalo, apellatione a a sententia sententia Romani Romani Pon Pon-Snchez Αrvalο, Rodrigo: De apellatione tificis non informati informati a seipsum seipsum bene bene informandum informandum .. ...,., 1487, 1487, 79-88. ti/Icis non -:

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—: Deseptem septemquaestionibus quaestionihuscirca circaconuocationem convocationem etetcongregationem congregationem gege-: De neralis synodi . . . . . .,, 1481, 1487, 89-105. neralis —: De remediis remediis afflictae Ecclesiae .... ..,, 1487, 1487, 107-151. aic~ae Ecctesiae -: De —: De monarchia, 1598. -: De monarchia, 1598. —: Clip eus monarchiae monarchiae ecclesiae, ecclesiae, 1590. 1590. Clipeus Sande, Ilari Alvaro de: de: letter letter to toFrancisco Francisco Bobadilla Bobadilla de de Mendoza, Mendoza, Card. Card, of of Burgos (Pienza, June June6,6,1557) 1557),, 3620, 3620, 147-148 (incomplete). 147-148 (incomplete). Burgos (Pienza, Sandoval, Baltasar Baltasar de, de, Card.-Archbishop Card.-Archbishop of of Toledo: Toledo: letter to to him him from from Philip IV (El (El Pardo, Pardo, January January28, 28,1657), 1657), 3603, 121-122. 121-122. Philip IV —: letter letter to tounknown unknown (n.p., (n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 3603, 3603, Ι2 123.-126. »-Ι26. Sandoval y Francisco de, Duke of of Lerma: Lerma: oration oration by by Νiccol~~ Niccolò Rojas, Francisco de, Duke y Rojas, Riccardi University of of VallaVallaRiccarclion on the the occasion occasionof ofhis his entry entry into the University dolid (n.d.), 2952, 2952, 258-259. 258-259. dolid (n.d.), —: letter* letter* to to the thenuncio nuncio(Empudia (Empudia [!], [!], January January xi, 11,1606), 1606), 3603, ι~ 16.. -: —: account account of of his his entry entryinto intoMadrid Madrid (n.d.), (n.d.), 3603, 3603, 54-55. 54-55. -—: account account of ofhis his fall fallfrom from power power [16'8], [16x8], 3603, 3603, 231-234. Santa Anna, Anna, Diogo Diogo de: Paul Ν V (Goa, (Goa, May May 15, 15, 1607), 1607), de: letter letter in in Latin to Paul 2064, 48-49. Santa Clara, the the Convent Convent of: of: see see Margaret, Margaret, Infanta Infanta ofofSpain. Spain. Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, the Marquis Marquis of: of: letter to to Philip Philip IV IV(Casale (Casale-Monferrato, Santa Cruz, -Monferrato, October 28, 28, 1630), 1630), 6126, 310-312. Hospital of, of, in Rome: Rome: statutes statutes Santiago and Saint Ildefonso, Church and Hospital Spanish, 3556, ι-13. 1-13. in Spanish, —: brief brief limiting limiting the the number number of of clerics clerics attached attached to to the the church church and and -: hospital to forty forty (1585), (1585), 3556, ΙI-IV. hospital -IV. Santísimo Sacramento, Sacramento, Gabriel Gabriel de: de: see see Gabriel Gabriel dei del Santisimo Santísimo Sacramento. Santisimo Savoy,the theDuke Dukeof: of:agreement agreementwith withPhilip PhilipIV IVon onthe thepassage passageofofSpanish Spanish Sally, to Monferrato [c. 1629], 1629], 3558, 60 (incomplete). (incomplete). troops through Savoy to Emanuele Filiberto Filiberto of: of: letter* to to Paul Paul V V (Aranjuez, (Aranjuez, May May ιι, 11, Savoy, Emanuele 1618), 3603, 3603, 89. Savoy: see see Genoa. Genoa. Savoy: Schinchinelli, Olivierio, Olivierio, Count: Count: letter letter to to him himfrom from Francisco Francisco de de Melo Melo Schinchinefli, (Brussels, May 25, 25, 1635), 1635), 3608, 145. (Brussels, Sebastian, King meeting with with Phihp Philip II II Sebastian, King of of Portugal: Portugal: account account of of his his meeting at the the Monastery Monastery of of Nuestra Nuestra Sefiora Señora de de Guadalupe Guadalupe (1576), (1576), 3603, 44-4544-45. —: four four letters* in in Portuguese Portuguese to to Pius Pius VV(Lisbon, (Lisbon, February February 6,6, ι566 1566 May 20, 7-ι~ . to May 20, 1568), 3613, 7-16. —; five five letters* in in Portuguese Portuguese totoMicheli Micheli Bonelli, Bonelli, Card. Card. Alessandrino Alessandrino (Almeirim, January January 31 31 to to Lisbon, Lisbon, July July ι3, 13, 1572), 1572), 3613, 17-26. -:

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—:: letter* letter*ininPortuguese Portugueseto toPius PiusIV IV(Lisbon, (Lisbon,January January26, 26,1563) 1563),, 3613, 3613, 41-42. —: letter* letter* ininPortuguese PortuguesetotoAlfonso AlfonsoMoor Moor (Lisbon, (Lisbon, May May 25, 25,1558), 1558), 3618, 14.

