Handbook of Russian Roots 9780231883382

A dictionary of over 500 of the most productive roots with their derivatives and compounds designed as a practical teach

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Handbook of Russian Roots

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W i t h this publication the a u t h o r s p a y tribute to V a s s a r College on the occasion of its centennial.

T h e preparation and publication of this work has been made possible by a g r a n t f r o m the Rockefeller Foundation to the Department of Slavic L a n g u a ges of Columbia University and by g r a n t s from the Salmon Fund of V a s s a r College.

Copyright 1961 Columbia University Press, N e w York Published

in Great Britain, India, and

by the Oxford University


London, Bombay, and Karachi


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors could never have completed this work without assistance and encouragement from many sources. First of all, we are grateful to Professor Ernest J. Simmons, General Editor of the Slavic Studies and Executive Officer of a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to the Department of Slavic Languages of Columbia University, who made possible the preparation and publication of the Handbook of Russian Roots. We are also grateful to the Committee on Research of Vassar College, whose generous grant from the Salmon Fund enabled us to secure the necessary technical help and contributed to the costs of publication. The Flagg Foundation, under the presidency of Mrs. Henry H. Villard, also gave a substantial grant. Our colleagues at Vassar College have helped us greatly with the various semantic problems which had to be solved in the translation of the Russian text into English. Foremost among these is Professor Jane J. Swenarton, whose scholarship and enthusiasm were a real inspiration. Associate Professor Mary E. Giffin encouraged us by advice during the preliminary stages of our work. Our sincere appreciation is due to Mrs. Chebysheva who helped in the initial work of collecting material. Finally we are very thankful to Professor Alexander D. Bilimovich, formerly of the University of Kiev, for assistance in the research. Catherine A. Wolkonsky Marianna A. Poltoratzky

GENERAL PLAN T h e p a t t e r n of roots is more clearly preserved in Russian than in any other Slavic or indeed I n d o - E u r o p e a n tongue. Consequently, it is obvious that a k n o w l e d g e of the roots will be helpful to anyone working with the l a n g u a g e . So far, no dictionary of roots has a p p e a r e d in this country, except f o r a small volume by the late Professor G e o r g e Patrick of the University of California, published in 1938. This w a s the first attempt to bring this characteristic of the l a n g u a g e to the attention of students. Even in Russia, there is only Reiff's Korneslov, published in St. P e t e r s b u r g in 1835. T h e present h a n d b o o k gives over 500 of the most productive roots with their derivatives and compounds. It is at the same time a dictionary of literary, conversational, and colloquial Russian as written and spoken throughout the nineteenth century and down to the present day, including the neologisms introduced since 1917. T h e aim of the a u t h o r s is to provide not only a reference book but, more important, a systematic and practical teaching aid for vocabulary building, especially designed for English-speaking s t u d e n t s in this country or elsewhere. It should be of special value for training t r a n s l a t o r s and s t u d e n t s in Russian Area courses w o r k i n g in source material. Also it is hoped that teachers will use this handbook as an etymological reference. This h a n d b o o k may be of help to students: ( 1 ) in mastering the l a n g u a g e through the development of "root consciousness" and t h r o u g h a more systematic a p p r o a c h to vocabulary building, and ( 2 ) in discovering the spirit of the language, u n d e r s t a n d i n g more easily its g r a m m a r , syntax, and phraseology, and learning its most characteristic idioms, proverbs, and sayings. T h e roots are given in alphabetical order and according to the following plan: 1. T h e basic root with all its variants, for e x a m p l e : 5 P O C - , BPOLLI-, throw, toss 2. T h e root cluster or g r o u p of w o r d s derived from that root follow. Within the root cluster, the verb comes first in its infinitive form ( p e r fective and imperfective a s p e c t s ) : 6p6c-HTb, v.p., 6poc-^Tb, v./. 3. T h e passive

voice of the verb; the reflexive and reciprocal v e r b s : 6p6c-HTb-CH, v.p.r., 6pOC-^Tb-CH, v.i.r.

4. T h e participles and gerunds.




5. T h e same verb with its various prefixes in alphabetical order, each of which is followed by its derivatives: v.p., v.p., v.p., v.p., v.p., v.p., v.p.,

B-6p6c-HTb, BH-6pOC-HTb, ao-6p6c-HTb, 3a-6p6c-HTb, Ha-6p6c-HTb, nepe-6p6c-HTb, c-6p6c-HTb,

to to to to to to to

throw throw throw throw throw throw throw

in out as far as, to add by throwing behind, beyond; abandon on over off, etc.

6. T h e verb and its derivatives are followed by the nouns, adjectives, and other parts of speech derived directly from the root. In those c a s e s in which the root is not clearly expressed in a verb or there is no verb formed by this root, as in opeji, HCTHH3, then the root cluster begins with that part of speech in which the root is most clearly expressed. T h e words are divided into morphemes, i.e., into their component parts, for e x a m p l e : Prefix










T h e verb is always followed by the case or c a s e s which it governs, and also the prepositions, if n e c e s s a r y : 6p6c-H-Tb +




All the verbs are given in the infinitive, and if there is a change in the root, then the 1st person singular is added: 6p6c-H-Tb, inf., 6poui-£, 1st person



T h e declinable parts of speech are given in the nominative case, masculine singular. Most words are illustrated by an example, often an idiomatic e x p r e s s i o n , a proverb, or a saying. T h e examples have been carefully chosen with the purpose of illustrating the exact meaning of the word. Obsolete words are occasionally included if found often in poetic and literary works and source material. T h e Russian text is accented throughout and translated



E v e r y effort has been made to give the correct semantic value, and in the c a s e of figurative speech, the idiomatic English rendition. W h e n no idiomatic equivalent translation.





the emphasis

is on

the a c c u r a c y of the


of the


In the Russian language, a word may consist only of the root, but the greater part of Russian words consists chiefly of several defining parts, namely: 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5.

the the the iU the the

root stem suffix ) ... } affixes t. prefix ^ inflectional ending.

1. The basic part of the word, from which other words related to it in meaning are derived, is called the root. The root contains the chief meaning of the word. Related words, formed from a single root, make up one family or cluster of words, for example, from the root " B O A - " we may form the following cluster of words: B O A - a , BOA-HHOH, N 0 A - B 0 A - H b i H , BOA-HHK, H a - B O A - H H T b , Ha-BO^-HeHHe, etc. Words consisting of a root, or of a root and an ending, are called nonderived words. W o r d s formed from a root with the addition of affixes (prefixes, suffixes) are called derivatives. 2. That part of the word which remains when the ending is discarded is called the stem. The stem represents the important defining part of the word because it broadens and refines the meaning of the root. In the word " B O A a , " the root " B O A - " is also the stem of the word. In the word " B O A - H H - O I I , " " B O A H H - , " which consists of the root " B O A - " PLUS the suffix " - H H - , " is the stem. In the word " n 0 A - B 0 A - H - b m , " " n o A - s o A - H - , " which consists of the root " B O A - " plus the prefix " n o A - " and the suffix " - H - , " forms the stem. Consequently, in nonderived words the stem is identical with the root, for example, CTO;I, AOM, BOAS. In derivatives the stem always consists of two or several elements, namely, of a root with affixes added to it. 3. The part of the stem which follows the root is called the suffix. role of the suffix is twofold:


(a) the suffix gives a new shade of meaning to the word, for example, in CTOJI-HK, AOM-HK, the suffix " - H K " gives a diminutive and affectionate meaning.



( b ) suffixes perform a word-forming function, namely they enable different parts of speech to be formed from the same root, for example, from the root cBeT: CB^T-ji-bifi, adj. cBe-r-ii-Tb, v. CBeT-H-Bui-HH, part

W i t h the aid of the suffix "-n-" an adjective is formed. With the aid of the suffix " - h - " a verb is formed. W i t h the aid of two suffixes "-H-" and " - b u j - " a participle is formed, etc.

4. The part of the stem which precedes the root and gives the word a new shade of meaning is called the prefix, for example, HOc-HTb, v. B-Hoc-rtTb, v.


prefix " b - " signifies that the action

is directed


(BHOCMTb B flOM). j h e p r e f j x " B b l . " signifies

that the action comes out from within (BWHOCHTb H3 JXOMA). The root, prefix, and suffix are the unchanging parts of the word.

Bbi-Hoc-HTb, v.

5. The ending or inflection is the changeable part of the word. The ending indicates the link between words, and usually defines the gender, number, person, and case, for exampe, j o m , n., sing, nom: AOM-i

T h e ending " a " may mean a noun that is in the nominative case, masculine plural. T h e ending " - O B " signifies a noun in the genitive case, m a s culine plural. T h e ending " - b I P l " means an adjective in the nominative case, masculine singular.




In the Russian language, compound derivatives are also used. They may consist of two roots, for example: nap(r00t)-0-B03 (root) — locomotive; 3eMJi (root)-e-Kon(root) — digger. The vowel " o " or " e " serves as the link vowel between the two roots. Table

of Word


Stem Prefix





jiëT nil

jiëTjieT. jiëT-




-to -blA




denoting profession, occupation, or agency: denoting profession, occupation, or agency: -Tejib -MHK -IUHK, -JlblUHK

-eu, -^eu

ymi-Te^b JieT-MHK KdMeH-mHK, HOCll-JIbmHK

6o-6u, KOpMii-^eu








-HHK -aK,


Pbl6-SK, MOP-^K


2. T h e










n a t i o n a l i t y , r e l i g i o n , s o c i a l s t r a t u m , o r p l a c e of h a b i t a t i o n : -eu










3 . N o u n s r e f e r r i n g to p e r s o n s o f f e m i n i n e g e n d e r a r e f o r m e d with h e l p o f the f o l l o w i n g s u f f i x e s : -HHU-a

added to masc. form















KpeCTb^HHH, KpeCTbÄH-K-a


pbi6áM-K-a MOCKBÍJM-K-a


6oJiwápHH, óoJirápKa




4. T h e following suffixes form nouns denoting qualities: -OCTb












5. T h e f o l l o w i n g s u f f i x e s f o r m n o u n s d e n o t i n g a c t i o n s :



















T h e following suffixes show singleness: -HH-a



CHe>K-HHK-a (one s n o w f l a k e )

(one pea)

N o u n s d e n o t i n g y o u n g a n i m a l s a r e f o r m e d with the aid
, cecTb, CTaTb, aeTb, and many verbs ending








nycTHTb, peuiHTb, belong to the perfective aspect. 3. Several simple verbs can have both perfective and imperfective aspects, depending on the context, for example, p^HHTb, weHHTb, cxoflHTb: Perfective 3$BTpa B cpaxceHHH p4hht MH6rnx. Mbi ooH3^Te^bHo m£HHM ciSHa.

Imperfective Kiwabifl aeHb Ha (}>p6HTe p4hht mh6phx. C K 6 P O 6yaeM >KeHHTb cwHa.

4 . V e r b s with prefixes in most c a s e s belong to the perfective aspect, for example, HanncaTb, npoMHTaTb, npHHecTH, yftTH. 5. However, compound verbs which are formed from p r e f i x e s and indeterminate verbs of motion, for example, HOCHTb, BOflHTb, xo^HTb, 6 e r a T b , jieTaTb,



in most









npHHOCHTb, npHB03HTb,

yB03HTb, 3aXOflHTb, yXOflHTb, npHXO^HTb, HaXOAHTb. Verbs

of the imperfective


1. F r o m almost every verb of the perfective aspect, a verb of the imperfective aspect with the same meaning may be formed. F o r e x a m p l e : Perfective AaTb Hai^Tb

Imperfective AaBdTb HaMHHiTb



2 . A verb of the imperfective aspect may be formed from the corresponding v e r b s of the perfective aspect by means of suffixes. Most frequently used is the suffix " - b i B a , " " - H B a - , " in which the root " - o - " in the perfective aspect often c h a n g e s to " - a - " in the imperfective aspect, for e x a m p l e : Perfective CnHCdTb npOMHT^Tb

Imperfective CIlHCblBaTb npOMHTblBaTb



0n03AiTb BblTOJIKHyTb c6p6CHTb

Oni3AblBaTb BblT^JIKHBaTb c6picblBaTb

3 . Another way of forming verbs of the imperfective aspect is to c h a n g e the






sibilants, for e x a m p l e : Perfective peiu-H-Tb

Imperfective pem-K-il-Tb






or " - a - "




4. A fourth way of forming the imperfective aspect is to use the suffix " - a - , " in which case the root " - e - " or "-H-" ("a-" after sibilants) may alternate with "-H-," for example: Perfective


pacTepiTb yMep^Tb 3anepiTb BblHCCTb HaM^Tb

pacTHpATb yMHpATb sariHp^Tb BblMHT^Tb HaiHH^Tb

5. A fifth way of forming verbs of the imperfective aspect is to take the suffix "-Ba-" and use it in those cases where the root ends in a vowel, for example: Perfective


pa36ATb CJIHTb AaTb pa3A^Tb y3H^Tb

pa36H-Bi-Tb CJIH-B4-Tb Aa-B^-Tb pa3Aa-B^-Tb y3Ha-B^-Tb





6. Sometimes, in rare cases, a completely different verb serves as the imperfective aspect for verbs of a perfective aspect, for example: Perfective


B3HTb nojoxcrtTb

6paTb KJiacTb iOBATb rOBOpHTb



7. Several verbs have an imperfective aspect which is distinguished from a perfective aspect only by the change of stress, for example: Perfective


nocbinaTb paccunaTb pa3pi3aTb o6pi3aTb Semelfactive

and frequentative


paccbin^Tb pa3pesilTb o6pe3^Tb verbs

1. With the help of the suffix "-Hy-," the perfective aspect of semelfactive or momentous verbs is formed from the imperfective aspect, for example: Imperfective







CBHCTiTb KHddTb n^eB^Tb


CBftCT-Hy-Tb Kfi-Hy-Tb njiib-Hy-Tb




2. With the aid of the suffix " - b i B a - , " "-HBa-," the frequentative or iterative verbs are formed. They express action and may be formed from several verbs, for example: Imperfective















TOBip-HBa-Tb noroB^p-HBa-Tb


















njibiTb no^3TH

nJidBaTb n6ji3aTb

All these verbs of motion belong to the imperfective aspect, but their meaning depends on whether they are determinate or indeterminate. Determinate verbs signify action or movement in one direction, done only once in a determinate or definite period, for example: Kyaa Bbi HAeTe? fl HAy B 6w6;iHOTeKy. 3aBTpa MHe Haao exaTb B MocKBy. Ceftwac MHe HaAO 6 e > K a T b Ha n o i T y . Indeterminate verbs signify actions and movements which either usually take place, for example, nTHUbi ^eTaiOT, pbi6bi miaBaiOT, JHOAH XOAHT, or an action or movement which is repeated and takes place at different times or in different directions, for example; yueHMKH XOAHT B iuKo;iy KaKflbiii .ZIEHB. /J,eTH 6eraioT no caAy. Alternations

of Letters

in Word


T h e term "alternation" signifies the tendency of certain consonants and vowels to change into another particular letter in accordance with a very definite pattern peculiar to that letter. This phenomenon can take place in the root and in the suffix. This phonetic characteristic was inherited from the protoslavic period and is preserved to a great extent in modern Russian. Following a historical phonetic law, the alternations in consonants take place when certain consonants are united with soft vowels or with the original jod ( } ) , which in writing may be expressed by the soft sign; sometimes it is not written at all, as in the suffixes K, H, 6, (originally bK, bH, 1

T h e prefix " n o - " reinforces the character of iterativeness in the verb.



b 6 ) . It is important to know that until the fourteenth century all sibilants were considered as soft consonants; that is why the alternations are preserved in sibilants even when they precede hard vowels. There are some special alternations, such as 4 becoming JKA (instead of >K) and T becoming m , which have been preserved in words of specifically Church Slavonic origin; for example, from the verb BOflHTb we have two forms for the nouns: one purely Russian, BOwaTbiii, and the other, Church Slavonic, BO>KAb. ALTERNATIONS OF



with sibilants

1. Before soft vowels and the soft reduced vowel " b " : Gutturals


Hissing Sibilants 3 u

*c M ui

r K

x X


Examples APyr, ApyjKecKHii, APysbA JIHK, AFÎMHKO, JlHlieBÔH yxo, yum; nyx, nyuiHHKa TpHXHyTb, TpHCéHHe, TpHCHHa

2. Before the a, o, y, which were originally ja, jo, j y : Gutturals








Hissing Sibilants U

Examples Apyr, apyJKÔK; canôr, canowôK ; Jiyr, jiyjKÔK rpeK, r p e M â H K a , p y K a , p y q ô H K a ; K A H K , KJIHMY,

BOCKJIHUâHHe Ayx, Aymé; yxo, yuiâcTbiA; naxàTb, narny

3. In front of the suffixes H, K, 6, which were originally bH, BK, b 6 : Gutturals







Hissing Sibilants U


X Dentals Dentals

C Russian Alternation

Church Slavonic Alternation >KA



Hissing sibilants with Hissing Sibilants c 3 U

APyr, ApyKHbiif

p b l Ô Î K , p b l Ô â W K a , phiÔâUKHH nàxapb, nâuiHti, BcnâuiKa ; BÔ3Ayx, B03AyuiHbJH, AblxâHHe, OAblWKa BCTpHXHyTb, BCTpéCKa

with sibilants in words of Church



Sibilants in m h

Slavonic: Examples

XOA, xowy, xowAéHHe ; cyA, cy>Ky, cywAéHHe ocBeiuéHHe, CBENHÔFT


sibilants: Examples BbicoKô, Bùaie, BbiuiHHâ; npocHTb, npoujéHHe 4)paHuy3, alternate with the labial plus the letter n before soft vowels: Examples AIOÓÓBB, JIIOÖAK), BJIIOÔ^ËHHBIH ; rpeôy, rpéójin JlOB, JIÓBJIH, JIOBJI1Ò, H3JIÓBJICHO KOPM, KOpM^éHHe, KOpMAK) noKynKa, KynjiH, KynjiK), KynjieHHbiH rpaJi



Alternating o

Examples Only in verbs with suffixes -HBa-, -biBa-, and their derivatives: y c r p d H T b , y c T p ^ H B a T b ; yroBopiiTb, yroBdpHBaTb; c6p6cHTb, c6p4cuBaTb jie3Tb, Ji43HTb jieib, Jier, aflry 6pHTb, 6p6w CHfl^Tb, cecTb, cday

Vowels à

e e H H

a e e


H «

Alternating vowels which sometimes drop out are called mobile or fleeting vowels. Noun


Alternating o e

Vowels — —

Examples COH, C H a ; A O W b , JDKH, JDKHBUH O T e u , o T u a ; a e H b , ÄHH

Verb and noun stems Alternating e












Vowels a



MOp, B b i M a p u B a î b ,

3anepéTb, 3anHpéTb, 3anóp,

6eft, 6oft


ÓHTb, ÔbK),


UiHTb, IllblO, LUeH, LUOB, l I I B a

hl hl


e y



KpbITb, KPOH, K p O B ; pblTb, poft,




n^biTb, n-aoBéu,
















KJIIOB, K ^ e B é T b

After prefixes ending in a hard consonant, H alternates with BI: u

Hrp^Tb, o6b!CK^Tb,

pa3birp£Tb, ChirpdTb; nOAblCK^Tb,





oSbirp^Tb; p63blCK ;

HCK^Tb, HMeHH6ii,



T h e formation of various verbal f o r m s follows definite patterns of altern a t i o n s . T h e f o l l o w i n g c a t e g o r i e s c o v e r m o s t v e r b a l a l t e r n a t i o n s w h i c h will b e e n c o u n t e r e d in R u s s i a n . First






in -yr,


1. In v e r b s w i t h the s u f f i x " - a - " w h i c h l o s e this s u f f i x in the s t e m o f t h e p r e s e n t i m p e r f e c t i v e a n d the f u t u r e p e r f e c t i v e , the f o l l o w i n g a l t e r n a t i o n s t a k e p l a c e in all p e r s o n s : Alternations c —UJ 3 —JK T M T —m K —M x —in A — JK r —)k CK — M CT


Examples nHC-4-Tb, nnui-I, nrtiu-euib, niimeT, nfiuj-yT; nec-a-Tb, weui-y, qem-eiiib, Meui-yT CKa3-D-Tb, CKaiK-y, CK^W-euib, CKDW-YR; pg3-a-Tb, p i w - y , p6>K-emb, P^JK-yTj BH3-4-Tb, BH)K-y, B^)K-eU]b, B)i)K-yT MeT-i-Tb, MeH-3?, MiM-eillb, M^M-yT ponT-i-Tb, p6niu.-y, pK-eT, ;i>K-eM, ;i>K-eTe, J i r y T ( n o a l t e r n a t i o n in


p e r s o n s i n g u l a r a n d 3 d p e r s o n p l u r a l ) . A s an e x c e p t i o n t h e r e is n o a l t e r nation in the v e r b TK-a-Tb, TK-y, T K - e i u b ,


4 . In v e r b s o f the 1st c o n j u g a t i o n with the infinitive e n d i n g in -CTH, -CTb, the f o l l o w i n g a l t e r n a t i o n s t a k e p l a c e in all p e r s o n s o f the p r e s e n t fective a n d the f u t u r e Alternations CT(H) — A CT(h)—T CT(H) — 6 cn(b) — A



Examples 6pecT-H, epeA-^, 6peA-euib, 6 p e A - y T ; BCCT-H, BeA-y, BeA-euib, BeA-YT MecT-H, MeT-y, MeT-euib, MeT-yT; UBCCT-h, UBET-y; njiecT-n, n^eT-y, nJieT-eiub, n^eT-yT rpecT-H, rpe6-^, rpe6-eoib, rpe6-YT; CKpecr-H, CKpe6-Y, CKpe6-euJb, CKpe6-YT MacT-b, KjiaA-y, K.iaA-euib, K^aA-yT; KpacT-b, KpaA-tf, KpaA-euib, KP^ayT; npncT-b, npaA-y, npaA-euib, npHA-yT; (y)nacr-b, (y)naA-y, (y)naA-euib, (y)naA-YT



5. In the verbs of the 1st conjugation with infinitives ending in -Hb, the following alternations take place: Alternations m — k — m—k

Examples neM-b, neK-y, neM-euib, nen-eT, neM-eM, nei-eTe, neK-yT; TeM-b,

TeK-y, TeM-euib, TeM-eT, Teq-eM, Teq-eTe, TeK-yT 6ep6i-b, 6eper-y, 6epe)K-euib, 6epe>K-eT. 6epe>K-eM, 6epem-ere, 6eper-yr; cTep£q-b, creper-y, CTepew-euib, cTepew-eT, cTepeweM, CTepew-eTe, CTeper-yT; cTpHM-b, cTpwr-y, CTpHJK-ewb, CTpHr-yT; weq-b, Htr-y, ««-eiiib, jKr-yr; Moq-b, Mor-y, M6)Keuib, M6r-yT

q — r — jk— r

In t h i s g r o u p of verbs, in the 1st p e r s o n s i n g u l a r , a n d the 3d p e r s o n plural, the -y- c a n n o t follow a sibilant. Second






in -ar,


1. In the 2d c o n j u g a t i o n , the s a m e a l t e r n a t i o n s f r o m d e n t a l s to sibilants take < p l a c e a s in the 1st c o n j u g a t i o n , b u t only in the 1st person singular of the p r e s e n t imperfective a n d f u t u r e p e r f e c t i v e : xo^HTb, xo>K-y, x 6 f l - m u b , 2. An - n - is a d d e d to the l a b i a l s only in the 1st

person s i n g u l a r : juo6-ji-io,

JIlb6-HIIIb, J1Io6-HT; JIOB-HTb, JIOB-JI-IO, ^6B-HUIb, ^6b-HT; ^OM-HTb, JIOM-

ji-ib, JidM-miib, ji6m-ht; Alternations A— » 3 — )K c — uj T— H

ct — m

6 6 + JI B — B + JI M — M + JI n — n -f- ji

— (J) + ji

rpa(f)-HTb, rpa(J)-Ji-K>, rpa4)-Huib, rpac})-jiT.

Examples CHfl-irb, CH3K-y, CHA'HUJb, CHA-^T ; BHA-eTb, BI1>K-y, BHA'HT B03-rtTb, BOJK-y, B63-HWb, B63-HT npoc-HTb, nporn-^, npbc-nuib, np6c-HT BepT-^Tb, BepM-y, BipT-HUlb, BepT-HT

6^ecT-6Tb, 6,nem-y, 6jiecT-, JIlb6-HUIb, JIK)6-HT JIOB-HTb, JIOB-JI-K), Jl6B-HIIIb, JI($B-HT KOpM-HTb, KOpM-JI-K), K6pM-HUIb, K6pM-flT cn-a-Tb, cn-Ji-io, cn-Hiiib, cn-HT; repn-^Tb, Tepn-Ji-ib, Tepn-HT


rpa-HTb, rpaKA-i-Tb no-6e>KA-2-Tb Ha-rpaaKAeHHbiii, y6e)K,aeHHMH.




5. T h e alternation jx — >K is characteristic of original Russian v e r b s : Perfective








5. T h e alternation T — m, like A — » a , w a s also inherited from the C h u r c h Slavonic: Perfective










7. T h e alternation c — in occurs especially in verbs borrowed from the Church Slavonic: Perfective








8. T h e alternation T — Q is of Russian origin: Perfective 3aM6T-H-Tb

lmperfective 3a.MeM-4-Tb





9. T h e alternation CT — m : Perfective








10. T h e alternation 3 — w : Perfective






11. T h e alternation CT — CK: Perfective nycT-A-Tt

lmperfective nycK-d-tb






6e3- ( 6 e c - b e f o r e v o i c e l e s s c o n s o n a n t s ) , w i t h o u t , l e s s ; dis-, ir-, u n B-, BO- (B*B- b e f o r e s o f t v o w e l s ) , in, i n t o

6e3-p^KHfl, a r m l e s s 6ec-noK6HTb, disturb B-XOA, e n t r a n c e BO-rnea, h e c a m e in, B-b-6xaTb. t o d r i v e in




AO-, until, to the end, pre-

3a-, beyond, behind, f o r , f o r a short period; (can express inception of a c t i o n ) ; ( w i t h v.r.) to be lost in, to f o r g e t oneself in d o i n g something H3-, H3o- ( h c - b e f o r e voiceless consonant; H3T>- b e f o r e a s o f t v o w e l , h 3 - h when h f o l l o w s in r o o t ) ; f r o m , out of

MewAy-, inter- ( n e v e r used with Ha-, on, upon Haa-, over, super-


o-, 0 6 - , 0 6 0 - (06-b- b e f o r e a s o f t v o w e l ) , about, round, o v e r

o t - , 0 T 0 - ( o r b b e f o r e a sof v o w e l ; cr-bi w h e n h f o l l o w s in r o o t ) ; a w a y f r o m no- ( m o s t l y used to make verb f e c t i v e ) ; f o r a bit, in the style of


noA-, noAO- (noA"b- b e f o r e a s o f t v o w e l ) , under npeA-, nepeA- (npeA"b- b e f o r e v o w e l ) , b e f o r e , f o r e - , pre-; w h e n h f o l l o w s in r o o t )

a soft npeA-"

npH- ( w i t h v e r b s expresses nearness, motion towards, application of one thing close to a n o t h e r ) npo-, through, past c-, co- (ct>- b e f o r e a soft v o w e l ) , with, d o w n , o f f , or to make the v e r b perf e c t i v e ; c-bi when h f o l l o w s in r o o t )

y - ( t o make the v e r b p e r f e c t i v e ) , a w a y Mpe3-, excessive, extra verb)


( n e v e r used with

AO-MHT^Tb (KHiiry), to read ( a b o o k ) the end AO-HCTopiiwecKHfl, prehistoric AO-JKA^TbCH, to wait until 3a-xoAHTb, to drop in, look in on 3a-rp66HbiH, beyond the g r a v e 3a-HiM? w h a t f o r ? 3a-n^iKaTb, to start w e e p i n g 3a-MHT^TbCH, to be lost in reading H3-6pdTb, to elect H3o-ApiTb, to tear to shreds

HC-KJIKJMHTb, tO expel H3T>-HCHiiTb, to explain H3-i4cKaHHbift, exquisite; f a r f e t c h e d MOKAy-HapdAHbiH, international Ha-K^enTb, to glue on HaA-cTp6HTb, to build upon, to erect a superstructure 0-CM0TpiTb, to look over, examine 06-AyMaTb, to think over o6o-flTH, to g o around, to circumvent 06-b-HCHiiTb, to explain OT-xoArtTb, to w i t h d r a w oT-b-dxaTb, to drive a w a y f r o m OT-bicK^Tb, to find by dint of s e a r c h i n g no-6xaTb, to g o ( b y v e h i c l e ) no-roBopHTb, to have a chat, to talk f o r a short while no-pyccKH, in Russian noA-3^MHbtft, underground noAO-6pdTb, to pick up noA"b-63>K2Tb, to drive up to npeA-cKa34Tb, to foretell npeAi>-HB;i(iTb, to present a document, a claim npeA-biAyuiHH, preceding npn-uiHTb, to sew to n p H - 6 x a T b , to arrive at n p o - i x a T b , to drive through npo-JieTiTb, to fly past c-rnHTb, to sew together co-iiTH c Kpw^bua, to come o f f the porch c-A^-rcaTb, to make, do ci-e3A, convention c-birpiiTb, to play y-exaTb, to depart, to g o a w a y y-BHAeTb, to see suddenly, catch sight of Mpe3-BbiMSfiHbiH, extraordinary


B 0 3 - , b o c - , B3-, bc-, B 3 0 - ( B 3 t - when w o r d b e g i n s with v o w e l ) , up


B03-6yAiiTb, to arouse ( f e e l i n g s ) Boc-cT^HHe, uprising, revolt B30-pB^Tb, to b l o w up

RUSSIAN W O R D FORMATION Bbi-, out (under stress if used with a perfective v e r b ) HH3-, (HHC-; ( b e f o r e voiceless consonant), down nepe-, npe-, over, across, afresh; to excess, high degree

xxiii B h i - c j i a T b , perf., Bbi-pawâTb,










pa3i-e,aHHâTb, OHH


transgress to





pac-naaéTbCH, pa3-bicKàTb,








npe-Boc-xoflfiTb, pa30-pBàTb,

out express








pa3- (pa30-; pac- before voiceless consonant; pa3i>- before a soft v o w e l ; becomes po3- when accented), dis-, un-, asunder



to to

disintegrate disunite






ABBREVIATIONS acc., accusative case act., active adj., adjective adj., part. act. past, adjectival active past participle adj., part. act. pres., adjectival active present participle adj., part. pass, past, adjectival passive past participle adj., part. pass, pres., adjectival passive present participle adj., pred., adjective predicate adv., adverb ad. express, adverbial expression adv., part, perf., adverbial perf. participle adv., part, imperf. adverbial imperf. participle anat., anatomical, anatomy astr., astronomical, astronomy colloq., colloquial comp., comparative conj., conjugation dat., dative case derog., derogatory det., determinate dim., diminutive eccl., ecclesiastical fig., figurative folk, folk expression gen., genitive case geom., geometrical, geometry gram., grammar hist., historical, history imperf., imperfective indet., indeterminate inf., infinitive instr., instrumental case interj., interjection intrans., intransitive lit., literally math., mathematical, mathematics

med., medical mil., military myth., mythological, mythology n., noun naut., nautical n.f., noun feminine n.m., noun masculine n.n., noun neuter num., numeral num. card., cardinal numeral num. ord., ordinal numeral obs., obsolete part., participle pass., passive perf., perfective phan., phonetics pi, plural poet., poetic, poetical prep., prepositional case pre-Rev., prerevolutionary pres., present pron., pronoun prov., proverb rel., religion sing., singular smf., semelfactive tech., technical trans., transitive v., verb v.i., verb imperfective v.i.iter., verb imperfective iterative v.i.r., verb imperfective reflexive (or reciprocal) v.p., verb perfective v.p.r., verb perfective reflexive (or reciprocal) v.p.r.smf., verb perfective reflexive semelfactive v.p.smf., verb perfective semelfactive v.r., verb reflexive ( o r reciprocal) zool., zoological, zoology


























n n

•b -b




















y y








M q

H h

SELECTED REFERENCE WORKS Akademiia nauk 9SSR, Institut iazykoznaniia. Slovar' sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo iazyka. Moscow-Leningrad, Izdat. Akademii nauk SSSR, 1951. Aleksandrov, A. Polnyi russko-angliiskii slovar'. Berlin, Verlag Ges. Glucksmann, 1923. Dal', Vladimir. Poslovitsy russkogo naroda. 3d edition. St. Petersburg, M. O. Vol'f, 1914. , Tolkovyi slovar* zhivogo velikorusskogo iazyka. St. Petersburg, M. 0 . Vol'f, 1880. Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1933. Patrick, George Z. Roots of the Russian Language. New York, Pitman, 1938. Preobrazhenskii, A. G. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. New York, Columbia, 1951. Smirnitskii, A. I., et al. Russko-angliiskii slovar". Moscow, Gosizdat., 1952. Sreznevskii, Izmail lvanovich. Materialy dlia slovaria drevne-russkogo iazyka po pismennym pamiatnikam. St. Petersburg, Izd. Imperatorskoi Akademii nauk, 18931906. Ushakov, Dmitrii N., et al. Tolkovyi slovar' russkogo iazyka. Moscow, Gosizdat "Sovetskaia entsiklopediia," 1933-40. Vasmer, Max. Russisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg, Carl Winter, 1953.

A A3-,






83, n., (obs.), the letter A. A3-Ú, pi, rudiments, beginnings. He 3HaTb hh a3á, (saying), not to know A from B. HanáTb H3yMéHHe c a3ÓB, to begin the study of something from its rudiments. A 3 , pron., from Ch.-Slav., I; Russian, h. " A 3 ecMb Tocnóflb Bor T b o í í " (Bib.), " I am the Lord thy God." á3-Cyn-a, n.f., alphabet. PyccKaa a., the Russian alphabet. A. MyxoHeMbix, alphabet for deafmutes. A. Móp3e, Morse code (alphabet). H ó m a n a., music notation. A3-6yM-Hbiñ, adj., alphabetical. A. yKa3áTejib, alphabetical index, guide. A-aH HCTHHa, a truism. B á3ÓyMH0M nop^AKe, in alphabetical order. AJI-, S C A R L E T , B R I G H T


áji-biA, adj., scarlet, bright red. A a u e r^6bi (meMKH), red lips (cheeks). Ajiaa fléHTa, a scarlet ribbon. Ajiaa pÓ3a, a red rose. ai-é-Tb, v.i., no-aji-éTb, v.p., to redden, become bright red. B o c t ó k a;iéji, the East was glowing, aglow. Eé méKH noa^é^H, her cheeks turned scarlet. Aj-éTb-cH, v.i.r., 3a-a^-étb-cH, v.p.r., to grow, become, bright red. A^ocTb, n.f., redness. Aa-éiomHft, adj., part. act. pres., reddening; see ájihifi. AJIK-, AJiq-, GREED



ajiK-á-Tb, ájii-y, v.i., B3-a^K-áTb, v.p., + gen., obs., to crave, be h u n g r y , h u n g e r f o r ; fig., long f o r . Ohh á;myT 3HáHHH, they long f o r k n o w l e d g e . A-M-HocTb, n.f., cupidity, g r e e d , avidity. A. k AéHbráM, cjiáBe, cupidity, d e s i r e f o r money, glory. AJM-Hbiñ, adj., g r e e d y , g r a s p i n g , avid. A . we;iOBéK, g r e e d y man. AjimyiUHft, adj., part. act. pres., h u n g r y , h wá^Ayutue famished. "A;myiHHe npáBAbi" (Bib.), " t h e y that h u n g e r and thirst a f t e r r i g h t e o u s n e s s . " AY-, HALLOO,


ay, interj., ho! halloo! B Jiecy pa3.uaBáJiHCb AéTCKHe ro^ocá: ay, ay! chil-

dren's voices rang through the wood: halloo! halloo! y até ay, 6par: npéMHer o He BopóTHuib, (saying), it's all gone, old man; you will not bring back the past. ajf-K-a-Tb, v.i., ay-K-Hyrb, v.p., to halloo, shout, hail. Ay-KaTb-ca, v.i.r., AyKHyTb-cH, v.p.r., to shout to each other. Ka«





(prov.), as you sow, so shall you reap, fl cobc¿m óbi.io noJiyiH-n paóóxy, Aa b nocjiéAHHíi MOMéHT oHá MHe ayKHy^acb, (colloq.), I almost got the job, but at the last moment it fell through. A y xaHbe, n.n., hallooing, shouting to each other. B jiecy pa3AaBá;iocb ayKaHÓe, hallooing was heard in the wood. AX, A L A S ! O H ! ax, interj., also used as n., oh! alas! ah! A x , Kan xopoujó, oh, how wonderful! A x , H 3a6biJia, oh, I have forgotten! A x , t u , jieHTiiH, oh, you idler! lazybones! rioHAyT BcÑKHe áxH Aa óxh, people will begin to complain. Ax-th, interj. oh! ah! He axTH KaKÓH, (colloq.), not so very wonderful. He axTH, KaK óoráT, (colloq.), not so very rich. áx-a-Tb, v.i., áx-HyTb, v.p., (colloq.), to groan, oh and ah, exclaim; + acc., (colloq.), to hit somebody. He ycnéji áxHyTb, (colloq.), before he could say Jack Robinson. Oh eró, KaK áxHeT no rojioBé, suddenly he gave him a blow on the head. no-áx-a-Tb, v.p., see áxarb. Pa3-áx-aTbcn„ v.p.r., to indulge in complaining. Ax-aHbe, n.n., sighing, groaning, complaining. Ax-OBbift, adj., (colloq.), no good whatever, shameless, impudent. A. nápeHb, impudent young man. A-aa paóóta, inferior work.



6á6-a, n.f., woman, country woman; (fig.), milksop, sissy (of a man); (tech.), ram-block, pole driver, rammer, flepeBéHCKa« 6á6a, peasant, village woman. Oh He Mywiftaa, a HacToriinaa 6á6a, he is not a man, he is a sissy. E.-flrá, (folklore), Baba-Yaga, a witch. Bofi-6., (collog.), quarrelsome woman. KáMeH-


BAB Ha« 6., a n c i e n t r o u g h - h e w n s t o n e s t a t u e . P6MOBasi 6 , rum c a k e . CHe>KHan 6., s n o w w o m a n ( e q u i v . of s n o w m a n ) . B 4 6 - K a , n.f., (obs.) g r a n d m o t h e r . I~IOBHB^.ibHafl 6., midwife; pastern (of h o r s e ) . H r p i B 6D6KH, g a m e of k n u c k l e b o n e s . Ba6-eHKa, n.f., (colloq.), young w o m a n . B 4 6 - o m < a , n.f., b u t t e r f l y . HOMhAh 6., n i g h t b u t t e r f l y , m o t h . B d 6 - y w Ka, n.f., g r a n d m o t h e r , old w o m a n . 3TO e m e 6 . H^ABoe c x a s ^ j i a , (colloq.), we s h a l l s e e ! 546yiuKHHbi CK^3KH, old w i v e s ' t a l e s . B a 6 - b e , n.n., (colloq.), wom e n . 5 4 6 - H H , adj. (colloq.), woman's, femine. C6POK JieT — 6&6hh BCK (saying), 4 0 y e a r s is the s p a n of a w o m a n ' s life. B d 6 b e u i p c T B o , k i n g d o m o f w o m e n . B d 6 b e JieTO, I n d i a n s u m m e r .

6A6-H-HM-a-Tb, work as a ladies' man.

v.i., (obs., colloq.), m i d w i f e . ¿¿6-HHK,



to n.m.,


3a-6&B-a, n.f., a m u s e m e n t , e n t e r t a i n m e n t , sport, fun; pastime. fleTCKa« 3. fig., c h i l d ' s p l a y . 3 a - 6 i B - H H K , n.m., 3a-6dBHHua, n.f., an a m u s i n g , e n t e r t a i n i n g p e r s o n . 3 a - 6 ; i B - n b i H , adj., amusing, entert a i n i n g , d i v e r t i n g , d r o l l . 3 . c^ywaft, a f u n n y i n c i d e n t . O h yxcdcHO 3., he is s o f u n n y , h e is s i m p l y p r i c e l e s s . 3 a - 6 a B h o , adv., funnily, a m u s i n g l y . 3 a - 6 a B - J I - A - T b , V.i., 3 a - 6 i B - H T b , v.p., + acc., -(- instr., to a m u s e , e n t e r t a i n . 3 . rocTeft ujyTKaMH (aHeKA6TaMH), to a m u s e g u e s t s with j o k e s ( a n e c d o t e s ) . 3 a - 6 a B - ; i - 6 T b - C H , v.i.r., 3a-6^B-HTb-cfl, v.p.r., to a m u s e , e n t e r t a i n o n e s e l f , b e amused. n o - 3 a - 6 i B - H - T b , v.p., + acc., to a m u s e f o r a w h i l e , n . peoeHKa, to a m u s e a child. r i o - 3 a - 6 4 B - H T b - c H , v.p.r., to a m u s e o n e s e l f , h a v e s o m e fun. aO-6aB-fl-KHTb 6ipHH0M, to live like a lord. Bap-MOHOK,




(obs.), young nobleman; nobleman's, s q u i r e ' s son. Bip-biHH, n.f., lady, noblem a n ' s wife; m a d a m , my lady (in addressing). E>4p-biujHfi, n.f., girl, y o u n g lady, u n m a r r i e d d a u g h t e r of a s q u i r e . B i p - e , pi., (obs.), noblemen, s q u i r e s . Bdp-cxHH, adj., lord's, lordly, s q u i r e ' s . )KHTb Ha 62pcxyx) H6ry, to live like a lord. rio-6ipcKH, adv., lordly, in g r a n d style. 64P-CTBO, n.n., rank of g e n t l e m a n ; gentility. B£p-CTBeHHbift, adj., lordly. B. BHA, lordly a p p e a r a n c e . 6ip-CTB-OBa-Tb,



BAC(H) v.p., to live in a lordly w a y f o r a s h o r t while. Bdp-CTByiomHH, adj., part. act. pres., living like a lord. 64p-uiHHa, n.f., (hist.), w o r k d o n e by a serf f o r the lord. Bdp-uiHHHbiH, adj. of 63pmHHa. 6 O A P - H H , n.m., (hist.), b o y a r , old Russian nobleman. ripaBJilHHe 6oAp, t h e rule of t h e Boyars. Bodp-BIHH, n.f., (hist.), Russian n o b l e w o m a n ; (in addressing), MdTyiuKa-6oApbiHn. BoAp-BIUIHH, n.f., u n m a r r i e d d a u g h t e r of a b o y a r . Bortp-e, n. pi., see 6oiipHH. BoAp-mHHa, n.f., rule of b o y a r s , w o r k done f o r b o y a r s . BoAp-cKHft, adj., noble's, boyar's. BOAPCKHH ABOP, h o m e s t e a d of a b o y a r .

BoApcxan ZlyMa, (hist.), Council of Boyars. Bortpcxoe COCJI6BHC, t h e B o y a r class.

BAPABAH, D R U M 6apa64H, n.m., d r u m ; (tech.), reel. BHTb B 6., to b e a t the d r u m . B. AJIH 3 4 n H c e f t , r e c o r d i n g d r u m . B. a ^ h HaMdTbiBaHHfi np6B0^0KH, coiling d r u m . Bapa6dHIUHK, n.m., d r u m m e r . Bapa64H-Hbift, adj., d r u m - . B. 6oii, b e a t i n g of t h e drums. B-an ndjiowxa, drumstick. B - a s riependHKa, e a r d r u m . 6apa64H-H-Tb,




to drum, b e a t a d r u m . B. Ha poA-ie, to s t r u m on the p i a n o ; b a n g t h e piano. B. ni.ibuaMH, to drum on t h e table.

BAPAH-, BAPAU1-, RAM, S H E E P 6ap^H, n.m., ram, sheep. BapdH-HHa, n.f., mutton. MO^OA^H 6., lamb. TyrngHan 6., stewed lamb. Bap^H-xa, n.f., r i n g - s h a p e d roll, Russian d o u g h n u t . Bapdn-HH, adj., ram's, mutton-. B. * H P , mutton fat. BapdHbn xoTJieTa, mutton chop. CorHyTb B 6ap3HHH p o r , (colloq.), to s u b j u g a t e by ill-treating and oppressing. 6ap4ui-eK, n.m., (dim.), y o u n g r a m , lamb. Bapiuj-KH, n. pi., (dim.), y o u n g r a m s , l a m b s (see 6 a p 4 u i e x ) ; fleece; c r e s t s of f o a m on waves, whitecaps. He6o, noxpb'uoe 6ap3mxaMH, fleecy clouds. 3aBHTbca 6apiujROM, to curl like l a m b ' s wool. Bapduj-KOBbiH, adj., lambskin. B-aa uidnxa (B. BOPOTHHX), a s t r a k h a n or lambskin cap ( c o l l a r ) . BAC(H)-, FABLE, FAIRY T A L E 64C-H-II, n.f., fable, f a i r y t a l e ; idle talk. PACCXDSHBATB OACHH, to invent stories, tell tall tales. Co.ioBbti 63CHHMH He X6PMHT, (prov.), a fine c a g e w o n ' t feed the bird. Bdc-eHxa, no-6ac-eHxa, n.f.,

BAC(H) (dim.), see 64chsi. Bdc-eHHbift, fabulous. Bac-H-o-nHceu, n.m., writer of fables. Kpbui6B — 3HaMeHiiTbifli eacHoniiceu, Krylov is a famous fabulist. Bac-H-ocj)6BHe, n.n., invention of tall tales. B a c H-o-M6BHhifl, adj., fabulous, legendary, incredible, beyond belief. B - u e ueHbi, fabulous prices. Bac-H-0-c;i6BH0, adv.. fabulously. B A T P - , FARM, L A B O R 6aTp-AK, n.m. (hist.), farm hand, hired farm laborer; (fig.), mere hireling. 6aTp-dmKA-áTb, v.i., + acc., to wake up, awaken, arouse, n . oxóTy k H3y>iéHHio ^HTepaTypbi, to arouse a desire to study literature. ripo-6yA-HTb-CH, v.p.r., npo-óywA-áTbca, v.i.r., to become awakened, y Heró npoóyAH^ocb )Ke^áHHe, b HéM npo6yAHjrocb* «e^a^Me, a desire awoke in him. I~Ipo-6yHKAéHHe npnpÓAbi, spring, awakening of nature. AO-6yA-ÁTb-cn, v.p.r., to succeed in awakening. Bhi TaK KpénKO cná.iH, mto e;ie Bac AoóyAH-nca, you were sleeping so soundly that I hardly succeeded in waking you up. Oya-HH, n.pl., workdays, weekdays, humdrum days. ByA-iiHiHOCTb, n.f., drabness. ByA-HHMHUH, adj., everyday, drab. B. AeHb, workday. B-an >KH3Hb, drab life, routine. B-oe njiáTbe, everyday dress. B E r - , EE)K-, F L I G H T 6 e r , n.n., run, double (quick) time. CocTH3iSHHe b 6ere, foot race. Ber-d, n.pl., races. riycKdTb ^ouiaAb Ha 6 e r S , to enter in a race. BbiTb b 6 e r 4 x , to be in hiding, be a fugitive. Eer-6M, adv., running, on the run. Oh n p n e e w i ^ 6., he came running fast. 6£r-a-Tb, 66r-aio, v.i., indet., o t + gen.; 3a + instr., to run, flee. B. o t k o t 6 ;ih6o, to avoid someone. B. 3a k6m;ih6o, to run, dangle after. B. BsinycKH, to chase each other. Macu 6eryT, the clock is fast. B6r-aHbe, n.n., running, racing. B. Ha Koitbxdx, skating. B i r aiomHfi, adj., part. act. pres., running. B - n e rvia34, restless eyes. Ber-.iei 1 . n.m., fugitive, runaway, deserter. B. hs TjopbMbi, prison breaker. Ber-.iiiHKa, n.f., see ¿ervieu. Bir-JWH, n.m., see


BEr 6erfliu. Bir-^bifl, adj., fluent; superficial. B. B3TJIHA, glance, momentary look. B. OCM6TP, cursory inspection. B-oe MTeHHe, fluent reading. Ber-^o, adv., fluently. Ber-^ocTb, n.f., fluency. Ber-0B6fl, adj., racing. BeroB6fi HnnoA P 6 M , race course. B - 4 H race horse. Bir-ctBo, n.n., flight, hasty retreat, desertion. I"Io36pHoe 6., shameful flight. B. BoftcK, (mil.), rout. 06paTiiTbCH B 6., cnac^TbCH 6ercTBOM, to take to flight, flee. Ber-OTHII, n.f., scampering, bustle, running about, y MeHfi MH6ro 6eroTHH, I've such a lot of running to do. Ber-YH, rt.m., runner; race horse, trotter. 6eiK-4-Tb, 6er-£, v./'., det., see 6iraTb. OH fiewdji H3 TtopbMbi, he escaped from prison. B. pucbio, to trot. B. CAOM6 rK-eHKa, n.f., refugee. B-6e>K-4-Tb, v.p., B - 6 e r - i r b , v./., B + acc., to run in, rush into. B. B K D M H A T Y , to rush into the room. B 3 - 6 e * - i - - s , v.p., B3-6er-dTb, v.i., Ha + acc., to run up. B. Hi ropy, to run up a hill. B£-6«K-a-TI>, v.p., Bbi-6er-dTb, v.i., H3 + gen.,







AOMy, to run out of a room, house. AO-Oew-i-Tb, v.p., AO-6er-4Tb, v.i., AO + gen., to reach, run as far as. OH AO6e3Ki.ii AO peKii n^pBbiM, he was the first to reach the river. flo-6ir-aTb-cH, v.p.r., AO 4- gen., to become exhausted from running, fl. AO HSHeMoncdHHH, to run oneself out. 3a-6e>K-6-Tb, v.p., 3a-6er-4Tb, v.i., K + dat., to drop in. 3a6eriTb K KOM^HH6yAb, to drop in on someone. 3a6eriTb B n e p e A , (fig.), to forestall. 3a-6£r-aTb, v.p., to begin to run. H3-6ew-4-Tb, v.p., H3-6er-iTb, v.i., + gen., H3-6er-HyTb, v.p., smf., to avoid, escape, elude, shrink from, evade, H. HaxasdHHH, to evade, escape a penalty. H36erdTb 66mecTBa, to avoid society. H3-6ejK-dHHe, n.n., avoidance. Bo H., in order to avoid. Ha-6eiK-£-Tb, v.p., Ha-6er-dTb, v.i., - f acc., to run against; fall upon; fold (e.g., a dress). Ha-66r, n.m., raid, foray, inroad, invasion. npoH3BecTii Ha6er, to raid. o-6ew-A-Tb, v.p., o-6er-iTb, v.i., -(- acc., to run around. 0-6£r-aTb, v.p., see o6e>KdTb. OH o66raJI H O6T>£3AHJI Becb ropOA, he went all over the city walking and driving. OT-6eiK-A-Tb, v.p., 0T-6er-iTb, v.i., OT -F gen., to run off a few steps. Ot6e>K4Tb

BEr OT AoporH. to run off a road. Or-6iraTb, v.p., + acc., only in expression: OT6iraTb n^TKH (HdrH), (colloq.), to tire one's feet (by running). nepe-6eiK-i-Tb, v.p., nepe-6er-4ib, v.i., + acc., to cross, run across, n . ^JiHuy, to run across the street, n . xoMy-jiH6o Aop6ry, (fig.), to forestall someone. nepe-FIEJK-Ka, n.f., (mil.), bound, rush; flight over to the enemy. /Ji^aTb n-y, (mil.), advance by bounds from cover to cover. riepe-6£>K-MHK, n.m., turncoat, deserter. no-6e*-4-Tb, v.p., B + acc., to run, start running. OH no6exKdJia c jiHui, he became pale. C-6e»-iTb-c»i, v.p.r., c-6er-dTbCH, v.i.r., to run, come running together; to shrink (e.g., material); to flock, crowd, troop. C6er-aTb, v.p., to run and come back. 3a nannp6caMH! run and get me some cigarettes. y - 6 e * - i - T b , v.p., y-6er-iTb, v.i., to run away, make away, make off. OH y6ejKd;i H3 TiopbMtJ, he ran away from prison. y-66r-aTb-cH, v.i.r., to get tired out with running, /jeTH y6ira^HCB sa UEJIURT AEHB H 3ACHY^H, the children became tired from running all day and fell asleep. y-6i*c-Huie, n.n., refuge, retreat, shelter, asylum. BoM6-o-y-66*cHine, bomb shelter.



p a 3 - 6 < r , rt.m., run, start, momentum in running. C p a 3 6 e r a , at a run. pa3-6eiK-A-Tb-cii, v.p.r., to start running preparing for a j u m p ; pa3-6er-aTb-cn, v.i.r., to start running (e.g., in a running j u m p ) , g a t h e r momentum; disperse (running). H e r a e pa36e)KiTbCH, there is no room for a running jump, y mch6 rjia3^ pa36e>K4-iHCb, I w a s dazzled. E E A - (B-fc/J-), B E -MA- (EfcHifl-), B H / 1 - , BH)K-, P O V E R T Y , M I S E R Y , D I S T R E S S 6 e a - i , rt.f., misfortune, distress, bad luck, misery, calamity. B . He npnxbAHT o a h ^ (prov.), it never rains but it pours. He Be;IHK4 6 . ; HTO 3a 6 . ; STO eme He 6., there is no g r e a t harm in it. Ha 6eAy, unfortunately. r i o n i c T b B 6 e a y , to get into trouble. CeMb 6 E A — OAHH OTBCT (prov.), in for a penny, in for a pound. 6ea-Hr6-Tb, v./., o-6eA-HeTb, v.p., to become poor. BeAHOcTb, n.f., poverty, destitution. BiAHOCTb He nopoK (prov.), poverty is no crime. BeA-HOTd, tt.f., poverty, destitution; the poor. BeA-Hrix, n.m., 6eA-H6ra, 6eA-HKKa, n.m. and /., poor fellow, poor soul, poor peasant. B^A-Hbifl, adj., poor, indigent, n e e d y ; miserable, unfortunate. B. no 3^Mbic.iy coAepjK^HHH, barren of ideas. BeAHAUKHA, adj., poor. 6eA-6BHft, adj., mischievous; dangerous, unmanageable. B. pe6eHOK, naughty child. 6efl-o-KypHTb, v.i., Ha-6eA-o-KypHTb, v.p., to be up to mischief. BeA-o-Kyp, n.m., one who is up to mischief, prankster. 6£a-CTB-OBaTb, v.i., to live in g r e a t poverty, be destitute. BeA-CTBHe, n.n., calamity, disaster, misery, distress. B. npHMHHeHHoe HeypowieM, misery caused by a poor harvest. CTHXitiiHoe 6., a calamity due to an act of God, due to natural causes. n o - 6 i a - a , n.f., victory, triumph, conquest. /IerKaa ri., an easy victory. OAepwdTb n o 6 e A y , to win a victory. no-6efl-H-Tb, v.p., no-6e>KA-iTb, v.i., 4acc., to conquer, defeat, vanquish, win a victory, n . MHCJI6M TOJIOC^B, to outvote. n . B p a r i , to conquer an enemy. rio6eA-HTe^b, n.m., no-6eA-HTe;ibHHua, n.f., conqueror, victor, winner. I~Io6eAHTe.iefi He CYAHT (prov.), a conquerer is a l w a y s right. rio-6eA-HbiH, adj., triumphant, victorious. r i o - 6 e A - o - H 6 c e u , n.m., (obs.), conqueror. rio-6eA-o-HdcHbiH, adj., victorious, triumphant, n - o e B 6 H CKO, victorious army. rio-6eA-o-H6cHo, adv., victoriously, triumphantly, rio6e>KA-eHHbiH, adj., part. pass, past, conquered, defeated. Bbitb no6e)KAeHHbiM,

EEJ1 to be defeated. npH3HáTb ceóá no6ejKAéHHbiM, to admit defeat. y-6eA-H-Tb, v.p., y - 6 e ) K A - á T b , v.i., + acc., to convince, persuade. XlaTb y. ce6(i, to let oneself be convinced. y-6eA-HTb-cH, v.p.r., _v-6e>KA-áTb-CH, v.i.r., B + prep., to be convinced; persuade oneself, FL y ó e A H . i c H B TOM, MTO H npaB, I am convinced that I am right. y-6eA-HTejibHocTb, n.f., persuasiveness. OT.iHMáTbcn óo.ibiuóH yéeAHTe.ibHocTbK), to be very convincing. y-SeA-HTe.ibHwii, adj., persuasive, convincing, earnest, y-an npócbóa, earnest request, y - o e KpacHopéHHe, persuasive eloquence. y - 6 e A HTe.ibHO, adv., persuasively, convincingly, earnestly. ToBopHTb y6eAHTe;ibHO, to speak convincingly. y-6e>KA-éHHe, n.n., conviction. He noAAawmwHCH yóejKAéHHK), unyielding. y-6e>KAéHHbift, adj., part. pass, past, convinced, positive. C.iéno y. B mcm-^hóo, cocksure. n e p e - y - 6 e A - H - T b , v.p., nepe-y-6e>KA-áTb, v.i., + acc., to cause someone to change his mind. npeA-y-6eA-ii-Tb, v.p., npeA-y-6e)KA-áTb, v.i., to prejudice. ripeA-y-6e>KA-éHne, n.n., prejudice. npeA-y-6e)«A-éHHbiñ, adj., part. pass, past, prejudiced. pa3-y-6eA-H-Tb, v.p., pa3-y-6e>KA-áTb, v.i. + acc., to dissuade, advise against. o - 6 A a - a , n.f., offense, insult, outrage, wrong. KpóBHaa o., deadly insult. He B oÓHAy 6yAb CKá3aHO, no offense meant. O H ce6ü B oÓHAy He AacT, he is not slow to defend himself. O-ÓÚA-Hbiü, adj., offensive, insulting. 0-6HA-HO, adv., offensively, insultingly. O., MTO OH He npHuie-n, what a pity he didn't come. O-ÓHA-e-Tb, V.p., O-ÓHW-áTb, V.Í., + OCC., + instr., to offend, insult, injure, wrong, fl oÓHAe.i e r ó . I hurt his feelings. 0-6HA-eTb-CH, v.p.r., o-6n>K-áTb-CH, v.i.r., Ha + acc., to take offense, feel hurt, feel wronged, resent. O H OÓHAEJICN Ha ópáTa (na e r ó c.ioBá), he took offense at his brother (his w o r d s ) . OOiÍA-MHBocTb, n.f., susceptibility, touchiness. 0 - 6 H A - M H K , n.m., o-6HA-MHua, n.f., an insulting person. O-ÓHA-MHBbirt, adj., susceptible to offense, touchy, easily offended. 0-6H>K-eHHbiH, adj., part. pass, past, offended, hurt, injured. O. npHpÓAOH, ill-favored, physically handicapped. E E J I - (E-6J1-), W H I T E N E S S 6éJi-biA, adj., white. B. rpHC, a kind of fungus; mushroom. B. .IHCT 6>MárH, a blank sheet of paper. B. vro.ib, white coal, water power. Ha OC.IOM CBCTC,

BEJ1 in the w i d e w o r l d . Bé^bie cthxh, blank v e r s e . BéJian Tb^pahh, n.f., ôe.iorBap.néeu, n.m., W h i t e Guard, anti-Bolshevik a r m y ; soldier of W h i t e Guard. Be.ieHbKHH, adj., dim., white. B. UBeTÔMeK, little white flower. Beji-H3Hi, n.f., whiteness. B. kojkh, whiteness of skin. Ee-i-ecoBéTocTb, n.f., whitishness. Be-iecoBâTbjfi, adj., whitish. BeJi-ëcuft, adj., whitish. J\o-6tA-i, adv., heated to incandescence, until something (e.g., m e t a l ) is w h i t e hot, to a white heat. Hâ-6e;i-o, adv., clean, fair. n e p e n n c é T b h., to w r i t e out a fair copy. Beji-oôpûcbift, adj., (colloq.), with v e r y light eyelashes and e y e b r o w s . EejioBOJiôcbiH, adj., fair-haired. Be^oKypbifi, adj., fair, blond. BeJioKâMeHHbtH, white-stoned. M o c K B é Be;ioKàMeHHaH, M o s c o w built of white stone. BejiopymKHTbè-6wTbé, n.n. (colloq.), life, living, m o d e o f e x i s t e n c e . C o - 6 Ù T - n e , n.n., e v e n t , f a c t , o c c u r r e n c e . HeoiKHAaHHoe c., s u d d e n e v e n t . Otnpà3AH0BaTb c., c e l e b r a t e the o c c a s i o n . Me>KAyHapÓAHbie coówthh, i n t e r n a tional events. Bbi-ji-b, n.f., f a c t , t r u e s t o r y , Bbi-ji-iiHa, n.f., b y l i n a ( a m e t r i c a l R u s s i a n l e g e n d ) . BbiAHHHbift à n o c , old R u s s i a n epic. Bbi.i-HHKa, n.f., b l a d e of g r a s s . B w - . i - b è , n.n., h e r b s , p l a n t s . B b i - . i ó e , n.n., b y g o n e . Bu-^-óh, adj., p a s t , b y g o n e . B óbi.ibie BpeMeHà, in o l d e n d a y s . Bm-ji-o, past of 6biTb, used as adv., n e a r l y , o n t h e p o i n t of, a l m o s t . E r o qy-rb óbi.'io He yÓHJio, h e w a s w i t h i n a h a i r ' s b r e a d t h of b e i n g killed, fl qy-rb 6wao He yrnè-i (He CKa3à^), I w a s j u s t a b o u t to g o (say). (ty-a-y. 1st pers. sing., fut., of 6biTb. B y A yiUHOCTb, n.f., the f u t u r e prospects, c o m i n g a g e s . B y A - y m H f i , adj., part. act. pres., (imperfective future), n e x t . B y A y m e e , adj. used as n.n., t h e f u t u r e . B.


BAr BpeMH, (gram.), f u t u r e t e n s e . B - o e n o KO.iCHHe, the n e x t g e n e r a t i o n , y Herd 6-iecTrtmee 6 y A y m e e , he h a s a b r i l l i a n t f u t u r e . ByA-ywH, adv., part, pres., w h i l e b e i n g . B y A - e T , fut. impers., it w i l l b e enough. ByAeT BaM pa3roB^pnBaTb, cnaTb n o p d , e n o u g h t a l k i n g , i t ' s t i m e to g o to b e d . n o J i y m w H n o p y 6 j i i o h 6yACT c Bac, y o u ' v e e a c h r e c e i v e d a r u b l e a n d t h a t ' s e n o u g h . B y A - b , 2d pers. sing., imperat., be. B y A b 3aopTe 3Aop6Bbi, b e in g o o d health, I wish you g o o d health. B y A b 6;iaropa3yMeH, be s e n s i b l e . B ^ a to, conj. ( f r o m 6 y A b - T o ) , a s if it w e r e , a s t h o u g h . JIokht, 6 y A T o MepTBbift, h e is l y i n g t h e r e a s if h e w e r e d e a d . y>K 6yATO oh TaK yMeH? is h e r e a l l y s o smart?

B BAr-, BA)K-, WEIGHT, IMPORTANCE, DARING OT-Bâr-a, n.f., d a r i n g , c o u r a g e , a u d a c i t y . 3 t O T CO-lAâT H3BéCTeH CBOéfî OTBàrOH, t h i s s o l d i e r is k n o w n f o r h i s d a r i n g . OT-Bâw-HBa-Tb-CH, V.i.r., OT-Bà)K-HTb-C(i, v.p.r., to d a r e , v e n t u r e , r i s k . H e n p m i Te^b He OTBéjKHTca Ha n p i i c T y n , t h e e n e m y w i l l not v e n t u r e a n a s s a u l t . O t Béw-HocTb, n.f., d a r i n g , f e a r l e s s n e s s . O t Bâ>K-Hbïfi, adj., d a r i n g , b o l d . M o h 6 p a T oTBâ>KHbiH MaTpôc, m y b r o t h e r i s a courageous s a i l o r . Ot-b^jk-ho, adv., boldly, courageously. B â w - H o c T b , n.f., i m p o r t a n c e , s i g n i f i c a n c e , w e i g h t ; p r e t e n t i o u s n e s s . H a n y c K â T b Ha c e ô â b., to a s s u m e airs. H e BejiHKâ b., it's of no c o n s e q u e n c e . Bàw-HbiH, adj., important, significant, g r a v e , grand. B - a s nepcÔHa, a m a n of c o n s e q u e n c e . B - o e ac;io, i m p o r t a n t b u s i n e s s . B â w - H O , adv., i m p o r t a n t l y , s i g n i f i c a n t l y , g r a v e l y . 3 t o 6'ieHb b., it is v e r y i m p o r t a n t . BâW-HHM-a-Tb, v.i., 3a-Bé)K-HHMaTb, v.p., - f instr., to p u t on airs, g i v e o n e s e l f a i r s . Bâ>KHHMaTb MHHOM (npOHCXO>KAeHHeM), to g i v e o n e s e l f a i r s b e c a u s e of r a n k (high lineage). Bâ>K-HHMaHHe, n.n., g i v i n g oneself a i r s . y - B a w - â - T b , v.i. - f acc., to r e s p e c t , e s t e e m , h o n o r , y . ce6(i, to h a v e s e l f - r e s p e c t , y . cTâpuiHx, to r e s p e c t o n e ' s e l d e r s . y-BajK-éeMbiH, adj., part. pass, pres., r e s p e c t e d (form of address in tetters). y. Hb^h Hb^hobhm, D e a r ( R e s p e c t e d ) Ivan Ivanovich. MHoro-yBawâeMbiH, very respected. T^y6oKo-yBa>KâeMbiH, highly respected. y-Baw-éHHe, n.n., respect, esteem, deference. nôjib3oBaTbCH y-eM, to be held in r e s p e c t .



y - B i w - H - T b , v.p., + acc., (colloq.), to c o n s i d e r , t a k e into c o n s i d e r a t i o n . Y. n p c c b 6 v , to c o m p l y with a r e q u e s t , y Ba)K-HTe^bHbiH, adj., justifiable, just i f i e d , Valid, n o yB3)KHTe.1bHOH npHMHHe, f o r a j u s t i f i a b l e r e a s o n .





Baji, n.m., b i l l o w , s u r g e ; b u l w a r k , s h a f t (tech.); h e a p . O K p y w i T b Bd^oM, to b a n k . Bi-i-HK, a.m., b o l s t e r , c y l i n d e r . BaJI-H-Tb, V.f., nO-Ba.l-H-Tb, C-BaJl-H-Tb, v.p., -f- acc., + instr., to t h r o w d o w n , o v e r t h r o w , t o p p l e , f e l l ; to fall h e a v i l y . CHer Ba^HT, the snow falls in h e a v y f l a k e s . Ba.iHTb (CBA^HTb) CBOK> BHHy Ha a p y r o r o , to put the b l a m e on s o m e o n e else. BeTep b^jiht AepeBba, t h e wind is b l o w i n g d o w n the t r e e s . EM.V c n a c T b e Ba;iHT, he is h a v i n g a run o t l u c k . Ba.iHTb B^^OM, (idiom) to t h r o n g . Ba^HTb-cfl, v.i.r., c-BaJi-HTb-ca, v.p.r., to fall, t u m b l e d o w n . B . OT y c T i ^ o c T H , to d r o p with f a t i g u e . H a 6eflHoro M a n d p a Bee UJHUJKH BS-IHTCH (prov.), an u n f o r t u n a t e m a n would b e d r o w n e d in a t e a c u p . B e e B^JIHTCH H3 pyK, (idiom), e v e r y t h i n g f a l l s out of h i s h a n d s , he is v e r y c l u m s y , he n e v e r s u c ceeds. BdJi-Ka, n.f., f a l l i n g , cutting d o w n . B^JI-KHH, adj., f a l t e r i n g , t o t t e r i n g . BSJI-KO, adv., u n s t e a d i l y . HH MDTKO, HH BCIJIKO, (saying), just middling. 3 a - B a j l - A - T b , V.p., 3a-BDJI-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., to h e a p up, b l o c k up, c o v e r up. 3. BXOA IOMHHMH, t o b l o c k up t h e e n t r a n c e with s t o n e s . 3. fliwy, to fill up a hole, pit. 3. p a 6 o r o H , t o o v e r b u r d e n , s w a m p with w o r k . 3a-Ba;i-HTb-cH, v.p.r., 33-BKéHHe, w a v e m o t i o n . BoJi-H-o-yKa3áTe.iib, n.m., radio w a v e detector. BOJI-H-OBá-Tb, v.i., B3-BOJI-HOBáTb, V.p., -facc., to agitate, disturb, upset, alarm. BéTep Bo^iHyeT MopcKyio r j a a b , the wind disturbs the calm of the sea's surface. 3TH BécTH BOJiHyK)T MCHA, this news upsets, alarms me. B y p a B3BO/IHOBájia Mópe, the storm stirred up the sea Bo^-H-OBÁTB-CA, v.i.r., B3-BOJIHOBáTb-ca, v.p.r., to wave, billow, surge, rise in w a v e s ; be agitated, excited. P e n á B3B0JiH0Bá.nacb, the river became stormy. M ó p e CHJibHO BOJiHyeTca, the sea is very stormy. H e ^ b 3 Í BOJiHOBáTbca H3-3a nycTHKÓB, one should not be upset b y trifles. Bo^-HéHHe, n.n., rough sea, heavy sea; agitation, emotion; commotion, unrest; disturbance, B. B HSpó^e, unrest a m o n g the people. 3a-B0Ji-H-0BáTb-cn, v.p.r., to become agitated. üyó^HKa 3amyMé;ia, 3aBO.11HOBá^acb, the audience b e c a m e noisy, excited. pa3-BOJI-H-OBá-Tb, v.p., + acc., (colloq.), to a g i t a t e , m o v e , stir. B é T e p pa3B0JiH0Bá.11 Mópe, the w i n d has s t i r r e d up the sea. 3 T O nncbiuó pa3B0-IHOBÁ^o eró, this letter has upset him. P a 3 BOJi-HoBáTb-ca, v.p.r., to b e c o m e a g i t a t e d . P . H3-3a nycTHKÓB, to f u s s o v e r t r i f l e s .



Bap, n.m., p i t c h ; cobbler's w a x ; boiling water. Kame-Báp, n.m,. regimental c o o k . H a - B á p , n.m., b r o t h , stock. H a Báp-HCTbiH, adj., c o n c e n t r a t e d (e.g., b r o t h ) . H . 6yjibÓH, s t r o n g b r o t h . O T -

Báp, n.m., decoction. JXcnarb

o., to de-

coct. PHCOBHH o., rice w a t e r . O T - B a p HÓH, adj., boiled, c o o k e d . O - ó e M6CO, b o i l e d meat. n ó - B a p , n.m., cook, chef.





KHiira, cookbook. Il-aa co;ib, s a l t ; (chem.), sodium chloride. rio-Bap-ÉHOK, n.m., kitchen b o y , scullion. f l o - B a p - r t x a .



n.f., cook. rio-Bap-cK6H, adj., cook's, n . hojk, kitchen knife. Caino-B^p, n.m., samovar. E3AHTb b T y . i y c o cbohm caMOBdpoM (saying), to carry c o a l s to N e w c a s t l e . Bdp-eBO, n.n., concoction, soup, broth. Bap-eHeu n.m., boiled, f e r mented, milk. Bap-eHHKH, n.m.pi., cott a g e cheese dumplings. Bap-eHbift, adj., boiled. Bap-eHbe n.n., jam, p r e s e r v e . Bdp-«a, n.f., cooking. B. BapeHbH, making jam, preserves. B. niiBa, brewing beer. He-c-Bap-eHHe, n.n., (med.), indigestion. IlHm-e-Bap-eHHe, n.n., (med.), digestion, f l j i o x d e n., p o o r digestion. riHme-Bap-HTejibHbiH adj., (med.), digestive. Bap-A-Tb, V.i., C-Bap-ilTb, v.p., + acc., to boil, cook. B. cyn, to make soup. B06 ¿a, to cook dinner. Bap-HTb-CH, v.i.r., c-Bap-HTb-ca, v.p.r., to be boiled, cooked. B. b c66ctbchhom coKy (fig.), to stew in o n e ' s o w n juice. Btk-Bap-H-Tb, V.p., Bbl-B^p-HBaTb, V./., + acc., to boil d o w n , extract, decoct. B U Bap-HTb-C», V.p.r., Bbl-Bip-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be boiled d o w n . B c h b o a ^ BbiBapH^acb, the kettle has boiled dry. AO-Bap-A-Tb, V.p., AO-Bdp-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to boil enough, to the necessary d e g r e e . flo-Bap-HTb-CH, v.p.r., ao-b4pHBaTb-cH, v.i.r., to be boiled enough. 3a-Bap-A-Tb, V.p., 3a-B^p-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to b r e w , start boiling, c o o k i n g . 3 . 6e^be, to boil clothes in w a s h i n g . 3. Maii (Krtefre), to make, brew, tea ( c o f f e e ) . CaM 3aBapHJi Kdiuy, caM H pacXJie6biBaA (prov.), he w h o breaks, pays. 3a-Bap-HTb-CH, v.p.r., 3a-Bip-HBaTb-ca, v.i.r., to be boiled, b r e w e d . B o t 3aaapHJiacb KAma! (colloq.), the f a t ' s in the f i r e ! Mail 3aBdpHBaeTCH KHnnTK6M, tea is b r e w e d with boiling water. 3a-BapH6fl, adj., boiled. 3. KpeM, custard. Ha-Bap-A-Tb, v.p., Ha-B^p-HBaTb, v./., - f gen., to cook in quantities. H. meft Ha HecKo;ibKo Aneii, to cook enough cabb a g e soup f o r several days. o6-Bap-i)-Tb, v.p., o 6 - B i p - H B a T b , v.i., + acc., + instr., to scald. O. 6boluh, to scald vegetables. O. p y n y MeM-HH6yAb, to scald the hand with something. 0 6 Bap-HTb-ca, v.p.r., 06-Bdp-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., + instr., to scald oneself. O h oSBaptuicH KHriHTK6M, he scalded himself with boiling water. OT-Bap-A-Tb, V.p., OT-Bip-HBaTb, V./., + acc., -)- gen., to boil, c o o k ; see BapiiTb. nepe-Bap-H-Tb, v.p., nepe-B^p-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to boil to excess, o v e r c o o k ; to c o o k over a g a i n ; to digest. n e p e B ^ p n BaTb niimy, to digest f o o d , fl He nepeBapHBaw s T o r o Me-noBiKa, I cannot stand this man. flepe-Bap-HTb-cH, v.p.r.,

BE nepe-Bdp-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be d i g e s t e d ; be overcooked. riepe-Bip-HBaHHe, n.n., digestion. riepe-Bip-eKHbifi, adj., part, pass, past, overdone, overcooked; digested, ri-oe mAco, o v e r c o o k e d meat, n - a n boa3, boiled water. riepe-Baphmwh, adj., part. pass, pres., digestible. JIerK6 n., easily digestible. noA-Bap-H-Tb, v.p., noA-B^p-HBaTb, v.i., -facc., to boil, adding new ingredients. npH-Bap-tiTb, V.p., npH-B^p-HBaTb, v.i., -(acc., to boil an additional quantity o f ; (tech.), to weld together. npHBapiiTb njidHKy, to weld a strip of metal on. ripHBapiiTb cyny, to cook more soup. npH-Bip-Ka, n.f., w e l d i n g to. IlpH-Bipok, n.m. supplementary ration. npo-Bap-rt-Tb, v.p., npo-Bdp-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to boil thoroughly. P w 6 y h ^ a o Kan cJieAyej npoBapiiTb, it is necessary to cook fish thoroughly. ripo-Bap-HTb-ca, v.p.r., npo-Bdp-HBaTb-cH, v.i.r., to be boiled thoroughly. pa3-Bap-H-Tb, V.p., pa3-BSp-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to boil soft, stew. Pa3-Bdp-eHHbifl, adj., part. pass, past, boiled until soft, overcooked, stewed thoroughly. P a s BapH6ii, adj., boiled until s o f t . P. KapT6c|)e^b, boiled potatoes. P-ia pw6a, boiled fish. c-Bap-A-Tb, v.p., - f acc., to boil, cook. C-Bt.), s a i l . " 6 e 3 p y j i f i H 6 e 3 BCTPHJI" (Le-montov), "without rudder or sail." B t i - - p - e H b i H , adj., w i n d y ; light-minded, giddy, f l i g h t y . B . a e H b , w i n d y d a y . B. lejnBeK, flighty man. Be-Tp-eHO, adv., w i n i y ; g i d d i l y , in a f l i g h t y m a n n e r . H a A B o p e BeTpeHO, it is w i n d y o u t d o o r s . BeTp-o-flBiiraTe^b, n.m., wind motor, w i n i - d r i v e n g e n e r a t o r . BeTp-K^-. (B"B>KA-), BECT(B^CT-), BEIU(B-BIU-), K N O W L E D G E Béfl-a-Tb, v.i. 4 - instr., to know. BéaaTb MeM-jiHÓo, to manage, control. OHá B é / i a e T XO3^HCTBOM, s h e i s in c h a r g e


housekeeping. BéA-eHHe, n.n., knowledge, only in expression: B MbéM-;iH6o B-H, within someone's jurisdiction, under someone's management. He-BéAeHHe, n.n., ignorance. He-BéA-oMbiñ, adj., part. pass, pres., (poet.), unknown. HeBéAOMbie CTpáHbi, u n k n o w n countries. BÉA-H, n.n. (Ch. Slav.), the letter B . BéA-oMa, adv., only in expression: c BéAOMa, with ( s o m e o n e ' s ) k n o w l e d g e ; 6e3 e r o BéAOMa, w i t h o u t o n e ' s k n o w l e d g e . 3a-Béa-OMO, adv., k n o w n to be. 3aBéAOMo 3Hán, k n o w i n g b e f o r e h a n d . BéA-OMocTb, n.f., journal, r e p o r t ; list; p a y r o l l . BéA-oiwocTH. n.p., newspaper, BéA-OMCTBO, n.n., department, o f f i c e . BoéHHoe B., w a r o f f i c e , department. CyAéÓHoe B., department of justice. BeA-b, emphatic particle, well, but; why!








but 1 did not know about it. H o BeAb ¿ t o TaK, w e l l , but it's so. BéA-b-Ma, n.f., witch, hellcat. BÚ-BeA-a-Tb, v.p., Bbi-BéA-wBaTb, v.i., + acc., to investigate, find out. BbiBéAbiBaTb MbH-.iHÓo HaMépeHHR, t o sound out a person's intentions. 3a-BéA-biBa-Tb, v./., -f- instr., to manage, superintend. 3. PyccKHM OméJioM, to be head of the Russian Department. 3a-BéA-yK>mnH, m > 3a-BéA-yK>maH, /., adj., part. act. pres., used as n., mana g e r , chief, director. 3 . rocTÚHHiieft, h e a d clerk. 3. Mara3HHOM, s t o r e m a n ager. 3. KaHuejiApneH, director. 3. x03áñcTB0M,




headmaster, principal. 3 a - n o - B é A - a - T b , v.p.,



+ acc., to command, order. 3á-no-BeA-b, n.f., c o m m a n d m e n t , o r d e r . flécaTb 3 á noBeAeíí, the T e n Commandments, D e -

28 c a l o g u e . 3a-no-BeA-HHK, n.m., p r e s e r v e , f o r e s t in w h i c h s h o o t i n g is p r o h i b i t e d . P U 6 H U H 3., f i s h i n g p r e s e r v e . J l e c H 6 i i 3-, f o r e s t w h e r e f e l l i n g of t r e e s is p r o h i bited, national park. 3a-no-Bej-HbiH, adj., interdicted, forbidden, prohibited. 3 a n o B e A H b i e 36M;IH, s t a t e r e s e r v a t i o n s . H3-B£jt-a-Tb, V.p., H3-B6j.-HBaTb, V./., + acc., to l e a r n , find out, i n v e s t i g a t e ; t r y . H . cMicTbe ( r o p e ) , t o t a s t e , d r i n k , t h e c u p of h a p p i n e s s ( s o r r o w ) . H 3 - B e a aHHbifl, adj., part. pass, past, tested, p r o v e d to b e e f f i c i e n t . H. nyTb, a w e l l k n o w n w a y , an a c k n o w l e d g e d m e t h o d . HC-no-B^A-biBaTb, v.i., -)- acc., t o p r o f e s s a r e l i g i o n . H. XPHCTH^HCTBO, to p r o f e s s Christianity. Mc-no-B^A-aHHe, n.n., f a i t h , r e l i g i o n . Bep-o-HcnoB^AaHHe, n.n., c o n f e s s i o n of f a i t h . XPHCTH^HCKOC BepoHcnoBeAaHHe, C h r i s t i a n r e l i g i o n . HC-nO-B^A-a-Tb, V.p., HC-nO-B6fl-blBaTb, v.i., -f- acc., to h e a r c o n f e s s i o n . CBHut^HHHK H c n o B i ^ b i B a . i B i p y i o m H x , t h e p r i e s t c o n f e s s e d the b e l i e v e r s . M c - n o B^A-aTb-cn, v.p.r., HC-no-Bea-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to c o n f e s s , to g o to c o n f e s s i o n . H c - n o - B e A - b , n.f., confession. Hc-noBiA-HHK, n.m., confessor, father confessor. Ha-B^A-aTb-CR, V.p.r., Ha-B^A-blBaTb-CH,

v.i.r., o + prep., K -(- dat., to call on,

v i s i t ; i n q u i r e a b o u t , a f t e r . H. o 3AOpK-ecTBo, n.n., i g n o r a n c e , Be>K•iHBo, politely. He-Be)K-.iHBo, rudely. BecT-b, v.i., 3d pers. sing, of B^CTH. (Ch.

Slav.), to know, only in expression:


BecTb, H e a v e n k n o w s w h a t ; s y » . , B o r 3HieT HTO. H e BCCTb MTO, ObS., HCH3B^CTHO m o , no o n e k n o w s w h a t . B e c r - b ,

29 n.f., news, message, information. P4AOCTHbie BecTH, g o o d news. Xyabie B6CTH He ^ E J K I T Ha Mecre (prov.), bad news t r a v e l s fast. BecT-OMKa, n.f., (dim.), news. Z ^ H T e o ce66 BecTOMKy, let me hear f r o m you, d r o p me a line. BecT-HMO, adv., (obs.), surely certainly. " O T K y a a apoBHuiKH? — H3 .necy BecTAMO" ( N e k r d s o v ) , " W h e n c e the firew o o d ? — F r o m the forest, certainly." BdcT-HHK, n.m., BECT-HHua, n.f., messeng e r , bearer, forerunner, precursor. BecTO B 6 A , adj., used as n., orderly, y OHU6pa 6H;IO flBa BECTOBUX, the o f f i c e r had t w o orderlies. Beiu-4-Tb, v.i., -facc. (obs.), to prophesy. Bem-^HHe, n.n., prophesying, foretelling, predicting. PaAHOBemdHHe, radio broadcasts. B£mHH, adj., (obs.), weird, prophetic, uncanny. " B i m H H O - i e r " - CTHXOTBopeHHe riyuiKHHa, the " L a y of the W i s e O l e g " is a poem by Pushkin. B03-BeCT-rtTb, V.p., B03-BeiU-4Tb, V./'., + acc., to inform, communicate, announce. Bo3-Bem-6HHe, n.n., announcement. H3-BeCT-, with his usual courtesy. B-He jKà^toòbi, the usual complaints. Bc-e-6;iarHH, adj., everlasting g o o d n e s s (as G o d ) . Bc-eBéaeHHe, n.n., omniscience. Bce-Béused as n., allayiUHH, adj., also knowing, omniscient. B. bhahiuhh, adj., all-seeing. Bce-BHaamee òko, (rei.), all - s e e i n g eye. Bce-B03Mó)KHbiH, adj., all possible, e v e r y conceivable kind of. BceBOSMóiKHbie khhth, all kinds of books, e v e r y conceivable kind of book. UBeTbi BceB03MÓ>KHbix cTpaH, f l o w e r s of e v e r y land. Bc-e-aepiKHTe^b, rt.n., the A l m i g h t y . BceMrtpHuft, adj., universal. BceMorymecTBo, n.n., omnipotence. BceMoryu;HH, adj., almighty, all-powerf u l ; omnipotent. BceHapòaHbiH, adj., national, public, general. BceHapÒAHo, adv., nationally, publicly, generally. BcéHomHan, vespers, evening service. BceòóuiHii, adj., common, general, universal. B c e ó 6 m a a B Ò H H C K a « fiobhhHOCTb, universal military service. B.

BET 3a6acT6BKa, general strike. B - e e h36hp^Te^bHoe npdBO, universal s u f f r a g e . B - e e HeroAOBdHHe, general indignation. Bce66uiHocTb, n.f., universality. Bceo6i>eM;iK>mHH, odj., universal, all-embracing. B. yM, a universal mind. Me.iOBeK B-ro y.vii, a man of w i d e mental grasp. BceopyjKHe, n.n., complete armor. B o Bceopy>KHH, fully armed. BcenpomeHHe, n.n., f o r g i v e n e s s . Bceyc-iwiiiaHHe, n.n., in expression: b o Bceyc;ibmjaHHe, within everyone's hearing. Bceue^o, adv., entirely, wholly, exclusively. B. n o r ^omeH, w h o l l y absorbed in. 3to b. npHHaAJieMHT BaM, this is entirely yours.


pron. and adj., bchk, short everyone, every, each. B. MdweT 3to cae^aTb, anyone can d o it. B. BCTpiwHbiH h nonepeMHbiH, (idiom), e v e r y T o m , Dick and H a r r y . KaK b. A p y r d i i , like anyone else. Ha b. c-iyiaii, in any case. B o B - o e BpeMH, at any time. Bchk 3a ce6fl OTBe4deT, (idiom.), e v e r y o n e is responsible f o r himself. Bc6iecKHH, adj., of all kinds. Bc-riqecKH, adv., in e v e r y w a y . Bc-awHHa, n.f., h o d g e p o d g e , medley. BoiKaH BcfiMHHa, (idiom), a little of everything. form,

BC-iOAy, noBcioAy, adv., e v e r y w h e r e , anywhere. Ha ceBepe BCibay pacTeT cocHd, pinetrees g r o w e v e r y w h e r e in the North. n o B c r o a y THUjb /ia r;ia.ab, jxa Bo>KbH 6^arofl4Tb, (saying), all is peace and quiet.

BET-, B E lit-, SPEECH

BE 1 !-,


3a-B^T, n.m., covenant, will. 3a-B6THbifi, adj., sacred; cherished. 3a-BeTHbie MbicJiH, jKeji^HHA, cherished thoughts, desires. 3a-Bem-i-Tb, v.p., + acc., + dat., to leave, bequeath, pass on. 3a-Bem-aTe-ib, n.m., testator. 3a-Bem-3Te./ibHHua, n.f., testatrix. 3a-Bem-^HHe, n.n., will, testament. C^ejiaTb 3., to make a will. Ha-BiT, n.m., (obs.), slander, calumny. 3-iofi h., vile slander. Ha-BeT-MHK, n.m., Ha-BeT-MHua, n.f., slanderer, calumniator.

o6-£t, (from

o6-b£t), n.m., v o w , promise. MoH^uiecKHH o., monastic v o w . flaTb o., to make a v o w . 06eT-oB^HHbiH, adj., (obs.), promised. 3eMJifl 06eTOB^HHaa, the Promised L a n d . O. Kpafi, a region of fabulous wealth and f e r tility. o6-eiu-iH-He, n.n., a promise. flaTb o., to make a promise. C a e p j K i T b o., to keep a promise. K.idTBeHHoe o., an oath, v o w . HapyuiHTb o., to break a promise.



0 6 - e m - i - T b , v.i., + occ., + dat., to promise. MHe o6emdioT x o p 6 i u e e Mecro, they promise me a good position. 0 6 em-aHHbiH, adj. part. act. pres., promised. 0 6 e m a H H o r o j k a y t t p h r 6 a a , (prov.), one does not hope to soon receive something promised. H a - o 6 - e m - i T b , v.p., + gen., to make ext r a v a g a n t promises. H a o 6 e m 3 ; i c t p h K6po6a h HHMer6 He caejiaji, ( c o l l o q . ) , he promised much and did nothing, noo 6 - e m - i T b , v.p., see o 6 e m i T b . OT-BiT, n.m., answer, reply. flepwdTb o., (obs.), to render an account. BbiTb b OTBeTe, (obs.), to be responsible for. OT-BiT-H-Tb, OT-BiM-y, V.p., OT-BeM-^Tb, v.i., + acc., -)- dat.; Ha + acc.; sa + acc., to answer, reply; be responsible for. O . y p 6 x yMHTe.HK), to recite one's lesson to a teacher O. Ha Bonpoc, to answer a question. H otbcm^io 3a Her6, I am responsible for him. O. Ha MyBCTbo, to reciprocate one's feelings. O t b 6 t - h h h , adj., responsive. O - o e MyBCTbo, requited feeling. E>e3-oTB6THbiH, adj., mild, timid, fainthearted. O t b c t CTBeHHOCTb, /J./., responsibility. HecTii 3a m t o - j i h 6 o o., to be responsible for something. Be3-0TB6TCTBeHH0CTb, n.f., irresponsibility. OT-BdT-cTBeHHbifi, adj., responsible. Be3-0TBeTCTBeHHbiH, adj., irresponsible, unaccountable. Be3-0TBiTcTBeHHo, adv., irresponsibly, unaccountably. riocTyndTb 6., to a c t irresponsibly. Or-BeT-MHK, n.m., 0T-BdT-MHua, n.f., defendant, respondent. npn-B^T, n.m., welcome, greeting, compliments. LLI^k) BaM cepaeMHbifi npHB^T, I send you my heartfelt greetings, riepe^¿HTe npHBex BiweH c e c r p i , extend my compliments to your sister. npH-B^T-cTBOBaTb, v.i., + acc., to salute, hail, greet, welcome. ilpH-BeT-CTBHe, n.n., greeting, salute, salutation. ripHBeT-cTBeHHNH, adj., welcoming, il-an peMb, welcome speech. c o - B i T , n.m., council, soviet; advice, counsel, opinion. C. m h h h c t p o b , council of ministers. BoeHHbiii c., council of war. HaaejKHbiH c., sound advice. CO-BiT-OBa-Tb, v.i., nO-CO-B^T-OBaTb, V.p., + acc., + dat., to advise, counsel, recommend. C. JieweHHe BOAaMH, to recommend a water-cure, fl BaM coseTyio npoMHT^Tb ¿Ty KHwry, I advise you to read this book. Co-BeT-OBaTb-ca, v.i.r., no-coBeT-oBaTb-cH, v.p.r., c + instr., to consult, advise, confer with. C. c Apy3bHMH, to consult with friends. CoBeT-HHK, n.m., adviser, counselor; councilor. C. noc6;ibCTBa, counselor of an embassy. C o - b £ t - i h k , n.m., (colloq.), adviser, one who gives advice. C o - b c t -


H3âitHH, n.f., sovietization. C o - b c t - h 3 m , n.m., sovietism. Co-BéT-cKHH, adj., S o viet. C-aH BJiâcTb (npaBHTeJibCTBo), the Soviet government, the government of the U.S.S.R. C-oe npéBo, Soviet law. co-Beiu-âTb-cfl, v.i.r., c 4- instr., o + prep., to deliberate, confer, take couns e l . C . c MHHHCTpaMH (lOpHCTOM, .HÔKTO-

Pom), to consult with the ministers ( a lawyer, d o c t o r ) . C. o TeKymHX a e ^ é x , to discuss current affairs. Co-Bemâ H H e , n.n., council, conference. Co-BemâTejibHbiii, adj., consultative, deliberative. C. rô/ioc, deliberative vote. C - o e coôpâHHe, deliberative assembly. co-OT-BéT-CTBOBaîb, v.i., + dat., to correspond to ( w i t h ) . C. C B o e i u y HasHawéhhk), C B o é f l ué.iH, to serve the purpose. C0-0T-BéT-CTBeHH0CTb,



CTBHe, n.m., conformance, conformity, suitability. B c o o t b c t c t b h h , c + instr., in accordance with. C0-0T-BéT-CTByK>uihh, adj., part. act. pres., appropriate. C0-0T-BCT-CTBeHH0, adv., according to, correspondingly, appropriately. C. Tpe6ob^hh(im, in accordance with requirements. C0-0T-BéT-cTBeHHbifi, adj., proper, suitable, corresponding. BH-, B b - , W E A V I N G

BH-Tb, Bb-IO, V.i., C-BH-Tb, V.p., + OCC., to

twist, twine, spin, wind. B. b c h k h , to weave wreaths. B. B e p ë B K H , to twist ropes. B. B e p ë B K H H 3 Koro-HH6y,ib (idiom), to twist someone around one's little finger. B. rHë3,na, to build nests. Bii-Tb-cH, v.i.r., to be curled, y Heë BbioTch BÔ^ocbi, she has curly hair. B h t ô h , adj., twisted. B-iln KOJiôHHa, wreathed column. B-éH .nécTHHua, winding staircase. 3a-BH-TÔK, n.m., lock, curl; flourish (in writing). 3a-BH-TyuiKa, n.f., braided bread. Bb-rômHiicH, adj., part, act. pres., climbing, twining, c r e e p i n g ; curly, frizzy, crisp. B . M i o m , ivy. BbwuiHecfl BÔJiocbi, curly hair. B - n e c n p a c T é H H H , climbing plants. B h - j i n , n.pl., pitchfork. B h - j i - i o , n.f., fork. CTo;iÔBaH b., a table fork. V.p.r., B3-BH-Bé-Tb-CH, V.i.r., to rise in the air, fly up. 3éH3Bec b3bhjich, the curtain rose.


3 a - B l i - T b , V.p.,

3 3 - B H - B i S - T b , V./., - ) - OCC.,


wave, curl, frizzle, crimp. 3 a - B H T b - c a , v.i.r., 3 a - B M B à T b - c n , v.i.r., to have one's hair waved, wave one's hair. 3a-BrtBKa, n.f., waving, wave, curling. IHnnuw n.Aa 33BHBKH, curling iron. H3-B#-Tb-CH, V.p.r., H3-BH-BéTb-CH, V.i.r., to wriggle, wind, coil, cringe, writhe with pain. /Jopôra H3BHBà;iacb no r ô p HbiM cK.iôHaM, the road wound over the



mountain slopes. 3inert H3BHB4CTCH, a snake coils. OH H3BHBdjicfl nepeA Hawi.ibCTBOM, (derog.), he cringed in the presence of his superiors. Ma-BH-jiHHa, n.f., bend, crook, sinuosity, tortuousness. H. AopdrH, a bend in a road. M o 3 r o B i i e H3BHJiHHhi, convolutions of the brain. H3-BH-jiHCTbiH, adj., sinuous, tortuous, winding, m e a n d e r i n g . 06-BA-Tb, v.p., o6-BH-B4-Tb, v./'., + acc., + instr., to wind round. I~I;uom O6BA^ A^peBo, the ivy w o u n d itself around the tree. 06-BHTb-cn, v.p.r., o6-BH-BiTbCH, v.i.r., t o be wound around. nepe-BA-Tb, v.p., nepe-BH-B^Tb, v./., + acc., + instr., to entwine, wind over, interweave, intertwine, intertwist. R koc£ JiiHToft, to entwine a ribbon into a braid of hair. nepe-BHTBII, nepeBHTbifl, adj. part., entwined, interwoven, intertwined, intertwisted. 110-BH-Tb, V.p., nO-BH-B^Tb. V./'., -+- OCC., to swathe, s w a d d l e , twine, n . HOBOPOJKaeHHoro, to s w a d d l e a n e w b o r n baby. FIoBHBdJibHbiH, adj., s w a d d l i n g , n . HHCTHTYT, obstetrics institute, i l - a a 6i6Ka, ( o b s . ) , m i d w i f e . iloBHT^xa n.f., (obs.), midwife. n o A - B f i - T b , v.p.,

NOA-BH-B^TB, v.i.,



see aaBHTb, 3aBHB4Tb. iioA-Bii-Tb-CH, v.p.r., noa-BH-BiTb-ca, v.i.r., to curl one's hair slightly, h a v e o n e ' s hair curled. npH-Bri-Tb, V.p., npH-BH-B^Tb, V.i'., + OCC., - f dat., to g r a f t ; inoculate, vaccinate; ( f i g . ) , indoctrinate, n . d6;iomo, to g r a f t on an apple tree. IX A6THM 6cny, to vaccinate children a g a i n s t smallpox. ripH-BH-Tb-CH, V.p.r., npH-BH-B^Tb-Cfl, v.i.r., to be g r a f t e d ; vaccinated. 3TH B3rji&Abi 3Aecb He npHBH^Acb, these v i e w s found no f o l l o w e r s here. 3TO BUpa>KeHHe He npHBHJidcb, this expression did not find f a v o r with the public. FlpHBH-B^HHe, n.n., npH-BH-Bxa, n.f., upHBii-THe, n.n., g r a f t i n g ; inoculation, vaccination. npH-BH-BOMHbift, adj., serving as a g r a f t , as an inoculation, n . OTPAA, (recent), inoculation unit. pa3-Bri-Tb, V.p., pa3-BH-B^Tb, V./., + OCC., to develop, e v o l v e ; untwist, wind o f f , uncurl. P . 6iuieHbie T^MIIN (Ha npoH3BbACTBe), (recent), to d e v e l o p breakneck speed (e.g., in production, output). P . B6jiocbi, to uncurl hair. P. njiaH, HA^IO, to d e v e l o p a plan, an idea. P. CK6pocTb, to d e v e l o p speed. Pa3-BH-Tb-cn, v.p.r., pa3-BH-BdTb-csi, v.i.r., t o be developed, d e v e l o p oneself. P - c n yMCTBeHHO, to d e v e l o p mentally, mature, y Hero pasBHB^eTcn Ty6epKy^e3, he is developing tuberculosis. Pa3-BH-THe, n.n., development, g r o w t h , p r o g r e s s , evolution.

