Foundations of the subquantum mechanism

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Table of contents :
Cover Page
Foundations of the subquantum mechanism
Table of contents
Chap.0 Summary of the SubQuantum Mechanism (SQM)
Chap. 1- The basic points of the SQM
Chap. 2- The elements that make up the SQM
Chap. 3- Starting formulation
Chap.4- Axiomatization of the sub-quantum mechanism
Chap.5- Considerations on the SQM
Chap. 6- Application of the Sub Quantum Mechanism
Chap. 7- The curvature of the structure of the ether
Chap. 8- The Genesis of Quantum Mechanics MQ
Chap. 9- Formalization of the Sub Quantum Mechanism (SQM)
Chap.10-Quantum gravity
Chap.11-Equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass
Chap. 12- The process of formation of matter.
Chap. 13- The SQM and General Relativity- GR
Chap. 14- Axiomatization of the sub-quantum mechanism
Chap. 15- The fundamental property of matter: it attracts itself according to the SQM
Chap. 16- Dynamics of the SQM
Chap. 17- Bases and structures of the QM
Chap. 18- The dynamic process of the SQM
Chap. 19- The fundamental and innovative points highlighted by the QM
Chap. 20- Potential energy
Chap. 21- Analysis of the principal components and developments of the QM
Chap. 22- The meaning of gravity in the SQM
Chap. 23- Equivalence of gravitational mass and inertial mass in the SQM.
Chap. 24- Relativity and quantum mechanics
Chap.25- Operational functioning of universal gravitation
Chap. 26- On universal gravitation
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Foundations of the subquantum mechanism

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Oskar Valda

Foundations of the subquantum mechanism

deep roots of the quantum mechanics

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Table of contents

Chap.0 Summary of the SubQuantum Mechanism (SQM)

Chap. 1- The basic points of the SQM

Chap. 2- The elements that make up the SQM

Chap. 3- Starting formulation

Chap.4- Axiomatization of the sub-quantum mechanism

Chap.5- Considerations on the SQM

Chap. 6- Application of the Sub Quantum Mechanism

Chap. 7- The curvature of the structure of the ether

Chap. 8- The Genesis of Quantum Mechanics MQ

Chap. 9- Formalization of the Sub Quantum Mechanism (SQM)

Chap.10-Quantum gravity

Chap.11-Equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass

Chap. 12- The process of formation of matter.

Chap. 13- The SQM and General Relativity- GR

Chap. 14- Axiomatization of the sub-quantum mechanism

Chap. 15- The fundamental property of matter: it attracts itself according to the SQM

Chap. 16- Dynamics of the SQM

Chap. 17- Bases and structures of the QM

Chap. 18- The dynamic process of the SQM

Chap. 19- The fundamental and innovative points highlighted by the QM

Chap. 20- Potential energy

Chap. 21- Analysis of the principal components and developments of the QM

Chap. 22- The meaning of gravity in the SQM

Chap. 23- Equivalence of gravitational mass and inertial mass in the SQM.

Chap. 24- Relativity and quantum mechanics

Chap.25- Operational functioning of universal gravitation

Chap. 26- On universal gravitation

Original title: Fondamenti del meccanismo subquantico translated into English by the author "Einstein argued that God does not play dice." A puzzling or controversial implication follows from this fact that if he didn’t use the dice would be no multiplicity and no evolution. The world would be just one big atom. Pity! Yet it was not difficult for him to understand since he had all the most important elements of Quantum Mechanics under his nose. Many physicists have pointed out that the formulation of Quantum Mechanics is missing an important piece. Its theoretical incompleteness has been evoked, there has been talk of hidden variables, non-locality of the theory, provoking long debates which have left things at a standstill. There is even Einstein's famous phrase in which he says that "God does not play dice". A big mistake! If God did not play dice, as Darwin taught us, there would be neither evolution nor the immense variety of our world which would be limited to a single atom. Perhaps more simply the theory lacks an unprecedented operation of analysis and synthesis capable of providing the "missing part" or a new logical paradigm capable of making Quantum Mechanics understandable to human beings. The book starts from the basics with the analysis of the concept of Planck's constant h in terms of Minimum Action, i.e.: a flow of a quantum of energy in the unit of time. The next step is to formalize the motion as a phenomenon on the fabric of a space that is also quantized, recently back in fashion in Quantum Gravity. Attention! In this case a mysterious question arises: how can one conceive the movement of a particle between discrete areoles of space with solution of continuity? A promising idea may be that of resorting to the strange dual nature of wave-matter discovered by de Broglie by means of which the particle would not move but probably only its information is translated in wave form between spatial quanta. However, this idea requires a subquantum mechanism where the quantum vacuum

becomes a key participatory element, or rather a fundamental intermediary already glimpsed in Alain Aspect's experiments on entanglement. The development of a paradigm of the subquantum mechanism would show among other things that the main concepts of special and general relativity can be derived from Quantum Mechanics. This approach helps to clarify within an intelligible logical structure several obscure aspects of modern physics including Quantum Gravity itself and also the root cause for which space is curved by the presence of mass. In fact, according to advanced physics, space is anything but inconsistent, as supposed at the time by the Michelson-Morley test. Einstein's well-known reasoning - gedanken experiment- of the elevator represented an ingenious analogy on gravity capable of providing a final effect that can be calculated with extreme precision, alas overlooking the profound cause of the phenomenon. In fact, General Relativity does not predict that gravity implies invisible attractive forces between masses but only a deformable geometry that pilots the trajectories of the planets along the edge of a sort of funnel. Nevertheless, we have a problem, namely that to bend a spatial fabric, by no means inconsistent, a force whose origin is obscure is needed and on this point no one has been able to provide an exhaustive logical framework. Instead, it seems that the existence of Matter in space requires quantized actions of energy without which the objects of the world would disappear instantaneously. Such an effect would delight the great physicist Ernst Mach who hypothesized mass as a condensation of accelerations that were exchanged between them in terms of gravitational attraction. (With a more philosophical approach see by the same author: "The hidden paradigm of Quantum Mechanics" Streetlib).

Index Chap. 0- Summary of the SubQuantum Mechanism (SQM) Chap. 1- The basic points of the SQM Chap. 2 The elements that make up the SQM Chap. 3- Starting formulation Chap. 4-Axiomatization of the sub-quantum mechanism Chap. 5- Various considerations on the SQM Chap. 6- Application of the Sub Quantum Mechanism Chap. 7- The curvature of the structure of the ether Chap. 8- The Genesis of Quantum Mechanics MQ Chap. 9- Formalization of the Sub-Quantum Mechanism Chap.10- Quantum gravity Chap.11- Equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass Chap.12- The process of formation of matter Chap.13- The SQM and general relativity- GR Chap.14- Axiomatization of the sub-quantum mechanism Chap.15- The fundamental property of matter: it attracts itself Chap.16- Dynamics of the SQM Chap.17- Bases and structures of the QM

Chap.18- The dynamic process of the SQM Chap.19- The fundamental and innovative points highlighted by the QM Chap.20- Potential energy Chap.21- Analysis of the principal components and developments of the QM Chap.22- The meaning of gravity in the SQM Chap.23- Equivalence of gravitational mass and inertial mass in the SQM Chap.24- Relativity and quantum mechanics Chap.25- Operational functioning of universal gravitation Chap.26- On universal gravitation

Author's introduction to the English edition A great physicist of the last century, Richard Feynman, wrote the famous sentence: I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." For a physical theory that should reveal knowledge of the building blocks of the world, this is a disheartening statement that reveals missing pieces in the logical structure comprehensible to the human mind. Modern texts on quantum mechanics (QM) are full of mathematical formulations as if it were a question of solving a quiz whose solution is entrusted to tensors, spinors, algebras, etc. etc. Again, Feynman had always told his students to compile equations in physics only if the result is already known. Perhaps this is the reason why for about a century quantum mechanics has revolved around itself talking about models, on the one hand too well known, on the other completely dreamlike and bizarre, in short, quantum mechanics is marking time. Yet modern experimental physics has brought to light a number of surprising notions, one of which is undoubtedly Alain Aspect's experiment on entanglement (2022 Nobel Prize). A crucial experiment from which completely new and unexpected scenarios and worlds can be opened up. Someone has already pointed out that something is missing from the formulation of quantum mechanics: its theoretical incompleteness has been evoked, there has been talk of hidden variables, non-locality of the theory; causing long debates that have left things in a dead end. Perhaps more simply, the theory lacks an unprecedented operation of analysis and synthesis capable of providing the "missing part" of a new logical paradigm capable of making QM understandable to human beings. Well, the purpose of this work is precisely to make quantum mechanics more understandable using a few basic elements towards a new synthesis. It is probable that the general formulation will eventually turn out to be wrong, but it doesn't matter, the purpose is more limited. That is to add a new paradigm that will be called Sub-Quantum Mechanism to what is already known in a logical structure having an internal coherence . We realize how daring this task is, but we put our hands forward by saying that if even a small percent of the present "sub-quantum mechanism

theory" turns out to be correct, innovative, and useful for other theories, this contribution would be a great success. The book has been compiled in such a way as to give you an immediate idea of what it is actually about, so subquantum theory is developed from different angles as if it were a research diary. Doubts, contradictions and paradoxes are treated without hiding anything, trying instead to stimulate readers' attention to elaborate timely improvements and criticisms of all kinds that the author will be happy to receive at his email address. In fact, it is necessary to broaden the scope of the paradigm towards unexplored paths that the mathematics of the discontinuous available today is unable to investigate. The development of new advanced theories beyond QM depends on the one hand on logical-philosophical investigation and on the other on laboratory experiments. January 10 - 2023

Chap.0 Summary of the SubQuantum Mechanism (SQM) Key concept of the subquantum mechanism. “You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” This famous phrase of Einstein obliges the author of the book to summarize the essence, with due imperfections, of his "subquantum mechanism" in a short intelligible picture to all. Planck's quantum of action is perfected by hitting the ether in turn quantized in pixels (minimum space area) by means of an indivisible constant ℎ of energy/time unit, which stresses the space pixel by curving it. In this curving action a corpuscle materializes as a singular moment of the process. A sort of crystallization of the dynamic process is foreseen which collapses instantaneously through an action of equal and opposite force (3rd principle) by the stressed ether. The energy of this contrary action returns in undulatory form in a field external to the world with which the ether communicates in a dynamic way. This energy field has never been fully identified assuming in modern physics various names: quantum vacuum, Dirac sea, energy field, and in certain cases as virtual fields etc.., there where all objects are entangled in a virtual universe of energy without space and time. In turn, this field included between two real values of the particles rejects the action ℎ with a direct acceleration to the starting pixel, undergoing an inaccuracy in the localization included in an uncertainty interval due to the undulatory nature of the movement. By repeating this mechanism, an oscillating energy fieldether/pixel circuit will be formed, regulated by the centripetal acceleration of the mass-spring system equal to c 2/r. Due to Heisenberg's principle which establishes margins of error, this implies dispersions of these accelerations in space. These dispersions are captured by other masses functioning as oscillating systems on the basis of both probabilistic laws and the square of

the distance. Thus, an exchange of accelerations is generated between the masses with direction in the emitting/receiving centres. This subquantum mechanism presents itself as a new paradigm at the basis of the attraction between bodies, and also provides a logical explanation to quantum gravity together with other basic physical phenomena such as: the intrinsic inertia of matter, the gravitational mass equivalence, inertial mass, the motion, and the slowing down of time with increasing gravitational force. Furthermore, the most important results of the special and general theory of relativity appear as corollaries of quantum mechanics. A key axiom of this mechanism is that the pixels that configure the bodies do not move but only their information mediated by the specular Energy Field to the ether moves. Preamble For years, physicists have continued to say that no one has ever understood quantum mechanics. Einstein thought it incomplete. It is argued that perhaps it is logically misplaced, or perhaps that there are metaphysical explanations. In America, some young physicists study Scholasticism to be inspired by new paradigms, others practice Zen meditation. Or more simply, the theory of quantum mechanics could lack an entire basic device that David Bohm had destined for a deeper level of interaction between energy and matter, calling it the " subquantum level" for which quantum mechanics becomes comprehensible to common sense. In the present work we move in the latter direction. Let's start from the beginning, i.e. from the definition of "Plank's constant ℎ" as a minimum action equal to a quantized flow of energy emitted in one second: ℎ ₌ Δ E × sec. We apply to this formula Planck's definition of the action ℎ with the following premise: Δ E = W(work) = Δ F × s where s represents a certain displacement. An indivisible grain of energy that generates minimal action through a quantized force element, where the s corresponds to the paths taken to activate an action on the ether. That is:

ℎ ₌ ( Δ F × s) × Δ T Basic assumptions of the paradigm: The basic assumptions are as follows: i ) The existence of a reticular ether formed by space-time quanta defined as minimal indivisible entities that we will call pixels. ii ) The existence of a parallel universe, a sea/field of dark energy, virtual field, etc. not currently measurable in real terms by physicists, in which the ether is immersed. In this book, we symbolically call this energy seaU . It should be noted that lately the physicist Leah Broussard has developed a weird theory on a parallel universe of dark matter/energy that could approach the sea-U: an idea to be verified. Therefore, the seaU is seen as an inexhaustible source of energy that interacts with our Universe of objects similar to the concepts of zero-point energy, Dirac sea, quantum vacuum, etc., admitting that at the present time there is a lot of uncertainty in these formulations. iii ) The connection or exchange of information between sea-U and the ether must take place along an oscillating circuit equivalent to the massspring system defined by Hooke's law . In this circuit the motion regulated by the centripetal acceleration v 2/r develops. Important! Everything that happens in the spatial structure is real, what happens in the sea-U is a virtual environment that physicists denote in mathematics with complex numbers. In the specific case of the SQM, r is the measure of the elongation X defined in Hooke's law, while v ₌ c, the speed of light. The speed of light in the SQM represents the speed of the process of materialization. Review of the mass-spring system : simple harmonic oscillator

F is the elastic force generated by a spring where X represents the elongation. I.e., we have a spring that is stretched or compressed by a force directly proportional to the elongation. This has a module, a direction that satisfy a specific formula called Hooke's law. F e = - K X. It should be noted that the harmonic oscillator is considered the most important model of quantum mechanics. iv) The one-to-one passage of information between sea-U and Ether takes place through matter-wave packets. Between the two fields, sea-U ↔ Ether, there must be an exchange of information and the possibility of copying, as a form of memory. v) The existence of entanglement and non-locality of quantum mechanics, as shown by the experiment of Alain Aspect. Now let's look in depth at the definition of Planck's constant as the minimum action ℎ ₌ ΔE × sec . We perform the following transformation ℎ = Δ F × X(displacement) × sec of which: ΔF = Δm × acceleration, taking into account that in the SQM centripetal accelerations act through a vibrating circuit c 2/ x. It should be kept in mind that X is the elongation of the spring associated with the minimum action, the speed is = c, since it is the process speed of the SQM carried out by wave systems traveling at the speed of light. Important! The elongation measures the displacement that the system makes, therefore E = W = F × X (W). Displacement is intrinsic to the process of intermittent formation of matter in space. A concept probably related to the “spin”. The displacement of a position in space to obtain the work W is also indicated as elongation with the symbols s or X (from Hooke's law) in analogy with r, radius of the circle of centripetal acceleration v 2/r. Basically the symbols used: s, X and r want to indicate the often value. In fact F = ma = -mw 2x which by replacing mw 2 with the constant k, represents the expression of the elastic force

F = -kx. As regards the time, it must be replaced with the Period of the: T wave = λ/c . With these premises now the minimum action of Planck becomes: ℎ = X × Δm × c 2/ X × λ/c = Δm × c × λ = h Thus, the constant ℎ can be considered as the quantized angular momentum. Note that in the formulation the elongation (or displacement X) disappears. It should also be noted that X in this equation could take on any value. Keeping in mind the quantum mechanical energy relation: E = frequency × ℎ, we can write it as: ΔE ₌ Frequency × Planck's constant , or: c/ λ × Δm × c × λ ₌ Δm × c 2; this macro-level relationship becomes the famous equation E = m c 2 This formula has therefore been derived directly from Quantum Mechanics ignoring Special Relativity. Let's reason on this result using the SQM paradigm! The energy therefore represents the work necessary to activate the pixels on the ether. This work W is nothing but the sum of the paths on the space between the point of emergence from the sea-U and the pixel/target. On average - for iterated attempts both up and down around the target- this path is roughly proportional to the wavelength-matter λ. Based on this circular motion, matter intrinsically vibrates! Attention! All paths that are outsized by excess from the mean λ spread accelerations in space that represent the potential gravitational attraction with respect to other bodies! The paths by default are spatially perhaps too close to have a gravitational effect, while it could enter the area of influence of other

forces. If we take these hypotheses into account, from the action ℎ we approximate the Heisenberg relations in fact: ℎ = ΔE × ΔT ℎ = λ × Δm c (1) or the de-Broglie relation at the macro level, that means: λ= ℎ /mv; in which the average of the position is determined by the wavelength taking into account that we are talking about minimum quantized values, with process speed c. At the macro level one can write: ℎ ≥ ΔE × ΔT; ℎ ≥ λ × Δm v The hypotheses made and the results obtained lead us to think of a quantum harmonic oscillator as an operating model at the deep basis of the theory of quantum mechanics. We are referring to the Subquantum Mechanism "SQM" whose functioning is illustrated below. In detail, this SQM operates starting from the action ℎ, just as a minimum impulse, as a quantized flow of energy consumed in a unit of time. For the recent Constructor Theory by David Deutsch it is a question of putting together two parallel universes that exchange accelerations while remaining distinct from each other. In addition to exchanging information, it is allowed to copy, for example, the intensity and direction of an acceleration, as a sort of memory to be shared. Finally, the theory of the SQM until proven otherwise is possible. Proceeding with more details: An action ℎ affects a space-time quantum we have called a pixel. This action implies a pressure that curves the pixel (perhaps better to say that it generates a camber on the space). In fact, the elastic structure of the ether

must probably offer a form of mechanical resistance. According to the 3rd principle of dynamics, therefore, there is an equal and opposite reaction on the part of the pixel under stress such as to reject the action ℎ towards the parallel world of the sea-U in wave form. In this sea-U, without space and without time, in which speeds are instantaneous, all the information of the objects of the world are entangled with each other, as Alain Aspect's experiment has partially shown. Now let's better analyze the development of the SQM: the sea-U in turn rejects the action ℎ in undulatory form making it instantly re-emerge in the direction and near the starting pixel. Direction refers to the acceleration carried by the action ℎ. Furthermore, since we are dealing with waves, we have to take into account a margin of uncertainty in reaching the location of the starting pixel within an uncertainty interval λ. This margin of uncertainty is governed by probabilistic laws! If there are no other forces involved, an oscillating circuit is thus created: sea-U → around the original pixel. In these attempts to return to the starting pixel, other off-target pixels are hit again along an oscillating circuit ether ↔ sea-U for a certain number of cycles which last until other forces intervene respectively to: a) vary the motion and therefore the potential localization of the particle; b) gain mass. In the SQM, off-target accelerations that activate other pixels fall within the sea-U although they retain the direction information of the original pixel. If this were not the case, there would be a random dispersion of accelerations for the universe with no stable object formations. Ultimately, this circular movement between two worlds (sea-U ↔ Ether) is dominated by the actions ℎ which activate pixels within a margin of error, curving them, and thus causing a corpuscle to vibrate around a centre. In practical terms we will witness a mass-spring movement with displacements from the equilibrium point equal to x around the target pixel. The mean will be the X of Hooke's law. (More details are given later in the "Motion" paragraph) It should be kept in mind that an action ℎ is carried out by means of pressure wave packets aimed at activating areoles on the ether. This mechanism

materializes the intermittent formation of matter, a bit like a pearl inside an oyster. The pixel bent by the photon pressure due to the action ℎ represents a singular point of the oscillating circuit. Now, on the crest of the wave-matter function, just as a singular point, the quantum photon curves the area of pixel space from the 2nd dimension of the flat ether to the 3rd D due to the curvature to bring it to the state of matter. Matter is therefore seen as a singular oscillating point, in which we obtain the maximum probability of materializing a particle on the ether. It is said in MQ: the square of the amplitude of the wave . A corpuscle is the product of a dynamic process between two parallel worlds: i.e. between i ) the sea-U, which supplies energy, and ii ) the structure of the ether as a constructive plot: almost as if it were a sort of grating for a digital television. The state-of-matter actuates in a single instant provided by a wave mechanism that is born/dies on the crests of the wave function. Once the corpuscle has materialized on the ether, its wave function immediately collapses forcing the pixel(s) involved to re-emit the energy accumulated in the torsion by bouncing the information of the corpuscle back into the sea-U, conceivably in a wave form. Once downloaded, the pixel renormalizes itself in 2^D. "An object of the world is made up of activated pixels" . That is, God does not play dice but tennis. A particle attracts itself. On the basis of the mass-spring movement of the SQM, we must now admit that matter, as a dynamic process, reproduces itself and rebounds on itself through a cyclical trend between ether and sea-U. This intrinsic attraction represents the profound property of Inertia. Bearing in mind the previous formulation: E = F × X = m × c 2/ X = mc 2. The mass × the square of the speed of light is nothing more than the energy required to materialize and fix a particle for an instant, curving the structure

of the space. In other words, this intrinsic force represents the number of pixels that make up the corpuscle (the mass) multiplied by the centripetal acceleration of the mass-spring oscillating circuit of the SQM. Inertia is not only a property of matter which opposes resistance to external accelerations, but represents the necessary work W to materialize bodies on our ether. In other words, the exchange of accelerations between the sea-U ↔Ether creates the particles that form the objects of the World. It is therefore a sort of clay that allows, in intermittent terms, the creation of the mass. In addition to Inertia, the formulation of the SQM provides a logic to a series of properties/effects of matter such as : a) space-time curvature; b) quantum gravity; c) the principle of equivalence; d) motion; e) the nature of time. a-The curvature of space-time. The least action ℎ, as it has been formulated, represents the emission of a quantum of energy in the unit of time. If we imagine this impulse hitting a quantum of space (pixel), the elastic structure of the ether bends converting this Work into Matter. In this way, the energy of the action/s ℎ is simultaneously absorbed and then returned to the sea-U in wave form (action/reaction). In other words, on the crest of the wave, where the amplitude is maximum there is a singular point at zero time (see the paragraph on time after), the particle materializes in the camber of the ether for an instant, to then collapse. The collapse of the wave function in this case is due in perfect agreement with the 3rd principle of action-reaction dynamics. To notice! In the SQM the matter-energy interaction is immediate. In this way, a tensor of elasticities and deformations due to the presence of mass-energy in space could rightly be calculated. The SQM offers a presence of mass-energy in dynamic terms, as proof of the perturbations that space undergoes in the instantaneous and punctual

construction of matter by means of actions ℎ. Once the curvature of a spatial pixel due to an action ℎ has been calibrated, it is likely to extend this result to a planetary mass to verify the extent of the curvature of spacetime in the presence of mass. The result should be identical to that obtained by General Relativity, although the latter does not explain the intimate mechanism of gravity. Much less is the logic for which space should curve in the presence of masses explained. If the pressure-effect of the actions ℎ on the ether due to the SQM to generate the Inertia were mathematically verified, also general relativity would probably become a logical corollary of quantum mechanics. b-Quantum gravity. The exchange of accelerations generated by the SQM also provides a more intelligible model with a dynamic approach to explain the logic of massenergy equivalence. Bearing in mind the circular development of the SQM, this exchange of accelerations takes place in a wave form involving the uncertainty principle. In fact, the sea-U ↔ Ether interaction implies errors on the targets (position) causing dispersion of accelerations in proportion to the wavelength: the greater the wavelength, the greater the uncertainty interval. Such dispersion by a body A will activate other pixels located in the ether in other masses operating through the SQM. In turn these masses will emit accelerations with the direction of the emitting body A. Suppose that a pixel of body B is activated by an acceleration dispersed by A, then B will undergo a solicitation towards the centre of mass of A. The same happens for an acceleration dispersed by B and collected by a pixel of A, in such a way that the bodies A and B are pushed towards each other with probabilities proportional to M a × M b , obviously with the inverse square of the distance which measures the degree of dispersion of matter in space, therefore the probability of encountering other emitting sources /recipients. From this point of view, quantum gravity is a consequence of both the SQM oscillating system that makes inertia operational and of Heisenberg's principle.

Attention! Information moves, not the pixels of the ether. c-The principle of equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass. In this summary paragraph we limit ourselves to providing a logical explanation (again based on the SQM) on the reason why two bodies A and B of different weights fall with the same times on the surface of a planet, for example the Earth. In this specific case we still keep in mind the intrinsic property of a body A to attract itself through the dynamics of inertia. We must also include the uncertainty principle according to which all the bodies in materializing on the ether suffer a loss of actions ℎ (accelerations) proportional to its mass. This loss generates accelerations dispersed and diffused towards other bodies. This explains the gravitational attraction for exchanges of accelerations - dispersed/diffused- intertwined in the space between the masses, validating the basic idea of Mach. It is worth repeating that both the actions ℎ of materialization of a body and the accelerations missed due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle are proportional to the mass. The greater the mass, the higher the percentage of dispersed shares ℎ that are exchanged with a gravitational field (e.g. the Earth). A bit as if both bodies A and B were independently fixed by two suction cups against a vertical glass plate, the suction cups of which suffer from an air leak in the seal. If the loss is proportional to the weight of the bodies, they will slide with the same times. The losses from these suction cups represent the shares ℎ dispersed (not locked) by virtue of the uncertainty principle. Basically, the pixels that form a body A, stationary in altitude with respect to the surface of the Earth, should be activated due to the SQM to fix themselves on the ether. A portion of the pixels are missed by their returning accelerations to be instead captured and replaced by those scattered by the Earth's gravitational field. Let's put it in these extreme terms: a body A is in the gravitational field of a massive star, if all the pixels that compose it (Inertia) are occupied for the

SQM, the body A should be impermeable to any form of gravitational attraction. On the contrary, if the information of the pixels (that is the amount of their curvature) is entirely captured by the force of attraction of the star (for example a black hole) the body A would lose the inertia falling on the star with an accelerated motion tending to that process speed of the SQM, i.e. → velocity the of light. It should be noted that in the latter case the equivalence principle would be violated and the objects would fall with times proportional to their mass: the more mass, the more speed as Aristotle pointed out. d-The nature of time. In quantum mechanics it is better to consider time as the duration of a process. Even better to consider it as the Period, i.e. the inverse of the frequency of a wave-matter. The example that a clock on the house terrace turns faster than another on the ground floor can be interpreted as an apparent paradox. In fact, a higher frequency should materialize more mass on the ether, increasing the gravitational field, so that the SQM could appear faster than the low frequency. Instead, based on general relativity and irrefutable experimental evidence, it is exactly the opposite, the greater the mass, the slower is the passage of time. To intuitively justify that the passage of several wave crests per unit time slows down a clock, it is necessary to establish a postulate in which the state-matter is a singular point at zero time. That is, on the crests of the wave-matter the hands stop. The higher the frequency within a gravitational field, i.e. when the crests of the waves are close to each other, the less changes the image of a body A undergoes and therefore the lower its entropy, and…. the less it gets older. Time seems to pass only when a particle is in the wave state in the sea-U ↔ ether exchange. The longer the wavelength, the faster the aging rate. The problem then arises that time flows only between one image and another of matter, or in the undulating paths along the ether based on the wavelength. Note that the state-matter is a singular point at zero time (and presumably) also at zero velocity. In a black hole, the crests of its wave function are

tightly packed together. Paradoxically, the state of matter crystallizes a process and then collapses and starts a new cycle. Now let's visualize what we said with an image: Let's take an animated book made up of 30 moving figurines that represent a cyclist's 360-degree pedal stroke. If we add another 100 animated drawings, the pedalling will tend to slow down visually and if we add an immense number of drawings we will notice, as we scroll through the book between our fingers, that the images of the pedal will tend towards immobility. The number of stickers represents the frequency which, as it increases, slows down the animation. The state-of-matter is in some ways ephemeral, it lives only for an instant to be unfurled in waves by the normalization of 2D pixels. This mental model obviously does not take into account reading speed. e-Motion. Based on what is reported on the property of matter, the motion of a particle is conditioned by the following postulate: particle A located in a set of pixels does not move but translates its information towards other pixels on the space. In fact, if we examine a material particle as the final result of a dynamic process (SQM), we must consider it as a singular point at zero time and velocity. From this precise moment its wave function collapses, the curved pixels relax by emitting energy disassembling the particle, in the form of wave packets towards the sea-U, which we can consider a virtual field external to our world. The energy expended to materialize a body on the ether is equal to m × c 2. Strictly speaking, the same amount of energy would be required to move a body with its pixels. But then how is motion possible? The motion is feasible not by moving the pixels but by its information to translate the Inertia from one packet of pixels to another through the SQM. Bodies only move in a wave state! What we call uniform rectilinear motion is a pure appearance, in reality the path is broken up as if the particle were swimming in the manner of a dolphin with dives and emergences. An obvious logical consequence of the quantization of space for which a trajectory must proceed by leaps from one areola to another. Attention! Around each areola there is an interruption (a

spatial interregnum) where an intermediary energy field is needed through which the particle enters and exits by choosing the most probable direction, roughly formalized by arrows oriented as in Feynman's paths. We have to imagine a sea dotted with small atolls (pixels) where an untrained swimmer to start from atoll A and reach atoll B chooses a route where several atolls emerge on which to stop for a moment and then dive back and so on up to the atoll B, as a probable destination. The final path therefore appears as a path dotted with individual points where the corpuscle emerges (or rather materializes) for an instant, stopping the time of the process. It should be noted that in order to pass from one areola to another following a given path, the corpuscle needs energy bridges in which to transmit its information. Attention! Again, pixels do not move. Matter moves by translating its information! According to the SQM principle, in each segment marked by the wavelength, the corpuscle disappears (collapses) and then reappears on the ether with an acceleration c 2/r to reach, in wave form, the pixels to be activated by means of the actions ℎ . In uniform rectilinear motion, a sort of stop & go actually takes place. It is precisely the constant accelerations having a given direction - i.e. the actions ℎ - carried by the wave packet which serve to materialize/fix the particle/mass in a given areola. Without such accelerations it is evident that the particle would no longer appear on our world. In the macroscopic world, the concept of speed is only apparent. To pass to an accelerated motion or to a change of direction it is necessary to enter in the SQM other actions ℎ, other accelerations capable of increasing the speed or changing directions. Finally, what does the acceleration c 2/ x intrinsically represent? It is the force necessary to transfer the information of one/more pixels from the sea-U to the Ether.