1560) , 9920, —: letter* 20, 1560), —; letter*in inPortuguese Portuguese to to Pius Pius IV IV(Lisbon, (Lisbon, February February 20, 9920, 203-204. 1564), 9920, 9920, 20, 1564), —:: letter* letter* in inPortuguese Portuguese to to Pius PiusIV IV(Lisbon, (Lisbon, October October 20, 2X 5. 215. Segura, Alonso Alonso de: de: letter* [to [to Card. Card. Francesco Francesco Barberini?] Barberini?] (Granada, (Granada, May 14, 1671), May 1671), 3603, 142. Sentimie ~οs y quejas la correspondencia Sentimientos quejas del Rey de de Espalia España en en la correspondencia del del Παρα Papa Urbano VIII, de Su Santidad Santidad en el estado de de las las cosas jυsti/icaci~n de Urbano Vili, y justificación el estado cosas de Roma 102-110. de Roma (1632): 2648, 102-xio. Serm ~n .... . . el dia Isabel recibió recibi~~la la rosa rosa de oro oro que Clemente Sermón día que la infanta Isabel VIII la la enuiY envió [March [March 5, 1595]: 1595]: by by Francisco Francisco Terrones Terrones Aguilar Aguilar dei Cano, del Cano, 3518, 3518, 3-28. Sermones que la monarquia que se se han de predicar predicar esta Cuaresma Cuaresma de de 1666 1666 aa la monarquía 3603, de Espalia España en en esta esta corte: corte: anon. anon, satire satire against against the thecourtiers, courtiers, 3603, 172. Sermons: by by various various Spanish authors of the Sermons: Spanish authors the sixteenth sixteenth century, century,3143. 3743. —: by byGudiel, Gudiel, 3414. 3474. ~n. —: see see Alvarez, Alvarez, Dami Damián. Sessa, the the Duke Duke of: of: letter letter to tohim himfrom fromCharles Charles Ν V (n.p., (n.p., rid. n.d. [1522?]), [1522?]), 2103, 107. σrdoba, Gonzalo, —:: see seealso alsoFernYnclez Fernández de C Cordoba, Gonzalo, Duke of Sessa; and Foich Folch Cardona, Antonio, Antonio, Duke Duke of Sessa. y Sessa. y Cardona, Seville, letter* in in Latin Latin from from the city city to to Pius Pius Ν V (Seville, (Seville, March March 15, 15, 1566), 3638, '18. 118. Count of of Santa Santa Fiora: Fiora: four four sonnets sonnetsded. ded. to to him him by by Juan Sforza, Mario, Mario, Count 200-201. de la Vega, de Vega, governor governor of of Civitefla, Civitella, 5040, 5040, 200-201. printrata entre el prínShirley, Anthony: Discurso Shirley, Discurso sobre el casamiento que se trata entre el la infanta cipe de de Gales Gales y la infanta de de Espana, España, 3453. 3453. Sicily: see see Albuquerque, Albuquerque, the the Duke of; Sicily: of; Savoy, Savoy, Emanuele Emanuele Filiberto Filiberto of; of; SuUrezde de Figueroa, Figueroa, Lorenzo, Lorenzo, Duke Duke of Suárez of Feria. Feria. by Luis Concordia by Sierra, Bishop-elect of of Plasencia: Plasencia: censure censure of of Concordia Luis Sierra, Dr., Bishop-elect 428-437 (in (in Spanish; de Molina, Molina, 1083, 428-437 Spanish; Latin tr., tr.,438-446). 438-446). 3487, Ι-48. Sigler de Huerta, play, 3487, Sigler Huerta, Antonio: Antonio: Las doncellas doncellas de de Madrid, Madrid, play, 1-48. 3491. —: Competidores Competidores y y amigos, play, 3491. 3494. —:: Νο No hay hay bien bien sin sin ajeno ajeno dano daño, play, play, 3494. -:



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Silva, Diego de: poem Silva, Diego de: poem on Card. Card. Francesco Francesco Barberini, Barberini, 315, 3515, 84-94. 84-94. Silva, Juan de, Silva, de, Count Count of of Cifuentes: three three letters* letters* to to Card. Card. Gian Gian Pietro an Carafa (Toledo, Carafa (Toledo, March March ι~, 16, 1539 1539 and d April April 30, 1546; 1546; Brussels, Brussels, June Io, 1549), 10, 1549), 5697, 285-287, 291-292, 300-301. υzmn, Diego Silva y G Guzmán, Diego de: request request to to Card. Card. Francesco Francesco Barberini that the administration administration of of his his ecclesiastical ecclesiastical income income be transfered transfered from deceased father, father, the Duke Pastrana, to his his mother, mother, the Princess his deceased Duke of of Pastrana, of Melito Melito (Madrid, (Madrid, January January 2, 1627), 6126, Ι-2. 1-2. Sim~n, Francisco on his his veneration by the Simón, Francisco Jer~~mo: Jerónimo: anon. anon, discourse discourse on veneration by the inhabitants of of Valencia, Valencia, 3605, 105-121. Sin peligros peligros no no hay hay /ineΖ's: finezas-, alternate alternate title title of of Amor Amor no no teme teme peligros, peligros, which see. see. Sixtus V, Sixtus V, Pope: Pope: work work ded. ded. to to him, him, 398. Slavazati, Vicente: Slavazati, Vicente: Epitome del del o/icio oficio y aυtοrid'd autoridad dei del legado legado [c. [c. 1626 1626], ], 3466. Soares, Christoval: Soares, Christoval: five five letters in Portuguese Portuguese in the name name of of Philip IV, ?hihp IV, to the the governors governors and and the theCollector Collector of of Portugal Portugal(Madrid, (Madrid,March March1627), 1627), 6126, 30-31. Sobre los los derechos derechos y razones razones que que tiene tiene Su Majestad Majestad para conocer en las las para conocer causas eclesidsticas via de causas eclesiásticas por por via de fuerza (n.d.): (n.d.): 2648, 2648, 269-293. 269-293. Solá, Mateo: letter* to Card. Card. Scipione Borghese (Madrid, (Madrid, May 12, 1618), SοΙ~, Mateo: 12, 16ι8), 3603, 90. —: notice notice of of recent recentnews news in inSpain Spain(Madrid, (Madrid, May May 12, 12, x6i8), 16 1 8), 3603, 3603, 91. 91. Soils Foich Solís Folch de de Cardona, Cardona, Francisco Francisco de, de, Card. Card.:: letter* him from from Carlo Carlo letter* to him Maria Colonna Colonna di di Sciarra Sciarra Barberini Barberini (Rome, (Rome, February February 1772), 1772), 10049, 30. Soria y Quifiones, Quiñones, Juan: Juan: Flor Flor de de conceptos conceptos a a la la Purissima Purissima Cοnceρci~n Concepción de Nuestra Nuestra Se Señora, 3457. οra, 3451. Soto, Baltasar Baltasar de: de: letter* letter* to to Card. Card. Cario Carlo Carafa Carafa (Valladolid, (Valladolid, October October 13, 1558), 13, 1558), 9920, 83-84. Sotomayor, Antonio Antonio de: de: letter letter to toCesare Cesare Monti Monti (Madrid, (Madrid, December December 9, 9, 1629), 6126, 238. Sousa de Macedo, Antonio: Carta que aa un selior señor de Corte de Αnt~niο: Carla de la Corte de Inglaterra Inglaterra escribió ... .. . (ms. copy copy of of aa printed printed book book of of1641), 1641), 3511. escribi~~ 3511. Souza Coutinho, Coutinho, Francisco Francisco de: de: decree decree ordering ordering Portuguese Portuguese subjects subjects to return return to to Portugal Portugal (Rome, (Rome, August August 20, 20, 1657), 1657), 3558, 3558, 90. 90. Spain: requirements of signing aa peace peace treaty treaty Spain: its its requirements of Portugal Portugal prior prior to signing 3515, 147-148. (n.d.), 3515, —: note note on onthe thepolitical politicaldifficulties difficulties between between this this country, country, France, France, and the Holy Holy See See (n.d.), (n.d.), 3558, 3558, 219-221 and the 219-221 (incomplete). (incomplete). -:


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—: proposal proposal for for aa peace peace settlement settlement with Portugal, made made by the the English English 3603, 193-194. ambassador in 1664, ambassador 1664, ΜοntaΙbn, the —: on on the thewar warwith withPortugal, Portugal, see see also also Montalbán, theMarquis Marquis of. of. Spoils: anon, anon. legal legalstudy study on on the right of Spoils: of the the Apostolic Apostohc Camera Camera to the the spoils of Tomás Τοm~s de Borja, spoils Borja, Archbishop Archbishop of Saragossa Saragossa (n.d.), (n.d.), 6113, 6113, -:


395-483. 395-483Lo que Su San—: see see Jurisdiction, Jurisdiction, ecclesiastical, ecclesiastical, in in Naples; Naples; see see also also Lo Santidad dijo 11ciucici dijo .. .. . Statutos da Provincia Provincia de SanYa Santa Maria de de Arrabida: Arrabida: 3498. 3498. letter* to Paul Sυ~rez, Francisco: 3603, 74. Suárez, Francisco: letter* Paul Ν V (Lisbon, (Lisbon, June June 25, 25, 1613), 1613), 3603, 74. letter* to Paul V Su~rez de Figueroa, G ~mez, Duke of Feria: letter* Ν (Valencia, Suárez Gómez, (Valencia, May 22, 1618), May 1618), 3603, ioo. 100. Su~rez de Suárez de Figueroa, Figueroa, Lorenzo, Lorenzo, Duke Duke of of Feria, Feria, Viceroy Viceroy of of Sicily: Sicily: treatise treatise on the history 126-145; on history of of the the monarchy monarchy of of Sicily Sicily [[1606]: 3369, 126-145; ι ~o~]: 3369, 135-143; 3ι61, 2 10 3559, 10 -Ι~; 3560, 3558, 2-10; 3559, 10-16; 3560, 135-143; 3561, 39-57. 39-57. Succession,papal: papal:anon, anon.letter letierto to an an unnamed card., stating why the Succession, unnamed card., the proposed resolution resolution to to name aa pope's proposed pope's successor successor during during his his lifetime lifetime should be rejected should rejected (Madrid, (Madrid, September September ι, 1, 16ι7), 1617), 3558, 3558, ιι~-ιι8. X16-X18. Succession, royal, royal, in Portugal Succession, Portugal(1579-80) (1579-80):: excerpts excerpts from from unspecified unspecified publications, 2854, 551-567. de 1630 1630 don don Fadrique Fadrique de de Toledo Toledo Sucesos de la la armada armada real realque llevó lleν ~~este año 'rno de Βertr~n, 3468. Osorio: by Osorio: by Juan Juan L~ρez López Bertrán, 3468. de ViΙΙayΖ ρον querer Sufrir mds más por querer mds, más, play play by by Jer~nιmo Jerónimo de Villayzánn y y GarcYs, Garcés, 3418. 3478. ~elaci~n de lo que ha pasado acerca Sumaria relación ha pasado acerca del breve breve que Esteban Coello, Coello, Provincial de de España, Esp'rna,alcanzó aΙcanz~~del Papa Gregorio XIII en las Provincial del Papa Gregorio XIII las cosas cosas tocantes aa la la elecci~n elección de provinciales y provisión grados y prediy predip υουisi~n de grados 3558, 171. 171. provincia ((July July 22, caciones generales generales en caciones en la la dicha provincia 22, 1580), 1580), 3558, del dudula muerte del Sumario de algunas algunas causas causas que que se han han de advertir advertir sobre sobre la 3603, que de Guisa [Henry of of Lorraine] Lorraine] (Buis, (Blois,December December23, 23,1588): 1588): 3603, 175-176. 175-176ha de de para probar Sumario de de diversas diversas historias historias para probar que que el el rey de de Espana España ha preceder al de Francia preceder Francia (1564): (1564): by Agostino Agostino di di Cravaliz, Cravaliz, 3561. 3561. Switzerland: letter letter in in Latin from Switzerland: from Philip Philip ΙΙ II to to the theSwiss Swiss Confederation Confederation (Hampton Court, (Hampton Court, April April 14, 14, 1555), 1555), 6509, 9. 9. -


Tablets, lead: Tablets, lead: see see Books, Books, lead. lead. Tabulas toletanas: toletanas: 303, 303, 18-67. Tamayo de Vargas, Vargas, TomYs: Tomás: Elogia Elogia scriptorum scriptorum illustrium Carpetanorum; Carpetanorum',

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excerpt, being life and and works works of of Juan Juande deMariana, Mariana, 674, Ι-13. 1-13. excerpt, being the life —: Junta mayor que Εsρaι España visto en la lengua casieΥana castellana a ha υisιο Jυ ~a de libros la mayor hasta 1624, 1624, 3177. 3177. hask 478, 674, 3468, —:: mss. mss. from from his his library: library: 478, 3468, 3578, 3578, 3581, 3581, 3584, 3584, 3597. 3597. Tarragona: account unnamed captain captain of of aa Spanish Spanish galley galley of of aa Tarragona: account by by an unnamed naval attack on on this thiscity city[1640's], [1640's], 3608, 173. naval ΤΠez-Gir~n, the Prince Prince of: of: three three letters* to to him him from from Pedro Pedro Téllez-Girón, Tarsia, the Duke of Osuna (Barcelona, (Barcelona, August 28 28 and and October October 19, ig, 1620 1620; Madrid, Madrid, 10, 1621), 1621), 3558, 47, 49, 51. 51. February io, 47, 49, —:: letter* letter* to to him him from from the theDuchess Duchess of of Osuna Osuna (Madrid, (Madrid, February February 17, 17, 3603, 7. 1622), 3603. —: letter to tohim him from from Beltrán de la la Cueva Cueva y y Castilla, of AlbuAlbuCastilla, Duke of ΒeΙtrn de -: letter 3603, 8. querque (Rome, (Rome, September September io, 10, 1620), 1620), 3603, 8. querque Card.:: see see Carafa, Carata, Gian Gian Pietro, Pietro, Card. Card. Teatino, Card. Téllez, Gabriel: Gabriel: Del enemigo enemigo el el primer primer consejo, consejo, play, play, 3477. T€]lez, —: Amor Amor no no teme teme pdigros, peligros, play, play, 3493. letter to him Téllez-Girón, Pedro, Duke Duke of of Osuna, Osuna, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples: Naples: letter him Πez-Gir~n, Pedro, from Philip ΙΙ II (San (San Lorenzo Lorenzo del del Escorial, Escorial, September September ι8, 18, 1584), 1584), from Philip 5384, 249-250. Téllez-Girón Grande, Pedro, Duke of of Osuna, Osuna, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples: Naples: 1Ιez·-Gir~n elel Grande, Pedro, Duke letters* three to the the Prince Prince of of Tarsia Tarsia (Barcelona, (Barcelona, August August 28 28 and and to October 19, 19, 1620; 1620; Madrid, Madrid, February February io, 10, 1621), 1621), 3558, 49-51. October —: two two letters letterstotothe the CollateralCouncil CouncilofofNaples Naples(n.p., (n.p.,September September Collateral 18, and and October October 3, 1619), 3558, 95-98; 5242, 119-121. 1619), ι8, 3, —: relation relation sent sent to to him him by byOctavio Octavio de de Aragón on the the capture capture of of the the Αrag~n on Turkish galley "Capitana de Santa Maura" (n.p., n.d. [1619?]), Turkish galley "Capitana de Santa laura" (n.p., n.d. [1619?]), 3559, 62-65; 62-65; 5242, 5242, 121-125. 3559, —: open open letter letter to toOctavio Octavio de de Aragón, challenging him duel for for Αrag~n, challenging him to to a duel having his men, men, leaving leaving them of his them in having sailed sailed without without him him and 200 of France without clothes clothes and and other othereffects effects (n.p., (n.p., n.d.), n.d.), 3603, 3603, 127-128. —: how how he he restored restored order order after after aa rumor rumor spread spread that thatthe theInquisition Inquisition was be established estabhshed in Naples Naples (n.d. (n.d. [[16x8?]), 3603, 168-169. ι~ι8?]), 3603, was to be —: two two anOn, anon, letters letters on on his hisdeparture departurefrom fromNaples Naples (Rome, (Rome, October October 7 and and December December 8, 8, 1620), 1620), 5242, 125-129. Téllez-Girón, Gaspar, Duke Duke of of Osuna: Osuna: memorial memorial to Mariana Mariana of of Austria, Austria, Τ€Πez-Gir~n, Gaspar, Queen Regent, restored to the the position position of of Queen Regent, requesting requestingthat that he he be restored Captain General of Army (n.d.), (n.d.), 3603, 3603, 75-78. Captain General of the Army Tello de Meneses, Meneses, Joño: letter* in in Portuguese Portuguese to toMicheli Micheli Bonelli, Bonelli, Card. Card. TeHo de Jοο: letter* Alessandrino (Rome, (Rome, July ii, 11,1572), 1572), 3638, ΙΙΙ 111-112. -112. Temiño, El licenciado: licenciado: four four letters* to to Card. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa Carafa (Madrid, (Madrid, Temifio, El -:







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November 15, 15, 1575, 1575, December December24, 24,1576, 1576,April April30 30 and and June 28, November 28, 1577), 9920, 177-178, 177-178, 183-184, 195-196, 201-202. 183-184, 195-196, 201-202. letter* to Tendilla, The The Count Count of: of; letter* to Card. Card. Carlo Carlo Carafa Carata (Viterbo, (Viterbo, May May II, 1560), 11, 1560), 3620, 166-167. Terranova, the the Duke Αrag~n y Mendoza, Mendoza, Diego Diego de, de, Duke Duke of Terranova, Duke of: of: see see Aragon of Αrag~n y Mendoza, Mendoza,Juan Juan de, de, Duke of Terranova; Aragón of Terranova. Terranova. Terrones Aguilar dei ~n .... . . el dici la infanta Terrones del Cano, Cano, Francisco: Francisco: Seυm Sermón día que la infanta VIII la νi~~[March υecibi~~la Isabel recibió la rosa rosa de de oro oro que que Clemente Clemente Vili la en envió [March 5, 3518, 3-28. 1595], 3518, -: letter —: letterby byhim himtotoClement Clement VIII, VIII,presenting presenting aacopy copy of of the thepreceding preceding I-2. item, 3518, 1-2. Testament of Philip Philip IV IV (September (September14, 14, 1665): 1665): 3557, 3557, Ι-58. 1-58. 130-131 Christopher Columbus Testament and mayorazgo of Christopher Columbus(1498) (1498):: 3603, 130-131 (excerpt). Testimonialin in Latin Latin and Testimonial and Spanish Spanish that the theUniversity University of ofSalamanca Salamanca 12, 1618): amrms the doctrine affirms doctrine of of the the Immaculate ImmaculateConception Conception (May (May 12, 3603, 86. 88. —; another another copy copy in in Spanish, Spanish, 3603, 88. Νi οsa, Theodoro, Duke Duke of of Braganza: Braganza: letter* letter* in Latin Latin to to Pius Pius IV IV (Vila (Vila Viçosa, February 24, February 24, 1560) 1560),, 6589, 6509, 72-73. Theresa of Avila Theresa Ávila, Saint: Saint: her her life fife and and works, works, by three three auditors auditors of of the the 2191. Rota, 2791. Thomas of of Villanueva, Saint: his his life life and miracles, Thomas Villanueva, Saint: miracles, by three three auditors auditors of Rota, 2767. of the Rota, 2167. Tirso de deMolina Mohna (pseudonym) (pseudonym):: see see Téllez, Gabriel. ΤΙlez, Gabriel. Titulos de Títulos de comedias: comedias: see see Primera Primera parte las comedias comedias viejas parte de las viejas .. . . Toisón: see Golden Golden Fleece, Fleece, Order Order of of the. the. Ροis~n: see Toledo, Chapter to toArchbishop ArchbishopGuillermo Guillermo Toledo, archdiocese archdiocese of: of: letter letter from the Chapter de Croy Croy (1520), (1520), 2103, 16-17. Toledo, income (n.d.), (n.d.), 3560, 3560, 70-78. Toledo, cathedral cathedral of: of: its income 70-78. Toledo, . . Toledo, Fadrique Fadrique de, de, Duke Duke of of Alba: Alba: see see Agreement Agreement. ... Toledo, (n.p., n.d.), Toledo, García Garcia de; de: letter* letter* to Card. Carlo Carafa (u.p., n.d.), 3620,168-169. 3620, 168-169. —:: letter* letter* to to Pius Pius V V (CatamY, (Catamá, January 28, 28, τ566), 1566), 3638, 3638, 103-104. 103-104. Toledo, de; letter* to to Giovanni Giovanni Caraf Carafa, Count of of Montoni Montorio Toledo, Hernando de: a, Count (Naples, March 29, 1556), 3620, 170-171. (Naples, March 170-171. —:: letter* letter* to to Card. Card. Carlo CarloCarafa Carafa(Milan, (Milan, December December 17, 17, 1556), 1556), 3620, 3620, 172-173. Toledo, de: see see Oropesa, Oropesa, the the Countess Countess of. of, Toledo, Juan Juan de: Toledo, III(Pozzuoli, (Pozzuoli,May May Toledo, Pedro Pedro de, de, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples: Naples:letter letter to to Paul III 2, 1545),1 835, 835, 98-99. 2 ) 1545) :



