Get Money$$ 9781999843106

GET CASH NOW! In this hardcore self-help book, legendary occult author and business tycoon Doktor Snake gives you the

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Table of contents :
1. Quest For Filthy Lucre
Mental Money Detector
2. I Am God
Get The Power
3. Do What You Gotta Do
Tom Thumb – Gone!
4. Kill Your Comfort Zone
Go Russian Gangsta
5. Laser Focus
Focus On The Flame
6. Burning Desire
Kick-starting Desire
7. Cash Machine
Take Action
8. Magic Words
Copy That
9. Harnessing The Power
Lucky Coin
10. In The Flow
Be Happy Now
Afterword: The Illusion
Doktor Snake
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Get Money$$

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First Published in Great Britain 2019 by SnakeStone Limited © Copyright Doktor Snake All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Cover images © Adobe Stock / Igor Serazetdinov

Introduction Money. It’s all in the mind. Getting it is down to mental attitude. Cash won’t come to you unless you work on yourself first.

If you don’t, you’ll always be struggling to make ends meet. You have to make yourself ready to receive money. And that involves working on yourself. Most people shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to making money. Many do it all their lives and wonder why they’re always poor. Typically they blame others or their situation for their poverty. Big mistake. Fact is, you’re always to blame. Nobody else. Just you. Why? Because like I say, money is all in the mind. Get your mental processes right and believe me, you’ll land in the money, sooner or later.

How much is up to you. Being comfortable is a lot better than being poor. And being rich is a lot better than being comfortable. But it’s your choice. The main thing is to be happy. The bottom line is it’s all about mind control. Learning to stay focused, and not scatter-gunning left, right and centre. You’ve got to train yourself to use your mind, not let it use you. Put another way, you need to drive the car, not allow it to drive you. Like it or not, money is a big deal in our world. We need it to live – to survive.

As hip-hop act Wu-Tang Clan stated in their song C.R.E.A.M: “Cash Rules Everything Around Me.” True, true words. So with that said, let’s go. Let’s get money! Doktor Snake Eastside of Paradise

1. Quest For Filthy Lucre Money is the root of all evil, right? The fuck it is. It’s the system most of human society has got. We’ve had it a long time and it works pretty well despite being

manipulated by criminals politicians. We can rail against capitalism. But that’ll keep us poor. To be a full-time activist, you either need to be born into money, or you need to draw welfare, and the latter will just put you in the thrall of the state, like it or not. If we want money, we’re gonna have to go with the system we have. Accumulate as much cash and assets as we can. That way, we can do what the hell we want. Alright, some might decide to try and topple the system or save the bigger-dicked orangutan. That’s up to them. When you’ve got money, you can choose.

Me? Give me a Harley or top-end BMW and I’m happy. Yeah, I’m a petrol head. But mostly it’s about freedom. Being able to hit the road whenever I choose. And you know what? The whole reason I got myself out of excruciating poverty and into making cash was the idea of freedom. Every dollar (pound, yen or ruble) is really a “freedom ticket.” Each one buys you an increment of freedom. The more freedom tickets you have, the more free time you have. It’s as simple as that. What you do with that freedom is up to you. You might wanna kickback and relax; or you might opt to work more, and make even

more cash. The point is, you have the choice. “My most basic credo is: I never said freedom was cheap. And it ain’t. Never will be. It’s been the highest priced and most precious commodity in my life.” Sonny Barger (b. 1938), founder of the Oakland, California, chapter of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club

Without money, your options are always limited. Even travelling a hundred miles to the next city demands you have cash for fuel,

or for a bus or train ticket. If you ain’t got the greenbacks you can’t do it. Long ago you could have walked; now you’d just get run down by some texting dumbass on the highway. But even had you walked, you’d need money for food to keep your energy up. There’s no escaping it, you need filthy lucre to operate. So how do you go about getting it? Well, the first key is to stop feeling sorry for yourself if you don’t have money. Why? Because it’s your own damn fault. You need to wake up, get some focus and get your life in order. “Oh, but I had such a terrible childhood and that’s why I can’t make money,” you say. Excuses,

baby, excuses. You gotta put your past behind you. Create a new self. “But the time isn’t right,” you whine. No time is the right time. Get to it. The time is NOW! There are endless excuses. Usually it’s down to sheer laziness, or wanting somebody to do it all for you. Which case you need to win the lottery. Good luck with that. No, the key to money is deciding to get some, and meaning it. It’s will power, focus and determination. And not being afraid of failing – because you will fail. But that’s not a bad thing. You’re really just experimenting,

throwing things out there to see what takes. Mostly things won’t take. Accept it and move on. Eventually you’ll hit on a winner. But how do you get will power if your will is weak? You strengthen will by getting on with stuff. Getting on, come what may. It’s like muscle building. You don’t feel like it a lot of the time. You think, oh, just one more doughnut and a coffee, then I’ll do it. And of course picking up a doughnut from your plate and putting it into your kisser is all the powerlifting you’ll do. But if you actually get down to it and lift weights, you’ll build muscle. It’s the same with money. You dream up ideas – literally

daydream. Then note them down. Make a plan and put it into action. You build and keep building. Over time – and after more than a few failures – you’ll make money. “During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams.” Tupac Shakur/2Pac (1971-1996), American rapper, writer, and actor

Naturally, there is the issue of time. You often hear people saying, “I don’t have the time, I’ve got a full-time job.” Or, “I’ve got kids and there’s just not enough

hours in the day to build my own business.” I could sympathise. After all, having a busy management job, and kissing all those asses, along with pandering to smarmy colleagues, does take time and is often stressful. But I don’t sympathise. If you want to do a thing, you’ll do it. Truth is you don’t – do you? You’re just a dreamer. You prefer fantasising about what it would be like to have your own business, money and freedom. You might even go to motivational seminars pitching the idea of being your own boss. You’ll get all fired up (having paid top-dollar for your ticket) and then

you’ll drift back into doing nothing. Accepting the status quo of a job. You’ll say you have to think about your security, and that of your kids, if you have them. Paying your mortgage. Blah, blah, blah. Listen. If you want money you gonna have to take risks. You’re gonna have to pull your finger out and work on your own things at evenings and weekends. Fuck your plastic friends who come round for dinner and get through a gallon of wine with you on a Friday night. Or your dope-head pals toking on weed from morning to night. They’re losers and they’re holding you back. Blow ‘em out. Hang out

with people that actually do stuff. People you can learn from, and hopefully you’ll return the favour and bring them value too. If you want to make money, it’s time to stop making excuses (or stop reading this book right now and get back to the tired grind of the job world). Because what we’re gonna do is get results. Might be small at first. But once you get something working, just a little bit of self-generated revenue coming in, you’ll get the hunger to make more. This will grow to sheer determination. Nothing will stand in your way. At that point you’ll have developed will power. And the filthy lucre will begin to flow in, and you’ll know, deep down, that making money is easy. You’ll have

self-belief. And that will pay you dividends. So come on, let’s get on the money bus and ride…

Mental Money Detector The idea behind this exercise is to get you into the money mindset – plus it’s fun. Everyday thousands of coins and banknotes are lost. Few are ever found. Why? Because people don’t look for them! But you will. Each morning, for a week, decide that you’ll find lost money, whether it’s in the street, on public transport, in stores or coffee shops, or anywhere. Keep your eyes peeled, but also let your intuition direct you. You’ll be

surprised how often you happen across lost cash. Mostly it’ll be lost coins. So doing this won’t make your rich. But it will get you into the habit of keeping your eyes (and mind) open for financial opportunities.

