Free Will: An Extensive Bibliography 9783110319538, 9783110319163

Few philosophical issues have had as long and elaborate a history as the problem of free will, which has been contested

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Free Will: An Extensive Bibliography
 9783110319538, 9783110319163

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Nicholas Rescher Free Will An Extensive Bibliography

Nicholas Rescher

Free Will An Extensive Bibliography With the Collaboration of Estelle Burris

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Free Will Bibliography Contents Introduction




FREE WILL BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION “While the concept of free will is a favored theme of philosophical deliberation, there nevertheless here enters a one-sidedness, unclarity, and confusion as though a mass of a hundred speakers in a hundred languages were disputing simultaneously, each being absolutely convinced that he alone is altogether clear on the matter and that all the rest are uncomprehending ignoramuses.” —Eduard von Hartmann, The Phenomenology of Moral Consciousness (Berlin, C. Duncker, 1879), p. 399.

It was said of Helen of Troy that she had a beauty that launched a thousand ships. And it can be said with understatement, that the problem of free will has a fascination which launched a thousand books. Rare indeed is the philosophical problem that has engendered a literature of comparable scope. Anyone who takes the present volume into hand cannot fail to be impressed by the amount of philosophical productivity on this topic. Nor is this all all due to the problem’s two and a half millennia of existence. For four-fifths of the writing ever done on the topic is the work of the past single generation. And even a casual look at such an extensive bibliography will suffice to show that a change of tectonic proportions has come over the subject during the past two generations. The explosion of the literature has rendered it impossible to do “business as usual.” No longer cam even the most dedicated of scholars able to take the literature of the subject into adequate account—not even where one single particular problemissue is concerned. The problem of free will was put on the agenda of philosophy in Plato’s dialogue Phaedo, where it was posed in the following classic formulation, Socrates being the speaker: I felt very much as I should feel if someone said, ‘Socrates does by mind all he does’; and then, in telling the causes of what I am doing should say first that the reason why I sit here now is, that my body consists of bones and sinews, and the bones are hard and have joints between them, and the sinews can be tightened and slackened, surrounding the bones along with flesh and the skin which holds them together; so when the bones are uplifted in their sockets, the sinews slackening and tightening make me able to bend my limbs now, and for this cause I have bent together and sit here; and if next he should give you other such causes of my conversing with you, alleging as causes voices and airs and hearings and a thousand others like that, and neglecting to give the real causes . . . . But by the Dog! these bones and sinews, I think, would have been some- where near Megara or Boeotia long ago, carried there by an opinion of what is best, if I had not believed it better and more just to submit to any sentence which my city gives than to take to my


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

heels and run. To call all those things the causes is strange indeed. If one should say that unless I bad such things, bones and sinews and all the rest I have, I should not have been able to do what I thought best, that would indeed be true. But to say that these, and not my choice of the best, are the causes of my doing what I do (and when I act, by mind, too!), would be a very heedless way of speaking.1

The question at issue is effectively the following. Do people have the power to determine their actions through the choices they make on the basis of deliberations based on their own preferences and wishes, or is what we do always the result of the operation of larger external forces beyond our control. The issue of the freedom of the will is of paramount importance in philosophy primarily for two reasons. The first is its bearing on the self-image of ourselves and our fellows as rational agents, beings whose actions are, or can be, autonomously determined by making thought-guided choices in a responsible way. The other is its bearing on the correlative issue of the moral—and subsequently legal—responsibility for our actions. Without claiming free will for humans, so it has generally been held, the prospect of viewing ourselves as responsible intelligent agents becomes hopelessly compromised. It is with some deliberation that this bibliography has been characterized as extensive rather than comprehensive. For even though it registers some 5,000 works dealing with freedom of the will, it must inevitably remain incomplete. Completeness is a state virtually unachievable here, since no matter how carefully one does one’s inclusion-trawling in a venture of this sort, it is just about impossible to avoid having some fish slip by the net. Moreover, the boundaries of the topic are sufficiently indefinite that no exact line of demarcation can be drawn between “appropriately in” and “appropriately out.” Various errors of omission and commission are effectively unavoidable given the vast compass of relevant literature. The problem of free will vividly illustrates the dialectic of philosophical development in general. For philosophical deliberation is usually rooted with aporetic situations of individually plausible but collectively inconsistent theses, as per: (1) Whatever happens in the world is the product of the inexorable operation of nature’s causal laws. (The Principle of Causality) (2) The causality of nature’s processes proceeds independently of our thought-operated decisions and resolutions. (Naturalistic determinism) (3) Our thought processes—our deliberations and decisions—control our actions in the world. (Free will) Given the incompatibility of these considerations as they stand, a limited number of alternative approaches present themselves: (1)-abandonment: Some occurrences stand outside the domain of causality. (Causality-exemption)



(2)-abandonment: Our thought can control the flow of natural causality. (Mental causation) (3)-abandonment: Our thought is itself the product of natural causality. (Causal determinism) Many of the issues that concern us here are spanned by the range of these three propositions. The history of the subject is such that every possible response to its questions has found an advocate. But as a given alternative was espoused, it immediately attracted objections and challenges that its proponents then seek to meet by means of due qualifications and refinement. Such a dialectal development produced an ongoing elaboration—and complexification—of the theory in the wake of objections. The result has been an arms-race reminiscent escalation of ongoing sophistication and potency, where ever more elaborate refinements in the theory are in response to the challenges of its opponents. The fundamental positions remain the same, but their articulation and exposition becomes ever more complex and its defenses ever more subtle and sophisticated. The present bibliography manifests how this process is clearly and strikingly at work in the literature of the problem of free will. The English philosopher-historian R. G. Collingwood spoke for a plethora of theorists in maintaining that different eras and cultures cannot address the same question. This doctrine—generally called historicism—has it that even where a contention is formulated in the same words, the concepts at work in different culture-contexts are incommensurable. And if this is so, then there can be no perennial philosophical issues, because as the historico-cultural context changes, this change of setting induces a change of subject. Across the boundaries of eras and places there is bound to be conceptual discontinuity. The problem of free will is a perfect test-case for this position, seeing that to all appearances it has constantly been on the agenda of philosophical concern— alike in Mediterranean antiquity, in medieval Islam and Christian Europe in the modern world’s industrialized societies. Is it or is it not the same problems that have been addressed throughout by all those participants in the discussion? Are not those lawyers who wrangle about responsibility for action in its legal bearing throughout the years addressing the same issue? No doubt, saying that “the same question” is at issue is far from unproblematic. After all, what a position affirms and favors is determined by what it denies and rejects: its substance emerges via its oppositions. And as regards free will, this target has ongoingly changed over time. The ancients voluntarists sought to defend the will’s freedom against the powers of fate. The medievals defended it in the face of divine omniscience and omnipotence. The moderns feel called upon to defend it against the powers of nature as portrayed in science. The opposition has certainly been a moving target, running from Fate to God to Nature. But nevertheless there is a key element of commonality throughout. For all of these mighty potencies have been viewed as determining the course of events in ways that far outrun the modest reach of our feebler powers as human individuals. Throughout, the salient issue has been of our capacity at least on some occasions to determine the range of our action and the unfolding of our destiny through the active implementation of our beliefs and wishes. So in the final


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analysis the issues is one and the same throughout—the capacity of humans to determine their actions through their own reflectively deliberated decision rather than being pawns at the beck and call of some mighty external potency. The core issue is simply this: Is it at least sometimes the case that our own, autonomously formed thoughts are the controllers of our actions? As with so many of these deep conundrums, the situation is complex. What happens in this matter of the question of “the same issue?” is something of continuity amidst change—sameness in fundamentals upon which an ongoing change of detail is superimposed. Along with the ancients—and everyone else— we have to eat, to sleep, and also to decide among alternatives. And with them as with us these decisions are made sometimes for self-provided reasons and sometimes as the result of causal factors beyond the individual’s control. The basic categories under which the issues can be classed are elements of the human condition that are invariant through time and circumstance—and readily recognized as such. To be sure the detail—how the causality of nature works, what sort of undue influence can affect human decisions—all this sort of thing represents mattes of subordinate detail about which there can be differences of thought in the wake of a changing way of doing things. The issue of personal decision is in this regard is much like the issue of bridge-building. What a bridge is is a matter of commonality as between the ancient Romans and ourselves, although issues of the planning, design, material provision, construction, etc. of bridges are all matters of historical variation and contextualization. Analogously, this situation of a sameness of fundamentals combined with a variation of detail holds with free-will even as it does with bridges. The very reason for being of many a philosopher’s work is generally to take issue with what a predecessor has said and to disagree with it. (It was, after all, to refute the cognitive nihilism of Pyrrhonian scepticism that Descartes labored: it was exactly what those ancients affirmed that Descartes sought to refute.) To deny cognitive continuity across the divides of time and space is to abandon the effort to achieve explanatory understanding. To be sure, what is here required is an endeavor to understand others on their own terms. But to deny the prospect of doing so it so embark on a slippery slope into a cognitive solipsism that ultimately locks each thinker into his own impenetrable thought-world. It I cannot get at what Aquinas says about free will, then you cannot get at what I say about it either. The issue of free will exhibits in miniature a problem that confronts philosophers in the present era of an explosion in “the literature” of their subject. And in a way this bibliography affords a reductio ad absurdum of a certain concept of philosophical mastery—a concept typified by the German Habilitationschrift. The traditional idea of such a mega-dissertation was to make contact with the totality of extant work on a given issue or topic. But in the present state of the field—where even a single problem can, like Free Will, be the subject of some 5,000 publications—this objective of “taking an adequate account of the literature” is no longer practicable. In embarking upon a comprehensive bibliography, one opens oneself up to the plaintive question “But have you yourself actually read all of those books.” No, dear reader, I cannot claim that I have. But what I can safely claim, I think, is that I have read more of these works than the majority of those who wrote them.



What are individual investigators to do when confronting an unmanageably large literature on the particular problem they have in view? They have little choice but to accept that the literature of the field is a haystack in which many a good insight is an unfindable needle. Perhaps hope can be placed on the idea the task can be scaled down to dealing with the important work. If one invokes “Rousseau’s Law” to the effect that in a field of N publications the sub-group of “truly important publications” can be fixes at ,N this amount can be fixed at roughly 70—which is just barely still managable. However the problem still remains that different investigators will have very different opinions about which of those many works at issue will fall into this top priority group. After all, from the standpoint of a concern for this or that particular aspect of the matter the relevancy and significance of publications will be subject to a law of diminishing returns. Only a fraction of the literature will be highly material, to any specific concern and as one goes beyond this, the contextual importance of the items will decay rapidly. Basically three alternative confront us with such an unresolved and seemingly irresolvable controversy • To dismiss the whole matter are meaningless • To deny the conflict and accept all of the rival positions. • To opt for—and reason one’s way into—one of the alternatives as best suited to one’s own assessment of the issues. Scepticim, syncretism, and doctrinalism seem to be the only available options, and as the vast literature of the subject clearly indicates, whichever way one turns, one has one’s work cut out.2 Vast though the literature is, a great deal yet remains to be said and done. It strikes me as a surprising fact about the mass of philosophical literature regarding free will that so little attention has been devoted to evolutionary considerations. Given the evolutionary development of mankind’s intellect, nothing would seem more natural than to expect that a resource like free will—if actually present in homo sapiens—would be a feature arising in the course of this creatures’ evolutionary emergence in nature’s scheme of things, much like intelligence, language, and aesthetic sensibly. Somehow this rather obviously relevant line of thinking seems to have remained very much on the back burner. A striking feature of the topic is its inherent contentiousness. One might think that most discussants would favor this seemingly unique feature of homo sapiens as the crown of creation. Not so! For every friend to free will there is an equal and opposite foe. It seems that Newton’s second law is also in operation in philosophy—every action on such a topic evokes an equal and opposite reaction. Yet, when confronted with such a vast bibliography, what is one to make of the situation that it represents? It soon becomes all too clear that every book or article favoring free will is matched by in opposition—and conversely. If voting on a philosophical issue were to be doctrinally determinative—which fortunately it is not—then the free will controversy (like so many others!) would end in a tie.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

And just this phenomenon is, in fact, a vivid counterindication to the historicist idea that every philosopher—and indeed every thinker—is locked into the thought-world of his own contemporaneous culture so that the thinkers of different eras and cultures never actually discuss the same issues, idea, or question. For in no era on philosophic history has free-will problem fallen from view— every era and virtually every important thinker throughout the history of philosophy has addressed the question. And despite the diversity of answers across the whole spectrum of yes-no-maybe-so responses, there has been in substantial agreement in keeping the question broadly in line with its original articulation. Notwithstanding, the variety of views about the existence and bearing of freedom of the will, there has throughout been an ongoing identity of concern with one such essentially selfsame issue, namely that posed in the deliberations of the Platonic Socrates in the Phaedo passage cited at the outset—to wit, the comparative role of external agencies vs. personal choice in the determination of human actions. The perduring identity of the question at issue mandates the problem of free will as a clear illustration of the identity model of conceptual development. Even those who sought to reject the problem of the will’s freedom as ultimately meaningless have been in substantial agreement with their opponents as regards what the controversy over free will is actually about. The issue of freedom of the will thus affords a vivid and telling illustration of the possibility of a conceptual commonality of philosophical concern across the divide of time and place. 1

Plato, Phaedo 98C.


On this issue see Nicholas Rescher, The Strife of Systems (Pittsburgh: University of Pitsburgh Pressm 1985).


Abbagnano, Nicola, “Contemporary Science and Freedom,” The Review of Metaphysics, vol. 3 (1952), pp. 361-78. Abbagnano, Nicola, Possibilità e libertà (Turin: Taylor, 1956). Abelson, Raziel, “Doing, Causing and Causing to Do,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 66 (1969), pp. 178-92. Abelson, Raziel, “Lawless Freedom,” Journal of Social Philosophy, vol. 15 (1984), pp. 35-45. Abelson, Raziel, Lawless Mind (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988). Abers, Lawrence Heap, Laran om den manskliga viljans frihet under den moderna tiden till och med Kant (Upsala: Upsala University, 1895). Ach, Narziss, Über die Willenstätigkeit und das Denken. Eine experimentelle Untersuchung mit einem Anhang: Über das Hippsche chronoskop (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1905). Ach, Narziss, Über den Willenskraft und das Temperament (Leipzig 1910) reprinted as Analyse des Willens (Berlin & Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1935). Achter, H., Von der menschlichen Freiheit (Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1895). Ackermann, Robert, “An Alternative Free Will Defence,” Religious Studies, vol. 18 (1982), pp. 365-72. Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Essays on Freedom and Power (Boston: Beacon Press, 1948). Acworth, Richard, “Smart on Free-Will,” Mind, vol. 72 (1963), pp. 271-72. Adams, Elie Maynard, Ethical Naturalism and the Modern World-View (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1960). Adams, Frederick and Alfred R. Mele, “The Intention Violation Debate,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 22, (1992), pp. 323-38. Adams, Marilyn McCord, “The Structure of Ockham’s Moral Theory,” Franciscan Studies, vol. 45, (1986), pp. 1-35. Adams, Marilyn McCord, William Ockham, 2 vol’s (Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press, 1987). [For Ockham on free will see pp. 112559 and 1299-1347.] Adams, Robert Merrihew, “Involuntary Sins,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 94 (1985), pp. 3-31. Adams, Robert Merrihew, “An Anti-Molinist Argument,” Philosophical Perspectives, vol. 5 (1991), pp. 343-54.


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Adams, Robert Merrihew, Leibniz: Determinist, Theist, Idealist (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994). Adelmann, Frederick J., “Marxism and Free Will,” Akten des XIV. Interationalen Kongress für Philosophie, Vienna (1968), pp. 3-8. Adkins, Arthur W. H., Merit and Responsibility: A Study in Greek Values (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960). Adler, Mortimer, Dialectic (New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1927). Adler, Mortimer, The Idea of Freedom: A Dialectical Examination of the Conceptions of Freedom (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1958). Adorno, Theodore W., Negative Dialektik (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1966), Teil III, Freiheit: Zur Metakritik der praktischen Vernunft. Ainslie, George, Breakdown of Will (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001). Aja, Pedro Vicente, “Kant y Hartmann en la libertad moral,” Actes du dixième Congrès International de Philosophie, Bruxelles (1953), pp. 119-24. Ajzen, Icek, “From Intentions to Actions: a Theory of Planned Behavior,” in J. Kuhl and J. Beckmann (eds.), Action Control: From Cognition to Behavior (Berlin: Springer Verlag. 1985), pp. 11-39. Ajzen, Icek, “The Theory of Planned Behaviour,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 50 (1991), pp. 179-211. Ajzen, Icek, “Perceived Behaviour Control, Self-efficacy, Locus of Control, and the Theory of Planned Behaviour,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, vol. 32 (2002), pp. 1-20. Ajzen, Icek, and Martin Fishbein, “Factors Influencing Intentions and the Intention-Behavior Relation,” Human Relations, vol. 27 (1974), pp. 115. Alavi, Rolksana, “Robert Kane, Free Will, and Neuro-Indeterminism,” Philophia, vol. 8 (2005), pp. 95-108. Alberg, A., Viljans frijet fran transcendential filosofiens standpunkt (Stockholm: Bonnier, 1915). Albert the Great, Opera Omnia, 45 vols. ed. by Augustus Borgnet (Paris: Vives, 1890-99). Also ed. by Bernhard Geyer et. al. (Bonn: Institum Alerti Magni, 1951 ff.—as yet incomplete.) These editions contain his treatise “De libero arbitrio”. Albiz, Martino de, De altissima scientia, incrutabili voluntate, ininvestigabili praedistinatione, ac inneffabili Trinitate Dei opt. max: tractatus quatuor



in primam partem S. Thomae (Alcalá de Henares: Antonium Duplastre, 1632). Albritton, Rogers, “Freedom of the Will and Freedom of Action,” Presidential Address, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, vol. 59 (1985), pp. 239-51. Alexander, Archibald, Theories of the Will in the History of Philosophy (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1898). Alexander, Larry and Maimon Schwarzschild, “Liberalism, Neutrality, and Equality of Welfare vs. Equality of Resources,” Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 16 (1987), pp. 85-110. Alexander of Aphrodisias, De Fato, translated in R. W. Sharples, Alexander of Aphrodisias on Fate: Text, Translation, and Commentary (London: Duckworth, 1983). Alexander of Hales, Glossa in IV libros sententiarum, lib II, dist. 25: “De libero arbitrio et de postestate peccandi.” Alexander of Hales, Summa Theologica, 2 vols. (Quaracchi: Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1924-1948). Alexander, Patrick Proctor, Mill and Carlyle. An Examination of J. S. Mill’s Doctrine of Causation in Relation to Moral Freedom (Edinburgh, W. P. Nimmo 1866). Alexander, Samuel, “Freedom,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 14 (1914), pp. 322-51. Alfonsi, Alf, “Sensazione e libertà nel pensiero de E. Kant,” Rivista di Filosofia, vol. 1 (1919). Alker, Henry, “Will Power,” Analysis, vol. 21 (1961), pp. 78-81. Allen, Colin, “It isn’t What You Think: A New Idea about Intentional Causation,” Noûs, vol. 29 (1995), pp. 115-26. Allen, Diogenes, “Deliberations and the Regularity of Behavior, American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 9 (1972), pp 251-57. Allen, John, Illustrations of Mr. Hume’s Essay Concerning Liberty and Necessity (London: J. Johnson, 1795). Allen, Robert, “Responsibility and Motivation,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 35 (1997), pp. 289-99. Allen, Robert, “Re-Examining Frankfurt Cases,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 37 (1999), pp. 363-76.


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Allen, Robert Francis, “Free Will and Indeterminism: Robert Kane’s Libertarianism,” Journal of Philosophical Research, vol. 30 (2005), pp. 341-55. Allen, Robert Francis, “Self-Forming Actions: The Genesis of Free Will,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, vol. 81 (2007), 263-78. Allen, Robert Francis, “Free Agency and Self-Esteem,” Sorites, vol. 20 (2008), pp. 74-79. Allison, Henry E., Kant’s Theory of Freedom (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990). Almeida, Michael, “Rowe’s Argument from Freedom,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 53 (2003), pp. 83-91. Almeida, Michael, “A Paradox for Significant Freedom,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 54 (2003), pp. 175-84. Almeida, Michael and Mark Bernstein, “Lucky Libertarianism,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 22 (2003), pp. 93-119. Almquist, Ernst Bernard, Über Willen und Freiheit des Menschen: Wissenschaft, Religion, Philosophie (Stockholm, Norstedt. 1927). Alston, William P., “Wants, Actions, and Causal Explanation,” in H. N. Castaneda (ed.) Intentionality, Minds, and Perception (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1967), pp. 301-41. Alston, William P., “Self-Intervention and the Structure of Motivation,” in Theodore Mischel (ed.), The Self: Psychological and Philosophical Issues (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1977). Alston, William P., “Divine Foreknowledge and Alternative Conceptions of Human Freedom,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 18 (1985), pp. 19-32. Alt, Theodor, “Willensfreiheit,” Archiv für systematische Philosophie, vol. 26 (1921), pp. 90-112. Alting, [Johannis] Henrici, Exegesis Logica et Theologica augustanae confessionis: cum Appendice Problematica; num Ecclesiae reformatae in Germania pro sociis Augustanae Confessionis agnoscendae et habendae sint? Accessit syllabus controversiarum Quae Reformatis hodiè intercedunt cum Lutheranis (Amstelodami: Joannes Janssonius, 1647). Alvarez, Diego, De auxiliis divinae gratiae et humani arbitrii viribus et libertate ac legitima eius cum efficacia eorundem auxiliorum concordia: libri duodecimo (Romae: Stephanus, 1590). Alvarez, Diego, Responsionum ad objectiones adversus concordiam liberi arbitrii cum divina praescientia (Lugduni, 1622).



Alvarez, Eduardo, “Sobre el concepto de la voluntad libre en Hegel,” Razón, libertad y estado en Hegel (Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2000). Alvarez, Gomez M., “Hegel o la libertad como principio,” Ciudad de Dios, vol. 182 (1969), pp. 556-96. Amador, Mariano, “El fatalismo de Hartley,” Rivista de España, vol. 107 (1885), pp. 21-44. Ammon, Christoff F., Programma: vindicator morum doctrinae arbitrium liberum, rejecta libertate Stoica ethica Kantianae (Gottingen: Dieterich, 1799). Ammon, K. and S. C. Gandevia, “Transcendental Magnetic Stimulation Can Influence the Selection for Motor Programmes,” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, vol. 53 (1990), pp. 705-07. Amodio, Luciano, “A proposito del triplice materiale per l’esistenza della libertà,” Hegel: L’esprit objective (1970), pp. 531-55. Amschi, Hyacinth, “Martin Fuchs und die thomistische Lehre von der Willenfreiheit,” Jahrbuch für Philosophie, vol. 22 (1908), pp. 470-75. Amyraut, Möise, Dissertationes theologicae quatuor (Saumur, Isaacum Desbordes, 1645). Amyraut, Möise, De libero hominis arbitrio disputatio (Salmurii: Lesnerii, 1667). Anderson, Joel, “Starke Wertungen, Wunsche zweiter Ordnung und intersubjektive Kritik: Überlegungen zum Begriff ethischer Autonomie,” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. 42 (1994), pp. 97-119. Anderson, Joel, “Introduction: Free Will, Neuroscience, and the Participant Perspective,” Philosophical Explorations, vol. 10(2007), pp. 3-11. Anderson, John R., Cognitive Psychology and its Implications (New York: Worth Publishers, 2000). Anderson, Philip W., “More is Different. Broken Symmetry and the Nature of the Hierarchical Structure of Science,” Science, vol. 177 (1972), pp. 393-96. Anderson, Susan, “Plantinga and the Free Will Defense,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 62 (1981), pp. 274-81. Anderson, Theodor, “Neglected Sartrean Arguments for the Freedom of consciousness,” Philosophy Today, vol. 17 (1973), pp. 28-39.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

André, Marie-Madeleine, Patricia M. St. John and Ruth Guinard, Libre! (Lausanne-Pully: Editions Le grain de blé 1970). Andreae, Jacob, De libero hominis arbitrio (Copenhagen, 1630). Also Disputatio de viribus humanis, seu de libero artitrio (Tübingen: Gruppenbachius, 1571). Andreasen, Nancy C., “Linking Mind and Brain in the Study of Mental Illnesses,” Science, vol. 275 (1997), pp. 1586-1593. Anglin, W. S., Free Will and the Christian Faith (Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1990). Anonymous, An Occasional Discourse Concerning God’s Foreknowledge and Man’s Free-agency [London, 1687]. Anonymous, [A necessitarian], Illustrations of Mr. Hume’s Essay Concerning Liberty and Necessity; In Answer to Dr. Gregory of Edinburgh (London: J. Johnson, 1795). Anonymous, An Essay on the Extent of Human and Divine Agency in the Production of Saving Faith (Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1827). Anonymous, Predestination and Freewill: Two Sermons (London: C. J. G. & F. Rivington, 1829). Ansbro, John J., “Individual Freedom in the Hegelian State,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 18 (1969), pp. 48-57. Anscombe, G. E. M., Intention (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1957). Anscombe, G. E. M., Causality and Determination: An Inaugural Lecture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971). Anscombe, G. E. M., “Soft Determinism,” in Gilbert Ryle (ed.), Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy (Boston: Oriel Press, 1976). Anscombe, G. E. M., Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981). Anscombe, G. E. M., “Causality and Determination,” in The Collected Philosophical Papers of G. E. M. Anscombe, vol. 2 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981), pp. 139-163. Reprinted in Ekstrom 2000, pp. 57-73. Ansell-Pearson, Keith, “Nietzsche and the Problem of the Will in Modernity in Nietzsche and Modern German Thought,” in his Nietzsche Contra Rousseau: A Study of Nietzsche’s Moral and Political Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991). Anselm, Saint, De libertate arbitrii [1080-86].