BHA PdHHee p., precocity. P - n e npoMbimjieHHOCTH, g r o w t h , development of industry. P . CBOHX



ment. Pa3-BH-T6FL, adj., intelligent, w e l l developed mentally, physically. P-ia MycKyjiaTypa, well-develeped musculature. P-^H T^xHHKa, well-developed technology. Pa3-BII-JiHHa, n.f., fork, bifurcation. Pa3-BH-jiHCTbift, adj., f o r k e d . C-BH-Tb, V.p., C-BH-B^Tb, V.i., + OCC., See BHTb. C-BH-TOK, n.m., roll, scroll. C-BATbiH, adj., part. pass, past, coiled, convoluted. y-Brt-Tb, v.p., y-BH-BdTb, v.i., + acc., -finstr., to entwine, twine, w r e a t h e , w r a p around, y . p63aMH K0Ji6HHy, t o entwine a column with roses. y-BH-BdTb-cn, v.i.r., 3a - f instr., to court. BH-JI-Afb, V./., BH-JIb-HyTb, V.p., Wag, d o d g e ; (fig.), lie. y-BH-JIb-H^Tb, V.p., y-BH-JIHBaTb, v.i., OT + gen., to elude, evade, d o d g e , y . OT Hcno^H^HHH o6A3aHHocTeii, to e v a d e one's duties, obligations, y . OT yp6Ka, to cut a class. y-BH-jiHBaHHe, n.n., e v a sion, d o d g i n g , y . OT npdBAu, an e v a sion of truth. BH~xpb, n.m., whirlwind. Brt-xpeM, used as adv., suddenly, impetuously. Bb-i6ra, n.f., snowstorm. 3HM6# 6biBdioT CH^bHbie Bbwrn, in winter violent s n o w storms occur. Bb-K»H, n.m., loach; restless person. Bb-lbl-HTb, V.i., Ha-Bb-k> n.m., aspect, look, appearance, air, v i e w , landscape, sight; form, kind, sort, species; intention, purpose; (gram.), aspect. B. H à Môpe, a v i e w of the sea. BHéuiHHH B., outward appearance. B. Ha yKHTe^ibCTBo, passport; permit f o r residence. JLÉJIATB B., to pretend. I~IoTepiÎTb (ynycTHTb) H3 BHAy, to lose sight of. 3TO x o p o w r i Ha B., it looks fine. B BHAe, in the f o r m of. ÔTKpûTKa c BHAOM, a picture postcard. CoBepuiéHHtJH (HecoBepuiéHHbin) B , (gram.), p e r f e c t i v e ( i m p e r f e c t i v e ) aspect. BHAOBÔH, adj., of or pertaining t o species. B - 6 e H3MeHéHHe, a modification of a species. B - ô e pa3JiiiMHe, a s p e c i f i c d i f ference. BHA-HUA, adj., noticeable, conspicuous, prominent. B. Mywmtaa, (colloq.), a handsome man. H a C4MOM

BHAHOM MécTe, in the m o s t c o n s p i c u o u s place. 3AHHMÁTB BHAHOC MÓCTO (nojio)KéHHe), to o c c u p y a high post, position. evidently. BHA-HO, adv., apparently, He-BHA-Hbift, adj., plain, unsightly. MHJIO-BHA-HWH, adj., comely, pretty. O i e - B H A - e u , a.m., owe-BHA-nua, n.f. an eyewitness. OMe-BHA-HOCTB, n.f., obviousness. Oie-BHA-HBIH, adj., obvious, evident, a p p a r e n t . OWC-BHA-HO, adv., apparently, evidently. 5 ú ; i o o., MTO OH He npHAeT, it w a s o b v i o u s t h a t he would not c o m e . Pa3H0-BHA-H0CTb, n.f., v a r i e t y . P. pacTéHHíi (iKHBÓTHbix), a v a r i e t y of plants ( a n i m a l s ) . BHA-0-H3MeHÜTb, V./., BHA"0-H3MeHHTb, v.p., -(- acc., to m o d i f y . BHA-o-H3MeH¿Tb-CH, V.i.r., BHA-0-H3MeHÍITb-CH, v.p.r., to u n d e r g o a c h a n g e , m o d i f i c a t i o n . BHAO-H3MeHéHHe, n.n., a c h a n g e , modification. BHA-é-Tb, BH>«-y, v.i., y-BHA-eTb, v.p., + acc., t o see, behold, view, p e r c e i v e . B . BO CHé, to d r e a m of, s e e in a d r e a m . B . MéjibKOM, t o h a v e a glimpse of. E r o HEJIB3(I B., he c a n n o t be seen, fl BHWY e r ó , KaK JKHBCVO, (idiom., fig.), I see him a s if he w e r e b e f o r e my e y e s . BNA-eTb-CH, v.i.r., y-BHA-eTb-ca, v.p.r., t o see o n e a n o t h e r . BHA-á-Tb, v.i., y-BHA-áTb, v.p., + acc., (colloq.), see BHAeTb, yBHAetb. I~IoBHA-áTb, V.p., to visit. /XaBHÓ XOTé.11 noBHAáTb 3eM^nKá, I h a v e l o n g w a n t e d t o visit o n e of my c o u n t r y m e n . BHAá T b - c n , v.i.r., no-BHA-áTb-CH, v.p.r., to v i s i t o n e a n o t h e r . BHA-HéTb-cn, v.i.r., 3a-BHA-HéTb-CH, v.p.r., to appear, be seen. Ywé 3aBHAHéJiHCb Ha Héóe 3Bé3Abi, s t a r s h a v e a l r e a d y b e g u n to a p p e a r in t h e s k y . BHA-éHHe, n.n., v i s i o n , a p p a r i t i o n . CHO-BHA-éHHe, n.n., d r e a m , v i s i o n in a d r e a m . TeJie-BiiAeHne, n.n., television. flcHO-BHA-eHHe, c l a i r \ ' o y a n c e , s e c o n d s i g h t . HCHO-BHAeu, n.m., ncHo-BHA-nmaa, n.f., a c l a i r voyant. BIIA-HMOCTb, n.f., visibility; s e m b l a n c e . BHA-HMWH, adj. part. pass, pres., s e e n , v i s i b l e ; ant., HC-BHA-HMNH, unseen, invisible. Be3 BHAHMOH npniHHbi, w i t h o u t an a p p a r e n t r e a s o n . BIÍA-HMO, adv., e v i d e n t l y . I~IO-BHAHMOMy, adv., a p p a r e n t l y . OHÁ, BHAHMO, (noBHAHMOMy) x ó i e T H3ynáTb pyccKHñ H3MK, s h e e v i d e n t l y w i s h e s t o s t u d y R u s s i a n . HC-BHA-HMO, adv., invisibly. HapÓAy 6bl.HO BHAHMO-HeBHAHMO, (idiom.), t h e r e w a s an i m m e n s e c r o w d o f p e o p l e . He-BHA-iiMKa, n.f., a n inv i s i b l e b e i n g . LLIánKa-HeBHAHMKa, n.f., (folklore), a c a p w h i c h m a k e s o n e invisible. B3-BiiA-eTb, v >., +









pression-. Ot 66.1H OH He B3BHAeJI cBeTa, f r o m p a i n , e v e r y t h i n g w e n t b l a c k b e f o r e his e y e s . 3a-BHA-eTb, v.p., + acc., (colloq.), to see, g e t a g l i m p s e of. JLHIUB 6 e p e r 33BHAHT BO Mr.ie... (Lermontov), a s soon as he s e e s the s h o r e t h r o u g h the m i s t . . . npeA-BHA-eTb, v.i., + acc., to f o r e s e e , h a v e f o r e b o d i n g s . ILPEABHAETB CBOW c y A b 6 y , to f o r e s e e o n e ' s f a t e . PIpeABHA-eTb-CH, v.i.r., + acc., used only in 3d pers. sing., to b e f o r e s e e n , b e in s i g h t . BaK^HCHH He npeABHAHTca, t h e r e i s n o v a c a n c y in s i g h t . npH-B(&A-eTb-CH, v.i.r., (colloq.), to i m a g i n e h a v i n g s e e n , to a p p e a r to. /IypH6fl COH npHBHAeJica MHe, I h a d a n i g h t m a r e . ripH-BHA-^HHe, n.n., g h o s t , spectre, apparition. c-BHA-^HHe, n.n., meeting, appointment, r e n d e z v o u s . Ha3H£qHTb c., to m a k e a n appointment, date, flo CBHA^HHH, good-by, au-revoir. 3a-BfiA-OBaTb, v.i., no-3a-BHA-oBaTb, v.p., + dat., to envy, b e e n v i o u s . 3a-BHAHbift, adj., e n v i a b l e . 3 - o e nojiow^HHe, a d e s i r a b l e p o s i t i o n . T j i a 3 i 3aBHAymne, pyKH 3 a r p e 6 y m H e (saying), he h a s e n vious e y e s a n d g r e e d y h a n d s . 3a-BHAHO, adv., with envy, e n v i a b l y . MHe 3., I am envious. 3i-BHCT-b, n.f., envy, j e a l o u s y . 3 . K o i i l B e , K noMeTy, K 6 o r i T C T B y , e n v y of g l o r y , h o n o r , r i c h e s . Bo36y>KA£Tb 3., to e x c i t e j e a l o u s y , envy. 3a-BHCT-HHK, n.m., 3aBHCT-HHua, n.f., envious person. 3 a BHCT-JIMBMH, adf., e n v i o u s , j e a l o u s . 3 a BHCT-JIHBO, adv., enviously, jealously. CMOTPETB Ha MTO-.ih6O 3., to look upon s o m e t h i n g with envy. Hi-Ha-BHCT-b, n.f., hatred, abhorrence. CMOTpeTb c H^HaBHCTbK), to e y e with h a t r e d . n p e A M i T Moefi HeHaBycTH, t h e o b j e c t of my h a t r e d . He-Ha-BHCT-HHK, n.m., He-na-BHCT-HHua, n.f., h a t e r . H e Ha-BHCT-Hbiii, adj., hateful, odious, detestable. He-Ha-BfiA-eTb, v.p, + acc., hatred for.

V.i., B03-He-Ha-BHA-eTb, to hate, to c o n c e i v e a

BHH-, B L A M E , C U L P A B I L I T Y , G U I L T , FAULT BHH-4, n.f., f a u l t , guilt. M 6 H B., it is m y fault. CB^.iHBaTb BHHY Ha APYR6RO, t o b l a m e s o m e o n e else. BHH-6BHHK, n.m., BHH-6BHHua, n.f., the g u i l t y one, c u l p r i t ; (fig.), cause, author, instigator. BHHOBHHK B c e x HecM^CTHH, o n e w h o is b l a m e d f o r all m i s f o r t u n e s . B . T o p w e c T B i , c e l e b r a n t , o n e in w h o s e h o n o r a c e l e b r a t i o n i s held. BHH-6BHocTb,

BHH n.f., guilt, culpability. OrpHuáTb cbow b., to plead not guilty. Bhh-óbhuh, adj., guilty, culpable, at fault. B. b rocyflápcTBeHHofi H3MéHe, guilty of high treason. OótHBJiáTb bhhóbhum, to convict. BHH-OBáTNH, adj., guilty, culpable. HMéTb b. bha, to have a guilty look. BHH-OBáT! adj. pred., I'm sorry! Excuse me! B Itom, oh He BHHOBáT, it isn't his fault. BHHHTeJibHbiH, adj., accusative. B. naAé)K, (gram.), accusative case. He-BHH-ÓBHOCTb, n.f., guiltlessness. He-BHH-ÓBHbiH, adj., innocent, guiltless, blameless. He-BHH-Hbifl, adj., innocent, virgin. BHH-ü-Tb, v.i., + acc., to accuse, blame. He BHHHTe eró, don't blame him. fl bhhk) ce6A bo BCéM, I blame no one but myself. no-BHH-HTb-ca, v.p.r., (obs.), to plead guilty. H3-BHH-ÚTb, V.p., H3-BHH-(ÍTb, V./., + ÜCC., to excuse, forgive, pardon. M3BHHÚTe MeHÍi, Excuse me I Forgive me! I beg your pardon! M3-BHH-HTb-ca, v.p.r, H3BHH-ÜTb-CH, v.i.r., to excuse oneself, apologize. M3-BHH-HTecb 3a Mená, make my excuses. H3-BHH-éHHe, n.n., apology, excuse; pardon, ripouiy H3BHHéHHH, I beg your pardon, fl He Mor^ npHHiiTb Bárnero h3bhh0hhh, I cannot accept your apology. M3-BHH-HTe;ibHbiH, adj., excusable, pardonable. H. nocTynoK, a pardonable action. OÓ-BHH-ÜTb, V.p., OÓ-BHH-ÜTb, V./., - f OCC., b + prep., to accuse, charge. O. bo jdkh, to accuse of lying. Oó-BHH-ÁTbch, v.i.r., to be tried for, be charged with. O. b Kpáwe, to be accused of theft. Oó-BHH-éHHe, n.n., accusation, charge. Oó-BHH-HTejib, n.m., o6-bhhrtTe^bHHua, n.f., accuser, prosecutor. rocyflápcTBenHbiH (oómécTBeHHbiH), o., state (public) prosecutor. Oó-bhhHTe.ibHbiH# adj., accusatory, incriminatory. O. aKT, indictment. Bwhccth o. npnroBóp, to find guilty, convict. no-BHH-OBá-Tb-csi, v.p.r. and v.i.r., + dat., to obey, comply with. HáAO n. crápuihm one must obey one's elders. I~IoBHH-OBéHHe, n.n., obedience. C-ienóe n., (fig-), implicit, blind obedience, n o BHH-HocTb, n.f., duty, obligation, service. BóHHCKaa n., obligation to military service. no-BHH-Han, adj. used as n. only in expression: flpHHecTti noBHHHyio, (obs.), to confess one's guilt. rioBíiHHyio róJioBy h Mei He cewéT, (prov.), a fault confessed is half redressed. npo-BHHH&Tb-cH, v.p.r., to commit an offence; be guilty. ripo-BHH-HocTb, n.f., misdemeanor. ñpo-BHH-ABUiHñcH, adj.


BHC part. pass, past, guilty; guilty of having committed an offence. BHC-, SION




BHC-é-Tb, BHUi-y, v.i., B, Ha + prep., HaA + instr., to hang, be hanging, be suspended. rio-BHC-éTb, v.p., to hang awhile, for a while. Kaprttaa B H C H T Ha CTeHé, the picture is hanging on the wall. B. B Bó3j.yxe, to hang in the air. rijiaiu noBHCHT H BbicoxHeT, the raincoat will hang awhile and dry. BHCfiiHfi, adj., pendant, pendulous. B. MOCT, suspension bridge. B. 3aMÓK, padlock. Bnc-Amníí, adj., part. act. pres., hanging. flopTpeT, BHCAiuhh Ha CTeHé, the portrait hanging on the wall. Bhce^Hua, n.f., gallows, gibbet. H36eJKáTb BHce.iHUbi, to escape the gallows; save one's neck. BHc-eJibHHK, n.m., hanged man, person fit to be hanged. 3a-Bric-eTb, v.i., o t + gen., to depend on. ypowáH 3aBHCHT o t KJiHMaTa, the harvest depends on the climate. HacxÓJibxo o t MeHii 33BHCHT, (express.), as far as it depends on me. 3a-BHC-simHñ, adj. part. act. pres., depending. 3a-BricHMbiH, adj. part. pass, pres., dependent. He-3aBHCHMuñ, adj., independent. H - o e rocyAápcTBo, independent state, nation. 3a-Biic-HMocTb, n.f., dependence. 3 k o HOMHMecKan 3., economic dependence. B 33BHCHM0CTH o t oócToflTejibCTB, depending on circumstances. He-3aBHCHMocTb, n.f., independence. H. AMépHKH o t Ahtjihh óbíJiá oóifÍB^eHa 4-ro hk>jih 1776 rÓAa, America's independence from England was declared on the 4th of July, 1776. He-3a-BHC-HM0, adv., independently. BÍÍC-Hy-Tb, v.i., no-BHc-HyTb, v.p., Ha + prep., HaA + instr., to hang, drop. B. Ha mée, (colloq.), to hang on the neck, embrace. Ha-BÚC-Hy-Tb, V.p., Ha-BHC-áTb, v.i., Ha + acc., HaA + instr., to impend, hang over, overhang; hover. BéTBH hsbhcjih HaA pyibéM, the branches hung over the brook. Ha-BHc-uiHH, adj. part. act. past, hanging over, impending,» suspended over. H-ne ópóbh, beetle-brows. 06-BÚC-Hy-Tb, V.p., o6-BHC-ái'b, v.i., to hang loose, droop, be flabby. Kóxca oÓBÚcJia Ha eró H3M0)KAeHH0M .iHué, the skin hung loose on his emaciated face. OT-Blic-Hy-Tb, V.p., OT-BHC-áTb, V.Í., to hang down, hang baggily, loosely. O t BHc-Jibifi, adj., baggy, loose-hanging. C OTBHCJlblMH ymá.MH, Or BHCJIOyXHH, lop-eared.



no-Bric-Hy-Tb, v.p., no-BHC-iTb, v./., b + prep., Ha - f acc., ma + instr., to hang, be suspended, h a n g down, d r o o p ; flag. Pe6eHOK noBHC Ha w e e y M^tepH h He x o t m y x o f l i T b , the child clung to his mother's neck and did not w a n t to go a w a y , fl6.no noBiic^o b Bfoflyxe, (fig.), the case hung in the air. nepe-BHC-iTb, v.L, to o v e r h a n g . P63bi nepeBHClnH i 6 p e 3 o r p d a y cd.ua, the r o s e s hung over the garden fence. c-BHC-ATb, v.i., to h a n g over, down; dangle, d r o o p ; bend aside. C-bhc¿ioiuhA, adj. part. act. pres., hanging, dangling, drooping. C-He y c u , w a l r u s moustache. Bee, n.m., weight. ripoAaBdTb Ha b., to sell by weight. HsjiHiueK B i c a , overweight. IlpH64BHTb b B i c e , to gain in weight. HMiTb b., (fig), to carry weight. Bec-bi, n.pl., s c a l e s ; w e i g h i n g machine. B6c-KocTb, (fig.), weightiness. B . a ^ b o a s , w e i g h t i n e s s of an argument. B £ c - k h 8 , adj., weighty, significant. B - o e cji6bo, significant word. B £ c k o , adv., weightily, significantly. Bte-H-Tb, Biiu-y, v.i., to weigh. 3 t o t x j i e 6 b ^ c h t 2 yHT M Y K H , w e i g h me a pound of flour. C-Béc-HTb-cji, v.p.r., c-Béui-HBaTb-cH, v.i.r., to be w e i g h e d ; hang d o w n ; o v e r h a n g ; see B3BélIlHBaTbCfl.

Béui-aTb, v.i., no-Béc-HTb, v.p., + acc., to hang, hang up, suspend; w e i g h . B. 6eJibë AJIH npocyujKH, to hang up clothes to dry. B. npecrynHHKa, to hang a criminal. B. rÔJiOBy, (fig.), to be d o w n cast. Béuj-aTb-CH, v.i.r., no-Béc-HTb-cn, v.p.r., to hang oneself; be suspended. C o cKyKH xoTb BémaficH! T o be bored to death! Béui-ajiKa, n.f., clotheshanger, coat hanger, stand. flo-BéuieHHe, n.n., hanging. Ka3Hb i é p e 3 n., execution by hanging. no-Bém-eHHbift, adj. part. pass, past, hanged (e.g., on a gibbet). no-Béc-H-HH-aTb, v.i., to behave wildly, rant, play the madcap. rio-Béc-a, n.m., madcap. BJIA/l-, BJ1ACT-, B O J I O C T - , A U T H O R ITY, RULE, POWER, POSSESSION BJiaa-é-Tb, v.i., + instr., to own, possess; have authority, rule, hold, master. B. ôorâTCTBOM, to possess wealth. B.


BJIAfl MopÁMH, to rule o v e r the seas. B. opyjKHeM (HHCTpyMéHTOM), to w i e l d a weapon ( a n instrument). B. HHOCTpáHHbiM fl3biKÓM, to speak a f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e . O H x o p o r n ó BJiaAéeT p y c CKHM H3UKÓM, he speaks fluent Russian. B^aA-éHHe, n.n., possession, domain, estate, dominion, ownership. KoJiJieitTHBHoe B., (recent), collective o w n e r ship. BcTynáTb BO B., to take possession l e g a l l y . JlHuiáTb npáBa B-H, to dispossess. B^aA-é-neu, n.m., BJiaA-éJiHita, n.f., o w n e r , landlord, master, holder. B. AÓMa, HMéHHH, landlord, landowner. B^aA-éTeJib, n.m., B;iaA-éTe;ibHHua, n.f., possessor; s o v e r e i g n . BjiaA-éTeJibHbiñ, adj., s o v e r e i g n . B. KHH3b, (hist.), ruling prince.

3a-Bjad-éTb, v.p., 3a-B^aA-eBáTb, v.i., -finstr., to seize, take possession. H e npH^TE^B 3ABNANÉN M H Ó T H M H KpénocTHMH, the enemy seized many fortresses. o-BJiaA-éTb, v.p., o-BJiaA-eBáTb, v.i., + instr., to seize, take possession, secure, master, conquer. O. c o ó ó ñ , t o regain one's composure. O . BHHMáHHeM, t o hold some one's attention. O. TéxHHKoft paóóTbi, HCKyccTBa, t o master the technique of w o r k , art. O-BAaA-eBáHHe, n.n., seizing, mastering. Co-BJiaA-éJieu, n.m., co-B./iaA-éjiHua, n.f., joint owner, proprietor. Co-BJiaA-éHHe, n.n., joint ownership. co-BJiaA-á-Tb, v.p., c + instr., to o v e r p o w e r , c o n q u e r ; succeed. C. c o CBOHM H^BCTBOM, to master o n e ' s f e e l i n g . BJiaA-ÚM-ecTB-OBa-Tb, v.i., (obs.), Ha A + instr., to rule, dominate, lord. B. HaA MOPAMH, to dominate, rule the seas. BjiaA-biKa, n.m., (hist.), lord, ruler; (rel.,) bishop. IlpeocBiiiuéHHbiñ B;iaAWKa, A r c h b i s h o p of the G r e e k O r t h o dox Church. BjiaA-binecTBo, n.n., lordship, s o v e r e i g n t y . IIOA e r ó BJIAABIQECTBOM, under his dominion, rule, lordship BjiaA-ÚMHLia, n.f., (hist.), s o v e r e i g n ; (rel.), Our Lady. BjiacT-b, n.f., power, authority, rule; dominion, lordship. BepxÓBHaa B., supreme p o w e r . McnoJiHHTeJibrtan B., e x e cutive p o w e r . BbiTb BO BjiácTH, to be at the mercy (of someone). BjiácTb HMymHe, (iron.), the p o w e r s that b e ; those in p o w e r . nápTHH, croámaH y BJiácTH, the party in p o w e r . Bjiácr-HbiH, adj., commanding, dictatorial, authoritarian; imperative. B^ácTHoft pyKóft, with an authoritative hand. B;iácTHbiH xapáKTep, dictatorial person. B-nácTHo, adv., comandingly, dictatorially. Be3BJiácT-ne, n.n., anarchy. 5e3-BJiácT-Hbift, adj., powerless. EAHHO-B^ácTHe, n.n., dictatorial rule, absolute monarchy.

BJIA/1 EaHHo-B^^cTHhiH, adj., m o n a r c h i c . EAHH0-BJidcTH0, adv., m o n a r c h i c a l l y . I~IOAB^icT-HOCTb, n.f., subjection, depende n c e . noA-BJi4cT-Hbifi, adj. s u b j e c t to, d e p e n d e n t on. CaMo-BJiiicTHe, n.n., a b s o l u t e p o w e r , d e s p o t i s m . CaMO-BJi£cTHUH, adj., a b s o l u t e , u n l i m i t e d , d e s p o t i c . BA4cr-BOBaTb, v./., Haa + instr., t o d o m i n a t e , l o r d o v e r , rule, r e i g n . B j i d c r - B o BaHHe, n.n., domination. BjiacT-eaiiH, n.m. (obs.), lord, sovereign. Bjiac-rfrrejib, n.m. (obs.), p o t e n t a t e . B-rcacT-oj i i o 6 e u , n.m., one who loves power. B.>iacT-o-JiK>6He, n.n., l o v e of p o w e r . B.iacT-o-^K)6HBbiH, adj., p o w e r - m a d . o 6 - j i a a - & T b , (from o 6 - B ; i a A - £ T b ) , v./., + instr., to possess, have, be master of. O . npexpdcHbiM 3 A o p 6 B b e M , t o e n j o y e x c e l l e n t h e a l t h . O . Ta^^HTOM, yiwdM, to be talented, gifted, clever; possess t a l e n t . O . npdBOM, t o h a v e t h e r i g h t . 0 6 - j i a f l - ^ H H e , n.n., p o s s e s s i o n , m a s t e r y . 06-^aA-iTe^b, n.m., o6-JiaA-4Te.'ibHHua, n.f., possessor, owner, master, (mistress). n p e - 0 6 - j i a a - A T b , v.i., t o p r e d o m i n a t e , r i p e o6-JiaA-^HHe, n.n., p r e d o m i n a n c e , i l p e o6-^aa-4iomHH, adj. part. act. pres., predominant. PyccKHe cocTaBJiiiioT n p e o 6 . i a f l i i o m e e HaceJiiHHe B CH6HPH, the Russians f o r m the predominant p o p u l a t i o n in S i b e r i a . 66-JiacT-b ( f r o m 6 6 - B . i a c T b ) , n.f., province, region, territory, district; field, d o m a i n . MOCK6BCK3H o., M o s c o w P r o v ince. B 66;iacTH ¿TOMHOH HayKH HMEIOTCH 6O^BTUHE AOCTHH K - , B O I K / L - , B E A - , B E C ( T H ) - , CONDUCT, GUIDANCE, DIRECTION BOA-fiTb, BOiK-y, v.i. indet., B e c - T i i , BeA-y. v.i. det., + acc., -(- instr., to c o n d u c t , l e a d . BOJHTB a e i é i i B u i K ó J i y , to t a k e c h i l d r e n to s c h o o l . B . c j i e n ó r o , to l e a d a b l i n d m a n . B e c T i i BOHHY, to w a g e w a r , c o n d u c t a w a r , b e a t w a r . TepMàHHH BeJià BOHHy c C C C P , G e r m a n y w a g e d w a r w i t h the U S S R . B . ACJIO, to m a n a g e a b u s i n e s s . B . KHHTH, to k e e p a c c o u n t


BO/1 b o o k s . B. c e 6 S , to b e h a v e , c o n d u c t o n e s e l f . B o a H T b 3& HOC, (colloq.), to f o o l , t o lead b y the n o s e . B o A H T b CMUMKC^M n o CTpyHaM, to d r a w a b o w o v e r t h e s t r i n g s ( a s of an i n s t r u m e n t ) . B e A H T e ce6n npH.iHMHo! Behave yourself! B o j - H T b - c a , v.i., to a s s o c i a t e w i t h ; i n habit, live. B o j H T b c H c BopaMH, (colloq.), to a s s o c i a t e w i t h t h i e v e s . B ¿THX .nec^x BOAHTCH MEABE^H, b e a r s i n h a b i t t h e s e f o r e s t s . B o A - H T e j i b , n.m., (recent), c h a u f f e u r , d r i v e r . B . MauiHHbi, (recent), c h a u f f e u r , d r i v e r . J l e c - O - B O A , n.m., f o r ester. J l e c - o - B 6 A - c T B o , n.n., forestry. K o H - e -B6A, n.m., h o r s e b r e e d e r . K o n - e B6A-CTBO, n.n., h o r s e b r e e d i n g . OBU-CB6A, n.m., s h e e p b r e e d e r . OBU-E-BDACTBO, n.n., s h e e p b r e e d i n g . r i T H u - e - B 6 A , n.m., p o u l t r y b r e e d e r . I~ITHU C-BOA-CTBO, n.n., poultry breeding. CKOT-O-B6A, n.m., c a t t l e b r e e d e r . CKOT-O-B6A-CTBO, n.n., c a t t l e b r e e d i n g . C a A - o - B O A , n.m., horticulturalist. CaA-0-B0A-cTB0, n.n., h o r t i c u l t u r e . L U e T - o - B O A , n.m., nurseryman. LlBeT-0-B6A-CTB0, n.n., floriculture. OBue-BOA-MecKHH, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to s h e e p b r e e d i n g . BOMA-b, n.m., leader, chief; captain. B. nipTHH, party chief. Bcw-AK, BO>K¿THH, n.m., l e a d e r (e.g., of a c o n s p i r a c y , mutiny). B o w - w i , n.f., B6>K>K-H, pi., reins. H a r » HYTB B6JK)KH, ( a l s o u s e d fig.), to t i g h t en the reins. OnycKdTb (onycTHTb) B6HOKH, ( a l s o u s e d fig.), to give a h o r s e its h e a d . B-BOA-liTb, v.i., B-Bec-TH, V.p., + OCC., t o b r i n g in, i n t r o d u c e , l e a d in. BBeeTii 3aKOH B AIFICTBHE, t o p u t a l a w into e n f o r c e m e n t , o p e r a t i o n . B. CYAHO B riBaHb, t o b r i n g a s h i p i n t o a h a r b o r . B. B p a c x o A ; B 3A6.IY>KAEHHE, t o put o n e to e x p e n s e ; to m i s l e a d . B-BOA-HHH, adj., introductory, prefatory; parenthetic. B-B6A-HOE C^OBO, NPEAJIOIKEHHE, p a r e n t h e t i c w o r d , c l a u s e . B-BeA-eHHe, n.m., i n t r o d u c t i o n , p r e f a c e . B3-BOA-HTb, v.i., B3-Bec-TH, V.p., aCC., to i m p u t e ; c o c k a g u n . B. K y p ^ K , t o set the h a m m e r (e.g., o f a g u n ) . B. O6BHHiHHe, to accuse. B3-BOA, n.m., p l a t o o n . B3-B0A-HNH, adj., o f a p l a t o o n ; also used as n., p l a t o o n c o m m a n d e r . B . KOMaHAHP, p l a t o o n c o m m a n d e r . Bbl-BOA-HTb, v.i., Bbl-Bec-TH, V.p., + OCC., to lead, t a k e , b r i n g o u t ; to d e s t r o y (e.g., i n s e c t s ) ; d r a w a c o n c l u s i o n . B . Ha n p o r y ^ K y , t o t a k e f o r a w a l k . B. nHTH6, t o r e m o v e a stain. B . ubiruiHT, to hatch chickens. B . K o r o - . i H 6 o H3 ce6ii, t o m a k e s o m e o n e l o s e his t e m p e r . BbiBOA-HTb-CH, V.i.r., Bbl-BeC-TH-Cb, V.p.r., to b e led, t a k e n , b r o u g h t o u t ; b e h a t c h -

BOA e d ; become extinct (of animals). 3TH nÁTHa HHHéM He BbiBÓAflTCH, nothing will remove these stains. BW-BOA, n.m., conclusion. CAÉJIATB B., to d r a w a conclusion. Jló>KHBIH B., f a u l t y conclusion. Bbi-Boa-oK, n.m., b r o o d . B. YRÁT, rycáT, b r o o d of ducklings, g o s l i n g s . /lO-BOfl-ÍÍTb,

AO +

V.Í., A O - B e C - T H ,




gen., to lead up t o ; bring, drive,


e s c o r t . J\.




to escort children to school. R. aéno AO KOHuá, to b r i n g a matter to an end. JX. AO oTMáHHHH, to drive to despair.









to happen, c h a n c e AOBÓAHTCH



ópáTOM, he h a p p e n s to b e my cousin. Bceró nojiKá, the order is directed to the w h o l e regiment. ¿IÓ-BOA, n.m., reason, argument. HeonpoBepwHMbift A-, irrefutable argument. B e e AÓBOABI 3a H npóTHB, all the p r o s and cons. 3a-B0A-fiTb, v./., aa-Bec-TH, v.p., + acc., to wind, start; a c q u i r e ; establish. 3 . SyAH^bHHK, to wind, set an alarm clock. RIPHKÁA AOBÓAHTCH AO CBÉAEHHH



4 5






friendship ( a c q u a i n t a n c e ) . 3. .nouiaAéñ, to acquire horses. 3 . Koró-HH6yAb KyAáHHÓyAb, to take s o m e o n e out of the w a y . 3 a - B O A - H T b - C H , v.i.r., aa-Bec-TII-cb, v.p.r., to be w o u n d , s e t ; be a c q u i r e d ; be established, Y Heró 3aBe;iHCb AéHbTH, he h a s acquired m o n e y . 3 A e c b Y » TaK 3aBeAeHó, it is the custom here. 3a-BÓA, n.m., w o r k s , f a c t o r y , plant, mill; (colloq.) custom. Cia^e^HTéiíbHbiH 3., steel plant. ABTOMoÓH.ibHbiH 3., automobile plant, Y Hac ÁTORO HET H B 3aBÓAe, (colloq., obs.), it is not our custom.





w i n d i n g mechanism. ABToiuaTHMecKHñ 3. y MOTópa, starter, self-starter. 3aBOA-HÓÍÍ, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to w i n d i n g . 3a-soA-o-ynpaBJiéHHe, n.n., (recent), factory management. 3a-BÓA-CKHü (óñ), adj., pertaining to a f a c t o r y , plant. 3 a BÓA4HK, n.m., o w n e r of a f a c t o r y . KÓHHMH 33BÓA» horse breeding f a r m . KoHH-o-3aBÓAMHK, n.m., horse breeder. H3-BOA-HTb,











- f instr., to e x h a u s t ; o v e r w o r k , e x asperate; spend, use up, consume. H. AéHbrn, to s q u a n d e r money. H3-BOAHTb-cH, v.i.r., H3-Bec-TH-cb, v.p.r., to be exhausted, o v e r w o r k e d ; be e x a s p e r a t e d ; be spent, used up, consumed. H. o r paóóTbi, (colloq.), to be o v e r w o r k e d . H. OT rópn, to eat o n e ' s heart out. occ.,

to direct, point o u t ; lead, lay out. H. RJIÜHEU, t o g l a z e .


MOCT, t o


a bridge. H. nopÁAOK, to tidy up. H.

TocKy, to bore to death. Ha-BajKA-^Hue, n.n., (obs.), enticement, allurement. HaB6A-MHK, n.m., marksman, gunner. HaBOA-)iiHHij, adj., part. act. pres., leading, conducting, conductive. H. B0np6c, leading question. 06-BOA-ATb, v.i., 06-Bec-Tii, v.p., - f acc., 4 - instr., to lead round, encircle, surround; outline. O. r;ia34MH, to look around.





the action of enclosing, surrounding, encircling; outlining; by-passing. 0 6 B6A-Hbifl, adj., enclosing, surrounding, encircling, outlining, by-passing. 06-3a-B0A-tiTb, v.i., o6-3a-Bec-TH, v.p., + instr., to provide; acquire. 0 6 - 3 a - B O A HTb-CH, v.i.r., o6-3a-Bec-TH-cb, v.p.r., + instr., to be provided with; settle. O. ce.wbeft H AKA-4Tb, v./'., + occ., to escort. BpiMH-npe-npo-

B o i K A - ^ H H E , n.n.,

a pastime.



a s a pastime, to pass the time, for the s a k e of passing time. np6-BOA-w, n.pl., send-off. npO-H3-BOA-riTb,




+ acc., to produce, make, perform, eff e c t ; drive. I~I. peindHT A^Ma, to make repairs on a house. I~I. Bnewa-MeHHe, to


make an impression, n . ónbiTbi, to conduct experiments. H ceHcàunm, to create

a sensation,



to derive a word from a root. ripo-H3BOA-HTb-CH, v.i.r., to be produced, made, performed, derived. ripo-H3-BeA-éHHe, n.n., work, composition; production, n . HCKyccTBa, work of art. II-HH ilymKHHa, Pushkin's works. npo-H3-BÓA-Hbifi, adj., (gram.), derivative. il-oe CJIÓBO, (gram.), derivative, derived word, ripoH3-BÓA-cTBeHHbiH, adj., pertaining to production, manufacture, ri-aa nporpâMMa, production schedule. Fl-oe coBemâHHe, (recent), conference dealing with




production. IT CTÌJIH, production of steel, n . B oJIOT, s u b m a r i n e fleet, i l . K a i u e H b , u n d e r w a t e r rock, r i - o e pacTeHHe, u n d e r w a t e r plant. noji-o-B6Abe, n.n., high w a t e r d u r i n g s p r i n g floods. BeceHHee n., s p r i n g floods.

B03-, BOW-, BE3-, C O N V E Y A N C E , TRANSFERENCE w a t e r . B. Bbiui^a H3 ôeperôB, B 0 3 , n.m., cart, w a g o n . B. A P O B , a c a r t of t h e w a t e r h a s flooded the b a n k s . nôjiaH firewood. MTO C B63y y n d ^ o , TO n p o n i B., high w a t e r . ripécHaa (coJiëHaa) B., ;io, (prov.), w h a t is lost is lost. B03f r e s h ( s a l t ) w a t e r . B O A Ô A He pa3o;ibHHua, n.m., driver; c o a c h m a n . H3-B63, ëiiib, (saying) thick a s thieves. ... H n.m., c a r r i e r ' s trade. H 3 - B 6 3 - M H K , n.m., K O H U Ù B B Ô A Y . (saying), ... and it will c a b m a n , cabby. B3HTb H3B63MHKa, to n e v e r b e discovered. M H Ô T O B O A H t a k e a cab. Jlec-o-B63, (recent), f r e i g h yTeK^ô c Tex nop, (fig.), much w a t e r ter f o r lumber t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , r i a p - o h a s flowed u n d e r the bridge. Kan p û ô a B63, n.m., locomotive, s t e a m engine. B BOAé, (fig ), a s h a p p y a s a fish in riap-o-B(53-HbiH, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to a w a t e r . BoA-iiua, B O A - H M I O , n.f., (dim.), locomotive, s t e a m engine, r i - a a 6pHrdAa, w a t e r . BôA-Ka, n.f., v o d k a . flaTb Ha a locomotive crew. nap-o-B03-o-CTpo6BÔAKy, to tip, leave a tip. BôA-oiHbifi, Hne, n.n., locomotive building i n d u s t r y . adj., p e r t a i n i n g to vodka. B. 33B6A> rio-B63-Ka, n.f., vehicle, c a r r i a g e . v o d k a distillery. B Ô A - H H K , n.m., w a t e r t r a n s p o r t w o r k e r . C0103 B Ô A H H K O B , B 0 3 - f t - T b , B O ) K - Y , V.i. indet., BC3-TH, V./., (recent), water transport workers' det. no-Bes-TH, v.p., + acc., t o convey, union. BôA-HbiH, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to w a t r a n s p o r t , c a r r y ; drive. KdiKAbifi AeHb ter. B. TpâHcnopT, w a t e r t r a n s p o r t . M A T B B 6 S H T AeTefi B W K 6 J I Y , t h e m o t h e r BoA-o-6oâ3Hb, n.f., h y d r o p h o b i a , rabies. drives her children to school every d a y . BOA-O-BÔ3, n.m., one w h o distributes Bpaw NOBE3 6o;ibH6ro B 6 O J I B H H U Y , t h e w a t e r f r o m a b a r r e l cart. B O A - O - B O P Ô T , d o c t o r d r o v e the sick man to a hospin.m., whirlpool. KpyxcHTbcn B B O A O B O tal. Ewy BE3ET B JIK>6BH ( B K^pTax), he pôTe, to pe c a u g h t in a vortex, whirlis lucky in love (in c a r d s ) . Bo3-HTb-cH, pool. BoA-o-KéwKa, n.f., w a t e r tower. y.i.r., n0-B03-HTb-ca, v.p.r., + acc., c + BoA-o-Jiâ3, n.m., diver; N e w f o u n d l a n d instr., to take trouble, f u s s o v e r ; r o m p . d o g . BoA-o-^à3HbiH, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to MHC npHUIjl6cb MH6rO B03HTbCH c diving. B . K Ô ^ O K O ^ , diving bell. B O A - O pe6eHKOM, I had a lot of t r o u b l e with AeMéHHe, h y d r o t h e r a p y . BoA-o-JieMé6the child. fleTH B03HJiHCb Ha noay, t h e Hbifl, adj., h y d r o t h e r a p e u t i c . BOA-Ochildren w e r e r o m p i n g on the floor. N I Î A , n.m., w a t e r f a l l , falls, cascade. B O A B O 3 - H A , n.f., t r o u b l e ; noise, r u m p u s ; o-nôfi, n.m., w a t e r i n g place. B O A - O romping. F I O A H I I T B BO3HK>, to c r e a t e a npoBÔA, n.m., w a t e r pipe; plumbing. rumpus. BoA-o-npoBÔAMHK, n.m., plumber. BOAB - B 0 3 - l 4 T b , v.i., B - B E 3 - T H , V.p., + OCC., to onpoBÔAHan CTéHUHa, waterworks. import. AHI-JIHH BB63HT x;ie6, E n g l a n d B O A - O - P A 3 A É J I , n.m., w a t e r s h e d . B O A - O imports wheat. B-B03-HTb-cH, v.i.r., to pÔA, n.m., h y d r o g e n . BôA-o-pocjib, n.f., be imported. B - B 0 3 , n.m., i m p o r t . He3aw a t e r plants. B O A - O - C B Î T H C , BOA-OK 6 H H W H B., s m u g g l i n g . B B 6 3 H W H , adj., ocBHinéHHe, n.n., blessing of w a t e r . p e r t a i n i n g to imports, i m p o r t i n g . B - b i e BoA-o-CHa6)KéHHe, n.n., w a t e r supply. n6iu^HHbT, import duties. BoA-o-xpaHHJiHiue, n.n., reservoir, Bbi-B03-(iTb, V.i., BbI-Be3-TH, V.p., + OCC., cistern. B O A - H H Ô H , adj., aquatic. B O A to e x p o r t ; remove. KaHdAa B M B 6 3 H T HHÔH, adj. used as n., (myth.), water x ^ e 6 3arpaHHuy, C a n a d a e x p o r t s g r a i n . sprite. B in AHJIHH, w a t e r lily. B-âa BW-BO3, n.m., export, e x p o r t i n g , B U typôiiHa, w a t e r turbine. B - 6 e O T O I I BO3-H6H, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to e x p o r t , ex-

BOfl-, W A T E R B O A - 4 , N./.,

B03 p o r t i n g . BbiBOSHiie n6uuiHHbi, e x p o r t duties. A0-B03-tiTb, v.i., A0-Be3-Tft, V.p., + dCC., AO + gen., to drive, convey to. H3B63MHK AOBEA Hac AO BOK34;ia, the cabd r i v e r d r o v e us to the station. 3a-B03-riTb, v./., 3a-Be3-TH, v.p., + acc., to drive, c o n v e y ; leave. 3. KOT6-;IH6O AOM6H, to drive someone home. 3a-B03HTb-cH, v.p.r., to bustle about; be restless; See B03HTbCH, MblUlH 3aB03H^HCb noA nojidM, the mice w e r e bustling about under the f l o o r . Ha-B03-ATb, v.i., Ha-Be3-TH, v.p, + gen., to g a t h e r in l a r g e quantities. H. APOB H i 3HMy, to gather w o o d f o r the w i n ter. HaB63, n.m., dung, manure. H a B63-HHH, adj., pertaining to dung, manure. H. wyK, dung beetle. H - a a Kywa, a dunghill, dungheap. 0T-B03-ATb, v.i., OT-Be3-TH, V.p., -(- dCC., to t r a n s p o r t ; return; escort. O . Kor6JIHOO AOM6A, to d r i v e s o m e o n e h o m e . O - B 6ojibHHuy, to t a k e t o a h o s p i t a l . nepe-B03-riTb, v.i., nepe-Be3-TII, v.p., + acc., t o c o n v e y , c a r r y , t r a n s p o r t . F l e p e B03-HTb-cH, v.i.r., to be transported, carried, conveyed. riepe-B63-Ka, n.f., t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . CTBHMOCTB nepeB63KH, c o s t of t r a n s p o r a t i o n . riepe-B63-HHK, n.m., f e r r y m a n . riepe-B63-OMHBIFL, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . I l e p e B 6 30MHbie cpeACTBa, m e a n s of t r a n s p o r t a tion. r i e p e - B 6 3 , n.m., f e r r y t r a n s p o r t a tion. n . Ha p e K i , r i v e r f e r r y . n0A-B03-(iTb, v.i., noA-Be3-TH, v.p., + acc., t o c o n v e y , t r a n s p o r t , b r i n g u p to. I~IOAB03-HTb-cH, v.i.r., t o b e b r o u g h t , c a r r i e d , t r a n s p o r t e d . X . i e 6 NOAB63HTCH Ha ccbinH6ft nyHKT, g r a i n is t r a n s p o r t e d t o the collecting station. rioA-B63, n.m., t r a n s p o r t of s u p p l i e s . npi(-B03-ATb, v.i., npH-Be3-TH, v.p., + acc., t o b r i n g , t r a n s p o r t ; i m p o r t . ripH-B03HTb-CH, v.i.r., to be b r o u g h t , t r a n s p o r t e d ; imported. npH-B63, n.m., bringing, transporting; supplying; importing. ripH-B63-Hbifi, npH-B03-H6II, adj., p e r taining to bringing, transporting; supp l y i n g ; importing. pa3-B03-riTb, v.i., pa3-Be3-TH, v.p., + acc., to distribute by c o n v e y a n c e . Pa3-B03HTb-cn, v.i.r., to be t r a n s p o r t e d ; t o f r o l i c , g a m b o l . IlHCbMa p a 3 B 6 3 « T c a n o m d B b i M aBT0M06H«ieM, l e t t e r s a r e distributed b y m a i l c a r . ¿ 6 t h pa3B03HJiHCb B c a A y , t h e c h i l d r e n w e r e p l a y i n g in t h e g a r den. Pa3-B63, n.m., distribution. P a 3 B63-Ka, n.f., (slang), distribution by means of a conveyance. C-B03-ftTb, C-BO)K-y, v.i., C-Be3-TH, V.p., + acc., to convey to a given place. ¿Bes-


BO/IOK TÏÏ MOJIOKÔ B r ô p o A , to transport milk to the city. y-B03-ATb, y-B03K-y, v.i., y-Be3-Tii v.p., -facc., to cart a w a y . PéHeHbix yBe3JiK BOP- T H I E V E R Y ; D E X T E R I T Y , CLEVERNESS Bop, n.m., thief, burglar, pickpocket. Bop. HuiKa, n.m., pilferer. Bop-6BKa, n.f., thief. Bop-obctbo, n.n. thievery, theft, stealing. B o p - o B a H H w f t , adj. part. pass, past, stolen. Bop-obckoh, adj., of or pertaining to thieves. B. npHTbH, thieves' den. BOp-OBi-Tb, v.i., y-BOp-OB^Tb, V.p., noBop-oB^Tb, v.p., -f- acc., to steal, thieve, rob, commit burglary. Ha-BOp-OB^Tb,




+ acc., -f gen., to steal in quantity. Oh HaBopoB^A ce6e uejioe cocroiiHHe, he acquired a fortune by stealing. 06-B0p-0BK-, BPAM-, ENCHANTMENT, C U R E




3a-BOpO)K-HTb, V.p.,



0 6 - B 0 p 0 J K - H T b , v.p.,

0 6 - B 0 p S ) K - H B a T b , V.i.



to tell fortunes. U,bir^HKH Bopojk3t, gypsies foretell the future. Bopow-65, n.f., fortune-telling. Bopow-iii, n.m., Bopo>K-eH, n.f., (obs., poet.), fortune-teller. (obs.),

+ acc., to charm, bewitch, cast a spell over. "Cbohmh MynHNMH omK-HBaTb, v.i.,




n o - r j i ^ A - H T b , v.p.,



n o - r ^ d ) K - H B a T b : v.i.,


acc., t o s t r o k e , c a r e s s . FI. p e 6 e m < a n o ro^^BKe, to pat a child on the head. n p H - n i i A - H T b , v.p., npH-rjid>K-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., t o s m o o t h d o w n . n . B b i i o c w , t o smooth one's hair. npH-rjiaA-HTb-cs,


r/IAFL v.p.r., npH-r«ii>K-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to make oneself tidy; smooth one's hair. pa3-rjiAA-HTb, v.p., pa3-nid>K-HBaTb, v./., + acc., to iron, press out; smooth. Pa3-rvia>K-HBaHHe, n.n., ironing, pressing, smoothing. Pa3-r;id>K-eHHbiii, adj. part. pass, past, ironed, pressed out; smoothed out. C-rJli4-HTb, V.p., C-Tvli)K-HBaTb, V.L, + acc., to level off; smooth, plane; (fig.), to reconcile. C. H C P 6 B H O C T H , to smooth off uneven areas. C. HenpnflTHoe BneMaT^eHHe, to wipe out an unpleasant impression. C-rviaA-HTb-cH, v.p.r., crjid)K-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be leveled, planed. C-rjid)K-HBaHHe, n.n., pressing, ironing, leveling, planing. TJIA^-, TOJIO^-,


rjiaA, n.m., (Ch.-Sl.), see r6non.. rdnoa., n.m., hunger, famine, starvation. MyBCTBOBaTb r., to be hungry. MopHTb K O R 6 - H H 6 Y A B T - O M , to starve someone. yMHp^Tb c r-y, to die of hunger, starve to death. rojioa-HbiH, adj., hungry, famished, ravenous. T-a« cMep-rb, death from starvation. ro^o^-^HHe, n.n., starvation. roJioa-iwmHft, adj. part. act. pres., starving. roJiofl-6BKa, n.f., starvation; hunger strike, fast. 06T>HBji6Tb r-y, to declare a hunger strike, fast. ro;io.fHk-Tb, v.i., no-ro^oa-dTb, v.p., to starve, hunger, famish. H3-r0fl0fl-iTb-cn, v.p.r., to become very hungry. OH H3ro;iOAiUcH B nyTH, he became very hungry on the way. Hsrojiofl^jicn no xopbiueii My3WKe, I have become hungry for good music. npo-rojiOA-4Tb, v.p., to suffer from hunger over a period of time. flepeBHH nporoJ i o j 4 ; i a BCK) 3 H M Y , the village starved through the entire winter. npo-rojio,a-iTb-cn, v.p.r., to become hungry. riporoJio,a2eiiibCH, TaK x.ne6a a o c T i r b aoraA^embca (prov.), if one becomes hungry enough, one finds a way to obtain bread. B - n p 6 - r o ^ o a - b , adv., starving, half-starving. >KHTb B., to live from hand to mouth. M A 3 - ,


rjia3, n.m., eye. rna3i - bpraH 3piHHH, the eyes are organs of sight. OntJTHbift r., a practiced eye. H a - r ^ i 3 , approximately. B r ^ a 3 i , to one's eyes. C r;ia3 a o JIRTII, H3 cepflua B O H (saying), out of sight, out of mind. C Hi r.ia3, privately, without witnesses. nycK^Tb N B I ^ B B rA33A, to throw dust in (someone's) eyes. rjia3-6K, n.m., dim. of nia3. O A H H M r^a3K6M, out of the corner of

I7IAC one's eye. ,Q£jiaTb rjii3KH, to flirt. AHioTHHbi pansies. r.na3-H6ft, adj., ocular; pertaining to the eye. i\ Bpai, oculist. T. sy6, eye-tooth. T - 6 e ,

v.p., (re-


RVIAC cent), to pass a resolution. To.iocOB^HHe, n.n., voting. riocTdBHTb BOnp6c Ha rojiocoBiHHe, to put an issue to a vote. R^YB-,


rJiy6-HH-4, n.f., depth, profundity, profoundness. r . Mopri, depth of the sea. T. pSHtj, depth of a wound, R. MUCJIH, p r o f u n d i t y of thought. T. qyBCTBa, depth of f e e l i n g . B r.iy6nHe AyuiH, at heart, in the depths of one's heart. M3MepeHHH i\iy6HHH, soundings. rjiy6-6K-Hft, adj., deep, profound; thoughtful. T - o e 63epo, Mope, a deep lake, sea. T-aa TapiJiKa, soup plate. r-Hft COH, deep, sound sleep, r . yM, a profound mind. T-aa H04b, a dark night, r-ast CTdpocTb, extreme old age. T-oe HeB6)«ecTBo, dense ignorance. niy6OK-6, adv., deeply, profoundly. T. Ha AHe m6PH, deep at the bottom of the sea, ocean, r . cH^Amee cy^Ho, a vessel of d e e p draught. r.iy6oKo-MHCjiHe, n.n., depth of thought. r.-Mbic^eHHWH, adj., thoughtful. T. YBA>KIEMTJH, adj., form of address in letters, highly esteemed. rjiy6-b, n.f., depth; see r;iy6HHd. M o p c k ^ h rjiyCb, (poet.), the deep. B-r;iy6-b, adv., deeply. YHTH B. ^ e c i . to g o into the heart of a forest. B. CTpaHbi, inland. ripoHHR^Tb B. Mer6-^H6o, to penetrate deeply into something. y-rjiy6-ATb, v.p., y-r;iy6-;i-iiTb, v.i., - f acc., to d e e p e n ; excavate, y . xaH^By, Ko.n6.aeu, to deepen a ditch, a well. y. CBOH 3H4HHR, to deepen one's knowledge. y-rj]y6-HTb-CH, v.p.r., y-rjiy6-.iriTb-cn, v.i.r., to become deeper, deepen; g o deeply into. y . B jiec, to g o deep into a forest, y . B pa6oTy, to become absorbed in w o r k . y . B pa3MbiuuieHH«, to plunge into meditation. y-r.iy6jiiHHe, n.n., deepening; hollow, hole, cavity, y . Ana peKH, deepening of a river bed. y. B NRIIBE, hollow in the earth, ground, y . 3HKe, CTdpme CBOHX JieT, to l o o k younger, older than one's age. B . x o p o u i 6 , t o l o o k well. B o ^ b H 6 f t n / i 6 x o Bwr^nflHT, t h e s i c k m a n d o e s n o t l o o k well. Bbl-rjlftA-blBaTb, v.i., BU-r/IH-HyTb, v.p., H3 gen., to p e e r , l o o k o u t ; p e e p o u t . M^JIBMHK BHIRJIHHYJI H3 OKHSS, t h e b o y l o o k e d o u t of t h e w i n d o w . AO-rJinA-tTb, v.p., AO-rartA-biBaTb, v /; _)_ acc., t o o b s e r v e , n o t i c e , n o t e ; to s e e to s o m e t h i n g ; to s e e t o s o m e t h i n g to t h e e n d , w a t c h o v e r till t h e end. H 6 H H AorjiiiAbiBaeT AeTift, (colloq.), the n u r s e is l o o k i n g a f t e r t h e c h i l d r e n . H e aorjiHA^Tb, t o n e g l e c t , overlook. H e AOIVIHAIIJIH p e 6 e H « a H OH yTOHyji, t h e y f a i l e d to w a t c h t h e child a n d he drowned. 0-rJMA-4Tb, v.p., o-rJirtA-biBaTb, v.i., o - r j i n - H ^ T b , v.p. smf., + acc., t o e x a m ine, l o o k o v e r . O . c Hor AO rojioBbi, to s c r u t i n i z e s o m e o n e f r o m h e a d to f o o t . O-rji^A-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., o - r ^ H - H y T b - c n , v.p.r. smf., to l o o k b a c k , b e h i n d ; look around; accustom oneself. 0-r;iHA-6TbCH, v.p., to o r i e n t a t e o n e s e l f , find o n e ' s b e a r i n g s . OHM y j « 6 OMHA^JIHCB B AuipHKe, t h e y ' v e a l r e a d y s e t t l e d d o w n a n d a c c u s t o m e d t h e m s e l v e s t o life in A m e rica. nepe-rji«A-iTb, v.p., nepe-r;iAA-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., (colloq.), t o l o o k t h r o u g h . OH neperviHAiJi see KapTHHbi Ha BbicTaBKe, he l o o k e d a t all t h e p a i n t i n g s a t t h e e x h i b i t i o n . riepe-niiiA-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., n e p e - r j m - H y T b - c H , v.p.r., to e x change glances. no-rJiHA-^Tb, v.p., n o - r j i ^ A - b i B a T b , v.i., Ha - F acc., B 4 - acc., a a + instr., to g l a n c e , look at for a moment; look after, watch o v e r . norJiHAlVre Ha c e 6 6 B 36pxa.no, l o o k a t y o u r s e l f in t h e m i r r o r . T o H A6JIO OH n o M f i A b i B a ^ Ha wacbi, h e w a s constantly looking at his watch. rioniHAHTe 3 a AeTbMft, l o o k a f t e r t h e children. noA-rJifiA-^Tb, v.p., n o A - r ^ ^ A - b i B a r b , v.i., 3 a + instr., to e x a m i n e f u r t i v e l y ; w a t c h , spy, peep. n. cKB03b 3aM6MHyw cKBiwHHy, to p e e p t h r o u g h a k e y h o l e . IloA-niflA-biBaHHe, n.n., p e e p i n g , s p y ing, observing. npH-rjMA-6Tb, v.p., npH-r.idA-biBaTb, v.i., 4 - acc., (colloq.), t o s e e k until o n e f i n d s . H NPHRAHAE.! c e 6 i H 6 B U H AOM, I ' v e s u c c e e d e d in f i n d i n g a n e w h o u s e . ripH-rjiHA-eTb-CH, v.p.r., npH-r;ifiAbiBaTbCH, v.i.r., k + dat., to l e a r n by

o b s e r v i n g , l o o k i n g , w a t c h i n g ; to l o o k a t s o m e t h i n g c l o s e l y . K o r a á H npHrjinRéncst K HeMy, OH MHe noHpáBK.icR, W h e n I looked at him m o r e c l o s e l y , I t o o k a liking to him. H T a « n p H r . i H j é ^ c f l K áTOMy B H j y , m o y w é He 3aMeMáio e r ó KpacoTÚ, I am so a c c u s t o m e d to t h i s view I no l o n g e r n o t i c e its b e a u t y . ripH-rjiH-HyTb-cfl, v.p.r., + dat., (colloq.), to c a t c h s o m e o n e ' s f a n c y , to p l e a s e . OHá eMy npHr;iHHyjiacb, (folk.) s h e c a u g h t his f a n c y . n p o - r j i « A - é T b , v.p., n p o - r j i á A - b i B a T b , v.i., + acc., to look, s k i m t h r o u g h ; I~I. KHiiry, r a 3 é T y , to look t h r o u g h a b o o k , a newspaper. ripo-r;iriA-biBaTb, v./'., npo-r^H-HyTb, v.p., + acc., p e e p o u t ; o v e r l o o k . B e r ó c.iOBáx n p o r ^ ^ A b i B a e T HpóHHfl, t h e r e is a t o u c h of i r o n y in h i s w o r d s . CÓJiHue npor.iHHy.io H3-3a o6^aKÓB, the sun p e e p e d o u t t h r o u g h the clouds. y m i i e J i b npor.iHaé^ oiuH6xy B TeTpáAH yMeHHKá, t h e t e a c h e r o v e r l o o k e d a m i s t a k e in t h e pupil's n o t e book. pa3-rJiHA-*Tb, v.p., pa3-r.T^A-wBaTb, v.i., + acc., to view, e x a m i n e , s c r u t i n i z e , c o n s i d e r in detail. P . xopouiéHbKO, to e x a m i n e closely, thoroughly. P. x o r ó HHÓyAb, MTÓ-HHÓyAb CO BCeX CT0PÓH, to look s o m e o n e , s o m e t h i n g o v e r f r o m all sides, angles. y - n i H A - é T b , v.p., + acc., to w a t c h o v e r (used more frequently in the negative). H e y., to o v e r l o o k , m i s s , n e g l e c t . B c e r ó He yMHAHuib, (saying), one can't foresee everything. B3-rjiAA-biBaTb, v.i., B3-r.iH-HyTb, v.p. smf., Ha + acc., to c a s t a g l a n c e a t ; look a t f u r t i v e l y . O H B 3 M H H Y ; I Ha MeHri, H n p o i u e ; i MHMO, he g l a n c e d at m e a n d passed by. n.m., l o o k , g l a n c e , g a z e ; view, o p i n i o n . B p ó c H T b B. Ha KOTÓ-HHÓyAb, MTÓ-HHÓyAb, to g l a n c e a t s o m e o n e , s o m e t h i n g . 3 A P 4 B U H B. Ha BéuiH, a h e a l t h y a t t i t u d e , s o u n d j u d g m e n t . B 3 r ^ ^ A b i Ha WH3Hb, an a t t i t u d e t o w a r d s life; point of view. 3a-ni6A-biBaTb, v.i., 3a-rJia-HyTb. v.p. smf., B + acc., to l o o k , p e e p i n ; h a v e a look. 3 . B TÓCTH, t o call o n , visit. 3 a rjiHA-cTb-CH, v.p.r., 3a-rjiá;i.-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to g a p e , s t a r e , l o s e oneself in


of something.

3. Ha xpa-

c á B H u y , to g a z e i n a d m i r a t i o n a t a b e a u t i f u l w o m a n . 3a-r;IHA-éHHe, n.n., c o n t e m p l a t i o n . 9 T O n p ó c r o 3 . ! T h i s is s i m p l y a feast for the eyes! B-rJWA-éTb-CH, V.p.r., B-rjIÍÍA-blBaTb-CH, v.i.r., B + acc., to p e e r , look c l o s e l y . B . B Koró-., to c r i n g e , b o w b e f o r e s o m e o n e . fl. BHM- , v.i., + acc., to twist, b e n d o v e r . H. n i . i K y , (fig), to Ro too f a r . nepe-RN-YTB-CH, v.p.r., nepe-rMo-aTb-cfl, v.i.r., to be bent o v e r , bend o v e r . IT wepea nepH.ia, to lean o v e r the b a n i s t e r s . Hepe-niC), n.m., b e n d , twist, n . KPMBOM. ( g e o m . ) , inflection. riapTHHHue neperHObi, (recent), party deviations. no-rH-yTb, v.p., acc., to bend. JICB iiorny.i npyibH K.ICTKH, the lion b e n t the b a r s of the c a g e . I l o - r n - y n . - c H , v.p.r., to be b e n t . O c b n o r n y . i a c b , t h e a x l e is b e n t . n o , a o - r H - y T b , v.p., n o . v r m V a T b , v.i., -facc., no.i acc., to tuck in, tuck u n d e r , turn in. O n c e i h n o . i o r n y . i Horn n o ; i c e o n , he s a t d o w n and t u c k e d his feet under him. rio;io-rH-yTb-CH. v.p.r., no;ir n o - a n > - c s i , v.i.r., to bend under, y cTapuKa iio.'irHfiaioTcn Horn, the old m a n ' s l e g s a r e f a i l i n g him. u p H - r H - y T b , v.p., iipn-rHo-aTb, v.i., -J- acc., to bend d o w n ; c l o s e . B y p e i i n p i i r n y . i o ;iepeBO K 3eM.ie, t h e s t o r m b e n t the t r e e to the g r o u n d . n p n - r n - y T b - c f i , v.p.r., iipii-i'iio-aTb-CH, v.i.r., to bend t o ; c l o s e .

65 pa30-rH-yTb, v.p., pa3-rH6-iTb, v./., + acc., t o u n b e n d , s t r a i g h t e n out, s m o o t h o u t . P . npyjKHHy, t o s t r a i g h t e n o u t a s p r i n g . P . cniiHy, t o u n b e n d o n e ' s b a c k . P a 3 0 - r H - y T b - C H , v.p.r., pa3-rH6-aTb-cfl, v.i.r., t o s t r a i g h t e n up, u n b e n d o n e s e l f . P a 3 - r H 6 - i i o m H H , adj. part. act. pres., u n b e n d i n g . P . MycKy.i, (anat.), extensor muscle. P a 3 - r H 6 - 3 H , adj. part. act. pres., u n b e n d i n g . "j\eHb h H o i b , He p a 3 r H 6 ^ H cnHHbi, h 3 y 6 p H J i " ( C / i e A r / i o v ) , 1 s t u d i e d d a y and n i g h t w i t h o u t unbending my back. c o - r H - y T b , v.p., c - r H 6 - i T b , v.i., + acc., to bend, flex, curve, crook. co-rH-yTb-cn, v.p.r., c - r H 6 - 4 T b - c f l , v.i.r., t o b e n d d o w n , s t o o p , y MeHii KO^eHO He c r H 6 i e T c a , my knee d o e s not bend. C r H 6 i T b c n n o a T^5KecTbio h6uih, t o sink u n d e r the w e i g h t of a b u r d e n . C - r H 6 , n.m., f l e c tion. C - r H 6 - i H H e , n.n., f l e x u r e , f l e c t i o n . C. cycT^BOB, the f l e c t i o n of the j o i n t s . r A 6 - K - o c T b , n.f., p l i a b i l i t y , f l e x i b i l i t y , supp l e n e s s . Th6-khh, adj., f l e x i b l e , p l i a b l e , supple, w i l l o w y ; elastic; slender, svelte. (poet.), a slender figure.

T. ct3h,

THEB-, A N G E R , W R A T H THeB, n.m., anger, ire, rage, wrath. BspbiB rHeBa. a g u s t of a n g e r . B n p n ndaice rHeBa, in a b u r s t o f r a g e , a n g e r . THiBHbiH, adj., a n g r y , a n g e r e d , irate, e n r a g e d . T . B3op, an a n g r y l o o k . THeBadv., a n g r i l y . T. B 3 r j i a H y T b Ha ;ih6o, t o g l a n c e a n g r i l y a t s o m e o n e . THiB-aTb-CH, v.i.r., (obs.), Ha + acc.. to be angry, chafe, fume, rage. Oieu CHJibHO rHeBajicH Ha cbina, the f a t h e r b e c a m e v e r y a n g r y at his son. rHeB-A-Tb, v.i., npo-rHeB-HTb, v.p., -(occ•• (obs.), to m a k e a n g r y , incense, e n r a g e , f l . B 6 r a , t o b r i n g the w r a t h of G o d d o w n upon oneself. Bac TaK r H e B H T ? " (Griboedov), Tell me, what angers you so? n p o - r H i B - a T b , v.p., + acc., t o d i s p l e a s e ; anger, irritate. npo-rHeB-aTb-cn, v.p.r., to b e d i s p l e a s e d ; a n g e r e d , i r r i t a t e d . H e n p o r H e B a i i T e c b , (obs.), d o n ' t be a n g r y . pa3-rH^B-aTb, v.p., + acc., (obs.), to anger, enrage. Pa3-rncB-aTb-cn, v.p.r., (obs.), Ha + acc., t o b e c o m e a n g r y . ¿¿TioiiiKa pa3rHeBa.icH h nporHa.i i{)paHuy3a, (Pushkin), Father became a n g r y and d i s m i s s e d the F r e n c h m a n . Pa3-rHeB-aHHbiH, adj. part. pass, past, angered, enraged, incensed. P. ro.ioc, )KecT, an e n r a g e d v o i c e , a n g r y g e s t u r e .



"CKawHTe, mto

THET-, rHeT,


w e i g h t ; depression, w o r r y . T. c y p Ó B o r o p e « H M a , the oppression of a s e v e r e regime, r i o a rHéTOM HHiueTbi, under the y o k e of poverty. rHec-Tii, v.i., + acc., to depress, o p p r e s s . Mbic.ib o ciuépTH rHeTeT jiioAéfi, the thought of death d e p r e s s e s people. THeTéT MeHÍ no pó/iHHe, 1 am o p p r e s s e d b y a l o n g i n g f o r home. T H c r ymHíí, adj. part. act. pres., depressing, oppressing. T-ne depressing thoughts, ideas. H a - r H e T - á - T b , v.i., + acc., to force, c o m pel, press. Ha-rHeT-áTeJibHbiíí, adj., (tech.), pertaining to f o r c i n g b y p u m p ing. H. KíiánaH, a delivery valve. H . Hacóc, a f o r c e pump. y - r H e T - á T b , v.i., acc., to d e p r e s s , w e i g h d o w n , oppress. rio6e,HHTeJiH yrHeTájiH n o ó e w a é H H b i x , the c o n q u e r o r s w e r e o p p r e s s i n g the conquered. Be3AéHewbe yrHeTá^io eró, lack of money d e p r e s s e d him. Y-rHeT-áTeJib, n.m., oppressor. y-rHeT-éHHe, n.n., oppression. Y - r H e T éHHocTb, n.f., d e p r e s s i o n ; state of b e i n g depressed. y-rHeT-éHHbiH, adj. part, pass, past, depressed, o p p r e s s e d . Y - b i e HapóAw, oppressed nations, peoples, y - o e HacTpoéHHe, a d e p r e s s e d m o o d . B b i T b B yrHeTeHHOM to b e in a d e p r e s s e d mood, in the dumps, blues.




rHH-, THO-, THOH-, DECOMPOSITION, DECAY, PUTREFACTION rHH-jib, n.f., rot, d e c a y ; a r o t t e n , d e c a y e d o b j e c t . THH-.16H, adj., p u t r i d , c o r r u p t , r o t t e n . T. aneJibCHH, a r o t t e n o r a n g e . T . o i i M a T , a d a m p c l i m a t e . T . pe)KftM, a c o r r u p t r e g i m e . THH-jiocTb, n.f., r o t t e n n e s s , p u t r e f a c t i o n . THH-jiyuiKa, n.f., a p i e c e of r o t t e n w o o d . rHH-Tb, v.i., n o - r H i i - T b v.p., t o r o t , d e c a y , d e c o m p o s e . /16ckh 6 b i c T p o AOJK^eM, b o a r d s r o t q u i c k l y in the r a i n . 3aK.iioweHHbie -nopbiue, (fig.), t h e p r i s o n e r s w e r e r o t t i n g in p r i s o n . THH-cHHe, n.n., decay, putrefaction. PHH-iomHH, adj part. act. pres., putrescent, r o t t i n g , d e c a y i n g . T. n e n b , a r o t t i n g s t u m p of a t r e e . 3arHH-Tb, v.p., 3a-rHH-BaTb, v.i., c + g e n . , t o b e g i n t o rot, d e c a y . P b i 6 a 3arHHBdeT c ro;ioBbi, (saying), a fish starts t o r o t at the h e a d . nepe-rHH-Tb, v.p., nepe-rHH-B^Tb, v.i., t o r o t t h r o u g h . Ctoji6 neperHHJi Md.icH, the p o s t r o t t e d t h r o u g h and broke.

thhiot iioa

i-hhjih b

h cjio-

n p o - r H i i - T b , v.p., npo-rHH-B^Tb, v.i., t o r o t t h r o u g h . B3.ikh the beams have rotted through.







THH C-rHH-Tb, V.p., C-rHH-B^Tb, V./., See THHTb. thoA, n.m., pus, m a t t e r . P h o A - h h k , n.m., a b s c e s s ; (fig.), a g r o u p of c o r r u p t people. THdH-HbiA, adj., purulent. T-a« p^Ha, a p u r u l e n t w o u n d . THO-e-BHaHUH, adj., (med.), p u r i f o r m . riepe-rHbii, n.m., h u m u s . riepe-rH6-ftHaH n6iBa, h u m u s . THO-H-Tb, V./'., C-THO-HTb, V.p., + OCC., tO c a u s e to rot, decay. HowAb t h o h t c£ho, rain c a u s e s hay to rot. rHO-riTb-csi, v.i.r., to s u p p u r a t e , f e s t e r ; d i s c h a r g e pus. PiHa thohtch, the w o u n d is festering. 3a-riio-riTb-cn v.p.r. to become f e s t e r e d . Ha-rHO-iH, adj. part. pass, past, bewitched. 3. k m a , (obs.), a bewitched treasure. 3a-roBop-mHK, n.m., conspirator. CTaTb 3ar0B6pmHK0M, to become a conspirator. Ha-roBop-HTb, v.p., Ha-roBap-HBaib, v.i.,

roBQP + acc., + gen., Ha - f acc., to talk someone's head off; slander. H. naie(J)6HHyio njiacTHHKy, {recent), to record. H. HenpnriTHOcTefi, to say many unpleasant things to someone. Ha Her6 HaroBopH.iH, OH He BHHosiT, they have slandered him, he is not guilty. HaroB6p, n.m., slander, calumny; charm, enchantment. 0-r0B0p-riTb, v.p., o-roB^p-HBaTb, v./'., + acc., to slander, blame, d e ' a m e ; stipulate. O . HeBiiHHoro, to slander an innocent man. O-roBop-HTb-ca, v.p.r., o - r o B^p-HBaTb-cd, v.i.r., to make a reservation; to use a w o r d inadvertently. 0 - r o B 6 p , n.m., slander, denunciation, defamation. 0 - r o B 6 p - K a , n.f., reservation; clause. C oroBdpKoii, with reservation. Be3 oroBbpoK, without reservation. Be3-o-roB(5p-OMHO, adv., without reservations, unconditionally. ripHHdTb yc^6BMn 6., to accept a contract unconditionally. 0-roB6p-mHK, n.m., o-roBdpmHua, n.f., slanderer, informer, denunciator. OT-rOBOp-6Hy, to discuss something with someone by telephone. FI. o n i n e , to discuss a matter. riepe-roBip-HBaTb-cH, v.i.r., c + instr., to converse, exchange remarks. riepe-roB«AJiiiBaH n., rainy weather. MfirKan n., mild weather. rio-r6jK-HH, adj., (folk), serene, fine, n . AeHb, a fine day. He-no-r6A-a, n.f., foul weather. He-B3-r6A-a, n.f., misfortune, adversity. roA-fiTb-cn, r o « - ^ c b , v./'., to suit, fit. TaK nocTyn^Tb He I - O A H T C H , such behavior is unbecoming. O H 4 He T O A H T C H B ymiTe^bHHUbi, she is not fit to be a teacher. R 6 A - H O C T B , n.f., fitness, suitability. T 6 A HUH, adj., fit, suitable, proper; available. T. A-IH nHTbH, drinkable. T. K cJiy)K6e, fit for service. He-r6A-HbiH, adj., unfit, improper, unsuited. H. MejiOBeK, a worthless person. H. a->ih BoiHHofi c.ny>K6bi, unfit for military service. He-roA-OB&Tb, v.i., Ha + acc., to be indignant. H. Ha cyAbSy, to resent one's fate. He-roA-oBdHHe, n.n., indignation. B3pbiB H-HH, an outburst of indignation. He-r6A-HHK, n.m., He-r6A-HHua, n.f., milder than HeroA^H. He-roA-riii, n.m., wretch, villain, scoundrel. B03-He-r0A-0BiTb, v.p.. Ha + occ., to become indignant. npH-roA-riTb-cii, v.p., + dat., to be of use, be useful. TpdMOTe ymVrbCH - BcerA^ npHroAHTca (saying), literacy is always useful. He n-nioH B K O ^ 6 A C U : n p H r o AHTCH BOABI HANHTBCA (prov.), don't spit in the well—you may need to drink the water. IlpH-rdA-HOCTb, n.f., fitness, suitability, n . K pa66Te, fitness for work. He-npH-r6A-HOCTb, n.f., unfitness, uselessness, unsuitability. npH-rbAHbifi, adj., fit, suitable, good for. n . K

ynoTpeó.iéHHio, fit for use. He-npnrÓA-Hbiñ, adj., ne-ró)K-HH, adj., (colloq.), unfit, useless, ineffective. Ilpnró)KHH, adj., (colloq.), comely, goodlooking. ri-aa AéByuiKa, a pretty girl. y-roA-HTb, v.p., y-roiKA-áTb, v.i., + dat., B + acc., to humor; gratify, please, y . poAHTe.iHM, to please and obey one's parents, y. H HáuiHM, H BáuiHM, (derog.), to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. Eii He yroAHiub, she is hard to please. y-rÓA-a, n.f., used only in expression: B yrÓAy, in order to please, to oblige. y-rÓA•iHBocTb, n.f., officiousness; fawning; see also y-róA-HHMecTBo. y-rÓA-HHK, n.m.,





Nicholas. y-rÓA-HHMaTb, v.i., népeA + instr., to be officious. y-róA-HHMecTBo, n.n., officiousness; fawning. y-rÓAHBIH, adj., officious. y-rÓA-HO, adv., used only impersonally: KaK BQM y., as you please, wish. Cnó^bno y., as much a s you wish. MTO eaM y.? W h a t will you h a v e ? HeyróAHo-JiH BaM x ; i é 6 a ? W o n ' t you have some b r e a d ? y-ro>KAéHHe, n.n., humoring; compliance. BÚ-raA-aTb,





acc., to profit; save, s p a r e ; derive profit or advantage. OH B B I R A A A . I 20 PYÓ^ÉW H a § T O H noKynKe, he saved twenty rubles on this purchase. B. BpéMH, to save time. Bbi-roA-a, n.f., profit, advantage. r i o j i y M á r b B i i r o A y , to derive profit from. BÚ-roA-HocTb, n.f., utility, advantageousness. Bbi-roA-Hbw, adj., profitable, advantageous. B - o e MécTO, a wellpaying job. B - o e Aé;io, a lucrative business. N P E A C T A B J L Á T B B B - O M C B É T E , to show something to its best advantage, in the best light. B Ú - T O A - H O , adv., profitably. npo-raa-áTb, v.p., npo-ráA-biBaTb, v.i., (colloq.), Ha -j- prep., to sustain a financial loss. I~I. npH oÓMéHe BajiióTbi, to lose in an e x c h a n g e of currency. Kynéu nporaAá^ H a ¿ T O M TOBápe, the merchant sustained a loss on these goods. 1 OJI-, N U D I T Y r6ji-bift, adj., bare, naked, nude; bald; poor, indigent. T-oe Tejio, naked body. T-an nycTbiHH, a barren desert. T-aa H C T H H a , (fig.), the naked truth. CnaTb Ha r6.ioii 3evi^e, to sleep on the bare ground. T O J I , KaK COK6.I (saying), as poor a s a church mouse. roJi-biTb6d, n.f., (colloq.), the poor, indigent. To-iibiui, n.m. naked child; pebble. To^biiu6M, adv. express., (colloq.), stark



naked. Pe6eHOK r., the child ran around naked. Toji-b, n.f., nakedness, nudity; bareness; poverty, the poor. To-ib Ha BtiiAyMKH xmpi (prov.), necessity is the mother of invention. o-roJi-liTb, v.p., o-roji-iiTb, v.»'., to denude, bare, uncover. O-roji-HTb-ca, v.p.r., o-ro^-ATb-cfl, v.i.r., to denude, bare oneself, strip. O-roji-eHHbifl, adj. part. pass, past, nude, naked, bare, uncovered. 3HM6A AepeBbH cTofiT orojieHHbie, in winter the trees are bare. ro*-o-Ji£aiiiia, n.f., glazed frost, icecrusted ground. roJ!-o-cjiKA-dHCKHH, adj., civil, social, civic. T. AO.nr, civic duty T. 6paK, civil m a r r i a g e . P - a a BOHHi, civil w a r . T - o e npdBo, civil law. ropoA-K-nBaTb,


fence, block.



ropoA nyTb, to block, obstruct a w a y . 3. c b c t , to stand in someone's light. 3 a - r o p o A (íTb-cH, v.p.r., 3a-ropá>K-HBaTb-CR, v.i.r., to barricade oneself. 3 a - r o p ó A - K a , n.f., partition, fence. 3á-ropoA-HbiH, adj., suburban. 3. a o m , a house in the suburbs. 3a-ropá>K-HBaHne, n.n., enclosure, enclosing. 3 a - r p a f l - ( i T b , v.p., 3a-rpa>KA-áTb, v./'., - f acc., to barricade, obstruct. 3. n p o x ó a , to block a p a s s a g e w a y , stand in someone's w a y . 3a-rpa>Ka-éHHe (npÓBOJioMHoe), n.n., ( w i r e ) entanglement, barrier. 3a-rpaa-HTe.ibHbiH, adj., protective; blocking a w a y . 3. o i p y i j , (mil.), defensive detachment of troops. H a - r o p o f l - H T b , v.p., Ha-ropá>K-HBaTb, V.Í., -j- acc., + gen., to pile, heap. H. neper o p ó j K H , to build numerous partitions. H. B3flópy, (colloq.), to talk nonsense. H a - r p a A - H T b , v.p., Ha-rpa)KA-áTb, v./'., + acc., to reward, decorate, recompense. O h H a r p a w A é H ópAeHOM aa xpáópocTb, he w a s decorated f o r b r a v e r y . PIpHp ó a a HarpaAH;ia e r ó 6o;ibujHMH cnoc ó ó h o c t h m h k MaTeMáTHKe, nature end o w e d him with g r e a t mathematical abilities. Ha-rpáA-a, n.f., r e w a r d , prize. Ha-rpaa-Hbie, adj. pi. used as n., bonus. Ha-rpawfl-éHHe, n.n., r e w a r d , decoration ( w i t h an order, m e d a l ) . B03-Ha-rpaA-ÚTb, v.p., B03-Ha-rpa>KA-áTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., 3a + acc., to rew a r d , remunerate. B. K o r ó - ; n í 6 o 3a yób'iTKH, to recompense someone f o r damages, losses. B. 3a cjiy>«6y. to rew a r d someone f o r services. B o 3 - H a rpaA-HTb-cH, v.p.r., B03-Ha-rpa>KA-áTbco, v.i.r., + instr., to be r e w a r d e d . B03Ha-rpa>KA-éHHe, n.n., r e w a r d , recompense. floóáBOMHoe b., supplementary reward. o - r p a a - Ú T b , v.p., o - r p a i K a - á T b , v.i., + acc., to enclose, fence; defend, guard. O. r ó p o A creHáMH, to surround a city with walls. O. ceóá o t BO.iHéHHü, to protect oneself f r o m worries. o-rpafl-HTb-cH, v.p.r., orpaiKj-áTb-CH, v.i.r., o t + gen., to defend, guard ones e l f ; to be defended, guarded f r o m , against. O-rpáA-a, n.f., fence, enclosure, wall. O. K-iáaCHma, cemetery fence, wall. O-rpaA-HTe.ibHbiM, adj., defensive, protective. Ó-rpa>K,véHHe, n.n., enclosure, defense. o - r o p o a - H T b , v.p., o-ropá>K-nBaTb, v.i.. + acc., to enclose, fence. O. caA 3a6ópoM, to fence in a garden. O - r o p O f l - H T b - C H , V.p.r., 0 - r 0 p á ) K - H B a T h - C H , v.i.r., + instr., to f e n c e o n e s e l f i n , b e

fenced in with, by.O-ropÓA, n.m., kitchen garden. O-topóa-hhk, n.m., gard e n e r . O - r o p Ó A - H L i H , adj., pertaining


rocnofl to gardening. O-ropów-eHHbiH, adj. part. pass, past, enclosed, fenced in. H 3 - r o p o A - b , n.f., fence. ) K H B á n h., hedge. nepe-ropoji-liTb, v.p., nepe-ropáw-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to partition, screen, r i e p e ropoA-HTb-cfi, v.p.r., nepe-ropáacHBaTb-cH, v.i.r., + instr., to be partitioned. i i e p e - r o p ó f l - K a , n.f., partition, screen. npe-rpaji-ÚTb, v.p., npe-rpa>KA-áTb, v.i., + acc., to obstruct, block up. IX n y T b , to block the w a y . n p e - r p a w a - á T b - c H , v.i.r., to be obstructed, barred, impeded. n p e - r p a j K A - é H H e , n.n., hindering, blocking up. í l p e - r p á ^ - a , n.f., obstacle, o b struction, bar. n . Ha n y T H , road barrier. B o o ó p a w é H H e n p e r p á a He 3HáeT, imagination knows no obstacles. pa3-ropoA-ÚTb, v.p., pa3-ropá)K-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to take d o w n a fence; to h e d g e o f f ; separate, divide. P. H3ropoflb, to take down a fence. P. a o m , KÓMHaTy, to divide a yard, room into sections. Pa3-ropoA-HTb-ca, v.p.r., p a 3 ropá)K-HBaTb-cH, v.i.r., + instr., to hedge, fence oneself o f f . rocno/i-, rocno>K-, rocy^-, (cya-), MASTERY, DOMINANCE; THE LORD Toc-nÓA-b, n.m., God, the L o r d . r . B o r , the L o r d God. T ó c n o A n ! inter j., L o r d ! Oh, L o r d ! r . e r ó 3 H á e T , (express.), the L o r d only knows. T ó c n o A H ! Aa i T ó - a t e ¿ t o TaKóe! (interj.), L o r d ! how can this b e ! H e Aafi T ó c n o A n ! G o d f o r b i d ! Toc-nÓA-eHb, adj., pertaining to the L o r d . MojiHTBa TocnÔAHH, the L o r d ' s prayer. roc-noA-ÁH, n.m., lord, master; mister; gentleman, r o c n o A á , n.pl., Sirs, g e n t l e men; (obs.), the masters, squires. fl caM ce6é rocnoAHH, I am my o w n master. BwTb rocnoAiÍHOM CBoeró cnóBa, (express.), to keep o n e ' s p r o m ises. TocnoAá, noiiAëMTe oôéAaTb, gentlemen, let us dine. rocnÓA-CKHíi, adj., (obs.), manorial, r . a o m , (obs.), manor house. rocnoiK-á, n.f., lady, mistress; Mrs. rocnóA-CTBOBarb, v.i., HaA + instr., to dominate, predominate, rule, reign, sway. ¿Aecb rocnÓACTBy i o t rórosánaAHbie BéTpbi, here southwesterly winds prevail. rocnÓA-cTBo, n.n., d o m i nation, predominance, prevalence, s w a y . X X Ben — BeK rocnÓACTBa HeJioBéna HaA BÓ3AyxoM, the twentieth century is the century of man's mastery o v e r the air. TocnÓA-cTByiomHH, adj. part, act. pres., predominant, dominating, prevalent. 3aHáTb r-ee no.io>KéHHe, to



occupy a dominant position. T-ee (npeoô^aAàioiuee) MHéHHe, predominating opinion. rocyfl-âpb, n.m., T s a r , s o v e r e i g n prince; S i r e (in direct address), rocy/iâpb Bceâ P y c i i (hist.), S o v e r e i g n of all Russia. MHJIOCTHBUA r., (obs.), form of polite address, Sir. rocyA-àpcTBO, n.n., state, country, b o d y politic; realm, empire, kingdom, republic. rocyA-âpbiHH, n.f., tsarina. MftaocTHBafl r., (obs.), Madam (in direct address). ROCYA-IPCTBEHHUH, adj., pertaining to a state, country, r . fléHTejib, statesman, r . yM, a statesman's mind. r . Ao^r, a national debt. T. nepeBopÔT, a coup d'état. T-aa flyMa (hist.), Duma (pre-Rev. parliament). Toc-, abbr. of rocyaapcTBeHHbift, a combining form meaning (Soviet) governmental, state, in such expressions as: TocannapéT, abbr. of rocyA^pcTBeHHuft annapéT, machinery of State. TOCÔÎIHK, abbr. of ROCYADPCTBEHHBIFI 6aHK, State bank. T o c n a A Î T , abbr. of rocyAâpcTBeHHoe H3A^Te^bCTBo, g o v ernment printing house. c?A-apb, n.m., (obs.), Sir; abbr. of r o c y A à p b . C y A - â p u H H , n.f., (obs.), Mad a m ; abbr. of rocyA^pbiHH. r o c T - , r o m - , GUEST,


rocr-b, n.m., rôcT-(b)-H, n.f., guest, visit o r ; (hist.), merchant. He3BâHbiH rocTb x ^ w e TaïâpHHa, (prov., hist.), an uninvited guest is w o r s e than a T a r t a r . r ô c r - H , n.pl., guests, company. HATH B TÔCTH, to g o visiting. OÔÉAATB B rocTdx, to dine out. B r o c T â x x o p o w ô , a AÔMa Jiymiie, (saying), East or W e s t , home is best. rocT-HH-aa, adj., used as n., living room, parlor. ROCTHHBIIL ABOP, (pre-Rev.), stores, arcades, bazaars in Russian cities. rocT-HH-HU-a, n.f., hotel, inn. CoAep)KâTeJib r - n , n.m., innkeeper. FocT-e-npHHMCTBo, n.n., hospitality. PyccKHfl HapôA CJIÎBHTCH F-OM, the Russian people a r e renowned f o r their hospitality. rocT-e-npHHMHNH, adj.. hospitable. rocT-e-nprniMHO, adv., hospitably. TocT-HH-eu, n.m., present, g i f t . rocT-A-Tb, r o m - y , v.i., + acc. ; y + gen., t o be on a visit, stay with. M H Bcë ;iéTo rocTHJiH y pÔACTBeHHHKOB, w e stayed with relatives all summer, fl r o m y y CBoerô A p y r a , 1 am visiting my friend. 3a-r0CT-HTb-CH, v.p.r., to visit too long, overstay one's welcome. no-rocT-(iTb, v.p., t o visit f o r a short time. Mbi norocTHM y HHX ABA, Tpw AHH, w e shall visit them f o r t w o o r three days. rio-rôcT, n.m., country church-yard. y-rocT-rtTb, v.p., y-rom-âTb, v.i., + acc.,

rOTOB + instr., t o t r e a t , r e g a l e , e n t e r t a i n . H a c yrocTHJiH x o p o u i H M o6eAOM, t h e y e n t e r tained us with a good dinner. FlowajiyftCTa, y r o m ^ H T e c b ! P l e a s e , h e l p y o u r self y - r o m - e H H e , n.n., refreshments; t r e a t . B K y c H o e y., a r e a l t r e a t , t a s t y refreshments.




TOTdB-H-Tb, v.i., npH-rOT6B-HTb, v.p., -)acc., to prepare, make r e a d y ; provide, c o o k ; dress (e.g., f o o d ) . T. o6eA, to prepare dinner. T. KHiiry K neiaTH, to prepare a book f o r publication. T. ypdK, to prepare, learn a lesson. "MTO AEHB RPHAYMNFL MHE FOT6BHT?" ( P u s h kin), " T h e d a y to come, what is it preparing f o r m e ? " roTdB-HTb-cn, v.i.r., npH-roTdB-HTb-cfl, v.p.r., K + dat., to prepare oneself, to be preparing. T. K 3K3dMeHy, to prepare f o r an examination. IlpHrOTl'lBHTbCH K nyTeiuicTBHK), to prepare f o r a trip. ToTdB-HOCTb, n.f., readiness, preparedness; disposition. Bbipa>KiTb r , to consent, o f f e r . B 6oeb6A roT6BHocTH (mil.), in f i g h t i n g trim. ToT^B-biH, adj., ready, prepared, apt. T. K yc.iyraiu (obs.), Y o u r s truly. T - o e nji^Tbe, ready-made clothing. ByAb roT6B K TpyAy H o6op6He! ( r e c e n t ; Soviet slogan), be prepared f o r w o r k and defense. ROT6B-O, adv., ready. 3a-rOT6B-HTb, V.p., 3a-rOTOB-JIiiTb, v.i., 3aroT^B-JiHBaTb, v./., iter., -f- acc., to purvey, procure supplies, store, stock. 3. ApoBKITB BHHTBBKY H., (mil.), to keep a rifle in readiness. Ha-rOT6B-HTb, V.p., Ha-rOT^B-.IHBaTb, v./., + acc., + gen., to prepare in g r e a t quantities, make ready, keep a store of. H. ue.ibift CKJiaA ApoB, to prepare a w h o l e stock of f i r e w o o d . H. k o b i n y BCAKOH BCFLMHHBI, to prepare a lot of all kinds of f o o d f o r dinner. Ha-roT6B-HTbCH, v.p.r., to prepare oneself. Ha Bcex He Haroi6BHiubcn, (idiom), no matter h o w much one prepares, one will never be ready. Ha-roT6B-e, adv., on call.



BbiTb H., to be ready. /JepiKdTb B6HCKO H., t o keep t r o o p s in readiness. noa-roTdB-HTb, v.p., noa-roTOB-^ATb, v./., NOA-ROTILB-JJHBATB, v.i., iter., + acc., to prepare, make ready beforehand. H YWEHHK^ K 3K3^MeHy, to prepare a pupil f o r an examination. ll0A-r0T0BHTe-ib-Hufi, adj., preparatory, il-bie pa66Tbi, p r e p a r a t o r y w o r k . rioA-roTbBMTb-CH, v.p.r., noa-roTOB-fl^Tb-CH, v.i.r., K + dot., NO,A-ROTDB*JIHBATB-CFI, v.i.r., iter., t o p r e p a r e oneself f o r a definite objective. IloA-roTbB-Ka, n.f., preparation. n . K^APOB, (recent), personnel training, n . K BOHH£, preparation f o r war. I~Io,a-roT6B-jieHHbift, adj. part, pass, past, prepared. X o p o m 6 n. cTyA6HT, w e l l grounded student. npH-roT6B-HTb, v.p., npn-roTOB-^iiTb, v.i., -j- acc., to prepare, n . JieKipcTBO, to prepare a medicine. ripH-roTdB-HTb-cn, v.p.r., npH-r0T0B-.iKe;iyio *H3Hb, f a t e has prepared a hard life f o r me.

TPEB-, TPEC-, r P A B - , TPOB-, I N T E R MENT, BURIAL, EXCAVATION; THIEVERY, SPOLIATION rp46-eHb, n.m., rpe6-eHxa, n.f., comb. rieTyuirtHbifi r., cock's comb. MicTbiH r., a fine-tooth comb. T. BOJIHU, the crest of a w a v e . O p H M b IIOA rpe6eHK.v, to cut hair close to the scalp, crop. Tpe6¿H'laTbifi, adj., comb-like. rpe6-eHmHK, n.m., c o m b maker. rpe6-euiK-, T H U N D E R , MENACE, TERROR


rpo3-i, n.f., thunder-storm; (fig.), dang e r ; calamity, misfortune, d i s a s t e r ; terror. T. c -iHBHeM, a thunder shower. 3TOT yWHTe.ib - rpo3a Bcex mK6./ibHHKOB, this teacher is the terror of the school. rpo3-HbiH, adj., threatening, menacing, terrible. T. npH3HaK, a threatening symptom. HBAH rpo3HbiH, Ivan the T e r r i b l e . r p o a oBofl, adj., pertaining to storm, thunder. T-bie TyMH, thunder clouds. rpo3-H-Tb, rpo>K-y, v.i., + dat., + instr., rpo3HTb, + instr. Tpo3HTb na^Krtfi (Ky.iaKOM), to shake a stick ( f i s t ) at someone. no-rpo3-HTb, npn-rpo3MTb, v.p. of rpo3THb, + instr. npHrpo3HTb HaKa3dHHe.vi, to threaten with punishment. y-rpow-5Tb, v.i. syn. rpo3HTb y - r p o w I I O U I H H , adj. part. act. pres., threatening, menacing, y . vecTbio, threatening vengeance, Y-asi onacHocTb. imminent danger, y - r p o w - a i o m e , adv., threateningly, menacingly. C M O T P E T B y . , to look menacingly. Y - r p 6 3 - a , n.f., threat, menace, danger, y . A O J K A ^ . threat of rain. y . B O H H H , threat of war.

FPOMAFL rPOMAfl-, r P 0 M 0 3 a - . rPOMOKfl-, M U L T I T U D E , M A G N I T U D E ; IMMENSITY, ENORMITY rpOMàa-a, n.f., mass, bulk, heap, pile; social group, political party, assembly. TpoMà^a ABopuóB, the grandeur of m a n y palaces. TpoMàaa rop, a g r e a t m a s s of mountains. TpoMàa-HHa, n.f., a h u g e o b j e c t ; a very tall person. MTO 3a r. ¿TOT 6opéu, w h a t a huge man t h i s wrestler is. rp0Mà,a-H0CTb, n.f., hugeness, enormity. rpoMàA-Hbifi, adj., huge, enormous, vast. rp0M03A-ri-Tb, V.i., B3-rp0M03A-HTb, V.p., + acc., to heap, pile one thing upon another. T. Méóejib, to crowd furniture, r . KHHTH, to pile up books. Tp0M03flHTb-CH, v.i.r., to tower. T. O^HH Ha ApyrÓM, to be piled up one on top of another. B3-rp0M03A-HTb-CH, v.p.r., Ha + acc., to clamber up, s c r a m b l e . P e 6 a THI1IKH B3TpOM03jlH^IHCb HA B03 CÉHA, the children clambered up on the hay w a g o n . rpoMÓ3a-KHH, adj., cumbers o m e , unwieldy. T-aa MéóeJib, heavy, c u m b e r s o m e furniture. B3-rpOM03fl-Ka-àTb, v.i., + acc., Ha + acc., to pile up high. B3rp0M03.HHJIH BCe CyHAY KH Ha B03, they piled all the trunks on the cart. B3-rp0M03a-HTb-CH, V.p.r., B3-rpOMO)K,aàTb-ca, v.i.r., Ha + acc., to c l a m b e r up. " . . . Ha eJIb BOpÓHa B3rp0M03,aàcb..." ( K r y l o v ) , " . . . t h e crow, having perched on a spruce t r e e . . . " . 3a-rp0M03A-riTb, v.p., 3a-rpoMo>Kfl-àTb, v.i., + acc., to barricade. K3MHH 3 a r p o MO>«aàJiH B x o a B nemépy, the e n t r a n c e to the cave w a s barricaded by a pile of stones. Ha-rp0M03A-(ÌTb, V.p., Ha-rpOMOJKA-àTb, v.i., + acc., + gen., to pile, heap up one on top of the other. H. cyH^yKH, to pile up trunks. Ha-rp0M0JKA-éHHe, n.n., piling, heaping. 0-rpÓM-H0CTb, n.f., hugeness, enormity. O. rocy,iapcTBeHHbK-dTb-CH, v.i.r., norpy3-HTb-ca, v.p.r., to be immersed, dipped, submerged. Kopi6;ib norpy3K


Hy ( o b s . ) , to w o r k a s a d a y laborer. AH-K>K>, v./'., B + prep., to spend the w h o l e d a y . OH j m b e T H HOMyeT B ¿tom A6mc, he is at this h o u s e d a y and night. ^H-eB&iHTb, v./., (mil., colloq.), to be on duty (of privates only). i^H-eBi^bHbift, adj. used as n., (mil.), o r d e r l y , a soldier on duty. J\. no 6apdKy, an o r d e r l y on duty in t h e b a r r a c k s . .HH-CBHHK, a.m., diary, j o u r n a l . /J. nyiemecTBHH, diary of a j o u r n e y . B e c n i A-, to keep a diary. OH BeAeT a- cBoeii >KH3HH, he keeps a diary of his life. ZlH-eBHK-), MONEY



fléHbr-H, n.pl., money, c u r r e n c y ; coins. ByMàwHwe A-, p a p e r money. KapMàHHbie a.., pocket money. KoMaHAHpoBowHbie x, t r a v e l l i n g allowance. HH 3a KaKne x (idiom), not f o r all the money in the world, fl. Ha 6y.'IÀBKH (obs.), pin money. OH B c e r j d npH j e H b r à x . he alw a y s h a s money, Y MCHH H;T C co6ÓH AéHer, I h a v e no money on me. /leHbxt-àTa, (colloq.), jeHb>K-ÓHKH, pi., (derog.), money. AéHOK-Hbift, adj., pecuniary, monetary, of or p e r t a i n i n g to m o n e y ; (fig.), wellto-do. /I. 3HaK, a m o n e t a r y token. Jl. MeiuÓK, m o n e y b a g , fl. nepeBÓA, a postal order, money o r d e r . Jl. ujTpaij), a fine. XI-an eAHHiiua, a m o n e t a r y unit. A-an nóMoiub, financial assistance. R - o e 3aTpvAHéHHe, financial difficulty, fl-bie AeJià, financial, money matters. ZiéHew-Ka, n.f., (dim., obs.), a small copper coin called a half-kopek. cash. Z U h o k - k h , n.pl., (dim., colloq.), 6E3-AéHe>K-BE, n.n., lack of money. Ee3AéHejK-HbiH, adj., penniless, moneyless.