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—: letter* [from [from him?] to Fabrizio Brancia (Naples, (Naples, October October ι~ 16,, 1545), 1545), -: letter* 5697, 287-288. Toledo Osorio, Pedro de: decree decree naming naming Bernabò Basto governor governor of of Βernab~~Basto Toledo Osorio, Pedro de: Vercelli (Vercelli, August 15, 1617), 3558, 87. Vercelli (Vercelli, August 15, 1617), 3558, —: letter* to to Paul Paul Ν V (Milan, (Milan, May May z, 2, 1618), 1618), 3603, 3603, ioi. xoi. -: letter* Torquemada, Pedro Pedro de: de: see see Pamphili, Pamphili, Giovanni Giovanni Battista, Battista, nuncio. nuncio. Torres Miranda, Pedro Pedro de: de: notarized notarized account* of of his his martyrdom martyrdom Torres de Miranda, in Algiers Algiers at the hands of the Turks, sent to Gregory XV (1623), XV (1623), at hands of the Turks, sent to Gregory 3604, 85-97. Tradatuss de de Passione Passione Domini Nostri Nostri Jesu Christi: Christi: by Damin DamiánAlvarez, Alvarez, Τυac~a~Ιλ 3587, 341-468 341-468 (incomplete). (incomplete). 3581, Tradatus de statu Sancti Sandi Inquisitionis in Regno Regno ΡoυυgaΙΙiae, Portugalliae, et et speciatim speciatim TracYatus de louis Novis Christianis Christianis [c. [c. 1602]: 1602]: 2422. Tradatus super Evangelia quadragesimalia, quadragesimalia, torus tomus jirimss: primus: by by Damin Damián Tractatus sυ er Evangelia Alvarez (Spanish the author, author,1614), 1614), 3~86. 3586. Alvarez (Spanishtr. tr. by the —: Idem, Idem, torus tomus secundus secundus (in (in Latin, Latin, 1615), 1615), 3587, Ι-341. 1-341. Transylvania, the Prince Prince of: of: see see Bethien, Bethlen, Gabriel. Gabriel. Transylvania, Tratado breve breve de de la filosofia filosofìa natural: natural: 3611, 3611, Ι-47. x-47. Tratado de la guerra los chichimecas en India: by Gonzalo Gonzalo de las Casas, Tratado guerra de tos 3605, 78-98. Tratado de de las cosas cosas que que hay dignas dignas de de remedio remedio en en la Cοmρaia Compañía de de Jesús: Jess: attributed to Juan Juan de deMariana, Mariana, 3512. attributed de tas las cuatro cuatro postrimerias postrimerías del del hombre: hombre: by Esteban Esteban de de Olea, Olea, 3514. 3514. Tratado de Treaty: description of events accompanying accompanying the oath oath sworn sworn by by Treaty: description of the events Philip IV for the peace treaty between Spain and England (in Philip IV for the peace treaty between Spain and England (in Madrid, on December December 17, 17, 1630), 1630), 6126, 316-317. Madrid, Trent, the Council Council of: of; see see 822, 827, 835, 835, 895, 895, 2011, 2011, 2629, 2629, 3543, 3543, 3561, 3561, Treft, the 822, 827, 127-141; 6509, 14-15. see Losada, Losada, Jaime. Jaime. Turkey: see Tusón; see see Golden Golden Fleece, Fleece, Order Order of of the. the. Τυs~n: -:

Ulcar [...], [...], Luis Luis de: de: letter* to to Antonio Antonio de de Val, Val, on on the theSpanish Spanish victory victory Ulcar St. Quentin Quentin (n.p., (n.p.,August August1557), 1557), 3620, 207-208. at St. Alfonso de: de: Historia Historia dell'impresa di Tripoli Tripoli (Spanish (Spanish tr. by by Diego Diego Ulloa, Alfonso 3499, 48-87. Castilho), 3499, Urban VIII, Vili, Pope: Pope: works works ded. ded. to to him: him: 1864, 2757, 2758, 2758, 2770, 2770, 2771, 2771, Urban 1864, 2757, 2772, 2785, 2785, 3626. 3626. 2772, —: twenty twenty poems poems in in Latin, Latin, with with Spanish Spanish tr. tr.by byGabriel Gabrielde deCorral, Corral, 1864. --:

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answerin inItalian Italianordered orderedby byhim himtotothe the1633 1633memorial memorialof ofcomplaints complaints answer of Philip IV, IV, 3549, 44-55. of 44-55. letter* from from an anunnamed unnamed duke duke(Naples, (Naples, n.d.), n.d.), 3558, 3558, 128. -: letter* 128. twocopies copies of of the the account account by by Card. Card. Gaspar Gaspar de de Borja of his altercatwo tion with withthe thePope Popeininthe the Sacred CollegeofofCardinals Cardinals[on [onMarch March tun Sacred College 8, 1632], 3558, 213-215. 8, 1632], 3558, 213-215. anon, letter letterasserting asserting that thatthe thePope Popeand andCard. Card.Francesco Francesco Barberini Barberini anon. will Spain (n.d.), (n.d.), 3558, 3558, 2x8 (incomplete), will support Spain 218 (incomplete). analysis exculpating exculpating him him and andCard. Card.Francesco Francesco Barberini Barberini for for the the analysis and blaming blaming the theSpanish Spanishministers ministersfor forSpain's Spain'sproblems problems wars in Italy, Italy, and (n.d.), 3558, 3558, 244-247. noteon onefforts efforts of of the the Spaniards Spaniards to to obtain obtain his his support support in in their their conflict note conilict with the the French French [1642?], [1642?], 3558, 263. 3558, 263. relation of of an analtercation altercationbetween between him him and andCard. Card. Gaspar Gaspar de de Borja Borja relation in the consistory consistory held held on on March March 8, 8, 1632, 1632, 3603, 173-174. in the justification of of the the new new form of -: justification of address addressfor forcardinals—"eminence"— cardinals-"eminence"-decreed by him him (n.d.), (n.d.), 3608, 3608, 163-164. decreed lettertotohim himfrom fromPhilip PhilipIV IV(Madrid, (Madrid,September September 2, 1629), 3608, -: letter 1629) , 3608, -:







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211-212. 211-212' briefs to toSpaniards Spaniards(1624-1626), (1624-1626), including including the King King and andQueen Queen briefs of Spain, Spain, the King King of of Portugal, Portugal, the the Count-Duke Count-Duke of of Olivares, Olivares, the the of Duke Alba, the Duke Duke of of Gandia, Gandía, the the Duke Duke of of El El Infantado, Infantado, Duke of of Alba, Duke of of Albuquerque, Albuquerque, the Count Count of of Monterrey, Monterrey, the theCount Countofof the Duke Pedro Toledano, Toledano, Card. Card, de de Sandoval, Sandoval, Card. Card. Zapata, Zapata, the the Lemos, Pedro Card.-Infante, Prince Prince Charles, Charles, etc., etc., 6113, Ι-222. 1-222. Card.-Infante, letter to to lijm him from from Phihp Philip IV IV (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [1625]), [1625]), 6113, 223-225. letter 223-225. letter to him from Philip IV (Madrid, October 7, 1625), letter to him from Philip IV (Madrid, October 7, 1625), 6113, 253-255. 253-255extract from from aasermon sermon delivered delivered by by Hortensio Hortensio Félix Félix Paravicino Paravicino extract y Arteaga Philip IV, in which quotes Latin poetry Arteaga to Philip IV, in which he quotes from the Latin poetry y Pope (on (on March March II, 11,1627), 1627), 6126, 9-10. of the Pope 9 -ΙΟ. second request request to to him him from from the theInfanta InfantaMargaret Margaretfor for4,000 4,000 ducats ducats second of additional benefices benefices for Santa Clara Clara of of Discalced Discalced for her Convent of Santa Carmehtes (August 17, 17, 1627), 1627), 6126, 59. Carmelites (August 59. listof ofplenary plenaryindulgences indulgences granted by by him him to to the theDuke Dukeof of Pastrana list (n.d.), 6126, 6126, 237. letter to tohim himfrom fromJuan JuandedeGuevara, Guevara,Bishop Bishop of of Teano Teano (Teano, (Teano, letter January 21, 21, 1629), 6510, 70. summary of of his his discussion discussion with unnamed card, status summary with an unnamed card. on the status

