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English Pages [489] Year 1988
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J.H. HOSPERS Professor of Semitic Languages and Literature and Archeology of the Near East in the University of Groningen
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LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Murtonen, A. Hebrew in its West Semitic setting: a comparative survey of non -Masoretic Hebrew dialects and traditions / by A. Murtonen. p. cm.-(Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics; 13) Contents: v. (2 ) A comparative lexicon ISBN 90-04-08064-3 I. Hebrew language-Dialects. 2. Hebrew language-Roots-Dictionaries. 3. Semitic languages. Northwest. 4. Comparative linguistics. I. Title. II. Series. PJ4855.M87 1988 492.4'7-dcI9 87-32287 CIP
ISSN 0081-8461 ISBN 90 04 08064 3
© Copyright 1988 by E.J. Brill. Leiden. Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or translated in any form. by print. photoprint. microfilm. microfiche or any other means without written permission from the publisher
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PAUL KAHLE in memoriam
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CONTENTS· Foreword. Addenda et Corrigenda Introductory Remarks
The List of Roots .
* For a provisional list of abbreviations see Part One, Section A, pp. xvii-xxv. A final list of abbreviations will be included in the concluding part of this work. Murtonen - 978-90-04-34829-5 Heruntergeladen von Brill.com01/07/2021 12:44:24PM via Universitat Leipzig
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FOREWORD Most of what is relevant for the present volume has been said in the foreword to the first volume (Section A). What remains is to call attention to and explain certain differences between the two volumes; a list of addenda and corrigenda in the first volume is also given on p. X. In the Sam entries, the signs marking the place and quality of the word accent (or stress) are different in this volume. For an acute accent on a short vowel, instead of the usual sign, e.g., /a/, a comma after the relevant vowel, e.g., /a,/ is used; similarly for an accentuated long vowel, instead of the tilde used in vol. 1, full stop after the accentuated vowel, e.g., /a./ is used. Reason for this change is primarily a typographical misunderstanding; the work being set in type from magnetic tape, distinction between ordinary and bolded signs was not always observed, including the bolded comma and full stop marking these accents vs. the ordinary ones. As I had reason to believe that most of the volume had been set in type by the time I received the first instalment of proofs and due to the large number of such misinterpreted signs I decided to leave them as printed in the proofs, as the context will enable the reader to make consistent distinction between them and the ordinary commas and full stops. Hebrew letters used as numerals are converted into italicized figures in this volume. Typescript for the entire work was finalized last November, but due to steadily increasing production costs no prospective dates of publication can be set; however, there is hope that sufficient finance will soon be secured for the production of the next volume, thanks especially to the noble efforts of Professor Harry M. Orlinsky. That volume will complete the lexicon, as the publisher considers the extent of Sections CDE too small to justify publishing them separately. Partly due to the increasing costs it was also decided to include the historical treatment in Parts Two and Three, as this made it possible to abbreviate the discussion considerably, so that there will be no Part Four. Melbourne, 21 January 1988
A. Murtonen
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ADDENDA & CORRIGENDA in Section A for: Foudation p. ix I. 12 read: Foundation for: YEIVIN p. xxx I. 1 read: YEIVIN for: Mobile p. 7 I. 37 read: mobile for: Tabel p. 61 I. 20 read: Table for: falling p. 92 I. 40 read: rising for: falling p. 93 I. 7 read: rising p. 95 I. 28 add: Cf. Arab /s&n/? p. 111 I. 24 add: Cf. Arab /gxs/, /gx$/. p. 116 I. 42 add: Root /yd&/? p. 119 I. 18 add: Root /zx/? cf. Arab /z'1). p. 121 I. 7 add: Cf. ESA Npr. for: 0Ap. 148 I. 17 read: r Ap. 163 I. 26 add: Cf. Ar~b /nyV/? for: /a:bi:ma"el/ p. 205 I. 40 read: /a:bi:ma'e1/ for: Tl::lIVN p. 221 I. 42 read: Tl~IVN for: "N'::l p. 228 I. 1 read: l'N'::l for: /wapsi::/ p. 244 I. 13 read: /wapsi:/ for: xabur/ p. 246 I. 50 read: /xabur/ for: /kalxu/ p. 272 I. 27 read: /ka1xu/ for: maifaq p. 285 I. 9 read: ~aHpa9 p. 291 I. 36 read: vuwvrop for: nikanwr for: Q' p. 3161. 27 read: 0' for: y p.318,I. 7 read: y, for: Gib. p. 322 I. 29 read: G ib. for: /ra&c// p. 326 I. 32 read: /ra&c/ for: ::l~IV p. 334 I. 49 read: ::lNlIV for: /fanxar(ay p. 335 I. 13 read: /fanxar(a)J for: /tudxalia 1 p. 338 I. 18 read: /tudxa1iaJl In addition, there are many instances of Greek entries with word final -Cf instead of the special symbol for it; this is due to the lack of the latter in my keyboard and some inconsistency on the part of the typesetter in substituting it which I often failed to notice in the proofs, apparently because of being used to seeing -Cf in that position too.
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INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Most of what is stated in the Introduction to Section A is applicable here also. There is no attempt to include all the material from unvocalized sources in Hebrew script, except where they offer definite clues for pronunciation, as in the case of the large Isaiah scroll from Qumran which is therefore quoted fairly completely; because of the frequency of reference, it is abbreviated simply as Is' in this volume. The material in Greek (and Latin) transcription, however, being very much smaller than for proper names, there could be no question of taking only samples of it. An attempt at complete inclusion of such material is therefore made in this section, based principally upon the Hatch-Redpath Concordance and the Index of Niese's edition of Josephus as well as my original copy of the second column of Origen's Hexapla included in the palimpsest Codex Ambr. 0 39; the printed edition and Bnmno's Studien were also consulted and occasional discrepancies compared with my facsimile photographs. For Latin, I relied mainly on Carl Siegfried's article in ZA W 4/ 1884 p. 34ff, on Die Aussprache des Hebraeischen bei Hieronymus (list of words p. 35-62); although I am aware that the list is not complete, as I have discovered a few additional items myself. However, as it seemed to me too onerous to go through the Hieronymian corpus or even the parts of it most likely to contain additional material probably for the sake of a small number of items unlikely to contain additional phonologically interesting material, I .usually contented myself with occasional checking of forms which seemed to me somehow suspect in Siegfried's list, which sometimes did produce interesting variants. For checking, I used Corpus Christianorum (Series Latina vols. LXXIII -LXXVIII, Turnholti 1963-70) for the works included in it, otherwise Migne. For the old Palestinian punctuation, use of publications more recent than my own has been more· selective than in Section A in so far as most words with incomplete punctuation have been disregarded. Again, for the simple Babylonian system of punctuation I decided to use primarily mss. showing the original vocalization only, without "corrections" by later hands, as such material, otherwise than for proper names, was sufficiently available; for the complicated systems, however, I used also secondarily repunctuated materials, as some of the variations are little used and occasionally show internal inconsistencies; the large hagiographa Ms. Ec 1 and sources in print were likewise used occasionally for forms not otherwise attested. As for Sam, I· hope that the material, meant to be complete (apart from some predictable suffixed forms) in Materials vol. II already, is now really so, after a last moment final revision with the help of Ben-I:Iayyim's concordance which (despite its computer-caused anomalies) proved well-nigh indispensable Murtonen - 978-90-04-34829-5 Heruntergeladen von Brill.com01/07/2021 12:44:24PM via Universitat Leipzig
in filling in the gaps; as implied in the Bibliography to Section A, parts 111:2 to V of his Literary and oral tradition had not been available to me before. The complete recorded text of the Pentateuch-as vol. III: 1 even before-was also often helpful in deciding how to normalize ambiguous cases of the rough phonetic transcription used in Materials vol. II; although-for reasons to be explained in Part Two of this work-I still cannot adopt his system of phonematization. Therefore I also still give locations for less common forms, particularly where SP differs from MT, although normally this is omitted, as also in other traditions for forms to be found in a concordance.
*** The sectional synopsis of Section A was necessary because of the exceptional nature of the material, to make it usable in the phonological part without need for special treatment there. In this section,such preliminary treatment of the material is not needed, apart from some comments on the list of roots.
COMMENTS ON THE LIST OF ROOTS As stated in the introduction to Section A, only such morphological items as show regular inflection by means of recognizable pre- and/or afformatives are included in the root system. For this reason, not only particles in which such inflection, apart from petrified remnants in some items of nominal or verbal origin is non-existent, but also pronouns and cardinal numerals under 100 are excluded, as the inflection of pronouns takes place by means of replacement morphs, and that of those numerals is deficient and syntactically largely anomalous. The root system is thus restricted to comprise verbs and nouns (substantive and adjective, as well as numerals for 100 and above, and numeral adjectives) only. In conformity with this approach, roots are here considered strictly as abstractions, without independent existence apart from the derivatives in which they are attested, and therefore also without independent "root meanings". For this reason also, homonymous roots are rarely distinguished on semantic grounds only, except where different origin for part of the attested forms is evident; the evidence of etymological equivalents in related languages or sources of borrowing is tacitly taken into account and will be discussed in Section Bb. It should be observed, however, that ours is a list of Hebrew roots, and it is possible that in some cases in related languages more than one root corresponds to one only of ours, by way of secondary assimilation in Hebrew or also secondary differentiation in the other languages concerned. On the other hand, for loan words borrowed from non-related languages (mainly
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Greek and Latin), a Hebrew root is also defined, but where little or no adaptation to Hebrew phonology has taken place, the form in the source language is used as the entry word. In the list of roots, again, numbering of items was deemed unnecessary, as the roots themselves are sufficiently brief and mutually distinctive to serve reference purposes conveniently. Transcription of roots in the list was also deemed unnecessary for (I believe) obvious reasons; in the comments on single entries and elsewhere, on the other hand, they are reproduced in transliteration for typographical convenience. 1 Repeatability of a root consonant (in the so-called II geminatae or continuable roots) is expressed by repetition of such a radical in brackets, e.g., (::1b.,; where some of the attested forms presuppose other kind of addition to the normal form, the additional element is likewise indicated in brackets. The bracketed characters are not taken into account in the determination of the alphabetical sequence of the roots. The same is the case with phonological alternatives, where some of the attested data exhibit such variation, indicated by the oblique line / separating it from the more original or more common alternative, e.g. C''O/VJ = C'W, variant spelling C·'O. Within roots, the verbal forms where attested are given first, even where they are evidently denominative, for the sake of uniformity. As etymologically relevant phonological issues will be discussed in Section Bb, comments on single roots, now following, concern incidental matters only, and few entries require any comment at all. /,d(d)/: the orthographical variant in the attested form is apparently incidental. /'dJk/: to my knowledge, the word is not known from other sources, and as the consonantism suggests non-Semitic origin, vocalization would be wholly conjectural. /,q/: the final vowel may represent case vowel in the source language. /,rnb/: the original root may have been shorter, variously expanded in different languages. /bbr/: the Greek form being orthographically closer, it is given as the entry word instead of the more original Latin one. /dkp/: the Sam form, not being parallelled elsewhere, may be of incidental phonetic origin. /zhr/: Ns HAZHARAT: kt, as well as syntax, presupposes pI. /xyp/: on the frequent kt var., the root could be /'yp/; but probably this is due to confusion with the unit of measure.
I Root final vowel is then indicated by -V ( = vowel), e.g., Ibn VI = l"Il::l, root internal one by the respective vowel letter, e.g., Iqwml = 0'1', Ibynl = p.
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/yxr/: the etymology being unclear, root could also be /xr/ and prototype /yaxur/. /ypt/: etymology obscure; but on normal word formation rules, this is the most plausible alternative. /kst/: etymology obscure again. /lbl/: or based on a Npr? /ltx/: apparently LW, involving phonetic shift. /mnx/: or /nx/? /mrxJwn/: like /ltx/. /n(c)c/: Ns NUCCU:N: meaning conjectural. /ptgl/: both meaning and etymology being obscure, /-1/ could be afformative. /qpc/: all Sam mss. accessible to me at present agree with B-CH's reading; my informant's recitation, however, can hardly reflect it, and as the passage is not particularly familiar to me, my perception of it can hardly have been influenced by expectation, either; the main SamT reading probably still presupposes /q/ as the 1st rad. too.
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Ns 'AB father; ancestor. Q /,b/, cs. /,by/, sf. =, /,byk/, /-kh/, /-hw/, I-wi, I-hi, /-nw/, /-kmh/; pI. /(h)'bwt/, sf. /'bwty/, /-ykh/, /-yw/, /-ynw/, /-ykmh/, /-yhmh/; /'btykm/ 8Q3 Ot 11:9 etc., /-tm/ (Isa 14:21). Sam /'a.b/, cs. /,a.bi/, (Gn 17:5) /eb/; sf. /,a.bi/, /,a.bek/, /,a:bi.yyu/, /-yya/, I-nul, /,a:bi:ki,mma/,/-i.ken/, /-i:yyi,mma/, /-i:y(y)i,nna/; pI. /'a.bot/, sf. /,a:bu.ti/, /-u.tek/, /-u.to/, /-u:ti.nu/, /-u:ti:ki,mma/, /-u:ti,mma/. Pal /'ab/ vi 19 etc., /'a 2b/ GS 440.93; sf. /'abi Y/ ivR 3 etc., /'a 2bi Ynu w/ MW 4 15; pI. /,aboWt/ vii 1 etc., sf. /(l)'boWteYnu w/ ix 14, /-ot-/ MW 7 22, /,boWtam/ xiR 27. Bab /(l)'ab/ Eb 5 Jd 17:10, cs. /,aby/ ib. 19:4; /(b')'ab/ TK 148 1, /-'ab/ Yv 58 MTblY 3: 1 etc.; sf. /'abiYka/ Eb 5 1S 2 :31 etc., /-iYk/ Eb 22 Ez 16:3, /-iYw/ A.M. 6:7 etc., /-iYhw/ Eb 5 Jd 16:31, /,biYhuw/ ib. 14:10, /'abiYha/ Ant 117 Jd 1:14 etc., /,biYham/ Eb 5 Jd 18:29, /-han/ TK 235 20; pI. /(ha)'aboWt/ Ant 812 Ot 18:8 (pm), Ea 12 Nm 36:1, cs. /(wl)'ab-/ TK 370 4; sf. /,botaYka/ Ea 12 Ot 10:22, /(w)'ab-/ ib. 28:64, /(w·la),Lb-/ Ka 8 Ex 13:11; /,boteYnuw/ Ea 12 Nm 36:3, /'Lb-/ Ka 5 Ot 5:3; /,·boWteYkam/ Ant 910 Ez 20:30 etc., /(I),abo W t-/ Ant 909 Ez 47:14, /(l)'abot-/ Ea 12 Ot 11 :9, /(wil)"bo Wt-/ Eb 22 Jr 25:5, /(w·l),abu W t-/! ib. 23:39; /,botam/ Ea 12 Lv 26:40, /"b-/ Eb 22 Jr 23:27(etc.), /(l)'ab-/ Ea 12 Ot 10:11, /(w·),aboWteYham/ Ant 908 Jr 19:4. G cs. apt Is 9:5 Chr (Field); sf. = Ps 89:27. Lat pI.sf. abotham Is 14:21 (Sp). Ns 'ABBA father, daddy. Bab /'aba h/ TK 10 19 etc., /-b+a h/ ib. 1306, /-ba'/ ib. 175 10 etc. NT appa Mk 14:36 etc. bbN Vi H to flourish. Pal nact /(l)h'a1biYb/ Ed 1 16. Ns 'IB shoot (of plant), flower. Pal pI.cs. /'iYby/, sf. I-be/hi Ed 1 12.16. Ns 'ABI:B ear (of corn); name ofa month. Q /,byb/ 8Q3 Ex 13:4 etc., pI. /'bybwt/ (TS 19:7). Sam /e.beb/, /(a:)e.-/! Pal /'abiYb/ GS 3 147 (etc.). Bab = TK 83 14ter etc., /,ab_-/ ib.84 11. Lat abib Ez 3:15 (Sp). "~N Vi to wander, go astray; to perish. Q af /,bd/, /-dh/; pref /ywbd/, f. /tw-/ Sir 41 :6; 1. /,w-/; pI. /y'bdw/ (Isa 60:12), /(w)ywb-/; nact /(w)'bwd/ Sir 41 :2, sf. /,wbdm/ lQ22 1 :10; nag pI. /(h),wbdym/. H af /h'byd/. D af /'bd/; pref /y'bd/, pI.sf. /wy'bdwm/. Sam af /'a:ba.da/, /'a:ba,dta/, /(w)a:bbadti,mma/, /'a:ba,dnu:/(!); pref /ya.bbad/, /ta.-/, /(w)ya:bba.du/, /ta:bba.don/; nact /'a.b(b)ad/; nag /'a.bed/. H/D af /'a,bbed/, /(w)a.bbed/; /,abbi,dta/, /(w)abbi,dti:/, /-idti,mma/(!); sf. /'abbi.dak/, /-dok/; pref /ta:bbi.du:/, I-doni, sf. /(w)ya:bbe:di,mma/; nact /'a,bbed/, /(l)a.bbed/, sf. /-a:bbi.du/; nag /ma.bbed/. Pal nag pI.f. /,owbdoWt/ MW 204; npt pI. /(ha1)'buwdiYm/ ib. 14 21. H af /he'biyd/ xiiiR6. D af ~N
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/,iYb+eYd/ Rev 11:24, /-b-/ ib. 24; pref /ta2 'bed/ x 23, /t'abed/ MW 22 27; sf. /t'a 2bdeYnw/(!) e 5; imp /,beYd/ MW 17 24; nag /me 2'bed/ Or A 29. Bab af /,abad/ TK 373 16 etc. (ib. 138 14 etc. ps), /-bad/ ib. 52 7(ps?); Eb lO Mic 4:9; /(w)'abda h/ Ant 325 Ez 37:11, /-b·dah/ Kb 4 ib., /-badah/ TK 184 14ps 97 9(ps?); /(w·),abadtam/ Ant 908 Jr 27:lO etc.; pref /yo'·bLd/(!) Kc 1 lob 3:3, f. /t'obad/ Ant 908 Jr 18:18; nag /'owbed/ TK 416 3, /-eYd/ ib.; f. /(ha)'obadat/ Ant 325 Ez 34:16; pI. /'owb·diYn/ TK 138 19, f. /,ob·doWt/ Eb 22 Jr 50:6. H af /(w)ha'abadti Y/ TK 453 16 etc.; sf. /ha'abiYdo w/ Ea 12 Dt 28:5l. D pref /t'ab·duwn/ TK 38117; sf. /way'abdem/ Ea 12 Dt 11 :4; nact /(l)'abed/ Yv 32 MGitt 8:9, /(wil)'abad/ TK 38123; nvb /'abed/ ib. 17; nag pI. /m·'ab·diYm/ Eb 22 Jr 23:l. G prefto~aoou Ps 49:1lps Hex. (Am aff. /abadat/.) Ns 'UBD(?) destruction. Pal /,owbed/ MW 18 3. Ns 'UBID(A)T loss, something lost. Q /'bdh/ (Z a 9:14). Sam / 'e:bi,dda/, cs. /-Ldat/. Pal sf. /,beYdata 2k/ vR 9. Bab /,·beda h/ TK 123 5 etc., /(w)'ab-/ ib. 106 6 etc.; pI. /'·beYdoWt/ 1244. Ns 'AB(A)DO:N perdition, hell. Q /(w),bdwn/. Pal /,abdown/ xiR 16. NT a~aoo(()v Rev 9:1l. Ns 'UBDAN destruction, ruin. Bab /'uwb·dan/ TK 453 19. to want, be willing (to).
Q af pI. /,bw/, /'bytm/; pref pI. /t'bw/. Sam af /,a·ba/, /'a:-
bi:ti,mma/(!); pref /ya.ba/, f. /ta.-/; /ta.bu:/. Pal af /(w)'abiytah/ x 6, /'abuw/ v 14. Bab af /'abah/ Ka 5 Dt 2:30 etc., /,abuw/ Eb 5 IS 15:9. Ns/a 'ABYO:N poor, needy. Q /'bywn/, pI. /-nym/, cs. /(w)'bywny/. Sam /'i,byon/, sf. /('u1)ibyu.nak/; pI.cs. /ibyu.ni:/. Pal pI. /(la)'ebyoWniYm/ e R 6 (etc.). Bab /'ibyown/ Ea 12 Dt 15:4 etc.; pI. /,LbyoWniYm/ Kc 1 Ps 12:6. G (OU)E~t(()V Ps 49:3 Hex. Lat ebion Is 25:4, pI. ebionim Jr 5:28 (Sgt). ?Ns 'ABYO:NAT caper-fruit. Lat abiona Ecel 12:5 (Sgt).
I;I:JN Vi to mourn, lament (ritually etc.); to wither, dry up.
Q af /,bl/, /-lh/, /(w),blw/. tD nag pI. /(h)mt'blym/. Sam tQ pref /(w)ye:ta.bal/, j-a:ba.lu/. Pal N af /(w)ne'baN MW 24 28. H af /he'balta2h/ vR 22. Bab af j'ab·lah/ Eb 22 Jr 23: lO. tD af jhit'abal Eb 5 IS 15:35 etc.; pref /wayit'ab·lu w/ Ant 444 Nm 14:39; nag jmit'abelj Eb 5 IS l6:l. Ns 'IBL (ritual) mourning. Q /'bl/, sf. /-lkf. Sam j'e.belj. Pal j(w)'ebel/ MW 21 25. Bab sf. /'iblam/ Ant 260 Jr 31 :13. G (XE)E~A Ps 35:14 Hex. Na 'ABIL mourning (ritually etc.). Q j'bl/, pI. /'bylymj, cs. /(l),byly/, sf. /(wl)'blyw/. Sam I'a.bel/. Pal j'abeYll MW 25 5. Bab j(k)'abell TK 279 14. l:JN Ns 'ABN stone. Q I'bn/; pI. j-nym/, cs. /-nyj, sf.(f.) /-nykj. Sam j'a.ben/; pI. /'a:ba.nemj, cs. /-ni:j, sf. /-noj, /,a:ba:ni.yya/. Pal j'eban/(?!) xiii 9, /'eben/ MW 4 16 etc.; pI. /'baniYm/ vii 1 etc., cs. /(b)'abneY/ MW 825 (etc.),
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/-a2b-/ Rev 8 10. Bab /(ba)'aban/ Eb 22 Ez 16 :40 etc.; pI. /,baniYm/ Ea 12 Dt 10:1 etc., /'ab-/ ib. 3, /(ha)'Lb-/ Ka 13 Ex 28:11 etc., /(w)'ab-/ TK 229 9, /,·b-/ ib. 30819, cs. /'abne Y/ ib. 3092, sf. /'banaYw/ ib. 308 15 etc. Lat aben Zch 5:7 (Sgt). Ns (pl.tantum) 'UBNAYM potter's wheel; delivery stones; female
genitals. ~l:lN
Q /(h)bnym/ (!IQHf 2:8). Sam /,a:ba.nem/ (!Ex 1:16). Lat abanim Jr 18:3 (Sgt). 'ABNI7 belt, sash. Q /'bn7/. Sam /'a:ba.ne7/, pI./-a:ni.7em/. Bab /(w·),abne7/ Ka 13 Ex 28:4 (etc.), /,ab·n-/ TK 1326 etc. los a~avlle(!) Ant. III 156.