Anselm, Saint, De casu diaboli [1080-86]. Anselm, Saint, Opera Omnia, ed. S. Schmidt, 5 vol’s (Edinburgh: T. Nelson & Sons, 1940-61). Anselm, Saint, Truth, Freedom, and Evil, translated by Jasper Hopkins and “Herbert Richardson (New York: Harper and Row, 1965). (Includes Anselm’s treatises, “On Freedom of Choice and on the Fall of the Devil,” Three Philosophic Dialogues, tr. by Thomas Williams (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 2002). Antweiler, Anton, Das Problem der Willensfreiheit (Freiburg: Herder, 1955). Apostol, Pavel, “96 Saetze ueber Tod und Freiheit in Hegel’s Philosophie und in unserer Zeit,” Praxis, vol. 6 (1971), pp. 191-202. Applanus, Constantius, Soliloquia de humani arbitrii libertate et potestate (Cremona: Carolus Darlerius, 1496). Aquinas, St. Thomas, Summa theologiae (Strassburg: Johann Mentelin, 1463). Aquinas, St. Thomas, Summa de veritate revisa et commentario instructa a Theodorico de Susteren (Köln: Heinrich Quentell, 1499). Aquinas, St. Thomas, Summa contra gentiles. Aquinas, St. Thomas, Quaestiones disputatae de malo q. 6. Aquinas, St. Thomas, Quaestiones disputatae de veritate qq. 22-24. Aquinas, St. Thomas, Treatise on Happiness, tr. by John A. Oesterle (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1964). (The twenty-one questions from Summa theologiae dealing with human action and freedom.) Aquinas, St. Thomas, On the Free Choice of the Will, tr. Thomas Williams (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993). Arbib, Michael A., The Metaphorical Brain 2: Neural Networks and Beyond (New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1989). Ardal, P. S., “Motives, Intentions, and Responsibility,” Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 15 (1965), pp. 146-54. Arenella, Peter, “Character, Choice, and Moral Agency: The Relevance of Character to Our Mora Culpability Judgments,” Social Philosophy and Policy, vol. 7 (1990), pp. 59-83. Arendt, Hannah, Vom Leben des Geistes, 2 vol’s (München: Piper, 1979). Arendt, Hannah, “The Life of the Mind: Augustine, Aquinas and Scotus,” Augustinian Studies, vol. 18 (1978), pp. 107-24.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Arieli, Silvano, The Will to be Human (New York: Quadrangle Books, 1972). Aristotle, Metaphysics. Aristotle, De interpretatione. Aristotle, De motu animalia. Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics. Aristotle, Nicomachaean Ethics. Aristotle, Physics. Arminius, James, The writings of James Arminius, 3 vols., ed. by James Nicholas and W. R. Bagnall (Grand Rapids: Gaker, 1956). [Vol. 1 contains his disputations on free will.] Armstrong, D. M., A Materialist Theory of the Mind (London: Routledge & K. Paul, 1968). Armstrong, D. M., Belief, Truth, and Knowledge (London: Cambridge University Press, 1973). Armstrong, D. M., “Acting and Trying,” in his The Nature of the Mind (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1981), pp. 68-88. Armstrong, D. M. and Norman Malcolm (eds.), Consciousness and Causality: A Debate on the Nature of Mind (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984). Arneson, Richard J., “Freedom and Desire,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 15 (1985), pp. 425-48. Arola, Adam, “Under the Aspect of Eternity: Thinking Freedom in Spinoza’s ‘Ethics’,” Topicos, vol. 32 (2007), pp. 139-59. Aróstegui, Antonio, La libertad: Estudio filosófico y religioso (Madrid: Editorial M.A.S., 1960). Arpaly, Nomy, Merit, Meaning, and Human Bondage: An Essay on Free Will (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2006). Asmus, W. F., “La dialéctica entre necesidad y libertad en Hegel,” Filosofskie Nauki, vol. 12 (1970), pp. 92-101. Aspenson, Steven S., “Reply To O’Connor’s ‘A Variation of the Free Will Defense’,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 6, (1989), pp. 95-98. Assman, W. A. G., Das Gesetz über die persönliche Freiheit (Mülheim: Bagael, 1896).



Astner, Peter, Kausalität, Motivation Schopenhauer (Wien, 1915).




Astrada, Carlos, Le ética formal y los valores: Ensayo de una revaloración existencial de la moral kantiana orientado en el problema de la libertad (La Plata: López, 1938). Atherton, Catherine, “Reductionism, Rationality and Responsibility: A Discussion of Tim O’Keefe, ‘Epicurus on Freedom’,” Archiv fuer Geschichte der Philosophie, vol 89 (2007), pp. 192-230. Atmanspacher, Harald and Robert Bishop (eds.), Between Chance and Choice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Determinism (Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic, 2002). Atkins, Kim, “Autonomy and Autonomy Competencies: A Practical and Relational Approach,” Nursing Philosophy, vol. 7 (2007), pp. 205-15. Attfield, Robin, “Talents, Abilities, and Virtues,” Philosophy, vol. 46 (1971), pp. 255-58. Atwell, John E., “Sartre and Action Theory” in Hugh J. Silverman and Frederick A. Elliston (eds.), Jean-Paul Sartre: Contemporary Approaches to His Philosophy (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1980.) Aubry, Gwenälle, “Individuation, particularisation et détermination selon Plotin,” Phronesis, vol. 53 (2008), pp. 271-89. Audi, Robert, “Intentionalistic Explanations of Action,” Metaphilosophy, vol. 2 (1971), pp. 241-50. Audi, Robert, “Intending,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 70 (1973), pp. 387403. Audi, Robert, “Moral Responsibility, Freedom, and Compulsion,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 19 (1974), pp. 25-39. Audi, Robert, “Avoidability and Possible Worlds,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 33 (1978), pp. 413-21. Audi, Robert, “Weakness of Will and Practical Judgment,” Noûs, vol. 13 (1979), pp. 173-96. Audi, Robert, “Inductive-Nomological Explanations and Psychological Laws,” Theory and Decision, vol. 13 (1981), pp. 229-49. Audi, Robert, “Acting for Reasons,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 95 (1986), pp. 511-46. Audi, Robert, Practical Reasoning (London: Routledge, 1989).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Audi, Robert, “Autonomy, Reason and Desire,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 72 (1991), pp. 247-71. Audi, Robert, “Responsible Action and Virtuous Character,” Ethics, vol. 101 (1991), pp. 304-21. Audi, Robert, Action, Intention, and Reason (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993). Audi, Robert, “Philosophical Naturalism at the Turn of the Century,” Journal of Philosophical Research, vol. 25 (2000), pp. 27-45. Auer, Johannes, Die menschliche Willensfreiheit im Lehrsystem des Thomas von Aquin und Johannes Duns Scotus (München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1938). Augustine, Saint, Confessions. Augustine, Saint, De gratia et libero arbitrio. Augustine, Saint, Contra Palagianos et Celestianos hyponosticon Augustine, Saint, De libero arbitrio translated by Anna S. Benjamin and L. H. Hackstaff as On the Free Choice of the Will (Indianapolis, IN: BobbsMerrill, 1964). Also in Augustine, Earlier Writings translated by J. H. S. Burleigh, The Library of Christian Classics, vol. 6 (1955). Also in R. E. Dewey and J. A. Gould (eds.), Freedom: Its History, Nature, and Varieties (New York: Macmillan, 1970). Also On the Free Choice of the Will, translated by Thomas William (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1993). Augustine, Saint, Contra Julianum. Augustine, Saint, De divinatione. Augustine, Saint, The City of God. [See especially Book I, chap. 21.] Augustino, Ricardus, Laqueus contritus, seu falsa calumnia, vera confutata responsione, quae doctrina Augustino thomistica de Dei gratia et creata libertate summorum pontificum decretis ... ac romanorum censorum judicio a calvinismi et jansenismi crimine (Leyden, 1736). Aulus, Gellius, The Attic Nights. Aune, Bruce, “Abilities, Modalities, and Free Will,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 23 (1963), pp. 397-413. Aune, Bruce, “Hypotheticals and Can, another Look,” Analysis, vol. 27 (1967), pp. 191-95. Aune, Bruce, “Free Will, ‘Can,’ and Ethics: A Reply to Lehrer,” Analysis, vol. 30 (1970), pp. 77-83.



Aune, Bruce, “Prichard, Action and Volition,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 25 (1974), pp. 97-116. Aune, Bruce, Reason and Action (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1977). Austin, John Langshaw, “A Plea for Excuses,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 57 (1956-1957), pp. 1-30. Austin, John Langshaw, “Ifs and Cans,” in his Philosophical Papers ed. by J. O. Urmson and G. J. Warnock (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961). Ayer, Alfred Jules, Language, Truth, and Logic (New York: Dover Publications, 1952). Ayer, Alfred Jules, Philosophical Essays, (London: Macmillan, 1954). [Contains his influential essay on “Freedom and Necessity which was also reprinted in Gary Watson, Free Will (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982), pp. 15-23. Ayer, Alfred Jules, “Fatalism,” in his Concept of a Person and Other Essays (London: Macmillan, 1963). Ayer, Alfred Jules, “Free Will and Rationality,” in Zak van Straaten (ed.), Philosophical Subjects: Essays Presented to P. F. Strawson (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980). Ayer, Alfred Jules, “Free-Will and Determinism in Logical Foundations,” in Indira Mahalingam (ed.), Logical Foundations: Essays in Honor of D. J. O’Connor (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991). Ayers, Michael R., The Refutation of Determinism: An Essay in Philosophical Logic (London: Methuen, 1968) Baars, Bernard, A Cognitive Theory of Consciousness (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988). Baars, Bernard, “Why Violation is a Foundation Problem of Psychology,” Consciousness and Cognition, vol. 2 (1993), pp. 281-309. Baars, Bernard, “In the Theatre of Consciousness: Global Workspace Theory, A Rigorous Scientific Theory of Consciousness,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 4 (1997), pp. 292-309. Babloyantz, A. and A. Destexhe, “Strange Attractors in the Human Cortex,” in Ludger Rensing, Uwe an der Heiden, and Michael C Mackey(eds.), Temporal Disorder in Human Oscillatory Systems (New York: Springer Verlag, 1987),pp. 132-143. Babcock, William, “Augustine on Sin and Moral Agency,” Journal of Religious Ethics, vol. 16 (1988), pp. 28-55.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Baç, Murat, “Causal Determinants, Reasons, and Substantive Autonomy: A Critical Approach to Agency,” Problemos: Mokslo Darbai, vol. 72, (2007), pp. 135-44. Bach, Kent, “A Representational Theory of Action,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 34 (1978), pp. 361-79. Bachelard, Gaston, L’activité rationaliste de la physique contemporaine (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1951). Baertschi, E. Pestalozzi, “Pestalozzis Begriff der Freiheit,” Schweizerische Lehrerzeitung, vol. 89 (1944), pp. 553-60. Bagshawe, Edward, A Letter To Mr. Thomas Pierce, Rector of Brington Containing Amongst other Things, a Brief State of the Question About Gods Decrees: To Which is Annexed an Exercitation in Latine Concerning Free-Will (London: A. M., 1659). Baggett, David and Shawn E. Klein (eds.), Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts (Chicago: Open Court, 2004). Bagot, Jean, Libertatis et gratiae christianae defensio adversus Calvinum et Pelagium in Cornelio jansenio Batavo redivivos Thoma Augustino (Paris: Cramoisy, 1633). Bahm, Archie J., “The Freedom-Determinism Controversy,” Pakistan Philosophical Journal, vol. 9 (1965), pp. 48-55. Bahnsen, Julius Friedrich August, Zum Verhältniss zwischen Wille und Motiv; eine metaphysische Voruntersuchung zur Charakterologie (Stolp: Eschenhagen, 1870). Baier, Annette, Postures of the Mind: Essays on Mind and Morals (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1985). Baier, Kurt, The Moral Point of View: A Rational Basis of Ethics (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1958). Baier, Kurt, “Could and Would,” Analysis Supplement (1963), pp. 20-29. Baier, Kurt, “Responsibility and Action,” in Myles Brand (ed.), The Nature of Human Action (1970), pp. 100-16. Bailey, Andrew, First Philosophy: Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy, Concise edition (Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2006). Bailey, Cyril, The Greek Atomists and Epicurus (New York: Russell & Russell, 1964). Bain, Alexander, The Emotions and the Will (London: John W. Parker & Son, West Strand, 1859).



Bain, Alexander, Mental and Moral Science, 2nd ed. (London: Longmans, Green, 1868). Bain, Alexander, “Dr. Ward on Free-will,” Mind, vol. 5 (1880), pp. 226-53. Baker, Arthur, “Consistency of the Eternal Purpose of God with the Free Agency of Man,” Bibliotheca Sacra and Theological Review, vol. 5 “The Pelagain Controversy” (1847), p. 205. Baker, Deane-Peter, “Divine Foreknowledge—So What?“ Heythrop Journal, vol. 46 (2005), pp. 60-65. Baker, Lynne Rudder, “Metaphysics and Mental Causation,” in John Heil and Alfred R. Mele (eds.), Mental Causation (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993). Baker, Lynne Rudder, Persons and Bodies: A Constitution View (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). Baker, Lynne Ruder, “Why Christians should not be Libertarians: An Augustinian Challenge,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 20 (2003), pp. 460-78. Baker, Lynne Rudder, “Moral Responsibility without Libertarianism,” Noûs, vol. 40 (2006), pp. 307-30. Baker, Lynne Rudder, “The Irrelevance of the Consequence Argument,” Analysis, vol 68 (2008), pp. 13-22. Balaguer, Mark, “Libertarianism as a Scientifically Reputable View,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 93 (1999), pp. 189-211. Balaguer, Mark, “A Coherent, Naturalistic, and Plausible Formulation of Libertarian Free Will,” Noûs, vol. 38 (2004), pp. 379-406. Balaguer, Mark, “The Metaphysical Irrelevance of the Compatibilism Debate (and, More Generally, of Conceptual Analysis),” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 47 (2009), pp. 1-24. Balaguer, Mark, “Why There Are No Good Arguments for Any Interesting Version of Determinism” Synthese, vol. 168 (2009), pp. 1-21 Balázs, Zoltán, “A Hierarchical Theory of Free Will,” in Magyar Filozof Szemle (19999), pp. 199-222. Baldi, Marialuisa, “Tra giacobiti e massoni. La libertà secondo Ramsay,” in Luisa Simonutti, Dal necessario al possible (Milano: FrancoAngeli. 1998). Balfour, James, Philosophical Essays. I. Of the Academical Philosophy. II. Of active Power. III. Of liberty and Necessity (Edinburgh: Balfour, Auld, and Smellie, 1768).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Ballauff, Theodor, Fichtes Freiheitslehre: Eine Auswahl aus seinen Schriften (Düsseldorf: L. Schwann, 1956). Bally, Gustav, Vom Ursprung und von den Grenzen der Freiheit; eine Deutung des Spiels bei Tier und Mensch (Basel: B. Schwabe & Co., 1945). Bamberg, Irmgard, Das Prinzip der Freiheit in Jakob Wassermanns Werken (Berlin: R. Pfau, 1934). Bandura, Albert, “Self-efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change,” Psychological Review, vol. 84 (1977), pp. 191-215. Bandura, Albert, Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control (New York: H H. Freeman, 1997). Bandura, Albert, “Self-Efficacy: The Foundation of Agency,” in W. J. Perrig and A, Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behaviour, mental Processes and Consciousness (Mahwak, NJ: Erlbaum, 2000), pp. 17-33. Bandura, Albert, “Human Agency in Social Cognitive Theory,” American Psychologist, vol. 44, (1989), pp. 1175-84. Barbour, Ian G., “Taking Science Seriously without Scientism: A Response to Taede Smedes,” Zygon, vol. 43 (2008), pp. 259-69. Bargh, John A. and Tanya L. Chartrand, “The Unbearable Automaticity of Being,” American Psychologist, vol. 54 (1999), pp. 462-79. Barnhart, Joe, “Theodicy and the Free Will Defence: Response to Plantinga and Flew,” Religious Studies, vol. 13 (1977), pp. 439-53. Barnhart, Joe, “Does the Creator Practice Planned Birth Control?” Southwest Philosophical Studies, vol. 5 (1980), pp. 90-93. Barnhart, Joe, “Tolstoy on Free Will,” Personalist Forum, vol. 11 (1995), pp. 33-54. Barnes, Ernest William, Scientific Theory and Religion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1935). Baronius, Robert, Metaphysica Generalis: ad usum theologiæ passim accomodata: Opus postumum (Leiden, 1654). Includes a chapter “De Libertate arbitrii in homine”. Barrett, Thomas Squire, A New View of Causation (London: Provost & Co, 1871). Barrett, William, “Determinism and Novelty,” Sidney Hook (ed.), Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958), pp. 30-42.



Barry, Brian, “The Politics of Free Will,” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, vol. 59 (1997), pp. 615-30. Barvosa-Carter, Edwina, “Mestiza Autonomy As Relational Autonomy: Ambivalence & the Social Character of Free Will,” Journal of Political Philosophy, vol. 15 (2007), pp. 1-21. Baserge, E., libero arbitrio e le Scuole positive italiane (Castelnuovo: Ferrari, 1903). Basil-Neto, J. P., A. Pascual-Leone, J. Valls-Solé, L. G. Cohen, and M. Hallett, “Focal Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Response Bias in a Forced-Choice Task,” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, vol. 55 (1992), pp. 964-66. Basinger, David, “Human Freedom and Divine Omnipotence: Some New Thoughts on an Old Problem,” Religious Studies, vol. 15 (1979), pp. 491-510. Basinger, David, “Christian Theism and the Free Will Defence,” Sophia, vol. 19 (1980), pp. 20-33. Basinger, David, “Anderson on Plantinga: a Response,” Philosophy Research Archives, vol. 8, No. 1499 (1982). Basinger, David, “Plantinga’s ‘Free-Will Defense’ as a Challenge to Orthodox Theism,” American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, vol. 3 (1983), pp. 35-41. Basinger, David, “Middle Knowledge and Human Freedom: Some Clarifications,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 4 (1987), pp. 330-36. Basinger, David, “Process Theism versus Free-Will Theism: A Response to Griffin,” Process Studies, vol. 20 (1991), pp. 204-20. Basinger, David, “Simple Foreknowledge and Providential Control,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 10 (1993), pp. 421-27. Basinger, David, The Case for Freewill Theism: A Philosophical Assessment (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1996). Basinger, David, and Randall Basinger, “Divine Omnipotence: Plantinga vs. Griffin,” Process Studies, vol. 11 (1981), pp. 11-24. Basinger, David, and Randall Basinger, “Divine Determinateness and the Free Will Defense: Some Clarifications,” Philosophy Research Archives, vol. 8, No. 1517 (1982). Bassham, Gregory, “The Prophecy-Driven Life: Fate and Freedom at Hogwarts,” in David Baggett and Shawn Klein, Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts (Chicago, Ill.: Open Court, 2004).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Bassoff, Bruce, “Free Will and Determinism,” Journal of Existentialism, vol. 4 (1964), pp. 259-62. Bauch, Bruno, “Schiller und die Idee der Freiheit,” Kantstudien, vol. 10 (1905), pp. 346-72. Baum, Manfred, “Common Welfare and Universal Will in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,” in Robert B. Pippin and Otfried Höffe (eds.), Hegel on Ethics and Politics (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004). Baum, Manfred, “Positive und negative Freiheit bei Kant,” Jahrbuch fuer Recht und Ethik, vol. 16 (2008), pp. 45-56. Baumann, Peter, “Über Zwang,” in Monika Betzler (ed.), Autonomes Handeln: Beiträge zur Philosophie von Harry G. Frankfurt,” (Berlin: Akadmie Verlag, 2000), pp. 71-84. Baumgartner, Hans Michael, Schellings Weg zur Freiheitsschrift Legende und Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 1996). Baumgartner, Michael, “The Causal Chain Problem,” Erkenntnis, vol. 69 (2008), pp. 201-26. Baumann, Peter, “Über Zwang,” in Monika Betzler and Barbara Guckes, Autonomes Handeln: Beiträge zur Philosophie von Harry G. Frankfurt (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2000). Baumann, Peter, “Coercion and the Varieties of Free Action,” Ideas y Valores, vol. 122 (2003), pp. 31-49. Baumeister, Roy F., Todd Heatherton, and M. T. Dianne, Losing Control: How and Why People Fail at Self-Regulation (San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1994), Baumeister, Roy F. and Todd Heatherton, “Self-Regulation Failure: An Overview,” Psychological Inquiry, vol. 7 (1996), pp. 1-5. Baumeister, Roy F. and K. L. Sommer, “Consciousness, Free Choice, and Automaticity,” in Robert S. Wyer Jr. (ed.), Advances in Social Cognition, vol. X (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1997). Baumgartner, H. M., (ed.), Prinzip Freiheit: Eine Auseinandersetzung um Chancen und Grenzen transzendentalphilosophischen Denkens (Freiburg & München: Karl Albert, 1979). Baumm, Alphons W., Die Freiheit des Menschen (Kreuzberg: O. S., 1894). Bavaud, Georges, “Les rapports de la grace et des libre arbitre: un dialogue entre Saint Bernard, Saint Thomas d’Aquin et Calvin’, Verbum Caro, vol. 14 (1960) pp. 328-38.



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Bray, Chas, The Philosophy of Necessity of the Law of Consequences (London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1841). Breazeale, Daniel, “J. G. Fichte’s Review of Leonhard Creuzer, ‘Skeptical Reflections on the Freedom of the Will, with Reference to the Latest Theories of the Same’,” Philosophical Forum, vol. 32 (2001), pp. 289-96. Bredow, Gerda von, Das Sein der Freiheit (Düsseldorf: Schwann, 1960). Breer, Paul, The Spontaneous Self: Viable Alternatives to Free Will (Cambridge, Mass.: Institute for Naturalistic Philosophy, 1989). Breggin, Peter R., The Psychology of Freedom: Liberty and Love as a Way of Life (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1980). Bréhier, Emile, Enquête sur la liberté (Paris: Hermann, 1953). Brennan, Jason, “Free Will in the Block Universe,” Philosophia, vol. 35 (2007), pp. 207-17. Brennan, Tad, “Fate and Free Will in Stoicism,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, vol. 21 (2001), pp. 259-86. Brenner, William H., “Creation, Causality, and Freedom of the Will,” in Robert L. Arrington and Mark Addis (eds.), Wittgenstein and Philosophy of Religion (London: Routledge. 2004). Bresler, Johannes, Die Willensfreiheit in moderner theologischer, psychiatrischer und juristischer Beleuchtung (Halle a. S.: Marhold, 1908). Breteau, Jean-Louis, “‘Un grand espace pour la liberté’: Le dilemme du libre arbitre dans la pensée de Ralph Cudworth,” Archives de Philosophie, vol. 58 (1995), pp. 421-41. Brett, Nathan, “Doubt and Descartes’ Will,” Dialogue, vol. 19 (1980), pp. 18395. Brett, Peter, An Inquiry into Criminal Guilt (Sydney: Law Book Co. of Australasia, 1963). Bricklin, Jonathan, “A Variety of Religious Experience: William James and the Non-Reality of Free Will,” in Benjamin Libet, Anthony Freeman, and Keith Sutherland (eds.), The Volitional Brain: Towards a Neuroscience of Free Will (Thorverton: Imprint Academic, 1999). Bridgman, Percy W., Reflections of a Physicist (New York: Philosophical Library, 1955). Bridgman, Percy W., “Determinism in Modern Science,” in Sidney Hook (ed.), Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958), pp. 43-62.



Bridgman, Percy W., “Determinism and Punishment,” in Sidney Hook (ed.), Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958), pp. 143-44. Briton, Henry Jacob, Tractatus De libero hominis arbitrio, et versus nonnullos modernos qui illud tollere nituntur [Rome, 1531]. Broad, Charlie Dunbar, The Mind and its Place in Nature (London: Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1925). Broad, Charlie Dunbar, Five Types of Ethical Theory (London: Trubner, 1930). Broad, Charlie Dunbar, Ethics and the History of Philosophy (London: Routledge & K. Paul, 1952). Includes his “Determinism, Indeterminism, and Libertarianism”, pp. 195-217. Broad, Charlie Dunbar, A. S. Eddington, R. B. Braithwaite, Symposium: “Indeterminacy and Indeterminism,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 10 (1931), pp. 135-96. Broadie, Sarah, “On What Would Have Happened Otherwise: A Problem for Determinism,” The Review of Metaphysics, vol. 39 (1986), pp. 433-54. Broadie, Sarah, “Necessity and Deliberation: An Argument from De Interpretatione 9,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 17 (1987), pp. 289306. Broadie, Sarah, Ethics with Aristotle (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991). Bronaugh, R. N., “Freedom as the Absence of an Excuse,” Ethics, vol. 74 (1964), pp. 161-73. Bronaugh, R. N., “The Logic of Ability Judgments,” Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 18 (1968), pp. 122-30. Broncano, Fernando, “Diseños técnicos y capacidades prácticas: Una perspectiva modal en filosofía de la tecnología,” Eidos, vol. 6 (2007), pp. 78121. Bronzo, Silver, “Libero arbitrio e retributività,” Rivista di Filosofia, vol. 97 (2006), pp. 59-81. Brothers, Leslie, Mistaken Identity: The Mind-Brain Problem Reconsidered (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2001). Brower, M. C. and B. H. Price, “Neuropsychiatry of Frontal Lobe Dysfunction in Violent and Criminal Behaviour: A Critical Review,” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, vol. 71 (2001), pp. 720-26. Brown, Donald George, Action (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1968).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Bunderius, Johannes, Compendium concertationis hujus seculi sapientium ac theologorum super erroribus moderni temporis (Paris, 1546). Contains his tract De gratia et libero arbitrio. Bundick, T. Jr., and M. Spinella, “Subjective Experience, Involuntary Movement, and Posterior Alien Hand Syndrome,” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, vol. 68 (2000), pp. 83-85. Bunge, Mario, Causality: The Place of the Causal Principle in Modern Science (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959). _ Bunge, Mario, “Emergence and the Mind,” Neuroscience, vol. 2 (1977), pp. 501-09. Bunge, Mario, Ontology 2: A World of Systems (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1979). Bunge, Mario, The Mind-Body Problem: A Psychobiological Approach (Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press, 1980). Bunzl, Martin, “Causal Overdetermination,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 76 (1979), pp. 134-50. Burge, Tyler and Christopher Peacocke, “Our Entitlement to Self-Knowledge,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 96 (1995), pp 255-68. Burkholder, L., “The Determinist Principle as Synthetic and a Priori,” Kinesis, vol. 54 (1971), pp. 54-57. Burkill, T. A., “Modes of Causality,” Philosophy, vol. 16 (1941), pp. 185-97. Burks, Arthur W., “Laws of Nature and Reasonableness of Regret,” Mind, vol. 55 (1946), pp. 170-72. Burms, Arnold, “(Niet) Anders Kunnen Handelen,” Tijdschfrift, vol. 35 (1973), pp. 3-26. Burms, Arnold and H. DeDijn, “Freedom and Logical Contingency in Leibniz,” Studia Leibnitiana, vol. 11 (1979), pp. 124-33. Burns, Jean E., “Volition and Physical Laws,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 6 (1999), pp. 27-47. Burrington, Dale, “Blameworthiness,” Journal of Philosophical Research, vol. 24 (1999), pp. 505-27. Burton, Robert G., “Choice,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 42 (1982), pp. 581-86. Buser, P. A. and A. Rougel-Buser (eds.), Cerbral Correlates of Conscious Experience (Amsterdam: North Holland, 1978).



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Calkins, M. W., “Fact and Interference in Raymond Wheeler’s Doctrine of Will and Self-activity,” Phychological Review, vol. 28 (1921), pp. 35673. Callot, Emile, “Au cœur de la moralité: La liberté chez Kant,” in his Questions de doctrine et d’histoire de la philosophie (Gardet: Annecy, 1959), pp. 220-33. Callot, Emile, Propos sur Jules Léquier, philosophe de la liberté. Réflexions sur sa vie et sur sa pensée (Paris: Editions Marcel Riviere, 1962). Calvin, Jean, Institutes of the Christian Religion (London: Reinolde Wolfe & Richarde Harison, 1561). [See especially Book III.] Calvin, Jean, Defensio sanae et orthodoxae doctrinae de servitutu & liberatione humani arbitrii, adversus calumnias Alberti Pighii Campensis (Geneva: Ioannem Gerardum, 1543). Calvin, John, “Articles Concerning Predestination,” in Willard F. Enterman (ed.), The Problem of Free Will (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967), pp. 86-87. Calvin, John, “Man has Now Been Deprived of Freedom and Bound Over to Miserable Servitude,” in Willard F. Enterman (ed.), The Problem of Free Will (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967), pp. 88-103. Camerario, Bartolommeo, De gratia et libero arbitrio disputatae contra Calvinum 14 aug. 1618, una cum duabus praslectionibus habitae a Jo Cameron (Paris: Mattaeus Dauidis, 1556). Cameron, John, Theses de gratia et libero arbitrio disputatae Aug. 14. 1618 (Salmurii: Portaeus, 1618). Cameron, John, Defensio Johannis Cameronis, opposita libello, cui titulus est: “Epistola viri docti ad amicum”: in qua expenditur sententia John Cameronis de gratia et libero arbitrio (Salmurii: Apud Claud. Girardum & Dan. Lerpinerium, 1624). Cameron, John and Daniel Tilenus, Amica collatio de gratiae et voluntatis humanae concursu invocatione & quibusdam annexis, instituta inter cl. V. Danielem Tilenum et Johannem Cameronem (Lugduni Batavorum: Mullerus, 1622). Campbell, Blair, “Deity and Human Agency in Plato’s ‘Laws’,” History of Political Thought, vol. 2 (1981), 417-46. Campbell, Charles Arthur, Scepticism and Construction (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931). Campbell, Charles Arthur, In Defence of Free Will; An Inaugural Address Delivered in the University of Glasgow on April 26th, 1938 (Glasgow: Jackson, Son & Company, 1938).