2. I Am God What the hell is this?! You exclaim. Am I some kind of guru trying to suck you into a weird cult? No I’m not. But if I thought I could suck you into some mantra-muttering cult, and you were willing to tithe ten percent of your income to me, then believe me, I would – and mint out. And so should you. If you can dream up a religion – be it science

fiction style like good old L. Ron Hubbard and his Scientology or pushing some dumb mantra like TM – do it and get others to do the work while you sail your yacht around the world. But no. What I’m saying is that not only am I God, but you are too. In a sense it’s a trick of the mind. If you are God, then you create your own reality. I had a dog-tag made that says, “I God. U God.” It reminds me that I am master of my fate, and more importantly, captain of my mental ship. Being God doesn’t mean you can avoid the ups and downs of life, or undesirable turns of destiny. But if you are still in the land of the

living, it means you can find ways to deal with hardships or downturns, and prosper. If you are God the Creator, then you are in control of your life. And the key control system is your mind. In fact that’s the one thing in this world that you do have control of. Nobody (yet) can hack into your brain and control your thought patterns or the pictures and movies that flow through your mind. “God is what nobody admits to being and everybody is.” Alan Watts (1915-1973), British philosopher and writer

So this is our big freedom. But most people don’t harness the power of their minds. They don’t learn mind control. If they did, everybody would not only be rich, but they’d be happy and content too. As it is, they are buffeted around by external events and circumstances. They let things happen to them instead of securing happenstance on a leash and leading it where you want to go. It’s very much like the old saying of the tail wagging the dog. If you’re God, you’re at the helm. Nothing will stand in your way. And if it does, you’ll figure out a way round it.

I recognize that you might feel uncomfortable at the thought of deciding that you are God. Perhaps you are religious. If so, simply see it that you being God means that this is the part of your that is connected to the Creator, be it the Christian God or the Muslim God. Or see it as your personal connection to Jesus. Or the Buddha. Or whatever you are into. Make up your own religion. I don’t care. Bottom line is: this is about results, and doing whatever works. In the end – if you look into quantum physics – nothing is real. That gives us carte blanche to make it all up. And in truth, that is

exactly what you need to do to make money and gain wealth. You become the Creator. And see everything that happens to you in life as little more than a dream. That way, you start to believe that anything is possible. In fact, my advice is this: Adopt a healthy disregard for the impossible! By accepting that you are God, you will take on board the notion that all the ideas you dream up can be manifested on the earthly plane. In a sense, your ideas become “power objects” that could just change your life and put real cash in your pocket.

Convinced? Good. But let’s be clear. It’s all well and good going along with the idea that you’re God. But it’s just a concept – thinking in words. The plan is to get this empowering concept embedded in your subconscious mind, which is the powerhouse within. In fact, your subconscious will be more than happy with the idea because it is the “God” I’m talking about. It is the part of you that not only brings you ideas and inspiration, it also gets things done. “There is a world within – a world of thought, feeling, and power; of light and beauty, and although invisible,

its forces are mighty.” Charles F. Haanel (1886-1949), American businessman and author

What we’re really doing is trying to convince your conscious mind that you are God. Your subconscious mind already knows. So what I recommend you do is say to yourself on a daily basis that you are God. When you wake up in the morning say out loud or internally that “I Am God.” Do the same on and off throughout the day. You can also do what I did and get yourself a dog-tag made that says “I Am God.” Or get someone to

engrave a signet ring with this empowering slogan. The more your conscious mind embraces the idea that you are divine, the more your subconscious will respond. You’ll get far more flashes of inspiration. They can come to you at anytime, so it’s wise to keep a notebook on you at all times – and keep one by your bed as it’s very common to wake in the night with “Eureka” ideas. But there’s one proviso. It’s no good getting lots of money-making ideas from your subconscious if you don’t act on them. Sure, you’ll dismiss some of them after thinking about them in the cold light of day. But you have to move

on the good ones – and fast. This will encourage your subconscious (which we’ll call the “God Within”) to keep it up and bring even more flashes of inspiration. If you don’t act your subconscious will be discouraged, and you’ll be back at square one, with your life unchanged. In many ways, it’s a crazy way to operate. But then again, if you look at the average wage stiff they’re pretty humdrum and lacking in verve. Which is exactly why they spend eight hours a day working, along with a two hour or more commute, to line somebody else’s pockets. All in the interests of a job they hate! That’s got to be

crazier than somebody adopting the mantra “I Am God”! Truth is, I don’t fucking care about being mad, so long as it makes me money and I don’t get sectioned. That said, it’s not just about making money, having the maxim “I Am God” also makes life more fun. It’s brings an empowering new perspective on all aspects of living.

Get The Power This exercise is about internalising the idea that you’re God – that it isn’t something outside yourself. Start by visualising a white or golden (or any colour you favour) sphere of light inside yourself. See it as the inner you, the deeper

self, that radiates well-being and energy throughout your body/mind system. Then say to yourself: “I am God. I am in command of my destiny. I can create the reality I want. I have the power within.” Do this daily and before any important events in your life, especially those related to finances and business. If you’re still in the job world, do it before attending interviews.

3. Do What You Gotta Do Poverty is painful. And I was poor for a long time. To be fair, it was my own doing. I didn’t bother going to school much. When I did go I had fun. And that meant I was always in trouble. I didn’t do any exams either. So I’m totally unqualified. Yet years later I was writing for many of Britain’s national newspapers and magazines. Nobody asked me if I had any O’Levels or if I had a degree. I’ve never even set foot in a university. Yet I’ve had my books published by Random House, Orion and St. Martin’s Press.

It goes to show you can do anything if you set your mind to it. You don’t need qualifications. You educate yourself. Well, not if you want to be a doctor or a dentist. But most other things you’ve just got to front it out. Believe in yourself. And that’s exactly how I got out of poverty. The reason I lacked money was down to my deciding at twelve years old that I didn’t want a job. Who in there right mind wants to work forty hours a week in a job they detest? It made no sense to me. So I wasn’t having any of it. Thus I was poor. In truth I wouldn’t have been much better off if I’d taken a job,

as most people seem to live paycheck to paycheck. But I’d have been miserable and wouldn’t have had any free time. As it was I ducked and dived playing guitar in bands. I had fun and could get up when I liked. But lived hand-tomouth. Then one day I decided that I’d like to have some money. Mostly to buy a decent motorcycle and live in a reasonable place. And then when I had kids it seemed even more opportune to solve the pecuniary problem. Motorcycles were one thing; kids another. It was time to enter the grown up world. For most people that would mean buckling down and getting a

job. Not me. I was going to stick to my guns. And then as fate would have it I met somebody who would become my mentor. This was Earl Marlowe, a singer from Trinidad who doubled as a voodoo doctor. He needed a guitar player and somebody told him to come and see me. So one evening there was this loud bang on my door. I opened it and there was this bald-headed black guy in a feathered jacket and wearing purple-tinted shades. He asked me if I wanted to back him on a gig that very night. I said, “Yeah, why not.” I knew I could

busk along to blues, reggae and calypso. And it worked out fine.

