Handbook of Pulping and Papermaking, Second Edition [2 ed.]
0120973626, 9780120973620, 9780080533681
In its Second Edition, Handbook of Pulping and Papermaking is a comprehensive reference for industry and academia. The b
Pages 783
Year 1996
Report DMCA / Copyright
Table of contents :
Front Cover......Page 1
Handbook of Pulping and Papermaking......Page 4
Copyright Page......Page 5
Contents......Page 6
Preface To The Second Edition......Page 10
Preface To The First Edition......Page 11
Acknowledgments......Page 12
Abbreviations......Page 14
List of Color Plates......Page 16
1.1 Introduction to Papermaking......Page 18
1.2 Introduction to the Literature......Page 20
1.4 Technical and Trade Journals......Page 23
1.6 Textbooks......Page 25
1.9 Annotated Bibliography......Page 27
Exercises......Page 28
2.1 Wood and Bark......Page 30
2.2 Wood Chips and Sawdust......Page 38
2.3 Wood Chip Preparation and Handling at the Pulp Mill......Page 39
2.4 Solid Wood Measurement......Page 47
2.5 Wood Chip Measurement......Page 48
2.6 Wood Chemistry......Page 49
2.7 Wood and Fiber Physics......Page 57
2.9 Nonwood and Recycled Fiber Considerations......Page 59
2.10 Annotated Bibliography......Page 67
Exercises......Page 70
3.1 Introduction to Pulping......Page 72
3.2 Mechanical Pulping......Page 79
3.3 Chemi-mechanical Pulping......Page 86
3.4 Related Pulping Methods......Page 87
3.5 Semi-Chemical Pulping......Page 88
3.6 General Chemical Pulping......Page 89
3.8 Kraft Pulping......Page 103
3.9 Sulfite Pulping......Page 108
3.10 Other Pulping Methods......Page 113
3.12 Annotated Bibliography......Page 114
Exercises......Page 117
4.2 Pulp Washing......Page 118
4.3 Liquor Evaporation......Page 120
4.4 Recovery Boiler......Page 124
4.5 Cooking Liquor Regeneration—The Causticizing Process......Page 129
4.6 Annotated Bibliography......Page 135
Exercises......Page 138
5.2 Bleaching Mechanical Pulps......Page 140
5.3 Measurement of Lignin Content......Page 141
5.4 Bleaching Chemical Pulps......Page 144
5.5 Annotated Bibliography......Page 151
Exercises......Page 153
6.1 Introduction to Refining......Page 154
6.2 Refining......Page 159
6.3 Pulp Characterization......Page 166
6.4 Pulp Properties versus Performance......Page 170
6.5 Annotated Bibliography......Page 171
Exercises......Page 174
7.2 General Grades of Paper......Page 175
7.3 Specific Types of Paper......Page 177
7.4 Basic Paper Properties......Page 180
7.5 Physical Properties of Paper......Page 182
7.6 Mechanical Properties of Paper......Page 191
7.7 Chemical Analysis of Paper......Page 199
7.8 Basic Optical Tests of Paper......Page 202
7.9 Sheet Splitting of Paper......Page 204
7.10 Annotated Bibliography......Page 205
Exercises......Page 206
8.1 Introduction......Page 207
8.2 Fiber Preparation and Approach......Page 208
8.3 Raw Materials......Page 210
8.4 Functional Additives......Page 211
8.5 Control Additives......Page 218
8.6 Wet End Chemistry......Page 222
8.7 Annotated Bibliography......Page 223
Exercises......Page 225
9.2 The Paper Machine......Page 226
9.3 The Headbox......Page 228
9.4 The Fourdrinier Wet End......Page 231
9.5 Twin Wire Formers......Page 247
9.6 The Cylinder Machine......Page 251
9.7 The Press Section......Page 252
9.8 The Dryer Section......Page 257
9.9 Post Drying Operations......Page 262
9.10 Paper Machine Broke System......Page 268
9.11 Conversion......Page 269
9.12 Coating......Page 271
9.13 Annotated Bibliography......Page 275
Exercises......Page 279
10.2 Recycled Fiber Preparation......Page 280
10.3 Recycled Fiber Recovery......Page 283
10.4 Annotated Bibliography......Page 296
Exercises......Page 299