O:lN Vt to feed, fatten.
Bab nag pI. /'owb·siYn/ A.M. 5:26. Ns 'UBU:S feeding bowl, manger; stable. Q /'bws/ (Isa 1:3). Bab /(ha)'eYbuws/ TK 304 13.
j:':lN Vrfl to entangle (o.s.), wrestle.
Sam pref /(w)ya.beq/; nact sf. /(b)a:be.qu/. Pal nag f. /'oWbeqet/ MW 12 11. N af /ne'baq/ GS 4 100; nact sf. /(b)heY'bqow/ xiv 7. II j:':lN Ns 'ABAQ dust, powder, soot. Q /(k)'bq/. Sam /'a.baq/. Pal /'a 2baq/ xiR 1. Bab /'abaq/ Ea 12 Dt 28:24 (!); /(wib)'-/ TK 4074; cs. /(b-)'abaq/ Yv 98 MSabb 12:5. Ns 'ABAQAT(?) powdered spice. Pal cs. /'ebqat/ MW 7 1. ':IN Vrfl H to soar up.
Pal pref f. /(w)t'abiYr/ MW 17 20. Ns 'IBR limb; wing, pinion. Q /,br/; ?pI.sf. /(w)'rbyh/(!trsp?) (TS 24:8). Pal /'ebe 2r/ c Ps 55:7, /'eYber/ MW 17 11 etc.; pI. /,ebariYm/ Or A 43, /'elb-/ Rev lOR 58; sf. /'ebreYk/(!) GS 18. Bab /(ha)'ebar/ Eb 22 Ez 17:3; /'eYbar/ A.M. 5:15 etc., /,eb-/ TK 23 lObis etc.; pI. /,ebariYm/ ib. 205 9 etc., /-iYn/ ib. 25 6 etc., /'eYbariYn/ ib. 131 9 etc.; cs. /,ibre Y/ ib. 75 8, /(fa)'iYb-/ ib. 298 8, /'iYb·-/ ib. 132 13; sf. /'eYbaraYha/ ib. 415 16. Ns 'IB(I)RA T wing; protection, refuge. Sam sf. /e:bi:ra.tu/. Pal sf. /'ebratak/ MW 620. Ns/a 'ABI(:)R young, robust animal; strong, robust. ~ Q pI. /'byrym/, cs. /-ry/, sf. /-ryw/. Sam /'a.ber/.Pal pI. /'biYriYm/ GS 1 40; cs. /(b)'abiYre Y/ x 5. 1':lN Ns 'ABRAK(?) high official, vizier. Sam /,a,bra,k/(!). G a~PllX "Hbr" M (25-57-79-500-551-615') cat ad Gn 41 :43. Lat abrech Gn 41 :43 (Sgt). 'IN Vp to gather, bind together.
Q nact /(l)'gwd/ (5Q13 2:7). Bab nact /(l)'egowd/ Yv 129 MSheb 8:3. N npt /(ha)ne'gad/ ib. 88 MMaas 1:5. Ns 'IGD bundle, bunch. Pal /'eged/ (!ms.) GS 3 96. Ns 'UGUDAT bunch; band. Q pI. /'gwdwt/. Sam cs. /'e:gi,ddatj. Pal j'guwdahj Kbr 12:11. Bab /'aguwdah/ TK 45718 etc., /-g-/ 458 17 etc. TlN Ns 'EGO:Z(?) nut. Pal /'gowz/ GS 2 54. Bab /,egowz/ Ant 483 MEduy 7:4, /(wfal)'eYg-/
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TK 26 1, /,e'6-/ 403 13; pI. /(wha)'eYgoWziYm/ ib. 394 3, /'e'6-owziYn/ 396 21. Ns 'AGAM reedy pond; marsh. Q /(l),gm/; pI. /(w)'gmym/, cs. /'gmy/. Sam pI. /'a:ga.mem/, sf. /'a:ga:mi:yyi,mma/. Pal pI.cs. /'a 2gme Y/ MW 10 14. Ns/a 'UGMA:N reed; hanging, limp (like reed)? Q /(w),gmn/; /(k)'wgmn/ (Is' 58 :5). Pal /,gma 2n/ xR 27. Lat agmon Is 19: 15 (Field). Ns 'AGAN bowl, basin. aPal pI. /(h)'gnt/ (Ard). Q pI. /(h)'gnwt/. Sam pI. /(b)iigga.not/. Bab pI. /(ba)'iiganoWt/ TK 178 II. G pI. ayavroe Is 22:24 e' (Thdt, Field). Lat pI. aganoth ib. Ns 'AGAS pear. Bab pI. /(ha),ii'6-asiYm/ Yv 123 MKil 1 :4. Ns 'AGAP band, horde, army. Q /'gp/. Bab pl.sf. /'iigiipaYw/ Ant 910 Ez 12:14, /'giipiiYh/(!) Ant 325 Ez 38:6. Vt to gather in. Sam pref /ta.ggar/. Pal H ps af /hoW'garu w/ Rev 8R 5(ct!). Bab pref /t'egor/ Ea 12 Dt 28:39. Ns 'AGURAT(?) (small) hire, (monetary) payment (?). Bab /(l')'iiguWriit/(!) Eb 5 IS 2:36. Ns 'ED subterranean water. Sam /(w)ed/ (Gn 2:6). Ns 'IDDA:N(?) bast. Bab /(ha)&iYdan/(!) A.M. 3:26. Vi D ps (?) to be red, ruddy. Sam npt pI. /ma:de,mmem/(!) Ex 25:5 39:34. Pal npt pI. /m'uwd+amiYm/ Rev 4:2 12. Ns 'ADAM man, human being; mankind. Q /'dm/. Sam /,a.dam/. Pal /'adam/ xR 15 etc., /-a 2m/ GS 3 6 etc.; /(b)a'dam/(!) xiii 33. Bab /,adam/ Ant 795 Gn 16:12 etc. G a()a~ Ps 31:20 (Hex) etc. Lat (a)adam Is 2:22 (etc.) (Sgt). Ns 'ADMAT earth, country, cultivable ground. Q /'dmh/, cs. /-mt/, sf. /-mtw/, /-mtkm/, /-mtm /. Sam /'a:da.ma/, cs. /-a.mat/, sf. /-a:ma.tak/, /-a:ma:ti,mmii/; pI. sf. /'a:da:mu:ti.nu/, j-i:ki,mmiij. Pal j'damahj xiiiR 23 etc., j(ha)'damaN MW 7 22. Bab j'damahj TK 218 6 etc., j(b)'iid-j ib. 8, j(ha)'iid-j Ea 12 Dt 14:2 etc., j(ha)'·-j Eb 22 Jr 25:5; j(ha)'Ldamah-j Ant 793 Gn 6:7 etc.; cs. j'iidmiitj Ant 910 Ez 12:19 etc., j'Ld-j Kb 4 Ez 37:12; sf. j'iid·mat·kaj Ea 12 Dt 28:4 etc.; j'iidmatiikaj ib. 28:18ps, j-atowj Ant 908 Jr 27: 11, j-iitkiimj ib.: 10. G pI. a()a~roe Ps 49: 12 (Hex, Field). Na 'ADUM(?) red, ruddy. Q j'dwmj. Sam j'a.demj (Gn 25:30 2°; = Ms.D), f. j'i,dmiij. Pal j'adowmj Rev 4:1R 1 etc., f. j'duwmahj MW 5 12; pI. sf. j-meYnuwj Or E 3. Bab j'adoWmj TK 253 16 etc., pI. j(fiib)'iiduWmiYmj ib. 304 2, j(fiiba)'iiduwmiYnj ib. 283 6. los a()ro~a Ant. II 3. Lat pI. adamim Zch 6:2 (Sgt). Na 'ADMO:NI: ruddy.
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Sam /'a:da:mu.ni:/ (Gn 25:25). Pal /'a 2dmo wni Y/ Rev 4:2 11; pI. /,dmowniYm/ viR 9. Na 'ADAMDAM reddish. Sam /'a:da,mdam/; f. /'a:damda.mit/, pl.f. /-mot/. Bab /,LdLm'dam/ Ka 17 Lv 13:42, /"dam'-/ TK 255 9, /,adam'-/ ib. 283 6bis, /,adam-/ 277 8 etc.; f. /'adamdamat/ ib. 18, /'adamd_amat/(!) ib. 269 lips, /·'ad-/(!!) ib. 267 6ps; pl.f. /,adamdamoWt/ ib. 304 I. Ns 'UDM red substance; precious stone (ruby?). Sam /'a.dem/ (Ex 28:17 39:10). Bab /(ba)'owdam/ A.M. 1:9. Ns/a 'UDUM(?) ruddy (substance). Sam /(a:)'e.dom/ (Gn 25:30 1°). l'N Ns 'ADN pedestal, base. Sam /(l)a.den/; pI. /,a:de.nem/, cs. /-ni:/, sf. /-no/, /'a:de:ni.yya/, /-i:yyi,mmaj. Bab pI. /'LdaniYm/ Ka 17 Ex 36:24bis etc., cs. /-d'ne Y/ ib., sf. /(w·)'Ld·neYham/ Ka 13 Ex 27:11 etc., /-dn-/ ib. 27:14(.16?) . Vrfl N to be magnificent; D(?} to magnify. Q D(?) pref sf. /(w)y'drhh/ (!Is" 42:21). Sam N ?pref 2. /ta.dar/ (!kt var. /thdr/; for /tryd/MT) Gn 27:40; nag /na:da.ri:/ Ex 15:6.11 (!kt varr. from /d'r/, /dr/). Pal N nag /ne'dari Y/ ix 4 etc., /-ar/ T-S H 16/9 R 30 etc. Ns 'ADR glory, praise. Pal /,eder/ xiiR 7. Ns 'ADART splendid garment, robe; splendour. Sam /(k)a:da.rat/. Pal /,a 2deret/ Rev 1225; sf. /,a 2dratak/ xii 9. Ns/a 'ADI:R magnificent, mighty, brave, hero. Q /,dyr/. Sam /a.der/, pI. /,a:di.rem/ (Ex 15:10). Pal /'adiYr/ x 3 etc., f. /,a 2deret/ xiv 14; pI. /'a 2di Yri Ym/ xiiR 21 etc., /,ad-/ GS 5 36, cs. /'a 2di Yre Y/ xiiR 24. G pl.sf.(!) a8roPTlIl, -TlEIl BS, -lEIl N, -Tlv A, -Elll jm(?)w; a80plElll h; 8roPTlIl t; be2 aliter. Ns 'ADAR name of a month. II Bab /,·dar/ Ant 483 MEduy 7:7, /(b-)'adar/ TK 1876. G a8ap 2Macc 15 :36. los a8ap(-) Ant. IV 327 etc.; a8Ep- XI 202. ?1W'N Ns?kindofbeam(?}. Q pI. /'dJkym/ TS 41 :16. :li1N Vrfl to love, desire. Q af /,hb/, 2.f. /'hbt/; sf. /'hbtykh/, /'hbwk/ (6Q Cnt 1:3); nact/ (l)'hbh/, /(wl),hwb/; nag /,whb/, sf. /-by/; pI. /'whbym/, cs. /-by/, sf. =, /-byh'/; npt pI. /,hwbym/! (6Q Cnt I :4). Sam af /,a.'eb/, f. /,a :'e.bat/; /'a:'i,bta:/; /(w)a :'ebti,mma/; sf. /,a :'e.bak/, /-bu/; pref /(w)ya.'eb/, sf. /ya:'e:ba.ni:/, /(w)ya:'e.ba:/; nact /'a:'e.ba:/, cs. /(mi:yy)a:'e.bat/, sf. /(b)a:'e:ba.tu/; nag /(w)a.'eb/; pI. /'a:'e.bem/, cs. /-bi/, sf. /(l)a:'e.bu/; npt f. /'a:'u.ba/. Pal af /,aha 2b/ Rev 4:2 13, /'ahbta/ viR 3, /-ti Y/ MW 7 8; pref sf. /'owhbem/ T-S H 16/9 R 21; nag /'owheb/ Rev 4a:1 16, pl.cs. /'ohbe Y/ MWPs 70:5, /(w)o'h-/(!) ib. 69:37, sf. /'owhaba/w/ GS 427, /-hbeYh/(!) MW 17 14, /(w) 'owhbeYk/ (!) ib. 20 24(sm?); npt /,ahuwb/ Ed 29 12 etc., pl.sf. /,huwbeYk/ MW 21 27. N af /ne'ehbu w/ vi I; npt pI. /(h)ne'hab[ym/ MW 14 I. Bab af /(w),ahabta/ Ea 12 Dt 11:1 etc., /(w),ahabtam/ ib. 10:19; sf. /,hebo w/ Eb 10 2S 12:24, /'ahbtiYk/ Ant 260 Jr 31 :3, (f.) /-hab-/ Eb 5 Jd 16:15; /,hebuwka/ TK 177 4; pref sf. /(wa),oh·behu w/ ib. 384 17; nact
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II ~ilN :l'N
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/(l)'iih·ba h / Ea 12 Dt 10:15 II :13, /(wiI),iihba h / ib. 10:12; nag /,oheb/ Eb 10 2S 13:4 (etc.), /'owheb/ TK 183 12 etc; pI.cs. /(w)'ohbeY/ Eb 10 Mic 3:2. D nag pI.sf.(f.) /m·'iih·bayik/ Jr 22:20ps. G pref sf. om:aPll0l) Hos II: I (86); imp pI. apol) Ps 31 :24 Hex. Ns 'AHB love, desire, lust. Pal /,ahab/ xR 12. Bab pI. /(ba)'iihabiYm/ TK 54 16 etc. Ns 'AHBAT =. Q sf. /(b)'hbtyw/(!Is' 63:9). Pal /(wb)a/ha 2ba2h/ GS 1 17, /(l)'ahba 2h/ MW 11 7; cs. /,ahba 2t/ ib. 19 I, /,a 2h-/ ib. Jr 2:2, /'a 2hbat/ Or ell, /(b)'eh-/ xiR 28; sf. /'ahbata 2k/ vR I, /(wme)ha 2btak/(!) Or S 10. Bab /,iihba h/ TK 194 I2bis, /-h'b-/ ib. 400 13; cs. /(w)'iihbiit/ Ant 260 Jr 31 :3. Vi lead nomadic life. Sam pref /(w)ya.'el/ (= Ms.D; BC: /-01/ = B-CH & Pet). Bab pref (cons) /wiiyii'·hiiI/ Ant 795 Gn 13:12, /wii+y-/ ib.:I8. Ns 'UHL tent. /'hl/, /(k)'whlj, sf. /,hlky/. Sam /'a.'ol/, (dir.) /'a:'u.la/, sf. /,a:'o.lu/; pI. /'a:'u.lem/, cs. /-u.li:j, sf. /-u.lek/, /-u:li:ki,mmii/, /-u:liyyi,mma/. Pal /,ohel/ xiiR 26 (etc.), /'owh-/ Ed 29 15, /(l)o'h-/(!) xiiR II, /(me)'ohl/ c Ps 52:7, sf. /'ohli Y/ GS 3 155, /,ahlo w/(!) ixR II, /,ahlam/ (!) MW 22 16; /(l)'a 2h-/ Rev 12 3; pI. /(b)'owhaliYm/ MW 11 4, cs. /'a2hle Y/(!) ib. 10 2lbis, /-ha 21-/ ib. Dn II :45, /(b)'ahle Y/ ib. 5 2, /,owhale Y/(!) Rev 4:1 8; sf. /'ohleYk/ MW 4 29, /,owh-/ Ed 5 17, /'owhlaYw/ ib., /(I)'ahleYhem/ Rev 128 (etc.), /(b)'ahle Yhe 2m/(!) MWPs 69:26. Bab /'ohiil/ TK 7 14 etc., /,owh-/ ib. 23 6 etc., (dir.) /(ha)'oh·la h/ Ka 2 Gn 18:6; sf. /(l),ohaliika/ Eb 5 Jd 19:9ps, /'uhlow/ TK 293 10 etc., /(l)uWh-/ ib. 9(, /'ahalo h/ Ant 795 Gn 13 :3sm); pI. /'owhaliYm/ TK 225 4 etc., /,oh-/ ib. 2262 etc., /'uh-/ ib. 4; /'owhaliYn/ ib. 2227 etc.; cs. /'u_h·1e Y/ Ant 789 Zch 12:7, /(me)'uh·le Y/ TK 37119; sf. /(l),uhleYkiim/ ib. 293 10 (etc.), /'uh·leYham/ Ea 12 Dt II :6. Ns 'AHIL ritual uncleanness due to sharing lodgings with a corpse. Bab /(b')'iihel/ TK 210 21 etc., /(w')'iiheYI/ Yv 23 MNzr 7:3. Ns 'AHLO:T aloes. G aAme Cnt 4:14; aAoll S. Ns 'O:B revenant(?). Q /'wb/, pI. /(h)'bwt/ (Is' 8:19 19:3 [pm; -'wb- sm bis]!). Sam /'o,b/, pI. /Ca:)'u.bot/. Pal /(k)'owb/ MW 10 9, pI. /,oboWt/ ib. 11 6. Bab /'owb/ Ant 812 Dt 18: 11(pm) etc.; pI. /(ha)'owboWt/ TK 375 9, /-oWbot/ ib. 12 etc., /-oboWt/ ib. 4076. Ns 'O:G a kind of berry (of Rhus coriaria?). Bab /(ha)'ow~/ TK 394 3. Ns 'U:D fire-brand. Q pI. /(h),wdym/. Vrfl. to wish, desire. Q (D?) af sf. /'wytyk/; pref f. /t'wh/. tQ/D pref /yt'wh/. Sam pref f. /ta.wwa:/. tQ af pI. /'e:ta.wwu:/, /(w)e:ta:wwi:ti,mma/; nag pI. /Ciim)me:ta.wwem/. Pal ntD af /ni Yt'a 2wwe Ytem/ viiR 5; nag /miYt'awwh/ d iiR 4, pI. /-'a2wwiYm/ MW 20 13. Bab D pref f. /ta'iiwa h/ Ea 12 Dt 14:26, /t·'-/ TK 1751. tD afpl. /hU·'ii+uwu w/(!) Ka 17 Nm 11:4. Ns 'IWY desire, lust.
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Pal /(b),ewwiY/(!ms.) GS 4 109. Ns'IWYAT =. Pal cs. /'ewwyyat/ MW 10 21. Ns 'AWAT =. Q cs. /,wt/. Sam cs. /'u.wwat/(!). Bab cs. /'awat/ Ant 812 Dt 18:6. Ns TA'WAT =. Q cs. /t'yt/ (lIsa 26:8). Sam /ta.wa/, /-wwa/, cs. /te:'u.wwat/(!). Pal /ta 2'wwa2h/ xiii 12, cs. /(be)ta'a 2wwa 2t/ ib. 16; /ta/a2wwat/ ib. 23, /-wwa 2t/ xiv 9. Bab /ta'Lwah-j Ka 17 Nm II :4. me Ns 'UWAZ(?) goose. Bab /(k·fal)'awwaz/ TK 423 3; pI. /"wwaziYn/ ib. 364 7, /waziYm/(!) A.M. 6:3. "'N Na/s 'IWI:L stupid (person). Pal /(w)'w_wiYI/(!) b 25, /(wke)'ewiYI/ Kbr 16:4; pI.cs. /'ewwiYlel/ ib. 19:10. Ns 'IWILT(?) stupidity; transgression. Pal pI.sf. /'iwloty / (?or sg.sf. /,iwolty I?) c Ps 38 :6. (?)C"'N Ns 'u :LAM(?) porch, front hall. Bab /,uwlam/ Ant 909 Ez 46:8 (etc.); pI. sf. /(w)'e1amaw/(!) Eb 10 Ez 40:22. G atAa~ IK 6:3 etc. (eA- 7:15 Nbego, :19 eghiv, :21 b'deghov; etc; atAav :19 a 2); pI. eAa~~etV IK 7:6 (3°), -~~et~ Ag, -~etv b; atAa~~etV BMN bfuvza 2a?, -~etV oc2e2, -~ llV (!) x, -... z; eAAa~~tv ta2 *, -~tv e; atAa~~rov Ez 40:22 (1"), -~rov 534, -~(~)ro9 O_Syh 46 C-198239'-403' 106' 544, -~eu 967 (T.M.); eAa~~rov 449; etc. Lat ulam Ez 40:24f (Sgt). l'N Ns 'O:N (uncanny) power, might; property; pain, injury. Q /'wn/, sf. /(l),wnmh/; pI. /,wnym/; /'wynym/ (!Sir 41 :2). Sam sf. /,u.ni/, /-nu/(Gn 35:18 49:3 Dt 21 :17 26:14). Pal /,own/(!) c Ps 36:4 41:7 etc.(; cs. GS 4 2), /,awwen/ viiR I etc., /,aw_an/(!) MWPs 55:4, /(w)a'w_an/(!) ib.:II; sf. /,ownam/ GS 4 4; pI.sf. /'owneYhem/ GS 368. Bab sf. /(b)'owniY/ TK 109 1. "N Vi to be( come) light, shine. Q af /,wr/; imp.f. /,wry/; nvb /(w),wr/. H af /h'yrwth/; pref /y'yr/; nact /(l)h'yr/; nag /m'yr/, pI.f. /-rwt/. Sam af /,or/. H af /(w)a:'i.ru:/; pref /ya.'er/, /ya:'i.ru:/; nact /(l)a.'er/. Pal N nact /(l)e'owr/ Ed 7 24; npt /(w)na'owr/ T-S H 16/9 R 31. H af /he Y'a 2rt[j d iR 18, /he'i Yru 2w/ Dtr Cb 8 Ps 77:19; pref /ya'iYr/ MW 2312 etc., /ta-/ ib. 710 etc.; imp /h'iYr/ e 17; nact /(l)ha'iYr/ MW 2130; nag /me'iYr/ GS 15, /(w)me Y'-/ e R 5. Bab pref /ya'iYr/ Eb 22 Ez 32:7, (is) /ya:'ar/ TK 193 8; /ta'iYru w/ ib. 17520 etc. G H pref 9aetp Ps 18:29 Hex. Ns 'O:R light. Q /,wr/, sf. /,wrkh/, (f.) /-rk/; /-rw/, /-rm/; ?pI. /(h)'wrym/ (Z a 5:18). Sam /,or/, / (a.)'or/(!). Pal /,owr/ iv 3 etc., sf. /'owrak/ d ii 2 etc., /(b)'owra 2k/ MW 5 16, (f.) /'owrek/ GS 2 76; /(l)'owrh+/(!) MW 8 29 etc. Bab /,owr/ Ant 793 Gn 1:3 etc. G sf. ropro lob 36 :30 (NobiI.; Field). Ns 'O:RAT =; plant sensitive to light (Malva rotundifolia; ?etc.). Q cs. /(w),wrt/; pI. /'wrwt/. Pal /'owrah/ T-S H 16/9 R 32 (etc.). Bab pI. /'owroWt/ TK 373 16. G pI. aptro9 2K 4:39 (yb aliter). Lat pI. oroth Is 26: 19 (Sgt).