“If you wanna get seriously rich, what you need is magic money.” Earl Marlowe (1933-1995), Trinidadian singer and voodoo man

After that we played a lot of gigs together. We also busked on the street and played on boats. Then one night he told me he was a voodoo doctor and had clients all over London. So I ended up helping him with that. Fixing up love spells and money spells for people; and removing hexes and conducting seances. I took it in my stride – mostly because I was

already well versed in the occult and the paranormal, having been interested in both since childhood. Mostly though it was all about “mind power” in the end. We were essentially helping people harness the power of their subconscious minds, the deeper aspect of ourselves which can bring real change in our lives. My time with Earl is what led to me taking on his mantle and becoming a voodoo man myself. But that’s another story – one that’s told in my Doktor Snake’s Voodoo Spellbook (SnakeStone). The big takeaway from Earl was how you can use the power of your

mind to get the life you want. He was always scornful at the idea of “accepting your lot.” As far as he was concerned, you had all you needed within to change it. On the subject of money, he would say, “You don’t need to be poor. There’s money all around you. You just gotta get in the way of some of it.” But he had one proviso. “If you want money,” he said, “you gotta do what you gotta do. And you gotta dream it. You gotta see it in your mind and feel it deep down. You do that, there’s no stoppin’ you.” That was like a “Eureka” moment for me. The realization that you’ve “gotta do what you gotta do” –

that nothing can stop you IF you have the sheer audacity and bravado to actually do it. And also that your imagination (subconscious vision) is the key to getting ideas that can be turned into money. But you do have to be focused. You do have to tell your subconscious that you have a mission and that any ideas it comes up with should centre around getting money. And once ideas come you have to put them into practice, and have no fear of criticism – because you will find people try to undermine you when you stand up to be counted and try to create a money-making

enterprise. You can’t be put off by others, which is why Earl said, “You gotta do what you gotta do.” Nothing and nobody must be allowed to stand in your way. And that means you’ll very likely have to blow people out – like friends, for instance. If you’re hanging out with losers, get rid of them. They might be nice losers and you might feel guilty about it. Well, get used to it! Once you’ve blown out one person it’ll get easier. Three, you won’t bat an eyelid. It’s nothing personal anyway. So why worry about it. You’re just doing what’s necessary to get rich. “What separates the winners from

the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.” Donald Trump (b. 1946), Entrepreneur and President of the United States

If you happen to be a weak loser I can hear you asking, “would you blow me out?” Yep. Gone. History. Next… I’ve already moved on. You aren’t even in my mind any more. You don’t exist. But if you’re not a weak loser, and are ready to get money, you need to adopt the same attitude.

Look at your friends in the cold light of day. Do they complain about their lives? Do they continually whine and moan? Are they welfare addicts? Big boozers? Heavy into drugs? Yes? Blow ‘em out – NOW! Get new friends – ones that inspire you. People that get on with things and walk the talk. If you can find successful friends, so much the better. You can learn from them. But don’t be a taker. Remember there has to be a “value exchange.” You gotta be mutually useful to each other, not to mention inspiring. If you’re a leech and just take, you’re a loser. Anybody successful will see that right away, and you’ll be blown

out before you’ve uttered three words. Rightly so. Friends are one thing. You might also need to look at your romantic relationships. You might have to dump a spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend. You have to look at them with clinical scrutiny. Ask yourself if they’re holding you back in any way; or if they’re bring more negativity than positivity to the table. If you’re in love with them, you might need to turn this off. If it’s mostly sexual, it’s easy, you just find somebody else, be it free via Tinder or by hiring a prostitute that caters to your sexual orientation.

Love can be a bit of a problem. But it’s not hard to switch it off. You just picture the one you love in your mind’s eye, making the image smaller and in black and white; make it as dull as possible. Shrink it right down to the size of a tennis ball, then hurl it into space and into the sun. Do this visualization often, a few times a day – and every time your loved one springs to mind. Eventually you’ll wonder whatever you saw in them. Emotional dependency is another thing. It gets mixed up with love. You think you love somebody. But in reality you’re emotionally dependent on them. If that’s the case, you have to analyse yourself and work out what it is you’re

dependent on with your partner. Then find ways to overcome that dependency. Simply being aware that it’s there is a big help, as you’ll realise you don’t love your partner at all, or they’re really just a friend that you have sex with. That’ll make it far easier to get them out of your life. So like I say, you gotta do what you’ve gotta do to make money and get rich. Clear the deadwood in your life – without mercy.

Tom Thumb – Gone! Try this exercise if you’re having trouble bringing yourself to get rid of unwanted people in your life. Visualise the person you want to

lose in the palm of your hand. Look down on them from above, see them about an inch high milling around in your hand. Now take a deep breath, hold your hand out in front of you, and blow them away, saying: “Gone! You’re out of my life!” This will get you comfortable with seeing the back of people you no longer want in your life.

4. Kill Your Comfort Zone When it comes to money, your comfort zone is the kiss of death. So you have to kill it. Beat it to a pulp with a baseball bat, or slice it

to pieces with a machete. The wimps of this world will say that sounds a little violent. But it’s not a person, it’s a part of your psychological make up, and it’s one that is seriously getting in your way. In fact, it’s no bad thing being a serial killer when it comes to comes to the aspects of your mind that are holding you back. Leave a trail of bodies. Or better still bury them in a lonely forest somewhere and leave them to decompose. Getting out of your comfort zone involves fighting fear, until you don’t fear anything or anybody. Fear is an ugly, squirming creature, much like Gollem from

Lord of the Rings. Show it no mercy. Stomp it before it gets a hold on you. In truth, fear has probably been a part of your life since you were tiny. Over the years, it will have grown bigger and bigger, and will have talked you out of doing many things – things that could have made you cash, most likely. “The greatest fear people have is that of being themselves.” 50 Cent (b. 1975), American rapper, actor and entrepreneur

You can be too comfortable. Comfortable in a job that isn’t fulfilling, but it pays your mortgage. Comfortable in a

marriage that’s a bit dull, but brings security. Comfortable just ticking along in life. But look: You’ve bought this book, right? So some part of you wants – no yearns – for something different. Some excitement. And, of course, money. So how do you get out of your comfort zone. Well you can go bungee jumping or parachute out of a plane. But really you’ll just be doing an extreme sport hobby, and not devoting yourself to money and riches. It’s best to stay on message and work on your main mission.

And actually if you do try jumping out of a plane, do it without a parachute. If you survive by same strange quirk of fate, you won’t fear a damn thing in life any more. After all, a parachute is a safety net, part of comfort zone thinking. To be fair, that might be a little extreme. So what you want to do is try being a little confrontational with people in your daily lives. Throw something out there, let go, and see how people react. If it’s your boss start seeing him or her as an equal, not somebody above you who holds your comfort and security in their hands. Tell them when you think their idea is a bad idea, and explain why, and offer a

better idea, which they can take or leave. Be nonchalant. Definitely don’t be emotional in any away when you do this. Matter of fact is best. Same with work colleagues. Be polite and good-mannered with them (because these are good traits), but try and be yourself more with them. Don’t fall into the trap of having a “work self.” Let your deeper self come to the fore, the part of you that really “doesn’t give a fuck.” In essence, you’re showing them that you have no fear. That is a very compelling trait.

Do the same with romantic partners. If you don’t like their friends, say so, and don’t go to their dull dinner parties and BBQs. If your partner doesn’t like it, you can always find another one. As a side product, this attitude will improve your relationship 100%. Either that or you’ll find a relationship that’s more to your taste. But the other thing is a lot of people have relationships due to clinging to their comfort zone. They literally have to be with someone. And that means anyone will do – any port in a storm. That will hold you back in the quest for money. So find the strength in yourself not to be in a

relationship if you’d don’t come across the ideal person. It’s better in many ways to be autonomous, with just yourself to worry about. You’ve got more freedom to do what you like. Plus you can get down to making money in earnest – because you will likely have to work very hard at first to build a system that not only brings you money, but free time too. So the rule is, don’t let yourself slide into a comfortable relationship for its own sake. Even a romantic relationship needs to be a value exchange. Don’t embark on a relationship based on feeling secure and warm, or on companionship. That’s what the

weak do. And is most definitely what the average wage stiff does. You don’t want to do any of that because you want money and wealth. “Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.” Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), British stateswoman who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990

Another way to break the thrall of your comfort zone is to try and do everything to the max. Like driving. Learn to drive well and precisely. Focus on the drive at all times. Be one with the machine.

