From Adam to Omega: An Anatomy of Ufo Phenomena (Revised and Updated) 9781532093128

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Table of contents :
From Adam To Omega......Page 2
Copyright......Page 3
Contents......Page 4
Introduction......Page 6
Acknowledgments......Page 10
Part 1 Ufos and Aliens Past and Present......Page 11
Chapter 1 Do Extraterrestrials Really Exist?......Page 12
Chapter 2 The Question Of Origin......Page 17
Chapter 3 Ancient Mysteries......Page 27
Chapter 4 Ancient Evidence......Page 55
Chapter 5 The Alternative Phenomena......Page 71
Chapter 6 The Hostile Factor......Page 99
Chapter 7 Have Aliens Made Contact?......Page 110
Chapter 8 Encounters, Denial, And Disinformation......Page 153
Chapter 9 Abductions......Page 205
Part 2 The Biblical Connection......Page 234
Chapter 10 The Pre-biblical Era......Page 235
Chapter 11 Hybrids In The Bible......Page 239
Chapter 12 Technology In The Bible......Page 261
Chapter 13 The First Race......Page 316
Chapter 14 The Longevity Factor......Page 331
Chapter 15 Was There Really A Great Deluge?......Page 336
Chapter 16 The New Race......Page 348
Chapter 17 Moses: The Lord’s Main Man......Page 367
Chapter 18 The Mystery Of Mount Sinai......Page 383
Chapter 19 Was Aaron Unfaithful?......Page 387
Chapter 20 What Really Happened To Moses?......Page 391
Chapter 21 Preparing For The Messiah......Page 397
Chapter 22 Enter The Messiah......Page 402
Chapter 23 What Really Happened To Christ?......Page 416
Chapter 24 The Shroud......Page 434
Chapter 25 Is Revelation Valid?......Page 439
Part 3 Preparing for Omega......Page 454
Chapter 26 Alien Messages......Page 455
Chapter 27 Warning Signs......Page 464
Chapter 28 Evaluating The Doomsday Threat......Page 477
Chapter 29 Meeting The Deadline......Page 486
Chapter 30 The Problems Of Disclosure......Page 494
Chapter 31 The New Indoctrination......Page 502
Chapter 32 Countdown......Page 510
Bibliography......Page 522
Notes......Page 527
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From Adam to Omega: An Anatomy of Ufo Phenomena (Revised and Updated)

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FROM ADAM TO OMEGA AN ANATOMY OF UFO PHENOMENA Copyright © 2020 Allen Roberts. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

iUniverse 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 844-349-9409 Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only. Certain stock imagery © Getty Images. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica] ISBN: 978-1-5320-9311-1 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-5320-9312-8 (hc) ISBN: 978-1-5320-9310-4 (e) Library of Congress Control Number: 2020912249 iUniverse rev. date: 09/24/2020

Contents Introduction Acknowledgments PART 1 UFOS AND ALIENS PAST AND PRESENT Chapter 1 Do Extraterrestrials Really Exist? Chapter 2 The Question of Origin Chapter 3 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 4 Ancient Evidence Chapter 5 The Alternative Phenomena Chapter 6 The Hostile Factor Chapter 7 Have Aliens Made Contact? Chapter 8 Encounters, Denial, and Disinformation Chapter 9 Abductions PART 2 THE BIBLICAL CONNECTION Chapter 10 The Pre-Biblical Era Chapter 11 Hybrids in the Bible Chapter 12 Technology in the Bible Chapter 13 The First Race Chapter 14 The Longevity Factor Chapter 15 Was There Really a Great Deluge? Chapter 16 The New Race Chapter 17 Moses: The Lord’s Main Man Chapter 18 The Mystery of Mount Sinai

Chapter 19 Was Aaron Unfaithful? Chapter 20 What Really Happened to Moses? Chapter 21 Preparing for the Messiah Chapter 22 Enter the Messiah Chapter 23 What Really Happened to Christ? Chapter 24 The Shroud Chapter 25 Is Revelation Valid? PART 3 PREPARING FOR OMEGA Chapter 26 Alien Messages Chapter 27 Warning Signs Chapter 28 Evaluating the Doomsday Threat Chapter 29 Meeting the Deadline Chapter 30 The Problems of Disclosure Chapter 31 The New Indoctrination Chapter 32 Countdown Bibliography Notes

Introduction U FOs: What are they? Where did they come from? Why are they here? These questions have plagued millions of people around the world for decades. What most people know of UFOs they have derived from biased media coverage and from tabloids touting bizarre, sensationalistic, and fabricated stories. Owing to the veil of secrecy implemented by the government, the public never learned the real facts of the Roswell event. They never knew of UFO encounters reported by civilian and military pilots, astronauts, and police officers, and they never knew of the many UFO incursions that occurred at strategic nuclear weapons installations. However, thanks to the efforts of diligent and competent researchers, much has been learned through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), from whistleblowers, and from high-ranking military and government officials. In the first edition of this book, I separated the unreliable and questionable information from the known facts and provided a few opinions, but I drew no conclusions; I left that up to the reader. However, since the publication of that book, new and updated information has become available; that information is included in this edition. I was exposed to the UFO phenomenon when I was fifteen years old and living in Plattsburgh, New York, a city twenty-six miles south of the Canadian border, situated on the west side of Lake Champlain. I was a member of the Ground Observer Corps (GOC), an air force program designed to reduce the threat of a surprise air attack from the Soviet Union. Our observation post was Bravo Quebec 34 Black (“Quebec” being pronounced as “Kaybek”) and was located on the

roof of Physicians Hospital, the highest point in the city. It was the duty of each observer to report every aircraft flying over the area to an air force filter center in Albany, New York, about 140 miles to the south. I manned the post on Friday nights from around 9:00 p.m. usually until after dawn—with my mother’s permission, of course, since I was only fifteen. Life was much simpler then, and much safer. It was in the spring of 1955 when people all around the city began reporting UFOs. It was proposed that aliens were interested in the Strategic Air Command (SAC) base under construction at the south end of the city. The reports attracted the attention of Jim Roddy, the news director at radio station WEAV, and Art Pierce, the station’s newscaster. Hoping to see something for themselves, these gentlemen were frequent visitors to the post. Their interest paid off one night during my shift when they saw a strange light erratically descend and disappear into the glow of construction lights, where crews were laying the runways at the new base. I was on the phone, calling in a routine aircraft report, so I hadn’t seen it. At first I thought they were kidding around, but they were adamant that something had gone down, and they wanted to go over and check it out. We had gotten to know each other pretty well over the weeks, and they offered to take me along if I was interested. They had aroused my curiosity, and so I decided to put the post out of operation and go with them. The nearest we could get to the area was a bumpy dirt road in the woods adjacent to the construction. We pulled into a clearing where the equipment used to fell the trees and open up the road had once been parked. Jim climbed up on the roof of his car, hoping to spot a familiar city light in order to pinpoint our location, but the trees were too high, obscuring all view of the city lights. He suggested we go a little farther down the road, and if we didn’t see anything, then we would return to the observation post. It was at that exact moment we all looked up to see a huge, glowing, oval-shaped white object slowly and silently drift over our heads and out of sight over the trees. It appeared to be just skimming over the treetops, and I think it was Roddy that estimated it to be about forty feet from front to back. I’m not sure how accurate that estimate was, but if you take an average-

size watermelon and hold it over your head at arm’s length, it will give you a good idea of its size. It was an awesome sight, and the image of that object indelibly burned itself into my brain, and I could never forget it. However, it was thirty-three years later, in 1988, when I decided to do some research in an attempt to learn what it was we saw. That is when I learned just how complex the UFO issue is, and what I thought would take only a few weeks turned into twenty-three years of research, leading to the first edition of this book. UFO sightings are a very small part of the overall picture. This book reveals the complexity of the UFO issue, a jigsaw puzzle comprising many pieces, many of which have never been recognized as being a part of the puzzle, thereby justifying the plural word “phenomena” in the book’s subtitle. The numerous subjects involved are as follows: ancient civilizations, Egyptology, science, astronomy, archaeology, unexplained prehistoric artifacts, prehistoric cave and rock drawings, religious and nonreligious medieval paintings, alien abductions, a hybrid breeding program, biblical scripture, and religious issues. Then there are the questionable issues that may or may not be relevant: bigfoot, animal mutilations, the Bermuda Triangle, crop circles, and the Fatima mystery. What also comes into question is whether the government has established contact and is secretly working with not one but several alien races, and the technological benefits we may have acquired from them. Information pertaining to today’s UFO activity is considered factual by virtue of its documentation. Information pertaining to religious issues can be considered only circumstantial, since there is no way it can be proved. The volume of evidence, however, both factual and circumstantial, when combined, is overwhelming in suggesting we are not alone and probably never have been alone. It also suggests an alien agenda in which aliens are accelerating the evolution of the human race. This is strongly suggested in the UFO events of today. However, to understand what is going on today requires knowledge of what was going on in the past, particularly during the biblical era; it

provides an important clue as to why the government has been so secretive regarding the UFO issue. I made a prediction in the first edition of this book in 2012 that the public was being prepped for disclosure of the UFO phenomena. The Pentagon’s recent release of a few videos showing UFOs being tracked by radar from navy jet fighters is bearing this out; however, it has begun much sooner than I expected. Many people are now convinced the government will soon reveal everything they know of the phenomenon; however, I have reason to believe full disclosure will not occur for a very long time, owing to certain religious issues. It is something people all over the world must be psychologically prepared to deal with without creating worldwide chaos, and it will not happen overnight. I am not a UFO fanatic. I am a skeptical person by nature. However, I have an open mind and am willing to consider different viewpoints, since I believe there are always two sides to every story. There was a time when people once thought it was impossible for humans to fly, let alone go to the moon. Therefore, one lesson I have learned in life is that you should never close your mind to an issue you know little or nothing about, because no matter how weird or bizarre it may seem at the moment, there is always a possibility it could turn out to be true. I am not claiming my ideas are the answer to the UFO mystery. What I am proposing is a theory based on logical and commonsense evaluation of the evidence. Evidence, however, does not necessarily constitute proof. But because of the overwhelming volume of evidence, a very logical and cohesive theory is suggested of what is and has been going on for the past several thousand years. That, however, is something you must decide for yourself. I ask only that you judge the information based on its merits and form your own opinions and conclusions.

Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge the following people for their valuable assistance in the production of this book: Jim and Hazel Thompson, my dear friends and neighbors, for their encouragement and moral support in writing this book Pauline Barnes, my dear friend who provided constructive criticism in dealing with certain subject matter Stacy Griffiths, Esq., who assisted in research Shawn Moss, an excellent photographer and good neighbor Colin Andrews, author and crop circle investigator, for providing correct details regarding military helicopter harassment during his investigation of a crop formation in the United Kingdom Richard Tucker, a good friend for his constructive criticism and new ideas Charles Woods, a good friend and former Aerojet Rocketdyne employee, for his knowledgeable opinions and input Hector Lopez, who sadly passed away while this book was in production. He was a retired math teacher and good friend who offered valuable opinions and suggestions. He will be missed.

Part 1 UFOs and Aliens Past and Present


U ntil

recently, extraterrestrial life had always been a rather philosophical issue not high on the list of priorities for scientific study. However, since the UFO phenomenon revolves around possible alien visitors, it is essential to determine whether they could exist, and if so, whether they could visit our world. There are people who claim to have witnessed aliens disembark from a landed UFO and collect plant and soil samples, there are people who claim to have seen alien bodies from UFO crash sites, and there are even others who claim they were abducted by aliens. Their stories are compelling, and many of the witnesses appear credible, yet no one has ever been able to present one shred of evidence to support their claims. So are these people hallucinating? Are they mentally unstable? Did they fabricate the stories simply to gain publicity for themselves? These are issues any serious investigator will consider when determining the credibility of a witness. But the most important question is, Are any of them telling the truth? Millions of people have photographed and videotaped what they believe were UFOs in the sky. Most show indistinct points of light or blurred images and are of little or no value. Nevertheless, there is a small percentage of such images in which state-of-the-art analyzing technology was able to rule out conventional aircraft, balloons, flocks of birds, and so forth. In these cases at least, investigators were able to determine what they are not, but not what they are, so there is still

no proof that they are extraterrestrial spacecraft. But the universe is a big place, and who really knows what is out there? It is almost impossible for one to conceive of the size of the universe. However, once you understand how vast it really is, you almost have to consider the possibility that there must be other life somewhere out there. The age of the universe is still under debate but is currently believed to be somewhere around 12 to 15 billion years old. Our sun is just one star in a galaxy we call the Milky Way, which, according recent estimates, contains anywhere from 100 billion to over 350 billion stars. We know there are at least 100 billion galaxies, which means there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand making up all the beaches on Earth—and that is a fact. What are the odds that some of these stars might host planets with intelligent life? Our solar system is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Considering the size and the age of the universe, how can one not consider the possibility, or even the probability, that life evolved elsewhere millions, or even billions, of years before it did on Earth? Because of the vast distances between stars, scientists question whether travel between them is even possible. Utilizing current technology, it would take us thousands of years to reach the nearest one. For this reason, many mainstream scientists believe interstellar travel is impractical. Their argument involves Einstein’s theory of relativity—the laws pertaining to the speed of light. Light travels through space at one hundred eighty-six thousand miles per second, and technologically it is an impossible speed to attain, because it would take more energy than the entire universe contains to propel a spaceship to that velocity. Even if we could reach light speed, the laws of physics pertaining to time and space dictate that the faster one moves through space, the slower the passage of time becomes. In other words, if a trip took twenty-five years traveling at light speed, the voyagers would age only twenty-five years, while back on Earth, hundreds of years would have elapsed. This means they would return to find their loved ones long deceased. Such an expedition would be of no benefit to any people who were alive on Earth when

the voyagers departed, because they would never live long enough to see their return. Thus there is the argument some scientists have proposed for why UFOs cannot be of extraterrestrial origin. They say that since interstellar travel is impossible or impractical for us, it is also impossible or impractical for anyone else who may exist out there, implying that any other intelligent life in the universe is restricted by the same limitations we face. However, in order to make such a claim, one would assume they would have to be well informed on the scientific and technological capabilities of such civilizations; so I fail to see how they can even propose such an idea. For all they know, any number of extraterrestrial (ET) races could have long ago developed the technology to bend the fabric of the space-time continuum and visit Earth as routinely as we visit other countries. As for our own limitations, are we to believe that we have reached the pinnacle of scientific discovery—that there is nothing left to learn and nothing left to achieve? How do we know there isn’t a completely new dimension of technology waiting to be discovered tomorrow, which will allow us to overcome the challenge of fasterthan-light travel? Almost everything was considered impossible at one time or another. People once said that if man were meant to fly, he would have been born with wings. But on December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright proved them wrong. Then it was thought impossible to fly faster than the speed of sound, until October 14, 1947, when Captain Charles “Chuck” Yeager, flying the Bell X-1 aircraft, broke the sound barrier. After this, it was thought impossible for man to go to the moon. But the naysayers were again proven wrong when, on July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Eugene “Buzz” Aldrin climbed down out of their Apollo 11 lunar lander and walked on the surface of the moon. Now that we have met and overcome these challenges, we are told it is impossible to travel faster than light. Since we were able to conquer yesterday’s “impossibilities,” I see no reason not to believe that interstellar travel is also a challenge we will eventually overcome. In fact, we may have already taken the first step. In 2000, the Sunday Times in the United Kingdom published an

article about how particle physicists in the United States demonstrated that light pulses can be accelerated up to three hundred times their normal velocity of one hundred eighty-six thousand miles per second.1 This would seem to suggest that nothing is truly impossible. It was in 1995 when the first discovery of an extrasolar planet called 51 Pegasi b was confirmed.2 Since then, NASA’s exoplanet website confirms that over four thousand new planets have been discovered. With the application of new technologies, stars with multiple planets are now being discovered—the number of which is constantly growing—and the search has barely just begun. And the volume of space so far explored is comparable to that of a glass of water in the ocean. So the odds favoring the existence of planets capable of supporting life are increasing every day, along with the probability that other intelligent life has evolved. Suddenly we find it not so inconceivable that others from another world could have visited Earth in the distant past—and may still be doing so today. And if they interacted with ancient humans, it is entirely possible they influenced much of our early history. Something else to consider is that time (at least to some extraterrestrials) could be very different from how we understand it. We perceive time in a linear fashion—with a past, a present, and a future—and we measure its passage with clocks and calendars. Our day is based on the twenty-four-hour cycle of the earth’s rotation, and our year is based on the 365 days it takes for the earth make one complete orbit around the sun. However, in comparison to our standards, a day to an extraterrestrial may equal months, years, or even centuries. The concept of a thousand years being like a day is even mentioned in the Bible (2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4). We tend to judge everything based on our own concepts and standards, but how do we know that an extraterrestrial civilization would measure things the same way? We don’t! There is no law that says everything in the universe is, or has to be, restricted to our limitations.

Of course, none of this is proof of extraterrestrial existence or that extraterrestrials have visited Earth. I have simply expressed an opinion based on a logical assessment of established information. However, to claim that interstellar travel is impossible for an extraterrestrial civilization only because it is currently impossible for us is simply an unscientific assumption and reflects a narrow-minded perspective.


T wo of the biggest mysteries humans have yet to explain are their own origin and UFOs. As for origin, the Bible claims divine creation was responsible for man, while science suggests humans evolved, possibly from apes. So far, no tangible evidence exists to support either creation or evolution. They are both part of a debate that will undoubtedly continue for generations to come. There is, however, a mountain of credible evidence supporting the existence of UFOs. One factor inhibiting our ability to comprehend the UFO issue is the intimidation of religious doctrine. For centuries, religion has dictated what we are allowed to believe. This is exemplified by what happened to Galileo in the seventeenth century, when the accepted belief was that the sun and stars revolved around the earth—that the earth was the center of the universe. When Galileo invented the first astronomical telescope in 1609, he saw the heavens as no one before him ever had, and he soon confirmed what Copernicus had already proposed—that the earth revolved around the sun, thus diminishing the earth’s status as the center of the universe. This was in total contradiction to what the church believed. At the time, the church was a powerful influencer in government matters, and when Galileo published his findings, he was labeled a heretic and subjected to religious persecution. In 1633, he was summoned to Rome for an inquisition and sentenced to life imprisonment for suspicion of heresy. To avoid imprisonment, he was forced to recant all his work, and only then did the church commute his sentence to

house arrest.3 Thus, organized religion set the paradigm by which established beliefs are protected—even if they are wrong. Although Galileo was right, the narrow-minded perspective of religious authorities prevented them from even giving him the benefit of the doubt. Simply put, they had been brainwashed into accepting their inaccurate beliefs as the absolute truth, and no one was to dare question them. The same prejudicial attitude still prevails three centuries later; any scientist today who challenges established beliefs risks not only the scorn of his peers but also the security of his job. He, too, becomes a victim of what I call “the Galileo syndrome.” A more recent example of this is what happened to Virginia SteenMcIntyre. In 1966, archaeologists excavating a site in Hueyatlaco, Mexico, unearthed a collection of stone tools and leaf-shaped spear points, and McIntyre was part of the United States Geological Survey team sent to date the items. She said they used the radiometric dating procedure that determines actual age, and that two procedures were implemented: one using uranium atoms, and the other, tiny zircon crystals. At first she suspected the site might be about twenty thousand years old, but to her astonishment, all tests dated the artifacts at two hundred fifty thousand years old.4 McIntyre admits that she was naïve and unaware of the controversy she had created, and had no idea of how it was about to impact her career. Thinking she might be on to something big, she refused to deviate from the facts that had been established. Consequently, the dig was closed down; she lost her teaching job at an American university and has been unable to work in her profession ever since. She was blackballed for refusing to cave in to mainstream ideology. There seems to be an unwritten law in the scientific community that one must bury any evidence that conflicts with mainstream beliefs, such as that which suggests intelligent humans were around long before scientists believe it possible. Excellent documentation of this is presented in Forbidden Archaeology, a book written by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson. In that book are over

eight hundred pages documenting human presence and artifacts that are hundreds of thousands and even millions of years old. It seems prehistoric humans left many clues that things other than birds were flying around in his skies. All over the world, petroglyphs on rocks and in caves depict what look like the many UFOs being reported today, and they appear in many medieval paintings as well. Written references can be found in ancient writings from Mesopotamia, China, India, Mexico, and South America, not to mention the Bible. They are simply too numerous to ignore, and it does not take a rocket scientist to recognize their technological implications. So if these ancient artists and writers were depicting flying craft, then it would appear that UFOs have been around for many thousands of years. If so, then how far back in time do they really go? Were they around at the dawn of humanity? Could they even be responsible for man’s existence? Though the idea may sound crazy, it is not inconceivable. As near as can be determined, humans, as we are today, have been traced back about fifty thousand years, to the period when the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons faded from the scene. The CroMagnon allegedly resembled modern humans in many ways, and some theorize they may have been more evolved descendants of the Neanderthal; supposedly they were more intelligent and more human in appearance. Until recently, it was thought that the CroMagnon came after the Neanderthal. Now there is evidence that they coexisted in some regions before the Neanderthal finally exited the picture. Since this was about the time modern humans allegedly emerged, the sequence would seem to support evolution. Creationists acclimated to the mystical beliefs associated with religion believe human life began only six thousand years ago, with Adam and Eve. However, six thousand years hardly seems a sufficient amount of time for so many diversified species of humanity to have evolved, at least from a common origin such as Adam and Eve. When you consider the variety of races that exist among the human species, each with individual physical characteristics regarding height, facial features, skin color, hair color, and the

presence or absence of facial hair, one has to wonder where they came from. Variety prevails in every species of life on Earth and is the result of millions of years of evolution. Logically, we might expect that millions of years would have also produced distinctive differences among Homo sapiens. If, as the Bible claims, modern humans arrived on the scene only six thousand years ago, it seems an insufficient amount of time for such distinct diversity to have evolved; even sixty thousand years would not seem long enough. The evolution theory suggests that humans may have evolved from apes somewhere along the way—but when? Evolution constitutes a gradual change, not change and continuance. If apes evolved into humans, then there should be no more apes around. Separately, humans and apes can be traced back millions of years; however, there is no evidence that apes evolved into humans, leaving what scientists refer to as the missing link. Most DNA is contained in the nucleus of the human cell; we inherit half of our DNA from our mother and half from our father. However, a small portion called mitochondrial DNA exists outside the nucleus and contains elements contributed only by the female, and it can be used to trace a person’s lineage far back in time. According to author Mark Eastman, research was conducted at the University of California in Berkeley using mitochondrial DNA samples of 147 individuals from around the world, and the results were surprising. The tests indicated that they all descended from the same female ancestor, which they dubbed the mitochondrial Eve.5 This would seem to imply that everyone alive on Earth today descended from the same female ancestor. The mutational rate of mitochondria suggests that the mitochondrial Eve lived about six thousand to sixty-five hundred years ago—a timeline that could fit the Genesis account of Creation. The problem, however, is that it still seems unlikely that so many diversified races of humanity with such a distinct variation of physical characteristics would have evolved in such a short span of time. But what if the mitochondrial Eve was actually a series of female hybrids created from the same DNA source containing the same

mitochondria? What if they were separate alien projects conducted at different times on different continents that produced the various races of humanity? Would that not logically explain why the DNA of 147 people from around the world has the same mitochondrial signature? Another possible explanation for the missing link could be attributed to the mythical gods associated with many ancient civilizations. For example, many gods of Greco-Roman mythology were said to have descended from the sky while riding dragons that were emitting fire. The knowledge passed down by people like Hippocrates, Archimedes, Pythagoras, Homer, Plato, and Aristotle, plus the sophistication of Roman and Greek architecture, are factors revealing the intelligence level of these people, which makes it difficult to accept the idea that they believed in flying dragons. Theories proposed by many UFO researchers are that the flying dragons were really alien craft that came down from the sky. But were they really emitting flames? A craft emitting flames suggests a rocket-type of propulsion, which seems primitive for beings who may have traveled across light-years of space. Many UFOs reported today are described as being engulfed in an aura of bright light, and since fire was the only source that produced light back then, a glowing aura of light surrounding the craft, in all likelihood, would have been described as fire. The technology exhibited by the beings that emerged from these craft would likely be perceived as magic or miraculous, so naturally they would have been perceived as gods. But it is those referred to by various cultures as creator gods, who supposedly created human beings, that in this case are the ones of interest. Prometheus was the creator god worshipped by both Romans and Greeks. The creator gods of other civilization include P’an-Ku of the Chinese; Odin of the Norse; the Anunnaki of the Sumerians; Viracocha of the Incas; Kukulkan (Gucumatz), the most famous of the Mayans’ thirteen creator gods; and Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs.6 Most references suggest Kukulkan and Quetzalcoatl are one and the same, first worshipped by the Mayans and later by the Aztecs. And

there are others too numerous to mention. These gods were spread around the world in Greece, Rome, Mesoamerica, South America, Mesopotamia, China, and Scandinavia, and all of them reportedly came down from the sky. Did these gods, in different locations around the planet, genetically engineer the various versions of the human race, each with distinct individual physical characteristics, such as height, skin color, facial features, etc.? If these really were different gods, what are the odds that the humans they created would have all had the same mitochondrial signature, such as that of Berkeley’s test subjects? Could it be possible they were not different gods but were one god that each civilization knew by a different name? Now if—and I repeat, if—the human race is the product of genetic engineering by extraterrestrials, it could logically explain the missing link. But could it also have been a program spread over millennia in which they experimented with DNA alterations that resulted in the distinct variations of humanity? Since the DNA of the Berkeley subjects indicates an origin of six thousand or so years ago, it might suggest that the last creation phase took place at that time and that civilizations with mitochondria dating to earlier times were wiped out by some global catastrophe or were purposely eliminated for some reason, possibly because they proved nonviable for their intended purpose. That scenario could fit the biblical account of Adam’s descendants being destroyed by a flood. It might also explain the stories and legends of many other ancient civilizations from around the world describing similar floods. But if the human race, as it is today, is the result of genetic juggling, we have to ask why. Why would an alien race become involved with our evolution? Ancient cave drawings suggest that aliens were around when prehistoric humans roamed the land. What is unknown is whether they created prehistoric humans or whether they were already here. The fact that humans created petroglyphs of what appear to be discshaped craft and images resembling astronauts might suggest humans were already here, and since there are no prehistoric

humans around to ask, there is no way to know. That is part of the equation we will just have to leave unanswered for the time being. Nevertheless, regardless of how it was, it appears a project was initiated to accelerate human evolution through genetic engineering. I say this based on what we know is happening today, which I will get into later on. As to why aliens became involved with our evolution, we can only speculate. One theory is that they are aware of an impending disaster that will threaten the existence of humanity before the technology needed for survival can be created. If, however, they did create the human race, it would be all the more reason to formulate a plan to protect their project, and the feasibility of such a plan might have warranted creating a few “experimental races.” Now, you can take this for what it’s worth, but numerous skeletons have allegedly been discovered in various places around the world, and some appear to be from a diversified race of giants, some as tall as twenty or more feet. Whoever, or whatever, these people were, many supposedly had red hair and double rows of upper and lower teeth, and some had six fingers and toes. There are many internet sites describing these discoveries, only a few of which may be credible. Some show newspaper articles with dates, locations, and the names of the archaeologists who were involved. Some of the bones allegedly date back millions of years, which, if true, might suggest that they belong to members of the first test races. According to many of the articles, these finds were turned over to the Smithsonian and other museums, and in most cases, the museums have either lost them over the years or stored them in the basement, away from public view. If this is true, it is but another attempt by the elite mainstream to avoid having to rewrite the history books. Originally I was unconvinced about the authenticity of the giants described in the Bible, on the internet, and in documentary programs. However, after researching it further, I learned of credible evidence that some people over nine and ten feet tall, and even taller in some cases, did exist in ancient times.

In 1911, while ranchers were collecting bat guano in a Lovelock, Nevada, cave, they discovered forty or fifty giant skeletons with long red hair. However, this was disputed by the University of California, which investigated the site in 1912 and again in 1924. Along with numerous artifacts, they claim the sixty mummies they unearthed were of average size. And a study by the University of Nevada claims they were only six feet tall.7 Also, the local Humboldt Museum claims that although the people were slightly robust, their size fell within normal parameters.8 This seemed to dispel any idea of giants living in the area. However, a museum seventy-five miles away has three giant skulls believed to be from the Lovelock cave locked in a cabinet in a back room and not on public display, possibly out of respect for the local Indians. Author David Childress compared a modern dental impression of a normal adult male to the mandible (jawbone) of one of the huge skulls in the cabinet, and one can only conclude the skull belonged to a person of enormous size—possibly 10 or 12 feet tall.9 In 1931, an article in the Nevada Review-Miner claims two giant skeletons, one 8.5 feet tall and another nearly 10 feet tall, were found in the Humboldt dry lakebed.10 Much of the information I have studied suggests all giant skeletal evidence was turned over to the Smithsonian (or in some cases confiscated by the Smithsonian) and has been kept hidden from the public. As to why this is, I suspect it challenged their status-quo concept of human history and evolution. To admit that giant people once walked the earth would necessitate rewriting the history books, and that would embarrass the scientists who, for years, lied to the public rather than admit they were wrong. Accelerating evolution would involve the genetic reconstruction of the human species, and what better way to speed up the process than with hybrids. This may have been accomplished by collecting ova from female subjects and sperm samples from men—a scenario that today parallels procedures described in many alien abduction cases (a subject covered in chapter 9). Assuming they had the

technology, they would modify the DNA in the sperm samples for genetic improvement and then inseminate the women. As the children with the modified genes were born, they would pass their seeds on to the next generation. The more hybrids created, the faster the distribution of improved genes. During this phase, they may have made a few mistakes, thereby making it necessary on occasion to eliminate a race and replace it with a new one. The red-haired giants with six fingers and toes and double rows of teeth, assuming they actually existed, may possibly have been one of the first test races. Then, several thousand years ago, using DNA with the most favorable genetic qualities they had preserved from earlier experiments, the aliens may have created special hybrids to breed a new race from the existing population in the region of Mesopotamia. Hypothetically, the theory suggests that the male hybrid was Adam, and the female was the mitochondrial Eve, and were created with the same chromosomal package we carry today. They may have conducted the same process at different times in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and North and South America, each time using the same DNA. If this hypothesis is correct, would it not then provide a logical explanation for why the DNA of all the subjects tested at Berkley has the same mitochondrial signature? Eventually humans would have become genetically compatible with their extraterrestrial creators, allowing the creators to mate with human females. This is assuming, of course, we looked like them— were created in their image, as stated in the Bible. However, it seems unlikely that such unions would be permitted. Their superior genes would have probably been diluted in the still-primitive human species; the offspring may have inherited a higher capacity for learning but would not have evolved far enough up the evolutionary scale to acquire the wisdom necessary to deal with it, and it could create serious problems down the line. However, according to the Bible, such sexual unions did occur, and those who were involved got into a lot of trouble. This issue will also be covered in greater detail later. ♦♦♦♦♦

There is, of course, no way to prove that extraterrestrials are involved in a project to accelerate human evolution. However, let’s assume for the moment that they are, and that one phase of their project is to learn which steps would be most advantageous in achieving this goal. Would it not then be necessary to conduct experiments in order to make such a determination? Might they have created one or more races with which to test genetically enhanced abilities—abilities that could explain the amazing megalithic structures: the architectural wonders that are impossible to duplicate with modern tools and machinery? But remember, this is only hypothetical. There is no evidence to prove this is what happened; however, you must admit it could make sense. And when we examine some of the amazing architectural accomplishments of ancient humans, it seems to make even more sense.


O ne of the theories proposed in the field of UFO research is that we are a hybrid species created by extraterrestrials. One proponent of this theory is the late Zecharia Sitchin, an expert in ancient Mesopotamian languages. Although his ideas are disputed in mainstream circles, he claims that Sumerian cuneiform writings identify these extraterrestrials as the Anunnaki, who came from a planet called Nibiru, which orbits through our neighborhood every thirty-six hundred years. He proposed that they were the Nephilim— the biblical giants mentioned in Genesis. One tablet he deciphered allegedly describes several items that the goddess Ishtar adorned herself with before making a flight to visit her sister in some distant land. In his book The Twelfth Planet, he states that in 1934, archaeologists excavating a site in Mari on the west bank of the Euphrates River unearthed a four-thousand-year-old life-size statue of Ishtar wearing what appeared to be the same items. A strange box is strapped to her back and appears to be attached to the back of her helmet by a strap; it is further supported by two large shoulder pads. There is also what appears to be a hose attached to the base of the box by a circular clasp. Two of the items mentioned on the tablet that Sitchin said adorned the goddess were “straps clasping her breasts,” which seemed to be what was holding the box in place on her back, and “twin stones on her shoulders,” which appear to be shoulder pads used to support

the weight of this box.11 So what was this box? Perhaps it was used for carrying personal effects; however, the hose attached to it suggests it might have been an oxygen pack designed for highaltitude flight in a small craft. Its appearance implies technology, and since the statue is four thousand years old, one has to wonder. However, astronomers dispute the idea that a planet called Nibiru orbits through our solar system every thirty-six hundred years; if it did, it could drastically affect the orbits of other planets and create catastrophic problems on a cosmic scale. As early as 1844, it was suspected that there was an invisible star orbiting around Sirius. Its existence wasn’t confirmed until 1862, when astronomer Alvan Graham Clark first viewed it through a telescope. It was named Sirius B, and it orbits Sirius about once every fifty years. Yet it appears that the Dogon, a primitive tribe in Africa, have known about this star for centuries, and they even worship it in their ceremonial practices. Their legends claim they learned of it from aquatic-like beings that descended from the sky in a large craft.12 Since this star is invisible to the naked eye, how could they have possibly known about it centuries before Clark confirmed its existence, unless there is some element of truth to their legend? In an isolated area of the South Pacific is a tiny island governed by Chile, called Rapa Nui. More commonly known as Easter Island, it has inspired the imaginations of many with its megalithic stone figures called moai. Like silent sentries, many are spread along the coastline, facing inland, away from the sea.13 They were carved out of a high mountain quarry, but how they were moved down from the top of the mountain and across the land to their present locations is still somewhat of a mystery. Many lie broken along the route of transport, evidence that moving them was not always successful.14 Although many theories have been postulated, it seems no one knows for sure whom or what these stone giants represent—or what purpose they served. They bear certain similarities to other statues found in South America and in Mexico and Central America. Is it possible there was once interaction between these cultures? The

only writings left by these people are carved into a few wooden blocks that have managed to survive the ages. The language of the writings is called Rongorongo, which to this day no one has successfully been able to decipher.15 The immense size of the statues has fueled theories of extraterrestrial involvement; however, those lying broken along the route of transport are mute testimony of human fallibility. Then there is the Nazca Plains in Peru, one of the driest places on Earth, averaging about half an inch of rainfall in a five-year span. Carved into the side of a hill is a figure that, because of its appearance, has been nicknamed “El Astronauto.” Etched into the ground is a variety of images, including a monkey, spider, dog, frog, hummingbird, whale, and many others.16 There is also a huge amalgamation of lines that, oddly enough, seem to resemble aircraft runways.17 Created about two thousand years ago, these images are almost unrecognizable at ground level; only from the air can they best be seen for what they really are. So far, no one has been able to figure out who really created them or what purpose they served.18 Were these images created by ancient Indians who intended only for their gods to see them? Or were they, as some believe, landing sites for alien spacecraft? The lines in Nazca resembling runways might suggest this, but some of them stretch for miles across the landscape. But why would aliens even need runways? If, in their planetary exploration, it was necessary for them to land on runways, how could they build them before they landed? Moreover, if they did have some means to reach the planet’s surface in order to build them, then why would they still need to build them? It is illogical, plus the surface around the Nazca lines could not support the landing of an aircraft. Another mystery, noted by Erich von Däniken in the Ancient Aliens television series, is a Nazca mountaintop that appears to have been landscaped to a completely flat surface. An aerial view shows all the neighboring mountains with high craggy ridges, so how did only one mountain obtain a smooth, flat surface? It seems unlikely that it was caused by natural weathering, thus suggesting it was achieved by

some technological process. And von Däniken said there is no evidence anywhere around the base of the mountain of the debris that was cleared from the top.19 So how was this accomplished, and for what reason? It has been suggested that natural weathering would have eventually eroded and buried such debris; however, if true, that would have occurred millions of years ago, since the area experiences only about a half inch of rainfall in five years. And who had the technology to landscape the mountaintop millions of years ago? About one hundred miles north of Nazca is a trident (often called a candelabra) carved into a cliff in the Bay of Pisco.20 It measures 595 feet from top to bottom and is visible from twelve miles out at sea. Hundreds of miles south of Nazca, in Cerro Unitas, Chile, is a figure so large it stretches over the top of the mountain into which it is carved.21 None of this, however, is proof of an extraterrestrial connection. But when examining other colossal wonders of ancient humans scattered around the world, one must keep an open mind to the possibility. Tiahuanaco / Puma Punku Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku represent one of the most intriguing mysteries of the ancient world. The ruins encompass an area of approximately 2.3 square miles at twelve thousand five hundred feet above sea level in the Bolivian Andes. Adorning the walls of a sunken courtyard in Tiahuanaco are carved faces representing what appear to be different races from around the world.22 Would this not suggest that whoever built the city was familiar with civilizations on a global scale? Research at Tiahuanaco was conducted around the turn of the twentieth century by archaeologist Arthur Posnansky. He estimated the site to be about seventeen thousand years old, which would have made it the oldest known city on Earth.23 He based his calculations on the location of the portal of the sun, the solstice marker.24 Like many other ancient civilizations, they used stone

formations to mark the solstice points for agricultural purposes, and according to Posnansky, the portal of the sun corresponded to where precession, the wobbling of the earth’s axis, would have placed the rising sun about seventeen thousand years ago. However, more modern and precise dating techniques have allegedly narrowed it down to around twelve thousand years. Posnansky’s findings have been disputed in mainstream circles because, according to their beliefs, no kind of civilization is supposed to have existed that long ago. One argument proposed is that whoever built the city miscalculated the placement of the solstice marker. Tiahuanaco was a city built to precise astronomical alignment with stone blocks weighing up to four hundred tons and fitted together without mortar with such precision that one cannot stick a pin in the cracks. Common sense tells us that to think these people miscalculated the placement of the solstice marker is insane. When we consider the precision involved with all aspects of construction, this seems like a ridiculous attempt to protect mainstream beliefs, which, in reality, are based only on assumptions. Since these people knew enough to build a solstice marker, then they were already using the solstice points for agricultural purposes before they built Tiahuanaco. It seems unlikely that it was something they discovered during construction; they had to have known about it in advance. Would it not make sense to consider the possibility that maybe—just maybe—the portal of the sun was erected exactly where it was supposed to be? But this is another example of how some mainstream scientists are still caught up in the Galileo Syndrome. Today, Tiahuanaco remains one of history’s biggest mysteries. Who were the people that built the city, and where did they go? How did they lift four-hundred-ton stone blocks, and why did they build at such a high and barren altitude, where vegetation is sparse and its growth stunted? It is evidence that people possessed amazing technical abilities thousands of years before mainstream scientists claim such technology was possible. So whom do we credit with the construction of this site twelve thousand years ago? Primitive

Indians? Aliens? Or maybe a hybrid race with genetically enhanced abilities? Part of the Tiahuanaco complex is Puma Punku. It was built before Tiahuanaco, but a catastrophic event apparently destroyed the site. Some suggest it was an alien base that the inhabitants destroyed when they left, for whatever reason. Others believe a devastating earthquake caused its destruction. Author Brien Foerster is a geologist who studied the ruins and said the pattern of destruction resembles that of a massive flood that buried much of the debris in mud. Fragments of shattered granite blocks litter the site; Foerster suggests these fragments resulted from an explosion that possibly resulted from an asteroid impact near Lake Titicaca.25 Since much of the debris is embedded in the soil, it is a logical theory. Being that the site is over twelve thousand feet above sea level, the only source of water in the area that could be attributed to a flood is Lake Titicaca, about fifteen miles away. According to author Graham Hancock, the remnants of a seaport at the site is evidence that Lake Titicaca originally extended to Puma Punku.26 The real mystery of Puma Punku is the technology of its construction. Walls constructed of H-blocks appear to have been prefabricated to interlock with one another. A liquid molten alloy poured into T-shaped grooves carved into the edges of other blocks hardened into metal staples that firmly held the blocks together.27 The blocks were cut with such precision and fitted together—without mortar—so perfectly that one cannot fit a pin in the cracks between them—something beyond our present ability to achieve.28 And these blocks are made of granite and diorite; such blocks can be crafted today only with diamond-tipped tools.29 Roger Hopkins, a master stonemason and sculptor from Palm Springs, California, also studied Puma Punku’s ruins. He said that incise cuts carved into some of the blocks were made with a precision that is impossible to duplicate with existing technology.30 It is impossible to create such cuts in granite and diorite with stone

tools and copper chisels, which are the only tools known to have existed at the time. Some of these blocks, weighing several hundred tons, came from sixty miles away and were carried twelve thousand five hundred feet up to the top of the mountain. Again, was it primitive Indians who did it? Aliens? Or, as suggested before, was it a race of hybrid humans with genetically enhanced abilities? Easter Island, Nazca, Cerro Unitas, Tiahuanaco, and Puma Punku are just a few of the mysteries in South America. Although the statues on Easter Island bear similarities to some found in other countries, and carved faces of many different races adorning the walls of a Tiahuanaco courtyard suggest knowledge of civilizations on a global scale, such suggestions contradict mainstream beliefs established long ago. Unchallenged for many years, these beliefs gradually came to be accepted as fact, just as with those who, in the seventeenth century, believed the earth was the center of the universe. Although there is no proof that extraterrestrials were interacting with these people, we cannot dismiss the possibility that these civilizations possessed enhanced physical or mental abilities that allowed them to perform tasks for which heavy-duty machinery is needed today. Our most powerful construction equipment is incapable of moving, let alone lifting, stone blocks of the size found at Puma Punku, not to mention those in Baalbek, Lebanon. Some of the blocks in the Temple of Jupiter complex weigh about one thousand tons, and one that is still at the quarry site weighs an estimated thirteen hundred tons.31 And another block recently discovered at the quarry weighs an estimated sixteen hundred tons.32 How in the world did they lift and move these monstrosities? Obviously they had the means to do it, yet it is far beyond our present capability. Apparently ancient people could do it. But how? Archaeologists and historians have long challenged the idea that alien technology is evident in the structures of ancient civilizations, maintaining that the ancient peoples were able to create these architectural wonders using primitive stone tools. However, as a

result of more recent discoveries, their skepticism is being challenged by hard facts, thereby forcing them to reevaluate their beliefs. One discovery that has scientists scratching their heads is Göbekli Tepe. Göbekli Tepe The 1994 discovery of Göbekli Tepe is now forcing scientists to reevaluate their long-standing beliefs about human history. It is located near Sanliurfa in southeastern Turkey, is said to be eleven thousand to twelve thousand years old, and is considered the oldest advanced site on the planet.33 However, the construction of Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku also exhibit advanced technology that allegedly dates back twelve thousand years. If this is true, then Göbekli Tepe may be the second-oldest advanced site on the planet. Nevertheless, as with Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku, Göbekli Tepe’s builders are unknown. The complex is composed of circular walls surrounding perfectly sculpted T-shaped columns adorned with a variety of animals carved in bas-relief. The height and weight of the columns vary among the articles written about the site. A website called Skeptical Dictionary claims the columns stand sixteen feet tall.34 The Smithsonian also says they are sixteen feet tall and weigh between seven and ten tons.35 National Geographic has them at eighteen feet tall and weighing sixteen tons.36 In the November/December 2008 issue of Archaeology magazine, an article by Sandra Scham says the Tshaped columns weigh between ten and fifty tons and are surrounded by circular stone walls that are six feet high.37 Archaeologists have been excavating Göbekli Tepe for thirteen years and have uncovered only 5 percent of the complex. The quality of the columns suggests its builders utilized some unknown advanced method of stonecutting; however, the site has yet to yield a single stonecutting tool or other implements. Because of the variety of animals depicted on the columns, some have suggested Göbekli Tepe may represent Noah’s ark, but it is just

a theory. Mount Ararat, where the ark allegedly came to rest, is approximately 350 miles away.38 Having been buried under twenty feet of sand, the site was in pristine condition. Archaeologists believe the burial was intentional, though the reason for it is not clear. One theory is that its inhabitants intended to preserve it for their return at some future date. Another suggests it was to prevent its destruction by rival communities, possibly over a conflict of religious beliefs. Yet another suggests it was intended to preserve the site for future civilizations to discover. In explaining the origin of the term “taboo” and how its meaning evolved over time, Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, author of The ET Chronicles: What Myths and Legends Tell Us About Human Origins, offered an interesting perspective on Göbekli Tepe. People once feared godly retribution for associating with some person, place, or thing that was considered forbidden, or taboo. It was a common practice to burn the home of someone who died to avoid contact with any of his or her possessions. They believed the property of a deceased person was diseased, and therefore it was considered taboo. If the stones used to construct Göbekli Tepe were previously utilized somewhere else and/or previously exposed to “forbidden areas,” this is a possibility to consider. It is not illogical that people living in the region were afraid of being “contaminated” by windblown dust from the site.39 If that was the case, it is possible they buried the site as a preventive measure. Archaeologists may disagree with Dr. Louise’s ideas; however, her thoughts on the subject make as much sense as any of the other ideas suggested. Let’s look at them from a logical perspective. • •

No one knows why Göbekli Tepe was buried; we know only that it was. There is the theory the intention was to preserve the site for the eventual return of its builders. If true, one must assume they planned on being gone for a long, long, time. But what was their reason for leaving, and where did they go? There is the theory that the site was buried to save it from destruction by other inhabitants of the region, possibly over a

conflict of religious differences. Although the idea is plausible, it implies there would be an eventual return. Why else would they have wanted it preserved? However, since this was twelve thousand years ago, one would think they would have returned before now. There is the theory that the site was preserved for future civilizations to discover. If so, what was it about the site that they believed would be of particular interest to future civilizations? Did they perhaps somehow know their construction techniques would transcend those of civilizations thousands of years in the future? Would they not logically assume that centuries of future progress would eventually make their own technology seem primitive?

So far, nothing written about Göbekli Tepe has mentioned living quarters or stated that people lived there. Since only 5 percent of the complex has been uncovered, perhaps there exist living quarters yet undiscovered. If not, perhaps the site was a shrine or a place of worship, or maybe it had astronomical significance, as do the ruins of other ancient sites. Then again, is it possible the builders were aware of a coming disaster that would transform humanity back into a primitive existence for a few thousand years and they buried the complex for posterity? Whatever the reason may have been, further excavation may yield some answers. However, the big question scientists have to deal with is the technology applied in the site’s construction. Do they really believe it was constructed by ancient hunter-gatherers using primitive tools? This was before the invention of the wheel! Further evidence that ancient civilizations utilized advanced technologies or possessed enhanced abilities is found in Egypt. The Sphinx The Sphinx was carved out of a solid piece of limestone bedrock on the Giza Plateau, and large chunks were cut from the surrounding walls and carved into blocks to build the temples next to the monument. Many are thirty feet long, ten feet high, twelve feet wide,

and weigh about two hundred tons (the approximate weight of a diesel locomotive), and they had to be lifted fifty feet into the air to be fitted in place.40 In 1991, author and Egyptologist John Anthony West uncovered some very interesting facts about the Sphinx. He collaborated with Dr. Robert Schoch, an associate professor of science from Boston University, who holds a PhD in geology and geophysics from Yale. Schoch confirmed that the erosion of the Sphinx and the wall surrounding it was definitely caused by rainwater. Since there has been no significant rainfall in the area for thousands of years, it could have occurred only when the Nile Valley was fertile, which was thousands of years before the First Dynasty. Of course, this really irked mainstream Egyptologists, who claim the Sphinx was created forty-five hundred years ago, around 2550 BC—another unproven theory usually presented as fact. Dr. Zahi Hawass, then secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, who oversaw the Giza Plateau, claimed the erosion on the Sphinx was caused by wind and sand. However, West added credibility to Schoch’s claim when he took an enlarged picture of the Sphinx to another geologist. He disguised the Sphinx by covering its head and paws with masking tape, revealing only its severely weathered side. When he asked the geologist what had caused the erosion evident in the photograph, the geologist said it was obviously created by water. Then West removed the tape, exposing the image of the Sphinx, and the geologist just said, “Oh!” After realizing the implication of his original impression, he backed off and refused to get involved in the controversy.41 And that seems to be the typical mainstream reaction. With all due respect, Hawass is an archaeologist, not a geologist. When it comes to determining whether erosion is caused by wind, sand, or rain, I am more inclined to take the word of an accredited geologist and geophysicist. During the reign of Tutmoses IV, the Sphinx was buried up to its head in sand. Tutmoses’s son had it excavated before he became king, but it again fell victim to time and became buried, as is evident

in a photograph taken in 1868. What we may never know is how long it had been buried before the time of Tutmoses—or how many times, for that matter. Because his name is mentioned on a granite stele standing in front of the monument, most Egyptologists believe the pharaoh Chefren created the Sphinx.42 Again, this is only an assumption, because the stele was installed eleven hundred years after the Sphinx was allegedly created.43 And the writing does not say when the Sphinx was created or why it was created; nor does it say that it was created by Chefren. An inventory stele from the time of Cheops (Chefren’s predecessor) states that he built a temple to Isis alongside the Sphinx. If true, this means the Sphinx was already there before Chefren’s time.44 Nevertheless, regardless of its age, there is still the mystery of how two-hundred-ton stone blocks were lifted fifty feet in the air to build its temples. So once again we ask the question, Who really built the temples? Primitive Egyptians? Aliens? Or possibly a civilization with genetically enhanced abilities? The Giza Pyramids The Great Pyramids in Egypt are another source of forgotten knowledge—knowledge that the distant past may have been much different from what we have been told. We know the pyramids existed forty-five hundred years ago, but the truth is, no one knows for sure when they were really built, who built them, or even why they were built. The most publicized theory—and again, I emphasize the word “theory” because it is usually presented as if it were a proven fact—is that they were built as tombs for the pharaohs. Since no sarcophagus or mummy was ever found in them, and their walls and ceilings are devoid of any hieroglyphic images, how can it be any more than a theory? Two hundred miles south of Giza, near Thebes, is the Valley of the Kings, where Egyptians of later dynasties buried many pharaohs along with their treasures. Although attempts were made to conceal these tombs, thieves still managed to locate and loot the contents of

many. However, the hieroglyphs covering the walls in some of these chambers reveal much information about their kings. This is where the tomb of Tutankhamen (King Tut), the boy pharaoh, was discovered with its treasure virtually intact. So we pretty much know from King Tut’s tomb and others in the area what one might expect to find in a pharaoh’s burial chamber. So if the Giza pyramids were created as tombs, where are the mummies, treasures, and the hieroglyphs? To spend decades on such a massive and prestigious construction project just to create a chamber in which to place the body of a dead king, one would expect to find the interior filled with opulent furnishings and valuable treasures, its walls and ceilings lavishly designed and covered with hieroglyphs telling about the king. Yet there is nothing. It is possible that thieves long ago looted any treasures the pyramids may have contained, but they could not steal writings painted on or carved into the walls and ceiling. So where are they? In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, when access to the pyramids was less restricted, many tourists left their calling cards in the form of graffiti. This is evident in the area above the King’s Chamber in the large Khufu pyramid. Painted on a few small stones are hieroglyphs that mention Khufu’s name, which Hawass and other mainstream Egyptologists assume to be the handiwork of those who built the pyramids in the Fourth Dynasty.45 Of course, it is a possibility. On the other hand, how do we know it is not also graffiti created by an early tourist or even some archaeologist in an effort to perpetuate mainstream beliefs? Carbon-dating tests were conducted on mortar samples found between some stones on the outside of the great pyramid, and they dated to around 2550 BC.46 Since the stones inside the pyramid, like those at Puma Punku, are so precisely cut and fitted together without mortar that one cannot stick a pin in the cracks, we have to ask why mortar is found between some stones on the outside. One theory proposed is that forty-five hundred years ago, the Khufu pyramid was already an ancient structure and was falling into

disrepair. It has been suggested that mortar was used by the Egyptians of the Fourth Dynasty to repair existing damage.47 It is evident that a few pyramids built later, during the Fifth Dynasty, were intended as tombs, because their walls and ceilings are covered with hieroglyphs and information about the kings for whom they were intended. They were built within 150 years of when the giant pyramids in Giza were allegedly constructed, but their workmanship was inferior. Why? Did the country suddenly experience an economic collapse, or did those who built the Giza giants take their construction secrets with them to their graves? Some speculate that the cost of building the Giza pyramids seriously drained Egypt’s economy and that the Fifth Dynasty simply did not have the resources to duplicate what their predecessors had accomplished. Most of the stones in the Giza pyramids weigh about two and a half tons, and there are approximately 2.5 million of them in the large Khufu pyramid. Inside, many weigh about thirty tons, and those above the King’s Chamber weigh about seventy tons. Again, even with today’s heavy-duty equipment, it is impossible to duplicate the construction.48 The pyramids of the Third Dynasty were made of mud bricks, and many now stand in crumbled ruins. According to existing records, Imhotep designed the step pyramid in Saqqara (said to be the first one ever constructed) for the pharaoh Djoser. The pyramid of Meidum was built during the late Third or early Fourth Dynasty and is believed to be the work of Sneferu. The records also seem to suggest that during the Fourth Dynasty, Sneferu built the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid, both located in Dahshur. It is only assumed, however, that his son Khufu later built the giants in Giza, even though there are no records to indicate it. Yet there are many records associated with the Fifth Dynasty. The pyramids of Fifth Dynasty were less sturdy than those of the third and are mostly piles of rubble. However, in what is left of the interiors, such as the burial chamber in the Pyramid of Unas, the walls and ceiling are covered in hieroglyphs, and there are vertical columns inscribed with 283 of the so-called pyramid texts.

Chronologically, the Stone Age people who supposedly inhabited the area around 3000 BC, about 350 years later, during the Third Dynasty (2649–2575 BC), spent 76 years building pyramids with mud bricks. Then, during the Fourth Dynasty, which lasted about 110 years (2575–2465 BC), they suddenly acquired the ability to build huge pyramids with stones weighing as much as seventy tons, after which, starting with the Fifth Dynasty (2465–2323 BC), their construction methods declined to a level more primitive than those with which they began. To paraphrase author Graham Hancock, he expresses it in terms of the Third Dynasty building the Model T Ford, the Fourth Dynasty building the Porsche, and the Fifth Dynasty building the penny-farthing bicycle.49 Information recorded during the time of these dynasties reveals something of their culture, their gods, their wars, and their pharaohs. So if the Fourth Dynasty Egyptians really built these monumental wonders, why is there no mention of it, such as exists with the Third Dynasty and the Fifth Dynasty? Although we at least have some clues as to who constructed the Third Dynasty and Fifth Dynasty pyramids, we know next to nothing about the great Giza pyramids. We do know they were in existence during the Fourth Dynasty, and considering all the other information these people recorded, it is difficult to understand why such a monumental project would not also have been mentioned. Could the reason be that they were not built by the Fourth Dynasty Egyptians—that maybe they were built much earlier, possibly before the First Dynasty? Were the Third and Fifth Dynasties attempting to recreate something without the technology, or perhaps certain abilities, of a civilization that existed in their distant past? Could that civilization have been created by extraterrestrials—perhaps one of the experimental races with a genetically enhanced ability, such as levitation? The experts claim it took approximately twenty-two years to build the large Khufu pyramid. If this is true, it means that for twenty-two years, the people worked around the clock to cut each stone block, shape it, transport it, and set it into place, on an average of one

block every eight to ten seconds. That idea seems even more unbelievable than levitation. Levitation, of course, is a radical idea. However, if extraterrestrials are genetically manipulating the human race, could the civilizations that built Tiahuanaco, Baalbek, and the great pyramids have possessed genes designed to enhance mental abilities? The idea may be hard to fathom, but could it be that levitation was as commonplace to them as driving a car is to us? If ETs are accelerating our evolution to prepare us for some future cataclysmic event, then it is only logical that our survival depends less on mental powers and more on technological development and space travel. Perhaps they realized early on that an enhanced mental ability was a mistake, as no progress was being made toward developing the technologies needed for survival. Why invent machines to do heavy lifting if they could do it with their minds? Technology would not have been one of their priorities, and that could explain why they were phased out. Like Adam’s descendants, a flood or some other disaster might have wiped them out to make room for a new race. The same situation could also have applied to the Mayans and the Incas. Although they were highly advanced cultures in many ways, their barbaric practice of human blood sacrifices to their gods may have been the reason for their termination. Such practices were based on strong superstitious beliefs and were not conducive to the intellectual quality of the race the aliens were attempting to produce. Theoretically, such terminations could explain the legends of great floods, as recorded by almost every civilization on the planet. There are, however, indications that climate changes are what forced the Mayan and Incan civilizations to abandon their cities. But what about levitation? Conceivably, it could explain many ancient mysteries, but is it actually possible? Could mental power truly move and manipulate large stone blocks weighing hundreds of tons? Looking at Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida, one almost has to consider the possibility Coral Castle

Between 1920 and 1940, a Latvian immigrant named Edward Leedskalnin built Coral Castle singlehandedly. He created his stone estate by working mostly at night to avoid the prying eyes of curious neighbors. He did not use any heavy-duty construction equipment, yet somehow he managed to lift and maneuver stone blocks weighing over thirty tons. Not bad for a little fellow who stood five feet tall and weighed about one hundred pounds. Allegedly a group of teenagers spied on him one night and claimed they actually saw him floating these large blocks in the air. Because it was such a fantastic story, it is understandable that no one believed them. Leedskalnin originally built his complex in Florida City, but for reasons not completely understood, he later moved it to Homestead, where he added to it. For this he used a flatbed truck. When it arrived in the morning, he would dismiss the driver, telling him to return later in the afternoon. Although it cannot be verified, one day the driver allegedly forgot his lunch in the truck and went back to get it. He was stunned when he saw that a few giant blocks had already been loaded onto the truck’s bed—all within the thirty minutes he had been gone—a feat that would be hard to duplicate today with heavy-duty loading equipment. Leedskalnin was nowhere in sight, so the perplexed driver left.50 When you visit Coral Castle and actually see what Leedskalnin accomplished, you almost have to believe he had an ability that no one else possessed, unless you wish to consider the builders of Baalbek, Puma Punku, and the Giza pyramids. Recorded messages at Coral Castle claim he accomplished his work by using the tools that are on display in his work area, so it could be true. If so, then why did he not let people watch him work? Why did he work mostly at night and in secret? What was it that he did not want people to see? A modern builder tried his hand at building a smaller version of a Giza pyramid using only the tools that were available forty-five hundred years ago. The results, however, were pathetic, even when he resorted to using modern construction equipment.51 This only adds credibility to the idea that the ancients, and possibly

Leedskalnin, possessed an completely baffles us today.




In all fairness to mainstream Egyptologists, I must acknowledge the fact that a complex covering an area larger than three football fields has been excavated near the great pyramids. It appears to have been a work camp that accommodated thousands of people— allegedly, those who built the great pyramids. Many of the bones found in gravesites show signs of heavy stress on the spinal column, indicating they had been involved in very stressful physical endeavors. They uncovered the ruins of numerous grain silos and bread-baking ovens, suggesting that many thousands of people were being fed on a daily basis. There is also what appears to be a barracks-style facility, assumed to be where hundreds of seasonal workers may have slept. Additionally, there are ruins of larger living quarters that presumably housed the overseers of the project and their families. It is obvious that those living in this camp were working on a very large project for a very long time, and logic suggests that they were working on one or possibly all three of the great pyramids. Even though this evidence may contradict the idea of levitation, we must acknowledge the possibility that there was nothing extraordinary involved in how the great pyramids were constructed. One question that does remain is whether they were really intended as tombs. None contained a sarcophagus or a mummy, and there are no hieroglyphic symbols decorating their walls and ceilings to indicate they were intended as burial chambers for anyone. Judging from the information thus far covered, it is apparent that there is a missing chapter in the story of humanity. As author Graham Hancock once put it, “We are a species with amnesia.” Long before the Vikings or Columbus first set foot on North American soil, it appears there was an earlier time when people around the world knew each other. The carved heads on the courtyard wall in Tiahuanaco are likenesses of people from different countries around

the world, including one depicting a little gray alien with large, almond-shaped eyes. And what are the odds of people around the world building pyramids, many bearing a striking similarity to those on other continents? Other Pyramids Pyramids are not unique to Egypt; they exist all over the world. There is a complex of fifteen pyramids located in Cochasquí, in the northern Andes Mountains of Ecuador.52 In the town of Ena, on the Japanese Island of Honshu, is a pyramid about six and a half feet high; it was carved out of a single block of gray granite. It is located on the slope of a hill in a forest, almost hidden from view. No one knows who built it, when it was built, or why it was built.53 As recently as 1998, six pyramids were discovered on Tenerife, in the Canary Islands.54 An infrared satellite image revealed twelve pyramids tucked away in the dense Brazilian jungle. They are laid out side-by-side in two rows of six.55 Several years ago, Thor Heyerdahl was excavating pyramids near Tucume, in northern Peru. It is reported that twenty-six have been discovered there.56 In Australia, there is a stepped pyramid about one hundred feet tall, composed of large granite blocks, in the town of Gympie, New South Wales. Allegedly there is another in the area, also about one hundred feet tall, and near the coast is said to be one twice the size of the one in Gympie. Five more are said to have been found in New Guinea.57 In 1957, Life magazine published a picture of what has been called the White Pyramid. It was taken by a World War II pilot flying over the Qin Ling Shan Mountains in the Chinese Province of Tibet.58 In 1994, German researcher Hartwig Hausdorf photographed more Chinese pyramids when he toured the Shensi Province. He said there were over a hundred of them, and one was as large as the great Khufu pyramid in Giza.59

Some of the pyramids in Mexico and Central America predate the Giza pyramids—assuming, of course, the Giza pyramids were built around 2550 BC. Two of the most famous are in Teotihuacan: the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun. And although not as tall, the base of the Pyramid of the Sun is as large as the base of the great Khufu pyramid. Others include the Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli pyramid, composed of five terraces and located in Tula; a large adobe brick pyramid in Cholula; a long stone pyramid in Tzintzuntzan; and the El Castillo pyramid in Chichen Itza.60 And there are at least thirty-two other sites in Mexico with large pyramids, not to mention those in Honduras, Belize, and El Salvador. One rather intriguing site is the Mayan pyramid complex in Tikal, Guatemala.61 Other sites around the world can be found in Germany, Greece, Turkey, Sudan, and the United States. The odds of different civilizations allegedly unknown to each other and separated by vast oceans constructing monuments of such similarity would seem unlikely. How can one not suspect global interaction between past civilizations? Is it just a coincidence that the ancient Egyptians and the Apache Indians both worshipped a god called Amon Ra, and that both gods are strikingly similar in appearance?62 Somewhere in the history of man is an era that has been lost or forgotten. There was an age when people excelled in architectural accomplishments, producing monuments that our technology is incapable of duplicating today. How do we explain stone blocks weighing as much as diesel locomotives being hoisted fifty feet into the air next to the Sphinx when heavy-duty construction equipment did not yet exist? Attributing such feats to extraterrestrials would seem logical, since no civilization so technically advanced is known to have existed. Yet these structures exist, and that is a fact. Similar structures exist all over the world; that is a fact. Most are so old that no one knows who built them, when they were built, or why they were built—and that, too, is a fact. How do we explain this other than by acknowledging that a segment of human history has been

completely obliterated or that there may have been extraterrestrial influence? The Orion Connection One night while Robert Bauval, a construction engineer, was sitting in the desert looking up at the night sky, he suddenly realized that the Giza pyramids were lined up in precisely the same pattern as the three stars in Orion’s Belt. The largest pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) and the middle pyramid of Khafre (Chefren), which is slightly smaller, are perfectly aligned with each other. However, the third and smaller Pyramid of Menkaure (Mycerinus) is slightly off center. These, plus two other pyramids, one several miles to the north at Abu Rawash and the other about three miles south at Zawat El Aryan, are laid out in the exact same pattern as the five major stars in the constellation of Orion.63 Is this a coincidence? Maybe not, since alignment to the Orion constellation is evident in the ruins of other ancient civilizations around the world. And alignment to the Pleiades star system is evident in many other ancient cultures. Legends passed down by these people over the ages allude to contact with beings who came from these regions of space, and from whom they acquired much knowledge. Forty-five hundred years ago, a shaft leading out of the King’s Chamber in the Khufu pyramid would have pointed directly to Orion’s belt, and one leading from the Queen’s Chamber would have pointed directly at Sirius. This is significant in that the constellation of Orion represented Osiris, the ancient Egyptians’ god of resurrection; and Sirius, the star of his consort, Isis. Allegedly the belief was that their spirits would depart through the shafts to their places in the heavens —a point favoring mainstream beliefs that the pyramids were built around 2550 BC. But since there is no evidence that these chambers were ever used as tombs, what would be the purpose of aligning the shafts to Orion and Sirius? Compounding the mystery, Bauval discovered that in 10,500 BC, the stars in Orion’s belt would have perfectly matched the layout of the three pyramids as they rose above the horizon due south of their

location. Also at this time, the constellation of Leo (the lion) would have risen above the horizon at a position due east, directly in front of the Sphinx. Since the Sphinx depicts the body of a lion, is this of significance? Is this a clue that the pyramids and the Sphinx were created over twelve thousand years ago? John Anthony West has provided sufficient reason to believe that the Sphinx was originally created with the head of a lion. Possibly because of severe erosion, it was later recarved into the head of a pharaoh. The pharaoh’s head is disproportionately small and seems out of place, whereas a lion’s head would be more in proportion with the body.64 If the pyramids were built in 10,500 BC, then what is the relevance to the shafts’ alignments to Orion and Sirius in 2550 BC? It would have had no significance eight thousand years earlier. And if they were built in 2550 BC, their alignment to the stars in 10,500 BC would be of no relevance. Could it be that we are only confusing ourselves by reading more into this than there is? Over fifty years ago, the noted psychic Edgar Cayce claimed the Sphinx was created in 10,500 BC, a date he predicted would gain support around 1998.65 He also said that beneath the Sphinx was a hall of records containing information about the civilization who built it and the real history of the human race. He predicted it would be discovered between 1996 and 1998, and that its contents would be kept secret for many years. He also associated the opening of this chamber to the return of Christ.66 Cayce is best known for the healings he achieved by inducing himself into a trance state, where it seems he could tap into some universal knowledge and come up with a remedy or a cure for just about anything. People with various ailments and afflictions wrote to him and even came in person, seeking his help. He was extremely successful in prescribing effective treatments when the best of the medical profession had failed. His case files are all documented and open to the public at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE), his estate in Virginia Beach.

Another of Cayce’s claims was that Atlantis would be discovered off the Florida coast in 1968. In 1968, a discovery was made off the Florida coast, near the island of Bimini. It appears to be a road or the top of a rampart made of huge stone blocks, but what it really is remains a mystery. Some claim it is only a natural formation of beach rock, while others associate it with Cayce’s prediction that Atlantis would be discovered that same year in that general location. So far there is no evidence to connect it to Atlantis; only a serious scientific investigation will determine whether the site is of artificial construction. There is, however, some evidence that Cayce’s prediction about a hall of records beneath the Sphinx may be true. In 1991, seismic readings taken by Thomas Dobecki, a seismologist, revealed the existence of a chamber twenty feet beneath the paws of the Sphinx.67 This sparked a lot of interest, with people believing that it might be the hall of records. However, it was never excavated. In March of 1996, under the auspices of Florida State University, Joseph Schor was approved to do a study of the Giza plateau to look for faults that might cave in and threaten the safety of tourists. Schor brought Dobecki with him to conduct the seismic readings, and a month later, according to the Egyptian Gazette of April 14, 1996, Zahi Hawass was quoted as saying that there were underground tunnels running between the Sphinx and the pyramids.68 A statement posted in 1997 by Richard Hoagland on his Enterprise Mission website suggested that Schor might possibly have been involved in more than just looking for faults on the plateau. The information purportedly came from a member of Schor’s team who approached Hoagland’s colleagues, claiming that discoveries made by Schor in the great pyramid were being kept from the public. Photos posted on the site reveal a ladder and a heavy-duty power cable ascending into the area above the King’s Chamber, and they also show bags of limestone rocks awaiting removal that had apparently been lowered from above by a rope visibly hanging down from the top of the chamber. Hoagland suggests it may have been an attempt to drill a tunnel to a hidden passageway leading to the

hall of records. Although there is no proof of this, the heavy-duty power cable certainly suggests that something was going on above the King’s Chamber. We know the pyramid was closed on April 1, 1998, for over a year, to repair cracks and damage caused by moisture from the breath of tourists, and Hawass said they installed a ventilation system. But the system was installed in a ventilation shaft leading to the outside, not in the area above the King’s Chamber. This does not explain what was going on above the chamber in 1996 and 1997. The only things known to be near the King’s Chamber are the shafts leading up from the Queen’s Chamber below. In 1993, Rudolf Gantenbrink used a specially designed robot called Upuaut to explore the southern shaft. It ascended through the eight-by-eightinch shaft for 208 feet—until it reached a stone block the builders had inserted to seal the passage. Two copper fittings were mounted in it, suggesting they may have acted as wedges, making it impossible to remove the block once it had been dropped into place.69 In the bottom right corner of the block was a small crevice. Gantenbrink thought he could devise something with a miniature camera that would be able to penetrate through to the other side. His request, however, was denied. On Monday, September 16, 2002, the FOX Broadcasting Company aired a live National Geographic special from Egypt in which the world finally got to see what was behind the Gantenbrink door. A team from National Geographic was contracted to do the job, and they brought their own specially designed robot. There were a couple of preliminary test runs to make sure all systems on the robot were working properly, and there was one visit to the door with an instrument to measure its density, which showed it to be three inches thick. Then a drill was mounted on the robot, and it was sent back to the door, where it bored a hole through the slab. Then it appeared there was some sort of power malfunction, and the robot rolled out of control back down the shaft, fortunately without causing any major damage. After the malfunction was repaired, the robot was sent back to the door with a miniature fiber optic camera attached to it. The

camera was inserted through the hole, only to reveal another stone slab blocking the shaft just a few inches away. Immediately after the program, conspiracy enthusiasts argued that the still image of the door from Gantenbrink’s video taken in 1993 shows the copper fitting on the left to be shorter than the one on the right. Apparently the piece had broken off and rolled down the shaft, out of view of the camera. In the still from National Geographic’s video, the copper fitting on the right was the same length as the one on the left, and the severed piece was nowhere in sight.70 Admittedly, it does look suspicious. But it is possible that the device used to measure the door’s thickness (long after Gantenbrink posted his image) may have broken the copper fitting on the right, and that it rolled down the shaft out of view of the camera. The fact that it was not mentioned, if this is what happened, aroused suspicions among conspiracy freaks who want to believe something was being covered up in the National Geographic presentation. But this is only speculation. The story on National Geographic’s website mentioned the test runs and the one to measure the door’s thickness, so I see no evidence of a cover-up. This was not the only live broadcast by FOX from the Giza Plateau. On March 2, 1999, they presented Opening the Lost Tombs of Egypt, hosted by Maury Povich and ESPN’s Suzy Kolber. The highlight of the program was entering the Tomb of Osiris, a chamber located one hundred feet belowground, a short distance behind the Sphinx. Viewers watched as Kolber and Zahi Hawass descended twenty feet down a ladder into a small, empty chamber from which another shaft descended forty feet into what Hawass called a burial chamber. It had six rooms, two of which contained granite sarcophagi. Hawass said that when discovered, this burial chamber had been filled with sand that had to be removed. In this chamber was yet another shaft that descended forty feet down into the Osiris tomb, which he said had been filled with water that had to be pumped out. The floor of the tomb was like an island surrounded by a moat, and in the center, submerged in a large water-filled cavity, was a huge sarcophagus

that Hawass estimated weighed between eleven and twelve tons.71 The lid of the coffin was about nine feet long and had been lifted out by a chain hoist. When Kolber asked Hawass how the ancient Egyptians had managed to lower the sarcophagus one hundred feet down through the different shafts, he said the shafts had first been filled with sand, which the workers removed from the bottom. As the sand was removed, the sarcophagus was gradually lowered into the tomb. He said the workers had removed the sand through the tunnels.72 Tunnels? What tunnels? Remember: according to the Egyptian Gazette, Hawass said in April 1996 that there were tunnels running between the Sphinx and the pyramids, which he could only have known from the seismic readings taken by Thomas Dobecki a month earlier. As Hawass gingerly walked on the rungs of a ladder laid across the moat to an opening in the wall, Kolber mentioned the predictions of Edgar Cayce and that archaeologists agree there is a network of tunnels below the plateau, and she asked Hawass if there might be a connection to this tomb. Hawass said he believed it was all a myth. Then he said he had not yet explored this tunnel and that one never knows what secrets might lie beneath the sands of Egypt. In closing, Maury Povich questioned whether the tunnel might lead to a hall of records underneath the Sphinx, reminding the viewers that Hawass had said there was much yet to be revealed under the Egyptian sands. Excavation of the Osiris Tomb began in 1998. Edgar Cayce predicted that a hall of records would be discovered under the Sphinx between 1996 and 1998, and seismic readings taken in 1991 and 1996 confirmed the existence of a chamber twenty feet below the paws of the Sphinx. Might it be the hall of records? Maybe so; maybe not. Could it be that like the Osiris Tomb, the hall of records is also one hundred feet underground—possibly beneath two other chambers, the uppermost being the one twenty feet beneath the paws of the Sphinx? If the Osiris tunnel does lead to the hall of records, it means

that Cayce was technically right in his prediction, since excavation began on the Osiris Tomb in 1998. If what Hawass said about the tunnel in the Osiris Tomb not yet being excavated was true, then where it led had not yet been determined. However, in a later documentary, Hawass said the Osiris tunnel leads nowhere. He said they had a small boy inch his way through, only to find it was a dead end. This contradicts what he told Suzy Kolber about how the sand used to lower the sarcophagus into the Osiris tomb was removed through the tunnels. Since the only tunnel seems to be the one in the Osiris chamber, which he now claims leads nowhere, then we have to assume the sand was removed simply by hoisting it out in buckets. But was he telling the truth about this tunnel? Is it part of Cayce’s prediction regarding the contents of the hall of records being kept secret? And if it does contain information pertaining to the origin of the human race, why would it need to be kept secret? Could the reason be that it reveals the human race is a product of genetic manipulation by extraterrestrials? And since Cayce tied his prediction to the return of Christ, it could mean that there are religious implications—something the world is not psychologically prepared to deal with at this time. Of course, this is only speculation based on the possibility that a hall of records does exist. Cayce predicted Atlantis would be discovered off the coast of Florida in 1968. In 1968, the Bimini Road was discovered in that general location. Although there is nothing to prove it is part of Atlantis, there may still be much more to discover in that area. Only time will tell. Cayce also said the Sphinx was created in 10,500 BC, a date he claimed would gain support around 1998. No one can deny the fact that the 10,500 BC date associated with Robert Bauval’s “Orion connection” has gained much recognition since 1998. Considering his well-documented track record of the healings he effected in his lifetime, should we not at least consider the possibility that Cayce may be right? There is much evidence, albeit circumstantial, suggesting that the pyramids, or at least the Sphinx, may be thousands of years older

than what mainstream Egyptologists claim. However, an extraterrestrial connection is something that cannot be proved. Whatever information is sealed in the hall of records may provide the answer, assuming there really is a hall of records. All we can do is wait and see. Meanwhile, we cannot ignore the fact that many of the megalithic structures built by the ancients are beyond the capability of presentday technology. What does this tell us? That these ancient people had an ability that is incomprehensible to us? Was it levitation? Until the scientific community is willing to explore such possibilities, we may never know. As to an extraterrestrial presence, some information in the following chapter suggests it may be true.


R esearchers

have often considered petroglyphs and artifacts created by prehistoric people as proof that they had contact with, or were witness to, aliens on our planet. They also believe that proof exists in the writings of early civilizations. The problem is that the further back in time one looks, the harder it is to comprehend how prehistoric humans really perceived what was happening in the world around them. Nonetheless, when examining the data, the idea of an extraterrestrial presence is compelling. OOPArts “OOPArts” is an acronym for “out-of-place artifacts.” They are items that scientists cannot explain because they do not conform to the era from which they supposedly originated. Since OOPArts seem to defy logical explanation, many associate them with ancient alien visitors, while others suggest they are remnants of a lost civilization that reached an advanced level of technology. Whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial, some items appear credible and others remain questionable. In the early part of the twentieth century, fifteen-hundred-year-old artifacts resembling aircraft were discovered in a gravesite along the Magdalena River in Colombia, South America. Each displays the basic elements of any conventional airplane having a fuselage, wings, a tail rudder, and stabilizers.73 Larger models were constructed of at least two of them, using identical body styles and

equipped with motors to see if they could fly. To everyone’s amazement, the models were aerodynamically stable and flew perfectly.74 But how would primitive people living in grass huts fifteen hundred years ago have understood the aerodynamic principles of flight unless they created these figurines based on something they had actually seen? Many other ancient figurines have been found in different parts of the world that bear an uncanny resemblance to modern space-suited astronauts, which some believe is proof of alien visitation.75 In 1968, a discovery was made near Antelope Springs, Utah, of what appears to be a fossilized footprint of a shoe or moccasin. Embedded in the print is a trilobite, an invertebrate that existed five hundred to six hundred million years ago, during the Cambrian period. Most scientists have dismissed the footprint without having examined it because it contradicts the preconceived notion that humans did not exist during the Cambrian period; it was, after all, hundreds of millions of years before the dinosaurs had even evolved. However, Dr. Hellmut H. Doelling of the Utah Geological Survey examined the footprint and found no irregularities or evidence of fraud.76 Mining engineer and geologist John T. Reid discovered another fossilized shoeprint in Nevada, circa 1922. Although the front part was missing, two thirds of the print had remained intact. Clearly visible around the outline is well-defined sewn thread stitching where the welt was attached to the sole. Mainstream scientists shrugged it off as simply a fluke of nature. Reid, however, persuaded an analytical chemist and a photographer from the Rockefeller Institute to examine the fossil, and when magnified twenty times, it was clear that the stitching was man-made. Also, they proved beyond a doubt that it was of Triassic fossilization, a period that is currently dated at 213 to 248 million years ago.77 One may argue that the Utah fossil could be a fluke of nature, but the sewn thread stitching evident in the Nevada fossil certainly suggests it was created by someone.

According to a story that appeared in The Morrisonville Times in Illinois on June 11, 1891, Mrs. S. W. Culp of Morrisonville discovered a gold chain embedded in a lump of coal she was preparing to put in the scuttle. It was made of eight-carat gold, was about ten inches long, and weighed eight pennyweights. The coal had come from either the Taylorville or the Pana mine in Southern Illinois, both of which, according to the Illinois State Geological Survey, contain coal that is 260 to 320 million years old78 Again, this was before the dinosaurs even existed. One discovery that has perplexed many OOPArt enthusiasts is the nickel-steel alloy spheroids excavated from the Wonderstone Silver Mine in South Africa. About two hundred that appear to have been manufactured were recovered. There could be a rational scientific explanation for this. It has been suggested the spheres originated as concretions that formed in volcanic ash and sediment.79 There are, however, details that tend to question that idea. The spheres range from one to four inches in diameter and have a thin, hard shell that cannot be scratched with a steel point, and they contain a spongy material that disintegrates when exposed to air. What has scientists mystified is that such concretions do not have parallel grooves encircling them. The most problematic sphere has three such grooves encircling it. One of these spheres is locked in a display case at the Klerksdorp Museum in South Africa and is said to rotate on its own with no outside influence. The spheres were mined out of a layer of pyrophyllite rock, and radioisotope dating had shown them to be 2.8 billion years old.80 The earth was still coming out of its birthing pangs 2.8 billion years ago, and from what we know about its geological history, no one could have breathed the atmosphere as it was back then, let alone survived in the chaotic environment that prevailed. Because of the parallel grooves on the spheres, some scientists are willing to consider the possibility that someone created them—But who? And what purpose did they serve? Being that long ago, if someone did create them, one would have to conclude that someone was of extraterrestrial origin.

One of the more credible artifacts is a device that was recovered in 1900 from a ship that sank off the Greek Island of Antikythera sometime between 65 BC and AD 65. In 1971, Derek Price of Yale University obtained permission from the Greek government to x-ray it, and what he discovered was amazing to say the least. The X-rays revealed it was a mechanical device comprising over twenty gear wheels mounted on wood. It had broken apart in several pieces, but Price was able to reconstruct a working model to the exact specifications of the original. He was amazed to discover that what he had was an analog computer, a device used to track the movement of the sun, moon, and stars. However, it was built over one thousand years before such precision clockwork had been invented.81 Although it was constructed in a more modern era familiar to us, there is nothing on record that would lead us to believe the technology used to create the device existed at the time. Since the precision clockwork involved supposedly did not become known for another thousand years, perhaps it was the creation of an obscure genius whose ideas were way ahead of his time, such as Archimedes, da Vinci, and Copernicus were in their time. These items appear credible by virtue of the fact that they exist. But how do we explain them? Who was walking around 600 million years ago and stepped on a trilobite? Who, around 213 million years ago, was wearing the equivalent of shoes? Who lost a gold chain 260 million years ago, which became embedded in a layer of coal? Since these items defy rational explanation, it would seem to suggest that humans have been around a lot longer than scientists are willing to believe. One of the more dubious items that gained notoriety over the years is an artifact that rock collectors discovered in the Coso Mountains in California. A spark plug–like device, it is embedded in a rock that is allegedly five hundred thousand years old. What is not commonly known is that photos and X-rays of the artifact were examined by Chad Windham, president of the Spark Plug Collectors of America,

who attests to the fact that it is a Champion sparkplug from the 1920s.82 What remains in dispute is the rock in which it was encased. Allegedly, its crust is embedded with five-hundred-thousand-year-old fossils, suggesting that that was when it was created. But this is still a gray area since over the last forty years, the artifact and its owners have moved on. If the rock is five hundred thousand years old, how could a sparkplug from the 1920s have become embedded inside unless by some fluke condition of nature with which we are unfamiliar? However, given California’s violent seismic history, crustal displacements during earthquake activity may have somehow made it possible. However, fossilized shoe prints and artifacts that are hundreds of millions of years old are something else. Many date back to an era when humans, supposedly, did not yet exist in any way, shape, or form. As smart as we think we are today with our smartphones and GPS systems, we are still ignorant of the past because mainstream science is glued to a status quo belief system from which scientists fear to deviate. Just as in the times of Galileo and, more recently, Virginia Steen-McIntyre, they are ostracized by their peers when they do so. What we do know is that there were evolutionary stages of prehistoric humans that led up to the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. We can only postulate from the evidence that some form of intelligent human, whether from our planet or elsewhere, may have walked upon the earth with prehistoric humans—and maybe even the dinosaurs—eons ago. However, to suggest that hundreds of artifacts and fossils are a fluke of nature is only an assumption and the only way the mainstream can avoid the issue. Heaven forbid their current beliefs should ever prove to be wrong. Logically, there would seem to be only three possibilities: time travelers from the future, extraterrestrials, or intelligent humans. Time travel is pushing the envelope, because at our present stage of scientific development, it seems impossible. Faster-than-light travel

is a concept we will accept more readily; even extraterrestrial visitors would seem a more likely possibility. What if a spaceship crashed on Earth eons ago and the survivors had the technology that allowed them to survive? They could have been around for millennia and produced a sizable population that existed along with prehistoric humans. What happened in the interim would be anyone’s guess. Perhaps they did not survive the cataclysmic disasters that occurred over the eons, or if they did, maybe they had to start over from scratch under very primitive conditions. They could even be our ancestors. Let’s face it; anything is possible when it comes to the unknown. So until someone can prove otherwise, the logical assumption is that regardless of how it came about, some form of intelligent human was around much earlier than is currently believed. Texts Apart from archaeological discoveries and artifacts, there are many ancient writings alluding to aerial craft in the skies. But here again, we find some of the information to be credible, while in other cases, some of those researching this material did not do their homework. One incident balancing on the fence between reality and fiction is said to have occurred in ancient Egypt when the pharaoh Tutmoses III purportedly had his scribe document in writing the appearance of strange glowing craft in the desert skies: “In the year twenty-two of the third month of winter, a circle of fire appeared in the sky. After some days, it became more numerous and shone with the brightness of the sun, extending to the very limits of the heavens.” —Records of Tutmoses III, 1480 BC.83 This story has been presented in many documentaries, but some skeptics claim the text doesn’t even exist. And you will find that various websites propose ideas both pro and con as to its validity. However, I have found several references naming the Tulli Papyrus as the source.

In the fourth century BC, Alexander the Great supposedly had two separate encounters with UFOs. However, I find the accounts questionable. The first allegedly occurred in 339 BC, when he and his army encountered “gleaming silver shields” in the sky, spitting fire around the rims. They allegedly swooped down repeatedly, frightening the horses and war elephants, and causing his troops to scatter. The second encounter supposedly occurred in 332 BC, when he was attacking the city of Tyre in the eastern Mediterranean region. One of the UFOs fired a beam of light down on the city’s walls, and they crumbled into dust, thereby providing Alexander and his army with easy access and victory.84 This was allegedly recorded by observers on both sides of the conflict. These accounts have appeared in several documentaries, and although it has been assumed that Alexander’s own historian chronicled them, I have not been able to find any documentation to verify it. Therefore, as interesting as these stories may be, there is much to be desired regarding their authenticity. The most vivid accounts are those from ancient India that describe an incredible flying craft called a Vimana. It is mentioned in numerous Hindu texts, including the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata. The Ramayana provides a very good description of the Vimana and its source of propulsion. It was a circular craft with multiple levels within. It had portholes, a rounded or dome-like top, was able to fly at great speed through the skies, and could even hover motionless. It made a loud noise, produced smoke and flames, and had weapons powerful enough to destroy the earth instantly.85 In September of 2000, an item appeared in newspapers around the country—an excerpt from a story that allegedly appeared in a January 1992 publication of the World Island Review. The article stated that the Indian government had cordoned off an area in Rajasthan, about ten miles west of Jodhpur. It said that Scientists had unearthed the remains of a city that had been destroyed about eight to twelve thousand years ago by what they can compare only

to a nuclear blast. It destroyed most of the buildings, and they estimate it killed about a half million people.86 I searched all over the internet and could find no reference to any publication called the World Island Review. However, I did find references that the article originally appeared in Pravda and pertained to excavations at Mohenjo-Daro, located on the Indus River in Pakistan, which is just over the border from the Rajasthan region in India. Apparently there is evidence of vitrification in that area; sand has been turned into glass, and the stones in some buildings have fused together, suggesting something occurred that produced heat equivalent to that of a nuclear detonation. It also claims that skeletons were found facedown lying in the streets, some holding hands, suggesting that whatever happened was swift and unexpected. Many internet articles have disputed the story with compelling arguments. Their skepticism is based on the belief that it was impossible for anyone ten or twelve thousand years ago to have produced nuclear weapons; however, an asteroid exploding in the atmosphere could easily mirror an atomic blast. Yet the written accounts of many ancient civilizations seem detailed enough to suggest that someone in our distant past possessed a level of technology that, from a modern perspective, we find incomprehensible. A good example is an account of what sounds like nuclear warfare described in the Mahabharata: Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishnis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the powers of the universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas.

Dense arrows of flame, like a great shower, issued forth upon creation, encompassing the enemy … A thick gloom swiftly settled upon the Pandava hosts. All points of the compass were lost in darkness. Fierce winds began to blow. Clouds roared upward, showering dust and gravel. Birds coaked madly … the very elements seemed disturbed. The sun seemed to waver in the heavens. The earth shook, scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon. Elephants burst into flame and ran to and fro in a frenzy … over a vast area, other animals crumpled to the ground and died. From all points of the compass the arrows of flame rained continuously and fiercely. It even describes what appear to be the effects of nuclear radiation: The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected. To escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.87 The Mahabharata is describing a war that allegedly occurred thousands of years ago between two different races of gods. No one knows whether it is an ancient form of science fiction or details of an actual event, yet it describes flying machines, missile-like weapons, nuclear destruction, and the aftereffects of radiation. How could ancient writers describe such technology and its effects so accurately unless they actually witnessed them? And if the story is true, could it explain what happened in Mohenjo-Daro? This is only a brief summary of the written accounts, and there is a lot more information to cover. Artwork

Ancient hunter-gatherers around the world proved their intelligence and skills in the art they created on rocks and on the walls of caves where they dwelled. However, one of the more fascinating aspects of their artwork is images resembling astronauts in spacesuits and saucer-like craft in their skies. In the mountains of southern France near the Spanish border is a fifteen-thousand-year-old cave drawing depicting what appears to be a formation of disc-shaped objects hovering over a field of animals, presumably a hunting ground.88 We might easily dismiss it as the whim of some ancient cave dweller that had nothing else to do on a rainy day, yet similar drawings all around the world suggest a common impetus behind these creations—that extraterrestrials may have been here for as long as humans have been around to record their presence. Another rather interesting glyph in Val Camonica, Italy, is a tenthousand-year-old petroglyph of what looks like two astronauts in spacesuits, and they appear to be holding strange devices in their hands.89 There are others drawn by Indians in Utah, circa 52 BC.90 Some have even been found in Peru, and in the northern Sahara Desert, and many Aborigine cave paintings of figures that resemble common depictions of little gray aliens exist in Kimberly, Australia.91 One rather interesting find in the southwestern United States is petroglyphs of sine wave patterns denoting electromagnetic circuitry.92 How would ancient Indians have known of these particular patterns? Sine wave patterns are only produced on an oscilloscope! According to one tale of Indian folklore, two objects collided in the sky and one crash-landed somewhere near Mustard Canyon, in the Death Valley region. Allegedly the local Indians saw men come down (presumably in another ship) and watched as they repaired the damaged craft. If this is true, it suggests the men were using something akin to an oscilloscope.93 How else would ancient Indians have knowledge of these particular shapes unless they saw them being produced on some kind of machine? Also depicted are two glyphs of round bowl-shaped objects with dome-like tops, one of which seems to have sustained structural

damage.94 Could they represent both the vehicle that crashed and the one used by the men who came to repair it? Considering these images are thousands of years old, it makes one wonder. Another item that many are familiar with is the New Kingdom Temple in Abydos, Egypt, with images resembling modern aircraft carved into one of its ceiling beams; one even resembles a helicopter.95 According to some sources, it was discovered after pieces of another panel covering it with later artwork had broken off and fallen away. Archaeologists familiar with the site claim it is the result of the recarving of new images over the old on the same panel. I initially accepted the archaeologist’s explanation as credible, but later information has now raised some doubt. Nevertheless, until either explanation is verified, I will keep an open mind. There are, however, other pieces of ancient art that cannot be explained so easily. During the Renaissance, aerial objects appeared in the paintings of many artists. There are two such paintings from the thirteenth century of medieval knights, each one depicting an object in the sky with what looks like ports, and they appear to be enveloped in an aura of light.96 One seems to be emitting exhaust flames and appears to be similar to a UFO that was photographed over Vancouver City Hall in 1937.97 There is a sixteenth-century woodcut depicting a sighting made on April 14, 1561, in the sky over Nuremberg.98 It shows what looks like a giant spear and several cigar-shaped craft discharging globe-like objects. One person in Nuremburg recorded that these cylinders dispersed smaller circular objects, noting that they seemed to engage each other in battle. A person in Basel, Switzerland, painted his impression of a similar sighting that occurred in 1566, in which the sky was filled with black and white globular objects.99 It is impossible to list all the cave and rock paintings or all the medieval artwork because examples are so numerous. However, I would like to focus on a few that are of a religious nature.

In one of the oldest churches in what used to be Soviet Georgia, there hangs an icon depicting the Christ’s crucifixion with two strange objects in the background sky.100 Above the altar in the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo hangs a fresco that was painted in 1350. It shows the crucifixion with two flying craft in the background sky. Inside each one is a man that appears to be operating controls.101 The Madonna and Saint Giovannino is a fifteenth-century Italian Renaissance painting in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy. It depicts the Blessed Virgin with two infants: Christ and John the Baptist. In the background is a man with his dog looking up at an object that seems to be hovering in the sky.102 In the French Basilica Notre-Dame in Beaune, Burgundy, are two fourteenth-century tapestries depicting scenes from the life of the Blessed Virgin. Hovering in the background sky in each one is a distinct hat-shaped object similar to many UFOs photographed in the twentieth century.103 A wood painting near the castle Conti Dotremond in Belgium depicts a kneeling Moses holding up the tablets of the Ten Commandments. In the sky are several objects emitting exhaust trails, or they could be antennae protruding from the top, and it appears that Moses has antennae protruding from his head.104 This makes one wonder if the artist is suggesting he was wearing some kind of communication device. Hanging in the Santa Maggiore Church in Florence, Italy, is a fifteenth-century painting by Masolino Da Panicale called The Miracle of the Snow. Jesus and Mary are pictured in the sky above, on what appears to be a lenticular cloud. Many more lenticular clouds are scattered across the sky, resembling a whole fleet of UFOs.105 An image called The Assumption of the Virgin, painted by an unknown artist in 1490, no longer available on the internet, shows Mary surrounded by angels and cherubim. No fewer than fifteen UFOs appear to be scattered across the sky.

One thought-provoking image hangs in the National Gallery in London. It was painted in 1486 by Carlo Crivelli and titled The Annunciation, with Saint Emidius. Hovering in the sky is a distinct disc-shaped cloud emitting a laser-like beam down through the wall of a building onto the top of Mary’s head. A close-up view shows a dove in the beam, representing the Holy Spirit, and a close-up of the cloud/craft shows the faces of cherubim encircling the underside.106 Is it meant to denote the craft that angels travel in? One painting on display in the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge is The Baptism of Christ. It was painted in 1710 by Aert De Gelder and depicts a solid-looking disc-shaped object hovering in the sky and emitting four beams of light down on John the Baptist and Christ.107 Why would an eighteenth-century artist depict Christ’s baptism this way? Why is the sky in so many religious paintings dating back to the fourteenth century littered with disc-shaped objects? Did these artists know something that we don’t? One of the strangest paintings hangs in the church of San Lorenzo in San Pietro, Italy. It was painted in 1600 by Bonaventura Salimbeni and is titled Glorification of the Eucharist. It shows members of the clergy around an altar displaying the Eucharist, and the area above the altar depicts the Holy Trinity: the Father on the right, the Son on the left, and a dove (the Holy Spirit) in the center. Below the dove and between the Father and Son is a large metallic-looking sphere with antennae that are either protruding from the top or being inserted by the Father and Son. On the sphere’s upper section is a spot that seems to be a reflection of a bright light, and on the lower half is what appears to be a protuberance resembling a camera lens. The sphere bears an uncanny resemblance to the Sputnik satellite launched by the Soviet Union in October 1957.108 And the list goes on. These petroglyphs, artifacts, texts, and artworks are so numerous it is difficult to ignore, and they come from all over the world. They suggest technology: aerospace technology —something that no known civilization on Earth possessed at the time. Scientists claim the images do not necessarily represent alien spacecraft, and they could be right. However, they make that claim

based on the assumption that any extraterrestrial race is restricted by the same technological limitations we currently face regarding interstellar travel. The idea that aliens could visit Earth is a monkey wrench in their established beliefs, so they sweep it under the carpet. Since this artwork seems to depict a technology that supposedly did not exist, how can one not consider the possibility that it might be extraterrestrial by virtue of the fact that there were no known civilizations on Earth at the time that could have possessed it? Although these artifacts, texts, and artworks may appear as evidence of ancient alien astronauts, a balanced argument lies in the proper interpretation of these items. For example, is the figure that looks like an astronaut in a space suit really depicting an astronaut, or is it simply the leader of some ancient clan dressed in his ceremonial tribal costume? Categorically, the evidence is circumstantial. However, to be completely objective, I must acknowledge opposing viewpoints that are worthy of consideration. Therefore, I wish to bring your attention to a website that provides a logical explanation of the UFOs depicted in medieval religious art.109 The content is presented entirely in Italian, with some parts available in French and Portuguese, but only parts 1, 2, and 5 are currently available in English. It compares these paintings to literally dozens of others depicting similar scenes painted by other artists. It explains that those items that have been perceived as aerial craft are either clouds or a variation of symbols pertaining to angelic beings. It explains that such symbolism was common at the time, intended to accent the spiritual nature of the scene. Therefore, many such works represent angels in various forms: clouds, winged angels, angels within clouds, etc. And many of the clouds may simply be clouds. It presents a strong case that those unfamiliar with the style of art common at the time are exploiting works depicting UFO shapes without having done the proper amount of research. In The Glorification of the Eucharist, the metallic sphere is supposed to represent the earth. The bright spot that appears to be a reflection of light is the sun’s reflection, and what looks like a

camera lens is the moon. Upon close examination of the painting, you will see two equatorial lines that circle the sphere that are supposed to represent the moon’s orbit around the earth, but if what resembles a camera lens is the moon, it is in the southern hemisphere, way out of place for an equatorial orbit. Nevertheless, what look like antennae are actually wands held by the Father and the Son. This certainly seems to be the case, as many other trinity paintings depict the Father and the Son holding the wands away from the sphere. Therefore, these explanations present a compelling argument that the images in medieval religious art have nothing to do with extraterrestrials or spacecraft. Being a pragmatist, I question the authenticity of supernatural beings, such as angels—especially angels with wings floating about or hovering in the sky. Actually, wings did not appear on angels until around the sixth century BC. This was when the Hebrews were exiled in Babylonia, where they were exposed to and probably absorbed much of the Babylonian culture. Since the Babylonians depicted their gods with wings, a reasonable assumption is that the concept of winged angels was derived from them.110 I also wonder why, in one painting, Moses appears to have antennae sticking out of his head. The interpretations presented on the site mentioned above are based on a belief in a supernatural god and angels that travel about in clouds, thereby assuming that the artists were expressing this idea in their work; such reasoning comfortably fits the mysticism associated with many religious beliefs—and it could be accurate. However, it does not account for similar objects that appear in nonreligious artwork; nor does it account for ancient petroglyphs, cave paintings, or the aerial phenomena described in many ancient texts. Nevertheless, there are two sides to every story, and it is up to each individual to examine the evidence on both sides and decide for himself or herself which one carries the most weight. ♦♦♦♦♦

Many people tend to associate UFOs with sightings reported by the media or what they may have read in the tabloids. They are unaware of just how many different phenomena have been attached to the subject—phenomena that may be of no relevance at all. Knowledge of these alternative issues is important when forming intelligent opinions about what is really going on.


T he UFO mystery is complicated enough without associating it with every other strange phenomenon on the planet. In my research, I have found bigfoot, animal mutilations, the Bermuda Triangle, crop circles, the Fatima miracle, and even demons frequently associated with UFOs. Although a couple of these issues could be relevant, much of the information is vague, speculative, and unreliable; however, it is important to separate the wheat from the chaff. Beginning with bigfoot, I will explain the facts relating to these items and let you decide for yourself. Bigfoot Bigfoot is known by many names throughout the world; they are too numerous for me to mention them all. Of the most familiar are “Sasquatch,” as Indians in the northwestern United States call it; “Skunk Ape,” as it is called in the southeastern United States; and “Yeti” or “the Abominable Snowman,” as it is called in the Himalayas. An extrapolation of all the data suggests the average height of the creature is eight to nine feet. It is covered with hair and has arms stretching almost to its knees; it walks upright like a human, slightly bent forward like a primate, and is said to exude a most unpleasant odor. It seems oblivious to approaching vehicles and does not realize the danger of walking out in front of them. A few motorists have said they had to slam on the brakes when a bigfoot walked out of the woods in front of their cars. So except for the occasional sighting, the creature seems quite adept at avoiding detection.

Roger Patterson recorded what is probably the most famous bigfoot film on October 20, 1967. He and his friend Bob Gimlin had set out on a personal quest to film the creature, but after spending many days in the wilderness with no luck, they used most of the film to shoot scenery. However, that changed at Bluff Creek in the Trinity National Forest, about 160 miles north of San Francisco. Only when their horses suddenly reared did they see a creature on the opposite side of the creek. Patterson had fallen off his horse, but he jumped up, pulled his camera out of the saddlebag, and started filming. Not knowing whether the creature might attack, Gimlin stood ready with his rifle. The footage shows the creature walking away and turning to look back at them. A few seconds later, the camera ran out of film; Patterson had used it all on scenery.111 Of all the footage taken over the years of bigfoot creatures, many are obvious hoaxes; however, most defy critical analysis because the creature can barely be distinguished behind heavy foliage or trees, or it is too far away and the image indiscernible. The Patterson film is the only one showing the creature out in the open in broad daylight and visible from head to toe. What are the odds that two men who set out to film the creature five decades ago would end up producing the best footage ever taken? No one has yet come up with anything even close to being that good, so skeptics assume it is a hoax, with the creature being someone wearing a gorilla suit. Calling it a hoax just because Patterson and Gimlin appear to have beaten extraordinary odds is, at best, a weak assumption. I see no one disputing the integrity of a lottery winner who beat extraordinary odds by picking the winning numbers. Personally, I am inclined to believe the film is authentic, but even if it is a hoax, there have been far too many sightings made by credible people to conclude the creature does not exist. Plaster casts have been made of many footprints alleged to be those of a bigfoot. After weeding out the fakes and those of large animals, such as bears, only a few are believed to be authentic. Of these, many exhibit similar characteristics. One even shows the

dermal structure of the creature’s toe—something practically impossible to fake.112 It would be like recreating someone’s fingerprints, which is highly unlikely. Analysis of hair samples collected from bushes and trees with which these creatures are known to have made contact has revealed they are indicative of a primate; however, they are is of a species that is currently unknown.113 One possibility proposed by the late anthropologist Dr. Grover Krantz is that the bigfoot could be a descendant of the Gigantopithecus, a genus that, depending on who you reference, went extinct between fifty thousand and three hundred thousand years ago.114 A Gigantopithecus skeleton was discovered in a Chinese cave in 1989. When alive, the creature stood about eight feet tall and weighed about twelve hundred pounds, and its bone structure closely resembles the many descriptions of a bigfoot. If the bigfoot is a descendant of Gigantopithecus, how could it have gone unnoticed for so long? Well, the facts show it is not impossible. The African mountain gorilla was discovered only in 1864, and the first one was not captured until 1901. It was not until the early part of the twentieth century that a giant panda was first captured in China. In 1938, fishermen in South Africa netted a coelacanth, a fish thought to have been extinct for fifty thousand years. A species of shark called the megamouth was unknown until 1976, when the twenty-foot carcass of one got caught up in the net of a navy ship searching for lost “dummy” torpedoes off the coast of Hawaii. Then there is the saola, a spindle-horned mammal discovered in 1994 in the jungles of Vietnam that was thought to have been extinct. Considering most of these discoveries were made in the twentieth century, we have to wonder how many other species thought to be extinct may still be walking around. If a bigfoot is ever captured, might we discover that the Gigantopithecus is not extinct after all? But the question we are dealing with is whether the bigfoot is part of the UFO mystery. There have been stories in which witnesses saw a bigfoot descend to the ground in a beam of light from a UFO,

and one person said it disappeared in a flash of light when he fired his rifle at it. Unfortunately, there is no way to substantiate these accounts even if they are true. Yes, UFOs and bigfoot are occasionally sighted in the same area, but such incidents are rare and may only be coincidental. I am not denying the possibility of a connection, but an honest evaluation can be based only on the known facts, not on accounts that may or may not be true. Animal Mutilations Another mystery usually associated with UFOs is animal mutilations. The first documented case of this occurred in September of 1967 and involved a horse. Since then, cattle mutilations have grown to alarming proportions throughout the west and southwest. And lights frequently reported at night over areas where mutilations occur have added fuel to the belief that UFOs are responsible. One commonality of the mutilation mystery is the frequent appearance of unmarked black helicopters over the sites.115 One does not need a PhD from Harvard to know that FAA regulation 14 CFR part 45 requires that all private, corporate, and commercial aircraft must display identification numbers; however, military and government aircraft are exempt from this law. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the government has consistently ignored the pleas of local officials to assist in investigating the problem. They shrug it off and blame it on predatory animals, even though there seems to be an alarming amount of evidence suggesting otherwise. Eyes are sometimes removed. Often the tongue, the lips, and one ear are missing, and there is a perfectly round incision where the rectum, genitalia, or udders have been removed. These areas do not appear to have been ripped apart by the teeth of a predator; they appear to have been surgically removed and the wounds cauterized, suggesting the application of high-intensity heat, possibly by some form of portable laser device, the likes of which no hospital or military installation supposedly has.116 There is rarely a trace of blood found around the wounds as one might expect from a predator’s attack. In fact, autopsies performed

on the animals reveal they are usually drained of blood.117 And no evidence of a human presence—such as tire tracks, discarded trash, footprints, or cigarette butts—has ever been found around the carcasses. Skeptics claim the mutilations are caused by a combination of things: predatory animals, birds, insects, and normal decomposition. One sheriff in the southwest attempted to prove this was the case by using a dead cow donated by a local rancher. He laid it in an open field for a few days and set up a video camera to record what happened, and he also had deputies standing watch around the clock. The video revealed that vultures, insects, and other animals picked at the carcass, but the results hardly resemble what most mutilations look like. And it does not explain cases in which ranchers said the animal was alive less than twenty-four hours before they found it mutilated. In most cases, it is obvious the animals did not meet their fate at the location where they were found; broken legs and ribs suggest they were dropped from above.118 In one case, a cow was apparently dropped from a great height, because not only were its ribs and legs broken, but one horn had been driven right into its skull.119 This certainly suggests there is more involved than predatory creatures and decomposition. Because surgical precision seems evident in many cases, it suggests the mutilations may occur in a laboratory facility equipped with high-tech surgical tools. If someone is using cows to conduct medical experiments (or whatever it is that is being done), why go to the trouble of returning the carcass for the rancher to see what has been done to it? Why not dispose of it elsewhere? One possible explanation for this is that if too many cows disappeared, it might suggest cattle rustling. Some ranchers have lost up to fifteen cows within a few weeks. And if it were suspected that the animals had been transported across state lines, jurisdiction of the investigation could conceivably shift to the federal level. If some secret government agency is involved, it would not be prudent

to have federal investigators nosing around, possibly turning up clues as to who they are. Therefore, by returning the carcasses, those involved leave no proof that the animals were ever removed from the property. Of course, this is only speculation. Initially it was suspected that satanic cults were involved—that they were using animal parts for ritualistic purposes. However, the lack of evidence of human presence at mutilation sites seems to negate that idea. Moreover, how many cults have the finances to afford helicopters or powerful surgical lasers the likes of which supposedly do not exist? Some researchers argue against military involvement simply because a military could raise its own cattle and experiment to its heart’s content within the confines of its own facilities. Others suspect pharmaceutical companies are responsible because they are in a race to develop an artificial substitute for human blood. Some companies are experimenting with the hemoglobin in cattle blood for this purpose, and we can only wonder at the profits to be reaped by whoever is first to develop this technology.120 But again the same logic applies, in that these companies could raise their own cattle and experiment all they wanted in their own laboratory facilities, so why would they need to take them from ranchers? Perhaps the grazing lands in some regions produce results that are more favorable for whatever it is that they are doing. That might explain why most mutilations have occurred in New Mexico and Colorado. However, mutilations have now expanded across the United States and even into Europe and South America. Puerto Rico has also experienced a rash of animal attacks allegedly carried out by a creature called the chupacabra. “Chupacabra” is Spanish for “goat sucker,” but it reportedly has killed other animals, including chickens, rabbits, dogs, cats, and horses. In each case, there is no evidence of surgical procedures or cauterization, and there is no mention of unmarked black helicopters. The only parallel to cattle mutilations is that the chupacabra’s victims are also drained of blood. Except for exsanguination, no other similarities are apparent.