A e p * - i - T b , v./., + acc., to hold, keep. Jl. KapaHA^m B pywe, to hold a pencil in one's hand. JX jidBKy, to maintain a shop. fl. penb, to m a k e a speech. J\. napH. to bet. J\. 3K3iMeH, t o t a k e an examination. / I h3wk 3a 3y6dMH, (idiom.), to hold o n e ' s t o n g u e . OH He yMeeT ce66 A-, he d o e s not k n o w h o w to behave. ,Zlep)K-dTb-CH, v.i.r., + instr., 3a + acc., to hold o n ; s t a n d up. Jl. PVK^MH 3a nepHAa, to hold on to a banister, fl. npaMo. to hold oneself s t r a i g h t , erect. flepatHTecb KpinKo! Hold tight!

flEP)K AepiK-Asa, n.f., p o w e r ; o r b . MHPOB^SI A-, a w o r l d p o w e r . BeAHKHe aepw^Bbi, t h e g r e a t p o w e r s . ^epxi-^BHbift, adj., s o v e reign, potent, powerful; reigning. Caino-aep)K-iBHe, n.n., a u t o c r a c y . CaMOA e p w - e u , n.m., autocrat. CaMo-aepw¿BHtjfi, adj., a u t o c r a t i c . B03-ACp)K-dTb-Cfl, V.p.r., B03-a^PJK-HBaTbCH, v.i.r., OT + gen., t o a b s t a i n , r e s t r a i n oneself. B. OT r-HeBa. t o s u p p r e s s a n g e r . B . OT ro.iocoB^HHa, t o a b s t a i n f r o m v o t i n g . Bo3-Aep)«-dHHe, n.n., abstinence. B. OT aJiKor6;iH, a b s t i n e n c e , t e m p e rance. Bo3-aep)K-aHHocTb, n.f., abstinence, f o r b e a r a n c e . Bo3-a6p>K-aHHbift, adj., abstinent, temperate, forbearing. B. we^oBiK, a t e m p e r a t e m a n . BI^-AepW-aTb, V.p., Bbl-A^pXC-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., t o e n d u r e ; s u s t a i n ; u n d e r g o . B. HcnbiT^HHe, t o p a s s a t e s t . B . x a p i K T e p , t o b e firm. B. sxadMeH, t o p a s s an e x a m ination. H e B. y a d p a , t o fail to withs t a n d a blow, s h o c k . Bii-AepjK-Ka, n.f., extract; self-control, firmness, end u r a n c e . Bi^i-Aepw-aHHbiA, adj. part, pass, past, s e a s o n e d . B - o e BHH6, s e a s o n e d wine. B . Me-iOBiK, a s e l f - c o n t r o l led p e r s o n . 3A-AEPW-4TB,







acc., to detain, s t o p ; retain; arrest, d e l a y . 3 . »¿.lOBaHHe, t o withhold a s a l a r y . 3 . x o p £ 6 ; i b B n o p T y , t o lay an e m b a r g o on a ship. 3 a - A 6 p w - K a , n.f., delay, impediment. 3a-Aep*-dTb-cH, v.p.r., 3a-^epjK-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., t o be d e l a y e d , t o s t a y l o n g e r t h a n planned. H3-flep>K-4Tb, V.p., H3-Aepw-HBaTb, v./., + acc. (nbs.), to spend m o n e y ; use, c o n s u m e . fl H3Aep>K^.l BCe AeHbTH Ha noe3AKy B KpbiM, I s p e n t all my m o n e y on a trip t o t h e C r i m e a . M3-Aep>K-iTbCH, v.p.r., H3-Aep)K-HBaTb-cR, v.i.r., to h a v e s p e n t o n e ' s m o n e y . M3-Aep>K-Ka, n.f., e x p e n s e , c o s t . CyA66Hbie H3a6P>KKH, court costs. O-AepiK-^Tb, V.p., 0-Aep)K-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., t o o v e r c o m e , g a i n an a d v a n t a g e . O . B e p x , t o g a i n an a d v a n t a g e o v e r s o m e o n e ; prevail, o v e r c o m e . O. n o 6 e A y , t o c o n q u e r , win a v i c t o r y . 0-Aep>KHMbiH, adj. part. pass, pres., possessed, f r a n t i c . O. H3BA3MHBOH HA6CH, o b s e s s e d by a fixed idea. nepe-AepiK-iTb, v.p., nepe-Aepw-HBaTb, v.i., -)- acc., to o v e r e x p o s e (in photography); keep t o o l o n g ; o v e r d r a w (in banking). riepe-Aepw-Ka, n.f., overd r a f t ; (fig.), reexamination. n o - A e p w - i T b , v.p., + acc., to hold, keep for a period of time. n . pe6emKH3Hb, to s u s t a i n life. n . HaAéwAy, to keep u p hope. n . ceMbró, to s u p p o r t a family. r i o A - A é p > K - H B a T b - c H , v.i.r., -f- instr., to be s u p p o r t e d , sustained. rioA-AépjK-Ka, n.f., s u p p o r t ; m a i n t e n a n c e . n p H - A e p w - á T b , v.p., npn-Aép>K-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., t o hold, keep, check, r e s t r a i n , n . H3biK, t o hold o n e ' s t o n g u e . ilpHAépw-HBaTb-cR, v.i.r., 3a + acc., + gen., to hold on to, hold to. IT a a n e p ú jia, t o hold on to a b a n i s t e r . H o c ó ó b i x MH£HHM, to h a v e one's o w n opinions. Fl. npáBH^a, to follow a rule. FL TéMbi, to keep to a subject. n p o - a e p j K - á T b , v.p., + acc., to keep, detain. OH npoAepwáJi MeH(i A s a Macá, he d e t a i n e d me for t w o hours, i l p o Aep)K-áTb-cH, v.p.r., to hold out, e n dure. KpénocTb npoAepjKá-iacb 11 MécnueB, t h e f o r t r e s s held o u t for eleven m o n t h s . C-AeP>K-áTb, V.p., C-Aép)K-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to hold b a c k , r e s t r a i n . C. rHeB, t o suppress one's anger. C. C^ÓBO, oóemáHHe. t o stand by o n e ' s w o r d , k e e p o n e ' s promise. C-Aép>K-aHHOCTb, n.f., reserve, restraint, r e t i c e n c e . C AépjK-aHHbitf, adj. part. pass, past, reserved, discreet, restrained, selfcontrolled. C-aa ápocTb, composed, pent up fury. C - A e p w - á T b - c n , v.p.r., c - j é p j K - H B a T b - c a , v.i.r., + instr., to control oneself, r e s t r a i n oneself. C-Aép>KHBaHwe, n.n., check, restraint, s u p p r e s sion. c o - A e p u í - á T b , v.p., + occ., to keep, s u p p o r t , m a i n t a i n ; contain. C. AOM B MHCTOTé, t o keep a house clean. C. AByx AeTéíí, to s u p p o r t t w o children. C. noA apécTOM, to keep under a r r e s t . C o A e p w - á T b - c d , v.i.r., to be kept, supp o r t e d , m a i n t a i n e d ; be c o n t a i n e d . B STOH KHnre coAépwaTCH Bee e r ó TeóPHH, his b o o k c o n t a i n s all his theories. Co-Aepw-áHHe, n.n., contents; salary, m a i n t e n a n c e . C. H (})ópMa, content and f o r m . Me^OBéK 6 e 3 BHyTpeHHero coAepwáHHH, a s h a l l o w - m i n d e d p e r s o n . CoAep»-H.Moe, n.n., contents. C. 6yTbi.IKH, the c o n t e n t s of a bottle. Co-AepwcáTe.ibHOCTb, n.f., meaningful c o n t e n t s (e.g., of a b o o k ) . Co-jepw-áTe.ibHhiñ, adj., m e a n i n g f u l . Co-Aep>K-áTe-ib p e c TopáHa, p r o p r i e t o r , keeper of a r e s t a u rant. y-AepjK-áTb,






t o hold, keep back, restrain, retain.

/1EP)K y . B náMHTH. to retain in one's m e m o r y , y . 3eBÓK, to suppress a y a w n . y . n « T b p y f i ^ é ñ H3 MájioBaHHH, to deduct f i v e rubles f r o m one's salary. y - A e p w - á T b ch, v.p.r., y-aép>K-HBaTb-c«, v.i.r., ot + gen., to restrain oneself, abstain, fl He Mor y. o t CMéxa, I couldn't restrain myself f r o m laughter. y-AepjK-áHHe, n.n., reservation, retention, restraining. Be3 y-Aep)K-y, adv., immoderately, without restraint. Be3-y-Aep)K-Hbift, adj,. impetuous. B. n o p Ú B , an o v e r w h e l m i n g , uncontrollable impulse. B. CMex, uncontrollable laughter.

A E P 3 - , A P A 3 - , flPAlK-, A N N O Y A N C E , VEXATION, IRRITATION; AUDACITY, DARING Aep3-á-Tb, v.i., flep3-HyTb, v.p., + inf., (obs.), to dare, presume. H He aep3Hy;i HapyuiHTb e r ó noKóft, I did not d a r e to disturb him, to upset his composure. /Jep3-H0-BéHHe, n.n., audacity, daring. Zlep3-H0-BéHHbiH, adj., audacious. /Iep3Ho-BéHHo, adv., audaciously, d a r i n g l y . flep3-á-iomHft, adj. part. act. pres., audacious. aep3-ú-Tb, v./., Ha-Aep3-HTb, v.p., + dat., to talk impertinently. J\. yMHTe^io, to be rude to one's teacher. flép3-ocTb, n.f., audacity, impertinence, rudeness. HaroBopHTb Aép30CTeft, to talk impertinently, rudely. flép3-KHft, adj., impertinent, insolent, rude. flep3-rimHfl, adj. part. act. pres., impertinent, insolent, daring, rude. flép3-KO, adv., rudely, impertinently, insolently. Apa3-H-i)Tb, v.i., -(- acc., 4- instr., to tease, p r o v o k e , mock. R. c o ó á K y , to tease a d o g . XI. ^ó>KHbiMH Ha.né)K,aaMH (fig.), to tantalize, tease with false hopes. nepe-Apas-HÚTb, v.p., nepe-Apá3-HHBaTb, v.i., 4 - acc., to ape, imitate, mimic. 06e3b(*Hbi, roBop^T, nepeflpá3HHBaiOT ^¡ofléH, it is said that monkeys imitate people. pa3-apa3-HHTb, V.p., pa3-flpá3-HHBaTb, v.i., + acc., (colloq.), to p r o v o k e , tease. P. anneTHT, to p r o v o k e one's appetite. pa3-apa>K-áTb, v.i., pa3-Apa)«-fiTb, v.p., 4- acc., 4- instr., to annoy, irritate, try one's patience. P. menyaoK (HépBw), to irritate one's stomach (nerves). P. Koró-HH6yAb Ha3óHJiHBbiMH npócbóaMH, to annoy someone with constant requests. P . rna3á, to make one's e y e s smart. Pa3-Apa>K-áTb-CH, v.i.r., 4- instr., to lose one's temper, to b e c o m e irritated. K ó w a pa3flpa)KáeTCH TenJiÓM, the skin is irritated by heat. BojibHófí ;ierkó pa3Apa)«áeTCfl, a sick man is easily irritated. Pa3-Apa)K-éHHe, n.n., annoy-


flMK ance, exasperation, irritation. ripHnâAOK pa3Apa«éHHH, a fit of bad humor, temperament. Pa3-Apa)K-HM0CTb, n.f., irritability. Pa3-Apajk-hmuh, adj. part, pass, pres., irritable. Pas-ApaJK-HTejib, n.m., (med.), irritant. Pas-Apaw-HTejibHocTb, n.f., irritability, fretfulness. Pa3APa>K-HTe^bHbi>i, adj., irritable, f r e t f u l . Pa3-apa)K-HTeJbHo, adv., irritably, f r e t fully. flHB-, (ÜHB-JI-), WONDER, MARVEL; A S T O N I S H M E N T , A M A Z E M E N T , W O N D E R M E N T . SURPRISE nAB-O, n.n., (obs.), marvel, w o n d e r , p r o d i g y . Mto 3a A., w h a t a w o n d e r ! Ha a-, w o n d e r f u l l y . /jiiBy Aaeuibcn e r ó M y nocTH (colloq.), it's a m a z i n g h o w stupid he is. /^HB-Hbiñ, adj., w o n d e r f u l , m a r velous, d e l i g h t f u l . R . 3ánax, a delicious odor. /1-aH norÓAa, w o n d e r f u l weather. ZIhb-ho, adv., w o n d e r f u l l y , delightfully. AHB-ÚTb-Cfl, AHB-JI-K)Cb, v.i.r., + dat., to wonder, marvel, be surprised. Mbi AHBH^HCb e r ó ycnéxaM, w e marvelled at his success. Ha-Ara-úTb-cH, v.p., 4 - dat., 4 - acc., t o admire s u f f i c i e n t l y ; w o n d e r . fl He M o r y HaflHBHTbca e r ó ycnéxaM, I cannot g e t o v e r his success. no-AHB-úTb-cii, v.p.r., 4 - dat., to a d m i r e ; w o n d e r , fl HeMáJio noAHBftacH cTpáHhoctrm á T o r o MeJiOBéKa, I w o n d e r e d g r e a t l y at this man's s t r a n g e w a y s . y-AHB-íTb, v.p., y-AHB-jirtTb, v./., 4- acc., to astonish, surprise, amaze. y-AHB-ji^Tb-CH, V.i.r., y-AHB-ÚTb-CH, V.p.r., + dat., to be astonished, surprised; w o n der, marvel, fl yAHBJiáiocb BáwHM CnOCÓÓHOCTHM K HHOCTpáHHblM H3bIKáM, I am a m a z e d at y o u r ability in f o r e i g n languages. y-AHB-ji-éHHe.n./j., w o n d e r , surprise, astonishment, amazement. ripHBOAHTb b y., to astonish, amaze. 0 6 é A BÚiueJi Ha y., the dinner turned out to be a w o n d e r . K MoeMy yAHB;iéHHK)r to my surprise. y-AHB-iiTeJibHbift, adj., w o n d e r f u l , astonishing, surprising, striking, marvelous. MTO y - o r o B ¿TOM? w h a t ' s so w o n d e r ful about this? HnMeró y - o r o , no w o n der. y-AHB-HTejibHO, adv., w o n d e r f u l l y , astonishingly, surprisingly, strikingly, marvelously. y . xopornó, surprisingly well!

AHK-, AHM-, SAVAGERY, W I L D N E S S AHK-^tpb, n.m., s a v a g e , wild m a n ; shy, unsociable person. J\HK-4p«a, n.f., a w o man s a v a g e ; shy, unsociable w o m a n . OHa cTp^uiHa» a-, she is incredibly shy







w i l d n e s s ; a b s u r d i t y ; shyness, unsociability. AHK-HH, adj., wild, s a v a g e ; o d d , e x t r a v a g a n t , a b s u r d ; unsociable, shy. fl-an yTKa, a wild duck. fl-He nAeiweHil, savage t r i b e s . AHK-O, adv., wildly; violently; oddly, a b s u r d l y . fl,HK-o6pd3, n.n.,




ZlHM-HTb-CH, v.i.r.,





w o n d e r , p r o d i g y ; r a r i t y ; curiosity. MTO 3a AHKbBHHa! How s t r a n g e ! W h a t a s t r a n g e t h i n g ! TpaMB^H eiuy B AHK6BHHKy, he h a s never seen a s t r e e t c a r . ilHK-6BHHHbiH, adj., o d d ; outlandish, b i z a r r e , unusual, uncommon. AHH-b, n.f., game, wild f o w l ; thicket, r e m o t e s p o t ; nonsense. r i y u i H 6 H 3 B e p b , HFLHMB,f o r e s t wild-life. Kaxafl A ! W h a t n o n s e n s e ! n o p 6 i b AHHb, to talk nonsense. AHH-^Tb, v.i., o-jHM-^Tb, v.p., to become wild, s a v a g e , unsociable. B ¿Toii rviyuiH JHOJH c x 6 p o AHM4IOT, in this remote place people quickly become like sava+


shy, unsociable, fl. Bcex, to shy a w a y f r o m everyone. o-AHH-a-jiocTb, n.f., wildness; shyness. O-AHW-a^biH, adj., wild, unsociable; u n t a m e d . O-AHM-^BUJHH, adj. part. act. past, one w h o h a s become shy, wild, unsociable. AJIHH-,

flo;ir-, flOJl-,



^o^or-, LENGTH

length. M e p a A^HHBI, measlength. B A-iHHy, lengthwise. PACTAHYTBCA B AJIHHY, to fall lengthwise. ¡\AHH& peKH (AOP6TH), length of a river ( r o a d ) . fljiHH-Hbiii, adj., long, l e n g t h y . ¿1. ypd;IBCKHH xpeGeT THHCTCH OT CeBepHoro JleAOBHToro oneiHa noMTH AO KacnHiicKoro Mopn, t h e long U r a l r a n g e s t r e t c h e s f r o m the Arctic O c e a n to the C a s p i a n Sea. AJIHH-H-O-, a combining form meaning long. fl.iHH-nOBOJI6CNH, adj., long-haired. A;IHH-H-OH 6 r H f i , adj., long-legged. fl;iHHHon6;ibiii ciopTyK, ( o b s . ) , l o n g - s k i r t e d f r o c k coat.

AJIHH-4, n.f.,



ZI^HH-H-O, adv.,




original. 3 T O He K6nHH, a n., this is not a copy, but the original. MnT3Tb noaM.v B noiyiHHHHKe, to read a poem in the original, rio-









genuinely, truly, really, originally. riyuiKHH n. pyccKHii nosT, P u s h k i n is a t r u e Russian poet. nb-A^HH-Hbiii, adj., genuine, true, authentic, original, Fl. TeKCT, original text. 3 T O e r o N6AJIHHHwe CJioBi, these a r e his v e r y own w o r d s . 116-AJIHH-HocTb, n.f.,authenticity, originality. n. ¿Toro AOKyMiHTa

XU1HH A O K i s a H a , t h e a u t h e n t i c i t y of t h i s d o c u m e n t h a s b e e n p r o v e d . /J.O-[I6-A.IHH-HO, see noA.iHHHo. A . BepHo, t r u e t o t h e original. flo-n6-A.iHH-HbiH, adj., see n6A-THHHblH. y-AJIHH-H-Tb, V.p., y-A.1HH- i e r o AHH, l e n g t h e n i n g of a w o r k d a y . y-A.IHH-HTb-cn, v.p.r., y-AJiHH-HTb-CH. v.i.r., to be lengthened, become longer. OceHbio B e n e p i VA.IHHHIOTCH, t h e e v e n i n g s b e c o m e l o n g e r in a u t u m n . AJiii-TejibHOCTb, n.f., p r o l o n g a t i o n , l e n g t h i n e s s . J l ^ H - T e ^ b H b i H , adj., protracted, long, l i n g e r i n g . /J. nepiioA, p r o l o n g e d p e r i o d . fl.iH-Te.ibHO, adv., a l o n g t i m e , at length. AJIH-Tb, V./., npO-AJIH-Tb, V.p., + dCC., (obs.), to protract, prolong, d r a w out. 3 a c e A i H H e A.iH.iocb u e ^ b i n AeHb, t h e s e s s i o n l a s t e d a w h o l e d a y . ripoA-iHTb 33H6THH, t o p r o l o n g c l a s s e s . flpoA-iHTb ¿ T i i y c K , t o p r o l o n g , e x t e n d a v a c a t i o n . fl.iH-Tb-CH, v.i.r., npo-A-iH-TbCH, v.p.r., t o l a s t , b e c o n t i n u e d . i i p o - A J i eHHe, n.n., p r o l o n g a t i o n , e x t e n s i o n . An^Tb-CH, v.i.r., + dat., + instr., to bec o m e o b l i g a t e d , i n d e b t e d . O . Ta6aHKOM, (colloq. obs.), to b o r r o w tobacco. OkindA O . i > K - e H H e , n.n., favor, service, n e s s . C A e j i a f i T e MHe o., d o m e a f a v o r . ft c o H T y ¿ T O 3a o . , I s h a l l c o n s i d e r i t a favor.




h o u s e , h o m e . ) K H ; I Ó H A-,


l i n g h o u s e . J\. ó T A b i x a , r e s t h o m e .




rÓBbiH firm.



/JóMa, adv., to





house, gambling

at h o m e . BbiTb, home,




trading house.





Ziopor (slang), h e ' s n o t all there. AOM6H, t o r e t u r n h o m e .


AOM-^UIHHA, adj., domestic, home-made, fl. TeJie({)6H, home telephone. A-HH nTHua, p o u l t r y . ¡X-aa p a 6 o T H H u a (AOMp a 6 o T H H u a ) , (recent), domestic servant, m a i d . ZJ-ee xo3iiHCTBo, housekeeping. il-He )KHB6THbie, domestic animals. AOMHIHKO, n.m., (derog.), small house, h o v e l . C T ^ p e H b K H f t a - c r o i i j i Ha K p a i o AepeBHH, an o l d h o v e l s t o o d at the e d g e o f t h e v i l l a g e . /J6M-HK, n.m., l i t t l e h o u s e , cottage. fl0M-0BHT0CTb, n.f., thriftin e s s , e c o n o m y . A O M - O B H T M H , adj., thrifty, e c o n o m i c a l . /l-an xo3^HKa, a g o o d h o u s e w i f e . , H o M - o - B ; i a A e . i i e u , n.m., home owner. floM-o-B^aAeHHe, n.n., o w n e r s h i p of a house, h o m e . floM-o-xo3(IHH, n.m., see A O M O B J i a A e ^ e u . A O M - 6 B - H H M - a T b , v.i., (colloq.), to stay at h o m e a n d k e e p h o u s e . B e e yui-iH p a 6 o T3Tb,




6 d 6 y u i K a , e v e r y o n e w e n t t o w o r k in t h e field, only the g r a n d m o t h e r remained t o k e e p h o u s e . / l 0 M - 0 B 6 f t , adj., used as n., g o b l i n ; b r o w n i e . r i o H a p 6 A H b i M n o BEPBHM A O M O B 6 H « H B E T 3a n i M K O f i , a c c o r d i n g to popular belief the house-elf lives behind the stove. AOM-6BHH, adj., (recent), housing trust. /loM-6Ban KHHra, h o u s e r e g i s t e r . i ! o M - o - C T p 6 f t , n.m., (hist.), a medieval c o d e of rules f o r m a n a g i n g a househ o l d . K H H r a / I O M O C T P 6 H 6bini HaniicaHa B 16 B e K e , t h e D o m o s t r o j w a s w r i t t e n in t h e 16th c e n t u r y . AOM-o-wiAeu, hold.






A O M - o - c f u H H i a T b , v.i., to stay at home, s p e n d t i m e a t h o m e . M o A » e H i JIK>6HT AOMOceAHHwaTb, a He xoAHTb no TOCTAM, m y w i f e l i k e s t o s t a y a t h o m e rather than go visiting. floM-o-ceA, n.m., A O M O c e A K a , n.f., h o m e - l o v i n g p e r s o n , s t a y - a t - h o m e , ¿ O M - O - C C A C T B O , n.n., the state of b e i n g a stay-at-home.




ROAD A o p 6 r - a , n.f., road, way, E>o;ibuidn A-, h i g h w a y . >Ke.ie3Hafl A , r a i l r o a d . flaTb let someone Aop6ry KOMy-.iH6o, to pass. rioiiTH He no CBOCH Aopbre, ( f i g . ) , t o m i s s o n e ' s v o c a t i o n , fl n p 6 Gbi.i T p n AHH B A o p 6 r e , t h e j o u r n e y took me three days. /lopow-Ka, n.f., path, w a l k ; track. fl66pafl c J i i B a 3a neHKoii JIOKHT, a XYA^H c^dBa no A o p o > K K e 6 O K H T , (prov.), a good deed remains hidden, but a bad report travels fast. flopow-Hbiii, adj., pertaining t o t r a v e l , t o a r o a d . j j . MerntiK, h a n d -


flopor b a g . fl. KOCTKJM, t r a v e l i n g suit, fl-oe CTpoHTe-ibcTBO, r o a d c o n s t r u c t i o n . /1,-bie pacx6Abi, travelling expenses, costs. >Ke^e3HO-Aop6)K-HHK, r a i l r o a d w o r k e r . )Ke^e3Ho-aop6)K-HhiH, adj., railway, r a i l r o a d . ripH-Aop6)K-HbiH I adj., p e r t a i n i n g to t h e r o a d s i d e , w a y s i d e , n-bie CTO;I6H, milestones, road markers. ABTO-AOPOW-HBM



I n s t i t u t e f o r t h e C o n s t r u c t i o n of H i g h w a y s . B e 3 - A o p 6 « - b e , n.rt., impassability (e.g., of a r o a d ) . OceHHee (BeceHHee), 6.. t h e c o n d i t i o n of r o a d s in autumn (spring), precluding travel. B e 3 - A o p 6 w - H b i H , adj., pathless, impassable.

no-Aop6)K-Haii, adj. used as n.f.,


o r d e r f o r p o s t h o r s e s . rio-Aop6>K-HbiH, adj. used as a.m., (obs.), fellow travell e r . rio-Aop6)K-HHK, n.m., (bot.), plant a i n . B P^CCKHX C T e n f l x p a c T e T noAOP6>KHHK, p l a n t a i n g r o w s on t h e s t e p p e s of R u s s i a .

flP b r a s h n e s s ; i m p e t u o u s n e s s . lOHomecKHft 3., y o u t h f u l brashness. 3a-AÓp-Hbifi, adj., i m p e t u o u s , p r o v o k i n g . 3 . asr^iHA, p r o v o c a t i v e l o o k . 3-bie pewH, p r o v o c a tive w o r d s , s p e e c h e s . H30-AP-áTb, V.p.,

H3-AHP"áTb, V.Í.,


A P - ^ K - a , n.f., s c u f f l e , f i g h t , b r a w l . M 4 j i b HHKH 3aTea^H AP^Ky, the b o y s s t a r t e d a s c u f f l e . flp-aM-^HBOCTb, n.f., pugnac i o u s n e s s . / i p - a i - ; i H B b i H , adj., pugnac i o u s , d i s p o s e d to f i g h t . flp-awyH, n.m., p u g n a c i o u s m a n . flp-awyHbH, n.f., p u g nacious woman. AP-a-Tb, A e p - y , v./'., n o - A P - ^ T b , v.p., + acc., to t e a r ; w h i p , f l o g , t h r a s h , J\. K o p y c A i p e B a , to s t r i p t h e b a r k f r o m a t r e e . fl. r o p / i o , to b a w l , r o a r . J\. w x y p y , (colloq.), to f l a y ; ( f i g ) , e x ploit. 3 T a My3biKa AepeT ymH, t h i s m u s i c h u r t s o n e ' s e a r s . flep-eB-HH, n.f., vill a g e , the c o u n t r y . /Ip-dHbiH, adj., torn, t a t t e r e d , r a g g e d . j\. p y n i B , a t o r n s l e e v e . Ap-dHKa, n.f., shingles. KpoB i j i b H a a A-, r o o f s h i n g l e s . ¿Ip-iTb-CH,

v./'.r., no-AP-iTb-cn, v.p.r., c + instr., 3a

- f acc., t o f i g h t , s c u f f l e ; t e a r . fl. c KdiuHH6yAb, t o f i g h t with s o m e o n e . J l e H c KHH






L e n s k i i f o u g h t a duel w i t h O n e g i n . J\. 3 a CBOHX Apy3eii, to f i g h t f o r o n e ' s friends. Btj-Ap-aTb, v.p., Bbi-AHp-^Tb, v.i., + acc., t o t e a r o u t ; t h r a s h , w h i p . B BopiiuiKy, to t h r a s h a y o u n g t h i e f . B KJIOK BO.I6C, t o t e a r o u t a t u f t of h a i r . 3 a - A P - 4 T b , v.p., 3a-AHp-^Tb, v.i., 4 acc.. to b e g i n t o t e a r ; p r o v o k e , t e a s e ; p i c k a q u a r r e l . 3 . a a WHBoe, t o c u t to t h e q u i c k . 3 . 3 i HOC, t o b e h a u g h t y . 3 . ueHy, (colloq.), to a s k an e x o r b i t a n t p r i c e . 3 a - A H p - a , n.f., a quarrelsome, contentious person. 3a-Aop, n.m.,




ragged, in tattered

c l o t h e s . 0 6 o - A P - á H e u , n.m., t r a m p . 0 6 Awp-á^a, n.m., (colloq.), one who fleeces people. OTO-AP-áTb, V.p.,



(slang), to t e a r a p a r t , r e n d . M. n.iáTbe (CpiÓKH), to t e a r o n e ' s d r e s s ( t r o u s e r s ) to t a t t e r s . H3Ó-ap-aHHbiH, adj. part, pass, past, t o r n a p a r t , r e n t . Ha-AP-áTb, v.p., + acc., (colloq.), to s p a n k . H. >'LUH, to pull s o m e o n e ' s e a r s . H. 6 e p é 3 0 B 0 H Kopw, to s t r i p a q u a n t i t y of b i r c h b a r k . OÓO-AP'áTb, V.p., 06-AHp-áTb, v.i., + acc., to peel, s t r i p ; (fig ), f l e e c e . O ó o A p á T b H4MCHb, Ha K p y n y , to p e a r l barley. O. KaK .iiinKy, (saying), to s t r i p s o m e o n e to t h e s k i n . Oóó-AP-aHHbiñ, adj.

O T - A H p - á T b , v.i.,

to tear, rip off. O . nepen-iéT




to t e a r t h e b i n d i n g off a b o o k . O. 3 á yujH, to w h i p s o u n d l y . Ü T - A H p - á H H e , n.n., t e a r i n g o f f . npH-AP-áTb-CH,




K -f- dat., to n a g , find f a u l t w i t h . I~I. K nycTHKá.M, to q u i b b l e o v e r t r i f l e s . I~I. k. c-nynaio, to u s e a s a p r e t e x t . ripH-AHp-a, n.f., f a u l t - f i n d e r . r i p n - A í i p - K a , n.f., c a p t i o u s o b j e c t i o n . ripH-AHp-4HBOCTb, n.f., captiousness. ripH-AHp-MHBbiñ, adj., captious, nagging, fault-finding, ripn-

AHP-MHBO, adv.,


u p o - A p - á T b , v.p., npo-AHp-áTb, v.i., + acc., to t e a r t h r o u g h ; w e a r o u t . I T . 1 Ó K T H , to w e a r o u t t h e e l b o w s (e.g., of a j a c k e t ) . C TpyAÓM npoAPáTb r ; i a 3 á , (idiom), to w a k e up with d i f ficulty. r i p o - A P - á T b - c H , v.p.r., npo-AHpáTb-cH, v.i.r., to t e a r , b r e a k t h r o u g h , n . CKBosb Mámy, t o b r e a k through a thicket. pa3-o-AP-áTb,




to t e a r t o p i e c e s , r e n d ;










KycKH, t h e w o l v e s t o r e t h e s h e e p to p i e c e s . E r ó pa3AHpá;iH Ha qácTH, (fig.), h e w a s b e i n g t o r n in all d i r e c t i o n s . fleMá^b pa3AHpáeT A y w y , (poet.), sorr o w t e a r s a t t h e h e a r t . Pa3-AHp-áiomHH,





rending. P-He

A y w y KPHKH, h e a r t - r e n d i n g screams. Pa3-Aóp, n.m., discord, dissension. CéflTb p., to s o w d i s s e n s i o n ; b e h a v e m i s c h i e v o u s l y . FLÓ.IOKO pa3AÓpa, (fig.), t h e a p p l e of d i s c o r d . CO-AP-áTb, V.p.,

C - A H p - á T b , V./'., +

QCC., tO

f l a y , e x c o r i a t e ; s k i n . C. Kó¡«y, to s k i n . C. uiKypy c y ó i í T o r o MeABéAH, to s k i n


97 a bear. C-AHp-aTb-cn, v.i.r., to be torn off. C-flHp-4HHe, n.n., flaying, excoriation; skinning. y-AHp-iTb, v.p., y-^p-^Tb, v.i., to scamper off, take to one's heels, run awa/. B3-fl6p-HTb, v.i., n0-B3-A6p-HTb, V.p., C + instr., to quarrel, argue. B 3 - a o p , n.m., nonsense, rubbish. Mo;i6Tb B., to talk nonsense. B3-Aop-HocTb, n.f., absurdity, quarrelsomeness. B3-fl6p-Hbiii, adj., absurd, quarrelsome.

Abip-4, aiipKa,

n.f., hole, tear; wretched place. 3amTonaHHaH AfcJpd, a mended hole. flbip-oMKa, n.f., (dim.), a little hole, tear, y Mewi B 3y6e a-, 1 have a cavity in my tooth. /Jbip-ABbiH, adj., full of holes. JX- HyjidiK, a stocking full of holes. y-flip-HTb, v.p., y-^ap-iiTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., to hit, strike, y . Kor6-HH6yAb n^.iKOH, to strike someone with a cane, y . Ha Bpard, (mil.), to attack the enemy. y . no pyk4m, to strike a bargain. y-A^p-HTb-cH, v.p.r., y-aap-riTb-cH, v.i.r., o + acc., to hit, knock, hurt oneself, y . o KdMeHb, to strike a stone. y-H&p, n.m., blow, stroke, hit, shock, y . r p b M a , thunder clap. C6^HeMHWiii y., sunstroke. yA^pw cyAb6bi, ( f i g ) , reverses of fortune. O a h h m yA^poM y6iiTb AByx 3dHueB, (saying), to kill two birds with one stone. y-Aap-6HHe, n.n., accent, stress, y . n^AaeT Ha BTopbii c-ior, the accent falls on the second syllable, y A ^ P - h h k , n.m., (tech.), pellet; (recent), shock worker. Pa66HHH-yA3pHHK Har p a * A e H npcMHeft, the shock worker was awarded a prize. y-A^p-HHwecTBo. n.n., (recent), shock work. Ha 3aBOAe o6"brtBJieHO y., it has been announced that shock work has been introduced at the plant. y-A^p-HbiH, adj., pertaining to shock, y-bie TeMnw, (recent), speedup of labor. Pa66raTb yA^pHbiMH TewnaMH, (recent), to work at an increased speed. APor-, ^po>k-, PO)K-, APbir-, TREMBLE

flPAr-, aopor-, aoSHAKE, SHUDDER,

Ap6r-Hy-Tb, v.p., to shudder, tremble; hesitate. Bohck4 AporHy^iH h n o T e c Hii^HCb Ha3^A, the troops wavered and retreated. B3-Ap6r-Hyrb, v.p.smf., B3-Ap3r-HBaTb, v./., o t + gen., to s t a r t , f l i n c h , s h u d d e r . B. o t p i A o c T H , to j u m p with j o y . B. o t Hcnyra, to s h u d d e r w i t h f e a r . nepe-Ap6r-Hyrb, v.p., Ha + prep., o t - f gen., to become chilled through and through, n . Ha Mopo3e, to become chilled from exposure to cold.

n p o - A p d r - H y r b , see nepeAp6rHyTb. co-Apor-iTb-«i, v.i.r., co-Apor-HyTb-CH, v.p.r., err + gen., to s h u d d e r , s h i v e r . C. o t cTpdxa ( y w a c a ) , to s h i v e r with t e r r o r ( f r i g h t ) . C y - A o p o r - a , n.f., c r a m p , spasm, convulsion, Cy-Aopoxc-HbiH, adj., c o n v u l s i v e , s p a s m o d i c . C - o e cxATHe h o t h , leg c r a m p . APO)K-4Tb, v.i., 3a-APO>K-iTb, V.p., OT + gen., + instr., to t r e m b l e , s h a k e , shiver, s h u d d e r . JX. bccm t m o m , to s h a k e all o v e r . fl. HaA h c m - ; i h 6 o , (fig.), to t a k e e x c e s s i v e c a r e of. O t B 3 p u B a 3aAP0)K^•iih cTeK^a, the w i n d o w p a n e s r a t t l e d from the explosion. flpoiK-b, n.f., trembling, shivering, s h u d d e r i n g , t r e m o r , quiver. O t c T p d x a A p o w b n p o 6 t M i . i a no mohm >KH^aM, a s h i v e r r a n d o w n my spine. JX. b r 6 . i o c e , a t r e m o r in o n e ' s voice. J l n x o p ^ A O M H a a a , chills, fever. /IpoM-^HHe n.n., t r e m b l i n g , t r e m o r , vibration. A p u r - a T b , v./., APwr-HyTb, v.p., + instr., to twitch, jerk. / J . Hor6ii, to twitch o n e ' s foot. flpwr-aHHe, n.n., j e r k i n g , twitching. ^opor-, AOPO>K-, /iPAr-, ;IPA>K-, DEARNESS, EXPENSIVENESS; ENDEARMENT A o p o r - 6 f t , adj., d e a r , e x p e n s i v e , c o s t l y ; d a r l i n g , d e a r . /I. c u h ! D e a r S o n ! /lop o r - o , adv., d e a r , d e a r l y , c o s t l y , e x -

pensively. 3TOT aBT0M06H^b ct6ht a-. this

a u t o m o b i l e is e x p e n s i v e . Z l o p o r n.f., high c o s t , h i g h p r i c e s . AOpOW-iTb, v.i., nO-AOpOJK-^Tb, v.p., t o r i s e in p r i c e . X . i e 6 A o p o w d e T , t h e p r i c e o f w h e a t is r i s i n g , ¿ o p o w - e , adj. comp., dearer, more expensive. B3-AOpO)K-4Tb, V.p., AOpOJK^Tb, V.i., to rise in price. B e e TOBapw B3Aopo)Ka;iH, all g o o d s h a v e become m o r e expensive. B3-Aopo>K-aHHe, n.n., a rise in price. Aopow-HTb, v./., + instr., t o v a l u e , prize, e s t e e m . O h aopowht stoh khhtoh, h e v a l u e s this b o o k . Mm hs c^yiK6e oweHb A o p o i K i T , t h e y v a l u e him h i g h l y at his j o b . H e AopojKHTb, to t h i n k little o f . /lopo>K-HTb-C!i. v.i.r., (colloq.), to o v e r c h a r g e , a s k an e x c e s s i v e l y h i g h p r i c e . r i p o A ^ H T e Bam a o m AeuieBJie, He a o pow^HTecb, sell your house more r e a s o n a b l y , d o n ' t a s k t o o high a p r i c e . Aparo-uiHHbitt, adj., p r e c i o u s , i n v a l u a b l e . JX- KdMeHb, g e m , j e w e l , p r e c i o u s s t o n e . /Iparo-ueHHOCTb, n.f., t r e a s u r e ; j e w e l , gem. flparo-ueHHOCTM, n.f.pi., j e w e l r y , valuables, precious things. Apaw-^AuiHA, adj. superl., (obs.), most expensive, dearest. M o h Apaw^Hujaa no.ioBHHa, (iron.), my better half.


flpyr flpyr-, flpy»-, AMITY

98 flpy3-,


Apyr, n.m., friend. Apy3-bfl, pi., f r i e n d s . JX- AeTCTBa, childhood friend. M o i i jiyHuiHH A , my best friend, flpyr A p y r a , each other. Z l p y r 3a ApyroM, one a f t e r the other. IlHciTb A p y r Apyry, to w r i t e to one another. BJIHSKHC APY3B6, intimate friends. flpyjK-6qeK, n.m., (dim.), d e a r ; (colloq.), d u c k y . JXpywHiue, n.m., old friend, r i o - A p y r - a , n.f., girl f r i e n d ; playmate. flpyw-Ka, n.f., (colloq.), best man, g r o o m ' s man. Heflpyr, n.m., (obs.), enemy. A P ^ w - f i a , n.f., friendship, a m i t y . EbiTb B APY>«6e, to b e f r i e n d s . He B cjiy)«6y, a B APY»6Y, (saying), o u t of friendship. ,Zlp^>K-HbiH, adj., harmonious, unanim o u s ; f r i e n d l y . /I. 0Tn6p, u n a n i m o u s resistance. JX-an ceMbrt, a close-knit f a m i l y . A p y w - H O , adv., harmoniously, in c o n c o r d . Pa66TaTb A-, to w o r k together. flpy)K-e-;iib6He, n.n., f r i e n d l i n e s s . /Jpy«e-JiK)6Hbifi, adj., friendly. flpyw-e-JIIBIIHO, adv., a m i c a b l y , f r i e n d lily. flpyjK-ecKHft, adj., f r i e n d l y , a m i c a b l e . Apyw-ectBeHHbiH, adj., friendly, amicable. A-an ycjiyra, a good turn, f r i e n d l y g e s t u r e . BbiTb Ha A p y w e c K o i i H o r e , (express.), to b e on f r i e n d l y t e r m s w i t h someone. rio-Apyw-ecKH, adv., in a f r i e n d l y w a y . flpyw-HHa, n.f., (hist.), a r m e d e n t o u r a g e of a m e d i e v a l p r i n c e . r i o w d p H a s j , A-, f i r e b r i g a d e . 6OCB4H A-. v o l u n t e e r b r i g a d e . /IpyiK-HHHHK, n.m., (hist.), a member of a m e d i e v a l p r i n c e ' s armed r e t i n u e , flpy JKHHHHKH KH63H CBHTocJi^Ba, t h e m e m b e r s of P r i n c e Sviatoslav's retinue. Apyw-H-Tb, v.i., no-Apy*-HTb, v.p., c + instr., t o b e f r i e n d l y w i t h . OHH A p y w H jih c CciMoro AeTCTBa, t h e y w e r e f r i e n d s f r o m c h i l d h o o d . n o - A P y w - H T b - c a , v.p.r., c + instr., t o m a k e f r i e n d s , m a k e a c quaintance. pa3-ApyxK6a B ipniHH CApy>KH.ia Hac, w e b e c a m e f r i e n d s while s e r v i n g together in the a r m y . C-Apyw-HTb-ca, v.p.r., c o + instr., to become friendly with. yK-iTb,



dat., to render a friendly service, befriend. Apyr-6ft, adj., other, another, different.

fly B A- pas, another time, the next time. APYRHMH CJIOB^MH, in other w o r d s . HHKT6 A p y r 6 f i , no other, no one else. JX p y r i i e BpeMeHa, Apynie HpdBbi, (saying), other times, other customs. ay-, flyx-, Ayui-. iibix-, JXOX-, ( A M - , A b l M - ) , S O U L , BREATH; FRAGRANCE; BLOWING


a y - T b , v.i., Ay-Hy-Tb, v.p.smf., to b l o w . fl. Ha o r b H b , t o b l o w o n a f i r e . /ly-HOBeHne, n.n., w h i f f , b r e a t h , w a f t , p u f f . J\. BeiepKd, a b r e a t h of w i n d . fly-Tb, v.i., no-Ay-Tb, v.p., t o b l o w ; t h r a s h s o u n d l y ; d r i n k d e e p . ZIyeT BeTep c Mopa, t h e w i n d is b l o w i n g f r o m t h e s e a . y o k h 3 AyeT, t h e r e is a d r a f t f r o m t h e w i n d o w . NOAY^I XO.KXIHNH B e r e p , a cold w i n d b e g a n to b l o w , / l y r b cTeK.io, t o b l o w g l a s s . OH H B y c HE A y e r ! (idiom), he d o e s n ' t c a r e a r a p ! ¿ y - r b - c a , v.i.r., t o p o u t , be s u l k y . MTO TU A y e w b c a Ha MeHH? W h y a r e you p o u t i n g a t m e ? Z l y - r b e , n.n., (tech), b l o w i n g . JX. c i e K jii, g l a s s b l o w i n g . Ay-TbiH, adj., part, pass, past, b l o w n , b l o w n u p . B p a c ; i i T H3 A y T o r o 36-ioTa, a solid g o l d b r a c e let. fl-bie ueHbi, e x o r b i t a n t p r i c e s , fl-bie uiiiHbi, p n e u m a t i c tires., fly-.io, n.n., m u z z l e of a g u n , a r t i l l e r y p i e c e . B-A^-Hy-Tb, v.p., B-Ay-BaTb, v.i., + acc., t o b l o w in, u p o n ; b r e a t h e u p o n ; i n s u f f l a t e . B-Ay-BdHHe, n.n., i n s u f f l a t i o n . B 3 - A y - T b , v . p . , B 3 - A y - B i T b , V.i.,


OCC., t o

i n f l a t e , b l o w up. B. o r o H b , t o f a n a f i r e . B3-Ay-Tb,



V./., +


to i n f l a t e ; r a i s e (as p r i c e s ) . B3A>H XOpouieHbKO ¿ T o r o 030PHHK4, ( f i g ), g i v e this little mischief m a k e r a g o o d d r u b b i n g . B3-Ay-Tb-CH, V.p.r., B3-Ay-BiTb-CR, v.i.r., t o swell, b e c o m e s w o l l e n , i n f l a t e d . UeHbi B3Ay-iHCb, p r i c e s h a v e b e c o m e i n f l a t e d . B3-Ay-THe, n.n., s w e l l i n g . B. MHBOTa, f l a t u l e n c e . B3-A>'-TbiH, adj. part. pass. past, swollen, inflated. B - b i e pacueHKH, i n f l a t e d e s t i m a t e s . Bbl-Ay-Tb,






to b l o w o u t ; b l o w (e.g., glass) ; (slang), d r i n k . B. cieK.io, t o b l o w g l a s s . OH BWAV.T 5 6yTbi;ioK BHHA, (slang) he p o l i s h e d off 5 b o t t l e s of w i n e . 3a-Ay-Tb, v.p., 3a-Ay-BaTb, v.i., + acc., t o p u t o u t , e x t i n g u i s h . 3 . cBeny, to e x t i n g u i s h a c a n d l e . 3 a - A y T b - c a , v.p.r., 3aAy-BaTb-cn, v.i.r., to b e e x t i n g u i s h e d . 3a-Ay-Tb, v.p., to b e g i n to b l o w . 3aAy»r cii.ibHbift B e r e p , a s t r o n g w i n d b e g a n to b l o w . Ha-Ay-Tb, v.p., Ha-Ay-BaTb, v.i., to c a u s e to swell, d i s t e n d , i n f l a t e ; c h e a t , d u p e . H. m a p , to i n f l a t e a b a l l o o n . H. ry6bi,

99 (colloq.), to pout. H. noKynáTe^eñ, (colloq.), to cheat c u s t o m e r s , b u y e r s . H a - ^ y - T b - c a , v.p.r, Ha-Ay-BáTb-ca, v.i.r., to be i n f l a t e d ; swell o u t (as s a i l s ) ; sulk, pout. Ha-j.y-Bá^a, n.m., (colloq.), swindler, deceiver. Ha-ay-fláHHe, n.n., inflation (e.g., of a balloon, b a g ) . HaAy-BáTeJibCTBO, n.rt., cheating, s w i n d ling. Ha-ay-BHÓH, adj., inflated. H - á a noAyuiKa, air cushion. Ha-Ay-Tbifi, adj., part. pass, past, inflated, bloated, p u f f e d u p ; (fig.), sulky. H-bie ryóbi, p o u t i n g lips. H-bift map, inflated balloon. 06-fly-Tb ( 0 6 - A y - H y T b ) , v.p., oó-ay-BáTb, v.i., + acc., to blow off. OH o 6 a ^ j i 3anbWéHHyio KHiiry co Bcex CTOPÓH, he blew the d u s t off the book. 0 6 Ay-Bájia, n.m., (slang), cheat, crook. O-Ay-BáHiHK, n.m., dandelion, b l o w ball. OT-fly-Tb, v.p., OT-ay-HyTb, v.p., OT-AyB á T b , v.i., + acc., to blow a w a y ; beat. BéTpoM oTAy-io Bee népbd B crópoHy, all the feathers were blown a w a y by the wind. 3 a má^ocTH e r ó OTAyJiH, (colloq.), thev beat him for his pranks. OT-Ay-BáTb-ca, v.i.r., + acc., to puff, pant. O. aa Koró-JiHÓo, (slang), to do another's work, to be responsible for another. npo-ay-Tb, v.p., npo-Ay-BáTb, v./., + acc., to blow through. IX TpyÓKy, to blow through a pipe. I~I. Bee AéHbrH, (slang), to lose, squander all one's money. flpo-Ay-Tb-cH, v.p.r., npo-Ay-BáTb-CH, v.i.r., to be blown through; lose. n . B K á p T b i , (slang), to lose at cards, ripoAy-BKa, n.f., (tech.), a blowing through. ripo-Ay-BHÓH, adj., (colloq.), sly, roguish, crafty, n . MowéHHHK, rogue, crook. pa3-Ay-Tb, v.p., pa3-Ay-BáTb, v./., + acc., to disperse, blow in all directions; f a n ; distend. P. orÓHb B neiKe, to fan a fire in a stove. BéTep pa3AysáJi jienecTKH riÓJioHb, the wind w a s b l o w i n g t h e petals off the a p p l e blossoms. P. Ae.no (ycnéx), to e x a g g e r a t e a m a t t e r ( s u c cess). Pa3-Ay-Tb-cfl, v.p.r., pa3-Ay-BáTbca, v.i.r., to become swollen, inflated. LUeKá pa3AyJiacb, the cheek b e c a m e swollen. Pa3-Ay-BáHHe, n.n., b l o w i n g ; e x a g g e r a t i o n . Pa3-Ay-Bá;ibHbiH, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to blowing, inflating. P. Mex, (tech.), bellows. c-ay-Tb, (c-Ay-Hy-Tb), v.p., c-Ay-BáTb, v.i., + acc., c + gen., to b l o w a w a y , off. C. néne.i c nanHpócbi, to b l o w t h e ashes off a cigarette. Ayx, n.m., spirit, mind; g h o s t ; odor, smell. CBHTÓH A y x , the Holy G h o s t . J\. BpéMeHH, t h e spirit of t h e times.

Bo Becb A-, a t full speed. IlepeBOArtTb A-, to catch o n e ' s b r e a t h . BbiTb B Ayxe, to be in good spirits. BbiTb He B Ayxe, to be out of sorts, out of h u m o r . O Heft HH c.iyxy, HH Ayxy, nothing is h e a r d of her. ndAaTb AyxoM, to lose h e a r t , become d i s c o u r a g e d , d e s p o n d e n t . B jiecdx H pex4x )KHByT AyxH, (myth.), spirits dwell in f o r e s t s and rivers. flyx-H, n.m.pi, p e r f u m e , scent; essence. Ayx-0-BIHCTB0, n.n., clergy, priesthood. Ayx-oBHHK, n.m., confessor. Zlyx6BHUH, adj., spiritual, unworldly, ecclesiastical. JX-aa, adj., sacred; pertaining to a church, fl-an My3biKa, sacred, church music. ZJ-oe ;IHU6, clergyman, priest. /lyx-6BH0, adv., spiritually. Ayx-OB6fl, adj., (mus.), brass, w o o d w i n d . /J. HHCTpyMeHT, wind instrument, fl. OPK6CTP, b r a s s b a n d . A - i n newb, oven. flyx-6BKa, n.f., oven. Cnewb n n p 6 r B AyxbBKe, to b a k e a pie in an oven. .flyx-oT-i, n.f., oppressive heat, lack of air. ¿yui-HBIFL, adj., close, hot, o p p r e s sive. JL[-aa K(5MHaTa, s t u f f y room, j j y u i HO, adv., close, s t u f f y . MHe A-, I feel hot, I am s u f f o c a t i n g . OT-AYIU-HHa, n.f., ventilator, air-hole; (tech.), s a f e t y valve. o-Ayx-o-TBopriTb, v.p., O-AyX-O-TBOpdTb, v.i., + acc., to spiritualize, inspire. O-Ayx-o-TBopeHHocTb, n.f., spirituality, inspiration. O-Ayx-o-TBopeHHbift, adj., spiritual, inspired. 0 - o e ;IHU6, an inspired face. Ayui-4, n.f., soul, mind, spirit; heart. H T P D H Y T AO RJIY6HHW A Y M N B4IIIHM BHH-

M^HneM, I am deeply touched by your attention. HH XHB6H Aymn, (fig.), not a soul. MaTb B cbiHe AyuiH He MieT, (idiom), a mother dotes upon her son Pa3roB6p no Ayuie, a heart-to-heart talk. )KHTb Ayuii B Ayrny, to live in perfect harmony. BbiTb Ayujbfi 66mecTBa, to be the life of a party. MepTBbie FLYUIH, Dead Souls, title of the novel by Gogol. Ayui-eBHuii, adj., sincere, cordial; mental, psychical, / j - a a 6o^¿3Hb, mental illness. JX-oe cnoKbHcrBHe, peace of mind. flyiu-eBHO, adv., sincerely. rio-Ayui-Hbift, adj., per person. n . Hajior, (hist.), poll tax, capitation. /lym-e-rpeiiKa, n.f., woman's warm, sleeveless jacket. flyuj-eHbKa, Aym-emKepTBy, the m u r d e r e r s m o t h e r e d h i s victim. y-flyui-HTb, v.p., y - ^ y u j - d T b , v./., + acc., -)- instr., to a s p h y x i a t e . Y-Aym-eHHe, n.n., stifling, suffocation, choking, asphyxiation. y-Ayw-HTe.ib, n.m., s t r a n g l e r , s m o t h e r e r ; (fig.), oppressor. y-Ayw-JiHBbifi, adj., s t i f l i n g , y . r a 3 , s u f focating, asphyxiating gas. y-Ayui-be, n.n., a s t h m a . Abix-dmie, n.n., breathing, respiration, breath. 3aTaiiTb A to bate one's breath. McKyccTBeHHoe A., artificial respiration. flbix-aTe.ibHbiH, adj., respir a t o r y . fl-oe r o p ; i o , (anat.), w i n d p i p e . A b i m - 4 - T b , v.i., - f instr., to b r e a t h e , r e s p i r e . ¿1. cBewHM B 0 3 A y x 0 M , to b r e a t h e f r e s h air. T a w e - i o A-, to puff, g a s p . ZJbimHTe! I n h a l e ! T a k e a d e e p b r e a t h ! Ha-Abiui-^Tb, v.p., Ha + acc., to w a r m b y b r e a t h i n g . H. Ha 3epKaJio (Ha c t c k ^ 6 ) , to b r e a t h e upon a m i r r o r ( g l a s s ) . H a Abiw-aTb-cH, v.p.r., + instr., to b r e a t h e in a t l e n g t h . H. MOPCKHM B63AyxoM, to fill o n e ' s l u n g s with s e a air. OT-Abim-^Tb-CH, v.p.r., to c a t c h one's b r e a t h . fldfiTe MHe o., let m e c a t c h my breath. no-flbiui-iTb, v.p., + instr., to b r e a t h e a little. H X 0 T e ^ - 6 b i n. CBC>KHM B63AYXOM, I w o u l d like a b r e a t h of f r e s h air. flox-Hy-Tb, v.p.smf., see A B I M A T B . O H AOXHYJ] Ha 04KH H BblTep HX, he b r e a t h e d on his g l a s s e s a n d wiped them. fldx-Hy-Tb, v.i., to die (of animals). A- c

rd.ioAa, to b e d y i n g of h u n g e r . fl6x.ibiH, adj., d e a d (of animals). Zl-aa KiiLUKa, a d e a d c a t . /Jox-.iHTHHa, n.f., carrion. B - A O X - H y - T b , V.p. smf., B - ; i b l X - i T b , V./., + acc., to b r e a t h e in, i n h a l e ; i n s p i r e . B . B03AVX, to inhale. B . ,\iy/KCCTBO, to inspire courage, manliness. B - a w x - a u H e , n.n., i n h a l i n g , i n h a l a t i o n . A r i n a p a i AJIH BAbixaHHH, i n h a l a t o r . B-AOX-H-OB-HTb, V.p., B-AOX-HOB.I-tiTb, v.i., + acc., to inspire. B-AOx-HOBeHHe, n.n., i n s p i r a t i o n . B-AOX-HOBCHHUH, adj. part. pass, past, inspired. B - A O X - H O B C H HO. adv., with i n s p i r a t i o n . B-AOX-HOBHTE.IB,






HOBHTbCH, V.p.r., BO-AOX-HOB.IHTb-CH, v.i.r., to b e inspired, c a r r i e d a w a y . B -

AoxHOB.irtiomHH, adj. part.



i n s p i r i n g . B-HM 6Cpa30M, in an i n s p i r i n g manner. B 3 - A O X - H y T b , V.p.smf., B3-AWX-aTb. v.i., to sigh, t a k e a b r e a t h , l o n g f o r . B CBOGOAHO, to b r e a t h e f r e e l y . T a w e - i o , B., to sigh deeply. B3AOX, n.m., sigh. McnycTHTb IIOC-ICAHMH B , (fig), to b r e a t h e o n e ' s last. B 3 - A b i x - a T e ; i b , n.m., (colloq.), s u i t o r , w o o e r . B M - A O X - H y T b , V.p.smf., Bbl-AblX-aTb, V./., to b r e a t h e out, e x h a l e . BU-AOX, n.m., exhalation, breathing out. BW-AOXHVTb-CH, V.p.r., Bbl-AblX-^Tb-CH, V.i.r.. tO evaporate, become exhausted. Maw BbiAbixieTCH, the tea is l o s i n g its a r o m a . Ta.iaHT BbiAbixaeTCH, his t a l e n t is on the w a n e . B M - A O X - I I I H H - C H , adj. part, act. past, p l a y e d out, e v a p o r a t e d , e x h a u s t e d . Bbi-Awx-^HHe, n.n., expiration, e v a p o r a t i o n , e x h a u s t i o n ; e x h a l i n g . 3a-AOX-HyTb-cn, v.p.r, 3a-Abix-aTb-ca, v.i.r., to c h o k e , s u f f o c a t e , b e o u t of b r e a t h . MM 3AABIXD;IHCB B AyiuHofi KOMHaTe, w e w e r e s u f f o c a t i n g in a s t u f f y r o o m . 3 . OT 3JIOCTH. to c h o k e with a n g e r . H3-A6x-HyTb, v.p., H3-Abix-aTb, v./., to die (of animals). M3-Abix-iHHe. n.n., loss of b r e a t h ; d e a t h , d y i n g (of animals). Zlo noc.ieAHero n3Abix3HHH, to o n e ' s last breath. BbiTb npw noc.iCAneM H3AbixaHHH, to b e d y i n g . O T - A O X - H y T b , V.p., OT-AblX-iTb, V.i., tO r e s t . H ycT^.ia H ce.ia oTAOXHyTb, I w a s tired a n d s a t down to r e s t . 3 H M 6 H 3eM.iH oTAwxdeT, in w i n t e r t h e e a r t h rests. OT-Abix, n.m., r e s t , r e p o s e , r e l a x a t i o n . J J a B a T b o., to g i v e r e s t . /leHb OTAbixa, (recent), d a y off. P a o o i a T b 6 e 3 OTAbixa, to w o r k w i t h o u t r e s t . n e p e - A 6 x - H y T b , v.p., see A^XHyrb, B e e HATDH Kypw nepeAOX.TH, all o u r h e n s died. n e p e - A O X - H y f b , v.p., to s t o p to t a k e a

101 b r e a t h . OyTHHK ce.i y j o p o r w n., the traveler sat down by the road to take a rest. riepe-Awui-Ka, n.f., respite. ZlaDiTb nepe.ibiujKy, to give respite. no-fl6x-HyTb, v.p., no-Abtx-aTb, v./., ( c o l loq.), to die (of animals). c-A^x-HyTb, v.p., c - j b i x - a T b , v./., ( c o l l o q . , vulgar), to die. AbiM, n.m., smoke. Via Tpy6w HAeT a . , smoke is coming out of the chimney. riycK^Tb a., to puff out smoke. HeT J U M A 6 e 3 OTHH, (saying), there's no smoke without a fire. AbiM-rtTb, v./'., Ha-AbiM-HTb, v.p., to smoke, fill with smoke. nemI, the storm whipped up the waves. B3-AWM-dTb-CH, v.i.r., to rise, heave, swell. TyMiH B3AbiMdeTCH HaA 03ep0M, a fog is rising over the lake. Ha-AM-^H-HOCTb, n.f., haughtiness, superciliousness. Ha-^M-eHHbiii, adj., haughty, supercilious. H. Me-iOBiK, a haughty person. Ha-AM-eHHO, adv., haughtily, high-handedly, disagreeably.

AYM-, THOUGHT ayM-a, n.f., thought, meditation; (hist.), council; (poet.), ballad, elegy. T a w e .nbie AYMbi OB.ia.IE.TH MHOHD, heavy thoughts overwhelmed me. ropoACKan flyMa, City Hall; city council. TocyA^pcTBeHHan Ayina, Duma ( r e p r e s e n t a tive state assembly in pre-revolutionary R u s s i a ) . flyM-eu, n.m., (hist.), a memb e r of the Duma. /lyvi-Ka, n.f., (dim.), small pillow. AyM-a-Tb, v.i., no-AyM-aTb, v.p., o -f- prep-, to think of, a b o u t ; suppose; intend, mean. fl. o 4EM-.iH6o, to be thinking of something, have somthing on one's mind JX- AyMy, (folklore), to meditate, brood. MHOTO A. O ce6e, to be conceited. /lyvi-aTb-CH, v.i.r., no-A>'M-aTbCH, v.p.r., used only in 3d pers. pi., in expressions: MHe AyMaeTcn, I think; I believe; it seems to me; it occurs to me. MHe noAVMaJiocb, it occurred to m e ; it has occurred to m e ; it seemed to me. B3-AyM-atb, to conceive a thought,



it into one's head, decide suddenly. He B3AywaHTe KypiiTb B K.idcce, don't dare to smoke in class. B3-AyM-aTb-ca, v.p.r., + dat., used only in 3d pers., to occur suddenly to someone. Eiwy B3AyMa.iocb KynHTb 6a.ia.iaHKy, he suddenly decided to buy a balalaika. B-AyM-aTb-CH, V.p., B-AYM-blBaTb-CH, v.i., B + acc., to consider carefully, to meditate, to ponder. B. B CMUC.I peiH (KHHTH), to ponder over the meaning of a speech ( a b o o k ) . B-Ayvi-qHBocTb, n.f., meditativeness, thoughtfulness. B AYM-MHBbift, adj., meditative, pensive, thoughtful. B - o e nHU6, a thoughtful face, pensive expression. B-AyM-MHBO, adv., meditatively, pensively, thoughtfully. BH-ayM-aTb, v.p., Bbi-AyM-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to invent, think up; lie, fib. B. HbByio MauiHHy, (colloq.), to invent a new machine. O H n 6 p o x a He B b u y MaeT, (fig.), he's not bright. Bbi-AyMKa, n.f., invention, fiction, fable, rumor, Bbi-AyM-mHK, n.m., boaster, liar, faker. Bbi-AyM-biBaHHe, n.n., invention, fiction, excogitation; devising. AO-AjKM-aTb-cfl, v.p.r., AO-AyM-biBaTb-ca, v.i.r., + dat., to come to a conclusion. 3a-AyM-aTb, v.p., 3a-AyM-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to intend, conceive, plan. 3 . AypHoe, to conceive an evil deed. X o p o i u o 3aAyM3HHbiH npoeKT, well conceived, well planned project. 3a-AyM-aTb-cn, v.p.r., 3a-AyM-biBaTb-cn, v.i.r., to be thoughtful; be s a d ; muse. T ^ y 6 o K 6 3., to plunge into a deep reverie. O ieM Bbf 3aAyMa^HCb? what are you thinking a b o u t ? 3a-AyM-iHB0CTb, n.f., thoughtfulness, pensiveness; musing; reverie. 3a-AyM-4HBbifl, adj., thoughtful. 3. B3r.inA, pensive look. 3a-Ayvi-MHBO, adv., pensively. Ha-A.VM-aib, V.p., Ha-AyM-blBaTb, v./., -facc., (colloq.), to devise, make up one's mind. O H HAAYMAJI WEHHTBCN, he made up his mind to marry. Ha-A>'M-aHHbiH, adj. part. pass, past, far-fetched. H. p a c c K a 3 , a far-fetched story. 06-AyM-aTb, V.p., OO-Ay.M-blBaTb, v./., + acc., to consider. O. n.uaH, to consider a plan. O. oTBer, to consider, think over an answer. 06-AyM-aHHOCTb, n.f., thoughtfulness. 06-AyM-aHHbiii, adj. part. pass, past, well thought out. O-bie pemeHHH, thoughtful decisions. yGHHCTBO c 3apaHee oOAyvaHHbiM HawepeHHeM, premeditated murder. He-o6AyM-aHHtJH, adj.. heedless, rash, thoughtless. H. nociynoK, rash action. 06-AyM-aHHO, adv., following long consideration. He-o6-AyM-aHHO, adv., heedlessly, thoughtlessly. n o c T y n a i t H., to a c t rashly.



o-Aj'M-aTb-csi, v.p.r., o-AyM-biBaTb-cn, v.i.r., to bethink, reflect. OayMaflTecb, noKá He nrtaaHO, think a little, before it's too late. nepe-ayM-aTb, v.p., nepe-AyM-biBaTb, v./'., + acc., to change one's mind; think a matter over. M u nepeAyMa.™ éxaTb B c p é j y , noéaeM B náTHHuy, we have changed our minds about going on W e d n e s d a y , we are going on Friday. H nepeayMa^ MHÓroe 3a áTo BPÉMH, I did a lot of thinking during this time. no-ayM-aTb, v.p., no-A>'M-biBaTb, v./., iter., to think of, contemplate. HáAO 6biJio páHbuie 0 6 Í t o m noAyMaTb, you should have thought of it earlier. noAyMaíí Tó.ibKo! J u s t f a n c y ! Mbi ywé noAyMbiBaeM 0 6 OT"bé3Ae oTciÓAa, we are already considering leaving. npH-ayM-aTb, v.p., npH-ayM-biBaTb, v./., + acc., to devise, imagine, fabricate, invent, conceive. I~I. paccKá3, to think up a story IT BÚXOA H3 noJiowéHHH, to find a way out of a situation. npo-flyM-aTb, v.p.. npo-AyM-biBaTb, v./., + acc., to think over thoroughly. I~I. OTBéT, to think an answer over thoroughly, n . Bonpóc, to consider a question, think over a question thoroughly. pa3-Ayw-aTb, v.p., to c h a n g e one's mind. XoTéJi noHTH B T e á i p , Aa pa3AyMaji, I wanted to go to the theatre, but changed my mind. pa3-A3KM-biBaTb, v./., to waver, hesitate, be irresolute. Pa3AyMbiBaio, KyniiTb AOM HJIH HeT, I am wavering about buying a house. HéMero p., ( c o l l o q . ) , t h e r e is no reason to hesitate. Pa3-AyM-biBaHHe, n.n., indecision, faltering, wavering. Pa3-AyM-be, n.n., hesitation, w a v e r i n g ; deep thought. riorpy3H^ca B p., he fell into deep thought. E r ó B3HJ1Ó pa3AyMbe, he is in doubt.




Ayp-b, n.f., foolishness, folly, nonsense. B ro-iOBe, (colloq.), a head full of nonsense, weak in the head. Bbi6HTb H3 KOTO-JIHSO A , to beat the nonsense out of someone. C n p i i - A y p - b K ) , crack-brained. flyp-a, n.f., flyp-Hu;a, n.f., (aug.), fool, stupid woman. jlyp-iK, n.m., blockhead, fool. /lypaK^M cwacTbe (saying), fools are lucky. OcT^TbCH B AypaKdx, (saying), to be left holding the bag. /Jyp-ajiefi, n.m., Ayp-awiiHa, n.m., (aug.), see A y p i K . ,flyp-a>i6K, n.m., (dim.), halfwit. HB^HyiiJKa-AypaMOK, Ivan the Fool. /Jyp-aHKH, n.pl., a c a r d game. Hrp^Tb B A-, to play at






n.n., (coll.), fools. flyp-eHb, n.m., simpleton, fool. Ayp-^UKHH, adj., stupid, foolish. Jl. KO.indK, fool's cap. A y p ¿¡m.iHBbiH, adj., (colloq.), stupid, foolish. rio-Ayp-^UKH, adv., foolishly, stupidly. riocTyniTb n., (colloq.), to act stupidly. C-Ayp-y, adv., foolishly, out of


C. OH H a r o B o p H . i


B3A6py, out of foolishness, he talked our heads off with every kind of nonsense. flyp-HII, adj., (colloq.), foolish. ZlypbH 6auiKd, blockhead. Ayp-iH-H-Tb,





acc., to fool, make a fool of, ridicule. 6KyCHHK OAypiWHJI Bcex .TOBKOCTblO pyK, the magician fooled everyone with his manual agility. A y p - i i H T b - c « , v.i.r., to play the fool. Mo.ioAewb AypiwH,iacb Becb B e i e p , the young people fooled around the whole evening long. rio-Ayp-iMHTb-cfl, v.p.r., HaA + instr., to





H0BH4K0M, they made fun of the new student. A y p - 6 - T b , v./., o - A y p - e T b , v.p., (colloq.), to become stupid, crazy, insane. OT NB^HCTBA

OH y w e

OAype-rc, h e



come mentally deranged from drinking. o-ayp-d-Tb, v.i., o-Ayp-HTb, v.p., -I- acc., to stupefy. O-Ayp-b, n.f, mental torpor, stupefaction. O-Ayp-^HHe, n.n., mental torpor, process of becoming mentally deranged, stupefied. Pa6oTaTb AO OAypeHHH, to work one self into a daze. O-Ayp-e.ibiH, adj., stupid, meaningless, stupefied. 0-Ayp-rt>omHH, adj. part. act. pres., stupefying. O. 3^nax AyxdB (uBeT6B), heavy scent of perfume ( f l o w e r s ) . Ayp-H-Tb,

V.i., O - A y p - H T b , v.p.,

fool. HHKT6 He no3B6jiHT A

-j- acc.,


c e 6 6 , no

one will permit himself to be deluded. H e Aypn, r o B o p i i T6JIKOM. D o n ' t be a fool, speak seriously.

c-flyp-HTb, v.p., (colloq.), to blunder, commit a folly. flyp-M^H-HTb, V./'., O-Ayp-MiH-HTb, V.p., + acc., + instr., to intoxicate, stupefy. O. HapKOTHKaMH, to stupefy with narcotics. flyp-MiH, n.m., narcotic, intoxicant. /lyp-M^H-HTb-cn, v.i.r., o-AypMiH-HTb-cH, v.p.r., to be stupefied, doped. OT AblMa H COBCeM OAypW^HHJlCH, I w a s overcome by smoke. Ayp-H-6-Tb, v./., no-Ayp-HeTb, v.p., to g r o w ugly, wicked. flyp-n^H, adj., bad, evil, wicked, vicious, ¿ - a n nordAa, bad weather, ^ - a a c-iaBa, ill fame, repute. A-6e



NOBCAEHHE, m i s b e h a v i o r .


badly. ¡\. BocnHTaHHbiH, ill bred.



K6M-;IH6O, t o


someone, speak evil of someone. MHe A., I feel dizzy, faint. Ayp-HOTd, n.f., giddiness, faintness. MyBCTBOBaTb Ayp-

103 h o t ^ , to feel faint, swoon. n.f., an ugly woman.





eaHH-ft-Tb, v.i., (obs.), unite. E a h h - 6 h h c , n.n., unity, accord, union. B c a h h 6 h h h ciiJia, in union there is s t r e n g t h . E a h h itna, n.f., unit, o n e ; low mark. AamhHHcrpaTHBHan e. administrative unit. E Ajihhu, unit of length. E . H3Mep6HHH, unit of measure. EaHHHua - c^Man nnoxin OTMdTKa, a one is the lowest m a r k (in the U S S R school g r a d i n g s y s t e m ) . E a h HHHHocTb, n.f., singleness. Eahh-AhhuA, adj., single; isolated. E . cji^waft, isolated case. Eahh-mh, adj., single, sole, only, unique. E. (JjpoHT, a single, united front. Oh He npH3Hec hh eAHHoro c-iiriBa, he didn't utter a single word. TaM Hi 6w.io hh eAHHoft AyuiA, there w a s n ' t a soul there. E a ^ h - o - , a combining

form meaning one. Eahh-o-66«hc, n.n.,

monotheism. EAHH-o-6p4HHe, n.n., monogamy. EAHH-o-BJiicTHe, n.n., monarchy. EAHH-o-rjidcHe, n.n., unanimity. EAHH-o-rvidcHbift, adj., unanimous. EAHH-o-rvidcHo, adv., unanimously. EAHH-o-AyuiHe, n.n., unanimity, a c c o r d . EAHH-o-AyuiHbifl, adj., unanimous. EAHH-o-AyuiHo, adv., unanimously. Eahh-o-mhcjihc, n.n., a g r e e m e n t in opinion, concord, harmony. E a h h - o - m h i u jieHHHK, n.m., adherent, partisan. E a h h ctbo, n.n., unity, oneness. E. Mecra (bp^mchh, AeflcTBHH), unity of place (time, a c t i o n ) . EAHH-cTBeHHoorb, n.f., uniqueness, singularity. Eahh-ctb6hhuh, adj., only, single, sole, unique, singular. E. b cbo£m pdAe, the only of its kind, unique. E . pe6eH0K, an only child. E - a a moA HaA^WAa, my o n e and only hope. E - o e mhcjiA (gram.), singular number. E a h h - c t b c h h o , adv., only, solely, exclusively, uniquely. BOC-CO-eAHH-ri-Tb, V.p., BOC-CO-eAHH-flTb, v.i., + acc., to reunite, reintegrate. Boc-co-eAHH-HTb-ca, v.p.r., boc-co-

e/iHH-ATb-cH, v.i.r., c + instr., to rejoin.

Boc-co-eAHH-6HHe, n.n., reunion, reintegration. B . uepKB^H, reunion of Christian churches; ecumenical movement. 061-eAHH-iiTb, V.p., 06-b-eAHH-ATb, v.i., 4 - acc., to unite, consolidate. O. mhp, to unite the world. 061-eAHH-HTb-cH,



06-b-eAHH-eHHbifl, adj. part. pass, past, united. O-we H^uhh, United Nations.

06-b-eAHH-AK>mHfl, adj. part. act. pres.,


eA^H, num. card., (Ch.-Sl.),





instr., to be united; rally. 0 6 i - e A H H ¿HHe, n.n., union, unification. B c e c o i o 3 Hoe o., (recent), Ail-Union Combine.

uniting, combining, consolidating. CO-eflHH-tfTb, V.p., CO-eAHH-dTb, v.i., -facc., + instr., to unite, connect, link. C. a60H6HT0B no TeJie(J)6Hy, to connect two parties by telephone. C. bohck£, to unite troops. C. moct6m, to bridge. C o eAHH-HTb-CH, V.p.r., CO-eAHH-iiTb-CH, v.i.r., + instr., to unite, join, become associated. BoAck^ cok>3hhkob coeAHHfUIHCb nOA 66U1HM KOM^HAOBaHHeM, the Allied troops united under one c o m mand. Co-eAHH-eHHe, n.n., union, j u n c tion, combination, fusion. C. kohu6b npbBOAOKH, splicing of wires. XhmAMecKoe c., chemical fusion. Co-eAHHeHHbiii, adj., part. pass, past, united, joined, combined, fused. CoeAHHeHHbie UlTdTbi Am^phkh, the United S t a t e s of America. Co-eAHH-Hte^b, n.m., connector. Co-eAHH-HTe^bHbifi, adj., connective, conjunctive; (gram.), copulative. C. cok)3, (gram.), conjunction. C - a a TKaHb (anat.), connective tissue. npH-CO-eAHH-^Tb, V.p., npH-CO-eAHH-^Tb, v.i., acc., k + dat., to add; incorporate, join. Fl. npdBOA k MarHCTpdJiH, to connect a wire to the main line. ripHco-eAHH-HTb-cn, v.p.r., npH-co-eAHHj^Tb-cH, v.i.r., k + dat., to be added, j o i n e d ; join. n . k APy3bdM, to join friends, fl. k peui^HHio, to join in a resolution. ripH-co-eAHH-6HHe, n.n., addition, incorporation, j o i n i n g ; a n n e x a tion. pa3i>-eAHH-ATb, v.p., pa3-b-eAHH-flTb, v.i., -f- acc., to disconnect, s e p a r a t e . CyAb64 Hac pa3*beAHHHJia, we have been s e p a r ated by fate. Pa3T>-eAHH-HTb-cH, v.p.r., pa3ii-eAHH-6Tb-CH, v.i.r., to be separated, disconnected. ilpoBOAi pa3T>eAHHH.iHCb, the wires were disconnected. Pa3i>-eAHH-£HHe, n.n., disjunction, separation, disconnection. Pa3i>-eAHHiiTeJib, n.m., breaker, interrupter, disconnector. Pa3i>-eAHH-fiiomHfl, adj. part, act. pres., disconnecting, disjunctive.

y-eAHH-iTb-CH, v.p.r., y-eAHH-flTb-CH, v.i.r., to retire, seclude oneself, y . ajih 6eciAbi c APyroM, to retire for a c h a t with one's friend. y-eAHH-^Hne, n.n., solitude, retirement. >KHTb b yeAHH^hhh, to live in solitude. CK^bHHHfl k yeAHHiHHio, retiring. y-eAHHeHHocTb, n.f., isolation, seclusion. y-eAHH-enHbifl,

adj. part. pass, past, secluded, isolated,

solitary, y . 6 c t p o b , a lonely island, y - o e Mticro, a secluded spot. y-eAHHeHHo, adv., alone, in seclusion. HaeAHH-i, adv., privately, alone. no-eA6n-OK, n.m., (obs.), duel, single



c o m b a t . Bbi3BaTb Ha n., to challenge to a duel. CJIOB£CHUH n., a verbal duel. OAAH, num. card., OAH-4, /., OAH-6, neut., o n e ; a certain; only, alone. OH OAAH, only he; he is alone. OAHH APyn i r o CT6HT, (idiom), one is just a s bad a s the other. O. 3a APyriiM, one after a n o t h e r ; single file. 3 a o. pa3, in one go. HeJib36 Bee c A ^ a T b 3a o a ^ H pa3, one should not do everything in one go. OAHAM CJI6BOM, in a word. 3a-OAH(5, adv., all together, simultaneously. fliflcTBOBaib BceM 3., to a c t all together. OAH6 H T6 we, the s a m e thing. OAHHexoHeK, 0AHH-0AHHex0HeK, adj., quite alone. OCT4;ICH H OAHH-OAHHEXOHEK: 6 e 3 ceMbii, 6 e 3 Apy3ifl, I remained all alone, without family, without friends. OAHH-6K-HA, adj., solitary, single, lonely; unmarried. O. xyTop, a solitary farm. OAHH-6-e3>K-4Tb-cH, v.i.r., p a s i 6x-aTb-c«, v.p.r, to break up, s e p a r a t e ; pass one another, y ^ n u a TaK y 3 K i , n o TpyAHO 6u.HO AByM aBT0M06HJIHM pa3i>ixaTbCH, the street is so n a r r o w , t w o cars would find it difficult to pass. T6CTH AABH6 pa3"BEXA^HCB, the guests left long a g o . C y n p y r H paai^xa-iHCb, husband and wife have separated. Pa3i.-e3A, n.m., departure; separation; mounted patrol. >KeJie3HOAop6)KHuii p., railroad siding Pa3T>-e3AHK-4Tb-cH, v.i.r., to meet, assemble, gather. /Ipy3bri c b e xa;iHCb noTSHuoB^Tb, the friends g o t together f o r a dance. Ci>-e3A, n.m., congress, convention, conference, meeting, reunion. C. yieHbix, a convention of scientists. cb-, v.p., - f acc., (colloq.), to smooth, level, Y. KOHA, to ride a h o r s e till it has become tired. Y-i3A-HTB-cH, v.p.r., to be smoothed (as a r o a d ) ; to b e c o m e fatigued, quieted. B u j i KOHb, Aa yi3AHJica, (saying) he is not the d a s h i n g young man he used to be. E A - . E C T - , HFL-. A C T - , E A T I N G , POISON


ea-A, n.f., meal, food. 06AJIBHAN (BK^CHa«), eA*l, abundant ( t a s t y ) food. E a i eft He BnpoK, (colloq.), food does her no good. BplMsi eabi, mealtime. ¿A-KHA, adj., corrosive, caustic. E. AUM (ra3), pungent, acrid s m o k e ( g a s ) . E. 3 d n a x , penetrating odor. E - a « WHAKocTb, acid liquid. E - o e 3aMei4HHe, a s a r c a s t i c r e m a r k . EA-KOCTb, n.f., c o r rosiveness, causticity; bitterness. EA-KO, adv., bitterly. EA-6K, n.m., eater, cons u m e r ; gulper. Xop6ujHft e., a hearty eater. ecT-b, v./'., cb-ecT-b, v.p., + acc., to eat. E . Kyc6K xni6a, to eat a piece of b r e a d . E . JK^AHO, to eat g r e e d i l y . E . M4JIO, to eat s p a r i n g l y . flbiM ecT rna3&, smoke m a k e s one s e y e s smart. BT>-eA-iTb-cii, v.i.r., B-b-ecT-b-cfl, v.p.r.. B -)- acc., (colloq.), to corrode, eat into a surface. XHMHMecxasi Kp4cKa BIEA^eTCH B MaTdpHK), chemical dye eats into material. B3T>-eA-iTb-CH, V.i.r., B3*b-6CT-b-CH, V.p.r., Ha + a c c > (colloq,), to become angry, furious. Xo3ftHxa B3i>6.iacb Ha jKH-nbu^, the landlady has taken a dislike to the tenant. Bu-eA-ATb, v.i., BII-ecTb, v.p., + acc., to e a t up, consume. B. MAKHIU H3 6Y;IKH, to eat the crumb, the soft part of a loaf. 3TO





(saying), it's not worth a thing (literally: it isn't worth an empty e g g shell). AO-eA-4Tb, v.i., AO-6cT-b, v.p., + acc., to finish eating. R. 6y;iKy, to finish a whole loaf of bread. 3a-eA-4Tb, v.i., 3a-ecTb, v.p., + acc., to e a t a f t e r a drink; worry. 3 . >jy>K6H Bex, (fig.), to spoil another's life. MeHfl 3a^JiH KOMapu, I've been eaten up by mosquitoes. 3a-AA--eA-áTb, v.i., H3*b-éCTb, V.p., - f aCC., to consume; cover with b i t e s ; ; corrode. MoJib H3~bé;ia Mex, moths have eaten the fur. Ha-eA-áTb-CH, v.i., Ha-écrb-ca, v.p., + gen., + instr., (colloq.), to eat one's fill, gorge. H. x;ié6a (x.iéóoM), to g o r g e oneself with bread. o6i>-eA-áTb, v.i., oóii-écTb, v.p., -f- acc., to crop (e.g., g r a s s ) ; gnaw round; (fig.), be a burden, eat more than one's share, eat someone out of house and home. O. KocTb, to gnaw a bone clean. OÓ-b-eA-áTb-CH, v.i.r., oó-b-écTb-ca, v.p.r., - f gen., - f instr., to overeat, gorge, gormandize. OH o6-bé;iCH BHUIHHMH (BHUieH), he gorged himself with cherries. OóiéAKH, n.pl., scraps, remnants of food. 06-b-üA-éHHe, n.n., gluttony, greediness; treat, dainty dish. IIHPÓÍKKH BKycHbie npAMo o., tasty patties are a real treat. Ofb-eA-áTb, v.i., 0TT)-ecTb, v.p., + acc., to eat, g n a w off; finish eating. O. «yCÓK, to eat a piece off. PwáBMHHa OT-bé-na BHHTÑ, rust has corroded the screws. OTi-eA-áTb-cH, v.i.r., oT-b-ecTbCH, v.p.r., to become fat; to build oneself up after a period of starvation, fasting. Hy, H o r i c j i c n OH na My>KHX x . i e 6 á x , (colloq.), he certainly fattened himself up by sponging. nepe-eA-áTb, v.i., nepe-écTb, v.p., + gen., to overeat; corrode. Pe6éH0K nepeé^i KáiuH, the child ate too much porridge. PxíáBMHHa nepeeAáeT >Ke^c30, rust corrodes iron. noAT>-eA-áTb, v.i., noAi>-écTb, v.p., + acc., (colloq.), to consume. MypaBéñ NOA*BE,iáeT KÓPHH pacTéHHH, an ant eats the roots of a plant. no-eA-áTb, v.i., n o - é d b , v.p., + acc., + gen., to consume, devour; have a meal. Kóuwa noé^a BEE M6CO, the c a t ate all the meat. n . Máca, to have some meat. Ilo-eA-ÓM, adv., (colloq.), used in the expressions: EcTb Koró-HH6yAb n., to make life miserable for some one; nag. OHá é/ia e r ó noeaÓM, she made life miserable for him. npH-eA-áTb-CH, v.i.r., npH-écTb-ca, v.p.r., + dat., to have one's fill of something; take a dislike to; become insipid. MHC npHé.iocb ¿TO KymaHbe, I'm fed up with this food. B e e pa3B.ieiiéHHH npnéjiHCb, I've become bored by all diversions. npo-eA-áTb, v.i., npo-écTb, v.p., + acc., to corrode; consume. Mo.ib npoé-ia CVKHÓ. moths have eaten t h r o u c h the

107 cloth, n cBoe wijioBaHHe, to spend o n e ' s whole s a l a r y on food. pa3i>-ea-4Tb, v./'., pa3T>-ecTb, v.p., -+- acc., to corrode. P>K^BMHH3 pa3T>6;ia yueniio, rust has corroded the iron. P a 3 i - e A ¿Tb-ca, v.i.r., pa3-b-icTb-c«, v.p.r., to eat heartily, to become fat from good food, from eating a fot. cb-ejHkTb, v.i., c-b-icTb, v.p., + acc., to e a t up, devour. OH c-beA^eT (JjyHT Miica B a.eHb, he e a t s a pound of meat a day. C-becrb co6dKy Ha MCM-^H6O, (fig.), to be a past m a s t e r at something. C-b-eA66HHH, adj., edible, eatable. C-bie rpH6bi, edible mushrooms. Ct-ecT-HDFT, adj., edible. C - w e npHnicw, foodstuff, provisions, victuals. o6-6fl-aTb, v.i., n o - o 6 - i A - a T b , v.p., to dine, have dinner. 0 6 i a a T b He AK. cHpoiy, to pity an orphan. He aiHer, not to begrudge money. He jk. ch;i, to spare no pains. )Kaji-b, impers., it's a pity; pity. >K. MHe ee, I'm sorry for her. KaK wajib! What a pity! J\nn Bac MHe hhmcr6 He >«ajib, there is nothing I won't do for you. }Rdji-KHA, adj., pitiful, pitiable, miserable, sad. )K. Tpyc, a miserable coward. >K-oe cymecTBOB^HHe, a miserable existence. >Kd;i-KO, adv., pitifully. MHe Bac ac., I'm sorry for. you. KaK wdaKo! What a pity!

co-waji-lTb, v./., o + prep., to regret, deplore; repent, be sorry for, have pity for. C. o C B o e M n o c r y n K e , to regret one's behavior, action. Co-waji-eHHe, n.n., repentance, regret; pity, compassion. BbicKa3aTb c., to express regret. /JocT6fiHbiH cowa^eHHH, worthy of, deserving pity; deplorable. K cowajieHHio, unfortunately.

w6ji-o6-a, n.f., complaint, grievance; grumbling. iioA^Tb b 6iop6 m&ao6, to file a complaint in a complaint office. >Kij-o6uiHK, n.m., plaintiff. )Ki^-o6HocTb, n.f., plaintiveness. )KiJi-o6HbiH, adj., mournful, sad, plaintive. >K-an necHH, plaintive song. >K-aji K H H r a , (colloq.), complaint-book. >K. kphk, plaintive cry. >Ki^-o6Ho, adv., mournfully, sadly, plaintively. ">Ki.i06H0 CT6HCT B^Tep OCiHHHfi", (song), "the autumn wind moans plaintively". pa3-»Ki^-ocT.iHBbiH, adj., (colloq.), pitiful,




a pitiful old woman. >Ki^-0CT.iHB0, adv., piteously. >Kd;i-0CTJiHB0CTb, n.f., pitifulness. Wli-ocTHHii, adj., (colloq.), piteous, woeful, lamentable, sorrowful, sad. >K-oe BbipaweHHe ;iHud, a rueful expression. >Kd;i-0CTH0, adv., piteously, woefully, lamentably, sorrowfully, sadly. Oh >k. ctoh^ji, he was moaning sorrowfully. >Kd;i-ocTb, n.f., pity, compassion, mercy. >K. K caMOMy ce6i, self-pity. H3 jk^^octh, for pity's sake. w&i-OBaTb, v.i., no-wi^-OBaTb, v.p., + instr., K + dat., (obs.), to give, grant, bestow. >K. ¿pAeHOM, to award a decoration. >K. rpiMOTOH, grant a charter. O h P^ako K HaM jKii.iyeT, (obs.), he seldom comes to visit us. Ho6p6 n o ) K i JiOBaTb! Welcome! no>KcijiyHTe KymaTb! (obs.), Dinner is served! (announced

no-wd-i-OBaHHe, n.n.,

by a servant).

granting, reward, conferment. rio-Minyft, parenthetical word, I dare say; maybe; perhaps; if you like; I don't mind. H, noAiinyH, noiiAy ry.i^Tb, I think I'll go for a walk. Mto->k, HaMHeM, riOMaJiyfi, well, let's start. I~lo->Kd;iyficTa, please, be so kind; I shall be much obliged. }Kd;i-OBaHHe, n.n., salary, wages. MecHMHoe >k., monthly salary. >Ki-i-OBaHHbifl,


>K-aH r p i M O T a ,









wiJi-OBaTb-csi, v.i.r., no-a^.i-OBaTb-ca, v.p.r., to complain. nocTpaAiBuiHH noHti.ioBa^ca b cyA, the victim filed a complaint in court. o6-»An-oBaTb, v.p., + acc., to appeal a case. O. npHroB6p cyz&, to appeal a court decision. 06-wd.T-OBaHHe, n.n., the action of appealing a case pa3-w4.i!-OBaTb, v.p., + acc., to degrade, demote, reduce in rank. Pa3-)K AnOBaHHe, n.n., degradation, demotion.

Pa3-«aji-OBaHHhiH, adj. part. pass, past, degraded, demoted. co;uaTbi, an officer ranks.

0(J>Huep, p. b demoted to the

)KAJI-, S T I N G >K^-o, n.n., stinging, y



for piercing,

rme/ibi o c T p o e

has a sharp sting. wKa;i-onoaooHbiH, adj., resembling a sting. >Kaji-o-o6pii3HbiH, adj., shaped like a sting.







wap, a.m., heat, glow, fever, temperature; animation, ardor. Bbirpe64Tb >K. H3 ncMKH, to take embers out of a stove. r o p i T b , KaK JK., (poet.), to glitter like gold, y pefieHKa w., the child has a fever. MywHMH pyicdMH w a p 3 a r p e 6 i T b , (saying), to profit by the labor of others. >Kap-i, n.f., heat, hot w e a t h e r . /leTHHA >K., summer heat. >Kip-KHH, adj., hot, torrid; ardent. >K. aeHb, a hot d a y . >Kap-KO, adv., hotly, torridly. ) K i p K o ! It's hot! >Kap-o-noHH>KaioLUHfi, adj., f e b r i f u g a l . >K-ee cpeacTBo, f e b r i f u g e . >Kap-nTHua, (poet., folklore), the firebird. M^p-x-Tb, v.i., - f acc., to roast, fry, broil, grill. >K. roBAflHHy, to roast beef. C6^Hue jKdpHT, the sun is scorching. >K4p-HTb-CH, v.i.r., to be roasted, fried, broiled, grilled. Eap^HHHa WSPHTCH Ha KocTpe, mutton is roasted on an open fire. >K. Ha cojiHue, to bask in the sun. >Kdp-eHbe, n.n., roasting, frying, toasting. Miip-eHbiH, adj., part. pass, past, roasted, fried, broiled. >Kap-K6e, n.n., roast of meat; meat course, dish. >Kap-OBHH, n.f., brazier. AO-Mip-HTb, V.p., AO-)Kip-HBaTb, V.i., + acc., to f r y , roast, sufficiently; to finish roasting, frying. /lo-JKip-eHHbifi, adj. part. pass, past, well-done. He^O-)KAP-EHHBIH,




rare. H-oe Mdco, rare m e a t ; ciently roasted, fried meat. 3a-H(£p-HTb, acc., see

V.p., 3a-)Kdp-HBaTb, «¿pHTb.


v.p., +












acc., to roast in quantity; heat to excess. H. O.IHDAO KOT.IET, to f r y a w h o l e

dish of cutlets. 06-)KKâp-HBaTb,


4- acc., to roast, f r y , toast lightly, n. KapTÔLUK.v, to fry, brown potatoes, n. x - i e ô , to make toast. noa-)Kép-HTb-CH, v.p.r., noa-)Kâp-HBaTb-cR, v.i.r., to be roasted, fried, toasted lightly. KoTJiéTbi no,a>KâpHBaioTCH Ha cKOBopôaKe, cutlets are fried in a f r y i n g pan. nofl-)KépHBaHHe, n.n., light roasting, f r y i n g , toasting. riofl-wép-eHHUii, adj. part, pass, past, roasted, toasted, fried, fl. KapTô^e^b, fried potatoes. I~IoA-)Kdpbiii, adj., (colloq.), lean; meagre, thin, ri-a« CKaxoBâH ;iôma,ab, a lean race horse. + acc., to roast, fry, toast thoroughly. Xopouiô npo/KâpeHHtJH ÔHCJJLUTCKC, well-done steak.


roast, f r y ; y-Kâp-HTb,

v.p., used

-f- acc., instead

(colloq.), to of H3>KâpHTb.




acc., to reduce by roasting; to to a given degree. y-wâp-HTb-cH,


roast v.p.r.,

y - w â p - H B a T b - c H , v.i.r, to b e r e d u c e d


r o a s t i n g ; to be thoroughly roasted. M â c o He yjKépH;iocb, the meat is underdone, too rare. n o - w â p , n.m., fire, conflagration. B. AÔMe n., the house is on fire, in flames. riOMàpOM




p o a a , half the town w a s destroyed by fire. n o - « â p - H m e , n.n., site of a conf l a g r a t i o n . no-xcâp-Hbii), adj., pertaining to fire; used as n., fireman. I~I. C H r H â ; i , fire alarm, r i - a n K O M é H A a , fire brigade,




fire engines. nowâpHbie noTyuiii^H n o w à p , the firemen extinguished the fire. >KAT(b)-, >KM-, )KHM-,


ivaT-b, >«M-y, v.i., 4- acc., to squeeze, press, strain; w r i n g out; oppress. >K. pyKy, to shake hands (in g r e e t i n g ) . BaiuM^K )K\ieT, the shoe is pinching. >K. no^MHHeHHbix, to oppress one's subordinates. >K4Tb-cH, v.i.r., to huddle. >K. OT x 6 . i o a a , to huddle together from cold. BH-WaTb,

o6->lKAT(b) to press, squeeze, wring out thoroughly. 3a-HtATb. V.p., 3a-JKHM-^Tb, V./'., + OCC., to press, grip, clamp; gag. 3. * e ^ e 3 0 B THCKH, to clamp iron in a vice. 3. P O T KOMy-HH6yAb, (fig.), to g a g someone. 3. HOC OT .abiMa, to hold one's nose against smoke. 3. B p y x i M O H e T y , to grip a coin in one's hand. 3a-HKDTB cTaxdH JIHM6HHOI"O coKa, to squeeze a glass of lemon juice. Ha»rtM, n.m., pressure. H. Ha H36Hp4Te;ieH, pressure exerted on voters. H a - M H M ¿Tb-cfl, v.i.r., + instr., to be pressed. PwM^r Ha>KHMdeTCfl pyK6fi, the lever is pressed by hand. 06-lK^Tb, V.p., o6-JKHM-4Tb, V./., + OCC., to squeeze, press, wring out thoroughly. O. MbKpyio ofliwAy, to wring out wet clothes thoroughly. 06-)K4Tb-cH, v.p.r., o6-)KHM-4Tb-cfl, v.i.r., to be w r u n g out thoroughly. OT-Mt^Tb, V.p., OT-)KHM-^Tb, V./., + (2CC., to wring out; twist and strain. OTJK^Tb-CH, V.p.r., OT-)KHM-iTb-Cfl, V.i.r., tO be pressed, wrung out thoroughly. noa-wATb, v.p., noa-)KHM-iTb, v.i., + acc.. to d r a w in, fold under, n. ry6bi, to purse one's lips. rioA-wdT-bjfl, adj. part, pass, past, drawn in, folded under. Co64iK. powb, to reap rye. >KáT-Ba, n.f., harvest, reaping; crop. BpéMH )KáTBbi, harvest time. )KáT-BeHHbiñ, adj., pertaining to reaping, harvesting. >K-an MauiHHa, see jKHéfíKa, iKáTKa. >KH-éiíKa, n.f., harvester, reaping machine. >KH-eu, n.m., >KH-Hua, n.f., reaper, harvester (a person). >KH-HBO, n.n., stubble. rioKpbiTbiH >KHHBOM, stubbled. BÚ-)KaTb, V.p., BbI->KHH-áTb, v.i., + acc., to reap. B. nó^e, to reap a field clean. Ha-wáTb, v.p., Ha-HíHH-áTb, v.i., + acc., to reap, harvest in quantity. H. CÓTHIO cHonÓB, to reap a hundred sheaves. n o - w á T b , v.p.,

no->KHH-áTb, v.i.,






reap. IT niueHHuy, to reap wheat. MTO nocéeuib, TO H N O W H É U J B , (Bib.), as thou sowest, so shalt thou reap. IT .náBpbi, (fig ), to reap laurels. IT nojiw CBOHX TpyAÓB, to reap the fruit of one's labor. c-waTb, v.p., to finish reaping; see HcaTb. ^ - I K H H - A T B , v.i.,

n o - y - > K H H - a T b , v.p.,

supper. Y->KHH, n.m., supper. PyccKHe oóbmHo yíKHHaioT B 8 MacÓB Bé^epa. Russians usually eat supper at eight o'clock in the evening.