I do that with cars and motorcycles. I learned the art of driving from the British Police’s Roadcraft books. And because I focus 100% on driving a car or motorcycle, it becomes almost like zen meditation. I’m in the moment like an animal hunting, but with driving it’s more defensive than predatory – that’s how you stay alive on the roads. But when I’m in the mood, I’ll push the limits, such as setting a speed on an open road and not slowing down at all. So it takes all your skills to take corners safely. By default this attitude translates into your business life. You see things clearer and more

objectively, and you know exactly when you’re in the territory of risk. You assess risks, but you don’t shy away from them. If it looks worth a punt, you go for it. If you’re into networking, you can include it in your efforts to take down your comfort zone. Most people who go to networking events are like meek little mice. But there’s always a handful of successful people there who are like predators. You just know they don’t give a monkeys. They don’t need to tout for business and are typically the cool ones in the room. The rest aren’t remotely cool; they’re desperate to make contacts in the hope of getting

some work or contracts from the successful people there. You can hear “wimp” in their voices when they talk. They’re trying to please and it’s written all over them. But the successful people in the room, if they think they can use the wimps, will negotiate a very good deal. Because they cling to their comfort zone, wimps are easy to bulldoze. You don’t want to be in that position. Quite the contrary, you want to score lucrative deals. So use networking events as a way of getting out of your comfort zone. Go in casual clothes, or plain scruffy. Don’t dress to please. And don’t suck up to the successful

people in the room. When you sit down, pull up another chair and put your feet up on it. Do that and people will very likely come up to you; they’ll be curious, and they’ll assume you’re one of the successful ones. When people do approach you (which they surely will), ask them questions about their lives and businesses. Talk about them more than you. Keep it casual and obviously show a genuine interest in what they’re telling you. And when you do talk about yourself focus more on your passions, not so much on your business. Be a bit reticent about that, like you’re at the networking event to chill out more than anything. The less you say about your line of business,

the more people will be curious to know what you get up to – and they might just want to strike a deal with you. If they do, sell ‘em on something top dollar. On every level, your comfort zone is your enemy. I know that from personal experience. Back in the 1990s I was horribly skint. I was signing on the dole (welfare), which actually is a valid way to get income to set up a business. The government don’t approve of that. But they’re criminals, anyway. So it’s just a question of ducking and diving, and not getting caught. But the problem is welfare makes you too comfortable and complacent. You get this small,

but fairly guaranteed income, and it makes you dependent. You cling on to the pittance you get as if your life depended on it. It does in a way as you’d likely end up homeless and starving if your welfare was cut off. But welfare stymies you. You become fearful of taking risks and thus you’re in the welfare trap. And your only option seems to be going along with government propaganda to get a job – become a “productive citizen”. Really, they just want you to be a slave, living from paycheck to paycheck. I realized I was in this predicament. And I just thought, fuck this, and signed off the dole and marketed via the internet from dawn to midnight until I had

money coming in. It was scary (getting out of your comfort zone always is). But it certainly focused my mind…

Go Russian Gangsta A good way to get out of your comfort zone is to do what most people don’t do – in this case talking less and walking slow. Look closely at Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. See how he talks little and walks with slow deliberation. Remember, he’s basically a gangsta (modern Russia is ruled by them, and Vladimir is the epitome of gangsta style). His whole manner shows that he is in charge and that it

would be very unwise to mess with him. So follow suit. Don’t rush around like you’re stressed (even if you are stressed), and restrain your natural urge to talk a lot and give too much away. You’ll find that doing this takes you way out of your comfort zone as the urge to talk (in a bid to make people like you) is very strong. And you’ll find it hard to walk slowly, especially when time is pressing. But the discipline of “going Russian gangsta” will serve you well.

5. Laser Focus Most people’s scattered. They’re place. That’s why credit cards, take

attention is all over the they max out out loans on

their mortgages, and buy flashy cars on credit. In other words, they’re dupes and will never get rich (because they’re so damn stretched paying off interest). They’re a good little wage stiff and do what they’re told. Out of fear they manage to hold down their job so they can pay their mortgages and loans. Otherwise they just take what life brings and never become master of their ship. They never decide what they want, never mind going out to get it. But if you want money, you need to have focus, set your goals, and brush everything else aside mercilessly. That way you stand a

fighting chance of achieving your ambitions, and are far more likely to get your hands on a fair bit of filthy lucre. So how do you get focus? Well, let’s start with the washing up. You can use this humble (and arguably dull) activity to develop sharp, one-pointed focus. If you’re like most people you’ll daydream while you wash your dishes. You won’t pay much attention to what you’re doing. You’re on autopilot. You could of course get a dishwasher. But that would defeat the point. The idea is to focus your attention on every aspect of washing your dishes. When your attention wanders (and it will)

bring it back to scrubbing the caked-on egg from your plates. “Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” Bruce Lee (1940-1973),martial artist and actor

Doing this is a very powerful way of training and discipling your mind to do what you want it to do. You could object by saying “my mind is me,” it’s not separate. In a sense it is. But it’s better to see your mind as a computer that needs instructions and shouldn’t be allowed to run on its own (well it can some of the time, but it’s good to be aware you’re doing it). You essentially create a higher self, if you like. And overall “I” or ego-self that directs the action and gives the orders. If you don’t do this your mind wanders all over the place, and often indulges in a lot of negative thinking patterns. These are your enemy, as they tend to hold you

back, and often make your life miserable. Once you have a mental controller – the overall “I” – you will become far more empowered in life. You’ll be able to monitor your thinking processes, and when they seem detrimental, you’ll be able to consciously change them to more useful patterns. This mental controller will also engage in “conscious awareness”. This means not drifting into the all too common hypnotic trance of daydreaming, which most people do throughout the day. This is basically daytime sleep. You sleep all night and all the day. If you maintain conscious awareness, at

least for some of the day, you’ll soon see how true this is. It might come as a revelation, and you’ll think “I’ve spent most of my life asleep.” Well you have. To practise conscious awareness, you’ll need to learn the art of notthinking. Or more accurately, notthinking in words. Once you “stop the word” you’ll become aware of the input of your senses a lot more. You’ll hear sounds you don’t normally hear. Smell scents you typically don’t notice. You’ll also savour your sense of taste by paying attention to what you eat (as a by-product you’ll probably eat less). As to what you see, if it doesn’t happen naturally, direct

some of your peripheral vision.



All this, believe it or not, will make you feel good. Really good. You’ll also find your whole body relaxes and mental tension evaporates. OK, you ask, what the hell has this to do with money? A lot. Number one, you’ll be able to handle a lot of stress without it bothering you. You’ll stay calm and be in a better position to carefully weigh up options to deal with whatever your problems are, then decisively sort them out. If you can’t, like say you’ve got a bullying boss, you’ll be able to keep your mental balance and not

react emotionally. By calmly taking it on the cheek, you’ll be well equipped to stop thinking about the unfairness or sheer nastiness of your boss until the time comes you can do something about it – like taking him or her down or being in a position to move on to another job or starting your own business. If you do take revenge, just remember to do it calmly. Don’t allow angry thoughts to go over and over in your mind. This not only tenses your body, it also makes you miserable. So stop those thoughts and get your own back with cold deliberation and quiet satisfaction.

The other big benefit of mental control and conscious awareness is you will be able to plan money making projects a lot more effectively. Your mind won’t be dancing around all over the place. It will be one-pointed on the job in hand. You’ll be able to dismiss thinking patterns that distract you and get back on track. By doing this you’ll be far more productive and get things done in half the time. In essence you’ll learn to think when it’s useful to do so, then stop thinking. Really thoughts are like the tail wagging the dog. They need to be put on a leash. You don’t want your random thoughts

controlling your life. It should be the other way around with your higher self, or mental controller, dictating the action. Sure you can daydream, just be aware you’re doing it. Decide when you want to daydream and allocate a set amount of time to it. Often great ideas can come from doing this – flashes of inspiration. It’s all about being in control. Being master of your mental ship. The truth is, your mind is the only thing you do have total control of. It does take effort. But the pay off is you gain a lot of willpower. And this is one of the most important things when it comes to making money.

Focus On The Flame To train your mind to focus more, get a packet of birthday candles. Sit quietly in front of a table. Put a birthday candle into a holder and secure it. Light the candle and look at it. Let your body relax as you gently breathe in and out. Focus your mind exclusively on the candle flame until it burns out. Do this each day for a week and you’ll find your mind will waver less and less, and you’ll be able to keep your attention focused on the flame. Over time you will be able to concentrate on anything with one-point focus.

