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ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
«Мурманский государственный педагогический университет» (МГПУ)
Е.Н. Квасюк, Т.В. Куликова
Life safety in extreme situations
Мурманск 2009 1
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Государственного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Мурманский государственный педагогический университет» (МГПУ)
Авторы: Е.Н. Квасюк, канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры ИЯиМП (МГПУ), Т.В. Куликова, старший преподаватель кафедры ИЯиМП (МГПУ) Рецензенты: М.М. Лукина, канд. пед. наук, доцент, декан факультета филологии и журналистики (МГПУ); Н.Д. Пашковская, канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков (МГТУ)
Квасюк Е.Н., Куликова Т.В.
Life safety in extreme situations. Учебно-методическое пособие для преподавателей педагогического университета и студентов 2 курса по специальности 050104 «Безопасность жизнедеятельности со специализацией Экологическая безопасность» и 050104 «Безопасность жизнедеятельности со специализацией Информационная безопасность» для развития навыка устной речи в рамках профессионально-направленной лексики и навыка чтения литературы по специальности. – Мурманск: МГПУ, 2009. – 110 с.
© Мурманский государственный педагогический университет (МГПУ), 2009
Предисловие Содержание обучения английскому языку в вузе направлено на развитие у студентов неязыковых специальностей умений и навыков практического пользования английским языком, умения получать и обмениваться информацией на иностранном языке. Следует особо подчеркнуть, что помимо отличного владения профессионально-направленными знаниями по различным специальностям, современный специалист должен быть высокообразованным, культурным, разносторонним человеком, неотъемлемой чертой которого, является знание хотя бы одного иностранного языка (в данном случае, английского). Осуществление этой задачи следует рассматривать как важное, необходимое условие реализации требования обеспечить всестороннее формирование личности педагога, что тем самым вносит существенный вклад в дело дальнейшего повышения общеобразовательного и культурного уровня школьников. Таким образом, целью обучения английскому языку студентов неязыковых групп является развитие определённых умений по каждому из видов речевой деятельности (говорение, чтение, аудирование, письмо). По окончании курса изучения иностранного языка, являющегося самостоятельной дисциплиной в курсе обучения студентов факультетов, студенты должны уметь: 1. читать и переводить со словарём оригинальную литературу, актуальные материалы из газет и журналов и литературу по педагогике и психологии, включённую в проектную деятельность (в зависимости от специализации); 2. участвовать в устном речевом общении на английском языке в пределах тематики, определённой настоящей программой, а также близкой к ней; 3. понимать речь в ситуациях опосредованного общения, анализировать и выбирать необходимую информацию. Второй курс обучения направлен на овладение студентами умениями и навыками чтения со словарём и без словаря текстов специализированного профессионально-направленного содержания, актуальных газетных и журнальных статей, текстов по специальности 050401 «Безопасность жизнедеятельности». Студенты должны научиться, что немаловажно, делать адекватный перевод, аннотировать и реферировать профессионально направленные тексты. С этой целью в процесс работы на втором курсе введена работа по данному учебно-методическому пособию, а также разработка проектов, которые представляют собой групповую подготовку перевода и аннотирования 10 страниц текста по специальности. В области устной речи задача состоит в обучении студентов умению делать сообщения и вести беседу в пределах изученных специализирован3
ных тем, а также в связи с прочитанным, услышанным и увиденным. В процессе обучения идёт работа по формированию умений и навыков студентов пользоваться английским языком как средством коммуникации, т.е. создается необходимая языковая база для самостоятельного использования изучаемого языка в практических целях. На первый план выдвигается задача обучения студентов умению читать и понимать неадаптированные тексты без словаря и со словарём. Одновременно продолжается привитие студентам и навыков пользоваться устной речью на изучаемом языке, в первую очередь – неподготовленной речью. Активный профессионально-направленный словарь студентов по специальности 050104 «Безопасность жизнедеятельности со специализацией Экологическая безопасность» и 050104 «Безопасность жизнедеятельности со специализацией Информационная безопасность» должен составлять не менее 300 лексических единиц. Грамматический материал подразделяется на активный и пассивный. В области чтения студенты должны овладеть следующими умениями и навыками: Читать и понимать без словаря неадаптированные специализированные тексты, содержащие изученный материал и включающие новые слова, о значении которых студент в состоянии догадаться. Скорость чтения – 1500 печатных знаков за 0,5 часа. Читать и понимать неадаптированные тексты с помощью алфавитного словаря. Скорость чтения – 750 печатных знаков за 0,5 часа. Студент должен быть вооружён следующими умениями и навыками в области владения устной речью: 1. Умение сделать сообщение по изученной тематике и по содержанию прочитанного текста. Темп речи – не менее 5 фраз в минуту. 2. Вести беседу (с преподавателем или студентами) по пройденной тематике и по содержанию прочитанного текста. Темп речи – не менее 4 фраз в минуту. 3. Уметь сделать сообщение в защиту собственного профессионально-направленного проекта и ответить на вопросы по теме исследования. Настоящее пособие предназначено для преподавателей и студентов 2 курса со специальностью 050104 «Безопасность жизнедеятельности со специализацией Экологическая безопасность» и 050104 «Безопасность жизнедеятельности со специализацией Информационная безопасность» очного отделения педагогического университета для развития навыка устной речи в рамках профессионально-направленной лексики и навыка чтения литературы по специальности. Оно состоит из 5 разделов, в которых представлены аутентичные тексты, согласующихся с лексическим материалом профессионально-ориентированных тем. Разработанные упражнения имеют коммуникативную направленность и способствуют обогащению лексического запаса студентов специальными терминами и развитию монологической и диало4
гической речи. Пособие также снабжено заданиями для проверки степени усвоения материала, тестовыми заданиями для промежуточного и итогового контроля. Пособие ставит своей задачей предоставить материал, который может быть использован преподавателями на уроках английского языка при изучении тем “Extreme situations. Natural catastrophes”, “Social catastrophes”, “Life safety”, “Emergency Measures”, “First aid”, “Terrorism. Safety Pocket Guide”, а также способствовать развитию навыков чтения и устной речи у студентов. Тексты пособия подобраны таким образом, чтобы как можно полнее раскрыть изучаемые профессионально-ориентированные темы. Слова и словосочетания, подлежащие активному усвоению, вынесены перед текстами. Помимо базового текста каждый раздел пособия содержит специальные речевые упражнения, развивающие умение извлекать информацию из прочитанного, и небольшие тексты, служащие основой для групповой и парной работы студентов, и письменного перевода. В пособии много дополнительного текстового материала, который может быть использован на занятиях или для организации самостоятельной работы студентов в качестве домашнего чтения. Большое внимание уделяется развитию навыков чтения. Работа над содержанием текста тесно взаимосвязана с изучением лексики и включает в себя постановку вопросов к прочитанному материалу, перевод в русского языка на английский и другие задания. Упражнения по обучению диалогической и монологической речи представляют собой работу над тематикой каждого раздела после освоения основных лексических единиц. Кроме того, в пособие входят задания на словообразование, правильное употребление степеней сравнения имен прилагательных и на перевод фрагментов текста с русского языка на английский язык. После изучения тематических блоков студентам предлагаются тесты, направленные на проверку лексики и грамматики по теме, в конце пособия дан итоговый тест по всему пройденному материалу. В результате изучения данного пособия студенты должны расширить свой словарный запас за счёт новых лексических единиц терминологической направленности, научиться обсуждать предлагаемые темы, говорить о сферах своей будущей профессиональной деятельности на английском языке.
Тематический план Примерное распределение учебного времени в 3 и 4 семестрах по разделам дисциплины и видам учебных занятий (в часах) представлены в следующей таблице: № п/п
Наименование раздела, темы
Количество часов Всего Л ПР/ ЛБ Сам. ауд. К СМ раб. 050104 «Безопасность жизнедеятельности со специализацией Экологическая безопасность» и 050104 «Безопасность жизнедеятельности со специализацией Информационная безопасность» 3 семестр 1. Extreme situations. Natural catastrophes 22 22 22 2. Emergency measures 22 22 22 4 семестр 3. First aid 18 22 20 4. Terrorism. Safety Pocket Guide 18 22 22
Темы для самостоятельного изучения №
2 3
4 5
Наименование раздела дисциплины. Тема. Extreme situations
Промежуточный контроль Emergency measures
Промежуточный контроль Итоговый контроль
Форма самостоятельной работы
1. Подготовить монологическое сообщение по теме: - Flooding, fires, draughts, tornados, earthquakes, the effects of disasters - Accidents: Car crashes, train crashes, plane crashes, disasters at sea Написание теста Test 1
Кол- Форма контроля выво полнения самостоячательной работы сов 11 - Проверка письменного сообщения и лексики по теме; - ответы на вопросы преподавателя; - обсуждение проблемы в аудитории 2 тестирование
Написание Test 2
- Проверка письменного сообщения и лексики по теме; - ответы на вопросы преподавателя; - обсуждение проблемы в аудитории тестирование
Написание Final test
1. Подготовить монологическое сообщение по одной из тем: - First aid - Terrorism
I. Extreme situations. Natural catastrophes. Emergency measures – чрезвычайные меры State of emergency – чрезвычайное положение Flood – наводнение (to flood - затопить) Famine – голод Drought – засуха To starve – голодать Starvation – голод To drown – утонуть Food supplies - поставка продовольствия Earthquake – землетрясение Epidemic – эпидемия Medical teams – медицинская команда Rescue teams – спасатели Collapse – обвал Outbreak – вспышка, прорыв Fire – пожар To extinguish a fire – тушить пожар To burn – гореть To be on fire – быть в огне, гореть Tsunami – цунами Huge waves – огромные волны To be wounded – пораниться To be damaged – быть сломанным To die of hunger – умереть от голода To break – сломать (to break a leg, arm) To be saved – быть спасённым Snowdrift – снежный занос Snowstorm – метель Chilblain – обморожение Supercooling – переохлаждение To be weak – ослабнуть To be in danger (to be out of danger) – быть в опасности (вне опасности) Terrible weather – ужасная погода To rain hard – сильный дождь To do the best to help – стараться помочь To forecast – предсказать (прогнозировать) To be unable to answer – быть не с состоянии ответить Obstruction (blockage) – завал Explosion – взрыв A meteorite – метеорит A sand dune – песчаная дюна 7
A gust – сильный порыв ветра To wrestle - бороться A storm – шторм (метель) 1. Which of the disasters in the Key Words do you think are: • caused by people? • made worse by people? • natural? Key Words: avalanches, cyclones, droughts, earthquakes, floods, forest fires, hurricanes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, windstorms 2. Read the article “Hell and high water” and check your answers to Exercise 1. 3. Use the strategies. Reading strategies: Completing texts with sentence gaps • Read the text to get the general idea. • Read a paragraph with a sentence gap and identify the topic, e.g. disasters. • Read the sentences before and after the gap and look for clues about the missing sentence, e.g. is it an example of what is mentioned before? • Certain words may help you: time references (then), pronoun references (it, that),linking words (however). • Decide which sentence goes in the gap. Check that it fits the sentences before and after it. Hell and high water The last few years have been the worst period on record for environmental disasters and experts are predicting far worse to come. Here is how to become a disaster statistic. Move to a shanty town on an unstable hillside near a tropical coast. Crowd together as more and more people arrive. Wait for the world to get a little warmer. More evaporation means more rain, which means the slopes will get progressively more waterlogged. One day, the land will turn to mud, and the neighbourhood will begin to go downhill. And if the slope is steep enough, the landslide will accelerate to more than 200 miles an hour. Peter Walker, of the international federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, has seen it all too often. "First, your house has been washed away. Second, the land that you farmed has disappeared. (1)_______". In the last decade, floods, droughts, windstorms, earthquakes, avalanches, volcanic eruptions and forest fires have become increasingly common. There has been disastrous flooding in Asia, Africa, Central and South America and Oceania. (2)_______. Storms have been getting worse everywhere too, with a growing 8
number of hurricanes hitting the US, the Caribbean and Central America. Drought has affected large areas of Sub-Saharan Africa for years and many other zones are becoming drier. (3) _______. A number of nations have already been in armed conflict over water, and drought in the West of the US has resulted in enormous forest fires. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes have always been a threat in certain parts of the world. A volcanic eruption virtually wiped out the small Caribbean island of Montserrat in 1997 and there have been serious earthquakes in Greece, Turkey and El Salvador. The quake that rocked the small Central American country of El Salvador in 2001 came as the people were still rebuilding their houses and recovering from 1998's Hurricane Mitch. So why is nature beginning to turn on us? (4) _______. The population of the world is growing at the rate of 10,000 people an hour, 240,000 every day, nearly 90 million a year, with most of the growth in the developing world. People in agricultural areas, unemployed and sometimes undernourished, move to the cities, and then set up homes on poor soil, crowded into substandard buildings. (5) _______. This has mainly been caused by the mismanagement of the world's resources: carbon emissions from rich countries; the activities of the big multinational companies; the deforestation of the world's forests. As a result, a hotter ocean breeds fiercer cyclones and hurricanes. It surrenders greater quantities of water as evaporation, and more powerful winds dump this water against mountainsides with increasing fury. Atlantic hurricanes, for instance, are 40% more intense now than they were 30 years ago. Volcanoes and earthquakes are even more dangerous than in the past as around half the world's population now lives in cities. There are more than 500 active and semi-active volcanoes, about fifty of which erupt each year, and more than 500 million people now live within range of a volcanic eruption. An even greater number live at risk, in some degree, from earthquakes which have taken a toll of more than 1.6 million lives in the last hundred years. All the betting from the disaster professionals is that things will get worse. Professor McGuire, of University College London, is a volcanologist who has been warning for years that the world has not seen the worst nature can do. The worst eruption in human history was probably Mt Tambora in 1815, in Indonesia. It pumped so much dust into the stratosphere that it effectively cancelled the following summer in Europe and America. (6) _______."It reduced temperatures by maybe 6°C in some places and the whole planet was plunged into winter for years. And there are about two of these events every 100,000 years ..." 4. Now use the Strategies to complete the gaps in the text (1 -6) with these sentences (a-g). There is one extra sentence you do not need. 1. But geological evidence shows that 73,000 years ago there was a much greater eruption. 9