People who have allegedly seen the creature claim it has glowing red eyes and spines on its back, and some say it even has wings and can fly. It completely sucks the blood out of its prey and leaves wound marks unlike that of any known predator. One animal autopsied by Dr. Carlos Soto, a veterinarian in Canovanas, Puerto Rico, revealed a puncture wound one half inch in diameter; entire organs had somehow been sucked out through this tiny hole. He also found four other holes in a section of muscle in which there were no punctures in the skin to account for them.121 Although many people claim to have witnessed the chupacabra killing animals, cattle mutilations have never been observed in progress—the mutilated carcass is the only evidence that something bizarre has occurred. There are rumors that the chupacabra is a genetic or hybrid experiment that escaped from a secret US military installation on the island during Hurricane Hugo in 1989; however, there has never been any evidence to substantiate this. So what is going on? Is the US government involved? We don’t know about the chupacabra for certain, and it seems doubtful it is connected to the cattle mutilations. Let’s look at the facts: •

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There are a few people who claim to have seen a cow being abducted by a UFO, yet they have not been able to provide any proof. Even if they are telling the truth, without some piece of supportive evidence, one cannot conclude it to be fact. No one has ever witnessed an extraterrestrial mutilating a cow. There is evidence suggesting highly sophisticated surgical laser technology. Unmarked helicopters have been seen, photographed, and videotaped over areas where mutilations have occurred. The preponderance of evidence leans heavily toward human involvement; unmarked helicopters strongly suggest military or government activity.

One theory originally proposed is that the government is conducting secret research on radioactive fallout from the atomic testing of the forties and fifties.122 Since at that time the majority of mutilations occurred in areas adjacent to or downwind from the test sites, they could have been be studying the long-term effects of the fallout on cattle native to these areas. It would be most apparent in soft tissue, such as in the mouth, tongue, genitalia, and rectum—the parts most frequently removed. But why would it require such covert tactics unless the technologies being applied are highly classified or there are adverse health implications they are hiding from the public? In any event, looking for a UFO connection in these cases seems like a waste of time and a distraction. If people are encouraged to believe helicopter lights are UFOs, it shifts the focus of attention away from who is responsible. The real mystery revolves around what they are doing, why they are doing it, and the technical applications involved in how they are doing it. The technology seems to be beyond anything we currently possess, and if it does belong to the government, they have managed to keep it secret, as they did with stealth technology. It is possible that the black helicopters are using a new form of stealth? A few people who have encountered them claim they were unaware of their presence until they felt the downdraft from their rotors and looked up.123 Therefore, until someone manages to videotape a cow being taken aboard a UFO, there is no proof of a UFO connection; all the evidence points to the government or the military. The Bermuda Triangle Another mystery frequently associated with UFOS is the Bermuda Triangle, a.k.a. the Devil’s Triangle. This is the area between the coast of southern Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, in which many ships and planes have disappeared without a trace. The most famous case occurred on December 5, 1945, when five US Navy Avengers, known as flight 19 took off from Fort Lauderdale

Naval Air Station on a routine training flight. They were to fly east to the Bahamas for a practice bomb run and then fly north for about two hundred miles before heading back to Fort Lauderdale. But along the way, something happened, making them the most famous statistic of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. The records do show that the flight leader, Lieutenant Charles Taylor, radioed that he was lost. Attempting to get back to Fort Lauderdale, Taylor and his crew made course changes against the advice of Melvin Baker, the radio operator in Port Everglades, who said he was certain he knew their approximate position. As an enlisted man, all he could do was advise Taylor to maintain a westerly heading.124 For some reason, Taylor thought he was over either the Florida Keys or in the Gulf of Mexico. Baker said that if that were true, his radio signal would have been very weak, whereas he received the signal loud and clear. At one point Taylor said he could see islands and thought it was the keys, but in all likelihood, it was the Bahamas—in one area, they do tend to resemble the keys. However, if he believed the islands were the keys, he would have also believed the open water to the west was the Gulf of Mexico, so he and the other planes likely would have reversed course and headed east, farther out into the Atlantic. This seems to be the consensus of many researchers. Baker said his radio signal gradually became weaker and was eventually covered up by a Cuban radio station. After contact was lost, a massive search-and-rescue operation was conducted, but no trace was ever found of the planes or their crews. Then the mystery was compounded when, at about ten before six that night, a Martin Mariner en route to the squadron’s last reported location suddenly disappeared from radar, never to be seen again. Something rarely mentioned in accounts of flight 19’s disappearance is the gulf stream. It is a strong northward flow of water located not far off the Florida coast. If the planes went down in the gulf stream, it is conceivable that any floating wreckage would have been carried far north, possibly beyond the range of the search

area. However, this is a fact that probably would have been taken into account by the search teams. Many wild theories have been proposed as to what is occurring in the triangle: an energy field being activated by a power crystal from sunken Atlantis; abduction by UFOs; and the opening of a window into a space-time warp that deposits ships and planes in another time or dimension. As interesting as these theories may be, the Bermuda Triangle is not the only place where ships and planes have vanished; similar disappearances have occurred over every large body of water on the planet, including the Great Lakes. And the number of disappearances that occur in the triangle are not out of proportion with those in the rest of the world. Weather is a prime factor in many cases. People who live along the Florida coast are well aware of how the weather can change radically in a matter of minutes. Many disappearances occur during severe storms that suddenly materialize, and there is nothing strange about this. Another contributing factor is seismic activity on the ocean floor, which can generate large waves. Ships in the area of such activity can be overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of a rogue wave fifty to one hundred feet high, large enough to capsize and sink many large vessels. However, the Bermuda Triangle seems to foster other unexplained anomalies. There is the appearance of weird clouds and green mists, the spinning of compasses, and often the malfunctioning of electronic equipment—the latter being frequently associated with UFO encounters. However, when these incidents occur out over the Atlantic, it is rare that a UFO is reported. One example is an incident that occurred in 1986, when a man and his wife, flying a PBY from Bermuda to Florida, flew into what they described as an eggnog–like substance. Suddenly $2 million worth of sophisticated electronic equipment ceased functioning.125 Dr. Richard McIver, a scientist working with a major oil company, believes there is an explanation for part of the mystery. He has

explained that vast pockets of methane gas have been discovered beneath the floor of the Atlantic, produced by decomposing plants and sea life in the ocean bed. Usually it seeps out through small fissures and, due to the extreme pressure of the water’s depth, crystallizes into hydrates. However, seismic activity occasionally causes underwater landslides that open very huge fissures, allowing for the release of a vast amount of gas bubbles that rise to the surface. When this happens, the bubbles cause the water to lose buoyancy, and a ship that happens to be in the middle of this pocket can sink very quickly. Oil rigs in the Caspian Sea have been lost after penetrating large methane pockets; one such incident was even filmed in the North Sea.126 McIver went to Texas A&M University, where he conducted a controlled experiment. He had gas lines laid across the bottom of a large water-filled pool that he used to simulate a gas eruption from the seabed, and he used a perfectly ballasted scale model of a tanker for the test. When the gas bubbles rose to the surface, the model submerged, and water seepage contributed to its rapid descent to the bottom. Then he repeated the test using a model that was completely airtight. When the gas bubbles were released, this model also sank below the surface. Had it not been airtight, it, too, would have gone to the bottom from water seepage.127 According to oceanographic studies, the floor of the Bermuda Triangle contains one of the richest hydrocarbon gas deposits in the world.128 Sonar maps have also revealed that landslides of the magnitude necessary to create large fissures occur frequently, and many have occurred over large pockets of methane. So this may be a clue to the fates of many ships that have disappeared in relatively calm seas. But what about aircraft? How could a gas eruption on the ocean floor cause an airplane to disappear? McIver explained that when these blowouts occur, the gas rises quickly to the surface and, in doing so, agitates the water, generating negative ions. In turn, these ions produce an electrical current surrounded by an electromagnetic field, and upon reaching the

surface, a gas cloud is released into the atmosphere. Methane clouds are lighter than air, so they can rise to very high altitudes and may be highly volatile, susceptible to combustion by the hot exhaust of an aircraft flying into them. If an explosion does not occur, since the gas cloud is much lighter than air, the density of the air within the cloud would be greatly reduced, and as in the case of a ship upon water that loses buoyancy, it may become difficult or even impossible for an aircraft to stay aloft. Conceivably, it could drop into the sea and disappear without a trace.129 The electromagnetic fields surrounding these clouds could also explain why compasses, radios, and other electronic equipment have gone haywire.130 So it is possible that planes and ships that have experienced these phenomena penetrated large methane clouds. This may also explain the strange “milky mist” or “cloud” that so many have reported. In an Australian experiment, an explosion was created deep under an old navy warship, and the large bubble it created lifted the vessel out of the water, causing it to split in two. However, other experiments suggested even more possibilities. One test involved injecting 1 percent methane directly into an operating vintage aircraft piston engine to see if it would combust, but all it did was cause the engine to stall. This might suggest that if methane were sucked into the air intake, it could cause an aircraft’s engine to stall, and the plane could literally fall into the sea. However, it did ignite when the methane was released directly in front of the exhaust pipe. The problem is that no one really knows what percentage of methane a cloud may actually contain; it would probably depend on how big the blowout was on the seabed. Therefore, it is conceivable that a spark from a prop engine or a flame from a jet exhaust might cause an explosion; and the higher the methane content, the bigger the explosion. Another very impressive experiment was conducted in a 737 flight simulator. When the outside air was changed to methane, it showed there was a drastic decrease in air pressure, and what surprised everyone was that the lower air pressure fooled the altimeter into thinking the plane was gaining altitude.131 This was enlightening,

because a pilot looking at the instruments in such a situation might nose the aircraft down into a descent. If this were a real-life situation, it might prove to be a fatal mistake. McIver and the other scientists have produced viable scientific data to study. Their ideas are rational—more so than the extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or Atlantean power crystal theories—and may even shed light on the mystery surrounding flight 19. It is a known fact that the men of flight 19 became disoriented for unknown reasons. If they were exposed to an electromagnetic field surrounding a methane cloud, it is possible it caused their instruments to malfunction. There is, however, no indication in the official records that this was the case: Taylor’s radio transmissions with Melvin Baker are a clear indication that his radio was working. However, the claim that the compasses in all the planes were malfunctioning is questionable. If that were the case, how would they have known which way to turn to head east? Although it is only conjecture, the planes could have flown into a methane cloud that was in the process of forming, which created a milky mist, making it impossible to distinguish the sky from the sea, causing the pilots to become disoriented. Obviously there must have been a break somewhere in the cloud, since Taylor could see islands that he thought were the Florida Keys. As for the disappearance of the Martin Mariner, confidence is high that it exploded. A ship in the vicinity reported seeing a midair explosion about the same time it disappeared from radar. The Mariner was a virtual flying gas tank, loaded with volatile fuel so it could remain airborne during long search missions, and their crews often referred to them as flying bombs.132 Since it was on a course to flight 19’s last known position, perhaps it flew into the same methane cloud that had caused flight 19’s disorientation, or else another cloud that formed from the same, or a later, seabed eruption in the same area. It may have accumulated a high density of methane, and the hot exhaust from the plane’s engines could have ignited it, resulting in an explosion that completely disintegrated the aircraft. It is also possible that the explosion resulted from one of the

crewmembers lighting a cigarette, igniting gas fumes in the plane. However, considering the high volatility of their environment, one would expect the crew to be more disciplined than that. Now let’s examine other strange events that have occurred in the Bermuda Triangle—ones that McIver’s theory cannot explain. According to pilot and author Martin Caiden, a US Air Force Boeing B-50D Superfortress was en route to Bermuda from the Azores when the radar operator suddenly realized the aircraft was not moving. Even though all four engines were operating normally, the plane was literally standing still. He reported this to the pilot, who in turn contacted Bermuda radar. Bermuda radar confirmed that they did show a plane on their radar screen that seemed to be maintaining a stationary position. Although the pilot was able to increase and decrease altitude, it was almost an hour before the plane resumed forward motion. After landing, a check of the fuel tanks revealed the fuel consumption far exceeded the normal amount for the flight. Caiden said the incident still remains on the books with no explanation.133 This mystery cannot be explained—at least for the moment. Perhaps it was the result of some unexplained atmospheric phenomenon creating an abnormally strong headwind. I can see something like this happening to a small single-engine plane, but something the size of a B-50 bomber with four large and powerful engines is something else. I haven’t a clue. In December 1970, Bruce Gernon, along with his father and a business associate, took off from Andros Island headed for Fort Lauderdale International Airport. Shortly after takeoff, he encountered bad weather and an unusual-looking cloud. Soon the cloud enveloped the plane, and the navigational equipment went haywire. He said the cloud began swirling around his plane in the shape of a tunnel. He went to full power, heading for the opening at the end of the tunnel, and finally emerged. Assuming he was ninety miles from Fort Lauderdale, he contacted Miami Flight Control to verify his location. At first they could not find him on their radar, but they then confirmed his plane was over Miami, which Gernon said

was impossible since he thought he was still ninety miles from the Florida coast. Then he recognized the barrier island of Miami Beach below and realized that it was impossible, flying at two hundred miles per hour, to have covered that distance in thirty minutes. Gernon described the cloud as “electronic fog,” and assumed that it transported his plane through a time warp. His experience is a mystery that is still unexplained.134 Lieutenant Commander Frank Flynn, a retired United States Coast Guard officer, described another very strange incident. One night while on patrol in the Bermuda Triangle, he said they were moving along on a calm sea when a solid green line suddenly appeared on the ship’s radarscope. Both he and his assistant agreed that the image resembled land, but they were 165 miles offshore and there were no islands in the vicinity. As they approached the target, Flynn said it looked like a huge gray wall. He shined a carbon arc light upward but could not see the top, although the stars were clearly visible directly overhead. As the coast guard cutter penetrated the gray mass, he said the crew began to experience throat irritation and slight difficulty breathing. Then, when the engine room reported problems with steam pressure, the captain decided they had better get out of there. However, just as he was about to turn around, they broke through the other side. Flynn could offer no explanation for the phenomenon. He said that in all his years at sea, he had never encountered anything like it before or since.135 Another anomaly reported by some pilots is the experience of time distortion, which seems to be associated with a green cloud or mist. One story, if it is true, suggests such a possibility. The exact date is unknown, and it allegedly involved an airliner identified as either flight 727 or a National Airlines 727 passenger flight. The plane was on its landing approach to Miami Airport when the pilot requested a time check. Suddenly the plane disappeared from the radar screen and all radio contact was lost. Fearing the worst, the air traffic controller alerted the crash crew and notified the coast guard. However, ten minutes later, flight 727 suddenly reappeared on radar and proceeded to land safely. Unaware of what had occurred, the

crew and passengers of the airliner were surprised to learn they had landed ten minutes late. The flight had been right on schedule when the pilot requested the time check, yet the plane’s chronometers were now ten minutes slow, as were all wristwatches worn by the flight crew. After completing her cabin duties, which usually took ten or twelve minutes, the flight attendant said she had gone to the cockpit and was surprised by the fact that the plane’s clock showed she had completed her work in about three minutes. The copilot said that right after the time check, a strange green mist surrounded the plane and then disappeared, so they thought nothing of it.136 When technicians at the airport checked for a glitch in the radar equipment, they could find nothing wrong; all systems were functioning normally. So there are a few mysteries surrounding the Bermuda Triangle. Underwater seismic activity, gas eruptions, and methane clouds might explain the disappearance of ships and possibly even aircraft. But the strange gray wall encountered by the coast guard cutter continues to remain a mystery. Since it is the only event of its kind that has ever been reported, there is no data available for comparison. And since the ship and crew did not disappear, it cannot be associated with interdimensional gateways or any of the other farout theories, and it was not a UFO-related event. Someday we may find a very logical explanation. Something that does confound logic is the green mist. Those who have encountered a green cloud or mist have also reported time distortions connected to their experience. The sudden disappearance and reappearance of a commercial airliner on Miami radar, if the story is true, certainly suggests such a possibility. None of these inexplicable events, however, involved an unidentified flying object. There have been sightings at sea in which UFOs have popped up out of the ocean and flown off into the sky, and vice versa. However, as for them being responsible for the disappearance of ships and planes and all the other anomalies, there is no evidence to support it. The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle will continue to fascinate many as long as they remain

unexplained. Those with fertile imaginations clinging to the more bizarre theories are either unaware of or choose to ignore the facts. Crop Circles Using a small plank, a bit of rope, and some string, Dave Chorley and Doug Bower, two English pranksters, demonstrated how easy it is to create crop circles. For a time, some media reports promoted the idea that they were responsible for all crop formations. However, their notoriety soon disintegrated when formations began appearing in other countries. Since then, much has been learned about the complexity of legitimate formations as opposed to those created by hoaxers. Using a board held by ropes, hoaxers flatten the wheat, bending and breaking stalks, virtually destroying them. In legitimate formations, the wheat, although flattened, is not destroyed, remains intact, and continues to grow. What is amazing is how the stalks are intricately interwoven in a fashion impossible for hoaxers accomplish. But what do these patterns represent, if anything? During the summer of 1995, one formation that appeared in Winchester, England, caught my attention, and if it was not a hoax, it seemed to present an ominous message. The pattern resembled our inner solar system, with a circle in the center representing the sun. Around it were five rings denoting the orbital paths of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, and an outer ring that looked like a jumbled mass of debris, which one might assume represented the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter. On each orbital ring was a circle denoting the planets in their proportional sizes to one another. However, there was one ring without a planet: the third one from the sun—Earth’s.137 It is now believed that this formation was probably a hoax, but if—and I emphasize if—it was not, one might interpret it as a message telling us that something is going to happen to the earth. And since the asteroid belt was included in the pattern, might it be a clue as to just what it will be? On August 21, 2001, a rather unconventional formation appeared in a field next to the observatory in Chilbolton, England. Unlike the

geometrically designed formations that appear so frequently, this one was created in a dot matrix pattern and bore a strong resemblance to the binary coded message transmitted into space in 1974 by the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico, but with a few differences. One difference was in the sequence denoting human DNA, indicating we are a carbon-based life form. The DNA code in the Chilbolton pattern allegedly suggested a silicon-based life form. Another difference was in the representation of the solar system; the Chilbolton pattern suggested a completely different planetary system. In the Arecibo transmission was a pattern depicting the human image. The code in the Chilbolton field depicted a short being with a large head, similar to the little gray beings commonly associated with alien abductions.138 There was also a second dot matrix pattern in the field that depicted a face, but it is unclear what connection, if any, it had to the other pattern. Some believe the Chilbolton formation was an alien response to the Arecibo transmission; however, the fact that only twenty-seven years had elapsed from the time it was transmitted makes it unlikely. Radio waves travel at the speed of light, which means it would have taken the message 4.2 years to reach Alpha Centauri, our nearest neighbor 4.2 light-years away. However, the mathematical odds of intelligent life existing that close to us is remote, so it could be hundreds or even thousands of years before the Arecibo signal reaches another star system where someone might receive it. If it was an extraterrestrial reply, it means they were in our backyard in 1974, when the message was sent. As for it being a hoax, it is possible, although I find it hard to believe that someone with the intellectual capacity to understand binary coding and DNA sequencing being inclined to perpetrate such a hoax. In 1996, a 120-foot wide crop formation appeared in England depicting what appear to be opposing images of a circle that may or may not represent the sun and what looks like a crescent moon. A pilot and his passenger discovered it when flying over the field where it appeared, but they do not remember seeing it when they flew over

that same field a half hour earlier.139 This formation paled in comparison to some of the larger, more complex, and more elaborate designs that have appeared over the years and was virtually ignored. However, six years later, that changed. In 2002, Robert Ridge was tracking deer in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, in the same area where a UFO had crashed in 1947. His attention was drawn to a rock sticking out of the ground with an unusual design on it—a design that exactly matched the design of the crop formation that had appeared in England six years earlier. The rock’s color is a uniform dark brown, which is unusual in itself because most rocks normally show a variation in color. It does not bear any resemblance to other rocks in the area, suggesting it is not indigenous to that region, and it also has magnetic properties. The outstanding feature of the rock is that the design is in basrelief.140 Author and journalist Linda Moulton Howe did a composite on her computer by placing the image of the crop formation over the image on the rock, and they matched up perfectly. Investigating the possibility that the Roswell rock is a hoax, David Childress, author and ancient alien researcher, approached a professional sandblaster to see if he could reproduce the design on a rock in the same quality as the original. The sandblaster created several copies on different kinds of rock, and when examined under a microscope, the quality of the reproductions was inferior to the design of the original. The edges in the design on the Roswell rock were carved to almost a razor-sharp perfection that could not be achieved by the sandblaster.141 In all fairness to the sandblaster, it may be that Childress had a plane to catch thus limiting the amount of time for the sandblaster to make his copies. He could have done a more professional job had he been given a sufficient amount of time to work. So what does the design on the rock and in the crop formation signify? Was the rock a remnant of the UFO crash that the army missed when they cleaned up the area in 1947? Or was it purposely placed there later to be found? If so, when was it placed there?

Conceivably, it could have lain in the desert for decades before Robert Ridge discovered it. What seems to be in question is the same design in the crop circle. Does the design represent something of importance that aliens want us to be aware of? Is the fact that the rock was discovered six years later an attempt to bring that design to our attention? Until such a time as we can decipher the design’s meaning, it remains a mystery. A common factor of crop formations is that many people have reported seeing little balls of light maneuvering around at night over fields where these formations have appeared. Such activity might suggest alien involvement, in which case it should arouse someone’s interest. According to what happened in England almost two decades ago, it appears the British military was very interested. In January of 2001, a documentary on the PAX TV network presented an account from England in which the British military demonstrated a serious interest in crop formations. The report provided a detailed interview with Colin Andrews, who at the time was one of England’s prominent crop circle researchers, and who just happened to be one of the witnesses. Andrews had gone to investigate a new formation in a field at Alton Barnes, not far from Stonehenge, and with him were seven other scientists, a few of whom worked for the US government. Suddenly a British military helicopter appeared and began harassing them by making very close passes, as if trying to intimidate them into leaving. At first they had no idea what was going on. They first thought the chopper might have been there to photograph the formation, yet it continued making passes as close as forty feet above their heads. Andrews said the downdraft from the rotors was so strong it was pushing the hedgerow down over their vehicle. Then a second helicopter appeared and joined the first. This made everyone a little nervous, so they climbed into their vehicle and proceeded to drive away, with both helicopters right behind them. They had driven only a short distance when one of the helicopters suddenly moved to the field. A small, flashing sphere of light about eighteen inches in diameter had appeared over the crop formation,

and the chopper seemed to be confronting it. Then the light suddenly blinked out and reappeared behind the helicopter. The second chopper also moved to the field, and its pilot obviously saw this maneuver. Andrews assumed he advised the other pilot, because the first chopper then backed up until the light was in front of it. The men stopped and exited their vehicle, and they continued to watch until the little orb of light disappeared completely. Andrews said the helicopters hovered over the area for a few more minutes and then left.142 The amazing thing is that they videotaped the entire event: the helicopters’ harassing maneuvers, their pursuit of them in their vehicle, and their maneuvers with the little ball of light. Andrews suggested they might have stumbled into a situation in which the helicopters were already engaged in some sort of activity with the light. But when their presence was detected, the pilots attempted to intimidate them into leaving. The way the story was presented, I became suspicious that maybe the helicopters purposely herded the men toward the location so they would see what was going on, since the aerial harassment ceased at that point. I contacted Colin to express my views, and he was kind enough to provide me with the correct details. He explained that they had not traveled too far when the little country road they were driving on rose to a slightly higher elevation, providing them with a good view of the field. This is when the first helicopter moved to the field and faced the light. Colin feels that the pilots were overtaken by the event, which forced them to cease their harassment and proceed to the field. Apparently confronting the light took precedence over forcing the witnesses to leave. So it appears that the men were being harassed—that they were being forced to vacate the area—but why? And the fact that the helicopters appeared to be confronting the little light is extremely interesting. For some strange reason, these little balls of light seem to be frequent visitors to crop formations, and they appear to be under intelligent control. So what are they, and what is their attraction to

crop circles? Are they some new kind of secret technology? Are they somehow involved in creating the formations? They are reminiscent of those mysterious little balls of light called “foo fighters” that frequently buzzed military aircraft during the First and Second World Wars. As long as people continue to associate these little lights with UFOs, and UFOs with crop formations, it could be a convenient government ploy to propagate disinformation. In any case, there is too much of a gray area regarding crop formations, so until more knowledge of the phenomenon is acquired, I think we should keep an open mind. The Fatima Miracle On May 13, 1917, Lucia dos Santos, a ten-year-old shepherd girl in Fatima, Portugal, allegedly had a vision of the Virgin Mary. It occurred in the grotto where she and her two cousins, Francisco and Jacinta, were tending their sheep. She claimed that the Virgin spoke to her and said she would reappear on the same date (the thirteenth) of each month. This was apparently the case except for August 13, when the authorities had arrested the children; in this case, she allegedly appeared on August 19. The lady then promised to produce a miracle in October.143 Word spread quickly of the girl’s visions, and people began flocking into Fatima. Unable to cope with the massive crowds, the police tried to intimidate the children into admitting the whole thing was a hoax, but in spite of the threats made against them, they stuck together, and Lucia refused to change her story. On October 13, an estimated seventy thousand people gathered at the site. The woman in the vision allegedly appeared to Lucia, revealing herself as the Lady of the Rosary, and gave Lucia information regarding the outbreak of World War II, warnings about Russia, and visions of a fiery hell. Then it is said that the sun came through the clouds emitting multicolored rotating bands of light and fell spinning toward the earth. Obviously, the sun did not fall out of the sky, and there were a few people who said they saw nothing out of the ordinary. However, a black-and-white photograph taken at the time shows what could possibly be a UFO.144

One eyewitness was Dr. José Maria de Almeida Garrett, a professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Coimbra. He said that at three different times, a thin bluish column of smoke rose above the heads of the children and dissipated. He said it had been raining and the sky was overcast, but then the rain stopped, and it appeared that the sun might come out. Then he said thousands of people suddenly became excited, and their attention was turned toward the sun. Following is an excerpt of the professor’s description of the event: The most astonishing thing was to be able to stare at the solar disc for a long time, brilliant with light and heat, without hurting the eyes or damaging the retina. The sun’s disc did not remain immobile, it had a giddy motion, not like the twinkling of a star in all its brilliance for it spun round upon itself in a mad whirl. I noticed that everything was becoming darkened. I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further (sic) afield as far as the horizon. I saw everything had assumed an amethyst color. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same color. Everything both near and far had changed, taking on the color of old yellow damask. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed all at once to loosen itself from the firmament and, blood red, advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was truly terrible.145 Staring directly at the sun for a long period with no resulting eye damage suggests it was not the sun they were looking at. And the spinning he described is a characteristic common in many UFO sightings. Garrett said that everything suddenly turned an amethyst color, all the way to the horizon. If it were a UFO projecting some sort of colored beam over the area, anything in the distance might also

appear the same color to those within. It would be the same as looking through a colored filter. Next he said the sun (or what he presumed to be the sun) was now “blood red” and appeared to be descending on them. Today it would likely be described as a UFO encounter. But in 1917, people had not yet become aware of UFOs. That did not happen until 1947 —thirty years later. Rather intriguing is the thin blue column of smoke that the professor said rose above the children’s heads and dissipated three different times. One might tend to associate that description with someone smoking a cigar, cigarette, or possibly lighting a pipe, and you would assume that a well-educated man like the professor would recognize it as such. Since his is the only account of this, it is difficult to apply any other kind of interpretation logically. Although it cannot be substantiated today, it is said that when the spectacle was over, those who had been kneeling in mud and on the water-soaked ground found their clothes and the ground to be completely dry. If this is true, I might suspect the colored beam had something to do with it. Such things—wet ground and clothing becoming dry—have been reported in several UFO incidents. A similar event is even described in the Bible. Exodus 14:21 says that when the water was parted for Moses and the Israelites, the seabed had been dried to a hardened surface. Because of Lucia’s resistance to threats and intimidation by the authorities and her prediction that a miracle would occur, the event seems to merit some credibility. As for it being a miracle, that is a matter of interpretation. Most people came to Fatima predisposed to the idea that a miracle would occur, so the falling sun may simply have been a mass hallucination: they expected to see something, and they did—in their minds. If it was the sun, moisture in the air from the rain, combined with a cloud passing in front of it, may have created a sunburst effect, which would explain the bands, or rays, of light. However, it would not explain the bands rotating or the sun falling. Perhaps it was an

optical illusion or they misinterpreted the activity of a UFO as a supernatural event. It seems apparent that the people’s attention was drawn to something that appeared through a break in the clouds and that the photographer who was there photographed it. Any photographer knows that shooting directly into the sun will result in a whitewashed image unless he uses a special filter. However, a glowing red UFO could appear as a gray disc in a black-and-white photograph such as the one taken that day. Since the woman in the vision identified herself as the Lady of the Rosary, how do we know it was the Blessed Virgin? Was it a vision mentally projected into the young girl’s mind by those operating the glowing craft that was thought to be the sun? Could the falling sun have been a UFO, or maybe a hologram projected from a ship concealed in the clouds? If so, it was not the only time a UFO has exhibited holographic technology. If the Fatima event was UFO related, it means there were technological aspects related to what happened, which greatly diminishes the idea that a miracle occurred. And its religious significance suggests a relationship to the deity, which in turn brings into question whether or not the deity is really an extraterrestrial. Nevertheless, Lucia’s mother was convinced that she had fabricated the whole story, and she put Lucia in a convent, where she grew up and later became a cloistered nun. The other part of the Fatima mystery is a sealed letter that Lucia gave to the pope. It was supposed to be revealed to the world in 1960, but that never happened—why? What reason did the pope have for disappointing millions of people who were eagerly waiting to hear the secret that had been sealed away for forty-three years? Was it a confession by Lucia that the whole thing had been a hoax, or did it reveal an extraterrestrial connection? Whatever it was, the hierarchical silence only served to perpetuate the mystery. Pope John Paul II decided to reveal the “third Fatima secret,” as it has come to be known, on May 13, 2000, the eighty-third anniversary of the event, and it took place at the original site in Fatima where the apparition allegedly appeared. Nearly a million

people gathered, and Sister Lucia, then ninety-three years old, sat near the pope as a Vatican official read the secret to the crowd. Unfortunately it was not the important revelation everyone was expecting—something that the lady had told Lucia. Instead the official read what sounded like a prophetic vision. It described an angel carrying a sword in his left hand. Then he struck the ground with his right hand and said “Penance! Penance! Penance!” A bishop dressed in a white robe (assumed by Lucia to be the pope), followed by other members of the clergy, then walked through the ruins of a city. After stopping to pray over numerous dead bodies, they proceeded up a steep hill, where the bishop knelt in front of a cross. Suddenly he and the clergy were attacked and killed by soldiers shooting bullets and arrows.146 The Vatican’s interpretation associated this vision with the assassination attempt on the pope in 1981 by Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish terrorist. The interpretation made no sense, however, as the pope had not been killed, and the attempt had been carried out by a lone gunman, not soldiers shooting bullets and arrows. Father Paul Kramer of the Fatima Center calls this interpretation a “whitewash.” He pointed out that on May 12, 1982, a year after the assassination attempt, Lucia sent a letter to the pope (which was published in the official Vatican booklet on the secret) in which she stated that the final part of the prophecy (the third secret) had not yet been fulfilled.147 This means there is more to the secret that the Vatican did not reveal. Another point of contention was the handwriting analysis of the document made by Speckin Forensic Laboratories; it does not appear to match the handwriting of other documents written by Lucia. And in a letter she wrote on January 9, 1944, to Bishop da Silva, she stated that the third secret was written on a piece of notepaper and sealed in an envelope. The document read to the public, however, was four pages long.148 Father Kramer also pointed out that when the sealed letter was supposed to be made public in 1960, the Vatican said it was their decision not to reveal the words of Our Lady contained in the text of the secret. Then he said, “But the

text of the Third Secret released yesterday contains no words of Our Lady at all.”149 The vision described hardly seems significant enough to have warranted its secrecy for so long. So Father Kramer could be right— it may be a whitewash, and they may be covering up something, since it appears there is more to the secret that they are not revealing. The description of the vision seems more applicable to the problems now facing the church. The city in ruins might represent the state of the church as it is today, and the dead bodies might represent the many people who have defected or are nonpractitioners. Also, the scandalous cover-up of pedophile priests sexually abusing children has seriously damaged the image of the church. The clergy being killed by soldiers shooting bullets and arrows could represent the many victims of sexual abuse who are now bringing litigation against the church. However, this is only one of many possible interpretations. Unfortunately, Sister Lucia died on February 13, 2005, without providing any more information. The facts mentioned by Father Kramer, however, do suggest the Vatican has not revealed the whole story, and we have to wonder why. Are UFOs Piloted by Demons? I have heard some preachers claim that UFOs are piloted by demons. As a pragmatist, I try to keep an open mind and accept the idea that anything is possible; however, demons piloting UFOs makes no sense. Supposedly demons are entities that exist in the spiritual realm, have supernatural powers, and can manifest wherever and whenever they choose, not to mention take possession of a person’s body. If they really possess such supernatural powers, then why would they have need of a flying machine? Therefore, to me, this idea makes absolutely no sense. So these are the alternative elements of the UFO puzzle. Although they are mysteries unto themselves, there is still no smoking gun proving they are UFO related. There are many factors linking the Bermuda Triangle to natural phenomena, some of which we may not yet understand. The little balls of light frequently observed over crop

formations, however, are something else. They do not constitute proof of an extraterrestrial connection, and they may very well be a secret technology of humans. Nevertheless, their affinity for crop formations justifies keeping an open mind to the possibility. However, new information currently being studied on bigfoot and animal mutilations may possibly reveal a UFO link. If, however, there is a connection to animal mutilations, it tends to resonate in a negative context—a possible indication of hostile intentions. This issue is covered in the following chapter.


A fter examining the alternative issues, you should have a clearer understanding of what is relevant and irrelevant in the UFO controversy. UFO encounters often leave witnesses astounded and perplexed, while some are elated by the experience. However, on occasion, some have been frightened, terrorized, and have even suffered injuries and death. Many people are unaware of this element of the UFO phenomena. We would all like to think of alien visitors as benevolent beings who came to Earth to help solve the problems of mankind, and although the evidence suggests that some may be friendly—or at least apathetic—there are some who are dangerous, and an encounter with them could be hazardous to one’s health. The following cases are relevant, as they describe the hostilities, injuries, and deaths (whether intentional or accidental) experienced by some witnesses. 1957—Sao Paulo, Brazil At two o’clock on the morning of November 4, 1957, a bright glowing object flew in from the Atlantic Ocean and terrorized two sentries on duty at a coastal fort near Sao Paulo. It approached at a high rate of speed and then stopped directly above the fort before descending to about 150 feet and hovering over one of the gun turrets. At the same time, the electric power went out in the fort, and the emergency generator would not start.

The object was circular in shape; it bathed the ground in an orange light and emitted a humming noise. Suddenly the humming intensified, and the sentries felt a searing heat burning their bodies. One fell unconscious to the ground, while the other, screaming in mortal terror, sought shelter beneath one of the guns. The guard’s screams attracted the attention of other soldiers, and they came running to investigate. Those first on the scene observed a large orange light climbing vertically into the sky and taking off at a high rate of speed. The sentries were taken to sick bay and found to have suffered first- and second-degree burns—underneath their uniforms.150 The fact that their skin was severely burned and their clothing untouched suggests their wounds were caused by some form of microwave radiation—but why? There was no reason for the attack. It appears to have been an unprovoked act of hostility. 1967—Pilar de Goias, Brazil On August 13, 1967, Inacio de Souza and his wife encountered three people in tight-fitting yellow outfits on the runway of the ranch where they worked. There was a strange object that resembled an inverted washbasin, which de Souza said was either sitting on the ground or hovering just above it. When the intruders started to approach him, he became frightened; he grabbed his rifle and fired a shot at them. Suddenly, a beam of green light shot out of the craft, striking him in the head and shoulders, and he fell to the ground. As de Souza’s wife ran to his aid, the intruders climbed into the craft, which took off vertically at a high rate of speed, emitting a noise that sounded like the humming of bees. De Souza suffered numbness and a tingling of his body and was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with leukemia. He died two months later, on October 11, and his body was covered with yellowish white blotches.151 Since de Souza fired the first shot, the green beam that struck him could have been a defensive response by someone from inside the craft. There is no indication that the intruders were acting in a hostile manner when they started to approach him, and there is no evidence that de Souza did not already have leukemia and would not have

died anyway. Logically, one might assume that if he already had it and was only two months away from death, he would have exhibited symptoms long before then. The question is, did the green beam somehow cause his fatal disease? Unfortunately, that is something we may never know. This case does leave some doubt as to deliberate hostile intentions; nevertheless, it remains a statistic in the deaths of close-encounter witnesses. 1973—Mansfield, Ohio One rather astonishing case occurred on the evening of October 18, 1973, when four US Army Reserve medics were en route from Columbus to Cleveland, Ohio, in an army helicopter. Over the city of Mansfield, they encountered a bright red light speeding directly toward them from the east. Attempting to avoid a collision, the pilot, Captain Lawrence J. Coyne, took over the controls from his copilot and put the chopper into a dive. They were descending at a rate of two thousand feet per minute when suddenly the controls froze and the helicopter began to rise. The object was now hovering directly above them and projecting a cone-shaped beam of green light down around the helicopter. Coyne struggled to regain control but was unsuccessful until the green beam suddenly went out and the object flew off into the night. With the controls set in a dive configuration, the helicopter had risen to an altitude of thirty-eight hundred feet. Upon landing at Cleveland, the two pilots filed a report of the incident. One of the other reservists aboard the helicopter was John Healy, a Cleveland police detective. Expecting there would be an official investigation and that he would be debriefed, he decided to taperecord the details of the incident while they were still fresh in his memory. The next day, he took one of his colleagues with him into an interrogation room at the police station to record his account of the incident. But there never was an investigation or a debriefing—why? After twenty years of remaining silent, Healy finally agreed to an interview. Although the incident had been investigated by a few UFO researchers and received some local publicity, it was soon forgotten.

Two decades later, Jennie Zeidman, an investigator with the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) reopened the case and managed to locate Erma DeLon and her son Charles Cyrus, who was thirteen years old at the time; they had actually witnessed the incident from the ground. Their credibility was confirmed by the fact that they knew details that were never publicized and were known only to those who conducted the initial investigation. They confirmed seeing the helicopter and the UFO hovering above it. They confirmed that the object was projecting a green cone-shaped beam down around the helicopter and that the helicopter was rising in the beam. They stated that at that point, they became frightened and got into their car and sped away.152 This incident suggests two possible scenarios. The first is that whoever was piloting the object did not see the helicopter until the last second, when it began to dive, and thinking its rapid descent was an indication that it was about to crash, and that maybe the UFO operator was responsible, attempted to rescue it with a kind of tractor beam. The second is that it was an attempted abduction that was aborted at the last minute, possibly because the operators of the UFO realized there were witnesses on the ground watching them. When we take into account the level of technology and maneuverability often displayed by UFOs, it is difficult to believe they do not possess the means to detect an aircraft on a collision course. The act of neutralizing the chopper’s controls and pulling it up in a beam of green light might suggest they were attempting to pull it on board their ship. 1976—Elmwood, Wisconsin Author Howard Blum cited an incident that occurred on the night of April 22, 1976, suggesting deliberate hostile behavior. Police officer George Wheeler was on routine patrol in Elmwood, Wisconsin, when he noticed a bright orange glow near the quarry at Tuttle Hill, and thinking it was a fire, he went to investigate. Arriving at the site, he saw a large silver-colored object. “Bigger than a two-story house” is how he described it over his radio. He said it was about 250 feet

across with a dome on top that emitted a bright orange light that hurt his eyes. As he was radioing in his description, there was a whooshing sound as a beam of blue light hit his police cruiser. The blast completely destroyed the car’s electrical system, leaving it sitting in the road in total darkness and Wheeler lying dazed across the front seat. Working as dispatcher at police headquarters that night was Gail Helmer, the chief’s wife. After losing contact with Wheeler, she became concerned and called Paul Frederickson, who lived a short distance east of Tuttle Hill. She asked him if he could see anything from his window, and he went to check. Returning to the phone, he said he’d seen a flaming object in the sky that looked like an orange half-moon, but when he looked again shortly after, it was gone. A motorist named David Moots came upon the police car sitting in the middle of the road with no lights and found Wheeler still in a daze. He summoned help, and Wheeler was taken to the hospital, but surprisingly, the doctors could find nothing wrong with him. Upon his release three days later, he was suffering severe headaches and having nightmares; he told his wife that he thought he had radiation poisoning. Since he was still in a lot of pain and becoming distraught, his doctor admitted him to a hospital in Eau Claire. He was there for more than eleven days, and the doctors conducted numerous tests. Still, they could find nothing wrong with him, even though Wheeler kept insisting he had steady and unbearable pains in his arms and legs. Six months later, George Wheeler’s heart gave out and he died.153 Something worth noting here is the fact that doctors in two hospitals were unable to find anything wrong with Wheeler, even though he kept insisting he was in extreme pain. One of the theories proposed about UFOs is that they may be from a different dimension. Assuming that this may be true—and this is strictly hypothetical—they may vibrate at a different level than things in our dimension. If so, is it possible that the effects of their weapons are undetectable in the vibratory level of our dimension? I admit this is

pushing the boundary of logic; however, some scientists are now exploring interdimensional possibilities. Nevertheless, we can only speculate whether Wheeler’s death was the result of his encounter, for he may simply have suffered a heart attack like many other middle-aged men. But even if that were true, the unprovoked attack by the object he encountered cannot be dismissed. Firing a beam that destroyed the car’s electrical system and left him dazed and in a painful condition constitutes a definite act of aggression. 1991—Space Shuttle Mission STS 48 On September 15, 1991, UFO investigator Don Ratch captured some rather startling footage while videotaping a live broadcast transmitted from the space shuttle Discovery. As the shuttle was passing over the night side of the planet, the curve of the earth could be seen against the background of space, and lightning flashes sporadically illuminated clouds three hundred miles below. Then a bright object appeared just below the limb of the horizon, moving to the left along the curve of the earth. Suddenly it stopped for a split second, and then, in a sharp right-angle turn, shot off into space. A split second before the object made its turn, there was a bright flash from the lower portion of the frame, where two streaks of light suddenly appeared. The first streak zoomed across the exact spot where the object had been only a second before.154 It appeared the object might have made an evasive maneuver to avoid whatever was coming at it. The impression is that something was shot at it. NASA, however, claimed it was ice crystals from a wastewater dump being blown about by the shuttle’s attitude control system. Although that is possible, the objects appeared to be too far away from the shuttle to have been affected, and they were moving in different directions. If it was one craft shooting at another, and if there is a little war going on between some aliens, it is hard to believe that they would come all the way to Earth to fight their battles. In the Bible, Revelation 12:7–9 mentions a war fought in heaven between the Lord’s army and the devil’s army. Could this incident be of

significance? Is there a dissident faction causing problems? Is it possible the alleged crashing of the UFO in Roswell in 1947 was the result of a confrontation? Another possibility is that the government was testing a top-secret orbital defense weapon. The fact that it was able to be recorded on videotape by someone watching a live shuttle broadcast could mean it was intentional. Considering the level of security involved with topsecret technology, surely someone would have known that the space shuttle would be in the vicinity and within viewing range. And thus they would have known that, if they were broadcasting live, which they frequently do, a viewer on the ground might capture such a test on film or video. So if it was a test, theoretically it could have been a staged event intended for the public to see—but if so, why? It would surely be publicized and exploited as a UFO incident, so could it have been staged as a form of disinformation? There is, however, another possibility: perhaps something, possibly a particle-beam weapon, was intentionally fired at the object from a satellite or from somewhere on the ground, which could suggest an entirely different scenario. If, however, it was an aggressive act, it happened at an awkward moment when the shuttle’s camera was transmitting, allowing viewers on the ground to record it. Of course, this is only speculation. The Discovery video received a fair amount of publicity and stirred up a lot of controversy in UFO circles. Most people, however, know nothing of the other events described in this chapter and are completely unaware that they occurred. The fact that these incidents have occurred tends to suggest that a hostile element is part of the UFO controversy. Fortunately, compared to the vast majority of UFO incidents, it does not appear to be a dominant factor. Nevertheless, one conclusion we can draw from these accounts is the fact that not all UFOs may be friendly. 1978—Melbourne, Australia About 6:19 on the evening of October 21, 1978, twenty-year-old Frederich Valentich took off from Moorabbin Airport, south of

Melbourne, in a single-engine Cessna 182. He flew southwest along the coastline for about forty-five minutes until he reached Cape Otway, where he turned out over Bass Strait and headed toward King Island. He soon encountered a strange aircraft near him that he could not identify, and he contacted Melbourne to inquire about any aircraft below five thousand feet. Stephen Robey was the air traffic controller on duty that evening in Melbourne, and he advised Valentich there were no known aircraft in the vicinity. Asked what type of aircraft it was, Valentich at first said it looked like four bright landing lights; then he said it passed about a thousand feet over him. The next thing he reported was that it was approaching him from due east and flying over him at speeds he could not identify. Robey then asked if he could describe the aircraft, and Valentich said it was of a long shape, looked metallic, and had a green light. He said he was orbiting (flying in a circle) and that the object was also orbiting above his plane and then appeared to have vanished. But then he spotted it again, approaching from the southwest, and his engine was coughing. Robey then asked what his intentions were, and Valentich said his intention was to go to King Island. It was then Valentich said that the object was above his plane again—and that it was not an aircraft. There were several instances during which there was an open mike for several seconds, which could have been because Valentich had the mike keyed open while he looked around in different directions to see where the object was, or it could be that attempts were being made to jam his transmissions. (There have been numerous occasions when radios in aircraft and police vehicles ceased to function during a UFO encounter.) Then there were seventeen seconds of open mike during which a series of metallic sounds were recorded—and then nothing. Further attempts by Robey to contact Valentich were met with only radio silence. Robey then notified the authorities. An intensive search was launched that lasted four days, but no trace of the young pilot or his plane was ever found. If Valentich had crashed into the sea, it would seem that at least some trace of

wreckage would have been discovered. If, by chance, he was able to set the plane down on the water intact, then it is possible it sank without leaving any noticeable floating debris. If that were the case, however, he should have had time to exit the plane with his life jacket. Then again, who knows—he could have been knocked unconscious. According to Robey, the tone of the young pilot’s voice convinced him he was experiencing a real encounter of some kind. But the idea that a UFO snatched his plane out of the sky is a matter of conjecture. However, since no wreckage or body was ever found, it remains a possibility. A witness who prefers anonymity claims he and his family observed an aircraft descending at about a forty-five-degree angle over Bass Strait near sunset, about the same time Valentich disappeared. He said there was a long green light between one to two thousand feet above the plane, rapidly descending toward it. He could not verify what, if anything, happened, because both the plane and the green light passed out of his line of sight.155 At about the time Valentich disappeared, Roy Manifold, an amateur photographer, was setting up his camera to photograph the sunset over Bass Strait. After the film was developed, he noticed a blemish on the last photo he had taken. The area he photographed was approximately the same location where Valentich would have turned out over the sea, and recalling the incident, he wondered if the image on the film had any connection. An analysis revealed that the blemish was in the negative, which experts said was only a developing error. Others, however, claimed the image was a metallic object enveloped by an exhaust cloud.156 Having been a professional portrait and commercial photographer for many years before the digital age, I believe the blemish resembles a chemical stain on the negative. Professional labs always processed my work, and even with their stringent quality controls, they were not immune to an occasional mishap. There was one occasion when a small drop of chemical spattered on a negative, and the finished print displayed a blemish very similar to

the one in Manifold’s photo. If, however, the blemish is not a chemical stain on the negative but rather is part of the photograph, it could have been caused by a light leak in the camera. But if that were the case, the odds are that a light leak would have affected all his photographs. Not having personally seen the negative, I draw no conclusions. The investigation summary report by the Commonwealth of Australia’s Department of Transport contains a complete description of the radio transmissions between Valentich and Steve Robey and can be seen at According to the November/December 2013 issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, skeptics believe that Valentich’s disappearance is something he faked or that he lost control of his plane and crashed into the sea.157 Their research of Valentich revealed he was an inexperienced pilot with only 150 hours of flight time, had twice failed five of his exams, and had been involved in three different flying incidents. They claim that what Valentich described as four landing lights was probably the conjunction of the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury and the star Antares. The fact that Valentich said he was orbiting means his plane was banked (tilted) to the point at which it appeared the lights (stars) had moved above his plane. In the banked position, he became fooled by the tilted horizon, and trying to level the plane, he went into a fatal spiral dive. I suppose this theory is plausible— that Antares and Venus could be bright enough to resemble landing lights—but it seems unlikely that Mars and tiny little Mercury would be bright enough to resemble aircraft landing lights. But, hey, I could be wrong. These skeptics also claim that parts of an aircraft were recovered from Bass Strait with numbers partially matching the serial numbers of Valentich’s plane. If true, this suggests Valentich did crash into Bass Strait. However, a partial match of serial numbers is not a complete match and is not concrete proof that the parts were from Valentich’s plane. Although their arguments are viable, the fact remains that Valentich disappeared and has not been seen or heard

from since. As to what caused him to crash, if he did indeed crash, the case is open to speculation. No one really knows for certain. If it was a UFO that made aggressive passes at Valentich’s plane, there are a couple of similarities worth noting between his case and the one that occurred two years earlier with the army helicopter over Mansfield, Ohio. First, the object in the Mansfield case charged across the sky on a collision course with the helicopter, just like the object that made aggressive passes at Valentich. Second, the helicopter was pulled up in a green cone-shaped beam. In the Valentich case, a witness claimed he saw a long green light descending toward a plane. Unfortunately, there is no way to confirm that it was Valentich’s plane, although Robey twice advised Valentich that there was no known air traffic in the vicinity. In either case, the act of charging toward an aircraft on a collision course suggests aggressive behavior. That Valentich and his plane were abducted is something that cannot be proved. The odds are that he did crash. As to the cause of the crash, it appears to have resulted from the hostile maneuvers of some kind of unidentified craft.


M any readers are probably familiar with one or more documentaries promoting the belief that the US government is working in collaboration with extraterrestrials. This chapter reviews much of the evidence suggesting that this is true. The evidence lends further credibility to an alien agenda designed to accelerate the evolution of humanity. To gain a better grasp of the situation, it is important to go back to when it all began. Roswell On July 8, 1947, the US army issued a press release stating it had retrieved a flying saucer that crashed on a nearby ranch. Although the event gained worldwide notoriety, it was swiftly debunked by the military, who claimed that the flying saucer was only a downed weather balloon. Following their official explanation, the media lost interest and the event quickly faded from memory. However, the Roswell incident is unique in that there were numerous witnesses, many of whom were still alive when the story was revived thirty years later. In 1978, Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist and UFO researcher, was waiting to do a radio interview when the station’s manager told him about Jesse Marcel, a retired army intelligence officer who had handled pieces of a crashed UFO. Friedman’s curiosity was naturally aroused, and after locating and interviewing Marcel, Friedman reopened the Roswell case with renewed enthusiasm. He and other researchers tracked down more witnesses

who were still alive and willing to talk, and it soon became clear that there was more to the Roswell event than a weather balloon. As the years passed, researchers uncovered more bits and pieces of the story suggesting that a flying saucer did crash and that the military took extreme measures to cover it up. Mac Brazel was the foreman of the Foster Ranch in Corona, a small town seventy-five miles northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, in adjacent Lincoln County. The morning after a severe electrical storm, Brazel discovered a large swath of unusual debris about three hundred feet wide and a mile long scattered in a field on the property. He picked up some smaller pieces and decided to show them to his neighbors, Floyd and Loretta Proctor.158 In a later interview, Loretta Procter said he showed her a piece of the debris the size of a pencil that was resistant to flames when he tried to burn it.159 A few days later (Sunday, July 6), he brought some of the debris to the Chavez County Sheriff’s Office in Roswell. The sheriff, George Wilcox, realized it was unusual and assumed it was of military significance, and he notified authorities at Roswell Army Airfield. The late Major Jesse Marcel, the base intelligence officer, and Sheridan Cavitt, a Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) agent, were dispatched to the sheriff’s office to inspect the material. They realized it was unusual enough to warrant an investigation, so they obtained permission to go to Corona, and they followed Brazel back to the ranch in their vehicles. The seventy-five-mile drive to Corona was a long trek in 1947; they arrived late and had to spend the night. In the morning, Brazel led them to the debris site, where they spent most of the day (Monday, July 7) examining the material. Then they loaded what they could into their vehicles and headed back to Roswell. It was well after midnight when they got back, and Marcel, suspecting the debris might be from a flying saucer, decided to stop at his home and show it to his family before bringing it to the base, where, in all likelihood, it would then become “classified.” He woke his wife and son, and they spread it out on the kitchen floor. His son, the late Jesse Marcel Jr., vividly recalled handling one piece that looked like an I-beam with

figures resembling hieroglyphics on it, but he said they were not Egyptian or like any writing he had ever seen.160 It was Tuesday morning, July 8, when Marcel brought the material to the base. Colonel William Blanchard, the base commander, allegedly, had not yet seen what Brazel had turned in, because according to one report, it was still locked up in a room at the sheriff’s office. Other information claims military police picked it up a few days later. Nevertheless, after seeing what Marcel and Cavitt brought back, he had Lieutenant Walter Haut, the base public information officer, prepare a press release stating that a flying saucer crashed on a ranch northwest of Roswell and that it had been retrieved and brought to the base. Haut was instructed to handdeliver it to the local media, and by 11:00 a.m., the presses were rolling and the story was rapidly making its way across the airwaves.161 That is when all hell broke loose. The switchboard at Roswell Army Airfield and the phones at the sheriff’s office, the two radio stations, and newspapers were inundated with calls from reporters around the world trying to get more information. What followed was reported as Major Marcel flying to Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas, with the debris to show Brigadier General Roger Ramey, head of the Eighth Air Force. The debris was spread out on the floor in Ramey’s office, and Ramey, in front of reporters, called in Lieutenant Irving Newton, the base weather officer to examine it. Newton then identified it as a weather balloon with a Rawin radar reflector, a silvery kite used to track the balloon.162 A photograph taken by a newspaper photographer appeared the following day in almost every newspaper in the world showing a kneeling Marcel holding up a piece of the radar reflector. Dismissed as a case of mistaken identity, the incident was quickly forgotten by the media and the public, leaving Marcel looking like an inept fool in that he had not recognized the debris of a weather balloon. This is basically what the public knew of the incident for three decades. It wasn’t until 1978 that Stanton Friedman learned about Marcel and wasted no time in tracking him down. Marcel was then living in

Houma, Louisiana, and it turned out he and Friedman had been old HAM Radio buddies.163 An interview was arranged, and Friedman went to Houma and interviewed Marcel. Marcel firmly stated that the debris he collected from the Foster Ranch was not from a weather balloon. He described pieces that were extremely lightweight but could not be dented with a sledgehammer or burned with a blowtorch.164 Some of the debris looked like pieces of tinfoil; researchers nicknamed the substance “memory metal” because after being crumpled up, it unfolded to its original smooth shape with no sign of ever having been creased. The idea that Marcel had not recognized the debris of a weather balloon was disputed by his son, Jesse Jr. who attested to the fact that the material in the newspaper photo was not the material his father brought back from the Foster Ranch.165 There is also the fact that Marcel had attended radar school in Langley, Virginia, where he had studied advanced radar technology; he knew all about balloons and radar reflectors. His son even displayed his diploma from that school in his own book, The Roswell Legacy.166 After reviving the case, Friedman and other investigators interviewed numerous witnesses, and their testimonies suggested that there may have been as many as three crash sites. The idea that two or three UFOs crashed at the same time in the same region, to me, automatically raised a red flag. I mean, what are the odds? One of the credible witnesses was Phyllis McGuire, the daughter of Sheriff Wilcox. She had gone to the sheriff’s office on the Sunday that Mac Brazel brought in the box of debris. She said her father had sent two deputies out to the Foster ranch to check things out. However, when they returned, they said they were unable to find the debris field but had found a large circular area that appeared to have been burned into the ground.167 This suggests the debris may have been shed by a vehicle that bounced off the ground and became airborne again. Sheriff Wilcox allegedly sent two more deputies back to the Foster Ranch on Tuesday in an attempt to learn what was going on, but by then roadblocks had been set up, and the deputies were denied

access to the area by military police.168 (My original assumption was that this second visit by deputies took place at a different crash site north of Roswell. However, information obtained later proved that assumption wrong.) Numerous civilian witnesses said the military had sealed off all side roads along the highway, and they saw trucks loaded with boxes leaving the area escorted by armed military personnel. Military personnel who had been stationed in Roswell at the time, when interviewed thirty years later, said they saw the crash material loaded onto planes and flown away, also escorted by armed personnel. Frank Joyce, a news reporter at KGFL radio station, claims that the day Colonel Blanchard issued his press release, he received a call from a colonel in the Pentagon ordering him to stop broadcasting the story. Joyce said he was a civilian and told the colonel that he could not tell him what to do. Then the colonel said something to the effect of “You’ll see what I can do” and slammed the phone down as he hung up.169 Shortly after, George Roberts, the station’s manager, received a call from a colonel in the Pentagon threatening to revoke the station’s license if he didn’t pull the story.170 There are, however, some questions regarding Joyce’s comments. In a later documentary, he said that he had talked to Mac Brazel on the phone and that Brazel told him he had found the debris of a flying saucer on the ranch along with dead alien bodies, and they emitted a terrible odor. Joyce said he thought Brazel was probably some kind of nut and suggested he contact the military. Most of the early accounts (if they are accurate), suggest that Brazel’s first contact with Joyce occurred on Sunday morning, July 6, while he was at the sheriff’s office. Joyce had allegedly called the sheriff’s office that morning looking for any news that might be of interest, and the sheriff had handed the phone to Brazel.171 But if Brazel did find bodies on the ranch, as Joyce claims he said, would he not have mentioned that fact to Sheriff Wilcox and to Major Marcel and the CIC agent? And would he not have led them to the bodies when they were at the ranch? Marcel was very candid with Stanton Friedman and others who interviewed him, and not once did

he ever mention anything about finding bodies. Why would Brazel tell Joyce he found bodies and not the sheriff or Major Marcel? It makes no sense. However, some later information implies that Brazel may indeed have found bodies, but it has never been substantiated by Marcel or any other witness. So there is confusion and doubt regarding some testimonies in the Roswell case. Nevertheless, one might logically assume that if an alien spaceship did crash, unless it was a small unmanned reconnaissance craft, the odds are that someone had to be piloting it. The military allegedly kept Brazel at the base for a few days and persuaded him to keep quiet about the whole affair. Other sources claim Brazel was driving a brand-new truck immediately after this, possibly paid for by the government, as an incentive for him to keep his mouth shut; however, this is another detail that remains unsubstantiated. Joyce said that after the military released him, Brazel came to the radio station and told him that he was “supposed to tell him” that he was mistaken about the flying saucer and that it was really a weather balloon. Then, as he was leaving, Joyce asked him about all the stories floating around about the little green men. He said Brazel looked back and, in a quiet voice, said, “They weren’t green.” 172 If the military did recover bodies, it is unlikely they were from the Foster Ranch. This is suggested in an account described by the late Frankie Rowe, who was a twelve-year-old girl at the time. Frankie’s father was a lieutenant in the Roswell Fire Department. She said the firemen had responded to a call of a plane crash about thirty miles north of Roswell only to find it was really a flying saucer. According to her father, there were two bodies on the ground, and a third was still alive and walking around. Frankie said he described them as “little people.”173 The military arrived shortly after and sent the firemen away. Apparently one of them had picked up a little souvenir from the site and brought it back to the fire station. Frankie said that after they returned, she went to the fire station and saw the men playing with

what looked like a thin piece of tinfoil. After they laid it on a table, Frankie said she picked it up and crumpled it in her hand only to find that when she opened her hand, it unfolded to its original smooth shape with no sign that it was ever creased.174 She said that military people later came to her home and threatened the lives of her and her family if she ever told anyone about what she had seen.175 If true, it is probable that the Roswell firemen who were at the scene were likewise intimidated. We do know that similar threats were made to others. Phyllis McGuire, the daughter of Sheriff Wilcox, said military people came to the sheriff’s office and threatened the family with death if he ever told what he knew of the incident.176 And before she passed away, the sheriff’s widow, Inez Wilcox, told her granddaughter, Barbara, that military police had come to the jailhouse and threatened the entire family with death if he ever talked about the incident.177 So how much did Sheriff Wilcox really know that warranted the military intimidating him and his family with death threats? The fact that his life was threatened could be a clue that Mac Brazel did tell him about finding alien bodies. But again, this is a part of the story that has never been corroborated. The number of witnesses involved and the cordoning off of roads around the Foster Ranch suggests that whatever it was that hit the ground was of extreme interest to the military. But since the Roswell Fire Department responded to the scene, it is unlikely they would have traveled seventy-five miles into the next county, to the Foster Ranch in Corona. So if there was any truth to Colonel Blanchard’s press release that a flying saucer had been found, it is more likely that it was retrieved from a site closer to Roswell. If that did occur, were alien bodies also recovered? Frankie Rowe said her father was at a crash site about thirty miles north of Roswell and said he saw dead alien bodies. Sappho Henderson is the widow of the late Captain Oliver “Pappy” Henderson, who was a US army Air Force pilot stationed at Roswell in 1947. It wasn’t until thirty-four years later, after the event had been

revived, that he told her the flying saucer crash was a real event. He also told her he had not only seen the alien bodies but had also flown them out of Roswell. She said he described them as being smaller than humans with large heads, and by saying they were not of this earth.178 Mrs. Henderson did not say where her husband flew the bodies to, and perhaps he never mentioned it. The most likely place would have been to what is now the Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, which deals with all technology foreign to the United States. We might also hypothesize that the bodies he mentioned were those from the crash site just north of Roswell. Another account of alien bodies is attributed to the late “Barney” Barnett, a land surveyor. He related the story to his close friend Vern Maltais one day while they were out fishing together. According to Maltais, Barnett said that one day while he was out in the desert surveying land for possible irrigation, he came upon a disc-shaped craft that had apparently crashed, and the bodies of several small beings were lying on the ground. He said a group of archaeological students had also spotted the wreckage from the distance, and that they arrived only moments after he did. Then the military suddenly appeared and ordered everyone away from the craft. They were advised that this was a highly classified government operation and it was their patriotic duty to never mention anything about what they had seen to anyone. They were threatened with arrest and imprisonment if they talked, and then military police escorted them away from the scene.179 It seems that if the military made death threats to anyone, it would have been to these people who actually saw the crashed disc and the bodies, not just to those who allegedly handled a few pieces of the debris. In relating the incident, Maltais never indicated that any threat other than that of being arrested for talking had been made to Barnett and the others. But since we don’t know the date of the Barnett incident, there is no way to know if it is even connected to the events at Roswell. All we know is what Maltais claims Barnett told him. Some researchers think Barnett’s encounter occurred far to

the west, out on the plains of San Augustin. But since Barnett is deceased, the story can only be considered as hearsay, even though Maltais had nothing to gain from telling it. He said that in all the years he knew Barnett, he had never known him to lie, and that fabricating such a story was completely out of character. Another key witness was Glenn Dennis. Twenty-three years old and fresh out of college, he went to work as a mortician’s assistant at the Ballard Funeral Home in Roswell.180 He said he received a call from the mortuary officer at the base inquiring how many hermetically sealed baby caskets he had, and whether they were three feet six inches or four feet long. He also wanted to know how many he had in stock and how long would it take to get more. Dennis asked the man what was wrong and was told the base only wanted to know how prepared the funeral home was in the event that the children on the base became affected by some kind of outbreak.181 The funeral home had a contract to provide ambulance service for base personnel, and later that afternoon, he transported an injured soldier to the base infirmary. He said there were several vehicles and two ambulances parked in front of the building, and he saw strange material in the back of one truck. He noticed strange markings on one large piece and assumed there had been a plane crash. Inside the infirmary, there was mass confusion, and a there were a number of military people he had never seen there before running around. He approached a captain that seemed to be in charge, identified himself, and asked if he could be of assistance. When he mentioned seeing the crash debris in the truck outside, the captain became very angry and told him the base was off limits that day and gave him a stern warning to not spread any rumors when he got back to town. Dennis said he told the captain he was a civilian and that he could not tell him what to do. The captain warned him that if he didn’t obey his command, somebody would be picking his bones out of the sand, and he then ordered two MPs to escort him back to the funeral home. On the way out of the building, a nurse that he knew came out the door of a supply room with two doctors, all of them gasping and coughing, apparently affected by noxious fumes. When the nurse

saw Dennis, she told him to get out of there right away or he would get into trouble.182 It wasn’t until Dennis returned to the funeral home that he saw the newspaper with the front-page story that the army had recovered a flying saucer from a nearby ranch. Dennis contacted the nurse and the following day met with her in the officers’ club. He said she was extremely nervous and upset and told him she had been ordered to takes notes while the doctors performed a partial autopsy on three mutilated bodies, and that the bodies were of small creatures with large heads and large eyes. She drew a picture on a napkin of a hand that had been severed; it had only four fingers and pads on the fingertips that resembled suction cups. That was the last time Dennis saw the nurse. A few weeks later, there were rumors that she had died in a plane crash after being transferred to a base out of the country. All attempts to locate the nurse by researchers were fruitless, so many believed Dennis had made up the story. But there have been numerous cases where military personnel involved with the UFO phenomenon were immediately transferred to foreign bases or whose military records were erased—deleted. Whatever happened in this case is something we will probably never know. In their book Witness to Roswell, Thomas Carey and Donald Schmitt revealed even more details. Their meticulous research uncovered previously unknown information, adding further credibility to the Roswell event. Mary Ann Gardner was a nurse working in the cancer ward of St. Petersburg Hospital in Florida. She had seen a 1989 Unsolved Mysteries broadcast on the Roswell event, which prompted her to come forward with a story told to her in 1976 by one of her patients. The patient was an elderly woman who never had any visitors, so Mary Ann spent time sitting with her. Before she died, the woman told MaryAnn that she saw a crashed spaceship and the bodies of little people with large heads and large eyes. She said she had been with a group of archaeologists that came upon the craft. Then she

said the military arrived and warned them to never say anything— that the government could always find them. It appears the nurse wants to avoid further publicity. She never responded to any of the later attempts made to contact her.183 But if her story is true, it could be related to Barney Barnett’s story and lend credibility to his account of archaeologists also arriving at the crash site. One of the issues investigated by Carey and Schmitt was the deathbed confessions of people who were stationed in Roswell during the event in 1947. They had maintained their silence for almost half a century, until they knew they were near death and no longer feared retribution by the government.184 One of those was Private Frank Cassidy, an MP in the 1395th Military Police Company. Before he died, he told his wife that he was one of the men assigned to guard Hangar P-3 at the Roswell base, a B-29 hangar also referred to as Building 84. He said he had seen the aliens’ bodies when he looked inside the hangar.185 Another member of the 1395th Military Police Company was Corporal Robert J. Lida. Before he passed away, he told his wife, Wanda, that he had been on guard duty at Hangar P-3 and, when the opportunity presented itself, looked inside and saw wreckage in the hangar and small bodies being prepared for shipment.186 Before he died, Sergeant Homer G. Rowlette Jr. told his son, Larry, that he was on the cleanup crew at the crash site north of Roswell. He described the craft as somewhat circular and that he saw alien bodies with large heads.187 Before he died, Sergeant Melvin E. Brown said he was stationed in an ambulance at the crash site and wondered what all the ice was for. After being told not to look under the canvas tarp in back, his curiosity got the better of him; he pulled back the tarp and saw small bodies with large heads and slanted eyes.188 So how much credibility can we attribute to these stories? It just seems unlikely that a person near death would reveal such details to his family unless they were true. It is the similarity of descriptions of small bodies with large heads that is a compelling factor. Those who

have kept such knowledge bottled up for a half century or more might well be inclined to clear their conscience before they leave this world—information they could not reveal while they were alive without breaking their oath of secrecy. If the information is true, an extraterrestrial craft bounced off the ground and shed some debris on the Foster Ranch in Corona, New Mexico. It then came back down and crashed somewhere north of Roswell, where it was recovered along with the bodies of its crew. Witnesses who saw the wreckage and the bodies, along with others who handled pieces of the debris, were intimidated into silence with death threats, and the army explained away the whole affair as a downed weather balloon. So it strongly suggests the government manufactured a lie. What followed was denial, disinformation, and controversy. I think we can discount the idea that the Roswell crash involved an experimental aircraft of either US or foreign design. Whatever aeronautical technologies were being developed during that time would have become obsolete in twenty years and would probably no longer have been secret. If it was an experimental aircraft, surely the air force would have admitted it by now to quell the revived Roswell hoopla in the 1990s. Almost fifty years later, the air force made another attempt to explain the Roswell event—either that, or they were purposely keeping the topic alive with controversy. They published two books. The first, published in 1995, is titled The Roswell Report, in which they hype the Project Mogul explanation.189 The government feared the Russians had developed an atomic bomb, and Mogul was a classified project involving a high-altitude balloon carrying instruments capable of detecting a nuclear explosion in the Soviet Union. Since the project was classified in 1947, it provided the government with a new and convenient explanation of the Roswell case. However, the real facts are that there was nothing classified about the balloons or the components they carried; the only thing classified was their mission. There were many Mogul balloons released during that time that came down all over the place, and

they displayed information on whom to contact if found.190 It was probably a couple of soldiers in a pickup truck that went to retrieve them. However, numerous witnesses of the Roswell event described a rather high military presence. If it was a Mogul balloon that came down on the Foster Ranch, why did witnesses claim the military saturated the area and cordoned off all roads around the site, keeping everybody out? Why did they claim to have seen many trucks loaded with boxes leaving the crash site, escorted by armed military personnel? All this over a balloon? Is it any wonder why not many people believed the Mogul story? And what was the need to keep it a secret for fifty years? Their second book, published in 1997, is titled The Roswell Report: Case Closed. This was an attempt to convince the public that the alien bodies people claimed to have seen were anthropomorphic dummies used in testing high altitude parachutes.191 The problem with that explanation is that official records show the parachute tests were not conducted until 1953, six years later. And witnesses described the bodies they saw as being about four feet tall, while the dummies used in the parachute tests stood about six feet tall.192 It would appear that what the air force really did was cut off its nose to spite its face; their feeble explanations were an admission that the scene in General Ramey’s office with the weather balloon was a sham—what researchers had been claiming all along. And the late Brigadier General Thomas DuBose, who was General Ramey’s chief of staff In 1947, admitted in two separate filmed interviews, one in 1990 and the other in 1991, that the balloon story was a coverup.193 Stanton Friedman also has a sworn affidavit from Dubose stating the same.194 Nevertheless, the air force claimed that the span of three decades most likely clouded the memories of many witnesses, which is probably true to some extent. When comparing the original testimonies of witnesses to their more recent interviews, it appears some have embellished their stories, thereby making them less credible. In 1947, we were experimenting with captured German V-2 rockets and building the first jet fighters. Had it been one of these that

crashed, you can bet the military would have swarmed over the site like flies on horse manure. But their radical behavior suggests they were dealing with something much bigger. Surely they did not make death threats to witnesses over something as mundane as a balloon. However, if it was an alien spacecraft that crashed, that would logically explain their actions. The fact that we were being visited by extraterrestrial beings would have raised hell with many religious beliefs at the time. But the immediate concern would have been foreign powers. We would have had our hands on a technology centuries ahead of our time, and it would not have been in our best interest for the Soviet Union or any other unfriendly nation to know about it. And with news media from around the world suddenly focused on Roswell, it would only have been a matter of time before something leaked out. There is also the fact that Roswell was the home of the 509th Bomb Group—the only nuclear weapons base in the world. This was where the Enola Gay, the B-29 that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, was based. And you can be sure the Soviet Union had spies planted in the area. Someone decided to squelch the flying saucer crash story—and they did so with remarkable speed. And because civilian witnesses were involved, there was no way the military could transfer them out of the country or erase their identities. Their silence had to be guaranteed, and what better way to force them to remain silent than to intimidate them with death threats. Roswell researcher David Rudiak believes a paper in the hand of General Ramey, visible in a 1947 photograph, is proof that a UFO crashed and alien bodies were recovered. It was taken on the same day as the photo with Major Marcel and others posing in Ramey’s office with the weather balloon fragments. Using a digital photo scanner enhancement, an enlargement of the words visible on the paper seem to reveal words like “disc” and “the victims of the wreck.”195 The government, however, claims they could not make out anything when they enhanced the photograph, and so it remains a moot point.

The late Congressman Steven Schiff of New Mexico made a valiant effort to obtain records pertaining to the Roswell incident through the general accounting office in order to satisfy the requests of researchers and the curiosity of his constituents. Unfortunately he received the typical bureaucratic runaround. They sent him on a wild goose chase between various departments that had no records or any information on the event. When he eventually did get a reply, he was told that the records had been inadvertently destroyed.196 Nevertheless, the fact remains that some “thing” came down in the Roswell region—possibly two “things”—and it caused someone in the government great concern. If it was an extraterrestrial craft, the government would have wasted no time in trying to unravel its technology. However, in wading through the ocean of details, it is important to separate false information from the facts. •

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Why did Colonel Blanchard’s press release state that a crashed flying saucer had been retrieved when, supposedly, it was only debris that was brought back from the Foster Ranch? Why did the military make death threats to a twelve-year-old girl, the local sheriff, and their families over what they claimed was only a weather balloon? Why was it necessary to cordon off all roads around the crash site of a weather balloon? Why did it take many trucks loaded with boxes to transport the debris of a weather balloon? Why would weather balloon debris warrant an armed military escort? Why would the government threaten to revoke a radio station’s license over a weather balloon?

Nevertheless, one cannot deny the established facts: •

Something either crashed or bounced off the ground on the Foster Ranch. The debris collected by Mac Brazel, Major Marcel and the CIC agent confirm this.

• •

Marcel testified that the debris was not from a weather balloon and that some pieces were extremely lightweight and could not be dented with a sledgehammer or burned with a blowtorch. Marcel’s son testified that he handled one piece that looked like an I-beam that bore strange writing. Brigadier General Thomas DuBose admitted the balloon story was a cover-up.

In reviewing the deathbed confessions of military personnel, they imparted their knowledge by word of mouth to their loved ones with the hope they would pass them on to the world. As sincere as their intentions may have been, their words, as compelling as they might be, would be considered only as hearsay in a court of law. Regardless of how much confidence we may put in the credibility of their words, they fall short of being the smoking gun—undisputed absolute proof. So these are the details of the Roswell event that the general public has been exposed to over fifty years, much of which has never been corroborated—and none of which amounts to a smoking gun. Perhaps the closest anyone has come to revealing the smoking gun is someone who was in a position to know: someone who knew the real facts—someone whose words hold much weight. That person is Lieutenant Walter Haut, the public information officer of Roswell Army Airfield and confidant of Colonel William Blanchard, the base commander. He worked closely with Blanchard, and Blanchard trusted him to not reveal what he knew of the Roswell event—a trust he honored until his death. Haut passed away in 2005 but had prepared a sealed notarized affidavit for his family to open after his death, in which they would determine the disposition of the affidavit and the information it contained. Julie Shuster, Haut’s daughter, stated they did not push it or promote it in any way and quietly released it in a book titled

Witness to Roswell, written by Tom Carey and Donald Schmitt— people that both she and her father trusted.197 In the affidavit, Haut revealed the false information released to the public and details explaining what really happened, which I assume is probably the truth. The important details contained in the affidavit are as follows: •

At 7:30 a.m. on Monday July 8, a staff meeting at Roswell Army Airfield was attended by Brigadier General Roger Ramey, who had flown in from Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth accompanied by his chief of staff, Colonel Thomas DuBose. (This was before Major Marcell was said to have flown to Fort Worth to show Ramey the debris he recovered from the Foster Ranch). Also attending were Haut, Sheridan Cavitt, Colonel Blanchard, and other major base personnel. Marcell reported on the debris that he and Cavitt had brought back from the Foster Ranch, after which Blanchard briefed everyone on the second site, which was about forty miles north of town. Debris from that site was passed around the table and handled by everyone, and no one could identify the material. A decision of whether to go public was discussed, but because civilians had already become involved and the press had been alerted, Ramey suggested they acknowledge the site on the Foster Ranch to divert attention from the main crash site north of town. After the meeting, Colonel Blanchard called Haut’s office and dictated a memo claiming a flying disc had crashed and been recovered from a ranch northwest of town and brought to the base, and that Marcel was flying the material to higher headquarters. He was to deliver the memo to the two radio stations and two newspapers in Roswell. When the story hit the wire services, his office was inundated with calls from reporters around the world seeking more information. Blanchard then suggested that rather than deal with the media, he should go home and “hide out.”

• •

Before leaving, Blanchard took him to Building 84, a B-29 hanger, which he said was under heavy guard. Inside he saw the object retrieved from north of town. He described it as being twelve to fifteen feet in length, about six feet tall, and shaped like an egg. He said there were no windows, wings, tail section, or landing gear visible. From a distance, he could see two bodies under a canvas tarp with only the heads visible, but he couldn’t make out any details other than that the heads appeared larger than normal. The contour of the canvas covers over the bodies suggested the size of a ten-year-old child. Blanchard later indicated to him they were about four feet tall. He was informed a temporary morgue had been set up to accommodate the bodies and that the craft was not “hot” (radioactive). Haut stated that when Major Marcel had returned from Fort Worth, he said that when he returned from a map room, the debris he had laid out in Ramey’s office had been switched with remnants of a weather balloon and radar kite, and he mentioned the fact that Marcel was very upset over the situation. (This is when the press was brought in, photographs were taken of him posing with a piece of a weather balloon, and Irving Newton, the base weather officer, was called in— who, of course, identified the debris as a weather balloon and radar reflector.) Haut stated in his affidavit that he was allowed to make one visit to one of the recovery sites and that he brought back some of the debris, which he displayed in his office. He also said that months later, two separate teams would return to each site and conduct periodic searches for any remaining debris.

If Haut’s affidavit is the truth, which I have no reason to doubt, it reveals that a UFO crashed forty miles north of Roswell and was recovered along with alien bodies, and the incident was covered up with the phony weather balloon story. It also revealed that General

Ramey double-crossed Marcel to promote that explanation. It resulted in Marcel looking like a fool in that he did not recognize the debris for what it was. All the other information presented in which Haut was not involved, such as the death threats made to civilians, cannot be verified, although the testimonies of Sheriff Wilcox’s daughter and granddaughter stating the military had threatened him and his family with death if he ever talked about what he knew would seem to add credibility to the other claims. The air force’s two books hyping Project Mogul and parachute dummy experiments fifty years later only served to reawaken public interest in UFOs. Why? The Assessment File Robert Dean is a retired US Army Sergeant Major who, in the 1960s, was an intelligence analyst assigned to NATO’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). During his assignment there, he had access to highly classified information. One day when there was not a whole lot to do, he was looking around for something to read. A senior officer said, “Read this,” and tossed a large folder on his desk. The title of the folder was “An Assessment,” and what Dean read in that folder changed his life forever. NATO had conducted an in-depth investigation of UFOs when they began appearing over many sensitive military installations throughout Europe, and what they discovered was so earth-shaking that NATO classified it “Cosmic Top Secret.” 198 Dean said that before people would be able to accept that information, they would first have to be psychologically prepared to deal with it. He said NATO had learned a great deal about UFO activities back in the 1940s.199 One case he read in the file told of an object that crashed in Germany, near the Baltic Sea, in which British Army Engineers found twelve small bodies, and there were pictures of the autopsies performed on them.200 Another detail revealed in the file was that we have a relationship with several extraterrestrial races.201

In 2009, Dean spoke at the European Exopolitics Summit in Barcelona, Spain, and displayed several NASA photos of UFOs taken by Apollo astronauts around the moon. He said he obtained them through connections he still has in the intelligence community. He also dropped a couple of bombshells when he told those attending the summit that we are a hybrid race created by extraterrestrials through genetic engineering—which is still going on today—and that we already have established a base on Mars. He also said we are facing some sort of global catastrophe.202 He said we are currently going through a transformation that will eventually make it possible for us to travel to the stars.203 As fantastic as it may sound, there is more information coming later that seems to corroborate some of his claims. After leaving the service, Dean founded an organization called Stargate International in an attempt to get Congress to grant amnesty to him and others who are willing to break their security oaths and reveal what they know of UFO incidents that occurred during their military service without fear of prosecution and the loss of their pensions.204 But would the government really take such action against retired military personnel for revealing classified UFO information? Dean and other whistleblowers (to be discussed), so far, have not been prosecuted for speaking out. However, if government UFO secrets are that sensitive, it would seem that a trial prosecuting whistleblowers might end up revealing the very secrets they are trying to keep. There are probably many people who never heard of Robert Dean before now. Therefore, much of what he revealed may seem farfetched. What I am presenting here is information I gathered from a number of his personal interviews. Nevertheless, his assignment at SHAPE is a factor to consider in his credibility. As an intelligence analyst, he obviously had access to a lot of classified information, and the assessment file may well have been part of it. However, we can only wonder what is so shocking in the information that it warranted a Cosmic Top Secret classification.

Dean dropped a hint in one of his interviews that it had religious implications—an issue that will be covered in great detail later. Eisenhower’s Alleged Contacts The notion that President Dwight D. Eisenhower met with aliens may be only rumor, wild speculation, or possibly disinformation. If it is disinformation, then it may contain an element of truth. I am presenting it here based solely on that possibility, and you can draw your own conclusions. However, evidence presented later suggests that it could be true. The first meeting allegedly occurred at Muroc Airfield in California (now Edwards Air Force Base). Eisenhower made an unscheduled visit to Palm Springs, California, on February 20, 1954, where he supposedly disappeared for twelve hours, during which time no one knew where he was. The next day, he turned up at a church service and said he had undergone emergency dental surgery for a chipped tooth.205 This raised the eyebrows of some reporters because, supposedly, Eisenhower hated going to church. Muroc Airfield was allegedly closed for three days from February 19 to 21 to all incoming air traffic and nonessential base personnel. This occurred at the same time Eisenhower was in Palm Springs, and there were rumors that he secretly met with aliens.206 MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network) allegedly has files containing eyewitness accounts of Eisenhower making a deal with aliens in which he would provide them with a permanent base in exchange for advanced technology. Another version of the story is that this meeting was with the Nordics—tall human-looking aliens with blond hair and blue eyes that allegedly come from a planet in the Pleiades star system.207 It is said they tried to persuade Eisenhower to curtail the development of nuclear weapons but reached no agreement. This was a few days before we detonated a hydrogen bomb over Bikini Atoll. The second meeting supposedly took place on October 15, 1957, at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico with the gray aliens. A saucer-shaped craft allegedly landed on the tarmac at the far end of the runway, where the president’s plane was waiting.208 And there

are variations of this encounter. This meeting allegedly resulted in the Greada Treaty, in which Eisenhower gave the grays permission to experiment on a limited number of humans in exchange for technology.209 The condition was that they return the humans unharmed. But the grays supposedly broke the treaty and abducted millions of people. In another version, the same conditions were stipulated: freedom to abduct humans for DNA experimentation in exchange for technology. These experiments, called “the Blue Planet Project,” are allegedly taking place at a secret base located inside the Archuleta Mesa in Dulce, New Mexico.210 What seems to be a more credible version is presented by researchers Art Campbell and Manuel Kirklin. In their presentation posted on the UFOTV website, they appear to have acquired more accurate information. However, Kirklin has stated that much of the information has not been confirmed as fact. He did say that several people verified the fact that Eisenhower received dental treatment for a toothache at Edwards (Muroc) Air Force Base but mentioned nothing about him disappearing for twelve hours. However, they did present compelling information that he met with aliens aboard a UFO at Holloman Air Force Base on or about February 10, 1955—not in 1954 or 1957, as stated in the other versions of the story.211 Since they provided dates and the names and ranks of the military people from whom they acquired their information, their account appears more credible. Nevertheless, we cannot completely rule out the possibility that this is all disinformation, in which case there may be an element of truth to it. We know the government has used disinformation and misinformation to deflect attention from black projects, and establishing a relationship with aliens would surely fall under that umbrella. The following information, if it is true, alludes to that possibility. The Dulce Base In 1980, documents known as the Dulce Papers surfaced. These documents describe the existence of a secret underground base

located inside the Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico. The papers claim the base has seven levels in which the government is secretly working with aliens to conduct genetic research on human beings. Allegedly, the level of security increases at each level as one descends.212 In this documentary, which lacks credible references, a woman abductee claims she and her son were taken to an underground base where she saw aliens mutilating cattle and draining their blood. She claims she saw vats filled with human body parts and that aliens were inserting implants into abductees. She also alleges that the US government sanctions these abductions.213 In this account, however, nothing says she was taken to the Dulce base. She claims to have seen things that do not tally with what most abductees report. Ted Davenport is an abductee who claims he was taken to the Dulce base. He was on Level 4, where, according to him, they installed a metallic implant in his brain. He alleges that Level 4 is where aliens are conducting experiments involving brain waves. This is another case that does not correspond to what seems to be the norm in abductions. With very few exceptions, most abductees were never aware of an implant until it was discovered in X-rays later taken for medical purposes, or they eventually discovered strange lumps under their skin. Not that this is a verification of Davenport’s claims, but neuroscientist Norman S. Don has measured the brainwaves of many abductees and found they were all able to achieve trancelike states while awake—something they could never do prior to their abduction experience.214 As dubious as these stories may seem, the Jicarilla Apache Indians, who seem a bit more credible, say they have seen UFOs come out of the mountain.215 So maybe something is going on inside the Archuleta Mesa. Gabe Valdez was a retired New Mexico State Police officer who claimed he investigated numerous cattle mutilations in the Dulce area, and he made some astounding assertions. He said there was a great deal of helicopter activity around the mutilation sites—a claim

commonly reported by ranchers throughout the southwest who have found their cattle mutilated. Valdez said he collected a lot of evidence: gas masks, monitoring instruments, and something that he called a radar shaft. He claims that someone was marking the cattle in advance and coming back later and removing their lymph nodes. He said they also took other parts, but he stated that this was for the purpose of confusing researchers investigating the mutilations. He described one incident in which something had apparently gone wrong. Valdez produced a photograph of what appeared to be a humanoid or monkey-like fetus he said they left behind inside a mutilated cow. He said there were no bones in the head and that it was full of water.216 In all the cases I studied, there was never any evidence recovered at a mutilation site—not even a discarded piece of trash or a cigarette butt. So I really don’t know what to make of his claims. However, the most bizarre story about the Dulce base is that of Phil Schneider. Phil Schneider was a geologist and structural engineer who said he worked on many deep underground military bases (DUMBs). In 1979, he said the government contracted him to build one of these bases in Dulce. When a problem arose during the drilling, Schneider was lowered down into the hole in a cage to investigate. He said he found himself in a preexisting underground facility where he encountered a number of tall gray aliens and that there were also other people there. That was a rather surprising discovery, but what bothers me is the reason behind what happened next. Schneider said he drew his pistol and fired, killing two of the grays. Then he said one of them fired a laser-like beam that took off two of his fingers and burned a hole in his chest, splitting his ribs apart. Allegedly, a Delta Force soldier who either accompanied him or was already down there (he never specified) sacrificed his life by shoving Schneider back into the cage that lifted him up to the surface. He said that others soldiers who were sent down were also killed; he claimed sixty-two to seventy-two bodies were recovered from the Mesa.217 Schneider displayed his hand with the two missing fingers

and raised his shirt, revealing a scar that stretched from his upper chest to his abdomen, which he said was caused by the alien’s weapon. Two questions: why did Schneider find it necessary to draw his gun and kill the grays? And who were the other people he said were down there? This was never explained in any of Schneider’s interviews. In 1995, Schneider feared he was being followed after breaking his security oath and going public. Then he was found dead in his apartment in January 1996. The cause of death was originally ruled a stroke, but when his ex-wife was denied access to his body, she began to suspect something was wrong and demanded a thorough autopsy. The second autopsy allegedly revealed that rubber catheter tubing had been wrapped around Schneider’s neck, and the cause of death was changed to suicide. But his ex-wife truly believes he was murdered.218 A researcher (who was not named) claims he investigated Schneider’s allegations and said he interviewed a Jicarilla deputy sheriff and asked whether he was there in 1979 when they recovered the bodies from the mesa. He said the deputy acknowledged that he was there, but he is not allowed to talk about it.219 Thomas Castello, the alleged whistleblower who produced the Dulce Papers, said he worked at the Dulce base on the security systems and that his clearance gave him access to all seven levels. He claims he saw people in cages down on Level 7 and was told they were being treated for mental disorders. It was when he recognized a man from his hometown that had mysteriously disappeared that he became suspicious. He claimed that once he realized what was going on, he fled with stolen documents (the Dulce Papers) that prove the base was a joint operation between the government and aliens. He said it was his knowledge of the security systems that enabled him to escape. Allegedly he was later arrested at his home, and no one has seen him since.220

You may be wondering why I am even presenting such questionable information. It sounds like the bizarre stories you hear from the fringe element, and it may well be. The information lacks credible sources, but that is how disinformation sometime appears. Considering the possibility of disinformation, there could be an element of truth to some of it, as we will see later. There are allegations alluding to tunnels in the Dulce base that extend for hundreds of miles, connecting to different military installations around the United States. But what about the fault lines that exist throughout the country? During an earthquake, the earth shifts around these faults, so unless these tunnels somehow avoid them, I fail to see how they could remain intact during a severe earthquake. But what if they do exist? How were they created? In this case, at least, there may be some credible evidence. According to author Richard T. Sauder, PhD, scientists and engineers at Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico have designed thermonuclear boring machines. These machines can swiftly bore through rock and soil that become vitrified, melting into the walls of the surrounding rock and leaving a very solid and sturdy glass-lined tunnel behind them. He said the US Atomic Energy Commission acquired the first patent on September 26, 1972, and a second and third patent were issued on May 6, 1975, to the US Energy Research and Development Administration and to the inventors at Los Alamos who work for the administration.221 So we may have the technology to have bored into the Archuleta Mesa and created an underground base and a vast network of tunnels. There is a lot of information on the internet on boring machines, but nothing specific on the thermonuclear kind. So it is yet to be determined whether such machines have been built and used. Were they to be used to build underground bases and tunnels, it would probably be part of a black budget program. Now, I am not trying to promote a conspiracy theory, but only a possibility based on the information. The testimony of Gabe Valdez, the retired New Mexico State Police officer, and the evidence he says he gathered from mutilation

sites in the area around Dulce does appear questionable. But what if it’s true that a Jicarilla deputy sheriff saw the bodies of the soldiers removed from the mesa as reported by Phil Schneider? And what if it’s true that Jicarilla Apache Indians have seen UFOs come out of mountain? The evidence is circumstantial. However, if a base does exist and is used by both aliens and the government, it adds some credibility to Robert Dean’s claim that the assessment file revealed a government relationship with several alien races. It also means that at some point there had to be a meeting that took place between them in which a decision was made to construct the base, whereby it would be shared and mutually beneficial to both parties. Another mystery is Phil Schneider’s claim that he discovered a preexisting facility full of aliens in 1979. If that were true, then why would the government contract him to build something that already existed? Or was it a base secretly constructed by aliens unbeknownst to the government? If so, there had to be an eventual meeting in which they agreed to share the facility. Or was it built years earlier as a black budget project by the government following the Roswell incident and kept secret from everyone, including the president? Or is this all a mishmash of disinformation created by the government? If a joint facility does exist, there obviously had to be a prior meeting with aliens to iron out the details. The question then would be, Is there any truth to the reports of Eisenhower meeting and making a secret deal with aliens? There are a few people who may hold some clues as to the validity of this claim. Area S-4 Further evidence that the government has acquired alien technology is in the story of scientist Bob Lazar. Lazar claims he was hired to back-engineer the propulsion system of a UFO at a top-secret facility called S-4 that is situated ten or fifteen miles southwest of Area 51, where it is surrounded by mountains and completely hidden from view. According to Lazar, he was interviewed for the job in 1988 at EG&G headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada. Apparently he

impressed his interviewers and was hired and told he would be working on an exotic field propulsion system. On the first day, he was told to report to the EG&G Special Projects Office inside a secured entrance at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, where he was to meet his supervisor, a man he identified as Dennis Mariani. Lazar said they then boarded a plane, which flew them to Area 51. After landing, they went into an office for a security briefing, and he was required to sign a secrecy agreement stating he would be denied any right to a trial in the event he disclosed anything about his work or Area 51. Then he said they boarded a bus with blacked-out windows and were taken to the S-4 site.222 The S-4 complex, he said, was inside a mountain with nine hangar doors camouflaged to blend with the base of the mountain. He said one hangar door was open, and inside he saw a saucer-shaped craft. He thought it was a new advanced aircraft the military was developing, and the thought that it might be an alien craft never crossed his mind until later, when he got to enter it.223 Lazar said he was one of twenty-two people with a “Majestic” clearance employed to back-engineer the craft. He said Majestic clearance was designated eight levels above Q clearance, the topsecret clearance for civilians.224 He said that all the work was compartmentalized. Each person worked on a particular element of the craft and had no knowledge of what other elements were involved or who was working on them.225 So no one person ever got to know the complete range of technological data involved with the craft. Lazar said that wherever he had to go, he was escorted. He said he spent the first few days under guard while reading a series of briefing documents that contained detailed information of aliens and contained black-and-white photographs of an alien autopsy.226 He also learned that the craft he would be working on was not a recent acquisition.227 He said the outer hull of the craft looked like unfinished stainless steel and there were no seams in it; it was as if it had been injection

molded from a giant die.228 He knew it did not belong to the military when he first entered it and saw how small everything was inside. There were no control panels or switches, only three very small seats and a reactor. He said the disc had three levels and that he never got to enter the upper level. The middle level was where one entered the craft, and the lower level contained three gravity amplifiers. He said he saw nine discs of different shapes in the other hangars at a later time when the connecting doors were open, and he was told they all had the same power and propulsion systems.229 One craft, he said, resembled a Jell-O mold. One looked like a top hat, and one was tilted up on its side with a large hole in it. He speculated that they may have fired a weapon at it to test its strength.230 Lazar nicknamed the craft he was working on “the Sport Model.” The propulsion system, he said, used the gravity amplifiers to create a gravitational pull in whatever direction they were aimed, pulling the craft along into a continuous gravity field. He said that speed was regulated by the strength of the gravity field being generated. Lazar said the use of one generator is called “Omicron configuration,” and the use of all three is called “Delta configuration” and is used for travel in space. He said the craft moves through space by tilting up and focusing ahead on one point and that it’s always chasing a little distortion. But because gravity varies around the earth, the craft seems to move erratically at low speeds. He said if you saw the craft at night in the distance, it would look like a glowing ball of bright light, but up close there would be a glowing halo around it. He said that’s because it’s emitting a high-energy source in an atmosphere rich in oxygen and nitrogen, and when you apply enough energy to gas molecules like oxygen and nitrogen, they will emit light.231 Lazar explained that a gravity wave produces lift by working against the natural gravity wave of the earth. Gravity distorts time and space, and the craft generates its own gravitational field. If you’re inside the craft, you are inside that field and will not feel anything if the craft makes a sudden sharp turn.232 He said a total

annihilation reactor that works with matter and antimatter is something we have not even begun to understand. Lazar said the one inside the craft could put out more power than a full-size nuclear power plant, and it was small enough that one person could lift it. Lazar said that one day he actually got to see a test of the craft he was working on up close. He said it lifted silently off the ground, and a slight coronal discharge was visible around the bottom, suggesting the presence of high voltage, but it dissipated at around thirty feet. He said the craft just hovered silently and then moved to left and to right and sat back down.233 One day while working in the craft, he said, one of the archways inside suddenly became transparent, and he could see outside and noticed that something began to scroll up, as if on a screen. Apparently it had something to do with what another technician was working on. He then theorized that the skin of the craft could become transparent to enable its occupants to see outside, or maybe it could function as a kind of video screen.234 Lazar was told the craft came from a planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system and that an information exchange program was going on with live aliens at the facility. But sometime in the past, security personnel attempted to enter an area used by aliens that was protected by some kind of shield that would cause their ammunition to explode. When the aliens tried to stop them from entering, a fight broke out and the security personnel were killed.235 Lazar said they usually flight-tested the craft on Wednesday nights. It was taken a short distance above the top of the mountain range, but never any higher. He confided in a few friends about what was going on and took them to a location in the desert one night when he knew they would be conducting a test flight so they could see it for themselves, thereby breaking his secrecy oath. Just as he predicted, the craft rose up a short distance above the mountain, maneuvered around for a few minutes, then disappeared back down behind the mountain. Since they did not encounter any problems, he decided to do it again. He became complacent, thinking he could continue to get

away with it. But Lazar and his friends suddenly found themselves confronted by armed security personnel one night. The next day, Lazar said they took him to an air force base north of Las Vegas, where they sat him down in a chair and put a gun to his head, threatening to kill him and his wife.236 That is when he decided to go public. He figured that if he blew the whistle and revealed what was going on, it would guarantee his safety. If anything happened to him then, it would tend to confirm his story, and the publicity it would generate was something the powers that be would probably want to avoid at all costs. However, they did harass Lazar. He said one day when he was driving up the ramp onto Interstate 15, someone in a white car fired a shot into the back of his car and sped away.237 Lazar contacted George Knapp, an investigative reporter with KLAS TV in Las Vegas, and told him his story. Knapp was skeptical but thought that if the story was true, it was dynamite. So he decided to check on Lazar’s claim that he had worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. He figured that if Lazar had worked there, then he probably had the security clearance and qualifications that could validate his story. When Knapp contacted Los Alamos, however, they told him there was no record of Lazar ever having worked there. Yet Lazar’s name and telephone extension number were listed in the lab’s phone directory from the time he said he worked there. Knapp managed to locate and interview several people who knew Lazar and verified that they had worked with him at Los Alamos on classified projects.238 That was good enough for Knapp. The interview aired.239 But the harassment was not over. All records pertaining to his employment for 1989 had disappeared—were erased—so there was no way to prove where he worked during that year. However, the W2 form for his 1989 tax return, which he still had, shows he was employed by the Department of Naval Intelligence with the Washington, DC, zip code 20038. I searched all over the internet for any reference to this department, but the only one that came up was a rather dubious video clip of an alleged interview with a gray alien.

Now there is an Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), but there is no reference for a Department of Naval Intelligence. Obviously the department exists, since it was the source of Lazar’s paycheck. It was suggested that at some point the Department of Naval Intelligence was changed to the Office of Naval Intelligence. That was unlikely, since the ONI has been in existence for over a century, having been established by the Department of the Navy on March 23, 1882. Back at KLAS TV, George Knapp said he managed to make contact with a few people who said they worked at the S-4 site that he thought could vouch for Lazar. But before he could interview them, they were visited by people who intimidated them into not doing the interview.240 One of the persons Lazar had taken out to the desert to witness the UFO test flight was John Lear. Lear confirmed that he witnessed that test flight in 1989, and he said the craft appeared at the precise time Lazar said it would.241 It was John Lear’s father who founded the Learjet Corporation, and John, himself, is a professional pilot. He also worked for the CIA and had a high security clearance, so I think that verifies his credibility. Lazar claimed he had a master’s degree in physics from MIT and one in electronics from Caltech. But those attempting to verify his educational background learned that no records exist of him ever attending those institutions. In an interview he gave thirty years later, it is now evident that he lied about where he got his education. Nevertheless, his knowledge of physics is proof that he received an education somewhere. Yet Lazar’s credibility remained under fire, and Knapp convinced the TV station to pay for polygraph tests. He said Lazar passed two and failed two. He also said Lazar left one polygraph examiner shaken in that his answer never deviated to the same question asked several times in different ways. But it was the answer to the last question that really rattled him. He asked Lazar whether he had

lied about any of his answers to the questions on the test, and Lazar answered “No.” And the readings indicated he was telling the truth.242 Lazar was unemployed after he was caught breaking his secrecy oath. However, he was hired by one of Nevada’s brothels to install a sophisticated computer system. Those attempting to discredit him eventually discovered this, and George Knapp said that when it became apparent that they were going to make it public, he suddenly saw his career going down the toilet. So he convinced Lazar to break the news himself in another interview where he could play it down and diminish any negative effect on the credibility he had established in his previous interview. Installing a computer system in a brothel actually had nothing to do with his story about the S-4 site; he was no longer working there, and he needed to earn money, so it was just a job, and it shouldn’t have any detrimental effect on his reputation. The strategy apparently worked. So what are we to make of Bob Lazar and his story? There are several points favoring his credibility. •

He presented his story in a very convincing manner. His comportment during his television interviews made it hard to believe he was lying. He didn’t stammer, he made eye contact, he spoke with authority, and there was no indication of deception in his body language. Also, his story has remained consistent from the beginning. He told John Lear and a few friends when test flights of the craft he was working on would take place, and he took them out to the desert where they could see it for themselves. Lear attests to the fact that he witnessed one of those test flights and that it occurred at the precise time Lazar said it would occur. So how could Lazar have known about the scheduling of these test flights unless he was telling the truth? When caught, it was on public land, outside the boundary of any restricted military area. Why would armed security personnel confront Lazar on public land unless they became suspicious of his activities and were following him? And why

would they be following him unless they suspected he was a security risk? And why would he be a security risk unless he was involved with something highly classified? Lazar’s only proof of employment for 1989 was his W-2 form showing he was paid by the Department of Naval Intelligence (for which no information exists on the internet). Obviously the department does exist, since it was the source of his paycheck.

