Her Story: Scwo's 25th Anniversary - Celebrating Womanhood 9789812775214, 9789812563019

Her Story presents a kaleidoscope of views on women, by women.This is a priceless treasury of essays covering a broad sp

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Her Story NCWO'x 25th SCWO's 'Srli Anniversary Anniversarv Celebrating Womanhood Editor Tisa Ng


Her Storv S r W O ' s 25th ?.Srh Anniversary Anniversarv SCWO's Celebrating Womanhood

Editor Tisa Ng


Design & Production Raindance Corporate Design Hedgehog Communications Printer National Photo Engravers Publisher DL Publishing (An Imprint of World Scientific) Copyright © 2005 Singapore Council of Women's Organisations (SCWO) All rights reserved. This book, or part thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the publisher. The responsibility for facts and opinions expressed in this publication rests exclusively with the individual contributors and their interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher.

ISBN 981-256-301-6 (pbk)

Introduction by Tisa Ng


We are often told that women

of the Singapore Council of Women's

woman's vision of what might lie

important theme - the choices

have come a long way in Singapore.


ahead in a future in which women's

are difficult because each entails

roles are re-valued and rewarded.

significant sacrifice and compromise.

At the crux of the dilemma is the

Indeed we have. Singapore itself has come a long way in 40 years of

The pages that follow contain

independence, progressing from third

contributions from a group of women

Between these two essays, the

world to developed nation status. As

spanning five decades in age. Their

four central sections trace the

issue of a woman's identity. While

half the population making up this

views are diverse, reflecting a wide

progression of a woman's life from

w e have gained access into formerly

dynamic city state and contributing

spectrum of personal values, priorities

infancy to age, and several themes

male bastions and won the right to

to its evolution, it is only natural that

and life experiences. Taken together,

emerge. First, significant gains have

compete with men on their terms,

our lives have been affected.

they offer a composite portrait of

been made, many barriers have been

w e have not yet established the

women in Singapore today.

broken and others are breakable - a

right to do so on our own terms.

matter of time and will. Second, w e

Thus, an extension of maternity leave

we doing? Where are we heading?

So where are we now? How well are We begin with a broad-brush outline

now have more choices than women

causes anxiety over job prospects;

And to what extent are our needs

of major events and policies that have

of previous generations. We have

and women are told that they have to

and aspirations as women identified

informed our lives in the past 40 years,

options on how to live and what

be realistic in their career expectations

and addressed? These are some of

providing a historic perspective to the

paths to follow towards our individual

if they want to devote time and

the questions tackled in this volume,

sketches that follow. At the end of

destinies. However - and this caveat

attention to their families. Equal

which marks the 25th Anniversary

the book, we conclude with a young

constitutes a third and equally

treatment is still largely a matter of


Introduction byTisaNg

Building Career & Community

Looking Back by Constance Singam

Women in the Worktorce by Mdm Haltmah bmte racob The Glass Ceiling - Does it Still Exist? by Chin Ban Wah

Growing Up

No Mean Feet by Lim Le-Anne


Nursing - A Woman's Profession by Susie Kong

Of Freedom and Choices - Female Babies in a Gendered World by Dr Suza/na Kadir


18 22

A Life in Education by Rosalind Heng


Secretaries & Administrative Professionals - Managing the Challenge of Change by Mary Ho, Pang Yit Ping, and Talleah Teo

Growing Up in a Connected World by Mrs Carmee Urn


A Page from My Diary: Hurt Speaks Up by Carol Balhetchet


and the Community by Claire Lim


Thoughts on Boy-Girl Relationships by Melissa Lim Battle of the Madonnas - Sexual Awareness Among Adolescent Girls by Fazlin Abdullah


In A Man's World by Lilian Chionh


Women In Politics by Dr Aline K Wong


Career Options - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor by Tan Yilin



jrsuit of Beauty - Emancipation or Entrapment? by Monica Lim


Why Would I Want To Get Married (Again)? by Martha Lee


The Superwoman Conundrum by Teo Hwee Nak


Whose Baby Is It Anyway? by Tan Joo Hymn


Confessions of a Full-Time Mothering Addict by Ng Choong San


Transcending Borders - Migrating Gains and Pains From a Woman's Perspective by Elizabeth S. Ong

Contribution of Women to Social Service

Financial Concerns of Older Women by Dr Kanwaljit Soin


Being Single Again byFoo Kok Wan


Second and Subsequent Careers by Lai Ah Eng


Older Women as Economically Contributing Members by Rosy Nakhooda


Battling Breast Cancer by Sakina Yusuf Kagda


Looking Death in the Face by Audrey Chin


Redefining Age by Mrs Ivy Singh-Lim


rd by Debbie Chia


Juggling Baby and Work - Looking for Sustainable Solutions in Infantcare & Childcare by Dr Jennifer Lee


Are We Done? Women's Issues in Singapore by Braema Mathi



SCWO 2005








being treated just like a man. This is

population, and missing out on the

not had the opportunities

a far cry from gender equality, since it

benefits of gender balance in our

enjoyed by their younger sisters,

requires women to become what we

policy deliberations in many sectors.

but as members of a mature and

are not, at the cost of pushing aside


successful society like Singapore,

a part of our essential nature. The

I am personally optimistic that this

they too should enjoy the results of

issue is compounded by the fact that

will change. If for no other reason,

the progress that they have helped

traditional women's roles continue

pragmatism will require re-evaluation

to bring about.

to attract little recognition and reward.

of conditions which are neither

And so women struggle with a double

productive nor tenable in the long

On Singapore's 40th birthday

burden, or grapple with the questions

term. Our falling fertility rate has

and the 25th Anniversary of the

of identity, choice, and compromise.

already caused concern. The

Singapore Council of Women's

increasing number of dual income

Organisations, w e have good reason

This explains partly why few

families will provide impetus for a

to celebrate. Thanks to the efforts

women are in leadership positions.

rebalancing of work and family for

and energy of many good women

From politics to community service,

both women and men.

and men, w e have come a long

women are under-represented at

way indeed. What remains is to

the highest decision-making echelons.

Meanwhile, the growing cohort of

enable all the women of Singapore

In consequence, w e are not optimising

older women amongst us requires

to reach their full potential as half

the skills and talents of half the

urgent attention. Some of them have

the nation. •

The editor: Tisa Ng is active in women's organisations: AWARE, IWF and UNIFEM, and is currently President of SCWO. She sees the personal and economic empowerment of women as a critical component of gender equality. After working in the media and the arts, she is now focusing on writing and editing. Recent publications include Growing Up: Getting along in the Sixties, 2001, Building Civil Society in Singapore, 2002, Ask Not - The Necessary Stage in Singapore Theatre, 2004, Wish I Knew: Caring for the Sick at Home (with S Kong) 2004, and Shanghai Sisters On association with M But 2005.

Singapore women's singular achievement has been to exploit all opportunities - educational, social and economic - to enable their growth, development and the establishment of independent lives. They were facilitated in their development firstly by market forces which required their labour in a fast-growing economy, and secondly by legal reforms especially during the early years of independent Singapore's history. The 1950s and 1960s were years

of the time. The People's Action Party

and policies, which significantly

of promise and reform. With the

(PAP), then a democratic socialist

advanced women's status.

country's independence came

party with a very active women's

political power. Whereas women

league, recognised the power of

The promise of "rights and

in many countries struggled long

the women's vote and made a

opportunities" became a reality on

and hard for their right to vote,

commitment to a policy of equal

24 May 1961 when the Legislative

Singaporean women won the right

rights and opportunities for women.

Assembly passed the Women's

to vote at the same time as the men. This happened in 1948.

Charter Bill, bringing to a climax the Women's votes were crucial in the

fight for women's rights that had

early years of struggle for political

begun in the 1950s. Among its

The struggle for independence

dominance, especially in the 1959

many progressive provisions were

during this period politicised and

general elections. As a result,

the outlawing of polygamy and

empowered women to fight against

women's issues were particularly

protection of the rights of wives

gender oppression within Singapore's

highlighted in this election with

in marriage, divorce and property.

patriarchal system. In 1952, the

the promise that "women will

In 1962, women were accorded

Singapore Council of Women was

have rights and opportunities".

equal pay for equal work in the civil

formed to spearhead a campaign to

Consequently, this period was

service. However, there was a period

abolish polygamy, a rampant practice

marked by progressive legislation

when women civil servants would


Widening employment opportunities and government encouragement of female labour force participation have led to further opportunities and improvement.

lose their full time status upon

Women" campaign culminated in the

1960s gave women the benefits

marriage, and equal medical benefits

review of the Women's Charter of

of social status and economic

for families of female civil servants

1996, which provided greater legal

opportunities. While in 1980, 92.7%

were withheld till 2004. Limits to

protection for women and children

of women above the age of 60 had

equal status, such as this, and limits

in situations of domestic violence.

received no or incomplete education,

In the ten years of work, the

to 77.7%. The 2001 Labour Force

to rights and benefits granted to women would continue throughout the last quarter of the 20th century.

by 1990 the percentage had dropped

campaign succeeded in changing

Survey reveals that among employed

attitudes of people as well as policy-

persons aged 15 years and above,

After 1962, it would be another 20

makers in moving domestic violence

44.7 % of those with secondary

years before a major reform would

from a private matter - and therefore

education are women. The same

take place with a review of the

beyond State intervention - to an

period (1990-2000) shows an

Women's Charter. In 1986, women's

issue of public concern requiring

increase in the number of tertiary

organisations came together once

State intervention and legal

educated women in the labour force

again, this time, under the umbrella

protection for the victims.

rising from 3% in 1980 to 25% in 2001.

Council of Women's Organisations

In addition to the legal reforms,

Women's labour force participation

(SCWO). The "Violence Against

universal education polices of the

paralleled Singapore's economic

of the newly founded Singapore

growth. In the 1950s, government

gave them more power in the market

reversed mainly as a result of

policies shifted Singapore from

place. In 1957, only 17.5% of women

women lobbying against it.


entrepot status, in which women

were in workforce. This figure doubled

played a small part, to a short period

within the next 20 years to reach

In the 1970s, when a major phase

of labour-intensive import substitution

44.3% in 1980 and rose to a high of

of economic development and

in the early 1960s and then to export-

54.3% by the end of the millennium.

industrialisation took place, women

oriented industrialisation after 1965.

were mobilised to meet manpower

This rapidly increased the role of

Women also made significant gains

needs in the manufacturing sector,

women in the economy, especially

in the medical and other professions.

whilst their reproductive roles were

in the manufacturing sector.

By 1975, one-third of the doctors in

substantially reduced by draconian

government service were women

family planning measures to reduce

Widening employment opportunities

and two-thirds of the law graduates

population size. Women were

and government encouragement of

from the University of Singapore

highlighted as an "under-utilised"

female labour force participation

graduating class were women.

resource in the context of their

have led to further opportunities

However in 1979, the government

economic role. The leadership

and improvement. Their increased

restricted the number of female

encouraged employers to look

earning power has greatly raised

medical students to a third of the

upon women as a "reserve labour

women's status as consumers and

total intake. In 2003, this policy was

force". One positive result of the

population policy was that the value

participation in the market economy

Highly educated women did enjoy

professions, many women were

of girl children rose in the late 1960s

and achieving greater scope for

rising incomes and good conditions

also largely located in low-skilled, low-paying jobs.

and early 1970s.

The next phase of economic

shaping the institutions, policies

of employment as women's share

and attitudes that affect their ability

of managerial, administrative,

to enjoy equity in earnings.

and professional and technical

Another obstacle which stands in

occupations increased. However

the way of women enjoying the full

development led to the growth of electronics, technology and

Despite improved economic status

this increase in women's share is

benefits of their participation in the

communication in the 1980s and

and legal reforms, a patriarchal

more the result of their dominance

economic and social development of

resulted in further increase in

attitude towards women, their

in feminised professions such as

the country is the state's vacillations

female-labour force participation,

roles, and their status within the

teaching and nursing. For instance,

over the role of women and the

bringing it up to the level of most

family and at the workplace remain

one study revealed a percentage

relationship of marriage and

;rd.is:r:a:is8d countries.

entrenched. The consequence

increase of female participation

procreation in this development.

of this is most marked in the

rate from 3 0 % in 1921 to 61 %

An outstanding example of the

If their participation in the workforce

income-gap between men and

in 1980 while the higher levels

confusion and contradictions can be

is an indicator of their status, Singapore

women, the continuing prevalence

of management jobs in the same

seen in the policies which are based

women have come a long way.

of violence against women, and

professions were occupied by men'.

on the assumption that women are

But many obstacles remain to their

the concern over women's

Not only were there fewer women

the primary carers of families and

enjoying a better return for their

well-being as they age.

earning high incomes in these

men the bread-winners and heads

In the last 40 years, women's roles have multiplied from the traditional ones of mother and wife to include that of worker and economic contributor, both to the nation and to the family.

of households. The reality, however,

work and career, an about face from

of 2,175 directorship in government-

the ratio of women in professional

is that over the last 20 years, 18% of

the 1970s when they were urged to

linked companies. Women remain

and technical fields rose from

the households had been headed by

enter the work-force and was referred

under-represented in management

9.9 % in 1957 to 16.5% in 1990.

women. During the 1990s, dual-career

to as "under-utilised" resource.

and in the political life of the nation,

In administration and managerial

thus limiting their potential to

positions, the percentage was

contribute to national development.

0.4% in 1957 and 3.9% in 1990,

couples accounted for 4 0 % of all married couples in Singapore and

While the burdens women faced

this percentage stands at 45% at

increased, the optimistic view that

the beginning of this century.

a change in the economic status of

As w e can see in the beginning of

and still only 4 % in 2000.

women and their contribution to the

the 21st century, some situations

Many women are currently still

In the last 40 years, women's roles

development of Singapore would

have changed for women while

mainly employed in production,

have multiplied from the traditional

lead to their formal participation

others have remained the same.

39.49%, and clerical work, 25.14%,

ones of mother and wife to include

in public and political life has not

One of the changes is a shift in type

making them more vulnerable to

that of worker and economic

materialised. For instance there

of occupation as a consequence of

economic fluctuations, retrenchment,

contributor, both to the nation and

are no women in the Cabinet and

higher educational achievement.

low pay and little chance for

to the family. The current debate

only 16% of elected Members of

In 1970,1980 and 1990, women's

advancement. For instance, the

and concern over falling birth rate is

Parliament were women in 2004.

participation in finance and business

AWARE/Tsao Foundation report on

again putting women under pressure

At the beginning of this century,

rose from 3.5% to 9.2% to 12.9%.

"Women and Income Security in

to place their reproductive role over

women formed only 8% of a total

At the higher end of the workforce,

An Ageing Singapore Population"

With progress had come rapid social changes, higher levels of education, improved financial status in an environment still steeped in traditional attitudes towards women and their marital roles.

(2004) revealed that the overall

at a period of Singapore's fastest

who are so exploited and dominated

decline of the workforce during

economic growth. During a five-year

that they completely lack the power

1990-2000 affected more women

period from 1990-1995, men's income

to escape the constraints imposed

than men. It reported that 27,000

grew faster (13%) than women's

on them by their status and gender.

women lost their jobs during this

(8.3%). In 1995, women earned 59%

As a result Singapore women will

period. The report predicts that

of men's income, falling from 73%

continue to bear the brunt of the


current industrial restructuring will

in 1990 . The earlier quoted AWARE/

double burden of work and family/

affect older women aged 40 and

Tsao Foundation report showed that

household responsibilities. They will

above, and will seriously affect their

50% of women were earning below

continue to be subjected to violence

income security in the first three

the median income. This income

and discrimination. The less power

decades of this century.

disparity is set to continue into the

they have, the more likely they will be

21st century and will increasingly

subjected to abuse and discrimination.

A 1993 study* shows that the earnings

place women at a great disadvantage.

In this regard, two major areas of concern are maid abuse and the

of women with secondary/upper secondary education remained

Even as women become financially

financial vulnerability of ageing women,

practically stagnant from 1974 to

independent, there are many more

a significant cohort as women in ages

1991, from 74 cents to 75 cents for

women struggling to establish

50+ constituted 2 2 % of all women in

every dollar a man earned, and this

themselves and even more women

2001. As they age, they will have to


struggle with being alone, lonely and

need for women's reproductive

entrench equality for women.

in poor health in a society in which

and productive roles.

Only then can Singapore women

women outlive the men.

begin to claim equal status. • Some things have not changed.

In 2004, three major policies that

This then is the dilemma that

affected Singapore women's

confronts Singapore society:

rights were reversed at a period of

modern, progressive yet trapped in

serious concern over falling birthrate:

traditional attitudes. Consequently,

withholding of equal medical benefits,

Singapore women will continue

limits imposed on women's entry to

to struggle for equality against

the medical faculty, and withholding of

a dominant patriarchal ideology.

citizenship rights to foreign spouses

In this ideology, women's "rights"

and children of female Singapore

are perceived as "privileges"

citizens. However, even as the

which can be withdrawn at will.

position of Singaporean women

More structural revisions are

is potentially advanced by these

needed. Most fundamentally, the

reversals, it is ironic that what has

constitution needs to be amended

driven these changes is the State's

to outlaw sex discrimination and to


' Chan, Jasmine, "The Status of Women in a Patriarchal State: The Case of Singapore" In Louis Edwards and Mina Roces teds). Women in Asia: Tradition, Modernity and Globalisation, Alan and Unwin, 2000, Australia.

1nglis, Christine, "The Feminisation of the Teaching Profession in Singapore", in Lenore Manderson (ed), Women's Work and Women's Roles: Economics and Everyday Life in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Australian National University, 1983, Canberra

The writer: Constance Singam is well known as a social activist and writer. She is a past president of AWARE and SCWO. She is also the founder member of TWC1. TWC2 end the now defunct MediaWatch She has been a columnist in several publications and is currently a regular columnist for the daily tabloid Today. Other recent works include "A History of the TWO Building Social Space in Singapore", and essays "Quietly Resisting; Silently Subverting: The 'Wayward Ways' of Singapore Women" in Postmodern Singapore, Select Publishing, and "Women and Work - An Overview" in AWARENESS 2003. She is co-editor of the book "Re-Presenting Singapore Women" published by Landmark Publications and launched in December 2004.

' Chan, 2000, p43

Of Freedom and Choices — Female Babies in a Gendered World by Dr Suzaina Kadir

I am not a parent. I am, however,

constructs. Much of it is reinforced

Among Southeast Asian communities,

patriarchy but there are elements

the proud aunt to a pair of twins -

at home and in the larger society.

for example, there is little sign of

within Malay adat that support a

a preference for male babies,

matriarchal structure 1 . Additionally,

Male and female babies are born

though an overarching patriarchy

in all Malay-Muslim households,

Amir and Amira were born in 2001,

into world that is constructed

remains well-entrenched. This can

the daughter remains in the home

the former arriving a minute ahead

along gender lines. Their worth,

be contrasted to female babies born

after marriage while a son-in-law is

of his sister. They are now at an

value, choices and opportunities are

in other cultures where preference

acquired. This can be linked to the

age when personality traits are

inevitably shaped by these constructs.

for boys, especially as the first born,

culture's view of the daughter as

becoming more obvious and gender

This applies across cultures, religions

is quite obvious. Preference for male

the primary caregiver for the aging

predispositions seem increasingly

and societies throughout the world.

babies can still be observed in parts

parents. Contrast this with Chinese

apparent. Each time I sit and play

Even in Western societies, such as

of the world such as in India and

culture where the son remains in

with them, I become conscious of

in the United States and Europe,

China where female infanticide

the home as the primary caregiver

how Amira is increasingly displaying

gendered constructs continue to

is still quite common.

for the parents while the daughter is

"girlish" traits while Amir is expected

impede the choices of women.

a boy and a girl - who I love dearly and who I worry constantly about.

"lost" to the in-laws after marriage.

to display "boyish" ones. The twins

Female babies are no longer born

A possible explanation for this is the

have shown me how gender is

slaves. Neither are there consistently

curious mix of Islam and Malay adat

Regardless of whether there is a

constructed from an early age and

high preferences for only male babies.

(customs) that shape certain Malay-

gender preference at birth, female

convinced me of the difficulties in

But both male and female babies

Muslim households in Southeast

babies in many parts of the world wil

trying to break free of these gender

are never completely free.

Asia. Islamic Law reinforces

continue to grow up witnessing a


Male and female babies are born into world that is constructed along gender lines. Their worth, value, choices and opportunities are inevitably shaped by these constructs.

clear sexual division of labor in the

culture to culture, and in more

are attended to. The difficulties

is necessary before she can be

home. From an early age the child

developed countries, efforts are

in maintaining such a dual role

married according to Syariah Law.

is exposed to the respective duties

being made to equalise the roles.

means that most women leave the

Several ulama also point out that a

of the stay-at-home mother and the

In the United States, for example,

workforce after marriage and family.

Malay-Muslim woman must obtain

hard-working and, at times, absentee

the idea of a stay-at-home father is

Recent statistics show that one in

permission from her husband for

father. Before long, the female child

gaining ground vis-a-vis a mother

two women will leave the workforce

any action. The justification for this


after marriage .

is the burden of responsibility of the

primary breadwinner in the family.

husband before God in the event

upon her. She will be trained to

Getting daughters familiar and proud

More damaging perhaps, is

that she commits a sin. As the more

cook, sew, wash and serve her

of the careers of their parents is also

the construct that undermines the

rational being, the husband is given

will grow up with the expectation

that undertakes the role as the

of marriage and motherhood thrust

father, brother and then eventually,

publicly encouraged. Nonetheless,

independence of a female baby over

the final say so as to prevent his

her husband. In the process, the

for much of Asia and Southeast Asia,

time in certain cultures. For example,

wife from committing such a sin.

female baby grows up believing

the gendered role of the woman in

in Malay-Muslim Southeast Asia,

A wife's refusal to seek permission

that her primary role in this life is to

the home remains the predominant

a female baby may never grow up

from her husband can be grounds for

become a wife and mother instead

construct. At best, a woman is

to be her own person. In the eyes

the husband to seek divorce and would

of a top scientist, doctor or engineer.

encouraged to venture into the

of religion, she is tied to her father

exempt him from paying maintenance.

public arena for economic reasons

until she is married, after which she

In such an environment, a female baby

No doubt the extent of this sexual

but her primary responsibility is in

becomes the responsibility of her

is always secondary in status to that

division of labor at home differs from

ensuring that the home and family

husband. Permission from her father

of her brother.

For as long as Amir is the strong one and Amira the pretty one, both will be locked in roles that restrict their freedom to make choices for themselves, their families and society.

In Singapore, the problem may

social unit, and in which existing

the burden of being wife, mother

be further aggravated since such

law recognised the different position

and caregiver. Women rebels -

a patriarchal structure is State

accorded to women within the

those who opt not to become

endorsed. In 1994 then Prime

respective cultures and religious

mother or caregiver - are made

Minister Goh Chok Tong reiterated

communities. Hence, Muslim women

to feel guilty in spite of their

that "rights and benefits targeted

would fall under the purview of Islamic

achievements in other sectors.

at the family should be channeled

law and would have to be exempt

I should emphasise, though, that

through the man, and laws and

from CEDAW's existing conventions.

male babies are not exempt either.

rules would be framed towards

The report from the Singapore

They must provide the crucial Y

Government is yet another clear

chromosome to produce the child

the Singapore Government's 2000

reflection of its endorsement of existing

as well as protect and provide

report on Convention to Eliminate

gendered constructs, and its refusal

for the family. The male baby is

All Forms of Discrimination Against

to challenge the existing patriarchy.

no less enslaved by Society and

this objective".


Additionally, in

State's convention for the "Father",

Women (CEDAW), it emphasised Here in Singapore, when Community

"Brother" and "Son." In addition,

and multi-cultural society with a

and State take precedence over Self,

he must also be the primary

premium on the family as the basic

female babies must grow up with

engine of economic growth for

that Singapore is a multi-religious


the country. I have equal sympathy

as Amir is the strong one and

for the male baby who dreams of

Amira the pretty one, both will be

a life that is not part of this

locked in roles that restrict their

gendered convention.

freedom to make choices for themselves, their families and

Though I am not a parent, and

society. Reinforced by increasingly

perhaps because I am not one,

conservative interpretations of

I am increasingly worried that male

religion and tradition, and endorsed

and female children will continue

by State policies, a female baby is

to shoulder the heavy burden of a

unable to attain the freedom to

gendered world well into the 21st

make a real choice over her body

century. This is because while we

and her mind. For as long as a

can assert that female babies are

female baby is molded from young

no longer born slaves, the choices

to believe primarily in her role as

available to males and females today

mother and caregiver, her freedom

are not tantamount to real freedom

is curtailed and the real choices

from a gendered world. For as long

made difficult, if not denied. •

'For example, in Minangkabau societies, such as those communities in Medan, Sumatra as well as in Negri Sembilan, Malaysia, property is passed from mother to daughter.


The Straits Times. 30 September 2004


The Straits Times. 10 September 1994

The writer: Dr Suzaina Kadir is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the National University of Singapore. Her research and teaching interests include religion and politics, state-society interactions as well as gender politics in Southeast Asia. She recently introduced a course on Women and Politics in Asia. Dr Kadir has served on the Feedback Unit Supervisory Panel, the 2003 Censorship Review Committee and the Remaking Singapore Committee IRSCI. She currently serves on the Malay Programmes Advisory Committee. Dr Kadir is single.

In ancient China, when girls

More than just a physical impediment

Mount Everest - a visionary team of

reached the tender age of four,

to a young Chinese girl's movements,

mountaineers who will attempt to

their mothers would impart to them

it literally confined them to their

retrace the path of Singapore's first

a priceless secret. This secret could

households since they were unable

Everest team ten years after the flag

be considered the most important

to walk unassisted, and made going

was planted on the Himalayan peaks.

in a Chinese girl's life - how to

even short distances very painful.

land a husband! In order to be

Taking baby steps towards leveling

considered beautiful and "genteel",

I am very thankful that this sadistic

the gender divide is a feat that is

five to seven-year-old girls would

practice has died with China's feudal

being undertaken by more and

experience the age-old tradition

dynastic eras. Women's feet today

more local women. Yet, on a physical

of having their feet bound. This

have been liberated and are going

level, our feet are some of the most

excruciating process of crushing

where they couldn't have gone over

neglected parts of our bodies. If my

one's foot in order to fit into shoes

a thousand years ago. Today's women

body parts could protest, my toenails

made to resemble a three-inch

have literally climbed to heights

will scream blue murder for all the

golden lotus was a way of life for

previously unknown or unthinkable

abuse I've heaped on them. As a

over a billion mainland Chinese

just a decade ago! Just look at

long-distance athlete, the constant

women for a thousand years.