6. Burning Desire Whatever your sexual interests are there’s bound to have been times when you just had to have the object of your desire. You were eaten up with a white hot flame of lust. It consumed your every waking moment. What happened when you achieved it I don’t know. Nor do I want to know (well not unless you’ve got it on film and we can sell it on a porn channel). But it has to be the same when it comes to money-getting. You have to have a burning desire for filthy lucre. Many will say that’s unhealthy. But you know what? They’re poor and ineffective in life. Don’t listen to them. Don’t give them the time of day. Let them

wallow in their poverty and whining. Even better sell them something you have on offer. They might as well serve some use. But how do you go about getting a burning desire for money? That’s a difficult one. Ideally you’d have it naturally, but a lot of us haven’t, or else it’s buried deep inside and we need to draw it out. And also, having a strong desire for money isn’t typically about wanting to buy the luxuries of life, like flash cars and opulent homes. Strangely these things don’t often matter to those who’ve got rich. They’re nothing more than the icing on the cake.

No, in the end, it’s the game of getting money – the hunt for greenbacks. Perhaps it’s a primal drive like ancient man hunting to eat, and all the strategies and courage involved. So it’s very much about the challenge, the sheer exhilaration of pulling off something most people can only dream of. “Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.” Donald Trump (b. 1946), Entrepreneur and President of the United States

And when you get into this mindset you join a kind of elite, but informal, club. When you meet others of the same ilk, they’ll recognize this in you. Your conversations will be on another level – not one the average wage stiff will ever experience. There will be a unique camaraderie, one that you’ll treasure. If you’re lukewarm in your desire for money, but genuinely want to elevate your income to that of wealth, the first thing you need to do (if you haven’t already) is to read some classic motivational books on success. Such as Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The Magic Of Believing (1948) by

Claude M. Bristol. The Master Key System (1912) by Charles F. Hannel. And The Magic Story (1900) by Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey. Read them alongside this book and they will help you to gain the required mindset and desire for making money. Another thing you can do is fill your wallet with as much cash as you can. Forget bankcards. You need the kinaesthetic experience of cash; you need to feel it and smell it. If you don’t have two pennies to rub together, then buy some fake money so your wallet is bulging. Yes, you’re pretending to be rich, but this sends a powerful message to your subconscious mind, the driving force of your

very being, and the powerhouse that will bring you the burning desire you need. On top of this, make a point of hanging out in places rich people go, such as top hotels. You don’t have to take a room. Just sit in the lobby with a coffee. Watch people and listen to them talk. Get a feel for what it’s like to be rich. I’d also advise you deck yourself out in your best clothes. You don’t want to look like a homeless person that’s come in off the street, or some market trader looking for somewhere to take a piss. Do your best to blend in and not draw attention to yourself. You’re

essentially looking to soak up the mindset of people with money. By doing things like this you start to live and breathe money. Eventually, you’ll start seeing money making opportunities everywhere you go. You’ll have more ideas than you can shake a stick at. And that’s a happy situation to be in because becoming rich will no longer seem out of reach. You’ll begin to feel anything is possible and that it’s only a matter of time before the loot starts rolling in. You’ll leap out of bed in the mornings literally raring to blast out some ad copy, launch a campaign or make some sales calls. And if you’re still forced to

work in a job, it won’t seem so bad because you’ll know that it is only for the short term – you’ve got a glorious goal and you’re gonna achieve it. Also, having a burning desire for success means you’ll take failures on the chin. You aren’t going to give up because you’ve become an unstoppable force. Deep inside you is a seething cauldron of determination. And this means that when you meet obstacles you’ll either batter them down and go straight through them, or you’ll sidestep them. You simply won’t let them stand in your way. As the old saying goes, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

“When one person believes he can and another person believes he can’t, they are both right.” Henry Ford (1863-1947), American industrialist

Naysayers will typically say, “But you don’t have a life, all you do is work.” Yeah, and all they do is moan and complain about their lot. They cling to mediocrity like it was a virtue. Essentially they want to be like everybody else. To fit in and not stand out. But anybody on the money quest knows you have to stand out in one way or another – even if that involves being a mystery (a good marketing move in these days of “let it all hang

out” social media). And besides, you do have a life – because what you’re doing is fun! It’s supremely exciting and you wouldn’t swap it for the world, even in the downtimes. The sheer verve and exhilaration blows the mediocre, wage stiff life off the stage. You have a mission. You know what you’re doing in life. And you know that anything is possible. There are no limits. In fact, the only limits are those of your own making. And once you have burning desire, you begin to shake off the limitations you’ve imposed on yourself, along with those inflicted on you by society and upbringing.

In short, you start to see the road to personal freedom, and go all out to get there.

Kick-starting Desire To enhance your desire for money, try doing daily affirmations. Say them out-loud. If people are around and you feel selfconscious, pull out your phone and pretend you’re making a call. State your wish as if it has already been granted (it might well have been in a parallel universe). You can state a few of your desires in one go. Your affirmations could go along the following lines: “A sizeable chunk of cash is about to come my way”; “A big financial opportunity is on its way to me”;

“A large sum of money will soon arrive out of the blue.”

7. Cash Machine To bring in the money, you’ve got to have something to sell, be it products or services. And these have got to be something people want. There has to be an existing market for what you have on offer. You can create new markets, but you’ll need a ton of investment to get the show on the road and make people aware of your stuff. And even then it might not take off. So it’s wise to target existing markets. If you don’t, well, you’re a

naval-gazer – self-absorbed. Just look at many sellers on Etsy. They make wonderful stuff. But nobody is searching for it. Nobody cares. You can spend your life creating stuff you like – usually in the quest for self-expression and fulfilment – but it won’t get you anywhere. It’s fine if your goal is to be a starving artist. But it’s no good if you wanna get your hands on filthy lucre. You also see this scenario in the music business. Bands playing what they want to play instead of studying the current music markets and mirroring that with some element of originality and future edge. It usually leads to becoming a tribute act, rather than an international star.

It’s all so very introspective. Fuck those people. You’re not one of them. You want to be a living, breathing cash machine, raking in the readies 24/7. But what if you’ve got no money? No investment? Take a job and save some money? Give up? Good luck with saving money. Jobs don’t pay! Sure, giving up is an option. But you might regret that for the rest of your life. “Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I will give you a man who will make

history. Give me a man without a goal and I’ll give you a stock clerk.” James Cash Penney (1875-1971), founder JC Penney Co

No, the answer is to do it now, regardless of your situation. Get up and go. You’ll find a solution. It’s like back in the early 2000s I was talking to a guy from Atlanta, who went on to become a famous rapper. A very good one. He was dealing drugs at the time. His attitude was he wanted to drive a Lamborghini. The best option he could see was pushing drugs. There’s a big market for drugs. So it made sense. And he got his Lambo and was dripping in gold.

All before he became a big time rapper. He was adamant he’d have money. He said: “If it wasn’t drugs I’d have turned mineral water into holy water and sold it at a premium.” So there we are. It’s all down to imagination and sheer audacity. Go on eBay. Find items that are badly listed and using the wrong keywords. Bid on them. Buy them. Then relist them yourself with decent ad copy, keywords and photos. Think out of the box. Or do what one-time kickboxer Andrew Tate did. Rent a house,

stick women in each room with webcams and get them satiating the sexual and emotional needs of lonely men. He made a mint. And note that he was supplying an existing market with serious demand. Sure, you could say he was a kind of pimp. So what? He made money. What else matters? The women got better money than they’d have gotten otherwise in some minimum wage job. So Mr. Tate was bringing employment to people and enriching society generally. And presumably he was paying taxes, so the syndicate government would have been happy.