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Ns 'U:Rjire. Q /'wr/. Bab /(ha)'uwr/ A.M. 3 :23 etc. Lat ur Is 31:9 etc., or ib. (Sgt). Ns MA'O:R lamp. luminary. Q /m'wr/, pI. /-rwt/. Sam /(am)ma.'or/, pI. /ma:'u.rot/. Pal /(l)ma'owr/ Ed 10 4, sf. /(w)m'owro w/ xR 2; pI. /m'owroWt/ GS 3 76, /(mi)ma/-/ xiiR 7. Bab /(ha)ma'owr/ A.M. 6:7 etc.; cs. /m·'-/ TK 256 19 etc.; pI.cs. /m·'o"re Y/ Eb 22 Ez 32:8. Lat maor Is 24:23 (Sgt). ?Ns (p1.tantum) 'U:RI:M oracular device. ?Q /(h)'wrym/ (Z a 5:18). Sam /(,a:),u.rem/, sf. /u.rek/. Pal /'uwriYm/ xivR 29. Bab sf. /(w·)'uwraYka/ Ka 1 Ot 33:8. ?Ns (compound?) 'U:RTUMfavourable decision(?). Q /,wrtwm/. Ns uTJP air; open. empty space. Bab /(b·),au"wer/(!) TK 2274 etc., /-eYr/ ib. 2281 etc.; /(l)'auweYr/ ib. 225 21 etc.; pI. sf. /(me)'auwweYraYw/ ib. 224 16 etc., /-uw-/ ib. 236 8 etc. mN Vrfl to agree. consent. Q pref /y'wt/. Sam (Q ps?) pref pI. /Xe:'uwwa.tu/, /ne:'u,wwat/(, /(?) Yv 109 MBer /ne.wwot/ var., cf. B-CH). Bab pref /(ja)iy'oWtu W 8:5. ?Ns 'O:T sign; miracle. aPal pI. /'tt/ (Lch). Q /'wt/; pI. /'wtwt/; /'tt/ Mur 1 Ex 4:28. Sam /'u.t/, /(,a:),o.t/(!); pI. /'u.tot/, sf. /,u:tu.ti:/, I-to/. Pal /'oWt/ Kbr 13:1 etc.; pI. /-to"t/ GS 1 57 etc. Bab /,o"t/ TK 70 16 etc., pI. /'OWtoWt/ ib. 9 etc., /(ha)'otot/ Ka 8 Ex 4:30, /-to"t/ Eb 5 IS 10:7, /'oWtiyoWt/ Yv 61 MYad 3:6; sf. /'ototaYw/ Ea 12 Ot 11 :3. ::lTN Ns 'UZUB hyssop. Sam /'i,zzob/. Pal /(b)'eYzowb/ T-S H 16/9 R 3 etc. Bab /'eYzowb/ TK 290 4bis, /,ez-/ ib. 5ter. Ns (compound) 'UZUBIO:N a special ("Greek") kind of hyssop. Bab j'eYzu"byo"n/(!) TK 2904. ~TN Vrfl depart. lose energy; flow. Sam af f. /'a:za.lat/. N pref f. /tiyya.zal/ (!kt /(w)t'zl/ mss.) Ot 32:2; nag pI. /na:ze.lem/ (!kt /n'zlym/ mss.) Ex 15:8. Pal aff. /'azla 2t/ e 15. TTN Vrfl ( + H) to listen. pay heed to. Q af /h'zyn/, /-nw/; pref /(w)y'zYn/; imp f. /h'zyny/ (!Is' 1:2); pI. /-nw/; /,zynw/ Is' 28:23pm, /(w)'-/ ib. 1 :10 8:9pm; pl.f. /h'zynh/; nact /(l)h'zyn/. Sam af /'a.zen/, /(w)a:zi,nta/; imp /'a:zi.na:/; pI. /-nu:/, f. /-na:j(!). Pal Q! pref /te'zown/ Rev 4:1R 10; nact /(we 21),zown/(!) d i 22. H imp /h'ziYna h /(!) Ed 10 6; nag /(w)ma 2'zi Yn/ xii 32. D! af j'i Yza 2nta 2h/ GS 464. Bab imp pI. /ha'aziYnu w/ TK 192 14. G imp pI. m;t;;tvou (!ms.) Ps 49:2 Hex. Lat imp pI. eezinu Joel 1:2 (Sgt). Ns 'UZN ear. Q /,wzn/, sf. /-nkh/, /-nkmh/; /'znkm/ Z a 2:2; pI. /,znym/, /'wz-/; cs. /'zny/, /(w),wz-/; sf. /(b)'zny/ (Is' 5:9); /,wzny/, /-yk/ (m. & f.), /-yw/. Sam /,e.zen/, sf. /i,znu/, /izni,mma/; pI. /(w)e:ze.nem/, cs. / (b)e.zni:/, sf. /(b)e:zni:ki,mmii/, /-i:yi,mma/; pI.II cs. /(b)e:ze.ni:/, sf. /-e:niyyi,mma/. Pal /'owzen/ vii 20 etc., sf. /'ozna 2k/ GS 120, /-neYnu w/ (?pI.) ib. etc.; pI. /'ozna 2ym/(!) c Ps 40:7, cs. /(b)'ozne Y/ Ed 93, sf. (f.) /'oznayk/ MW Ez 16:12; /'azneYnu w/(!) xR 26. Bab /'oziin/ TK 184
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21, /,owz-/ ib. 297 17 etc., sf. /'uwz·nka/ ib. 160 18, /(b-)'uwznow/ ib. 467 13, /,uznam/ ib. 185 2 etc.; pI. /,uwzanayyim/(!) ib. 154 10, /(w)'uznayim/ Ea 12 Dt 29:3, cs. /(b)'uzneY/ Ant 339 Jr 36:6 (etc.); sf. /(b),uznay/ Eb 5 Jd 17:2, /'uznaYw/ Ant 908 Jr 19:3. G sf. 01;;Vl Ps 49:5, -vax Ps 31:3 Hex. ?Ns 'IZIN(?) tool(?). Sam sf. /'i,znak/ (Dt 23: 14). Vrfl gird, arm (oneself). Q D pref sf. /"zrkh/; nag pI.cs. /m'zry;' tD imp pI. /ht'zrw/. Pal af /'azarta h/ Rev 8 16; pref /te'z+or/(!) MW Jr 1:17; imp /'zowr/ Or E 10. D nag /m'azer/ MW 184. tD pref /(w)tiYta'zer/(!) Ed 86. Bab D nag pI.cs. /m'azre Y/ Eb 10 Is 50:11. G pref sf. OU9E1;;oPTJVl Ps 18:40 Hex. D pref sf. oUE9a1;;EpTJVl Ps 30:12; nag sf. (aj..l)j..laa1;;EPTJVl 18:33 Hex. Ns 'IZO:R loinc/oth, girdle. Q /'zwr/. Pal 6:8: /(k)'eYzowr/ xiR 26. Ns 'AX brother; blood relative; friend, mate. aPal sf. /'xk/ (Ard); pI.sf. /'xy/(Y-Y). Q /,x/, sf. /,xyw/; /(b/I)'xyhw/ (Is' 3:6 41 :6); pI. sf. /,xykmh/ (Is' 66:5.20). Sam /&a./, /&a./, cs. /&a.'i:/; sf. =, /&a.yak/, /&a.'o/ (var. /'a.'o/), /&a:ya.nu/, /&a:ya:ki,mma/; pI. /&a.'em/, cs. /&a.'i:/(!); sf. /&a.'i:/, /-'ek/, /-'0/, /-yya/; /&a:'i.nu:/, /-'i:ki,mma/, /-yyi,mma/. Pal /,ax/ xiii 28 etc., sf. /(k)'axiYk/ e 20; pI. /'a2xi Ym/ xiv 26, /(k)'ax-/ MW 518, /,axeYm/(!ms.) GS 5 21, sf. /(l)'exa/w/ Ed 298. Bab /'ax/ TK 69 8 etc., cs. /'axi Y/ ib. 4 etc.; sf. /'axi Y/ ib. 188 16 etc., /-iYka/ Ka 13 Ex 28:1 etc., /-iYhuw/ Ant 280 Jr 34:9, /-iYuw/(!) TK 69 4 etc, /-iYw/ Ant 795 Gn 13: II etc., (3.pI.) /(l),axiYn/(!) TK 3876.8; pI. /'axiYm/ Ant 795 Gn 13:8, cs. /,LxeY/ Ka 6 Gn 42:6, sf. /'axay/ Eb 5 Jd 19:23 etc., /-aYka/ Ea 12 Dt 15:7 etc., /-aYw/ Ant 795 Gn 16:12 etc., /-eYnuw/ Yv 92 MBikk 3:3. G (xa)a Ps 35:14, a(-) 49:8 Hex. Ns 'AXO:T sister. Q /,xwt/, sf. /-wtw/, /-wtnw/ (orig. /-tnw/ Mur 1 Gn 34:30). Sam /&a.'ot/, sf. /&a:'u.ti:/, /-u.tek/,/-u.ta/, /-u:ta.nu:/, /-u:ti,mma/. Pal /'axoWt/ GS 129, sf. /'xoWti Y/ ib. 53 etc. Bab /'axoWt/ Eb 10 2S 13:1, cs. /,ax-/ ib.:4 etc .; sf. /'·xoWti Y/ TK 390 7, /'ax-/ ib. 1905; /'xoWt·ka/ ib. 38310 etc.; /'·xoWtek/ Eb 22 Ez 16:45 etc, /(wa),xotek/ ib.:46, /(l)'ax-/ ib.:52; /'xo:to w/ Eb 10 2S 13:2, /-oWt-/ TK 408 3 etc.; /'axoWto w/ ib. 69 10, /'·x -/ ib. 71 5mg etc.; /,xoWtah+/ ib. 1905 etc.; pI. sf. /,axiyoWtek/(!) Eb 22 Ez 16:52. Ns 'AX brazier, hearth. Bab /(ha)'ax/ Ant 339 Jr 36:22 etc. Ns 'UX ow/(?). Q pI. /'xymj. G (?TJXOU gn; 0' TJXWV 710) L' Wlj..l Is 13:21 710. Lat ohim (Field; oiim Sgf) ib . Vrfl N to unite, become one. Pal af pI. /ne'exadu w / Kbr 16:12 (ps). Vrfl N to unite, become like brothers. Pal nact /(l)heY'xoWt/(!) Rev 8:2 8, /(l)e'xwt/(!) f i 20; nag pI. /ne' +xym/ f iii 8. Bab D nag pI. /m·'axiYm/ TK 465 7.
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II i1nN Ns 'AXW(?) (growth, field of) reeds. Sam /(b)a.'u:/. G Gn 41:2.18 aXEl; aYX,- c; 1° EAEl k; lob 8:11 0' aXl (252 255-612). Lat ahu Gn 41:2 (Sgt). TMN Vt to grasp, seize; to hold. Q af /,xz/, f./-zh/; pI. sf. /-zwny/; pref f. /wt'xz/ (IQ 2S 20:9), pI. /y'xzwn/; nag /'wxz/, pI.cs. /-zy/. N af /n'xz/. Sam af /&a.'ez/; pref f. /ta.'ez/; sf. /ya:zza.mu:/; imp /(w)a.'ez/; nag f. /&a:'e.zat/ . Q ps npt /&a.az/ (!Nm 31 :30.47). N af /na:'e.zu:/; pref /(w)ya:'e.zu:/; imp /(w)a:'e.zu:/ (or Q?; kt /w'-/; npt /na.'ez/. Pal af sf. /(wa2)'xa2zu wm/ Rev 11:2R 31; imp /'exzuw/ GS 223; nact sf. /(b)'oxzak/ xii 1; nag /(h)'owxez/ xi 9; npt /'axuwz/ Rev 4:1R 21, pI. /(w)'xuwziYm/ GS 470. Naf /no'xazuw/ Kbr 20:3. Bab afsf. /'axaztiyu w/(!) TK 288 2; prefsf. /(Ja)'axzaYno w/(!) TK 288 3, /way'exzuwhw/(!) Eb 5 Jd 16:21; coh /'ox·za h/(!) TK 374 18; nact /(l)'exowz/ Yv 58 MTblY 3:1; nag /'owxez/ ib. etc., pI. /-x·ziYm/ TK 94 16, /-x·ziYn/ ib. 325 17; npt /'·xuwziYm/ Eb 22 Ez 41 :6. H nag pI. /(wi)mxiYziYn/(!) A.M. 3:22. Ns 'UXUZ(A)T real estate. Q cs. /(l),wxzt/, sf. /,xztw/. Sam /&a.zza/, cs. /-at/; sf. /,a:zza.tu/(!), zat/ xiv 26, /,x-/ GS 396. /&a:zzatki,mma/, /-a:ti,mma/. Pal cs. /'a 2xu W Bab /(l),axuzah/ TK 301 4; sf. /'axuzato w/ Ea 12 Nm 35:28, /(me)'x-/ Ant 909 Ez 46:18; /'axuWzatkam/ TK 30111bis etc., /-zatam/ ib. 14; /,·xuzatam/ Ant 909 Ez 46:16, /(me)'ax-/ ib.:18. Ns 'AXI:ZAT seizure, taking hold (of). Bab /'·xiYza h/ TK 238 11. ,nN Vrfl to be, stay behind; to follow after. aPal (D?) pref /t'xr/. Q D pref f. /t'xr/; nact sf. /(wl)'xrw /. tD nact /(l)ht'xr/. Sam pref 1. /(w)a.'er/. D(?) af /,a.er/; pref /ya.'er/, /ta.er/(!), /ta:'e.ru:/. Pal D af /'exa2r/ ixR4, /'eYx-/ xiiiR 28 (sm; /-xer/ pm, cf. /,iYxer/ Ms. Hunt. 448 ib.), /'e Yxa 2rtal/ MW 6 3, /-xruw/ d iiR 2; pref /ya/a 2xe Yruw/ xiiR 26(ps); nag /ma 2'axer/ ib. 3. Bab D pref /t·'axar/ TK 161 6 etc.; nag /(ha)m'axer/ ib. etc. D ps npt /(wh)m'uwxar/ (!corr. BIRYAT) improvement, cure; act of creation, portent; creature, (human) being.
,.,:1 II
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Q /bry'h/; pI. sf. /bry'wtyw/ (RB 68 p. 212:9). Sam /bi,rya/ (Nm 16:30). Pal /ba 2ri Y'ah/ xiR 16, /br-/ Ed 117; /biYryah/ d iiR 18, /_yyah / MW 96 /-a2yyaN xR 4, pI. /-yoWt/ Or C 2, sf. /-yoWta/w/ xiR 6. Bab /(ha)birya h/ Eb 10 2S 13:5 (etc.), /bir·yah/ TK 186 10; cs. /biYryyat/ ib.242 12 etc., sf. /(k')biryato w/ Ant 483 MEduy 6:9 (etc.), /biYr-/ TK 21912 (etc.), /(k)biYryyatah+/ ib. 281 6 etc.; pI. /biYryoWt/ ib. 21811. Ns BARU:T refreshment, health food. Pal sf. /(be)b_ru2W ti Y/ MW Ps 69:22. Vi it hails. Q af /(w)brd/. Ns BARAD hail. Q /brd/ (2Q Ex 9:28 etc.). Sam /ba.rad/. Pal /barad/ Rev 8 5 (etc.). Bab /barad/ Ka 8 Ex 9: 18 etc. Na BURU(:)D spotted(?). Sam pI. /(u)ba:ru.dem/. Lat pI. borodim Zch 6:3 (Sgt). Ns BIRI:T (self-) obligation, treaty, covenant. Q /bryt/; sf. /-ty/, /-tkmh/. Sam /be.ret/; sf. /be:ri.ti:/, /-tak/, /-tu/. Pal /be2ri Yt/ vii 32 etc., /ba2r-/ xiiiR 25 etc., /br-/ xiv 22 etc., /bir-/ ixR 9; sf. /be2ri Ytak/ x 20; /bri Yta 2k/ viiR 9, /-tak/ Or S 10, /-to w/ ib. C 2, /-tah+/ Rev 4:1 16. Bab /b'riYt/ Ant 795 Gn 15:18 etc., /br-/ Ea 12 IS II:l (etc.); sf. /b'riYti Y/ Ant 793 Gn 6:18 etc., /(wL)b·riYt·ka/ Ka 1 Dt 33:9, (f.) /(mi)b·riYtek/ Eb 22 Ez 16:61. G ~pt9 Ps 89:40, sf. -9t ib.:35 (etc.) Hex. Lat berith Gn 17:2 Jr II :3, br- Mal 2:4 (Sgt). Ns BARZIL iron. Q /brzl/. Sam /ba,rzel/. Pal /ba2rzel/ ivR 29 etc. Bab /bar·zLI/ Ant II7 Jd 1: 19, /-rzal/ Ea 12 Dt 28 :23 etc. Vrfl to pass through, flee. Q af pI. /brxw/; imp pI. =; sf. /-wh/ (!Is' 15:5); nact sf. /]bwrxw/ (lQI6:1); nag /bwrx/ (Is' 27:1). Sam af /ba.ra:/; pref /(w)yi,bra/, f. /(u)ti,-/; imp /be.ra:/; nact /(li,)bra:/; sf./(ba:)be:ra.k/, /-a.'u/ (var. /-bar-/ Mss.BD); nag /ba.ra:/, f. /ba:ra.t/. H nag /me,bri:/. Pal pref /(w)ybrexuw/(!) MW Dn 10:7; imp /ba 2ra2x/ GS 1 32 etc.; nag
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/(ha2)bo W reYx/ xiiR 28. H af /hibriYx/ GS 2 21. Bab pref (cons) f. /wii+tib'riix/ Ant 795 Gn 16:6; imp /b'rLx/ Ka 13 Nm 24:11; nag f. /boraxiit/ Ant 795 Gn 16:8ps. Na/s BARI:X slippery, fleeing, fugitive. Q pI. /bryxym/. Lat bari Is 27:1, pI. -ihim 43:14 (Sgt). Ns BA/IRI:X transverse bar, bolt. Q pl.cs. /bryxy/. Sam /(u)ba:ri./, var. /(web)ba.ry/ (!Ex 26:28); pI. /beryi.m/(!), cs. /be:ri.yyi:/, sf. /Cu:)be,ryo:/(!). Pal /ba2ri Yx/ xiiR 2lsm, /ber-/ ib.pm; pl.cs. /beriYxeY/ ib. 27, /br-/ Or E 46. Bab /b'riYx/ Eb 22 Jr 49:31. Vt (D) to bless, make fertile, prosperous .. to thank, (euph.) curse. aPal af l.sf. /brktk/ (Ard); npt /brk/ (Qadm VIII 23). Q npt /brwk/; (D) af /brk/; pref /ybrk/, /'brk/, /ybrkw/, (J.!) sf. /hbrknw/; (coh) /,brkh/, /nb-/; imp /brkw/; nact /(l)brk/, /(lh)-/ (!1QS 6:5); nag /mbrk/. tD pref /ytbrk/. Sam npt /ba.rok/. N af /(w)nibba:ra.ku/; pref /yibbii,rrak/ (Gn 48 :202°; Pet: / yeberrakj). H pref /(w)yii,brek/. (D) af /bii,rrek/, /berri,ktii:/, /(u)berri,kti:/, /-biirrekti,mmii/; sf. /biirre.kak/, /-e:ke.'u/ (!Gn 27:27; /-e.ku/ ib.:41), /(u)berri,ktek/, /-ikti.yyu/; pref /(w)ye:bii,rrek/, /te:-/, /(w)e:-/; /(u)ye:berre.ku/, /te:biirr-/; sf. /(w)ye:biirre:ka.ni:/, /-e.kak/, /-e:ke.'u/, /-e:ki,mma/; (f.) /te:biirre:ki,nni:/ (cf.Pet), /-e.kak/; 1. /(w)e:berrii.kak/, /-biirre:ke.'u/, /-berre:ki,mma/; imp /bii,rrek/, sf. /biirre:ka.ni:/; nact /bi,rrok/, /Cel)be,rrek/, sf. /(ba:)berru.ku/; nag pI. sf. /'embiirre.kek/. D ps npt /emba,rrak/ (Nm 22:6). tD af /(w)e:tbii,rrek/, /-iirre.ku/. Pal npt /baruwk/ x 14 etc., pI. /(mi)bruwkiYm/ viiR 16 (etc.). H af (f.) /(w)hiYbriYka h/ xiii 25. (D) af /be/ra 2k/ Ed 16 I; pref /ybarek/ GS 3 77, /tb-/ Ed 117 etc., /(w)nab-/(!) MW 2126, sf. /tba 2 rkeYnuw/ GS 3 137, /ybarkuwk/ ib. 129; imp /(w)barek/ MW 7 21, f. /baraky/(!) T-S H 16/9 R 9, pI. /barku w/ Rev 5R 8; sf. /_uwhuw/ x 26; nact /(wl)barek/ vii 23 (etc.); nag /mbarek/ Or E 36, /-a2r-/ MW 17 3; pI. /(ha)mbarkiYm/ ivR 12 (etc.). D ps af /bowrk/ MW 2417; pref /yboWrak/ GS 276 etc., /tb-/ Or A 37; npt /mb-/ MW 26 16, pI. /(h)mboWrkiYm/ ivR 12. tD pref /yitbarek/ MW 2420, /ttbarak/(!) ib. 21ps. Bab npt /baruwk/ Ea 12 Dt 28:3bis etc. H af sf. /(Jii)hiYbriYLah+/ TK 403 12; nag /(I)miib'riYk/ ib. 10. (D) af /beriiL/ TK 465 12, /-kta/ Ka 13 Nm 24:10, /-k-ti Y/ Ka 2 Gn 17:20, /(w·)beril·tiim/ Ka 8 Ex 12:32; sf. /beriik·ka/ Ea 12 Dt 15:6, /(w·)beYr·Lan/ TK 192 8 (etc.); pref /(wii)ybarek/ ib. 19 etc., /-r'kuw/ ib. 193 1, /n·barek/ Yv 109 MBer 7:4 etc., /nb-/ ib. etc.; sf. /yibariik'ka/ Ea 12 Dt 14:24 etc., /yb-/ ib.:29, /(wii)ybarLem/ TK 192 17 etc., /-kem/ ib. 1936; imp /barek-j(!) Ka 1 Dt 33:11; nact /(l)bariik/ Ea 12 Dt 27:12 etc., /(wil)barek/ ib. 10:8; nvb /b-/ ib. 15:4 etc.; nag /m·barek/ Yv 109 MBer 7:4, pI. /-r·kiYm/ ib., sf. /-r·kiiYka/ Ka 13 Nm 24:9. D ps npt f. /m·boriikLt·/(!) Ka I Dt 33: 13. G npt ~apot)x Ps 31 :22 etc.; (D) imp (ot) )~apEX 28:9 Hex. Lat npt baruch Ps 118:26 (Field). Ns BURK(?) knee. Q /bwrk/; pI. /-kym/; /brkym/, cs. /-y/. Sam pI. /Ciib)ba:ra.kem/ (Dt 28:35). Pal /berek/ xR 5, pI. sf. /birka 2y/ MW Dn 10:10. Bab pI. /birkiiyim/ Ant 909 Ez 47:4; /bLrkayLm/ Kc I lob 3:12ps; sf. /birkiiYha/ Eb 5 Jd 16: 19.
