Haynes 1997-2000 Corsa B P to X Petrol engines service repair manual

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Haynes 1997-2000 Corsa B P to X Petrol engines service repair manual

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and not forgetting ... We don '! just publish car manuals , you koow! In additioo to the hundr6d and fifty mi ll ion car and bike manuals we have sold worldwide. Haynes also pr""'opyi ng,l'OOOrdlflyorby. n ~info"" .U on . to,.~or"" ~ ••• ls)'$t..". wilhotJIper mi s>i ""inwr~j"91rom·"'eOl)rr igh · hoI_.

H._oNorttrArnMca. lnc 861 Lawr~nceom... N ~"'bur)' Pork,

[; " l omja~132{l ,


~4 1 ~[;OORBEVOI!;CEDEX.Fra r lCe H_ . Pub~shIngNorOisl ... " C.tI>IoguinginPYblic • • ioem

Nolhll'lg cO;!.1·'not ....."""1. Drivnglsl,lSually\tleJTlO5t dangerousac\ivitythat....wolusundertake ~n:~.ailyroulln .. s. Ildeservesourtull

TI>II key ekill801 IIdvancecl driving ate concentration, etlecllve all-round ob. ..... alion, a ntk:lpatlon and pla nning. When good vehicle Mnclllng Is added 10

If yoo w..u 10 bacome a saferand more r.kItful (!.lver.nd you .... ant 10 enjoy your drlvlr.g more. contact the Inst,tute of Advanced MotorlslSon 0208990\ 4403 01 write to lAM House. ChIswIck Hlgh Road,LondonW44H$ loran inlOITII8tion pacI
ninIl or tig./l18l1Ong t.ghIOrqIM nuts when the vlhcle Is on sta!lds ntiaI klosenIng and ftnal lighl9lllng should be donewilhthe ""-Iaonthtl ground.

-. ...... --

Never run the

::t:~a:ut. Si!r~fIG~;,

° FUIII vapour i$ also poisonous, as are the vapoors Irom some d8!lrlingsc>venllland paintthnne!"$

PoiSono ....s or irritant substances o Avoidslonl"lllengiOOtlSin9 tlleboOSl9r batteryaodr\l!l ltalidles~.Switcn

on tt>e lights. rear window demister and heater bk>weI" moIOf. ttl«I discool18Ct thejumplNd.intl>ere. i ,seorder cf cOllMCt ion.n.m on th ~ ~ght"etc.

Roadside repairs Wheel changing Some of Ine d.. tail~ shown hereck II1II tyre PfflS$ure on the wheel just fitted. If ~;,. km. or ~)tOO don't ha~" a pressure ;a>gewtthyou. dnv" slowly to the nearest garage arld lnllate the ryre to the correct

_ _ 1hII damaged


or wheel repa,red or replaGed, a.


as possible

6 :~~C;;g~~~~h~~w=';~:e~~

low", the cor to thegroooo. Tight..., th'r

UKeeplng an eye on lyre c(>nd~ion and P«",u'on. will lIot only help 10 'lOP them wearing ouI prematurely but could aJoo !l8.V8

yourli/e. DMany bfeakdolOflS are caused byel!lClJical prob lems. Batlery related faults are partlculartycommon and aquicl< check on a ;;:::',basiswiUoIIenpreverrtthemajorityo!

:::JJf you< c...-dIIv8lops a brake fMd IBak, the li,sltime you mieciecome neCll'lsary to rebela""e th &m as they wear, or il the balance welghts fitled 10 the wheel rim s houid faJl oIf. Unbalanced tyres "111 1 Wear more quickly. M will the s""'ring and suspenSIOOoomponoots . Wheel ImbalanCfl Is normally s4gnified by vibralion. partICu larly ala certa in speed (lypically around 50 mph) . Iflhisvibration is r.ft only through the st!'lf!fing , thoo ~ is likfMy' th.allustthefronlw h~5needbal ~"" 'ng. If, however . the vibta-lion;5 f"1 th rough Ihe wllolecar. the rear wheels could be OUI of ~_ Wha91 balanCing should be carried OUI by a tyre dealer or garage

2monilored Alternatively, be with a stmpla. Inexpensive device tread



knownas a lread~indic.ator!ll'uge.

Tyre tread wear patterns ,.-~~~~~--,




cause overt>aatlng01lhe

__ oac...ose the ¥e win Hex too much. and ... ~wilnolsitCOf "",tlyonthl!fOad ....... Dliswtll C3lJsea'=>ssolgripand __ ' wew, notlomenlkln tl>edangero! .a."I~IaiI ... edlJ8to




Tyre pressures

==~:s ~re

quoted for standard lyre firments (see Chapter 10); consult" dealer or lyre spscJat.'st for alternative or l?'IIsoo

Corsa and Corsavan Normal load (up 10 3 passengers)

1.0Iitrernodels: 145/80 R 13-75 T tyres . A1lothsrtyr9S

2.2 bars (32 psi) 2.0 bars (29 p8Il

1.2 rrtre SOHC models: 145/80R13-75TIyres AIIotharlyres. 1.2 litre OOHC models . 1.4 litre SOI-IC models with



fUQI injection (X 14 SZ):

2.1 bars (30psJl

1.9 bars (28 psi)

1.9 bars (28 psi) 2.2 hars 132 psi)

2.0 bars (29 psi)

u_ ••

All other tyres . 2. 1 t>ars (30psi) 1.4 rifle SOHC modeis with mu~i- point fuel injection (C 14 SE): AIIlyressiz~.. 2.3 bars (33 psi) 1.4 litre OOHC model 2.4 bars {35 psi} 1.6 litre models Fully laden: 1.0 litre models .

1.2 Irtre SOHC models 145180 R 13-75 T tyres A1lothertyres . 1.2 litre DOHC rnodels .


1.6 bars (23 psi)

1.7 bars (24 psi)

2.2 bars (32 psi) 1.9 bars (28 psi)

2.2 bam {32 psi)

2.1bars{30psi) 2.2 bars (32 psi) 2.0 bars (29 psi)

2.3 bars {33 ps~

2.7 bars (39 psi}

2.1 bars (30 psi) 1.9 bars (28 psi) 2.3bars{33psi)

2.4 bes .

-'-Y drtvebelt check and ranowal-

..::::::::::::: :::::-::

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32

~syst""'chec k

. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .... l1

~controlsystomcl1ec~ .

~managemootsystem cheel
tr Drr _ _.AsengJneollages,ltb6c:omes ~9ndconl~nltttd, whlch/altch

ed , wipe too drain

dirtand"udgelfomthe oil@er housing. 13 Remove tha seal in g O·ring Irom the oil Hlter housing cap 14 Fit" ne", sealing O- ring to th"oil fi~9f housfng cap then clip the new oil filter elemenc to 1he cap [S8a illus1ralions) 15 Fit the caP and fdter element aSSIIITIb/y1O the oil filter hou~ing and scre'" tha C(lP Into position. Finalfy.lightenlhecap lothe 8P8C,fi9d lorqU9 (see ~1u9b"8Iion9)

;a.g9rld th,,"eal ill\lw~sheIItaI contain"" type, which is unscrewed


asc:.,~:~~;o~ ~~:~~,:':~


~.Proceedasdescrib8dur1d ....


~S\Jb -Sections, lIocordif\Qtoall\llno

3..1 501 Ftttneoapandfllterelement -w.Iy to the oil f~ter housing ..

1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.B/ltre engines 16 The oflllfterfslocatedatlhetronl lett I_d sk1e of the engine. Note that on 1.4 and 1.6 Iltre DOI1C eng.inernodeJs. access is meholeinthetenslon ...

roller arm is


with the corresponding

5.8aleverlhedriYflbelttensl_roller clockwi", until Ihe hola In the tenaloner arm tan-owedl Is all9ned with lIIe com"'ponding hole in lIIe t ..."lioner body_ 1.2 litre DOHCenglne

5 Where applic8b1e •• nspect theautomalic Iransmlsslon1IIlldcooler hoses for laaksor deterioration. 15 W~hlhevehicl"lalsed.lnspectth"petro l tarlkarldfille-rr.edt forpunclu,BS, cmoksand other damage. The conne~tion betw98n the liller neck snd tank is aspeclally critical. Sometmes. a rubber Mer neck orconneI'ag,aphs I t aI1d12. 22 Dblaln Ilwirll rod 01 approximately 4 mm

(O.16in)diameterx280mm(l,lin) . .Makeu~a

1 To ctJeck the HT leamo. j)I'OC@fldasfollows. notinglhattherearen KTleadson l .0 aAII 1.2 litreDOHCengines 2 On 1.4 and 1.6 li t r~ DOHC M~ln ..... unscrew Ihe i'.vo secLifing screws, and lift 011 lhe pl astic ghield which fits over the carrt!IhIII

suil""~tooltolock the tens.orw",posrtion

as the belt is removed {.... III\JllntIonJ 23 U~ing a suitable spanner Of $OCket and

wrenchoogagedwithlhe t_ _ .o/IerboU. 19va r th8tension .... roller aga,n$1 Ihe spring

presslJte. The roller CIlIl then be locked in position,usinl/thetoolillSepeoa. trav~ is not excessive . Also listen for lII'lJ noises""flec transmission control ay.tern

~ ,

-.oonuid wucold allhe

oth.".lhanf""e wal,tMnprovid.d~isc"",,,

and less Ihan two yoors old,

Cooling .ystem flushing .5lfoootantrenewalhas~n.eglected.or .

smoothly Itvough all positions. finishing in

!ell-hand sldaof Ihe anll,ne compartment, IlfIxl to Ihe engine oil level dlpsllck). Pull up thele'leronlhetopofthedipsticlCOQIant lrooofairbubbles....-1JII'I fromtheonfi~,r.fiI lhecoolan tt emper'"'ure

&ende r and tighten it securely (SOHC .-.glnesl. Or r.fil th. bleed !K>'ewar>dlighton ~ to Ihl! specified lorque setting (f.4 and

I.SIit ... OOHC ""gines) 1_ Wlustrationj f6Top-Uplt>ecoolantie'fflllotheKALT(0f COLO)marIe

m!l1erial can

seaijngQrom""' t( see~lustratlon).llarodol

the SiImtI ~ame\er as the ~ minimum fr\(:~on matenalthlc knes." placed again!t the shoo lridion moter1a1, the amount 01 wear can be asses.ed . An electric torch or 1r.sp&Ctiorllight wil l probab l ~ 00 req uired. ~ the jrtction material on any shoe is wom down to ihe spedfied minlmLJmltllGkness or less. all lour Shoes must be "Iflewedicatelai1edi'luidseai$ witllinthe5l8Oring{I6Rr. 4 Grasp each roadwheel at the 12 o·c lock and 6 o'clock positiona, 000 Iry to rock It (see IlIusltatiOll), Very slig hl freo play may be felt but if the movemant isapp rociable.lurther investigation is necessary to determine th e

31 , Rear sU5~n check

lorw""r'" thB9U~pen"'on mounting bushes by levering betwehicJg oopport). 2IMpecttheballto!ntdustco,=ar>dth, stoering goor gait9rS for splits, chafing or Oeterior;rtlOO. Arrj wear of these compooents w;1Q8tlSl!loasoftubrlcant , an(I",,'yaiIQwwater toenler lhe !lOl'T1ponenlS.roooHing inrapid



30-" ROCIestoarlnggeerRsa!1 9 The effic iency of each SU8P1!nStO~ strut/shod.; absorber may be ~he--crankshafl bo~:'

Sl!>11e 1

&"9"1 2 . CranlecDrried out on the eng ine while il rem ains in Iha WIhicIe.lf theenginahas boon romowdfrom the vehicle and is being dismantlod as desOred Hote thal . whil e rt may be possible physically to overhaul items such as Ihe pr$lon/connecting rod assembiiall wni le the .....'n. is int ha vehicle, such tasieat'Ings with crankshaft etldllo8t be"'g



,"" ," ""

,'" ""


1 G.neralinfonnatlo:@;W "

,," , ,"" "" ,,"'" ,

contro ll ed by thnJstwash&ts which are an Integral part 01 No 3 matn bearing shel ls (1,0 lilre engines). or No 4 main booring8l>alls(1.2Iilreengines). Thaconnacti ngrods araaltacned to tne crankshah by horIzontally-splH sheU-typo blgendt>earlngs.ThepisIOllllarealtachedlolhe connecling rods by gudgeon pins. wI1ich are an Interierence frt in the conneclillQ rod smaI~ end bot", Tha alumi nium -alloy pistoos are !hIed with th'.... piston rings - \wo


the crankshaft by a hydrau lic3Uytern.ior"l8d timing chain,Eochcylinderhas fourvBllies(two ln1et and twoe.haust). operated via rocker arms wh ich are supported at their pivot IIflds by hyd,aulicsetl· adjUSlingvalw lilters!lappe\s) One camshalt op...-atas the inlat valva8. and

, ,"" ," ,,'"" ,

d) Remcv~llI>dreflmngotthacams/llrfts. e) Removal IJfId rofittillg of /lie $limp. ~ Removal and rehfrong of /Iu.I bio}-¥Wi bem1ngs,connoct,ngrods,andpisrons· at Removlll and re6ttinfJ of me oil pump. n)Flanewalofthacrat1kMJftollseaJs. f) Renewalofrhe8flglnemoonting! f) Removal ""d re~rting of tha flywheelldnveplate_ 'Aithough the operation marked wi!t1 dlighienthemfongce inlet camshaft can st~ be turned 23 Again. using t he spa""", on ihecamshaft Mals. turn the cem. hafts slightly. as

necessef)", unt,l ttlfIcamshaft:oettingloolcan be,,,;nserted in l o th8 slots in the ends oflha camshafts. 24 Remove the ro ll pin u.oo to hold l h~ timingdWntenslonerplunger..,thuI'-Yfro mthe puolley hub I>has.. d iscseltingtools.thent ighta ntha camshaft sprocket retaining Dons to th hose aoo thl!l"m05tat housing COv"r tOllether Remove the sealing ,inll from th e houslt\g COV"'no1l1lgt hata newonewll l be~ult"ed

for,elltti ng 11 Release the cl ips and d isconnect the bottom hose from th .. radiator, expansion tank aoocooianl puml>. 12 RItIMMthe clips and discon"",,cttha heater and up an .ion tank hoses l ro m the ooolant pump. 13 Remove the previomly slackeoed coolant IJUITlP pullythe handbrake, t hen jack up thefroot of th&C8.1 aoo support ~ S&ClKely 00 axlesland3(seeJackingandvehicIeS(lppor!)

2 Remove tne e" cleaner assembly as describediflChaptl!l"4A.

Ref..."""" Chapterj.

uot il theTDC notch on the crankshafl pu lley is tocated just bef"", thQ cast Jug on the timir.g oover (_ illusttation 4.6!. 15 Check that No 1 piston Is on the compression strok .. by observing No 1 cytl""""camshaftlobes.AUfwrk>besshould be poinlLngoutwards (away tromthe eng,ne). tfthoy are not, No t p;ston is on tile exhaust "trokeandthacmnkshaft.hould beturned through a tunhe' full turn. 8t0l>l>;fI\I once 8gainjustbeforll th" TDCnotchalign.wilh theluQonthe~mingcover

le On models w,th air conditioning . unbo~ the compressor Irom the cylind er bl ock, re lease th .. refrigerant lines Irom their brackets and support the COrlIPressor clear of tI>98"9''''''. Do IMlt disconneo:;t the refrilJ'K'llll Hnestromthecompre""'" 17 Using quick ·dlyO"ig paint. or Similar. ma ke an alignment mark betwe8ll the c ran k ~haft puney and the pu lley hub. It shou ld only be possible to refit the pulley inon& position. but

1.0 & 1.2 litre DOHC engine in-car repai r procedures 2A- 9

• is ad. isabl a to make an atignmonl mark



Reco verth ~ pumps~aling

rir>;I noting that

a """0 ontI tll\lsl 00 used for refitting

18 Unscrew t he




A!laningba lts andr~th.poJ l leylromtl!6

I'JJb.lfn8C85!I"'Y.prowent thecrankshaftfrorn tumlng as th e pulley bolts are slackensd, a spanner or socket on the PU ll9Y hub


It Using a su itabl e s ocket illrtlalty slacken tlbutd notremove)thecrankshattp.Jll8'jhub '9t\lfIlln g bolt Isee illustration). The crnnkshaftcanlJeprev9ntedfrornlumingali the boil is .iack" Md. using Vauxhall/Opal special tool KM · 956 or a ~mllar tool which will _e wilhlh"flal~one8Ch9i deoflhe

IlUIloosi ng. 20 Ur.::lo the CIoSllrll ba~from the crankshaft TOCpos~lonsetting hok>, Too plug is located on the ftonl facing side of the cy1ind er block

"""'Q " "uitabl .. hooked tool

2BUnscrew the previously slackened crankshaft pulley hub retaining boltJnd rDfT"tOVe the hub ffom tile crankshaft. Note that a new tx>twi l 00 req uired fOf retitting. ~:n ~~move the sump"" describsd In Sec 30 U,ldo the timing COWt retain ing bolts and removethenr"titt&d or.d ti ~ ht"" t hol bohsthoo 83 On mod elswtth air cooditioning . relit Ilia campr_ortothecytlnderblockand~ghten

thol mounting bolts to thesP6C ili&d tOfqlltl Rem the relrigarant li"""to lhei"elevantdps OfQl"ackets 64 Refit the alternator ... des.cr1bed In Chapter5A. 65 Refillllf1 au>dUarydrivooolt tOllslor.erand

bghtenlt1emounling bolts tot he specrtied torq .... Onmodelswilt1airconditiooing . us;"!/ .sujt8b1a~nnero rsocketandwrench

engaged with the I""""'ner rollerboU. tever thelen!;ionerrollllfclo&nInsM thespring . toI lowedbylh&plunger irotclhol te nsionttrbody . 6 Funycompressthetensionerplung8r"and reinsartthllretairtingrollpin(_illustrallonl.

2A. 12 1.0 & 1.2 litre DOHC engine in-car repair procedures 1 RBfit!h8ttn:lionerassemb~tolt>ecylinder llead and tighten the reteinin!! bo~s to the apedfiedtorque

8 Cemehaft sprockets removal and refitting

~ ~


will 8100 be mquired foI'/lIis operaJion_Ae8d through Ihe entire procootJre and also the procedures cOn/alned In Saction 4 10 f~mili~ris e yourself with the wone Involved. thenflilherobtainthamanumc/urer'sspeciaJ tools. orusell>e alt&mlttivesdoscribed. Nuw gasInIts and SMIiJ>g rings wiflalso bit mquimd for tI!J diSlUrbedcomponents,fogethMwllt! nowrwnshl/flsproo/«Itretainingbolfs.

Remo val 1 Disconnect the battery negative terminal (reler to DisconflflCting the balt"ry in Ihe RefefenceChopter). 2 Remo~e Ihe air clean er assembly as

~,,=I~~~h:~ccvera'desCrlbedln SectionS. I Firmtyapply the handbrake. then jack up thefrontolthecerandSI.JpporIit"",",ure~on axl!O staoos(seeJac~andVllhicleSIJpporfJ.

~h~w~e~':~~llt;l~ :~oo~~=~ ~~~ cmnk5haftpulley. 5 Onmodeolswlthai"oond~ioning.releasethe leosOO on !h8aux'illrydriYebelt and lock the leoSlo"..r In the released position as desorioedIn Ihe auxiliarydrivebelt,enewal procedu,e In Chapter 1. Note thal it is not necessarytooompl$telyrlllOOvalMdnveboll, 8Sthis ItOlails removal 0ltherlght·h3nd engine mou~tlng bracket. With thg d,ivgbell tension released. sl ip the ~t off th e compressor pu ll ey . Unbe lt the compress()f lI'omthecylillderblock.releaselllersfrtgerant lines from their brade"," and ~uppo" the compressor elsar 01 the ""gine. Do no1 dl s con~ect the refrigerant lines lrom tha compl"\'I!I!IQI'.

11 Using a socket 0, spanner onlho crankshaft pullori hub bolt. to,rn the cr,..,kIIhaf\

In lha normal dlrectlOl1 01 rotatlon (clockwise asYiewedfrom!h8l1ght-handsldaoltt.car) untlllllaTDCnotchonthecrankshaftpultev is

(or sui ta~e altemative) described In paragrapha 14 and 15 01 Section 4 can be located over Ihe phase disc. If II>e

locatedi~lbe1ore!h8caslll.>gon!h8~ 1ng

Vau>:hal ~lool i~belngolts . one al a time. by half a tum When all the bolts have been initial ly siackened , repeat the procedure. slacleing.enewed. Hwill be necessaryto_ .. ll-eroclt... ",ms and lappets lorth.at~CIIITlISIlMIalso.