Singapore's first all-women team to

toe-stubbing generated by running for

over three hours in a marathon,

graciously with "Thanks, but no

and proving that women have the

the presence of fate is strength

four to six hours in a short-course

thanks". Not today or any other day.

mental tenacity, if not the full physica

undef eatable."

adventure race or even the ten-day

capacity, to take men head on in the

expedition-type of adventure races,

Just how far we've come to men

is just too much grief for even the

as fellow competitors and equals in

same sports.

To all my sisters out there, arm yourselves with an indefatigable

most "garang" toes. Most female

sports is no mean feat. Women, who

As an athlete, I've held my own against

spirit and make paths where your

athletes don't have the luxury of

were formerly the prizes meted out to

fellow female competitors as well

hearts lead you! •

having well-formed feet unadorned

victorious Chariot competitors in the

as male athletes in many races from

with myriad blisters, corns, and even

Ancient Olympic Games, are now

adventure racing, distance running,

the odd fungal growth.

winning medals for themselves in

to vertical climbing. In my mind,

the very same Games today.

nothing is impossible. I find this reflected best in the words of

Having said that, offer me a pair of callous-free, sweet-smelling and well

Did you know that women were

Helen Keller, American author and

manicured feet in exchange for mine

allowed to compete in Olympics

educator who was blind and deaf:

that can leap over longkangs, fly over

track and field events longer than

"Life is either a daring adventure or

fallen tree logs and make short work

800 metres only from the 1960s?

nothing. To keep our faces toward

of 26.2 miles and I will decline

We are increasingly closing the gap

change and behave like free spirits in

The writer: Lim Le-Anne has been an athlete for nine years and has raced in biathlons, triathlons, marathons, mountain running, vertical climbing and adventure races for a whole quarter of her life. And she doesn 't plan to stop. She is genetically female, but no wilting daisy. Her "washing" label reads: "Made with 100% pure Bohemian attitude. Hand wash separately from fluffy-minded coordinates. For best results, soak in warm seawater and dry in direct sunlight."

swing Up in a Connected World by Mrs Carmee Lim


The Internet. It is said that no two

Today's children would perhaps

Since then, the students in Raffles

families and friends overseas. Gone

words could provoke such mixed

consider my childhood boring. But it

Girls School (RGS) connect with

were the days where I needed to

emotions in parents. Some fear and

was only as boring as our imagination

students all over the world through

go the post office to send greeting

shun it, considering it no more than

allowed. I believe that such an

cyberspace and work jointly on

cards or photos of my family to friends

a necessary evil for children these

environment nurtured my love for

class projects. The students had

overseas. My leisure and entertainment

days. Others embrace it with open

sports, music, dance and drama.

no problems adapting to this

pursuits too changed with the Internet.

new medium. There was a latent

With the easy access to information

Times have changed. In 1988, while

ability to discover and explore new

of all forms and nature, I have acquired

in Boston US, for a conference, I picked

things. Email, IRC, ICQ, chatting.

greater depth of knowledge in areas

up a flyer that was headlined "Love

The Internet offered a whole new

that interest me.

at First Byte". It was a life changing

world of opportunities for them to

arms, welcoming it like a long lost friend into the family. Indeed, the Internet has become such a pervasive medium in this day and age, that it is hard to imagine life

experience. Intrigued, I checked it out

connect, communicate and create.

Literally born into the age and

without it.

- and what I discovered completely

This new Internet culture - chat lingo,

world of the Internet, the 'Wired at

changed my perception.

emoticons, forums and listservs,

Birth' Generation did not have to

e-zines and e-books, email and

go through the Internet revolution.

instant messaging - was evolving.

They have the option of ignoring

I can. I grew up with no radio, telephone or television. Born to a poor family

The Internet is a tremendous resource

where everything had to be shared,

for everyone. The wealth of information

my siblings and I were left pretty

and the ease of access were two

Wiring up also affected me in other

the real world at the expense of the virtual world simply because it is so

much to entertain ourselves. Toys

very attractive draws for the educator

ways. My first email account was

much more attractive and effortless.

and games were what we made up,

in me. The scope for education was

created in 1994, when RGS, in

With a click of a mouse, children

using everyday materials and a whole

so great that we linked up with schools

collaboration with Pacific Internet,

are transported into a world where

lot of imagination. Our playground

in the US and worked with them on a

gave free e-mail accounts to all staff

they can play, communicate and,

was our home and its surroundings,

cyber-exchange programme, known

and students of the school. I could

hopefully, study at the same time.

and our playmates were other kids in

as the Interactive Communication

now communicate more effectively

Children getting on the Internet are

the neighbourhood. Life was simple!

Simulation or ICS in 1990.

and frequently with my staff, and

younger and younger these days.

My grandchildren, for example,

w e understand this. To children

had been physically hurt in their

no clear commercial breaks.

started playing games, singing and

who make and break friendships

encounters. However, it is the

Advertisements and information

dancing with me at educational

easily, there are no strangers on

14-year-old girls that are especially

are presented in similar formats.

websites from the age of two.

the Internet, only cyber buddies.

vulnerable. About 30 percent of

Children stumble on pornographic

Allowing children on the Internet

14-year-old girls were asked for

and gaming sites unintentionally,

The irony is that the Internet, a

unsupervised is like letting them

their phone numbers and asked by

sometimes enticed by a pop-up

medium created for faster, easier

loose in a big huge playground

chat buddies to meet face-to-face.

window while surfing their favourite

communications, has made social

where adults (some pretending

interaction faceless and contactless.

to be children) and children play.

Because the real world can be

websites or checking their email. While the large collection of

A PAGi survey shows that 66 percent

information on the Internet can be

of Singaporean youths polled have

replicated into a virtual world easily,

A further extension of this is meeting

a wonderful resource for research,

accessed Internet pornography

online communities, with their

online buddies in RL. According to

it can also be subject to misuse

deliberately or accidentally.

associated social fabric, are easily

a survey conducted by the Parents

and abuse. For instance, there are

created. In the book, My Tiny Life,

Advisory Group for the Internet (PAGi)

websites created by Neo-Nazis who

Challenges for Parents.

author Julian Dibbell writes about

in 2004, one in five Singaporean

proclaim that the Holocaust never

The challenge for parents is to

his experience in a virtual-reality

youngsters aged 12 to 17 has met

happened, or websites that seemingly

understand the Internet and its nature.

community, where participants

face-to-face with a stranger whom

promote democracy when it is a

While there is no urgent need for

interact in a simulated world.

they first encountered in Internet

white supremacy site in actuality. The

parents to become computer or

He soon gets so deeply involved

chatrooms. Ten percent of these

Internet is a source of information not

net-sawy at a snap of a finger, there

in this community that one of his

youths thought they were meeting

knowledge. It is the gathering, analysis,

is real need for them to understand

close real life (RL) relationships is

another teenager, but in reality met

collation and the synthesis of data

and accept the Internet culture.

threatened, which proved to be

with an adult, who had introduced

that turns information into knowledge.

a turning point for the author.

himself as a youth on the Internet.

To handle the challenges and problems

Contrary to expectations, more boys

Another aspect of the Internet that

posed by the Net, parents can use

The Internet offers people with ill

than girls engage in these face-to-

affects children is commercialisation.

the good old-fashioned methods of

intents a veil of anonymity. As adults,

face meetings. Two of these boys

On the Internet, unlike TV, there are

love and communication. As in RL,

w e must teach our children not to

filters is an option, but while technology

to arrange for meetings in the flesh,

talk to "strangers" online. We need

can help limit exposure to harmful

talk to strangers in chatrooms or

to teach them to walk away from

sites, it is far from being fool-proof.

give out personal information about

things they do not like or make them


feel uneasy. We need to teach them

Children need to be coached to

where dangers lie and to avoid these

become discerning users of the Internet.

While technological changes have

places. Trusty, old parenting skills

For example, an accidental visit

tremendous impact on youth culture,

do work in the Internet Age.

to a pornography website is a

the Internet is but one aspect of our

good opportunity to explain

connected world. Increasingly w e are being wired up through mobile

It is helpful to cultivate interest in a

how pornography denigrates and

wide array of activities, both online and

stereotypes specific gender. There

phones and PDAs too. By the time

offline, starting when the children are

are many pro-family websites that

they are in their teens, young people

young. There should be a balance, like

can provide helpful information.

should have automatic filtering

yin and yang. With my grandchildren,

infrastructure, hopefully informed

I have adopted an approach where

To me, the best strategy for

by values and teaching, cultivated

their online activities supplement their

parents is to show interest in what

over the years. Ultimately, it's not

offline ones. So the Internet becomes

the children are doing and what they

about how savvy you are on the

an extension of their RL, rather than

have learnt, and to ask about their

Internet. It's about communication

an alternative virtual life.

online friends as well as their friends

and values. •

It is important to talk with children and

the computer can be used and what

keep the channels of communication

sites can be visited are also helpful.

in schools. Clear rules about when

open. The worst thing that can happen

Research has shown that teenagers

is if they cannot turn to their parents if

are less likely to engage in high-risk

they have seen or learnt something

activities like face-to-face meetings

disturbing on the Internet. Using

when they are specifically forbidden

The writer: As Principal of Raffles Girls School, Mrs Carmee Lim was credited for her pioneering efforts to "cyberise "education. Now retired, Carmee heads the Parents Advisory Group for the Internet IPAGi) which she set up in 1999. She is also the President of Singapore Gymnastics, the Founder and CEO ofJumpstart Kidsports Pte Ltd, and Co-Founder and President of Aoede Music Consultants. Carmee recently completed her Masters in Early Childhood Education and published "Bright Brains: Fun Activities to Unlock your Child's Potential" in 2003. At home, Carmee is Net Granny to her seven grandchildren aged 2 months to 6 years.

'age rrorrt

Most of these teenagers gravitate towards their peers, in their pursuit to be accepted. And yet, they are the most individualistic creatures on earth.

"I feel a mixture of fear and

on her skin, now healed with slight

attempt to explain or profess to

excitement. Alone in the privacy of

bumps, trailing the inside of her

understand her motivation. Suffice

my room, I am able to confront my

forearm down to her wrist.

to say that when she came to

feelings of desperation and the hurt

see me, my biggest fear was the

of being alone. I can hear my heart

I'm not sure whether her initial

risk of possible success in her next attempt to end her life.

beating as if it is outside my chest,

attempts to kill herself have now

then the sharp pain when the

degenerated into a form of addiction

blunt instrument tears into my skin.

in dealing with emotional pain. What

In my 12 years of working with

The warm sensation of my blood on

I have noticed is that she seems to

families and teenagers, I still

my wrist. Followed by a great sense

almost flaunt her scars with bravado.

can't help but wonder how

of relief. I feel high, as if a gush of

At times, it even sounds like she is

these situations were dealt with

oxygen has flooded my head. Yes,

bragging when each new cut appears.

at home. I have found that in at

I wear the scars everywhere I go."

When questioned about who she has

least 65% of these cases involving

to live for. The answer is "no one".

teenage girls, the root of their problem seems to stem from a

These are the words of a young girl, 14 years old, who has cut herself

What would make an innocent,

dysfunctional relationship with

eight times. Evidence of her other

pretty and reasonably intelligent girl

their family and especially

attempts to hurt herself can be seen

resort to such an act? I will not even

with their mothers.

is that it is not uncommon. I have

primary and major role in influencing

towards their peers, in their pursuit

Most of these teenagers gravitate

found this to be a feature of the

"delinquency". Recent studies have

to be accepted. And yet, they are the

family life of many teenagers who

shown that how the family functions

most individualistic creatures on

choose to run away, join gangs, and

has an early and sustained impact on

earth. I guess that's why I appreciate

fall victim to substance abuse. It is

conduct disorders, school adaptation,

them and respect what they can teach

often also the background in cases of

family bonding and choice of peers.

us about handling emotions even

teenage pregnancy.

Therefore, increasingly, community-based

whilst trying to guide them.

family rehabilitation programmes With more research on juvenile

have included components to address

In the case of the young woman

delinquency, w e are made aware

the problems faced by families, such

quoted above, I found that she had

that the difficulties experienced in this

as communication, parenting skills,

a "controlling" mother who suffered

stage of child development are not

child supervision and discipline, and

from an inability to show her emotions

at all uncommon. Children, and

parent/child relationship.

and very much wound up in her own

especially teenagers, develop their

self pity. Her father spent little time

sense of uniqueness, of being capable

For the majority of these teenagers,

at home. And when he did, he

and worthy from the attention and

not being able to control what is

The writer: Carol Balhetchet is a Director of Youth Development with the Singapore Children's Society. She has a degree in Psychology & Counselling, a degree in Applied Psychology & Psychotherapy, a Masters in Social Science (Counselling! and is presently pursuing a Doctorate in Trans Disciplinary studies. As a mother and having worked with families and children for 12 years, she can passionately say that she loves children. To her, children are not just the cute, cuddly ones, but also the misunderstood teenagers.

Juvenile Delinquency Cases at Singapore Children's Society 250

seemed to lose his temper easily.

love given to them by their parents

happening in their home life lies

and family. Hence the lack of love

at the root of their dysfunctional

To make matters worse, the

and attention results in the opposite:

behaviour. Much as they may want

marriage seemed to be suffering

a sense of worthlessness and

it, a "perfect family" is not an option

from either a lack of communication

incapability. The situation is worse

and they resort to living in denial.

or a struggle for power in which the

when there is physical or sexual abuse.

As a counselor, all I can do is ensure



Legend - • - Female —-Male -

150 -





that they survive the crisis. •

daughter was a target for control in a deteriorating relationship. If this

What has been highlighted by

scenario sounds familiar, the reason

experts is that the family has a

May Nov May Nov May Nov May Nov 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 Source: Singapore Children's Society

Thoughts on Boy-Girl Relationships by Melissa


People are affected by the personal

When this happens, the experience

studies, suffer bad grades and

be in a relationship and find out

histories of the relationships they experience, and teenage girls who

can leave them with a very negative

put their education and their

about the kind of person that you

view of sexual relationships.

future at risk.

would like to spend your life with,

become involved in relationships with

in a marriage eventually.

boys or men risk being affected by these

The pain of breaking up after

What about the beauty of love, the

relationships for the rest of their lives.

being cheated can cause distrust or

sweetness of being with someone

Personally, I would not want to be

even hatred of all men, and great

who cares about you and having that

involved until I have greater confidence

scepticism about marriage.

special relationship with someone

in my own maturity and in my own

many are in boy-girl relationships at

you care about and who cares about

ability to commit. It takes a lot of

a very young age - risk not being

Even when both parties are

you? Of course, it is nice to have

effort to keep a relationship going,

able to handle the consequences.

about the same age, there are

someone there for you, with you,

from both parties. For now, I prefer

Sometimes they are also not sure

risks. Teenagers are naturally curious

loving you and sharing your ups and

to concentrate on my studies, and

what to expect and how they can

about a lot of things, including sex.

downs. A good relationship might

my extra curricular activities, make

The temptation to explore, especially

even be beneficial - if both parties

more friends, meet more people

with someone special, can be

are mature enough. It might nurture

and just learn more about life.

Starting off at a younger age also

very hard to resist. One possible

them into being better people,

means that they tend to look for older

consequence is an unwanted

encouraging each other to study,

Relationships will come when I am

guys, say in their late teens or early

pregnancy, which studies show

helping each other in schoolwork.

ready. Right now, my feeling is: not yet. •

twenties. These older men usually

to be on the rise these days.

There is someone to share personal

Those who become involved - and

handle their own emotions.

experiences, to have fun together,

have different views and perceptions about relationships, sex and marriage.

Then there are those who can

and to grow up together.

become very possessive about At the very worst, young girls fall prey

each other and so miss out on

It is possible to learn about

to ill intentioned men who see them

making friends and enjoying being

relationships as a couple, and to

as young, na'ive and easily charmed.

young. Some even neglect their

discover together what it means to

The writer: Melissa Lim is an 18-year-old student pursuing a Diploma of Business Computing at Republic Polytechnic.

Battle of the Madonnas - Sexual Awareness Among Adolescent Girls by Fazlin Abdullah

If history has taught us one thing

geisha. With sexual activity prohibited

bodies, but wives for the production of

about respected and powerful

in their interaction with men, they are

legitimate offspring and to have reliable

women of the past, it is that they

accorded an elevated position in society.

guardians of our household property."

achieved the revered status because

Add sexual prowess into the equation

- Apollodoros in his speech Against Neaira quoted by Demosthenes.

of their virtue. Virtue is indeed an

and they become prostitutes, to be

admirable trait, to be morally good

ostracised in mainstream public

is a challenge to most of humanity.


The challenge is compounded for

While it is true that more adolescent girls and young women are more sexually active, the guilt and continuing fear of bringing disgrace upon herself and her parents remain very real.

In other words, Apollodoros can boast of having it all, but in the

women when morality and virtue

Outside of marriage, women were

female, there are opposing values

pertain to her sexuality, and in

thus categorised as powerful virgin

of purity and immorality, virtue and

particular, to her status as a virgin.

or infamous prostitute. Within

vice. This dichotomy of views about

marriage, there is a role as revered

the sexual nature of the female is

Virginity in women has been

womb, the dutiful wife who bears

even more apparent in societies

revered, even worshipped - the

and nurtures the male seed. Remove

built upon patriarchal frameworks

Greek Goddess Athena, the Goddess

marriage and childbearing from

and traditions, where a woman is not

of Mercy Kuan Yin and Joan of

the equation, and a sexual woman

considered an entity in her own right,

Arc were just a few. They lived in

is either seen as disgraced or

but exists as a possession of her father

different times, came from different

merely an instrument of pleasure.

or husband. Thus, in order to uphold

backgrounds and cultures, were

his good name, a woman is expected

warrior, healer, and fighter, but

Of course, these categories have not

to remain chaste until she marries, and

a common trait which has been

had the same meaning for the male of

when married to have sex according to

highlighted in their histories, has

the species, in whom sexual prowess

her husband's desires. Her own sexual

been the resolve in resisting sexual

could be a symbol of strength, power

desires are either irrelevant or shameful,

activity and maintaining their virginity.

and wealth.

both to herself and to her family.

Chastity elevates a woman in

"We have courtesans for pleasure.and

Conversely, it is often accepted that

society. Take the example of the

concubines for the daily service of our

a man will have sex before marriage

and extra marital sexual interaction

The rise of pop icons symbolising

concerning their behaviour,

also seen as the "bad" girl, and

after that event. For a young man,

"liberated and empowered" women

with traditional values on the one

is often punished with negative

losing his virginity and engaging in

has also contributed to sending

hand, and pop-culture and the

consequences for her actions. Young

sexual relations is often portrayed as

confusing signals to a young woman:

entertainment industry on the other.

women who choose to have sex are

an adventure, an achievement and

Britney Spears flaunts her sexuality

a social goal. A voracious sexual

yet maintains she is a virgin, Madonna

portrayed as not "normal" and the In a study done by Deborah L. Tolman

behaviour continues to be regarded

appetite is assumed to be perfectly

in cone shape bras becomes the face

on sexuality among adolescent girls,

as inappropriate or "sluttish". While

normal; and requiring satisfaction.

of sexual liberation, and Sex in the City

she found that: "Their experiences of

it is true that more adolescent girls

shows successful, professional single

sexual desire are strong and pleasurable,

and young women are more sexually

Female sexuality is not only

women as unfulfilled without sex

yet they speak very often not of the

active, the guilt and continuing fear

suppressed by patriarchal cultural

and men in their lives. These images

power of desire but how their desire

of bringing disgrace upon herself and her parents remain very real.

traditions, the perception of female

may lead young women to feel more

sexuality has tended to be in line

sexually liberated, but whether they

with the Freudian view of women as

send healthy empowering messages

Understanding one's sexuality and

In the absence of a new paradigm

"passive, dependent and less sexual

is questionable.

sexual awareness should not be about

which acknowledges and celebrates

promiscuity or dressing sexily or even

female sexuality, the dichotomy of

than men...." 1 This characteristic is

may get them into trouble."


often entrenched, contributing to

It may be difficult to agree that

having sex. It should be about feeling

" w o m b " or "whore" persists, neither

double standards in the treatment

adolescent girls are not empowered,

empowered and in control of one's

of which encourage women to be

of male and female sexuality.

especially with the reports of

own body, desires and pleasures.

truly empowered as sexual beings. •

increasing numbers of teenage

It is not about either promoting or

When these values inform the social

abortions and increase in pre-marital

condemning free sex, it is about a

climate in which impressionable

sex, of flaunted bodies and revealing

woman's choice to explore her desires.

adolescent girls and young women

clothes. However, the reality is that

construct their thoughts about their

young women are growing up with

The media tends to portray the

bodies and their sexuality, it is difficult

contradictory messages about female

sexually liberated women as

for them to feel empowered.

sexuality and conflicting ideals

benefiting men's desires. She is


Gerhard, Jane F, Desiring Revolution, 2001

' Tolman, Deborah L, Doing Desire. Adolescent Girls' Struggles for/with Sexuality, 1994

The writer: Fazlin Abdullah is the General Manager of the United Nations Development Fund For Women IUNIFEMI Singapore. She spends most of her free time researching and writing articles, her novel, and screenplays.

Career Options - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor by Tan Yilin

When someone mentions a tycoon,

babies, raise children and take

such traditions still persist. It is not

The third is Barriers - quotas that

what comes to mind? A man in a

care of the elderly. The man is

uncommon to walk into an Engineering

may exist for specific courses.

heavy business suit clutching a

the breadwinner, the stronger

tutorial class and find less than five

Locally, official quotas used to exist,

leather briefcase? What about a

counterpart, the one wearing the

women in a class of 25 pupils. This

such as placing a limitation on the

nurse? Chances are it is a woman in

pants; meant to fix electrical wiring,

may be the result of the specific

proportion of women taking up

a well-pressed, white uniform. In this

plumbing, carpentry and all other

courses that students think appropriate

medicine. These effectively served

day and age, it is interesting to note

"manly" tasks. These stereotypes

for their gender. Hence, students

as barriers to women regardless of

that we still hold fast to traditional

shape a person's mindset and play

may be inclined to tick certain check

their inclinations or their perceptions

gender stereotypes when it comes

a vital role in forming perceptions of

boxes when indicating the courses of

of the partiality of employers.

to occupations.

careers "suited" for each gender.

their choice on the application form.

In a patriarchal society, even the

What happened to the age-old view

To be fair, it is an undeniable fact that

English language uses the male

The second is External Influences - the

that the decision on career choices

these stereotypes are rooted in reality.

convention for specific career titles,

perception of employers' preferences.

should be based on a combination of

For example, the armed forces are

for example Chairman, fireman.

Unfortunately, employers also fall

personal interest as well as aptitude?

still dominated by men, just as the

prey to stereotypes and heuristics.

nursing profession is still dominated

This brings me to career choices

Perceived employers' preferences

All hope is not lost. The youth of

by women. Occupational segregation

faced by the youths of Singapore.

when recruiting talent become a

today have a wealth of information

exists. However, the danger with

There are three points of impact:

such stereotypes is that it influences

factor of consideration for students

at their fingertips. The Internet

when choosing their courses. This

itself is a vast resource that is

the career choices made by both

The first is From Within - "natural"

includes the perceptions of those

easily accessible. At the moment,

men and women.

inclinations towards certain courses.

advising the students on their career

a search on "career options" in

Engineering has long been viewed as

path. Nobody likes admitting to being

www.google.com yields close to

Women have always been viewed as

a course conventionally dominated by

marginalised. Neither would anyone

7.5 million hits. Any large bookstore

the nurturer, the weaker sex, meant to

men. Similarly, teaching has usually

wish to put himself or herself in a

offers a range of literature on the

stay home to cook, clean, wash, have

been dominated by women. Today,

position to be marginalised.

same topic. Schools also have

pastoral care departments that provide career guidance.

Women have made headway in many areas as a consequence of higher levels of education and a greater willingness to take up the gauntlet of bringing the bread home.

Although there may never be complete Employment by Occupation (per cent)

equality in the ratio of men and women in all areas, let's hope we will see the day when a person chooses a career solely based on interest and aptitude. That's how things should be. •

The writer: Tan Yilin graduated from Nanyang Technological University in 2003 and is currently a full-time employee of DBS Bank. She is the Head, Youth Movement of the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (Singapore) and also the VicePresident of Youth Employment (Singapore). Yilin enjoys reading, land sports, going to the theatre and spending time with her handsome Jack Russell Terrier.


Source: Singapore Department of Statistics

2003 1997 1987

The Pursuit of Beauty Emancipation or Entraj


by Monica Lim


* ^M

As much as the beauty trade empowers women to look good for themselves, the same industry thrives on the insinuation that left on our own, women are not beautiful, not perfect, not ideal enough.

Helena Rubinstein once declared:

ourselves, not just for others,

Beauty as a concept is almost always

Faux bronze is the new tan. Pink is the

"There is no such thing as an ugly

and certainly not in order to attract

tied to others' perception. While

new red. Wait, by the time you read

woman. Only a lazy one." It is

a mate and protector. We have

beauty and fashion magazines no

this, melon would be the new pink.

as if by virtue of being female, it is

been emancipated in our pursuit

longer explicitly tell us how to dress

our duty to be beautiful. This concept

of beauty.

is rooted in the age-old belief that a woman's power lies in her appearance.

Or have we, really?

in order to snare a man, they still

So where lies this elusive line

dispense truckloads of advice telling

between emancipation and entrapment

us how to project a desired image,

in the pursuit of beauty?

whether "sexy" or "sophisticated"

Throughout history, odes have been UK Fashion editor, Lowri Turner

or "natural" (the last ironically

I pride myself on being a new age

conquered men with their beauty,

once said: "The truth is, most

requiring the most effort!)

feminist, comfortable in my own skin.

from Yang Guifei to Helen of Troy.

women dress for themselves some of the time, for men at other times

To add to the confusion, the beauty

the lure of beauty promises. Despite

With the rise in women's independence,

and attempt a sort of compromise

industry is a fickle one, and trends

being fully aware of the industry's

we have seemingly risen above this

for the rest. If w e dressed only for

move faster than the stock market.

gimmicks and high profit margins,

dedicated to women who have

However, I am far from immune to

antiquated notion. We know now

ourselves, we'd all wear leggings

Right now, waif is out, curves are

I find myself succumbing frequently

that w e want to look good for

and baggy jumpers all the time."

back. Neutral is passe, glamour is in.

to the newest range of lipsticks.