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Ns BARKAT blessing, fertilization, prosperity; gift; greeting, pact, peace. aPal /brkh/. Q =; sf. /(w)brkty/. Sam /ba:ra.ka/, cs. /-kat/ (also Dt 33:l3), sf. /ba:ra:ka.ti:/, /-rii,kti:/, /-re,ktak/, /(ka:)ba:re,ktu/; pI. /(iib)ba:ra.kot/. Pal /brakah/ xR 7 etc., /-a2h/ MW 3 19 etc., cs. /birka2t/ Kbr 22:10 etc., sf. /-atiY/ d i 15, /-a 2ta 2k/ viiR 17, /biYrkato w / ix 21; pI. /brakoWt/ e R 12, /(w)byrakoWt/(!) iv 1, cs. /birk-/ xiv 9 etc. Bab /b·rakah/ Ant 117 Jd 1 :15 etc., /-La h/ TK 1929, cs. /(w)birkiit/ ib. 451 14 etc., pI. /b·rakoWt/ ib. 11. Ns BIR(I)KAT pool, pond. aPal /brkh/ (Sil). Q /(h)brkh/, (3Q15 2:l3) /brk'/. Pal /briYkah/ GS 2 43. Ns BURRU:K lap. Sam sf. /birru.ki:/, /-ko/ (Gn 30:3 48:12). Ns ~UpcnlC1l tannery. Bab /(l)buwrs·qe Y/(!) A.M. 2:27. Vt (D) to penetrate, cut through. Bab D ps /m·b_owrac/ TK 41 12. Vrfl to flash, shine, become light. Pal af /bara2q/ xivR 23. H pref /ta 2bri Yq/ Ed 9 10. Ns BARAQ lightning. Q pI. /brqym/. Sam /ba.raq/, pI. /(u)ba:ra.qem/. Pal /(w)baraq/ MW 2224 (etc.); pI. /(ki)braqiYm/ ib. 61, /ber-/ xiiiR 19, cs. /braqe// Kbr 24:5. Bab /baraq/ Ant 816 Ez 1: l3. los ~apalC(o(J') Ant. V 201. Ns BARQUN(?) thorny plant (?). G pI. Jd 8:7 (a)~aplC1lvEtV B, -palCtVEtl! q; ~OplCOVVEtl! MNaeatbja kruyz(Eus), -VVEtV b2, -VEtl! ij*msa 2, -l!l!tl! c, -1!tJ.EtV x; ~aplCOI!I!EtV A; rell aliter; :16 ~apUlCTlVEtl! BAor; -UlCtV- iq, -alCav- MNmxyb 2 , -lC1lVbc, -lCtV- a, -lCaVEtV a2; ~OpOlCOVVEtl! u, -plCOVV- efjasz(Eus), -plClCOVh, -plCOV- j*k; rell aliter. Ns BURQAT(?) emerald or dark green beryl. Q /brqt/. Sam /(u)be:re.qat/ (!B-CH /wbarr-/). Ns BURO:J juniper. Q /brwf/, (Is' 41 :1955:13) /br'wJ/; pI. /brwJym/, sf. /-yw/. G ~paeu Is 41 :190' (Q 86 Syh); 60:l3 0' (86). Lat brais (!var. brati) Is 60:l3 (Field). Vrfl to cook, boil; to mature, ripen. Q D af /(w)bJIth/ (IQ Dt 16:7); nag pI. /mbJlym/. Sam H af /ibJi.lu/. D af /(u)beHi,ltii:/, /-ffe.lu:/; pref /te:bii,Hel/, /-iifJe.lu:/; imp /biiHe.lu/. D ps af (0 /biiHii.la:/; pref (f.) /te:bii,Hiil/; npt j'iimbii,Jfiil/. Bab af /bafii~Eb 10 JoeI4:l3. D af /biYJiil/ TK 145 10 etc.; pret /y·biijel/ ib., /tbii ell Ea 12 Dt 14:21,jy·biiJ-!uw / Ant 909 Ez 46:20 etc.; imp /biiJ-!u w/ T 1873; nact /(l)biiJiil/ Yv 95 MSabb 8:5, /-fel/ ib. 9:4; nag /m·biiJel/ TK 145 7 etc., /-eYI / ib. 5, pI. /(hii)m·biiJ-!iYm/ Ant 909 Ez 46:24. D ps af f. /buJala h/ TK 145 5 etc.(ps); preff. /tbuwJiil/ ib. 1 etc.; npt /m·buwJal/ ib. 17522 (etc.). Na BUJUL(f) boiled. Sam /(w)be.fol/ (Ex 12:9; B-CH /wbiH-/ = D nact), f. /'iifJe.lii:/ (Nm 6:19). Ns BUHU:L cooking.
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Bab /(Ui)bi Yfu wl/ TK 232 14. Ns TABfl:L cooked food, dish. Bab /tiibJi Yl/ A.M. 4:14. Ns BUJM balsam; perfume. Q /(h)bJm/, pI. /-mym/. Sam /ba.Jam/, pI. /be,Jmem/. Pal /boW$em/ MW 14 12 etc., /(k)bo wJe 2m/ Ed 39; pI. /b$miYm/(!) MW 7 2. Bab pI. /(hii)bsamiYm/ Yv 109 MBer 8:5 . Vt D to announce, proclaim (good news). Q pref /ybfrw/; nact /(l)bJr/; nag /mbfr/, f. I-rtf. Pal af /bi$a 2rty/(!) c Ps 40: 10, 1(w)bi!a2rw/(!) d iR 11; pret /yba$er/ MW 28, /ta2b$er/(!) ib.; nact /(le)ba2Jer/ xivR 30; nag /mba2$er/ GS 485, /ma 2b$er / MW 14 16. D ps af /buwJar/ d iR 7. tD af f. /nytba 2Jrh/(!) d iiR 8. Bab nag /(hii)mbiiJer/ Eb 5 IS 4:17. ?Ns BAJAR./lesh, meat; body; penis. Q /bJr/, sf. /(wm)bJrkh/, /bfrmJ. Sam /ba.far/, sf. /(mib)ba:Ja.ri:/; /baJa.rak/, /-ru/, I-raj; /(u)ba:Ja,rnu/(!), /(ba:)ba:Jarki,mma/, /ba:Ja:n,mma/. Pal /bafar/ ix 20 etc., /(w)baJa 2r/ vi 18 (etc.), /(h)ba 2Ja 2r/ Or A 13, /(mi)bfar1 vi 8, /b$r/(!) MW 18 I etc. Bab /baJar/ Ant 793 Gn 6:12 etc., /- iir/(!) Eb 10 Ez 36:26ps; cs. /b'$iir/ Ant 910 Jr 19:9 etc., /-J-/ Ka 2 Gn 17:23 etc.; sf. /b'$aro w/ Ant 483 MZeb 2:2 etc., /-J-/ ib.:3, /(bi)b$arah+/ TK 150 19 etc., /b·$aram/ ib. 1514, /(mi)b$-/ Ea 12 Dt 14:8; /b·$aran/ TK 116 1, /(bi)b-/ ib. 15020. Lat basar Ez 10:12, bosor ad Is 34:6, sf. basari ad Hos 9:12 (Sgt). Ns BAT a measure (of volume). Q /bt/. G lK 5:25 (!MT aliter) ~ate; ~Ee AMNZe-jvx(242; Thdt); ~a80)v (71); Ezr 7:22 (gn) ~a'to)v; ~a80)v Any; B(Nl°)h(k2°) aliter. los ~a't( ocr) Ant. VIII 57 etc. Lat beth Is 5: 10, bath Ez 45: 11 (Sgt). Ns BUTU:LAT young, unmarried woman; virgin; (coil.) population. Q /btwlh/, cs. /-It/, pI. /-Iwt/. Sam /be:tu.lii/, pI. /-Iot/. Pal /btuWla h / MW 19 19 (etc.); pI. /btuWloWt/ GS 5 38, /(w)ba2t-/ xR 6. Bab /b·tuWla h/ TK 421 8, /(hii)bt-/ ib. 4154 etc.; cs. /b·tuWliit/ Ant 908 Jr 18:13, /bt-/ Ant 260 Jr 31 :4. Lat bethula ad Is 7:14 (Sgt). Ns (pl.tantum) BUTU:LI:M (age, signs of) virginity. Q sf. /(b)btwlyh/ (Sir 42:10). Sam /be:tu.lem/, cs. /-li:;, sf. /(ba:)be:tu:li.yyii/. Bab sf. /b·tuWliiYha/ TK 420 11, /(bi)bt-/ ib. 10. Vt D to cut down. Bab af sf.(f.) /(w·)bit·quwk/ Eb 22 Ez 16:40. Vt (D) to divide, cut up. Sam af /ba,ttar/(, var. /ba.tar/) Gn 15:10; pref /(w)ye:ba,ttar/; nact /be,ttor/ Gn 15:10 (for /btwk/MT). Ns BITR(?) piece (cut off). Sam sf. /bi,tru/. Pal pI. /btariYm/ GS 440, sf. /btareYhem/ MW 11 19. Bab pl.cs. /bitre Y/ Ant 280 Jr 34:19, sf. /b·taraYw/ ib.:18. Ns BATR sweet odour, perfume (?). G a~~aeap Cnt 2: 17 A' (Field).
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l Vi to be high, eminent, exalted; to be arrogant, proud. Sam af /ga.'a:/. Pal af /ga 2'u w/ xiiR 27; pref /yig'eN Kbr 21 :2. Bab af /ga'u w/ Ant 909 Ez 47:5. Na GI'(E) proud. Q /g'h/. Pal /(w)ge'/ xiii 22, pI. /geY'iYm/ MW 10 23. Ns GI'AT pride. Q sf. /g'tw/ (Is' 16:6). Pal /ge'ah/ e 8, /g'ah/ Kbr 16:16. Ns GA'O:N eminence, majesty, splendour; pride. Q /g'wn/, sf. /-nk/, /-nw/. Sam /ga.'on/, sf. /ga:'u.nak/. Pal /(w)ga'own/ e 9 etc., (cs.) /g'-/ Ed 6 12 etc., /ge2 '-/ Rev 4:1 5; sf. /(bi)g'oWnak/(?) MW 8 10, /(w)ga 2'ownow/ GS 4 106, /g'oWneYnu w/ T-S H 16/9 R 12. Bab cs. /g·'own/ Eb 22 Ez 16:49 (etc.), sf. /(wi)g'oWno w/ ib. Jr 48:29, pI.(?)sf.(f.) /g·'oWnayik/ ib. Ez 16:56ps. Lat gaon Hos 5:5 etc. (Sgt). Ns GA'W(A)T =. Q /gwh/, /(b)g'wh/, cs. /g'wt/, sf. /-ty/, /-tw/. Sam sf. /ga:'u.tak/(, var. /ga.ttak/), /(web)ga:'u.tu/(, var. /-a.tuf). Pal /g'awweh/(!) vii 15, /ga 2'a2wwa h/ Kbr 19:12, cs. /-'wwa2t/ d i 7, sf. /ga 2' + wwatk/(!) MW 26 12. Bab /g'awah / TK 210 14, sf. /(wi)g'awato w/ Eb 22 Jr 48:29. G yaua(!) Ps 31 :24, sf. m)YTJoua9ro 46:4 Hex. Ns GU'U:T(?) =. Q /g'wt/, sf. /(w)g'wtw/. Pal /geY'uWt/ T-S H 16/9 R 31, sf. /-to w/ Rev 8 19. "Nl Vrfl to redeem, ransom, reclaim. Q af /g'l/, (Mur I Ex 6:6) /-lty/; sf. /-lmh/, /-ltykh/; nact /(l)g'wl/; nag /gw'l/, sf. /-lkh/, (f.) /-lky/, (Is' 60:16) /(w)gw'lk/; /-lyw/ (!Is' 44:6); /g'lnw/, /gw'-/; /gw'lkmh/; npt pI. /g'wlym/, cs. /-y/, sf. =. N nact /(l)hg'l/. Sam af /(u)ga.'el/, /ga:'e,lta:/, /-ti:/; pref /ye:ga.'el/, sf. /-a:'e:li,nnu/; nact /ga.'el/; nag =, /ga:l/ (cs.); sf. /ga:'e.lu/. N af /(u)nigga.l/; pref /yigga.'el/ . Pal af /g'al/ GS 4 78, I-haN ib. 5 22, sf. /ga2 'lti Yk/ T-S H 16/9 30; imp /g'owl/ GS 3 80; nact = MW 2 13, /(l)g-/ ib. 13 4; nag /goW'el/ ix 7 etc., sf. /(w)go'li Y/ MW 15 16, /_ow'_/ ib. 17; /goW'lak/ d ii 1, /-leYnu w/ MW 84 etc.; npt pI. /g'uwliYm/ vi 3 etc., cs. /-lel/ Ed 42. N af /niYg'aluw/ vi 3, /nig-/ GS 356, /niYg'alnuw/ ib. 67 (etc.). Bab af /ga'al/ Eb 10 Is 48:20, sf. /(wi)g'alw/(!) Ant 260 Jr 31:11; nag /go'al/ (!cs.) Eb 10 Is 49:7, sf. /(w)go'alo w/ TK 373 19(ps?). Lat nag goel Is 59:20 (Sgt). Ns GU'UL(LA)T (right/duty of) redemption. Q cs. /g'lt/. Sam /ga:'e.la:/, cs. /-lat/, sf. /ga:'i,ltu/. Pal /g'uWlah/ xii 1 etc., cs. /-lat/ GS 1 46 etc. Lat sf. goolathach Ez 11 :15 (Sgt). :ll Ns GAB (curved) back; other curved or hollowed-out formation. Sam pI. /gi,bbot/ (!B-CH /ge.bot/). Pal /gab/ MW Ez 16:24; sf.(f.) /gabe 2k/ ib.:31. Bab /gab/ TK 19 4 etc., sf.(f.) /-bok/(!) Eb 22 Ez 16:31.39, /-bah/ Yv 58 MTblY 2:7; pI. /gaboWt/ TK 293 16bis etc., /-biYn/ ib. 423 9, (du.) /(ha)gabayyim/ ib. 58 19, /-bayyim/ ib. 19 5(ct!), sf. /gabeYham/ Yv 58 MTblY 2:4, /(w·)gabotm/(!) Ant 816 Ez i1Nl
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1 :18, (f.) /-beYhiin/ ib. Lat gab Ez 43:13 (cs.), gob ib. 16:24 (ps) (Sgt). ?Ns GAB' cave. hollow (in a rock). Q /gb'/ (Z a 10:12). Vt D to rake. gather together (twigs. straw etc.). Bab nag /m·~iib+eYb+/(!) TK 21 11. Ns GABABAT(?) (coil.) (dry) twigs (etc.). Bab /(bi)~·babah/ TK 80 6. Ns MAGOB rake (?kind of broom?). Bab /(whii)miigowb/ Yv 59 MTblY 4:6. ?Ns GAB' (cf. under ::11 above). Vi to be high. exalted. eminent; to be proud. Q af /(w)gbh/, /gbhw/; pref /(w)ygbh/. H imp? nvb? /hgbh/ (Is' 7: 11). Pal af /gaba2h/ GS 255. H af /hiYgbiYhw/(!) Kbr 16:7; pref /ya2ga 2bi Yh/ (!) xivR 27. Bab af /gabiih/ TK 302 2; pref (cons) /wiiyigbiih/ Eb 5 IS 10:23; ?nag /goWbeh/ TK 390 4. H pref /yiig·biYh/ ib. 355 10; nag pI. /miigbiYhiYn/ A.M. 3:12. H ps npt f. /muWgbiihiit/ TK 251 14. Ns GUBH height; eminence. excellence. aPal /gbh/ (Sil). Q = (Z a); /(k)gwbh/ (Is' 55 :9). Pal /goWbah/ iv 3 etc., sf. /-bham/ Kbr 16:7. Bab /(w·)gobiih/ Ant 816 Ez 1 :18; pLcs. /gobheY/ Kc 1 lob 11 :8. Na GABUH high. eminent; proud. haughty. Q /gbwh/; (Is') /gbh/, pI. /-hym/. Sam f. /ga:ba./; pI. /(eg)ga:bii.'im/, f. /-ba.'ot/. Pal /(m)gabowh/ Kbr 17:8 (etc.), f. /gboha h/ MW Jr 2:20; pLcs. /g]beYhe Y/ xiiR 29. Bab /gabowh/ Ant 483 MZeb 1:2 etc., / -h+/ TK 297 2; pI. /g·buwhiYn/(!) ib. 251 15. Ns GABHU:T eminence; haughtiness. Q /gbhwt/ (Z a 1:15; Is' 2:11). Vrfl to collect (bill. taxes etc.). seize. Pal pref /tigbe h/ e R 16. Bab nag /gowbiih/ TK 397 3 etc. D nag /(hii)m~iibiih/ ib. 120 19. Ns GUBAY locusts (coIL). Q pI. /gbym/ (Is' 33 :4). Pal pI. /goWbiYm/ Rev 8 7. Bab /goWbiiyy/ TK 212 15. Ns GIB(AT) swarm (of locusts}. Pal pI. /geYbiYm/ Rev 8 8. ?Ns GABE gatherer (of fruit etc.) ? G 2K 25:12 (MT aliter) pI. ya~EtV; 'ta~- B, Yl1~- Axy, ya~- g; 'ta~l1v v; boyc 2e2 aliter. Na GABUX/GIBBIX bald on the forehead. Sam /ga.bii:/. Bab /gi+bex/ Ka 17 Lv 13:41, /gibex/ TK 277 2. Ns GABU/AXT frontal baldness. Sam sf. /Ciit)ga :bii.ttu/. Bab /(bii)gii+ biixLt-j(!) Ka 17 Lv 13 :42. Vrfl to border upon; to describe. establish boundary. Q af /gblw/ (Z a 1:16). Sam af / ga:ba.lu/. H af /(w)a:gbi,lta:/; imp /' ii,gbel/. Ns GUBU:L boundary; bounded territory. Q /gbwlj, (Mur 4 Ex 13:7) /gbl/; sf.(f.) /gbwlyk/ (!pL =), /-lh/; pI. /gblwt/, sf. /gbwlwtw/ (?Is' 28 :25). Sam /ge.bol/, sf. /ge :bu.lak/, /-u.lu/, /-olki,mmii:/; pI. /-u.lot/, sf. /(el)ge:bu:luti.yyii:/. Pal /gbuwl/ xiiR 26 (etc.), sf. /ge2buwlo w/ ivR 10, /giibuwlam/ xiiiR 5; pI.