Refitting 10 Befor"refittin\j 20 Rell!8u the w l ~ng hamess Irom ilS Ioc:ating dips to gain eeslng a haru plastc orwooci scraper to remove all troces of gasket 300 carOOn. The same method can be used to clean the piaton crowns. Tak.. particular care to avoid scorir>g or gouging Ihe cyhnder head mating surf~ces during the cleaning operJtlons. (IS afumin ium alloy is

~~:!" !a~:tg~~w~t~: e~~; th~h';,il :~~ watar p asafJ998 - tllis ~ particularl)'import an t

fort"" lubrica~on system. as carbon could block the oil supply to the engine's components. Using ~dhe"ivM tape and paper. seal the water, 011 and bo ~ hoh.s in th.. cylinder bloGk. To prevent carl.x>n entering the gap botwoon the pi~ l ons and bores. smear a little groned one below tile coolanlpump) . Tighten lhathree tx>ts to the spoc iliocltorque

~ ~a:;':~ ;~t:amSh"fI setti ng tool from 67 Fit the r>ewcylinderhead retainir>gbolts ood Screw in the bolts unt~ they contact Ihe cyl inderholad Wor1rlt\llirlHI Of'dwto Ihat shown in illu3trR~on 10,50, tighten th ~ cylirlder h!3ad bolts to th!3 Stage one torque sett ing gl voo In the Spe cifications. USing a torque w r ~nch. Again working in th .. corr.. c1 order. tighten all too bolts tflrooghlheSta9" two 1Ir>g1" usng aflgl" m,*"",'\I1\i ga"9"(5,", illustrations) . Rep eat for Stage three and Stagltsto theStageltOrqu:::,,:~usingetorq ...

1.0 & 1.2 litre DOHC engine in-car repair procedures 2A·17 79S1owlytumthectank.haftlurttlfor""tllthft TDCposition setting tool can OOG..lt h"" boMn temted and tightootheboilstherl. fJ7 On model. with aircorlditionin9. r" frtthe compressor to lhe cyt,nder blOCK and tighten tllemounti">lboltslothespeciliedtorqlJ9 :1'~~'r9arantlinestolhoitrelevantcliPs

88 R8frttheau~iijaoyd(i.ebaltasdtt8Cribed in Chapmr1. 89 Recon""""t Ihe catalytic cOIlverter to the exhaustmBnilold using a new flange gasket Tighten the ()()fl\Ierter'lo-manilold nulsto lhe ~=~boIm;;lifSt, Iallowed by the suppon 90 From under the car. re~srtiontheinlet manifold support braciboIt,andtheboltsocurill\lthabtackalto thecylhderblocld 10 the oontrol l.I1it brscket wrth the

:~~~~~~=:kln !he wm g h~mtOSt 99 A8Coonectlhewiring plug 10 ti1e top 01 t"" EGRv3l\leand thewin"9connoclor10 lhe adjaoenttemptlfaluregaugosender. 100 Reconnect the wiring plugs at the 011 pr!lMUt.. sw it "".coo lan ttemp&ratur&~ sor

311dc3mshaltposltlons",""or 101 Relit the throttle body as described in Chaptet4A, Section 11 102 RoIcot-hand drive mo d" ls . refIt the batte,.,.and ballery tray as described in Chaptet5A. UI ReIiIItha""'*'gSYslom as described .., Chaplar1. tholnroconnod thoOOttery

Note' A ne"N $ump getJsedonrefiWnd Olller rolor back in the

~ r~:~~nl~~~~ ~~:~:~:rC=~a~ i~: ~~;:c\ooraOCGbaIWGOOlh"'VJdfaces

:"!he g_s and th e housing (eodlloat] usitl!l a .....lQht-edga and a feeler gauge (see -..stration]

Tff the claaronce is oul~ id a tha sp&ci~&d 1I'T'iits. renew lhe components as necessary • Examine IMe pressure relielvalve spring

:!.:''::~i=/,'new if any sign of da m"!}t! • Ensufe that the rotor location in the intarior 01 the timing cover is scrupulously clean bFcIt. turn the cn!In~ehoIf't In the norm.:ll dir. c:tlon of rotation (cloc;.:wlSe as ';ewed f'om the righ t-hand side oIlhe cm) unti l the TDC ootcllon thecra~kshaftputleyis locatOOjuSI before the cast lco;l on lhetinin!l COver (see Nlustration4.6). 6 Using qu ick-drying paint. orsimil...-, make an alignmomt mark b ..lw.... ntrn. crankshaft pu ll oy andtho pu ll ey hub. I1 shoold on!y be po,s ible to refit the pulley., one position. but It Is advisable ta make an alignment mark aIlyN~

7 Unsc,,,,,, Ihe six crankshaft pulley retaining bohs and ",m",""c the pulloy from lhe hub. If nee ...."...,.. p,;fiushwithlhooout...- llIc,

2A-20 1.0 & 1.2 litre OOHC engine in-car repair procedures

oflhetlmingcover, U9ingasu~ablesock"'or


tube,ora .... oodenblock(seeillustralion) 13 Refitthacrank.haftpulley hub 10 Ihe crankshaft,ensunng that thft punch marIc on

4 inclusive of t!l;S Section 23 Gruse the lips 01 the new seal,thln carelully locatelhe sool over the crankshaft and Into the recess in the cylinder bIockafld baseplate (see illu strationl . 24 Tapthesaalinlopositior!lI$ingasCifiedtOfQUG. In the stages glvefl in tile Spec~icatiOll ' . Prevent crankshaft rotat ion as the bolt is tightened. usinglhe method employed lorrernoval 1.5 Rafilthe crank.h>l1tpulley 10 the pu llay hub. WIth the marks made on removal aligned, and tighten the s;,; bolts 10 Ih&specifled torque 1/1 Relillheau.8""'9 th8 moomllng8 Wlll~ some free ptay is to be expected. even from new components, excessive we ar should be ab~ i ous . II excc.si.o free play is found. check flrsl to see that lhe.ecurlrlg nlll3 and OoIIsareCOI"fectlytightened,thenre"ew any worn components as described in the Iotto-.... ingparag"'pht.

Renewal Right-hand mounting - 1.0 litr.

:n:~:~ethe a"cleanera. described in Chapt8f 4A

6 Att3ch a suitable hoist and tillir1g tackle to the engine lifting brackets on Ihe cylinder head, and supportthcwcightofthccn~i"". 1Undo th alhr88oollsS9Cllrl ng th anghlhand engine mounlingbfacketlothetiming 8 Working und~r the vllhlct... rwnov. the nut and bolt securing Ih" righl - h~nd ~nglM mounling bracke\ to the mounting block on

~heU~:'t~ :=~:; n;~nt~~~~k~ moLJnl~bk>ckfromlhebody.

10 Locate the new mounting block on Ihe body and tighten the bolts to the.peoItsand lightftll them to too specified torque

Inspection 1 To impro~~ access. firmly apply the IwIdl>rake, then jack upth£,frant of the car and suppor1 it secur.. y on axlll Etands {s"" .ktcNnga"dveh.r.;Jesupporf) 2 Ch eck lha mounllng t>IocIate. CooIantpumpbolts .... Cranksha~ pulley bolt:"

Stage! Stage2. S1IIge3 .

" ,""


" ,"'" s




turthef3O" 15°


Cylinder hood bolts:"

Stage! Stage 2 SlIIg,,3 Stage4 . EnglnemounUngs:

Left-hand: Geerboxttransmissionbracket -Io-gearbo>:l!ransm issionbolts GearboxItra1lsmlssion Dradthe(>'ank,haftto ~-..g No 1 piston 10 TOC as lollows ICCCrdingto engtne lYP\I_Notethatturning -.eng,ne will 00 made much easi", il tll@ -'< plugs are removed firsl (see Chapler l). 6 n.. timing mark. must be align&d as


:"»e~'mingmarkO(l t/t@camshaltspfOcJ cover and camshaft housing mating surtace ~ _ rt n&eessary, ge ntly tap Ihe cov.... sidewa'f'l to

I;' i.JiI\

... ~' , \

(( \ ~ It' ~


-- ..



",.. 4.3 Lifting II>e camshaft cover Irom the camshatlhouslng

28-6 1.2 & 1.4 litre SOHC engine in-car repair procedures




11.31 Apply sealing compouod 10 the cyllndef bead top malingleco

illustration}. 36 Temporarily "'~t the camshaft sprocket and ensure that tile timing marks are stili po~~ionemcket Irom Ih.. oil P'Jmp. Mo~ the sensor/bracket asseml>ly to one side, tald a fe8~gaUQ8 (_

tttustrattonl 12 I1 any olthactaarancosare ootside thB specified limits. rerww the components as necessary

13 Examine tne presslJl'e relodY.~singasuitablesocket or tube (see illustration] . Take cara not to damagethasealUpsduringfining ~C:::'~:J,.,~~ ove the tape from the !)I1d of 8 Refit the cran ksheftsprockat. as described in Section 8

Flywheel end Oil seal


sooace oftheflywheel is5cored , oro n close

15 FlywheeUdriveplatet~ , insP;eCti08 and


~ ~~~:;~ ~~~Ii~~ i ~~::: :s~~~~

~ ~ha;~:~~a::Y;~cek~e"sUsrf~~~~~";;dh~oi~~~~

'-' ~'&. ;if N01e: New flywh....rldriveplate s!I(;uring boils muSfba used 00 rflnttifI(J

Removal 1 Rernovethemanuel gearbox9sdescnbed in Ch apter lA,orthe alltomaUclran=lssion asde&cribOld in Chapt"' 7B. as appl icable. 2 On manual gearbox modals. remove the c!ulchasdaacrOberaock8t. andtoghten thesec:!rl:'Ig bo~stotne specified torque. 10 Bef~ refitting the brackeVmounting block assembly, clean the threads 01 tne mounting b lock-to-body bol15, then ChfloCk that tMe bo~l retale frHIy in their thraadlld IIole8inthebody.llnecessary.re-cutthe threaded holes In the body I.ISing a au~.ble­ lIzetap. It Ref~ the ITIOlXlIJng brackel to the cylinder block,and bghlen the sec:uring bolts to Ihe specWllldtorque 12 Coat the threads elltle mountlng bIockte-body boils with .ult.~e thread-Ioclssioobojts FI")owtIooII~platebolts' "

''''''' Stage 2 Stage3. Main beanng cap bohs:' Stag@1

Stage 2

Stage3 .... .. ... ...... . . . . . . .... . . 011pick-up pipe bracket-IO-c)'1inder block bolt OIIprck-up pllJ':""to-oil pump bolts" ....• Oil IY8BSlI"e reliefvatlle pl ug to oi l pumP OtIpgon tMfirst",.,q,whKlh doeeootooild·upd"";ngsucces$lvestrokes, Indicates l8;lking velves or a blown haad g.aakel (a cracklKl h6ad could also be the causel·De~lsonlheunderlldesofth6

vaNe head5 can also cauw low compression 8Hthllpr-essu ... inlWlycyjind.. .. signiflC~ lower than thallntllfl remain,r>geylinders. carl)' outlhe following test to isolete the cause. Introduce a teaspoonful ofcleen engine oil Into the retevanl c)'linder Ihrough its sparlg belt co_. Note tMt Iflhe cmnkshalt pulley andlowerout8r timing bttItcovorllaV9boo/1 romo".'ed,1he timing marlronlhecranks/JaftsprochtCllflb6 ustKii=/tJadofthemarlllry,r~tl1egas k 9tsarldO-rlng,

7 Ensure thet the gaskets atld O· rings are correctl~ kx;ate.d on the cams haft oovar (soe illustrotions)

4 Camshaft cover rerno~a1 and refitt ing

Removal 1 Remove the upp er secti "" 01 the in let


the camshaft cover {see lIfustration). 3 Usin~ the tool provided (~tI~ched to OrIG of thesparkplllQ KT lead connectors),pu ll th8 KT leads from the spark plugs, erld lay them to 000 side, clear ot the toamshaft co_

4.2 Disco nnec1 thabr8sthar l\osa, (alTowed) fro m th e camshall cover

BFitlheCov&I' to thecylrndet'llead,then ",fit th e securi ng boIts_ roghten the bollll to the sp8C ified torque, workmg fro m the centretothe ends ofthe""""'," "spiral ~"~ 9 ReoonrHlCt the lfT le.adstotI'Mspar1Il1ove the two securing bolts, toon ~easetll(ltomcl!p",andwithdrawthek>wtlr


~~. ~OenR:~!ng

is a rGv"",al 01 removal, t:>LJl

~ ~~i:,a~.k'haft Removal t Access is ITlOst easily ot:>tained from under tIl(lwheelarch,afteri""kinguptnevei1icr..e fflortimingbeltcoverbolthQleto

point .... is positioned in the cantre ofltle V -early type tensioner &hown


clockwise throoll" two complete r.... oIu~ons, until No 1 p iston is agai n positiontid at!op deadeen! ",. Tumthe crankshaft smoothly wllhootj6rklng. to avoklthe beitjumplIlllon the sptockets. Check that the IImlng mari!he$9(\IUpsduringfltTil1\l.

-:rn.c:::,~;:movethetapefromtheend Of ~:.!t:; camshaft sprock8t as dSSCfit-J"'




i J' ~rQ!~;'f:~!:U:byca:~,;e bolts by half a tum, then tinalyslacken all tMe bolts fully and w,thdraw them from the cylindor head. Reeov", the washers (s""



2C e 12 1.4 & 1.6 litre DOHC engine in-car repair procedures


, "I' >


11.23 Uftingtheo::yMnck

11.27 CyllnderhHdgaaketOBENlTOP marldng should be Btllmlngbeltend 01 engine

23 Lift the cylinder head from Ihe cy1lnder bIock (seeilhJstnllicnj,lfnocessary,taplhe cyl inderheoogentlyw1thasoft· lacedmall ""

O::lrbon falling in. Mop cut all the 011 lrom the bcltholesj Holl Is lafI In ttle holes. hydraulic

10 frail II from lhe block. but do nsfoppedbeforeunst: rew/ngthe .,.., compJelely. At aHtimes, keep weIJ _:lyfrotnlllflfmercapopenlnl1. 10 Haye a container ready to collect escapIng coolllnl. Ihen d isconnect the radIator top hose from the thermostal -.sing. ItdflSired. the cooling system can be P¥1ial ly dramed as de*C ribed in Chapter I oeIore disconnecting the hose. 11O;sconm.ctlheexhaustlrontsectlonfrom Ilem3n~dasdeSCfibadinChapter4B.and

support the exhaust system using win. or

...". 12 Working l.IOdft' the \'8hicie. remr:we the nut .rid bolt securing the engine mountIng bnldg sections. see rext (Section 17;

0400 to l.4OQ mm


Cyllndarhaad Material . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . ... " . . Waximumpedard-l Standard-2 0.250mmunder:ling system components sucft as tft e hoses, drivebalts, tilermCCUmtely e.timate the amount of tim& ,&qu ".d to rebuild or repBi r components tnat may need woo. Alwaysbe ,,"'remely Gafelul whell removing

~:~~:n~a~~e"~~:';.~:5:!,~ t~:: your time, and you will find that a lOb 01 this neto;re , although rr"O:ljor. can be 3ccompiished ou cces..-fulty. On all Corsa models , tMe en ~ in e must be removed complete wilM the gearboxitren"",is5ion I\.'! M aS5embty . There is insuffic'ent clearallCe in the eng,ne compartmenl to remoY@ th A engme leaving the gMrt;>ox/transmt.;5ion in IM e Yehoc le. The assembly is removed by r81slng the Iront 01 the . @h Ic19. and loweri ng the assembl y from the engi ne comp~rtment.

2D-4 1.0 & 1.2 litre DOHe engine removal and overhaul procedures

Nole: Su'tablelJquip",*"lw!!lb9r!1qulredfo S!Jpp"rtloo enginear>d~arboxduringlhj~


Removal 10iscanr>elTlOvalheborvletaS described In Chapter 11 3 On right-hand drive moOe l~. remOve the baneft engine. dlsoonnec:t the 32 ~sconnect the wir ing from the a~ern at o/ and the ~tar1er molor, and lII1bolt the ear1h lead from thestar1er motor uppr mounllng (..... inustr..tians). 33 Whereapp licable.lII1sC!8wlhes&cLlrlng sleeve and dl!lC(W"ll"lect the s.peedometer cable from the top of lha g8arbox. Nolethal on certain model S. tha cable is in two sectionll, jOined by a connector nearlhee ngln e


27 OIso:onnecttM brake servovacuum hose oaooe-c!lonat thelnletmanifcld. On 1.0Iltr" 8ngin-esthe oanooctionis by a conventonal

coolant axpanslontank. then undo the retalnlng boltsan body. 13 DiscoonectlllewlrtngCO!lr>&Ctofsatthe olant temperature sensor, camshaft position sensofand 011 prsssurs switch . lift IhI:> wiring hamess trough from th e CMlSh3ft C'hicle. 51W,th the englne/gearbo~ assembly removed, support Ih.. 8'loombly on su'table blocks of wood positioned on e workbeJICh, ;:::'~:lin9tr1at,onaCl8anftreaoftheWDr1ou!on sensor and knock 72 Relit the wiring hamess supportbmc:kets

to the rear of the inleI manrfold 73 Rem the roadwheels. and lower Iho vehicle to the ground. 74 Reconnect al l relevant wiring to the engiM and assoc iated COmponnents, if not already done: ajMan/loIds(sooChapter4A).


I\J CfIIflkshafl speedlpos'tion sensor (see Ch8pIfl,4A,I

bl$parld Ir..~pr1ngseat(see lllusValions)

6 Repeat tOO procOOur8 for th e rem ai ni"ij vai'les. koopiog all comporoots In strict order

so that they can OOe In the rstdingsobtaonedindicates.......-ofthevatv.o stem. Should any 01 lhese conditions be apparerrt.IhIlValve(S)muslberel'1e'N«l , llthe valvasare insatislaclorycondilion.11\ey $hould be \lround (I;tpped) onlo Ihelr ~~tiWI_Stoeo8Un!asmoolh gas-tIght

11 Va lva!;lnnd in!;lis caniedoutulolloWI

::::"I~~~~ir;::kh~a!=i=t=:~n I~ g.ve clearance fOf the Valvll Slems

13 Che$1 sndcorro$lon,Lookfor.lrippedlhroadsln thellYeaded holesrrt mey be possible 10 rocuI ttrlppad threads USIng a au~able tap). ~ lhelOOk dces not need tc be rebored, theorlgin&1 pislonl can Ile refitted . Normal plstcn wear shows up n ......n V8(1ICa1 wear onlhepillcnthruslsurtaces, and sl ight loosen.sscflhetopringin it5groove. New

13.2 Uaing a leet.... gauge 10 aid remcval claplslOttrlng

ign~ion, 'plnloomg runn illg ciaa",,,,,,,. shou ld be measured belo rothOengioois i inally reassambled.to IIIlSurl> that the corrsct bearing she ll s have been obtained (seeS1>Cllons t8ar.:1 19). 11\he crankshaft has been reground. the eng ineeling worksaooutd be able to advise on Ihe corrllc1-size bearing shells to su,tthe work carried out. Ilthore i3 any doubt as to which bear ing she l l~ should be usod. ,eel< ao:McelromaVauxhalVOPllldeaJer.

16 Engineovetftaul reassemblyst!qlJence




17.5 Mea6"'ingapistonring~gap

;J,!PlS/Onrlngs(SMSeclionl7j. b) Cran/gS. pIonsand cylinders matchod up. 9 ()nc(lthe ring and gaps have beonchec!CR. tighten thfllnn ... (MS) basepl"te retaining bolts to th .. speclfied torque, 1hwl tIYo"llh the spec;fledangle.lnthetwostag.esgt>lenlnthe Spec;IIcaUons (see Chapter 2N. Now similarly bghten the OUI ... (M6) retaining bo~s. Do not rotatell\e crankshafl at any time during lhis


to Aemo .... tlMlbaseplat.. boIIs(OUIerbQIta firsl.thlKlthtln-boIta)!lndcarelully &ftoff

~.!:t::":=fI~sturothe Plastgauge t 1 Compare the width ot th.. deformed Plastlgauge on each journal wllh the acale pr;medon1h8card~toobtalnthem"" beMingl\lMlngclearaocetSMill~tration)

t2Ifthe ct....anc. isnotaa.peclfled.the be"'ing~lsmaybeth .. wrongslze(or .. xcflSsively-worn if the origInal 'hell, If.. bf!ng~u-n.Beforedacidingtna;ditlerent

2D-16 1.0 & 1.2 litre DOHe engine removal and overhaul procedures

st.isartlreQUired ,makesurothatnodirtor oil was Irapped between the bearing shells and the basaplata or ~ock when the el6araoca was measured. lfthePlastlgauge was wider al one end Ihan at Ihe other. the cranksh afl journal may be taPf!r8d. 13 Carefully remo~e all traces of th" Plastlgaogematarialfrornlhecrank!!halland bearing shells. using a fingernail Or olhr =~Sedtoo(Whichisunlikelyloscoreth1l

Final crankshaft refitting Note: New cyllnc/erb/ock besepia,e bolts IIWsl/)oused when refirtlng 1110 crankshaft. A !uoo of s!lic0rt9 $9alan! (VauxllaJlfOpeI

No90543772.OfIJQUivaJem)~oorequJr9d I01HInfiftingthflbasepBm/othfl~t;Jock.