>Kr-, MOK-, >KEM-, >KHr-, MÍET-, )KOr-, BURNING wei-b, Htr-y, v.i., c->KeHb, v.p., + acc., to burn. >K. ApoBá, to burn wood. KpaniiBa >K)KÉT, a nettle stings, smarts. >KéMbCH, v.p.r., to be burned. >Kr-yMecTb, n.f., causticity; (fig.), glow, burning. >K. B3r.niÍAa, the glow of an expression. >Kr-YMHH, adj., burning, hot; caustic. >K-an 6o;ib, a smarting pain. >K-ee

Ill cd-uHue, broiling sun. >K-He rvia33, (fig.), fiery eyes. >K-He Bonpdcu, vital questions, issues. )K)K-£HHef n.n., burning, consuming. >K>keHKa, n.f., hot punch. >K)K-eHbifi adj. part. pass, past, roasted, burnt. >K. K6(J>e, roasted coffee. )K. cdxap, burnt sugar. B03-lK^1-b, V.p, B03-)KHr-aTb, V./., + OCC., to burn; (obs.), light; (fig.), provoke. B. 4>HMHiM, to burn incense. Bo3-)KHrdHHe, n.n., ( o b s . ) , lighting, burning. Bbl-WeH-b, V.p., Bbl-JKHT-dTb, V.I., - f OCC., to burn out; sear, cauterize. B. ;iec, to burn down a forest. B. K^eiiMo, to brand. B. no a i p e B y , to burn in wood. Bbi-xoK-eHHbiH, adj. part. pass, past, burnt, scorched (e.g., g r a s s ) . Bbi->KHr¿Hne, n.n., burning out; cauterizing. B. no flepeBy, pyrography. Bbi->KHr-a, n.m., and n.f., (colloq.), a cunning, crafty m a n ; rogue. 3a-MKHr-dTb, v.i., -+- acc., to set a fire, light, see noAWHrdTb. 3 . CBeT, to light a light. 3 . (JjOH^pb, to light a lantern. 3. cnnMKy, to light a match. 3. CTpacTb, to kindle a passion. Sa-wiw-b-cfl, v.p.r., 3a->KHr-4Tb-CH, v.i.r., to begin to burn, flare up. 3 a >KHr-dJiKa, n.f., cigarette lighter. 3 a WHr-iTe^bHbifi, adj., fiery, inflammatory, incendiary. 3 - a n 66M6a, incendiary bomb. 3 - a n peMb, (fig.), inflammatory speech. H 3 - » 6 r - a , n.f., heart-burn, stomach acidity. 06-wtM-b, v.p., o6-)KHr-4Tb, v.i., + acc., to burn, s c o r c h ; bake; kiln; calcine. O. pyny, to burn one's hand. O. KHpnHM, to bake bricks. 06-)K6Mb-cn, v.p.r., 0 6 >KHr-STb-CH, v.i.r., + instr., to burn, scald oneself. 06o>K>KeiubCH na MOJIOxe, Ayeuib Hd Boay, (prov.), once bitten, twice shy. ¿¿-JKHT, n.m., kilning, glazing. O. rJiHHHHbix ropuiKbB, kilning of pottery. 06->KHr-3HHe, n.n., burning, scorching, glazing. 06->KHr-4Te^bHbiH, adj., burning, glazing. O - a a neib, furnace, glazing oven, kiln. 0->xeM(b)-CH, see o6)KeHbCH. O-jKHr-^Tb, see O6>KHr^Tb. 0 - a < 6 r , n.m., a burn; scald; baking (e.g., of bricks, pottery). OT-W^M-b, v.p., OT-)KHr-iTb, V.i., + OCC., to temper (as s t e e l ) ; burn off. O. KOHeu niJiKH, to burn off the end of a stick. OT-JKHT, n.m., (tech.), tempering (as s t e e l ) . OT-HCHr-ATejibHuA, adj., tempering. O - a a neMb, tempering furnace. n e p e - w i i - b , v.p., nepe-MHr-iTb, v.i., - f acc., to burn again, through; see jKenb. n . nprtBOA. to burn a wire through. nepe-Hidr, n.m., overheating; excessive consumption of fuel. n e p e - w i i b - C H ,

v.p.r., nepe-JKHr-áTb-CH, v.i.r., to be burnt, overroasted. Kóe nepewHráeTCH Ha cHJibHOM orHé, coffee becomes burnt on too hot a flame. noA-wén-b, v.p., noA->KHr-áTb, v.i., -(- acc., to set afire, kindle; (fig.), excite, provoke. n . A P O B Á , to start a wood fire, n . AOM, to set fire to a house. FI. nwp ó r , to burn a pie. rioA-wéMb-cH, v.p.r., noA->KHr-áTb-c«, v.i.r., + instr., to b e set afire. I~IoA->KHr-áTe.iib, n.m., a r s o n ist, incendiary. I~IOA->KHr-áTeJiH B O Ñ H Ú , (recent), war-mongers. rioA-)KHr-áTe;ibCTBO, n.n., incendiarism. I~IoA-)KHráioLUHH, adj. part. act. pres., incendiary, n . CHap^A, (mil.), incendiary shell. n p H - m é i - b , v.p., npH-)KHr-áTb, v.i., + acc., to s e a r ; cauterize, n . pámcy HÓAOM, to cauterize a wound with iodine. flpH«Hr-áHHe, n.n., searing, cauterizing. ripH-«éMb-ca, v.p.r., npH-iKHr-áTb-CH, v.i.r., -(- instr., to be cauterized. pa3-wé>i-b, v.p., pa3-^KHr-áTb, v.i., + acc., to burn up, down, out; incinerate; cremate. C. A O T;ia, to burn to ashes. C. C B O H Kopaó^H, (fig.), to burn one's boats. C-)KéMb-CH, v.p.r., c-)KHr-áTb-cH, v.i.r., to be burned up, down, out; be incinera t e d ; cremated. Cop O K H R Á E T C H BO Asopé, rubbish is burned in the yard. C-«Hr-áHHe, n.n., burning; incineration; cremation. Hífl- >KH/l-, E X P E C T A T I O N , W A I T I N G WA-a-Tb, v.i., -4- acc., + gen., to wait, wait for, expect, await. )K. iiHCbMá, to expect a letter. OH 3 A C T Á B H J I MeHA he kept me waiting. Mw JKA2JIH eé Mac, we waited an hour for her. BM-MA-ÁTB, v.p.r., BBI-WHA-ÁTB, v.i.r., gen., to await; bide one's time. B. yA06H o r o cjiy^an, to wait for an opportunity. Bbi->KHA-áHHe, n.n., expectancy; waiting. Bbi-)KHA-áTe;ibHbiH, adj., e x pectant. B - a s nojiHTHKa, a policy of waiting for the development of events. Bbi-)KHA-áTb-CH, v.i.r., used only in 3d pers. BbiwHAáeTCH nÓBOA k Haiá;iy BOÉHHWX ACHCTBHH, they are biding their time, waiting for a pretext to s t a r t hostilities. AO-MfA-áTb-C», V.p.r., AO-)KHA-áTb-CH, v.i.r., + gen., to wait sufficiently long. fl AOMAáJicsi nHCbMá, I waited until I finally received a letter, fl MAY - He


112 AoxcAycb Báuiero oTBéra, I am waiting impatiently f o r your answer, fl. KOHuá aaHHTHH, to wait impatiently for the end of classes. oóo-WA-áTb, v.p., - f acc., (colloq.), to wait, await. O. rpo3y. to wait until a storm has passed. O ó o j k a h t c ! W a i t a little! o-iKHA-áTb, v./., + gen., to expect. O. r o c Téíi, to expect guests. fl He owHAáji áToro, I didn't expect this. O-acHA-áTbch, v.i.r., used only in 3d pers., to be expected. CerÓAHH k wáio ojkha^iotch rócTH, guests are expected today for tea. 0-}KHA-áHHe, n.n., expectation, waiting, anticipation. OÓinaHyTb o., to disappoint. 3 a ji o w h a ^ h h h , waiting room. riacca>KHpbi chacjih b 3 i n t ojkhAáHHH, the p a s s e n g e r s were sitting in the waiting room. CBepx o j k h a 4 h h h , beyond expectation. He-MA-áHHbiH, adj., unexpected. He-o->KHA-aHHocTb, n.f., suddenness, surprise. He-o-jKviaaHHbiñ, adj., surprising, sudden. H - o e Hana/iéHHe, an unexpected attack. H - o e cMácTbe, a windfall. He-o-JKiia-aHHO, adv., suddenly, unexpectedly. npmiuiH, h. rócTH, guests arrived unexpectedly. flo^ro-wA-áHHtjfi, adj. part. pass, past, long-awaited, expected. nepe-WA-áTb, v.p., nepe-WHA-áTb, v./., + acc., to wait until something has come to an end. FI. rpo3y, to wait until a storm has passed. n o A O - W A - á T b , v.p., + acc., to wait a short while. ri0A0>KAèMTe eè, OHa ceftMác npHAéT, let's w a i t f o r h e r , she'll b e h e r e soon. rioAOWAHTe HeMHóro! W a i t a w h i l e ! H a v e a little p a t i e n c e !

noA-wHA-áTb, v.i., + gen., + acc., (colloq.), to wait for, e x p e c t ; lie in wait, n . nrte3A, to wait for a train. IX Apy3éíí, to expect friends. IloA-WHA-áHHe, n.n., waiting, expectation. npo-WA-áTb, v.p., + acc., + gen., to wait a certain period of time, fl npowAá;i e r ó uéjibiH AeHb, I waited for him a whole day. ÍKEJI-,


weji-á-Tb, v.i., no-)Keji-áTb, v.p., + dat., + gen., to wish, want, desire, be willing, anxious. >K. Aoópá, to wish well. >K. HeB03MÓ>KHoro, to cry for the moon. (literally: to wish for the impossible.) CiijibHo >k. Heró-HH6yAb, to long for something. >Ke^áio BaM eMáeTbn, I wish you happiness. >Ke;iáji-Cbi h 3HaTb, k t o HanHcá.i S t o , I should like to know who w r o t e this. >Keji-áiomníi, adj. part. act. pres., used as n., one who wishes, desires, longs for. »(e^-áHHe, n.n., wish,

desire; hunger. )K. yMHTbca, a desire to Study. yAOBJieTBOpHTb MbH-^HÓO wen i h h h , to satisfy someone's wishes. TopéTb >Ke.iiHHeM, to burn with desire. )Ke;iàHHbift, adj., desirable, desired. >KeJiàTe;ibHocTb, n.f., desirability. )Ke;iàTe^bHbifi, adj., desirable. >Keji-àTe;ibh o , adv., desirably, advisably. >K. 6 u j i o 6bi noflTH. (colloq.), it would be pleasant to go. no-weJi-àHHe, n.n., wish. BbicKa3aTb n., to e x p r e s s o n e ' s wishes. LLIjiio BaM Jiyqume nowe.TàHHt), I send you my best wishes. Ejiaro->Keji-àTe;ib, n.m., fijiaro-jKeji-àTejibHHua, n.f., wellwisher. Bjiaro-JKe^-iTejibHbifi, adj., well-wishing, well-disposed, benevolent. B . npHèM, a friendly welcome. B - a a peuéH3HH, a favorable review. B j i a r o }Ke./i-àTe.ibHo, adv., benevolently. ¿ 0 6po->Ke^-àTe^b, n.m., Ao6po-«e^¿TeJibHHua, n.f., well-wisher. flo6po«e^-àre^bHOCTb, n.f., goodwill: kindness. ^oópo-jKe^-àTe^bHbift, adj. wellwishing, friendly, benevolent, kindly disposed. /1-oe OTHOiuéHHe, friendly, kindly attitude. WE./1E3-; GLAND, IRON weAe3-4, n.f., gland. MnHAajieBftAHbie >Ké^e3bi, tonsils. >Kejiè3-ncTbift, adj., glandular, glandulous. >KeJié3-Ka, n.f., small gland. O t npocTyAw y MeHà pacnyx^H wejiesKH, my glands have become swollen from a cold. we;ié3-o, n.n., iron. >Kejié3-o-, a combining form meaning iron. >Ke.ie3-o6eTÓH, iron-reinforced concrete. >Ke.ne3o-Aé^aTeJibHbi(i saBÓA, ironworks. )Ke^e3-o-n^aBH^bHan neMb, iron-smelting furnace. }Kejié3-HCTbiH, adj., ferruginous; of o r pertaining to iron. >Ke;ié3HbiH, adj., ferric, ferrous, iron. >K. BeK, (hist.), the Iron Age. >K. ; i h c t , iron plate. >K-aa pyA^, iron ore. >K-an a o póra, railroad, railway. Bo3AyuiHan jK-aa Aopóra, cable railway. FloA3éMHas >K-an Aopóra, subway; underground railroad. E x a i b no >KeJié3HOH Aopóre, to travel by railroad. >Ke;ie3H-o-Aopó)KHHK, n.m., railwayman. )Ke^e3-H-o-Aopó»Hbift, pertaining to a railroad, railway. )K. nyTb, railroad track. >Ke^e3-HiiiK, n.m., iron clay, iron ore. BypwH >k., brown hematite, limonite. KpàcHtjft blood-stone, hematite.

JKE./IT-, > K E J m - , Y E L L O W N E S S JKMT-Ke^T-eTb, v.p., to yel-

low, turn yellow. OceHbio ;nicTbfl )xe;i-

r i i o T , the leaves turn yellow in the fall. rio->KeJiT-eHHe, n.n., yellowing, turning



yellow. rio-iKe^T-éBuiHA, adj. pari. act. past, that which has turned yellow. n-aH ôyMàra, yellowed paper. 3a->Ke«T-éTb, v.p., to turn yellow, ripen. P o x b 3aj«ejiTé^a, the rye has ripened. UtejIT-A-Tb, V.i., nO->Ke^T-HTb, V.p., Bhl» e j T - H T b , v.p., 4 - acc., to paint, dye, color yellow, il. nacxâjibHbie hhmkh, to paint Easter e g g s yellow. B. KycôK MaTépHH, to dye a piece of cloth yellow. >KejiT-H3Hâ, n.f., yellowness. >KejiTOBâTocTb, n.f., yellowishness; sallowness. >KejiT-oBâTbiil, adj., yellowish, nankeen-colored; sallow. }KeJiT-ÔK, a.m., yolk of an e g g . )KeJiT-yxa, n.f., (med.), jaundice, icterus. JKeJiT-^iuHbifi, adj., icteric. noA-aceJiT-fiTb, v.p., + acc., to yellow slightly, n. KpyweBâ, to dye lace yellow. )KëJiT-bifi, adj., yellow. >K. UBeT, yellow color. )K-aH - JiHxopàAxa, yellow fever. vcëjiq-b, n.f., gall, bile. Paaninne «ë^MH, (med.), jaundice. O h nôJioH j k c j i h h , ( f i g ) , he is full of bitterness. )Ke;mHbiH, adj., bilious. )K. KéMeHb, gall stone. >K. ny3Ùpb, gall-bladder. )K. MeAOBéx, choleric person. )KëJiH-HOCTb, n.f., jaundice, biliousness. )K. x a p â K T e pa, an embittered disposition. HŒH-, W O M A N ;


weH-rt-Tb, v./. and v.p., + acc., Ha + prep., to marry. OTéu weHHJi cùHa, the father married off his son. 5e3 mchA MeHA «eHiwH, (saying, iron.), they married me against my will. )KeHé î u f l , adj., married. >KeH-iiTb-cH, v.p.r. and v.i.r., to get married, marry, take a wife. )K. yA^MHo, to make a good match, marry well. >K. no jhoôbiî, to marry for love. Hhko^^A j k c h h ^ c h Ha MapHH, Nicholas married Mary. nepe-weH-ATb, v.p., see weHHTb. O h nepeweHHJi Bcex c b o h x cuHOBéft, ( c o l l o q . ) , he married off all his sons. riepe-)KeHHTb-CH, v.p.r., see weHHTbCH. Bee erô ôpâTbn nepeweHH-iHCb, (colloq.), all of his brothers have married. no-nceH-riTb, v.p., - f acc., (colloq.), to marry. O h i î jitbôm Apyr APyra; h ^ a o h x n., they love each other; we must get them married. no-xceH-HTb-CH, v.p. r., to marry.OHH y»< a s b h ô noweHHjiHCb, they married a long time ago. >KeH-f)Tb6a, n.f., marriage, matrimony. )KeH-àx, n.m., fiancé, bridegroom, betrothed. weH-â, n.f., wife. BuTb noA 6aiuMaKÔM y CBoéft )KeHbi, (iron.), to be henpecked, be under one's wife's thumb. )KëH-Ka,


n.f., (folk), wife. >KeH-yuiKa, n.f., (affectionate, colloq.), wife. wtH-imwa, n.f., woman, female. 3 a M y « H$m )«., married woman. IlepeAOBiu >k., progressive woman. }KeH-o-Jiib6He, n.n,. philogyny. >KeH-o-jiio6HBbKeH-o-HeHaBHCTHHK, n.m., woman hater, misogynist. )KeH-opraHH3dTop, n.m., (recent), organizer of women's activities. >KeH-OTA6;i, n.m., (recent), division of an organization for women's social and political activities. >KeH-cKHfi, adj., female, feminine, womanly. >K. no;i, the female sex. >K-aa HaTypa, feminine nature. J K ^ h - c t b c h HocTb, n.f., femininity. >K6H-cTBeHHhifi, adj., womanly, effeminate, feminine. W E P T - , )KP-, >KHP-, SACRIFICE, TIM


KépT-B-OBa-Tb, v.i., nO-)KépT-BOBaTb, v.p., 4- acc., + instr., to give, contribute. >K. AéHbrH Ha ôéAHbix, to contribute for the poor. )K. co66ft, to sacrifice oneself. >K. )KH3Hbio, to sacrifice one's life. >KépT-Ba, n.f., sacrifice; victim; o f f e r ing, immolation. >K. b o h h h , war victim. ripHHocHTb b >«épTBy, to bring in sacrifice. CTaTb )«épTBOH, to become a victim, fall prey to. >KépT-BeHHHK, n.m., (eccl.) credence. >KépT-BeHHhiii, adj., sacrificial. )KépT-BOBaHHe, n.n., o f f e r ing, donation. I~l0-)KépT-B0BaHHe, n.n., gift, contribution. }KépT-BOBaTejib, n.m., donor, giver. )KepT-BO-npHHOwéHHe, n.n., oblation, offering, sacrifice. )Kpeu, n.m., druid; heathen priest. Htpeuiâ HayKH, (fig.), high priests of science. >Kp-éMecKHft, adj., sacerdotal, druidical. >Kp-éHecTBO, n.n., pagan, heathen priesthood. )Kp-Hua, n.f., priestess. ncp-a-Tb, v./., co-«p-âTb, v.p., + acc., (colloq.), to guzzle, gorge, devour. O h wpëT, KaK cBHHbt), (colloq.), he gobbles like a pig. >Kp-aHbë, n.n., (vulgar), guzzling, gorging, gormandizing. >KpaTBë, n.f., (vulgar), chow, Ha->Kp-éTbch, v.p.r., o6o-wp-éTb-cfl, v.i.r., + gen., + instr., (vulgar), to gorge. no-wp-âTb, v.p., -)- acc., to devour, rioMHp-àTb, v./., + acc., + instr., to devour. n . cbok) jKépTBy, to devour a victim (animal). OrôHb nowHpàeT ^iecâ, the fire is destroying the forests, n . r^a3^MH, (fig.), to devour with one's eyes; gloat. CO-Wp-âTb, v.p., C-)KHp-âTb, v.i., + acc., to devour, gorge. C . oôéA, (vulgar, colloq.), to gobble a dinner. 3Bepb co>kpén Bcë Mâco, the beast devoured all the meat. XiiuiHbie 3BépH cwupdioT



M6;IKHX JKHB6THMX, wild b e a s t s devour small animals. IKHP, n.m., fat, grease. TycHHbifi JK., g o o s e fat. Bap^HHA JK., mutton fat. PufiHft JK., fish oil, cod liver oil. 3 a n ; i u T b JKHPOM, to g r o w fat. C jKiipy 66CHTCH, (.saying), one b e c o m e s hard to please from a too easy life. >KHP-OBIIK, n.n., (med.), fatty tumor, lipoma. }KHp-Hbifl, adj., fat, g r e a s y , rich. )K. KycdK Mfica, fat piece of meat. >K. IUPHT, b o l d f a c e type. ntHp-i-TB, v.i., o-)KHp-eTb, v.p., to g r o w fat. OT KyKypfcbi CBHHbH JKHP6K>T, pigs fatten



0 - J K H P - £ H H C , n.n.,


sity, adiposity. O. cipAua, (med.), an adipose heart. 0-JKHP-6BLUHH, adj. part, act. past, one who has b e c o m e f a t ; obese. O. HCJIOB^K, obese person. no-WHp-^Tb, v.p., to g r o w fatter. CKOT no>KHPI^






f a t t e r toward autumn. rio-JKHp-eHHe, n.n., the process of b e c o m i n g fatter. pa3-MtHp-£Tb, v.p., to have b e c o m e fatter, v e r y fat. Kynnrtxa pa3JKHpiJia Ha rmp o r d x H 6yjiKax, the merchant's wife g r e w very f a t on a diet of pies and buns.


OK-O-C6PAHO, adv., mercilessly, pitilessly, cruelly. o-mecT-o-wrtTb, v.p., o-jKecT-oMiTb, v.i., to harden; (fig.), embitter. O-jKecTOMHTb-CH, v.p.r., 0->KeCT-0MiTb-CS, v.i.r., to become cruel, fierce. O-jKecT-owiHHe, n.n., harshness, bitterness, f i e r c e n e s s ; violence. O-jKecT-oHeHHbiH, adj. part, pass, past, violent, fierce. O - o e cpajKeHHe, a fierce battle. M H - , >KHT(b)-, >KHB-, > K H 3 H ( b ) , L I F E tKH-Tb, )KHB-y, v.i., B -F prep., + instr., to live, be alive. >K. MHbro JieT, to live many years. >K. B CBOCM A^Me, to live in one's own house. >K. B flocT^TKe, to live in abundance. >K. 6CAHO, to live in poverty. } K H J i - 6 b u i . . . , (obs.), there w a s . . . , there once w a s . . . >KH;i-6bj;i cTapHK co CBoeio C T a p y x o » , there once was an old man who lived with his old wife. BeK JKHBH, BeK y i i i c b , (prov.), the longer you live, the more you learn. MKH-T-H£, n.n., hagiography. )KHTHii CBHTUX,






wecT-b, n.f., tin, tin plate.

K P Ó B E ^ B H A « JK.,

sheet lead. OUHHKÓBAHHAN JK., white metal. rioKpwTb jKéc-rbio, to cover with zinc. >KecT-ÍIHHK, n.m., tinsmith, whitesmith. >KecT-(iHKa, n.f., tin can. >KecTHHóñ, adj., of or pertaining to tin. >K-áa n o c y A a , tinware. wecT-K-Hft, adj., hard, stiff, rigid; tough. )K. BaróH, (recent), railway c a r r i a g e with wooden seats (formerly 3rd c l a s s ) . >K-an Bóaa, hard w a t e r . >K-oe Miico, tough meat. >K-ne npáBHJia, rigid rules. FLÉJIATB JKCCTKHM, to harden, stiffen. ¿ ¿ J i a T b c a «eCTKHM, to b e c o m e hard, stiff, rigid. >KecT-Kocrb, n.f., hardness, stiffness. >KecT-KO, adv., rigidly, in a harsh manner. M^TKO cTé^eT, Aa wécTKo cnaTb, (saying), an iron hand in a velvet glove. >KecT-KOBáTbifl, adj., quite hard, stiff. xecT-ÓKHFT, adj., cruel, heartless, b r u t a l ; s a v a g e . )K. ne^OBéK, cruel, brutal person. >K. Mopó3, sharp, hard frost. >K-He HpáBbi, savage, brutal mores, w a y s of living. >KecT-óKOCTb, n.f., cruelty, brutality, ferocity, s a v a g e r y , heartlessness. HMÉTB

JK. CKA3ÁTB, t o




to say. >K-oe cépAUe, a cruel heart. >KecT-oK-o-cépAHe, n.n., hard-heartedness, cruelty. >KecT-0K-0-cépAHbiH, adj., pitiless, merciless, hard-hearted. >KecT-

lives of




KHH, adj., worldly. >K-He 3a66Tbi, the concerns of everyday life. >K-oe MKHT-ejib, n.m., jKH-T-e^bHHua, n.f., inhabitant, dweller, resident. TOPOACK6H JK., city dweller. AEPEBEHCKHII JK., country dweller; a rustic. >KHT-e^H, n.m.pi., population, inhabitants. >KHT-eJibCTBO, n.n., habitation, abode. BHA Ha JK., (obs.), temporary residence permit. nepeiueHHTb JK., to move, c h a n g e residence. >KiiTe^bCTBoBaTb, v./., (obs.), to reside, dwell, live, inhabit. >KHT-O, n.n., grain, rye (in Southern Russia). MKHT-HBIH, adj., grain, rye. Bbl-JKHTb, V.p., Bbl-JKH-BiTb, V.i., -f- OCC., to drive out; to survive. 5o;ibH6H BbiJKHJI, the patient survived, recovered. B . H3 AOMy HecnoKdHHoro jKH.ibud, to drive a troublesome lodger out of a house. B . H3 yMi, to become feebleminded. OH£ He BbijKHBeT AO jiiTa, she won't live until summer. AO-wiiTb, v.p., Ao-jKH-BiTb, v.i., a o + gen., to attain, reach. / I . AO r,iy66Kofi CT4POCTH, to reach a ripe old a g e . £(o Mer6 Mbi A^JKHJIH! W h a t have we come t o ! R . AO NO6EAW, to live to see a victory. 3a-»H-Tb, v.p., 3a-JKH-BdTb, v.i., to heal; begin to live. P^Ha 3ajKHBKH


a family life 3 . MécTHOH, TpyflOBóñ )KH3Hbio, to begin to live an honest, hard-working life. 3a-)KKH-BáTb, V.i., + OCC., to rid oneself o f ; overcome. M. HeaocTáTk h , to overcome one's faults, s h o r t comings. Ha-MftTb, V.p., Ha-MH-BáTb, v./'., + occ., to gain, profit; acquire. H. cocTortHne, to make a fortune. H. 6oJié3Hb, to cont r a c t a disease. H. BparÓB, to make enemies. Ha-)KH-TÓñ, adj. part. pass, past, acquired. H-óe cocTodHHe, an acquired fortune. Ha-jKHTb-ca, v.p.r., hs-jkhBáTb-ca, v.i.r., to become rich, make a fortune. Ha-)KH-Ba, n.f., gain, profit. Ha-wH-BHófl, adj., lucrative, profitable; acquired, gained. fléHbTH - Beuib HawHBHáR, (saying), money is a thing acquired. o-wÚTb, v.p., o-MH-BáTb, v.i., to revive, resuscitate; (fig.), cheer up. OT-ycATb, v.p., OT-3KH-BáTb, V.Í., -f- ÜCC., to become obsolete, die out; be out of date (as laws, customs, m a n n e r s ) . O. cBofi BeK, to have had one's d a y ; to b e living on borrowed time. OT->KH-Bá>om.HH, adj. part. act. pres., becoming obsolete, dying out. O. o6¿mafi, a dying custom. Ot-jkh-blijhh, adj. part. act. past, which has b e c o m e obsolete, h a s died out. 06-ycitTb-cii, v.p.r., o6-)KH-BáTb-cfl, v.i.r., to become acclimated, become accustomed to one's new surroundings. O. Ha hóbom MécTe, to become used to a new place. nepe-wriTb, v.p., nepe-WH-BáTb, v.i., + acc., to outlive, outlast; experience, relive; endure, suffer. O h nepewKJi cbohx Atréfi, he outlived his children. >KH3Hb nepe>KHTb — He nó;ie nepeñTH, (prov.), life is not a bowl of cherries (literally: to live a life is not like crossing a field). Í1. >jtó-;ih6o T í w e j i ó , to t a k e something to heart. riepe->KH-BáHHe, n.n., experience. Pá;iocTHbie nepejKHBáh h h , happy experiences. no-wfiTb, v.p., + acc., to live a while; (fig.), see life, have a good time, f l . t o a Ha tore, to live a y e a r in the South. rio)KHBeM - yBtiflHM, (saying), time will tell, (literally: we'll live a little and s e e ) . no-wH-jiófí, adj., elderly, n . rocnoAHH, an elderly gentleman, n - á a AáMa, an elderly lady. I~Io-)khtk h , n.m.pl., goods, chattels, things, belongings. Co BCéMH nO}KHTK3MH, (COÍloq.), b a g and b a g g a g e . BúGpocH^H e r ó H3 K B a p T H p b i c o BcéMH e r ó noacHT-


k3mh, they turned him out of the a p a r t ment with all his belongings. no-WH-BâTb, v.i., to live along; feel. Fl. x o p o m ô (njiôxo), to feel well, ( u n w e l l ) . Kax nowHBéeTe? How are you? . . . CTâjIH )KHTb - nOMHBâTb, RS ROÔpi HawHBâTb ..., (saying, often the closing sentence of Russian fairy tales), and

they lived happily ever after, e n j o y i n g good health and acquiring riches: npH-wrt-Tb, v.p., npH->KH-BâTb, v.i., + acc., ( f o l k ) , to beget, n . aeTéH, to have children. flpH-JKli-Tb-CH, V.p.r., npH-MHBâTb-cn, v.i.r., to become accustomed, become acclimatized, n . k MécTHocTH, to become used to a location, place. II. k jiWAfiM, to become accustomed to people. ripH-)KH-BâjiKa, n.f, npH-xcHBajibiuHK, n.m., (obs.), toady, sponger. npo-WHTb, v.p., n p o - ) « H - B â T b , v.i., + acc., to live, reside; spend. Mbi ab3 rôaa npô>KH.iH b KAeBe, we lived two whole y e a r s in Kiev. Ohm npô)KHJiH cBoë cocToiiHHe, they squandered their fortune. O h npowHBâeT b E n p ô n e , he resides in Europe. ripo->KHTb-cH, v.p.r., npo-JKHBdTb-ca, v.i.r., to spend all one's money. O h coBcéM npoJKH^ca; o c T â ^ c n 6 e 3 konéflKH, he has spent all he had; now he is penniless. ripo->KHT-He, n.n., living, livelihood. 3apa6âTbiBaTb Ha n., to earn a living. ripo-JKHT-OMHbiH, adj., pertaining to living, livelihood. Fl. mhhhmym, (recent), a living w a g e . pa3-wliTb-cii, v.p.r., pa3-}KH-BâTb-c>i, v.i.r., to make a profit, g r o w rich; get, o b tain, acquire. OaBpHKâHT pa3)KHJicH nôcfle BOHHÙ, the manufacturer b e c a m e prosperous after the war. C-WHTb, V.p., C-WH-BâTb, V.i., + OCC., tO get rid o f ; (colloq.), shake o f f ; misuse, abuse. C. kotô-jihôo co CBéTy, to cause someone's death. C-aK. peôëHOK, a lively child. )K. yM, a lively wit. )K-ân y;iHKa, eyewitness,



living evidence. B e e >KHB6e, all t h a t is alive. >K-bie uBdTbi, n a t u r a l f l o w e r s . >KiiB-ocTb, n.f., animation, vivacity, liveliness, verve. >KHB-O, adv., p r o m p t l y , q u i c k l y . XtHBen! H u r r y ! F a s t e r ! r i H c i T e j i b WHBO ORIHCDJI §TO


t h e a u t h o r d e s c r i b e d this e v e n t vividly. >KHB-o-riHceu, n.m., artist, painter. >KHB-o-nHCHOCTb, n.f., picturesqueness. >KHB-o-nHCHbifl, adj., p i c t u r e s q u e . >K-oe MecTonoJio)KCHHe t a p i c t u r e s q u e site. >KHB-o-nHCb, n.f., pictorial art, p a i n t i n g . >KHB-6T, n.m., s t o m a c h , a b d o m e n ; (colloq.), b e l l y ; ( o b s . ) , life. P e 3 b ( c n ^ 3 Mbi) B JKHBOTC, colic ( c r a m p s ) in the s t o m a c h . CnacdTb CBOH >KHB6T, (obs.), to s a v e o n e ' s life. >KHB-6THK, n.m., (dim.),





Ha,nopBdjiH, (colloq.), we laughed so h a r d , o u r t u m m i e s a c h e d . >KHB-6THoe, adj. used as n.n., a n i m a l ; b e a s t , brute. MeTBepoH(3roe JK., q u a d r u p e d . >KHB6THbie, n.n.pi., a n i m a l s . >KHB-6THbiH, adj., a n i m a l ; bestial, b r u t a l . )K. >KHP, a n i m a l f a t . >K-oe U^PCTBO, the a n i m a l k i n g -





TBoprtuiHH, adj. part. act. pres., lifeg i v i n g . >K. B 6 3 f l y x , vivifying a i r . >KHBo-TpenduiyuiHfl, adj., part. act. pres., p a l p i t a t i n g , e x c i t i n g , thrilling, s t i r r i n g . >K-aa H6B0CTb, thrilling n e w s . >K-He CO6UTHH,




adj. part. act. pres., living. B e e JKHB y m e e , e v e r y living c r e a t u r e . >KHByqecTb, n.f., viability, t e n a c i t y t o life. >KHB-yqHH, adj., viable. MiHB^M, KaK K6uiKa, (saying), he h a s nine lives. >KHB-MHK, n.m., a lively c r e a t u r e ; small fish used f o r b a i t ; (biol.), spermatoz o o n . >K. B rjia3y, a twitch in the eye. > K H B - ( b ) - E M , adv.,

a l i v e . O X O T H H K H B3RT-

.ih 3Bepa «HBbeM, the h u n t e r s t o o k the a n i m a l alive. WHB-HTb, V.I., 0-)KHB-liTb, V.p.,



past, lively, a n i m a t e d ; revived. O-WHIIHTb-CH, V.p.r., 0->KHB-^-C(l, V.i.r., to b e c o m e lively, animated. nO-MCHB-HTb-Cli, V.p.r., MOOKHB-JIATI.-CII, v.i.r., + instr., to p r o f i t ; f e a t h e r o n e ' s nest. 3 ^ e c b HcneM n., there is n o t h i n g here one can profit by. PIo-WHB-a, n.f., (colloq.), gain, profit. >KH-3H-b, n.f., life, existence, living. M o i l M. BHcc.ia Ha Bo^ocKe, my life hung b y a thread. B o p b 6 S 3a JK., t h e s t r u g g l e f o r life. B o n p 6 c >KH3HH H CM^PTH, a m a t t e r of life and d e a t h . 0 6 p a 3 MH3HH, a w a y of life. )KH3H-eHHocTb, n.f., v i t a l ity, life. MK. Boripbc, a vital question. >K. nyTb, t h e path of life. )KH3H-CHHO, adv., vitally. >KH3H-e-, a combining form meaning life. )KH3H-e-onHc4HHe, n.n., biography. )KH3H-e-onHcdTejibHui), adj., b i o g r a p h i c a l . >KH3H-e-pia0CTH0CTb, n.f., j o y of living; c h e e r f u l n e s s . >KH3H-ep^AocTHbifi, adj., joyous, cheerful. >KH3H-e-piaocTHo, adv., joyously. >KH3H-e-cnoc66HocTb, n.f., vitality; ability to live, to a d a p t o n e s e l f t o life. )KH3H-e-cnoc66Hbifl, adj., viable. WH-ji-tu, n.m., WH-^-Hua, n.f., lodger. C ^ a T b KbMHaTy HtHAbuy, to rent a r o o m to a tenant. OH He >K. Ha STOM CB^Te, (express.), he's not l o n g f o r t h i s w o r l d . >KH.i-Hme, n.n., a b o d e , dwelling, r e s i dence. >KH^-HuiHbiH, adj., p e r t a i n i n g t o dwelling, housing. Bonp6c, housing problem. >K-a« no-iHTHKa, (recent), h o u s i n g policy. >K-oe crpoHTeJibCTBo, house construction. >KH^-be, n.n., a b o d e , dwelling, h a b i t a t i o n , domicile, lodging. WHJiKoon, (recent), abbr. of MH-iHiuHbiH KoonepaTHB, h o u s i n g c o operative. 3

OCC., tO

vivify, a n i m a t e . >KHB-HTeJibHbifi, adj., revivifying, r e s t o r a t i v e ; b r a c i n g . >K. B 6 3 A y x , c r i s p air. >K-an BJidra, (colloq.), i n t o x i c a t i n g liquor. >KHB-HOCTb, n.f., fowl, p o u l t r y . 3a-WHB-liTb, V.p., 3a->KHB-.ri6Tb, V./'., + acc., t o heal. 3 . p^Hy. to heal a wound. 3a->KHB-^eHHe, n.n., 3a->KHB-dHHe, n.n., h e a l i n g . 34->KHB-O, adv., w h i l e still a l i v e ; d u r i n g o n e ' s life. 3 . n o r p e 6 e H Hbift, buried alive. O-WHB-HTb, V.p., O-WHB-JlATb, V.i., + OCC., + instr., t o revive, enliven. O. yunpii o m e r o , to revive a d y i n g p e r s o n . O. 6 6 m e c T B O , to enliven a p a r t y . O. TOPr6BJiK>, to revive t r a d e . O . KapTHHy ApKHMH KP^CKAMH, t o




w i t h b r i g h t c o l o r s . 0->KHB-fl6HHe, revival. O-MHB-jieHHbiH, adj. part.

n.n., pass.



T A T I O N ,






3B-aTb, 30B-Y, v.i., nO-3B-áTb, v.p., + acc., to call, invite, bid, summon. B a c 30ByT K TeJieóHy, you a r e wanted on the telephone. fl030BHTe AÓKTopa, call the d o c t o r , please. 3 . r o c T é í í , t o invite g u e s t s . E r ó NO3BÁ^H B KOHTópy, he w a s summoned to the office. 3B-aTb, v.i., Ha-3B-áTb, v.p., + acc., to name. KaK Bac 3 0 B y T ? (KaK Bac 3BaTb?), W h a t is y o u r n a m e ? MeHá 30BYT M a p i t a ( M a PHeñ), My n a m e is M a r i a . Mbi Ha3Bá.I O-^IHOO ÓFÍIUCCTN;I, memb e r s h i p of a society, company, 'lii-áiiuft, adj., invited summoned, called, '.i. BC'iep, party. .'1. OÍ»LVI, dinner party. 3-IJC rócTM, invited guests. I le-:K6y, to call up for military service. npH-3WB-iTb-CH, v.i.r., to be drafted. IlpH-3tta, n.m., call, appeal; draft. IlpH-3B-dHHe, n.m., calling, vocation. N. K My3bixe (K Ha^KeV to have a calling for music (science), y Herd ecTb NPH3B^HHe K MCAHUHHC, he has a calling for medicine. ilpH-3biB-Hi)K, n.m., a young man of military age. npH-3biB-H6ft, adj., subject to draft.



i l . BÔ3pacT, d r a f t a g e . npH-sÙB-Htjfl, adj., b e c k o n i n g , alluring, n . KPHK, a call f o r help. H. CHrHâji, b c c k o n i n g s i g n a l . n p o - 3 B - i T b , v.p., npO-3UB-éTb, v.i., +




nickname. 3 a


p o c T Mbi NPO3BÂ^H e r o KPÔLUKOH, b e -

cause of his short stature, we nicknamed him Tiny. npo-3B-âTb-ca, v.p.r.,

npo-3biB-àTb-CH, v.i.r.,

to be nicknamed,

n o npo3BepéHitHH

(coôpéHHH), convocation of a conference (meeting). C. BepxÔBHoro CoBéTa CCCP, (recent), convocation of the Supreme Soviet of the U S S R .

3B0H p r e y ; ( f i g ) , b r u t e . 3Bep-rtHeu, n.m., m e n a g e r i e ; z o o . 3Bep-HHbiH, adj., pert a i n i n g t c wild b e a s t s . 3 . np6Mbice.i, c h a s e ; h u n t i n g . 3 B e p - o - ; i 6 B , n.m., t r a p p e r , h u n t e r . 3BCP-O-;I6BCTBO, n.m., t r a p ping, hunting. 3 B e p - o - n o A 6 6 H e , n.n., b e s t i a l i t y . 3Bep-o-noA "•/., star. BeqépHdH 3., evening star. nâflaiomaH 3., shooting, falling star. rioJiripHaH 3., North Star, Polar Star. ^TpeHHHH 3., morning star. MopCKÉR 3., (zool.), starfish. E r ô 3. BOCXÔAHT, (fig.), his star is rising. OpAen KpâcHOH 3BC3AH, (recent), Order of the Red Star. PoArtTbca noA cMacrjiiiBofl 3Be3AÔfl, to be born under a lucky star. OH 3Bë3A C Héôa He XBaTéeT, (fig-),

he i s n o t g i f t e d . ycéaHHbift 3Bë3-

aaMH, star-studded, star-spangled. 3Bë3A-0MKa, n.f., (dim.), little star; asterisk. ÔTMeiiiTb 3Bë3Aom, (colloq.), to indulge in yawning. poTo-3^fi, n.m., (colloq.), loafer, rubberneck. P O T O - 3 6 A - C T B O , n.n., gaping, loafing. p0T0-3£A-HHqaTb, v.i., to gape, loaf. 3JI-, 30JI-, ANGER



3Ji-H-Tb, v.i., + acc., to irritate, vex, tease, provoke. 3. Kor6-HH6yAb, to anger someone. 3. co63i, confession, avowal. R b ^hd6bh, to de(express.), I have never set eyes on clare one's love. IlpA-3Ha-H-Hbift, adj., her. acknowledged, n . cfcaKT, an acknow3Ha-BiTb, v.i.iter., see 3HaTb. 51 3Hasin ledged fact. ripH-3H4-TeflbH0CTb, n.f., HX ceMbib MH6ro JieT Ha3¿a, I used to gratitude, thankfulness. npH-3Hi-TeJibknow their family many years ago. Hbift, adj., grateful, thankful. IlpH-3Hd3HLUHft, adj. part. act. pres., discriminating, discerning. CO-3Hi-Tb, V.p., C0-3Ha-BdTb, v.i., + acc., to acknowledge, recognize, feel, be

conscious of. C. cboA oujh6kh, to re-

cognize, acknowledge one's mistakes. C. cBoe npeBOCx6flCTBO, to be conscious of one's superiority. Co-3Hi-Tb-cn, v.p.r., co-3Ha-BiTb-cn, v.i.r., to confess, admit.

C. b cbo¿ft HenpaBOT^, to admit one is

wrong. npecT^nHHK bo bcSm co3Hi;icfl, the criminal confessed everything. Co3H4-HHe, n.n., consciousness, sense; acknowledgement, avowal, confession. C. onicHocTH, awareness of danger. rioTepfrrb c., to lose consciousness.




IlpHTTH B c., to regain consciousness. Co-3Hi-TeJibHocTb, n.f., consciousness, awareness. Co-3H£-Te;ibHbiA, adj., conscious. Bec-co-3H4-TejibHhift, adj., unconscious. C0-3H4-Tejib-H0, adv., consciously, wittingly. Bec-co-3Hd-TejibHo, adv., unconsciously, unwittingly. y-3H4-Tb, v.p., y-3Ha-B^Tb, v.i., + acc., to recognize, know, identify, learn, find out. y . c T d p o r o 3Haic6Moro, to r e c o g nize an old friend, y . CBOIO Beuu>, to r e c o g n i z e something of one's, y . HywA^, to k n o w want. y-3Ha-BSHne, n.n., recognition, learning, discovery. 3Ha-Tt>, parenthetical word, (coltoq.), used as adv., it seems, seemingly, evidently. 3. h Tbi MHdro r6pa bha4ji. you must have had your share of bitterness. 3Ha-Tb, n.f., gentry, nobility, aristocracy. CT^pan MocKdBCKaa 3., old Muscovite aristocracy. 3Hi-T-HocTb, n.f., nobility, birth, rank, notability, eminence. 3H4T-Hufl, adj., noble, of high rank, distinguished. 3-afl oc66a, a person of eminence. 3-bie JiibAH, distinguished people. 3Ha-K6M-MTb, v.i., n0-3Ha-K6M-HTb, V.p., -f- acc., c + instr., to acquaint. 3. c r y AIHTOB c JiHTepaTypoft, to acquaint with literature. 3. KOI-I, these premises a r e intended for a school. 3 0 J I 0 T - , 3JIAT-, 3 0 J 1 0 1 - ,


36JOT-O, n.n., 3A&T-0, (obs.), gold. 3 6 NOTO - APAROU^HHUFT METAJUI, gold is a precious metal. MepBbHHoe 3., pure gold. He Bee TO 36JIOTO, MTO 6.uecTHT, (saying), all that glitters is not gold. f l p 6 6 a 36ji0Ta, standard of gold. 3 6 JIOT-KO, n.n., (colloq.), expression of endearment. 3O;IOTKO Moe HeHar;IRIAHoe, my precious little one. 3O;IOT-6H, (3JiaT-6H), adj., of gold, golden; used as n., a gold piece. B Kouie;ibKe 6biJio ABa sojioTbix, there were two gold coins in the purse. 3 . 6pac;I6T, gold bracelet. 3-Asi p u 6 « a , goldfish. 3 . bck, the Golden Age. 3-4H BajiioTa, gold currency. " Y JiyKOMbpbH Ay6 3eJieHbiii,

3naT&st uenb Ha A^6e TOM", ... (Push-

kin), " b y a sea strand an oak tree green, upon that o a k a chain of gold." §TO 3OJIOT6A Me^oBeK, (fig.), he's worth his weight in gold. 3OJIOTUX Atn M^cTep, goldsmith, jeweller. 3 o flOTwe n p H H C K H , gold fields. 3OAOT-HHK, n.m., (obs.), a 96th part of a Russian pound. M a n 3. Aa A6por, (saying), it is not quantity but quality that matters. 3oJioT-o-HCK4TeJib, n.m., gold prospector. 3oJioT-o-npoMuui;ieHHHK, n.m.,


gold mine owner. 3o;ioT-o-H6cHbiA, adj., gold b e a r i n g . 3oJioT-o-KyApwA, adj., having golden locks. 3ojioT-o-rji4BbiA, adj., golden-domed, having golden cupolas. 3 . xpaM, gold-domed church. SOJIOT-il-Tb, v.i., n0-30JI0T-HTb, BbI-30^0THTb, V.p., acc., to gild. n . nHJIlbAK), (fig-), to s u g a r - c o a t a pill. 3OJIOTHTb-ca, v.i.r., to be gilded. 3OJIOTH^buiHK, n.m., gilder. ri0-30JI6T-a, n.f., gilding, gold-leaf. IloKpuTb no3o;i6TOA, to gild. 3O^OT-H^bHbifl, adj., used in gilding. 3 . npecc, gilding press. 3OJIOT-HCTWH, adj., gold-like, golden in color. 3 . UBET BOJI6C, golden color of hair. 30Ji0H-iHHe, n.n., gilding. 3oJio»i-eHbiA, adj., gilded. no-30Ji6w-eHHbiA, adj. part, pass, past, gilded, n - o e c e p e 6 p 6 , gold plated silver. no-3jaT-ATb, v.p., no-3Jiam-dTb, v.i., -(acc., (Ch.-Sl.), to gild. rio-3Jiam-EHHbifl, adj. part. pass, past, gilded, n-oe CTP6MH, (poet.), gilt stirrup. 3 P - , 3 A P - , 3 H P - , 3 0 P - , SIGHT, VISION 3p-^Tb, y-3p-ifa, v.i., y-3p-6Tb, v.p., (obs.), to see, behold, catch sight of. 3 p ¿Hne, n.n., eyesight, y Hee c a i 6 o e 3., her eyesight is weak. I\ia3 - 6praH 3 p ^ h h r , the eye is an organ of si^ht. 06M4H 3piHHH, optical illusion. Mhp^xc - ¿TO O6m£H 3P6HHH, a mirage is an optical illusion. T6mg•), an instrument mellowed by use. O. HrpóK, loser in a card game. OT-birp-áTb, V.p., OT-birp-blBaTb, v.i., + acc., to regain, win back. O. CBOH fléHbrH, to win back one's money. OTbirp-áTb-ca, v.p.r., oT-úrp-wBaTb-cn, v.i.r., + acc., to recoup one's losses. ÓT-birp-biui, n.m., recouped losses. nepe-Hrp-áTb, v.p., nepe-Hrp-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to play over, again, n . nápTHio B máxMaTbi, to replay a game of chess. AKTép B áTofi pÓJiH nepeHrpáJi, the actor overplayed his role, n e p e - n r p biBaTb-ca, v.i.r., to be replayed. ílbéca óyAeT n., the play will be performed again. no-Hrp-áTb, v.p., no-iirp-biBaTb, (colloq.), v.i., instr., c + instr., B + acc., Ha + prep., to play now and then, play f o r a s h o r t while. 11. c pe6emIX n o t i c e , r e g a r d . 0 6 p a T H T e b., p a y a t t e n c.iob, t h e r e a r e m a n y b o r r o w e d w o r d s tion. 0 6 p a m S T b Mbe-.inCo b. Ha, + in the R u s s i a n l a n g u a g e . acc., to d r a w s o m e o n e ' s a t t e n t i o n to. B-3a-AM-H-ocTb, n.f., r e c i p r o c i t y . /IwÔHTb Ox^suBaTb b. K0My-JiH60, to pay at6e3 B33HMH0CTH, to love w i t h o u t tention t o s o m e o n e . ripHB^eKiTb b., to r e c i p r o c a t i o n . B-3a-HM-Hbifi, adj., m u attract attention. npHHHMda bo b., tual, reciprocal. B. rjiarbji, (gram.), c o n s i d e r i n g ; t a k i n g into c o n s i d e r a t i o n . r e c i p r o c a l v e r b . B - a a nôMouib, m u t u a l B-H-HM-dTe-ibHOCTb. /I./., a t t e n t i v e n e s s . a i d . B - 3 a - H M - o - n Ô M o m b , "•/•, m u t u a l B-H-HM-aie^bHbiH, adj., a t t e n t i v e , c o n aid, a s s i s t a n c e . K â c c a B3aHMonôMomH, s i d e r a t e . B . yweHHK, a t t e n t i v e pupil. mutual aid fund. B-3a-HM-HO, adv., B. n o othou]£hhk> k ApyriiM, t h o u g h t mutually, reciprocally. ful, c o n s i d e r a t e t o w a r d s o t h e r s . B - h - h m 3a-H-HM-âTb, v.i., 3a-H-i&T-b, v.p., + acc., ¿TeJibHO, adv., a t t e n t i v e l y . C j i y u i a T b b., to borrow, lend; occupy; interest,




entertain. 3 . a é r n . ™ y Koró-Jinóo, to borrow money from someone. 3. fléHbrH KOMy-jiHÓo, to lend someone money, fl 3áhhji y Apyra 20 pyÓJiéft, I borrowed 2 0 rubles from my friend. 3añMHTe MHe, nojKájiyficTa, 100 pyÓJiéfi, please lend me 100 rubles. 3 . rópOA, to occupy a city. B o ñ c x á npoTHBHHKa sáHHJiH HÓBbie no3Hi(HH, enemy troops occupied new positions. 3. KBapTHpy (aom), to rent, occupy a new apartment ( h o u s e ) . 3 . BbicÓKoe nojioxcéHHe, to occupy an important position. 3 . BpéMH, to occupy, take up time. P a 6 ó T a 3aHHMáeT Bcé MOé BpéMH, work takes up all my time. 3 . MécTo b T e á i p e , to occupy a seat in a theater. 3 . MécTo no c n y « 6 e , to fill a post. 3 . rocTéft b rocTrtHOH, to entertain guests in the living room. E r ó cyAb6á MeHá Má.io 33HHMáeT, I am not interested in his fate. 3a-eM, n.m., loan. rOCyAápCTBeHHblH (BblHrpbiUIHblH) 3., government (lottery) loan. .HéJiaTb 3., to raise a loan. 3a-éM-HbiH, adj., pertaining to a loan. 3-oe nncbiuó, acknowledgement of a debt. 3a-éM-mHK, n.m., debtor. 3a-HM-o-AáBeu, 3a-nM-oAáTeJib, n.m., creditor, money lender. 3a-HM-o-o6pá3Ho, adv., in the form of a loan. flaTb KOMy-^HÓo AéHbr« 3., to lend someone money, give money in the form of a loan. B-38-hm-ú, adv., a s a loan. BpaTb b., to borrow. AaBáTb b., to lend. CjiywamttH B3HJI b. 25 pyÓJiéñ AO c^éAyiomeH 3apnJiáTbi, the employee took 2 5 rubles a s an advance on his salary. 3a-H-HM-áTb-ca, v.i.r., 3a-H-6Tb-cn, v.p.r., + instr., to occupy oneself, work a t ; Study. H 3aHHMálOCb pyCCKHM H3blKÓM, I am studying the Russian language. OHá MHÓro 3aHHMáeTCH coóóH, she is absorbed in, preoccupied with herself. 3aHHMáeTC$i 3ap fl, it is dawning. 3aHH^ácb Kpúuia, the roof is on fire. 3a-H-nM-áTe;ibHocTb, n.f., interest, engrossing, absorbing qualities. 9ia KHHra MeHá npHBJieKJiá cBoéfi 3aHHMáTeJibHocTbio, this book attracted me by its entertaining qualities. 3a-H-HMáTe.ibHbifi, adj., interesting, entertaining, absorbing. 3. paccKá3, interesting, absorbing story. 3a-H-HMáTeJibHO, adv., in an absorbing, interesting manner. 3a-H-áT-HUH, adj., (colloqj, entertaining, amusing. 3. aHeKAÓT, entertaining anecdote. 3a-HÜT-ne, n.n., occupation, job; (mil.), cap-

t u r e . 3aH^TMH b ropoj.CKHX yqpeJKAéHHHX HaMHHálOTCH B 8 M3CÓB y T p á ,

work in city offices begins at 8 o'clock in the morning. KaKóft p o a 3aH5ÍTHH

bm H36p4^H? W h a t kind of occupation did you c h o o s e ? 3i-H-HT, adj. pred., busy, occupied. O h 3., he is occupied, busy. 3 4 h h t o , adj. pred., taken, busy. 3 t o MecTo 33hhto, this s e a t is taken. 3a-H-HT-6H, adj., busy. O h 3.

MeJiOBeK, he is a busy man. 34-H-nT-bifi, adj. part. pass, past, occupied, cap-

tured. TeppHTopHH, 3dHHTaH HenpHiiTe^eM, the territory occupied by the enemy. 3iHHTbie AeHbrw h^ao bo3Bpam^Tb b cpoK, the borrowed money must be returned when due.

H31>-AT-b, V.p., H3-bIM-4Tb, V.i., + OCC., tO withdraw, remove from; confiscate. H. H3 o6pam6HHH CTdpbie A^HbrH, to withdraw obsolete currency from circulation. H3i>-iiT-He, n.m., removal. H. uepKbBHbix ueHHOCTefl, confiscation of church valuables. H3-b-flT-bifi, adj.

part. pass, past, withdrawn, removed,

confiscated. H-an KHiira, confiscated b o o k ; book withdrawn from school circulation. Ha-H-HM-iTb, v.i., Ha-H-ATb, V.p., -f" OCC., to hire, e n g a g e , rent. H. npncjiyry, to e n g a g e a servant. H. aom, to rent a house. Ha-H-HM-4Tb-cn, v.i.r., Ha-H-iiTbch, v.p.r., to be hired, engaged, rented. H. b KyxdpKH, to apply for a cook's position. Ha-eM, n.m., hire, rent. H. pa66MHx, the hiring of workers, work-

men. B3HTb b h., to rent. CAaB^Tb b to let. /Jom cAaeTcn b H a e M , this


house is for rent. Ha-eM-HHK, n.m., (obs.), hireling. Ha-eM-Hbift, adj., hired, rented; rentable. H. TpyA, hired labor. H-an nuiTa, rent. Ha-eM-mnK, Ha-H-HM-iTe^b, n.m., employer, one who h i r e s ; tenant, lessee. Hd-H-HT-bifi,

adj. part. pass, past, hired, rented. Hbie pa6oMHe, hired workmen.





v.p., + acc., (obs., poet.), to embrace,

clasp in one's arms;

encompass, com-

prehend. Oh o6hhji h noue^oBi^ »ceHy,

he embraced and kissed his wife. B 6 . i r a c npHTbKaMH o6HHM-st-hh, n.n., e m b r a c e . BpocHTbca B oObdTHfl, to fling oneself into someone's embrace.

OStj-^t-uh, adj. part. pass, past, instr.,


embraced; overwhelmed. O. ctp^xom, overwhelmed by fear. O. n x i MeHeM, enveloped in flames. He-o6"b¿T-HocTb, n.f., immensity, vastness, boundlessness. H He6a, vastness of the sky. He-o6T>-fiT-HbiH, adj., immense,



vast, boundless. H. MHP, vast, wide world. 0 6 i - e M , n.m., size, bulk, volume. O. T^jia, ( p h y s . ) , volume of a body. O. 3H4HHA, extent of knowledge. Ky6iiMecKHii o., cubic volume. yBeviHiHBaTbca B o6i>eMe, to expand. 06'b-eMHbifl, adj., pertaining to volume. O. Bee, bulk, weight. 06T>-eM-HCTbifi, adj., bulky, voluminous, large. O. Kyc6K CBHHHHbi, a large piece of pork. OT-H-HM-iTb, V.i., OT-H-fiT-b, V.p., + OCC., y. OT + gen., to deprive, take a w a y ; subtract; (med.), amputate; wean; bereave. O. aeHbrn y Kor6-HH6yAb, to deprive someone of money. OT ACCHTH oTH^Tb n«Tb, to subtract five from ten. O. H6ry, to amputate a leg. O. pe6eHKa OT rpyjiti, to wean a child. O. Hafli)Kfly, to deprive someone of hope. OT-H-HT-bifl, adj. part. pass, past, taken away; deprived; subtracted; amputated. 6-aa pyni, amputated hand. OT-H-J&T-HC, n.n., taking a w a y ; subtraction; amputation. Or-H-HM-dTb-CH, v.i.r., 0T-H-(iT-b-CH, v.p.r., to be taken a w a y ; deprived. rio^IPEHHOE He OTHHM^eTCH H a 3 g i f t s are not taken back, Y Her6 H3UK oTHiijicH, he has become speechless. He-or-b-iM-^eMocTb, n.f., inalienability, imprescriptibility. He-OTi-iM-^eMbifl, adj. part. pass, pres., inalienable. H - o e npdBo, an inalienable right. nepe-H-HM-ftTb, v.i., nepe-H-¿T-b, v.p., + acc., to imitate; intercept; catch by surprise, n . o6&HaH, to adopt c u s t o m s ( m a n n e r s ) . KoJib n. Myw6e, TaK H4AO6HO c yM6M, ( K r y l o v ) , if you imitate something f o r e i g n , do so with intelligence. n . B6pa, to catch a thief, n . Bb^y njioTrtHofi, to dam up w a t e r . riepi-H-HT-biH, adj. part. pass, past, imitated; a d o p t e d ; intercepted. riepe-HAB-wHft, adj. part. act. past, having acquired, adopted. riepe-H-HM-dTb-cn, v.i.r., to be imitated, adopted. flypHue npHBbiMKH jierKb nepeHHM^ioTcn, bad habits a r e easily adopted, imitated. nOA-H-HM-iTb, nOA'blM-dTb, V.i'., nOA-H(iT-b, v.p., -f- acc., to raise, lift. n . 6yMdry c n6Jia, to pick up p a p e r from the floor, n . T i w e c T b , to lift a weight, n . rjia3d, to raise o n e ' s eyes. II. sdHaBec, to raise a curtain, n . BOPOTHHK, to turn up o n e ' s collar. I~I. Bonp6c, to raise a question, n . opy>KHe, to take up arms. n . TpeBriry, to sound an alarm, n . Kor-eM-HHK, n.m., elevator. rioA^-eMHbiH, adj., pertaining to lifting, n . xpaH, crane, derrick, r i - a « MauiHHa, elevator, n-bie A^HbrH, moving expenses. npH-noA-H-HM-ATb, (npH-noA-biM-iTb, colloq.), v.i., npH-noA-H-6T-b, v.p., + acc., to raise, lift slightly. I I KpwujKy cyHAyKd, to lift the lid of a trunk, n . OKbHHyio 3aHaBecKy, to raise a window curtain slightly, n . ujjirtny B 3HaK HPHB6TCTBHH, to lift one's hat in greeting. IlpH-noA-H-HM-aTb-CH, npHn O A - b l M - i T b - C S I , V./.r., n p H - n O A - H - ) I T - b - C H ,

v.p.r., to raise oneself a little. I~I. co CTY.ia, to rise slightly from a chair. ripH-n6A-H-HT-biH, adj. part. pass, past, slightly lifted, raised; (fig.), enthusiastic. n . 3dHaBec, a curtain slightly lifted. I l - o e HacrpoeHHe, enthusiastic mood, atmosphere. ripH-noA-H-HM-dHHe, n.n., slight lifting, n . H3biKa npH npoH3HoiueHHH 3BYK0B "A" H "T", slight raising of the tongue in pronouncing the sounds " d " and " t " . no-AM-4-Tb, v.p., + acc., to capture, catch, seize, see vioBHTb, n . n n i u y (pw6y, Bopa), to catch a bird ( a fish, a thief), n . B C£TH, to catch in a net; (fig.), to ensnare. I~I. Ha yAOMKy, to



catch on a hook; (fig.), ensnare, n . c noJiHMHbiM, to catch in the act, catch redhanded. CJIÓBO He Bopoóéñ, BbiJieTHT - He noHMáeuib, (prov.), a word once spoken cannot be recalled. rio-HMáTb-CH, v.p.r., to be caught. Pbi6a noAMáJiacb Ha yAOMKy, the fish was caught on a hook, fl noñMáJicH Ha ÍAOMKy, (fig.), I became ensnared. CyAbá noHMá^ca Ha B3áTKax, the judge was caught accepting bribes. yneHHK cnácbiBa^ OTBéTbi H noHMá^cn, the pupil was caught cribbing. íló-HM-aH, adj. pred., part. pass, past, caught. Tpa6¿Te^H nóííMaHtj no^HUHeíi, the burglars were caught by the police, rióñM-aHHWH, adj. part. pass, past, caught. B ceTÁx 6ú;iacb nÓHMaHHan púóa, a fish was struggling in the net. I~IO-HMKa, n.f., apprehension, capture, n . n-iéHHoro (npecTynHHKa) capture of a prisoner (criminal). PIO-HM-IUHK, n.m., (recent), captor. nO-H-HM-áTb, v.i., no-H-ÁT-b, v.p., - f acc., •to understand, conceive, comprehend, n . cyutHocTb 4>áKTa, to comprehend the essence of a fact. HenpáBH.ibHO n. cMbicA cKá3aHHoro, to mistake, misinterpret the meaning of what was said. IloHHMáK), I see; I understand. rio-HHM-áTb-ca, v.i.r., to be understood. H^OCÓ(})CKHe TeÓpHH He BCéMH nOHHMáioTCH, philosophical theories are not understood by everyone. rio-H-HM-áHHe, n.n., understanding, comprehension. 3TO Bbiuie Moeró noHHMáHHH, this is beyond me. rio-H-ÁT-He, n.n., conception, notion, idea. BbicÓKoe n. o wécTH, a high sense of honor, fl hohj^thh He HMéJi, MTO OH npH^eT, I had no idea he would come. ri0-H-iÍT-^HB0CTb, n.f., understanding, comprehension. rio-H-DTJIHBNH, adj., intelligent, bright, quickwitted; comprehending, n . Má.ibmiK, an intelligent, bright, boy. I~IO-H->ÍTHOCTb, n.f., clarity, intelligibility, fl. péMH, intelligibility of a speech, n . o6*b^CHeHHH, comprehensibility of an explanation. rio-H-riT-HbiH, adj., understandable, intelligible, clear, comprehensible. rio-H-iiT-Ho, adv., understandably, clearly, plainly; naturally, of course. He-no-H-HM-áHMe, n.n., incomprehension, lack of understanding. He-no-H-HT-viHBocTb, n.f., slow in comprehending. He-no-H-a-r-jiHBbiH, adj., lacking in comprehension, slow-witted. TpyAHo yiiiTb HenoHrtTJiHBoro yqeHHKá, it is difficult to teach a slow-witted pupil. He-no-H-dT-HbiH, adj., incomprehensible, obscure. H. h3wk, an incomprehensible language. H-aa KHH™, an incomprehensible book. He-nó-H-frr-


bifl, adj., misunderstood, misinterpreted. H. no§T, misunderstood, unappreciated poet. H-oe 06-bHCHeHHe, an explanation that has been misunderstood. no-dT-b, V.p., (0bS.), See B3HTb. no-AT-b B jKeHbi, (hist.), to take as a wife. rio-H-HT-6H (from no-rtT-bifi), adj., used as n., witness at an inquest. B3HTb B n-bie, to summon as a witness. ripH 66bicKe npHcyTCTBOBa^iH noHHTbie, witnesses were present during the search. rio-eM-HbiH, adj., under water, ri-bie nyri, meadows rendered fertile by spring floods. ripe-iiT-b, v.p., + acc., (Ch.-St., obs.), to assume authority by appointment, inheritance, n. udpcxHH BeHeu, (hist.), to accept the crown. ripe-IM-HHK, n.m., successor, heir. ripeeMHHKOM BiiipoHa B pyccxoH jiHTepaType 6wn JlipMOHTOB, Byron's heir in Russian literature was Lermontov. BbiTb TCH



apples are picked in the fall. C-H-HM-OK, n.m., photograph, print. PeHTreHOBCXHH c., X - r a y . C. c AOxyMeHTa, photostat of a document. 0T0rpa(j)HMecxHft c-, photograph. C i - e M - K a , n.f., surveying plan; filming. C. 6eper6B, coastal survey. reoje3HMecKan (TonorpaifciiMecxaji) c., geodetic ( t o p o g r a p h i c ) survey. OTO-C., n.f-, p h o t o g r a f i c survey. KHHO-C., filming, shooting film Ci»-eM-u;Hx, n.m., surveyor, tenant. C. KBapTHpbi, tenant. 3a-c-H-iT-b, v.p., + acc., (recent, colloq.), to photograph. 3. xpacHBbift BHA, to photograph a beautiful v i e w . 3. (JjH.ibM, to make a film, shoot a film. 3a-c-HAT-O, filmed, photographed. nepe-c-H-HM-Stb, v./., nepe-c-H-DT-b, v.p., + acc., to re-photograph. I~I. xrtriHH c AOKyM^HTOB, to make photostats of documents, n . (fcoTorpdtfcHio, to take another photograph. no-c-H-HM-iTb, v.p., to take o f f , d o w n . see CHHM^Tb. n . Bee KHHTH c n6.flXH, t o take all the b o o k s d o w n f r o m a shelf. y-H-HM-^Tb, v./., y-H-^T-b, v.p., + acc., to calm, quiet, soothe, y . 6o;ib, to soothe, alleviate pain. y . 6yiiHa, to repress a ruffian, y . pe6eHxa, to quiet a child. y-H-HM-aTb-CH, V.i.r., y-H-HT-b-CH, v.p.r., to become quiet; subside. Bo;ib yHHM^eTcn, the pain is d y i n g d o w n , r p o s a yHHJi^cb, the storm has abated. HM-, U M - ,


HM-^-Tb, v./'., + acc., to have, possess. H. A^HbrH, to have money. H. A c r e « , t o have children. H e H. HH A p y s i f i , HH poAHhix, to have neither kith nor kin. H. BO3M6)KH0CTb, to have the o p p o r tunity of, be in a position to. H. 3HaMiHHe, to be of importance, matter. 3TO HMieT 6 o j i b w 6 e 3Haw$HHe, this is of g r e a t importance. 3TO He HMeeT 3Ham5HHa, this is of no importance. H. cHJiy, to be valid (e.g., a visa, p e r m i t ) ; come into force. f l p 6 n y c x HMeeT cft.ny c 12-oro no 15-oe Hoa6pd, the pass is valid f r o m N o v . 12 to N o v . 15. H. MecTo, to take place; occur, happen. HB3H6B eme 6e3pa66THbift? — HeT, OH Y X I HMieT M£CTO B KOHT6pe, Ivanov still without a j o b ? — N o , he has a position in an o f f i c e . KOTAA ¿TO npoHCMICTBHE





HM did this event take p l a c e ? H. B BHAY, to bear in mind, FL He HMM B BHAy o6n>KiTb Bac, I did not intend to o f f e n d you. H. ro-ioBy Ha n . i e n i x , (fig.), to know what's w h a t ; have a head on one's shoulders. H.w-eTb-CH, v.i.r., used only in 3d pers. sing, and pi., there is, there are. 3Aecb HMeeTca xopbuiHH Te^Tp, there is a g o o d theater here, y MeHfi HMeeTCH e r o pacnncxa, I have a receipt f r o m him. H e HM-eTb-cn, not to be had; there isn't, there are not. B ce-ne He HMeeTCH HH SoflbHiiubi, HH anTeKH, in the village there is neither a hospital nor a pharmacy. HM-eiomHH, adj. part. act. pres., also used as n., having, possessing; one having, possessing. MeJioBex, HMeiomHH AeHbrw, MdweT xynHTb ce66 AOM, a man w h o has money can buy himself a house. "HM^ROMNFL yum, A A C J I U W H T ! " (Bib.), " H e that hath ears, let him h e a r ! " HMeHHe, n.n., estate, domain. PoAOBde H., ancestral estate. JleB TO;ICT6H >khji B CBOEM





Ha," L e o T o l s t o y lived on his ancestral estate, Y a s n a y a P o l y a n a . HM-ymecTBO, n.n., property, belongings, stock. T o c y A^pcTBeHnoe H., state property. M^CTHoe H., private ( p e r s o n a l ) property. flBHJKHMoe H., movable property, g o o d s . HeABH>«HMoe H. immovable p r o p e r t y ; real estate. OnHCb HMymecTBa, inventory. HM-ymecTBeHHbiA, adj., pertaining to property. H. ueH3, p r o p e r t y qualification (e.g., f o r v o t i n g ) . H - o e no.lowdHHe, wealth in terms of property. Ilo-HM-ymecTBeHHoe o6;io)KeHHe, estate duty, property taxation. HM-yuiHii, adj., also used as n., well o f f , w e a l t h y ; wealthy man. He-HM-YUIHII, adj., poor. HMymwe h HeHMymne xji^ccbi HaceJI£HHH, the wealthy and the poor classes of the population. Ilpe-HM-ymecTBO, n.n., advantage, preference. iioJiyiiiTb n. HaA X6M-JIH6O, to gain the a d v a n t a g e o v e r someone. HpaB4 H npeHMymecTBa, rights and privileges. yA^pHHXH HMeioT couH^^bHbie npeHMymecTBa, (recent), the shock w o r k e r s have social privileges. ripe-HM-ymecTBeHHo, adv., preferably, f o r the most part, chiefly. Ha KaBxd3a n. 3aHHMaioTCH CXOTOB6AC T B O M , in the Caucasus cattle raising is the chief occupation. I~lo npeHMymecTBy, adv., see npeHMymecTBeHHo. PlpeHM-ymecTBeHHWH, adj.. preferential, n-oe np^BO, preferential treatment, n - o e CHa6»xe^iHHe, + inf., to set one's



mind, heart. B. w e ^ H H e npoc-iiBHTbCH, to conceive a desire to become famous. B. 3Ji66y npoTHB Kor6-HH6y/ib, to conceive animosity toward someone. B. HeHaBHCTb k K0My-HH6yab, to begin to h a t e someone. B . cTpacTb k KOMyHH6yab, to conceive a passion f o r someone. Bo3-biM-eBuiHH, adj. part. act. past, conceived. H M - or-o-HCKdTeJibCTBo, s e a r c h f o r f a i t h . hck, n.m., suit, a c t i o n , c l a i m . H c k no n.£jiy o KJieBeTe, a libel suit. n p e f l T > n BJlATb HCK, tO SUe. O T K a 3 i T b B HCK£, tO r e j e c t an a c t i o n , suit. hct-£ii, n.m., p l a i n t i f f , p e t i t i o n e r . H . n6Aa;i >Kd;io6y b c y a , t h e p l a i n t i f f f i l e d suit in c o u r t . Hiii-£ftKa, n.f., p o l i c e d o g , bloodhound. C o 6 i K a - H m i H K a Harn^i B 6 p a , the police d o g l o c a t e d the t h i e f . B3-blCK-ATb, V.p., B3-bICK-HBaTb, V./., + acc., t o d e m a n d , c l a i m ; p r o s e c u t e . B. AOJir, t o e x a c t the p a y m e n t of a d e b t . B. h3a6p>kkh c y a ^ M , t o r e c o v e r d a m a g e s . B3-biCK-iHHe, n.n., e x a c t i o n ; p e n a l t y . Ha;io)KHTb C T p 6 r o e b., t o punish severely. IloABiprHyTbCH bshckShhio, t o s u f f e r a p e n a l t y . B3-biCK-iTe^bHOCTb, n.f., e x i g e n c e , s e v e r i t y . B3-biCK-dTe;ibHbifl, adj., exigent, exacting, strict. B3bicKK6y, to express friendship. IT riHTXH, (fig.), to show ones' heels. flaftTe efi noKa3^Tb ce6ii, give her a chance to show what she can do. no-Ka3-dTb-ca,


v.p.r., no-Ki3-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to show oneself, appear, figure. MHe noxa3^Jiocb, it seemed to me; I thought. Co.iHue noKa3i.iocb, the sun appeared. Ohm noKa3i.iHCb b aa^H, they came into sight in the distance. f l o - K ^ , n.m., show. Ha-no-x43, adv., for show, showing. OHa .h66ht Bee ae.iaTb h., she is fond of showing off. I~Io-xa3AHHZ, n.n., deposition, testimony, evidence. flaB^Tb n., to depose, bear witness. rio-Ka3-dTe.ib, n.m., exponent, index. KaqecTBeHHbiii n., qualitative index. rioKa3dTe;iH coucopeBHOBdHHH, (recent), indexes of socialist competition. I~Io-Ka3-iTe;ibHbiH, adj., significant, model, n . npouecc, test case, trial, n. ypoK, model lesson. rio-xa3¿Te-ibHo, adv., it is significant; significantly. Fl0-Ka3-H0H, adj., for show, ri-d« pdcKouib, pretentious luxury. F~IoKa3-biBaHHe, n.n., showing, exhibition. npH-Ka3-&Tb, V.p., IipH-Ka3-bIBaTb, V.i., 4dat., to order, command, enjoin, bid, charge. KoMaHjiip npnxa3d.i BUCTynHTb c paccBeTOM, the commanding officer ordered his men to start out at dawn. ripHKa3i.i ao-iro >KHTb, (colloq.), he died. Kan npHx4>xeTe, as you command. ripH-Kd3, n.m., order, command, injunction. n. o BbicTyn.ieHHH, (mil.), marching orders. ripH-Ka3-dHHe, n.n., order, command. OT^dTb n., to give a command, order. ripH-Kd3-iHx, n.m., (obs.) salesman, clerk, steward. npH-Ka3-Hbifi, adj., used as n., (hist.), clerk, scrivener. Jlyii]e-npH-xa3-MHx, n.m., executor of a will. C-Ka3-iTb, V.p., TOBOpHTb, v.i., + acc., to say, tell, speak. C. npSBAy npdino B .ihuo, to tell the truth directly, straight to one's face. C. B wyTxy ,to say in jest. Tax cxa3dTb, so to speak. Cxa>KHTe Bimy ueHy, name your price. Mto cxa/KVT? What will people s a y ? Cxa3aHo - cae-iaHo, (saying), no sooner said than done. C-xa3-iTb-cH, v.p.r., + instr., to pretend. Oh^ cxa33jiacb So.ibHOH, she alleged she was ill. C-x^3-i>iBaTb-cfl, v.i.r., c-xa3-dTb-cn, v.p.r., to tell, show. Bo.ie3Hb c«a3biBaeTcn Ha qe.iOBexe, an illness shows on one. C-xa3, n.m., tale. B o t Te66 h Becb c., (colloq.), and that's the whole story. C-xa3-SnHe, n.n., legend, story. C. o rpdae K h t o k c , the legend of the city of Kitezh. C - x ^ - x a , n.f., tale, story; (fig.), fib. Bo.ime6HaH c., fairy tale. HeTcxan c , nursery tale. Paccxa3^Tb cx^3xy, to tell a fairy tale. C - k^3-omhhx, n.m., teller of fairy tales. C-xa3-04Huii, adj., fantastic, fabulous.



C - a n c r p a H i , f a i r y l a n d . C-Ka3-rtTeJib, n.m., c-Kaa-HTe^bHHita, n.f., (obs.), narrator, reciter. C-xa3-yeMoe, (gram.), p r e d i c a t e . HH0-c-xa3-iHHe, n.n., alleg o r y . HHO-c-Ka3-4Te^bHbifl, adj., allegorical.

Bij-c-Ka3-aTb, v.p., Bbi-c-K^3-hiBaTb, v.i., -f

acc., to e x p r e s s , c o m e o u t with. B . MHiHHe, t o a d v a n c e an opinion. B . npeAjioxclHHe, to s u r m i s e . Bbi-c-xa3-aTb-cH, v.p.r., Bbi-c-K^s-biBaTb-co, v.i.r., 3a + acc., npbTHB, + gen., o -+- prep., to s p e a k out, s p e a k o n e ' s mind, d e c l a r e f o r . B . 3a (np6THB), to d e c l a r e o n e s e l f for (against). AO-C"KB3*&Tb, V.p., AO-C-xia-blBaTb, v.i., 4 - acc., to tell to the end. JX. p a c c n i a A O KOHII4, to tell a s t o r y to the v e r y end. n e p e - c - K a 3 - 4 T b , v.p., nepe-c-xds-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to tell over a g a i n , retell, r e l a t e ; g i v e the c o n t e n t s ; gossip, n . coAepjK^HHe JI£KIIHH, to list the c o n t e n t s of a lecture. JlyMuie He AocxasSTb, MeM nepecKa3dTb, ( p r o v . ) , it is b e t t e r to tell t o o little than too much, r i e p e c-Kd3, n.m., r e n d e r i n g of a story. HariHcdTb n. nponrtTaHHoro, to w r i t e a s u m m a r y of w h a t h a s been read. llOA-C-ICa3-ATb, V.p., nOA"C-x43-blBaTb, v.i., 4 - acc., + dat., to prompt, n . yp6K TOB^PNUIY, to p r o m p t a c l a s s m a t e . IIOAC-K^S-BIEAHHE, n.n., p r o m p t i n g . I"IOA-CKi3-Ka, n.f., (colloq.), p r o m p t i n g in c l a s s . n o A - c - x d 3 - i H K , n.m., a pupil w h o prompts. p a c - c - K a 3 - i T b , v.p., paC-C-K^3-blBaTb, v.i., + acc., o 4 - prep., to relate, n a r r a t e , tell, r e c o u n t . P . c x d s x y , to tell a f a i r y tale. P . o C B O S M NPNXJIXJWIHHH, to tell of o n e ' s adventure. P a c - c - x d 3 , n.m., story, tale, narrative. P. MixoBa, a story b y C h e k h o v . P . oMeBftAUa, s t o r y of an e y e w i t n e s s . Pac-c-x43-MHX, n.m., s t o r y teller, n a r r a t o r . B e c e ^ u f l p., h u m o r ist. P6c-c-Ka3-HH, n.pl., (colloq.), idle tales. y-Kaa-ATb, v.p., y-x43-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., 4 - instr., to indicate, point out, s h o w , denote, y . A o p 6 r y , to s h o w the w a y . y . ndJibueM Ha x o r 6 - . i H 6 o , to point a t s o m e o n e . y-xd3-biBaTb-cn, v.i.r., to be indicated, pointed out. y - x d 3 , n.m., (obs.), ukase, order; decree. y - x a 3 ¿HHe, n.n., indication, d i r e c t i o n ; instruction. y - K a 3 - 4 T e ; i b , n.m., sign, indic a t i o n ; guide, indicator. y - x a 3 - d T e ; i b Hbifi, adj.. indicating, indicative; (gram.), demonstrative, y. ndjieu, f o r e f i n g e r , index f i n g e r , y - a a CTpiaxa, p o i n t e r ; needle, h a n d of a dial. OH MHE He yK^SHHK, (colloq.), h e c a n ' t lay

KA3 down the l a w to me. y - K á 3 - K a , n.f., pointer. yxásxoft noxásbiBaioT ropoA¿ Ha KápTe, cities a r e indicated on a m a p with a pointer. flé^aTb Bcé no y x á 3 x e , (idiom.), to follow s o m e o n e ' s i n s t r u c tions stupidly.





HC-Va3-rtTb, HC-KajK-y, V.p., HC-Ka)K-áTb, v.i., 4" acc., to distort, m i s r e p r e s e n t , s p o i l ; pervert. H. cJioBá, to d i s t o r t w o r d s . CTpax Hcxa3ii;i e r ó JIHUÓ, t e r ror distorted his face. Mc-xa3-rtTb-cH, v.p.r., HC-KaiK-áTb-CH, v.i.r., -f instr., to b e distorted, d i s f i g u r e d ; d i s f i g u r e oneself. /IHUÓ Hcxastfjiocb cyAoporoft, the f a c e w a s distorted by c o n vulsions. Hc-Kaw-éHHe, n.n., d i s t o r t i o n ; m i s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n . H. HCTHHW, distortion of truth. Mc-xaw-eHHbiA, adj. part, pass, past, disfigured, distorted. H. cMbic.1 $ p á 3 b i , to distort the s e n s e of a p h r a s e , sentence. Mc-xa3-HTe./ib, n.m., one who distorts, disfigures. M. npáBAbi, one who distorts the truth. npo-Ká3-HTb, v.i., Ha-npo-xás-HTb, v.p., to frolic, play p r a n k s , be up t o mischief. ZUTH onáTb HanpoxásH^H, the children h a v e a g a i n played pranks. npo-üá3-HHM-aTb, v.i., Ha-npo-Káa-HHMaTb, v.p., to play pranks, be up to mischief. LUxÓJIbHHXH BCerAá np0Ká3HHMai0T, pupils a l w a y s play p r a n k s . HanpoKásHHMa.iH H PA3ÓE>KÁJIHCB, t h e y played a p r a n k and then ran a w a y . lípo-xáaHHK, n.m., npo-Ká3-HHua, n.f., prankish, mischievous person, child. npoxá3HHuaMapTúiuxa, mischievous monkey, r i p o KÁA-JIHBBIH, adj., prankish, mischievous, n . Ma^bMHUJKa, mischievous, prankish boy. c-npo-Ká3-HTb,

v.p., C-npO-Xá3-HHMaTb, to play p r a n k s . CxawH, XTO STO c n p o x á 3 H ^ ? T e l l me, w h o played this p r a n k ?

v.i., (colloq.),

n.f., npo-Ká3-bi, n.pl., used in pi.), p r a n k ,




trick, mischief. fléTCKHe npoxáabi, childish p r a n k s , tricks. MTO HH m a r , TO n., he c a n n o t take a step without p l a y i n g a p r a n k . r i p o - x á 3 - a , n.f., (med.), leprosy. n p o x d 3 a - HeH3JieHHMaH 6o;ié3Hb, leprosy is an incurable disease. 3 a 6 o J i é T b n p o x á 3 o ñ , to c o n t r a c t leprosy, r i p o Kaw-éHHtjfi, adj., also used as n., leprous; leper. IX óo.ibHóft, a person inflicted with leprosy, n - b i e coAép«aTCfl B /ienpo3ópHHx, l e p e r s a r e kept in l e p r o s a r i u m s .

KA3H(b) KA3H(b)-. P U N I S H M E N T

Ka3H-fc, n.f., e x e c u t i o n ; c a p i t a l p u n i s h ment. n p H T O B O p H T b K CM^pTHOfl K^SHH,

to sentence to death. M£CTO K£3HH, place of execution. K^SHH EriineTCKHe, (Bib.), the Plagues of Egypt.

K83H"rt-Tb, v.p. a n d v./., + acc., to e x e c u t e , p u t to d e a t h . n p e c r y n H H K a KaaHH^H, t h e y e x e c u t e d the c r i m i n a l (the criminal w a s executed). KasHiiTb I I O P 6 K H (HEB^)KecTBO), (fig.), to f u l m i nate a g a i n s t vices ( i g n o r a n c e ) . KaaHHTb-CH, v.i.r., to a c c u s e o n e s e l f ; repent. 3 a r p e x i i CBO£A M6;IOAOCTH OH KA3HHJICN BCK) >KH3Hb, he r e p e n t e d the s i n s of h i s y o u t h a l l h i s life. Ka3H-eHHbifl, adj. part. pass, past, executed. Tpynw K a a n e H H b i x , b o d i e s of the e x e c u t e d . K a 3 H - r i m H H , adj. part. act. pres., e x e c u t i n g . r i a J i i n , K. n p e c T y n H H K a , the e x e cutioner ( h a n g m a n ) w h o is executing the c r i m i n a l .

KAM-(EH)-, S T O N E , K^M-CH-B, n.m.,


(«¿M-HH, KAM-IH-B-H,


stone, rock. ¿IparoudHHbiH KdiueHb, precious stone, gem. NOAB6AHTJFL K., submerged (underwater) rock. K. npeTKHOB^HHH, stumbling block. He

OCT^BHTb KilMHH Ha K^MHe, (fig.), to r a z e to the g r o u n d . B p o c i l T b K^MHH B MyjK6fi o r o p b A , (fig), to slander. K d M - y m e x , n.m., s m a l l s t o n e ; pebble. K^M-eHHbiA, adj., of o r p e r t a i n i n g to s t o n e . K . Be«, t h e S t o n e A g e . K . y r o j i b , coal. K - a n K^aAKa, m a s o n r y ; stone w o r k . K - a t i c o ^ b , r o c k salt. K a M - e H - o - , a combining form meaning r o c k , stone. KaM-eH-o-/i6MHH, n.f., q u a r r y , s t o n e - p i t . KaM-eH-o-JI6M, n.m., q u a r r y m a n . KaMeH-o-Tec, n.m., stone-cutter. K£MeHLUHK, n.m., mason. KaM-eH-HCTwfl, adj., stony, rocky. K . 6cper, rocky s h o r e . K - o e AHO, r o c k y b o t t o m (as of a river, l a k e ) . K - a H nduBa, r o c k y soil. K B M - e H - i - T b , V.i., O - K a M - e H - i T b , V.p., to p e t r i f y , h a r d e n , t u r n to stone. O T HecHicTb« c^pAne KaMeHdeT, through m i s f o r t u n e the h e a r t t u r n s to stone. 0 - K a M - e H - 6 ; i o c T b , n.f., f o s s i l . O - K a v t e H i H H e , n.n., p e t r i f i c a t i o n . O - K a M e H - d / i u i i , adj., p e t r i f i e d ; p e r t a i n i n g to a f o s s i l . O . 6CTOB »KMBdTHoro, p e t r i f i e d s k e l e t o n of a n a n i m a l . O - o e AKeji£3a, to flatten sheets of iron with a roller. HaB&Tb Ha iipoxir, to rent out. B3HTb Ha npoK^T, to rent. ripo-xd-r-xa, n.f.,


rolling. ripo-K^T-Hbifl,


rolled, n. aaBbA. rolling mill. Il-oe >Keji630, rolled iron. ripo-xaT-3Tb-CH, v.p.r.,





for a drive, n. Becb AeHb, to drive around all day, spend a whole day riding. p a C - K B T - A T b , V.p.,

p a C - K S T - b l B a T b , v./.,


acc., to roll; unroll; drive around. P.


Ha nwpdr, to roll d o u g h f o r a pie. Pac-KaT-dTb-cfl, v.p.r., pac-xiTbiBaTb-ca, v.i.r., to be rolled. c - K a T - i i b , v.p., c-K^T-biBaTb, v.i., + arc., to roll up. C. liiHHi^b, to roll a m i l i t a r y g r e a t c o a t . C. OHHT, to roll a b a n d a g e . C. AHKT6BKy, ( s c h o o l slang), to c r i b during dictation. C-K^T-uBaTb-co, v.i.r., c -f- gen., to roll d o w n , o f f ; b e r o l l e d . C-KdT-Ka, n.f., r o l l i n g u p ; (mil.), rolled greatcoat. y - i c a T - i T b , v.p., y-K^T-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., t o roll, s m o o t h o u t . y . flopdry, t o roll a r o a d . y - K a T - d T b - c n , v.p.r., y - K I T - b i B a T b CH, v.i.r., to b e s m o o t h e d , Y K 3 T 4 J I H CHBKy KpyThie n i p x H , (saying), life h a s been too hard. KaT-riTb, «aH-y, v.i.det., - f acc., to roll, w h e e l , trundle. KaT-HTb-cn, v.i.r., to roll, t r u n d l e . K. c r o p w , to s l i d e d o w n a hill. C ^ e 3 b i K 4 T H T C H H S r.na3, t e a r s a r e r o l l i n g f r o m his e y e s . K a T - 6 K , n.m., skating rink; mangle for clothes; roller, rolling press. KaT-yuixa, n.f., r e e l , s p o o l , b o b b i n . K. HHTOK, s p o o l o f t h r e a d . MH/iyKUHdHHati K., i n d u c t i o n coil. B-K8T-ATb, v.p., B-K^T-blBaTb, V.i'., + OCC., T^CTO

t o roll, w h e e l in. B . x p d c j i o , to w h e e l in an a r m c h a i r . B - x a T - H T b - c o , v.p.r., B-KdT-biBaTb-csi, v.i.r., to roll in. MHW BKaTH^cn B KbMHaTy, t h e b a l l rolled i n t o the r o o m . Btii-KaT-HTb, V.p., Bbl-KdT-blBaTb, V.i., + acc., to roll, w h e e l o u t . B . 66MKH H3 n o A B ^ a , t o roll c a s k s o u t of a c e l l a r . OH BBIKATHJI M a 3 i , (colloq), his eyes p o p p e d out. Ha-Bbi-KaT, adv., bulging. D i a s d H., b u l g i n g e y e s . B i J - x a T - H T b - c a ,

v.p.r., Bbi-K^T-biBaTb-cn, v.i.r., to wheel,

roll out. H6jlOKH BblKaTHJIHCb H3 xop3HHbi, t h e a p p l e s r o l l e d o u t of the b a s k e t . Bbi-x4T-biBaHHe, n.n., rolling out; mangling. AO-KaT-rtTb, v.p., A O - K D T - B I B A T B , v.i., + acc., t o roll up t o . fl. 6 6 i x y AO c a p i a , t o roll a b a r r e l up to a s h e d . A . B AEA AHH AO MOCKBU, t o r e a c h M o s c o w in two days. 3a-KaT-riTb, v.p., 3 a - x 4 T - b i B a T b , v.i., + acc., to roll b e h i n d , b e y o n d . 3 . MUM NOA AHB£H, to roll a ball u n d e r a s o f a . 3 . 6 o J i b u j y i o ji63y JiexdpcTBa, (colloq.), t o g i v e a b i g d o s e of m e d i c i n e . 3 . HCTipHKy, (colloq.), to g o into h y s t e rics. 3a-KaT-iiTb-CH, v.p.r., 3a-xdTbiBaTb-cH, v.i.r., to disappear (behind s o m e t h i n g ) . C 6 j i H u e 3axaTHJiocb, the sun h a s s e t . MoA 3Be3A4 3axaTHj]acb, (fig.), s t a r h a s s e t . 3 a - x d T , n.m., sett i n g , d e c l i n e . 3 . c^JiHua, s u n s e t . 3. >KH3HH, t h e l a s t y e a r s of life. 06-KaT-ATb, o-KaT-ATb, v.p., o-Kdq-HBaTb,


141 v.i., -(- insir., douse, drench

CH, v.p.r.,

drench. O . B O A 6 A , to with water. O-xaT-liTb-




with water. O. XOJI6AHOA B O A < J M , to d r e n c h , d o u s e oneself with cold w a t e r ; t a k e a s h o w e r . OT-KaT-rtTb, V.p., OT-KiiT-blBaTb, V.i., -+acc., t o roll, w h e e l o f f . O . T e j i i r y , t o roll a c a r t a w a y . O . 6peBH£3AY, the cabman drove up s m a r t l y to the entrance. rioAv.i.r., IIOA


t o roll u n d e r . UJdpHK noAKaTrt^cn x p o B d T b , the b a l l r o l l e d u n d e r the

bed. no-KaT-ATb, v.p., + acc., to d r i v e o f f ; s e t o u t ; roll, b e g i n r o l l i n g , n . m a p ( M H M ) , to roll a b a l l . rio-xaT-HTb-CH, v.p.r., to roll, s t a r t r o l l i n g , roll d o w n . I I . c r o p w , t o roll d o w n h i l l , n . c 6 CMexy, to rock with l a u g h t e r . rio-xilT-ocTb, n.f., slope, decline, declivity. no-xdT-biA, adj., s l o p i n g . FT JIO6, s l o p i n g f o r e h e a d . rio-K^T-o, adv., aslope. nepe-KaT-tiTb, v.p., n e p e - x d T - b i B a T b , v.i., to roll f r o m o n e p l a c e t o a n o t h e r . see xaTriTb. r i e p e x a T H - n d j i e , e r y n g i u m , a s t e p p e p l a n t ; (fig.), rolling stone (of a person). IipiMCaT-ATb, V.p., npH-KdT-blBaTb, v.i., to r o l l ; (colloq.), c o m e , a r r i v e , n . 66mKeJie3HOAop6jKHbift nyTb, t o l a y r a i l s . y-KJI^A-blBaTb-CH,

V.i.r., .V-^0)K-HTb-CH,

v.p.r., t o lie d o w n , g o t o b e d ; be packed, stowed; pack up. 3TO He yKJi^AbiBaeTCH B MoeM C03H4HHH, I c a n h a r d l y b e l i e v e it. fl y m e y j i o ^ i i ^ a c b , I h a v e a l r e a d y p a c k e d my t h i n g s . y-KJidA, n.m., u s a g e , t r e n d of life. y-K^dA-Ka, n.f., p a c k i n g , l a y i n g . y-KJi^A-biBaHHe, n.n., p a c k i n g . y-K^^A-MHK, n.m., yM i A - H H u a , n.f., p a c k e r . KJIEB-, KJIIO-, KJIIOB-, B E A K , KJIEB-I-TB,

to peck, rieiyx pecking KiiweT, K.

K^K>-K), v.i., +






Blil-IUeB-aTb, V.p., Bbl-KJieB-blBaTb, v.i., + acc., t o p e c k o u t . IlTHUbi BbiKJieBaJiH Becb oBec, the birds h a v e p e c k e d o u t a n d e a t e n all t h e o a t s .

3 a - i u i e B - 4 T b , v.p., 3a-KJieB-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., t o b i t e , p e c k a t , p i c k . B o p t i H b i 3aKJieB^jiH r6jiy6n, the crows have pecked the pigeon to death.

HC-KJICB-^Tb, V.p., HC-KJieB-blBaTb, V.i., + acc., t o e a t c o m p l e t e l y b y pecking. Kypbi HCKJieBdAH Bee sepHd, the c h i c k e n s h a v e e a t e n all the g r a i n . Ha-iM$B-MBaTb-csi,

v.i., (colloq.),



3d pers. only, to b i t e , a p p e a r , t u r n up. HHMer6 He HaiuieBbiBaeTCR, (fig.), n o t h i n g s e e m s t o b e t u r n i n g up. 06-kJieB-&Tb,

V.p., 0 6 - K J I E B - b l B a T b ,

v.i., t o

p e c k all o v e r ; see KJieadTb. no-KJieB-iTb, v.p., no-KJieB-bisaTb, v.i., + acc., t o p e c k a t s l i g h t l y . Bopo6bH NOK.IEB^^H





h a v e p e c k e d a t all the c h e r r i e s . p a c - K J i e s - ^ T b , v.p., pac-KJieB-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to peck open; open by p e c k i n g . K y p n u a pacKJieBd;ia n o A c 6 ; i Hyx, t h e hen h a s p e c k e d o p e n t h e s u n flower. C-IUleB-^Tb, V.p. C-K^eB-blBaTb, v.i., -+acc., t o p e c k o f f . P b i 6 a c u e B i i a MepbukA c KpioMK^, t h e fish b i t t h e w o r m off the hook. KJIIOB, n.m., b e a k , bill, y opjiA 6cTpt>iii K., t h e e a g l e h a s a s h a r p b e a k . K;IK>Bo-o6p43Hbift, adj., b e a k l i k e . KJieBdTb.

KJiK>-Hy-Tb, v.p.smf., see KJIEBET-, KJIEBEIU-,


K f l e B e T - i - T b , K^eBeui-y, v.i., Ha-K-ieBeT¿Tb, v.p., Ha + acc., to c a l u m n i a t e , slander, defame. He K^icBemH Ha H e B H H H o r o , d o n o t s l a n d e r an i n n o c e n t m a n . KjieBeT-4, n.f., c a l u m n y , s l a n d e r , d e f a m a t i o n . 3 a KJieBeTy npHB^eKdioT K cyAy, f o r s l a n d e r o n e c a n b e t a k e n to c o u r t . B3BecTH KJieBeTy Ha K o r 6 HH6yAb, to slander someone. K.ieBeTHHK, n.m., c a l u m n i a t o r , slanderer. K.ieBeT-HHMecKHH, adj., s l a n d e r o u s , c a lumnious; injurious, libelous. K-aa KaMn^HHH, c a m p a i g n of c a l u m n y . o-KJieBeT-^Tb, v.p., + acc., to s l a n d e r , c a l u m n i a t e , d e f a m e , see KJieBeTiTb.


acc., +


p i c k , b i t e , n i b b l e ; see KJiwHyTb. KJiioeT 3epHa, t h e r o o s t e r is a t the g r a i n . Cer6AHH p b i 6 a He t h e fish a r e n o t b i t i n g t o d a y .

K^eB, n.m., b i t i n g , K., g o o d f i s h i n g .





KJ1MK-, KJ1HM-, K J I H I U - , LING, CALL, S C R E A M KJIHK, n.m.,







a j o y o u s call. wiHK-4-Tb, KJiHH-y, v.i., + acc., (colloq.), to c a l l . X o 3 6 f t x a KJIHMCT n y p , t h e h o u s e w i f e is c a l l i n g the h e n s . miriK-Hy-Tb, v.p., to c a l l . K. KJIHM, t o

rouse a community to action; send o u t a c a l l . K;IHM, n.m., call, c r y , s h o u t . EoeB6A K., w a r c r y . RJIHM-KA, rt.f., n a m e , n i c k n a m e . C o 6 4 x a c KJIHMKOH B a p 6 6 c , a d o g with t h e n a m e B a r b o s s . BOC-ttJlftK-HyTb, V.p.Smf., BOC-KJIHU-iTb, v.i., t o e x c l a i m , c r y . Boc-K^Hu-iHHe, n.n., exclamation, ejaculation. Pa3,aaJlAcb p^AOCTHbie BOCKAHlldHHR, j 0 y 0 U S exclamations could be heard. BocK^HU-dTe^bHhifl, adj., exclamatory. B. 3HaK, (gram.), exclamation mark. BU-KJHH-HyTb, V.p.Smf., Bbl-KJIHK-dTb, v.i., acc., t o s h o u t out, c a l l b y n a m e . B . n o cnAcKy, to call t h e roll. Ha-UlftK-aTb,





acc., t o call d o w n upon o n e s e l f . H. Ha ce6maH 6o.ib. shooting pain. Koji-ioMecTb, n.f., prickliness. KOJIKJHHH, adj., prickly, spiny, thorny. K-aa np6B0^0Ka, barbed wire. Ko;i-K>MKa, n.f., prickle, thorn, spine. KOJI,







to stick in. B. 6y^dBKy, to stick a pin into. B-Ko;i-6Tb-cH, v.p.r., B-xdJi-biBaTbCH, v.i.r., to be pinned.




BH-KOJI-OTb. V.p., Bbl-K^JI-blBaTb, V.i., + acc., to g o u g e ; prick out. B. to g o u g e out someone's eyes. 3a-KOJI-6Tb, v.p., Sa-KiU-blBaTb, v.i., -facc., to stab; slaughter; pin. 3. Ka6aHd, to slaughter a boar. 3. n ^ i T b e 6 y ^ i B K3MH, to pin up a dress. 3a-KO^-OTb-cn, v.p.r., 3a-K^-biBaTb-cn, v.i.r., to stab oneself. 3a-K.nd-HHe, n.n., (obs.), offering in sacrifice. HC-KOJI-6Tb, V.p., HC-K^JI-blBaTb, V./., -f" acc., to prick, stab repeatedly. H. Becb nS^eu Hrd^Koft, to prick one's f i n g e r all o v e r with a needle. Hc-KOJi-6Tb-ca, v.p.r., HC-KdJi-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be pricked all over. OH Becb HCKOJI6JICH uinnbBHHKOM, he w a s all scratched up by wild roses. Hafl-KOfl-6Tb, V.p., HaA-K^JI-blBaTb, v.i., + acc., to split s l i g h t l y ; pierce, prick, slightly. H. a6pHK6cbi ajih Bap^HbH, to pierce apricots ( t o obtain more j u i c e ) in j a m - m a k i n g . Ha-Ko;i-6Tb, v.p., Ha-x4;i-biBaTb, v.i., - f acc., 4 - gen., to split, break. H. APOB, to split a pile of w o o d . H. QAQowy Ha 6y;i4BKy, to a f f i x a butterfly with a pin. Ha-Ko;i-6Tb-CH, v.p.r., Ha-KiJi-wBaTbca, v.i.r., t o prick oneself. Ha-K6ji-Ka, n.f., head dress. 06-K0JI-6Tb, V.p., 06-K^^-bIBaTb, v.i., + acc., to chop o f f ; prick around. O . ;ie.a, to chop o f f ice. O . n i ^ b u w uiHnoBHHKOM, to prick one's f i n g e r s with wild roses. 0T-K0J!-6Tb, V.p., OT-KiSjI-bIBaTb, V.i., acc., to chop o f f , break o f f ; unpin. O. 6aHT, t o unpin a b o w . O . myTKy, (fig.), to play a prank, trick. OT-KO;I¿Tb-CH, V.p.r., OT-Kd^-blBaTb-CH, v.i.r., OT + gen., to be chipped o f f , chopped o f f . O . OT nipTHH, (recent), to secede, break a w a y f r o m the party. nepe-K0Ji-6Tb, v.p., nepe-KiJi-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to re-pin. H pyk4b Ha npHMepKe, to re-pin a sleeve at a fitting. nOfl-KOJI-ijTb, v.p., nO^-Ki^-UBaTb, v./., + acc., to split, cleave s l i g h t l y ; pin up. IT nojibJi ri^TbH, to pin up the hem of a dress. I~I. npoweHHe K a e j i y , to attach, clip an application to a file. n0-K0Ji-6Tb, v.p., + acc., see Ko;i6Tb. I~I. a p o B i , to split w o o d . rio-Ki.i-biBaTb, see KOJi6Tb. y MeHri noKd.ibiBaeT B 6OKy, 1 feel an occasional pain in my side. npH-K&i-biBaTb, v./'., npH-Ko;i-6Tb, v.p., to pin, fasten with a pin. n . UBCTOK, to pin on a f l o w e r , n . p^HeHoro 3Bepa, to finish o f f a wounded animal. I1pO-KOJI-6Tb, v.p., npo-Kdji-biBaTb, v./., + acc., to pierce, prick t h r o u g h ; run through. ripo-K6ji, a.m., puncture, r i p o -

KOJI-6Tb-CH, V.p.r., npO-K^^-blBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be punctured, run through. pac-K0Ji-6Tb, v.p., pac-Kdji-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to cleave, split, chop, crack. P . o p £ x , to crack a nut. P. r o j i o c d Ha B t j 6 o p a x , to split a vote. Pac-K0Ji-6TbCH, v.p.r., pac-Ki^-biBaTb-cH, v.i.r., to be split, cracked. Pac-K6;i, n.m., (fig.), split, c l e a v a g e ; (relig.), dissension. P. B ndpTHH, (recent), party split. P a c K6^-b-HHK, n.m., pac-x6;i-b-HHua, n.f., member of a sect of dissenters f r o m the Greek O r t h o d o x Church in the seventeenth century, called the " O l d B e l i e v e r s " . Pac-K6.n-b-HHMecKHft, pacK6ji-b-HHiHfi, adj., pertaining to " O l d Believers". Pac-K6;i-b-HHMecTB0, n.n., (hist.), secession of " O l d B e l i e v e r s " . Pac-K(5;i-Ka, n.f., chopping, splitting. C-KOJI-6Tb, V.p., C-K^JI-blBaTb, v.i., -f- OCC., + instr., to cleave, chop o f f ; pin together. C . jieA c n o p 6 r a , to chop ice f r o m a threshold. C. 6yjidBKaMH, to pin with pins. C-KdA-biBaHHe, n.n., cleaving. C-K6;I-OK, n.m., pricked pattern, copy, picture. CoBepmeHHbiH c. c Her6, the v e r y i m a g e of him. y-KOfl-6Tb, v.p., y-K^^-biBaTb, v.i., -f- acc., + instr., to prick, y . n£;ieu 6y;i4BKOH, t o prick o n e ' s f i n g e r with a pin. y-KOJi6Tb-CH, v.p.r., y-K^Ji-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to prick oneself. y - K 6 j i , n.m., prick, s t i n g ; (fig.), pin-prick, y . wnpimeM, h y p o d e r mic injection, y . caM0Ji>b6HK), a pinprick to o n e ' s pride. KOJI-, K O J I ( E C ) - , CIRCLE, R I N G



KopTyHbi, (fig.), wheel of fortune. KOJi-ec-OBi-Tb, v.i., and v.p., (hist.), + acc., to break on a wheel. KOJI-CCHKO, n.n., small w h e e l ; caster. KOJl-eC-iTb, v.i., HC-KOJI-eCHTb, V.p., + acc., to travel all o v e r (a region, c o u n t r y ) . K. no Bceiny CBeTy, to travel all over the w o r l d ; roam. 3a TOA HCKOJIECIU BCK) 66.iacTb, in a year, 1 travelled all o v e r the province. KOJI¿CHHK, n.m., w h e e l w r i g h t . Koji-ecHbift, adj., w h e e l ; w h e e l e d . K-aa Ma3b, cart g r e a s e . Ko^-ecHHua, n.f., (obs.), chariot. KOJi-bii-6, n.n., ring. 30Ji0T6e K., g o l d ring. K. flbiMa, wreath of smoke. O6pyw4jibH0e K., w e d d i n g ring, band. CorHyTbCH Ko^budM, to be bent into a ring. Ko^-eMKo, n.n., (dim.), small ring. KOJI-bll-eBi-Tb, v.i., O-KO^-bU-eB^Tb, V.p., + acc., to ring, g i r d l e ; put a ring upon a bird's leg. KoJibu-eB6fi, adj., annular.