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/gbuWloWt/ Ed 7 15. Bab /g·buwl/ Ant 909 Ez 47:13 etc., /gb-/ Eb 5 IS 11:3 (etc.); sf. /gbuWlow/ ib. 6:9, /g·buwlah+/ Ant 117 Jd 1:18ter, /(Ii)gbu wlm/(!) Ant 260 Jr 31:17. Lat gebul Ob 20, pl.sf.(f.) -laic Ez 27:4. Vt to knead, stamp. Bab nag pI. /gowb·liYn/ A.M. 6:2 . D nact /(I·)~abal/ TK 229 1 etc. Na GABUL twisted. Sam pl.f. /ga :be,lIot/ Ex 28 :22 39: 15. Ns GUBAL unformed mass (?). Pal /(w)goWbal/ MW 167. Ns GABI:LAT dough, kneaded mass. Pal cs. /ga 2 bi Ylat/ xi 31. Ns GUBBU:LI:M (pl.tantum) materials for kindling fire. Bab /(w·ba)gib+uwIiYm/ A.M. 3:23. Ns MAGBAL kneaded mass, "c/ot". Q /mgbl/. Ns MAGABULT (twisted) cord. Sam pI. /,amga:be,lIot/ (Ex 28:14). Na GABAN/GIBBIN hunchbacked. Sam /ga.ban/ (Lv 21 :20). Bab /giben/ TK 423 7 (etc.). Ns GUBINAT(?) cheese. Bab /(w·ka+)gobi+na h )(!) Kc 1 lob 10:10. Ns GIBI:N eyebrow. Bab /g·biYn/ TK 423 7; pI. /-niYn/ ib.bis; sf. /(fa)gbiYnaYw/ ib. 8. Ns GAB&AT hill. Q /gb&h/, cs. /-&t/, sf. /-&th/; pI. /(h/w)gb&wt/. Sam /(ag)ga:ba./(!), cs. /ga:ba.t/; pI. /Cag)ga:ba.'ot/ . Pal cs. /(w)gib&a2 t/ MW 827; pI. /gba&oWt/ iv 11, /(w)geba 2&-/ MW Ps 72:3. Bab /gib&a h / Eb 22 Jr 50:6. los yapa Ant. VI 156; cs. yapaO Bellum V 51. Ns GABI:& cup, goblet. Sam /ge:bi./ (!B-CH /ge.bi/, sf. /ge:bi./!), sf. /-i.yyi/; pI. /-i.m/, sf. /i.yya:/. Ns GAB&UL calyx (off/ower). Sam /ge:ba.l/. Ns MAGUBBA&T(?) headdress (of priests). Q pI. /mgb&wt/. Sam pI. /,amgabba.'ot/ (Ex 28:40 etc.). Vi/rft (Q ps?) to be strong; to prevail, overpower. Q af /gbr/; pref /ygbr/; nact /(I)gbr/. tQ(?) pref /ytgbr/. H af /hgbrth/; pref /ygbyr/, (lQH 9:21) /tgbr/; nact /hgbyr/, /(I)h-/. Sam af /(u)ge.ber/, /ge:be.ru/; pref /(w)yiggabba.ru/ (!/-ggeb-/, /-ggab-/ Pet; Gn 7:18.24). Pal aff. /gabra h/ Ed 59, pI. /-ru w/ GS 5 11. H af /(w)higbiYr/ MWDn 9:27; prefGs!) /ya 2g-/ ib. 13 23; nact /(I)ha 2g-/ ib. 15 18. H ps pref /yowgbar/ Rev 8R 13. Ns GABR (strong) man; cock, rooster. Q /gbr/. Sam /ge.bar/ (!B-CH /ga-/), /(eg)ga.bar/, pI. /(eg:)ga:ba.rem/. Pal /geber/ xiv 23pm etc., /gab-/ ib.sm (ps?); pI. /gbariYm/ viR 17. Bab /gabar/ TK 385 18 etc., /gab-/ Ant 260 Jr 31 :22ps; pI. /(ha)g·bariYm/ Eb 22 Jr 43:6, /-g+barym/(!) Ant 816 Jr 43:6; /(ha+)g·bariYm/ Ka 8 Ex 12:37. G yapp Ps 18:26 89:49 Hex; Neh 3:16 pI. (PllO)ayyapaPEt~(, -Pt~ cj, -Pll~ e), -aypapt~ q, -avapt~ m, -apapEt~ Bh,
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-ayyapElJl S*d, -ayaapElJl ANk; be 2 aliter. Lat geber Is 22:17 (Sgt). Ns GABI:R master, lord, ruler. Sam /ge.ber/. Ns GABI(:)R(A)T mistress, lady; (title of) queen-mother. Q sf. /(k)gbrth/. Sam sf. /ge:berra.ti:/, (f.) /-tek/, /-tal- Pal cs. /(m)gberet/ GS 4 32. Bab sf. /g·bir·ti Y/ Ant 795 Gn 16:8, (f.) /-tek/ ib. :9, /-tah/ ib. :4. Lat gebira Jr 13: 18 (Sgt). Ns GUBIRAT(?) victory. Sam /ge:be.ra:/ (Ex 32:18). Ns GUBU:RAT =, mighty deed; strength, might, manpower; God. Q /gbwrh/, cs. I-rtf, sf. /-rty/, /-rtkh/, (f.;pI.?) /-rwtyk/ (!/wt/ hg; Is' 3:25), /-rtw/, /-rtkm/. Sam pI. sf. /(uka:)ge:bu:ru.tek/ (Dt 3:24). Pal /gbuwra h/ xR 7 etc., cs. /-at/ GS 3 137, sf. /-atak/ xii 10, /-ta2k/(!) GS 4 138, /(ki)gbuWrata2k/ MW 8 19, /gebu2Wrateka/(!) ib. Ps 71 :18ps; pI. /gbuwroWt/ xiiiR 22 etc., /geb-/ xiiR Ipm, /gab-/ ib.sm, /ge 2b-/ ix 25; sf. /gbuWro Wta 2Yw/ xiR 3. Bab pI. /g·buwroWt/ TK 451 12 etc. G pI. sf. (~E)yE~OUpOeau Ps 150:2 "Hbr" (Chr; Montfaucon/Fie1d). Lat pI. geburoth ad Jr 13:18 (Sgt). Ns GIBBO:R warrior, man of valour, hero. Q /gbwr/; pI. /-rym/, cs. /-ry/, sf. =, /gybwryhm/ (Z a 3:9). Sam /gi,bbor/, pI. /(eg)gibbu.rem/. Pal /giYbowr/ xiiR 4 etc., /-buwr/(!) MW 326; pI. /-bowriYm/ xR 30, cs. /(w)giYbowre Y/ Or B 3. Bab /gibowr/ TK 39723 etc., /giYb-/ ib., /(ha)gibor/ Ea 12 Dt 10:17; pI.cs. /gibowre Y/ Eb 22 Jr 48:41 etc. G Is 9:5 Yl~~(oP "Hbr" (Chr; Procop [Field]), (TlA)yE~(oP (Thdt [Field)). Lat gibbor Is 9:5 etc., pI. geborim Is 13:3 (Sgt). Ns GIBBORT(?) mistress, "super-power". Q /gbwrt/ (abs.&cs.; Is' 47 :5.7). Ns GAG roof; covering plate (of an altar). Q /gg/; pI. /ggwt/, sf. /-tyh/. Sam sf. /(,al)gi,ggak/, /gi,ggu/. Bab /g+a~/ TK 70 10 (etc.; abs.), /(ha)gag/ ib. 23222 etc., /-~/ ib. 206 18; sf. /gago w/ Yv 49 MMaksh 2:4. Ns GIGGI:T big storage jar. Bab /(ba)g+iYg)Yt/ A.M. 6:9. Ns GUD(?) coriander. Sam /ge,d/. Vt to cut (off), incise, separate, invade; to band (against). Q pref /(w)ygwdw/ (Z a 1 :20). Sam tL pref (is) /titga:de.du/. Pal H nact /(l)hagiYd/(!) Ed 2 1. Bab tL pref /titgowd·duw/ TK 416 13, /tit·god-/ Ea 12 Dt 14:1. Ns GUDU:D (robber) band, unit (of troops, angels); raid, expedition. Q /gdwd/. Pal pI.cs. /gduwdeY/ GS 3142, sf. /ga 2duwde Yk/ ixR 26 (etc.), /gduwda/w/ GS 3 141. Bab /g·duwd/ Ant 908 Jr 18:22, /(ha)gd-/ Ant 261 IS 30:8 etc. G IS 30:8 YEOOOUP; -0- eg; Mmgbimgozmgc2e2 aliter; lCh 12:21 =; -0- bg*hm; Ps 18:30 YEOOUO Hex. Lat gedud Mic 4:14 (Sgt). ?Ns GAD fortune, luck. Sam j('e,b)gadj Gn 30:11. ?Bab /g+adj TK 708. Ns GADY kid (of goats), young of small cattle.
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Q /gdy/. Sam /ga.di:/, pI.cs. /ge,dyi:/. Pal /ge2di Y/ Rev 5R 16. Bab /g·di Y/ Ea 14:21, /(ha)gdiY/ Eb 5 Jd 14:6; pI. /gdayiYm/ ib. IS 10:3. Vi/rfl to be big, large, great; to grow. Q H af /(w)hgdyl/, ?f. /hgdylh/ (2Q Jr 48:26); /hgdlt/, /-lth/, /-ylw/; ?pref /(w)ygdl/(!) (Is' 42:21); nact /(l)hgdyl/. D af /gdl/, f. /-lh/; /-lty/; pref /ygdl/; nact /(l)gdl/. tD pref /ytgdl/; nact /(l)ht-/. Sam af /ga.dal/; pref /yi,gdal/, /'i-j, j(w)yigda.lu/; nag j(u)ga.dalj. H pref /(w)te,gdel/, (coh) /(w)egdi.laj (Gn 12:2). Pal aff. /gadla h/ Ed 417; /gadaltal/ T-S H 16/9 R 30; pref /yigdaN MW Ps 70:5; nag pI.cs. /gidlel! ib. Ez 16:26. H af /higdiYl/ MWPs 55:13; nag /(w)ma2gdi Yl/ xii 32 (etc.), pI. /ma 2gdi Yli Ym/ GS 535. D af j(w)gyda21tiYj viR 13, sf. /giydlo w/ ivR II; pref /tga 2del/(!) Dtr Cb 6 Ob 12; sf. j yga2dlakj ixR 24, /(wa)'ga2dlenu2w/ MW Ps 69:31; imp jga2d1uwj GS 398, sf. j-uwhuwj x 26; nact /(le)ga 2del/ xivR 1, sf. /-low/ xivR 26. tD af jnytga2daN Kbr 18:17; pref /yitgadalj MW On 11 :37 (etc.). Bab pref /yLgdal/ Ant 789 Zch 12:11, f. /tL-j ib.:7; (cons) /wayi-/ Eb 5 IS 3:19; nag j(ha)gadel/ TK 217 19 etc., f. /-gd_eYlahj ib. 185 13; pI. /-gde Yli Ym/ ib, 210 8 etc., f. /g·deyloWt/ ib. 218 11 etc., jgd-j ib. 13bis etc. H af /higdiYlj Eb 5 IS 12:24 etc. D af /gidalj Eb 10 Is 49:21; pref jt·gadel/ TK 372 21, /-lu w/ ib. 197 9(ps?), sf. j(Ja)ygadluwhuw/ ib. 4192; imp /ga+d·luw/ Kc 1 Ps 34:4; nact /(l)gadal/ TK 25111 etc., /(wmil·)gadelj Yv 9 MNdr 5:1; nag /m·gadelj TK 366 2bis, j-rr.a-j ib. 3. G pref U;yOEA Ps 35 :27 Hex. H nag pI. ]J.!Uy01A1J.! ib. :26 Hex. Ns GUOL greatness; size; glory. Q /gdl/, /gwdlj, (cs.) jgdwlj; sf. jgwdlkhj, j-lwj, /gdlw/. Sam /ga.dal/, sf. /ge,dlak/, /~luj. Pal /goWdelj ixR 9 etc.; sf. jgodlakj GS 468, /-low/ ib.3 148. Bab sf. /(b·)gudl·ka/(!) Ea 12 Ot 9:26, /gudlo w/ Ea 12 Ot 11 :2, j-d·l-/ TK 343 14. Na GADUL great, big, important, noble, elder. Q /gdwl/, /gdl/, f. /gdwlhj, /-1'/; pI. /-lym/. Sam /ga.dol/, f. jga:de,lla:/; pI. /ga:de,llem/, var. /-e.lem/, f. /-e,llot/. Pal /gadowl/ xivR 30 etc., cs.(?) /gd-/ GS 3 98; f. jgdoWlah/ vi 10; pI. /-liYm/ GS 3 75 etc. Bab jgadoW lj Ant 261 IS 30:2 etc., /(ha)gadolj Ea 12 Ot 11:7 etc., cs. /g·dol/ Eb 22 Jr 32:19; f. /g·dowla h/ A.M. 5:5 etc., j(ki)g·d-j TK 6813, /(bi)rr.d-j ib. 206 17; pI. jg·doliYm/ Ant 908 Jr 27:7 etc., j-owl-j TK 32 11 etc.; f. /(ha)gdolot/ Ea 12 Dt 10:21 29:2, j-owloWtj TK 221 8, /g·dowloWtj ib. 314 9, j(li)gdoW lotj(!) ib. 11. Lat gadol Jon 2:1 (Sgt). Ns GAOULAT greatness, glory; great deeds (coli.). Pal /(h)gduWla h j GS 4 138, cs. jgduwlatj iv 3, sf. /g]du21atiy/ MW Ps 71 :21, jga2duW lato W j xR 17; pI. jgduwloWt/ MW 10 28. Bab /(bi)g·duwlah/ TK 1975; sf. /g·duWlato w/ ib. 191 14, /(li)gd-/ (!/l/ hg) ib. 357 11. Ns GUOIL(?) growth, increase; thumb. Q pI. jgwdlymj. Sam jge.delj (Nm 6:5). Ns GUOOU:L =; upbringing. Bab / giyduwl/ TK 197 11 bis; sf. j(mi)giYduwlo w/ ib. 423 2; pI.cs. /giYduwleY/ ib. 57 21 etc., sf. /(w)giYduwlaYwj ib. 393 22, j(wib)rr.iYduwleYhanj(!) ib. 11622. Ns MAGOUL tower. Q jmgdlj, pI. j-lymj, j-lwt/. Sam j(w)me,gdalj. Pal jmigdalj Or E 53,
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(CS.) /(l)migdazl/ MW 12 24; pl.(cs.) /(b)miYgdaloWt/ ib. 15 11, /mig-/ ib. 14. Bab /(ha)mag'dal/ TK 22016 etc.; cs. /magdal/ Eb 10 Mic 4:8 (?Npr?). Ns GADI:L ornament with twisted or plaited pattern; tassel. Q /gdyl/. Sam pI. /ge:di.lem/ (!B-CH /-dall-/). Bab pI. /g·diYliYm/ TK 1859. Vt to cut off, fell, demolish. Q npt pI. /gdw&ym/. N af f. /(w)ngd&h/; /ngd&th/. D pref f'gd&/. D ps af /gd&w/. Sam D pref /te:geddu.n/(!). Pal af /ga2da&/ GS 4 31; pref /tigda 2&/ MW 42; nact /(liY)gdo W &/ xi 2. N af f. /nigda&a2h / GS 4 19; /nigda2&ti Y/ d iiR 25. Bab N aff. /nigd'&ah/ Eb 22 Jr 48:25. Vt D to mock, revile, blaspheme. Q af /(w)gdpth/, /gdpw/; pref /ygdpw/. Sam nag /'amge,ddefj. Bab af /(w)~iYdap/ TK 465 7. Ns GUDDU:P(AT) abuse, blasphemy. Q pI. /gdwpym/, (Is' 43:28) /(l)gwdpym/, sf. /gdpwtm/. Bab pI. sf. /(wmi)giduWpotam/ Eb 10 Is 51 :7. Lat geddupha Ez 5:15 (Sgf). Vt to construct a stone wall, wall up. Q nag /gwdr/. Pal pref /t]iYgdowr/ Or A 64; imp /gdowr/ ib. E 9 (or nact?) MW 22 1; nact /(liY)gdowr/ vR 9; npt pI.f. /gduWroWt/ Ed 10 1. Q ps af /guWdar/ xiiR 22. Lat nag goder Is 58:12 (Sgf). Ns GAD(I)R (stone) wall; protective precept. Q /gdr/, sf. /gdrw/. Sam /ge.darj. Pal /gader/ xiii 17 etc., (cs.!) /-eYr/ xiv 16, sf. /gde/ram/ Kbr 19:4; pI. /gdeYrym/(!) v 23, sf. /-reYh/ Rev 4:1 16. Bab /gader/ TK 395 5, /(la)gadeYr/ Yv 85 MKi14:2 (etc.), cs. /g·deYr/ ib., /gadar/ TK 297 3. Lat gader Ez 42:7 (Sgf). Ns GADIRAT (stone) wall; walled enclosure for small cattle. Sam pI. /ga:di.rot/. Pal sf. /gdiYrato w/ MW 11 16. Bab pI. /(ba)g·deroWt/ Eb 22 Jr 49:3. G pI. sf. yuopro9ucr(!) Ps 89:41 Hex. Vt to stack, heap up (sheaves, grain). Pal af /gdafta h/(!) MW 1628. Ns GADI:I stack of sheaves. Sam /ga.deJ/. Bab sf. /g·diYji Y/ TK 124 1 7. Vi to bend down. G pref (cons) ouu:yup 2K 4:35 "Hbr" (Cod. 243 Field); ? EYAUUO ib. :34 " Hbr" (z). ?Na/s GIHIR (?GUHR?) (somebody) reddish, ruddy. Bab /(wha)giYher/ TK 423 19.22. Ns GA WY horde, people, nation; swarm, kind; non-Jew, heathen. Q /gwy/; pI. /gwym/, /gw'ym/, /gwyym/, (Mur 42:5) /gyym/, cs. /gwyy/. Sam /gu.wwi/(!), pI. /-wwem/, cs. /-wwi/(!), sf. /(el)gu:wwiyyi,mma/. Pal /guWy/(!) xivR 30; /goWy/ iv 20 etc., sf. /-yi Y/ Rev 4:1 9; pI. /-yiYm/ Ed 30 21 etc., /(ba)g+owyim/ Rev 8 12; cs. /goWyeY/ Or A 62. Bab /goWy/ A.M. 5:12 etc., /(l')goWiY/(!?) Ka 2 Gn 17:20, /(1)-/ TK 373 23 etc.; pI. /goWyim/ Ant 795 Gn 14:1 etc. G'trov (!ms.) Is 26:2 "Hbr" (Epiph); Jos 12:23 pI. yroEl~; uyO)- a, yo- b'b2 ; yrolV s, yroE1V Eus, yow ejz; yroVl~ gw, yov- n; yEEl Br, YUl u, 'Y'YUll] h, Uyl q; Ps 46:7 yrol~ Hex. Lat goi Zph 2:5 (Sgf); pI. goim Jos 12:23 (Kl). Ns GIW(?) back.
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Q sf. /gwy/, /gwkh/, (f.) /-k/. Pal sf. /giYwwi Y/ Rev 8 9. Ns GIWY body. Pal sf. /giYwwyak/ Kbr 22:1, /-yya2k/ Or A 17. Ns GIWYA T =, corpse; person. Q cs. /gwyt/, pI. /-ywt/. Sam pI.(!)sf. /gibyu:ti.nu/ Gn 47:18. Bab /(ha)g+ uwiyyah/(!) TK 254 11, cs. /(b·)giwyiit/ (!pm; /(bi)gwiy-/? sm) Eb 5 Jd 14:8, /(mi)giwy-/ ib. :9; pI. /(hii)g+auwiyoWt/(!) TK 217 2; sf. /giiwyeteYhiinh/(!?) Ant 816 Ez 1:11. nl Vrfl to pass along (?). Sam pref /(w)yi,ggaz/ Nm II :31. Ns MAGA:ZAT(?) (place of) transit,ford (?). Q cs. /mgzt/ (3Q15 6:14). ? Ns GO:ZAL young of a bird. Sam /(w)gu.zal/, pI. sf. /gu:za.lo/. Pal pI. sf. /goWzaleYh/ MW 17 18. Bab pI. /(hii)goWzaloWt/ Yv 92 MBikk 3:4. lm Vi to fail, perish, pass away. Q af /gw&/; pref /ygw&/. Sam af /ga.ba/, /ga:bii.nnu:/; pref /yi,gbii/; nact /(,iib)ga.bii/. Pal af f. /gawwa 2&a h/ xiv 20. Bab af /gawa&/ (!ct) TK 1969; pref /yLg·wa&/ Ant 793 Gn 6:17ps, /'Lgwa&/ (let) Kc I lob 10:18. I'jU Vt H to shut. Bab imp /(w)ha~jYp/ TK 17522; nag /meYgiyp/ Yv 54 MZab 3:2, pI. /m'giYpiYm/ ib. Ns GU:P body; person. Pal /guwp/ xiR 8 etc. Bab /(hii)guwp/ TK 34 12 etc., /-p_/ ib. 81 14 etc.; sf. /(b·)~uWpow/ ib. 80 8, (f.) /-pah/ ib. 113 11 (etc.), /-p_ah+/ ib. 9, /guWpah+/ ib. 207 16 etc.; I-ani ib. etc.; pI.cs. /-e Y/ ib. 391 7. Ns GAP =; back. upper side. Sam (pl.?)sf. /('af)ga,bbo:/ (!kt /(b)gpywf). Pal pl.cs. /ga 2Py/(!) d iiR 16. Ns MAGU:PAT cover (of a vessel). Bab /(wbi)m'guwpa h/ TK 36518, cs. /(bi)mguWp_at/ Yv 59 MYad 1:2. Vi to live as an alien. Q af /(w)gr/; pref /ygwr/, /-rw/; nact /(l)gwr/, sf. /(b)gwry/; ?nag pI. /grym/ (Is' 5:17). tL ?pref2.f. /ttgwrry/ (2Q Jr 47:5; MT aliter); nact sf. /htgwrrm/ (Z a 4:6). Sam af /giir/, /ge,rta:/, /-ti:/, /gii.ru:/; pref /ye.gor/, (cons) /wya.gar/; nact /(e,l)gor/; nag /(e,g)gar/. Q ps npt f.cs. /(wem)gi.rat/; pI. /(,eg)gi.rem/. Pal nag /(ha2)gar/ T-S H 16/9 R 8; pI.cs. /(miY)gareY/ x 7, /garel/ Kbr 19:12. H pref sf. /ta2gi Yrem/ xiR 16. Bab af /gar/ Ant 812 Dt 18:6 etc.; pref /yaguwr/ Eb 22 Jr 49:18 etc.; nact /(la)guwr/ Ant 816 Jr 44:8 etc., /(l)g-/ ib. 43:5 etc.; nag /(hii)gar/ TK 355 13 etc. tD af /niYtgiiyyiir/ ib. 393 16 etc., /(Jii)niYtg+/ ib. 465 9. ?Lat nag gar ad Zph 2:5 (Sgf/Sp). Ns GE:R alien; proselyte. Q /gr/, pI. /(wl)grym/. Sam /ger/, /ge,r/, sf. /(u)gi.riik/, /gi.ru/; pI. /gi.rem/. Pal /ger/ c Ps 39:13 etc.; pI. /geYriYm/ e R 8 (etc.), /(w)ger-/ GS 3 121. Bab /ger/ Ea 12 Dt 10:18 etc., /(Jiil)g+ -/ TK 396 IObis; sf. /(w')gerka/ Ka 5 Dt 5:14; pI. /(hii)geYriYm/ TK 11 4 etc., /-ger-/ ib. 5 etc. Ns GUYURT(?) female proselyte.