14 Carefully lift the crank.hat! out of the cyll!\deltlIockoncemore. 15 Uberallylubrk:ate e~ch Dearlng shell in ItIe cylioder block. and low8rttla crankshaft intopoS;IOon!see lltustra1lon). 16 Ifneces.sary. seat thecranksh~ft using

~:~~~::~ :,,!:aCed ma llet on Ihe 17 LubOcalethecrank&haftjourool8.a.r.dlh1l bearing shells In the baseplate!S86 Mlustratllln) 18 Ens",e that the cylinder block and baSO!j)lalematirogo.urfac8S",""C'-> and dry. then applya2 mm dlarneter Ilead of silicone

sea lant (Vau.hall/Opel No 90 543 772. or equivalent) 10 theoutside of Ihe groove lnot in the groove rtsel!). in the basoplato !.... illustration) 19 Locat.. thobasfllllateov«th1lcrankshaft .....:lomo Ihecy~nderblock. 20 Fit the MW baseplater8la,nir.g bolts. then working progr8ssl,ely and In a diagonal S&quenC9. tighten the i""",(M8) bolts to the speclfiedtorqu .., Ihenthro"9hthe spocllled angle. in the two stages gi~en in Ihe Speclllcalions. Now similarly lighten ttleoo'", (M6) retaffiing bolts (see Illustrations). 21 Nowrotatettlecrankshaft.• ndcfl8Cklhat ~1"""5f~.wrthno,;gnso'tMndOngorUllht


1.0 & 1.2 litre DOHC engine removal and overhaul procedures 2D- 17


19.,2 Presslhe bearing ~I>tolls inlolhe connecting rods and caps in lheir corTeCt

19.5;1 Taplhe piston carefully Into1he cy1inderbor.W;::m";:....~hllndleOfa


22 C~ ec;ahons (S'-lt! Chapler2A) Do nol rotste tho crankshaft during Ihis opefal ion. Remove the bearing cap. and ch9cI< the running clear(>I"ICO by measur1ngthe Plast;g.augeaspreviousJyOOscribeoIt~ through the specified SIage2

anglll{_ illuatrotions)

20- 18 1.0 & 1.2 litre OOHC engine removal and overhaul procedures 10 Att. refitting each pistonlconnecting rod assembIY.'Olalelllecrlnksha!l.end checll !hal il lums keety,,,,rth no signs of bWlding or IIgMspols 11 Ftefitlh .. oilbaftleplaleandtigllt..nlhe retajnngbotllltotl>espec;liedtrQU6. 12 Ftefil Ihe sump arlll oil pick·up pipe os de!OCfitJedin Chapl.,,2A 13 Refillhe flywheetldrflleplate as desc~bed

2 W~hthesparkplugsremoved.dlsabletl>e fualandignitioo8)'8tembydisconnectiogtl>e two wiring plugs lrom the engine m"'!I8"*11 e!ecltonic control unit located oolh,IeIt·l\andsideofthalnle!menHo4d 3 Cranklh ....ngine over on the s!aneruntll the olI pre5so.n light goes out, oo~ng lhat this ~=ywl~~~ le", seconds as thectingroClassemblies-n.p..cIlOn ..•......... . .. 13

Specifications MaJOl1ola88lingfoclowingSectioMhaVII~compiled

ba'i8d on the assomption that tha er>glne has begtllldupforllTllflll'l'UlloitlOO weeks,esP8ClRly,{~"""be\CIkentoan ~'oO'CIrie

tongJI>8b1ock.rnlVeoeenlnspectadbtlfore decldillg .... l>lJtserv,Cllandrepsiroperotloru mustb8p6rlormtK1bY8lleng/neerlng WOIie &ng in& oil as d&scrlbed In

cabI.tobediSCOflf\9Cled (..elMustrallon) Pulthecablell.Upl)Ort1romlllllbracll8lonlt1e ge.&lboxcas;ng, then mov& the cabl& to one sld&ootof thewery.takngnoteofitsrouting

Chapter I . 8 Remove !h& air elMner aSllembly, as

descrit>ed " Cl\apter4B. 7 On r1gh1·hand·drive models. remove the batllIry.asde!lalbedinChapter 5A 8Dlsconnec1thecoolanlho"""connecting the radiator to Ihe thermostat housing. cOOlant gallery (at the gearbo~ end ollhe eninej,snd expansion tank. 9 Removell>erltdiatorooolinglanBoo!!hroud usembty as dHcribed "Ch.apter 3. 10 OlseonlWtCt Ih. throllle csble from the tIYotllelinkage. as described in Chaptflf 4B. and move the cablecleer of the engin&. nofing Ksrooli"ll 11 OiscOl1n8Ct l hevaeuum pipe(aj!fom the

17 DjsCOMeCl tMwIt40g !fom tM reversing light SWitch. located at the iront 01 tha gearbo~.abovethomounllngbrBck8t(_

i..... tr. tion}.

4.17D1soonlWtCltIlawtrtngtromtha reversingllgtrtswllch(arrowed)

1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engine removal and overhaul procedures 2E- S

from the lop Of I he gearOOx. as described in Chapter 12. Note that on certain 1YlCId91a, tOO

18 Whereappllcabla, unscrew Ihe securing

pressure r&\julator (muH i-point luel iniectOon modalsl, as "p~lcab le (see llIustratlonl. Be prepared for luel SPiltage, and take adequ;de liraprocaulions. Plug orcfamp the open eods

cab le ~ lo twosections,joinedt>yacooneclor

of thepipesandhoses, topreverrtd"' ~

nginecompBrtmMt bulkhead -In mOll case, H may be easier to ~arat e the two cable sec~onsetl:heconnec!or , rai:herthanto disconnect the cable from I hegearbox. On latermodel\l,di9000nectthew'ringCO!V\ector Iromlheefectronlcspeedometersensor 19 Identffyth8 lu els up~yandreturn l ines then unscrew the un ions, or loosen the clamptl, as opp licllble,and disconnect the fuef fines Irom Iheluel Injection unit (slngle-

and further fuef leakage. 20 On SOHC ""gm., modefs wrth mutti-point

~eeveandd ~ oormeclthe8peedomate(cable

poml/uelinJectoon modela)orthefual ralli'fuon, unoohtMfuel llne brackel trorn the Iowa, rear 01 the inlet man~old Is.. Uluslratlon) 21 k!eated compooentS, usi"'ll the foUowing list as a guide 1_ Ilustrallonsj.Makecare(UnoIesol thel'CUlFlg ofthewn-.g,andtheposttionsofart'1~ or cabk>-ties.lnsomecases, ~ JlI8)'beoeoessary to

sepiIfa\• ....,..;ng hame&scoonectOfS,in whtCh

case idltnllly lhearnec:torn.



b) T~gJIVg8~ {sett Ch8p.

!et'3,Sect!otI6}. c} DlSmoca. (see Owpter-5B) d) E1Igneeamt-.ngjbolredfOHer rntIRfoId..,j!or~hNd). e)~tne3Wllloal)'oarMlylead!;from

\h8,." betlerylMo::is (s«;utedbynurs). 11 FoMI~($NChapW 4 8~ g;ll7tn::oWeposihonsens'llsslon apan._urfng Ih3t the torque conven er is I>eId firmly in place in the transmISsion c asing as the ""g ine and

transrrllssionarorepafated. otherwisehcouid falout,reso..ttinginlluid spillageondpoosible dam "ll"- Remn the torqUII converter while the lransmission III remov8d by boItirl\j a strip 01 :::::~aceacross the tr3llsmisslon be llhousln~

2E- a 1.2 SQHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engine removal and overhaul procedures Re fffting 13 B,lo,erelitting begins. check that the lefthand engiMitranS.Jl1is11ion mounti"l/""Io-body boils rotate Ireely In tllek Ihreadoo holes In Ihebody.Unecessary. re-cutthethreaded holes in the body. UIIng. IUitlble tap tlllt as desaibed in Chapter 1.


29 Reconnect all rel8vantwl.lng to the ""IIinII and 8ssociated components. ensuring

h) Oilpressure$witch(S99Ch8ptw5A). 1)C/'w11.." ...e""""rt?ertube. j) Eng"'. lifting bnIcIB old angin_ must betnmsfaJf8d to !he recondit!Olledumt) These compoMrtlS locILJde tho following: ~ AJtemator and mounting bracktlt (see Cfupter5A,J. b) SliNt8r motor (1; .... C!ros& rJ)lnIetand.uhaustmJlnlfoJdS(SH Chaptet4B) ~) Oil fillW (1;.. C1rapr.er f~ I) DlSmodIl/ecomponents.HTl8adsand sparle cemstlllffs


and lJSCdagain. placoooc h .a1'leassembty" ataoolled patythenebftgora 8 i m il ~rs mall oontainer (see illustration). ~ote that as ...1th cylinder numberin g. the . alves are normally numbered from the timnll belt end of the engine. Make sure that 00 OOHC engines, the

5 Extract the t""o split collets, then

~ I owty


releaso the comprosso,too (seeiUustration) 6R_ovelhesprl~gC/lfl,~,'l a l"""''''''

Oi seal (usir;g k>r;g"nosed pliers ,fnocessa-y) 900thespringseot. thoo whhdfowtho valv9 through the combustion chambor (see IItustratlons) 7 Repeat the procedure for the remaining



valves. all in strict arder So that th~y can l>e rene .... ed. llthecompanentsaretot>ekept


"~:.::';:::::~:'::~~~ in,

...we ~ fters Irom thllif bores. U5in~ ~ mbbar SIdionplunger tro - oonotirMirttheC;1nder " - l in OItierto rffi1Ov~ the ,'aIv .. liflars. Ke&p lhe vatlle Ifters upnght 31 SI times, If>iththedl gro'Iffl atthet>ottom{8~illus!ration). 1mmeroo

lrMn.inorcler otramovai, .. acontaioorcfdoon lII"9"l'oO ,o'JIilth.,yar.,toberllf.tlAd 3Tcremoveavalve,trtavalvespring c:ompressortool.Ensurethatthearmaofthe t:a'l1pressor tool aresecurety positioned on the hMd 01 the valve and the sprin:i ca'bondeposits that may have formed onthevalves,lhen use a power-Ojleraled wi~ brush to r.....,o,*1 deposil8lrom tt.. v.lve heads arKIstoms

lobe re..c:ur byan englneovllrhaui specialist. ~ orly slighlpll\lllg Is evident. IhlS can be removeC! by grinding the veIve Mad,and seats



S If lne valve guides are wom. loolcated by 11 side-Io-slde motion of ther. Cle8h thfl oHhoJs in the top of each rock", ann using a Ieogth 01 wlre, Aenew any rockar arms or ItvUSI pads which appe""suspect

thto cap Irom ItIebaseofltleplunger. Recover the spring and ball Irom underthecap,tllking care r.ot 10 lose them as !he cap is """"""". 21 Carefully clean all the components using

Valve Jitters-SOHC engines 16 Proceed as described In paragrapl19 17 On engines wh ich havfI co~er..::t a high mileage, or jor wh ich th" service history (panrcu larly oil change5) issusper;:t, it is pII8Jble for the valv" li/t..... t08uff",intemal contamlnat iOll. which In extreme cases may resu~ in incressElod ""9i06 top-end noise alld WOO/I, To mlnlmlseltle posslblfity 01 problems occum!l9 later in the life olthto eng ine, it~ advlsabletodlsme.ntklandclaanthehydre.ullc valve liftersas follOWS whenever the cylinder head Is overhauled. Note that this procedure is not recommended by the manutacturers, and 00 !j.p8le parI!I ere available lorthe >'IlIve liflers - il any of the components are un""",iceable. the complete as-.Jbly must be.aneweod (see llluslretloo) 18 Carefully pu ll the coll ar ftom the top 01 Ihe ~81ve lifler cytlndef. 1I should be possible to



19 Wi!hdrawthtoplungerlromthecyllnd .... and recove.-!he spr1ng 20 U8Inga smanscrewd~_.careful""prIse


~~:.~ ~!b:a~:':' ~~~~:::1~ cyl inder (internal !urtaces), and piston (external surtaces). Thofoughly dry all the components using a li nt-frae cloth. carefulty examioo the sprlngsfordarrugeordlstortlon -the compl8te valve lift'" must ber...-ed rf the springs " re not in peecomponootsspe.rlnglywllh cl&aneng ine oil of thacorrect grsde(see Waeklych6cfd check tll9 V~IV8 lifter 01 1 holes for obstruct ions. p~rticu latl1 for 011 sludge. Ir"'Cg ~~:~\~~~hO tape. as applicablo, from the BFittl\9v8'-'8 springandlhespringcap (see Illustration.)

1I$ ... andpushonlothespIin\lseal using a suit;lblasocket-SOHCengine




9.6b ••• and springcap _ SOHC engine

1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 lit re engine removal and overhaul procedures 2E- 13

!UI Refilll>e

sp ~ 1

coHets _ DOHC engi ne

9.11 Oil thevalYfl Htters before reflttin9-

10.3 8 ig-endcap""n1re-punoc:hed iden\ificalion marks. Nate that lug an

OOttC, ngin"

bearing cap l aces flywheal end 01 engine

1 FII Ihe sprin g c amp r....or 1001. and CCIrT1pr85Slhoo~ aI~~prtn\llJl"ll l lhf! ~ pr i "9 cap ::rasses beyond the collelgrQO\lll in the valve

a,wl't \h~ aplll

....... ,!em.

~ Isoo

coll91$ to Ih' g r oo~e in lhe wIIh lhe narrow ends nearesl lhe illu ~trall on). -

(1iM ChllPt'" Xi. the 018 module and its rMUn~ng tJrnc)ret (see Chapter 5B), and tilfJGOOianthotisi"f) tJ)Refttthettlel7l1os1afllouslngand thermosrnt,usingafl!lWseoIingn'''f), whe",applicabil!! - sooChapter3 c) Refiltlf8sperl\o"nlli".th8mark . face( ... tlt usl ral lo n) 4 Unscrew the big-end cap bolts from the l irnt connecting rod , andramo.athacap. I1 the beari"9 o:rn.ls are to bere--used,tapelhe Gap and Ir...hell togethor 5 C~eck the lop 01 the cylinder bore tor a wea r ridge . lfevidoot,carafullysc.rape ~ aw~

wit h a ridge r!lM"lC't 1001. otherwise ihe piston rlrq.; may j"", alllly 'tieased,givethetop aftho valveass.mbly. lap wilh a soft · faced mall"" to ~elt le I he """",,00"

10 Re p",al the procf>(!ur",for the remairling .-a/ves. ensuri ng th al it the original c:ompooent" ar8being u. 8d,th ey,.re all 'fIfinoo In theiror1l1M positio ns 11 On DOHC eng ines. ref it the hydrau lic .rnIve lilt."., to th~ cylinder head in their original positi oM. Lib..,fillty o~ the valve IIfters a.d their i:x>res (see mustrationj . If oew valve .tt.rs a",beingfitlf>(! , in itialty itlllTlerseeach -one In a cont alM r of clean eng ine oil. and ~eooH(byhsnd)OO\Iarelti mostochargo

12 Refit t he fol l owin~ comp,m",nt~ as aopllcabk! (if deslrOO. these components can 1;>e'.t:tI~aft&rrefrttlogt h 8cy1irmhood).


Drl OOHC engines, retit tfle camsllafts

11.5 Check the crankah8ft endlloBI using B dial gauge •• .

Note: On DOHC engines, r/1a mating laces of the coonecNng rods and the /Jig-end bearing caps are 'mugh' (nol machined), which en~uresperfectmtltingolNcIlindividlzJrod

and bearing ClIp. Wllootl18aompooonls/wlta boon renx>vW from the engine. extreme care should be taken nofto damage tl18mating surfuce.s - cg,donot=t thebewingcllPsOl1 the m~tlm) faces . Ensure thBt each tJe~rlng capiskeptroge thetwithitsrespectiverod,to prevent any possibility of the components bOst

58e/oreremmringlr.,cranksh"H.choclgfl In oontact wt!h the etldott hecranks halt.Pusl1 t he cranksl\aft fu lly one way. and thenz&ro thsgauge. Push th e CfMks.haft tully the ol her way, and check th ... "ndlloat (9fHl ittuatrationl · T1>e result should be compared with the specilied lim it, and will ~ "" rnication as to whather "...w tlvust bearlnll shells are required 611adial gaugeisnot ava ilable,a ffHlkir gaug ... can b€lU800 to measurecrankshalt endtloat. Push the cranks~alt fully towards one end of tho crankcase. and insert a feelw gauge betwoon the thrust flange of theoantfe main beanng shIH I and the moct1ined surface 01 the crankshaft web (see ittustral ion)

" " r ~y~~

2E.14 1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engine removal and overhaul procedures


.... -


l' -




"" ...


t' ~ I




1'.1M1in bearingcapldentlf\cationmarks

11.9 uttlng ~":..::=:"" from the


a.or. measumg, ensure that the erankshaft

The plugs are usually veryti9ht-theymay hBve to be drilled outand the holes re-lapped ~e;ed.PIUII"Wh""'lheenginei'

10 Whl!feapplicable,applysu~ablese"lant tolhe new oil gallllK)'pl"ll", aoo Ifl8oltslinger-tight, and ccverthe cytlnder biock with a terge ptBstic beg to keep it clean and preWe~ end of the eng ine. The flywheel end cap is not ma"'ed.The num~ .... e readfromthe oooIant pump side of the ""1I'lle (see Illustration). lIthe bearing caps are not marked.Cehthllm10 Uldicatetflei r loI::ati""5. and nole 10 which side of the englnethornarllock has t>een steam-cleaned. clean


wt-e fitted.

relev""t boH)into each 01 the holes toramove rust. corrO$lon, threed.eatantorother contamination, aoo to restore damaged thru ds . lfposslble.usecompressedalrlo clelU the holM 01 debris produced by this

~a:~~~ ~~:~w:

clean In..


9 Allercoat'l"I9 Ihe mating surfaces 01 the newcOnl~ugswith8U~able"""tant, frtlhem to thecynr"lder t>Iock. Make SU'ethat they are driven in straight and 8B81ed oorr&ctly. or leakllgecouldresuH


cylirldera t thetop~ustur"lderthewearrldgel.

c..nlre and bottom 01 the cylinder bore. parallel to the crankshaft ..... ls. 15 Next. meas ....e the bore diamet... at the samethraalocatlons, al rlght -anglestothe cf3I1kshaftaJer and/or the crankcase. Again, the cause must be corrected,Of the problem may persist in the rebuilt engine. 10 Check the piston-to-bore clearance by mell$l.ll"ing the cylinder bont (seeSectton tZ)

§ ~

faces 01 the piaton slm',hol"" in the piston c.own.aoobumedareasattllaed\l~ofthe

Warning; Wearep prOteetlon w~en using cOlnplftaed .;r.