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Campbell, Nuel, Mental Causation: A Nonreductive Approach (Bern: Peter Lang, 2008). Campbell, Richmond M., “Moral Justification and Freedom,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 85 (1988), pp. 192-213. Campbell, Robert, Seven Theories of Human Society (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981). Canella, Giudo, Siamo noi liberi? Il fatto della libertà del volere di fronte al poitivismo deterministico e alla filosofia neoscolastica (Verona: Gurisotti, 1911). Canale, Canova, “La libertad del espíritu en la filosofía de Hegel como fundamento de una nueva pedagogía,” Anales del Instituto de Investigación Pedagógicas, vol. 2 (1952-53), pp. 175-99. Canfield, John V., “Determinism, Free Will and the Ace Predictor,” Mind, vol. 70 (1961), pp. 412-16. Canfield, John V., “The Compatibility of Free Will and Determinism,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 71 (1962), pp. 352-68. Canfield, John V., “Knowing about Future Decisions,” Analysis, vol. 22 (1962), pp 127-29. Canfield, John V., “Free Will and Determinism: A Reply,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 72 (1963), pp. 502-04. Canton, Hiram, “Will and Reason in Descartes’ Theory of Error,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 72 (1975), pp. 87-104. Capek, Milic, “The Doctrine of Necessity Re-Examined,” Review of Metaphysics, vol. 5 (1951) pp. 11-54. Capek, Milic, “Freedom and Causality,” Religious Humanism, vol. 4 (1970), pp 70-72. Capello, Giulia, La libertà di scelta e la libertà assoluta in Hegel e in S. Tommaso (Palermo: Travi, 1939). Cappellus, Jacobus, Theses theologicae de libero arbitrio [Sedan. 1620]. Capizzi, Antonio, La difesa del libero arbitrio da Erasmo a Kant (Firenze: La Nuova Italia, 1963). Capone-Braga, Gaetano, La concezione Agostiniana della libertà (Padova: A. Draghi, 1931). Cappelletti, A. J., “La filosofi como axiología y le libertad come fuente de los valores en el pensamiento de Alejandro Korn,” in Alejandro Korn: Homenaje en el centenario de su nacimiento (Rosario, Universidad Na-



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Double, Richard, “Metaethics, Metaphilosophy, and Free Will Subjectivism,” in Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook on Free Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 506-28 Double, Richard, “The Ethical Advantages of Free Will Subjectivism,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 69 (2004), pp. 411-22. Downame, George, The Christian’s Freedom Wherein is Fully Expressed the Doctrine of Christian Libertie (Oxford: Leonard Lichfield for William Webb, 1635). Downes, Charles, “Can a Determinist Deliberate?” Mind, vol. 78 (1969), pp. 588-90. Downie, R. S. and Elizabeth Telfer, Respect for Persons (New York: Schocken Books, 1969). Drange, Theodore M., “Reply to Critics,” Philo, vol. 8 (2005), pp. 169-82. Drascek, Matej, and Stane Maticic, “What Managers Could See in the Philosophical Block of ‘Free Will’?” Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 81 (2008), pp. 1-14 Dray, William H., Laws and Explanation in History (London: Oxford University Press, 1957). Dreher, Eduard, Die Willensfreiheit: Ein zentrales Problem mit vielen Seiten (München: C. H. Beck, 1987). Dretske, Fred, Explaining Behavior: Reasons in a World of Causes (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1988). Dretske, Fred, “Fred Dretske,” in Samuel Guttenplan (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind (Oxford: Blackwell, 1994). Dretske, Fred, “Mental Events as Structuring Causes of Behaviour,” in John Heil and Alfred Mele (eds.), Mental Causation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993). Drews, Friedemannm, Menschliche Willensfreiheit und göttliche Vorsehung bei Augustinus, Proklos, Apuleius und John Milton (Frankfurt: Ontos, 2009). Dreyfus, Genette, La volonté selon Malebranche (Paris: J. Vrin, 1958). Dreyfus, Genette, “Les différents aspects de la liberté humaine chez Malebranche,” Revue de métaphysique et de morale, vol. 51 (1946), pp. 14265 and 239-58. Dreyfus, Hubert L., What Computers Can’t Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason (New York: Harper & Row, 1972).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Driedo, Joannes, De gratia et libero arbitrio (Louvain, Rutgeri Rescii, 1537). Driedo, Joannes, De concordia liberi arbitrii et praedestinationis Divinae (Lovain, Granius, 1566). Driesch, Hans, Das Problem der Freiheit (Berlin: O. Reichl Verlag, 1917). Driesch, Hans, “Logik und Metaphysik des Freiheitsproblems,” Der Leuchter, vol. 7 (1926), pp. 23-24. Drobisch, Moritz Wilhelm, Die moralische Statistik und die menschliche Willensfreiheit (Leipzig: L. Voss, 1867). Droege, T., “Zur Krise der Kausal-Kontroverse,” Divus Thomas, vol. 8 (1931), pp. 363-97. Drummond, Robert Blackley, Freewill in Relation to Statistics, a lecture containing some suggestions in way of reply to certain objections advanced to the doctrine of free will, by Mr. Buckle, in his ‘History of civilization in England’ : delivered in St. Mark’s Chapel, Edinburgh, Sunday, January 15, 1860 (London: Edward T. Whitfield, 1860). DuBois, Reymond Emil, Die Sieben Welträtsel (Bonn, 1880), tr. by E. H. P.A. Haeckel and J. McCabe as The Riddles of the Universe (New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1900). Ducasse, Curt John, Causation and the Types of Necessity (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1924). Ducasse, Curt John, “Explanation, Mechanism, and Teleology,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 22 (1925), pp. 150-55. Ducasse, Curt John, Nature, Mind, and Death (La Salle, Ill: Open Court, 1951). Ducasse, Curt John, “Preperception and Freedom,” in Paul Edwards and Arthur Pap, (eds.), A Modern Introduction to Philosophy (New York: Free Press, 1957; 2nd ed. 1965), pp. 357-62. Ducasse, Curt John, “Determinism, Freedom, and Responsibility,” in Sidney Hook (ed.) Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958), pp. 147-56. Ducasse, Curt John, Truth, Knowledge and Causation (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968). Duff, Antony, Intention, Agency, and Criminal Liability: Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law (Oxford: Blackwell, 1990). Dugas, L. “Jules Léquier Analyse de l’acte libre,” Revue de métaphysique et de morale, vol. 29 (1922), pp. 296-310.



Duggan, Timothy and Bernard Gert, “Voluntary Abilities,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 4 (1967), pp. 127-35. Duggan, Timothy, and Bernard Gert, “Free Will and the Ability to Will,” Noûs, vol. 13 (1979), pp. 197-217. Duhamel, Joseph S., “Moral and Psychological Aspect of Freedom,” Thought, vol. 35 (1960), pp. 179-203. Düker, Heinrich, Über das Gesetz der speziellen Determination. Ein experimenteller Beitrag zur Lehre vom Willen (Göttingen: Calvör, 1925). Düker, Heinrich, Untersuchungen über die Ausbildung des Wollens (Bern: H. Huber, 1975). Düker, Heinrich, Über unterschwelliges Wollen: Experimentelle Beiträge zur Theorie der Handlung (Göttingen: Verlag für Psychologie, C. J. Hogrefe, 1983). Dulaney, Don Edwin, Contributions to Modern Psychology (New York: Oxford University Press, 1958) Duncalf, John, Fatalism Exposed and the Freedom of the Will Demonstrated, 8 vols. (London, 1814). Duncan-Jones, A. E., “Freedom: An Illustrative Puzzle,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 39 (1938-39), pp. 99-120. Duncker, Karl, “On Pleasure, Emotion, and Striving,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 1 (1941), pp. 391-430. Dunkmann, Karl, Das Problem der Freiheit in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie und das Postulat der Theologie (Aurich: A. H. F. Dunkmann, 1899). Dunn, Robert, The Possibility of Weakness of Will (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987). Duportal, Marguerite, De la volenté (Paris: Librairie P. Lethielleux, 1926). Dupré, John, The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993). Dupré, John, “The Solution to the Problem of the Freedom of the Will,” Philosophical Perspective, vol. 10 (1996), pp. 385-402. Dupré, John, “You Must have Thought this Book was about You: Reply to Daniel Dennett,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 70 (2005), pp. 691-95. Dupuy, Paul, Du libre arbitre (Paris: Bordeaux priuteil, 1870). Durkheim, Émile, Le suicide: Étude de sociologie (Paris: F. Alcan, 1897).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Duus-Otterström, Göran, “Betting Against Hard Determinism.” Res Publica: A Journal of Legal and Social Philosophy, vol. 14 (2008), pp. 219-35. Duvivier, J., Le déterminisme et la liberté d’après Henry de Boulainviller (Garches: Nouvel Humanisme, 1947). Dworkin, Gerald, “Compulsion and Moral Concepts,” Ethics, vol. 78 (1968), pp. 227-33. Dworkin, Gerald, “Acting Freely,” Noûs, vol. 4 (1970), pp. 367-83. Dworkin, Gerald, (ed.) Determinism, Free Will, and Moral Responsibility (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1970). [Contains papers by Hume, Peirce, Nagel, Reid, Campbell, De Valla, Ginet, Moore, Thomas, Broad, Lehrer, Smart.] Dworkin, Gerald, “Autonomy and Behavior Control,” Hastings Center Report, vol. 6 (1976), pp. 23-28. Dworkin, Gerald, “Is More Choice Better than Less?” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. 7 (1982), pp. 47-61. Dworkin, Gerald, “Review of Dennett, Elbow Room,” Ethics, vol. 96 (1986), pp. 423-25. Dworkin, Gerald, The Theory and Practice of Autonomy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988). Dwyer, William, “The Contradiction of ‘The Contradiction of Determinism’,” The Personalist, vol. 53 (1972), pp. 94-101. Dyde, S. W. “Hegel’s Conception of Freedom,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 3 (1894), pp. 655-71. Dyer, Michael G., “Quantum Physics and Consciousness, Creativity, Computers: A Commentary on Goswami’s Quantum- Based Theory of Consciousness and Free Will,” Journal of Mind and Behavior, vol. 15 (1994), pp. 265-90. Earman, John, “LaPlacian Determinism, or Is This Any Way to Run a Universe?” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 68 (1971), pp. 729-44. Earman, John, A Primer on Determinism (Dordretch/Boston: D. Reidel, 1986). Earman, John, and Arthur Fine, “Against Indeterminacy,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 74 (1977), pp. 535-38. Earman, John, “How Determinism Can Fail in Classical Physics and How Quantum Physics Can (Sometimes) Provide a Cure,” Philosophy of Science, vol. 75 (2008), pp. 817-29.



Easterbrook, James A. and Pamela J. Easterbrook, The Determinants Of Free Will: A Psychological Analysis Of Responsible, Adjustive Behavior (New York: Academic Press, 1978). Ebeling, Hans, Selbsterhaltung und Selbstbewusstsein: Zur Analytik von Freiheit und Tod (Freiburg im Breisgau & München: Alber, 1979). Eberlin, Augustus Christianus, De gratia divina liberum arbitrium efficiente (Heidelberg: Caroli Groos, Bibliopolae Academiae, 1833). Ebersole, F. B., “Free Choice and the Demands of Morals,” Mind, vol. 61 (1952), pp. 234-57. Eberstein, Carolus Christianus and Andrea Birg Carlberg, Dissertatio philosophica de libertate animi ex principiis Kantianis, Fichtianis et Schellingianis (Lund: Berlingiana, 1821). Ebert, Theodor, “Die Stoa—Determinimus und Verantworlichkeit,” in Ansgar Beckermann and Dominik Perler,” Klassiker der Philosophie heute (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2004). Eccles, John C., The Neurophysiological Basis of Mind (Oxford: Clarendon, 1953). Eccles, John C., Facing Reality: Philosophical Adventures by a Brain Scientist (New York: Springer Verlag, 1970). Eccles, John C., “Science and Freedom,” The Humanist, vol. 31 (1972), pp. 1518. Eccles, John C., “Brain and Free Will,” in Gordon G. Globus, Grover Maxwell, Irwin Savodnik, and Edmond M. Dewan, Consciousness and the Brain: a Scientific and Philosophical Inquiry (New York: Plenum Press, 1976). Eccles, John C., The Human Psyche (New York: Springer, 1980). Eccles, John C., How the Self Controls its Brain (Berlin: Springer, 1994). Eccles, John C., and Karl Raimund Popper, The Self and Its Brain (New York: Springer, 1977). Eddington, Arthur Stanley, The Nature of the Physical World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1928). Eddington, Arthur Stanley, “Indeterminacy and Indeterminism,” Aristotelian Society Proceedings, vol. 10 (1931), pp. 135-96. Eddington, Arthur Stanley, “The Decline of Determinism,” Mathematical Dazette, May (1932). Eddington, Arthur Stanley, New Pathways in Science (Cambridge: University Press, 1935).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Eddington, Arthur Stanley, The Philosophy of Physical Science (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1958). Eddowes, Ralph, “On the Supposed Inability of Man to do Anything toward his Own Salvation,” in his A Collection of Pieces and Tracts Illustrative of the Faith of those Christians who hold the Principles of the Unity of God, and the Salvation of Sinners by His Free Grace in the Gospel (Philadelphia: Thomas Dobson, 1810), pp. 281-83. Edel, Abraham, Science and the Structure of Ethics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961). Edelman, Gerald M. and Giulio Tomoni, A Universe of Consciousness: How Matter Becomes Imagination (New York: Basic Books, 2000). Edmunts, Dian, “Aspekte des Begriffs Freiheit bei Friedrich Nietzsche,” in Hans-Martin Gerlach, Ralf Eichberg, and Hermann Josef Schmidt (eds.), Nietzscheforschung: Ein Jahrbuch (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1994). Edwards, Jonathan, A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections (Boston: Kneeland and T. Green, 1746). Edwards, Jonathan, A Careful and Strict Enquiry into the Modern Prevailing Notions of that Freedom of Will Which is Supposed to be Essential to Moral Agency, Virtue and Vice, Reward and Punishment, Praise and Blame (Boston S. Kneeland, 1754); ed. by Paul Ramsey as Freedom of the Will (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1957). Also reprinted in Willard F. Enterman (ed.), The Problem of Free Will (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967), pp. 111-163. Edwards, Jonathan, Two Dissertations, I. Concerning the End for Which God Created the World. II. The Nature of True Virtue (Boston: S. Kneeland, 1765). Edwards, Jonathan, Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity (Worcester, Mass.: Leonard Worcester, 1797). Edwards, Jonathan, The Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards from his Private Notebooks, ed. by Harvey G. Townsend (Eugene: University of Oregon Press, 1955). Edwards, Paul, “Hard and Soft Determinism,” in Sidney Hook (ed.) Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958), pp. 104-12. Edwards, Paul and Arthur Pap, (eds.), A Modern Introduction to Philosophy (New York: Free Press, 1957; 2nd ed. 1965). Edwards, Rem Blanchard, “Is Choice Determined by the ‘Strongest Motive’?” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 4 (1967), pp. 72-78.



Edwards, Rem Blanchard, Freedom Responsibility, and Obligation (The Hague, Nijhoff, 1970). Eells, Ellery, Rational Decision and Causality (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982). Eells, Ellery, Probabilistic Causality (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991). Efimov, V. T., “Moral Principles, Freedom, and the Work Activity of the Individual,” Soviet Studies in Philosophy, vol. 17 (1978-79), pp. 25-43. Egea i Ger, Marc, “Ramon Llull y el libre albedrío,” Veritas, vol. 47 (2002), pp. 287-94. Egidi, Rosaria, “G. H. von Wright on Self-Determination and Free Agency,” Acta Philosophica Fennica, vol. 77, (2005), pp. 105-14. Ehmann, R. R., “Die Kausalität und das Handeln,” Ratio, vol. 9 (1967), pp. 130-42. Ehmsen, O., “Die Idee der Freiheit bei Luther und Schiller,” Volkschule der Langensalza, vol. 28 (1932), pp. 671-74. Ehrlich, Walter, Der Freiheitsbegriff bei Kant und Schopenhauer (Berlin: H. Streisand, 1920). Eichler, Willi, “Das Schicksal der Freiheit im Kommunismus,” Geist und Tat, vol. 22 (1967), pp. 193-210. Eickelschute, Dietmar, “Aspekte der Freiheit in den Frühschriften von Karl Marx,” Freiberger Zeitschrift Philosophie und Theologie, vol. 13 (1967), pp. 47-92. Eigen, Manfred and Ruthid Winkler, Laws of the Game: How the Principles of Nature Govern Chance (New York: Knopf, 1981; revised ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993). Einstein, Albert, “About Free Will,” in The Golden Book of Tagore, ed. Ramananda Chatterjerr (Calcutta: Golden Book Committee, 1931), pp. 7784. Einstein, Albert, “Freedom and Science,” in Ruth Nanda Anshen (ed.), Freedom: Its Meaning (New York: Harcourt Brace and Co., 1940), pp. 38183. Einstein, Albert, Out of My Later Years (New York: Philosophcial Library, 1950). Ekstrom, Laura Wadell, “Freedom, Causation and the Consequence Argument,” Synthese, vol. 115 (1998), pp. 333-54.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Ekstrom, Laura Wadell, “Protecting Incompatibilist Free Action,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 35 (1998), pp. 281-91. Ekstrom, Laura Wadell, Free Will: A Philosophical Study (Boulder, CO, Westview Press, 2000). See especially “Indeterminist Free Action,” pp. 13857. Ekstrom, Laura Wadell (ed.), Agency and Responsibility: Essays on the Metaphysics of Freedom (Boulder, Colo: Westview, 2001). [Contains papers by van Inwagen, Lewis, Fischer, Anscombe, Frankfurt, Watson, Bratman, Chisholm, Ekstrom, Kane, P. F. Strawson, Wolf, Widerker, Mele and Robb.] Ekstrom, Laura Wadell, “Libertarianism and Frankfurt-style Cases,” in R. Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook on Free Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 309-22. Ekstrom, Laura Wadell, “Free Will, Chance, and Mystery,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 113 (2003), pp. 153-80. Elbert, Thomas, Der Freiheitsbegriff in Hegels Logik (München: W. Blasaditsch, 1969.) Elgstroem, Albin, Hermann Lotzes uppfattning af människans valfrihet (Lund: Gleerupska Univ-Bokh, 1892). Ellis, Ralph D., “Agent Causation, Chance, and Determinism,” Philosophical Inquiry, vol. 5 (1983), pp. 29-42. Ellis, Ralph D., “Ethical Consequences of Recent Work on Incompatibilism,” Philosophical Inquiry, vol. 13 (1991), pp. 22-42. Ellis, Ralph D., “The Role of Imagery and Meta-Emotion in Deliberate Choice and Moral Psychology,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 12 (2005), pp. 140-57. Ellul, Jacques, Éthique de la liberté (Genèva: Éditions Labor et Fides, 1973). Elsner, Richard, Friedrich Schiller als Kunder menschlicher Freiheit (Reutlinger: Oerter Sporer, 1950). Elster, Jon, The Multiple Self (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986). Enc, Berent, “Nondeducible Supervenient Causation,” in Elias E. Savellos and Ümit D. Yalcin (eds.), Supervenience: New Essays (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). Engelhardt, P., “Intentio,” in in Joachim Ritter, Karlfried Gründer (eds.), Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie (Basel: Verlag Schwabe & Co. 1980).



Engles, Friedrich, Anti-Dühring: Herr Eugen Dühring’s revolution in science (Moscow: Foreign Languages Pubishing House, 1962). Engisch, Karl, “Enquête sur la liberté,” Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (Paris: U.N.E.S.C.O. 1953). Engisch, Karl, Die Lehre von der Willensfreiheit in der strafrechtsphilosophischen Doktrin der Gegenwart (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1963). Engisch, Karl, “Willensfreiheit und Strafrecht,” Universitas, vol. 19 (1964), pp. 493-503. Engstler, Achim, “Aktuelle Themen und Positionen deutschsprächiger Religionsphilosophie,” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, vol. 46 (1992), pp. 278-94. Enteman, Willard F., “Microphysics and Free Will,” in his The Problem of Free Will: Selected Readings (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967), pp. 281-99. Ephraim, Fritz, Untersuchungen ueber den Freiheitsbegriff Hegels in seinen Jugentarbeiten (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1928). Epictetus, Encheiridion (1519). Episcopius, Simon, Opera theologica (Amsterdam: ex typographeio Joan. Blaeu, 1650). Contains “Examen sententiae Joannis Cameronis de Gratia Dei et libero hominis arbitrio,” pp. 210-88. Erasmus Desiderius, De libero arbitrio diatribe, sive collatio [1525]. Erasmus Desiderius, Hyperaspistes diatribae adversus Servum arbitrium Martini Lutheri (Basel: Iohames Frob., 1526). See also Erasmus, Desiderius and Martin Luther, Erasmus-Luther Discourse on Free Will (New York: Ungar, 1961). Erikstein, Einar, Luthers Prädestinationslehre geschichtlich dargestellt bis einschliesslich in Martin Luther, De servo arbitrio (Wittemberg: John Luffit, 1525). Erismann, Theodore, Denken, Wollem, Sein (Wien: A. Sexl, 1950). Erpenbeck, John, Wollen und Werden: Ein psychologisch-philosophischer Essay über Willensfreiheit, Freiheitswillen und Selbstorganisation (Konstanz: Universitätsverlag, 1993). Ertel, Hans, Kausalität, Teleologie und Willensfreiheit als Problemkomplex der Naturphilosophie (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1954). Ertl, Wolfgang, “Schöpfung und Freiheit: Ein kosmologischer Schlüssel zu Kants Kompatibilismus,” in Norbert Fischer and Emmanuel Lévinas,


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Kants Metaphysik und Religionsphilosophie (Hamburg: Felix Meiner. 2004). Esfeld, Michael, “Is Quantum Indeterminism Relevant to Free Will?” Philosophia Naturalis, vol. 37 (2000), pp. 177-87. Eshelman, Andrew, “Alternative Possibilities and the Free Will Defence,” Religious Studies, vol. 33 (1997), pp. 267-86. Esmail, K. H. A., “Plantinga’s Defence of the Free Will Defence in Chapter Nine of ‘the Nature of Necessity’,” Sophia, vol. 41 (2002), pp. 19-29. Espinoza, Miguel, “La reducción de lo posible: René Thom y el determinismo causal,” Theoria, vol. 22 (2007), pp. 233-51. Esposito, Costantino, Libertà dell’uomo e necessità dell’essere: Heidegger interpreta Schelling (Bari: Ecumenica Editrice, 1988). Esselborn, Friedrich Wilhelm, Die philosophischen Voraussetzungen von Schleiermacher’s Determinismus (Ludwigshafen: J. G. Biller, 1897). Eterovich, Francis H., Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics: Commentary and Analysis (Washington DC: University Press of America, 1981). Eucken, Rudolf, Geistige Strömungen der Gegenwart: Die Grumdbegriffe der Gegenwart (Leipzig, Veit & Comp, 1904). Evans, D. A., and P. T. Landsberg, “Free Will in a Mechanistic Universe: An Extension,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 23 (1972), pp. 336-43. Evans, J. L., “Choice,” Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 5 (1955), pp. 303-15. Evans, J. N., “Lafollette on Plantinga’s Free Will Defense,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 14 (1983), pp. 117-21. Evard, Alphonse, Étude sur les variations del dogme de predestination et du libre arbitre dans la théologie de Mélanchton (Laval: Lavalloise, 1901). Eveleigh, John, “The Free Will of Man, and the Similarity of the Objections Urged against it,” in vol. 2 of his Eight Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford, in the Year MDCCXCII, at the Lecture Founded by the Late Rev. John Bampton, 8 vols. (Oxford: J. Cooke, 1792). Evellin, François Jean Marie Auguste, “La raison et les antinomies. II Antinomie: spointanéité et liberté,” Revue de métaphysique et de morale, vol. 13 (1905), pp. 75-113. Evellin, François Jean Marie Auguste, La raison pure et les antinomies: Essai critique sur la philosophie kantienne (Paris: F. Alcan, 1907).



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Hampshire, Stuart, “Self-Knowledge and the Will,” Revue Internationale de philosophie, vol. 7 (1953), pp. 235-45. Hampshire, Stuart, “Spinoza and the Idea of Freedom,” Proceedings of the British Academy, (1960), pp. 195-215. Hampshire, Stuart, Freedom of the Individual (New York: Harper & Row, 1965), reprinted in P. F. Strawson and Gilbert Ryle (ed.), Studies in the Philosophy of Thought and Action: British Academy Lectures (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968), pp. 48-70. Hampshire, Stuart, Freedom of Mind (Lawrence, Kan.: Department of Philosophy, University of Kansas, 1965), included in Freedom of Mind: and Other Essays (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971; and also reprinted Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995). Hands, Joseph, Will-ability; or, Mind and its Varied Conditions and Capacities. A dissertation and Explanation of the Mystery of Will-ability, Mindenergy, or Mental Volition, as Exercised in Controlling Ourselves, or the Thoughts, Feelings, and acts of Others; Exemplified, Especially as to the Latter Capabilities, by the Faculty of Electro-biology, or Animal Magnetism, and the Influence of Fascination. : Illustrated by facts. Also Observations on the Consequences Effected in us Through the Quality or Dominion of Faith and Belief, or Self-will Operation, as Influenced by the Phrenological Organ of Hope, and called into Active Being, through the Agency of Education and Persuasion, and other Means, as Charms, Spells, and Amulets, to which are Added Essays on Free-will and Fate, Destiny, and Inevitable Necessity (London: J. Burns, 1875). Handy, Rollo, “Determinism, Responsibility and the Social Setting,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 20 (1960), pp. 469-76. Hangestus, Hieronyimus, De libero arbitrio in Lutherum (Paris: J. Parvus, 1515 and reprinted in 1527). Hanly C. M. I., “Phenomenology, Consciousness and Freedom,” Dialogue, vol. 5 (1966), pp. 323-45. Hanley, Richard, “Never the Twain Shall Meet: Reflection on the Very First Matrix,” in Christopher Grau, Philosophers Explore The Matrix (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005). Hannaford, Robert V., “Who’s in Control Here?” Philosophy, vol. 51 (1976), pp. 421-30. Hannay, Alastair, “Freedom and Plastic Control,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 2 (1972), pp. 277-96. Hans, Wilhelm, Schicksal und Wille: Ein Versuch über Henrich Ibsens Weltanschauung (München: Beck, 1906).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Hanson, David J., “Science, Determinism, and Free Will,” Journal of Social Research, vol. 13 (1970), pp. 49-54. Hanson, Valdemar, “L’idée de la liberté chez Kierkegaard et Renouvier,” International Congress of Philosophy, (1949), pp. 1191-94. Harbecke, Jens, Mental Causation: Investigating the Mind’s Powers in a Natural World (Heusenstamm bei Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2008). Harcum, E. Rae, “Behavioral Paradigm for a Psychological Resolution of the Free Will Issue,” Journal of Mind and Behavior, (1991), pp. 93-114. Hardie, W. F. R., “My Own Free Will,” Philosophy, vol. 32 (1957), pp. 21-38. Hardie, W. F. R., “Aristotle and the Freewill Problem,” The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, vol. 43 (1968), pp. 274-78. Hardie, W. F. R., “Willing and Acting,” The Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 21 (1971), pp. 193-206. Harding, Arthur L. and James Street Fulton, Responsibility in Law and in Morals (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1960). Harding, Gregory, “Free Will and Determinism: Why Compatibilism is False,” Erkenntnis, vol. 47 (1997), pp. 311-49. Hare, Richard Merwyn, “The Freedom of the Will,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 25 (1951), pp. 201-16; reprinted (with omissions) as chap 1 of Essays on the Moral Concepts (London: Macmillan, 1951). Hare, Richard Merwyn, Freedom and Reason (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963). Hare, Richard Merwyn, Stuart Hampshire, W. G. Maclagan, “Symposium: The Freedom of the Will,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 25 (1951), pp. 161-216. Hare, Richard Merwyn, “Prediction and Moral Appraisal,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. 3 (1978), pp. 17-27. Hare, Richard Merwyn, “Wanting: Some Pitfalls,” in R. Brinkley (ed.), Agent, Action, and Reason, Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1971). Harman, Gilbert, Thought (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973). Harman, Gilbert, The Nature of Morality: An Introduction to Ethics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977). Harman, Gilbert, “Willing and Intending,” in Richard Grandy and Richard Warner (eds.), Philosophical Grounds of Rationality (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986).