11.1 Introduction......Page 300
11.2 Water Pollution......Page 301
11.3 Water Quality Tests......Page 302
11.4 Aqueous Effluent Treatments......Page 304
11.6 Air Quality Tests and Control......Page 307
11.7 Solid Waste Disposal......Page 310
11.8 U.S. Regulations......Page 311
11.9 Annotated Bibliography......Page 312
Exercises......Page 313
12.2 English and Metric Units......Page 314
12.3 Unit Analysis......Page 325
Exercises......Page 328
13.1 The Elements......Page 329
13.2 Ionic and Covalent Bonds......Page 331
13.3 Hydrogen Bonding......Page 332
13.4 The Mole and Mass Percentage......Page 333
13.5 Equivalency, Molarity, and Normality......Page 334
13.6 Acids, Bases, and the pH Scale......Page 335
13.7 The Law of Mass Action......Page 340
13.8 Solubility Products......Page 341
13.9 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions......Page 343
13.10 Electrochemistry......Page 344
13.11 Practical Aspects of Electrochemistry......Page 347
13.12 Properties of Gases......Page 348
Exercises......Page 350
14.1 Strong Acid—Strong Base Titrations......Page 352
14.2 pH Properties of Weak Acid—Conjugate Base Pairs......Page 353
14.3 pH Indicators......Page 354
14.4 Titration of a Weak Acid with a Strong Base or Weak Base with a Strong Acid......Page 355
14.5 Reduction-Oxidation Titrations......Page 356
14.6 Colorimetric Analysis......Page 359
14.7 Coordinate Chemistry......Page 360
14.9 Annotated Bibliography......Page 363
Exercises......Page 364
15.1 Wood Moisture Content and Density......Page 365
15.2 Pulpwood Measurement......Page 368
15.3 Tensile Strength and Breaking Length of Materials......Page 369
15.4 Paper Properties......Page 371
Exercises......Page 374
16.2 Kraft Liquor—Chemical Calculations......Page 376
16.3 Kraft Liquor—Chemical Analysis......Page 380
16.4 Specific Gravity and Viscosity of Kraft Liquors......Page 384
16.6 Kraft H-Factor and Other Process Control Equations......Page 385
16.7 Sulfite Liquor Calculations......Page 389
16.8 Sulfite Liquor Analysis......Page 392
16.9 The Chemistry of Sulfur......Page 393
16.11 Annotated Bibliography......Page 394
Exercises......Page 395
17.2 Chlorine Bleaching......Page 396
17.4 Chemical Analysis of Bleaching Liquors and Chlorine Equivalency......Page 398
17.6 Computer Simulation of Fiber Cleaning Systems......Page 402
17.7 Paper Machine Calculations......Page 403
17.9 Strength of Wet Fiber Mats......Page 407
17.11 Annotated Bibliography......Page 409
Exercises......Page 410
18.1 Introduction and Types of Polymers......Page 412
18.2 Addition Polymers......Page 413
18.3 Condensation Polymers......Page 415
18.4 Molecular Weights of Polymers......Page 416
Exercises......Page 419
19.3 Forms of Monosaccharides......Page 420
19.4 Selected Reactions of Carbohydrates......Page 423
Exercises......Page 427
20.1 Introduction to TQM and SPC......Page 428
20.2 Statistical Process (Quality) Control, SPC, SQC......Page 430
20.3 Statistical Process Control Tools......Page 432
20.4 Implementing TQC and SPC......Page 434
20.5 Miscellaneous Topics......Page 435
Exercises......Page 436
Appendix—Generating Random Data with a Normal Distribution......Page 437
21.2 Colloid Chemistry......Page 438
21.4 Surface Tension and Sizing......Page 446
21.5 Surfactants......Page 448
21.6 Foam......Page 451
21.8 Light Scattering by Colloids......Page 452
21.9 Annotated Bibliography......Page 453
Appendix......Page 454
22.1 Introduction......Page 455
22.2 Polymeric Additives......Page 457
22.3 Colloid Chemistry......Page 459
22.4 Retention, Formation, and Drainage......Page 460
22.5 Internal Sizing......Page 466
22.6 Wet and Dry Strength......Page 468