2 Check tha main and big ·,nd bea.ing joomalslor ........... wear,scoring,pittrngand cracking 3 Big-end bearing wear Is accompanied by distinct metnlllc knocking when the eng,ne is ",nninl! (particula.ly noticeable when t he eng ine Is ptJlllng from low ".al •• nd some loss 01 oi l prl!lS8Ul"l 4 Main bearing wear Is accompanied by severeengir!eviJ;ratronandrumble-geWng progrer;slvelyworseasenginerevsi'lcreastl~

and again by IOSII 01 oil press""'.



running a finger IIlIhtly ove. the bearing surla~. Any .oughness (which wi ll be Mcompanled by obvious bearino;l wur) iooicat"" the th at thecrankshalt requi.lIS regoindlng. 6 I1theCJ8nlurhattl\as~reground,check

forbun"slll"OlJndthecl"at1kshattoll hole8(the ho~ 8I"e u-rl)' dwnfllrad, 50 burr.; $houkl not be a problem ooless regrlnding has been camad out carelessly). Aemove any burrs with alineliIeOfscr~,aoolhoroughlyclelilnthe

14.1 Measu1ngtlladlameterola Cl"anlurhaftjoumat

oil holes asda&c~bed pmvIousIy. 7 UsIng a micrometer. measure thediarneter 01 the main and big-end bearing journals, aoo compare the.esuIts wirh the Specrfications81 the beginning 01 this Chapter (sea Illustration}. 8y measuring Iha diameter at a number 01 points around each loumat"s

2E· 16 1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engine removal and overhaul procedures circumference. you will baableto determine whelheror nol thejoumallsoul-of-round Take the measuremental each end 01 lhe journal. near Ihe web,. 10 det",mine il thfl journal istapeecklheoll sealcomacl surfaces al each III10d of the crankshait lor wear and damage. If Ihe seal has wom an e>ration ~abouring the engi",,) puts 1If!Jf'I high Iood8 on be...-ings.wI1lchtendstosqu.....eouttlluoi l film. Th_k>adscau sethebearingsto~e~. which produces fine cracks In the bearing faca(taliglUlfailu, ..,.Ev..ntUIIllyth8OOaring maler1alwiIlIooS&r'l lnplaces,andlaaraway from the steel backing. Regular8hort )oo,wll8)'S CeBd.vaJveHffers,camshllff(S) arrdfCC/cer~(IIS"'piicable)


Chap/er 2B Or 2C). hl Timlngbe/t II!Idsprocke/$ ($00 ChapTer2Bor2C). j)Englneexrerrnrlcomponerrls.

17 P\ltonrlngs -refinlng

1 Beforerefitllngthanawplslonrlngs.lhe ringendgapsmustbectoeckood""loIIow8.

1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engine removal and overhaul procedures 2E. 17

~ 17.5 M_ring a piston ring end gap using "f""Ie'gauge

17.10Fitting .... oilds-lakecare. upiston rings are sharp. and are easity brc>ken. 7 With ne ... piston ri ng,. ~ ~ unlik efy t ha"tllle end gap will be too large. If tOOy are too lar!l". checkthalyouhavethaconectringsfOfyoo.x engine and lor the particular cylind ..... bore

8 Repoot tha chns. Take c;). re nottodlsturbthePtas~~uge.

9 Starting with thecenlre main t:09arin.g and working outWftrds, tighten the mftln bear,ng cap bolts (ll8el:he original bolts) proUlwards,tighten l hebeariflQcapboit..tolh8 sp&clffeod tOrqufI in th& three sleg~~ given In the SpecHlcollons: le, ~ lIh le n all bolts to

18.19b ... andco~lllMI l ow 8rsurlace8 withSMYngcompound

1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engine removal and overhaul procedures 2E' 19


~~ ~


-,~,tf\-,> 18.20a Tighl.. nthoo main bearing cap bolts tolhe ~""clt1.d torqu .. . .

18.20b •.• theon lh,on the piston crown should point IOwards tha timl"ll b&ftendof the..-.g,n..andthelugson the connecti ng rod and b~-Bnd beanng cap should pointtowllrlisth8/1ywhf18tendotthfl engi",,!_ illustratlons). The 01\ sp",sothat the base otthe compressor st~nds on the block. With the cranksrn.ftlllg · andbearingjoumalpos.ilioned alits loweslpoint. tap the piston carefully into tha cyfinder Ix>rewith the wooden h8lld1e of a

Final piston/connec ting rod assembly refitting Note' New big-6f>d ~'inQ ClIP bolts must be ~:",~,,:.reffttjngthePIsIOfllconnoctingrod

2E- 20 1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engine removal and overhaul procedures ::fih~~ao;a!:o:.a few seconds M

the new

3 Aefitlh"sparkplugs,and.8Gonn8Gt all Ign~ lMwiring.

4 Startlhe engine. notinllihBt thJs may take I mue longer than ,,~,, ~ t 8S 1"61 i~ pumpeclngthe clipsseeurely 7 Reiill the cooling system with rel .. ",""e to

Removal Note: On ~s wil1! ~ utomMlc tl"lJll$m/ssIon nuidcooleruniansatlacOOdto Ihe "'diator. Mw copper washers will be requiroo fOf "'fitting. 10isconnect thebal1eryneg3tivetermlnal (reler to Disconn&ering the bBttery in the Reference Chapte,; 2 Olaln th8cooling system as described in Chapterl. a Undo tha plastic 3tud 3ecuring th" air cleanerair intaketrunkinlltothfleng;ne comp9I1:mentfronlcrQS8fl1amb9l" 4 0isconnectthewiringconneetorjs} lrornlh8 cooling lan switch!es) 00 the right-hend end ottherildialor lseei nustrationj 5 RemoVB tha engine oil dipstick and. where app licllbl e, the aulomalietransrnission fluid d pst ick. 6 On 1.4 and 1,6 litre DOHC ""Ilines, rerT1O">'8 the.econd9ry air InJection 91r pipe and combination valveas described in Olapter 4C . 7 On e""l n e~ with ~Ir COnd~ lonl ng. I rea the relngerant pipe Irom the support brac~et. then un bolt the support brac~et from t he a~hauSI ma nilold Of c ylind9l" head, as appIlca!)je

!iWhe RelerenceChaptwj. 9 Drain tha cooling system asdescfibed in Chapter! ID Remove tht> raar timing belt cover as dllSCribedinChapter2B. 11 Slackenlheratainlngdip.anddi$connect the coo lanl hose from the thermOS"tat housing 12 SlaCken and remove Ihe two retaining bo ilS . and ,_move Ihe Ihermosl3t housing Iromtheengine. ~adV:rthdrawthethennostatlromthet:ylir.der

14 Rer'no-oel"".,aIIngnnglromtlleedgeoi Ih e thermoslat and discord it: a new ooe should be used onrelitting. 1.4 and 1.6 titre DOHC engines 15 Di~conn8CIlh .. battery negative terminal (roler 10 Di$cootMcting th8 wttsry in Ille Rei9fel ingSl"ltemas~bed in

Chapler1 17 Sl3ckanthe retaillongclip. and di5COflMCt the~anthost>fmml he thennostathousing

cover (see Illustration) 18 Slacken and remoyo the threa retaining

00"9. and remove the th .. rmo~lat housing cover trom th e housing on Ihe front oflh e cylinder head , ...... iIIuSlralion). The Ih",mC$tat is an Inlegral part oithe housing cover. andca.....,t beramovO:!d. 19 Rt>move Ihe housing toversea ling ring. and discard it; a r>8W one should be used on refitting.

Testing 2QAroughtestoithethermostat'soperal;'lf'l msy be made by suspending ~wilhaPCt>oi stting In a contalMrfull Of water. Heat the wB.tertc b'ingrttolheboil-Ih"thtmnostat ::~0r.nbY the~methe .... ate'bolls.lfnot

!!. ~~~!~:ng

temperature is marlosl8((oltJecylinder he~d. EnsurefllatltJetlrerrOOstatisfilrw:i lhe corn!Ct way round, andth~titllifoIrlslJv.ltabJe,1he ptW;IH opening t.mpentwe at the tMrrn0.tt8rmllYbe~ lJ nd

compared with the figurM gNen in IIIe Specification ..,

4.23 Fitting a new sealln9 ring 10 tht> thermostalcovet"groove - 1.0snd1.2li1no DOHCengines

bjTighlen/lle therl)')(JSlalMousinllboltsto thespecJfi8dtorqutosatting. c)R ~ ;;;::

Testing 1 Theooolingfan is supplied wtthcurrent V;"" the ignit ion switch, relay(s) arnI a luse (SeQS, wher8 app/ocable.unbolttheautomatiCtmnsmlsslon huld cooler upper banjo union from the radiMor. Reco.e r th e capper washers. noting that newwaslH,rs w1~ b8 required l or refitting g Unscrew the fan sh roud reta ining oo lls than til t the assemb ly back slightly towards th .. engine. and withdraw 11 upwards away from the rad iato r (see Illustration), Where necessary. push the coolant hoses aside to PfO"Oe ,uffiIllO\Ial 10 To 3&par~t e the lan motor from t~e



19 Unscrew thaptert 14 On 1.2 and 1.4 litre SOHC eng inea. remOve the tim ing belt anehlnd thefacia ,takingnot"ofitsrouting, and disconnect th" cable irom the lever on the distribution housing. Note that the methOd offast""ing is the """"'u thot ltSBd et the oontrol unit. Re\eese the cablelrom its

13 Fit Ih" now cable, ensuri ng Ihat II

=::r';:~led, and Iree from kinks and

14 Connect the cable to theoon!rofunil and "'diSlribubonhousing,maldngsure tl!eOUler cabi"iscflpped securely in position

~C~~ ~e"'=:: ':!,:~e:d:C~= Pf&V1ooslyinthisSec!ion

Upper eir dletrlbutlon control 16 Removetl!eheater/ventiiationoontrolunit Irom the fecia, as described above In paragraphs 1 to 5. 11 Uncl,p Ihe uPP'" Ill, dlstribution cable (wiIhth&lJrownendtitting)andfreethecablo Ircm lherighl-handllid.. cfthaCOOlrolunh illu. trallon 9.11). The cuter cable ,e releas.edbysimp/yliftingtheretalnlngcfip 18 On left-hand drlvemoclels, remove the storege compartment (where fllted) I.om underneath the passenger ,Ide 01 the lacle The compartment is secured in position by • retaining screw and clip 19 On.lrnoo;Ws,f()flowthe IU"I cl Ihe cable


::i~=..::~~aih~~:I;~:~:'t~~ I:,::n:~ the air distribution housing. Note thal the

~eti':C!;:'::t~~=c::~s: ret3,nlng clip on tile air distrlbIJlm housing, and removetl from behind the tacia. 20 F,I the new cable as d""cribed in paragraphs13t015. AJrtemperaturecontrol 21 AfImetn8ftto:isl1!Ol"!OWld,lOpmwp! coolant spillage. Mop up any spl~ coolant i"nmedial8ly,1Ind wipe Ihe affected areawilh a dar'T'4>dothtopreyenl!Minr!g. 44 Whenln&C88sary, .ecover the slIaling

~=~~ fr~~:tatrlX unions. and r. m Refitting


.. 5 R.. tining i" •."ersat of tl>o .em""at procedu.e, bearing in mind th. lallowing I)


IWPIY' SIIlN'ofolJ10 !tie 1II81nK seeling gromm!Its.foNWinsfalla/ion ~nswelflaltlleOOalerh0s8"'tII"'i"9cJips





9.4Oc •.• th«ldetachlheelrdlstribution houaing ~-:.:.;:: It from Ih.

c) OncompltWon,top-upfrefllllhecooling sysl!!masdescritJedlnCilapIMI.

Heater blower moror renewal Models without air eonditioning 46 DlsconnectIMDalterynegativflt8or"



Cooling, heating and ventilation systems 3-11

9.6& Release the retainingclipl! .•• the b lower motor right-hand. then lelt-hand cov&rl frlll insld", lheintekeciuctlse_ Illustrations) 57 Unhook tn.. blower motor retaining cli p. noting how the w i~n g is routed through the cliP (""eillustration). 56 DI~con....,ct tha motor wiring connectoe duct from 1!>9 dr!\ler's side olthehousl~.andrernovethahousirlgfrom

resistor , Rcmo"" thI! resistor from the Vg(seeSecbon6)

I/IITlewtqMa~rIIIrigerator. R eIo1gerant


A ,

Wamlng:Donolattemptlo opentharef~tcir'cult.

R.rw 10 the prlCButIons gJwn /ns.ctJonlf. 1 The anlyoperatlon which can beC3fTled out _ily ..... ilhoutdischargir>gllle'efrlgerant.~ renewaloftheoompres5Of d ri~.wl\iehis

covered In Ch apter 1. All other operations must be referred to a VauxhalVOpel dealer or 1111 aircondHOnIngspeciaIlSl 2 Where required forlmprovec access, the oomprasso' CIIn be unboU&d and moved ;!!Ilde, without disconnecting Its "e.'ble hoHS. after removing thtI dr!v8beK.

Chapter 4 Part A: Fuel and exhaust systems 1.0 & 1.2 litre DOHC engines Contents ~~=~;=~~~~,::!:nd"'fttU"9 =:':~=~=';':':fitbng


... ....... Seec~.pt~~~

E.lha"YlIlCt the bnotaH..... hose from the sioo OT th& airbox (sea Hlustration) 4 UodoIhethree bon9and IIttofIlh&airbox andlnleltnrnklngfromlhethlQtt/ebody(_ ~luSlralion)

5 Releagethasecu ring clips. lift off the .ir claanarcov 8r. and remove thflcovor.lnlat lrunklng and alrbo~ from the "ehicle (S88


~""==::-::",,='-E~~cl Tnt~~:~r~~:I~~:~h:~~i=~:~t~~e~~ frootcrossmember De!achlhetnrnklng from

Fuel and exhaust systems - 1.0 & 1.2 litre DOHC engines 4A·3

2.7b Detach the trunking from the air cl.an .... casingand ....ithdre .... thelrunking

2.8 PuRlheatrcleanerfrontlooatlng grommet (alTowed) 10 release it lrom thll hole in the air cleaner casiJlg


thelront 01 the air clean&rcasiny (and lrom the resonMor on 1.0 litre engines). and

4 Rafilting Is ~ revGrs31 01 ramov:1l. but on compIehon.ctleck lWldif""""""",edjustthe ~:~~e cable Ir"" play as dllsctLbed in Sec ·

wiltldraw thetrun king{_~lustralions)

~o ~~II~:: ~rf~O:~~ I~:: li~~~~i~=: cas;ng. thoopJilth 8 casirIQ "Pwardsovertr.e grommet (seei1lustration) 9 Pulthe assemblylorwardstor81sasetha rsar locating rubb ... s. and withdrJw !he assombly lromiheangioocompWed)

larg& rag ready to soak up any fuel nol htti"ll c.o.ught by the

4A.4 Fuel and exhaust systems - 1.0 & 1.2 litre DOHC engines

8.10 Fuelftlter_lo-lueltank MCUrIngbolt (IIrTOWed)

4 SIafJIIfId~supp::v1)

5 Qj&eronectthe.-o1ll>oexhaustsyslem from ill rubber mountings. and lower tha .ystem. ",move It 10 00fI side 8uffic,,",ttylo enable removal 01 the fuel lank. Altemalively. r"""'ve lhe exhaustSyllem complelely 10 providegrealerclearano&-relertoSecllon14 lordetaitsOOremov>nglhee:r,es) fu91 illlooton; is trlgg..red individually. just before the inl et vaNe on Ih8 relevant cylir.dlJ"",hi::hlspeed. Mgine'Ig engine operating cond~ions. 5 Idle speed i~ ~ontronad by the Idle spee-d control motor, which directly ,,,,,,ulale8the position of the throtlle valve. The moto, Is controlled by the elge hlgh/lnw or opM circUIt)


I\klw ""Open.cirpJ it)


Electronic po ...er st&erir>g (Voltaget>lgMnW) Batte"l(\ioltogehlgll/low Electronlcoontrol\lr:llt{prog.(am+i

EGRvalVelarr>plftllon. ItlNiH be """""sruytotakelhecar toaVauxhalVp.ldealllfloenablltheECU memOl)110 be cleared (seoa the nole at Ihe

Throttle position sensor Fuel pressure regulstor

1hen undo 1heretalnlng bolt and 'Nithdrawlhe


Camshaft position sensor 4B The camshaltllOsition sensor i5 1ocated

on the timing oovet. on the in1et camshaft side 49 Disconnect battef)lneg31ivetennilllll (refer to Disconnecting the battery In the ,"eferenceCllapterj. .so DoscoonectlhesertSOrw;.v,gconnector S1 Undo the retaining boil anc! ... rthd ....w!he the

.enaorlromth8~ m ingoover.


S2 Relilling



reveraal 01 removal, but

and timing :>r"I1ectors 8 UfI up the locking 1u.8fs and disconnect the ""'91~ management and main body wiring hamess conneclors from the electronic control unit. 7 Undo th",etalnlng ""raw and release the earth cnblelrom th"electronic control unit

,,,"" 8

Knock sensor


69 lhII 5011150' is part of Iheknock contrnl system,d"'-'lI!! I..t1lch aregilttoo inChapter5B.

9 Disconnect the t>rID:eservo vacuumt\ose connection at th" In lot maniloid.On t.Olitre eog in""th6connectIOg trough over the injectors ensuring thatthB w.nngconnectmscorrecllyengage.Socure the troug h wrth the two [e tain-in~ boIt8 . th"" re-connQG(lh9wifing""""'">Clor 34 From und~, the car. ,ejXl~ i tio n the inl"t manilold supjXl rt bracket and refit the oolt securing1hebracketlotheman~old. Toght"", this bo~. and the bolt sOCUfing th" brockat to thecl'l inderblock,tothll.pedfiod torque.

~t~ni.::"'':~':dh'''''''''S~UPpOrt brnJfacturoereapplicabie. rhe circlip is engaged

SOHC engine mode's

withlhegrommet. cj Ch&cIe expan~on tark. Note that the lower has" Is mora easily disconnected once th e tank has been removed. 15 Disconnoctthocablllendfromthethrottlll t,nkage 16 Releas" too cable grommet lrom th" Itorottle body bracket (see ilh.l$tratjQO). 17 On automatic transmission models. d>sconnect tn.. kickdown switch wirinQ conn ector and r~l e a"" the l hoU clip" .sndca",fultydl.cooMct1he ruelh= from the top 01 Ih e pump . Se prepared 1orloo1 sp ~ liI9!l. and tllka adeql!at8 t ~8 pr8CaUtiorlS. 16 &.opport th e weiQht of the fuel tank on a jack with intarpooed blockolwood 17 Aemova the tv.o nuts from th e soc uring straps at the rear of the luel tank {se ..

~~:;:I:~ ~~:i: ~:::~~O~;:::'dr= tM fue l took 16 Lower th e tank sufficient ly to enable accoostothollu9ir.osooollpped 10 tl\etook. Uncl ip the relevant has"" from th" tank, noting t heir Ioc~tion~ to ....,Sure corr!!oCi

~~fi~nogntinuetolower th8tank U"1til itcan be Refitting 20 It tilt> tank conta:ns "&Iiment oc wat ...., ~ may cleaned outwith two or threil finoos 01 cleanf""l, Rernave the Ju9i fil ter,luel gauge sender unit andluel pump as des.eribed in Sectioos B and 9respectilleiy. Shakethe tBnk vigorously. (>fld change the fuel as otten as is oocessary to remove 011 co ntamin~lion Iwm the tank. Thisprocoo[J{l!shovkJbecarriedoo! inawe/l-venlilatedaroo,anditisviWtotairn OOilquatefirnprgclilitioos 21 Any repairs la ttlefuel tank should be ca.rr~doutbyapraJ""sional. Do not ur>d8r

7.17 Fuel 1ankstrap 8ecuringnut(1)and handbrake cable brack"'(2) ~ Hatohbaekmodefs

Fuel and exhaust systems - 1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engines 48-7

81lyclrcumstonces attempt Jny fOI1Tl of DIY repair to a luel t,.,k 22 Refitting is e pl l.lg


4 Release the lueI pump COVef Ox>eK:;ebte,

Teeti ng 111 the pump i, lunctlonlng,


~~:r:-:~·Prlge the plntle cover Irom the

~ ~e:ae:o;';.t~~~i:.e~:.

Corsa models should be


yell~1e when the ignition ~ on. l.InkIes the engine is started. Ihe

the " .... 01 Ihe

iuelpurnpshoold!IWitctlotIafterapp-oxrnale1)1 two $9COOds. ~ Ih e noise produced Is

excessIv6,thi:!lmayiro:.liclltelll.... lypump. 211 Ihe pump appears 10 have lalled compl8t..ty,checkthewinnglolh,pOO"lP.and ehecl< the approprtate fLJSe end relay 3 To le~t the per/ormance of the pump, specia l "'lulpm",,1 is '9quir9d. and it ie recommended that anysUSpecled fault!lare re/erredtC>8VeuxhalVOpeIdealer

lo10 IwO w".;ng pIogs lrom the undefsIdeottheCO'ler tSHlllustratlon) 12 Looeen the hoeII clip. and discont\eCt the luelhC>slltromtrletopofthefuelpump.