Harnack, Otto, “Schillers Bekenntnis zur Willensfreiheit,” Das freie Wort, vol. 8 (1909/10), pp. 269-74. Harper, A. W. J., “St. Thomas and Free Will,” Indian Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 7 (1979), pp. 93-99. Harper, William L. and Brian Skyrms (eds.), Causation in Decision, Belief Change, and Statistics: Proceedings of the Irvine Conference of Probability and Causation (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.) Harris, James, “On Reid’s ‘Inconsistent Triad’: A Reply to McDermid,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy, vol. 11 (2003), pp. 121-27. Harris, James A., Of Liberty and Necessity: The Free Will Debate in Eighteenth-Century British Philosophy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005). Harrison, Gerald K., “Frankfurt-Style Cases and the Question Begging Charge,” Facta Philosophica, vol. 7 (2005), pp. 273-82. Harrison, Gerald K., “Frankfurt-Style Cases and Improbable Alternative Possibilities,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 130 (2006), pp. 399-406. Harrison, Gerald K., “The Case for Hyper-Libertarianism,” Kriterion, vol. 20 (2006), pp. 1-6. Harrison, Gerald K., “Libertarian Free Will and the Erosion Argument,” Polish Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1 (2007), pp. 61-75. Harrison, Gerald, “Modest Libertarianism and Clandestine Control,” Dialectica vol. 62 (2008), pp. 495-507. Harrison, Gerald K., “Frankfurt-Style Cases and the Significance of the First Impression,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 46 (2009), pp. 191-282. Harrison, Ross (ed.), Rational Action: Studies in Philosophy and Social Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979). Hart, H. L. A., “The Ascription of Reponsibility and Rights,” in Antony Flew, Essay in Logic and Language (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1951). Hart, H. L. A., “Legal Responsibility and Excuses,” in Sidney Hook (ed.) Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958), pp. 81-103. Hart, H. L. A., Causation in the Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959). Hart, H. L. A., “Negligence, Mans Rea, and Criminal Responsibility,” in Anthony G. Guest (ed.), Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Hart, H. L. A., Punishment and the Elimination of Responsibility (London: University of London, Athlone Press, 1962). Hart, H. L. A., “Acts of Will and Logical Responsibility,” in David Francis, Freedom and the Will (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1963 and London: MacMillan, 1965). Hart, H. L. A., Punishment and Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968). Hart, H. L. A., “Changing Conceptions of Responsibility,” in his Punishment and Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968). Hart, H. L. A., “Prolegomenon to the Principles of Punishment,” in his Punishment and Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968). Hart, H. L. A., “Legal Responsibility and Retribution,” in his Punishment and Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968). Hart, H. L. A, and Tony Honoré, Causation in the Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959). Hartenstein, Gustav, Die Grundbegriffe der ethischen Wissenschaften (Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1844). Hartley, David, Lithiasis Anglicana: Or, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of the Stone and Gravel in Human Bodies (London: T. Cooper, 1739). Hartely, David, Of the Truth of the Christian Religion from “Observation on Man” (London, 1749). Hartman, Fritz, Wille und Willensbildung: Eine kritische Darstellung der Theorien von Herbart bis zur Gegenwart (Halle: Buchdruckerei der Waisenhauses, 1914). Hartmann, Eduard von, Phänomenologie des sittlichen Bewusstseins. Prolegomena zu jeder künftigen Ethik (Berlin: C. Duncker, 1879). Hartmann, Eduard von, “Die Finalität in ihrem Verhältniss zur Causalität,” Philosophische Studien, vol. 18 (1903), pp. 505-13. Hartmann, Nicolai, “Die Frage der Beweisbarkeit des Kausalgesetzes,” Kantstudien, vol. 24 (1920), pp. 261-90. Hartmann, Nicolai, Ethik (Berlin und Leipzig: W. de Gruyter, 1926-1935). [See especially Volume III].



Hartmann, Nicolai, Teleologisches Denken (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1951). See Chapter 12, “Teleologie und Willensfreiheit,” pp. 119-25. Hartnack, Justin, “Free Will and Decision,” Mind, vol. 62 (1953), pp. 367-74. Hartnack, Justin, “The Language of Causality,” Dialogos, vol. 11 (1977), pp. 721. Hartshorne, Charles, “Causal Necessities: An Alternative to Hume,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 63 (1954), pp. 497-99. Hartshorne, Charles, “Freedom Requires Indeterminism and Universal Causality,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 55 (1958), pp. 793-811. Hartshorne, Charles, “Equality, Freedom, and the Insufficiency of Empiricism,” Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1 (1970), pp. 20-27. Harvey, John H., William John Ickes, and Robert F. Kidd (eds.), “Attributions of Freedom,” in their New Directions in Attribution Research, vol. 1 (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1976). Harvey, John H. and J. Jellison, “Determinants of Perceived Choice, Number Options, and Perceived Time in Making a Selection,” Memory and Cognition, vol. 2 (1974), pp. 539-44. Harvey, John H., Gifford Weary, and Ben Harris, Perspectives on Attributional Processes (Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown, 1981). Hasker, William, “The Transcendental Refutation of Determinism,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 11 (1973), pp. 175-83. Hasker, William, Metaphysics: Constructing a ‘World View’ (Downers Grove, Ill.,: InterVarsity Press, 1983). Hasker, William, “Foreknowledge and Necessity,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 2 (1985), pp. 121-57. Hasker, William, “A Refutation of Middle Knowledge,” Noûs, vol. 20 (1969), pp. 545-57. Hasker, William, God, Time, and Knowledge (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1989). Hasker, William, “Middle Knowledge: A Refutation Revisited,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 12 (1995), pp. 223-36. Hasker, William, The Emergent Self (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999). Hasker, William, “Anti-Molinism is Undefeated!” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 17 (2000), pp. 126-31.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Hasker, William, “The Problem of Evil in Process Theism and Classical Free Will Theism,” Process Studies, vol. 29 (2000), pp. 194-208. Hasker, William, “Is Free-Will Theism Religiously Inadequate? A Reply to Ciocchi,” Religious Studies, vol. 39 (2003), pp. 431-40. Hauck, Wilhelm-Albert, Vorsehung und Freiheit nach Calvin: Ein evangelisches Glaubenszeugnis (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann, 1947). Haufe, Friedrich, Der Freiheitsbegriff bei Schelling. Entwickelt an einer Interpretation der “Philosophischen Untersuchungen” über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit und der damit zu sammenhagenden Gegenstände (1809) (Leipzig: Maschinenschrift, 1925). Hausman, Carl R., “Freedom, Indeterminism, and Necessity in the Origination of Novelty,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 9 (1971), pp. 163-78. Hausman, D. B., “Compatibilism Again,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 4 (1975), pp. 509-14. Hausmann, Paul, Freiheitsproblem in der Metaphysik und Ethik bei Arnold Geulincx (Würzburg: Dissertation, 1934). Hawkins, D. J. B., “Free Will and Right Action,” The Modern Schoolman, vol. 26 (1949), pp. 279-92. Haworth, Lawrence, Autonomy (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986). Haworth, Lawrence, “Dworkin on Autonomy,” Ethics, vol. 102 (1991), pp. 129-39. Hay, W. H., “Free Will and Possibilities,” Philosophy of Science, vol. 24 (1957), pp. 207-14. Hayek, Friedrich A. von, “Freedom, Reason, and Tradition,” Ethics, vol. 68 (1958), pp. 229-45. Hayek, Friedrich A. von, The Constitution of Liberty (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960). Hazard, Rowland Gibson, Causation and Freedom in Willing; Together with Man a Creative First Cause, and Kindred Papers (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1889). Hazard, Rowland Gibson, Zwei Briefe über Verursachung und Freiheit im wollen, gerichtet an John Stuart Mill (New York: Westermann, 1875). Haworth, Lawrence, Autonomy: An Essay in Philosophical Psychology and Ethics (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986). Hebb, Donald O., The Organization of Behavior: A Neuropsychological Theory (New York: Wiley, 1949).



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Hernandez, Jill, “Divine Omniscience and Human Evil: Interpreting Leibniz without Middle Knowledge,” Philosophy and Theology, vol. 17 (2005), pp. 107-20. Herr, Vincent and John W. Stafford, “The Freedom of the Will,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, vol. 16 (1940), pp. 143-53. Herrick, C. Judson, Fatalism or Freedom: A Biologist’s Answer (New York: W.W. Norton, 1926). Hersch, Jeanne, “Un livre sur les rapports de la liberté et du temps,” Revue de métaphysique et de morale, vol. 61 (1956), pp. 370-86. Hershberger, Wayne A., “Of Course There can be an Empirical Science of Volitional Action,” American Psychologist, vol. 42, (1987), pp. 1032-33. Hershberger, Wayne A. (ed.), Volitional Action: Conation and Control (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1989). Herzen, Alessandro, Studio fifiologico sulla volonta (Milano: Presso le Società per la pupplicazione degli Annail universitali delle scienze e dell’industria, 1867). Hessen, Johannes, Das Kausalprinzip (Augsburg: B. Filser, 1928). Hessen, Sergĕi Iosifovich, Individuelle Kausalität: Studien zum transzendentalen Empirismus (Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1909). Hesslow, Germund, “Causality and Determinism,” Philosophy of Science, vol. 48 (1981), pp. 591-605. Hetherington, Stephen, “Free Will as a Sceptical Threat to Knowing,” Principia, vol. 3 (1999), pp. 139-54. Hetherington, Stephen, “Alternative Possibilities and Avoidable Moral Responsibility,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 20 (2003), pp. 229-39. Heuer, Wilhelm, Kausalität und Willensfreiheit: Untersuchungen über die Notwendigkeit der Kausalbeziehung, (Heidelberg: Carl Winter Verlag, 1924). Heuer, Wilhelm, Warum fragen die Menschen warum?: Erkenntnistheoretische Beitraäge zur Lösung des Kausalproblems (Heidelberg: Carl Winter Verlag, 1929). Heuer, Wilhelm, Vom Wesen der Kausalität: Grundfragen der Erkenntnistheorie (Heidelberg: Carl Winter Verlag, 1935). Hibbert, Christopher, The Roots of Evil: A Social History of Crime and Punishment (Boston: Little, Brown, 1963).



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Hodgson, David, “Quantum Physics, Consciousness and Free Will,” in Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 85-110. Hodgson, David, “A Plain Person’s Free Will,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 12 (2005), pp. 3-19. Hodgson, David, “Responses to Commentators,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 12 (2005), pp. 76-95. Hodgson, David, “The Knowledge Argument: A Response to Elizabeth Schier,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 15 (2008), pp. ____. Hodgson, Shadworth H., The Theory of Practice and Ethical Enquiry (London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer 1870). Hodgson, Shadworth H., “Dr. Ward on Free-Will,” Mind, vol. 5 (1880), pp. 226-53. Hodgson, Shadworth H., Free-will and Compulsory Determinism: A Dialogue (Oxford: Blackwell, 1885). Hodgson, Shadworth H., The Philosophical Relations of Neurology (London: Macmillan, 1891). Hoefer, Carl, “The Third Way on Objective Probability: A Sceptic’s Guide to Objective Chance,” Mind, vol. 116 (2007), pp. 549-96. Hoehne, Emil, Kants Pelagianismus und Nomismus; Darstellung und Kritik (Leipzig: Doerffling & Franke, 1881). Hoeppner, Joachim, “Aspekte des marxistischen Freiheitsbegriffs und ihre Auspragung beim jungen Marx,” Deutsche Zeitschraft für Philosophie, vol. 11 (1963), pp. 728-56. Hoernlé, R. F. Alfred, “Broad and Hume on Causation and Volition,” Journal of Philosophy, vol. 24 (1927), pp. 29-36. Hoernlé, R. F. Alfred, “Kant’s Theory of Freedom,” The Personalist, vol. 20 (1939), pp. 391-99. Hoernstein, Herbert, Bildsamkeit und Freiheit: Ein Grundproblem des Erziehungsdenkens bei Kant und Herbart (Düsseldorf: Schwann, 1959). Hoffman, Joshua and Gary Rosenkrantz, “On Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 36 (1980), pp. 289-96. Hoffman, Paul, “Freedom and Strength of Will: Descartes and Albritton,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 77 (1995), pp. 241-60.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Hoffman, Tobias, “The Distinction between Nature and Will in Duns Scotus,” Archives d’historie doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, vol. 66 (1999), pp. 189-224. Hoffman, Tobias, “Voluntariness, Choice, and Will in the Ethics Commentaries of Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas,” Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medieval, vol. 17 (2006), pp. 71-92. Hoffmann, Tobias, “Aquinas and Intellectual Determinism: The Test Case of Angelic Sin,” Archiv fuer Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. 89 (2007), pp. 122-56. Hoffmann, Tobias, Jörn Müller, and Matthias Perkams (eds.), Das Problem der Willensschwäche in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie (Leuven, Belgium: Peeters, 2006). [Essays on akrasia in Aristotle (Irwin), the Church Fathers (C. Schäfer), St. Anselm (B. Göbel), Bernard of Chairvaus (C. Trottmann), Abelard (J. Müller), Albert the Great (M. Tracey), Aquinas (J. Hoffman), Henry of Ghent (T. Kobusch), Duns Scotus (T. Noone), and Ochham (M. Perkans).] Hoffmann, Tobias, Jörn Müller, and Matthias Perkams (eds.), “Einleitung: Der mittelalterliche Beitrag zum Problem der Willensschwäche,” in their Das Problem der Willensschwäche in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie (Leuven, Belgium: Peeters, 2006). Hoffman, W. Michael, “An Interpretation of Kant’s Solution to the Third Antinomy,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 13 (1975), pp. 173-85. Hoffman, W. Michael, Kant’s Theory of Freedom: A Metaphysical Inquiry (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1979). Höfler, Alois, Sieben Thesen zu Professor Dr. Franz von Liszt’s Vortrag “Die strafrechtliche Zurechnungsfähigkeit” (Wien: F. Tempsky, 1897). Hofstadter, Douglas R. and Daniel Dennett, The Mind’s I: Fantasies and Reflections on Mind and Soul (New York: Basic Books, 1981). Hofstadter, Douglas R., “Who Shoves Whom Around Inside the Careenium?” Synthese, vol. 53 (1982), pp 189-218. Hogan, Robert “Moral Conduct and Moral Character: A Psychological Perspective,” Psychological Bulletin 79 (1973), pp. 217-32. D’Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, Système de la nature, ou, Des loix du monde physique et du monde moral (Londres [actually Amsterdam], 1770). Holborow, L. C., “Blame, Praise, and Credit,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 72 (1971-72), pp. 85-100. Holbrook, Clyde A., “Edwards Re-Examined,” The Review of Metaphysics, vol. 13 (1960), pp. 623-41.



Holmstrom, Ghita, “Wills, Purposes and Actions,” Acta Philosophica Fennica, vol. 38, (1985), pp. 49-62. Holmstrom, Ghita, “Free Will and Actions as a Task of Contemporary Metaphysics,” in Werner Leinfellner and Franz M. Wuketits (eds.), The Tasks of Contemporary Philosophy (Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1986). Holmstrom, Nancy, “Free Will and a Marxist Concept of Natural Wants,” Philosophical Forum, vol. 6 (1975), pp. 423-46. Holmstrom, Nancy “Firming up Soft Determinism,” The Personalist, vol. 58 (1977), pp. 39-51. Holmstrom-Hintikka, Ghita and Raimo Tuomela (eds.), Contemporary Action Theory (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997). Holt, Robert R., “Ego Autonomy Re-evaluated,” International Journal of PsychoAnalysis, vol. 46 (1965), pp. 151-67. Holt, Robert R., “On Freedom, Autonomy, and the Redirection of Psychoanalytic Theory: A Rejoinder,” International Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 6 (1967), pp. 524-36. Holton, Richard, “The Act of Choice,” Philosopher’s Imprint, vol. 6 (2006), pp. 1-15. Holz, Harald, Spekulation und Faktizität. Zum Freiheitsbegriff des mittleren und späten Schelling (Bonn: Bouvier, 1970). Holz, Harald, “Über Determinismus und Indeterminismus,” Philosophia Naturalis, vol. 16 (1977), pp. 344-62. Holzhauer, Heinz, Willensfreiheit und Strafe: Das Problem der Willensfreiheit in der Strafrechtslehre des 19. Jahrhunderts und seine Bedeutung für den Schuldenstreit (Berlin: E. Schmidt, 1970). Home, Henry (Lord Kames), Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion (Edinburgh: R. Fleming, 1751). Hommes, Jakob, Krise der Freiheit: Hegel, Marx, Heidegger (Regensburg: F. Pustet, 1958). Hommes, Ulrich, “Freiheit in einer Welt wachsender Zwänge,” in Dieter Henrich (ed.), Aspekte der Freiheit (Regensburg: Mittelbayerische Druckerei- u. Verlagsgesellschaft, 1982. Vortragsreihe den Universität Regensburg), pp. 23-40. Honderich, Theodore, Punishment: The Supposed Justifications (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1969). Honderich, Theodore, “A Conspectus of Determinism,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 44 (1970), pp. 191-216.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Honderich, Theodore (ed.), Essays on Freedom of Action (London: Routledge, 1973). [Contains papers by Warnock, Watling, Wiggins, Frankfurt, Kenny, Pears, Davidson, Dennett, Honderich.] Honderich, Theodore, “On Determinism,” in his Essays on Freedom of Action (London: Routledge, 1973). Honderich, Theodore, “Actions and Psychophysical Intimacy,” Inquiry, vol. 27 (1984), pp. 143-45. Honderich, Theodore, “Critical Notice: Will, Freedom and Power and Freewill and Responsibility: Four Lectures,” Mind, vol. 89 (1980), pp. 121-33. Honderich, Theodore, “Determinism and Politics,” in Peter A. French, T. E. Uehling, and H. K. Wettstein, Midwest Studies in Philosophy VI: The Foundations of Analytic Philosophy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981). Honderich, Theodore, “The Time of a Conscious Sensory Experience and Mind-Brain Theories,” Journal of Theoretical Biology vol. 110 (1984), pp. 115-29. Honderich, Theodore, “Mind, Brain and Time: Rejoinder to Libet,” Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 118 (1986), pp. 367-75. Honderich, Theodore, A Theory of Determinism Vol. I: Mind and Brain (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990). Honderich, Theodore, A Theory of Determinism Vol. II: The Consequences of Determinism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990). Honderich, Theodore, How Free are You? The Determinism Problem (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1993). Honderich, Theodore, “Compatibilism, Incompatibilism, and the Smart Aleck,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 56 (1996), pp. 85562. Honderich, Theodore, “Determinism as True, Compatibilism and Incompatibilism as False, and the Real Problem,” in Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 461-76. Honderich, Theodore, “Free Will,” in Julian Baggini and Jeremy Stangroom, What Philosophers Think (New York: Continuum, 2003). Honderich, Theodore and J. A. Faris, “A Conspectus of Determinism,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 44 (1970), pp. 191-216.



Honderich, Theodore, Anthony Bottoms, Jean Floud, Larry Gostin, John Gunn, Lord Edmund-Davies, Laurie Taylor, and Nigel Walker, “Symposium: Predicting Dangerousness,” Criminal Justice Ethics, vol. 2 (1983), pp. 3-17 Honoré, A. M., “Can and Can’t,” Mind, vol. 73 (1964), pp. 463-79. Honorius Augustodunensis, De Praedestinatione et libero arbitrio (Strassburg: C. W., 1471). Hooft, Gerard ‘t, “Naar een herstel van het deterministische wereldbeeld,” Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, vol. 100 (2008), pp. 313-19. Hook, Sidney, “Determinism,” Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol. 5 (1931), pp. 110-14. Hook, Sidney (ed.) Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958). [Contains papers by Blanshard, Black, Barrett, Bridgman, Munitz, Landé, Sciama, Hart, Edwards, Hospers, Beardsley, Brandt, Chisholm, Ducasse, Hempel, Hintz, Hook, Lerner, E. Nagel, Northrop, Pap, Schultz, R. Taylor, Weiss, Wilson. For Hooks own contribution see his “Necessity, Indeterminism and Sentimentalism,” see pp. 167-79.] Hook, Sidney, “Moral Freedom in a Determined World,” Commentary 25 (1958), pp. 431-43. Hook, Sidney, The Paradoxes of Freedom (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962). Hopkins, Jasper, “Augustine on Foreknowledge and Free Will,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 8 (1977), pp. 111-26. Horgan, Terence, “Lehrer on ‘Could’-Statements,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 32 (1977), pp. 403-11. Horgan, Terence, “‘Could’, Possible Worlds, and Moral Responsibility,” Sothern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 17 (1979), pp. 345-58. Horgan, Terence, “Compatibilism and the Consequence Argument,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 47 (1985), pp. 339-56. Horkheimer, Max, Um die Freiheit (Frankfurt am Main: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1962). Horkheimer, Max, “On the Concept of Freedom,” Diogenes, vol. 53 (1966), pp. 73-81. Horkheimer, Max, “Zum Begriff der Varantwortung,” in J. P. Ruppert (ed.), Freiheit und Verantwortung, in Gesellschaft und Erziehung; Festschrift für Erwin Stein (Bad Homburg: Gehlen, 1969).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Horkheimer, Max, Karl Rahner, and Carl Friedrich Weizsäcker (eds.), Über die Freiheit (Stuttgart: Kreuz-Verlag, 1965). Horn, András, Kunst und Freiheit (Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969). Hornsby, Jennifer, Actions (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980). Hornsby, Jennifer, “Bodily Movements, Actions, and Mental Epistemology,” in Peter French, Midwest Studies in Philosophy (Minneapolis: University Minnesota Press, 1986), pp. 275-86. Hornsby, Jennifer, “Agency and Causal Explanation,” in John Heil and Alfred Mele (eds.), Mental Causation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), pp. 161-88. Hornstein, Herbert, Bildsamkeit und Freiheit: Ein Grundproblem des Erziehungsdenkens bei Kant und Herbart (Düsseldorf: Schwann, 1959). Horowitz, Adolf, Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Willens: Vortrag gehalten im wissenschaftlichen Verein “Athene” zu Magdeburg (Magdeburg: Faber, 1876). Horsburgh, H. J. N., “Freedom and Real Will Theories,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 34 (1956), pp. 92-105. Horsely, Samuel, Providence and Free Agency: A Sermon Preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, April 17th, 1778, Being Good-Friday (London: T. Payne, J. Robson, and B. White, 1778). Horstmann, Hubert, “Materialistische Dialektik und Determinismus,” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. 24 (1976), pp. 972-85. Hörz, Herbert, Der dialektische Determinismus in Natur und Gesellschaft (Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1971). Hörz, Herbert, “Determinismus und Entscheidungen,” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. 20 (1972), pp. 261-83. Hörz, Herbert, “Dialektischer Determinismus und allgemeine Systemtheorie,” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. 25 (1977), pp. 656-70. Hospers, John, “Meaning and Free Will,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 10 (1950), pp. 307-30. Hospers, John, “Free Will and Psychoanalysis,” in Wilfrid Sellars and John Hospers (eds.), Readings in Ethical Theory (New York: AppletonCentury-Crofts, 1952), pp. 560-75. Reprinted in in Willard F. Enterman (ed.), The Problem of Free Will (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967), pp. 195-215 and ,” in Wilfrid Sellars and John Hospers, Readings in Ethical Theory, second edition (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970), pp. 633-45.



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Discours de métaphysique. [1684] Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, “Letter to Coste of 1707” in J. E. Erdmann Leibniz: Opera Philosophica (Berlin: G. Eichler, 1840), pp. 447-49. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Confessio philosophi, translated by Otto Saame (Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1967). Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Textes inédits, ed. by Gaston Grua, 2 Vols (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1948). Sect. V, “Liberté et optimum” contains various discussions of freedom and free will.] Leiter, Brian, “The Paradox of Fatalism and Self-Creation in Nietzsche,” in Christopher Janaway (ed.), Willing and Nothingness: Schopenhauer as Nietzsche’s Educator (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998). Leiter, Brian, “Nietzsche’s Theory of the Will,” Philosophers’ Imprint, vol. 7 (2007), pp. 1-15. Lekkas, Georgios A., “Logos et libre arbitre chez Origène,” Philosophia, vol. 27-28 (1997-1998), pp. 236-42. Lemons, John, “Evolution and Free Will: A Defense of Darwinian NonNaturalism,” Metaphilosophy, vol. 33 (2002), pp. 468-82. Lemons, John, “Kantian Freedom and the Problem of Luck,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 45 (2007), pp. 515-32. Lenin, Vladimir, Materialism and Emperio-Criticism: Critical Notes Concerning a Reactionary Philosophy (New York: International Publishers, 1927), Vincentius Lenis, Philosophiae Augustinianae de libero arbitrio vindicis, epistola prodroma gemella ad Dion. Patavium et Ant. Ricardum [1620]. Lenk, Hans, Bewusstsein als Schemainterpretation: Ein methodologischer Integrationsansatz (Paderborn: Mentis, 2004.) Lenk, Hans and Waltraud Brennenstuhl, Handlungstheorien interdisziplinär II: Handlungserklärungen und philosophiche Handlungsinterpretation (München: Fink, 1979). Lenman, James, “On the Alleged Shallowness of Compatibilism: A Critical Study of Saul Smilansky: ‘Free Will and Illusion’,” Iyyun, vol. 51, (2002), pp. 63-79. Lennon, Kathleen, Explaining Human Action (La Salle, Ill: Open Court, 1990). Lenoble, Robert, “Liberté cartésienne ou liberté sartrienne?” Cahiers de Royaumont philosophie. no.II, Descartes (Paris: Minuit, 1957), pp. 302-35


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Léon, Xavier, Fichte et son temps, Vol. 1: Etablissement et prédication de la doctrine de la liberté (Paris: A. Colin, 1954). LePage, Charles, “Augustine on the Moral Agent,” Gnosis, vol. 3 (1991), pp. 49-67. Lepore, Ernest and Brain McLaughlin (eds.), Actions and Events: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985). Lerner, Berel, “Maimonides on Free Will at the Societal Level,” Interpretation, vol. 32 (2005), pp. 115-23. Leroux, Emmanuel, “L’indeterminisme latent de Spinoza,” Revue Philosophique, vol. 2 (1924), pp. 301-08. Leroux, Georges, Plotin: Traité sur la liberté et la volonté de l’un (Paris: J. Vrin, 1990). Leroy, André, “La liberte de spontaneite chez David Hume,” Actes du IVC Congrès des Sociétés de Philosophie de langue francaise (Paris 1949), pp. 363-67. Lértora Mendoza, Celina A., “Verdad y libre arbetrío en Roberto Grosseteste,” Revista espanola de filosofia mediéval, vol. 11, (2004), pp. 119-28. Levi, Don S., “Did God Deprive Pharaoh of Free Will?” Philosophy and Literature, vol. 32 (2008), pp. 58-73. Levi, Don S., “Determinism as a Thesis about the State of the World from Moment to Moment,” Philosophy, vol. 82 (2007), pp. 399-419. Levin, Michael E., Metaphysics and the Mind-Body Problem (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979). Levin, Michael E., “Compatibilism and Special Relativity,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 104 (2007), pp. 433-63. Levin, Yakir and David Widerker, “Review of Richard Double’s Metaphilosophy and Free Will,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 107 (1998), pp. 63034. Levison, A. B., “Chisholm and ‘The Metaphysical Problem of Human Freedom’,” Philosophia, vol. 7 (1978), pp. 537-54. Levison, A. B. and Irving Thalberg, “Essential and Causal Explanation of Action,” Mind, vol. 78 (1969), pp. 91-101. Levy, Daniel, “Neural Holism and Free Will,” Philosophical Psychology, vol., 16 (2003), pp. 205-28. Levy, Ken, “The Main Problem with USC Libertarianism,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 105 (2001), pp. 107-27.