There is, however, other compelling evidence that Lazar’s story is true. In 1989, he ruffled the feathers of the scientific community by claiming that the main power source of UFOs is what he called element 115.243 Scientists were convinced Lazar was a certified loon because there was no such element on the periodic table, and it was an element they claimed was impossible to create. Obviously they were wrong. Fourteen years later, in 2004, an international team of scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, announced the discovery of a brand-new element—element 115. And it had the same properties that Lazar had said it had fourteen years earlier.244 The scientists believed they had made it in 2003, but before it could become official, other scientists had to independently confirm it. So they gave it the temporary name of “Ununpentium.” Thanks to a team of Swedish and German scientists, that confirmation came eleven years later in 2014, and element 115 joined the others on the periodic table and is now called “Moscovium.”245 As a physicist, Lazar knew all about the periodic table of elements. He knew we did not have the technology in 1989 to create the element, yet he remained adamant in the faces of scientists who, for fourteen years, had ridiculed his claim that the element did exist. More importantly, how could he know it existed unless his claim of working on a UFO propulsion system is true?

Lazar said he learned the craft he worked on was not a recent acquisition. Unfortunately, he gave no indication of when the government acquired it or whether that detail was even mentioned in the briefing documents he reviewed. Was it a year earlier? A decade earlier? Or could it have been back in 1947, during the Roswell era? That detail, if known, could be helpful in determining the credibility of other information. Another detail that would be helpful, if known, is how the government acquired the craft. Lazar said it was their only working model, and since it was undamaged, it probably did not come from a crash site. Could the rumors be true that it was given to us? If so, why would aliens provide us with such an exotic sample of their technology that was centuries ahead of our own? Could it have been part of an agreement between the government and the aliens in exchange for providing them with a secret underground base? Or was it for the purpose of boosting our own technological development? Or could it be both? Lazar said he learned of an information exchange program with aliens taking place at the facility and that a security team died in a fight when they attempted to enter an area where aliens were working. Does this not sound like Phil Schneider’s story regarding a firefight with aliens at a secret base inside the Archuleta Mesa in Dulce, New Mexico? And Lazar said the S-4 base exists inside a mountain. What we seriously have to consider is that Bob Lazar made a lot of claims. If what he was told about an information exchange program with aliens is true, how long has it been going on? And when did we first establish contact with the aliens? Is it possible that there is some truth to the rumors of Eisenhower meeting with aliens in the 1950s? There are claims that amazing technologies resulted from alien contact. Since the 1970s, there has been an increase in sightings of giant triangular craft, and they have exhibited many of the same flight characteristics attributed to UFOs. However, it is the frequency of their appearances that suggest many may be of terrestrial original.

There are records of triangular craft seen in the skies in ancient times as well as in the 1970s and ’80s. However, beginning on March 30, 1990, Belgium experienced a sudden wave of sightings involving huge triangular craft. Police in several villages chased them, radar tracked them, and Belgian Air Force jets pursued them. Major General Wilfried De Brouwer, now retired, was a colonel in the Belgian Air Force when the wave began. He contacted officials in other countries around the world, including the United States, in an attempt to find out who owned these craft. All, including the United States, denied it was theirs. So if no other country owned these craft, then who did? There can only be four possible options: they were hallucinations, misidentified conventional aircraft, extraterrestrial craft, or new top-secret military craft. If we apply a little logic and common sense, we can rule out hallucinations. Hallucinations cannot appear in photographs or video footage, or be tracked by radar. Their being misidentified conventional aircraft is unlikely by virtue of the triangular shapes that appear in photographs and video footage, not to mention that they performed maneuvers beyond the capability of any known aircraft. Their being extraterrestrial craft is always a possibility, but the sudden frequency of their appearances tends to suggest many of them are most likely of terrestrial origin. And if they are of terrestrial origin, then obviously they belong to a country. So the next question is, What is the most likely country to have developed the technology and the resources to produce them? No, it is not Djibouti. What other country could it be if not the United States? If these triangles are part of an American arsenal of top-secret aircraft, why would we use them to generate a wave of UFO excitement in Belgium? Although it is possible that we did, I fail to see a logical reason for doing so. But since then, these triangles have made frequent appearances all across the United States around military bases, which could mean either that aliens are keeping close tabs on our sensitive military installations or that the craft belong to us. If they do belong to us, what kind of technology are they using? If there is any truth to claims made by Gary

McKinnon, he may have learned the answer in one of the most incredible computer hacking jobs ever pulled off. Solar Warden Gary McKinnon is a Scottish computer systems analyst in the United Kingdom. In 2000 and 2001, he hacked into various Pentagon and NASA computers looking for information on UFO-related issues. The British National Hi-Tech Crime Unit eventually caught up with and arrested him. However, because he had not broken any laws in the United Kingdom, he was released. The United States wanted to extradite him for his hacking and put him on trial in this country, but McKinnon suffers from Asperger syndrome, so the British refused to honor the extradition. Asperger syndrome is a neurobiological disorder characterized by autism-like abnormalities in social interactions.246 According to the British, incarceration could result in McKinnon committing suicide. What is important here is what McKinnon claims he discovered. He said he viewed two files on a computer located in Building 8 at the Johnson Space Center that contained NASA’s secret UFO photos. One file contained unedited photos of UFOs taken in space. The other file contained the same photos with the UFOs airbrushed out. One photo, he said, was of a very large cigar-shaped craft in orbit over the Northern Hemisphere. However, he was unable to download any of the images. This was prior to the advent of broadband and high-speed internet access, when most computers were still using slow 56k dial-up with limited memory, and it would have taken too long. He could spend only a few short minutes in each system he hacked into; any longer would have increased the risk of his being caught. But McKinnon’s most interesting claim is his discovery that the US government is in league with aliens and using antigravity technology and has a secret space fleet called “Solar Warden” in orbit around the earth. He said he opened a file that listed the names of “nonterrestrial personnel” of different ranks but was unable to tell if they were army, navy, or air force. And where would non-terrestrial personnel work if not somewhere off planet? He claims he also saw

a roster detailing “ship-to-ship” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers,” suggesting numerous spacecraft are involved. Allegedly there are eight cigar-shaped craft larger than two football fields end-to-end, and forty-three smaller ships.247 Except for UFO researchers, most people may not have heard of Gary McKinnon before. The initial publicity focused on the fact that he committed a federal crime by hacking into government computers, but it mentioned little to nothing of his motives for doing so. If there had been any mention of the UFO issue, it probably would have been in a context in which people would view McKinnon as a loony tune. It was one of those news items that few people pay attention to, and that those who do pay attention quickly forget about. After ten years, the United States dropped all charges against McKinnon, supposedly because it was pointless, since they were unable to extradite him. But it’s also possible the United States never intended to extradite him. If any of what he claimed is true, the publicity generated by those details brought out in a trial would open a can of worms for the government by exposing the secret space fleet program and a major NASA cover-up. It is possible the government put on the show of attempting extradition but had no intention of ever doing so. Now, I am not claiming any of this is true. I am only presenting the information and, in some cases, the evidence that suggests it. It’s up to you to draw your own conclusions. But what if McKinnon’s claims are true? What if we do have a secret space fleet in orbit? It would have taken decades to create. When did it start? How long has it been operational? What is its primary mission? Some researchers speculate it may have begun in the early 1980s, during Ronald Reagan’s presidency, and that Reagan himself may even have known about it. Researchers who studied Reagan’s diary after his death came across a very intriguing entry he made concerning a luncheon he had with five top space scientists. They were apparently discussing some rather advanced scientific breakthroughs, because Reagan

wrote, “It was fascinating. Some of the developments are like science fiction except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we can orbit 300 people.”248 Three hundred people? Was he perhaps referring to a huge triangular craft that could transport that many people to their workstation—a huge cigarshaped craft in orbit? Was his entry related to a secret space fleet? It’s a known fact that Reagan had two UFO encounters. The first occurred when he and his wife, Nancy, were on their way to a dinner party being held in his honor at the home of actor William Holden. Along the way, they encountered a UFO that landed off the side of the road. All anyone knows is that they arrived at the party very late and that Reagan was unsettled. Some researchers questioned the possibly that he was abducted.249 The second encounter occurred while aboard an airplane during a campaign tour when he was governor of California. According to his pilot, Bill Paynter, they observed a UFO zigzagging toward their plane and then flying out of sight at an unbelievable speed.250 There are those that think Solar Warden is an offshoot of Reagan’s Space Defense Initiative (SDI) program that he announced in March 1983. They speculate that his motivation to create a space defense program was a direct result of his own UFO encounters. Or maybe it was his concern that some UFOs—such as the hostile faction—may represent a threat, which he echoed in several speeches he made to important world dignitaries. One example is when he was addressing the United Nations in 1993: “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet I ask you, is not an alien force already among us?”251 What did he really mean by “is not an alien force already among us?” It almost sounds as if he was reminding the dignitaries he was addressing about something they already knew, such as aliens and humans working together in secret underground bases or even in

space. And was his mention of an alien threat referring to the hostile faction? There are unconfirmed rumors of a secret aircraft called Aurora. Although military officials deny its existence, a satellite photo shows what appears to be a high-altitude doughnut-shaped vapor trail leading eastward from the vicinity of Area 51 in Nevada all across the United States and the Atlantic Ocean toward Europe, Russia, and China. Whatever left this trail had to be traveling in excess of eight thousand miles an hour.252 Is this a clue that the Aurora really exists and may be part of a secret space fleet? And what about a triangular aircraft called the TR-3B? Supposedly it can fly faster and outperform any existing aircraft. It allegedly has the ability to cloak itself by bending light.253 Could it be connected to Solar Warden? Whether Solar Warden was a project created by Ronald Reagan or an offshoot of his SDI program, or whether it even exists, is a matter of how you choose to interpret the information. If it really exists, what is its primary mission? Is it to defend the country from missiles launched by an enemy nation or to defend the earth against an alien invasion? If it has such capabilities, could it not also protect us from a comet or asteroid impact? The Chelyabinsk Asteroid On February 15, 2013, an asteroid entered the earth’s atmosphere and exploded about fifteen miles above the Russian town of Chelyabinsk. The explosion created a shockwave that caused major damage to buildings, and a thousand people were injured. If it had hit the ground, the result would have been devastating, with many people killed. Several people captured video footage of it streaking through the upper atmosphere, and one video revealed something startling. It appears that something flew right through the asteroid just before it exploded.254 Did a missile fired from a space defense system in orbit hit it, causing it to explode high in the atmosphere, thus preventing it from reaching the surface and causing major destruction? Again, is it evidence that a defensive space program really does exist?

Kevin Grazier, a planetary scientist, disputes this idea. He claims that when the asteroid hit the atmosphere, it started to disintegrate, with pieces breaking off. He contends that the denser atmosphere slowed the asteroid down a bit, and that the fragments that broke off were much lighter in volume and weight and did not slow down as much. One piece, he claims, sped past the asteroid. It’s possible this was the case, but I am not completely convinced. The reason I question that idea is the speed at which the object was traveling and the fact that it came from behind the asteroid. It just does not seem possible that a piece broke off and fell behind the asteroid and then accelerated to such an incredible speed and passed through it or by it. It appears to have exited the front of the asteroid, pushing out with it some of its inner material that fell away, but the object continued on at the same speed at which it entered the asteroid. That makes me wonder if it really was some kind of missile. Another event that tends to support the idea of space weapons is the video from the Discovery space shuttle mission STS 48, where it appears a weapon of some kind was fired at an object that suddenly changed direction and sped off into space. Here is an excerpt from another speech made by Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983, during an address on national security he delivered to the nation. This was the same month in which he made his cryptic statement at the United Nations. “What if free people could live, secure in the knowledge that their security did not rest upon the threat of instant U. S. retaliation to deter a Soviet attack … that we could intercept and destroy strategic ballistic missiles before they reached our own soil and that of our allies?” 255 Might this statement apply to the Discovery shuttle video, or to intercepting and destroying an asteroid before it reached the planet’s surface? Could this be what happened in Chelyabinsk? There is, of course, no way to know if this was the case. But when you consider the claims of Bob Lazar and Gary McKinnon, and Eisenhower’s

alleged secret meetings with extraterrestrials, not to mention Reagan’s alleged encounter with a landed UFO and his reference to an alien threat in a United Nations speech, it really makes you wonder. As a musician in the early 1960s, I worked in a music store for a few years. I had the pleasure of meeting a gentleman who was a friend of my boss that worked for the government, apparently on highly classified projects. During one of his visits, we got into a conversation about our then fledgling space program, and what he told me floored me. He said there was no way people could conceive of the technologies already in existence, and that it was far beyond anything we could imagine in science fiction movies and literature. He could not elaborate without breaking his security oath, but knowing what I know today, I have to wonder if he worked at the then secret Area 51, or even a more secret site, such as the S-4 complex described by Bob Lazar. If what he said was true, and I had no reason to doubt him, I can only wonder about the technologies developed since then. I now wonder if Gary McKinnon’s claim of a secret space fleet in orbit called Solar Warden really exists. Another person who had knowledge of advanced top-secret technologies was the late Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed’s Skunkworks. If anyone knew about UFO crashes and alien contact and technology, he would have been right up there at the top of the list. Back in 1993, he gave a speech for alumni at UCLA’s School of Engineering, which he ended by saying, “We now have the technology to take ET home.”256 The implication was that we had developed and perfected interstellar space travel. If so, when did we attain this technology, and did we have extraterrestrial help? Could it also be an indication that we have established a base on Mars, as claimed by Robert Dean? At another time, he is reported to have said, “There are UFOs that we make, and there are UFOs that they make.” He didn’t specify who “they” were, but many UFO researchers tend to believe he was referring to extraterrestrials. ♦♦♦♦♦

The evidence of government denial, disinformation, and keeping the UFO issue alive in controversy is strong. The reason is yet to be more clearly defined, and I will attempt to do so as we proceed. I presented information alluding to unfriendly aliens along with information that the government may be in league with other aliens and has a secret space force in orbit around the earth. If true, this means there are at least two alien races involved with us, and according to the assessment file mentioned by Robert Dean, there are several. We cannot verify Gary McKinnon’s claims; however, other researchers claimed contact with insiders who have seen NASA’s secret UFO photos. Bob Lazar’s claim of working on a UFO propulsion system appears credible, since he knew the schedule of its test flights, as witnessed by John Lear and others. There is also the fact that he knew about element 115 fourteen years before it was confirmed by scientists. However, Ronald Reagan’s cryptic statement to the United Nations may be more revealing regarding a hostile faction of aliens who may represent a threat. And what of Eisenhower’s alleged meeting with aliens in the 1950s, which may have led to an information exchange program, the creation of a space defense program, and a secret space fleet, all of which lie hidden behind a veil of government secrecy, with clues gradually emerging through a process of disinformation? But when did government secrecy really begin? There is a good indication that it began before Roswell.


The Battle of L.A.

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people believe awareness of the UFO phenomenon originated in 1947 with the Roswell event. However, not many realize that it may have begun five years earlier with an event that was witnessed by thousands of people. It started in the early morning hours of February 25, 1942, when a large disc-shaped object suddenly appeared in the sky over Los Angeles. It triggered a five-hour citywide blackout and a barrage of antiaircraft fire from ground artillery units. It was first thought to be a Japanese aircraft launched from a carrier somewhere off the coast, although that later proved to be false. A photo appeared on the front page of the Los Angeles Times the next morning showing eight searchlights focused on a disc-shaped object with flashes of artillery shells bursting around it. Artillery units fired an estimated fourteen hundred rounds, and with that many rounds, it is almost certain there were some direct hits.257 But the object seemed to be impervious to the shelling, as if protected by a powerful force field.258 Eventually it just moved away and was gone. Shrapnel from the shelling rained down on the city for about an hour, injuring some people and causing property damage. Several “duds” (unexploded shells) landed around the city, and one live shell damaged a house when it came down through the roof and exploded. The aftermath left five people dead and dozens injured. Heart attacks were attributed to two deaths, and three were from

automobile accidents that resulted from people driving with their headlights turned off during the blackout.259 There were unconfirmed reports that the object went down in the ocean off the coast, where navy divers allegedly retrieved it. If that is true, perhaps the government already knew what to expect when they investigated the Roswell crash five years later. Although a few Washington officials denied the L.A. event even occurred, thousands of people had witnessed it. And surely, there had to be some official interest as to what the object was and where it came from. So it is possible the UFO cover-up began in 1942. The Washington, DC, Invasion During my research, I began to suspect that at some point extraterrestrials may have signaled the government, or maybe even the president, that they needed to talk, and that it may have occurred in 1952 or sometime later as a result of the Washington, DC, incident. It was seven years after we dropped atomic bombs on Japan, and five years after Roswell, and it occurred when UFOs visited the nation’s capital on two consecutive weekends (July 19–20 and July 26–27). Radar at Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base tracked several UFOs invading the restricted air space over the Capitol Building and the White House, and they could not have picked a more convenient time to do it. Original sources claimed that Bolling Air Force Base, the closest base to the White House located in the southeast quadrant of Washington, DC, was temporarily closed for runway repairs and had moved its jets to New Castle Air Force Base in Delaware. Was it just a coincidence that UFOs chose to put on this demonstration at the most opportune time, when DC’s air protection relied on jets responding from an air base much farther away? However, in his book Invasion Washington, Kevin Randle, a captain in the US Air Force Reserves, said it was the runways at Andrews Air Force Base that were being repaired.260 If that were true, jets from Bolling AFB could have responded almost immediately, yet that seems not to have been the case.

When the objects first appeared, Harry C. Barnes, senior air traffic controller at Washington National Airport, called Andrews AFB to see whether they were tracking the objects on their radar. Andrews advised Barnes that the only thing they were tracking was a C-47 due to land at Andrews. If true, this suggests the runways at Andrews were open.261 Two F-94 jets were scrambled from Newcastle AFB in Delaware to intercept the objects.262 And Newcastle is where Bolling reportedly moved its jets during runway repairs. Nevertheless, jets were scrambled, and when they arrived in the DC area, the objects flew off the radarscopes. When the jets returned to base, the UFOs returned to DC. Once again the jets were scrambled, and again the objects disappeared when they arrived. However, there was one time when the UFOs did not disappear so quickly. One F-94 pilot became a little nervous when the objects briefly encircled his plane before they took off.263 This was during the Truman administration, and researchers believe that shortly after the Roswell crash, he established a panel of high-ranking military people, intelligence officials, and scientists to deal with the UFO situation. Allegedly, this group is the Majestic Twelve group, a.k.a. MJ-12, a.k.a. MAJIC. If contact was established, it is almost certain that this group would have been involved. There is no indication that Truman himself was ever personally involved; however, unconfirmed reports claim that on two different occasions, his successor, Dwight D. Eisenhower met with aliens. Allegedly, the MJ-12 documents were a preliminary briefing on UFOs given to him before he was sworn in as president. The MJ-12 Documents Film producer Jaime Shandera and UFO researcher William Moore received the MJ-12 documents by mail in a manila envelope with no return address, but the postmark was from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Each envelope contained an undeveloped roll of thirty-fivemillimeter Tri-X black-and-white film. When developed, the film was found to contain photos of Eisenhower’s top-secret briefing documents (figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). On page three was a brief outline

of Kenneth Arnold’s historic sighting, as well as the Roswell crash, in which it said that several alien bodies had been recovered; they had been found about a week later, two miles east of the crash site, badly decomposed and partially eaten by predators. It alleges that they died after ejecting from the craft before it crashed.264 On page two were the names of the twelve men running the project, one of which was the late Dr. Donald Menzel, director of Harvard College Observatory. This raised the eyebrows of many researchers because Menzel was a hard-nosed skeptic who had written three books debunking UFOs. It made no sense. Why would he be on this panel unless, as some speculate, the documents were phony and Menzel’s name was included as a joke—or the documents were part of an organized disinformation campaign. Stanton Friedman was able to access Menzel’s archives at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he discovered that Menzel had been leading a double life. Aside from being an astronomer, he was a consultant to the CIA and the NSA and held a top-secret Ultra clearance. Apparently, this part of his life had been a well-kept secret. In addition, three of Menzel’s close associates were among the names listed on page two of the documents: Lloyd Berkner, executive secretary of the Joint Research and Development Board; Detlov Bronk, chairman of the National Research Council; and Vannever Bush, one of the nation’s leading scientists. In spite of Menzel’s public image as a devout UFO skeptic, Friedman felt that his role in MJ-12 might have been to spread disinformation, which he did by writing three books debunking UFOs.265 There has been much debate regarding the authenticity of the MJ-12 documents. Many believe they are disinformation, and if they are right, then the documents were created to enhance public interest in the UFO phenomenon. Why would the government deny their existence and at the same time covertly spread information guaranteed to promote interest in them? There is no point to it unless it was purposely done to maintain attention through controversy.

One clue suggesting the documents may be phony is that they were photographed on thirty-five-millimeter film.266 Common sense tells us that the level of security dealing with a situation as phenomenal as that described in the documents would surely negate any opportunity to photograph them. A microfilm camera maybe could have been concealed in a fountain pen, a tie clip, a cigarette lighter, etc., but a thirty-five-millimeter camera would have been too conspicuous; it just seems too unlikely. Of course, it is possible they were originally photographed on microfilm and later transferred to thirty-five-millimeter film for Shandera and Moore’s convenience, since they may not have had the facilities to work with microfilm. It was suspected that government agents had sent the film with the intention of spreading disinformation. It may, however, have served another purpose: to provide the powers that be an opportunity to evaluate public reaction. So unless it was someone’s idea of a joke, I see no other logical explanation. Everything considered, Majestic or some other cleverly named operation probably does exist. But it would not exist unless there was a need for it. In this case, the need could be based only on the possibility that the government was somehow involved with UFOs or their occupants, thereby suggesting contact was established with extraterrestrials or that they recovered one or more of their ships that crashed—or both. Being that Majestic-12 is a clandestine organization, the last thing they need is publicity or some tenacious investigator nosing around and turning up clues as to what is going on behind the scenes. Sightings by air force pilots draw attention to the military and the government, as do those of commercial airline pilots, who fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which is a government agency. If too many investigators begin asking too many questions of too many government people, too much attention increases the risk of a leak. It seems there is always someone who knows someone who knows something. Proof that the MJ-12 documents are disinformation is in the sealed and notarized affidavit that Walter Haut prepared for his family before he died. The MJ-12 documents implied the craft was found on the

Foster Ranch in Corona, seventy-five miles northwest of Roswell, and the bodies were found a week or so later, about two miles east of the crash. The details in Haut’s affidavit, however, revealed that the craft and the bodies of its crew were found together at a location forty miles north of Roswell. So the MJ-12 documents contain a mixture of truth and false information—disinformation. Those who believe the documents are authentic now have to take into consideration that, if true, the documents Eisenhower received contain the true details, not those containing the false information. Further evidence suggesting the government is involved in a campaign of disinformation is the testimony of the late Edgar Mitchell, one of the Apollo 14 astronauts who walked on the moon. In a telephone interview from his home in Lake Worth, Florida, Mitchell said he has talked to many high-ranking military officials from various countries who admitted their involvement with alien technology and hardware. When asked about the Roswell incident, he said the people he talked to said it was an alien craft that crashed.267 Until the Russians shot down Francis Gary Powers, how many people mistook a high-flying U-2 spy plane or the SR-71 Blackbird for a UFO? More recently, how many made the same mistake with an F-117 fighter or B-2 bomber? Would the air force have openly admitted it was really a new top-secret stealth aircraft that had been seen? Of course not. That would be announcing our secrets to the entire world, which would have included our adversaries. Therefore, it was convenient to let people believe they saw a UFO; it was the perfect diversion and another form of disinformation that kept UFOs in the news. At the request of the CIA, in January 1953, the government formed the Robertson Panel to study the phenomenon and provide an “Estimate of the Situation” for officials at the Pentagon. The panel consisted of Dr. H. P. Robertson of Caltech, nuclear physicist Samuel Goudsmit, geologist Lloyd V. Berkner, radar and electronics expert Dr. Luis Alvarez, Frederick C. Durant of the International Astronautical Foundation, and astronomer Thornton L. Page. They studied the reports for four days and concluded that UFOs were no

threat—a conclusion previously reached by Project Sign. Neither group explained how or why they reached that conclusion. They suggested, however, that the Soviets could take advantage of a wave of mass UFO sightings to launch a surprise attack on the United States, so they recommended discouraging the public’s interest in them.268 Projects Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book Project Sign was created within a year after the Roswell Incident to study and evaluate UFO reports. Memos obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal that after several months of investigation, the phenomenon seemed best explained by the extraterrestrial hypothesis—a hypothesis that was rejected by General Hoyt Vandenberg as unfounded.269 He rejected it on the grounds that no concrete proof existed to back it up even though those who actually investigated, studied, and evaluated the evidence recommended it. So Project Sign’s final report, like that of the Robertson Panel, merely stated that UFOs posed no threat to national security, with no explanation as to what led to that conclusion. Project Sign then evolved into Project Grudge. Grudge, however, attempted to explain all sightings by way of whatever explanations they could come up with: weather balloons, conventional aircraft, temperature inversions, ball lightning, flares, the planet Venus, and whatever else they could think of. But if UFOs were no threat, as claimed by Project Sign, why waste time and money on another project to manufacture explanations for the unexplained sightings? Project Grudge, in its final report, stated that 23 percent of the cases could be explained as ordinary phenomena, and what could not be explained, they claimed, could be explained by psychological phenomena.270 Grudge’s explanation did not impress many people. It appears, however, there may have been a dual purpose behind it—to calm the public’s fear of UFOs (even though I do not recall people ever running around in a panic over them) and at the same time keep the subject alive in controversy.

Project Blue Book, introduced in 1952, was the most noted project. It was crammed into a small office at Wright Patterson Field in Dayton, Ohio, and staffed by an air force major, a sergeant, an airman, and two secretaries.271 Their facilities included a few desks, telephones, and filing cabinets. There were no computers back then —at least none comparable to what we have today—no communications network, and no scientists or engineers on staff to study and analyze data. Therefore, Blue Book was not equipped to carry out any scientific studies or evaluations. The Air Material Command (AMC) at Wright-Patterson Field was responsible for Project Sign. Projects Grudge and Blue Book were the responsibility of the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC), also at Wright-Patterson, and were poorly funded.272 But the air force had misled the public into believing Blue Book was its official UFO investigative agency. Its meager setting, however, suggests it was only a low-budget facade used to control and shape public opinion. Blue Book investigated only those sightings that fell within the boundary of conventional explanation or hoaxes; many of the significant cases never appeared under Blue Book’s jurisdiction. Those running the project investigated only the cases assigned to them, or so it appeared. They had no idea what was going on, because they were puppets with someone at a higher level pulling their strings, plus they did not have the manpower to investigate every UFO report that came in. Since their facilities precluded serious evaluation or scientific analysis, all they did was interview witnesses. Most of the cases they were assigned could usually be explained as weather balloons, hoaxes, or natural phenomena. However, they left the door open for the public to believe that at least some UFOs might be extraterrestrial by occasionally assigning a case that defied explanation. There was, however, one consultant on Blue Book’s payroll: Dr. J. Allan Hynek. He came into the program as a skeptic and attempted to explain the sightings he investigated through a process of logical scientific analysis. He eventually realized the air force was using him to whitewash the UFO issue by pressuring him into creating rational

explanations for cases in which none existed. It became evident to him that there was more to UFOs than the air force was admitting. In an interview filmed before he died, Hynek, in a very diplomatic manner, explained that the air force was only doing its job, which was to allay the public’s concern regarding the lack of control they had over the strange objects appearing in our skies.273 By 1966, Blue Book had outlived its usefulness, and the air force initiated a two-year research project designed to justify its termination. But that made no sense. If Blue Book was of no further value, why spend thousands of taxpayer dollars on a two-year study to justify its termination? Why not just terminate it? The study known as the Condon Committee was headed by Dr. Edward Condon at Colorado University. However, two committee members, David Saunders and Norman Levine, became upset by the study’s lack of integrity after they saw a memo the project coordinator sent to two other members. This is an excerpt of that memo: “… The trick would be, I think, to describe the project so that, to the public, it would appear a totally objective study but, to the scientific community, would present the image of a group of nonbelievers trying their best to be objective but having an almost zero expectation of finding a saucer.”274 Saunders and Levine passed the memo on to the media and exposed the study for the sham that it was, and Condon promptly fired them.275 Condon, however, managed to stifle any further publicity concerning it. But in 1967, his bias became clear in an interview with reporters at the New York Star-Gazette. He told them that, in his opinion, studying UFOs was foolish and nothing but a waste of time, and he then added, “But I’m not supposed to reach a conclusion for another year.”276 His statement, plus the memo, clearly defined the intended purpose of the committee. And Condon’s statement proves that he never took the study seriously. Nevertheless, when completed in

1968, the air force had the excuse it needed, and on December 17, 1969, Project Blue Book became history—another event that generated some controversy. The Socorro Incident On April 24, 1964, police officer Lonnie Zamora was chasing a speeder on the outskirts of Socorro, New Mexico, when he saw a bright object shoot across the sky in front of him. Thinking it might be a plane on fire that was about to crash, he abandoned pursuit of the speeder and turned down a dirt road to follow the object. Another version of the story claims he heard an explosion and, thinking it was a dynamite shack that had blown up, let the speeder go and turned onto a dirt road to investigate. Nevertheless, coming over a rise, he saw what he first thought was an overturned car and thought some teenagers had been in an accident. As he drew closer, he saw that it was a white egg-shaped craft sitting on four legs that resembled an outrigger, and two childsize beings in white clothing were standing on the ground beside it. Rolling to a stop, he grabbed his microphone to call his headquarters. Original reports stated that his radio had gone dead (a common occurrence in many UFO encounters); however, in a more recent documentary, he said he had notified his headquarters that he was leaving his car to investigate a situation in the arroyo. He then exited the car, and as he started to approach the craft, he heard a door slam. That is when he realized the two small beings had disappeared. Flames then erupted from the bottom of the craft in a loud roar, scaring the bejesus out of Zamora, who then ran back and crouched down behind his car. He said the craft rose a short distance into the air, and the noise and the flames then ceased. The craft hovered silently for a while and then moved off to the west.277 Zamora then called for assistance. His friend Sam Chavez of the New Mexico State Police responded and found Zamora quite shaken. They examined the site, noting the scorched ground where the craft had been sitting, and seeing that branches on surrounding shrubs were scorched on the side facing the landing site. The craft’s

landing gear had left indentations in the ground measuring eight inches long, nine inches wide, and nine inches deep. After notification reached White Sands Missile Range, a team led by army captain Richard T. Holder arrived at the site ninety minutes later. In an interview on Unsolved Mysteries, Holder said he first thought Zamora had probably seen something classified that had gotten away from the range, but he soon realized that was not the case. He said he looked around for clues that it might be a hoax, but everything he saw was consistent with Zamora’s story.278 Dr. J. Allen Hynek went to Socorro to examine the landing site and came away impressed by Zamora, convinced that he’d had a real encounter.279 The air force, however, adopted the explanation that the object was probably an experimental craft. The fact that the air force would not let him present his own views on the incident disappointed Hynek.280 The air force stifled Hynek’s attempt at being objective in his investigations for many years. He became convinced there was more going on with UFOs than the air force was admitting, yet he stayed with Blue Book until it ended in 1969. He then began his own uninhibited study of the phenomenon. But had the air force manipulated Hynek over the years, grooming him into becoming a UFO advocate as a way to keep the UFO controversy alive? Could it have been a strategy designed to put him in a position to where he would have a positive influence in the public arena regarding UFOs? Surely they had to know he would eventually conclude that something was going on if they forced him to provide rational explanations for cases that suggested extraterrestrial activity. The notoriety he established in his years with Blue Book would surely have a profound impact on public opinion if he suddenly reversed his stand as a skeptic and began his own uninhibited investigation of the phenomenon. What followed in the Socorro case provided evidence of the intentional creation of UFO controversy. Twenty-one years later, the air force came out with a new explanation. They stated that a test of the lunar landing module was

probably what Zamora saw. They produced logs from White Sands showing they conducted a test of the lander on the same day as Zamora’s encounter.281 But why? Why, twenty-one years later, did they resurrect a long-forgotten event with a new explanation? Surely they knew that by then there were some street-smart researchers who would launch their own investigation to see if it was true, which they did … and it wasn’t! They learned from the official records that although a test of the lunar lander occurred on the same day as the Socorro incident, it ended hours before Officer Zamora’s encounter. They also learned that at the time, the lunar lander could not fly; it was a mock-up with no propulsion system and was dropped from a tower in an impact test. Also, the lander was trapezoidal in shape and in no way fit the description of the white egg-shaped craft described by Zamora. One might easily suspect this as a disinformation ploy. Why would the air force, twenty-one years later, revive a long-forgotten incident with a new explanation that was false? This is a classic example of the government stirring the pot of UFO controversy, and we have to ask why. It is also worth noting that programs and documentaries reviewing the Socorro event in the last several years have not only skewed the details and misquoted witnesses, but their visual recreations have been totally inaccurate. One of these programs show Zamora driving a 1994 or 1995 Ford Crown Victoria police car, not the 1964 model he would have driven at the time. One program’s visual reproduction showed a saucer-shaped craft lifting off the ground without emitting flames and a loud roar and flying right toward Zamora and over his head, when it was really an egg-shaped craft that rose into the air and hovered for a while before drifting off to the west. I have video footage of Zamora providing his account in his own words, but the producers of these later programs are not doing their homework and presenting the real facts. Although they describe the fact that he had the encounter, their misquoted facts and inaccurate visual representations have left the viewers with a distorted perception of

what really occurred. And it is the same with their presentations of some other old cases. The Rendlesham Forest Incident If we have learned anything from the Roswell incident, it is the fact that something came down in that region and, whatever it was, the government covered up the truth with the phony weather balloon story. That is now a confirmed fact. So we know they lied once, which makes it probable that they have done so on other occasions. If it was in the interest of national security, then we have no case. Yet there were holes in the Project Mogul explanation that garnered suspicion among seasoned researchers. Therefore, we must now deal with the question of whether or not the government is experimenting with alien technology, and even the possibility that contact has been established. Two events that occurred in December of 1980 suggest such possibilities: one was at an air force base in England; the other, just outside a small town in Texas. It began on the night of December 25 (going into the morning of December 26) when security police at a US air base in England saw strange lights in Rendlesham Forest, the woods separating the Bentwaters and Woodbridge Air Force Bases in Suffolk. Both civilian and military radar had tracked a bogie that had disappeared near the base, so it was possible the lights were from a downed aircraft. When personnel from the Eighty-First Security Patrol Squadron at Bentwaters went to investigate, it turned into one of the most bizarre cases in UFO history. Had it not been for a memo issued by Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt, the deputy base commander, which was later obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the event might never have gained such notoriety. Once the memo became public, a mass of confusing information clouded the incident in a sea of uncertainty. Some witnesses described the events as occurring at night, while others referred to the time as morning, since it was after midnight, and information in affidavits submitted by witnesses to their superiors contrasted with what seemed to be exaggerated accounts later given to the media. This resulted in conflicting dates and difficulty in trying to verify

certain facts. But because the deputy base commander was a key witness, it suggests that something did happen—something the air force and the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) took extreme measures to cover up. Security officers Sergeant Jim Penniston and Airman John Burroughs were dispatched to check out the lights in the woods. Suspecting a possible downed aircraft, they checked with the airman on duty at the east gate of Woodbridge, who said that it was not a crash and the object had landed. Penniston and Burroughs, along with Airman Edward Cabansag, entered the woods to investigate. Communication soon became difficult because of the limited range of their portable radios, so Cabansag was posted at a location where he was able to relay transmissions back to the base. Penniston still considered a possible downed aircraft after being notified by radio that radar had been tracking a bogey over the base, where it disappeared. What they encountered, however, was not a crashed plane but a triangular craft with a pyramid-like protuberance on the top, sitting on the forest floor.282 Penniston said the surface was like opaque black glass with symbols etched into it, and that he walked around the object, touched it, and took thirty-six pictures of it with his camera.283 He said the object then lifted off the ground and maneuvered through the trees before rising up, and in the blink of an eye, it was gone.284 Three evenly spaced triangular depressions were in the ground where the object had been sitting.285 However, what John Burroughs experienced at the time was completely different from that of Penniston. Burroughs doesn’t remember Penniston walking around the craft or taking pictures of it. He remembers only being attracted to a bright light. According to his wristwatch, he experienced forty-five minutes of missing time.286 The details are sketchy as to whether it was the next night, December 27, or the following night, December 28, when security police came to the officers’ club where Colonel Halt was attending a belated Christmas party with his family and advised him that lights

were again being observed in the woods. Halt left the party and quickly put together a search team with the intention of debunking the whole thing. Large portable lighting units known as light-alls had already been brought into the woods; however, they failed to work. They had worked fine when tested before leaving the base, but now they were useless. More light-alls were brought in. These were also tested before leaving the base, but once in the woods, they, too, failed to work.287 Whether this is relevant is questionable, because according to UFO investigator James Easton, the people he interviewed at the base claimed the lights were old and had seen a lot of use, and it was a well-known fact that they were not very reliable. Halt brought his portable tape recorder with him to document everything. The first thing he and his team encountered was a blinking red light with a dark spot in the middle maneuvering through the trees; he said it looked almost like an eye. He said they followed it into a field, where it suddenly burst apart into five small white objects and disappeared.288 Proceeding into the field, they saw three bright objects circling in the sky to the north, emitting beams of light down at the ground. According to Sergeant Robert Ball, the pattern in which they maneuvered resembled a grid search.289 Then another bright object was spotted rapidly approaching from the south. When it was overhead, it stopped, hovered, and projected a thin laser-like beam down to the ground directly in front of Halt and his men, almost at their feet. Halt said the beam remained for about ten seconds and then went out, and the object then shot back across the sky.290 He said it headed toward Bentwaters and continued emitting beams of light down at the ground. He also said that from the chatter on the radio, he knew it was around the weapons storage area.291 When Sergeant Monroe Nevels, who was the Bentwaters disaster preparedness officer, inspected the area, he made a very disturbing discovery: one of the beams had burned a hole through the roof into one of the bunkers where a nuclear weapon was stored. Nevels said it had not hit the weapon, but if it had, it could have created a nuclear disaster.292

Sergeant Randy Smith claimed that about the same time Halt and his men had their encounter, he and other security personnel were observing three hovering objects from the tower in the weapons storage area. Smith said he stayed for about an hour and then left, at which point he experienced a period of missing time. He said he doesn’t remember anything after leaving the tower but has a vague memory of standing on the roof of one of the buildings. The next thing he knew, he was riding home on his bicycle.293 The most bizarre account came from airman Larry Warren. He claimed he was in the woods with another team, about a quarter of a mile from Colonel Halt’s team. He said there was a bright glow coming from an open field ahead of them. As they approached, he saw military police and other security personnel scattered around the field, at one end of which a video camera and a motion picture camera had been set up. In the center of the field, Warren said there was a strange patch of glowing fog. His attention was then drawn to a red ball of light moving across the sky. At first he thought it was one of the fighters on a landing approach to Woodbridge, but then it suddenly turned and came directly toward the field. He said it descended into the glowing fog and there was an explosion of color, in which it transformed into a solid-structured object. He estimated it to be about thirty feet at the base, and it had a bank of blue lights around it. He said some of the men fled back into the woods, but he and a few others just stood there, too stunned to move.294 Later he embellished his story by claiming alien beings were standing outside the craft and communicating with senior officers.295 After hearing there was further activity going on, John Burroughs and Sergeant Adrian Bustinza returned to the site and encountered Colonel Halt and his team emerging from the forest. Burroughs then called their attention to a bright light that had just appeared behind them in the woods. He wanted to check it out, so Halt gave him the green light to go and sent Sergeant Bustinza with him. When they got near the light, it began to approach him, and the light was drawing him toward it. Then it was gone, and everything was dark. Bustinza then asked Burroughs what had happened to him; he

added that Burroughs had disappeared into the light and had been gone for several minutes.296 During a later hypnosis session, Burroughs described being inside the craft and said he felt a contact with a form of intelligence.297 However, he said nothing of receiving any kind of message. Aside from these extraordinary claims, one civilian witness’s testimony suggests that something was going on. Gerry Harris lived directly across the road from the runway at the Woodbridge base. He said he went outside to watch the spectacle from his front yard after he noticed lights bobbing up and down and zigzagging over the woods. Because the wind was blowing in his direction, he said he could hear excited voices shouting from within the base and vehicles starting up; he said it was evident that something was going on.298 Initially I entertained the idea that Jim Penniston (and maybe others) had intentionally toned down the information in affidavits they submitted to their superiors in order to allay any concerns that they were being distracted from their duties, a point later confirmed by Penniston. Halt and Penniston (now both retired) were brought back to Rendlesham Forest by the Sci-fi Channel to put together a special two-hour documentary on the incident. And something new was learned when they retraced their steps of the nights in question. While standing at the landing site that Halt said had been shown to him the next day by security police, Penniston said that it was not the same place where he and Burroughs had their encounter, and he led them to the other site. For twenty years, Halt had assumed they were the same. Now it was learned that identical indentations existed at two different locations, suggesting two craft were present, or else the same one landed twice.299 And as I had theorized, Penniston said he did submit a sanitized version of the events in his affidavit. He was afraid that if he was too specific with the details, his mental stability might have been questioned, which could have jeopardized his career.300 As for the pictures he took, the film was a complete blank—the pictures never came out. Sergeant Monroe Nevels and Master

Sergeant Ray Gulyas had taken pictures of the landing site the following day, and their film came back fogged.301 Although Halt suspected their film may have been substituted with the fogged rolls, other details suggest it was caused by radiation. According to Nick Pope, who from 1991 to 1994 investigated UFO reports for the MoD, the Defence Scientific Team confirmed that radiation readings taken at the landing site by Colonel Halt’s team registered ten times higher than normal.302 And something else was revealed in the program—something that suggested a major cover-up. Jim Penniston said that in 1994, he was seeing a psychiatrist because he was having terrible nightmares. The psychiatrist suggested it might be best to use hypnosis to get to the root of the problem. Penniston said he finally consented, and what he revealed during the session was quite disturbing. Under hypnosis, he revealed that sodium pentothal was injected into his arm by DS8 agents during an interrogation—an interrogation he has no memory of. He said he’d never heard of DS8 and had no idea what it was.303 According to Nick Pope, DS8 stands for “Defence Secretariat 8,” a civilian division within the air force side of the MoD that handled UFO investigations. Penniston was hypnotized a second time because his psychiatrist was unable to get him past the point where he said he touched the object. She said it was a sign of a memory block. But she persisted and was eventually able to break through it. It appeared that Penniston had more than one encounter with the OSI, the second of which they blocked from his memory. This time he said they injected him with sodium pentothal.304 In his earlier session, he said DS8 agents injected him with sodium pentothal. So it appears that during different interrogations, he was injected with sodium pentothal by both DS8 and OSI agents. The fact that he was able to recall only one OSI interrogation and the other had been blocked from his memory implies that mind-control tactics were used to control what he would and would not remember.

He may have even been programmed with false memories as a form of disinformation. I do, however, have questions regarding Larry Warren’s account. If there were cameras set up, as he claims, then it would appear that someone was prepared to record the event, suggesting it may have been a prearranged demonstration of some kind. Either Warren has a vivid imagination or he witnessed something extraordinary. Witnesses sometimes report details that seem too incredible to believe, but we should not discount them just because they may not fit within the parameters of logical perception, at least where UFOs are concerned; we might better assess such claims based on the credibility of the witness. What made me suspicious of Warren’s story is what he said about military police and security personnel scattered around the field. If that were true, they were there to keep the area secure. A high volume of security personnel suggests a level of technology that would be highly classified, accessible only to those with the proper clearance. Therefore, their duty would have been to secure the area, making it inaccessible to anyone else. That means they would have also been in the woods, in which case they would probably have been encountered by Colonel Halt’s team. If Warren and others were able to approach the area without being challenged, I can only conclude that the security people were completely derelict in their duty. I cannot believe Warren’s presence would have gone undetected and unchallenged. He also claims he was later interviewed by CIA agents and shown gun camera footage of UFOs and told that what he had seen has been known for a long time, and that there was a legitimate reason for keeping it secret. Colonel Halt said he interviewed everyone who was in the woods that night, and no one remembered seeing Larry Warren there.305 So Warren is either a liar or was singled out as a patsy to create disinformation with the false memories of the events he described, thus making him appear as a publicity-seeking opportunist. He was the only one who claimed to have seen cameras set up, a red ball of light descend into a glowing patch of fog and transform into a

structured object, aliens communicating with senior officers, and being shown camera footage of UFOs, which would seem to be the least credible parts of his story. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that intelligence agents were using him to create disinformation by programming his memory with false information. He also said he was told that what he had seen has been known for a long time and that there was a legitimate reason for keeping it secret—two points that tally with other information. So perhaps this is the true part of his “programmed memory” that actually happened. Yet all this could be disinformation—false information mixed in with some truth. Of course, this is only speculation. But why would the government agents divulge such information, especially to someone with the lowest rank—airman? And if no one saw him in the woods on the night in question, as stated by Colonel Halt, it would appear that he was just using the event as an opportunity to get his own name in the newspapers. However, Colonel Halt did suggest that Warren could have been mentally meddled with by OSI agents so his memories would include a series of bizarre details as a form of disinformation. Airman Ed Cabansag, who was in the woods on the first night, said that when he was interrogated, the investigators would not allow him to present his own account of what happened; he said he was coerced into signing a statement claiming that what he saw was the Orford Ness Lighthouse beacon.306 Sergeant Adrien Bustinza said he was interrogated for hours by intelligence agents who told him that the lighthouse beacon was what he saw. He persistently stated that was not true until they casually mentioned that “bullets are cheap,” at which point he relented and signed a statement saying it was the lighthouse beacon. Larry Warren claims the same statement (“bullets are cheap”) was also made during his interrogation.307 There will always be skeptics who think they know all the answers. Their often condescending attitude toward UFO witnesses is an insult to their intelligence, especially when it involves pilots. Hardnosed skeptics refuse to believe that UFOs reported by witnesses

(which includes pilots, astronauts, and military police officers) are spacecraft from another planet; therefore, if someone reports having seen a UFO, that someone is obviously mistaken because there is surely a rational explanation. So without having been there themselves, the skeptics claim they know what really happened. They usually present compelling arguments that support their claims; however, when you factor in some of the key details they neglect to mention, their ideas often fall apart. To balance the argument between the skeptics and witnesses in the Rendlesham case, I am presenting one skeptic’s points along with the information he ignored. James McGaha is a retired air force pilot with an excellent record of achievements. However, from his armchair, he is convinced that his ideas explain everything. For example, he claims that the blinking red light with the dark center seen in the woods by Colonel Halt and his team was the beacon from the Orford Ness Lighthouse. He said that when viewed through a star scope, which Colonel Halt’s team had with them, the beacon would appear as a blinking red light with a dark spot in the center. As far as I can determine, the team had only one star scope with them, yet the object also appeared red to those who were observing it with the naked eye. And Halt attests to the fact that this blinking red light was maneuvering around the trees in the woods. McGaha backs up his claim from the description Colonel Halt made on his tape recorder. The red light blinked in five-second intervals—the same interval as the lighthouse beacon. I can see where he would make that connection; however, as we are about to see, the beacon could not be seen from Halt’s position in the woods. It was not until he and his team followed the light into the field where it exploded into white fragments and disappeared that the lighthouse beacon became visible. Halt said it was about thirty degrees off to the right, and it was not the same light they had been following.308 If McGaha had done a little investigating instead of speculating, he would have learned the facts. A team from the History Channel’s UFO Hunters program went to the location and interviewed Keith

Seaman, who has been the keeper of the Orford Ness Lighthouse for many years. He pointed to the metal panel affixed to the back of lighthouse, which shielded the beacon from view in Rendlesham Forest. He said the panel has always been there, and the only thing that might be visible from the forest was the flash of the beam sweeping across the sky, and not the beacon itself.309 Another point McGaha made was that blue lights reportedly seen on the craft on the first night were the flashing blue lights on a British police car driving through the woods. Police officers undergo training to notice details—more details than the average citizen would normally notice. It is extremely unlikely that a military policeman—especially one responsible for guarding a strategic nuclear weapon’s facility—would mistake the lights on a police car driving through the woods with those of a strange-looking craft sitting on the ground in front of him—a craft that Penniston had walked around and even touched. I went through all the video clips of the incident in my archives, and the only mention of British police being on the scene was when they were there in the morning taking measurements of the craft’s landing gear indentations in the ground. It’s possible they drove through the woods during the night, but I found nothing to corroborate that. Another of McGaha’s claims is that the lights Halt and his team saw maneuvering in a grid pattern in the sky to the north were really stars. Either Colonel Halt and the personnel with him are blithering idiots or they saw what they said they saw: objects in the sky to the north making sharp angular turns and shining beams of light down at the ground, plus the object that approached from the south and emitted a laser-like beam down near their feet. Oh yeah, stars do that all the time. He also claims that he checked, and no records exist to confirm that radar tracked a bogey over the base on the first night. If a cover-up occurred in the Rendlesham event, which the evidence clearly shows it did, do you think those responsible for covering it up would not have covered all the bases, confiscating all

radar records and swearing everyone to secrecy? The CIA did exactly that in the Japan airliner encounter in Alaska, an event covered later in this chapter. And why did Penniston say that on the first night, when he and Burroughs were heading into the woods, he was contacted by radio and advised that radar had tracked a bogey over the base, where it disappeared?310 Intimidation of death threats made by the military to silence witnesses in the Rendlesham case are viewed as false by McGaha because during all his years in the military, he was never aware of anything like that ever happening. I never saw the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940, yet the fact is that it happened. Perhaps he should study all the information on Roswell. Unless everyone involved was lying, the military confiscated all the “souvenirs” picked up by people who were at the site before the military arrived. They went to people’s homes and threatened their lives to keep them from talking, and that included George Wilcox, the Chavez County Sheriff; just ask his daughter and granddaughter. And what about the intimidating words of the CIA agent, “Bullets are cheap,” used to coerce Sergeant Adrian Bustinza and (allegedly) Airman Larry Warren into signing statements claiming it was really the lighthouse beacon they saw? Then there is Jim Penniston’s affidavit that he submitted to his superiors that does not match the story he’s telling today. After retiring from the air force, he openly admitted that he toned down the statement in his affidavit to protect his career. He omitted the bizarre details because he knew his superiors would have thought he was crazy, and he would have been relieved of duty. Unless he is lying, that sounds reasonable to me. Other evidence that has received minimal attention is that the morning after his encounter, Penniston made plaster casts of the indentations in the ground made by the craft’s landing gear, revealing they were triangular in shape.311 And measurements taken by both the British police and Colonel Halt’s team showed they were of equal distance from each other.312

The guard in the observation tower reported that he saw an object emit beams down into the weapons storage area at the same time Colonel Halt and his team saw the same thing from a mile away.313 One beam actually penetrated one of the bunkers holding a nuclear weapon. It is difficult to believe stars can make sharp angular turns in the sky, shine beams down to the ground, and even emit a laser-like beam down at the feet of Colonel Halt’s team. I find it difficult to believe a lighthouse beacon can turn red and maneuver around trees in a forest. I don’t believe that a lighthouse beacon can leave impressions of landing gear in the ground or be responsible for radiation levels that are ten times higher than normal. Most claims by skeptics are assumptions, because they were not present at the scene. I will defend the right of anyone to present his or her views, even if I disagree with that person. It is just that many skeptics are close-minded and refuse to accept the fact that they could be wrong. Presenting their claims without firsthand knowledge amounts only to assumptions. There is more information on the Rendlesham case included in chapter 24 as it relates to the issues covered in that chapter. The Huffman Incident Evaluating the UFO phenomenon is an endeavor to determine what is relevant and what is not. And that brings us to the Huffman, Texas event. It occurred the night after the second Rendlesham Forest incident, and there were a few similar details, which at first led researchers to suspect they might somehow be connected. However, the evidence tends to discount that idea and indicates that the Huffman case was not UFO-related; rather, it involved a secret experimental craft. It also reveals the government’s blatant disregard for human life when the keeping of secrets is involved. It was about nine o’clock on the night of December 29, 1980, when Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Landrum’s seven-year-old grandson, Colby, were returning to Dayton from New Caney. They were driving south on Highway 1485 just outside of Huffman, Texas,

when they noticed a bright light about three miles ahead. As they drew closer, the light approached the road and began to maneuver up and down. Whenever it got close to the ground, it would emit a burst of flame and then rise and hover above treetop level. Betty stopped about 150 feet from the object; it was larger than her car and diamond-shaped, with a bank of blue lights around the middle. It emitted a glow that hurt their eyes and illuminated the trees along both sides of the road. Betty got out, walked to the front of the car, and stared at the object while Vickie kept urging her to get back in the car. Betty said that an intermittent beeping sound was coming from the craft and that she could feel a heat burning her skin. When she went to open the car door, the handle had become so hot that she burned her hand and had to protect it with her coat to get it open. The temperature was about forty degrees, and they had been using the car’s heater to keep warm. Now the heat had become so intense that she had to turn on the air conditioner. Then, as the object started to move away, a swarm of large helicopters appeared overhead. Betty started the car and continued down the highway. She said the object was still visible in the distance, lighting up the surrounding area as well as the helicopters. Upon reaching Dayton, she dropped off Vickie and Colby and went home. Within a few hours, her skin turned red, as though she had severe sunburn. Her neck swelled up, and her face broke out in blisters; she became nauseated and spent most of the night vomiting. Although not as severe, Vickie and Colby suffered the same symptoms. Within a few days, Betty became so weak that she had to be hospitalized. Her hair began falling out; her eyes became sore and were practically swollen shut for a week.314 Betty’s health continued to decline, and she developed various types of cancer. She was hospitalized numerous times, had to give up her business, and suffered financial ruin. Ironically, on December 29, 1998, the eighteenth anniversary of her encounter, Betty Cash died. The key element in this case is the helicopters. Colby and his grandmother counted twenty-three. The sketches they drew suggest

they were CH-47 Chinooks, large helicopters with two overhead rotors, designed to transport troops and equipment. Air force investigators later interviewed all three of the car’s occupants and showed them silhouettes of various types of helicopters, and they all identified the Chinook. Detective Sergeant Lamar Walker of the Dayton Police Department was off duty that night and driving through the Huffman area with his wife when they encountered a number of large helicopters. They were flying low to the ground with searchlights turned on, and one of them sidled toward his car, blinding him with its light. At first he thought they might be searching for a downed aircraft, but then they moved on out of the area.315 Could it be that one of the choppers intentionally blinded Walker to prevent him from seeing the same craft pass by that Betty Cash and her companions encountered? But what were twenty-three troop-carrying helicopters doing in the Huffman area that night, flying low to the ground with searchlights on, as witnessed by Detective Walker, and following the strange craft that Betty Cash and her companions encountered bobbing up and down over the highway? Could it be that they were escorting the craft? Chinooks are not pursuit aircraft; again, they are designed to transport troops and equipment. This implies that they were escorts, and that the craft was probably experimental. If something went wrong and it had to make an emergency landing, armed security personnel riding in the helicopters (which in this case is what one would expect to be aboard the large troop-carrying craft) would immediately be available to secure the area. What would be the point of having twenty-three empty troop-carrying helicopters escort the craft? It would appear that Cash and her friends were victims of the military’s experimentation with a new technology. The air force denied any knowledge of the incident and refused to accept responsibility. The victims were never compensated for the hospital and medical expenses they incurred, and since there was no possible way for them to substantiate their claims, the government

simply ignored them; to honor them would be to admit they did know something. So where did this craft come from—from what base? What was it doing near Huffman, and where was it going? What base were the Chinooks from? Investigators attempting to find answers to these questions ran into a brick wall. However, the big mystery would seem to be the diamond-shaped craft. With what kind of technology were they experimenting? Dr. Bryan McClelland, who treated Betty Cash pro bono for many years until she died, said some army personnel told him that what Betty encountered was an experimental aircraft called the Wasp-2 that used an atomic energy–powered engine.316 Bill Scott, a former air force flight test engineer, when asked, said he had heard of a one-man craft called the Wasp.317 Encountering an atomic energy– powered craft would logically explain Betty Cash’s radiation poisoning. UFO investigators John Schuessler and Ken Storch discovered that the section of scorched road where the craft had bounced up and down had been torn up and repaved twice. However, the highway department in charge of that section of road said they had not done it. When questioning residents in the area, they said the work had been done by men that came in unmarked trucks.318 Who were these men? And why did they twice repave the road without the knowledge of the highway department? Obviously there was something about that section of scorched road that they wanted to conceal. Could it have been evidence of radiation? An investigation report on the Huffman incident, issued by air force lieutenant colonel George C. Sarran, stated that no helicopters were in the Huffman area on the night of December 29. He said the airport would have been notified so they could route local air traffic accordingly if there had been helicopters in the air.319 However, a note handwritten by Sarran obtained through the FOIA states that one hundred helicopters landed at Robert Gray Airfield at Fort Hood on that very night.320 When asked about the note, Sarran said he did

not remember writing it and had no explanation for why he did.321 But how could he not remember the landing of a hundred helicopters? Eight months before the Huffman incident in April 1980, as a result of the failed attempt to rescue the American Embassy hostages held in Iran, the military created Task Force 160. Its purpose was to carry out clandestine operations using CH-47 Chinook helicopters.322 Was this task force involved in escorting an experimental atomic energy– powered craft on the night Betty Cash had her encounter? Vickie Landrum’s grandson, Colby, now an adult, offered another interesting piece of information. Before his grandmother passed away, he said they attended an air show where there happened to be a Chinook helicopter on display. Vickie struck up a conversation with the pilot and casually asked if he’d ever been on a mission in the area in December of 1980. Colby said the pilot admitted that he was part of a secret operation on the same day of her encounter. When Vickie told him she was one of the victims burned in the incident, he clammed up and refused to say any more.323 In an effort to seek compensation for the health problems she suffered from her encounter, Betty Cash hired attorney William Shead, who filed a suit against the government on her behalf. When the case went to court, without even allowing her to testify, the judge dismissed it on the grounds that the air force denied any knowledge of the event and that she was unable to provide proof that the military was responsible for her injuries.324 That shows just how far the government will go to keep its secrets. In this case, the evidence clearly suggests the object was a secret experimental military craft and was not related to the events in Rendlesham Forest. If, however, the government has established contact, the details in the Rendlesham case suggest the military may have been experimenting with technology obtained from aliens, or else aliens may have been putting on a demonstration of their technology for the military. The Phoenix Lights

What appears to be a classic case of disinformation promoting controversy is the Phoenix lights. It involved multiple witnesses and plenty of video footage. One detail not known at the time was that then Arizona governor Fife Symington also witnessed the craft. At the time, he was reluctant to admit it because it would have given his political opponents ammunition to disrupt his gubernatorial responsibilities. In retrospect, he now regrets not having done so. But there is still some confusion in the public arena because of the way details have been presented in various news clips and documentaries. There were two separate incidents, and many reports combined the details of both, often talking about one while showing video footage of the other. So here are the real facts. It started around 8:15 p.m. on the evening of March 13, 1997. Police, radio, and television stations in the Phoenix area suddenly began receiving calls about a large V-shaped object with lights on the bottom moving south. It had been observed from as far north as Henderson, Nevada, all the way to Tucson, Arizona, where it then reversed direction and headed back north.325 Witnesses said it was extremely low, made no sound, and was as large as two or three football fields. A few witnesses said it blocked out the entire sky above them as it passed over. Only a retired pilot in Scottsdale is known to have videotaped this object, which is not too surprising considering that the flight path was mostly over desolate and uninhabited areas. At 10:15 p.m., media and police switchboards again lit up with calls about a huge V-shaped craft over the Estrella mountain range behind Luke Air Force Base. This was a completely separate incident, and it created much confusion in the media because people were still calling about the 8:15 sighting; it took a little while before they realized they were two separate events. This time, people all over the city were grabbing their video cameras and recording the lights. Nine different lights had appeared, one by one, forming a Vshaped pattern that many thought were lights around the edge of a large craft estimated to be at least a mile in length. Then, five

minutes after the lights appeared, they began disappearing one by one, but in a different sequence than that in which they appeared.326 Originally, a spokesman at Luke Air Force Base suggested they might have been flares dropped from aircraft as part of a night exercise, which did not rate much media attention. However, in a later interview, Captain Drew Sullins of the visiting Maryland Air National Guard confirmed that on the night of March 13, a group of A-10 Thunderbolts (also called “Warthogs”) conducted night illumination exercises over the Barry Goldwater TAC range on the south side of the Estrella Mountains as part of Operation Snowbird, in which they dropped a series of flares.327 This was likewise confirmed by Lt. Colonel David Tanaka, also of the Maryland Air National Guard, in a separate and unrelated interview. Tanaka presented a map showing how they had taken off from DavisMonthan Air Force Base in Tucson and flown northwest to the TAC range at Luke Air Force Base.328 The disbursement of the flares formed a V-shaped pattern about the same size of the huge craft that drifted over Phoenix two hours earlier. Logically, this would seem to explain the lights seen at 10:15. Most witnesses, however, were adamant that the lights were not flares and were on the north side, in front of the mountain. Village Labs in Tempe, a firm that specializes in analyzing video images, compared a still frame of the lights from video footage shot by Mike Krzyston from his backyard and overlaid it with a daylight image from the same location. This seemed to put the lights well below the top and in front of the mountains.329 However, there was some question regarding this composite; the mountains appeared too high compared to what they actually look like from Krzyston’s backyard. A TV crew filming a documentary on the incident took Krzyston’s video to Dr. Leonid Rudin of Cognitech, Inc., an image-processing firm in California, along with their own daylight image of the same scene from the same location in the Krzyston’s backyard. Technicians at Cognitech adjusted the images on a computer screen until the foreground details, such as the ridgeline of a small

escarpment was perfectly matched up. This means they used a lens with basically the same focal length as that of Krzyston’s video camera in order to get the closest match. In superimposing the daylight image over Krzyston’s video footage, both the mountains and the activity of the lights were made visible. In this composite, the lights disappeared precisely where they descended behind the ridges of the mountain. Some ridges crested higher than others, revealing how, and why, they disappeared in a different sequence than that in which they appeared.330 It is difficult to dispute this visual evidence: it clearly shows that the lights were not hovering in the air; they descended behind the mountain, so they probably were flares. Flares attached to parachutes slowly descending behind the mountain would only have been visible for approximately five minutes, and the way they appeared fits the pattern of how they would have been dropped from aircraft. They only thing that makes no sense is that if the flares were dropped over the TAC range at Luke Air Force Base, how could they have disappeared behind mountain ridges which were much farther away? The White Tank Mountains are several miles west of the TAC range at Luke AFB, and since the analysis of the video composite by Cognitech shows the lights disappearing behind the mountain ridges, I have to believe the flares were dropped there and not over the TAC range. But why? Did the Air National Guard miscalculate the target zone and drop the flares behind the mountains in error? There is a good possibility that they did. Mike Krzyston mentioned in one documentary that he had often seen flares dropped in night exercises, but not in the location where they appeared that night. There are basically two types of flares that are dispatched from aircraft: decoy flares and illumination flares, and they vary in color and intensity. Decoy flares are used mostly by fighter planes to misdirect heat-seeking missiles fired at them. They are usually dropped in clusters and normally last about ten seconds. Illumination flares are much brighter than decoy flares because their basic function is to illuminate ground targets. They are attached to parachutes, descend slowly, and can last for several minutes.

The smoky trails of illumination flares are clearly visible in close-up footage. However, in the footage shot by Krzyston on March 13, there is no evidence of smoky trails. But the Krzystons only had a small average-style Sony video camera, and they were recording images about thirty-five or forty-five miles away. Even at maximum zoom, it is doubtful that the smoke trails would be discernible at that distance. From that distance and at night, without the mountains visible as a reference point, the slowly descending flares gave the impression that they were hanging in the air like the lights on a large hovering craft. This would seem to close the book on the 10:15 event. However, no one has yet been able to come up with an explanation for the 8:15 sighting. Reports of the earlier sighting are fairly consistent regarding the size and shape of the craft, and the direction of travel. However, there are similarities evident in both sightings that appear more suspicious than coincidental: the flares formed a V-shaped pattern just like the lights on the craft observed earlier, they gave the impression of being affixed to a solid object, and the object appeared to be about a mile in length. Were the flares intended to create confusion or muddy the waters of those investigating whatever it was that flew over the state earlier? Since the object seen earlier came out of Nevada and headed back that way, many speculate that it came from Area 51. Then there is Operation Snowbird, the name applied to the mission of the Maryland Air National Guard that night; allegedly, “snowbird” is a military code name for diversion. However, it is only fair to point out that “snowbird” is a term that we Floridians call the people who migrate here from the northern states for the winter. One might easily refer to the members of the Maryland National Guard who dropped the flares as snowbirds, since they were from the north and it was March. I have reason to suspect that the giant V-shaped craft that flew over Phoenix earlier may possibly have been triangular in shape. And why do I think that? Because of a ten-year-old boy’s description that included a detail no one seems to have paid attention to.

Phoenix resident Tim Ley and his family watched this huge craft drift silently over their heads at about 8:15 p.m. Like most other witnesses, they said it was as wide as two or three football fields and V-shaped, with lights on the bottom. But Tim’s ten-year-old son, Hal, noticed something about this craft that apparently no one else had, and he brought it to his parents’ attention. He said that when he looked at it, “it appeared wavy in the middle.” He compared it to looking at pavement in the distance on a hot day, when one can see a wavy effect.331 The V-shaped part of the craft with its lights, in all probability, is what most people’s attention was focused on, with no attention paid to any distortion in the center of it. But Hal Ley is the only one who mentioned this distortion in the center of the craft, which could mean that the section inside the V was cloaked, making the craft appear Vshaped. Cloaking is a technology we have been developing for at least two decades. It utilizes tiny mirrors or reflective tiles that project the scenery behind an object to the front of it, thereby rendering the cloaked object invisible, or at least appearing as a “wavy” distortion of the background scenery. So this raises the question of whether this V-shaped craft was, in fact, triangular. But why would they cloak only the inner portion of the V and not the whole craft? Since the V portion was visible, it implies the intention was for the craft to be seen. But was the cloaking intended to match the V-shaped pattern of the flares dropped later? Is it possible both events were coordinated to occur when and where they did? If so, why? Was the flare exercise intended to attract the majority of attention away from the earlier event? Was the huge V-shaped craft an alien spacecraft conducting some sort of survey of the area, or was it a top-secret military craft? It is highly unlikely that the military would fly such a huge top-secret craft over a major populated area for hundreds of people to see. What if something went wrong and it had to make an emergency landing? Or, worse, what if it crashed? And why, two hours later did the national guard drop flares in the same V-shaped

configuration? Was the publicity it generated and the controversy it created intentional? Do we have a secret aircraft that is a mile long? Some pretty large planes have been built in the last three decades, but something that large seems impractical, unless it was some new kind of lighter-thanair blimp type of craft. But why would anyone need something that big, especially if it was a new type of stealth aircraft? Unless it could become invisible, it would present one hell of a large target for an enemy to shoot at—unless it was a hologram. But who or what was capable of projecting a mile-long hologram and moving it across the entire state of Arizona? According to some sources, the military may have been testing a new type of holographic laser technology. Chris and Janet Morris are experts in the field of nonlethal weapons technology who have written several books and are consultants to the Department of Defense and various intelligence agencies. They said that we do have the means at our disposal to create such a hologram, but because of their work, they could not elaborate. However, they did mention Fort Huachuca, the army’s electronic proving ground located on the Arizona–Mexico border, the most likely place to develop such technology.332 This presents the possibility that the object that flew across the entire state of Arizona may have been a hologram—possibly generated from a satellite in geosynchronous orbit. This brings into question the large low-flying UFO videotaped over Mexico City six months later, on August 6, 1997.333 The Mexico City UFO Video The Mexico City video shows a huge, wobbling disc-shaped object slowly passing behind several tall buildings before vanishing behind one of them.334 The tape was originally sent to Jaime Mausson, a television personality who, at the time, hosted Mexico’s version of 60 Minutes, but because the videographer was anonymous, its validity was in question. And such a huge craft flying so low over the city should have been noticed by thousands of people, yet no one reported seeing it.

Mausson aired the tape, making no claims to its authenticity, but asked the viewers to contact him if they recognized the buildings or the area in the video. By the next day, he had received numerous responses from people familiar with the location. The next step was to pinpoint the videographer’s location, and it didn’t take long for Mausson and his film crew to narrow it down to one building. From the outside, it looked like any average multistory office building, except there were no signs or any indication as to who occupied the structure or what kind of business was being conducted inside. When they tried to enter, they found the doors locked. A security officer who refused to answer any questions soon confronted them and escorted them off the property.335 Apparently someone inside this building had shot the video. But who? And what was going on inside that was so secret?336 The visible haze over the city when the tape was shot would have enhanced a holographic image, but from where was it projected? Logic suggests it was from a different location simply because the craft moved in and out of sight as it passed behind buildings— something that would seem rather impossible to control from the videographer’s location. And why project a UFO? Why not project something more conventional, such as a balloon, a kite, or a small plane? When you consider the technology and the cost of the equipment needed to create such an illusion, it is well beyond the means of most people, so the logical assumption is that the government or some large corporation was involved. And if they were only videotaping a holographic experiment, why leak it to the media with no explanation? Was this just another form of disinformation sponsored by the government? If not, then who could afford to perpetrate such a hoax—and why? The footage was only thirty seconds long—at least what was shown on the air—which might explain why no one reported seeing it. However, Mausson found one witness, a little girl who described the object perfectly, including its wobbling motion. Her testimony seemed credible because she did not know Mausson and had never seen his program. And what about the videographer? He had to

know when and where the image would be projected in order to videotape it. Since the building from which it was taped seemed to be off-limits to the public, for the videographer to be inside suggests he was involved with whatever was going on there. And the fact that his tape was anonymously leaked to the media strongly suggests disinformation. If the government is playing around with holography, it could explain the spectacular maneuvers executed by many UFOs, especially some of those videotaped in Gulf Breeze, Florida. On more than one occasion, a metallic-looking object was filmed hovering motionless in the sky before instantly zooming off at four thousand miles per hour.337 Was it the result of suddenly swinging the projector away from the point of focus? It would be like shining the beam of a laser pointer on the ceiling and then swiftly turning it away. The higher the ceiling, the farther the image of the beam is from the source (projector) and the faster it moves when the source is turned away. And the fact that the exact same maneuver of the same type of object was recorded by different people at different times appears rather suspicious. When you consider that Pensacola Naval Air Station is situated directly across the bay from Gulf Breeze, it presents some interesting possibilities. Was someone generating these sightings from this base, and if so, why? Of course, it is only theoretical, but holography could account for many recent sightings of huge triangular craft. This could be a strategic defense tool; why risk its exposure by using it to create UFOs for people to get excited over—unless it is part of a disinformation campaign. When it comes to holography, it appears that UFOs may also be applying this technology in some cases. There have been many recorded sightings in which a UFO suddenly seemed to split into two or more objects, and in which one or more objects seemed to merge into one. Was the UFO utilizing holographic technology to create the illusion of being more than one craft? Over two decades ago, Irene Granchi, one of South America’s leading UFO researchers, investigated a sighting made by a little girl

in southern Brazil. The girl said she saw a UFO hovering in the sky, adding that it was emitting a beam of light. She said the beam was aimed a short distance away, at the place where her mother and sisters were. According to Granchi, the girl’s mother said they were just sitting there watching the clouds when suddenly images of Christ and the Blessed Virgin appeared before them. Granchi suggests it was a hologram projected from the UFO.338 But why would a UFO be projecting images of a religious nature? If this event is true, might it suggest that UFOs are somehow linked to the deity? America West Flight 564 Encounter One event that occurred in 1995 may have provided an opportunity to create even more disinformation. Transcripts and tape recordings of the incident were acquired through the FOIA, so it is a highly credible case, and the evidence cannot be disputed. Although the size of the craft involved was immense, what really makes it unique is that it involved communications between an airline pilot, an air traffic control center, an air force base, an F-117A fighter pilot, and NORAD.339 It began on the evening of May 25, 1995, when America West Flight 564 took off from Tampa, Florida, headed to Las Vegas, Nevada. It was a Boeing 757 piloted by Captain Eugene Tollefson, and in the copilot’s seat was his first officer, John J. Waller. At a certain point over Texas, they switched the radio frequency to the air traffic control center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. AW-564:

Cactus 564 going direct Crow; Crow 6 arrival Las Vegas. ATC: Cactus 564 … Albuquerque Center. Good evening. AW-564: 564 at 39,000. A short time later, they encountered something unusual over Texas. AW-564: Cactus 564 … off to our 3:00, we got some strobes out there. Could you tell us what it is? ATC: Uh, uh … I’ll tell you what, that’s some; uh, right now I don’t know what it is right now. That is a restricted

AW-564: ATC: AW-564: ATC:

AW-564: ATC: AW-564: ATC: AW-564: ATC: AW-564:

area that is used by the military out there during the daytime. Yeah … it’s pretty odd. Hold on … let me see if anybody else knows around here. Cactus 564 … can you paint that object at all on your radar? Cactus 564 … No I don’t, and in talkin’ to three or four guys around here, no one knows what that is, never heard about that. Cactus 564 … nobody’s painting it at all? Cactus 564, say again? I said there’s nothing on their radars, on the other centers at all … on that object that’s up in the air? Uh? … IT’S UP IN THE AIR? A-FFIRMATIVE! No … no one knows anything about it. What’s the altitude about? I don’t know, probably right around 30,000 or so. And it’s … uh … there’s a strobe that starts … uh, going uh, counter clockwise, and uh, the length is unbelievable.

When the object moved in front of an active thundercloud and lightning flashed, the crew got a better look and estimated it to be three to four hundred feet long. Air Traffic Control then called Cannon AFB in Clovis, New Mexico, to see if any military aircraft or weather balloons were in the area. ATC: CANNON: ATC:

Cannon 21. (woman’s voice) Cannon — go ahead. Hey, do you guys know if there was anything like a tethered balloon released that should be above



Taiban? Uh, no, we haven’t heard nothing about it. A guy at 39,000 says he sees something at 30,000 and the length is unbelievable and it has a strobe on it. Uh huh. This is not good. Uh, wha … what does that mean? (laughing) I don’t know, it’s a UFO or something; it’s that Roswell crap again! Where’s it at now? He says it’s right in Taiban. It’s right in Taiban? Yeah! No, we haven’t seen nothing like that. Okay, keep your eyes open. I’ll talk to you (mumbled).

An F-117A Nighthawk from the Forty-Ninth Fighter Wing at Holloman AFB was in the air, and air traffic control alerted the pilot to look out for the object. His call sign was Hawk 85. ATC:

Hawk 85: ATC: Hawk 85:

Hawk 85, in the next 2-3 minutes, be looking off to your right side … if you see anything about 30,000 feet … one aircraft reported something … it wasn’t a weather balloon or anything; it was a long whitelooking thing with a strobe on it. Let me know if you see anything out there. You got any traffic off our left wing right now? I’ve got something passing off your 9:00 in about 12 at 31 westbound … It actually looks like something about a little lower than

us just went off our left wing. Moments later, the object flew by flight 564, and the pilot contacted Albuquerque again. AW-564: We’re all huddled up here talking about it. With the lightning, you could see the dark object. It was like a cigar shape from the altitude we could see it, and the length is what got us sort of confused because it looked like it was three to four-hundred feet long. So I don’t know if it’s a wire with a strobe on it, but the strobe starts going left then goes right counterclockwise, and it was a pretty eerie sight.

The object disappeared from 564’s view, and ATC then contacted NORAD’s Western Air Defense Sector Headquarters at McChord Air Force Base in Tacoma, Washington. ATC:

I’ve got something unusual, and I was wanting to know if you all happened to know of anything going on out here. I had a couple of aircraft report something three-hundred to four-hundred feet long, cylindrical in shape with a strobe …


(woman’s voice) Oh?


… at 30,000 feet.


We don’t have anything going on up there that I know of.


This guy definitely saw it run all the way down the side of the airplane. It’s right out of the X-Files. It’s a definite UFO or something like that.


And you all are serious about this?


Yeah, he’s real serious about it too and he looked at it,

saw it. NORAD:

Holy S#@*! [This may or may not have been an expletive that editing changed to “Holy Smokes”]

Thirteen minutes later, the woman at NORAD called Albuquerque back. NORAD: We had someone call here earlier about a pilot spotting an Unidentified Flying Object. ATC:

Yep, that’s us.


We’re tracking, uh, a search only track where that might have happened … It’s tracking about 390 knots. Uh, we, uh, we’ve been tracking it for about three, four minutes now. I mean, to be going that fast, it’s gotta’ be up kind of high.


Yeah. And we got no code on it, huh?


Nope. It’s search only.

“Search only” means that the object was not emitting a transponder code. All aircraft are required by law to have a working transponder that identifies the aircraft and provides the data necessary to avoid midair collisions. NORAD later denied the whole thing. But why? It seems rather pointless considering that documentation and recordings of the incident exist and have been made public. But denial appears to be standard procedure by the government and the military in such cases. If what the crew of America West 564 saw was some new type of top-secret aircraft, then there would be justification for secrecy. But if that was the case, why didn’t NORAD block the information from being released through the FOIA? It makes no sense. Considering that records exist proving the authenticity of the

event, official denial only generates more controversy and is yet another reason to suspect disinformation. Encounter over Alaska In November 1986, Japan Airlines flight 1628, a Boeing 747 cargo jet flying from Paris to Tokyo with a cargo of wine was cruising at thirtyfive thousand feet in the sky over Alaska. It was traveling at 600 mph and headed for a refueling stop in Anchorage. At 5:11 p.m., the pilot, Captain Kanji Tarauchi, noticed three objects two thousand feet below him. He said one of the objects was as large as two aircraft carriers and shaped like a walnut. Suddenly the two smaller objects rose up and began maneuvering around dangerously close in front of his plane. Captain Tarauchi, afraid of a collision, called Anchorage Air Traffic Control (AATC) requesting permission to change course and received permission to do so. There had been some prior communication with Elmendorf Air Force Base regarding the objects, but at the time, they showed nothing on their radar. Then the two smaller objects moved out of sight, but the giant walnut-shaped object was now just off Tarauchi’s left wing. Elmendorf Air Force Base then notified AATC that they now had the object on their radar. Captain Tarauchi was frightened and just wanted to get away from the object. So AATC told him to make a 360-degree turn and see whether it would follow. After he started the turn, the huge object continued to pace him off his left wing for a while and then moved to a position behind his plane. AATC asked Elmendorf if the object was still following Tarauchi’s plane, and Elmendorf confirmed that it was. AATC then asked Elmendorf if they had anyone to scramble, reminding him that the JAL 1628 was still making the 360-degree turn with the object still following, and Elmendorf advised AATC they were notifying the military desk. After completing the 360-degree turn, the object followed behind the airliner for a while before it eventually disappeared, and Captain Tarauchi landed safely in Anchorage.340 The encounter lasted about fifty-five minutes—much longer than any other event of this kind. It

also provided a significant amount of data—more than had ever been previously acquired. It was not until two months later that the Federal Aviation Administration became involved. Sometime in January of 1987, the Alaska regional office called FAA Headquarters in Washington, DC, saying that the media had found out about the incident and were driving them crazy asking for information. John Callahan, the FAA division manager for accident investigation and evaluations, took the call and said, “Just tell them it’s under investigation.” He then told the Alaska office to pack up all the voice tapes, the computer tapes, and the military tapes and send them on the next red-eye flight to the FAA Tech Center in Atlantic City. Callahan then had a team of analysts synchronize the radar tapes with those of the radio transmissions, and he put it all on a video tape. He took it back to FAA Headquarters in DC and briefed his boss, Admiral Donald Engen.341 Engen, after viewing the tape, felt the incident was too important to ignore and arranged for Callahan to brief President Reagan’s scientific staff. Along with the president’s staff came the CIA, the FBI, and a few FAA people. Callahan said the CIA guys seemed unusually interested in the video and had him play it for them two more times. Then one of the CIA agents said, “This event never happened … we … were never here … and you are all sworn to secrecy … we are confiscating all this data.”342 Callahan said that when asked what the object was, the CIA agent said it was a UFO and told the group he did not want to tell the American people that we are being visited by somebody who has more technology than we do. “It’s bad for business,” he said.343 When the FAA finally released its official report, the explanation was that it was a split beacon—a false radar return.344 Callahan, however, was no fool. He never let on that he had made a copy of all the tapes and data, which he kept back in his office. On November 12, 2007, he disclosed the evidence at a conference held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, moderated by Fife Symington, the former governor of Arizona.345 Those attending were

government employees, pilots, and high-ranking military officials from around the world. All were highly respected people who presented testimonies of their own personal UFO experiences. But because Captain Tarauchi went public about his encounter, Japan Airlines reassigned him to flying a desk.346 The UFO activity in Alaska, however, was not over. Two months later, on January 30, 1987, a similar event occurred at twenty thousand feet involving an air force KC-135 en route from Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage to Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbanks. The object described by the pilot was very similar to the one encountered by Captain Tarauchi. And the very next day, January 31, the pilots of Alaska Airlines flight 53 reported another encounter with large disc-like objects following their plane.347 UFO encounters have had a negative impact on the careers of many airline pilots who had the courage to report them; many have been removed from flight duty and assigned a desk job. The corporate attitude is, Who wants to fly with a pilot that believes in UFOs? So it is not surprising that many pilots have remained silent about their encounters until after they have retired. So there is documented evidence of many UFO encounters by both air force and airline pilots. But skeptics continue to demean the credibility of these people by claiming that what they really saw were atmospheric anomalies, meteors, Venus, and so on. It amazes me that without being there themselves, they are so arrogant as to think their opinions override the intelligence and credibility of the pilots who were there. No one can dispute the evidence presented by John Callahan. He has copies of the radar records and the radio transmission tapes verifying the encounter. The fact that the CIA confiscated the evidence and swore everyone to secrecy is proof the government is covering up major UFO incidents. We might assume the same type of cover-up occurred with the radar tapes in the Rendlesham Forest incident. I do, however, have a question about the CIA agents that confiscated the data. Something just does not seem right. These

were government agents who, we would assume, went through extensive training and were experienced in investigation and interrogation procedures. Were they so incompetent as to not think of asking whether anyone had copies of the evidence? Or did they purposely neglect to ask that question, and if so, why? Maybe I’m wrong, but I just can’t help being suspicious about such an obvious oversight and wondering whether there was a reason behind it. Callahan’s story, the evidence he copied, and the fact he was able to bring it to the public’s attention certainly did add to the controversy. In closing this chapter, I think it important to present one of the more bizarre facets of UFO phenomena: men in black. Men in Black Men in black—or MIBs, as they are commonly called—are people who show up at the door of a UFO witness wearing black suits and driving shiny black cars, frequently older models.348 Their descriptions are fairly consistent: large heads; long, thin faces; and abnormally large eyes. Their walk is often described as awkward, as though they are having trouble maintaining their balance, and some witnesses have commented that they appeared to be wearing lipstick. They also appear to be fragile, to use the best description. An extrapolation of information from numerous accounts suggests that some of them might be extraterrestrials trying to disguise themselves as government agents. The purpose of these visits is to silence a witness about a sighting that he or she had. Sometimes the men in black are alone, and sometimes they arrive in groups of three or more and flash badges or government ID cards. They sometimes use threats to keep a witness from talking, but as far as is known, no harm has ever come to those who did report the incident—except in rare cases when the MIBs were obviously human. After seeing a UFO near Toronto, Ontario, Pat De LaFranier was visited by an MIB. She described him as being about five feet six, extremely thin, and having a slightly enlarged head. His eyes were long and wrapped around his temples, and she said she felt as

though he was “mentally intruding” upon her. What is really strange is that she said he was carrying a photo album under his left arm.349 Why would he be carrying a photo album? He never offered to show her any of his pictures, and it is unlikely that any witness trying to maintain credibility would include such a farcical detail in his or her story unless it was true. Yet absurd behavior seems to be common in many MIB encounters. Could it be that in his attempt to impersonate a government agent, he carried a photo album, not knowing the difference between it and a briefcase? Another rather bizarre MIB encounter happened to Ray Muniz from Austin, Texas. He operated an auto tinting business on the outskirts of the city and had also started a television show called Project UFO on the local public access channel. In June of 1996, a viewer sent in a home video of a UFO he filmed over Georgetown, Texas, which Muniz aired on the show. Several days later, a few men wearing black suits, black ties, and dark glasses showed up at his shop and handed him a summons from the IRS. He said he stepped into his shop and showed the paper to his employee, and they agreed it looked authentic. He then went back outside to talk to the men, only to find they had disappeared. He said there wasn’t enough time for them to have driven or walked away; in those few short seconds, they had simply vanished. Nevertheless, Muniz gathered his records and took them to the downtown address listed on the summons, where he encountered another man dressed in black. Muniz identified himself and put the box containing his tax records on the desk. He said the man just looked at him and said, “Okay. Thank you. You can leave now.” Rather taken aback, Muniz said, “Excuse me?” The man said, “Thank you. You can leave now.” Muniz asked, “Aren’t you going to look at my stuff?” The man said, “No. Thank you. You can leave now.” Somewhat perplexed, Muniz went home, only to find that his video collection had been ransacked. He believes the whole thing was a ruse to get him away from home so they could steal the UFO tape. But he said they didn’t find it.350

One characteristic commonly reported in MIB visits is that when they leave, they often seem to disappear into thin air. A witness who looks out the window after they leave the house will often find they are nowhere in sight, even though they did not have enough time to walk to their car. One witness who lived at the end of a long street ran outside to see which way they would turn when they reached the corner, and just as in the Muniz case, the car and the MIBs had vanished.351 He said there was no way they had enough time to drive the length of the street. So where did they go? Were they beamed up to their ship? Since this disappearing act is frequently reported, teleportation would seem to be a plausible explanation. It could also be that the witnesses were “switched off” for a few minutes to prevent them from seeing where the MIBs went. Switching off is a common occurrence in abduction cases and will be explained in the next chapter. It seems the reason people are visited by MIBs is because they had a UFO sighting that the aliens would prefer not be known. Why? What is truly scary is that they knew they were seen by a particular individual and that they knew where that person lived, since many of these sightings were made by people who were away from their homes at the time. Whenever someone tries to check on an MIB using the name on the ID he showed or the license plate number of the car he was driving, the results are always the same: no one by that name works for that agency, and the license plates bear numbers that are not on file or are nonexistent. There is no doubt that some MIBs are government agents, and we cannot exclude the possibility that some of the more bizarre accounts were staged events designed to discredit witnesses. Reporting a UFO sighting is one thing, but when a witness claims he was visited by fragile-looking men in black suits wearing lipstick who disappeared into thin air after walking out the door, he is more likely to be branded a loony tune. However, the consistency of absurd details as reported by numerous witnesses only adds to their credibility, and it might easily be another form of disinformation.


T he idea of people being whisked aboard a spaceship by little gray creatures and subjected to strange examinations seems rather farfetched, and I, too, found it hard to believe at first. For a long time, these stories were ignored because investigators associated them with the contactee cults of the 1950s and ’60s. It wasn’t until the mid ’70s, after the Barney and Betty Hill case became known, that researchers began to look at abduction accounts in a more serious light. However, alien abductions attracted a bunch of wackos whose stories were featured in tabloids, and unfortunately, the legitimate cases were often judged by this fringe element. However, when you look beyond the tabloids and the fanatics and examine the core of the phenomenon, several factors suggest it may be real. • • • •

Abductees are from all over the world. They come from different races, different religions, and from all walks of life, and their financial and social statuses seem not to be factors. With very few exceptions, none of these people know each other. Early on, many abductees were under the impression that their experience was unique, completely unaware that it was happening to others. Researchers eventually began recognizing similarities that were simply too numerous to be coincidental, especially in the seemingly unimportant and trivial details.

Because most of the early cases had received little or no publicity, many details had not been publicized, so it was highly unlikely that a hoaxer in Tupelo, Mississippi, would have knowledge of, and report, identical details of what happened to someone in Boise, Idaho. Most abductees shun notoriety. They fear ridicule and are afraid any publicity will be detrimental to their job security. So they have everything to lose and nothing to gain.

Many psychologists and psychiatrists who have worked with an abductee have used hypnosis to unlock details of the event buried in his or her subconscious. However, many professionals dispute the effectiveness of hypnosis, claiming it is an unreliable method of acquiring credible information. Still, there are many professionals on the other side of the fence who claim the exact opposite. In the beginning, many trivial details that were revealed through hypnosis were never publicized but were described by other abductees— people whom they had never met and who were living in cities, states, and countries they had never visited. Many described similar details regarding probes inserted through nostrils, transparent containers into which hybrid fetuses were placed, etc. Since much of this information was accrued before abductions gained widespread public attention, hypnosis would appear to merit some credibility. The first publicized case of alien abduction was that of Barney and Betty Hill. Their abduction occurred one night in 1961 on a remote stretch of highway in the mountains of New Hampshire, while driving home from Canada. It wasn’t until a few years later, when fragmented memories began to surface, that their story was revealed. They had sought counseling from Dr. Benjamin Simon, a prominent Boston psychiatrist who used hypnosis to probe their memories, and he recorded their sessions on audiotape.352 Since then, hundreds of cases have come to light, paralleling many of the same details, including those that Dr. Simon had not allowed to be made public, such as the sperm extraction from Barney. At the time, he thought that aspect was a bit too controversial.353

As other professionals became involved, they eventually recognized many similarities in the accounts and began to consider the possibility that these people were describing real experiences. However, obtaining credible information necessitated fine-tuning the method of how abductees were questioned under hypnosis, and new techniques were developed by researchers Dr. Richard Haines and the late Budd Hopkins.354 Once they were able to recognize and filter out false memories, they gained a better perspective of the phenomenon. Memory Suppression The most common factor in abductions is that the memory of the event is suppressed into the subconscious mind but can usually be brought out through hypnosis. Whether erasing the memory is something the aliens do to prevent a traumatic reaction or is an attempt to conceal from the world what they are doing is anyone’s guess. However, there are rare cases in which an abductee was able to recall a portion of the experience or even the entire experience without hypnosis. Whether this was intended or whether these individuals exhibited a strong mental resistance to the aliens’ influence is unknown. Telepathic Communication Communication between an abductee and the aliens appears to be on a telepathic level, even though the abductee may not possess telepathic abilities. No words come from the creatures’ mouths, yet abductees are aware of communication. A few have described hearing words in their minds, while others claim they just knew what was being said to them. And this seems to be the case regardless of what language the abductee may speak. Alien Descriptions Abductees have described the aliens they allegedly encountered in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some have ears and noses, and some do not. Some are said to have three fingers, while others are said to have four, five, or even six. On rare occasions, some creatures have been described as insectile in appearance, with claw

or pincerlike appendages. Some appeared to be reptilian, while other descriptions suggest some may be robotic in nature. What is really interesting is a type of alien that appears very human. Researchers have dubbed such aliens “Nordics.” Such a variety could mean there are several alien races visiting Earth. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases, the creatures are described as being about four feet tall with large heads and large, dark liquidlike almond-shaped eyes, and there is a little bump with two tiny holes where the nose should be. They are commonly referred to as “grays” because their skin is gray with a texture often described as reptilian. However, variations have occasionally been reported in skin color: white, light gray, gray, dark gray, and even brown. One commonality is that the grays appear to have an overseer. He is taller, about five feet, and his mental powers appear to be stronger, as he is able to manipulate an abductee’s thoughts and emotions. The grays do not exhibit any of the obvious signs of gender distinction, such as female breasts or male genitalia. This raises the question of whether they are drones that were created to do the work. There have been times when an abductee has referred to a gray as “she,” but considering the mental control they demonstrate, it might be a false impression they exert in order to reduce fear and apprehension during an abduction; resistance may be minimized if a person believes he is dealing with a female. But this is only speculation. The variety referred to as the Nordics look very human. The men are described as tall and well built, often with blond hair and blue eyes, and the females are said to have excellent well-proportioned figures. They are seen on rare occasions, sometime with the grays. But from everything I have read, I get the impression that they prefer to remain out of sight. Why? Mind Control Although it is pure speculation, mind control, in some cases, may be related to the alien’s eyes. When the grays first appear, they will

sometimes stick their face right in front of the abductee’s—just inches away. When this happens, abductees say they are unable to look away. This might suggest that mental control is easier to achieve at close range. Occasionally these face-to-face incidents are said to occur in the room where the examinations take place, usually by the taller gray. The subject is forced to experience visions and various emotions, and according to some abductees, human emotion is something these creatures do not seem to understand. Removal of Clothing In almost every case, abductees state that after being brought to the ship, the next thing they remember is being completely naked and lying on a table or else sitting on a chair or bench, often with other abductees, waiting their turn to be examined. So it appears that before an examination, the aliens remove their clothing or somehow persuade the abductee to do so. In some cases it appears the aliens dress them prior to their being returned. Apparently they are not familiar with our clothing, because a few abductees reported waking up in their beds after being abducted with shirts or pajamas put on backwards or inside out, and in some cases wearing articles of clothing that did not belong to them. Switching Off Apparently these beings are able to immobilize people who are either with or around an abductee. It has been stated in numerous cases that when a person was taken from the bedroom, the person’s spouse continued to remain asleep, unresponsive to any physical or verbal stimuli. If the spouse was awake, he or she was usually put to sleep, or “switched off.” This has even been reported with family pets. In one case, an abductee stated that the family dog was standing still, as if frozen in place.355 Another abductee stated that during her experience, she saw her mother standing motionless, looking out through the screen door of the kitchen.356 It is hard to picture human or beast being put to sleep while on their feet without falling over; it almost sounds as if time suddenly stood still—that what may have seemed like minutes or hours to the

abductee may have occurred in only a nanosecond to those who were switched off—in which case they may not have been switched off, but rather the abductee was experiencing activity in a dimension in which time did not exist. This probably sounds like another far-fetched idea; however, if the aliens come from thousands of light-years away, they probably have the ability to manipulate the space-time continuum. However, this type of experience is rarely reported but may be a procedure they utilize only in certain situations, since most abductees experience a two- or three-hour period of missing time. But again, this is only speculation. Automobile Abductions In cases where a subject is taken from an automobile, it usually occurs when a person is driving on an isolated country road or on a long, deserted stretch of highway. The next thing he knows is that his vehicle is somehow being brought to a stop, usually out of sight on an isolated dirt road. At this point, he usually encounters small creatures that bring him into a craft that has landed in a clearing in the woods. However, there have been a few reports in which vehicles were actually lifted off the highway and into a ship, most likely by some sort of tractor beam. The next thing the person remembers is driving down the road miles from where the encounter took place, sometimes traveling in the opposite direction from which he was originally headed. Other times, the person may awaken to find he is parked in a secluded wooded area with no idea of what happened. Imaging and Envisioning In compiling information from the numerous abductees with whom he has worked, Dr. David Jacobs, a former history professor at Temple University, noticed a consistency in some of the procedures conducted by the aliens. Two of these procedures he calls the “imaging” and “envisioning” experience. According to his studies, envisioning generally occurs in the room where examinations and tests are conducted, and it seems to be for the purpose of eliciting

emotional responses. These visions are mentally induced into the abductee’s mind, usually by the taller gray alien that seems to be in charge. The imaging experience usually takes place after an examination, wherein the abductee is shown scenes on some sort of projection screen.357 They may range from beautiful pastoral scenes to those depicting the person’s daily routine. However, one common and very disturbing factor is that they frequently include apocalyptic scenes of destruction, and the abductee is told that these things are going to happen. This aspect is a very important detail and is apparent in other issues to be covered. Multiple Abductions Another detail uncovered by Jacobs and other researchers is that under hypnosis, many abductees reveal more than one experience. Numerous cases seem to follow a pattern in which abductions begin at the age of six or seven and a tracking device is implanted in the person’s body so he can be located again in the future. The pattern has revealed that abductions continue into the teen years and then stop for a while before they resume. Implants Another aspect is implants. Many people have awakened after an abduction to find blood on their pillows or cuts and scoop marks on their bodies. Others have found strange lumps in earlobes, arms, and legs. Under hypnosis, many stated that an instrument, usually with a small metallic ball on the end, was inserted through a nostril. As it was pushed up inside their heads, they felt and heard a crunching sound, as if cartilage had been broken. When the instrument was removed, it was without the little ball. One case investigated by the Canadian chapter of MUFON was that of Andrea Shale. After her abduction, one of her eyes became extremely swollen. When an X-ray was taken, it revealed a foreign object behind the optic nerve. However, her doctor advised against trying to have it surgically removed because the procedure would be extremely dangerous and would probably leave her blind.358

Another rather interesting case involved a woman from Salt Lake City who prefers to remain anonymous. She and her son experienced a period of missing time after encountering a very bright light while driving down the highway one night. A year later, she was knocked unconscious when she tripped at home and hit her head on the fireplace. She was taken to the hospital for X-rays to determine whether there were any fractures, and the doctor was completely taken aback by what he saw: there was an oval metallic object embedded in the right parasagittal area of her brain. Excited and concerned, he ran into her room and asked her what it was. She was dumbfounded because she had never undergone any surgery that could account for it.359 Unfortunately the woman has chosen not pursue the matter. What the object is and how it became embedded in her brain remains a mystery. Was her and her son’s encounter with a bright light and their missing-time experience a year earlier an abduction? The details certainly fit the profile, but unless she decides to pursue the matter, we can only wonder. Implant Removal In 1995, the late Dr. Roger Leir, a podiatrist, assembled a medical team to remove implants from abductees. On the afternoon of August 19, 1995, three identical triangular objects were removed from the toe and hand of two people—people who were complete strangers to each other. The objects were imbedded in something like a cocoon and glowed brilliant fluorescent green when exposed to ultraviolet light. When the surgeons tried to cut through them, they found that even their sharpest scalpels were ineffective. Leir stated that during the operation, one of the patients literally came off the table when they tugged at the object, indicating it was connected to a nerve.360 The objects were analyzed by different laboratories, and the preliminary findings were interesting. They were enveloped in a keratinous substance that appears to have come from the subjects’ own bodies. It seems that using the person’s own biological material as a protective cocoon provided total immunity to infection. Leir

stated that if we could duplicate this technology, it would virtually eliminate organ transplant rejection. In another case. when Dr. Leir placed a 250-pound electromagnet over an object in the upper thigh of Jeff Harvey, it rose about an eighth of an inch under the skin, and a very high reading of 10 milligauss was detected by a gauss meter. Before removal, the object was emitting radio signals at 35.892 MHz and 59.12524 GHz, but it ceased transmitting when removed. The former frequency is a normal low-band VHF frequency used in mobile two-way radio communication, and the latter is in the range astronomers use to detect radio signals from stars. Harvey experienced a UFO sighting as a child but had no memory of being abducted. Analysis of the object in an electron microscope revealed only normal earthly elements; however, there was no sign of inflammation or rejection by Harvey’s body, and like others removed by Leir, his own biological material had formed a protective cocoon around it.361 Yet the fact that it stopped transmitting after removal is rather intriguing. What information was it transmitting? And to whom? Teleportation In the Hill Abduction, Barney noticed scuff marks on the tops of his shoes when he returned home, and he was confused as to how they got there. It wasn’t until Dr. Simon let him hear the tapes of his hypnosis sessions a few years later that he learned how it had happened. It appears he was putting up a strong resistance and the creatures were forced to physically drag him to their ship. However, in more recent cases, abductees have said they walked or were led to the ship and were somehow unable to resist. Could it be that the Hill abduction was the first, or one of the first, of recent times, and that the ETs now exert a stronger mental influence against resistance? Some cases suggest the use of a tractor beam or even teleportation as a more convenient method of transport. I know it sounds crazy, but according to how people describe their being taken from their bedrooms, it may be more of a reality than we think.

A patient of the late Dr. John Mack, a Pulitzer Prize–winning Harvard psychiatrist and abduction researcher, said she felt that all the air was suddenly pushed out of her, and she was sucked out the window as if by a vacuum.362 In a case studied by David Jacobs, a woman described a bright light appearing in her room. Suddenly there was a short being standing there that took her by the arm and maneuvered her toward the window. The next thing she knew, they were outside and rising into the sky. She said they were approaching the bottom of a dark gray oval-shaped object and that she and her alien escort were rising in some kind of a light when suddenly they were inside the craft.363 During a fishing trip, twin brothers Jim and Jack Weiner, along with two friends, Charlie Foltz and Chuck Rak, encountered a bright glowing object while night fishing on a pond in the Allagash wilderness of Maine. One by one, they were “beamed” out of their canoe and into the craft, where they were subjected to bizarre examinations. Jim Weiner described the sensation of being beamed up by stating he felt like his body was being ripped apart on a molecular level, as if he were being “torn apart atom by atom.”364

There are other accounts of abductees describing how they passed through a wall or the roof of a building, and even through the windshield of a car. On rare occasions, people are transported in a cloud and returned the same way. This usually occurs outside; I have yet to hear of such a cloud appearing when people are abducted from indoors. From these descriptions, the implications are obvious: the sensation of disembodiment, being molecularly disassembled, passing through closed windows and walls, and then turning up inside a strange craft with little gray creatures suggests teleportation. I realize the skeptics laugh at such ideas (and I have to admit it myself) because it sounds like something one would see on Star Trek. Although these descriptions bear an uncanny similarity to Trek’s transporter beam, I doubt it is the influence behind what

abductees are describing, because many such incidents occurred long before Star Trek came along. There are at least six events in the Bible describing the same scenario, which will be covered later. I find it difficult to ignore these similarities between the abductions and the biblical texts relating to what appears to be teleportation. David Jacobs notes that in the numerous cases in which people pass through closed windows, there is rarely an outside witness. He theorizes that whatever it is that allows abductees to pass through solid objects may also render them invisible.365 The idea makes sense, because in order to pass through a solid object, the molecular composition of the body must be thinned out, so to speak. Every atom would have to be spread far apart to reduce molecular density. Assuming that such a thing is possible, it should easily allow a person’s individual molecules to pass between those of solid obstacles like windows and walls, and it would most likely render the person invisible. To anyone witnessing the process, it would seem that the person simply dissipated into thin air. It would be the same as the way water becomes invisible during evaporation until it condenses and forms into clouds. Hybrid Breeding Program Being abducted and experimented on by little gray creatures is, perhaps, the most difficult part of the UFO phenomena to believe. However, the subject has been studied and analyzed by highly credible professionals: Dr. David Jacobs, Dr. John Mack, and the late Budd Hopkins, a New York City artist who contributed a lot in his investigations; and there are many others. A hybrid breeding program is one aspect of abductions they have all dealt with in their research, and we must give serious consideration to what they have learned. An extrapolation of the data accrued by these researchers reveals that the abduction of women usually occurs during their fertile period, when they are ovulating, for the purpose of extracting their eggs.366 With men, their abductions appear to be random; however, a common factor with men is the extraction of sperm.367

Another pattern that has become apparent is that women are often impregnated by insemination. This is followed by a subsequent abduction before the end of the first trimester, during which the fetus is extracted from the womb and placed in a transparent container and transferred to an incubation chamber, where gestation ostensibly continues to full term. This is later followed by subsequent abductions during which each woman is given one of these infants to hold—presumably the same one she carried in her womb. They are frequently encouraged to breastfeed the infant, even though they may not be lactiferous. According to some women, the aliens seem emphatic about this contact being important to the child. These children are sometimes described as having both human and alien features, so it would appear that in some cases they may be fusing alien DNA with the DNA in sperm collected from male abductees. But the purpose of these hybrids still mystifies researchers. What appears to be happening is that the aliens are involved in a hybrid breeding program. I suspect they are genetically modifying the DNA in the sperm samples collected from men to suit their intended purpose, and the evidence suggests there are two elements of this phase; one is the breeding of hybrids for genetic experimentation on their ships, and the other is the creation of hybrids for birth into our society. They use the men’s modified sperm to fertilize the women’s eggs in vitro on their ships, and they then abduct the women again and insert the fertilized eggs into their wombs.368 In about three months, they remove the fetuses from their wombs, which they then bring to full term on their ship in some type of incubatorium.369 These are the hybrids that abductees often describe as having both human and alien features and with whom the women are frequently encouraged to interact. It is assumed they are being used for experimentation. One commonality noted by David Jacobs is the fact that many abductee women suddenly found themselves pregnant with no idea of how they got that way because they were extremely careful in using birth control, while others claim they were not sexually active

at the time of conception.370 Then, within three months, the fetuses mysteriously disappeared from their wombs. One case in point is that of Dhyanne Swanson, who was pregnant and at the end of her first trimester. She and her boyfriend woke up one night to find several gray aliens standing around their bed. The next thing they knew, they were lying on tables aboard a ship, and the aliens were removing the fetus from Dhyanne. When she awoke in the morning, Dhyanne had a vague memory of what happened and assumed it was only a dream—until she noticed bloodstains in the bed. She immediately went to the hospital, where an examination revealed she was no longer pregnant. Dhyanne’s doctor could not understand what happened, because he knew she was nearly four months pregnant. When he went to clean her womb, he was astonished to find it had already been cleaned.371 Dhyanne’s experience parallels what many other female abductees have described. These women did not have an abortion or suffer a miscarriage, and they were not cases of pseudocyesis (false pregnancy); their gynecologists confirmed that a fetus was present in their wombs. So for those who believe alien abductions are a fantasy, just the fact that doctors have confirmed that fetuses suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from the wombs of women they had been treating tends to confirm the reality of alien abductions and a hybrid breeding program. The aliens are somehow able to control the subject’s memory. Blocked from the conscious mind, their abduction experiences remain stored in the subconscious for weeks, months, or even years. In many cases, vague or fragmented memories eventually start to surface, and many of the women begin having nightmares, and those who can afford it will seek professional help, wherein the details are revealed through hypnosis. What is astonishing is the similarity of the details described in many cases. The other method of memory control is the complete erasure of the event from the mind. In these cases, the fetuses remain in the wombs. These women have no memory of their abduction and insemination; they carry the fetuses to full term and give birth to

hybrid children. We might assume this involves married women or those whose circumstances will not arouse any suspicion regarding their pregnancies. And how do we know this? One of the women whom Dr. Jacobs was working with revealed that she had managed to ask the alien why they were removing the fetuses, and she was told that they remove only those that they need.372 If true, it means they do not remove all fetuses, which in turn suggests that hybrid children are being born into our society. And we need to ask why that is. One hypothesis is that these hybrids possess enhanced DNA factors that can advance the social and technological aspects of our evolution. If true, then one has to wonder about the genius qualities exhibited by Leonardo da Vinci. His amazing artistic qualities are revealed in his paintings of the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, and his scientific genius is obvious in the sketches he drew depicting what are now modern-day technologies. And let us not forget Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientific minds of the twentieth century. There are also the musical geniuses that appeared during and after the Renaissance period that contributed to cultural enhancement. And would the introduction of hybrids into our society not logically explain the miracle births described in the Bible? That issue that will be explored in part 2. Nevertheless, the idea that these great men were genetically enhanced hybrids is, of course, theoretical. But could it be true? One theory proposed by UFO researcher Dr. Steven Greer is that it is not aliens but a secret group within the government that is abducting people and altering their minds in a nefarious plot to create a public mindset that aliens are hostile. He claims they are doing this in order to maintain control of the technologies they have gleaned from UFO crashes.373 He proposes the aliens are friendly and have nothing to do with abductions. Some of what he proposes is compelling; however, his ideas do not explain cases of insemination, fetus removal, and the creation of hybrids. What purpose would the government even have for inseminating women, and how could they create a half alien / half human fetus?