2. Even prosperous Europe has suffered and large areas of France, Britain and Germany have all been under water. 3. That is probably not the most important factor either. 4. Third, the other bits of land you might have been able to farm are now useless. 5. On top of all that, add climate change and the spectre of global warming. 6. For example, the Yellow River, once notorious for flooding the Chinese landscape, failed to reach the sea at all on 226 days in 1997. 7. One answer is overpopulation. 5. Read the text again and answer these questions. 1. What is the attitude of the journalist towards the future? 2. Who is most likely to be a victim of natural disasters? 3. Why are there now more hurricanes, floods and droughts? 4. Why are volcanoes and earthquakes more dangerous now? 5. What could be the biggest threat to the planet in the future? 6. What effects might this threat have? 6. Look at the words from the text (1-10) and the other examples in brackets. Match the prefixes with the meanings (a-j). 1. overpopulation (overgrown, oversleep) 2. substandard (subway, submarine) 3. deforestation (defuse, dehydration) 4. downhill (downstream, downgrade) 5. undernourished (underpaid, undercooked) 6. rebuild (replace, rewind) 7. unstable (unusual, uncommon) 8. semi-active (semi-circle, semi-final) 9. multinational (multi-purpose, multi-racial) 10. mismanagement (misunderstand, misplace) a) b) c) d) e)
again f) opposite of an action badly g) not enough below h) downwards too much i) opposite of an adjective ny j) partly / half
7. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 6 in a suitable form. 1 After the storm they had to _______hundreds of houses which had been damaged. 2. Many people in the developing world suffer from diseases because they are _________. 3. Our team was knocked out in the ________of the competition. 4. The bomb was about to go off but the experts managed to ________ it. 5. I __________the question and failed the exam. 6. I _________yesterday and arrived an hour late for class. 7. A lot of houses collapsed in the earthquake because of __________construction. 8 Floods are not ________ these days; they happen more and more often Speaking 8. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1. What natural disasters have happened in the last few months? 2. What do you think governments can do to prevent natural disasters? 3. What organizations do you know that provide aid after disasters or work for the environment? 4. What can we do as individuals to improve the environment and help victims of natural disasters? Tell the class some of your answers. 9. Read and translate the text. Tornados Tornados develop quickly and with little warning. When a tornado is forming, weather conditions change very quietly, so you will not have very much time to prepare yourself. If lakes less than 15 minutes for the weather to change from blue skies to dark clouds and very strong winds. Most of die injuries people receive during tornados ate caused by flying debris. The winds blow objects around at high speed, and if one of these flying objects hits you, you're in trouble. Finding shelter is your top priority. Cover yourself, especially your head, with something that will provide good protection. The safest place to be during a tornado is underground - for example, in a basement or cellar. If you can't get to a basement, the next best place to shelter is in an inside halfway or in a small room with no windows, near the centre of a building, like a bathroom or even a wardrobe. If you're away from home when a tornado strikes, you should follow the same basic rules of survival. Stay calm and get to the lowest level possible, away from windows and outside doors. If you're in a car, or any other vehicle, when a warning is issued, you should get out of the vehicle and fie down in a low area 11
away from your car, with your hands covering your head and neck. If you must seek shelter outdoors, be on the alert for the dangerous and sudden floods which often come with tornados. 10. Read the text, fill in the gaps with the missing words. Weird Weather Facts metal dyed ‘blood’ Aristotle spider meteorology a tall isolated tree The study and forecasting of weather is called (1) ______ because it was once precisely that - the study of meteors. The idea that meteors were formed in the sky from various combinations of earth, water, air and fire, and that they contributed to weather conditions, goes back to the great philosopher and scientist, (2) _____, in the 4th century ВС. It was believed in Europe until late in the 17th century. In AD 582, it rained (3) ______ on Paris. The terrified local people saw this as a sign from Heaven and responded by repenting for their sins. The true cause of the strange event was the 'sirocco', the wind that sometimes blows from the Sahara across the Mediterranean into Europe. It carries a fine, red dust from the desert interior, and this had (4) ________ the rain that fell on Paris. On May 29, 1986, twelve schoolchildren in west China were sucked up by a tornado. It put them down again on some sand dunes 20 km away - completely unharmed. The highest wind speeds ever officially recorded have occurred at the top of Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA, where gusts have reached 370 km/hour. The Algonquin Indians of North America believed that the Earth lay on the back of a giant tortoise, and when it shuffled its feet the Earth would quake. One ancient Japanese legend held that the movement of a vast underground (5) _____ caused earthquakes; a later account said it was a monster catfish. The ancient Greeks blamed huge giants wrestling underground. An average of 708 tornadoes strike the United States each year. In April 1974 148 tornadoes hit thirteen states in just twenty-four hours, leaving 315 people dead. If you are stuck out in a storm, never shelter under (6) ______. Try to get indoors, or into a car. Get away from metal objects and get rid of any (7) _____ you are carrying. If you're with other people, spread out. Unfortunately, sometimes even being indoors is no protection. In July 1982 a woman was struck by a bolt that came through the window and hit the metal tea-strainer she was holding. The force of the bolt threw her across the kitchen.
11. Read and translate the text What causes earthquakes? Our old earth stretches and deforms its rock layers at a rate too fast for them to reshape themselves quietly. Scientists are not sure whether the earth is growing bigger and stretching crystal rocks, or shrinking to wrinkle them like dried apple skins. In any case, there are many reasons for the squeezing and twisting of the rocks that cause such trouble. Chemical and radioactive reactions melt the interior materials causing pressure against the overlying rocks. Most important may be the weight of earth material moved from place to place by the rushing waters of rivers. This happens slowly, but there is all the time in the world, and after millions of years the weight of material becomes very great. Breaking takes place along zones of weakness called faults. One side of the rock moves past the other, sideways or up or down, sliding and grinding along the fault until the tension is released. The rock then comes to rest in its new position, to stay until tension builds up again. The following two examples may demonstrate the disaster. II On April 18, 1906, one of the greatest shocks in American history struck San Francisco. It happened at 5:12 on a weekday morning when the downtown business district was deserted and streets were empty. The death toll was between 452 and 498 persons. Actually the quake buckled and rolled over a 200-mile stretch of the San Andreas fault. Altogether, at least 700 persons were killed. San Francisco's damage was estimated at $400 million at a time of 5-cent beer and 15-cent prime beef. What if a quake of similar strength struck at noon on a week-day? It is a chilling possibility. Can cities eventually be built so they're quake-proof? Yes, say the experts. Earthquake damage to structures has been painstakingly studied during the past half century. «There is no reason for a fifty-storey building to be less safe than a fivestorey building if it is constructed properly», says Dr. George W. Housner, Caltech professor of civil engineering. Finally, will it eventually be possible to predict quakes? An international study is now in progress in an effort to answer this question. «With increasing information about the earth movements all over the world», Dr. Benioff says, «we might begin to see a pattern emerge which would tell us when and where the breaking point has been reached». It can't be concluded as yet that earthquakes come in cycles because they haven't been observed or recorded long enough. 13
III «The likelihood of a major earthquake hitting Tokyo is now greater than ever», said Japanese geographer Takamasa Nakuno. On average severe earthquakes (about VIII on the Modified Mercalli scale or 6.5 on the Richter scale) affect the Tokyo area about 10 times a century. The last comparable quake was in 1929, so the next is reckoned to be well overdue. The last destructive earthquake to affect Tokyo occurred in 1923 when 60,000 lives were claimed and 370,000 houses were destroyed. Tokyo has changed considerably since 1923. The urban area has expanded and the density of wooden houses has increased. Nakuno sees new danger areas in the subways and underground shopping complexes. The Tokyo Metropolitan government still sees fire as the major hazard resulting from an earthquake and its counter-measures are designed to deal with a large number of simultaneous fires on independent sites. A central part of their earthquakes policy is to designate open spaces for evacuation and build fire-proof high-rise buildings. 12. Find English equivalents: 1) растягивать, изменять, горные слои, переформировывать, сжиматься (2 вар.), морщиться, двигаться (2 вар.), быть причиной, растопить, стремительный поток, вес материала, иметь место, дефект, напряжение уменьшено, катастрофа; 2) поразил, будний день, пустынный район, пустой, вместе, сила, безопасный при землетрясении, 50-этажное здание, прогнозировать землетрясение, увеличивающие, движение земли, достигать переломного момента, циклы; 3) большинство, сильный, разрушительный, появиться, городская зона, расширяться, увеличиваться, опасность, одновременные пожары, пожаробезопасный. 13. Make up words using the following suffixes: -ly
proper weak tense
-ility slow quiet press possible
14. Read the text, fill in the gaps with the following words: Drought, famine, helicopters, drop, starve, flood, starvation, drown, cut off Famine and flood If a country has no rain for a long time, this dry period is called a … . In countries dependent on their agriculture, this can lead to a period of …, when there is not enough food and people actually … (die of hunger). They die of … When it rains very heavily and the land is under water, this is called a … . In this situation people and animals can … . Sometimes … have to …. food supplies (доставка пищи) to people in areas which are … . 15. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Река затопила ближайшие деревни. 2. Наводнение нарушило (stopped) подачу газа и воды. 3. Огромные волны цунами стали причиной (caused) смерти и ранения многих людей. 4. На место происшествия прибыли медицинские команды и спасатели. 5. Большинство людей были спасены. 16. Read the text, fill in the gaps with the following words: Medical teams, rescue teams, trapped, rubble, epidemic, casualties, toll, collapse, outbreak, earthquake Earthquake and epidemic In some parts of the world, the ground shakes from time to time. This is called an … and if it’s a bad one, the number of … (dead and injured people) is sometimes large. Buildings often … and … have to search for people who are … under the … . Sometimes water supplies are affected and there is an … of disease, called an … . ….. are sent by the government to help the sick. The death … can reach hundreds or even thousands. 17. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. В Японии часто происходят (happen) землетрясения. 2. Землетрясения являются причиной цунами и крупных разрушений. 3. В зданиях происходят разрушения и вспыхивают пожары. 4. Спасатели тушат пожары и спасают людей из-под завалов. 5. Специальные службы стараются спрогнозировать землетрясения.
18. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box. Floods earthquake famine drought disease emergency refugees aid charity injuries 1. The crops have failed again and _______ is widespread. 2. The latest San Francisco ________ measured 4.5 on the Richter scale. 3. In case of ________break the glass and push the button. 4. Half a million ______have now crossed the border in an attempt to find food. 5. I never give to _______. I think it should be the government’s responsibility. 6. The present government has given more in _______ to needy countries than any other in living memory. 7. Many children have suffered terrible _____ as a result of the fighting. 8. A new ____ has been discovered which causes partial blindness and skin problems. 9. There has been a ____ in certain parts of the country due to the lack of rain. 10. There has been so much rain that some rivers have burst their banks and there have been ____. 19. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. The _____ of the ozone layer is one of he worst things that has happened. (DESTROY) 2. If we don’t send food, there will be _____ on a massive scale. (STARVE) 3. We need to find a _____ to the problem before things get seriously out of hand. (SOLVE) 4. There was a ______ of 100,000 in the centre of London today. (DEMONSTRATE) 5. It is shocking that ten per cent of the population live below the ____ line. (POOR) 6. Some of the most beautiful Indian tigers are facing ______. (EXTINCT) 7. If the _____ gets any worse, I’m going to move to the country. (POLLUTE) 8. I believe the ______ of the planet is worth fighting for. (SURVIVE)
20. Complete the texts with the words in the boxes Disasters in the news Text 1 airlift blanket crops
drop famine harvest
lows Plagues Rainfall Rationed Drought worsens
The worsening drought has led to a state of emergency being declared across the country. The effect of months of low (1) ... and freak hot weather has led to a dramatic (2) ... in water levels. Several major rivers have either seen record (3) ... or have dried up. Fears of a (4) ... are growing as farmers have been unable to (5) ... anything this autumn. Not only have the vast majority of (6) ... failed, but farms have also been blighted by (7) ... of locusts. Environmental groups have blamed deforestation and global warming. As a result of the acute shortage, water is now being (8) ..., with limits placed on water available for agricultural purposes and a (9) ... ban being imposed on hosepipe use. Meanwhile, the army has started to (10) ... water, food and medical supplies into remote areas. Text 2 bring charred
evacuated raging
razed sparked
stretched suspicion
Forest fires continue to spread Forest fires are today still (11) ... across large parts of the north of the country. Firefighters have been working through the night in an attempt to (12) ... the worst fires under control, but a spokesperson has claimed that the fire service is being (13) ... to breaking point. Hundreds of people have been (14) ... from the villages most at risk, and many are feared dead. This morning, the (15) ... body of an elderly man was retrieved from a burnt-out building. Countless other homes have been (16) ... to the ground, and the fires continue to ravage large areas. The initial blaze is believed to have been (17) ... by a barbecue. However, three men were last night arrested on (18) ... of starting additional fires. 17
21. Look through the text and write out all bare infinitives. Explain their usage. Fire Safety Rules Fire safety rules are very general, and can be applied to nearly any situation involving a dangerous fire, or the possibility of one. Every family should be sure to become educated on the different fire safety rules, so they can prevent any injuries or deaths in the event of an emergency. Some of the more important fire safety rules are: • Never place a heater near curtains. • Never store any flammable items near a heat source. • Plan and practice a safe fire escape route with your family. • If there is smoke in the air, crawl on the floor to the exit. • Never go through a door if it is hot to the touch. • Remember to stop, drop, and roll. • Learn how to use a fire extinguisher. • Be sure to maintain smoke detectors, and replace batteries. These fire safety rules can help anyone when they are in a dangerous situation involving the fire, but they all require practice, and rational thinking. Of course, accidents can happen. Be sure everyone in the home, including children, know how to dial 911. Practice phone calls with them, and pretend you are the emergency service. This will provide your children with confidence in the event of an emergency. By using the fire safety rules, you and your family can be prepared for the worst, and know how to react accordingly. 22. Read the text once more and answer whether the statements are true or false: Fire safety rules can be applied to any dangerous situation. To know different fire safety rules is important for each family. Never crawl on the floor to the exit in case of smoke in the air. One must not go through a door if it is hot to the touch. It’s very important to be able to use a fire extinguisher in the event of an emergency. − Children should know how to dial the emergency service.