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study 0f of the the lead lead books books of Granada (on (on February February of the the Inquisition's study 1634), 6541, 52. 6541, 52. 9, 1634), —; sonnet sonnet about about him, him, 2515, 3515, 60. —: see see also also Barberini, Barberini, Maffeo; Maffeo; Se Sentimientos quejas ... . . . ~imientοs yy quejas -: Urbino, the Duke of: of: anon. anon, letter on on aspects aspects of of the themarriage marriage of ofhis his Urbino, the Duke daughter Virginia (Rome, (Rome, n.d.), n.d.), 3558, 3558, 67. daughter Virginia Urrea, de: Primera Primera parte libro dei del iiwei'cibΙe invencible caballero caballero don Urrea, Jerónimo Jer~nimo de: parte del deilibro don Clarisel de de las las Flores, Flores, 3610. 3610. Ciarisel -:

Val, de: letter* to to him him from from Luis Luis de deUlcar[. Ulcar[..] the Spanish Spanish Val, Antonio de: .] on the victory at St. St. Quentin Quentin (n.p., (n.p.,August August1557), 1557), 3620, 207-208. victory Valdés, Fernandode, de,Archbishop Archbishopof ofSeville: Seville: letter* to to him him from from Philip Philip ΝaΙds, Femando (Madrid, January January25, 25, 1567), 1567), 3618, io. 10. II (Madrid, —: letter* to to Card. Card. Carlo Carlo Carafa Carafa (Valladolid, (Valladolid, May May 4, 1558),, 9920, 9920, 72-73. -: letter* 4, 1558) Valenzuela ΝeΙ Velázquez, Juan Bautista: Bautista: Vetera Vetera Ηisρai Hispánica monumenta, zquez, Juan ιca mοnυmeπta, sive lapides et et iscritiones, inscriptiones, 1742. 1742. sue lapides Valquel Arce, Rodrigo, Rodrigo, and and Francisco Francisco de Rojas: Rojas: letter letter on on the theembargo embargo Vaiquel Arce, Royal Council Council and and the the Council Council of money owed owed to to businessmen businessmen by the Royal of Finance (Madrid, (Madrid, November November 13, 13, 1596), 1596), 3605, i. 1. of Finance —: see also also Philip Philip II, II, King Kingof ofSpain. Spain. -: see Valtellina: copy copy of of the the agreement agreement between between the theCount-Duke Count-Dukeof of Olivares Olivares and the the Nuncio Nuncio Innocenzo Innocenzo Massimi Massimi on on turning turning over over its forts forts to to and IV (February (February1623), 1623), 3603, 164-165. Philip IV —: two two anon. anon, accounts accounts of of the the assumption assumption of of power power by the the Grisons Grisons November 26, 26, 1625), 1625), 6113, 373-382. (October 27 27 and November Dr.: letter* letter* to to him him from from G~mez Gómez Mirdos, Mirdos, 3603, 3603, 70. Valverde, Dr.: de; four letters* to Card. Card. Antonio Antonio Carafa Carafa (Genoa, (Genoa, Vargas Manrique, Diego de: September 17, 1568 to Toledo, Toledo, February February 2, 1569), 9920, 1x3-116, 113-116, September 17, 1568 121-124. Vargas Mejia,Francisco Franciscode; de:letter letterto to him him from Vargas Mejia, from Philip Philip II II (n.p., (n.p., March March 22, 1562), 1562), 822, 397-398. 22, —: six six letters* to toCard. Card.Carlo Carlo Carafa Carafa(Venice, (Venice, December December 6, 6, 1557 1557 to to -: 8, 1558), 1558), 3620, 174-185. August 8, Vázquez, Ruy: History in in Galician Galician of of the the church church of of Yria, Yria, 3578, 3578, 1-28. I-28. VYizquez, Ruy: History Vázquez de Espinosa, Espinosa, Antonio: Antonio: El compendio compendio y y descriρci~n descripción de de las las InVzqueΖ dias Occidentales, Occidentales, 3584. 3584. —: Relación de todas todas audiencias, audiencias, arzobispados, arzobispados, y y obispados obispados que que hay hay Relaci~n de del paraje en que que esta' está cada cada uno (n.d.), 3605, 3605, paraje y parte en uno (n.d.), en las Indias, Indias, y dei 41-44. -:


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Vega, de: Charles Charles V's instructions to him, him, as as ambassador ambassador to tothe the Vega, Juan Juan de: Holy See (1543), (1543), 3560, 81-96. Holy See Vega, de la, la, governor governor of of Civitella: four four sonnets, sonnets, dedicated dedicated to toMario Mario Vega, Juan de Sforza, Count Count of of Santa Santa Fiora, Fiora, 5040, 5040, 200-201. Vega, purityof ofblood bloodof ofhis hisfamily family(1644), (1644), Vega, Thomas Thomas de: de: memorial memorial on on the purity 2064, 67-84. Vega Carpio, Carpio, Lope Lope de: de: Del dama, play play wrongly wrongly attributed attributed Del galán galdn sin dama, to him, him, 3492 (see Hurtado Hurtado de de Mendoza, Mendoza, Antonio). Antonio). Velada, The The Marquis Marquis of, of, governor governor of Milan: Milan: letter from Philip IV IV (L (LéAugust 21, 1644), 3558, 19-20. rida, August Velázquez, Diego Rodriguez Rodríguez de Silva Silva y: y; memorial memorial to to Card. Card. Francesco Francesco ΝeΙ~zquez, Diego Barberini seeking seeking aa dispensation dispensation so he can canreceive receive his his so that he ecclesiastical pension (October (October 1626) 1626),, 6125, 6125, 320-321. ecclesiastical Velázquez, Pedro: Pedro: letter' letter*totoCard. Card.Antonio Antonio Carafa Carafa (Naples, (Naples, May May 29, Νel~zqυez, 1577), 9920, 197-198. Vêlez, the Marquis Marquis of of Los: Los: see see Los Los Valez, Vêlez, the the Marquis Marquis of. of. Vélez, the Vêlez de de Guevara, Guevara, [fugo, íñigo, Count Count of of Ofiate, Oñate, Viceroy Viceroy of Naples: Naples: letter to to Vélez Card. Gil Carrillo Carrillo de de Albornoz Albornoz (Naples, (Naples, May May 31, 31, 1648), 1648), 3558, 78. Card. Vêlez de de Guevara, Guevara, Luis: Luis; Α A Ιο lo que que obliga obliga el el ser ser rey, rey, play, play, 3485. Vélez —: Carlos Carlos Qυitο Quinto sobre sobre Argel, Argel, play, play, 3490. Veneration of saints: anon. anon,discourse, discourse, 3605, 105-121. Veneration of the saints: Venice: texts controversy with V over over papal papal authority authority Venice: texts on on the the controversy with Paul Paul V and ecclesiastical ecclesiastical immunity immunity 4606), (1606), 2113. 2713. see Cueva, Cueva, Alonso Alonso de de la. la. —: see alternate title title of of El remediador, remediador, which which see. see. El Ventero: Νe ~erο: alternate Vera, Francisco Francisco de: his instructions instructions from from Philip Philip ΙΙ II for fordiscussing discussing Vera, de: his jurisdiction in Naples with Gregory XII (n.d.), 5382, 100-107. 5382, jurisdiction in Naples with Gregory XII (n.d.), '00-107. Zúñiga y Figueroa, Antonio de: de: Fragmentos Fragmentos hist~ricοs históricos de de Vera Ζ ~iiga y Figueroa, Juan Antonio vida de de don don Gaspar GasparFelipe FelipededeGuzmdn, Guzmán,... conde de de Olivares, Olivares, duque duque la vida . . . conde de San . . (1628): (1628): 3513. de SanLúcar Lcar .... Vetera Hispanica Hispánica monumenta monumenta sive sive lapides lapides etetinscriptiones: inscriptiones: by by Juan Juan Velera Valenzuela VelUzquez, Velázquez, 1142. 1742. Bautista Valenzuela Tierra Santa: Santa: 3504. 3504. Viaje aa Tierra Viceroys: follow to appoint appoint them them and and Viceroys:the the procedure procedure the the queen should follow (n.d.), 3603, 3603, 235. ambassadors (n.d.), Vida de de Lazarillo Lazarillo de de Tormes, Tormes, see see Vita de de Lazzaro Lazzaro di di Tormes. Tormes. letters* Vidal, Jerónimo: two in Italian Italian to to unknown unknown and and to to Paul Paul V V Vidai, Jer~nimo: two in (Madrid, May 15, 15, 1618), x6i8), 3603, 93-94. 93-94. (Madrid, Vieira, António; see Arbitrios Arbitrios .. .. .. Αnt~niο: see Villanueva, permit him him to toreceive receive Villanueva, Agustín; Agustin: request request for a dispensation to permit -:

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345 345

his ecclesiastical pensionsafter after being being appointed appointed to to the his ecclesiastical pensions the criminal criminal 6126, 272-273. 272-273. court of Αrag~n Aragon by Philip Philip IV IV (June (June15, 15, 1630), 1630), 6126, 3478. querer más, mds, play, mds por por querer Jer~nimo de: Sufrir ΝiΙΙayΖ n y Garc€s, Villayzán Garcés, Jerónimo Sufrir más play, 3478. —: Α —: A gran gran da dañoο gran gran remedio, remedio, play, play, 3479. Villela, Juan Villela, Juan de, de, secretary secretary of of Philip Philip ΙΝ IV: letter letter to to the thesecretary secretary of of the the French 6126, 236. 236. French ambassador ambassador (Madrid, (Madrid, August August 8, 8, 1629), 1629), 6126, —: opinion opinionthat thatthe thesquadrons squadronsofofthe theHoly HolySee Seedo donot notenjoy enjoythe theprivilege privilege 6113, 371-373. 371-373. of being of being saluted saluted first first (April (April 17, 17, 1626), 1626), 6113, tr. from Spanish, Vita de de Lazzaro di Tormes: (anon. (anon. Italian tr. Spanish, with adds.), 3684. Vives de de Cafiamor, Cañamor, Juan: Juan: letter letter to toan anunnamed unnamedItalian Italianprince prince (Turin, (Turin, May 10, II, τ~το), May xóio), 3558, 3558, 55. 55. de 66 marquis de Montalbdn Voto dei del marqués Montalbán en en consulta consulta dei del Consejo Consejo de Guerra Guerra de 1666: 3603, 21-24. de abril abril 1666: 3603, •


Weights and measures: equivalencesofofthe the system system used used in in Spain Weights measures: equivalences Spain with 135-139. those of other those other countries countries (n.d.), (n.d.), 3604, 3604, 135-139. —: similar similar work work (1587), (1587), 3604, 142-145. ΝΖqυeΖ de Espinosa, West Indies: West Indies: history and and description, description, by by Antonio Antonio Vázquez 3584. Xerley, Antonio: Antonio: see see Shirley, Shirley, Anthony. Anthony. Χim~nez de Ximénez de Cisneros, Cisneros, Francisco: Francisco: see see Jiménez de de Cisneros, Cisneros, Francisco. Francisco. 3603, 150. 150. Xirota, Antonio: Xirota, Antonio; list of of bis his qualities quahties and and services services (1643), (1643), 3603, Vague Malo Yague Malo, Diego: Diego: parts of two letters to to him him from from Francisco Francisco Lazcano Lazcano 3558, 89. and May 89. (Molina, March 29 and (Molina, May 17, 17, 1635), 1635), 3558, Ybarra, Alonso Alonso de: de; see see Ibarra, Ibarra, Alonso Alonso de. de. Ν~zquez, 3578, Yria: History History in in Galician Galician of its church, church, by by Ruy Ruy Vázquez, 3578, Ι-28. 1-28. Υrr~rraga, Diego Yrrárraga, Diego de: de: letter to to him him from from Pedro Pedro Ziifiiga, Zúñiga, ambassador ambassador to England (London, 47-48. England (London, July 24, 24, 1606), 1606), 3604, 47-48. —: idem idem in in Italian, Italian, 5378, ι~ x6.. ,


Zapata de Antonio, Card.: Card.: order order of of Philip Philip III Zapata de Mendoza, Mendoza, Antonio, III making making him him 129. interim governor of of Naples Naples [1620], [1620], 3603, 129. interim governor —: edict edict condemning condemning the the book book ΑΙegaci~n Alegación sobre sobre ei el desacato desacato de de un clι clé-Kuesta Olmedano rigo ... . . . by by AndrYs Andrés Kuesta Olmedano (n.p., (n.p., n.d. n.d. [April [April 1631]), 1631]), 6126, 353-354353-354. 1083, 447-665. Luis de Molina, 1083, 447-665. Concordia by Luis Zúmel, Z~mel, Francisco: censure of Concordia —; opinion on on the thecontroversy controversy between between Paul Paul V V and andVenice Venice over over papal papal —: opinion authority, 2713, 55-65.