Chap. 1- The basic points of the SQM Postulates. 1-Planck's constant ℎ defined as the minimum action in a unit of time. 2-Planck's hypothesis of the black body: the energy consists of quanta, minimal actions. The action consists of a jet of photons pressing on the ether. 3-The quantization of space, energy, matter, time. In our world there are no measures smaller than quanta: space, time, energy, matter. Spacetime granularity. 4-The definition of Energy = frequency × ℎ 5-The de Broglie wave-particle duality. 6-Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: the concept of probability in the intrinsic structure of things 7- Dirac sea, virtual field, zero point field, quantum potential. The existence of an energy context that is not directly undetectable 9-The non-locality of quantum mechanics 10-Alain Aspect's experiment on entanglement 11-The curvature of space-time where there is matter-energy Analysis of these postulates to hypothesize the SQM 1-The ether is a reticular structure on which the objects of the world are intermittently fixed.

2-The objects of the world materialize on the ether through a set of minimal actions ℎ known as Planck's constant, produced by photons. Particles with dual corpuscular/wave nature. 3-The material objects of the world are assembled/disassembled with certain frequencies according to a vibrating system similar to the mass-spring system whose centripetal acceleration is = c 2/x. Where x represents the elongation in the mass-spring system. We can also call this mechanism the harmonic oscillator of the basic structure of matter. 4-The system vibrates between the ether and a virtual field which we hereby call sometimes by convention sea-U. This incomputable environment defined by David Bohm as "Quantum Potential or Zero Point Field" and by other scholars as "Tachyon Field", is an ocean of Energy in which the World is immersed. It can be stated, as a first approximation, that the system vibrates between particles and Sea-U. Note! The modern concept of emptiness. The theoretical and experimental tests of the QM have led to a new conception of the physical vacuum which must be considered as a dynamic physical entity participating in the formation of matter, a place of activity from which waves emerge. Furthermore, the quantum vacuum clarifies the so-called wave-particle "dualism". These waves also show particle characteristics and vice versa. We therefore refer a "sea" of virtual particles (representation attributable to Paul Dirac) whose existence is permitted by the uncertainty principle that originate from the vacuum and disappear in it after a very short interval of time: hence the denomination "virtual”. Reference is made to a pool of quantum reality filled with quantum fields and virtual particles. In this book we will review quantum vacuum, virtual, fields and particles, Sea-U, without going into the details enunciated by the several theories of current QM. 5-Ether is an elastic reticular structure floating on a sea of energy. On this 2D, flat surface, matter is formed in 3D. Matter particles act and move on the space. The pixels do not move but allow the passage of information.

6-The action ℎ is the basis of the construction of matter. An action is defined by Planck as a grain of minimum indivisible energy emitted for a unit of time (duration of the action). The action is exhausted by bending the ether. Time is to be considered as a mere duration of a process. 7-The action ℎ hits a granular unit of the ether activating a quantum of matter that we call pixel. Pixels are quantum (minimal) areoles of space with which the objects of the world are formed. 8-The pixel is activated by an action ℎ by photons which generate a pressure against an areola of ether, thus twisting the space. This curvature by definition we indicate: thickness in 3D. 9-Once the 3D configuration that characterizes the particle has been assumed, the bent ether reacts under stress through a return action with an equal and opposite force. This way the pixel stabilizes in 2D. Such a normalization process of the pixel returns the accumulated energy towards the sea-U by means of matter-waves. The activation of the pixel produces matter for an instant. Matter is thus an instantaneous phenomenon, a singular point in the process of emission of waves. The Virtual Field is introduced as an energetic and participative intermediary due to the space-time discontinuity. In fact, it is misleading to think that once the space has been quantized into minimal indivisible areoles, it is possible to trace a conventional trajectory that joins two points A and B in the space of the ether. At the borders of the areola, continuity ceases. 10-In summary, the action ℎ hits the pixel with a force sufficient to bend the ether, generating an equal and opposite re-action. The curvature gives the pixel the 3D, then the thickness, transforming that area of spacetime into matter. 11-The world of mass-objects is made up of 3D pixels. The pixel curves due to an action that induces an equal and opposite repulsive force because of the elastic nature of the ether. 12-The sea-U diffuses -by means of energy waves of opposite sign ( negative energy?)- the information of matter with equal and opposite strength towards the starting pixel A. The undulatory nature of the action reflected by the sea-

U makes so that the target/pixel B on the ether is hit with an uncertainty about the position defined "on average" by the wavelength λ. In this way a massspring circuit is created with centripetal acceleration equal to = c 2 /X. The discontinuity of the pixel produces by definition gaps along its borders, which can be overcome through the sea-U as an energetic intermediary for the transmission of information. 13-The length of the wave-matter represents the average margin of error on the position in which the 3D formation of the pixels occurs. 14-The more the actions gather in consistent wave packets, the lower the margin of error, i.e. where the activity is greater, the less the dispersion of actions appears. Attention! This particular mechanism can lead to the paradox of a mass without dispersed accelerations, that’s means: a body without emissions. In reality, the narrower the wavelength, the more the uncertainty of the momentum (direction of accelerations) increases as a compensatory result with respect to the position. The momentum determines the number of pixels with respect to an observer. When examining the momentum mv, one must keep in mind that the velocity v = c, which is a constant. The diffusion of accelerations in the collapse of the wave function is therefore proportional to the mass: the equivalence of gravitational mass and inertial mass. 15-We will call this basic model for the formation of matter Sub Quantum Mechanism -SQM-. 16-The SQM through the activation and de-activation of pixels on the ether network models the matter into bodies/particles which are subsequently rejected and broken down into waves to be reconstructed again in a cyclical pattern. Matter is therefore a particular configuration of the elastic structure of the ether. The latter in turn reacts by opposing matter as a torsion of space in 3D. Contrary to common sense, matter is not a permanent structure, but occupies the ether intermittently in harmony with its wave function made up of peaks (max probability) and troughs (minimum probability).

17-The formation and presence of matter according to a mechanism similar to a harmonic oscillator absorb a functioning energy to exist/float on the ether instant by instant. This energy is supplied by the sea-U, as if it were a powerline connected to the ether 18- Concept. To make the objects of the World float on the ether, energy is spent in every instant marked by the peaks of the wave function. Reality is made up of pictures in succession, just like the development of a cartoon made up of drawn plates. In a sense, the monads of Leibnitz come to mind. 19-The fundamental property of matter: according to the SQM a body with mass attracts itself as self-attraction through a mass-spring mechanism. This property illustrates Inertia as an intrinsic effect of bodies from which the logical explanation of universal gravitation derives by reflection. Gravitation is a side effect of the principle of inertia. 20-The role of probabilities . The SQM takes place through a rhythmic rebound of the convexity-concavity type on the structure of the space in harmony with the frequency of accelerations emitted between ether and the sea-U, during the mass materialization procedure. The sea-U acts in a probabilistic scheme through the de Broglie matter-waves in the direction of the starting pixel(s) undergoing the uncertainty on the position (Heisenberg’s principle). In the SQM the probabilistic fields for pixel activation are roughly normal distributions. This distribution measures the probability of re-activating the starting pixel through the emission of waves from the Virtual Field. In this context, the uncertainty principle comes into play: the uncertainty interval of which is given - for large numbers - by the wavelength. In short, the wave returning from the sea-U sniffs the pixel to be activated according to a stochastic scheme where, in the absence of other forces, the position of the starting-pixel measures the maximum of probability ( the square of the amplitude of the wave). The pixel activated by the photon pressure becomes a 3D particle that vibrates within the margins of space assigned by the wavelength λ. This λ measures the uncertainty interval for the position. In a static system, the spatial area of the starting pixel marks the central point of the particle's position, i.e. the point of max probability. The shorter the wavelength of the packet, the smaller the error in position, but

presumably the greater the error in momentum (direction of acceleration. ( Velocity is constant = C ) 21-Once the 3D pixel has been activated on the ether by assigning it a degree of curvature in space, an equal and opposite repulsive force intervenes (of opposite sign) caused by the re-action to the torsion of space with an emission of energy returning towards the sea-U. Thus, a circular spring-mass mechanism between ether and the sea-U with positive/negative energy is obtained. Therefore, the structure of the ether contrasts the elastic deformation undergone in line with the 3^ principle of dynamics. The action of contrast by the spce as a structure implies the existence of a link between spatial quanta, as they are not totally detached from the set of pixels that make up the ether. In some respects, there must exist a sort of lower-level continuity capable of holding the bent pixel from the ℎ action. In other words, space structure is not punched! 22-The uncertainty around the target-pixel creates a halo of dispersion for the accelerations coming from the Sea-U which do not lock the starting pixels. Consequently, these unbound accelerations, following a probabilistic scheme, continue towards other targets by transferring the SQM and therefore the property of the Inertia to other centres. The dispersion of accelerations from the original target is the cause of universal gravitation. In this case a holistic vision of the mass is prefigured in which gravity becomes a corollary of the property of a body that attracts itself. 23- Attention! The increase in mass reduces the matter-wavelength and therefore reduces the uncertainty about the position in the SQM. This should mean a decrease in acceleration losses for large masses. At the very least, they would make black holes impermeable to gravitation: an absurd hypothesis against astronomical observations! But Heisenberg's principle also tells us that as the uncertainty in the position of the activated pixel decreases, the uncertainty in the direction of acceleration increases, taking into account that the velocity in the SQM is the constant c. These effects must compensate for the equivalence law of gravitational mass/inertial mass which cannot be violated. 24-The uncertainty principle creates the necessary condition to activate the change. Without uncertainty the world would not have evolved. The objects

distributed in space would not have formed: atoms, planets, galaxies, animals and man. 25-The SQM builds and disassembles a body formed on the ether with the sea-U as a participatory energetic intermediary. The deformation of the etherracket hit by the actions ℎ becomes for an instant the matter-object A. Once the matter is formed on areas of convexity of the ether, it is immediately rejected by the reticular structure with an equal and opposite force in the Virtual Field. Therefore, once the body A has been disassembled into waves, it re-enters the sea-U in an entangled state with the other waves-matter that make up the total information of the world. Again, the spring-mass vibrating mechanism, which underlies the materialization of a body, therefore undergoes an infinitesimal dispersion in the ether due to the uncertainty principle. This dispersion of accelerations spreads in space involving other pixels/matter in the SQM. 26-The remote spatial pixel, activated by an acceleration dispersed by a body A, in turn captures an acceleration which however preserves the reentry direction belonging to the body A which emitted it. The affected pixels are therefore converted into mass by means of minimal actions ℎ all equal to each other. An acceleration produced by the action ℎ has a precise direction by definition. If it loses the lock with the starting pixel, the wave spreads at speed c in space until it is captured/exchanged in a remote pixel already active in the SQM, with probabilities proportional to the distance. In this space-time cone, the dispersion of the waves develops its effectiveness in the exchange of accelerations with other bodies by obeying the law of the inverse square of the distance. 27-The remote pixel of a body B is activated by an action ℎ whose acceleration a = c 2/ λ has the opposite direction to the starting pixel. Therefore, the pixel of B undergoes a pressure towards A (the departure pixel) by the re-entry acceleration. In this particle-virtual field-particle dynamic, A and B are respectively pushed towards each other. Attention! In motion, the pixels in absorbing an acceleration translate the information into other pixels but they must also obey the laws of cohesion that a body has on the ether. So, if the pixel is in a gravitational

field, this creates a pressure on the entire structure of the mass, urging it in the direction of the emitting pixel. In the case of liquid materials, tidal effects are much more visible . Based on the subquantum mechanism, a gravitational field can be assimilated to a probabilistic field where the SQM increases with the intensity of the field itself. In fact, the probability of activating the pixels in the area of influence of the field increases. 28- Let's summarize: in the case of two bodies A and B present on the ether at a certain distance, the Planck’s actions ℎ dispersed during the SQM process due to the uncertainty principle, can mutually activate the pixels belonging to A and B. In this case we would say that A attracts B and B attracts A. Even better, if the action-acceleration of the pixel of A coming from the sea-U is dispersed by the Inertia mechanism, well such acceleration will spread towards other potential targets where the SQM is active. 29-The mass of A is M A formed by the pixels A, and that of B is m B by the pixels of B. The actions intertwine with each other and are directly proportional to " M × m" as in Newton's formula. In this case, the force of attraction is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, i.e. the probability of the bodies meeting the dispersed actions decreases with the distance. 30-The SQM logically explains that Inertia is proportionate to the mass of the bodies, due to the fact that during the mass creation process a body attracts itself (mass-spring mechanism) similar to a sort of vibrating sucker on the ether. Moving the pixels of the space attached to the body on the ether would require a force proportional to its mass (number of pixels): F = m × a. If we substitute this result for the centripetal acceleration of the movement, we have F = m × v 2/r. For r = x associated with the elongation of Hooke's law; and v →c we have: F x = m c 2. In the hypothesis of the SQM, the action ℎ runs along the wavelength on average to oscillate around the pixel producing a work W, we obtain the special relativity formula of energy: W = m c 2 = E. According to this result, the pixels of a body do not move since it

would require an immense energy, while only the information moves from one pixel to another. 31- Definition: The force of gravity is basically due to the centripetal accelerations of actions ℎ dispersed according to Heisenberg's principle on the position of bodies in space . 32- Because of SQM, the equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass suggests that the intrinsic force necessary to fix and maintain a body A on the ether is F = mc 2/ x, proportional to the force of attraction exerted by body B on A. We emphasize that the force of gravity acting between A and B is caused by the accelerations diffused and dispersed with respect to the SQM which interact in proportion to the number of pixels of both A and B. 33- The dispersed accelerations of a body must be proportionate to the mass, so that all bodies can fall at the same speed in a gravitational field. The greater the mass of A the greater must be the self-attraction on the ether due to the SQM: that is, the trifle. On the other hand, the dispersion of the accelerations intertwined with the gravitational field of body B will also be greater. In the end these forces compensate each other and the bodies fall at the same speed, since they undergo a sum of accelerations in the direction of the centre of the gravitational field proportional to their mass which determines the measure of the dispersion generated by the SQM.

Chap. 2- The elements that make up the SQM Before proceeding further, it is advisable to define in greater detail the essential elements that revolve around the SQM which are the following: a- Ether. An elastic reticular structure of the space on which all the real objects of the world lie. An environment composed of areoles of quantized spacetime presumably triangular in shape due to its primary simplicity: the most immediate geometric figure that closes a space (Occam's razor). Each areola is called a pixel. The edges/boundaries of the pixels could be energy channels that by definition do not belong directly to the ether, generating a sort of continuity by cancelling the quantization of space. b- Pixels. The pixel, the quantized unit of space, is at the support of the formation of matter. The pixels are activated with a pressure by an energy flow (action h) associated with an acceleration, passing from the shape to 2nd dimension of rest acquiring the thickness in the 3rd dimension. In 3D the pixel is curved on the ether like a bubble assuming the properties of matter. The ideal dimensions of the pixels should be that of triangles with sides equal to the Planck length or of the order of 1.616 199 256 × 10-35 meters , but they could be squares or other geometric figures. The pixel is elastic and curves into convexity when subjected to a force. c- Acceleration. We start from the definition given by Planck to the quantum of energy as a least action. In the SQM the action presupposes a force on the ether generated by a centripetal acceleration of the type a=v 2/R where v → c and R →X. The speed is that of light, while the ray can be assimilated to an ideal circuit corresponding to the length of the wave-matter emitted by the particle in play. The mentioned circuit is thus a harmonic oscillator or rather a mass-spring mechanism which pulsates between the ether and the sea-U. d- The sea-U. It is a virtual, not real field, a parallel energy world with matter & energy interacting on the ether. Even better the sea-U is a

participatory energy intermediary that allows the formation and dynamics of matter in our universe. Is the SQM therefore the functioning of the action ℎ between ether and sea-U, a one-to-one correspondence between the visible world of objects and a virtual pseudo-space which, if stimulated, interacts by receiving and emitting energy, through photons and anti-photons? The fact that the photon is its own antiparticle makes the task easier. Thus, we have two opposing worlds between positive and negative energy, between the real and the virtual. In a world where space is discontinuous, the sea-U represents a necessary energetic bridge to implement motion, jumping between pixels where these areoles of space float on a non-real energetic environment. e- Planck's constant ℎ. Conceptually ℎ is the operational pivot of the SQM, only considering its pure definition, that is: the minimum quantized quantity of energy Δ E multiplied by Δ T unit of time which by convention is the minute second. Planck's constant is a minimum action provided by a quantized energy in the unit of time, also defined as the quantized angular momentum. f- Energy. In the SQM the energy represents the intermediary between the sea-U and the ether through the actions ℎ. The action excites a pixel of the ether bringing it from 2D to 3D transforming it into matter. Energy moves in wave packets at the speed of light. g -Matter. In this context matter is part of a dynamic process due to the sub-quantum mechanism. Matter in static terms has no meaning, it is the result of a quantum oscillation process since its presence on the ether is intermittent, it appears and disappears, dies and is reborn. Matter is therefore a process that develops in the description of a wave function, where the state-of-matter has the classic 3D characteristic (volume, density, etc). In quantum mechanics there is matter where the probability measured by the square of the amplitude of the wave associated with the particle is maximum. Matter is a singular point, where the amplitude of the wave shows the maximum intensity of

energy, where time seems to stop and resume flowing after the reaction forces decompose the corpuscle into waves. The development of the wave on the ether by means of a phase velocity sets the clock hands back in motion. According to Feynman the speed of this internal clock (stopwatch) increases with the frequency of the wave, in reality the frequency of the wave should be considered as a package formed by actions ℎ all equal to each other that intertwine according to the Fourier series expansion. As the number of waves increases, the overall frequency of the energy involved increases. In Feynman diagrams, the arrow with the direction of the particle appears to the observer as a function of the rotations due to the frequency. This QED mechanism marks the direction of a probable path but not the speed of time which runs inversely to frequency. In a black hole the ridges are all packed together and time stops with an infinite density of matter. h - The wave-matter. According to De Broglie's definitions, the wave is strictly correlated with matter and energy which exchange information on position, direction, frequency, period, amplitude, etc, etc. i -Probability. The phenomena related to matter on the ether are regulated by probabilistic laws which determine its appearance, position, movement, dispersion, concentration. l -Photons. As a first approximation the action ℎ of Planck's constant is communicated between ether and sea-U by packets of photons and antiphotons with zero mass and constant velocity C. m -Time. In quantum mechanics time is experimentally linked to the frequency of the wave associated with the particle. Somewhat like in a cartoon pack, as the drawings increase, the movement of the image slows down. That is, time seems to pass faster with the decrease in images. The higher the definition of the scene, the more the drawn movement is reduced. It is as though the hand of a stopwatch only revolves along the path of the length of the waves, stopping on the peaks. The greater the number of wave crests, the slower the speed of

time. This mechanism recalls Feynman's stopwatch (considered by him as a purely illustrative mechanism). In the SQM the hands turn only when the object is in the wave state, i.e. when the wave runs, stopping at the crests where the object has the greatest probability of becoming matter. In this sense, a definition of the state of matter is needed. Thus, there is a state of matter and a wave/energy through which time flows. Based on what has been observed, the state of matter is ephemeral, elusive, marked by temporal and spatial quanta

Chap. 3- Starting formulation As mentioned, we start from Planck's definition of the energy quantum obtained to resolve the black body emission. ℎ = Δ E × s or: [ℎ]=[E] [t] which links the energy value E nergy of the wave with its frequency freq = (c/λ). In other words, the quantum ℎ is the minimum action due to the emission of a minimum quantity of energy for the unit of time (per second). From Planck's general formulation we can derive a series of fundamental equations by setting the following conditions valid in the Sub-Quantum Mechanism. a- The wavelength λ of the quantum is also associated with the degree of uncertainty Δ S on the localization. b-The speed is always c on the ether expressly in the SQM. c- The acceleration is c 2/x, i.e. a centripetal acceleration due to an ideal circuit of which x is the elongation of a chosen mass-spring system. d- Time is replaced by t = y/c based on v = space/time with λ = space and v = c speed of light in the SQM. In other words, time is the Period of the wave connected to the SQM, since y/c is the inverse of the Frequency. At this point, the following fundamental equations of QM can be written regarding the uncertainty principle, ℎ = Δ E × Δ t; where E= F × X (displacement) or the photons of the action must travel the distances marked on average by the wavelength thus obtaining the work done W= F × X Then E = m × a × λ ; simplifying we have: ℎ = Δ m × c × λ ,

i.e. quantized angular momentum and therefore we can obtain: λ = ℎ/ m × c (with v→c) Ultimately, we get the de Broglie formula on the wave nature of matter. If we consider the wavelength λ as the uncertainty interval for the position of the activated pixel we obtain in the SQM: λ × Δ mc = ℎ that is, the value of the first member. Strictly speaking it cannot be less than ℎ so we can deduce valid at the macro level: λ × Δ m c ≥ ℎ. From the definition of Planck's constant which can also be considered as Δ E × Δ T ≥ ℎ from which: ℎ = Δ E × Δ T; E = freq × ℎ where T is the inverse of the frequency. If ℎ is replaced by the value m × c × λ obtained directly from the definition of Planck's constant taking into account i) time as a period; ii) of the centripetal acceleration of an oscillator, we have the formula of special relativity for energy, in fact: E = c/ λ × mc λ = mc 2; considering the frequency ₌ c/ λ. The importance for the concept of energy-mass interaction of the model of the harmonic oscillator and of the centripetal acceleration should be underlined. The centripetal acceleration c2 /r generated by the SQM connects special relativity with the MQ.

Chap.4- Axiomatization of the sub-quantum mechanism 1-Energy and matter are quantizable. 2-Matter and energy are discontinuous, they are formed by indivisible quanta: ℎ is the energy quantum, the pixel P is the spacetime quantum, Px is the quantum/pixel activated by an action of ℎ, that means: a quantum of matter on the space. Indeed a corpuscle is a pixel activated by pressure from an action ℎ . 3-The quantum or Planck's constant can be defined as the minimum unit of energy for a unit of time, also called Minimum Action. Or even minimal angular momentum. So the angular momentum is also quantized. 4-The total energy of a delimited field depends on the frequency in which the ℎ condenses in a portion of space, or rather strikes a certain spatial area. We are talking about the number of photons arriving in the unit of time, or the speed divided by the wavelength c/ λ where c is a constant. The inverse of the wavelength therefore determines the amount of mass-energy. Let us imagine a jackhammer striking with a certain Reference is being made to the number of photons, proportional to the amount of beats on a circumscribed space in a given time. Space curves under pressure creating matter with the property of having thickness. 5- Space-time is discontinuous, quantized, with minimal extension. Spacetime cannot be defined as an unextended point. In this sense, a pixel can be defined as a finite entity measurable in a minimal region of space-time. The new problem is pixel borders and ties to others! Time flows by marking how many storms that are probably equal to each other in sequence. Time flows only in the wave state, while in the particle

state it is stationary: a singular point in spacetime. This is due to the intrinsic functioning of the SQM where matter is formed when the oscillation changes direction. 6-Between one pixel and another there is a pseudo-space, some defined as a virtual field of a nature that is still unknown or that at the limit does not belong to our world. These boundaries must exist in quantization. The boundaries of the pixels are hidden but still linked to the other pixels to endow the ether with an elastic structure, as a whole. In the absence of such a link between pixels, each areola would wander on its own in space. 7-The set of all the pixels represents the ether, a sort of network on which the images of the world develop and move. Kind of like a TV grille. 8-A pixel is therefore a minimal portion of space that can be activated by the actions ℎ. By convention we say that an active pixel forms a quantum of matter. The set of active pixels forms the image of the world. 9-A single pixel is activated by a quantum ℎ through a minimal action. 10- Concept: all ℎ -that is Planck's constant- are equal to each other. Likely, each ℎ has the same minimum frequency, same wavelength, same amount of energy per unit time. Increasing the frequency of a photon means activating more pixels. 11-A wave packet is a set of ℎ coordinated by frequency, in a given time. 12-Time is also quantized as duration. The higher the frequency, the smaller the packet of temporal quanta, the longer the duration. Time passes more slowly (time dilation) with increasing frequency. This mechanism makes us think that time does not flow in the peaks of the waves otherwise time would accelerate with the increase in frequency, on the contrary it accelerates with the increase in the wavelength associated with matter. Time passes faster as the frequency decreases, as if time stood still in the real values of the particle, not in the wave state. In the wave-particle duality, time stops in the particle state and flows in the wave state.

13-The basic and elementary properties of the pixel to be consistent should result only with regard to the direction of accelerations on the space, strictly along a cone-shaped corridor for the speed of light, as taught by the Minkowski Space. 14-The rotational motion or spin of a particle is more complex and requires a succession of motions governed by the laws of probability. The spin should perhaps intrinsically depend on the mass-spring model that can be associated with a circular motion of radius r. 15-The pixel activated by a quantum ℎ becomes a particle for an instant of time, at the maximum point of the wave amplitude, to then be rejected by the structure of the ether towards the sea-U in wave form. This particular moment of quantum mechanics is well known as the collapse of the wave. At the collapse point time must be zero as there is a change of direction. 16- The activated pixel in a convex configuration assumes the characteristics of a corpuscle which, as soon as it materializes in the ether, decays. The energy that activated it subsequently vanishes from the space to be absorbed into the Sea-U. The pixel is activated by pressing on the ether by curving it and thus generating an equal and opposite repulsive force. 17-The wave contains the information of the location of the pixel in stochastic terms. The wave contains information about the direction of the return acceleration. This direction is governed by the uncertainty principle on the basis of Δ s × mc = ℎ. In fact, the momentum contains the direction of the centripetal acceleration since v = c. The greater the knowledge of the location, the greater the uncertainty about the direction taken by the return acceleration from the sea-U into the real space. 18-The sea-U is the virtual world where the values are not real. It could belong to the world of dark energy, currently not perceivable by our instruments. 19-The pixel is activated with an action ℎ on the space, a pressure sufficient for a 3D curvature, a convexity, creating matter for an instant. The corpuscle created collapses, uncoils itself in waves, rejecting the information with equal and opposite force in the sea-U, or in the basin of the virtual field.

From sea-U the guide wave of the de-activated pixel returns to the ether to locate itself in the vicinity of the starting pixel following an oscillating movement. As already mentioned, the extent of this vicinity is due to the uncertainty principle. 20- The fact that a wave travels on the ether sniffing the origin pixel through the direction of acceleration generates a probability distribution on the front of the wave, involving the uncertainty principle as an intrinsic phenomenon of matter. The uncertainty consists in the probability of activating the starting pixel. If no other forces have intervened in the meantime, the wave emerges in spacetime with the same direction as the previous pixel. The very nature of the wave that contains the information distributed along its front does not allow it to hit a target with precision as a bullet would. In fact, the wave spreads in the ether creating a space of probability, where the starting pixel has the greatest probability of being reached, compared to the other positions. 21-The uncertainty is due to the following intrinsic factors: a) the wave nature as carrier of the information of the particle; b) the structure of the ether in the form of separate meshes in a discontinuous space-time, where by definition there is no point target; c) the presence of (Planck) lengths for which two or more pixels are indistinguishable as targets. Note! The separation of the meshes of the space, necessary for the quantization of quantum mechanics, poses several logical and geometric problems. One of these concerns the distance between pixels. If considering distance, we can possibly take into account the notion of Nothingness or the Virtual Field. 22- Concept: The particle represents only a moment of existence on the ether structure in the form of one/several pixels activated to then collapse by putting the information on the position and direction of the accelerations back into the sea-U in a wave form. The return wave from the sea-U spreads along the front in the direction of the starting pixel, which in some ways maintains a predisposition. It is therefore a question of hitting an approximate target and not a precise point in the ether as could happen in a non-quantized continuum world. At this point we

consider the uncertainty principle which places conditions on the precision of the position and of the momentum which in the case of the SQM concerns only the direction of acceleration. The larger the wave packet, the more likely it is that the wave will reach a point close to the target due to the fact that the wavelength decreases while also increasing the density of the prepared pixels. The decrease in wavelength is comparable to the attainable level of uncertainty = high frequency. Let us also remember that according to the de Broglie relation the uncertainty about the position of the particle depends on the inverse of λ wavelength. In the low frequency regime, there is a longer wavelength which is spread along a wider front with greater imprecision. In the case of very long waves, the inaccuracy of the position reaches even many kilometres: hundreds and millions. Due to the minimum wave produced by a Planck-frequency quantum, the object can perhaps be located anywhere in the universe. 23-The sub quantum mechanism SQM: The activation of pixels on the ether determines the construction of the world made up of objects. The active objects on the space are regulated by the physics of the ether in terms of movement, exchanges of particles, repulsion and attraction, phenomena of magnetism, etc. Electromagnetism belongs half to the ether and half to the sea-U. That is, electromagnetism is the energetic trace of the SQM on our world. The exchange between the ether and the sea-U can be considered as a massspring mechanism with the fundamental attribution of the concept of centripetal acceleration = c 2/r, being the SQM of the harmonic oscillator type. 24- Fundamental paradigm of the SQM: Matter attracts itself. According to the SQM mechanism for the formation of matter on the ether, the bodies have the property of attracting themselves in the temporal succession by virtue of the "ether with sea-U" exchange of the mass-spring model. The attraction of a body A with itself at moments t 1, t 2, t 3 …. it is necessary for it to remain

active in the world, both in its form and in its position, if there are no other forces intervening. An object materializes on the ether and then uncoils into one/more wave packets absorbed in a virtual field (sea-U) and subsequently re-launched on the space with the information containing position and direction of movement. 25-Fundamental property of matter is that a body attracts itself during its temporal development according to a vibrating mechanism t 1, t 2, t 3,…. Note that photons possess energy but have no mass, when they materialize the corpuscle with the action ℎ they cease to be photons at the singular point of the wave function. 26-The wave nature of matter allows the conservation of information both on the location of the pixels to be activated and on the direction of movement/momentum. 27-The wave nature implies the uncertainty principle on the position of the pixels based on the momentum and/or the frequency of the matter wave. 28-The uncertainty generates a probability curve on the location. The imprecision in the position of the corpuscle on the space causes, in proportion to the mass, a dispersion of the wave packet spreading accelerations or “ actions ℎ” towards other positions or SQM. 29-The waves scattered by pixel A are captured by other inactive pixels B belonging to the SQM of other masses distributed in space in proportion to their mass. 30-The return wave coming from the sea-U, once a pixel is hooked and activated by the curvature of the space, is rejected by the ether bouncing in the sea-U to then spread again in the direction of the origin pixel. It is therefore a circuit! In this way this circuit operates dynamically on the ether like a rubber band. Important! Snapping and activating a pixel means curving the area of space to make it temporarily convex in order to obtain 3 D by transforming it into matter. Fundamental characteristic of the quantummatter is the thickness obtained by twisting the space. Multiple

overlapping pixels generate gravitational mass. Gravitational masses curve space as a function of the number of pixels as a function of the SQM. The convexity of the ether (curvature) is the characteristic of matter. The amount of matter is equivalent to the amount of energy required for the process of Inertia based on accelerations. 31-The gravitational force is the result of this probabilistic mechanism which defines the indeterminacy on the position with respect to the masses which attract themselves with a force equal to F=c 2/x × m: i.e. the centripetal acceleration multiplied by the quantity of pixels that form the mass. That is, an energy equal to E = m c 2 if: F x = W = E 32-At the subquantum level we have the mass-spring model where the force that releases the mechanism is: F = -k x (Hook's law), developing as F = m a we have m= k x 2/c 2; or E = k x 2 . In wave physics instead we have E = k A 2, i.e. the square of the wave amplitude. Note the similarity of the formulas! 33-A body attracts itself according to the SQM. In the mass-spring scheme we have wave packets that unfurl and reposition the object on the ether lattice according to the frequency of the corresponding wave-matter. The wave carries positional information and acts with centripetal accelerations. The result is a series of springs that intermittently materialize the object on the ether. The object is made up of pixels that turn on and off (die and are reborn). Due to the uncertainty principle, the object is surrounded by a cloud of probability for which the wave reaches or not the starting target A regulated by a Gaussian-type distribution curve. The dispersed accelerations spread out in space hitting other inactive pixels with ever decreasing probabilities up to infinity. On the other hand, these waves interact with other masses creating a system of reciprocal gravitational attractions, in principle equal to the product of the masses - i.e. the number of pixels involved - and inversely to the square of the distance.