Koabu-e-o6pá3Hhifl, adj., annular, ringshaped. K O j - b R - y r a , n.f., (hist.), coat of m a i l ; chain a r m o r . O A ^ T H S B K O J I B M ^ R Y , clad in a c o a t of mail. KóJi-bw-aTbift, adj., annulated. K - a a 3Méa, (zool.), ringed snake. KOJ!-eá, n.f., rut, track. >Ke.ie3HOAOPÓJKHAN K , railroad track. Bú6HTbift H3 Ko^eií, (fig.), one w h o s e routine h a s been disturbed. H3pé3aHHbiñ K O J I C A M H , rutted. Ko^-éñHbiñ, adj., pertaining to t r a c k s . y3KO-KOJi-éAHan w e ^ é s H a a A o p ó r a , n a r r o w - g a u g e railroad. LLIHPOKÓ-Ko^-éAHati iKe^ésHaü Aopóra, b r o a d g a u g e railroad. ó-KOJiOt prep., + gen., near, t o w a r d s ; around, about, b y , h e r e a b o u t s . O MOCKBÚ, n e a r M o s c o w . O. TpHAUaTli aeT, a b o u t thirty y e a r s of a g e . T O B O púTb B O K p y r , Aa ÓKOJIO, (idiom), to s p e a k in a roundabout w a y . O-KÓJi-bHbiñ, adj., r o u n d a b o u t . O. nyTb, r o u n d -

a b o u t w a y . O-Ko.i-écHua, 0-K0J!-ecHaH, n.f., nonsense, rubbish. HecTíi oKOJiecnuy, (colloq.), to talk nonsense. O - K Ó J I Hua, n.f., roundabout w a y , circuitous r o a d ; b o u n d a r y of a v i l l a g e . O - K O J I Ó T O K , n.m., (obs.), environs; township; (mil.), infirmary. O-K-OJI-ÓTOMHWÍI, adj., c o n s t a b u l a r y . O. HaA3HpáTeJib, (obs.), p o l i c e - o f f i c e r ; petty constable. o-KÓJi-biui, n.m., cap band. ypá)KKa c KpácHbiM OKó^biuieM, a military cap with a red band. K O J I E E - , K O J l b l B - , KO-/IMX-, K O J l b l W - , ROCKING, SWAYING, WAVERING, TOSSING, SHAKING KOJi-e6-áTb, v.í., n0-K0Ji-e6áTb, v.p., -facc., to shake, w a v e r . B é T e p K0Jre6á;i BéTBH AepéBbeB, the wind w a s rocking the b r a n c h e s of the trees. K. O C H Ó B M r o c y A á p c T B a , to s h a k e the f o u n d a t i o n s of a State. Ko.ie6-áTb-cH, v.i.r., noKOJieó-áTb-ca, v.p.r., to oscillate, v i b r a t e , s w a y ; hesitate, w a v e r , f a l t e r . B O A Í B Ó3epe

Ko^eóáJiacb, the w a t e r



lake rippled. E r ó aBTopHTéT riOKOJieóájicn, his authority has w a v e r e d . K. B CBOSM peméHHH, to f a l t e r in one's decision. Ko^eó-áHHe, n.n., vacillation, w a v e r i n g , hesitation; fluctuation. K. nÓMBbi, tremor, e a r t h q u a k e . Ko.ieóáTe^bHhifl, adj., oscillatory. Kojiéó^wmHftcH, adj. part. act. pres., uns t e a d y , s h a k y , w a v e r i n g . K. weJiOBéK, one w h o w a v e r s . K. r ó ^ o c , tremulous voice. 3a-KOJie6-áTb, v.p., + acc., to ruffle, a g i t a t e . BéTep 3aK0Jie6á;i TPOCTHHK, the wind r u f f l e d the reeds. 3 a - K 0 J i e 6 -


¿Tb-CH, v.p.r., to b e g i n to s w a y , w a v e r . B ^ T B H 3aKOvie6i.iHCb, the b r a n c h e s of the t r e e s began to s w a y . CyAbH 3aKO.1e6i.iHCb n6c;ie p e i n 3ainrtTHHKa, the j u d g e s b e g a n to w a v e r a f t e r the d e fending lawyer's speech. KOjiu6-£jib, n.f., cradle. K. p e 6 e m < a , child's c r a d l e . OT K0Jibi6i^H AO MorHJibi, f r o m the c r a d l e to the g r a v e . Kojibi6-e;ibHaH n^cHH, c r a d l e s o n g , lullaby. KOJIblX-A-Tb, kOJIUtU-y, v.i., KOJIblX-HyTb, v.p., + acc., to s w a y , s w i n g , toss, shake. B i t e p Ko-ibiujeT AepeBbn, the wind is c a u s i n g the trees to s w a y . KoJIMX-^Tb-CH, V.i.r., KOJIbIX-HyTb-CH, v.p.r., to s w a y , s w i n g , t o s s , s h a k e , w a v e r , quiver. T p a B i K o . i u m e r c a , the g r a s s is s w a y i n g . Kojibix-4HHe, n.n., rocking, swinging, swaying. BC-KOJIblX-^Tb, V.p., BC-KOflbIX-HyTb, V.p. smf., - f acc., to stir up, rouse. BcKo^bix-HyTb-CH, v.p.r., to start rocking, set in motion. Ko;ibi6-6jib BCKO^bixHv•lacb H pe6eH0K npocHyjicn, the cradle b e g a n to rock and the b a b y w o k e up. KOH-b-,


KOH-b, n.m., h o r s e ; (poet.), s t e e d ; (chess), knight. E>oeBKeu, n.m., s k a t e r . KoH-b-Ko-6i>KHbiH, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to s k a t i n g . K. cnop-r, s k a t i n g a s a s p o r t . K-bie coctH3dHHH, s k a t i n g m a t c h e s . KoH-ima, n.f., h o r s e flesh, meat. K6H-Ka, n.f., h o r s e - d r a w n streetc a r . KoH-HHua, n.f., c a v a l r y ; m o u n t e d t r o o p s . K6H-Hbifl, adj., m o u n t e d ; pert a i n i n g to a horse. K 3aB6A, h o r s e b r e e d i n g f a r m . K-an apTH-i.iepHH, h o r s e artillery. K - a a dpMapKa, h o r s e fair. K 6 H - C K H H , adj., p e r t a i n i n g to a horse. K-an rpHBa, h o r s e ' s m a n e . K O H - O - B 3 J I , n.m., f a r r i e r . K6H-o-BH3b, n.f., tether; picket r o p e . K O H - O - K P ^ A , n.m., h o r s e thief. KoH-0-KpdACTB0, n.n., horse s t e a l i n g . K 6 H - K > X , n.m., g r o o m ; s t a b l e boy. K O H - K ) I I I H H , n.f., s t a b l e . K6H-iouiHfi, adj., used as n.. (hist), equerry] KoH-wtueHHbift, adj., p e r t a i n i n g to a s t a b l e . K. ABOP, s t a b l e y a r d .

KOH-, K A H - E N D , T E R M I N A T I O N KOH-£II, n.m., end, termination, close; (colloq.), distance, j o u r n e y ' s end. K. na.IKH, the end of a stick, cane. K



AopórH, end of a road, j o u r n e y . I"Io•NOIKHTB K., to put an end. B OAIÌH KOHéu, o n e w a y only. BH;I6T B 0 6 a KOHUÉ, r o u n d - t r i p ticket. IIOA K., in the end, t o w a r d s t h e end. KoHéu - Aé-iy BeHéu, t h e end c r o w n s t h e w o r k . B KOHué KOHUÓB, a f t e r a l l ; in the end. CBOflfÌTb K O H U Ù C K O H U ^ M H , ( f i g . ) , tO m a k e e n d s meet. BKOH-éu, adv., entirely, totally, wholly. MauiHHa HcnópTH^ a c b B., ( c o l l o q . ) , the m a c h i n e is c o m pletely ruined. Ha-KOHéu, adv., at last, a t length, finally. H., BM npniuAH, you c a m e finally. KÓH-MHK, n.m., (dim.), tip, point, end. Ha KÓHMHKC H3bi«à, on the tip of o n e ' s t o n g u e . KOH-6M-HO, adv., c e r t a i n l y , of c o u r s e , n a turally, surely. K. Aa! of course! K. HeT! c e r t a i n l y n o t ! KOH-éM-HOCTb, n.f., f i n i t e n e s s ; ( a n a t . ) , e x tremity. KOH0MHOCTH (pyKH, HÓTH), e x t r e m i t i e s ( h a n d s , f e e t ) . OHeMéHne KOHéMHocTeft, n u m b n e s s of the e x t r e m i t i e s . KoH-éHHbift, adj., final, t e r m i n a l , ultim a t e . K - a a cTàHUHH, t e r m i n a l s t a t i o n . K - a a uejib, final, ultimate g o a l . B e c KOH-éMHOcTb, n.f., infinity, e n d l e s s n e s s , e t e r n i t y . Bec-KOH-éMHbifl, adj., infinite, endless. B - o e npocrpàHCTBo, infinite s p a c e . Bec-K0H-éMH0, adv., infinitely, endlessly. KÓH-H-HTb, V.p., KOH-MàTb, V.Ì., OCC., + instr., to finish, end, t e r m i n a t e , b r i n g t o an end. K. yHHBepcHTéT, t o g r a d u a t e f r o m a university. K. pa6óTy, to finish a j o b . K. caMoyóliflCTBOM, to end by suicide. KÓH-MHTb-CH, V.p.r., KOH-wàTbCH, v.i.r, t o end ; CKOHMÀTBCN, v.p.r., t o die, e x p i r e . 3 T O KÓHMHTCH HecMécTHeM, this will end in a m i s f o r t u n e . 3 a n é c b i KOHMàioTCfl, the supplies a r e running low. OH KÓHMHTCH, (CKOHMÀ^BCFL) he is dead. KÓH-MCHO, adv., e n o u g h ; t h a t ' s that, it's all over. KóH-qeHHbifl, adj. part, pass, past, finished. K. MejioBéK, (fig.), a man w h o is finished. KoH-miHa, n.f., d e a t h . BE3BPÉMEHHA« K., untimely d e a t h . AO-KÓH-HHTb, V.p., AO-K^H-MHBaTb, V.Ì., + occ., to finish, end, c o m p l e t e . HàqaTbiH BMepà pHcyHOK, to c o m p l e t e a sketch s t a r t e d y e s t e r d a y . AO-KOH-àTb, v.p., + acc., (colloq.), to finish, b r e a k . T ó p e eè AOxoHà;io, h e r grief w a s t o o much f o r h e r ; it finished her. 33-KÓH-HHTb, V.p., 3a-K0H-MHBaTb, V.Ì., + acc., t o finish, end, complete, c o n c l u d e ; (fig.), c r o w n . 3 . peMb, t o conclude a s p e e c h . 3 . p a 3 r o B ó p , to finish a c o n v e r s a t i o n . 3a-KÓH-MHTb-CH, V.p.r., 33-KÌHMHBaTb-cH, v.i.r., instr., t o b e finished, ended, completed, concluded.

KOH R a x 3aK^HMHBaeTcn pom^h " E b ^ h h A OH6THH?" H o w d o e s the novel Eugene Onegin e n d ? 3a-K6H-weHHbifl, adj. part, pass, past, finished, completed, e n d e d , c o n c l u d e d . 3 . xyaiiiKHHK, a c o n s u m m a t e a r t i s t . He-3a-K6H-ieHHbiH, adj. part, pass, past, incomplete, unfinished. H - o e coMHHiHne, unfinished w o r k .

3a-K6H, n.m., law. TocyA^pcTBeHHuft 3., public law. 3 . HACJIIACTBEHHOCTH, the law of heredity. 3 . npupdAbi, law of nature. HapyuidTb 3., to break a law. 06i>nBHTb BHe 3aK6Ha, to outlaw. 3 a K6H-HHK, n.m., legal e x p e r t . 3a-K6HHocTb, n.f., legality, lawfulness; validity. 3 . Tpi6oBaHHR, legality of a demand. 3a-K6H-HbiH, adj., legal, lawful, rightful; valid. 3 . 6paK, legal m a r r i a g e . 3a-K6H-HO, adv., legally, lawfully, r i g h t fully. 3aK0H-0-, a combining form meaning law. 3aK0H-0-A^Te^b, n.m., legislator, l a w m a k e r . 3a-K0H-0-AiTe^bHbift, adj., legislative. 3 - o e co6p^HHe, legislative assembly. 3a-K0H-0-A^TejibCTBO, n.n., legislation. 3a-K0H-0-M6pHocTb, n.f., conformity to an e s t a b lished law. 3a-K0H-0-MipHbifi, adj., c o n f o r m i n g to a law. y-3a-K6H-HTb, V.p., y-3a-KOH-dTb, v.i., + acc., to legalize. y-3a-KOH-6HHe, n.n., legalization. flgficTByiomee y., o p e r a t i v e law. 0-K6H-1HTb, V.p., O-K^H-MHBaTb, V.i., + acc., to finish, e n d ; see K6HMHTb. OK6n-HHTb-CH, V.p.r., O-KiSH-MHBaTb-CH, v.i.r., -f- instr., to be finished, ended. 0-ROH-MiHHe, n.n., ending, completion, finishing, termination, conclusion; (gram.), ending. O. poM^Ha, ending of a novel. O. cJiiAyeT, the conclusion follows. 0-KOH-MdTejibHbifi, adj., final, definitive. O-an OTAi^Ka, finishing touch. O - o e peuj^HHe, final decision. O-KOH-wdTe-ibHO, adv., finally, definitely. no-K6H-iHTb t v.p., + acc., + instr., to bring to an end, finish off; conclude, n . A6.no MHPOM, to make peace. I~I. c co66fi, to commit suicide. FI. c §THM, to be done with something. npH-K6H-HHTb, V.p., npH-Ki H-MHBaTb, V.i., + acc., (colloq.), to finish off, kill. iijieHHbix npHKbHMH^H, (colloq.), the p r i s o n e r s w e r e killed. HC-KOH-rt, adv., Hcno-KbH B i n a , from t i m e i m m e m o r i a l , since primordial, primeval times. 3TH NOPTIAKH cymecTBOBi;IH HCKOHH, these c u s t o m s have e x i s t e d f r o m time i m m e m o r i a l . Hc-K6H-Hbifl, adj., primordial, primeval. H 6 B r o p o A - HCK6HHbifl pyccKHfl r6poA, N o v g o r o d is a primeval R u s s i a n city.

Kon KOn-, KAn-,


K6PHH, t o d i g u p r o o t s . O .

K o n - i - T b , v.i., + acc., t o d i g . e x c a v a t e . K. K3HABU (TpamiieH), t o d i g d i t c h e s (trenches).






p o t a t o e s . Kon-4Tb-CH, v.i.r., to b e d u g ; r u m m a g e ; work sluggishly, dawdle. K. B iy>KHX BEIU^X, t o r u m m a g e in s o m e o n e e l s e ' s t h i n g s . K. B A y m e , ( f i g ) , t o i n d u l g e in s o u l s e a r c h i n g . K O n - H ^ - T b , v.p.,






K o n - y H , n.m., Kon-yHbH, n.f., slow poke, sluggard. K o n - b , n.f-,


m i n e . Y R 6 ^ B H A N K., c o a l


P a 3 p a 6 ^ T b i B a T b Ka*ieHHoyr6;ibHbie K H AOKOnA^HCb AO BOAbl, t h e y d u g until t h e y s t r u c k w a t e r , fl. a o c ^ t h Ai^ia, (fig.), to get to the b o t t o m of a c a s e . HC-KOn-^Tb, V.p., HC-K^n-blBaTb, v./\, - f acc., t o d i g i n ; b u r y . 3 . ¿My, t o fill in a pit. 3 a - K o n - d T b - c n , v.p.r., 3a-KdnbiBaTb-cn, v.i.r., t o b e b u r i e d . Ha-Kon-&Tb,





acc., t o d i g u p . HcKoniJiH Bee n6;ie, t h e y d u g u p t h e w h o l e f i e l d . Mc-Kon¿CMbiH, adj. part. pass, pres., pertaini n g t o a f o s s i l . M. pacTeHHfl, f o s s i l p l a n t s . H - b i e >KHB6THbie, a n i m a l f o s s i l s . H c - K o n - d e M o e , n.n., m i n e r a l ; f o s s i l . I~Iojie3Hbie HCKonieMbie, u s e f u l m i n e r a l s . Ha-Kon-^Tb, v.p., Ha-Kin-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., + gen., t o d i g a g i v e n q u a n t i t y . H. Meuj^K KapT6hji n. cboh paccK^3, he liked to embellish his 'story. flpHKpSc-a, n.f., embellishment. Hao6pa«¿Tb mt6-;ih6o 6e3 npHKpiic, to describe something without embellishments. llpH-Kpiuj-HBaHHe, n.n., see npHKpica. npH-Kpiuj-eHHbiH, adj. part, pass, past, embellished, n . nopTper, a flattering likeness. npo-Kpic-H-Tb, v.p., npo-Kpim-HBaTb, v.i.,



+ acc., to paint t h o r o u g h l y . I T BTOPHMHO K p w u j y , to r e p a i n t a r o o f . pac-KpAc-HTb, v.p., pac-Kpiui-HBaTb, v.i., -f- acc., + instr., to paint, c o l o r , g r a i n . P . KapTHHKH, t o c o l o r pictures. P a c xpdc-Ka, n.f., coloration. Pac-KpdmHBaHHe, /i n., painting, c o l o r i n g . P a c -

KpPOHT, to send reinforcements to the front. rioA-xpen-jiAIOIUHH, adj. part. act. pres., strengthening, fortifying, supporting, reinf o r c i n g . n . H a n H T O K , f o r t i f y i n g , bracing drink, n . B03Ayx, bracing air. npH-Kpen-frrb, v.p., npH-xpen-;i-fiTb, v.i., + acc., + dat., to fasten, attach, a f f i x , n . K 3eM^i, (hist.), to attach to the land. FI. 6yM^ry xHdnxofi, to tack d o w n a piece of paper. npH-xpen-HTb-cR, v.p.r., npn-Kpeii-JI-jiTb-CH, v.i.r., to be fastened, attached, a f f i x e d . H K MecrxdMy, (recent), to register at a local


T r a d e Union committee. ripw-xpen-n¿HHC, n.n., fastening, attachment. rTpHxperi-ji-eHHMft, adj. part. pass, past, attached, n . k 3eM;i6, (hist.), attached to the land. c-Kpen-tiTb, v.p., c-Kpen-/i-aTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., to strengthen, consolidate, tie, clamp. C. 6O;IT2MH, to bolt. C. n6anHCbio, to countersign. C. neMiTbio, to seal. C. Aoroartp rrriAnHCHMH, to ratify. C-xpen-ji-dHHe, n.n., fastening, tightening; countersignature. C. 6yuir, countersigning of papers, documents. C. pejibc rAAxaMH, action of pinning rails to ties. C-xpen-xa, n.f., (tech.), split-pin; clamp. C-xpen-d, adv., in expression: C. cepAue, unwillingly, reluctantly, g r u d g i n g l y . y-Kpen-rtTb, v.p., y-xpen-Ji-tfTb, v.i., + acc., to strengthen, fortify, brace, consolidate, reinforce, y . 3Aop6Bbe, to i m p r o v e one's health, y . rdpoA, to f o r t i f y a city. y . 060p0H0cn0c66H0CTb, to strengthen the defensive capacities of a country. y-xpen-HTb-ca, v.p.r., yxpen-^-ATb-cH, v.i.r., to be strengthened, f o r t i f i e d , y . Ha 3^HHTbix nosrtuHtix, to f o r t i f y occupied positions, y - x p e n - ; i ¿HHe, n.n., strengthening, f o r t i f y i n g ; fortification, fort. y-xpen-^-^HHH, ramparts, fortifications, y . 6eper6B, protection of a coast, shoreline, y - x p e n - ; i riromHii, adj. part. act. pres., bracing, invigorating, Y - e e CP6ACTBO, tonic.



KpecT, n.m., cross. KP6CT-HX, n.m., (dim.), little cross. Ha-re.ibHbifi x., baptismal cross. K)JKHHH KpecT, (astr.), the Southern Cross. KpdcHbift KpecT, Red Cross. KpecT-H4-xpecT, crosswise. KpecT-b-AHHH, n.m., peasant. KpecT-b-AHCTBO, n.n., peasantry. KpecTb-RIHCXHFI, adj., peasant. KpecT-o-H6ceu, adj., (hist.), pertaining to the Crusades. KpecTdBbie noxdAW, the Crusades. KpecT-o-BHAHBIFT, adj., cruciferous. KpecT-o-o6pi3HbiH, adj., shaped like a cross. KpecT-^u, n.m., (anat.), sacrum. KpecT-o-c.ioBHua, crossword puzzle. Kpecr-A-Tb, K p e u - y , v.i., o-xpeor-HTb, v.p., to baptize, christen; (fig.), name. K. p e 6 e H x a , to baptize ( c h r i s t e n ) a child. KpecT-iiTb-cH, v.i.r., to be baptized.; cross oneself. HCTOBO X., to make a sign of the cross with f e r v o r . K. B npaBOC^^BHyio Bipy, to be baptized in the Greek Orthodox faith. KpecT-HTeJib, n.m., used only f o r : H o a H H KpecTHTe^b, St. John the Baptist. Kpec-r-HHbi, n.pl., baptism, christening. KP6CT-HHX,



n.m., g o d s o n . KpdCT-HHua, n.f., godd a u g h t e r . KpecT-Hbift, adj., used as n., godfather. K-an MaTb, godmother. K p e c T H a a AOMb, g o d d a u g h t e r . KpecTftjibHbifl, adj., baptismal. K. KpecT, baptismal cross. Kpem-iHHe, n.n., b a p t i s m ; christening. KpemeHHe, Epiphany. BoeBöe k. , baptism of fire. K p e m - e H b i f t , adj., baptized, christened. K . p e ö e H O K , b a p t i z e d , c h r i s t e n e d child. Kpem-6HCKHft, adj., p e r t a i n i n g t o the t i m e o f the E p i p h a n y . Bbi-icpecT, n.m., (obs.), one who is converted to Christianity. Bij-KpecT-HTb, v.p., - f acc., to convert to Christianity. o-KpecT-ÄTb, v.p., + acc., (obs.), to give a n a m e in b a p t i s m ; ( d e r o g . ) , t o n i c k n a m e . 0 - k p 6 c t , prep., around. O. h h oähh He MepuäeT MadK, all a r o u n d , n o t a lighthouse flashes. O-KpicT-HocTb, n.f., neighborhood, vicinity, environs, suburb. /KHBoriHCHbie okp^cthocth, picturesque environs. O-kp^ct-hum, adj., n e i g h b o r i n g . O - b i e >KHTe;iH, n e i g h b o r i n g inhabitants. OT-KpeCT-ÖTb-CH, V.p.r., OT-Kp^m-HBaTbc h , v.i.r., o t - f - gen., t o rid o n e s e l f of s o m e o n e b y m a k i n g the s i g n of the c r o s s ; d i s a v o w , d e n y . JleHHBbii) Bcer/iä OTKpiuiHBaeTCH o t p a ö ö T b i , a l a z y m a n a l w a y s shirks work. nepe-KpecT-iiTb, v.p., KpecT-HTb, v./., acc., to g i v e one's blessing by making t h e s i g n of the c r o s s o v e r s o m e o n e , r i p o m ä a c b , MaTb nepeKpecTHJia Cbrna, s a y i n g f a r e w e l l , the m o t h e r m a d e the s i g n o f the c r o s s o v e r h e r s o n . n . Ä ß e öiriKH, t o c r o s s t w o beams, riepeKpecT-HTb-cfl, v.p.r., t o m a k e the s i g n o f the c r o s s ; c r o s s o n e s e l f . r i e p e - K p e m HBaTb-cH, v.i.r., to b e c r o s s e d ; c r o s s . riepe-KpecT-oK, n.m., crossing, intersection. T ö ^ n u Hapöfla ctoä.ih Ha n e p e n p e c T K e , c r o w d s of p e o p l e s t o o d a t the c r o s s i n g ( i n t e r s e c t i o n ) , riepeKpecT-Hbifi, adj., cross, n. .aonpöc, cross examination, n . oröHb, (mil.), crossfire. C-KpeCT-ÄTb, v.p., C - K p i m - H B a T b , V.l., + acc., to cross; (biol.), crossbreed, h y b r i d i z e . C. pyKH Ha r p y ^ i i , t o c r o s s o n e ' s h a n d s on o n e ' s chest. C . u i n ä r n Ha n o e ^ i i H K e , to c r o s s s w o r d s in a duel.




BOc-Kp^c-HyTb, v.p.smf., Boc-Kpec-äTb, v.r., t o rise a g a i n ; rise f r o m the d e a d ; become resurrected. Xphctöc BocK p i c e ! C h r i s t is r i s e n ! B o c - K p e c - e H H e , n.n., Resurrection. CBHTöe X p h c t ö b o BocKpeciHHe, Resurrection of Christ.


B o c - K p e c - e H b e , n.n., S u n d a y . B o c - K p 6 c h h k , n.m., (recent), a Sunday devoted t o v o l u n t a r y w o r k f o r the c o m m u n i t y . B o c - K p e c - H b i f t , adj., S u n d a y . B. 6 T A b i x , S u n d a y rest. B. aeHb, S u n d a y . BOC-KpeC-flTb, V.p., B O C - K p e m - i T b , V.J., + acc., to resurrect; resuscitate, r e v i v e . HDwhwh K.iHMaT BOcnpecH^ MeHrt, t h e s o u t h e r n c l i m a t e h a s r e v i v e d m e . B. cTdpbifi o6biMaft, to revive an old custom. Boc-Kpeui-iHHe, n.n., resurr e c t i o n , r e s u r r e c t i n g . B. Jld3apfi, (Bib.), the R e s u r r e c t i o n of L a z a r u s .



KpOB-b, n.f., blood. npOJTHBâTb K. 3a OTéwecTBO, t o s h e d b l o o d for one's c o u n t r y . Pa3ÔHTb HOC B KpoBb, t o m a k e s o m e o n e ' s n o s e b l e e d . >Kâ>K,aaTb KPÔBH, to thirst f o r b l o o d . H c T e K â r b K p ô B b w , to bleed. Ohî KpoBb c mojiokôm, ( f i g ) , s h e is b r i m m i n g w i t h health. KpoB-éBbiH, adj., bloody, blood-stained. PyôiiH KpoBâBoro uBéTa, blood-red r u b y . KpoB-HHKa, n.f., p a r t i c l e of b l o o d . HH KpoBHHKH, n o t a d r o p , t r a c e of b l o o d . HH KPOBHHKH B ;iHué, the f a c e is b l o o d l e s s , p a l e . KpoB-e-HÔCHbiH, adj., b l o o d - c a r r y i n g . K. c o c y A , b l o o d v e s s e l . KpoB-HHÔH, adj., b l o o d . K - 6 e jaB.néHHe, blood pressure. KpoB-o, a combining form meaning blood. KpoB-o-)«âAHOCTb, n.f., blood-thirstiness. KpoB-o-wâAHbifi, adj., blood-thirsty. KpoB-o-H3;iHâHHe, n.n., hemorrhage. KpoB-o-o6paméHHe, n.n., blood circulation. KpoB-o-nHHua, n.n., blood-sucker. KpoB-o-npo^HTHe, n.n., bloodshed, slaughter. KpoB-onpo^HTHbiii, adj., bloody. KpoB-o-TeMéHHe, n.n., hemorrhage, blood-letting. KpOB-O-TOHHTb, V.Î., tO b l e e d . P â H a CHJIbHO xpoBOTOMHT, t h e w o u n d is bleeding h e a v i l y . KpoB-o-TOwâmHH, adj., bleeding. K-an pâHa, bleeding wound. KpoB-o-ToMHBOCTb, n.f., bleeding. KpÔB-Hbift, adj., consanguineous. K-oe POJCTBÔ, blood relationship. K-an ^ôuiaflb, thoroughbred. Mhctokp6bh3h Jiôuiaab, t h o r o u g h b r e d . K - b i e a é H b r H , money earned through hard labor. O-KpOB-éB-HTb, V.p., O-KpOB-âB.IHBaTb, v./., + acc., t o stain w i t h b l o o d . O . c e 6 é j i h u ô H pyKH npw na,aéHHH, t o b l o o d y o n e ' s h a n d s and f a c e in a f a l l . O-KpoB-âB^eHHbiH, adj., blood-stained. 6 e j i o - K p ô B - H e , n.n., (med.), leukemia. Majio-KpàB-He, n.n., a n a e m i a . M a j i o - K p ô B HbiH, adj., anaemic. n0JiH0-Kp0B-He, n.n.. (med.), plethora, full-bloodedness. no.iHo-KpÔB-Hbifi, adj., f u l l - b l o o d e d ; (fig.), healthy, joyful, full of v i t a l i t y .





mild, gentle, meek. K . disposition. K . B3r;in,n, meek look. Kp6T-ocrb, n.f., meekness, gentleness, mildness. K P 6 T - K O , adv., mildly, meekly, gently. y-KpoT-iTb, v.p., y-Kpom-4Tb, v.i., 4 acc., to tame, subdue, b r e a k , curb, pacify, a p p e a s e , calm. y. AiiKoro 3B£PH, to t a m e a wild animal, y. rnaJiyH^, to s u b d u e an unruly child. y-KpoT-HTb-cH, v.p.r., y-Kpom-^Tb-cn, v.i.r, to b e tamed, s u b d u e d . THCB yKpoTHJicH, his a n g e r subsided. flpocTb BOJIH yxpoTHJiacb, the f u r y of the w a v e s subsided, yKpom-eHHbift, adj. part. pass, past, tamed, subdued, y. jieB, a t a m e lion. y-KpOT-HTeJIb, tl.m., y-KpOT-HTe.!IbHHUa, n.f., t a m e r of wild animals, y. 3Bep6ii, n.n., t a m i n g . "yxpom^HHe CTponTHBofi," (Shakespeare), T h e T a m i n g of the Shrew. K P 6 T - K - H A , adj., HpaB, gentle




Kpôx-a, n.f., c r u m b ; KPÔX-H, n.f.pl., remains, r e m n a n t s . riHTâTbCH KPÔXSMH, to feed on c r u m b s ; (fig.), to be destitute. Kpôx-OT-Ka, n.f., tiny bit. KPÔX-OTHHH, adj., tiny. K. KOTCHOK, tiny kitten. Kpôui-ica, n.f., c r u m b ; (fig.), a small child, b a b y . Kpôui-emca, n.f., crumb, little bit, grain. HH KPÔUIKH BO PTY c y i p â Hé ébijro, I h a v e n ' t had a bite since m o r n i n g . Kpôui-ex£jie3o, sheet iron. no-Kp6B, n.m., cover, veil; (fig.), pall, shroud; IloxpdB, (relig.), feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin. K6)«Hbift n., n.m., (anat.), integument. NOA NOXP6BOM H6MH, under cover of



n i g h t . rioA noKpôBOM TâAHbi, under a c l o a k of s e c r e c y . Ilo-KpôB-Hbifi, adj., c o v e r i n g . I~I-bie TKÎHH, (anat.), protective t i s s u e s . no-KpOB-ATeJtbCTBOBaTb, v.i., + dat., t o act as a patron, a sponsor. no-icpOB-ATejib, a.m., patron, protector. rio-KpoB-liTeflbHHua, n.f., patroness, p r o t e c t r e s s . rio-KpoB-ATejibCTBo, n.n., p a t r o n a g e . Ô6mecTBo NOKPOBHTE-UBCTBA wHBÔTHhiM, S o c i e t y f o r the P r e v e n t i o n o f C r u e l t y t o Animals. n o - K p o B - r t r e ; i b CTBeHHtjfl, adj., condescending, patronizing. n-an CHCTéMa, fecon.), protectonism. ri0-Kp0B-rtTeJibCTBeHH0, adv., c o n d e s c e n d i n g l y , p a t r o n i z i n g l y . 0T-Kp0B-éHHe, n.n., r e v e l a t i o n . BoiKécTBeHHoe OTKpoBéHHe, Divine Revelation 3TO 6ÙJIO o-eM a n a B c e x Hac, this w a s a revelation to all of us. OTKpoB-éHHOCTb, n.f., f r a n k n e s s . OT-KPOBéHHbjfl, adj., frank, candid. BbiTb oTKpoBéHHbiM, to b e f r a n k , candid, open. OT-KpoB-éHHo, adv., frankly, o p e n l y , candidly. O. BÙCKa3aTb KOMYJIH6O HenpH^THyio iicTHHy, to tell s o m e o n e t h e plain truth. co-KpoB-éH-HoeTb, n.f., s e c r e c y , m y s t e r y ; o c c u l t n e s s . Co-KpoB-éHHbift, adj., s e c r e t , m y s t e r i o u s , c l a n d e s t i n e . C - b i e MyBCTBa, i n n e r m o s t feelings. C - w e MÙCJIH, intimate thoughts. co-KpôB-Hiue, n.n., t r e a s u r e . B e p é q b , KaK c., t o t r e a s u r e . HH 3a KaKiie coxpÔBHma, (colloq.), not at a n y price. Co-KpÔBHuiHHua, n.f., t r e a s u r e - h o u s e , d e p o s i t o ry. C. 3H4HHA, s t o r e h o u s e of i n f o r m a tion. Kpu-Jiô, n.n., w i n g ; s a i l ; v a n e . K. NTHUBI, w i n g of a bird. K. caMo^ëTa, wing of a plane. I~Io,npé3aTb KOMy-HHÔyAb Kpû^bH, (fig.), to clip s o m e o n e ' s w i n g s . Kpu-^biuiKO, n.n., (dim.), little wing. B3HTB NOFL CBoë K., (fig.), to t a k e u n d e r o n e ' s w i n g . Kpu-jiëTbift, adj., w i n g e d . K - o e CJIÔBO, f a m o u s dictum. K-bift KOHb, (fig ), w i n g e d h o r s e . flByKpù^bifi, adj., two-winged. O-Kpfal-JI-tiTb, V.p., O-Kpbl-JI^Tb, v.i., -f acc., t o give w i n g s t o ; (fig.), enc o u r a g e , inspire, give h o p e . O. H a f l é * Aofi, t o inspire with hope. Kpbi-JI-bii-Ô, n.n., flight of s t e p s ; porch. Kpbi-a-éMKO, n.n., (dim.) ; see Kpbuibuô.



Kyn dHHe, n.n., b a t h i n g , s w i m m i n g . M o p c K d e K., sea bathing. Kyn-d;ibHH, n.f., bathhouse. Kyn-i^bmhK, n.m., Kyn¿Jibuuma, n.f., bath a t t e n d a n t . K y n ^jibHbiH, adj., b a t h i n g . K. ce36H, b a t h i n g s e a s o n . K. KOCTIBM, b a t h i n g suit. K y n -

¿Jib, n.f., (rel.), baptismal font. v.p., (colloq.); see Bbi-Kyn-


aTb. HC-Kyn-^Tb-CH, v.p.r., to b a t h e , s w i m ; t a k e a b a t h . M. B PENI (63epe), to bathe, swim, in a river ( l a k e ) . H a - K y n - 4 T b - c s i , v.p.r., (colloq.), to h a v e o n e ' s fill of b a t h i n g , s w i m m i n g . 3 a JI^TO H HAKYNDJICH B M6pe, during t h e s u m m e r 1 h a d m y fill of b a t h i n g in t h e sea. no-kyn-&Tb,

v.p., +




KYNITB. n . pe6eHKa B B^HHC, t o b a t h e a child in a tub. rio-Kyn-iTb-CH, v.p.r., to b a t h e , t a k e a swim. n . B M6pe, to g o b a t h i n g in t h e s e a .

Kyn-, Kyn(ji)-, CHASING



xyn-ri-Tb, uyn-ji-ib, v.i., no-Kyn-^Tb, v.p., -f- acc., to buy, p u r c h a s e . H He B COCTO6HHH K. ¿TO, 1 c a n n o t a f f o r d it, I a m not in a position to buy it. 3Aop6BbH 3a A^HbrH He KynHWb, (saying), one cannot buy health with m o n e y . K y n - j m , n.f., b u y i n g . K . H n p o A ^ w a , b u y i n g and selling. K y n - i u , n.m, s h o p k e e p e r , t r a d e s man, m e r c h a n t . K y n - m i x a , n.f., merc h a n t ' s wife. Kyn-iMecTBo, n.n., m e r c h a n t c l a s s . Kyn-eMecKHH, adj., mercantile. K - o e cocJibBHe, m e r c h a n t c l a s s .

Kyn-Man, adj., nocTb, n.f.,



B U - K y n - H T b , v.p.,

as n., K-an Kp6-

B b i - K y n - ^ T b , v.i.,



t o buy b a c k , r e d e e m . B . B6IHH HS JIOM6 4 p A a , to redeem t h i n g s in a pawn shop. B . n^^HHbix, to r a n s o m p r i s o n e r s . B b i - n y n , n.m., r a n s o m , r e d e e m i n g . T p 6 6 o B a T b BbiKyna, to hold f o r r a n s o m . Bbi-Kyn-^-eHHbift, adj. part. pass, past, r e d e e m e d , t a k e n out of p a w n .


v.p., Ao-Kyn-iTb,

v.i., +


to buy in addition, fl. MeTp cyKHi, t o buy an additional m e t e r of cloth. 3a-Kyn-HTb, v.p., 3 a - K y n - i T b , v.i., -f- acc., t o buy in q u a n t i t y . 3 . APOB HA 3HMy, to buy w o o d f o r the winter. 3a-Kyn-Ka, n.f., p u r c h a s e ; g o o d s p u r c h a s e d . flijiaTb 3aKynKH, t o shop. 3 a - K y n - m H K , n.m., buyer, purchaser. 3a-Kyn-dTb-ca, v.i.r.,

used only in 3d pcrs., to be bought in

Kyn-4-Tb, v./'., BÙ-Kyn-aTb, v.p., + occ., t o b a t h e . K. pe6emejiH, alcohol is distilled f r o m potatoes. Kyp-rtTb-ca, v.i.r., to smould e r ; steam; emit smoke, steam. Cbip6fl Ta6dx nji6xo xypHTca, damp tobacco does not burn well. HpoB& xypaTca, the w o o d is smouldering. Pexd xypftjiacb, the river was steaming. BnHo-xypeHHbiA 38B6A, distillery. BHHO-xyp, n.m., distiller. Kyp-^Hb, (hist.), B

n.m., hut, shanty, hovel; Cossack cottage, homestead.





B^HDCTH KypeH^MH, houses in the Don region are called kurens. Kyp-eHH6ft, adj., pertaining to a kuren. K. aiaM^H, (hist.), commander of a Cossack military detachment. Kyp-H6FT, adj., smoky. K-£a H36&, a hut without a chimney. Kyp-H^Tb, v.p.smf., (colloq.)-, see KypiiTb. J\AH K. pa36x, give me a puff from your cigarette. Kyp-eBo, n.n., (colloq.), tobacco, cigarettes. Kyp-iHHe, n.n., smoking; fumigation. K. dnnyMa, opium smoking. 34nax 6jiaroBKHx, the dog bites passersby. K. ry6n, to bite one's lips. Kyc-dTb-cfl, v.i.r., to bite, sting; snap; (fig.), be expensive. CO64kh KycdioTCH, dogs bite. BeuiHua xoporn^,

He Kynwuib - KycieTcn, it's a nice thing, but you can't buy it—it's too expensive. non^jicH, kot6pnh Kycd;iCH,



he got a dose of his own

medicine. Kyc-6K, n.m., morsel, bit, piece. K. xjie6a, a piece of bread; livelihood. K. cwpa, a piece of cheese. 3 a p a 6 4 T b i B a T b nycbK x;ie6a, to earn a living. Kyc-6MeK, n.m., (dim.), piece, bit, morsel. Jl^KOMbiH k., dainty morsel. Kyc-Hiue, n.n., huge piece. Kyc-KOB6fi, adj., piece, lump. K. cdxap, lump sugar. Kyc-iHHe, n.n., biting. Kyc-ina, n.m., (colloq.), one who bites, one given to biting. irfiii-aTb, v.i., c-Kyuj-aTb, v.p., - f acc., to eat, drink, consume food. KymaHTe, noKiUyHCTa, please eat. nowiJiyHTe K., the food is served. B-KyC-ilTb, V.p., B-Kym-iTb, v.i., + acc., (poet.), to taste, partake of. B. cnoK6ftcTBHe, to enjoy rest. B. jiK)66Bb, to experience love. B. 6;ia>K6HCTBa, to enjoy bliss. B-Kyc, n.m., taste, flavor, savor. KoH(J)6Tbi noTepsi;iH b., the candies have lost their flavor. ripH.uaB^Tb Meiny-HH6y^b b., to flavor. ripHsiTHuft b., pleasant flavor, tastiness. Y Hee n j i o x M , b., she has bad taste. Ha b.

h UBeT, TOBdpHmefl HeT, (saying) there

is no accounting for taste. B-Kyc-Hbiii, adj., tasty, delicious, savory. B-aa nHuja, palatable food. B-oe nei^Hbe, delicious cake. B-Kyc-Ho, adv., tastily, with taste, palatably. 3 t o 3aMeMiTe^bho b., this is delicious. B-Kyc-0B6H, adj., pertaining to taste. B-we o m y m e H H H , sensations of taste. npn-B-Kyc, n.m., smack, flavor, touch, dash, tang. C6yc c HenpH^THhiM n p H B K y c o M , sauce with a disagreeable flavor. BW-KyC-HTb, V.p., Bbl-KyC-WBaTb, V.i., -facc., to bite out. B. mAkhuj H3 ;i6MTHKa x;i66a, to bite out the center af a piece of bread. 3a-Kyc-fiTb,





acc., to bite. 3. y^Hjiii, to take the bit between one's teeth, fl Koe-MiM, 3 a K y c H J i , I've had a snack. 3a-Kyc-Ka, n.f., snack, hors d'oeuvre. 3a-Kyc-0MHaa,

adj., used as n., snack bar.






acc., to cover with bites. Co63kh HCKyci.iH npox6>Kero, the passerby was badly bitten by dogs. H C - K y C - H T b , V.p., HC-KVLU-dTb, V.i., -f OCC., (obs.), to tempt, try. H. cboki cy/ib6y, to tempt Providence, Fate. Hc-Kyc, n.m., ordeal; temptation; trial. Hc-KycHTe^ib, n.m., tempter, seducer. Hc-kvui¿ H H e , n.n., temptation. BBO.iHTb k o t 6 jih6o b h., to seduce, lead into temptation. Hc-Kyc-HHK, n.m., (colloq.),


skillful, clever. Mc-Kyc-HbiA, adj., expert. H. nopTHbfi, master tailor. H - a a p a 6 6 T a , skillful workmanship. Hc-KycHO, adv., cleverly, dexterously, artistically, skillfully. Hc-xyc-cTBO, n.n., art; skill, craft, proficiency. H3AiuHbie (H3o6pa3HTe^bHbie) HCKyccTBa, fine arts. BoeHHoe H., military art. Hc-KycCTBO-BeaeHHe, n.n., study of art. H c KyccTBeHHOCTb, n.f., artificiality. McKyccTBeHHbiH, adj., artificial, false. H. jKeMMyr, imitation pearls. Hc-KycCTBeHHO, adv., artificially. H. nHTdewuH p e 6 e H O K , b o t t l e - f e d baby. H a j - K y c - i T b , v.p., HaA-Kyc-biBaTb, v./., + acc., to nip. H. KHTb b Jiaay, to live in harmony. BbiTb B JiaA^x, to be in concord. Hh CKJi^Ay. hh n&Ay, (saying), neither order, nor harmony. JldA-HbiH, adj., harmonious. JldA-Ho, adv., well, in tune, in concord; very well, agreed, all right. ji4a-h-ti>, x&M-y, v.i., c -+- instr., to be on good terms, agree, live in accord. JI. c o66hmh ctopoh4mh, to straddle. Ohh He ji^aht MiwAy co66h, they are at odds. Jl^A-HTb-cn,v.(.r., to go well, succeed. Bec^Aa y Hac k4k-to He ji^AHJiacb, our conversation somehow did not go smoothly. 3a-ji6A-HTt>, v.p., + acc., (colloq.), to harp, repeat. 3. oahKH3Hb HajidwHBaeTCH, life is becoming organized. Pa66Ta B KJiy6e HajidiKHBaeTCH, club activities are beginning to run smoothlyno-ji&A-HTb, v.p., c + instr., to arrange, come to an understanding, agree, see JiK-HBaTb, v.i., -)- acc., to settle, a r r a n g e ; reconcile, m a k e up. y . cn6pHbiH Bonp6c, to s e t t l e a c o n t r o versial question, y . AeJio, t o settle a y-ji&mmatter. y-jidA-HTb-cn, v.p.r., HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to b e s e t t l e d , a r r a n g e d . /16jio yji^AH-iiocb, t h e m a t t e r w a s s e t tled. y-^4>K-HBaHHe, n.n., s e t t l i n g , a r r a n g i n g , reconciliation, y . oTHOiuiHHft, s e t t l e m e n t of relations.



JiicK-a, n.f., caress; endearment; kindness. MaTepHHCKan ji., motherly caress. CorpdTb Ayuiy jiilcKofi, to comfort with affection, warm the heart. /IdcK-OBocTb, n.f., tenderness, sweetness. /UcK-OBbiH, adj., caressing, tender, sweet. JI. pe6ehok, affectionate child. Jl-oe o6pam^HHe, kindness; loving treatment. /IicK-OBO, adv., caressingly. JlacndTejibHbjfl, adj., caressing, cajoling. JI. toh, caressing tone. Jl-oe hmh, pet name. JiacK-ATb, v.i., no-^acK-^Tb, v.p., + acc., to c a r e s s , f o n d l e , pet. JI. pe6eHKa, to f o n d l e a child. / I a c K - i T b - c n , v.i.r., to be affectionate, caressing. O h 3 jiac-

K^TbCH He yMejia k oTuy hh k M^TepH cbo^h, (Pushkin), she did not know h o w to b e a f f e c t i o n a t e to h e r m o t h e r o r f a t h e r . JlacK-dioiuHii, adj., part. act. pres., c a r e s s i n g . H a n i B , ji. c j i y x , a t u n e sweet to the e a r (i.e., melodious, p l e a s a n t to h e a r ) .

jiicT-HTb-cii, Ji&m-ycb, v.i.r., H T b - c H , v.p.r., t o f a w n u p o n ,


lean upon, c l i n g t o . J l i u i y c b k MdTepH, I c l i n g t o m y m o t h e r . L U e H 6 K Hdwan BH3>K4Tb h J i i c T H T b c n k CBoeiuy xo3^HHy, t h e p u p py began to whine and to rub up against his master. JIdcT-omK-,





show affection,



j r - a - T b , v.i., co-jir-4Tb, v.p., -f- dat., to lie, deceive. JL. B r;ia3i, to lie brazenly. H e flrn HHKOMY, don't lie to anyone. Jlr-yH, a.m., jir-yHbH, rt.f., liar. flpe3p^HHbifl, ji., despicable liar. H30-J!r-ATb-csi, v.p.r., to become an incorrigible liar. ii. B KOH6U, ( c o l l o q . ) , to become entangled in one's own lies. H 3 0 - ^ R - I B U I H H C A , adj., part. pass, past, lost in one's own lies. H. nejioBiK, an inveterate, incorrigible liar. Ha-jir-ATb, v.p., Ha + acc., to tell lie after lie, calumniate, slander. Tbi nanrin Ha MeHd, y o u ' v e slandered me. oOo-jir-iTb, v.p., acc., to cover with calumny, slander; lie about. O. HCBAHHoro, to slander an innocent person, jiow-b, n.f., lie, falsehood, untruth. H4r;iafl n., outrageous lie. H3o6;iHHiiTb BO ntKA, to expose as a liar. JI6)K-HOCTb, n.f., falseness, falsity. JI. cBiaeHHA, erroneousness of information. JI6xKHO jiirne, lift the patient as gently as possible. Ha-^er-KI, adv., without luggage. riyTeuiicTBOBaTb H., to travel light. I~Io-ji£r-Me, adv. comp., somewhat easier, better, lighter. FIo^er-6HbKy, adv., in an easy manner. C-^er-K4, adv., slightly. OH4 caenta B3Bo^H6BaHa, she is somewhat excited. C. o6ii»ceH, somewhat offended. 06-jier-HiTb, v.i., o6-Jier-MATb, v.p., -facc., to relieve, facilitate, lighten. O. p a 6 6 i y , to lighten work. O. cipAUe, (fig.), to unburden oneself. 06-JierMeHHe, n.n., relief. B L^jihx o6jierK-dHHe, n.n., (math.), addition; figure, build, physique; constitution. KpinKoe c., sound constitution. C. c ce6A A6;DKHOCTH, resignation from an office. C-^6)K-eHHbiH, adj., part. pass, past, folded, built. Ctch4 c.i6weHHa« H3 KxpnHwd, a wall built of bricks. C-JIOMeHHbiH, adj., in expression: rijidxo CJioweHHbift, ungainly, gawky. Xopoui6 c., well built, well knit. C-JI6JKHocTb, n.f., complication, complexity. B 66iueA CJI6JKHOCTH, on the whole; after all. C-Ji6>K-HNFT, adj., complicated, complex, compound. C-aa CHTY^UHH, complicated situation. C-J6«-HO, adv., complicatedly. C-^OJK-^, adv., in expression: CHA^Tb CAOMA pyKH, (fig.), to twiddle one's thumbs, sit idly. C-noxATb-ca, v.p.r., c-K^iA-WBaTb-cH, v.i.r., to pool. Bp^TbH CJIOKHJIHCb H KyntijIH aBT0M06H;ib, the brothers pooled their money and bought a car. O-C-JIOMC-HriTb, v.p., O-C-JIOHC-H^Tb, V.i., + acc., to complicate. 3TO 6ieHb OCJIOWHAeT nojio)K6HHe, this complicates the situation. O-c-flOJK-HiiTb-cH, v.p.r., o-c•nojK-HdTb-cH, v.i.r., + instr., to be complicated. IlpocTyAa ocjioHtHiijiacb BOCnaJi^HHeM B aerKHx, the cold was complicated by pneumonia. O-c-aojK-HiHHe, n.n., complication. O. n6c.ne rprtnna, complications after an attack of influenza. O. OTHOUI^HHA, complication of relations. y-Jow-ATb, v.p., y-K^^A-biBaTb, v.i., -f acc., to lay down; pack; kill. y . pe6eHxa cnaTb, to put a child to bed. y. B£UIH B MeMOA^H, to pack things in a trunk. y-jiojK-HTb-CH v.p.r., y-KJiiU-


hiBaTb-ca v.i.r., to pack up. y - j i o * ¿HHe, n.n., (hist.), legal code. jior, a.m., wide ravine; fallow land. J16rOBHLue, ji6r-o, n.n., lair, den. 3Bepb ^ie)KHT B CBoeM ^6roBHLue, the animal is lying in its lair. JIE3-, JIA3-, J1AW-, J1EC(T)-, ASCENT, CLIMBING, SCALING


Jie3-Tb, v.i.det., Ha, B -f- acc., to climb, scale; intrude; come out. M^AbHHK jid3eT Ha Kpuuiy, the boy is climbing on the roof. KoJiec6 He ^¿3eT Ha ocb, the wheel does not fit the axle. Canorii MHe He ;ie3yT Ha H6rH, I cannot put these boots on. riec Ji63eT B Apdxy, the dog is spoiling for a fight. Jl. H3 K6JKH, (fig., idiom.), to try hard. JI. h3 CTeHy, (fig ), to be in a rage. B3-JU3-Tb, V.p., B3-Jie3-dTb, V.I'., Ha acc., (colloq.), to climb in; get in, find one's w a y in. B. Ha AipeBO, to climb a tree. B-Jie3-Tb, v.p., B-Jie3-4Tb, v./., Ha, B + acc., to climb in, get in. B. B OKH6per cii;ibHo on6ji3, the river bank caved in. O-no^3-eHb, n.m., landslide. 0T-II0-JI3-$Tb, v.i., OT-nO-^3-TH, V.p., to crawl, creep a w a y ; drag oneself away. nepe-no-ji3-4Tb, v.i., nepe-no-ji3-TH, v.p., to crawl over, creep over. I~I. »jepe3 KdMHaTy, to crawl across a room. (10A-I10-J!3-4Tb, V./'., nOA-nO-JI3-Tli, v.p., K + dat., noA + acc., to creep up, under. IT K KycTy, to creep up to a bush. Pe6eHOK noAn6;i3 noA KpoBdTb, the child crawled under the bed. no-n6-ji3-aTb, v.p., to crawl for a short time. no-no-x3-Trt, v.p., to start crawling. Mependxa nonoji3;iS Ha 66per, the



turtle b e g a n t o c r a w l up the bank. rio-no-;i3-HOBéHHe, n.n., faint inclination, l o n g i n g , wish, y Heró 6h¡Jio n. y é x a T b , He CKa3áB HHKOMY HH c;iÓBa, he w a s inclined to d e p a r t without telling anyone. npH-no-ju-áTb, v./., npH-no-aa-Trt, v.p., to creep, c r a w l up. npo-no-Ji3-áTb, v./., npo-no-;i3-Tíi, v.p., to creep, c r a w l past, through. FI. noA MOCTÓM, to c r a w l under a b r i d g e , n . flécHTb MéTpoB, to c r a w l a distance of 10 meters. npo-nó-Ji3-aTb, v.p., to pass a d e f i n i t e time in c r a w l i n g , c r e e p i n g . PeóéHOK BCé j^Tpo n p o n ó j w a j i , the child spent the w h o l e morning crawling about. pac-no-ji3-áTb-cn, v.i.r., pac-no-ji3-T, (coltoq.), to take offense, umbrage. Bbl-JIOM-aTb, BÚ-JIOM-HTb, (colloq.), V.p., Bbi-jiáM-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to break open, off. B. ABepb, to break down a door. B. 3y6, to break a tooth. AO-JIOM-ATb, V.p., AO-JláM-fatBaTb, v.i., + acc., to complete the breakage, floAÓM-aTb-CH, V.p.r., AO-A^M-UBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be completely broken. AA^JIOM-FRRB,





acc., to overcharge, overrate. 3 . uéHy, to overcharge. Kynéu 3aj10Mff.11 T a K y i o UéHy, MTO B OTKa3á^CH OT nOKjfaKH AÓMa, the merchant asked so high a price, I refused to buy the house. 3. uiánKy, to put one's cap at a jaunty angle. 3. 6epé3y, (folk), to partly break a birch tree. H3-JOM-ATb, v.p., H3-JláM-HB3Tb, V.i., + acc., to break completely, break into fragments. H. ná-iny, to break a cane into pieces. JlxxopáAxa HSJioMájia eró, the fever has exhausted him. H 3 - J I Ó M , n.m., fracture, break; bend. H. pexA, s h a r p bend in a river. H3-.nóM-aHHbifi, adj., part. pass, past, broken, bent. H3-JI0M-áTb-CH, V.p.r., H3-JláM-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be broken into pieces. Ha-JOM-áTb, v.p., Ha-AáM-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to break extensively. H. cyxiix BéTOK AJin néMKH, to break dry branches for a stove. 06-J0M-4Tb, v.p., o6-;iáM-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to break, chip off. O. BétKH, to


break off some branches. O. KoróHHÓyAb, (colloq.), to persuade someone. Oó-^oM-HTb, v.p., to break off. Ceji Ha cyx H branch

O6JIOMH.H e r ó , h e sat on a n d b r o k e i t . OÓ-JIÓM-OK,



the n.m.,

piece of wreckage. 06-^OM-àTb-ca, 06JIOM-ftTb-CH, V.p.r, 06-^éM-blBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be broken; become manageable. OT-JIOM-ATb, OT-JIOM-tfTb, V.p., OT-JlàMJioM-HTb piece







break to








CTOJià, to b r e a k a l e g o f f a t a b l e . O T AOM-éTb-CH, OT-JIOM-ftTb-CH, V.p.r., OTA^M-biBaTb-cn, v.i.r., to be broken off. nepe-JioM-àTb, v.p., nepe-;iéM-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to b r e a k i n t o p i e c e s , crush; f r a c t u r e ; o v e r c o m e , n . KÓCTH, to g i v e a s o u n d t h r a s h i n g . r i e p e - j i o M - r t T b , v.p., + acc., to b r e a k in t w o , t o f r a c t u r e ; to o v e r c o m e , n . n à ^ K y , t o b r e a k a c a n e in t w o . n . ce6A, ( f i g . ) , to control one's f e e l i n g s . I l e p e - ^ Ó M , n.m., climax, turn-






crisis, s u d d e n c h a n g e . FI. KOCTIÌ, b o n e f r a c t u r e . FI. B x ó A e 6 o f l é 3 H H , a c h a n g e in the c o u r s e of a n i l l n e s s . T O A BCJIHKoro nepeJTÓMa, the y e a r of the g r e a t climax. riepe-^oM-àTb-ca, nepe-JIOM-

HTb-cn, v.p.r., nepe-^àM-biBaTb-cH, v.i.r., to b r e a k



no-JioM-ÓTb, v.p.,

- f acc., to s m a s h ; see cJioMàTb, r i o - ^ Ó M - K a , n.f., b r e a k i n g , r i o -







nOA-K-6K, n.m., small meadow. j t f w - a , n.f., puddle. JlywH n6c;ie AOJKA^I rain puddles. riondcTb B Jiywy, to fall into a puddle. CecTb B ;iy>Ky, (slang), to come to grief. BO-jiy3-ftx, (folk), in the meadows. " B o 3eJieHux BO ;iy3dx," (folksong), "In the green meadows."

jiyK-, Jiyq-. CURVATURE,


JiyK, n.m., bow. CTpe;ifiTb « 3 ;iyKa, to shoot an arrow from a bow. JiyK-6, n.f., river bend; pommel; see H3•nyw-HHa. CaMipcnaa ;iyK4 Ha B6;ire, the Samara Bend in the Volga. M3-;iyO6BH Bee B63pacTbi noK6pHbi (Pushkin), all ages are s u s c e p t i b l e to love. J l i o 6 6BHHK, n.m., l o v e r . Jlio6-6BHHua, n.f., m i s t r e s s . Jlio6-6BHbiH, adj., amorous, a f f e c t i o n a t e . J l . HanHTOK, love potion. J l - a n HCT6PHH, love a f f a i r , r o m a n c e . J l - a n CBH3b, a m o u r , intrigue, illicit love a f f a i r . J l - o e nHCbM6, love l e t t e r . J l i o 6 OBHO, adv., lovingly. JI106-0, adv., agreeably, pleasantly. Jlib6o-,a6poro CMOTpeTb, (idiom.), a p l e a s u r e to b e h o l d . Jlio6-B-e-o6H.ibHbiH, adj., loving. J l - o e cepAUe, a h e a r t full of love.

Jno6-OB4Tb-cn, v.i.r., no-^io6-OBdTb-cn, v.p.r., -f instr., Ha + acc., to look with p l e a s u r e , a d m i r e . J l . npnp6,aofi, to admire nature. Jl. Ha BOCX6A c6^Hica, to a d m i r e a s u n r i s e . 3a-^io6-OB5Tb-CH, v.p.r., + instr., to lose o n e s e l f in a d m i r a t i o n , find pleasure in l o o k i n g , b e e n r a p t u r e d b y . 3. Kpacii-



BHAOM, to be e n r a p t u r e d by a b e a u t i f u l view. Ha-Ji»6-OBáTb-csi, v.p.r., + instr., Ha + acc., to a d m i r e fully. J\añ MHe TOÓÓH H., let me a d m i r e you to my* h e a r t ' s content. BUM







f a v o r . O. c e ó é AOM, to c h o o s e a pleas a n t home. jiH>6-rtTb, J I I O 6 - J I - I 6 ( V./'., + acc., to love, b e f o n d of, like. FLÉ™ JIK>6HT CBOHX poAHTeJieñ, children love their parents. Jl. póaHHy, to love o n e ' s native country. Jl. H a y K y (ncKyccTBo), to love science ( a r t ) . Mbi He JIK>6H;IH Apyr Apyra, w e did not love each o t h e r ; t h e r e w a s no love lost between us. 3TO paciéHHe JIKJÓHT yxóA, this p l a n t r e q u i r e s care. E r ó He rnoóHJw, he w a s unliked, unp o p u l a r JlwÓHUlb KaTáTbCH, JL K)6lí H cáHOHKH B03HTb, ( p r o v . ) , if you like to c o a s t d o w n the hill, you m u s t also like t o climb it. Jlio6-HMeu, n.m., jitoÓHMHija, n.f., pet, favorite, darling. J I W Ó - H M U H , adj., part. pass, pres., beloved, d a r l i n g , favorite. Jl. CWH, beloved son. Jl. rópoA, beloved city. Jl. nncáTe^b, f a v o r i t e writer. Jl. u b € t , favorite color. J l - a a c o ó á x a , p e t d o g . JIib6HLL;HH, adj., part, act., pres., loving, f o n d , a f f e c t i o n a t e . Jl. oTéu, loving f a t h e r . J l - a a MaTb, loving m o t h e r . Jl-nfi Bac, y o u r s a f f e c t i o n a t e l y (in letters). M3-^w6-^-eHHbiH, adj., part. pass, pres., f a v o r i t e . H - o e Mécro, f a v o r i t e haunt. Jlwó-HTe.ib, n.m., jiioó-HTejibHHua, n.f., a m a t e u r , d a b b l e r , dilettante. OHá 6o;ibuián ^K>6HTeJibHHiia My3biKH, she is v e r y f o n d of music. Jlioó-iíTeJibCTBO, n.n., dilettantism, dabbling. JlioóHTe^bcKHñ, adj., a m a t e u r i s h . JI. cneKTáMb, amateur performance. Jl-ne (J)0T0rpá(})HH, a m a t e u r p h o t o g r a p h s . v.p., + acc., (obs.), to love. Bo3-JiK>6-;i-eHHbiH, adj., part, pass, past., used as n., b e l o v e d ; lover. Bo3-JiK>6-Ji-eHHas, n.f., sweetheart, lady-love, mistress. He-B3-Jiio6-HTb, v.p., + acc., to come to dislike, hate. M á ^ e x a HE B3JUO6HJIA CBOK> náAHepnuy, s t e p m o t h e r developed a dislike for her stepdaughter. B - J I I O C - Ú - T b , V.p., B-JlK>6-fl-&Tb, V.i., B + acc., t o captivate, e n a m o r , charm. B. B ce6ri MOJIOAYK) A É B Y M K Y , t o captivate a y o u n g girl. B-jiio6-HTb-CH, v.p.r., B03-JiK>6-ñTb,





ÜCC.. Í0

fall in love, lose o n e ' s h e a r t . B. B KpacáBHuy, to fall in love with a beautiful w o m a n . B Kpbiiuy A BJJK>6H.ICH B Mopé, in the Crimea, I lost my heart to t h e sea. B-j!K>6-ji-éHHbifi, adj., in


love, amorous; lover, sweetheart. Ep6c4Tb B-tae B3R;IIIABI, to cast a m o r o u s glances. BbiTb n6 yaiH B-UM, (fig.), to be h e a d over heels in love. B-jiib6HHBOCTb, n.f., a m o r o u s n e s s . B-;iib6M H B U H . adj., of an a m o r o u s disposition. He-AO-jii66-ji-HBaTb, v./., -+- acc.,



like. no-J!io6-rtTb, v.p., + acc., to g r o w f o n d , take a f a n c y to, fall in love. n. Ha BCIO wH3Hb, to fall in love for keeps. rio^K)6HTe Hac wepHeHbKHMH, a 6e;ieHbKHMH Hac BCAKHH no;iib6HT, (saying), take u s as you find us. Pa3-Jiio6-HTb, v.p., to cease to love. I~Io-;iK>6-HTb-CH, v.p.r., (obs.), to win s o m e o n e ' s h e a r t . OHA eMy noJiK>6H;iacb c nepBoro B3r;iflAa, he fell in love with her at f i r s t sight. rio-^K)6-6BHbifl, adj., amicable. Fl-aa cAe.iKa, amicable settlement. ri0-JiK>6-6BH0, adv., amicably. PeuiHTb A 6 J I O n., to settle a m a t t e r amicably. Pa30HTHCb n., to p a r t amicably. pa3-Jiio6-HTb, v.p., pa3-Jiio6-ji-fiTb, v.i., + acc., to cease to love, g r o w tired of. "K46bi Mbi JIK>6H;IH, AA He P A 3 J I I O 6 J N I ; i H , " (poet.), "If only love w e r e p e r m a n e n t . " V.p.r., C-JII06-JI-J%TB-CH T v.i.r., (colloq.), to g r o w fond of one a n o t h e r . CTipnHTcn - CJI106HTCH, (saying), if you a r e patient enough, you'll end up liking it. jiK>6-&H-Hia-Tb, v.i., c + instr., to p a y compliments; court. Jl. c wemuHHaMH, to c o u r t w o m e n . Jlio6-e3HocTb, n.f., politeness, civility, courtesy, kindness. Jlio6-e3Hbifi, adj., polite, civil, c o u r teous, kind. JlK>6e3Hbiii! ( o b s . ) , M y m a n ! J l . MHTDTEJIB, gentle r e a d e r . J 1 K > 6 ¿3HO, adv., politely, courteously, kindly. OH JI. npHiviacHJi MeHii B O H T H , he politely asked me to enter. jiK>6-o-3H4TejibHOCTb, n.f., intellectual curiosity, thirst f o r knowledge. JIK>60-3HdTe^ibHbJH, adj., curious, inquiring. BbiTb ^i-biM, to be e a g e r to learn. ^ K > 6 - 0 - n U T C T B 0 B a T b , V.i.. (obs.), I10-.H060-nbiTCTB0BaTb, v.p., to be curious, inquisitive. JlK>6-0-nbiTCTB0, n.n., curiosity, inquisitiveness. JIio6-o-nbiTHbiH, adj., curious, inquisitive. KpbiJioB Hanwcd^ 6dcHK) "JlK>6oribiTHbiii", Krylow w r o t e a fable " T h e Inquisitive M a n . " J l K > 6 - 0 - m i T H 0 , adv., curiously, inquisitively. J1106-6A, adj., whichever one likes best. Jl. ueH6fl, at a n y price. JI106-0, adv., (obs.), in express.: .11060 C M O T p e T b Ha acc., it is p l e a s a n t to look a t ; J i i o 6 o - A 6 p o r o , it is a real pleasure. npe-JiK)6-o-A£ttcTBOBaTb, v.i., (obs.), to C-JIK>6-ATb-CSI,

commit adultery. nepe-Jiio6-o-Ae6HHe, n.n., adultery. ripe-;ii06-0-AeHCTB0, n.n., aduitery. ripe-;iio6-o-A6fi, n.m., adulterer. npe-^K)6-o-AeHHbiH, adj., adulterous.







Jiioa, n.m., people. PaóówHH n., working people, workers. Mhhóbhbih a., ( o b s . ) , b u r e a u c r a t s , officials, civil servants. jik>a-h, n.pl., men, people, human beings. PyccKHe ji., Russian people. Mo-iOAbie ji., young people. B ú h t h b ji., to m a k e one's way, fortune. BbiTb Ha jhóahx, to be with people. JIwA-HOCTb, n.f., population, populousness. JlwA-Hbifl, adj., crowded, populous. JI. r ó p o A , populous, thickly-populated city. Jl-an yjinua, crowded street. JIioa-ho, adv., densely; dense, crowded. Ha stom nepenpecTKe óweHb jiióaho, it is very crowded at this intersection. JIioaCKóñ, adj., human. JlioACKáa MOJiBá, h t o MopcKáa BOJiHá, ( p r o v . ) , people's opinions are a s c h a n g e a b l e as the w a v e s of the sea. JlioA-o-éA, n.m., cannibal, man-eater. JIiOA-o-éACTBO, n.n., cannibalism. MH0r0-jiK)A-H0CTb, n.f., populousness. Mhoto-;ik)a-ctbo, n.n., multitude of people. MHoro-jiióA-HbiH, adj., populous, crowded. M-oe coópáHHe, a c r o w d e d meeting. He-JHOA-ÜM, n.m., He-JHOA-ÚMKa, n.f., uns o c i a b l e person; recluse. Ham cocéA HejiioAHM, our neighbor is unsociable. He-JiK>A-HMOCTb, n./., unsociability, shyness. He-jiK>A-HMbiH, adj., part. act. pres., unsociable, shy, remote. HeJiioAHmo Háuie Mópe, (poet.), unfriendly is our s e a . npocTO-jiK>A-HH, n.m., (obs.), peasant, workman, humble folk. JIioA-HéTb, v.i., no-JiíOA'HéTb, v.p., (colloq.), to g r o w in population, become more crowded. K B é i e p y yjiHUbi noJiK)AHéjiH, t o w a r d s evening the streets became more crowded. 0-6e3-jiiÓA-eTb, v.p., + acc., to become deserted, cause to become deserted. I l ó c j i e BOHHÚ ¿ t o t Kpañ o6e3JiiÓAeJi, a f t e r the war this region became deserted. 0-6e3-JiióA-eHHe, n.n., exodus of population, depopulation. o-6e3-Jii6A-HTb, v.p., - f acc., to cause a place to become deserted. BoftHá o 6 e 3 jiibAHJia § t o t Kpaü, the war depopulated this region.





M&3-a-Tb, M i * - y , v.i., + acc., to daub, smear, rub; soil; grease. M. x;ie6 m^cjiom, to butter bread. M. xdTy, to whitewash a cottage. M. Kor6-^n6o no ry6&u, (fig.), to tantalize; raise one's hopes. M43-aTb-CH, v.i.r., to smear oneself, paint, rouge. M43-aHKa, n.f., mud-walled hut. Ma3-HJiKa, n.f., (derog.), inferior painter. Ma3-Hy-Tb, v.p.smf., see Md3aTb. Ma3-wi, n.f., daub. Ma3-OK, n.m., brush stroke, touch. Ma3-b, n.f., ointment, grease, flejio Ha Ma3H, (fig.), the wheels have been g r e a s e d . B-M&3-aTb, V.p., B-Mi&3-bIBaTb, V.i., + OCC., to cement, putty in. B. KHpnHH b creHy, to cement a brick into a wall. B-M^3biBaHHe, n.n., cementing. BU-Ma3-aTb,





acc., to soil, smear, besmear. B. AeneM (cmojioA), to tar. BBI-Ma3-aTb-CH, v.p.r., Bbi-Mi3-biBaTb-ca, v.i.r., + instr., to bec o m e covered with dirt, mud, paint. Bbi-Ma3-aHHbiH, adj., part. pass, past, s m e a r e d with dirt; dirty. 3a-M^3-aTb, V.p., 3a-Md3-blBaTb, v.i'., + acc., to cement, plaster; soil, s m e a r over, cover over with, daub; (fig ), soft pedal. 3 . okh6 H3BecTbio, to cover the window over with whitewash, lime. 3 . naJibTO KpdcKOH, to soil an overcoat with paint. 3 . h c a o c t ^ t k h , (colloq.), to slur over defects. 3 . 6KHa, to putty windows. 3 a - M i 3 - k a , n.f., putty. H3-M&3-aTb, V.p., H3-M^3-blBaTb, V.i., + acc., to s m e a r dirt all over, soil, dirty; use up, consume all the paint. H. ctoji MepHH-iaMH, to dirty a table with ink. M3-M^3-aTb-CH, V.p.r., H3-Mi3-blBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to s m e a r oneself, get dirty. H. b KpicKe, to become smeared with paint. Ha-M^3-aTb, V.p., Ha-Ma3-blBaTb, v./., + acc., + instr., to smear, daub, spread. H. x j i e 6 m^cjiom, to spread butter on b r e a d . H. ry6bi, (colloq.), to paint o n e ' s lips. Ha-M^3-aTb-CH, v.p.r., HaMd3-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., (colloq.), to apply c o s m e t i c s thickly. 0 6 - M i 3 - a T b , V.p., 06-Mi3-bIBaTb, V./., -facc., to lay on a coat, c o a t i n g ; to g r e a s e , putty, besmear, soil all around, thoroughly, entirely. O. nemKH3Hb, s e c u l a r life did n o t p e n e t r a t e into the m o n a s t e r y . M n p c K ^ a MOJIB4, MTO MopcKdo BOJIHD, (saying), public o p i n i o n is a s i n c o n s t a n t a s t h e w a v e s of the s e a . M - 3 h c y e T d , v a n i t y of w o r l d l y life.

MHP-O-4A, n.m., village usurer. K y ^ i K MHpoeA, (obs.), arch kulak usurer. MHP-,


MHP, n.m., p e a c e . /JymeBHbift MHP, p e a c e of mind. 3AKJIK>MHTB MHP, to c o n c l u d e a p e a c e t r e a t y . y r p 6 3 a Ae.ny Mripa, (recent), m e n a c e to p e a c e . X y a d f i MHP JiyHiiie A ^ S p o f t c c b p b i , (prov.), better a lean p e a c e t h a n a f a t v i c t o r y . MvipHbiH, adj., p e a c e f u l . M . A o r o B b p , p e a c e t r e a t y . M - a a no-nHTHxa, p e a c e p o l i c y . Miip-Hbie n e p e r o B d p w , p e a c e n e g o t i a t i o n s . MHP-HO, adv., p e a c e f u l l y , q u i e t l y . MHp-OB-da, n.f., (obs.), peace-making. 3aK^K)MiTb M-yio, t o make peace. rioflTii Ha M-yio, to s e t t l e p e a c e f u l l y . MHp-OB6fl, adj., p e a c e . M . nocpeAHHK, (pre-Rev.), conciliator, arbitrator. M. CYABII, j u s t i c e of the p e a c e . M - 3 a CA6JIKa, p e a c e f u l s e t t l e m e n t . MHP-O-JIIO6HBocTb, n.f., c o n c i l i a t i o n ; l o v e of p e a c e . M n p - o - j n b b n e , n.n., l o v e of p e a c e . M n p o-^K)6HBbiH, adj., peace-loving. MHp-flTb, v.i., nO-MHp-HTb, V.p., - f QCC., r e c o n c i l e . M . B p a r d B , to m a k e p e a c e between enemies. Mnp-HTb-ca, v.i.r., no-MHp-HTb-ca, v.p.r., c -f- instr., t o b e r e c o n c i l e d . M . c o CBOHM N0.I0)KEHHEM, to b e c o m e r e s i g n e d to o n e ' s s i t u a t i o n . nepe-MHp-HTb, v.p., + acc., see noMHpiiTb, riepe-Miip-He, n.n., armistice, truce. 3aKJiK)MiiTb n., c o n c l u d e a truce, a r mistice. npH-MHp-riTb, V.p., npH-MHp-liTb, v.i., + acc., to reconcile. ripH-MHp-HTb-ca, v.i.r., to b e c o m e reconciled, n. co CBoeii y i i c T b i o , to r e c o n c i l e o n e s e l f to one's lot. ripH-MHp-HTeJibHbift, adj., conciliatory, Il-aa KdMepa, (recent), c o u r t of c o n c i l i a t i o n . ripH-MHp-^HHe, n.n., reconciliation. ripH-MHp-HMbiH, adj., r e c o n c i l a b l e . IlpH-MHp-HTeJib, n.m., reconciler, peace-maker. ripH-MHp¿¡OUIHH, adj., part. act. pres., recon-








ripH-MHp-K-e, adj.






;i6>Ke MeHfi Ha 5 .ieT, m y b r o t h e r is five y e a r s y o u n g e r than I. O H £ B H O H AHT M0^6)«e CBOHX JieT, she looks y o u n g e r t h a n her years. MOJIOA-i-Tb, V.i., nO-MO^OA-eTb, v.p., to grow, become young. MOJiOA-H-Tb, v./., + acc., to m a k e y o u n g , rejuvenate. 3 T a uj.iHna Bac MO.IOAHT, this hat m a k e s y o u look y o u n g e r . M o ^OA-HTb-cn, v.i.r., to t r y to appear y o u n g e r t h a n one's years. Mo;IOA-e>Kb, n.f., y o u t h , y o u n g people. yqdmaacH M., students. Mo;IOA-E>KHbiH, adj., (recent), p e r t a i n i n g to y o u t h . M . KJiy6, (recent), y o u n g people's club. M-oe co6p^HHe, (recent), young people's meeting. O-MOJIOA-HTb,




+ acc., to rejuvenate. 0-Mo.iOA-HTb-CH, v.p.r., 0-M0^d>K-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be rejuvenated. 0-Mo;i6>K-eHHe. n.n., rej u v e n a t i o n . M 0 ^ 0 ) K - i B 0 C T b , n.f., youthful appearance. Mo;io>K-aBbiH, adj., y o u t h f u l , y o u n g l o o k i n g . MiueTb M. B H A , to l o o k y o u n g f o r one's age. nOA-MOJIOA-liTb, V.p., nOA-MO^^>K-HBaTb, v./., -f- acc., to m a k e look younger. nOA-MOJIOA-HTb-CH, v.p.r., nOA"MOJld)KH B a T b - c H , v.i.r., to m a k e oneself look younger. MO^OA-iu, n.m., lad, y o u n g f e l l o w ; fine fellow. BecTH ce6a MOJIOAU6M, (colloq.), to b e h a v e well. M o - i o A e u ! G o o d boy! W e l l done! MOJIOA-CUKHH, adj., v a l i a n t ; mettlesome. y A a a b Mo-ioA^UKaH, v a l o r . M o ^ O A - i i e c T B O , n.n., d i s p l a y of courage, bravado. MojioA-ueBiiocTb, n.f., sprightliness, dashing appearance. MojiOA-ueBiiTbiH, adj., d a s h i n g , sprightly. M O J I 6 A - H H K , n.m., (colloq.), young fellow. MoJiOA-HHua, n.f., (colloq.), good fellow. M O . I O A - H 6 K , n.m., (colloq., recent), youth; young cattle, h o r s e s ; y o u n g forest.




M 0 ^ 0 4 - ,

M:I£K-O, n.n., (Ch.-Sl.), milk. M.ieK-on H T i r o m e e , adj. used as n., m a m m a l . M^eM-Hbift, adj., lactic, lacteal. M;ieMHbift r i y T b , (astr.), Milky W a y . M-bie >KeJie3bi, lactic g l a n d s . MO;IOK-6, n.n., milk. C r y m e H H o e M., cond e n s e d m i l k , y H e r o MOJIOKO H a r y 6 d x He oQcoxno, (saying), the m i l k is not yet d r y o n his lips. K p o B b c MOJIOKOM, (fig.), b l o o m i n g health. 06ow>Keu]bcH HA MOJIOKE, CTIHEUJB A Y T B H N I B O A Y , (prov.), a burned c h i l d d r e a d s fire. MOJIOK-O-C6C, n.m., (colloq.), greenhorn, u n f l e d g e d youth. MOJIDH-HbiA, adj., m i l k y , lactic. M . P O K H M ,



(M-aa AH^Ta), milk diet. M - o e xo3dficTb o , d a i r y f a r m . M - u e npoAyKTbi, d a i r y products. MoJi6M-Haa, adj., used as n.f., creamery, d a i r y ; milk shop. Mo;i6hhhk, n.m., milk j u g . Moji6h-hhk, a.m., milkman, d a i r y m a n . Mo;i6M-HHua, n.f., milkmaid, d a i r y m a i d . Mojiot-Aft, n.m., (bat.) spurge. M0Ji0K-^He, n.pl., m e m b e r s of a sect d e n y i n g G r e e k O r t h o d o x rituals, w a r , living near M o l o c h n a y a R i v e r in T a u r i s P r o v i n c e , Russia. M H - , M H H - , M H T - , MH-, TION, MEMORY, OPINION


MH-éHHe, n.n., opinion. OômécTBeHHoe m., public opinion. BwTb x o p ô u i e r o (n.iox ô r o ) MHéHHfl o KÔM-HHÔyAb, to have a high ( l o w ) opinion of someone, n o MoeMy MHéHHW, in my opinion. MH-H-Tb, v.i., acc., o + prep., (obs.), to think, imagine. C^hlukom mhôto m. o ce6é, to think t o o highly of oneself. Mh-hmum, adj., i m a g i n a r y ; sham. M. ôojibHôH, pretendedly sick person; hypochondriac. M - a a Be^HMHHâ, i m a g inary value. Mh-hmo, adv., s e e m i n g l y , pretendedly. MHrtMo-yMéptuHfi, adj., s e e m i n g l y d e a d . MH-HTejibHocTb, n.f., h y p o c h o n d r i a ; apprehensiveness. MhHTe^bHbiA, adj., h y p o c h o n d r i a c ; apprehensive. M . xapâKTep, hypochondriac disposition. M . Me-rcoBéK, hypochondriac. B030-MH-rtTb, v.p., o + prep. used in expression-, B. o ceôé, to b e c o m e conceited. nô-MH-HTb. v.i., -f- acc., o + prep., to remember, keep in mind, n CBoë AéTCTBo, to remember one's childhood. OHà Bcë B p é M H nÔMHHT 0 6 ¿TOM, she thinks of nothing else. H e n., ce6A o t rHéBa, t o be beside oneself with anger. nô-MH-HTb-ca, v.i.r., + dat., used in 3d pers., to remember. Einy ( e f t ) nÔMHHTCH, he ( s h e ) remembers, recalls. Emy (eii) xopomô nÔMHH^HCb ¿th ctpôkh, he ( s h e ) remembered, recalled these lines v e r y well. HacKÔJibKo MHe nÔMHHTCH, as f a r as I remember, recall. FIômhhtch, I remember. BC-nÔ-MH-HTb, V.p., BC-nO-MHH-âTb, V.i'., + acc., o + prep., to remember, recall, recollect. BcnÔMHHTe xopoiuéHbKo! T h i n k w e l l ! Bc-no-MH-HTb-ca, v.p.r., b c no-MHH-âTb-cH, v.i.r., be remembered, recalled, recollected. EMy ( h m ) BcnoMHHéeTCH, he (they) remember(s), r e c a l l ( s ) . Boc-no-MHH-âHHe, n.n., recollection, m e m o r y , reminiscence. B o c noMHHâHHH, n.pl., reminiscences, memoirs. OcTâjIOCb OflHÔ BOCnOMHH^HHe, only a reminiscence, m e m o r y , remains.


3a-nÓ-MH-HTb, v.p., aa-no-MHH-áTb, v.i., + acc., to m e m o r i z e ; remember. 3. cthxh HaH3ycTb, to m e m o r i z e verses. 3 a - n ó -




v.i.r., to be remembered, retained in m e m o r y . MHe 3anóMHHJiocb o ^ h ó MécTo H3 poMáHa, I r e m e m b e r one p a s s a g e in the novel. 3a-no-MHH-áHHe, n.n., memorizing. Ha-nÓ-MH-HTb, v.p., Ha-no-MHH-áTb, v.i., -facc., + dat., o + prep., to remind. CbiH HanoMHHáeT c B o e r ó oTuá, the son resembles his father. HanóMHHM, mto..., I w o u l d remind you that... "3,aecb s e e HanoMHHáeT MHe 6bt;ióe," (Pushkin), E v e r y t h i n g here reminds me of the past." Ha-no-MHH-áHHe, n.n., reminder, reminding. riHCbMó c HanoMHHáHHeM o cpÓKe ruiaTe)Ká, a letter reminding of a payment date. o-nó-MH-HTb-CH, v.p.r., to come to one's senses, collect oneself. "OHá onóMHHJiacb, h o cHÓBa 3aKpbuia ó w h , " (Pushkin), " S h e r e c o v e r e d consciousness, but then again closed her e y e s . " no-nó-MH-HTb, v.p., + acc., - f dat., (colloq.), to remember, b e a r i n g a g r u d g e , fl Te6é áTO nonÓMHK), I'll repay y o u ; I'll take my r e v e n g e some day. í í o n ó M HHTe Moé c^óbo, mark my w o r d s . npH-nÓ-MH-HTb, v.p., npH-no-MHH-áTb, v.i., + acc., to remember, recollect, recall. HacKÓJibKO npHnoMHHáio, as f a r as I remember. ripHnóMHH^, I remember it now. OHá BaM áTO npwnÓMHHT, she'll p a y you back some d a y . y-no-MHH-áTb, v.p., y-no-MH-HyTb, v.p., o + prep., to mention, r e f e r to. y. Bcxojib3b (cJiynáHHo), to mention in passing. y-no-MHH-áHHe, n.n., mention. IlpH ynoMHHáHHH, at the mention of. Y no-M^-HyTbiH, adj., part. pass, past, mentioned. Bbiiue-ynoMAHyTbiñ, the a b o v e mentioned. Hnwe-ynoMsiHyTbift, mentioned b e l o w . co-MH-éHHe, n.n., doubt. C. b MéM-HHÓyab, doubt as to something. B Stom hct coMHéHHH, there is no doubt about that. Be3 comh0hhh, without doubt, beyond doubt . He-co-.MH-éHHO, adv., undoubtedly. co-MH-eBáTb-csi, v.i.r., b -)- prep., to doubt. H He coMHeBáiocb b BáiiiHX c n o c ó ó hocthx, I have no doubts as to your abilities. M ó m e T e He c., you m a y rely on. CoMHeBáiocb b e r ó hckpchhocth, I doubt his sincerity. Co-MH-HTe;ibHOCTb, n.f., doubtfulness. C. pe3y;ibTáTa, doubtful result. C. penyTáuHH, doubtful reputation. Co-MH-HTe;ibHbiA, adj., doubtful, questionable, dubious, shady. C. KOMn^HMéHT, equivocal compliment. C - o e npeHM^mecTBo, question-




able advantage. Me^oBéK c-ofl MécThocth, man of dubious honesty. Co-mhHTeJibHo, adv., doubtfully; it is doubtful. y-co-MH-HTb-CH, v.p.r., b + prep., to doubt, y . B npàBHJIbHOCTH n0Ka3âHHft, to doubt the evidence, y . b /ipyre, to doubt a friend. nâ-MHT-b, n.f., memory; recollection, remembrance. 3pHTeJibHaa n., visual memory, n.ioxâ« (xopôman) n., poor (good) memory. iioaapHTb Ha n., to give as a keepsake. OcTéBHTb no ceôé Aôôpyio n., to leave fond memories of oneself. BéfHan n., eternal memory; hymn at end of requiem. BbiTb 6e3 nàMATH, to be without memory; to be unconscious. BbiTb 6e3 n^MHTH ot Korô-jiH6o, ( c o l l o q . ) , to be head over heels in love with someone. ymiTb Ha n., to memorize, learn by heart, MHT-Ka, n.f., leaflet, booklet; memorandum; instruction; written rules of behavior. nâ-MHT-jiHBocTb, n.f., retentiveness. riâ-MHT-;iHBbift, adj., retentive, having a retentive memory. I~I. Me.noBéK, one with a retentive memory, n é mht-hhk, n.m., monument, memorial, tombstone. JlHTepaTypHbift n., literary monument. CTâBHTb komy-^h6o n., to erect a monument to someone. né-MHTHbift, adj., memorable, n. aeHb, memorable day. n - o e coôbiTHe, memorable event, n - a n khAwks, memorandum book; notebook. n-aH a o c k î , memorial plate. Bec-né-MHT-HOCTb, n.f., forgetfulness. Bec-nâ-MHT-Hbift, adj., forgetful. Bec-né-MHT-CTBO, n.n., unconsciousness. /Ie>KâTb b ôecnàMHTCTBe, to lie unconscious. BnacTb b 6-0, to lose consciousness; lapse into a coma. 3a-nâ-MHT-0BaTb, v.p., - f acc., (obs.), to forget. H 3anâMHT0Ba;i Bâme hmh, I have completely forgotten your name. o-6ec-nâ-MHT-eTb, v.p., to lose one's memory; lose consciousness; faint. O. ot Hcnyra (rôpn), to faint from fear (grief). nO-M«-H^-Tb, V.p., nO-MHH-éTb, V./., + acc., to mention, n . xopôiiihm cjiôbom, (colloq.), to speak well of. noMHHiue Moë cjiôbo, (colloq.), take my word. He noMHHéflTe jihxom, (idiom.), think kindly of me. noMHHâfi, KaK 3b^jih, (colloq.), disappeared, forgotten, gone (of a person). Hé^ero noMHHiâîb cTépoe, (idiom.), let bygones be bygones. no-MfiH, n.m., (colloq.), mention. JlëroK Ha n o M H H e , (idiom, fig.), talk of the devil. 0 6 ¿TOM H nOMHHy Hé ÔblJlO, there was no mention of it. I~Io-mhhkh, n.pl., funeral repast; feast commemorating the dead. rio-MHH-éHbe, n.n.,

a prayer for the dead. n . o 3apiBHH (3a ynoK6fi), to pray for someone's health (peace). MHOr-, M H O » - , QUANTITY MHdr-He, adj., many; used as n., many. Bo MH6rnx othoui6hhhx, in many respects. Bo mh6thx cayManx, in many cases. MH6rHe TaK ayMaioT, there are many who think so. M. H3 hhx MHe 3HaK6Mbi, I know many of them. Mh6i--o, adv., much, plenty. M. pa66Tbi, much work. M. Hap6,ay, many people, multitude of people. M. pa3, many times, frequently. M. 3 H a T b , to know much. He-MH6r -we, not many. HeMH6r-o, adv., a little, some. H. Bo/iii, a little water. H. .niofliH, a few people. no-He-MH6r-y, adv., little by little, rioHe-MH6>K-Ky, adv., little by little. H66o noneMH6ry npoHCHitaocb, little by little, the sky cleared. M h o t o - , a combining form meaning much, many, (poly-, multi-). MHoro-6p^MHe, n.n., polygamy. MHoro-B6flHe, n.n., abundance of water. MHoroB6AHbifl, adj., brimming with water. MHoro-3HaMHTeJibHOCTb, n.f., significance. MHoro3Ha4iiTejibHbiH, adj., significant. MH0r03HaHHTe;ibH0, adv., significantly. MHoro-TK-ecTBeHHbiH, adj., plural. M-oe mhc.i6, (gram.), plural number. MH6)K-H-Tb,




HTb, v.p., + acc., to multiply; increase. M. nnTb Ha ^Ba, to multiply 5 by 2. MHxeHH0e Ha nnTb, pasH^eTCH aecflTii, two times five equals ten. pa3-MH6)K-HTb, V.p., pa3-MH0)K-4Tb, V.i'., + acc., (math.), to multiply; propagate; manifold; mimeograph. Pa3MH6)KHTb pyKonncb B CTa 3K3eMn;nipax,



to make one hundred copies of a manuscript. P-^Tb pacreHHH, to raise plants, in quantity. Pa3-MH6)K-HTb-CH, v.p.r., paa-MHOJKiTb-cH, v.i.r., to be multiplied, propagated, reproduced. Kp6jIHKH pa3MHO)KdK)TCfl 6ieHb 6bICTpO, rabbits multiply very rapidly. Pa3MHoiK-eHHe, n.n., propagation, reproduction in quantity. y-MH6)K-HTb, V.p., y-MHOHC-dTb, V./., + acc., to increase, augment, multiply, y . AOXGAU, to increase the income, y . Hi flBa (TpH, MeTbipe), to multiply by 2 (three, f o u r ) . y-MH6>K-HTb-CH, v.p.r., y-MHO)K-2Tb-cH, v.i.r., to be increased, multiplied. y-MHoac-imie, n.n., increase, augmentation, multiplication. Ta6jinua YMHO*6HHH, multiplication table. M O r - , MOMi-, MOMCa-, MOM-, MOI11-, POWER, MIGHT Mor-yHHfl, adj., powerful, mighty. M-aa C T P A H I , powerful nation, country. MoryMecTb, n.f., strength, might, power. M o r - o i S , n.f., (colloq.), only in expression: He B MoroTy, beyond endurance. Mor-^m-ecTB-eHHbiA, adj., potent, powerful, mighty. Mor-ymecTBeHHocTb, n.f., power, might. Mor-ymecTBo, n.n., power, might. M6W-HO, adv., used as pred., it is possible, one can, one may. 3TO MKHO npoidcTb, one can read it. 3aecb M. KypHTb, one may smoke here. M. MHe BoftTH? May I come in? KaK M6*HO CKopie, as soon as possible. Kan M. /iymne, as best one can. M6weT 6biTb, perhaps, maybe, possibly. M. 6UTB, ¿TO npdB,z;a, it may be true. BO3-M6w-HO, adv., it is possible, it may be; possibly, perhaps. B. cKopie, as soon, quickly as possible. BO3-M6JKHocTb, n.f., possibility, opportunity, chance. jJaB^Tb K0My-HH6yAb B., to give someone a chance. MaTepHi^bHbie BO3M6)KHOCTH1 material means. Bo3-M6>K-HbiH, adj., possible. CA^JiaTb Bee B03M6)KH0e, to do one's best; to do all that is possible. He-B03-M6)K-H0, adv., impossible. He-B03M6>K-Hoe, adj., used as n., the impossible. He-B03-M6w-H0CTb, n.f., impossibility. 6 cjiyMae HCBO3M6>KHOCTH, in case it is impossible. He-B03-M6)K-HbiH, adj., impossible. MOM-b, Mor-y, v.i., to be able; n.f., (colloq.), power, might. OH3 MbweT, she can, she is able. M6»K-£HHe, n.n., breakdown, exhaustion. Pa66TaTb AO H3HeM0)KdHHs, to work to exhaustion. H3-Mo»cA-eHHbiH, adj., emaciated, exhausted. M. BHA, emaciated appearance. H-oe ;IHU6, emaciated face. npe-B03-M6«i-b, v.p., npe-B03-M0r-^Tb, v./'., -(- acc., to overcome, master, fl He B cii^ax NPEB03M6MB APEM6TY (ycrdjiocTb, oTBpamiHHe), I cannot overcome drowsiness (exhaustion, repugnance). Bbi-Mor-^Tb, v./., + acc., to extort. B. AeHbTH y Kor6-JiH6o, to extort money from someone. B. o6emdHHe, to extort a promise. Bbi-Mor-aTe^b, n.m., extortioner. Bbi-M0r-dTe^bCTB0, n.n., extortion; blackmail. Bbi-Mor-dTeabCKHfi, adj., extortionate. A0-M0r-iTb-cii, v.i.r., + gen., to solicit, FL. Mbeii-^H6o JIIOSBH, to woo someone. jlo-Mor-dTe.ibCTBO, n.n., solicitation. He-AO-Mor-iTb, v.r., (colloq.), to be unwell. He-AO-Mor-^HHe, n.n., indisposition. MyBCTBOBaTb H., to be indisposed, feel unwell. nepe-Mor-iTb, v.i., nepe-MOH-b, v.p., -facc., to overcome. Bcraj], c TPYA6M nepeMorda 6o.ib B Hore, he rose, trying with difficulty to overcome the pain in his leg. riepe-Mor-aTb-cs, v.i., nepeM6M-b-CR, v.p., + acc., (colloq.), to force oneself to work while sick. Moiu-b, n.f., power, might. Xo3^HCTBeHHan M., economic power. noJiHTHiecKan M., political power. BoeHHaa M., military power. M6iu-HocTb, n.f., power. M6mHbifl, adj., powerful, mighty, strong.



M 6 m « , n.pl., (rel.), relics ( o f a s a i n t ) . >KHBbie M., (fig.), living mummy. n6-Mont-fc, n.f., help, assistance, aid, relief. IlofldTb p^Ky n6MoiuH, to give a helping hand. Ha nbMouib! Help! MeAHUliHCKaH n., medical aid. CK6pan n., emergency, first aid. rio-M6iu-HHK, n.m., no-M6in-HHua, n.f., assistant, helper. Bc-no-Mom-ecTBOB^HHe, n.n., (obs.), relief, aid, assistance. MOK-, MOH-, MAK-, MAM-, M O I S T U R E M6K-Hy-Tb, v.i., to become wet, soak. M. noA AOJKASM, to be out in the rain. MoK-poTd, n.f., humidity, wetness. MOKp6Ta, n.f., (med.), phlegm. OTX^PKHBaTb M-y, to clear the phlegm in o n e ' s throat. MoK-piiua, n.f., (zool.), wood louse. M6K-pbift, adj., wet, moist, s o g g y . M. AO HHTKH, wet to the skin, soaked through. M-an K^prnia, (fig.), a wet rag. y Hee rna3& Ha m6KPOM Micre, (fig-), she is easily moved to tears. MoK-poBiTbifl, adj., moist, rather wet. BlIi-MOK-HyTb, V.p., Bbl-MOK-^Tb, V.i., to be steeped, drenched, soaked. B. AO HHTKH, (colloq.), to be drenched, soaked to the skin. H3-M6k-HyTb, V.p., H3-M0K-dTb, V./'., to g e t drenched, soaked. H Becb h3m6k Ha AOJKAi, I w a s thoroughly drenched. Ha-M6K-HyTb, v.p., Ha-MOK-^Tb, v.i., to become wet. ITnam He HaMOKdeT Ha a o j k a £ , a raincoat is waterproof. OT-M6K-Hyrb, v.p., OT-MOK-iTb, v./., to become w e t ; come off as a result of moisture. HaKji^ftKa otmok^ct B chipocTH, moisture causes" the label to loosen. nepe-Mdn-Hyrb, v.p., nepe-MOK-^Tb, v.i., to soak through, get drenched, n . noA AOJKACM, to get drenched in the rain. nOA-M6K-HyTb, V.p., nOA-MOK-dTb, v.i., to become slightly wet, damp. MyKd noAMbK^a, the flour has become damp. no-MdK-HyTb, v.p., see, MdKHyTb. flycTb r o p 6 x noM^KHeT B BOA6, let the peas soak a little in the water. npo-M6K-HyTb, v.p., np0-M0K-iTb, v.i., to become wet, soaked; be soaking; let w a t e r through. IT A O KOCT£H, (colloq.), to get drenched. BCH OA^wAa Ha H6M npoMdKJia, his clothes were soaked through. 3TOT ruiam npoMOKieT, this raincoat lets water through. ripo-M6KuiHft, adj., part. pass, past, soaked through, drenched, n HacKB63b, dripping wet. pa3-M6K-HyTb, V.p., pa3-M0K-iTb, v.i., to g e t soaked, saturated, sodden. C y x a p n pa3M6KJiH B BOA£, the rusks were thoroughly soaked.


