Hidden and Visible Realms: Early Medieval Chinese Tales of the Supernatural and the Fantastic 9780231547055

Hidden and Visible Realms is one of the most significant medieval Chinese collections of stories of the fantastic and ot

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English Pages [299] Year 2018

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Table of contents :
Terms Regarding Weights And Measures
1. The Wonder of Love
2. A Garden of Marvels
3. The Spectacle of Monsters
4. The Realm of Ghosts
5. The Netherworld and This World
6. Animals and Men
7. Anecdotes of Notable Figures
8. Local Legends
Tales Appearing in Other Renditions
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Hidden and Visible Realms: Early Medieval Chinese Tales of the Supernatural and the Fantastic

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Translations from the Asian Classics

Translations from the Asian Classics Editorial Board Paul Anderer Allison Busch David Lurie Rachel McDermott Wei Shang Haruo Shirane

HIDDEN AND VISIBLE REALMS Early Medieval Chinese Tales of the Supernatural and the Fantastic





New York

Columbia University Press wishes to express its appreciation for assistance given by the Wm. Theodore de Bary und in the publication of this book. Columbia University Press Publishers Since 1893 New York Chichester West Sussex cup.columbia.edu Copyright © 2018 Columbia University Press All rights reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Liu Yi ing 0 author. hang hen un editor translator. Title: Hidden and visible realms : early medieval Chinese tales of the supernatural and the fantastic / compiled by Liu Yi ing edited and translated by hen un hang. Other titles: You ming lu. English Early medieval Chinese tales of the supernatural and the fantastic Chinese tales of the supernatural and the fantastic Description: New York : Columbia University Press 2018. Series: Translations from the Asian classics ncludes bibliographical references and index. denti ers: LCCN 201 0 0 1 print LCCN 201 0 ebook SBN 802 1 0 electronic SBN 802 118 1 cloth : alk. paper Sub ects: LCSH: Tales China Translations into English. Paranormal ction Chinese Translations into English. antasy ction Chinese Translations into English. Tales China Translations into English. SA D: antasy ction. Classi cation: LCC PL2 .L ebook LCC PL2 .L Y81 2018 print DDC 8 .1 /2 dc2 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/201 0 0 1

Columbia University Press books are printed on permanent and durable acid-free paper. Printed in the United States of America Cover design: Noah Arlow

In memory of Zhao Qiping 䍭唞ᑇ (1934–1993) and Wu Xiaoru ਇᇣབ (1922–2014)



1. The Wonder of Love 1 1. Liu Chen and Ruan hao 1 2. The irl Who Sold ace Powder . Pang E and His nfatuated Lover . Dream Adventure nside a Cypress Pillow 8 . The od of Rivers Marrying O His Daughter . hen Chong and the Local Deity 11 . A host Matchmaker 1 8. The irl One Saved Becomes His Wife 1 . The Marriage Through Catching a host 1 10. The Marriage of Life and Death 1 11. Mr. Xu’s Regretful Encounter with the Celestial irl 1 12. Daughter of the River od 18 1 . The olden ar as a ift 18 1 . Huang Yuan Encounters Miaoyin 18 1 . The Silver Chain as a ift 20 1 . A Pinned Painting 20



1 . The irl Picking Chestnuts 21 18. The Seduction of a Swan Spirit 21 1 . ei Sheng’s A air with a Wild Cat Spirit 22 20. Chang Chounu Encounters a River Otter Spirit 2 21. Chicken Tongue ragrant um 2 22. uo Changsheng 2 2 . The Demon at angshan nn 2 2 . Chunyu in’s Marriage with a Wild Cat irl 2 2 . Chen Adeng 2 2. A Garden of Marvels 29 2 . Lord of Mount Lu 2 2 . Exchanging Heads and aces 0 28. Pregnancy in a Dream 1 2 . Reporting Death Through a Dream 1 0. Dry Cholera 1 1. The Temple of Deng Ai 2 2. A Man from Earthenware . An llusion . Ashes of the Eon ire . lying Cash . ei Daosi . ian Cheng 8. hang Maodu . Dispelling Accumulated Distress with Wine 0. Yang Hu Su ered from Headaches 1. in Min 2. A Turtledove Enters One’s Arms 8 . Crescendos of Music After Death 8 . The Man of Anding . The Portrait in Taiwu Palace . The Lord of the River 0 . A Comet 0 8. hou Chao’s Wife 1 . Yue Xia 1 0. A Co n Cart 1