34-Going back to the mass/spring system, it can be obtained from the total energy equation E T = ½ kx 2 + ½ mc 2 :m= k x 2/c 2; m/k = x 2/c 2 so √(m/k) = x/c simple pendulum equation. This means that in the energy equation in the SQM model there is a vibrating system as a reference to the gravitational mechanism. A concept to be developed.

Chap.5- Considerations on the SQM 1-The uniform rectilinear motion of an inertial mass is apparent. Actually, for the SQM the body A must overcome the inertia in every instant marked by its wave function. In a closer view the mechanism develops as follows:

Body A has an apparent and constant velocity = v always relative to another body.

Once fixed on the ether, the body A is immediately de-materialized and rejected with equal and opposite force, converting itself into a wave-matter which is then absorbed by the sea-U. So, the body A moves only in wave form, while the state-matter is intermittent, instantaneous and does not move. The motion of bodies on a quantized space is obtained only through the subquantum mechanism. Again, one has to reflect on the fact that space pixels cannot be plucked normally from the structure of the ether. Tearing out a pixel of space is a catastrophic event that requires an enormous amount of energy.

Velocity and time are zeroed at the moment of emergence of body A on the ether before the collapse, where A materializes in the real field with real values (in agreement with the Schrödinger equation).

The sea-U, if solicited, re-emits an action (or package of actions) with an undulatory pattern that interacts with the pixels of the ether re-modelling the body by pressing the ether to be returned with accelerations, body A moved

according to a speed v. This apparent motion is iterated up to the point where no opposing forces intervene to modify it.

2-Therefore rectilinear motion can be broken up into many small segments due to the quantization of space, along which the average speed of a path is constant = v with respect to a reference point. 3-This discontinuous way of representing a rectilinear motion vaguely resembles Feynman's paths. The discontinuity of the movement is logically due to the quantization of spacetime, and as a corollary to the SQM for which a body is present on the space in an oscillating way: now it is there, now it is not there in the Real Field. 4-The gravitational mass in its undulatory pattern spreads accelerations dispersed by uncertainty in the surrounding space in proportion to the number of pixels of which its mass is composed. The greater the mass, the greater its ability to generate dispersed ℎ shares to compensate with a greater attraction capacity 5- Concept: Matter is not a stable-body as it is conventionally imagined. Matter is impermanent and it must be seen through a dynamic process whose existence in our universe absorbs energy instant by instant. In an instant it appears on the space exhausting its charge of potential energy and then collapsing. It disappears to re-appear again by means of an energy spike supplied by an external virtual world of energy yet to be defined. Our world is thus built using an immense number of shares ℎ, all equal to each other. 6-Matter shows itself in the world by means of: Energy = c 2 × number of pixels. It is the energy expended in the instant of existence of the corpuscle through a package of elementary actions ℎ of Planck necessary to activate the pixels of the ether in 3D. The energy is supplied by the sea-U through matter waves which activate the ether and which bind to the centripetal acceleration v 2/r.

It should be emphasized that by sea-U we mean a sort of virtual energy field existing between the real values of a particle A 1, A 2,A 3,… a discontinuous space. 7-Details on spacetime curvature and universal gravitation. Gravitation has a probabilistic content due to the uncertainty principle that works on the mechanism of the harmonic oscillator inherent in the process of formation of matter, and of its functioning. Each body in the process of opening and closing the pixels has a halo of dispersion of accelerations on the uncertainty of the pixel position Δ x = ℎ/mv. In the case of the SQM the uncertainty of the position depends on the wavelength Δλ = ℎ/m c where: v = c. So, we have a momentum at the limit where the velocity is a constant. As mass alone increases, wavelength decreases along with positional inaccuracy. On the other hand, according to Heisenberg's principle, the uncertainty of the momentum increases accordingly: in our case on the direction of the accelerations. In this sense, the stability of the position of large masses should be compensated by an increase in dispersion proportionate to the increase in mass. 8- Increase of the curvature of the space for the activation of the pixels. The increase in the frequency of the wave-matter function, i.e. more actions ℎ present activate more pixels in the same region of space in the unit of time by virtue of the SQM. With the increase in mass, the active pixels in 3 D thicken in the ether creating an increasing convexity (better defined as camber). Furthermore, with the increase of the frequency in the unit of time, a limit will be reached, a saturation of the portion of available space, generating the closure of the mass on itself in a space-time bubble: a black hole. Using the SQM as a new paradigm, an energy/curvature tensor could be elaborated starting from the convexity effect on the ether of a single action ℎ in the formation of an elementary particle. Increasing spacetime curvature increases the probability of finding activated pixels in the gravitational field. Warp/gravitation and probability are therefore two sides of the same coin. The emission of radiation curves space creating matter according to the formula E ⁼ m c 2. 9-Increase of the probabilistic field in activating pixels in proportion to the mass and frequency of the associated wave. According to Heisenberg's

principle, a very long waveform has a high uncertainty of the position of the pixels in space, but a low uncertainty in the direction of acceleration. At the limit, the location of a pixel formed by a single action of the quantum ℎ is so widespread that it could be anywhere in the universe. As the frequency increases, the actions per unit of time increase, both λ and the uncertainty about the position of the body decrease. Strictly speaking, there must exist a compensation between inertial mass and gravitational mass involving the dispersion of accelerations, so that the force of attraction towards a gravitational field is equal for all bodies regardless of their mass. That is, the property of a body to attract itself (conventionally called Inertia) compensates for the diffusion of accelerations towards the external gravitational fields. This is a crucial point, in which the force that keeps matter attached to the ether, intermittently, is proportional to the dispersion of actions ℎ. 10-Body with mass has a dispersion of accelerations proportionate to its mass so that all bodies regardless of their size undergo the same acceleration towards a gravitational field (for example the surface of the Earth). Reducing λ of the wave-matter function of bodies decreases the uncertainty interval (i.e. the error) of the position, so a body is more spatially stable. The intrinsic time flows more slowly and the dispersed accelerations compensate for the greater stability expressed by the inertial mass. That is, the dispersion in the unit of time does not increase more than proportionally. 11- Attention! With the increase of the frequency, the period T shortens (the period is the inverse of the frequency), in these conditions the time apparently accelerates but it is exactly the opposite. A frequent error for a student who deals superficially with quantum mechanics is to consider the passage of time by counting the crests of the wave-matter function, as if they scanned the instants in time, while the opposite is true. At the singular point of the crests time is zero (or more exactly ≈ ℎ), as occurs in black holes where all the crests of the wave function are so closely packed together that they are considered as a single crest. With the increase of the frequency, the mass and/or speed increases or more actions intervene that create matter on the ether. For special relativity and also from irrefutable experimental evidence: time slows down. The peaks of the waves mark the rhythm of pixel

fixation. A short period means high frequency therefore formation of more mass on the ether, with the passing of time stopping in the matter-states 12- Concept! A corpuscle materializes on the peaks of the wave. Time passes between one crest and another of the wave. The more the clock slows down, the lower the entropy, i.e. a body A changes little over time, does not age, is more stable, probably information is lost between one crest and another. The crests of the wave do not mark the passage of time quanta by turning the hands of the clock as in the case of Feynman's paths. In the SQM the opposite occurs: the passage of time is obtained during the pause between two peaks . As though between two crests, the energy sufficient for the conservation of the body were lacking. Let's take an example: let's imagine a film shot, the frames increase with the shooting speed. The number of frames represents the frequency, with the increase of the frequency the imaged object tends to be still, it does not change. Absurdly: at infinite speed the frames are all the same to each other with no motion. 13-The SQM with peculiar aspects of the Equivalence of gravitational mass and inertial mass. Heavy bodies, regardless of their mass, fall with the same acceleration in a gravitational field. This is a crucial experiment which related to the SubQuantum Mechanism unveils several deep mysteries of nature. Let's review the key points to keep in mind: a-the mass formed by pixels acts intermittently on the ether as a harmonic oscillator, with the cadence: it exists & it does not exist. b-a body attracts itself through a set of minimal actions ℎ (Planck's constant) on the ether: centripetal accelerations. c-a material object exists because it acts on the ether with energy supplied by the sea-U, apparently in our world there is mediated or reflected energy. The increase in energy generates superimposition of images. Heat increase. d-each object during the SQM process presents an indeterminacy halo in order to allow continuous exchanges of accelerations dispersed by other bodies distributed in space.

e- the uncertainty interval is due to the wave nature of matter as a dynamic process and depends on its wavelength. f- the gravitational attraction is due to the accelerations dispersed by the mechanism of the inertia of other bodies. 14-A body A lies in space in dynamic terms, i.e. it exists as matter by virtue of a continuous and profound internal activity. Much deeper than molecular forces, atomic and nuclear forces. A body is a product of quanta. According to Planck's definition to explain the radiation of a black body, the quanta are related to actions ℎ or emissions of minimum energy in a unit of time that create particles on the ether. The particles thus formed are disassembled and reassembled following the rhythm (frequency) of a harmonic oscillator. The force necessary to keep a body of mass m stuck to the ether is precisely: F = m c 2/x which then becomes the famous formula with the SQM E=mc 2 with E = F W(x) that is, this result is attributable to the centripetal acceleration of the vibrating system in which the quantum ℎ as a minimum action plays the role of the matter formation mechanism. 15-Starting from the amount of mass present in the space, the actions ℎ act on the structure of the ether to an extent given by the frequency of the wave associated with the body A. That is, the amount of energy of A is equal to the packet of actions ℎ which interact with the ether in a unit of time. The wavelength determines the measure of the energy of matter (in the quantum version) and depends linearly on the amount of mass. In other words, to have results on the ether you have to beat it rhythmically. In a quantized space the wavelength measures the path (not the duration) between two pixels, in this path information and potential energy are lost. Attention! It is worth pointing out that space is not amorphous but offers resistance, much less in modern physics it can be considered empty. On the contrary, space is like a Pandora's box from which flashes of energy enter and exit in a virtual context in which the law of cause and effect is no longer valid and where time can also flow backwards.

16-A given quantity of single actions ℎ concentrated on a spatial interval (in a given unit of time) defines the quantity of matter present and its consistency. Returning to F = m c 2/x, the energy expended for the formation and stability of a body-matter is none other than the work W necessary to travel on average the space-ether of the wavelength which delimits the degree of indeterminacy. In other words, the energy of the action ℎ emerges from space from a visual field-U and seeks the starting target thus performing a Work. The greater the mass, the lower λ due to the higher frequency, and therefore the more work W (Energy) to spend on the ether. In fact, F = m c 2/x the smaller the elongation the greater the force (negative elongation of Hooke's law F= -Kx. 17-The wavelength also determines the potential energy spent on the ether to activate the starting pixels on the uncertainty interval. Furthermore, from quantum mechanics we have as known: c/ λ ℎ = E the smaller λ the greater the energy . As a first step one considers the action ℎ as quantity of energy in a unit of time that jumps from the sea-U, probably with the maximum potential and with constant kinetic energy c. Attention! The greater the uncertainty interval, the greater the energy consumption to activate the pixels, therefore overall, we can say that the wavelength reveals a dispersion of energy on the ether which does not fall within the energy contained in the body-matter. In short, one or more actions ℎ emerge with a quantized quantity that serves to build matter on the ether. The lower λ the greater the actions, the greater the activated pixels. 18- Subsequently we will analyze the SQM on the law of equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass. We place two bodies A and B of which A has a mass 100 times greater than B at a certain height ℎ above a gravitational field such as the Earth. It is known that both bodies will experience the same acceleration when landing on the surface with the same times.

Chap. 6- Application of the Sub Quantum Mechanism 1- Firstly, we will analyze the SQM First of all, we establish that the two masses A and B attract themselves according to a mass-spring mechanism, bouncing the object between the ether and the sea-U. Each body according to its mass is fixed on the ether in a discontinuous & oscillating way with a certain acceleration: Force ₌ m × a which will increase with the mass since the energy depends on the wavelength (or frequency) of the wave-matter associated with the object ( a= c 2/ λ centripetal acceleration). Again, this is the reason that the total energy contained in body A is: E= mass × c 2. That is, by completely shelling the SQM that intermittently builds the body on the ether we free Energy = mc 2. In short, it can also be said that we disorderly diffuse actions ℎ as energy necessary to twist the pixels that make up the ether into 3D and obtain matter. 2-The value of energy determines the degree of anchoring (however oscillating) on the ether and is an intrinsic property of matter conventionally called Inertia but with other meanings. In order to attract a body A, a gravitational field must in a certain sense oppose (compete) the intrinsic centripetal acceleration of body A generated by all the torsion pixels that make up the body. The pixels turn on (3D image) and turn off (2D image) on the basis of minimal (Planck's constant) and oscillating actions ℎ. The gravitational field around an isolated body A is generated by the dispersed accelerations generated by body A. 3-The attraction property of the mass derives from the oscillation frequency operated by the gravitational field involved. The uncertainty principle as it is devised produces a halo of dispersion of the accelerations around the bodies.

So there always exists in every body A, a percentage of shares ℎ which during the SQM do not reach the previous target pixel of A undergoing a dispersion in space to be absorbed by other bodies in a reciprocal exchange of accelerations between masses. Important! The pixel diffused by a remote mass A and captured by a body B will produce in the latter a centripetal acceleration with direction to the centre of mass of the emitting body A, and vice versa. Attraction between A and B. 4-It is important to establish that each body has a dispersion of accelerations proportionate to its mass, therefore the following four key factors must be underlined: i - the increase in mass determines the reduction of the uncertainty interval on the position until it is reduced to an amount not less than ℎ, whatever the amount of matter/mass involved, but does not decrease the proportion of the dispersion; ii - the reduction of the uncertainty on the position increases the uncertainty on the direction of the centripetal acceleration in a compensatory way such as to obey the principle of equivalence; iii - the increase in the frequency of the wave-matter associated with both the body A and the gravitational field increase the probability of connection between masses in the unit of time. iv - the validity of the principle of inertial/gravitational mass equivalence 5-The SQM is quantized by definition, where the set of accelerations involved are in any case the sum of the quanta ℎ, minimum actions that can be accumulated in packets. 6-The effectiveness of the gravitational force instead decreases with the square of the distance for the dispersion due to the 90 degree cone (Minkowski space) along which the quanta ℎ are dispersed in the ether space along the crest of a gravitational wave.

7-The dispersion of the actions of a body A in the process of self-attraction called Inertia, is always proportional to its mass. If this were not the case, two bodies A and B of different masses would not fall with the same times in a gravitational field. Although the increase in mass of a body causes the number of its vibrations to increase with the decrease of its wavelength, nevertheless the mechanism of the dispersion of the actions towards other bodies remains proportionate to the masses. Compensatory elements such as the frequency and period of the wave-matter could also intervene. 8- Uniform rectilinear motion. The rectilinear motion of inertial mass is, at quantum levels, apparent. In fact, the particle undergoes arrests and accelerations in proportion to the frequency of its wave function. Let's keep in mind the quantization of space for which a surface at the micro level is composed of pixels that force any path of a particle to be discontinuous. Concept! The motion becomes possible thanks to the intermediation of the sea -U which in this case works as a sort of energetic bridge between the spatial areoles. In fact, a body A disintegrates into waves and recomposes alternately in space-time. Every time A is fixed on the ether in 3D it must undergo an acceleration by actions ℎ equal to the previous one in order to maintain a purely apparently rectilinear motion: uniform at the macro level. Conversely, an accelerated motion must instead undergo greater actions provided by the lighting of more pixels with additional actions ℎ in the direction of motion. Or by accelerations provided by an external non-contact gravitational field. The additional pixels required by an increase in speed follow the frequency of the wave function which increases per unit time . 9-An inertial mass, contrary to the results of classical physics, proceeds along its path by continuously consuming the energy supplied by the sea-U. The energy contained in the actions ℎ of the pixels is burned, which in turn can exchange accelerations with other presumed bodies in space. In the game of accelerations dispersed by the body due to indeterminacy, these are rewarded by actions ℎ deriving from dispersions of other masses. Due to this compensatory mechanism, the body does not evaporate.

So, there is an exchange of accelerations on the ether as E. Mach had surmised. 10- A singularity. The motion in the ether is apparently uniform in a straight line. If other accelerations occur, a borderline case may occur. Let us assume an inertial mass traveling in an empty universe where other gravitational masses are absent. The body then proceeds with intermittent but constant accelerations, however maintaining the aura of uncertainty due to the ineluctability of Heisenberg's principle, but without intertwining with other dispersed actions. In this case, the gravitational mass would not have compensations with other masses, it would burn the energy emitted by its only actions ℎ of the SQM to be able to regenerate on the ether. There is no compensation and the output dispersion would still spread at the speed of light anyway. In the limit, the body would evaporate along its trajectory, since the matter would crumble into actions/energy without enjoying the exchange of compensatory accelerations with other bodies. The exchange of accelerations is the main dynamical property of the Universe. 11- Concept. In a completely empty universe, does it make sense to imagine a lonely planet? It would make no sense to assign a speed, a time to the planet. What about in the case of rotation? A possible inhabitant would detect an acceleration towards the centre of the planet. But due to the uncertainty produced by the SQM, the planet would disintegrate slowly losing mass due to accelerations dispersed in empty space, not replaced by other emissions. The activated but dispersed pixels would tend to re-aggregate with the planet over time, thus creating a cyclical pattern of empty and full. Perhaps this is what is happening to our universe if it were One. 12- Uniformly accelerated motion. In this case, the mass receives more accelerations than it loses with dispersion. Then a body A behaves roughly in three ways: 1) if it is in a gravitational field B its components will undergo a uniform acceleration in the direction of the center of B . 2) if it undergoes an external acceleration, due for example to the thrust of a rocket, the body will move by increasing its speed (frequency in quantum terms).

3) if it is hit by another body, there will be a movement in the opposite direction to the collision of uniform rectilinear motion which is always apparent). The mechanism by which a body accelerates more and more by increasing its speed is allowed by the fact that the pixels of which it is formed are activated / captured by external forces in a greater way than the selfattraction actions that we call Inertia. The apparent uniform rectilinear motion ceases. The frequency of the wave associated with the body increases so that more actions h intervene on the ether in the same time interval. The energy increases in line with the actions ℎ increasing the speed of the body by the square. Basically, the body increases its consistency in the unit of time, (or if you want it increases its frames). According to the m × v formula, the increase in total pixels (mass) is due, with respect to either an observer or to speed: -increase in linear or rotational velocity with respect to an observer means more images of the body (+active pixels) along a trajectory; - mass increase with constant speed by aggregation with other masses; The differences in speed of the same body consists in the number of frames activated in the unit of time, based on the formula: E = ½ mv 2 where energy represents the number of actions necessary to increase speed. An acceleration of gravity captures more pixels in the unit of time, the body increases the frequency (energy) compared to another in apparent rest. The square of the velocity derives from the centripetal acceleration = v 2/r of the SQM which regulates the formation of matter.

Chap. 7- The curvature of the structure of the ether 1-According to the SQM the pixels of the ether are excited by the actions ℎ in order to obtain the 3D matter corpuscles. Increasing the frequency of actions in the same portion of space increases the curvature. Thus, there is an energyspace-time curvature relationship formalized in the past by general relativity by means of the energy/matter-space curvature tensor in the fundamental equation of general relativity. In general relativity curvature is not explained but is only a mathematical result. In the SQM this geometric effect is immediate as a consequence of the actions ℎ on the ether transforming the pixels from 2 D to 3 D, thus forming matter. The formation of matter, therefore its presence in spacetime implies a stress-energy tensor which measures the pressure by the action h on the pixels on the ether. 2-In the SQM energy creates matter, matter curves space by definition, i.e. matter exists on the basis of the curvature of space/time. Curvature (convexity) is a consequence of the formation of matter. 3-An important aspect is the direction of the curvature which, in principle, should always be the same for all objects in our universe. The presence of matter forms a convexity of the space within which the structure of the matter and its formation process through the SQM are active. The convexity creates a stochastic field where the greater the convexity the greater the probability of attracting gravitational accelerations dispersed by other bodies. 4-The convexity of space in the presence of matter can be assimilated to a 3D Gaussian just as a massive celestial body resting on the space-time lattice is pictorially represented according to general relativity. General relativity, on the other hand, proves mathematically by tensor analysis that a

gravitational field curves spacetime. Unfortunately, general relativity does not give a logic explanation of the distortion mechanism that operates on space. Paraphrasing P. Sutter, an important astrophysicist, Einstein did not leave us an instruction manual. 5- General relativity GR in fact enunciates an analogy between the curvature of a ray of light that passes through an accelerating spaceship and the effects on the trajectory of the light of a gravitational field. Mathematically, the GR was able to define and quantify an energy/space tensor, an operation that can be similarly compiled with the SQM by calculating the pressure of an action ℎ on the surface of a pixel and then extending the operation to an amount of mass/desired energy using suitable deformability constants. The effect of an action ℎ on the elastic ether can only be a temporary torsion with an equal and opposite return force. 6-The SQM therefore goes to the roots of the functioning of matter-energy based only on the foundations of quantum mechanics, whose experimental results have never been denied so far. We can start from a minimum action ℎ of Planck which fixes elementary particles on minimal areoles, called pixels, on the ether through a mechanism similar to a harmonic oscillator. Matter thus becomes the result of a process capable of curving the ether by assigning it an extension and above all a thickness, i.e. the 3rd Dimension . 7-A gathering of matter (pixel) that we call body A inside a portion of space, increases the 3D thickness in terms of curvature. By creating more convexity within which it moves, the SQM generates matter by capturing energy from the Sea-U. 8-It is important to stress that matter is not a static but an oscillating phenomenon that is renewed intermittently. In fact, a Buddhist would define matter according to "continuous death and rebirth". Every time a corpuscle A is formed and fixed on the ether, at the apex of the process, when this A materializes by stressing the ether, A is rejected in a virtual field that we have called sea-U. It is pushed back with an equal and opposite action in the form of waves, from where it re-emerges (or if you like) is reborn. The seaU is an environment without space and without time probably made of negative energy from where every action can only be in a wave form, with instantaneous times due to the lack of a contrasting structure of the ether. This

environment defined by David Bohm "Quantum Potential or Zero Point Field" and by other eminent scholars "Tachyon Field", is an Ocean of Energy that feeds and sustains the intermittent materialization of our world. Without this energy to support the matter our universe would shut down instantly . 9-In this convexity of the ether, on the basis of the uncertainty principle, there is a probability field for which the body A increases its ability to attract the actions ℎ of other bodies by capturing accelerations dispersed in the universe. 10- Question: is the attraction due to the mechanism of the uncertainty principle which regulates the dispersion of accelerations around the bodies creating probabilistic fields, or to the frequency in which the actions on the ether are emitted, creating the convexity? Or they are two sides of the same phenomenon. 11- The convexity of spacetime. If we use the plane of the ether we see that where there is matter there are ever more accentuated cocoons or convexities until they form the closed spheres of black holes. Strictly speaking, our world must lie on the side of the convexities, although according to the SQM there should exist a reverse side of our world that is not directly visible and measurable where a concavity is observed on the other hand. It is the negative of our World from which antiparticles escape. 12-The shadow-mass presents itself with concavities immersed in a sea of negative energy. Both convexity and concavity operate in a dynamic process of assembly/disassembly of matter into bodies of mass. One should exchange positive and negative forms through actions/accelerations that disturb the ether. In this sense it can be said that God plays tennis with us, between matter and antimatter. Same speech passing and a body C with respect to A

Chap. 8- The Genesis of Quantum Mechanics MQ 1-As reported in all physics textbooks, QM began with Planck's discovery of quanta in 1900. Planck's quantization of energy was in fact due to his effort to explain the spectrum of frequencies emitted by a body black at a certain temperature. Due to the way the experimental curve behaved, the frequencies did not increase infinitely so that it had to be admitted that, having reached certain wavelengths, a resistance of the system was encountered. This made it difficult to emit ever smaller wavelengths. Assuming an indivisible energy grain called Planck's constant ℎ with a very small and perfectly determined value, the result was an emission curve in agreement with the experimental data. A huge leap towards the conception of a discontinuous universe. The emission curve could have a more understandable narrative through the Sub Quantum Mechanism. Let's see what it's about. With the increase in the temperature of the black body, a vertiginous surge of the curve towards the high frequencies is obtained, which classical physics erroneously believed to be unstoppable until reaching the ultraviolet catastrophe. But lab data shows that at some point this rush to high frequencies dips as fast as the temperature gets high. Therefore, a resistance of the structure to bear increasingly smaller wave widths can be deduced up to a descent of the trend which allows less and less high frequencies until reaching infinitely very low asymptotic values. Evidently this division of space into smaller fragments requires more than proportionally more energy. Here the SQM comes into play which explains the effort to grant more pixels in ever more restricted spaces where the reaction forces due to the torsion of the ether come into play. It is conceivable that the space, once engulfed, becomes itself an element of strong resistance. Since the frequency space cannot be sliced infinitely without resistance, the emission curve is not continuous but requires quantized energy with an ad-hoc value to reflect laboratory data.

2-The definition of ℎ coincides with the concept of minimum impulse or quantum of action or ℎ = ∆E × s in other words, the minimum amount of energy emitted per second (unit of time) is not a variable but a constant. This means that each type of energy emitted must be composed of discontinuous granules equal to Planck's constant ℎ. We also speak of the value of the quantized angular momentum 3-These actions require a force multiplied by the distance travelled ( E = F × (d) displacement in the space ) multiplied by a certain time T. Which also counts as m × a × λ (the wavelength as the distance travelled). 4- Elimination of the concept of the continuum. In other words, with Planck the concept of the continuum was demolished for a new physics of the discontinuous developed in quantum mechanics. Energy and matter formed by corpuscles are not infinitely divisible as is possible in the context of mathematics where it is always possible to insert an infinite series between any two numbers. Just as space and time are not infinitely divisible. 5-Another step forward is made by Einstein with a quantum explanation of the photoelectric effect for which the matter / light iteration is exposed: the electron and the photon. In this case the iteration takes place as a function of the frequency and not of the intensity of an energy packet. E = freq ℎ, means that an electron acquires energy as a function of the frequency of the light beam. In other words, according to Einstein, the percussive speed of photons on matter (a bit like a pneumatic hammer) rather than the quantity is important. The increase in energy means an increase in images present in the unit of time on the ether: an increase in mass. 6-The energy of a particle increases with the vibrations in the unit of time in a linear manner. The strikes struck are called ℎ actions, which are also defined as absolute minimum actions. There is no partial action in QM: either the action takes place or it doesn't. 7-The increase in the frequency of one body with respect to another is also caused by the speed, always with respect to a reference point. To acquire

speed it takes more accelerations, more pixels in a unit of time with the square law E= ½ m v 2. 8-The energy carried by light and formed by particles of zero mass called photons that travel in waves by packets. The series of packets distributed over time gives the idea that energy has a corpuscular nature similar to a wave motion. Indeed, in quantum mechanics there is the wave-particle dualism introduced by De Broglie. 9- The physicist De Broglie therefore proposed a wave nature also to matter with a wavelength λ = ℎ/mv, a hypothesis later demonstrated experimentally. 10-The wave nature of matter. The wave nature of matter made it possible to treat the motion of a particle as an elastic wave using the Schrödinger equation. The problem with this equation is that of detecting the exact position of the particle in the following instant, however introducing probabilistic fields and assimilating the concept of wave-matter to that of waves of probability. Following the paradigm of a wave nature of matter, the concept of position becomes probabilistic at this point with margins of uncertainty determined by Heisenberg's principle according to which the exact position has an intrinsic detectability limit due precisely to the diffusion of a wave. It is a key principle that derives directly from the motion of a particle which distributes its information on a wave front and not in a precise point as a bullet fired at a target could instead do. Attention! In MQ the target is reached by a wave . 11- Concept: A particle distributes, so to speak, its information along its wavefront. The results of Quantum Mechanics have been remarkable in terms of forecasting with an accuracy never achieved by any theory. But the entire functioning apparatus still remains obscure and contradictory, the mechanisms of the individual parts appear inscrutable and outside the common logic. Again, matter is sometimes considered a wave and sometimes a particle. The light energy that travels in packets of photons knows in advance which passages are monitored by the observer, through detectors, changing their behaviour accordingly. Finally, it seems that changes on particular configurations of objects (e.g. polarization) of the world have instantaneous effects on other objects regardless of their distance, thus

violating the principle of special relativity which prohibits speeds no faster than that of light. That is, there is the non-locality of quantum mechanics. 12-At the present state-of-the-art, the theory of Quantum Mechanics lacks an exhaustive and intelligible explanation to common sense for its effects that affect a deeper level, evoked by the American physicist David Bohm as " Sub-quantum level". On the other hand, Feynman was no less stating the famous phrase: " I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics ." Perhaps the Sub Quantum Mechanism opens a logical window into the behaviour of energy and matter. The level where the fundamental variables: energy, matter, speed, acceleration, time…, must have logical explanations for common sense, less mathematical if not downright epistemological. Let us not forget that the currently recognized Quantum Mechanics is almost entirely experimental, i.e. it concerns the level of human instrumental observations without, however, reaching a reasonable level. The Sub Quantum Mechanism (SQM) is instead a logical explanation of quantum mechanics that is understandable to everyone. A famous physicist said that a well-understood theory can be explained even to one's grandmother. A particle has no position until the observer measures it. It is a euphemism to say in accordance with the SQM that a particle has no position until it materializes on the ether and thus becomes visible and measurable by an observer.