22.7 Monitoring Wet End Chemistry......Page 470
22.8 Papermaking Chemistry Control......Page 474
22.9 Other Considerations......Page 475
22.10 Annotated Bibliography......Page 476
Exercises......Page 479
23.1 Introduction......Page 480
23.3 Lithography......Page 481
23.4 Gravure......Page 484
23.6 Other Printing Methods......Page 485
23.7 Halftone Printing......Page 486
23.8 Color Printing......Page 487
23.10 Ink and Ink Application......Page 490
23.11 Paper Properties and Printing......Page 492
23.12 Specific Products......Page 494
23.13 Computers and Printing......Page 495
23.14 Bindery Operations......Page 497
23.15 Annotated Bibliography......Page 500
Appendix......Page 503
24.1 Introduction......Page 504
24.2 Behavior of Light Rays......Page 505
24.3 Color......Page 506
24.4 Tristimulus Systems......Page 511
24.5 Blackbody Radiation and Other Light Sources......Page 517
24.6 Kubelka–Munk Theory......Page 519
24.7 Annotated Bibliography......Page 525
Exercises......Page 529
Appendix......Page 530
25.1 Introduction......Page 533
25.2 Sample Preparation for Identification or Microscopy......Page 546
25.3 Wood Variation......Page 549
25.4 Silviculture and Wood Quality......Page 551
25.5 Annotated Bibliography......Page 554
Exercises......Page 557
26.1 Gross Anatomy of Softwoods......Page 558
26.2 Microscopic Anatomy of Softwoods......Page 560
26.3 Anatomy of Softwood Species......Page 566
26.4 Non-American Species......Page 598
27.1 Gross Anatomy of Hardwoods......Page 600
27.2 Microscopic Anatomy of Hardwoods......Page 603
27.3 Anatomy of Hardwood Species......Page 606
28.1 Fiber Analysis......Page 645
28.2 Softwood Fiber......Page 646
28.3 Hardwood Fiber......Page 648
29.1 Introduction......Page 650
29.2 Pulping Methods for Nonwood Fibers......Page 652
29.3 Considerations for Nonwood Fiber Use......Page 654
29.5 Annotated Bibliography......Page 656
30.2 Pump Basics......Page 658
30.3 Positive Displacement Pumps......Page 659
30.4 Centrifugal (Dynamic) Pumps......Page 661
30.5 Valves......Page 665
30.6 Hydraulic Power Systems......Page 672
30.7 Troubleshooting Hydraulic Power Systems......Page 676
30.8 Annotated Bibliography......Page 677
31.2 Sensors......Page 680
31.3 Temperature Sensors......Page 681
31.4 Mechanical Sensors......Page 682
31.5 Controllers......Page 685
31.7 Annotated Bibliography......Page 687
32.1 Introduction......Page 688
32.2 Manufacture......Page 689
32.3 Test Methods......Page 691
32.4 Annotated Bibliography......Page 693
33.1 Viscosity and Surface Tension of Water from 0 to 100°C......Page 695
33.2 Vapor Pressure of Water from 0 to 280°C......Page 696
33.4 Water Conditioning......Page 697
33.5 Boiler Feedwater Treatment......Page 700
33.6 Corrosion......Page 702
33.7 Safety Practices for Hazardous Chemicals......Page 703
33.8 Transportation Safety......Page 704
33.10 Process Simulation......Page 707
33.12 Bearings......Page 709
33.14 Annotated Bibliography......Page 711
Appendix......Page 714
34.1 General Pulp and Paper......Page 715
34.2 Wood......Page 716
34.3 Roundwood Properties......Page 717
34.4 Wood Chemistry......Page 718
34.5 Recycling and Secondary Fiber......Page 719
34.7 Mechanical Pulping......Page 722
34.8 Chemical Pulping......Page 723
34.9 Kraft Recovery......Page 724
34.10 Bleaching......Page 726
34.11 Fiber Physics and Preparation......Page 727
34.12 Papermaking......Page 729
34.14 Coating and Converting......Page 730
34.16 Environmental......Page 733
34.18 Testing Methods......Page 734
Answers to Selected Problems......Page 738
Author Index......Page 750
Subject Index......Page 758
Color Plate Sections......Page 772