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English Pages 332 [352] Year 1973
Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament
w DE
Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament
Edited by Georg Fohrer in cooperation with Hans Werner Hoffmann · Friedrich Huber Jochen Vollmer • Gunther Wanke
English version by W. Johnstone
Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York 1973
Translated from the German Hebräisches und aramäisches Wörterbuch zum Alten
© 1971 by Walter de Gruyter · Berlin • New York
Translation © S C M Press L t d 1973 All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form - by photoprint, microfilm, or any other means - nor transmitted nor translated into a machine language without written permission from the publisher. Printed in England
Forms of the Hebrew Verb
Forms of the Aramaic Verb
Abbreviations and Symbols
Books of the Bible
Hebrew Part «
η Biblical Aramaic Part
267 274
2Q6 3°7
ι. The Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament is intended to fill a long-standing gap. There are large léxica, with a comprehensive technical apparatus, which will continue to be used in Old Testament scholarship. But there is need for a convenient and inexpensive dictionary for everyday use, especially for reading and translating Old Testament texts. Here is such a dictionary which seeks, not to make the large léxica dispensable or superfluous, but to stand alongside and complement them. 2. This dictionary contains the complete Hebrew and Aramaic vocabulary of the Old Testament, including the names. For these latter entries, as for the others, an English rendering is offered. Thus forms of names which are differentiated in Hebrew are correspondingly differentiated in the English rendering, since historical or geographical identification cannot be the task of a dictionary. In addition, the dictionary notes, with references to the passages concerned, significant special meanings and, in clear eases, also includes conjectures. It makes use of results of recent research, but not, of course, in such a way as to coin a new Hebrew vocabulary by means of an uncritical use of Ugaritic or another Semitic language. 3. The dictionary presupposes a knowledge of Hebrew grammar. For most purposes the standard text-books suffice, but in particular instances such grammars as that of W. Gesenius-E. Kautzsch must be consulted. On this presupposition, the citing of all the various forms of the words, especially the verbs, has been dispensed with. A reproduction of the complete list of forms would have made the dictionary too bulky ; a mere selection of them would have been too subjective. In addition, to avoid any pre-judgments, all material is excluded which belongs more appropriately to the task of exegesis. This is especially the case in the matter of the identification of names. 4. Combinations of two or more Hebrew words are, for the purposes of listing, treated as single, composite words.
The form in which the entries are listed is based on the Massoretic Text; thus, where they are regularly or exclusively used, mixed Kethib and Qere forms which occur in the Massoretic Text are reproduced as such in the dictionary. The rendering of the names usually follows the practice of the Revised Standard Version. Feminine names are marked/. ; those not marked are to be taken as masculine. Italics are used for explanatory and periphrastic notes.
Representation :
aphel hiphil hitpael hitpalel hitpalpel hitpoel hitpolel hophal hotpaal iphtael itpaal niphal nitpael palei pealal piel pilel pilpel poal poalal poel polel polal polpal pual pulal qal tiphal
hi hitp hitpal hitpalp hitpo hitpol ho hotpaal iphtael itpa ni nit ρ pal pealal pi pil pilp poal poalal poel pol polal polp pu pul
symbol for development : becomes
Gen. Ex. Lev. Num. Deut. Josh. Judg. I Sam. II Sam. I Kings
II Kings Isa. Jer. Ezek. Hos. Joel Amos Obad. Jonah Micah
Nahum Hab. Zeph. Hag. Zech. Mai. Ps. Job Prov. Ruth
Cant. Eccles. Lam. Esther Dan. Ezra Neh. I Chron. II Chron.
Hebrew Part
Ν DK father, ancestor (also in the broadest sense); II Chron.
4.16 title of respect? "DK shoot, bud. 3«
ΚΓΙ35Κ ». per s. Abagtha. "1DK q be lost, wander, stray, perish. pi lose, let stray, destroy, exterminate. hi annihilate, exterminate. "DÑ destruction >
ill) for ever.
ΓΗ5Κ lost property. ΓΠ5Κ
underworld. destruction, place of destruction ( of the abode of the
> ft?« destruction. ¡"DK q want, be willing. ΓΟ« reed. Κ desire > misery. OfàS trough, manger. "ΠΠ2Κ rd. 'Π
DTH22N water-melons. "ON if only! •OK n.pers.f.
Abi < MON.
Κ n. pers. Abiel. «ÎÇK^K η. pers. Abiasaph. Π ^ Κ coll. ears of corn; Abib ( name of a month, Marchi V'Î'OK n. pers.f.
Abigail (also ^ Κ ) .
I τη Κ η. pers. Abidan. ΪΗ·ΟΚ η. pers. Abida. npK
η. pers. m. and f . Abijah. η. pers. Abijah.
n. pers. Abihu.
HiTOK n. pers. Abihud.
η. pers.f. Abihail. gent. Abiezrite. poor, wretched, caper.