Murtonen - 978-90-04-34829-5 Heruntergeladen von Brill.com01/07/2021 12:44:24PM via Universitat Leipzig
"1 !D'11
Bab /giyowrtit/ TK 331 3 etc. Ns GE:RU:T status as a client or alien. Pal /gelruWt/ Kbr 18:6. Ns MAGU:R life as an alien; (an alien's) dwelling-place. Q pl.sf. /mgwryhm/. Sam pl.cs. /me:ge,rri:/, sf. =, /-e,rrek/, /ra2m/ MW Ps 55:16. Bab pl.sf. arri:yi,mma/. Pal sf. /(bi)mgu 2W /m·guWreYham/ Ant 910 Ez 20:38. Ns MAGU:RAT (grain) store. Bab /(ha)m~uwrah/ TK 304 13. Vrfl to be afraid, terrified. Q af /grw/; pref /tgwr/, /ygwrw/; nag pI.cs. /gry/. Sam pref /te.gor/, /e.-/, /te:gu.ru/, (cons) /wya.gar/. Pal pref (pro h) /ta 2ga 2r/ d ii 1. Ns MAGO:Rfright, terror; thing feared. Q /mgwr/; pl.sf. /(wb)mgwrwtyhmh/ (!Is' 66:4). Pal /magowr/ MW 5 21. Bab = Eb 10 Jr 6:25 etc. Lat magur Jr 20:3 (Sgt). Ns GU(:)R (lion's) cub. Sam /gor/, var. /gar/ Gn 49:9 Dt 33:22. Ns GU:J. compact mass, lump (of clay, dough, etc.). Pal /guwJ/ x 7. Bab /~uwJ/ (!post /-n/) Yv 58 MTblY 2:3bis.6; pI. /-JiYm/ ib. :6. ?los YEtcrtoV (var. -crov MSPELat) Ant. VIII 95. Vt to cut (off), shear, clip. Q pref /tgwz/; nag pI. sf. /gwzzyh/. Sam pref /ti,ggaz/, var. /te.gaz/; nact /(,a,l)goz/; nag pl.cs. / (,al)ga:za.zi:/ (!Gn 38:12; kt varr. /&1 g-/, /'1 g-/, /Ig-/). Bab pref (cons) /wa+yagoz/ Kc I lob 1:20. N nact /(l)hiYgazeYz/ Yv 63 MUqc 1:4. Ns GAZ shorn woo!. Sam /gaz/. Pal /(ba 2)ga 2z/ GS 4107. Bab /gaz/ Ant 812 Dt 18:4; pl.cs. /giYze Y/ TK 284 7 etc. Ns GAZBAR treasurer, manager. Bab /(ha)geYzbar/ Yv III MPea 1 :4, pI. /(wha)geYzbariYm/ ib. 92 MBikk 3:3 (etc.). G Ezr 1:8 (gn) yap~apTJvou; yacr~- h, 'tacr~- B; yap~aptvou e; yav~aBpatou e 2, yallBp- b; om. km. (Lat ib. gazabar Vg.) Vt to cut (off). Lat Q ps npt(?) gozi Am 7: I (Sgt). Ns GUZI:T hewn stone (coll.). Q /gzyt/. Sam /gi,zzet/. Pal /gziYt/(!) Ed 10 1. Bab /(ha)gaziYt/ Ant 483 MEduy 7:4 etc. Vrfl to rob, steal, misappropriate. Q af /gzl/; pref /ygzwl/; nact /(l)gzwl/. N pref /ygzl/. Sam af /ga.zal/, /ga:za.lu/; pref /ti,gzal/; npt /ga.zol/. Pal af /gazlnu w/(!) Or S 7. Bab af /gazal/ TK 125 9 etc.; pref /tig·zol/ ib. 3974, /_owl/ ib. 3982; nag /goWzel/ ib. 3964, pI.cs. /gozle Y/ Eb 10 Mic 3:2; npt /(ha)gazuwI/ Ant 483 MEduy 7:9 etc., f. /_g.zuwla h/ ib. Ns GAZ(I)L robbery; stolen goods (coll.). Q /gzl/, /gzyl/. Sam /(eg)ga.zal/. Pal /(l)gazel/ GS 2 31. Bab /gazel/ TK 1066 etc., /-eYI/ ib. 7, cs. /g·zal/ ib. 125 19 etc. Ns GAZILAT stolen goods. Q cs. /gzlt/. Bab /g'zeYla h/ TK 125 8, /gz-/ ib. (etc.), pI. /(ha)gzeYloWt/ ib. 373 3.
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?Ns GO:ZAL (cf. under nl).
cn Ns GAZ(A)M locust? caterpillar?
Lat gezem Joel 1:4 (= Sgf; gazam Victorius in mg).
17Tl Ns GAZ& tree stump.
Q /(m)gz&/, sf. /gz&m/. Pal /(m)geYz&/(!) d iiR 25; sf. /(mi)gyz&ak/
1m ~l
"l n'l 1;I'l
(!) d iR 17, /giYz&ow/ MW 121, /giz&eYnuw/ ib. 166. Lat geza Is 11:1 (Sgt). Vt to cut (off, to pieces); to decide, decree, maintain. Q pref /(w)ygzr/. N af /ngzr/. Pal pref /tiYgzowr/ Or A 60, /(w)ti Ygza2r/ MW 1529; imp /gzowr/ Ed81; nact sf. /(b)goWzrow/ MW 2423; nag /goWzeYr/ vii 20 (etc.), /-er/ GS 3 134 etc.; npt /gazuwr/ Rev 8 II. N af /ni Ygza2r/ vi 21. Bab af /gazar/ TK 413 2, /-z'ruw/ A.M. 3:6; pref /yig·zowr/ TK 302 10; nag /(ha)goWzeYr/ ib. 37112. N af /nigzarnw/(!) Ant 325 Ez 37: 11; /nLgzar·nuw/ Kb 4 ib. Ns GAZR part (cut off). Sam pI. /(ag)ga:za.rem/. Pal pI. /gezariYm/ xiiR 22. Bab pI. /(ha)g·zariYm/ Ant 795 Gn 15:17. Ns GAZRAT separated area; distant region, desert. Sam /ga:za.ra/ Lv 16:22. G ya~apa ib. Mmg ; ya~epa Ez 42:1 A' 0' (Field). Lat gazere Ez 42:1 (Field); -ra ib. :10 (Sgf.). Ns GUZIRAT(?) decree, ordinance; category. Pal sf. /gze Yra2tak/ viiR 9, /-atak/ x 20; pI. sf. /-oWteYh/ xi 2. Bab /g'zeYrah/ TK 11 12 etc., /(mi)gz-/ ib. 1 3 etc.; cs. /g,zeYrat/ ib. 263 18 etc.; sf. /gzeYrati Y/ ib. 371 5; pI. /g'ziYriYn/ (!/y/l hg) ib. 38 13, /g+ziYrat/ (!post-voc) ib. 266, cs. /g+yziYre Y/ (!/y/l erased) ib. 252; sf. /g+zeYroWLay/ (!post-voc) ib. 371 3ps. Ns GAXXAL(T) burning coal(s). Q /gxlt/, pI. /-lym/, sf. /-lyw/. Sam pl.cs. /ga:'e.li:/. Pal /gaxelet/ MW 2223; ?j gaxaN v 21 ?; pI. jgeYxa1i Ymj ixR 26, cs. j(l)ga2xle Yj xiR 16. Bab /(ba)gaxalt/(!) TK 269 2; pI. /gaxali Ym/ ib. 343 10 (etc.), cs. /gax·le Y/ ib. etc., j(k)gaxleYj Ant 816 Ez 1:13. Ns GAXO:N belly (ofa reptile). Sam jga.'onj, sf. jga:'u.nak/. Bab /gaxown/ TK 239 9. Ns GE7 (legal) document; letter of divorce. Bab jga7/ TK 418 4 etc., /ga7/ Yv 25 MGitt 1 :5, sf. /giY7eYk/, /-7iYk/ (!) ib. 30 MGitt 7:3 etc., /-7ah/ ib. 26 MGitt 2:5; pI. /-7iYm/ ib. 3:2, cs. /(mi)giY7e Y/ ib. (etc.). Ns GE:' valley. Q /gy'/, /gy/, (Isa 28:1.4) /g'y/. Sam /Ceb)gi.yya:/. Pal /geY'/ (abs.!) x 7 etc., /ge/'/ Ed 21 etc., /(ba2)ga 2y'/ MW Jr 2:23. Bab /ge Y'/ Ant 908 Jr 19:6; ?/ge'/(!) Ant 909 Ez 47:13? G Dt 34:6 yat; Neh 11 :35 Yll sc.a-be 2 ; om. rell. Lat ge Is 28: 1 etc. (Sgt). Ns GI:D sinew, tendon, artery. Q /(w)gyd/. Sam /ged/. Pal /(k)giYd/ ivR 28 (etc.). Bab /giYd/ TK 204 13 etc.; pI. /giYdiYm/ ib. 26 19 (etc.), /gidym/(!) Ant 325 Ez 37:8. Vrfl. to burst forth. Q pref /ygyx/ (l QH 3 :9). Vrfl. to rejoice, exult. Q af /(w)glty/; pref /ygyl/, f. (cons&js) /(w)tgl/, 2. /tgyl/; pI. /ygylw/, (coh) /ngylh/; imp /(w)gyl/ (?or Ns; Isa 65:18), f. /(w)gyly/, pI. /-lw/.
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N(H?) imp f. /hglnh/. Pal af /galu w/ d iiR 1; pref (is) /yagel/ MW 26 2; imp /giYluw/ GS 3120; nag pl. / (h)ga21iYm/ xiR 8. Hpreff. /tgiYl/(!) Ed 2 1. Bab imp f. /(w)giYli Y/ Eb lOIs 49: 13. G pref (coh) UY1A.U Ps 31 :8; imp (OU)ylA.OU Ps 32:11 Hex. Ns GI:L joy, exsultation. ?Q (cf. Vrfl imp). Pal /giYl/ iv 3 etc. Ns GI:LAT =. Q /gylh/, cs.(!) /-It/ (Is' 35:2); pl. /-lwt/. Pal /giYlh/(!) viR 1, sf. /lata2k/ Ed 30 3. Vrfl tD to come together. Pal pref (coh) /'etgayysa h/ Rev 8R 23. Vt to roll (on, to, away). Q N af /(w)nglw/. L ps npt /mgwU/, f. I-Uhf. tL af /htgwU/, I-Uhf, /-llw/; pref /ytgwllw/. Sam af /(u)gelle.lu/ (Gn 29:8; MS.B: /wgalalw/). tD nact /(l)e:tga,llal/. Pal nag /(w)goWlel/ MW 15 17. Bab af f. /(fa)g+aHah/ TK 23 4. tL nag /mitgolel/ Eb 10 2S 20:12. tR af /(w)nitgalgal/(ct!) Yv 97 MSabb 11 :4; pref /(fa)tiYtgalgal/ ib. 59 MTblY 4:7. Ns GAL heap (of stones); (pl.tantum) waves. Q /gl/; pl. /glym/, cs. /-y/, sf. /-yw/. Sam /gal/. Pal pl. /galiYm/ GS 5 35. Lat gal Gn 31 :46f (Sgt). Ns GULLAT spring, well; bowl. Bab pl. /gu+lot/ Ant 117 Jd 1: 15(ter). G 2Ch 4: 12f pl.(?) YffiA.u9; YOA.aegm 1., emc 2 2°; be 2 aliter. Ns GALAL untrimmed stone slab (?). Bab pl. /(fali)g_JaliYm/ TK 316 4. Ns GULLU:L (stone?) idol; filth. Q pl. /glwlym/, cs. /-y/. Sam pl.sf. /gillu:li:ki,mma/ (!var. /gulu-/ Ms.C), /-i:yi,mma/. Pal /(l)giYluwl/ xiR 8; pl. /giYluwliYm/ vii 2. Bab pl. /giYluwliYn/ TK 192 18, sf. /giluwlaYw/ Ant 910 Ez 20:39, /-laYha/ Eb 22 Jr 50:2, /-leYkm/(!) Ant 325 Ez 33:25; /gi+luWleYkam/ Ka 2 Lv 26:30, /giYl-/ Ant 910 Ez 20:31 etc., /(wib)gil-/ ib.:39, /(b·)giluWleham/(!) Eb 22 Ez 14:5. Lat pl.cs. gelule Ez 20:7 (Sgt). Ns GULGUL wheel. Q /glgl/, pl. /-lym/, sf. /(w)glglyw/. Pal /(b)ga 21gaN Dtr Cb 8 Ps 77:19; pl. /glgalym/(!) Ed 612. G Ez 10:13 YEA.YEA.; UY- 62. Lat gelgel ib. (Sgt). Ns GULGULT skull, head. Sam /Cal)gilga.lat/(, var. /(l)galgalat/ Ms.B); pl.sf. /Cal)gilga:lu:ti,mma/. Bab /(la+)gu..JgolLt/ Ka 13 Ex 38 :26, /-l·golLt'/(!) Ka 17 Nm 3:47. Ns GO :LIL roll-stone (to close a grave). Bab /guwlel/(!) TK 321 5. Ns MAGALLA T scroll. Pal cs. /(bi)mgilt/(!) c Ps 40:8. Bab /(ha)m'gilah/ Eb 22 Jr 36:14, /-mgilh/(!) Ant 339 Jr 36:14 (etc.), cs. /mgilat/ Ant 816 Ez 2:9. Lat megella Zch 5: 1 (Sgt). Ns yA.UUKWV juice of glaucium-plant. Bab /(meY)~uwl buq·yya h/(!) TK 124 7. Na GALU:D with skin scaling off, "flayed". Bab f. /(ha)gluWdah/ TK 207 7. Murtonen - 978-90-04-34829-5 Heruntergeladen von Brill.com01/07/2021 12:44:24PM via Universitat Leipzig
to expose, (leave) open; go to exile. Q af /glh/; nact /glwt/. N af /nglh/, f. /nglth/; pref /yglh/, f. Itg-/; imp /hglw/; nact /-wt/; npt /nglh/, pLf. /-lwt/. H af /hglyty/, /-lty/. D af f. /(w)glth/, 2.m. /glyt/, /-th/, f. /-th/ (!Is' 57:8); /glw/; pref /yglh/, (cons) Iwygl/; /tglh/, (cons) /wtgl/ (f. 2Q Rt 3:7); 2.f. /tgly/, 1. /'glh/; nact /(l)glwt/. D ps npt /mgwlh/, pLcs. /-ly/. Sam npt /(u)ga.lo/ (!Nm 24:4.16; kt /(w)glwy/). N af /nigga.la/; pref 2.f. /tigga.li:/; npt pLf. /(wen)nigla.'ot/ (!kt /(wh)ngl'wt/). D af /gii,mi:/, f. /giillii.tii:/; pref /ye:gii,lli:/, (cons) /wye:ge,llii:/ (= Ms.D); /te:gii,lli/; nact /(iil)ge,llot/. tD pref(cons) /wyitge,lli:/. Pal af /galu w/ vi 3 etc.; imp /gle h/ Or E 12; nact /ge 21oW t/ v 8, /gl-/ MW Jr 1 :3; nag /goWle h/ GS 5 19; npt IgaluWy/ Kbr 17:1, pI. /galuWyiYm/ T-S H 16/9 lO, /gl-/ ib. (etc.), /ga21wyiYm/(!) ib. 11. N af /nigla h/ MW Dn lO:l, /niYg-/ GS 1 42, (2.m.) /nigleta 2h/ ib. 4 56, /-e Yta2h/ ib. 5 59; pref /yi Yga 21eh/ Rev 11:2 7; nact /(k)ihgaloWt/ (!) iv 6, sf.(f.) /(k)hiYgaluWtek/(!) GS 47; npt pLf. /(wh)niYgloWt/ T-S H 16/9 11. H imp /hagel/ MW 14 16. D af /gi Yl+a2h/ xiiR 23 etc., /-lah/ GS 4 112, /-lyta h/(!) d iR 14, /-lu w/ GS 3 56; pref /yega 21eh/ xivR 29, /ygaleh/ GS 3 124, /-a21-/ Rev 11 :2R lO; (cons) /wygalf(!) v 22; /ta2g1ehl (!) xii lO; imp /galeh/ GS 4134 etc.; nag /me 2g1e h/(!) ivR 7. D ps npt f. /mguWlh/(!) vi 27. Bab af /galuw/ TK 379 22 etc.; imp /(wi)gloh/(!) Ant 9lO Ez 12:3; nact /g·lowt/ Eb 5 Jd 18:30; nag /gowliih/ A.M. 2:4, f. /g+owla h/ Eb lO Is 49:21; npt /galuwi Y/(?) TK 371 10. N af /nigla h/ Eb 5 IS 3:21, /(w)niYg-/ TK 250 21, /niYg.-/ ib. 420 3, Inig·-/ ib.; pref f. /tigaliih/ Eb 22 Ez 16:57. H af /higluw/ Eb 22 Jr 22:12; nact /(wil)hiiglwt/(!) Ant 816 Jr 43:3, sf. /(b·)hiigloWtow/ Ant 908 Jr 27:20; nag /(w)miig·liih/ TK 399 3 etc. D af /giYla h/ ib. 3868 etc., /(w)gil-/ ib. 383 21; f. /gil·ta h/ Yv 34 MSot 1:7 etc., 1. /gileYtiY/ Eb 22 Jr 49:lO; pref /yigiiliih/(!) TK 226 15, /t·g-/ ib. 379 1, /t·giilehl ib. 374 22 etc., /tg-/ ib. 370 20; nact /(l)gii1o Wt/ ib. 18 etc., /-le h/(!) ib. 19; nag /m·giiliih/ ib. 399 20, /-la h/ (!m.) Yv 34 MSot 1 :5. tD af /(w)niYtgiilii h/ (!) TK 365 lO, /(fii)niYtgiiluw/ ib. 264 21 etc. Ns GO:LAT exile; group, community of exiles. Q cs. /gwlt/. Pal /(b)gowla h/ vi 28 (etc.). Bab /gowla h/ Ant 9lO Ez 12:3 etc. Ns GA:LU:T =. Q sf. /glwtw/ (lQpHab 11 :6). Pal /(wa 2b)galu W t/ xR 29; pI. sf. /galyoWteYnuw/(!) Ed 9 20. Bab /galuwt/ Eb lO Am 1:9 etc., sf. /(l)galuWtenw/(!) Ant 325 Ez 33 :21; pI. /(hii)galiyoWt/ TK 443 1. Ns GALU:Y visibility, public appearance. Bab /(bii)galuWy/ TK 12 18 etc.; /-uwi Y/(?) ib. 4363. Ns GULLU:Y uncovering, laying bare. Pal /giYluWy/ xiR 8 etc. Bab = TK 346 3; /(wb)giYluwi Y/ (?!/b/ hg) ib. 372 11. Vt D to shave (hair, beard). Q af /(w)glxth/; pref /yglx/. Sam af /ge,llii:/, f. /(,u)gellii./; pref /(w)ye:ge,llii:/, /ye:gii,llii:/, /-ii.'u/, sf. /-ii:'i,nnu/. tD af /(w)e:tgii,llii/; nact sf. /itgiillii.'u/. Bab af /giYliix/ TK 294 12bis etc., /(fii)giYlxuw/ ib. 10; sf. /giYho w/ ib. 4059; pref /ygiilex/ ib. 29221, /y.g-/ ib. 293 15 etc., /Y'6--/ ib. 274 8, /yig-/(!) ib. etc.; /t·g-I Yv 21 MNzr 6:4; (cons) f. /wiitgiiliix/ Eb 5 Jd 16:19; /yigiilexuw/(ps) TK 294 1 etc.; nag
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/m·galex/ Ant 483 MEduy 7:5 etc., /-eYx/ TK 274 8, pi. /-·xiYm/ ib. 2949. D ps af /gulax/ Eb 5 Jd 16:22ps, 1. /-xti Y/ ib.:17(ct!); npt pi.cs. /m·gulaxeY/(!) Eb 22 Jr 41 :5. tD af /(w)hitgalax/(!ct) TK 273 21 etc. Ns TAGLAXT hair-cutting, shaving. Bab /(wib)taglaxat/ TK 192 12 (etc.), /tag·l-j ib. 2746 (etc.), /(ha)tag.J.-/ ib. 25721 (etc.); sf. /(w)ta~'laxtow/ ib. 287 16 (etc.), /-~l-/ ib. 20 (etc.), /(w·)ta~laxtan/ ib. 294 9. Vt to roll up, together; to form. Pal npt /(w)galuwm/ xR 11 (etc.), pi.cs. /(miY)gazluwmeY/ x 7. Ns GULMformless mass; urifinished vessel; embryo. Pal /goWlem/ Rev 1 15(.17). Bab /(Saba)g+owiam/ TK 253 14. G Y0A,llll Ps 139:16 (Epiph; Field) (NB. not sf.). Ns GULUM(?) garment, mantle. G YUA,\IlU Ez 27:24 0' (86, Thdt; Lat galima; Field). Na GALMU:O hard, impenetrable(?}. Q f. /(w)glmwdh/. Pal /gazlmuwd/ Kbr 12:2. Ns lCoA,A,\~fine (Lesbian) flour; bread made from it. Bab pi.(?) /(ha)g'luWseqiYm/ Yv 60 MYad 1 :5. Vt to expose. Pal tD af /hitgla&/(!) v 22. Ns GULLU:& exposure, (malicious) attack. Pal sf. /giYluw&i Y/ b 23. Ns GAL&AN(AT) kernel (of date, nut, etc.). Bab /gal&anah/ Yv 63 MUqc 2:2, sf. /-&antow/ ib. 59 MTblY 3:5; pi. /(wha)gal&aniYm/ ib. 128 MSheb 7:4, cs. /gal&ane Y/ ib. 73 MTrm 11 :4. Vt to level (with), raze (to; the ground etc.). Bab pref /yagowm/ Yv 77 MSheb 4:3. N af /(wSa)niY~amuw/ TK 4364. Vrfl to sip, drink. Sam H imp f.sf. /,egmi:yya.ni:/. Ns GUM' papyrus. Sam /ga.mi:/. Bab /(ba)g·mi Y/ (!ms.) A.M. 6:9. Ns GAMAO(?) pygmy(?). G pi. YOIlUOE\1l Ez 27: 11 0' (Codd. 86,88; Lat gomadim; Field). Lat pi. gamadim ib. (Sgt). Vril to (become) complete, equalize, reward; to wean (a child). Q af /gml/, /-lw/; sf. /-lnw/, /-'lm/ (!Is' 63:7), /-ltny/; npt /gmwl/, pi.cs. /-ly/. Sam af /ga:ma,lnu:/; sf. /-a.lok/; pref (?H) /(w)ye,gmel/, /tegmi.lu:/. N pref /(w)yigga.mel/; nact Ii-/. Pal af /gamazl/ xiv 23, sf. /gmalo w/ Ed 294. Bab nag /(wha)gowmel/ TK 120 20. Ns GUMU:L deed, retribution, reward. Q /gmwl/; pi. /-lwt/ (Is' 59:18), /-lym/, cs. /-ly/. Pal /gemuwI/ xiv 23; sf. /gmuwlo w/ e R 14, /-lam/ MW 11 21; pi. /-loWt/ Rev 4:2R 22. Bab /g'muwl/ Eb 22 Jr 51 :6. Ns GAMAL camel. Sam /('ag)ga.mal/; pi. /ga:ma.lem/, cs. /(mig)ga:ma.li:/, sf. /ga:ma.lek/, /-10/, /(w)ga:ma:li:yyi,mma/. Bab /(ha)gamal/ Ea 12 Ot 14:7 etc., pi. /g'maliYm/ TK 280 18, /(ha+)gma+liYm/ Kc 1 lob 1: 17 . Ns GAMLAT(?) she-camel.