− − − − −
23. Translate from Russian into English. ИНСТРУКЦИЯ Действия обучающихся, преподавателей и сотрудников школы при возникновении пожара: 1. Сообщение о пожаре. Каждый обучающийся или работник образовательного учреждения при обнаружении пожара или признаков горения (задымление, запах гари, повышение температуры и т.п.) ОБЯЗАН НЕМЕДЛЕННО СООБЩИТЬ об этом дежурному администратору, вахтёру или секретарю. 2. Мероприятия по эвакуации. 2.1. Сразу по поступлению сигнала «ПОЖАР» *: - прекратить все работы в здании образовательного учреждения; - организовать немедленную эвакуацию учащихся и работников учреждения, не ожидая никаких централизованных указаний от директора ОУ, штаба ГО и ЧС. 2.2. Используя наиболее безопасные пути эвакуации в сложившейся ситуации и сохраняя спокойствие, преподавателю необходимо: - организованно вывести класс (в котором вёл занятие) на улицу, оставив дверь прикрытой (на ключ не закрывать)**; - выстроить перед главным входом в школу (на стадионе); - проверить по журналу наличие личного состава класса. 2.3. Проверив наличие обучающихся класса, преподаватель обязан доложить об их количестве зам. нач. ГО по эвакуации ____________ или директору школы № _ ____________ (при их отсутствии – дежурному администратору) и ждать дальнейших указаний. 3. Тушение пожара. Преподаватели-мужчины, свободные от занятий, приступают к тушению пожара первичными средствами пожаротушения. * Сигнал «ПОЖАР» представляет собой три длинных звонка (далее непрерывный), дублируемый сообщением ответственного лица или преподавателя по всем кабинетам. ** Классам, находящимся на I этаже, допускается эвакуироваться через окна, соблюдая меры безопасности.
24. Translate the following sentences into English. Меры безопасности при пожаре в лесу • Если вы видите, что пожар начинает загораться, попытайтесь сбить пламя метёлкой из веток. • Двигайтесь от края к центру горящего места – так, чтобы ветер дул вам в спину. • Если поймёте, что вам с пожаром не справиться, отступите и идите за помощью. При этом двигайтесь в подветренную сторону, чтобы не оказаться в кольце огня. • Уходить от огня следует по диагонали в направлении рек или дороги. • Относительно безопасными местами являются также вспаханное поле, большой пустырь или каменистая гряда. • Следует избегать бурелома: сухие деревья и трава вспыхивают моментально. • В мягкой земле можно вырыть яму и укрыться в ней, закрывшись курткой или одеялом, чтобы защищаться от жара. • Когда фронт огня пройдет, идите в том направлении, где огонь уже потух. Во время крупного лесного пожара почти все местное население мобилизуется на борьбу с огнем. Запрещается привлекать к борьбе с пожаром только детей, беременных женщин и кормящих матерей. В зоне бедствия начинают действовать особые законы административного управления, которые позволяют использовать все силы и технику для тушения огня. Если вы входите в группу по тушению лесного пожара, необходимо знать, что и как будет происходить (тактика тушения), знать места укрытия и пути отступления к ним. Необходимо одеться в защитную одежду (при возможности людям выдаются спецодежда, противогазы, каски, противодымные маски). В каждой группе должен быть проводник, хорошо знающий местность. Если видимость в зоне задымления меньше 10 метров, входить в нее нельзя. 25. Make up a dialogue between a parent and a child discussing fire safety rules.
26. Complete the short conversations with the words in the boxes. The effects of disasters Conversation 1 flash
stranded submerged
A: So, did all the flooding last year affect you? B: Yes, it was awful. It was (1) _______ flooding, so the river went up 15,16 feet overnight. By the time we woke up, the ground floor was totally (2) ______ and everything was ruined. We were (3) ______ upstairs and we just had to sit tight and wait for the waters to (4) ______. A: Really? That must've been awful. Conversation 2 control
A: So were your parents affected by all the forest fires? B: Yeah, they were. Their village was (1) ______ and they had to go and stay with my uncle for a few days until the firefighters got everything under (2) _______. The next village along from them was pretty much burnt to the (3) ______, though. Everything just went up in (4)________. My mum was telling me they now think it might all have been started (5) ________. A: Really? What kind of person would do that? Conversation 3 almighty
fleeing sheer terrifying eruption lit up terrified tremors A: So was the area you were staying in affected by the volcano? B: Yeah, totally! It was (1) ______, it really was. Apparently, they'd been feeling (2) _________ for a few weeks and then the night before the (3) _______, all these strange lights (4) ________ the night sky. Then at around 5 in the morning, there was an (5)_______ bang - like a huge explosion - and all these enormous clouds of ash and smoke started pouring out. People started (6) _________ their homes to escape the lava. There was just (7) _________panic everywhere! A: God! You must've been absolutely (8) __________! Work with a partner, and have the conversations. Try to continue them for as long as you can.
27. Translate the text from Russian into English. Enlarge on the topic “Extreme situations”. Существует множество чрезвычайных ситуаций. Некоторые из них зависят от времени года, такие как наводнение (происходит в основном весной, когда тают (melt) снега) или засуха (случается жарким летом, когда выпадает мало осадков (precipitation)). Часто землетрясения являются причиной торнадо, больших волн (цунами) и крупных разрушений. На севере зимой часто случаются метели и снежные заносы, что приводит к обморожению и переохлаждению людей. С целью спасения и помощи людям в России было создано министерство по чрезвычайным ситуациям. Спасатели стараются помочь людям, попавшим в беду: достают их из-под завалов зданий, доставляют продовольствие в регионы, терпящие бедствия, тушат пожары и т.д.. Иногда пострадавшие не могут ответить из-под завалов, и чтобы их найти, спасателям помогают специально обученные собаки. Главная задача - научиться предсказывать чрезвычайные ситуации и предупреждать людей (warn about) и эвакуировать (evacuate) их из опасных мест (dangerous). 28. Survival tips. A) Discuss the following questions in small groups. • Have you ever driven or been for a walk in the desert? Why/ Why not? • What do you think are the possible dangers? • Make a list of ten things you would need to take on a trip into the desert? B) Jeff Wilkinson works for a centre for tourism in Queensland, Australia. He specializes in providing safety advice for visitors to the Queensland desert. Read his advice. How to survive in the desert What you have to remember is that the desert – any true desert – is an amazingly beautiful, amazingly spiritual place. It's also an extremely dangerous place, and every year we have several cases where people, usually tourists have serious problems in the desert and have to be rescued. And if people just use a bit of common sense, and follow a few basic rules for survival, this could so easily be avoided. I think the first thing is, if you decide to go into the desert for whatever reason, just let one or two people know where and when you're going, and when you expect to get back. That way if something does go wrong, people will know where to start looking. There's not really much chance of finding you if we don't where to look. And never ever go into the desert along. As for things you should take, well there's just one word which is water. You must be sure to take plenty of 22
water and by plenty, I mean at least two litres per person per day. In the desert there really is no such thing as too much water. And definitely no alcohol, not even a cold beer – that will dry you put and make you even thirstier. Check you've enough spare fuel for your vehicle – at least twenty litres. As for the equipment you should take, well, of course, a map, and a compass … preferably a couple of maps, and be sure to take a small first-aid kit with a pair of scissors, some bandages and a sharp knife. And take some matches so you can start a fire if need be. You can experience extremes of climate in the desert, so you'll need to have lots of sun screen if you don't want a bad case of sunburn. On the other hand the temperature drops dramatically at night. Actually, more people die from the cold than the hat, and very often people don't take any warm clothes to put on at night … but you'll need them... 29. Complete the gaps with correct quantifiers according to the text: 1. Every year we have ______ cases where people have to be rescued. 2. If people just use _____ common sense… 3. … and follow ______ basic rules for survival, this could easily be avoided. 4. Let _____ people know where and when you’re going. 5. There’s not really_____ chance of finding you if we don’t know where to look. 6. You must be sure to take _____ water. 7. In the desert there really is no such thing as ______ water. 8. Definitely _____ alcohol – not even a cold beer. 9. Check you’ve got ______ spare fuel for your vehicle. 10. Be sure to take a small first-aid kit with a pair of scissors, ____ bandages… 11. Take _____ matches so you can start a fire if need be. 12. You’ll need to have _____ sun screen if you don’t want a bad case of sunburn. 13. Very often people don’t take ______ warm clothes to put on at right. 30. Think of the things you would need to take on a trip to the mountains / to the tundra / to the uninhabited island / to the forest / to the jungle.
II. Accidents voyage – морское путешествие crew - команда a look-out man/ night watch – наблюдатель (дозорный) to pour in - заливаться to sink – тонуть (о корабле) unsinkable - непотопляемый wireless operator - радист to drown - тонуть survive - выжить survivors - выжившие rescue - спасать lifeboats – спасательные шлюпки to abandon the ship – покинуть корабль preliminary – предварительный initial – начальный, исходный findings – полученные данные / сведения investigation – расследование, исследование engine – двигатель online – неавтономный режим работы; режим прямого доступа (онлайн); to come online – включаться в контур управления failure – авария, отказ (тех.) to occur – происходить, случаться to compromise – подвергать риску, опасности; компрометировать to ignite – раскалять(ся), воспламенять(ся), загораться structure – конструкция, устройство; структура wiring – электропроводка crew – судовая команда, экипаж to respond – реагировать; отвечать to taxi – выруливать (о самолете), вести самолет по земле airfield – аэродром aircraft – самолет, авиация equipment – оборудование, оснащение to contribute – содействовать, способствовать; вносить вклад crackdown – крутые / карательные меры, силовое воздействие relief pitcher – запасной питчер / подающий (спорт.) catcher – принимающий / кетчер (спорт.) apartment building – многоквартирный дом to spark – зажигать; вызывать 9/11 – 11 сентября 2001 года (день масштабных террористических актов на территории США) to overlook – возвышаться (над местностью) to gut – опустошать (о пожаре) 24
standstill – прекращение активности; мертвая точка riot gear – экипировка для подавления нарушений общественной тишины и порядка to cordon (=to cordon off) – блокировать, оцеплять chilling – страшный, ужасный to claim – уносить жизни (о стихийном бедствии, аварии, болезни) homeland security – национальная безопасность, безопасность отечества densely populated area – густонаселенный район virtually – фактически, практически restriction – ограничение high-profile – привлекающий внимание, выдающийся target – цель, мишень to rule out – исключать (возможность чего-л.) fighter – истребитель (авиац.) to scramble – поднимать в воздух по тревоге to patrol – патрулировать, охранять to assume – предполагать fatality – несчастный случай со смертельным исходом; рок civilian – штатский; (pl.) гражданской население abrasion – ссадина to sustain – испытывать, претерпевать to ease – облегчать (физические страдания); успокаивать, уменьшать (тревогу, напряжение) talkback – двусторонняя связь (радио) to permit – позволять, разрешать vulnerabilities – слабые места в системе защиты to exist – существовать to take off – взлететь (авиац.) overcast – сплошная облачность; затянутость облаками to swing – поворачивать(ся); качать(ся) boundary – граница, рубеж visual flight rules – правила визуального полёта to maintain – поддерживать to veer – менять направление, поворачивать mayday – (радио)сигнал бедствия distress call – экстренный вызов (пожар, скорая помощь и т.п.), сигнал бедствия major league – высшая лига locker – запирающийся шкафчик / ящик elimination – исключение, устранение reportedly – по имеющимся сообщениям to stun – оглушить (ударом, грохотом); потрясти, ошеломить condolences – соболезнования, сочувствие 25
vehicle – транспортное средство; автомобиль tailgater – водитель, не соблюдающий дистанцию Rollover – переворачивание (автомобиля) Head-on collision – лобовое столкновение To back up – давать задний ход Spin – буксование, проскальзывание при вращении Shunt – маневрирование (ж.-д.); автомобильная катастрофа (разг.)