NOi-ti-Tb, v.p., acc., to wet, soak. M. Bd.iocbj OAeKOJi6HOM, to wet the hair with eau de cologne. AV ce^ieAKy, to soak herring. MoM-eHbifi, adj., soaked. MOI-HTb-CH, V.i.r., nO-MOM-HTb-CH, v.p.r., to urinate, pass water. M o i - 3 , n.f., urine, water. AH^JIHS Momi, urinalysis. Mow-eB6H, adj., urinary. M. ny3bipb, bladder. MoM-e-r6HHbiH, adj., diuretic. M-oe CP^ACTBO, diuretic medicine. M6M-Ka, n.f., soaking, m a c e r ating; lobe of the ear. JleH 6UJI A6^TO B M6MKC, the flax soaked for a long time. BU-MOH-HTb, V.p., Bbl-M^M-HBaTb, V.i., + acc., to soak, steep; drench. B. AO HHTKH, to drench to the skin. 3a-MOM-ATb, V.p., 3a-M^M-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to wet. 3 . HiUHH, adj., part. act. pres., closing, locking. 3AMK-HyrocTb, n.f., reticence, reserve. 34MK-HyTbiH, adj., reserved, closed, buttoned up. 3. xapaKTep, reserved, reticent personality. 33-MK-Hyro, adv., in a secluded way. >KHTb 3., to lead a secluded life. M M K - a - T b , v.i., used mostly in expression: T6pe MbiKaTb, (folk, poet.), to live in misery. Tope-MbiK-a, n.m., (colloq.), poor wretch. Tope-Miim-Hbift, adj., also used as a noun, wretched, miserable. MbiK-aTb-cH, v.i.r., to knock about. M. n6 CBeTy, (colloq.), to knock about the world, lead a wretched life. 0T-MblK-4Tb,








acc., to unlock, unbolt. O. ABepb (3aM6K), to unlock a door (open a lock). OT-MblK-^Tb-CR, V.i.r., OTO-MK-

H^Tb-cn, v.p.r., to become unlocked. ZlBepb 0T0MKHyjiacb, the door opened, became unlocked. Or-MUM-Ka, n.f., master-key; skeleton key. no-MbiK-jtTb, v.i., to dominate, n. K£Mjih6o, to dominate someone. nepe-MbiK-^Tb, v.i., nepe-MK-HyTb, v.p., + acc., to connect with a crosspiece. riepe-MUM-Ka, n.f., straight arch; bulkhead; cross-piece. CoeAHHHTb nepeMUMkoh, to connect with a cross-piece. npH-MblK-ATb, v.i., npH-MK-HyTb, V.p., K -(- dat., -+- acc, to join; fix; adjoin, border, n. uitukh, (mil.), to fix bayonets. KaH^Aa npHMbiKSeT k CoeAHHeHhum IiiTdTaM, Canada borders on the United States. pa3-MfatK-4Tb, V.I., p330-MK-HyTb, V.p., + acc., to break, open. P. tok, to disconnect an electric current. P. crpofi, to open ranks. Pa3-MbiK-dHHe, n.n., breaking, disconnecting. pa3-MUK-aTb, v.p., + acc., (folk.), to shake off. P. rdpe, (idiom.), to shake off one's grief. v.i.,






acc., to close. C. r^a3i, to close one's eyes. He c. r;ia3, not to sleep a wink. C. pHAbi (mil.), to close ranks. C-muk¿ T b - C H , V.i.r., CO-MK-HyTb-CH, V.p.r., to close,





rVia34 eyes






fatigue. c-Mtta-Ka, c








nipeA vel


n.m., C-bie



v.i.r., n e p e A 4 instr., (fig.), grovel, n.




b e f o r e the authorities, money,



c-MbiK-^TeJibCTBo, eling.







v.i., +




(derog.), adj.









npe-c-MUK-iTb-cH, creep,

r6poAa between














used as n.n., r e p t i l e . acc., (obs.), to abduct H e B e c T y , (hist.), to ab-

a bride. y-MbiK-^HHe,




MOJ1-, MAJ1-, P R A Y E R v./., + acc., o + prep., to pray; entreat, implore. M. o nomdAe, to cry for mercy. Moji-HTb-cn, v.i.r., nO-MOJI-HTb-CH, B3-MOJI*HTb-CH, V.p.r., dat., o -f- prep., to pray, o f f e r prayers; adore. Mo.i-HTBa, n.f., prayer. M o j i MTBeHHHK, n.f., prayer book. M o j i HTBeHHbiH, adj., prayerful, devout.









acc., to get, obtain by entreaties, prayer. B. npomiHHe, to obtain forgiveness through prayer. 3a-MOJ!-ffTb, V.p., 33-M«i/I-HBaTb, V./., + acc., to atone through prayer. 3. rpexii, to atone for one's sins through prayer. y-MOJi-rtTb, v.p., + acc., to obtain by entreaties. y . )«ecT6Koro Me^OB^Ka, to obtain something from a cruel person by imploring, pleading. y-MOJi-^Tb, v./., to entreat, beseech, implore, y . o n6moiuh, to plead for help. y-Mo-iAioiiihA, adj., part. act. pres., pleading, supplicatory, y . B3rviH,n. (re, to grind all the c o f f e e . rlepeMijieTCH - myk4 6yAeT, (saying), things will turn out all right. no-MOJi-dTb, v.p., + acc., to grind f o r a while. no-M6^, n.m., g r i n d i n g . M y n i Md^Koro noMdJia, finely g r o u n d f l o u r . IipO-MOJI-dTb , v.p., npO-MdJI-blBaTb, v./., + acc., to grind e v e r y t h i n g to the end. pa3-MOJI-6Tb, V.p., pa3-M4;i-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to grind thoroughly. Pa3-M6.n, n.m., grind, grist. KpynHbiA p., coarse grind. MejiKHfi p., fine grind. KojirtwecTBO pa3M6;ia, amount of grist. M&i-b-HHK-a, n.f., mill. PYHH4H M., handmill. BeTpHH^a M., windmill. J l m b B6Ay Ha







serve s o m e b o d y ' s cause. M6;i-b-HHK, n.m., miller. M6;i-b-HHMHxa, n.f., miller's w i f e . M£ji-b-HHMHbiH, adj., mill. M - a a nJioTiiHa, mill dam. MEJIK-,






M^JIK-HA, adj., shallow, small ( f i n e ) , trifling, insignificant, petty. M - o e 3epH6, small grain. M . AO>KAb, f i n e rain, drizzle. M - o e xo3^flcTBo, f a r m i n g on a small scale. M - o f i pucbio, at a gentle trot. M . pyn6ft, shallow stream. M - a n l a p i n Ka, f l a t dinner plate. M . MeJioB^K, petty person. M6JIK-O, adv., fine, in small particles. M . MOJi6Tb, g r i n d finely. M . nHC^Tb, to w r i t e in a small, delicate hand. Mijihu-e, adj., comp., shallower, finer. Me;ibM-4fiujHft, adj. superl., smallest, finest. M . y36p, fine design. Me;IKo-3epHiicTbifl, adj., small g r a i n e d . M - a a po)Kb, small grain rye. Me^K-0T4, n.f., smallness, pettiness, meanness; (colloq.), small f r y . MeJi-io3ra, n.f., (colloq.), small f r y . M & i o i - b , n.f., small change; trifle, insignificant point. KpynHbie A^HBRH H HCTP&THJI, o c t i . i a c b T6^bKO M., I spent the l a r g e notes, only small change remains. M6JIOMH )KH3HH, the trifles of life. Pa3MeHHB3TbCH Ha M6;IOHH, (fig.), to w a s t e time, e n e r g y on trifles. M£JIOMHocTb, n.f., meanness, pettiness, triviality. Mijio^-Hbift, adj., small-minded, petty, mean-spirited. M . MCJIOB^K, petty person. Me^ow-H6fi, adj., in retail, of small wares, g o o d s . M. ToprbBeu, retailer, dealer in groceries, small w a r e s . M-4h ToprdB^H, selling of small wares, g o o d s in retail, groceries. M e j I b l - i T b , V.i., H3-MeJIbM-iTb, V.p., to b e come small, s h a l l o w ; degenerate. M3-

MeJibM-^HHe, n.n., action of b e c o m i n g s h a l l o w ; degeneration, l o w e r i n g of m o ral standards. Mejibi-rtTb, v.i., + acc., to g r i n d finely, reduce to fragments. M3-Mejibi-HTb, v.p. + acc., to reduce to f r a g m e n t s . H. m66eHb, to crush stone into g r a v e l . H3-Me;ibi-6HHe, n.n., reduction to f r a g ments. pa3-MejlbH-fiTb, V.p., pa3-MeJIbM-£Tb, v.i. -f- acc., to crush into bits, pulverize. Pas-MeJibM-^HHe, n.n., pulverization. Mejt-b, n.f., shoal. RK>AB6AHaH M., bank, CHHTB








ship afloat. OT-MeJi-b, n.f., bank, shallow, shoal. Meji-iTb, v.i., o6-iue;i-6Tb, v.p., to b e c o m e shallow. P e K i o6MeJi6.ua, the river became shallow. 06-MeJi-6HHe, n.n., shallowing. MOJIOT-, HAMMER;




M6JIOT, n.m., hammer. Ky3H6MHbift M6JIOT, s l e d g e hammer. napbBofl M., steam hammer. MO;IOT-6K, n.m., (dim.), little hammer. CTojiiipHbiH M., carpenter's hammer. Mojio-r-o-66eu, n.m., hammer man, blacksmith's striker. ripoA^Tb c MOJIOTK^ (c ayKUH^Ha), to auction o f f . MJiaT, n.m., (Ch.-Sl.), hammer; see M6;IOT. Tax

TAMKHA M^IAT, APO6II c r e K J i d ,

mer steel.


(Pushkin), thus the heavy hamcan crush glass and also f o r g e

MOJIOT-ftTb, MOJIOM-y, V.i., C-MOJIOT-HTb, v.p., -(- acc., to thresh. M . x.ne6 (nuieHiiuy), to thresh grain ( w h e a t ) . M o be jioT-iiTb-cH, v.i.r., + instr., to threshed. X ^ e 6 MOJI6THTCH Mo;ioTiijiKofl, g r a i n is threshed with a threshing machine. Mo;ioT-ii;ibmHK, n.m., thresher. MojioT-b-6a, n.f., threshing. M . x ^ i 6 a , threshing of grain. M o ^ o i - i H H e , n.n., (recent), threshing. MoJioneHbiit, adj., threshed. Ha ryMHi JIOKHT M-aa p o w b , threshed r y e lies on the threshing f l o o r . Mo^oT-HjiKa, n.f., threshing machine. MoJioT-HJibHbifi, adj., pertaining to threshing. M-an MawHHa, threshing machine. Ha-MOJIOT-tiTb, V.p., Ha-MOJl^H-HBaTb, V.i'., + acc., to thresh a quantity. Ha-MOJIDHHBaTb-ca, v.i.r., to be threshed in quantity. Ha-M0^6M-eHHbift, adj., part. pass, past, threshed. 0 6 - M 0 J I 0 T - f i T b , V.p.,



+ acc., to thresh thoroughly. 06MOJldl-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., 06-M0J10T-HTbCH, v.p.r., + instr., to be t h o r o u g h l y threshed. 3epH6 n;i6xo 06M0JiiMHBaeTCH npH cbip6fl nor6Ae, grain is p o o r l y



threshed in damp weather. 06-MO;I6T, n.m., t h r e s h i n g ; yield of grain in threshing. XopduiHH o., good yield. r i o p 4 oeMOJidTa, threshing season. 0 6 -

Mo^6H-eHHbiH, adj.,




threshed. C-MOJIOT-ilTb, V.p., C-MOJldM-HBaTb, V.i., + acc., see M0Ji0THTb. C. OBec, to thresh oats. C-MOJi^M-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be threshed. y-MK£HII|HHa, masculine-looking woman. Myw-riK, n.m., (obs.), Russian peasant; (colloq.), fellow; man, husband; (derog.), boor. Myw-HMxa, n.f., (obs.), coarse, vulgar woman. Myw-HKOBiTbift, adj., rustic; boorish. Myw-HUKHH, adj., rustic, boorish: peasant. B03-Myw-STb, v.p., to grow up, grow into manhood, reach manhood; see MYWITB. 3 a NOC^EAHHH TOA OH CH.IBHO B03My>Kdji, during this past year he has become more manly. Bo3-My>K-d.iocTb, n.f., maturity, virility. Bo3-My>K-a;ibiH. adj., mature, virile, grown up. Bwr.iavirile, aeTb B03My)KiK-HHH, n.f.,

MYK married woman. 3 . weHuiHHa, married woman.



MyK-i, n.f., flour, meal. PWAHIN M., rye flour. rimeHHHHaH M., wheat flour. nepeMe.ierca - MyKi 6yj.er, (saying), in the end everything will turn out all right. MyK-o-M6ji, n.m., miller. MyK-o-M6.ibHbi(i, adj., pertaining to flour grinding. M. 3aBOfl, flour mill. MyK-o-M6;ibHa, n.f., flour mill. Myi-HfiK, n.m., dealer in meal, flour. Myq-HOFT, adj., meal, flour, tarch. M. MernoK, flour sack. M-da .niBKa, flour shop. M - i a mima, starchy food. M y i H6e, adj., used a s n., farinaceous, starchy food. He ecTb MyiHbro, to be on a non-starch diet. MyMHHCTbiii, adj., farinaceous. M-bie OBOIUH, starchy vegetables. MYK-, MYM-, T O R T U R E ,


M^K-a, n.f., torment, torture. MyKH 6o.ie3HH, suffering caused by an illness. MyKH piBHocTH, pangs of j e a lousy. MyKH TB6pMecTBa, throes of creation. MyKa MHe c TO66H, (colloq.), the trouble you give me. XowACHne no MyKaM, (fig.), life, road full of suffering. Myq-iHHe, n.n., torture, torment. MyqeHHK, n.m., Myn-eHHua, n.f., martyr. MyM-eHHHecTBO, n.n., martyrdom. MyweHHwecKHH, adj., martyr. M-aa CMepTb, a martyr's death. Myn-H-Tb, v./., - f acc., to torment, harass, worry. E e MyMHT Kdme;ib, a cough is causing her g r e a t suffering. 3TO MYMHT MOW coBecrb, it lies heavy on my c o n s c i e n c e . Myi-HTb-ca, v.i.r., to worry, suffer. M. HaA s a A ^ e f t , to take a lot of trouble over a problem. MyM-HTe-nb, n.m., tormentor, torturer. MyM-HTejibHbift, adj., painful, agonizing; unbearable. M-aa 6ojie3Hb, painful illness. Bbl-MyM-HTb, V.p., Bbl-MyH-HBaTb, V./'., + acc., to e x t o r t ; (colloq.), squeeze out. B. H3 ce6a Mbic.ib, to squeeze out an idea. Bb'i-MyH-eHHbiH, adj. part. pass, past, extorted, forced. B - o e npH3HdHHe, an extorted confession. 33-MyH-HTb, V.p., 3a-MyM-HB3Tb, V.i., - f acc., to torture, w e a r out, tire out. 3 . AO C M e p T H , to torture to death. H3-My4-HTb, V.p., H3-MVM-HBaTb, V.i., + acc., to exhaust. HenocH.ibHaa pafioTa H3My, V.i., nO-Mbl-Tb, V.p., + QCC.,

+ instr., to wash. M . n o c y A y , to wash dishes. M . meTKofi, to scrub. M . ry6Koii, to s p o n g e . Mbi-Tb-ca, v.i.r., no-MW-TbCH, v.p.r., to wash oneself. M b i - T b e , n.n., w a s h i n g . H e MbiTbeM - TaK KaT^HbeM, (saying), by hook, or by crook. M 6 i i Ka, n.f., washing. ro.noB-o-M6FT-Ka, n.f., (colloq.), scolding. 3aA^Tb KOMy-JinSo r - y , to scold someone. noji-o-M6H-Ka, n.f., scrubwoman, charwoman. FIO-M6H, n.pl., slops. rio-M6H-Ka, n.f., slop, g a r b a g e pit. rio-M6A-Hbift, adj., pertaining to refuse, g a r b a g e , i l - o e B C A P 6 , g a r b a g e pail, n - a a ¿Ma, g a r b a g e pit. Cya-o-Mbfl-Ka, n.f., kitchen maid. BU-Mbi-Tb, v.p., Bbl-Mbl-B^Tb, V./., + OCC., to wash, wash a w a y . B. p y K H , to w a s h one's hands. B. pe6em-csi, v.p.r., + instr., (colloq.), to treat cruelly. Ha-Mlil-Tb, V.p., Ha-Mbl-B^Tb, V.i., -f- OCC., + gen., to wash a quantity. H. 30JI0T6r o necKy, to pan a quantity of g o l d dust. 06-MU-Tb, V.p., o 6 - M b I - B i T b , V.i., + OCC., to bathe, wash completely. O. p^Hy, to w a s h a wound, bathe a wound. 06-MH-Tb-CH, V.p.r., 06-Mbl-B*iTb-CH, v.i.r., to have a complete bath. 0 6 - M W BduHe, n.n., bathing, washing. O-Mbl-Tb, V.p., O-Mbl-BdTb, V.i., + OCC., tO w a s h . A(t>pwKe mwcjih o weMripoMbice.i, n.m., trade, business. Kycj i h 6 o , even not to d a r e think of someT^pHbiH n., domestic industry. Pbi6Hbie thing. Mbic^-eHHbifl, adj., mental. M. npdMbic^bi, fishery. rip6-MbiceJi, n.m. 6 6 p a 3 , mental image. MbicJi-eHHO, adv., Providence. BowecTBeHHbiii il., Divine mentally. Providence. ripo-Mbic;i-6BbiH > adj., Mi>icji-H-Tb, v./., + acc., to think, conceive. trade, ri-an KOonepiuHfl, trade c o M. JioriiMecKH, to think logically. operation. n - o e cBHjeTe^bCTBO, trade Mbiui^-eHHe, n.n., thinking, thought. license. Mwc^-HTe^b, n.m., thinker. Mbic;i-HTe;ibpa3-MHCJI-HTb, V.p., pa3-Mblll]^-^Tb, V./., hwh, adj., thinking; pertaining to o + prep., to reflect; meditate, ponder, thought. M-bie cn0C06H0CTH, undermuse. P. o npoMHTaHHOM, to meditate s t a n d i n g ; intellectual capacities. Mwc.ion material read. Pa3-Mbiuui-eHHe, n.n., hluhh, adj., part. act. pres., thinking. reflection, meditation. riaTb MHHyT Ha Mbicji-HMbifi, adj., conceivable, thinkp., five minutes for meditation, f o r able. M-oe-JiH ¿ t o ¡¡.¿no? (colloq.), thinking something over. 3 t o h 3 b 6 a h t Is it p o s s i b l e ? He-MbicJi-HMbiii, adj., inHa p-hh, it makes one wonder, f l o conceivable, unthinkable. 3 t o HeMbicjiHrpy3HTbca b p-hh, to be lost in mo, it is impossible, inconceivable. thought, in meditation. Mbicji-eTe, n.n., Church Slavonic name for the letter M. C-MblCJI-HTb, V.p., C-MblUJJI-dTb, V.i., (colBM-MblCJI-HTb, V.p., Bbl-Mbllil.l-HTb, V.i., loq.) to understand. O h £ HHMer6 b (obs.), invent, conceive. Bw-Mbice^, §tom He cmmc-iht, she is incapable of n.m., invention; falsehood, lie; (poet.), understanding it. C-mnc;i, n.m., sense, f a n c y . 3 t o cnjiouiHbii b., it is pure inmeaning. I1p$im6h (nepeH6cHbiii) cmucji, vention. Bbi-Mbim^-eHHbiH, adj., part, literal ( f i g u r a t i v e ) meaning. 3,apdBhiH pass, past, invented, imaginary, ficc., sound common sense. HeT HHKaKdro titious. fl6-Mbice^, n.m., c o n j e c t u r e , f a n CMuc^a, there is no meaning to this. t a s y . He-AO-Mbic^-He, n.n., stupidity, C-mucji-ob6h, adj., meaning. C-iie thoughtlessness. o t t ^ h k h , s h a d e s of meaning. BeccMbic^-Hua, n.f., nonsense, absurdity. 3a-MUCJI-HTb, V.p., 3a-MblIIIJI-riTb, V.i., + Bec-CMMC.i-enHOCTb, n.f., senselessness, acc., to plan, intend. M t o bw 3aMbiuifoolishness. Bec-cMbic;i-eHHbiH, adj., j i i e T e ? W h a t a r e you plotting? 3 a senseless, foolish, silly, B . noerynoK, Mbiceji, a.m., project, plan, intention; senseless action. B . B 3 M n a , vacant, inscheme, conception. 3 . xy,a6)KecTBeHsipid look. Bec-CMHC^-eHHO, adv., Horo npOH3BeAeHHH, the conception of senselessly, foolishly. B. y;ibi6HyTbCH, to a work of art. 3 . HayHHoro Hccaeaosmile inanely. 3 t o 6., it is silly, foolish. BaHHH, scientific research project. 3 a C-Mbiiuvi-eHHOCTb, n.f., cleverness, Mbic.i-oB^TOCTb, n.f., intricacy. 3as m a r t n e s s . C-MbimJi-eHbiH, adj., clever, Mbicfl-oBaTbiH, adj., intricate, complicatbright. C. n^peHb, (colloq.), clever ed. 3-aa KpecTocJibBHua, intricate young man. c r o s s w o r d puzzle. M b l C J l - , M b l C E J l - , MbllLIJI-, T H O U G H T

H3-MbtCJI-HTb, V.p., H3-MbIUl^-^Tb, V.i., + acc., to contrive, f a b r i c a t e . H3-Mbiw.i¿HHe, n.n., f a b r i c a t i o n ; prevarication.

O-C-MliCJI-HTb, V.p., O-C-MblCJI-^Tb, 0-CMbicJi-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to comprehend, interpret. H^ao no h6bomy nO-MblCJI-HTb, V.p., nO-MblUIJI-HTb, v.i., o + OC.MblCJIHTb npOHCXOfl)iu;He c o 6 h t h h , it prep (colloq.), to think about, dream is necessary to interpret present events of. O >KeHHTb6e n o x i h He noMbimjiflfifrom a new approach. O-c-Mbicji-dTbTe, don't even think of m a r r i a g e for ch, v.i.r., o-c-MMC-i-HTb-CH, v.p.r., to be the time being. comprehended. O-c-Mbicji-eHHe, n.n., n p O - M b l C J I - H T b , V.p., n p O - M b l l U J I - f l T b V.i., comprehension. O. HCTopiiMecKHX Kh3Hb B Here, a life of l u x u r y . H^Mi-H-Tb, v.i., + acc., to i n d u l g e , p a m p e r , c o d d l e . H. AeTeii, to p a m p e r c h i l d ren. H. TeJio, to p a m p e r ewe's b o d y . H e w - H T b - c a , v.i.r., to i n d u l g e in l u x u r y . H. Ha coJiHue, to b a s k in the sun. H. B nocTejiH, to loll in b e d . Hew-eHKa, n.f. and n.m., (colloq.), softy, sissy. H&K-H-Hi-aTb, v.i., (colloq.), to indulge in endearments. Hew-HOCTb, n.f., HexHOCTH, n.pl., kind words, endearments; tenderness, delicacy. H. r6.ioca, tenderness of voice. H. AyuiH, delicateness of a soul. Hew-HbiH, adj., tender, delicate ; loving, fond. H e w - H o e 3 f l o p 6 B b e , delicate health. H-bifi CUH, loving son. H-bift B63pacT, tender age. Pa3-HD)KHHi-aTb-ca, v.p.r., (colloq.), to g r o w soft.



H3-H^>K-HTb, V.p., H3-Hi)K-HBaTb, V.i., + acc., to coddle; render effeminate. *M. pe6eHKa, to spoil a child. M3-Hi)K-HTbcn, v.p.r., H3-H6*c-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to become soft, effeminate. O h h3h£»hjich o t )kh3hh b p6ckouih, he became soft from a life of luxury. H3-Hi)K-eHH0CTb, n.f., delicacy; susceptibility; effeminacy. M3-Hd)K-eHHbift, adj., delicate, soft. ft. pe6eHOK, delicate child.

no-H^m-HTb, v.p., see H^MHTb, rio-He«MTb-CH, v.p.r., to luxuriate. Oh jnb6nr

yTpoM noH^jKHTbefl b nocTi^H, he likes to loll in bed in the morning. pa3-Hi»C-HTb-CiI, V.p.r., pa3-H£w-HBaTb-CSI, v.i.r., to soften, become soft, lazy; relax. HEM-, NUMBNESS,


HeM-é-Tb, O-HeM-e-BáTb, v.i., O-HeM-éTb, v.p., to become numb. H. o t Boerópra, (fig.), to become speechless, numb with delight. H. ot yacaca, (fig.), to become numb with terror. O. ot KOHTy3HH, to lose the capacity for speech from a concussion. HeM-óíi, adj., dumb, mute; used as n., dumb mute. H. npH3ÚB, mute appeal. H-óe o6o»cáHHe, mute adoration. HeMóií oôiHCHiieTCH 3Háxamh, a mute person talks in sign language. H-ási KápTa, skeleton map. HeMOTá, n.f., dumbness, muteness. O-HeMéaocTb, n.f., numbness. O-HeM-é^uíí, adj., numb. O-bie pyxn, numb hands. O-HeM-éHHe, n.n., numbness; paralysis. HéM-eu, n.m., HéM-xa, n.f., HéM-ubi, pl., German. HéMuu noBÓJiMbfi, the Volga Germans. HeM-éuKHñ, adj., German. H. H3ÚK, the German language. ToBoprtTb no-HeMéuKH, to speak German. O-HeM-éM-H-Tb, V.p., O-HeM-éMHBaTb, v.i., + acc., to Teutonize, Germanize. TepMáHCKHH H3UH3M CTpeMH-lCH OHCMéMHTb Apyriíe uHBH.iH3áuHH, German Nazism strove to Germanize other civilizations. O-HeM-éMHBaHHe, n.n., Germanization. HEC-, HËC-, HOC-, H OUI-, CONVEYANCE, CARRYING


Hec-TÜ, v.i.det., + acc., to carry, bring; lay. H. peôëHKa K Bpaqy, to carry a child to the doctor's. H. yóbiTKH (HaKa3áHHe, oTBéTCTBeHHocTb), to bear a loss (penalty, responsibility). H. oófoaHHocTH, to perform duties. H. Aexc^pcTBO, to be on duty. O t oKHá HecëT xó^oaom, there is a cold draft from the window. O t Heró HecëT Ta6aKÓM ( B ó f l K o f i ) , (colloq.), he reeks of tobacco (vodka). H. B3Aop, to talk nonsense. KyAá e r ó HecëT?


(colloq.), Where is he going? Where is he headed? Kypnua HeceT tfftua, a hen lays eggs. Hec-T(j-cb, v.i.r., to rush; f l y ; drift; lay (as e g g s ) . H. bo Becb on6p, to ride at top speed. 3Ta xypHua xopom6 HeceTCH, this hen is a good layer. Hec-iHHe, n.n., carrying, bearing, wearing, laying. H. o6ii3aHHocTeH, performance of duties. Hoc-A-Tb, Houi-y, v.i. indet., to carry;

wear. H. mcmoa^h (khhth), to carry a

trunk (books). yneHHK KdMAWH AeHb h6cht khhth b uiK6jy, the pupil carries his books to school every day. H. najibt 6 (uiJidny, canorii, Kd-ibua), to wear a coat (a hat, boots, a ring). H. Ha pyKdx kot6-^h6o, ( f i g ), to make much of someone. K y a i hx h6cht? (colloq.), Where are they going? Hoc-iiTb-ca, v.i.r., Hec-TH-cb, v.p.r., to rush about, gallop; fly about; to be worn (impf. only). KoHbKo6iweu HeceTCH no JibAy, the skater is skimming over the ice. O h

h6chtch no CTenn Ha koh6, he is gal-

loping over the steppe. Oh4 h6chtch co she fusses over her daughter. H. c Mbicjbio, (fig-), to cherish, nurse a thought, idea. 3Ta MaTepna 6yAeT xopoiu6 HociiTbCH, this material will wear well. H6c-Ka, n.f., wearing; carrying, bearing; laying. H6c-khh, adj., strong, durable. Hoc-hjikh, n.pl., stretcher; litter. HocHJibHtJH, adj., only in expression: H-oe 6e^be, underclothing, underwear. Hoc-iiflbmHK, n.m., porter, carrier. Hoc-rtTe/ib, n.m., HOCHTe;ibHHaa, n.f., bearer. H. h6boh ha£h, one who bears new ideas.

cbo6h A^Mepbio, (colloq.),

B-Hec-Tli, V.p., B-HOC-tiTb, V.i., + QCC., to bring in, carry in, introduce; pay. B. bciuh b aom, to carry things into a house. B. H3MeH^HKfl, (nonpiBKH), to introduce, insert changes (amendments). B. b cniicoK, to enter on a list. B. 3aKOHonpo6KT, to introduce a bill. B-Hec-6HHe, n.n., introduction, insertion; carrying in; deposit. B. B cnncoK, enlisting, entry. B. 3aiKHoe) o. K KOMY-^H6O, c a r e f u l ( c a r e l e s s ) treatment of s o m e o n e . HM^TB o. K l e v i y JIH6O, to h a v e a relation to s o m e t h i n g . B STOM OTHOUIEHHH, in this respect. HATIIHYTBIE OTHOUI^HHH, strained relations. BblTb B X0p6lIJHX (RIJIOXHX) OTHOUI6HHHX C K6M-;IH6O, to be on g o o d ( b a d ) terms with someone. n e p e - H e c - T i , v.p., nepe-Hoc-HTb, v.i., + acc., to c a r r y , transport, r e m o v e ; t r a n s f e r ; endure, b e a r , stand, n . Me6ejib c OAHOI-6 M^CRA Ha Apyr6e, to t r a n s f e r furniture f r o m one place to another. I~I. 6o;i£3Hb, to g o through an illness. OH ¿TOTO He nepeH6cHT, he cannot endure it. riepe-Hec-TH-Cb, v.p.r., n e p e HOc-HTb-cH, v.i.r., to be c a r r i e d , t r a n s f e r r e d . n . Mbic-ieHHO, to c a s t o n e ' s mind, reflect. riepe-Hec-iHHe, n.rt., t r a n s f e r , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , n . Aejia B cyA, to take a c a s e to court. n e p e - H 6 c , n.m., t r a n s f e r , transport, c a r r y i n g o v e r . n . M4CTH c;i6Ba, division of s y l l a b l e s , c a r r y i n g o v e r of a w o r d . nepe-Hoc-HMbift, adj., part. pass, pres., b e a r a b l e , endurable. 3 T a 6o^b Jiernd nepeHOCHMa, this pain is e a s i l y b e a r a b l e . H e - n e p e -


Hoc-HMbiA, adj., unbearable, intolerable. H-bie cTpaAÎHHfl, unbearable s u f f e r i n g . Ilepe-Hôc-Ka, n.f., c a r r y i n g o v e r . nepe-Hôc-Hbifl, adj., portable; figurative. B nepeHôcHOM CMbic;ie, f i g u r a t i v e l y ; in a f i g u r a t i v e sense, r i e pe-HÔc-4HK, n.m., nepe-Hôc-MHua, n.f., c a r r i e r , n . c ^ y x o B (HOBOdéfl) r u m o r monger; gossip. n0A-H0c-iiTb, v.i., -fnoA-Hec-Trt, v.p., acc., to b r i n g to, t a k e to; hold u p ; treat, n . noA^poK, to m a k e a p r e s e n t ; p r e s e n t a g i f t . n . piOMKy BÔAKH KOM^HHÔyAb, to o f f e r s o m e o n e a g l a s s of v o d k a . rioA-Hec-éHHe, n.n., p r e s e n t a tion. rioA-Hôc, n.m., t r a y . CepéôpoHbift n. silver t r a y . M^HHWH n., tea t r a y . IloA-Hôc-Ka, n.f., b r i n g i n g up. IIOAHÔC-MHK, n.m., c a r r i e r . noA-Houi-éHne, n.n., present, g i f t . ; presentation of a gift. no-Hec-Tti, v.p., + acc., see Hecrrt. M a T b noHecjié p e ô ë H K a AOMÔÎÎ, the mother c a r r i e d the child home. J l ô w a A H noHecjiH, the h o r s e s bolted. FIO-HÔC, n.m., (med.), d i a r r h e a . KpoBâBbift n., ( m e d . ) , dysentery. no-Hoc-ATb, v.i., + acc., to d e f a m e , a b u s e , s l a n d e r . II. Korô-HHôyAb r p y 6UMH CJIOB^MH, to a b u s e s o m e o n e with r u d e w o r d s . no-Hôc-Hbw, adj., (obs.), defamatory, abusive, n-bie cnoBé, (obs.), a b u s i v e w o r d s . FIo-HOIII-éHHe, n.n., d e f a m a t i o n , a b u s e . no-Hoc-iiTb, v.p., -f- acc., to c a r r y f o r a w h i l e , w e a r f o r a while. rio-HÔMeHHbift, adj., part. pass, past, worn, f r a y e d , s h a b b y , t h r e a d b a r e , n . KOCTIÎ>M, s h a b b y suit. R BHA, h a g g a r d look, appearance. npe-noA-Hec-TH, v.p., npe-noA-Hoc-frrb, v./., acc., + dat., to p r e s e n t with a g i f t . n . n o A i p o K , to p r e s e n t a g i f t , n . ¿ A p e c loÔHJiâpy, to p r e s e n t a c o m p l i m e n t a r y scroll to one honored, r i p e noA-Hom-éHHe, n.n., presentation of a gift. npH-HeC-TK-HHeK, n.m., (dim.), little knife. H6«-HHUbi, scissors. CAAOBBIE H., pruning shears. H. ana pi3KH npdBOJiOKH, wire-cutter. HO>K-HIJ, n.pl., scabbard, sheathe. BbiHHM^Tb H3 H 0 « e H , to unsheathe. Ho)K-6BKa, n.f., (tech.), hacksaw, I~IoH0«-6BmHHa, n.f., throat-cutting. HH3-, HH)K-, HHC-,


HH3, n.m., bottom, l o w e r part. C Bdpxy AO HH3y, f r o m top to bottom. HH3-HHa, n.f., lowland, l o w place. HH3-KHH, adj., l o w ; base, mean. H. r6.ioc, low, deep voice. HKeHa Ha HH3MenHOCTH. Holland is located on the l o w lands. HA3-MeHHbiH, adj., lying l o w ; base, vile. H - o e no6y)KA£HHe, vile motive. H-biii HHCTHHKT, animal instinct. HH3-ocTb, n.f., baseness, meanness. HH36Bbe, n.n., l o w e r reaches of a river. HH36BbH B6jirH, the L o w e r V o l g a . HH3OB6H, adj., l o w e r ; local. H-an opraHH3^uhh, (recent), local party o r g a n i z a tion. Hh3-UIHH, adj., superl., lowest. H - e e 06pa30B^HHe, elementary, p r i m a r y education. H - a a T6mKeHHbiif, adj., part. pass, past, set f o r t h b e l o w . HH»c-e-03Hi»ieHHbiii adj., part. pass, past, mentioned oelow. HHJK-e-noflnHciBuiHHcn, adj., part., pass, past, the undersigned. HHHC-CcJieAyrouiHii, adj., part. pass, past, the f o l l o w i n g . HHIK-HHA, adj., l o w e r . H. 9t3>k, ground floor. H-ee 6e;ibe, underclothing. H - e e TeweHHe peKH, the l o w e r reaches of a river. H-HH naadTa, the l o w e r chamber ( a s of P a r l i a m e n t ) . HM^K-^HLUHH, adj., superl., the lowest. nO-HA3-HTb, I10-HH>K-y, V.p., nO-HH)K-dTb, v.i., + acc., to lower, reduce; drop, n . ueHbi, to lower, cut prices, n . no c j y » 6 e , to demote, n . r6./ioc, to lower, d r o p one's voice. no-HH3-HTb-ca, v.p.r., no-HHW-iTb-CH, v.i.r., to fall, g o d o w n ; b e c o m e lower, sink. T e M n e p a i y p a y 6o^bH6ro noHrt3HJiacb, the patient's temperature has g o n e d o w n , dropped. rio-HH>K-^HHe, n.n., fall, l o w e r i n g ; d r o p ; reduction. Ha6jiK>A2eTca n. ueH, there is a noticeable d r o p in prices. II. A S B ;I£HHH, lowering of pressure. IloHHMt-e, adv., comp., lower, shorter. rio-HH3-6Bbe, n.n., l o w e r reaches of a river. ri6-HH3-y, adv., low, a l o n g the ground. fluM CM^jieTCH n., the smoke hangs low.








acc., to humble; humiliate, belittle, depreciate. n . 3Haq£HHe •jer6-HH6yAb, to belittle the s i g n i f i c a n c e of something. FlpH-HHJK-eHHOCTb, n.f., humility. IlpHHiDK-eHHbifi, adj., humbled, humiliated.

acc., (rel., HHCNOC.II.I grace.











v.i.r., to lower, descend, lose h e i g h t ; be reduced, sink, fall. CaiuojieT CHH3HJICH, the plane came d o w n . L U h h CHH3H^HCb, the prices have been reduced. C-HHw-iHHe, n.n., lowering, sinking, abatement, reduction. C. ce6ecr6HMOCTH, l o w e r i n g of c o s t s of production. C-mto-y, adv., also used as prep., from b e l o w . IlocMOTpiTb c., to look from b e l o w . n^Tan c r p o n i c., the fifth line f r o m the bottom. C. B B e p x , upward. y-H(i3-HTb, V.p., y-HHJK-iTb, V.f., -(- OCC., to humble; humiliate, a b a s e , y . ce6(i, to humiliate, a b a s e oneself. y-HH3-HTbcst, v.p.r., y-HHW-dTb-CH, v.i.r., to abase oneself, be abased, y . AO JUKH, t o stoop to lying. y-HH)K-dHHe, n.n., humiliation, abasement. TepndTb yHH>K^HHii( to bear humiliation. y-HHJK-enHOCTb, n.f., humility, humbleness. HH3-BiprHyTb,





acc., to o v e r t h r o w , precipitate. H. npaBfiTeJibCTBO, to o v e r t h r o w a g o v e r n ment. HH3-Bep>K£HHe, n.n., o v e r t h r o w . H. AHKTaTypbi, the o v e r t h r o w of a dictatorship. HH3-BdprHyTbifi, adj., part, pass, past, o v e r t h r o w n . HH3-BeCTft, V.p.,





to bring d o w n . H. MHHMOTO rep6n c n b e a e c T ^ a , to knock a f a k e h e r o off his pedestal. H H 3 - 0 - A T A , V.p.,

HHC-XOA, t o set a t r a p f o r someone. I l o n á c T b B 3anaAHK>, t o be caught in a trap. 3a-náA-aTb, v.p., to b e g i n to f a l l . Kán;iH a o j k a A 3ANÁAA;IH OAHÁ 3 a Apyrófl,

drops of rain began to fall one after the other.

3á*naA. n.m., west, West. Ha 3., K 3-y, to the West. C 3ánaAa, from the west. BéTep AyeT c 3ánaAa, the wind is b l o w ing from the west. 3á-naA-HHK, n.m., (hist.), Westernizer. 3á-naA-HHcueH3éHTa), the book w a s subjected to the critics' ( r e v i e w e r ' s ) attacks. Ha-nác-Tb, n.f., (colloq.), misfortune. MTO 3a HanácTb! H o w unfortunate! W h a t a misfortune! Ha-náA-aTb, v.p., - f gen., to fall in quantity. 3 a HOMb HanáAajio cHéry, much s n o w fell during the night. o-naA-áTb, v.i., o-nác-Tb, v.p., t o fall o f f , fall a w a y ; sag, subside. /IÚCTBN oná^H, the leaves h a v e fallen. O n y x o ; i b onájia, the swelling has g o n e d o w n . O - n a A ÉHHE, n.n., d r o p p i n g o f f . O. JIRTCRBEB, d e f o l i a t i o n ; f a l l i n g of leaves. OT-naA-áTb, v.i., oT-nác-Tb, v.p., to fall o f f , f a l l a w a y ; pass; a b j u r e , renounce. KAPHÍT3 OTNÁJI, the molding fell off. Y MENÚ oTnájia o x ó T a K áTOMy, my d e s i r e t o d o it has passed. Bonpóc OTNAAÁET, the question n o l o n g e r arises. OT-naA-éHne, n.n., falling a w a y ; d e fection. O . NPHBÉPWEHUEB, defection o f followers. nepe-naA-áTb, v.i., nepe-nác-Tb, v.p., to

NAZI fall occasionally; impers., to fall t o one's lot. riepenaA^ioT AOJKAI*, it rains n o w and then. CHer Jinuib nepenaAdeT B ¿Tofl M^CTHOCTH, it s n o w s but s e l d o m in these parts, n . Ha , v.p., aa-nd-i-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., (colloq.), to set f i r e to; kindle. 3 . coji6My, to set f i r e to straw. 3. ji6uiaAb, to break the wind of a horse. 3a-n£;i, n.m., heaves, fuse. JI6maAb c 3andjioM, a horse with heaves. A b t o MaTHiecKHft 3., automatic ignition device. 3a-ndji-b-Hbifi, adj., ignition. 3-an cBeid, spark-plug. 3a-ndji-biHBOCTb, n.f., quick temper, vehemence. 3. xap^KTepa ( p e n i f t ) vehemence of



disposition, (of s p e e c h e s ) . 3 a - n l n - b MHBbiH, adj., quick-tempered, vehement. 3 . le-noBex, quick-tempered man. 3 a nd^-b-MHBO, adv., passionately. 0-naJi-rtTb, v.p., o-niji-HBaTb, na;i-rtTb, v./., + acc., to singe, burn. O. ubin-iieHKa, to s i n g e a chicken. O. c6;IHUEM JIHU t o soften by steaming, y. cbhhyio K 6 w y , to soften pigskin by steaming. y-ndp-HTb-CH, v.p.r., y-ndp-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., (colloq.), to be in a sweat, y . Ha pa66Te, (colloq.), to perspire f r o m work.

IIAC-, P A S T U R E ,



nac-TA, v.i., + occ., to g r a z e , shepherd, pasture, n . ckot, to g r a z e cattle; tend grazing cattle. riac-Ti-riTe;ibcTBo, n.n., trusteeship. o-fiec-niM-HTb, v.p., o-6ec-n£M-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., to p r o v i d e ; ensure, assure, protect, s a f e g u a r d . O. y c n i x , to ensure, success. O. ¿pmhio 6oenpHn3caMH, to provide an army with supplies. 0-6ecniM-eHHe, n.n., guaranty, security. C o u H i ^ b H o e o., social security. 0 - 6 e c niw-eHHOCTb, n.f., security. MaTepH^^bHaa o., material security. 0 - 6 e c - n 6 n eHHwfi, adj., part. pass, past, well-todo, provided f o r . O. lejioB^K, a man well provided f o r . O-an >KH3Hb, financial security. Bec-nin-HOCTb, n.f., f r e e dom from; unconcern from care; security. Bec-niH-Hbifi, adj., c a r e f r e e ; lighthearted. B-aa >KH3Hb, c a r e f r e e life. Bec-n6M-H0, adv., in a carefree w a y , lightheartedly, with complete lack of concern. n e i - i j i - b , n.f., grief, s o r r o w . r ^ y 6 6 K a a n., deep s o r r o w . He tb6h n., (colloq.), it is of no concern to you. " B e T e p oc6hhhA h3b6aht neii^b." (Nekrasov), " T h e autumn wind fills one with sadness." neM-^.ibHbiH, adj., sad, mournful. ri-bie pe3yjibTiTbi, unfortunate results. n . KOHiu, dismal end. r i - a « necHb, sad song. neM-aji-HTb, v.i., o-neM-i^HTb, v.p., + acc., to grieve, sadden, O h ^ MeHd oneMa.iH-ia cbohm ropecTHbiM coo6meHHeM, she saddened me with her sad news, r i e i d-iHTb-cH, v.i.r., o-neM-S.iHTb-CH, v.p.r., to grieve, be sad. H e ctoht n. p^Hbrne BpiMeHH, there is no sense w o r r y i n g beforehand.

n i n - e H - b , n.f., CH


eHKa, riHp6r


( a n a t . ) , liver, n .







n.f., (dim., colloq.), liver.



cavity. liver,

c neMeHKOH, l i v e r p i e .












n.f., s e a l , s t a m p ; p r e s s ; p r i n t , t y p e . r o c y A ^ p c T B e H H a a n., s t a t e s e a l . H a ^ o w i i T b n. (Ha), t o s t a m p , s e t a s e a l . H o c H T b n., b e a r a s e a l . n . MO^MSHHH, (fig), sealed lips. M 6 c T H a a n., l o c a l press. C B o 6 6 a a n e n i T H , f r e e d o m of the







( l a r g e ) p r i n t . I l e M d T - a H H e , n.n., printing. n e w ^ T - K a , n.f., s i g n e t . neM^T-HHK, n.m., p r i n t e r . n e ^ T - H U H , adj., p r i n t e d . MHT^Tb n o neM^THOMy, t o r e a d i n p r i n t . r i n c i T b nei^THbiMH 6yKBaMH, to print, write in print, n. CT3H6K, printing p r e s s . F l o e A^JIO, t y p o g r a p h y , p r i n t i n g . nei^T-a-Tb, v./., H a - n e M i l T - a T b , v.p., + acc., t o p r i n t , t y p e . N . KHHTH < r a 3 i T b i , H6TU), to print books (papers, music), n . Ha MamAHKe, to type. IleMiT-aTb-CH, v.i.r., t o b e p r i n t e d , p u b l i s h e d . RIYUIKHH

HdMaji neMdTaTbca nHTHaAuaTHJi(§THHM ibHomefl, P u s h k i n b e g a n to b e p u b lished w h e n h e w a s f i f t e e n y e a r s old. ra36Tbi neiiTaioTCH, n e w s p a p e r s are printed.

B - n e n a T - J i - i H H e , n.n., impression; sensat i o n . r i p 0 H 3 B 0 A ^ T b B., t o m a k e a n i m pression. HaxoAiiTbCH noA BnewaiviiHHeM, to be under an impression. B-newaT-^-HTe^bHOCTb, n.f., sensitiveness, impressionability. B-neiaT-^H T e ^ b H b i f l , adj., impressionable, sensitive.

AO-neqiT-aTb, +












j j . CTpaHiiuy AO KOHud, to finish typing

a page. ¿o-newdT-Ka, n.f., (colloq.), supplement, supplementary edition.

3a-neKA-e-BpéMeHHo, adv., prematurely. door and the g u e s t stepped into the CKOHvàTbca n., to die prematurely. hall. ripejKA-e-BpéMeHHOcTb, n.f., prematureness. npe}KA-e-BpéMeHHbjft, adj., prenepej-OB-ófl, adj., headmost, forward, admature, untimely, n. npnxÓA nóesAa, vance; progressive, n-bie B3r;iAAbi, arrival of a train before time. I~I-oe progressive views, ri-we no3iiuHH, adpa3BATHe, premature development, ri-aa vanced lines. n-áH cTaTbá, editorial. c.MepTb, untimely death. riepeA-OBHK, n.m., (recent), one who is npéw-HHft, adj., previous, former, B ri-ee foremost i n something. IlepeAOBHKH BpéMH, in the old days, in former times. céJibCKoro xo3áHCTBa, foremost people no-npé>K-HeMy, adv., as before. )KHTb in agriculture. ilepe/i-OBHua, n.f., (coln., to live as one once used to. loq.), lead article, editorial. nepea-ÓK, a.m., detachable

front of


vehicle; upper p a r t of a plow; boot vamp. n . njiyra, f o r e p a r t of a plow. CHHTb nyuiKH c nepeaKÓB, to detach c a n n o n s f r o m their carriages. IlepeAKH c a n ó r , boot vamps. o-nepeji-lÍTb, o - n e p e « - y , v.p., o-nepeiKáTb, v.i., + acc., to outstrip; leave behind; pass. O. Koró-HH6yAb Ha CKánKax (rÓHKax), to pass someone in a race. O. Koró-HH6yAb b pa3BHTHH, to

outstrip someone i n development. Ab-




passed ahead of the train.












nepén-H-Tb, v./., no-nepéi-HTb, v.p., + dat., to contradict. HHKorAà cpà3y He cor^acHTCH, jikjóht n., he never agrees at once, he likes to contradict, rionepé^-HHK, n.m., diameter. n«Tb MéTpoB B noriepéHHHKe, five meters in diameter. rio-nepéH-HHa, n.f., cross-beam, crosspiece. no-nepéH-Hbifi, adj., diametrical, transverse, f i . pa3pé3, cross section, n - o e ceMéHHe, cross-section. Fl-a» 6ànKa, cross-beam.



no-nepëK, adv., also used as prep., across. riepepé3aTb >jtô-;ih6o n., to cut something crosswise, n . yjiHUb!, across the street. CToâTb y Korô-jiHôo n. aop ô r n , (fig-), to be in someone's w a y . BO-npeK-ft, prep., in spite of, despite, regardless. B. BceM npâBH^aM, despite all the rules. B. wbeMy-^HÔo jkm^hhio, r e g a r d l e s s of someone's wish. " P a c cy^Ky b., HanepeKÔp cthxhhm..." (Griboyedov), "disregarding reason, a g a i n s t the elements of nature " Ha-nepeK-6p, adv., in defiance, of, in spite o f . Hath h., to disregard. npeK-o-cjiôBHTb, v.i., -(- dat., (obs.), to contradict, cross, n . CTâpuiHM ( p o ^ A TeJifiM), to contradict one's elders ( o n e ' s p a r e n t s ) . ripeK-o-cji HaqâjibHHKa, to submit implicitly to the o r d e r s of one's superior. B e c - n p e K - o CAÔBHbift, adj., absolute, implicit, unquestioning. no-npeK-â-Tb, v.i., no-npeK-HyTb, v.p., + acc., + instr., 3a • + acc., to reproach, n . KycKÔM xnèôa, (idiom), to g r u d g e a piece of bread. Ilo-npëK, n.m., reproach. y-npeK-HyTb, v.p.smf., y-npeK-âTb, v.i., + acc., b + prep., to reproach, upbraid. y . ceôâ, to reproach oneself, y . Korô-HH6yab b « y n o c T H , to reproach someone f o r stinginess. y - n p ë K , n.m., reproach, reproof, rebuke. C y n p ë kom, reproachfully, r e p r o v i n g l y . 6e3-y-npé4-HOCTb, n.f., irreproachability, blamelessness. B. noBeAéHHH, irreproachability of conduct. Be3-y-npé4Hbift, adj., irreproachable, blameless. MejioBéK 6-oii MécTHocTH, a man of irreproachable honesty. Be3-y-npéMHO, adv., irreproachably. riEP-, n p - , n w p - , PULSION, PUSH




nep-é-Tb, np-y, v.i., (slang), to push, press. riep-éTb-cH, v.i.r., (slang), to be pushing, pressing. riep-HJia, n.pl., handrail, banister. B-nep-éTb, BO-np-^, (stang), v.p., b-tihpàTb, B-iiHp-àK), v.i., + acc., b - f acc., to push in, thrust. E.ie Bnëp BéuiH b BarôH, I barely managed to push the b a g g a g e into the car. B-nep-éTb-cn, v.p.r., B-nnp-^Tb-cn, v.i.r., b -f- acc., to f o r c e one's w a y in. ribàHbiH BnëpcH b aom, the drunkard pushed his w a y into the house.


B-nep-ÜTb, v.p., B-nep-flTb, v.i., + acc., b + acc., to f i x . B. B3op (B3r;iHA) b K o r ó - ^ H ó o , to f i x one's g a z e on someone. Bú-nep-eTb, v.p., Bbi-nHp-áTb, v.i., -(acc., (colloq.), to bulge, stick out; (fig.), to be t o o prominent, too o b vious. E r ó BbinHpáioT co cJiy>K6bi, they are easing him out of his job. B ú nepeTb-CH, v.p.r., Bbi-nHp-áTb-cn, v.i.r., to be pushed out, stick out. H3 tojuih BbinepcR oahh MeJioBéK, (slang), one man pushed himself out of the c r o w d . OHá TaKád xyAáfl, m o y Heé koctíi BbiriHpáioTCH, she is so thin that her bones are sticking out. 3a-nep-éTb, v.p., 3a-nHp-áTb, v.i., + acc., Ha + acc., to lock; bar, block up. 3. Ha 3acóB, to bolt. 3. ABepb Ha 3aMÓK, to lock a d o o r . 3a-nep-éTb-cn, v.p.r., 3anHp-áTb-cji, v.i.r., to lock oneself up, b e locked up. Huihk 3anHpáeTCH a B T o MaTimecKH, the box locks itself. B-3anep-Tii, adv., locked up, under lock and key. CnAéTb b., to be locked up. >KnTb b., to live in seclusion. 3a-nóp, n.m., bolt, lock; (med.), constipation. A s e p b Ha 3anópe, the d o o r is bolted. Ha-nep-éTb, v.p., Ha-nHp-áTb, v.i., Ha + acc., to press, emphasize, stress. HanHpáTb Ha c^óbo, t o place emphasis on a w o r d . O h Hanép Ha ABépH TaK, h t o B Ú m M a j i hx, he pushed so hard against the d o o r that it broke. H a nóp, n.m., pressure. H. boaú ( n á p a ) , w a t e r ( s t e a m ) pressure. fléftCTBOBaTb c HanópoM, to apply pressure. H a - n ó p HCTOCTb, n. f., energy; impetuosity; assertiveness. H . xapáKTepa, impetuosity of disposition. Ha-nóp-HCTbiñ, adj., energetic, hustling, assertive. H. He;ioBéK, assertive person. Ha-nóp-Hbm, adj., pertaining to pressure. H. 6aK, pressure tank. o-nep-éTb-c», v.p., o-riHp-áTb-cH, v.i., Ha + acc., to lean upon, against; rely upon. O. Ha TpocTb, to lean on a cane. O. Ha npoBépeHHbie AáHHbie, to rely on v e r i f i e d facts. O - n ó p , n.m., full speed (as of a h o r s e ) . B o Becb o n ó p , at full speed. JlómaAH HecJiricb bo Becb o n ó p , t w o horses w e r e rushing at full speed. O-nóp-a, n.f., support, bearing. O. MOCTá, support of a bridge. Tómihk>, 0TT0r6 hto b

r6p;io noniUa n., I am coughing because a particle of pepper got into my throat. nepe-nepq-ATb, v.p., nepe-nepM-HBaTb, v./., - f occ., to pepper too much. n . noMHAop, to put too much pepper into tomatoes. C6yc TaK nepenepneH, m o ecTb He;ib3fl, the sauce has so much pepper in it, it is impossible to eat.



nipei-HHua, n.f., pepperbox, pepper s h a k e r . I~I6peu HacunajiH B NIPEMHHUY, they poured pepper into the pepper s h a k e r . n^peM-Hbifi, adj., peppery, n . 3 i n a x , pepper smell.

n E P - , nEP-, FEATHER, PEN, QUILL nep-6, n.n., feather, plume; pen, writing pen. IlTHMbe n., bird feather. ¿ T p ^ y c o Boe n., ostrich feather, niicwee n., writing pen. B e i H o e n., fountain pen. B3iiTbCH 3a n., to put pen to paper. B^a^eTb ¿crpbiM riepdM, (fig.), to wield a formidable pen. HH nyxa, HH nepd, (saying), Good luck! flp66a nep4 (fig.), a test of one's writing ability. riep-o-MiiHHbiH, adj., in expression: n . H6)KHK, penknife. riep-HCTbift, adj., pinnate, i l - o e 66jiaiKdjiyeT uapb, Aa He MHJiyeT ncapb, (saying), the chief is gracious to me, but his subordinates are antagonistic. nc-4pHH, n.f., kennel. ric-4pHbift, adj., pertaining to a kennel. nc-AH-a, n.f., dog's flesh. ndxHeT ncftHofi, it smells of dog. ric-HHbifi, adj., (colloq.), of a dog. n. 3dnax, smell, scent of a dog.

n E i i i - , ( n ^ r n - ) , n E X - , ( r i t x - ) , LOCO-

MOTION O N FOOT n&u-Htt, (mil.),

adj., used as n., pedestrian; unmounted, n. KbHHOMy He T O B ^ P H I U , (prov.), a man on foot is no companion to one on horseback, (ftg., a poor man is no companion to a rich man). B nirneM cTpow, (mil.), dismounted formation (of cavalry). rieui-e-, a combining form meaning foot, locomotion on foot. riew-e-x6A, n.m., pedestrian. new-e-x6AHbift, adj., pedestrian, ri-an Tpond, footpath, ft. MOCT,





foot, afoot. HATH n., to g o on foot. rieui-Ka, n.f., pawn; (also used fig.). nex-dr-a, n.f., infantry. OTP^A nex6Tbi, (mil.), infantry detachment, riexOTHHeu, n.m., foot soldier, infantryman. riex-6THbiH, adj., infantry, n . no;iK, infantry regiment, n . 6 o i i , infantry combat. ilex-Typdii, adv., (slang), on shank's mare. npHuiea n., Ha CBOHX. Ha ABOHX, (slang), ! came on foot.



c-niui-H-Tb, v.p., c-neui-HBaTb, v./., + acc., to dismount. C. KaBaJiepmo, to employ cavalry in dismounted formation. C-nem-HTb-ca, v.p.r., c-ndmHBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to dismount, alight from a horse. C-nim-HBaHHe, n.n., dismounting. C-neui-eHHbifl, adj., part, pass, past, dismounted. C - a a KaBajiepna, dismounted cavalry.

nw- (iiht-), nb-, nHB-, no-, now-,



nH-Tb, nb-io, v.i., - f acc., to drink, sip. n . naii, to drink tea. n . aa Mbe-Hn6yAb 3Aop6Bbe, to drink to s o m e o n e ' s health, n . r6pbKyio (MepTByio), ( c o l l o q . ) , to drink hard, drink like a fish. riH-Tbe, n.n., drinking; drink, b e v e r a g e . I~IhTbeBbft, adj., drinkable. FI-Ah boa£, drinking water. riH-TifiHuft, adj., (obs.), pertaining to drinking, n . aom ( n - o e 3aBeA6HHe), pub, saloon. BH-IIHTb, V.p., Bbl-rlH-B^Tb, v./., + acc., + gen., to drink. B. qiuiKy to drink a cup of tea. B. boau, to have a drink of water, drink some water. Oh BbinHB^er, he likes his liquor; he





n.f., (colloq.), c a r o u s a l ; drinking bout; spree. BunHBKH h 3aieA^Tb Kor6-HH6yAb, (colloq.), to drink and e a t a t someone else's expense. O-nHTb-

ch, v.p.r., o-nH-B^Tb-CR, v.i.r., +

to drink too much. O-nHB-KH, excess, leftover liquid.

instr., n.pl.,

OT-niTb, V.p., OT-nH-B^Tb, V.i., + OCC., + gen., to sip, take a sip. O. t ^ o t 6 k b o a h , to t a k e a sip of water. nepe-nrtTb, v.p., nepe-nH-B^Tb, v.i., + gen., (colloq.), to drink to e x c e s s ; outdrink others. Oh Bcex m6jkct nepenirrb, he can outdrink anyone. riepe-nHTb-cn, v.p.r., nepe-nH-B^Tb-CH, v.i.r., to drink to excess, OhA Bee nepenH.iHCb, they all g o t drunk, no-nfrrb, v.p., + gen., to drink a little, sip. ¿ a f t n., let me have a drink, a sip. n o - n n - B i T b , v.i., (colloq.), to get drunk occasionally. noA-nATb, v.p., (colloq.), to tipple, npo-nfrrb, v.p., npo-nH-B^Tb, v.i., + acc., to squander money on drink, n . AecHTb p y 6 j i i i i , to squander ten rubles on drink, n . r6;ioc, to ruin one's voice through drinking. npo-nrtTb-CH, v.p.r., npo-nH-B^Tb-cH, v.i.r., to ruin oneself through drinking. ripo-n6ii-ua, n.m., (colloq.), drunkard, pac-nfrrb, v.p., pac-nH-B^Tb, v.i'., + acc., + instr., to drink in company, drink with. P. 6 y r u j i K y bhh£ c k6m-;ih6o, to share a bottle of wine with someone. Pac-nHB-oHHbifl, adj., on tap; used as n., tavern. P - a n npoA^wa BHHA (ni'iBa), wine ( b e e r ) sold for consumption on the premises. c-nliTb-CH, v.p.r., c-nH-BiTb-ca, v.i.r., to become an inveterate drunkard. y-nifTb-cn, v.p.r., y-nH-BiTb-cn, v.i.r., + instr., to b e c o m e intoxicated, y. bhh6m,



t o b e c o m e intoxicated on wine. y. My3biK0H, (fig.), to be enraptured by music. y-no-éHHe, n.n., rapture, ecstasy. BbiTb B ynoéHHH, to be in rapture, y . ycnéxa, flush of success. y-no-HTe;ibHbiH, adj., ravishing, entrancing, y - a n My3biKa, entrancing music. y-no-éHHbifi, adj., part. pass, past, entranced, ravished, y . CJiáBOH, drunk with g l o r y . no-A-Tb, v.p., Ha-no-iíiTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., to water, g i v e to drink. H. CKOT, to w a t e r cattle, n . MáeM, to treat to tea. nóH-jio, n.n., swill, h o g w a s h . B o A - o - n ó ñ , n.m., w a t e r i n g ; watering place. riepe-nÓH, n.m., excessive drinking. C nepenÓK», f r o m drinking to excess. I~Io-n0H-Ka, n.f., spree; see BbinHBKa. BC-no-HTb, v.p., + acc., + instr., (colloq.), to rear, b r i n g up. B. TeJiemca MOJIOKÓM, to rear a calf on milk. BcnOHJl H BBLKOPMHJI CHpÓT, (idiom, folk.), he brought up orphans. v.i., + Ha-no-ÁTb, v.p., Ha-ná-HBaTb, acc., instr., see noHTb. H. BÓAKOH AonbHHá, to make s o m e o n e drunk on v o d k a . HanoHTb r o e r á MáeM, to o f f e r a guest tea. Ha-no-éH(Hbiñ), adj., part, pass, past, intoxicated, drunk; w a t e r e d ( a n i m a l s ) . BÓ3Ayx HanoéH 3ánaxoM cnpéHH, the air is filled ( p e r m e a t e d ) with the f r a g r a n c e of lilacs. o-no-ÜTb, v.p., o-ná-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., to poison. O. JIÓMAAB BOAÓH, to f o u n d e r a horse. noA-no-i nb-HH-li-Tb, V./., O-rib-HHHTb, V.p., + to make drunk. BHHÓ NBHHHT, wine intoxicates. y c n é x H nbHHHT, success g o e s to the head. rib-HHdmHH, adj., part. act. pres., intoxicating, n . apoMáT, intoxicating fragrance, n. BÓ3Ayx, bracing air. nb-ÜH-CTBO-Ba-Tb, v.i, to drink hard; carouse. rib-flHbiH, adj., drunk, tipsy, intoxicated; used as n.m., drunkard. I~I-aH noxÓAKa, tipsy gait. rib-RIHCTBO, n.n., drunkenness, hard drinking, excessive drinking. Ób-iÍHHua, n.m., drunkard, alcoholic. TópbKHH n., inveterate drunkard, hard drinker. BbiTb nbHHHueil, to be a drunkard. rib-HHMyra,


nb-HHiy)KKa, n.m. (colloq.), sot. I~Ibdmca, n.f., (colloq.), drinking bout, spree, binge. /l6-nb-3Ha, adv., (colloq.), until drunk. HamiTbca A-, t o drink until one becomes drunk. C-nb-JiHa, c-nb-!*Hy, adv., (colloq.), in a state of drunkenness. 3TO Te6e noiuepemH-nocb cnb^Hy, you thought you s a w it when you w e r e drunk, nrin-o, n.n., beer. CB^TJIOC (TeMHoe) n., light ( d a r k ) beer. riHB-H6ft, adj., of or pertaining to beer. IIMB-H^H, adj., used as n.f., beer house, beer tavern, n-hie AP^hokh, b r e w e r ' s yeast. I~I-iH Kpyxcxa, stein, beer mug. FLHB-o-Bdp, n.m., brewer. ILHB-o-BapeHHe, n.n., b r e w i n g . riHB-o-BiipeHHbift, adj., brewing, n. 3aB6A, brewery. n-an npoMwui^eHHocTb, b r e w i n g industry. nH-^BK-a, nbtaka, n.f., leech. MCAHUHHCKHe nHi^BKH, (med.), leeches. CTdBHTb nwiBKH, (med.), to apply leeches. npH^HndTb KaK nb^BKa, (colloq.), to stick like a leech.

nHJl-, S A W , S A W I N G IIHJI-4, n.f., saw. PyqH^H n., handsaw. MexaHftqecKaH n., mechanical, automatic saw. riH^i-pbi6a, sword-fish. riHJi-Ka, n.f., s a w i n g ; nail file, i l APOB, sawing of wood. ilHJi-eHbifi, adj., sawed, filed, n . cdxap, lump, cut sugar, n . ;iec, cut lumber; timber. riHa-oo6pi3HbiH, adj., saw-like. nHA-A-Tb, v.i., + acc., to s a w ; (fig.), to nag, pester. I~I. APOBD, to s a w f i r e w o o d . n . Mywa (»ceHy), (fig. colloq.), to nag a husband ( w i f e ) . ntoi-b-mHK, n.m., sawer, wood-cutter. Jlec-o-nH^-bHH, n.f., sawmill. Bli-nHJI-HTb, V.p., Bbl-nHJI-HBaTb, V./., -(acc., to saw out, cut out. B. yKpaiuiHHe ( p i M K y ) , to make f r e t w o r k . HaA-nxji-frrb. v.p., HaA-nH.i-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to make an incision with a saw. Ha-nHJi-rtTb, v.p., Ha-nii^-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., - f gen., to saw a quantity of. H. APOB H& 3HMy, to s a w f i r e w o o d f o r the winter. Ha-nH.i-OK, Ha-niiJi-b-HHK, n.m., file. O-nHJI-HTb, V.p., O-nto-HBaTb, v./., + acc., to saw around. O-IIHJI-OK, n.m., s a w dust. MeTa;uiHMecKHe oniijiKH, filings. 0-nH.i6BKa, n.f., filing around. OT-nHJI-ilTb, V.p., OT-nHJI-HBaTb, V./., + acc., to saw o f f . O. cyn, to s a w o f f a branch. nepe-nHJi-iTb, v.p., nepe-nH;i-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to s a w through, n . Bee APOB4, to s a w all the f i r e w o o d . nOA-nHJi-fiTb, v.p., noA-nAji-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to s a w under, n . H6WKH y CTO;I4,



(cryjia), to shorten the legs of a table ( a c h a i r ) . noa-miji-OK, n.m., file. npo-nwi-fiTb, v.p., npo-nHJi-HBaTb, v./., + acc., instr., to saw through, n . OK6uieMKO B FLBIPH, to cut a window in a door, riponii^, n.m., (tech.), slit; sawkerf. pac-nHJi-ATb, v.p., pac-miji-HBaTb, v./'., + acc., to s a w up; cut into lengths. P. Ha A 6 C K H ( H A 6 D ^ K H ) , to cut up into b o a r d s (into b e a m s ) . Pac-nHJi-xa, pac-nH;i6BKa, n.f., sawing, cutting. c - n H J i - i i b , v.p., c-nn^-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to saw off. C. BepxyuiKy aepeBa, to s a w off the top of a tree. FIHH-, n H - , n o H - , n « T - , KICKING, PUSHING WITH FOOT; STRETCHING, T E N S I O N , MOTION nHH-dk, n.m., (colloq.), kick. /JaBdTb nHHKi, to kick. nHA-^Tb, v.i., nn-yTb, v.p. smf., + acc. (obs.), to kick; spurn. 3a-nHH-dTb-CH, v.i.r., 3a-nH-yTb-CH, v.p.r., to hesitate; halt; stumble, stammer, falter; stop short. 3 . Ha c.i68e, to stumble over a word. 3a-nnH-Ka, n.f., hesitation; stumble, stammer, stutter. 3i-noH-Ka, n.f., stud, link, collar-button. 3a-riHT-dH, n.f., (gram.), comma. I~locr^BHTb 3anHTyio, to insert a comma. Ha-iiHH~3?Tb-cn, v.p.r., Ha + acc., to run against, stumble on. H. Ha neHb, to stumble on a tree trunk. no-ndH-a, n.f., horse blanket. npenHH^HHH, n.n., punctuation. 3H£KH npenHH^HHfl, (gram.), punctuation marks. PaccTaBJifiTb 3h3kh npenHHiHHH, to punctuate. npe-ndH-a, n.f., (obs.), obstacle, riepenoH-Ka, n.f., membrane. Bapa6iHHaa n., eardrum. Flepe-noH-MaTbiH, adj., webbed, membranous. pac-nftT-b, v.p., pac-nHH-^Tb, v.i., + acc., to crucify. PacnHH e r o ! Crucify him! Pac-nriT-biH, adj., part. pass, past, crucified. Pac-nHH-dTb-ca, v.i.r., 3a + acc., to put oneself out, oblige, please. Pac-n^T-He, n.n., crucifixion; cross, crucifix.

IIHP-, F E A S T ,


imp n.m. (obs.) feast, banquet. B o r i i b i f l n., sumptuous feast. B nyjKOM riHpy noxMe^be, (saying), to b e a r another's troubles. I~I. Ha Becb MHP, nHp ropofi, (idiom.), sumptuous feast. riHp-ywKa, n.f., (dim.), carousal, convivial meeting. nnp-OB^-Tb, v.i., to feast, revel, carouse, f l . CBiAb6y, to celebrate a wedding. „flnpyeT c ,npyjKHH0i0 BemHH O . i i r "


(Pushkin), " T h e wise Oleg is feasting with his warriors." iiHp-mecTB-oBa-Tb, v.i. (obs.), to feast, revel, celebrate. riHp-wecTBO, n.n., feast, banquet. 3a-nHp-0Bà-Tb, v.p., see nnpoBàTb. "M 3aiiHpye.M Ha n p o c T ó p e . . . " (Pushkin), "and we shall feast f r e e l y . " no-nHp-OBà-Tb, v.p., to f e a s t a little, n . Ha pàjocTHx, to be joyful over something. IlHPOr-,




niipór, n.m., pie, tart. n . c só^oKaMH, apple pie. Bo3,iyuiHbiH n ., soufflé. CBà^eÓHbiii n., wedding cake. Bé.ibm n., (folk), white wheat bread. Eiiib n. c rpHÓàMH, a H3MK j e p w H 3a syòàMH, (saying), keep your breath to cool your porridge. He KpacHà H3óà yr^àMH, a KpacHà nHporàMH, (saying), a fine c a g e does not fill a bird's belly. nxpów-HHK, n.m., nHpóJK-HHua n.f., (obs.), pastry cook, baker. "Be^à Ko/ib iiHporH HaMHèr ne4H canówHHK, a c a n o n i TaqàTb nHpó>KHHK," (Krylov), great is the misfortune when pastry is baked by cobblers and boots are made by bakers. nnpów-Hoe, n.n., pastry, cake. riHpo>K-óK, n.m., patty. Cyn c MIPOHCKÀMH, soup and patties. FIHC-, I1HIII-, W R I T I N G nHC-à-Tb, nmu-y, v.i., Ha-nHC-àTb, v.p., + acc., to write, n . KpyriHO (iwé;iKO, pa3ÓÓPMHBO), to write in large (small, plain) handwriting, n . nepÓM (napaHAamÓM), to write with a pen (pencil). fi. npó30H (CTHX^MH), to write prose (verse), n. KapTHHbi (nopTpéibi), to paint pictures ( p o r t r a i t s ) . RIHIIIH nponàjio! Consider it lost! FIHCàTb-cH, v.i.r., to be spelled, written. KaK NHLUETCA 3TO C . I Ó B O ? H o w d o y o u


this word? How is this word spelled? riHc-àKa, n.m., (sarc.), scribbler. riHC-àHHe, n.n., writing. CBfliuéHHoe riHcàHHe, Holy Scriptures. FlHC-aHbiii, adj., written, painted, ri-aa KpacàBHua, picture of beauty. ToBopHTb, KaK no micaHOMy, (fig.), to talk like a book. FlHc-aHKa, n.f., decorated E a s t e r egg, traditional folk designs on Easter eggs, riiic-apb, n.m., clerk. nnc-àTe.ib, n.m., nnc-àTe.-ibHHua, n.f., author, writer. riHc-àTe.ibCKHH, adj., pertaining to a writer, n . Ta;iàHT (Tpyj), literary talent ( w o r k ) . riHC-éu, n.m., clerk; scribe. riHC-uÓBbiH, adj., (hist.), cadastral, fl-bie K H H T H , (hist.), cadasters; registers of taxable property. FIHC-MHH, adj.,

writing, ri-aa 6yMira, writing paper, stationery. riHc-Me-6yMi}KHbiH, adj., stationery. I~I-oe np0H3B6ACTB0, paper industry, n-biii Mara3HH, stationery store, fl-bie npHHaA.ne)KHOCTH, station-

ery supplies. [iHC-b-MeHa, n.pl.,


characters, letters. FlHC-b-MeHHO, adv., in written form. H3Jio>KHTb mt6-;ih6o n., to put something in writing, niic-bMeHHOCTb, n.f., written language; literature. riHC-b-MeHHbifi, adj., writing, written, ft. cTo.ii, writing table, desk, ri-bie npHHaAJie>KHOCTH, writing materials, implements; stationery, ft. npH66p, desk set. n . 6T3biB, written reference. B niicbMeHHoii 4>6pMe, in written from, in writing, n . 3HaK,



the alphabet).


n.n., letter, epistle; writing. 3aKa3HK. M^CJIHoil p a i n t i n g ; painting in oils. 5 A T D ; I B H A H battle painting. >KHBo-nHc-eu, n.m., painter, artist. >KHBO-nHC-Hbifi, adj., picturesque, pictorial. )K-aa MICTHOCTB, picturesque site. Ji^TO-nHC-b, n.f., chronicle, a n n a l . JleTOnitc-eu, n.m., (hist.), chronicler. KfteBCKHA M O H ^ X H 6 C T O P 6blJI N I P B T J H pyccKHft ^eToniiceu, N e s t o r , a K i e v m o n k , w a s the first Russian chronicler. tHeTo-niic-Hbifl, adj., c h r o n i c l e . p^KO-nHC-b, n.f., manuscript. APIBHHH p., ancient manuscript. PyK6-niic-Hbift, adj., handwritten. P. WYPHIJI, handwritHWMH








d i v i s i o n of m a n u s c r i p t s i n a library.


n w m - ,




peep, n.,

chirp, whine.

cheep, R




peep of a f l e d g l i n g ( w h i n e o f a c h i l d ) . R I H C K - ^ H B B I H , adj., squeaky. I T r6;ioc, s q u e a k y v o i c e . nAcK-Hy-Tb, v.p.smf., (colloq.), to g i v e , m a k e a squeak. R I H C K - O T H ^ , n.f., (colloq.), squeaking, peeping. IIHCK-^H, n.m., nHCK-yHbH, n.f., one w h o s q u e a k s . nHui-^Tb, v.i., to squeak, c h i r p , peep; squeal, w h i n e . U U N J I E H O K N N M H T , the chick is peeping. Pe6eHOK N M I I H T , the child is w h i n i n g . N M U - 4 ; I B , n.f., (obs.), h a r q u e b u s . N H U I - 4 ; I K A , n.f., children's s m a l l whistle, pipe. N I I M - H K , n.m., small pipe f o r l u r i n g birds. 6eHKa),


aa-nHiit-âTb, v.p., to begin to squeak, squeal. 3anHmâJiH KOMapù, the mosquitoes began to buzz. npo-riHm-âTb, v.p., to squeal. >K0JIO6HO nponmiU-ia nTHMKa, a little bird squealed pitifully. I1HT-. riHIU-, NOURISHMENT



nHT-â-Tb, v.i., -(- acc., to nourish, f e e d , n . 6oJibHôro, to feed a patient. IT HyBCTBO, (fig.), to h a r b o r a feeling, n . HaAéwAy (cHMnàTHio), to cherish a hope ( f e e l a sympathy f o r ) . riHT-âTbCH, v.i.r., + instr., to feed, live on. X o p o r n ô ( n ^ ô x o ) n., t o receive g o o d (bad) nourishment. OhA riHTâ;iHCb pùôoH, they lived on fish. riHT-âHHe, n.n., nourishment; nutrition. ycii^eHHoe n., high caloric diet. HeAOCTéTOMHoe n., undernourishment. HcKyccTBeHHoe n., artificial f e e d i n g . riHT-éTe^bHOCTb, n.f., nutritiousness. flHT-âTeJibHbiH, adj., nourishing, f e e d i n g , n . nyHKT, soup kitchen,, f e e d i n g station. Fl-aa mima, nourishing food. FIHT-ÔMHHK, n.m., nursery, seed-plot. riHT-ôMeu, n.m., nHT-ÔMHua, n.f., nursling, fosterling, foster child, r ô r o ^ b - nHTôiweu Hé>KHHc K o r o ^Huén, G o g o l is an alumnus of the Nezhin L y c é e . Boc-nHT-âTb, v.p., + acc., to educate, bring up, train, cultivate, foster. B. AeTéfi





to raise children to h a v e love and respect f o r w o r k . Boc-nHT-àTb-CH, v.p.r., BOC-NIIT-BIBATB-CH, v.i.r., B + prep., t o be raised, educated, trained. BOC-IIHT¿HHe, n.n., training, upbringing, education. B. Macc, education of the masses. H3HHECKOE B., physical training. IOHOma 6E3 BOCIIHT4HHH, ill-bred youth. B o c nHT-aHHHK, n.m., Boc-niiT-aHHHua, n.f., pupil, student; ward. BocnHTaHHHK THMH^3HH Ha3bIBâ.KH, to suspend payment. HaBcn;iaKHyjia o np6mjiOM, she shed a -i6)KeHHbiM n^aTejKbM, cash on d e l i v e r y . f e w tears o v e r the past. Bc-nJiaKripHCJi^Tb KHiiry Ha^6)KeHHbiM n;iaHyTb-CH, v.p.r., used only in 3d person, TOK6M, to send a book c.o.d. n . i a - r - e « + dat., t o w e e p a little. Eft BcnjiaKHye-cn0c66H0CTb, n.f., solvency; ability to Jiocb, cer^AHn, she w e p t a little today. make payments. njiaT-e)K-e-cnoc66Hbifl, Btj-njiaK-aTb, v.p., BU-n;idK-HBaTb, v./'., + adj., solvent. il;iaT-e>KHbifi, adj., p a y . acc., to w e e p , sob. B. r6pe, to s o b out n . AeHb, p a y d a y . n - a n BeAOMOCTb, o n e ' s g r i e f . B. rnaaA, to cry o n e ' s eyes payroll. njiaT-e-ibiuHK, n.m., nJiaTout. Bii-nJiaK-aTb-CH, v.p.r., Bbi-nJi^K¿JibmHua, n.f., payer, n. Ha.n6roB, HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to have a g o o d cry. taxpayer. Pe6eHOK Bwn^aKa^Cfl H ycnoxoiuicH, the child had a g o o d cry and quieted Bbl-njiaT-HTb, V.p., Bbl-n^iM-HBaTb, v./., -(down. acc., to pay, pay o f f , pay in full. B. AO^r, to pay o f f , liquidate a debt. B. B 3a-n;i&K-aTb, v.p., to begin to cry, burst p a c c p o M K y , to pay by instalments. Bbiinto tears. He roBopiiTe neniJibHoro, H n^aT-a, n.f., payment. B. 3apn^iTbi 3an.i4My, don't say sad things, or else (recent), payment of salary. I'll burst into tears. 3a-n;IDK-aHHbiH, adj., tear-stained. 3-bie r;ia32, e y e s red AO-njaT-iiTb, v.p., AO-n.iiM-HBaTb, v./., + from weeping. acc., to pay the balance, in addition. Bbi He Bee 3anJiaTH;iH; Basi npH^eTCH Ha-iuiiK-aTb, v.p., to have a g o o d cry. 1 , Y o u haven't paid in full, you will KaK KOT HANJIDKAJI, (fig.), nothing to



h a v e to pay the balance. flo-iM^T-a, n.f., (colloq.), additional payment. IlHCbM6 c Aon^iTofl. (Aon^iTHoe nncbM6), a letter with p o s t a g e due. 3a-njiaT-ATb, v.p., + acc., + dat., + instr., to m a k e a payment. 3. n o CMeTy, to settle an account. 3 . )KH3Hbio 3a ;no66Bb k pdAHHe, to g i v e o n e ' s life f o r o n e ' s country. o-miaT-tiTb, v.p., o-n^iq-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to p a y , r e p a y ; return. O. y6biTKH, to p a y d a m a g e s . O. pacx6Abi, to meet expenses. O - n j i i T - a , n.f., payment, remuneration. rioaeHHaH o . TpyA^, p a y ment by the day f o r labor. C,a6JibHaH o., p a y m e n t f o r p i e c e w o r k . O - n j i a i eHHbiH, adj., part. pass, past, paid. Tejierp^MMa c on^dweHHbiM otb6tom, t e l e g r a m with prepaid reply. OT-njiaT-tiTb, V.p., OT-nJl^H-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., -+- instr., to p a y back, r e p a y ; requite. O. K0My-jiH60 3a y c n y r y , to r e p a y s o m e o n e f o r a service. O . Koiuyjih6o Toil >Ke MOHeTOH, ( f i g . ) , to pay s o m e o n e in his o w n coin. OT-nJi^T-a, n.f., repayment. nepe-njiaT-rtTb, v.p., nepe-n^iM-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., -+- dat., to o v e r p a y , n . 6yKHHficTy 3a KHAry, to o v e r p a y a b o o k dealer. n . a^CHTb py6;i6fi, t o p a y ten rubles too much. r i e p e - n ^ i T - a , n.f., overpayment. npH-njiaT-ATb, v.p., npH-n;idM-HBaTb, v.i., 4 - acc., to p a y extra. ripM-rui^T-a, extra p a y m e n t ; n.f., see jionjiira. pac-njiaT-tiTb-cii, v.p.r., pac-nnit-KBaTbCH, v.i.r., c + instr., to p a y o f f . P. c AOjirdMH, t o pay o f f one's debts. P. 3a ouiH6Ky, to pay f o r one's mistake. Pac-njidT-a, n.f., p a y m e n t ; atonement. y-iwiaT-tfTb, v.p., y-n;idi-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to p a y . y . a o j i r , to p a y a debt, y . 3a KBapnipy, t o p a y rent f o r an apartment. y-n^dT-a, n.f., payment, p a y i n g , y . no B6Kce.no, p a y m e n t on a note. B yruiaTy, on account. OcTaeTCH k y n ^ i T e naTb py6;i6ft, the balance due is f i v e rubles.

NJIAT-, n j i A i u - , n o j i o T - , C L O T H I N G , CLOTH, VESTMENT, LINEN luiiT-b-e, n.n., clothes, clothing; dress, g o w n , f r o c k . CwTueBoe n., cotton dress. IllTdTCKoe n., plain clothes, civilian clothing. ToT6Boe n., r e a d y - m a d e clothing. IllKa(J) AJin n^dTbH, wardrobe; clothes closet. B e p x H e e n., overcoat, coat, outer clothing. Be^ipHee n., e v e n i n g dress. riJiiT-b-Hue, n.n., (dim.), child's dress, nice little dress. /J^-rcKoe n., children's clothing. fljiaT-b-HLUKO,


n.n. (derog.), threadbare, shabby dress. rioH6ujeHHoe n., shabby dress. rinaThh6h, adj., of o r pertaining to clothes, clothing, n . LUKacJ), w a r d r o b e , n-in meTKa, clothesbrush. njiaT-6K, n.m., n;iaT, n.m., (poet., obs.), shawl, kerchief. Hocob6A n;iaT6K, handkerchief. rijiaT-6MeK, n.m. (dim.), small kerchief. njiaT-4-Tb, v.i., 3a-njiaT-4Tb, v.p., -(- acc., to patch, mend. 3 . urraHbi, to patch trousers. 3a-n^dT-a, n.f., 3a-nJi3T-ica, n.f., patch, piece. Ha;io)KHTb 3-y Ha p y n i B , to patch a sleeve. 3 a - n ^ i T aHHbifl, adj., part. pass, past, patched, mended. 3. nHflwdK, patched coat. njiarn, n.m., cloak, mantle, n . c Kamoiudh o m , hooded cloak. HenpoMOKaeMbiii n., raincoat. riJiam-a-Hiiua, n.f., (ret.), shroud of Christ; representation of Christ in the g r a v e . iiojiot-h6, n.n., linen. JIbHHH6e n., f l a x , linen. He6ejieHoe n., unbleached linen. >Ke^e3H0Aop6)KH0e n., railroad bed. n . nn^bi, w e b of a s a w . I~I. xy,aKH;ibuiMH, (recent), they will crowd new tenants into our house. y-njioT-Hirrb-CH, v.p.r., y-ruioT-HrtTb-CH, v.i.r., to be crowded in living quarters. BaM npHAeTcn y., (recent), you will have to crowd together. y-naoT-HgHHbifl, adj., pari. pass, past, overcrowded. riaccajKftp ¿Jie BJie3 B Bar6H, YNJIOTHEHHBIA AO OTK^3Y, (colloq.), the passenger barely climbed into'the overcrowded car.




njiOT-b, n.f., flesh, body, flyx CH-H^H, a n. HiMomHa, (saying), the spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak. AciKHB6THBIE, beasts of prey are carnivorous animals. IlocMOTpiTb nJiotoAahum B3rjiAAOM, (fig.), to cast a sensual glance. Bec-njidT-Hbifi, adj., incorporeal; angelic; immaterial. B. ayx, angelic spirit. BO-njIOT-tiTb, v.p., BO-n^OtU-iTb, v.i., + acc., to incarnate. riyujKHH B "CicyndM P i i u a p e " BonjioTH^i 66pa3 CKynoCTH, in the "Covetous Knight" Pushkin personified miserliness. Bo-njioT-rtTb-ca, v.p.r., Bo-njiom-iTb-cn, v.i.r., B + acc., to be incarnated, personified. B. HAP6AHWX necHJix Bon.iomieTCH Ayx Hap6Aa, the spirit of a people is personified in folk songs. Bo-iuiom-£HHe, n.n., incarnation, personification, embodiment. 3TOT WEJIOBEK - B. 6.iarop6ACTBa, this man is the personification of honor. B. HAE^JIOB B >KH3Hb, realization of ideals in life. Bo-n;ioiu-eHHbift, adj., part.


pass, past, incarnated, personified, embodied. nepe-B0-nji0T-ATb, v.p.., nepe-BO-naom¿Tb, v.i., -+- acc., B + acc., reincarnate, transform, n . cTapHKi B wojio/idro, to transform an old man into a young one. n . ceJibCKoxo3iiflcTBeHHyio crpaHy B HHAycTpH^JibHyio, (recent), to transform an agricultural country into an industrial one. riepe-Bo-njioT-HTb-CH, v.p.r., nepe-BO-njiom-dTb-CH, v.i.r., B -facc., to be reincarnated, transformed. AKTep Ha cu^He nepeBonjiomaeTCH, on the stage the actor transforms himself. riepe-BO-njiom-iHHe, n.n., transformation, reincarnation. riepe-BO-nJiom-EHHBIFI, adj., part. pass, past, transformed, reincarnated.

n j i o x - , n j i o m - , BAD iuiox-ófl, adj., bad, mediocre, I~I-áH noróAa, bad, wretched, nasty weather, ri-óe HacTpoéHHe, low spirits, rio;iywúTb n-yio oTMéTxy, to receive a low grade (in school). Bo^bHófl ÓMeHb njiox, the patient is low, poorly (in health). C HHM UIYTKH n-rcóxH, he is not one to be trifled with. ITnóx-oHbKHft, adj., rather bad. n^ox-oBáTbiñ, adj., rather bad. rijió-xo, adv., badly. FI ce6á MyBCTBOBaTb, to feel bad, unwell. 3TO n^óxo náxHeT, it smells bad. n . ce6á BECTH, to behave badly, n . AOKIIT, (fig.), it lies in temptation's way. KOHMáTb n., to come to a bad end. rio^yMÚTb "n.", to receive " p o o r " as a grade. yweHHua nojiymíjia n. no reorpá(|>HH, the student was graded " p o o r " in geography. iuioui-á-Tb, v./., c-njiom-áTb, v.p., (colloq.), to fail; become worse. CMOTPH, He ruiouiáft! (colloq.), Look out, don't fail! Eró 3AopÓBbe njiomáeT, (colloq.), his health is getting worse. Ha Bòra HaAéftcH, a caM He n^oináñ, (prov.), Hope in God, but stand firm yourself. o-njioui-áTb, v.p., + instr., (colloq.), to take a false step. On;iouiáji H OTB¿TOM, cpá3y He Hauié^ca, 1 answered badly, I wasn't at my best. O-njióuJ-H0CTb, n.f., inadvertence; negligence. CaénaTb o., to take a false step. BocnóJib30BaTbcn on^óuiHOCTbK) Bpará, to take advantage of the enemy's negligence. O-n.ióiu-HbiH, adj., negligent, careless. O. nocTynoK, careless action. O-njióiuHo, adv., negligently, carelessly. IlocTynHTb o., to act carelessly. c-nfl0x-0BáTb, c-njioui-áTb, v.p., (colloq.), to fail; become worse; see n-iouiáTb. MTÓ-TO MOÈ 3AopÓBbe cnjioxoBáJio, my health has somehow become worse.