Originally there was one aspect of the hybrid breeding program that puzzled me: why were aliens inseminating women and, a few months later, removing the fetuses from their wombs? It didn’t make sense. If they could fertilize the eggs in vitro and gestate the fetus by artificial means aboard their ship, then what was the purpose of using a female womb in the first place? It seemed like an unnecessary step in the procedure. However, since it appears to be a consistent part of the procedure, there must be a reason for it. At first, the only reason that seemed to make sense was to allow the fetus to assimilate the female’s natural immunities to earthly germs and diseases into its own biological system. It was not until after the first edition of this book came out that I discovered another possible answer to that question. The files compiled by researchers indicate that a few years after their abduction, some women were brought aboard their ship to interact with the children that were taken from their wombs. Most of the children were said to have rather large eyes and thin, wispy hair, but they otherwise looked human. Many of these women wanted to take the children home with them, but the aliens told them that the children would not survive in our world and that it could result in emotional confusion in the children. What I understand from the studies of David Jacobs is that the aliens experience only a mild form of emotion. If something pleases them, their reaction is restricted; they cannot express their pleasure beyond a certain level. If something displeases them, they are likewise unable to demonstrate anger or feelings of rage. Jacobs reasoned that the hybrids may need something from both the aliens and the female hosts to balance their emotional development.374 The Skeptic’s Corner There is not a lot to be said for the skeptics. Those who are professionals in the psychiatric field often approach the subject with their minds already made up and not open to other possibilities. A few have treated an abductee in a condescending manner, suggesting that he or she lacks the intelligence to comprehend what he or she has experienced because, according to their mindset, what

he or she described could not possibly have happened. And so they ignore the testimony of witnesses and the evidence compiled by competent researchers and substitute it with their own opinions and conclusions, which are usually based on little, if any, background research. However, they have made a few valid points. One of their theories involves the hypnogogic and hypnopompic states, often referred to as sleep paralysis. This is what occurs between the last moments of consciousness and falling asleep, or between sleep and awakening. During these periods, one may experience temporary paralysis and dreams that seem real. Since most abductees claim they were unable to move or physically react during the onset of an abduction, some psychiatrists feel this transition period between consciousness and sleep is a catalyst for many abduction claims. And it is true that a large percentage of abductions seem to occur at night—after the abductee has gone to bed. They also suggest that a person’s own belief in the reality of the experience can trigger psychosomatic symptoms, causing scoop marks, bruises, and scars to appear on the body. Another theory is that the brain’s temporal lobe is stimulated by energy released during seismic activity, such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. This energy generates electrically charged particles that are emitted into the atmosphere; these often appear as glowing orbs of light. They are a common occurrence over fault lines and regions of volcanic activity, and they often have been mistaken for UFOs. Dr. Michael Persinger, a Canadian neurologist, believes it may also explain many abduction cases. He has conducted experiments in his laboratory by inducing the hypnogogic state to demonstrate his point. A subject is isolated in a room and blindfolded—completely deprived of any sensory perception. He is wired with sensors through which patterns of electromagnetic waves are transmitted, stimulating the temporal lobe area of the brain. The result is a series of false perceptions, somewhat similar to those reported in abductions. The subject may feel a presence in the room. He may experience paralysis, or the sensation of moving through a dark tunnel or approaching a very bright light. Persinger suggests that

people who are sensitive to this energy might easily experience what they believe to be a real abduction.375 These are all valid points and they probably do explain some cases—but not all. First, abductees are not blindfolded or deprived of sensory perception. Second, it does not explain the bruises and scoop marks that appear on a person’s body; how could one person’s subconscious create (in many cases identical) psychosomatic manifestations exhibited by people they have never met living in different cities, states, and countries? Third, sleep paralysis does not explain abductions that occur while people are wide awake or driving down the road in their car. And fourth, just because it can be done in a laboratory does not constitute proof that seismic activity is responsible for abduction experiences; nor does it explain those that occur in places where seismic activity is rare or nonexistent. Nevertheless, skeptics continue to be skeptics, but when their ideas are applied to individual cases, they rarely hold much water. One case I wish to cover in this chapter is one that I am totally convinced has been misinterpreted. It reveals a classic case of contact with two species of extraterrestrials, and it has consistently been described as an abduction. I will present evidence that the event was real; however, the details suggest that it was not a case of abduction. The Travis Walton Experience If not one of the most unique cases in ufology, the Travis Walton event is one of the most misrepresented. He was missing for five days while on board an alien craft, and he came face-to-face with both human and nonhuman beings. He was struck by a blue-green beam of light from a UFO that he and his companions encountered in the Arizona wilderness. The movie Fire in the Sky, although based on his experience, took exceptional creative license in portraying the event. The aliens Walton described were not quite as terrifying in their appearance as those portrayed in the movie, and the horrifying scenes in the movie in no way illustrate what Walton actually described regarding his experience. Walton’s story has been

featured in many documentaries, but none ever presented a complete picture of the event. Many details seem to have gone unnoticed by UFO researchers—important details that offer some insight about the aliens and their ships, and the details that strongly suggest Walton was not abducted. It was November 5, 1975. While on their way home from doing contract work in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Walton and his companions encountered a large, glowing circular craft hovering off the side of the road, above the trees. Much to the consternation of his coworkers, Walton jumped out of the truck and approached the object. Ignoring the pleas of his companions to come back, he walked up to the craft and stood almost underneath it. Walton said the craft suddenly started to wobble and emit a rumbling sound. Not knowing what was happening, he became cautious and crouched down behind a log. He then realized that maybe he should get away from there and decided to run back to the truck. But the moment he stood up, a blue-green beam of light struck him in the head and chest, rendering him unconscious. He later described it as a shocking experience like being hit by a bolt of electricity. According to his companions, the beam hit Walton with such force that it lifted him into the air, throwing him back about ten feet, where he landed on the hard ground.376 Terrified by what they had just seen, the others sped away in panic, thinking Walton had been killed. A few minutes later, they managed to calm down a little, and thinking that Walton might still be alive and seriously injured, they decided to go back for him. Not knowing if the craft was still there or what they might encounter, they approached the area cautiously only to find that the craft was gone— and so was Walton. Assuming he may have been dazed and wandered away into the woods, they went to the nearest pay phone and called the authorities.377 When the police arrived, the crew led them to the site, but being that it was dark, it was decided to start a search in the morning. Search parties combed the area on foot, on horseback, and by plane and helicopter, but Walton was nowhere to be found. By the

end of the fourth day, the search was called off. The authorities, of course, were suspicious that the men may have made up the story to cover up the fact that Walton had been murdered. However, on the fifth night, Walton suddenly reappeared; he awoke lying on the side of a road just outside of Heber, Arizona. He made it to a pay phone and called his family, who then came and picked him up. Thinking it was the same day as the encounter, he was rather shocked when he learned that it was five days later.378 Walton could recall only a few of the details regarding his five-day disappearance; most were recovered through regressive hypnosis. Walton said the first thing he remembered after being struck by the beam was waking up lying on a table. He said he was feeling great pain in his head and chest, and that the air seemed heavy and moist. He said that at first he thought he was in a hospital. As his eyes began to focus, he noticed that his shirt and jacket had been pushed up around his shoulders, exposing his chest and abdomen, and there was a green device that curved across his body, pressing lightly against his chest. It was when he looked up and saw the small gray-skinned beings standing over him that he panicked. He said he jumped up, knocking the device that was on his chest to the floor. He grabbed a cylindrical object from a shelf that was next to him and began swinging it at the creatures, at which point they backed off and left the room.379 Looking for a way out, and remembering that the creatures had gone to the right, Walton went out the door and turned left, where he found his way into another room. In a few minutes, a man who looked very human and was wearing a transparent helmet appeared in the doorway and motioned for Walton to follow him. Walton said that as they walked down a hallway, he tried to converse with the man but the man remained silent. They came to a doorway that slid open, and according to Walton’s description, they entered what may have been an airlock, and the door closed behind them. Soon a door opened in front of them into a large bay where the air was cooler and fresher. They walked out of the ship and a down a ramp into the bay, where he saw other ships parked. They walked across the bay, went

through a door and down a corridor, and entered a room where two men and a woman were standing around a table. Unlike the man who had escorted him to this location, these people were not wearing helmets. He asked them where he was and what was going on, but they, too, remained silent. The helmeted man left the room, and then the woman and one of the men placed Walton on the table. Then the woman placed what looked like an oxygen mask over his face, and he drifted into unconsciousness. The next thing he knew, he awoke lying facedown on the side of a road near Heber, Arizona, with his head resting on his arm and the craft hovering above him. Then it shot straight up and disappeared into the night.380 So here we have the grays and human-looking beings on the same ship. Because of their stature and human appearance, these beings have been referred to by UFO researchers as Nordics, since many of them have been described as having blond hair and blue eyes. But who are these Nordics? Are they aboard all the ships where abductees are taken, and if so, why do they stay out of sight? Are they subservient to the grays, or are they the ones who are really in charge? In Walton’s case, it seems they did not make an appearance until he created a situation that required their assistance. If they are extraterrestrials, the fact that they look human is an intriguing characteristic that should arouse some curiosity. But could it be that it is really we who look like them as a result of hybridization conducted millennia, or even eons, ago? Could they possibly be the angels described in the Bible? Almost every documentary and published article on the Walton case has referred to it as an abduction, as does Walton in his own book, also titled Fire in the Sky. There are, however, several factors suggesting this was not the case: •

Walton was not taken from his home during the night; nor was he taken from an automobile while driving down the highway. He and his companions just happened upon the craft hovering off the side of the road in the wilderness. They had not been pursued by the craft; nor were his companions immobilized or

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switched off, as is often the case in an abduction experience. It was Walton himself who approached the craft. Although he remembered only a few details until he was hypnotized, it would appear that Walton was not mentally programmed to forget the experience, as are most abductees. His perception of what occurred on the craft while he was conscious was vividly clear, as opposed to other abductees who perceived the experience as surreal. Most abductees describe being stripped of their clothing prior to being subjected to bizarre examinations. When Walton awoke lying on the table, although his shirt and jacket had been pushed up around his shoulders, he was still fully clothed. Walton was not subjected to any examinations, anal probes, or sperm extraction, as is usually the case with male abductees. Walton was not subjected to the imaging and envisioning experience that is usually conducted by a taller gray being who seems to be in charge (as revealed in cases studied by Dr. David Jacobs). In fact, he never mentioned seeing a taller gray being, a common factor in most abduction cases. Abductees are usually returned to the same location from which they were taken. Walton, however, was not returned to the wilderness where the encounter took place. Instead he was dropped off about thirty miles away, on the outskirts of Heber, a populated area—a convenient location for him to get to a phone and contact his family. Abductions usually last no more than a few hours; Walton was gone for five days.

I have studied the details of numerous abduction cases compiled by credible researchers. Based on the information they have compiled, there is nothing in the experience described by Travis Walton that compares to the details described by most abductees. The only negative factors of his experience were being struck by the beam and being scared to the point of panic at the sight of

creatures that were obviously not human. So let’s examine the other points. Walton was not strapped to the table on which he awoke, so he was not being forcibly restrained. Under hypnosis, most abductees claim the only part of their body they could move was their eyes, with their arms, legs, and head being in a state of paralysis. Walton, however, was able to jump off the table and prepare to defend himself. Although the little creatures had the opportunity to do whatever they wanted to him while he was unconscious, there is nothing to suggest he was harmed by them. They did not visibly threaten him or exhibit hostility or aggression toward him. He was rescued from what he perceived as a traumatic situation by a human-looking alien who brought him to a room in another ship. He was later released unharmed and did not suffer any further pain or discomfort from the beam that hit him. So I think we need to look at what happened to him from a logical perspective. Nothing occurred on the ship that suggests the occupants intended to harm Walton, so it is possible that the beam that hit him may have hit him unintentionally or accidentally. The beam may have been part of a system intended to keep animals at bay, and it may have been triggered by his sudden movement when he attempted to run back to the truck. There have been cases when UFOs have demonstrated hostile behavior, such as in the case described earlier of police officer George Wheeler, who suffered injuries when a UFO fired a blue beam that destroyed his police car’s electrical system. He suffered severe headaches and pains in his arms and legs until he died six months later. Although he had been hospitalized twice and subjected to numerous tests, the doctors could never find anything wrong with him.381 Walton described having great pain in his head and chest when he awoke inside the ship. Could it be that they brought him aboard to give him medical treatment for his injuries? Considering that he had not been stripped naked, but rather his shirt and jacket had been pushed up around his shoulders, and there was a device pressing lightly against his chest, they might have been giving him emergency

medical treatment. But regaining full consciousness and being able to physically react while aboard the spacecraft is another factor not common in abductions. Abductees may be aware of what is happening around them but are unable to move, and they are usually mentally programmed not to remember their experience, at least for the time being. Walton’s ability to physically react and his vivid awareness triggered his panic at the sight of creatures. His adrenaline apparently kicked in, and he jumped off the table, preparing to defend himself. Therefore it is possible they had not completed his treatment. If this was the case, we can only speculate that it was completed later, after the woman in the other ship put him back to sleep. We can only wonder at what his fate might have been had they not done so. Might he have suffered the same fate as Officer Wheeler? And the fact that they kept him for five days suggests his injuries were serious. When Walton was returned, he awoke lying facedown on the side of the road rather than in the middle of it, where he could have been run over. And the fact that his head was resting on his arm and not on the bare ground suggests he was purposely placed in that position for his own comfort. All this is, of course, speculation; however, it does seem to be the most logical scenario. The real facts are that (a) they could have left Walton lying there on the ground in the woods to suffer and possibly die, as in the case of officer Wheeler; (b) he was released unharmed at a location that was convenient for him to contact his family; and (c) since he was no longer in any pain, he had apparently been healed of the injuries caused by the beam that struck him. Another point of interest is the man that escorted Walton out of the ship. Why was he wearing a transparent helmet? Walton said that the air in the ship with the small beings in which he awoke seemed “heavy and moist” but was “cooler and fresher” in the other ship, thereby suggesting there was a difference in atmospheres. Was the man who escorted him out of the first craft wearing a helmet because he could not breathe the heavier moist air, or because he was susceptible to certain germs in that atmosphere? Although Walton was apparently able to breathe in both, it would be

interesting to know the reason why the human-looking alien wore a helmet. Another point is the lack of communication. In most abduction cases, it seems the little gray creatures do not communicate verbally with an abductee but rather communicate through a process that seems to be telepathic. In all the credible reports I have read, it is rare that a human-looking alien communicates with an abductee; it is always the little gray guys. There could be any number of reasons for this, one being that human-looking aliens do not have telepathic abilities. I also noted that no communication occurred between the little gray creatures and Walton. One possibility is that this was due to his state of mind at the time. He suddenly found himself in an environment that was completely alien to him, and he was terrified by the presence of creatures that were not human. Perhaps in his state of panic, his body released chemicals in his brain that prevented him from receiving any telepathic communication that may have been attempted, or perhaps they made no attempt at all at communication. Again, this is all speculation. Many skeptics have attacked Travis Walton’s credibility by questioning the validity of his many polygraph tests. The first tests conducted soon after his experience were inconclusive, possibly because he was still mentally affected by the events that were still fresh in his mind. However, the final tests were conducted in 1993, long after the initial traumatic effect had worn off. They were conducted by Cy Gilson, who at the time was the top examiner in the state of Arizona and regarded as one of the top examiners in the nation. These tests appeared to resolve once and for all any disputes regarding the credibility of his experience, thereby suggesting that what Travis Walton described really happened.382 There is also the fact that while Walton was still missing, his companions were given polygraph tests, all of which were passed except for one that was inconclusive. I have video footage from many documentaries revealing how the stories of some witnesses have changed over the years, thereby bringing their credibility into question. Walton has appeared on many

television programs and in numerous documentaries, and his story has remained consistent from day one. I have most of this footage in my archives, and I cannot find where he has ever embellished or exaggerated even one detail that might cast a shred of doubt on his credibility. I also wish to point out that Travis Walton’s encounter is unique, unlike any other ever documented—including the Betty and Barney Hill case. This is something that seems to have been overlooked by many UFO researchers. If Walton’s story is true, which I have no reason to doubt, he was actually on board an alien spacecraft and face-to-face with both human-looking and nonhuman beings; he saw and touched things no abductee ever had, and he was treated in a manner totally different from what any abductee has ever described. When Walton, in a state of panic, demonstrated aggressive behavior toward the little gray creatures, they did not retaliate; rather, they backed off and left the room. He then attempted to find a way out of the ship. He found his way into another room that reacted to his movements in a way that was far beyond anything he could ever have imagined. As he walked toward a chair that was in the center of the room, the room began to darken and the walls began to fade away and were replaced by a view of stars in awesome galactic splendor. When he moved back from the chair, the scene reversed; the room became brighter, the stars faded, and the walls came back into view. The view of the stars was so vivid that he thought he might actually be somewhere out in deep space.383 He had noticed buttons and controls on the arm of the chair, and so he went back and sat down. He toyed with the controls, hoping to find one that might open a door through which he could escape, but all he managed to accomplish was to rotate the angle of the stars, and the thought that he may have somehow altered the course of the ship entered his mind.384 Nevertheless, he thought about trying other buttons to see what they might do, and that is when the man in the transparent helmet appeared in the doorway and escorted him out of the ship.

Another point to ponder is the alien ships. When Walton was escorted out of the gray’s ship, he saw that there were other ships parked in the large bay. The question is, Was this a bay in a much larger mother ship? Or was it a large hangar at a secret alien base located somewhere on Earth, or possibly even the moon? Wherever it was, Walton never got to see the outside. We also have to ask, What was the relationship between the little gray creatures and the Nordics? If Walton was taken to a large mother ship, were the little grays stationed on that ship? And who did the other ships belong to that he saw parked there? Were they owned by other alien races? Does some sort of planetary alliance exist between different alien species? Walton’s experience, however, gave us a glimpse of the technology on the grays’ ship in the room with the chair. In his movement toward the chair, the walls became transparent to reveal the stars. Since the ship was parked inside the bay of what was probably a mother ship, what was the scene actually revealing? I speculate it may have been a stellar map projecting a view of the stars based on the ship’s present location, similar to the display on a GPS screen that shows a car’s location on city streets. The fact that Walton did something that changed the position of the stars suggests it may have functioned as a guidance system that would allow the ship to travel in whatever direction the scene pointed to. It would be interesting to know what the functions were of the other controls on the arm of the chair that Walton sat in. Unfortunately, he never had time to find out. Even though Walton was in a state of angst over his situation, he had an opportunity to see things, do things, and touch things that (to the best of my knowledge) no one else ever has. And he was wide awake and alert, not in a catatonic state like the one most abductees seem to be in during their experiences. So yes, even though he was traumatized by the experience, Walton’s encounter was indeed one of a kind. ♦♦♦♦♦

I believe I have presented sufficient evidence to suggest that UFOs are real and that one or more extraterrestrial races are visiting our planet. There is evidence suggesting the government knows what is going on and is withholding it from the public. Yet they have consistently kept the subject alive through the dissemination of disinformation. Why? The only reason that seems to make any sense is that it is psychological preparation for eventual disclosure. Eventually the truth will have to come out, but first we must be prepared psychologically to deal with it. In the first edition of this book, I suggested that incidents would soon occur to gradually make us aware of what is going on as a prelude to an eventual full disclosure. Since the publication of that book in 2012, it appears my prediction has started to come true— and much sooner than I expected. The most recent sign is the video clips released by the Pentagon of the radar tracking of UFOs from navy jet fighters off the East and West Coasts of the United States. There are clues to the intentional leaking of information regarding UFO cases that will be covered in part 3. So the government is dropping little clues that they are fully aware of what is going on. However, full disclosure of everything—which, I suspect, involves religious issues—will not happen for a long time. However, what is happening now is the start of a process of psychological conditioning to prepare us to accept that information when the time comes to reveal it. In the public arena, theories abound about what the aliens are up to, one being that they are simply studying and monitoring our evolutionary progress. Another is that they created the human race as an experiment or as a slave race to suit their own agenda. Others believe their intention is to wipe us out with plagues so they can colonize our world. They have cited numerous plagues that wiped out millions of people over the ages, yet despite this, the earth’s population has increased to billions of people today. Perhaps the plagues were designed to thin out the weakest segment of our species, leaving only the strongest to survive. But if they really

wanted to wipe us out, I would assume they possess the power to have done so long ago—and very quickly. As I have hinted at throughout part 1, a situation could arise in the future that threatens our very existence. If this is true, our only chance for survival is to migrate to another planet that will sustain human life, and to do so, we need to develop interstellar travel. On our own, we might never accomplish this in time, but in the twentieth century, it appears we suddenly experienced an extraordinary forward leap in technological advancement. Advancing humanity toward this goal will become evident as we explore the biblical scenario. The Bible is a compilation of stories that were passed along in oral tradition for thousands of years. There is evidence that some of the stories in the Torah (the five books of Moses) may have been borrowed from earlier Mesopotamian writings, while others were written simply to make a moral statement. Although some stories may possibly have a basis in fact, it is almost certain that over the centuries, people added their own spin according to how they perceived them. Stories about Sodom and Gomorrah, the crumbling walls of Jericho, and the ten plagues of Egypt may possibly be the result of natural disasters that were portrayed by later writers as God’s punishment of humans for their corrupt and evil ways, or they could be fictional writings by someone who only wanted to make a moral point. Anyone who is familiar with how the Bible evolved knows that it is not a record of historical fact. Therefore, many scholars suggest the scriptures are only allegorical and should not be taken in a literal sense. When studying the Bible stories as presented in their current form, there appears to be a consistent series of events sanctioning a moral and ethical evolution of the human race. Many other stories that appear to be inconsequential and even inappropriate in the overall scenario were included in the Bible for reasons known only to those who included them.

You may wonder what all this has to do with UFOs. Maybe it has nothing to do with them, or maybe a great deal; it all depends on how you choose to interpret the Bible according to the stories printed between its covers. For example, the first chapter in the book of Ezekiel describes Ezekiel’s encounter with five beings that came down from the sky in what certainly sounds like a mechanical flying craft. You can interpret this as a spiritual or prophetic vision that Ezekiel experienced, or you can interpret it as an encounter he had with extraterrestrial beings. As there are numerous technological references throughout the Bible that most people are unaware of, I have chosen the latter. Now, I am not saying my choice is the correct one, but when we apply this concept to the sequence of biblical accounts starting with Adam and going all the way through to the Ascension of Christ, it presents a most interesting scenario. Whether or not it has any merit is something that only you can decide. Nevertheless, I guarantee that it will be an interesting read.

Part 2 The Biblical Connection



few years ago, a scientist raised the question of whether we are hardwired in our DNA to believe in a god. So far, the idea remains another mystery for scientists to ponder. Nevertheless, deity worship became a common practice at some stage of humanity’s climb up the evolutionary ladder. Tools and other artifacts found in Neanderthal graves suggest Neanderthals exhibited a primitive form of religion, implying they may have held a belief in something. And there exists some archaeological evidence suggesting primitive peoples may have even worshipped a female deity—a goddess.385 We can theorize that prehistoric humans wondered about such things as who, or what, caused the sun to rise and set each day, and who or what caused the wind to blow and the rain to fall. Although his drawings on rocks and cave walls included numerous oval and disc-shaped images (the same things people around the world report seeing in the sky today), there is nothing definitive in his art to suggest he worshipped a god. Yet the more intelligent he became, so grew his belief in a plethora of gods. The ancient Greeks worshipped a pantheon of gods, most of whom the Romans adopted with different names. For example, Hera, the Greek goddess of marriage, the Romans called Juno. Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, was Neptune in the Roman pantheon; and Zeus, the Greek king of the gods, the Romans called Jupiter. However, “Prometheus,” not considered a god but a Titan, is the same in both Greek and Roman mythology associated with the

creation of human beings. Yet these are but a few of the deities associated with ancient civilizations, as there are many that date back even further in time. Meticulous research conducted by Dr. Rita Louise has identified dozens of ancient gods and goddesses. How many have heard of Apsu, Tiamat, and Lahmu, or Nauet, Amanuet, and Hauhet? These and many other gods and their possible relation to human origins have been brought to light, opening up a sea of ancient mythology alluding to gods and goddesses hitherto unknown except by a few scholars. In her book The E.T. Chronicles: What Myths and Legends Tell Us About Human Origins, she reveals how these gods were involved in the creation of human and subhuman beings.386 And like the Greek and Roman gods, they often provided humanity with much of the same knowledge. She also reveals that they fought among themselves and were often at war with each other. Some of the information Dr. Rita discovered regarding these little-known gods is not only reflected in the myths of the Greek and Roman gods but also those of the fallen angels in the Judeo-Christian Bibles known as the Nephilim, the sons of heaven, and the watchers. The mythical gods of other cultures were mentioned in chapter 2, many of which were said to have come down from the heavens on fire-spitting dragons. It seems only logical that the inspiration for many of these myths lies in the details of some long-forgotten events and, very possibly, is the result of misunderstood technology. When it comes to myths, archaeologists, for years, considered the city of Troy a myth until its discovery in 1870 by Heinrich Schliemann, an amateur archaeologist. Since that myth turned out to be a fact, what are the odds that a measure of credibility exists in other myths? A common element woven into this mythology is that the human race was created by a god or gods that came down from the heavens on fire-emitting dragons. But how do we know they came down from the heavens and did not just ride into town on horses? The fact that these legends all claim they came down from the sky suggests the people saw them come down. Since no evidence of a

biological creature like a fire-emitting dragon exists, and never did, what did these people really see? When you look at the architectural wonders of Greco-Roman construction like the Temple of Zeus, the Colosseum, and the Parthenon, to name a few, plus people like Archimedes, Plato, Aristotle, and others mentioned in chapter 2, they are a testament to the intelligence of these civilizations. Therefore, it is difficult to think that these people believed in flying dragons. I think they were describing what they saw in the only way that made sense to them. Could it be that they saw an aerial craft descend to Earth bathed in an aura of bright light, which they might compare to a fire-breathing dragon? That makes more sense than someone riding on the back of a fire-spewing biological creature. But if these gods did come down in a flying craft, then who were they, and where did they come from? If there is an element of truth to these myths, then these gods were coming down and creating human beings all over the world and providing them with all kinds of knowledge. Legends claim that these gods taught humanity many things, including agriculture, mathematics, and astronomical knowledge. Were they stimulating the cerebral functions of humanity as a way of advancing evolution? And could such activity have resulted in the various races that exist today—races that exhibit a wide variation of physical characteristics? If aliens have been juggling our genes for thousands of years, then we should ask why, for without motive, the idea seems preposterous. However, all the information to follow suggests the Bible may be a blueprint of an alien plan in which Revelation, the last book in the Bible, provides clues to how it will all turn out in the end—or at least how it is intended to turn out. As we proceed, it will become evident, at least in a logical context, that the Lord, the Lord God, and the angels are physical beings of extraterrestrial origin—at least that is what the evidence suggests. And as you will see, the scriptures mislabel the Lord as “God” throughout the entire Bible. As for God, a supernatural being who is depicted in the male vernacular, science can neither prove nor disprove his existence. Maybe God is simply the personification of

that which we call nature. The basic definition of nature is “A natural creative and controlling force in the universe.” Would not the same definition also apply to God? Nevertheless, it is important to first understand the complete biblical scenario in order to better comprehend what is going on today with the government. The Bible contains many references to sophisticated technologies, such as flying craft, force fields, replication, teleportation, and the creation of hybrids. It reveals many pieces of the UFO puzzle that have gone unrecognized, plus evidence that aliens were accelerating evolution in a race to meet a deadline—a deadline that will ensure the survival of humanity. But as I stated, I am simply presenting evidence that suggests these things, and it is up to you to form your own opinions and conclusions.


T here is one element that seems to stand out in both the Old and New Testaments: technology. Many of the miraculous events described in the Bible can be reproduced with technologies that exist today. So if the biblical miracles really were demonstrations of a technology, then whose technology was it? After years of studying the chronological sequence of events as they appear in the Bible, I began to recognize that a specific series of events were interrelated. Considering the laws given to Moses by the Lord and the architectural achievements produced by men of ancient times, when I added to the equation our exponential advancement of technology in the twentieth century, it made a lot of sense. A scenario suggesting that extraterrestrials were, and still are, accelerating the evolution of the human race on a social, moral, and technological level began to take shape. Yet there was always the question of why. There had to be a logical reason for it, and that reason did not become apparent until later in my research. There are suggestions in the book of Revelation that the earth will suffer a major cataclysmic event that will either destroy it or cause the extinction of the human race. It also says that a millennium after Christ’s return, he will take his chosen ones off the earth to a place called the New Jerusalem or Holy City. In 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51, the Bible tells how this will be done. However, it seems unlikely that Christ will be able to take everybody. So does that mean the only survivors of this cataclysmic event will be those

chosen by Christ? Not necessarily. If by then technological advancement has proceeded on schedule, we will be able to save ourselves by migrating to another habitable planet that we discover in our exploration of the galaxy. The only logical reason for accelerating the evolutionary process would have to be time. Time had to be a critical factor; it meant there was a deadline, and that in itself presented another problem: man’s wisdom would never be able to keep pace with accelerated technological development—something that is very evident today. And this may possibly be the reason behind current alien abductions. They may be trying to bring our wisdom into balance with our technology through a process of genetic engineering. This, of course, may sound like an-off-the-wall theory, and it very well may be. But as we examine the evidence pertaining to each issue, we will see how it logically fits together. So as we delve into the biblical aspects of UFOs, I again wish to emphasize that the evidence presented is theoretical only. Although some of my ideas may be compelling, I am not claiming them to be fact. They are only possibilities based on a logical evaluation of situations and events as described in the Bible—assuming, of course, that those events even occurred. However, the biblical scenario will make more sense once you become familiar with the technological aspects involved. First we will examine clues that hybrids were created to fulfill the various phases of the project, and in the next chapter we will examine the technologies that were applied. Then, in chapters 13 through 23, we will see how these details logically relate to the biblical events as they unfold chronologically—events suggesting aliens are involved in a project to expedite the moral, social, and technological advancement of the human race. But as I stated, this is only a theory based on a logical evaluation of the stories. It is up to you to decide whether it has any merit. No one knows for certain in what language Moses spoke or wrote his texts, or whether he even wrote them down at all. Bible scholars tell us that until the first written accounts were transcribed, the stories

had been passed down orally in Aramaic. So Moses probably spoke a very ancient version of Hebrew or Aramaic that became obsolete long before scribes created the first written accounts. We know that many words in those languages had more than one meaning, forcing scribes to make decisions according to what they felt the correct interpretation should be, and the mysticism of their own beliefs is reflected in many of the words they chose. Every Bible has footnotes denoting optional meanings for many of these words, but people often ignore the footnotes and accept what is written in the verse as fact, which can lead to misconceptions as to the reality of the event being described. One example is in how the name “Adam” was applied to an individual who the writers had been taught to believe was the very first human being. However, the word from which “Adam” was derived also means “all of mankind.” So when we factor in the alternate definitions attributed to many of these words, the stories often change in context to a more logical scenario. In this case, it could very well mean that “Adam” referred to an entire civilization. Everyone is familiar with the Genesis story of how God created Adam and then later used one of his ribs to create Eve. But some scholars believe the first chapter in Genesis proposes that man and woman were created simultaneously, thus suggesting there may have been another woman before Eve. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Ge 1:27) Some scholars interpret this to mean God created man and woman at the same time, wherein the second chapter of Genesis claims God created Eve after he created Adam. The name they attribute to Adam’s first wife is “Lilith.” Lilith supposedly was the epitome of untamed female sexual power. She left or divorced herself from Adam because of sexual incompatibility; he wanted her to lie beneath him for sexual intercourse and she wanted to be on top.387 The supernatural powers that scholars have attributed to Lilith sound

like an exaggeration, which may relate to earlier Sumerian writings that describe Lilith as a demoness.388 Nevertheless, understanding the details of alien involvement in the scriptures requires looking at them from a logical perspective. I will begin with the way the Bible describes the creation of Adam and Eve. In this chapter, I will present what could be evidence that Adam, along with many of the primary characters in the Bible, was a genetically engineered hybrid. Thirty-five years ago, I would have considered the idea ridiculous, but after examining the basic details of each story logically, without the supernatural embellishments created by religion, the idea seemed to make sense. However, that is something you will have to decide for yourself; I am only presenting the evidence that suggests it. Although the details in this chapter may seem a bit bizarre, I am not claiming them to be fact. But they will begin to make sense once we begin examining the complete biblical scenario in chapter 13. Archaeological evidence has proven beyond a doubt that the human race was around long before the biblical creation of Adam. However, one fact clearly stands out in the Old Testament: the intent to create an improved race. According to Genesis 1:28, after creating man and woman, God told them to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth. However, in Genesis 2:7 and 2:22, it says it was the Lord God who created two particular individuals called Adam and Eve, which may or may not be an extension of the first reference. Either way, it presents the possibility that Adam and Eve were hybrids. Why would there be a need to create two individuals when man already existed, unless their purpose was to incorporate upgraded genetic qualities into the existing population? It may sound far-fetched, but when we examine the details surrounding the miracle births described in the Bible—miracles in the sense that they occurred to elderly women who were sterile to begin with and also to a young virgin—we find that, if these stories are true, they can only be describing either miracles or insemination.

Another detail worth noting is that these miracle births were announced in advance by a personal visit to either the women or their husbands. The first visit was from the Lord himself, and the others were by those who represented him, such as an angel or prophet, so they all had a connection to the Lord. So unless you choose to believe in miracles, the only way an elderly woman can become pregnant, especially one who is sterile, is if she is impregnated by artificial means. There are no accounts of miraculous conceptions taking place in modern times; however, there are many women, whose memories of their abductions were buried deep in their subconscious, who suddenly found themselves pregnant with no idea of how they got that way, because they were not sexually active at the time of conception. Then, within a few months, they suddenly turned up not pregnant without having aborted or miscarried.389 Just like the sterile old women in the Bible, they, too, appeared to have “miraculously conceived,” their pregnancies defying any rational explanation. Those who later underwent regressive hypnotherapy then learned of their abduction, insemination, and a subsequent abduction in which the fetus was removed from their wombs. Were those old and barren women of the Bible abducted and inseminated in the same manner described today by abductees, and were the events blocked from their conscious minds? If these stories are true, again, there can be only two possible explanations: miracles and insemination. And if we remain logical, we have to go with insemination. In all probability, the first hybrids were Adam and Eve. The others (in chronological order) were Isaac, Samson, the unnamed son of a Shunammite woman, Solomon, John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ. Except for Solomon, whose mother was a young, fertile woman, and Christ, whose mother was said to be a young virgin, these sons were born to old and sterile women. However, there are subtle clues that other fertile women may also have given birth to hybrids, the most famous being Enoch, Noah, and Elijah. And the details surrounding some of them suggest they were used to test a series of

characteristics and abilities that had been genetically enhanced—the same characteristics that were later evident in Christ. Adam and Eve Bible readers assume that because the Bible says God created him from the dust of the earth, Adam popped up out of the ground with a fully developed brain programmed with all the knowledge an adult male of six thousand years ago would normally have acquired. The writers, of course, are presenting this interpretation from a theological perspective. The logical perspective is that all life evolved from a primordial soup—the soil—or, as the Bible describes it, the dust of the earth. It is all a matter of how you choose to interpret it. But wouldn’t you think that God could have merely willed Adam into existence? Why would he mess around with dust? Therefore, logic suggests there was a physical being involved. And if Adam really was “created,” then he had to be a hybrid, probably infused with genetically enhanced elements in his DNA. Then, in order to create Eve, the Bible tells us that the Lord God put Adam into a deep sleep and removed something from his body, after which he closed up the place with flesh. This means that the creation of Eve required a material substance. According to Genesis 2:21, this was one of Adam’s ribs. Therefore, he was dealing with physical matter and the mechanics of physical activity, which are certainly outside the realm conducive to miracles. Again, let’s be logical; God could have simply willed her into existence. The description of this event parallels surgical procedures performed today in any hospital. The fact that Adam had to be put into a “deep sleep” suggests he was anesthetized in preparation for an operation to be performed on him. Closing up the place with flesh suggests the closing of an incision—what every surgeon does after an operation. Also, the footnote referring to Genesis 2:21 explains that the words interpreted to mean “the Lord God took a rib out of Adam” can also mean “he took part of the man’s side,” which could have been anything. Since we already suspect genetic engineering, might it have been a sample of Adam’s hybrid DNA? What other

logical reason could there have been to put him to sleep and remove something from his body? All indications are that Eve was a hybrid but that she was not of the same caliber as Adam. Of all the miracle births mentioned in the Bible, none were female. So if they did not create female hybrids, one might wonder how Eve fits into the picture. If Adam’s intended purpose was to produce a genetically improved race, he would need a mate, and since he allegedly lived for 930 years, his mate would require a compatible life span. We don’t know what the average life span of the general population was at that time, but it seems doubtful that it was eight or nine hundred years, as the Bible attributes to Adam and many of his direct descendants. Therefore, we might consider the possibility that the operation performed on Adam was to remove DNA samples so they could incorporate into Eve certain elements of his genetic structure that related to longevity. I might consider Eve a sub-hybrid—one created from human seed but genetically enhanced with certain elements of Adam’s hybrid DNA. Genesis 1:26 quotes God as saying, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,” not “Let me make man in my likeness.” Does this not suggest that the creation of Adam involved more than one individual and that he resembled his creators in appearance? The words “us” and “our” suggest that the one identified as God was talking to someone else, which certainly implies that more than one individual was involved. From what is known about the earliest texts, the translation relating to the word “God” could have been singular or plural in meaning. This is a rather confusing point when considering the origins from which the word “God” was derived. The name for God used by the Hebrews who allegedly settled in Judah was “Yahweh,” and is thought to have originally been associated with a pagan deity.390 “Elohim,” used by those in Jerusalem under Solomon’s rule, was derived from “El Shaddai,” indicating plurality, and is also believed to have pagan origins.391 Since the scribes who originally translated the words of Moses lived closer to his time period, we might assume

they were more familiar with whatever language he spoke, even though it had most likely become obsolete. So there is a higher probability that their interpretations were correct in this case, but it is not probable enough to justify a conclusion. Now we see that basically the same phrase is used to describe the birth of Adam’s third son, Seth: “When Adam was 130 years old he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image” (Ge 5:3). If Moses really wrote the book of Genesis as dictated to him by the Lord, then the Lord used the same words to describe the birth of Seth as he did the creation of Adam. In Seth’s case, the words indicate that he shared the same physical features as his father, meaning there was a physical resemblance. Therefore, would not the same interpretation apply to the same words in the creation of Adam, and would it not suggest there was also a physical resemblance between Adam and those who created him? If so, it suggests that these gods looked very human. Could they be the aliens that UFO researchers refer to as the Nordics? Another clue that Adam was part of a genetic engineering project is the fact that he was put to a test, and we must assume there was a reason for it. Why would there be a need to test him unless it was an evaluation to see if he measured up to their expectations, and to find out whether there was anything wrong? If God really created Adam, it seems only logical that he would have made him flawless, and there would have been no need to test him. Why would God make him imperfect? And why would God, who is described as an all-perfect and all-powerful supreme being, even have a need to create a corporeal life form? To create humans, who are imperfect, and then spend thousands of years trying to change them makes no sense; what would be the point? And if, according to beliefs promoted by organized religion, God is all-knowing, meaning he knows the past, the present, and the future, then he would have known that Adam would be imperfect before he even created him, and he would have known all the problems that would follow, so God bothering to create him at all is illogical. What is logical is that Adam was a genetically engineered hybrid created by physical beings for a

specific purpose, and that it was necessary to test him in order to make sure he met the qualifications for the job. When he ate the forbidden fruit, Adam broke the only law he was required to obey. I always wondered why such a big deal was made over something as mundane as a piece of fruit. However, common sense suggests it was not the fruit but Adam’s actions that confirmed there was a problem. He was not the perfect law-abiding specimen that had been intended, and this imperfection would be inherited by his descendants to the point at which they would never be masters of their baser instincts; nor would they develop the wisdom to be a positive, productive and peaceful race. They were destined for immoral, unethical, and violent behavior. So it would appear that because of this imperfection, Adam was of no further value. He and Eve were forced to leave Eden, and as they assimilated into the local population, the children they produced were contaminated with his negative genes, which for lack of a better term I will refer to as “Adam’s virus.” What happened to Adam puzzled me. Why did he fail his test? The Bible says he was created, not born, the same way aliens are creating hybrids today. Since the next hybrids were born to old and sterile women, I suspected it may have had something to do with what happened with Adam. This is only speculation, but it is possible the physiology of a young and healthy fertile female somehow created a problem that caused Adam to be an imperfect specimen and was the reason they switched to using elderly sterile women. If so, what was it about a young woman’s body that would create a problem not created by an old and sterile woman? One answer may be that the body of a fertile young woman goes through chemical and hormonal changes that would not occur in an old and sterile woman. Could these changes have somehow compromised Adam’s positive genetic factors and be the reason why he failed his test? If true, this was a problem they had to resolve for their plan to succeed. It appears they did eventually correct the problem; this will be covered later.

Not to get ahead of myself, but as the scenario unfolds, it suggests that Christ was not part of the original plan. After Adam’s failure, it appears a contingency plan was implemented, requiring someone like Christ to ensure its success, and it would be necessary that he possess certain superior abilities. This required the use of other hybrids to be sure certain characteristics and abilities could be enhanced genetically. It seems that although Isaac was selected to replace Adam as the progenitor of a new race, he was also used to conduct the first experiment. It was not just Adam’s failure but also the longevity elements in Adam’s DNA that allowed him to live an extended life that put the project behind schedule; however, with a new plan, it was still possible to meet the deadline. But even the best laid plans can fail as a result of unforeseen circumstances, so anyone responsible for planning a major project would surely have the foresight to expect the unexpected and have a backup plan ready, just in case. The original plan in Eden was to test the factors that would upgrade the genetic structure of the existing race. Had the modified DNA programmed into Adam’s genetic code not been compromised, it seems only logical that his children would have been monitored for a generation or two to make sure it was stable, and more hybrids would then have been created. Eventually thousands would be infusing their genes into the population, and humans may have evolved peacefully to an advanced technological level far beyond that which exists today, and we may have begun exploring the galaxy centuries ago. But because things did not turn out as planned, they put the project on hold while a new plan was devised. The new plan was different. The infusion of enhanced genes into the existing race would not begin until a new race had become well established. Isaac The new race would come directly from the seed of a new hybrid; he would be born to parents who would guide him from infancy into adhering to proper moral and ethical standards. The only problem they would have to deal with was the surviving remnants of Adam’s

descendants, who were still spreading his genetic imperfection into the local population. And their numbers were now increasing, so it was important that the new race be isolated to protect their genetic integrity until they grew into a nation. And to meet the deadline, the Lord gave them five hundred years to do so. The progenitor of this new race was Isaac. Abraham’s sterile wife, Sarah, became pregnant with Isaac at age ninety in what she believed to be a miracle. We might speculate that, as with the hybrid children being born into our society today, she became inseminated during an abduction with all memory of the event erased from her mind. Judging by what transpired, the Lord did not want Isaac exposed to the perversion and sinful ways that prevailed in Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar—the cities he wanted to destroy because of their decadence and antisocial behavior. The Bible tells us that a year before Isaac was born, he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities closest to Abraham’s camp. It appears that the Lord used Isaac to conduct the first of a series of experiments performed on other hybrids to format the genetic structure of Christ. In Isaac’s case, this was done was to determine if he would be willing to sacrifice his life—a test later performed again on Samson. However, to avoid getting off track, the details pertaining to Isaac will be covered in full detail in chapter 16. Samson Like Isaac’s mother, Samson’s mother was also old and infertile, and she worked out in the fields, which would have provided many opportunities for abduction. And just as the Lord had informed Abraham in person that Sarah would give birth, an angel personally visited Samson’s mother and told her that she would have a son. He advised her not to drink wine or any other fermented drink and not to eat any food that was unclean. He also told her that her son would set in motion the process of freeing his people from Philistine domination, which might suggest another reason for his creation. She believed her visitor was an angel of God because his appearance was very awesome. He returned again one day when she was working in the fields, and this time she went to get her

husband, Manoah. Manoah came and prepared a burnt sacrifice for the visitor, and as the fire blazed from the altar, according to Judges 13:20, the angel ascended in the flames, which makes absolutely no sense. However, when we consider that the only light source familiar to the scribe translating the story would have been from fire, would he not logically interpret the bright light normally associated with the teleporting process as fire? Most know the story of Samson. He allegedly possessed the strength of one hundred men and killed one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. He became enamored with Delilah, who coaxed him into revealing that the secret of his strength was his hair. While he was asleep, she shaved his head, thereby rendering him helpless and setting him up for the Philistines, who then gouged out his eyes and put him in prison. When the Philistines gathered in their temple for a celebration, they had Samson brought in for amusement. He amused them by pushing apart the pillars supporting the temple, thereby causing it to collapse, killing all that were present, including the Philistine rulers and himself. While it’s an interesting story, I find it unlikely that Samson’s hair had anything to do with his strength; it is more believable that it was the result of genetic enhancement. But it appears that Samson’s genes may also have been programmed with the same attribute they had previously tested on Isaac—a willingness to sacrifice his life. Whether or not it worked on Isaac is uncertain; however, since it appears to be the first of a series of experiments that were performed, we might assume it was the most important and may have required a backup test. If, however, it had not been successful with Isaac, they may have found a way to make it work on Samson. Either way, it suggests the test was done twice. Everything the Bible says about Samson is written in Judges 13–16. He was not a righteous person, as were Abraham, Isaac, Noah, and Moses; he patronized prostitutes and murdered many Philistines. So why is he portrayed as a biblical hero? And why would the Lord create a hybrid with such iniquitous qualities? Could it be that in Samson’s case, character may not have been an essential factor?

Could it be that emphasis was on the enhanced genetic qualities being tested, and that it was planned for him to be expendable? Almost everything he did, he did to incite the rage of the Philistines, so it is not surprising they took advantage of his interest in Delilah in order to capture him. She had been constantly pressing him to learn the secret of his strength, and each time she questioned him about it, he made up a different story, so he probably knew they were using her to set him up. The only way to end the Philistine’s domination was to eliminate their rulers, and in order for that to happen, he had to get them all at one time, leaving the people with no leadership. He knew they would soon be celebrating a feast to their god, Dagon, and that they would gather in their temple for the occasion, thereby providing the perfect opportunity. However, that meant letting himself be captured. If he were their prisoner, would they not use such an opportunity to get revenge by making him a public spectacle? But he knew his strength was an intimidating factor, so he had to create a situation in which he would appear vulnerable. He knew they would take advantage of his affair with Delilah, and he willingly played right into their hands. He knew that if they believed the story that his hair was the source of his strength, he had it made. After finally telling Delilah his secret, he let her get him drunk, probably thinking he would wake up shackled by the soldiers. Moreover, I think he only expected to be put in prison; I don’t believe he expected them to gouge out his eyes. We will never know for sure, but the gouging out of his eyes may be an embellishment that was later added over the centuries of oral tradition. Nevertheless, once he started to go along with the plan, he had to see it through. Sure, he could have broken free and escaped, but then he would never have another opportunity like this, and the Philistines would never believe any other story he might create about what made him so strong. So if they were to believe he was truly powerless, he had to let them do whatever they wanted to him. At this point, I think he accepted the fact that to accomplish his goal would probably mean his own death. The angel had told his mother that he would begin the deliverance of his people from the

Philistines, and it may have been known all along how things would turn out. Regardless of Samson’s lack of moral qualities, the fact that, like Christ, he placed his mission above his life meant the test was a success. The most important genetic attribute intended for Christ would have been the willingness to surrender his life, a test conducted on both Isaac and Samson. It obviously worked with Samson but is questionable with Isaac. Although Isaac’s primary role involved the production of a new race, the fact that the Lord ordered Abraham to sacrifice him as a burnt offering is reason to believe he first tested this attribute on him. But in Isaac’s case, the Lord ordered Abraham to do it without providing a reason for it—something that may have been omitted from the original telling thousands of years ago. The Shunammite Boy The next test involved what appear to be enhanced telepathic abilities—a characteristic often exhibited by Christ in his communication with the Lord. At least one passage in the New Testament—John 11:41–42, in which Christ brings Lazarus back to life—describes him talking to the Lord when the Lord was not physically present. The hybrid in this case was a Shunammite boy not identified by name. The scriptures say little about him, stating only that his mother was old and sterile. 2 Kings 4:8–37 describes the same protocol of a prepregnancy announcement as in the other miracle births, this time by the prophet Elisha. Elisha wanted to repay the woman’s kindness for providing him with a room to stay in whenever he visited the area, so the Lord instructed him to tell her she was going to have a son. Unlike the others, this case does not appear to have been preplanned; it appears to be an opportunity that suddenly presented itself and that the Lord took advantage of. But it seems the child’s telepathic ability failed to manifest until he was around four or five years old. He suddenly began complaining about his head and then died while lying in his mother’s lap. Yet it goes on to say that Elisha was able to revive him, so either Elisha performed a miracle or the child was not dead.

In theory, the child’s telepathic abilities may have suddenly kicked in at full power and he began hearing the thoughts of others collectively, without being able to distinguish one from another; this would be tantamount to a deaf person suddenly acquiring the ability to hear while standing in the middle of Times Square on New Year’s Eve. In trying to block out all the noise happening in his head, the trauma caused him to fall into a state of suspended animation. His body became cold and his breathing undetectable, and his mother naturally assumed he had died. Several years ago, I was watching a documentary on disasters that presented a segment on the 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck Kobe, Japan, in 1995. One scene showed rescue workers— two weeks after the earthquake—extracting infants from the rubble of a collapsed hospital that doctors reported had managed to survive in a state of suspended animation. So it appears that infants, when severely traumatized, can fall into this state. There is no way to know what really happened to the Shunammite boy, so naturally, this is all speculation. But when considering that his mother was an elderly, sterile woman and that the child was probably a hybrid and complaining about his head, the idea of enhanced telepathic abilities is plausible. But there is more. His mother put him on the bed in Elisha’s room and ran out to the fields to find Elisha. When Elisha saw her approaching, he realized she was in great distress and asked what was wrong. After she explained, he handed his staff to his servant and ordered him to run on ahead, saying, “Lay my staff upon the face of the child” (2 Kings 4:29). The woman stayed with Elisha, who, owing to his advanced age, could not walk very fast. The servant soon returned and met them on the road and said he had placed the staff on the boy’s face, but there was no sound or response. When they reached the house, Elisha went directly to his room and closed the door. Then he climbed up on the bed and lay on top of the boy. Elisha may have been using his own body heat to stimulate the child’s metabolism, because it says his body began to warm up, so apparently it was working. Elisha then paced the floor for a while, waiting for him to come around. After a few minutes

passed and nothing happened, he stretched out over him again, and this time the child began to stir. He sneezed seven times, which I assume was a reaction to his changing body temperature, and he woke up. But seven in the Bible is an ambiguous number, and in this case, it could have been any number. This story presents some intriguing questions: How did Elisha know that lying on top of the boy would revive him? And having his servant place his staff on the boy’s face was a rather curious act; what was that supposed to have accomplished? Since Elisha was in frequent communication with the Lord, it is possible that his staff contained a communication device that, when placed on the boy’s body, was instrumental in diagnosing the problem. If that was the case, we can only speculate that after Elisha was alone in his room behind the closed door, the Lord then communicated instructions to him on how to revive the child. The story mentions nothing more about the boy. If this was a test to enhance telepathic abilities, he should have developed an awareness of other people’s thoughts and emotions from infancy and adapted to it as he grew. The turning on of these abilities so suddenly was a very traumatic experience; the child was totally unprepared for, and unaware of, what was happening to him. Because the author of 2 Kings is unknown, one might doubt the credibility of this story, questioning how he knew the details of what Elisha did in the bedroom to revive the child, since there was no one there to bear witness. Therefore, it could be a work of fiction. But since the story survived the centuries, it is possible that Elisha recounted the details to someone who later wrote them down. Since it appears the Lord created other hybrids to test the enhanced genetic qualities later evident in Christ, an old and sterile woman giving birth to the Shunammite boy comfortably fits the same pattern. The details tend to support the idea of enhanced mental abilities. But, like everything else proposed in the biblical scenario, this is only theoretical. Solomon

The next hybrid suggested in the Bible is Solomon, whose mother, Bathsheba, was a young, fertile woman. It is entirely possible she was the acid test to confirm they had resolved whatever the problem was that caused Adam’s failure. It appears the test proved successful in her son, Solomon, and the evidence strongly suggests he was a hybrid created to test genetically enhanced wisdom. But there is more to the story. Bathsheba was a very beautiful woman married to Uriah, a soldier in King David’s army. While he was away in battle, David became infatuated with her beauty and seduced her into an illicit affair. During the affair, Bathsheba became pregnant, and this was a big problem for both her and David. David’s reputation was at stake, and Bathsheba risked exposure as an adulteress. David then contrived a plan to remedy the problem. He sent word to the captain of his army to send Uriah to him, and when he arrived, David spent some time chatting with him about the war and then told him to go on home to his wife, assuming he would sleep with her and thereby provide an explanation for her pregnancy. But Uriah felt guilty about leaving his comrades in battle, and instead of going home, he chose to sleep on a mat in the palace with the servants. Realizing his plan was not going to work, David gave Uriah a sealed letter to deliver to the captain of his army in which he instructed the captain to put Uriah on the front lines, where the fighting was heaviest and he would surely be killed. Once he was dead, Bathsheba would be free to marry David, thus putting an end to the problem. The Bible says the Lord became very angry with David for what he had done and caused the death of their child. But that could be a righteous assumption made by later writers. Child deaths due to diseases and illnesses for which there were no cures were not uncommon in those days. The scripture fails to mention whether the child was stillborn or died later. Either way, the child’s death could have been due to natural causes.

It appeared that the Lord condoned, or at least tolerated, the adulterous affair between David and Bathsheba. Why? Is it a clue that he planned to use Bathsheba to produce a hybrid with genetically enhanced wisdom who would inherit the throne from David? When Solomon was born, the Lord took a very special interest in him, and his wisdom is clearly noted in the scriptures. It was extremely important that Christ possess exceptional wisdom— an obvious trait he demonstrated in his adult life—and Solomon would have been the ideal candidate to test that attribute in the important decisions he would have to make during his reign as king. What other reason could there be for the Lord putting up with David’s adulterous affair, unless he planned to use Bathsheba to give birth to Solomon? There is also the fact that in later years the Lord took no action against Solomon when he broke the rules by taking wives from other nations and even worshipping their gods. So why was the Lord partial to Solomon? Could the reason be that he was a hybrid playing an important role in his agenda? John the Baptist I had assumed that by using Bathsheba to give birth to Solomon, the Lord had resolved the problem of using fertile young women. However, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, was an old and sterile woman. She was also the cousin of Christ’s mother, Mary, and was married to a priest named Zechariah. One night while Zechariah was performing his duties in the temple, an angel suddenly appeared standing next to the altar and informed him that Elizabeth would bear a son and that he was to be named John. Because of their advanced age and the fact that Elizabeth was sterile, Zechariah naturally questioned the angel’s words. The angel then identified himself as Gabriel and said the Lord had sent him to deliver this news, but because he questioned the Lord’s message, the angel struck Zechariah mute as a punishment, and his voice did not return until the day of the child’s circumcision. But did the angel really do something that caused Zechariah to become mute, or is this an embellishment added later? That is

something we may never know, but we do know the aliens involved with the abductions exhibit an exceptional talent at mind control. The question here is, If they had resolved the problem of using young, fertile women to give birth to hybrids, why revert to using an old and barren woman for John? After studying all the details, I found it appeared there was a logical reason. Centuries separated the births of previous hybrids, but John and Christ were born only six months apart, and they were cousins. It is obvious in the New Testament that John, born first, set the stage for Christ’s appearance on the scene. For that to be possible, they had to be born around the same time and grow up together. And John had been preaching that someone like Christ was coming before he even baptized him. John appears to be the last hybrid they created before Christ, and since his mother was old and sterile, it makes sense that insemination was responsible for her pregnancy, with all memory of the event erased from her mind. According to the Bible, the DNA elements that allowed Adam and his children to live for hundreds of years gradually faded, and lifespans returned to normal sometime after the flood. Since this longevity factor was no more, the Lord may have had the technology that enabled Elizabeth to give birth safely in her old age. But being that her cousin, Mary, is believed to have been very young, possibly in her teens when she conceived Christ, how old could Elizabeth have been at that point? It is possible that, contrary to what the Bible says, Elizabeth may not actually have been that old and still able to safely give birth. But again, this is pure speculation. The longevity factor is a very important issue and will be examined in detail in chapter 14. The Bible then tells us that six months after the angel Gabriel visited Zechariah, the Lord sent him to Nazareth to visit Mary and tell her that she was about to become the mother of a very special child. He also informed her about the “miraculous pregnancy” of her cousin Elizabeth. But unlike the others, Christ was to be the perfect hybrid created from the alien’s own gene pool, and it may well have been from the

Lord himself; he always referred to Christ as his son, and Christ, likewise, referred to the Lord as his father. And it appears that Christ possessed the same genetically enhanced qualities previously tested on the other hybrids—except, of course, for Samson’s enhanced physical strength; that would have been impractical. Now, if we remain on the path of logic, we can conclude only that if Mary was a virgin at the time of conception, it could only have occurred through insemination. The Lord obviously planned it from the beginning, since he gave the prophecy to Isaiah seven hundred years earlier. But it seems unlikely that prophesying that a virgin would give birth to the Messiah was meant to identify the event when it occurred; how would anyone know, or even have reason to suspect, that Mary was still a virgin? And under what circumstances would she have found it necessary to tell anybody? And would anyone have believed her? Could it be that using a virgin was a precautionary measure to ensure there would be no anomalies in Christ, genetic or otherwise? During the era of the “hippie” movement in the 1960s, I remember it being said that if a person has a one-night stand with a member of the opposite sex, he or she is having sex with not only that person, but also with everyone that person ever had sex with, plus all their partners, and so on. If this is true, is it because of the exchange of bodily fluids and hormones that occurs during intercourse? Was this a factor that might possibly have an effect on Christ later, and was it a reason to avoid intercourse until after his birth? There are other stories about Mary not included in the Bible. One is that Mary’s mother, Anna, was a middle-aged woman unable to conceive who prayed to God for fertility. It wasn’t until she gave up that, according to the Protovangelium of James 4:1 (a book not included in the Bible), an angel came to her and said that God (the Lord) was going to answer her prayers. This suggests that like Christ, Mary’s birth was also a miraculous event.392 If the story is true, it means that Mary was a hybrid. But considering other wild claims made in this book, it sounds like a modern-day tabloid story full of sensationalism and falsehoods. It also claims that Mary’s

conception and giving birth to Jesus in a virginal state remained in question until verified by a woman named Salome, who inserted her fingers into Mary’s vagina to see if it was true.393 The Protovangelium also claims Mary remained a virgin her entire life. However, in the New Testament, Matthew 1:25 says that Joseph did not have intercourse with Mary until after Jesus was born. Mark 6:3 also brings her celibacy into question by mentioning the brothers and sisters of Jesus. But the Protovangelium claims that after Mary became pregnant, Joseph was “recruited” to be her [celibate] husband and describes him as a widower with several children.394 This made it easy for the early church to promote Mary’s perpetual virginity by claiming that the brothers and sisters of Jesus were really the children of Joseph from a previous marriage. Some believe the Protovangelium was omitted from the Bible because it was primarily about Mary; the Bible contains stories of Jesus, which the church wanted to promote, not stories of Mary.395 There could, however, be an entirely different meaning for the word “virgin” that doesn’t necessarily refer to chastity. In the time of Isaiah, the word “virgin” simply meant “young woman.”396 Jesus Christ is the most important person in the biblical narrative. The details of his miracles, execution, and his resurrection will be thoroughly covered in chapters 22 and 23. ♦♦♦♦♦ If it was the physiology of a young, fertile woman that may have caused Adam’s problem, theoretically, that was a problem that needed to be resolved. From what we know about the hybrids created after Isaac, we can determine that the Lord may have created an anticontaminant to protect the enhanced genetics of future hybrids from being compromised, and it appears to have worked with Samson, since he willingly sacrificed his life. Perhaps they used his strength as a gauge to measure its effectiveness. But would it work on a young, fertile woman? Before they took that risk, it appears, they took advantage of an opportunity that suddenly presented itself with the sterile old

Shunammite woman, and it may have been an experiment to enhance telepathic abilities. The child should have been able to sense the thoughts and emotions of others from infancy and adapt naturally to this ability. Instead it appears to have remained dormant for a few years before suddenly kicking in at full power. The question is, Did they create a new problem, or did they overcompensate for the effectiveness of their anticontaminant? It is possible they overcompensated and the anticontaminant somehow prevented the child’s enhanced attribute from manifesting until he was a few years old. If, as I suspect, Solomon was the next hybrid, since his mother, Bathsheba, was a fertile young woman, if they were still not sure, they would have used another old and sterile woman. And since they were planning to use a young, fertile virgin with Christ, it is only logical that if the chemical and hormonal changes that occur in the bodies of fertile women were the source of the problem, they would have to use another young, fertile woman to make sure they had the problem solved. Bathsheba may simply have been that test. Moses recorded the stories of Adam and Isaac as dictated to him by the Lord. But unknown authors wrote those of Samson, Solomon, and the Shunammite boy, and those of John the Baptist and Christ in the New Testament. The question is, Are they describing a supernatural God performing miracles, or are they part of the record describing how extraterrestrials were manipulating the advancement of humanity through genetic engineering? Before getting into the sequence of events of the biblical narrative, more evidence must be explored to provide a clearer understanding of how hybrids and technology fit into the overall picture.


T here are suggestions in the book of Revelation that the earth will suffer a major cataclysmic event that may result in the extinction of the human race. It also says that a millennium after he returns, Christ will take people off the earth to another place. Yet it seems unlikely that he will be able to take everybody. So does that mean the only survivors of this disaster will be those chosen by Christ? Not necessarily. If everything proceeds on schedule, we will develop the technology to save ourselves by then. If this evaluation is accurate, it means that time is a critical factor, which again suggests there is a deadline. However, expediting human evolution in order to meet a deadline suggests a new problem: wisdom might not be able to keep pace with accelerated technological development—and information presented later seems to bear this out. As we examine the evidence pertaining to each issue, we will see how it logically fits together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. However, the biblical scenario will make more sense once you become familiar with the technological aspects involved. Once you have digested this information, you will see how the details logically relate to the biblical events as they unfold chronologically. But as I have stated, this is only a theory based on a logical evaluation of the stories. It is up to you to decide whether it has any merit. When I began researching UFO information in 1988, my research eventually led me to biblical scripture. If what I discovered was true,

it was literally mind-boggling. I recognized details relating to many UFO issues. For example, I noticed that whenever angels appeared on the scene, it was always out of a brilliant light. That is the same way the little gray aliens are said to appear in an abduction event. It sounded just like the transporter beam on Star Trek, and I began to wonder whether they might actually be describing some sort of teleportation process. So I decided to take a closer look at these biblical accounts to see whether there was any real substance to the idea. However, once I got into it, I was amazed at the number of references there were to other technologies. It was difficult at first, having been indoctrinated with religious beliefs from childhood, to avoid being absorbed into the mysticism surrounding some of the stories. But once I began to focus on the basic elements of each event logically, and not from a supernatural or religious perspective, the technical implications seemed quite evident. Beginning with flying craft, this chapter will focus on what I perceive to be references to the various technologies. Flying Craft The Glory of the Lord The term “glory of the Lord” is referred to during the Exodus as a bright glowing object hovering in a cloud above the Israelites’ camp that, when it came out of the cloud, emitted a fire that eliminated the dissenters who were causing problems. Those subscribing to religious mysticism believe that when the Lord met with Moses, he manifested a human appearance because it would have been fatal for him to see the Lord in his true form. This probably refers to Exodus 33:20, in which the Lord tells Moses that no man may see his face and live. But as we shall see in a moment, the Lord was not referring to his face. And other verses state that he frequently met with Moses face-to-face. The Lord would speak to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend. (Ex 33:11) “When a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams, but this is not true

of my servant, Moses, he is faithful in all my house. I speak to him face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord.” (Nu 12:6–8) So if Moses saw clearly the form of the Lord (as he really looked), he had to be a physical being. In a meeting that took place about three months after the Hebrews left Egypt, Moses was seeking reassurance that the Lord would not abandon him at this time. He was afraid that once the Hebrews were free, the Lord would leave and someone else would take charge, so he said to the Lord, “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so that I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.” (Ex 33:13) If taken in the context that Moses knew the Lord was not really God, these words suggest he was expressing his eagerness to learn more. Being a very curious person, he was probably fascinated by the Lord’s ship—how it could fly and hover for days and weeks—and by the technology it displayed (“teach me your ways so that I may know [more about] you …”)—and he was looking for something tangible to justify his own participation (“and continue to find favor with you”). And by reminding the Lord that the Hebrews were his (the Lord’s) people, he was emphasizing the fact that he was the one giving up forty years of his life to assist him. Yet for some reason, he had the idea that once the Hebrews made it out of Egypt, the Lord would leave and someone else would take over—someone with whom he had not established a relationship. The Lord, however, assured Moses that would not happen: “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” (Ex 33:17) The Lord’s knowing Moses by name merely exemplifies their close, personal relationship. Their meeting being concluded, Moses then said to the Lord, “Now, show me your glory,” as if he were

urging him to fulfill a promise that he had made. The Lord responded, “You cannot see my face, for no one may see my face and live.” Then the Lord told Moses that he would cause his goodness to pass in front of him and there was a place near him where he could stand on a rock and he said; “When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen.” (Ex 33:20–23) This makes absolutely no sense. Taken literally, it suggests the Lord was going to stick Moses in the crack of some rock and then reach out his hand and cover his eyes so he would not see his face as he walked by. This has to be a misinterpretation. I think the key to understanding this verse is the part that says, “When my glory passes by …” Since the Lord’s own words confirm that he met and spoke with Moses face-to-face, we might assume they were face-to-face during this meeting, but this is uncertain. It isn’t until later, in chapter 40 of Exodus, after the ark of the covenant was placed inside the tent of meeting, that they began meeting in the privacy of the tabernacle. So the odds are that they were face-to-face during this meeting. Moses’ request to have the Lord show him his glory and the Lord’s response that no one could see his face suggest that “glory” and “face” refer to the same thing: the Lord’s ship. An analogy to this is referring to a Cadillac as a car or automobile. However, I suspect what the Lord was really referring to was the exterior—the face or facade of his ship and the dangerous radiation Moses would be exposed to if the energy field surrounding it were turned off while in flight. Moses knew about the ship, but all he ever saw was the glow that surrounded it whenever the Lord moved it out of the cloud. He was a very curious fellow; he wanted to see what it really looked like. I suspect the glow associated with UFOs is created by an electromagnetic field. For Moses to see the ship without the glow,

the field would have to be turned off. Operating with the field turned off may have allowed radiation to extend beyond normal safe limits. So the Lord had to put Moses in some kind of protective shield as the ship passed by. Moses went to where the Lord told him to stand. The Lord then brought his ship out of the cloud and made a close pass in front of him. Moses probably had a good view of it as it approached, but as it drew nearer, the Lord projected a protective shield around Moses (“I will put you in a cleft in the rock”), which apparently blocked his vision as the ship passed in front of him. After reaching a safe distance, the Lord deactivated the shield around Moses, and he probably got a good look at the back of it. Covering his face with his hand seems like a misinterpretation, in that the Lord would reach out his hand to activate the shield that would protect him from radiation exposure as he passed by. I find it illogical that the Lord would tell Moses that he would die if he looked upon his face when he was standing right in front of him. Since they were already together, the words “When my glory passes by” make sense only if “glory” refers to his ship. It was impossible for the scribes who translated the story over a thousand years later to understand its technological implications; it was something to which they had never been exposed. Trying to ascribe a spiritual significance to the many technological references would have been confusing; they could equate such things only with the supernatural. The Ship on the Mountain Another incident alluding to the Lord’s ship is described in Exodus 19:11. In preparation for receiving the Ten Commandments, the Lord informed Moses that he would come down on Mount Sinai in sight of everyone. When the ship came out of the cloud, it descended on the mountain, engulfed in a very bright glow. It says there were sounds like trumpet blasts and thunder, and there were flashes of lightning. Then it says smoke covered the top of the mountain in a thick cloud. It does not say how long this cloud of smoke remained, but if it were more than a day or two, it would have presented a problem. Moses and Joshua would have had to enter it when they went up to receive the Ten Commandments, and prior to that, Moses had taken his

brother Aaron and seventy elders there. So if it really was a thick cloud of smoke, how were they able to breathe? Perhaps it was removed before anyone went up the mountain. It is also possible that the cloud was a holographic smokescreen being projected around the perimeter of the mountaintop. Whatever it was, we will never know. Elijah’s Encounters According to the Bible, the prophet Elijah had two encounters with the Lord’s ship. The first occurred at Mount Horeb (Sinai), where he fled to escape the wrath of King Ahab’s wife, Jezebel. After the king’s prophets were exposed as fakes, they were executed. When Jezebel found out, she became enraged and sought vengeance on Elijah, so he fled across the desert to Mount Horeb. It would seem that the angels were keeping close tabs on Elijah, because chapter 19 of 1 Kings reveals that while he slept, one of them brought him bread and water a few times to sustain him during the long trek. Upon reaching Horeb, he spent the night in a cave. 1 Kings 19:9– 11 says the Lord spoke with Elijah, asking why he had come there. After explaining, the Lord told him to step outside because he was about to pass by. What Elijah saw is described only as a fierce wind, then an earthquake, and then fire. A logical interpretation suggests it was a ship taking off from the top of the mountain. It apparently kicked up a lot of wind; as the propulsion system kicked in, it made a loud rumbling sound that shook the ground, and it then flew away enveloped in a very bright glow. But the Lord’s inviting Elijah to watch him take off suggests a working relationship existed between them, much as it did between the Lord and Moses. And Elijah probably knew as much about what was going on as Moses did. I believe this is verified by the fact that the Lord later took Elijah with him. But why did Elijah go there in the first place? He was fleeing from Jezebel, who wanted to kill him, so it is only logical that he would seek the Lord’s protection. But how did he know where to find him? And how did the Lord communicate with him in the cave? I speculate that Elijah, Elisha, and Moses were all provided with staffs that

contained a device for communication, as they all seem to have had frequent contact with the Lord that was not face-to-face. According to Exodus 4:17 and 4:20, the Lord gave Moses a staff with special powers just before he returned to Egypt. Elijah’s second encounter is found in the second chapter of 2 Kings. It says a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared out of the sky and took him up to heaven in a whirlwind. This suggests that they beamed Elijah up to a ship—but not his cloak, because it says that right after, Elisha picked up the cloak that had fallen from Elijah. If the craft had landed, the pilot would have had to shut down the propulsion system so Elijah could go aboard safely. Elisha would then have seen the ship clearly, without the glow around it, and he would have provided a more detailed description than that of just a chariot of fire. But since he did not, we might assume that the ship hovered above the men, kicking up a vast amount of wind, and amid this whirlwind, Elijah was beamed aboard. Because it picked up Elijah, it is only logical that it would have been perceived as a chariot. As for it being a chariot of fire, the bright glow surrounding it would have been perceived as fire, as the only source of light known at the time was provided by fire. As for the horses of fire, this could have been a second craft or an embellishment created during all the years the story was passed down orally by those who took it too literally and assumed that horses were needed to pull the chariot. Jonah’s USO Comprising four short chapters, the book of Jonah describes what today is referred to as a USO—an unidentified submerged object. The Lord wanted Jonah to go to Nineveh and warn the people that unless they reformed their ways, they were about to face his wrath. Not wanting to do the Lord’s bidding, he attempted to flee on a boat bound for Tarshish. The winds soon became strong, and the seas rough, threatening to break the boat apart. Jonah had told the crew earlier that he was running from the Lord, so they believed they were being punished because of him.

As the storm gained force, they pleaded with him, asking him to pray to his god to calm the seas and the wind. Jonah said it would do no good; the only way it would stop was if they threw him overboard. Being decent men, this was not an option they favored, so they attempted to row back to shore. However, this proved futile, as the winds and waves became even stronger. Finally, in desperate fear for their lives, they relented and threw Jonah into the sea. Then the Lord sent a large fish to swallow up Jonah, and he spent three days in its belly before it spit him out onto dry land. He then went to Nineveh and delivered the Lord’s warning. Apparently he was very persuasive with words; the people reformed their ways, and the city was spared. The question is, Was this a real event or a fictional writing by someone who wanted to make a moral statement? Personally, I am not totally convinced it is authentic. I also challenge the idea that Jonah was ever swallowed by a fish. If he were, it had to be the size of a large whale, which raises other questions: How could he have survived inside the belly of a whale? What prevented him from being digested into its system? Where did he get the air to breathe for three days and the light to see everything he described? So I don’t buy the fish story. If Jonah really was thrown into the sea during a violent storm and survived to tell about it, I can accept the possibility that he spent three days in something—but not a fish. Jonah 2:6 says he was taken to the depths—to the bottoms of the mountains and the earth—and states there were bars all around him. What were these bars, and how did he know he was at the base of the mountains? If Jonah was describing a real experience, then he had to be inside an underwater craft. Since he was able to breathe for three days, common sense tells us he was in a room with an air supply, a ventilation system, and surely some kind of toilet facility. I don’t know of anyone who could go even one day without experiencing an urgent need to urinate. And if Jonah knew he was at the base of the mountains, that means he could see the mountains underwater as well as his descent to the bottom, and that means there was a window. Since fish and whales are not equipped with windows, it had

to be some kind of underwater craft. I have no idea what the bars were that he says were all around him, but I t suspect they were probably part of the craft’s infrastructure. There have been many reports of UFOs appearing out of oceans as well as diving into them, so we know that at least some, if not all, UFOs are both aerodynamic and hydrodynamic, and Jonah being picked up by one of these craft would seem to be the only logical explanation. How could the author picture him surviving inside of a fish for three days? There isn’t a fish large enough that can swallow a full-grown man. Even the largest whale, which is really a mammal, would not have been able to do it. But the idea that he could see the cliffs underwater and his descent to the bottom, and that he was surrounded by bars, suggests he was inside of some sort of submersible vehicle with a window. Surely the author knew that fish do not have windows. So there is the suggestion of a technology that the writer could not possibly have known about two thousand years ago. As to whether there is an element of truth to the story is something we may never know. The Stars of the Magi Two thousand years ago, there was no way an event could be known by people hundreds of miles away until someone brought word of it in person. So the only way to attract attention to the birth of Christ was to promote it in advance. It had been prophesied by Isaiah (7:14) and Micah (5:2) that a Messiah would be born, but no time was given, possibly because when the word was given to the prophets, the Lord didn’t know himself. The only clue given was that his star would shine in the east. It is believed the Magi probably came from what is now northern Iran. Herod, who was king of Jerusalem at the time, felt threatened by the prophecy of a new king being born, and when he learned the Magi had arrived in town, he had them brought in for a meeting. He wanted to know where the child was, and they told him that according to Micah’s prophecy, he would be in Bethlehem. Herod asked that they stop in on their way home and tell him the exact location so that he might go and worship him. But an angel warned

the Magi in a dream of Herod’s intention to kill the child, so they took another route home in order to avoid him. Whatever it was the Magi saw has generated a great deal of controversy. It has been explained as a comet, a planetary conjunction, and a supernova (an exploding star). Since the prophecy indicated the sign would be a star, I think that eliminates the comet theory. From what we know about the Magi, they were astrologers and were well educated, so they would have known the difference between a comet and a star. And they would have been familiar with the planets and recognized a conjunction if one had occurred. A supernova would have been much brighter, but we must consider the fact that no one reported seeing it in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, or anywhere else, for that matter. However, if it rose above the eastern horizon only moments before daybreak, it is possible the brightness of the rising sun obscured it from view before it rose high enough in the sky to be seen farther west in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. But that is really stretching the idea, because the Magi might not have seen it either. The real problem with the nova theory is that to coincide the birth of Christ with an exploding star, the Lord would have had to know in advance about the star going nova. If a star one thousand light-years distant exploded today, we wouldn’t know about it for a thousand years—until the light of the explosion reached Earth. But someone with interstellar travel capabilities might have knowledge of a star that had gone nova millennia before its light reached Earth. So it is possible that the birth of Christ could have been planned to coincide with the arrival of its light. But even if that were the case, there are other factors that would have to coincide exactly. They would have to know that the star was in the precise location in space where it would be visible from Earth, and in the eastern sky of a particular country. And if it was a supernova, it would have probably been visible in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. There are too many elements of uncertainty, making the nova theory unlikely. In order to predict that a bright star would appear in the east, it seems only logical that the Lord would have to make sure

one would be there at the appropriate time, and I am inclined to believe that what the Magi probably saw was one of his ships. Like many UFOs reported today, it would have appeared as a very distinct bright light in the sky—one that they would interpret as Isaiah’s predicted sign. This would explain the appearance of a star in the east and why it would not have been seen in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, or anywhere else. Another possible interpretation of the notion that a star was to appear in the east could simply be that it was to appear in a country east of Bethlehem and Jerusalem. There are people who think the Magi followed this star all the way to Bethlehem. But the estimated trip by camel would have taken about three months. We know they did not come from the west, because that would place them in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Nonetheless, they already knew from Micah’s prophecy that the child would be born in Bethlehem, and they knew how to get there; there was no need for a star or anything else to lead them. Since the Magi were the only known observers of this star, we might wonder if Isaiah’s prophecy was meant for them or for people living in that region of the country. If it was an alien craft, they had no way of knowing this or knowing that people in the cities west of them did not, or could not, see it. It would be from their arrival in Jerusalem that the sighting of this star would become known. It wasn’t until after their meeting with Herod that they saw the same, or another, bright light in the sky, which led them the few short miles to Bethlehem (Matthew 2:9). To reach Bethlehem from Jerusalem, it would have traveled due south, and the Bible says it stopped directly over the child’s location. If true, it had to be a craft under intelligent control, as stars do not move from north to south; nor do they stop in the sky. If the event occurred today, it would undoubtedly go on record as a UFO sighting. The scriptures also say that an angel (or bright glowing craft) appeared to some shepherds out in a field that night as they stood watch over their sheep. Was this the same craft that the Magi followed to Bethlehem? Possibly. It scared them half to death when it suddenly illuminated them with a bright light and a voice announced

the birth of Christ. The Bible says the angel (or craft) was then joined by a host of others (Luke 2:8–13). But why would a “host” of other angels suddenly appear at the site? The term “host” signifies many, but exactly how many is not mentioned. The appearance of many angels could signify a celebratory event or a security force on hand to make sure there would be no problems—especially since Herod was now aware that the child was somewhere in Bethlehem. The Pentecost Christ had told the disciples to remain in the city until his Father delivered the gift promised them. Gathered in the temple on that day, they heard what sounded like a violent wind when tongues of fire appeared and touched each one of them. Suddenly, they could speak in different languages and had also acquired the power to heal (Acts 2:1–4). Today we would describe these tongues of fire as beams of light, and if they touched each person, then they were under intelligent control. And since the disciples suddenly acquired their new powers, we might assume these beams had something to do with it. Their sudden ability to speak in different languages would seem to be a knowledge acquired only through a learning process. One explanation is that someone taught them these languages and then suppressed their memory of it. They could have been programmed to respond to the beams of light so they would suddenly remember what they had been taught but not the method of how it was accomplished. Another possibility is that these languages are a collective but dormant knowledge that is genetically inherent in everyone. Is it possible that these beams of light somehow triggered the specific brain cells containing this knowledge? That is something we may never know. Nevertheless, it is possible their healing power emanated from a natural energy within their own bodies and the beams somehow stimulated the brain cells that gave them the ability to utilize this power. And a familiar detail by now is the sound of thunder, a whirlwind, rushing waters, etc.—sounds normally associated with biblical aircraft. Should we not suspect that the

sound of a violent wind was the sound of a ship hovering above the temple? Ezekiel’s Encounter What some researchers consider to be the smoking gun—proof of UFOs in the Bible—is Ezekiel’s encounter. The first chapter in the book of Ezekiel provides the most convincing description of a flying craft, and it does not take a rocket scientist to recognize the technological implications in what Ezekiel described. It occurred around 575 BC and appears to be a unique account of contact he had with a being called the Sovereign Lord that came down from the sky in a large metallic craft. Since Ezekiel’s book is a compilation of prophecies he received from the Lord in the form of visions, I had to ask, Why this personal contact? Why does it describe so vividly the landing of a flying craft? Some of you may have read The Spaceships of Ezekiel by the late Joseph F. Blumrich, a former NASA space engineer. Although he was not the first to recognize the technological implications in biblical scripture, he was one of the first to publish his ideas. He perceived the craft as being shaped like a child’s toy top with four long legs or poles extending vertically from its underside down to the ground. He suggests there were four helicopter-like blades in the center of each pole that folded down after they stopped rotating, which Ezekiel perceived as being the four wings. He perceived a jet or rocket-like engine located in the bottom of the craft as its propulsion source, and he provided a valid scientific evaluation of the wheels intersecting with wheels.397 He even presents a detailed schematic of how they could rotate omnidirectionally.398 Blumrich’s ideas are valid; however, they were based on the technology that existed over four decades ago. Any readers who are old enough may remember Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) and Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC), the forerunners of modern calculators and computers. The army created ENIAC in the late 1940s to compute ballistic firing tables during World War II at a cost

of $486,804.22. It contained 1,500 relays and 17,468 vacuum tubes (or 19,000, depending on whom you reference), weighed over thirty tons, and filled about one thousand square feet of floor space.399 UNIVAC was built in the early 1950s and cost about $1 million. It contained only 300 relays and 5,600 vacuum tubes, and it measured twenty-five by fifty feet, about the size of a one-car garage.400 At the time, it was state-of-the-art technology, even though it performed fewer functions than a pocket calculator from the 1990s costing $17.95. Could the engineers who built UNIVAC have perceived their million-dollar monstrosity becoming small enough to fit in the palm of one’s hand, performing a multitude of other functions at speeds millions of times faster, and selling for less than twenty dollars? Probably not. Another example of our ever-changing perception of the future is the technology depicted on Star Trek. From the original series to The Next Generation, due to sophisticated visual and special effects made possible by new computer technologies, there was a radical design change in the Enterprise’s bridge and computer panels. Comparing Captain James Kirk’s old Enterprise to Captain John-Luc Picard’s new version is like comparing UNIVAC to a new laptop. The updated Enterprise reflected our own technological advancement. As we evolved on a technical level, so did our perceptions of future technology. Likewise, the spaceship described by Blumrich represented his ideas of futuristic or alien technology as he perceived it over forty years ago, which by today’s standards seems primitive. Now please do not misinterpret this as a put-down of Blumrich or his ideas. I thoroughly enjoyed his book and was deeply inspired by his commonsense approach. But as time passes, we acquire new knowledge, we develop new technologies, and our views change accordingly. Today we view the future from a perspective based on the tools and technologies currently at our disposal. If Blumrich were still alive and wrote his book today, I am sure it would likewise reflect an evolution in his perceptions. Perhaps the following is how Blumrich might interpret Ezekiel’s encounter today.

Only after reading the account several times did I recognize clues that the landing may have been an unplanned event. It began when Ezekiel saw a windstorm (whirlwind) approaching from the north. It was a “large cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light” (Eze 1:4). Now we must understand that if it really was some type of flying machine or spacecraft, it exposed Ezekiel to something far beyond his understanding; he could only describe it in relation to that with which he was familiar. So here is my analysis of his encounter. “The center of the fire looked like glowing metal. And in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In their appearance their form was that of a man.” (Eze 1:4–5) The glowing metal, obviously, would be the craft itself; and the fire, the brilliant glow or aura surrounding it, as in the case of the glowing craft that hovered in the cloud over the Israelites’ camp in the desert. Inside, obviously through a large window, he saw four beings that looked like men. “…but each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze.” (Eze 1:6–7) To believe these men had wings is to suggest they could fly. But if true, then why would they have need of a metallic flying craft? Therefore, what Ezekiel described as wings may have been a structure or apparatus behind each man that may have had some connection to the craft’s landing gear, as seems to be suggested in a later verse. Their legs being straight indicates they were standing and may have been operating controls on panels in front of them. Describing their feet as those of a calf suggests they were wearing something like shiny brown boots. The only footwear known to Ezekiel would have been sandals, so the hoof of a calf was the only thing he could compare to the likeness of smooth, shiny boots. And the fact that he

could see their feet suggests the window he looked through was large. “Under their wings on their four sides, they had the hands of a man. All four of them had faces and wings, and their wings touched one another.” (Eze 1:8–9) Ezekiel said the hands of the four men were at their sides, where any normal person’s hands would be. He then repeated the fact that they all had faces and wings. And as I suggested, that which Ezekiel took to be wings may have been some kind of mechanical structure or apparatus behind the men. “Each one went straight ahead and they did not turn as they moved.” (Eze 1:9) This suggests the craft was moving straight ahead, the same way the men were facing, and it did not make any turns. This may be a description of the craft as it was coming in for a landing. “Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a man, and on the right side each had the face of a lion and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle.” (Eze 1:10) This verse sounds rather farcical. A being with four faces is highly improbable, especially when one is human, one feline, one bovine, and one that of a bird of prey. So what was Ezekiel really seeing? If we apply a little common sense, there is a logical interpretation. First there is the fact that Ezekiel described the beings as men, and men have only one face, not four. The other faces may have been patches or emblems on the front of their outfits, such as what a military pilot might display on his flight suit. On the right side of their chest was an emblem with a lion’s face; and on the left, one with the face of an ox. Since Ezekiel specified that these faces were on the right and left sides, it is only logical to conclude that the other two were in the front or center. He already said they had the face of a man, so the third face would be that of the men themselves, and the

last one, an eagle’s face, could represent an emblem on the fronts of their uniforms, centered above or below the others. Some Bibles describe the eagle’s face as being on the men’s backs; however, Ezekiel mentions nothing of the men turning around so he could see their backs. This may have been an assumption made by later writers who reasoned there was no room left on the fronts of their uniforms to include the eagle, which would tend to validate my interpretation that they were emblems, if indeed that was the case. But what did these images, these faces, represent? They obviously signified something. We can only speculate, but they could have represented different missions or projects the beings were involved with on our planet. “The appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like torches.” (Eze 1:13) I suspect the scribes translating the story misunderstood this verse. Their interpretation suggests the men were glowing, which seems unlikely. A logical interpretation is that the craft’s interior lighting, or light from control panels in front of them, was reflecting off their faces and clothing. Any form of light not created by fire would have been unfamiliar to Ezekiel; fire produced the only light with which he was familiar. “Fire moved back and forth among the creatures; it was bright and lightning flashed out of it.” (Eze 1:13) If there were control panels in front of the men, they may have had banks of flashing and blinking lights that Ezekiel described as fire moving back and forth. He would naturally compare these flashing and blinking lights to fire. But the “lightning” flashing out of the panels suggests it may have been a very bright strobe light: possibly a visual alarm—an indication they were experiencing a problem. “The creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lightning.” (Eze 1:14)

This gives the impression they were running amok. Ezekiel already stated their legs were straight, indicating they were standing and not running back and forth like crazed animals. It may also have been an optical illusion created by all the flashing and blinking lights, or it could even mean that the craft made side-to-side movements as it came down—a maneuver frequently described in UFO sightings. A more logical explanation, however, is that they were leaning over control panels and moving from side to side while manipulating controls, especially if they were dealing with a problem. “As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces.” (Eze 1:15) This tends to suggest the wheels were alongside the men who were on the outside of the craft, which makes no sense. I think we can logically interpret wheels on the ground as being the ship’s landing gear; what else could they have been? They came out of the craft’s underside, and it may have appeared from Ezekiel’s position that each wheel was situated close to each man inside, since it is highly unlikely they were riding on the outside of the vehicle. “This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like chrysolite and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting with a wheel.” (Eze 1:16) The wheels sparkled with a yellow or greenish gemlike quality, suggesting they were probably metallic. Since airports were nonexistent in 575 BC, the craft could not have landed like an airplane; it would have to come down vertically. And a vehicle that can land vertically would have minimum use for wheels, so we might assume that they were pods. And if they sparkled like gems, it suggests they were solid, and solid wheels would be impractical, making for an awfully bumpy ride. The description of wheels intersecting with wheels may simply be a reference to the design of the pods.

“As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the creatures faced.” (Eze 1:17) This gives the impression that the craft moved in different directions on the ground. But if it had landing pods, such a maneuver seems unlikely, unless it occurred just before the craft touched down. It may also be that this was when the craft started bouncing into the air, as Ezekiel begins to describe in verse 1:19. “…the wheels did not turn about as the creatures went.” (Eze 1:17) “As the creatures went” could pertain to when they were leaving or when they were bouncing into the air. But the wheels not turning could also mean they did not rotate like tires on a moving car, again suggesting they were pods, not wheels. “Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around.” (Eze 1:18) I am not certain as to what this really is, as it makes no sense that the wheels were on the ground and the rims were up high. But what did Ezekiel mean by “high”? What would “high” refer to if not somewhere above the wheels? Some Bibles refer to these “rims” as “rings.” Could it be that the scribes misinterpreted this? Could it be that there were four separate rims, or rings (which were higher up and awesome looking) that, prior to landing, may have rotated around the outer edge of the craft, having nothing to do with the wheels? This seems like a more logical interpretation and is in line with many current UFO descriptions. And their being “full of eyes all around” may be indicative of their design. But again, this is only speculation. “When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved.” (Eze 1:19) Now we have what appears to be synchronous movement between the men in the craft and the wheels. Could it be that they

were operating separate mechanisms to lower the landing gear? It seems primitive, as one would expect a motor to power the landing gear of a flying craft. But if they were dealing with a problem, perhaps they had to lower the gear manually. “…and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose.” (Eze 1:19) Again, it sounds like the craft bounced a few times—another indication that they may have been experiencing a problem and were making an awkward and unscheduled landing. “Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.” (Eze 1:20) Here we must figure out what Ezekiel means by “spirit.” In this case, it tends to signify their power to control the movement of the craft and its wheels (pods). In other words, “spirit” refers to their ability to control the lowering of the landing gear and the rising of the craft into the air. When the craft rose into the air, so did the men and the landing gear. This suggests that the craft did bounce up and down several times, which is a maneuver that seems inconsistent with a higher technology—unless, of course, they were having a problem. One possibility is that they were having a problem with the landing gear. It should have locked into place when the pods contacted the ground. But if they had to lower the gear manually, it may have taken several attempts before the locking mechanism engaged. “Spread out above the heads of the living creatures was what looked like an expanse, sparkling like ice and awesome.” (Eze 1:22) This obviously refers to the top outer hull of the craft. He perceived its smooth, shiny, metallic surface as sparkling, or icy, in appearance.

“When the creatures moved, I heard the sound of their wings, like the sound of rushing waters, like the tumult of an army.” (Eze 1:24) Ezekiel is saying that when the creatures moved, there was a loud noise, which had to be the propulsion system. He would naturally assume that to fly, one would need wings, and he was associating the revving sound of the engine each time the craft rose into the air (when the creatures moved) with wings. “Rushing waters” may be an accurate description of what it sounded like as the craft bounced about in its attempt to land. “When they stood still, they lowered their wings.” (Eze 1:24) After the craft finally touched down (when they stood still), the interior structures, which Ezekiel described as wings, may have been mechanisms linked to the landing gear that descended behind the men, locking the gear in place. In the first few attempts, the gear did not engage, forcing them to rev the engine, rise back into the air, and try again. When it finally did engage, the structures behind the men lowered, locking the gear in place. Since these structures (wings) behind each man lowered when the craft finally landed, this implies they did have some connection to the landing gear. “Then there came a voice from above the expanse over their heads as they stood with lowered wings.” (Eze 1:25) Ezekiel heard a voice coming from the top of the craft. “Above the expanse over their heads was what looked like a throne of sapphire, and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man.” (Eze 1:26) It is unlikely the man was sitting on a throne or anything else. It may have been a bluish hatch door that flipped open, from which the man emerged before standing in front of it, above the open hatch.

“I saw that what appeared to be from his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire.” (Eze 1:27) Like the four men inside the craft that he described as “glowing like torches,” he is describing the man standing above the open hatch on top of the craft in like fashion. This further supports the idea that interior lighting produced the glow. It reflected off the upper part of the man’s uniform (from his waist up), which may have been made of a shiny metallic fabric, thus giving him a “glowing metal” or “full of fire” appearance. From the waist down, he was closer to the open hatch, where the reflection was much brighter (from there down, he looked like fire). Since the man was high above him and he could see below his waist, this suggests that he was standing above an open hatch. Had he been sitting, like a pilot in the cockpit of a plane, it’s doubtful his legs and lower torso would have been visible. We should also note that Ezekiel mentions no wings in association with this person as he did with those inside the craft—an indication that they were part of the interior structure. “… and brilliant light surrounded him. Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him.” (Eze 1:27–28) In all probability, this refers to the light reflecting off the open hatch, providing a radiant background behind the man. “This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking.” (Eze 1:28) Note that Ezekiel was comparing the bright glow of light emanating from within the craft to the glory of the Lord. As we have already seen, “the glory of the Lord” is a common term in the Old Testament, usually associated with the bright aura or glow surrounding flying craft.

Is it any wonder that Ezekiel believed he was looking at God? A huge metallic craft bathed in an aura of bright light had appeared out of the sky and descended in front of him. There were four men inside, standing behind control panels with flashing and blinking lights—lights that bathed them in a fiery glow. Landing gear appeared from beneath the craft, and it bounced several times before finally settling on the ground. Then, from above, he heard a voice and looked up to see a fifth man in a shiny uniform standing above an open hatch, also bathed in the glow of light from within the ship. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. Surely, this must be God. Who else could display such awesome wonder? But landing a ship right in front of someone was an unprecedented event. So why now? Again, it appears there may have been a problem. This would explain Ezekiel’s description of the men as they “sped back and forth like lightning” while they were trying to deal with the situation—or lock the landing gear in place. This could also account for the bouncing he described as the ship was landing. This first contact was probably meant to be in the form of a vision, since he had many after this, but for some unknown reason (possibly a mechanical problem), they may have been forced to land, thus making this first contact face-to-face. Ezekiel could see the metallic surface of the craft and the four men who were inside. This means there was no aura or glow around the craft after it had landed. The only mention he made of such a glow was when he first sighted it in the sky. His description of the craft just prior to and after touchdown suggests the pilot turned off the field creating the glow. This could be a clue that they switched to an alternate propulsion system. To see the detail he described, Ezekiel had to be close to the craft, and if current UFO events are any indication, had this field been operating, the glow would have hurt his eyes and he would have been in danger of suffering from radiation poisoning—just as Betty Cash and her companions in Huffman, Texas, experienced with the craft that bounced up and down over the highway.

If there was a problem that necessitated landing, I speculate they could have done so without the bouncing; my impression is that they switched to an alternate non-radiation-producing (or backup) propulsion system for Ezekiel’s safety. This alternate system may have been for emergency use, offering no control over the landing gear, which necessitated lowering it manually. If they were on a mission to enlighten Ezekiel with visions, as seems to be the subject of his book, in all probability the information he received in this first contact was to be received through a vision. But if problems forced them to land, it happened right in front of him. To prevent exposing him to dangerous radiation, they had to switch propulsion systems before landing, while still in the air, which may also account for the ship’s awkward bouncing. But again, this is only conjecture. Another important detail is the “glowing metal” or “full of fire” appearance of the man standing above the open hatch on the upper section of the craft, and the “burning coals of fire” appearance of the men inside. Logically, it sounds as though Ezekiel was describing interior lighting reflecting off a silvery or metallic fabric of the men’s uniforms. The only mention of clothing worn by anyone associated with the Lord, such as the angels, is in the New Testament. Starting with Christ’s resurrection, all the angels are suddenly wearing white, and the reason for this, when we come to it, I think will be quite obvious. Except for this, no other accounts of appearances by the angels, or the Lord himself, make any mention of how they were dressed. This suggests that nothing about their attire was unusual or worthy of mention; they wore clothing that allowed them to blend in with the general populace. And the fact that Ezekiel’s description suggests a reflective quality in their attire is another indication that this may have been an unscheduled landing. Otherwise, it seems only logical they would have remained consistent with established procedures and dressed inconspicuously, and it is unlikely they would have landed their ship right in front of the person they were contacting.

So we have a biblical eyewitness to the landing of a metallic flying craft, and personal contact with one of its occupants. We also have reason to believe that their technology was not infallible; it was susceptible to mechanical problems—something that may explain many UFO crashes of recent times. Ezekiel’s encounter also presents a strong case that aliens were manipulating biblical events. The man standing above the open hatch who referred to himself as the Sovereign Lord revealed to Ezekiel future events that were to take place regarding the Israelites —one being the future destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. How could he know of such things in advance unless he, or someone, was involved in creating them? But most important is the link connecting the deity to technology—a detail firmly established by the fact that the Sovereign Lord landed in a metallic flying craft. We can adhere to the miraculous and mystical concepts of organized religion and believe that God manifested himself to Ezekiel in this physical and mechanically oriented form, or we can accept the fact that Ezekiel described the landing of a metallic craft with five men aboard. To remain logical is to accept the idea that flying machines, or spacecraft, were around in biblical times and the people perceived their occupants as gods. And by virtue of their impartation of knowledge of future events regarding the Israelites, they were manipulating the course of history. Weaponry Lasers and Beam Weapons To suggest that someone possessed lasers in biblical times may sound a bit off the wall. However, I was intrigued by what seemed like references to this technology. The first is found at the very beginning, in Genesis 3:24. This passage says that after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, cherubim and “a flaming sword flashing back and forth” were placed on the east side of the garden to protect the tree of life. According to the footnotes, the word translated from the ancient texts meaning “east side” also means “front of.” So I think we can logically assume that this flaming sword was placed at the entrance to the garden.

Webster’s Third International Dictionary defines “cherubim” as a “composite being, usually with large wings, the body of an animal and the head of a man and is regarded as a guardian of a sacred place or a servant of God.”401 Common sense tells us this was not a real-life creature but rather something designed to discourage intruders. However, a flaming sword flashing back and forth is indicative of a mechanical device with moving parts—a scanning beam of light—just like security devices in use today that use a sweeping laser beam. Since this allegedly occurred six thousand years ago, who could have possessed such technology if not extraterrestrials? The Bible says it was put there to protect the tree of life, the source of Adam and Eve’s longevity. Because of a genetic imperfection, their life spans had to be cut short. If I am wrong about this, then I can find no other reason, either logical or supernatural, that would explain why a security device had to be installed to prevent them further access to it. Further use of laser technology is suggested in three separate incidents in which the Bible claims people were struck blind. The first is noted in Genesis 19:11, which tells of the angels striking blind the mob that wanted to rape them at Lot’s house in Sodom. The second is described in 2 Kings 6:8–23, which tells of the Lord striking blind a contingent of Aramean soldiers sent to capture the prophet Elisha. But the story of Saul in the New Testament seems to be the most enlightening. Saul had been an avid persecutor of Christ’s disciples and their followers and pursued them throughout the land. Acts 9:1–18 says he was struck blind on the outskirts of Damascus by a flash of light that came from the sky. He then heard a voice say, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” The men traveling with Saul were dumbfounded, because they saw no one there. The voice identified itself as Jesus and told Saul to go on into the city. Saul remained blind for three days until an apostle named Ananias came and healed him. During the healing process, it says that something like

scales fell from his eyes, suggesting dead cells or scab tissue, which means his eyes had been burned in some way. So now we have two clues: the flash of light and the scales. There was probably a device that emitted a high-intensity laser burst, causing a flash burn on the outer protective layer of the cornea—the ectodermic conjunctival epithelium. The dead cells of this membrane would eventually dry up like a scab and flake off like dead skin caused by sunburn. I checked with my eye doctor to verify the feasibility of this idea, and he agreed that it could happen just as I have described it. It would appear that Ananias didn’t cure Saul’s blindness; he merely washed away the scab tissue. But whatever caused the blindness demonstrated amazing flexibility. In Elisha’s case, it was used to incapacitate a group of soldiers. With Saul, precision and accuracy were demonstrated in how it could pinpoint one individual out of a crowd. I might assume the intensity could be adjusted to cause permanent blindness—something the angels may have done to the mob in Sodom. Soon after Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, the Lord began eliminating the gripers and others who exhibited negative behavior, and some of the stories describe how he literally killed thousands at a time. He gave them a warning at first. When they began complaining about their hardships, fire came out from the Lord and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp (Numbers 11:1). If anyone was killed in this instance, it is not mentioned. Chapter 16 in the book of Numbers describes how the Lord turned his wrath on 250 council members who were in league with Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, a trio of dissenters. They had instigated a rebellion against Moses, and according to Numbers 16:35, the council members were consumed by a fire that came out from the presence of the Lord. However, according to what allegedly occurred the next day, I have serious doubts that the number killed was 250. I suspect it was only a handful, if any at all. You would think the deaths of 250 people would have struck fear into the hearts of everyone and put an end to the problem. It apparently did not make a big impression, because it says thousands gathered the next day

to protest these killings. Then it says the glory of the Lord came out of the cloud and 14,700 more were killed. Exactly how they were killed is not mentioned, but I would suspect that if it really happened, they were killed by the same fire. These high numbers could very well be an exaggeration attributed to later writers who simply embellished the count as a means of stimulating a greater fear of God’s wrath in the hearts of men. Though only speculation, it is something to consider regarding similar events. What seems to be another demonstration of laser weaponry is described in Leviticus 9:24. Eight days after the new tent of meeting was erected, the first offering was made on the sacrificial altar in front of it. Then it says the glory of the Lord came out of the cloud, and fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed the offering. After entering the Promised Land, one of the first things Joshua did was agree to a treaty with the Gibeonites. When the Gibeonites came under siege by their enemies, they sent word to Joshua requesting help. Joshua and the Lord responded, and the Lord blasted the enemies from the sky with large hailstones that killed more of them than Joshua’s men did. Joshua, however, wanted more time to pursue the remnants of the fleeing army, and he asked the Lord to stop the sun and moon in the sky—in other words, stop time—and according to Joshua 10:13, the sun and moon stood still for about a full day. I have an open mind and accept the fact that anything is possible, but logically, I have my doubts about this part of the story. It is possible that Joshua really made such a request, which later writers embellished by suggesting the Lord accommodated him. However, I find it unlikely the sun and moon held their place in the sky for a whole day. If that had happened, the earth would have stopped rotating, and if the earth suddenly stopped rotating, there would have been catastrophe on a global scale, with massive crustal displacement, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. This may only be a spin that someone put on the story during the centuries of oral tradition.

