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English Pages 1-150 [151] Year 2021
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FUI{CTIO NS of the Substance
Fighth ditian John
rdman, Ph
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Global Criteria
The 12 CORE FUNCTIONS of the Substance Abuse Counselor Eighth Edition
Herdmflrr Ph.f)., LAf)C
Foreword Functions of the substcutce Alrr^' More than2l years ago, Globat criteria: The 12 Core competencies of substance abuse colr.>: Co,nselordefined thf functions and prot-essional be hard-pressed to find a modem ndc'- ' -: It continues to do so and will indefinit"ly. Yo, will that does not use the i I L board, state, or nation studies program, certification, or licensing testtng' Functions in their requirecl education or competency
lvorldwide rely on the l2,Core Ftnt('titttt' These institutions, agencies, and governments .' abuse counselors' profession_al competenc-ies.lr because it set the stJndards for substance ii who educate ' You 1" - -: to competency for both students and those straightforward roadmap daiiy' this information in youiclassrooms and careers
[3 years ancl more than 20'000 hout's of As a substance abuse professional with over p.og'ot' and private practice' not a day pusse' . " counseling experience in both treatment de:tinecl in this book' I recognized er': which I do not p"rfor* the majority of tt" flnctions just allolv me topass my board exams' it trulr r'''-' on that mastering these functions did not coutrselor' I also recognized that this me a professional - an effective and powerful it': substance abuse counselor' It is a manual information Oo", ,oi.lust clefine my iole as a Gtt -'' Acldiction Private Practice:The Definitive saving lives. As I derionstrate in my book, :'criteria the global ancl ft nropi,i',the l2 Core Functions and Prof'essioncLls Acldiction .for in private practice, just as ther dtr ' into all of the activities of a substance abuse counselor arolr:'professionals working in treatment programs the hunclreds of thousaricls of addiction L'e::.--Functions and the global criteria ensllres the worlcl. your unclerstanding of the li Core C. I I the uguinst malpractice claims' Mastering ' outcomes for your clients and protect, you defineS o coillp; ': truiy principles ethical maintainingitrong Functions while integrating and substance abuse Professional' Dr.Herdmanismorethanapsychoiogistandaddictionprofessional.Heisathou.gl]tleade: yJ*s.ot experienceltris book is his gift of rvisciorl] and expert in our fieid rvith over 47 to eclucate aspiring counselors but to evef)one only to our prot'ession and those who wish by iLrbsranc e abuse: tbat is' the entire world' affected
Michael O'Brien. CADC\\
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