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Bab /(ha)gam·la h/ TK 206 8. ?Ns GAML(?) the letter l. G ytllaA. Ps 119:17, yallEA. 145:3. Lat gimel Ps 119:17. f~l Vt to immerse, drown (in api!, abyss). Pal npt pI. /gmuwciYm/ b 16. '~l Vrfl to finish, complete, come/ bring to an end. Q af /gmr/. Pal af /gama2r/ xiiR 25, /-arta h/ Rev 8 15, /-a2rti Y/ viiR 2; pref /yigmowr/ MW 19 21; nact sf. /(b)ga 2mrak/ xii I; nag /(w)goWmer/ MW 15 18, /gomr/(!) c Ps 57:3. Bab af /gamar/ TK 348 6 etc., /gam·ruw/ ib. 39916; pref /yig·mowr/ ib. 3009 etc., f. /tigm-/ ib. 17; nag /goWmer/ ib. 347 14 etc.; npt /gamuwr/ ib. 314 13 etc., f. /g·muwra h/ ib. 32622 etc. N pref f. /(miJa)tiYgamar/ ib. 231 8bis etc.; npt /niY~·mar/ ib. 465 14. Ns GAMI :RAT perfection. Pal cs. /gmiYrat/ T-S H 16/9 28. Ns GUMAR(?) =, completion. Bab /g·mar/ TK 2885 etc., cs. /gmar/ ib. 348 12, /g·m-/ ib. 281 18; sf. /g·maro w/ ib. 288 6 etc. l(l)l Vt to enclose (by wall), protect. Q af /(w)gnwty/; pref /ygn/; nvb /gnwn/. Pal pref /yagen/ Rev 5R 9, /ya2g-/ ib. 11:227, /(w)tag-/ GS 3 17, /(w)'ag-/ vi 29; nact /(Ii Y)gno[w1 n/ Rev 8R 15; nvb /ganown/ ib. 5R 9 (etc.). H imp /hagen/ ixR 2 etc.; nact /(I)hagen/ Rev 8R 5. L pref /tgoWnen/ MW 13 16, sf. /ygwnneYnw/ viR 25; imp sf. /goWnneYnuw/ MW 622. Bab pref /yagen/ Ant 789 Zch 12:8. Ns GAN (walled) garden. Q /gn/. Sam /gan/. Pal /ga 2n/ xiiR 24 (etc.), /gan/ d ii 10 etc., sf. /gani Y/ MW 7 2; pI. /(ba 2)gni Ym/(!) GS 1 32. Bab /(k·)gan/ Ant 795 Gn 13:10 etc. G yay Gn 2:8 "Hbr" (Montfaucon/Field). Lat gan ib. Ns GANNAT =. Q /(wk)gnh/, cs. /gnt/; pI. /(h)gnwt/. Sam pI. /(ka:)ge,nnot/. Pal cs. /giYna2t/ GS 2 54, sf. /-nta 2k/(!) vR 9; pI. /(h)ganoWt/ MW 18 I. Bab /giYnah/ Yv 63 MUqc I :2; pI. /ginoWt/ Eb 22 Jr 29:5, /(ka+)ga+not/(!) Ka 13 Nm 24:6. Ns GANT wine-press. Q sf. /(wm)gtw/ (Z a 12:10). Bab /(ha)gat/ A.M. 3:19 (etc.); sf. /(mi)giYto w/ TK 198 11 etc. Lat geth Is 63:2 etc. (Sgt). ?Na GANTI:T connected with wine-making celebrations? G (a)yE!:lOtO Ps 8:1 "Hbr" (Chr; Field). Ns MAGIN shield. Q /mgn/. Sam /'e,mgen/. Pal /magen/ xiiiR 23 etc., sf. /magink/(!) d iR 26, /-iYnu w/(!) GS 4 14. Bab /magen/ Ant 325 Ez 38:5 (etc.), pI. /-eniYm/(!) TK 210 14. G llaYEV Ps 18:31 etc., sf. (OU)llaYEVVTJ 28:71°, -VVt 2° Hex. Ns MAGINNAT =. Pal cs. /mgi Yna 2t/ MW 42, sf. /(b)magiYnty/ vi 29, /mgi Ynata2k/ MW 9 23. :lll Vrfl to put aside, steal, kidnap. Q af sf. /gnbw/. Q ps af /gnb/. Sam af /ga:ni,bta/, f.sf. /ganba:ti,mma/; pref /yi,gnab/, (f.&2.m.) /(u)ti-/; /tigna.bu w/, /ni,gnab/; nact
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jga.nobj, j-nebj; nag jga.nebj; npt jge.nobj, f.cs. jge:nu.batj. N af j(u)nigga,nnabj, jnigga:na,bti:j; pref jyigga.nebj. Bab af j(Ja)ganabj Yv 34 MSot 1 :7; pref jtig·nobj TK 397 9(hg), j-buWj ib. 8, j-wbuWj(ps) ib. 6 etc.(ct ib. 72°); nag jgoWnebj ib. 9 (etc.). Q ps af jgu+nab·tiYj Ka 5 Gn 40:15; nvb jgu+nobj ib. Ns GUNIBAT(?) something stolen. Sam j(eg)ge:ni.ba:j, sf. j(ab)ga:na,btuj(!) (Ex 22:2f). Bab j(ha)gneYbahj (!jyj hg) TK 377 6. Ns GANNAB thief Q pI. jgnbymj. Sam j(eg)ga,nnabj. Bab jganabj TK 1264 etc.; pI. jbiYmj Eb 22 Jr 49:9 (etc.). Ns cingulum: girdle. Bab j(w')~ang+eYloWnj TK 368 2; j(w')~alg-j ib. 214 21, j(w)galg-j (!jyj hg) ib. 318 23. Vt D to make (seem) ugly, put to shame. Bab D ps npt pI. j(ha)m'guWniYmj TK 392 14. tD af f. j(Ja)niYtganatj ib.; pI. j-nitganuWj Yv 8 MNdr 3:12. Ns GUNA Y(?) shame, disgrace. Bab jg·nayyj (!ct) TK 465 20ter etc. Ns GUNU:T =; blame. Bab sf. jg·nuWto Wj TK 382 1, j-neYt-j ib. 302 1; jg+ 'noWto Wj ib.(mg). Vrfl to remove from sight, put in store, bury away. Pal af jgana2zj xiiR 28. Ns GANZ (hidden) treasure. Pal pI.cs. jgiYnzeYj xi 10. Ns GANI:ZAT storage. Bab jg·niYzahj TK 352 3. Vrfl to be fat, thick, heavy; to act boldly, presumptuously. Pal pref jyiga2sj Kbr 21 :2. Bab imp f. jgoWsiYj TK 1906; nag jgasj Yv 32 MGitt 8:11 etc., f. jgasahj ib. 67 MDem 2:4f. H imp jhagasj TK 1908 etc. Na GAS big, fat, heavy. Pal f. jgasahj Rev 8R 23. Bab j(ha)gasj TK 206 20bis; f. jgasahj A.M. 5:25 (etc.). Ns GASSU:T pride, insolence. Pal sf. jga2 suWte Ynu Wj T-S H 16j9 28. Bab jgasuwtj TK 12 1. Vrfl D to touch(?). Bab nag f. j(wi)mgasa'j(!) Yv 52 MMaksh 5:11bis. Vrfl to low (cattle), make noise, shout. Pal af jga&ahj d iR 1, jga&uwj Ed 4 3; imp jg&ehj MW 19 3; nag jgoW&ehj GS 398, f. j_&ahj MW 13 31, pI. j(l)ga'ymj(!!) Ed 5 l. Vrfl to consider unclean, loathe; H to remove uncleanness (with boiling water). Q af f. jg&lhj. Sam af f. jga:'e.la:j; sf jga:'eIti,mmaj; pref f. jte:ga.'elj. Pal af jg&alnwj(!) vR 1; npt pI. jg&uwliYmj vi 3. N nact jhiYga&elj Ed 294. Bab H nag sf. jmag&iYlanj TK 145 13. D ps npt pI. jm·goW&aliYnj ib. 392 18. Vrfl to rebuke, threaten. Q af jg&rthj; pref. j(w)yg&rj, jtg&rj; nact j(wm)g&wrj. Sam pref (cons) jwya:gga.rj(!). Pal imp jga2&owrj MW 17 26.
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Ns GA&RAT rebuke, threat. Q cs. /g&rt/, sf. /(b)g&rty/, /g&rtk/, /(w)g&rtyw/ (!Is' 66:15). Ns MAG&ART threat, incantation(?). Sam /Cam)ma:ge.ret/. Pal /mi Yg&ra2t/ MW 22 24. Bab /(ha)ma~&arat/ Ea 12 Dt 28:20. lVl1l Vrfl to shake, stagger. Bab tL af /(w·)hitgo&aJuw/ Eb 22 Jr 25:16. t'J(~)l Ns GAP wing. Bab sf. /gap+ah+/(!) TK 31 3; pl. /gapayyim/(!) ib. 29020. Ns GAPT compressed dry mass (of olives etc.). Bab /(wba)gapat/ TK 266 6. l~l Ns GAPN vine. Q /gwpn/, /gpn/, sf. /gpnw/. Sam /ga.fen/, sf. /gafni,mma/. Pal /gepen/ MW 8 23, /(k)gapen/ ib. 9 32ps; pl. /gpaniYm/ GS 4 79. Bab /(ha)gapan/ Eb 22 Ez 17:7 etc.; pl. /g·paniYm/ TK 124 8 etc., /(wha)gp-/ ib. 394 3. O~l Ns yu'!'ocr gypsum. Bab /g+iYp_·sas/ TK 305 17. '~l Ns GUPR kind of wood. Sam /ga.far/ Gn 6:14. Bah /gopaJ/ Ant 793 ib. '~l Ns GUPRI:T sulphur. Q /gwpryt/, /gp-/. Sam /gi,fret/. Pal /(wb)gapriYt/(!) MW 208; /-gop-/ Rev 8 1. r(~)l Ns GIC spark. Pal pl.cs. / giceY/ ixR 26. (?)'l Ns GIRAT(?) seed of St. John's bread; a small weight & coin (1/20 of shekel). Sam jgi.raj (Ex 30:13 etc.). Bah jgerah.j Ka 17 Nm 3:47. G Yllpa Lv 27:25 srngvrng . (,hl Vrfl to scratch, drag along, carry away; to chew (the cud); to saw asunder. Q pref sf. j(w)ygrhwj. Sam pref jyiggo,wwar/ (!Lv 11 :7; kt jygwrj). Pal npt pl. j(ha2)gruwri Ymj xiR 25. Bah af sf. jg·raramj TK 195 18; nact j(l'a)~uwr/(!) ib. 230 20; nag j(w·)~owrerj ib. 19, jgoW_j ib. 166 8. tL nag jmtgoWrerj Ant 260 Jr 30:23; pl. /mitgad·riYnj(!) A.M. 4:20. R af jgiYrgarj Por 64; nag sf. jmigargrow/(!) TK 461 7. Ns GIRRAT cud. Sam jgi,rra/ Lv 11:3 etc. Pal /gerahj MW 17 26. Bab = Ea 12 Dt 14:6 etc.; j(w)geYrahj TK 213 14. Ns GARO:N neck, throat. Q /grwn/. Pal / garown/ xR 5 etc.; sf. (f. ) / gerwne2kj MW Ez 16: 11. Ns GARGAR berry, grain. Bab jg+arg+ar/ TK 42 3 etc.; /gar·g+ar/ ih. 3968; /(w)garger/ Yv 57 MThlY 1:4 (etc.). Ns GARGART throat. Bab /(ha)gargara/ TK 206 11. Ns GUR(U)GURT dried fig. Bab /(mika)g·roWgarat/ Yv 96 MSahh 9:6, j(hi)gr-/ ih.; pl. /g·roWg·roWt/ A.M. 4:10 etc., j(wJah)gr-/ TK 2395; j(wi)growgroWt/ Yv 63 MUqc 1:6.
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:l'1 Ns GARAB M'l
skin eruption, scabies. Sam /ga.rab/. Bab /garab/ TK 423 15 etc. Vt D to excite, provoke (to fight). Pal imp /(w)gare h/ MW 207. tD pref /yitgaru w/, /(w)yitgarhu w/(!) ib. On 11:10. Bab tD imp /(w·)hUgar/ Ka 5 Ot 2:24. Ns TAGRA T excitation; quarrel, litigation. Pal cs. /(mi)tigra 2t/ c Ps 39: 11. Vt to remove, expel. G N af w:ypEcr!h(!) Ps 31 :23 Hex. Ns GARZIN axe, pick, chisel. aPal /grzn/ (Sil). Q /(h)grzn/. Sam /ge,rzen/. Vrfl H to cast lots. Pal H ps pref /yoWgral/ MW 121, /-luw/ Or C 3. Bab af /(miJa)hiYg·riYl/ (!/h/ hg) TK 342 1; pref /(w·)ya~·riYl/ ib. Ns GO:RAL 10tJortune, destiny. Q /gwri/, sf.(f.MT) /-lkh/. Sam /gu.ral/, pI. /gu:ra.lot/. Pal /goWral/ xivR 1 etc., I-aN d iiR 10; sf. /(w)gowriow/(!) ivR 10 (MW 8 3), /goWralam/ xivR 26. Bab /goWral/ Eb 10 Joel 4:3 etc.; cs. /(wmi)goWral/ Ea 12 Nm 36:3; sf. /goWralo w/ TK 419 3; pI. /-loWt/ ib. 341 1 :5bis etc. Vt to break (bones); to cause. Sam pref /yi,gram/ (!Cf. Ms.B: I-ami; var. /ye:ge,rrem/ =Ms.O & BCH) Nm 24:8. Pal af /gara2mty/ b 11. Bab af /garam/ TK 203 21 etc., f. /-r·mah/ ib. 9 8 etc.; /-ramta/ ib. 46610; nag /goWrem/ ib. 297 16bis etc. Ns GARM bone; strength; self. Q pI. sf. /grmy/. G 2K 9:13 yapE/l Bbc2d 2e2 ; yap /l Eva(!) x; yap nov Eva g; yap Eva AN rellC yapEl/l e' G) Thdt). Ns GURRU:M excess weight. Bab pI. /geYruwmiYn/ TK 409 4. Ns GURN threshing-floor, its use and/or contents. Q /grn/ (2Q Rt), sf. /gwrnw/. Sam /ga.ren/, sf. /(mig)ge,rnak/. Pal /goWren/ Ed 29 15; pI. sf. /granoWteyh/(!) ib. 2 1. Bab /(ba)goWran/ TK 23618 (etc.), (dir.) /gornah/ Eb 10 Mic 4:12; sf. /(mi)goran·ka/(!) TK 457 12f, /gorn·ka/ ib. 12. Vt to reduce, cut off, withdraw. Q npt f. /grw&h/. Sam pref /yi,gra:/, /tigra.'u:/. N af /(u)nigga.ra:/, f. /-a:ra./; pref /yigga.ra/, pl.l. /ni-/; npt /ni-/. Pal pref /tigra&/ T-S H 16/928, sf. (pI. 1.) /-r&eYnw/(!) e 4. N af /nigra2&ty/ d iiR 25. Bab N pref /yigare&/ Ea 12 Nm 36:3. Ns GURP(,'UGRUP)fist(? kind of whip?). Q /(b)gwrp/ (Isa 58:4), /(b)'grp/ (Z a 11 :6). Vt to expel, throw out, divorce. Q af /grfw/; pref /ygrwJw/(!); nag pl.cs. /gwrJy/. D nag /mgrf/ (Z a 13:17). Sam aff. /(u)gerre.Ja:/; /gerri,Jta/, /(u)gerri,Iti:/; sf. /(u)garreJti,mma/, /-ti.yyu/, /garre,Jta/; pref /(w)ye:ge,rreJ/, /-erre.Ju/; sf. /ye:gerre:Ji,mma/, /(w)e:gerre:Je,nnu:/, /(w)ye:gerre:Ju,mma/; imp /ga,rreJ/; nact =; nag =; npt f. /ga:ru.ja:/. Pal af /gera 2J/ xiiR 21 (sm; /ge2-/ pm); pref (cons) /wa2ygareJ/ MW 627; imp /gareJ/ ib. 3 26; nact /(l)gareJ/ GS 475 etc. Q/D ps af /(w)gowraJuw/(!) xiii 21. N af f. /nigrJa h/ Ed 5 10; npt pI. /n]igraJym/ ib. 4 5. Bab af sf. /(w)geYr-Ja h/
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Yv 5 MKet 13:11bis; pref /y·gareJ/ Ka 6 Ex 11 :1, /yig-/ TK 355 11, /tgarJuwn/ Eb 10 Mic 2:9; imp sf. /girJuwha/ Yv 29 MGitt 6:7; nact /(l)garaU! ib. 32 MGitt 8:10; nvb fgaref/ Ka 6 Ex 11:1; npt f. /(w)g·ruwfa h/ Ka 13 Nm 30:10 (etc.). Q/D ps af /~or-Juw/ Ka 8 Ex 12:39; npt f. /m·gowraJat/ Yv 31 MGitt 7:12. tD af f. /nitga[r]aJah/ (let) ib. 16 MNdr 11 :9, /(fa)niYtgar-Ja h/ ib. 32 MGitt 8: 11. Ns GARU:f pursuit (of repeated time periods). Sam pI.cs. /ga:ru.fi:/ Ot 33:14. Ns GURRU:f divorce. Bab pI. sf. /(fa)geYruwfaYha/ (!/w/ hg) TK 417 23, /-uJ-/ ib. 418 1. Ns MAG(AR)RAJ pasture land (around a township). Sam /(u)ma:ga,rraf/(!), cs. /ma,greJ/; pI.cs. /(u)magre.Ji:/, sf. /-e:Ji:yyi,nna:/. Lat magras Ez 48:17 (Sgt).
C/W'l Vt H to crush. corrode (teeth by fire).
Pal pref (f.J) /ta 2gri Ys/ MW 19 5. Ns GAR(I)f crushed grain. groats. Sam /ga.reJ/, sf. /(mig)ge,rJa:/. Bab /gara$/ TK 5411, /gariYs/ ib. etc., pI. /g'riYsiYm/ ib. 308 18 etc., /-iYn/ ib. 283 15 etc.; /(ha)g·reYsiYm/ Yv 11 MNdr 6:14. (W~ Vrfl D to grope. seek guidance like groping. Q pref /ngH/, /ngHh/ (Is' 59:lObis); nag pI. /mgHym/ (Z a 1 :9). OWl Ns GAIM (torrential) rain; (pI.) rainy season. Q /(h)g-fm/. Sam /(eg)ga.Jam/, pI. sf. /ga:Ja:mi:ki,mma/. Pal/geJem/ GS 4 27 etc. Bab pI. /(ha)g-JamiYm/ TK 209 18, /-iYn/ ib. 19; /(ha)gJamiYm/ ib. 39423. Lat gesem Zch 14:17 (Sgt).