In challenging the credibility of the king’s prophets, Elijah had them prepare a sacrifice but not set fire to it, and he did the same; the idea was that the true god would be revealed by whose sacrifice ignited. All day long, the prophets danced around their altar, calling on their god, Baal, to light their offering, but nothing happened. Elijah even taunted them, saying maybe Baal was asleep and couldn’t hear them. When evening came, Elijah dug a trench around his altar and had the people saturate his offering with four large jugs of water that drained down and filled the trench. As Elijah prayed, fire came out of the sky and ignited not only his sacrifice but the altar as well. The story even claims the water in the trench burned. And this is another example of embellishment. It is doubtful that the water in the trench actually burned; it would have turned into steam and evaporated from the heat of the laser beam. This demonstration resulted in the execution of the false prophets and the wrath of King Ahab’s wife, Jezebel. Another event in which thousands were killed is described in 2 Kings 19:32–37. It took place when the Assyrians were on their devastating campaign annihilating much of the Israelite population throughout the land and destroying their cities. The passage alleges that the night before they were to attack Jerusalem, an angel went out to their camp and killed one hundred eighty-five thousand of them as they slept. Again, one hundred eighty-five thousand seems like a gross exaggeration. Who cleaned up the mess? Who dug the graves to bury that many dead bodies? Some scholars suggest that in this particular case, the Assyrian king may have found it necessary to withdraw his army to ward off an impending invasion by armies moving up from the south, which certainly sounds like a more logical scenario. These stories are telling us that the Lord eliminated hundreds and even thousands of people at a time with a fire that issued forth from his presence. When this happened, it was generally preceded by his presence, which was described as the “glory of the Lord” (a bright light or glowing craft) emerging from the cloud that constantly hovered above the Israelites’ camp. Being that the only known

source of light at the time was fire, it is only logical that the people would interpret the light produced by lasers or beam weapons as fire. Nuclear Weapons What may seem like a far-out idea is the use of nuclear weapons. However, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as described in Genesis 19 suggests such a possibility, although this was probably on a much smaller scale than what occurred in Hiroshima. And remember the account described in the Mahabharata of what appeared to be the use of nuclear weapons thousands of years ago, plus the vitrified sand and the stones in the buildings of MohenjoDaro, estimated to be eight to twelve thousand years old. Could it be that nuclear weapons were known to someone back then? The Bible tells us that the angels Lot had welcomed into his home told him he had to leave because the city was about to be destroyed. Lot was reluctant to go, and so they physically led him and his family out of the city and told them to head for the mountains. Lot didn’t think they could make it there in time, but he thought they could make it to Zoar. The angel agreed. He said he would not destroy that town and told him to get moving. Other ancient manuscripts state that five cities were slated for destruction: Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar—a detail not mentioned in the Genesis account. But it coincides with the angel’s statement that he would spare the town where Lot wanted to go (Zoar). The Bible says they reached Zoar at just about sunrise, at which time the Lord rained down burning sulfur that consumed Sodom and Gomorrah and all the vegetation in the area. It does not reveal what happened to Admah and Zeboiim, but if they were as corrupt as Sodom and Gomorrah allegedly were, it is likely they were destroyed as well. However, it does tell us that Zoar was spared. Since it was slated for annihilation, it, too, was probably contaminated with perversion, but since it was not destroyed, it is only logical to assume that its inhabitants survived.

One theory proposed is that the destruction was caused by an earthquake that created fissures in the rocks, releasing stored gasses that exploded and threw vast amounts of flaming petroleum into the air.402 In other texts, it describes burning sulfur falling from the sky, which could have been debris thrown into the air from the force of the blast. And there are sulfur deposits in the area, which would explain the odor of sulfur in the aftermath. But who saw what happened? The only alleged witness was Lot’s wife, whom the Bible claims was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back. That, however, is a clue suggesting nuclear weapons. According to Genesis 19:17, the angels advised Lot and his family not to look back. But why? What difference would it make if they witnessed the destruction of Sodom? Since nothing was mentioned about any consequences they might suffer if they did look, one might interpret these words as a metaphor to not look back on the sinful ways of the city—or simply as a figure of speech meant to denote the importance of getting as far away as possible as fast as possible for their own safety. But if it was meant as a warning, the only real justification for it would be if a nuclear device were used; the flash of a nuclear detonation would cause blindness to anyone looking at it without wearing protective goggles. If Lot’s wife witnessed a nuclear explosion, it would have been a tremendous shock to her senses. The device used on Gomorrah, which was farther away, may have been detonated first. Unable to overcome her curiosity, she turned around and looked. Then, as she was looking back in that direction, a second device detonated over Sodom. If this is what happened, the last thing her eyes would have beheld was a mushroom cloud forming over Gomorrah and the flash that struck her blind when the device detonated over Sodom. Then she would have been hit by the shockwave and high winds. To her, this would have been a horrifying experience and could have generated enough fear to trigger a heart attack. Nevertheless, the description of her death might simply be an embellishment that developed over the centuries in which the story was passed along orally.

The Bible says that in the morning, Abraham stood near his camp, looking down toward the plain in the direction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and saw dense smoke rising into the air as if from a huge furnace. Since these cities allegedly were located around the Dead Sea, which at 1,299 feet below sea level is the lowest elevation in the world, it had to be along its south end, because the northern part of the Dead Sea is bordered by high cliffs. Some old biblical maps (if they are correct) show Zoar located at its southern tip. Hebron, where Abraham lived, was said to be about eighteen miles away and is approximately eighteen miles west of the Dead Sea. But the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah is so fantastic that I wondered if it was a story intended as a moral statement and whether the cities even existed. We will never know for sure until archaeologists discover their ruins, although they are currently excavating two possible sites. In 1924, the noted archaeologist William F. Albright discovered the ruins of an ancient city on the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea. Because of the political climate of the time, he was unable to accomplish much in excavation. But years later, after things had settled down, research resumed, and by 1965, archaeologists had uncovered evidence that the city had flourished about three thousand years before Christ. The site, known as Bab-edh-Dhra, met with some sort of disaster around 2350 BC. Archaeologists cannot say for certain, but they are considering the possibility that it may be the ruins of Sodom. A powerful force caused the city’s walls to collapse, and the archaeologists found human bones under the debris of a huge tower that had fallen. The ruins also contained a layer of ash, suggesting the city may have suffered a severe fire. They unearthed a huge cemetery containing many skeletons that they thought might be the bodies of those who perished in the city’s destruction, and skeletons found among the city’s debris are evidence that the destruction was sudden. But according to the manner in which the skeletons in the cemetery were arranged, Dr. Donald J. Ortner, a biological anthropologist from the Smithsonian Institution, suggests the amount of time needed to arrange the bodies in such a precise fashion

indicates they died long before the city’s destruction.403 And carbon dating of the bones revealed the site was an active cemetery for at least a thousand years.404 Nevertheless, they figure that if it is Sodom, then the ruins of Gomorrah must also be in the vicinity. In 1973, Dr. Thomas Schaub of Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Walter Rast of Valparaiso University in Indiana discovered a site called Numeira seven miles to the south, which contained pottery identical to that in Bab-edh-Dhra. The city appeared to have suffered the same fate as Bab-edh-Dhra, as its walls and buildings had collapsed and there was evidence of massive burning. Carbon dating set the time of its destruction at about the same time as Babedh-Dhra’s, and hopes were high that they had found Gomorrah.405 Speculating on what had happened, they said the destruction was not unlike that caused by an earthquake, and the area is prone to earthquakes. Another possibility they proposed is military siege; it was not uncommon for armies of that era to burn the cities of their enemies. Now, there is a good possibility that they could have it backward; Bab-edh-Dhra might be Gomorrah and Numeira might be Sodom. Many old biblical maps show both cities on the plain on the east side of the Dead Sea, with Sodom located south of Gomorrah, and Zoar, the city where Lot and his family sought refuge, at the south end of the Dead Sea. The Bible says Lot and his family fled from Sodom to Zoar, which means they would have traveled south, but it mentions nothing about them passing through Gomorrah. If these old maps are accurate, then Gomorrah was located north of Sodom. Of course, it is also possible that one or both ruins are Admah and Zeboiim, the other two cities the Lord slated for destruction, but confirmation is contingent on finding Zoar. Today, the city of Safir, located just south of the Dead Sea, sits on the site where many believe Zoar once stood. It is also near the Cave of Saint Lot, which many believe is the cave where Lot and his daughters stayed after fleeing Sodom. It seems that the residents of Zoar were too decadent for Lot to want to stay there, so he and his daughters found refuge in a nearby cave.

But if Bab-edh-Dhra and Numeira are Sodom and Gomorrah, or even Admah and Zeboiim, a shadow of doubt is cast over what the scriptures say about them. The archaeologists claim there is no evidence that they were ever as decadent as the Bible claims; they appear to have been well-structured societies that enjoyed a healthy commerce. So it is possible the Bible’s version of the cities’ destruction is the creation of later writers who attributed it to God’s wrath. Sonic Weapons It was proposed in one of the Ancient Aliens episodes that aliens gave Joshua and the people a sound machine that brought down Jericho’s walls.406 However, there is nothing in the Bible to suggest they ever carried such a device around. But if the story of the crumbling of Jericho’s walls is true, unless caused by an earthquake (which was probably the real cause), it is almost certain that sound would have played a role in the event. The account described in Joshua 6:1–20 says everyone was to march around the city once each day for six days with the priests blowing on trumpets. Then, on the seventh day, they were to march seven times around the city—again, with the priests blowing on trumpets—and, on a given signal, they were to begin shouting. It was then that the walls came crashing down. The popular theory is that the sound of trumpets caused the walls to crumble. However, I see it differently. It is highly unlikely that the sound of trumpets was powerful enough, or sounded long enough at the proper frequency, to cause the walls to disintegrate. It is more logical that the Lord generated the sound from his ship. We know that sound can cause matter to break down and disintegrate. Today, hospitals use machines that emit sound pulses to disintegrate kidney stones in patients. And although some people think it was just an advertising trick, from what I have learned, Ella Fitzgerald really did shatter a glass with her voice in the old TV commercial for Memorex.

The biblical version tends to suggest it was the shouting that brought down the walls, but for that to work, everyone would have had to shout at the proper frequency and pitch, not to mention long enough, to affect the molecular structure of the walls. If it really was sound that collapsed the walls, only a device designed to generate sound at the proper frequency could produce such an effect. But the noise produced by such a device would have been deafening unless the frequency generated was extremely high and inaudible to the human ear. Either way, unless they took proper precautions, the vibrations may have caused serious damage to people’s eardrums. Logic suggests the shouting may have been a precautionary measure to prevent injury by equalizing pressure in the ears while the device was in operation. The shouting seems like a pointless act —unless it was done as a safety precaution. The credibility of this story, however, is questioned by archaeologists who claim Jericho’s destruction occurred long before Joshua’s time. It’s possible the story is true and that it was a different city that Joshua took down and the story somehow became confused with Jericho. But again, this is speculation. Force Fields Force fields are another example of technology which one can find numerous references to throughout the Bible. Just before the chariot of fire took Elijah up to heaven, he and Elisha arrived at the Jordan River, accompanied by fifty prophets. Elijah rolled up his cloak and struck the water with it, and it soon stopped flowing. 2 Kings 2:8 says he and Elisha then crossed over. 2 Kings 2:13–14 says that after Elijah was picked up by the chariot of fire, Elisha carried Elijah’s cloak back to the Jordan and slapped the waters with it; again the river stopped flowing so he could go back across. What could possibly halt the waters of a flowing river twice in one day, if not some kind of force field? The most notable event involving a force field would seem to be the parting of the waters as described in Exodus chapter 14. When the Egyptian army pursuing Moses and the Israelites caught up to them, the Lord blocked their path with a smokescreen that the Bible

describes as a pillar of cloud. But there is no reason why the Egyptians could not have circumvented this cloud unless it surrounded them. Or perhaps the terrain was such that access to the area were the Hebrews were camped was restricted by a narrow passage leading down from a higher elevation, such as the top of a mesa. Yet it would seem that something more than a cloud was involved. Since there is no description of the terrain, and unless they were surrounded by this cloud, we can assume that there was a narrow gap that the Egyptians had to pass through with their horses and chariots. If the cloud did contain a force field, we might assume that contact with it would have been unpleasant and possibly fatal. The horses could probably sense this field and would not go near it, leaving the Egyptians no choice but to sit there and wait. In the movie The Ten Commandments, when Charlton Heston, who played the part of Moses, raises his hands, the waters separate into two giant walls, and everyone immediately goes through to the other side. Now, had it actually happened this way, I might consider it a miracle. However, according to Exodus 14:21, it took all night, which reinforces the idea of technology; God could have done it in an instant or materialized a bridge for them to cross. The Bible would have us believe that Moses parted the Red Sea; however, today we know that was not the case. Even at its narrow points, the Red Sea spans about one hundred miles, and it would have taken weeks for the people to make it through. It is unlikely that even a powerful alien force field could spread the entire width of the Red Sea. It is also too far south from where they left Goshen, which is said to have been south of the pharaoh’s city. But what does “south” really signify in this case? The Egyptians referred to the southern area of the country as Upper Egypt and the northern portion as Lower Egypt. One might logically interpret Lower Egypt as being in the south and Upper Egypt in the north. According to some scholars, the upper and lower designations relate the flow of the Nile River, which flows from south to north, leading into the Mediterranean Sea.407 This is confusing because we don’t know if Goshen, which is said to have been south of the pharaoh’s city, was

located in Upper Egypt or in Lower Egypt. Archaeologists seem to place it in the northeastern Nile delta region, thus suggesting it was in Lower Egypt, to the north. 408 If it was the Red Sea that the people crossed, it is extremely unlikely they covered that distance from Goshen in several days with the erratic back-and-forth manner of travel in which the Lord had been leading them. The northern part of the Red Sea forks around the Sinai Peninsula and the west fork; the side where Moses and the people were probably located is the Gulf of Suez, which connects to what is now the Suez Canal. There were many areas in this region during Moses’s time where the water was shallow and less than a mile wide. Many small lakes also dotted this area, so it is likely that the event, if it occurred at all, took place somewhere in this region. The sea, called Yam Suph in Hebrew, means “reed sea”—a name that, because of its similarity, people often misinterpret as “Red Sea.” If the people crossed through a sea of parted waters with animals, carts, and wagons, logic dictates that to prevent them from becoming mired down in soft mud, the seabed had to be a dry and hardened surface. The Bible says the Lord used an east wind to part the waters and dry the seabed. But an east wind is a wind blowing from the east. Logistically, whether it was on the banks of a small lake or the Gulf of Suez, the people would have been on the west side; to be on the east bank would have meant they were heading back toward Egypt, which would seem unlikely. And logic tells us that if an east wind pushed back the waters, it would have pushed them up on the west bank, where the people had set up camp. Therefore, it seems unlikely that an east wind was responsible, although it may have aided in drying the seabed during the night. Of course, it is possible they were on the north end of a small lake and thereby unaffected. Nevertheless, for a wind to part the sea, it would almost have to be of hurricane force, making it impossible for anyone to pass through safely. It would blow over carts and wagons, animals would break loose and run amok, and many people would likely perish in the chaos.

I might assume that parting the waters into two walls with a powerful force field took a very short time, as that was the easy part; drying the seabed was what took all night. The crossing of several hundred thousand or more people with their animals, carts, and wagons required a hard and dry surface. It is likely that the Lord accomplished this with powerful beams of microwave energy that dried the seabed from the inside out. Once the people were safely on the other side, the smokescreen was lifted and the pharaoh, determined to get back his free labor force, ordered his army to proceed through the parted waters after them. But according to Exodus 14:25, the Lord blew the wheels off the lead chariots, which disabled them, creating obstacles for those behind. He then turned off the force field, and the walls of water came crashing down over the entire Egyptian army, allegedly leaving no survivors. One clue that this was a small body of water is the Lord’s disabling of the lead chariots. It caused a backup—a traffic jam—grouping them close together. This would have been unnecessary in the Red Sea because of its vast expanse. Only in a small body of water would it have been necessary to bunch them up in the middle in order to get them all when the force field was released. Another event is described in Joshua 3:16, which states that the waters of the Jordan River ceased to flow, allowing Joshua and the people to cross over. It says the water piled up in a heap about twelve to fifteen miles away, near a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan. The priests carrying the ark of the covenant then stood in the center of the riverbed as everyone crossed on dry ground. Here again is a clue that this was no miracle. If it were, why not halt the river at the point of crossing so the people could see it, as it would have made a big impression. But logistically that was not feasible. Unlike the Sea of Reeds, the Jordan was a flowing river: the water would have piled up against the force field and spilled around its edges onto the riverbanks and onto the land. It had to be far enough away to prevent the spillover from posing a hazard.

The Jordan, for the most part, is a narrow river and would have facilitated a speedy crossing, even though this supposedly occurred during its annual flood stage, when it was higher than normal. The force field probably was spread well beyond the boundary of the riverbanks, in an isolated area where the spillover drained off without posing a threat to anyone. After everyone had crossed, stones were gathered from the center of the riverbed to construct an altar. The priests carrying the ark then came ashore, the force field was turned off, and the river resumed its flow. But who actually saw the water pile up twelve to fifteen miles away? The author of this scripture did not reveal how he came by this information, so its validity is questionable. We know the first five books of the Bible (the Torah) are attributed to Moses; however, little or nothing is known about who authored the other books. The following account in the book of Daniel is one of the most difficult stories to believe. It almost has to be a work of fiction, or it is a story that has been greatly exaggerated. Daniel 3:21–30 describes what happened when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were allegedly thrown into a fiery furnace for refusing to bow down and worship a golden idol that King Nebuchadnezzar had erected on the plain of Dura in Babylon. It says they were bound fully clothed and thrown into a furnace that was heated to a temperature seven times hotter than normal. Then it says the king saw four men walking around in the fire, and for some reason, it describes the fourth man as looking like an angel. The king then called to the three men to come out, and they walked out of the furnace completely unscathed, with no scorch marks on their clothing or any odor of fire about them. Now, if this is a true story, the real mystery is how the three men survived. The only logical answer is that a very powerful force field shielded them from the heat and the flames just as they were thrown into the furnace. The fourth person would have been an angel that teleported into the force field with the men and untied them. Since nothing further is mentioned about the angel, we can assume he beamed out as soon as the three men were safely outside.

The story certainly sounds like a work of fiction, but if there is any truth to it, it is an amazing demonstration of the versatility that can be applied to the use of force fields. But we must keep in mind that most of these stories were passed down orally for many centuries before they were actually written down, leaving them subject to misperception and exaggeration. In this case, I am inclined to think it may have been a fictitious story created by someone who simply wanted to make a moral point, although I could be wrong. Replication Another item of technology suggested in scripture is replication—the method of creating something out of nothing. Well, it’s not exactly nothing, as everything has molecular structure and molecules are composed of atoms, so technically, it would be juggling atoms and molecules into the specific pattern of whatever it is one wants to create. Exodus 16 says that when the people started to complain about the lack of food, the glory of the Lord appeared out of the cloud. The Lord instructed Moses to tell the people they would get meat that night, and starting the next morning, they would get bread every day except on the Sabbath. Then a distant gathering of quail was somehow forced to stampede into the Israelites’ camp. In Numbers 11:31–34, we find this was one of the first events in which the Lord eliminated troublemakers. Before they had a chance to eat the quail meat, the Lord struck them down as a punishment for their complaining, and many of them died. Although this is labeled as a plague, we find in most cases that the Bible describes these plagues as people being consumed by a fire dispatched from the Lord. Although it is not spelled out, we must wonder if something similar occurred in this instance. In the morning, when the dew evaporated, thin flakes like frost appeared in its place. Moses told them it was bread from the Lord, and they called it manna. It was white, like coriander seed, and tasted like wafers made from honey; it was to be their staple for the next forty years. Whatever the manna was, it had to contain the

nutritional value necessary to sustain them for the duration. But what was this manna? And where did it come from? The Bible says that when the dew evaporated, manna appeared in its place, so it seems to have appeared from out of nowhere. Was it teleported there? That seems unlikely, because the Lord would have had to store enough on board his ship to feed several hundred thousand people each day for forty years. One of the Ancient Aliens episodes suggested the aliens provided the Israelites with a “manna machine” that provided their food for forty years.409 It is almost certain they derived this idea from The Zohar, a book of commentaries on the Torah.410 Written around the second and third centuries AD, The Zohar is not part of the Bible but is a book of creative ideas designed to fill in the gaps of some of the stories lacking in detail. It mentions “the ancient of days,” which some have interpreted to be a complex machine the aliens gave to the people that created the manna. Although it is a good theory, the Bible makes no mention of the Israelites ever toting a manna machine around. The only thing they were known to cart around during their time in the desert was the ark of the covenant. Why would they give the people a bulky and cumbersome machine to carry around to perform a function they could probably accomplish with the push of a button on their ship? It just seems illogical. What does seem logical is that the Lord replicated the manna. Since it appears the aliens possess the technology to break down the molecular structures of the people they abduct; transport them through windows, walls, and roofs; and then reassemble them aboard their ship, it seems they are manipulating matter on a molecular level. So it may also be possible for them to manipulate the atoms and molecules of any substance and rearrange them into the pattern of whatever they want to reproduce, and replication would seem to be the logical answer. Since it says the manna appeared when the dew evaporated, could it be that they manipulated the water molecules of the dew to create the manna?

But this is not the only event suggesting this technology. It seems the prophet Elisha was involved in two replicating events; the first is described in 2 Kings 4:1–7. A widow approached Elisha and told him that because of unpaid debts, her creditors were about to take her two sons as slaves. When asked if she had anything of value in her house, she said she had only a jar of oil. Elisha told her to gather all the empty jars she could from her neighbors, and then, behind closed doors in the privacy of her house, pour the oil from her jar into the empty ones. She did as Elisha instructed until she ran out of empty jars. Elisha then told her to sell the oil and pay off her debts; she and her sons could then live on the remaining money. Elisha, it seems, was in frequent contact with the Lord, so it is possible he requested the Lord’s help in this situation. If this is a true story, the only way the widow could have poured out more oil than her jar contained was if the Lord replenished it with replicating technology. 2 Kings 4:42–44 mentions the second event, in which the Lord aided Elisha in feeding one hundred people with only twenty loaves of bread. But the most famous example of replication is the first miracle that Christ performed when he turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana. From the way the Bible describes it, his mother coerced him into doing it. She told him the host had run out of wine, and he told her that it was not his problem or his time. But she had put him on the spot in front of all the guests, so he gave in. Jesus then asked that the stone jars sitting on the floor be filled with water. But why? You would think that if he had the power to perform miracles, he would just materialize the wine into the empty jars. Obviously there was a reason for filling the jars with water first. I speculate that Christ called on the Lord to help him out of this situation with his replicating technology, which reformatted the molecular structure of the water into that of wine. And this is not the only time he relied on replication to perform what appeared to be miracles. Matthew 14:17–19, Mark 6:34–42, and Luke 9:13–17 tell of Christ feeding five thousand people with

only two fish and five loaves of bread, and Matthew 15:29–38, Mark 8:1–9, and John 6:7–13 say he did it again on a mountain near the Sea of Galilee, where he fed four thousand people with only two fish and seven loaves of bread. In each of these replication incidents, there was an agent involved. With the manna and wine, it was water: dew on the ground and water in the jars. We might assume the Lord reformatted the molecular structure of the water into the manna and wine. The oil and bread should have been the easiest to replicate, since samples were already on hand for quick analysis, like copy and paste on a computer. However, the ability to replicate biological forms, such as fish, seems unlikely, although it is possible that he reproduced a convincing facsimile. These stories sound like miracles, but collectively they suggest that much more was going on. I know this all sounds crazy, but I am unconvinced by miracles that technology can explain, and replication is the only explanation that makes sense. It is a technology we tend to equate with science fiction, just as we did going to the moon a century ago, and just as we did with Dick Tracy’s two-way wrist radio fifty years ago. But as incredible as it may seem, we are in the beginning stages of developing this technology. According to the American Physiological Society, we are making progress in the science of replication with printers that can create three-dimensional biological parts.411 And at the University of Iowa, scientists are already experimenting with replicating body parts using this technology.412 Biblical Teleportation One of the major technical issues suggested in the Bible is teleportation. Initially one of the reasons I began studying the scriptures was because of what appeared to be similarities between the abduction phenomena and certain biblical events. So now we will examine in detail the stories suggesting this technology. One of the earliest references to teleportation appears in Judges 13:20, where the angel who visits Samson’s mother to tell her she is

going to have a son departs in the flames of the sacrificial altar— which makes no sense. However, when applying a bit of logic and common sense, we realize that fire provided the only source of light back then. Is it not logical, in this case, that the angel beamed up to his ship and later writers described the bright light associated with the teleporting process as fire because they had no words in their vocabulary to describe any other kind of light? The only fire on the scene was on the sacrificial altar, which, theoretically, later writers mistakenly assumed was the fire in which the angel departed. In the first months after the Hebrews left Egypt, the tent of meeting had not yet been created, so a temporary tent was set up a short distance outside the camp, where Moses could meet with the Lord. Exodus 19:9 says the Lord recognized the need to reinforce the people’s trust in Moses, so he decided to begin making some appearances by coming down in a cloud in front of the tent, where everyone could see. When Moses went out for these meetings, the people saw the cloud descend and watched as Moses stood there and conversed with a voice from within. This set the precedent for all future visits by the Lord, up to and including the time of Christ, in which he concealed himself within a cloud. Previously, his association with Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had all been in the flesh, but from this point on (during and after the Exodus), it appears he felt it necessary to conceal the fact that he looked like a normal human being. Except for his private meetings with Moses inside the tent, the cloud cover allowed him to maintain the supernatural mystique of a deity during the time in the desert. But one rather unorthodox use of teleportation is suggested in chapter 16 in the book of Numbers when three dissenters, Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, attempt to usurp Moses by instigating a rebellion. They were the ones in league with the 250 council members that the Lord allegedly incinerated, as described earlier. But the Bible says the Lord got rid of these three by causing the ground to open and swallow them up, along with all their tents and family members. A logical interpretation is that a vast amount of sand was beamed out, which created a very large and deep cavity into which everyone

fell. They were then buried under the sand as it rematerialized over them. The most misunderstood event, I suspect, is the Transfiguration of Christ. As noted in Matthew 17:2, Mark 9:2, and Luke 9:29, Jesus took Peter, John, and James with him up on top of a mountain to pray. While they were there, Christ suddenly became engulfed in a brilliant white light. Now, I can’t think of anything that would explain why Christ would suddenly start glowing. But the clue to what happened is that it occurred at the exact same moment Moses and Elijah appeared standing beside him. And how did they get there? The fact that they did not come walking out from behind a tree or from up the mountain path but just suddenly materialized next to Christ is sufficient reason to suspect they were beamed down. In this case, the story is focused on Christ, who was apparently engulfed by the light of the teleporting beam that delivered the two men to his side. More clues to teleportation are found in Matthew 28:2–3 and Luke 24:4, in which a bright light is associated with the appearance of angels at Christ’s tomb. It says they appeared like “lightning” or in a “flash of light”—just as happens with the little gray creatures in an abduction experience. According to Acts 1:10, when Christ left the earth, a cloud suddenly materialized around him and began rising slowly into the sky. His disciples stood there intently watching as the cloud rose higher and higher. Two men dressed in white appeared standing beside them and said that Christ would return to Earth the same way they were watching him leave it. The appearance of the two angels beside the disciples might suggest they were teleported there; however, no bright light was mentioned with their appearance. But if the disciples were intently watching the cloud that enveloped Christ as it was rising into the sky, the odds are that they never noticed it. But as we will see later on, there is good reason to believe that these men had been standing in the background all the time.

Sometime after Christ’s Resurrection, another event implying alien technology occurred when Herod had his soldiers arrest the apostle Peter. They bound him with chains and placed him in a prison cell that they locked. And since Peter had exhibited some amazing powers of his own, two guards remained in the cell with him for extra security. Acts 12:7–10 tells us the two guards stationed with Peter were suddenly switched off when an angel appeared out of brilliant light in the cell. After freeing Peter from the shackles, the angel unlocked the cell and led him out of the prison, past other sleeping guards. So how did the angel gain access to Peter’s locked cell? Since he appeared out of a brilliant flash of light, the obvious answer would seem to be teleportation. And switching off the guards is what aliens do to those around the people they abduct. There are other stories in the Bible that could also be describing teleportation that I have not mentioned because they are ambiguous. However, those that I have mentioned—assuming, of course, that they really occurred—present the most compelling arguments in support of this technology. Other Technologies Tractor Beam One incident alluding to the use of a tractor beam is the incident in which Christ walked on the water, as described in Matthew 14:22– 31, Mark 6:45–51, and John 6:16–21. He had sent the disciples out in the boat while he stayed behind to pray and meditate. Later, after dark, they were straining with the oars against a strong wind when suddenly Christ appeared, approaching them on the water. It says they first thought he was a ghost, but he told them not to be afraid and climbed into the boat. And since this was the only time he reportedly did this, it is unlikely that he had the power to levitate. Of the three Gospels describing the event, Matthew is the only one that claims Peter also attempted to walk on the sea. After Jesus identified himself, Peter said, “Lord, if it is really you, bid me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said, “Come.” Then Peter climbed out of the boat and began to walk toward Jesus, but frightened by the high

winds and rough seas, he sank into the water. Jesus caught him and said, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Whether Peter took a few steps on the water is debatable. It is not mentioned in the other Gospels, so it may be an embellishment of a later writer. However, a logical evaluation suggests that if there had been a strong wind, as the Bible says, the water would have been rough and choppy, and if Christ was actually walking on the water, then he would have been bobbing up and down on the rough surface and would have had a difficult time maintaining his balance. The impression we get is that he was gliding across the water as if being floated by a tractor beam. The energy of this beam, when concentrated or focused on a subject, must create a glow or aura around the subject, just as with a teleporting beam. How else would the disciples have been able to see Christ approaching in the dark unless such a beam was illuminating him? The Ark of the Covenant One item of technological interest in the Bible, the ark of the covenant, is still a misunderstood part of the story. Although the ark is the subject of many wild theories and speculation, the Bible defines very clearly its intent and purpose, yet it remains shrouded in religious mysticism. There are questions as to whether the ark even existed, and if so, what happened to it. However, there are implied technological issues associated with it. The ark was kept behind a curtain in the sanctuary (tabernacle), which was a separate enclosure centered inside the tent of meeting. The Bible says the tent was in the center of a three-hundred-footlong courtyard that was 150 feet wide and surrounded by a wall of curtains about 7½ feet high. The ark was about 3¼ feet long, 2¼ feet high and wide, and made of acacia wood and plated with gold inside and out. Carrying the ark required two gold-plated poles made of acacia wood inserted into four gold rings fastened to the ark’s four legs, which were never to be removed. Placed over the ark was a cover of gold called the atonement cover, which had carved into its sides two cherubim, facing each

other at an angle, looking down toward the lid. When the Lord gave Moses instructions on how to build the ark, he clearly stated it was a system through which they would communicate. He said, “There, above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the Testimony, I will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites.” (Ex 25:22) This passage does not need a CIA intelligence analyst to decipher its meaning; it clearly states that the Lord told Moses he would communicate with him through the ark’s gold cover and dictate to him all the laws he required the Hebrews to follow. “Moses entered the tent to speak with the Lord, and the Lord’s voice was speaking to him from between the two cherubim over the atonement cover.” (Nu 7:89) Leviticus 16:2 reiterates the same message, so it seems obvious that the ark’s primary purpose was for private communication between Moses and the Lord. There are stories that people who were exposed to the ark suffered radiation poisoning and that the priests had to wear special protective garments that shielded them from radiation when entering the tabernacle. Those stories even claim the ark could fly through the air and destroy enemy forces.413 Except for requiring special vestments for the priests (which does not mean they shielded them from radiation), none of the bizarre stories about the ark appear in the Bible. It is highly probable the writers derived these stories from the Zohar and the Midrash. These books are not part of the Bible, and in many cases they attempt to impart a more defined meaning to many of the words and phrases and fill in the gaps of stories devoid of details. Some documentaries have given the false impression that these stories are from the Bible; however, they do not appear in the Bible and are simply ideas created by later writers that have no basis in fact. Nevertheless, on the day of its completion, the people placed the ark in the tent of meeting behind a curtain in the sanctuary. But here

is the interesting part; a cloud then descended and hovered above the tent, and a bright light described as the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle (Ex 40:34–35). Since the scriptures state that the Lord conversed with Moses through the atonement cover of the ark, the logical assumption is that it contained a communication system for that purpose. So the only reason for a bright light appearing in the tent at this time is that one or two angels beamed down to install this system. But it seems they also installed something else—something deadly. In Leviticus 10:1–3, Aaron’s two sons, Nadab and Abihu, entered the tent of meeting one night and made an unauthorized entry into the sanctuary. In the morning, Moses discovered their bodies incinerated—allegedly from the inside out. This was possibly caused by an intense blast of microwave radiation or a massive electrical burst that, presumably, came from the ark. Perhaps this was the impetus behind other stories of the ark causing people to suffer radiation poisoning. Nevertheless, after this incident, the Lord said to Moses, “Tell your brother Aaron not to come whenever he chooses into the Most Holy Place behind the curtain in front of the atonement cover of the ark, or else he will die, because I appear in a cloud over the atonement cover.” (Lev 16:1–2) The Lord was emphasizing the fact that the sanctuary was for private communication between him and Moses, and that he appeared in a cloud over the atonement cover (communicated with him through it). If Aaron entered at any time not authorized, he would be recognized as an intruder, and the same thing would happen to him that had happened to his sons. But there were other warnings given about the privacy of the sanctuary and the danger of touching the ark. Orders stated that when moving camp, only the Levites were to carry it: “Anyone else who goes near it shall be put to death.” (Nu 1:51)

When the Lord first told Moses to appoint Aaron and his two sons to serve as priests, he said, “…anyone else who approaches the sanctuary must be put to death.” (Nu 3:10) “…anyone else who approached the sanctuary was to be put to death.” (Nu 3:38) So the ark was more than a storage place for the Ten Commandments. Secluded behind a curtain in the sanctuary, it ensured privacy, with access restricted to Moses and certain priests; access by the priests was allowed at a designated time, which may have been only once a year. The sanctuary was a private conference room for Moses and the Lord to discuss the business at hand, and to maintain security, unauthorized entry by anyone would result in the intruder’s death. Because of the nature of (possibly technological) discussions taking place, security was important. If anyone were to see whatever it was that allowed the Lord to speak with Moses, and maybe project a visual image, it would arouse unwanted curiosity. Other than the information in Moses’s five books, we can only speculate on what other subjects may have dominated the conversations between Moses and the Lord. The evidence suggests that Moses knew the Lord was not God, and that he traveled about in a craft that could fly, hover, and destroy an enemy with powerful weapons. Moses, being the curious fellow that he was, most likely endeavored to learn more about his technology. Only the Levites were to carry the ark when moving camp. The poles used to carry it were set into rings cast into its legs, which were not to be removed; so it appears the legs, or the rings, were insulated for the safety of its bearers. Since it would be out in the open, in full view of everyone when moving camp, it is logical to assume the Lord reset the ark’s security system so it would not recognize as an intruder anyone who happened to come near it. However, the Bible does mention two incidents in which people died when making physical contact with the ark. Chapter 4 in the book of

1 Samuel describes the first incident. When the Israelites went to battle the Philistines, they thought that if they brought the ark with them, they would automatically be victorious. Mystical beliefs were now beginning to cloud their concept of the Lord; they had no idea that he had been physically present in the past and used powerful weapons against their enemies; such stories had become relegated to myth status. However, they believed the Lord’s presence was inside the ark and that his supernatural powers would ensure their victory. This, of course, was not the case. And because the Lord had not authorized this battle, they lost the fight and the Philistines captured the ark. Chapter 5 in the book of 1 Samuel says the Philistines placed the ark in their own temple, next to a statue of Baal. It claims the Philistines found the statue mysteriously knocked over twice, the second time with the head and hands broken off, the implied message being that the ark had something to do with it. At one point, the Philistines became plagued with boils and sores erupting on their bodies. Blame might fall to natural causes or else a tactic the Lord used to intimidate the Philistines into returning the ark to the Israelites, but instead they moved it to the city of Gath. It wasn’t until an outbreak of boils began plaguing that city that they decided it was probably a good idea to return it. They put it on a cart along with a chest of treasures as a gesture of atonement, and two cows pulled it back across the border into the Israelites’ land. Overjoyed by its return, the Israelites set it up on a rock and sacrificed the cows. 1 Samuel 6:19 claims the ark killed seventy people who looked inside the ark. Again, this seems like an exaggerated number. Some Hebrew manuscripts say it was 50,070 people, but that’s absurd; I am inclined to believe it may have been less than ten. In any case, the Israelites may have forgotten the dangers associated with the ark or else did not take the stories seriously. It is believed the Philistines had it for two years, and surely they would have opened it, or tried to; and regardless of whether or not they did try to open it, since their culture had no writing, there is nothing on record about it.

But it is doubtful that the Israelites ever managed to open the ark, let alone look inside, since it was rigged to kill anyone who physically touched it. The Bible does not say whether the people died at the same time or in separate incidents, but it stands to reason that if it struck down one person, it would have served as a warning to others. It may have been a small group that had gathered who became too curious for their own good. If they were crowding around the ark, they probably would have been in physical contact with each other, and the system would have been triggered by the first hand that touched it. This tends to suggest electrocution; a high-voltage discharge would have been fatal to whoever touched the ark and anyone in a chain of physical contact with him. With its plating of pure gold, it was a perfect conductor of electricity. The second incident is described 2 Samuel 6:1–8. It occurred many years later, when David was having the ark brought to Jerusalem. It was transported on a cart pulled by oxen, but when the oxen stumbled, a man named Uzzah, who was walking beside it, reached out to steady it. But the moment his hand touched the side of the ark, he was struck dead—again suggesting possible electrocution. Whoever wrote 2 Samuel (or translated it) interpreted Uzzah’s death as God’s punishment for his act of irreverence. This is an obvious misperception, or an intentional distortion of the facts to portray an image of a vengeful God. If the incident occurred as described, common sense suggests that Uzzah’s act was not one of irreverence but rather a reflex action; he acted instinctively. Nevertheless, it suggests the ark’s systems had not been deactivated. As the time of Christ drew near, the Lord began to back out of the limelight. In the process, it was necessary to remove any evidence of technology, and the ark of the covenant would have been a primary concern. It was necessary to remove or deactivate the communication and security systems, but because the ark was a strong symbol of inspiration to the people, they guarded it well. The deaths of those who tried to open it, as well as that of a man who

tried to steady it on an oxcart, suggest it remained “hot” long after the time of Moses. Since it appears its primary purpose was to facilitate communication with Moses, there was seemingly no use for it after he was gone. While it was being stored during Solomon’s construction of a new temple in Jerusalem, it is possible that both David and Solomon may have had some communication with the Lord through it; this is something we will never know for sure. In any case, there was no longer a tent of meeting with a sanctuary to provide seclusion, so it was impossible to remove or deactivate the system unnoticed; they had to wait until it was in another secluded location. Their opportunity came during Solomon’s fourth year as king. Upon completion of the new temple, he had the ark brought in and placed in its inner sanctuary. Unlike the bright light observed when the ark was placed in the tent of meeting, this time 1 Kings 8:10–13 says a cloud filled the temple immediately after the ark was placed inside. It stands to reason that if people witnessed a cloud, they should also have seen the bright light of a teleporting beam that transported the angels down to remove or deactivate the systems. But because this new sanctuary was in a large stone building instead of a tent, any light emanating from within the inner sanctuary would probably not have been visible outside. But in this case, I suspect the cloud was simply a means of keeping people away while the angels did their work. Since there is no further mention in the Bible of the ark being responsible for anyone’s death, a reasonable assumption is that the communication and security systems had been removed—either that, or they remained in the ark, deactivated. The ark disappeared sometime prior to the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem in the sixth century BC. No one knows the exact date it disappeared, who removed it, or where it was taken. Until it is found, assuming it has not been dismantled it for its gold, we may never know for certain that it ever really existed. Theories abound as to what became of it, one being that Menelik, the alleged son of the queen of Sheba who was fathered by Solomon, brought it to

Ethiopia. Another is that the Knights Templar spirited it away and have it buried in a secret vault.414 Author Graham Hancock has conducted extensive research on the ark and believes that around 650 BC, priests secretly moved it south to the island of Elephantine in Egypt. This was when the king Manasseh defiled Solomon’s temple by installing a pagan god inside. According to Hancock’s research, the only Jewish temple in the world was in Jerusalem, and its sole purpose was to house the ark. However, he discovered that a second temple (since destroyed) was constructed on Elephantine, which he reasoned was used to house the ark when it was removed from Jerusalem.415 His research also suggests the ark remained on Elephantine for 240 years, until 410 BC, when a religious conflict arose between the Israelites and Egyptians. The Egyptians worshipped the ram as a god, which the Israelites used for sacrifices, and this created dissension between them. The priests then moved it to Tana Kirkos, a small island in the middle of Lake Tana in Ethiopia.416 It remained there for several centuries until around AD 850, when it was again moved, this time to the town of Aksum, where it now rests concealed from view in the Zion of Mary Chapel.417 Monks at Debre Damo, an isolated Ethiopian repository of holy scriptures, also claim the ark was on Tana Kirkos for several centuries before being taken to Aksum.418 Unfortunately it remains hidden from public view; only the man appointed guardian of the chapel has access to it, and he steadfastly maintains that it is there.419 Once appointed, the guardian of the ark must remain on the chapel’s grounds for life, never again to set foot on the outside. Only upon the guardian’s death is another chosen whose life is considered pure and free of sin. The guardian that Hancock interviewed through the iron fence surrounding the chapel, when asked, said there had been a few times when a guardian was chosen who was not worthy of the privilege and died when exposed to the ark. If this is true, then the ark has not been deactivated, which raises some serious questions.

If an unworthy guardian died when exposed to the ark, someone had to go in to remove the body. Obviously, the person or persons who did so survived exposure to the ark, unless the body was in a separate room. Those who originally transported the ark and placed it in the chapel apparently were not harmed. Was the ark deactivated during transport and reactivated after being placed in the chapel? If the ark was used to communicate with Moses during the Exodus and was protected by a security system to keep everyone else from seeing it, there was really no reason for it to be active after he was gone. So what reason could there now be to prevent the public from viewing it? Does the ark still hold the commandment tablets and other items that were allegedly placed in it?

Until the time comes when the public obtains viewing privileges, there is no way to corroborate the story. If the ark is there, it could provide evidence that will either prove or disprove that it once contained a device of alien technology. It is difficult to ignore the technological issues suggested in the Bible, even if they involve technologies we have not yet developed. Being familiar with those I have described will help you better understand the rest of the biblical scenario and that there is a technological side to the story when it is viewed in a logical context.


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evidence alluding to ancient extraterrestrial visitors could probably fill a book the size of Webster’s Complete and Unabridged Dictionary. What I have presented so far regarding hybrids and technology in the Bible may cause some of you to reevaluate your beliefs, but I have barely scratched the surface. As we explore the major biblical events, you will see how the various technologies (or at least what I perceive as such) and the creation of hybrids logically fit into the scenario of an alien agenda. If my ideas are correct, the plan is revealed in the scriptures, but its meaning has been obscured by the supernatural embellishments of organized religion. Nevertheless, it reveals what appears to be a series of controlled events designed to accelerate and upgrade the technological evolution of humanity. Now, I am not claiming this to be a fact of life; I am only presenting the evidence that suggests it. Some of my ideas are original, and some are not. I will be covering areas that others have only skimmed over in the past and will be raising questions that no one has ever thought to ask; however, I am going one step further by connecting all the dots to show the relationship between everything. But as I stated, it is only theory based on logical interpretations; you must draw your own conclusions. I have often heard preachers and evangelists claim that the Bible is the word of God. The truth is that there was no such thing as a Bible until approximately three hundred years before Christ, when religious

leaders began to incorporate the five books of Moses (known as the Torah, or the Pentateuch) into the Hebrew doctrine. Twenty-one other books eventually were added, and this became known in Christianity as the Old Testament. After the time of Christ, Christianity gradually evolved into a major religion, and twenty-seven new books were canonized, making up the New Testament. So except for the Torah, which was allegedly dictated to Moses by the Lord, the other books are simply a collection of stories written mostly by unknown authors who were expressing their personal views of events that occurred long before their own time, and no one really knows whether they are based on fact, derived from earlier Mesopotamian writings, or simply written to make a moral statement. And when we consider that these books were chosen from literally hundreds of others, many telling the same stories from different points of view, it is difficult to look upon the Bible as a record of historical fact. Many scholars believe that some of these stories were created simply to inspire humanity with the moral and ethical values they promote and that they should not be viewed in a literal sense. As for the extraterrestrial connection, it is based solely on the possibility that there is an element of truth to at least some of the stories as they are currently presented in the Bible. From childhood, our minds have been conditioned to accept a variety of mystical and supernatural beliefs as fact. Through the teachings of organized religion, we have been coerced into believing it is wrong not to believe what the Bible says, because that would be questioning the word of God, and questioning God could result in our spending eternity swimming in the fires of hell. This is religion’s brainwashing at its best. Growing up intimidated by this belief makes it difficult for us, even as adults, to perceive the biblical stories in any other fashion except through interpretations deeply rooted in the supernatural and mystical. Exploring alternative ideas may strengthen or diminish our belief in their reality, depending on how we choose to perceive them; but the existence of a supernatural God can be neither proved nor disproved and probably never will be. Adam’s Test

The Genesis account promotes the belief that Adam was created, not born. With no mention of parents or even a birth mother, it allowed religion to perpetuate the idea of a miraculous creation. But after examining the details of the creation story from a logical perspective, I could not help but suspect that Adam was a genetically engineered hybrid. When compared to the other Bible stories, it fits comfortably into the overall pattern of events. If we use the alien abduction pattern as a guide, in vitro fertilization may have been followed by a three-month gestation period in the womb of a human female. The fetus was then removed and gestation completed by artificial means. Like many of today’s abductees, Adam’s female host may never have been aware of her abduction or the fact that she was ever pregnant. The Bible tells us the Lord God placed Adam in a special environment located in the east, called the Garden of Eden, after which he created his mate, Eve. In all probability, this would have occurred while Adam was still very young. It would have been necessary to introduce them into the garden before they were old enough to imprint on any technological aspects of the environment of their creation. Had they become acclimated to such an atmosphere, relocating them to an outdoor setting could have been a traumatic experience. The logical assumption is that they were moved to the garden at an early enough age that they would easily adapt. But our perception of Adam and Eve living in the wild could be wrong. Archaeologists date the city of Jericho to around ten thousand years ago, and Göbekli Tepe in Turkey and Puma Punku in Peru up to twelve thousand years ago—proof that many civilizations existed long before Adam supposedly was created—so it is possible that they lived in a comfortable dwelling both in and outside of Eden. Nevertheless, someone had to take care of them until they were old enough to survive on their own, and in order to create a positive influence during their formative years, they would have had to play a parental role. It is likely that as they grew older, those tending to them gradually faded out of the picture. The only person with whom it appears they had occasional contact was the Lord God, whom the

Bible credits with creating the Garden of Eden, and who would have represented the ultimate authority figure. The only rule they were given was to avoid eating the fruit from a tree referred to as the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They were told that if they disobeyed this rule, they would die (be denied the opportunity of an unlimited life span). Breaking this rule would mean there was a flaw in Adam’s genetic programming. He would then be considered imperfect and susceptible to negative influences—an unacceptable role model for any future hybrids or the inhabitants of the outside world. It also meant that this imperfection would be passed on through his children. (As suggested earlier, this could have resulted from something that occurred during the period of womb gestation.) It is only natural that while they were growing up, Adam and Eve would have been curious about the forbidden fruit, but apparently they never touched it. It wasn’t until they were older that Adam’s wisdom, willpower, and obedience were put to the test. Hebrew scripture indicates that the tree of knowledge may have been a banana tree, but what it really was will probably never be known, assuming it even was a tree; it may only be a symbolic reference for whatever the real test was that he faced. But because it is usually depicted as an apple tree, many people have come to accept that as fact. If everything had gone as planned, Adam should have developed the wisdom to avoid temptation and the willpower to resist even the strongest efforts of intimidation. But the Bible clearly states that it was not Adam that was tempted, but Eve; it appears they used her to expose his weakness. She was Adam’s mate, his friend, his companion, and his lover, and she knew everything about him. If anyone had the power to influence him to act irresponsibly, it was she. But Adam was the star player in this production; it was his actions that would determine how things would proceed from this point on. The Bible portrays Eve’s tempter as a talking snake. But this might possibly be attributed to later translators acclimated to beliefs oriented in mysticism. Let’s be realistic; how many people believe

that a snake can talk? We know it is a ridiculous idea today, and why would it be any less ridiculous six thousand years ago? Ancient Hebrew legends describe Eve’s tempter as a being who stood upright, which is a much more logical idea to conceive. What is printed in the Bible is the scribe’s choice of what he thought the interpretation should be, and it is very misleading. Eve’s tempter was probably a humanoid being, though not necessarily human. As speculated earlier, it may be that he was of the same gray or reptilian species currently involved with the abductions. He tried to persuade Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, but she said that to do so would mean her death. He told her she would not die; instead she would become like God, knowing good and evil. This implies that she lacked the knowledge or the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. But both she and Adam knew it was against the rules to eat this fruit; therefore, they did know the difference between right and wrong (good and evil). The fruit looked and tasted good. Eve then gave some to Adam, and as we all know, neither of them died—at least not then. In fact, the Bible says Adam lived for 930 years and that Eve also lived a very long life. So why were they told they would die if they ate this fruit? The logical interpretation is that it was the act of eating the fruit— disobeying the rule—that was their death sentence. Their longevity depended on the tree of life. It was the fruit of this tree, combined with their enhanced genetics, that sustained them, and it was their eviction from Eden with no further access to it that condemned them to an eventual death. The plan was for them to have virtually unlimited life spans—providing, of course, they proved to be perfect specimens whose positive qualities would be passed on to each new generation. But as it turned out, they were not perfect—a factor that would also be passed on to their children. So it appears this imperfection was the factor that disqualified them from the game and the reason why they were put out of Eden and denied immortality. As I was growing up in the Catholic religion, the nuns taught that we are all born with original sin on our souls—that we are automatically guilty of the sin committed by Adam. But I always thought that was

ridiculous; how could we possibly be guilty of a sin while still in the womb? It was illogical. The logical interpretation of original sin is Adam’s imperfection. In all probability, it is a genetic factor we have all inherited (are guilty of) to some degree. After eating the fruit, they suddenly realized the seriousness of their actions and were genuinely afraid of what the consequences would be if the Lord God found out. The Bible says they suddenly realized they were naked and sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves, and when they heard the Lord God coming, they ran into the woods and hid among the trees. The fact that they knew how to sew fig leaves together and conversed with the Lord God implies they were intelligent, so their sudden realization that they were naked makes no sense. Their knowing they were naked means they knew about clothes. Surely they remembered that those who tended them in their younger years wore clothing, and it is difficult to picture the Lord God arriving in the nude whenever he paid them a visit, so it was obviously just an excuse they made up for why they were hiding. They were afraid the Lord God would find out they had broken the rule, so they hid in the woods, hoping he would not see them and leave. It is almost certain the Lord God had monitored the test and knew what they had done. After confronting them, he proceeded to chastise the tempter. But if this was a test, why admonish the one who conducted it? Restrictions were placed on the couple to see if they possessed the positive qualities to be the progenitors of the new race who would obey the rule, in which case it would have been the tempter’s job to do everything in his power to make them disobey it. So would he not have been working in concert with the Lord God? In his diatribe, the Lord God said he would create enmity between the seed of the tempter and the woman, which makes no sense, since they would probably never see each other again. He also said that the woman (meaning women) would now suffer pain in childbearing. The only thing that can logically be associated with this discomfort is the tree of life, since they would now be deprived of its fruit. It probably would not have affected Eve for many years, if at all. But as the beneficial effect of this fruit wore off and life spans

became shorter, childbirth would gradually become painful for the women of later generations. Since there are no trees on Earth that provide immortality, the tree of life (if it was a tree) had to be something that the aliens either created or brought with them from their own or another world. It is also mentioned in the book of Revelation, which says it will provide immortality to those living with Christ in a new city after his return and one-thousand-year reign. The implication is that this fruit somehow retards the aging process, and that those who regularly eat of it will be blessed with unlimited life spans. However, if they were suddenly denied this fruit, its effect would gradually wear off; they would eventually grow old and die. Depending on how many years they had consumed this fruit was a factor that would determine how long they and their immediate descendants would live without it. So to ensure their mortality, a security device in the form of a flaming sword flashing back and forth was installed at the entrance to Eden to prevent them further access to it. Adam allowed Eve to seduce him into breaking the law; the positive genetic qualities that he should have manifested, for some reason, did not take hold. Something, perhaps in the biological makeup of the woman they used to initiate his gestation, inhibited or contaminated certain enhanced elements of his genetic program. So the plan to create more hybrids was put on hold. Depending on how things went, Adam’s descendants could present a major problem, so each succeeding generation would have to be closely monitored. The book of Enoch suggests that the decision to destroy Adam and Eve’s descendants had been made early on, so why did the Lord wait for over a thousand years? A reasonable assumption is that he needed to make a complete evaluation and to see how long Adam and Eve and their immediate descendants would live; they had to get some idea of how long it would take for life cycles to return to normal. If they digressed rapidly, there would be no problem, but if it was going to take a few thousand years, the race would have to be eliminated so they could start over in time to meet the project’s deadline.

The Deity Image Something I am willing to bet most people are unaware of is that while Adam and Eve were in Eden, there was no worshipping of a god or making sacrifices to one. That did not start until after their eviction. That is when it appears it became necessary to create an authority figure they would have to answer to for their indiscretions. Nothing in the Bible explains how or why this practice originated. However, in the time of Moses, the Lord dictated specific instructions on the preparation and offering of animal sacrifices; only the best animals with no imperfections were to be used. It was considered an act of atonement for sins committed, and since it appears this same ritual was practiced by Cain and Abel, it is reasonable to assume that it was instituted by the Lord, which eventually led to him being perceived as a deity. Exactly what their relationship was with the Lord God while in Eden is unknown. Since no sacrifices or god-worship are mentioned, they may have had an open relationship with him until their eviction. Assuming it was extraterrestrials who were in control of Eden, they could no longer let themselves be known for who they really were. Consistent interaction with them would have eventually yielded technological secrets they were not yet mature enough to handle. So direct involvement now had to be avoided, which meant control could be maintained only through an image that humans would fear and respect; thus we eventually came to perceive them as gods. The Changing of the Gods Once Adam and Eve were out of Eden, it seems, the Lord God disappeared. The responsibility of Adam and his descendants suddenly shifted to a different individual known simply as the Lord. The titles of “Lord” and “Lord God” have the same connotation as “manager” and “assistant manager,” or “general” and “major general.” So it is possible that these titles were designations of authority or rank. Evidently, the Lord’s rank was higher, because it seems that he made all the important decisions after he took over. So if, as the Bible claims, the Lord dictated to Moses all the

information contained in the Torah, it would appear that in Genesis he made a clear distinction between himself and the Lord God. Adam and Eve now had to fend for themselves in the outside world, and after the birth of their third child, Seth, nothing more is said about them. I would assume they had always been aware of the people on the outside and had been brought up speaking their language. If it were intended for them and future hybrids to blend with these people, being able to speak their language would have been a great advantage. An indication of what was to come was evident in their first offspring, Cain. It appears he did not have the power to control his emotions; nor did he apply his talents to their fullest potential. In their offerings to the Lord, Abel, who raised animals, sacrificed only the best of his flock; but Cain, who worked the fields, provided a meager offering. Though he complimented Abel on his sacrifice, the Lord admonished Cain, telling him he could have done a lot better. Adam’s defect manifested strongly in Cain, and he let his emotions get the better of him; he became jealous of his brother and murdered him. I suspect there probably was more involved than the belittling of Cain for an unacceptable sacrifice. I suspect the Lord had been riding him all along by purposely showing favoritism toward Abel. He pushed Cain to the breaking point, as he needed to know how far he would actually go; it would be an indication of what to expect in future generations. When the Lord learned that he had killed his brother, he went to Cain and asked him where Abel was, and Cain responded with “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9). Because of his arrogant and violent nature, it was necessary to relocate him, for fear that he may commit more acts of violence, possibly against his parents; it was important that they be monitored to learn how long they would live. So the Lord banished Cain from the land. He went (or was transported) to a place far to the east called Nod, where he took a wife, had a son, and even built a city. Who Was Cain’s Wife?

Those who take the scriptures literally believe that Cain’s wife had to be one of his sisters—one of the many subsequent children produced by Adam and Eve. Others, in a feeble attempt to rationalize, believe that Cain’s son resulted from a sexual union between Cain and his mother, Eve. They all believe the same myth —that Adam and Eve were the only people on the earth at that time. But if Cain was banished to a land far away from his parents, then he couldn’t have mated with his mother. As for him marrying one of his sisters, it is possible; however, the statistics, according to the Bible, make this very unlikely. Up until the flood, most men did not become fathers until they were at least 65 years of age or older, and in many cases, over 180. Starting with Seth, if we average it out, each time a first son was born, grew up, took a wife, and had his first son, an average span of about one hundred years had elapsed. And this is how it went for nine hundred years. How long did it take them to produce a second child? It’s likely that daughters were born first in some cases, but there is no mention of them, and even if this happened, it might have been decades before Cain encountered any of his sisters or other female relatives, such as nieces and cousins. But this chronology accounts only for the descendants of Seth, not the later children of Adam and Eve, who assimilated into the native population, where the men produced children at an earlier age with women whose fertility cycles were normal; it was well over a thousand years before the fertility cycles of Adam’s female descendants gradually returned to normal. In any case, it is more probable that Cain married a woman native to the region in which he had been relocated, and the most convincing evidence of this is found in Genesis 4:14, which states that when Cain was being banished, he expressed to the Lord his fear that “whoever finds me will kill me” (Genesis 4:14). To whom was he referring? This was before Seth was born, and since he had killed Abel, there were no other siblings. So to whom could he have been referring if not an already existing population? According to Genesis 4:15, the Lord put a mark on Cain that was supposed to protect him from any potential slayer. Whatever the

mark was, it had to be something the general population would recognize as a symbol that he was under the protection of a higher authority, and it could have been in the form of a tattoo or a brand, such as ranchers put on their cattle. But what kind of mark or symbol would be recognized, respected, or even feared by the general population? That is something we may never know. It soon became evident that things were deteriorating. Although not all Adam’s descendants were affected, issues were apparent in many. As they began mating with the local population, they were spreading Adam’s virus on to them. A great number exhibited a weakness of character, and many developed abnormal and perverted sexual habits; deviant sexual behavior gradually became a prominent factor. But not all were affected. One such person was Enoch, Adam’s great-great-great-great-great-grandson, who, according to the Bible, developed a close association with the Lord. After the birth of his son Methuselah when he was sixty-five years old, he and the Lord became very close for the next three hundred years. Then the Lord took him from the earth (Genesis 5:24). In other words, he never died. As we will see later, going with the Lord seems to have been the ultimate reward for those with whom he had established a personal relationship and who assisted him in fulfilling his agenda. Enoch may have provided valuable assistance in its early phase, and it is possible that he, too, was a hybrid. But the Bible passes over the first thousand years in just three short pages. Many people are mentioned, but little or nothing is said about them. According to Erich von Däniken, the book of Enoch was accepted into the canon of the early Abyssinian (Ethiopian) Church. Part of the scripture tells how the guardians of heaven transported Enoch up to their leader (the Lord), who, according to the description, was in a large ship in orbit around the earth. Among the things he described of this visit were the receipt of astronomical information and advance knowledge of Noah’s flood (which did not occur until several hundred years later). It also says that these guardians were in trouble; they had become sexually involved with the women of Earth and fathered

many children. This resulted in a “mixing of genes” that produced children of extremely tall stature. Hoping to lessen the degree of trouble they had gotten themselves into, they asked Enoch to speak to the Lord on their behalf.420 This implies that Enoch had influence with the Lord, which also suggests he knew who the Lord really was. Since these guardians broke the law and fathered children with Earth women, it would appear they were stationed on Earth for many years during the Lord’s absence. And how do we know he was absent? It stands to reason that if the Lord had been around, they probably would not have gotten away with it. So it seems there were times when he returned to his own world or went elsewhere and left the guardians as monitors to take care of any problems that might arise until he returned. It would appear that in the course of their duties, they began mingling with the local population, and this socializing led to intimate relationships with many young women and, inevitably, the births of many children. But we have no way of knowing whether the women they were involved with were the direct descendants of Adam and Eve or whether they included the local inhabitants. I think the most logical assumption would be both, because after leaving Eden, Adam and Eve’s later children would have melded into the local population. Therefore, Adam’s virus was being spread all over the place, and it is likely that many of the aliens’ offspring eventually became affected. Their sexual involvement is clearly described in the Bible, as is the Lord’s intention to eliminate the hybrid race he had created. When men began to increase in numbers on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.” (Ge 6:1-3) The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of

man and had children by them. They were heroes of old, men of renown. (Ge 6:4) “Nephilim” is defined in Webster’s Third International Dictionary as “a biblical race of giants or demigods,” and “demigod” as “the offspring of a deity and a mortal.”421 This suggests they were the offspring of angels—normal human-looking beings whom the people considered to be the sons of God because they had come down from the heavens. Genesis 6:4 says “they were heroes of old, men of renown,” but it is unclear whether “they” pertains to the sons of God or their children; one can take it either way. But if they really were heroes and men of renown, then who were they? The Bible mentions nothing about them except to say that their offspring were men of extremely tall stature. Goliath, the giant killed by David, supposedly was one of their descendants and was said to be over nine feet tall. The book of Enoch mentions many of them by name and says they numbered about two hundred. In chapter 8, it says they taught men a great deal about astronomy, taught them how to work with metals and dyes, and introduced them to weapons of war. They also taught them many other things that would eventually lead to technical advancement. They had provided Adam’s descendants with knowledge they were not meant to have, thereby compounding an already serious situation. The Nephilim are later referred to in Exodus as Anakites or Anakim, the descendants of Anak, and it is stated that they were wiped out when the Israelites first entered the Promised Land. Genesis 6:4 says “they were on the earth in those days — and also afterward — .” The em dashes preceding and following the words “and also afterward” appear in some Bibles instead of commas, which adds emphasis to the fact that the Nephilim were around before, as well as after, the flood. We know “those days” refers to the time before the flood and “and also afterward” refers to the time after the flood. So why does organized religion teach us that Noah and his family were the only survivors? Allowing for the possibility (or, in this case, the probability) that religion has completely distorted the

context of the story, Noah and his family were not the only survivors. The Bible clearly states that the descendants of the Nephilim were still around and were one of the first groups to be defeated by the Israelites in the Promised Land after their exodus from Egypt. If this is true, it means the flood could not have been as devastating as the Bible makes it out to be. Now let me bring your attention to the part of Genesis 6:3 that states, Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.” The footnote relating to Genesis 6:3 states that the word translated from the ancient texts meaning “contend” also means “remain.” Depending on which word is correct, the sentence could have two different meanings. Although some Bibles may use different words in this passage, the general interpretation is the same. Apparently the scribes who did the original translation favored the “contend” interpretation because they assumed the Lord was expressing his anger for the evils that men were doing. They say the Lord’s spirit will not contend (struggle, strive, or put up) with mankind forever, because they are mortal, and they will live for only about 120 years. But that is because the Lord cut them off from the tree of life. And humans never really were immortal; they were always susceptible to death by accident, murder, or even suicide. If, however, we use the word “remain” instead of “contend,” it appears to be a distinct reference to the hybrid genes that failed to manifest in Adam’s bloodline. The Lord is saying that “His Spirit” (his own genetic qualities pertaining to longevity) was deteriorating in the man’s body (“will not remain with man forever”) because they no longer had access to the tree of life, and for this reason their life span would diminish and they would die (“for he is mortal; his days will [now] be a hundred and twenty years”). The benefits acquired from the tree of life were ebbing away; fewer people were living for 900 years. They began dying at 800 years of age and younger. At this rate, it would have taken a few thousand years before life cycles stabilized around 120 years, and by then the problem would have multiplied to uncontrollable proportions. To meet the deadline, they had to start over much sooner. The Lord said,

“I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth …” (Ge 6:7) Here we seem to have a double entendre that could mean the Lord was going to wipe out either the entire human race or just those of Adam’s lineage. Since humans existed long before the time of Adam, the words “mankind, whom I have created” would seem to refer to the direct descendants of Adam (the hybrid race), whom he created—the ones who were the problem. Their numbers were now great, and they were scattered throughout the entire land, so the only logical solution was to wipe them out with a flood; it was the only sure way of eliminating the majority of them. There were sure to be survivors, but they would be an insignificant number, at least for a while. But like Enoch, there were those unaffected by Adam’s virus. Noah was one of these exceptional ones; he was not influenced or intimidated by the evil and perversion that prevailed throughout the land. His genes represented the positive qualities infused into the first race. He and his family were considered to be righteous people, and so it was decided to use them to salvage the project. We should note that the Bible makes no mention of events that occurred prior to Adam’s creation, so whatever transpired previously may be considered irrelevant. But the Lord allegedly had Moses document everything that occurred from that point on up to, and including, what took place during his own lifetime. But before proceeding in the sequence of events, it is important to examine one important element of the aliens’ agenda: longevity.


This chapter deals with the following issues: • • •

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the longevity factors an altered fertility cycle why they had to eliminate Adam’s descendants

the god involved with Adam and Eve was still around and involved with Christ four thousand years later, it would appear that he and all the human-looking aliens live extremely long lives. And this appears to be a factor they intended to incorporate into humanity. Unfortunately, it did not turn out as planned, and they had to abandon the idea. If, however, the information in Revelation is valid, the longevity factor will be reintroduced sometime after Christ’s return and one-thousand-year reign—assuming, that is, that he will return. After their eviction from Eden, and with no further access to the tree of life, Adam and Eve lost all chances for an extended life. It appears that the longevity part of the aliens’ plan, plus Adam’s failure, set their agenda behind schedule by two thousand years. The time in Eden was used to first evaluate the strength of Adam’s programmed genetics and determine whether they were stable enough to prevail in his descendants before introducing them into the existing population. But something apparently compromised his genetic program. He was susceptible to negative influences and therefore deemed unsuitable for improving the genetic quality of the

existing population. They shelved the plan to create more hybrids, and with no further access to the tree of life to replenish their longevity benefits, those benefits eventually wore off, and the couple grew old and died. Another detail to consider is the fact that Adam and Eve had no children while living in Eden, and how long they lived there is unknown. Their first son, Cain, was born sometime after their eviction, though how long after is also unknown. It is also unknown how many years elapsed after Cain was born before Able was born, but evidence presented later suggests it could have been as many as twenty years. However, the story reveals that Seth, his third son, was born when Adam was 130 years old. Does it not seem a bit odd that in the 130 years of his life, Adam produced only three children? Was this because he and Eve did not have intercourse very often? That seems unlikely. Could it be that the longevity factor they extracted from Adam’s DNA and incorporated into Eve’s genetic code resynchronized her ovulation period from a monthly cycle to one separated by decades? We might assume that for it to be effective, this was done while she was still an infant. A woman can conceive only during her fertile period. Based on the average life cycle today, this period occurs about once a month (every twenty-eight days). If Eve lived for several hundred years, as the Bible claims, would it have been natural for her fertile period to be on a monthly cycle? If so, she could have had a multitude of children in her lifetime, but in all probability the strain on her body would have had a negative effect on her life span. Therefore, it is only logical that Eve’s menstrual cycle was synchronized with her longevity. She may have become fertile only every ten or twenty years. Was it the element extracted from Adam’s DNA that enabled her to absorb the longevity benefits from the tree of life, which also regulated her ovulation cycle? The Bible says Adam lived for 930 years and that his immediate children also lived for hundreds of years. It also says many of his male descendants did not become fathers until they were around 180 years old, while others became fathers around age 65.

Since it appears they did not begin producing children until around age 65, that suggests they may not have reached puberty until they were around 50 or 60 years of age. It also suggests that those who produced children around age 180 took wives directly descended from Eve, who inherited her fertility cycle. Those who had children around age 65 were likely Adam’s later children that melded into the local population, from whom they took wives whose life spans and fertility cycles were normal. As the beneficial effects of the tree of life wore off, the Bible reveals that the life spans of Adam’s children became shorter and shorter and eventually stabilized around 120 years, and women’s fertility cycles apparently resynchronized accordingly and returned to normal. There is, however, one story from the early 1990s that may be related to the longevity factor. If the story is true, it raises the question of how far Adam’s descendants actually spread out during his lifetime. Ötzi the Iceman One of the subjects I brought up in the first edition of this book was that of Ötzi the Iceman, who was discovered in 1992 in the Austrian Alps. Buried in the ice for five thousand years, his well-preserved body yielded information that is forcing scientists to reevaluate their beliefs regarding the era in which he lived. Ötzi’s time was seven hundred years after the creation of Adam, and since the Bible says Adam lived for 930 years, that means Adam would still have been alive. Radiocarbon dating of bone and skin samples confirmed that Ötzi died fifty-two hundred to fifty-three hundred years ago, circa 3380– 3280 BC. He made his hat, jacket, and leggings from leather and fur and stuffed his shoes with grass for insulation. His axe was almost pure copper, and his hair contained high levels of copper and arsenic, suggesting he may have smelted the copper himself. Further tests revealed he suffered from osteoarthritis. Scientists speculated he may have received acupuncture treatment for it, because tattoos on his body correspond to acupuncture points

associated with treating back and leg pain. But this was a thousand years before the first known tattoos appeared in Egypt and about two thousand years before acupuncture is believed to have originated in China.422 Ötzi’s X-rays and CAT scans revealed a partially closed carotid artery and indicated that he suffered from arterial sclerosis, suggesting he may have been sixty to seventy years old at the time of his death. Chemical analysis conducted on his bones, however, suggested he was in his late forties. But the scientists were in for another surprise when X-rays of the jaw revealed that Ötzi still had his wisdom teeth, which had not broken through—something that typically occurs during adolescence today.423 So a conundrum exists about Ötzi’s age at the time of his death. Nothing about him fits the pattern of human maturation today, but his wisdom teeth suggest he may have matured at a much slower rate and had a life span far beyond what is common today. A later review of Otzi’s X-rays revealed an arrowhead embedded in his back, which may explain his seemingly premature death.424 Was Ötzi one of Adam’s direct descendants? If so, that could add credibility to the Bible’s claim of Adam and many of his descendants living for hundreds of years. If he was a direct descendant of Adam, he lived in an area far removed from the land of his ancestors, which brings into question how far Adam’s children spread out during his lifetime. We find people who lived to be nine hundred or a thousand years old mentioned in some ancient Roman, Chinese and Egyptian writings; however, since it appears Ötzi died prematurely from being shot with an arrow, we will never know for sure how long he might have lived. It appears that providing humanity with an extended life cycle was revealed to be a mistake when Adam failed his test of obedience; it set the aliens’ agenda behind schedule. They now had to determine how long it would take for the longevity benefits to wear off and for life cycles to return to normal before they could implement a new plan. And the evidence suggests the aliens did have a backup plan —a plan to create a new race to replace Adam’s race. They had to

prevent Adam’s descendants from growing in population to the point where they would become a dominant and negative influence over a new race. So before a new plan could be implemented, they had to determine how long it would take for the longevity factor to wear off and for life cycles to return to normal. If it took less than a thousand years, the population would not grow to a critical level, owing to the long periods between women’s fertility cycles. However, if it took more than a thousand years, that would necessitate their elimination. After evaluating the situation for an entire millennium—or at least until Adam died—it became evident that it was going to take much longer. Because there was a deadline to meet, it appears they had a window of only two thousand years to resume the project, so elimination became necessary. But because Adam’s descendants were scattered throughout the land and spreading his genetic imperfection into the local population, they would not be able to eliminate all of them. They could take out the majority by creating a devastating flood, but there would be survivors, because many would have settled beyond the boundaries of the flood area. They would be a small insignificant number and pose no problem—at least for the time being. They could be dealt with later. The time had come to implement the new plan. ♦♦♦♦♦ When we look at the Creation story from a logical perspective, it suggests the intention was to upgrade the technical evolution and moral behavior of the human race on a genetic level. The fact that Adam and Eve were told not to eat from the tree of knowledge suggests it was meant to be a test to determine whether their programmed genetics would enhance positive qualities and eliminate, or at least minimize, any negative characteristics. It was important that Adam possess the wisdom to make the right decision when the time came. What other possible reason could there have been to subject him to a test of temptation? But since he failed the test, it would appear there was a problem. The next step was for the aliens to determine what they were to do about it.


T here are many questions regarding Noah’s flood. Many believe the biblical version is a true account, while others believe it is allegorical and should not be viewed in a literal sense. Some believe biblical writers borrowed the story from the Epic of Gilgamesh, an ancient Sumerian text that incorporates a similar story that occurred several thousand years earlier involving a man named Utnapishtim. Could it be that later writers adapted the Sumerian account to fit a more theological concept? Whatever the case, a logical analysis easily discredits the biblical version. In this chapter, we will explore the possibility that Noah may have been a hybrid human created to play a critical role in a disaster that the aliens either created or knew was about to occur. We will also examine other proposed sources responsible for the flood and see how Adam’s virus surfaced in one of Noah’s sons. Also examined are details pertaining to the Tower of Babel story and how it relates to the aliens’ control over advancement. As we move forward to circa 2344 BC, the Bible describes how the decadence spawned by Adam’s descendants had grown to intolerable levels. The Genesis phase with Adam had failed, and the time had come to correct the situation. The Lord needed another race, which meant the first one had to go—or at least the majority of them—lest their perversions become a dominant influence and have an adverse effect upon their replacement. The Bible says the Lord accomplished this by creating a flood.

If, however, the flood was a real event, the biblical account is an exaggeration; there is not enough water on the planet to create an inundation of the magnitude it describes.425 If the water level reached the height described in the Bible on a global scale, we would all be underwater right now, because there would have been no place for it to go, and that much water would have had to come from somewhere else. It is possible the Lord had the technology to control the weather and may have created a storm system that generated several weeks of heavy rain over the land, creating devastating floods and causing widespread death and destruction. Genesis 7:11 says much of this water came from deep underground reservoirs, but even that could not match the Bible’s account. However, there could be another explanation. We know that as the ice age came to an end, melting glaciers caused a gradual rise in ocean levels. Marine geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman theorize that as the level of the Mediterranean Sea rose, it penetrated an earthen dam in what is now the Bosporus, spilling saltwater hundreds of feet down into the Black Sea. They estimate the spill rate would have been two hundred times greater than that of Niagara Falls, inundating the entire basin region with water rising at approximately six inches per day, but any settlements located near the Bosporus would have been swept away almost immediately by the initial surge of water. Adding credibility to this idea are fossilized shells of freshwater sea life recovered from the Black Sea, indicating it was originally a freshwater lake.426 In 1999, Robert Ballard, the man who found the Titanic, discovered an ancient shoreline and a flat beach area at a depth of 550 feet.427 His team came up with more supportive evidence in September of 2000 when they discovered what appears to have been human habitation at a depth of over three hundred feet. They took underwater photographs and video footage of what looks like stone tools and the remnants of a structure.428 Ryan and Pitman estimate this inundation would have occurred between fifty-five hundred and seventy-five hundred years ago.429

They said the location is right, and they claim that the fifty-fivehundred-year estimate is close to the timeline in the biblical account. But the biblical account places it circa 2344 BC, whereas Ryan and Pitman’s estimate would place it around 3500 BC, when Adam was only five hundred years old. I remind you there is archaeological evidence suggesting that many of the biblical events, assuming they did occur, took place at a much earlier time than what the Bible claims. Some of the data is hard to dispute, which suggests that the timelines associated with many of the biblical stories could be inaccurate. According to Erich von Däniken, one of the Qumran texts discovered near the Dead Sea is the scroll of Lamech, Noah’s father. Although it is in fragments, it suggests that Noah may not have been Lamech’s biological son.430 Lamech had been away for a long time—exactly how long is unknown—and when he returned, he did not believe Noah was his son, because Noah bore no resemblance to his other children. Lamech accused his wife, Bat-Enosh, of being unfaithful and suspected she had been intimate with one of the sons of heaven (the Nephilim). But she swore by everything holy that he was the father. Lamech went to his father, Methuselah, and told him of the child and his suspicions, and Methuselah, in turn, sought counseling from his father, Enoch. Enoch told Methuselah that the Lord was going to wipe out the evil of the earth and had chosen Noah to preserve the seed of mankind, and that Lamech should accept him. But biblical chronology places the birth of Noah some sixty-nine or seventy years after the Lord took Enoch from the earth. So if Enoch was gone, how could Methuselah have talked to him? Exactly where the Lord took him is unknown, but the fact that he was still alive presents the possibility that he returned periodically. Unfortunately, that is something we may never know. Considering that the scroll is very fragmented, much of it missing, fitting together the existing pieces leaves much to speculation. Mentioning the sons of heaven, however, raises an interesting point. If their children were extremely tall men, as the Bible suggests,

and if Noah was one of their offspring, it stands to reason that he, too, would have been a giant of a man. But since the scriptures mention nothing about his height, this is unlikely to be true. On the other hand, this could mean that Noah was a hybrid. That would make sense, since the Lord used him for the specific purpose of continuing the project. And according to Erich von Däniken, Lamech’s scroll also indicates that Noah was the result of the sons of heaven inseminating his wife, thereby suggesting Noah was a hybrid.431 And Genesis 6:9 says Noah was perfect in all his generations, which could be an indication of his genetic status. Nevertheless, it appears the Lord chose Noah to preserve the positive genetics intended for the first race until he created a second race, so he gave him specific instructions on how to build an ark. It was to be three hundred cubits in length, fifty cubits in width, and thirty cubits in height. The measure of a cubit was based on the length of the forearm from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, and estimates vary from eighteen to twenty-one inches. In the unlikely event that Noah was a giant offspring of the Nephilim and a cubit measured from his arm, conceivably, the ark could have been larger than the Titanic. But scholars suggest it was about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. In any case, it had to be large enough to hold Noah and his family plus all the animals and enough food to feed them for at least a year, since that is how long the Bible indicates they were on board. The Bible mentions nothing as to how Noah collected the animals, so that remains a mystery. Left to the imagination of those absorbed in religious beliefs, most films and literature depict the event as a miraculous display of God’s divine power over all creatures. They show Noah leading wild beasts calmly from their habitats and into the ark, while others show a parade of animals magically arriving on their own, two by two. From the various depictions, it is obvious that no one knows how Noah accomplished such an amazing task, although they continue to propagate their mystical beliefs in how they portray the event. It is nice to believe things occurred in such an orderly fashion, but assuming the story is even true, I think Noah and

his sons would have had to set many traps, and it’s doubtful the animals were as docile as they are customarily portrayed. Since it is illogical that the flood was worldwide, we might assume that the Lord created it and confined it to the local region, which wiped out many of Adam’s descendants and many of the local population they had contaminated. The Bible says it took forty days for the rains to flood the land and ten to eleven months for the water to recede. But the number forty is a misnomer in the biblical narrative. Anyone familiar with biblical history knows that “forty” and “seven” denote ambiguous amounts. People used “forty” in the same context that we use expressions like “tons,” “heaps,” and “oodles” to indicate large amounts or a lot of something. The term “forty days,” as applied to the length of time the rains fell, simply means that it rained for a very long time. Exactly how long it rained is unknown. It is still the belief of many that when the waters began to recede, the ark came to rest on top of Mount Ararat. This is a perfect example of people accepting ideas for which there is no basis in fact. The Bible says that the ark came to rest on the “mountains” of Ararat, not “mountain,” which means it could have set down anywhere in the region. And another piece of misinformation is that the flood was global—an erroneous assumption based on illogical beliefs. Genesis 7:20 says the water rose to twenty feet above the mountain peaks, which is unlikely. The most recent scientific measurement show the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, located on the border of Nepal and the Chinese province of Tibet, to be 29,029 feet above sea level432 and Mount Ararat in Turkey at 16,945 feet.433 Even if the water covered only Ararat, it is unlikely that the ark came to rest on top of the mountain. Can you imagine large bulkyframed animals like short-legged hippos and rhinos, not to mention huge and cumbersome elephants, scaling their way down almost 17,000 feet from the top of a mountain—a mountain that is a difficult challenge for even the hardiest of men? And if the flood rose to twenty feet above Mount Everest, and if it was worldwide, then the

entire planet would have been beneath 29,049 feet of water. That means sea level would have risen to that altitude! Where did all that water go? Even if it covered only Ararat, sea level would have been at almost 17,000 feet; again, where did all that water go? Equally puzzling is where it came from. According to the United States Geological Survey, the total amount of water on the earth equals about 332.5 million cubic miles. That includes oceans, ice caps, glaciers, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and water in the atmosphere.434 It was hard to find an accurate calculation of how much more water would be needed cover Mount Everest, but most estimates suggested it would take at least two or three times the amount of water that the USGS says exists on the planet. Another point is the altitude. The air becomes thinner above ten thousand feet. Now, granted, the body can gradually adjust to functioning at much higher altitudes, even above Ararat’s 16,945-foot elevation. But Noah and his family were acclimated to conditions existing at or near sea level. The daily routine of chores, such as feeding and cleaning up after all the animals, would have been a monumental task. Cleaning the cages of feces and urine and disposing of it had to be a daily routine, especially with the larger animals, as it is unlikely they would let it pile up and create a health hazard. Carrying sacks of feed up and down ladders or ramps to the various levels, shoveling hay, and wielding heavy implements would have been strenuous under any condition, but if the water level rose gradually, I suppose it is possible their bodies could have adjusted. But at such an altitude, there would have been a considerable drop in temperature. Whether they built fires inside the ark is unknown, but because of the vast amount of hay that Noah would have had to store, and being that he constructed the ark out of wood, it would have been very risky, especially on a windy day if the ark was bouncing around in choppy water. Of course, one might theorize that a comfortable temperature was maintained by the body heat produced by all the animals.

If, however, the story is true, we must assume they had some form of lamps or lanterns to be able to maneuver around in the dark. Today snow and a deep glacier of ice cover Ararat’s peak all year long, making it a very difficult trek for anyone. Many who have tried have found it almost impossible. We don’t know for sure what the climate was like five thousand years ago, but we do know that most regional climatic changes occurred around ten thousand years ago, at the end of the ice age. So the odds are that the climate on Ararat during Noah’s time was not much different from what it is today. We know this to be the case in the Austrian Alps, where the “iceman” lay frozen in a layer of ice for the last five thousand years. But even if Ararat had been free of snow and ice, it still would have been impossible for large animals like elephants, etc., to scale their way down from the top. The flood story contains one of many discrepancies found in the Bible. Genesis 6:19 says the Lord told Noah to take two of each animal aboard the ark, while Genesis 7:2 claims it was seven of each clean animal. Nevertheless, if the biblical account of a global flood is true, except for the creatures in the sea, Noah would have had to collect every type of life that existed: animal, bird, reptile, insect, etc. Logic, however, tells us that he could take only those indigenous to the region in which he lived. I doubt that koala bears, kangaroos, penguins, and polar bears, plus a variety of other species, were native to the area, which means that Noah would have had to travel to the four corners of the earth to collect them. If that were the case, he would have needed dozens of arks to accommodate them. And if, as the Bible claims, it took him one hundred years to build just one, I think you can see the logic in where this is going. A logical conclusion is that the flood, if it really occurred, was confined to the region where most of Adam’s descendants resided, and it was not as devastating as organized religion would like us to believe. One theory proposed in an episode of the Ancient Aliens television series is that Noah’s Ark was not a boat but a DNA bank.435 It is extremely unlikely that Noah would have had any knowledge of DNA

or the means of collecting it, let alone a cryogenic facility needed to store it; that is something we might expect an extraterrestrial race to be capable of. If the flood was so devastating that it necessitated preserving the DNA of many species, it makes no sense to have a man spend a century building an enormous boat and collect animals to bring aboard. The DNA Bank is a reasonable theory worthy of consideration, but only if the flood was a global event. Of course, it is possible the flood was a natural disaster, and Ryan and Pitman’s theory presents a strong possibility. But the Bible’s claim of the Lord instructing Noah to build the ark a hundred years in advance may be a metaphorical way of telling us that the Lord knew the flood was going to happen—either that or he created it. With the technology at his disposal, he surely would have been aware of the Mediterranean’s rising water level and that it would eventually break through the Bosporus and flood the basin region, thus providing a convenient solution to the problem. As for the flood being a global event, anyone who has studied world history knows that Egypt’s fifth dynasty was in existence before and after the flood (2465–2323 BC), as were the Sumerians, who flourished from 4000 BC until around 2000 BC. Logic, as well as historical fact, tells us that if biblical chronology is accurate, the flood could not have been the devastating event that the Bible makes it out to be. If, however, biblical chronology is not accurate, which is a possibility, the flood could have occurred several thousand years earlier and been more devastating as a result of whatever climatic conditions prevailed at that time. And that would suggest that the biblical account was probably borrowed from ancient Mesopotamian writings. Another point is that even if Noah was a hybrid or was unaffected by Adam’s virus, it was still possible for it to manifest in his descendants through his wife’s bloodline, and Genesis 9:22–27 is a clue that it did. Without being specific, it suggests that either Noah’s youngest son, Ham, or Ham’s son Canaan sodomized Noah while he slept naked and drunk in his tent after consuming too much wine.

However, Genesis 9:24 says Noah cursed his grandson Canaan, thereby suggesting he was the guilty party. Chapter 10 of Genesis lists the clans that descended from Noah’s sons and says that many of Canaan’s descendants migrated toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, the cities slated for destruction by the Lord because of their antisocial and perverted ways. After the flood, long life spans decreased dramatically. Noah’s sons lived for only 400–600 years, with Noah being the last to live an extended life. He died at the age of 950, outliving his great-greatgreat-great-grandson, Reu, by twelve years, after which life spans dwindled to about 120 years. Aside from Noah and his family, the descendants of the Nephilim also survived the flood and were still around and were defeated by the Israelites when they arrived in their Promised Land after their exodus from Egypt. Also surviving were many of Adam’s descendants not affected by the flood, who carried forward his genetic imperfection and continued to spread it into the local population. Being that Noah’s wife was a descendant of Adam, it is possible she passed along his negative genes that later surfaced in some of her descendants. It is also possible that the potency of these negative genes diminished somewhat over the millennia as they spread throughout the entire world—diminished to the point where today, in all probability, we have been affected to some degree. The Tower of Babel Evidence that aliens are controlling human evolution and technological progress can be found in the story of Babel; it is just one of the many dots forming the picture of the aliens’ agenda. It was important that humans first acquire the wisdom to maintain stability with technical advancement. But because of Adam’s virus, most of his descendants lacked moral and ethical stability, so it was necessary to keep their progress in check. After the flood, the Lord disappeared, giving Noah’s descendants time to grow in population. When he returned, there were signs that the situation was on the verge of getting out of hand; the people’s

creative juices were beginning to flow too soon. Instead of wandering throughout the land, they wanted to settle in one place and establish themselves by building a city and a tower that reached to the heavens. Some moved onto a plain in Shinar (Babylonia), where they began to develop their construction skills. They started erecting buildings made from baked bricks and used tar for mortar. Although not as impressive as the megalithic structures in Egypt, the city of Babel was a manifestation of their desire, and ability, to progress. The Bible states that when the Lord saw what they were doing, he immediately put a stop to it. But they were doing nothing wrong; they simply wanted to build a city with a very tall tower that would gain them status and recognition in the land. They were tired of being wanderers; they just wanted to settle down and grow roots. But they had not yet acquired the wisdom to deal with what they would probably accomplish over the next two or three centuries; they were exhibiting signs of technical progress too soon. The Lord was speaking to a companion when he said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language.” (Ge 11:6) Genesis 11:1 says the whole world spoke only one language after the flood, and organized religion relies on this passage to fortify the false belief that the flood encompassed the entire world and wiped out everybody except Noah and his family. Since it appears that civilizations around the world were thriving at the time, this is an erroneous claim. As for the people of Babel, it seems that speaking the same language is simply a metaphor for unity—unity of people working together as a team to achieve greater accomplishments. The confusing of their language suggests a creation of dissension to disrupt that unity and teamwork. The people were exhibiting both the desire and ability to progress. Had they completed their city, they would have gained more

knowledge, increasing their confidence to forge ahead even further (“ … then nothing will be impossible for them”). Although most were decent and righteous people, they had not developed the wisdom necessary to cope with major progress; it would only have been a matter of time before things got out of control. The Lord’s concern was for the next new race, which was still in the offing; any advancement made by these people would have put them in a dominant position with a strong influence over the new race, and he had to prevent it, so he manipulated them into abandoning their project. According to Genesis 11:6, the Lord and a companion came down, walked through the city, and conversed with the people. They possessed strong powers of persuasion, so it would not have been difficult to plant a variety of conflicting ideas in the people’s minds to create a disruption—a breakdown of their unity and teamwork. If everyone suddenly developed conflicting ideas, it would create arguments and dissension, making it impossible for them to agree on anything; instead of working together as a team, allegorically, they would be “speaking in different languages.” Eventually they would become frustrated with the whole idea and go their own separate ways. ♦♦♦♦♦ Stories and legends of many ancient civilizations tell of a great flood that occurred at some time in their past, but there is no evidence that they all occurred at the same time. Ancient Sumerian writings describe a flood like the one in the biblical account that would have occurred around eight thousand years ago, and some Bible scholars believe Noah’s flood is just one of several stories derived from these earlier writings. But even if there is an element of truth to the Bible’s account, there is no geological evidence that a global flood ever occurred; it was not the worldwide event that religion would have us believe. Since the first race ended up in an abyss of decadence, it would have an adverse effect on its replacement. So, logistically, it had to go before they could implement a backup plan. Whether a planned

or natural event, a devastating flood would have provided a convenient solution to the problem. Meeting the deadline was a major concern if humanity was to survive; the time for the new race was now at hand.

Chapter 16 THE NEW RACE

T he idea that the Lord is an extraterrestrial is a very controversial issue; it flies in the face of what the truly faithful believe. The question is, Could it be true? If there is sufficient reason to question it, doesn’t that make it an issue worth examining? I have presented evidence suggesting Adam and Eve were hybrid humans created in an experimental phase of a project to upgrade the genetic quality of the existing race and the way it parallels the aliens’ hybrid breeding program going on today. I have presented what appears to be the first example of technology in the Bible with the security device installed at the entrance to Eden, not to mention the logistics of the longevity factor—something that can also be attributed to an advanced technology. The evidence is circumstantial, but when we connect all the dots, the sequence of events is even more persuasive. It reveals the steps taken by aliens (the Lord and his angels) to create a new race, but as I stated, the evidence is circumstantial and not necessarily proof; however, I am sure that after reading it, many of you will agree that it makes sense. The way the Lord created and established the new race required his planning and manipulation of the following events: • • • •

Jacob’s marriage to Rachel the timing of Joseph’s birth Joseph’s brothers’ hatred of him their selling Joseph into Egypt

• • • • • • •

Joseph’s dream interpretations Joseph’s becoming governor of Egypt Joseph’s bringing of his family to Egypt their four hundred years of slavery their liberation from Egypt forty years of indoctrination in the desert deliverance into their Promised Land

As we are about to see, the details in this chapter suggest that the Lord planned these events centuries in advance and manipulated them to occur when and where they did. Abraham was seventy-five years old when the Lord paid him a visit and told him that his wife, Sarah, was going to have a son. However, it was twenty-four years later, when he was ninety-nine, that the Lord advised him that Sarah would give birth within a year. Now, how could the Lord know this twenty-four years in advance unless Isaac’s birth was a plan he orchestrated? And Sarah being ninety years old, not to mention sterile, suggests insemination. With all memory of the process wiped from her mind, she believed her pregnancy was a miracle. This was long after the flood, when the Bible tells us life spans had stabilized around 120 years. But since Abraham lived to be 175 years old, it is evidence that the longevity factor had not yet completely stabilized in everyone. Sarah, who lived to be 127, would have fallen within the norm, but the fact that she successfully gave birth in her old age is also a sign that the longevity factor had not completely faded away and was still active in her genes. One thing that stood out in my research was how the Lord prepared Abraham and Sarah in advance for Isaac’s birth. It was important that he grow up adhering to proper moral and ethical protocols, and that necessitated freeing his parents from the difficulties of life that most people in those days had to struggle with, so they could devote their time to guiding Isaac along. And this required making Abraham a wealthy man. To accomplish this, at

some point before Isaac’s birth, the Lord sent Abraham and Sarah on a journey that would end in Egypt. At that time, Sarah was about sixty-five years old and obviously still an extremely beautiful woman, again suggesting the longevity factor had not yet completely disappeared. Having maintained a very young appearance, she may have looked only thirty-five or a very youthful forty. The Bible says Abraham was afraid that if anyone knew she was his wife, someone might kill him and claim her for himself, so upon arriving in Egypt he had her pretend to be his sister. While there, her beauty did not go unnoticed by the pharaoh, and believing she was Abraham’s sister, he chose her to become one of his wives and brought her into the palace in preparation for the wedding. In turn he provided Abraham with much wealth; he gave him sheep, cattle, donkeys, camels, and many servants. However, before the wedding and any intimacy occurred, the Lord threatened the pharaoh in a dream, telling him that Sarah was really Abraham’s wife. Although he was innocent of ill intentions, the Lord intimidated the pharaoh into returning her to Abraham and letting Abraham keep all the wealth the pharaoh had given him. This confused many scholars, because it appeared that Abraham prostituted Sarah for monetary gain. He was the patriarch of the Israelites; how could he do such a thing? What they fail to recognize is that it was the Lord’s idea, not Abraham’s. There is more evidence of this in chapter 20 of Genesis when they did it again: Abraham and Sarah pulled the same brother-and-sister act on Abimelech, the king of Gerar; and like the pharaoh, he, too, became overwhelmed by Sarah’s beauty and selected her to become his wife. It was only after the Lord threatened him in a dream and laid a heavy guilt trip on him that he returned her to Abraham and lavished him with even more riches as a means of atonement. A careful analysis of this story brings up the question of why Abraham did not tell the pharaoh in the beginning that Sarah was his wife and why he was having her pretend to be his sister. Surely the pharaoh would have understood. Instead he let him take her into the palace in preparation for a wedding. How did he expect to get out of this predicament? Had the Lord not intervened, would Abraham have

let Sarah go through with the wedding? The evidence points to the fact that Abraham knew it would never happen; he knew the Lord was going to step in and save the day. Consider the following points: •

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If it was Abraham’s idea to have Sarah pose as his sister, why did the Lord not admonish him for putting her in such a precarious situation with the pharaoh? And why did he let him keep all his ill-gotten wealth? And why did Sarah never speak up? Obviously she was playing along with the scheme. They pulled the same scam on the king of Gerar, and like the pharaoh, the Lord threatened the king, who ended up giving Abraham even more wealth, which the Lord also allowed him to keep. And again, he never reprimanded Abraham, suggesting it had been the Lord’s plan. Had Abraham not lied about Sarah being his sister, the pharaoh and the king would never have taken her into their palaces in preparation for a wedding, and Abraham would never have acquired his wealth. There was much wealth in Egypt, and Abraham and Sarah would be virtually unknown there. It was an ideal place to obtain his riches.

Since it appears the Lord assisted Abraham in pulling the same ruse on two separate occasions, does that not suggest that it was a preconceived plan to obtain wealth for Abraham? And surely it was not God who extorted wealth from these rulers. It was twenty-four years after he told Abraham that Sarah would have a son that the Lord visited him again. Abraham was now ninety-nine years old, and the Lord advised him that Sarah would give birth within a year. Just the fact that the Lord knew this twentyfour years earlier is evidence that Isaac’s birth was a preconceived plan, and Sarah being ninety years old, not to mention sterile, suggests insemination. The story, as related in chapter 18 of Genesis, says that Abraham was sitting inside the entrance to his tent when he suddenly saw

three men standing nearby. It does not say he saw them approaching from the distance or that they were even walking, but only that they were suddenly standing where no one had been standing a moment before. Is this a clue that they had teleported down to that location? Genesis 18:2 describes the Lord and his two companions as “three men” and says they ate and drank with Abraham, so we can assume they were normal human-looking individuals—very possibly the Nordic species of aliens. They were actually en route to Sodom to arrange its destruction. But during this visit, the Lord reminded Abraham that by this time next year Sarah would bear a son, which tells us that one of these three men was the Lord. Sarah, overhearing this conversation from inside the tent, laughed at the idea. These men obviously had telepathic abilities and knew she laughed, and they called her on it, even though she embarrassedly denied doing so. Again it becomes apparent that one of these three men was the Lord, because Genesis 18:17 tells us that after sharing a meal, the Lord stayed and talked with Abraham while his two companions went down into Sodom, presumably to arrange its destruction. Up to this point, Abraham had no idea who the Lord really was. Although he may have perceived him as some sort of god who came down from the heavens, the Lord had never officially identified himself to Abraham. Abraham knew him only by the name El Shaddai—the title later reinterpreted to mean “God Almighty.” However, as we will see in chapter 17, he admitted to Moses that he lied to Abraham and never told him who he really was. After the birth of Isaac, Genesis 22:2 reveals the next piece of the puzzle—what appears to be a grossly misinterpreted event. I make this observation based on a logical analysis of the details as described in the Bible. Isaac was still a young boy when the Lord ordered Abraham to sacrifice him as a burnt offering. But that made no sense, because it contradicted the promise he made to Abraham before Isaac was even born that he was going to give his descendants their own land.

So how could Isaac produce descendants if sacrificed as a burnt offering? Was the Lord going to renege on his promise? That seemed unlikely. The story tells us Abraham brought Isaac to the designated place and prepared the sacrificial altar but says nothing about Isaac’s reaction when he learned that he was to be the sacrifice. However, it says an angel intervened and saved his life just as Abraham was about to kill him. Because of his promise to Abraham, it is highly unlikely the Lord was about to let anything happen to Isaac, and it is hard to believe that Abraham would even consider killing him. Could it be that he knew this was only a situation created to test Isaac and he had no intention of killing him? The Bible relates this story as a test of Abraham’s loyalty, and it appears to be a misinterpretation—a misinterpretation repeated in oral tradition over the centuries. Use a little common sense here. At that time, Abraham was over a hundred years old, and considering his age and his previous contacts with the Lord, what reason would the Lord have for testing his loyalty at this stage of the game? Those interpreting the Bible from a theological point of view may disagree, but a logical analysis suggests it was a test of Isaac. His parents raised him to abide by proper moral and ethical values, and unlike Adam, who had no parents to guide him, the Lord did not subject Isaac to a test of temptation. However, he was now the star of the show—the progenitor of the new race—and it appears that the Lord used him, and three hybrids created later, to test certain genetically enhanced characteristics for incorporation into Christ’s genetic code. In Isaac’s case, they needed to know if he would be willing to surrender his life—a quality later evident in Christ. The new plan required that Christ be willing to accept his fate when the time came, so this would have been a priority issue and the most important of all the tests that followed. Had they not been able to genetically enhance this characteristic, they may not have created Christ and may have proceeded in a different direction. Since the scriptures fail to describe Isaac’s reaction, we really don’t know if he was willing to

give up his life or not. It is possible that he was, but other factors suggest he may not have been too thrilled with the idea; one is that it appears they repeated the same test on their next hybrid, Samson. Since Samson was willing to sacrifice his life to free his people from Philistine domination, it appears the test was successful. The remnants of Adam’s lineage were increasing in number and spreading his genetic imperfection into the local population, so it was necessary to isolate Isaac’s descendants far away from them to protect their hybrid genetic integrity as they grew in population. The following events describe how this was accomplished. Isaac grew up and married a woman named Rebekah, and they had twin sons, Jacob and Esau. I won’t go into all the details about them, as they are irrelevant, but the Lord needed only one of them to carry out the next phase of the plan, and he chose Jacob, possibly because he felt he was better qualified for the job. He changed his name to Israel, and the tribes that grew from his twelve sons became the Israelites. There has been speculation among some UFO researchers about the story of Jacob’s Ladder described in chapter 28 of Genesis. It says Jacob had a dream of a ladder from heaven on which the angels ascended and descended with the Lord standing above. It has been depicted in many religious paintings as a stairway or ramp lowered from a cloud with angels moving up and down like shoppers on an escalator in a Macy’s department store. However, the Bible is specific in stating that this was not a UFO event but a dream Jacob had in which the Lord reinforced his covenant with Abraham about providing Isaac’s descendants with their own land. And as we will see later, the Lord used dreams to provide the prophets with information of things he would make happen in the future. The Bible now describes the sequence of events orchestrated by the Lord in the creation of his new race. Jacob set out to marry his true love, Rachel, and he worked several years for her father, Laban, to earn his permission to wed her. But when the time came, Laban tricked him into marrying her older

sister, Leah. On the wedding night, it was Leah who entered the darkened tent where Jacob lay waiting and with whom he consummated the marriage. Perhaps he consumed too much wine during the day’s festivities, because he did not realize what had happened until the next morning. Jacob immediately confronted Laban and demanded to know why he had done this. Laban said it was their custom for the oldest daughter to marry first, but he said that if Jacob agreed to finish the bridal week with Leah, then he would also give Rachel to him. However, there was a catch: he would have to work another seven years for Laban. Being that Jacob was so in love with Rachel, he agreed, and a week later, he took her as his second bride. It was Jacob’s strongest desire that Rachel produce his first son; however, there was a problem in that she was unable to conceive. In the meantime, Leah produced four sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. We might assume this occurred in no fewer than four years. By this time, Rachel had become desperate for a child, and so she gave her maidservant, Bilhah, to Jacob to produce children for her, and she had two sons: Dan and Naphtali. During this time, we might assume another two or more years had passed. Then, when Leah had not conceived for a few years, she gave her maidservant, Zilpah, to Jacob to produce more children for her, and she had two sons: Gad and Asher. And again, let’s assume that another two or more years had elapsed. Then it seems Leah became fertile again and produced two more sons and a daughter: Issacher, Zebulun, and Dinah. We can assume this occurred in no fewer than three years. So we might assume these children were born in a minimum of eleven years, but in all probably, their births occurred over a much longer span of time, which may have been fifteen or even twenty years. It was not until after all these children were born that Rachel finally conceived and gave birth to Joseph, and because he was Rachel’s son, Jacob favored him over the others. This fueled his brothers’ hatred of him; however, it appears it was part of a plan manipulated by the Lord. It was at the very least seventeen or more years later, in her old age, that Rachel again became pregnant and gave birth to

Benjamin, but because she was now an elderly woman, the stress on her body was too great and she died while giving birth. There will be more about this at the end of this chapter. Now remember: it was through dreams that the Lord influenced the Egyptian pharaoh and the king of Gerar into returning Sarah to Abraham, and it appears he used the same dream tactics in the following events involving Joseph. In his youth, Joseph had two prophetic dreams. He dreamt that he and his brothers were binding sheaves of grain out in the fields when his sheaf rose and stood upright and their sheaves all bowed down to his. Then he had a second dream in which the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to him, and that really riled his brothers, because his dreams suggested he held great power over them. One day while the brothers were out in the fields tending their flocks, Jacob sent Joseph out to see how they were doing. When they saw him approaching in the distance, they conspired to kill him. However, it seems they did not have the heart; instead, they stripped him of the multicolored robe Jacob had given him and threw him down an empty well. When a caravan of merchants passed by on their way to Egypt, they decided the best way to get rid of Joseph was to sell him. They pulled him from the well and sold him to the merchants for twenty shekels of silver. To cover their deed, they took his robe, smeared it with goat’s blood, and took it back to Jacob saying that Joseph had been attacked and killed by a predatory animal. This news, of course, was devastating to Jacob. The merchants brought Joseph to Egypt and sold him to one of the pharaoh’s officials named Potiphar, where he became a servant in his house. Joseph was then about seventeen years old, but as he reached manhood, Potiphar’s wife became attracted to him and tried to seduce him; however, he fought off her advances and ran away. Angered by his rejection, she charged that Joseph had tried to rape her, which resulted in his arrest and imprisonment.