I know I am paying $29.95 for two

thrives on the insinuation that

enterprises have sprung up to exploit

inches of red dye, yet that little gold

left on our own, women are not

this new spending power.

tube buys me a little spring in my step

beautiful, not perfect, not ideal

for a day or two.

enough. Priscilla Presley purportedly

Beyond cosmetics, there is plastic

went to bed with her makeup on

surgery. I am as much in favour of

That does not mean I am a slave to

so that her husband would only see

women holding the keys to their own

beauty. While I hope the new lipstick

her at her best. A beautiful woman

enhancement as the next woman,

will step up the glamour quotient

draped on the arm of a man is still

and I see nothing intrinsically wrong

for a night out, I do not expect it to

perceived as a status symbol,

with plastic surgery. It is the way

miraculously turn me into a Julianne

an accessory. Scores of dutiful

in which plastic surgery is viewed

Moore. That new face cream may

wives worry that once their beauty

which disturbs me. Plastic surgery

erase a few wrinkles, but it will

fades, they will be cast off in favour

used to be a phrase whispered behind

not erase the fear of ageing. Each

of pretty young things half their age.

closed doors, implying shame and a

purchase is a trifle to be enjoyed for the moment, nothing more.

Machiavellian audacity in trying to There is a whole multi-million dollar

manufacture beauty which was not

industry waiting to cash in on these

your birthright. But these days, plastic

And that's where the insidiousness

insecurities. For every advertisement

surgery has become a buzzword.

of the whole issue lies.

offering women choices in fashion and beauty, there seem to be three which

I have a macabre fascination with the

As much as the beauty trade

exclaim: "Get bigger breasts and a

reality programme. Extreme Makeover,

empowers women to look good for

happier husband!" As quickly as women

where each week, candidates are

themselves, the same industry

are gaining economic independence,

whisked off for a buffet of face lifts,

liposuction, implants and laser

decision as casual as changing one's

lovable Shrek affirms: "But you


hair colour. I realise there are no easy

ARE beautiful."

solutions, but in an age where everything has become disposable,

In a world of synthetic beauty, perhaps

many of the candidates are there

I say: let's not dispose of ourselves

what we need are more reminders

not simply to change parts of

so readily.

that there is real beauty everywhere

My discomfort lies in the fact that

themselves that they don't like. Many of them appear to define

- we just have to look for it ourselves And that's where I think the

themselves and their entire lives

line between emancipation and

based on their physical appearance.

entrapment lies - whether the

They seem to believe that they can

pursuit of beauty aims to reflect

physically carve away their past by

one's self-worth or in fact, to

being stitched, lifted and tightened

acquire some. It's a thin line but

into a new life, a new self.

it makes all the difference.

Yet, each of these candidates

In the movie Shrek, after receiving

claims they have not abandoned their

love's first kiss to break her

old selves, merely embraced new

enchantment, the princess finds

improved versions. My concern for

herself still an ogre. She says in

this and future generations of women

puzzlement: "I don't understand,

is that the "extreme" nature of plastic

I'm supposed to be beautiful."

surgery has been reduced to a

And the pot-bellied, disarmingly

and on our own terms. •

The writer: Monica Lim owns and runs Hedgehog Communications, a written communications consultancy. Before venturing into the world of entrepreneurship, she had garnered over ten years of corporate experience, directing communications and public relations for national institutions like the Singapore Management University, Singapore Symphony Orchestra and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore. Her fascination with the power of communications extends to less conventional forms like music and art. She is married with a daughter and a son. They are her daily reminders that real beauty comes in intrinsically unique packages.

Why Would I Want To Get Married (Agai by Martha Lee


All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making Good battle is objective and honest - never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principle of equal partnership.

According to official studies, couples

Once bitten, aren't I supposed to be

unconditionally - a source of

in Singapore are delaying marriage,

shy? I am perfectly capable of taking

constancy, comfort, and security.

with the age at first marriage rising

care of myself. In fact, I am happier,

to 30.2 years for grooms and 27.2 for

more successful in my career, and

Studies have shown that marriage

brides in 2003. Divorces under both

doing all the things I always wanted

has undeniable advantages.

the Women's Charter and the Muslim

to but didn't, couldn't or wouldn't.

For example, married folks fare

Law Act have increased steadily from

I am woman empowered.

better emotionally and physically,

5,090 cases in 2001 to 5,825 in 2002 1

and 6,561 in 2003 .

and live longer than their unmarried Why then would I consider

counterparts3. They accumulate


more wealth than singles4, they enjoy greater sexual satisfaction5,

And 29.8 per cent of all marriages result in divorce2.

I want what I don't have - someone

and married women experience

to link fingers with while walking

lower rates of domestic violence

I contribute towards this statistic.

down Orchard Road; to rest in the

than single, cohabiting, separated

Like every little girl, I relished the

refuge of his arms; and be kissed

or divorced women 6 .

thought of living "happily ever after".

on the nose because I look cute.

I'm now older and wiser. Yet, I would

Marriages also benefit society as

still give marriage a second chance

I miss the companionship, the

a whole. Married women are less

if the "right" man comes along.

opportunities for play and laughter,

likely to abort their children than

and having someone who loves me

unmarried women. Human life is

more likely to be protected and

wisdom still ring true: "Bite your

cherished7. Homes are safer places

tongue over little things"; "Learn

to live in, because marriages curb

to say sorry, and mean it"; "Before

social problems such as domestic

you can love, learn to love yourself

violence and child abuse3.

first"; "Take time to decide on

Average Age of First Marriage for Women (years)

30 -

marriage and then make it work"; Communities with more married-

and "A happy marriage doesn't just

parent families are found to have less

happen, it has to be made to happen".

25 -

20 -

substance abuse and crime among young people9. Marriages are the

As Ann Landers once said: "All married

perfect antidotes to poverty and

couples should learn the art of battle

welfare dependency'0; and are more

as they should learn the art of making

likely to produce healthy, productive,

love. Good battle is objective and

and engaged citizens".

honest - never vicious or cruel. Good

So how is it that so many marriages

and brings to a marriage the principle

fail to survive the course?

of equal partnership."

Old-fashioned as they may seem,

Marriage is for the brave hearted.

I believe that these ancient words of

May you find a worthy equal. •

battle is healthy and constructive,

15 -

The writer: Martha Lee is passionate about promoting financial literacy and helping women and youths fulfill their potential. She volunteers with the Financial Education Committee of AWARE, International Young Professionals Foundation and leads Youth Employment (Singapore/. As a Corporate Communications Officer of Omron Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, she is responsible for its regional communications and product marketing activities. Martha holds a Bachelor of Arts (Communications) from Monash University.

10 •

5 -

°- — — — — 1986





Source: Singapore Department of Statistics


Marriage and Divorce Rates among Women (1998-2003)


The Straits Times. "8ad Economy Makes


Salari, Sonia Miner and Bret M. Baldwin. "Verbal, Physical, and Injurious Aggression Among Intimate

For Stressed Marriages", June 24, 2004. 60 H

Couples Over Time", and Sedlak, Andrea J. and 2


Marriage Rate (per 1,000 unmarried resident females)



45 40 35

Singapore Department of Statistics, Key Indicators

Dinae D. Broadhurst, "The Third National Incidence

of Marriages and Divorces. 1998-2003.

Study of Child Abuse and Neglect".

Marks. Nadine F and James D. Lambert. "Marital Status Continuity and Change Among Young and Midlife Adults", and Ross, Catherine E, et al.. "The Impact of the Family on Health: The Decade in Review".


Thornberry, Terrence P, et al.. "Family Disruption and Delinquency," Juvenile Justice Bulletin, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice, September 1999.


U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Poverty Tables.

* U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the


Table 4 and O'Neill, June and M. Anne Hill,

United States: 2001. Table No. 666 and Waiie.

"Gaining Ground? Measuring the Impact of

Linda J ana Maggie Gallagher, "The Case

Welfare Reform on Welfare and Work".

for Marriage". 25


11 5



Laumann, Edward O, et al., "The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in

Divorce Rate (per 1.000 married resident females)


the United States". 6


Salari, Sonia Miner and Bret M. Baldwin. "Verbal, Physical, and Injurious Aggression Among Intimate Couples Over Time", and Bureau of Justice Statistics. Intimate Partner Violence.

"I 1998



1 2000

Source: Singapore Department of Statistics





The Alan Guttmacher Institute, "Trends in Abortion in the United States, 1973-2000".

Keyes, Corey LM, "The Mental Health Continuum: From Languishing to Flourishing in Life".

/ /

The Superwoman Conundrum by Teo Hwee Nak

While women have stepped with ease into what is traditionally seen as men's territory at the workplace, men - whether out of reluctance or ineptness - have not taken on domestic obligations as naturally.

They headed straight for the cot. One

she told Ma. "That big chunk of an

reminds me gently: "Nak, you should

The default burden of domestic

took a corner of the blanket and lifted

intestine is to 'change' your womb,

start thinking about having a baby.

responsibilities still primarily falls

it slightly. They looked. Then, without

so that it can produce a boy."

And then you'll have it all."

on women. In Singapore, where a

a word to the woman lying on the bed next to the cot, the two women left.

Gender check. That was my

domestic helper is almost de rigueur It didn't work. By the time I arrived,

Can I really have it all? While a

for working couples with children,

Ma was exhausted. Three daughters

woman's status in society has

even the handling of matters related

in four years.

made quite a leap since my

to the maid is mainly left to the

mother's time, some things have

female in the family. We won't even

welcome into this world. I was my parents' third daughter, and

As she cradled me, she cried. Not for

changed precious little. Perhaps

talk about who does the household

my arrival was cause more for

her, but for me. "You're a girl. You'll

they will never change. The truth

chores for a couple without help.

disappointment than celebration.

be another me," she thought.

is, while women have dramatically expanded their role in society over

While women have stepped with

When Ma gave birth to my eldest

Today, Ma looks at me with pride.

the last few decades - from mother

ease into what is traditionally seen

sister, her in-laws sent over a pot of

Sometimes, with a tinge of envy,

to worker and working mother,

as men's territory at the workplace,

boiled pig's intestine. One whole

she comments on my seemingly full

caretaker of elderly parents, leaders

men - whether out of reluctance or

intestine, uncut. My grandmother

life, my promising career and doting

in workplaces and politics, and

ineptness - have not taken on

chuckled. "Your in-laws are hoping

husband, my material indulgences.

activism and volunteerism -

domestic obligations as naturally.

for a son the next time round,"

But every now and then, she

men have hardly progressed.

When I go out with girlfriends of

Am I better off than my mother? She had too little. I have too much. For her generation, life was ruled by simplicity. For mine, it is complicated by greed.

are traditionally conditioned to, get

mine who have become mothers,

bluntly told the House that if given

to clear, or your boss deems the

I have come to expect frantic phone

too much paternity leave, men would

latest company crisis more urgent

real. If you're waiting for miracles

calls from helpless fathers asking for

probably stay home "doing nothing".

than your daily cuddle with baby.

to happen soon at the workplace,

help: Jamie's refusing to eat, what

In other words, while women today

Singapore has only just woken up

forget it. Want to have a baby, and

shall I do? When am I supposed to

are expected to be superwomen,

to the urgency of developing an

give your child that undivided

give the next feed? How much of

men remain just that - men.

infrastructure that can sufficiently

devotion? The best option might

support the working mother.

be the most obvious one.

that medicine did Doc say to give? Not surprisingly, these dinners often end abruptly, earlier than planned.

Having said that, no one can deny

Foremost on the list is a mindset

the exclusivity of a mother's role in

change in employers so that a

a child's growing years. This firm

mother-friendly workplace can be the

it is just not politically correct to want to give up one's career for full-time motherhood. Many of the women

It takes courage to say this, because

In reviewing child-friendly policies

belief is what has kept me from

norm rather than the exception. Can

in March 2004, the Government

venturing into the next phase of my

that happen within this generation?

predictably disregarded calls to

life. Motherhood has got to be more

consider paternity leave. Being the

than dumping your child with the

Norway, reputed for its family-friendly

view that a mother should commit

ever-pragmatic government, they are

grandma or the maid, or at an infant

policies and high birth rate for a

to her new role full-time, at least for

well aware how much help men can

care centre. It has to be better than

developed economy, took 50 years.

the first crucial years.

render, compared to women. Minister

affording your child 45 minutes of

Lim Hng Kiang, the chairman of the

the day before he sleeps - because

So. Reality check. If you are expecting

Because the women's liberation

steering committee on population,

you have meetings to attend, work

the men to shoulder more than they

movement started out with fighting

I know would not agree with my

for a woman's right to work,

Should not true liberation be the

notion that women can have it all is

gender equality has - rightly or

ability go after the one thing that

a myth - at least for my generation.

wrongly - always been seen as

w e want - happiness? And I wonder, when I cradle my

being synonymous with a woman's ability to work.

Median Age of Mothers at 1 s ', 2nd and 3rd births

Right now, I have accepted the

newborn daughter in my arms,

shackles. I have chosen my career,

what will I be thinking? •

I know women who have chosen

at least until my biological clock

to stay home - but feel lousy about

protests and my maternal instincts

themselves. At the same time, I look

can no longer be ignored.

at friends who are working mothers and very often see a harassed woman

Am I better off than my mother?

who complains about the trials of

She had too little. I have too much.

being a working mother. Ironically,

For her generation, life was ruled by

while thinking that we have at last

simplicity. For mine, it is complicated

been set free, women have let

by greed. Compared to the world that

themselves get weighed down by

greeted me as a newborn girl, society

the shackles of the right to have it

has moved on. Still, for whatever

all, and with the measurement of a

those credit card ads would like us

woman's self-worth by her career.

to believe, the feminist-propagated

The writer: Teo Hwee Nak graduated with a journalism degree from Hanyang Technological University in 1997. She has been a journalist ever since - except for a short respite when she ventured into teaching. Now a deputy news editor with TODAY newspaper. Hwee Nak is married to an airline pilot. Because of her addiction to travelling (which strikes once every two months), insane working hours, and a husband who always seems to be halfway across the globe from her, motherhood has been put on hold - for now. First



Source: Singapore Department of Statistics

Whose Baby Is It Anyway? by Tan Joo Hymn


Societies which hold more conservative values towards women, in particular mothers, tend to have low fertility rates while countries with greater gender equity across all institutions are more able to reverse the downward fertility trend.

In Singapore, ideology rather

In the 1960s, overpopulation was

although, as with other developed

than pragmatism, has informed

seen as a potential obstacle to

countries, socio-economic

fertility policies. To attain general

Singapore's economic growth. Few

development might actually have

and specific national objectives,

people above the age of 30 today can

played a larger part in changing birth

the government has used executive

forget the ubiquitous slogan "two is

rates than official policy2. In any case,

and legislative power to shape

enough". Supporting legislation was

the total fertility rate (TFR) fell from

women's reproductive choices'.

put in place often with draconian

4.7 in 1965 to the replacement level

From the first campaign, citizens

punitive provisions for families who did

of 2.1 in 1975 to 1.43 in 19863,

have always been urged to

not "stop at two", for example, low

and subsequently, despite a slew

identify with community interest

school enrolment priorities for third and

of supposedly pro-natalist policies,

and not self-interest when it came

higher-order children and the steep rise

continued its downward spiral,

to matters of fertility. Another

in maternity costs for each additional

reaching a record low of 1.26 in 2003.

common trend despite policy

child. Abortion and sterilisation were

changes was that the lower

cheap and available on demand with

In the 1980s, the government

socio-economic classes, which

the minimum of red tape.

became very concerned that the

were usually also less-educated,

better educated were having fewer

should be discouraged from

The campaign is usually credited

children. TFR decreased across all

having more children.

as having been wildly successful

ethnic groups from 1965 to 1985,

as did the average number of live

Specific and notable actions included

Ownership Plus Education (HOPE)

organised by AWARE, where

births per married woman. However,

the founding of the Association of

scheme still remains where low-

women said that child bearing

in percentage terms, the Chinese

Women for Action and Research

income and less educated

decisions were an individual's

showed the least decline, followed

(AWARE) in 1985 to provide an

parents can benefit only if they

choice and institutionalising such

alternative, and female, voice.

have two or fewer children.

decision could be a "turn-off".

Some of the measures introduced

A principle reason for the failure of

that the government gives financial

by the government included "baby

earlier pro-natalist policies, was the

incentives to encourage Singaporeans to have more kids" 6 .

by the Malays, with the Indians 4

One woman found it "insulting

showing the largest drop .

Nevertheless, the government implemented a series of policies

bonuses" (lump sum cash payments)

failure to recognise women's individual

aimed at encouraging better educated

and tax rebates for second and

rights to control their own reproduction

(and more likely Chinese) women to

subsequent children born to women

and health5, and the embedded

In another study done at the

marry and have more children while

below certain ages and with at least

attitude of regarding women as mere

National University of Singapore

urging less educated women to limit

a certain level of education. It was

baby-makers, expected to manage

(NUS), interviewees also felt

the family size. This provoked

not until 2004 that new policies were

their output per official dictates or

that financial incentives were not

heated public discussions termed

introduced which were gentler and

national targets from time to time.

a good reason for having children

"the Great Marriage Debate" where

less discriminatory. For example,

many citizens expressed opposition

the age and education restrictions

at all, and especially ineffective This was aptly expressed by

in influencing those who were

to the elitist and eugenist policies.

were removed. However, the Home

participants in a public seminar

relatively affluent'.

Over the last two decades, academics

In Singapore, women's entry into

for child-rearing rather than on

children. In addition, "quality of life"

have found that patterns of relationship

tertiary institutions increased from

formulating pro-natalist policies. It

issues were considered important

between fertility and other variables

23% of total enrolment in 1960

recognised that gender equity was

by 89% of the respondents. This

have shifted dramatically. Countries

to 48% in 2003'°, and the female

an important factor and implemented

corresponds closely with Castles'

with the highest fertility rate were

work force participation rate rose

gender mainstreaming strategies.

finding that countries with adequate

once those in which family-oriented

from 28.2% in 1970 to 53.9% in

cultural traditions were most valued

2003". During this period, TFR

In a survey done (mainly online)

flexi work arrangements were

and which had the lowest women's

still continued to decline.

by AWARE between May and July

available were able to reverse

2004 with over 140 respondents,

negative fertility trends13.

labour market participation. These relationships are now wholly reversed8.

support for child care and where

In contrast, Denmark has successfully

the second most common reason

increased its TFR from 1.38 in 1983

given for not having children was that

In the NUS study mentioned above,


In addition, societies which hold

to 1.73 in 2003 . Unlike many Asian

Singapore is not a conducive place to

a series of in-depth interviews with

more conservative values towards

countries, Denmark directed most

bring up children (the top reason was

21 well-educated Chinese women

women, in particular mothers, tend to

laws, rights, benefits and obligations

that they were not married). Work

in their 20's and 30's, their husbands

have low fertility rates while countries

at the individual rather than the

flexibility, the education system, cost

and their mothers and/or mothers-in-

with greater gender equity across all

family. It also focused its attention

of living and child care facilities were

law, showed that many of the

institutions are more able to reverse

on improving the quality of life and

the four areas which ranked highest

younger women felt that having

creating an enabling environment

as affecting the decision to have

children and pursuing a career were


the downward fertility trend .


AWARE. Beyond Babies: National Duty or Personal Choice? AWARE, 2004, Singapore.


AWARE, Population: An Issue of Current Concern. AWARE.1988, Singapore.

Singapore Department of Statistics. Twenty-Five Years of Below Replacement Fertility: Implications for Singapore, 2002

'AWARE, 1988; Ohiwa, Sumiko. "Population Policies in Singapore: State Fatherhood and Modern Daughters". Journal of Asian Women's Studies, Vol. 11,2002.

conflicting goals. They valued work

and hence not hands-on carers

for the social contacts, intellectual

of children (Graham et al 2004)' 5 .

stimulation and financial independence

Therefore, women are expected to

while many thought that the long

bear the double burden of work and

hours demanded by employers were

primary responsibility for the home

a very negative aspect of working

and children.

full-time. Of the 21 younger women,


17 were working full-time and three

Gender roles have been in a state

part-time. Despite this, they saw it as

of flux for some time, and although

primarily their task to juggle work and

this provides greater opportunities


family obligations' .

for both men and women to negotiate their desired level of

The reality is that most Singaporean

involvement in the home, it also

women cannot afford not to work,

creates more challenges when

and many expect to have a career

couples have different expectations.

unlike a generation ago. However,


Ohiwa. 2002

'AWARE, 2004


Graham, Elspeth. Peggy Teo, Brenda Yeoh & Susan Levy. Intergenerational Relationships, Fertility and the Family in Singapore, 2004, Singapore.

their husbands tend to still see

The policies introduced in 2004 are a

themselves as the main breadwinner

step in the right direction, although

' Castles, Francis G, "The World Turned Upside Down. Replacement fertility. Changing Preferences and Family-friendly Public Policy in 21 OECD Countries", Journal of European Social Policy, Vol.13. No. 3.

' McDonald, Peter "Gender Equity. Social Institutions and the Future of Fertility". Journal of Population Research, Vol. 17, No.1, 2000. '"Ministry of Education, Education Statistics Digest 2003. Ministry of Education, 2003, Singapore.

the burden of child-bearing and

continually blind-sided by its

rearing is still placed squarely on

own patriarchal ideology and thus

women's shoulders and paternity

exacerbate the very phenomenon

leave is still but a dream for many

that it wants to alleviate. •

Fertility Rate (per female, aged 15-44)

new families. It remains to be seen whether this is indeed enough to reverse the trend. From their decisions about childbirth, women are sending a powerful message that today's society is not conducive to having more children, and that major changes are needed before TFR will be anywhere near what the government wishes it to be. By continuing to ignore women's demand for gender equity, state efforts to increase birth rate risk being

The writer: Tan Joo Hymn was the chair of the Singapore and Population work group which produced the position paper "Beyond Babies: National Duty or Personal Choice?". She is co-chair of the PopWatch sub-committee as well as a member of the Executive Committee in AWARE. She is a full-time mother to a baby girl and a passionate advocate of drug-free labour and breastfeeding. She is also an active member of Raleigh Society, a youth volunteer group. Source: Singapore Statistics Board

" Singapore Department of Statistics. Labour Force Participation Rate, 2004. " cited in AWARE, 2004. " Castles, 2003.

" Graham et al, 2004. " Graham et al, 2004.

Confessions of a Full-Time Mothering Addict by Ng Choong San

I admit -1 LOVE being a full-time

that come with the acquisition of

okay money-wise, so why not?"

constantly engaged in conjuring

mother. For me, the highs of being

a husband and two cats. And then

Faced with such logic and spousal

ever more ingenious ways of

one more than outweigh the lows

one day, everything changed.

support, who could resist? A little

stimulating and nurturing the girls'

(of course there ARE and always will

further rumination on my part was

burgeoning intellect. I was more

Sometime in late 2000, my husband

followed by agreement, and the

alert and stayed healthier even

their silver linings.

and I decided the time was ripe and

result was our daughters' respective

though I had less sleep and rest.

right to start our family. We were

arrivals in 2001 and 2003.

And I know I am a happier mum than

I must confess I never imagined

abroad at the time. My husband

that I would stop working. My

was furthering his professional

So, you could pretty much say I

intangibles; the joy that comes with

mother had a full-time job, and

training, I was doing volunteer work

became a mother by default. Taking

actually seeing them reach their

almost all her friends were working

as my visa status barred me from

on full-time mothering, however,

milestones - the first smiles, the first

women, so I just assumed I would

paid employment. I had enjoyed it

was very much a conscious decision.

words, the first unassisted steps,

follow suit. And I did, as graduation

immensely, but still felt restless and

After spending almost two years at

even the first self-initiated session

from university was followed by jobs

somewhat at a loose end, feeling

home with Ysobel and Ericka, I had

on the potty; the satisfaction from

in military, musical, and non-profit

that "something" was missing in

a sneaking suspicion that I was

teaching them their manners and EQ

charitable organisations. For those

my life, and he was the one who

probably a better mother than worker.

with minimal "outside" interference

suggested we start a family. At first,

My productivity level was still high -

or disruption. And I am never faced

it came as a shocker to me when

family, pets and home were all cared

with the need to choose between

he said: "Have a kid! We want one,

for without any form of domestic

work and home commitments, with

w e have no work worries, we're

help. My brains were, and are,

all the attendant guilt and angst.

be lows), and even the lows have

I I years, I first lived the life of the carefree, no-responsibilities single, and then that of a newly-wed with the slight increments of sobriety

worker. I get my highs from these


I was more alert and stayed healthier even though I had less sleep and rest.

Invariably, the lows do exist. We have one income less, and that makes a difference in more ways than you would believe possible. I don't miss work in itself, but I do miss the working environment and the friendships and camaraderie of colleagues. I do get tired of having people ask "Isn't doing this such a waste of all that studying and education?" I remain amazed and even flabbergasted at the idea that an education could ever be "wasted".

However, I take all this in my stride. Most importantly, my sense of humour remains intact -1 need it - and my patience - need that too - continues to grow. I am happy, my family is happy, and for now, that is all that truly matters. I

The writer: Ng Choong San is a full-time "stay-at-home" mum. She is married to Shan, a violinist, and they have two young daughters, Ysobel and Ehcka. An Honours graduate in Psychology from the University of Nottingham, she has worked with the Republic of Singapore Air Force, the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and the Breast Cancer Foundation. Besides her family, her other loves are music, ballet Ito which she is attempting a return after a twenty-year hiatus) and reading non-fiction, in particular biographies Ito satisfy the kaypoh in her).

Transcending Borders - Migrating Gains And Pains From a Woman's Perspective by Elizabeth S. Ong

Whether you migrate by choice or by

hopefully reach the higher stages of

Channelling versus corking up follows.

and the settled hiatus, the need to

chance, migrant women need to be

self-actualisation, personality intact.

After coping with circles other than

reach out and be relevant emerges.

her immediate family, a migrant

"Women's associations and

the Curriculum Vitae but Character

Next, comes coping versus clamping

woman defies Durkheim's notion

professional organisations helped

Validation. We may check in with our

down. The "here but not there yet"

that a woman's place is the home.

me to network," shared Triena Ong,

reputation (what people think of us)

atmosphere pervades. The basics

Even then, the mother/child tandem

First Vice-President of the Federation

and our personality (what w e would

are: housing and schooling. "High rise"

as a unit is often assumed: "Do you

of Business & Professional Women

like people to think of us) but in the

is easily equated with housing facilities

have kids? Can they be left at home?"