Vrfl to languish; H to aggrieve. wear down. Sam H nag pl.f. /(u)ma:di.bot/ Lv 26:16 (kt /(w)mdyb(w)t/). Pal H af f. /hiYd'iYbaN xR 33. Bab nact /(l)da'abah/ Ant 260 Jr 31: 12; nag f. /da'abh/(!) ib. :25. Ns OA/I'BO:N grief, despair. Sam /(u)di.bon/ Ot 28:65 (kt /(w)dybwn/). lNi Vrfl to be anxious. worry. Q af 2.f. /d'gt/. Pal af /da'ag/ ivR 10; pref /tid'ag/ d ii 1, /niYd-/ Ed 5 22. Bab af /(w)da'ag/ Eb 5 IS 10:2. Ns OA'GAT worry. Pal /d'agah/ MW 13 32. Bab /(wbi)d'aga h/ Ant 910 Ez 12:18 (etc.). l"INi Vrfl to fly. swoop (down on prey) . Pal af /da'uw/ Rev 4a:l 16. Ns OA"AT(, OA YYAT) an unclean bird (fork-tailed kite etc.). ?Q pI. / dwwt/ (!Is' 34:15). Sam /,adda./ (Lv 11 :14 Ot 14:13 !kt var. /(h)d&h/). Bab /(wha)ra'ah/(!) Ea 12 Ot 14:13 etc., /(wh)dayah / ib. Lat pI. daioth Is 34:15 (Sgt). Ns OI'AT(?)flight. Pal sf. /(w)deY'atak/ Kbr 21 :3. ~Ni
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11O'(!), pI.cs. O)oO'11(!) Ps 35:27 Hex. Ns XIPC (precious) thing. value. pleasure. will. Q jxpcj, sf. j-cyj, j-ckhj, j-cwj; pI.cs. jxpcyj, sf. j-ykhj, j-yhmj. Pal j xepec/ xiiR 24 etc., sf. /(l)xepci Y/ GS 2 34, /xepcakj Ed 2 23, j(b)xa2pca2k/(!) MW 21 3, /(w)xepcowj xR 16, /xepceYnuw/ GS 2 11, /-camj xiiiR 13. Bab j(hii)xepiicj TK 105 5 etc.; jxop-/(!) Eb 22 Jr 22:28. Vt to dig. search (out), explore. ?aPal pref sf. jyxprhw/ (Lch xiii 2)? Q af sf. /xprwhj; pref (cons) /wyxprwj, j-pwrwj (!ct; Z a 6:3); imp jxpwrj (3Q15 2:14 etc.), jxprj (ib. 3:6 etc.); nag pI. sf. jxwpryhj. Sam af j(w)a:fa,rta:j, /,a:fa,rti:j, j-a.ru:j, sf. /'a:fa:ru:wwii.j(!); pref (cons) jwya.farj, jwya:fa.ruj. Bab af j(w)xap'ruWj A.M. 5:13; nact j(l)xiipoWrj(!) ib.:l1. Ns XAPI :RAT pit. Pal cs. j(la)xpiYratj xiR 18. Ns XAPARPART(?) shrew(-mouse}. Q pI. /(l)xprprym/ (!Is' 2 :20). Lat pI. pharpharoth (Is 2 :20 = 0', cf. Field; Sgt). Vrfl to shame o.s., be ashamed, blush. Q af f. j(w)xprh/; pref (2.f.) jtxpwry/ (!Is' 54:4), (pI.) j(w) txpwrw/ (lib. 1:29ct); npt /xpwrj (!ib. 33 :9). Pal af jxapru2Wj MW Ps 71 :24; pref jyexpa2ru w/ ib. 15 9, Us!) j(wa)yaxpru2W j ib. Ps 70:3. N pref jneYxaper/ T-S H 16/9 31. H nact sf. /(l)haxpiYramj Rev 8 1. Bab pref j(w·)yixp·ruwj Ec 22 Ps 35:4 (sm? /(w)iYx'p-/ pm?); /yixparu w / ib. 34:6ps, jyLx-/ Kc 1 ib. G pref (ou)tq>pou Ps 35:26 Hex. Vrf to go free. be liberated. Sam af(?) f. /'a:fa.Jaj (Lv 19:202°; = Ms.C). Pal npt /(wa)xapuwJ/ GS 1 7. Bab ?Q ps npt(?) f. jxupaJahj TK 402 II bis, /xuwp-/ ib. 12 etc. Ns XUPJAT liberty. manumission. Bab jxup-Jahj TK 402 6, j_ah-j(!) ib. 8.
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Na/s XUPJI: free, liberated; liberty. Q pI. /xpJyym/ (!Is' 58:6; /p/ partly obliterated; /y/2 hg). Sam /'i,fJi/, var. /'e,f-/, /(l)e.f-/ (inci. Lv 19:20; kt mostly /xpJy/). Pal /xawpJiYm/(!) Ed 44. Bab jxupJi Y/ Ant 280 Jr 34:14; pI. /-iYm/ ib.:9 etc. Ns XUP(U)JO:T seclusion, quarantine Pal /(ha 2)xa 2pJi Yt/(!) xiv 25. Bab /(ha)xup-JiYt/ Eb 62 2K 15:5. G 2K 15:5 a0
?III 1:>0 ':>0 n:>o (~)~o
Sam /me.sek/. Bah /(l-)masak/ Ee 96 Ps 105:39, /-sak/(!) Ee 22 ih. Ns MASUKKAT covering, canopy. Pal sf. /mesuWkatuw/(!) xiii 9. Vrfl to look (at). Bah nag /sake Y(J-maJ)j(!) TK 423 14. Ns SUKKU:Y expectation, hope. Bah sf. /siYkuWyiY/ TK 373 17, /-uWWyak/(!) ih. Vrfl H to act stupidly; D to expose as stupid. Q D pref /yskl/. Sam H af /eski,lta/. Ns SAKL stupidity, foolishness. Pal /seYkel/ xiiiR 20 (sm; /se/-/ pm). Bah /(ha)sakl/(!) Ec 9 Eccl 10:6. Ns SAKLU:T =. Q /(h)sklwt/. Pal sf. /siYkluWteYnw/(!) T-S H 16/924. Bah /sakluWt/ Ec 8 Ec 9 Eccl 10: 1 (etc.), /(ha)saLJuwL/ (!pm) Ec 1 Eccl 2:3. Vrfl to take care, be trustworthy, competent, useful. Q nag /(h)swkn/. Sam H af /'aski,nti:/; nact /'a,sken/; Nm 22:30. Lat nag socen Is 22: 15 (Sgt). (Am nact /(li)sken/; nag /zukini/.) Ns MASKINT storage. Sam /maske.net/ (Ex 1: II). Na/s MASKIN poor, needy, dependent. Pal pI. /miYskeYniYm/ e R 7; ?sf. /ma2$knaYw/(!) xR 12. Bah /(h)misken/(!) Ec 8 Eccl 9: I Sf. Ns MASKINT poverty, scarcity. Sam /(ha:)meske.net/ (Ot 8:9; cf. Ms.C: /hamskent/). Ns MUSUKKAN kind of tree. Q /(h)mskn/ (Isa 40:20sm). Lat (a)msuchan Is 40:20 (Sgt). (Or to II ahove?) Vt D(?) to deliver, hand over; close up. Q af /(w)skrty/. Sam D(?) ps pref /(w)yissekka.ru/ (Gn 8:2). Pal af /siYkarta h/ GS 4 16. Vrfl to keep silent. Sam imp /,e,sket/ (Ot 27 :9). Vt/rfl to pile up, pave (road etc.); to exalt, praise; to bounce. Q imp /swlw/. Sam tL nag /mestu.lal/. Pal imp /sowluw/ xivR 30 (!ms.); npt cs. /sluwl/ MW 10 5 etc. R af /silsel/ ih. 14 11; pref f. /tsa 21seN Ed 2 13; imp /salsel/ MW 7 14, sf. /sa21s1uwhuw/ x 29; ? /selah/ xi 23 etc.; nag pI. /ma2salsliYm/ viiR 24. Bah npt f. /s·luwla h/ Ant 908 Jr 18:15. tL nag /mLs·toWlel/ Ka 8 Ex 9:17.?G imp crsA Ps 46:4 etc. Hex etc.; crsAu Ps 32:7 Hex. ?Lat imp sela Hah 3:3 etc. (Sgt). Ns SO:LILAT rampart (for siege, assault). Q /swllh/. Pal /sowllah/ MW On 11: IS. Ns SULSU: L eminence? praise? Pal sf. /siYlsuwlk/(!) Rev 12 20. Ns SULLAM ladder. Q /(h)swlm/. Sam /se,llam/. Pal /suwlam/ ixR 16. Bah /(ha)suwlamj TK 220 6 etc. Najs SALLO: N self-assertive, rebellious (against), rebel. Bah pI. j(w)saloWnymj(!) Ant 816 Ez 2:6. Ns MASILLA T paved road.
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Q /mslh/, cs. /-It/; pI. /-Iwt/, sf. /-lty/, /-Iwtyhmh/ (!Is' 59:7). Sam /(bam)ma:se,lla:/ (cf. MS.B: /bm+a-/; B-CH /ba:ma:si.la/, cf. kt var. /-1&/). Pal pI. /ma 2si Ylwt/(!) ix 27. Bab /(ba)msila h/ Eb 5 IS 6: 12; pl.sf. /(wi)msilotay/ Eb 10 Is 49: 11. Na/s MASLU: L paved, pavement, road. Pal pI. /(b )masluwliYm/ Rev 8R 17; cs. /(b )ma2sa2lu wle Y/(!) x 12. Na/s MASULLAL =. Q /mswll/ (Is' 35: 8). II (')'0 Ns SAL basket. Q pI. /(wh)slym/ (!TS 15:4), cs. /sly/. Sam /(,a,s)sal/; pI. /(es)se,llem/, cs. /se,lli:/. Bab /(ha)sal/ TK 177 2 etc., /(ha+)sal/ Ka 5 Gn 40: 17; pI. /-sa)iYm/ ib.:18, cs. /sa+le Y/ ib.:16. Vrfl to jump (up), rebound ; (of nose) to grow snubby. Bab nag /sowled/ TK 422 22. D pref (coh) /(w-)'asal·d_a h/(!) Ec 1 lob 6: 10. Ns SALI:DAT exaltation, praise. Pal /(biY)sliYda h/ x 29. Ns SULLU:D =? response? Pal /siYluwd/ Rev 12 20. Vrfl to forgive. Q pref /yslx/, /'slx/; nact /(l)slwx/; nag /(h)swlx/. N af /(w)nslx/. Sam af /(w)sa:la.tta:/, /sa:la.tti:/; pref /yisla.( +encl.)/; imp /se.la:/; nact /(li,)sla:/. N af /(u)nissa.la/. Pal af /(wa 2)salxa2t/(!) ixR 1 (= Ps 25: II); /salxti Y/(!) vii 12 etc., /(w)salax-/ T-S H 16/9 R 5, /salxatiY/(!) Or E 23; pref /yislax/ ib. B 15; imp /se 2Iax/ T-S H 16/9 R 7, /sl-/ ib. 8(mg); /(w)sal-/(!) MW 1622; nact /(li)slowx/ vii II etc., /(li Y)slowxa 2/ (!) T-S H 16/9 R 29; sf. /(b)sa 2Ixak/(!) xii 5; nag /(w)soWlex/ Or B 15 (etc.), sf. /sowlxow/ ib. C 17. N af /(w)nislax/ T-S H 16/9 R 8; pref /(w)ni Ysa 2Iax/ Or B 15. Bab af /(w)salx·ty/(!) Ant 339 Jr 36:3; pref j'islax/ Eb 22 Jr 50:20. N af /(w)nis·lax/ TK 83 21 etc. Ns SALX mercy. Pal /(b)sela2x / d ii 10. Ns SALI:XAT forgiveness, pardon. Q /slyxh/; pI. /-xwt/, sf. /-xwtykh/. Pal /seliYxah/ xivR 7, /(wbi)sl-/ ix 16; /sliYxaN Or S 11, /sa2Ii Yxh/(!) ib. B 15. Na SALLAX willing to forgive. Pal /sala2x/ vR 28, /-ax/ xi 23 (etc.). "1~'0 Ns crUA.UJ.1UVOPU salamander. Bab /(w)salmand'ra h/(!) TK 218 10. 11'0 Ns SA/IL& rock, stone; unit of weight; a coin. Q /sl&/, sf. /-&w/, pI. /-&ym/. Sam /(mis)si.1a/. Pal /sel&/(!) d ii 9f etc., /sela&/ xiii 21 etc., /(b)sela 2&/ e R 16; sf. (w)sal&i Y/ MW 6 13; pI. /(mi)sla&iYm/ GS 5 65. Bab /(ha)sala&/ Eb 22 Jr 49: 16 (etc.), /(b·)saIL&/ Yv 161 MMaasSh 5:4; pI. /s·la&iYm/ Ant 483 MEduy 7: 1 etc. G sf. creA.et Ps 31: 4 Hex. Ns SUL&AM kind of locust. Q /(wh)s[l]&m/. Sam /('as)se:Ia.m/. Bab /suwI·&am/ TK 21210, /-1&-/ ib. 15.
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t']'?o Vrfl D to twist, pervert, ruin. Q nag /(w)mslp/. Sam pref /(w)ye:sii,llef/. Pal imp /saleYp/ MW 18 19. i''?o Vt D to lift up, suspend, remove.
Bab af /(w)siYliiq/ TK 231 5; nag /m'siileYq/ ib. 399 2 etc. D ps npt /m'suWlaq/ ib. 257 22 etc. tD af f. /niYstiilqa h/ ib. 24 22 etc. l'l'?o Vrfl H to sift, produce fine flour. Bab nag /miis·liYt/ TK 428 23. Ns SULT fine flour, wheat groats. Q /swlt/, sf. /-tw/. Sam /sa.let/, sf. /(mis)si,ltii/. Pal /soWlet/ MW 8 11. Bab /soliit/ Ka 2 Gn 18:6 etc., /-Lt/ Ka 5 Lv 23: 17 etc.; /(hii)soWliit/ Ant 483 MEduy 8: 1 (etc.); sf. /soWlato w/(!) TK 44610; /(mi)suwltah+/ ib.41 18 etc 2:4., /-ul-/ ib. 19; pI. /(whii)s·latoWt/ Yv 52 MMaksh 6:2. c(~)o Ns SAM drug, paint,jragrance (paste, powder). Q pI. /(h)smym/, /smnym/. Sam pI. /sii,mmem/. Pal pI. /(be)sa 2miYm/ xivR 20. Bab /sam/ TK 252 1; pI. /siimiYm/ ib. 77 15 etc., /(hii+)sii+m-/ Ka 17 Nm 4: 16; pI.II /siimmaniYm/ A.M. 3:6, /-iYn/ TK 251 22, sf. /-iiYha/ ib. 77 15, /siim'maniiYha/ ib. 344 5. ;'/N~O Vi to be blind. Bab nag /sowma'/ TK 398 15 etc., /(hii)soWma'/ (m.!) ib. 26220 etc., /sowma h/ Yv 26 MGitt 2:5; pI. /(bii)sowmiYm/ ib. 7 MNdr 3:8. N aff. /(w-Jii)niYs'mat/ (l/t/ corr.) TK 31 4. D af /siYma h/ ib. 4681, /siYmiyta h/ ib. 1252, /-ti Y/ ib. 3; pref /ysiimiih/ ib. 468 1. i"T~O Ns SIMADAR (vine) in blossom or budding berries. Pal /smadar/ GS 4 79, /(w)smada2r/ ib. 222. Bab /s·mad_iir/ Ec 1 Cnt 2: 15, /(hii)s'madiir/ Ec 7 Cnt 7: 13, /(wi)-/ TK 403 21 (etc.). ,~O Vrfl to lean (on, against), adjoin, make steady, support. Q af /smkth/, /-kw/; sf. /-ktny/ (f.&2.), /-ktw/ (!corr. < */-kthw/? Isa 59: 16; f.); pref f. /(w)tsmwk/; npt /smwk/, pI.cs. /(w)smky/ (!Sir 44:6). N af /nsmkw/; pref /ysmk/. Sam af /sa.mak/, /(u)sa:ma,kta/, /-a.ku/; sf. /sa:makti.yyu/; pref /(w)yi,smak/(, var. /ye,-/! Nm 27:23a), /yisma.ku/. Pal af /sa2ma 2kta 2h/ (!ms.) GS 5 64; imp sf. /sowmkem/ MW 1521; nact /(li)sa 2mowk/ vR 13; npt /(w)samuwk/ xR 10. N af /nisma 2kti Y/ MW Ps 71 :6. D imp sf. /samkuwni Y/ GS 2 18. Bab af /samiik/ TK 20 5 etc.; /(w)samku w/ ib. 1020 (etc.), /-m'k-/ ib. 82 19 etc., /-mL-/ ib . 466 8; /samaLu w/ ib. 83 21ps; sf. /s·mako w/ TK 133 15; pref /(w)yismowk/ ib. 19 3, /yism'ku w/ ib. 10 21 etc., (cons) /wiiysimkuw/ ib. 184 13(, /wy-/ ib. 18320); sf. /yismokem/ (ct!) ib. 463 1; nag /sowmek/ ib. 28 5 etc.; pI. /sowm·kiYm/ ib. 10 6bis etc., /-kiYn/ ib. 16 etc., /-kJYn/ ib. 466 9, f. /-koWt/ ib. 10 17 etc.; npt /samuwk/ A.M. 2:26 etc., f. /s·muwka h/ TK 462 10, /-La h/ ib.; pI. /-kJYn/ ib. 232 16 etc. N af /(Jii)niYsmaL/ ib. 275 22 (etc.); pref (cons) /wiiysamiik/ Eb 5 Jd 16:29. H ps npt pI. /muws·makiYm/ TK 2241. D ps npt pI. /m'sumakiYm/ ib. 22319 (!kt */mwsmkym/). G npt crlloOlX (!ms.) Is 26: 3 "Hbr" (Epiph). Lat npt samuch ib. (Sgt). Ns SAMI:KAT proximity; leaning (on, against), putting hands (on). Bab /s'miYka h/ TK 10 7bis etc., /(Jiihii)sm-/ ib. 12; /(li)s'miYLa h/ ib. 150 7 etc. ?Ns SAMK the letter o. G crallX Ps 119:113, crall (var. Xall) 145:14. Lat sanch (var: samech) Ps 119: 113.
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Ns SAML cultic image or symbol. Sam /se.mel/ (!Ms.C /samei/ = B-CH). Bab /samiil/ Eb 86 Ez 8:3.5. Ns (HUU;tOV mark, sign, omen, symptom; mnemotechnical note. Bab /(b·)siYman/ (!/y/ hg) TK 208 11, (cs.!) /siYman/ ib. 256 8f etc.; pI. /siYmaniYn/ ib. 278 5bis etc., cs. /-aneY/ ib. 254 14 etc., /-·ney/ ib. 205 21 etc. Vrfl to be frightened; to bristle (like nails; hair). Pal af /samar/ GS 2 30(ps), /(w)sama 2r/ xR 27; pref /tisma 2r/ d iR 25. D pref /tsa 2mer/ Ed 9 11. Ns MASMIR nail. Q /msmr/, pI. /-rym/. Bab /miismer/ Yv 52 MMaksh 5:7; pI. /(wha)miism·roWt/ TK 254 12. ?G Jr 52: 19 pI. Ilacrllaproe; -aparoe C, -aroe Q*, -Eproe 88; Ilapllaproe c-613, j.1all- 86*, acrll- 311, 11- 106239; Ilapllaparoe 87; Ilallalroe 410 (for /(h)mzrqwt/ MT). Vt to purify, sift. Bab af sf. /(Ja)siYn·nan/ TK 211 6. Ns SANO:NI:T swallow. Bab /(ha)s·nowniYt/ TK 212 1. Ns SANSAN palm leaf Pal pI. sf. (f.) /sansaniYk/(!) MW 22 30. Bab pI. sf. /(b·)sansanaYw/ TK 374 18. Ns cravoaAov sandal. Bab /sandal/ TK 249 9 (etc.); pI. /(w)sandiiliYm/ ib. 222 5 etc.; sf. /sandalayy/ ib. 289 16. Ns SANE thorn, thorny bush (Rubus discolor). Q /(k)snh/ (Sir 43:19). Sam /sa.ni:/. Bab /(ha)s·na h/ TK 612 etc.; pI. /-saYnayiYm/ (!or /-syiin-/?!) ib. 215 18. Ns cruVEOPtOV Sanhedrin, the great council & supreme court. Pal pI. /senihadrayoWt/(!) GS 250. Bab /siinhad·riYn/ TK 80 15 (etc.); pI. /(b)sanh·drayoWt/(!) ib. 410 19. Ns SANI:P attachment, (supporting) wedge. Bab pI. /s·niYpiYn/ TK 463 17f. Ns SANAPI:R(?)fin. Sam /sa:na.fer/. Bab /s·napiYr/ Ea 12 Ot 14: 10 etc.; pI. /(ha)sanpiYriYn/(!) TK 210 15, /-s·nap-/ ib. 211 5. Vt to press. Bab nag pI. /sown·qiYn/ TK 132 16. Ns SINAR ( < srovaptOv?) sort of breech-cloth. Bab /(bii)seYnar/ Yv 96 MSabb 10:4. Ns SAS moth. Q /ss/. Bab /$a$/(!) Eb 10 Is 51: 8. Vt to refresh, support, strengthen. Q nact sf. /(wl)s&dw/ (!Is' 9:6). Sam imp /(w)sa.du/ (Gn 18:5). Pal npt /sa&uwd/ xR 10. Bab imp /s&iid/ Eb 5 Jd 19: 5; (D?) nact sf. /(l·)sa&adah TK 26023. G pref f.sf. eEcr(O?)OllVl Ps 18:36 Hex. Ns SU&UOAT refreshment, meal. Bab /(bi)s&odah/ Yv 109 MBer 8: 1-3; pI. /s·&oWdoWt/ A.M. 4:3 etc. Vrfl to rush. Pal nag f. /so&h/(!) c Ps 55:9, /_&a h/ MW ib. ?H ps af /hoWsa&a h/ Or A 15.
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Ns SU& rush, onrush. Pal /sow&/ Kbr 20:4. Vt D to cut off (tree branches). Q nag /ms&p/. Pal nag /(h)ma2 s&ep/(!) MW 22 6. Ns SA&P doubt? baseness? Pal /sa&ap/ T-S H 16/9 24. Ns SA&I(:)P cleft, fissure (of rock); (tree) branch. Q pI.cs. /]s&py/ (Isa 2:21, cf. 17:6), /?&py/ (!ib. 57:5); sf. /s&pyh/ (ib. 27:10; ?17:6pm). Pal pI. /s&iYpiYm/ Rev 8R 7 . Vrfl to be stormy, agitate violently. Q Q ps npt f. /sxwrh/ (!lsa 54: 11). Pai Q ps npt f. /(I)$oW&arah /(!) MW 14 15. H af /wh]iYsa 2&i Yr/ ivR 15; pref (is) /(w)tas&er/ xii 12. Ns SA&R storm, tempest. Q /S&r/ (!Is' 28:2). Pal /(mi)sa&a 2r/ MWPs 55:9 (etc.), /sa2&-/ Rev 4: lR 2. Bab /sa&ar/ Ant 260 Jr 30:23 (etc.). Ns SA&RAT =. Q /s&rh/. Pal /s&a 2ra h / GS 3 73, /(wbiY)s&ara h / xiiR 13; pI.cs. /sa 2&ro Wt/ Ed 9 II. Bab cs. /s&arat/ Ant 260 Jr 30: 23; /s·&-/ Eb 22 Jr 23: 19. Ns SAP bowl, basin. Q /sp/ (3Q15 2: 12 etc.). Sam /(ba,s)saf/. Pal /sap/ MW 8 32; /sa2P(ra&al)/ ib. 21 16 (etc.). G pI. cra