The point is there’s endless things you can do – even without much capital. It helps to have a bit, say a few hundred pounds. You can use this to set up a website. If you don’t know how to do that LEARN NOW. Sure you can pay people to do it for you, but web design firms are usually clueless when it comes to selling. They’ll build you a fancy site that’s hard to navigate and is essentially useless. On top of that they’ll charge you a monthly fee for maintenance and for any updates you ask them to do. Let’s make no bones about it: web design firms are fools and will just take your money.

BUT: You’ll save a ton of money if you teach yourself how to set up and use a self-hosted Wordpress site (see Best thing is to use a hosting service with one-click Wordpress install. If you’re in the UK, check out SiteGround. The US check out HostGator. You’ll need a domain too. These are cheap to register and you’ll be able to do that via your hosting firm. You’ll also need to make sure your site is SSL – Secure Sockets Layer. That’s a prerequisite these days as it’s all about encrypting data flowing to and from your site. So SSL is all about trust, and if people are going to buy from you, you need to do all you can to engender confidence in you.

SSL makes your domain name look like this: Without SSL it’s this: Another thing you’ll need is contact forms. The simplest solution is to head over to and get their JetPack plugin. This has lots of functionality built in, including contact forms. It also has simple, but very good, web stats built in, so you can monitor and analyse traffic coming to your site. If you want more advanced stats you can install Google Analytics. It’s nightmarishly complex and does your head in. But I have it installed and look at it now and then. But

when it comes to stats, you should really be looking at the money stats! That’s the real measure of the value of your site. But with any business or marketing, it’s all about getting noticed. If you operate mostly on the web, you need traffic. Back in the day traffic was easy. But with Google’s algorithms changing over the years, along with more and more competitive websites springing up, it’s a lot harder, and you need to use your ingenuity to get visitors to your site. Added to that you’ve got Facebook – the BIG internet eater – which has led to a big decline in traffic going to autonomous websites. When Facebook went down recently for

24-hours, news sites reported an 11% rise in traffic. For a lot of people on this planet, Facebook is the internet. I hate that personally. It has destroyed the original “wild west” nature of the web, where logging on was exciting. Now it’s dull as fuck. You need to run the Tor browser and go dark to find the old excitement again. But if you do that, beware, it’s not called the dark web for nothing. On a map it would be marked “Here there be dragons.” All that said, you can run ads on Facebook and target lots of different user demographics. It’ll cost you, but is cheaper than Google’s advertising platform. The

downside is Facebook isn’t overkeen on you advertising your website. It gives you the option. But often people’s ads get disapproved when they do that; yet Facebook is quite happy if your ad is pointing to your FB page. Zuck, the AI android, likes you to stay on Facebook even if you’re paying for ads! Of course you can get round that by pointing your ad to a post on your FB page which has a big and bold link to your website. I do know somebody who makes £50K a month on Facebook, though. So good money can be made via the FB platform. The only downside of centring your business around Facebook is it’s not your platform, not your own

website, so you could get closed down at any time if they decide you’re violating their terms of agreement. If you argue the toss about that, it probably won’t cut any ice. If they wanna get rid of you, they can. “I am the author, or one of the authors, of the new Russian system...” Vladislav Surkov (b. 1964), Russian businessman, politician, and author of gangsta fiction novel Almost Zero

In the end, when it comes to traffic, all you can do is test, test, and test again – to see what works for you. Don’t follow the herd, or listen to people saying Twitter or

Instagram is great. It might work for them, but might not for you. In fact, you might even find going old school works better – print ads! Who knows. It’s all part of the game – the money hunt…

Take Action Everyday take one concerted action that will help you in your money-drawing activities. Create a website. Print a brochure or business cards. Do some Facebook networking. Plan a sales strategy. Do whatever is needed and do at least one thing each day. It’s all about action – the more the better because it’s rarely one action alone that lands you in the money.

Sometimes the real cash will come from another source, even an unexpected one. But it is the amalgam of actions that takes you into the money gathering realm.

8. Magic Words Words sell. You need to master the art of writing – as in sales copy – to make money. You can’t lose if you’re adept at writing compelling copy. It’s money in the bank. Even if you’re still working a job, being good at copywriting means you’ll be able to write a competitionbeating resume, which might just bring you the winning edge. But if you running a business it’s a skill par excellence.

Sure you can hire a copywriter. But be careful you don’t get taken in by some university graduate who thinks they can write, or a journalist moonlighting at writing copy. They know nothing about how to sell and have no idea how to write persuasive ad copy. Don’t even speak to people like that. They might be well-educated (by the system) but they are stupid and know nothing about what drives people to buy stuff. But if you can find a copywriter with a track record of actually selling stuff online and offline, jump at them. In the beginning, they’ll most likely interview you, using a voice recorder, to find out about your business and get a feel for the products or services you

offer. They’ll do thorough research into what you do and will deliver top-flight copy that’ll help sell more of your stuff. That said, the first thing you need to do is have a promo plan in place. Great copy is one thing, but if nobody sees it, it won’t do you any good. A good copywriter should be able to help you with both your promo plan and marketing strategy. They’ll bring a lot to the table. Thus, so long as you can afford it, don’t baulk at their fees. A great ad copywriter is worth their weight in gold. “The man who stops advertising to save money is like

the man who stops the clock to save time.” Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), lawyer, diplomat and third president of the United States

But if you feel so inclined it’s worth learning the art of copywriting yourself. Even if you don’t become a master you’ll be able to get a fair bit of the copy done yourself, and hire a pro copywriter to add the finishing touches, which will save you money. The key to ad copywriting is to write from the perspective of the potential customer, rather than waxing lyrical about yourself or your company. For example, in the

first instance, prospects don’t care how long you’ve been in business or that you “pride yourself” on the quality of your service. The only thing on their mind is: “What’s In It For Me!” (the W.I.I.F.M. rule of copywriting). That’s all they care about. And you should too. Because if you tell them what’s in it for them, and keep telling them throughout your copy, you stand to make a lot more sales. You’re emphasising benefits over features. Naturally you do need to get across that you have great customer service. But this is often better done using testimonials from happy customers. Get others

to blow respect.





It’s also critical to understand the importance of headlines. Eighty percent of the power and effectiveness of your ad copy is in the headline you choose. One headline will have the power to draw the reader into the rest of your sales copy, and another will not. What’s more, advertising tests have shown that one headline can pull up to 1500% more response than another. So clearly you must think up a few strong headlines and test one against another. Then run with the one that pulls the best results. Here’s a couple of examples of good headlines:

“How I Made A Fortune With A ‘Fool’ Idea” This utilises the power of paradox. It creates curiosity – how did you make a fortune with a fool idea? Could I do it too? “How To Win Friends And Influence People” This is a classic from improvement lecturer Carnegie. It cuts right to the of millions of people’s desire liked.

selfDale heart to be

Almost as important as the headline are the sub-headlines you use. They break up your copy and usher readers deeper into

your message. Many people scan pages on the Internet, for example, so sub-headlines are a good way of keeping people’s attention. Therefore, it’s wise to spend time working on subheadlines to get them just right (again emphasise benefits), and not fall into the trap of thinking, “that’ll do” – it’ll only lose you sales. The other thing to look at – especially online – is white space. There’s no doubt about it, the easier it is to read your web page, the more money you will make. This means breaking up your copy with short sentences and short paragraphs. In other words, don’t be afraid to hit the “enter” key! Bang out a good bit of white

space. It’s not only kinder on the eye, but makes copy less of a chore to read. Whatever device is being used – be it desktop, tablet or phone – walls of text are offputting. Most likely your copy won’t be read if you do that. Don’t make people’s heads hurt. Make it easy for them. It’s also worth looking at the fontface you use. Times Roman or Serif for body copy, for example, is better for printed matter. Tests show it’s not so good on screens. People seem to respond better to Sans Serif fonts. So a good font to use for body copy online is Verdana. Headlines and subheadlines work well in Arial, which

has a crispness and so is ideal for attention-grabbing headlines. It’s also best to centre headlines and to capitalise the first letter of each word. Never capitalise all the letters of a headline – all caps take longer to read and therefore you run the risk of losing your reader. Lastly, you need to think about closing the sale. When people first start writing ad copy they are often shy about cutting to the chase and asking readers to “buy now.” The same is true for door-todoor sales people. For rookies hitting the streets it’s excruciating to say, “How would you like to pay? By cheque or by card?” [Note you don’t ask if they’d like to buy, you presume the sale].