Chap. 9- Formalization of the Sub Quantum Mechanism (SQM) 1-Energy is quantized, divisible by equal and indistinguishable quantities. 2-Each quantum ℎ of Planck is also defined as the minimum possible action in our world. All actions together form the world of objects. 3-An action ℎ is a dynamic flow of energy (by definition) which presses on the ether generating a convexity over an area of quantized space that we can call a pixel, creating a 3D camber. This convexity is nothing more than a quantum of matter with a thickness. 4-The pixel is activated by an action by massless particles (photons?) traveling at speed c. The photon feels like a particle when it hits the ether. It is the structure of the ether that makes the photon for an instant a particle that manifests itself on a detector. 5-The pixel activated by bending the ether acquires a 3D configuration, acquiring thickness. Matter therefore bends the ether by definition. So, to have a consistency. 6-The energy of the quantum comes from the Sea-U of energy on which the ether is presumably immersed. 7-About the physics of the sea-U we can only know that it counteracts and repels the actions ℎ in a specular way to the ether with equal and opposite strength. Without this opposing force an action on the ether would have no contrast producing an unlimited expansion in time and space: an endless protuberance. A phenomenon that does not correspond to reality. Concept : the quanta must be somehow related to each other .

8- In the sea-U which is a virtual field, the speed of an action must be instantaneous, as happens for the phenomenon of entanglement. The structure of the ether is to all intents and purposes a consistent medium which slows down the speed of light between one pixel and another, giving it a limit c. Without a consistent medium to traverse the speed would be infinite. 9-The lattice of the ether looks like an elastic fabric with indivisible areas of space on which the objects of the 3D world intermittently materialize. An areola is a pixel that has 3D if it is on and 2D if it is off. An off pixel is a pixel not affected by an action ℎ. A 2D pixel excludes the presence of matter in the spatial reference area, but maintains its property -or potential- of being activated by an action ℎ. 10-The ether represents the structure of spacetime. Measuring the position of a particle on the ether means collapsing the waves that carry its information. The relationship between ether as a structure and the pixels that compose it is problematic. In fact, pixels are indivisible and independent quanta of space that in some way must have links between them within a structure of the ether. In some way, pixels have conceptual affinities with Leibnitz's monads. 11-The action ℎ takes place with an emergence of quantized energy from a virtual field by means of a force sufficient to activate a pixel by curving it. The activated pixel represents a quantum of indivisible matter. 12-The activated pixel A undergoes an equal and opposite force (3rd principle) of repulsion from the ether producing a negative action of return in the sea-U in the form of waves. 13-In the sea-U the information (memory of the sea-U) of all the objects of the world are present as negative energy through waves associated with the objects projected on the ether between them entangled (intertwined). 14-Every change in the sea-U reaches the ether at instantaneous speed. In the sea-U which is a virtual field, information travels instantaneously. 15-In the sea-U the negative action ℎ- ( coming from the ether )- is rejected by sending a wave again on the ether which spreads with a direction subsequent to the previous action ℎ+. To avoid a total dispersion of

information and matter, the direction of acceleration is conserved, this represents the memory of the sea-U. 16-The oscillatory movement of positive and negative actions, between ether and sea activating pixels through a movement of the spring-mass type, we call it Sub Quantum Mechanism -SQM- The energy carried by the wave emerges with maximum potential and zero kinetic energy in based on the classic formula: E = Epotential (U) + Ekinetic (K). 17-In the formula of E = U + K the SQM is inherent similar to a vibrating spring-mass system, or even a pendulum. E = E potential (U) + E kinetic (K) which in the case of the SQM is where the stroke of the spring is in first approximation the wavelength λ. E = ½ kλ 2 + ½ mc 2. This equation implies that: k λ 2 = mc 2 from which k/m = c 2/ λ 2 , then we obtain Freq= √(k/m) Solving and simplifying gives the formula E = Freq × ℎ in accordance with quantum mechanics. 18-The pixels turn on and off, they vibrate in space around an equilibrium point according to the Uncertainty principle. They charge and discharge by bouncing between the ether and the sea-U. Pixels are indivisible spatial areas, yet their edges must maintain one-to-one links with ether and other pixels. 19-Matter is intermittent, it is fixed and does not move in space-time, but its information is translated. The movement of a body is the diffusion of its information. Moving matter without the SQM should cost an Energy = mc 2 which corresponds to the intrinsic strength of Inertia, i.e. the total energy to keep an object stuck to the structure of space for an instant.

20-The oscillating movement due to the uncertainty interval is established on average and for large numbers by the wavelength. 21-The oscillating movement intermittently maintains a body on the ether, spreading accelerations and acting as a Prime Mover. 22-The SQM is the Prime Mover for lighting the objects of the world. Without the uncertainty of position, the world would not have been built with an endless variety of objects. The SQM is the hidden engine of the evolution of the universe. Indeterminacy has generated mass, its distribution in space and continuous change. 23-The movement on the ether of matter is by contact or by attraction through accelerations that come from the sea-U. In the ether the movement is not transmitted directly but is always mediated by a virtual field through accelerations. On the ether the images of the world are a sequence of moments that vary through actions ℎ generated by the sea-U. 24-A contact between two bodies produces a change in the waves-matter as an exchange of frequencies and direction. 25-Matter attracts itself through the SQM. The matter-forming pixels are activated by accelerations emerging from the Sea-U. The accelerations build the matter by shaping the ether which remains per unit of time ( Period), until an opposing force takes over which causes the matter to collapse in return waves. The time quantum is therefore equal to the time required for a pixel to curve in 3D and then normalize in 2D. 26-The SQM shapes matter on the ether in an oscillating way through a dynamic system that vibrates around an interval established by the uncertainty principle. 27-The interval between one image and another of the world is subject to a stochastic law which generates a dispersion of waves with respect to the pixels involved in the objects of the world. The dispersion is represented by waves that translate from the original pixels to fix themselves in pixels of other masses, or by waves that miss the target set by the oscillating

mechanism. This creates what E. Mach had intuited for universal gravitation understood as an exchange of accelerations among masses. 28- Lacking precision the initial or starting target limited by the wavelength, the waves are dispersed according to a probabilistic pattern. The returning wave from another remote pixel on the real space always tends to the original pixel by the direction of centripetal acceleration. This original target recognition & memory mechanism prevents total mass dispersal of the world. 29-The diffusion of waves around the target pixel to be activated, due to the uncertainty principle, involves other pixels according to the inverse square law of the distance, creating an attractive weave (entanglement) between the different pixels involved. Note! In a quantized space what sense does the concept of distance have? Should we calculate the sum of Planck spaces? But there is the interregnum between the pixels which are incommensurable for continuity solutions since such areolas are likely to float on a virtual environment. The distance and path between points A and B represent a complex operation at the micro level that concerns the number of possible “images” to construct between A and B. 30- The diffusion mechanism between pixels generates universal gravity. On the ether, matter at one point attracts itself and attracts all other matter at any distance. In this we glimpse the holistic approach evoked by David Bohm through which all the objects of the Universe are expressions of a single Thing. In other words of a single Phenomenon, Husserl would confirm. 31-The inertial mass in its mechanism generates a force necessary for matter to appear and exist on the ether. A sort of adhesion force on the ether due to the SQM. 32-The gravitational force is instead due to the uncertainty about the position of the matter in such a way as to create a halo of emissions of accelerations in space according to probabilistic laws. 33-The greater the amount of matter, the greater the diffusion, the greater the force of attraction on other bodies. Experimentally, we know that the force of

attraction is directly proportional to the mass involved, ( i.e. the number of pixels). 34-The force of gravity in action between two bodies is equal to the dispersion of accelerations in the process of self-attraction of matter on the ether. This dispersion is proportionate to the mass. 35-To move/translate a mass you need to apply a force necessary to overcome ( Warning! do not exceed) the inertia. Applying an acceleration with a certain direction on the ether means overcoming the attraction of the mass with itself which will always be the same in any force field in the universe. Inertia is therefore an intrinsic property of matter which allows it to emerge by adhering to the ether. The energy necessary to keep a body A on the ether is E= mc 2 , this force would serve to move the matter from the ether with its original pixels, i.e. an impracticable quantity of energy that would prevent any movement. Actually, the SQM translates the matter through the pixels with waves emitted by the Sea-U. In this dynamic an object in space (not subject to any force) would slide on wave-like rails which offer no measurable resistance. As is known, it is sufficient to apply minimum forces to move masses, with accelerations that are increasingly greater with the decrease of the mass itself. The phenomenon of displacement of a mass occurs only in its wave aspect. The movement is mediated by the sea-U towards the Ether. Mass is only a singular point in the timeless space. 36-The intermittence of the matter which pulsates according to an undulating movement on the fabric of the ether therefore produces a motion which vibrates around an axis of probability, without any movement with respect to another body of reference. 37- The body can be moved with successive accelerations, applying forces in a constant manner. The rectilinear motion at the micro level is intermittent following the switching on/off of the pixels. An acceleration moves the pixel until its wave function collapses. 38-Applying a force at the SQM level means shortening the length of the associated wave, i.e. increasing the frequency and number of accelerations/actions per unit of time. Applying a force means creating multiple images of the object in the ether.

39-Because of the quantization of space, to obtain a rectilinear motion one must overcome point by point the inertia which offers a resistance proportionate to the mass and curvature of the ether. In a uniform rectilinear motion in the SQM version the acceleration is however given on each wavematter crest after the collapse. More clearly, for each cycle, a centripetal acceleration capable of keeping the pixels active on the ether is entered. Since uniform rectilinear motion is such only with respect to a given reference point, an increase or decrease of pixels is generated to lengthen or reduce the images on the ether: that is, the frequency of the associated wave. Minimal accelerations are required to keep a body in the ether. 40- The uniform rectilinear motion is composed of many accelerations, in harmony with the frequency of the mass and with the Inertia. Inertia is an intrinsic force to matter that keeps the body anchored to the ether with respect to another point of reference. Inertia consumes accelerations coming from the sea-U. Contrary to what has been said in classical physics, the inertia of a body is an oscillating mechanism that requires energy instant after instant. Without the SQM entering accelerations, the inertial mass would stop, and vanish into thin air. 41-According to the uncertainty principle it is unlikely to always activate the same pixels of a given inertial mass. An apparently constant movement (uniform rectilinear motion) with respect to a reference body is obtained by activating pixels in a neighbourhood established by the wavelength. This principle causes the object to oscillate with smaller and smaller vibrations proportionate to the wavelength. 42-The accelerations depend on the actions ℎ and are all equal to each other. The acceleration is also quantized and is related to the frequency of the matter-wave of the particles. More acceleration means to activate more actions ℎ. 43-An increase in the speed of A with respect to B means that B -between two successive waves- sees more images of A. Increasing the speed means increasing the number of active pixels along its trajectory.

44-The increase in the number of pixels of the body A produces either an increase in the speed of A or an increase in mass per unit of time. Roughly speaking, an increase in momentum = increase in active pixels per unit of time. 45-The matter-waves of the SQM spread at the speed of light along the Minkowski spacetime by intermediation of the sea-U. 46-Gravity decreases (Newton) with the inverse square of the distance. The force of gravity is therefore proportional to the product of the masses. In this way we have an entanglement of active pixels in the sea-U (Virtual Field) which exchange accelerations with a dispersion regulated by the uncertainty principle. 47-Non-locality of information in the SQM. Since all the objects of the universe interact instantaneously in the Sea-U, the starting areola of the downloaded pixel, for whatever position it has in the universe, is immediately reached by the returning matter-wave. Thus, the self-attraction of Inertia is uniform in the universe. Diffusion of dispersed accelerations wander in the Ether at the speed of light.

Chap.10-Quantum gravity A-Principles A model of quantum gravity develops from the foundation of quantum mechanics according to the scheme as below: 1- Quantization of space as finite areoles called pixels, without solutions of continuity but with biunivocal energetic relationships between them capable of structuring an ether as a scenario of the phenomenon. 2-The motion of a body from one areola to another with the mediation of a sea of energy in a virtual field to translate information from one areola to another. The areola seen as a sort of "monad without doors and without windows" that can only be overcome with energetic leaps capable of translating information into a discontinuous space. 3-The energy leap, like a sort of prime mover, is provided by the curvature of the pixel under stress from an action ℎ. In this case we pass from a convexity to a concavity (mass-spring) by introducing and subtracting energy from the world in which the energy balance does not change, precisely because the energy only transforms. 4- A body is made up of pixels. The search for the previous pixel using a wave that carries the information of the acceleration and its direction from sea-U. 5-The iteration of this convexity-concavity circuit we call it SQM able to materialize a body on the ether. 6-The energy expended for this materialization represents the intrinsic inertia of a body fixed on the ether, which in absolute terms is worth mc 2

7-In this circular process the return accelerations to re-activate the pixels of the body are dispersed according to a certain percentage included in an error range imposed by the uncertainty principle. 8-These dispersed accelerations spread at the speed of light to be captured by the pixels of other bodies and thus receive an acceleration with an inverted direction towards the emitting body. B-Development 1-Gravity is essentially caused by the uncertainty principle and the wave nature of matter according to the SQM. In the SQM the mass intrinsically attracts itself (self-attraction) following a vibrating mechanism. 2-Once a pixel is activated in 3D, subsequently the curvature of the ether normalizes in 2D tending towards a concave configuration (which in the virtual field such geometry would make little sense) returning energy in the sea-U with equal and opposite force. 3-The ether would therefore behave like a membrane which, by vibrating the quantized spatial areolas at a certain frequency, outlines objects on the ether by pressing the pixels. Matter is understood as swelling of the ether in 3D. 4-The sea-U by means of an equal and opposite force in turn sends back the emerging wave, activating a pixel with a margin of error on the position of the previous pixel. 5-The emission of matter-waves on the ether presents the greatest probabilities in the points of maximum amplitude of the wave, within the interval of indeterminacy established by the wavelength. 6-Along the front of the wave the information of the particle spreads in the ether. 7- In the case of the SQM, the stochastic law perhaps follows the Gaussian function with minimal but possible probabilities on the tails up to an infinite distance.

8-The emergence of a wave on the ether from the sea-U that activates any pixel B starting from pixel A activates pixel B, however, creating a connection of forces between A and B through acceleration / action with direction of B →A. Concept: Activating a pixel means bending it into the 3 D state. 9-In the vicinity of the uncertainty field of A and B, a circuit is formed that can be assimilated to a system of the mass-spring type. 10- In this circular mechanism, therefore, an exchange of accelerations takes place where a = c 2/X and where X represents the average of the paths between A and B in search of the original pixels, and corresponds to the elongation. Or (conceptually which is the same thing) the radius of an ideal circle which has the points of its diameter in A and B. 11-If the target goes outside the mean X, there is dispersion of the action ℎ towards other targets with increasingly smaller probabilities up to infinite distances, (keeping in mind the tails of the Gauss bell curve). 12-Between A and B a relationship of forces is created such as to be considered temporarily belonging to the same field of matter. 13- We establish that A and B intrinsically attract themselves by the property of Inertia, and attract each other by the SQM. 14-The longer the wave, the greater the Uncertainty on the pixel to be activated with respect to a return wave, but the precision on the direction of the accelerations is greater. 15- The matter-waves are dispersed in proportion to the masses. 16-The position of an isolated pixel A is maximally indeterminate. 17-The more actions converge on a limited area of the ether (field) and the more the inertia of the resulting mass increases, the higher the frequency of the wave-matter.

18-Every action tends to light up the starting pixel with a certain uncertainty which is reflected on the direction of the action of the sea-U. The pixel does not move from the ether, the accelerations that fix the images move from one pixel to another. The matter moves by translating its image on the different pixels of the ether. 19-Each particle has an obviously quantized inertia with a probability of dispersion of the activating actions which depends on the gravitational field in which it is immersed. An isolated particle has an almost infinite probability of diffusion. 20-The dispersion of accelerations from the pixels of a body A causes a lighting defect of the pixels proportionate to its aggregate number in a unit of space (areola). Concept. Turning on the pixel means it goes from 2 D to 3 rd dimension. 21- The waves returning from the sea-U tend to maintain both their length λ and the original pixel/target generating an attractive force of A towards B and of B towards A. The acceleration that is exchanged always has a direction A towards B. 22- This attractive force through the SQM acceleration waste is gravity. 23-Between two bodies on the ether a one-to-one correspondence of accelerations is established which is directly proportional to the possibility of each pixel of A to intertwine with a pixel of B. The greater the bodies, the greater the possibilities of intertwining accelerations between pixels. Hence the force generated is directly proportional to M × m. (Newton). 24-A diffuse wave of A hooks a pixel of a body B emitted by the sea-U, its wavelength tends to bring it back to A generating a force F from B → A supplied by the centripetal acceleration c 2/ λ of the SQM. 25- In general from the two bodies spaced apart in the ether A and B accelerations from both bodies cross by which A is attracted towards B and B is attracted towards A.

26-A body hooked on the ether emits gravitational waves in proportion to its mass, i.e. the number of pixels of which it is composed. Gravitational waves are the effect on the ether of accelerations dispersed by bodies in space. 27-The gravitational attraction that a body A undergoes is caused by waves dispersed by the SQM in which the waves returning to the pixels undergo a dispersion in space due to the uncertainty principle which is linked to the wave nature. 28-If the acceleration of A did not tend to return to A itself with a fixed direction, matter would be infinitely diffused without the formation of particles and objects in our universe. Furthermore, if this exchange of accelerations diffused by the bodies did not exist, the objects of the world would not exist. 29-The fundamental property of matter is Inertia which induces a body A to be attracted by itself, remaining clinging to the ether in an oscillating way (therefore existing) by means of actions ℎ+ and in return ℎ- . In an oscillating way, it means following the trend of vents and crests where only on the latter the matter is definitely present.

Chap.11-Equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass 1-Matter is formed through the SQM by attracting itself to remain attached to the ether in wave-like sequences by means of an exchange of accelerations (centripetal accelerations) between the ether and the sea-U. 2-The uncertainty about an intermittent/oscillating position of the particle makes the matter vibrate with a certain frequency which depends on the mass. This vibration is due to actions ℎ governed by the uncertainty principle. This underlies an intrinsic dynamic, a sort of Prime Mover. Matter exists because there is a first motion even without displacement. If then its centre of mass is displaced either by collision or by gravitational attraction through accelerations, motion is obtained. 3-Known principle: Two bodies A and B with masses 1 and 10 respectively fall on a gravitational field with the same speed and the same times. 4- For the SQM the bodies A and B remain alternately attached to the ether using an Energy equal to the frequency of the vibrations multiplied by the Planck constant ℎ minus the dispersion due to the uncertainty plus the compensation from other bodies for the dispersed accelerations. The formula will be as follows: E = Freq × ℎ which is also equal to mc 2. The intrinsic inertia is equal to the total energy mc 2. A body does not move through the ether carrying its original pixels with it but glides through the ether changing and activating other pixels. 5-The dispersion of the matter-waves allows the interaction of body A with other bodies. In other words, the force of gravity is generated. The deep cause of gravitational attraction is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

which allows the dispersion of an infinitesimal percentage of accelerations of a body in the mechanism of inertia. 6-The dispersion of the inertia force in the SQM represents a percentage of the mass that follows probabilistic laws, equal to the energy incorporated in the work W necessary for the regeneration of matter on the ether. This energy is m c 2 equivalent to the (frequency c/ λ ) × ℎ. The dispersion creates a void to be filled by other accelerations arriving from other bodies located in space. 7-The available pixels of body A are activated by the gravitational field present by accelerating A towards the attraction field. By definition, acceleration always has a direction. 8-The dispersion is proportional to the number of pixels of the body A for which each quantum undergoes an acceleration also proportionate to its mass, in accordance with the principle of equivalence. 9-If all the pixels of a body A were attracted by themselves on the plane of the ether without producing any dispersion, the body A would be opaque to gravitational forces. 10-The dispersion of the mechanism of Inertia creates the potential of attraction of a body A.

Chap. 12- The process of formation of matter. 1-At the basis of the creation of matter there is Planck's constant ℎ or quantum of energy defined as minimum action. Without action there would be neither matter nor energy. An action strikes a pixel of the ether stressing it and creating a corpuscle. This seems to be the simplest mechanism of matter creation that Quantum Mechanics can conjure up. 2-Planck's constant is therefore explained as an indivisible lump of energy emitted in a unit of time (for example: the minute second s). In this way, the importance of the frequency of emissions with respect to a unit of time can already be understood. The greater or lesser frequency on an area of spacetime determines the quantity of matter attached to the ether and its speed (always with respect to an observer). As a side effect, an A-body ages less as the frequency increases. That is, it undergoes minor changes, since its temporal quantum tends to zero. At the highest possible frequency, inside a black hole, time stops. It would appear that mass ages as it travels along the wavelength. The frequency of the wave-matter of a body measures the energy introduced into the body in the unit of time, i.e. the number of accelerations capable of composing its image formed by pixels on the ether. The lower the energy, the fewer images, the more aging. A body ages between waves. In other words, entropy increases. It is therefore deduced that a body must be continuously renewed on the ether so that it does not dissolve over time. In the state of matter, therefore, time is stopped. 3-This action performed by Planck's constant is the basis of movement in our universe since it is able to create matter on a two-dimensional fabric of spacetime called here Ether. 4-Matter then composes and decomposes moment by moment with actions on the fabric of the ether which functions as a basic plot. All matter is activated by a set of actions ℎ: indivisible grains of energy emitted in the unit of time.

5-The ether can be imagined composed of minimal areoles excited by the quantum ℎ through minimal actions. The minimal areola is the quantum of spacetime. 6-An action activates in a single instant in 3D a quantum of the structure/texture of the ether that we call pixels. This becomes a corpuscle with all the properties of matter valid for the physics of the ether. 7- The action ℎ hits the pixel with a force sufficient to stress the elasticity of the ether producing a rebound effect by reaction: with equal and opposite force. The curvature gives the pixel the 3D transforming spacetime into matter. This is the deep reason why matter curves space. Definition: quantum of action ℎ = Δ m c λ (quantized moment) where: Δ m = matter pixel; c = speed-light; λ wavelength associated with the quantum. Where λ ₌ ℎ /c × m for macro systems. 8-The tendency of 3D pixels to maintain their position on the ether (that is, not to translate) is the foundation of the coherence of the objects of the world. This avoids an absolute scattering of the particles in sidereal space, thus preventing the formation of bodies. 9-The aggregation of pixels generates a wave packet at the wave level which intertwines within the sea-U, then emerging on the ether with a wave having its length (λ) inversely proportional to the consistency of the packet. The decrease of λ, increasing the energy of a field, increases the dynamics of the SQM. In the sea-U all the waves of all the objects of the world intertwine, influencing each other. As evidenced by Alain Aspect's crucial experiment on the non-locality of quantum mechanics. This non-locality is caused by entanglement in the sea-U. 10-The more the consistency of the wave packet increases, i.e. its frequency, the lower the λ of the associated wave, the more the position is determined, the greater the Inertia of the particle. Lower λ means greater accumulation of wave peaks. Therefore greater activity of shares.

11-The uncertainty interval cannot be less than ℎ, i.e. a minimum action translated into space. That is the space occupied by a pixel. Beyond the minimal action there is the immeasurable, the indeterminate, the nothing, or something that does not belong to our world that has yet to be imagined. 12-The mass-spring movement implies an acceleration equal to c 2/x or centripetal acceleration with speed of light squared. 13-The SQM operates through centripetal acceleration, being a movement similar to a periodic oscillator. Also acceleration in uniform circular motion: Force/mass = v 2/R 14-According to Planck's definition of the constant ℎ, it is equal to: a minimum energy flow Δ E multiplied by a time unit Δ T. A minimum flux of energy Δ E is equal to Δ m × Δ T or a pixel multiplied λ/c by a minimum period, corresponding to a time for an entire oscillation for the wavelength of a pixel. Simplifying we have Δ E = Δ m c λ , or the minimum angular momentum. If we replace Δ E with the definition of energy given by Einstein we have E = freq ℎ = c/ λ ℎ and replacing a ℎ = Δ mc λ we immediately find the equation of special relativity E = mc 2. 15-Special and general relativity are both a logical consequence of quantum mechanics if the SQM definitions are accepted. In particular, the importance of the centripetal acceleration c 2/x as a force acting on the generation of matter in spacetime explains special relativity. Furthermore, the property of the pixel to bend when hit by an action ℎ explains general relativity. 16-The mass-spring vibrating movement for the continuous search of the output pixels due to the uncertainty principle is the prime mover of our universe. The average paths (attempts to centre the starting pixel) for the activation of the pixels represent an alternative movement (like that of the engine pistons) then transmitted to the dynamics of the world. Energy is conserved only in the images that immediately collapse and then reproduce.

17-Based on the uncertainty principle, the increase in mass reduces the uncertainty interval on the position with constant speed c. Does a very small interval (i.e. small wavelength) shorten the wavelength and increase the probability that the returning wave from the Sea-U emerges in the vicinity of the starting pixel, thus reducing dispersion? Paradox . An apparent paradox is that with the increase in mass, the dispersion of matter decreases, decreasing the attraction capacity of a body. Shouldn't two black holes attract each other? As for the fact that photons are held in the event horizon of the black hole. Gravitational waves then do not belong to light, they are another source of energy induced by minimal action! There may be two first hypotheses for this paradox a-The first says that the decrease in the uncertainty interval increases the output speed from the pixel but being c a constant only the direction becomes more indeterminate to compensate for the centralization of probability due to the increase in mass. b-The second hypothesis proposes that the active pixels of a body exchange accelerations with other bodies without closing in their own Inertia. After all, we must not be so naive as to violate the principle of equivalence gravitational mass inertial mass.

Chap. 13- The SQM and General Relativity- GR 1-General relativity says that mass and energy contribute in various ways to determining the curvature in the geometric model (a particular type of pseudo-Riemannian differentiable manifold) with which spacetime is mathematically defined. 2-As regards light, the theory of GR says: since tensor fields associate a tensor in one-to-one correspondence to each point of the manifold which determines its metric, we have, for example, for the case of the electromagnetic field, that the " portion" of the components of the stressenergy tensor that determine the influence of this field are given by the electromagnetic stress tensor (derived from considering the influence of the electromagnetic energy of the stress-energy tensor defined as a fourdimensional integral on a hyper- flat surface) which also includes the metric tensor of Minkowski spacetime (to which the more complex metric of GR tensor fields can be reduced thanks to Sylvester's theorem in linear algebra). Therefore, the contribution of light to the curvature of spacetime occurs thanks to its energy, and therefore to the actions connected to them on the basis of the definition of Planck's constant since this is not massive. Ultimately, a very complex elaboration is thus obtained due to the lack of a more intelligible and immediate paradigm on matter-energy interference as instead results from the Sub Quantum Mechanism. 3-From the field equations, it is then possible to deduce the geodesic equations, useful for calculating the motion of inertial bodies influenced by the curvature of spacetime along geodesics of the "time" type. To do this, for example for a system in which one wishes to calculate the motion of an electromagnetic wave and another massive body, it is enough to solve the field equation with the sum of the stress-energy tensor for the wave and the body. Physically we will have that the resulting motion of the two objects

derives from the various components that determine the curvature of spacetime by the objects themselves. 4- In summary and with simpler words, general relativity asserts that mass and energy curve spacetime starting from an observation by Einstein on the equivalence of gravitational mass and inertial mass. In reality, Einstein tells us that matter-energy curves space following only an analogy, without a tangible insight into common sense. Einstein deduces everything from the curvature of a beam of light passing through two opposing windows in an accelerating rocket. If the phenomenon occurs on an accelerated rocket, - he says - it will also have to be repeated in a gravitational field. Fair reasoning but very intricate! 5-The SQM is defined as an action ℎ which activates a pixel through a quantum of energy in order to give the ether a 3D dimension. The curvature in this case is due to the pressure applied on the spatial areola to activate a pixel by bending it and thus generating both matter and its inertia. In this way, a potential energy is accumulated in the convexity of the pixel to be diffused in wave form by means of the collapse of the assigned wave. In a pictorial representation, the pixels appear on the space as many bubbles. A bubble is a particle of matter. The movements of bubbles on the ether are part of the physics of our world. 6-The force of Inertia by introducing energy on the structure of the ether builds matter in an intermittent pattern through the SQM. That is, the minimum actions ℎ working at a given frequency, renew, fix and maintain a body A in discontinuous succession on the ether lattice. The more pixels are activated in a limited spatial area, the greater the increase in mass and the greater the curvature (convexity) of spacetime, the greater the equal and opposite force of contrast called Inertia. 7-Each action ℎ, which can be represented with a wave function, hits the ether creating the corpuscle which evolves up to a maximum of tension and then is repelled by the same elasticity of the ether to then collapse into the sea-U. In the sea-U all the wave functions of the universe are interconnected with each other with instantaneous speeds.

8-If the forces of inertia were fully employed for the self-attraction of a given body A on the ether, A would be invisible to gravity. In this hypothesis the bodies would be closed on themselves without gravitational interactions. 9-The uncertainty on the position of the single pixel creates gaps on the systematic activation of the pixels therefore there would be a potential missing share of the Inertia proportionate to the mass. However, this missing part interacts with other bodies in the universe by exchanging accelerations aimed at filling the voids, thus generating gravitational attraction. 10- The pixels left inactive due to the dispersion of the accelerations can therefore be hooked by the actions ℎ of other bodies. In this mechanism lies the equivalence of inertia and gravitation. In fact, it is precisely these inactive pixels that welcome -they do not attract- accelerations from the gravitational field in which they are involved ( for example the Earth and the falling apple). 11-If A has mass 10 times B. It is known that both bodies A and B fall at the same speed/times on a gravitational field C for example the surface of the Earth, despite one being heavier than the other. Evidently a force is applied such as to overcome the inertia but still proportional to the mass. 12-The SQM activates the pixel with actions ℎ to replicate body A in time and keep it alternately on the ether but two phenomena occur. Due to the uncertainty principle, part of the accelerations of the pixels of body A, during the circular motion of matter-waves, is dispersed to be captured by other open pixels (with the inverse square law of the distance) of another body C (e.g. towards the centre of the Earth). In parallel, part of the ℎ of the pixels of body C does not engage the mechanism of inertia spreading in space and then intertwining with the pixels of body A. Thus, an exchange of accelerations takes place for which body A attracts C and body C attracts A. 13- The gravitational force is due to the dispersion of the pixels because of the uncertainty principle inherent in the dynamics of the SQM for which there are pixels that can be activated. Also, to consider the frequency of the wavematter of the bodies where the dispersion is in the peaks of the wave.