IlJiyT-, CHEATING, FRAUD njiyT, n.m., cheat, swindler; knave. Ilnyr6BKa, n.f., swindler. ILiyT-AuiKa, n.m., swindler. IlJiyT-HH, n.pl., swindle; trickery. rijiyT-0BCTB6, n.n., trickery, imposture; knavery. n.nyT-oBCK6fl, adj., knavish. I~I. npneM, knavish trick, r i - i a yjiu6Ka, mischievous smile. njiyT-OBi-Tb, iwiyT-^-io, v.i., c-n^yT-oB^Tb, v.p., (colloq.), to cheat, defraud, swindle. I~I. npn Hrpi B KdpTu, to cheat at cards. njiyT-i-Tb, njiyT-ino, v.i., (colloq.), to stray, wander. TlnyTAn ABa qac4, noKi Bbi6pajicn Ha Aop6ry, I wandered about for two hours until I found the road. 3a-njiyT-iTb-CH, v.p.r., (colloq.), to lose one's way. 3anjiyT4jiCH B Jiecy, I got lost in the forest. nJlHC-, IUHHII-, D A N C I N G mine, n.m., (colloq.), dance. IlycTHTbCH B n.( to begin to dance. riJiK-, L A T E N E S S n63A-HO, adv., late. II. H6ibio, late at night. Jlynuie n., MEM HMKOTA^» (saying), better late than never. nd3iK-e, adv. comp., later. OHA 3afinyTCfi ¿THM n., they will attend to this later. ri63A-HHFL, adj., late, tardy. MHTDTB AO N63AHEA H6MH, to read late into the night, n . rocTb, late arrival, late guest. n-H* 6ceHb, late autumn. rio3A-Hie, adv., comp., (colloq.), later. See n63xce. H npHAy n., I'll come later. I1O3AH^HbKo, adv., rather late. rio3A-HexoHbKO, adv., very late. n . Hdwbio, very late in the night. n03A-H0B«iT0, adv., rather late. 3a-no3A-i-Tb, v.p., 3a-ni3A-biBaTb, v.i., to be late. 3. c ynaiTOH, to be late with a payment. 3A-N£3A-BIBAHHE, n.n., delay; action of being late. 3a-no3A-4HHe, n.n., state of being late; delay. 3ano3A-4^bifl, adj., belated, delayed; backward. 3. n-naTej«, delayed payment. 3 - o e pa3BHTHe, late development; backwardness. 3. rocTb, late arrival, guest. o-no3A-4Tb, v.p., o-n^3A-uBaTb, v.i., to be late, be overdue. I16e3A ono3A&n Ha nHTb MHHyT, the train was five minutes late. Macu on43AUBaioT Ha Men^ipe MHHyTbi, this watch, is four minutes slow. 0-no3A-iHHe, n.n., delay, lateness. 5e3 ono3A^HHH, on time, without delay. C ono'3A^HHeM Ha Mac, an hour late. 0-no3A-^BuiHfl, adj., part. act. past, late. noKon-, n0K0-, ITY, P E A C E



noKdfl, n.m., rest, peace; (obs.), room, chamber. H e 3HaTb nox6H, to have no peace. H e AaB^Tb noK6a, to give no rest. OCTIBHTB B noK6e, to leave in peace. BeiHbiH n., eternal peace. B rocn6ACKHX nontax JKHJI crdpbifi •164'phh, (obs.), in the master's rooms there lived an old gentleman. I~IoK6H-HWA, adj., quiet, calm, restful; the late, deceased, defunct, n - o e KP^CJIO, comfortable armchair, n. pe6eH0K, quiet child, n - o f i H6MH! Good night! See cnoxtiAHoA H6MH! IIOK^H-HO, adv., quietly, calmly. MyBCTBOBaTb ce6)4 n., to be comfortable. noKd-H-Tb, v.i., + acc., (obs.), to procure rest; take care. n . POAITTEJIEFT B CT4POCTH, to take care of one's parents in their old age. rioK, to set free, let out, release, n. B6AV (ra3), to turn on w a t e r ( g a s ) , n . ManiiiHy, to start an engine, motor, n . K^MHeM B Kor6-JiH6o, to throw a s t o n e a t someone, n . n o 6 i r H , to shoot, sprout, n . K6PHH, to take root. n . MHJibutiB, (colloq.), to t a k e in lodgers. riycTHTb c e 6 6 nyjiio B JIO6, to blow o n e ' s brains out. nycK-^Tb-CR, v.i.r., nycT-HTb-cH, v.p.r., to s t a r t something, b e l a u n c h e d . I~I. BAOR6HKY 3 a KCM-;IH6O,

to t a k e off in pursuit of someone, n . B pHCK6BaHHOe npeAnpwiiTHe, to enter a risky undertaking. I~I. B 6ercTBO, to t a k e to flight. nycKdft, nycTb, let. riycTb 6yAeT TaK! S o be it! B-nycK-^Tb, v.i., B-nycT-HTb, v.p., + acc., B + acc., to let in, admit, inject. He BnycK^HTe e r 6 ! Don't let him in! B . iKHAKoefb, to inject a liquid. B-nycK, n.m., admittance. B-nycK-Hoii, adj., (tech.), entrance, inlet. B . KJidnaH, inlet valve. BU-nyCK-^Tb,





acc., H3 + gen., to let out, let go, r e l e a s e ; publish; omit. B . B6Ay « 3 Kp^Ha, to let water out of a faucet. B . H3 pyK HT6-HH6yAb, to drop something, let fall. B. Ha CBO66AY, to release, set free. Bbi-nycK, n.m., issue; graduation.







r e l e a s e of g o o d s on the market. B . H3 neM^TH, publication. B. cTyA^HTOB, graduation of students. P y 6 i u i K a Ha B., a shirt worn outside the trousers. BbinycK-iiHHe, n.n., evacuation, letting out, discharge. Bbi-nycK-HHK, n.m., graduate. Bbi-nycK-Hbfl, adj., discharging, g r a d u a t i n g . B . 3K*3iMeH, final e x a m i n a tion. AO-nycK-^Tb, v.i., AO-nycT-KH3Hb, (fig.), road to life; new deal. n . b aom 6TAbixa, (recent), pass to a rest home. nyT-e-BOAtiTejib, n.m., guide, guidebook. nyr-e-B6AHbiH, adj., guiding, leading, ri-aa 3Be3A^, guiding star. nyT-eB6H, adj., itinerary, travelling, Vl-in cK6pocTb, ground speed. KipTa, road map. He-nyTeBbifi, adj., (colloq.), good for nothing, wastrel. H. Me.ioB^K, bad lot. IlyT-deu, n.m. (colloq.), student of the Institute of Means of Communication; railway engineer. IlyT-eM, prep., by means of; adv., properly, at the right time. Y3HiTb m6-HH6yAb nyTeM onp6ca Haceji^HHH, to learn something by inquiring of the inhabitants. Oh hhkota^ nyTeM He no6cr, he never takes regular meals. riyT-e-Mip, n.m., adometer, perambulator. nyT-e-npoB6A, n.m., railway overpass. nyT-e-uiicTBOBaTb, v.i., to travel. Oh Jiib6HT n., he is fond of travelling. nyT-e-m6cTBeHHHK, n.m., nyT-e-m£cTBeHHHua, n.f., traveler. IlyT-e-uiicTBHe, n.n., journey, voyage, trip. KpyroCBeTHoe n., voyage around the world. n^T-HHK, n.m., rryT-HHua, n.f., traveler. rio-nyT-HHK, n.m., no-n^r-MHua, n.f., fellow-traveler. rio-nyr-Hbift, adj., following, passing, n-oe 3aMeqdHHe, passing remark. n. BiTep, favorable wind.



ri0-n^T-H0, adv., in passing, on one's w a y , incidentally, at the same time. nepfc-n^T-b-e, pac-n^r-b-e, n.n., crossroads. Ha nepe-n^Tb-H, Ha pac-nyTb-H, at the crossroads. OH cTortJi Ha pacnyTbH H He 3Haa, x y A ^ h a t h , he stood at the crossroads and did not know w h e r e to g o . Pac-ny-r-Hua, n.f., spring and autumn season of bad roads. OC£HHSIII p., bad roads in autumn. Ha-nyT-CTBO-BaTb, v./., -+- acc., to exhort. Ha-nyr-cTBHe, n.n., parting words, exhortation. Ha-nyr-CTBeHHbifl, adj., pertaining to parting. H. MOJi£6eH, service held b e f o r e starting a journey. H - o e CJI6BO, parting w o r d . C0-nyT-CTB0-BaTb, v./., + dat., to accompany, attend. Co-nyT-CTBywmHfi, adj., part. act. pres., used as n., trav e l i n g aid, attendant. C - n e o6cToiiTe^bCTBa, a c c o m p a n y i n g circumstances! traveler; C-nyT-HHK, n.m., fellow (astron.), satellite. n^T-Hbifl, adj., (colloq.), sensible, decent; used as n., something sensible. M3 Her6 HHMer6 nyTHoro He BUHACT, you'll never make a man of him. CKawA ny-rHoe C;I6BO! S a y something sensible! 6ec-n^T-HHq-aTb, 6ec-n^T-CTB0BaTb, v./., to lead an immoral life. Bec-nyT-CTBO, n.n., dissipation, debauchery, libertinage. Bec-n^T-HHK, a.m., debauchee. Bec-nyT-HbiA, adj., dissipated, dissolute, licentious. B. MCJIOB^K, immoral person. pac-n^T-HHi-aTb, pac-n^T-ciBOBaTb, v./., t o lead a dissolute life. Pac-n^T-HHK, n.m., pac-n^T-HHua, n.f., debauchee, libertine, rake, (/., h a r l o t ) . Pac-nyTHbiA, adj., dissolute, wanton, rakish. P - a a xcHSHb, dissolute life. Pac-nyTCTBO, n.n., dissipation, debauchery, libertinism.



n^T-a-Tb, v.i., c-nyT-aTb, v.p., + acc., + instr., to tangle, confuse; fetter. FI. HHTKH (BepeBKH), to tangle threads ( r o p e s ) . OTBewiiH HA Bonpdcbi, OH TAX BOJIHOB^JICH, MTO Bee riyTaji, while ans w e r i n g he w a s so excited that he confused everything. I~IyT-aTb-CH, v.i.r, c-nyT-aTb-cfl, v.p.r., to tell a confused story, n . B noKa3dHHRx, to g i v e confused evidence. H e nyTaftca He B CBoe Ai.no! (colloq.), Mind your own business! BbJiocu cnyra^HCb, my hair has b e c o m e snarled. ilyT-aHHK, n.m., (colloq.), fumbler. IlyT-aHHua, n.f., confusion, meddle, tangle. BHOCHTb n^TaHHuy, to introduce confusion. riyTaHbifl, adj., (colloq.), confused, confusing, tangled, n . nejiOB^K, (colloq.),


confused person; blunderer. Il-ati Te6pHH c o n f u s e d t h e o r y . riyT-bi, n.pl., f e t t e r s ; (fig.), chains. B-n^T-aTb, v.p., B-nyT-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., B + acc., to twist in, involve, implicate. B. Kor6-jiH6o B HenpnfiTHoe A£JIO, to implicate s o m e o n e in a disa g r e e a b l e a f f a i r . B-n^T-aTb-cn, v.p.r., B-N^T-BIBATB-cH, v.i.r., B -(- acc., to b e c o m e implicated, m i x e d up in. Bbi-nyr-aTb, v.p., Bbi-nyj-biBaTb, v.i., -jacc., H3 -+- gen., to disentangle, extricate, d i s e n g a g e B. KOH£U BepeBKH, to disentangle an end of a rope. B. H3 6eAb>, to extricate f r o m a predicament. Bii-nyT-aTb-cn, v.p.r., Bbi-nyr-biBaTbCH, v.i.r., H3 + gen., to be extricated, extricate oneself. B. H3 AOJirbB, to g e t out of debt. 3a-nyT-aTb, v.p., 3a-nyT-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to tangle, muddle up; confuse. 3. Aejio, to muddle up a business. 3 . BepeBKy, to tangle up a rope. 3 a - n y T aTb-cH, v.p.r., 3a-nyT-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., B -F- prep., to be entangled, b e c o m e embroiled. BeMeBKa 3anyTajiacb, the string b e c a m e tangled. 3 . B AOJirix, t o be deep in debt. 3a-nyT-aHHOctb, n.f., intricacy. 3. c y A i f i H o r o aim, intricacies of a lawsuit. 3a-n^T-aHHbift, adj., part. pass, past, tangled, intricate, inv o l v e d . 3 . Bonp6c, difficult, c o m p l e x question. 3 - o e nojiomiHHe, difficult position, situation. Ha-n^T-aTb, v.p., -(- acc., + gen., to m a k e a mess; t o h a v e it all w r o n g . OH4 Bee HanyTaJia, she has it all w r o n g . o-nyT-aTb, v.p., o-nyT-biaaTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., t o w i n d a r o u n d ; (fig.), to entangle. nepe-n^r-aTb, v.p., nepe-nyr-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to entangle, confuse, mix up, muddle up. n . B6IUH, to g e t things mixed, n . HMCH£ ( a A p e c i ) , to confuse names ( a d d r e s s e s ) . riepe-nyT-aTb-CH, v.p.r., nepe-ny-r-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be entangled, b e c o m e confused, mixed up. HHTKH nepenyTa^HCb, the threads b e came entangled. B e e n e p e n y T a a o c b y MEHKHbie ny UJHHKH, snowflakes are fluttering in the air. riyuj-HCTbiH, adj., downy, fluffy. I~I. KOT, thick-furred cat. n-bie BB-iocu, fluffy hair. nyui-H-Tb, v./., pac-nyuj-HTb, v.p., + acc., to make fluffy, fl. uiepcTb, to make wool fluffy. Haqd;ibHHK pacnyiiiHJi CBOHX nOJMHHeHHblX, (fig), the chief reprimanded his subordinates. P. B nyx H npax, to smash everything. Pac-nyuj-ftTb-cn, v.p.r., to become downy, fluffy. BM-nyui-HTb, v.p., 4- acc., -f- instr., to make piping. Bbi-nyuj-Ka, n.f., edging, piping, braid. 3a-nyui-HTb, v.p., + acc., to cover slightly with hoarfrost. "Cepe6pHCTbiH HHeii 3anyujHJi OKH6," (Nikitin), "silver frost covered the window." 3a-nyuiiiTb-CH, v.p.r., + instr., to become covered with a fluffy substance. flop6ra 3anyiuH.iacb cHeroM, there was a light coating of snow on the road. o-nyui-HTb, v.p., o-nym-dTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., to edge, trim with fur; powder with snow, cover with hoar frost. O. MexoM, to trim (a coat) with fur. O. CH6TOM, to powder with snow. Onym-Ka, n.f., trimming, edging; border, edge of a forest. ilajibTo c jiHCben o n y w K O H , coat trimmed with fox fur. AOM CTOA.1 Ha oiiyuiKe ^eca, the house stood on the edge of the forest. O-nywe H H b i f t , adj., part. pass, past, trimmed with, powdered with. O. MexoM, furtrimmed. O. C H e r o M , powdered with snow. O-nyuj-HTb-cH, v.p.r., o-nyw^Tb-ca, v.i.r., + instr., to grow feathers; to be trimmed, edged. TlTeHUbi onyniH.iHCb, the fledglings grew feathers. nyui-Ka, n.f., gun, cannon. 3 e H H T H a a n., anti-aircraft gun. CTpe^HTb H3 nyweK no BopoobriM, (saying), to indulge in futile activity. riyiu-Kipb, n.m. (hist.), gunner. nym-eMHbiH, adj., gun, cannon, ri-an cTpe^b6i, gunfire, gunnery. H-oe M 6 C O , (fig.), cannon fodder. nyui-HHHa, n.f., furs, fur skins, peltry. ToproB^Tb nyujHHHOH, to trade in furs. riyiu-H6ii, adj., pertaining to fur, furs, N. 3Bepb, fur bearing animal. H. TOB^P, furs. n . npiiMbiceji, fur trade. imEJl-, niE.1-, BEE nieji-4, n.f., bee, nieji-hi, n.pl.,




n i e ^ 4 - p a 6 6 T H H u a , w o r k e r bee. riwe.iiKa, nMeJi-oMKa, a.m., (dim.), bee. f l q e j i b-HHK, n.m., apiary. riMe^-HHbiH, adj.* of or pertaining to bees. bock, bee's w a x . n . poft, s w a r m of bees. n . yjieii, beehive. riMe.i-HCTbiH, adj., rich, abundant in bees. riMe-i-o-BOA, n.n., beekeeper, apiarist. riMe;i-o-B6ACTBo, n.n., beekeeping, apiculture. riMe^-oB^AHbiH, adj., pertaining to apiculture.


nillEH-, niUOH-, GRAIN, W H E A T nuieH-o, n.n., millet. nineH-iiua, n.f., wheat. Hpob^h (03iiMaH) n., spring ( w i n t e r ) wheat. nuieH-HMHufi, adj., of o r pertaining to wheat, k6jioc, ear of wheat, n . x.ie6, wheat bread. nuidH-H-HK, n.m., millet pudding. nwriHHbiii, adj., millet. U-aa Kpynd, millet meal. Fl-aa K^uia, millet gruel, porridge.




nbiA-b, n.f., dust. yro-ibHaa n., coal dust. UBeTdMHaa n., pollen. BbiTb b nbiJiH, to be covered with dust. riycK^Tb nbuib b rjia34, ( c o l l o q . ) , to cut a f i g u r e , make a splash. Ilbi^-HHKa, n.f., speck of dust. IlbiJi-b-HHK, n.m., dust-cloak, dustc o a t ; ( b o t . ) , anther. ribui-b-iU, n.f., (bot.), pollen. ribi-t-b-HbiH, adj., dusty, f l - a a TpflnKa, duster. ribiJi-b-HO, adj., pred., impers., it is dusty. ribui-e-HenpoHHudeMbift, adj., dustproof. flbiji-ec6c, n.m., vacuum cleaner. nbui-A-Tb, v.i., Ha-nbiJi-HTb, v.p., + instr., to raise dust, fill the air with dust. MeT;i6ii, to raise dust with a broom. ribui-HTb-cH, v.i.r., to become dusty. Khhth Ha n6^Ke nbi.idTCH, books become dusty on a shelf. 3a-ni>M-tiTb, v.p., - f acc., to cover with dust. 3 . 6auiMaKH (nji4Tbe), to g e t one's shoes ( d r e s s ) , dusty. 3a-nbM-jiTb-cH, v.p.r., t o become dusty. o-nbM-rtTb, v.p., o-nw^-^Tb, v./., + acc., to pollinate. BeTep ontj;iH;i uBeTbi, the wind pollinated f l o w e r s . O-nbi.i-eHHe, n.n., pollination. pac-nuji-HTb, v.p., pac-nbui-HTb, v.i., + acc., to pulverize, atomize; disperse, spray, scatter. P . He(J)Tb, to refine crude oil. Pac-nbiJi-HTb-ca, v.p.r., pac-m>i;i-)iTb-CH, v.i.r., to be dispersed, scattered, pulverized. Pac-nw^-eHHe, n.n., dispersion, atomization, scattering. Pac-nuji-eHHocTb, n.f., dispersion, atomization, scattering. P. chji, dispersion of forces, of means. Pac-nu^-HTe^b, n.m., sprayer, a t o m i z e r ; pulverizer.




nbtT-4-Tb, v./'., + acc., to torture, t o r m e n t ; (colloq.), try, question, i l . 3aKJiKmeHHoro, to torture a prisoner, n . « o r 6 jih6o jKiwAOH, to torture with thirst. riblT-dTb-CH, V.p.r., nO-riblT-iTb-CH, v.i.r., to attempt, try, endeavor. I~I. y6eAHTb, to plead with, try to persuade. r i u T - K a , n.f., torture, torment. IloABepriTb nbiTKe, to subject to torture; put to the question. O p ^ A « e ntjTKH, instrument of torture. riuT-jiMBOCTb, n.f., keenness, n . y M i , keenness of the mind, of intelligence. IlbiT-jiHBbiH, adj., searching, keen. n . ibHouia, keen-minded youth. BU-nblT-aTb, V.p., Bbl-nblT-blBaTb, V.i., -(acc., y -+- gen., to elicit something f r o m someone, extort. B. npdBAy, to elicit the truth f r o m someone. B. Bee TiiiHbi, to e x t o r t all the secrets. AO-nblT-^Tb-CH, V.p.r., AO-nblT-blBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to find out, elicit, try to find out. J1 AonbiT^jiCH, rAe o h h 6biM, I have found out w h e r e they w e r e . HC-nMT-iTb, V.p., HC-tlblT-blBaTb, V.i., - f acc., t o try, test, put to the test; e x perience, feel. H. AiftcTBne M 0 T 6 p a , to test an engine. H. cboh chau, to try o n e ' s strength. M. c r p a x (r6;iOA), t o experience f r i g h t ( h u n g e r ) . H. yAOBb^bCTBHe, to experience, feel pleasure. Hc-nbiT-4HHe, n.n., test, trial; ordeal. B u T b Ha HcnuTdHHH, to be on trial, on probation. BbiAepwaTb h., to pass muster. FIpohth tAjkkhc HcnbiT^HH«, t o experience severe trials. IlpHeMHbie HcnbiT^HHH b yHHBepcHT^T, entrance examination into a university. BcTynHTe;ibHbie HcnbiT^HHfl, entrance examinations. BwAep>KaTb h., to pass an examination. Mc-ribiT-aHHbifl, adj., part, pass, past, well tried, tested. H A p y r , tried friend. H - o e cpeACTBo, tested r e m e d y . Hc-nwr-dTejib, n.m., tes.er. /IeTiHK-HcnwTaTe.fib, test pilot. HcnuT-^Te^bHbiH, adj., test, trial; p r o b a t i o n a r y . H. no^eT, test f l i g h t . H-ast ct^huhh, experimental station. Hc-nbiryeMbiH, adj., part. pass, pres., candidate, applicant; one w h o is taking an examination. Mc-nbiT-yiome, adv., in a p r o b i n g w a y . M. CMorpeTb, to look searchingly. Hc-nuT-^iomHH, adj., part, act. pres., searching. M. b3tjiha, searching look. no-nbiT-^Tb, v.p., + gen., to try, attempt, venture; torture f o r a short time. n . cidcTbH, to try one's luck. rio-nbiT-iTbch, v.p.r., see nbiT^Tbca. Ilo-nbiT-Ka, n.f., attempt, endeavor. OmdHHHaH n., desperate attempt. no-nwT-Ka He nbiTKa, h cnpdcHe 6ea.i, (saying), n o t h i n g ventured, nothing g a i n e d .



6-nhrr, n.m., experiment, test, trial; experience. rip0H3B0ArtTb bnuThi, to e x periment, conduct experiments. )KhTiflcKHfl o., knowledge of life. O. BoftHbi, w a r experience. y6eAATbCfl Ha 6nhiTe, to learn through experience. 6-ribiT-HOCTb, n.f., experience; p r o f i ciency. O-nbiT-Hbift, adj., experienced; experimental. O. npenoAaBiTejib (yMftTeab), experienced instructor ( t e a c h e r ) . O - a n ct^huhh, experimental station. n w x - , nbllll-, P A N T I N G ,


niiix-aTb, ( c o l l o q . ) , num-dTb, nuiu-^, v.i., nux-H^Tb, v.p. smf., to pant; blaze. O r niMKH nuujeT mipoM, the stove is blazing hot. Ilijui-yuiHA, adj., part, act. pres., blazing, n . 3Aop6BbeM, brimming with health. FI. th^bom, boiling with r a g e ; raging. rium-Ka, n.f., puff, doughnut, bun; plump person. riHuiHocTb, n.f., splendor, magnificence. I~I. y6p4HCTBa, splendor of decorations. Iluiu-HbiH, adj., magnificent, splendid, luxuriant; f l u f f y . Il-bie b6;iocu, luxuriant hair. n-biA HapriA, magnificent apparel, n . nHp6r, f l u f f y pie. nbix-H^-Tb, v.p.smf., (colloq.), see nuxaTb, nblUI^Tb. sc-nux-Hy-Tb, v.p.smf., BC-nux-HBaTb, v./., to blaze up, break out in f l a m e s ; burst out; flush. BcnbiXHy;i nowdp, a f i r e broke out. Bohh4 BcniixHyjia, w a r broke out. B. th£bom (HeroAOB^HHeM) to f l a r e up with rage (with indignat i o n ) . Bc-nbiui-Ka, n.f., flash, outbreak, outburst. B. rH^Ba, outburst of anger.


heel. C roJiOBbi ao iiht, from head to foot. FMT-Ka, n.f., heel. flBoftHisi n. l y ^ K i , double heel of a stocking, y Her6 A y u i i b nfiTKH ywji4, (fig.), his heart sank into his boots. JlHa^Tb KOMyjih6o niiTKH, (fig., derog.), to lick someone's boots. YAHpiTb Tan, mto niiTKH CBepK^iOT, to run away fast, to show one's heels. n^T-H-Tb, v.i., no-n^T-HTb, v.p., -(- acc., to back up, cause to move back. n . .i6maAb, to make a horse back up. n^T-HTb-cs, v.i.r., no-niiT-HTb-ca, v.p.r., + to move backwards, g o back, rionsiT-HbiH, adj., as in expression: hath Ha n., to g o back on one's word. nonHTHoe ABH«eHHe, movement in reverse. Blkl-nflT-HTb, V.p., Bbl-nAW-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to stick out, thrust out, protrude; ( f i g ) , overemphasize, overstress. B. ry6bi, to stick out one's lips. Bii-nHTHTb-cH, v.p.r., Bbi-nrtw-HBaTb-cH, v.i.r., to bulge out, stick out, protrude. Bbinjm-eHHbift, adj., part. pass, past, protruding. c-nAT-HTb, v.p., c gen., colloq., in expression: C. c yMi, to g o mad, g o out of one's mind. npe-nAT-CTBOBaTb, v.i.,


BaTb, v.p., + dat., to prevent, hinder, n . MbiiM-nH6yAb HaMipeHHHM, to frustrate someone's intentions. FIpe-niiTcTBHe, n.n., obstacle, impediment, hindrance. MnHHTb npenflcTCBHH k o m ^ ;ih6o, to put obstacles in someone's path. Ck^hks c npenATCTBHHMH, obstacle race, steeple-chase. Eec-npe-ndTCTBeHHo, adv., without hindrance. BC-nsiT-b, adv., backwards. BosBpaTHTb3a-nbix-6HJI6A, fiftieth anniversary, n . wejioB6k, a person fifty years of age. I~IHTH-aeciTbifl, num. ord., fiftieth, n-bie rdAbi, the fifties (1850's). Il-aa CTpaHHua, page fifty. IIht-h-AHeBKa, n.f., (recent), five-day week. n«T-HaiTHe, n.n., quinquennial. IlHT-H-jiiTKa, n.f., (recent), five-year plan. riHTHJiiTKa B MeTiipe r6aa, (recent), completion, fulfillment of a five-year plan in four years. riHT-H-^6THHft, adj., aged five years, of five years, n . njiaH, fiveyear plan. IT pe6eHOK, five-year old child. rTnT-H-py6;ieBKa, n.f., (colloq.), five ruble note. nnT-H-c6TbiH, num. ord., five-hundredth. naT-H-T6HKa, n.f., (colloq.), five ton truck. riHT-H-TbicHHHbifi, num. ord., five-thousandth. riHTH-3Td>KHbJH, adj., five-storied. riHTHdAUaTb, num. card., fifteen. riHTHd/maTbift, num. ord., fifteenth, n - o e (mhcji6) SHBapA, the fifteenth of January. nnr-6K, n.m., five. n. niiu (i46;iok), five eggs (apples). rifiT-bifi, num. ord., fifth, n. Hdiuep, number five. CipaHiiua n-aa, page five, the fifth page, ri-an KOJi6HHa, (polit.), fifth column. n^T-HHua, n.f., Friday. CeMb n^THHU Ha HeA&ie, (saying), referring


to one who is constantly changing his mind. n^T-epo, num. coll., five, y Hee n. AeTifi, she has five children. riHT-epHK, n.m., five items. 3anpHr£jiH n. jiomajifi, they harnessed five horses. B-n^T-epo, adv., five times. B. 66;ibuie, five times as much. Oh 3apa66Ta;i Bn^Tepo 66jibiue, qevi H3pacx6AOBaJi, he earned five times more than he spent. B-naT-ep6M, adv., five together, in fives. Mbi b., five of us. B-nAT-bix, adv., fifthly, in the fifth place. y-nnT-ep-rt-Tb, v.p., y-nnr-ep^Tb, v./., -(acc., to increase fivefold, quintuple. y-nnT-epHTb-CH, v.p.r., y-nHT-epflTb-cH, v.i.r., to be increased fivefold. flox6/ibi 3aB6aa ynHTepii^HCb, the profits of the plant increased fivefold. y-nsiT-epeHHbifl, adj., part. pass, past, increased five times, fivefold. P P A B - (OT-, OM-), S L A V E R Y , DOM, B O N D A G E , L A B O R


pa6, n.m., pa6i, pa6-iiHH, n.f., slave. Pa6-o-, a combining form meaning slave. Pa6-o-BJiaA^Jieu, n.m., pa6-oB^aA^Hita, n.f., slave owner. Pa6-oB^aAi^ibqecKHH, adj., slave-owning. P - o e xo3flflcTBo, slave economy. Pa6-on.n., servility. Pa6-o-Ji6nHbift, adj., servile. P. MejioB^K, a person who gains favor through flattery. Pa6-ojiiriHo, adv., slavishly, in a servile manner. Pa6-0-;i£ncTB0BaTb, v./., nipeA -finstr., to fawn, cringe, be servile. P. n^peA cA^bHbiMH Mfipa, to fawn upon the mighty. Pd6-CKHft, adj., slavish, servile. P. TpyA, slave labor. P - o e noApajKinne, slavish imitation. P&6ctbo, n.n., servitude, slavery. HaxoArtTbCH (Aepw^Tb) b p46cTBe, to be held (hold) in servitude. OrMdna pi6cTBa, abolition of slavery. pa6-6T-aTb, v./'., to labor, work, toil. P. pyxdMH (ro.ioBtifl), to work with one's hands (one's head). P. nepdM (KHCTbio), to work with the pen (the brush). P. HaA MiM-jiHeo, to work at something. P. c k£m-;ih6o, to work with someone. P. c m£m-;ih6o, to work with something. P. 6e3 6TAbixa, to work without rest. P. 6e3 ycrajiH, to work untiringly. P. BABoeM (BTpoeM), to work in two's (in three's). P. aeHb h HOMb, to work day and night. P. ajih Ayujii, to work for one's own moral satisfaction. P. nnn nponHT^HHs, to work for one's livelihood. P. 3a Tpoftx, to do the work of three. P. HaA KaptiiHOfl (pyxonH-


cbio), to work on a painting (on a m a n u s c r i p t ) . P. HenpepbiBHO, to work uninterruptedly. P . noAeHHo, to work by the day. P. fiocm^hho, to w o r k by shifts. P . no-yaipHOMy, (recent), to w o r k in a s h o c k - b r i g a d e manner. P . no-cae^bHo, to do piecework. P. c M H K p o c K 6 n o M , to work with a microscope. P. cnycrfl pyxaBd, (idiom.), to s c a m p . P. ycipAHO, to work diligently. P a 6 6 r - a , n.f., work, l a b o r ; task, j o b . P . BHe a6Ma, outside work. P . pAah fliHer, to work for money only. HoMiniHHH p., housework. Hccji6.aoBaTe^bCKaa p., research work. K4Top)KHaH ( i U c K a a ) p., hard work. K5Top>KHbie p-bi, convict labor. HenpHATHasi p., drudgery. 06micTBeHHaR p., community work. njiox4H (n;i6xo ca^JiaHHa») p., bungle, botch. noaeHrtaH p., daily work. Pa3B£,soK-, C U T T I N G ,


p^3-a-Tb, p i w - y , v./'., - f acc., to cut, slice; slaughter. P. x.ne6, to cut, slice bread. P. np^Bfly, to speak the truth bluntly. P. cnyx, to grate, o f f e n d one's sense of hearing. P. no M^AH, to engrave in copper. PIA-aTb-cH, v.i.r., to be cutting, y pe6eHKa piwyTCH 3y6bi, the baby is cutting its teeth. P. B Kdpxbi, (colloq.), to play recklessly at cards. Pe3-iK, n.m., ploughshare. Pe3-6u, n.m., cutter. P. rpaBepa (cKyjibirropa), engraver's (sculptor's) chisel. P£3-KHH, adj., sharp, cutting, harsh. P. BeTep, sharp wind. P-He Bbipa^^HHs, sharp language. P^3-KO, adv., sharply. Pe3KocTb, n.f., sharpness. Pe3-H6ft, adj., cut, fretted, ornamented with fretwork. P-£h pa66Ta, fretwork. Pe3-H6, n.f., massacre. P S c n p « K6HMHJiacb pe3HeH, the feud ended in a massacre. BU-pe3-aTb, V.p., Bbl-pi3-blBaTb, Bbl-pe3¿Tb, v.i., + acc., to cut out. B. KYK^U H3 6yMirH, to cut dolls out of paper. Bu-pe3, n.m., notch, cut. n ^ i T b e c HH3KHM Bbipe30M, low-cut dress. BBLpe3-Ka, n.f., cut (as of m e a t ) . ra3^THan B., newspaper clipping. ao-p£3-aTb, v.p., AO-pe3-^Tb, v./., + acc., to cut completely. 3a-pKHbift, adj., beyond the border; foreign. 3apy6é)KHafl Pocchh, the Russian people abroad; Russian emigration. rio-pyó-éwHbiñ, adj., frontier; along the border. pyO-éo, n.m., scar, seam, hem; rumen. Bee






whole body is covered with scars. naáTbe noAuiííTo pyóuóiu, this dress is hemmed. Pyó-uú, n.m.pi., tripe. Pyfi-ueBáTbiñ, adj., scarred, seamed. Py6-MHK, n.m., small seam. Pyó-waTbiH, adj., ridged, corrugated, ribbed. Py6naToe >KeJié30, corrugated iron. py6-u-eBáTb-cii, v./'.r., to heal, form scar tissue. PáHa pyóuyeTCH, the wound is healing. Py6-ueBáHHe, n.n., healing. 3a-py6-u-eBáTb-cH, v.p.r., 3a-py6-ueBbiBaTb-cn, v.i.r., to be cicatrized. PáHa óbiCTpo 3apy6ueBá^acb, s o o n healed.



py6-ji-b, n.m., rubble (originally a chopped off piece of silver). Koctióm ctóht MÓJibKo 500 py6;ieft, this suit costs only five hundred rubles. Or,náTb nocjiéAHHíí pyójib, to spend, give away one's last ruble. Py6-;i-éBbifi, adj., costing one ruble. Py6-ji-éBan MaTépHH, cloth worth, costing a ruble. KonéñKa p. 6epe)KéT, (prov.), a penny saved is a penny earned; big oaks from little acorns grow. C;ióbo CKáweT, KaK py6;iéM noAápHT, (fig.), she is very eloquent. B3rjiHHy.11, KaK pyóJiéM noaapHJi, (fig-), a glance from him is like a gift of money. He HMéñ cto pyójiéft, a HMéñ cto APy3éft, (saying), friends are dearer than money. He pyÓJieM, TaK Ay6béM, (fig.), to get something by force, if not by persuasion, or graft; to get by hook, or by crook. p y K - , p y q - , HAND pyk-á, n.f., hand; wrist, arm. npáBaa (jiéBasi) pyKá, right (left) hand. Oh npáBaR pyná MHHHCTpa, he is the minister's right-hand man. y Heró TaM pyná, (fig.), he has some influence (connections) there, y neHá He noA-

HHJi^cb p. ¿to CAeJiaTb, 1 did not have the heart to do it. HrpiTb b MeTupe pyKii, to play a duet. Oh nnyr 6o^bui6A pyKH, (colloq.), he is a crook of the first order. ripocHTb Mb6H-;iH6o pyKH, to ask a woman's hand in marriage. Ha6«Tb ce6i pyKy Ha ieM-jiH6o, to acquire skill in something. Ha CKi6-ii64iHJi, (colloq.), today I caught a lot of fish. no-pbi6-4q-HTb, v.p., to fish f o r a short time. PJW-. PHW-, LINE, R A N G E , R O W , FILE p « A , n.m., row, range, file, line. P. K6MHaT, suite, suite of rooms. P. KHHT, a r o w of books. B p « A , in a r o w . M3 pfina BOH BWXOA^IUHH, pre-eminent. ToprdBbie PHAH, market stalls. H3pSA-Hbin, adj., (colloq.), fairly g o o d . M - o e KOJiHMecTBO, f a i r quantity. H S a o 6blTb H3p^AHblM AypaK^M, WT66bI ¿TO cjie;iaTb, (colloq.), one must be pretty much of a f o o l to do this. H 3 - p d A HO, adv., f a i r l y , tolerably, pretty w e l l . H H. yc-ra.LI, I am quite tired. PHA-oB6ft, adj., ordinary, rank and file, c o m m o n place; used as n., private, soldier. P.

nejOB^K, commonplace person. P . nociB, drill s o w i n g . P-in c^HJiKa, g r a i n drill. P^AOM, adv., alongside, side by side. Cn^ouib Aa p., (idiom.), very often. PHA-K6M, adv., side by side. H a - p a A - I , adv., side by side, equal, on a level with. H. c 5THM, side b y side with his, on a level with this. psA-A-Tb, pflnc-y, v./., -(- acc., (obs.), t o hire, e n g a g e one's services; dress up, adorn. CyAHTb, Aa p., (idiom.), to gossip. PaA-rtTb-cH, v.i.r., + acc., t o b a r g a i n ; dress up. PdjK-eHbifi, adj., used as n., masker, mummer. PJ4JKeHHe, n.n., masquerading, mumming. Bti-paa-HTb V.p., Bbl-pflW-dTb, V.i., + acc., (colloq.), to dress up, outfit. Bw-pHA-HTb-CH, V.p.r., BbJ-p^JK-HBaTbca, v.i.r., to dress up, bedeck oneself. OH4 BupHAHJiacb, K aK Ky«;ia, she is dressed up like a doll. 3a-ptlA-tiTb, V.p., 3a-pH}K-^Tb, v.i., + acc., to load. 3. p y * b e , t o load a gun. 3a-prtA, n.m., l o a d i n g ; charge, cartridge. rioAPbiBHbH 3., blasting c h a r g e . C^MKa ana 3apt)AOB, c a r t r i d g e box. 3a-pH33ap6AKa, abbr. of. H3KyjibTypHaH 3., physical training exercises. 3a-p6A-Hbift, adj., p o w d e r , ammunition. 3. AIUHK, p o w d e r cart, ammunition w a g o n . Ha-pstA-frrb, v.p., HA-PNW-^TB, v.i., + acc., to command, order, appoint; dress, array, adorn. H. B Kap4y;i, t o put on guard. H. CJI^ACTBHC, (obs.), to set up an inquiry. H. AeT^ft B npd3AHHK, to dress children up f o r a holiday. H. HeBicTy, to adorn a bride. Ha-pHA-tiTbCH, v.p.r., Ha-pn>K-dTb-cH, v.i.r., to dress, up, overdress. Ha-pi*A, n.n., order, c o m m a n d ; dress, costume, attire, f i n e r y . PacnHcdHHe Hap^AOB, (mil.), roster, n o HapAAy, by order. ripi3AHHMHbiH H., holiday attire, Sunday clothes. nuiiiHbiH H., luxurious apparel. Ha-p^A-HocTb, n.f., elegance. Ha-priA-Hbifi, adj., elegant, smart. H. KOCTI6M, elegant, smart suit. Ha-piiA-HO, adv., smartly, e l e g a n t ly. OAeB^TbCH H., to dress smartly. 06-pnA-liTb, v.p., O6-PFL«-4TB, v.i., -F acc., to arrange, attire. 0 6 - p i i A , n.m., ceremony, rite. CB4AE6HBIFT O., w e d d i n g ceremony. CO6.NOA6HHE O6P6AOB, observance of rites. 06-piiA-Hbifi, adj., ceremonial ritual. 06-P6A-OBH«-iTbc«, v.i.r, to hire out. n . Ha nocrdBKy ApoB, to contract to supply wood. rioA-piiA. n.m., contract; adv., one after interruption. I~Ioanother, without craBaflTb APOB4 no noAprtAy, to supply wood by contract. H£cK0JibK0 AHeft n., several days running. IIOA-PAA-IHK, n.m., ( p r e - R e v . ) , contractor. pa3-paj|-frrb, v.p.r., pas-psixc-^Tb, v.i., + acc., to discharge, unload; overdress, adorn. P. ajieKTpAiecKyio 6aTap6w, to discharge a battery. P. pywbe, to unload a gun. Pa3-pHA-ftTb-cH, v.p.r., pa3-pn)K-iTb-CH, v./.r., to be discharged, unloaded; be discharged, unloaded; overdressed, see pa3pHAATb, pa3paJK^Tb. P. B nyx H npax, ( c o l l o q . ) , to overdress. Pa3-pflA, n.m., class, category, division, sort, rank. nipBoro paapriAa, first-class, first-rate. B-rop6ro pa3piiAa, second-rate. Pa3-p6A-Ka, n.f., discharging, unloading; spacing out (typography). Ha6HpiTb B. paap^AKy, to space ( t y p o g r a p h y ) . Pa3-pdA-HHK, n.m., ejector; discharger, spark-gap. Pa3-p^A-Hbifl, adj., pertaining to rank, to classes. nepBopa3pftAHbift MdcTep, a first-class craftsman. Pa3-psj)K-dHHe, n.n., discharge, unloading; adorning. Pa3-pfl«-eHHbift, adj., part. pass, past, overdressed. Pa3-pn>K-eHHbiA, adj., part. pass, past, unloaded ( g u n ) . C-Ha-pilA-ATb, V.p., C-Ha-pHHC-iTb, v.i., - f acc., to equip, fit, furnish. C. 9KcneAAUHIO, to equip an expedition. C-HaPFLA-ATb-CH, V.p.r., C-Ha-pH)K-dTb-CH, v.i.r., to be equipped. C. B nyTb (aopdry), to equip oneself for a journey. C-Ha-piA, n.m., shell, missile, projectile. C. co c^ie30T0MHBbiM r330M, teargas shell. Pa3-pbiB-H6ft, c., explosive shell. fl^bHocTb no^eTa CHapdAa, range of flight of a shell. C-Ha-paxt-eHHe, n.n., equipment, outfit. riocTaBUirtK CHapa>K6HHH, outfitter. C-Ha-pnw-eHHbiH, adj., part. pass, past, equipped, outfitted. y-p^A-H-HK,




policeman; Cossack commissioned officer.



C C A f l - , CA1K-, CA>K/I-, CEJJ-, ( C B f l - ) , CECT-, ( C f c C T - ) , C H f l - , CHfl-, S I T T I N G caA, n.m., garden. 4>pyKT6BbiA caA, fruit orchard. 3oo;iorAMecKHA caA, zoo; zoological garden. ryjifrn> B caAtf, to stroll in a garden. C4A-HK, n.m., small garden. CaA-(5BHHK, n.m., gardener. CaA-oB6A, n.m., horticulturalist. CaAOB6ACTBO, n.n., horticulture. CaA-6BbiA, adj., garden. C. HOJK, garden knife. caA-A-Tb, caw-y, v.i., no-caA-ATb, v.p., to plant. C. A^peBO, to plant a tree. Caw¿Tb, v.i., no-caA-ATb, v.p., to seat, set, put, plant. C. KypHuy Ha AAua, to set a hen on eggs. C. Ha x;ie6 H Ha Bday, to place on bread and water. C. n o A apicT, to put under arrest; imprison. C. T6CTO B ne i ib, to put dough into the oven. Caw-ilTb-cH, v.i.r., to be planted, placed. flep^Bbn cawdioTCfl ¿ceHbio, trees are planted in the fall. CaA-6K, n.m., live fish tank. )KHBopi46HbiA caA6K, fishpond. Cd>K-a, n.f., soot, lampblack. n^MKaTb cdxceA, to soil with soot, with grime. JXtni, Kan c i « a 6eJi4, (saying), business, matters are very poor. C4)K-eHeu, n.m., set, seedling. KapT6(})e^b-c3)KeHeu, potato seedling. B-CaA-tiTb, V.p., B-cd)K-HBaTb, V.i., to thrust, stick, plunge, plant; lodge. B. pacTiHHe B 36M;ik>, to plant a plant in the earth. B. HOW B cnHHy, to stab in the back. B-C^A-HHK, n.m., rider, horseman, equestrian. BlIl-CaA-HTb, V.p., BbI-CtS)K-HBaTb, V.i., + acc., H3 + gen., B + acc., to set out, plant. B. Ha 6eper, to set ashore, land, disembark. B. UBeTbi H3 opaHwep^H, to transplant flowers from a hothouse into a garden. AO-CaA-ATb, V.p., AO-Cd)K-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to set, plant sufficiently; complete planting. flocaAHJiH oropdA T6JibKo AO noJioBHHbi, they planted only half of the garden. Cer^AHH AOcd>KHBa;ia Kan^CTy, today I am finishing planting the cabbage. flo-c^)K-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be completely planted. 3iBTpa orop6a 6yAeT a. AO KOHU£, tomorrow we shall finish planting the garden. AO-CaA-ATb, V.p., AO-caJKA-^Tb, v./., - f dat., to spite, vex, plague, irritate, annoy, provoke. OH AeaaeT STO, MTO6 AOcaaHTb MHe, he does it to spite rne. He AocawA^ft MHe CBOHMH rjiynbiMH paccnpbcaMH, don't annoy me with your stupid questions.



AO-ciA-ota-Tb, v . r . Ha + ace., to b e displeased, be annoyed, be vexed. J\. Ha nfloxfte BpeMeHd, to be a n n o y e d b y hard times. J \ o - c i ^ - a , n.f., vexation, spite. K e r 6 6o;ibui6fi AOcilAe, to his g r e a t annoyance. 3an;idKaTb c AOC^AW, to weep, cry from disappointment. J\oc^A-Hbifl, adj., annoying, vexing, unpleasant. Z1O-C4A-HO, adv., vexing, disappointing. KaK A ! HOW a n n o y i n g ! flockAHO, MTO 0n03A^^ Ha noi3A, it's annoying that 1 w a s late f o r the train. flo-ciA-^iHBbiH, adj., annoyed, irritated. ¡X. )KecT, a gesture of a n n o y a n c e . J\ociA-^HBo, adv., in an annoyed manner. O H A- MaxHyji pyK6ii, he made a spiteful gesture. 3a-caA-K-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to plant. 3 . caA pfoaMH, to plant a garden with roses. 3 B TiopbM^, to put in prison. 3 . 3a p a 6 6 i y , to set someone to work. 3a-cdA-a, n.f., a m bush. BbiTb B 3ac^Ae, to lie in wait, in ambush. 3a-cdA-Ka, n.f., planting. 3 . orop6Aa OBOLU^MH, planting of v e g e t a b l e s in a garden. Ha-caA-ATb, v.p., Ha-cdw-HBaTb, v.i., to set, put on, plant in quantity. H. «iepBHK^ Ha KpiowdK, to put a worm on a hook. Ha-cd>K-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to be fixed, set, put on. M C M ^ HacdxcHBaeTcn Ha niJiKy, the broom is fixed to a stick. H a - c a A - f i T b , v.p.,

H a - c a x c - ^ T b , v.i.,


HBaTb, v.i., to plant in quantity. H. oBom^fi, to plant v e g e t a b l e s . H. AeT^ft B Bar6H, to crowd children into a railway car. Ha-caA-frrb, v.p., Ha-cawA-^Tb, v.i., + acc., to plant in quantity, spread, p r o p a g a t e ( a s ideas, c u l t u r e ) . H. Aep^BbeB, to plant t r e e s in quantity. H. Ky^bT^py, to disseminate culture. HacawA-dTb-ca, v.i.r, to be planted, spread, propagated, disseminated. 3 a r6p0A0M HacawfldeTcn ue;ibifl nap«, they are planting a complete park beyond the city. Ha-ca>KA-6HHe, n.n., planting, plantation, propagation, dissemination. ripi3AHHK ApeBOHaca>KAeHHH, a day set aside for planting trees. pyKT6Boe H., planting of fruit trees. H.



HACH, p r o p a g a t i o n




o-caA-tfTb, v.p., o-c4>K-HBaTb, v.i., + to press b a c k ; rebuke, snub.








to lay siege, b e s i e g e ; precipitate. O . KpinocTb, to besiege a f o r t r e s s . O. pacTB6p, to form a sediment in a solution. O-cawA-^Tb-cH, v.i.r., to precipitate, settle. O - c i A - a , n.f., siege. O. KpenocxH, siege of a f o r t r e s s . B u A e p w a T b oc^Ay, to withstand a s i e g e . CHHTb

o c i A y . to r a i s e a siege. 0-C4A-HHA, adj., siege. O - o e opyAHe, s i e g e gun. O - o e n0J0J«6HHe ( s t a t e of siege. 0-C4AOK, n.m., sediment, precipitation, precipitate. HenpHflTHbift o. Ha Ayuji, something unpleasant weighing on one's soul. ATMoc, (fig.), to hang a millstone round one's neck. I~I. B Bar6H, to seat in a coach, n . B TiopbMy to jail. n . Ha 3K3dMeHe, (slang), to tail someone in an examination. rio-cd)K-eHHbifl, adj., part. pass, past, planted; imprisoned, jailed. r i o - c i A , n.m., little town, suburb. rio-cdA-HHK, n.m., no-cdA-HHua n.f., (hist.), in ancient Novgorod an elected ruler. N O - C D A - C K H H , adj., (hist.), tradesman. n.-He JII&AH, (hist.), trades people. rio-ciA-Ka, n.f., e m b a r k a t i o n ; landing; planting, n . AepiBbeB, planting of trees, n . caMo^eTa, landing of a plane. n o - c a w - e H b w , adj., used as n., one who b l e s s e s a married couple, n . OT£U, one who gives the bride away, ri-aa MaTb, a stand-in f o r the mother at a wedding. noA-caji-HTb, v.p., noA-cdiK-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to help one to a s e a t ; to seat, mount. pac-caA-rtTb, v.p., pac-cdw-HBaTb, v.i., to transplant. P . pacTeHHH, to transplant plants. P. ^wAeft, to s e a t people. P. yMeHHK6B no K^iccaM, to s e a t students according to their class. Pac-ciA-a, n.f., seedlings. C a w i T b pacc^Ay, to plant



seedlings. Pac-c^A-HHK, n.m., nursery, seminary, seed plot. P. npocBemiHHH, ( f i g ) , seat of learning. P . 3ap43bi, center of contagion. C-Ca.a- to unseat; excoriate. C. c •nduiaAH, to assist one in alighting f r o m a horse. C. naccawftpa c nieHHe n p o c B e T H T HapoA, universal education will enlighten people. ¿lyx6BHbiH cbct npocBemieT jiiOAeft, spiritual light edifies people. npo-CBeT-iiTeJib, n.m., one who enlightens, edifies. CBHTbie 6p3Tba KHPHJIJI H Me6AHH npocBeniJiH c.iaB^H, the saints Cyril and Methodius were the spiritual teachers of the Slavs. ripo-cBeT-HTeJibHbiH adj., instructive, enlightening, edifying, n-oe yipoKA^HHe, educational institution. Ilpo-cBem-iHHe, n.n., enlightenment, instruction, education. MHHHCTCPCTBO Hap6AHoro IlpocBemeHHa, Ministry of People's Education. ripo-CBem-eHeu, n.m., (recent), educator, teacher. C"be3A npocBem^HueB, convention of educators. npo-CBem-eHHHH, adj., part, pass, past, educated. fT. He-ioB^K,

e d u c a t e d m a n . n . yM, well i n f o r m e d , enlightened mind. B â w e n - o e MHéHHe, (obs., polite), y o u r enlightened opinion. CBeT-ji-éTb,






b r i g h t e n ; g r o w light. H é 6 o CBeT;iéeT, the sky is c l e a r i n g up. H a A B o p é n o c B e T J i é J i o , it h a s g r o w n light outside, o u t d o o r s . CBéT-^ocTb, n.f., clearness, lucidity; serenity. C. e r ô yMâ nopa3iiTe^bHa, the clarity of his mind is a m a z i n g . CBéT-jiufl, adj., light, b r i g h t , clear, lucid, light-colored. C. AeHb, b r i g h t day. C - a a KÔMHaTa, light room. C-aa JIHMHOCTB, p e r s o n of s u p e r i o r moral c h a r a c t e r . C - a a HeAéjia, E a s t e r W e e k . C. ripisAHHK, E a s t e r . Ha Heft CBéTjioe njiâTbe, s h e is w e a r i n g a light-colored dress. CBeT-jiéuiHft, adj. superl., the lightest, b r i g h t e s t , clearest. C. KHH3b, ( p r e - R e v . ) , the h i g h e s t princely title. ¿BeT-^ô, adv., light, b r i g h t . CÔJIHIK B30U1JIÔ H C T â ^ O COBCéM C B e T JIÔ, the sun has risen and it h a s become quite light. CBCT-^O-, a combining form meaning light. CBeT-;io-jKë;iTbiH, adj., light yellow. CBeT-jio-3ejiëHbifi, adj., light green. CBeT-jio-KopHMHeBbift, adj., light brown. npo-CBeT-ji-éTb, v.p., to clear, clear up, clarify. TyMH paaoiujiftcb H Héôo npocBeiviéJio, the clouds have dispersed and the sky has become bright. C03HâHHe y ôoJibHôro npocBeiviéJio, the sick man regained consciousness. npo-CBeT-ji-ATb, v.p., npo-CBeT-^-^Tb, v.i., -+- acc., to clarify. XHMitaecKHM cnôCOÔOM n p O C B e T J I H T b M ^ T H y i O


chemical clarification of a t u r b i d liquid. ripo-CBeT-^éHHe, n.n., c l a r i f y i n g , c l a r ification. n ô c j i e ôpéAa y 6o;ibHôro HacTynHJio n . , a f t e r delirium t h e sick m a n ' s mind b e c a m e clear a g a i n . c s e i - â , n.f., candle. C. AoropâeT, t h e c a n d l e is b u r n i n g out. BocxoBbie CBéMH, w a x candles, t a p e r s . 3;ieKTpHKhbóthkh HaaopBáTb ot CMéxa ( c o l l o q . ) , to burst one's sides with laughter. 3ajiíiTbCH cMéxoM, to burst out laughing. ripbiCHyTb có CMexy, to splutter with laughter. CMex-o-TBÓpHbiñ, ad}., ridiculous. CMCiii-ÓK, n.m., ripple of laughter. HépBHbiñ c., nervous laugh. CMeiuxú, ripples of l a u g h t e r ; g i g g l e s . CMetuji¿Bocrb, n.f., laughability. CMemjiñbuA, adj., laughable. CMeui-Hóñ, adj., funny, comical, droll, ludicrous. C-án (J)Hrypa, comic f i g u r e , fl He BHjjcy b ¿tom H H M e r ó cMeuiHóro, I see nothing funny about this. O t BeJiÚKoro a o CMeuiHóro oa cTpaHy, the revolt has spread o v e r the whole country. rio-B-CTá-Heu, n.m., insurgent. no-B-CTáH-iecTBO, n.n., guerilla activity. no-B-CTáH-iecKHH, adj., insurrectional. II OTpáA, detachment of rebels. AO-CTá-Tb, v.p., AO-CTa-BáTb, v.i., -F- acc., to fetch, bring, take out; get, obtain, fl. KacTpwjiK) c nójiKH, to take a pot f r o m a shelf. J\. AÉHBRH B AO.IT, to o b tain money in loan. fl. n-iáTbe H3 uiKáctia, to take a dress out of a closet. 3 r y KHHry TpyAHO A-> this b o o k is d i f ficult to obtain. OH AOCTaéT a o noToJiKá, he can reach the ceiling. J\oCTá-Tb-CH, v.p.r., AO-CTa-BáTb-CH, v.i.r., to fall to one's lot. EMy AOCTájiacb x o p ó m a n weHá, (colloq.), he g o t a g o o d wife.












CMOTpHTe, BaM AOCTáHeTCH 3a UlájIOCTb, take care, else you'll p a y f o r this prank. AO-crá-TOK, n.m., prosperity, sufficiency. OHA «HBYT B AocTáTKe, they live in




p l e n t y ; they are well o f f . flo-CTáTOMHOCTb, n.f., sufficiency. flo-CTáToiHbiH, (fl0-CTá-T0MeH), adj., sufficient, adequate; prosperous. Eró BnojiHé AocTáTOHeH, his income is quite Sufficient. ripHBOAHTb A'bie OCHOBáHHH, t o o f f e r adequate reasons. Ao-cráadv., enough, sufficiently. Maii A- r o p t i i , the tea is hot enough. R . cKa3áTb, suffice it to say. 3 T o r o a-, that w i l l do. He-AO-CTá-Tb, V.p., He-AO-CTa-BáTb, v./'., + dat., + gen., used only in 3d pers., to be w a n t i n g , be insufficient. HeAocTaéT AéHer Ha aBTOMOÓñJib, there is not enough money f o r a car. H a n crpáuiHO HeAocTaéT e r ó , w e miss him badly. MHe I lack w o r d s . H e AO-CTá-TOK, n.m., fault, shortcoming, defect, Heró he has many shortcomings. He-AO-CTáTOHHbíñ, adj., insufficient. He-AO-CTáadv., insufficiently. Oh he is not sufficiently intelligent.



HeAocTaéT cjiob, y

mhóto HeAOCTáTKOB,


h. yMéH,

3a-crá-Tb, v.p., 3a-CTa-BáTb, v.i., + acc., to find, catch. 3. AÓMa, to find at home. 3 . Bpacnjióx, to catch unawares, catch napping. 3. Ha Mécre npecryjiéHHH, to catch on the scene of a crime. Ha-crá-Tb, v.p., Ha-CTa-BáTb, v.i., used only in 3d pers., to come to pass, come about, happen. HacTá^ wac pacruiáTbi, the hour of reckoning is here. HacTáHyT THweJibie BpeMeHá, hard times will come. HacTájia HOMb, night has fallen, night fell. o-CTá-Tb-c», v.p.r., o-CTa-BáTb-cn, v.i.r., to remain, stay. O. AÓMa, to stay at home. O h ocTájicH BépeH efi, he remained faithful to her. O. to survive, remain alive. HaM He 0CTaéTCH HHMeró A p y r ó r o , KaK coiviacHTbCH, w e cannot but consent. ocTá-ncH p ó ñ t o a b t o m w e KJiácce, the pupil remained in the same class a second year. 0-CTa-;ibHóft, adj., remaining, other. B ocTa;ibHÓM w e o h npaB, he is right in other respects. O-CTá-HKH, n.pl., remains, relics CM^pnue o, mortal remains. 0-CTa-TOK, n.m., remainder. 100 Aé-flHTCH Ha 10 6e3 OCTÚTKa, one hundred can be divided by ten w i t h o u t a remainder. O. MaTépHH, remnant. OcTáTKH cJiáAKH, (saying), the nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat.

b xchbúx,


Ha bto-

OT-CTá-Tb, V.p., OT-CTa-BáTb, V.Í., OT + gen., to fall, lag behind; be backward. to fall behind the times. M o í i Macú OTCTaibT Ha m y watch is f i v e minutes slow. OT-crájiocTb, n.f., backwardness. OT-cTá-jibift, adj., b a c k w a r d . O. yweHftK, backward pupil.

OTCTáTb ot >kh3hh,

5 MHHyT,

nepe-CT^-Tb, v.p., nepe-cTa-B^Tb, v.i., to cease, leave o f f . ¿ o w i b nepecTi;i, it has stopped raining. H e nepecTaB^H, without s t o p p i n g ; unceasingly. P e 6 e Howb, He nepecTaBiiH, the child cried all night without stopping. n e p e c r d H b T e ! S t o p it!

hok kphm£ji bck)

npe-cTi-BHTb-ca, v.p., ( C h . - S l . ) , to die, pass away. Cer6AHH npecT^BHJica enficKon, the bishop passed away today. npea-CTi-Tb, v.p., n e p e A + instr., to appear b e f o r e . I~I. nepeA TbcnoAa, to a p p e a r b e f o r e G o d . npeA-cri-TejibCTBOBaTb, v.i., (Ch.-Sl.), aa + gen., n i p e A + instr., to intercede, plead f o r . C b h t n c npeACTiTe.ibCTByioT 3a Hac n i p e A B6roM, the saints intercede f o r us with the L o r d . ripeA-cT4Tejib, n.m., intercessor. npH-CTi-Tb, V.p., npH-CTa-B^Tb, V.i., K + dat., to p l y ; annoy; stick, a d h e r e ; j o i n ; put in, come alongside, land, beach; communicate; suit, tit. npHCTaeT k canor^M, mud sticks to the boots. Oh Bee npHCTaeT HaM, he annoys us all the time. ilapoxdA 6 d p e r y , the steamer reached the shore. 6oJii3Hb jieriKHOCTb yéxaTb 3a-

rpaHHuy, he is being given an o p p o r tunity to g o abroad. ripeAO-cTa-BJiéHHe, n.n., g r a n t i n g , a l l o w i n g , n . CBOÓÓAbi, granting of freedom. OH npóAa;i AOM C npeAOCTaB^éHHeM




BaTbcs oAHóft KÓMHaToft, he sold his house with the reservation that he could use one room.



NPH*CT4-BHTB, v.p.,


v.I., K

4- dat., to set, put, place; lean against; appoint, n . jicTHHuy K creHi, to place a ladder against a wall. R cT6po»«a K ciAy, to appoint a watchman for the garden. npH-CTa-B-nrtTb-ca, v.i.r., K + dat, to be placed, set against, appointed to look after. JlicTHHua npHCTaBJideTca K oKHy, the ladder is placed against the window. npA-cTa-B, a.m., (obs.), police officer. Cyai6Hbift n., (obs.), bailiff. CTaHOBdft n., (obs.), district police officer. ripH-CTA-BKa, n.f., that which is attached to something; (gram.), prefix. 'TIpH" «B^AeTCJ! npHCT^BKOS, "npH" is a prefix. ripH-CTi-BOMHbifl, adj., (gram.), containing a prefix; prefixed. ripH-cTa-BH6fi, adj., added, attached, additional, n. cTyji B jidace, a movable chair added in a theater box.

npo-CTA-BHTb, v.p., npo-CTa-Ba^Tb, v.i., + acc., to write in, enter in. n . HHCJI6, to fill in a number, the date. ripo-CTaBJiiiTb-cH, v.i.r., to be written in, filled in, entered. 4>aMfi;iHa npocTaBJi^eTca B 0np6cH0M JIHCT6, the name is entered in the questionnaire. pac-crt-BHTb, v.p., pac-cTa-B^iiTb, v.i., - f acc., to move apart, place apart; arrange, set, put in proper order; distribute by placing. P. COJIA^T 6KOJIO 3P.&HHH, to station soldiers near a building. P. KHHTH Ha n6^Ke, to place and arrange books on a shelf. P. CT^jibH B KdiMHaTe, to arrange the chairs in a room. Pac-CTa-BadTb-ca, v.i.r., to be distributed, placed, stationed, moved apart. MacoBue paccTaBJiflioTca BAOJib rpaHHUbi, the sentinels are posted along the border. CO-CTd-BHTb,





acc., H3 +• gen., to compose, constitute, form; aggregate. C. jieKipcTBO H3 pi3Hbix cocTaBHux Hacreft, to compose, concoct medicine out of various ingredients. C. 4>p43y, to construct a sentence. 3TO COCTSBHT CTO py6n€(i, this will come to a hundred rubles. Co-ctiBHTb-cn, v.p.r., co-cTa-Bjij^Tb-cfl, v.i.r., to be formed, constituted. CocTiBHJiocb 6 6 m e C T B 0 n O K p O B H T e ^ b C T B i JKHB6THWM,

a society for the protection of animals was formed. C O - C T ^ - B , n.m., composition, body, staff, contingent. 3TO cji6)KHbift XHMHMecKHH c, this is a complicated chemical compound. MHHH-

C T i p C T B O Il6aaJtO


cocT^Be, the ministry resigned in a body. )Ke;ie3HOAop6)KHbift noABHJKHdH c., railroad rolling stock. Co-CTaBiiTMb, n.m., co-CTa-BiiTe^bHHua, rt.f., compiler. C. c.ioBapsi, compiler of a dictionary. C. noe3A6B, railroad cou-


pler. Co-CTa-BH(Jfl, adj., compound, composite. C - i a qacTb, component. y-CT^-BHTb, v.p., y-cTa-B-idTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., to stare at, fix one's eyes on; set, fill, cover with. y. nbjiKH nocyAofl, to fill shelves with dishes, y. rjiasA Ha Kor6-^H6o, to fix one's eyes on someone. CTO;I 6U;I YCIIB^eH uBeT^MH, the table was decorated with flowers. y-CT4-B^eHHbifl, adj., part. pass, past, fixed, filled, covered. y-cT^-B, n.m., regulation, statute, rule. y. n4pTHH, party statute. BoeHHO-MopcK6A y., navy regulations. y-cTd-BHTb-ca, v.p.r., y-craBjrfTb-ca, v.i.r., + instr., Ha -f- acc., to be set, filled with, covered; stare at. Mer6 OH ycT^BHica Ha Hac? W h y is he staring





6yTbi^KaMH, the table is set with bottles. CTa-H-OB-fiTb-CH, V.i.r., C T a T - b , v.p., + instr., to place oneself, become. C. xop6iiiHM aKTepoM, to become a good actor. OH CTaJi rocyA^PCTBEHHWM A^aTe^eM, he became a statesman. OH CTaH6BHTCB HCAOB^pMHBblM, he ¡S growing distrustful. CiaH6BHTca N63AHO, i t i s g r o w i n g l a t e . ¿ T a - H ,


stature; waist; camp, mill. T6HKHA c., slender stature. Bp4)«HFT c., (obs.), enemy camp. ripoKdTHbift c-, rolling mill. CTa-H-Hua, n.f., Cossack village. CTa-H0BJi6HHe, n.n., settling. B npoulcce CTaHOB^^HHa, in the process of settling. CTa-H0B6FL, adj., also used as n., (pre-Rev.), district police officer. C. npticraB, (pre-Rev.), district police officer. CT3-H6K, n.m., bench, frame, loom. TKduKHil c., loom. rieMiTHbifl c., printing press. C-roadpHbiii c, joiner's bench. Pa66MHfl OT CTBHK^, (recent), manual laborer, bench worker. ToxdpHbift c., lathe worker. CTa-H-KOCTpoiHHe, n.n., machine tool construction. CTa-H-K0-CTp0HTejibHbifi, adj., pertaining to machine tool construction. BOC-CTa-H-OBrtTb, V.p., BOC-CTa-H^BAHBaTb, v.i., + acc., to re-establish, reinstate, restore, rehabilitate. B. pa3pymeHHbift rdpoA, to reconstruct a destroyed city. B. B npaBdx, to restore legal rights. B. 3Aop6Bbe, to recover one's health. Boc-CTa-HOBHTe/ib, n.m., restorer, renovator, renewer. Boc-CTA-HOBHTEJIBHBIH, adj., restoration. B. nepiioA, restoration period. Boc-CTa-HOB;i6HHe, n.n., restoration, recovery, reconstruction; reduction. B. xo36ftcTBa, reconstruction of the economy. B npoMbiuuieHHocTH, reconstruction of industry. B. B npaBdx, re-establishment of legal rights. BocCTa-HOBHTb-Ca, V.p.r., BOC-CTa-H^BJlHBaTb-ca, v.i.r., to be reconstructed, reinstated, restored; recover. XO3£ACT-







is g r a d u a l l y b e c o m i n g







j i o c b ( I h a v e r e c o v e r e d my h e a l t h .

O - C T a - H - O B H T b , V.p.,



+ acc., t o s t o p , b r i n g t o a s t a n d , c h e c k . O. .lôuiaAb, to s t o p a h o r s e . OH o c r a HOBH.I MauiHHy, h e s t o p p e d a c a r . O . Mbë-^Hôo BHHMâHne, to a t t r a c t o n e ' s attention. O-CTa-HOBHTb-ca, v.p.r., o-CTa-HâB^HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., Ha, B + prep., népea + instr., to s t o p , p u t up,

come to a standstill. Bee nemexôAbi 0CTaH0BHJiHCb Ha yrviy, all t h e p e d e s trians stopped at the c o r n e r . OH Bceraâ ocTaHàBJiHBaeTca B ¿toh rocTHHHue, he a l w a y s s t a y s a t t h i s h o t e l . TAC ocTaHâB;iHBaeTca a B T ô ô y c ? W h e r e d o e s t h e b u s s t o p ? OH HH n é p e a neM He ocTaHâBJiHBaeTCH, he d o e s n ' t s t o p a t a n y t h i n g . O-CTa-HÔBKa, n.f., h a l t , s t o p . H a KaKôii ocraHÔBKe Bbi BNXÔAHT e ? At w h i c h s t o p d o you g e t o f f ? B e 3 ocraHÔBKH, w i t h o u t s t o p p i n g . no-cra-H-OBriTb, v.p., ri0-cTa-H0B;iâTb, v./., -(- acc., to d e c i d e ; e s t a b l i s h , d e c r e e . ripaBHTejibCTBo n0CT3H0BHJi0, t h e g o v e r n m e n t d e c r e e d . rio-cTa-HÔBKa, n.f., erection, production. n. ônepu, s t a g i n g of a n o p e r a . II. B o n p ô c a , m a n n e r of p u t t i n g a q u e s t i o n , n . r ô J i o c a , v o i c e t r a i n i n g , v o i c e p l a c e m e n t , rio-CTaHÔBOMHbiH, adj., spectacular, il. nbéca, s p e c t a c u l a r p l a y . rio-cTa-HÔBmHK, n.m., theatre producer. no-cTa-HOBJiéHHe, n.n., d e c i s i o n , d e c r e e , e n a c t m e n t . H ô B o e n. o TBëpAwx uéHax, a n e w d e c r e e p e r t a i n i n g to p r i c e c o n t r o l . paC-CTa-H-OBlÎTb,



BaTb, v.i., + acc., (colloq.), to p l a c e , a r r a n g e ; m o v e a p a r t . Pac-cTa-HÔBKa, n.f., a r r a n g e m e n t , o r d e r . P . 3H4KOB npenHHéHHH, p u n c t u a t i o n . T o B o p i i T b c paccTaHÔBKOH, t o s p e a k , t a l k h a l t i n g l y .





CTa-HOB.iiTb, v.i., + acc., to s e t , p l a c e ; (tech.), install; establish, determine, a s c e r t a n . y . uéHbi Ha Bee TOBâpw, to f i x t h e p r i c e s on all g o o d s . Y - c i a HOBfiTb-CH,




to be settled, established, fixed; (tech.), b e i n s t a l l e d . riorôAa npôMHO ycTaHOBH^acb, t h e w e a t h e r h a s b e c o m e s e t t l e d . E r ô b 3 m ^ a w He ycTaHOBHJiHCb, his views are unsettled. y-cia-HÔBKa, n.f., s e t t i n g , p l a c i n g , p l a n t i n g ; i n s t a l l a tion; m o u n t i n g . CHJiOBâs y., p o w e r p l a n t . rio^HTHMecKa« y., p o l i t i c a l s e t - u p , political orientation. Y-cTa-HOBjiéHHe, n.n., ascertainment, establishment, y. c p ô k a ruiaTewà, e s t a b l i s h m e n t of t e r m s of










CTA y-CTa-H0BJieHHbiH,





established; standard, y. nopitaoK ((JiaKT), established order (fact), y - o r o o ó p a 3 u á , of a s t a n d a r d p a t t e r n . He-y-CTá-HHbifi, adj., incessant, continual. H. TpyA, c o n t i n u a l w o r k . H e - y CTá-HHO, adv., i n c e s s a n t l y , u n t i r i n g l y .









c a n d l e . H e CTÓHT 6 - I A R O A Á P H O C T H ,


c o m e to, b e w o r t h . C K ó ^ b K o ÁIO CTÓHT? H o w much d o e s t h i s c o s t ? 3 T O CTÓHT OAHH p y 6 j i b , t h i s c o s t s o n e r u b l e . 3 T O CTÓHJIO e.wy 6 o ^ b o i H X TpyAÓB, t h i s c o s t him much l a b o r . M r p a He CTÓHT C B e i , (saying), t h e g a m e is n o t w o r t h t h e mention it; you're welcome. CTÓHMOCTb, n.f., v a l u e , w o r t h . MeHOBáa c., v a l u e in e x c h a n g e . noTpeÓHTeJibHaa c., u t i l i t a r i a n v a l u e . n p H Ó á B O i H a a c., s u r p l u s v a l u e . B Y M Á R H NPÓAAHTJ n o HOMHHá.ibHOH CTÓHMOCTH, shares (stocks)

a r e sold a t p a r . O ó - a i u n A , adj.,





CTO-ü-Tb, v.i., to s t a n d , s t a y . HacoBÓfl CTOHT HA n o c T y , t h e s e n t i n e l is s t a n d i n g at







Hbie, t h e y s t o o d a s if r o o t e d t o t h e s p o t . M o p ó 3 cToá-n ó ó J i b i u e Mécflua, t h e f r o s t l a s t e d o v e r a m o n t h . C. r o p ó ñ 3 a K o r ó JIH6O,

through to











C. Ha




(colloq.), to scold vigorously, curse like a t r o u p e r . CTOH! H a l t ! S t o p ! CTÓHKa, n.f., b a r , c o u n t e r ; set, point. 3 a CTÓHKOH






a t the c o u n t e r . B A p y r c o ó á K a CAé^a^a CTóííKy, s u d d e n l y the dog pointed. CTÓH-KHÜ, adj., s t u r d y , firm, s t a u n c h , p e r s e v e r i n g , y H e r ó CTÓÍÍKHH x a p á K T e p , h i s is a f i r m c h a r a c t e r . CTÓH-KO, adv., s t a u n c h l y . CTÓH-KocTb, n.f., staunchness, perseverance. OH npoHBHJi nopa3HTejibHyio c., he e x h i b i t e d a m a z ing perseverance. BÚ-CTO-ÜTb,





acc., to s t a n d a c e r t a i n l e n g t h of t i m e . OHH BbicToa.IH Bcro oóéAHK), t h e y s t o o d t h r o u g h the w h o l e M a s s . B ú - C T O - a T b c a , v.p.r., to have a rest; mature (of wine). JlómaAb BúcTosJiacb, the horse h a d a rest.

A O - C T O - Í T b , V.p.,


V.Z., A O




gen., to r e m a i n s t a n d i n g till t h e e n d . OHH AOCTÓHJIH AO KOHuá oóéAHH, t h e y r e m a i n e d s t a n d i n g till t h e end of M a s s .





s t a n d until e x h a u s t e d . ¿Jo-cTo-dHHe, n.n., p r o p e r t y , f o r t u n e . 3 T O e r ó .iiiMHoe A, this is his personal property. CAéflaTb


KHX Mace, to a m o n g the v a s t


popularize masses.




3a-CTO-ÍTb-cii, v.p.r., 3a-CTá-HBaTb-en, to stand t o o l o n g ; b e c o m e stale. v.i.r., B O A ^ B r p a c f w H e 3acToá;IACB, t h e w a t e r in the d e c a n t e r h a s b e c o m e s t a l e . 3a-cTo-^BiiiHHCH, adj., part. act. past, restive; s t a l e . 3-CH Jióiua^b, restive h o r s e . 3 a - C T ó ñ , n.m., stagnation; dep r e s s i o n . JXtnÁ B a a c T ó e , b u s i n e s s is a t a s t a n d s t i l l . 3a-cró-H-HBIH, adj., stagnant. Ha-CTO-ÚTb, V.p., Ha-CTá-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., Ha + prep., t o let d r a w , i n f u s e ; insist, persist; obtain by persistent d e m a n d s . H . wafl, t o l e t t h e tea d r a w . H . Ha/iHBKy Ha n é p u e , t o d r a w a l i q u e u r w i t h p e p p e r . H . Ha npHH^THH Mep, t o insist t h a t m e a s u r e s b e t a k e n . H . Ha CBoeM, t o insist o n h a v i n g o n e ' s o w n w a y . noacy/iHMbiH HacTáHBaeT Ha TOM, MTO OH HeBHHóBeH, t h e d e f e n d a n t ins i s t s t h a t h e is i n n o c e n t . H a - c T o - f i T b - c « , v.p.r., Ha-cTá-HBaTb-cn, v.i.r., used only in 3d pers., t o b e d r a w n , i n f u s e d . Maii HacToitacH, the t e a is d r a w n . H a - C T ó ñ , n.m., i n f u s i o n . H a - c T ó ñ - x a , n.f., tincture. H ó A H c r a H H., t i n c t u r e o f i o d i n e . H a p e r s i s t e n c e , insistcTofl-MHBocTb, n.f., e n c e . Ha-cTóñ-MHBbiñ, adj., persistent. Ha-CTÓñ-MHBO, adv., persistently. H. TpéfioBaTb, to d e m a n d . Ha-cTo-ÁHHe, n.n., insistence. 3TO c a é ^ a H o no e r ó HacToüHHio, this w a s d o n e a t his u r g e n t r e q u e s t . Ha-CTO-flTe;ib, n.m., p r i o r of a m o n a s t e r y . Ha-CT0-áTe.flbH0CTb, n.f., insistence, u r g e n c y . H. npócbóbi, urg e n c y of a request. Ha-cTo-iiTe^bHbift, adj., urgent, pressing. Ha-cTo-^TejibHo, adv., u r g e n t l y . H . n p o u j y Bac cAé-iaTb ¿TO, I u r g e y o u t o d o this. Ha-c-rodiUHH, adj., real, genuine. 3TO H. )KéMMyr, t h i s is a g e n u i n e p e a r l . H - e e , adj., used as n., the present. H-ee BpéMH, (gram.), present time. 06-cT0-flTb, v.i., used only in 3d pers., to b e , g e t on. B e e O6CTOHT 6 j i a r o n o jyMHO, all is w e l l . K a n OÓCTOIÍT BáwH Ae-ná? H o w a r e y o u g e t t i n g o n ? H o w are things with you? 06-CTO-áTeJibCTBO, n.n., case, circumstance. TyT o c ó ó o e CTEMÉHHE O6CTO(ÍTE;IBCTB, t h e r e is an extraordinary combination of c i r c u m s t a n c e s h e r e . CMOTpri n o OÓCTOSÍTE^IBCTBAM, d e p e n d i n g on c i r c u m s t a n c e s . CeMéñHbie OÓCTOÁTE.IBCTBA, family c i r c u m s t a n c e s . HAXOJHTBCH B 3 a i p y j HHTE^IBHBIX





difficult circumstances. OÓ-CTO-fÍTe;ibHocTb, n.f., thoroughness. 06-CTO«TE^BHBIÑ,




ÁTEJIBHO, adv., thoroughly, 0 6 - c T o - ¿ T e ^ b C T B e H H b i H , adj., adverbial.

reliably. (gram.),








acc., t o f i g h t , d e f e n d ; s a v e ; last. O . CBoe MH^HHe, t o d e f e n d o n e ' s o p i n i o n s u c c e s s f u l l y . r i o w ^ p H o f t KOM^Hjie y,naJiocb oTCToiiTb AOM, the f i r e b r i g a d e s u c c e e d e d in s a v i n g the h o u s e . O . Ha H o r ^ x , t o s t a n d on o n e ' s f e e t t h r o u g h something. OT-CTO-ATB, v.p., OT - F gen., used only in 3d pers., t o b e d i s t a n t . Aep^BHsi OTCTOFI^A OT r 6 p o f l a

Ha 5


the v i l l a g e w a s f i v e k i l o m e t e r s f r o m t h e t o w n . Or-cTO-iiTb-CH, v.p.r., OT-CTiHBaTb-ca, v.i.r, used only in 3d pers., t o settle, p r e c i p i t a t e . K 6 ( } ) e e m e He o T c r o r i j i o c b , the c o f f e e h a s n o t s e t t l e d yet. nepe-CTO-ATb, v.p., acc., to stand t o o l o n g , s t a n d a g i v e n l e n g t h of time. H n e p e c T o w a o w A b noA ¿thm HaBicoM, I s h a l l r e m a i n u n d e r this s h e d until t h e rain h a s s t o p p e d . r i a p o x 6 f l n e p e CTOHT 6 y p i o B R^BAHH, the s t e a m e r w i l l lie in the h a r b o r until t h e s t o r m h a s p a s s e d . riHpdir n e p e c T o 6 ; i , t h e p i e w a s k e p t in the o v e n t o o l o n g . r i e p e - C T o i*Tb-cH, v.p.r., to stand t o o long, be s p o i l e d b y disuse. P o w b B n 6 ^ e n e p e CToA^acb H H3 Hee ctin^eTCH 3 e p H 6 , t h e r y e is o v e r r i p e and f a l l i n g o v e r . I l e p e CTo^-ibiH, adj., t h a t w h i c h h a s b e e n k e p t t o o l o n g in an o v e n . no-CTO-frn> ( v.p., to stand f o r a while, fl n o c T d K ) 3Aecb HeMHbro, I s h a l l s t a n d h e r e f o r a w h i l e , n . 3a c e 6 f l , t o h o l d one's own. no-cT6ft! Halt! Wait a minute! IT, KyA^ naeiiib? W a i t , w h e r e a r e y o u g o i n g ? HO-CT6H, n.m., (mil.), b i l l e t i n g . riocT^BHTb Ha n., t o b i l l e t . r i o - c T o - r i j i e u , n.m., lodger, guest. I l o c T o - i ^ b i f t , adj., l o d g i n g , n . ABOP, inn. rio-cTo-iiHHbiH, adj., c o n s t a n t . IIO-CTOAHHao Be.iHMHH^, (math.), constant, ri-oe npe6wBiHHe, permanent residence. rio-CTO-iiHHO, adv., constantly, always. OH N. 6E3 ¿¿HER, he is a l w a y s w i t h o u t m o n e y . Ilo-cTo-iiHCTBo, n.n., constancy. n p e a - c T O - d T b , v.i., + dat., to be faced with, b e forthcoming. M H e npeacTOiiT 6OJIBTUHE TPVAHOCTH, I s h a l l b e f a c e d w i t h g r e a t d i f f i c u l t i e s . Eiuy npe^CTOHT AiJibHHfl nyTb, he is in f o r a l o n g journey. ripeA-cTo-situHH, adj., part, act. pres., impending, forthcoming. r i - H e Bbi6opbi, f o r t h c o m i n g e l e c t i o n s . npO-CTO-flTb, v.p., npo-CTD-HBaTb, v.i., t o p a s s t i m e in s t a n d i n g in a g i v e n p l a c e ; (mil.), be q u a r t e r e d ; stand idle. X6^6AHan norojid npocToiiT He^Jiro, the c o l d w e a t h e r w i l l n o t l a s t l o n g . OH





s t o o d in the s t r e e t a w h o l e h o u r , fl npocTiiHBaji Macbi nipeA xapTiiHaMH PeiiHHa, I used t o s t a n d f o r h o u r s in



f r o n t of Repin's paintings. ripo-cTóft, n.m., s t a n d i n g i d l e ; s t o p p a g e . MácTbifl n. MSUIDH, f r e q u e n t i d l e n e s s o f machines. p a c - c r o - A m i e , n.n., distance, space. H a 6jiú3KOM paccTO^HHH, at no great d i s t a n c e . H a paccToáHHH n^uienHoro s ú c r p e n a , within gunshot. C0-CT0-áTb, v.i., - F instr., HS + gen., B + prep., to be, consist of. C . noanúcMHKOM, t o b e a s u b s c r i b e r . KBap-rrtpa COCTOAT H3 5 KÓMHaT, t h e a p a r t m e n t c o n s i s t s o f f i v e r o o m s . JJéJio COCTOÍÍJIO B TOM, MTO. .. t h e p o i n t w a s t h a t . . . c o - c r o - Í T b - c a , v.p.r., used only in 3d pers., t o t a k e p l a c e . K o H u é p T He c o CToflflCH, t h e c o n c e r t d i d n o t t a k e p l a c e . Co-CTo-flHHe, n.n., state, condition, fortune. E r ó 3AopóBbe B njioxóM coCTOAHHH, his h e a l t h is p o o r , y H e r ó 6 o J i b i n ó e c., h e h a s a g r e a t f o r t u n e . H He B COCTOAHHH CAÉJIATB ÁTORO, I a m n o t in a p o s i t i o n t o d o this. E j i a r o c o c T o d H H e , n.n., w e l l - b e i n g , p r o s p e r i t y . C0-CT0-(iTe^bH0CTb, n.f., competency, s o l v e n c y . H e - c o c T o i i T e j i b H o c T b , n.f., insolvency, groundlessness. H. e r ó a p r y MeHTáuHH oMeBÜAHa, h i s a r g u m e n t s a r e obviously groundless. Co-cTO-áTejibHbifl, adj. well-to-do, well off. C-we aibAH, well-to-do people. He-corroATe^bHbiA, adj., insolvent, groundless. H . AOJIMHÚK, an i n s o l v e n t d e b t o r . H - o e oÓBHHéHHe, a g r o u n d l e s s a c c u s a t i o n . y - c r o - f l T b , v.p., npóTHB - f gen., Ha + prep., to resist, hold out against, manage to stand f i r m . P e ó é H O K He y c T o á J i Ha H o r á x H ynáJi, the c h i l d w a s u n a b l e t o s t a n d . O H HE y c r o í í j i npóTHB HCKyuiéHHH, he c o u l d n o t r e s i s t t h e t e m p t a t i o n . y - c T o - A T b - c H , v.p.r., used only in 3d pers., t o s e t t l e (as a l i q u i d ) . > K l i f l K o c T b ycToáJiacb, the l i q u i d h a s s e t t l e d . y - c T ó f l , n.m., abutment, basis of a b r i d g e . y - c T ó - H , n.m.pi, foundat i o n s , p r i n c i p l e s . HpáBCTBeHHbie y c T ó H , m o r a l principles. y-cróíteHBOCTb, n.f., s t a b i l i t y , s t e a d i n e s s , y . ¿ T o r o nojiHTiilecKoro CTPÓH coMHiiTe^bHa, the s t a b i l i t y of this p o l i t i c a l system is d o u b t f u l . y-cTófl-MHBbifl, adj., stable, steady, firm, y-oe npaBÚTejibCTBo, s t a b l e g o v e r n m e n t , y - a n ueHá, s t a b l e p r i c e . H e - y - c T ó ñ - H H B b i ñ , adj., unstable, unsettled. H-aa norÓAa, unsettled weather.





STEP CT^n-eH-b, n.f., d e g r e e , g r a d e , c l a s s , r a t e , p o w e r . OH no;iyMrt;i c. A d K T o p a , h e r e c e i v e d a d o c t o r ' s d e g r e e . C. SKcnJioa-

CTEn TáuHH, d e g r e e of u t i l i z a t i o n . CpaBHtiTe^bHan c., c o m p a r a t i v e degree. C. poflCTBá, d e g r e e of r e l a t i o n s h i p . H H B K a x ó f t cTéneHH, in n o d e g r e e . B páBHOñ CTéneHH, in an e q u a l d e g r e e . C T e n éHHocTb, n.f., staidness, sedateness. Cren-éHHbiñ, adj., staid, sedate. C. Me^oBéK, s t a i d , s e d a t e p e r s o n .

CTon-á, n.f., s o l e of the f o o t ; f o o t - s t e p ; metre (in verse); ream, tumbler. n j i ó c K a a c., f l a t f o o t . K y ^ á HanpáBHM MH c T o n ú CBOÚ? W h i t h e r s h a l l w e d i r e c t o u r f e e t ? MATÚ n o e r ó cTonáM, (fig.), to tread in his footsteps. ii^uiKHH HanHcáji "EBréHHH O H é r H H a " , A B y x c ^ ó ) K H o f l CTonóñ, P u s h k i n w r o t e "Eugene Onegin" in a decasyllabic m e t r e . O r p ó M H a a c T o n á KHHT, l a r g e p i l e of b o o k s . C T o n á ó y M á r H , r e a m of p a p e r . C-rón-Ka, n.f., c u p ; little roll. O H BúnHJi CTónKy BÓAKH, h e d r a n k a j i g g e r of v o d k a . CTyn-áTb, v.i., cryn-rtTb, v.p., t o s t e p . OH TH)Ke;ió c T y n á e T , he t r e a d s heavily, he stomps. CTynáft o r c & A a , g e t a w a y . C T ^ n - a ( c T y n - K a ) , n.f., m o r t a r . T o J i ó i b B ó a y B CTyné, (saying), to d o nothing. n é c T H K CTynKH, p e s t l e . C i y n - H u a , n.f., nave, hub. TpH3b AoxoAi^a ao CTynrtubi K o ^ e c , t h e m u d r e a c h e d up t o the hub. CTyn-HD, n.f., foot. EM£ aMnyTrtpoBa^H CTynHib, t h e y a m p u t a t e d his f o o t . B-CTyn-áTb, v.i., B-CTyn-(iTb, v.p., B + acc., t o e n t e r ; s t e p in, into. B o f i c K á BCTyníí^H B r ó p o A , t h e t r o o p s e n t e r e d the t o w n . OH BtrrynHJi B Hcno;iHéHHe CBOAX 06^3AHH0CTEFL, he a s s u m e d h i s o f f i c a l d u t i e s . B. B npoeccHOHáJibHbiH c o w 3 , t o b e c o m e a m e m b e r of a t r a d e union. B. B p a 3 r o B ó p , t o j o i n a c o n v e r s a t i o n . B . B npaBá HacjiéACTBa, t o i n h e r i t l e g a l l y , o b t a i n r i g h t s ^of inh e r i t a n c e . B. Ha npecTÓJi, t o m o u n t a t h r o n e . B-CTyn-áTb-CH, v.i.r., B-CTynúTb-cn, v.p.r., sa + acc., t o i n t e r c e d e . B. 3a c j i á ó o r o , t o d e f e n d the w e a k e r of t w o . OH B c e r A á BCTynáeTCH 3a A p y 3 é ñ , he a l w a y s i n t e r c e d e s f o r his f r i e n d s . B-cTyn-tiTe;ibHbift, adj., i n t r o d u c t o r y . B. B3Hoc, e n t r a n c e f e e . B - u e c-iioBá, i n t r o d u c t o r y w o r d s , r e m a r k s . B-CTyn-jiéHHe, n.n., p r e l u d e , i n t r o d u c t i o n , e n t r y , p r e f a c e . B. k KHúre, the i n t r o d u c t i o n t o the b o o k . B. ápMHH B r ó p o a , e n t r a n c e of a r m y i n t o a t o w n . 3 T O CJI^JKHT BCTyn^iéHHeM, this s e r v e s as a n i n t r o duction, a prelude. 3a-CTyn-áTb, v.i., 3a-CTyn-fiTb, v.p., (colloq.), + acc., t o substitute, r e p l a c e . B T o p á n CMéHa 3 a c T y n á e T B 6 nacÓB, the s e c o n d s h i f t c o m e s on at 6 o ' c l o c k . 3a-CTyn-áTb-CH, v.p.r., 3a-CTyn-HTb-c«,



v.p.r., 3a + acc., to intercede, plead, defend. 0KHocTbio, to act with caution. 0-crop6)K-Hbift, adj., careful, prudent. BjvibTe ocTopbHtHbi! T a k e care! Watch out! 0-cT0p6}K-H0, adv., carefully, with care. ripeA-o-cTopdw-HocTb, n.f., precaution. H3 npeAocTop6)KHocTH, to be on the safe side; out of precaution. ripHHHM^Tb M^pbl npeAOCTOp6)KHOCTH, to take precautionary measures.

no-CTopoiK-fiTb, v.p., -)- acc., to watch. riocTopoiKiiTe MOA B£IUH, noK4 A npHAy, keep an eye on my things until I come. CTpaw, n.m., (obs.), see C T 6 P O > K . C O 6 £ K A - Moii BdpHbift c., my dog is my trusty guard. CTp3)K-a, n.f., guard, watch. CTodtb Ha CTpiwe, to stand on guard. CoAepwdTbco noA cTpijKeft, to be under arrest. CTP^JK-HHK, n.m., mounted policeman in county district. rrp6r-HFT (cTpor), adj., severe, stern, strict. C. yMHTe-iib, strict teacher. npHT O B 6 P cy&A 6MJI ¿MeHb CTpor, the sentence was very severe. MC;IOB£K CTp6roro 66pa3a >KH3HH, an austere chaste person. CTpbrHe Mipbi, severe measures. CTp6ro, adv., severely, strictly. C. 3anpemeH6, strictly prohibited. CTp6r-ocTb, n.f., severity, rigidity, strictness. C. HP^BOB, rigidity of morals. CTp6)K-e, adj. and adv. comp., more severe, more stern, more strict; more severely, more sternly, more strictly. OH oTHeccH K HAM CTpbwe 06biKH0B^HHoro, he treated us more sternly than usual. CTpoK-iHuiHft, adj., superl., severest, sternest, strictest. CTPA/l-, FERING,




CTpaA-4Tb, v.i., OT - F gen., to suffer. H CTpaAiio OT 3y6H6ft 66m, I am suffering from a toothache. C. no B H H £ Kor6-^H6o, to suffer through somebody's fault. CTpaA-3-neu, n.m., CTpaA¿JtHua, n.f., sufferer, martyr. OpaA4^bMecKHH, adj., of or pertaining to a martyr. C. BHA, air of a martyr. CTpaA-^HHe, n.n., suffering, pain. BoJl£3Hb npHHHHH^a eft MHOrO CTpaA^HHH, her illness caused her much suffering. CTpaA-aTe^bHwft, adj., (gram.), passive. C. 3a^6r, (gram.), passive voice.



CTpaa-á, n.f., harvest time. CTpáA-Hbifi, adj., harvest. CTpáA-Haa nopá, harvest time. BÚ-CTpaA-aTb, v.p., to suffer through. OH Bbicrpa.aa.ii OT H H X MHÓTO YHH)KÉHHÑ, he suffered much humiliation at their hands. HC-CTpaA-árb-csi, v.p.r., to wear oneself out with suffering. OH B KOHéu HccrpaH&nest, he utterly wore himself out with suffering. Ha-CTpaj-áTb-ca, v.p.r., to suffer very much. H , N 0 C T Á T 0 M H 0 HACTPAFLÁ^CN B Moéñ }KH3HH, I've suffered enough in my life. OT-crpafl-áTb, v.p., + acc., to have had one's share of suffering. OHá oTcrpajx&na CBoe, she has had her share of suffering. no-cTpaA-áTb, v.p., OT + gen., to suffer; sustain injuries. E r ó 3AopÓBbe noCTpaAá;io OT H E A O E A Á H H R , his health was impaired by hunger. Tópofl N O C T P A A Á ^ OT 6 O M 6 A P 4 H P Ó B K H , the city suffered from bombardments. npo-CTpa/i-áTb, v.p., to suffer over a period of time. HapóA N P O C T P A ^ Á ^ OT RÓAOAA ué^bift TOA, the people suffered from famine through a whole year. C0-CTpaa-áTb, v.i., -f- dat., (obs.), to feel, sympathize. C. c;ie3áM 6jiH)KHero, to sympathize with the misfortunes of one's fellow man. Co-cTpaA-áHHe, n.n., K + dat., compassion, sympathy. 3TO HecMácTbe BH3Ba.io K HHM Bceóómee c., this misfortune aroused general sympathy for them, Y HHX HCT HHKaxóro cocTpaüáHHH, they have no compassion. Co-CTpaA-áTe^bHbifi, adj., compassionate. CTpacT-b, n.f., passion. C. oc.ien.ifleT .iio^éñ, passion blinds people. O p a c T b K B H H y , passion for drink. JIio6ÓBHafl c., love, passion. MHe c. Kax xóweTCH, (colloq.), I long for. CTpácTH TocnoAHH, Passion of Christ. OpácT-HocTb, n.f., sensuality, passionateness. CTpácT-Hbiñ, adj., passionate; inveterate. C-aa HaTypa, passionate nature, temperament. CTpacTHás HeAéjin, Passion Week, Holy Week. CTpacT-o-Tépneu, ( C h - S l . ) , n.m., martyr. npH-CTpacT-úTb-cii, v.p.r., K + dat., to give oneself, n . K BHHy, to give oneself to drink, n . K xápTaM, to become an inveterate card player. ripH-crpácT-ne, n.n., passion; partiality, Y Heró n. K KHiiraM, he has a passion for books. O H H cyAfuiH eró c N P H C T P Á C T H E M , they judged him with partiality. npH-cTpácTHocTb, n.f., partiality. Cyflbó npoHBú;i 6oJibuiyio npHCTpácTHOcrb B npnroBÓpe, the judge showed partiality in his


verdict. npH-cTpicT-Hbifl, adj., partial, prejudiced. I"I-oe pemlHHe, prejudiced decision. IIPH-CTP^CT-HO, adv., with partiality. I~I. cyartTb o mcm-^h6o, to judge something with partiality. 6ec-npH-crpicT-He, n.n., impartiality. BecnpH-cTpicT-Hbifl, adj., impartial. BecnpH-cTp4cT-HO, adv., impartially, disinterestedly. 06cyAHTe ¿TO 6., consider it impartially. C T P A X - , CTPAUI-, FEAR, F R I G H T crpax, n.m., fear, fright; risk. C. CM^PTH, fear of death. OHH B CMepT&ibHOM CTpixe, they are in mortal fear. IIOA CTP^XOM CM^pTHOft k^3hh, under penalty of death. B3«Tb K-HBaTb, v.i., acc., to l e a r n b y h e a r t , b y r o t e . O H 3aTB^p>KHBaeT yp^KH, KaK n o n y r i i i , h e l e a r n s his l e s s o n s like a p a r r o t . O H saTBepAHJi OAH6 H T6 « e , h e k e p t o n repeating the same thing. nOA-TBepA-frrb, v.p., noA-TBepwA-^Tb, v.i., + acc., t o c o n f i r m , n . noA n p H c a r o w , t o a f f i r m u n d e r o a t h . CO6NTHH noATBep>KAiK)T HiuiH cvioBa, e v e n t s h a v e c o n f i r m e d o u r c o n t e n t i o n s . rioA-TBepAJlTb-Cfl, V.p.r., nOA-TBepJKA-^Tb-CH, v.i.r., t o b e c o n f i r m e d . B e e BTO noATBepAiiAocb (J)iKTaMH, t h i s w a s all c o n f i r m e d b y t h e f a c t s . I~IoA-TBep>KA-eHHe,

T E K - , T Ë K - , TEM-, T O K - , TOM-, F L O W ,


Ten-b, TeK-y, v.i., t o f l o w , r u n , s t r e a m , l e a k . H3 KpâHa TenëT BOA^, w a t e r is r u n n i n g f r o m t h e f a u c e t . BpéMH TenëT, t i m e flies. JIÔAKa TeiëT, t h e b o a t is l e a k i n g . TeK-yiUHfi, adj., part. act. pres., f l o w i n g , r u n n i n g ; c u r r e n t . BOA4, reKymaa c rop, water flowing from t h e m o u n t a i n s . T - w e Ae.ia, c u r r e n t b u s i n e s s . T . roA, t h e c u r r e n t y e a r . T e x yHHH, adj., f l u i d . Pacn-iâBJieHHbiH MeTâ.i.i - TeKyqHH, m o l t e n m e t a l is f l u i d . T e K - y i e c T b , n.f., f l u i d i t y . T . pa6ÔMeii cii.ibi, f l u i d i t y of m a n p o w e r . TeM-éHHe, n.n., c o u r s e , f l o w , s t r e a m , c u r r e n t . T. peKii, r i v e r c u r r e n t . T. BOAH, f l o w of w a t e r . T. Ae.i, c o u r s e of a f f a i r s . "T. cô.iHua (3Bë3A), c o u r s e of t h e s u n (of t h e s t a r s ) . B c ë y.iâAHTCH c TewéHHeM BpéMeHH, e v e r y t h i n g will t u r n o u t well in t h e c o u r s e of t i m e . B TeMéHHe HIOHH, d u r i n g J u n e . B T. HEAÉJIH, w i t h i n a w e e k . B T. RÔAA, in t h e c o u r s e of a y e a r . n . i w T b n o TeHéHHio peKH, to sail, swim with the river's current ( d o w n s t r e a m ) . Kp0B0-TeMéHHe, n.n., b l e e d ing; haemorrhage. B-TeM-b, V.p., B-TeK-âTb V.i., B -f- OCC., t o flow in, into. BÔ.ira BTewéeT B KacnwHCKoe M ô p e , t h e V o l g a f l o w s i n t o the Caspian Sea. BOAÎ BTenéet B ôôwKy, w a t e r is f l o w i n g i n t o t h e b a r r e l . B-TeK-âHHe, n.n., i n f l u x . BÙ-TeM-b, V.p., Bbl-TeK-âTb, V.i., H3 + gen., t o f l o w o u t . P e x é BbiTeKâeT H3











H3 ¿Toro BbiTeKáeT, HTO OH npaB, it follows from this that he is right. 3 a - T é H - b , v.p., 3 a - T e K - á T b , v.i., to flow in; become numb. CIOAÁ 3aTeKáeT XOJIÓAHoe MopcKÓe TeweHHe, the cold sea current flows in here. BoAá 3aTeKJiá B nórpeó, water flowed into the cellar, FL TaK A Ó ; i r o C H f l é J i a , MTO H o r á 3aTeKJiá, I sat so long that my foot became numb. H c - T é M - b , v.p., H C - T e K - á T b v . i . , + instr., to expire, collapse; bleed; derive, proc e e d , e m a n a t e . C p o x HCTCK 2 0 - o r o WHC-NA HCTéKiuero Mécaua, t h e t i m e limit e x pired on the 20th of last month. PáHeHbiñ HCTeKáeT KpÓBbio, the w o u n d e d m a n is b l e e d i n g . Mc-Tei-éHHe, n.n., outflow, expiration, discharge. H. cpÓKa npHÓJiHJKáeTcn, t h e d e a d l i n e is approaching. H a - T é n - b v.p., H a - T e K - á T b , v.i., B + acc., t o f l o w in q u a n t i t y . B JiÓAKy H a T e K ^ ó MHÓTO BOAW, m u c h w a t e r f l o w e d into the boat. o - T é w - b , v.p., o - T e K - á T b , v.i. to swell, to b e c o m e b l o a t e d . H ó r w CHJIBHÓ OTCKJIH, the feet w e r e badly swollen. O-TéK, n.m., (med.), dropsy, edema. OTéK ^érKMX, static pneumonia.

O T - T é n - b V . p . , O T - T e K - á T b , V./., OT + getl., to f l o w a w a y . B o A á Méa^eHHo OTTeK á J i a OT 6 é p e r a BO B p é M H OTJIHBA, t h e w a t e r g r a d u a l l y r e c e d e d a t e b b tide. n e p e - T é n - b , v.p., n e p e - T e K - á r b , v.i., Mépe3 acc., t o o v e r f l o w , b r i m o v e r . BHHÓ + nepeTeKJió i é p e 3 Kpañ P»MKH, the wine flowed over the brim of the glass. B o f l á n e p e T e K á j i a M é p e 3 n-rcoTHHy, t h e water w a s flowing over the dam. n o - T é n - b , v.p., no + dat., to begin to f l o w ; f l o w o n . B o f l á n o T e K . i á n o CTeHé, t h e w a t e r f l o w e d a l o n g t h e w a l l . I~IoT É K , n.m., stain caused by dampness. O T c b i p o c T H n o C T e H á M WJIH n o T e K H , the walls were streaked from dampness. n o , a - T é H - b , v.p., n o a - T e K - á T b , v.i., to leak under. BoAá noATeKáeT noA yHAáMeHT, t h e r e i s w a t e r s e e p i n g u n d e r t h e foundation. rioA-TéK, n.m., KPOB-On o j - T é K , n.m., bruise. E r ó Téjio 6biJio noKpHTo KpoBonoATéKaMH, his body w a s covered with bruises. npH-Tén-b, v.p., npH-TeK-áTb, v.i., K + dat., to flow to. npH-TeK-áiomHH, adj., part. act. pres., f l o w i n g t o . I~I-aH B O A á o p o i u á e T nojiü, w a t e r flowing into the fields irrigates them. n p o - T é i - b , v.p., n p o - T e K - á T b , v.i., no + dat., to flow by, leak through, elapse. P e K á n p o T e K á e T cpeAH JiyrÓB, the river f l o w s t h r o u g h t h e m e a d o w s . 3 i a KáflKa npoTeKáeT, this tub leaks. BpéMH n p o -


TeKJi6 6bicTpo, time f l e w b y quickly. Bo^e3Hb npoTeKieT HopM^JibHo, the illness is t a k i n g its n o r m a l course. p a c - T 6 M - b - c n , v.p.r., p a c - T e K - i T b - C H , v.i.r., no + dat., t o s p r e a d ; r u n (as liquids). B O A 4 p a c T e K J i i c b n o B c e M y nKIEM Ha B., w e a r e g o i n g east. ZUjibHHft B O C T 6 K , F a r E a s t . >KHTEJIB B o c T 6 K a , a n O r i e n t a l . B 0 C T 0 K - 0 - B e A , n.m., orientali s t . B 0 C T 0 K - 0 - B e A - e H H e , n.n., orientology. BocTOK-o-B^A-^ecKHft, adj., pertaining to orientology. B. HHCTHTYT, institute of oriental studies. BOC-T6MHbiH, adj., Eastern, Oriental. B-aa HHAHH, East Indies. B-we a3biKH, Oriental languages. HC-T6K, n.m., efflux, outflow; source, b e g i n n i n g . H . B 6 ^ t h MeJiKOBdAeH, t h e s o u r c e o f t h e V o l g a is s h a l l o w . HCT6KH of pyccKofi HCT6PHH, t h e b e g i n n i n g s Russian history. HC-T6I-HHK, n.m., source, spring, origin. 3TO c^Mbifl B^PHBIH H., t h i s i s t h e m o s t a u t h o r i t a t i v e s o u r c e . HECJJTHHDH H., g u s h e r , o i l w e l l . H . 6OJI63HH, c a u s e o f a n i l l n e s s . H C - T o i - i i T b , v.p., Hc-TOM-dTb, v./., t o s h e d , emit; f l o w from. H. cjie3bi, to shed tears. H. 6;iaroyx4HHe, to emit a



f r a g r a n c e . Kp0B-0-T0M-iíTb, t o b l e e d . Kp0B0-T0M-HB0CTb, n.f., haemophilia. PáHa KPOBOTOIHT, the wound is b l e e d i n g . KPOBO-TOM-HBUH, adj., bleeding. OT-TÓK, n.m., f l o w i n g a w a y . no-TÓK, n.m., stream, flow, current. LUyMHbiH rópHbjfí noTÓK, roaring mountain torrent, n . CJIOB, f l o w of w o r d s . JlwTb noTÓKH c;ié3, to shed a f l o o d of tears. no-Tów-HbiH, adj., conveying. I l - a a CHCTéMa npoH3BÓACTBa, assembly line system of production. npx-TÓk, n.m., tributary; i n f l u x . KáMa npHTÓK BóJirH. the K a m a is a tributary of the V o l g a . I~I. BKJiáAOB yBe^iHMHJiCH, the influx of deposits has increased. C-TOK, n.m., flow, drip; drainage. HeAOCTáTOMHHH c. BOAbI 3a6ojiá4HBaeT MéeTHoeTb, insufficient d r a i n a g e makes this place marshy, s w a m p y . TEJI-, (T-feJI-), B O D Y TéJi-o, n.n., b o d y . OH WYBCTBYET 6o;ib BO BceM Té^e, his w h o l e body aches. BeAHÍiiKKy flepwáJiH B MepHOM Téjie (fig.), the p o o r girl w a s ill-treated. TBÉPFLBIE H jKHAKHe Tejiá, solids and liquids. T e ^ - 0 - r p é ü K a , n.f., a warm sleeveless jacket. Te-i-o-ABHwéHHe, n.n., motion; gesture. E r ó TeJiOABHwéHHH 6ÚJIH yr^OBáTbi, his motions w e r e angular. Te.i-o-c;io)KéHHe, n.n., frame, build. OH KpériKoro Te^oc^o)KéHHH, he has a strong frame. Te^-o-xpaHHTe^b, n.m.,

b o d y g u a r d . E r ó C O N P O B O W A Á E T T.,

he is accompanied by a b o d y g u a r d . Te-n-écHOCTb, n.f., corporeality. TejiécHbiH, adj., corporeal, b o d i l y ; of the flesh. TPHKÓ T - o r o UBéTa, flesh-colored tights. ñoABéprHyTb TeJiécHOMy HaKa3áHHio, to inflict corporal punishment. Te^-écHO, adv., corporally, bodily. OH T. COBEPMÉHHO 3 A O P Ó B , h e is c o m p l e t e l y

sound in body. Bec-TeJi-écHocrb, n.f., absence of corporeality. Bec-Te;i-écHbiñ, adj., incorporeal; immaterial; see óecn^óTHbifí. Té^-b-HHK, n.m,, sweatshirt w o r n next to the skin. TéJi-b-ue, n.n., little b o d y ; corpuscle. Bcé eé MájieHbKoe T. A P o w á ; i o , her little b o d y w a s trembling all over. Ha-ré^-b-HbiH, adj., w o r n next to the body. H. npecT, a cross which is w o r n next to the body.