(BPW), originally from Australia.

end, it is our character (who we really

and living costs. "Upgrade" is a byword

are questions posed to mothers

Kimmis Pun, President of BPW who

are) that matters as we tread the

for home, car, credit card, mobile phone

during job interviews. Not so with

migrated from Hongkong, "joined

" C " passage of migrants.

and even loan matters. Stressful living

the other-half. Being sidetracked

associations, corporate bodies and

is an established phenomenon.

on "mommy's track" 1 is a condition

got involved in charity activities to

of the migrant mother. It happens.

weld into the society". Integrating is

equipped with their CVs. No, not

Conforming versus confronting. The "rookie" feeling comes with a

A nationwide survey by the Institute

insightful, sustaining it is meaningful.

healthy dose of adrenalin - enough

of Mental Health revealed that

Connecting versus cutting loose is

to last our exploration of bounties in

Singapore has more anxiety/

when we seek gainful employment

Challenging the challenges.

shopping malls and hawker centres.

depression cases than in other

and aspire to improve our professional

Singapore is a leading economy in

Under the guise of a tourist persona,

Asian countries, and women were

status. Yet an undefined emptiness

Asia and attracts a large number

w e come to discover ourselves and

more likely to suffer than men.

still lingers. Between the settling

of migrants. To oversee the

Being sidetracked on "mommy's track" is a condition of the migrant mother. It happens.

integration of foreign talent, the

Any woman may go through this

Singapore Talent Recruitment

passage of "C's", but a migrant

Committee (STAR) was created in

woman gets an encore - from her

November 1998. On human capital,

CO to her CD. A migrant woman can

then PM Goh Chok Tong

not subscribe to the"McDonaldisation"

said at the 2001 National Day Rally

of society, one characterised by

Speech: "Our human resource is

predictability and calculability.2

limited. We have to maximise our

And with the argument that

local potential and top it up from the

immigration is a part of Singapore's

outside." The resource shares his or her

demographic history and that the

talent, but the human side, especially

Singapore economy has been built

for women, beckons-in unclassified

on immigration, the last C is perhaps

silence. Transitional but uncomfortable

being Counted - and the proof is in

are culture immersion, social

your reading this article. •

stereotyping, questioned motivation, loyalty to one's country of origin (CO) and country of destination (CD).

' Brezia et al "Seeing Society"Allyn & Bacon, 1994, US

' Ritzer, An. 49 in Seeing Society, Allyn & Bacon, 1994, US

The writer: Elizabeth S. Ong is a full-time professor in a state university and former Director of Graduate Studies, College of Science, De La Salle University, Manila. She teaches at the Center for American Education, ISS and is the founding president of the Filipino Ladies Group (FLAG). She first arrived in Singapore in 1984 as a Colombo Plan Staff Scholar representing the Philippines. When she asked a Singaporean what were HDB flats, the answer was, "Oh, pigeon-holes!" Now she happily lives in one with her family of four.

For the majority, the second salary is not a luxury or merely pocket money for the wife, but a necessary component of the family income.

In October 2000, numerous

When Government first recognised

in the workforce. Amongst other

during that important first two years

companies throughout Singapore

that its post-Independence

things, Government introduced

of their lives without a constant

faced the prospect of significant

population policy had succeeded

measures to improve the availability,

mother-figure in the care of a

disruption to their operations, as

far too well and introduced a new

affordability and quality of childcare

childcare centre, most of the

Human Resource departments

population policy in 1987 to reverse

services and a subsidy of $100 per

childcare operators anticipated little

and line managers scrambled to

the trend, there were 99 childcare

month to working mothers for full-day

demand for infant care and few

reschedule services, stretch

centres providing 6,086 places in

centre-based care for their pre-school

extended their offerings to include this.

rosters and hire temps.

Singapore. Many at that time still

children. This was subsequently

looked askance at mothers who

increased to $150 in 1993.

The reason for this disarray? A

would place their children in the

It left mothers with a dilemma after the eight weeks of maternity leave

widespread and severe outbreak of

hands of strangers and predicted

The move sought to stimulate the

that was the norm for Singapore

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease which

that those children would grow up

growth of childcare services for

companies, being the period

claimed the lives of five children had

dysfunctional and delinquent.

children between the ages of 18

prescribed in the Employment Act.

months and six years. Because of

The lucky ones with willing and able

forced the unplanned closure of childcare centres across the island.

The 1987 policy changes sought to

the higher staffing ratios required

grandparents left baby in the care of

It was an unsought for but impactful

encourage couples to have more

for infant care of babies below 18

granny; some left baby with a "foster

demonstration of how important the

children, with the new slogan "have

months, which would translate into

m u m " for the day or sometimes the

availability of childcare services had

three or more, if you can afford it",

significantly higher fees, and a great

week, bringing baby home only on

become to us over the years.

and at the same time keep mothers

ambivalence about leaving babies

weekends; those able to afford it

hired a maid and prayed that she

fees were not matched with any

in Singapore and everyday, some

would not mistreat baby even if only

differential subsidy.

44,470 children of pre-school age are

from neglect or carelessness; and a not insignificant number stopped

looked after at these centres. In 1997, Kandang Kerbau Hospital

work. If their intent was to return

(KKH) moved from its old premises

Few mothers would not prefer to

to work when baby was older,

to a brand new facility and proudly

spend more time with their children

in Singapore it seldom happened.

opened its workplace childcare

especially when they are at an early

Our Female Labour Force

centre boasting both childcare and

age rather than leave them at a

Participation Rate (FLFPR) curve

seven infant care places. It was in

childcare centre, and f e w would

shows a dismal " N " rather than

fact the first to offer infant care

not have experienced daily pangs of

a double-peaked " M " shape which

services in Singapore.

separation and varying levels of guilt

captures the return to the workforce

at having to do this.

of women whose children have

Within a year there was a queue for

reached a more independent age.

the infant care places and renovations

But 54% of women are now in the

to the centre were undertaken to

workforce and dual income families

double the number of places to 14.

are now 45% of the total. For the

and needed to get back to work

majority, the second salary is not

immediately following a pregnancy,

Responding to the obvious demand

a luxury or merely pocket money for

and as grandparents became less

for such places, KKH's childcare

the wife, but a necessary component

willing to undertake to provide

service operator Learning Vision

of the family income.

full-time care for small grandchildren,

expanded its infant care services

more voices began to be heard calling

and today provides these services

In August 2004, as part of the

for the provision of infant care places.

in three of its centres.

extended package of benefits

Increasingly as more women wanted

But childcare operators remained unconvinced of the viability of providing infant care when higher

announced by the new Prime There are now 684 childcare centres

Minister to support Singaporean

with 38 offering infant care services

families, maternity leave for the first

four children was increased to 12

limit to the number of foreign

tough, the workers are highly skilled,

weeks and working mothers can

employees one can be constantly

and the workforce is largely female.

now claim infant care subsidies to

bringing in to fill positions, not only

the amount of $400 per month.

because of government policy but

I am often asked what motivated

also as a result of globalisation which

KKH to embark on its comprehensive

For working women, this was good

has opened up new opportunities for

"family friendly" workplace

news and at the same time the

workers worldwide. Other than for

programmes. Was it because KKH

cause of some anxiety with regard to

temporary disruptions in the economic

had a woman as CEO that it has

whether employers would consider

environment, the manpower situation

won the Singapore Family Friendly

them less desirable hires as a result.

in Singapore will continue to be tight,

Employer (SFFE) Award three times

and at all times, good employees are

in a row over the past six years?

What are employers' views on the

always hard to find and good to keep.

matter? Undoubtedly, for the very

The truth is that KKH's focus

small business with a handful of

For certain sectors especially,

on implementing good work-life

employees, any time that any one

in which the employees are very

practices was driven by necessity.

of its workers needs to be away for

largely female, the best approach

It had no choice. The work at the

a prolonged stretch of time, be it

may very well be to turn what might

Hospital is very demanding on its

eight or 12 weeks of maternity leave,

be viewed as adversity to advantage,

staff - looking after patients who

creates a challenging situation of

by exploring a diversity of solutions

are ill and anxious, and doing

rescheduling or bringing a temporary

which increase the effectiveness and

this well, requires consistent,

hire up to speed.

productivity of the organisation at

concentrated effort and attention.

the same time as they address the

The Hospital's work-life initiatives

needs of its employees.

are an essential and integral part

But for the business community as a

of helping its employees remain

whole, the truth of the matter is that women now account for 45% of the workforce, and there is in reality a

The healthcare sector is an obvious

effective and committed in such

example - the working environment is

a demanding environment.

KKH's work-life programmes are

there are many other programmes

Flexible working arrangements

comprehensive and are available to

and initiatives which are very helpful

are most impactful in enabling

all its employees, women and men,

to these employees in managing

employees to better discharge

single and married, with and without

their varied responsibilities.

their responsibilities at home.

children. But undoubtedly those staff

The ability to flex one's work

for whom the benefits have been

As a children's hospital, KKH has

hours, adjust starting and ending

most impactful are the mums with

a playroom manned by volunteers for

times in a day to enable the sending

younger children.

young patients who are not yet ready

and fetching of children to and

for discharge but not so ill as to need

from childcare and school, part-time

The Hospital has an on-site childcare

confinement in bed. The facilities

work to be able to be at home for

centre providing 120 childcare places

in the room were made available to

a portion of the day to oversee

and 14 infant care places. It provides

staff with children of school going

young children, or even taking time

emergency care for children of staff

age for emergency or temporary

off for a year or two, enhance the

who are not regular users of the

use such as during school vacations

range and scope of childcare

centre during periods when their

to help staff with older children.

options available to parents.

other childcare arrangements have been disrupted. The centre is no

The Hospital set up a small but

In the implementation of

hassle to management, being run by

comfortable lactation room for

flexible working arrangements,

a commercial operator. The Hospital

breastfeeding mums, and extends

the Hospital found that as

provides the space rent-free in return

the services of its professionally

staff had the opportunity to

for subsidised fees for its staff.

trained lactation consultants

access a variety of different

to staff who are breastfeeding

arrangements, the organisation

While a workplace childcare centre

their new babies. This is consonant

itself was able to optimise

is the most direct support an organisation

with the Hospital's belief and

staffing by matching rosters to

can give to its employees who are

efforts in promoting breastfeeding

peak periods, stretch service

working parents with young children,

to its patients.

hours, and reduce overtime.

The benefits to KKH in the

absolute numbers of such organisations

implementation of good work-life

are still small. Much work remains

Percentage of Married Women in the Workforce

practices have been many-fold. Besides

to be done to educate employers and


the obvious and often cited improved

workers alike, to dispel the myths and

100 k

staff recruitment and retention, and

misperceptions, and promote the

increased productivity and commitment,

concept of workplace effectiveness

the Hospital found that it engendered

through the implementation of

change in the mindsets of staff to

good work-life practices.

be constantly on the look-out for

90 80 70 60 -

improvements to its schemes, to

This process will be accelerated

leverage on its existing facilities and

by employee engagement and

50 -

services for patients and the public

involvement in looking for and

40 -

by extending these for the benefit of

implementing innovative solutions

staff as well, and most importantly

to operational challenges, and for

to achieve empowerment at middle

Singapore such engagement will

20 -

management and supervisory

be valuable as we move from a

10 -

levels with a willingness to try new

manufacturing to an information

approaches to finding solutions to

and services driven economy.

challenges, truly a bonus for the Hospital!

As for women, the process of

30 -

0 1980



Source: Census 2000 handbook

actively providing inputs to craft While there is a growing interest

good work-life strategies in their

in companies to adopt mutually

companies should encourage

beneficial work-life practices in their

them to go further to seek

workplaces, as evidenced by the

to influence the community

steadily increasing numbers of

and environment beyond their

organisations applying for and winning

workplaces, and to take charge

the SFFE Award over the years, the

of their own lives. •

The writer: Dr Jennifer Lee was CEO of KK Women's and Children's Hospital for 13 years from 1991. and served as a Nominated Member of Parliament from 1999 to 2004. Her main areas of advocacy are in issues related to women, the family and ageing. She is active in the NGO sector and is a past president of the International Women's Forum and SCWO. Jennifer is divorced with no children of her own. She is the fond aunt of five nieces and two nephews.

Are We Done? Women's Issues in Singapore by Braema


It is seductive to put women's rights

But let me be a party pooper and

we are impacted by globalisation -1

heads of household statements",

on a back burner, lean back and just

recall that Singapore is a developed

would like to say that w e need to look

I say, as w e learn from Denmark.

enjoy the low lying fruits on the tree

country, a first world nation. As

beyond the low lying fruits of equal

of gender quality. It would be lovely

such it makes better sense that we

access to basic education, access to

While there's much that w e still

to put one's feet up and reap the

benchmark our progress against that

health, and access to citizenship rights

need to do, what needs to be on

benefits of the efforts of women

of developed countries or that we

for children. We need to continue

our advocacy radar will include:

who have helped to advance the

use Gender Development Indices

to advocate and remain focused on

women's cause.

to measure our progress. Given that

some primary areas that will affect all

Singapore is very open to globalisation,

of us for the next ten years, at least.

the widening disparity in CPF savings between men and women as they grow older, and the dilemma

Their advocacy has resulted in

w e also need to measure our

education as a right, paving the path

progress against the changing

Let's first drop our overly cautious

women as they live longer and

for women to become economically

landscape of the world.

and inconsistent approach in affirming

remain vulnerable to more ailments.

independent and to have greater flexibility in career and family life choices. This is a good place to be.

of managing the health costs of

gender equality. The Association of Globalisation has made it necessary

Women for Action and Research

that w e keep on learning new skills

(AWARE)'s Beyond Babies Report shows

to maintain our own economic

that gender equality issues were

the need for constant and appropriate training opportunities and financial empowerment courses to help women remain employable in the

We only have to compare ourselves

relevance. We have seen that today's

decisively put in place in Denmark with

with women in countries where

market can disappear as soon as a

laws in the 1900s, and then it took more

living in abject poverty drives them

cheaper one appears and that any

than 50 years before the mindset

to prostitution, and it is already

gap in IT knowledge is detrimental

changed to one where today Danish

easy to become complacent and

to the individual in a wired Singapore.

men and women share equitably their

women, primarily homemakers,

lull ourselves into thinking that w e

household, childcare and workplace

to HIV/Aids due to their partners'

are accomplished and have achieved

Based on just these two factors - that

duties as a given principle for successful

careless safe-sex practices with sex

gender equality.

we are a developed nation and that

relationships. So no more "men as

workers, whose numbers have

face of structural unemployment in a globalised world. •

the increased susceptibility of

increased here and in nearby countries making the services easily accessible. •

the patronage women still face through disparaging remarks in social discourse, in the media and in jokes.

While it is easier to accept that women in Singapore have got most of their rights and ought to, gratefully, not contest the issue of women's rights anymore, and some of us may indeed wish it could be so, it only makes sense to reach out for those fruits higher up the gender equality tree. The climb continues. And in that climb, lest we forget, let's be global citizens and not limit those fruits to just our own citizens as there are many foreign women here who ought to have more access to those fruits too. •

The writer: Braema Mathiaparanam IMathi) is a former Nominated Member of Parliament. She is the President of AWARE and the protem chairperson of Transient Workers Count Too. a nongovernmental organisation set up to look into improving conditions for foreign workers. As a former award-winning journalist, she initiated The School Pocket Money Fund for The Straits Times. The former Literature teacher and researcher is also a board member of SCWO and is a member of The Singapore Children's Society Social Services sub-committee.

Building Career & Community

Women in the Workforce by Mdm Halimah binte Yacob

Quietly but firmly and in bold strides,

positions, ahead of countries like

73.1 % for females. The gap has

on Equal Pay for Work of Equal

women have been making progress

Canada, Australia, Greece and the

narrowed to 96.6% for males and

Value in 2002. This is a significant

in Singapore on almost all fronts.

United States.

88.6% for females in 2000. In 1980,

development as it signals Singapore's

the average years of schooling were

readiness to play a more active role in

This progress is most obvious in Various factors have contributed

5.6 years for males and 3.7 years for

the discourse on women at the

women in the workforce with a labour

to the increase in the female labour

females. In 2000, it was 9.2 years

international level and its greater

force participation rate of 53.9%,

force participation rate, such as -

for males and 8.1 years for females.

confidence that our standards are

the workplace. There are now more

a growth of 3.3% over a decade ago. The increase has not only been in numbers. There is a considerable increase in the number of women holding high level jobs in the professional, management and technical positions over the past ten years. In 1993, 155,368 women (out of 639,725 (24%) working women) were in these higher level jobs. In 2003, the number leapt to

• Better opportunities for education and training; • The rise in dual income families; • Tight labour market particularly for those with talents; • Tripartite initiatives in promoting work life balance; • National policies in promoting equal opportunities; and • Union strategies to promote women's cause.

equal to if not better than those set In 1993, only about 22.8% of

internationally. But the experience of

employed women had upper secondary

many countries shows that ratifying

education and above. In 2003, this

conventions alone is not sufficient.

percentage jumped to 38.5%, with

The devil is in the implementation.

more significant growth in those

To ensure compliance with these

attaining Diplomas and Degrees.

standards, the Inter-Ministry Committee on CEDAW was established in 1996.

Policies to promote equal

On 6 November 2002, the tripartite

opportunities at work

partners signed a declaration to

International Standards: Over the last

observe and promote Convention

decade, Singapore ratified two significant

100. It was also agreed that the

working women). This supports the

Better opportunities for education

international conventions on the rights

principle should be incorporated

survey findings of global accounting

The progress made by women in

of women: the UN Convention on the

in all the collective agreements.

firm Grant Thornton International

the workforce has been largely driven

Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

which ranked Singapore in tenth

by the rapid improvements made by

Against Women (CEDAW) in 1995,

Responsible Employment

place globally. Women here occupy

them in education. The literacy rate

and the International Labour

At the Manpower Summit in 2001,

23% of senior management

in 1980 was 91.4% for males and

Organisation (ILO) Convention 100

the tripartite partners endorsed a key

331,847 (out of 911,117 (36%) of



principle on equality. They issued a

including recruitment, selection,

statement, which affirmed that "in

performance appraisal, job upgrading,

line with the principle of meritocracy,

posting and training, as well as terms

employers will select candidates

and conditions of employment.

for jobs based on merit, experience, capability and other relevant job

Union Strategies

requirements. Employers will not

Collective bargaining: This is one very

adopt employment practices which

important way in which unions ensure

discriminate against workers on

gender equality at the workplace.

the basis of age, gender, marital

At the company level, collective

status, race and religion". I believe

agreements signed between NTUC

that this is the first major policy

affiliated unions and management

statement on gender equality that

which cover wages, training, overtime

has been adopted in Singapore.

and other key working conditions, apply equally to all union members

On 20 December 2002, the National

regardless of gender.

Trades Union Congress (NTUC), the Singapore National Employers Federation

Advocacy: The NTUC and our unions

(SNEF) and the Singapore Business

actively advocate changes in labour

Federation jointly issued a Code of

laws and other policies to ensure that

Responsible Employment Practices.

women are better protected. One

It called upon employers not to

such effort that w e were involved in

discriminate on the grounds of gender

was the National Tripartite Advisory

or other reasons and to put in place

Panel (NTAP) which recently made

fair practices in areas of employment

significant changes to the existing

long time. A change was finally made

upgrading opportunities. As at

Today, 76 out of 457 union leaders

Two key recommendations were the

in 2004, and the children of female

December 2003, 4 8 % of the training

or about 17% of the top positions,

extension of maternity leave from

civil servants could now enjoy free

places under the SRP were taken

are held by women.

medical benefits as well.

up by women.

weeks for the first two children and the

Affordable Childcare: Access to

Trade Union Participation: Women

The NTUC Women's Committee was

entire 12 weeks for the third and fourth

affordable childcare is a key tool

comprise 4 7 % of our union

set up in 1973. It acts as the Steering

children. Parents with children below

in helping women remain in the

membership. This quite closely

Committee for women in the labour

seven years are also allowed to take

benefits to promote work life balance.

eight weeks to 12 weeks, with the

NTUC Women's

government paying for the extra four


workforce after childbirth. NTUC

reflects their participation rate in

movement. It has the following

two days of paid leave a year. After

Childcare began operations as a

the workforce. In a survey conducted


years of pushing for women who are

co-operative in 1992 having been

by the NTUC Women's Committee

not covered under the Employment

part of the NTUC since 1977. It has

in 2001, women unionists have

Act to be given paid maternity benefit,

39 centres and is the largest single

identified their number one

we were delighted that the NTAP

provider of quality and affordable

challenge to be "lack of women in

finally supported this idea and women

childcare in Singapore.

comparable leadership positions to

integration of women at all levels

form relationships with and share

of decision-making;

executives now enjoy the same level

• To act as a voice for the concerns and aspirations of working women; • To ensure a more effective

Skills Training: Training and skills

experiences". The NTUC Leadership

• To help enhance and develop the

as the bargainable women. Another

upgrading are critical to help

Development Department, together

leadership qualities of women

important area of change is the

women remain employable. NTUC

with the NTUC Women's Committee,


extension of equal medical benefits

is the administrator of the Skills

works closely with our affiliated

to women. For a long time, unlike

Redevelopment Programme (SRP),

unions to help more women into

male civil servants, children of women

which was introduced in 1996 to help

leadership positions. Although w e

civil servants were not accorded free

of maternity benefits and protection

• To increase the number of women trade union leaders.

older workers, and those whose jobs

still have a long way to go to integrate

Our committee works closely with

medical benefits. NTUC had been

are at risk, to retrain. Women have

more women into leadership positions,

our affiliates to organise various

advocating for a change to this for a

been active in seeking training and

w e have seen some improvement.

programmes and activities relevant

to women. Our women leaders also

ILO, and the Women's Committees

women, a more than three-fold

significant, for instance, that the

actively participate in workshops

of global union federations such as

increase. The rate of growth for men

number of women employed as

and seminars to upgrade their skills.

the International Confederation of

was much lower. At the same time,

plant and machine operators and

Such platforms also create the

Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), ICFTU-

at the other end of the spectrum, the

assemblers had gone down by half between 1993 to 2003, when this

opportunity for them to raise their

Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO),

number of women who earned

concerns and provide feedback

Union Network Intemational-APRO

low wages had also increased.

used to be the second largest category

on issues that affect women.

and Public Service International.

This is largely due to the large

of jobs performed by women. The

Many women also participate in the

increase in the number of women

solution is to press on with education

leadership development courses run


occupying the lowest category of

and skills upgrading of our women so

by the Ong Teng Cheong Institute of

It is fair to say that women have

jobs such as cleaners, labourers

that they can undertake better paying

Labour Studies. In 2003, 27% of the

benefitted from 40 years of economic

and related workers which had more

jobs. Here the figures are encouraging.

training places in the core leadership

and social progress since w e became

than doubled from 97,372 in 1993

As mentioned earlier, more women

programmes organised by the

independent. In the workforce, women's

to 207,634 in 2003. This increase is

are taking up retraining and skills

Institute were taken up by women.

integration at all levels is an indication of

partly due to the restructuring of the

upgrading courses.

this progress. A lot more can be done,

economy. For example, as the nature

as there is no room for complacency.

of manufacturing changes, with more

Committee is affiliated to the SCWO,

There are, however, three areas that

high value-added investments coming

policy makers and our society is

and collaborates with other women's

we need to observe and address.

in, some of the displaced women

the growing number of elderly

without skills could not perform these

women without much savings to

Judging by wage trends, women

jobs and may have ended up in the

support their old age and medical

Committee members also participate

at the top who are better educated,

lower level service jobs.

actively in international forums

have had the fastest wage growth.

Networking: The NTUC Women's

group on an ad hoc basis. Besides local networking, the Women's

The second challenge confronting

needs, particularly the single elderly female. These are women with little

and seminars, and sit on various

In 1993, only 3,891 women earn

The number of women earning less

education and either never worked

international committees. Several of

$7,000 or more a month but by 2003

that $400 had increased from 87,922

before or did not earn enough to save

our members are represented on the

this figure had increased to 29,699

in 1993 to 145,309 in 2003. It is

for their old age needs. There is no

Women in the Workforce 1993










Females C000)






Rate of Females who worked (%)






Labour Force C000)

Source: MOM Statistics Department

Although we still have a long way to go to integrate more women into leadership positions, we have seen some improvement. simple solution to this complex

commitments. Compared to the

With an increasing number

issue, which requires a multi-agency

developed countries, we have

of women in the workforce,

approach. This is a matter that is being

the lowest rate of flexible work

employers should explore more

considered by the Committee on

arrangements, such as telework.

creative ways of attracting and

Ageing under the Ministry of Health.

At least one third of the workers

retaining talent. They should make

surveyed by the NTUC Women's

use of the W O W or Worklife Fund

The third challenge is how to

Committee cited the lack of

administered by the Ministry of

encourage employers to offer

flexible work arrangements

Manpower to explore ways of

more flexible work arrangements

as one disadvantage in helping

offering flexible work options

to their employees with family

them to balance work and family.

to women. •

The writer: Mdm Halimah binte Yacob is Assistant Secretary-General of NTUC, a Member of Parliament for Jurong GRC and Deputy Member, Workers' Group of the ILO Governing Body. For her many achievements, she was bestowed the Her World - Women of the Year 2003 Award and the Berita Harian/McDonald's Achiever of the Year Award in 2001. She currently holds several directorship/membership positions with statutory boards, including Housing and Development Board, Economic Development Board, National Environment Agency and Singapore Workforce Development Agency. She is married with five children.

T h e Glass Ceiling - Does it Still Exist? by Chin Ean Wah

In most societies, women are expected to put their roles of wife and mother above that of their own personal aspirations and ambitions. It cannot therefore be surprising that women who choose to marry and have children suffer a handicap in the career stakes.

I read with great interest the results

whether it applies equally to both

By definition, "the glass ceiling"

of a recent survey stating that

men and women. I am especially

can only be real to the person

Singapore employees are more likely

interested in how "the glass ceiling"

experiencing it. Interestingly, highly

than those in other countries to seek

particularly applies to women.

new jobs when they think they have

successful women are more likely than not to be surprised when they

hit a glass ceiling. This tendency

I first encountered this issue

are asked how they manage to crack

apparently stems from a preference

many years ago was when I was

the glass ceiling. They are usually

to move on rather than confront their

interviewing a woman candidate

quite oblivious of any glass ceiling

employers on their apparent lack of

for a middle management position.

or take it as just another item on the

advancement. Many of the employers

For some strange reason, she chose

to do list. Perhaps it is precisely this

interviewed however wished that

to pour out all her woes about a

attitude that had propelled them so

these employees had talked to them

glass ceiling, which had apparently

far. Whether man or woman, those

before leaving because more often

deprived her of all rightful credit and

who think they can, do. Those who

than not, they were not even aware

advancement. I suppose she had

think they can't, don't.

of the employee's unhappiness.

assumed that as a woman I would identify with her plight and hence

This is not to negate some very real

This begs the question of whether

look more kindly on her application.

challenges that women do face in

"the glass ceiling" is more perception

Instead, her complaints left her in a

pursuing their careers. Nature has

than reality and if it does exist.

bad light. She did not get the job.

ordained that only women can bear


children and wonderful as this

because of one's sex is to face

might be, no one can deny that child

the ultimate form of discrimination.

bearing and rearing are extremely

You cannot score if you are not

demanding and time consuming tasks.

allowed to play.