14-The equivalence inertial mass-gravitational mass suggests that a part proportional to the same inertia force which keeps a vibrating body A attached to the ether, is the one which accelerates the body A towards a gravitational field B. 15-We can think of the pixels that make up the quantized space of body A in the active/neutral sequence based on the actions ℎ. The sequence of opening and closing of the pixels that constitutes the device of Inertia favours the entanglement in the sea-U between actions of other bodies. An activated pixel curves and becomes matter for an instant. 16-The dynamic arrangement of the pixels of A and B and the dispersion of the matter waves around the bodies allows the exchange of accelerations between them by means of the inverse square law of the distance. Scattering increases along the wave front, in a Minkowski space, where the crests of gravitational waves scatter 90 degrees to infinity. 17-Without dispersion of accelerations due to the uncertainty principle there would be neither motion nor massive bodies in the universe. 18-All matter in the universe can be considered a single body that moves through the SQM: a holistic view of the universe (David Bohm). 19- Important. The scattering of shares ℎ from a planet A that have missed their respective starting pixels could stop in the immediate neighbourhood of planet A by activating the first available pixel. In this way there would be no precise law of universal gravitation. The dispersed pixels will instead have a greater probability of being attracted (directed) by large masses where there are two favourable conditions: a-a greater curvature of space-time; b-a greater probability of hooking due to the higher frequencies of the matter-waves of the massive fields

Chap. 14- Axiomatization of the sub-quantum mechanism 1-Energy is composed of quanta ℎ called Planck's constant 2-Energy travels in a wave form. 3-Energy activates matter composed of discontinuous corpuscles that we can define as quanta of mass when an action ℎ activates a pixel. 4-The undulating movement of energy determines the activation of matter according to an oscillating mechanism regulated by the Uncertainty Principle. Matter represents a singular point on the ether, a timeless entity, which as soon as it is materialized collapses through a beam of waves towards the sea-U where the universe normalizes, or if you want it reorganizes itself. Every movement of matter is accomplished by waves that carry energy using as an operative intermediary a virtual participatory field. It may be that the undulatory normalization in the sea-U serves to make a control adjustment . 5- The ether is a two-dimensional lattice immersed in a sea of energy that we have called sea-U by convention. The latter is a non-measurable environment, with analogies with other environments called by different names. For example, Dirac sea, quantum vacuum etc. 6-The Sea-U is an energetic world probably composed of dimensionless negative (dark?) energy where the interaction speeds are instantaneous. The action ℎ should be expressed through photons. The fact that the photon is its own anti-photon facilitates the connection between sea-U and space. 7-The quantum ℎ is defined as the minimum action in a unit of time. There is no intermediate action. Either there is action or there is no action. The shares

ℎ are all equal to each other. 8-The action, defined as a flow of quantized energy in a unit of time, activates the matter on the ether by collision. The quantum ℎ is therefore an energy impulse which, hitting the ether, converts a pixel into a corpuscle. Every action must have a direction, but it doesn't yet represent movement. The minimum actions ℎ are equal to each other and create minimum corpuscles of matter equal to each other. 9-The action takes place on a space-time network we call ether. The network structure is consequent to the quantization. In fact, all spatial quanta must be areoles of finite space surrounded by a neutral perimeter to avoid continuity. The neutral perimeter is complex as it limits the spatial pixel but must be entangled with the others in some way. Somehow, a form of transability between pixels must be allowed. 10-Ether is a plot formed by meshes of the smallest possible size. A deformable triangle with at least three possible sides: it is the simplest and minimal geometric shape to represent a mesh. But it could also be a rhombus, or a deformable square. 11-The ether not disturbed by energy sources is 2D, it has width and length without thickness. We call the minimum area an empty (or inactive or off) pixel. The dark ether is formed by empty pixels predisposed to activation (or ignition). 12-An activated pixel acquires a third dimension which we call thickness. A pixel is activated by a minimal action. The quantum ℎ is the minimum action to activate a pixel that goes from 2D to 3D. The activated pixel is just a curved (convex) spatial area under stress ready to react by emitting waves of equal and opposite strength. A massive planet emits actions on the ether such as to curve the surrounding space in proportion to its mass. As demonstrated by general relativity with indirect and tortuous reasoning. 13-The quantum ℎ to activate a pixel must have a minimum energy capable of hitting an areola of ether with an action, curving it. The deformation lasts a unit of quantized time tending to normalize quickly with an equal and opposite action (3rd principle). The action dies down in the pixel so the

wave associated with it collapses. Indeed, from the definitions of Planck's constant we have: ℎ = Δ E Δ t 14-In the SQM, the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy are always equal at all times to E = mc 2. With v equal to the speed of light V = c; indeed: E total = ½ E potential energy + ½ E kinetic energy 15-Ether has a resistance due to its elastic structure. The resistance of the ether is linked to the inertia of matter. 16-The ether is deformable through actions ℎ capable of generating a force that stresses (or rather makes it convex/domed) its structure. The quanta activate 3D pixels that become matter for an instant. Definition. Matter, as we know it with its properties, thus assumes a particular state of the ether. At first it would seem like a crystallized areola, still and timeless, in its instant of existence between two undulatory states. A static property of a domed ether that can only move by gliding through pixels by transmuting itself into waves. From this point of view, matter becomes a cyclical process of solidification of the ether. A problem on the shape of the pixels concerns its perimeter which must have a solution of continuity with the adjacent pixels by virtue of the space-time quantization. On the other hand, if the individual pixels were totally disconnected from the network, there would be dynamic problems on the curvature of space, and the Ether as a homogeneous structure would not exist. Somehow the pixels are independent due to the discontinuity while maintaining an entanglement with the ether network as a whole. 17-The pixel is activated in a minimum quantized unit of energy, it evolves up to a maximum to which the crest of its wave-matter corresponds (maximum point of the wave-guide). The space of the pixel curves as a reaction to the action and is then rejected by the structure of the ether which tends to resume its 2D shape, with the emission of negative energy.

18-The energy is rejected by the ether field to be absorbed in a sea of presumably negative energy, which we call the Sea-U. 19-The sea-U, is an indefinable field comparable in first approximation to the Dirac sea, formed of antiparticles, or to the Zero Point Field, or to Bohm's Quantum Potential. It is a specular energy field to the structure of the ether. The interaction between sea-U and ether generates all the visible mass of our universe, in an undulatory intermittence. The operative presence of the sea-U allows an energetic connection with the ether due to the Inertia and the Motion of the objects of the World, prevented by the quantization of the space. Or how to trace a path between areoles of space. 20-The action that creates the 3D pixel has energy in the opposite sign and direction to that coming out of the pixels after the collapse. It is the positive energy of the action of the quantum ℎ+ emitted in a unit of time to bend the pixel of the ether in 3D, from which it is immediately repelled by a negative force of repulsion of the pixel upon re-entering the sea-U. 21-Energy operates on the ether through photons and anti-photons at the speed of light. 22-The information of the photon consists of the direction and the wavelength, i.e. the quantity of energy transported in the unit of time having a direction. A short wavelength photon can be a combination of several photons according to the Fourier series. 23-Photons are all equal to each other except for the direction. A packet of photons all equal to each other determine the frequency of the packet as a whole. High-frequency photons create a group of photons (all equal to each other with a basic wave) that condense into a unit of space-time. The basic wavelength should be that of ℎ. 24-The action of a wave-photon packet builds a body on the ether. A body of a given mass is generated by a certain number of minimum actions ℎ (Planck's constant) regulated in their number by frequency: quantity of actions per second, or quantity of accelerations in the unit of time. The centripetal acceleration of the SQM scans the consistency of a body.

25-The pixels activated on the ether represent matter which is regulated in its macro-aspect by classical physics. 26-All movement due to the action of quanta is regulated by quantum mechanics. Beneath quantum physics is the SQM which complements the logic of quantum mechanics itself. Below the SQM is the dark energy physics of sea-U, tachyons, etc: the virtual basin where our logical principles such as that of identity and the law of cause and effect do not apply 27-Sea-U presumably contains the physics of dark energy or antimatter. 28-A proof of the physics of the sea-U is represented by the experiment of Alain Aspect which evokes the entanglement where the waves associated with matter are somehow connected to each other. 29-In the sea-U every action happens instantaneously. The speed is infinite since it is not slowed down by the structure of the space. 30-In the sea-U the negative photon (anti-photon?) is rejected to emerge on the ether with a new action producing a positive photon. According to laboratory experiments, every existing particle has an antiparticle from the Dirac Sea. 31-The new action has a wave-like movement with an opposite direction towards the starting pixel. 32-The action ℎ has a kind of memory. Memory is used to bounce back to the starting pixel. Without this directional memory there would be an absolute dispersion which would prevent the formation of the world. This memory concerns in particular the direction of centripetal acceleration. 33-The wave nature of the action on the ether conditions the activation of the starting pixel according to a stochastic scheme regulated by the wavelength. 34-The wave emerges from the Sea-U near the starting pixel to reactivate it according to a Gaussian probabilistic law depending on the wavelength and amplitude.

35-The maximum amplitude (maximum energy intensity) corresponds to the maximum probability of reactivating the starting pixel with a certain wavelength. 36-The more the Gaussian is flattened (i.e. assuming an enlarged bell shape) the lower the probability of the return wave activating the starting pixel. 37-The set of waves form the packets for which, the higher the frequency, the lower the wavelength, the greater the mass present in a region of space. 38-A single activated pixel represents the minimum dimension of the quantum-matter having corpuscular properties. The energy contains the information of the location in the ether and its direction 39-By definition the pixel lights up then collapses returning to 2D for which it has no stability but is in continuous movement between the ether and the sea-U. This movement represents the Sub Quantum Mechanism -SQM- a sort of prime mover. 40- Concept! The matter is fixed on the ether through an instantaneous image which immediately collapses. Matter continuously transfers its information in successive images. The SQM is similar to the mass-spring movement. For each cycle (maximum point of the matter-wave) a particle of matter exists for an instant. 41-In the SQM the movement is caused by centripetal acceleration v 2/r, in the SQM v = c, r = x . So F = m c 2/x; for which : F x(r) = m c 2 directly obtaining the energy formula E = m c 2. We hypothesize that the matter is rejected by the ether towards the sea-U, and then restarts in the form of a wave returning towards the starting pixel. In this way a certain research path is carried out on the ether following the spring-mass movement and undergoing an indeterminacy which is on average equal to the wavelength associated with the corpuscle. The wave spreads in search of an attractor (pixel) with maximum probability on the top of the crest, and then decreases according to the Gaussian law along the sides of the curve. The wave, on

the tails of the Gaussian, can spread infinitely with ever smaller probability, never = zero. It is important to stress that the centripetal force in SQM logically connects special relativity with quantum mechanics. More precisely, from the centripetal acceleration v 2/r we go back to the mass-spring model which underlies the energy-matter interaction and explains the curvature of space in the presence of mass.

Chap. 15- The fundamental property of matter: it attracts itself according to the SQM 1-Matter is made up of elementary pixels which are activated instant by instant by the quanta ℎ minimum action, through quantized energy. 2-Pixels form matter, defined as a first approximation as the 3D objects of the world. 3- The increase in mass in a given space is caused by a thickening of 3D pixels with increasing frequency of the wave function (activities generated by actions ℎ) in a given section of spacetime, called the gravitational field. 4-Time only marks the duration of a phenomenon and can be measured in relation to one or more objects. Time is always relative to a reference point with regards to their relative wave functions. The peaks of the observer's wave function mark the points of existence where it is possible to fix measurements and where time is zero. The state-of-matter has no time, i.e. the hand of the clock stops at the singular point marked by the wave function. If this were not the case, time would speed up with increasing frequency, while the opposite is the case. 5-Two objects opposed by distance can measure the duration of their times based on the number of cycles that pass on the crests of the respective associated waves, or rather with respect to the frequencies in which the SQM develops. The number of crests is proportional to the number of pixels in action in a given spacetime, i.e. mass × velocity = momentum. The longer the wavelengths increase, the more time accelerates. Aging occurs between waves. The more the frequency increases the closer the peaks get to each other, the more an A-body slows down the change. Between one crest and another of a wave-matter the modification takes place. For closely spaced crests the entropy tends to zero. In a body, between one wave and another, the degree of disorder increases.

6-The increase in motion implies the increase of ½ square of the pixels along a 90-degree trajectory in which the wave spreads at the speed c. Increase in pixels means increase in the images of bodies in the unit of time. 7- For the increase in motion it is worth taking into consideration the main energy-velocity relationship, i.e.: E = ½ mv 2 which in the quantum version E = Freq ℎ = m c 2 or c/ λ ℎ = m c 2, given that speed = space / time we have: v= λ / T with: T = λ /c ( Period T). Therefore the expression of the energy a is also reduced E = c/ λ ℎ = m ( λ (c )/( λ )) 2 = m c 2 ; ℎ = Δ mc λ or we have returned to the definition of the quantum as quantized angular momentum. 8- Concept. To obtain an increase in the motion/speed of a particle it means overcoming the inertia of the self-attraction which should be equal to mc 2 or too high an energy. In reality, the pixels do not move but they translate, i.e. only the information moves from one pixel to another. Without friction, the distance covered is s = ½ a t 2. It is good to observe an oddity of this old formula experimentally elaborated by Galileo in case we applied the SQM. In this case a = c 2/ λ ; t = at period T or λ /c; ½ is eliminated since the speed taken into consideration is that of light. The result of this transformation is: Δ S = c 2/ λ ( λ /c) 2 simplifying Δ S = λ . In the quantum level mechanism, the displacement Δ S is always equal to the wavelength. This strange result can be interpreted that at the SQM level the particles move with multiples of their wavelengths by translating from one pixel to another, obviously with a direction given by the acceleration which by definition always has a direction.

9-The speed of A in relation to B measures the movement, i.e. the images (groups of 3 D pixels) recorded by B in a given time. The more images recorded, the greater the speed, the greater the number of pixels in the unit of time, the greater the mass. 10-To move a body A along a trajectory, several pixels must be activated, through a series of actions ℎ. A pixel is activated by a minimal action which manifests itself in an acceleration. In reality a body or a corpuscle does not move in a material sense or detach it with pixels and deposit it elsewhere: this type of movement is unattainable since its acceleration would cost an immense energy equal to mc 2. However, it would be impossible to move since matter as a product of a circular process is evanescent. What moves and travels on the ether is its undulatory nature, from groups of pixels to others in an intermittent path governed by stochastic laws. 11-The accelerations of a body measure the increase of pixels on a surface in the unit of time, therefore the increase of actions. The number of firings of 3D pixels in a fixed area of the ether determines its inertial mass. 12-The inertial mass attracts itself by bouncing its image between the ether and the sea-U in undulatory form through a vibrating system with energy E equal to the number of active pixels multiplied by the square of the speed of light. The activated pixels make up the mass in that portion of space. E = c2 M. Attention! The mass is "born and dies" on the ether through singular points, but does not move. 13-Formulation. The minimum angular momentum multiplied by the frequency from the definition of Planck's constant is equal to: Δ mc λ . c/ λ = ℎ × frequency c/ λ = Energy = mc 2 14- Concept . The pixel is activated by an action (centripetal acceleration) causing a 3 D bulge on the ether which is exhausted under maximum stress then triggering an equal and opposite reaction due to the elastic tissue of the ether repelling and discharging a negative energy into the sea-U by waves . The positive energy of a minimum action ℎ in return re-emerges in wave

forms spreading in the ether to reactivate a pixel of which the starting pixel is a preferential destination, or one of greater probability. In fact, according to a probabilistic scheme, the return point is represented by a Gaussian curve. The more uncharged pixels are in the same area or field, the higher the frequency of the mass-spring movement of the wave packet. The waves intertwine according to the Fourier series for periodic waves. 15-Increasing the frequency of a mass or a gravitational field slows down time (clocks slow down) even though the SQM process intensifies. This means greater stability of objects in their spatial position which tend to change less over time (hence less entropy) and less aging in a shorter uncertainty interval. Pixels are more compact in space, and the scattering of waves/accelerations to other pixels should decrease. Ironically, in a black hole the object would remain immutable with a margin of displacement at the limit of only one ℎ. 16- Paradox! So there is no motion in a black hole? Excluded for values ≥ Planck's constant? Attention! Based on consolidated experimental evidence, the gravitational force remains proportionate to the mass!! 17-The time is therefore comparable to the inverse of the frequency or to the Period. 18-Matter takes shape instant by instant on the Ether in coordination with other pixels, therefore in this way we obtain a variegated object having a certain mass. The formation of multiple material images slows down time. The object evolves more slowly than another with less frequency. It should be kept in mind that even in a gravitational field there are temporal variations depending on the distance from the center of mass. This suggests that the gravitational and inertial properties mainly depend on the single pixel and on the configuration in which they are aggregated. 19-Momentum marks the total number of pixels activated with respect to an external observer, in a unit of time.

20-The increase of the pixels activated by the actions ℎ, in a unit of surface, increases the 3D dimension by curving the structure of the ether. When this structure is not stressed, it is two-dimensional, and by increasing the probability of activation, the uncertainty interval decreases. In other words, it also increases the attractiveness by virtue of a percentage of the total pixels that are dispersed during the SQM. However, the principle of equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass should be kept in mind, which plays on the uncertainty of the position and direction of the action involving the particle. 21-The increase in mass on the ether means an increase in shares ℎ per unit area. Increase of pixels activated in 3D, increases the probability of attracting the waves-matter spread on the ether. The ether bends following the shape of the bell-shaped Gaussian curves, tightening at the sides. In a pictorial representation of general relativity, a celestial body, represented on a cosmic frame, is placed on the bottom of a hole using a design that depicts a 3D Gaussian curve similar to a butterfly catcher retina. This is a normal distribution. 22- Mass and velocity are part of momentum. These variables are probably two sides of the same coin and globally represent the number of pixels activated per unit of time in a region of space. Both are related to the frequency of the wave function of a mass with respect to an external observer. Frequency determined by the increase in accelerations undergone by the body. Each acceleration in the SQM adds matter through images of the object/matter. In the speed v these images unroll along an ideal trajectory, in the mass the images accumulate in the intrinsic inertia of the body. Take into account two important facts: 1) every acceleration has a direction; 2) the inertial and gravitational mass equivalence for which each body undergoes an acceleration generated by the SQM. Zero speed does not exist. The increase in mass also occurs with the increase in accelerations/pixel or increase in the dynamics of the SQM. A thickening of matter in a portion of space due to gravitational attraction somehow involves an increase in frequency with contrasting accelerations, an increase in images. 23- Matter creates a probabilistic field on the ether. A probability field measures the strength of the force of gravity.

24-The gravitational field is, under a more intrinsic profile, a probabilistic field. 25-The matter in the SQM is fixed by means of pixels up to a maximum curvature of the ether to be rejected in the sea-U and then immediately reemerges on the ether by means of waves with direction → the starting pixels. The rejection by the ether structure evokes the 3rd principle of the dynamics of action and reaction. Maybe it's even the root cause. An action resembling a tennis racket hitting a ball. 26-For the principle of uncertainty the return waves emitted by the sea-U on the ether can be dispersed in proportion to the entity of the wavelength. The greater the length, the greater the uncertainty about the position of the corpuscle. 27-The wave (which carries accelerations) dispersed by a body A if it activates a pixel of a body B creates a spring-mass bond between A and B. So, A and B attract each other since matter attracts itself through the SQM extension. The waves that spread the action tend to return to the same starting pixels guided by the direction of the centripetal acceleration. 28-The formation of matter on the ether through the pixels tends to reproduce itself through the SQM which fixes the corpuscles on the ether with margins of error due to the uncertainty principle. The search for the original pixel, with margins of uncertainty, makes the matter continually vibrate around a central position of maximum probability. 29-The margins of error of the emission of the actions of a pixel are proportional to the wavelength and cause a dispersion of accelerations on the ether activating other pixels on increasingly less probable paths through the law of the square of the distance ( Minkowski space). The accelerations/dispersed actions activate dormant pixels of other bodies, in turn emitting waves to plunge into the sea-U for entanglement, and then reemerge towards the body of origin. 30-Each wave associated with the particle is linked to the starting particle due to the direction of acceleration. Vibrating around the original particle is the root cause of the motion. In case of dispersion on another body B, this B

tends to go towards the original starting body A and A towards B exchanging the action / acceleration with other pixels. 31 - Attention. The waves dispersed by the original emission pixel cannot activate any pixel of the ether otherwise there would be an absolute dispersion of accelerations in space without targeted gravitational attractions between celestial bodies. The dispersed actions ℎ in the form of wave packets tend to fix on the pixel of other active bodies in the SQM. Dormant and activable pixels understood as belonging to a gravitational field where space-time curvature and an attractive probabilistic field are active.

Chap. 16- Dynamics of the SQM 1-The collapse of the corpuscle/pixel is activated by the elastic resistance of the etheric tissue which rejects the acquired third dimension with the same force of opposite sign to normalize the curved tissue of the ether in 2D. 2-A pixel activated in 3D bends causing a reaction by an equal and opposite force. Strong principle of the 3rd law of dynamics. 3-This mechanism similar to the spring-mass system is conveyed by waves that carry information in the direction of the starting particle. In this way events governed by stochastic laws that can be represented with Gaussian functions can occur, where the starting point (base pixel) has the greatest probability of re-entry that is: where the peak of the normal distribution corresponds mathematically to the square of the wave amplitude , and then gradually other points-pixels increasingly distant up to infinity come into play, with infinitesimal probabilities, never equal to zero. Always ≥ ℎ 4-In the first case the wave generated by the sea-U reaches the original particle and reactivates it in 3D without deviations. In the second case there is an uncertainty interval within which the vibrations of the SQM thicken corresponding on average to the wavelength associated with the particle ( the de Broglie guide wave?). 5-In the second case, the one in which the action ℎ does not reach the starting areola on the ether and skips the average uncertainty interval with ever lesser probability, the action ℎ (acceleration) is dispersed in space activating a pixel alien of another mass following a law of probability. It should be kept in mind that once a pixel collapses, the return wave from the sea-U will tend to interact with the pixels of the original gravitational mass and its area of uncertainty as a return action of the spring. Otherwise pixel A will enter an action in another pixel belonging to another body. In this case between the two involved pixels A and B there will be an exchange of accelerations with

perpendicular direction (centripetal force) attracting the two belonging masses. Thus, there is a shift from one to the other. This is the deep mechanism of quantum gravity. It should be remembered that the displacement is obtained by variation of waves in the entanglement of the sea-U. 6-Let's examine the two cases: 1st case: the particle is activated with the same return wave; 2nd case the wave of the starting particle misses the target and spreads going to activate the inactive pixel of another particle, while the original particle is activated with a wave spread by another particle. In the first case there is no movement on the ether in the second case there is the movement represented by a mutual attraction without contact between two bodies. 7-If the guiding waves of the particles always returned to the starting pixels, without ever missing the targets avoiding dispersion, the universe would be motionless and without evolution. 8-The uncertainty of the SQM causes the exchange of accelerations between pixel-particles. So, the particle is not stable in space but vibrates around an equilibrium point generating the Prime Mover for the movement of the ether in space. However, there is a proportional share of accelerations that do not return to the mass-spring circuit circumscribed by the uncertainty. These accelerations (actions ℎ) to urge other bodies in inverse measure of the square of the distance. 9-The uncertainty around the position of the particles is the cause of the diffusion of gravitational waves. If this were not the case, a coherent world would not exist, but one in perpetual dispersion of matter. 10- The movement of the objects of the world work by accelerations capable of translating the position of the pixel/s in other areas of the ether. Important! On the ether there is no displacement of objects with their pixels as it would cost too much energy. The displacement information is planned in the sea-U in which the accelerations are in the entangled state to then activate the pixels on the ether positioned with respect to the original point with the Heisenberg uncertainty.

The accelerations dispersed on the ether create movement when they are retrieved from other pixels. In this case the original pixel A and the one B activated by the diffusion process attract each other since the acceleration has the direction towards the starting pixel. This is the mechanism that generates movement from gravitational force. 11- The accelerations dispersed by the SQM should not hook any inactive pixel of the ether, since the dispersion of a mass would immediately position itself in the immediate vicinity. That is, the earth would not attract the moon, or would attract it little, through the dispersed accelerations coming from the sea-U which do not lock the terrestrial pixels. On the contrary, the actions ℎ of these dispersed accelerations would concentrate along the outer corona of the Earth, activating themselves in the immediate spatial vicinity. The dispersed accelerations follow precise probabilistic laws that establish priorities, positioning the actions ℎ on the pixels that lie in massive fields, facilitating the approach to ever higher frequency fields (of matter-waves), also by virtue of the space-time curvature.

Chap. 17- Bases and structures of the QM a - Planck's theory of the black body. b - Einstein: formulation of the photoelectric effect c - De Broglie: the wave property of matter d - The Schrödinger equation: the probabilistic nature of Wave Mechanics e - The Born atom f - Heisenberg's uncertainty principle g - Non-locality of Quantum Mechanics, entanglement and Alain Aspect's experiment Principles of the sub-quantum mechanism. 1-The subquantum mechanism underlies the functioning of the world. It is not directly detectable with current instruments as it takes place in an energy hyperspace that envelops our universe and where the physical laws are different. We call this hyperspace the sea-U, similar (but not the same) in some respects to Dirac's sea, or to the quantum vacuum, but with other operational purposes. It can also be configured as the space of dark energy. On this sea-U the 2D fabric of the ether floats -but it does not float with an above and a below-. Let's imagine a sort of lattice, a texture on which images of the 3D world are formed. There are two different physics: one for sea-U and the other for ether where our universe operates. 2-The source of all the energy of our World is in the sea-U, the sea-U provides accelerations for the Prime Mover. The prime mover is the

Subquantum Mechanism. 3-Let's imagine the ether similar to a lattice immersed in a sea of energy. 4-General construction of the universe. The supporting structure of the subquantum world is the Ether: a sort of plot on which the objects of the world materialize, or even better where they are built and disassembled instant by instant. The subquantum mechanism in its unity is characterized by the following fundamental elements: 4.1-A minimum action ℎ (Planck's constant) expressed with a quantized acceleration on the ether which is transmitted along its structure at the speed of light by photons and antiphotons. 4-2-A probably meshed ether which, once excited by the photon hitting an area of the ether-network, bends it, and then pushes it back into the sea-U. 4-3-The sea-U is an indefinite magma of energy (probably called dark energy) without space and time which interacts with the reticular structure of the ether by means of trains of waves in instantaneous times with energy of opposite sign with respect to the operating energy on the ether (perhaps in agreement with Dirac's equations from which antimatter was deduced). In the sea-U the speed of the waves is therefore instantaneous regardless of the distance. The waves carry the information of the action ℎ about its location and direction. In the sea-U all matter-waves coming from our Ether are totally interconnected. The speed of the waves in the sea-U is instantaneous since it is not slowed down by any lattice obstacle. 5-A position in space with respect to others must necessarily have a direction. A direction implies a speed. There are no zero speeds on the ether, each body has a direction established in the unit of time. 6-Let's summarize. We focus in an instant of time, the point or corpuscle located on the ether which in turn functions like a tennis racket which receives and then rejects (3rd principle of dynamics) the action ℎ in the seaU. In the phase of emergence from the sea-U, the corpuscle/matter in the form of waves arrives by fixing itself on the ether-point, with respect to the previous position with a margin of uncertainty that can be associated with the

length of the wave itself. This is why quantum mechanics speaks of particles immersed in a field of probability. In the SQM the sufficiently small corpuscle is matter only if it is localized on the curved ether. The curvature represents an accumulation of energy mc 2 which at that point is equal to Hook's spring-weight equation kx 2 . So we have mc 2 = kx 2 which, developing, becomes √(k/m) = c/x = Frequency , if x is set equal to the wavelength λ. By multiplying the two sides of the equation by ℎ we have the Einstein formula of energy in quantum mechanics assimilated to the pendulum mechanism, i.e. ℎ √(k/m). Finally, due to the wave motion, the moment the wave is localized as a particle, it collapses. 7- Hypothesis. The wave-matter of a corpuscle has its normal bell-shaped distribution of the Gaussian type which indicates the possible pixels to be activated on the ether. Could the bell shape explain the strong attractions (close distances) at the micro level and the separation of galaxies at the macro level?? There is no experimental evidence in this regard. If the curve of probability density in sea-U has a shape similar to the normal Gaussian it could also confirm the spacetime curvature highlighted by general relativity. That is, in the vicinity of large masses, space is curved. In other words, in the vicinity of large masses, the probability of the particle/quanta to locate themselves in a package formed by minimal areoles of matter (or activate one / more pixels on the ether) would increase up to almost 1 (there is always a margin of error ℎ). That is, the pixels (or minimal areoles of matter) are all activated in space by twisting it into the 3D dimension. In a black hole, the wave function is perfectly dense and the wave crests are all superimposed on each other with λ → 0 and with infinite potential energy. Except for an indeterminacy ℎ. 8-The infinite potential energy meant that there should be no kinetic energy (does it make sense to speak of v= 0? in the black hole). Black hole attracts everything but isn't attracted? That is, shouldn't universal attraction work for the black hole? This is obviously a mistake!!

This is actually not the case at all from the observations. For a black hole, universal gravitation works inversely proportional to the square of the distance and directly proportional to the masses, until proven otherwise. 9-A quantum gravity should consider the SQM as a set of quantized particles carrying accelerations within themselves. As operating energy at the basis of this idea we have: • an acceleration of a = c 2/x with the direction directed towards the centre • the ability of the wave to tend to an average λ for each quantum. • a dispersion of accelerations beyond the uncertainty interval in line with the inverse square of the distances 10-The uncertain localization Δ s (Heisenberg) is equal to a neighbourhood of indeterminacy due to the fact that the impulse arrives on the ether not as a particle but as a wave of length λ which materializes in a particle meeting the ether. It is the crux of the energy-matter interaction between photons as intermediaries and particles. The problem of localization of the impulse on the ether involves a probabilistic scheme due to the fact that: the information of the impulse/action is distributed on the whole front of the wave. Information that must be fixed on a pixel on the ether, or an areola that can be defined as a spatial quantum. 11- CONCEPT of Pixels: The sea-U acts by means of waves, and the ether accepts images of the world by points, or rather, non-divisible areoles of space in 3D when activated by actions ℎ . In fact, this point will have a dimension that will be the minimum possible dimension = how much space = a pixel. A minimum action or quantum ℎ of action or energy per time "amount of energy emitted per unit of time". 12-A pixel-matter is therefore the result of a minimal activation/action of the quantum of action ℎ on the ether which materializes in 3D by torsion. The non-excited ether is instead by definition two-dimensional or at least with a thickness less than or equal to the Planck length.