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—: description description of of the the discussion discussion Femando Femando de de Ribera Ribera had had with with him him and the nuncio on the controversy between Paul Ν and Venice, and the nuncio on the controversy between Paul V and Venice, 2113, 121. 2713, —: opinion opinion on oncertain certainresolutions resolutionsconceming concerningexcommunication, excommunication, particularly regarding regarding its its use 3603, 13-14. 13-14. particularly use for for secular secular reasons, reasons, 3603, letters* Gaspar de, Card., Archbishop of Seville: two Ζ~fιiga, Zúñiga, Gaspar de, Card., Archbishop of Seville: two letters* to Card. Card. 9920, 133-136. Antonio Carafa Carafa (ΑΙmaΖ n, July 20 20 and and 30, 1570), 133-136. Antonio (Almazán, 1570), 9920, Ζ~fΙiga, Luis Luis de: de: instractions instructions from Philip II Π on his duties as ambassador Zúñiga, to the (incomplete). to the Council Council of of Treft Trent (n.d.), (n.d.), 895, 895, 197 197 (incomplete). Ζ~fiiga, Pedro de, ambassador to England: letter to Zúñiga, de, ambassador England: letter toDiego Diego de deYrrYrraga Yrrárraga 3684, 47-48. (London, July July 24, 47-48. (London, 24, 1606), 1606), 3604, —: idem idem in in Italian, Italian, 5378, ι~ 16.. Ζ fiiga y Avellaneda, Juan de, Zúñiga Avellaneda, Juan de, Count Count of of Miranda, Miranda, Viceroy Viceroy of of Naples: Naples: letters* to Micheli Bonelli, Card. Alessandrino (Naples, three letters* to Micheli Bonelli, Card. Alessandrino (Naples, 3614, 156-161. and March 7, 156-161. April 11 ii and ι~, 1580 April and September September 16, 1580 and 7, 1581), 3614, —: letter to 5382, —: to him him from from Philip Philip IIII(Madrid, (Madrid, February February 24, 24, 1573), 1573), 5382, -:



13-14. I3-I4-

—: study studywritten writtenfor forhim himononjurisdiction jurisdictionand andspoils spoils(May (May24, 24,1587), 1587), -:

5384, 12-25. —: study study written written for forhim himon onjurisdiction, jurisdiction, particularly particularly that thatofofMilan Milan (Rome, January January io, (Rome, 10, 1587), 1587), 5384, 127-133. 127-133. —: summary summaryof ofhis hisconversation conversation with with Pius Pius V V on onjurisdiction jurisdiction in inNaples Naples 201-202. (October ι~, 16, 1570), 1570), 5384, 201-202. -:


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27 27

Hispanic MANUSCRIPTS manuscripts of the BARBERIl' Barberini COLLECTION Collection HISPAiIC OF THE

29 29

Complementary Lιsτs Lists COMPLEMENTARY

239 I. Diplomatic correspondence 239 DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE II. Letters to THE the BARBERINIS Barberinis FROM from THEIR their PERSONAL personal REPRESENrepresenLETTERS TO 241 tatives in 1654-1705 241 TATIVES IN Spain, SPAIN, 1654-1705 III. GENERAL General letters Spanish TO to THE the BARBERINIS Barberinis AND and OTHERS, others, LETTERS in IN SPANISH 242 1610-1692 242 16Χ0-1692

Indices INDICES I. First-line index; PLAYS Plays FIRST-LINE INDEx: II. First-line index: POETRY Poetry FIRST-LINE INDEX III. Author-Title Index AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX Contents CONTENTS

245 245 246 246 256 256 347 347

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235 - - Voi. Ν. Archives Vaticanes. Histoire 206. Laurent, A. Le Le •« Liber Liber Laurent. M.-H. - Guillou, Guflhou, Α. ecclésiastique. 2ème partie. partie. ... ... pp. pp. 15, VI, 456, 456, visitationis d'Athanase ChalkYopoulos Chalkéopoulos (1457(1457ecclYsiastique. 2ème visitationis »» d'Athanase 21 tav. 1458)... 196Ο 1960. pp. LI, 392, 392, tav.; tav. ; carta carta geogr. geogr, 21 tav. 1458)... ρ. LΙ, 207. Silvino da ladro, Nadro,O.F.M. O.F.M. Cap., Cap., Sinodi Sinodi diodio- 236 - - Vol. VI. BibΙiοthque Vaticane. lère Silvino da cesani italiani. italiani. Catalogo Catalogo bibliograilco bibliografico degli degli partie.... vi, 637, 637, 41 41 tav. tav. cesani partie. ... pp. pp. VI, atti aa stampa stampa (1534-1878).. (1534-1878)... 1960. 1960. pp. XII, 516. 516. 237 - - Vol. pp. xii, atti VII. ΒibΙiοthqυe Vaticane. 2me 208. Loenertz, R. J. Démétrius Cydonès, CorLoenertz, R. J. Dm~triυs Cyd οns, Corpartie.... pp. VI, vi, 450, 450, 53 53 tav. tav. partie. ... pp. respondance. Vol. Vol. II... II... 1960. 1960. pp. pp. xvi, xvi, 479. 479. respondance. manuscrits de de la la Reine Reine de de Suède Suède au au Les manuscrits 209. E. -- Bombacl, Bombaci, Α. A. Elenco Elenco di di drammi drammi 238. Les 2119.Rossi, Rossi, Ε. Vatican. Réédition dia du catalogue catalogue de de MontMontVatican. R~Yd~tiοn religiosi persiani persiani (Fondo (Fondo Mss. Mss. Vaticani Vaticani CeCereligiosi faucon et cotes actuelles... 1964. 133, 1. faucon et cotes actuelles... 1964. 133, 1. rulli)... 1961. 1961. pp. pp. LX, LX, 416. 416. rulli)... Stella, A. Chiesa Chiesa ee Stato Stato nelle nellerelazioni relazioni dei dei Stella, Α. 210. De Maio, R.R.Alfonso Alfonso Carafa, Carafa, cardinale cardinale di di 239. nunzi De Malo. nunzi pontifici aa Venezia... Venezia... 9164. 9164. pp. pp. Χ, X, 355. 355. pontifici Napoli (1540-1565)... (1540-1565)... 1961. 1961. pp. pp. χσιιι, xxxii, 348. 348. Napoli M. La La s« Dottrina cristiana •» sialSciambra, M. Dottrina cristiana 211. Follieri, H. Initia Initia hymnorum hymnorum ecclesiae ecclesiae graecae. graecae. 240. Sciambra, FΟhlen, Η. banese diLuca LucaMatraaiga... Matranga...1964. 1964.pp. pp.LXIX, LXiX, banese di Vol. I.I. - -......1960. 1960.pp. pp.xxviii, XXVIII, 590. 590. Vol. 256, 1 facs. 256, 1 facs. 212 - Vol. II. . II. H-E... Siwek, 1961. pp.P. xxii, 570.anima » d'Aristote dans les xxii, 570. Η- ξ ... 1961. pp. Vol. Le De P. Le s «De anima • d'Aristote dans lea 213 - - Voi. III. . III. 0-2241. ... Slwek, 1962. pp. xxil, 618. Ο -Σ ... 1962. pp.Vol. xxIi, 618. manuscrits grecs... 1965. pp. pp. vi, VI, 196. 196. manuscrits grecs... 1965. 214. Vol. ... 1963. 1963. pp. pp. XXI!, XXII, 459. 459. Vol. IV. IV. --... 242. Levi della Vida, G. Secondo Secondo elenco elenco dei dei Vida, G. LevI delia 215 - - Vol. V.. Vol. V. Pars prior manoscritti