11.11 Dlsconnectthe wiring plu(p.lromthe

unlowingpoints /J)


rtlepump, inspecrth~filtarlor

rontaminaliooorbioclrogo, and rllfICtrontc control unit (ECU) on the basis of inform ation reca/Yfldfromlhlofoll owin\lsensors: .; 1IvortlapoailionSfJflsor -informsthft ECUoflJ>rortlflposItJon. Md !tie nne of ltvonIfIopen'O/t~ hlgh{.'. aattery,'{vOltagehlgh)




OIS igni\ial 5ignal -c'l1PnOers 2 and 3 (_oItaga low)

~~~~e:~,~~~~=t.kJwj @ i.n1akeaj, temperature('IOltaqehighj DISig nitioncontraSlll'lal(OJlOO·circuit) Automatoc tronsmlssloo torqUQ control (yoltage low) AutomMlctransmlssiortcon~","",lrSt Orqu 9cOlltroi

Fuellrijao ~ fromthetO\loithefuei =1~nunil.asdeSC!ibedearl i erin'hi$

compound ootore fitting.

Removal 47 Disconnect tl>8 t)attery negative term inal (reter 10 Disconnecting the battery in the Raler~


o;SConrteC l ,"glhe wiring~uglr o m

!he idle speed control motor

44 RejeaseIhesecuring lUllS. and discoonecl the wi ring plug Irom Ihe id le speed conlrol motor (sHillu ."."tionj .

12.45b .. . and withdraw ltwo Idle spaed control motor. Not .. O-ri ng (arrowed)



Removetheairbo~lrornlhetopofthefue l

injection unit, 8!1 dascribed earl ier in Section.

th i ~

12.46 Measure the dlstanoe ~ ~tweenthe e nd ofthto idle speed control motorpiston a ndthto endl~eeofthtomotorbodytl ange

Fuel and exhaust systems - 1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engines 48- 15

"$; \



"'" -,...~,..,~








12.49 DiS(:onnecting IhIIwlrtng plug from tne throttle position SM\SOI"

12-50 Removfng the throtue position

49 OiSCorln8Ct the wiring p lug from the thfottlepositionsensorlseeiU""trl3uge.ftthe airllap is outsid .. IM Specltied

Refitting 51 EnsurethatthGth rottlG .....lve is clos.ed. then refit th_sensor to the housing. making

~~:::';,::tt~~ar~~.corract~ engaged

~::::h8ft speed/position Removal

52 Coat the se""or s8Curing bolts wiTh ""rtsblothread-Iockingcompound.thenlnsert and togtltenIhfJ metmIY. whid> clips inro" circuit bosrdilllllecontrole injectort.-om theluel rail (see illustration). 23 Overhaul of the fuel injector. is not po!ISibIe.as nospe'ellareavailabko_lflaulty. 00 "'Jectormust i)&renowO!e used on -",. 26 Proceed as descrit-l in pamgraphs 16 to21ir1c1u3ive ZT Unscr8w the th ',*, ~ecurlng bolts. end wtthdrawltlEt1t* pressureragulatort.-omth8

1tielral l(seeHlustration). R"""" ... theseali"ll

2lI OlSConnectthebatte-ryna.gatlvatermlnal Irlll8rto Oisconnect;ng ffle bat fery in th e

ReferenceChapterj. 30 ReI8",.., the securing dip. and dtsconnect the wiring plug fromtna idla spood control motor tSHI"ustraUon). 31 Remove the two securing screws. and withdraw the motor Irom tne throttle body R8COvertheO·rings..a1.

Refitting 32 Ba/ore ,efittlng the motor. e~3mlne Ihe cond iti on of th e sealing ,ing. and ,eneW il ~-,

33Refin ln9I sa~lofremcwal.ens""ll9

that the soallng ring Is correctly bcated.and that the motor wiring socket faoes downwards.

Throttle position sens-or


Refining 13.22 Removlngafuelinjectorseclll'lng clip (arrowed)

211 RefItting Is a revernal ofl'OO'lOVal. bearing

34 DIsconnect the battery negative term inal (raler 10 DiKannecting Ine battery in Ine



13.21 Fuel presslll'aregulatorHCUrlng boils (alTOwed)

Fuel and exhaust systems -1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engines 48-19

t3.36 Throttl.posilion ..nsoreecurlng scr,ws(arrowed)

13.40lnlak•• irt.mpooratu.......sor

35Relaase the securing clips. ar>d disconnect the wiring plug Irom th,ttoroltl, posillon-'IOI' 3& Remove the securing !!Grews. snd withdraw the s""wr from th" throttle body

ElectroniC control unit 48 PrOC:eed as descnbed in Section 12 for

(_~I ~tnllion)

Refitting 37 Refitting .. sreversal ofremovll. Ensure thattMlI8MOrwiperangageecorrectlywllh IhIIthrottle'lllw s.h3ft. and that the Sen5CM'''correctty_ted Ir1 its Ioc8Iion the throttle



Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor 38Proc:eedasdltSCrlbedlnSecUonl2for


compartment. Refitting

Emission control system

9 ReIittIng is a r-u of removal. booanng in

49 Deta."-aAI given In Chapter 4C. Removal andrefrttiogdellloilsfortl>eo'ygensensot8re

mlrldthe folowingpoints: a)T1>orooghIycJejWl!tlermt1ing1aces8tld usa It .-throt:le bOdygas/nt dlrl ingress~nd furthertuelspillage. 23 Separate thoo two halvea oflhe connector ~at&dabovethepre55urere!lulalor(see

:~~:I:'~::' unc~p the wiring

2boil .


Un 8 crewlhepressUl"eregu~lorsecuring

illustration] . and will>draw lhe reoulator from Ilia fuel ra~, complete wIIh tI18 (H.

wlrlngoonnectorbra molor is iocatedon the t~rot H" bod~, uod8r Ihe in let man ifold at the r8llr 01 the engine . 'Z7 Depressurise tlla fuel system as d&scrlbedInSection6.

28 Disconnectlhebatlerynegativetermlnall! nol a lready done (refer 10 Dixonnecljng the batl8ty in thoo Reference Chaptetj.

1• .23 Separate the two ha!VH of the


14.24 Fu.lpre!l8tWeregulator sectaing bolt (arrowed)

29 Panlally drain I~e cooling syst"m as described in Chapter 1 (dIaln sufficient OOOIanttoemptythoocool3nt eKpansion tank,).

Fuel and exhaust systems -1.2 SOHC, 1.4 & 1.6 litre engines 48- 21

14.33ldl _~controlmotor . .cur1ng bolta{arTOwed)-viewed with throttle body

1.,3otTl'4d1stanceblltwMnthll&ndolthll motor piston andllM IIfId 1_01 thII motor

rfIffiOved Ior clarity

30 Oisconnecvmp/ffIioo,top-upandbOeedll>e coo/ingsysremasde:icribedinWtI&\1y cllecJrMd-Ioctingcompoondwl/1


be mqulred to coat the ltI_ofthe-'Sor MJCUrinu$CtllwsoortJfitling.


!t!";;:~~: i:t:~~ttle body as described 311 R.Iolethe kx;alionsofanybracketssacuredbyth9r>Uts Reco_lhoga!>kat. 15 It is possi ble Ihal som .. oftho manilold stLJds may be unscrewoJd from the cyli ndar head when the manifold securi ng nuts are uoscrawoJd. In thi59VOOt,toosludsshou ldbe screwedbackintothecyli ndllfheadoocetho manrtold has been r...,.,o"ad. using two man ifold mJlslocked togetner on the stLJd 16 If desired. tho fuel injection unit and manifold· l11OIJ ntedancillar'jlcomponcntscan bemmovedfromthem!O!lifold. wilhrah,rance tothe relev~nt Soc~onsot t hisChaptef .

Refitting 11 Refitting is a r""...-saI 01 removal. be.Yir>g In mind the loliowiog points: ~) Cleat! fhe gMket faces oft116 manifold

ondcylinderlleBd. b) WhereappllCaole.rnfffanyancil/ary

=..er;~:r;:~'::;~t::oftms Ch/lpw. c)lflheaJtematormountingbnlcketl14s boonunboltedlromthemanifold,fflfllil before refitting the manifold. ,,$ acc= (~ Iimiledonce1llemanifoldi~it1pJace.

d) Refrt the manifold using a oow gasket.

e) El"ISlJI"errnofalll&levanlho${)s. p;pesand

man,to'o::!(see lllu.trntIon) 8 Di","onm.ct the wiring plug from the emaustgasroorculation ....lve 11 D J~Onn9c1 the winng pl ug tram the tomp""IU"'ga,Joge Slore the man ifold can be reffiOVOOl_iIIuS\retion).Thc haust llu .... circulationvalve ""ClJrlng bolts (elTC>Wed) _ X 12 SZ and X 14 SZ nngines

Emissions control systems

6.'!m~~~, ~:~p~a:~:::)~~

5.21 Dtsc onnecting .... exhaulllgaa recirculationcontralmDduklwir1ngplugXI2SZenglnu

19 Partially drain the cooling system as described In C hapt ~r 1. then d i.connect the cooIanl hosesal1d remove the cool ing system expanslon tMk 20 Unscre w Ihe union nuts and disconnect thefuftl leedli nefro m lhe luBI rail. and tho r81.." line trom the fool pressure reglllator

se-condary air injection pump - X , . XE andXI 8 XE eng ines

=~:::E~R~~2.ownWardS sligh~y 10' 22 Di$Coronect tho wiring plug trom th e valve. 23 Unsc rew the two sec uring bolts, an d withdraw tho valve Irom tha inle l man ifo ld Recoverlhflgasket 2~ Check the valve vent holos for contaminHtion .and Glean~nec9Ssary

25 Refitting is a ,ev.",al of remova l Thoroughly clea n lhe mo tl ng faces of the vlliv~ and man ifold. then relit the valve using a new gasket. 1op-u p the cooling system aSde$C,ibc d in WeehJy cm.cks On cornpietlOr'l

Exhsust 9'8S recirculation control module renewal 1.2 litre SOHC engine 26 The modu le is located on a bracket mouTledon thelrootlett-ltand wngpa.ne-l. 21 Disconnect the baltory negative t",,"inaI (,el... to Di!roM8Cting ftlo barre.y In

6.5 Secondaryalt Injection pump mouming braoket nuts-X 14 XE angisa r"""rstll ot removal. tightening all !>oHs to Ihe speclfid torque.

4C-6 Emissions control systems ,}/f!heenginedeve!opsamisfirn, do nordrlvlJ theCW81 a" (or ~ ~

4 Unscrew the damp boH .ufflclllntty to 808bie the b1lltery to be lilt9d from its location lsee illustration). Keep the battery upright. 5 1f necessary the balterytrllYll8n be removed after undoing the four retaJnlog bolts. RAI""-""""YwOring or hosft clips from the tray and lift the tray from the engine compartmwlt

Refitting S Refitting is a reltersal of removal, blll smear petrol .....m jelly on the terminals when rooonnect lngtr.eleads,anda~aysreconnect

::.~iTiVe leadf;rst.andthenegativelaad

;:~no~~?r'~::C~~ ni~t ~~7o".;ar:nt~~::: Instrument panel. If the light Sllll faUs to Illuminate. check the continuity oflhe warning light feed wire from the alternator to the oolbtlolder, 11 aP issatisfactory,thealtet'n3lor isatlaul1 .andohouldbartlnewad.ortak&nto an auto-etectrician for testing and repair.

~soe~ne~~i~~~er ar~ :;~ur:~atll t:~ ~ues:a:~;

~ ment , lowardSlherear.On l eft-hand

dnva mod els the battery is located under-the -.::tscraan cowl pane! on ,r., right -hond side. To remove the cowl panel. undo Ihe li ...... .C"IW~, lift the panel up in the centre and remove Ih e righ\· hand half 10IW3rdS from the pIIoum chamber. 2 01sconnect the lead(sj at the negative {aarthjtetminal by unSClewing the rtltaining nut and removing Ihe t... minal clamp. 3 o.sconnee waming light fails to illuminata wtoen tho ignition is swnchoo on, fio.;t check thealternatorwiringconnewe~asp""sible, endchecklhattM

7 Ifthoregula ted~ottage is not as stated , Ihe lault may be dU9tO worn brushes. weak bruah springs,afaultyvo ltageregulator,ataulty diode. a sevaroo phase winding . orwom or damaged slip ~ngs, The !)rUSMS and sl,p nngsmay be checked (8ee Section 7). butil \he tault pers ists. the alternator should be r!!f1ewed , ortaken to an auto-electrician for t.-.st,ngandrepai r.

5 ChargingSystem-lesting

the engine Is running, stop the engine and check that the drivebah is corractl» tensiooad

1 On right-hand d rive models, tIw battery Is Ioca.ted on the letl- hand s,de of the engine

S Switch on as many elecl oical accessoriell leg. the head lights. healed rear window and

satlsfactory,checktnealt"matotbrushesand slip rings lsee Section 7l. If the faull persists. thoalt...natorshouldbe""'9W'ad.ortakanto an auto-eleclrlcian fot testing and repair 311 the II ltemlltor output is suspect even thoUllhthe waming light functions correctly, ::::,~esgulat9d \toltage may be checked as 4 Connect a voltmeter across the battery terminals, and slart the engine, 51norease the engine speed unti l the vo~meterraadingremalnssteady:tnereading

:Wr!re~:~~~::elY 12 to 13 volls. and

SOHC engines with V-bett 1 Dis~onnect the batte ry negati..., terminal (refer to Disconnecting me beftery in the Reference Chapter). 2fWmoveth8110.00lillrydri.ebeltasdascri ~

~ ~~~~cllhe

wires from their term,"als on the rear of the alternator. noting their locations. or d isconnect the wiring plug. as applicable. Note that on certain models,


may be easier

4 On models ..... ith multi- point fuel injection . ,emo~e the throttle body a8 described in Chapter4B,Sectlont3 5 Unsc,ew the bolt secu ri ng the top of the altemator 10 Ihe adjuster s\rut, and recover any w3shflrs and Insulating bushflS . noting :~~e":~ionS, Note the earth strap attached

6 Loosenthebo~securir'lgtheadi uslerstM to the Inlet manifold . and pivot I he strut ~=~~~~~ea~e sufficient space to remove 7 Undo the bolts sed in paragraph . 1 and 2,but note that 1I Is on ly necessary to r~ aan the auxi liary driv8belt from Ihe anerneto.-pull"l', lt does not hav" 10 be ,omov!ldcomplete!y 17 I1nol alroodydone, applythehandbrako. lhon jack up Ihofront of tho vohi clo and wpport securely on axle stands (see JaclMg

In mnd ItIelollow1ng points:


18 Undo the au. lllary dllvebelt automatic tenslon8l' 1ow8l' moonting boIt,and swing Ihe lens ioner upwards tOPlov id e aCCg l"-drill bil used 10 hold brushasln retracted position - stallllard Dtolco,R"'"Y alt . .... . 35 PU ll the wire or drill (asapplicabl..) from the 5101 in Ihe slip ring end housing, sO that the brushes resl on Ih. mlor slip ring8 (8ee IIlull'trlltlon) 36 Relit the alternator as doocribad in

S&cti0d lathe ·.talt'posit;on.lf itis.lhoothec rcu itissound - Ifnot,thefelsafo.u lt intheio;lnitionistarter sw itchor "'; ring 5 The solenoid contacts can be checked by connecting a vohmet", or test li ght betweoo

~~:rt~t!: ~~~~V:O:::~, o:~de::.o~:~ the ign ition swrtch i5 t um~d to the 'st" rt· posrtKlO, the,eshouid be a read ing or lightltd bu lb. as aPlllicable. If there is no ,eading or ~h~~e::'~·thesol""";d iSIaUltyandshOUId 6 U the circu it and so lenoid are proved souoo. the fauh must lie inlhestaltermctorush plate (where appl icablel, and pjac ing the t>rushes in position in the brush plate. 26 Locate Ihe negaflVfl bNshwiring terminal cver the stud on the brush plate. and Iccate lhepos~ivet:>rushterminallnlhelnsulator l n

lhemotorbdy 27 Fit the Ir1su lator platas to the ends of the brushes. then fil the brush spring (see Illustratlonl

Removal 1 OnSOHC 8Ogin... , and 1.4 and 1.6 lilre DOHC engines, the switCh is screwed into the sod of Ihe oil pump. 00 Ihe inlet manifokl side ot Ihe engine (8&fI lIIustratlon). Access Is most easily obtained from underneath the vehicle. On t .o and 1.2 litre DOHC engines, thesw~ch is screwed into Ihe front right-hand &ioo of Ihe cylinder Mad (&efI lltustratlon). 2 Disconnecl the battding that the syst""," in good condihon The low-tension 1'" primary) c,rcu itcon~i st$ of tne fol lolf>ing : a)~battety_

b) Th8 lead ro the ign/Uon switch. c)~leadsfromthilignirionswitclltothe

DISmoduIe, ro the electronic COlllrol unit, and 10 thfl Iow.tensioncoiiwindings ~nlegml wil"fl the DIS module) The high· tens ion lor secondaryl c ircu it con.istsof th ofollowmg· a) TMhig/l-r-ension(!-IT) coil windlngs ~nle(,/fal w,1"fl the DIS modu/~). HT le9ds (or module COIlnaclors) /tom rile DlS module 10 the sparlr plugs c) TIlu 5p;1ri< plugs The "!{Stem functions in th e lo ll owing manner . Currant flowing through the low-



5S-2 Igniti on system tan. ion coil wind ings prod uc es a magnetic field around the hogh-tensionwind ings. The eloctronK:controi llnitproducesa signai USflod to switch offthelow -tensionc ircu ~. The wbseqUllOt collapse of I he magnetic fleldoveo-Inehlgh ·lensioowind ings produoos a high-tens ion vollag". which i~ Ih en fe.d directly from the coi l to the relevanlspar1< plug ls). The low-I ens,on circu it is automat ica lly switched On again by th e el&etrOl1 icc.ootrolun lt.to1lIiLlwt hemBgnetlc OOId to bu ild up agai n before thefom g of lh e nextsparl< pl ug(s) . The ig nitioo is oc!vancitd and retardeda utomati cal fy. 10 """",,,that Ih e spark occurs al the COITeCI Instant In rel ation to the anginespeee battery In the Rof ...... R09Chapt9f) 3 Access is most e a ~ lI y obtained ftom undemeath lhevehk;le.A/,lplythehandbtake, theojack up the ffonl 01 the vehicla and support HCUr9Iyon a>de slang m spring ismountoo on pins, and is held in pl aell in I hll co~", by annu lar lulcrumrings The.eleaw bearifIQis locatedonagu ide . I\I8va at th8 fronl of the gsarbox . The bearing isfreetosl,Cleoothesleeve.u ooertheaclion 01 the .lIleue arm, which pivots inside the clutchbe!lhouslng. The release arm Isoperoted by the clutch

Ihe lrlction disc lorwag ....-tight. so that the fricti(ln disc i$g~pped. butcnn still 00 moved . 12 n18 "friction disc JJ'US"i IlOW Oecentralised. so that w hert the engine and genrt>o'31e mated , the gearbox input shaft splinaswill ~~s throu ~ ht heSP li ""S in tne friction diso

Chaplers 2A. 2B or 2C . and 7Arespectiv8ly) The disc must also bol renewed if the linIng

:~~c~:~s~f~: ~~n~~:sn to, or J~$t nbow•. 1 Check the mac hinoo focesof thfl flywhee l and pressure p lat e, If eith .... is grooved. or Movlly scorr>oX:


'" '" ""

Rev ... se . . . .. . ... . .. .. ........ . .. ... . . Fl1~t5CR,Fl515CRaJ\dF 1 7/5CRg.earbo .. ·

1.96:1 1.31 :1 0.9S :1 0.76 :1 3.31:1


'" ""


0.89 :1 3.31:1

Final drive ratios (typical) F t Y5WRgearoox F I315CRandF 1515 CR gearbaxes F 1715CRgsaffiox

3.94:1Of41e:l 3.74:1Of3 .94:1 3.74:1

. 6

7A.2 Manual gearbox


Torque wrench seHings Clulchbellhousing=alebolis . Clulchralaaooooarlrigguidoo" IMve bollS Differeontl3i housing cover plalc bolts: Steel plata AIloyplate .. .••• .•.. E~~xmountings:




G""rboxtwackll"t-to~ea rboxbohs ..... . . . Gearbox bfacket-to-mounting block boIis R.~~untingb lock-tO . tJody bolts' .

Gearbox twacke1-to-gearbox bolts ....... . Gearbox twacket-to-mounting block boIis Mountill!;lbiock-to·bodybolts Eng i...to-g .... rbo ~ boIts .. GaarcllMgelev8I"hovs ing-to-tIoorpanbolts Speeclom eterdrtve-gear ret~lning pi3te boil A....·ersinglig/1tsl'oitch . . 'Use thread-Ior:!d()Q compound.



One ot three d itTerent CA (dose ratio) or WR (wide ratio) manuat gearboX8S may be lined, depenclingon model and ""lIine mted (sea Specilicabons); thefeareontymloorlntamal

th .. mainshall. The inboard eMs of the drivctiy into the diflerent;;'l. The g.. arbox and dlfle(Mti al unit sha ra the oanelubricatingcH l Gear selection is by a fioor· mo unted gearchange lever, via a fllmol a control linkagll

TI1e Sth speed gear components are located in an extension housing at the end 01 the (/'larbo ~ . R"" ...... gear;' obiained by sl:d ing an idler ~ earlntome sh wtth!WOstralght-cutg_son

the input shaR and mainshaft. The differential is mounted in the main gearbox cas ing , and drlve is transmitt8d to tho! differeg rhe remoWll{:J 1he now -" xposad oil seal from th e differentia l housing, using asc rewdriv ... ror

and use a suitable metOf or a battery- an dbul b t(!st circuit to cheek lo r continurty botwe"" the sw itc h terminals. Continuity should onl y exist when reverse gear is selected. Itm is is not Ihe case. and mere a'" no obv ious breaks or other damage to Ihe :=~he switch is lault~ and must be

into position - do not drive ~ in. as the seal is easily damaged 10 Fill the space betw"""the lips of the rIIIW seal with I~h ium'based grease. then refillhe gOJlde slee\Oe uslnga new O· rin g. TheO·ring shou ld befitted dry. t1 Refit th ~ guide sI .... v" to th e bell housing. 3nd b~hten t he securing bolts. :!n~~titthe llearboxaSd aSCri bed in S",

Removal 3 The rever5ing light swi'ch is located in I"" l ront of thegearbo~ c:asing , and is accorssible lromtheenglnacompartmoot 4 Disconnect th ... balterynegati ve t ... rminal Ireler to Disconnecting fhe battery in the RelerenceChapter) 5 Di9COl"">lleC1the wlo1ngfo"omthe swttch, tIl en un sc r&w thfiswrtch from t he gearbox (see illustration).

Refitting 6 Refilting is a reversal otremoval.

slmilar i nstrument (_~lu s trotion)

4 Smear the sealing lip 01 the now oil ...."1 with B littl e gearbox oil. then usin~ ft metal tube or.OGketof su it Bbiediamet..... drlvethe

=erS~;': o~h:'::~~t~$~~~il~~ I~~t~u~ surface 01 the differential casing (ue




the the dillerenijal as descdprocedure, and if may prove Basierin many cases IjJerocu!arty witl1 DOHC engine models) to remove file gearbox complele will1 1118 engine M an assembly.asd69C(iOO(jinCI18p16l2Dor2E.1f removing ttu:. g.:>.1rilracket to the

!he......,inesOOuldbe supported usir>gcheins sus pcndad lrom 3 strong I'/oodenOr metai beam resting on bIoclg inaandgearboxslighUy.

8.23 Remove the nut an(l thrcU9h·bolt securing the rearenglneJgearbox mounting

7A-8 Manual gearbox


rotate freely in their thre a~ed holes in the body. lfn ec"""""Y. re--wt too tlYesded holes n the tx>dy usi ng a suitableto.p 32 Comman ce refittin g by ps itioni rJg the geo rbax un der th e front (Il th e veh icl e $upportingwilhlh e hoisland strap. and the lroUeyjackandlnlerposed bIockofwooa,as duringremo\lal 33 Raise the gearbox suffic ient ly la enable theeng ifJemndgeerboxtobematedtOll ether" Ensc.e that the gearbox in put shaft engages correclly with the c lutch friction disc as the gearbox is jOif"led to the 909iM. 34 Relit the lowe r eng ine -to-gearbox bolts. but do not lullyllghten them al th is stage EnSll:'e Ihat any t>rI6 - r emovalar\d r~ittLng ... . .. . . $el&;torleverhO\.lSing - .IYJ'IO...aIand refrtting . .. .. . . . Selector lever lock compor!flClo r f&verpositioo8w itch - "dj\lst ment.rOOlOv~laOO r al ittl"9

Speedomet«drtve - removalatld refittir>g . " . . " . . . Tran1llT1ission 'moda' switches - removal and re!itting

9 5 10

Degrees of difficulty

Specifications Gelleral


Hydrodynamlcto rqueconverterwilt1elocl romcall y-contro lled mtoCl1anical lock-up syst 9lTl.twollPicyclicglOU"lmward speedsand r averse. l ntegral f l rl3ldrive , ~ingunderfull

~~icCQntrol, with lh ...... ·dri,,;rog' modesselectable

Manufacturer's designation

Gear ratios 1.48:1

HlO:l 0.74: 1


Torque wrench settings En~:::~~lsslonmountingS :

. . ...

Mou nli"9b1ock · !o - tlodybo~s· ·