It was during this time that the pharaoh’s personal servant and baker also ended up in prison for reasons not explained. Each had had a dream that troubled him, and so Joseph asked them to describe their dreams, that he may interpret them. The servant said he dreamt of a vine with three branches that budded and produced grapes. The pharaoh’s cup was in his hand, so he pressed the grapes into the cup and handed it to the pharaoh. Joseph told him that the three branches represented three days, at which time the pharaoh would reinstate him to his former position in the palace. Having been falsely accused, Joseph asked the servant to put in a good word to the pharaoh for him. Recounting his dream, the baker said there were three white baskets on his head, the uppermost filled with bakemeats for the pharaoh. Then birds came along and ate all the bakemeats. Joseph told the baker that the three baskets represented three days in which he would be hanged and that birds would then come and eat the flesh off his body. As Joseph predicted, in three days, the pharaoh reinstated the servant to his former position and the baker was hanged. Genesis chapters 41-45 describes the rest of the story. Two years passed before the servant brought Joseph to the pharaoh’s attention. It was only when the pharaoh had two dreams that troubled him and no one could interpret them that his servant told him of Joseph and how he had accurately interpreted his dream and that of the baker. So the pharaoh had Joseph brought in and described his two dreams to him. In one, he said, seven healthy cows came up from the Nile and began grazing on the reeds. Then seven sickly cows came along and devoured the seven healthy cows. In his other dream, the pharaoh said there were seven heads of healthy grain growing on a single stalk. Then seven heads of scorched grain sprouted and devoured the seven heads of healthy grain. Joseph told the pharaoh that both dreams meant the same thing: seven years of prosperity followed by seven years of famine. He then suggested to the pharaoh that he select a wise and discerning man who would oversee the land of Egypt and appoint commissioners to gather one-fifth of all the grain produced each year

for the next seven years and preserve it in preparation for the seven years of famine. But remember: like “forty,” “seven” also represents an ambiguous amount in the Bible. The seven years of prosperity and famine may have been any number of years. Now let’s look at the prophetic dreams of the pharaoh, his servant and baker, plus the two Joseph had as a child. We need only look at the Old Testament prophets to understand that the Lord manipulated these dreams and their interpretations. We might consider the Old Testament prophets as simply “news reporters” of their time. They had no precognitive abilities, they did not predict the future by peering into a crystal ball; according to Numbers 12:6, their prophecies were information they received from the Lord through visions and dreams. And it is likely that the Lord dispatched the dreams of the pharaoh and his servant and baker in the same manner, as well as knowledge of their meaning to Joseph. Joseph’s interpretation and wisdom genuinely impressed the pharaoh. After giving it some thought, he decided that preserving the grain was a sterling idea and that Joseph should be the one in charge of the plan. He took off his signet ring and put it on Joseph’s finger, dressed him in robes of fine linen, put a gold chain around his neck, and appointed him governor over all of Egypt. The pharaoh gave him the name Zaphenath-Paneah, and he gave him Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, the priest of On (Heliopolis), to be his wife; and during the seven years of prosperity, she bore him two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Since Joseph acquired the ability to interpret dreams—at least those responsible for his obtaining a position of power in Egypt—it would appear the Lord was manipulating him. But the dreams he had as a child that so angered his brothers were also about to come true. Just as Joseph predicted, in seven years there was famine throughout the land that extended all the way across the desert to Canaan, his homeland. It could be that this was a natural event that the Lord knew would occur, but it is also possible that he controlled the weather patterns to bring it about. Nevertheless, this famine was

the key element that reunited Joseph with his brothers—an event necessary for the execution of the next part of his plan. Jacob had sent the brothers to Egypt to buy grain but kept Benjamin, the second son of Rachel, at home; believing Joseph had been killed by a wild animal, he did not want to take the risk of something happening to him. Upon arriving in Egypt, it was from Joseph that the brothers had to purchase their grain, and because he was now a full-grown adult, they did not recognize him, but he recognized them. He began to harass them, accusing them of being spies who came to spy on Egypt. But they all bowed down to him, proclaiming they were all brothers that had come to buy grain only so they might provide for their families. Joseph questioned them at length, and that was when he learned that his mother, Rachel, had died while giving birth and that he had a true blood brother, Benjamin. Nevertheless, he continued to taunt them. He said he would hold Simeon as ransom while they returned to Canaan and brought Benjamin back as proof of their story. Then, in secret, he ordered his servants to fill their sacks with grain along with the silver each had used to pay for it. When they discovered the silver during their trip home, they became upset, thinking they would surely be accused of stealing it. Upon returning to Canaan, they explained to Jacob everything that had happened and said they had to take Benjamin back to Egypt. Jacob, of course, was not too thrilled with this idea. However, realizing there was no choice if they were to get Simeon back, he reluctantly let Benjamin go with them. Unsure of what consequences they might face because of the silver they found in their grain sacks, they brought double the amount plus enough to buy more grain. When they arrived back in Egypt, they presented themselves to Joseph and introduced Benjamin to him. Joseph acted pleased and said he now believed them and then sent for Simeon. The scripture provides no information as to how Joseph treated Simeon while holding him as a form of ransom. It is unlikely he locked him up in a prison cell, so he may have lived freely among the

people. The odds are that wherever Joseph kept him, he was probably enjoying himself. In any case, Joseph then invited them to dinner and ordered his steward to bring them to his house. On the way, the brothers explained to the steward about the silver they’d found in their grain sacks. But the steward assured them he had received payment for their grain and suggested that maybe it came from their god. But Joseph was not through giving them a hard time. Before they set out for home, he had his own silver chalice planted in Benjamin’s grain sack to make it appear he was a thief. He then had his men search their sacks. When they found the chalice, the brothers all bowed down in front of Joseph, proclaiming their innocence. All this bowing down, of course, fulfilled the dreams Joseph had as a child. Joseph then told them they could all go home—except Benjamin. Since it appeared that he was a thief, he would remain as Joseph’s personal slave. They explained that this would have a terrible impact on their father because of his health and because he had already lost the only other son of Rachel; losing Benjamin would surely devastate him. So Reuben offered to remain in his place. And it is here we learn that this was all a plan orchestrated by the Lord. It was now that Joseph could no longer hold back; he broke down and revealed himself to them. Then, according to Genesis 45:5–8, he told them that it was not their doing but that it was really the Lord who had manipulated the events that brought him to Egypt and resulted in his becoming governor. So it is apparent that, at some point, the Lord had made Joseph well aware of what was going on. Joseph then had his brothers return to Canaan and bring his father, Jacob, and the entire family back to Egypt. But in doing so, they would have had to confess to Jacob what they had done. Perhaps any anger Jacob may have felt toward them was mitigated by the fact that Joseph was still alive. Nevertheless, by order of the pharaoh, they were given the land of Goshen to the south, where they could live comfortably, graze their animals, and grow their crops.

They were now isolated from any contact with the remnants of Adam’s descendants and those of the general population whom they had contaminated. Things went well for about one hundred years, but after Joseph and the pharaoh died, later rulers who knew nothing about Joseph subjected the people to forced labor (Exodus 1:4-11). This lasted for the next four hundred years. This prevented any of them who may have desired to go elsewhere from doing so, thus keeping them together as they grew into a nation. Had it not been for Jacob’s favoritism toward Joseph, his brothers never would have borne resentment toward him and sold him to the merchants; he never would have become governor of Egypt, and the family would have remained in Canaan. You can also argue that if these events had not occurred, the Hebrews never would have had to endure four hundred years of slavery; nor would they have had to spend an additional forty years wandering around in the desert. But neither would they have been isolated from Adam’s virus while growing into the nation of Israel—a nation that may never have existed but for these events. The point is that it was important they remain together as they grew in population, and their move to Egypt was part of the plan. Isolating them from Adam’s virus was necessary to maintain their hybrid genetic purity, because it was impossible to accomplish any other way. It was also important after four centuries of slavery that they adopt a new code of ethics and morality, and the Lord planned to keep them in the desert for forty years to accomplish this. Only after they had acclimated to his new laws and rules would he lead them to their Promised Land, and he methodically executed the events necessary to achieve this goal. Genesis 15:12–18 describes the covenant the Lord made with Abraham wherein he stated that he would give Isaac’s descendants their own land but said they would first become enslaved in another land for four hundred years and that he would punish those who enslaved them (the punishment being the ten plagues), and he would then deliver them to their Promised Land—the land of their ancestors. It was five hundred years before the Exodus that he

revealed these events to Abraham; this is evidence that he had planned them far in advance. Just the fact that the Lord told Abraham that Isaac’s descendants would face four hundred years of slavery in another land further suggests the intention was to isolate them far away from Adam’s descendants. What other reason could he have had for isolating them so far away for so long? The fact that he forced them to remain in Egypt for five hundred years suggests it was the maximum amount of time allotted in order to meet the deadline. The only part of the plan the Lord did not reveal was the indoctrination. Had the people known that after leaving Egypt they would be spending the next forty years wandering in the desert, it is unlikely they ever would have followed Moses. But it was important that they abandon the rules and traditions to which they had become accustomed during their slavery and adapt to a lifestyle of improved moral and ethical standards. The Bible says their forty-year isolation was a punishment for their complaining; however, the evidence suggests otherwise. Their complaining was due to a situation the Lord had created that forced them to complain, which he then used as an excuse to keep them in the desert. Consider everything that transpired during that period: the new knowledge and all the laws imposed on them. There were Sabbath laws; laws pertaining to Hebrew servants; laws pertaining to personal injuries through accident or assault; laws pertaining to death by murder, accident, or self-defense; laws pertaining to property; laws pertaining to social responsibility; laws pertaining to justice and mercy; a volume of medical knowledge and a whole new routine of hygienic practices. Adapting to these changes was not something they could accomplish in a few weeks or a few months; it required a full generation—about forty years. There was too much involved to believe this was a punishment. The Lord planned it from the beginning; he had to do it while they were still all together, before they entered their Promised Land and became spread out. During their enslavement, they had acquired many customs and traditions, and the laws by which they lived, but they had to put aside

these old ways. It was important that they conform to new philosophies and adopt higher standards of ethics and morality. Had they proceeded directly into their Promised Land, it would have been tantamount to graduating school without ever having attended a class, so the indoctrination was necessary. The Lord created a situation that forced them to violently complain about a lack of water, and they came close to attacking Moses. This provided him with an excuse (in the guise of a punishment) to sequester them for this purpose. The fact that Adam’s negative characteristics surfaced in some of the people during that forty-year period probably resulted from contact some of their ancestors may have had with Adam’s descendants before they had moved to Egypt. To meet the deadline, it was important to maintain the indoctrination schedule with minimum interference, so during that period, the Lord eliminated the undesirables as they made themselves known, allegedly by the hundreds and even thousands. The bond between family members was strong, and unlike today, the elders were a powerful influence on the younger generation. This presented a problem because they had become too set in the old ways, which they would have to abandon. It is not difficult to understand how they must have felt, having to give up the lifelong traditions to which they were accustomed in favor of adopting a whole new set of values. It was an adjustment that many would find difficult to make. Although some exceptions were likely, it would be impossible for the majority to conform. When you realize that the elders had the most to lose—that they would never live to see their Promised Land, and that Moses would have freed them from Egypt only for them to spend their final years wandering in the desert—we can only conclude it was part of the plan. It was the younger generation that was the focal point of these changes: the children and those who were producing children. But the elders had done nothing wrong, so the Lord had no reason to eliminate them. The only solution was to let them live out their lives; by the end of the forty years, most would be gone.

♦♦♦♦♦ Every now and then a genetic factor from the past will unexpectedly manifest in a family. A child with blond hair and blue eyes may be suddenly born to a family who for generations has had dark hair and brown eyes. Usually one will find that the child inherited the genes of some long-forgotten ancestor with blond hair and blue eyes who married into the family. Such genetic flukes are rare, but they do occur occasionally, and it could explain the circumstances surrounding Jacob’s wife, Rachel. Rachel was a healthy young woman when she became Jacob’s wife, but it was possibly fifteen or even twenty years later before she conceived and gave birth to Joseph. It was not for lack of trying, because she was Jacob’s true love, and he wanted desperately for her to produce his first son. Meanwhile, he fathered eleven children with her sister, Leah, and two maidservants. My first thought was that Rachel may have been sterile and that Joseph was a hybrid since he played a key role in the events, but the fact that Rachel had a second child seems to discredit that idea. It was years later, when she was in her old age, that she conceived Benjamin; however, being that she was then an elderly woman, she suffered a very difficult labor and died while giving birth. Since Joseph, at the time of his birth, was the youngest of ten brothers and one sister, we can assume that at the very least eleven, but probably fifteen or more, years had passed before Rachel conceived him. Joseph was about seventeen years old when his brothers sold him to the merchants headed to Egypt, and since Benjamin had not yet been born, obviously, seventeen or more years had elapsed before Rachel became pregnant with him. Did she inherit Eve’s genetic code for fertility as a fluke? It’s possible; however, a closer examination of the details suggests something else. Since Joseph played a key role in the creation of a new nation by bringing his family to Egypt, I began to connect more dots. •

If Joseph had been one of the first sons born, then none of the events that led to the creation of a new race would have

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occurred. If Joseph had not been the son of Rachel, Jacob would never have favored him over his brothers. If Jacob had not favored him, Joseph’s brothers would never have resented him and sold him to the merchants. If his brothers had not sold him to the merchants, he would never have ended up in Egypt as governor. If he had not become governor of Egypt, Joseph would not have been in a position of authority to bring his family there. The family would have remained in Canaan, susceptible to genetic contamination from the remnants of Adam’s descendants, and the new nation would never have existed.

This suggested only one thing: to fit his agenda, the Lord may have altered Rachel’s fertility cycle. Maybe I am stretching the idea, but if this was the case, he may have reprogrammed her ovulation period to be the same cycle possessed by Eve. He may have done it right after her last fertile period before becoming Jacob’s wife, thus preventing her from becoming fertile again for fifteen or twenty years. To move Jacob’s family to Egypt and away from Adam’s virus, the Lord manipulated the events in which Joseph was born after his brothers, and to Sarah, thus causing him to become Jacob’s favorite son and generating the hatred of his brothers, who sold him into Egypt. He then manipulated the dreams of the pharaoh and his servant and baker, and Joseph’s knowledge of their meaning, which resulted in (a) Joseph acquiring a position of power in Egypt, (b) bringing his family there, and (c) isolating them from Adam’s descendants for five hundred years while they grew in population. But it appears that Rachel’s conception of Benjamin may have been an unexpected byproduct of this reprogramming. Since she did not conceive Joseph until after all the other children were born, which may have been fifteen or twenty years later, she was then getting on in age, and with fertility cycles separated by decades, no one expected she would ever conceive a second child. It was, however, Joseph’s learning he had a true brother that was a major factor in the events that led to him moving his family to Egypt. But

that may have been the plan even if Rachel had not conceived and given birth to Benjamin. Nonetheless, Rachel’s modified fertility cycle did allow her to conceive again in her old age, but because the longevity factor passed down from Adam had long since disappeared, her life cycle remained unchanged and her body was too weak to survive the stress of Benjamin’s birth. It was through dreams and visions that the Lord imparted information to the Old Testament prophets, and it is probable that the Lord dispatched the dreams of the pharaoh, his servant, and his baker in this same manner, along with Joseph’s knowledge of their meaning. Interpreting dreams is what brought Joseph to the pharaoh’s attention, so I think it is fair to assume the Lord manipulated these events. And Joseph’s admission to his brothers that it was really the Lord who was responsible for the events that brought him to Egypt and for his becoming governor is confirmed in Genesis 45:5–8. It was the only way to get Isaac’s descendants away from their homeland and Adam’s virus to fulfill the rest of the plan. And altering Rachel’s fertility cycle would have been a key element of the process. Now, I admit this whole scenario is theoretical, but you have to admit that it makes sense if, indeed, this was the case. At this point, we have connected the edge pieces, creating a frame for the rest of the puzzle, and we are beginning to see a picture form of what was going on in biblical times. But there is still a long way to go. The next phase was to get the people out of Egypt and indoctrinate them into a lifestyle of proper moral and ethical values. It would take a full generation to accomplish this and be a step closer to meeting the deadline. It would also require an assistant.


D uring four centuries of enslavement, the Hebrews had grown into a small nation, which some have estimated to number about two million. But chapters 1 and 2 in the book of Numbers describe a census taken that totaled 603,550 people. The Lord exempted the Levites because he made them responsible for setting up and breaking down the tabernacle when moving camp and for transporting the ark of the covenant. The number of each tribe ranged from 35,400 (the tribe of Benjamin) to 74,000 (the tribe of Judah), and when you allow for the uncounted Levites, the total number of Israelites may have exceeded 650,000. But many Israelites brought Egyptian spouses and servants with them not counted in the census, so the total number of people in the camp may well have exceeded 700,000. Some scholars contend that the census counted only Hebrew men and not women, and if this is true, the total could have numbered between one and two million. There is really no way to know for sure, but for all intents and purposes, let’s assume it was somewhere around 700,000. One of the most significant participants in the aliens’ agenda was Moses, for without him, the liberation of the Hebrews from Egypt and isolating them in the desert for forty years of indoctrination would never have been possible.436 Without his cooperation, the Lord had no way to relay his teachings to the people unless he came down

and did it himself. Therefore, it was necessary to establish a relationship with someone who could do it for him. Shortly after he was born, the pharaoh’s daughter found Moses in a basket adrift in the Nile River. His mother set him adrift to save his life when the pharaoh decided to limit the growth of the Hebrew population by killing all their infants. The pharaoh’s daughter brought him into the palace and raised him as her own son; however, she did manage to learn who his mother was and hired her as a nanny, thus enabling her to finish nursing him. Moses never knew that his nanny was his real mother and grew up believing he was Egyptian. It was not until he was an adult that he learned his true heritage and who his real mother was. He then became an advocate for his people. It is only logical that after the pharaoh had the infants slaughtered to limit the Hebrew population, the Lord created an intelligence operation to keep informed of the pharaoh’s future intentions regarding the Hebrews, and it is probable he had spies planted in the palace. Of course, this is only conjecture, but they would have known Moses and everything about him, which might have been a factor in the Lord selecting him to be his assistant. But Moses fled Egypt after he unintentionally killed an Egyptian taskmaster who was beating one of the Hebrews. He fled across the desert to Midian, where he met and married a woman named Zipporah and had a son. Apparently the Lord had the technology to keep track of Moses since he obviously knew where to find him. When it was time, the Lord went to Midian to recruit him as his people’s liberator—and it is here the scriptures become confusing. Exodus 3:2 says it was an angel who appeared to Moses in the flames of a burning bush. Then Exodus 3:4 says it was the Lord who saw him approach the bush to see why the flames did not consume it, and then it says it was God who spoke to him. Literally, it is saying the angel became the Lord, who then became God. Obviously, the angel could not be the Lord or God. Since the scribes had only the latest version of oral tradition as a reference, perhaps the confusion may have originated there. Since it was the Lord who took control of the project after Adam and Eve’s eviction

from Eden, it is logical to assume that the Lord was still in charge and that it was he who contacted Moses at the burning bush. But what was this burning bush? Here we need to apply a little logic and common sense. Fire, often in the form of torches, candles, and oil lamps, provided the only source of light in those days. The Bible describes a burning bush, yet the bush did not burn; and if the bush did not burn, then it is unlikely it was fire that Moses witnessed. Obviously, the bush became encompassed in brilliant light that was not fire. But what kind of light was it? A clue may lie in the Bible’s description of how the angels always appeared on the scene out of a brilliant light. It describes such appearances of angels at Christ’s tomb and when the angel appeared out of a brilliant light in Peter’s prison cell. And we find the same description in numerous accounts of alien abductions, where the little grays appear out of a brilliant light in a person’s bedroom. This suggests teleportation, and what seems to be a consistent feature of this process is a brilliant light. In biblical times, there were no words to describe light other than “fire.” Perhaps when the light first appeared, it encompassed a wide area around the bush, which could account for the “burning bush” description. Since Exodus 3:2 says it was an angel who appeared to Moses, we might assume it was really the Lord who appeared to him out of a brilliant light in front of the bush. Though only speculation, this is a more logical interpretation of the event. Unafraid and unfettered by superstitious beliefs, Moses approached the bush with a curious and analytical mind. Unlike others, who may have fled in fear of a bush that suddenly became engulfed in a brilliant light, Moses instead went to investigate. Then the Lord introduced himself by telling Moses that he was the God of his father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Moses comes across as a very logical person, and he may not have been impressed. So when the Lord said he wanted him to go back to Egypt and free his people, Moses declined. In a further effort to persuade him, the Lord tried to intimidate him with a couple of tricks: he turned his staff into a serpent and then back into a staff,

and he even made his hand appear leprous and then return to normal, but Moses still refused. And per Exodus 4:14, the Lord became really peeved at his reluctance. However, this proved Moses was a logical thinker—an indication that he would be able to deal with the facts when the Lord felt it was time to reveal them to him. Growing up in the palace provided Moses many opportunities to see the pharaoh’s magicians at work, so I think he knew these were only tricks of illusion. But since the Lord eventually convinced him to return to Egypt, he had apparently made him aware of the importance of what he was doing. Moses would not have understood any of the technology, but being the curious person that he was, it would have fascinated him. Exodus 4:17 tells us that before he left for Egypt, the Lord gave Moses a staff with which to perform miracles. But all indications are that the Lord orchestrated the miracles from his ship and the staff contained a device used for non-face-to-face communication between them. Exodus 4:20 says that when Moses set out for Egypt, he took the staff of God with him. When examining the details in this account, we must ask why the Lord even gave Moses a staff. He had his own staff—the one the Lord changed into a serpent. The one he gave Moses was to perform miracles with, although it never appeared directly associated with any of the so-called miracles performed by Moses except in their first confrontation with the pharaoh, when Aaron used it to devour the staffs the magicians had turned into snakes. I suspect this was another illusion the Lord somehow created with his technology. However, Moses spoke many times to the Lord in private conversations when they were not face-to-face, so unless he had telepathic abilities, we might assume the staff given to him by the Lord contained a built-in communication device—a biblical two-way radio. It was now time to fulfill the plan the Lord had revealed to Abraham five hundred years earlier and free the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. But first Moses had to convince the people to follow him. He could not just walk in and say the Lord was now ready to bring them

to their Promised Land and expect everyone to pack up and leave. It is unlikely they would have believed him. In Exodus 32:9, 33:3, 33:5, 34:9, and Deuteronomy 9:6 and 9:13, the Lord referred to the Hebrews as a “stiff-necked” (stubborn) people, and knowing Moses would need time to break down their resistance, he arranged for a series of plagues to hit the pharaoh’s city. As he unleashed each one, the pharaoh promised to release the people; yet after the Lord removed each plague, he reneged on his promise. But it appears the Lord was mentally manipulating the pharaoh to keep changing his mind. Exodus 7:3 says he told Moses that he was going to “harden the heart of the pharaoh”—apparently to prevent him from releasing the people before Moses could convince them to leave. Although used for slave labor, they lived in their own land; some had taken Egyptian spouses, and many even had Egyptian servants. They raised animals, grew crops, and had an ample supply of food. Although they were unhappy with the conditions of hard labor forced upon them, there was a feeling of uncertainty as to what would happen if they went with Moses. The pharaoh would surely come after them with his army and force them to return, and being that he was a vindictive person, the prospect of having unbearable hardships placed on them for having left hung like a dark cloud over them; if they thought they had it bad, then they could expect a lot worse if forced to return. But as the stories of Moses calling forth godly plagues against the pharaoh and his people filtered back to them, their resistance gradually weakened. Then the death of all the firstborns, now called the Passover, gave them their first opportunity to see what he was truly capable of doing. It was the first event that directly affected them, and it helped reduce their apprehension about leaving. There are several ideas as to what caused the ten plagues in Egypt. One possibility suggested by Dr. John Marr and Curtis Malloy is that a strain of algae called Pfiesteria appeared in the Nile River that caused a red discoloration and killed many fish. Without enough fish to feed off the eggs laid by frogs and toads, their population mushroomed out of proportion. After fleeing the toxic waters, they

died in massive quantities on land. This caused a vast increase in the insect population feeding off the dead amphibians. Thus, a domino effect was in progress that contributed to the rest of the plagues.437 Although their ideas seem to stretch the odds of probability in some areas, it is a logical theory. Therefore, we must consider the possibility that the ten plagues were a sequence of natural events portrayed by later writers as God punishing the Egyptians for having enslaved the Hebrews. However, when considering the technological possibilities, the miraculous aspect of these events is greatly diminished. Turning the Nile to Blood During his journey back to Egypt, the Lord had arranged for Moses to meet with his brother, Aaron, at Mount Horeb. The Hebrew Bible tells us that as an infant, Moses burned his mouth on a hot coal, which may have resulted in him having a speech impediment. Exodus 4:10 says he had told the Lord that he lacked eloquence and was slow in speech and tongue. So they decided that Aaron would carry his special staff and do the talking for him when confronting the pharaoh. After their first meeting with him, as Exodus 7:21 states, Aaron dipped Moses’s staff in the Nile River and the water turned to blood (turned red). Fish died, creating a terrible stench; the water became undrinkable; and the people had to dig along the riverbanks to get drinking water. It also says the water turned red in lakes, streams, and ponds throughout the entire region, which may be an embellishment added over the centuries of oral tradition. Since people obtained clear drinking water by digging along the riverbanks, if Aaron’s act affected all water in the region, then why would it not also have affected the water in the riverbanks? Exodus 7:22 then claims the pharaoh’s magicians performed the same trick. For that to happen, it means that at some point the river returned to its normal color. Prior to the construction of the Aswan Dam in the twentieth century, when the Nile River rose each year near the end of June, silt carried down from the headwaters created a dark red

discoloration.438 It is believed to have lasted for about three months. The theory is that Aaron performed his act just before the Nile’s annual rising and discoloration, thereby exacerbating this period of inconvenience. If true, then we might suspect later writers credited the Nile’s annual rising and discoloration to the pharaoh’s magicians. It is possible that whatever Aaron did was a simple trick and the effect lasted only a short time. However, the idea was to impress the pharaoh and his people with the power of the Hebrews’ god, so I would assume that it lasted much longer. Did the Lord plant devices in the water that released something like red dye that lasted for several days, much like the sanitary agent we use in toilet tanks that turns the water blue and lasts for weeks? In their first meeting with the pharaoh, they asked that he let the people make a three-day trip into the desert to make sacrifices to God. The pharaoh refused, and being the vindictive person that he was, he withheld the supply of straw from the workers, which they needed to make bricks, but still required them to meet their regular daily quota. Without straw, meeting the quota was impossible, and the workers were beaten when they failed to comply. This really angered Moses. He met with the Lord a few days later and made it clear that he did not like what was happening and wanted to know why he was letting the pharaoh get away with it. But the Lord only assured Moses that things would get better. It seems that whenever someone angered or challenged the Lord, he always punished that person. When the dissidents rose up in the desert, the Bible says, the Lord eliminated them by the hundreds and even thousands. In the New Testament, when Zechariah questioned the Lord’s message that Elizabeth would give birth, the angel who delivered the message struck him mute. Here is Moses boldly confronting the Lord and questioning his actions—or, in this case, inaction, and the Lord does nothing except tell him that things will get better. This is a clue that Moses did not perceive the Lord as any kind of god; nor did he fear him as such. To have gained his cooperation thus far, I suspect the Lord provided him with some knowledge as to what he was doing and why. Why

else would Moses give up the remaining years of his life to wander around the desert playing guru to several hundred thousand people unless he knew something about what was going on? And the fact that Moses bared his anger may have caused the Lord to worry about losing his cooperation. If Moses suddenly decided to walk away, it would have created a big problem; he had no one to take his place. And it appears that is when he revealed to Moses who he really was. Now, the Lord never told Moses that he was God, but when he first contacted him at the burning bush, he said, “I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” (Ex 3:6) Again, it is doubtful that Moses was impressed. It appears he had set the parameters of their relationship right from the beginning, when he made the Lord angry by refusing to return to Egypt. And although Moses may not have believed he was any kind of god, he never knew who he really was—until now, when the Lord told him he had purposely misled Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob into thinking he was God. He said, “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the Lord, I did not make myself known to them.” (Ex 6:2–3) That statement again reveals the distinction between God Almighty and the Lord, making clear that they are not the same. He is telling Moses that he presented himself to these men as God but never told them who he really was—a physical being from another world who was known by the title of the Lord. Then he instructed Moses to tell the people, “I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who

brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.” (Ex 6:7) If God created the entire universe, wouldn’t that make him everyone’s God? Here the Lord is not claiming to be anyone’s god. He is simply saying that he will take these people as his own and that he will be their leader—or god, if you will—who freed them from Egypt. And the fact that Moses even recorded this information suggests the Lord was having him keep an accurate record of what was really going on. Getting back on track, the Bible describes nine more plagues released on the pharaoh’s city: frogs, gnats, flies, the death of livestock, boils, a severe hailstorm, locusts, three days of darkness, and the death of all the firstborns. Except for the deaths of the firstborns, none of these plagues affected the Hebrews who lived south of the pharaoh’s city in their own land of Goshen. It was the able-bodied men working in and around the pharaoh’s city as slaves that witnessed these events and told the others when they returned to Goshen. But Moses set the stage for each event by announcing to the pharaoh in advance each plague he was about to unleash, thereby perpetuating the belief in a powerful Hebrew God. Frogs Chapter 8 of Exodus describes Aaron raising his staff over the water and states that frogs came upon the land in droves and died. But if it was Pfiesteria that turned the Nile red, as proposed by Dr. John Marr, it’s only logical that frogs and toads would abandon the poisoned water. But again, it claims that using their secret arts, the pharaoh’s magicians performed the same act. Scientific research claims frogs are attracted to white or shiny reflective objects.439 This may explain how the magicians accomplished their trick: by placing white or reflective materials near the water. But whatever the Lord had done was fatal, possibly causing nerve damage, because they reportedly died all over the place, in houses, courtyards, and fields.

If the Lord is really an extraterrestrial, he probably had an amazing amount of technology at his disposal. He could have beamed ultrasonic waves down over water and riverbanks, driving the frogs into a frenzy and forcing them to flee onto the land and die. But the pharaoh’s magicians duplicating this act seems dubious. Why would they want to bring another plague of frogs onto the land? It is unlikely that anyone, especially the pharaoh, would have appreciated such an act. But whatever caused the frogs to desert the water and die in the first place, it’s unlikely there would have been many left alive for the pharaoh’s magicians to attract. Gnats, Flies, and Locusts Dr. John Marr and Curtis Malloy theorized that dead frogs attracted the first plague of insects. But all three insect invasions could also be explained by the use of sound. Generated at the proper frequencies, the vibrations could have attracted the insects by stimulation or by reproducing mating sounds that lured them into the city at the appropriate time; they then could have been lured back out of the city in the same manner. Death of Livestock If we are to take this account seriously, the Lord caused the death of all livestock in Egypt except for those owned by the Hebrews in Goshen. Yet it claims that all animals left out in the fields, and those tending them, died in the later plague of hail. If true, then this plague did not kill all the livestock. So what did kill the animals in this case? The most logical scenario is that the Lord crop-dusted the grazing fields with a lethal agent that the animals ingested. It is also possible those retelling the story over the centuries embellished the details. We will never know. Boils The plague of boils may be easier to explain. A chemical agent released from a craft flying over the pharaoh’s city and surrounding countryside could have caused boils and sores to erupt on the skin. Although it may have been created by other means, this would seem the most likely cause.

Severe Hailstorm I cannot recall how many times I have heard this story described as fire raining down upon the land of Egypt. Some schools continue to perpetuate this myth the same way Cecil B. DeMille erroneously depicted it in the 1956 movie The Ten Commandments. The only thing related to fire in this case was the severe lightning that accompanied the storm. It is very likely that many people back then would have referred to lightning as a form of fire. However, it’s surprising how many people today tend to believe it really was fire that rained down. We know that rain can be produced by saturating clouds with dry ice, so it is possible the Lord manipulated the weather to create a severe electrical storm and used an agent that produced large hailstones. He controlled the hail by how he seeded the clouds so it would not fall on the land of Goshen, where the Hebrews lived. These large ice balls supposedly killed many slaves and animals left out in the fields, and it is probable that many also died when lightning struck the wet ground they were standing on. If true, then many animals did survive the earlier death-of-livestock plague. Three Days of Darkness Next, the account says darkness fell over the land for three days, and one could not see another standing right in front of him. But it says the Hebrews had light in their land, which means that the sun was shining in Goshen. But this could be another exaggeration. Some scholars suggest the darkness was simply a very bad sandstorm, and if true, omitting this fact would seem that later writers made an intentional effort to portray the event as something more than what it was. However, if technology created the darkness, then it is totally out of our league. Another possible explanation is that the three days of darkness was created by large ash clouds from the volcanic eruption that devastated the Greek island of Thera (Santorini) that swept across the Mediterranean Sea and into Egypt. Volcanic ash from the eruption has been found in Egypt and in the Nile Delta.440 The only problem is that historians and Bible scholars are unable to

coordinate the two events to a compatible date. But as I previously stated, the timeline of many of the Biblical stories is questionable, so it is possible the event may have occurred during the Santorini eruption. Exactly how much time elapsed between these events is unknown, but two or three months would seem a reasonable amount of time. Nonetheless, up to this point, much of what occurred was in the pharaoh’s city—not in Goshen, where the Hebrews lived. Only those who were working in or around the pharaoh’s city as slaves witnessed these events and reported what they had seen to the others back in Goshen. But remember: the Lord referred to the Hebrews as a “stiff necked” (stubborn) people, so many remained unimpressed, since the plagues had not affected them. But that was about to change. The Death of All Firstborns The pharaoh’s consistent refusal to release the people provided the Lord with the excuse to execute his next move—one that would demonstrate just how powerful he was and, at the same time, build the people’s confidence in Moses. He was about to cause the death of all the firstborns in the land except for those who followed certain instructions. In Exodus 12:2–22, he tells Moses to instruct the people that on the tenth day of the month they were to select a lamb or goat that was a year old and free from any sickness or disease. They were to take care of this animal until the fourteenth and then slaughter it at twilight and roast it over a fire. They were to smear some of its blood on the sides and tops of their doorframes as a sign for the destroyer to pass by their homes and spare their firstborns. They were to eat the meat in haste, with their cloaks tucked into their belts, sandals on their feet, and their staffs in their hands, and they were not to go outside until morning. Also on this day, they were to get rid of any yeast in their homes, and for the next week, until the twenty-first, they were to eat only unleavened bread made without yeast. Now, it is only logical to assume these instructions served a purpose. The tucking in of their cloaks into their belts and wearing of

sandals on their feet suggests they probably had to protect their skin from contact with something—but what? One hypothesis is that death resulted from a lethal agent beamed directly into the person’s body from a ship, which the Lord referred to as “the destroyer,” as it cruised over the city. If this was the case, these beams may have left a residual contamination floating in the air that could seep into other homes and be absorbed through the skin and might cause serious illness and possibly death. It may have required several ships to complete the job in one night, thereby increasing the amount of airborne contamination and the need to take precautions. Keeping their cloaks wrapped around them and tucked into their belts would have protected their skin. If any settled on the floors, sandals would protect their feet. Keeping their staffs in their hands instead of leaning them against the wall would prevent them from making contact with any contamination that might settle there. Eating the meat in haste meant that they were to eat it immediately after cooking it, before the killing started and the contamination began to build up. Yeast may possibly have been a product that would absorb the contamination and retain it, and if eaten, it might have caused serious illness or death—thus the order to get rid of it on that day. Eating unleavened bread for the next seven days may have been an added precaution just in case any yeast they might have procured after the fourteenth was contaminated. It may be that the contamination dissipated within three or four days, so the Lord ordered a safety margin of seven days. And staying inside until morning, obviously, was intended to further reduce the danger of exposure. In Exodus 12:12 the Lord told Moses that he would pass over the land of Egypt that night and smite all the firstborns. However, Exodus 12:23 identifies “the destroyer” as the one who would carry out the mission. Was this a reference to the type of ship, or ships, that he used? And the fact that the people received instructions to smear the blood of goats or lambs on their doorframes to avoid having their

firstborns killed tells us that this event occurred in their own land of Goshen as well as in the pharaoh’s city. The pharaoh’s firstborn son was a casualty during this night of death, and in his grief and preparation for his son’s funeral, he relented and allowed the Hebrews to leave with Moses. But the details described in the rest of the story suggest the plan called for him to pursue them once he realized he had lost his free labor force. So it was important that when the people left, they immediately put a lot of distance between themselves and the pharaoh, just in case he set out after them too soon. In fact, according to Exodus 13:21, it appears the Lord assisted the people by providing light that enabled them to travel in the night hours during the first several days. If anyone had become sick or died from the contamination, it would have seriously hindered travel during this time, so preventing it was important. Therefore, the Lord provided a clear-cut list of instructions to follow as precautionary measures. Logically speaking, what other purpose could they have served? Now there is the question of how it was determined which person in a household was a firstborn. It is not so incredible when you think about it. How can a doctor determine the age and sex of a fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman without cutting her open? It was impossible fifty years ago, but today ultrasound is a technology we take for granted. If the Lord’s technology was as sophisticated as implied in many of the stories, he could probably determine who was a firstborn right from his ship. Of course, this is all speculation based on the kind of technology we might expect an alien race to possess—assuming, that is, aliens were involved. The only other choices are to believe these events were miracles or a series of natural events, such as those proposed by Dr. John Marr and Curtis Malloy. However, if the covenant that the Lord made with Abraham is based on fact, then all the events leading up to this point were part of a plan he had mapped out five hundred years earlier, suggesting he methodically orchestrated them.

The next step was to annihilate the pharaoh’s army in front of the people—the ultimate sign of their freedom—so the Lord had to make sure the Egyptians would pursue them. At the same time, he had to prevent the people from getting too far ahead; if the pharaoh’s army could not find them, it would ruin the whole plan, so he led them in an erratic back-and-forth pattern until he knew the Egyptians were coming. Exodus 13:18 through 14:2 says the Lord led them on a route toward the Red Sea. Then it says they went to Succoth and then to Etham, where they camped at the edge of the desert. Then, probably because they had gained too much headway, he had them turn and go back to Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. He then had them camp by the sea (or some small body of water), which would seem to place them in a vulnerable position. As noted in the description of force field technology in chapter 12, when the pharaoh’s army caught up to them, the Lord blocked their path with a smoke screen; parted the waters with a force field; and, during the night, dried the seabed (probably with beams of microwave radiation), through which the Israelites were able to escape. When the Egyptian army pursued them into the parted waters, the Lord blew the wheels off the lead chariots to slow them down, and he finished them off by releasing the force field, allowing the waters to come crashing down over them. I must point out that the parting of the waters seems to be an event of astounding proportion, even if accomplished by alien technology. To witness such an extraordinary event would surely enhance the people’s belief and loyalty in Moses and, at the same time, convince them of how powerful the Lord really was. Yet within a few months, while Moses was on Mount Sinai, receiving the Ten Commandments, it seems many of them reverted to inappropriate behavior. This raises the question of just how impressive the parting of the water really was. If any of us today were an active participant in such a spectacular event, would we be apt to forget it so quickly? Would we not continue to hold in awe the powers that be for many years—even the

rest of our lives? But the Bible says about three thousand people soon began worshipping the idol of a golden calf. It was at this time that Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. But to add credibility to the story, we must try to determine the location of Mount Sinai and establish whether the Lord really landed his ship there. Since trace evidence is often found at UFO landing sites today, might trace evidence of a landing site still be found on Mount Sinai?


P rior to receiving the Ten Commandments, Moses and the people watched the Lord come out of the cloud and descend on the mountain in a fiery ball of light. He covered the top of the mountain in what is described as a thick cloud of smoke; this was followed by thunderous sounds and trumpet blasts. But why didn’t he simply beam down to the mountain, as he often did when meeting with Moses? His landing of his ship in this case suggests the plan was for Moses to come aboard to receive the Ten Commandments; what other logical reason could there have been for a landing? Sometime after the ship landed, Moses made his first trip up the mountain with Aaron and his two sons, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders. This visit may have been a special privilege allowed the elders in an attempt to create a more positive influence regarding the new rules and laws they would now be required to follow. “Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy of the elders went to the top of the mountain and saw the God of Israel. Underneath his feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire as clear as the sky itself. God did not raise his hand against these leaders of the Israelites; they saw God and they ate and drank.” (Ex 24:9–10) What did these people really see? Logic suggests the feet were the craft’s landing gear, but since there is no description of the craft,

one might assume it was concealed in a smoke screen. It says there was a pavement of sapphire underneath his feet, which may have been a landing pad constructed of polished metal, a reflective glasslike surface created by the vitrification of sand and stone, or even a ramp leading to the craft’s entrance. The scripture mentions the feet but says nothing as to whom or what they connected to, and common sense suggests they connected to someone or something. The most logical “thing” in this case is a ship enveloped in a cloud except for the landing gear protruding from the bottom. Though they would never see what God (the Lord) looked like, they would naturally have assumed his presence was inside the cloud. Here again we have one of the many examples in which the scribes used the word “God” instead of “the Lord.” Exodus 19:11 says it was the Lord who told Moses he would come down on the Mountain. But then it says, “God did not raise his hand against these leaders …” and that “they saw God and they ate and drank.” But it was not God that landed on the mountain; it was the Lord. The God of Israel was a physical being whom they would never see but knew only by the title of “the Lord.” For sixteen hundred years, people have accepted Jebel Musa in the southern Sinai Peninsula as Mount Sinai, even though no archaeological evidence exists to support that belief.441 If the Lord did land his ship on top of the mountain, it seems unlikely that it was Jebel Musa, because of its incompatible terrain. The top would have to be flat or else landscaped to accommodate a landing, and judging from the Bible’s description of smoke, thunderous sounds, and trumpet blasts, there would likely be evidence of burning and scorched rocks from the preparation of a landing site. There should also be a cave somewhere on the mountain where Elijah stayed after fleeing the wrath of Jezebel, who was out to kill him. There is a mountain in the Negev Desert with such a cave, called Har Karkom, that has a relatively flat mesa-like top, and one of the many glyphs found at the base of the mountain was a tablet that someone had carved to depict the Ten Commandments.442

But there is yet another possibility: Jebel El Lawz, a mountain in northwest Saudi Arabia. In the first edition of this book, I described it as relatively flat judging from what I believed at the time were aerial photos of it. But I was wrong; the photos later proved to be of another mountain. However, I have since seen aerial photos of the mountain, but the altitude from which they were taken made it impossible to determine any topographical features, so it is possible an area on the mountain exists that could accommodate the landing of a ship. Jebel El Lawz, however, does match all the other details described in the Bible. Unfortunately, the government of Saudi Arabia has the site sealed off for military use. Authors Larry Williams and Robert Cornuke managed to sneak in and explore the site in 1988, and they found the rocks and the whole top of the mountain blackened, as if scorched.443 Analysis of a blackened rock brought down from the mountain proved the rock to be metamorphic, indicating that either compression or a very high temperature created it.444 Jebel El Lawz also has a small cave that one might associate with Elijah. Could this be the mountain where the Lord came down? Photos and video footage taken by Jim and Penny Caldwell, who also explored the site, make it a likely prospect. Jim worked for an American oil company based in Saudi Arabia and managed to explore the site several times with his wife and two children, Chelsa and Lucas. On the plain below the mountain, they discovered an altar with a petroglyph depicting an Apis bull, an idol worshiped by the Egyptians. As they had spent five centuries in Egypt, it is only logical the Israelites absorbed some of the Egyptian culture and may have created the petroglyph. Was this the altar where the unfaithful Israelites worshipped their golden calf idol? Also at the base of the mountain are the remnants of white pillars, which may be what Exodus 24:4 says Moses erected to represent the twelve tribes. However, their most compelling discovery was the “split rock.” The Caldwells spotted it two miles away sticking up from an outcropping, and it stands about four stories tall. They believe it is the rock from which Moses produced water.445

A good description of the event is found in Psalm 78:15–17, which says that when Moses struck the rock with his staff, the Lord caused the rock to split apart and water gushed out like a geyser. At this site, the water would have flowed down and filled a basin about three miles wide—large enough to easily accommodate thousands of people. The site is referred to in the Bible as Horeb and Meribah, and the rock is split down the middle. Unfortunately, the Caldwells’ photos and video footage did not reveal a site on the mountain suitable for a landing, although there may have been an area not photographed where it was possible. And the whole top of the mountain was apparently blackened by something that had emitted extremely high heat. Some alien abductees said they experienced what they thought was a decontamination process upon entering the ship, involving a light beam or cloud of gas. They think the purpose was to prevent external biological materials, such as germs, from contaminating the ship’s environment. Since it appears an intense heat created a blackened area that covered a wide portion of the mountaintop, could it have been a method of decontamination in preparation for Moses bringing the seventy elders there and for him and Joshua later coming aboard? Or was it the result of creating a landing site? It is important to note that most scholars believe “Horeb,” “Sinai,” and the “Mountain of God” all refer to the same mountain. If so, this was the same mountain where the Lord first contacted Moses through the burning bush, where he met with his brother Aaron on his return to Egypt, and where he received the Ten Commandments. Now it is time to examine the details pertaining to when Moses went up on the mountain to receive the commandments, why he was gone for so long, and why he took Joshua with him and not his brother, Aaron.


W hat comes into question here is the loyalty of Moses’s brother, Aaron. Arranging for him to meet Moses at Mount Horeb on his journey back to Egypt necessitated personal contact, and there were other occasions during the forty years in the desert when he talked to him directly. Aaron served as Moses’s right-hand man in Egypt and had done all the talking for him when confronting the pharaoh, and he continued to serve Moses after the people left Egypt. But when Moses went up on Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments, he took Joshua with him, not Aaron. Why? Moses was on the mountain for a long time—so long that many thought he had deserted them. They became restless, their loyalty faded, and they wanted a god they could see—one that they could put in front of them to worship. Being that Aaron was skilled in the art of working with gold, they persuaded him to fashion a golden calf idol. So it would appear that Aaron’s loyalty also faded; he collected all their gold, melted it down, and made them the idol they asked for. Nothing is said about how Moses and Joshua survived on the mountain for so long without food. If they were gone for forty days as the Bible claims, they obviously received nourishment during that time. So we might assume they were inside the Lord’s ship for that period. But remember, in biblical terms, forty could have represented a much shorter duration of time. It had been about three months since the people left Egypt, and they had already witnessed the Lord do some amazing things.

They’d seen how he provided light that enabled them to travel by night during the first several days; they’d seen him block the approach of the pharaoh’s army with a smoke screen; they’d seen him part the waters and dry the sea bed for their escape; and they’d seen him destroy the pharaoh’s army by blowing the wheels off the lead chariots, which brought their chase to a halt, and then close up the waters over them. The Lord was monitoring the activities in the camp and could not believe that so many had reverted to idol worship after everything he had just done. Exodus 32:9–14 says he became disgusted and told Moses that he was going to put an end to it and wipe them all out. Moses, however, convinced him that their enemies would construe such action as a sign that he was too weak of a god to maintain control over his own people. Moses then convinced the Lord to let him handle it. When he and Joshua returned to the camp and saw what was going on, Moses, in a fit of rage, smashed the commandment tablets on the ground and then destroyed the idol. The Levites had remained faithful, so Moses ordered them to go through the camp and wipe out the idol worshippers, and the Bible says they killed about three thousand, except for Aaron, who had made the golden calf idol. The Bible says Moses confronted Aaron and asked, “What did these people do to you, that you led them into such great sin?” (Ex 32:21) Aaron then explained what had happened. But many assume that Moses was angry with him, and only because he was the brother of Moses was his life spared. However, the evidence suggests something else. Translated into today’s language, I think Moses simply inquired of Aaron, “Okay, my brother, how did you manage to get all the disloyal people to reveal themselves?” If you assume I have changed the context of the scripture to fit my ideas, you are mistaken. According to the biblical narrative, neither the Lord nor Moses ever held Aaron accountable for making the golden calf. In fact, the Lord later had Moses appoint him to serve as

a priest in the new tent of meeting. If Aaron had really been disloyal, that never would have happened. The Lord never showed special favor to anyone who broke the rules, except for Solomon, which was explained in chapter 11. It seems the real reason for Moses’s long stay on the mountain was to give Aaron sufficient time to weed out and identify those who would eventually be a problem. To meet the deadline, it was imperative that the indoctrination proceed on schedule with minimum interference, so it was necessary to eliminate those who threatened to disrupt that schedule. When Moses went back up the mountain to get the second set of tablets, he was again gone for quite a while, probably to see if there would be a recurrence, but this time there were no problems. However, upon his return, as Exodus 34:29 states, his face was glowing and the people were afraid to go near him. He became selfconscious of his appearance and wore a veil over his face for some time after. This is either a mistranslation or a spin that was put on the story. If you describe your wife or girlfriend as glowing, you are not implying that she is glowing in a literal sense; you are simply complimenting her on her radiant appearance. Perhaps exposure to the atmosphere in the Lord’s ship for so long during his two visits had a rejuvenating effect on Moses’s appearance. But again, this is only speculation. ♦♦♦♦♦ The introduction of the Ten Commandments is further evidence of an attempt to expedite the evolution of humanity through behavioral improvement. We must assume this was being done for a reason. Was it to prepare the human race for the end times—an Omega scenario—when we will have to set up shop on another world and interact with other galactic civilizations, at which point we must be free of wars, prejudices, and antisocial behavior? If we are forced to evacuate Earth to survive a future cataclysmic event, it is not inconceivable that we may encounter other civilizations among the stars during our migration to a new world. Interaction with such civilizations would not be in their best interest if we are still involved in tribal warfare, such as we are today. It is only

logical that before the time comes for us to leave the earth, we must shed our human fallibilities and learn to become a peaceful race.


A fter a generation of adapting to new moral standards, the Lord led the people to a place outside of Moab where they set up camp. It was there that he made one final sweep to eliminate the problem people that had gone undetected; they could become an inhibiting factor to progress in their new land. Therefore, they were given the opportunity to interact with others, and those prone to negative influences revealed themselves by giving in to temptation and corrupt behavior. Numbers 25:1–2 says many succumbed to the seduction of local women and even bowed down to worship their gods. The Lord then unleashed a plague in which he eliminated another twenty-four thousand. But again, keep in mind that this number could be highly exaggerated. The time had come for a new leader to take charge, and Moses appointed Joshua to take command. He then went up on top of Mount Nebo to die. Or did he? What really happened to Moses? According to Deuteronomy 31:14 and 32:50, the Lord told Moses that he would die, and Deuteronomy 34:5 claims that he did. But the fact that he appeared over one thousand years later with Elijah at Christ’s Transfiguration suggests otherwise; how could he be standing there talking to Christ if he were dead? The evidence suggests that this part of the story began forty years earlier, when he produced water from the rock. Soon after Moses led them out of Egypt, the people set up a temporary camp at a place called Rephidim, where they began

complaining about the lack of water, and they came close to attacking Moses. This caused him to complain bitterly to the Lord. The Lord told him to take some of the elders and walk ahead of the people to the rock at Horeb and said he would “stand there before him by the rock.” Exodus 17:6 says Moses was to take his staff and strike the rock, and water would then pour out from it. But that conflicts with Numbers 20:7–8, which says he was to speak to the rock. Nevertheless, after arriving at the site, there is nothing said about the Lord standing there before him, so we might assume that the word “before” meant “prior to,” suggesting that the Lord would go there before Moses arrived. But why? One possibility is that the Lord rigged the rock with a line to an underground reservoir with an opening to provide an outlet for the water. It is possible the Lord had earlier installed a valve designed to open upon the sound of tapping, and he had to activate it before Moses arrived with the people. We have the same technology today in the Clapper, which allows one to turn one’s lights on and off by clapping one’s hands. So why would he need to get there first to activate this device? Would it not have been more practical to have set it at the time of installation? But the people had become upset with Moses, and it had to appear as another miracle to reinforce their faith in him. Had it been preset, any number of things may have caused it to turn on prematurely, such as a distant clap of thunder, the sound of a loose stone falling from a cliff, or even the ground shaking from an earth tremor. Had the water been flowing when everyone arrived, it would not have made much of an impression. The split rock discovered by Jim and Penny Caldwell at Jebel El Lawz is the best candidate, where water would have gushed out like a geyser and filled a threemile-wide basin. So the Lord waited until the very last moment to activate it, which also suggests that the events at this location involved advanced planning. But then there is a question—a question that to my knowledge no one has ever thought to ask: how did Moses know which rock to go to?

It is unlikely that Moses would trek across the desert, walk up to just any rock, and expect water to flow from it when he tapped on it or spoke to it. Logic suggests he knew in advance which rock had been rigged. Since this event took place at Mount Horeb, where the Lord first contacted Moses through the burning bush and where he met with his brother Aaron on his return to Egypt, we know that he had been there before. That means he would have been familiar with the area, and the rock had to be one that he would be sure to recognize. And the Lord did tell him to go to “the rock” at Horeb, not “a rock.” We might assume the Lord had identified this rock to Moses during his meeting with Aaron on his return to Egypt. We might also consider the possibility that arranging for Moses to meet Aaron at this particular location was for the sole purpose of identifying the split rock to him. There is, however, more to the story. It appears to have been a plan designed to set the stage for when Moses would leave the people forty years later. There is, as mentioned above, a conflict between Exodus 17:6 and Numbers 20:7–8. One says Moses was to strike the rock with his staff, and the other says he was to speak to it. It seems they are both right. Moses did strike the rock with his staff as the Lord instructed, while at the same time he spoke to the rock, but he did so in a rebellious manner, supposedly because he was angry with him for keeping the people at Rephidim for so long without water that they almost attacked him. Numbers 20:12 says that because of his irreverent behavior, the Lord became angry and told him that he would never live to lead the people into their Promised Land. Moses’s complaining branded him a griper, which, in the eyes of the people, automatically put him in disfavor with the Lord. So they now believed that he would die and never live to see the Promised Land. But this makes no sense. Since the Lord came down so hard on everyone else, why would Moses, of all people, complain so blatantly and act rebelliously against him in front of everyone when he knew what the consequences would be? It seems that if anyone knew better, he did.

But let’s not forget how he bared his anger to the Lord back in Egypt when the taskmasters were beating on the people for failing to produce their quota of bricks after the pharaoh withheld their straw; if the Lord did not come down on him then, it seems unlikely that he would he do it now. Moses was responsible for liberating the people from Egypt and keeping them under control for forty years while acclimating them with proper moral and ethical protocols. The Lord had to dictate all these new laws so Moses could make a record of them before he passed them on to the people, and it had to be a time-consuming part of his agenda. There were no typewriters, word processors, or computers in his day, and because of the number of words in the Torah, it obviously took a very long time to record. Moses had to write down each individual letter of every word (assuming, of course, that he did write them down), and with his numerous daily responsibilities, they had probability set aside a small portion of each day to do this—or maybe it was only two or three days a week. Nevertheless, if Moses thought the Lord was going to “effect his death” because he voiced one complaint, it is unlikely that he would have remained so committed to him and his agenda, and it is unlikely that the Lord would have continued to put any trust in him. Why would Moses spend forty years of his life, considering that was about all he had left anyway, running around the desert trying to keep several hundred thousand people happy, as well as the Lord, only to climb up on a mountain to die? It makes no sense. Moses’s job would be over when they reached the Promised Land. It would then be necessary for a younger leader to take over—one with military expertise capable of leading the army in battle. Moses was 80 years old when he and Aaron were confronting the pharaoh back in Egypt, and he was 120 and near the end of his lifetime when they reached their new land—certainly too old to be effective in a military capacity. His mission was to indoctrinate the people and keep them under control during the time in the desert. Isn’t it more likely the Lord rewarded him for his years of faithful service by taking him with him instead of allowing him to die on top of a mountain? If

this was the case, which it certainly appears to be, then it was necessary to create a situation to validate his departure. When the time came forty years later, Moses could not just stand up and tell everyone that his job was now over and that the Lord was waiting up on the mountain to pick him up. The Lord had created a situation that made it appear as though the threat of being attacked by the people caused him to complain and act rebelliously to him in front of them. As far as they knew, he had angered the Lord, and his departure would then be an event they expected. According to the laws of justice with which they were about to be indoctrinated, they would never have believed the Lord was partial to Moses just because he was their leader; they would believe that the same justice that applied to them applied to him, and that his departure meant his death, thereby providing him with the excuse he needed for leaving when the time came. There would be no witnesses; he would go to the top of Mount Nebo all alone, where the Lord would pick him up; everyone would assume he had gone up there to die. Since he was at Christ’s Transfiguration over one thousand years later with Elijah, whom the Lord had picked up in a “chariot of fire,” would that not suggest that, like Elijah, he also picked up Moses, and that Moses was still alive? And would Numbers 20:7–8 not suggest that when the Lord instructed Moses to speak to the rock, he also instructed him to do so “in a rebellious manner” to convince the people he had angered the Lord to provide validation for his leaving? Obviously, Moses could not have written the description of his own death. It is the consensus of some Bible scholars that it was later added by Joshua or someone else. The Bible says he died at the ripe old age of 120, yet he still had his strength and good eyesight. Being that he was still so healthy, I had to wonder how he could just lie down and die. And why would he have to do it on top of a mountain, away from the people? Why were they not allowed to witness his death, and why were they not allowed the privilege of burying him? Deuteronomy 34:6 says the Lord buried him in Moab, in the valley opposite Beth Peor.

The truth is, no one knew the location of his grave or whether he had been buried. The evidence suggests that the reason for not allowing the people to witness his death and burial is that Moses did not die but instead went with the Lord, as did Enoch and Elijah. It was the reward for their many years of faithful service in assisting him in fulfilling his agenda. ♦♦♦♦♦ Meanwhile, in the Promised Land, the remnants of Adam’s descendants had melded with the general population and contaminated many of them with Adam’s genetic imperfection. It was virtually impossible to distinguish those affected from those not affected, so the only solution was to conquer and burn their cities and eliminate all their inhabitants, which included not just the men but women and children as well. It is difficult to believe God would be responsible for such a heinous act—an act that any civilized nation today would condemn as nothing less than barbaric. However, from the aliens’ perspective, it was still important at the time to maintain the genetic integrity of the new race for as long as possible. Had there been any contact, especially of a sexual nature, it could have resulted in the situation eventually reverting to that which had prevailed in the days of Noah and of Sodom and Gomorrah. It was, in all probability, not an option the aliens favored, but it was the only way to guarantee there would be no genetic contamination; the end would justify the means. And time was a critical factor if they were to meet the deadline.


W ith Moses no longer on the scene, I think we can logically assume that Joshua had been groomed to succeed him and that this necessitated his own personal dealings with the Lord. This is evident in Exodus 33:11, which reveals that Joshua was usually with Moses when he would meet with the Lord in the cloud that descended in front of the temporary meeting tent set up outside the camp. Even after Moses returned to the camp, Joshua remained in the tent. We can conclude from this passage that Joshua was present and participated in the conversations that took place with the Lord. And we can only speculate on why he remained in the tent after Moses departed, although logic suggests it was to further discuss his personal role in the project. Since the Lord dictated this information for Moses to record, why would he make it a point to mention that Joshua was in the tent and that he remained there after Moses left with no explanation as to why? It seems like an obscure detail—an insignificant and irrelevant piece of information that one may easily overlook. However, it tells us that Joshua was an active player. His presence at these meetings suggests that, like Moses, he, too, was aware of who the Lord really was and what was going on. His expertise as a military leader would be crucial in bringing the people into their new land, and it would most certainly have involved much communication with the Lord. And this is further suggested in his accompanying Moses to receive the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

With Joshua now in command, the people entered their Promised Land. With the help of Moses, the Lord completed the indoctrination on schedule; and the older generation, with their traditional views of a justice based on vengeance, gradually faded. The younger generation was the focal point of these changes, since it was they who inherited the new land. Adopting new laws of morality and justice made it easier for later generations to accept newer ideas instituted by Christ; they had become better prepared to understand the higher wisdom of his teachings. Christ discouraged the eye-foran eye style of justice and stressed the importance of turning the other cheek. Once these values became established, future generations could acquire a higher level of tolerance and wisdom. But obtaining their new land meant taking it away from the current inhabitants. Although it was the land of their heritage, none had ever seen it; their ancestors had left five hundred years earlier only to become enslaved in Egypt. The current inhabitants were sure to defend their territory, and they had large armies to rely on; however, they knew not of the arsenal of alien firepower they would be facing. The Israelites had only about forty thousand men that were battle trained; they were no match for the armies they were about to challenge. But the Lord had told Moses he was going to give them the advantage: “I will be an enemy to your enemies and oppose those who oppose you.” (Ex 23:22) “I will send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter.” (Ex 23:27) “I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way.” (Ex 23:28) Does this not suggest that the Lord was going to aid the Israelites in conquering their enemies, and that “the hornet” was one of his warships? In reminding Moses of what he had done to the pharaoh back in Egypt, he said,

“The Lord your God will do the same to all the peoples you now fear. Moreover, the Lord your God will send the hornet among them until even the survivors who hide from you have perished.” (Dt 7:19–20) After arriving at the border of their Promised Land, the Lord had Moses send scouts into Canaan on a recon mission. Numbers 13:33 says that when they returned, the scouts reported seeing the Anakites (the descendants of the Nephilim) and said they looked like grasshoppers in front of them, thus suggesting the Anakites were extremely tall men. And Moses talked about the Anakites in one of the final speeches he delivered to the people: “The people are strong and tall — Anakites! You know about them and have heard it said: Who can stand up against the Anakites? But be assured today that the Lord your God is the one who goes across ahead of you like a devouring fire. He will destroy them; he will subdue them before you. And you will drive them out and annihilate them quickly as the Lord has promised you.” (Dt 9:2–3) This confirms that the Lord was going to take out most of the enemy first (“He will destroy them; he will subdue them before [in front of or ahead of] you”). All the Israelites had to do was wipe out whatever the Lord had left (“And you will drive them out and annihilate them quickly as the Lord has promised you”). The Lord’s participation is further evident in what Joshua told the people in Shechem before he died. He was delivering a message from the Lord, part of which described how he had gone ahead of the people and destroyed their enemies: “I sent the hornet ahead of you, which drove them out before you—also the two Amorite kings. You did not do it with your own sword and bow.” (Jos 24:12) So the Bible is telling us that the Lord guaranteed the survival of his new race by wiping out most of the enemy before they even got involved in the battles. This is evident in several other biblical stories

leading up to Christ’s appearance on the scene. The Lord realized the time was approaching when man would begin to recognize the signs of technology, so it was necessary to back out of the picture, and he began a gradual fade into the background, leaving the angels to make periodic contact. After Joshua died, memory of the events in which the Lord had displayed his awesome technology gradually faded. As it had been in the time of Moses, many people had trouble accepting an invisible god. When they turned to the gods of the locals, they soon found themselves under the domination of their enemies. Each time a new leader led them to freedom, they would revert to idol worship and again succumb to subjugation. The Lord was trying to impress on them the fact that worshipping idols made of wood, stone, and metal was pointless and a waste of time. They were what they were— pieces of wood, stone, and metal whose powers existed only in the minds of those who worshipped them. To reestablish their loyalty, he would periodically make his presence known by briefly getting involved, but without an awesome display of firepower. When the Philistines were preparing to attack the Israelites assembled at a place called Mizpeh, 1 Samuel 7:10 says the Lord used loud, thunderous sound effects to uproot the Philistines and create confusion in their camp, which allowed the Israelites to easily overpower them. When the king of Aram sent his army to raid Samaria, the Lord blasted them with sounds so frightening that the Arameans thought ten thousand armies were charging. 2 Kings 7:5–7 claims they fled on foot in such haste that they left their horses, tents, and all their personal possessions behind. Chapters 6 and 7 in the book of Judges tell that the Lord sent an angel to visit Gideon with a plan to take out the Midianite army, in which he did not become personally involved. Judges 6:2 tells us Gideon prepared an offering for the angel; however, before he could set it on fire, the angel reached out and touched it with the tip of his staff, and it burst into flames. If this is true, we must assume that what ignited the offering was something more than a staff.

Gideon had recruited thousands of men, but the angel told him they needed only about three hundred for this phase of the plan. Now there is a clue that the Lord mentally manipulated the Midianite soldiers. Just as he provided the prophets with information of future events through visions and dreams, Judges 7:7–21 claims he did the same with the Midianite soldiers by planting visions in their minds of being cut down by Gideon’s sword. This created unrest in their camp, and they began fighting among themselves. While this was going on, the Lord had Gideon position the three hundred men around the perimeter of their camp, blowing on trumpets and waving lanterns in the air. This caused the Midianites to panic; they jumped on their horses and fled. But the Lord had Gideon leave an opening to provide them with an escape route and had him position the rest of the army hidden along the route that he knew they would have to take. When they passed by, Gideon’s forces took them by surprise and wiped them out. So the Lord’s strategy arranged Gideon’s victory and at the same time eliminated the need for his personal involvement and use of superior weaponry. In preparing the stage for Christ’s arrival, the Lord remained behind the scenes as he continued aiding the Hebrews in conquering their enemies. He would, however, be making appearances during Christ’s time, concealed within a cloud, which he began doing at the start of the Exodus. In the millennia following Adam and Eve’s eviction from Eden, perception of the Lord transcended to supernatural status, and his technological feats were perceived as miracles. Belief systems forged from this concept created a problem in that disclosure of who he really was would create worldwide religious chaos. It would now take a few millennia to adjust religious concepts and psychologically prepare people to deal with the truth. However, Christ would manage to drop a few hints during his lifetime.


T he creation of Christ appears to be an essential part of the aliens’ agenda in preparing humanity for what is to come. Through his teachings, he played a critical role in shaping the future of human attitudes and behavior. In examining the events that occurred after he arrived on the scene, I have found that the implied use of sophisticated technologies and genetic engineering is still evident, and my interpretations are based on a logical and detailed evaluation. As I mentioned in chapter 10, the scriptures mislabel the Lord as God throughout the entire Bible, which is especially evident in the New Testament. A clue that the Lord was still around and in charge is that he sent his angels on various missions. There is Acts 12:7, which says it was an angel of the Lord who broke the apostle Peter out of prison, and Acts 12:23 says it was an angel of the Lord that struck down Herod. He also sent his angels to deliver messages. Matthew 1:20–21 says an angel of the Lord visited Joseph in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, as his wife. Matthew 2:13 says an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, warning him to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus because Herod was out to kill the child. When Herod died, Matthew 2:19–20 says, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, informing him it was now safe to return to Israel. And in Luke 1:11, an angel informs Zechariah that the Lord had sent

him to deliver the news that Elizabeth was going to have a son. These are all clues that the Lord was still around. The basis behind this idea is from Exodus 19:9 in the Old Testament, in which the Lord comes down in a cloud to meet with Moses in front of the temporary meeting tent outside the camp. From that point on, except for his private meetings with Moses in the tent of meeting, when anyone was present, his appearances were always in a cloud. This was evident at the Transfiguration, when the cloud in which Moses and Elijah departed appeared and a voice from within the cloud told Peter, John, and James that Christ was “his son” and that they should listen to him. Although the scripture does not identify the voice, the fact that it came from within the cloud suggests it belonged to none other than the Lord. And as I theorized in chapter 11, Christ was to be the perfect hybrid created from the aliens’ own gene pool, and it may well have been from the Lord himself, since he always referred to Christ as “his son” and Christ, likewise, referred to him as “his father.” This implies that it was the Lord’s voice the disciples heard from inside the cloud and that he was still around in Christ’s time and being mislabeled as God by the writers. The evidence tends to suggest that Christ was not part of the original plan, for had it been successful and Adam passed his test, there would have been no need for a Messiah; Adam’s descendants would have progressed peacefully to a technological level far beyond that which we have achieved today, and we might have already moved out among the stars. But because of Adam’s genetic imperfection, his children would never acquire the wisdom to keep pace with their technical potential; therefore, the new plan necessitated tight control over advancement. And although Adam’s failure was a setback, the backup plan still made it possible to meet the deadline. After Isaac’s descendants (the new race) had grown to sufficient numbers while enslaved in Egypt, they had to rise above the primitive levels of justice they had lived by during their enslavement and acclimate to a lifestyle guided by proper moral and ethical protocols. Christ discouraged the “eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” style of justice; his teachings emphasized tolerance and

compassion—“turn the other cheek” and “love your enemy”—and he conveyed this wisdom to humanity with the hope that it would inspire future generations. Meanwhile, to prevent man from discovering prematurely that there was extraterrestrial involvement, the Lord remained concealed within a cloud during his appearances. In due time, man would come to realize it on his own, when he was better prepared to accept it and when the issue would no longer be problematic—a phase that began about two thousand years ago. Christ could have carried out his mission without ever claiming in the synagogue that he was the Messiah; it was the prophecies of Isaiah and Micah that revealed him as a major player. When it occurred, however, these prophecies served only to identify the event to the few who were familiar with them. But the story of the Magi (described in chapter12) focused attention on Christ from the time of his birth. Without this story, there would have been nothing (other than Christ’s claim in the synagogue) to associate him with the Messiah prophecies when he emerged as an adult twenty-six years later, although in all probability he would have stood out in history as one of the Hebrews’ greatest teachers and as a martyr who strongly believed in the principles that he preached. Except for the exaggerated and sensationalistic stories about him in The Apocrypha, there is nothing in the Bible describing Christ’s childhood other than a brief mention in Luke 2:41–50. When he was twelve, the entire family had gone to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. However, when they set out for home, Jesus stayed behind, and because the group was so large, a whole day passed before anyone realized he was missing. Mary and Joseph then returned to the city and searched for three days before they found him in the temple courts with the rabbis. Mary asked him why he had done this and said that she and his father (Joseph) had spent three days looking for him. He, in turn, asked why they had done so and said they should have known he would be in “his father’s house.” Could it be he already knew that his biological father was not Joseph but the Lord?

“But they did not understand what he was saying to them.” (Lk 2:50) The next mention of Christ is his baptism by John when he was twenty-six years old. The Bible says that the sky opened up and the Holy Spirit descended on Christ like a dove. We might interpret this as a holographic projection from a craft hovering in the clouds—an event designed to elevate Christ’s image to those who were present, making for a more impressive debut. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke say Christ went directly from his baptism into the desert, where the devil subjected him to forty days of temptation. But in the book of John, there is a discrepancy; John 1:29 and 1:35 tell us that people saw Jesus the next day and again the day following but mention nothing about the temptation. Unknown authors wrote the four Gospels decades after the fact. In all likelihood, they obtained their information from oral tradition or from other ancient texts that have long since disappeared, so we might expect some discrepancies. But these and other inconsistencies do tend to bring into question the accuracy of all the Bible stories. Despite all the preliminary testing with Isaac, Samson, Solomon, etc., it was still possible that something could go wrong; unleashing a super hybrid into the world with an imperfection in any of his genetically enhanced attributes could prove disastrous. This phase was critical, so it is only logical that Christ would have to prove himself. And as it was in the Garden of Eden, someone had to put him to the test; someone had to tempt Christ with unimaginable things to which he would be susceptible. Matthew and Luke identify the tempter as the devil, and Mark calls him Satan. Apparently he was selected because he possessed powers of persuasion (or technology) comparable to those of the Lord. Only he had the power to influence him if it could be done, but according to the Bible, his efforts were in vain.

With the technology currently at our disposal, it amazes me how many people still allow superstitious beliefs to influence and control their lives. One example is triskaidekaphobia—fear of the number thirteen. It is evident in large cities, where you will not find a thirteenth floor in most tall buildings. By designating it as the fourteenth floor, people think bad luck is less likely to befall them. But the reality check is, regardless of what you choose to call it, the floor above the twelfth is still the thirteenth level of the structure. Other superstitious myths apply to black cats, walking under ladders, breaking mirrors, etc., and organized religion relies on such gullibility to control the minds of the masses. For example, one myth promoted by religion is the existence of demons. Many of the stories in which Christ expelled demons describe the known symptoms of mental illness, epileptic seizures, and even Tourette’s syndrome. It seems that Christ knew the difference, as noted in Matthew 17:14 and Mark 9:14, and he tried to explain it to his disciples after healing a boy who, judging from the description, had probably suffered an epileptic seizure. In all likelihood, Christ taught the disciples psychological techniques to deal with demonpossessed people, and since these were mostly mental aberrations based on superstitious beliefs, they were often successful in effecting a cure. But in this case, their efforts were ineffective. Jesus cured the boy, but later, when they were alone, the disciples asked him why they had failed. Jesus told them, “This kind [of demon] can come out only by prayer.” (Mk 9:29) He was explaining that this situation was different. It was not a mental problem; it was a physical disease that required prayer (a special healing power)—something they did not acquire until the Pentecost. Exactly why Christ went along with this demonic belief is open to speculation. Whatever the reason, he knew the people were not ready for the truth; nor would they have understood it. Only when man outgrew these superstitious beliefs on his own would it be a

sign that he was mentally maturing, that his wisdom was progressing, and that logic and common sense were gaining precedence. It was not so long ago that many people still believed in such myths. But advances in medicine and a bit of common sense have dispelled many of these archaic beliefs. It is people influenced through religious indoctrination and those dabbling in occult practices that are most prone to believe in demons today. The only real demons exist in their minds—their own thoughts. I could be wrong, but I believe the so-called ghostly activities such as those of poltergeists are nothing but uncontrolled manifestations of someone’s subconscious brain activity, in all probability an adolescent or a young child; at least that is what the evidence suggests, and they may not even be aware of what they are doing. We know next to nothing about what the human brain is capable of, and we are only now beginning to recognize its psychic potential. A few centuries ago, the church perceived such powers as demonic and executed many people who exhibited them as witches or devil worshippers. So when it comes to demons, logic tells me there are other possibilities to consider. Something else I’ve noticed in the numerous cable programs dealing with ghosts, hauntings, etc., is that these issues involve people of various religions, the majority being Christian, but never people of the Jewish faith. When I became aware of this, I spent several months monitoring these programs, waiting to see a Jewish family that had encountered a ghost or experienced a haunting or even demonic possession, but no such episode ever aired. I admit I could be wrong; these programs may have aired such cases, and if so, I simply missed them. I asked a few of my Jewish friends about this, and they told me they don’t believe in such things. Might this say something about the psyches of people who do believe in demonic entities? In the introduction of this book I stated that one lesson I have learned in life is that one should never close one’s mind to issues one knows little or nothing about, because no matter how weird or bizarre they may seem at the moment, there is always the possibility

they could turn out to be true. And this lesson must apply to what I know about spirits, ghosts, and demonic entities, which amounts to practically nothing. I believe in UFOs because of a personal experience I had in 1955; however, since I have never seen a ghost, I tend to be more critical in that area. Now, I do not believe that everyone who claims to have had a ghostly or paranormal experience is crazy or hallucinating. Unearthly experiences have been reported by too many credible people, and the volume of witnesses dictates that they must have experienced something truly unusual. But what it is, I have no idea. Author and researcher Loren W. Christensen spent twenty-five years in military law enforcement and as a Portland, Oregon, police officer. His research into the paranormal involved hundreds of incidents experienced by people in law enforcement.446 Police officers have been well-trained to notice things, and although there may be a few exceptions, they are not usually prone to hallucinating. These officers have recounted some amazingly bizarre experiences, and we must give some credibility to their stories. Therefore, my mind remains open to all possibilities. The Bible tells us that Christ exhibited many extraordinary abilities during his lifetime. It seems he possessed strong telepathic abilities, which he used to communicate with his father, the Lord. He also displayed a phenomenal wisdom and had the power to heal the sick. Christ’s healing power was, in all probability, a natural energy emitted from his own body that had been genetically enhanced, and it required intense mental concentration. If he did too much at one time, it could drain him both mentally and physically. But rest and meditation seemed to replenish his energy, similar to the recharging of a battery, which may be the reason he spent many hours in solitude. There are people today called “psychic healers” or “faith healers” who possess similar powers, but it is doubtful they are as powerful as Christ’s ability. They are distinguished from the phonies by remaining inconspicuous and seeking no monetary rewards for what they do.

It appears that whenever Christ intensely focused on his energy, it became so powerful that, at times, it would emanate through his clothing and a sick person might be cured just by touching his robe. It is also evident that he was extremely sensitive to this energy and could feel it drain from him when he healed, as suggested in the story of the bleeding woman. The Bible does not state whether the bleeding was nasal, oral, rectal, vaginal, or aural (from the ears); it states only that she had had the problem for twelve years and became cured when she walked up behind Christ and touched his robe. And it seems to have caught Christ by surprise and caused a startled reaction. He said, “Someone has touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.” (Lk 8:46) This suggests that he felt the sudden drain of power from his body, and that is a very important detail. As we will see later, it is relevant to an event that occurred after his resurrection. Christ healed the crippled, the blind, people with skin disorders, and people with many other types of diseases and afflictions. Some of the stories seem exaggerated, but I suspect he did have the power and that he did do the healing, but it is doubtful they were miracles; it was very likely one of his natural abilities that had been genetically enhanced. But aside from Christ’s alleged miracles, he attempted to convince people to have faith in themselves. It appears the Lord created one situation for Christ to inspire such faith in his disciples when he calmed the waters of a rough sea. He and the disciples were out in a boat, and Jesus was said to be sleeping. The disciples became frightened when a bad storm suddenly arose and waves began sweeping over the boat, and so they woke him. Christ then said to them, “Oh ye of little faith, why are you so afraid?” (Mt 8:26) He then got up and calmed the winds and the waves.

I find it hard to believe that anyone could sleep on a boat bouncing about in rough seas with waves splashing over it. It is possible that the Lord created this event for Christ to teach his disciples to have faith in themselves when confronted with troubling situations, and we can only guess that he was instrumental in creating the storm and high waves. But it seems doubtful that Jesus was really sleeping; perhaps he was only feigning sleep in order to elicit a reaction from them. I have covered several of Christ’s miracles in chapter 12 as they related to alleged technologies in the Bible: turning water into wine, feeding thousands with a few fish and several loaves of bread, walking on water, and a few details regarding the Transfiguration. However, one miracle not mentioned was his raising the dead. Raising the Dead There are stories suggesting that Christ had the power to raise the dead, and if they are true, they really are miracles. But there is nothing said of him bringing back to life a man pierced through the heart by a sword or having suffered an injury that destroyed vital organs—evidence that a person was truly dead. The only people that Christ allegedly brought back to life were only said to have died, with no explanation as to the cause of death. This raises the question of whether they were really dead. Christ could do many wondrous things, but bringing the dead back to life was very likely beyond his capability. But if people thought his powers were limited, it would have affected his Messiah image, so to convince people that he did have this power, it appears the Lord created one, and possibly two, incidents to promote the belief that he had this ability. One involved a man named Lazarus from the town of Bethany, who became sick and then died. When his sister, Mary, and other mourners came to Christ, he had them take him to Lazarus’s tomb— a cave with a stone laid across the entrance—and he said, “Take away the stone.” Lazarus’s other sister Martha said, “But, Lord, by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been

there four days.” Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” (Jn 11:36–40) After rolling the stone away from the entrance, Jesus called out, “Lazarus, come out!” Lazarus came walking out, still wrapped in his burial linen. Jesus said, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” (Jn 11:43–44) Martha naturally assumed there would be a bad odor if, indeed, Lazarus had been dead. Since there was no mention of such odor after opening the tomb, it suggests there was none. If he were dead, surely the scripture would mention the stench of his decomposing flesh, because it would further substantiate the event as being a miracle. This, of course, is an assumption on my part and proves nothing. However, when you put all the pieces of this story together, it appears to have been a situation designed to enhance Christ’s image in Judea, and the Lord used Lazarus as a prop. Since no odor of a decomposing body emanated from the tomb, I think we can reasonably assume that Lazarus was not dead. Perhaps a visiting angel had put him into a state of suspended animation. Christ’s own words to his disciples tend to suggest the Lord arranged Lazarus’s death to enhance his credibility as the Messiah. When first told that Lazarus was sick, he said to them, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s son may be glorified through it.” (Jn 11:4) Christ was telling his disciples that it was a situation designed to fortify the Lord’s image (“ … it is for God’s [the Lord’s] glory …”) and at the same time enhance his Messiah image (“ …so that God’s [the Lord’s] son may be glorified through it.”). Christ then waited two more days before going to Bethany because he knew Lazarus was not dead. When he did arrive, Lazarus supposedly had been dead four days. When they rolled the stone away from the tomb, Jesus said to Martha, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” But after that, he said,

“Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew you always heard me, but I said this [the quote to Martha] for the benefit of the people standing here so they will believe you sent me.” (Jn 11:41–42) Jesus was thanking his father (the Lord) for helping him out (“Father, I thank you that you have heard me”) and promoting his Messiah image (“so they will believe you sent me”). Luke 7:11–17 tells of the other person that Jesus raised from the dead. A woman said to be a widow was preparing to bury her dead son when Jesus just happened to come by. Nothing in the scripture provides a clue as to what her son died of, so we don’t know if he really was dead. And since Christ just happened to appear at the appropriate time, it presents a strong possibility of being another situation created to fortify the belief that he had miraculous powers. The Transfiguration Of all the miraculous events involving Christ, I think the most misunderstood is the Transfiguration. In citing events involving teleportation in Chapter 12, I suggested the bright light that enveloped Christ was the teleporting beam that delivered Moses and Elijah to his side. However, what I didn’t mention was that when Moses and Elijah left, they did so in a cloud. When it appeared, it covered Moses, Elijah, and Christ, and a voice from within the cloud said, “This is my son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” (Mt 17:5, Mk 9:7, Lk 9:35) The next thing the disciples knew, there was no one there except Christ. I think we can discount the idea that Moses and Elijah were just cruising over the neighborhood and decided to drop in for a visit; we must assume they came for a reason. Per Luke 9:30, the conversation had to do with Christ’s departure (execution), which the Bible says he was about to bring to fulfillment in Jerusalem.

Christ may have been apprehensive about the pain and suffering that he was about to experience. Just before his arrest, he took his disciples to a garden called Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives, and the Gospels state that he was sweating profusely. This suggests he was extremely nervous; the thought of what he was about to experience must have been weighing heavily on his mind. It is here that an angel appeared to him, perhaps for a last-minute counseling session and to help him mentally prepare. So the intention of this visit by Moses and Elijah may have been for added moral support. Perhaps the purpose of their appearance was to reassure Christ that when it was all over, he, too, would be like them —still alive. We must ask, however, if it really was Moses and Elijah. They had been gone for centuries, so how would the disciples have known who they were? The only way they could have recognized them was from pictures, but there were no cameras, televisions, or newspapers back then to provide a visual image of these men. Therefore, the most probable explanation is that they heard Christ greet them by name. It was at this time that something very interesting occurred. Luke 9:29–36 says Peter, John, and James became very sleepy when Moses and Elijah appeared. The next thing they knew, there was the cloud, covering Moses, Elijah, and Christ, and a voice in the cloud was saying that Christ was his son and that they should listen to him. When the cloud disappeared, only Christ was left standing there. According to Matthew 17:9 and Mark 9:9, Christ instructed them not to tell anyone about what they had just seen, so apparently there was a need to keep it secret. And this presents another element of the alien abduction issue that is alluded to three times in the Bible: the switching off of witnesses. Switching off, or putting to sleep, is what aliens often do to those who are around the people they abduct. If the abductee is in bed, his or her spouse, if awake, is put to sleep and remains that way until the mate is returned. On occasion, other family members in other rooms throughout the house are also switched off or prevented from

awakening. This has happened to people traveling down the road in their cars; there have been cases in which the driver was taken and the passenger put to sleep until the driver was returned. They often find later that they are parked in a secluded location in the woods with no memory of how they got there or what had occurred. Two of these incidents will be described in the following chapter as they pertain to other events; however, the first one was evident at the Transfiguration, where Peter, John, and James became very sleepy when Moses and Elijah appeared. It appears the three men were switched off to prevent them from hearing what was about to be discussed with Christ. After Moses and Elijah disappeared in the cloud, Christ may not have been sure how much of the conversation they may have heard before being put to sleep or after being awakened. It is possible that Christ received specific instructions about what to do and what to expect during his execution. If there is any truth to his second coming, then it suggests a plan was in effect to prevent his death. That information could be detrimental if it got into the wrong hands, so it is only logical they would want to prevent anyone from hearing the conversation. But since the words that appear in Matthew and Mark say that Moses and Elijah were talking to Christ about his departure (execution), which he was about to bring to fulfillment, how would the authors of Matthew and Mark have known this if it had been kept secret? Who was the source of that information? Obviously, Christ wasn’t planning to tell anyone, so who does that leave but the disciples? Since Christ told them not to tell anyone what they had seen, or maybe heard, did one or more of them somehow manage to hear part of the conversation before falling asleep or after awakening? I have already pointed out that from the time of Moses, all subsequent appearances by the Lord occurred in a cloud, so we might assume that the voice the disciples heard coming from within this cloud was none other than that of the Lord himself. He may have come down to accompany Moses and Elijah back to his ship and, at the same time, take advantage of the opportunity to say hello to his

son. Nevertheless, I suspect the purpose of this visit by Moses and Elijah was of extreme importance. Now it is time to examine the final events of the biblical scenario and examine the evidence of what may have happened to Christ.


A t some point before his execution, it is only logical that the angels would have begun guarding Christ around the clock. There were those who wanted to see him dead; however, it appears the Lord planned everything down to the last detail, and it is highly unlikely he would let anything happen to disrupt his plan. And how do we know there was a plan? Because Christ described to his disciples in advance the details of his execution: “We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise.” (Mk 10:32–34) Christ was explaining to them his betrayal, his being condemned to death, the mocking, the being spit on, the flogging, his execution, and the fact that he would rise in three days. But how would he have known any of this in advance unless it had been planned in advance? Other scriptures also mention it: Matthew 16:21, Mark 8:31, and Luke 18:31–33. But the scriptures imply that the disciples did not realize Christ was talking about himself. If, however, the verse is a verbatim account of what Christ actually said to them, he did not refer to himself in the first person, so they may have assumed he was talking about someone else. Christ may have purposely worded his statement so as not to alert them ahead of

time of his execution, for had they known, their actions could have resulted in them obstructing the plan. Accepting one’s life as an expendable commodity for the advancement of a noble cause seemed to be an essential factor in the first experiments with Isaac and Samson. Being able to genetically enhance this quality was a priority issue, because Christ had to be willing to accept his fate. If unachievable, then continuing in this direction would have been pointless. Christ’s role was critical; if he had backed down, it would have tarnished his image. If he did not initiate the wisdom of his teachings into the minds of men, “an eye for an eye” might still exist in our justice system. The Lord would have stifled man’s progress indefinitely, and the project might have failed. But it appears Christ was the super hybrid genetically enhanced with the best of qualities and fully cooperative in his role of becoming a martyr for his principles. His execution served only to instill in the minds of men the knowledge that he wholeheartedly believed in the importance of the principles he preached, and that he was willing to die for them. It was during the feast of the Passover when this happened, and thousands of people were flocking into Jerusalem. Except for when he was twelve, no one knows for certain whether Christ returned during previous Passovers, because he seems to have always avoided the larger cities. Nevertheless, his reputation preceded him, and the news of his arrival with his huge following had the Roman officials worried; they were afraid of a riot. When Christ overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the temple, he was setting the stage for the events that followed by attracting unfavorable attention to himself from both the Roman and Hebrew authorities. And when he claimed to be the Messiah in the synagogue, that sealed his fate. But he knew this. He was purposely laying the groundwork for his execution; it was part of the plan. In fact, it appears that he even used Judas Iscariot as an unwitting accomplice.

Judas is always portrayed as a traitor, but I can find nothing in the scriptures to justify that label. At the Last Supper, Christ announced to his disciples that before the night was over, one of them would betray him. But was this really a prophetic statement of his own doom, or was he, in fact, telling them the time had come to set the plan in motion? It is possible that this story became altered in context to make it appear that Judas was conspiring against him. As already pointed out, Christ had revealed to them the details of his execution, even though they may not have understood that he was talking about himself. However, I think the only plan they were aware of was his assigning one of them the task of turning him in and arranging for his arrest, which I assume they believed was to make a political statement (probably) against unfair Roman taxation. But he had not yet decided whom to choose. When the disciples queried him as to who it was, Christ said, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” (Jn 13:26) As Christ dipped the bread, he made his decision and handed it to Judas. He then told him to go and “quickly do that which you must do” (John 13:27). Since Judas did not say, “But master, what is it that you think I am supposed to do?” that suggests that Judas knew exactly what he was supposed to do, as did the other disciples had Christ chosen one of them. Christ had always considered Judas a very close friend and trusted him completely. It is not inconceivable that he conspired with Judas in advance, letting him know he would be the one chosen to arrange for his arrest. He may have trusted him more than the others to follow his instructions without messing things up. In all probability, Judas was also ignorant of the fact that Christ was setting the stage for his execution, for had he known, he may not have gone along with the plan. But he went to the Hebrew priests and told them that he could identify Christ for them, and they paid him thirty pieces of silver as a reward. Later, when he learned they

were going to execute Christ, he attempted to turn things around by returning the money to the priests, but they wouldn’t listen to him. And that is not a typical act one would expect of a traitor. I am under the impression that Judas (and all the disciples) thought of Christ’s arrest as nothing more than a political statement, probably against unfair Roman taxation. But in everything written about Christ, he never once engaged in, or condoned, antisocial conduct. Overturning the tables of the moneychangers in the temple was extremely radical behavior and completely out of character. It would appear he was intentionally attracting negative attention to himself in the eyes of the Roman and Hebrew officials. The fact that Judas tried to turn things around by returning the money to the priests, and the fact that he then took his own life, suggests he felt an overwhelming burden of guilt, believing that if he had not gone along with the plan, Christ would still be alive. So when Christ announced that night that one of them would betray him, he may simply have been telling his disciples that it was time to set the plan in motion—a plan that none suspected would result in his execution. Christ obviously suffered a great deal during his crucifixion, and he would have used his powers to help dull the pain. But if the plan called for him to return to Earth at some future date, then it is unlikely that the Lord was about to let him die. In fact, the evidence tends to suggest he did not die. To some this may sound sacrilegious, but when we finish examining all the details, it presents a completely different picture—a picture that challenges current beliefs. In the past few decades, we have gained more knowledge of the old Roman custom of crucifixion. In the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem is a relic that archaeologists unearthed in 1968. It is the heel of a crucified man with the spike still protruding from the bone.447 Traces of wood revealed they pounded the spike through a small wooden block before driving it into the heel, thereby providing a much firmer hold.448 And contrary to popular belief, it is more probable they drove nails through the wrists and not through the

hands, as is customarily portrayed in religious art. Although this issue remains in debate, several experiments conducted on cadavers suggest the hands cannot support the body’s weight without eventually tearing apart. The favored opinion is that they drove nails through the wrists, which provided adequate bone strength to support the body’s weight.449 Crucifixion was extremely painful. The person being crucified would often suffer for a few days in prolonged agony before succumbing to death, and sometimes the Romans would even break their legs to speed things along.450 Christ’s crucifixion was basically no different from any other, which means he should have lived for two or three days. So there is a conflict between what we now know about Roman crucifixions and the Bible’s version of what took place. The Bible tells us Christ was crucified, died, and his body sealed in a tomb on the same day. This is a significant clue that he may not have been dead but was rather in a state of suspended animation. Suspended animation is the “temporary suspension of the vital functions.”451 In such a state, the body’s metabolism slows down or appears to cease. Body temperature drops, the flesh becomes cold, and breathing becomes practically undetectable—perhaps one heartbeat per minute or less. It appeared that Christ had stopped breathing, which led one of the soldiers to believe he was dead, so he pierced his side with his spear to see for sure. Since only a little blood and some water seeped from the wound, it seemed to confirm the soldier’s belief. But in suspended animation, only a little blood would have seeped from the wound, as opposed to gushing out had he been unconscious and his heart beating normally. If Christ was not in suspended animation, this wound may have been fatal; he may have bled to death. One scientist contends that the water that seeped out of the wound came from the pericardium, the sac around the heart, which he believes the soldier’s spear penetrated. If true, this would indicate that Christ was truly dead. However, there is no indication in scripture as to which side of Christ’s body the soldier’s spear penetrated. If he speared him on his left side, it is possible he

penetrated the pericardium. If he penetrated his right side, it is unlikely unless the soldier jammed his spear all the way into Christ’s body. Either way, if the spear penetrated the pericardium, then the soldier killed Christ. To determine whether Christ was dead, he only had to jab him with his spear to determine whether blood was still flowing. I tend to doubt he intentionally jammed his spear all the way into Christ’s body; he wanted only to determine whether he was still alive, not kill him. Just before this, Christ allegedly uttered his last words. According to Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34, they were “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Luke 23:46 claims they were “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit,” and John 19:30 claims he said, “It is finished.” So which one is correct? Perhaps none, or perhaps they all are; we will never know. It is not unreasonable to believe Christ used his own healing power to help stifle the pain. But it would have been only a matter of minutes before he would have exhausted his energy, and the pain would have been excruciating. At that point, I can understand why he might have asked God (the Lord) why he had forsaken him. The Lord may have been waiting until the last moment before placing him into suspended animation for those present to register the full impact of what was taking place and, at the same time, promoting the idea that he was dead in order to later perpetuate the belief he had miraculously risen. Christ’s communication with the Lord seems to have always been on a telepathic level, and when the Lord finally told him it was time, Christ, realizing that his mission was finally over, may then have uttered, “It is finished. Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Now enters the mysterious Joseph of Arimathea, about whom scholars know little. He was said to be a merchant dealing in metals and appeared to be quite wealthy. Some believe he was a member of the Sanhedrin or a secret disciple of Christ, and others think he was an uncle of Christ’s mother, Mary. There is a brief mention of him in Matthew 27:57–60, Mark 15:43–46, Luke 23:50–55, and John 19:38. Somehow he managed to promptly secure permission from

Pontius Pilate to take charge of Christ’s body. He wrapped it in fine linen and laid it in a brand-new and unused tomb hewn out of rock in a nearby garden that he had allegedly purchased for himself. John 19:39–42 says a man named Nicodemus, who had assisted in taking Christ down from the cross, brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes to anoint the body. Then, as Christ’s mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and a few others watched, he rolled a large stone across the tomb’s entrance and departed. There is no further mention of him in the Bible or any other activities in which he may have been involved. So who was this Joseph of Arimathea? There are a few stories about him in the Apocrypha, a book viewed with skepticism by many scholars because most of its stories are comparable to those in supermarket tabloids—exaggerations, sensationalism, and falsehoods. And where was Arimathea? The map in my Bible shows it several miles northwest of Jerusalem. Yet no one seems to know anything about the town; could it have been known by a different name two thousand years ago? Nevertheless, what the Bible is telling us is that a man from a distant town just happened to purchase a new tomb close to the crucifixion site, which begs the question of why he didn’t purchase a tomb in his home town of Arimathea. Somehow he was able to hastily secure Christ’s body, which he wrapped in linen and sealed in the tomb, and he then disappeared. Being that all this was achieved so quickly, I cannot help but wonder whether he and Nicodemus were key players in the plan to prevent Christ’s death. The accounts of the resurrection in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are all different, so to understand what really happened, we must examine what each book says about the event. First let’s examine the discrepancies. The Angels at the Tomb Matthew describes one angel at the tomb. When he appeared, it was like “lightning” and his clothes were as “white as snow.”

Mark describes one angel at the tomb dressed in white but says nothing about how he arrived at the scene. Luke describes two men at the tomb in clothes that “gleamed like lightning” when they appeared. John only describes two men at the tomb dressed in white. Whether it was one or two men, I think we can agree that he or they were wearing white attire. Observed only at the moment they appeared was the lightning-like appearance and gleaming white clothes. This would be significant if they had just beamed down, as a bright light seems to be a consistent feature of the teleportation process. The stories of the men dressed in white only signify their presence at the tomb with no reference to a lightning-like appearance, indicating they were not observed until after they had teleported down. So we can logically assume there were two separate appearances of angels; one observed when they beamed down and one in which they were not seen until after they arrived on the scene. The Women at the Tomb Matthew tells us that Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb with two other women and that there were two men stationed there as guards. Then a rumbling sound shook the ground and an angel appeared in a bright flash of light and rolled the stone away from the entrance (a detail not mentioned in the other Gospels). The angel showed the women the tomb was empty and instructed them to tell the disciples that Christ had risen and would see them later in Galilee. In Mark’s book, the conversation between the angel and the women is the same as in Matthew; they were to tell the disciples that Christ had risen and that he would see them later in Galilee.

Luke mentions nothing. In John’s book, it is during her second visit that Mary Magdalene turns around and sees two men in white sitting in the tomb who ask why she is crying and whom she is looking for. So we have Matthew and Mark agreeing that an angel instructed the women to tell the disciples that Christ had risen and would see them later in Galilee, and John claiming that (on her return visit) she turned around and saw two men dressed in white sitting inside the tomb. Although the Gospels differ in their accounts, what is apparent is that someone had rolled the stone away from the tomb and that Mary Magdalene and the two women who were with her witnessed an angel beam down and do it. Now let’s examine the accounts of Christ’s appearance on the scene. Jesus Appearing to Mary Magdalene Matthew claims that Jesus met Mary Magdalene and the two other women on the road after they had left the tomb. He repeated the same instructions that the angel had just given them about meeting his disciples in Galilee, which seems redundant. Mark simply states that Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene on the day he had risen but mentions no conversation between them. Luke mentions nothing. John says that right after Mary turned and saw the two men in white sitting in the tomb, Jesus appeared on the scene and she did not recognize him. It wasn’t until he spoke her name that she realized who he was. Then he warned her not to touch him because he had not yet seen his Father, which seems rather odd.

Matthew, Mark, and John all agree that Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, so we can assume that he did. However, it is doubtful that he met and spoke to her when she was with the two other women after they had left the tomb. Except for when Mary was alone after returning to the tomb, his appearances after his resurrection were restricted to his disciples. However, it is alleged in 1 Corinthians 15:6 that five hundred people also saw him, but I have my doubts about the accuracy of that claim. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are reporting on the same event, but the details are all different, so which one are we supposed to believe? When we spread all this information out on the table, sort it out, and carefully put the pieces together, a little common sense suggests a very logical scenario of what probably took place. The Scenario The Lord or an angel placed Christ into a state of suspended animation sometime before the soldier pierced his side. Owing to the excruciating pain he was suffering, it is unlikely that he was relaxed enough to do it himself. In all probability, it was accomplished externally by either the Lord or an angel from their ship. Sometime Friday night, after his body had been sealed in the tomb, he was beamed up to a waiting ship. In fact, this may have occurred immediately after he was placed in the tomb—before the tomb had even been sealed—while Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were still there. It is possible they were agents assigned the task of expediting Christ’s body to a waiting ship for immediate medical attention. The stab wound in Christ’s side was serious and required immediate medical treatment, for had he been conscious, it may have been fatal. The medical team aboard the ship repaired whatever internal damage had been caused by the soldier’s spear and the bone and tissue damage to his wrists

and feet, leaving him almost as good as new—except for the open wounds. They had to leave the wounds open so that when Christ visited his disciples, they would believe it was really him. These open wounds presented a danger of infection, and until they healed sufficiently, his movements would have been restricted. But with two days of rest, Christ may have been able to replenish enough of his own healing energy to help dull the pain long enough for a brief visit with his disciples. The medical team allowed him to make one “trial run” first, just to see how things would go, and that is when he saw Mary Magdalene at the tomb. Mary had come to the tomb earlier with two other women and found two men guarding it. The angels, in a ship concealed in the clouds, created sound effects that shook the ground, giving the effect of an earthquake. I suspect this was done just to shake up the guards. Then an angel beamed down, appearing in a bright flash of light. This scared the hell out of the guards, who seem to have fainted. The angel rolled the stone away from the tomb and showed the women it was empty. He said that Jesus had risen and to tell his disciples he would see them later in Galilee. At this point, the guards fled in terror, the women left to find the disciples, and the angel beamed back to his ship. This would explain the one angel at the tomb and the flash-of-lightning appearance. But here again is evidence of the switching off of witnesses. Just as the angel appeared in a bright flash of light, Matthew 28:4 states, “the guards shook and became like dead men,” which could mean they had been put to sleep. Like the disciples at Christ’s Transfiguration, they were switched off to prevent them from hearing the message the angel delivered to the women. The knowledge that

Christ was still alive and going to meet his disciples in Galilee could have resulted in thousands of people going there to see him. Switching off the guards prevented them from hearing that message. The second appearance of angels occurred when Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb with Simon Peter and another disciple. When the disciples saw that the tomb was empty, they left, leaving Mary standing there alone. As the disciples departed, two angels beamed down inside the tomb behind Mary, who did not see them until she turned around. We know she had her back to the tomb, in all probability watching the two disciples as they walked away. She then turned around and saw the two angels sitting there in their white robes. This would explain the two angels at the tomb and the description of white clothing as opposed to the flash-oflightning appearance, because she did not see them until after they teleported down. It was then that Jesus beamed down unnoticed behind Mary, and when she turned around and saw him, she thought he was only a caretaker. The only reason she might not recognize him would be if he wore a hooded robe that helped shield his face and cover the wounds on his body. It was not until he spoke her name that she realized who he was. We can only imagine that her reaction at that moment was to embrace him. But he stopped her from touching him, saying he had not yet seen his father. But why? What difference would that make? We shall see in a moment. Christ may have been testing his strength and ability to cope with the pain of his open wounds by moving around at this time. He had plans to come back down later that day and

visit with some of his disciples, so this brief appearance may have been a “trial run” to see how much discomfort he could handle. After talking with Mary, he returned to the ship so the medical team could check him over and determine whether it was safe to let him return later. But why wouldn’t he let Mary touch him? What difference did it make whether he had seen his father yet? There was a very good reason. Christ may have had sensors monitoring his vital signs concealed under his robe, attached to his body. If a problem arose, they would immediately beam him back to the ship. We can speculate that because of his open wounds, he was intensely concentrating on his healing energy. If anyone were to touch him while in this state, it could “short-circuit” his energy and flow directly into that person, just as it did with the bleeding woman who came up behind him and touched his robe. This energy drain, should it have occurred in his weakened state, could have caused him to experience severe pain and put him in danger of losing consciousness. This seems the most logical reason for why he would not let Mary touch him. And if he did have monitors attached to his body and she felt them underneath his robe and asked what they were, how would he have been able to explain? This scenario covers the details that appear in the Bible, but there could be more to Christ’s relationship with Mary Magdalene that is not mentioned. In his book The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown suggests that Christ’s relationship with Mary was more than platonic and that she was pregnant with his child at the time of his crucifixion. Brown suggests that, fearing for her own life and that of her unborn child, she went to Egypt, where she gave birth to a daughter she named Sarah. Then,

in AD 42, she and Sarah went to the area that is now France, accompanied by a few friends, where Sarah grew up and married into royalty, and the bloodline continued through the medieval period before it disappeared. The book also suggests that the Holy Grail of myth was not the cup that Christ drank from at the Last Supper but the womb of Mary Magdalene or her daughter Sarah, who carried the blood of Christ in her veins. It also suggests that Leonardo da Vinci was one of the few people with knowledge of this secret and coded some of the information into his painting of the Last Supper. If you examine da Vinci’s painting closely, you will notice that the face of the person to the right of Christ is either that of a very effeminate looking disciple or a woman, possibly Mary Magdalene.452 All this of course, is theoretical. There is, however, part of an ancient scroll describing how Christ frequently kissed Mary. Unfortunately, it has missing fragments, such as the section that identifies the part of Mary’s body that Christ kissed.453 So it could be that he kissed her on the cheek, the forehead, the hand, the neck, or the lips; we will never know. If it was on the lips, it might suggest they had an intimate relationship, and his appearance to her at the tomb might tend to reinforce that idea. But early in the twentieth century an ancient papyrus was unearthed in Egypt written in Coptic that is thought to be a surviving remnant of an ancient gospel that was destroyed. Authorities of the early Christian church ordered the destruction of many ancient books and manuscripts that they felt were heretical writings that did not conform to the theological format promoted by the church. Only thirty-three words remain on the fragmented papyrus, six of which, if true, could be evidence that Christ and Mary Magdalene were married. They read “ …Jesus said to them: ‘My wife …”454—a statement that, if true, could drastically alter Christian teachings. However, the idea that Christ and Mary had an intimate relationship or were married and had a child is not so difficult to conceive. Christ was a rabbi, and all the rabbis had wives, so it would not have been unusual for Christ to have one. And if Christ did

not die on the cross, as I have theorized, it is possible he met up with Mary in Egypt and maybe even followed her and Sarah to the area that is now France, where he lived out the rest of his years. That idea, however, conflicts with what the Bible says about his “second coming” and reigning on earth for one thousand years. Dan Brown’s book promotes some interesting theories. Personally, I have no opinion one way or the other. There are, however, a couple of details that I must admit do leave me wondering. I suggested that Christ’s appearance at the tomb might have been a trial run to see how much discomfort he could handle before being allowed to visit his disciples later, but he could have accomplished that on board the ship. The fact that he came to the tomb when Mary was alone might suggest he did so for the sole purpose of seeing her. When you really think about it, what other reason could there possibly have been for him to be there? Christ’s relationship with Mary Magdalene is an area I have not delved into; however, I will keep an open mind to the possibilities. Luke 24:13–32 says that Jesus returned later that same day and met two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus, and they did not recognize him. We might assume that was because he wore a hooded robe that helped conceal his identity. As they walked along and conversed, they invited Jesus to eat with them and spend the night. It was not until during the meal, when Jesus broke bread for them, that they suddenly realized who he was. But then it says he just vanished into thin air. Why? It is likely that as he was breaking bread, they saw the nail wounds in his wrists under his sleeves and then realized who he was. But the fact that he suddenly vanished is a sign that he had exhausted his healing energy, especially from walking on the Emmaus road, and breaking bread would surely have put a strain on his wrists. He probably began to experience severe pain and came close to passing out. That would not look good in front of the disciples, so he was immediately beamed back to the ship.