I. Plane crashes 1. Complete the sentences. Use the previous list of words. a) ______ are keepings. b) Upon closer ______ we discovered the cause of the fire. c) Sam got into the driving seat and started the ______. d) When exactly did the accident ______? e) The photo ______ in a moment. f) The police ______ to emergencies in just a few minutes. g) The plain ______ to a halt. h) The police ______ off the area where the suspect was last seen. i) There is no ______ on filming in the area. j) Do write to your mother to ______ her of her worry. k) We cannot ______ without oxygen. 2. Form correct word combinations: initial preliminary power to work faulty flight a single-runway electrical to contribute crackdown to convey to sustain
results expenditure online airfield crew failure wiring to charity on crime equipment losses one’s condolences to smb.
3. Look through the extract from the official report on the accident to Boeing 777-222, registration N786UA at London Heathrow Airport on 26 February 2007. Find the synonym for the word “reason”. A preliminary report on the initial findings from the accident was published in AAIB Special Bulletin S2-2007 on 17 April 2007. This formal report contains the final findings and Safety Recommendations from the investigation. The accident occurred during engine start after pushback from the stand. After the right generator came online an electrical failure occurred in the right main bus. The failure resulted in severe internal arcing and short circuits inside the two main power contactors of the right main bus. The heat generated during the failure resulted in the contactor casings becoming compromised, causing molten metal droplets to fall down onto the insulation blankets below. The insulation blankets ignited and a fire spread underneath a floor panel to the opposite electrical panel (P205), causing heat and fire damage to structure, cooling ducts and wiring. The flight crew responded to the bus failure and a burning smell by shutting down the right engine and taxiing to a nearby stand. The Airfield Fire Service attended the aircraft when it arrived on stand and entered the Main Equipment Centre where they discovered significant smoke but no fire. The passengers were evacuated uneventfully via steps. The investigation identified the following causal factors: 1. An internal failure of the Right Generator Circuit Breaker or Right Bus Tie Breaker contactor on the P200 power panel inside the Main Equipment Centre resulted in severe internal arcing and short-circuits which melted the contactor casings. The root cause of contactor failure could not be determined. 2. The open base of the P200 power panel allowed molten metal droplets from the failed contactors to drop down onto the insulation blankets and ignite them. 3. The aircraft’s electrical protection system was not designed to detect and rapidly remove power from a contactor suffering from severe internal arcing and short-circuits. 4. The contactors had internal design features that probably contributed to the uncontained failures. Five Safety Recommendations were made. 4. Read the report once more. Find the equivalents for the words and word combinations. Правая главная шина (эл.); внутреннее искрение; короткое замыкание; силовой контактор; оболочка контактора; капли расплавленного металла; изолирующий коврик; вентиляционный канал; без особых происшествий; выключатель.
5. Read the text. Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use each verb only once. crash bring need want recall lose overlook gut practice occur kill scramble dive switch stun permit read maintain fly require Not terror, but lack of rules terrifying David Nason, New York correspondent | October 13, 2006 Article from: The Australian A CRACKDOWN on general aviation procedures around major US cities appears certain after a New York Yankees pitcher ______ (1) a light plane into a Manhattan apartment building, sparking fears of another 9/11 terrorist attack. Cory Lidle, 34, a Yankees relief pitcher, and his California flight instructor, Tyler Stranger, were killed instantly yesterday when their four-seat Cirrus SR 20 crashed into the 30th floor of the Belaire Condominiums building ______ (2) the East River. The huge fireball from Lidle's plane ______ (3) at least five apartments and New York's East Side was ______ (4) to a standstill as police in riot gear cordoned off streets. With sirens blaring, thick black smoke billowing from the building and about 200 firemen on the scene, it chillingly ______ (5) the 9/11 terrorist strikes of five years ago. It also marked the second occasion an aviation tragedy has claimed a player from baseball's most famous club. In 1979, Thurmon Munson, the Yankees captain and an All-Star catcher, was killed while ______ (6) landings at Akron airport in Ohio. But chairman of the house Homeland Security Committee Peter King said the real tragedy was that a small plane could fly over one of the most densely populated areas of the US virtually without restriction. "It's terrible that several people ______ (7) but this is also a signal to terrorists as to how they could attack Manhattan," said Mr King, a Republican. "There is no restricted air space along the East River and the Hudson River. Just think of the high-profile targets you have off both of those rivers." State and federal aviation officials took two to three hours to rule out that another terrorist attack ______ (8). In that time, fighter jets ______ (9) by the North American Aerospace Defence Command were patrolling the skies above several US cities. Admiral Tim Keating, commander of US Northern Command, said his first reaction was: "Oh no, we've got another 9/11." He said he ordered the fighters to be scrambled immediately on the basis of what he was learning from television. The aircraft were in the air in 10 minutes, he said. 28
"We assumed it was (a terrorist act) until we were confident it wasn't," he said. On Wall Street, the Dow Jones index ______ (10) 50 points on news of the crash but recovered when it became clear terrorists were not involved. Miraculously, Lidle and his co-pilot were the only fatalities and there were no other major injuries. Just five civilians ______ (11) treatment for cuts and abrasions, although 15 firefighters and a police officer were later treated for minor injuries sustained in securing the building, which is a short walk from the homes of Paul Newman and Woody Allen. Investigators don't know who was in control of the plane and have yet to discover the reason for the crash. Suicide, though unlikely, has not been ruled out as a possibility. As the initial fears of another terrorist attack eased, the public focus ______ (12) to what appears to be remarkably laissez faire1 general aviation rules that allow light planes to fly close to Manhattan skyscrapers without being subject to a ground control regime. Radio talkback shows were alive with people ______ (13) to know why planes that could be packed with explosives ______ (14) to fly so close to tall buildings. The final report of the 9/11 Commission warned that "major vulnerabilities" to terrorism still existed in US general aviation. Lidle and his instructor took off in overcast weather from New Jersey's Teterboro airport at 2.29pm on Wednesday, local time, and headed south to circle the Statue of Liberty before swinging north to fly up Manhattan's East River boundary. The airspace above the river is open to general aviation and is subject to visual flight rules until East 96th Street. Pilots using this corridor and travelling below 1100ft are not required ______ (15) contact with air traffic controllers. For reasons not yet clear, Lidle's plane was travelling smoothly as it passed the UN2 but suddenly ______ (16) control on reaching the Upper East, veering left and crashing into the apartment building. It was unclear whether a mayday distress call was issued just before the crash, which occurred at 2.45pm. The last time a plane accidentally crashed into a Manhattan skyscraper was in 1945 when fog caused a B-25 bomber to fly into the Empire State Building, killing 14 people. Lidle, a journeyman3 pitcher who began his major league career with the New York Mets in 1997, was signed in August by the Yankees. He had played just six games with them and was on a $US3.3 million ($4.4 million) contract. He had been planning to fly himself home to California later this week via Nashville, Tennessee. As he was cleaning out his locker at Yankee Stadium last Sunday after the team's shock elimination from the baseball playoffs, Lidle had told teammates he
would be doing instrument practice with his instructor in New York before ______ (17) home. When the subject of air safety was raised, Lidle reportedly motioned across the room in the direction of Munson's old locker and said he ______ (18) the National Transportation Safety Board4 report of his accident and the one that killed John F. Kennedy Jr. Yankees owner George Steinbrenner said the "terrible and shocking tragedy" ______ (19) the Yankees organisation. "I offer my deep condolences and prayers to his wife Melanie and son Christopher on their enormous loss," he said in a statement. Lidle paid $US187,000 for the plane last year but he completed the 400 flying hours ______ (20) for his pilot's licence only last month. Copyright 2009 News Limited. All times AEST (GMT +10). laissez faire1 = individualism - the doctrine of unrestricted freedom in commerce, esp. for private interests UN2 = United Nations – Организация Объединенных Наций Journeyman3 – профессионал, хорошо делающий своё дело, но не выдающийся National Transportation Safety Board4 – Национальный комитет по вопросам безопасности транспорта 6. Answer the questions: − What is 9/11? − Why did the crash of Lidle’s plane recall a terrorist attack? − Why were the fighters scrambled? − What was the reason for the crash? − Was Lidle an experienced pilot? Why do you think so? 7. Can you recollect any information about plane crashes? Discuss the facts, causes, and results. 8. Read the text carefully. Consult a dictionary, if necessary. Take the fear out of flying A former airline pilot shares techniques that have helped travellers overcome their phobias A survey conducted for a major aircraft manufacturer concluded that millions of adults were fearful flyеrs. This fear often starts days or weeks before a planned flight. It may be reflected by a persistent uneasiness or an anxiety that produces sleeplessness, nausea or diarrhea. Some people find themselves cancelling reservations. Others may reach the airport only to turn back. But all agree that once they’ve managed to board a plane, the flight can turn into a nightmare. 30
Participants in my seminars report feeling panicky, tearful and overwhelmed: some can't move or speak. One woman gripped her husband's arm so hard she drew blood. The truth is that their fear is completely out of proportion to the corresponding danger. Flying on a scheduled airline is safe. During 1988 and 1989 more than 45 million passengers were flown an average distance of 1,600 miles by British Airways without one fatality. Of course, statistics confirming the safety of commercial air travel do little to reassure the white-knuckled passenger. As Einstein said, "Imagination is more powerful than knowledge”. If you are afraid of flying, the fear has become a subconscious habit that imprisons or at least restricts you. It has grown insidiously, finally becoming an insurmountable threat. Fortunately, fear of flying is among the most treatable of phobias. First, however, you must understand that the problem is not external. Flying is the safest mode of travel, so it is not the plane, the crew or the air-traffic controllers that cause your fear. The problem is caused by the emotions you have created. Next you must realize that while turning away from the source of distress is understandable, it only makes the fear seem more overpowering. The only way to overcome a phobia is to stop avoiding it. Through years of counseling, I have developed the following techniques that will show you how to confront your tear and dispel it: • Visit airports. Somewhere on the perimeter of all airports is a vantage point from which you can watch the planes take off and land. Observe the different makes and sizes. Find out what type you will be travelling on and learn to re cognize it. • Arrive at the airport early. Allow a minimum of two hours for parking, walking, checking in and security screening. Rushing will only add to your anxiety. • Consider travelling with a companion who understands your problem. • Expect to be nervous, excited and uneasy. Take deep breaths, to give yourself a sense of control. Movement is another antidote, so stand and stretch, move about. • Select a seat near the front of the plane where it is quieter and smoother. Force yourself to act rather than react; speak to a stranger. • Even when seated and belled there is still a lot you can do to help ease your nervousness. • Yawn. Smile at someone. Follow the demonstrations of emergency procedures. • Breathe deeply as the plane lines up for take-off. Lean back in you seat. Keep your eyes open during take-off. Do not grip the arms of the seat; this will only make you more tense. Wiggle your toes faster and faster with the acceleration to help yourself relax. (Take-off only takes 35 to 40 seconds.) • After lift-off, listen for the sound of the landing gear being retracted and, 31
if smoking is allowed, the ring of the bell signaling that the NO SMOKING sign has been turned off. Then accept the strange sounds and movements of the plane as normal. Once you have learnt to relax, your constant quest for ominous sounds will fade. • Don't let your fears exaggerate turbulence. Flying through turbulent air can be compared to riding in a speedboat on a choppy lake or driving your car over a pot-holed road. As long as your seat-belt is fastened, turbulence will not hurt you—or the aircraft, which is built as strongly as a battleship. If you find yourself shaking, it is an involuntary response to your nervousness. Speed up your shaking. That will put you back in control. Then, being in control, you can gradually stop it. • Fly sober. A tot of fearful flyers drink too much before embarking. Unfortunately, drinking is usually a handicap rather than a help. This conclusion has come from the people who finally started flying sober because alcohol wasn't helping. One man, a very moderate drinker, drank too much on a flight and blacked out. He woke up the next morning unaware of what city or hotel he was in. Drugs taken to avoid feeling the experience of flight only serve to intensify the problem. When you overcome your fear, take pleasure in the freedom that flying allows you. Flying is a way of life in the twenty-first century. Let it be your way of life as you leave your old fears and limitations behind. 2. Answer the questions: 1. Is fear of flying a common problem with travellers? 2. What are the most common “symptoms” of this phobia? 3. Is fear of flying well-founded? 4. Can statistics help to reassure fearful passengers? Why (not)? 5. Is fear of flying difficult to overcome? 6. What techniques can help passengers confront their fear and dispel it? 3. Find the opposites. Make sentences with the words. easiness tense sleepiness nervousness quietness nightmare brave fearful quietly sleeplessness pleasure uneasiness incurable anxiety calmness panicky to take off treatable calm to land
4. Let's discuss the text. 1. Have you ever experienced fear of flying? If so, what is your way of overcoming this phobia? Is it similar to any of the “techniques” described in the text? 2. Which of the techniques suggested by the authors do you find particularly sensible? Why? 3. Are there any techniques that you find impracticable? If so, which ones and why? 4. Which of the techniques do you think you might try yourself when you take your next flight? Why?