Levy, Neil, “Libet’s Impossible Demand,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 12 (2005), pp. 67-76. Levy, Neil, “Contrastive Explanations: A Dilemma for Libertarians,” Dialectica, vol. 59 (2005), pp. 51-61. Levy, Neil, “Bad Luck Once Again,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 77 (2008), pp. 749-54. Levy, Neil, “Counterfactual Intervention and Agents’ Capacities,” Journal of Philosophy, vol. 105 (2008), pp. 223-39. Levy, Neil, “Luck and History-Sensitive Compatibilism,” Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 59 (2009), pp. 237-51. Levy, Neil, and Michael McKenna, “Symposium on Free Will and Luck: Introduction,” Philosophical Explorations, vol. 10 (2007), pp. 151-52. Lewin, Kurt, “Untersuchungen zur Handlungs- un Affektpsychologie,” Psychologische Forschung, vol. 7, (1926), pp. 330-85. Lewis, C. S., Miracles: a Preliminary Study (New York: MacMillan, 1947), [On free will see Chapter III.] Lewis, C. S., “The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment” in Wilfrid Sellars and John Hospers, Readings in Ethical Theory, second edition (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970), pp. 646-50. Lewis, David K., “Are We Free to Break the Laws?” Theoria, vol. 47 (1981), pp. 113-21. Lewis, David K., Philosophical Papers, 2 vol. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986). Lewis, David K., “Evil for Freedom’s Sake?” Philosophical Papers, vol. 22 (1998), pp. 149-72. Lewis, David K., “Über um der Freiheit willen?“ in Christoph Jäger (ed.), Analytische Religionsphilosophie (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1998). Lewis, David K., “Causation as Influence,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 97 (2000), pp. 182-97. Lewis, Hywel David, “Moral Freedom in Recent Ethics,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 47 (1946), pp. 1-26. Repritned in Wilfred Sellars and John Hospers (eds.), Readings in Ethical Theory (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1952), pp. 576-96. Lewis, Hywel David, “Greek Ethics and Freedom,” Analysis, vol. 8 (1947), pp. 17-23.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Lewis, Hywel David, Morals and Revelation (London: Allen & Unwin, 1951). Lewis, Hywel David, “Guilt and Freedom,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 21 (1947). Reprinted in Wilfred Sellars and John Hospers (eds.), Readings in Ethical Theory (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1952), pp. 597-620. Lewis, Hywel David, “Legal and Moral Responsibility,” The Listener, vol. 26 (1961). Lewis, Hywel David, “The Logical Limits of Willing,” Mind, vol. 92 (1983), pp. 585-89. Lewis, Michael, “The Emergence of Consciousness and Its Role in Human Development,” in Joseph LeDoux, Jacek Debiec, and Henry Moss (eds.), The Self: From Soul to Brain (New York: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2003). Lewis, Thomas T., “The Case for Psychological Indeterminism,” Religious Humanism, vol. 17 (1983), pp. 119-27. Lewontin, R. C., Steven Rose and Leon J. Kamin, Not in Our Genes: Biology, Ideology and Human Nature (New York: Pantheon, 1984). Leys, Roger and Bob Claessens, Vues chrétiennes, et vues marxistes sur la liberté comme fondement du bonheur: Débat (Bruxelles: Cercle d’Éducation Populaire, 1962). Libet, Benjamin, “Unconscious Cerebral Initiative and the Role of Conscious Will in Voluntary Action,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 8 (1985), pp. 529-66. Libet, Benjamin, “Are the Mental Experiences of Will and Self-Control Significant for the Performance of a Voluntary Act?” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 10 (1987), pp. 783-86. Libet, Benjamin, “Conscious Subjective Experience vs. Unconscious Mental Functions,” in Rodney Cotterill (ed.), Models of Brain Function (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 68-79. Libet, Benjamin, “The Neural Time Factor in Perception, Volition and Free Wil,” Revue de métaphysique et de morale, vol. 97 (1992), pp. 255-72. Libet, Benjamin, “The Neural Time Factor in Conscious and Unconscious Mental Events,” Ciba Foundation Symposium, vol. 174, (1993), pp. 123-37. Libet, Benjamin, “A Testable Field Theory of Mind-Brain Interaction,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 119-26. Libet, Benjamin, “Neural Time Factors in Consciousness and Unconsciousness Mental Function,” in Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak, and Al-



wyn Scott (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1996), pp. 156-71. Libet, Benjamin, “Commentary on ‘Free Will in the Light of Neuropsychiatry’,” Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, vol. 3 (1996), pp. 95-96. Libet, Benjamin, “Do We Have Free Will?” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 6 (1999), pp. 47-57. Reprinted in Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 551-64. Libet, Benjamin, “Consciousness, Free Action and the Brain: Commentary of John Searle’s Article,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 8 (2001), pp. 59-65. Libet, Benjamin, “Can Conscious Experience Affect Brain Activity?” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 10 (2003), pp. 24-28. Libet, Benjamin, Mind Time: The Temporal Factor in Consciousness (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004). Libet, Benjamin, Anthony Freeman, and Keith Sutherland (eds.), The Volitional Brain: Towards a Neuroscience of Free Will (Thorverton: Imprint Academic, 1999). Libet, Benjamin, C. Gleason, E. Wright, and D. Pearl, “Preparation—or Intention to Act in Relation to Pre-Event Potentials,” Electroencephalograph and Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 56 (1983), pp. 367-72. Libet, Benjamin, C. Gleason, E. Wright, and D. Pearl, “Time of Conscious Intentions to Act in Relation to Cerebral Potential,” Brain, vol. 106 (1983), pp. 623-42. Libet, Benjamin, D. Pearl, D. Morledge, C. Gleason, Y. Hosoguchi, and N. Barbaro, “Control of the Transition from Sensory Detection to Sensory Awareness in Man by the Duration of a Thalamic Stimulus,” Brain, vol. 114 (1991), pp. 1731-57. Libet, Benjamin, E. Wright, and C. Gleason, “Readiness Potentials Preceding Unrestricted Spontaneous Pre-Planned Voluntary Acts,” Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 54 (1982), pp. 32225. Libet, Benjamin, E. Wright, B. Feinstein, and D. Pearl, “Subjective Referral for a Timing for a Conscious Sensory Experience,” Brain, vol. 102 (1979), pp. 193-224. Liddle, P. F., “Volition and Schizophrenia,” in Anthony S. David and John Cutting (eds.), The Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia (Hillsdale: L. Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1994), pp. 39-49.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Lieberman, Paul B., “Action, Belief, and Empowerment,” Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, vol. 11 (2004), pp. 119-23. Lignaria, Hermanus, De libero hominis arbitrio theses theologicae (Bern, 1622). Linden, Heinz, Freiheit und Notwendigkeit: Gedanken zum 125. Todestage Johann Gottlieb Fichtes: Über die 8. der Reden an die deutsche Nation durch J. G. Fichte: Was ein Volk sei in der höheren Bedeutung des Wortes und was Vaterlandsliebe (Leipzig: Jordan & Gramberg, 1939). Lindley, Richard, Autonomy (Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1986). Linville, Mark D., “Divine Foreknowledge and the Libertarian Conception of Freedom,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 33 (1993), pp. 165-86. Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper, “Kompatibilisme og moralsk ansvar for undladelser af handlinger,” SATS, vol. 1 (2000), pp. 49-71. Reprinted in his Deontology, Responsibility, and Equality (Copenhagen: Dept. of Media, Cognition and Communication, Univversity of Copenhagen, 2005) pp. 253-55 Lipps, Gottlob Friedrich, Das Problem der Willensfreiheit: Volkshochschulvorträge (Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1912). Liske, Michael-Thomas, Leibniz’ Freiheitslehre: Die logisch-metaphysischen Voraussetzungen von Leibniz’ Freiheitstheorie (Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1993). Liske, Michael-Thomas, “Muss man, um einen Indeterminismus zu rechtfertigen, mit Duns Scotus eine gleichzeitige Möglichkeit zum Gegenteil fordern?” Theologiie und Philosophie, vol. 78 (2003), pp. 339-67. Littman, Rachel J., “Adequate Provocation, Individual Responsibility, and the Deconstruction of Free Will,” Albany Law Review, vol. 60 (1997), pp. 1127-63. Liverziani, Filippo, “Per una fenomenologia del libero arbitrio,” Aquinas, vol. 30, (1987), pp. 125-33. Lloyd, E. M., The Freedom of the Will Stated Afresh (London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1868). Locke, Don, “Ifs and Cans Revisited,” Philosophy, vol. 37 (1962), pp. 245-56. Locke, Don, “Reasons, Wants, and Causes,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 11 (1974), pp. 169-79. Locke, Don, “Action, Movement, and Neurophysiology,” Inquiry, vol. 17 (1974), pp. 23-42.



Locke, Don, “Three Concepts of Free Action,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 49 (1975), pp. 95-125. Locke, Don, “Digging Deeper into Determinism,” Mind, vol. 89 (1980), pp. 8789. Locke, Don, “Beliefs, Desires, and Reasons for Action,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 19 (1982), pp. 241-49. Locke, John, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (London: Elizabeth Holt for Thomas Bassett, 1690). Locke, John, Two Treatises on Civil Government (printed for Awnfham Churchill at the Black Swan at Ave-Mary-Lane by Amen Corner, 1690). Lockwood, Michael, Mind, Brain, and the Quantum: The Compound ‘I’ (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989). Loew, Wilhelm, Das Grundproblem der Ethik Schleiermachers in seiner Beziehung zu Kants Ethik (Berlin: Reuther-Reichard, 1914). Loewe, Johann H., Die speculative Idee der Freiheit, ihre Widersacher, ihre praktische Verwertung (Prag: Rivnáč, 1890). Loewer, Barry, “Freedom from Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Free Will,” Philosophical Topics, vol. 24 (1996), pp. 91-112. Logan, G. D. and W. B. Cowan, “On the Ability to Inhibit Thought and Action: A Theory of an Act of Control,” Psychological Review, vol. 91 (1984), pp. 295-327. Lohmar, Achim, Moralische Verantwortlichkeit ohne Willensfreiheit (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2005). Loiret, François, Volunté el l’infini (Paris Aditione Kline, 2003). Lomasky, L. E. “Are Compatibilism and the Free Will Defense Compatible,” The Personalist, vol. 6 (1975), pp. 385-88. Lombard, Peter, Sententiae in IV libris distinctae, tr. by Ignatius Brady (Grottoferrata: Editiones Colegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras Aquas, 1971-81). (The quaestio de liberum arbitri is found in Book two, Distinction 24.) Lombardi, F., “Reflexiones sobre el concepto de libertad en Kierkegaard,” Ciencia y Fe, vol. 14 (1958), pp. 499-518. Lonergan, Bernard J. F. and J. Patout Burns, Grace and Freedom: Operative Grace in the Thought of St Thomas Aquinas (London: Darton, Longman and Todd; New York: Herder and Herder, 1971). Long, A. A. and D. N. Sedley (eds.), The Hellenistic Philosophers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Long, Douglas G., Bentham on Liberty: Jeremy Bentham’s Idea of Liberty in Relation to his Utilitarianism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977). Loofs, Friedrich Loofs, Die Willensfreiheit beim Rechtsbrecher (Halle (Saale), Karlstrasse 16: Selbstverlag der Gefängnis-Gesellschaft, 1923). Looskíí, N. O. and Natalie Duddington, Freedom of the Will (London: Williams & Norgate, 1932). Lopez, Pasquale, “La metafísica de A. Schopenhauer e el problema de la libertà,” Histórica (1952). Lopez-Farjeat, Luis Xavier, “Determinism and Free Will in Alexander of Aphordisas and the Archaic Tradition,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, vol. 81 (2007), pp. 161-78. Lorenz, Karl, Hegels Zurechnungslehre und der Begriff der objektiven Zurechnung (Leipzig: Deichert, 1927). Lorf, Dietrich, “Freiheit und Sozialismus,” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. 5 (1960), pp. 509-18. Lorkovic, Hrvoje, “Freedom in Spite of Determination?” Filosofska Istrazivanja, vol. 90 (2003), pp. 731-42. Loss, Roberto, “Free Will and the Necessity of the Present,” Analysis, vol. 69 (2009), pp. 63-69. Lössl, Josef, “Wege der Argumentation in Augustinus’ De Libero Arbitrio,” Theologie und Philosophie, vol. 70 (1995), pp. 321-54. Lottin, Odon, Psychologie et morale aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles (Gembloux: Duculot, 1957). Lotz, Johannes Baptist, Person und Freiheit: eine philosophische Untersuchung mit theologischen Ausblicken (Freiburg: Herder, 1979). Lotze, Hermann, Medicinische Psychologie oder: Physiologie der Seele (Leipzig: Weidmann, 1852). Lotze, Hermann, Grundzüge der praktischen Philosophie (Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1882, 2nd ed. 1884). Translated by George Trumbull Ladd, Outlines of Practical Philosophy (Boston: Ginn, 1885). Lotze, Hermann, Microcosmus: An Essay Concerning Man and His Relation to the World (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1885). [On freedom of the will see pp. 286-94.] Louch, A. R., Explanation and Human Action (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966).



Loughran, Thomas, “Freedom and Good in the Thomistic Tradition,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 11 (1994), pp 414-35. Lowalczyk, S., “Marksistowska e chrześcijanska koncepcja wolności,” Collectanea Theologica, vol. 42 (1972), pp. 53-70. Lowe, E. J. “The Causal Autonomy of the Mental,” Mind, vol. 102 (1993), pp. 629-44. Lowe, E. J., “Self, Agency and Mental Causation,” in Benjamin Libet, Anthony Freeman, and Keith Sutherland (eds.), The Volitional Brain: Towards a Neuroscience of Free Will (Thorverton: Imprint Academic, 1999), pp. 225-40. Lowe, E. J., An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). Lowe, E. J., “Event Causation and Agent Causation,” Grazer Philosophische Studien, vol. 61, (2001), pp. 1-20. Lowe, E. J., “Personal Agency,” Anthony O’Hear (ed.), Minds and Persons: Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplementary Volume 53 (2003), pp. 211-27. Lowe, Solomon, A Vindication of Mankind, or Free-Will Asserted, in Answer to a Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Human Liberty; to Which is Added an Examination of Mr. Lock’s Scheme of Freedom. (London: S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-noster-row, 1717). Lubahn, Erich, Triumph der Gnade: Ein evangelisches Zeugnis. Dazu Luthers Leitsätze zur Reformation: Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen (Stuttgart: Verlag Goldene Worte, 1966). Lübbe, Hermann, “Die Freiheit der Theorie: Max Weber über Wissenschat als Beruf,” Archiv für Rechts-Sozialphilosophie, vol. 48 (1962), pp. 343-65. Lübbe, Hermann, “Preis der Freiheit,” in H. M. Baumgartner (ed.), Prinzip Freiheit: Eine Auseinandersetzung um Chancen und Grenzen transzendentalphilosophischen Denkens (Freiburg & München: Karl Albert, 1979), pp. 187-200. Lucas, John R., The Freedom of the Will (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970). Lucas, John R., Freedom and Grace (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976). Lucas, John R., Responsibility (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993). Lucretius, Titus, On the Nature of Things: De rerum natura. [ca. 40 B.C.] de Lugo, Cajetano Benitez, Concursus Dei Praevius Et Efficax: Necessariò cohaerens cum libero arbitrio humano à necessitate libero, ex Sacra


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Scriptura, Conciliis, & SS. Patribus depromptus: Vera Etiam Christi Gratia Illuminans (Romae: Ex Typographia Rochi Bernardo in Vico Murates, 1730). Lukasiewics, Jan, “Über den Determinismus,” Studia Leibnitiana, vol. 5 (1973), pp. 5-25. Luków, Pawel, “What Is the Problem of Freedom of the Will,” Polish Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1 (2007), pp. 65-80. Lumer, Christoph and Sandro Nannini (eds.), Intentionality, Deliberation and Autonomy: The Action-Theoretic Basis of Practical Philosophy (Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007). Lunati, Giancarlo, “La problematica della libertà in Kant,” Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa, vol. 25 (1956), pp. 7-47. Lunati, Giancarlo, La libertà: Saggi su Kant, Hegel e Croce (Napoli: Giannini, 1959). Lupus Servatus, De libero arbitrio; de praedestinatione et gratia. [1648] Lurie, A. R., The Man with the Shattered World: The History of a Brain Wound (New York: Basic Books, 1972). Lussi, Walter, “Hegels Begriff der Willkür und die Irrationalitat des Praktischen Gefuhls,” Studia Philosophica, vol. 33 (1973), pp. 112-56. Luthardt, Christoph Ernst, Die Lehre vom freien Willen und seinem Verhältniß zur Gnade, in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung dargestellt (Leipzig: Dörffling und Franke 1863). Luther, Martin, De servo arbitrio (Wittenberg: John Luffit, 1525); translated as Discourse on Free Will (New York: Ungar, 1961). Luther, Martin, Beati patris Martini Lutheri liber de servo arbitrio contra Desid. Erasmum Roterodamum: cum brevibus annotationibus, quibus B. Vir ab accusatione, quasi absolutum Calvinianorum, vel durius aliquod Dei decretum in libro ipso statuerit, praecipuè vindicator (Strasbourg, John Christoph Nagel, 1664). Luther, Martin, Desiderius Erasmus, E. Gordon Rupp and Philip S. Watson, Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1969). Lütkens, J., Luthers Prädestinationslehre im Zusammenhange mit seiner Lehre vom freien Willen (Dorpart: Heinrich Laakmann, 1858). Luyten, Albert A. (ed.), Zufall, Freiheit, Vorsehung (Freiburg in Breisgau: Karl Alber, 1975).



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Meyer, Susan, Aristotle on Moral Responsibility: Character and Cause (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993). Meynell, Hugo, “Notes and Comments: Some Recent Books on Free Will,” Heythrop Journal, vol. 43 (2002), pp. 496-501. Meynen, Gerben, “Wrije wil en psychiatrische stoornissen,” Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, vol. 100 (2008), pp. 67-72. Mezger, Edmund, Über Willensfreiheit (München: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1947). Miceli, Riccardo, “La funzione della libertà nella formazione del sistema kantiano,” Archives de Filosofie., vol. 1 (1946), pp. 176-91. Michelis, Angela, Libertà e responsabilità: la filosofia di Hans Jonas (Roma: Città nuova, 2007). Michener, Norah Willis, Maritain on the Nature of Man in a Christian Democracy (Hull, Canada: Éditions “L’Éclair, 1955). Mierke, Karl, Wille und Leistung (Göttingen: Verlag für Psychologie, 1955). Migon, Mieczyslaw, “The Productive Function of the Will in the Philosophical Thought of William James,” Analecta Husserliana, Volume LXXXIII (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004). Miles, Grahame B., “Review of R. Kane, Free Will and Values,” Idealistic Studies, vol. 32 (1988), pp. 87-88. Milgram, Stanley, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (New York: Harper & Row, 1974). Mill, John Stuart, A System of Logic [1843]. [See especially Vol. II, Book VI, Chap 2 (“Of Liberty and Necessity”), which was reprinted in Willard F. Enterman (ed.), The Problem of Free Will (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967), pp. 255-264.] Mill, John Stuart, On Liberty. [1856] Mill, John Stuart, An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy (1865). [See especially chap. 26.] Miller, Arthur, “Describing Unwitting Behavior,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 17 (1980), pp. 67-72. Miller, Arthur, “Foresight, Intention, and Responsibility,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 27 (1989), pp. 71-85. Miller, Cecil H., “Therapy, Determinism, and Science,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 9 (1971), pp. 189-200.



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Molina, Luis de, Liberi arbitrii cum gratiæ donis, divina præscientia, providentia, praedestinatione, et reprobatione (Concordia, 1595). Molivas, Gregory, “Richard Price, the Debate on Free Will, and Natural Rights,” Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 58 (1997), pp. 105-23. Momigliano, F., “Il problema della libertà nella filosofia di Spinoza,” Bilychnis, vol. 2 (1931). Monahan, Edward J., “Human Liberty and Free Will According to John Buridan,” Mediaeval Studies, vol. 16 (1955), pp. 72-86. Mongkin, Charles and Menachem Kellner, Free Will and Moral Responsibility: General and Jewish Perspectives (Bethesda: University Press of Maryland, 1997). Monod, Jacques, Chance and Necessity: An Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology (New York: Knopf, 1971). Montague, William Pepperell, “Free Will and Fate,” The Personalist, vol. 24 (1943), pp. 175-80. Montefiore, A., “Determinism and Causal Order,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 58 (1958), pp. 125-42. Montefiore, A., “‘Ought’ and ‘Can’,” The Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 8 (1958), pp. 24-40. Montmarquet, James, “Castañeda on Agency,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 48 (1988), pp. 733-43. Mooney, Christopher, Theology and Scientific Knowledge: Changing Models of God’s Presence in the World (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1996). Moore, David S, “Espousing Interactions and Fielding Reactions: Addressing Laypeople’s Beliefs about Genetic Determinism,” Philosophical Psychology, vol. 21 (2008), pp. 331-48. Moore, G. E., “Freedom,” Mind, vol. 7 (1898), pp. 179-204. Moore, G. E., Principia Ethica (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1903). Moore, G. E., Ethics (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1912). [See especially “Free Will,” pp. 84-95.] Moore, G. E., “A Reply to My Critics,” in Paul Arthur Schilpp (ed.), The Philosophy of G. E. Moore (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1942). See pp. 535-677.



Moore, G. E., “Free Will,” in Rom Regan (ed.), The Element of Ethics: G. E. Moore (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991). Morden, Michael, “Free Will, Self-Causations, and Strange Loops,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 68 (1990), pp. 59-73. More, Alexander, De gratia et libero arbitrio (Hamburg, 1712). Morgan, Seiriol, “The Missing Formal Proof of Humanity’s Radical Evil in Kant’s ‘Religion’,” Philosophical Review, vol. 114 (2005), pp. 63-114. Morgan, Terence, “‘Could,’ Possible Worlds, and Moral Responsibility,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 17 (1979), pp. 345-58. Morganti, Bruna Piatti, “Determinismo e utopia nella riflessione berliniana,” Archivio di Storia della Cultura, vol. 20 (2007), pp. 489-517. Moreau, Jacques “Le Determinisme,” Revue Internationale de Philosophie, vol. 24 (1970), pp. 481-93. Moreau, Joseph, “Leibniz devant le labyrinthe de la liberté,” Studia Leibnitiana, vol. 16 (1984), pp. 217-29. Moreland, J. P., “Timothy O’Connor and the Harmony Thesis: A Critique,” Metaphysica, vol. 3 (2002), pp. 5-39. Moreland, James P. and Scott B. Rae, Body & Soul: Human Nature & The Crisis in Ethics (Downer’s Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2000). Moreno, Antonio, “The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Free Will,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, vol. 50 (1976), pp. 14-23. Moreno, Hugo, “Freedom as Necessity in Spinoza,” Dialogue, vol. 48 (2005), pp. 7-10. Morgan, Elisha, An Attempt to Explain the Harmony Between God’s Immutable Decrees and Man’s Free Agency: Together with a Treatise on the Sabbath, Its Origin, Object, and End, and the Change to the Lord’s Day (London: Elihu B. Pond, 1859). Morgan, Vance, “The Metaphysics of Naturalism,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 75 (2001), pp. 409-31. Morgenbesser, Sidney and James J. Walsh (eds.), Free Will (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1962). [Contains material by Augustine, Aquinas, Scotus, Hobbes, Mill, Foot, R. Taylor, Sartre, Broad, Aristotle, Hart.] Moritz, Manfred, “Indeterminismus, Determinismus und Freiheitsdefinitionen,” Archiv für Religionsphilosophie, vol. 58 (1972), pp. 13-28.


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Morris, Herbert (ed.) Freedom and Responsibility: Readings in Philosophy and Law (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1961; 2nd ed. 1982). Morris, S. “Determinism and Deliberate Action in Karl Marx and John Dewey,” Memorias del XIII Congreso International de Filosofia (1963), pp. 241-47. Morriston, Wesley, “Kenny on Compatibilism,” Mind, vol. 88 (1979), pp. 26669. Morriston, Wesley, “‘Two Perspectives’ Compatibilism,” Journal of Critical Analysis, vol. 7 (1979), pp. 119-23. Morriston, Wesley, “Is God ‘Significantly Free’?” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 2 (1985), pp. 257-64. Morriston, Wesley, “Does Plantinga’s God Have Freedom-Cancelling Control over his Creatures: A Response to Richard Gale,” Philosophia, vol. 6 (2003), pp. 67-77. Morriston, Wes, “Power, Liability, and the Free-Will Defence: Reply to Mawson,” Religious Studies, vol. 41 (2005), pp. 71-80. Morse, Stephen J., “Culpability and Control,” University of Pennsylvania Law Review, vol. 142 (1994), pp. 1587-1660. Morse, Stephen, “The Non-problem of Free Will in Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology,” Behavioral Sciences and the Law, vol. 25 (2007), pp. 20320. Mortensen, Viggo and Robert C. Sorensen (eds.), Free Will and Determinism: Papers from an Interdisciplinary Research Conference, 1986 (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 1987). Mortimore, Geoffrey W., Weakness of Will (London: Macmillan, 1971). Moser, Paul, “Natural Evil and the Free Will Defense,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 15 (1984), pp. 49-56. Moser, Paul and Alfred Mele, “Intentional Action,” Noûs, vol. 28 (1994), pp. 39-68. Moskop, John C., Divine Omniscience and Human Freedom: Thomas Aquinas and Charles Hartshorne (Macon, GA: Mercer, 1984). Mossé-Bastide, Rose-Marie, La liberté (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1966). Mottier, Georges, Déterminisme et liberté: Essai sur les sources métaphysiques du débat (Neuchâtel: Éditions de la Baconnière, 1948). Moya, Carlos, The Philosophy of Action (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991).