On top of that, in most societies, women are expected to put their

On the other hand, I still distinctly

roles of wife and mother above that

remember my American bosses

of their own personal aspirations

lamenting about the difficulty of

and ambitions. It cannot therefore be

grooming women partners because

surprising that women who choose

they never seem to stay long

to marry and have children suffer

enough to make it, either because

a handicap in the career stakes.

of marriage or childbirth. Inevitably the bosses are overjoyed when they

Perhaps it is precisely this expectation

do find a woman who can devote

that a woman cannot be expected

her life and soul to her work.

to perform like a man in the workplace

No questions asked as to how

which results in the apparent

she manages, but at least she gets

discrimination women feel. Many

to make her choice. Logically,

well-meaning bosses take it upon

employers have nothing to gain

themselves to decide for their

from discriminating against women.

women staff what they might or

They just want to get the job done.

might not be able to undertake.

...in the global competition for talent, no company or indeed country can afford not to tap into the female half of the talent pool.

To be denied the opportunity of

The real issue for women therefore

proving oneself in a particularly

is one of choice. Again taking a leaf

demanding challenge or the

from hitherto successful women, they

opportunity of an overseas posting

have either been fortunate enough to

get tremendous home support from

invisible glass ceiling impeding the

have a career and even become the

As the roles of men and women

both family and husband or are single

progress of women up the career

primary breadwinner for the family.

evolve in the new economy, the

either by choice or circumstance.

ladder. But does it still exist? After all,

more enlightened societies and

Importantly, none of them had

women like Carly Fiorina now head

Increasingly too, in the global

governments are also beginning to

expected special allowances to be

corporate giants like Hewlett Packard

competition for talent, no company

put in place the necessary support

made for their situation. They were

and their numbers are growing. So how

or indeed country can afford not to

measures to ensure that women

willing to pay the price.

have these women found their way

tap into the female half of the talent

can play their part in the economy.

through the glass ceiling, which seems

pool. This has opened up to women

Hopefully, this will also eventuate

to have become increasingly porous?

economic opportunities until now

a mindset which makes it possible

Sometimes however, even this price

open only to their male counterparts.

for both men and women to pursue

comfortable with women at the top.

I would venture that the answer lies

If the current trends continue, it is a

their career opportunities to their

Where possible, they would prefer an

more in the changing structure and

matter of time before more women

fullest potential, glass ceiling or no

all male club. It is the exceptional

nature of the world economy than in

make it to the top of the corporate

glass ceiling. •

woman who can be accepted as just

any glass ceiling or lack thereof. With

and business world. In short, the reality

"one of the boys" and indeed most

the advent of the information age and

of global competition and economic

women don't aspire to be "one of the

knowledge economy, competitive

necessity have opened up more

boys" even if they can be accepted as

advantage comes more from brains

career opportunities to women than affirmative action ever could or did.

is not enough. Many men are still not

such. Not surprisingly, though many

than brawn and women have finally

women have made it into the top

come into their own. Across the

echelons of the corporate world, it is

world, where they are afforded equal

This underlines a fundamental truth:

still largely dominated by men. The tide

opportunities to education, women

that the best safeguard against

has however turned for the better.

are beginning to outperform men in

any form of discrimination is to

schools and outnumber them in

ensure that one has unique skills in

The scarcity of women in the top

colleges and universities. Values have

short supply and delivers the best

echelons of the corporate world has

changed and it is becoming more and

possible value. It has always been

often been cited as evidence of an

more socially acceptable for women to

so and will not change.

The writer: Chin Ean Wah is the founder of Wiser Asset Management Pte Ltd. She was formerly Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asset Management for Asia ex-Japan and the first head of Morgan Stanley's office in Singapore. She joined Morgan Stanley in New York in 1986 and set up Morgan Stanley's fund management operations in Hong Kong in 1987 and in Singapore in 1990. She lives in Singapore with her husband and two children, a daughter aged 16 and a son aged 14.

by Susie Kong



'. .

tf #


Nursing has been stereotyped as an extension of women's traditional work, embodying "feminine" attitudes of emotionality, tenderness, and nurturance.

Is nursing a "woman's profession"?

The first volume of History of Nursing,

wives' tales" remedies may well

embodying "feminine" attitudes

have its origin from these early

of emotionality, tenderness, and

women healers.

nurturance. If the idea that warmth, gentleness and loving care are

Nutting and Dock (1907) postulated that from the early beginnings of

According to Florence Flores (1957),

expected of nurses, is it possible

humanity, women had developed

women from Eve onward were

then for men who are incapable of

elementary health principles for the

nurses, responsible for binding

giving birth, to have that "maternal" quality to be nurses?

care of their children and that old

the everyday bruises of living and

women of the mountain regions were

strife, and nurturing mankind.

probably the first doctors and nurses.

What happened? How did the

Historically, nursing was supposed

men become the healers instead?

to have started with the religious sisters, and then it was taken up by

Although the majority of physicians

women while the men went to war.

are male, and female terminology

The traditional roles of women

was used to refer to nurses for a

as wives, mothers and daughters

These women, who did not have any

long time, perhaps those wise old

entails domestic work like cooking

education or training, did what they

grandmothers who used their herbal

and cleaning, and care and nurture

did best - to extend their women's

concoctions and potions to treat

of their families. Nursing has

work from their families to the

their families were indeed the early

been stereotyped as an extension

community, to take care of the sick

healers as well as nurses. The "old

of women's traditional work,

in the community and hospitals.

Nursing has to be a women s

little room for the men to play. So,

that they were subjecting themselves

profession. It was not so long ago

to accommodate the men who want

to a lifetime of servitude and restriction

that the term "matron" was used

to be nurses and to save them

the like of which most of them had

for someone who was in charge of

from embarrassment, w e now use

never known."

the nursing service, and we called

gender neutral terms like "Director

nurses who were in charge of the

of Nursing" and "Nursing Officer"

It was Florence Nightingale, the

wards "sisters". Can you imagine

instead of "matron" and "sister".

founder of "modern nursing", who

calling a man "sister"? I remember

The nursing profession does not exist to serve the ends of any other profession, nor does one profession delegate to another profession.

established not only the conduct of

an occasion when, as a fairly new

Having said that nursing is a

student nurse, I was asked to go and

women's profession, w e need to

other hospital workers and thus

help out in another ward and to report

address the issue of nursing as a

transformed the status of women

to the "sister". I went to the ward,

profession in its own right. In our

from servants to educated pupils

headed straight to the Sister's office

patriarchal society, women have

and then to professional caregivers'.

and knocked gently. A man opened

been socialised into a position of

Nightingale stressed the centrality of

the door, and for a moment I stood

subordination, previously deprived

women's control over women's work

there dumbfounded. How should

of education and representation.

and refused to allow physicians to

I address this man standing in front

Since nursing is supposed to be an

take direct control of nurses' training.

of me? Finally, I plucked up courage

extension of women's work, it is

She vested the whole responsibility

and asked "are you the sister?"

still assumed that nurses are a

for discipline, training and management

nursing but the nurses' relationship to

subordinate group of workers with

of nurses in the female head of

The 5% of my male nursing colleagues

little independence. Flores believed

nursing staff, who reported directly

may not agree, hopefully the 95%

that women's move out of the

to the governor, not to physicians,

of the female nurses will support

home "provided them with an

and to the matron 2 . Did Florence

my view. Perhaps, in our female

opportunity to express their needs

Nightingale really transform nurses

dominated profession, there is still a

for emancipation, little did they know

into professional caregivers?


According to Group and Roberts

Nurses have worked hard for more

chance of the circumstances changing.

(2001), throughout the decades,

than a century to be recognised

We may make some gains in certain

nurses had to deal with many

as professionals in their own right,

areas of work, but as an autonomous

physicians and hospital administrators

through better education and

profession, it will be a great challenge.

who trivialised and demeaned the

improved training. Unfortunately,

The current Chairman of the Singapore

contributions of nursing to health

the struggle by the nursing

Nursing Board is a medical doctor and

care, who supported the social

profession to break away from

I do not know whether I will live long

gender stereotypes of women as

physicians' control and the notion

enough to see a nurse taking over

subordinate to men, less intelligent,

of nurses as doctors' handmaidens

that position. Will nurses ever be

and unworthy of collegial respect.

have had little success, and the fight

able to practise in their own right?

continues. The inter-professional

I wonder.

Martha Rogers (1972), as cited in

relationship between nurses and

Group and Roberts (2001), was of

doctors can be likened to the roles

the view that medical practitioners

of mother and father. Although mum

are "not competent to practise in

takes care of the children all day

or exercise control over any other

while dad is at work, dad is still very

professional field." Medicine is only

much in charge when he returns home.

one of several disciplines required for comprehensive health care. Nursing

Will w e see major changes in the

exists to serve society and is directly

21 st century? I am not as optimistic

responsible to the people served.

as some of my nursing colleagues.

The nursing profession does not

As long as nursing remains a female

exist to serve the ends of any other

dominated profession and the

profession, nor does one profession

medical profession remains largely

delegate to another profession.

a masculine domain, I see very little


Breay. 1897; cited in Group & Roberts. 2001

• Gamamikov.1978. cited in Group & Roberts, 2001

The writer: Susie Kong has been a nurse for nearly 40 years. Trained in England, she has recently worked as Consultant for the World Health Organisation and shared her experiences on quality assurance with nurses and doctors in Laos and Vietnam. Susie was the President of the Singapore Nurses Association (SNA) for 15 years and is currently its Executive Director. Susie coauthored a book with Ttsa Ng entitled Wish I Knew - Caring for the Sick at Home in 2003.

Number of Nurses in Singapore

Registered Nurses Enrolled Nurses

1998 11,491

2002 13,308

2003 13,740




Source: Singapore Department of Statistics

A Life in Education by Rosalind Heng


I must acknowledge that my mother was remarkable in choosing education and self-sufficiency for me. She never suggested that my responsibility was to find a good man to look after me and the rest of the family.

I did not plan to go into education.

both for my own future and in

The tragedy was that she was

I have seen a lot of changes in the

After my Senior Cambridge year,

order to set a good example for my

widowed at 38, and I lost my

profession since I started. When

I wanted to go to Britain to study

younger siblings. She was adamant

father at 18.

I first signed on with the Ministry of Education, I received a letter from

fine arts, but my mother was

in her view. As my father had passed

completely set against it. She

away, there was no one to whom

A career in education came by

the Ministry informing me that I was

would not accept what she saw

I could appeal to persuade her.

accident, and it was the students

liable for National Service. Very f e w

and teachers who made it happen.

people know about this today.

as a bohemian lifestyle. This was the era of Woodstock, of psychedelic

Looking back, I must acknowledge

I was sent to Singapore Chinese

Since I could be called up, I decided

drugs and free love. My mother

that my mother was remarkable

Girls' School as part of the practicum

to join the Army Cadet Corp so

was horrified at the idea of all that,

in choosing education and self

for a Diploma in Education that I

that I would be prepared mentally

and the thought that a daughter of

sufficiency for me. She never

took simply because I was told to

and physically. At the end of the

hers might be drawing nude figures!

suggested that my responsibility

go do something useful. The girls

officer cadet's course, I wound up

And of course she was concerned

was to find a good man to look after

were bright and well behaved,

training regular volunteers, including

about whether I would be able to

me and the rest of the family, and

many were from Baba families like

the women of the People's Defence

make a living as an artist.

never tried match-making any of her

mine. The teachers were supportive

Force in the 1970s.

children. Her own marriage was a

and nurturing and there was such

As the eldest in the family, she

love match and a very happy one,

a great sense of camaraderie that

In addition to being liable for Nationa

wanted me to go to university -

to a man ten years her senior.

I was hooked.

Service, another feature of my early

Even with all the possible options open to them, I have yet to hear any of my students says they aspire to be a Prime Minister. In this regard, their aspirations are still relatively modest.

years in education was that women

been more narrowly focused, and

because they cannot get into the

civil servants, including those of us in

I have seen students who could

local university. So w e see students

education service, would lose our

have gone to Junior Colleges opt for

of very different calibre coming home

full-time status if w e got married.

the polytechnic route, going into

with a foreign degree. I am proud to

very specific areas like marine

say we have also been having a fair

The students have changed a lot too

engineering. There have also been

share of our President's Scholars.

since that time. In terms of career

some very successful entrepreneurs. Taking a broader view, you can see

choices, my first students aimed to become teachers or nurses, and the

Even with all possible options open

something of how our girls and

brightest would go into medicine.

to them, I have yet to hear any of my

young women have changed over

Then with Singapore's economic

students say that they aspire to be a

the years if you look at popular music

growth, particularly in the financial

Prime Minister. In this regard, their

and women's magazines. In the

sector, many went into good careers

aspirations are still relatively modest.

1960s and 1970s, pop icons were the Beatles, and the women's

in banking, accountancy or law. Their command of English, the ability to

More of the girls have been going for

magazines focused on fashion and

express themselves and their sense

higher education. These days, if they

domestic skills like sewing and

of confidence have been significant

choose to go overseas, it is because

cooking. That was a more innocent

assets in their advancement. More

they want to go into Oxbridge or one

time. There is a quality of edginess

recently, some of the choices have

of the Ivy league schools, and not

these days, something darker, and a

very different attitude to sexuality

more acceptance of women in what

and to displaying sexual behaviour.

was traditionally men's jobs - jobs are

Enrolment in Local Institutes of Higher Learning University Females

% Females































now almost gender-neutral. This is There is generally greater freedom,

so even in dressing!

not only in behaviour but also in career choices. Practical considerations used

I am optimistic over the future of

to be paramount. The choice was

women in Singapore. I would like to see

dictated by the need to make a living.

our young women have good values,

Now, there is greater emphasis on

serving society, making significant

finding happiness and fulfillment,

contributions, be relevant and global in

or following your dreams. This is true

outlook. There is now a keener awareness

not just amongst the girls, but with

of their impact on society as citizens,

their parents also. Parents trust their

mothers, wives, workers and friends.



% Females

Source: Singapore Department of Statistics

children's choices more. Perhaps with smaller families, our children

I still sketch a little. Perhaps when

are more indulged these days.

I finally retire, I might return to the fine arts. •

Career-wise, there are more forays into the men's world, and there is now

The writer: Rosalind Heng is an established figure in the Singapore education industry. She is currently the principal of Singapore Chinese Girls' School, a position she has held since 1979, after teaching there for ten years. Over the past 25 years, she has been a member of many committees and associations, such as the Schools' Council, MOE, the National Cadet Corp Council, the Schools' Appeals Board, and the Inquiry Panel, Law Society of Singapore. She was awarded the Public Administration Medal-Bronze in 1996 for her invaluable contributions to the community.

Secretaries & Administrative Professionals Managing the Challenge of Change by Mary Ho, Pang Yit Ping, and Talleah Teo

Little in the business world is static

encompass other administrative

the CEO's appointments, ensure she

sales or started their own business.

these days. Technology is one core

and supervisory responsibilities.

or he meets deadlines and contribute

Being versatile and constantly

to a professional image. They also

working alongside their bosses,

e-mail, internet, e-commerce,

To reflect these changes, secretaries

wear different hats and multi-task,

where they have a bird's eye view

EDI, cellular telecommunications,

are now called "Executive Assistants",

dealing with both internal and

of the organisation as a whole,

GPS, biotechnology, sustainable

"Personal Assistants" or "Administrative

external "customers". They organise

administrative professionals usually

reason for this - computers, cyberspace,

development, cloning, alternative

Assistants". Administrative

events, from small meetings to major

find it quite easy to assume these

forms of energy, alternative medicine.

professionals and secretaries have

proceedings using skills garnered

added or new responsibilities.

In today's world, technology advances

come a long way since the days

through a wide range of experience

so quickly that businesses have to

of manual typewriters and telexes.

and deploying networks with their

The key to success is to be adaptable

peers and other professionals.

to changes, be proactive to lifelong

respond and react to changes almost on a daily basis.

Nowadays, administrative professionals play integral roles in

Where the basic secretarial skills

We all need to learn, unlearn and

The increasing use of technology and

the running of businesses and are

such as shorthand and typing are no

relearn to keep up with changes

globalisation inevitably creates constant

sometimes described as the "right-

longer required, some administrative

in the workplace. To resist is futile.

transformation in the workplace and

hand" women in the CEO's office.

professionals have moved on

Much better to turn the situation

to other roles such as office

to our advantage. As Tom Peters

administration, human resources

once said: "Success will come to

organisational structures. Likewise,

learning and continuing education.

the role of secretaries has evolved

Administrative professionals help

from one of basic stenographer

access and provide data, facts and

management or public relations.

those who thrive on chaos and

or "Girl Friday" type of work to

statistics to the CEO. They also plan

Some have even ventured into

constant change, not those who

The key to success is to be adaptable to changes, be proactive to lifelong learning and continuing education.

attempt to eliminate it." The extent

individuality. As we strive to put the

to which administrative professionals

misconceptions to rest, we must

thrive or fail in their roles is mainly

continue to project a compelling

dependent on their attitudes.

professional image, believe in

As offices evolve, secretaries and

ourselves and earn respect from

administrative professionals need

others. In taking ownership of our

to evolve with them and adapt to

aspirations, we will achieve a shift in

the modern workplace. And while

paradigm and inspire new pathways

technology saves time, it does not

of opportunities and challenges. •

eliminate the need for intellectual applications, good work skills and habits - in other words, the human touch!

Too often, secretaries and administrative professionals are erroneously associated with demeaning stereotypes that classify them as anonymous or lowly office workers who lack judgment and

The writers: Mary Ho has worked as a Senior Executive Secretary for more than 25 years before becoming an education consultant and a training director some years later. She is the current President of the Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals in Asia Pacific (ASA). Mary is married and became a first-time grandmother recently. Pang YftPing is Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of Unza Holdings Pte Ltd. She has more than 15 years work experience and her professional qualifications include Certified Professional Secretaries. USA ICPSI, and Diploma in Management Studies and Graduate Diploma Human Resources Management (GDHRM). Yit Ping is an Advisor and Past President of the Singapore Association of Personal & Executive Secretaries ISAPESI. Talleah Teo is Personal Assistant and Office Manager to the President, APAC of Mercury Interactive (SI Pte Ltd. She has more than 18 years work experience and her professional qualifications include Certified Professional Secretary, USA (CPS) and Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (HRMI She is a firm believer of lifelong learning and strives to impassion people's lives through nurturing and sharing. She is the 2nd Vice President 2004/05 of SAPES.


e Community

by Claire Lim

% >

While the proportion of women volunteering in social services and the community is nearly 50 percent, women are poorly represented in decision making.

"We want ours to be a society

more to ensure that this message

the British withdrawal, many welfare

and is known as the Asian Women's

that cares for all its members; one

will be carried through and not put

centres closed or scaled down their

Welfare Association (AWWA).

that does not ignore the needs of

on the back burner?

services due to the lack of funds and

Today AWWA is a voluntary welfare


organisation, still governed solely by

those who are born or afflicted with

women, committed to empowering

disabilities. We will bring along all

Before 1968, when the British troops

our citizens, the fortunate and the

withdrew from Singapore, social

A few Asian women living in Singapore

the disadvantaged (including infants,

unfortunate, help each of them

services, carried out primarily under

saw that the withdrawal of the

children and youths with special

maximise their potential, and

the auspices of international charities,

British from Singapore had left a

needs and the elderly) to maximise

progress together. This is what it

were for the most part conducted

vacuum in social welfare services.

their potential to lead dignified and

means to be a people, and a nation."

by volunteers from Australia, New

They realised that someone had

independent lives.

Zealand and Britain, usually wives

to initiate local services to help

That was the encouraging message

of army officers based in Singapore.

the unfortunate who were plainly

AWWA is just one example of the

delivered by Prime Minister Lee

These army wives raised funds and

suffering and desperate, so they

valuable contributions women make

Hsien Loong at the opening of the

gave their time to help the poor and

organised a group of like-minded

to social service and the community.

Spastic Children's Association of

the disabled. Nuns from several

women to provide welfare aid to the

The Association of Women for Action

Singapore's Cerebral Palsy Centre

catholic missions also did their

needy. This organisation grew over

and Research (AWARE), an advocacy

on Saturday,-] 8 September 2004.

part to help alleviate the suffering

the years to provide a multitude of

group dedicated to promoting

Have women done enough towards

of the poor and disabled and are still

services for the disadvantaged in

gender equality and understanding

achieving this vision and can they do

continuing with their work here. After

Singapore, from infancy to old age,

in Singapore, is another example of

Women have often pioneered and developed new and innovative programmes for the disadvantaged in our society.

how women have taken the initiative

volunteer as part of the Community

to the government's calculation

Centre (NVPC), only 48% of volunteers

to support and help the Singapore

of future needs in the community.

were women, most of them below

Involvement Programme (CIP) whereby

community. A browse through the

Although very diverse in character,

16 years or above 45 years of age.

students are encouraged to do

list of more than 50 members of

these organisations all have one thing

the Singapore Council of Women's

in common, the main resource they

Organisations (SCWO) will give a glimpse of the extent and diversity

voluntary work. There are also many The higher proportion of Singapore

volunteer opportunities for men in

require is human resource, in the

men volunteering is inconsistent

Singapore, such as in the Singapore

form of volunteers and paid staff.

with the volunteer experience in

Civil Defence Force which has more

other countries. Data released by the

than 60,000 volunteers and in

US Bureau of Labor Statistics on the

grassroots organisations like the

of contributions made by women. Many women in Singapore volunteer Since the withdrawal of the British,

their time by providing direct services

United States Department of Labor

Citizens Consultative Committees,

Singaporeans have taken charge

such as befriending, counseling and

website show that in 2002, nearly

Residents Committees and in

of their own and now many social

assisting with the provision of welfare

59% of volunteers in the United

Community Development Councils.

service providers are homegrown

services, by taking on leadership

States were women. A possible

voluntary welfare organisations.

positions on governing boards and in

reason for this anomaly could be

Despite the NVPC statistics, it is

These organisations have by and

fund raising. Interestingly, statistics

that Singapore, being a city state,

likely that volunteers in social service

large taken seed in response to needs

show that there are fewer women

has a higher proportion of women

have a much higher female content

within the community recognised by

than men volunteers in Singapore.

in employment. Another probable

than in grassroots organisations.

concerned individuals or groups.

In a survey conducted in 2002 by the

reason is that many volunteers in

For example, in AWWA, the ratio of

At times they have arisen in answer

National Volunteer & Philanthropy

Singapore are students who

female to male volunteers is about 5:2.

While the proportion of women

positions far out number the

volunteering in social services and

proportion in direct service. Of the

the community is nearly 50 percent,

15 people elected in September 2004

women are poorly represented in

onto the Board of Management of

decision making. The percentage of

The Spastic Children's Association

women volunteers in management

of Singapore, only one was a woman.

committees of grassroots organisations under the People's

Women volunteers may be fewer

Association in 2002 was only 28.9%,

in number and inadequately

although the percentage has been

represented in decision making but

steadily inching up from 18.7% in

they have contributed in numerous

1991'. In 2003, women represented

ways to achieving Singapore's vision

16% of the members on national

of a caring society. Not only have

councils, boards and committees.

they initiated services for those in

Although no statistics are available,

need, women have often pioneered

anecdotal evidence suggests that

and developed new and innovative

this is also true in voluntary welfare

programmes for the disadvantaged

organisations, where the proportion

in our society. A case in point is

of male volunteers in leadership

AWWA's innovative programme

The specific challenge for women is to take a greater leadership role in a sector where they are a major provider of services.

The dominance of women employees

this perception is changing and more

Clearly therefore, women have done

in mainstream schools, for which it

in social service may be because

men are beginning to join the care

their share towards achieving the Prime

received the Innovative Programme

society has always placed the primary

professions as it becomes fashionable

Minister's vision but more can be done.

Award from the Family Resource

care responsibility on women. It is

to be sensitive new age guys!

Welfare organisations face many and

and Training Centre in 1997.

a natural extension of this societal responsibility that women who join

Women employees contribute

to staffing, from educating the public to

Unlike the gender proportion

the workforce simply move into

significantly not only in numbers,

understand that welfare service does

in volunteerism, more women

other caring positions, as employees

but also in their exemplary and

not mean that employees should not be

than men are employed in social

in the social service sector. Further,

professional input to the social service

paid decent salaries, to providing training

services and the community.

professions such as nursing and

sector. Of the last six recipients of the

to their employees so as to give better

A comparison by sex of employed

teaching, are perceived as "mothering"

National Council of Social Services'

services. The list is endless.

to help physically disabled children

wide ranging challenges, from funding

persons aged 15 years and above

occupations, and therefore more

annual award to Outstanding Social

showed that while women

suited to women. Men are less

Workers, five were women. This is a

At the top of the list is the challenge

comprise only 44.8% of the total

enthusiastic about working in

testimony of women's ability to excel in

to meet the public's call for improved

Singapore workforce, 60.5% of

the social service sector as such

their chosen social service professions,

governance of welfare organisations,

persons employed in the social,

activities have been traditionally

to serve as role models and to play

greater transparency and visible

community and personal service

seen as not manly and therefore

a meaningful role in the continued

accountability. Close behind is the

less appealing to them. Thankfully,

upgrading of the social service sector.

challenge of public education.

industry are women.


The specific challenge for women is to take a greater leadership role in a sector where they are a major provider of services. There is much that women can give as community leaders and as board and management members in community and welfare organisations. Women have the

The writer: Claire Lim graduated as a lawyer in 1978 and began her career in the legal department of a bank in the same year. She moved into private practice after more than ten years in banking law and was a partner in a large Singapore law firm when she retired from the law in 1997. Claire began volunteering at the Asian Women's Welfare Association in 1998 and is now in her fifth year as its President. Claire is married with three children aged 24. 21 and 15.

appropriate abilities, are good at team work and are known to have good emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. More women need to take on this challenge to show the way towards achieving the Prime Minister's vision for the less fortunate in our community.


Ministry of Community Development, Youth & Sports website


Ministry of Manpower, Singapore Yearbook of Manpower Statistics 2004.

In A Man's World by Lilian Chionh


When I decided to choose civil

After three years of studying in a

engineering as my career, many

male-dominant environment, my

eyebrows were raised among my

first career was as a clerk-of-work in

family members and relatives.