II. Road accidents 1. Read the text and change the form of the underlined words when it is necessary. Common types of collision Crashes are categorizing by what is struck and the direction of impact, or impacts. These are some common crash types, based on the total number that occur in the U.S.A. in 2005, the percentage of total crashes, and the percentage of fatal crashes: • Rear impacts (1,824,000 crashes, 29.6% of all US crashes, 5.4 % of US fatal crashes) • Angle or side impacts (1,779,000 crashes, 28.9% of all US crashes, 20.7% of US fatal crashes) • Run-off-road collisions (992,000 crashes, 16.1% of US crashes, 31.7% of US fatal crashes) • Collisions with animals (275,000 crashes, 4.5% of US crashes, 0.4% of fatal crashes) • Rollovers (141,000 crashes, 2.3% of all US crashes, 10.9% of US fatal crashes) • Head-on collision (123,000 crashes, only 2.0% of all US crashes, but 10.1% of US fatal crashes) • Collisions with pedestrian and bicyclists (114,000 crashes, only 1.8% of US crashes, but 13.5% of US fatal crashes) • Back-up collisions kill 221 people in the US in 2007, and injure about 14,400. This is one of the more common types of non-traffic auto collision in which road workers and children 15 and youngest are killed. Rollover, head-on, pedestrian, and bicyclist crashes combine are only 6.1% of all crashes, but cause 34.5% of traffic-related fatalities. Sometimes the vehicles in the collision can suffered more than one type of impact, such as during a shunt or high-speed spin. This is calling a "second harm33
ful event," such as when a vehicle is redirecting by the first crash into another vehicle or fix object. 2. What is the most / the least dangerous kind of car accidents? Use the previous text to prove your point of view. 3. Look through the text, find the derivative from “mature” and give the Russian equivalent. Beginning drivers’ crashes differ Teenage drivers have the highest crash risk per mile traveled, compared with drivers in other age groups. The problem is worst among 16 year-olds, whose driving experience is the most limited and whose immaturity often results in risktaking. Characteristics of the fatal crashes of 16-year-old drivers include the following: Driver error. Compared with older drivers’ fatal crashes, those of 16 yearolds more often involve driver error. Speeding. Sixteen-year-old drivers have a high rate of fatal crashes in which excessive speed is a factor. Single-vehicle crashes. Many fatal crashes of 16 year-olds involve only the teen’s vehicle. Typically these are high-speed crashes in which the driver lost control. Passengers. Sixteen year-olds’ fatal crashes are more likely to occur when passengers are riding in the vehicle. This risk increases with the addition of every passenger. Alcohol. Although this is a problem among drivers of all ages, it’s actually less of a problem for 16 year-olds. Typically about 14 percent of fatally injured 16-year-old drivers have blood alcohol concentrations of 0.08 percent or more, but alcohol becomes more of a problem in later teen years. Night driving. This is a high-risk activity for beginners. Per mile driven, the fatal crash rate of 16 year-olds is about twice as high at night compared with during the day. Low belt use. Most teens who are killed in crashes aren’t using their safety belts.
4. Look at the table. What is the synonym for “passengers”? Percentage of fatal crashes by characteristic, 2007
Driver error Speeding Single vehicle 3+ occupants Drivers killed with 0.08+ BAC
16 77 35 49 29
Driver Age 17-19 70 34 48 24
20-49 57 24 42 17
5. Compare the crash risk of the age groups denoted in the previous table. The following common expressions may be useful for you: Speaking of…; let me say a few words about…; something else I’d like to say is…; generally speaking…; on one hand…; on the other hand…; it goes without saying…; there is no doubt that… 6. Look through the road safety tips: 1. Don’t use your mobile phone whilst driving. 2. Belt up in the back. 3. Don’t drink and drive. 4. Always adhere to speed limits. 5. Steer clear of* erratic drivers. Let a tailgater pass you. 6. Keep your eyes on the road. Talking on a cell phone or reading a map can distract you and lead to an accident. Keep in mind that a distracted driver might also be near you. Drive cautiously. 7. Be alert near parked cars. Someone could open a car door or pull out in front of you. 8. Don’t drive sleep-deprived. Sleep is not a matter of willpower, but a biological need. If you become drowsy, pull off the road and get some rest. 9. When passing another car, get past the driver’s blind spot as quickly and safely as possible. 10. Keep your distances. Steer clear of*… = Keep away from… 7. Make a list of road safety tips for walking.
8. Read and translate the text. Compare the information with the Russian Automobile Accident Statistics. United States Automobile Accident Statistics Motor vehicle accidents claim over 42,000 lives nationwide each year. These accidents cost Americans $230 Billion in loss of property, medical bills and productivity loss. Alcohol and Car Accidents. About 30 percent of all car accidents are alcohol related. It is estimated that someone is killed every thirty-one minutes and an automobile accident injury occurs every two minutes. According to research, in 2005, over 14,000 traffic fatalities occurred in vehicles in which at least one driver or non-occupant had a BAC of 0.08 or greater. Prevent Injuries by Wearing Seat Belts. 50% of the people killed in automobile accidents die simply because they aren't wearing a seat belt. It's proven seat belts save lives! Seat belts have been credited with preventing 12,000 fatalities and over 325,000 injuries annually. 60% of children die in car accident crashes because they aren't wearing their seat belts. Automobile Crashworthiness. Automobile Crashworthiness involves reducing the severity of injury or preventing death as a result of an accident through the use of safety mechanisms and measures. Crashworthiness may be determined by analyzing the outcome of a crash or by using technology such as computerized models and experiments. Criteria used to determine crashworthiness of a vehicle include patterns of deformity in the automobile structure, vehicle acceleration occurring during a crash and the probability of an injury determined by computer models. The overall crashworthy rating of a vehicle is its ability to prevent injuries from a collision. Crashworthiness measures include airbags, seatbelts, roll bars, side impact airbags and crumple zones. 9. Discuss the text using the questions: 1. How many lives do motor vehicle accidents claim in the USA each year? What about Russia? 2. How many of all car accidents are alcohol related in the USA? In Russia? 3. Do seat belts save lives? Do Russian drivers have to wear a seat belt? 4. What do criteria used to determine crashworthiness of a vehicle include? 5. What do crashworthiness measures include?
10. Read and translate the text. Top Causes of Car Accidents Car accidents don't happen out of the blue, as there is always a cause for affect. Even with today's safety technology, millions of people die each year in car accidents. Some of the most common causes for car accidents are listed below: Speeding - Despite the law and increased awareness, speeding is still the top cause of car accidents. As long as humans want to get to places fast, and car manufacturers make automobiles that can break speed limits, then speed will continue to be a killer. The faster the car, then the more time it takes to stop and the more deadly the impact. If a car crashes at 60mph, the force released is more than double what it would be at 40mph. Weather - Something we have little control over is the weather. Conditions such as fog, rain and snow increase the chances of an accident, obscuring driver's sight and making it harder to stop in time. When driving in bad weather you should take all the recommended and necessary precautions to remain safe. Drunk Driving - Being drunk whilst driving puts yourself and everybody around you in danger. It impairs your judgment, so you are likely to take more risks and you'll probably become more aggressive towards other motorists. The main problem with drunk driving is your reflexes. It can take the brain more than twice the amount of time to send messages to your limbs so simple things like turning corners become problematic. Sleepiness - Being tired at the wheel is selfish and stupid. Drivers, who crash their vehicles when falling asleep at the wheel, account for more than 100,000 US car accidents per year. If you have a long journey to make then share driving duties with another person and take regular breaks. If it becomes too much hit a motel for a nap, or pull over at a truck stop. Distractions - Driving should take your full attention, looking away for a split second can cause an accident. This includes things like changing the stereo, using a mobile phone, interacting with passengers and even slowing down to look at scenery or other accidents. Abiding by the law and using your common sense can prevent all of these causes of car accidents. And remember, just because you are a responsible driver doesn't mean other people are so stay alert. To ensure road safety, drivers must be fully aware of and abide by the rules and regulations as set out in the Highway Traffic Act (Canada) and the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations (U.S.). The ultimate responsibility of safe driving under any conditions or circumstances falls on the driver; no policy or procedural statements can eliminate that responsibility. Each driver must be prepared to employ defensive driving techniques every time they drive to ensure safety when other motorists do something unexpected, weather or road conditions suddenly deteriorate, mechanical malfunctions occur 37
or if anything else happens that may require evasive actions for the safe operation of the vehicle. Sometimes it may be best to just stay off the roads altogether if there is a likelihood of dangerous conditions. 11. Find English equivalents: Обычные причины аварий на дорогах, осознание, добраться до места быстро, превышать скорость, ужасные последствия, удвоенный, туман, затрудняет видимость, предосторожности, остаться невредимым, ведёт к опасности, замедляет реакцию, количество времени, эгоистично, поездка, вести машину, вздремнуть, полное внимание, здравый смысл, предупредить аварию, ответственный водитель, будьте бдительны, транспортное средство. 12. Translate the sentences into English. 1. У каждой аварии всегда есть причины. Самые частые причины автомобильных катастроф – это превышение скорости, плохие погодные условия, пьянство за рулём, усталость и отвлекающие моменты. 2. пока люди хотят побыстрее добраться до места, и пока производители машин делают автомобили, которые могут превышать скоростной режим, скорость на дорогах будет оставаться убийцей. 3. Погодные условия как туман, дождь и снег повышают вероятность наступления аварии, ухудшая видимость и затрудняя возможность остановиться. 4. Если вы едете в плохих погодных условиях, пользуйтесь всеми рекомендациями и примите все предосторожности, чтобы остаться невредимыми. 5. Пьянство за рулём затрудняет ваше восприятие, поэтому вы больше рискуете, а также вы можете стать более агрессивными по отношению к другим водителям. 6. Если у вас долгая поездка старайтесь вест машину по очереди в другим водителем и регулярно отдыхайте. Если уже не сил, остановитесь в мотеле, чтобы вздремнуть. 7. Дорога должна занимать всё ваше внимание, отвлечение в сторону даже на секунду может привести к аварии. Это включает такие вещи, как замена СД, разговор по мобильному телефону или с пассажирами или даже рассматривание пейзажа или аварий.
13. Read and translate the text. Do you agree with all the patterns? Prove your opinion. Highway Traffic A good, safe, defensive driver is one who: Knows and obeys the rules of the road. Exercises care to avoid making any driving errors of their own. Anticipates the mistakes of other drivers who may lack skill, use poor judgment or make unsafe maneuvers, which could jeopardize road safety. Has learned to drive proficiently in different situations like highway or city driving, day and night driving, or driving under various weather conditions. Uses extra care to avoid being involved in an accident or a close call due to weather, road conditions, traffic, or the actions of pedestrians and other drivers. Keeps windows and mirrors clean with mirrors properly adjusted to provide the best possible view around the vehicle. Is continually alert and watching for accident-producing situations in advance where defensive action may be required and is always prepared to react to the unexpected. 14. Read and translate the text. Is There Such a Thing as a Safe Speed? What's the relationship between defensive driving and legal speed limits? Is there such a thing as a safe speed? The answer is no. Thanks to a recent study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, we now have the research findings to prove it. The Virginia Tech study tracked 100 cars in the Washington, D.C. area. What's interesting about this study is that it logged the daily experiences of real drivers in real driving situations. Instrumentation added to the cars allowed researchers to examine the causes of crashes and near crashes. At the same time, the instrumentation was so subtle that drivers quickly forgot it was there. Each car in the study was monitored for about one year. The results tell us a great deal about defensive driving. The study found 82 collisions and crashes (with another vehicle or with a cyclist, pedestrian, or stationary object); 761 near crashes (defined as a rapid, severe maneuver that avoided a crash); and 8,295 incidents (evasive maneuvers that are not as severe as those involved in a near crash). The study concluded that driver error was a contributing factor in more than 90% of the crashes and collisions that occurred. In 65% of all incidents and 80% of all near crashes, the driver looked away from the road ahead of him immediately before the threat materialized (defined as three seconds or less). The lesson is clear: Defensive driving means keeping your eyes on the road. The study concluded that a major contributing factor in collisions is the driv39
er's inattention to the road ahead of him. The study found that 18 to 20-year-olds are at the highest risk of being involved in a collision. (The study didn't include drivers under the age of 18). The study also shows that risk decreases with age: Defensive driving is a set of skills and mental habits that are acquired over the years. The study found that the No. 1 cause of collisions was fatigue. Multitasking was the second leading cause of crashes and near crashes. The "secondary task distraction" that was involved in the greatest number of crashes, near crashes, and incidents was the use of hand-held wireless devices. Defensive driving means staying focused on the task of driving. It's statistically safer to be around an experienced driver who is traveling ten miles over the speed limit on an interstate highway in good weather and light traffic, than to be near a distracted teenager driving home from the mall-a few miles under the speed limit, perhaps, but fiddling with a soda, munching on fries, and text messaging friends. As soon as an inattentive driver takes his eyes off the road, any speed is unsafe. Inexperienced drivers react to hazards after they happen. Experienced drivers see potential hazards before they happen. They have time to drive out of danger because they see the danger in time. It's always easy to know what kind of driver is ahead of you by watching how he uses his brakes. Masters of defensive driving are rarely in a situation where they have to slam on the brake. On the other hand, novices have to push on the brake as hard as they can to avoid a collision. Be sure your teenagers learn this first lesson of defensive driving today: No speed is safe when they take their eyes off the road. 15. Read and translate the text. How to Prevent Sleepiness when Driving If there is an extra word in a line, write it next to the number, if it’s correct, put a tick (٧). One of the most a dangerous things that you can do when driv1______ 2______ ing is to continue driving once you've gotten sleepy. You are don't 3______ even have to fall asleep to cause damage on this the road - although 4______ that's a major concern – you are start risking your safety and the 5______ safety of others as soon as so you start driving while tired. Your re6______ flexes and reaction times did get slower and your attention drifts so 7______ you're simply not as prepared at the wheel as when you're wide 8______ awake. Unfortunately, there will are going to be times when you 9______ have to drive for long periods of time and you might get sleepy do10______ ing it. As a result, you are need to have an arsenal full of tricks up 11______ your sleeve that you can rely on to beat the sleepiness and stay alert 12______ on the road.