TeM-H-é-Tb, v.i., to b e c o m e d a r k , d a r k e n . y * < é TeMHéeT, nopá AOMÓH, i t ' s b e c o m i n g d a r k , it's t i m e to g o h o m e . TeMH-HTb, v.i., + acc., to darken. XYAÓLKHHK





TEM KapTHHe, the painter is darkening the light spots on the painting. TeM-HéTbCH, v.i.r., used only in 3d pers. only, to loom. Tywa TeMHéeTca BAa-iii, the storm cloud is l o o m i n g dark in the distance. TéM-eHb, n.f., dark, darkness. K a x á a TéMeHb! H o w dark it is! TeM-HOTá, n.f.,

d a r k n e s s . B T a K Ó í í TEMHOTÉ MÓMHO

c^OMáTb Hóry, in this darkness one can break a leg. TeM-miua, n.f., (obs.), prison; jail. TéM-Hbiñ, adj., dark, s h a d y ; obscure, y Heró TéMHoe npóui^oe, he has a shady past, y Heró T-aa BOA¿ B R^a3y, (med.), he has amaurosis. 3TO T-oe MécTO B e r ó KHHre, this is an obscure place in his book. TeM-HÓ, adv., darkly, obscurely. T. xoTb r;ia3 BbiKo.IH, (idiom.), it's pitch dark. TéMHO-, a combining form and prefix meaning dark. TéMHo-6arpóBbiñ, dark purple. TeMH0-6ypwH, dark brown. TÉMHO-BOJIÓCBIH,



KpácHbiH, dark red. TÉMHO-pycbiñ, dark blond. TéMHO-CHHHH, dark blue, navy blue. TbM-a, n.f., darkness; (fig.), crowd, g r e a t multitude; ignorance. HóMbio 6bi;iá KpoMéuiHan






pitch darkness. "BaacTb TbMbi," " T h e P o w e r of D a r k n e s s . " TaM uapHT TbMa HeBé>KecTBa, the darkness of ignorance r e i g n s there. Ha yjiHuax 6biJiá TbMa T b M y m a « HapÓAy, (colloq.), there w a s a dense c r o w d in the streets. no-TeM-H-éTb, v.p., to become dark, dim. y Hero noTeMHéjio B r;ia3áx, he blacked out. rio-TeM-HéHHe, n.n., dimness. n . e r ó 3péHHH Bbl3BaHO 60Jlé3HbK>, the dimness of his eyesight is a consequence of an illness. rio-TéM-KH, n.m.pi., darkness. OHH IIIJIH B noTéMKax, they advanced in total darkness. B-no-TbM-áx, adv., in the dark. Mbi npocHAé.iH B. ué-ibiH Mac, w e sat in darkness f o r a w h o l e hour. 3a-TeM-H-tfTb,



out. B o











during the w a r w i n d o w s w e r e darkened. 3TO 33TCMHHT CMblCJI (})pá3bl, it will obscure the meaning of the phrase. 3a-TeM-HHTb-CH, V.p.r., 3a-TeM-HKH3Hb i y r b TénjiHTcs b HéM, h i s l i f e is h a n g i n g b y a t h r e a d . H a A é « A a e m e Tén;iHJiacb y Hac, w e still h a d a f a i n t g l i m m e r o f hope.


3a-Tin-ji-HTb, v.p., + acc., t o light a votive candle. MaTb 3aT£njiH;ia JiaMn^Ay nepea 66pa30M, my mother lit a v o t i v e lamp b e f o r e the icon. 3a-Tdn-;i-HTb-cH, v.p.r., used in 3d pers. only, t o g l i m mer, burn, y Bcex o6pa36B 3ai£n;iHjmcb ^aMn^Abi, lamps w e r e lit b e f o r e all the icons. 3a-Ten-jnfrn>, v.p., 3a-Ten-ji-riTb, v.i., + acc., (colloq.), to w a r m . O h h 3aTen;ie;iH, potato g r a t e r . Tp-éHHe, n.n., friction, g r a t i n g ; discord, discordance. T . 3aAép* HOMb, she spent the whole night washing. y-Tep-frrb, v.p., y-THp-dTb, v.i., + acc., to w i p e dry, w i p e a w a y . y . cjie3bi, t o d r y tears. y-Tep-eTb-cn, v.p.r., y-THpdTb-cn, v.i.r., to be dried, wiped o f f , d r y oneself. MeM t m yTHpieiubcn? W i t h w h a t d o you d r y y o u r s e l f ? y-THp^jibHHK, n.m., (folk), towel.





Tepn-é-Tb, Tepn-^-ib, v.p., + acc., to suffer, endure, bear, tolerate. O h ú TépnHT HyjKfly, they s u f f e r f r o m want. 4>HpMa Tepnéjia yótíiTKH, the f i r m bore h e a v y losses. H e r ó TepnéTb He Mory, I cannot bear him. JXéno He TépnHT oTJiaráTe^bCTBa, the business is pressing. BpéMH TépnHT, there is all the time in the w o r l d . Tepn-éTb-cn, v.i.r., used in 3d pers., only, to be patient. Eiuy He TépnHTCH yBH,náTb Bac, (colloq.), he is v e r y anxious to see you. Tepn-e^HB(biñ), adj., patient. O h TepneJiHB, he is patient. He-Tepn-e^HBbifi, adj., impatient. Tepn-e.iHBO, adv., patiently. Oh t. auéT H3BécTHñ, he is patiently w a i t i n g f o r news. He-Tepn-e^HBo, adv., impatiently. Tepn-e-iHBocTb, n.f., patience, f o r bearance. T. 0T;iHMHTeJibHaH qepTá e r ó xapáKTepa, patience is one of his outstanding characteristics. He-Tepn-e^HBOCTb, n.f., impatience. Tepn-éHHe, n.n., patience, endurance, fl noTepá;i t . , I ' v e lost my patience. TepnéHHe h Tpya Bee nepeTpyT (prov.), patience and w o r k will o v e r c o m e all. He-Tepn-éHne, n.n., impatience. Tepn-HMwii, adj., tolerable, sufferable, bearable. Tepnhmo, adj. pred., bearable, tolerable. 3 t o e m e TepniíMo, it is still endurable. H e Tepn-ÚMbiñ, adj., intolerant. Tepn-HMO, adv., tolerantly, bearably. OTHOCHTbCH t. k apyr^M pe^ürHHM, to be tolerant t o w a r d s other religions. He-Tepn-HMO, adv., intolerantly, unbearably. T e p n -



AMOCTb, n.f., tolerance. He-TepnflMOCTb, n.f., intolerance. He-B-Tepn-eac, adv., (colloq.), u n b e a r a b l y . MHe CT&JIO ¿TO H., I could not b e a r it any longer. Bii-Tepn-eTb, v.p., + acc., to endure, bear. OH He BbiTepnea HX rpy6ocTH. he could not endure their rudeness. Ha-Tepn-^Tb-CH, v.p.r., to h a v e s u f f e r e d much. H MH6ro H A T E P N I J I C « OT n.ioxHx coc^Aeft, I h a v e put up with a good deal from disagreeable neighbors. n ( e ) p e - T e p n - l T b , v.p., n(e)pe-Tepn-eBiTb, v.i., + acc., to s u f f e r , b e a r , endure, undergo. ri(e)pe-Tepn-6BinHii, adj., part. act. past, used also as n., one w h o has suffered. FIpeTepniBuiHii BcecnaceTca, {Bib.), " b u t he that endureth to the end shall be s a v e d . " no-Tepn-iTb, v.p., + acc., to s u f f e r ; have patience. rioiepntiTe HeMHdro! Have a little patience! rio-Tepn-6BIIIHFI, ad}., part. act. past, used as n., injured. FToTepniBiiiHe 6UAH NEPEBE3EHM B 6o^bH6He, n.n., industry, assiduity. Oh npeBOCXÓAHT Bcex CBOHM TpyAOJIlÓÓHeM, he surpasses everyone in industry. TpyAo-cnocó6Hbiñ, adj., able-bodied; efficient. TpyA-o-cnocó6HocTb, n.f., capacity for w o r k . E r ó t. ÓMeHb Ma;iá, his capacity f o r w o r k is v e r y low. HeTpyA-o-cnocóÓHbiñ, adj., disabled. HeTpyA-o-cnocó6HocTb, n.f., disability. TpyA-fiiUHftcn, adj., part. act. pres., w o r k i n g , toiling. T - n e c a Máccw, w o r k ing masses. Tpyw-eHHK, n.m., Tpyw-eHHua, n.f., hard worker. T . HayKH, devoted scientist. TpyjK-eHHMecKHH, adj., industrious, toiling. T-aa KH3Hb, a life of hard work. y-TpywA-áTb, v.i., + acc., + instr., to trouble, inconvenience. Á He CTáHy y. Bac CBoéfi npócbóofl, I will not trouble you with my request, ft He xom^ Bac y., I do not want to trouble you. y-TpyjKA-áTb-CH, v.i.r., (obs.), to take the trouble, trouble oneself. He yTpyjKAáíiTecb HanpácHo! Don't trouble yourself, it will be of no avail.

Tyr-, ty>k-. Tar-, t t h i k - , TIGHTNESSS, STIFFNESS, GRIEF, BURDEN



ryr-KHTt>, you must not grieve. Tyw-HTb-ca, v.i.r., Ha + acc., to grieve, regret. O h TywHTca Ha cbok) HecnicTHyio cyAb6y, he grieves over his miserable fate. T^)K-HTb-CH, v.i.r., no-Tyw-HTb-ca, v.p.r., to make an effort, strain. O h TywHTca noAH^Tb ¿ t o t K^MeHb, he is straining to lift this stone. rio-Tyr-a, n.f., straining e f f o r t (as in childbirth). Becn-ndAHbie noTyrn, vain efforts. Ha-Tym-HTb-CH, v.p.r., to make an effort, strain. no-Ha-TyjK-HTb-ca, v.p.r., to strain for a while. Oh noH3Ty»H.iica h peiuAji 3aA^wy, he made an effort and solved the problem. Ha-Tyr-a, n.f., effort, strain. 3a6o;i6Tb o t HaTyrn, to become ill from overstraining. 3a-Tyyc-riTb, v.p., (colloq.), to begin to grieve. 3aTy*ii;ia 6^AHaa AisyiiiKa, the poor girl began to grieve. no-Ty»-HTb, v.p., (colloq.), to grieve a little. O h noTyjKrtJi, noTywiiji h yT^tiJHJica, he grieved a little, then consoled himself. T*r-a, n.f., draft, pull, traction; migration (as of birds). B nemi n.ioxda Tdra, there is too little draft in the stove. Tiir-4Tb, v.i., - f acc., (colloq.), to drag. T. THweJibie MeuiKii, to drag heavy bags. O h Tar in hx no cyA^M, (colloq.), he dragged them through the courts. Tar-^Tb-ca, v.i.r., c + instr., to litigate; compete with. C hhm TpyAHO T.t it is hard to compete with him. Tnr-dHHe,

372 n.n., litigation, competition. T. no cyAáM óMeHb HenpH^THo, litigation is very unpleasant. Tdr-Jio, n.n., (hist.), land allotted to peasant families and subject to taxation. Tár-;ibift, adj., pertaining to peasant taxes; pertaining to a burden. T. ckot, beasts of burden. Tár-ocTb, n.f., Tur-ÓTa, n.f., burden, weight, load, heaviness.




TiirocTb eMy, we were a burden to him.

T . >KH3HH, burdens of life. Tár-ocrHbiH,

adj., burdensome; painful. T-oe BnewaTjiéHHe, painful impression. Tiir-OT-éTb, v.i., k - f dat., nap, + instr., to gravitate towards, be attracted to; weigh over, hang over. Oh mroTéeT k Ha^Ke, he is attracted to science. Haa hAmh







hangs over them. Tflr-oTéHHe, n.n., gravitation;



Newton's law of gravita-

tion. Tnr-OT-A-Tb, THr-omy, v.i., + acc., overwhelm, overburden, hang heavy on, be a burden. CoBepméHHoe


THroTHT eró cÓBecTfc, the committed crime hangs heavy on him. THr-OTÁTb-cji, v.i.r., -(- instr., to feel the weight, the burden. Oh thtothtch 3aBHCHM0CTbK) oT hhx, his dependence

on them is hard on him.

0-Tnr-0T-M c e 6 e cyxojKH^ne, he strained a tendon. P a c TH-HyTb-CH. V.p.r., paC-Tflr-HBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to stretch, be stretched, lengthe n e d ; s p r a w l , f a l l . Pe3HHa pacTflrHBaeTcii, rubber stretches. Pac-mw-eHHe, n.n., expansion, extension; strain; s p r a i n . P. MycKyjia 6o,ne3HeHHO, s p r a i n ing a muscle is painful. Pac-T«>KHMocTb,




tensility. Pac-TH>«-HMbiH, adj., extensible, elastic, tensile. P - o e onpeAefliHHe, elastic definition. Pac-T^w-Ka, n.f., stretching, extending. ZlaTb canorrt Ha



pacTOjKKy, to have one's shoes stretched. C-TS-H^Tb, V.p., C-Tár-HBaTb, V.Í., + CtCC., t o d r a w together, constrict, tighten; strap, tie, bind; (mil.), gather up f o r c es; to pull o f f . H e n p H Í T e ^ b CTárHBaeT Boficxá B ¿TOM MécTe, the enemy is concentrating his troops in this place. OH CTHHyji MeMO^áH peMH^MH, he strapped his suitcase. C. canorií c Hor, to pull the boots o f f one's feet. C-TH-HyTb, v.p., + acc., c -f- instr., to filch, p i l f e r ; pull o f f , a w a y . KTÓ-TO CTHHYJI MOÚ nacw B To^né (fig.), someone in the c r o w d filched my watch. C-TH-Hyrb-cq, v.p.r., c-TÍr.-HBaTb-cji, v.i.r., to be drawn together, be tightened. Riái-fee cTflrHBaeTCH n ó H C O M , the dress is held by a belt. c-Tnw-áTb, v.p., + acc., (obs.), to acquire, obtain. FLÓÓPUMH .AEJIÁMH OH cTHwáJi ó 6 u i y i o jiK)60Bb, he w a s generally loved f o r his g o o d deeds. C-T«>K-áHHe, n.n., acquisition; unscrupulous acquisition of money. C-TH)K-áTeJib, n.m., (obs.), one w h o acquires something through unscrupulous means. H e 6y,abTe cTHjKáTejiHMH, don't be a money grabber. C-TH«-áTe^bHbiñ, adj., grasping, g r e e d y , avaricious. C-TH}K-áTejibcTBO, n./., m o ney g r a b b i n g ; greed, greediness. y-TH-H^Tb, v.p., y-Tür-HBaTb, v./., + acc., to d r a w a w a y by f o r c e ; decrease; steal, pilfer. Mbi ToproBájiHCb H OH py6;ib yTHHyji, w e bargained and he g a v e a ruble less. T*W, n.m., trace ( h a r n e s s ) . TÜiK-6-a, n.f., (obs.), lawsuit, litigation; court action. O H Í BeaéT T ^ » t 6 y npóTHB Heró, she is prosecuting him in court. Tá)K-e6Hbiñ, adj., (obs.), pertaining to a lawsuit; litigious. 3TO cJió>KHoe T-oe Aéno, this is a complicated lawsuit. T á m yutHftcH, adj., part. act. pres., used as n., (obs.) litigant. FlpHr;iacÚTe T^)KyIUHXCH! Invite the litigants! Tj«K-efl-éTb, v.i., to g r o w , become heavy. PeóéHOK THwe^éeT c Ká)«abiM MéctmeM, this child is g r o w i n g heavier every month. Tflw-e-fibift, adj., heavy, w e i g h t y , hard. T . MeMoaáH, heavy suitcase. T - o e n0Ji0)KéHHe, difficult situation. TaHceJió, adv., heavily, w e i g h t i l y , painfully, hard. T . HarpywéHHbift BaróH, heavily loaded car. T. B3abixáTb, to sigh heavily. MHe T. paccTáTbCd c BáMH, it is hard f o r me t o leave you. T n w - e j i ó - , a combining form meaning heavy. TsuKeJi-o-BécHbift, adj., heavy, ponderous. T . CTHJU,, ponderous style. Tn)«e.n-o-BÓ3, n.m., draft horse. T a w e ^ - o - A y M , slow-thinking (of a person). THJK-eJioBáTbift, adj., rather h e a v y ; ( f i g ) , hard. OH TuwejioBáT Ha

noflbeM, he is rather difficult to rouse to action. o-THiK-eji-^Tb, v.p., to become heavy. OH OTHweJi^ji He no r o a i M , he became too stout f o r his years. TAw-ecTb, n.f., heaviness, weight, g r a v i t y . OH CHHJI c MEHRI iry T., he took this burden off my shoulders. UeHTp Trt)K€CTH, center of g r a v i t y . TAW-KHA, adj., grave, w e i g h t y serious; grievous. T - a « 6ojie3Hb, severe illness. T6)K-KO, adv., grievously, seriously, sadly, badly, painfully. OH T. 3a6o;II;i, he became seriously ill. MHe 6biJio T. BIIFLETB ¿TO, it w a s painful f o r me to see this. HC-TH3-4Tb, v.i.,



to torture,


ment. Hejib3^ H. K(5uieK H CO64K, d o not torment cats and d o g s . HC-TH3-4HHC, n.n., torture, torment. H. n^iHHbix, torture of prisoners. Hc-TH3-dTeJib, n.m., torturer, tormentor. npH-T«i3-4Tb, v.p., Ha + acc., t o pretend, lay claim to. 51 He npHTH3dio Ha Birny 6^arofldpHocTfc, I do not expect thanks f r o m you. ripH-Tjj3-^HHe, n.n., pretension, claim. npH-TH3-4T€JibHbift, adj., exacting, e x i g e n t ; pretentious. He-npHTH3-K-, N A R R O W N E S S ,


?3-K-Hft, adj., n a r r o w , tight, y . nHflW^K, tight, narrow coat. y. Kpyros6p, narrow-minded view. y . HC;IOB6K, narrow-minded person, y. Kpyr apy3eft, intimate circle of friends, y - o e M^CTO, tight place, bottleneck, n a r r o w spot. B y3KHX rpaHHuax, within n a r r o w bounds. y3eHbKHfl, adj., (dim.), n a r r o w , tight, y3-KOB^Tbift, adj., rather n a r r o w , tight. y3-K0CTb, n.f., narrowness, tightness, y . Bsr^siaoB, narrow-mindedness of views, of opinions. y3-KO, adv., n a r r o w ly, tightly. y>K-e, adj. and adv. comp., narrower, tighter; more n a r r o w l y , m o r e tightly. ys-KO-, a combining form meaning narrow. y3KO-r6p;ibift, adj., narrow-necked. y3KO-Ji66uft, adj., narrow-headed, narrow-minded. y3K0rpyflbift, adj., having n a r r o w shoulders. y3Kon,ie4HH, adj., slight of build around the shoulders. ^3-H-Tb, y w - y , v.i., + acc., t o tighten, make narrow. 3TOT (FCACDH 6;I;/3KH y3HT n^^MH, the cut of this blouse makes the shoulders look narrow. 06-^3-HTb, v.p.,



o6-yjK-HBaTb, v.i.,






375 o6^3HJia MHe n ^ i T b e , t h e s e a m s t r e s s m a d e my dress too tight. c - i 3 - H T b , v.p., c - y * - H B a T b , v./., - f acc., t o t i g h t e n , m a k e n a r r o w . C. rjia33, t o squint. C-yw-iHHe; n.n., contracting, shrinking, narrowing, tightening. C. 3 p a M K i , c o n t r a c t i o n of the p u p i l of the e y e . C - y w - e H H b i f l , adj., part. pass, past, n a r r o w e d . C - u e r;ia3ii, s q u i n t i n g e y e s .

Y K - , yM-, b I K - ( B M K - ) , blM- (BUM-), LEARNING, TEACHING; KNOWLEDGE, ERUDITION H a - ^ K - a , n.f., science. B yHHBepcHT^Te H3yniiOT pa3^HMHbie HayxH, in the university v a r i o u s sciences are studied. Ha-^M-Hhifl, adj., s c i e n t i f i c . H - a n KHiira, s c i e n t i f i c b o o k . Ha-yw-HO, adv., scientifically. Ha-yM-HocTb, n.f., state of being scientific; scientific value. H. TedpHH, s c i e n t i f i c v a l u e of a t h e o r y . y n - € 6 - a , n.f., (colloq.), studies, studying. M4^ibMHKa n o c ^ ^ ^ H Ha y q e 6 y , the b o y w a s sent a w a y f o r schooling. yq-66HHK, n.m., t e x t b o o k , y . XHMHH, t e x t b o o k o f c h e m i s t r y . y q - £ 6 H b i f l , adj., pertaining to studies; educational, y . r o a , school y e a r , y - o e 3 a B e A i H H e , e d u c a t i o n a l institution. y - b i e Machi, s c h o o l hours, class hours. y q - ^ H H e , y M - i H b e , n.n., t e a c h i n g , l e a r n i n g , practice; doctrine; apprenticeship. y M ^ H b e cBeT, a HeywdHbe TbMa, ( p r o v . ) . l e a r n i n g is l i g h t , i g n o r a n c e i s d a r k n e s s . Ee3 yq^HbH HeT yM^Hb», (saying), p r a c t i c e m a k e s p e r f e c t . CouHajiHcrrtMecK o e yMiHHe, s o c i a l i s t d o c t r i n e . y i - e m i K , n.m., yq-eHftua, n.f., student, pupil, d i s c i p l e , a p p r e n t i c e . y q - e H n q e c K H i i , adj., of o r p e r t a i n i n g t o a p u p i l ; (fig.), crude, unskilled. y q e H f i q e c K a a pa66Ta, student's work. yq-eHiiqecTBO, n.n., p e r i o d o f t r a i n i n g , a p p r e n t i c e s h i p . OH n p o w e ; i c T a m yweHHMecTBa, he c o m p l e t e d his t e r m of a p p r e n t i c e s h i p , y q eHbifl, adj., also used as n., scientist, scientific, learned; scholar, savant. n^B-ioB - Be^HKHft yweHbiii, P a v l o v is a g r e a t scientist, y - a n c T i n e H b , a c a d e m i c d e g r e e , scientific d e g r e e . He-yq-eHbiH, adj., u n e d u c a t e d . H d - y q , n.m., ignoramus. y q - e H o c T b , n.f., l e a r n i n g , e r u d i t i o n . OH qeJiOB^K 6 o ; i b u i 6 f i yqeHOCTH, he is a m a n o f g r e a t e r u d i t i o n . y q - r i j i - H i i i e , n.n., s c h o o l , e d u c a t i o n a l institution. B o i H H o e y., m i l i t a r y a c a d e m y . yq-HTe^b, n.m., yq-iiTeJibHHua, n.f., teacher, schoolmaster, schoolmistress. OH3 HIUJA yMHTe^BHHUA pyccKoro H3biKd, s h e is o u r t e a c h e r of R u s s i a n . OH y m i r e j i b M y s u K H , h e is a t e a c h e r o f music. y q - i i T e ^ b C K H i i , adj., teaching,


t u t o r i a l . y«j-., c + instr., t o accustom oneself, become familiar. OHa nocrenéHHo CBWKáeTcn co cBoéñ rópbKoft c y a b ó ó ñ , she is gradually b e c o m i n g used to her bad luck. qpe3-Bbm-áftHbift, adj., e x t r a o r d i n a r y , extreme. Wpe3BbmáHHbiH nocÓJi, ambassador e x t r a o r d i n a r y . Mpe3-Bbiw-áfiHO, adv., extremely, e x c e e d i n g l y . MHe i . npncKópÓHo cJiúmaTb ¿TO, I am extremely sorry to hear this. YM-, yM(JI)-, INTELLECT, REASON, U N D E R S T A N D I N G


yM, n.m., mind, intellect, reason, wit, understanding, intelligence. YM x o p o UJÓ, a aBa jiymue, (saying), t w o heads are better than one. YM Aopówe Aéner, (saying), a g o o d mind is worth m o r e than money, y H e r ó npoHHuáTeflbHbiñ yM, he has a penetrating mind. PHÓKHH yM, f l e x i b l e



lively mind. OcTpwft yM, sharp, keen mind. B3dTbCH 3a yM, (idiom.), to become wiser, m o r e reasonable. MHe npHiu^ó Ha yM, it occurred to me. YMá He ripHJiowy, (idiom.), I cannot understand. OH 6e3 yMá OT Heé, he

YM is out of his mind about her. T u c yMá c o m e a ? A r e you out of y o u r m i n d ? H a v e you g o n e out of your mind? 3TO He e r ó yMá ¡¡.éno, it's too much f o r him. 3 T O C B Ó A H T MeHá c yMá, it d r i v e s me mad.



not f o r g e t out of his cunning. Y something







it. O H He B C B O É M yMé, he is wits. OH ce6é Ha yMé, he is Heró A P y r ó e Ha yMé, he has else at the back of his mind.

PyCCKHñ Me^OBéK 3ÍAHHM yMÓM KpénoK, (saying), a Russian is w i s e r a f t e r the event. Y M - H U A , adj., intelligent, sensible. OHá yMHan wéHiuHHa, she is a clever w o m a n . Y M - H Ó , adv., cleverly, intelligently. OH nocTyriHJi y., he acted intelligently. 6e3-^M-eu, n.m., madman, maniac, fanatic. Ee3-YM-He, n.n., insanity, madness, extreme foolishness, fanaticism. Be3YM-Hbiñ, adj., crazy, insane, mad. B-bie r;ia3á, eyes of a madman. Bea-YM-HO, adv., insanely, madly, a w f u l l y , fl 6. ycTáJi, I am a w f u l l y tired. pá3-yM, n.m., intellect, reason, sense, mind. O H Y T P Á T H J I pá3yM, he has lost his mind. " K p H T H K a i H C T o r o pá3yMa," HANÑCAHA KÍÍHTOM, " T h e Critique of Pure R e a s o n " w a s written by Kant. Pa3-YM-HbiH, adj., rational, reasonable, intelligent, sensible. 3 T O p. A N A H , this is a sensible plan. P . Me-ioBéK, a sensible man. Pa3-YM-HO, adv., reasonably, sensibly. O H P A C C Y W A Á ; ! B E C B M Á p., he talked v e r y sensibly. He-pa3-^M-He, n.n., lack of reason. H e pa3-YM-HBIFT, adj., senseless, foolish, unwise. He-pa3-YM-HO, adv., unwisely. C







it w a s not w i s e of him to d o this. c-yM-a-c6pÓAHHiaTb, v.p., c-yM-a-c6póAcTBOBaTb, c-yM-a-c6p¿AHTb, v.i., to b e have wildly, e x t r a v a g a n t l y . riepecTáHb c., stop behaving so extravagantly. C-yM-a-c6pÓA, n.m., c-yM-a-c6pÓAKa, n.f., madcap. O H H E B E P O Á T H B I H c. he is an incredible madcap. C - y M - a - c ó p ó a HbiH, adj., extravagant, crazy, wild. 3TO K3KÓH-TO c. npoéKT, this is a crazy plan. C-yM-a-cépóacTBO, n.n., e x t r a v a gance, f o l l y . E r ó C. HCKOTOpblM HpáBHjiocb, some people like his foolish behavior.

c-yM-a-cuiécTBOBaTb, v.i., to act foolishly, irrationally. C-yM-a-cuiécTBHe, n.n., insanity, madness. Ero c. npHHX^o onácHyio (J)ópMy, he became dangerously insane. C-yM-a-ciuéAiuHft, adj., used







Aó.i>KeH óbiTb Ha cBoóóae, a madman should not be at large. ÁyLueBHOóojibHóro O T n p á B H . i H B cyMacuiéAUiHft AOM, the insane man was sent to an asylum.



y M - é - T b , v.i., + inf., t o k n o w h o w , h a v e t h e skill. yMéeTe-JiH BU n H c á T b ? D o you k n o w h o w to w r i t e ? OH yMéeT n j i á B a T b , h e k n o w s h o w t o s w i m . OH yMéeT 6 t J T b npHÜTHbiM, h e k n o w s h o w t o b e p l e a s a n t . H CAé^aio ¿TO, KaK yMéio, I s h a l l d o it a s b e s t I c a n . yM-éjiwH, adj., s k i l l f u l , e x p e r t . OH y. HrpÓK, h e i s a s k i l l f u l p l a y e r . y M - é a o , adv., skillfully, e x p e r t l y . OH y. b3Ajich 3 a aéno, he went a t it s k i l l f u l l y . yiu-éHHe, n.n., skill, ability, dexterity. He-yM-én-ocTb, n.f., w a n t of skill, c l u m s i n e s s , i n a b i l i t y . OH n o K a a á j i B p a 6 Ó T e c B o i b H., he e x h i b i t e d a l a c k o f skill in h i s w o r k . He-yM-éJibifl, adj., unskillf u l , c l u m s y . H. paóóTHHK, a c l u m s y w o r k e r . He-yiu-éHbe, He-yiu-éHHe, n.n., i g n o r a n c e , u n s k i l l f u l n e s s , i n a b i l i t y . OH n o K a s á J i CBoé H., he s h o w e d h i s i g n o rance. He-AO-yM-eBá-Tb, v.i., to be perplexed, p u z z l e d , b e a t a l o s s . OHH HeAoyMeBájin n o r i ó B o a y e r ó oTcyTCTBHH, t h e y w e r e p u z z l e d b y h i s a b s e n c e . He-AO-yM-éHHe, n.n., p e r p l e x i t y , b e w i l d e r m e n t . He-.noy.M-éHHbift, adj., p e r p l e x e d , p u z z l e d . H. Bonpóc, ( r e c e n t ) a perplexing question. H . B3r\iHA, a b e w i l d e r e d l o o k . pa3-yM-¿Tb, v.i., acc., to u n d e r s t a n d , c o m p r e h e n d , riefi, a a a é n o p a s y i n é ñ ! (saying), D r i n k , b u t do n o t l o s e y o u r r e a s o n ! P a 3 - y M - é T b - c H , v.i.r., used in

3d pers. only, to stand to reason. 3TO

caMó c o ó ó f í p a 3 y M é e T c a , r e a s o n ; it g o e s w i t h o u t



it s t a n d s t o saying. Pa3-



course. Pa3-yM-éHHe, n.n., understanding, cognition. H á a o Bcé Aé^aTb c pa3yMéHHeM, e v e r y t h i n g m u s t b e d o n e with understanding. c-yM-éTb, v.p., -(- inf., to b e a b l e , s u c c e e d ; see yMéTb, v.i., yMeHHK He cyMéJi peiuATb 3aaáMy, the pupil f a i l e d to s o l v e t h e p r o b l e m . OH cyiuéji y ó e ^ H T b MeHd, he m a n a g e d to p e r s u a d e m e . H3-yM-ÁTb,




v.i., + acc., to s t r i k e d u m b , s u r p r i s e , a m a z e . Barn n o c T y n o K MeHá H3yMJifleT, y o u r c o n d u c t a m a z e s m e . H3-yM-rtTb-

CH, v.p.r., H3-yM-ji-^Tb-CH, v.i.r., +


to be dumbfounded, be surprised, a m a z e d , a s t o n i s h e d . M3-yM-HTejibHbiñ, adj., w o n d e r f u l , a m a z i n g , y H e r ó H-aa náMHTb, h e h a s an a m a z i n g m e m o r y . H3-yM-rtTeJibHo, adv., wonderfully, a m a z i n g l y . O h Í H. x p a c i t a a , s h e is inc r e d i b l y b e a u t i f u l . H3-yM-JiéH«e, n.n., surprise, amazement, consternation. E r ó

HeowHAaHHbiñ 0TT»é3A Bbi3Ba^ óómee H. , h i s general


unexpected departure caused c o n s t e r n a t i o n . M3-yM-.i-éHHbiH,





XBAJ1 astonished, amazed. nopa3ÚTeJibHasi KapTHHa o T K p ú ^ a c b n é p e a e r ó H3yMjiëHHbiM B3ópoM, a w o n d e r f u l p i c t u r e a p p e a r e d b e f o r e his a s t o n i s h e d e y e s .




MHJI e ë C ^ é ^ A T B áTO, h e s u g g e s t e d


-f- acc.,


to s u g g e s t , a d v i s e . OH Haaoy-

s h e do it.

y M - H - é ï b , v.i., to g r o w wiser, b e c o m e m o r e i n t e l l i g e n t . C TOAÍMH peôëHOK yMHéeT, w i t h y e a r s a child b e c o m e s more intelligent. no-yM-H-ÍTb, v.p., to g r o w w i s e r , b e c o m e m o r e i n t e l l i g e n t ; see yMHéTb. OH 3 a MéTHO noyMHé^ c T e x n o p , h e h a s b e c o m e much w i s e r s i n c e then. ^M-H-HH-aTb, v./., to s h o w o f f o n e ' s int e l l i g e n c e ; s p l i t h a i r s . OH ;HÓ6HT y., h e l i k e s to s h o w off his intelligence. yM-HHqaHHe, n.n., p h i l o s o p h i z i n g . E r ó nocToáHHoe y. CKyMHo, his c o n s t a n t philosophizing is tedious.

a combining form meaning mind. yM-o-3aKJiKmáTb, v.i., to conclude, d e d u c e . yM-o-3aK.noMéHHe, n.n., conclusion, deduction. yM-o-3péHHe, n.n., speculation. yM-o-3pHTejibHbift, adj., speculative, theoretical. yM-o-HCCTyn•uéHHe, n.n., rage, delirium, frenzy. yM-o-noMeuiáTeJibCTBo, n.n., madness, i n s a n i t y . y i n - o - n o M p a M é H H e , n.n., t e m p o r a r y i n s a n i t y . yM-o-noMpawHTeiibHbift, adj., t r e m e n d o u s , s t u p e n d o u s , y . y c n é x , tremendous success.


^M-cTB-eH-Hbift, adj., mental, intellectual, y . T p y j , i n t e l l e c t u a l w o r k . yM-cTBeHHO, adv., m e n t a l l y . 3TO y. 0TCTÁ;ibm p e 6 ë HOK, t h i s child is m e n t a l l y b a c k w a r d . ^M-cTB-OBa-Tb, v./., ( o b s . ) , to s p e c u l a t e ,

r e a s o n . OH 0 NPH^TE-IN, he enough money. SToro eme HexBaTá^o! took along a friend. (idiom.), That's the limit! He-xBáT-Ka, npO-XBaT-HTb, V.p., npO-XBáT-bIBaTfc, v.i., n.f., lack, shortage, scarcity. nocTpóñ+ acc., (colloq.), to chill; penetrate; Ka ocTaHOBÚJiacb H3-aa HexBáTKH Madrag through. E r ó npoxBaTHJio BéipoM, TepdájioB, construction stopped for lack he was chilled by the wind. E r ó npoof materials. XBATHJIH B ra3éTax, (fig.), he was O-XBaT-ÚTb, V.p., O-XBáT-blBaTb, v./'., -+harshly criticized in the press. acc., to envelop, include, embrace, enpaC-XBaT-áTb, V.p., paC-XBáT-bIBaTb, v.i., compass; understand. rináMH oxBaTH.no + acc., to buy up, snatch away, grab AOM, the flames enveloped the house. away. IlépBoe H3AáHne pacxBaTá^H B O-XBáM-eH, adj., part. pass, past, seized, ABA AHA, the first edition was sold enveloped, embraced. OH 6bi;I o. ymaout in two days. Pac-XBáT-aH(Hbm), C O M , he was seized with terror. O-xBáT, adj., part. pass, past, snatched up, n.m., reach, scope, range. O-xBá-rgrabbed up. Ha pacnpoAáwe Bee biBBTb, v./.r., + instr., to be enveloped, njiáTbH 6 Ú ; I H 6úcTpo pacxBáTaHbi, at included, embraced. the sale the dresses were all snatched Ofl-XBaT-ÍÍTb, V.p., OÓ-XBáT-bIBaTb, v.i., + up (sold). Pac-xBáT, n.m., pac-XBáTacc., to clasp, girth, encompass, surbiBaHHe, n.n., snatching, grabbing. Haround. 3TO A É P E B O Tan B C J I H K Ó , n o pac-XBáT, adv., in great demand. KHiira T P H lejiOBéKa He MÓryT oóxBaTHTb eró, npoAaBá^acb H., the book sold like hot this tree is so large, three men cannot cakes. Pa-XBáT-biBaib-ca, v.i.r., encircle it. 06-XBáT, n.m., girth, cirinstr., to be snatched up, bought up. cumference, compass. ¿JépeBO ABa MéHa ápiuapKe TOBápw ótíiCTpo pacTpa B oóxBáTe, a tree two meters in XBáTbiBaioTCH, merchandise is bought up circumference. quickly at the fair. OT-XBaT-áTb, V.p., OT-XBaT-HTb, V.p., OTXBáT-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., (colloq.), to C-XBaT-HTb, V.p., C-XBáT-bIBaTb, V.Í., + snap off, cut, bite away, bite off; chop acc., to seize, grasp. C. KáMeHb H off. riéc OTXB3TIÍJI ÓoJIbLUÓH KyCÓK ópócHTb B Koró-HH6yAb, to seize a M^ca, the dog bit off a large piece of stone and throw it at someone. OH meat. cxBaTH.i eró 3a UIHBOPOT, he seized nepe-XBaT-áTb, v.p., nepe-XBaT-HTb, v.p., him by the collar. PeóéHOK cxBaTH.1 nepe-XBáT-biBaTb, v.i., + acc., to catch, HácMopK, the child caught a cold. OH intercept; overshoot a mark; borrow; óbiCTpo cxBáTHBaeT, he is quick-witted. gird; take a bite. B c e x rpaóiíTe^eH neC-XBST-HTB-CH, V.p.r., C-XBáT-bIBaTb-CSl, pexBaTájiH, all the burglars were caught. v.i.r., + instr., to quarrel, come to OHH nepexBáTMBa^H TejierpáMMbi, they words, come to blows. OHH noccópHtapped the wires. OHH nepexBanijiH eró jiHCb H cxBaTHJincb Apyr c APyrOM, rmcbMó, they intercepted his letter. OH they quarrelled and came to blows. nepexBaTHJi Mépe3 Kpaft, (colloq.), he OH cxBaTHJKH c Mécia, he jumped up overshot the mark. OH nepexBaTHJi from his seat. C-XBáT-Ka, n.f., scuffle, HeMHÓro fléHer, (colloq.), he borrowed skirmish, melee; (tech.), brace. MéwAy a little money. B róp^e nepexBaTH;io, HHMH 6buia c., there was a scuffle beit stopped my breath. Ilepe-xBáT, n.m., tween them. 3TO HX noc.iéAHHH c., this waist. OH 6biJi uiHpÓK B njienáx H TÓis their final encounter. HOK B nepexBáTe, he had wide shouly-XBaT-ÚTb, v.p., y-xBáT-biBaTb, v.i., to ders and a narrow waist. riepe-xBáTgrasp, seize, grip, lay hold of. OH biBaHne, n.n., interception. yxBaTHJi eró 3a n.néMH, he seized him no-XBaT-áTb, v.p., + acc. (colloq.), to by the shoulders. OH cpá3y yxBauw^ seize several times, catch in quantity, Moró Mbic.ib, he grasped my idea at arrest one after another. rio.iHUHH once. Y-xBaT-HTb-cH, v.p.r., v-XBáTnoxBaTá^a M H Ó T O JIIOaéñ, the police biBaTb-ca, v.i.r., •+ acc, to catch, lay arrested many people. hold of, grip, grasp, snatch. OH yxaanoA-XBaT-ÑTb, v.p., noa-XBáT-biBaTb, v.i., THJICH 3a ópómeHHyio emy BepéBKy, + acc., to pick up, catch up, snatch he grasped the rope that was thrown up. OH yná;i 6bi, éc;IH 6w eró He to him. OH yxBaTHJica 3a Moé npeAnoAXBaTHJiH, he would have fallen, if jiowéHne, he jumped at my proposal. they had not caught him. /IóujaAH OHH yxBaTii;IHCB 3a noABepHyBiuuiicH



cjiyiafi, they seized the opportunity. y-xB^T, n.m., f o r k u s e d in p l a c i n g p o t s i n t o a n o v e n . y - x B ^ T - K a , n.f., w a y , manner; trick. Bpocb cboh xy^HriHCKHe y x B ^ T K H ! Q u i t r o u g h h o u s i n g !

X H T - , XHUX-, R A P A C I T Y , P L U N D E R XHiu-éHHe, n.n., p l u n d e r , r a p i n e ; s t e a l i n g , embezzlement, misappropriation. Eró n o c a A i M H b TiopbMy 3 a p a c T p á T b i h xHuiéHHH, h e w a s i m p r i s o n e d f o r e m bezzlement. BOC-XHT-ÜTb, BOC-XHLU-y, V.p., BOC-XHUl" áTb, v.i., + acc., to c a r r y a w a y ; (fig.), to d e l i g h t , e n r a p t u r e , r a v i s h . E e néHHe B a c bocxhtht, h e r s i n g i n g w i l l d e l i g h t you. Hac BoexnmáeT ncKyccTBO ApéBHHx, w e a d m i r e a n c i e n t a r t . B o c XHT-HTb-CH, V.p.r., BOC-XHUl-áTb-CH, v.i.r., -+- instr., t o admire, be enraptured, be delighted. B e e hm BOCxHiuátoTCH, e v e r y o n e admires him. Mbi B o c x « m á jiHCb e r ó HrpÓH, we admired his playing. Boc-XHT-HTe.ibHbiii, adj.,charming, delightful, ravishing, delicious. Boc-xHT-HTeJibHO, adv., c h a r m i n g l y , delightfully, ravishingly, deliciously. Oh BOCXHTHTejibHO nrpÁji Ha CKprtnKe, he played the violin delightfully. B o c - x h i u éHHe, n.n., admiration, rapture, ravishment, delight. BblTb B BOCXHUléHHH OT Koró-^Hóo (Meró-JiH6o), to be in rapture o v e r someone ( s o m e t h i n g ) . CMOTpéTb c BocxHu;éHHeM, to look a d m i r i n g l y . Boc-xHUt-éHHbiíi, adj., part. pass, past, enraptured. B. B3r;iHA, a d m i r i n g look. no-xúT-HTb, v.p., no-XHiu-áTb, v.i., + acc., to kidnap, abduct; steal, n . KapTiiHy H3 My3é«, to steal a painting f r o m a museum. no-XHT-HTeJit, n.m., abductor, kidnapper, thief. B r ó p o A e opyAOBaJia máüKa noxHTHTeJien aeTéH, a g a n g of kidnappers w a s o p e r a t i n g in the city. no-xHiu-éHHe, n.n., theft, abduction, kidnapping. KapTHHa P y ó e H c a 'TIoxhméHne CaóiíHHHOK," Rubens' painting, " T h e A b d u c t i o n of the Sabine W o men." n . AOKymchtob, theft of documents. rio-xHm-áTb-cH, v.p.r., 4 - instr., to be stolen, kidnapped, abducted. /JéHbrH Hepé.iKO noxnmáioTcn H3 6áHKa, money is o f t e n stolen f r o m banks. pac-xirr-HTb, v.p., paC-XHUl-áTb, v.i., + acc., to plunder, pillage. P . HMymecTBo, to plunder p r o p e r t y . Pac-XHm.-áTb-cH, v.i.r., -(instr., to be plundered, pillaged. HMymecTBo Hácro pacxHiuáeTCH, property is often stolen. Pac-XHT-HTe;ib, n.m., plunderer. PacxHTHTe-iH HapóAHoro aoctoiíhhh, plunderers of national property. Pac-XHiu-éHHe, n.n., pillage, plunder. B^ácTH Beayt 6opb6y c


pacxHtitéHHeM, the authorities are w a g i n g battle against plunder. XHiu-HHi-aTb, v.i., to e n g a g e in plunder, be rapacious, predatory. MeaoBéic MóweT xHmHHwaTb xyiKe xAiuHoro « H B ó T H o r o , man can be m o r e rapacious than beasts of prey. Xhiu-hhk, n.m., XHLu-HHua, n.f., beast of p r e y ; ( f i g ) , plunderer, spoiler. JlbBbi - xhiuhhkh, lions are p r e d a t o r y animals. XhiuHHMecKHH, adj., predatory, rapacious, plundering. X-He hhcthhktu, p r e d a t o r y instincts. X-an p y ô x a JiecóB, indiscriminate cutting of forests. Xhiu-hhmcctbo, n.n., rapaciousness, predatoriness. Xiiiu-HocTb, n.f., rapacity. Xhiu-huA, adj., rapacious, predatory. X. B3r;iHA, predatory look. flcTpeô xnuiHan nTHua, the hawk is a bird of prey.

X.TIA/Ï-, XJIAHÍ-, XJlA>KA-> XOJIOJI-, XOJlA>K-, XOJIO>K-, C O L D , C O L D N E S S xjiaA, n.m., (obs.), cold, coldness. CMepTéJibHbiñ x. o ó i á j i e r ó , (poet.), a deathly chill seized him. X;iáA-Hb!ñ, adj., (obs.), cold. X;iaA-HO-KpóBHe, n.n., coolness, composure, equanimity. O h coxpaHáeT x. b 6oit>, he keeps his composure in battle. XjiaA-HO-KpóBHbifi, adj., cool, composed. Oh x. Me;ioBéK, he is a composed man. Xjiaa-HO-KpóBHO, adv., coolly, in cold blood. o - x j i a a - é - T b , v.p., o-xnaa-eaiTh, v.i., k +• dat., to become cool, cold; lose interest, become indifferent. Oh oxJiaA^Ji k CBoéñ pa6ÓTe, he has lost interest in his w o r k . o-xjiaA-ú-Tb, o-xjiajK-y, v.p., o-x-iiawAáTb, v.i., to cool, chill, r e f r i g e r a t e . O. riHBo, to cool beer. HeyAáMH oxjiaAHJiH e r ó pBéHHe, failures have cooled his enthusiasm. O-x^ajKA-ëHHbiH, adj., part, pass, past, cooled. O. nap, condensed steam. 0-x.naA-HTb-cH, v.p.r., o-xJiaacAáTb-ca, v.i.r., to g r o w , b e c o m e cool, cold. BÓ3Ayx ox^aiKAá^cH k BéMepy, the air g r e w cooler t o w a r d s evening. O-x-iaA-HTe.ib, n.m., (tech.), cooler, refrigerator. O-xJiaA-HTeJibHwii, adj., cooling. O-bie HanHTKH, c o o l i n g b e v e r ages, cool b e v e r a g e s . O - x j i a w A - é H H e , n.n., cooling, condensation. O. HaniiTKOB, chilling of beverages. MéwAy HHMH HacTynnjio o., their f e e l i n g s f o r one another have cooled. npo-xjiaA-HTb, v.p., npo-x^a)KA-áTb, v.i., + acc., to cool, refresh. CBéwHft BÓ3A y x e r ó npoxJiáAHT, the fresh air w i l l refresh him. Ilpo-x^aA-HTb-c», v.p.r., npo-x^aiKA-áTb-CH, v.i.r., (colloq.), to refresh oneself; be idle, idle. OhA npoxjiawAáJiHCb b caAy, they refreshed




t h e m s e l v e s in t h e g a r d e n . flQBó^bHO BaM n p o x ^ a w A à T b c a ! (colloq.), Enough of t h i s i d l i n g ! r i p o - x j i à A - a , n.f., c o o l ness, f r e s h n e s s . B e i é p H H H n., the c o o l of e v e n i n g . C MÓPH noBéHJio npox-iiàAOH, a c o o l b r e e z e w a s b l o w i n g in f r o m t h e s e a . r i p o - x ; i à A - u a , n.f., coolness, used only in expression: OHH pa6ÓTaiOT c npex^àAUOH, they work leisurely. FIpo-xjiaA-HTejibHbiH, adj., refreshing, c o o l i n g , n - o e nHTbè, r e f r e s h i n g d r i n k . ripo-xJiàA-Hbiiì, adj., cool, fresh. CerÓAHH npoxjiàAHaa norÓAa, it is c o o l t o d a y , n - b i e OTHOIUÉHHH, (colloq.), c o o l r e l a t i o n s . r i p o - x j i à A - H o , adv., c o o l l y . B KÓMHaTe n., it is c o o l in t h e r o o m .

O H Bbix0Ji0AH.ii HSM K6MHATBI, h e h a s cooled our rooms. 3a-xoJio-HyTb, v.p., (colloq.), to make cold; chill. CepAUe 3 a x 0 . i 0 H y j i 0 OT c T p i x a , (colloq., fig.), my heart stood still w i t h f e a r . pac-x0Ji0A-irrb, v.p., pac-xoJidw-HBaTb, v.i., to dampen one's feelings. Ee

xójiOA. n.m., c o l d , c o l d n e s s . 3HMHHH x., w i n t e r c o l d . CTO^T XO^OAA, w e are h a v i n g c o l d w e a t h e r . X O ^ Ó A - H U A , adj., c o l d . X - o e nHBO, c o l d b e e r . X - a a BOAH£, (polit.), c o l d w a r . OH XÓJIOACH, nan JIÈ A, he has a heart of ice. OH BbiJiHJi Ha H e r ó yrnàT XOJIÓAHOA BOAÙ, (also fig.), he t h r e w cold w a t e r upon h i m . XÓJIOA-HO, adv., c o l d l y . M H e x., I a m c o l d . CerÓAHH x., it is c o l d t o d a y . O H l i oóouiJiHCb c HHM X., t h e y t r e a t e d h i m c o l d l y . X0;i0A-H0BàTbiH, adj., r a t h e r c o l d ; c h i l l y . CerÓAHH x. AeHb, t o d a y is a c o o l d a y . XOJIOA-HOB£TO, adv., r a t h e r c o l d l y . 3 A e c b x., it is r a t h e r c o l d h e r e . XoJiOA-HO-KpóBHbifi, adj., c o l d - b l o o d e d . J l a r y u i K a x - o e MHBÓTHOC, t h e f r o g is a cold-blooded animal. Xo^óA-HOCTb, n.f., c o l d n e s s . Bàrna x. MeHH o r o p M à e T , your coldness grieves me.

XOA. n.m., c o u r s e , m o t i o n , m a r c h , m o v e ment; s p e e d ; passage, entrance; lead. I l a p a A H b i H XOA, f r o n t e n t r a n c e . X . n 6 e 3 A a , s p e e d of a train. THXHH X., s l o w s p e e d . KpecTHbifl x., r e l i g i o u s p r o c e s s i o n . r i a p o B 6 3 AAJI 3^AHHII XOA, t h e locomotive was moving in reverse. J16BKHH XOA, m a s t e r s t r o k e . C B O 6 6 A H U H XOA, free wheeling. OH npHtue;i MepHbiM X6AOM, he c a m e t h r o u g h the back entrance. M x HHTepecyeT XOA c o 6 b i T H H , t h e y a r e i n t e r e s t e d in the c o u r s e of e v e n t s . Mefl T e n i p b XOA? W h o s e m o v e is i t ? riycTHTb A^-IO B XOA, t o s t a r t a business, g e t m a t t e r s u n d e r w a y . O H BCKOMHJI B a B T 6 6 y c Ha x o A y , he j u m p e d on the b u s w h i l e it w a s in m o t i o n . B 6o.nbiii6M x o A y , s e l l i n g w e l l . Eniy He A a w T x6n.y, t h e y a r e not p r o m o t i n g him OHH 3H4K>T BEE x o A b i H BbixoAbi, t h e y k n o w all the ins and outs. H a p - o - x 6 A , n.m., steamer. C K O P - O - X 6 A , n.m., f a s t w a l k e r , runner. C a n o r H - C K o p o x 6 A W , (folklore), sevenl e a g u e b o o t s . CaM-o-x6A-HbiH, (mil.), s e l f - p r o p e l l i n g , m o t o r i z e d . C - a n apTH.ijiepHH, m o t o r i z e d a r t i l l e r y .

X0Ji0A-à-Tb, v.p., n o - x o ^ O A - ^ T b , v.i., impers., t o g r o w c o l d (as t h e w e a t h e r ) . K BéMepy xoJiOA^eT, it g r o w s c o l d t o w a r d s e v e n i n g . CerÓAHH ri0X0Ji0AàJi0, it is c o l d e r t o d a y . X0Ji0A-éTb, v.p., n 0 - x 0 J i 0 A - é T b , v./., t o b e c o m e c o l d ; chill. O T c r p à x a y Heé p y K H x o ^ O A e w T , her hands g r o w cold f r o m f r i g h t . X o j i O A - é i o m H H , adj., part. act. pres., c o o l i n g , b e c o m i n g c o l d . X . T p y n , a corpse which is b e c o m i n g cold. X o j i O A - é u , n.m., a s p i c . OHH JIK>6HT x . H3 p ù ò b i , t h e y l i k e a s p i c m a d e of f i s h . 3 a - x 0 J i 0 A - é T b , v.p., t o b e g i n t o g e t c o l d (as t h e w e a t h e r ) . B B Ó 3 A y x e 3 a x o j i o Aéjio, óceHb npHÓ^HKàjiacb, the air w a s g e t t i n g c o l d , autumn w a s a p p r o a c h i n g . x o j i O A - f r r b , v.i., + acc., t o c o o l , chill, r e f r i g e r a t e . JLÈA XOJIOAHT BO p T y , ice m a k e s the m o u t h c o l d . X o ^ o A - H . i b H H K , n.m., r e f r i g e r a t o r , c o o l e r . B a r ó H - x o ^ O A HJibHHK, refrigerated car. XpaHéHHe npOAyKTOB B XOJIOAH.IbHHKaX, COld s t o r a g e of products. XoaoA-HJibHbiH, adj., r e f r i g e r a t i v e . Blri-XOJIOA-HTb, V.p., BbI-XOJlé)K-HBaTb, V.Ì., + acc., t o m a k e c o o l ; chill t h o r o u g h l y .

H3M£Ha OKOHM^TeJlbHO paCXO^OAHJia MeH6, h e r i n f i d e l i t y h a s d e f i n i t e l y c o o l e d me towards her. Pac-xojii}K-HBaHHe, n.n., c o o l i n g , c h i l l i n g . XOH-, XOIK-, XAMi-, X01KA-, U1E/I-, IIIE-, L O C O M O T I O N ON FOOT, MOTION, MOVEMENT

x o m - y , v.i., indet., t o g o , w a l k , a t t e n d ; v i s i t ; tend, n u r s e ; w e a r , HA-TH, v.i.det. H ^DCTO xoxy B TEDTP, I o f t e n g o t o the theatre. OHH X6AHT n6A pyKy, they walk arm in arm. X o A H T b 3a 6ojibHbiM, t o t a k e c a r e of a sick p e r s o n . O H BCERA^ X6AHT B n a ^ b T 6 , h e a l w a y s w e a r s an o v e r c o a t . O H XOAHJI n6-MHpy, (colloq.), he w a s a b e g g a r . X 6 A H T c . i y x . it is r u m o r e d . OHCI XOAII^a K c e c T p e KAWABIH AeHb, s h e v i s i t e d h e r sister e v e r y d a y . P y O . i b He XOAHT 3A npeAe^aMH C o B e T C K o r o C o i o 3 a , the r u b l e is not c u r r e n t o u t s i d e t h e S o v i e t U n i o n . XOAHTB HA 3;5AHHX j i d n K a x , (fig ), t o b e s u b s e r v i e n t . X 6 A KHH, adj., s a l a b l e , m a r k e t a b l e , s e l l i n g w e l l ; f a s t . 3 T O ¿HeHb x. TOB^P, this m e r c h a n d i s e sells well. 3TO x - o e n i p y c Hoe c y A H o , this ship sails w e l l . X O A -


383 OBÓfi, adj., salable, marketable. XOAOBÓfi copT, a salable c a t e g o r y . XOA-ÓK, n.m., w a l k e r ; ( p r e - R e v . ) , representative of a v i l l a g e community d e l e g a t e d to f i n d new regions f o r emigration. X o póuiHH x., a g o o d w a l k e r . XoA-y-NH, n.m.pi., stilts. XoAHTb H a x o A y j m x , t o w a l k on stilts. XoA-yJibHocTb, n.f., p o m pousness, stiltedness. E r ó x. Bbi3biBáeT CMex, his pompousness provokes laughter. XoA-yJibHbift, adj., stilted, pompous. X - a a p e i b , stilted speech. XoA-YH, n.m., used only in expression: XoAHTb xoAyHÓM, (colloq.), to shake, tremble; be in continual motion. rioji XOAYNÓM






rise and fall. XoA-b-6á, n.f., w a l k i n g . OTCWAa 10 MHHyT xoAbóbi, it is a ten minute w a l k f r o m here. XOA-^MHH, adj., w a l k i n g , current. H a m ymiTeJib x-aa sHUHKJionéAHH, our teacher is a w a l k i n g encyclopedia. 3ó;IOTO He HB^iieTcn 6ÓJibiue xoaAteH M0HéT0fl, g o l d is no l o n g e r a medium of e x c h a n g e . X0A-áTafl-CTB0-BaTb, v.i., no-xoA-áTañcTBOBaTb, v.p., o prep., 3a + acc., to solicit, intercede, petition. X. 3a A p y r a , to intercede f o r a friend r i o x o A á T a ñ cTByftTe 3a MCHA, intercede f o r me. XOAárañcTBo, n.n., application, petition, intercession. n o A á T b x., to f i l e a petition. yAOBJieTBopHTb x., to c o m p l y with a request, a petition. OTKa3áTb B XOAÍTaftcTBe, to refuse a request, a petition. XoA-áTaft, n.m., intercessor; (legal, obs.), agent, solicitor. x o A - b - 6 á , n.f., w a l k i n g , p a c i n g . X. B33A H BnepeA, p a c i n g back and forth. üoJiMacá x o A b 6 ú , a half an hour's walk. xowA-éHHe, n.n., walking, g o i n g ; pilg r i m a g e ; attending; circulation of currency. "XojKAéHHe B HapÓA," a slogan of the Populists ( l i t e r a l l y : a g o i n g to the p e o p l e ) . X. Ha JI0KUHH, attending of lectures. X. n o MOHacrupáM, p i l g r i m a g e to monasteries. uiéA-uiHft, adj., part. act. past, of HATH, v.i.det., that was going. I~Ióe3A, méAuiHH népeA HáMH, the train ahead of us. uié-(A)-cTB-oBa-Tb, v./., to march, take part in a procession. OHH BáxKAoe y T p o YMITE^B






ceflq^c « e HaHHHAn yp6K, each morning the teacher used to enter the classroom and begin the lesson immediately. HbBoe





a new w o r d has come into use. B o WEA-UIHH, adj., part. act. past, (from BOHTH) that has entered. B. B K6MHATY NOKJIOHH,ICH H cejj, t h e p e r s o n


entered the room b o w e d and sat d o w n . B-XOA,






e n t r a n c e a n d e x i t . BXOA BOCNPEM^ETCH,

entrance is forbidden. B-xoA-HKA-iHHe, n.n., w a l k i n g in, entering. Boc-xoA-HTb, v./'., Ha + acc., to rise, ascend; return to. C6;iHue BOCX6AHT B 5 Mac6B, the sun rises at f i v e o'clock. H3YM6HHE r e o M ^ T P H H BOCX6AHT K A P ^ B -

HOCTH, the study of g e o m e t r y g o e s back to antiquity. Boc-xoA-AuiHft, adj., part, act. pres., ascending, rising. OH - B-ee CBeTH;io, he is a rising star. BOC-X6A, n.m., rising. B. cdJiHua, sunrise. /I6TOM MU BCTaeM c BOCX6AOM c6jmua, in summer w e rise at sunrise. BOC-XO>KA¿HHe, n.n., ascent. B. Ha 3 ; i b 6 o p y c 6qeHb TpyAHo, the ascent of M t . Elbrus is v e r y difficult. Boc-ui6cTBHe, n.n., accession. B. Ha npecrdji, accession t o the throne. BC-XOA-lfTb, V.i.,

B30HTH, V.p.,

HA +


to ascend; sprout, germinate. B. HI r o p y , to climb a mountain. C6;iHue BCX6AHT



s e t s . T6CTO BCX6AHT






rises slowly. niiieHiiua BCXK-ecTb, n.f., g e r m i n a tion. B ceMiiH, germination of seeds. Bbi-xoA-i)Tb,

v./., B M A T H ,


H3 - f


B + acc., HA + acc., to g o out, c o m e out, g e t out; be issued; step out. OH BMX6AHT H3 A^Ma, h e is g o i n g



the house. Kopa6jw> BBIXDAHT B M 6 p e , the ship is putting out to see. OH BHX6AHT






he is resigning f r o m o f f i c e . OH Bbimeji B JIIOAH, (colloq.), he has risen in l i f e ; he has made something of himself. P e K i BuuiJia H3 6eper6B, the river overf l o w e d its banks. B. H3 3atpyAHK-

HBdTb, v.i., -f acc., to rear, tend; pull through, nurse back to health. ÓHá BÚxoAHJia Bcex AeTéft, she has brought up all the children. B. renin H *cepe6üT, to tend calves and foals. Bbi-xáJK-HBaTb-c«, v.i.r., 4- instr., to be reared, tended. AO-xoA-áTb, v.L, AOÜTÍÍ, v.p., AO + gen., to go as far as, walk up to, walk as far as, come to; reach; obtain; amount to; total;






peKH, we often walked as far as the river. 3TO AOXÓAHT AO HejiénocTH, this amounts





AO 1000 py6jiéft, the bill came to 1,000 rubles. OH AOiuéJi AO nó^Horo H3H€MOJKéHHH, he is completely exhausted. riucfeMÓ He AOUIJIÓ no áApecy, the letter was delivered to the wrong address. /Jo-uiéA-iiiHft, adj., part. act. past, that has come to, reached; see AOATH. FL-He AO Hac CBéAeHHH OKa3á;iHCb HeBépHBIMH, t h e proved to

information that reached us be untrue. ¿IO-XÓA, n.m.,

XOfl income, revenue, profit, receipts. Ba;ioB6A A-, gross income. MiicTbift A-, net unincome. H E T P Y A O B 6 F I A-, (recent), earned income. fl0-x6A-H0CTb, n.f., net income from a business; profit, flox6A-Hbift, adj., profitable, lucrative, gainful. R-ot A£JIO, a profitable business. Be3-AO-x6A-Hbift, adj., profitless, unprofitable. 3 T O A6JIO 6-oe, this is an unprofitable business. 3a-xOA-ltTb, v./., 3a-xd»-HBaTb, v.i., iter., 3aftTH, v.p., to set; put in; call for, drop in; go beyond. C6;iHue 3ax6AHT B 6 qac6B, the sun sets at six o'clock. OH M£CTO 3axd)KHBAJI K HAM, h e o f t e n


to drop in on us. riapox6A 3aiue.n B riBaHb, the ship put in at the port. MicHU saujeji 3a Tywy, the moon disappeared behind a cloud. OH 3ame^ 3a MHofi, he called for me. OHH 3auuiH CJIHUIKOM AAJIEK6, 3a-UJ6A-UIHFT, adj.,





part. act. past, that has set; see 3aftTH. 3amdAuiee c6;iHue, the sun which has set. 3a-x6A, n.m., going in, going to; calling for; setting. 3. c6^Hua, sunset; setting of the sun.

HC-xoA-ftTb, v.p., HC-xdw-HBaTb, v.i. iter., + acc., to cover all the roads. OH HCxoAita Bee Aop6rn, he has covered all the roads on foot. HC-xoA-rtTb, v.i., H3 -+- gen., to be issued; emanate, originate. 3TOT sdnax HCX6AHT






comes from these flowers. 3TO HCX6AHT H3 npeAno^oiKiHHH, this proceeds from a conjecture. H C - x o A - t i T b , v.i., H30-FLTKA¿HHH n o MARA3HHAM, she takes pleasure in s h o p p i n g around. Ha Heró HaxóAHT TocKá, he has fits of depression. Ha-xoA-rtTb-CH, v.i.r., HañTHCb, v.p.r., used only in 3d pers., to be found. IloTépflHHati KHñra He HaxóAHTCH, the lost b o o k cannot be found. PaóóTa HañAéTCH, work will be found. H a - x ó A - K a , n.f., find, o b j e c t found; windfall, godsend. OH He BepHy;i CBoéfi HaxóAKH, he has not returned the f o u n d thing. Kaxáfi H. ¿TO nJiáTbe! W h a t a f i n d — t h i s dress! H a xóA-HHBocTb, n.f., resourcefulness. OH noKa3á^ ó o j i b m y i o H. he s h o w e d g r e a t resourcefulness. Ha-xÓA-iHBbifl, adj., resourceful, quick-witted. H. NEJIOBÉK, resourceful man. E r ó OTBéTbi ÓÚJIH óneHb HaxóAHHBbi, his replies w e r e v e r y much to the point. Ha-xóA-MHBo, adv., wittily, quickly. Ha-xoJKA-éHne, n.n., f i n d i n g ; state of b e i n g at a given place. H. ¿ T o r o MéTOAa npoH3Be;ió nepeBopóT B HayKe, the d i s c o v e r y of this n e w method revolutionized science. H a - x o A - t f T b - C H , v.i.r., B, Ha - f prep., to be located. KHúrH HaxóAiTCH Ha nóJixe, the b o o k s a r e on the shelf, ft naxoxcycb B 33TpyAHIÍTeJU>HOM NOJIOMÉHHH, 1 find myself in a predicament. AepéBHii áTa HaXÓAHTCH B 15 KHJIOMéTpaX OT TÓpOAa, this v i l l a g e is located 15 kilometers f r o m the city. OH H3XÓAHTCH NOA cyAÓM, he is on trial. M e c r o - H a - x o j K A éHHe, n.n., location. H a - x o A - f i T b - c » , v.p.r., to tire oneself by w a l k i n g . OHH HaxoArt-iHCb BAÓBOJib, they tired themselves by w a l k i n g . Ha-uié-CTBHe, n.n., invasion. H. HanoJieÓHa Ha P o c c ú i o B 1812 r , N a p o l e o n ' s invasion of 1812. H H C - X O A - t i T b , V.Í., HH3O0TH, V.p., HA + acc., (poet.), to descend. BAOxHOBéHHe

XOfl HHCXÓAHT Ha xyAÓxcHHKa, inspiration descends upon the artist. HHC-XOAALUHH, adj., part. act. pres., d e s c e n d i n g ; decreasing. Mticna pacnoJiaráioTcn B HHcxoA^meM nop^AKe, the numbers a r e set d o w n in a descending o r d e r . HHCuiéA-uiHft, adj., part. act. past, (obs.), that which has d e s c e n d e d ; see HH30ftT¿.

C-HHC-XOA-rtTb, V.I., CHH30flTH, V.p., K + dat., to condescend, be indulgent, lenient; make allowances. Mbi AOJIJKHÚ c. k MeJioBéMecKHM cjiáóOCTHM, w e must be indulgent t o w a r d s human w e a k n e s s es. C-HHC-x0A- . , npHHTÜCb, v.p.r., K + dat, c -F gen., to fit; be obliged; have to. KJIIOM npHxóAHTCH K

387 3 a M K y , the key fits the lock. OH npHX6AHTCH eft cpoaHH, he is related to her. BcAxoMy npHxcJAHTcn oTBeiiTb 3a CBOW pa66Ty, e v e r y o n e has to be responsible f o r his w o r k . EMy n;i6xo npHLU^6cb, he has been hard pressed. M H e npmiiJi6cb 3anjiaTHTb BAB6e, I had t o p a y double. RIPH-x6A, n.m., coming, arrival, a d v e n t ; receipts; parish. Mbi » A e M npHx6.ua n6e3Aa, w e are awaiting the arrival of the train. P a c x 6 A npeBbimier npHxdx, the expenses exceed the the





npHX^A, this church has a l a r g e parish. ripH-x6A-HBIFT, adj., receipt. ripHxdAHOpacxbAHan KHiira, account book. ripHx6A-CKHFT, adj., parochial. 3TO H^MA n-ati uipKOBb, this is our parish church. OH





is our parish priest. n p H - x 6 w - a a , adj., used as n.f., anteroom, lobby, hallway, vestibule, n . no;IHD jiioAift, the hall is c r o w d e d with people. ripH-uie-Jieu, n.m., (obs.), n e w c o m e r , stranger, alien. OH 6biji npHLui^bueM cpeAH Hac, he w a s a s t r a n g e r a m o n g us. ripH-iu6-cTBHe, n.n., advent, coming. B T o p 6 e n. 6YAET AH6M CTp^uiHoro CyA^, the second coming will b e Judgment D a y . npo-xOA-tiTb, v.p., to spend time in w a l k i n g . M u npoxoAHJiH Bee y r p o no r 6 p o A y , w e spent all m o r n i n g w a l k i n g about t o w n . npo-xoa-riTb, v.p., npo-x4xKHBaioTCH n6 caAy, the patients are strolling in the g a r d e n . ripoflAHTecb no r 6 p o A y ! T a k e a stroll through the city! npo-xOA-rtTb, v.i., npoHTii, v.p., to pass, g o t h r o u g h ; elapse; learn, study, c o v e r ; be held. flop6ra npox6AHT Mipe3 ;iec, the r o a d g o e s through the w o o d s . JleA n p o i u M , the ice has passed. OH n p o m e j i or6Hb H B6Ay, (fig ), he went through f i r e and w a t e r , he had a d i f f i cult time. M6)KHO 3Aecb n p o f i n i ? M a y one p a s s through here? 3TO He npoftAeT! T h i s will not pass! 3TO npox6AHT KpAcHoft HHTbio, (fig.), it is emphasized throughout, n . H3Ho;i6rHio, to study p h y s i o l o g y . FIpoxoAHTe, n o w i j i y f t c T a , pass on, please. 3TO eiuy A^POM He npoiiAeT, he will not g e t a w a y with this. T6Abi npox^AHT He3aMeTHo, the y e a r s pass imperceptibly. Bo;ib npouijii, the pain has passed. 4TO BU npoxdAHTe no rpaMM^THKe? W h a t are


you c o v e r i n g in g r a m m a r ? r i p o - x o A HTb-cH, v.i.r., used only in 3d pers., to be studied. K o r A á n p o x ó A H T c « no;IHT, v.i., c + instr., to d o d g e , be e v a s i v e ; act slyly, act with cunning, be f o x y . OH Bcemá XHTPÚT C HÍMH, he is a l w a y s f o x y with us. XHTp-éu, n.m., c r a f t y person, d o d g e r ; f o x . XnTp-euá, n.f., slyness, craftiness, only in expression: OH C XHTpeuóñ, (colloq.), he is a deep one. XrtTp-ocTb, n.f., cunning, artfulness, craftiness, slyness; stratagem. B H€ñ MHÓTO JKéHCKOñ XÍÍTpOCTH, she has much feminine cunning. XHTP-Ó, adv., cunningly, craftily, s l y l y ; adroitly. OH BéJi ce6á x., he behaved craftily. XHTp-o-cnjieTéHHe, n.n., w o r k of craftiness, of slyness, of cunning. XnTp-o-yMHe, n.n., finesse, artfulness. XHTp-o-yMHbift, adj., artful, cunning, c r a f t y . X . njiaH, c r a f t y plan. XtiTp-bifi, adj., sly, cunning, artful, c r a f t y ; intricate, involved. X . npnéM, sly trick. 3TO He x-aa UIT^Ka, this doesn't require any inventiveness. Cec-xJjTp-ocTHbifl, adj., artless, unsophisticated. Bec-XHTp-ocTHocTb, n.f., artlessness, lack of sophistication. E r ó 6. noryóiíjia eró, his simple-mindedness ruined him. Bec-xtiTp-ocTHo, adv., artlessly. OHá 6. Bee paccKa3ájia, she told everything simply. nepe-xHTp-üTb, v.p., nepe-XHTp-^TT, v.i., + acc., to outwit. KyT}¿30B nepexHTpií;i HanoJieóHa, Kutuzov outwitted N a p o leon. c-XHTp-ATb, v.p., to act slyly. OH CXHTPITA, HO HEYAÁMHO, he acted slyly, but unsuccessfully. y-XHTp-ÜTb-cii, y-xHTp-ibcb, v.p.r., yXHTp-^Tb-CH, y-XHTp-a6pHMHan u., f a c t o r y p r i c e . Kaxási u e H á ? W h a t i s t h e p r i c e ? W h a t d o e s it c o s t ? T o B á p n á A a e T B ueHé, g o o d s a r e d e c r e a s i n g in p r i c e . 3TO NOAHHMÁETCH B ueHé, t h i s is inc r e a s i n g in p r i c e , fl TOTÓB AO6ÚTB ÁTO JIIOÓÓH ueHóñ, I a m r e a d y t o p a y a n y p r i c e f o r it. C ó á B K a c ueHÚ, r e d u c t i o n in p r i c e . CKrtAKa c ueHbi, d i s c o u n t . Ha3HawáTb uéHy Ha TOBáp, t o f i x the p r i c e o f m e r c h a n d i s e . C H H w á T b (yMeHbu i á T b ) uéHy, to l o w e r t h e p r i c e . OH 3HáeT c e 6 é u é H y , h e k n o w s h i s w o r t h iieH-ñ-Tb, v.i., + acc., t o v a l u e , e s t i m a t e , a p p r e c i a t e , rate, fl ueHió Báuiy ApyJKÓy, I value your friendship. CJIHUJKOM BbicoKÓ u., t o o v e r e s t i m a t e . CJIHWKOM HH3KO U., t o u n d e r e s t i m a t e . B o CKÓJIBKO uéHHTe Bbj á T y K H í i r y ? A t w h a t d o y o u v a l u e this b o o k ? E r ó He uéHHT, he is n o t a p p r e c i a t e d . UeH-HTb-cH, v.i.r., B + acc., t o b e r a t e d , v a l u e d , e s t i m a t e d , a p p r e c i a t e d . B o c « ó ; i b K o UÉHHTCH ¿TOT AOM? H o w much is this h o u s e w o r t h ? U é H - H o c T b , n.f., value, w o r t h , price. BwcÓKaH u., h i g h v a l u e . UéH-HbiH, adj., v a l u a b l e , c o s t l y . LL BK^BA, valuable c o n t r i b u t i o n . Li,-an Bemb, v a l u a b l e o b ject. OHH NOC^á-iH 3 t h Bémw uéHHOH nocbi^Koñ, t h e y h a v e s e n t t h e s e t h i n g s by insured parcel post. 6ec-uéH-Hbift, adj., i n e s t i m a b l e , i n v a l u a b l e , p r i c e l e s s . Tbi moh 6. A p y r , y o u a r e a v a l u e d f r i e n d . Bec-uéH-OK, n.m., abs u r d l y l o w p r i c e . n p o A á T b h t ó j i h ó o 3a 6 e c u é H 0 K , t o sell s o m e t h i n g f o r a t r i f l e , for a song. Apar-o-uéH-Hbift, adj., precious, invaluable. 3 ó j i o t o A- MeTá;ui, g o l d is a p r e c i o u s m e t a l . J\. KáiueHb, p r e c i o u s s t o n e , jewel, gem. /Jpar-o-uéH-HOCTb, n.f., jewel, g e m ; precious thing, object. O-UeH-fiTb, V.p., O-uéH-HBaTfc, v.i., + occ., to appraise, value, estimate, appreciate. OHH oueHHJiH a o m B 10,000 p y ó ^ é ñ , t h e y a p p r a i s e d the h o u s e a t 10,000 r u bles. H oueHH^i e r ó A o ó p o T y , I a p p r e ciated his k i n d n e s s . O-uéH-HBaTb-ca, v.i.r., t o b e e v a l u a t e d , a p p r a i s e d . 3 t o t



y i i c T O K ouiHHBaeTCH B 2 , 0 0 0 py6ji£A, this lot is valued at 2,000 rubles. O uiH-Ka, n.f., evaluation, appraisal. 3ra o. CJIHWKOM HH3K£, this appraisal is too l o w . 0-U6H-OMHUA, adj., appraised, assessed. O - a « KOMACCHH, appraisal commission. O - a a ueHi, assessed price. O n.m., appraiser, assessor. U^H-LUHK, OH NPHCAXCHBIA o., he is a certified appraiser. nepe-o-aeH-fiTb, v.p., nepe-o-u^H-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to overestimate, o v e r r a t e ; revalue. OH nepeou^HHBaeT CBOH chaw, he overestimates his strength. HM npHWJrtcb nepeoueHtiTb HMymecTBO, they had to revalue the estate, r i e p e o-u^H-Ka, n.f., overrating, revaluation. B




n. uiHHOCTefl, social values are reassessed.


npH-ueH-fiTb-CH, v.p.r., npH-uiH-HBaTbcn, v.i.r., K -f- dat., to consider the price b e f o r e buying. OH AdJiro npHU^HHsa^ca, n o K i Kynrt-ii, he considered the price f o r a l o n g time b e f o r e buying. pac-neH-tiTb, v.p., pac-u^H-HBaTb, v.i., + acc., to estimate, value, appraise, assess; set a price; consider. KOMHCCHH pacueHftjia j o m B 20,000 py6ji£ft, the commission asssessed the house at 20,000 rubles. T o p r 6 B e u pacu^HHBaeT TOBipu, the merchant is setting a price on his goods. KaK BU pacuiHHBaeTe CO6UTHH? H o w d o these events strike you?





E X P E C T A T I O N ,


iS-ii-Tb, v./., -(- gen., (obs.), to expect, hope. Mdio BOCKPECIHHH M6PTBHX, (ret.), I believe in the resurrection of the

















MinHHH 6 y a y m n x 6;iar, he lived in hope of future blessings. He-w4-HHHbifi, adj., unexpected, inadvertent, unhoped f o r . H-an BCTpina, unexpected meeting. H - o e ABHW^HHC, inadvertent move, m o tion. He-W2-HHH0, adv., incidentally, by chance, accidentally, unexpectedly; inadvertently. OH H. paaeiiji BI3Y, he broke the vase accidentally. qafl, (folk.), probably, possibly, apparently. Tbi, Mafl, nporojiOA^Jicfl, you are probably hungry. OT-MI-HTb-CH, V.p.r., OT-M^-HBaTb-CH, V.i.r., to despair, lose courage. OH OTHDH;ICH OCTDTBCN B WHBBIX, he lost hope of survival. Bbi He AO^XHU oTMjjHBaTbCH, you must not despair. H e 0Ti4HBafiTecb, do not despair. OT-Mi-«HHe, n.n., despair; despondency. OH NPHB6AHT Hac B o., he is driving us to despair. Hejib36 Bnaa^Tb b TaK6e o., you must not be so discouraged. OT-M^-RHHWA, adj., desperate, reckless. Cer^AHR o-aa n o r b a a , the w e a t h e r today is unbearable. 3TO o - o e peiu^HHe, this is a desperate decision. OH O . E3AKHTb y MópTa Ha Ky^HHKax (Ha poráx), (saying), to live at the world's end. 3TO HH iepTá He CTÓHT, (slang), it isn't worth anything. yóHpáñca K nópTy, get out; may the devil take you. flo-MópT-a, adv., (slang) very much. MÓPT-OB, adj., the devil's own. 3TO WÓPTOBA BÚayMKa, (colloq.), this is a devilish invention. MÓPTOB MOCT B Aabnax, the Devil's Bridge in the Alps. qep-T-ÓBKa, n.f., devil, wicked woman, hag. MepT-óBCKHñ, adj., devilish, diabolical. M. njiaH, diabolical plan. MepT-ÓBCKH, adv., devilishly, diabolically. Mep-T-OBUiiiHa, n.f., deviltry. MTO 3a MepTOBiu^Ha! what kind of deviltry is this! Mep-T-ono^óx, n.m., (bot.), thistle. YcáAbóa 3apoc;iá tch owh6kh, it is hard to e r a s e m i s t a k e s on this paper. MT-, MMT-, MET-, MECT-, MEIU-, READING, COUNTING; R E S P E C T , REGARD, HONOR MT-iHHe, n.n., reading, fl npoBOJKy B e ^ e p i 3a HTeHneM, I spend my evenings reading. M. ^¿kuhh, lecturing. B i r j i o e w., fluent reading. M-r-eu, n.m., MT-iiua, n.f., reader. M c t - k h h , adj., legible, clear. M. nbMepK, legible handwriting. M-aa p a 6 o T a , precise work. MeT-KOcTb, n.f., legibility, clearness. M. n b n e p i o , legibility of handwriting. MeT-xo, adv., legibly, clearly. 3 T a pyxonHCb HaniicaHa HeTKO, this manuscript is written legibly. He-MeT-KHH, adj., illegible. H. n d i e p K , illegible handwriting. H-aa (JjopMy.iHpdBKa, unprecise formulation. He-MeT-KOCTb, n.f., illegibility; lack of precision. He-MeT-KO, adv., illegibly, unprecisely. OT-qeT-JiHBOCTb, n.f., precision, accuracy. O. apryMemauHH, a c curacy of argumentation. OT-qeTjiHBbfh, adj., clear, distinct, sharp. O - w e o^epT^HHH, distinctness of outline. O t MeT-.iHBo, adv., clearly, distinctly, with precision. ToBopHTb o., to speak distinctly. HHT-iTb, v./., + acc., to read. Oh MHTdeT jienuHH no 3oo^6rHH, he lectures on z o o l o g y . H whtSio KHHry, I am reading a b o o k . MHT-iTb-cH, v.i.r., used only in 3d pers., to be read. 3 t o t pom^h ^ e r n o WHT^eTCH, this novel r e a d s easily. Mht¿jibHhiA, adj., reading. M. 3aji, reading

MT room. MHT-á^bHH, n.f., reading room. MHT-áTeJib, n.m., HHT-áTeJibHHua, n.f., reader. B ¿ t o h 6n6;iHOTéKe mhóto MHTáTe^eH, in this library there a r e many readers. B-IHT-áTb-CH, V.p.r., B-HHT-blBaTb-CH, V.i.r., b + acc., to read attentively, obtain a thorough understanding of a text through reading. Bbl-MHT-aTb, V.p., Bbt-MHT-blBaTb, V.Í., B + prep., to find out by reading. ¿I BÚMHTa.i 3T0 b KaKÓM-TO )«ypHá.fie, I read this in some magazine. Bbl-HHT-áTb, V.Í., Bbl-MeCT-b, V.p., -f- aCC., to subtract. flO-MHT-áTb, V.p., AO-MHT-blBaTb, V.Í., -(acc., to read to the end. fl He Mor AOMHTáTb e r ó KHíiry a o KOHuá, I could not read his book to the end. /Jo-mhtáTb-ca, v.p.r., AO-MHT-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., AO + gen., to be read to the end, to read oneself blind. Oh AOMHTá^cn a o OTynéHHH, he read himself into a stupor. 3a-4HT-áTb, V.p., 3a-MHT-bIBaTb, V.Í., -facc., to read aloud; appropriate a b o r rowed book; mark a book by handling it carelessly. 3 . npoTOKóa Aonpóca b cyAe, (recent), to read an official report in court. Oh 3aMHTáji mok) KHiíry, he appropriated my book. 3a-MHT-áTbch, v.p.r., 3a-iHT-biBaTb-CH, v.i.r., + instr., to read with delight, be e n g r o s s ed in reading. OHá 3aMHTbiBaerca (})paHuy3CKHMH poMáHaMH, s h e revels in French novels. Ha-HHT-áTb-csi, v.p.r., Ha-míT-biBaTb-cH, v.i.r., -F gen., to read widely. Oh HaMHTá^cH no^HTHwecKoíí ^HTepaTypbi, he has read widely in political literature. Ha-MéT-MHK, n.m., (obs.), well-read person. Ha-míT-aHHbiñ, adj., part. pass, past, well-read. H. ne.iOBéK, well-read person. Ha-MHT-aHHOCTb, n.f., reading, erudition, scholarship. 3to y i e n u f i 6o.ibiiiófl HaHHTaHHOCTH, he is a scholar of g r e a t erudition. OT-IHT-áTb, V.p., OT-MHT-bIBaTb, V.I., + acc., to reprimand formally, rebuke, scold. 3 a ó p o b o Tbi e r ó OTWHTá.i, (colloq.), you certainly gave it to him. O t MHT-áTb-CH, V.p.r., OT-HHT-blBaTb-CH, v.i.r., to render an account, give a report. nepe-MHT-áTb, v.p., nepe-MécT-b, v.p., nepe-MHT-biBaTb, v./., -)- acc., to r e r e a d ; revise; read in sequence. Oh Asa pá3a nepeiHTáji (nepeMéJi) áTy cTaTbw, he has reread this article twice. H nepeMHTá^a Bee 4 t h khhth, I have read through all these books. n e p e - i é c T - b , nepe-cwHT-áTb, see nepeCMHTátb.



nO-RHT-ilTb, V.p., nO-MHT-blBaTb, V.i., + acc., to read f o r a while, read n o w and then. BP£MSI OT BpeMeHH OH noMiiTbiBa^i H6Bbie KHrtrH, now and then he w o u l d read new books. n o - i H T - i T b , see noiTHTb, noM^CTt. nOA-HHT-^Tb, V.p., nOA-lftT-blBaTb, v.i., + acc., to read in addition; check an original with a copy. H2AO eme nOAMHT^Tb np^JK^e MeM MHTiTb JieKUHK), It is necessary to read a little m o r e bef o r e delivering the lecture. npH-tHT-ATb, v.i., to lament. BS6bi npHMHTd^H Haa n0K6ftHHK0M, the w o men w e r e lamenting over the deceased. ripH-MHT-iHHe, n.n., lamentation, w a i l ing. rioxopbHHoe n., funeral lamentation. ripH-MHT-iTb-CH, V.i.r., + dat., C + gen., 3a + acc., impers., to be due. 3a pa66Ty eMy npHHHTdeTCH 100 py6;i6H, he has 100 rubles coming f o r his work. n p o - i H T - i T b , v.p., npo-in-e-CTpaHeu, n.m., q y « e-CTp^HKa, n.f., foreigner, alien. OH CMHTieT c e 6 6 nyjKecTpdHueM, he considers himself a foreigner. Myw-e3eMHbifi, Myw-e-ctpiHHbifl, adj., foreign,


alien; outlandish. M-oe pacTéHHe, foreign plant. Myw-ÓHHa, n.f., foreign land, strange land. Topex x;ie6 Ha HywÓHHe, (saying), bitter is the lot of one who has to earn a living in a foreign land. Hywa-áTb-cn, v.i., + gen., to avoid, shun. OH Bcex My^Aácrca, he shuns everybody. MyjKj-biH, adj., strange, alien. OH ny>KA HHTpiir, he shuns intrigues. OT-WyiKA-áTb, V.Í., OT-Hyfl-HTb, v.p., - f acc., y + gen., (law), to alienate, estrange; buy, take under the privilege of eminent domain; requisition, ripaBHTe.lbCTBO OTHyAH.IO y HHX BCÉ HX HMymecTBO, the government requisitioned all their property. OT-qyjKAéHHbiH, adj., part. pass, past, requisitioned. O-aa no^ocá 3CMJIH, a requisitioned strip of land. OT-nyjKA-éHHO, adv., apart from. OH JKHBCT O., he lives alone, away from people. OT-MywAáeMbiñ, adj., part. pass, pres., that is being requisitioned. O-aa 3eMJHi, land that is being requisitioned. OT-nywAá e M o c T b , n.f., (law), requisition under the privilege of eminent domain. HeT NPEAÉJIOB A-IH 0MY>KAÁEM0CTH, there are no limits to what can be requisitioned under the privilege of eminent domain. OT-MywA-éHHe, n.n., requisition; estrangement, alienation. I~IOAJie)KHT-JIH ¿TO OTHyiKAéHHK)? Is thlS subject to requisition? OT-qyjKAéHHocTb, n.f., estrangement; aloofness. O. oTHoméHHH, estrangement in relations. He-or-My>KA-áeMocTb, n.f., inalienability. H. jiHMHbix npaB, inalienability of personal rights. He-oT-qy>KAá e M b i ñ , adj., part. pass, pres., inalienable. 3TO eró H-oe npáBO, this is an inalienable right. q y - , i y ( T ) - , My(B)-, PERCEPTION, F E E L I N G , SENSIBILITY, S E N S I T I V E NESS Hy-HTb, v.i., no-My-HTb, v.p., 4- acc., to smell, scent; feel; have a feeling, a presentiment, a foreboding. MyeT Moé cépAue 6eAy, (folk.), I have a foreboding. CoóáKa MveT c.ieA 3Bépn, the dog scents traces of the beast. H^-T-KHfl, adj., sensitive, delicate; tactful, considerate. M. COH, light sleep. OH M. ME^OBÉK, he is a sensitive man. My-T-KO, adv., sensitively, keenly. M. npHC.iywHBaTbcsi, to listen attentively. My-T-xocTb, n.f., quickness, sensitiveness; tact. My-T-oMKy, My-T-fc-iyTb, adv., a little, wee bit; very slightly. HH MYTOMKH, HHHyTb, adv., not in the least, not at all. My-Tb, adv., hardly, barely, scarcely.

406 M y T b He, adv., n e a r l y , a l m o s t , w i t h i n an ace; on the v e r g e , fldftTe MHe i y T o m < y oTAOXHyTb, let me rest a bit. Mbi MyTb cBeT, w h e n w e g o t up it w a s h a r d l y d a y b r e a k . she f l a r e s up at e v e r y t r i f l e . fl MyTb He yn&n, I n e a r l y f e l l . MyTb-e, n.n., scent, hearing, sense. XyadJKecTBeHHoe m., sense of the artistic, y ¿ T o f i co63kh x o p 6 u i e e m., this d o g has a g o o d nose.


MyTb mto,

oh4 cipflHTca,

3 a - i y - « T b , v.p., no-My-HTb, v.p., + acc., t o scent, s m e l l ; h e a r ; f e e l , h a v e a p r e sentiment. 3aMysiJiH BbJixa, the d o g s scented the w o l f .


y - H ^ - * T b , v.p., + acc., (folk.), t o scent, f e e l ; suspect. y i y n j i mt6-to HeJidAHoe, he suspected s o m e t h i n g had g o n e wrong.


i^-B-CTBO-BaTb, v.i., -f- acc., to f e e l , h a v e a sensation, fl nyBCTByio r 6 j i o a , I feel h u n g r y . O h MyBCTByeT ce66 6o.ibHt4M, h e f e e l s ill. My-B-cTBOBaTb-ca, v.i.r., no-My-B-cTBOBaTb-ca, v.p.r., used in 3d pers. only, to b e felt. MyBCTByeTCH npH6jiHHK4K, n. H3 CT^poro, a coat made o v e r f r o m an old one. no-uirt-Tb, v.p., + acc., to s e w f o r a while. MaTb nowftjia qacA ABa, a 38T6M cT^jia ROTDBHTB O6£A, the mother s e w e d f o r a while, then b e g a n to prepare dinner. no-mrt-BKa, n.f., (colloq.), sewing. OTA^TB KOCTIOM B nomfiBKy, t o o r d e r a suit. Ilo-uiA-BOMHbiA, adj., s e w i n g , n - a a MacTepcK^a, g a r m e n t w o r k s h o p . nOA-IHli-Tb, V.p., nOA-UlH-BdTb, v.i., + acc., t o turn a hem; line. n . noAKJi^AKy noA naJibTd, to line an overcoat, n . noAdfl n-iidTbH, to hem a dress, n. 6yM^rH, to f i l e papers. rioA-iuft-Tb-CH, v.p.r., noA-uiH-Birb-cq, v.i.r., to be hemmed, lined; be filed. 3TOT AOXYM^HT noAOuibeTCH K cyA£6HOMy Jitny, this document will be filed with the other p a p e r s pertaining to the case. I"IOA-UIHTbift, adj., part. pass, past, lined, hemmed. rioA-uiH-B^HHe, n.n., noA-mrtBKa, n.f., lining, hemming; filing. K y n A T e caTHHy Ha noAiuiiBKy, buy some satin f o r a lining. npH-IIlft-Tb, V.p., npH-UIH-BiTb, V.i., + acc., K + dat., (colloq.), to s e w o n ; accuse, n . nyroBHuy K nHAwaKy, to sew a button to a coat. FIpH-mii-Tb-cH, v.p.r., npH-uiH-B^Tb-CH, v.i.r., -)instr., K + dat., to be sewed on. BopoTHrtK K na;ibT6 npHUIHBieTCH KpdriKHMH HHTKaMH, the collar is sewed to the overcoat with a strong thread. ripHWH-TBIFI, adj., part. pass, past, sewed to. npH-uiH-B^HHe, n.n., npH-mrt-Bxa, n.f., the action of sewing to, sewing on. ripH-ii]H-BH6fl, adj., pertaining to s e w ing on; that which is sewed on, that which can be sewed on. npo-mrt-Tb, v.p., npo-uiH-B^Tb, v.i., + acc., to s e w t h r o u g h ; stitch; s e w f o r a w h i l e . riopTH6ft npouiHJi nflTb qacdB 6e3 nepepuBa, the tailor s e w e d f o r f i v e hours w i t h o u t a break. ripo-uiA-BKa, n.f., s e w i n g through, stitching. E;iy3Ka c npomftBKaMH, a blouse with stitching.


npo-uirtTbjft, adj., part. pass, past, s e w e d through. pac-mfi-Tb, v.p., pac-uiH-B^Tb, v.i. + acc., to embroider, adorn with n e e d l e w o r k ; r i p . P . NOJIOT^HUE UBCTHUM



e m b r o i d e r a towel with a colored pattern. P. Bee uiBbi, to rip all the seams. Pac-mrt-Tb-CH, v.p.r., pac-uiH-B^Tb-cn, v.i.r., -f- instr., to b e c o m e undone, ripped; be embroidered. Pac-uiH-BiHHe, n.n., embroidering. P. y36poB, e m b r o i d e r y of designs. Pac-uiH-Tbifi, adj., part, pass, past, embroidered. Pac-uiH-Ba, n.f., a decked b a r g e on the V o l g a . C-UH-Tb, V.p., C-UlH-BiTfc, V.i., + OCC., to s e w ; seam; tack; patch. CuiHTb H6BUA KOCTIOM, to sew a new suit. C. 0Ae6.n0 H3 pdsHux Kyc6MKOB MaT^pHH, to s e w a quilt f r o m pieces of material. C . Kpa6 p^Hbi, to suture the e d g e s of a w o u n d . C. KycKKHoe 3., he misrepresented the facts; he m a d e a false declaration. H3-1>-SIB-rtTb, V.p., H3-b-HB-;i-aTb, V.i., + acc., to express. OHA HSIABHAH CBoe conidcHe, they have expressed their consent. H3--b-HB-HTejibHbiH, adj., indicative. H - o e HaKJioH^HHe, (gram.), indicative mood. 06l>-i!B-riTb, V.p., o6l>-HB-;i-6Tb, V./., + acc., to announce, advertise, state, notif y , proclaim, declare, fl O6I>HBHJ 0 6 §TOM B ra3iTe, I announced this in the newspaper. CTpaHi 06-bHBH.ia BofiHy, the country declared w a r . 06T>-HB(iTe^b, n.m., announcer, advertiser. MHC^6





yBe.iHMHaocb, the number of advertisers in this paper has increased. 06T>-HB-;I¿HHe, n.n., announcement, advertisement; statement, declaration; bill, poster. IloMecTiiTe o. B ra3iTe, place an advertisement in the newspaper. O. BoftHbi, declaration of w a r . OT-b-AB-ji-etiHbiA, adj., a c k n o w l e d g e d ; confounded, out and out; arrant. no-flB-rtTb-cn, v.p.r., no-s)B-;i--siB-rtTb, v.p., npeA"b-HB-ji-dTb, v.i., + acc., + dat., to produce, present; lay claim to. n . AOKyMiHTbi, to present documents. npeA"b-dB-.n-eH, part, pass, past, pred., produced, presented. EMy 6biJio npeATj^BJieHO o6BHH6HHej a charge was brought against him. n i c n o p T npeAiflBJiiieTCH Ha rpaHrtue, a passport is presented at the frontier. ripeA'b-HB-HTejib, n.m., npeA"b-HB-rtTeJibHHua, n.f., bearer, n . iicxa, plaintiff. npeA"b-HB-^-eHHe, n.n., presentation, n o npeA"bflBjieHHio, on sight, upon presentation. npO-HB-rtTb, v.p., npO-HB-^-ift, adj., violent, raging; zealous, ardent, passionate; vehement. H. noTE JIÓHHHK, ardent admirer. H. paóóTHHK, zealous w o r k e r . Hp-o, adv., in a rage, furiously, violently. 91. 3ammnáTb CBOÚ npaBá, to defend o n e ' s rights furiously. ftp-ocTHbift, adj., furious, violent, raging. H. npHnáflOK, violent attack. 91• thcb, violent rage. fl-bie aTáKH, furious attacks. 91. Hanóp BOJIH, f u r i o u s onslaught of w a v e s . flp-ocTb, n.f., f u r y , rage. ripHBOAiiTb B H., t o infuriate, enrage. ripHXoaúTb B to f l y into a rage. BHe ce6á OT dpocTH, in a r a g e . 91. BéTpa, f u r y of the wind. 91. BO;IH, violence of waves. pa3T>-ap-HTb, v.p., pa3T>-sp-^Tb, v.i., + acc., to enrage, infuriate, make mad. Pa3T>-Hp-HTb-CH, V.p.r., pa3T»-Jip-ÚTbCH, v.i.r., to b e c o m e furious. Pa3-b-npeHHbifl, adj., part. pass, past, infuriated, e n r a g e d . P. JICB, e n r a g e d lion. sip-OBÓft, adj., vernal. 91. nocéB, spring s o w i n g . fl-áa nmeHHua, spring wheat. y 6 ó p K a HpoBbix, harvest of summer grain crops, flp-t, n.f., spring grain. np-0BN3áT0p>, n.m., (agrie., recent), specialist in vernalization. K y p c u apoBH3áTopoB, courses f o r vernalization specialists. ftp-OBH3áuHa, n.f., vernalization. ft- ceMáH, vernalization of seed. Ap-0BH3Hp0BaHHbift, adj., part, pass, past, vernalized. ap-o«H3ApoBaTb, v.i., npo-ap-oBH3iipoBaTb, v.p., + acc., (recent), to v e r nalize. 91. ceMeHá, to v e r n a l i z e seeds. Hp-0BH3úp0BaTb-cn, v.i.r., and v.p.r., to be vernalized.





» t o , n.m., l a n g u a g e , t o n g u e ; (anat.), tongue. H3biK - 6 p r a n P^mh, the t o n g u e is an o r g a n of speech. A-nHHHbift a., long tongue. 0 6 ^ 6 « e H H b i f t a., coated tongue. B6;ibHo npHKycHTt a., t o bite one's t o n g u e till it hurts. r i o K a 3 i T b KOMy-Hn6y/u> a., to stick o n e ' s tongue out at s o m e o n e . MHocTpdHHbiH a., f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e . PoAH6ft a., native tongue. HepxiH a. 3a 3y6iMH, hold your tongue. CBO66AHO BJIAA^Tb HHOCTpdHHUM H3BIK6M, to speak a foreign language fluently. #3UK KneBa AOBeAeT, (saying), if you don't know, ask. ra3erHbiii 03uk, journalese. #3biK riyuiKHHa, Pushkin's l a n g u a g e . 3;ioft a., bitter, spiteful tongue. OCTPUH a., sharp tongue. >KHB6H (MepTBbin) a., living ( d e a d ) l a n g u a g e . MTO y nbdHoro Ha yM6, TO H Ha H3biKi, (saying), in w i n e there is truth. jtabiK-o-B^A, n.m., linguist, philologist. flsbix-o-BiAeHHe, n.n., philology, linguistics. fl3biK-o3H^HHe, n.n., linguistics. #3biK-6BbiA, adj., lingual. HHo-H3uq-HbiH, adj., foreign. H. HapbA, f o r e i g n nation. MHoro-H3uvHbift, adj., p o l y g l o t . KOCHo-H3WMHbiH, adj., tongue-tied. small tongue; S H U i - t o , n.m., (dim.), (anat.), uvula. itebiM-KtfBbiH, adj., pertaining to reed, fl-bie HHCTpyMeHTbi, reed instruments. S3U