~~~=:: ~:~:::=~~OO~~llI Rear: MO\onting bloo ~ ·t o - bodybon5

. .. . .. . .

~~==~ ~~~~:::~:=s%~S~~OC~I;:rn

Aui d cooler pipe l.lI"1ion bolts SalaciOfJe\'erhousing nuts . SelectOfI.... arpo."lIoo 8Wnch actuating lev&r to selectOf lelfGr&hatt .. SelectQ(I ...... erpoa~ioosw~ch tolransmlssloo ..



Transm;. sionbellhou sing coverplaleboilll

25 8 8 25 50 7

:;;'S:::":';;"-lIfYi/inebolts. .



"Use tllrood-Iocklngcompound

"" ,,"" ,"" «

78-2 Automatic transmission

Automatic transmission 78. 3 the OOler cable trunion and release Ih"cabte fromtho!"...ocIorlever housing.Withdmw the ceblefrcmtr>ehousing 7 Disconnect Ihll selecto. levll' housing wiring plug 8 UrxIo lhe Iou. reta ining nuts and withdadjustmenl,l carrledOscl'1tWthenlll5ftCurlngltleBClu8tinglevlr 10lhe selector lever shalt and remoVe the 10 Mark the position oflhe seleclor lever position sw~chin reiation to the tranMlission

~:~~~r;:t::~~ and ......a.e Re fitting 11 Ensure that the selector tev", shalt 1,In posit ion N (the Ih lrd detentlromlhefronl) lowflf the switch omclhesl\att, and rotate ~ unt il the shaft's nattenoo,urtace is aligned with thegrOe from the transmissionGallng. Recoverake . then jack up the I r ootofthev6l1icle,andsupportsecurelyoo

::o~eS~;: (:: ~~~~:~:~icl~eSU~'~

:If:::;a~~ ~~::~~~h~~:~S:"I~~ vehicle Remove the roadwh ...... s 12 The eng ine must now be supported Idealty.lheengine should bes.uppott$dusing chaina s.uspond9d Irom a strong wooden or metal beam resting 00 !>locks positioned securely in the channels at the sides 01 tM engine compartment. A Vaw:.halVOpel special tool OsQ'lllileblic~~e~;~eOff t~e 9..,,:~~!ea~~ transmission ffom under thefront of the vehicle (see previous paragraph). A l urther aJlemative i. to suppsedbloracketon~traMmisslon.Refitthesetector

clbleend fitting to the ball slu-d 00 the selllClOfleverposHlonsw1tcnactuMlnglever 60 On models equrpped with secondary air Inlecl lon, refit Ihedisturbed air InJection components 115 described in Chapter4C 61 Wllereoppjicable,fOfill thecoolingsystem as described in Chapter t. 62 Rafit the battery. where apptlcable. then reconnect the battery negatr.etennlnaf . 63 Check Ihe automatic transmissio n fluid l8\lel. andto~up ~ neceSSe susp&nsion,an d U thcIIIBd torqt.>e 21 Top-up the tra nsm iss ion with tha specifioo typa of oWnu:d using tho inl ormat"" given in Chapter I 2.18b ••• and thentlYoU gh tlMlspecllied angl , (note tlMluseofa n anglegauge)


~~:s~aft rubber gaiters -


All except 1.0 litre models



Nole:llbomdrimsiJaftgaifern,.,... /orooawtid at the ~ame time, it is on ly necessary to """",,ve0"," of the canstant v!J/or;ity;oints. The sec ond rlaller can tllen oe slid along and romov&d from th!:l axposed end of the driveshaft. The inner and ou ter CV join ts are identica1and the following proceduro c." be UsdforeithBrjoint.

~~n;:;elnt~d:~haft from the car as 2 Secu re the edrives/ulh ,and Iocat'! it in the f8C/!!>Se~on the driveshat\ arid joint out... member 35 Ensure tha t the gaiter Is not twisted or dlstorted,thencarelunylihthelipofthegalt..ollh'! outer member end to equalise air pressure inlhit gait.... 38 Fit the large metal retaining clip to the

4 DrivestWIfto'lerhaulgeneralinfOfmation

cliclU ngnoise ieh e&rd.thjs lndicnteswear ~

the out.... constant velocttyjoint. This ITI6aflS that the joint must be renewed ; as teconditlonlng IS not possible. 4 If.;bration.cOO8istentwithroadspeed,is ~ tth roughthecarwtlen1lCCeklratesystern 2 Dunnglheblead lng prOCfKfure, ad d on ly clean. fresh hydraulic fluid 01 the recommended type; nev9ruse Old l luld, nor ,e-uMerlywhichhasalreadybeen b/@d 1rom the system. Enslireltlat suffidentfre""'flukl Is available belore slarting work 3 W!here Is any possibility 01 the wrong fluid !)aingin thasysl em . lhebra kecomponents and circutt must be flushed completessofaachht"ke pad(lrictlonmato~alandoock ing platej (s"

iliuslral ion) , lfeitl1erpadiswom at any point to the specifiadmin imkes. DO NOT uSe petrohH;m-b9sfid , oIVtInt. to ciean bnhe Pl'rf. - use b~e ckaneT or m elhylat..:1

~::?:;thebrake drum aSdeSCrlbedln


2 Working caref1Jllyand taking lhenecessal)l prllCaut ion s, r\'lmOVe all tracn of bra ke :~trom t he b, ak e dr um.backPlate.nd

3 Measure I he thickness 01 the fridion mat erialoleachbr,"kBshoe.at several ~nts

If Ihe tr\ction ITIIIterlal thickness Or the depth fromthetrictionm3l e~alsurlacetoanyollhe

01 rivet heads iSflqual to or less than th e specified minimum. all Iou, siloes must be reoewed a:I a set (see illustrations). Also. Ihe shoes should bIo rene wed il any 8re lou led "';th 01 1 orgreas~ : there Is ""sa t isfa~toryway




4 1I any ol the brake shoes ar\'l wo m Ut1eVenly.


I rict io n



Or fool 9dw ithOefluid level rises above th\'l MAX 1eveI_lIIany t me, tt>llsurplusshould be s)'phoned off or ejected Wlaplastic t\>beconnocledtothe bleedscraw (soo Section 2). Note, Do oor ~yphon Ihe ffuid

, ,


g e5

-(:?? ,


§ /


4. 16 When ..fitting,ensur. tlwllthe pad retaining spring ends a.. oorrectly loeated in the ca~perholes (arrowed)

5.38 Brake sI10e w""r can be assessed by meaSurirl9 tllfl:':;~~ ofthefriCtion

5;:1;":"":.=:~a:t!~= heads (a ty.. tread d""th indiClltor may ba used)

9-6 Brakin g system

''I'l /



I' . "( _______


; .7; . . ' ~. 5.5 Prlorlo dl~ hlrl>lnglh_sh OH. noIe ih _ corrK'l fitIed locations of 1111 components. paying particular 81t8f1lion 10 I hfI adjustar strul components compon8fllS befora dismantling, as an aid 10

reassembly [see IIIU$lraUon) eUsirJgapairofpl iern. carllfullyurlhookthe uf>PI!rst>oeretum spring. andremo.'e ~from the beadjusle< strut Apply a smaar or slhcona-based grease to Ihe adjuster threads (see Illustration) 16 Examine therelufn springs. If they are dlstoned. or if they have seen exlensive servlca.nmewalis advisabla.W...ksprings may causa the brakw 10 bind. 17 If a new handbrake operating leve. was not supplied with tha new shoes (where applicable), translerthe leve; trom theotd stroes. The lever may be secured wit h a pin andcirdip. orbya r1vet.. whlchwiM have to be dril led out , It may also be neeHS8/)' to transferthfl adju$ling leverplvol pin and dip lrom the origina l ,,"onl s/IQe 10 the new !I.hoe (seallloslration) 18 Peel baCk the rubber proteebwo caps, and checkthe wheelcylindarforfiuld lBaksor other damaga, Ensure that both cylinder pistons are f.ee to mcve8ssily, Refer 10 Secllon9 . ifnecessary. forintonnatlonon wheel cyl inderoverhsu1.

. .. then litt offthe llf)l"ing.ndNtein.r


tg Priortolnstallatlon,cleanthebackplale thoroughly . Apply a thin sm""r of hightamperaturecopper'ba!;lld Drake grease or anli-seizecompoond to all those wrlaces of

t · 5.1 04 L. ft· handadJulterlltnlt .....mbly .. m.rkedl (llrrowed)

6.11 It may be,....,.,ssarylolransler lhe adjusting lever pivot pin M>d clip (arrowed) ,,"om tha or1glllal shoes to iha new or>e$

Braking system 9-7

5.19 Apply a sm&ar of antl-$&iu compoundtolhflcontact .uriacesofthe backplale(arrOW«l).Holelhe elasticband wnlpped around the wheel cylinder the backplale which bear on the shoes. part lcularty the wheel cyt lnder plMonssnd

::rti,;,vl~~:~1~,:::I:~t;=)~~t~;.t 20 Ensure Inat the handbrake cable is corree 1ev8r and spring are correctly located. and sllCure the lever fn positlon...-ilh the ,etainlng spring , makirlg SlJ re the spring ends arasecurely located in tile

29 Once bolh sets ot rear shoes have been rnnewoo, with Ine hBndbrBke full y released adjust til e linlng-Io-drum clearance by rnpeatedlydepressing Ihe btake ped al 20 to 25 times. Wh,sl depress;ng Ihepadal. havtl anassistantiiS:9f1 tolhereardt"\Jlrnt. toctteck Ihatlheadjusterslt"\Jt is/unctioningcooectly; il so.a~ IC+< i ngSOghl tobowarped, itcanbe dleckedtor run-outeither us;ngad iruQauge mountoo on any ooovErioot r.~oo point whi l(> the disc is sk>w l ~ rotated. or by uSing feeler 113uge" to measure (a! se"eral points all "rOUM thediso) the clM rar>ee belween the disc and a fixed point such as the c ~ ( ipo, mounting b ,ac~et. To ensure that the disc is ~quarely .ealM on th" hub, fit two wheel bolts. complelewith spacern approximately IO mmt hick.andtight~"themsecurety. lf the

measuremantsobtalnedaraatthe spec il ied maximum or beyond. Ihe d,sc is excessivs/y warped and must be ren ewed ; how""er, it is worth cOOcking first that the hub bearifIQ is in gooa groulJOand tighten tlle roodwllOOl bolts to !t?especi/ied tOlQUfI. On compietion,rapaaloolyd9prGS;jhlen the road\\'flee! bottsto the sr-;ified tc>rque setting ComboVao

22 Ensure that t he drum and hub flanlje

~~~~~ ;~t~::: o~~~~':~

and dry. nnd

23 Ensure that the handbrake le\lef stop-peg

~~~,,:,~~:::~~~,a;:d ~~~~:\~~e d~~e ~~ the hub. Rel it tl>edrum reta ining Sl;rew . and ~ghten it securely. 24 Carry out the "P"rations d""eribed in parngrnphs 19 to 21

Removal 1 Chock the rear wheels. apply the handb rake, t h8njackupth6frontoftha \letiicle andsuppon II on axle stands. Remove theappropriateroadwhee pistc>n seal Irom the caliper. taking g,-"at care oot mark the bora (&&e illustratlonj.

8 Caraful'ype! ..n. ~nd ramove Ihe brake pedal and return spring l rom underneath thafaci~(s .... illustrations) 5 In.peet tha poda l pivot bu~h ~nd sh~ft for signs 01 wear. ar!d (9Ilew ifn_ssary Right-ha nd drive models

6 On models w ilh manual transm ission. detacn the clutch cablelram the pedal as d8llCribood in Chapt&r6. and unOOoklheretum sp~ngfrom tilepoclal. 7 Wo rl< ing in the engine compa rtment. unscrew l he clut ch ped al mou~ l ing bracket retaining nuts and w 3sh", •. From insid 8th 8 veh lcl8,undot hebracketretalnlngbolt(sl and rertlO\lelhebracket assemblylromlhe.......,icle (see Illustration). Nol e: This bracKet is frltod

13 Relit the brake pedal as desc~bed above in parayraphs9 !o 12 1-4 Relit the clLIIch pBdal moOl< tha retum Sprtn o back Illto posttion on the pedal. M jusl thecl utcncablaas d e9Cr i ~ i nC h a pte r1 .

Tes ting 9 App l ~ a smear at mu lti-purpose grease to the pedal pi_01bush , andfitth" ",turnspring lolt1aplldal 10 Manoeuvre the p6dal and spring into posiUon, ensuring it is correctly engaged wj!h

:t~~~ ~~:~~~~h~~ i;l~ ~~t~e-:a~e~ and nut. T,ghten the pivot shelt nut to the sp" citied torqu e settin g , and secure it in positIon wjjh th" locking c lip (8ee lIIusl ration) .

1 To test tl>e operatk>n ot tl>e..,,,,ou njj, with

:~:'sn~~":x~~~~~:':a~~u~r:~:t~~~~ eng ine. keeping th8 pad;< 1 firm ly dep ressed As the engine sl3 rtS, there should be a notlceable'g,ve ' in Ihe brakepll dal as the vacuum buil ds up. AJlow the engi"" to run tor at least two minutes. than switch it 011 . The brake pedal ~ hou l d now 1Nl Ilormal. b ut lur!hcrapplications shO\J ld resutt in the pedal lea ll ng nrmar, Ihe PQdal stroke decreasin g with each applcatlon 2 If too servo does 001 operate as described.

:;:,:;:~e~t ~t~~f;~ unit check valv .. as 3 11 the servaun llslll l lail$ 10 operate satislactOlily. tI>e fault lies within t oo unit itsell.

~h'::'::.!0U;;em':'~: :::.er~,,::· i b le~

il faulty.

Removal Len-hs nd drive models 4 On modal. .. ith ABS, r&mOVe the mut er cy1 inderasdascrlbedl n SocIiOfl l 0.