^τηηκ n. pers. Abihail. a n ^ a « n. pers. Abitub. n. pers.f. Abitai. η. pers. Abijam. ^«DOK n. pers. Abimael. n. pers. Abimelech. 3nj' i 3« n. pers. Abinadab. n. pers. Abinoam. n. pers. Abner. *1D}3« n. pers. Ebiasaph. n. pers. Abiezer. n. pers. Abialbon. " T a « strong one; w. 3pJT or ^«"I'tP? the Strong One of Jacob/Israel?, •τ Defender of Jacob/Israel? (title of a God). TS« strong, mighty, eminent; subst. strong one; fig. for celestial being, stallion, bull. o·}"?« n. pers. Abiram. n. pers. f . Abishag. n. pers. Abishua. " l i r O S n. pers. Abishur. n. pers. Abishai. ni^a« - l τi rτ a: sν τρκ tas
n. pers. Abishalom. n. pers. Abiathar. hitp whirl upwards. q lament, observe mourning rites;fig. applied to nature dry up. hi cause to observe mourning rites. hitp mourn. I ta« observing mourning rites, mourning. I I ta« element of n. place Abel (watercourse, stream.?). tas mourning rites, mourning. ta« surely, truly; adversative part, no, but, however. tas watercourse, channel.
/ stone, (stone)weight ; Gen. 49.24 rock, "pfo du. potter's wheel; Ex. 1.16 delivery stones ? rUDK n. river A b a n a . TT - ι n "W.O - pl a c e Ebenezer. tajá« sash. "IJ2K n. pers. Abner. D3N q pt. pass, fattened. sores. ¡>3K n. place Ebez. η · pers. Ibzan. ni wrestle. P3K dust (whirled up)\ Ex. 9.9 soot. '"'Í1¡?2N powdered spices. "ÛN hi soar up. "OK pinion, wing. ΓΠ3Κ pinion, wing.
ΠΓΠ3Κ «· pers. A b r a h a m . "•P.3K unexplained
""ttÒK 0(1)^5« ΓΰΚ KJS
n. pers. Abram. η. pers. Abishai. η. pers. Absalom. η. place Oboth. n. pers. Agee.
n. pers. Agag. ^ J « gent. Agagite.
Tìa« "IÌ3K *ΓΠΐ3Κ O^JK DJN
Εχ· '2.22 bunch; II Sam. 2.2s band; Isa. 58.6 rope; Amos 9.6 vault. nut. n. pers. Agur. payment, drop. n. place Eglaim. reedy pool; Jer. 51.32 redoubt? distressed. reed ; Job 41.12 rd. glowing, bowl, basin, band, army. q gather in (crop).
" ^ η : « basin, fist. n ^ i í j letter. IN stream?, underground water.?, mist? hi I Sam. 2.jj
< ^"ΙΝΠ^ cause to languish.
η. pers. Adbeel. n. pers. Hadad. fatj
n. pers. Iddo.
DVljS n. pers., n. peop., n. terr. Edom. ^ O l I N gent. Edomite. lord;
Lord (only used of God).
P^K rt. place Addon. Oyi^i? "· P¡ace Adoraim. niifc rn1«. "VHK mighty, glorious. fcO^HK n. pers. Adalia. D"1K q be red. pu pt. dyed red. hi be/become red. hit ρ gleam red. I ΟΊΚ coll. mankind, humanity, people; human being (frequently DTK "12 or similar)·, Eccles. γ.28 man. I I DIN n. pers. A d a m ; n. place Josh. j. 16 A d a m ; Hos. 6.7 rd. D1N3. • I Kτ red,' reddish-brown. ΟΠΚ red precious stone ruby? ΟΤΠΠΚ reddish. I MDTN cultivable ground (also landed property, earth as material substance). I I ¡"ID^K n. place Adamah. ¡ID^K n. place Admah. •Oftn« red, ruddy. ΊΟ"ΙΚ gent. Edomite. V ? ^ n. place Adami-nekeb. DM21K η. place Adummim. NÇD1K η. pers. Admatha. p N pedestal; Job ¡8.6 base. pK
n. place Addan.
η. pers. Adoni-bezek.
ρη ; \?'·ικ η. pers. Adonijah. η. pers. Adoni-zedek. η. pers. Adonikam. n. pers. Adoniram. ni show oneself mighty. hi make mighty, glorious, might, glory. "ΠΝ Adar (name of a month, "Π8 ri. pers., η. place Addar. "|Ì2"1"K daric (Pers. gold coin).
DVIK n. pers. Adoram. ϊ^ΕΎΙΚ η. pers. Adrammelech. «• place Edrei. A U S splendour, glory; fine garment, robe of state. WIN q thresh. 2ΠΚ q like, love; pt. also friend. ni pt. worthy of love. pi pt. lover, enjoyment of love. *2ΠΚ loving gift; loveliness, nan« love. τ-; — ΊΠΚ η. pers. Ohad. ΠΓΙΚ alas! (apotropaic cry of alarm). K1HK n. river Ahava. ΉΠΝ n. pers. Ehud. •CIS rd. fl»N (Hos. 13.10, 14). I ί>ΠΚ hi Job 25.s be bright. I I 'iTIS q move camp, live as nomad. pi pitch a tent. I frlK tent. I I Í>ñfí η. pers. Ohel. η. pers. f . Oholah. aloes. SK^nÑ η. pers. Oholiab. rn^ns n. pers. f. Oholibah.
η. pers. f , η. peop.? Oholibamah. Q*l