Heterodox Challenges in Economics: Theoretical Issues and the Crisis of the Eurozone
3030544478, 9783030544478
This book discloses the economic foundations of European fiscal and monetary policies by introducing readers to an array
Pages 277
Year 2020
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Table of contents :
About the Author
1: Economics: A Political and Mathematical Discipline
1.1 Economics and Politics
1.2 Through the Lens of the Theories
Further Reading
2: The Surplus Approach
2.1 The Classical Surplus Approach
2.2 In the Beginning Was the Surplus
2.3 From the Neolithic to Schäuble4
2.4 The Global Minotaur and the European Minotaur
2.5 Adam Smith, Judicious Laissez-Faireism
2.6 Smith the Equaliser
2.7 The Price of the Class Struggle
2.8 Ricardo and His Vices
2.9 Ricardo the Land Surveyor
2.10 Ricardo the Labour Supporter
2.11 Ricardo the Criminal
2.12 Ricardo the Anti-Keynesian
2.13 Marx the Ricardian
2.14 Marx the Cost Accountant
2.15 Sraffa the Simultaneous
2.16 The Orphans of Labour Value
2.17 Marx in Crisis
2.18 The Proletariat Has No Nation...
Marx the Transformer
Further Reading
3: Marginal Economics
3.1 The Journey of the Critical Economic Theory
3.2 Neo-classical, in Fact Anti-classical
3.3 Useless Curves, in Fact Marginal
3.4 Lots of Dangerous Curves
3.5 To Each His Own
3.6 The Best of All Worlds Is Possible
3.7 The Marginal Role of Money
3.8 Friedman’s Tale
3.9 Tug-of-War
3.10 The Two Challenges to Marginalism
3.10.1 The Unfinished Keynesian Revolution
3.10.2 The Return to Classical Theory and the Capital Controversy
3.11 Where Are We Headed?
Further Reading
4: The Incomplete Revolution
4.1 Keynes: Two for the Price of One
4.2 Keynes the Copernican
4.3 Explain It Again, Gardner
4.4 The Hen or the Egg
4.5 Keynes Multiplied
4.6 Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other
4.7 Implications for Economic Policy
4.8 Keynes in the Long Run
4.9 Keynes in the Trap
4.10 Keynes Assimilated
Of Bread and Fishes
Further Reading
5: Money and the External Constraint
5.1 That Obscure Object of Desire
5.2 In the Beginning There Was a Bank
5.3 Keynes the Endogenous
5.4 Let Us Open Our Minds and Draw a Balance
5.5 The External Constraint
5.6 Socialists Are Autarkists
5.7 Adding Up the Bill
5.8 Opera Buffa
5.9 Original, That Sin!
5.10 Can Countries with Monetary Sovereignty Avoid the External Constraint?
Further Reading
6: Dying of Europe?
6.1 From Miracle to Decline
6.2 Italy, Argentinian Style
6.3 The “Historical Compromise”
6.4 1977 Blues
6.5 The New Regime
6.6 The Trap
6.7 Short- and Long-term Troubles of an Authoritarian Currency
6.8 The Frenkel Cycle at the Tour of Spain
6.9 Super Mario
6.10 Monetary Mercantilism
6.11 Can Europe Change?
6.12 Franciscan Italy
Further Reading
7: Count Draghila
7.1 An Unconventional Central Bank
7.2 Corridor Rates
7.3 Unconventional Weapons: 2008–2009
7.4 Monetary Hypocrisy, Muddles and Tricks: 2010–2011
7.5 Acronymia: 2012–2013
7.6 The Arcane Target2
7.7 The Meaning of Austerity
7.8 Dragon of Last Resort
7.9 Hysterical Deflation: 2014
7.10 Quantitative Fantasies
7.11 QE and Target2, or Buba Buys Italian Government Bonds
7.12 Ch€rnobyl
Appendix 1
Draghi’s Concertina18
Appendix 2
The Strange Case of Target2
Further Reading