Here are some of the most common ways that people avoid getting sleepy while driving for long stretches of time: Caffeine. Let's face it, there's a reason that gas stations along the highway always have plenty of coffee available for their customers. Many people rely on the caffeine boost from coffee - or the jolt from a soda or an energy drink - to give them the boost they need. If you're someone who feels more awake after drinking caffeine (not everyone does), then this could be a good trick for you. However, remember that the caffeine high is only going to last for a short time. After that, you'll crash and be even more tired than before. Therefore, you should only use this trick if you have a good sense of how long a caffeine rush lasts for you and you'll be able to reach your destination - or at least a good stopping point - within that time frame. Healthy energy boost. Some people prefer avoiding the caffeine rush and going instead for a healthy snack that will boost their energy levels. This has an added benefit as well. When you get tired, your body sometimes mistakes the need for sleep with the need for food. Therefore, you're going to get hungry as you get tired. A healthy snack can take that hunger edge off while waking you up a bit. Foods that are rich in healthy carbs and proteins are the ones that you're going to get the most benefit from in terms of energy. Cold air. Chilly air will help you wake up and stay more alert. Many people roll down the windows of their car in order to get fresh air because natural cold air is going to give you more of a burst than your AC (atmosphere control) will. However, if you need to use the AC, it can work as well. You might be slightly uncomfortable if you're cold but at least you'll be on your toes. Create discomfort. Chilly air isn't the only thing that can make a car uncomfortable. Change up the way that you're sitting in the seat so that it's not quite as comfy as it usually is. Or focus on a situation in your life that is causing you frustration. If you're uncomfortable, you're not going to be so sleepy. This isn't fun but it can do the trick in a pinch when you're on the road and really need something to help you stay awake. Sing along to loud music. Music on the radio can sometimes make you more sleepy if you don't choose it wisely. Make sure that you have a selection of CDs in your car that are all upbeat and filled with energy. Don't be afraid to turn it up and sing along. If you get yourself amped up like you would at a dance club then you won't feel so sleepy while you drive. Talk radio or audio books. This one isn't right for everyone. Some people hear a book on tape and immediately start to get bored (and sleepy). However, there are some people who can get really engaged in talk radio or books on tape. Those people will benefit from turning their minds on to one of these items while driving. Spoken word poetry or comedy skits work better for others. Pull over and exercise. Exercise will get your blood pumping and wake you up for a little while. When you get out of the car at a gas station or see a rest stop that looks safe, you can take a few moments to get yourself energized through ex41
ercise. Don't overdo it; you want to add energy not sap yourself! Buy a gadget that helps. There are several different gadgets on the market that are specifically designed to help sleepy drivers stay awake. For example, there's the Drive Alert Master which will emit a loud beep in your ear every time that it senses your head starting to drift into sleepiness. If you're someone who has a reason to regularly drive while tired and nothing else is working for you then you might want to try some of the gadgets out there that cost a little bit but could work to keep you safe. Ask yourself why you're so tired. There are several different reasons that you might get tired when driving and they can help you determine methods of treating the problem. If you're tired because you haven't slept then you might need to pull over at a rest stop and take a catnap. If you're tired because you're bored from all of the hours on the road, you might benefit from playing a road game with yourself or calling a friend to talk for awhile while driving (hands-free of course). If you're tired because you took medication that may have made you drowsy, you need to pull over and wait for the effects to wear off. Assessing the true cause of what's making you tired goes a long way towards reducing the problem. Make sure that you try out a bunch of different tricks to see what works for you to prevent sleepiness while you're on the road. If what you're trying isn't working and you're just too tired to keep going, pull off the road and get a motel room. You'd rather be late to wherever you're going than not to get there at all. 16. Answer the following questions on the text: 1. What are the ways that people avoid getting sleepy while driving? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of drinking caffeine before driving? 3. Which food can you get the most benefit from in terms of energy? 4. Can cold do more good than harm for a driver? 5. If you're uncomfortable, you're not going to be so sleepy, are you? 6. What kind of music or books can make you stay awake? 7. What are the tips for exercising while driving? 8. What gadgets are there on the market that are specifically designed to help sleepy drivers stay awake? 9. Assessing the true cause of what's making you tired goes a long way towards reducing the problem, does it? Why? 10.What other things can you suggest to avoid sleeplessness while driving?
17. Fill in the gaps with proper preposition: On off in up down out of for into To rely … the caffeine to wake smb … food is rich … healthy carbs to roll … the windows of the car to drift … sleepiness
focus … a situation to turn the music … to get … car wait … the effects to wear off pull …the road
18. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line Road Rage: Reality or Myth When _______, it is easy to become angry by the actions of other _______. Have you ever been driving down the street and a guy in the other lane _____ in front of you and cuts you off? _______ your fight/flight response is triggered and you ______ become angry. For must of society, being cut off is the ultimate ________ and a test of how well we can keep our cool. Many people feed their angry auto (the mind) and give in to temptation. When you give in to the _____ and become _____ you have just lost total control of your body, emotions, and actions. _______ to LeDoux (1992), our brains have two ______ neural response systems. The first system is ______ by a brain structure called the amygdale (a center in our primitive brain). The other system is _______ by the neocortex, the thinking brain and seat of high _______ and planning. Given this detailed ________ of what happens when we receive stimuli that is picked up by our body, it is easy to see how one little incident is turned into a volcanic eruption. You are no longer ______ clearly and are in more danger than you can possibly imagine. In situations as these, you are no longer aware of your statements or actions and are not capable of making rational or logical_____ decisions.
19. Read and translate the text. Winter driving Well the winter blast of snow and ice we got before Xmas has melted away with the recent warm weather we've had. Now you can see all the ugly stuff that was hiding in the snow piles. There is a good size chunk of concrete that the snowplow left at the bottom of my driveway, looking down the road from my house I don't see anything missing so I have no idea where he got it. I just hope the city picks it up. When the snow first arrives each year, it seems like all the fools want to go play in the snow. There are so many accidents and cars in the ditches, you wonder how it can happen when traffic is just creeping along. Does everyone forget how to drive in the snow? SLOW DOWN, KEEP YOUR DISTANCE! and maybe you'll stay out of the ditch. It's too bad the authorities can't come up with a way to test drivers in winter conditions before issuing their license, it would be a lot safer out there. Now that the snow and ice are gone, speeds have gone back to normal on the roads and highways. Unfortunately with the increased speeds come increased damage and injuries if there is an accident. With higher speeds, you need to increase your following distance to allow room for safety. Remember that anything can happen anywhere and anytime so be aware of what is behind you and what is beside you as well as traffic ahead of you. Keep a mental picture of where vehicles are in your blind spots, they may be there for a while and if you forget that they are there and change lanes, you may just end up as another statistic. Car insurance is expensive.....no doubt about it! But it can be helpful! 20. Give the English for: снегопад, таять, Рождество, недавний, прятаться, сугроб, цемент, шоссе, поиграть на снегу, аварии, ров, ползти, сохраняй дистанцию, зимние условия, выдавать водительское удостоверение, намного безопаснее, снег сошёл, увеличение скорости, увеличить травмоопасность, оставить место для безопасности, транспорт, транспортное средство, «слепые зоны», автомобильная страховка, без сомнения. 21. Give your opinion on the following points, use the prompts: - I fully agree with it - To my mind… / In my opinion … - That’s right
- I disagree - On the contrary - On the other way round
1. When the snow has melted down you can see all the ugly stuff that was hiding in the snow piles. 44
2. When the snow first arrives each year, it seems like all the fools want to go play in the snow. 3. With the increased speeds come increased damage and injuries if there is an accident. 4. With higher speeds, you need to increase your following distance to allow room for safety. 5. You should be aware of what is behind you and what is beside you as well as traffic ahead of you. 6. Car insurance is expensive.
III. Train crashes 1. Put the parts of the text in the right order. The Great Texas Train Crash at Crush a) Perhaps he was inspired by a similar spectacle done several months before near Cleveland, Ohio. Maybe the idea occurred to him just because his company couldn’t figure out how to get rid of some obsolete locomotives. Crush worked as a passenger agent for the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad, commonly referred to as the “Katy” line. b) Crush’s proposal was to take two of the obsolete locomotives and put them on a track facing each other a couple of miles apart. The crews would then fire the engines up, get them moving and jump off. The trains would race toward each other, picking up speed, until they met in a fiery and spectacular crash. The railroad would charge nothing to view the man-made disaster, but would profit from tickets sold for special excursion trains running to the site. c) In the 1890’s the Katy started to replace their 30-ton steam engines with larger, more advanced 60-ton units. This left almost 50 locomotives for which the railroad had no use. Some were sold to logging camps. Others found their way to gravel companies. Still there were plenty left. d) It was to be a spectacular 19th Century publicity stunt with a carefree carnival mood. It ended in explosions, flying metal and death. Nobody will ever know what inspired that idea in William G. Crush’s mind. By all accounts he was a conservative man and a solid citizen not given to crazy ideas. e) The company accepted his recommendation and put Crush in charge of the project. Three engines were chosen to be prepared for the crash. Number 999 was repainted green with red trim and number 1001 was painted red with green trim.
f) The organizers expected between 20,000 and 25,000 people and built a special railway station at the site for the arriving passengers. A sign there proclaimed the station as “Crush, Texas.” On the day of the event, September 15, 1896, people started arriving in droves. g) Each was gone over carefully so that there would be no mechanical failures on crash day. “I’ll tell you we really worked on those engines. Firemen in those days had to keep their engines in condition,” recalled Frank Barnes who was a member of one of the locomotive crews. The third engine was to be held in reserve should one of the other two fail. e) The special trains taking people to the event were so full that some brave souls rode on the roofs of the cars. The crowd swelled to between 30,000 and 40,000 people and Crush – for a few hours – became the second largest town in the state. 2. Can you predict the result of the idea described in the text “The Great Texas Train Crash at Crush”? Read the rest information of the event. Safety Concerns While the crowds gathered the engine crews started checking their trains over. Speed tests were conducted on each to help predict the exact point of collision. To avoid having one of engines get away and run wild onto the mainline, the rails connecting the collision spur track with the mainline were removed. Since the couplers used in those days were of the unreliable link and pin variety, the cars were chained together so they would not come apart during impact. One concern was whether each of the engine’s boilers would hold up under the stress of the crash. Steam engines use a large, heavy metal pressure tank called a boiler to contain water heated to the boiling point by a fire fueled by coal, wood or oil. At the boiling point some of the water turns to steam. Since steam takes up 1675 times as much volume as the water it came from this expansion creates a tremendous pressure inside the boiler. The high pressure steam is transferred through pipes to the cylinders and pistons connected to the engine’s driving wheels. The high pressure steam can then move the pistons, making the locomotive go. Should a boiler rupture under pressure the result would be almost exactly like a large bomb being set off. In 1865 the steamship The Sultana suffered a boiler explosion while traveling north on the Mississippi. The ship was packed with an unknown number of union soldiers returning from the war and an estimated 1,700 people died, either directly from the explosion or from drowning as the ship sank. Up until that time it was the largest loss of life in the history of the United States as the result of a maritime accident. In 1912 a steam locomotive being readied for a run at the Southern Pacific Roundhouse in San Antonio had its boiler rupture for unknown reasons. The re46
sulting explosion leveled most of the buildings in the railroad yard and much of the surrounding neighborhood. A house and its owner seven blocks away were crushed by the front end of the locomotive as it fell from the sky. An estimated 40 people were killed and another 50 injured. It was clear that if one or both of the boilers were to explode during the collision the event might be too dangerous to stage. Crush had gone to the Katy’s engineers and was assured that the boilers on the engines were designed to resist ruptures even in the event of a high-speed crash and it would be virtually impossible for them to explode. Reassured, Crush went ahead with the event, though except for reporters and honored guests, spectators were to be kept back a minimum of 100 yards from the track. The Crash The crowed grew and grew all day and some three hundred policemen were brought in to keep them in order. At 5 PM, one hour late, the two trains were brought together at the expected point of collision so that photographs could be taken. Then they were slowly backed up the track to their starting locations. When all in readiness Crush, who had been overseeing the event from the back of a white horse, waved his hat and the crews in the locomotives threw the throttles to full. “We cut the reverse lever back to the second notch, stayed with the engine for 16 exhausts – that’s four turns of the drivers – and jumped,” recalled Barnes. “Those were good engines. They really got up speed.” The engines, pulling only six cars each, raced toward each other. By the time they closed the distance, which took just two minutes, they were going at an estimated 45 miles per hour. “The smoke was pouring from their funnels in a great black streak and the popping of the steam could be distinctly heard for the distance of a mile,” reported The Dallas Morning News. “The rumble of the two trains, faint and far off at first, but growing nearer and more distinct with each fleeting second, was like the gathering force of a cyclone. Nearer and nearer they came, the whistles of each blowing repeatedly and the torpedoes which had been placed on the track exploding in almost a continuous round like the rattle of musketry.” The Deadly Explosion The trains hit very near to the expected spot. What was unexpected was that the boilers on both locomotives exploded like twin bombs. “There was just a swift instance of silence, and then as if controlled by a single impulse both boilers exploded simultaneously and the air was filled with flying missiles of iron and steel varying in size from a postage stamp to half of a driving wheel…” reported The News. The flying metal had a deadly effect. People ran in terror. Two young men and a woman were killed. Six other people were seriously injured. One of the official photographers lost an eye. The trains themselves were completely destroyed, except for their last cars, which remained virtually untouched. After the crowd recovered from the blast, it swarmed over the wreckage to find souvenirs.