Later, when the two disciples had returned to Jerusalem, they were telling the others about what had happened when Jesus suddenly walked in, allegedly through a locked door. If this is true, a logical explanation is that he was beamed into the building. Nevertheless, it appears he had time to regenerate more of his healing energy. They could not believe he was still alive, but he displayed his wounds to prove it was really him and then asked for something to eat. Afterward he told them to stay in the city until they received what his Father had promised them. (He was referring to the Pentecost, when they received their special powers). The Bible also tells us that he again had to display his wounds a week later to Thomas, who was not present the first time and did not believe Christ was still alive. This story also provides more evidence of nails being driven through Christ’s wrists. Wounds in his hands would have been clearly visible to the disciples on the Emmaus road and at the dinner table, so surely they would have recognized him much sooner. It wasn’t until he broke bread for them that his wrists became visible under the sleeves of his robe and they then saw the wounds and realized who he was. Christ made no public appearances after his resurrection; he visited only his disciples. Had he appeared in public, it certainly would have caused a stir, and people may have approached him with healing requests. In view of his medical condition, that would have been risky, so until his Ascension, he kept a low profile. He was around for about a month (the Bible says forty days), after which it appears he went with his Father on the day of his Ascension. Acts 1:10 says a cloud suddenly appeared, engulfed Christ, and then slowly rose into the sky. His disciples (now referred to as apostles) stood there watching intently as the cloud rose higher and higher, and two men dressed in white appeared standing beside them. They told the apostles that the same Jesus they were watching rise into heaven would return to Earth the same way he was leaving it. Does that mean that when he returns, he will beam down in a cloud? Since the teleporting process in this case involved a cloud, we might assume that the Lord himself may have come down personally

to escort him up to his ship. But it is also possible that it was one of the medical team. Men in White One thing I noticed is that after the resurrection, all the angels are suddenly wearing white. Why? In their numerous appearances as recorded in the Old Testament, and in the appearances of those who appeared to Zechariah, Mary, and even to Christ, as described in the New Testament, the scriptures say nothing of their attire; it seems that whatever they wore was not worth mentioning. Since their clothing did not appear to attract attention, we might assume that they dressed so they could blend in unnoticed among the people. The only exception to this is found in the case of Ezekiel. He did not describe the clothing of the men in the ship per se, but his description of the event suggests that their attire was highly reflective, which could indicate uniforms made from a metallic fabric. Since it appears that Ezekiel’s visitors did not conform to the normal routine of dressing inconspicuously, this is one of the reasons why I proposed they were making an unscheduled landing. However, the Bible describes the angels who came on the scene after Christ’s resurrection as wearing white. There is no mention of them prior to that time; nor were any dressed in normal attire ever said to be following him around. In view of the situation with his open wounds, this logically suggests that those in white were a medical team assigned to keep an eye on him. We might assume he was still experiencing discomfort from his open wounds and expending energy to dull the pain, so it was possible a situation might arise requiring their assistance. It would appear that such a situation did arise when he broke bread at the table in front of the apostles and then suddenly vanished when the angels beamed him up to their ship. In his first appearance in front of the tomb with Mary Magdalene, two of these men in white preceded him. They were not taking any chances; they had to be available when he appeared. And whenever Christ visited his disciples, we might assume there were two of them nearby at all times. The fact that two were present at his Ascension,

and possibly one in the cloud that picked him up, suggests they were still not taking any chances.

Chapter 24 THE SHROUD

T here has been much publicity in recent years about the Shroud of Turin—what many believe to be Christ’s burial shroud. The Shroud of Turin Research Project scientists, often referred to as STRP (pronounced “sturp”) scientists, subjected a sample of the cloth to carbon dating, which dated it to around the thirteenth century. In 1532 the shroud was damaged in a fire, and the scientists suspected that this damage might have caused false readings in the carbon dating. If true, the test results could be off by as much as thirteen hundred years.455 However, a new discovery revealed that the tested strip was not an authentic piece of the shroud but rather a patch later woven into it to repair the damage.456 One day when viewing images of the shroud on their computer, Sue Benford and her husband, Joe Marino, noticed something that had gone undetected by the STRP scientists. Sue recognized that the weave pattern in the cloth taken for the test strip was actually in the style of “French Reweaving.”457 French reweaving is a method of intricately interweaving two different types of fibers together. This presented the possibility that the carbon dating process was flawed by fibers from a later time period being mixed with the shroud’s original fibers. They notified the STRP scientists, who at first were skeptical. They had received hundreds of letters and emails from people around the world with all kinds of theories as to what they thought had caused the misdating of the tested patch, and because Sue and her husband were not scientists, they were inclined to

dismiss their claim. But Sue was persistent and finally convinced them to check it out. It was practically undetectable, but they discovered that sixteenthcentury fibers had been intricately interwoven with the shroud’s original fibers, which very likely had caused a flaw in the carbon dating analysis. So it appears that the only way to accurately date the shroud is to analyze a sample of the cloth undamaged in the fire —something that is not likely to happen anytime soon. The big mystery, however, is the image of a man on the shroud, which many believe to be that of Christ. Secondo Pia, the photographer who took the first photograph of the shroud in 1898, was astonished when he realized the photographic negative enigmatically revealed a positive image. The complete shroud shows both the front and back image, as would a cloth wrapped completely around a body. The full image shows bloodstains in the hair, beard, and face, and a bloody wound on the right wrist. It also shows a wound on the lower left side below the rib cage.458 If it is Christ’s image, the wound below the rib cage suggests that the spear wound was too low to have penetrated the pericardium around Christ’s heart. And the bloody wound on the right wrist further suggests they placed nails through the wrists and not the hands. So far, no one has been able to provide a satisfactory explanation, scientific or otherwise, as to how the image was created, and it continues to mystify scientists. If they are ever able to confirm that the cloth is Christ’s burial shroud, there may be an explanation. I theorized that Christ may have been teleported out of the tomb to a waiting ship, and if true, during that process his molecules would have separated—expanded apart—penetrating the shroud all around his body, and it could be that radiation released during this molecular expansion phase is what created the image.459 It may also be responsible for a positive image appearing on the photographic negative. Today, teleportation is a technology of science fiction. Nevertheless, if the shroud should ever prove to be the real thing,

then an investigation along this line might be worth pursuing. More recently, Dr. August Accetta, director of the Huntington Beach Shroud Center, postulated that Christ’s body may have transformed into light at the precise moment of the resurrection, emitting a burst of radiation (possibly gamma) that created the image.460 Although the word “teleportation” is not in his vocabulary, it is a sign that his mind is open enough to at least consider other possibilities. Perhaps one day the scientists will come up with a logical scientific explanation. ♦♦♦♦♦ Christ had set the stage for the next phase of the plan—his return. The Bible says he will return, thereby giving humanity something to think about for the future. It was also time for humans to begin developing technology if they were to survive, and hopefully humanity had gained sufficient wisdom to do it without destroying themselves in the process. The only major side effect has been the creation of so many different religions and their spin-offs. Some religions and the increasing number of cults spouting hollow philosophies have created a wedge of prejudice that separates people instead of uniting them. This is in total contrast to what Christ was attempting to do. During the Hebrews’ enslavement in Egypt, their philosophy was a code of justice based on “an eye for an eye,” which was how the people were accustomed to settling their differences. To change things overnight was impossible; the people had to undergo a gradual conditioning—a forty-year indoctrination to improve their moral and ethical behavior. It was those who inherited the genes of Isaac that the Lord used to accomplish this. During their period of desert isolation, most came to accept the new laws while shielded from all other influences, and they established new traditions and new philosophies that their descendants carried forward into their Promised Land. Although some fell by the wayside, the majority successfully conformed. This was, in all likelihood, a statistical probability that was expected.

When Christ entered the scene, his philosophy was to “love your enemy” and “turn the other cheek,” which by then the people were more receptive to. The Lord of the Old Testament, who killed thousands, was in total contrast to Christ’s image. Christ was never responsible for, or advocated, the death of anyone. His mission was to get everyone to discard the old ways of vengeance and killing, and to unite people through love and understanding, regardless of their ethnic or genetic makeup. He became a martyr, which served to impress his philosophy on humanity long after his alleged death. He had set the stage for the next phase of the plan, in which he will return to Earth. Success of the aliens’ agenda now hinges on what he will accomplish during his predicted one-thousand-year reign. Evident from the very beginning are suggestions of technology, which seems illogical for a supernatural God. Over the centuries, people viewed these events as miracles because there was no way they could have understood the technology. But that technology is becoming more recognizable because of our advancement in science, as many of the biblical miracles seem not so miraculous today. And fifty years ago, much of today’s technology was considered science fiction, so it is not unreasonable to expect that that which is deemed impossible today will become commonplace tomorrow; and on someone else’s world out there in the galaxy, such technology may have been commonplace yesterday. Despite all the problems and negativity in the world, I remain optimistic. I firmly believe that the decent people in the world today far outnumber the bad. But it is no secret that immorality and decadence are steadily gnawing away at our society. These things are inhibiting our progress and deteriorating the respect we have for one another as human beings. If the aliens’ agenda is to succeed, they may not let things continue as they are for too much longer. If the prophecies in Revelation are true, they will soon begin taking steps to eliminate this negative influence, just as they did in the days of Noah and of Sodom and Gomorrah. As for the Bible, regardless of its discrepancies, we should not overlook its importance. Many of its stories promote the moral and ethical values that could make the world a better place—if only we

would adhere to them. But when one studies the basic details of these stories without the religious embellishments, it is hard to ignore the technological aspects staring one in the face. Moreover, when one takes a logical look at the progression of events that started in the Garden of Eden, the scenario certainly suggests it was an attempt to generate a genetically improved version of humanity and accelerate moral and technological evolution. Bringing Christ on the scene was probably the aliens’ most important phase of the biblical era in setting the stage for future events. But whether my ideas have merit is something you must decide for yourself. Now it is time to examine what may be the most important book in the Bible—Revelation—and see how it relates to the aliens’ agenda and their doomsday warnings.


“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and earth had passed away and there was no longer any sea.” (Rev 21:1)


new heaven … a new earth … the first heaven and earth passing away … no longer any sea—does this not fit the scenario I have proposed regarding the aliens’ doomsday warnings about the destruction of the earth? Does it not reflect the apocalyptic warnings aliens are giving abductees? Does the notion of a new heaven and a new earth not suggest new living quarters for the human race? Are these words a prediction that the first heaven and earth will no longer exist—that they passed away and are dead? “The Heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.” (2 Pe 3:10) Regardless of how you choose to interpret these prophecies, the implication is that something catastrophic is going to happen to our planet. Revelation—or Apocalypse, as titled in the Roman Catholic edition —is the last book in the Bible, and it may be the most important and may explain why aliens are expediting our evolution. In The Omega Epiphanies, I detailed the predictions of Revelation and UFO-related signs and warnings alluding to a catastrophic climax of the aliens’

agenda. All the evidence points to the fact that eventually it will be necessary to leave the earth. Opinions among scholars remain divided as to what the prophecies mean and when the events predicted in them will occur. Some believe they pertain to events that occurred two thousand years ago, during the time of John, the author of Revelation, and some equate the prophecies to events of our own time. Still others think they are ambiguous. A few predictions, however, appear to be related to events that will occur as the aliens’ agenda reaches its conclusion. In chapter 10, I suggested that the Bible may be a blueprint detailing the aliens’ agenda or that it may be a metaphorical way of telling us what they have been doing for the past six thousand years. Either way, if true, we must consider that centuries of oral tradition, plus numerous translations and editing, has diluted its message in the supernatural and mystical interpretations of organized religions. About two thousand years ago, an angel revealed the events in Revelation through visions to John, who was exiled on the island of Patmos. The angel instructed him to write them down and send them to the seven churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. After the Council of Nicaea convened in the fourth century, John’s work was included as the last book in the New Testament, in spite of protests made by many bishops. It focuses on periods of tribulation, telling of wars, diseases, floods, severe weather, and seismic activity. The book is downright depressing, and it is understandable why the early bishops were against its inclusion in the Bible. Many of the predictions appear to be a prelude to Christ’s return, and many are about what will occur at the end of his predicted onethousand-year reign. John received the prophecies through visions in the form of symbols that he could recognize, but he would not have understood their social, political, and technological significance as they might relate to current times, if indeed that is the case. And like John, Daniel and other prophets received many of these prophecies before Christ’s time in symbols they could relate to.

But even if the prophecies are true, what was the point of giving this information to anyone two thousand years ago? What difference would it make if man knew in advance what was going to happen if he was powerless to do anything about it? Granted, he might be able to change a few things on the social or political levels, but how could he prevent a volcano from erupting? How could he prevent an earthquake from happening? How could he stop a tornado, hurricane, or a tsunami? If man does not have the power to prevent these things, then what purpose could the prophecies serve other than to exacerbate the fear of God’s wrath in the minds of men? But if the book of Revelation is valid, we can only assume the angel revealed the information for a reason. Preceding the return of Christ, Revelation predicts wars, famine, and disease overrunning the earth, the likes of which no man has ever seen. Earthquakes and volcanic activity will increase in frequency and severity, and weather-related disasters will prevail in the form of tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods. Supposedly these are the signs that his return is imminent. If the events of the past four decades are any indication, we might very well be witnessing the beginning of the end. The total amount of destruction and the loss of life and property due to weather and seismic-related disasters, not to mention terrorist activity, have far surpassed in both volume and severity anything that occurred prior to the mid-1970s, and it is still going on. It certainly might appear to some that we are in the end times. Whether this is the case I have no idea, as these situations might only be a precursor to more extreme future events. However, it appears that the Lord conveniently scheduled Christ’s return to occur after this period of chaos, not before. So perhaps it would serve no purpose for him to return during such troubling times; if people are forced to deal with catastrophic situations, it would greatly diminish the impact of his return. Revelation also predicts the rise of the Antichrist. Some have interpreted the prophecy to mean he will rise to power in Europe and control a two-hundred-million-man army made up from the different

nations in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and when they gather against the Holy Land, the final battle, called Armageddon, is supposed take place. The prophecies suggest that Armageddon may be comprised of three major conflicts, the first two resulting in much death and destruction in the Holy Land. The third and final conflict is predicted to occur when the armies have assembled along the Euphrates River near the land of Megiddo. The prophecy then suggests they will be annihilated by Christ’s army as they mount the third assault on Israel. After this, Christ is supposed to return to Jerusalem, appearing in all his glory on the Mount of Olives and beginning a one-thousand-year reign, and humans will enjoy the greatest era of peace they have ever known. There is, however, Revelation 20:2–3, which says Christ will banish Satan for one thousand years (which I assume would be during his reign), but then it says he must be released for a short time. But why would Christ want to do that? If everything is going so smoothly, what reason would he have for releasing Satan “for a short time?” In this case, it appears that Satan is a metaphor for the evil and chaos that will erupt at the end of Christ’s millennial reign. It is around this time that the major cataclysmic event aliens have been warning us of will occur. But first, it says, people from many lands will gather to attack the camp of Israel, and fire from heaven will destroy them. All the dead will then come back to life for judgment in the same bodies they occupied when they were alive. Their occupying their original bodies would most certainly take a miracle, since many will have rotted away in the ground, not to mention those that have been cremated into ashes. This could be an exaggeration or spin put on the story by later writers. Nevertheless, Christ will then take the righteous to a place called the “New Jerusalem,” or “Holy City,” to live and reign forever. There are people who have believed every major war of the twentieth century was Armageddon, but it was only the armies of man who were involved in these wars. If it really is Christ’s army that is to fight this battle, then obviously it has not yet occurred.

There is, however, another war described in Revelation 12:7–9 that will occur before Armageddon. It will take place in heaven (space) between the devil’s army and an army of angels led by Michael, the archangel. The devil (referred to as the dragon) is supposed to lose this battle, and he and his army will be cast down onto the earth. He will then enter the body of (probably exert influence over) someone in high political standing, and it is this person who is supposed to become the Antichrist. Since this war in heaven will occur before Christ returns, it suggests that his army (I assume the one led by Michael, the archangel) will be here ahead of him, as will the devil’s army. Could these armies be the UFOs that people are seeing today? Could the reported UFO crashes be the result of confrontations that have occurred between Christ’s and the devil’s army (or friendly and hostile aliens)? Since the Bible appears to be personifying evil by depicting it in physical form, such as the devil, might it also be depicting the Antichrist in the same way? Although it could represent a person, a literal translation of “Antichrist” means “against Christ,” which could refer to many things collectively. It could be the violence and perversion expressed in much of today’s music and the lewd and obnoxious lyrics to which our children are constantly exposed. It could be the overkill of sex and violence in movies, on television, and in many of today’s video games. It could be the growing sexual abuse of children and the exploitation of sexual perversions. It could also be the increase of violence in urban areas, the epidemic proportion of alcohol and drug abuse, and the growing number of terrorists and hate groups. None of these things have a positive influence on society, and neither are they beneficial, productive, moral, or ethical—all of which one can interpret as being anti-Christ. Since I am a pragmatist, I fail to see how the Lord could know these things in advance—unless, that is, he is influencing people and events to conform to these predictions, such as he did in biblical times. But what about seismic and weather-related disasters? How

could he predict the vast increase in earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes two thousand years in advance? If he has the technology to navigate around the galaxy, then he surely would know about tectonics and the effects of shifting continental plates. A geological analysis might have allowed him to predict when major seismic activity would occur—maybe not accurate to exact dates but within a window of fifty to one hundred years. And it is probable that his technology was fine-tuned to predict changes in weather patterns conducive to floods and hurricanes. It is also possible that he will control the weather to conform to these predictions. And man’s deviant sexual behavior may be a clue to the diseases that will eventually overtake them. But I fail to understand how the Lord could predict a battle between Christ’s army and the devil’s army. I can see how he might have the wherewithal to influence people, and even the weather, to conform to certain predictions, but how can he know what battles his angels, or even Christ, might be involved in, and especially what the outcomes will be? Might it be an allegorical reference to humanity’s own battle against the forces of evil, in which he will control the outcome? Or is this a conflict he will orchestrate to minimize the number of problems that he knows will prevail in the final phase of the plan? In any case, it does not take someone like Einstein to understand how the antisocial elements of criminal behavior, terrorism, and other forms of declining morality are inhibiting our progress. The darker side of humanity as it exists today will not disappear overnight. Just as it was in the days of Noah and of Sodom and Gomorrah, it is something that we must overcome lest the negative aspects that currently prevail inhibit the positive progress of future generations. So is history repeating itself in a biblical sense? Noah’s flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah wiped out much of the decadence caused by Adam’s virus, and if we are to believe the scriptures, much of it refers to deviant sexual behavior. If this is the result of a genetic engineering project that went awry, the survivors of the first race passed it on through their children, and it is once again raising its ugly head.

If, however, the Lord’s project has been successful, we should be well on our way into galactic exploration within the next thousand years, and I hope that by then we will have established bases or colonies on the moon and on Mars. It is also possible that we will have begun colonizing another planet in some distant solar system. If Christ returns sometime during this millennium or the next, then the end, or whatever it is that is going to happen, will occur after his one-thousand-year reign. The Bible says Christ will remove many people from the earth at that time, and if there is any truth to these prophecies, this could be describing an evacuation. So what happens after that? If the earth is not totally destroyed, will it ever become habitable again? Will it rejuvenate itself to the point at which we will someday be able to return? If so, will we find the descendants of those left behind that somehow managed to survive? They would likely exist in a very primitive state, as all traces of technology would have long eroded away. How will they view us, their ancestors, returning from the sky? Will they perceive us as gods? Might it be history repeating itself? That is an interesting thought. Just before this evacuation takes place, Christ is supposed to bring the dead back to life for judgment in the same bodies they occupied when they were alive, which is rather hard to believe. The judging, it would appear, refers to the selection of those that Christ will take with him to this new city, which apparently it is not for everyone but only those who meet strict moral criteria. Christian doctrine teaches that those who accompany Christ will transform into spirits when they go and leave behind the unworthy to burn in hell. Hell supposedly exists at some lower and undesirable level of the spiritual plane—another superstitious belief invented by man and promoted by religion. Hell is customarily depicted as a fiery inferno with the sinners being gobbled up by an army of demonic entities. But I ask you, how would fire exist in a spirit world? If hell really exists, why not just send the evil ones there and let the righteous remain on Earth to live in uninhibited peace? And if the righteous do

transform into spirits, why would spirits need a physical dwelling place like a city? People being taken off the earth seems to be the gist of what the prophecies are saying, and if true, logic suggests that it is a plan of evacuation. It is doubtful that the aliens (or the Lord or Christ) will be able to evacuate billions of people, and this is unlikely to be their intention. This is where Judgment Day comes in. It stands to reason that Christ will require those he takes to meet strict moral standards; taking troublemakers along would only rekindle the problems that existed on Earth, so it is only logical that those of the best moral fiber will be selected. But the prophecies are a bit confusing, because one minute they are talking about a new city; and the next, about a new Earth. So which is it, a city or a planet? According to John 14:2, Jesus told his disciples that his father’s house has many mansions. Could his father’s house pertain to our galaxy or even the entire universe, and could the many mansions be planets on which human life may flourish? “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.” (Rev 21:2) This verse describes a city coming down out of heaven, but it will not be landing on Earth. Revelation 21:15–21 describes the city laid out in a square within four walls, each wall being two hundred feet thick and fourteen hundred miles in length, and the city is as wide and high as it is long. Literally, it is describing a cube the size of which would cover a major portion of the United States and reach out into space hundreds of miles beyond the orbits of most satellites. To those familiar with Star Trek, it sounds like a Borg craft on steroids. So coming down from heaven may only signify that this city is located somewhere other than Earth. Constructing anything that large is very difficult to conceive of, but if it is a city that large, could it be a giant-sized spaceship? But a fourteen-hundred-mile-long, -high, and -wide spaceship seems unlikely. The most logical location for something that size would be beneath the surface of some other

planet or moon—a world with no breathable atmosphere. And a city of that size would surely have many access points. Revelation 21:12 and 21:21 say it has twelve gates that resemble pearls. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the lamb is its lamp. (Rev 21:23) “There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign forever and ever.” (Rev 22:5) This tells us there will be light, but not from the sun or any other star; and if there is no need for lamps, it means the light will somehow be generated. This tends to match what abductees claim of light permeating the entire room from an unknown source aboard the ships where they are taken. In Revelation 21:19–20, John says there are different-colored gems located in the base of the city, which might mean that power will be generated by some form of crystal energy. Revelation 22:1–2 mentions “the river of the water of life” and a “tree of life” standing on each side of the river, which bear fruit once a month. It also states that the leaves of the trees will have healing properties and that there will no longer be any curse (sickness). The tree of life contributed to the long lives of Adam and many of his descendants, and according to the prophecy, there will be more than one of these trees in this city. Since Revelation 22:5 says they will reign forever and ever, it suggests that the longevity factor may be reinstated and that those who eat of this fruit will be blessed with unlimited life spans. What the Bible is telling us about this city is that there are twelve gates of pearls (access points), there are different-colored gems located underneath the city (possible energy sources), and the city has trees and a river. When viewed in a logical context, this is a description of a physical dwelling place that will house living, breathing human beings; it has nothing to do with the spirit world.

Based on the description, it is probable that this city will be located underground, possibly on Mars or a planet in another star system, or possibly on one of the moons in our solar system—maybe even our own. Wherever it is, it apparently has a source of water. On the Apollo 11 moon mission, after the astronauts returned to the command ship, they sent the landing module crashing back into the lunar surface to take readings with seismic instruments left behind. The readings showed that for more than an hour, the moon rang like a bell, indicating there is a massive hollow area deep within.461 On the Apollo 13 mission, they crashed a heavier module into the lunar surface, and this time the impact reverberated like a gong for over three hours to a depth of over twenty miles.462 Some scientists speculate the ringing may have been the result of a massive water supply deep below the surface reacting to the impact. Could this be the source of the river in the city mentioned in Revelation 22:1–2? Prior to the Apollo missions, NASA compiled a catalog of unexplained anomalies observed on the moon, such as moving lights, brilliant flashes of light, a smoky mist, and much more.463 During the Apollo 11 lunar mission, the astronaut orbiting in the command ship observed an unusual bright glow emanating from the Aristarchus crater, which at the time was in shadow, not in sunlight.464 During the same mission, a glowing object was filmed flying over the moon’s surface.465 The shadow of another large object moving across the moon’s surface was filmed by astronauts during another Apollo mission.466 Former NASA scientist Farouk El Baz said Ken Mattingly reported seeing a flash of light in a crater during the Apollo 16 mission. Suspecting it might have been a meteor impact, NASA asked him to check out the same crater on the next orbit, which he did, and this time he reported seeing two flashes of light. Since nothing registered on the seismometer left on the moon’s surface, they apparently were not meteor impacts. 467 So what were those lights? No doubt there are strange things happening on the moon besides lights in craters and objects flying over the surface.

Lee Speigel, a journalist for the Huffington Post, reported on an anomaly discovered by a person using the Google Moon application. He zoomed in on what appears to be a V-formation of seven lights on the lunar surface. Some speculate it may be a lunar base of some kind, but it is impossible to tell. However, the lights are spaced apart very evenly, which tends to suggest the formation is not natural.468 One of the most astonishing anomalies was filmed during the 1968 Apollo 8 mission, in which the craft orbited the moon and returned to Earth. A series of images were taken of what appears to be a smokestack about one thousand feet tall on the moon’s surface emitting a black cloud of smoke. The sequence of photographs taken show the movement of the cloud drifting away from the stack.469 Naturally, this suggests that something is going on below the lunar surface—maybe some kind of mining operation. If so, there has to be a base of operations supporting it. The question is, whose base is it? Could it indicate the construction of a huge city? If there is an alien base on the moon, is it possible the Apollo astronauts saw something they weren’t supposed to see and were sworn to secrecy? Something that did appear rather strange occurred in a press conference with the Apollo 11 astronauts “Buzz” Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins. Aldrin and Armstrong were the first men to set foot on the lunar surface, and one would expect their demeanor to reflect an air of exhilaration in having achieved what they did. Instead they looked like three zombies sitting there unsmiling, their words slowly dripping from their mouths as if they had been carefully chosen.470 Of course, it is possible they were exhausted from the debriefings and medical exams they’d had to undergo after their return and that they’d had very little sleep. Even if that were true, one would think they would have at least attempted an occasional smile. NASA has always denied any claims of alien activity on the moon, but the fact that the government has lied before naturally causes one to be suspicious.

Unless an unforeseen catastrophe suddenly turns the clock back on our technology by a millennium or two, we should achieve interstellar travel by the next millennium. I am hopeful that we will discover at least one planet out there that will support human life and begin a gradual migration to colonize this new world. This migration should proceed in an orderly fashion in the years leading up to the end. But as the final days of Christ’s millennial reign draw near, there will be problems. That is when, according to Revelation 20:2–3, Christ will release Satan from his millennium of banishment for a short time. However, in this case I suspect Satan is simply a metaphor for the evil and chaos that will prevail at that time. “They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, but fire came down from heaven and destroyed them.” (Rev 20:9) This suggests that it may become necessary to assemble evacuees in well-guarded military facilities that will also serve as departure points. Man’s natural instinct for survival will probably result in attempts to gain access to these facilities by many who are unable to go, and they may even kill people in an attempt to take their place. What seem to be missiles or laser weapons fired from aircraft will eliminate anyone attempting an unauthorized entry or group attack. And “God’s people” could pertain to all of humanity, not just those chosen to accompany Christ. “The Rapture” is the term used by theologians to describe the events related to Christ’s return, although the word itself does not appear in the Bible. It is also used in reference as to the manner in which people will be removed from the earth. Matthew 24:40–41, claims that two men will be in the field and one will be taken and the other left, and two women will be grinding at the mill and one will be taken and the other left. Whether this has some connection to the thousands of people who seem to vanish off the face of the earth every year is something to think about, as some evangelists preach that the Rapture will begin before the period of Great Tribulation. Of course, there are many people who have simply chosen to disappear

and start a new life somewhere else for whatever reason. Yet the number of people whose disappearances remain unexplained is legion. As to how the people will be taken, 1 Thessalonians 4:17 says they will be caught up (taken up) to meet the Lord “in the air.” 1 Corinthians 15:51, 54 says they will not sleep (die), but they will be “changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye.” What, exactly, does this mean? Could it mean they are instantly transported in a beam or flash of light like the angel who appeared at Christ’s tomb or like the angel who appeared in Peter’s locked prison cell, or in the same way the little gray aliens appear in people’s bedrooms and transport them up to their ship? A passage in the Kabbalah says seven thousand people will rise into the air in the form of light. Does this not sound exactly like what people are describing in an abduction experience? Are these references to teleportation? It would be the most logical solution for getting people safely aboard ships, as landing might prove too risky with the unrest that is sure to ensue. Since the city where Christ takes his people has trees and a river —a place to accommodate living human beings—perhaps the idea of them transforming into spirits when they go refers to the disassembled state of their bodies’ molecular structures during teleportation. During that process, in a state of molecular disassembly, they would be virtually invisible, in which case they could, in a technological sense, be described as spirits. In any event, when they beam up the final passengers and the last ships are on their way, it may be only a matter of months or weeks before whatever it is that is going to happen, happens. It will be the fulfillment of all prophecies: Christ will have returned and reigned on Earth for a thousand years and selected those who will go with him; the rest of the decent people will have migrated to their own relocation colonies. But unless there is a way to evacuate billions of people, there will probably be many left behind. Now, the implication that the Lord orchestrated and controlled this evacuation may only signify it was the aliens’ project of accelerated evolution that enabled man to do it for himself. Fire coming down

from heaven could pertain to man-made weapons, and it may even turn out that the new city is also a creation of man. But the book of Revelation is not specific about humans making their own way into space and setting up shop on other worlds; it mentions only those who will go with Christ. This might suggest that we will experience some kind of technological setback before Christ returns, possibly due to a nuclear war or even an asteroid strike. Either event could wipe out a vast amount of the population plus our energy, food, and transportation resources and transform us into a very primitive existence. If, however, aliens have been accelerating our evolution, as the evidence suggests, it presents a logical argument against such a disaster occurring before Christ’s return. Assuming there is such a project, why would aliens spend millennia guiding us along to an advanced technological level only to face a cataclysmic extinction before we have the chance to use it for our survival? It is illogical. Therefore, if we do experience such a disaster, it may not be the big one. It may create a few setbacks, but we should rally and continue to move forward in our exploration of space. The prophecies in Revelation foretell disastrous scenarios; abductees are receiving the same dire warnings from the little gray aliens, and Revelation suggests the evacuation of people by Christ to a city on a different world. If the evidence I present in the next six chapters regarding aliens expediting our evolution is true—especially our technological development—we will have developed the means to save ourselves by then. It would seem, then, that the Bible is a blueprint of an alien project to preserve humanity, and through the scriptures, they have given us advance notice of what is coming our way and what they have been doing to help us survive. It is possible to arrive at different meanings depending on how you choose to interpret the information, but when you weigh all the evidence that implies aliens were involved from the beginning, it suggests they are preparing us for the worst. ♦♦♦♦♦

Chapters 10 through 24 have covered basically every detail of alien involvement during the four-thousand-year biblical period. It was important to spell out in detail each component of the biblical scenario to show that not only were aliens involved and the different stages of their agenda, but also the great extent to which they manipulated and controlled the events. I have presented a logical evaluation of how they created a new race, technology being the source of the miracles, and the evidence suggesting that hybrid humans were created for specific purposes. It logically describes an alien agenda not just to improve the human species but also to accelerate its evolution in order to develop the technology needed to survive a future apocalyptic event. This information is germane to understanding what is going on today and why the government has shrouded the UFO phenomenon in a veil of secrecy while at the same time dropping subtle hints of disclosure. Now we will examine how today’s government and military activities relate to the aliens’ agenda, plus the deadline that has been referred to, as well as the doomsday warnings they have been imparting to us for decades.

Part 3 Preparing for Omega


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years, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been scanning the universe for radio signals that might have originated on a world hosting intelligent beings. Although they have detected a few possible hits, nothing conclusive has been discovered. It is, however, possible that aliens have attempted to communicate with us in other ways besides radio signals. If they have been around for millennia and are manipulating our evolution, as the evidence suggests, perhaps they have presented us with messages in forms we have simply failed to recognize. Besides looking to the stars, perhaps we should also pay more attention to what is happening in the world around us. Since the 1980s, several incidents have occurred that one might easily interpret as messages. Naturally, this is all speculation; however, there is a good chance that we are being told something. I have already noted in chapter 5 what may be possible messages in crop formations: the missing-earth crop formation depicting our inner solar system minus the earth, the Roswell Rock and an English crop formation depicting identical images, and the binary-coded crop formation next to the observatory in Chilbolton, England, depicting what looks like a response to the binary message transmitted into space by the Arecibo Radio Telescope. There have been other instances in which extraterrestrials have used binary code to communicate. It is the most logical method to transmit information around the universe, because any science-

oriented civilization would have developed the technology to understand it. 1980: The Woodbridge Binary Message Going back to the Rendlesham Forest incident in December, 1980, Jim Penniston and John Burroughs entered the woods on the first night and saw the craft sitting on the ground and Penniston saw symbols on the side of it. He noticed that one symbol was larger than the others, and he reached out and put his hand on it. At that moment, an explosion of white light blinded him; he could see ones and zeros flashing “inside [his] mind’s eye”; that is how he described it.471 Later he was having trouble falling asleep and could not get the numbers out of his head. He felt compelled to write them down, so he got up and wrote them down on the back pages of his notebook. The numbers filled twelve pages, and afterward, he was able to fall asleep. He said he never told anyone about the numbers because it was such a bizarre story, no one would have believed him, and surely he would have been relieved of duty; he did not want to put his career in jeopardy. It was thirty years later, in 2010, when he and John Burroughs got together. Penniston showed him the numbers in his notebook, and Burroughs immediately recognized them as binary code. Penniston knew nothing about binary code or what the numbers represented, if anything. So they decided to find someone who could decipher them. Penniston located Nick Ciske, an expert binary code analyst who had a translator program that could interpret whatever message, if any, there was. Penniston gave him a few pages of the numbers, and Ciske entered them in his computer and was rather amazed at what the translation revealed. It read as follows: EXPLORATION [OF] HUMANITY 52 09 42 . 532 N 13 13 12 . 69 W CONTI [NUOUS]

FOR PLANETARY ADVAN [CE] The numbers in the message represent the longitude and latitude of a sunken island off the Irish coast known as Hy-Brasil.472 Legends say a very advanced race of people once inhabited the island. But what does “exploration of humanity” mean? Might it signify a study or analysis of the human race, and might “continuous for planetary advance” indicate the continuous advancement or acceleration of human evolution? Was Hy-Brasil at one time a base of operations for such a project? Probably not. The message did not include the periods; their placement was apparently added by Ciske. If you move one of the periods by one number, the location can be changed to Woodbridge, which is the location of the military base in Suffolk, England, where Penniston received the message. It is possible to come up with any number of interpretations when translating binary code. The only way to authenticate the message is to have the numbers translated by more than one analyst. Another binary code expert was located in Australia, and Penniston sent him copies of the same pages of numbers translated by Ciske, and he said that expert came up with the same message.473 Further analysis of more numbers revealed other latitude and longitude coordinates from around the world: Sedona, Arizona; Caracol, a district in Belize, El Salvador; Nazca, Peru; the Temple of Apollo in Nexus, Greece; the great pyramid in Giza, Egypt; and Tai Shan Qu in the mountains of northern China.474 But what is the significance of these locations? Were they different bases of operation from which aliens were advancing human evolution? A worldwide distribution of operation centers would certainly facilitate such a project. If so, are any of these bases still operating today? Sedona, Arizona, is a known UFO hotspot; Giza, Egypt, is where the great pyramids are located; Caracol in Belize, El Salvador, is an ancient Mayan archaeological site, and Nazca, Peru, is where giant geoglyphs exist that can be recognized only from the air. But how do they relate to the binary-coded message? Penniston came up with an interesting theory. He wondered why aliens would come here from thousands of lights years away and

give us a binary-coded message—and why in English? Because it is in English, he doesn’t believe it has anything to do with aliens; rather, he believes it has to do with ourselves from the future.475 In a later interview, Burroughs mentioned a postscript on one page that read, “Date of origin 8100,” suggesting the message may have originated from over six thousand years in the future.476 If true, did the craft that delivered the message come from that time? Does it mean we eventually developed time travel? Does it mean all UFOs are time travelers from the future? Although it is possible that we may eventually achieve time travel, why would we travel back to 1980 and deliver such a cryptic message to Penniston? Is it to change something that will be detrimental to future civilizations? Whatever the reason, it has yet to be determined, and it could be an important piece of the puzzle. As for all UFOs being from the future, because of the variety of alien species described by abductees and the many different shapes and sizes of UFOs reported, it is more likely that they are different races from different worlds in the present time period. However, in their efforts to understand quantum physics, scientists are now exploring the possible existence of other dimensions, and even multiple universes. In researching alien abductions, I learned they are not limited to the United States; they have occurred all over the world. Before the aliens return abductees, they often give them messages, and since the grays do not communicate verbally, they apparently do so telepathically. Being that many abductees were educated only in the language native to their country, they always managed to understand what the aliens were telling them, regardless of what language they spoke. So there appear to be no language barriers or other obstacles preventing the aliens from getting their messages across, at least on a telepathic level. This made me wonder. What if Jim Penniston did not speak English? What if he spoke French, Russian, or Chinese? Would the message have been adapted to any one of those languages? Was the craft that delivered the message somehow able to

instantaneously scan Penniston’s brain to determine what language he spoke and transmit the code in that language? Or could Penniston have been “selected” in advance to receive the message, in which case they already knew his language? Whatever the case, the fact remains that Penniston was given the message, and we can only assume it was for a reason. Penniston, however, is not the only person to have received a binary-coded message related to a UFO. Thirty-five years later, in 2015, an army sergeant moving his family from Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia, to Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, Colorado, was the recipient of a similar message. Because he is still on active military duty, he prefers to remain anonymous. During his move, he experienced missing time and a major deviation in his planned travel route after encountering a very large UFO over the highway. Two nights later, he suddenly awoke standing in the bathroom of his motel room holding a pen in one hand and a binary message written on the back of his motel receipt in the other.477 An analysis of the numbers revealed a message somewhat similar to the one received by Penniston. It read as follows: Continuous protection of humanity 49.27n 11.5e. Expose Hidden Knowledge to ALL citizens. Advancement Imperative for planetary survival. Beware of Orion 1350.3 and Z Ruticuli [sic] 39.1 ? 70. Avoid [signal] messages sent. According to an internet presentation by Linda Moulton Howe, the number 1350.3 is the approximate distance in light-years from Earth to the Orion nebula. And when we take 39.1 ? 70 and remove the question mark and the zero, we get 39.17, the distance in light-years to the Zeta Reticuli star system.478 References to these locations have been recognized by archaeologists in the ruins of many ancient sites. Allegedly, Zeta Reticuli refers to where the grays are from. But why are we being warned of messages or signals from these locations?

Prior to waking up in the bathroom holding the binary message, the sergeant had a very vivid dream of five gray aliens who referred to themselves as the “Council of Five,” representing five different alien species who claim they have been protecting the earth. They warned him that we are progressing too slowly and told him it is important that knowledge being withheld from us (by the government, I assume) must be revealed for our own benefit. Again, this dream scenario fits the same pattern of the Lord giving information to the prophets in biblical times through visions and dreams. It seems this Council of Five believes we should be made aware of knowledge that is being withheld from us and that accelerated advancement is necessary for our survival. Might this somehow relate to the aliens’ agenda of expediting our evolution? The sergeant described the UFO he encountered as being over eight hundred feet in diameter with symbols on the lower portion, two of which, he said, were similar to those described by Penniston on the craft he touched in Rendlesham Forest. It is still a mystery what those symbols stand for. Nevertheless, it appears the context of both messages relates to the necessity of expediting the evolutionary advancement of the human race. Now let’s take another look at the latitude and longitude coordinates on both Penniston’s and the sergeant’s messages. The 49.27n 11.5e coordinates in the sergeant’s message is Nuremberg, Germany, from where the Council of Five claims they are protecting the earth (continuous protection of humanity). There is a woodcut from 1561 depicting the residents of Nuremberg observing an aerial battle of spheres and cylindrical objects. It has been shown in many documentary programs and is posted on numerous websites.479 Does it have anything to do with the Council of Five protecting the earth? If so, whom, or what, are they protecting it from? There is, however, something else about Penniston’s message that aroused my curiosity. It is the geographic location of the coordinates pertaining to South America, Central America, Greece, and China. I discussed in chapter 2 the mythological gods worshipped by ancient civilizations in these countries, particularly the

creator gods. In South America, it was Viracocha. In Central America, it was the Mayans’ Kukulkan and the Aztecs’ Quetzalcoatl. In Greece it was Prometheus, and in China it was P’an-Ku. Legends say these gods came down from the sky riding firespitting dragons, which may logically translate to airships or spacecraft enveloped in a bright aura of light, suggesting they were probably extraterrestrial. But what comes into question is how these gods relate to the locations indicated in Penniston’s binary code, and whether they were bases of operation for advancing human evolution—if indeed, that was the case? If so, were these creator gods operating from these bases and creating hybrid humans all around the world and teaching them agriculture, advanced mathematics, and astronomy in a continuing effort to advance human evolution? Or was it only one god that these civilizations knew by different names? Of course, this is all hypothetical and may mean nothing. However, taking into account what we know of these mythological gods, the geographic locations in the code, and the message “Continuous for Planetary Advance,” it begs for further investigation. 2011: The Temple Mount UFO A rather strange event occurred in Jerusalem around 1:00 a.m. on the morning of January 28, 2011. A man using his cell phone camera recorded it, as did another man standing behind him. What they captured on video was a bright light hovering high in the night sky above the Temple Mount (the Dome of the Rock). It suddenly made a rapid descent and then abruptly stopped and hovered directly over the dome before slowly drifting away from it. This lasted for about eighteen seconds, and it then emitted two bright flashes of light and, like a bullet, shot straight up into the night sky and disappeared. The video also revealed a possible craft hovering invisibly against the dark night sky with blinking red lights that are barely visible in the videos.480 My first thought when I saw the video was that someone was playing with a drone; however, the speed at which the object took off forced me to rethink that idea; I don’t know of any drone capable of

moving as fast as that light did. I am also not discounting the possibility that it was a hoax. With the technologies available today, one can create a very convincing UFO video with one’s cell phone. One video on the internet appears to be a poorly created reproduction of the scene.481 That is made obvious by the glib comments of the videographer and his friends. It is beyond me why they even reproduced it, unless they did it as a challenge to see whether they could do it better. What adds credibility to the others is that the man using his cell phone camera appears in the video taken by the man standing behind him, and both videos show the object’s descent, the two flashes of light, and the object’s rapid ascent. Since, to the best of my knowledge, no one revealed the event as a hoax, I am giving it the benefit of the doubt. If this was a real UFO event, the fact that it occurred over a site held sacred by Christians, Muslims, and Jews could be important. The devoutly religious have already attached a supernatural significance to the event, believing it was God that came down to give us a sign that Armageddon and the return of Christ are near. Another theory is that that the ark of the covenant is buried somewhere at that location and the object came down to reactivate it. But why would a UFO come down and hover over a site that is sacred to the three major religions? Was it to enlighten people that the god they have been worshipping for the past few thousand years is really an extraterrestrial? At this time, nobody knows what the event signified, if anything; however, I would assume it was meant to signify something. It is uncertain whether the Temple Mount UFO and Missing Earth Crop Formation are authentic. If so, the meaning of the Temple Mount incident is unknown, but the Missing Earth Crop Formation could be warning us of a coming disaster. The Chilbolton crop formation is obviously a message of some kind, but exactly what is uncertain. The fact that the design on Roswell Rock also appeared in an English crop formation suggests someone may be alerting us to the importance of that design—that it means something. The binary

messages given to Jim Penniston and the army sergeant both seem to suggest that rapid advancement is necessary for our survival. Whether these messages collectively pertain to one thing or represent many, we will never know until we can decipher them. Others, however, definitely appear to be warning signs.


E xtraterrestrials

appear deeply troubled by the fact that our technology has transcended our wisdom to use it wisely. In all probability, it was the result of their agenda being set back by two thousand years because of Adam’s disobedience combined with the longevity factor. Concern for world stability is reflected by their interest in our weapons of mass destruction, as well as in how we are treating our ecological system. And by virtue of current UFO activity, it appears they are giving us warnings about the instability we have created and about a cataclysmic event we will be facing at some point in the future. Collectively, they are a piece of the puzzle providing a clearer picture of why they are advancing our evolution. The Ruwa Incident On September 16, 1994, sixty-two children filed out of the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, for their morning break in the schoolyard. However, their recreational activities came to a sudden halt when they observed a silver disc-shaped craft descend from the sky and land behind some trees at the far end of the field. Then, according to the children, they saw short beings with large heads and large, dark eyes, wearing black outfits, emerge from it. Some of the children said they received messages in their heads that they somehow associated with the creature’s large eyes. The messages seemed to be warnings—dire warnings. The impression of one little girl was that something is going to happen to our planet.

Another girl’s impression was that the world might be coming to an end. Another little girl said the creature seemed to be warning us that “we are making harm in this world and that we mustn’t get too technoleged.”482 After communicating these messages, the creatures reentered the craft and took off. The fact that the children received messages in their heads and associated them with the creatures’ eyes parallels details in many abduction accounts, as does their description of the creatures. And this is a factor contributing to the authenticity of this case. According to the late Cynthia Hind, a MUFON investigator in Africa who investigated the incident, few people in this farming community had television sets, and it is extremely unlikely these children would have known anything about UFOs and alien abductions. Dr. John Mack also investigated the incident. Both he and Hind found the children credible and their stories convincing. The children ranged from five to twelve years of age and were well spoken and very articulate; their stories all matched, and details in the sketches they drew were all very similar.483 The school’s headmaster, Colin Mackie, was known for being very strict and not tolerating any kind of misbehavior. He was inside the school meeting with the teachers when incident occurred and did not see it himself. However, he told Dr. Mack that the children would never lie to him; he believes they did see something extremely unusual. And as Cynthia Hind later put it at an International UFO Conference in Sheffield, England, “Why would sixty-two children lie?”484 What stands out in this event is that it appeared the landing was for the sole purpose of conveying these messages to the children. Abductee Warnings As the world gradually became aware of alien abductions in the 1970s, disastrous warnings were somewhat of a routine procedure in many cases. Before being returned, abductees said they were shown scenes of mass destruction on some sort of projection screen and were told by the aliens that these things are going to happen.485 In one case, an abductee working with David Jacobs said the aliens had shown him scenes of a large nuclear-type explosion in

which the cloud covered one-fifth of the diameter of the earth. No nuclear device currently in existence would produce a cloud that large, but an asteroid as large as the one that hit the Yucatán Peninsula sixty-five million years ago could. Being unfamiliar with the cosmic possibilities, he may simply have associated the cloud with a nuclear explosion.486 Are these little aliens really giving us advance warnings about a devastating event that will destroy our planet? The details vary among the abductees, but they all seem to be imparting the same message in that we are going to experience something terrible. The question is, what is it that is going to happen? And when? Some researchers suggest that the disaster aliens are warning us of can be avoided if only we clean up our act. Some of the warnings do appear to be relevant to these issues, but not all. Others pertain to an event of cataclysmic proportion that may threaten the very existence of the human race. Many abductees said they were shown scenes of mass destruction, devastating earthquakes, major climate changes, and even the destruction of the earth. Much of what they described parallels the predictions found in the book of Revelation. Is this disaster something that extraterrestrials were aware of two thousand years ago? A man named John wrote the book while exiled on the island of Patmos and claimed he received the information from an angel. But was it an angel, or was it an awesome-looking extraterrestrial, maybe one of the Nordics, that he assumed was an angel? Opinions among researchers and biblical scholars are divided as to what it is that is going to happen, and when. However, some predictions appear to be related to events that will occur when the aliens’ plan comes to an end. To understand more about that scenario, we need to examine the warnings we are receiving today. The Vandenberg Missile Incident In 1964, Robert Jacobs was a lieutenant stationed at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. He was in charge of the photo-optical instrumentation section, which filmed test flights of Atlas F and

Minuteman missiles. It required setting up cameras at thirty or forty different locations to obtain views from all possible angles; in the event that something went wrong, this would aid in determining the cause of the problem. In November of 1964, he was assigned to film the launch of an Atlas missile from Big Sur with a twelve-hundred-inch focal-lens telescope developed by Dr. Walter Manning at Boston University. The telescope was mounted on a tractor-trailer that was secretly flown to Vandenberg on a Hercules aircraft and then transported to the Big Sur tracking site, where Jacobs and his team assembled it in preparation for the launch. The camera was programmed to follow the missile automatically and run for six minutes, until it was out of viewing range.487 Filming of the launch was flawless, and the film was taken back to Vandenberg for processing. The next day, Jacobs was called to the office of Major Florenz J. Mansmann, his boss. In the office were two men in gray suits who never identified themselves, which Jacobs thought rather unusual, and he was told to watch the film he shot from Big Sur. When Mansmann turned the projector on, what Jacobs saw literally changed his life forever. Jacobs said that a “classic” flying saucer suddenly flew into the frame and right up to the warhead, which was only a dummy warhead being used for the test flight. At that point, the different missile stages had separated and the warhead was at a suborbital altitude and traveling between eleven thousand and fourteen thousand miles an hour, and the object fired a beam at it. It then flew around the warhead and fired four more beams at it before speeding away. The warhead then fell into the ocean, far short of its target.488 Mansmann then asked Jacobs if they were screwing around up there on Big Sur, and Jacobs answered “No, Sir.” Mansmann then asked, “What was that?” Jacobs said it looked as though they had gotten a UFO.489 Jacobs was then told that as far as he was concerned, the incident never happened, and he was never to speak about it. He was sworn to secrecy and told to leave the room.490

Years later, when he decided to go public, Jacobs discovered that all his military records had disappeared—were erased—and no one at Vandenberg Air Force Base could confirm he was ever there or even in the air force. So there was no official documentation to validate his story—until producers from the old Sightings TV program managed to locate then retired major Mansmann, who confirmed in writing everything that Jacobs said. And Jacobs had his own proof; in his archives, he had film footage of the tractor-trailer arriving at Big Sur with the telescope, he and his team assembling it and filming the missile launch. So we see how the government can cover up major UFO incidents by erasing the credentials and service records of witnesses. UFOs have neutralized the weapons systems of military aircraft in pursuit of them on more than one occasion, so I’m sure the aliens had the technology to determine that the course of the missile filmed by Jacobs was of no threat to anyone, that we were not launching a nuclear attack on another country, and that the warhead was not real. So what was the reason behind this incident? Prior to viewing the film, Jacobs had no knowledge of the incident, so I have to wonder why he was even asked to view the film. Jacobs said the incident occurred when the warhead was several hundred miles away—far too distant to be seen with the naked eye. However, having him view the film then made Jacobs a witness to the incident. Why? Was the intention to create a witness that might possibly go public, even though they made it difficult, but not impossible, for him to verify the story? Was it a tactic designed to leak information in the event that Jacobs did go public? Under federal law, witnesses who break their security oaths are subject to heavy fines, prosecution, imprisonment, and even the loss of their pensions. Yet no charges were ever brought against Lieutenant Jacobs or even John Callahan, who went public with the Japan Airlines encounter in Alaska. And there are dozens of similar cases. The prosecution of cases where national security was threatened through the disclosure of secret weapons technology, planned troop movements in times of war, etc., has been carried out in the past. But the disclosure of UFO events by witnesses who were

sworn to secrecy does not seem to generate similar concerns today. So forcing a secrecy oath on witnesses to UFO events almost seems pointless if they plan to do nothing in the event that the witnesses break that oath. Could this be another strategy to leak information into the public sector? If so, it appears to be a change of attitude when we consider that the military made death threats to civilian witnesses in the 1947 Roswell event if they ever talked about what they saw. The Malmstrom Missile Incident In 1967, the nation’s defense capability was suddenly compromised when all the guided missiles at one of Malmstrom Air Force Base’s missile sites near Great Falls, Montana, shut down. Early in the morning on March 24, deputy crew commander Robert Salas was on duty in the underground command module at Oscar Flight Launch Control, and his partner, Lieutenant Fred Meiwald, was asleep on a cot. The shift was fairly routine until Salas received a call from one of the security guards topside. The guard advised Salas that UFOs were flying over the area, making sudden sharp turns, and even hovering directly above the compound. Salas didn’t take it seriously until the guard called back a few minutes later. This time he was in an extremely agitated state and screaming into the phone, saying a glowing red object was now hovering just outside the gate of the compound, and he wanted to know what he should do. Now realizing the guard was serious, Salas wondered if they might be under attack and was concerned for the security of the facility. He told the guard to do whatever was necessary to prevent a breach of the compound, and he woke Lieutenant Meiwald. As he briefed Meiwald about what was happening, alarms suddenly started going off, and all ten missiles under their control began shutting down one by one into No-Go status.491 Immediately ruled out was routine maintenance. Whenever maintenance is carried out on a missile in one of the silos, the crews are always notified in advance that the missile will be offline for a while—but never all ten missiles at the same time; this was not

routine maintenance. Thinking there may have been some sort of electrical malfunction, they followed protocol by running the necessary procedures to bring the missiles back to alert status. When all attempts failed, Meiwald notified Wing Command Post of the situation, and they dispatched maintenance crews to resolve the problem. He said the missiles were still in No-Go status when they were relieved by the next crew.492 Salas said he was debriefed back at the base and told the incident was classified and that he was never to mention it to anyone. After Meiwald notified the Wing Command Post of the missiles’ No-Go status, he turned to Salas and said the same thing had happened at another site. Salas assumed he was referring to another incident that happened on the same night. But Meiwald had not been specific; nor had he mentioned what site it was that was involved. However, after the incident appeared years later in documentary programs, Salas wrote a book about it: Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon. While doing research for the book, Salas discovered that the other incident Meiwald had referred to had occurred two weeks earlier, at Echo Flight Launch Control, about twenty miles northwest of the Oscar site. All their missiles went offline when a UFO appeared at the site.493 When the crew on duty at the Echo site was relieved by another crew, the missiles were still in No-Go status. Donald Crawford, a member of the relief crew, was on duty when maintenance crews finally reactivated the missiles. He never knew of the Oscar missile incident until he happened to read an article about it written by Salas. The Sightings program eventually brought Salas and Crawford together, and they were able to compare notes.494 There was no explanation for the missile shutdown; there was no way to switch them off. The missiles operated independently from each other, so even if there had been a problem with one, there was absolutely no way it could have affected the others. Several theories were proposed as to what caused the problem, the most logical being a powerful electromagnetic pulse. A thorough investigation revealed nothing in the area that could be the source of such a

pulse. And if it was an electromagnetic pulse that knocked out the missiles, it would also have knocked out all electric power, yet the facilities experienced no loss of electricity; only the missiles were affected, and they were geographically located miles apart from each other. Scientists and engineers from Boeing and Sylvania who had designed the missile system were brought in, and they said that because of how they had designed the system, they did not believe any external force could affect the missiles. Obviously they were wrong. Some researchers suggested the shutdown may have been an exercise to test the reactions of the security teams and missile crews. But that idea was shot down by retired Air Force lieutenant colonel Gerard Rolwes, who said, “We would never degrade our capability to fight a war for a war game exercise.”495 If you think the UFO/missile incidents at Malmstrom Air Force Base are rare occurrences, guess again. Between the mid-1960s and mid-1970s, there were numerous UFO incursions at missile sites and nuclear weapons bases across the United States. Thanks to extensive research conducted by author Robert Hastings, many of these incidents that were never publicized are revealed in his book UFOs and Nukes. He interviewed upward of 150 retired military personnel of various ranks that revealed some rather unnerving incidents, a few of which are highlight here. On August 24, 1966, radar picked up a UFO maneuvering one hundred thousand feet above a missile site at Minot Air Force Base, and communications were jammed with an aircraft dispatched to intercept the object. A UFO reportedly landed in the area, and all radio communications were disrupted between the underground launch control facility and the strike team dispatched to investigate. But after the object left the area, all communications returned to normal. UFO researcher Raymond Fowler reported on this event, as did Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who published a brief article about it in the Saturday Evening Post.496

Another event occurred during the summer of 1966 at Ellsworth Air Force Base near Rapid City, South Dakota. One of the missiles suddenly went off alert status when all power went down at the Juliet-5 Missile Launch Site; even the emergency generator that charged backup batteries failed to start. When maintenance and a SAT (security alert team) arrived at the site, they saw a round metallic craft sitting on the ground inside the security fence near the missile silo. The SAT leader requested permission to shoot at the object but was ordered not to do so before they knew what was going on. He was then told to stand by while the missile command post was notified of the situation. The team was then advised that a helicopter was en route with the base commander, the wing commander, the missile maintenance commander, the civil engineering commander, and the base hospital commander. Hastings was told it would take an act of Congress to get those guys to go out to the site, especially at night. As the helicopter approached, the UFO took off vertically at an enormous rate of speed. When the chopper landed, everyone entered the security gate and determined that the missile silo was undamaged. Then the power suddenly came back on. The launch commander in the underground launch control facility then asked what they had done to restore power and was told that nothing had been done because no one had the access code to enter the silo.497 Another case investigated by Hastings is one he described as a very disturbing. He interviewed David H. Schuur, a retired launch control missile commander from Minot Air Force Base who told him that a UFO once activated the launch sequence of most of his Minuteman missiles. Because it was so long ago, he doesn’t remember the exact date, but he believes it was in 1966 or 1967. He was on duty in the Echo Launch Control Capsule when security personnel at the Alpha Capsule reported a large bright object over their site, moving from missile to missile. It then moved to the missiles at the Echo site, where Schuur was on duty. As the object moved over the entire missile complex, control panels started

receiving anomalous readings from the missiles. Because of the spurious readings on the console, it appeared that the object was sending some sort of signal into each missile as it moved along. “Launch in Progress” indicators then began to light up, forcing them to activate the inhibit switch, which delays the launch for a given time. Schuur said that if another launch capsule activated their inhibit switch, it would completely shut down the launch. But if another inhibit command was not activated, the missile would launch after a specified period of time. However, he indicated that all this was “theoretical.” He did say that after the UFO left, all indicators reset to normal.498 In 1975, another event occurred at Malmstrom Air Force Base. The witness in this case was a retired captain who preferred anonymity. However, Hastings has his service records, proving he was a missile commander at Malmstrom during the time of the incident, which to the best of his recollection was in March of that year. He was on duty at the Romeo Launch Control Facility when alarms sounded indicating the security fence surrounding the missile silo at the Romeo 29 site had been breached and that the silo itself had been compromised. It was somewhere between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. when a SAT team arrived at the site and saw a large, brightly illuminated object hovering over the silo. An unauthorized launch activation signal then occurred, and the captain immediately flipped the inhibit switch, disrupting the “missile enabled” status. Then they got a No-Go shutdown, and the launch system went offline. According to the SAT team, the UFO was still hovering above the silo. Then something happened that should not have been possible after a No-Go shutdown—a spontaneous restart. Suddenly there was another launch activation enabled signal, and again he flipped the inhibit switch, but this time it didn’t work. They were now in a panic as they watched the launch proceed through the various steps on their control panels, which then displayed “missile-away,” indicating the missile had launched and was on the way to its

designated target. They immediately called the SAT team at the site and were relieved to learn that the missile was still in the silo. They then got another No-Go shutdown code, after which the UFO shot straight up into the sky at a high rate of speed.499 As you can see, UFOs have been far more active at ICBM missile sites than one could possibly imagine. And it appears that these incidents have not been limited to the United States. After glasnost and perestroika, researchers from the United States went to Russia to compare notes with researchers over there and learn more about UFO incidents that had occurred in the Soviet Union. One of the ranking officials they interviewed was Boris Sokolov, a former colonel in the Soviet military. He told them of a frightening incident he investigated that had occurred on October 4, 1982.500 It happened at a missile site in the town of Byelokoroviche, in the northwest of Ukraine. UFOs flying around in the area of the missile site were observed by many witnesses, and one, they claimed, was of enormous size—about three hundred meters (984 feet) in diameter. At one point it hovered directly above the missile complex. At the same time, inside the control bunker, lights on panels suddenly lit up, indicating that launch codes had been activated—the missiles were about to launch—and their targets were in the United States.501 Nothing is said about what the missile crew in the bunker was feeling at that moment, but I can imagine it was sheer panic; it appeared World War III was about to be unleashed, and there was absolutely nothing they could do to stop it. They immediately implemented a procedure to abort the launch, to no avail; the launch sequence was counting down, and whatever was causing it was totally out of their control. The only way to launch the missiles was by launch codes transmitted from Moscow. But no one in Moscow had ordered, authorized, or transmitted the codes. The countdown continued for a frightening fifteen seconds until the launch suddenly aborted. The missiles then returned to alert status as the giant UFO took off.

The Rendlesham Nuclear Weapons Incident Another event occurred in December of 1980 in England on the second night of the Rendlesham Forest encounters. Colonel Charles Halt, the deputy base commander, entered the woods during the second night’s events, intending to debunk the sightings. It was after an object approached from the south, stopped and hovered above the men, and emitted a thin laser-like beam down to the ground in front of them for about ten seconds that it shot back across the sky and shone beams down in the weapons storage area. As previously mentioned, when Sergeant Monroe Nevels, the Bentwaters disaster preparedness officer, inspected the area, he discovered a hole had been burned through the roof of a bunker storing a nuclear weapon. Nevels said that if it had hit the weapon, it would have created a nuclear disaster.502 ♦♦♦♦♦ UFOs messing with ICBM missiles is a disturbing issue. To some it might appear as acts of aggression by hostile aliens, but the fact is that nothing bad ever resulted from these events, and no one was ever harmed, so it begs the question of whether their intentions were really hostile. The only casualty was a dummy warhead launched over the Pacific test range that was knocked out of the sky by a UFO that fired several beams at it. If there had been any hostile intentions, they could have destroyed it on the launchpad and caused serious damage. They could also have started a nuclear war by letting the missiles launch from the various sites where they had activated their launch codes, yet they never let that happen. Knocking a missile out of the sky of in the Vandenberg incident pales in comparison to the other incidents in that it involved only a dummy warhead, which was of no threat to anyone. But the level of seriousness seemed to escalate in each succeeding event. The rendering useless of twenty missiles at Malmstrom Air Force Base rated a higher level of concern, and the burning of a hole through the roof of a bunker storing a nuclear weapon was even more drastic, in

that the beam could have hit the weapon and created a nuclear disaster. But the activation of missile launch codes at the Minot, Malmstrom, and Ukraine missile sites would seem to be the most critical, not to mention the most frightening, situations they created to get our attention. Let’s face reality here; in each case, they held the fate of the world in their hands and could have let the missiles launch and created a nuclear holocaust, but they didn’t let it happen. My impression is that they are totally against our possession of these weapons, as they do not want us to destroy ourselves; they want us to survive. Judging by the technology UFOs have displayed in these incidents, I imagine they have the capability to destroy or disable every nuclear weapon on the planet, but I assume that from their perspective this would be pointless. They cannot develop our wisdom for us; that is something we must do ourselves. However, the next piece of the puzzle involves understanding what these signs and messages are really all about.


T he most probable reason for extraterrestrials to be involved with our evolution will now become evident as we start putting the pieces of the puzzle together. One piece is the warnings aliens are giving to abductees of an apocalyptic disaster. Revelation, written two thousand years ago, describes the same destructive scenarios. It is a clue that aliens were aware back then of a disaster that may wipe us off the map of the universe. If this is true, the only chance the human race has for survival is to develop interstellar travel and find another planet that will support human life. At our present stage, the technology needed to achieve that goal is probably several centuries away, and there is no telling how much longer it will take before we find a planet that will sustain human life. It appears the extraterrestrials knew we would never evolve fast enough on our own to reach that goal in time, and it seems they decided to give us a boost up the evolutionary ladder. Of course, this is all hypothetical, but if they have undertaken such a project, we can only assume the magnitude of this disaster is such that it could result in our extinction. If this is the case, we can at least find consolation in the fact that whatever it is, it is unlikely to happen in our lifetime, though maybe it will occur later on in this millennium or in the next. Why would aliens push us to develop the needed technology if we will be wiped out before we can use it to save ourselves? And what kind of a disaster are we talking about? Let’s examine the possibilities:

We know that in four or five billion years, our nearest galactic neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, will collide with our own Milky Way galaxy. Though Andromeda was previously thought to be two to three times larger than the Milky Way, information published on February 15, 2018, in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society revealed that new studies have confirmed that Andromeda is about the same size as the Milky Way.503 Nevertheless, astronomers predict there will be no collisions of stars, owing to the vast distances between them. But I have a problem with that. Astronomers calculate there are 350 billion or more stars just in our galaxy, and since Andromeda is about the same size, I find it difficult to believe that when hundreds of billions of stars in each galaxy, along with hundreds of billions of planets, moons, comets, and asteroids, come together, none of them will collide. But I could be wrong. Nonetheless, it is a minor problem compared to what else is going to happen. It is about this same time that our sun will go nova. In the process, it will expand and swallow up Mercury, Venus, Earth, and possibly Mars.504 But it is unlikely that aliens are warning us of events that will occur billions of years in the future. It is almost certain they are warning us of something that will occur much sooner, and if it is as serious as their messages imply, it may very well mean we need to find another planet to live on sooner than we think. Why would aliens be warning abductees of a coming catastrophic event unless it is truly going to happen? Perhaps the time is now that we should begin exploring the possibilities of what could cause the destruction of our planet and our extinction. Assuming the warnings are valid, to better understand the seriousness of what we may be facing, I have outlined several possibilities that could cause the destruction of our planet and our extinction. Global warming, overpopulation, and a deadly worldwide pandemic are possible extinction scenarios, but they are situations we have the potential to gain control over. The odds are that what we are being warned of involves a disaster that is impossible to avoid. Solar Flares

A solar flare is something we might worry about. The earth’s magnetosphere acts as a shield protecting us from solar flares, but occasionally the sun releases a super, or mega, flare that could penetrate through this shield all the way to the surface and fry every human being on the planet. How many people are aware of just how close we came to such a situation on May 17, 2013, when a massive flare hit the magnetosphere with a glancing blow? Fortunately it was not a mega flare, but had it been a direct hit, it could have wiped out many satellites and power grids, resulting in a major loss of communications and electric power around the world.505 Solar flares have caused power grids to go down in the past, leaving millions of people in the dark without electricity. The problem is that mega flares do not occur on a predictable schedule; they can occur anytime. We do not have any technology that would protect our planet from a direct hit by one, and it is doubtful anyone would survive. It also seems unlikely that even alien technology could protect us from one. Since the aliens are warning us of a major disaster, then it is almost certain they know when it is going to happen. Therefore, a mega flare is unlikely to be the event of their warnings, since it is impossible to predict when one will occur. Nevertheless, the possibility exists that we are vulnerable to a direct hit by a mega flare in the event one does occur. Supervolcanoes One possibility we should consider is the eruption of a supervolcano capable of covering the entire planet in an ash cloud for several years. It could create a nuclear winter and destroy agriculture on a global scale, and millions of people would starve and freeze to death. Many people are unaware that a supervolcano exists under Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, and a few scientists believe it is long overdue for an eruption. However, in checking with the United States Geological Survey, they say it is not very likely to happen anytime soon.506 Another supervolcano that has some scientists worried is Campi Flegri, located near Naples, Italy. Scientists who have been

monitoring it are concerned about what they believe is a massive amount of magma collecting not far below the surface.507 But what are the chances of aliens preventing such a disaster? The limits of their technological capabilities are unknown, so it could be possible. But if an eruption really is overdue in Yellowstone, and if the one in Italy is on the verge of erupting, might they have somehow managed to keep them in check? Or are these situations related to the cataclysmic warnings they are giving abductees? Let’s consider this as a possible Omega scenario #1. Gamma Ray Bursts Another threat that could wipe us out is a gamma ray burst (GRB) from the explosion of a distant star. If such a burst were aimed in our direction, even after moving across thousands of light-years of space, it could still be lethal when it reached Earth.508 It could destroy the ozone layer, exposing us to deadly radiation and causing a mass extinction of life. Scientists suspect a gamma ray burst caused one of several mass extinctions in the distant past. We can detect gamma ray bursts when they occur; however, should one head in our direction, there is nothing we or the aliens could do to change the outcome. One star that could eventually be a problem is WR 104, a WolfRayet star—a giant star that is in its final stages of life. WR 104 is part of a binary system with a smaller star; the two are orbiting each other. But their orbits are shrinking, and they will eventually collide and go supernova, with the potential to create a massive gamma ray burst. The problem is that this system is only eight thousand lightyears away—just down the street on a cosmic scale—and when first observed, it appeared to be aimed directly at us. But astronomers estimate it will be thousands of years before the collision happens.509 After checking data from the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, Dr. Grant Hill claims the original observation may be incorrect. He is convinced a gamma ray burst from WR 104 would miss us by as much as forty degrees.510 The fact that it will be many thousands of years before the stars collide tends to lessen the chances that this is

the threat of which we are being warned. But scientists have been wrong in the past. However, there are billions of other stars in the galaxy that could suddenly explode and send a gamma ray burst in our direction. But as unlikely as it seems at present, let us consider this a possible Omega scenario #2. Rogue Planets and Runaway Stars Although extremely remote, rogue planets and runaway stars are extinction possibilities. A rogue planet is one wandering aimlessly across the galaxy that was probably expelled during the chaotic formation of a solar system. If one happened to be on a collision course with Earth, there would be nothing anyone could do to stop it. Considering there are millions of asteroids wandering around just in our solar system, it is conceivable there are billions of rogue planets roaming around the galaxy. Some astronomers estimate they may far outnumber stars; they suggest that just in our own galaxy there could be one hundred thousand times more rogue planets than stars.511 And what about runaway stars? We know they are out there. One is a red dwarf called Barnard’s Star, which, in the year 11800 will pass by within four light-years of our solar system.512 And a discovery made in 2018 revealed that a planet with an estimated mass of 3.2 times that of Earth is orbiting around it. It is thirty-seven million miles from the star, with an orbital year of 233 days.513 Astronomers have been studying a cluster of thirty runaway stars moving together through the galaxy, known as the AB Doradus Moving Group.514 Fortunately, none of them pose a threat to Earth. Although these possibilities are remote, a collision with a rogue planet or runaway star would surely do us in. It is possible that alien technology could chart the path of a rogue planet or star headed our way thousands of years in advance, but again, it is unlikely anyone has the technology to change its course to prevent a collision. We can track the movement of these nomadic interstellar bodies, and surely the aliens can do the same much more efficiently, and they are probably aware of many that we have not yet discovered. It is conceivable they could chart the path of a rogue planet or star

headed our way that is due to arrive sometime in the next millennium or two, but again, it is unlikely they have the technology to alter its course and prevent a collision. The gravitational effect of even a near encounter with one could cause our extinction by sucking Earth’s atmosphere and oceans out into space. So these are two possibilities to consider as Omega scenario #3. Asteroids and Comets What would seem to be the most probable threat to life on Earth is a comet or asteroid impact. Comets become visible when they encounter solar radiation as they get closer to the sun. As they warm up, they eject gas and dust particles into what is called a coma. As they continue to heat up, the comas expand to form the comets’ tails.515 Comets are usually many miles in length, and if one were to hit the earth, it could easily render the human race extinct. Most people are familiar with Halley’s Comet, which swept through the solar system in 1986 and returns every seventy-six years. However, during its previous appearance in 1910, the earth actually passed through its tail, sparking many media predictions of doomsday. In 1992, the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 passed by Jupiter, and the gravitational stress broke it up into twenty-one separate fragments. It was the astronomical highlight of the millennium in 1994 when astronomers watched them crash into Jupiter between July 16 and 22. A few mountain-size pieces hit the planet and exploded with a force of six million megatons, spewing clouds of gasses over a thousand miles high and leaving scars in the clouds larger than the earth.516 What would a similar impact do to Earth? But because comets appear so infrequently, the odds are more in favor of an asteroid strike. It happened sixty-five million years ago when an asteroid about five or six miles in diameter slammed into the Yucatán Peninsula and extinguished about 80 percent of all life on the planet. And what about an asteroid the size of 243 Ida? It was photographed in August of 1993 by the Galileo spacecraft on its way to Jupiter. Ida is thirty-five miles in length and has its own mile-wide

satellite called Dactyl orbiting around it.517 If one that size happened to hit the earth, it would be game over! •

On June 30, 1908, a large asteroid exploded in the atmosphere over the Tunguska region of Siberia in a blast that leveled trees for forty miles in all directions. Had it happened over New York, London, or Paris, it would have totally obliterated those cities. At the onset of Desert Storm in the fall of 1990, a satellite searching for Iraqi troop activity detected a one-kiloton blast produced by an asteroid exploding over the Pacific Ocean.518 On December 9, 1997, a British satellite picked up an asteroid exploding over the southern tip of Greenland. Scientists estimate it was slightly smaller than the Tunguska blast.519 Another asteroid exploded above the Pacific in 2001 with the force of ten Hiroshima bombs, and in 2002, a satellite detected another one exploding over the Mediterranean.520 In June of 2002, an asteroid the size of a football field passed by Earth at a distance of a third of the way to the moon. The scary part is that no one knew it was there until after it had passed by. California congressman Dana Rohrabacher said that if it had come down in the Pacific Ocean, it could have wiped out Southern California in a giant tsunami.521 Then there is the asteroid that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in 2013. Many buildings were damaged, and a thousand people were injured by the shockwave it created. But there was something unusual with this asteroid. As described in chapter 7, it appeared that something came from behind and flew right through it just before it exploded.522

Although time has reduced the threat of major impacts, these incidents—especially the Tunguska and Jupiter events—are a sober reminder of the potential danger we face from the debris floating around in our backyard. So we might consider this as Omega scenario #4.

What would seem to be the most immediate threat, however, is the asteroid designated 99942 Apophis. In 2029, Apophis will pass closer to Earth than the geosynchronous satellites in orbit at 22,236 miles. On a cosmic scale, that is equivalent to a bullet passing one’s nose by a fraction of an inch. Astronomers note that this close approach presents the possibility that it could pass through a gravitational keyhole—a point where Earth’s gravity could alter its orbit and set it up for an impact with Earth on April 13, 2036. Observations made in 2006 suggest Apophis will probably miss the keyhole and reduce the chances of an impact to one in forty-five thousand.523 But if Apophis does pass through this keyhole and is set up for an Earth strike, it is only about eleven hundred to fourteen hundred feet in length and is not an extinction threat. It would create a tsunami if it hit in the ocean, and if it hit on land, it could kill thousands or millions of people if it impacted in a major populated area. If the threat of impact does turn out to be real, we can only hope that by then we will have devised a way to prevent it. If not, it is something the aliens should be capable of preventing—but will they, since it is not an extinction threat? Astronomers can calculate the orbits of asteroids and comets far into the future. Because there are millions of them in our solar system, their focus is on those nearest to Earth. But if we suddenly discovered one headed our way, even if we had the technology to change its course, it would take years to reach it, making it unlikely we could intercept it in time; to do so would require months or even years of preparation. And if one were to approach from the direction of the sun, it would be virtually impossible to see until it was too late. However, it might not be impossible for aliens to detect a large earthbound asteroid millennia ahead of time, and surely they would have the means to change its course and prevent a collision. However, whatever the disaster is they are warning us about, it is apparently beyond the capability of their technology to prevent it. Thus the apocalyptic warnings and the reason for accelerating our evolution: they want us to develop the technology in time to save

ourselves, and saving ourselves most likely involves evacuating Earth. So we have narrowed down the Omega threat to a supervolcano, a gamma ray burst, a rogue planet or runaway star, or a comet or asteroid impact. We might logically assume that aliens can prevent an asteroid or comet from hitting the earth by deflecting it into a nonthreatening orbit, but if such a threat is a millennium or so in the future, surely by then we will have perfected the technology to do it ourselves. Therefore, I think we can logically eliminate Omega scenario #4, leaving a supervolcano, a gamma ray burst, or a rogue planet or runaway star as the threat. With the pieces of the puzzle involving the biblical events in place, we are now adding pieces concerning the present, and a clearer picture is slowly beginning to form. The success of the aliens’ agenda, it would appear, is contingent on our achieving interstellar travel capability by a certain time. The fact that past events set their plan behind schedule by about two thousand years suggests that to meet the deadline, they would, at some point, have to make up for that lost time. And as we are about to see, it appears they successfully achieved it in the twentieth century.


T he Bible is telling a story that, if I am right, religion has distorted with mystical and supernatural innuendoes. I cited incidents alluding to an alien agenda in which they are expediting human evolution socially, morally, and technologically. Using hybrid technology, the Bible illustrates the steps taken by a human-looking species of aliens to create a new race via genetic upgrading of the existing one. I explained what appeared to be mistakes made in the initial phase of the project, such as their inability to recognize the physiological factors in Adam’s female gestation host that compromised his positive genetic qualities—if, indeed, that was the case—plus the longevity factor intended to give humanity unlimited life spans that they had to deal with when Adam failed his test of obedience. The longevity factor put the aliens’ agenda on hold for two thousand years. When resumed, they created Isaac to seed a new race, but that required isolating his descendants far away from those of Adam’s for several centuries to preserve their hybrid genetic integrity as they grew into a nation. The implication is that aliens were attempting to improve and save humanity, not harm it. But they had two thousand years to make up for, and there was a deadline. Making Up the Lost Time It appears the primary goal was for humanity to achieve interstellar travel by the next millennium. Meeting that goal meant beginning our space activities by the middle of the twentieth century, and that was the deadline that had to be met if the human race was to survive.

Based on our present technology, it will probably take several hundred years to perfect and achieve interstellar travel, and when we do, there is no telling how long it will take to find a planet that will sustain human life. It must have a breathable atmosphere, its gravity must be comparable to that of Earth, and it must orbit its sun at the right distance—what astronomers call “the Goldilocks Zone,” where the temperature allows water to exist in liquid form—a necessity for human life. There is no way to know how long it will take to find such a planet, and when we do, how long will it take to migrate to this new world? And will everyone be able to go? These are questions we may not know the answer to until that time comes. Well, we met the deadline and began our space activities on time. If there is anything to my ideas, we still have a millennium or more to get off this planet, which means that whatever the disaster is that aliens are warning us of, it will not occur in our lifetime. When we examine the events that unfolded in the first half of the twentieth century, that is when it appears the aliens made up for the two thousand years. It was then that our technology began to advance exponentially, to the point where we put a man on the moon in 1969. The question is, Was this due to technology developed by hybrids with genetically enhanced genius qualities? The idea is purely speculative, of course, but could it be true? Let’s consider the technologies we depend on today: electric power and light, and communications, transportation, and aerospace technology. They were introduced at the dawn of the twentieth century by men who were all alive at that same time: Thomas Edison (1847–1931), Nikola Tesla (1856–1943), Henry Ford (1863–1947), Alexander Graham Bell (1847–1922), and Wilbur and Orville Wright (1867–1955 and 1871–1948, respectively). There was also Albert Einstein (1879–1955), one of the greatest scientific minds of the twentieth century, plus the man who fathered our space program, Wernher von Braun (1912–1977). Could it be possible that any, or all, of these men were genetically engineered hybrids with enhanced genius qualities, created to boost our progress and get us into space at precisely the time needed to meet the deadline?

It may seem as if I am treading water in the twilight zone for even considering such an idea, but I remind you that this is all theoretical. But if Edison, Ford, Bell, and the Wright brothers had not been successful in their endeavors, is it a coincidence that other men were involved with the same inventions at the same time, ready to step in and take their place? Alessandro Volta, Humphrey Davy, Warren de la Rue, and a few other scientists were in the process of developing an electric light long before Edison received his patent in 1879.524 Before Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company in 1903, Karl Friedrich Benz had already invented the first gasoline-engine automobile in 1885, while other men were experimenting with steam- and electricpowered cars at the same time.525 Although Alexander Graham Bell is credited with the invention of the telephone, Antonio Meucci, Philip Reis, and Elisha Gray have also been recognized as contributing to its development.526 Besides the Wright Brothers, Sir George Cayley and Karl Jatho were also involved with the development of the airplane.527 The fact that this occurred in the first half of the twentieth century suggests there was emphasis placed on humanity to develop these technologies at that particular time in history. Had the development of these inventions not taken place when they did, we may not yet have put a man in space, let alone on the moon. And perhaps we should wonder about the child geniuses born in the last few decades, including a young boy in Singapore who spoke his first words when he was just two months old and gave a science lecture on acids and alkaloids at age six.528 In 2002, Sho Yano graduated summa cum laude from Loyola University in Chicago at age twelve, and six years later received his PhD in molecular genetics and cell biology.529 Adam Kirby was already reading books at ten months of age and became the youngest member of British Mensa at age two, scoring 141 on an IQ test.530 Philip Pauli of Denver, Colorado, was talking at six months of age, reading books at eighteen months, and studying astronomy at age three. At age four, he spotted a mistake an artist made in the mural

he painted in the Denver Museum of Natural History that had gone unnoticed for thirty years; Philip recognized that the helmets worn by Spanish conquistadors in the painting were really French helmets from the medieval period. He also noticed several vertebrae were missing from the tail section of a dinosaur skeleton. The museum’s curator said the skeleton was too large for the room and they had to remove some vertebrae to make it fit. She said Philip was the only one who had ever noticed it.531 And there are others: Elise Tan Roberts of North London, accepted into Mensa at two years and four months of age, with an IQ of 156; Gregory Smith, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize before he was sixteen, with an IQ of 200 plus; Terrance Tao, a mathematical genius at age eight, with an IQ of 211.532 And there are numerous others. Now, I am not claiming these child geniuses are alien hybrids, although you must admit the possibility is intriguing. And the same applies to the geniuses of the early twentieth century that introduced the technologies we depend on today. I presented evidence suggesting hybrid humans were created in biblical times, and we know that extraterrestrials are breeding hybrids today. Is this not sufficient reason to suspect there is a connection? We know it involves extraterrestrials today, so why should we not suspect it involved extraterrestrials in biblical times? If true, hybrid breeding has been going on all along, with thousands having enhanced genetics being created and born into our society every year. However, it is only a few that excel in the sciences that further advance our technological evolution. But what about those hybrid babies whose fetuses the aliens removed from the women they inseminated and are experimenting with aboard their ships? The aliens have implied those children cannot survive in our world. They seem to be half human and half alien, some more human and others more alien in appearance.533 What is the agenda of these experiments? What are they trying to achieve?

One theory put forward is that they are conducting experiments to alter our DNA so we can survive in an environment quite different from Earth’s. For argument’s sake, let’s say we must evacuate Earth and the aliens are preparing us on a genetic level to survive on a planet with a different atmosphere, or where radiation levels are higher, or where sunlight is too bright or too dim, or where temperatures are too hot or too cold. What if there is no planet equal to Earth? The odds are that there probably is such a planet somewhere, but what if locating it would take thousands of years of searching? We would have to live somewhere in the meantime, and the chances are that our bodies would require some level of adjustment to survive in a radically different environment. Our genes contain a quantity of what scientists call “junk DNA,” for which it appears there is no purpose. But is it really junk DNA? Is it only lying dormant, awaiting a signal to awaken and serve some purpose at a future stage of our evolution, perhaps allowing us to survive in a completely different environment? If so, are aliens somehow activating this DNA to further expedite that evolution? Of course, this is all hypothetical, but something is going on with the human/alien hybrids on their ships. Other theories propose they are altering the human race to be like them, or that their planet is dying and they are trying to alter themselves so they can coexist with us on our world. Another theory is that they have created their own problems through experimenting with cloning or modifying their DNA to the extent that they have become a nonviable race, no longer able to reproduce, and are attempting to regenerate their own reproductive capabilities by experimenting with human DNA. Another idea—one that is a good possibility—is that they are attempting to genetically synchronize our wisdom with our technology in order to end wars and be able to peacefully coexist with other civilizations throughout the galaxy. But we can speculate until hell freezes over, and until they choose to reveal exactly what they are doing, there is just no way for us to know. Nevertheless, it does appear that they set a deadline for us to begin a space program by the mid twentieth century and were successful in achieving it. However, there was a downside.

We Made It, But … While pushing us to meet the deadline, it seems the aliens were also monitoring meteorological, geological, and climate systems, along with social, political, and religious issues. They knew that if we did not reach the moon by the middle of the twentieth century, situations were looming on the horizon that could delay our progress or even cripple it indefinitely, leaving us unable to achieve the capability to reach the stars in time. So they could no longer hold our progress in check; they had to let us proceed unrestrained until we met the deadline. It appears we got the boost needed to begin our space program on time, and it wasn’t too long after when situations did arise: severe weather conditions and seismic activity in the form of floods, massive snowstorms, major earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and volcanic eruptions. We suffered a worldwide economic crisis and numerous terrorist attacks by religious fanatics. It is only logical that these issues have negatively affected human progress to some degree. Even though we still managed to get our foot in the door, it created a new problem. Being unrestrained in achieving technological progress upset the balance; our technology suddenly transcended our wisdom to use it wisely. The very first thing we did after learning how to split the atom was create a weapon of mass destruction and use it in a war against another nation, even though its effect in ending the war made it seem justifiable. But it has since led to other countries seeking to become dominant world powers, and their development of nuclear weapons poses a new threat to the world. It was not until the late 1970s that we began to realize just how much damage we, ourselves, were causing on our world. In the 1980s, it became obvious we were polluting our atmosphere with carcinogens and toxic chemicals. Industrial contaminants were polluting many of the rivers we swam in as children, making them unsuitable for swimming and drinking, and the illegally buried toxic waste began seeping from rusted containers through the ground and polluting the well water of millions of people across the country. We became aware that vast amounts of radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants was dangerously increasing and that we had

no way to dispose of it. It continues to pile up and will become a major problem not just for our children and grandchildren, but for many future generations. Nowhere in history is there evidence of a technological boom such as I have witnessed in my lifetime. But it seems the aliens put their foot on our brake pedal and we began rolling to a standstill. Our manned space activities are now limited to Earth orbit. It has been five decades since we went to the moon. Doesn’t it stand to reason that the more we go there, the sooner we will develop the means to do it faster and more efficiently? How much longer will it be before we resume such missions? How long will it be before we send a manned mission to Mars? Stifling our progress in space at this point would probably seal our fate. Even if we maintain the level of progress of the past fifty years, it will still take centuries before we develop the technology needed to reach the stars and find another world suitable for human life. If we are to survive, it is essential that we continue to advance. The length of time we are held back may make a difference in whether we survive. Alien abductions and their hybrid breeding program may be an attempt to bring everything back into balance, but how long this will take may now depend on us. Now, contrary to all this are indications that, under the umbrella of black projects in secret military installations, aliens may be assisting the government in developing the technologies needed to secure our future, but the evidence is circumstantial. It is only logical to assume a high level of secrecy would be involved in keeping the development of super-secret technologies from our adversaries, especially if those technologies are acquired from extraterrestrial sources. And what better way to accomplish this than by distributing pieces of this technology among different corporations and industries in the private sector. By transferring alien technology out of government jurisdiction, secrecy is guaranteed, because private corporations and industries are not subject to FOIA disclosure. If this is the case, as I suspect it is, we may be witnessing the benefits of it today.

In the past few years, there seems to have been a sudden burst of progress in space technology by private corporations. SpaceX, a company already under contract with NASA, has successfully launched satellites into orbit and is delivering payloads to the International Space Station (ISS), not to mention having successfully developed, launched, and landed reusable spacecraft.534 And as of this writing, they have successfully launched their Dragon DM-2 spacecraft with two astronauts to the ISS. Coming up behind SpaceX is a company called Blue Origin that has also successfully launched and landed reusable spacecraft.535 Virgin Galactic is another company working on creating the first commercial space line.536 Several other companies, such as Bigelow Aerospace, Orbital Sciences, and SpaceDev, have also joined the ranks of those seeking private and commercial space flights.537 Is it possible our progress in space technology is being tweaked, bringing us a step closer to developing interstellar space travel? For the moment, it is impossible to tell, so we will just have to wait and see what these companies achieve over the next decade.


I n my book, UFOs: What Is the Government Really Covering Up?, I presented information pertaining to military and government UFO secrecy. But there are many categories to which secrecy applies, such as top-secret aircraft and space vehicles, the reverseengineering of UFO crash retrievals, alien contact, a top-secret space program, and, of course, religious considerations. In the 1950s, when the air force was testing the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes from the then secret Area 51 in Nevada, people throughout the southwest that saw them soaring through the upper atmosphere often reported them as UFOs. The same scenario was repeated in the 1980s during test flights of the F-117 stealth fighter and B-2 bomber. Their triangular shapes convinced many people who saw them that they were UFOs. These were aircraft we did not want countries hostile to the United States to know about, so the government could not tell the public that what they saw was really a top-secret stealth aircraft without also telling our enemies. There was also the fact that in the 1950s, Area 51 was still a secret base unknown to the general public. To maintain that secrecy, the government was more than happy to let people believe they were seeing UFOs. Contact with extraterrestrials and UFO crash retrievals are things the government would definitely keep secret. Just think of what we might learn from them. The possibilities seem endless: replication, teleportation, advanced laser weaponry, antigravity propulsion, the

ability to bend the fabric of the space-time continuum and travel to distant stars in hours instead of millennia, and who knows what else —maybe even time travel. Another thing that comes to mind is how to produce free energy. Such technologies would be invaluable to the military and could potentially benefit humanity as well. Unravelling that technology, however, could take decades, during which time it would remain highly classified. What if we invented space vehicles that use antigravity propulsion and secretly built a space fleet in orbit around the earth? Supposedly such a fleet does exist and is called “Solar Warden.” It was discovered by Gary Mckinnon, a Scottish computer analyst who hacked into Pentagon and NASA computers. There is some evidence that this could be true and that Solar Warden may have been in existence far longer than one can imagine. If so, the government has kept it secret and will attempt to do so for as long as possible. Then there are religious considerations. What impact would knowledge of alien contact have on the religious community? There are a number of reasons for the government to keep it secret. But here is the big question: if any of this is true, which item would have the most devastating impact on the public and the entire world if it were suddenly revealed? Let’s narrow down the possibilities. I doubt there would be much of a reaction to a new top-secret aircraft. There were no adverse reactions when the public learned of the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes or the F-117 stealth fighter and B-2 bomber. The only negative factor is that our enemies now know what we have. Knowledge that we have derived some technology from UFO crash retrievals should not create too many problems, since a great majority of people today believe it has already happened. At first such a disclosure would come as a shock, but people would still have to get up in the morning and go to work to earn a living. The impact of such a disclosure would gradually wear off; everything would return to normal.

Unraveling exotic alien technology from a UFO crash retrieval would involve many years of reverse engineering at a top-secret military installation, during which time it would remain highly classified. And to ensure secrecy, such work would be compartmentalized, in that no one person working on the project would ever have total access to, or complete knowledge of, all technological aspects associated with an alien craft. The late Colonel Philip J. Corso said that society has already benefitted a great deal from technology derived from the Roswell crash. In his book The Day After Roswell, he states that part of his job was to introduce various pieces of alien technology to corporations and industries capable of developing them for military and commercial applications—without revealing where it came from, of course.538 Based on what government whistleblowers have revealed, much of our current technology was derived from UFO crashes. So we are gaining some insight into what is going on behind the scenes. As this information circulates in the public sector, any adverse reaction by the public should be lessened in the event of official disclosure. It would surely generate a lot of media attention, but except for maybe a few fanatical groups, I cannot see where it would create any longterm or world-wide problems. The establishment of contact with aliens, I suspect, would result in mixed emotions, depending on the level of contact. The discovery of microbes on another planet is something that would be exciting to most people. Just the idea that even the simplest form of life exists on another world enhances the possibility that intelligent life also exists out there. Even if we detected or actually received a radio transmission by a race on some distant world, it probably would have taken light-years to get here and may have been sent before the time of the dinosaurs. Any reply we might send would take the same amount of time to reach the original senders, and the chances are that we would be able to visit them personally long before our transmission would get there. And the same could be said for them.

However, the revelation that aliens are already here on Earth and working with and sharing exotic technologies with us would be quite overwhelming. But if aliens have provided us with the technology to produce free energy, that is something that, if revealed, would create a huge problem; the public would want immediate access to it. It could put the petroleum industry out of business and would domino its way through many other major industries and put millions of people out of work around the world, creating a global economic crisis. That is something that would require a gradual transition over many years to allow industries time to adapt to the necessary changes without creating a myriad of other problems. It would definitely create quite a stir for a while, but once the public came to understand it is impossible to achieve overnight, the excitement would gradually die down. However, the knowledge of alien contact would probably generate some distrust among conspiracy theorists about what they think is going on. The existence of a secret space fleet in orbit using antigravity technology is something the government would keep secret at all costs—if it exists, that is. It would be invaluable to the military in the event of a nuclear war and even in preventing a deadly asteroid impact. In fact, there is speculation that it may have been responsible for the destruction of the asteroid over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in 2013. But if it does exist, it means that for years we have been secretly utilizing a technology that transcends by centuries that which NASA is currently using in its space programs. And if a secret space fleet does exist, what are the odds that NASA is aware of it and has been complicit in maintaining the secrecy? Such a revelation would not only come as a shock, but many people would be outraged by the fact the government and NASA had kept secret the technology that could have prevented the deaths of the astronauts who perished in the Challenger and Columbia shuttle disasters. It would reveal the disregard for human life held by those in the government hell-bent on keeping their black projects secret. Yes, that would create big problems. Protest groups would spring up and remain active for a very long time in the United States, but probably not so much on a global scale. There would surely be some

ramifications, but because people would still have to maintain a job to pay their mortgages and put food on the table, I think the shock would eventually wear off and life would return to normal. Fifty years ago, the knowledge that extraterrestrials were visiting Earth might have upset some religious beliefs, but that alone should not create any major problems today. With the discovery of thousands of planets orbiting stars in other solar systems, people are much more receptive to the idea. But there are other factors involved with this issue that would create major problems if suddenly disclosed. If the government has established alien contact, they are probably aware of the aliens’ agenda and their involvement during the biblical era, and that, in my opinion, is one of the reasons, if not the most important reason, behind government secrecy. Releasing that information could create more problems in the world than all the other issues combined. The issue is not so much that extraterrestrials were active during the biblical era; Eric von Däniken proposed that idea in the 1970s in his book Chariots of the Gods? This was highlighted again more recently in a few episodes of the Ancient Aliens television series and in a few other documentaries. So many people have already been exposed to that idea. Based on the evidence presented in these programs, many people believe this is true. Religion, however, plays a major role in most people’s lives today. People have, in most cases, been conditioned from childhood to accept as fact the mystical, miraculous, and supernatural beliefs espoused by religion. If the government were to suddenly announce that the Lord and his angels were really extraterrestrials and the biblical miracles were the product of their technology, it would blow religions out of the water around the world. Seeing this played out in a TV documentary is one thing, where it is not a proven fact, where it exists only as a theory, and people are free to mentally ponder the possibility of such a scenario and maybe form some opinions. However, official disclosure by the government would be a game changer; the theory suddenly becoming a fact—a reality—is a factor that could shatter people’s faiths and completely

destroy their religious beliefs. But the problems that would result from learning that Adam, Eve, Isaac, Samson, etc., were genetically engineered human hybrids (assuming it is true, of course) would be even more devastating, especially when it came to Christ; it would be too much for most people to handle. The power of the religious hierarchy would be challenged, and the religious community would erupt in chaos around the world. In all likelihood, there are some people who would accept the news, but in reality, it would be upsetting to most religions. To suddenly learn that everything people have come to believe about God and the tenets of their religion has been an extraterrestrial sham would be crushing. It is possible the Vatican has been aware of this for a very long time and has kept it secret. Who knows what information is being hidden from the public in their secret archives concealed in Vatican vaults? And considering the technological aspects associated with the 1917 Fatima event, plus the fact that they have not revealed all the “third secret,” the probability is high that they do know something. There is no denying the fact that religion is the basis of most problems that exist in the world today. But the problem with many religions is the trouble caused by the fanatical elements they have spawned. People who allow fanatical religious beliefs to control their lives often exhibit hostility to those who do not believe as they do. And we know how fanatical some people are about their religious beliefs today. When taking all this into account, it is only logical the government would keep such information secret until people have been psychologically prepared to deal with it without creating worldwide pandemonium. And as I have said, that is something that could take up to a century or more to achieve. ♦♦♦♦♦ If aliens are initiating changes in humanity to further their agenda, it is only logical they are doing it all over the world to prepare us for a major event—one that will really open our eyes. I am not referring to the revelation that the Lord is an extraterrestrial or that the major biblical characters were human hybrids; that information would already have been revealed before this event occurs. This event is

much more significant: the return of Christ—assuming of course, that he will return. Such an event will destroy any illusions people still have of their religion, but most will accept the reality of the situation —especially if his army annihilates those who rise up against the Holy Land with powerful weapons. Such an action will now be recognized for what it really is—alien firepower, not a miracle. If what the angel told the apostles at Christ’s Ascension about him returning is true, we can expect him to beam down in a cloud on the Mount of Olives. But can you imagine the media circus he will generate? How will he cope with all the news teams trying to get an interview? I can just picture reporters shoving cameras and microphones in his face: “Mr. Christ … Mr. Christ … What planet are you from? … What’s it like there? … Mr. Christ … Mr. Christ … How long did it take you to make the trip? … Mr. Christ … What are your plans here on Earth?” Perhaps I have exaggerated the media’s response to the occasion, especially if it is to take place centuries in the future. It is my hope that by then their comportment will have become more restrained. Nevertheless, whether Christ lands in a spaceship or beams down in a cloud or flash of light, the technological aspect of such an entrance is sure to diminish his deity status. So what will people actually think? Will they believe it is really him? Will he have physically aged in two thousand years? How will he be dressed? Will he wear a peasant’s robe, such as he did two thousand years ago? Will he dress in the style of current times in order to blend in, or will he wear clothing more conducive to that of a space traveler? And what language will he speak? Will it be ancient Hebrew or Aramaic, or will he be well versed in English? Although these may be interesting topics to debate, Christ’s wardrobe and language are not very important issues; the most important issue is how prepared we will be psychologically. If Christ were to arrive tomorrow, it is doubtful that most people would believe it was really him; they are not mentally prepared to deal with this. The only way they have ever pictured Christ is by way of the images depicted in religious paintings, in which Christ has long hair and a beard, and is wearing a peasant’s robe. However, these

images are only what people presume he looks like. So if he were to suddenly beam down or step out of a cloud clean-shaven with short hair and wearing a Ralph Loren business suit, how many could psychologically accept that image? If he is to return within this millennium or the next, major psychological preparation is needed. I suspect that if and when he comes, most people will be aware of the fact that he will do so in some kind of spaceship. I am not certain as to how our conditioning will happen—whether it will come via information revealed through abductees, disinformation, documentary films promoting the UFO–deity connection, or a combination of all—but it will be the government promoting the idea so that when the time comes, there will be no major ramifications. It will be a gradual indoctrination; the issues will become so ingrained in people’s minds that the final revelation will not come as a major shock but rather as an affirmation of what they will have already come to accept as common knowledge. And as I said, this may take a century or more to achieve. Again, let me remind you that except for factual information regarding certain UFO events, the evidence presented regarding extraterrestrial involvement in biblical times—as compelling as some of it may be—it is still circumstantial and not necessarily fact, since there is no way it can be proved. However, a logical interpretation of the scriptures does offer an entirely different view of what is, and has been, taking place involving alien activity. Although I take no stand on the issues, I believe my interpretation of the information presents a reasonable possibility. That, however, is something you must judge for yourself.