HDB. I was posted to a construction

Since I was the youngest and

site in Boon Lay where I had to

only girl in the family, I received

perform the work of the contractor,

a lot of resistance due to concern

overseeing a group comprising 99%

over my safety, as engineering has

men. I had to supervise them to

a reputation of a harsh working

ensure that their work followed

environment, especially so because

the standard procedures and that

it is a male-dominated one. However,

the workmanship and quality met

my passion and interest in structural

the standard requirements.

design and building finally convinced

Initially, this was a big challenge

them that I made the right choice.

for me, as many of these men were very much more experienced than

My experience in this field has definitely reinforced the fact that there is no place that a woman cannot conquer.

Ever since I was young, I loved

I was in construction, and many of

to see how a piece of barren land

them were big and burly. Being

could be transformed into big

"green", they saw me as a lass who

buildings and skyscrapers. I had

knew nothing about construction.

always wanted to go behind the

Sometimes I even received remarks

scenes to experience the process of

that I should stay in the office

construction. My dreams finally came

instead. However, after a f e w

through when I was offered a course

incidences where I corrected their

in Civil and Structural Engineering

work and mistakes, and reasoned

in Singapore Polytechnic.

with them in their language, I finally

convinced them that there is a place

self-confidence and self-respect and

for me. Not only had I gotten their

have learnt invaluable people skills

respect, I had also proved to them

from my job.

that women could survive as well as

The writer: Lilian Chionh graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a Diploma in Civil and Structural Engineering in 1998. She started her career with HDB, working as a clerk-of-works in a construction site for two years. After completing her first HDB project, she moved on to another Statutory Board where she was involved in the planning and coordination of development projects. Lilian has chosen to contribute her past five years of working experience to her present job with St Luke's Hospital as a Project Executive.

men in this environment. In fact,

Growing up, my three elder brothers

I feel that the presence of women in

have had great influence on me.

this environment has "cleaned up"

I participated in all their outdoor

the rugged image of this industry -

activities such as rowing, cycling

I saw how the men became more

and motor riding. I was inspired by

careful with their words and grew to

them to learn those skills and to be

be more polite in their conversations.

independent. My wish to obtain a


motorcycle license was further


Despite the harsh working

motivated when I had to wait nearly

environment, I gained a tremendous

half an hour for a bus during peak

sense of satisfaction in this job.

hours to travel just ten minutes!

Seeing the architectural drawings

So I set out to change my mode of

transformed into high-rise buildings

transport and did it despite strong

for thousands of people to live in

objection from my family. Over time,

has negated all the hardships that

I have lessened their disapproval by

I had to endure.

showing that safety is top priority for

Rate of Female S t u d e n t s Enrolled in Engineering Courses in Universities (%)






me. On the contrary, my family is My experience in this field has

now proud to have a female rider.


definitely reinforced the fact that 0

there is no place that a woman

Nothing is impossible and the only

cannot conquer. I have gained

obstacle is ourselves. •

1 1 2000 1997 Source: Ministry of Education

1 2003

Women In Politics by Dr Aline KWong

Have Women Arrived?

Nominated Member of Parliament

burden of family and career borne

It is increasingly popular among the

1984 can be considered a watershed

(NMP) scheme was established in

by women. For a working mother, to

business and professional elites, and

year in women's participation in

1990 (with the number of NMPs

juggle a career with family and childcare

an increasing number of women are

national politics, when three women

being raised subsequently from six

responsibilities is no mean task. To

seeking nomination. The general

were elected to Parliament after a

to nine in 1997), and after the ruling

venture into the rough and tumble of

consensus is that the NMP scheme

gap of 14 years during which there

People's Action Party (PAP) broadened

politics demands a great deal of energy,

has enriched and enlivened debates

was no female representation in the

its own criteria for fielding women

commitment and personal sacrifice

within the House. It is interesting

legislature. Since then, considerable

candidates (to include single women)

that not many men - let alone women

to note that the Scheme was never

progress has been made in terms

in the 2001 general election.

- are able or are ready to make.

meant to be, and has not functioned as a quota-giving mechanism. Women

of women's representation. As at 2004, there are ten elected women

The current political representation

Among several reasons, the

are not considered as a "minority"

Members of Parliament (MPs),

of women in Singapore is around the

institution of the NMP scheme

group who require special provisions

and five nominated ones, making a

world's average of 15% with the

was supposed to provide a less

to be assured of representation, such

strenuous avenue for women to

as under the Group Representation

enter Parliament. While NMPs may

Constituency (GRC) system.

female representation of 16% in a

exception of the Nordic Countries.


House that currently has 94 members.

As in most parts of the world,

Although there is still no woman

Singapore women lag behind men's

represent certain sectors of society

Cabinet Minister, there are two

political participation. This is mainly

such as functional constituencies,

women Ministers of State, a woman

due to deep-rooted social and cultural

they do not need to do election

If there is any doubt about whether

Mayor, and for two years in the

values that define women's place as

work nor take care of their

women should be given any special

recent past (2002-2004), a woman

being tied to the home. Although

constituencies in the normal,

consideration for representation,

Deputy Speaker of Parliament.

women are getting better educated

daily grind of constituency affairs.

there is little doubt that women

and many are occupying high

Although the scheme was greeted

should be represented, because of

The increase in female representation

positions in the professions and in

with some amount of skepticism

their contributions to the economy

has come at a slow pace. In fact,

management, the world of politics

when it was first introduced - not the

and society, and the different ideas

it was only recently that there has

is very much male-dominated.

least among the incumbent women

and perspectives that they can

been a significant increase, after the

The other major reason is the double

MPs, it has by and large done well.

bring to policy making.

Where do Women Stand?

Broadly speaking, none of the

Women's fight for equality started in

PAP in 1956, became inactive in

With a current membership of around

women MPs has made it her

the early 1950s, when they pressed

the latter half of the 1960s, as

9,000, the Women's W n g also provides

stand that she will represent purely

for reforms in women's legal status,

women's sub-committees were set

a broad forum for women at the

"women's interests" or speak only

family law and equal pay. Women

up in community centres throughout

grassroots to give direct feedback

on "women's issues". As a matter

began to participate in local elections

the country, which helped to channel

and recommendations to the

of fact, they have been eager to

to the city council and the legislative

women's interests into social, cultural

government. Outside this party

demonstrate that they are equally

assembly. These pioneering efforts

and recreational pursuits. We have

mechanism, there are avenues

capable of tackling a whole range

soon merged with Singapore's

earlier noted the absence of women

for women to give their views on

of policy issues. In terms of slant,

struggle for independence, and

parliamentarians from 1970 (when

policy matters, such as through

however, many a woman MP would

the PAP rallied the women through

Madam Chan Choy Siong retired

the Feedback Unit established within

gravitate towards issues that revolve

the promise of equality in its election

from politics), until 1984.

the former Ministry of Community

around the family, education, healthcare,

manifesto of 1959. Soon after PAP

Development and Sports (now Ministry

eldercare, population and procreation,

came into power, the Women's

The 1980s saw the coming of age of

of Community Development, Youth

the poor and under-privileged. This is

Charter was passed in 1961, and

a better-educated female population,

and Sports) since the mid-1980s.

understandable as women tend to

equal pay within the civil service

with rising expectations of a bigger

A sizeable number of women's civic

have much more experience as

was implemented between

role in nation building. The PAP

organisations also provide channels

caregivers inside and outside the

1962-65. With these two significant

began to look for women candidates

for expressing concerns and views

family. Women parliamentarians

achievements behind them, women

in earnest. This resulted in three

on public issues.

are also more concerned over

began to withdraw gradually from

women being elected to Parliament

issues of women's rights and status,

politics as the government devoted

in 1984. In 1989, two years after

Along with the growing of a "women's

as expected. Unfortunately, these

its full energies to economic

the formation of the PAP Youth Wing

constituency" in the country as a

cause the stereotyping of women's

development and to managing

(now known as Young PAP or YP),

whole, the women MPs have brought

abilities that may pose invisible

communal conflicts after separation

the Women's Wing was formed to

up a number of women's issues

barriers to their reaching the top

from Malaysia. The Women's

galvanise women party members

persistently over the years. These

echelons of policy-making.

League, which was founded by the

and to groom future women MPs.

include: equal medical benefits for


female civil servants, more maternity

cover their dependants) have only

leave benefits, more childcare

been conceded to with effect from

facilities, child leave and paternity

2005, ten years after a new medical

leave, the right to citizenship by

scheme was introduced in 1994

descent of children born overseas

which in effect abolished much

to Singapore female citizens, the

of the former medical benefits

quota on female students in medical

available for all fresh entrants into

school, protection of women and

the civil service. Article 122 of the

children against domestic violence,

Constitution was also only recently

and provisions for income security

amended (mid-2004) to allow

for divorced women, widows and

overseas-born children to acquire

women in the lower income groups.

Singapore citizenship by descent from their Singapore mothers. The

By the end of 2004, the greatest

quota on female medical students

majority of the above issues have

was abolished in 2002, where the

been redressed by the government.

rationale for its imposition was that

However, it has been a long struggle

female doctors tend to work only

for women and their parliamentary

part-time or stop working altogether

representatives. The government

after they get married and have children

has been quite adamant about preserving certain cultural and

A remarkable package of population

social mores in Singapore such as

measures was announced when PM

upholding men as the head of the

Lee Hsien Loong took over the reins

household. Thus, equal medical

of government from former PM Goh

benefits for female civil servants (to

Chok Tong in August 2004. Many of

There is little doubt that women should be represented, because of their contributions to the economy and society, and the different ideas and perspectives that they can bring to policy making.

these policy measures, such as the

When I joined politics in 1984,

discussion of gender issues;

Under this theme, it should be

five-day work week, infant care

a senior (male) member of Cabinet

it also recognises the fact that the

mentioned that there is a significant

subsidies, lower maid levies and

drew me aside on one occasion,

"supermum" role model is not

proportion of the local population who

paid maternity leave (for the third

and said to me: "This equality thing

realistic. Both men and women need

live with their parents or are closely

and fourth child), and childcare

- between men and women - don't

a balance between their work and

tied to their parents for mutual care

leave for both mother and father

emphasise it too much." Twenty

family or personal life in order to live

and support. Thus, the Singapore

have been issues of appeal by

years later, another senior, retired

fully. This balance also provides a

variation of work life balance has to

women MPs over the years,

(male) Cabinet minister looked

platform for the equal partnership

take into account this Asian reality.

as measures to help women

askance at my remark, made half-

between men and women which all feminists have striven for.

cope if they were to have more

jokingly, that the title of Chairman of

children while holding down a job.

statutory bodies should be changed

The government agreed to these

to Chairperson especially since a couple

measures as 2003 registered an

of women are heading them now.

Apart from issues of work life balance, the ageing population will

The new theme calls for new

be another dominant theme in the

policy initiatives, some of which

years to come. Because women live

all-time low total fertility rate of

are already addressed in the recent

longer, the feminisation of problems

1.26 children, in spite of its previous

But women's fight for equality is not

population measures, such as the

associated with an ageing population

efforts to reverse the trend over

for symbolic reasons. Our aspirations

five-day work week, and child leave

is taking place, here as elsewhere.

are to be treated as equal partners in

for both parents. Other measures

Questions of income security and

the past two decades.

whatever enterprise we are working

to promote work life balance, and

health security for elderly women,

The Future Agenda

in. I am glad, therefore, that the

by extension, the provision of a

and even the question of housing

With achievements on a broad

current debate has taken on a more

pro-family environment (whether at

security, will be pressing concerns.

front of gender equality and family

holistic approach; less confrontational,

work or leisure, or in the areas of

While many MPs have been

issues, what's next on women's

more inclusive for both men and

housing environment, healthcare

speaking on the problems of the

agenda? And will more women

women. The current debate is on

services, education and community

ageing population for quite some

join politics to press new issues?

the theme of "Work Life Balance".

participation, and so on) will shape

time, more attention has yet to be

This marks a stage of maturity in the

the parliamentary agenda to come.

paid to the problems faced by elderly


women, particularly those in the

It has been argued in the past that

lower income brackets. Should there

there were not enough burning

be minimum social security provided

issues that galvanised women to

to women through a first claim on

enter politics, as middle-class life

their spouses' CPF monies? Should

has been too comfortable, and

there be a minimum state-sponsored

our society runs on meritocracy

pension scheme for all the elderly?

(implying that gender inequality is

The writer: Dr Aline K Wong received her PhD in Sociology from the University of California at Berkeley, California, and lectured at the National University of Singapore from the early 1970's until recently. In 1984, Dr Wong became a Member of Parliament, and served four terms before retiring from politics in 2001. In 1990, she was appointed Minister of State for Health, and in 1994, concurrently as Minister of State for Education. She became Senior Minister of State in 1995 and held that position until end of 2001. Currently, she is Chairman of the Housing and Development Board, and a Director of the Singapore Symphonia Company Ltd. She is also President of the International Women's Forum /Singapore Chapter).

not an issue.) That argument has The debate on education policies will

been proven wrong by the recent

probably shift away from such issues as

history of women's entry into

quality of education (from preschool all

Parliament and the platforms they

the way to tertiary education), towards

stand on. The right questions to

issues such as the employability and

ask are: why have there been so

life-long learning needs of the elderly,

few women candidates at general

including elderly women.

elections? Are there not enough

Women in Politics


% Women 4.7




















of terrorism. How should citizens





participate actively in both areas?





Year 1965

No. of MPs 64


women who qualify? In what ways Other types of issues may loom

can women prepare themselves to

large on the horizon. These include:

enter politics and be counted?

environmental issues and security issues in the face of globalisation

No. of Women

Do women have a particular role





to play?





Source: Singapore Department of Statistics

' Inter-Parliamentary Union, "Women in National Parliaments", http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/ world.html. July 2004.

Financial Concerns of Older Women by Dr Kanwaljit Soin

Singapore has the distinction of being the fastest ageing population

Percent female for older age groups in Singapore 2003

Percent widowed by age and sex in Singapore 2000

in Asia. The present population of Singapore is just over four million.

65-69 years


About 8% of the population is over

70-74 years


75-79 years




65 years of age and this will increase to about 18% in 2030. By 2003, life expectancy at birth for females had




65-69 years



70-74 years



75-79 years







reached 80.9 years as compared to 76.9 years for males. However, for those who survive to 65, the life span is 86 years for women and 82 years for men. The female advantage in longevity is about four to five years.

Older women are more likely to be widowed than older men because of women's longer life span and their tendency to marry men older than themselves. Also in the case of divorce and spousal death, women are less likely to remarry than men.

Because women live longer than men, this means that after the age of 60, there are more women than men in nearly every country. This is known as the feminisation of old age.

Thus it has become a truism that most women must anticipate widowhood or singlehood in their later years.

that "old age means something quite different—and more troubling—for women than for men."

For most of the elderly of today who have worked all their lives, their salaries were modest and CPF contributions were low, and thus their savings in the CPF accounts

Women and men age differently

are not significant at all. According

physically, physiologically, socially and

to information from the CPF Board

emotionally. Compared with men,

in 2004, only 4 0 % of active CPF

older women are more likely to

members were able to meet the

have had a lifetime of disadvantage.

minimum sum of $84,500 on

Poor nutrition, poor education and

reaching 55 years of age in 2003. Of

inadequate access to the labour

these, slightly more than half had to

market, and with a greater chance of

pledge their property to meet the

being widowed, often leave women

minimum sum. This means that these

with poor health and f e w resources

members had set aside at most

in old age. The World Bank reported

$40,000 in cash for the next 25 years

of their lives and this will hardly

Thus we see that the work histories

Of the older women who are still

provide even subsistence living for

market, they are more likely to be

of women are shorter than that of

in the labour market, about 12% of

the individual member. The situation

working part-time especially if

men due to their family responsibilities

women over 60 earn below $500 pm

becomes more precarious if this

they have young children or are

and also women tend to earn

and this figure increases to 17% for

member has to support a spouse

caring for a dependent elderly.

who has not been working outside the home and has no CPF savings. If this is the state of affairs for those who are 55 today, then those who were 55 years old ten years ago and are 65 today face even more financially insecure circumstances.

Pensions that are based on a contributory system like our CPF pose problems for women. Women's participation in the labour market is distinct from men's in several respects: • Overall, women are less likely to be in paid employment.

• When women are in the labour

• Women, especially mothers, tend to experience greater discontinuity of employment compared to men. These discontinuities accumulate across a lifetime so that women have a shorter employment record than men at retirement. • Women also have a greater tendency to be in temporary or casual employment. • The pay gap between men

less than men, and so women

those over 65 because most older

accumulate less by way of CPF

women have minimal education skills

accounts. The situation is even

for the labour market.

worse for women who are full time homemakers. There is no guarantee that widows will be the beneficiaries of the husbands' CPF

Percent of population with no educational qualifications by age and sex in Singapore 2000.

savings. Some errant husbands may



nominate a mistress or someone

65-69 years



else as the beneficiary of this

70-74 years



account and leave the poor widow

75-79 years



without any financial means of





survival. This is an area that policy

and women — women's pay is

makers have to look into so that a

For both sexes, allowances by children

affected by segmentation of the

widow will automatically inherit her

are the predominant financial support

labour market.

late husband's CPF savings.

base for the older population as w e

have already seen that CPF savings

precarious situation when it comes to

for this group are not significant. Nearly

income security in their twilight years.

80% of women aged 65-69 and 9 0 % of women over 80 years of age receive

However, with the exception of

allowances from their children while

Japan, f e w Asian societies have

for men the corresponding

begun to formulate appropriate policy

percentages are 50% and 80%.

responses to manage the problem. As the noted author Jeremy Seabrook

In the small minority of the older

observes in A World Growing Old,

population who have savings or

the "response to the ageing of the

their own source of income, men

people by governments mirrors that

outnumber women. The report on

of individuals - they don't believe it

the National Survey of Senior Citizens

until it actually happens." When many

1995 has documented that among

governments in our part of the world

senior citizens who had their own

estimate the impact of ageing, they

source of income, 58% were males

envision that the aged will receive

and 29% females.

care from their families. However, globalisation and industrialisation have

Thus w e can appreciate that our

effected a crucial shift. The safety

elderly, especially the women, are in a

web of the extended family system

has unraveled into more individual life

of others in society. New thinking

Growth" alerted the developing

Yet how do w e ensure at the present

lines, even in our Asian societies.

is necessary to respond to the

world to the wide ranging social and

time that those who are not the

challenge of the old. Singapore is itself experiencing

economic changes produced by

beneficiaries of the first two pillars

accelerated population ageing. The

receive support? Can the third pillar

a significant change in household

Our elderly have contributed to the

report dealt with the issue of how

of a pension system, or a basic tax-


success of our nation. Relying on

to organise pension provisions in the

financed safety net pension achieve this?

informal systems of financial support

developing world. It recommended

Will this third pillar bleed taxpayers?

There has been a move away from

and trying to find jobs to support

that countries adopt a multi-pillar

Could it create intergenerational

multi-family households. One-family

them in old age put them in an

pension system comprising:

conflict as appears to be the case

households have also declined, with

insecure position. It is necessary

Forced saving

a rise in the "no-family" households.

to formalise social security systems

Voluntary saving

Widows head one out of every three

in functioning multi-pillar frameworks.

Basic pension

of these "no-family" households.

Depending only on one pillar, for

in some developed countries?

First of all, what exactly do w e mean by the third pillar? A non-contributory basic

example voluntary savings or CPF,

The first pillar of compulsory savings

pension may take one of two forms:

Clearly, today's silver Singaporeans

may not be the best way forward

is equivalent to our CPF system.

Universal, flat pension

are not prepared financially for their

over the long-term.

The first two pillars are employment

Means-tested pension

own old age and the situation is

based and may hopefully cover A decade ago, a World Bank study

more of our silver society in the

A universal flat pension is a no-frills

ageing policies must balance the

"Averting the Old Age Crisis-Policies

next 20 to 30 years.

plan covering the entire silver

needs of older people against those

to Protect the Old and Promote

critical for older women. Successful

population. Everyone of a specified

age enjoys the same benefits. On

However, this concern may be

Since 7% of the population is above

present over 65 will work out to

the other hand, the means-tested

misplaced. It does not consider the

65 and if we consider them eligible

0.7% (less than 1 % of GDP). By

pension is calculated according to

actual size of the tax burden needed to

for a pension equal to 10% of per

2016, when 14% of the population

income, assets or work history.

finance universal, flat pensions on a

capita GDP, then the revenue

becomes eligible for a pension that is

pay-as-you-go basis, where the younger

requirements for such a transfer are

also 10% of the GDR the required taxes

Means-tested pensions are more

generation funds the elderly. In

easily calculated: (0.071(0.1 )=0.007

needed will amount to 1.4% of GDP.

commonly used since they cost less

reality, this tax burden is manageable

or 0.7% of GDP if w e ignore costs

This will not bankrupt our country.

than a basic pension. But the 1994

and accrues large benefits to the

of administration (administrative

World Bank Study also showed that

elderly and to society as a whole.

requirements are much lower for basic

This sort of a basic pension will not by

universal pensions than for other

any means strain our taxpayers since

means testing is inferior to universal pensions for several reasons. First,

Let us calculate the financial cost of

types of pension schemes). This

it is tied to our GDP. If GDP per capita

it discourages saving for retirement

a universal basic pension plan for the

basic pension can be augmented by

goes up, the elderly will get a bigger

as well as continued work in old

aged in Singapore.

the annuity or funds from CPF for

absolute pension. If it goes down, they

those who have been in formal

will get a smaller absolute pension but

employment and by savings, if any.

always 10% of the per capita GDP.

age. Second, it often comes to be regarded as "welfare", which

Singapore's per capita GDP is about

reduces its appeal and discourages

$36,000. Let us assume that we gave

applications from some eligible poor.

an annual pension equal to 10% of the

Even a small pension could ensure

The Government recurrent

per capita GDP to every person over 65.

that every old person enjoys basic

expenditure (2003) on education

Since many societies consider a

This means that all silver citizens get

financial security in his or her silver

for each primary school student

universal basic pension a luxury,

a basic pension of $3,600 per year

years. The "extra drain" on the GDP

was $3,415 and $5,191 for each

it is applied only in a few countries.

to provide a basic social safety net.

for 7% of the population that is at

secondary school student. Is it


Today's silver Singaporeans are not prepared financially for their own old age and the situation is critical for older women.

therefore too much to ask that each

Transfer of income to the aged via

dignified for our elderly to receive this

pension can be reviewed.

elderly person be given a pension of

universal pensions amounts to

basic pension than having to line up

In the meantime, let us not

$3,600 per year?

4 . 1 % of GDP in New Zealand, 2.0%

for handouts during festive occasions!

be uncaring towards those who

in Mauritius, 0.7% in Namibia, and

have cared for us. Also we have to

The basic pension can be used to

0.4% in Botswana. Old age pensions,

Singapore is the only high income,

buy long-term disability insurance or

relative to GDP, are more substantial

rapidly ageing country to almost

us. The young of today will be the

contribute to a health insurance scheme.

in New Zealand than in the other

exclusively rely on mandatory savings

old of tomorrow!

Thus the state will be buffered from

three countries, so much so that

(CPF) to finance old age. Perhaps it

having to pay huge subsidies for health

they are taxable. Singapore should

is time to consider adding another

care of the elderly and the money spent

be more moderate and plan to spend

pillar of a basic pension to buttress

by the government on health will not

about 1 % of the GDP on pensions.

our ageing society in Singapore.

become a burden on the taxpayer.

The filial piety w e expect from Mauritius provides an exceptionally

each and every citizen can be

How has all this worked in actual practice?

generous pension (66% and 74% of

collectively demonstrated through

Well, only four countries currently

per capita GDP) to all residents over

the implementation of a universal

provide a universal and meaningful

the age of 90 and 100 years. Indeed,

basic pension in Singapore. Over the

pension to the aged: New Zealand,

it pays to live long in this Indian Ocean

course of time, our elderly population

Mauritius, Namibia and Botswana.

remember that there is no them and

island. It would be very encouraging

will be better protected by CPF savings,

for our elderly population in Singapore

annuities and voluntary savings as

New Zealand initiated a non-means

to be rewarded for managing to live

our economy continues to grow - in

tested universal pension in 1938.

beyond 80 years. It is also more

such a situation, the role of a basic

The writer: Dr Kanwaljit Soin is one of the founding members of AWARE and was its President from 1991-1993. Professionally, she is a full time Orthopaedic and Hand Surgeon in private practice. She was nominated as a Member of Parliament for two terms from 1992-1996 and received the "Woman of the Year" award in 1992. She was past president of the International Women's Forum, and sits on the board of HelpAge International la global network helping the disadvantaged elderly in more than 40 countries).

Being Single Again by Foo Kok Wan

worst fears came true. The cancer

diagnosis, I was forced to reconsider

the offer alone was actually very

re-surfaced again. He fought the

my priorities out of necessity.

healing for me.

like most newly married couples.

illness for another three years before

If anything were to happen to Chong

We were young, in love and we

finally succumbing to it.

Ming, I understood that I had to

My daughter was only in Primary

support my family single-handedly.

6 when her father passed away.

When my husband, Chong Ming and I were married in 1980, w e were

believed w e would live a happilyever-after life together.

Throughout her life, she had to deal

We go to school for an education and graduate with all kinds of book

My perspective towards a career

with the possibility of her father's

But life is never just a bed of roses.

learning, but w e are never taught

took a different meaning and I began

death. It is a huge burden to place on

In 1984, Chong Ming was diagnosed

the most important lesson - how

to develop my career to ensure its

a child and she didn't know how to

with nose cancer - at the age of 29.

to deal with life problems. I battled

viability purely for practical reasons.

cope -1 didn't know how to help her

We already had a son and I was

feelings of initial relief, then guilt

In a perverse way, the crisis gave

cope. She had inexplicable fears of

then expecting our second child, a

and emptiness, followed by constant

me an opportunity to develop my

financial inadequacy and she wanted

worry for my children. At one point,

innate skills!

more pocket money than needed.

daughter. It was like a lightning bolt

I had to struggle with guilt feelings

crashing through our perfect lives.