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Munn, Norman Leslie, Psychology: The Fundamentals of Human Adjustment (London: Harrap, 1947). [See especially pp. 224-26.] Muñoz-Rubio, Julio, “Sociobiology and the Origins of Ethics,” Ludus Vitalis, vol. 12 (2004), pp. 91-115. Münsterberg, Hugo, “Probleme der Freiheit,” Internationale Wochenschrift für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Technik, vol. 6 (1912), pp. 84-111. Murdoch, Iris, The Sovereignty of Good over other Concepts (London: Cambridge University Press, 1967). Murphy, Arthur E. “Jonathan Edwards on Free Will and Moral Agency,” The Philosophical Review (1959), pp. 181-202. Murphy, Nancey, Anglo-American Postmodernity: Philosophical Perspectives on Science, Religion, and Ethics (Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 1997). Murphy, Nancey, “Nonreductive Physicalism,” in Joel B. Green (ed.), In Search of the Soul: Four Views (Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity, 2005). Murphy, Nancey, Bodies and Souls, or Spirited Bodies? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006). Murphy, Nancey, and George F. R. Ellis, On the Moral Nature of the Universe: Theology, Cosmology, and Ethics (Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1996). Murphy, Nancey, and William R. Stoeger (eds.), Evolution and Emergence: Systems, Organisms, Persons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). Murphy, Nancey and Warren S. Brown, Did My Neurons Make Me Do It?: Philosophical and Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Responsibility and Free Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). Murphy, N. R., the Interpretation of Plato’s Republic (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1951). Murray, Michael, “Leibniz on Divine Foreknowledge, Future Contingents and Human Freedom,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 55 (1995), pp. 75-108. Murray, Michael and David Dudrick, “Are Coerced Acts Free?” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 32 (1995), pp. 109-23. Murray, Patrick T., Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind and Will (Lewiston, N.Y.: Mellen Press, 1991). Myers, C. Mason, “Free Will and the Problem of Evil,” Religious Studies, vol. 23, (1987), pp. 289-94.



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Oyeshile, Olatunji, “Predestination and Freewill in the Yoruba Concept of the Person: Contradictions and Paradoxes,” Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions, vol. 2 (2003), pp. 99-107. Pai, Young, “The Free Will Problem and Moral Education,” Educational Theory, vol. 16 (1966), pp. 135-50. Palmedo, K., Der Freiheitsbegriff in der Lehre Spinozas: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der ethischen Prinzipien (Weida I Thuringia: Thomas & Hubert, 1920). Palmer, David, “Moral Responsibility, Alternative Possibilities and Determinism: Begging the Question in the Frankfurt Cases,” Southwest Philosophy Review, vol. 22 (2006), pp. 79-86. Palmer, George Herbert, The Problem of Freedom (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1911). Palmer, John, Observations in Defence of the Liberty of Man as a Moral Agent: Answers to Dr. Priesley’s Illustrations of Philosophical Necessity (London: J. Johnson, 1779). Panades, J., “Leon XIII y la libertad,” Revista de España, vol. 123 (1888), pp. 601-4. Pannwitz, Rudolf, “Krisis der Freiheit und Aufbau des Menschen,” Europäische Revue, vol. 6 (1930), pp. 153-64. Pap, Arthur, Elements of Analytic Philosophy (New York: Macmillan, 1949). Pap, Arthur, “Determinism, Freedom, Moral Responsibility, and Causal Talk,” in Sidney Hook (ed.) Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958), pp. 200-05. Papanoutsos, E. P., “Freedom and Causality,” Philosophy, vol. 34 (1959), pp. 193-203. Pappus, Johannes and Georgius Locamerus, De libero arbitrio capita: disputationis ordinariae (Strasbourg: Wyriot, 1582). Paraeus, David, Roberti Bellarmini de gratia et libero arbitrio libri VI, explicati et castigati studio Davidis Parei (Heidelberg: Ionas Rosa, 1614). Parent, William A., “Some Recent Work on the Concept of Liberty,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 11 (1974), pp. 149-67. Parfit, Derek, Reasons and Persons (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984). Parisoli, di Luca, “L’algebra al servizio del senso comune: James Gregory contro David Hume,” Rivista di filosofia, vol 83 (1992), pp. 385-410.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Parker, S. H., “The Case for Compatibilism: Austin—Iffs and Cans,” Dialogue, vol. 16 (1974), pp. 40-44. Parkinson, G. H. R., Leibniz on Human Freedom (Wiesbaden: F. Steiner, 1970). Parkinson, G. H. R., “Spinoza on the Power and Freedom of Man,” The Monist, vol. 55 (1971) pp. 527-53. Parra, Triana, Clara María, “Apuntes para una definición del fatalism,” Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana, vol. 28 (2007), pp. 71-77. Partridge, P. H., “Freedom,” in Paul Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 3 (New York: Macmillan, 1967), pp. 221-25. Pârvan, Alexandra, “Free Choice and Grace in Augustinus’ System,” Revista de filosofie, vol. 52 (2005), pp. 827-38. Pascal, Blaise, Pensées. [1670] Paske, Gerald H. “Responsibility and the Incompatibility Principle,” The Personalist, vol. 51 (1970), pp. 477-85. Passavant, Johann Karl, Von der Freiheit des Willens und dem Entwicklungsgesetze des Menschen (Frankfurt am Main, H. Brönner, 1835). Passingham, R. E., The Frontal Lobes and Voluntary Action (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993). Pastin, Mark, “Straight Freedom,” The Monist, vol. 65 (1983), pp. 365-78. Paton, George Whitecross, A Textbook of Jurisprudence (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972). Pattee, Harold, “The Physical Basis and Origin of Hierarchical Control,” in his Hierarchy Theory,” The Challenge of Complex Systems (New York: George Braziller, 1973). Pauen, Michael, “Self-Determination: Free Will, Responsibility, and Determinism,” Synthesis Philosophical, vol. 22 (2007), pp. 455-75. Paul, G. A., “Critical notice of L. S. Stebbing Philosophy and the Physicists,” Mind, vol. 47 (1938), pp. 361-76. Paulhan, François, La volonté (Paris: Vrin, 1903). Pauli, August, Freiheit und Erkenntnis in ihrem inneren Zusammenhang (Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag, 1946). Paull, R. Cranston, “Leibniz and the Miracle of Freedom,” Noûs, vol. 26 (1992), pp. 218-35.



Paulsen, David, “Divine Determinateness and the Free Will Defence,” Analysis, vol. 41 (1981), pp. 150-53. Paulsen, Friedrich, “J. G. Fichte im Kampf um die Freiheit des philosophischen Denkens,” Deutsche Rundschau, vol. 99 (1899), pp. 66-76. Paulsen, Friedrich, A System of Ethics (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1899). Paulson, Stanley, “Two Types of Motive Explanation,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 9 (1972), pp. 193-99. Peacocke, Christopher, Holistic Explanation (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979). Peacocke, Christopher, “Intention and Akrasia,” in Bruce Vermazen (ed.), Essays on Davidson: Actions and Events (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985), pp. 51-73. Peacocke, Christopher, “Free Will,” in Anthony O’Hear (ed.), Contemporary Issues in the Philosophy of Mind (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998). Pearl, Leon, Four Philosophical Problems (New York: Harper & Row, 1963). Pears, David Francis, (ed.) Freedom and the Will (New York: St. Marrtin’s Press, 1963, and London: MacMillan, 1965). Pears, David Francis, T. F. Thompson and Mary Warnock, “What in the World?” in David Francis Pears (ed.), Freedom and the Will (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1963 and London: MacMillan, 1965). Pears, David Francis, “Predicting and Deciding,” Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. 50 (1964) pp. 193-277. Pears, David Francis, “Are Reasons for Actions Causes?” in Avrum Stroll (ed.) Epistemology: New Essays in the Theory of Knowledge (New York; Harper and Row, 1967). Pears, David Francis, “Two Problems About Reasons for Actions,” in Robert Williams Binkley, Richard N. Bronaugh and Ausonio Marras (eds.), Agent, Action, and Reason (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971). Pears, David Francis, “Ifs and Cans,” Parts I and II, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1 (1972) 249-74, and (1972), pp. 369-91. Pears, David Francis, “Rational Explanation of Actions and Psychological Determinism,” in Theodore Honderich (ed.), Essays on Freedom of Action (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973), pp. 105-36. Pears, David Francis, “The Appropriate Causation of Intentional Basic Actions,” Critica, vol. 7 (1975), pp. 39-69.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Pears, David Francis, Motivated Irrationality (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984). Pecilli, D, “Osservazioni sul problema della volontà etica nel Kant e in Hegel,” Rivista Internationali di filosofia del diritto, vol. 44 (1967), pp. 67-78. Pegueroles, Juan, “La libertad agustiniana, en Kierkegaard y en Dostoyevsky,” Espíritu, vol. 43, (1995), pp. 205-14. Peirce, Charles Sanders, “The Doctrine of Necessity Examined,” in Chance, Love and Logic Philosophical Essays, ed. by Morris Raphael Cohen (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1923) also reprinted in in Willard F. Enterman (ed.), The Problem of Free Will (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967), pp. 264-80. Peisker, Martin, “Zum Problem von Luthers De servo abritrio,” Theologische Studien und Kritiken, vol. 98/99 (1926), pp. 212-58. Pelagius, “Defence of the Freedom of the Will.” [The trestise is lost, but recontructions from the citation by others—especially St. Augustine— have been made. See “Pelagius and Pelagainism” in the Catholic Encyclopedia.] Pelegrinis, Theodosios N., Kant’s Conceptions of the Categorical Imperative and the Will (London: Zeno, 1980). Pennotto, Gabriele, Propugnaculum humanae libertatis, seu controversiarum, pro humani arbitrii libertate contra Philosophos, Astrologos, iudiciarios, et Haereticos tuenda, et cum certitudine Divinae Praescientiae, immobilitate Divini Decreti (Lyden: Iacobus Cardon & Petrus Cauellat, 1624). Penrose, Roger, The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (Oxford: Oxford University press, 1989). Penrose, Roger, Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994). Penzig, Rudolph, Arthur Schopenhauer und die menschliche Willensfreiheit (Halle: Plötz’sche Buchdruckerei, 1879). Peperzak, Adriaan T., “Freedom,” International Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 11 (1971), pp. 341-61. Peperzak, Adriaan T., Elements of Ethics (Stanford, CA.: Stanford University Press, 2004). [On free will see Chapter 8 “Freedom,” pp. 186-206.] Pereboom, Derk, “Determinism al Dente,” Noûs, vol. 29 (1995), pp. 21-45. Pereboom, Derk (ed.), Free Will (Indianapolis Hackett Publishing, 1997). [Contains papers by Aristotle, Stoics, Lucretius, Augustine, Aquinas, Hume, Kant, Ayer, P. Strawson, Chisholm, Frankfurt, van Inwagen, Wolf, Fischer, Pereboom, Clarke.]



Pereboom, Derk, “Alternative Possibilities and Causal Histories,” Philosophical Perspectives, vol. 14 (2000), pp. 119-38. Pereboom, Derk, Living Without Free Will (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001). Pereboom, Derk, “Living Without Free Will: The Case for Hard Compatibilism,” in Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 477-88. Pereboom, Derk, “Is Our Conception of Agent-Causation Coherent?” Philosophical Topics, vol. 32 (2004), pp. 275-86. Pereboom, Derk, “Free Will, Evil, and Divine Providence,” in Andrew Dole and Andrew Chignel (eds.), God and the Ethics of Belief: New Essays in Philosophy of Religion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005). Pereboom, Derk, “Defending Hard Incompatibilism,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. 29 (2005), pp. 228-47. Pereboom, Derk, “On Alfred Mele’s Free Will and Luck,” Philosophical Explorations, vol. 10 (2007), pp. 163-72. Pereboom, Derk, “Hard Incompatibilism,” in J. Fischer, R. Kane, D. Pereboom, and M. Vargas (eds.), Four Views on Free Will (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007). Pereboom, Derk, “Response to Kane, Fischer, and Vargas,” in J. Fischer, R. Kane, D. Pereboom, and M. Vargas (eds.), Four Views on Free Will (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007). Pereboom, Derk, “A Compatibilist Account of the Epistemic Conditions on Rational Deliberation,” Journal of Ethics, vol. 12 (2008), pp. 287-306. Pereboom, Derk, “A Hard-Line Reply to the Multiple-Case Manipulation Argument,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 77 (2008), pp. 160-70. Pérez Ballestar, Jorge, La libertad: Estudio filosófico, social y religioso (Barcelona: Editorial Teide, 1960). Perkams, Matthias, “Der schwache Wille: Ockhams Theorie der Unbestimmtheit des Willens als Auseinandersetzung mit dem Problem der Willensschwäche,” in Tobias Hoffmann, Jörn Müller, and Matthias Perkams (eds.), Problem der Willensschwäche in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie (Leuven: Peeters, 2006). Perkins, R. K., “An Atheistic Argument from the Improvability of the Universe,” Noûs, vol. 17 (1983), pp. 239-50.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Perkins, William, De libera Dei gratia et libero hominis arbitrio, solida tractatio (Oppenheim: Hieronymi Galieri, 1610). Perlmuter, Lawrence C. and Richard A. Monty, Choice and Perceived Control (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1979). Perone, Ugo, La filosofia della libertà in Charles Secrétan (Torino: Accademia delle Scienze, 1968). Perry, Ralph B., “The Practical Consciousness of Freedom,” The International Journal of Ethics, vol. 13 (1903), pp. 40-55. Perry, Ralph B., The Thought and Character of William Manes (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1935). Perry, Ralph B., “What Does it Mean to be Free?” The Pacific Spectator, vol. 7 (1953), pp. 124-41. Perry, R. C., “Professor Ayer’s ‘Freedom and Necessity’,” Mind, vol. 70 (1961), pp. 228-34. Perszyk, Kenneth J., “Free Will Defence with and Without Molinism,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol 43 (1998), pp. 29-64. Perszyk, Kenneth J., “Compatibilism and the Free Will Defence: A Reply to Bishop,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 77 (1999), pp. 92105. Perticone, Giacomo, Ethische Freiheit und juridische Ordnung (BerlinGrunewald: Verlag für Staatswissenschaften und Geschichte, 1934). Pesch, Otto H., “Philosophie und Theologie der Freiheit bei Thomas von Aquin in Quaestiones disputandae 6 De malo,” Münchner theologische Zeitschrift, vol. 13 (1962), pp. 1-25. Pesch, Otto H., “Freiheitsbegriff und Freiheitslehre bei Thomas von Aquin und Luther,” Catholica, vol. 17 (1963), pp. 197-244. Persson, Ingmar, “Review of Freedom and Belief by Galen Strawson,” Theoria, vol. 53 (1987), pp. 59-67. Petavius, Dionysius, S. J., De libero arbitrio libri tres (Lutetiae Parisiorum: Cramoisy, 1643). Peters, Carl, Willenswelt und Weltwille. Studien und Ideen zu einer Weltanschauung (Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1883). Peters, R. S., The Concept of Motivation (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1958).



Peters, R. S., D. J. McCraken, and J. O. Urmson, “Symposium: Motives and Causes,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 26 (1952), pp. 139-94. Petersen, Julius, Willensfreiheit, Moral und Strafrecht (München: J. F. Lehmann, 1905). Peterson, Michael, “Recent Work on the Problem of Evil,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 20 (1983), pp. 321-40. Peterson, Michael, The Problem of Evil: Selected Readings (Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame Press, 1992). Peterson, Michael, God and Evil: An Introduction to the Issues (Boulder: Westview Press, 1998). Petrarca, Francesco and William Henry Draper, Petrarch’s Secret, or the Soul’s Conflict with Passion (London: Chatto & Windus, 1911). Petrement, Simone, “La liberté selon Descartes et Sartre,” Critique, vol. 1 (1946), pp. 612-20. Petrik, James M., Descartes’ Theory of the Will (Durango, Colorado: Hollowbrook Publishers, 1992). Petroniević, Branislav, “Über den allgemeinen Verantwortlichkeitsbegriff,” Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, vol. 28 (1908), pp. 561-88. Petsch, Robert, Freiheit und Notwendigkeit in Schillers Dramen (München: Beck 1905). Petterlini, Arnaldo, Jules Léquier, e il problema della libertà (Milano: Vita e pensiero, 1969). Pettit, Philip, Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997). Pettit, Philip, A Theory of Freedom (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001). Pettit, Philip, “Are We Rarely Free? A Response to Restrictivism,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 107 (2002), pp. 219-37. Pettit, Phillip and Michael Smith, “Freedom in Belief and Desire,” Journal of Philosophy, vol. 9 (1996), pp. 429-49. Pfaffradius, Casparus, Quaestio de libero servoque arbitrio hominis naturali inter Lutherum et Erasmum agitate (Leipzig: Eliae Holwein, 1619). Pfänder, Alexander, Phänomenologie des Wollens: Eine psychologische Analyse (Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1900).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Pfeffinger, John, De libero arbritrio. [1555] Phares, E Jerry, Locus of Control in Personality (Morristown, N.J.: General Learning Press, 1976). Phemister, Pauline, “Leibniz, Freedom of Will, and Rationality,” Studia Leibnitiana, vol. 23 (1991), 25-39. Phillippe, Marie-Dominique, “Réflexions sur la nature et l’importance de la liberté dans le philosophie de Descartes,” Revue Thomiste, vol. 52 (1952), pp. 586-607. Phillips, Ian, “Morgenbesser Cases and Closet Determinism,” Analysis, vol. 67 (2007), pp. 42-49. Philonenko, Alexis, La Liberté humaine dans la philosophie de Fichte (Paris: J. Vrin, 1966). Piat, Clodius, La liberté (Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1894). Piattelli-Palmarini, Massimo, Inevitable Illusions: How Mistakes of Reason Rule Our Minds (New York: Wiley, 1994). Pich, Roberto Hofmeister, and Frank Hermenau “Impulso e reflexão— Liberdade da voluntade em Adorno,” Veritas, vol. 50 (2005), pp. 59-69. Picirilli, Robert E., Grace, Faith, Free Will: Contrasting Views of Salvation: Calvinism and Arminianism (Nashville, Tenn: Randall House Publications, 2002). Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, De hominis dignitate: On the Dignity of Man. [1490] Pietropaolo, Francesco, “L’universalità delle leggi della morale ed il concetto della libertà,” Revista de filosofia, vol. 6 (1887), pp. 670-80. Pierris, Apostolos L, “Freier Wille ohne Wunschkritik: Autonomie als Zustimmung zum eigenen Wünschen,” in Monika Betzler and Barbara Guckes, Autonomes Handeln: Beiträge zur Philosophie von Harry G. Frankfurt (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2000). Pighius, Albertus, De libero hominis arbitrio et divina gratia, libri decem (Cologne: Melchioris Novesiani, 1542). Pike, Nelson, “Divine Omniscience and Voluntary Action,” Philosophical Review vol. 74 (1965), pp. 27-46. Reprinted in John Martin Fischer (ed.), God, Foreknowledge, and Freedom (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1989), and Louis P. Pojman, Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology, 2nd ed. (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1994), pp. 25060.



Pike, Nelson, “Plantinga on the Free Will Defense: A Reply,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 63 (1966), pp. 93-104. Pike, Nelson, “Of God and Freedom: A Rejoinder,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 75 (1966), pp. 369-79. Pike, Nelson, “Divine Foreknowledge, Human Freedom and Possible Worlds,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 86 (1977), pp. 209-16. Pike, Nelson, “Plantinga on Free Will and Evil,” Religious Studies, vol. 15 (1979), pp. 449-73. Pike, Nelson, “Over-Power and God’s Responsibility for Sin,” in Alfred J Freddoso, The Existence and Nature of God (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983). Pike, Nelson, “Fischer on Freedom and Foreknowledge,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 93 (1984), pp. 599-614. Pike, Nelson, “A Latter-Day Look at the Foreknowledge Problem,” International Journal of Philosophy of Religion, vol. 33 (1993), pp. 129-64. Pike, Nelson, “Göttliche Allwissenheit und freies Handeln,” in Christoph Jager (ed.), Analytische Religionsphilosophie (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1998). Pikler, Julius, Über Theodor Lipps’ Versuch einer Theorie des Willens: Eine kritische Untersuchung, zugleich ein Beitrag zu einer dynamischen Psychologie (Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1908). Pilat, Robert, “The Freedom of Human Will in Immanuel Kant,” [In Polish] Studia Philosophiae Christianae, vol. 23, (1987), pp. 109-27. Piñera, Llera, “Alejandro Korn y la ‘Libertad creadora’,” Estudios sobre Alejandro Korn: Homenaje en el centenario de su nacimiento (La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 1963). Pink, Thomas L., “Purposive Intending,” Mind, vol. 100 (1991), pp. 343-59. Pink, Thomas L., The Psychology of Freedom (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996). Pink, Thomas L., “Reason and Agency,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 97 (1997), pp. 263-80. Pink, Thomas L., Free Will: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). Pink, Thomas and Martin Stone (eds.,) The Will and Human Action: From Antiquity to the Present Day (New York: Routledge: 2004). Pinker, Steven, How the Mind Works (New York: Norton, 1997).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Pinker, Steven, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (London: Penguin Books, 2002). Pinski, Friedrich, “Die Lehre von der menschlichen Willensfreiheit bei Leibniz und Kant,” Altpreußische Monatsschrift, vol. 45 (1908), pp. 1-37. Pirenne, M. H., “Mind-Like Behaviour in Artefacts and the Concept of Mind,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 2 (1952), pp. 315-17. Piroschkom, Vera, Freiheit und Notwendigkeit in der Geschichte: Zur Kritik des historischen Materialismus (München: A. Pustet, 1970). Pitcher, George, “Hart on Action and Responsibility,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 69 (1960), pp. 226-35. Pitcher, George, “Necessitarianism,” The Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 11 (1961), pp. 201-12. Pitcher, George, “‘On Intending’ and Side Effects,” Journal of Philosophy vol. 67 (1970), pp. 659-68. Placaeus Josua, Opuscula nonnulla, magna ex parte posthuma, post authoris obitum in lucem edita (Salmur: Lesneri, 1656). Planck, Max, Vorträge und Erinnerungen (Stuttgart: S. Hirzel, 1933). Planck, Max, Where is Science Going? (New York: Norton and Company, 1932). Planck, Max, Vom Wesen der Willensfreiheit und andere Vorträge (Leipzig: Barth, 1937), tr. by Walter Henry Johnston, The Universe in the Light of Modern Physics: With a Section on Free Will (2 nd ed.: London: G. Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1937). Plantinga, Alvin, “The Free Will Defense,” in Max Black Philosophy in America (London: Routledge, 1964). Plantinga, Alvin, “The Incompatibility of Freedom with Determinism: A Reply,” The Philosophical Forum, vol. 2 (1970), pp. 141-48. Plantinga, Alvin, God, Freedom, and Evil (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974). Plantinga, Alvin, The Nature of Necessity (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974). Plantinga, Alvin, “God’s Foreknowledge and Human Free Will are Compatible,” in his God, Freedom, and Evil (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974), pp. 66-72. Reprinted in Louis J. Pojman, Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology, 2nd ed. (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1994), pp. 26164).



Plantinga, Alvin, “Reply to the Basingers’ on Divine Omnipotence,” Process Studies, vol. 11 (1981), pp. 25-9. Plantinga, Alvin, “On Ockham’s Way Out,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 3 (1986), pp. 235-69. Plantinga, Alvin, “Transworld Depravity, Transworld Sanctity, & Uncooperative Essences,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 78, (2009), pp. 178-91. Plato, Phaedo. Plato, Republic. Platzek, Reinhard, “Moderne Hirnforschung oder das vermeintliche Ende des freien Willens,” Neues Jahrbuch der Philosophie, vol. 32, (2006), pp. 133-61. Plaut, H. C., “Condition, Cause, Free Will, and the Direction of Time,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 11 (1960), pp. 212-21. Pleyer, Joseph, Dissertatio de libertate ad peccandum in damnatis [Prague, 1760]. Plotinus, Enneads. Pochhammer, Leo, Zum Problem der Willensfreiheit: Eine Betrachtung aus dem Grenzgebiet von Naturwissenschaft und Philosophie (Stuttgart: M. Kielmann, 1908). Pohlenz, Max, Griechische Freiheit: Wesen und Werden eines Lebensideals (Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1955). Tr. as Freedom in Greek Life and Thought: The History of an Ideal (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1966). Pojman, Louis, “Freedom and Determinism: A Contemporary Discussion,” Zygon, vol. 22 (1987), pp. 397-417. Pole, Nelson, “Living by Sports,” Philosophy in Context, vol. 9 (1979), pp. 6475. Polin, Raymond, “John Locke’s Conception of Freedom,” in John W. Yolton (ed.), John Locke: Problems and Perspectives (New York: Cambridge, 1969). Politicus, A., “Fichte und der Freiheitsgedanke,” Das freie Wort, vol. 13 (1914), pp. 870-74. Polkinghorne, Donald, Methodology for the Human Sciences: Systems of Inquiry (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1983). Polkinghorne, John C., Reason and Reality: The Relationship between Science and Theology (Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, 1991).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Polkinghorne, John C., Beyond Science: The Wider Human Context (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996). Pollo, Simone, Scegliere chi nasce: L’etica della riproduzione umana fra libertà e responsabilità (Milano: Guerini studio, 2003). Pols, Edward, Mind Regained (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998). Popov, Nebojsa, “We are Not ‘Sea-Grass’,” Filosofska Istrazivanja, vol. 94 (2004), pp. 831-33. Polger, Thomas W., Natural Minds (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2004). Pollio, Howard R., “Empirical and Philosophical Reactions to Harcum’s ‘Behavioral Paradigm for a Psychological Resolution of Free Will Issues,” Journal of Mind and Behavior, vol. 12 (1991), pp. 115-34 Pols, Edward, “Power and Agency,” International Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 11 (1971), pp. 293-313. Pomponazzi, Pietro, De fato, libero arbitrio, praedestinatione, et providentia Dei Libri V (Basil: Henricpatrina, 1528). Pope, Stephen J. (ed.), The Ethics of Aquinas (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2002). Popper, Karl R., “Indeterminism in Quantum Physics and in Classical Physics,” Part I and Part II, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 1 (1950), pp. 117-33 and 173-95. Popper, Karl R., Of Clouds and Clocks; An Approach to the Problem of Rationality and the Freedom of Man (St. Louis: Washington University 1966): The Arthur Holly Compton Memorial Lecture, (Washington University, 1965). Popper, Karl R., Objektives Erkenntnis: Ein evolutionärer Entwurf (Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1973.) English tr., Objective Knowledge (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972). Popper, Karl R., The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism (London: Hutchinson, 1982). Popper, Karl R., “Is Determinism Self-Refuting?” Mind, vol. 92 (1983), pp. 103-04. Popper, Karl and John Eccles, The Self and its Brain (New York: Springer, 1977). Porter, David, On Divine Decrees and Moral Necessity, Reconciled with Freedom of the Will, in Opposition to Fatalism and Natural Compulsion (Catskill, N.Y.: Mackay Croswell, 1804).