1. Meat Becomes rogs 2 2. An Abnormal Turtle 2 . huge hangmin . The Black Ox . Xi Hui . The Transformation of a White Dog . The Messenger of Heaven 8. The Monster in Yu in’s Home . e uo Averted the Abnormal 0. A ift of Dates 1. The Wooden Statue Shoots an Arrow 2. Han ui 8 . hao Liang 8 . Dragon Pearl . The Mianyuan Pool 1 . Candy from the mmortal 2 . White-Haired Old Man 2 8. Lord of the Northern Dipper 2 . Master Chen Xiang 0. A Man Transforms nto a Heron 3. The Spectacle of Monsters 54 1. Returning Shoes 2. The Maidservant Pina . String Music and Songs Under the River . A Bleeding Board . Stone Mirrors 8 . A Dog Demon 8 . A Cock Spirit 8. The irl in uneral arments . A Bat 0 80. Losing Knotted Hair 0 81. An Alligator Spirit 1 82. A Male ox 1 8 . A Deer Spirit 2 8 . A Snake Snores 2



8 . The Monk hong uo 8 . The Rat Hat 8 . The Rat of inghe 88. The ox Spirit 8 . A Rooster’s Transformation 0. Escort Chen 1. The Transformation of a Wild Cat 8 2. The Anomaly of Hidden Rabbit . The Receiving Cloud Prefect . A Divine Tree 0 . The Head of a Deity Statue 1 . A Nightmare 1 . The rame of a Tilt Hammer 2 8. Raksasas 2 . ian Teng 100. The Prince of Mount Dou 101. The Deity of Houguan County 102. River Deity 10 . The Deity of ongting Monastery 10 . The Deity of Harsh rost 10 . Exorcising Demons 10 . Shaman Li 8 10 . Northern Dipper Saved Mr. u from Demons 4. The Realm of Ghosts 80 108. Restoring the Po Soul 80 10 . The reen Substance of Corpses 80 110. A Tall host 81 111. A Hairy host 81 112. A host Stretches His Tongue 82 11 . Evil host in a Towering Tomb 82 11 . A New host Searches for ood 8 11 . A host Living with His amily 8 11 . Wang Ming’er Manifests His Physical orm 8 11 . Ruan han 8 118. The Deity of Yangsha 8




11 . Ad utant He 88 120. Suo Yuan 8 121. Wuhuan 8 122. Disasters from Stealing Co n Boards 0 12 . L Shun’s Wife 1 12 . Old Yao 1 12 . A Deceased Mother Takes Care of Her Son 2 12 . Cheng Biao and His Deceased Brother 12 . A Lame host 128. Avoiding a Disaster 12 . Dead riend uan Shuang 1 0. Cai Kuo’s Dead Son 1 1. hosts Playing Music 1 2. A host Stops ighting 1 . The host Distinguishes His Corpse Through a Dream 1 . Drumbeats and Horn Music from an Old Tomb 8 1 . host ighting 8 1 . hosts Steal Millet 1 . Laughing at a host 100 1 8. Tying Up a host 100 1 . Stabbing a host 100 1 0. host Herb Mortar 101 1 1. Drunk hosts 102 1 2. The Servant ian 102 1 . The Magistrate of Pingyu 10 1 . Moving a Tomb 10 1 . A host Bestows Treasure 10 1 . hosts Striving for a Tomb 10 1 . Huan ong Repaid by a host 10 1 8. A Divine Birth 10 1 . Ren Huairen’s Death 10 1 0. Romance of a host 10 1 1. hong You’s host irlfriend 108 1 2. A host Nurtures a Child 108 1 . A Child in Red 10 1 . Children Striving for a Pot 110



1 . A host Pays a Debt 110 1 . Exchanging a irl with a Boy 111 1 . Demonic Magic 112 5. The Netherworld and This World 113 1 8. A Nu 11 1 . Wang hi 11 1 0. Borrowing a Life Span 11 1 1. Chen Liang Revives from Death 11 1 2. The Thunder od 118 1 . Xu You 118 1 . Wang u 11 1 . Wang Wendu Summoned to Be a host O cial 120 1 . Liu ingsong 121 1 . i ueshi 121 1 8. Oxen Epidemic 122 1 . an ing 12 1 0. Shaman Shu Li 12 1 1. Kang Ade 12 1 2. Se Lu hen’s Experience in the Netherworld 12 1 . Exchanging eet 128 1 . Shi Changhe 1 0 1 . hao Tai Travels in Hells 1 2 1 . Scholar Wang i hen’s host riend 1 6. Animals and Men 143 1 . The Naked Creatures 1 1 8. Wood uests 1 1 . The Young of Big Peng 1 180. The Breath of Turtles 1 1 181. The Breath of Turtles 2 1 182. The Dog Diwei 1 18 . A Parrot 1 18 . A Mole Cricket Repays a avor 1 8 18 . olden eese 1 8 18 . A Snake Mourns for ts Mother 1 18 . A White Turtle 1