The increase in the number of pixels on a portion of the ether curves the space more and more due to the increase in volume in 3D, as a consequence there is a curvature (or camber) of the space-time. The greater the mass on a unit area of the ether the greater the number of pixels that condense, the greater the radius of curvature up to the edge of a sphere, or a black hole. In a quantum view, the cause of the space-time curvature is in the SQM. 13-Probability waves. According to the SQM, the information arrives on the ether with a probability wave which will presumably have the shape of a more or less flattened or pointed Gaussian according to the quantity of matter present in the reference space. 14-In general relativity the increase in mass-energy creates a hole in the web of space/ether. Could it be a 3D Gaussian?? A hole in space-time where the probability of attracting matter and light increases, facilitating the fixing on the ether. This is an important property for the aggregation of accelerations dispersed in space. 15-The peak point with the highest amplitude (height in the space of the bell) marks the maximum probability of fixing the particle on the ether. Conversely, on the tails of the Gaussian there will always be a minimal probability of locating the particle anywhere in our universe. In the sea-U all the particles of the ether manifest themselves in the form of intertwined probability waves (entangled) as if our World were a single gigantic interconnected package. 16-In the sea-U the universe is entirely interconnected at instantaneous speed through entanglement. In dynamic terms, the modification of a probabilistic wave has an immediate effect on the others. Thus in the sea-U the different parts of the universe, as we see it, are ultimately the same Thing (David Bohm and his holographic theory of reality). This immediacy of information explains the mystery of the photons in the double slit experiments. An observed wave becomes a particle!! 17-A set of particles are activated with quanta of actions, all equal to each other as the sum of ℎ Planck's constants.

18- The Universe is therefore quantized and is composed of a set of ℎ of Planck -minimal actions- intertwined in a wave form. This postulate is at the basis of the explanation of the emission of a black body and marks the birth of quantum mechanics.

Chap. 18- The dynamic process of the SQM 1-The world exists because it works! 2-Let's start from a single minimum particle activated by the quantum ℎ which interacts with the ether and localizes in an areola for a single instant proportionate to the size ℎ (in any case never zero!) then it is rejected in the sea-U where it in turn rebounds / re-emerges in the structure of the ether in the form of a wave of probability with an indeterminacy given by its wavelength λ . 3-Let's say that the wave associated with ℎ, or Planck's constant, seeks the fixing point on the ether with the same direction from where it was rejected with a margin of uncertainty allowed by its previous point of origin (base point) on the ether. Once the pixel is activated, -with a margin of error on the position with respect to the starting one- the wavelength is temporarily greater or lesser according to the uncertainty. If no other forces act on the particle - for large numbers - on average the length λ will be equal to a certain standard assigned by Planck's constant ℎ and its multiples. That is, we start from the maximum possible wavelength for the known formula λ = ℎ/ Δ mc being in this limit case Δm the minimum possible mass with c constant in the SQM. 4-Taking into account the estimated infinitesimal value of the Planck’s measures, the wavelength of an isolated ℎ could imply an immense indeterminacy such as to position a pixel in any part of the Universe. Probably, in an empty universe. 5-The quantum interacts with other quanta in order to limit the uncertainty. As the interconnection through the wave packets increases, the frequency associated with its wavelength increases. When no other accelerations act on the particle, there will be a point on the ether where the reference pixel is located which will act as a pivot-stabilizer to prevent this ether-sea-U

bouncing mechanism from moving excessively in space due to the probabilistic obtaining a chaotic dispersion. This dispersion of the particles would prevent the construction of a universe of coherent and stable objects (i.e. stars, galaxies, planets, etc.), as indeed we verify in reality. The returning wave tends to locate itself at the starting point thanks to the direction of acceleration in the mass-spring mechanism. Or even a variable hidden in the entanglement of sea-U?? 6-The SQM can also be described in this way. A particle of matter fixed on the ether collapses instant by instant, bouncing from the space to the sea-U in a wave state from where the information contained in a wave packet returns and tends to fix itself on the starting pixels with a margin of error which on average represents the wavelength λ without prohibiting longer paths. All this takes place through a circular movement or more simply through a vibrating system, of the spring-mass type. The position of the pixels is governed by the uncertainty principle. This vibrating system introduces energy into the system through a series of minimal actions. The energy is used to provide instant by instant the Force necessary to allow the intermittent permanence (ignition-collapse) of the objects in the ether with pixels according to a periodic mechanism. The force necessary to remain in the ether instant by instant is inertia. 7-The greater the wavelength λ, the greater the work expended to reach the P-base point where the wave collapses. Following the mass-spring model, this energy is the potential energy equal to kx 2 (from Hook's law) which we can rewrite as kλ 2 . Let us assume that: the longer the wavelength, the greater the potential energy??. After all, an object that rises in altitude with respect to the surface of the sea increases both the potential energy and the length of its wave function. Let's imagine a circular motion in which particle A is fixed on the ether with a margin of error with respect to its starting position, making the photon/action slide by ℎ up to a point/pixel where it collapses to be regenerated and again rejected in the sea -U. This circular motion produces a centripetal acceleration a= c 2/x in the oscillator which we call SQM.

8-Centripetal acceleration is due to the property of matter to attract itself. An acceleration that implodes towards itself during the course of the SQM. 9-The dynamics of the SQM resemble the work of a tennis racket (or rather of a long tennis match). The ball is the particle, the ether is the racket that receives the ball and returns it. Matter is born only in one area of the field. It exists in the moment in which the racket hit by the action ℎ deforms and is then repelled with an equal and opposite force by emitting energy of opposite sign towards the sea-U. In the sea-U, the speed of connection, i.e., the speed of information is instantaneous for any distance, while the structure of the ether slows the speed down to c = 300,000 km/s. The structure of the ether in a vacuum slows the speed of light to about 300,000 km/s . 10-In the sea-U (virtual field) all the wave-particles are connected to each other, there are no distances and no time. In the space, its reticular structure confines the velocity to c, while in the sea-U there are instantaneous velocities. 11- The process speed of the SQM is always equal to c (speed of light) on the ether, instantaneous in the sea-U. At the wave level of the SQM we will have the group velocity V g and the phase velocity V f. Concept: the speed of an impulse or a particle could be infinite/instantaneous but it is slowed down by the particular mesh structure of the ether. From one node to another the light travels v = c , if the node tightens the speed is always c . It is the nodes of the network that condition the speed of light. The observer is always positioned on a node(s) and measures the speed of light c . By modifying the structure of the nodes, the result is always a speed c that is invariant from any position.

Chap. 19- The fundamental and innovative points highlighted by the QM 1-A new concept of ether 2-The sea-U. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was a British physicist, considered one of the founders of quantum mechanics. The physical theory that describes the behaviour of matter, radiation and their mutual interactions. As a key feature, quantum mechanics describes radiation and matter as both a wave phenomenon and a particle entity, as opposed to classical mechanics, where for example light is described only as a wave and the electron only as a particle. Paul A.M. Dirac, is famous for his equations: (∂ + m) ψ = 0. Perhaps it is Dirac's most famous equation and it means that: " If two systems interact with each other for a certain period of time and then are separated, they can no longer be described as two distinct systems, but somehow, they become a single system.” In other words, what happens to one of them continues to influence the other, even if they are miles or light years apart. It is the so-called quantum phenomenon of «entanglement», which provides the basis for the new philosophical worldview. For the SQM the operational functioning of the entanglement is in the sea-U 3- The wavelength. The measure λ attached to the particle in the SQM is considered as the length of the wave-matter in de Broglie's interpretation. It is known that a particle shows a dual nature of wave-matter and matterenergy. All of quantum mechanics is formulated with the hypothesis of the discontinuity of the universe made up of indivisible quanta that can be traced back to Planck's constant ℎ. A revolutionary concept of the 1900s that introduces both Born's probabilistic wave and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. 4-For the definition of the equation E= freq. ℎ where the frequency is equal to c/ λ. The greater the amount of matter/energy, the shorter the wavelength.

Concept . In terms of SubQuantum Mechanism, it seems that the inverse of the wavelength measures the quantity of matter present in an area of ether in the unit of time. It is important to consider the time variable since in the SQM the time quantum should be kept in mind as a minimum unit of time presumably connected to the minimum frequency linked to the action ℎ, which requires a time duration to manifest itself. The frequency also marks the number of pixels in which the images of objects in a portion of space are built on the ether. A bit like what happens at a macro level with a 3D printer. The gravitational field measures the quantity of images present and stratified in the unit of time. The momentum should indicate the total number of images of an object in a unit of time with respect to a reference point. In fact, to increase the speed of a body it is necessary to provide actions ℎ along the ether, with accelerations = v 2/r. 5- Matter-energy. Einstein's equivalence equation is emblematic of the fact that energy and matter are two sides of the same coin. If we imagine the universe arranged by points on the ether, the space-points or pixels represent the quantity of fixed matter while the energy is the necessary force, i.e. the action(s) to fix them intermittently on the structure of the ether. The fact that the energy is multiplied by c 2 has an explanation in introducing the centripetal acceleration for which each action ℎ of Planck, once performed, materializes a corpuscle in a vibrating system. Basically, if we calculate the Force as the number of pixels (mass) multiplied by the (centripetal) acceleration equal to c 2/ λ , we better understand the equivalence formula which seems to come out of nowhere. Note that the centripetal acceleration derives from a simple proportion ( also from the value of the Poynting vector?) 6- The Prime Mover. The SQM must be considered the basis of motion and of all the dynamics of the world. Conventional physics is based on the principle of conservation of energy, an energy that passes from one body/field to another while remaining the same, as a whole. It is also permanent in space-time in various forms including matter itself. This explanation is misleading in quantum physics. In fact, it is pure appearance,

since the systems (or the experiments or rather their wave functions) continuously collapse to rebuild themselves destruction and rebirthfollowing a wave-like trend where on the crest of the wave, in the singular points, the energy condenses in corpuscles fixed on the ether network to reappear, equal and opposite, in the following instant. In the collapse, the object represented by the activated pixels in 3D disappears, leaving a sort of void (inactive pixels in 2D). This available space can be reactivated by accelerations on the nodal structure of the ether. The energy is supplied by the sea-U which has already absorbed the particle through a negative action to put it back on the ether in the form of photons (or anti-photons) generating the actions ℎ of the quanta. Indeed, it is more correct to say that the entire SQM process is made up of photons at speed c, associated with the action ℎ. Matter represents only a moment on the crest of the wave-particle where time stops. The corpuscle is a maximum point of the wave that passes from ℎ+ to ℎ- . 7- Important! A mass is composed of a set of ℎ (Planck-black body theory). 8- Time. Time provides us with the duration of the action, that is: appearance on the ether of active pixels (x +) as a sort of 3D protuberance by introducing Matter into space. The number of pixels is fixed on the ether in a unit of time. Time is important as a duration (which in the classical definition of Planck's quantum is established by convention in one second). If more actions, i.e. more mass, are entered in the same duration, we get more pictures of the world, more resolution with more pixels. Due to the quantization of spacetime, the curvature of the ether in the presence of mass should not be smooth, but lumpy in correspondence with the actions on the pixel areoles. The increase in the curvature of space would increase the pressure on the structure with greater actions on the ether tending towards a smooth sphere and, at the limit, towards the formation of black holes. Imagine two exactly alike chronometers on earth beating the same time. If in an ideal experiment one of them were deposited in sidereal space, far from important gravitational forces, they would present two characteristics due to the decrease in the frequency of its wave function:

i) decrease in mass in zero (or near zero) gravity; ii) hands acceleration, time runs faster. The inertial mass in zero gravity will always be proportional to the frequency of the wave function of the body under examination and to the speed with respect to another reference body which takes the measurements. More briefly, the inertia of a body is given by its wavelength with respect to an observer. 9- Hypothesis. Space and time coexist in the pixel. Space is similar to the concept of energy as impulse. In Planck's constant ℎ there coexists an area of space -pixel- determined by an action with a duration that is an entire cycle of the wave connected with ℎ, this action transports energy on the ether to materialize a corpuscle. If more actions ℎ are placed on the ether in the same unit of time, the space structure expands curving, thus increasing the images of the corpuscle up to a limit where time stops. Concept: An infinite frame of images freezes the movement of the image. 10-The impulse reaches (attraction) the pixel x - running on the ether at the speed c. The distance between the outgoing/incoming pixels x - and x + on the ether is measured by the λ wave. Let's see better how the Prime Mover is formed. The pixel x - remains a particle on the ether until it collapses (rejected by an equal and opposite action) to then be absorbed into the sea-U in a wave form, where it is in turn repelled emerging back into the ether instantaneously always below wave form at a point conditioned by the wavelength. Attention! For the SQM, the wavelength λ can also be associated with the uncertainty interval, this interval defines the average error in hitting the starting pixel, without excluding a percentage of missed actions ℎ which spread even over enormous distances. Therefore, this length λ can be associated with a probability wave. Wavelength also represents duration (time), in terms of time quantum in ℎ . The shape of this probability distribution should be the bell-shaped shape of a Gaussian.

In fact, Δmv or the momentum provides the uncertainty Δs on the position. The impulse comes from the sea-U associated with a wave that spreads over the structure of the ether until it fixes itself in a node/areola. This arrival spatial pixel is conditioned by the departure pixel on the basis of an original direction which, in the absence of external forces, behaves as a probability distribution also evoked by Feynman's QED paths. That is, as if the particle had a predisposition (validated by probabilistic laws) driven by the direction, to reposition itself in its place of origin. But being the message produced by a wave, the exact fixing area where the action ends depends more on the degree of uncertainty. 11-A movement is thus obtained in the form of energy in a spring mechanism that goes from pixels x - to x+ The energy is therefore supplied by the sea-U and consumed on the ether in the form of the work W necessary to go from to x+ to x - . In this way a mass-spring circular system has been created, which develops between ether and sea-U through matter-waves. Attention! Matter is only a singular point between the ether and the seaU. In this dynamic called SQM, continuous displacements of the pixels take place around an average that we also call the interval of uncertainty given by the wavelength λ. These displacements around a mean allow respectively: the change, the diversification, and the continuity of the motion of an inertial mass, introducing accelerations in the system. The proper motion of an object takes place by introducing further accelerations into the system, in addition to the one necessary for inertia, i.e. the existence on the ether. Finally let us mathematically examine the meaning of wavelength as a measure of indeterminacy for De Broglie's definition: λ = ℎ/mv . Entering the SQM where the scale is of the quantum order and the process speed is that of light, we have that the position is on average marked by the wavelength therefore: λ ≥ ℎ/mc which is basically the Heisenberg uncertainty obtained from the De Broglie report.

Concept: in the SQM only accelerations entering the ether are taken into consideration. That is, intermittent accelerations with no motion except the intrinsic one of the SQM around a position caused by the Heisenberg uncertainty. Successive accelerations that condense on the generated particle, coming from the definition of Planck's h, serve to fix the object on the ether. 12-The greater the wavelength, the less energy reaches the pixels. In other words, a longer wavelength implies: • a smaller number than the quantity or minimum shares ℎ • fewer pixels on the air • lower force of attraction of the gravitational field • less intrinsic inertia of the body • less curvature of spacetime • faster time 13-The uncertainty generates a work W produced by the vibration of the SQM around a mean point on the ether for the materialization of the particle, such as to provide movement to the system. The particle is seen as a singular element on the ether, while the wave as a dynamic element. The energy of the system works for instants determining the formation, destruction of matter and its movement along the ether through probabilistic paths similar to those theorized by Feynman's QED. 14-In the sea-U the wave-particle is only emitted (or transformed by changing its sign?) emerging on the ether around the starting particle, on the basis of an indeterminate interval linked to the wave length. The greater λ, the greater the uncertainty interval; the smaller will be λ and the smaller and smaller will be the uncertainty about the location of the particle, or where it will fix on the space.

In summary, the Prime Mover represented by the SQM draws all the energy from the sea-U which transfers it to the ether through the matter formation process, i.e. by fixing the particles according to a discontinuous granular pattern. Matter is discontinuous! Very well represented with a grid of pixels (just like a digital TV screen). Matter that flows over time in a sequence of images like in cartoons. These grains of matter are not stable but are formed intermittently in a circuit where on the ether the action ℎ has speed c. In the sea-U, without time and without space, speed is instantaneous. 15-In the sea-U all possible objects of the world are superimposed. In sea-U Schrödinger's cat is superimposed alive and dead. 16-If the particle were not emitted from the exit point x- there would not be this circuit governed by the uncertainty principle, and the localization of the particle would undergo a random drift dispersing acceleration in space. The mass-spring system provides accelerations capable of forming matter on the ether for an instant in the form of curved pixels whose elasticity rejects the corpuscles in the form of energy into the sea-U. Matter is an instantaneous phenomenon of a long fluctuating process. 17-Matter appears on the 2D ether in the form of 3D. A property of matter is therefore the third dimension: thickness. The increase of matter on a portion of ether increases the depth until it becomes saturated in a closed sphere. The spherical shape of an enclosed space is due to the elasticity of the ether as a deformable network. The presence of matter (or activated pixels) on the ether requires ceaseless energy that could only be provided by the quantum vacuum. 18- Concept. The particle (pixels/groups of pixels) of matter exists for an instant on the ether then dissolves into a packet of energy to escape from an ejection point in pixel x - and enter the sea-U. Incoming on the ether towards the starting pixel x +, localization therefore becomes a probabilistic event. The higher the frequency of the wave associated with the matter, the higher the probability of locating the

particle in a precise point of the ether. In other words, its Gaussian narrows. If the particle is not in motion (with respect to a reference point) on average the SQM circuit vibrates according to its wavelength with deviations around the most probable point, with amplitude due to the uncertainty principle. 19- Important. Keep in mind that matter-energy is granular, formed by elementary components ℎ with the same basic wavelengths that aggregate in a package. Should we talk about quantized wavelengths? The length and frequency of the wave packet are governed by the Fourier series. The overlapping of quanta determines the wave packet with the variation of the length λ inversely proportional to the amount of energy introduced into the ether. 20- The concept of energy. In the SQM we take into consideration a quantum ℎ assuming a minimum frequency of the energy? We say that the minimum frequency should be equal to one cycle per minimum unit of time to have an indivisible quantum ℎ. With a frequency below one there would be no measurable energy, there would be no cycle on the ether, no action. The mass-spring system would therefore be at rest. No activated pixel therefore empty ether. Let us recall the famous Heisenberg inequality ΔE. Δ T ≥ ℎ. The substantial meaning is well known: it is not possible to determine the amount of energy under a minimum time which is the one necessary to complete at least one cycle of the generating wave of Δ E. 21-It should be noted that at a very low frequency a wavelength extended for millions of kilometres would be formed with an extremely accelerated time. Interesting hypothesis for a genesis of the world: very confused concept of time and energy. Time accelerated with low frequency means that the time quantum is very long. Each beat marks thousands of years compared to the time recorded on Earth with enormous phase speed and very high uncertainty. What does a very high uncertainty interval mean? That the particle can form anywhere in the Universe? If there was only one activated quantum without gravitational fields it would place itself everywhere from time to time. 22-As an exemplifying model, the Sea-U emits the quantum ℎ with a wave, which emerges in the ether with a wavelength photon always equal to an elementary λ (i.e. the wavelength linked to a single action ℎ, a constant by

definition). This will result in a force Δ F = a Δ m. In the case of a minimum grain of energy the mass is negligible, it should be equal to a pixel: minimum 3D entity to occupy on the ether. It is the minimum particle of matter. Continuing the reasoning, an acceleration is obtained that runs through the entire ether-sea-U circuit, so this movement is comparable to the centripetal acceleration of vibrating systems. a= c 2/x ( centripetal acceleration ); a= F/( m) = c 2/x; F × x (W)= mc 2; E = mc 2; where x is considered all the displacement during the SQM process on the real space. 23- Always keep in mind Planck's final results on the theory of a black body! Matter is composed of minimal vibrating particles, the Quanta: minimal actions ℎ. Note that the effort that the ether undergoes as a supporting structure in dividing the space into ever smaller portions. In other words, it is the effort for which you want to insert more images in a limited portion of space. This is equivalent to overloading the Inertia of a body by compressing Time. As an experimental result, frequencies do not compress to infinity with increasingly smaller wavelengths. 24-In the SQM the energy of motion appears in the form of the sum of potential + kinetic energy following the classic formula in the mass-spring system: E Total =1/2 kx 2+1/2 mc 2 which in turn must be equal to: c 2m. Let us now examine the concept of potential energy by listing its characteristics on the SQM. The total energy in the system. Again, it is worth mentioning a strange result obtained by inserting the SQM data. Let us take Galileo's old experimental formula for which S= ½ a t 2 and replace the acceleration c 2 / x and time with the inverse of the frequency or the Period S = c 2 / x × x 2 / c 2 or S = x. Where ½ disappears from the original formula as we are at the limit of the speed of light.

Chap. 20- Potential energy 1-The greater the energy, the greater the wavelength, consequently the less mass will be involved. As the potential energy increases, the mass decreases. Example : a watch placed on a floor inside the earth's gravitational field has a potential E p equal to zero by convention, but raised on a shelf the potential E p increases as a function of the height above the ground. The effects are: - faster time; - decrease in frequency; - increase in wavelength -decreased mass?? 2- Hypothesis: if the relation of the total energy in the SQM Energy must always be equal to 1/2 kx 2+1/2 mc 2, then at constant speed (c) and at speed = 0 of the particles In the spring-mass mechanism that characterizes the SQM, the energy formula has this interpretation: E = 1/2 kx 2 (potential speed) + 1/2 mc 2 (process speed) for v→ c taking into account that in the SQM the speed of light c is the process speed (speed of phase ?) with the particle at rest. The deformation of the spring is equal to the wavelength. The longer the wavelength, the greater the potential velocity. Since in the end E = mc 2 we have that kx 2 = mc 2 that is

k/m = c 2/x 2 or freq. = √(k/m) which is the pendulum equation. Therefore, the formulation of potential energy and kinetic energy as it has been conceived and tested implies an oscillating mechanism similar to the intrinsic functioning of Quantum Mechanics or of the SQM. 3-Again we can continue with: √(k/m) . ℎ which is equal to the frequency times Planck's constant or the formula of Energy in quantum mechanics. 4-The potential energy ultimately, in the SQM, depends on the wavelength associated with the matter. Since with the increase of λ the mass should decrease and in accordance with the SQM: the number of pixels or shares h on which matter is fixed on the ether. As mass decreases, time speeds up. The reason for this increase is due to the Period (inverse of the frequency). That is, in a field where fewer pixels are active, does matter vibrate faster? The vibration of a body is a sign of adjustment around a central value. More vibrations mean instability. 5- Concept: In terms of SQM the decrease of the mass involves a decrease of mass-spring circuits on the ether with a decrease of pixels. (The object therefore has a lower resolution). The known effects are:

Increase in potential energy Faster time Pixel decrease Increase in the uncertainty interval Decreased the probability of forming matter in the same starting position

6- An object diminuendo of mass (decrease of pixels) presents on the ether an image with lower resolution, and more accelerated time. A clock on the sun beats more slowly than one on earth. The two clocks are formed instant

by instant by the SQM, the one on the sun contains more pixels that intertwine in the unit of time, higher frequency, lower entropy, and its time is marked by a slower clock. Keeping in mind that if the frequency tends to infinity, the crests of the wave associated with the clock are all superimposed on each other and there is no change since the clock hand does not even reach the first click of the quantized time unit. ATTENTION! In an apparent and misleading logic, the mechanism of the increase in frequency, i.e. the increase of the peaks, gives the impression that each peak marks the passage of time (for example, one second) and the clock runs faster. Also in quantum electrodynamics Feynman introduced his internal clock (stopwatch) which rotates from one point to another of the ether with the speed of the hand correlated to the frequency of the wave: the higher the frequency, the faster the time?? Error! It is exactly the opposite for gravitational fields where the frequency is higher but time slows down. It is more logical to think that time flows during the wave phase of the process, stopping at the point where the information materializes in a 3 D body. In the wave phase between one crest and the next, the potential object loses information and ages more. 7-The nature of the ether. The SQM assumes an ether as a support structure for matter, a plot. The ether space must have the following characteristics: - a reticular structure system; -deformability and elasticity up to the formation of toruses and loops - lack of movement -the geometry of rhomboid-shaped pixels deforming up to the segment -graph geometry, without infinitesimal points. - a pixel corresponds to the minimum surface area - the pixel is deformed but it doesn't translate, it doesn't move

So, the pixel and its shape characterize the structure of the ether in the SQM. A quantum of energy most likely operates on a pixel by activating it. The structure of a pixel is an indivisible portion of space 8- Entanglement. The concept of particle and matter. Einstein's famous formula E= mc 2 which in turn = frequency × ℎ makes us understand that matter is made up of quanta, in other words of photons that activate actions with a minimum frequency Δω. The quantum operates with waves that stimulate the ether constituting the matter, in an oscillating way following a probabilistic scheme on Position/Movement. 9- Concept! Humans live during these moments positioned on the ether and during these moments they take our measurements to do their experiments. 10-Photons intervene as intermediaries of actions on the ether where matter is formed. 11-Essential elements on the basic formulation of Quantum Mechanics. We keep in mind the following points: a-Contradictions of classical physics on the emissions of a black body. b-The definition of a constant ℎ as a minimum action. c-Matter formed by a series of tiny oscillators in order to be quantized. Planck's quantum ℎ. d-Matter (de Broglie) has a wave nature with: wavelength γ = ℎ/mv . 12-The scenario of reality, as images of the world are formed through oscillators ℎ causing minimal & indivisible actions on the ether (concept and definition of ether) also quantized through meshes (perhaps triangular due to the fact that it is the simplest geometric figure) composed of nodes. 13-A material object oscillates in the ether for an instant, after which it is absorbed into a parallel space (presumably of antimatter) from where it is

placed back on the ether grid. 14-Our universe exists as a continuous bounce between the ether and the SeaU of energy. 15- Crucial point! A corpuscle becomes such (the ether materializes the corpuscle) in a point A of the ether from which it is then repelled into an energetic pseudo-space from where it bounces again fixing itself on a node or an areola of the ether for a unit of time, for then collapse again. The instantaneous fixation of the corpuscle on the ether through an action ℎ (transported by a wave) shows an imprecision with respect to the starting point A due to the very nature of space and of the corpuscle: that is space quantized in nodes/mesh, and corpuscle- wave. Therefore, the position of the fixing occurs with an error Δ s due more properly to the uncertainty principle. 16-The ether-anti-ether bounce occurs at an instantaneous speed on the grid, nor could it be the other way around. To avoid the dispersion of the corpuscle in infinite space, pixel A awaits the arrival of the action on the grid based on an original direction subject to uncertainty. The corpuscle attracts itself, therefore from pixel A on the ether, which we call arrival point a 1, the space is perturbed by a wave returning towards A which runs at the speed of light. In the absence of forces applied to point A, the particle, when its wave function collapses, is pushed back into the sea-U in a wave form at instantaneous speed. Then, in return, it fixes its information on the pixel a 2 around the area of uncertainty following a probabilistic law as a function of the size of its wavelength. By reiterating the circular movement, an oscillating mechanism is thus formed which has its basic formulation in Hook's law: F= -kx where the value x can be assimilated to the wavelength λ associated with the corpuscle. The elastic force is a conservative force to which the potential energy U = ½ k x 2 is associated.

Chap. 21- Analysis of the principal components and developments of the QM 1- Potential energy and kinetic energy. Let's start with this simple experiment. There are two identical atomic clocks on the floor of the ground floor A and B. Let's take a clock and put it in the attic 10 meters high, applying a force proportional to the mass to lift the clock 10 meters: E = F × 10 meters. Let's see the changes according to what has been said so far from quantum mechanics: • the potential energy of clock B in the attic will increase with respect to clock A ; • the clock B in the attic will mark a faster time than the one left on the ground floor A ; • The speed of A with respect to B is equal to zero. • The waves associated with A and B change. The associated wavelength increased in B, conversely the frequency decreased. So, the period (inverse of the frequency) is increased, i.e. it takes longer to complete a complete wave cycle than 2 π . • According to the formulation of the SQM, the increase of the potential energy at zero speed of the particle leads to a decrease of the mass as the frequency decreases. That is, the number of actions h and of the pixels on the ether that give the material consistency to the particle decreases. Clock B therefore has a lower resolution (so to speak) than clock A . 2- Meaning of the decrease in mass Decrease in resolution, increase in wavelength, decrease in frequency, speed up clocks. A and B attract each other by gravity.

3-There must be an equivalence between mass and velocity due to the fact that momentum is equal to v × m. In terms of SQM both mass and velocity increase the number of pixels occupied by the object on the ether. In terms of probability waves this happens: - B is moved with work W in height with respect to the gravitational force (surface of the Earth) which decreases; - B then plunges into the sea-U with the displacement information?? - B re-emerges on the ether with a greater uncertainty due to the decrease in frequency; - the greater indeterminacy forces the particle to stay longer in the wave state; -the greater uncertainty accelerates the time (decreases the frequency/increases the period); - the increase in the period increases the aging in B because time lasts longer (flows slower). 4-When B appears on the ether it has a potential energy greater than A but probably a smaller mass thus decreasing the probabilities of building the corpuscular image on the network. Spend more time. 5- Concept. The wavelength of a body A is the result of multiple wavelengths (Fourier series) equal to the number of superimposed quanta: the wave packet. The hypotheses in this regard could be the following: -each action ℎ carries a time fraction that adds up with the others in the game of probabilities to fix the particle. -the probability is that of actually forming an object in a certain point of the ether. Indeterminacy also marks a passage of time.