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Romero, Francisco, Alejandro Korn: Filósofo de la libertad (Buenos Aires: Editorial Reconstruir, 1956). Ronen, Yudit, “On the Problem of Foreknowledge and Free Will,” [In Hebrew],” Iyyun, vol. 38, (1989), pp. 61-66. Roretz, Karl “Modern Physics and the Freedom of the Will,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 55 (1958), pp. 70-72. Rorty, Amelie O., “Belief and Self-Deception,” Inquiry, vol. 15 (1972), pp. 387-410. Rorty, Amelie O., Essays on Aristotle’s Ethics (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980). Rorty, Amelie O., “Self-Deception, Akrasia, and Irrationality,” Social Science Information, vol. 19 (1980), pp. 905-22. Rosales, Luis, Cervantes y la libertad (Madrid: Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones, 1960). Rose, David, “Sartre and the Problem of Universal Human Nature Revisited,” Sartre Studies International, vol. 9 (2003), pp. 1-20. Rose, Mary C., “The Free Will Hypothesis,” Personalist, vol. 47 (1966), pp. 29-42. Rose, Steven, The Conscious Brain (New York: Random House, 1973). Rose, Steven, Lifelines: Life beyond the Gene (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003). Rosell, Sergi, “On an Attempt to Undermine Reason-Responsive Compatibilism by Appealing to Moral Luck: Reply to Gerald K. Harrison,” Sorites, vol. 19 (2007), pp. 7-13. Rosen, Gideon, “The Case for Incompatibilism,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 64 (2002), pp. 699-706. Rosenberg, A. “Causation and Teleology in Contemporary Philosophy of Science,” in Guttorm Fløistad (ed.), Contemporary Philosophy (The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1981). Rosenberg, Jean R., “Freedom in the Philosophy of Kant,” in J. K. Ryan (ed.), Philosophical Studien in Honor of Ignatius Smith (Westminster: Newman Press, 1952), pp. 257-69. Rosenblueth, Arturo, Mind and Brain: A Philosophy of Science (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1970). Roskies, Adina, and Shaun Nichols, “Bringing Moral Responsibility Down to Earth,” Journal of Philosophy, vol. 105 (2008), pp. 371-88.



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Röttges, Heinz, Der Begriff der Freiheit in der Philosophie Hegels (Köln, Druck: G. Wasmund, 1963). Rottschaefer, William and William Knowlton, “A Cognitive Social Learning Theory Perspective on Human Freedom,” Behaviorism, vol. 7 (1979), pp. 17-22. Roush, Sherrilyn, “Alternate Possibilities and their Entertainment,” Philosophy, vol. 73 (1998), pp. 559-71. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Émile—ou, De l’éducation (Paris: Lebigre frères, 1737). Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Du contract social. [1762] Rowe, John and John Prior Estlin, The Control of Providence over the Actions and Purposes of Men (Bristol: Emery and Adams, I. James, and Longman and Rees, 1803). Rowe, William L., “Augustine on Foreknowledge and Free Will,” The Review of Metaphysics vol. 18 (1964), pp. 356-63. Rowe, William L., “On Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom: A Reply,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 37 (1980), pp. 429-30. Rowe, William L., “Two Criticism of the Agency Theory,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 42 (1982), pp. 363-78. Rowe, William L., “Two Concepts of Freedom,” Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, vol. 61 (1987), pp. 43-64. Rowe, William L., “Causality and Free Will in the Controversy between Collins and Clarke,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol. 25, (1987), pp. 51-67. Rowe, William L., “Causing and Being Responsible for what is Inevitable,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 26 (1989), pp. 153-59. Rowe, William L., Thomas Reid on Freedom and Morality (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991). Rowe, William L., “The Problem of Divine Perfection and Freedom,” in Eleonore Stump (ed.), Reasoned Faith (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1993), pp. 223-33. Rowe, William L., “In Defense of ‘The Free Will Defense’,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 44 (1978), pp. 115-20. Rowe, William L., Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction, 2nd ed. (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1993). [See especially Chapter 11, “Predestination, Divine Foreknowledge, and Human Freedom,” pp. 141-54.]



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Rumpel, Roland, Geschichte, Freiheit, und Struktur: Idee, Umriss und Grundprinzipien einer Strukturtheorie der Geschichte (Freiburg i. Br.: K. Alber, 1990). Runzo, Joseph, “Omniscience and Freedom for Evil,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 12 (1981), pp. 131-48. Rupertus Tuicensis, De Voluntate et omnipotentia Dei libri duo. Item vita eiusdem, partim ex Trithemio, partim ex Apologetico ipsius (Noremberg: Johann Petreius, 1524). Rupprecht, Johannes, “Das Problem der Willensfreiheit im Lichte der reformatorischen Wahrheit,” Zeitwende, vol. 8 (1932), pp. 139-47. Ruse, Michael, “Darwinism and Determinism,” Zygon, vol. 22, (1987), pp. 419-42. Russell, Bertrand, The Problems of Philosophy (London: Williams and Norgate, 1900). Russell, Bertrand, “Determinism and Morals,” The Hibbert Journal, vol. 7 (1908), p. 115 Russell, Bertrand, Our Knowledge of the External World: As a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy (London: Allen & Unwin, 1914). [See especially the chapter “On the Notion of Cause, with Applications to the Free-Will Problem.”] Russell, Bertrand, Religion and Science (London: Oxford University Press, 1935). Russell, Bruce, “God in Relation to Possible Worlds Scenarios: Comments on Rowe’s ‘Can God Be Free’?” Philo, vol. 8 (2005), pp. 5-11. Russell, L. J., “Ought Implies Can,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society vol., 36 (1935), pp. 151-86. Russell, Paul, “Sorabji and the Dilemma of Determinism,” Analysis, vol. 44 (1984), pp. 166-72. Russell, Paul, “Causation, Compulsion and Compatibilism,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 25 (1988), pp. 313-21. Russell, Paul, “Strawson’s Way of Naturalizing Responsibility,” Ethics, vol. 102 (1992), pp. 287-302. Russell, Paul, “Compatibilist Fatalism,” in Ton van den Beld (ed.), Moral Responsibility and Ontology (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000), pp. 199-218. Russell, Paul, Freedom and Moral Sentiment: Hume’s Way of Naturalizing Responsibility (Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Schiffer, Stephen “A Paradox of Desire,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 13 (1976), pp. 195-212. Schiller, F. S. C., “Freedom and Responsibility,” in Willard F. Enterman (ed.), The Problem of Free Will (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967), pp. 240-255. Schlechtweg, Wilhelm Christian, Moderne Willenstheorien (Elmshorn: J. M. Groth, 1913). Schleichert, Hubert, “Über Willensfreiheit und Strafrechtliche Zurechnung,” Grazer Philosophische Studien, vol. 9 (1979), pp. 131-44. Schlesing, Emil D., Das Verhältnis zwischen Leidenschaften und Freiheit in der Lehre des Spinoza (Heidelberg, J. Hörning, 1899). Schlesinger, George, “The Unpredictability of Free Choices,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 25 (1974), pp. 209-21. Schlesinger, George, “An Important Necessary Difference between People and Mindless Machines,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 13 (1976), pp. 205-12. Schlesinger, George, “Perfect Diagnosticians and Incompetent Predictors,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 54 (1976), pp. 221-30. Schlesinger, George, Religion and Scientific Method (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1977). Schlette, Heinz Robert, “Skeptisches zur Greiheitsphilosophie: Zwei Fragen an Hermann Krings,” in H. M. Baumgartner (ed.), Prinzip Freiheit: Eine Auseinandersetzung um Chancen und Grenzen transzendentalphilos Denkens (Freiburg & München: Karl Albert, 1979), pp. 282-98. Schlick, Moritz, Fragen der Ethik (Wien: J. Springer, 1930). Tr. as Problems of Ethics (New York: Dover, 1939). Schlick, Moritz, “When Is a Man Responsible?” in Paul Edwards and Arthur Pap, (eds.), A Modern Introduction to Philosophy (New York: Free Press, 1957; 2nd ed. 1965), pp. 348-56. Reprinted in Bernard Berofsky (ed.), Free Will and Determinism (New York: Harber & Row, 1966), pp. 54-62 and also in Willard F. Enterman (ed.), The Problem of Free Will (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967), pp. 184-194. Schlossberger, Eugene, Moral Responsibility and Persons (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992). Schlosser, Markus Ernst, “Agent-Causation and Agential Control,” Philosophical Explorations, vol. 11 (2008), pp. 3021. Schmid, Karl, Vom Reich der Freiheit: Schillers Vermächtnis (Berlin: Arani, 1955).



Schmid, Karl, Die menschliche Willensfreiheit in ihrem Verhältnis zu den Leidenschaften: nach der Lehre des heiligen Thomas von Aquin (Engelberg: Verlag der Stiftsschule, 1925). Schmid (or Schmidt) Sebastiano, Beati Patris Martini Lutheri liber de servo arbitrio contra Desid. Erasmum Roterodamum: Cum brevibus Annotationibus (Strasbourg: John Christoph Nagel, 1664). Schmidt, F. W., “Freiheit und Praedestination in der Geschichte,” in Friedrich Wilhelm Schmidt and Georg Wobbermin (eds.), Luther, Kant, Schleiermacher: Bedeutung zum Protestantismus (Berlin: Collignon, 1939). von Schmidt, Hermann, Die Freiheit des menschlichen Willens und seine Motivation durch das Erkennen: eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem psychologischen Determinismus (Münster: Münsterverlag, 1927). Schmidtz, David, “Freedom in the Best of all Possible Worlds,” American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, vol. 9, (1988), pp. 187-93. Schnauenburg, L. Luthers Lehre vom verborgenen alleinwirsamen Gott und von der Unfreiheit des Willens (Göttingen: Göttingen Universitätsverlag, 1949). Schneemann, Gerhard, Controversiarum de divinae gratiae liberique arbitrii concordia initia et progressus enarravit: Accedunt opuscula inedita Leonardi Lessi et Josephi Kleutgen (Freiburg: Herder, 1881). Schneider, Benjamin, “On What we can Ensure,” Synthese, vol. 162 (2008), pp. 101-15. Schneider, Christina, “Freedom Is Not a Mystery,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, vol. 63 (2007), pp. 1273-86. Schneider, G. E. von, Der menschliche Wille: Vom Standpunkte der neueren Entwicklungstheorien (Berlin: Dümmler, 1882). Schneider, Hermann, Metaphysik als strenge Wissenschaft: Nebst dem Nachweis, dass die Freiheit des Willens eine Erfahrungstatsache sei (Leipzig: Weber, 1934). Schneider, H. J., “Die Asymmetrie der Kausalrelation: Überlegungen zur intervenionistischen Theorie G. H. von Wrights,” in Wilhelm Kamlah, Jürgen Mittelstrass, and Manfred Riedel (eds.), Vernünftiges Denken (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1978). Schneider, Kurt, Clinical Psychopathology (New York: Grune & Stratton, 1959). Schnitzler, M. H., “Die Lehre von Willen bis Schopenhauer und Nietzsche,” Vierteljahrssrift für wissenschaftsliche Pädagogik, (1926), pp. 47-96.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Schoeder, Kurt, Das Freiheitsproblem in der zweiten Hälfte der deutschen Aufklärung (Gütersloh: Betelsmann, 1936). Schoeman, Ferdinand, “Responsibility and the Problem of Induced Desires,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 34 (1978), pp. 293-301. Schoeman, Ferdinand David, Responsibility, Character and Emotions: New Essays in Moral Psychology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987). Schoenig, Richard, “The Free Will Theodicy,” Religious Studies, vol. 34 (1998), pp. 457-70. Scholous, Peter, “Descartes: La primauté du libre vouloir sur la raison,” Dialogue, vol. 25, (1986), pp. 211-21. Scholten, Johannes Henricus and Carl Manchot, Der Freie Wille: Eine Kritische Untersuchung (Berlin: F. Henschel, 1874). Schon, Donald, “Rationality in Retrospective and Prospective Deliberation,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 20 (1960), pp. 47786. Schopenhauer, Arthur, Über die Freiheit des menschlichen Willens [1839], Tr. by Konstantin Kolenda as Essay on the Freedom of the Will (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1960) and reissued (Mineola, NY: Dover, 2005). Prize Essays on the Freedom of the Will [1839], ed. G. Zoller (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999). Schopenhauer, Arthur, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1819). Schopenhauer, Arthur, Die beiden Grundprobleme der Ethik (Leipzig: F. A. Brockhuas, 1860). Schopenhauer, Arthur, Two Essays by Arthur Schopenhauer. I. On The FourFold Root Of The Principle Of Sufficient Reason. II. On The Will In Nature, translated by Karl Hillebrand (London: Goerge Bell and Sons, 1889). Schopenhauer, Arthur, “Free Will and Fatalism,” in T. Bailey Saunders Complete Essays of Schopenhauer; Seven Books in One Volume (New York: Willey Book Company, 1942). Schopenhauer, Arthur, Essays on Freedom of The Will, ed. by Eric F. J. Payne (Oxford: Blackwells, 1995). Schopf, A., “Wille,” in Hermann Krings, Hans Michael Baumgartner, and Christoph Wild (ed.), Handbuch philosophischer Grundbegriffe (München: Kösel-Verlag, 1973).



Schopp, Robert F., Automatism, Insanity, and the Psychology of Criminal Responsibility: A Philosophical Inquiry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991). [On freedom of the will see Chapter 7, pp. 220-58.] Schopp, Robert F., “Multiple Personality Disorder, Accountable Agency, and Criminal Acts,” Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, vol. 10 (2001), pp. 297-334. Schotanus, Martinus, Tractatus de libero arbitrio. [Groningae, 1660] Schott, Erdmann, “Luthers Lehre vom servum arbitrium in ihrer theologischen Bedeutung,” Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie, vol. 7 (1930), pp. 399-430. Schrag, Calvin O., Existence and Freedom: Towards an Ontology of Human Finitude (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1961). Schreiber, Erhard, Rationalität der Freiheit: Untersuchungen zum Problem ihrer Verwirklichung und antizipierbaren Wirklichkeit (München: Philosophical Dissertation, 1971). Schroeder, Kurt, Das Freiheitsproblem bei Leibniz und in der Geschichte des Wolffianismus (Halle, P. Beholtz, 1938). Schroeder, Tim, “Reflection, Reason, and Free Will,” Philosophical Explorations, vol. 10 (2007), pp. 77-84. Schrödinger, Erwin, Science and the Human Temperament (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1935). Schrödinger, Erwin, “Indeterminismus und Willenssfreiheit,” Der Nervnarzt, vol. 10 (1937), pp 13-14. Schroeter, Francois, “Experimentalle Philosophie: Ein kritischer Uberlick,” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, vol. 63 (2008), pp. 433-45. Schuberth, Rolf H., “Mass und Willkur: Zum Deliberationsprozess Bei Schopenhauer,” Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch, vol. 69, (1988), pp. 303-09. Schubbe, Daniel, “Die Bedeutung Schopenhauers für das moderne Bild des Menschen oder Zwischen Willensmetaphysik und moderner Neurobiologie,” Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch, vol. 85, (2004), pp. 191-210. Schuch, Hermann, Kant, Schopenhauer, Ihering: Die Gedanken-Motivation als die Problem die Willens-Freiheit (Müchen: Sachs, 1907). Schuering, Hein Juergenz, “T. H. Greens Deutung des Problems der Willensfreiheit,” Deutsche Viertelijahresschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte vol. 44 (1970), pp. 747-71. Schuler, Martin, Prädestination, Sünde und Freiheit bei Gregor von Rimini (Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1934).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Schüller, Bruno S. J., Gesetz und Freiheit: Eine moral theologische Untersuchung (Dusseldorf: Patmos-Verlag, 1966). Schulthess, Johannes, Evangelische Lehre von der freyen Gnadenwahl: ein Beytrag zur Vereinigung der evangelischen Kirchen sampt einem Vorberichte über die Heilsamkeit und Ausführbarkeit einer solchen Vereinigung und über die neu erschienenen Störer derselben in Süden und Norden (Zürich, Näf, 1818). Schultz, Walter J., “No Risk Libertarian Freedom: A Refutation of the FreeWill Defense,” Philosophia Christi, vol. 10 (2008), pp. 183-99. Schultz, Wolfram, “The Primal Basal Ganglia and the Voluntary Control of Behavior,” in Benjamin Libet, Anthony Freeman, and Keith Sutherland (eds.), The Volitional Brain: Towards a Neuroscience of Free Will (Thorverton: Imprint Academic, 1999), pp. 31-46. Schultzer, Bent, “Freedom as a Relativistic and Moral Conception,” in Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Gunnar Aspelin (Lund: Gleerup, 1963), pp. 201-18. Schulz, Johann Heinrich, Versuch einer Anleitung zur Sittenlehre für alle Menschen, ohne Unterschied der Religionen (Berlin: Stahlbaum, 1783). Schulz, Walter, Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Vernunft und Freiheit (Pfullingen: Neske, 1962). Schulze, W. A. “Oetingers beitrag zur Schellingschen Freiheitslehre,” Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche, vol. 54 (1957), pp. 213-25. Schulze-Berghof, Paul, “Der Freiheitsbegriff bei Nietzsche und Ibsen,” Hellweg, vol. 3 (1923) 294-96. Schuster, Michael Huldreich, The Philosophy of Law and Freedom (Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1948). Schwartz, Jeffrey M., “A Role for Volition and Attention in the Generation of New Brain Circuitry,” in Benjamin, Anthony Freeman, and Keith Sutherland (eds.), The Volitional Brain: Towards a Neuroscience of Free Will (Thorverton: Imprint Academic, 1999), pp. 115-42. Schwartzkopff, Paul, Die Freiheit des Willens als Grundlage der Sittlichkeit (Leipzig, 1885). Schwarzwäller, Klaus, Theologia crucis. Luthers Lehre von Pradestination nach De servo arbitrio, 1525 (München: Kaiser, 1970), Schweingruber, Eduard, Luthers Erlebnis des unfreien Willens (Zürich: Gotthelf-Verlag, 1947).



Sciacca, Giuseppe M., La funzione della libertà nella formazione del sistema kantiano (Palermo: Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, 1946). Sciacca, Giuseppe M., L’idea della libertà fondamento della coscienza eticopolitica in Kant (Palermo: Palumbo, 1963). Sciacca, Michele Federico, “‘servo abritrio’ come potenza di volontà e volontà di potenza,” Giornale di Metafisica (1949), pp. 55-66. Sciama, Dennis W., “Determinism and the Cosmos,” in Sidney Hook (ed.) Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958), pp. 76-80. Sciascia, Pietro, La dottrina della volontà nella psicologia inglese dall’Hobbes fino ai tempi nostri (Palermo: Spinnato, 1895). Scott, Alwyn, Stairway to the Mind: The Controversial New Science of Consciousness (New York: Copernicus, 1995). Scott, David, “Malebranche and Descartes on Method: Psychologism, Free Will, and Doubt,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 46 (2008), pp. 581-604. Scott, George P., “Dissipative Structures and the Mind-Body Problem,” in his Time, Rhythms, and Chaos in the New Dialogue with Nature (Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1991). Scott, K. J., “Conditioning and Freedom,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 37 (1959), pp. 215-20. Scotus, John Duns, On the Will and Morality, tr. by Alan B. Wolten OFM and ed. by William A. Frank (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1986). Scotus, John Duns, “Questions on Aristotle’s Metaphysics IX, Q.15,” in Duns Scotus on the Will and Morality, tr. by Allan B. Wolter, O. F. M. (Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1986). Scotus, John Duns, Contingency and Freedom: Lectura I 39. Translated by Vos Jaczn et. al, (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1994). Scribner, Philip H., “Escape from Freedom and Dignity,” Ethics, vol. 83 (1972), pp. 13-36. Scriven, Michael, “The Present Status of Determinism in Physics,” Journal of Philosophy, vol. 54 (1957), pp. 737-41. Scriven, Michael, “An Essential Unpredictability in Human Behavior,” in Ernest Nagel and Benjamin Wolman (eds.), Scientific Psychology: Principles and Approaches (New York: Basic Books, 1965), pp. 411-25.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Scruton, R., “Freedom and Custom,” in A. Phillips Griffiths (eds.), Of Liberty (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). Searle, John R., “Minds, Brains and Programmes,” The Behavioural and Brain Sciences, vol. 3(1980), pp. 417-24. Searle, John R., “Analytic Philosophy and Mental Phenomena,” in Peter A. French, T. E. Uehling, and H. K. Wettstein, Midwest Studies in Philosophy VI: The Foundations of Analytic Philosophy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981), pp. 405-23 Searle, John R., Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). Searle, John R., Minds, Brains, and Science (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1984). Searle, John R., The Rediscovery of the Mind (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1992). Searle, John R., “Consciousness, Free Action, and the Brain,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 7 (2000), pp. 3-22. Searle, John R., Rationality in Action (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2001). Searle, John R., “Free Will as a Problem in Neurobiology,” Philosophy, vol. 76 (2001), pp. 491-514. Searle, John R., “Neuroscience, Intentionality and Free Will: Reply to Habermas,” Philosophical Explorations, vol. 10 (2007), pp. 69-76. Searle, John R., Freedom and Neurobiology: Reflections on Free Will, Language, and Political Power (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007). Sebanz, Natalie and Wolfgang Prinz (eds.), Disorders of Volition (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2006). Sedley, David, “Epicurus’ Refutation of Determinism,” in G. Pugliese Carratelli (ed.), Syzētēsis: Studi sull’ epicureismo Greco e romano offerti a Marcello Gigante (Napoli: G. Macchiaroli, 1983), pp. 11-51. Seddon, Frederick, Ayn Rand, Objectivists, and the History of Philosophy (Lanham, MD.: University Press of America, 2003.) Seebass, Gottfried, “Analytical Action Theory as a Conceptual Basis of Social Science,” in Seebass and Raimo Tuomela (eds.), Social Action (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1985). Seebass, Gottfried, “Freiheit und Determinismus,” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, vol. 47 (1993), Part 1, pp. 1-21; Part 2, 223-45.



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Seitz, Anton, “Zusammenhand des Leibnizschen Monadessystems mit dem Determinismus,” Philosophisches Jahrbuch, vol. 9 (1898), pp. 147-65. Seitz, Anton, Die Willensfreiheit in der Philosophie des Chr. Aug. Crusius gegenüber dem Leibniz-Wolfischen Determinismus in historischpsychologischer Begründung und systematischem Zusammenhang (Würzburg: Göbel, 1899). Seitz, Anton, Willensfreiheit und moderner psychologischer Determinismus: Psychologische Studie (Köln: J. P. Bachem, 1902). Seitz, Anton, “Die Freiheitslehre der lutherischen Kirche in ihrer Beziebung zum Leibniz-Wolfischen Determinismus,” Philosophische Jahrbuch, vol. 4 (1898), pp. 285-304. Seizo, Ohe, “Nature and Culture in Human Freedom,” Ethics, vol. 77 (1967), pp. 314-18. Seligman, Martin E. P., Helplessness: On Depression, Development, and Death (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1975). Sellars, Roy Wood, The Philosophy of Physical Realism (New York: Macmillan, 1932). Sellars, Roy Wood, “Guided Causality, Using Reason and ‘Free Will’,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 54 (1957), pp. 485-92. Sellars, Roy Wood, “Levels of Causality: The Emergence of Guidance and Reason in Nature,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 20 (1959), pp. 1-17. Sellars, Roy Wood, Principles of Emergent Realism: The Philosophical Essays of Roy Wood Sellars, edited by W. Preston Warren (St. Louis: Warren H. Green, 1970). [On freedom of the will see “Guided Causality, Using Reason, and Free Will,” pp. 261-67.] Sellars, Roy Wood, Neglected Alternatives: Critical Essays (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1973). Sellars, Wilfrid, and John Hospers, Readings in Ethical Theory (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1952). [Contains essays on free will by A. K. Stout, C. L. Stevenson, Johns Hospers, and H. D. Lewis.] Sellars, Wilfrid, “Empiricism and the Philosophy of the Mind,” Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 1 (1956), pp. 253-329. Sellars, Wilfrid, Science, Perception and Reality (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963). Sellars, Wilfred, “Fatalism and Determinism,” in Keith Lehrer (ed.) Freedom and Determinism (New York: Random House, 1966), pp. 141-74



Sellars, Wilfred, “Thought and Action,” in Keith Lehrer (ed.) Freedom and Determinism (New York: Random House, 1966), pp. 105-40. Sellars, Wilfred, “Metaphysics and the Concept of a Person,” in Karel Lambert (ed.), The Logical Way of Doing Things (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1969). Sellars, Wilfred, “Actions and Events,” Noûs, vol. 7 (1973), pp. 179-202. Sellars, Wilfred, “Volitions Reaffirmed,” in Myles Brand and Douglas N. Walton (eds.), Action Theory: Proceedings of the Winnipeg Conference on Human Action, held at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 9-11 May 1975 (Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1976), pp. 72-96. Sellman, James D., “Free-Will and Non-Attachment in the ‘Bhagavadgita’,” Indian Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 14, (1987), pp. 375-88. Semerari, G., “La filosofia della libertà nello spinozismo,” Rivista internazionale di filosofia diritto, vol. 28 (1951), pp. 94-123. Sen, Amartya, “Rights and Capabilities,” in Theodore Honderich (ed.), Objectivity and Morality: a Tribute to J. L. Mackie (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985). Sen, Amartya, “Well Being, Agency and Freedom,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 82 (1985), pp. 169-203. Senchuk, Dennis M., “Consciousness Naturalized: Supervenience without Physical Determinism,” American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 28 (1991), pp. 37-47. Sennett, James, “The Free Will Defense and Determinism,” Faith and Philosophy, (1991), pp. 340-53. Sennett, James, The Analytic Theist: An Alvin Plantinga Reader (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998). Sennett, James, “Is there Freedom in Heaven?” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 16 (1999), pp. 69-82. Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de, De fato et libero arbitrio libri tres: Quo in opere dogma nefarium Martini Lutheri (Rome, 1526). Serrano, Enrique, “Sobre el libre arbitrio en Kant y Schopenhauer,” Dianoia, vol. 41, (1995), pp. 157-68. Settle, Tom, “How Determinism Refutes Compatibilism,” Religious Studies, vol. 29 (1993), pp. 353-62. Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour, In a Letter to a Friend (London: Egbert Sanger, 1709).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Shah, K. J., “Sartre on Human Freedom,” Pakistan Philosophical Congress, vol. 6 (1959), pp. 170-73. Shah, K. J., “Freedom and Determinism, Part III,” Journal of Philosophical Association, vol. 9 (1962), pp. 17-22. Shallice, Tim, From Neuropsychology to Mental Structure (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988). Sharma, Arvind, “Predetermination and Free Will in the Teaching of Ramana Maharsi (1879-1950),” Religious Studies, vol. 20 (1984), pp. 615-26. Shanley, Brian J., “Divine Causation and Human Freedom in Aquinas,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 72 (1998), pp. 99-122. Sharma, Arvind, “Fate and Free Will in the Bhagavadgita,” Religious Studies, vol. 15 (1979), pp. 531-37. Sharples, Roben W., “Soft Determinism and Freedom in Early Stoicism,” Phronesis, vol. 31 (1986), pp. 266-79. Shāstrī, Prabhu Dutt, The Conception of Freedom in Hegel, Bergson and Indian Philosophy (Calcutta: Albion Press, 1914). Shatz, David, “Free Will and the Structure of Motivation,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. 10 (1985), pp. 451-82. Shatz, David, “Compatibilism, Values, and ‘Could Have Done Otherwise’,” Philosophical Topics, vol. 16 (1988), pp. 151-200. Shatz, David, “The Metaphysics of Control,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 57 (1997), pp. 955-60. Shatz, David, “Irresistible Goodness and Alternative Possibilities,” in Charles Harry Manekin and Menachem Marc Kellner (eds.), Freedom and Moral Responsibility: General and Jewish Perspectives (Bethesda: University Press of Maryland, 1997), pp. 13-51. Shaw, Daniel, “Compatibilism: A Reply to Richard Foley,” Mind, vol. 88 (1979), pp. 584-85. Shaw, P. D., “Ought and Can,” Analysis, vol. 25 (1965), pp. 196-97. Shaw, William and G. E. Moore, Ethics: The Nature of Moral Philosophy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005). Shenker, Orly R., “Maxwell’s Demon and Baron Munchausen: Free Will as a ‘Perpetuum Mobile’,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, vol. 30 (1999), pp. 347-72.