I was contemplating how to disappear

To me then, cancer meant a death

from the face of the earth without a

To this day, I am so thankful to have

and the need to exercise parental

sentence. I felt like all our dreams

trace to effect the insurance benefits

a group of friends who were there

discipline. Fortunately, my daughter

just shattered into a million pieces.

for my children.

for me. I didn't expect my friends to

grew up to be a sensible girl.

answer any cry for help with a rain of Against the odds, Chong Ming

In the early years of our marriage,

charity, however many carne forward

Everyone is so busy, we become

survived the ordeal. I began to let

I believed that a woman's natural

to offer financial help without any

a society where there is no time

myself be optimistic again - maybe

priority is with her family. Although

prompting. Deep inside me, I am

for compassion. We place so much

there is hope afterall. Nearly ten

I enjoyed my career, it still played

very grateful for the emotional

emphasis on survival of the fittest,

years after the first diagnosis, our

a second fiddle role. Since the

support from these friends - just

but when calamity strikes, w e don't

I feel that what we lack as a population is A Q - Adversity Quotient. When faced with mishap, instead of empathy, many people resort to blame and criticism. know how to react. I feel that

livelier and happier. I would tell

for it. It is only recently that I've

what we lack as a population is AQ -

them that I believed there is a strong

become open to the idea, yet I'm

Adversity Quotient. When faced

link between physical health and

no longer sure if it will actually

with mishap, we resort to blame and

emotional health.

happen. After going through so

Despite having an optimistic

as a person and my views towards

much, I have grown tremendously

criticism, as if it would distance us from the issue. The fear of being overwhelmed dulls our senses. It was only the past two years that

disposition, it can be hard for me

marriage have evolved. I seek

to maintain a positive outlook. I was

companionship, someone who I can

always good with my hands, fixing

relate to emotionally and someone

I really began to turn the corner.

things around the house. Yet, when

I can share life with. After being so

From helplessness and grief,

Chong Ming was no longer around,

accustomed to being single, marriage

I became more optimistic about life.

if there was a problem in the house,

has become less crucial to me.

I developed an interest in Chinese

no matter how trivial, like a black-out,

opera, and helping to start the

my first reaction would be panic.

Most important of all, I have come

Shanghai Yue Opera Appreciation

It was simply irrational and stemmed

to realise that I do not need to worry

Club at Marine Parade Community

from the fear of being alone, of not

too much about what I don't have or

Club provided me with the necessary

having anyone to depend on.

distraction. Eventually, this hobby

don't have enough of. I embrace life whole-heartedly, and I am no longer

helped me fortify my internal

At his deathbed, Chong Ming asked

strength and improve my physical

a close friend of ours to see that

health. Coupled with my fulfilling

I remarried. I only learnt about it

career in merchant banking, people

recently, but even if I had known

have begun to comment that I look

earlier, I wouldn't have been prepared

afraid to be alone. •

The writer: Foo Kok Wan graduated from the University of Singapore in 1976 and started a bookshop with her close friend that has evolved into Asiapac Books Pte Ltd. She later moved on to journalism, broadcasting and merchant banking. Currently Kok Wan is Executive Vice-President of Daiwa Securities SMBC Singapore Limited. She spends her spare time pursuing her passion for Shanghai Yue Opera both as an amateur performer and managing a fund to develop it commercially. Kok Wan is widowed with two undergraduate children aged 22 and 20.

Second and Subsequent Careers by Lai Ah Eng


In the Beginning ....

We are women of our times.

There was a time when I thought I

We received an education,

would not get married. Instead, I

unlike our parents who had little

planned to first travel round the world,

or no schooling, and some of us

then become a doctor and work in

even went to top universities.

a hospital for the poor. I was then

We went out to work in a context

12 years old, and there were six of

of expanding economic opportunities

us in our all-girls' school who shared

and changing beliefs about women's

the same vision. That was in 1966.

rights and capabilities. Some of us came from poor families and

Torn between the two greedy institutions of work and family, we were faced with the classic dilemma of our times: how to balance the two.

Today, all six of us are married,

were the first or only ones to get

live in different parts of the world and

out of the poverty trap. We

have held various jobs and careers.

earned our own incomes, travelled,

Whenever we managed to meet,

wore power suits and uniforms.

we inevitably end up exchanging

We were raised to aim for the

experiences about our lives that have

highest and to build careers that

turned out to be far different from our

befitted our qualifications and

childhood plans. We usually marvel

developed our potentials to the

at how w e had dared to dream such

fullest. The rewards of income,

great dreams and how, in the same

esteem, status, independence

spirit of ambition, determination

and empowerment grew with

and hope, we have coped with lives'

our careers. And then came the

challenges over the years. Self,

husbands and the babies, and

family, work and community are the

our powerful, independent lives

constant themes in our conversations.

were suddenly disrupted.

The Disruption and the Dilemma It is nobody's fault that some of us: 1. got married to 21st century Phileas Foggs who frequently travel around the world (or at least the region) in eight days for work and who function in a 24 x 7 work world, 2. have no extended family back up in these days of migration and small nuclear families, 3. have no wish to exploit domestic helpers in a 24 x 7 work routine nor have them replace us in our

I have never quite believed that the

Many continue to "ngeh ngeh tong"

Sequencing and integrating family

poster superwomen promoted by

stoically as they dare not or cannot

and work in stages and varying

the media exist. The reports

afford to stop work. The lucky few

combinations offer flexibilities and

seldom elaborate on the perks that

may find part-time or flexible time

options for a manageable and

these women probably enjoy: huge

work, such opportunities are like

balanced life. The main approach

incomes; one, two or even three

striking lottery. There are those who

in this strategy is to have a plan

maids; a chauffeur and two or three

quit work when the strains become

with targets and to stay connected,

cars; flexible hours because they

too great and do so with much

networked, alert and flexible.

are their own bosses; able to rest

prolonged ambivalence, grief and

and shop on numerous overseas

angst, but believe that jobs can wait

I believe it is important to maintain

business trips; have their hairdressers

while children cannot. My friends and

ties with former colleagues, meet

turn up at their homes; the usual

I have tried all the options over

new people and take up new projects

band of extended family members;

the last 20-30 years of our lives.

or interests. My friends and I have

and equally privileged husbands.

learned that it is critical not to let

Their successes by mainstream

Strategising while Sequencing

isolation and domestic work get

standards are exalted; their stresses,

For those who quit when the

us down. Voluntary and community

tensions, even pains are absent.

children came along (sometimes

work also offer great insights and

alongside elderly parents to

gateways to new opportunities in

For the lesser endowed, with only

care for), having a work-home-work

the return to work. Develop and

brains, body and the ethos of hard

again sequencing strategy is a

never underestimate the networks

work and due diligence, the dilemma

good thing. It means maintaining

and skills for parenting, social

Torn between the two greedy

is solved by three options: "ngeh

the hope and the possibility of

community and self-development.

institutions of work and family, we

ngeh tong-ing" (keep enduring);

returning to work while having

In fact, do not underestimate

were faced with the classic dilemma

placing limits or scaling back on

the satisfaction of meeting family

anything, not even seemingly

of our times: how to balance the two.

work; or quitting work altogether.

needs and ideals.

mundane homemaking chores.

children's lives, and 4. are deeply attached to our fast growing children with whom w e want to spend much of the short season.

The Return to Work

coordinator, teacher, supervisor,

barriers, part of the problem also

Some of us who took time out

singer, storyteller, composer, inventor,

has to do with self-perception,

Career Paths

returned to work with gusto and

talent-spotter, motivator for young

self-confidence and self-esteem.

Women who wish to return to work

re-integrated well into second

children. Alongside these tasks and

Some women themselves subscribe

can do so at different levels and

and subsequent careers. But

roles, she has developed qualities

to societal views of over-valuing

in different capacities as employees,

there were others who quickly

of tolerance, judgement, patience,

work outside the home and

employers and self-employed.

faced the hard walls of ageism,

flexibility, multi-tasking, planning,

under-valuing homemaking work,

prejudice, stereotypes and

timing, decision-making, coordination,

and believe themselves to be old,

To be hired as an employee

changed market conditions.

motivation and leadership which are

useless and discriminated. Here,

requires enlightened and imaginative

much needed in the world of paid

women can only help themselves

bosses and organisations that will

The perception that women

work. Besides, there are no short

through positive self-development

offer a range of flexible family-work

who have taken time out for

cuts to maturity and life's experiences.

and self-validation of the importance

arrangements. To be self-employed,

homemaking are less committed

Mothering is hard, humbling work.

of their homemaking years and

starting perhaps from small-scale

and out of touch is a particularly

It is up to employers and women

roles. In seeking a return to

and even home-based businesses

strong one. Employers forget that

themselves to recognise and

employment, a sense of realism

are ideal alternatives, of which many

today's homemaker is not simply

tap into these awesome abilities

and reasonable expectation in a

women are beginning to see success.

a "housewife" - she is the other

and potential. Ever heard of the

highly competitive market will

New work arrangements, with less

CEO, minister of home affairs,

"aunties" who turn into confectionery

better help women strike a balance

emphasis on face time but using

domestic engineer, domestic

entrepreneurs and the spunky makcik

between aspirations and practical

virtual teams of workers and IT,

manager, household resource

who developed "kebaya-robics"?

realities. Also, women should not

make self-employed home-based

ignore personal responsibility nor

work and entrepreneurial activities in

manager, chief planner, consultant.

Alternative Work Models and

She has the multiple experience

But while many of the problems

blame only men or others, even as

various industries highly viable. Other

of being a diaper-washer, vomit-

of returning to work and starting

they think the world is patriarchal and

industries tap on the networks, skills

wiper, medicine-dispenser, cook,

second or subsequent careers are

unfair, or that policies and society

and qualities honed from homemaking

comforter, cheerleader, coach,

rooted in structural and social

owe them help and support.

for effective direct services.

And what of those who, despite

whether this means remaining in

respect they deserve. It takes

RS. 1: There is no need for a woman,

their planning to return to work,

a career or opting for homemaking.

the same basic qualities to be

whether careerist or homemaker,

decide to stick to homemaking?

There is no one single correct model

a homemaker or career woman -

to prove she is Superwoman - she

Their decision deserves our deepest

that can accommodate the diversity

courage, discipline, determination

already is one.

admiration and validation, not

of women's choices and constraints;

and capability.

derision. Their homemaking as a

instead, there can be various models

long-term career project is based

and combinations in the family-work

In the present economic times

on their reprioritising of values.

merger for women's empowerment.

when anyone above 45 seems

shares and cares. He is the father

As they redefine and remake their

The "must have, break barriers and

vulnerable to retrenchment

who nurtures his children, based on

homemaking roles and relationships

arrive quickly" career track is suited

and job discrimination, and as

the principles of equality and sharing.

towards equality and sharing, they

for some. Others prefer to combine

job cycles get shorter and skills

As for the children - neither sons nor

are to be respected. Men, women,

self, work and family in sequence

get more specialised, it is

daughters should be let off the hook in

the government, the public - all

and arrive there in their own time.

understandable that many women

learning the life skills of homemaking.

need to recognise homemaking as valuable work of great consequence.

RS. 2: Husbands are expected not only to be the good partner w h o

are concerned. But my friends We need to recognise that every

and I cannot imagine that w e

woman's plate is full of demands and

will ever really stop working.

What of the Future?

commitments and w e all have tough

Even if w e were to take a break,

Both career and family are part of

choices to make regarding family

we constantly look forward

the modern woman's identity

and work, and how best to combine

to doing even more exciting

and aspiration.

them. Ideally, we can affirm the

work in the future. We continue

choices and capabilities in both and

to dream with the same sense

Work-family models and arrangements

concentrate on the real issues - how

of ambition, determination and

must help empower women to meet

to ensure that our contributions to

hope as we did when we were

their personal and family life-cycle

home and workplace, and therefore

12-year-olds. We are women

needs and hopes in a balanced way.

to society, receive the value and

of our times.

The writer: Lai Ah Eng (PhD) is a researcher on family, gender, community, race and religion. She took time out to raise her children before returning to first part-time and then full-time work. Among her publications are "Peasants, Proletarians and Prostitutes: Chinese Women in Colonial Malaya" 11986, reprint forthcoming 2005) and "The Other CEO: Homemaking as a Sequencing Strategy and Career Project among Married Chinese Women in Singapore 12004). She feels equally empowered and proud of her work, family and community efforts and achievements. She is a founding member of AWARE.

Older Women as Economically Contributing Members by Rosy Nakhooda

The role of older women as

the population of the country has

of one's education, the higher

radically different from that

economically contributing members

been aging steadily with women out-

would be one's income during

of Singapore's.

of society is limited if not minimal in

numbering men. While the situation

employment, and the greater the

modern Singapore. The vast majority

is changing slowly for younger women,

quantum of savings for the third

The three-tiered generational

is relegated to the categories of the

the role of the older woman of today

and final phase of one's life.

structure of society provides

"economically inactive" or "dependent"

as a non-working dependent is unlikely

segments of society. They rely

to change by much in the near future.

primarily on younger family members

optimal benefits when it has been Under this system there was

in operation for a continuous period

no structured trans-generational

of 70 to 80 years. It works well for

for financial support, and to some

The current situation is partly the

transfer of funds as in the western-

an individual who has benefited

extent, on voluntary NGOs or the State.

result of "retirement" policies adopted

style welfare system, or even in

from all three levels of functionality

by the government 50 years ago with

the context of Asian traditions of

in an individual lifecycle. This gestation

This is an unfortunate situation as

the onset of the post-war baby boom

filial piety or reverence for the old.

period has not yet been completed

the dormant or retired female, if retired

in the early days of industrialisation.

In Singapore, the individual's savings

in Singapore, as the structure came

at the age of 60, has a potentially

Under the rationale of this economic

are channelled by the government

into operation only about 50 years

productive life expectancy of 20 to

model, the population was divided

through a unique mandatory non-

ago. At the time, the current pool

25 years ahead of her. Her numbers

roughly into three functional and

welfare social security system called

of elderly women were already

are increasing both in the aggregate

generational groups. An individual

the Central Provident Fund (CPF), set

teenagers or older. They were not

in the total population as well as in

was to receive formal education for

up in 1955. It was also reasoned in

young enough to join the education

proportion to other age groups. Life

the first 20 to 25 years of life. This

the early years after the war, that

system which was, and continues

expectancy of women in Singapore

would give value-added employment

by retiring workers at 55 or 60,

to be, tailored primarily for the young.

today, at 80.9 for a female born in

for the next 30 to 40 or so years.

room could be made in the labour

These older cohorts of women

2003, is higher than ever before.

Besides earning a living during this

market for the burgeoning numbers

therefore received low levels of

On average, she also outlives her

time, he or she would also generate

of baby boomers who were coming

education. With their educational

male counterpart by an average of six

savings for the final phase of life,

upstream. This reasoning was also

wings clipped at a young age,

years. At the same time, the national

known generally as retirement.

prevalent in many of the post-war

they had little potential for finding

fertility rate has been declining

Retirement, starting at approximately

industrial nations of the west,

good employment to generate

steadily in Singapore and is now

55 to 60 years, lasted another 20 to

although their savings structures

adequate savings to sustain

below replacement level. As a result.

25 years or so. The higher the level

were welfare based, and hence

their own retirement.

Herein lie the roots of the

The situation was not much better

Singapore is a city-state without

retirement age of 62 introduced

feminisation of poverty among

for women of this generation

natural resources apart from its

in 1999, employers prefer to retire

elderly women as well as their

even if they did work in the labour

population. The nation is committed

their worker between the ages of 55

marginalisation from mainstream

force. Under the CPF, employees

therefore to nurturing its human

and 60 to save on seniority pay and

society - a trend common in many

and employers make monthly

capital to its fullest potential. With

to refresh their staff with younger,

parts of the world. They are the

contributions to the worker's

education, the young are groomed to

better qualified workers. It has been

"invisible" women of our time.

fund in a ratio determined by the

make high value-added contributions

found in the Singapore experience

Most women from this cohort

government. The lower the level

to the economic productivity of

that the lower the level of education,

would have gone on to work in the

of one's education, the smaller

the nation. With rapidly changing

especially among women, the lower

emphasis through economic

the propensity for upgrading of skills,

informal sector or were self-employed,

the quantum of the savings and

or as was common at the time,

the smaller the nest-egg for old

restructuring from manufacturing

even if it is provided. This further

became full-time homemakers.

age. Generally also, the higher

to information technology, and now

reduces their chances of returning

These women did not have their

the age of the worker, the lower

to pharmaceuticals, biotechnology

to the workforce.

economic activity, both in the home

the ratio of retirement contribution

and the creative arts, the content

and outside, recorded in national

made by the employer, resulting

of the country's educational system

income accounts. They therefore

in little savings of their own, if any.

as well as the working environment

in education in terms of the provision

could not make contributions to

Thus, they too became dependent

experience continuous transformation.

of adult literacy and in the upgrading

the CPF. In their retirement, these

in their old age.

women have had to depend on

Singapore is ahead of many countries

of skills, but relative to the overall In such an environment, older

needs of the older woman, the

the inter-generational transfers of

The question then is this: Is there

workers, especially women with little

efforts often seem token. And the

savings from the younger working

hope for improving the lot of older

or no education become redundant

impact, as in most countries, is also

cohorts through transfers within the

women in terms of the workplace

at an ever-faster pace with negligible

marginal. The current scenario

family to maintain them in their old

- that is, is there hope of making

potential of finding employment

seems therefore set in stone and

age. When in dire straits because

them economically contributing

or re-employment. The labour force

fossilised. These women have to

of lack of familial support, those

members of society? The answer

participation rate for both men and

continue to depend on transfer of

who are fortunate receive support

again is not promising. The odds

women has been falling steadily in

funds from other sources into the

from volunteer charitable institutions

are stacked against them.

Singapore for those aged 65 years

future. With declining dependency

and above. Despite the mandatory

ratios, increasing migration of the

and the State.


young and growth of nuclear families,

to take time off from work to raise

greater reliance has now to be placed

families and struggle between work

on the generosity of voluntary NGOs

and home. Returning to work after a

and on the State than on families.

few years of leave is often problematic.

Given Singapore's commitment to a

Under these circumstances, although

non-welfare philosophy, there has to

the educational standing of women

be heavy dependence on non-official

in Singapore is far higher than in the

sources of support.

past, their relatively lower workforce participation rate, the greater part of


As John Nasbitt puts it in his latest

which is at lower levels of employment,

book. High Tech, High Touch (2004),

means that they generate lower

technological development enhances

levels of savings for themselves

some lives, but diminishes or destroys

than is warranted by their educational

others. The older generations,

attainments. Their personal retirement

particularly women, fall into the latter

funds are therefore not being maximised

category. On the surface, it would

to their full deserved potential. Their

appear that the three tier structured

financial dependency on others in their

society, which is free of gender bias,

third phase of life is therefore likely to

will benefit future generations of

continue, as for their older counterparts,

women as much as it does the men.

although to a lesser degree.

But the reality is different. It is true

Education, work and retirement need to be integrated and made valid in all phases of life.

that enrolments ratios for women

Given the new structure of society,

are already on par with those of men

with its rapidly aging population, it is

at all levels of education. However,

evident that a rigid three-tier structure

this is not reflected in the workforce,

is no longer valid. It is time for change

where men continue to dominate,

towards a society without boundaries.

particularly at higher levels of

Education, work and retirement need

employment. Women continue

to be integrated and made valid in all


phases of life, so that all levels of

and creativity are all buzz words that

the population can participate fully

distance themselves from thoughts

in the well-being and mainstream

of structured retirement. One can

of the economy.

only wait with patience for the day when work in the informal sector

Singapore is very aware of the

and at home as homemakers will

trends. Education is slowly losing

be considered worthy of inclusion

its status as the prerogative of only

in national income statistics.

the young. Resources are being

Their omission diminishes the true

increasingly invested in life-long

value of women as "economically

learning, education for mature

contributing members" of society.

The writer: Rosy Nakhooda is a development economist and a Fellow of the United Nations Asian Institute of Economic Development and Planning. She started her career as an economist in Bank Negara Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, before returning to Singapore to work as a development economist at the Economic Planning Unit, Ministry of Finance and the Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development, a regional ministerial organisation. She has held positions as writer at the Asian Chemical News and editorial researcher at Readers Digest. She has served as president of the University Women's Association, Singapore, and on the board of SCWO.

Resident U e m p l o y m e n t Rate 20 1—

Legend • Female • Male 1990

students, facilities for educational upgrading at all levels, especially

With declining workforces, every

universal literacy in IT, and the

effort must be made to develop the

nurturing of the creative arts. Age

nation's human capital to full potential,

is no longer a criterion for learning.

• Female • Male 2000


including the older generations of


women. With a highly sophisticated The rigid definition of work as

health care system in place in Singapore,

nine to five paid employment is

the aged are not only living longer

everywhere giving way to more

but also healthier. They constitute a

flexible arrangements, with greater

growing pool of latent untapped human

recognition of the needs of families

resources and assets that are currently

as integral elements of the working

grossly under-utilised and indeed,

environment. Further increases in

under-valued. Their neglect can

the mandatory retirement age, say

potentially invalidate or negate much

up to 70 as in the European Union,

of the high value-added investments

will further strengthen the situation.

lavished on the diminishing pool of

Self-employment, entrepreneurship

younger generations. •


2000 2000 1990 1990



Source: Singapore Department of Statistics



55 & Ovei

^tfMf by Sakina Yusuf Kagda






^^3 • i4r




Breast cancer strikes about eight

Doctors recommend regular self

I resisted for a few years before

compared with the certainty of all the

women in 100 in Singapore. It is

examinations from ages 20,

finally giving in, defeated by hot flushes,

other things afflicting me, it seemed

a myth that it is solely a woman's

with clinical examinations every

hot temper, memory loss, bone loss,

worth the risk. And anyway, I might

disease. Men also can have breast

three years between ages 20 and 39.

hair loss, loss of sleep and sexual

just otherwise die of a heart attack!

Thereafter there should be checkups

drive, vaginal dryness, dry skin, mood

every one or two years to compare

swings, anxiety and depression.

cancer, but the incidence and rate of mortality in men is very low.

against a baseline mammogram

Years later, I would read in the 25 June 2003 issue of the Journal of

There is no answer to the question

taken at 40. A personal calendar is

Before starting on a course of

the American Medical Association

of how women get it and why.

a good idea, and it is also important

conjugated estrogen, I had a long

that: "Hormone therapy is linked to

What w e know is that if not

to note that eight out of ten lumps

talk with my gynaecologist, who

increased risk of breast cancers,

discovered early and treated, breast

detected are not cancerous.

assured me that HRT was very

later diagnosis, and more abnormal

effective in alleviating the symptoms


cancer can lead to great distress, and can endanger life since it can

I was not so lucky.

of menopause. That was in I994.

spread very easily to other organs.

Blissfully unaware that this new

It is the leading cause of death

In 1988, as I was struggling to

Did HRT give me relief? Yes, but

finding would come in 2003,

for women aged 40 to 55 years.

cope with all the classic symptoms

there was one caveat. There was

I merrily consumed Premarin for

However, if detected and treated

of menopause, I was told to start

risk of breast cancer, which I was

six years. My last prescription was

early, the five-year survival rate is 96%.

hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

assured would be minuscule,

dated 24 August 2000.

I felt like I had been sentenced. And like a sentenced person, I withdrew into myself, and became a zombie in a prison of my own making.

During this time, I was meticulous

news to me gently. But when I asked

howled when my husband came in

about breast examinations and

about the long faces, my son blurted

to help me out of the room.

mammograms. Rightly or wrongly,

out: " M o m , you have breast cancer."

I associate breasts with femininity

Surgery was indicated and it was

and beauty. I was blessed with

I felt like I had been sentenced. And

scheduled on my 61st birthday.

breasts of "large volume" - that is how

like a sentenced person, I withdrew

I had a lumpectomy of my left breast.

they are described in the medical reports.

into myself, and became a zombie

A mass of 425 grams was excised.

But big breasts mean big trouble

in a prison of my own making.

Its margins were clear of cancer

when you go for mammograms.

My family took over, arranged for

cells. No lymph nodes were excised.

So when I pleaded to have a breast

a biopsy, which was torture of the

What I have now is a full right breast,

scan instead of a mammogram in

first degree. Six times they poked

a 3/4-size left breast with a crescent-

October 2000,1 won. But the

my breast with an 8cm-long syringe,

shaped scar. Post-surgery treatment

doctor called me after receiving the

while my breast was compressed

consisted of aspiration of fluids from

results and told me I had to go for a

into a 5cm space between two

the ducts in the breast - think of your

mammogram - and it was bad news.

plastic plates. There was no

breast treated as a pin-cushion.

anaesthesia, and it took two hours. There are three doctors in my family,

I managed to keep my composure

Follow-up treatment took the form

and they were planning to break the

throughout the procedure, but

of adjuvant radiotherapy. Thirty-three


sessions, five days a week, for

is basically an anti estrogen agent. It

Breast Cancer in S i n g a p o r e

six-and-a-half weeks.

prevents production of estrogen, which

Incidence rate OOO.OOO/year}

I am told is the fodder for breast cancer. What did I get at the end of it? Hopefully, destruction of all cancer

And me? Good fodder for wrinkles.

cells, and second-degree burns

I can deal with wrinkles. •

on my breast, which took a month to heal. There were other side effects like depression, fatigue, even permanent pigmentation and scarring. Radiation therapy can also cause inflammation of tissues and organs in and around the radiated site and a decrease in the number of white blood cells (which help protect the body against infection). For almost four years now, I have been taking Tamoxifen citrate, which

150 -

The writer: Sakina YusufKagda is a dynamic community actiyist who has served in many organisations including the Haig Girls' School Advisory Committee. Joo Chiat Community Club, and the Young Women Muslim Association. She was a founder member of the Society of Singapore Writers and has published three books. In 1987, she was awarded the Iqbal Centenary Commemoration Medal by the Government of Pakistan for her literary work. As a business woman. Sakina was company director of Central Spicers Pte Ltd until her retirement in 1990. She currently serves on the Board of the SCWO and is also a certified yoga teacher.

f - ! — I 1—I 1—I—I—I—I—I—l"~ 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 66 70 75 80 Source: Centre for Molecular Epidemiology

Looking Death in the Face by Audrey Chin

You may refuse to recognise her, but sooner or later, whether you are ready or not, she is there, staring you in the face.

After a certain age, death begins

words like "revital" and "rejuvene".

people you worked with or were

action - make a police report,

to peek around the door. Although

One day, you discover that,

in school with you, and finally

hide, or turn around and look

you don't quite know her name,

notwithstanding the stuff in the

even pictures of people a whole

the stalker in the face. Since the

you notice her. It is harder to wake

bottles, you have lost your jaw line.

generation younger than yourself.

police do not usually "interfere"

up with the birds after pulling an

The short walk uphill to the corner

Death is making her presence felt

in personal matters, and since

all nighter at work or a weekend

shop seems to lengthen each week.

with a vengeance now. You may

being stalked by death is more

of carousing. Carbs, proteins and

You need a whole day to recover

refuse to recognise her, but sooner

than anything else an intimate affair,

refined sugars more easily make

from trysts with the significant

or later, whether you are ready or

the first is ruled out. All the police

themselves felt in all the wrong

other, and curiously, they seem

not, she is there, staring you in the

can do is issue a certificate after

places. You and your face no longer

much less interesting than before.

face. And, you have no choice but

the event. Hiding doesn't work

pass for sweet young things and

After a while, you even begin to

to say her name.

either. It postpones but cannot

cute no longer gets you out of the

wish that the significant other

messes you get yourself into.

would exhibit less "interest"!

avoid the final inevitable encounter. I have become a woman of a "certain

That leaves confrontation. This

age", and morbid as it may sound,

is not usually advised in cases of

I have begun to feel death stalking me.

stalking. When badly managed,

With each birthday, death becomes

Without noticing it, you begin

more forward. Good face days

to scan the obituaries. Pictures

become fewer and farther apart.

of people you know appear with

Now, when plagued by a stalker,

But since we're dealing with the

Your skin care bottles begin to sport

increasing frequency, then those of

there are three possible courses of

subject at hand, why ever not?

the consequences have been fatal.