But let’s face it, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. It can seem too direct and pushy. But you have to get over any squeamishness about closing sales – and as fast as possible. So don’t be timid with your ad copy. Get to it and say something like: “Don’t delay. Order Now!” Or: “This is a time limited offer. It won’t be available for long. Get in while stocks last. Buy Now!” You have to use commanding statements like these when writing ad copy. People respond to them. If they’re looking to buy something, they don’t want to have to figure it out. They want all the details laid down clearly, and

most importantly, they want to be told when and how to purchase your product or service. In the end, they’ll either buy or they won’t. So hitting them with a direct “buy now” statement is more about congruity and clarity. Being limp will just put them off, or confuse them. So go for the jugular and be direct! Photos and pictures are important too, especially these days where people’s attention spans have become more and more limited. But when you use pictures make sure they are striking. After all, every man and his dog is posting pics on social media, so your pics have to stand out from the crowd. You have to grab attention. Memes are good in this respect –

especially if you can make your image speak with just one line of text. “Generally, the view that I’ve had on Twitter is if you’re on Twitter, you’re in, like, the meme – you’re in meme war land.” Elon Musk (b. 1971), technology entrepreneur, investor and engineer

You don’t have to buy into Adobe Photoshop, and go through its steep learning curve, to create and edit images. There’s lot of good online photoediting systems you can use, such as PicMonkey

and Pixlr. Most also have apps for your phone so you can do your picture editing on the go. While all this might sound daunting if you’re not already a seasoned internet marketer, you can take heart in the fact that, while most of the world is now online, most of them don’t have the first clue about setting up a website or using Facebook for marketing. They’re civilians. And you’re not. So you can get the edge by being able to operate online. Most people are sheep. They aren’t motivated and prefer to be led. What’s more they love to spend their money, so hit ‘em with a buy button, and get a fistful of dollars!

Copy That Read as many books as you can on ad copywriting. Read junk mail too (its not “junk” if it sells stuff)! Learn to recognise effective sales copy. Figure out why it is persuasive. Go online and search out websites with copy that excites you, or juices you up even if you have no interest in buying the product or service on offer. Select your favourite pieces of sales copy. Get a pen and paper and copy it out longhand. This will get you a real feel for how first class ad copy is composed. Apply it to your own offers, be it on your website, Etsy, eBay, social media channel, print brochure, or

whatever. Your sales will start to rocket.

9. Harnessing The Power I should really have stopped at the last chapter, jumped in my car and hit the road for a drive. I mean who wants to sit at a laptop writing when the sun’s shining? Not me. But there’s more I want to share. So I’m gonna hang on in there. See, I’m thinking maybe you haven’t yet got yourself on the road to making money. You might still have doubts that you can do it. You could even be thinking that success is all down to luck. That

you have to be born under a lucky star to get rich and have the Midas touch. It can seem that way because, after all, most people don’t get rich. But the truth is most of them don’t really try. They dream about it. But don’t go hard. Naturally there aren’t any guarantees. But if you give it all you’ve got – go all in – the odds will be stacked in your favour. As Curtis Jackson (50 Cent) said: “Get rich or die tryin’.” That’s the attitude you need to adopt. As I said earlier, the secret of success is to know what you want. When you clearly and consciously

think about what you wish to achieve, along with mulling over the pros and cons, you eventually get a clear picture in your mind of what you really want in life. At that point you’ve taken the first step towards accomplishing your desires. “Your opinion of yourself becomes your reality. If you have all these doubts, then no one will believe in you and everything will go wrong. If you think the opposite, the opposite will happen. It’s that simple.”

Curtis Jackson/50 Cent (b. 1975), American rapper, actor, and entrepreneur

After that, it’s a question of recognizing that you have a mighty power within – your subconscious mind or the “god within.” This is the “engine” that can literally move mountains. When I talk about “God”, I don’t mean some “mystery spook” in the sky, pushed by religions the world over. I mean that you and I are God. Our deeper self, which can be seen as the subconscious, is the creator, which is more than capable of sculpting the reality we

choose. This part of us may even be connected to something greater – perhaps the whirl of chaos that makes up the very multiverse itself. We are certainly part of the vastness and connected to every part of it. But that’s by the by. What we’re after is money. I’ve already given you a number of ways to harness the power of your subconscious mind or deeper self to attract cash. But perhaps the most powerful method is also one of the simplest. And it’s something I’d suggest you do every day. What you do is this: Get a piece of paper and pen and write a list, in order of importance, of the things you really want in life – everything

you wish to achieve. Don’t hold back. Take it to the limit. Don’t worry if some of your wants seem unattainable. The point is to lay it all down. Change the list daily. Add things to it, remove others. In the end, you’ll have a definitive list of what you really want. Once you get this you’re seriously on the road to attaining your desires. Now it’s time to use this master list. Read it outloud or internally three times a day – morning, noon and night. As you do so, see in your mind’s eye your desires coming to fruition. See yourself living the life you want. See yourself with money. See yourself

driving your dream car and living in your ideal house. And picture yourself running your business and receiving cash from many different sources. I say do this three times a day. That’s your baseline. But you can do it more often, such as when you’ve stopped for a coffee or are waiting to catch a bus or train. Even at this point, don’t be afraid to add and remove desires from you list. Things change and you need to go with the flow. You’re developing your power within and this is a highly creative force. It will adapt to new conditions as you create the life you want. Any changes you make are a sure sign of progress.

Keep reading your list daily. Talk to your deeper self like it’s a wise friend, and don’t forget to thank it for its help. Eventually all doubts will evaporate and you will become an unstoppable force – a dominant power. Soon nothing will prevent you achieving your desires. After all others have achieved phenomenal success. So can you. But don’t let any vagueness creep into your list. Be highly detailed. Like if you want a dream car, note down the model, style, price and colour. If it’s an ideal home detail the location, architectural style, grounds/garden, furnishings and cost. If it’s purely money, write

down the amount. And if you wish to succeed in business, note down the level of sales you need to achieve and the date by which they need to come. It might sound crazy, but detail is critical. You can’t achieve your desires unless you know exactly how they should manifest. Sure, the end result may not be precisely as you pictured it (it might be even better!) But the point is, by adding as much detail as possible, you show your deeper self that you are serious about achieving your aims. Like I say, you have to mean it. One word of warning: Don’t try and analyse how all this will work. Leave it to your subconscious, the

God within. It’s an exercise in creativity, and that means it’s all subjective. More like a work of art than a science. But then, in truth, nothing is real – and everything is possible. So the key is to just do it, and get the results. I’d also recommend you don’t discuss your inner work with others – certainly not with the civilians of this world. If you blab too much it will lose power. Keep it to yourself. That said, if you know anybody on a similar path, then it’s fine to discuss it with them. Clearly doubts might set in – especially when it comes to the

idea of nothing being real. Somehow you have to come to accept this. Even the idea of the subconscious isn’t real. Neuroscientists don’t think it exists. They are beginning to see that our bodies and minds are one big whirl of chaos that works together. Nevertheless the notion of the subconscious works. I mean, you have to call this aspect of ourselves something. It is there, and yet its not. Actually that makes sense if we take on the idea that we’re God – as the very concept is unknowable. “As a man thinketh so is he, and as a man chooseth, so is he.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), American poet, essayist, philosopher

Hang on to your hats, though, it gets worse – even money isn’t real! Well it isn’t. It’s just an agreement between people. It has no genuine substance (or at least since the demise of the Gold Standard). We just agree that we’ll use it as a medium of exchange. Money exists as a matter of faith. If we all stopped believing in it, that’d be the end of money. It’s like the old legends of faery gold. You’re on some lonely country road, leading your horse along, and encounter one of the faery people. They offer you gold in exchange for your horse. Full of

avarice you agree to the bargain, and head home with your gold. When you wake up the next morning, the “gold” turns out to be dried leaves. That’s what’d happen if we stopped believing in money. It just wouldn’t be there any more. It has no real tangibility. But that’s fine when it comes to the money quest – indeed, it’s why we use equally intangible methods to attract it. It’s the old alchemical principle of like attracts like.