188. Men in Black 1 0 18 . Red Words on a ish’s Belly 1 0 1 0. The Archery Master 1 1 1 1. An Ox Sends a Message Through a Dream 1 1 1 2. i Han’s Black Bull 1 2 1 . An Ox Kowtows in Tears 1 2 1 . The Bird in a Honey Locust Tree 1 1 . A River Dragon’s Revenge 1 7. Anecdotes of Notable Figures 155 1 . uest Star 1 1 . The ade irl 1 1 8. Lady eng 1 1 . A ox nterprets Classics 1 200. A Rooster Talks About Metaphysics 1 201. Wang usi 1 8 202. Wen Weng 1 8 20 . He Bigan 1 20 . Divining for a raveyard 1 20 . The Seal of the Mar uis of Loyalty and iliality 1 0 20 . Purple Air Above a Tomb 1 1 20 . Lu Su 1 2 208. The Three Broken-Armed Dukes 1 20 . iao hou Scissors 1 210. The Sorcerer Du Yan 1 211. Three Horses Share One Manger 1 212. The Melody of uangling 1 21 . Xi Kang 1 21 . a u and Wang u 1 21 . The Prince of Anxi’s Three Lives 1 21 . otu Cheng the Western Monk 1 21 . Tiger Disaster 1 218. uo ingchun 1 0 21 . Wang Maohong’s Dream 1 1 220. Mar uis iang Re uests ood 1 1 221. Magician An Kai 1 2 222. Wang Ning hi’s Wife 1



22 . The Buddhist Nun 1 22 . iang iwen 1 22 . A Ma 1 22 . Xie Anshi 1 22 . The Daoist Priest Xu Xun 1 1 228. The Daoist Priest Xu Xun 2 1 22 . Aunt iang 1 2 0. A Dragon Carries a Boat on ts Back 1 2 1. Walking on Water 1 2 2. The ive-Colored Egg 1 8 2 . Xu Xian hi’s Dream 1 8 2 . A oreign Monk 1 8. Local Legends 180 2 . The Husband-Watching Stone 180 2 . Peng E 180 2 . Local nspectors Strive for Territory at the Border 182 2 8. The State of King ao 182 2 . The Tomb of King ao 182 2 0. Hot Water Spring at Shixing 18 2 1. Warm and Cold Water Springs 18 2 2. Wells in the Temple of Lao i 18 2 . Old Well by the Divine Altar 18 2 . Tide Pond 18 2 . Reed Pond 18 2 . Rooster Mountain 18 2 . Three Peaks of Mount Heng 18 2 8. olden Terrace in the Sea 18 2 . A Phoenix Head lies nto the hang River 18 2 0. The Terrace of iao County 18 2 1. Bathing in Warm Orchid Water 18 2 2. Donglai Wine 18 2 . host Howling 18 2 . The host Wrests a ish 18 2 . The Prince of iangdu’s Tomb 18 2 . The ueen Mother 188



2 . Lamp in the Rain 188 2 8. Cao E 188 2 . Crane ate 188 2 0. Cheng i 18 2 1. Male and emale Tree 18 2 2. A olden Bull 1 18 2 . A olden Bull 2 1 0 2 . The Di ying Pool 1 0 Appendix 191 2 . Wang Dongting 1 1 2 . heng ichan 1 1 2 . Xu anmu 1 2 2 8. Salted Dragon Meat 1 2 2 . The Dilu Horse 1 2 2 0. The host of angfeng 1 2 1. Chen huang 1 2 2. Cao Shuang 1 2 . Tomb of Wang i iao 1 2 . hang Heng and Cai Yong 1 2 . Sun Hao 1 2 . ood Becoming Spiral Shells 1 2 . Wei a i 1 2 8. ron Hammer 1 2 . White ade of Changshan 1 280. Du Yu 1 281. The mmortal Residence 1 282. Breaking a Promise Causes Loss of Magic igures 1 28 . hang Hua 1 8 28 . ia Yong Lost His Head 1 8 28 . The Mole Crickets 1



his pro ect started over a decade ago when was working on an earlier pro ect Buddhism and Tales of the Supernatural LQ (DUO\ 0HGLHYDO &KLQD $ 6WXG\ RI /LX