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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Wainwright, William, “Jonathan Edwards, William Rowe, and the Necessity of Creation,” in Jeff Jordan and Daniel Howard-Snyder (eds.), Faith, Freedom, and Rationality (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996). Wainwright, William, “Rowe on God’s Freedom and God’s Grace,” Philosophy vol. 8 (2005), pp. 23-37. Waldauer, Joseph L., Society and the Freedom of the Creative Man in Diderot’s Thought (Geneva: Droz, 1964). Walde, Bettina, Willensfreiheit und Hirnforschung das Freiheitsmodell des epistemischen Libertarismus (Paderborn: Mentis, 2006). Walde, Bettina, “Willensfreiheit und Libertarisch, Kompalibilusted—oder beides,” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, vol. 57 (2009), pp. 13948. Waldman, D. A. W. Viney, P. A. Bell, and S. Hess, “Internal and External Locus of Control in Relation to Beliefs in Free Will and Determinism,” Psychological Reports, vol. 53 (1983), pp. 631-34. Waldstein, Wolfgsang, “Willensfreiheit und rechtliche Ordnung,” in F. S. Schwind, Rudolf Strasser, Michael Schwimann and Hans Heinz Hoyer (eds.), Festchrift Fritz Schwind zum 65. Geburtstag: Rechtsgeschichte, Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtspolitik (Wien: Manz, 1978), pp. 331-38. Walker, Jeremy, “Wittgenstein’s Early Theory of the Will: An Analysis,” Idealistic Studies, vol. 3 (1973), pp. 179-205. Walker, Arthur, “The Problem of Weakness of Will,” Noûs, vol. 23 (1989), pp. 653-76. Wall, George B., “A New Solution to an Old Problem,” Religious Studies, vol. 15 (1979), pp. 511-30. Wallace, J. D. “The Influence of Agents,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1 (1971), pp. 45-57. Wallace, R. Jay, Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994). Wallace, R. Jay, “Precis of Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 64 (2002), pp. 681-82. Wallace, R. Jay, “Replies to Discussants,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 64 (2002), pp. 707-27. Wallace, R. Jay, “Addiction as Defect of the Will: Some Philosophical Reflections,” in Gary Watson (ed.), Free Will, (2nd ed.; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), pp. 424-52.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Wallace, R. Jay, Normativity and the Will: Selected Papers on Moral Psychology and Practical Reason (Oxford: Clarendon Press 2006.). Waller, Bruce N., “Deliberating About the Inevitable,” Analysis, vol. 45 (1985), pp. 48-52. Waller, Bruce N., “Free Will Gone out of Control: A Critical Study of R. Kane’s Free Will and Values,” Behaviorism, vol. 16 (1988), pp. 149157. Waller, Bruce N., “Uneven Starts and Just Deserts: Fatalism and Free Will,” Analysis, vol. 49 (1989), pp. 209-13. Waller, Bruce N., Freedom without Responsibility (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990). Waller, Bruce N., “A Response to Kane and Hocutt,” Behavior and Philosophy, vol. 20 (1992), pp. 83-88. Waller, Bruce N., “Empirical Free Will and the Ethics of Moral Responsibility,” Journal of Value Inquiry, vol. 37 (2003), pp. 533-42. Waller, Bruce N., “A Metacompatibilist Account of Free Will: Making Compatibilists and Incompatibilists More Compatible,” Philosophical Studies, vol. 112 (2003), pp. 209-24. Waller, Bruce N., “Neglected Psychological Elements of Free Will,” Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, vol. 11 (2004), pp. 111-18. Walls, Jerry, “Is Molinism as Bad as Calvinism?” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 7 (1990), pp. 85-98. Wallwork, Ernest, Psychoanalysis and Ethics (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991). Walsh, James J., “Is Buridan a Sceptic about Free Will?” Vivarium, vol. 2 (1964), pp. 50-61. Walsh, W. H., “Moral Authority and Moral Choice,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 65 (1965), pp. 1-24. Walter, Edward, “Is Libertarianism Logically Coherent?” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 38 (1978), pp. 505-13. Walter, Henrik, “Authentische Entscheidungen und emotive Neurowissenschaft,” Philosophia Naturalis, vol. 34 (1997), pp. 147-74. Walter, Henrik, Neurophilosophie der Willensfreiheit: von libertarischen Illusionen zum Konzept naturlicher Autonomie (Paderborn: Mentis, 1999), tr. as Neurophilosophy of Free Will: From Libertarian Illusions to a Concept of Natural Autonomy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001).



Walter, Henrik, “Neurophilosophy of Free Will,” in Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook on Free Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 565-76. Walter, Henric, “Neurophilosophy of Free Will: From Libertarian Illusions to a Concept of Natural Autonomy,” in Kristin Andrews (ed.), Philo, vol. 6 (2003), pp. 166-75. Walter, Henrik, “Neurophilosophy of Moral Responsibility: The Case for Revisionist Compatibilism,” Philosophical Topics, vol. 32 (2004), pp. 477504. Walter, J., “Über Reformversuche der Ethik: Witte’s Buch, ‘Über die Freiheit des Willens,” Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, vol. 87 (1885), pp. 272-99. Walter of Bruges, “Quaestiones Disputatae,” in E. Longpre, “Les Quaestiones disputatae du B. Gauthier de Bruges,” Les Philosophes Belges, Textes et Études, (Louvain: Institue supérieur de philosophie, 1928), pp. 34-48. Walter, Sven, Mentale Verursachung: Eine Einführung (Paderborn: Mentis, 2006). Walton, Douglas, “‘Can,’ Determinism, and Modal Logic,” The Modern Schoolman, vol. 52 (1975), pp. 381-90. Walton. D. N., “Lehrer on Action, Freedom and Determinism,” in Radu J. Bogdan (ed.), Keith Lehrer (Dordrecht: Holland, 1981), pp. 107-28. Walton, Douglas, “Modalities in the Free Will Defence,” Religious Studies, vol. 10 (1974), pp. 325-31. Walton, Douglas, “Purtill on Power and Evil,” International Journal for Philosophy or Religion, vol. 8 (1977), pp. 263-67. Wandschneider, Dieter, “Handeln und Schuldigwerden zwischen Determinismus und Freiheitsidee,” Prima Philosophia, vol. 15 (2002), pp. 191-205. Ward, James, Naturalism and Agnosticism (London: Adam and Charles Black, 1903). Ward, Keith, “Freedom and the Iranaean Theodicy,” Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 20 (1969), pp. 249-54. Ward, William George, Free Will (London: Ballantyne, 1879). Warfield, Ted A., “Determinism and Moral Responsibility are Incompatible,” Philosophical Topics, vol. 24 (1996), pp. 215-26. Warfield, Ted A., “Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom are Compatible,” Noûs, vol. 31 (1997), pp. 80-86.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Warfield, Ted A. “On Freedom and Foreknowledge: A Reply to Two Critics,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 17 (2000), pp. 255-59. Warfield, Ted A., “Causal Determinism and Human Freedom are Incompatible: A New Argument for Incompatibilism,” Philosophical Perspectives, vol. 14 (2000), pp. 167-80. Warier, E. I., “Freedom and its Implications,” Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 37 (1964), pp. 193-98. Warner, Richard, Freedom, Enjoyment and Happiness (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987). Warnach, Walter, O. H. Pesch, and R. Spaenann, “Freiheit,” in Joachim Ritter, Karlfried Gründer; Gottfried Gabriel and Rudolf Eisler (eds.), Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, Vol. 2 (Basel: Schwabe, 1971), pp. 1064-1038. Warnock, Geoffrey James, “Actions and Events,” in David Francis Pears (ed.), Freedom and the Will (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1963 and London: MacMillan, 1965). Warnock, Geoffrey James, The Object of Morality (London: Methuen, 1971). Warnock, Geoffrey James, P. F., Strawson, and T. F., Thompson, “Determinism,” in David Francis Pears (ed.), Freedom and the Will (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1963, and London: MacMillan, 1965). Warschauer, J., Das Willensproblem, namenthlich in der englischen Philosophie des 10. Jahrhunderts (Jena: Jena University, 1899). Washburn, E. A., “Moral Responsibility and Physical Law,” in Christian Truth and Modern Opinion (New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1874), pp. 69-100. Wasmer, Thomas A., “Freedom, Responsibility and Desire in Kantian Ethics,” The Thomist, vol. 21 (1958), pp. 320-42. Wasserman, Friedrich and Joachim Schulte, Wille und Motiv: Zwei Abhandlungen über Ethik und Handlungstheorie, ed. J. Schulten (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1983). Watkins, John, “Freedom and Predictability: An Amendment to MacKay,” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 22 (1971), pp. 26375. Watkins, John, “Three Views Concerning Human Freedom,” in Richard S. Peters, Nature and Conduct (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1975). Watkins, John, “Adolf Grunbaum and the Compatibilist Thesis,” in John Earman, et. al. (eds.), Philosophical Problems of the Internal and External



Worlds: Essays on the Philosophy of Adolf Grunbaum (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993), pp. 573-88. Watson, Gary, “Free Agency,” Journal of Philosophy vol. 7 (1975), p. 205220. Reprinted in John Martin Fischer (ed.), Moral Responsibility (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1986). Watson, Gary, “Skepticism about Weakness of Will,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 86 (1977), pp. 316-39. Watson, Gary, “Will, Freedom and Power by Anthony Kenny” Journal of Philosophy, vol. 75 (1978), pp. 209-17 Watson, Gary (ed.), Free Will, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982) contains essays by A. J. Ayer, R. M. Chisholm, Bruce Aune, Keith Lehrer, Peter Van Inwagen, Peter Strawson, Harry G. Frankfurt. Gary Waston, Charles Tayler, Norm Malcolm, David Dennett, and Thomas Nagel.]; the 2nd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003) contains essays by R. Chisholm, P. Van Inwagen, J. C. C. Smart, P. Strawson, D. Wiggins, D. Lewis, S. Bok, H. Frankfurt, D. Widerker, J. Fischer, G. Strawson, T. Nagel, T. O’Connor, Clarke, R. Kane, G, Watson, T. Scanlon, Wolf, Pettit and Smith, R. Albritton, R. J. Wallace.] Watson, Gary, “Review of Daniel Dennett’s Elbow Room,” The Journal of Philosophy (1986), pp. 517-22. Watson, Gary, “Free Action and Free Will,” Mind, vol. 96, (1987), pp. 145-72. Watson, Gary, “Responsibility and the Limits of Evil: Variations on the Stawsonian Theme,” in Ferdinand Schoeman (ed.), Responsibility, Character and Emotions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987). Watson, Gary, “Two Faces of Responsibility,” Philosophical Topics, vol. 24 (1996), pp. 227-48. Watson, Gary, “Some Worries about Semi-Compatibilism: Remarks on John Fischer’s ‘The Metaphysics of Free Will’,” Journal of Social Philosophy, vol. 29 (1998), pp. 135-43. Watson, Gary, “Free Agency,” Journal of Philosophy, vol. 72 (1975), pp. 205220. Reprinted in John Christman (ed.), The Inner Citadel: Essays on Individual Autonomy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), pp. 109-22. Watson, Gary, Agency and Answerability: Selected Essays (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2004). Watson, Steven, “Kant on Autonomy, the Ends of Humanity, and the Possibility of Morality,” Kantstudien, vol. 77(1986), pp. 165-82. Watt, W. Montgomery, Free Will and Predestination in Early Islam (London: Luzac and Company, 1948).


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Watts, Isaac, An Essay on the Freedom of Will in God and in Creatures, and on Various Subjects Connected Therewith (London: J. Roberts, 1732). Also on pp. 455ff. of Vol. 5 of Isaac Walls: Collected Works (London: T. Longman, 1753). Watts, Isaac and John Wesley, Serious Considerations concerning the Doctrines of Election and Reprobation (London: R. Hawes, 1778). Weatherford, Roy, The Implications of Determinism (London and New York: Routledge, 1991). Webber, May A., “No Moral Responsibility without Alternative Possibilities,” Journal of Critical Analysis, vol. 9 (1988), pp. 27-34. Weberus, Christianus, Disputatio de cohaerentia liberi arbitrii et contingentia rerum cum scientia et praedestinatione divina (Mainz, 1588). Webster, William, D. D., Tracts Consisting of Sermons, Discourses, and Letters (London: printed by Henry Woodfall, junior, 1745). [Contains his “An Essay on Liberty.”] Wedberg, Anders “The Theory of Ideas,” in Gregory Vlastos (ed.), Plato: A Collection of Critical Essays (Garden City, N.Y., Anchor Books, 1971), pp. 28-52. Wee, Cecilia, “Descartes and Leibniz on Human Free-Will and the Ability to Do Otherwise,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 36 (2006), pp. 387-414. Wegner, Daniel The Illusion of Conscious Will (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002). Wegner, Daniel and John A. Bargh, “Control and Automaticity in Social Life,” In D. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, G. Lindzey (eds.), Handbook of Social Psychology, 4th. edn. (Boston, McGraw-Hill, 1998), pp. 446-96. Wegner, Daniel and T. Wheatley, “Apparent Mental Causation. Sources of The Experience of Will,” The American Psychologist, vol. 54 (1999), pp. 480-92 Wehle, J. H., Das Toleranz Buch: Aufsätze und Aussprüche über die Freiheit der Meinungsäusserung aus dem 17, 18, und 19 Jahrhundert (Wien: R. V. Waldheim, 1879). Weil, Vivian, “Intentional and Mechanistic Explanation,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 40 (1980), pp. 459-73. Weil, Vivian, “Neurophysiological Determinism and Human Action,” Mind, vol. 89 (1980), pp. 90-95.



Weinfeld, Abraham Chaim, Basic Jewish Ethics and Freedom of Will (New York: Block Publishing Co., 1968). Weinryb, Elazar, “Omissions and Responsibility,” Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 30 (1980), pp. 1-18. Weinstock, Jerome A., “Reid’s Definition of Freedom,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol. 13 (1975), pp. 335-45. Weisberger, Andrea M., “Depravity, Divine Responsibility, and Moral Evil: A Critique of a New Free Will Defence,” Religious Studies, vol. 31 (1995), pp. 375-90. Weischedel, Wilhelm, Der Aufbruch der Freiheit zur Gemeinschaft: Studien zur Philosophie des jungen Fichtes (Leipzig: Meiner, 1939). Weischedel, Wilhelm, “Kant und das Problem einer Erziehung zur Freiheit,” Neue Sammlung, vol. 9 (1969), pp. 520-27. Weiss, Paul, “Freedom of Choice,” Ethics, vol. 52 (1942), pp. 186-99. Weiss, Paul, Nature and Man (New York: H. Holt and Company, 1947). Weiss, Paul, Man’s Freedom (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1950). Weiss, Paul, “Common Sense and Beyond,” in Sidney Hook (ed.) Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (New York: New York University Press, 1958), pp. 218-24. Weissman, H. A., “Freedom’ in Ethics—A Trascausal Concept,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 19 (1959), pp. 341-53. Weite, Bernhard, Determinismus und Freiheit (Frankfurt, 1969). Weitemeyer, Max, Kant und der freie Menschenwille: Zur 200. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages Immanuel Kants (Erfurt: Verlag Concordia medica, 1924). Wells, H. M., The Phenomenology of Acts and Choice: An Analysis of Volitional Consciousness (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1927). Welte, Bernhard, Determination und Freiheit (Frankfurt am Main: J. Knecht 1969). Welzel, Hans, “Kausalität und Handlung,” Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, vol. 51 (1931), pp. 703-20. Welzel, Hans, Das Neue Bild des Strafrechtssystems; eine Einführung in die finale Handlungslehre (Göttingen: Otto Schwartz, 1961). Welzel, Hans, “Gadanken zur ‘Willensfreiheit’” in Karl Engisch, Paul Bockelmann, Arthur Kaufmann, and Ulrich Klug (eds.), Festschrift für Karl


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Engisch zum 70. Geburtstag (Frankfurt am Main: V. Klostermann, 1969). Welzel, Hans, Abhandlungen zum Strafrecht und zur Rechtsphilosophie (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1975). Wendel, François, Calvin: The Origins and Development of his Religious Thought (New York: Harper, 1950). Wentscher, Else, Der Wille: Versuch einer psychologischen Analyse (Leipzig: Teubner, 1910). Wentscher, Max, Das Problem der Willensfreiheit bei Lotze (Halle: Niemeyer, 1902). Wenzl, Aloys, Philosophie der Freiheit: 1 Metaphysik (München-Pasing: Filser Verlag, 1947). Weppler, Albert Paul, Samuel Pufendorf: Ein Bahnbrecher auf den Gebiet der wissenschaftlichen Urteilsfreiheit: 1632 - 1694 (München: Oldenbourg 1928). Werbik, Hans, Handlungstheorien (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1978). Werdermann, Johann Günther Karl, Versuch einer Geschichte der Meinungen uber Schicksal und menschliche Freiheit von den altesten Zeiten ab bis auf die neuesten Denker (Leipzig, S. L. Crusius, 1793). Werner, Selma, Das Problem von der menschlichen Willensfreiheit: Versuch einer Lösung auf analytischem Wege (Berlin: L. Simion nf., 1914). Werner, Selma, “Wille, und Willensfreiheit,” Archiv für systematische Philosophie, vol. 20 (1914), pp. 53-89. Wernigk, Ferdinand Gotthard Franz, Leibniz’ Lehre von der Freiheit des menschlichen Willens (Würzburg: F. X. Bucher, 1890). Werther, David, “Another Look at the Logical Problem of Evil: The Compatibilist Objection,” Philosophia Christi, vol. 5 (2003), pp. 555-62. Wesley, John, Some Observations in Liberty (Edinburgh, 1776), also included in his Works, 4 vols. (Bristol: W. Pine, 1771-74). West, Samuel, Essays on Liberty and Necessity in which the True Nature of Liberty is Stated and Defended, and the Principal Arguments used by Mr. Edwards and others for Necessity are Considered (Boston: Samuel Hall, 1793). West, Stephen, Essay on Moral Agency (New-Haven, Conn.: Thomas and Samuel Green, 1772).



Westberg, Daniel, “Did Aquinas Change His Mind about the Will?” The Thomist, vol. 58 (1994), pp. 41-60. Westbrook, Perry D., Free Will and Determinism in American Literature (Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1979). Westwood, John, “‘Possible for’ and ‘Possible that’,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 11 (1981), pp. 271-84. Wetzel, James, Augustine and the Limits of Virtue (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992). Weyland, Ferdinand, Ethik und Freiheitsproblem bei Otto Liebmann (Bonn: Kendler, 1923). Wheatley, Jon, “Hampshire on Human Freedom,” Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 12 (1962), pp. 248-60. Whedon, Daniel D., The Freedom of the Will as a Basis of Human Responsibility and a Divine Government (New York: Carlton and Lanahan, 1864). Whitacre, Alfred, “Grace and Free Will,” The Month (1928), pp. 543-45. White, Alan R., (ed.) The Philosophy of Action (London: Oxford University Press, 1968; 2nd ed. 1979). White, Alan R., “What Might Have Been,” in Nicholas Rescher (ed.), Studies in the Theory of Knowledge (Oxford: Blackwell, 1970). White, D. M., “Negative Liberty,” Ethics, vol. 80 (1970), pp. 185-204. White, Kevin, “Aquinas on Purpose,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, vol. 81 (2007), pp. 133-48. White, Michael J., “Fatalism and Causal Determinism: An Aristotelian Essay,” Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 31 (1981), pp. 231-41. White, Michael J., Agency and Integrality: Philosophical Themes in the Ancient Discussions of Determinism and Responsibility (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1985). White, Morton G., “On What Could Have Happened,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 77 (1968), pp. 73-89. White, Morton G., “Positive Freedom, Negative Freedom, and Possibility,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 70 (1973), pp. 309-17 White, Morton G., The Question of Free Will: A Holistic View (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993). White, Morton, “Ands and Cans,” Mind, vol. 83 (1974), pp. 248-59.


Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

Whitehead, Alfred North, The Function of Reason (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1929). Whitehead, Alfred North, Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology; Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of Edinburgh during the Session 1927-28 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1929). Reprinted and edited by David Ray Griffin and Donald W Sherburne (New York: Free Press, 1979). Whitehead, Alfred North, Adventures of Ideas (New York: The Macmillan Company 1933). Whitehead, Alfred North, “Aspects of Freedom,” in Ruth Nanda Anshen (ed.), Freedom, Its Meaning (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940). Whitehead, John, An Essay On Liberty and Necessity: In Answer to Augustus Toplady’s Tract, on (What he Calls) “Christian And Philosophical Necessity Asserted”: In which John Wesley’s “Thoughts on Necessity” Are Examined and Defended, The Difficulties of these Subjects Rendered Plain and Easy to Common Readers, and Human Liberty Fully Proved (London: R. Hawes, 1775). Wicelius, Georgius, De libero arbitrio christiani hominis, seu Christianum hominem libero arbitrio, per gratiam Dei, praeditum esse (Köln: ex off. Joann. Quentel, 1548). Wichmann, Ottomar, Wille und Freiheit (München, Rösl, 1922). Wick, Warner, “Truth’s Debt to Freedom,” Mind, vol. 73 (1964), pp. 527-37. Widerker, David, “On an Argument for Incompatibilism,” Analysis, vol. 47 (1987), pp. 37-41. Widerker, David, “Two Forms of Fatalism,” in John Martin Fischer (ed.), Moral Responsibility (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1986), pp. 97-110. Widerker, David, “Troubles with Ockhamism,” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 87 (1990), pp. 462-80. Widerker, David, “Frankfurt on ‘Ought’ Implies ‘Can’ and Alternative Possibilities,” Analysis, vol. 49 (1991), pp. 222-24. Widerker, David, “Libertarian Freedom and the Avoidability of Decisions,” Faith and Philosophy, vol. 12 (1995), pp. 113-18. Widerker, David, “Libertarianism and Frankfurt’s Attack on the Principle of Alternative Possibilities,” The Philosophical Review, vol. 104 (1995), pp. 247-61. Widerker, David, “Contra Snapshot Ockhamism,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 39 (1996), pp. 95-102.



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Nicholas Rescher • Free Will Biblography

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The Determinism and Freedom of Philosophy Website, (University College London) Bibliography on Free Will, (Australian



Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “History of the Free Will Problem” The Information Philosopher, Hoefer Carl, “Causal Determinism,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . McKenna, Michael, “Compatibilism” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Online edition (



Nicholas Rescher

Collected Paper. 14 Volumes Nicholas Rescher is University Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh where he also served for many years as Director of the Center for Philosophy of Science. He is a former president of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, and has also served as President of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, the American Metaphysical Society, the American G. W. Leibniz Society, and the C. S. Peirce Society. An honorary member of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, he has been elected to membership in the European Academy of Arts and Sciences (Academia Europaea), the Institut International de Philosophie, and several other learned academies. Having held visiting lectureships at Oxford, Constance, Salamanca, Munich, and Marburg, Professor Rescher has received seven honorary degrees from universities on three continents (2006 at the University of Helsinki). Author of some hundred books ranging over many areas of philosophy, over a dozen of them translated into other languages, he was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Prize for Humanistic Scholarship in 1984. ontos verlag has published a series of collected papers of Nicholas Rescher in three parts with altogether fourteen volumes, each of which will contain roughly ten chapters/essays (some new and some previously published in scholarly journals). The fourteen volumes would cover the following range of topics: Volumes I - XIV STUDIES IN 20TH CENTURY PHILOSOPHY ISBN 3-937202-78-1 · 215 pp. Hardcover, EUR 75,00

STUDIES IN VALUE THEORY ISBN 3-938793-03-1 . 176 pp. Hardcover, EUR 79,00

STUDIES IN PRAGMATISM ISBN 3-937202-79-X · 178 pp. Hardcover, EUR 69,00

STUDIES IN METAPHILOSOPHY ISBN 3-938793-04-X . 221 pp. Hardcover, EUR 79,00

STUDIES IN IDEALISM ISBN 3-937202-80-3 · 191 pp. Hardcover, EUR 69,00

STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF LOGIC ISBN 3-938793-19-8 . 178 pp. Hardcover, EUR 69,00

STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHICAL INQUIRY ISBN 3-937202-81-1 · 206 pp. Hardcover, EUR 79,00

STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE ISBN 3-938793-20-1 . 273 pp. Hardcover, EUR 79,00

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ontos verlag Frankfurt • Paris • Lancaster • New Brunswick 2006. 14 Volumes, Approx. 2630 pages. Format 14,8 x 21 cm Hardcover EUR 798,00 ISBN 10: 3-938793-25-2 Due October 2006 Please order free review copy from the publisher Order form on the next page

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Nicholas Rescher

Epistemological Studies The present book continues Rescher’s longstanding practice of publishing occasional studies written for formal presentation and informal discussion with colleagues. They form part of a wider program of investigation of the scope and limits of rational inquiry in the pursuit of knowledge.

About the author Nicholas Rescher is University Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh where he also served for many years as Director of the Center for Philosophy of Science. He is a former president of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, and has also served as President of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, the Americna Metaphysical Society, the American G. W. Leibniz Society, and the C. S. Peirce Society. An honorary member of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, he has been elected to membership in the European Academy of Arts and Sciences (Academia Europaea), the Institut International de Philosophie, and several other learned academies. Having held visiting lectureships at Oxford, Constance, Salamanca, Munich, and Marburg, Professor Rescher has received six honorary degrees from universities on three continents. Author of some hundred books ranging over many areas of philosophy, over a dozen of them translated into other languages, he was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Prize for Humanistic Scholarship in 1984. In November 2007 Nicholas Rescher was awarded by the American Catholic Philosophical Association with the „Aquinas Medal“

ontos verlag

Frankfurt • Paris • Lancaster • New Brunswick 2009. 112pp. Format 14,8 x 21 cm Hardcover EUR 59,00 ISBN 13: 978-3-86838-048-4 Due July 2009 Please order free review copy from the publisher Order form on the next page

P.O. Box 1541 • D-63133 Heusenstamm bei Frankfurt • [email protected] Tel. ++49-6104-66 57 33 • Fax ++49-6104-66 57 34

ProcessThought 22

Nicholas Rescher

Ideas in Process A Study on the Development of Philosophical Concepts The book aims to provide a process-philosophical perspective philosophizing itself. It employs the perspectives of process philosophy for elucidating the historical development of philosophical ideas. The doctrine of historicism in the history of ideas has it that each era and perhaps even each thinker employs philosophical ideas in such a user-idiosyncratic way that there is no continuity and indeed no connectivity of public access across the divides of space, time, and culture. In opposition to such a view, the present processist deliberations see the development of ideas as a matter of generic processes that have ample room for connectivity and recurrence, permitting the very self-same conception to be shared by philosophers of different settings. Beyond arguing this histico-processism on general principles, the book presents a series of case studies of significant philosophical topics that illustrate and elaborate upon the developmental connectivities at issue.

ontos verlag

Frankfurt • Paris • Lancaster • New Brunswick 2009. 148pp. Format 14,8 x 21 cm Hardback EUR 59,00 ISBN: 978-3-86838-038-5 Due April 2009 Please order free review copy from the publisher Order form on the next page

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