6- Nearly zero speed. A longer wavelength implies that when the particle appears on the ether (on average!!) the information carried by the photons must travel more pixels to return to the negative point of expulsion towards the sea-U. In terms of speed c of 300k km/s. there are more km and it takes longer. Here, compared to a shorter wavelength, we age faster. The particle stays longer on the ether in a wave state. Aging is in the wave state where the material image of the particle loses information. Information entropy? The concept of potential energy in the SQM tells us that the quantum ℎ ( minimum action, photon at minimum energy = frequency 1 ?) appears on the ether charged with a certain quantity of Epotential energy which it discharges on the ether until it is then expelled in its time in the sea-U. E = E potential + E kinetic = kx2 + m v2; in the SQM we have: v=c;x=λ; E = kλ2 + m c2 ; since kλ2 + mc2 must also be = m c2 ; k = m ; k = m ; = or = That is, Frequency = √(k/m) = ω (2 π ) 7-Frequency is by definition characteristic of a periodic phenomenon, to which is associated an "energy and not matter" well localized in space-time, for which Einstein obtained E = freq ℎ to explain the photoelectric effect. Energy increases with a photonic percussion mechanism and not with the density of photons per unit of time, this formula is the basis of quantum theory. It can therefore be deduced that with the concept of potential E, we establish an intrinsic periodic mechanism of oscillations of the matter-energy itself. 8-In the hypothesis that the Total energy = U energy + K energy, an intrinsic property of matter is that of vibrating at a certain frequency. Vibration is the generating engine of matter. The Prime Mover.

9-Matter is made up of pixels activated in 3D by photons that overlap in packets, increasing both the frequency and the material consistency of the system. The frequency is superposition by means of elementary quanta with wavelength λ = h/mc (v →c). Therefore, the higher the momentum, the lower the wavelength which is thus divided into the number of total activated pixels. High-frequency photons should always be considered in terms of packets. In this formula, the value of the inverse of matter multiplied by a constant K equal to ℎ/c is equal to the wavelength. 10-Matter thickening on the ether occupies the available pixels according to the SQM. Motion pertains to the direction of the quantum as it strikes the surface of the space. Analogously we have the direction of the acceleration that produces the action ℎ in the SQM. 11- The limits of the wavelength λ. If the wavelength tends to zero, the elapsed time tends to zero. In fact, the rhythm of appearance of the particle on the ether is more and more frequent with an ever-lesser uncertainty so that each image that forms on the ether is more and more unchanged compared to the previous one until time stops. If the wavelength lengthens towards lower energies, time becomes infinitely sped up. In short, time passes between one wave and another and stops at the peak where the object materializes. If all the peaks of a wave train thicken until they condense into a single wave, time stops. This is what happens in black holes or for objects that travel through space at the speed of light 12- Question: What is the maximum possible length of λ ? It should be equal to the wavelength of ℎ, minimum flux of quantized energy, according to the equation: Δ E= frequency ℎ. Could the wave be spread throughout the universe? Also, could the pixel appear anywhere in the universe? In this case, in order to have the stability of matter, a critical mass is needed, i.e. a sufficient number of active pixels to obtain a sufficiently stable position

13- Acceleration in the SQM. Let's talk about the force that activates a pixel. In this model it is crucial to examine the role of acceleration in the SQM. We are not talking about the acceleration of the moving mass, i.e. the group velocity, we are now speaking about the centripetal acceleration in phase velocity with stationary mass, in which the velocity is always c . 14-Therefore an impulse arrives from the sea-U soliciting the structure of the ether and fixing itself on a node in the interval described by the uncertainty principle. We therefore have a minimum Δ force = Δ m x a, where Δ m can be represented by a single pixel; with a = c 2/ λ, where λ by hypothesis = wavelength. If the force striking the ether in the SQM maintains the same direction, the particle vibrates around an average fixed in the uncertainty interval. If, on the other hand, it changes direction, motion takes over. 15-The force that strikes the ether is a centripetal acceleration of the massspring mechanism which has the ability to move the particle from one pixel to another according to one direction. The pixel does not move from the structure of the ether, but the information does. On average, for large numbers due to the frequency of the wave, the useful distance travelled in this search for the starting pixel is the wavelength. In this way the SQM is similar to a pendular path: exit-from-the-sea-U at instantaneous speed -Ether pixel- path at speed c towards the negative point. The incoming energy on the ether is all potential which becomes minimal in the outgoing with kinetic energy equal to m c 2 with: m = 1 pixel for a single photon with value ℎ. The speed. The group velocity and phase velocity. 1- Potential energy and kinetic energy. Let's start with this simple experiment. There are two identical atomic clocks on the floor of the ground floor A and B. Let's take a clock and put it in the attic 10 meters high, applying a force proportional to the mass to lift the clock 10 meters: E = F × 10 meters. Let's see the changes according to what has been said so far from quantum mechanics:

• the potential energy of clock B in the attic will increase with respect to clock A ; • the clock B in the attic will mark a faster time than the one left on the ground floor A ; • The speed of A with respect to B is equal to zero. • The waves associated with A and B change. The associated wavelength increased in B, conversely the frequency decreased. So, the period (inverse of the frequency) is increased, i.e. it takes longer to complete a complete wave cycle than 2 π . • According to the formulation of the SQM, the increase of the potential energy at zero speed of the particle leads to a decrease of the mass as the frequency decreases. That is, the number of actions h and of the pixels on the ether that give the material consistency to the particle decreases. Clock B therefore has a lower resolution (so to speak) than clock A . 2- Meaning of the decrease in mass Decrease in resolution, increase in wavelength, decrease in frequency, speed up clocks. A and B attract each other by gravity. 3-There must be an equivalence between mass and velocity due to the fact that momentum is equal to v × m. In terms of SQM both mass and velocity increase the number of pixels occupied by the object on the ether. In terms of probability waves this happens: - B is moved with work W in height with respect to the gravitational force (surface of the Earth) which decreases; - B then plunges into the sea-U with the displacement information?? - B re-emerges on the ether with a greater uncertainty due to the decrease in frequency; - the greater indeterminacy forces the particle to stay longer in the wave state;

-the greater uncertainty accelerates the time (decreases the frequency/increases the period); - the increase in the period increases the aging in B because time lasts longer (flows slower). 4-When B appears on the ether it has a potential energy greater than A but probably a smaller mass thus decreasing the probabilities of building the corpuscular image on the network. Spend more time. 5- Concept. The wavelength of a body A is the result of multiple wavelengths (Fourier series) equal to the number of superimposed quanta: the wave packet. The hypotheses in this regard could be the following: -each action ℎ carries a time fraction that adds up with the others in the game of probabilities to fix the particle. -the probability is that of actually forming an object in a certain point of the ether. Indeterminacy also marks a passage of time. 6- Nearly zero speed. A longer wavelength implies that when the particle appears on the ether (on average!!) the information carried by the photons must travel more pixels to return to the negative point of expulsion towards the sea-U. In terms of speed c of 300k km/s. there are more km and it takes longer. Here, compared to a shorter wavelength, we age faster. The particle stays longer on the ether in a wave state. Aging is in the wave state where the material image of the particle loses information. Information entropy? The concept of potential energy in the SQM tells us that the quantum ℎ ( minimum action, photon at minimum energy = frequency 1 ?) appears on the ether charged with a certain quantity of Epotential energy which it discharges on the ether until it is then expelled in its time in the sea-U. E = E potential + E kinetic = kx2 + m v2; in the SQM we have: v=c;x=λ;

E = kλ2 + m c2 ; since kλ2 + mc2 must also be = m c2 ; k = m ; k = m ; = or = That is, Frequency = √(k/m) = ω (2 π ) 7-Frequency is by definition characteristic of a periodic phenomenon, to which is associated an "energy and not matter" well localized in space-time, for which Einstein obtained E = freq ℎ to explain the photoelectric effect. Energy increases with a photonic percussion mechanism and not with the density of photons per unit of time, this formula is the basis of quantum theory. It can therefore be deduced that with the concept of potential E, we establish an intrinsic periodic mechanism of oscillations of the matter-energy itself. 8-In the hypothesis that the Total energy = U energy + K energy, an intrinsic property of matter is that of vibrating at a certain frequency. Vibration is the generating engine of matter. The Prime Mover. 9-Matter is made up of pixels activated in 3D by photons that overlap in packets, increasing both the frequency and the material consistency of the system. The frequency is superposition by means of elementary quanta with wavelength λ = h/mc (v →c). Therefore, the higher the momentum, the lower the wavelength which is thus divided into the number of total activated pixels. High-frequency photons should always be considered in terms of packets. In this formula, the value of the inverse of matter multiplied by a constant K equal to ℎ/c is equal to the wavelength. 10-Matter thickening on the ether occupies the available pixels according to the SQM. Motion pertains to the direction of the quantum as it strikes the surface of the space. Analogously we have the direction of the acceleration that produces the action ℎ in the SQM. 11- The limits of the wavelength λ. If the wavelength tends to zero, the elapsed time tends to zero. In fact, the rhythm of appearance of the particle on the ether is more and more frequent with an ever-lesser uncertainty so that

each image that forms on the ether is more and more unchanged compared to the previous one until time stops. If the wavelength lengthens towards lower energies, time becomes infinitely sped up. In short, time passes between one wave and another and stops at the peak where the object materializes. If all the peaks of a wave train thicken until they condense into a single wave, time stops. This is what happens in black holes or for objects that travel through space at the speed of light 12- Question: What is the maximum possible length of λ ? It should be equal to the wavelength of ℎ, minimum flux of quantized energy, according to the equation: Δ E= frequency ℎ. Could the wave be spread throughout the universe? Also, could the pixel appear anywhere in the universe? In this case, in order to have the stability of matter, a critical mass is needed, i.e. a sufficient number of active pixels to obtain a sufficiently stable position 13- Acceleration in the SQM. Let's talk about the force that activates a pixel. In this model it is crucial to examine the role of acceleration in the SQM. We are not talking about the acceleration of the moving mass, i.e. the group velocity, we are now speaking about the centripetal acceleration in phase velocity with stationary mass, in which the velocity is always c . 14-Therefore an impulse arrives from the sea-U soliciting the structure of the ether and fixing itself on a node in the interval described by the uncertainty principle. We therefore have a minimum Δ force = Δ m x a, where Δ m can be represented by a single pixel; with a = c 2/ λ, where λ by hypothesis = wavelength. If the force striking the ether in the SQM maintains the same direction, the particle vibrates around an average fixed in the uncertainty interval. If, on the other hand, it changes direction, motion takes over. 15-The force that strikes the ether is a centripetal acceleration of the massspring mechanism which has the ability to move the particle from one pixel

to another according to one direction. The pixel does not move from the structure of the ether, but the information does. On average, for large numbers due to the frequency of the wave, the useful distance travelled in this search for the starting pixel is the wavelength. In this way the SQM is similar to a pendular path: exit-from-the-sea-U at instantaneous speed -Ether pixel- path at speed c towards the negative point. The incoming energy on the ether is all potential which becomes minimal in the outgoing with kinetic energy equal to m c 2 with: m = 1 pixel for a single photon with value ℎ. The speed. The group velocity and phase velocity.

Chap. 22- The meaning of gravity in the SQM 1-In the case of masses distributed in space, their pixels, as a target to be activated in the SQM, are in any case superimposed (entangled) in the sea-U by means of probability waves which establish greater/lesser accessibility to the pixels involved. Each active pixel on the ether is generated by a quantum ℎ or an action expressed by a centripetal acceleration which develops around the value of the wavelength λ. This λ is calculated as an average value of paths on the ether around the target pixel in an interval fixed by the uncertainty principle. 2- Each wave in an instantaneous time will emerge from the sea-U with the aim of reaching the origin pixel on the ether. The emergence on the ether of the wave takes place in a neighbourhood of the starting pixel with an aura of indeterminacy. A normal-Gaussian-distribution around the starting pixel is plausible. The instantaneous velocity in the sea-U is necessary in order not to discriminate the SQM among the objects distributed in the universe. From sea-U there is no different distance to reach two objects light-years apart. The constant c is an exclusive property of the ether. From the sea-U the distances of the objects distributed on the ether are all equal to zero at instantaneous speeds. While on the ether the SQM process speed is that of light, presumably conducted by photons that have no mass but carry the mass information through ℎ actions. 3-The SQM predicts that all the residuals due to the uncertainty (above/below the mean) of the object's own wavelengths by virtue of its momentum, tend to normalize around the mean. The waste waves should be dispersed in the surrounding space by activating an attractive action on the other pixels through oriented accelerations. The recognition between particles inside the sea-U is instantaneous but the connection on the ether between different pixels is at the speed c. In this way the uncertainty interval becomes on average precisely the wavelength which is λ = ℎ/mc according

to de Broglie's theory. Given λ × mc ≥ℎ, the wavelength λ becomes the parameter for measuring the position according to the Heisenberg principle. Ultimately, gravity is also detectable by the curvature of space-time according to the geometry of the Gaussian. The more active the pixels are in a certain area of space, the more the probability of completing the acceleration cycles increases and the more the Gaussian narrows. In a pictorial vision we see a planet lying on a net that curves following a 3D Gaussian. 4. Analogy between the shape of the curvatures of space (geodesic) and the curve of errors. The presence of mass distorts space-time, and the resulting dip in the ether web can be represented by a 3-dimensional Gaussian. 5- In other words, the presence of mass in a portion of space increases the probability that the SQM cycles are operated on shorter wavelengths. That is, there is a reduction in the uncertainty about the position, then an increase in the frequency, and finally a slowing down of the clocks. 6-In the SQM the photons are all equal to each other (Planck) but they appear in space with packets that differ in frequency. The time unit is fundamental. An object in a gravitational field fluctuates due to the SQM through the number of photons intermittently hitting the ether. Let us assume that the object is a stopwatch in a gravitational field. The chronometer when structurally complete displays the time then fades from the ether - its wave function collapses - it returns according to a cycle represented by its wave matter. The higher the frequency, the shorter the λ (lower potential energy??). The clock flows from one point to another or between one crest and another of the wave, time slows down if the crests are close together as happens with the increase in frequency. As the wavelength decreases, the frequency increases and the period decreases, i.e. the space-range between two waves decreases. The object tends to remain itself, not to change. Low entropy!! The physical clock displays the elapsed time in the wave state. In fact, in the wave state all the information that determines the movement is collected. In the state-matter time does not exist! The clocks stop. In the case of short waves, the path (on average) along the ether also decreases to complete the cycle of centripetal acceleration which determines

the basic unit of time the object or particle floats. The shorter the cycle, the smaller the unit of time that marks the beat of the internal clock, Feynman's stopwatch? A unit of time (quantum time) of one millionth of a second makes the stopwatch run slower than a clock whose unit is one second. Or a clock in a high-frequency field ticks slower than one in a low-frequency field. The position of a clock in a more intense gravitational field implies that the active pixels in the unit of time have increased. Attention! The problem arises of how much time is the same for all actions?? 7- Concept of active pixel. In the SQM, the phenomenon space is made up of pixels with a minimum spatial dimension. These active pixels should enter a 3D areola on the ether: matter, in the classical concept, has thickness. In the SQM it is imaginable as a sort of swelling that curves the space. A corpuscle appears on the surface of the ether as a bubble. The spatial interval that contains it must curve under the pressure of the actions of the SQM. The more pixels press in the SQM against the ether instant by instant, the more space curves. 8-The pixels are activated by energy sources that come from the sea-U generated by a circular mechanism with a centripetal acceleration where the radius is the wavelength. The more the wave-particles coming from the seaU find pixels activated by the SQM, the greater the probability of forming matter on the ether. The longer the wave remains in the ether, the greater the passage of time Δ T = h/( Δ E ) or the greater the time, the lower the energy. Or with large amounts of energy you have a slow tempo. Large quantities of energy such as: high frequencies, large masses, greater number of activated pixels, greater permanence of matter on the ether. 9-Therefore everything can be reduced to energy represented by actions ℎ which in the mass-spring circular movement activate energy sources to transfer information onto the ether.

10- The concept of probability wave in the SQM. In Quantum Mechanics the particle can be located by means of a wave packet which gathers around its potential position. This mechanism is similar to a more abstract concept of probabilistic wave function, i.e. the probability of finding the particle in a given point of the ether within an interval of uncertainty. 11-A fundamental point is the following scheme: if the particle we are looking for on the ether a) is already there and has always been there or b) it appears/disappears with certain probabilities in certain points of the ether. The difference is that in the first case the particle is there and must be searched for, in the second the particle is not there but forms on the ether coming from the sea-U to fix itself on a point on the basis of the Gauss curve. The bell shape is important whether it is narrow or wide, as a direct function of the wavelength. 12- A consequence of the SQM. The SQM is a dynamic operation of photons triggered by the action(s) of ℎ (Planck's constant) in activity along a path generated by centripetal acceleration. The actions ℎ are all equal to each other, what changes is the frequency in which the photons arriving on the ether with different degrees of uncertainty are fired due to the mesh structure of the ether. On the basis of the experimental results, the following property was found: The greater the number of photons present (concentration), the greater the energy, mass, acceleration, therefore entry points and exit points with respect to the sea-U. The greater the activity of the SQM, therefore:

Shorter wavelength More pixels activated Less likely to hang in the air on an activated pixel The shorter the internal time of the field involved. The mechanism suggests a working dot-matrix printer that fixes the images on the paper.

An unanswered question: but why not print the whole universe and once the drawing is finished, collapse it and redraw it again?? 13- With the increase in the activity of the SQM, the uncertainties on the positions of the particles are reduced. The SQM process becomes smoother. Although the uncertainty about the direction of the outgoing waves increases, to compensate for both the dispersion and the equivalence principle. Otherwise a black hole would not generate any gravitational field. 14- The dynamics of the Time factor. Time is also quantized in indivisible temporal points ΔT. The passage of time is a sum of time quanta that occur when the wave-matter associated with an object travels on the ether. The evolution of the wave in crests and troughs implies a duration and therefore the existence of time as a logical element of the SQM process as the wave state by definition runs through the ether at the speed of light. Conversely, time has no meaning in the state of matter, due to the fact that this is only the final result of a process that lives for a moment and then collapses, starting another of the opposite sign. In a certain sense the matter is present only on the crest of the wave-matter as a singular point zero speed and time, where the force of Inertia has managed to materialize it on the ether using an energy equal to the number of fixed pixels × c 2 , that is m × c 2 . 15-Slowing down of time in a gravitational field. A massing of matter in a limited portion of space produces an increase in pixels per unit of surface. The SQM will activate pixels with actions ℎ curving space. An immediate result of this process is the increase in the frequency of the gravitational field by which the wavelength is reduced and therefore the permanence time in the ether of the matter waves, slowing down time. Conversely, the decrease in mass leads to a decrease in the number of activated pixels and therefore a decreased activity of the SQM. Evidently the wave associated with the photon, when it enters the ether, looks on the grating (or is it attracted?) for a fixing point in a pixel that it can find free or occupied. If the pixels are free, the Gaussian curve widens with the

wavelength, increasing the uncertainty calculated on the values of the elementary quantum. The permanence on the ether increases. Concept: The return of the particle on the structure of the ether marks a profound change of configuration of the object. The structure of matter composed of atoms, electrons, neutrinos, quarks etc. It moves with waves and changes as it moves. Fewer fixations on the ether means more changes of the structural configuration of the material object. It is as if a corpuscle of matter were a project that deteriorates during the wave motion. 16-Structure of the lattice of the ether. For simplicity, let us assume that the structure is a mesh structure with a finite extension. The pixel determines the materialisation of matter with quanta in the shape of triangles or squares. The interesting point is to know what the pixel is circumscribed by. Since pixels are discontinuous entities, they will have an inert crown around them that can limit the boundaries of the quantized area. The consistency of the border of the pixel before the other contiguous pixel is for the moment indecipherable. Perhaps it concerns another physics. Perhaps these are pixels floating on the Sea-U which still have to offer resistance to trigger a reaction for the 3rd principle. 17- The pixel search mechanism to be activated by matter-waves coming from the Sea-U is, as we said, subject to probabilistic laws and the uncertainty principle. Thus, not all waves carrying the actions of ℎ reach the starting target pixels. There is a precise percentage of dispersion of accelerations that will proceed towards other pixels carrying the information of the direction which is always in the direction of the starting pixel. (All accelerations have a direction). 18-The direction of acceleration will be directed to the missing pixel or original pixel. A pixel activated by a wave dispersed in a body B will have the direction of the original pixel A. In this way B will undergo an acceleration towards A. Therefore, B is attracted by A. 19-The dispersed actions by both A and B determine the true mechanism of the gravitational force. If we reflect carefully on the mechanism of the Earth's tides, we notice that the pixels of the water rise towards which the scattered pixels of the moon act.

20- The intermittent universe . The conception of both quantized space and subquantum mechanism gives us a logical picture of our universe working intermittently. The virtual energy field (which we call sea-U here) alternately supplies enough energy to light up all the pixels that make up the objects in our world. The formation of matter bends an elastic space which, by curving, is activated and then extinguished in the SQM’s descending phase and then rekindled again. A bit like a Christmas tree with intermittent flashes. Keep in mind that without the systematic contribution of energy from the virtual field, the universe would instantly shut down. In short, the mere existence of matter in space requires energy.

Chap. 23- Equivalence of gravitational mass and inertial mass in the SQM. 1-The mass in the SQM is characterized by the quantity of pixels occupied in a defined space A of the ether. The increase of the pixels in A takes place through the activation of the SQM circuit which can be assimilated to new centripetal accelerations. 2- In this way F = m × a. The acceleration a represents a centripetal acceleration v 2/r. The centripetal acceleration is determined by the quantum-action-travel circuit on the ether at the speed c. Does the increase in mass decrease the overall potential energy of the particles involved? 3- Concept: mass as the number of pixels activated in the unit of time, and speed as the accumulation of pixels in space towards one direction in the unit of time with respect to a stationary observer. At the basis of this concept is the quantum ℎ as minimum action (minimum energy x unit T) or minimum centripetal moment Δ m λ c from the definition of ℎ, which can be associated with an emission of energy on the ether necessary to light up a pixel (3D matter). The turning on of the pixels creates mass and all that follows based on probabilistic laws and probably represented by the Gauss curve. Pixels are activated by centripetal accelerations which, depending on the direction, can cause respectively: • Gravitational mass increase • Motion in the direction of the acceleration vector. In both cases there is an activation of pixels on the ether that has a finite limit. The speed of light in the case of inertial mass, the Schwarzschild radius in the case of gravitational mass.

It is good to bear in mind that in motion, by definition, accelerations always have a direction, even in the case of an inertial mass actions intervene to renew the matter between one collapse and another. In conclusion, we have a uniform rectilinear motion of a body by introducing the same acceleration on each spatial quantum, otherwise the body would stop due to the intrinsic mechanism of inertia. Strictly speaking, this further acceleration to generate the motion should be added to that necessary to appear moment by moment on the ether. Let's think of a densely intermittent path that marks the end and the beginning of a process due to the SQM. In a quantized world, a body must continually overcome its inertia, i.e. determine its presence in the ether as matter. For a body to exist in the quantum world it must continuously use energy. 4- A clear proof of the matter-ether-energy structure is found in the emission of a black body where with increasing temperature (energy, acceleration, active pixels) the wavelength does not decrease indefinitely. In fact, its distribution declines towards the high frequencies roughly following a bellshaped pattern, demonstrating the presence of a resistance in the ethereal space involved (occupied pixels). It can be deduced that the pixel activation reaches a maximum and then slowly declines to almost zero in an asymptotic trend. "Almost zero" means that there will always be a probability that the radiation will propagate with higher and higher frequencies approaching infinity. 5-A consequence of the probabilistic laws related to the SQM in all operating conditions. It is clear that the quantization of space, time, energy, angular momentum and momentum creates the problem of the limit to divisibility by preventing the black body from assuming infinitely high frequencies which correspond to infinite energies and masses (ultraviolet catastrophe). In the SQM it can be seen that in a circumscribed space of ether there will be a limited number of pixels -finite- which is quickly occupied at the beginning with the cube of the temperature, i.e. energy introduced into the system up to a certain level of activation of the pixels for then offer resistance and assume a bell shape. The meaning of the bell shape is the following: the space of the black body cavity if divided into many small squares -pixels- these are gradually

occupied by the SQM narrowing the wavelength. Furthermore, activating new pixels stresses the ether causing it to curve. As the pixels are occupied in accordance with the SQM, the probabilities of the fixing of photons ℎ on the ether increase up to a certain saturation ( around 50% of the surface?) from which the probabilities start to decline to reach asymptotic values. 6-Meaning of the wave packet. The intensity of the wave packet in the SQM increases the probability of particle localization. With the increase of the packet, the pixels with higher entrances and exits on the ether increase with the following consequences: • Increase in concentrated activity per unit of pixel • Reduction of wavelengths according to momentum • Increase in the energy introduced into the ether • Increase in the amplitude of the resulting wave • Decrease in potential energy • Slowing down of clocks 7-The wave packet is proportional to the increase in frequency, so localization is improved by reducing the uncertainty range on the ether. In the SQM, when a basic photon generates an action (energy × time unit), quantized values are obtained, i.e.: quantum-energy as a minimum energy flow to activate a single action for a single pixel. The greatest possible wavelength is obtained for a quantum-energy, with a strongly accelerated time in very low frequency. What does strongly accelerated time mean? It should mean that the whole life of an object takes place between a few crests of the wave, obviously with respect to its universe, while outside time is stopped or almost. Between one peak and another of two waves associated with a body, the matter that broke up into waves in the Sea-U is not present: rather its information is present. Concept of saturation of the ether : The increase in frequency in a gravitational field means an increase in the activity of the SQM, i.e. the

process of fixation of matter on the ether increases and in parallel there is a tendency to saturate the portion of ether involved (as the diagrams of black body radiation demonstrate). The saturation of the ether implies greater stress and curvature with pixels already activated which force the actions ℎ to seek further portions of space by slowing down the frequency due to the non-divisibility of space at infinity with wavelengths tending towards the infinitely small. Occupying space by matter causes stress to the system. 8-Motion as movement of matter along the network of the ether. The displacement of matter on the ether, i.e.: the motion by means of an acceleration having a direction has these consequences: • increase the photons or the actions ℎ • Increase opportunities to enter and exit multiple pixels • increase in shares with greater overall energy. Note. If the increase in accelerations or actions on the pixels is circular, there is also an increase in mass, if, on the other hand, the photon travels the space with a specific rectilinear direction, a route similar to Feynman's paths is obtained along numerous stages where in each of them (for infinitesimal units of mass) the choice of direction is subject to probabilistic laws. Undoubtedly also the photon collapses point by point, absorbed and released by electrons of the ether. 9-The path of a corpuscle (in its apparently rectilinear motion) is discontinuous with rhythmic emergences from the sea-U following probability laws due to the square of the amplitude of the wave-matter. The path of a particle can be compared to the movement of a dolphin in the open sea. For high frequencies (substantial, non-quantum masses) the Feynman stopwatch can vary little from a given course. 10-Keep in mind that when in the SQM the group velocity = 0 the photon reemerges in search of the starting pixel with an indeterminacy in the space of 180 degrees due to the Minkowski space. In QED can the particle also have

a path back in time?? Only if the fraction of time considered is less than Planck's constant (quantum time). With an oriented acceleration (acceleration always has a direction in space) whether it derives from a gravitational attraction or from a collision ... there is always a direction. A gravitational acceleration without motion includes a counteracting force. The increase in gravitational mass means that pixels activated by the SQM in space thicken with an increase in actions ℎ. 11-Motion occurs when the accelerations determined by the SQM which are proportional both to the c 2 and to the inverse of the wavelength λ follow a pre-established direction. Therefore, the shorter the wave, the greater the forces that add up on a portion of ether. By accelerating in a given direction, without obstacles or opposing forces, the following should occur: Increased pixels for scenery in motion with the square of the speed

Ø Decrease in potential energy Ø Time slowing down

12-The increase in pixels (momentum) is an increase in Energy as a function of the square of the speed of the particle with respect to an external observer, this means: Between the two observers the SQM is in operation which determines the physical conditions. The creation of matter (number of pixels) on the ether requires energy with the square of the velocity, i.e . each pixel is subjected to the centripetal acceleration c 2/ λ for a minimum quantum/action with one direction. 13-The crucial experiment was to drop a lead ball and a feather in the absence of an atmosphere on the Moon and observe that both bodies reach the ground simultaneously at the same speed and at the same time. The fact

that one of the two has a weight (mass) hundreds of times greater than the other does not affect travel times. In other words this means that: - an object increasing in speed proportionally increases its number of pixels in the ether (space-time): it occupies a greater strip of space. -an object in rotation or in a gravitational field increases the number of pixels or occupies more space-time or number of pixels -in both cases time slows down or the temporal quantum linked to the wavelength becomes smaller. In short, the more pixels concentrated in a certain space, the more time it takes to outline/form the mass object. On the other hand, the same phenomenon occurs by increasing the speed of an object with respect to an observer. Velocity is a product of the acceleration which provides the force to ignite a 3D pixel on the ether. An object that increases its speed increases the number of pixels squared in the unit of time with respect to an external observer. 14-The principle of equivalence establishes that the force required (acceleration) to move a mass at rest is equivalent to the force of gravity whose mass would exert on another body. So, we are dealing with accelerations (exchange of accelerations between bodies). Therefore, each body produces/emits accelerations at distances equal to those necessary to move inertially. 15-The SQM can explain this phenomenon as follows: -the number of pixels involved in body A depends on its momentum -each pixel is generated by a quantum ℎ (minimum action) for a unit of time -to move a pixel (that is, its information) it is necessary to generate other pixels proportional to the speed with respect to an observer, obtaining an

increase in speed and therefore an increase in momentum - for the uncertainty principle each pixel in fixing its position on the ether radiates fields of probability based on entanglement; -each mass (set of pixels) radiates waves of probability proportionate to their mass, in other words radiates accelerations depending on the wavelengths. 16-The SQM foresees a series of accelerations in the ether capable of activating pixels (units of mass) in space-time which can be assimilated to the quantum ℎ or Planck's constant. As we have seen, these pixels represent the 3D corpuscle of matter and have an instantaneous duration of presence on the ether. Subsequently they are absorbed in the Sea-U from where they are re-emitted as waves reoccupying the starting pixels with positional errors predicted by Heisenberg's spacetime law. In these terms, the particles attract themselves by validating the principle of equivalence to the maximum, in an intrinsic way. 17-In the case of the SQM the inertial mass consists of a certain number of ℎ (minimum actions) in a given unit of time of existence or duration. Inertia is then provided by the energetic bonds due to the equation E = freq ℎ. of which the strength of the space-time link (inertia) is equal to F = freq ℎ / λ. 18- Fundamental concept: A particle attracts itself. To move a certain mass requires a force proportional to the amount of mass itself. In proportion it also represents the force to attract/extract itself from the sea-U: i.e. the amount of energy given by E= mc 2. The square of c is due to the centripetal acceleration for the spring-mass model of the SQM equal to = c 2/R since the accelerations to be taken into consideration are of the angular type since it is a harmonic motion. Ultimately E= mc 2 is the energy produced by the SQM process, even better is the energy needed to create and fix matter on the ether. As has been referred to many times already this energy is repelled in a rocking motion in the sea-U where all objects of the world are entangled in a wave form.