D uring

NASA’s inception, one aspect of space exploration that came under consideration was the possibility of encountering other life forms. Whether those life forms be microbes found in the soil of another planet or a face-to-face encounter with intelligent beings, it raised many questions. How would we react to an encounter with an intelligent species? What would be proper protocol in dealing with such a situation? What impact might it have on the cultural values of our civilization? In order to gain a better understanding of these and other issues involving space exploration, NASA commissioned the Brookings Institute in Washington, DC, to do a study in order to determine proper guidelines by which they might proceed. By picking the brains of the best minds in the world, they could then determine and establish policies in accordance with their findings. But if contact had been established in the late ’40s or early ’50s, why conduct a study to learn what to do after the fact—would that not be superfluous? Or was this facet of the study really done to determine what effect it would have on the general public if the truth about UFOs were revealed? According to the Brookings report, the sudden realization that we are not alone might have a profound impact on our civilization. On page 215 of their report entitled “Peaceful Space Activities For Human Affairs,” they acknowledge the possibility that other intelligent life may exist in space. The report states,

“Artifacts left at some point in time by these life forms might possibly be discovered through our space activities on the Moon, Mars, or Venus.”539 And near the bottom of the page, it reads as follows: “Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different ways: others that survived such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior.”540 They are saying that many primitive cultures were ultimately affected through contact with higher levels of civilization, and they cite the impact it had on their traditional values and beliefs, which, when narrowed down to the bottom line, means it impacted their religion. Considering possible consequences on our own civilization, they advise that further study is needed to provide more insight regarding the adjustments we might be required to make. Then, on page 216, the report says, “How might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends? What might be the role of the discovering scientists and other decision makers regarding the fact of discovery?”541 This suggests that the discovery of extraterrestrial life might be withheld from the public and brings into question what the motives might be of those associated with making this decision. However, the great minds that compiled this information suggest the greatest impact might be on the scientific community. Near the bottom of page 225, the report reads as follows: “It has been speculated that of all groups, scientists and engineers might be the most devastated by the discovery of relatively superior creatures since these professions are

most clearly associated with the mastery of nature, rather than with the understanding and expression of man.”542 Now, if the same study were conducted today, would they still feel our societal structure would be threatened by the revelation that we are not alone? I think not. It may have been so fifty years ago, but we have since evolved considerably in our expectations regarding space exploration and even contact with ETs. With the discovery of over four thousand extrasolar planets revolving around other stars in the galaxy, we are now focused on finding one like Earth that will support life, and we are more open to the possibility that other intelligent life may be out there. Remember how much attention was focused on the first Apollo moon landing? People around the world were glued to their television sets, and the event dominated the news for weeks. Media coverage continued in the following missions as viewers watched the astronauts set up experiments, collect rock samples, and ride around in their lunar excursion module (LEM). However, in subsequent years, as it became more routine, live coverage dwindled, as did the public’s interest. Even with improved communications and cameras providing sharper color images, fewer people were tuning in. I think that accurately reflects how most people today would be affected by the discovery of intelligent alien life. Of course, the media blitz would be overwhelming at first, but I doubt it would turn the world upside down. It seems that the general attitude today is not so much the question of whether we discover other intelligent life in space, but when. The only thing that might have a devastating impact would be a discovery that challenged fundamental religious beliefs; that could create serious problems, and it might be the reason for government silence. If this is the case, as I suspect it is, we will need to make an adjustment in our beliefs before we will be able to accept the truth. Some have suggested this adjustment began back when prayer was eliminated in public schools as being part of this process—a means of conforming the younger generation. But I disagree. Prayer is not religion. I believe prayer or meditation creates a positive influence beneficial to both mind and body. No. I think the primary

goal is to reshape the mental image most people currently have of religion and the deity into a more realistic view. A few bishops have already questioned the validity of certain miracles, such as the Immaculate Conception.543 And after eight hundred years, the Catholic Church has eliminated all references to the state of limbo. This could be a sign that logic and common sense are beginning to take root. The Religion Factor Most people are prepared to accept the fact that extraterrestrials may be visiting Earth, but they are unprepared psychologically to deal with the impact it would have on their religious convictions if the whole truth were known. This is due to organized religion. Too many religions have divided people with diversified beliefs, many of which conflict with each other, and this may be something the ETs had probably hoped to avoid. After Christ’s time, organized religion experienced rapid growth and expansion, and it has mushroomed out of proportion. The spin-off of so many religions and cults has created problems that can be resolved only by having people conform to a more unified and realistic ideology. No one can deny the fact that religion is the basis of many problems that exist in the world today. The violence that plagued Northern Ireland was nothing more than a war between factions of Protestants and Catholics. And when you take a good close look at what has happened in the former Yugoslavia, it is nothing more than one religious or ethnic group claiming superiority over another. The sectarian violence and killing in the Middle East is based on nothing more than a difference of religious beliefs, and in the Holy Land, Jews and Muslims seem unable or unwilling to come to terms with each other. There are extremists who refuse to let any kind of peace process evolve. Then there is the radical Muslim element who consider themselves superior. They believe anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel and should be killed. The epitome of this fanatical nonsense was exemplified in Osama bin Laden’s disciples who crashed jet airliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. They had been brainwashed into believing that murdering

innocent men, women, and children would bring them glory in the eyes of Allah—and the higher the body count, the greater the glory; their reward in the afterlife would be seventy-two virgins. These are religious nuts who sadistically distorted the teachings of their own religion. They will never rise above their hatred and accept people for who they are and learn to live in peace. Then there are the cults, many of which are scams to bilk money and property from gullible people. Some cult leaders use God in a manipulative way to brainwash people into accepting a variety of distorted, misguided, radical, militant, and antisocial beliefs, and they are time bombs just waiting to go off. We have seen it in Guyana with Jim Jones. We have seen it in Waco, Texas, with David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. We have seen it with Marshall Applewhite, who convinced his Heaven’s Gate cult followers to commit suicide with the belief that their spirits would be transported to a UFO hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet. This is all religiousoriented mind control. How could a group of people be persuaded to take their own lives unless they had let themselves become brainwashed with the off-the-wall beliefs of some wacky fanatic? It is likely that what the aliens revealed (assuming, of course, contact has been made) was shocking even to the hard-nosed military brass, and that they realized the public was not prepared to deal with the facts at that time. To suddenly be told that aliens have been abducting people for the purpose of conducting genetic experiments or that (theoretically) the Lord was really an astronaut from another world would have had serious repercussions in the religious community and could have led to more serious problems. It had to be kept quiet. Assuming this is the case, the truth will have to come out eventually. The idea that aliens manifested themselves as God in biblical times and (theoretically) genetically engineered human beings like Adam, Isaac, Samson, etc., would have created big problems, especially when it came to Christ. Religious leaders would never have tolerated such claims, for they would have threatened the powers of the religious hierarchy. Schisms would develop between those willing to accept the truth and those who couldn’t, and

the resulting chaos could have caused serious world problems. Therefore, it was necessary to formulate a plan to enlighten the public without creating turmoil. So it appears the major problem may not have been UFOs but rather how to handle the public. They had to be educated, and it would take time; it would be a gradual process of indoctrination that could conceivably take up to a century. Just as it was with the Israelites in the desert, it is up to the government to condition the minds of the people into gradually letting go of certain fundamental ideas that have been ingrained into their minds from childhood and accepting the fact that some things might actually be different from what they were taught to believe. If Christ returns in a spaceship, the public will have to be prepared for it. Therefore, it is only logical that their efforts will be directed toward the younger generation. The aliens actually started the ball rolling. They began building our awareness of them with the frequent appearance of their ships our skies. Then, in 1952, they visited Washington, DC, and invaded the restricted air space over the Capitol Building and the White House.544 That incident seemed to indicate they were making a statement. They didn’t pick any city at random, such as London, Paris, Rome, Moscow, Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York City. No, they picked the capital of the most powerful nation on Earth—the city where the most influential and powerful people in the country and the world meet. So it would appear that they knew the significance of Washington, DC. This may very well have been their signal to the government that they needed to talk. We can theorize that a panel composed of scientists and highranking military and intelligence officials was established to deal with the situation. In fact, if the MJ-12 documents are any indication, such a group may have been created five years earlier as a result of the Roswell incident. It is likely they would have been given almost absolute power and are answerable to no one except, maybe, the president. With this power, they could dictate their own policies and literally become a secret government within the government. As presidents came and went, this group would remain, and depending

on the political and philosophical views of the president in office, it would be at their discretion what they chose to tell him—or not tell him. However, they would bear the responsibility of preparing the public to deal with the religious implications. It had to be gradual. A certain degree of influence would have to be exerted on each new generation to make it a little more open-minded than the last. People had to be gently swayed into accepting the UFO reality. The next step would be to break the news that (theoretically) ETs were responsible for creating the deity image and that religion has greatly distorted our concept of this deity. Again, assuming this is the case, it requires channeling the many diversified religions and their perception of God into a global compatibility. Belief systems have to be manipulated to eliminate the prejudice religions have created over the centuries by promoting less-conflicting ideas. Anyone keeping current on world affairs is aware that the European Union is promoting the idea of a worldwide or unified religion.545 So the government is in a difficult situation; they need to tell us the truth, yet they can’t tell us anything—at least for the moment. But they do have to prepare us. Desensitizing people to the issues through disinformation is one way they can do this. Maintaining the UFO controversy generates publicity from all angles—those of skeptics, believers, and crackpots. Theories proposing an extraterrestrial link to the deity would probably not be taken seriously at first, but as more information was leaked out, more people would gradually come to realize that there just might be something to it. Many are now beginning to make the connection. The majority, however, will take a little longer. As the older generation dies off, so will old traditions, beliefs, and attitudes. It is the younger generation that will gradually open up to the issues and accept the truth. After decades of being bombarded with all kinds of stories and theories, ranging from scientific evaluations by experts to the most bizarre claims of crackpots, we have gradually gained a better perspective of the issues, and our expectations of encounters with

extraterrestrials have, likewise, matured. This is reflected in movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind and E.T. the ExtraTerrestrial, which served to endear us to the extraterrestrial image. The TV series Star Trek brought us into the twenty-fourth century without generating the curiosity, the tension, or the apprehension that would likely be involved with making first contact, but rather by showing humans working side-by-side with people of different alien races in the course of daily routine. Unlike the run-of-the-mill sci-fi films and programs filled with their action-packed high adventure and horror aspects, we were given a whole new perspective of the alien image besides the slimy, green bug-eyed monster. We are gradually becoming less inhibited, because now it is science more than science fiction influencing our views. We are beginning to realize that much of yesterday’s science fiction is today’s science fact, and what is science fiction today may be reality tomorrow. Yet the fact remains that until humanity sheds the bias created by many diversified religions, the prospects for both peace and progress remain grim. So it is only logical that the next phase of the plan will be a gradual indoctrination designed to open our eyes and our minds to the real facts.

Chapter 32 COUNTDOWN

A s you can see, the UFO mystery is an extremely complex jigsaw puzzle. Its pieces are varied and many, and the complete picture cannot be seen until all pieces have been fitted into place. I believe that many crucial pieces have been overlooked simply because they have not been recognized as even being a part of the puzzle. I have presented evidence that the government is well aware of the fact that UFOs exist and is keeping the facts from the public. And I have presented evidence linking the Lord of the Bible directly to the technology of flying machines. The implication is that he and his angels are physical beings from another world, and if the commandments he gave to Moses are any indication, his goal is a noble one. Although the first two commandments tell us we should not worship false gods or take his name in vain, in actuality, they have nothing to do with the others. The other commandments represent solid moral and ethical values, and if we all followed them, the world would be a much better place than it is today. It could be that the first two commandments were simply meant to show humanity the futility of believing that images created out of wood, stone, or metal have magical, mystical, or supernatural powers. They are what they are—pieces of wood, stone, and metal. But I think they were intended to be a controlling factor over the Hebrews during their forty years in the desert. Because the Lord was physically present and personally involved at the time, it was important to the project that they accept him as their leader or god

figure. However, I don’t think he was actually trying to promote himself as God; I think that is a perspective that may have evolved on its own through centuries of oral tradition and probably had its roots in the stories of Moses. Today it is difficult for people to associate the Bible with UFOs because it contradicts what organized religion has conditioned them to believe. What they fail to understand is that the scriptures are basically an interpretation of what someone else interpreted from someone else’s interpretation of events that occurred long before that person’s time, and it is highly likely that much of the original meaning was altered through all these translations. However, when you examine the scriptures with logic and common sense, it is difficult to ignore the many technological implications. In ancient times, such things would have been perceived as miracles because the people had no technology of their own with which to make a comparison. But today we have that advantage. We know about electricity and how it can be used to create light, plus its many other applications. We know about machines, computers, and spaceships, and it is easier for us to recognize their technological aspects. In 1950, a UFO was commonly known as a flying saucer; in the Bible, it is described as the “glory of the Lord.” In 1950, a laser was depicted as a death ray or a Buck Rogers ray gun; in the Bible, it is described as “fire coming out from the Lord.” Although the descriptions differ according to how they were perceived, the similarities are obvious. In the Bible, we see suggestions of flying craft, lasers, teleportation, and a host of other technologies. We see situations alluding to genetic engineering, the creation of hybrids, and a project of accelerated evolution. We see that the first attempt to create a new race ended in failure, and that their majority had to be eliminated. We see where a second attempt was successful but necessitated separating them from the remnants of the first race for several centuries to ensure their genetic integrity as they grew into a nation. Then we see how they were isolated for a generation and indoctrinated with improved moral and ethical values before being delivered into their Promised Land, and we see that the Lord revealed this plan to Abraham five hundred years in advance.

The scenario I have presented is based on the sequence of events as they currently appear in the Bible and the possibility that they actually occurred. But whether the stories in the scriptures are true or allegorical is something we may never know for certain. However, organized religion has adapted them to fit supernatural and mystical beliefs in order to control the minds of the masses, and we see how this has created the prejudices responsible for many of the world’s problems. Religion has evolved on its own to the point where people have been conditioned in too many diversified beliefs. Every country in the world has its own set of laws, rules, customs, and religious values. In most cases, a conflict of religious beliefs has bred prejudice, contempt, and hatred among the different peoples of the world. It has led to violence and wars over territorial boundaries and cultural differences, many of which are based on religion. It has reached the point where many self-righteous fanatics have gained power and are slaughtering people with different beliefs under the guise of “ethnic cleansing” to justify their actions. Efforts are currently underway to create a new world order. One of the first steps is uniting all the European countries into a United States of Europe, and it is a plan designed to encompass the entire world. And the European Union is currently exerting influence on the religious community to join together into a worldwide union or a common religion. This will not happen overnight, but the odds are that within the next two or three generations, it could be a reality. Unless they promote rules and laws guaranteeing the liberties and freedoms of a democratic society, I fail to see how it will work out any other way. Overly strict government rules and regulations will only inhibit a nation’s growth and prosperity. Depending on the ethics and political motives of the world’s leaders—or leader, as it may eventually come to be—it could turn out to be a productive move that benefits everyone, providing people can live in a free society unburdened by extreme government control over their lives. Once humans have shed the prejudices they created with their religions, they will gain the wisdom needed to deal with their future. On the other hand, if such a world leader turns out to be

the Antichrist, he or she could manipulate religious doctrine to set him- or herself up as God; and if that happens, we are all in trouble. Meanwhile, the decadence that originated in the first race has steadily regained its strength and has again exceeded the limits of acceptability. It is now being exploited and even flaunted, and the moral decline is quite obvious. It would seem that something must be done before further progress will be realized. The Countdown Should Christ return, it will be the signal that the final countdown has begun. Part of his agenda will probably be to reprogram our values. For the aliens’ agenda to succeed, we must learn how to live in peace. The wars that were necessary to boost our technology will have to cease, and we will need to reapply our knowledge to more positive and productive pursuits. We will have to be psychologically reprogrammed into adopting new and positive attitudes toward progress and our fellow man. Our wisdom is still out of sync with our technology, and the abductions may be an indication that genetic experiments are still being conducted in an attempt to bring everything into balance. One possibility to consider is that there are hybrids walking among us today. There have been many men throughout history who seem to have possessed knowledge and insight far beyond their time, such as Archimedes, Heron, Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci, and Galileo, to name a few. If aliens have been speeding up our evolution, it is only logical that they would periodically create hybrids with genius qualities necessary to give humanity a boost over the next hurdle. I have already hinted at such a possibility with the geniuses that appeared at the turn of the twentieth century when we suddenly experienced an exponential advancement in technology. But now it appears our progress is being stifled. The negative qualities of the first race have again risen to dominance, and we have acquired the technology to cause our own annihilation. Together these factors are a dangerous combination. I think most will agree that we lack sufficient wisdom to handle the technology we have already developed.

It has been decades since we went to the moon. Although there are plans to resume such missions around 2020, as a nation leading the world in technological advancement, our space program should have continued to excel in that direction. We may never live to know the benefits we could have gained if we had only continued moving forward. What would it be like today if, after Edison invented the electric light, after Bell invented the telephone, after Ford built the automobile, and after the Wright brothers invented the airplane, these projects were abandoned because everyone thought they were too expensive or impractical? In this respect, we can see how the suppression of progress back then would have affected us today. If aliens are responsible for us having reached our current level of achievement, it is likely they are also responsible for our current stagnation. Even if we are developing a completely new dimension of technology at places like Area 51, that doesn’t necessarily mean we are out of the woods. As to how long it will be before we shift back into high gear, that will probably depend on us. If, however, the government has introduced elements of alien technology into the private sector for development, our technological advancement may not be as grim as we think. When you look at what SpaceX has accomplished and what other companies involved with space travel are attempting to accomplish, we could be years ahead of a government-controlled NASA in our goal of reaching the stars. But only time will tell. In some ways, it appears the ETs regard us in a manner somewhat similar to how we regard animals. There was a time when humans had little respect for life. The buffalo nearly became extinct when riders of the first railroads indiscriminately killed them for target practice. Today we are appalled by such deeds, and our compassion for life, be it human or animal, seems to have been enhanced. Many people are now concerned for endangered species because of some industries’ quests to exploit the resources of their habitats. Therefore, it is necessary on occasion to nurture and promote the breeding of certain species in captivity. Much care is taken not to let these creatures become too familiar with humans, as it will only reduce their chances of survival when they are released back into

the wild. So it has been the policy to avoid as much direct contact with them as possible—except when absolutely necessary. Although often perceived as extremists, some environmentalist groups are fighting to preserve the natural habitats of endangered species so that they may continue to exist. It would appear that the aliens’ involvement with us is pretty much the same thing, except that they are unable to prevent the disaster that will eventually destroy our habitat. The only thing they can do is try to prepare us to be able to save ourselves when the time comes. And just as we try to avoid contact with the animals, they have avoided any direct contact with us—except when absolutely necessary. Under normal circumstances, they probably would have ignored us until we began exploring the stars and evolved to a technological level compatible with their own. However, because of the prevailing situation, it would appear that they have made an exception to the rule—just as we have done in extreme situations dealing with the preservation of endangered species. There may be only one or two thousand years left, which seems an eternity to us because we won’t be around; but to the aliens, it is the final hour, and the clock is ticking away. If their agenda is successful, we will overcome our prejudices and other inadequacies and gain much knowledge and wisdom over the next century. Then we should be released from the backyard of our own solar system into the wondrous realm of the galaxy. Until then, we should not ignore what is happening. We need to take a serious look at abductions, crop circles, and the relationship between UFOs and the deity. There is something going on, and the government, I am sure, is aware of what it is. But because of the many religions humans have contrived to fit their own individual beliefs, they have inhibited their ability to recognize the truth. Even if the aliens were to suddenly land and make the truth known, too many people absorbed in myriad dogmatic beliefs would still be unable to accept it. Therefore, it is only logical that a process of reprogramming is necessary. Perhaps the more appropriate term is “deprogramming.” It is the misconceptions and prejudices that we

have allowed to influence our minds that we must shed before we can move forward. Our lack of understanding of the messages in the crop circles— assuming, of course that they are UFO related—is like that of the ancient Indians who created glyphs of sine wave patterns; they had no comprehension of their meaning, let alone their technological significance. Over the last fifty years, we should have been able to determine whether UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft or some yet unknown natural phenomena. The fact that this basic question has not been or cannot be answered is evidence that something is going on; surely we have the technological resources to make this determination. Logic and common sense say we have—or at least the government has. But why it is being kept secret is the real issue. The only logical reason is that the information would have a chaotic effect on the nation and the world. I believe people are ready to accept the fact that we are being visited for whatever reason, but most are not prepared to deal with the impact it will have on their religious beliefs. Since religion plays a major role in most people’s lives, to discover suddenly that it has all been an extraterrestrial sham could be devastating, and it would seem to be the only logical reason for a government cover-up. However, we are still left with unanswered questions: Why do some UFOs behave in a hostile manner? Why are alien/human hybrids being created? And where do the UFOs come from? Although speculative answers have been proposed regarding the first two questions, there is no concrete evidence as to the origin of these craft and their occupants. The evidence does indicate they are solid metallic vehicles capable of maneuvers and speeds that defy human tolerance and understanding. The fact that they have also been observed in space by our astronauts tends to indicate they are from another world and possibly even another galaxy. The variety of species that have been described suggests a possible alliance between different worlds, and the technology they display suggests something akin to quantum physics—a scientific principle that we are still trying to understand.

There also exists the possibility that they are from another dimension—one coexisting alongside our own. Such an idea is rather difficult to comprehend. What would it be like in a different dimension? All kinds of possibilities exist when it comes to the unknown, such as beings existing only in the form of energy, or time being part of a continuum in which it may not even exist. Another possibility that has been proposed is that the little grays are from the future—that they are what we will eventually evolve into. But that idea presents a paradox regarding the human-looking aliens. Where are they from? Are they from a time less distant in the future than that of the grays, or are they from yet another world? Although there are claims that many various alien races are visiting Earth, the premise of this book involves those whose agenda seems to be involved with our survival of a future apocalyptic event. Whether others are contributing to this scenario or have their own separate agendas is perhaps something that only the government may know the answer to. I have presented cases suggesting that at least one species has demonstrated aggressive and hostile behavior. There are dozens of books fostering many opinions and claims about the involvement of the others; however, my twenty-plus years of research has suggested the issues described in this book. It is alleged that many of the first astronauts photographed and videotaped UFOs in space, such as John Glenn during the first Mercury mission, and James McDivitt, Frank Borman, and Neil Armstrong during their Gemini missions. Photos of these objects have been plastered all over the internet by UFO buffs who are absolutely certain they are alien spacecraft. However, NASA claims they are either debris from their spacecraft, reflections of interior cabin lights, or nearby satellites and that the photos are simply being exploited by enthusiastic UFO believers. In this case, I am somewhat inclined to side with NASA. These astronauts have been questioned numerous times about the photos, and they never once suggested they were alien spacecraft; they said only that they had no logical explanation for what they saw. However, on December 8, 1993, NASA was providing the world with live coverage during the mission to repair the Hubble Space

Telescope. At one point when the camera was pointed toward the Earth’s horizon, an object appeared, moved across the screen to the left, and disappeared out of frame. A moment later, a second object appeared, following the same path as the first. The announcer suddenly stopped talking, and the picture began to fade. The next thing the viewers saw was Mission Control, back on the ground.546 NASA officials claim the objects were only satellites. If they were, one seemed to be closely following the other, and they did not appear to be too far from the shuttle. However, there are video clips from other shuttle missions of objects that were definitely not reflections, satellites, or spacecraft debris, because they performed maneuvers that were obviously under intelligent control, and some of this footage even has NASA scientists baffled. In one clip, a rather large object just seemed to materialize from out of nowhere above Earth’s atmosphere and drift off into the distance.547 On August 6, 2005, during Mission STS-114, the shuttle was traveling about eighteen thousand miles an hour when the camera captured an object that suddenly flew into the frame from out of nowhere. Actually, it appeared to have caught up to the shuttle; after that, it reversed course and flew back in the direction from which it came.548 There is absolutely no way this object can be described as a piece of shuttle debris, a satellite, or a reflection of an interior cabin light. After seeing these videos, one is inclined to believe that UFOs are space-worthy vehicles and that their occupants are accomplished space travelers. So the avenue of least resistance would seem to be the interplanetary theory—that they are from another world and not from the future or another dimension, although we cannot completely rule out the latter two possibilities. But the government knows the truth, and I have presented a logical and viable reason for their secrecy. I will not be surprised by disinformation released in the future alluding to the UFO–deity connection. Nor will I be surprised by more reports of abductees being shown scenes of apocalyptic destruction. At the turn of the millennium, I was not surprised by the flood of documentaries and movies about comets and asteroids colliding with the earth. It is a

beginning; one way or another, we should eventually get the message. I wish to reiterate that I am not necessarily denying the existence of God; I am merely presenting evidence suggesting that an alien technology was present in biblical times and operating under the guise of a deity, or at least that was how it was perceived. If anything suggests this, it is Ezekiel’s’ encounter. I have put aside the mystical interpretations and all the supernatural innuendoes and examined the bare details of the story without the embellished beliefs. I find that if the scriptures are accurate, at least in the context of what they claim took place, then a metallic flying craft did land near Ezekiel; he saw flashing and blinking lights, it had an engine that sounded like “rushing waters,” it had four landing pods, and there were five men on board, one of which presented himself as a deity. Such an event today would undoubtedly be described as a close encounter of the third kind. Other highly credible evidence includes the testimony of police officers, military officials, astronauts, and both civilian and military pilots. •

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Astronaut Gordon Cooper testified that air force personnel filmed a UFO that landed on a dry lakebed at Edwards Air Force Base, and the film was immediately whisked off to Washington, DC, never to be heard of again. Police Officer Lonnie Zamora encountered a white eggshaped craft in Socorro, New Mexico, with two child-size beings dressed in white standing on the ground beside it. There is the testimony of air force lieutenant Robert Jacobs of a UFO that flew around an Atlas missile he was filming and fired several beams at it, knocking it out of the sky—an event confirmed in writing by his direct superior. There is the testimony of Robert Salas, the deputy crew commander of a missile site at Malmstrom Air Force Base, who experienced the shutdown of all guided missiles while a UFO hovered outside the main gate of the compound.

There is the testimony of John Healy, a Cleveland police detective who was a reserve medic on board an army helicopter that was lifted in a beam of green light toward a hovering UFO over Mansfield, Ohio. There is the incident in Elmwood, Wisconsin, where a UFO fired a blue beam at a police car, completely destroying its electrical system and leaving officer George Wheeler to suffer in excruciating pain for six months before he died. There is the four-hundred-foot-long object seen by the crew of America West flight 564 over Texas and the recorded communications between the pilot, Air Traffic Control in Albuquerque, Cannon Air Force Base, an F-117A fighter pilot, and NORAD. There is the giant walnut-shaped object that dogged a Japan Airlines flight over Alaska; FAA division manager John Callahan has copies of all radar tapes and radio transmissions relating to the incident.

But I think one of the most unique and convincing cases of alien presence is that of Travis Walton, which occurred in 1975. His was not a case of abduction, but rather an actual face-to-face encounter he experienced with both human-looking and nonhuman beings that healed his injuries aboard a spaceship after he was struck by a bluegreen beam emitted from their craft. In the introduction, I referenced a prediction I made in the first edition of this book in 2012 regarding the public being prepared for UFO disclosure. Then I mentioned the release of videos by the Pentagon of UFOs being tracked by radar from navy jet fighters as bearing this out. Prior to this, the government has provided subtle clues through disinformation, which I have outlined in this book. Full disclosure, however, requires the admission of technology derived from UFO crash retrievals, collaboration with extraterrestrial beings (if indeed that has occurred), and, if my theory is correct, the religious and biblical implications I have proposed. The latter, I suspect, is the primary reason for secrecy, which people must be psychologically prepared to accept without creating worldwide

chaos, which I assume will take a very long time to achieve. As for the catastrophic event we are being warned of that may cause the destruction of the earth or the extinction of the human race, if the aliens’ agenda is successful, we should develop the necessary technology in time to survive. The facts speak for themselves; some are debatable, and some are not. I have tried to present my views in as simple and uncomplicated a way as possible, with logic and with common sense. The events I have detailed regarding prehistoric, biblical, and current times conform to a logical scenario of alien intervention and the genetic manipulation of the human race. However, what I have proposed is only a theory—a theory based on what I believe to be the most credible information available. I have presented ideas from a simple but logical perspective, a few of which (to the best of my knowledge) have never been considered before. I have raised a few questions regarding biblical scripture, some of which no one has ever thought to ask. I have offered a few opinions and have drawn only a few conclusions, but I do not claim my ideas are the answer to the UFO mystery; they are just a logical and commonsense evaluation of events as I see them. However, mine is an evaluation viewed from a perspective of logic and common sense. I hope that what I have presented will at least leave some of you thinking. Though not absolute proof, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting my views. However, it is up to you to weigh the evidence and decide for yourself.

Bibliography Blum, Howard. Out There. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990. The Elmwood Incident, 172–177 Project Blue Book, 69 MJ-12 Documents—mention of alien bodies, 281–291 MJ-12 Documents–Donald Menzel’s books debunking UFOs, 250 MJ-12 Documents–photos taken with 35 mm camera, 241 Blumrich, Josef F. The Spaceships of Ezekiel. New York: Bantam, 1974. Blumrich’s perception of Ezekiel’s spaceship, 13–16 Blumrich’s perception of wheels intersecting with wheels, 37–39 Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci Code. New York: Doubleday, 2003. Theory that Mary Magdalene had Christ’s child Christensen, Loren W. Cops’ True Stories of the Paranormal. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace, 2016. Paranormal experiences by police officers Cremo, Michael A. and Richard Thompson. Forbidden Archaeology. Alachua, Florida: Govardhan Hill Publishing, 1996. 600 million-year-old footprint, 810, 811 213 million-year-old shoeprint, 807, 808 260 million-year-old gold chain, 805, 806 2.8 billion-year-old spheroids, 813, 814 Däniken, Eric von. Chariots of The Gods? New York: Bantam, 1971. The Scroll of Lamech, 42, 43 Däniken, Eric von. In Search of Ancient Gods. Great Britain: Souvenir Press Ltd.

The book of Enoch, 38–45. de Santillana, Giorgio. The Crime of Galileo. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955. Galileo Marshall Cavendish. The Unexplained. (Research Edition) The Sao Paulo incident The Pilar de Goias incident The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Eds. Charles F. Pfeiffer, Everet E. Harrison. Moody Press, 1962. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Discoloration of the Nile Fiore, Edith. Encounters. New York: Ballantine Books, 1989. Abductee passed through the venetian blinds and a closed window, 234 Abductee reported several alien races on board a ship, 118–119 Fowler, Raymond E. The Allagash Abductions. Wildflower Press, 1993. Sucked out window as if in vacuum Fuller, John G., Interrupted Journey. New York: Dell, 1966. Dr. Simon taped the Hill’s hypnosis sessions Gaymonat, Ludovico. Galileo Galilei, A Biography. New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. Galileo Hancock, Graham. Fingerprints of the Gods. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1995. Lake Titicaca probably extended to Puma Punku. 88–89 Hastings, Robert. UFOs and Nukes. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace, 2017. UFO incursions at nuclear missile sites and bases

Heinrich, P. V. “The Mysterious ‘Spheres’ of Ottosdal, South Africa.” National Center for Science Education Reports 28, no. 1 (2008): 28– 33. 2.8-billion-year-old spheroids Heinrich, P. V. “South African Concretions of Controversy.” South African Lapidary Magazine 39, no. 1. (2007): 7–11. 2.8-billion-year-old spheroids Hopkins, Budd, Missing Time. Ballantine, 1998. Taken and returned in cloud, 88 Hurley, Matthew. The Alien Chronicles. Chester, United Kingdom: Quester Publications, 2003. 1937 Photo of UFO over Vancouver City Hall, 151 Medieval paintings of knights and aerial craft, 102, 107 International Bible Society. Holy Bible, New International Version. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1984. All scriptural quotes Jacobs, David M. Secret Life. Fireside ed. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. Sperm extraction not made public in Hill case, 40 Improved questioning techniques used in regressive hypnosis, 45 Imaging and envisioning, 136, 143 Sperm extraction, 122–123 Taken up in beam of light, 54–55 David Jacob’s idea of invisibility during transport, 51 Unexplained pregnancies, 114 Jacobs, David M. The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999. Kindle. Aliens remove only the fetuses they need Linderman, Michael, ed. CNI Lights seen over weapons storage area Randy Smith’s account of missing time

Louise, Rita. “The Curious Burial of Göbekli Tepe.” Atlantis Rising. May/June 2014. Louise, Rita, and Wayne Laliberte. The E.T. Chronicles: What Myth and Legends Tell Us About Human Origins. Hampton Roads Publishing, 2014. Kindle. Reference to numerous other gods worshipped by the ancients Marcel, Jesse Jr., and Linda Marcel. The Roswell Legacy. Pompton Plains, New Jersey: New Page Books. 2009. Jesse Marcel’s radar education, 39 McAndrew, James. The Roswell Report: Case Closed. US Government Printing Office, 1997. Anthropomorphic Dummies explanation Randle, Kevin D. Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol. New York: Harpertorch, 2001. Claims it was Runways at Andrews AFB that were being repaired, 42 Jets dispatched from Newcastle AFB, 37–38 Randle, Kevin D., and Donald R. Schmitt. UFO Crash at Roswell. Avon Books, 1991. Brazel brought pieces of the debris to show his neighbors, 46 Deputies sent to the Foster Ranch, 46 Deputies sent back the next day were turned away by military police, 46–47 Colonel Blanchard’s press release, 57 Redondi, Pietro. Galileo: Heretic. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1987. Galileo Roberts, A. R. From Adam to Omega: An Anatomy of UFO Phenomena. Bloomington, Indiana: iUniverse, 2012. Theory of how image on Shroud of Turin was created, 394

Sauder, Richard T. Underground Bases and Tunnels: What Is the Government Trying to Hide? Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1995. Thermonuclear boring machines, 94–100 Sitchin, Zechariah. The 12th Planet. Bear & Co., 1991. The goddess Ishtar Walton, Travis. Fire in the Sky. Snowflake, Arizona: Skyfire Productions. 2010. The Travis Walton experience Weaver, Richard L. The Roswell Report. US Government Printing Office, September 28, 1995. Project Mogul explanation Webster’s Third International Dictionary, Unabridged. Springfield, Massachusetts: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1976. Definitions of “Nephilim,” “demigod,” and “cherubim” Wengrow, David. The Archaeology of Early Egypt: Social Transformations in North-East Africa, 10,000 to 2650 B.C. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Upper and Lower Egypt

Notes 1 “Light Exceeding Its Own Speed,” Times Online (United Kingdom), June 4, 2000. 2 Pat Brennan, “How Many Exoplanets Are There?” NASA Exoplanet Exploration, accessed March 9, 2020, 3 Ludovico Gaymonat, Galileo Galilei, A Biography, (New York: McGraw Hill, 1965); Pietro Redondi, Galileo: Heretic (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987); Giorgio de Santillana, The Crime of Galileo, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955). 4 Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre, The Mysterious Origins of Man, documentary, NBC; “Alien Evolution,” Sightings, exec. prod. Henry Winkler, Sci-Fi Channel; Michael A. Cremo and Richarld L. Thompson, “Hidden History of the Human Race,” 5 The mitochondrial Eve as presented in How Old Are Humans? Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry Rose. PAX. 2001. 6 Broward College website on P’an-Ku, the Chinese creator god Odin, the Norse creator god _human_race Ancient Code website on the Anunnaki, the Sumerian creator gods. Also includes videos. Ancient History website on Viracocha, the creator god of the Incas. Ancient History website on Kukulkan, the Mayan creator god Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec creator god

7 Studies by the University of California and University of Nevada of Lovelock Cave, 8 Giant skulls from Lovelock Cave in museum Faces of the Gods. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2014. 9 Normal-size mandible compared to that of giant skull 10 Faces of the Gods. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2014. Ancient Origins website mentions article in the Nevada Review-Miner of two giant skeleton found in Humboldt lake bed 11 Zechariah Sitchin, The 12th Planet, Rochester, VT: Bear & Co. 1991. This book contains information on the goddess Ishtar. 12 The Dogons’ knowledge of Sirius B Ancient Aliens. In Search of History. History. 1997. UFO: The First Encounters. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. Bram Roos. A&E. 1997. The Dark Star. In Search of … exec. prod. Alan Landsburg. A&E. Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on the Dogon 13 Moai statues of Easter Island Easter Island: The Story. Ancient Mysteries. A&E. The Giants of Easter Island. Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe. Discovery. The Easter Island Massacre. In Search of … exec. prod. Alan Landsburg. A&E. The Mystery of Easter Island. Terra-X. Discovery. Link to images: tatues&FORM=HDRSC2 14 Moai Statues fallen during transport

Easter Island. Ancient Mysteries. A&E. 15 Rongorongo writing Link to images: 16 The Nazca Plains Ancient Aviators, In Search of … exec. prod. Alan Landsburg. A&E. Chariots of the Gods? The Mysteries Continue. exec. prods. David R. O’Dell, James McQuillan. TLC. 1996. Ancient Inventions. In Search of History. History.

Pathways to the Gods. History’s Mysteries. TLC. 17 Nazca lines images 18 Nazca Plains Ancient Aviators. In Search of … exec. prod. Alan Landsburg. A&E. The Nazca Plains. Unsolved Mysteries NBC. 19 Top of mountain landscaped to flat surface The Mission. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. 20 Trident at Bay of Pisco Ciska Tobing, el candelabro, July 15, 2005, photograph, 21 Mountain Images in Cerro Unitas, Chile Giants for the Gods. Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World. exec. prod. John Fairly. Discovery. 1980. 22 Tiahuanaco courtyard faces Link to image: 23 Arthur Posnansky at Tiahuanaco The Mysterious Origins of Man. Documentary. prod. Bill Cote. NBC. 1996. 24 Portal of the Sun—Tiahuanaco’s solstice marker Link to image: naku.jpg 25 Puma Punku The Mystery of Puma Punku. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. H2. 2012. 26 Lake Titicaca probably extended to Puma Punku Hancock, Graham. Fingerprints of the Gods. Three Rivers Press. New York. 1995. 87–88. 27 Liquid molten alloy used to staple blocks together Chariots of the Gods? The Mysteries Continue. Documentary. exec. prods. David R. O’Dell, James McQuillan. TLC. 1998. 28 Blocks were cut with a precision impossible to duplicate with modern technology 29 Blocks were composed of granite and diorite The Evidence. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. Chariots, Gods and Beyond. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. 30 Master stone mason Roger Hopkins said inside cuts in blocks are impossible to duplicate with modern technology. The Evidence. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010.

31 1,200-ton stone block at Baalbek Link to image: 32 Ibid. 33 AOL images of Göbekli Tepe Link to images:öbekli+tepe 34 Skeptical Dictionary website on Göbekli Tepe 35 The Smithsonian magazine website on Göbekli Tepe 36 National Geographic on Göbekli Tepe (now requires subscription to view)öbekli-Tepe/mann-text 37 Archaeology magazine website on Göbekli Tepe Sandra Scham, “The World’s First Temple,” Archaeology, November/December 2008, 38 Ancient Origins website on why Göbekli Tepe was buried 39 Dr. Rita Louise on Göbekli Tepe Rita Louise, “The Curious Burial of Göbekli Tepe,” Atlantis Rising, May/June 2015. 40 The Sphinx temples The Mystery of the Sphinx. Documentary. exec. prod. Boris Said. NBC. 1993. 41 Second opinion on erosion of the Sphinx The Mystery of the Sphinx. Documentary. exec. prod. Boris Said. NBC. 1993. 42 Granite stele in front of Sphinx The Sphinx. Monumental Mysteries. Discovery. 43 Stele installed eleven hundred years after Sphinx was created The Sphinx. Monumental Mysteries. Discovery. 44 Inventory stele implies Sphinx existed before Chefren’s time The Mystery of the Sphinx. Documentary. exec. prod. Boris Said. NBC. 1993. 45 Graffiti above king’s chamber Pyramids and Sphinx. Digging for the Truth. exec. prods. William Morgan, Jason Williams. History. 2005. Opening the Lost Tombs of Egypt. Documentary. exec. prod. Peter Isacksen. History. 1999. 46 Pyramid graffiti and carbon dating of mortar

Pyramids and Sphinx. Digging for the Truth. exec. prods. William Morgan, Jason Williams. History. 2005. 47 Theory that Fourth Dynasty Egyptians were repairing pyramid Pyramids and Sphinx. Digging for the Truth. exec. prods. William Morgan, Jason Williams. History. 2005. 48 Perfectly fitted blocks in the Giza pyramids Secrets of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. History’s Mysteries. prod. Roel Oostra. Discovery. 1995. 49 Graham Hancock’s quote on the three dynastic pyramids Secrets of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. History’s Mysteries. prod. Roel Oostra. Discovery. 1995. 50 Coral Castle Unexplained Structures. Ancient Aliens. exec. Prod. Kevin Burns. History Channel. 2010. 51 Attempt to build small pyramid with primitive tools This Old Pyramid. NOVA. prods. Julia Cort, Michael Barnes. PBS. 1997. 52 Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on Ecuador pyramids 53 Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on Japanese pyramid 54 Tenerife pyramids Link to images: teneife+pyramids&FORM=IGRE 55 Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on infrared satellite image of twelve pyramids in Brazilian jungle 56 Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on Peruvian pyramids. Link to images: 57 Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on Australian pyramids Link to images: 58 Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on Chinese white oyramid Link to images: 59 Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on other Chinese pyramids 60 Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on Mexican pyramids Link to images: 61 Airpano: amazing 360-degree photo of Tikal pyramids. (Use mouse to rotate left, right, up, and down.) Link to image: 62 Amon Ra Earth Visitors. In Search of … exec. prod. Alan Landsburg. A&E. 1980.

63 The Orion connection The Puzzle of the Pyramids. Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe. Discovery. 1994. Secrets of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. History’s Mysteries. prod. Roel Oostra. Discovery. 1995. The Great Pyramid: Gateway to the Stars. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. John Blake. A&E. 1994. 64 Theory that the head of the Sphinx was originally a lion The Mystery of the Sphinx. Documentary. exec. prod. Boris Said. NBC. 1993. 65 Edgar Cayce’s claim the Sphinx was created in 10,500 BC The Mysterious Origins of Man. Documentary. exec. prods. Michael Gerber, Robert Watts. NBC. 1996. 66 Edgar Cayce claimed a hall of records exists beneath Sphinx Secrets of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. History’s Mysteries. prod. Roel Oostra. Discovery. 1995. 67 Seismic readings revealed a chamber below the paws of the Sphinx Secrets of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. History’s Mysteries. prod. Roel Oostra. Discovery. 1995. 68 Seismic readings revealed underground tunnels between the Sphinx and the pyramids Secrets of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. History’s Mysteries. prod. Roel Oostra. Discovery. 1995. 69 The Gantenbrink door The Puzzle of the Pyramids. Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe. Discovery. 1994. The Upuaut Project: Exploring the Shafts of the Great Pyramid: Robot Journey into the Past. The Unexplained. A&E.

The Upuaut Project official website Link to images: 70 National Geographic’s photo of Gantenbrink door Link to images: 71 The Osiris tomb Opening the Lost Tombs. Documentary. exec. prod. Peter Isaksen. FOX. 1999. 72 What tunnels was Hawass referring to? Opening the Lost Tombs. Documentary. exec. prod. Peter Isaksen. FOX. 1999. 73 Colombian aircraft figurines The Evidence. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. 74 Ancient Colombian aircraft figurine designs proved to be aerodynamically stable The Evidence. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. Link to images: (Unacknowledged website) 75 Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on ancient astronaut figurines 76 Six-hundred-million-year-old footprint Cremo, Michael A. / Thompson, Richard. Forbidden Archaeology. Govardhan Hill Publishing. Alachua, Florida. 1990, 1996. pp 810–811. Earth Visitors. In Search of … exec. prod. Alan Landsburg. A&E. 1980. 77 213-million-year-old shoeprint Cremo, Michael A. / Thompson, Richard. Forbidden Archaeology. Govardhan Hill Publishing. Alachua, Florida. 1990, 1996. pp 807, 808. 78 Ibid., 805–6. Cremo discusses the 260-million-year-old gold chain. 79 2.8-billion-year-old spheroids: a logical explanation Heinrich, P. V., “South African Concretions of Controversy,” South African Lapidary Magazine 39, no. 1, 2007, 7–11. Heinrich, P. V. “The Mysterious ‘Spheres’ of Ottosdal, South Africa,” National Center for Science Education Reports 28, no. 1, 2008, 28–33. 80 2.8-billion-year-old spheroids could have been manufactured Cremo, Michael A. / Thompson, Richard. Forbidden Archaeology. Govardhan Hill Publishing. Alachua, Florida. 1990, 1996. pp 813, 814. 81 Ancient Antikythera analog computer Ancient Inventions. In Search of History. History. Live Science website on the Antikythera computer Link to image: 82 The Coso artifact Earth Visitors. In Search of … exec. prod. Alan Landsburg. A&E. 1980. Link to images: 83 UFO: The First Encounters. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. Michael Cascio. A&E. 1997. Records of Tutmoses III, 1480 BC. 84 Encounters by Alexander the Great UFO: The First Encounters. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. Michael Cascio. A&E. 1997. UFOs Then and Now: The Innocent Years. UFO Files. prod. Joshua Alper. History. 2004.

85 The Vimana UFO: The First Encounters. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. Michael Cascio. A&E. 1997. Ancient Aliens. In Search of History. History. 1997. Crystalinks website by Ellie Crystal on Vimanas Links to images: (UFO Evidence website) 86 website on atomic blast in ancient India 87 Mahabharata’s description of atomic war UFO: The First Encounters. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. Michael Cascio. A&E. 1997. Ancient Aliens. History’s Mysteries. History. Above Top Secret website on the Mahabharata 88 fifteen-thousand-year-old cave drawing UFO: The First Encounters. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. Michael Cascio. A&E. 1997.l 89 website onVal Camonica astronauts glyph 90 History and Heritage in Utah—website on Utah glyphs 91 Australian Aborigine glyphs collection by Jens Nilsson 92 Ancient sine wave glyphs Earth Visitors. In Search of … exec. prod. Alan Landsburg. A&E. 1980. 93 Ibid. 94 Ibid. 95 Abydos glyphs of aircraft 96 Medieval paintings of knights and aerial craft Hurley, Mathew. The Alien Chronicles. Quester Publications. U.K. 2003. 102,107. 97 UFO over Vancouver City Hall Hurley, Matthew. The Alien Chronicles. Quester Publications. Chester. United Kingdom. 2003, 151. Link to image: 98 The Epoch Times website on the 1561 Nuremburg painting

99 1566 painting from Basel, Switzerland UFO: The First Encounters. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. Michael Cascio. A&E. 1997; UFOs Above and Beyond. Documentary. exec. prods. Camil Daigneault, Nick Menza. TLC. 1997. Great Mysteries and Myths of the Twentieth Century. Documentary. exec. prods. Jonathan Martin, Philip Nugus. TLC. 1996. UFO’s: 50 Years of Denial. Documentary. exec. prods. Lance Atiyeh, Angelika Fox, James Fox. TLC. 1997. 100 17th century Russian fresco of Crucifixion in the Svetishoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia UFOs Above and Beyond. Documentary. exec. prods. Camil Daigneault, Nick Menza. TLC. 1997. Chariots of the Gods? The Mystery Continues. Documentary. exec. prods. James McQuillan, David R. O’Dell. ABC. 1996. 101 1350 Kosovo fresco UFO: The First Encounters. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. Michael Cascio. A&E. 1997. Roswell. Unsolved Mysteries. NBC. 1994. Chariots of the Gods? The Mystery Continues. Documentary. exec. prods. James McQuillan, David R. O’Dell. ABC. 1996. Image on Diego Cuoghi’s website of Kosovo painting 102 Fifteenth-century painting—Madonna and St. Giovannino Where Are All the UFOs? Documentary. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lusitana. A&E. 1996. Roswell. Unsolved Mysteries NBC. UFOs Then and Now: The Innocent Years. UFO Files. exec. Prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lusitana. History. UFOs: 50 Years of Denial. Documentary. exec. prod. James Fox. TLC. 1997. Image on Diego Cuoghi’s website Art and UFOs? Of Madonna and St. Giovannino painting 103 Images on Diego Cuoghi’s website—fourteenth-century tapestries showing hat-shaped objects 104 Image of painting of Moses with antennae protruding from his head c1b6a3bb4ea13.jpg 105 Miracle of the snow painting 106 Images on Diego Cuoghi’s website of the Annunciation with Saint Emidius —1486 painting with UFO emitting beam through building wall onto Mary’s head (NOTE: must scroll down to images) 107 Image on Diego Cuoghi’s website of the Baptism of Christ 108 Glorification of the Eucharist—Religious painting with Sputnik-like object 1600+painting&FORM=HDRSC2 109 ART and UFOs? No thanks, only art … 110 When angels acquired their wings Biblical Angels. Mysteries of the Bible. exec. prod. Michael E. Katz. A&E. 1996. 111 Ancient Origins website on the Patterson bigfoot film 112 Bigfoot footprints—dermal structure of creature’s toe Missing Link. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. 113 Analysis of hair samples suggest unknown species of primate Bigfoot Sightings: Real Monster or Urban Myth. Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry Rose. PAX. 2001. Abominable Snowman: The Search for the Truth. Documentary. exec. prod. Michael Klein. TLC. 114 Bigfoot theory by Dr. Grover Krantz Bigfoot. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. Rasha Drachkovitch. A&E. 1994. 115 Black helicopters seen over mutilation sites The Cattle Files. Documentary. exec. prod. Noel Cronin. TLC. 2004. Colorado Mutilation. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. 116 Evidence of a surgical laser Colorado Mutilation. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. California Mutilations. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. 117 Exsanguination California Mutilations. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. Mutilation Report. (Dr. Garth Lamb, Veterinarian). Encounters. FOX. 118 Mutilated cattle dropped from the air The Cattle Files. Documentary. exec. prod. Noel Cronin. TLC. 2004. Mutilation Report. (Dr. Garth Lamb, Veterinarian). Encounters. FOX.

New UFO Revelations: Cattle Mutilations. UFO Files. exec. prod. Margaret G. Kim. History. 2004. 119 Broken legs and ribs with horn driven into the skull The Cattle Files. Documentary. exec. prod. Noel Cronin. TLC. 2004. 120 Cattle hemoglobin experiments Colorado Mutilation. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. Mutilation Report. (Dr. Garth Lamb, Veterinarian). Encounters. FOX. Cattle Mutilations. UFO Files. exec. prods. Gary Grossman, Steve Lange, Robb Weller. History. 2004. 121 The chupacabra The Canovanas Goat Sucker. The Paranormal Borderline. UPN. 122 Radiation study theory The Cattle Files. Documentary. exec. prod. Noel Cronin. TLC. 2004. 123 Silent helicopters The Cattle Files. Documentary. exec. prod. Noel Cronin. TLC. 2004. 124 Radio communication between radar operator Melvin Baker and flight 19 Bermuda Triangle. Documentary. exec. prod.. Tomi Bednar Landis. Discovery. 1999. Dive to the Bermuda Triangle. Documentary. exec. Prof. Erik Nelson. Discovery. 125 Eggnog–like substance Bermuda Triangle: Secrets Revealed. Beyond Belief. exec. prods. John Joslyn, John Wilcox. TLC. 126 Methane hydrate theory A Logical Explanation. Science Frontiers. exec. prod. Mary Ellen Iwata. TLC. 1992. 127 Methane hydrate experiments Squaring the Bermuda Triangle. Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe. exec. prods. Tomi Bednar Landis, Tom Coliandro. Discovery. 1995. 128 Methane hydrate experiments Squaring the Bermuda Triangle. Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe. exec. prods. Tomi Bednar Landis, Tom Coliandro. Discovery. 1995. 129 A methane cloud effect on aircraft A Logical Explanation. Science Frontiers. exec. prod. Mary Ellen Iwata. TLC. 1992. 130 The effect on electronics A Logical Explanation. Science Frontiers. exec. prod. Mary Ellen Iwata. TLC. 1992. 131 737 flight simulator test Dive to the Bermuda Triangle. Documentary. exec. prod. Erik Nelson. Discovery.

132 The disappearance of the Martin Mariner Bermuda Triangle. Documentary. exec. prod.. Tomi Bednar Landis. Discovery. 1999. 133 The motionless bomber Bermuda Triangle: Secrets Revealed. Beyond Belief. exec. prods. John Joslyn, John Wilcox. TLC. 134 Bruce Gernon’s electronic fog Inside the Bermuda Triangle. Documentary. exec. prod. Erik Nelson. Discovery. 135 The gray wall The Bermuda Triangle. In Search of … exec. prod. Alan Landsburg. History. 136 The disappearance and reappearance of flight 727 Bermuda Triangle: What’s the Secret of the Bermuda Triangle? Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry K. Rose. PAX. 2001. 137 The Missing Earth crop circle Missing Earth Crop Circle. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. Image of Missing Earth crop formation on Listen to Earth website (NOTE: click on image 6 for enlargement) 138 The Chilbolton formations presented on HDRSC2 139 Crop formation in England with exact same design as the Roswell Rock The Roswell Rock. In Search of Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. H2. 2014. 140 The design on the Roswell Rock The Roswell Rock. In Search of Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. H2. 2014. 141 Design on rock created by advanced technology The Roswell Rock. In Search of Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. H2. 2014. 142 Harassing military helicopters Crop Circle Update. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sy-fi. Secret Messages from Crop Circles. Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry K. Rose. PAX. 2000. 143 Miracle at Fatima–children arrested The Miracle at Fatima. Unsolved Mysteries. (excerpt). NBC. (hosted by Robert Stack). 144 The spinning sun as presented on The New Theological Movement (blog), “Fatima’s Miracle of the Sun, the Star of Bethlehem, and the Pillar of Fire,” by Father Ryan Erlenbush, posted May 13, 2011, 145 Prof. José Maria de Almeida Garrett’s account on 146 The third secret Fatima: Secrets Unveiled. History’s Mysteries. dir. SueAnne Fincke. History. 2001. 147 The third secret a “whitewash?” As claimed on website As claimed on website As claimed on Christianity Today website 148 Handwriting analysis of Lucia’s documents As claimed on FatimaGate website 149 website claims no words spoken by “Our Lady” were mentioned 150 The Sao Paulo incident Editors. The Unexplained. Marshall Cavendish (Research Edition). United Kingdom. 151 The Pilar de Goias Incident Editors. The Unexplained. Marshall Cavendish (Research Edition). United Kingdom. 152 The Mansfield, Ohio, helicopter encounter UFO Confrontation: Mansfield, Ohio. Sightings. (excerpt). exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. 153 The Elmwood incident Blum, Howard. Out There. Simon and Schuster. 1990. 172–177. 154 The Discovery space shuttle footage Great Mysteries and Myths of the Twentieth Century. Documentary. TLC. The Monuments of Mars: a Terrestrial Connection. Documentary. exec. prod. Richard Hoagland. 1994. 155 Anonymous witness The Valentich Case. Unsolved Mysteries. (excerpt). NBC. 156 The Manifold photo The Valentich Case. Unsolved Mysteries. (excerpt). NBC. 157 Skeptical Inquirer magazine story on the disappearance of Frederich Valentich 158 Brazel brought pieces of the debris to show his neighbors.

Randle, Kevin D. & Schmitt, Donald R. UFO Crash at Roswell. Avon Books. 1991, 46. 159 Brazel showed his neighbors a piece of the debris that wouldn’t burn. UFO: Roswell. Uncovering the Evidence. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996. 160 Jesse Marcel Jr. handled an I-beam with strange writing. Roswell. Unsolved Mysteries. (excerpt). NBC. The Debris Field and Crash Site. Unsolved Mysteries. Lifetime. What Really Happened at Roswell? Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry K. Rose. PAX. 2000. Where Are All the UFOs? Documentary. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lusitana. A&E. 1996. UFO: Roswell. Uncovering the Evidence. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996. The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence. Documentary. exec. prod. James Romanovich. Sci-fi. 2002. 161 Col. Blanchard’s press release Randle, Kevin D. & Schmitt, Donald R. UFO Crash at Roswell. Avon Books. 1991, 57. 162 Base weather officer, Irving Newton, identifies material as weather balloon and radar reflector UFO: Roswell. Uncovering the Evidence. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996. 163 Stanton Friedman learns of Jesse Marcel Roswell: Cover Ups & Close Encounters. Documentary. exec. prods. David McLenzie, James Romanovich. Sci-fi. 164 Major Marcel’s testimony that the debris was not from a weather balloon UFO. Science Frontiers. exec. prod. Roger James. TLC. 165 Jesse Marcel Jr. attested to the fact that the material in the newspaper photo is not the same material his father brought back from the Foster Ranch that he saw spread out on their kitchen floor in Roswell. UFO: Roswell. Uncovering the Evidence. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996. 166 Marcel’s radar education Marcel, Jesse Jr. and Linda. The Roswell Legacy. New Page Books. Pompton Plains, N.J. 2009, 39. 167 Deputies sent to the Foster Ranch Randle, Kevin D. / Schmitt, Donald R. UFO Crash at Roswell. Avon Books. 1991, 46. 168 Deputies sent back the next day were turned away by military police.

Randle, Kevin D. / Schmitt, Donald R. UFO Crash at Roswell. Avon Books, 1991, 46–47. 169 Frank Joyce receives threatening call from Pentagon The Roswell Incident. Beyond Belief. exec. prods. Marc Barasch / Franc Roddam. TLC. 170 Personnel at KGFL radio station intimidated The Roswell Incident. Beyond Belief. exec. prods. Marc Barasch, Franc Roddam. TLC. 171 Joyce’s first conversation with Brazel on phone allegedly on July 6 The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence. Documentary. exec. prod. James Romanovich. Sci-fi. 2002. 172 Brazel told Joyce the bodies weren’t green Mystery at Roswell. Conspiracy Files. Discovery. Roswell: The Truth. The World’s Strangest UFO Stories. exec. prod. Tomi Bednar Landis. Discovery. The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence. Documentary. exec. prod. James Romanovich. Sci-fi. 2002. 173 Crash north of Roswell with alien bodies The Innocent Years. UFOs: Then and Now. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lucitano. History. 174 Frankie Rowe handled “memory metal” The Innocent Years. UFOs: Then and Now. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lucitano. History. 175 Death threat made to Frankie Rowe and her family The Innocent Years. UFOs: Then and Now. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lucitano. History. 176 Death threat made to Sheriff Wilcox and family as per his daughter The Roswell Incident. Beyond Belief. exec. prods. Marc Barasch, Franc Roddam. TLC. 177 Death threats made to Sheriff George Wilcox and family Carey, Thomas J. / Schmitt, Donald R. Witness to Roswell, Revised and Expanded Edition. New Page Books. 2009. Kindle. 178 Captain “Pappy” Henderson flew alien bodies out of Roswell. The Debris Field and Crash Site. Unsolved Mysteries (excerpt). Lifetime. Are We Alone. 20th Century with Mike Wallace. exec. prod. Terrence L. Martin. History. 179 Barney Barnett’s story of finding crash and bodies The Debris Field and Crash Site. Unsolved Mysteries (excerpt). Lifetime. What Really Happened at Roswell? Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry K. Rose. PAX. 2000.

180 Glenn Dennis was just out of college and obtained a job as a mortuary assistant Roswell. Unsolved Mysteries. (excerpt). NBC. 181 Glenn Dennis’s call from base mortuary officer Roswell: Cover Ups & Close Encounters. Documentary. exec. prods. David McLenzie, James Romanovich. Sci-fi. 182 Glenn Dennis’s encounter with the military at the base infirmary Roswell. Unsolved Mysteries. (excerpt). NBC. 183 Mary Ann Gardner’s story Carey, Thomas J. / Schmitt, Donald R. Witness to Roswell, Revised and Expanded Edition. New Page Books. 2009. Kindle. 184 The deathbed confessions Carey, Thomas J. / Schmitt, Donald R. Witness to Roswell, Revised and Expanded Edition. New Page Books. 2009. Kindle. 185 Confession of Private Frank Cassidy Carey, Thomas J. / Schmitt, Donald R. Witness to Roswell, Revised and Expanded Edition. New Page Books. 2009. Kindle. 186 Confession of Corporal Robert J. Lida Carey, Thomas J. / Schmitt, Donald R. Witness to Roswell, Revised and Expanded Edition. New Page Books. 2009. Kindle. 187 Confession of Sergeant Homer G. Rowlette, Jr. Carey, Thomas J. / Schmitt, Donald R. Witness to Roswell, Revised and Expanded Edition. New Page Books. 2009. Kindle. 188 Confession of Sergeant Melvin E. Brown Carey, Thomas J. / Schmitt, Donald R. Witness to Roswell, Revised and Expanded Edition. New Page Books. 2009. Kindle. 189 The Air Force’s first book Weaver, Richard L. The Roswell Report. US Government Printing Office. September 28, 1995. Roswell: Final Declassification. History Undercover. dir. Pam Rorke-Levy. History. 2002. 190 Mogul balloons had info on whom to contact if found Majestic Twelve: UFO Cover-up. Conspiracy? exec. prod. Jonathan Towers. History. 2004. 191 The Air Force’s second book McAndrew, James. The Roswell Report: Case Closed. US Government Printing Office. 1997. 192 Roswell: Final Declassification. History Undercover. dir. Pam Rorke-Levy. History. 2002. 193 General DuBose’s 1990 Interview stating the Roswell Incident was covered up

Roswell: Cover Ups & Close Encounters. Documentary. exec. prods. David McLenzie, James Romanovich. Sci-fi. General DuBose’s 1991 Interview stating the Roswell Incident was covered up The Roswell Incident. Beyond Belief. exec. prods. Marc Barasch, Franc Roddam. TLC. Brig. Gen. Thomas DuBose’s admission of balloon story cover-up The Roswell Incident. Beyond Belief. exec. prods. Marc Barasch, Franc Roddam. TLC. What Really Happened at Roswell? Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry K. Rose. PAX. 2000. Roswell: The Truth. The World’s Strangest UFO Stories. Discovery. 194 DuBose’s affidavit Mystery at Roswell. Conspiracy Files. Discovery. 195 The Ramey memo What Really Happened at Roswell? Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry K. Rose. PAX. 2000. 196 Congressman Schiff’s request for Roswell information from the GAO UFO Cover-up. Larry King Special. exec. prods. Marsha Armstrong, Tom Farmer, Wendy Walker Whitworth. TNT. 1994. Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction. Documentary. Vidmark Entertainment. Anatomy of an Autopsy. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. FOX. General Accounting Office. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. Roswell Cover-up. Mysteries, Magic and Miracles. Sci-fi. The Roswell Incident. Beyond Belief. exec. prods. Marc Barasch, Franc Roddam. TLC. Roswell: Cover-up and Close Encounters. Documentary. Sci-fi. UFO. Science Frontiers. exec. prod. Roger James. TLC. Out of the Blue. Tuesday Declassified. Sci-fi. 197 The creation of Haut’s affidavit on website 198 Assessment file labeled “Cosmic Top Secret” UFO’s: 50 Years of Denial. Documentary. exec. prod. James Fox. TLC. 1997. 199 Earth under survey, analysis, or study E.T.’s On Earth? Mysteries Magic and Miracles (excerpt). Sci-fi. Top Secret Projects. Sightings (excerpt). FOX. UFOs: The Best Evidence. DVD Documentary. exec. prod. Donald S. Williams. Altamira Broadcast. 1994. 200 Twelve alien bodies found in crash in Germany UFO Encounters in Orbit. Encounters. (excerpt). FOX. 201 Several alien races involved

UFO Encounters in Orbit. Encounters. (excerpt). FOX. 202 Video of speech by Robert Dean 203 Transcript of Bob Dean’s Exopolitics presentation with photographs 204 Dean Founded Stargate International after leaving service Close Encounters. The Unexplained. (excerpt). A&E. Coverups and Close Encounters. Documentary. exec prods. David McKenzie, James Romanovich. Sci-fi. 205 Eisenhower’s twelve-hour disappearance Presidential Encounters. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 206 Edwards Air Force Base was allegedly shut down for three days Presidential Encounters. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 207 Eisenhower allegedly met with the Nordics (human-looking aliens). Aliens Among Us. Unsealed: Alien Files. exec. prods. Craig Plestis, Colet Abedi, Mary Carole McDonnell. DEST. 2013. 208 Eisenhower’s alleged second meeting was with the grays. Aliens and Presidents. Unsealed: Alien Files. exec. prods. Craig Plestis, Colet Abedi, Mary Carole McDonnell. DEST. 2013. 209 The “Greada Treaty” The Laredo Incident. Unsealed: Alien Files. exec. prods. Mary Carole McDonnell, Colet Abedi. DEST. 2013. 210 The Blue Planet Project The X-Conference. Documentary. UFOTV Video. prod. Paridigm Research Group. 2008. PL6EE09DBC224255B1&index=23&t=0s 211 Eisenhower meeting with aliens The X-Conference. Documentary. UFOTV Video. prod. Paridigm Research Group. 2008. PL6EE09DBC224255B1&index=23&t=0s 212 The “Dulce Papers” Documentary. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. H2. 2009. 213 Woman abductee claims she was taken to underground base Forbidden Places. Unsealed: Alien Files exec. prods. Mary Carole McDonnell, Colet Abedi. DEST. 2013.

214 Norman S. Don’s brainwave study Alien Apocalypse. Unsealed: Alien Files. exec. prods. Mary Carole McDonnell, Colet Abedi. DEST. 2014. 215 Jicarilla Indians claim seeing UFOs come out of mountain Underground Aliens. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. 216 State police officer said he collected evidence from mutilation sites Documentary. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. H2. 2009. 217 Sixty-two to seventy-two bodies recovered Documentary. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. H2. 2009. 218 Phil Schneider found dead Underground Bases. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 219 Deputy sheriff was present when bodies recovered, but not allowed to talk about it Underground Bases. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 220 Thomas Castello stole documents from the Dulce base Underground Bases. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 221 Thermonuclear boring machines Sauder, Richard T. Ph.D. Underground Bases and Tunnels: What Is the Government Trying To Hide? Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois. 1995. 94–100. 222 Bob Lazar taken to Area 51 and then to S-4 Area 51. Conspiracy? exec. prod. Jonathan Towers. History. 2004. 223 Lazar saw saucer-shaped craft in hangar UFOs Above and Beyond. Documentary. exec. prods. Camil Daigneault, Nick Menza. TLC. 1997. 224 Lazar said he had a Majestic security clearance. UFO Top Secret: The Bob Lazar Interview. Documentary. prod. Camil Daigneault. Sci-fi. 1999. 225 Lazar said all work was compartmentalized. UFO: Deep Secrets. Documentary. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996. 226 Lazar saw photos of an alien autopsy. Roswell. Unsolved Mysteries. exec. prods. Terry Dunn Meurer, John Cosgrove. NBC. 227 Lazar learned the craft he would be working on was not a recent acquisition. UFO: Deep Secrets. Documentary. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996.

228 Craft looked like it was injection molded from a giant die. UFO Top Secret: The Bob Lazar Interview. Documentary. prod. Camil “Roy” Daigneault. Sci-fi. 1999. 229 Lazar saw nine craft in other hangars when connecting doors were open. UFO: Deep Secrets. Documentary. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996. 230 One craft looked like a Jell-O mold, one like a top hat, and one had a large hole in it. UFOs Above and Beyond. Documentary. exec. prods. Camil Daigneault, Nick Menza. TLC. 1997. 231 Lazar explains why craft looks like ball of light in the distance UFOs Above and Beyond. Documentary. exec. prods. Camil Daigneault, Nick Menza. TLC. 1997. 232 Lazar explained how gravity wave creates its own gravity field UFO Top Secret: The Bob Lazar Interview. Documentary. prod. Camil Daigneault. Sci-fi. 1999. 233 Lazar witnessed short test flight of craft UFOs Above and Beyond. Documentary. exec. prod. Camil Daigneault, Nick Menza. TLC. 1997. 234 Skin of craft can become transparent, enabling crew to see outside Alien secrets: Area 51. Documentary. exec. prod. Noel Cronin. TLC. 1996. 235 Lazar told some security personnel allegedly killed in fight with aliens UFO Top Secret: The Bob Lazar Interview. Documentary. prod.. Camil Daigneault. Sci-fi. 1999. 236 Lazar caught bringing friends into desert to watch test flights of craft, and his life was threatened UFO: Deep Secrets. Documentary. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996. 237 Lazar shot at on highway UFO Top Secret: The Bob Lazar Interview. Documentary. prod. Camil Daigneault. Sci-fi. 1999. 238 Proof that Lazar worked at Los Alamos National laboratory Area 51 Revealed. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. H2. 2009. 239 Lazar’s interview aired UFO Top Secret: The Bob Lazar Interview. Documentary. prod. Camil Daigneault. Sci-fi. 1999. 240 Witnesses who could vouch for Lazar were intimidated into keeping their mouths shut. The UFO Report. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. 1996. 241 John Lear, who witnessed the test flight, said the craft appeared at exact time Lazar said it would.

Area 51 Revealed. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. H2. 2009. 242 Lazar’s answer to last question left polygraph operator shaken UFO: Deep Secrets. Documentary. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996. 243 Lazar’s claim of element 115 UFO Top Secret: The Bob Lazar Interview. Documentary. prod. Camil Daigneault. Sci-fi. 1999. 244 Lazar’s claim of element 115 proved true fourteen years later Alien Technology. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 245 Independent confirmation of element 115 made in 2014 246 Asperger syndrome Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, Academic ed., s.v. 247 Solar Warden Space Weapons. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 248 Note in Reagan’s diary about the shuttle capacity to orbit three hundred people Space Weapons. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 249 Reagan’s first UFO encounter and possible abduction Space Weapons. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 250 Reagan’s second UFO encounter Space Weapons. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 251 President Ronald Reagan’s speech to the United Nations—1987 252 Satellite photo of vapor trail suggesting the existence of the Aurora aircraft An Alien History of Planet Earth. Documentary. exec. prod. Susan Werbe. History. 2002. 253 The TR-3B

Space Weapons. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 254 Something flew through the asteroid over Chelyabinsk, Russia Space Weapons. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. Season 1. Ep 2. Episode 2. NASA’s Unexplained Files. exec. prods Martin Durkin, Greg Chivers. Science. 2014. 255 Excerpt of Ronald Reagan’s 1983 address on national security Space Weapons. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2. 2014. 256 Ben Rich’s ending words of 1993 speech at UCLA’s School of Engineering Deathbed Confessions. UFOs: The Lost Evidence. exec. prod. Jonathan Nowzaradan. AHC. 2017. 257 The Battle of Los Angeles The Return. Ancient Aliens. exec. prods. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. Story and image on UFO Casebook 258 The Battle of Los Angeles—UFOs’ use of force fields Force fields or shielding suggested on website 259 Injuries and deaths Sword, Terenz. The Battle of Los Angeles, 1942: The Mystery Air Raid. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform. 2010. Kindle. 260 Claims it was runways at Andrews AFB that were being repaired Randle, Kevin D. Ph.D. Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol. Harpertorch. New York. 2001, 42. 261 Andrews AFB runways were probably open. Randle, Kevin D. Ph.D. Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol. Harpertorch. New York. 2001, 37–38. 262 Jets from Newcastle AFB were dispatched to intercept the objects. 263 Randle, Kevin D. Ph.D. Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol. Harpertorch. New York. 2001, 42. UFOs over DC in 1952 Cause For Alarm. UFOs: Then and Now? prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lusitana. History. 264 MJ-12 documents’ mention of alien bodies Blum, Howard. Out There. Simon and Schuster 1990, 281–291. 265 MJ-12 documents—Donald Menzel’s books debunking UFOs

Blum, Howard. Out There. Simon and Schuster. 1990, 250. 266 MJ-12 documents—photos taken with 35mm camera Blum, Howard. Out There. Simon and Schuster. 1990, 241. 267 Disinformation statement by Edgar Mitchell UFOs: 50 Years of Denial. Documentary, exec. prod. James Fox. TLC. 1997. 268 The Robertson panel Story and image on UFO Casebook website 269 Project Sign Swords, Michael D. Project Sign and the Estimate of the Situation. Article presented on website 270 Project Grudge Link to article: 271 Project Blue Book staffed by only five people The Conspiracy in Shutting Down Project Blue Book. This Week in History. History. 272 Projects Sign and Grudge were poorly funded Maccabee, Bruce. The FBI-CIA-UFO Connection: The Hidden UFO Activities of USA Intelligence Agencies. CreateSpace Publishing. 2014. 273 Dr J. Allen Hynek’s explanation of the air force’s position The Conspiracy in Shutting Down Project Blue Book. This Week in History. History. 274 Excerpt of interoffice Condon Committee memo. The Conspiracy in Shutting Down Project Blue Book. This Week in History. History. 275 Two committee members fired for blowing the whistle on the Condon Committee’s lack of integrity The Conspiracy in Shutting Down Project Blue Book. This Week in History. History. 276 Condon’s biased statement to the New York Star Ledger The Conspiracy in Shutting Down Project Blue Book. This Week in History. History. 277 Lonnie Zamora’s description of Socorro incident Contact at Socorro. Sightings (excerpt). Dir. Eric Gardner. Sci-fi. 278 Captain Richard T. Holder’s investigation Encounter at Socorro. Unsolved Mysteries (excerpt). NBC. 279 Dr. J. Allen Hynek on the Socorro incident Encounter at Socorro. Unsolved Mysteries (excerpt). NBC.

280 Hynek’s ideas suppressed by air force Encounter at Socorro. Unsolved Mysteries (excerpt). NBC. 281 A new air force explanation Encounter at Socorro. Unsolved Mysteries (excerpt). NBC. 282 Penniston and Burroughs encounter craft in the woods. UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 283 Penniston’s description of craft in the woods. UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 284 Object gone in the blink of an eye UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 285 Three evenly spaced indentations of craft’s landing gear UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 286 Burroughs’s hypnosis revealed being absorbed into the light on first night explains his missing time and why he doesn’t remember Penniston walking around the craft. Rendlesham Forest. Alien Mysteries. exec. prod. Karen McCairley. DEST. 2013. 287 Rendlesham Forest incident—malfunctioning light-alls Bentwaters UFO. Unsolved Mysteries. prod. Steve Bronstein. NBC. 1992. 288 Object exploded into five small white objects and disappeared UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 289 Sgt. Robert Ball suggesting grid search pattern Woodbridge/Bentwaters AFB Incident. Unsolved Mysteries. Lifetime. 290 Rendlesham Forest incident—object emits beam in front of Colonel Halt’s team UFOs II: Have We Been Visited? Documentary. exec. prod.. Michael E. Katz. A&E. 1997. 291 Lights seen over weapons storage area CNI News Vol. 5 No. 4. April 16, 1999. Bentwaters UFO. Unsolved Mysteries. prod. Steve Bronstein. NBC. 1992. 292 Sergeant Nevils discovered craft’s beam penetrated roof of bunker storing nuclear weapon. Are Aliens Attacking Our Nuclear Arsenal? The Unexplained Files. exec. prod. Neil Laird. Science. 2014. 293 Randy Smith’s account of missing time CNI News Vol. 5 No. 4. April 16, 1999.

294 Rendlesham Forest incident—Larry Warren’s account UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 295 Larry Warren’s claim of seeing aliens Britain’s Roswell. UFO Files. exec. prod. Jonathon Towers. History. 2005. UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 296 Sergeant Bustinza saw Burroughs disappear into the light. Britain’s Roswell. UFO Files. exec. prod. Jonathan Towers. History. 2005. 297 Burroughs’s hypnosis revealed being absorbed into light again on second night. Rendlesham Forest. Alien Mysteries. exec. prod. Karen McCairley. DEST. 2013. 298 Testimony of civilian witness Gerry Harris UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. UFO’s: Then and Now: Cause For Alarm. UFO Files. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna. E. Lucitana. History. 299 Two different landing sites UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 300 Penniston submitted sanitized version in affidavit UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 301 Fogged film UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 302 Radiation levels confirmed to be ten times higher than normal at landing site Britain’s X-Files. UFO Files. prod. Michael Wadding. History. 2013. UFO: Uncovering the Evidence. Documentary. exec. prod. Steven Manuel. Discovery. 1996. 303 Penniston injected with sodium pentothal by DS8 agents UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 304 Penniston’s second hypnosis session reveals he was injected with sodium pentothal by the OSI Rendlesham Forest. Alien Mysteries. exec. prod. Karen McCairley. DEST Channel. 2013. 305 Larry Warren not seen in woods Britain’s Roswell. UFO Files. exec. prod. Jonathon Towers. History. 2005.

306 Cabansag forced to sign statement saying it was the lighthouse beacon UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 307 Bustinza forced to sign statement saying it was lighthouse beacon UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. Documentary. exec. prod. Jim Milio. History. 2003. 308 Halt saw lighthouse thirty degrees off to the right Rendlesham Forest. Alien Mysteries. exec. prod. Karen McCairley. DEST. 2013. 309 Panel affixed to lighthouse prevents beam from being seen in Rendlesham Forest Military vs. UFOs. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2008. 310 A bogey tracked by radar disappeared over the base. Woodbridge / Bentwaters AFB Incident. Unsolved Mysteries. (excerpt). Lifetime. 311 Plaster casts made of landing gear Military vs. UFOs. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2008. 312 Landing gear indentations were equal distance from each other Military vs. UFOs. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2008. 313 Tower guard saw beam come down in weapons storage area Military vs. UFOs. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2008. 314 The Huffman incident The Huffman Incident. Unsolved Mysteries. NBC. 315 Helicopters seen by Lamar Walker, former Dayton police detective Alien Fallout. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2009. 316 Dr. McClelland was told Betty Cash saw secret aircraft using atomicpowered engine called Wasp-2. Alien Fallout. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2009. 317 Bill Scott, former air force flight test engineer, said he heard of a one-man craft called Wasp. Alien Fallout. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2009. 318 Section of road torn up and repaved twice by men in unmarked vehicles Close Encounters. The Unexplained (excerpt). A&E. 319 Investigation report claims no helicopters in area on that night Alien Fallout. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2009. 320 Hand-written note by Sarran says one hundred helicopters landed at Fort Hood that same evening Alien Fallout. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2009. 321 Sarran doesn’t remember writing that note and has no explanation for why he did. Alien Fallout. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2009.

322 Task Force 160 created for clandestine operations using CH-7 Chinook helicopters. Alien Fallout. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2009. 323 Colby Landrum said his grandmother met a Chinook pilot who was involved on the day of her encounter. Alien Fallout. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2009. 324 Atty. Wm Shead, Betty Cash’s lawyer, filed suit against the government. Close Encounters. The Unexplained (excerpt). A&E. 325 The Phoenix lights—8:15 p.m. object came out of Nevada UFOs Over Phoenix: Anatomy of a Sighting. Documentary. exec. prod. Erik Nelson. Discovery. 326 The Phoenix lights—disappearance of 10:15 p.m. lights UFOs Over Phoenix: Anatomy of a Sighting. Documentary. exec. prod. Erik Nelson. Discovery. 327 Capt. Drew Sullin’s testimony that flares were dropped Danger In Our Skies: The New UFO Threat. Documentary. UPN. 328 Lt. Col. David Tanaka’s testimony that flares were dropped UFOs Over Phoenix: Anatomy of a Sighting. Documentary. exec. prod. Erik Nelson. Discovery. 329 Village Labs composite of day and night images UFOs Over Phoenix: Anatomy of a Sighting. Documentary. exec. prod. Erik Nelson. Discovery. 330 Cognitech’s composite of day and night images UFOs Over Phoenix: Anatomy of a Sighting. Documentary. exec. prod. Erik Nelson. Discovery. 331 Hal Ley’s description of the V-shaped craft over Phoenix I Know What I Saw. Documentary. exec. Prods. Jackie & Michael Gardner, Tony & Pat Craddock, Mark Fraser. History. 2009. 332 Fort Huachuca Danger In Our Skies: The New UFO Threat. Documentary. UPN. 333 Mexico City video—possibly a hologram UFOs Over Phoenix: Anatomy of a Sighting. Documentary. exec. prod. Erik Nelson. Discovery. 334 Disappearance of craft behind building Danger In Our Skies: The New UFO Threat. Documentary. UPN. 335 TV crew escorted off property Danger In Our Skies: The New UFO Threat. Documentary. UPN. 336 What was going on in the building? Danger In Our Skies: The New UFO Threat. Documentary. UPN. 337 Gulf Breeze videos Gulf Breeze Encounters. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi.

338 Brazil UFO report with images of Christ and Mary Messengers of Destiny. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. 339 America West Flight 654 Encounter UFOs II: Have We Been Visited? Documentary. exec. prod. Michael E. Katz. A&E. 1997. When UFOs Arrive. UFOs: What You Didn’t Know. exec. prod. Steve Lange. History. 2002. UFO’s: Then and Now: Cause For Alarm. UFO Files. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lucitana. History. 2004. Black Box UFO Secrets. UFO Files. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2006. 340 Radio communication between Japan Airline 1628, Anchorage Control Center and Elmandorf AFB Black Box UFO Secrets. UFO Files. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2006. 341 John Callahan had Alaska evidence analyzed and put on videotape Secret Access: UFOs on the Record. Documentary. prods. Ricki Stern, Ann Sundberg. History. 2011. 342 The CIA confiscated all the data on the Japan Airlines encounter. I Know What I Saw. Documentary. exec. prods. Jackie & Michael Gardner, Tony & Pat Craddock, Mark Fraser. History. 2009. 343 The CIA’s comment Mysteries at 30,000 Feet. The Unexplained Files. exec. prod. Neil Laird. Science. 2014. 344 The FAA’s official explanation Secret Access: UFOs on the Record. Documentary. prods. Ricki Stern, Ann Sundberg. History. 2011. 345 Callahan kept copies of evidence and revealed them at National Press Club conference I Know What I Saw. Documentary. exec. prods. Jackie & Michael Gardner, Tony & Pat Craddock, Mark Fraser. History. 2009. 346 Captain Tarauchi reassigned to flying a desk for going public Secret Access: UFOs on the Record. Documentary. prods. Ricki Stern, Ann Sundberg. History. 2011. 347 Air force plane and Alaska Airlines UFO encounter Black Box UFO Secrets. UFO Files. exec. prod, Jon Alon Walz. History. 2006. 348 Men in Black driving older black cars Men in Black. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. 349 Pat De LaFranier’s MIB encounter

Men in Black. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. 350 Ray Muniz’s MIB encounter Men in Black. Unsolved Mysteries. FOX. 351 Disappearing MIBs Men in Black. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. Sci-fi. 352 Dr. Simon taped the Hills’ hypnosis sessions Fuller, John G., Interrupted Journey, Dell. New York. 1966. 353 Sperm extraction not made public in Hill case Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster, Fireside Edition. New York. 1993, 40. 354 Improved questioning techniques used in regressive hypnosis Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster, Fireside Edition. New York. 1993, 45. 355 Switching off of a dog Abduction Diaries. Documentary. prods. Tina Difeliciantonio, Jane C. Wagner. Sci-fi. 2002. 356 Switching off of people Abducted. Sightings. exec. prod. Henry Winkler. FOX. 357 IMaging and envisioning Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster, Fireside Edition. New York. 1993, 136, 143. 358 Implant behind optic nerve MUFON Investigations. Encounters. exec. prods. Paul Hall, Mark Cowen. FOX. 359 Brain implant Strange Beings and UFOs. Mysteries of the Unexplained. exec. prod. Robert E. Ziel. Discovery. 360 Implants removed from two people Removal of Alien Implants. The Paranormal Borderline. UPN. 1996 We Are Not Alone: Alien Hunters. exec. prod. Roger James. TLC. 361 Implant emitting radio frequencies Abductions. UFO Hunters. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2008. 362 Sucked out window as if in vacuum Secrets of Alien Abduction. Sightings. prod. Susan Michaels. Sci-fi. 363 Rising in a light toward oval-shaped craft Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster. Fireside Edition. New York. 1993. 364 Feeling of being molecularly torn apart UFOs II: Have We Been Visited? Documentary. prod./dir. Lisa Bourgoujian. A&E. 1997. 365 David Jacob’s idea of invisibility during transport

Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster, Fireside Edition. New York. 1993, 51. 366 Ovulating women abducted for their eggs Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster, Fireside ed. New York. 1993. 367 Sperm collected from male abductees Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster, Fireside ed. New York. 1993. 368 Women inseminated with fertilized eggs Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster, Fireside ed. New York. 1993. 369 Fetuses removed from women before end of first trimester Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster, Fireside ed. New York. 1993. 370 Women not sexually active at time of conception Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster, Fireside ed. New York. 1993. 371 Dr. found fetus removed, and the womb had been cleaned Alien Breeders. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2014. 372 Aliens remove only the fetuses they need Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda. Simon and Schuster. New York. 1999. Kindle. 373 Theory of a government plot to generate a public fear of aliens Greer, Steven M., M.D. Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge. Crossing Point, Inc. Crozet, VA. 2013. Kindle. 374 Balancing emotional development of hybrids Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda. Simon and Schuster. New York. 1999. Kindle. 375 Dr. Michael Persinger’s experiment Kidnapped by UFOs. NOVA. exec. prod. Paula S. Apsell. PBS. 1996. UFO’s: Then and Now: Nightmare. UFO Files. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lusitana. History. 2004. Where Are All the UFOs? Documentary. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lusitana. A&E. 1996. 376 Travis Walton’s encounter Walton, Travis. Fire in the Sky. Skyfire Productions. Snowflake, AZ. 1979, 1996, 1997, 2010. 377 Ibid. 378 Ibid. 379 Ibid. 380 Ibid.

381 Officer George Wheeler’s hostile encounter Blum, Howard. Out There. Simon and Schuster. New York. 1990, 174–177. 382 Travis Walton’s encounter Walton, Travis. Fire in the Sky. Skyfire Productions. Snowflake, AZ. 1979, 1996, 1997, 2010. 383 Ibid. 384 Ibid. 385 Cogniarchae website on Neanderthal goddess worship 386 Reference to numerous other gods worshipped by the ancients Louise, Rita, Ph.D. / Laliberte, Wayne. The E.T. Chronicles: What Myth and Legends Tell Us About Human Origins. Hampton Roads Publishing. October, 2014. 387 Lilith, the alleged first wife of Adam Adam & Eve: Lost Innocence. Biography. exec. prod. Bram Roos. A&E. 1996. Love and Sex in the Hebrew Bible. Mysteries of the Bible. exec. prod. Michael E. Katz. History. 1996. 388 Lilith has roots as an ancient Sumerian demoness 389 Unexplained pregnancies Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life, Simon & Schuster. 1993, 114. 390 The names of God on the bidstrup website 391 Ibid. 392 The birth of Christ’s mother, Mary, was allegedly a miraculous event Banned From the Bible I. Documentary. exec. prod. Bram Roos, History. 2003. 393 Mary’s virginity confirmed by Salome Banned From the Bible I. Documentary. exec. prod. Bram Roos, History. 2003. 394 Joseph allegedly recruited to be Mary’s celibate husband Banned From the Bible I. Documentary. exec. prod. Bram Roos, History. 2003. 395 The Protovangelium omitted from Bible because it was about Mary, not Jesus Banned From the Bible I. Documentary. exec. prod. Bram Roos, History. 2003. 396 Interpretation of virgin in Isaiah’s time

Jesus: Holy Child. Mysteries of the Bible. exec. prod. Bram Roos. A&E. 1994. 397 Joseph Blumrich’s perception of Ezekiel’s spaceship Blumrich, Josef F. The Spaceships of Ezekiel. Bantam. New York. 1974, 13– 16. 398 Joseph Blumrich’s perception of wheels intersecting with wheels Blumrich, Josef F. The Spaceships of Ezekiel. Bantam. New York. 1974, 37– 39. 399 ENIAC 400 UNIVAC 401 Definition of “cherubim” Webster’s Third International Dictionary, Unabridged, G. & C. Merriam Company. 1976. 402 The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Eds. Charles F. Pfeiffer, Everet E. Harrison. Moody Press. 1962. Theory on the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah 403 Dr. Donald J. Ortner’s belief the skeletons in cemetery were interred before Sodom’s destruction Cities of Evil: Sodom and Gomorrah. Mysteries of the Bible. exec. prod. Bram Roos. A&E. 1994. 404 Carbon dating of bones in Bab-edh-Dhra’s cemetery suggest cemetery at least a thousand years old Secrets of the Ancient World. Documentary. prods. Sean P. Geary, John Joseph. History. 2005. Sodom and Gomorrah. History’s Mysteries. exec. prods. Ross Weller, Gary H. Grossman. History. 2006. 405 Numeira Cities of Evil: Sodom and Gomorrah. Mysteries of the Bible. exec. prod. Bram Roos. A&E. 1994. Sodom and Gomorrah. History’s Mysteries. exec. prod. Ross Weller, Gary H. Grossman. History. 2006. Secrets of the Ancient World. Documentary. prods. Sean P. Geary, John Joseph. History. 2005. Sodom and Gomorrah. Digging for the Truth. exec. prods. William Morgan, John Williams. History. 2006. Biblical Disasters. Time Machine. exec. prod. Bram Roos. History Channel. 2000. 406 Sound machine

Aliens and the Lost Ark. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2013. 407 Upper and Lower Egypt Wengrow, David. The Archaeology of Early Egypt: Social Transformations in North-East Africa, 10,000 to 2650 B.C. Cambridge University Press. 2006. 408 The location of Goshen described on All About Archaeology website 409 The Manna Machine The Evidence. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. 410 The Zohar explained by the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute 411 Three-dimensional physiological printing described on the American Physiological Society website 412 University of Iowa using three-dimensional printers to create biological parts Alien Operations. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2013. 413 Alleged powers of the ark of the covenant Aliens and the Lost Ark. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2013. 414 The ark of the covenant—theory that Knights Templar have it in secret vault The Lost Ark, Real History. exec. prod. Noel Cronin. TLC. 415 Graham Hancock’s research on the ark of the covenant Quest for the Lost Ark. National Geographic Explorer. prod. Robert Gardner. TBS. Ark of the Covenant. History’s Mysteries. exec. prod. Bill Cosmas. TLC. 1994. The Lost Ark. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. J. Charles Sterin, Ph.D. A&E. 1994. 416 The Lost Ark. Ancient Mysteries. exec. prod. J. Charles Sterin, Ph.D. A&E. 1994. 417 Ibid. 418 Theory that the ark is in Aksum, Ethiopia Hunt for the Lost Ark. Digging for the Truth. exec. prods. William Morgan, Jason Williams. History. 2005. 419 The guardian of the ark Quest for the Lost Ark. National Geographic Explorer. prod. Robert Gardner. TBS.

420 The Book of Enoch Däniken, Eric von’. In Search of Ancient Gods, Souvenir Press. 1970, Corgi 1976, 1981. 38–45. The Book of Enoch on Murray Altheim’s website 421 Definition of “Nephilim” Webster’s Third International Dictionary, Unabridged. G. & C. Merriam Company. 1976. 422 The first known tattoos in Egypt, When acupuncture was thought to have originated in China 423 The iceman’s wisdom teeth had not broken through How Old Are Humans? Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry Rose. PAX. 424 X-ray revealed arrowhead embedded in the iceman’s back How Old Are Humans? Encounters with the Unexplained. exec. prod. Jerry Rose. PAX. 425 Not enough water on the planet to create a global flood of the magnitude described in the Bible Noah’s Ark: The True Story. Documentary. exec. prod. Gaynelle Evans. Discovery. 2003. 426 The Black Sea was originally a freshwater lake Seeking NGoah’s Flood. Mysterious World. exec. prod. Richard Denton. TLC. 427 Robert Ballard’s discovery of flat beach and shoreline at depth of 550 feet in Black Sea 428 Biblical Disasters. Time Machine. exec. prod. Bram Roos. History. 2000. Remnants of structure and stone tools discovered beneath Black Sea by Robert Ballard The Quest for Noah’s Flood. Documentary. prods. Marijo Dows, Foster Wiley. PBS. 2001. 429 The Black Sea evidence 430 The Scroll of Lamech Däniken, Eric von. Chariots of the Gods? Putnam 1970, Bantam 1971, 42– 43. 431 The Scroll of Lamech suggesting Noah was a hybrid Closer Encounters. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. 432 NOAA website, the height of Mount Everest,

433 Encyclopedia Britannica website, the height of Mount Ararat, 434 USGS calculation of all the water on earth 435 Theory that Noah’s ark was a DNA Bank Closer Encounters. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2010. 436 The story of Moses, Exodus chapters 1–39. 437 The ten plagues The Ten Plagues of Egypt. Documentary. exec. prod. Will Schwarz. TLC. 438 The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Eds. Charles F. Pfeiffer, Everet E. Harrison. Moody Press. 1962. The discoloration of the Nile 439 Frogs attracted to white or shiny objects The Ten Plagues of Egypt. Documentary. TLC. 440 Volcanic ash from Santorini found in Egypt Moses & the Exodus. Documentary. exec. prod. Alan Bookbinder. TLC. 441 Jebel Musa 442 Har Karkom Who Was Moses. Documentary. exec. prod. Richard Denton. Discovery. 443 Jebel El Lawz discussed on Revealing God’s Treasure 444 Blackened rock at Jebel El Lawz proved to be metamorphic. Mountain of Fire, the search for the true Mount Sinai. Documentary. exec. prods. Ray Ardizzone, Edgar Miles. YouTube video. 2002. 445 Discoveries of Jim and Penny Caldwell at Jebel El Lawz 446 Paranormal experiences by police officers Christensen, Loren W. Cops’ True Stories of the Paranormal. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform. 2016. 447 Crucifixion heel relic in Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem The Dead Sea Scrolls. Mysteries of the Bible. exec. prods. Bram Roos, Michael Christy. A&E. 1993. 448 Crucifixion relic of spike in heel bone The Dead Sea Scrolls. Mysteries of the Bible. exec. prods. Bram Roos, Michael Christy. A&E. 1993. The Mysterious Man of the Shroud. Documentary. exec. prod. Terry A. Landau. TLC. 1999. 449 Nails through the wrist

Jesus and His Times: The Final Days. Ancient Journeys. exec. prods. Edward J. Murphy, James R. Conner. TLC. 1991. 450 Legs were sometimes broken Jesus and His Times: The Final Days. Ancient Journeys. exec. prods. Edward J. Murphy, James R. Conner. TLC. 1991. 451 Definition of “cherubim” Webster’s Third International Dictionary, Unabridged. G. & C. Merriam Company. 1976. 452 Theory that Mary Magdalene had Christ’s child Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci Code. Doubleday (U.S.), Transworld & Bantam Books (UK). April, 2003. 453 Gospel of Philip suggests Jesus often kissed Mary on the … Mary Magdalene: The Hidden Apostle. Biography. exec. prod. Maryellen Cox. A&E. 2000. 454 Ancient Coptic papyrus suggesting Jesus had a wife Bride of God. Biblical Conspiracies. exec. prod. Simcha Jacobovici. Science. 2014. 455 Carbon tests on she Shroud of Turin The Shroud of Turin: Updated Report. Sightings. Sci-fi Channel. The Shroud of Turin. History’s Mysteries. exec. prod. Bill Cosmas. TLC. 1994. Shroud of Turin. This Week in History (excerpt). History. 456 Evidence that sample tested was from repaired patch Unraveling the Shroud. Decoding the Past. History. 457 French weave pattern revealed sixteenth-century fibers interwoven with shroud’s original fibers Unwrapping the Shroud: New Evidence. Documentary. exec. prod. Didi O’Heran. AHC. 458 Shroud reveals wounds on wrist and under left rib cage, and blood in hair, in beard, and on face The Real Face of Jesus. Documentary. exec. prods. Ken Druckman, Banks Tarver. H2. 2010. The Mysterious Man of the Shroud. Documentary. exec. prod. Terry A. Landau. TLC. 1999. 459 Theory of how image on Shroud of Turin was created Roberts, A. R. From Adam to Omega: An Anatomy of UFO Phenomena. iUniverse. Bloomington, Indiana. April 2012, 394. 460 Theory that image created by radiation In Pursuit of the Shroud of Turin. Real History. exec. prod. James McQuillan. TLC.

Unraveling the Shroud. Decoding the Past. exec. prod. Marc Etkind. History. 2005. 461 Moon rang like a bell Wilson, Don. Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon. Dell, New York, 1975. Life in Hell. NASA’s Unexplained Files. prods. Martin Durkin, Greg Chivers. Science. 2015. 462 Second impact reverberated like a gong for over three hours Space Station Moon. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2016. 463 Lights seen in moon craters by astronauts 464 Apollo 11 astronaut sees unusual bright glow in the Aristarchus crater The Aristarchus Enigma. NASA’s Unexplained Files. exec. prods. Martin Durkin, Greg Chivers. Science. 2014. 465 Glowing object flying over moon’s surface seen by Apollo 11 astronaut UFOs Above and Beyond. Documentary. exec. prods. Camil Daigneault, John Goodwin. TLC. 1997. 466 Shadow of object passing over moon’s surface Out of This World. UFOs Uncovered #2. exec. prods. Peter Lories, Bradley Adams. TLC. 467 Flashes of light observed in crater during Apollo 16 mission UFO’s Uncovered. Documentary. exec. prods. Peter Lories, Bradly Adams. TLC. 468 V-formation of lights on lunar surface 469 Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed. Documentary. exec. prod. Robert Kiviat. Science. 2014. Smokestack emitting cloud of smoke on lunar surface Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed. Documentary. exec. prod. Robert Kiviat. Science. 2014. Short video on UFOvni Disclosure website of cloud moving away from smoke stack 470 Press conference with Apollo 11 astronauts Space Station Moon. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2016. 471 Penniston touched a symbol on the craft and was blinded, seeing only ones and zeros in his head Cracking the alien Code. Unsealed: Alien Files. exec. prods. Craig Plestis, Colet Abedi. DEST. 2013. 472 Nick Ciske translated the binary code. Aliens and Cover-Ups. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. History. 2013.

473 Binary code verified by a second analyst Rendlesham Forest. Alien Mysteries. exec. prod. Karen McCairley. DEST. 2013. 474 Other longitude and latitude coordinates in Penniston’s binary code Rendlesham Forest. Alien Mysteries. exec. prod. Karen McCairley. DEST. 2013. 475 Penniston doesn’t believe the code is from aliens Cracking the alien Code. Unsealed: Alien Files. exec. prods. Craig Plestis, Colet Abedi. DEST. 2013. 476 Binary code message from the year 8100 Time Travel. Unsealed: Conspiracy Files. exec. prod. Mary Carole McDonnell. DEST. 2013. 477 Binary code message received by army sergeant en route to assignment at a new base Video of lecture by Linda Mouton Howe 478 Ibid. 479 1561 painting from Nuremburg displayed on Paranorms website 480 Three home videos of UFO over Temple Mount showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1 1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv%5Fload%5Fpolicy=1 481 Additional videos posted on YouTube of the Dome of the Rock UFO video youtube&form=PRLNC1&pc=EUPP_&mkt=enus&httpsmsn=1&refig=bd9cd4e8aee24ae2a87f5f48464a8d36&sp=6&qs=AS &pq=dome+of+the+rock+ufo&sk=AS5&sc=820&cvid=bd9cd4e8aee24ae2a87f5f48464a8d36 482 UFO encounter by sixty-two children in Ruwa, Zimbabwe We Are Not Alone. Skywatchers. exec. prod. Richard Key. TLC. (note: the narrator quoted the wrong year, said 1995 when it was 1994) Ruwa Re Examined. Sightings (excerpt). prods. Christopher Meidl, Rob Sharkey. Sci-fi. 483 Sketches of UFO and alien the children encountered Ruwa Re Examined. Sightings (excerpt). prods. Christopher Meidl, Rob Sharkey. Sci-fi. 484 Cynthia Hind and John Mack’s interview with the children in Ruwa, Zimbabwe

Ruwa Re Examined. Sightings (excerpt). prods. Christopher Meidl, Rob Sharkey. Sci-fi. 485 Apocalyptic scenes shown to abductees True Believers. Sightings (excerpt). Sci-fi. Shared Memory Abduction. Sightings (excerpt). Sci-fi. Generational Abductions. Sightings (excerpt). prod. Joyce Goldstein. Sci-fi. Unraveling the Mystery of Alien Abduction. Documentary. prod./dir. Linda Gerber. Discovery. 2007. 486 Abductee shown cloud that covered one-fifth of the earth Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. Secret Life. Simon & Schuster. New York. 1993. 487 UFO zaps missile out of the sky Deliberate Deception. Sightings (excerpt). Prod. Philip Davis. Sci-fi. 488 Warhead falls out of the sky far short of its target UFO Portal Los Angeles. Unsealed: Alien Files. exec. prods. Craig Plestis, Colet Abedi, Mary Carole McDonnell. DEST. 2012. 489 Jacobs was asked what the object was. Out of the Blue. Documentary. dir. James Fox. Sci-fi. 2003. 490 Jacobs sworn to secrecy Deliberate Deception. Sightings (excerpt). prod. Philip Davis. Sci-fi. Secret UFO Files. History’s Mysteries. exec. prod. David M. Frank. History. 2000. 491 Missiles began shutting down during presence of UFO Salas, Robert / Friedman, Stanton. Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon. New Page Books. New Jersey. 2014. 492 The Computer UFO Network article on the Malmstrom incident 493 Date of corrected Oscar site incident explained Salas, Robert / Friedman, Stanton T. Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon. New Page Books. New Jersey. 2014. 494 Robert Salas from Oscar site and Donald Crawford from Echo site brought together Echo Missile Encounter. Sightings (excerpt). prod. Michael Burns. Sci-fi. 495 Theory that shutdown was a war game exercise Echo Missile Encounter. Sightings (excerpt). prod. Michael Burns. Sci-fi. 496 UFO incursions at nuclear missile sites and bases Hastings, Robert. UFOs and Nukes. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform. 2017. 497 Ibid. 498 Ibid. 499 Ibid. 500 Interview with Boris Sokolov, former colonel in Soviet military

Russian UFO Encounters. Encounters (excerpt). Fox Russian UFO Encounters. The Unexplained Files. exec. prod. Neil Laird. Science. 2014. 501 UFO activates Soviet missile launch codes Space Weapons. Hangar1; The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanana, Tim Gazzaro, William F. Castanzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. Science. 2014. Are Aliens Attacking Our Nuclear Arsenal? The Unexplained Files. exec. prod. Neil Laird. Science. 2014. 502 Sergeant Nevils discovered craft’s beam penetrated roof of bunker storing nuclear weapon Are Aliens Attacking Our Nuclear Arsenal? The Unexplained Files. exec. prod. Neil Laird. Science. 2014. 503 The Andromeda Galaxy discovered to be the same size as the Milky Way Galaxy 504 The sun will expand to Mars when it goes nova. How the universe Works. Documentary. exec. prod. Stuart Carter. Science. 2010. 505 Solar flare hit Earth with glancing blow 506 USGS website confirms eruption from Yellowstone supervolcano not likely anytime soon l 507 IFL Science website on Campi Flegri, supervolcano near Naples, Italy; says it may be close to erupting 508 Gamma ray burst could cause human extinction How the universe Works. Documentary. exec. prod. Stuart Carter. Science. 2010. 509 Dying Star WR 104 Death Stars. The Universe. exec. prod. Carl H. Lindahl. A&E. 2009. 510 Update on WR 104 WR 104 Won’t Kill Us After All. Astronomy Space Shuttle. Ian O’Neill. Article updated 24 Dec. 2015. Universe Today website report on WR 104

511 Astronomers suggest there may be one hundred thousand more rogue planets than stars in our galaxy 512 Encyclopaedia Britannica on Barnard’s Star 513 Ibid. 514 The AB Doradus moving group of runaway stars Cornell University website on the AB Doradus runaway stars 515 Sky & Telescope website on comet tails 516 Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact on Jupiter 517 Asteroid 243 Ida Burnham, Robert. “Here’s Looking at Ida”. Astronomy Magazine. April 1994, 38. images of Asteroid 243 Ida q=243+ida+asteroid&FORM=HDRSC2 518 Asteroid exploding over Pacific in 1990 Doomsday Asteroid. Documentary. TLC. 519 Asteroid exploding over southern tip of Greenland in 1997 Impact Earth. Documentary. exec. prod. Bruce Burgess. TLC. 1998. 520 Asteroids exploding over Pacific in 2001 and Mediterranean in 2002 Killer Asteroids. Documentary. prod. Colin Murray. Discovery. 521 Close encounter with an asteroid in 2002 Civilization Lost. Documentary. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. H2. 2011. 522 Something flew through the asteroid over Chelyabinsk, Russia Space Weapons. Hangar 1: The UFO Files. exec. prods. Julie Auerbach, Henry Capanna, Tina Gazzero, William F. Castonzo, Douglas Segal, Paul Villadolid. H2 Channel. 2014. Season 1, episode 2. NASA’s Unexplained Files. exec. prods. Martin Durkin, Greg Chivers. Science. 2014. 523 Asteroid 99942 Apophis Killer Asteroids. Documentary. prod. Colin Murray. Discovery. 524 Other electric light inventors before Edison on ZM Science website 525 Other automobile inventors before Ford on the Library of Congress website 526 Others involved with the invention of the telephone on the Library of Congress website 527 Others involved with early airplane development on EDinformatics website 528 Singapore child genius The Star Children. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. H2. 2014. 529 Sho Yano, child genius The Star Children. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. H2. 2014. 530 Adam Kirby, child genius The Star Children. Ancient Aliens. exec. prod. Kevin Burns. H2. 2014. 531 Philip Pauli, child genius Child Genius. Unsolved Mysteries (excerpt). Lifetime. 532 Other child geniuses listed on Wonderlist website 533 Some hybrids more human in appearance and some more alien Jacobs, David M. Ph.D. The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda. Simon and Schuster. New York. 1999. Kindle. 534 You Tube video of SpaceX performing successful launch and landing of the Falcon 9 spacecraft 535 You Tube video of Blue Origin’s successful launch and landing of reusable spacecraft 536 Virgin Galactic’s website on developing commercial space line 537 reporting on six companies developing space flight programs 538 Alien technology developed for military and commercial use Corso, Col. Philip J. (ret.). The Day After Roswell. Pocket Books. New York, N.Y. 1998. 539 Brookings Report. Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs, 215. 540 Ibid, 215. 541 Ibid., 216. 542 Ibid., 225.

543 Bishops questioning the miracles Prophecy. Jack Van Impe Presents. TBN. 544 UFOs over DC in 1952 Where Are All the UFOs? Documentary. exec. prods. Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lucitana. A&E. 1996. UFOs Above and Beyond. Documentary. exec. prods Camil Daignault, John Goodwin. TLC. 1997. 545 Unified religion Prophecy. Jack Van Impe Presents. TBN. 546 Objects filmed during Hubble repair mission Astronaut Sightings and Encounters. Encounters. FOX. 547 Object materialized from out of nowhere UFO’s Uncovered. Out of This World. exec. prods. Peter Lories, Bradley Adams. TLC. 548 Object filmed during shuttle mission STS-114 reversed direction Black Box UFO Secrets. UFO Files. exec. prod. Jon Alon Walz. History. 2006.