Nobody knows why the boilers exploded. Afterward, railroad officials speculated that each train traveling 45 miles per hour and hitting head on was the same effect as if a single train traveling 90 miles per hour had hit a solid wall. They suggested this was a much greater impact than they had expected, causing the explosion. Physics shows that this is faulty reasoning, however. The real effect was no more than a single train hitting a wall at 45 miles per hour, perhaps even less. In any case the stunt, expected to generate good will for the railroad, backfired. William Crush was fired that very evening. Proving that, at least in the 19th century, there is no such thing as bad publicity; he was rehired the next day and worked for the company until he retired. The railroad quickly paid any claims against it and the memory of the Crash at Crush slowly faded. It is unknown if famed ragtime composer Scott Joplin was in the crowd that day, but we do know he was so impressed by the events there that in the early 20th century he wrote Great Crush Collision, immortalizing the man-made disaster in music. 3. Use the previous text to give English equivalents for: Подъездной путь (ж.-д.); магистраль; рельсы; разрыв бойлера; взрыв; инсценировать; начальное расположение; рычаг реверса; на предполагаемой скорости 45 миль в час; практически нетронутый; толпиться; неожиданно привести к обратным результатам; уволить; уходить на пенсию. 4. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue between a journalist and an eyewitness of the train crash at Crush.
IV. Disasters at sea 1. Insert the missing words. The ship that couldn’t sink The Titanic, with 2,300 ... aboard, was on its first ... from Southampton to New York. It was 11.40 p.m. on 14th April 191 and sea was calm. Suddenly the look-out man saw the enormous ... «...ahead! » he shouted. Immediately ... turned, but not soon enough. The iceberg tore a 300 foot ... in the hull and water began to pour in. At first the captain didn't worry because ... was unsinkable. Then the ship began to lean. At 12.05 the captain gave the order «Uncover the ...!» The wireless operator sent out an SOS ... . Six ships began to race towards the Titanic. But the two ... who were closest did not hear the desperate ... for help. 48
At 2 the captain gave... «Abandon ship!». In one of the ... was young woman, Emily Richards, and her baby. She said later: «It was the most ... sight I have ever seen». The sea … … of bodies. The water was so ... that nobody could survive for more than a few ... A few minutes later the Titanic began ... beneath the surface. One by one the last ... jumped into the sea. Then ... rose up in the air and the Titanic ... quickly out of sight. At dawn the next morning a rescue ... picked up survivors from ... 2. Read some more information about the Titanic, fill in the gaps with parts of the sentences. There is one extra part. A. more that one hundred meters long. B. enough to save the lives of about half the people on board. C. asking for full refund or free holiday. D. on her maiden voyage on Saturday, 14th April, 1912. E. including ten millionaires. F. seven hundred and five passengers in the lifeboats. G. in less than two hours. Tragedy at sea The Titanic, the biggest, fastest and most luxurious ship in the world sank (1)___. There were more than 2.000 people on board. Among the passengers there were some of the richest, most famous and important people in the world, (2)___. Just before midnight most of the passengers were sleeping or getting ready for bed. Suddenly the night watch saw a huge iceberg ahead. The crew tried to turn the ship but she was too huge to turn quickly, and the speed was too great. The coming iceberg hit the Titanic on the side which made a hole in the side of the ship (3)____. Water started pouring in at once… Thomas Andrews, the ship’s designer, was sure the ship was going to sink (4)___. What’s worse, he as well as Captain Smith knew that the liner had only 20 lifeboats, (5)___. The two radio officers started sending SOS in the ether, asking everyone who got it to come immediately. But the nearest ship, the Carpathia was four hours away. The captain ordered to abandon the ship, filling the boats with women and children first. The Carpathia arrived an hour and ten minutes after the Titanic had sunk, and rescued (6)___. Fifteen hundred persons had drowned, including Thomas Andrews and Captain Smith.
3. Read the text and choose the correct answer. Water Safety When you have children who like ______(1), if you live near a body of water like a pond or lake, if you live near a river or a stream or if you ______(2) a swimming pool, water safety is ______(3) important to think about. Basic water safety can ______(4) by constant supervision over your small children. You can of course take ______(5) water safety precautions by fencing off your pool or fencing off your yard so your small child can not get to any nearby natural ______(6) of water. You can also increase water safety with the help of swimming pool alarms that are easy to set up and will alert you if your child is near the pool or ______(7) in the pool. You can also increase water safety by buying a swimming pool safety cover for your swimming pool. A swimming pool water safety cover prevents ______ (8) if your small child or pet falls into the pool. When your child is swimming you can ensure water safety by ______ (9) sure your small children have floatation devices like life jackets. You can find these water safety accessories at various pool supply stores and from many different online vendors. You can also ______(10) water safety by teaching your children how to swim.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
A swim A own A incredible A maintain A extra A pools A falls A being drowned A making A reduce
B swimming B has B incredibly B be maintain B cold B swimming pools B fall B drowning B doing B decrease
C swimming C had C improbable C be maintained C especially C bodies C fell C to drown C be C ensure
4. Read the text. Make a list of ways we can use to increase water safety. Water park safety Overview. The water park industry has produced an excellent track record of delivering safe family recreation. In fact, a visit to a water park is the safest way for families to play together in the water. Achieving these results is not as effortless as floating down a lazy river attraction, however – it takes a great amount of dedication and teamwork each day. Annual attendance at America’s approximately 1,000 commercial and mu50
nicipal water parks has risen to more than 80 million, yet the attractions at these facilities constitute one of the safest forms of recreation available to the public. Bicycling, soccer, skiing, and numerous other similar activities lead to hundreds of thousands more injuries every year than those stemming from water park attractions of all types. This record is due to many factors, the most fundamental one being that the water park sector is a responsible, professional industry, subject to a thorough set of internal safety checks and various independent examinations. Through programs relating to maintenance, operations, and personnel training, facilities are actively and constantly engaged in promoting safety. Water parks divide their inspection and maintenance programs into hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly activities. They follow detailed manufacturer guidelines, and many use outside specialty companies to periodically re-inspect attractions. A) Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line Lifeguard Training Water parks make _____ the top priority in staff training, and today’s _______ lifeguards are trained to deliver an ______ high standard of care. Only after lifeguards earn the _____ authorization through this _____ process are they then permitted to staff an _______. ______ areas cover water safety, CPR, first aid, and crowd control, and can also include use of automated external defibulators & backboards, and oxygen ______. Consequently, water park lifeguards are welltrained in responding not only to water-related _______, but in spotting and reacting to life-_____ medical situations as well. In-service training is on a ______ basis and covers such _____ operational aspects as guest service, scanning & vigilance techniques, safe water entry/exit, incident _______, and rescue procedures, plus physical conditioning ______.
B) If there is an extra word in a line, write it next to the number, if it’s correct, put a tick (٧). Water Quality 1 _____ 2______ 3______ 4______ 5______ 6______ 7______ 8______ 9______ 10_____ 11_____ 12_____ 13_____ 14_____ 15_____ 16_____ 17_____ 18_____ 19_____ 20_____
First-class water quality is be also at the heart of any water park, and is thus regularly evaluated and maintained. Facilities are work with outside consultants and government agencies to meet the highest public health standards. Cases of a water-borne illnesses at water parks are extremely rare, and extraordinary measures are taken to keep a this record intact. This is an especially true in the prevention of cryptosporidium contamination. Water park managers are well aware to of the challenges posed by “crypto” and have be been proactive in aggressively promoting prevention techniques that can be stop contamination before it starts by way of sound hygienic practices. Personnel are trained to observe that an infants and young children is entering the water have on specially-designed disposable swimwear, which prevents leakage. The many facilities keep this type of swimwear available on-site, further encouraging parents to join with staff in implementing these rules. Moreover, a certified specialists test the water regularly throughout the day, are using state and local codes, to confirm that bacteria-fighting chemicals remain in constant balance.
C) Read the recommendations of water safety. Add any tips if you can. The CDC recommends all swimmers be vigilant in following three basic guidelines to prevent disease transmission: 1. Do not swim if you have diarrhea. This is especially important for children in diapers. 2. Do NOT swallow the pool water. Try to avoid getting water in your mouth if possible. 3. Practice good hygiene and shower before swimming. Also, wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet or changing diapers. In addition to these steps, the CDC has issued these additional recommendations for parents with young children: 1. Take your children to the bathroom often throughout the day. 2. Change diapers in a bathroom and away from the pool. Germs can be spread from objects around the pool. 3. Wash your child thoroughly with soap and water before going swimming. In the realm of information sharing, there are protocols involving water 52
parks, manufacturers, and government agencies that result in the reporting of possible or actual problems regarding guest safety. Regularly scheduled safety seminars held by manufacturers and industry associations such as IAAPA also allow for the broad dissemination of relevant expertise and data through discussion of the latest advances, standards, and techniques. Water park safety tips Dress appropriately, including water shoes, a hat and loose shirt for when you’ve had enough sun. Monitor how much sun children, especially toddlers, are exposed to. • Apply waterproof sunscreen before leaving home (reapply throughout the day) and drink plenty of fluids (avoiding those heavily sweetened or with caffeine). • Make sure non-swimmers and weak swimmers have a life vest. Bring your own if you are unsure of availability and fit. • Children in diapers should be dressed in waterproof swim diapers to minimize leakage. Change diapers only in designated changing areas. • Read the sign at every waterpark ride and obey its rules and experiencelevel guidelines. • Follow the lifeguards’ instructions and signal them if you see someone in trouble. • Like visits to amusement parks and attractions designating a meeting place is always smart in the instance some one is separated from your party. The buddy system is an excellent way to ensure no children are left alone. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends all swimmers be vigilant in following three basic guidelines to prevent disease transmission: Amusement ride safety tips • Obey listed age, height, weight, and health restrictions. • Observe all posted ride safety rules. • Keep hands, arms, legs and feet inside the ride at all times. • Remain seated in the ride until it comes to a complete stop and you are instructed to exit. • Follow all verbal instructions given by ride operators or provided by recorded announcements. • Always use safety equipment provided and never attempt to wriggle free of or loosen restraints or other safety devices. • Parents with young children should make sure that their children can understand safe and appropriate ride behavior. • Never force anyone, especially children, to ride attractions they don’t want to ride. If you see any unsafe behavior or condition on a ride, report it to a supervisor or manager immediately. •
TEST 1 1. Give the English equivalents - Чрезвычайные меры - Голод и наводнение - Засуха ухудшается - Лесные пожары распространяются - Выживание в пустыне
- Непотопляемый корабль - Национальная безопасность - Самолёт взлетает / садится - Экстренный вызов - Транспортное средство
2. Fill in the gaps with the following words: Floods earthquake famine drought disease charity injuries
emergency refugees aid
1. The crops have failed again and _______ is widespread. 2. The latest San Francisco ________ measured 4.5 on the Richter scale. 3. In case of ________break the glass and push the button. 4. Half a million ______have now crossed the border in an attempt to find food. 5. I never give to _______. I think it should be the government’s responsibility. 6. The present government has given more in _______ to needy countries than any other in living memory. 7. Many children have suffered terrible _____ as a result of the fighting. 8. A new ____ has been discovered which causes partial blindness and skin problems. 9. There has been a ____ in certain parts of the country due to the lack of rain. 10. There has been so much rain that some rivers have burst their banks and there have been ____. 3. Find the correct alternative The deadly tsunami On 26th December 2006, as millions of people went about their 0) daily business, nobody would have suspected that a natural 1)________was about to take place. At approximately 8:00 am local time, an undersea 2) ________ occurred off the western coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The powerful tremor resulted in a devastating 3)_________ which battered the coastline of numerous countries, including India, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The overwhelming force of these destructive 4) _________was enough to break trees in half and cause houses to collapse completely. Within seconds, picturesque villages were turned into piles of rubble. Nobody was spared in this catastrophic act of nature, from villagers going about their business to tourists who 54
had been enjoying the scenery. Only in the aftermath of the disaster did the world realize how forceful the tsunami had been. Despite the speedy provision of 5) ________aid, nearly 250,000 people died and 1.69 million were left homeless. 0) A daily B day C every day 1) A environment B disaster C storm 2) A earthquake B drought C epidemic 3) A famine B fire C tsunami 4) A explosion B waves C snowstorm 5) A human B humanity C humanitarian 4. Make up sentences with the following words: 1) Finding, priority., Shelter, your, is, top 2) In some, of the world, the ground, parts, from time, shakes, to time. 3) safety, rules, Fire, are, general, very 4) The desert is an amazingly beautiful and spiritual place 5) experience, can, extremes, in the desert, You, , of climate, 6) drivers, Teenage, crash risk, have the highest, per mile traveled
III. Emergency Measures Emergency – критическая ситуация; экстренная помощь Emergency measures – экстренные меры First aid – первая помощь Treatment – лечение, уход Victim – жертва Injury – травма To recover – выздоравливать To avert death – предотвратить смертельный исход Cessation of breathing – остановка дыхания Bleeding – кровотечение Poisoning – отравление Heart attack – сердечный приступ Wound – рана To apply splints – накладывать шины (мед.) Fracture – перелом Dislocation – вывих Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – восстановление работы сердца и дыхания Artificial respiration – искусственное дыхание To faint – упасть в обморок, потерять сознание Sting – укус (насекомого) Heat exhaustion – тепловой удар 1. Complete the sentences. Use the previous list of words. a) Doctors are trying out a new __________ for depression. b) __________ is the usual medical word that is used when someone breaks a bone in their body. c) To __________ means to become unconscious and fall down. d) Saleem, aged 16, was the __________ of a vicious racial attack yesterday evening. e) The __________ was deep and needed 18 stitches. f) She had chickenpox, and it took her ten days to __________. 2. Make a list of cases when it is necessary to render first aid. 3. Read the article and check your answer to Exercise 2. First aid First aid, immediate and temporary treatment of a victim of sudden illness or injury while awaiting the arrival of medical aid. Proper early measures may be instrumental in saving life and ensuring a better and more rapid recovery. The avoidance of unnecessary movement and over-excitation of the victim often prevents further injury. Conditions that require immediate attention to avert death in56
clude cessation of breathing (asphyxia), severe bleeding, poisoning, strokes, and heart attack. The essentials of first aid treatment also include the correct bandaging of a wound; the application of splints for fractures and dislocations; the effective methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and artificial respiration; and treatment of shock, frostbite, fainting, bites and stings, burns, and heat exhaustion. 4. Look through the text again and write out all verbal nouns used there. 5. Choose the things kept in the first aid kit. tourniquet bandage cotton wool iodine brilliant green medical gloves forceps gauze activated carbon syringe validol thermometer mustard plaster aspirin anesthetic adhesive plaster antiallergic drug antibiotic stethoscope 6. Form correct word combinations: to give a remedy to release to put in to stop to smear to bandage
the tourniquet a medicine with iodine the bleeding for headache the stitches a hand
7. Fill in the gaps using the words from the table. ribs
a clear atmosphere
Asphyxia and Obstruction of Air Passages Symptoms: Blue discoloration of face, tongue, and lips; gasping; inability to speak; ______ (1). Treatment: First try the Heimlich maneuver, grasping the victim from behind with hands linked in front and compressing the abdomen just below the ______ (2). Encourage victim to cough up foreign objects in ______ (3); as a last resort, rap victim between shoulder blades to dislodge the object. For asphyxia caused by gas or fumes, remove victim to ______ (4); use artificial respiration.
8. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Bites and Stings Symptoms: Wound (animal or human bite) or ______ (1) SWELL and pain (insect sting). ______ (2): For animal and human bites, TREAT cleanse wound with soap and water and apply iodine ______ (3) CONTAIN antiseptic; submit animal for rabies test. For ______ (4) snake- POISON COOL bite, ______ (5) the site of the wound with ice will slow down absorption of poisons; antivenin treatment is ______ (6) only for a REQUIRE small number of reptile ______ (7). Prevent exertion and ______ BITE (8) of stimulants by victim. For insect stings apply cortisone TAKE ointments, ______ (9) lotions, or cool compress. Persons who are SOOTHE ______ (10) to insect stings should carry adrenaline with them at ALLERGY TIME all ______ (11). 9. Match to make sentences. There is one extra letter you will not use. Burns 1
2 3 4 5
Symptoms: Redness (first-degree burns), blistering (second-degree burns), … Treatment: Cold water may be applied… All burns should be… Chemical burns should be washed… Vinegar may be added to the water for alkali burns, and sodium bicarbonate may…
covered with sterile nonadherent dressings. charring of skin (third-degree burns). to give an injection. be added to the water in case of acid burns. to first- and second-degree burns. with large quantity of water.
10. Choose the correct word. Drowning and Near-Drowning Treatment: Immediate artificial / unnatural respiration, and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). There is controversy over whether or not the Heimlich maneuver should to be / be used in conjunction with CPR in order to dislodge water in the lungs and stomach. Fainting Symptoms: Unconsciousness / unconscious, paleness, rapid pulse, coldness of the skin, sweating. Treatment: Leave victim lying / to lie down, loosen cloth58
ing, roll victim to the side and wipe out mouth in the event of / in order to vomiting. Fractures and Joint Injuries Symptoms: Pain or tender / tenderness, deformity of bones, swelling, discoloration. Treatment: Prevent movement of injured / injuring parts until splint is applied; treat for shock; if ambulance service is not available, splint entire limb before move / moving. For sprains, elevate affected / affecting part and apply cold compresses. Elastic bandages may to be / be used for immobilization. 11. Write one word in each gap. Frostbite Symptoms: Numbness, pale, glossy skin, possible blistering. Treatment: Warm by placing victim indoors, remove covering, bathe frozen part in warm ______; do not massage. For cold exposure, give ______ respiration. Placing blankets over a person who has a reduced body core temperature will do no good; heat must ______ applied to the victim to bring the temperature up to normal. If conscious, give warm liquids by mouth. Heat Exhaustion ______: Pale, clammy skin, profuse perspiration, weakness, headache, possibly cramps. Treatment: Rest, cool atmosphere, cool water ______ mouth if conscious. In case ______ heat cramp, exert firm pressure on cramped muscle (usually abdomen or legs) to help relieve spasms. Heatstroke Symptoms: High ______ (as high ______108–112°F/42–44°C), hot dry skin, rapid pulse, possibly unconsciousness. ______: Immediately undress victim and sponge with or immerse in cool water or wrap in water-soaked sheets. Use fan or air conditioner. Wound Treatment: Stop bleeding, cleanse wound with soap and water and cover ______ sterile or clean ______.
12. If there is an extra word in a line, write it next to the number. Poisoning 1______ 2______ 3______ 4______ 5______ 6______ 7______ 8______ 9______ 10______ 11______
Symptoms and signs: Information from victim or observer, stains about mouth, presence of poison container, breath odor, pupils shrunk to pinpoint size from morphine or narcotics. Treatment: To dilute ingested poison by administering water or milk, administer specific antidote if described on label of commercial product. Do not induce with vomiting if poison is strong acid, strong alkali, or petroleum product, or if victim is unconscious or convulsive. Syrup of Ipecac available without prescription at pharmacies may to be administered to induce vomiting in other cases. A universal antidote contains Ipecac and has activated charcoal; the latter absorbs the poison and the former causes it to be expelled.
13. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use each verb only once. continue
Severe Bleeding Symptoms: External wound. Treatment: ______ pressure over wound with wad of sterile gauze or other clean material. If bleeding ______ and no fracture is present, elevate wound. If bleeding still continues, apply pressure to blood vessels leading to area—in arm, press just below armpit; in leg, ______ against groin where thigh and trunk join. Use a tourniquet (tight band that ______ off circulation) only when it has been ______ that the sacrifice of a limb is necessary to ______ life. 14. Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly. Shock Symptoms: Pale (or bluish) skin (in victim with dark skin examine inside of mouth and nailbeds for bluish coloration), cool skin, weakness, weak pulse; unresponsiveness and dilated pupils in later stages. Treatment: Keep victim lying down and covered enough to preventing loss for body heat. The body position should be adjust according to the victim's injuries. Victims in shock may improve if the feet are raising 8 to 12 in. (20–30 cm). For electric shock, cut off current or separate victim from contact with electricity by use dry wood, rope, cloth, or rubber; administer CPR. 60
15.Complete the statement: - In case of asphyxia (bites, stings, burns, near-drowning, fainting, fractures and joint injuries, frostbite, heat exhaustion, heatstroke, poisoning, severe bleeding, shock, wound) to render first aid means ... 16. Have you ever had to render first aid?
What did you do? What would you do if you had to render first aid? 17.Make up a dialogue between a journalist and a life-saver. TEST 2 I. Give English equivalents for the following word combinations: - экстренные меры - сердечный приступ - остановить кровотечение - искусственное дыхание - предотвратить смертельный исход - потерять сознание - дать лекарство - лекарство от головной боли - накладывать швы - смазать йодом II. Fill in the gaps with the following words: injured
1. The essentials of first aid treatment also include the correct _____ of a wound. 2. Prevent movement of _____ parts until splint is applied 3. Activated _____ absorbs poison. 4. The _____ of the accident was taken to the hospital at once. 5. Proper early measures may be instrumental in _____ life. 6. The man was _____. 7. Have you got a _____ to make an injection? III. Find the correct alternative: Emergency (1) _____ control describes the steps or actions taken to control bleeding from a patient who has suffered a (2) _____ injury or who has a medical condition which has led to bleeding. Many bleeding control techniques are taught as part of first (3) _____ throughout the world, although some more advanced techniques such as tourniquets, are often taught as being reserved for 61
use by health professionals, or as an absolute last resort, in order to minimize the risks associated with them, such as potential loss of (4)_____. In order to manage bleeding effectively, it is important to be able to readily identify both types of (5) _____ and types of bleeding. 1. a) blood 2. a) traumatic 3. a) help 4. a) parts 5. a) wounds
b) bleeding b) accident b) aid b) body b) scratches
c) bleed c) incident c) assistance c) limbs c) splints
IV. Make up sentences with the words: 1. burns, Chemical, should, washed, quantity, with, be, large, water, of. 2. wound, was, The, deep, eighteen, needed, and, stitches. 3. should, burns, be, All, with, sterile, covered, dressings. 4. used, bandages, be, for, Elastic, immobilization, may. 5. body, The, position, be, adjusted, should, the, according, to, injuries, victim's.
IV. Terrorism Safety Pocket Guide Pocket guide – карманное руководство To confirm – подтверждать To project – проектировать; прогнозировать Nuclear medicine – медицинская радиология Physician – врач; терапевт Blood count / blood test – анализ крови Exposure – облучение, (внешнее) воздействие To swab – брать мазок Nares – ноздри To contaminate – заражать External – внешний To irradiate – облучать Facility – оборудование Universal precautions – всеобщие меры предосторожности Life-threatening – опасный для жизни Thyroid gland – щитовидная железа Potassium iodide – иодид калия Suspicion – подозрение Substantial – значительный Nausea – тошнота Vomiting – рвота Lesion – повреждение, поражение Marrow – костный мозг Clandestine – тайный, скрытый To emit – испускать, выделять Intermittent – скачкообразный, прерывистый Source – источник To absorb – поглощать, впитывать To inhale – вдыхать; заглатывать To ingest – проглатывать Fallout shelter – противорадиационное убежище To dim – потускнеть, затуманивать(ся) Blurred – нерезкий, расплывчатый Volatility – летучесть, испаряемость; изменчивость Solubility – растворяемость Mucosa – слизистая оболочка Lung – лёгкое (анат.) Support – поддержка, помощь In-house – внутренний, местный Disease – болезнь 63
To alert – предупреждать (об опасности); поднимать тревогу Fever – жар, лихорадка Rash – сыпь Irritation – раздражение; недовольство Anthrax – сибирская язва Plague – чума Smallpox – оспа Precautions – меры предосторожности 1. Complete the sentences. Use the previous list of words. Use the words in an appropriate form. a) Have your ______ done. b) My worst ______ were ______ . c) He never reveals his ______ of information. d) Certain chemicals are easily ______ into the bloodstream, while others are not. e) My ______ told me to stop smoking and go on a diet. f) The injury is not ______. g) The parks in the city and outskirts are called “the ______ of London”. h) All ______ staff had to be present at the meeting. i) If you had taken that medicine it would have prevented the ______ . j) We must ______ the public to the danger. k) They took all necessary ______ against terrorism. 2. Form correct word combinations: to confirm nuclear a blood a family radiation contamination to ingest a fallout dimmed technical to feel
test a message vision exposure shelter food of air medicine irritation with smb. support physician
3. Look through the text. Find all the examples of past participles. Terrorism with ionizing. Radiation general guidance. Confirmation of Cases • Contact radiation safety officer (RSO) for help • For help in projecting clinical effects, contact nuclear medicine physician 64
Medical Radiological Advisory Team (MRAT) at Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) 301-295-0530 • Obtain complete blood count absolute lymphocyte count 3000 rad rad 8-30 Gy >30 Gy
3-6 hrs
2-4 hrs
1-2 hrs