5 On models w ithout ASS, un do the t wo 11.10 Tig hle-n the pNot s hBft nut 10 the apac ifiadto rq ue ..tti n~, andncur ait in posIlton with the locf(lng clip

11.11 En9 ura lhlllll-tese ..... opus hrod clevi s pin is ncureIy retained by it& apring clip

~:s~~it:'~;hr:~~~~o~~: ~ud~:~~: unit.


the brake pipes lrom their

Braking system

@I~~ ~ ~ I


-'11 .,.'", , ,

12,16 Servounlt retall'ling nuts (alTOwed. onehlddenl _ right_handdrlvernodels retalnlngcUpsonthebulkheadaoobody, and positionlll@rnast9(cylindarciearollheservo unit, ensuring that rIOexce5S S1rain is placed on the brake pipes, Keep the master cyl iooer upright, to pre~ent fluid loss. Discard the retaining nuts; new ones must be used on refit~ng

6 Garefullyaase the lflIWum hoseOllt Of the servo unit. ta~lng care not to displace the soolinggrommet 1 Release the cooli ng system expansion tank from the bulkhead, aoo pos~1on II clear of the

8 R"aasetheci utchcab!9lrom lt&mtalner. and remove the retaine r, Also remove the


9 Working lrom inside the veh icl e. ~I ideoff Iha spring cli p and withdraw the clevls pin securing Ihe bra~ e pedal to the servo unit ptJ9hrod 10 Slackenandremo""themJlssecuring lh8 seJ\lo un it to the brake pedal mounting bracket. then return to the eng ine compartment and manoeLNre the ServO unit OcaliperorwOOelcytir.der into the pr€>Ssu,e accumu lator. Allhe same

Modulator assembly Ncle: Before Sfarting worlo:ts 3eould be antn.ISted 10 aVauxhaIl IO~dealeror s uitably -equipped

garage. A spring compressor and numerous oth9r spac ial loo ls are necesSdbrak8,tht'lll jack up the front of th8 car and sufJ!X>rl il securetyon axle slonds (see.Jaddng and Vl!nicIfJ SlJj)pO{t). Removetheappropriat8lrontroadwheel 2 Un$crewth~ nul and withd raw the pivol botl securing the lo wltrarm 10 the vehicle body. DiscardthemJt; a new one should be

~~;';j the tie-bar and b~ lIjoi ~t to too 10,",""

S Relit the roodwheel. then lower the vl>hi cle totl1 eground ..ndt9htentooroadwheelbolts toth" Spac~ied t ofllue setting. 9 Check the front wheel alig nment and steering angles as described In Soc~on 27.

arm (s"e illustration). Discard the nuts an d bolts: th ese should 0.. rMe .... ed whane .. er they are disturblld. Note: On some rnr;xIei!;. ""'Y be necessary to dfsCOfIooct the bwerfIfITI balljo;ntfrQm t""'sw;velhub 10 lmabJe tile bolts to be wime.tub axle ilo le. are oot ali gned w ith ftny of th e slots in the hub ....1. tighten the nut by the smal!8~ t possible amount unt ~ th6 split

~~"~Iu~:: b"a:ene~~!:.~e" e;~lr th:r",~~ certainly damage the out er , aces . Obtain rJeW iJurings. ano' s9Ol. and a smal l qlJantity

~~~~:;o~;~s, ",mov9 too hub as


th roughtht! cen tre of thQ inner beaMng 0UI9r race($ee ll lus1ratlon) & Tu m the l'llar axle,thenremove theccMI.pring.. . .

13.\lb .. • • nd ..oovertheupper • .

13.9c ... andlowerspringseats

6 Posl~on the Jack underneath the left-hand tralting arm, IInd raise the jllc~ untH it fs SUpporting the wes.ofb8rlrom the trail ing arm 6 Siowly lower the jac k. keepng watch on the

arms and IlIlit thll shock absorber 10WIII mounting bolts. Notll: Do not ./Iow lhe rear aJiIe assembly to hang unsllPPMed. 11 Inspect the springs closely lor sign .. 01 damage, SUCh a.crac king, and check the spring seal5 lor signs 01 wear or damage. Renew worn components as necessary.

20 Relit the roadwheels, then lower tile

brakt! paltingP9f/S onmalelJfsptItlgt;when raisingtl>eax/e infoposition.

b) Jnsl8Jlthe U-boIts. reliJjnlngp/areslJ()d ~~4stOPsaalSasdasCribedInSec-

c) Ensure IhaI1hebtakeplpes. handbrake cablf!s and wiring (BSl1PPficabJeJ/Iff!

Note: New relaining boils will be required on relifling.

Removal 1 Chock thalront wheels then jack up I he r"",ol thecar anclsupponHonaKle stands

~ ~a::~!.s;::t.;:! support), Remove 2 Prior to ramova l. mark tn.. piumn shalt (see illulllralionj. Refitting 6 Check that the Indicator cancaliing lus.'horn button contact pad Iitt!KI to Ihe rea r o! steering whee l is In good cond ition, and il necessary renew it. To release I he pad, depressl helwoc li ps locatod in . idc the

~:~n~re~ :~~~~:~:i::i;ch stalk is in



".~~~' ',I '



lI5fngas",..,wdrlver,bend down the tabs of Iho Ioc,:~:~e;:,~m the al eering


Wlth t he s teeringw"""l rem oved, ~ft

the sprin g fro m th e ct>iumn

17.8 Rtlmoving the Indicator can.ceHlng iuglhorn but\on conte ct pad from the al .... ringwheef

Suspension and steering 10- 21

~ Cl(:J ,



17.11 FitlhenewlookwQaheewheelcut-outs{arTOWed) its central (OFF) poa lllon. Failure to do this couIdieo.dlo tt">eSleering .... t>ee l lugbr.... kiog thll swilch tab "" thoSleering wheel is rofitted. 10

Fit thesprin~to th eco l ,,"m. t hM l ocate

~:;sh:: ;.,tv;::~ln ~ Ines, 31fgning the ItF,t thanewiockwasner,and scre .... onth. retaining nut (see iIIu s lralion). Tighten the retaining nullo the spocllled torque. and secure it in posrtkm .... ith the Iockw.. sl>ertaba t2 R9Co nnect the wiring co nnectors to the hombutlon , and refit the button ie column housing (see illustration). 91 nsertlhecylinderinlo lne housinguntillhe delenlspring dicksintapos;liQn, thencheck :~koperationoltlleloc kCylinderandstetlrlng

Loek eyl1ndef" 7l ns9rltheign ilionkey inlo the lockcyfinder There are lwo dill"",nl types 01 lock cylinder;

ear1ytypeoshave ahookonlhe in_"" dof !t>e lockcyl indorhousing ,ar>dlatertypoodonot (see illustratianl , Theearly-typecylindermu:.t be IrtSlalled ,"'~ h the k 8)lInpos;t i on 11, wtl iiethe ~t""type i'lnst alledwrthlhe keylnposi lio nl

10 Ref,t





:~h:::lt~r:i~~tc~~~:~~~ battery.

Ignition swit ch wiring block 11 ReM the IQn~ i on sw itc~ to the housing, en suring that the switch centre Is correctly

8 Ensorelhe!thecenlreolttw ign itionswilch


12 Insert bolh grub &Crows. and IighJen lhem

cylinderrodllats.lfr>ecessary,rotalelhe swilchcenlreusingasuitabiescrewdriver. lf lheSleering column lock has boon actualed .

securely. 13 Reconnect the wiring connector to Ig-nilionswitch 14 Relit Ihe ~te ering column shroud. lighMning its retaining screws securoly. Ref;t the rubber to the sw ltcMock. and the trim capstotneuppcr SCf&ws 15 Recoonect the baHery nsg~livet8ffllinal. and check the operation of the switch.

18.7 L.ater type 01 IGCk cylinder. Early typee have a hook cut onto tlM end oflhe loC k cyllneru\andre~se

the support bar from the column. 5 Depress the retaining clips, and release tile left· and right-nand combination sw itches Irom the column, Disc onnect the wiring co nnec tors. and rernove the switches Irom th eveh,=,te (_~lustra1ion) .

19 Steeril)g co lum n:- removal, InspectiOn and refitting



Note: The followiflgprocedures areappliceaIiscorrectlyposltlonacl 7 Al igning Ihe marks m3de on removal g d amp(s) (see illuslration). 8 Olllach the rubber gaiter from the bulkhead, and 'reB thesleering gear pinion from Ihe inlermediateshafl 9 Mo. eth8steerir>ggear towa,ds l heri ghl· hand side of the engine compartment, then lower I he left·hand end 01 the assem bly. and manoeuvro the assembly out from un derneath the venicl ... Noto that it may be necessary to lower the enlllne ~:~ t09ainlhenec .... saryclearancelor

Power-ssslsted steering gear UI Remove th" air cleane! assembly as describedinCha pter4Aor4B 11 On left-hand drive model ,. 10 improve access to the steering gear, remove th e

Suspension and steering 10- 25

shalt as desaiblld in Section 20 13 On models with manu al transmission.

bulkh8lld. Noie the correct fitted Ioceti'''''' of ;rny relev ant brackets retained by the nuts, thM ,emove the st_iog gear mounti ng clampts) 20 On moOeIs with ai, conditioning, release

diwonn&elthe~a, changelink ayafromthe

therefligeran tpll"'sfromthelrretalnlngcl~

trans.misslon os desaiblld ln Cllapler7A.and unbolt the clulch cable bracket from the bulkhead, Additionally. on modelS with etectronicpowerst_ing, discomecttheend of the clutch cable from th e gearbox as descrlblld In Chapter 6. 14 $ Iacken and rlll'llOote the nuts s.ecuriog the steemggeartrackrodballjolntslo thosw .... hubs,andreteaSJlJfId ",,1Iic/e~UWOd 3 Hold the track rC>d. and unsc' ew the balljointtocknutbyaquart€lfofa turn. 4Slacidrem~ng . . .... . .... 22 Boooel - removal,f9fittlngand adjustmenl.. 8 Boonetlockcomponenr. · r....ova)and rafitling. 10 6or>n6treleaseCllb"-removal andrelltting. \I Central loclV.l andr9!ltlinll··· ······· 17 Ceotreoonsole - removalandrefitting. . .. 27 Ooor-removal,relittlngandadju.lmMt 11 Dooth&nd....r>dlockcomponenlS - t'fIIl"IOvalandrelittiog 13 Ooorlontortnmpa~-removal.ndrefttting ...•. ... . . . . . . . 12 Ooorwlndowglas.sBndregulator - removalandflllfitting . . 14 Electricwindowo::>mpO"""ts -removaland relitting 18 Exteriormin'orllnd ll!l!lOclaterOOl - g~lrr!ormatiOfl .... 21 TallgateandsupporlstnJts - r«nOValand r8!illing. . . . . . 1S Tailgate lockcompooents-removalandrefttllr.g . •.. . .. . ... . • . 16 UnderbodyBndg........"Itx>dychedruNecleaner/pcN ishar Is requ ired 10 avoid damage to Ihe I lnls h. Always check that the door and ven tilator opening drain holes and plpesarecomplelelyclear.sothalwate ofIen appears. by the use of proprietary glass cleaner. Never use any lorm 01 wax or other body or chromlOOl po~sh 00 glass.

3 Malntenanceupholslery and carpets

~ ~

Mats and carpets should 1>0 brushed or vacuum-cleanedrf!'\lll!arty. to keepthemfreeof grit. If they are badly stained . remove them from the vehicle for scrubbing orsponglng.and make quile SUre lhey are dry before refilling Seats and Interlorlrlm panel, can be kept clean by wiping ""~hadampcloth . l flheydo become stained (which can be more apparem 00 light-coloured upholsteryJ. use a litlle liquid detergent and aaoft nail brvsh to scoor Ihe grime out of the gra in of the material. Do not Io ot h&r lactor mak ing it Inaccessible from behind. a dlffefent technlqua Is calkldfor. Oril l _eral smal l h~es through the metal insjde th .....aa _ par1lc;ularlyinlhed .....persoolion. 'Then screw long self-tapping screws imo tI>e hoIes.juslsufflCiontlyfor th&mlo ljainagood purchase in the metai. Now the dem can be pulled out by pulling on the protrud ing heads of the SCrews wi th a pair of plJers. The f'l9)(1 stagrasl~e pad ona POWM drill,elthough it can bedonejusl as effectlvelyby hand ,uslngshHlS01 abtaslVfl

t~~ :;;~~!e;~~n':=eat:t~~~i ::~g~

:. sc rewdrivM Or the tang 01 a file. or altetlvelV. d~ 1 1 small holes in the affec1ed area. This will provide a real!y good 'key'lor I:hefill9fpaste To complete tlte repair. see the Sec1k1n 00 filling and respraying.

Repairs of rust holes or gashes In bodyworfc Remove all paint Irom the affected area. and from an inCh or ",olthe surround ing 'sound ' bodywoendtheedgesol the paint into the existing paintwork, Finally, apply WaX polish

'feath~'edgeolthegoodpaintworle c"lssmember, one on each side of th .. radiator grille aperture ccmpon..,ts, Aepair 01 slJCh darnage by tna DIY owner Is not realtyfoaslble , owing to th e cost 01 the equipm9l1t and materials requ ired toreffec ~ ng suchrepa~5. ThebasicttIChrHq~e

i""oNes making 11 groove along too linaol the crack in the p lastic. using a rotary burr in a pow",drill. The darnagedpartis thG6I'I(Id. and allow ~ 10 dry IOf ~pt030m,nut es , Th ..... Iha primer is applied , and left 10 dry lor about an hour ooforefi nal lyapplyingthespecial-colouroo to~ ~o at. TI,., result is a corroct ly-co loursd compone shookl be renewoo lIS a malt... 01 ComlXl Van rear door

2 Disconnect th e wiring connectorlrom the

6 Open the rea r door, and (B lease til e

11 .4b ... andlowerplasticcover • .

11.40 ... tiMIntapout thehingep; nswhi lsl an assi5tant supports the weight of the door

~he~~k:o::~~'he~S~:;: ~~~t:= sprIng ... at lo the inside 01 the bonnet is 40 to 45 mm (see illustrati on). 6 When the stt1 ker Is correg Ihe posilionof lhedoor lackstrikeronthe body. Slacken Ihe striker rel aining bolts, raposilion Ihe stfikar as roqulred. then securel y retight •.,thet>olls.

Combo Van rear door

door wiring check link spring from Ihe door flln (s •• ill ....tretion) 7 Where ne ~es.sa ry. trace the wiring back lrom the ooor 10 ~swir ing connectors in the ma in ~eh icl e body. Di~con n oct th" wiring oonneclOr'!l .lhen free lhegromme\lfQmthe


~ehiclebody . andwithdrawtl>B wiri nglBn (seell lustretion) 9 II necessary. the

14 Slight adjustment 01 the doors can be achi e.&dbyslac kell inU" Mlhirtgerelain ,ng boilS and repositionirqthe hinge/door. IS Door dooure may beadju!!l8d byalteri r>g the position of the door lock striker on the door!body(AAapplicable).!'llac koo th es\riker relain ing boils. reposilion the striker as "'q uiroo.thens"culoly relightenth ebolts

12 Adjustment of th e door pos~lo n Is not posoible:thehingesarewelded to l heve!1icle

Removal Froll1door 1 Unacrewthe door tx>CIudspe~ k..r from t~ armrest haOO le as described in Ch a pt&r 1 2,!IIld froo the ~ectr ic extelJv,.. theg uideupwa,dsand oLJt lrom the door (see IHustrallns) 18 Re lease the reta,ningClipS by pivoli ng them away from the link rods. and free thly ffom th retaining cl ips on the baso 01 the hand la, then ,emove the handl e f,om the outside 01 the door,l,ooirlg its link fOO fro m the lock (seeilluslnltion)

Rear lock (Corsa) 21 Removetheexteriorh3ndle"';edabove 29 un It1f>relainirlQc lips on thobasoof thG

13.25c . . . and manoelM"e the lock and C'j!lndermountl~!.aS5emb/youtof

13.253 Free the lock cylinder mounting plate1rom the handle ..

13.26 Releaselheraloiningctip{orrowad). and 5"Porate the tock from the lock c ylindermOlJntingplole

relaining llCf8W5 ..

13.21 Lock cytl nder llnd auocioted components ara retalnad bya C-cllp

11 - 14 Bodywork and fittings

nandl. , and "OImove Ih& handl" from Ihe o""s;deofthedoor(sH illu5tratlon), Rear

latch lock (Combo Van)

30 Carefully prise the access covw lrom lhe rear dOG< (see illustration). To funher improve access, prise oot the retain ing clips ~d~ethelrimpanelfromtheCeotreof

31 Release Ihe retaining cl ip, and pull the knob olf Iho latcl1 handl!l (_illustration) 32 Release the ratain ing ci ipsby pivoting them awayffom th e li nk rods. and free botn link rods from the lock (seel llusll'atlon)

~an:~~r;~~et~\:"h ;:~~~ fr:%";~ d~:: (IIMWlustratlOfl)

Rear latches (Combo Van) !M Remove tile at:c8SS COV8f and trmpanef 3sdeSCfibed In paragraph 30

35 R&lus" the releYant rotalnlng clip by

~~kO::'f~::"fr=.the lin k rod. and IrM l ne 36 Undo tile &Crf1W8 ~ the latch tolM door,and guide the latch and link rod out of posIlion I8"~lu8t.ations)

31 If necessary, remove Ihe second latch In th"sameway

Refitting 38 Refitt in g Is th e reverse 01 th& remova l sequenc",noting the following po ints: 11) IfDlockcylind6rh~sbgenI'99rsltield was damaged in any way d\1r1ngremovaJ,orifapmtoctSlMI""nnor bemade,renew/tleweathershield.

djBl;o/Q",instaHingtherelevanltrimpaneJ, IIlomughlychock the opetaseoflM window guide. and manOf!lNfe the guide oot/rom the door (see illustrlllionsl. 13 Pos it loo the window s.o that hsgulde rail is in the centre of th& door apenure . and wedge ilin po"i~on with . suttabiB wooden or

ru""" __

14 Mark the posHlon of thfl regu lator guide reta.illinglxMllIonthedoor.thtl(lundolhfltwQ botIsandmrrlO\lBlheguide(seet.uslrallons)


U",ngan8.Smmd lit tbit.driltoot1l"le';~ets

securing the regulalor assembiy to 100 coor ta~ing greal care not la damag e the door panBl , Wlthalllhanvel s ,"" mQved,free lh e reQulato.roj iefs /romllleendso/th e w,ndow glaS9 guide rw l, aoo manoooyrethe regulator assemb/y out through the doorap..nure. On modeiswithel9ct!icwiodows.disconnecttl'te

11-16 Bodywork and fittings (reler 10 Disconnecting the battery in the Rele.enceChapterj 2 Open t he tai lgate. and datach Ihe parcel sheH cords. Undo the retftlnlng ..c,ews, and ,OO1011e the lifler hoo~s lrom the tailgat e (see Illustration)

Rear regulator Note: A pop-rivet gun and SlJitoble itvets will be req,,,red when refit/ing. The riyefhea ds s l' fJ~1d l>fI approxim,r9ly 4.8 mm in diameter and 11 mminlengl!>. 16 PosJtion IhewlndO'N solhat its gukl€> rail isin tt>ecentreot lhe lowerdoorapertlJre.and wedge ~ in po5itioo with ~ su~ a ble woodom or rubbet wedge 17 Using 9n 3. 5 mm drill b it. drill out the rivets sec uring tMe regulator assembly to tile door. l,klng great care not to dama~B thB door panet lsee Illustration) 18 With all the ri"ets remo"oo, Iroo th6 rsg ulalOr lrom tM glass gu id e rail , and rr anoevvre rtooltt"'.lllghlhtldoorapertUfe.

Refitting of the ra mo~al procedure, ootln g toofolklwinQ points:

19 Refitting is the


a) =:~,,!::;,;::::=m, before (ittlng the regulator to th e door. E!"Igf!gef/lerflQUiatorwithrhewi/ldoW


14.17 Reardoo,wlndowregula!of retaining 'ivets.!:~~ fi~e-doo'


movir>g the boits up Bnd down .he slo.ted ooJes. Find ttHJpruitionwhare tl1e

windaw movemem is tile easiest then securoiytightenthabolts d,lRaNt.htlwootil9rshi6/d,malont:>ousodto

draw the wiring back imo po.iti on when refitt ing 5Wherene-cessary.priseootlhe ""'3sher jet trom thetailgat elspoiler las applicable). and d,sconnect it from th e w asher hose {ne illustralionsl , Toeasuhab lelengthofstl'inglo l Me hose end. th en withdraw l he 0000. leaving th8slringin po~i t ion in thft Mme way as for the wring 6 Ha~ean assistant support thetallgata, then raise the spring clips and pul llhe support struts oft the ir balljoi nt mounting . on the tailgale , Prise oot lhe hinge pin nl1,ining c lips,

~~""~:;::~i~:::e~~:r::~~~~ panel . ..

15.40 . .. then 'emove the grommet and w~hdraw

th" wiring Irom tke tailgate

15.58 Prlsethewasherjetoutlromlhe tailgat" . .

Bodywork and fittings" · 17

16.61) . •• anddlsco.......,tltfromtl>tlhose

15.68 A.mov.lh, ..talnlngcllps ••

(1.6litm DOHC model - jolt mounted in spoiler)

.. . then witl\draw the hing.e pin and lift off the IaIlgat.

thentapboltlhlr>g ft p4ntoutofpositionand remove the tai lgate from the veh icle (see illustrations). 7 E>ly. 5 Slacken and ramovelho Ihfeescrews. and remove the lock from the tailgate (Setl lIIustrallon)

Lock cylinder 6 From Inside the taitgate. ,elease the retaininll clip by pivotir>g ilawaylromlhll link rod. and detach the fOd from lhe lock cytinder (... illustratlon). 1 Where nece:ssal)'. rei"" .... Iha ,etainill\l clip and detach the central lock in g/alarm mic ,oswitch Irom the top 01 the lock cytinder (see Illustration).

11 - 18 Bodywork and fittings

\ 6.Ba UnOolhe Itlree nuts (arrowadi, l hen

............ lhelock cy1inder caslingfrom Insldethe tallgate " 8 Undo the IhrlWl nuts and remove Ihe exteriOt hand"'; the lock cylinder casting can then tWt manoeu vred out 01 the tailgate (SIIe ilkrStratlons)

Re fi tting

9To d i sman l"' l~as.!lembly, i nse"the key


Imothe lock eylinder, IIlen tap out the ratl p;n from the rMI 01 thfI cyl inder housing er8Y8",e olremoyaI. Prio< to install ing the tri m pane l. check the operation of the servo unit.

Taifga te servo 15 Remov e the tail gale inner lrim pan el as

~:: ~:;'::~ ~~~ 3m"!n~:' ~~e 5ervoun it ou t of~lion , disconnect i ng t he

wiring connaclor

as it be-comes accessible

(...... illustrat ions).

17 Refitting Is the reverse of re moval. ensuring that the servorod is correctly engagad with Ihe lock casting (see II lustratfonl. Pilor to inslal.ing too trim panel, c~. ack lhe operat"'" 01 too S8rvO unit.

Fuel filler cap servo 18 Removelhe right- hand lear light un~ as OOscribed In Chapter 12 19 Disconn&et the servo unit wirir>g connector, then undo Ihe retaining screws andmanoeuvr ethe~oou l tr.-ough there a r

ligI>!apeI1ul"9 (s.... llIustralfons).

• •• and remove l l>c servO unit from thetallgate

17.17 When reftttlng , ensure that the servo unit rod (arro: : ::"'= l l y engaged

11 - 20 Bodywork and fittings

17.24a Wl>en re1mlng , ensure that Ih_ mierwarllej from Ihet.ont ot the panel. Slacken and r8ffiOVeall the par>81 retaining screws,lhenreleaselhepaneltromlhevehicie body and disconn&CI the speaker wirlng comeclor(wherefitted)(_lIluslmtlonllj. 7 Positionth8 1ull1l8!lecompartment panel

~:"'!!"':' =~ '"~etrl~e~n~!!*~~ : : g : two screws . and release the sill Ifim panel lrom thelTootedgeotlhe rear seat sidelrimpanel I_Mlustratlon) • Slacken and remove the rea • ..,taining screw from Ihe base 01 the panel (ne IRuslratlon). 10 Peel the doorsealirog slrip away from the Iront edge 01 the rear seal side panel. then uncnplhe top ot the panel and remove il Ifom the vehicle (ne l-.ralions) 11 UndO Iheinertla.eel relalnlng bolt. and remove Ihe s&at bet1 assembly from Ihe vehicle. If necessary. the.eat belt height adjusW ratchet can be removeel astQ!lows 12 Prise out Ihe hook from the tcp of In. door pillar panei. Undo l he upper and lower

25.8 Undo lhe two Icrews. and rellt8H lhe l iltrim peneI f10m the "a. Mat side trim

eo"" 3 Remove the .."If .e.1 bacluesl 8S described In Section 23. .. If the left·hand ...... t be~ Is to be """"'eel.

remoI/etl\e Interior Ilght ....,~ trom the IlI99age compartment t.im panel as desc.ibed In Ctlapterl2 . 5 A8rn0Yethe __ shockabeorberacoesspaoel


gain access to the seat beltheigt\t adjuster ralcllel.Undo lhetwobojlsand.emovetn. ..tchel{.... illustJalions).

pllla.p.anel • • ndunsc.ewtMuoppa!" retaining.freelt' 8 w iringloomlmmlhe

:;~:,~;:~~,:::::;;::t:!~r: ~t"'I"'"-""'''''''1III

ctipon th8f&dalsee Ulustraltonsl. t S Undo th e two 'etaining!J(; ,ews/rom the IefHlandllndoflhoof"""paneI.at\dltletwo sc". ws from the lacla rlght ·hand end lIIustralJon). 16 Retum to the etl9 lne compartment. and undo the three reta ining nuts securing the


facia to \h8buliriJringtflfTlOWll.8OSUIIt

rtrstth8..,;mgisCOl'7l!CtlyrllUledandfed tIvouffl/heteler.!ntfacia~.



cflecklhalalllhee/ec!ricalcompoflenlS BndswilclHn function correctly_

. . .~--.....-

" -30


Chapter 12 Body electrical systems Contents Alrbagsystem-generaliniormationandprecautfons

.. ....... 26 21 24 Battary - ,..,..,.",alandrefining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..SeeChapterSA

Air baUeystemcompon&nts-'erno'SeSandrelays - ee_allnformaUon. 3 Generalinformationandprecautioos . I Hood light beamar.gnmem -gooerallntoonation , ••..•... '" .. e H"ad lightwashefsystemcomponenb-r8/llOvalaoo,efitting . . . 20 Hea1ed fronlseatcomponeM5-removalandrefittlng . ........ 25 Hom - removal and refitting .14 InstrumootpaOO-removalandrelltllng 9

Instrumentpanalcomporllll115-remcvalandrefrttlng . . •. 10 'UghtS- a problem w~h t est Inst,,-,ments . Usa th .. w iring diagram to delermine where to ma~~tht! connecl lons 5 To lind the sou rce 01 an n tenn ittemwiring IliuM (usual ly dua to a poor or d irty connecliOfl. or dama~ wirl"9 Insulallon). a 'wiggle' tesl can bo! porformed Ofl the winng Thia involves wiggling thewirt"9 by hand to soo if tha lau~ occcu as the wiring is moved It should be p draw currentlrom a c ircu it such as bu lbs. m on the ~!rcu it, bearing In mind thlII some c ircuits are li ve only when the ignrtion sw~ch is tumed to a particu lar po'!I,tion 18 If voltage is presenl iindicated either by thetest flf oo lblightir>;Jora.oItmeterr""aing.

:;:';~~~~i~lej , this maans that ther~ 's a 19 Hnovohageispr86ont.oot thefusestil blows with the lo~d(s) connected. this indica.l9Sanlntemalfau~inthe IOad(')

Finding an earth faun

~n~~tedb~~e:~arl~~g~t;~: ~::In:; ~ M9Ine1lransml~sion"n i landth8car body ­

al>dmoslsyslemsarewiredsothalthey cny receiveapo'!liti""f~.\hecuffent ,.,tummg

via the metal of the car body. Tl1ls mM""thai it1ed discorlrl fittad w~h ilumination bulb. ; so me are also fitted with 3 bulb to

ExteriorHghtun1ts removal and refining

Note: Dis connect file battery n99~rjve f8m"rl8I(rsf9rro 'D;sconn..ctingtilfJb,Itt8fY ' ln th~ Referl!nce Chapter) before ",moving any ligllfunit, andrecOIl""",f the terminal after rorrtling.

Headlight 1 Unscr8w the two screws soourirog the . elcvant ond ot the front bumper to the \eclingthe w i, illg cO(Y«tonfrom t h ~ rear of the un it as they become accessible (set iUustrati on)


!:::~'::.r::~~~;ii.~~r;~.::~; of the beat"rcontrol I>Bnel

Body electrical systems 12- 11

7.28 Undo Ihe bolts securing Ihe radialor grill" .... Cti=~:=~~mperlo Ih"

.. . lhenun""thetwohBadlightunit retainingbo/t,, (arrowed)

7.3b . .. lhen pus/! the bumper down and wllhdrawlheheadllghlunll . .

7.3c . . . disconnectingthe wiring Dnneclorsasthey ooco me a ccesstl)t,

7.4 Where fitted, r emo~" the h" adlight beam .djustrnentmolorasdONlCribedinlext

lhe top 01 the 'r,er. and unscrew the plastic nl.ll securing Itie bumparlolhavoo;c la. Discard lhonut; a rJeW ontI should I>e used on refitt'ng. 2 Open the bonnet, then s lackooand remova thobolts securing the rooiatorgril1esactionof

bait joint (se-e itlustralion). On reiitting. align the motor batlioint with the tight unil soc~e 1. and clip it into position . Eng3ge the motor assembty with the ti ght. and IwiSt it ~nli · clockwis6to secu'" ~ in poaltiQn .5 Re1itting >sa direct re""'MI of lheremO'J31 proooduro . On completion, check th e headlight beam a lignment us ing the inlormationgiveninSoctionS

taking great caro not damage the paime d finish of the wir'l\l . 8 Witl1drawth9 I ightu"~ ff()mthaw ing , and di.""""""lit. wiringconneclOf ,Tie a piece of string to th~ wiring, to prev""t itla lli ng back intolhe wing 9 On r ef~\ing , ennect the wiring coonecto r. and clip the light lII1itback imopositkm

Front direction indicator light

10 R"'easo the relevant end of the lront bumper from Itie vehicle, asdesc~bed above inparagrap/15 1 10 3. ignoring the references to the headlighl. If """"SS8I)',jack up thll Iroot of the vehicle and support II on u le stands to improve access to the foglight 11 Disconn&Ct Ihe Wiring connector, then undo thetwo retaining screws 10 Reft1 the inst rument panel shroud , and securelytightan it. reta ini ng screws. 11 Inst all tho upper and lowel steorln~ ~o lu mn 8hrov!lgativettlg nut. snd 11ft the w3sherand ovIermountlng rubber off tt,.,spind le(seaillustralions). 3 Open Ihe tailgale. and detach tha parcal sh~fcords . Undo the ret aining screws. and remove tho lifted 'oo~ 8 np w t the cont"""" 01 the rcsorvoir, then care"lu1yeasethepu mp outlrom tl"'res~o t

af"ld rllle An."., kBY 4 Insert th e too ls Inl o the ho lM upos8d t:>y removal 01 the 9rutJscrews. and push th em umil they sna.o into place. Tile radlo/c8ssette

Refitting 5 To rsfit U, e ra d i o !ca ~ 5~lte player. sim ply pcrsh the unit imo the fac:; a until the re1aininll lugs snap in10 place. t hen refit the grub screws.Oncomplelion. recoonllClthebatiery and ""tef the radio securit y code, where appiicat:>1e

22 $peakers removal and refitting

Front small (treble) speaker 1 lilt the front door inner hand le. and careiull y prise the Mnd.e trim CO"", out Irom th.d oDf trimpamoi 2 Uncl op the speak ", from thA hand le. dl'lCQnnecting it, w iringconnect ors ast hey bl>COffiOacce.sible(s.... illustrationsj. 3 Refitting is the flIver>leol removal

Front large (bass) speaker ector lrom tt..

rlllr loudS9Nke.

,:; ;

speakerw~lngconnector,andtum t hepanel

e From

around to gain access to the spe9h r (..a Illuetratlonaj. Note thal il Oi not necessary 10


:~mo~ed"""t t>elt unless the trWn panel 1$10

~h~~i~r ~:dnd I~;:a~~~ ~a~~r.:

10 Undo the th' .... retaining screws, and MmO\18 the Speak .... from tl>e trim panej (, . . IRustratlonl 11 Refilling I, a reverse of Ihe removal prOO9du r8. Ma ke su.e Ih at the tri m panel Is secu"'~reta'nad by all the ",levant clips and sc ' e"". lIthe 111ft trim p.onoi Oi boing Installed , do not lorge1 to faed the Inte-rior light wiring through the trim panel aperture balore 1a!lening tile pa"'" in positloo.

,adlolcasune p layer. WS'" the ajrbag to fIamo!$ dj Do ootaftempttodisposaollhflairbag COflSIJltaVaWlhaJlfOpeldealer, e) NewJrre~tana;rbag whkh js known to


alrbagsare aC Ilv81edbya'\j·senso. Id""el9f8tion senso,). and controlled bya n ele"


:' ~r or other fi uid before in stalling the boil c< stud. Failure to do thlS could causa

:!O~s:~ ~c;~t~d: ~~s t::::~liC When tighteoning a castellated nut to acCBpt B sp l ~ pin, tighten the nut to the specllled torq ue, where applicable, and then tighten flJrther to the next split pin hole. Ne"",slac ken the nut to align the sp, t pin hoI.., unless stated in the repatr procedure Whenc!>8cking orretighten ;ng a nul or bolt toa specified torqlJll setting , slacken the nut or boitby a quarte< Of a turn, and then ret ighte to the spec ilied setting , However, thi sshoold not be atlernptoo wherean ~ u l a r ti9 htening hasheen used. Fo r so m& SCr&w fast e n in~s , no tably cyll nd ar haad bo Ms or nuts. torqlJlI wrench "'tingsareoo~r specHied for the laner

stages of tigntening , "ang!a-tighten ing"being called u pin.t8lK!. Typi cal ~, alairlylowt orq ue

wrenc h SlItting will oe app lied to the boltslnutsln the correct sequence, foliowed oy on& ormo::w'rapair list Incl lIded~lhls l islisaoomprehensive "."o f

8Ockals. Akhough thesaarae. penSJ .... . they W Ill be found invaluable as they are so