I don't have a choice about meeting death, but in the process, I am going to cram in as much living and growing as I can.

On that reckless note, I have recently

dying are all one thing happening

adolescence to now, the possibilities

embarked on a project which is likely

side by side; every step bringing

ahead of me are bedazzling enough to

to last the rest of my life. I have

us to our prime is also a step

give indigestion even to the glutton

decided to make my acquaintance

towards being done. Indeed, the

for change that I am!

with death, take a good hard

wise women have it that when one

look to see what there is to see.

thinks growth, development and

A life expectancy of 80.6 years is

Maybe I'll be scared witless and

change are done, then one is indeed

no guarantee that I will live to 80.6.

die. On the other hand, maybe

done with life. I don't have a choice

But, if I am still alive at 80.6 years

I'll learn something. Maybe in the

about meeting death, but in the

old, then statistically half of all the

process I'll finally understand what

process, I am going to cram in as

people 1 know are likely to have died.

Morrie Schwartz, whose dying was

much living and growing as I can.

I will thus be lonely in old age unless

with Morrie", actually meant when

How long will I have to live and grow

solitude and relationships with

he said, "Learn how to live and you'll

before I'm done? According to the

new and younger people.

know how to die; learn how to die

Department of Statistics, Singapore

and you'll know how to live."

women now have a life expectancy

Fact number 2 -1 will experience

of 80.6 years1. So give or take a few

decay as I walk towards death. Over

So what do I know about dying?

years, I'll set my seasons of learning,

time my body will weaken, my mind

And, how am I going to live on the

doing, resting and agitating to that

may go, my character and personality

basis of what I know?

timetable. For me, as a woman of

may fall apart. I can accept this

a "certain age", this implies almost

theoretically but having seen it happen

Fact Number 1 -1 began to die the

as much living going forward as I've

to my near and dear and experienced

day I was born and I will continue

already done from birth to now, and

its beginnings in my bones I would

dying until I'm done. Metaphysical,

that is a good long future. Considering

really rather not go through the

that one. It implies that living and

how much I've changed from

whole shebang if I can avoid it.

famously documented in "Tuesdays

I learn to seek happiness in both

I remember my grandmothers,

model of rectitude into a raging

Meantime, I will accept that my

both of them substantial women,

virago and finally absolute senility.

body, my mind and my character

who emitted a subtly musty smell.

may go, comforted by the lovely

It persisted and grew stronger with

There is a cure for hang-ups like

little Internet message a dear friend

each "big" birthday, presenting itself

mine in this regard. It is a meditation

sent me, and which in the spirit

even after numerous applications

practice in the Theravada

of such things, I now pass on:

of Johnson's talcum and 4711 eau

tradition in Thailand. The idea is

de cologne. My daughter and young

to contemplate my body as only

"Life should NOT be a journey

niece have confirmed that this "fat

a bag of flesh and bones which

to the grave with the intention of

old lady" smell exists a generation

ages, falls apart, dies, is buried,

arriving safely in an attractive and

later, on their more substantial great

rots and is eaten by maggots and

well preserved body, but rather to

aunts. I have substantial woman

then becomes nothing. From this

skid in sideways, chocolate in one

genes. Unless my vegetarian diet

meditation, I am supposed to learn

hand, a good wine in the other, body

does wonders in later life, I anticipate

that everything passes and my body

thoroughly used up, totally worn out and

that one day my grand-daughter,

is not me, it is illusory. Everything

screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

who is not yet a speck in anyone's

that happens to my body can thus

eye, is going to give me a hug and

be viewed with detachment.

wrinkle up her nose at that same smell, the smell of death.

Fact number 3 -1 won't be all gone when I'm gone; something remains.

I am not yet capable of such

Yes, even when the bag of bones and

detachment. Indeed, I am so

flesh has turned to nothing, parts of

This particular prospect horrifies

attached to my bag of flesh and

me will still abide. There is a certain

me, not to mention my fears of

bones that, despite years of

way of tilting the head, common to

re-living my mother's increasing

meditation practice, I have not

my husband and all his brothers,

absent-mindedness and my mother-

even tried to do this particular

that is said to come from their father.

in-law's change from a Confucian

meditation. Perhaps. In time.

My grandfather's strict and business

like parenting style has left its

ways taint the next generation and

But, age mellows; acquaintance over

mark on a whole generation of cousins

even the one after? I hope it will

time makes the strange familiar, the

brought up on daily timetables drafted

be the former, not the latter.

fearful welcome. By looking death

by my father and his siblings. At some

Life Expectancy of Women

in the face now, and over and over

stage my body may not occupy

Will the world I now live in have

again, perhaps, when the time comes,

physical space, but I will still be lodged

changed in some material way

it will be easier for me to answer her

in someone's mind space, my legacies

because I have lived? I hope so.

with the yes she demands. 1

may still sit in the material world.

Will I be able to leave programmes that do some good, writings that

It's up to me to shape the kind of

someone can be inspired by,

mind space that I leave behind.

a building to house someone?

Before leaving this space/time

Not at the moment. Not so far

continuum, I had better have cleared

as I can see. But, there is still as

all my debts monetary and emotional;

much life going forward as back.

asked everyone for forgiveness;

Perhaps, when the time comes,

forgiven everyone I can. Let me

I will have lived better than I've

leave, as far as possible, only good

lived before, learnt more, done

thoughts and good consequences.

more, be able to leave more that

Beyond that, what modes of thinking

is significant behind...

and being have I engendered in those I have been responsible for?

Today, right now, I am not yet ready

Will my children have discerning

to welcome Sister Death, hold her

minds, compassionate hearts and

in my arms, kiss her on the cheeks,

good habits, or will my imperfect

let her put her mouth to mine.

' Report presented by the Women's Desk of the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports at a Regional Meeting of National Machineries for Gender Equality in the Asian and Pacific Region in Seoul on November 2003.

-\ 1980


1 1990



1995 2000


Source: Singapore Statistics Board

The writer: Audrey Chin has written for as long as she can remember. Her first novel, "Learning to Fly", was shortlisted for the 2000 Singapore Literature Prize. Her latest work, "Singapore Women Re-Presented", written and co-edited with Constance Singam, was published in 2004. Audrey is also a full time investment professional and a committed contributor to civil society. She holds various degrees, including a Ph.D in Public Policy from the Rand Corporate, and a marriage certificate to Minh Hua with whom she parents three children.

I have noted three responses

both her knees totally replaced

or decrepit - she simply looks clean

whenever you ask any woman

at one go. She took four days to

and bright and alive and aware.

" H o w old are you?" Chances are,

stand up again, swam after eight

you will get one of the following

days when she had never swum

I am always amazed by her boundless

answers: Guess, how old do you

before or stepped into a swimming

energy and inquisitiveness as well

think I am? Do you really need

pool, and danced again exactly two

as her fantastic memory, even for

to know my age? Does it make a

months after her operation! Age has

telephone numbers. She never ever

difference? Seldom will you get

never been a barrier for her either!

says "I'm old already". In fact, she

a straight "I'm 55" type of answer!

She is comfortable with her head

usually scolds anyone for thinking

of silver hair, A dash of lipstick,

she's old, and I want to be just like

Except that I like to call a spade a

and she is ever ready for a party

her at 75 when I need to have my

spade and not a Big Spoon, and also

or a great time! In fact her greatest

knees totally replaced! •

more importantly, the number itself

delight is to say "I'm fully booked"

has never ever bothered me - in fact

which means her days are all full of

after 50, I have decided that every

something - whether it is Mahikari

year after that adds to the fact that

or Market or Making a nice dish

I am only getting more experienced,

for me to eat.

wiser and just greyer. Any number before 50 was just a record of how

Perhaps her greatest blessing is

long I have been living - and every

to just get on with life and to live it,

year after that, is to really savour life.

rather than worry about whether her skin is dry looking or whether she is

In fact my role model and greatest

clothed in the latest fashion - but that

heroine is my mother, who at 75 had

does not mean that she looks dowdy

The writer: Mrs Ivy Singh-Lim is well-known for her involvement in sports, community and charitable projects. She has been the President of Netball Singapore since 1992 and was elected President of the Asian Federation of Netball Associations in 1999. Ivy worked in various organisations and her family's property company before becoming a leisure farmer with her husband in Kranji at their farm, Bollywood veggies. Ivy is best recognised for her strong views on subjects such as sports, women's issues and caring for the less privileged.

Before looking forward, it is necessary to look back and acknowledge the powerful women who have fought to advance and raise the status of women in Singapore. The leaders and heroines of the women's movement have won many a battle, large and small, to pave the equal-rights road on which younger women like myself can make our way. To these women, I owe the very privileged position that I stand in today. We have no shortage of strong

passed on to the next generation,

in which w e are forced to re-define

female role models who make

it can easily be snuffed out

our relationships with each other

clear to the rest of us what w e

by ignorance and apathy.

and re-assess the roles that w e play.

need to achieve. Even today,

While Singaporean women today

A new paradigm has been formed,

gender boundaries are constantly

seemingly enjoy an unprecedented

leading to increased flexibility and

being re-drawn by activists on the

level of success, it is still far from

openness with the way identity

advocacy frontline, and women who

equal across the board and there

and gender are defined.

strive to have their work recognised

is much more work to be done.

fairly. The rigid barriers imposed on

On the other side of the coin,

us by a traditional Asian patriarchal

the possibilities for re-definition

society are, at the very least, being

In this millennium, w e live in

have generated more confusion and

nudged and slowly lifted away

a globalised world - a world

posed new questions. Added to that,

through their spirited efforts.

characterised by a heightened sense

in a world that is heavily structured,

of connectivity and communication.

organised and dependent on

Yet there is no reason to be

Traditional divides such as nation,

economic factors, the value of

complacent or overly comfortable

culture, race or gender are

women's work has been and will

about our current situation. The

increasingly made irrelevant by

continue to be a major influencer

torch of women's liberation has

the forces of global homogeneity.

in women's fight for equality.

been lit, and as it is lovingly

The globalised world is a new realm

The torch of womens liberation has been lit, and as it is lovingly passed on to the next generation, it can easily be snuffed out by ignorance and apathy.

The two conceptual issues that

that she has recently won. How can

Even worse, the anti-feminist

many women are starting to feel

will continue to confront women

she deal with so much and keep her

stance suggests that the modern

that having it all may not be as

and womanhood are arguably that

sense of self and her sanity?

woman has ventured too far from

wonderful as it is made out to be.

her traditional domain and is now

of identity and work. In other words, the identity of women is closely tied

Either/Or Dichotomy

to and evaluated by the work that

The post-feminist female is

suffering in consequence.

Ambitious career women have to confront issues of guilt over

represented in popular culture by

Can a woman really do it all? There

not devoting enough time to their

the Ally McBeals and the Carrie

are estimates that a single working

role as a homemaker, mother or

Today, women are able to achieve

Bradshaws: wildly independent and

mother clocks in an average of

wife, and the fear of missing out

and maintain a high level of

successful career women, yet still

75 hours of paid and unpaid work

on a fulfilled life that is centred in

independence and self-sufficiency

hopelessly unable to find complete

each week. Throw in a husband, an

the home. This is on top of the

through entering the workforce,

fulfilment in their personal lives.

extra baby or two, and the modern

competitive challenges of working

representing a battle won in women's

These female figures relate to an

woman starts to realise that there

in a traditionally male-dominated

liberation. We cook the bacon, and

either/or dichotomy, which is also a

are just not enough hours in a day

work environment.

we bring it home too. The role of

social critique of feminism: now that

to perform all the tasks expected

the modern woman has expanded

w e have advanced so far and got

of her. Burdened with the demands

Neither is it easy for the women

to occupy both the roles that she has

what w e wanted in the workplace,

of both work and home, and the

who opt for life in the home. The

traditionally held and the opportunities

why are w e still not happy?

need to hold it seamlessly together,

modem housewife is sometimes

they choose to do.

perceived as being less empowered,


reward this contribution. Economic

Added to which, current imagery

as perpetuating traditional gender

One of the solutions is to encourage

rewards such as retirement benefits

in the media persists in reinforcing

roles; and she often faces the realities

a revaluation of work. Female

or tax incentives still tend to be

the home as a women's domain.

of being home-bound, isolated, and

labour in the form of housework is

linked to paid employment.

financially dependent on her partner.

still left unrecognised in economic

Perhaps critics are right about women at home: the women's movement

terms and is under-valued as a

The rewards of being a

needs to recapture lost ground here.

The false implication is that as long

contribution to society. In 1995,

homemaker are less tangible, and

True female power must include

as she chooses one over the other,

the UN Development Programme's

often promoted as being found in

recognising and appreciating the

she is less than complete as a

(UNDP) Human Development Report

personal satisfaction and fulfilment.

women in our own homes.

woman. The either/or dichotomy

estimated that women's unpaid and

At present, women who contribute

is a real issue confronting women

underpaid labour was worth $11

at home have to believe that their

The next phase of feminism is to

who have to choose between two

trillion worldwide and $1.4 trillion

work brings only these rewards.

win proper recognition of women on

halves of a whole. With all the gains

in the United States alone1. While

As long as domestic work remains

their own terms, including recognition

made by women in the last 40

efforts have been made to account

invisible and unaccounted for,

and reward for traditionally unpaid

years, w e are still struggling to free

for housework as a part of national

and as long as it is perceived as

'women's work'. The equal valuation

ourselves from the traditional mindset

Gross Domestic Product (GDP),

inferior to waged work, women

of work regardless of whether it is

that links our identities as women

structural change is still far from

will continue to face this dilemma

done in the private or public domain

to the work that w e do at home.

being implemented to recognise and

of choice.

will bring about a more equitable

True female power must include recognising and appreciating the women in our own homes.

men are shackled by pressures to

that will be faced in the future.

be the provider for the household.

We need to re-address the issues

In 1994, a commendable effort was

over which women have fought

An equal valuation and appreciation

made to revise the Home Economic

so hard, in relation to our changing

of domestic work will certainly

syllabus to include both boys and

circumstances. The future offers the

even out current discrepancies in

girls, sending home the message

opportunity for women to achieve

society, offering real choices for women.

the categories of work. However,

that household duties are a shared

further progress and advancement,

this still does not address the

responsibility. Much more can be

both as individuals and collectively.

underlying ideology of domestic

done. Only when we can all rise

There has been no better time

work as being solely a woman's

above gender stereotypes and

than now to be a woman, and the

domain. As long as such a patriarchal

labels as a society, can we truly

future can only get better, provided

mindset persists, and women and

embrace life and all its offerings.

we keep working at it. •

men are assigned specific roles and hemmed in by societal expectations,

The world continues to change

neither can be fully liberated as

and evolve with the times, and the

individuals with individual choices.

challenges facing women now are

As much as women feel the burden

different from those faced in the

of nurturing the home and family,

past, as they are different from those


Graber. Lena and John Miller. Wages for Housework, in Dollars and Sense, Sep-Oct, 2002.

The writer: Debbie Chia is a recent Cultural Studies honours graduate from The University of Melbourne. Her research interests include translation studies, film and new media, HIV/AIDS and Asian diasporas. Due to family pressure, she is back in Singapore and will enter the work force early next year, but will continue to dream of doing a PhD in the future. She volunteers at the SCWO whenever she can. She is just beginning her career as a writer.

SCWO 2005

Incorporated on 21 March 1980, the Singapore Council of Women's Organisations (SCWO) is the national umbrella body of women's organisations in Singapore.

The SCWO seeks to serve women's organisations, clubs, and groups, and to act as a resource centre and platform for the exchange of information and discussion of issues relating to women, and to advance the status of women in Singapore. As at 1 January 2005, the SCWO had 48 Ordinary Members, 5 Associate Members and 1 friend of SCWO with a total membership of more than 150,000 women from all walks of life.

The SCWO Centre, located at 96 Waterloo Street, houses a library, a thrift shop, an IT Hub, a crisis centre for women and is the registered office of several member organisations. Its meeting and functions rooms and the friendly cafe serve as a meeting place for members and friends


ORDINARY MEMBERS American Women's Assoc rests among members and participates in community activities in Singapore to help members integrate with the local community. www.awasingapore.org

AWWA aims to pioneer and develop a comprehensive range of services for the disadvantaged from infancy to old age, by enhancing their well-being and empowering them with skills and confidence so as to maximise their potential to lead dignified and independent lives. www.awwa.org.sg

ASME establishes affiliations and accreditations with national, regional and international institutions to widen the business network contacts for members. Continuous business education and training are provided to develop members' supervisory, management and leadership skills. www.asme.org.sg

AWARE promotes the full participation of women in all areas of social life and aims to raise awareness about gender inequalities. Research and publications, and a reference library are available for public education. A helpline offers counselling for women in crisis. www.aware.org.sg

ANZA promotes interaction and provides opportunities for fellowship among Australians and New Zealanders in Singapore. It aims to foster goodwill between Australian and New Zealanders in Singapore with people of other nationalities. www.anza.org.sg

BOAW promotes equal opportunities and privileges for men and women through education programmes which foster the development of the individual to the service of humanity for unity and peace. www.bahai.org.sg

BMSG(S) is run by mothers who wish to share the benefits and rewards of natural feeding with other mothers. A team of trained and experienced counsellors are available to offer breastfeeding advice on the phone, supported by a team of medical advisors. www.breastfeeding.org.sg

BAS primarily looks after the interests of the members through monthly activities and various social events. www.britishassociation.org.sg

SBPWA promotes the interests of business and professional women through networking events, seminars, skills training and other activities. It also promotes friendship, cooperation and understanding among business and professional women around the world.

CWA organise social activities for members and fund-raising activities for various charities. Its main on-going project is the running of the Henderson Senior Citizens' Home.

CGSA promotes friendship and goodwill among alumni members through social, cultural, educational and recreational activities. It aims to develop a true spirit of loyalty and love for the Alma Mater, as well as foster the spirit of camaraderie among the races. www.crescent.edu.sg/cgsaa/index.htm

DEW provides women with the knowledge and ability to gain independence through financial management, networking opportunities and loan schemes. http://web.singnet.com.sg/~dewccl/

(S) provides a center for exchanging information on endometriosis and offers support and help with decision-making due to endometriosis. It educates the public and medical community about endometriosis. http://go.to/endometriosis-singapore

IWC aims to foster friendship and international understanding. It also encourages ideas of personal service.

IWC aims to foster friendship and international understanding. It also encourages ideas of personal service.

IWC aims to foster friendship and international understanding. It also encourages ideas of personal service. FBPW (S) promotes the interests of business and professional women and encourages them to realise their responsibilities to the local, regional and international communities. It provides training and further education opportunities as well as represents Singapore in the BPW international network.

FLAG is the first registered society of professional Filipino women working and living in Singapore. It aims to reach out, stay relevant and be resilient in this resolve.

IWF promotes the achievement of women across national and international boundaries by sharing knowledge and ideas, and providing a network of support. Through the Leadership Foundation, it helps prepare future generations of women leaders. www.iwforum.org.sg

Kamala Club is a social club which engages in and contributes to community, charitable and humanitarian work or services. FWA promotes and advances the standard of professionalism in the financial service industry with special emphasis on the role and development of women. Besides providing a networking platform through its events, it also offers mentorship programmes and supports charitable causes. www.fwasg.org

IWA endeavors to bring the Indian community together by giving them a taste of India whilst living in Singapore. It helps integrated first time residents in Singapore and participates in social, cultural, educational and philanthropic activities. www.iwasingapore.net

Lions Club aims to be the foremost voluntary welfare organisation in Singapore, dedicated to mobilising community resources in providing humanitarian services to the disadvantaged, locally and internationally. It promotes the awareness of civic, moral and environmental issues. http://singaporelions.org/

Majlis Pusat is an umbrella organisation of about 30 local political Malay organisations. It coordinates the Malay education, religious, cultural, welfare, social, economic and sports activities of its affiliated members. www.majlispusat.org.sg

etball Singapore represents the biggest women's sport in Singapore. It oversees the development of the game, and organises and hosts netball competitions and carnivals for both clubs and school teams. www.netball.or;:

NTUC Women's Committee acts as the voice for working women in the labour movement. It speaks for working women's concerns and aspirations, ensures the integration of women at all levels of decision-making in the trade union movement, and helps develop women leaders. • uc.org.sg

PAWIN aims to foster organising abilities and leadership qualities among women. It organises activities for women and promotes women's participation in community and national affairs.

Primetime facilitates networking and communication among women in Singapore, particularly between the local and foreign professional women's communities. It assists members in adapting to the multicultural aspects of life in Singapore. www.primetime.org.sg

Quota International aims to serve the country and community by promoting high ethical standards, emphasising the dignity of all useful occupations, developing good fellowship and friendship, and advancing ideals of righteousness, justice, international understanding and goodwill. www.quota.international.org

SMESA aims to foster a spirit of friendship and mutual co-operation among its members and to preserve the love for the Alma Mater. It renders assistance for the advancement of the school and provides facilities for domestic crafts, sports, games, debates, lectures and other literary entertainment. www.smesa.org.sg

SAPES aims to elevate the standards of all secretarial and administrative professionals. It enhances their skills, image and working relationships with Management through continuing education, programmes and publications. www.sapes.org.sg

SASW advances social work as a respected profession and promotes social work and social welfare on a national and international level. It also aims to enhance the welfare of social workers. .sasw.org.sg

SAWL aims t o increase awareness and encourage the enactment of the laws of Singapore for the advancement and protection of women and children. Free legal counseling is offered to members of public at 14 community centers. www.legalsawl .com

SBPWA promotes the interests of business and professional women through networking events, seminars, skills training and other activities. It also promotes friendship, cooperation and understanding among business and professional women around the world. www.sbpwa.org.sg



Chapter) , promotes the interests of business and professional women through networking events, seminars, skills training and other activities. It also promotes friendship, cooperation and understanding among business and professional women around the world. women-connect-asia.com/sbpwa

-JA promotes continuous education and training of nurses to raise the standards and methods of nursing. Clinical research and facilities for the postcertificate education of nurses are also promoted. www.sna.org.sg

SWA provides opportunities for women to help one another socially, educationally, culturally and to serve the community, especially the elderly. It promotes better health, livelihood and social status for women and children. www.singaporewomenassociation.org.sg

SAFV aims to prevent and reduce of the incidence of family violence in Singapore by promoting and providing direct therapeutic services for victims of violence. Direct rehabilitative services are available for perpetrators of violence. www.safv.corr: tional of Si Soroptimist is a vc . ce organisation committed to improving the lives of women and girls. It aims to help women achieve economic and political equality by serving as a global voice for women and providing outstanding leadership development opportunities for women www.soroptimist.org

NIFEM works to ensure the participation of women in all levels of development planning and practice, and acts as a catalyst within the UN system, supporting efforts that link the needs and concerns of women to al critical issues on the national, regional and global agendas. .. jnif emsingapore.org.sg

UWAS promotes understanding and friendship among university women of the world, irrespective of race, nationality, religion or political opinions. It encourages university women to fully apply their knowledge and skills in all levels of public life, nationally, regionally and worldwide. www.ifuw.org/singapore

Wicare provides encouragement and help for widows and their children through family activities and talks on practical topics such as single-parenting, financial management and self-care. It provides support group meetings, home visits and a network of counseling and family centres to help widows cope with their loss.

WBC provides for a systematic exchange of information, expertise, views, experiences and technology among women managers in Asia. It conducts seminars, workshops, training programmes, placement and counselling services to enhance women's personal and professional advancement. www.wbc.org.sg

GC WSCS aims to help women grow in the knowledge and experience of the Christian faith and to promote and ensure the effective implementation of the Church's plans and policies. Financial assistance is available to students from low income families. www.methodist.org.sg

WTC aims to improve the status of women in the travel industry through education, training and social services. www.wtcs.org.sg

, brings women into a community fellowship through which they may grow as Christians by faith, work and deed. It provides quality programmes, facilities and services to advance the development of women and girls in body, mind and spirit. www.ywca.org.sg

YWMA aims to strengthen the bonds of unity among Muslim Women and strives for the betterment of Muslims, particularly in religion, education and culture. It provides service and assistance to the less fortunate members of the society. www.ppis.ywma.com.sg

Zonta Club aims to improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health and professional status of women. It works for the advancement of understanding, peace and universal respect for human rights through a world fellowship of business executives and professionals.

NATE MEMBERS FemmE-Net Pte arts women who either run their own business or are employed as key executives in businesses. It provides business and skill development training as well as a business matching and referral service to trusted strategic business partners. www.FemmE-net.com

IMH promotes mental health among Singaporeans and provides personfocused services that are comprehensive, accessible and cost effective. It also undertakes research on mental health. www.imh.com.sg

Radin Mas Women and Ageing Centre is a service centre for women aged 40 to 55 years. The centre attends to the special needs of ageing women, developing solutions and strategies for dealing with these concerns and reaches out to these women, promoting necessary changes to prepare them for their later years.

SICCI-WIN seeks to promote entrepreneurship and the interest of business and professional ethnic Indian women locally. It provides a platform for Indian women of diverse backgrounds t o be heard and to network, and develops t h e professional growth of members through events, skills training and mentoring. www.sicci.com

SMCCI Women's Wing aims to bring about greater economic vibrancy and entrepreneurial excellence among Malay women by offering training programmes, research and publication projects, and networking opportunities. It hopes to grow a fund for educational grants, training subsidies, bursaries and scholarships. www.smcci.org.sg FRIEND OF SCWO The Tsao Foundation The Tsao Foundation seeks to promote healthy ageing and enhance the quality of life of older people in Singapore and the region. It provides direct community-based services for older people, education and training to caregivers, and other community-based support services. www.tsaofoundation.org



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Fazlin Abdullah

Carol Balhetchet

A 1?

n .UH

Debbie Chia



Lilian Chionh

Sakina Yusuf Kagda

Foo Kok Wan

Susie Kong

Rosalind Heng

Lai Ah Eng

^ ^ Audrey Chin



? ^ 6 ^

^ B %

Mrs Carmee Lim

Claire Lim

Monica Lim