Lucky Coin This might sound crazy, but I’m going to ask you to get yourself a magic coin and carry it with you everywhere. It will be your

financial good luck charm. It could be a coin you stumble across in the street. Or you might visit an antiques emporium and buy an old coin – ideally one that “jumps” out at you and feels right. Once you’ve got your coin, decide that it really is a magic coin which will attract large amounts of cash. See it as your very own money magnet. Take it with you everywhere you go. Keep it in your pocket or wallet. Alternatively drill a hole in it and put in on a chain and wear it around your neck.

10. In The Flow Using the methods outlined in this book, I made my first million with

no initial investment whatsoever. Desperation proved the mother of invention as well as the motivation for harnessing the power that lies within. I was excruciatingly poor and had a young family to support. So there was no choice. It really was “Get rich or die tryin’.” I had to succeed and thus used the only tangible thing I had at my disposal – and that was mind power. Unless you’re born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you have no other choice but to get into selfdevelopment. You come to realise that you have to change personally to transform your outer circumstances. As far as I’m concerned this was the number

one key to my success. Of course, I took a great deal of action in the everyday world too. But it was exploring and utilising the hidden levels of the mind that brought me the edge. The subconscious, or god within, was the engine that got things done. “I think every person should have some faith inside him, in his heart. What matters is not an external display of this faith, but the inner state of the soul.” Vladimir Putin (b. 1952), former intelligence officer and President of Russia

Despite getting in the money, I’m actually not that big on material things. Too much stuff gets on my nerves. The biggest thing that money brought me was freedom. And I still have it. I don’t have to go anywhere. I work from home. I also have a lot of flexibility. If I want to take the afternoon off to go for a drive or motorcycle trip, I can. All this only came about when I became genuinely entrepreneurial (and this is another important key to take into account). Before that I was operating as a freelancer. It wasn’t fun. There was no financial security and I was working all the time. There wasn’t a choice. I’d have been better off with a job – God forbid!

When I was writing for national newspapers and magazines, for example, I’d get a call on a Friday night with the editing asking if I could do a piece for Monday. Weekend gone in one fell swoop. Whatever your line of work as a freelancer or independent worker, you’ll be trapped. When you’re freelance, or for that matter selfemployed, you’ve really just bought yourself a job, minus the benefits that come with employment. What you want is residual income, at least to some degree. You want money coming in while you sleep. Yes, you have to work pretty hard to build up your business. But

once that’s done and you get it as automated as possible, you start to experience the freedom that comes with having plenty of cash. For some, however, this can unearth surprising psychological elements, such as feeling guilty at not having to work everyday. Many of us are brought up under a work ethic mentality where money shouldn’t come easily, and work certainly shouldn’t be enjoyable. Obviously, this is crazy. You should be jumping with joy at having created a business that brings you freedom. But it’s a very definite psychological trait that quite a few business people suffer from. Some will even put in eight or ten hour

days when they don’t need to, just to appease their guilt. It’s like when you reach the winning post you shoot yourself in the foot and can’t allow yourself to make the most of it. In truth, though, you never truly reach the winning post because it could all slip away from under you – there’s always something that could take you out. Like if you’re reliant on Facebook for your marketing, they can can pull the plug on you. Or when Google’s algorithms change you can lose the top organic search listings you built up.

Recognizing this is the way to assuage any guilt you might feel at your success – to always remember that it can all end at any time. So my advice to you is to make hay while the sun shines. Enjoy it. That said, once you’ve achieved a fair degree of freedom, you can look to setting up another business and automate it as much as possible. If it works, this will make you even richer. And if you’ve become complacent – which does often happen when you become successful – it will bring your hunger back. You’ll have another mission. In truth, most entrepreneurs do what they do for the challenge –

for the sake of the money hunt itself. And if by some turn of fate your whole operation does go belly up, you won’t be daunted. You’ll know that if you did it once, you can do it again. Once you become a successful money hunter, and attain a good grasp of mind power, you’ve attained the ability to survive, come what may. That’s a very powerful attribute as most wage stiffs live in fear of being fired or made redundant, and ending up in a less well-paid job, or on the scrapheap. Whereas you’d just take a downturn, or even total meltdown, in your

stride. Dust yourself down and start again.

“Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure.” Paulo Coelho (b. 1947), Brazilian novelist and lyricist, best known for his novel “The Alchemist”

So in the end, it’s not just about getting money; it’s also about gaining the ability to survive and prosper in the world, no matter

what happens. By using mind power and taking definite practical actions in the world, you start to lose fear, and gain a great deal of strength and resilience. You become self-reliant. And that means you can get money whenever you want it. You’re a fully-fledged money hunter that knows abundance is everywhere just for the taking. And if there’s a drought, you move on to new hunting grounds. Nothing stands in your way until the grim reaper takes you. And wherever you go after that, you’ll be well-placed to profit, be it in heaven or hell, or some other realm of the multiverse. Because

remember, if you are God, you are eternal, an energy force travelling the moonbeam roads of time and space. You are in the flow...

Be Happy Now Psychologists call it “conditional happiness.” It’s when you say to yourself, “When [so and so] happens, I’ll be happy.” It could be when you earn a given sum of money. Achieve huge wealth. Or when you get your dream home or flash car. In short, it’s always at some point in the future when you will allow yourself to be happy. The question is, what happens when you do achieve your given aim? Will you be happy then? Or will you postpone your happiness until you achieve some other aim?

The secret is to be happy now. Enjoy the ride. Relish every moment of the money hunt. Attaining wealth is incidental to the sheer excitement of playing the game.

Afterword: The Illusion “Some people say I’m nuts like cashews, and that’s true.” Lord Jamar (b. 1968), American rapper and actor, from his song I.S.L.A.M.

As previously stated, money isn’t real. It’s a convenience. An

agreement formulated on belief and faith that it has solidity. It doesn’t. We’re chasing an illusion. But we have to have cash to survive. And the more of it we get, we prosper. Not only is money an illusion, but life is as well. All that we perceive around us is a construct, created by our brains (and this is arguably played upon by the power elite to control us and profit from us). It’s all a creation of our mind/body system that “decodes” what is out there – as in beyond our nervous systems – to build an (apparently) solid reality. Thus the maxim: “Nothing is true, everything is possible.”

The fact that nothing is real is no bad thing. It’s not something to be afraid of. On the contrary, it means we are shining stars in a limitless sea of awareness, where the only truth is infinite love. All else is illusion. The need to get money is merely to keep us afloat on this vast sea – so we can eat, have somewhere to live, and gain as much freedom as we can. But the real freedom is to recognise that the world around us is not what it appears to be. It has no solidity whatsoever. Our brains make it appear solid by processing the input of our sensory perceptions. What is actually “out

there” is more like wave forms than particles. The thing to remember is we create our world, which is perhaps best described as a hologram. Thus each and every one of us is God. We are the creators. Once you truly assimilate this concept into your very being, you are free.

Doktor Snake

Doktor Snake is the author of Doktor Snake’s Voodoo Spellbook, The Unthinking Barbarians’ Nine Rules of Life, Get Money, and Bewitched. Previous titles include Blood Rites, Cannibals, How To Be Famous, and Hash Brownies. He's also makes videos and is the driving force behind the internet phenomenon that is and