~~~: ~ :..rt~~~a\~ ~~~;:':S~~f~ Incn

sq\l3re - d~~e

type. as Ihls can be ,Senotlnglhatmanyolthe l8(g'" DIY $Upersiores now carry a large

;:;:e of special tools for hire al mod",! Thelollowlng list conl91ns only UlOSetoois .nd in$t""m.ntslf~ava"abletolheP'Jblic.

and JlOtlhosaspecialtoolspl'Oducedbylhe

:'t!~~~~:I~rf~::::!a~ref~= to theH manulacwrers' special tools In the

texlol lhls manuaLGtHltIrally,anallernaH... melhodotdoinlllhejobwrthoul thevehk:ie man~act"""'1I' speci al toolisgiVgineruns·on9fl .... awilchlngoll Eng ineooisos

VehiclaptlllsloOlll'lsideund!lrbraking NOOse(grlndingorhigh-pitchedsq1J83l)whenbrnkes"ppliMl C E: componoots wh ich do occasklnollylail without wa rning areollen smal l arid easitj canied In the vehicle. With any fault-l ind ing , lhe tirst step is 10 dec i dewhere lob~in in"e9I i galions. This ma y ~obvious. but som" detect ive work may be """"""",. ThtI owner wt.:;, makes haH a dozen haphazard adjustments or replacamantl milY besuccesslul In curing a fau lt (or Its s~mptoms), but will be none the wiser I1 Ihe lau H r""urs. and ullimate ly may have spenl mor" time and money than was neose(Chapter9). Faultymast9l"cyiir.der{Chapt9l"9}.

Excessive brake pedal effort reqlllred to stop vehicle C L

o C

c: C

Faulty vacuum servo unit (Chapter9) Dis.connected,damagedorinsecure brake~M;l'·3C4J umhose

(Chapter 9) Primaryorsecondaryhyl"lrauliccircultfai luraIChaoter9). Se;zedbrakecaliperorwneelcy1inderpiston{S)(Cl\apley ~~~~ket5 and chain or bysprockels and a

Baaring Big_and t>nring The bgefficier.::y

Anti-se ize compound A coolIng that f8etweenlt1a body and tha staering

~~:~~~Yu~e~ec:ns:OO~~I ~~::~

and don'trely On the anti-roll bar for local ion MulUmeter An electricaitesl instrument w; th

Pfastigagc Propollersheft The 10rlg hol low tube wi th unlv01"S(lljolnts ~I bolh ends Ih at carr ies powerlrom the transmiss ion to tne d :ftef"",tiai on front-eng in eod rear wilOlef drive v f'hicle~. Proportlonlnljl valve A hyd raulic ~ontrol valve wh ich limit' the amount ol pres.su re to th.. ",ar brakes durtng panic " tops topreoenl whoel lock ·up.


Rack-and - pinion steering A staanng system w th a pinion gO;)1" on the end 01 the

:1~t:~~i.Hty to mMsure vol tage. cu rrent M d :t:;r~~~~:to~~ne:dv:t~ ~:~a(l~ i~ia~1


NOK Oxides of Nitrogen . A com mon toxic poIlutarrtemrrtedOypetrolanddieseietlQinas at t'ighsrt9lllperatures


Ohm The unit ol el""trical resistance, One volt appl i&d to a resistance ot Ql1e ohm wil l produceacurrenlol"""amp. Ohmmeter An instrument lor measuri ng I1IeciricW resistance O-ring A type 01 sealing ri ng made 01 a special rubber-likemat ...ial; in use. tne O-ri"ll is com pressed into a groove to powevef,mandactu"","

~:ta~~~~31 ~:i:~s~~~r3:ties: ;,.:~~rt~ ~!,~~c;':': t~I::"~~:~~ on a sIlaft orpivotsonastu d.lnan o verheadoalve engi ne, the rocker arm converts the upward movem ent 01 tne pushrod into adownwlIrd mm'emee~~a=: ~~~ ~:~~~~~~~:~ea~~e:: a~a=~: ~:;'!It~hain

A c hain which drives Ihe

Toe -In The amount the fronl wheols a re cioser loge ther at the iTont than al Ihe rear. On rearwtleel driv&vehicles, asHghl amount of toe -In Is usually spec;fied to keep the iTont wheels runn ing para ll ~ on the , oad by offsetting otheHCe!lg ir>e - 2C'14



Crankshaft pulley 10.s. '.2 lilra OOHC erog lne - ZA-a 1 2a 1.4 litre SOHC eng ina - 2S-6

1.4& 1.611tro DOHC englM - 2e'6 CranksnattspeedJpositionHflsor \,0& '.2I ilreDQHCeng l!ltlS - 4A·9

12& 1.4 lilre SOOC englnes - 4B' 15 1,4 IrtreSOI1C ang;.-...s_4B'19 1,4&1 .6IilreOO HCengines - 4B'2 1

C,gnkshoaftsprock-, 1.2& 1.4 litre SOHC eng ine - 2B.8 ' ,4 e. 1 6 1il", DOHC engin e - 2e·S Crushlll9-0' 5 C~lInder

block 1.0 & 1.2 Irt.... DQHCenginft - 2Dol1

1.2SOHC . 1.441 .6Iitreeng ine - 2E' 14

C~i,,::~ ~e,~~ DOHC "",gine - 2A'13,2D'8 , 2D' 9,2D' 10 1.2& 1.4 litre SOHC englne - 28'10 ' .2 SOHC , 1.4 &. 1.6 Iim. engioo -2E'8,2E09,2E' 10,2E'12

1.4 & 1.61nre OOHCengine - 2C' 10


Electrica l system-0'16,1'13 taultfindl r>g_ 12' 2,REF '1 9, REF'20 Electronic control unit (ECU) 1.0& 1.2 litre DOHC er,g,,,..,. - 4A·10 L2 & 1.4 1ItreSOHCenglt>8S _4 B'1 6 1.4 litre SOHC engilles - 48' 19 1.4 & 1.61''''' OOHC engines - 48 ' 22

:~~~;a:'~i Ssion - 78.5 E~:~!~:"~ 11'18 systems - I·13.4C· l et$e - 28'9 ~~~ litre DOHCoo gioo - 2C . 9 1 ,0 & 1 .2 1 ~ r e DQHCI!I1 glne - 2A'IQ 1 2& 1 ,4 1 ~reSOHCeoglne -2 B ' IS 1.4& 1.SW@00HC""glne-2C '1 4 manual gearbox - 7A' 5 Open- clrcuit-12'2

. AE'. 28



1.0& 1.2litre DOHCengioes-4Ao9 '.2& '.4IitreSOHC...-.gil>9S_4Bo16 1.4 litre SOHC enginel;-4So19 1.4&1.61itreDOHC""II',*,-4Bo 21



SwttchH -1Z' 4 ABS-9' ZO

~!~or~ ~Z~~'6

$;Iletylirstl -005. 0013 s.::alding-{)oS Scratches In bodywork - 11 . 2

oool!ogsystern-3' 5 cour"!lISylighl -IZ. 6 eleders-l '18, 9·11 WhselspeE!dsensors ABS -9'20, Q'22,9'23 Whe .. lorchliners-l1 · 22

VacuumSflrvo unlt -9' 14. 9'15

Volvelilters j .2S0HC.l ,4 & 1,6 IilroO)ng lna - 2E· 11 Valve timing va;~~1 .2 IitreOO HCengi ne - 2A'5

1.0 11. '.2 Illre OOHC engll'Wl - 2D'9 , 2D'10 1.2SOHC,1 ,4&1 ,6Iit,e ang ine - 2E.9,2E.10,2E.1 1 Vehicleidentificlltion - REF'4 , REF'1 0 Vehicle spe"d sensor 1.2& 1.4 Iit",SOHCengines - 48. 16 1.4litre SOHC ang inM - 4B ·19 1.4 & 1.6itreOO HCe ng,"- - 4B·21

~:~:~.~I;~1 ~ys.t&m -


Voltag& stabilissr - 12· 14


WindowglaSS - l11'14, 1' 21 Window winder motors - 11 . 20 Windsc",en - l 1'21 , REF'9 Winter mode switch automatic transmisSloo - 7B' 5 Wipsrarm-12'1 5 Wip&rblades - O' 14 Wipermotorar>d~nk"'ge - 12·1 5 .1 2 ·16 Wirlngdl.glTJ~-1 2 · 22 9 IS9Q

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NO 1'>0 prodo..o:;t (cat",cd on le, pa'!C arc", lab c th~qh rn