19-We can imagine a body A in pixels which pulsates on the ether through a series of springs in its own quantized space in which it is defined and acts. This object has the ability to attract itself in a field generated by probability waves due to the Heisenberg principle which works as an attractive force in the mass-spring system. A gravitational field is generated around the massobject due to the accelerations dispersed by A through probability waves which are presumably distributed with Gaussians having the center of mass at the vertex of the mass-probability. It should be noted that the probability = 1 (certainty) would characterize only a black hole around which there would be no movement (always excluding a ℎ, as intrinsic value of indeterminacy) because the matter-energy would remain blocked and closed on itself with zero time. Based on the distribution of the center of mass, the force of gravity would act with the law of the inverse square of the distance. This phenomenon of 3D distribution of the probabilities of turning on the pixels of the masses is defined by the momentum. 20- Concept. The speed is therefore a multiplier of pixels of the moving object which increase with the square of the speed naturally compared to an external observer. That is, the external observer calculates the instantaneous speed of an object in a certain unit of time based on the pixels lit by the observed object. Visually it is the amount of space occupied by the trajectory in the unit of time.

Chap. 24- Relativity and quantum mechanics 1-Two objects A and B can be stationary with each other and in motion with respect to each other. Consequently, how will their wavelength result? A and B will measure a frequency between them due only to the gravitational mass. In case their mass & velocity are equal, their frequencies and λ will be equal too. Is there in theory an absolute minimum frequency? Perhaps that determined by the value of Planck's constant which should be equal to one, i.e. one cycle in the unit of time with a wavelength equal to millions of light years. 2-The problem of direction with Motion. An acceleration always has a direction by definition, determined by the probability of occupying certain pixels in its surroundings, that is: in an interval of uncertainty in space that can be assimilated to a circuit or an orbit. In an ether built with meshes ( pixel = quantized unit of space ) there will be more accessible and more probable meshes in a certain direction. The increase in the probability towards certain directions (of an acceleration caused by an impulse) determines the motion and the speed. If an object proceeds with a certain speed, we always speak of relative motion in one direction and if a counterforce is applied to it to reduce the speed, what happens? -the opposing force slows down the frequency by lengthening the wavelength. -counter frequencies are applied -in the slowdown, the potential energy that develops in thermal agitation increases ??

- time accelerated 3-Gravity and potential energy. If an acceleration in the opposite direction is applied to a sidereal mass A (a meteorite) proceeding with a certain speed in space with respect to an observer, the meteorite decelerates by reducing its speed with respect to a reference point. For example a planet B. At the quantum level the following should happen in terms of deceleration of meteorite A: • Reduction of the wave function frequency • Increase in wavelength • Reduction of lit pixels • Reduction of kinetic energy • Clocks speed up • Decrease the gravitational mass • Increase in potential energy with respect to surrounding masses, for example the reference planet Attention! Pixels are not dispersed in a decelerating body, but less are activated. Can we talk about conservation of frequencies?? 4-Basically it is the same effect that occurs if we move an object (a table clock) from the floor to the bookcase, i.e. we spend work W to move the clock to a certain height from the floor. The wavelength is increased, the time is accelerated, the frequency is slowed down, etc. In the manuals it is said that the energy expended to bring the object from the floor onto the shelf is accumulated in the object itself, like a spring and then discharged by falling off the shelf. In some ways the spring is represented by the wavelength λ. 5-Should all this happen to the meteorite? That is, it decelerates by increasing the potential energy. What is this potential energy for? Where does

it accumulate at deep quantum levels? Undoubtedly the SQM for which the actions of ℎ act on the pixels should intervene. Definition. Does the increase in potential energy increase the predisposition of bodies to be attracted? A body moving around the sun with a stable orbit has its potential energy subtracted with accelerations, i.e. it does not fall into the central body. The explanation according to the SQM is this. • All quanta are equal and indistinguishable • The quantum ℎ arrives on the ether carrying the reflected energy, maximum potential energy, and kinetic = 0 • Maximum wavelength • Minimum frequency 6-With the increase of the packet-wave increases the frequency, mass, etc. decreases the potential energy that is discharged into the ether through the SQM circuit. This action takes place in the moment following the activation of the pixel which then switches off with the energy flow which decreases (passage of the pixels from 3D to 2D) to the point of being pushed out of the ether. Keep in mind that ether is reactive and works like a kind of slingshot. Turning off the pixel marks the end of the phenomenon by producing a wave in the direction of a point of origin on a 360 degree plane. In this way we have: • Gravitational waves on the ether emitted by the perturbed pixel which can travel to infinity • A quantum direction determined by the activated pixel and the exit point of the ether governed by the uncertainty principle. Management acquires an ever more precise tendency (or predisposition?) with the increase of localization: entry point and exit point. The more pixels occupying a portion of the ether, the higher the direction is more likely.

Evidently with the increase of the pixels the amplitude of the wave also increases. 7-At zero speed the quanta of gravitational mass will revolve around a center making the object stationary (stable). As speed and mass increase, direction will become more and more precise. The direction is due to the SQM which in the sea-U establishes a probability space for the directions. 8- Paradox! A black hole has potential energy = 0, i.e. it is not attracted to any body while it attracts everyone. ?? To be attracted, a body must have a predisposition through the potential energy value, this predisposition has to do with the wavelength because it is a measurer of the SQM. A long wave consumes a lot of starting potential energy so the wave packet that represents it hits a few pixels. The shorter the λ the more the waves in the packet are - the higher the frequency the higher the energy - and the more pixels are activated creating mass. With the increase of mass at zero speed, a large gravitational attraction is obtained around a center of body-mass. 9-The fact that the impact of the wave on the ether brings a max Potential energy which is consumed to keep the pixel active together with the uncertainty principle can explain a particular aspect of quantum gravity. 10- An effect of gravitation. By what force are two bodies pushed towards each other? For the SQM packets of waves intertwine in the sea-U, and each of them acts as a return spring to stabilize on the starting average wavelength. The waves will be represented by the total mass of the body or number of pixels involved on the ether in the measure of m × M. Each pixel of m must be multiplied by M…in the end it becomes m × M. In proportion to the distance d which dilutes the effect or the inverse of the square of d. Since we follow a Gaussian law of probability distributions, the ether in the vicinity of the masses tightens the bell shape of the Gaussian, and as it moves away, gravity decreases in intensity, and this could explain the separation of the galaxies. The force of gravity follows Gaussian curves.??

Attention! A fundamental aspect in the SQM concerns entanglement in the sea-U where all the movements of the objects of the world are decided through the information contained in the wave packets. The effects are visualized on the ether, like a sort of luminous table that turns on and off, each time marking the consistency and arrangement of the bodies. To make a pictorial analogy, the space works a bit like a train timetable, where the boxes change information received from an operations centre. This mechanism also concerns the mysterious effect of the double slit. 11- A note on the equivalence of inertia and gravitation. Consider a clock deposited on the ground floor and carried to the terrace by W a work. According to general relativity, this clock accelerates time. It can be deduced that it has accumulated a certain potential energy capable of bringing it back to its starting point, if it does not encounter obstacles. The quantum effect is a decrease in frequency, a lengthening of the wavelength and an acceleration of time. If we remember Hook's law where the E potential energy is proportional to the square of the displacement we can associate it by hypothesis to the wavelength λ = ℎ/mc in quantum terms in the SQM. Since both ℎ and c are constant as λ increases, it can only decrease the mass, i.e. the number of pixels involved with the SQM. The fact that an object from the attic will land on the ground floor through the stairwell with the same time as another object B ten times heavier, the number of pixels in operation will always be in proportion to that dispersed in space by the principle of indeterminacy. Also, the fact that A falls to the floor is only due to the force of gravity based on its frequency and pixel dispersion. If object A instead comes from space, I will still use some work W b to stop on the terrace floor. In both cases I have to drive A to the same frequency. In conclusion W is the work to reduce or increase the frequency of the wave associated with A. The frequency will give me the measure of the pixels used for selfattraction (deep inertia) and those dispersed used to attract A with the surface of the Earth.

Chap.25- Operational functioning of universal gravitation 1-The gravitational/inertial mass equivalence implies that the two formulas m ×a = F and mM/d 2 = F should have a lot in common. The first formula immediately ends up as an expression of the energy E = mc 2 by adopting the acceleration of the spring-mass system (a= c 2/ λ ) according to the SQM. This equation tells us nothing about the attraction of two or more bodies but expresses the mass-energy equivalence for which the activation of a pixel requires a force equivalent to the energy divided by the wavelength: F = E/ λ. It should be noted that the force increases with the decrease in wavelength, i.e. the greater the wavelength, the greater the dissipation of potential energy and accelerated time. In the SQM we have a wave that activates the pixel of the corpuscle and a return wave due to the opposite thrust of the (elastic) ether towards the sea-U according to a circular circuit of radius λ which represents uncertainty. The circuit has a pixel entry/activation point and an exit point with direction conservation in probabilistic terms. The waves carry energy which, once a 3D pixel is activated, tends to maintain its wavelength by behaving like a rubber band. 2-The gravitational wave generated by the Earth-mass represents the dispersion along the length of the material-wave due to the uncertainty principle. The gravitational force will hook the mass/moon (for example) through all the waves dispersed by the SQM. These waves dispersed and wandering in the cosmos carry the action and its direction in terms of acceleration generated by the Earth-mass. They are to be considered starting and finishing points. Same mechanism by the moon. It is therefore a question of an exchange of reciprocal accelerations between the moon and the earth.

In practice, each mass contains a certain number of pixels which combine with the pixels of the other mass to the extent that the combinations are m* multiplied by M*. It should be emphasized that not all dispersed waves/actions travel towards the Moon, they simply follow a probabilistic pattern that converges towards a value (m multiplied M) divided by the square of the distance d 2, according to the SQM. 3-In operational terms, the inverse square of the wavelengths can also be displayed in this way. Let us assume that two masses are united, then a part A detaches and is placed at a certain height/distance d from B. The piece A increases its wavelength proportionally to d . That is, the wavelength is proportional to the distance between A and B. The more the distance between A and B increases, the more the respective λ of the two wave functions increase, up to the limit in which A and B leave their respective gravitational fields. The square of this difference determines the dispersion in space of this beam of gravitational waves along a 90° cone generated by diffusion at the speed of light. 4-The gravitational waves are therefore generated by the misfires of the pixels from the respective bodies of origin due to a wave dispersion due to the Heisenberg uncertainty. They are the accelerations (or actions ℎ which are analogous concepts) wandering in space-time intercepted by other masses which in this way undergo accelerations contrary to the direction of their arrival from A towards B and from B towards A. The activity in the masses are those of hooking onto the probabilistic scheme left free by the dispersion by imparting a piloted acceleration towards the centre of the other body as a sort of return slingshot effect by means of gravitational waves. Around the masses there are therefore probabilistic halos that are as powerful as the magnitude of the mass involved. 5-The increase in mass curves the structure of the ether as it increases the number of 3D pixels activated in the same area of space (is it an overlap??) that wrap around the object deforming and pressing on the ether. 6-The increase of the mass in a certain portion of space formed by a 2D empty ether towards the curvature of the 3D in the form of thickness. This thickness will increase with the number of pixels activated by mechanically bending the ether according to an equal force which will act (3rd principle)

in the opposite direction and to the same extent. At the level of the SQM the curvature of the ether offers resistance by damping the energy of the quantum of action ℎ bringing it back to the sea-U from which it instantly restarts with acceleration in the direction given by the position of the mass on the ether. 7-With the increase of the mass, the probabilities of capturing accelerations in dispersion from space also increase. In other words, in every body belonging to the universe there will always be a proportion between the increase in mass (increase in frequency) and the increase in the dispersion quota due to the effect of uncertainty. This proportion must be respected by virtue of the principle of equivalence. 8- Concept . At the SQM level the energy initially emerges into the ether from the antimatter sea as potential energy with kinetic energy = zero. We can state that on the crests of the matter-waves (points of maximum) the velocity is zero at the point where the corpuscle materializes. The time that does not flow in the state of matter is also zero. We always think of a fully loaded spring which then unloads, instantly bringing the kinetic energy on the real space to c and zeroing the potential one. 9-The speed of light represents the maximum speed allowed by the structure of the ether. Evidently the ether offers a resistance (like any material) to the scattering of light which otherwise would have had an instantaneous velocity as it is in the sea-U. In fact, there would be no reason for which the speed c of diffusion could be instantaneous/infinite as it should be in the sea-U where there is no ether. Let us remember that the absorption of the photon by an electron causes a change of orbit in instantaneous time. This suggests that a substratum similar to the sea-U must intervene under the ether, a sort of compensation chamber where the exchange takes place without space and without time and then instantly reappears on the ether. The energy emerges from the Sea-U with a centripetal acceleration equal to c 2/r, and the matterwavelength y can be associated with the uncertainty interval in the position of the particle/pixel on the ether. Attention! The point at which a pixel is charged (that is, where it becomes matter) can lie at enormous distances, outside the average given by the wavelength, in an amount indirectly proportional to the mass, with

probabilities proportional to the square of the distance. As follows from Newton's law. 10-The square of the distance / wavelength of the relative masses depends on the dispersion in the space in the shape of a 90° cone relative to the scattering of light in the Minkowski space. It should be kept in mind that in the SQM waves that travel at the speed of light act in a cone between the Past and the Future. 11-An object-matter for example a stone weighing one kilo (weight on the Earth) needs to exist in space a certain amount of energy from the sea-U in order to fix itself instant by instant on the ether (self-attraction). Time in this case is the duration or T the period (inverse of the frequency), the time needed to fix a unit. The shorter the time T, the greater the presence of the object on the spacetime which transforms either in speed, or in increase of mass in the same locality, according to the formulation of the momentum m × v. 12 - Note! A stationary object rotating on itself with acceleration a= v 2/r increases in mass. That is, it also occupies more pixels on the same position and in the unit of time for which it should curve the space-time up to the limit of closing itself in a loop ... forming a black hole. 13-An object exists in the Real World as a vibrating system having a certain frequency. According to the principle of gravitational / inertial mass equivalence “ this object is fixed with a certain mass”. It is an inertial system that requires a force (acceleration) to move with respect to an observer proportional to the mass. Ultimately, compared to an observer at rest, the object occupies more pixels. At the same time the object is subject to the gravitational force with respect to another object in space. That is, it attracts and is attracted, but above all it attracts itself through the SQM. 14-The gravitational force exerted on an object is equal to the force to move it by the equivalence of inertial force and gravitational force. If an object falls on the ground, an acceleration g (9.17 m/s 2) occurs, and to stop it we will have to apply an equal and opposite acceleration.

Concept! In reality, an object is not moved also because it is ephemeral, it is a singular point without time: its information is moved. The intrinsic force of inertia necessary to keep it present in the World in any singular area of the ether is in fact equal to m×c 2. Mainly due to the quantization of the space formed by areas, a displacement in space is possible through the intermediation of the sea -U. In practice, the object as its shape, removed from friction and other possible forces, slides on a cushion of waves. Information is conveyed from one areola to another 15- How does the mechanism of gravitation work? Why do two objects attract each other at a distance and without contact? The SQM explains it through the dispersion of accelerations of which each object is involved in the dynamics of attracting itself on the structure of the space. In fact, the corpuscle exchanges energy with the sea-U through the action of the quanta of which it is constituted, and regulated by the principle of uncertainty which makes the mechanism intermittent and vibrating on the ether for intervals which depend on the wavelength-matter according to the De Broglie formula. 16-We must consider the wavelength as the average of the error/displacement in the space of the corpuscle. So: The shorter the wavelength and proportionally the lower the uncertainty and dispersion of the accelerations that spread in space, but the higher the frequency. Less dispersion but higher frequency. In this way the object with the increase in mass seems more stable while increasing the gravitational force of attraction. An important aspect concerning the uncertainty principle is that the increase in stability, (position of the particle, in space-time), entails a greater uncertainty on the direction of the accelerations emerging from the sea-U. 17-Does gravitational force increase proportionally to mass? There is no evidence to the contrary! 18-The answer perhaps lies in the curvature of space-time which, with the increase of mass in the locality, pixels are activated, deforming a flat structure, thus progressively curving it up to the limit of closure in a

circumference?? In the curvature of spacetime two factors should play: a) the increase of the probabilities in fixing pixels in the range established by the wavelength; b) the ability to bend the ether for shares ℎ. In both cases, compensatory phenomena must be kept in mind to make the principle of equivalence between inertial and gravitational mass always valid. 19- Warning: based on experimental data, the black hole has an attraction force that is in any case proportionate to its mass. It is a proof that the gravitational waves produced by the dispersion of the accelerations act in proportion to the increase in mass. The increase in the frequency of the wave-matter curves space-time slowing down the clocks; however, the increase in mass increases the emission of gravitational waves which translate the acceleration to other bodies in space. What can vary is the uncertainty in the accelerations, compensating for the lower dispersion due to the stability of the position. 20-There is an apparent paradox according to which the dispersion of a small mass with increasing frequencies remains constant since the uncertainty interval is reduced. That is, the probability that the accelerations fall within the indeterminate range increases. In reality, with the progressive curvature of space, the uncertainty interval widens while maintaining the proportion increase mass increase dispersion. 21- Concept . The increase in mass means an increase in frequencies and activated pixels in the region occupied by the object. The matter could be similar to black body radiation. Wavelengths decrease in proportion to the increase in temperature. Evidently, they decrease up to a certain point beyond which resistances are encountered due to a sort of "blockage" on the space of the ether which is not infinitely divisible. Planck established a point beyond which space and energy are no longer divisible. Finding an indivisible point of space also means determining a minimum and insurmountable λ (wavelength) which also determines a minimum action h.

22-A consequence of the diffusion of the accelerations of the masses are: - a mass isolated in space in an empty universe would evaporate with time with a dispersion of accelerations: - the progressive removal of peripheral galaxies in an expanding universe for a final dispersion of part of the accelerations. 23- Note: Gravitation-Mass, Time. A huge (but not infinite) mass in a portion of closed space due to the uncertainty principle would have an indeterminate position only for a measure ℎ, i.e. the minimum possible. Based on the SQM we are faced with a paradox since there is a probability almost equal to one that the pixels that make up black holes are not dispersed but all return to the origin in the waveparticle process. In this case, there should be no force of attraction from black holes, which is contradicted by the facts! 24- Paradox: With the increase in mass, the ability to attract bodies would decrease since the dispersion of the matter-waves would decrease. 25-So it seems there must be a phenomenon of saturation of pixels in an area (field) in which they can no longer increase the high frequencies on the ether. We also take into account that the thickening of matter stresses the structure of the ether creating equal and opposite forces. 26-The gravitational mass / inertial mass equivalence indicates that there is in any case an equilibrium for which the various force components must compensate for each other. So the increase in mass and the increase in the probability of adhesion of the pixels on the ether never obscure the force of attraction. 27-As a fundamental rule each body extracts energy from the sea-U to renew itself on the ether, from this oscillatory movement there is a dispersion which causes the attraction between bodies which exchange accelerations. The dispersion comes from the energy dispersed from that necessary to move the falling body from inertia towards a gravitational field. Therefore the energy

that serves to keep the renewed body stuck to the ether is proportional to the dispersion. Concept. The renewal of matter opens a debate on entropy and aging. Matter is renewed according to the masses of the bodies (gravity) and therefore to λ . If the frequency of the associated wave is low and λ is long, time speeds up and the object is more unstable in its position in space?? 28- Attention. The dispersion of the body decreases proportionally to the mass, due to the Uncertainty Principle, but the force of attraction of the other bodies increases proportionally since the law of gravitation as a whole remains valid. Indeed, precisely this mechanism due to indeterminacy means that a massive object does not fall to earth faster than a feather. 29- The equivalence principle is the definitive proof of a quantum gravitation. According to the SQM, with the increase in mass, the ability to attract other bodies should proportionally decrease, furthermore a series of characteristics are activated. It is as if the massive object, with the increase in mass, closes its forces on itself since the field it generates limits the margin of error on the position of the pixels by reducing the dispersion. On the other hand, in relation to other objects, the field generated by the black hole increases their capacity proportionally. M×m/d 2 must remain unchanged. Decreases M (black hole) increases m. So, there should be a linear proportionality law. The problem arises if we think of the attraction between two black holes. What if both lose their ability to attract? If with the increase of the mass the indeterminacy decreases, so also the dispersion of the matter waves that spread gravity. However, there must be a compensatory process in which there is an exchange of accelerations despite the dispersion of accelerations. Think of Einstein's reasoning of the passenger on an elevator being pulled by a cable with an acceleration equal to the force of gravity. So, in this environment the glass in the hand of the passenger who drops it actually remains stationary in

space but is reached by the floor of the spaceship / elevator. Thus, it appears that the floor apparently attracts bodies. In conclusion, each body is attracted to itself with a trail of dispersed accelerations that are proportional to the mass. The dispersed accelerations act as gravitational attractors so that two bodies with even very different masses fall at the same speed. It is as if these bodies were attached with a sucker proportionate to the mass to a vertical glass from where they slide towards the earthly ground. If they reach the ground with the same times, under the same conditions, it depends on the loss of the depression of the two suction cups which must also be proportionate to their respective masses. The vacuum losses correspond to the dispersion of accelerations in the dynamics of inertia.

Chap. 26- On universal gravitation 1-The problem of gravitation according to the SQM evokes the principle of equivalence. If you take a free mass in space and apply a force to split it into A and B by putting an adequate distance between the two. Well, if the masses do not rotate among themselves in a certain stable orbit, they will mutually attract each other on the basis of the force of gravity with a perfectly opposite trajectory. The force of attraction will be equal to the force F necessary to divide A from B according to the principle of equivalence we should have: F = m a = m 2/d 2 ( k ) which in this case does not match ??. It is as if the masses A and B were connected with a pulled spring which tends to bring the two masses together. 2- Once again it looks like a model comparable to a mass-spring system whose force (Hook's law) is equal to F= -kd that to be correctly interpreted we must define a rest position. The increase in photons, increase in frequency/energy, reduces the length of the spring by reducing the wavelength λ. In addition to this mass-spring mechanism which would have complete meaning in case the masses were in physical contact. But in the case of gravitation we have a contact at a distance explained by the SQM on the basis of probabilistic laws of diffusion of the wave on the ether. 3-Given two bodies A and B separated by a certain number of kilometres, the dispersion of the accelerations increases with the square of the distance, however bearing in mind a factor highlighted by the theory of relativity such as the curvature of the space-time which operates between the masses. 4- Concept on space-time curvature : In reality, the curvature is determined by the lighting of the 3D pixels gathered in a space-time area. The distortion is attributable to the accumulation of actions that press against the ether, therefore to the narrowing of the uncertainty interval. Evidently in fixing

matter on the fabric of the flat ether a swelling is created (formation of the 3rd dimension) in order to create the extension. Stretching stresses the fabric of the ether by bombing it to create dips in spacetime. 5- Concept: The minimum action ℎ involves a pixel, i.e. activates a minimum grain of matter: the Planck mass. The mass manifests itself on the ether through a sort of swelling ( extension!! to 3D), or rather a curvature of space-time. In a sense it represents the third dimension that appears on space as a property of matter: extension/thickness. Increasing the frequency of the wave function accumulates accelerations in the same region of space, and increases the curvature, increasing the force of gravity. 6-In this sense the attraction obeys the SQM. In a region of space accelerations accumulate, which stress the fabric of the ether causing it to emit gravitational waves / or more precisely waves of probability, due to the Uncertainty Principle. The Probabilities spread out in spacetime at 90 degrees based on the fact that the shares ℎ travel at speed c These probabilities decrease by the inverse of the distance squared or, which is the same thing, with the difference between the wavelengths of the bodies of A and B. It is the Probability of hooking matter due to the SQM. Evidently the matter wave that spreads as a gravitational wave has uniform probabilities to hook onto the ether network (nodes?) creating matter particles until it reaches massive bodies, where the probabilities increase by virtue of the space-time curvature. In the SQM the formation of matter on the ether must have a neighbourhood in which the wave of an action ℎ decelerating bends the ether. This ether being elastic attenuates the wave-matter transformation process up to a singular point, materializing the particle. The action ℎ folded the ether into a hollow/matter from which the return force manifests itself in a wave bringing the movement to speed c. The intrinsic clock of the particle (its aging) runs only during the wave state in which the action ℎ develops and stops the hand in the crests, where we find matter. In the state of matter the time and speed of the process is zero. The state of matter on the ether is a singular point. Time passes between one crest and the other of the matter-waves, while in the state of matter the hands stop.

7- Concept on gravitational waves. The matter formed by elementary particles is built through the quanta (minimal actions) on the ether. According to the SQM, matter attracts itself, but due to the Uncertainty Principle, action waste ℎ is generated which spreads in the ether at 90 degrees due to the Minkowski property of the speed of light in spacetime. Along the journey in the ether the wave/s gravitational forces have minimal probabilities of activating particles of matter (corpuscles) up to entering the spiral of a space-time curvature in whose proximity Probability waves are stronger. As demonstrated by the theory of relativity starting from the geometrization of energy-matter, without however explaining the profound reason why space curves in the vicinity of masses. 8- Concept on the curvature of space. According to the SQM with the increase of the wave frequency the matter accumulates energy / mass on portions of space. This process increases the 3rd dimension of the ether structure by curving the surface. A surface of ether without matter is perfectly flat. 9- The problem of movement. If the particle oscillates in the SQM around the uncertainty interval (in a certain direction) without occupying other packets of pixels we say that the particle is stationary with respect to an observer. A particle stationary within an interval of indeterminacy can move on itself occupying more pixels in the unit of time. The quantum defined as minimum action with the expression Energy × time unit should have, by definition, ALWAYS in one direction, as soon as it appears on the plane of the ether. 10-An action ℎ without direction makes no sense. 11-Even the minimum angular momentum has a rotating direction? The direction of the photon-quantum is random when it appears on the ether in a neutral field i.e. without any acting forces. While there is a non-random or

intentional direction if it is directed by a force acting on the particle which is momentarily an activated pixel. A particle appearing randomly on the ether i.e. without a force field would occupy all the allowed directions, in a given time, randomly, since each direction would have equal probabilities. Once the direction is established without other external interventions on the forces, a mass proceeds in rectilinear motion. Inertial mass in motion. 12- Concept: In reality, the inertial mass proceeds along an approximate and fragmented trajectory (Feynman) of the stop-and-go type for the subquantum mechanism. By virtue of a continuous series of accelerations on a discontinuous line scanned by the frequency, each node would therefore have an acceleration of the mass-spring type with a = c 2/R . For the SQM, a strip of pixels will be activated along the trajectory in proportion to the acceleration(s) experienced. It is an intermittent motion. 13-The mass consequently attracts itself providing the dynamics of Inertia and spreading this property in the surrounding space. So, a body is able to interact with other masses. Where is the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass? 14-The fact that a mass is attracted by another mass according to a certain law is logically deciphered by the SQM which induces the masses to attract themselves generating an aura of indeterminacy which weakens with the square of the distance or with the square of the difference between the 2 matter waves or frequencies, and since in a first approximation it seems to be equivalent. An inertial mass exchanges acceleration with itself to fix itself on the ether and proceed by exchanging accelerations with other masses in synchronic times. 15-Two different objects (such as a wooden and an iron ball) 100 meters from the surface of the earth are subject to the SQM together with the Earth. Their inertial masses are represented by the accelerations of the SQM on the ether in which the 3 masses are attracted to themselves by activating and deactivating the reference pixels to the masses themselves, which attract each

other. Considering the whole system in solidarity with each other. In reality we can consider, by hypothesis, the solar system as a single mass that attracts itself moment by moment following the frequency of the overall wave-matter. 16-The attraction is none other than the tendency of Probability waves, emitted by the pixels when they emerge from the sea-U, to head towards the starting centre of mass. Let's take an object like the Earth, each of its particles (molecules, atoms…) is attracted (crushed) towards a centre of mass where the greater the force of gravity – the greater the probability of hooking pixels-. The fact that the mass of the Earth does not become a point is due to the fact that other containment forces intervene which however belong to the properties of the ether. In fact, the ether must oppose the curvature of space-time due to the fact that it has its own elastic and consistent structure. In fact, the ether has the potential building blocks of matter which are activated with the actions ℎ brought about by the matter waves. 17-The concept of energy that is spent in the unit of time to activate the pixels formalizes quantum mechanics with the equation E= freq ℎ. That is E = c/y × ℎ where ℎ can be the minimum angular momentum (definition) equal to m×c× λ. Substituting the value of ℎ the result becomes E = m c 2. 18-Matter and its movement are activated by accelerations that come -i) or from a contact -ii) or from a force of attraction. However, there are accelerations. Let us consider the force of gravity, leaving out the other (surface) forces which belong only to the property of the ether. In both cases, when the accelerations that move the inertial mass intervene, the wave function of the masses increases its wavelength in proportion to the speed. There is therefore a known important correlation between the increase in velocity and mass. 19-For the SQM theory, the increase in the speed of the bodies increases the pixels in the unit of time (also an increase in the overall energy). We must then define a speed of a body A with respect to another body B: If A and B move at the same speed, their relative speed = 0

-if A moves with respect to B with speed x detected by both. The two bodies both measure velocities x of A with respect to B and B with respect to A. What does this mean in the SQM model based on pixel activation? It is a phenomenon of measurement of A with respect to B between the pixels of the two bodies A and B. 20-Measurements take place instantaneously on the matter or on the activated pixels following the frequency of their wave. We calculate the speed by hypothesis with the number of pixels detected. Then A detects the presence of B between two of its pixels and then counts how many of its pixels have elapsed. A detects B when 10 of its pixels have passed in a certain unit of time. At nine pixels B is undetectable (not fixed on the ether). B detects between two of its pixels in a time interval 10 pixels of A. The movement of a particle occurs by points according to the SQM. These points or areoles are required by the quantization of spacetime. Given a direction through vector acceleration by contact or through gravitational attraction from a centre, the particle jumps along the ether emerging & submerging according to its wave function. Every time it emerges it is grappling with the ether lattice, therefore with the Uncertainty principle according to which both direction and position follow the law of Probability. 21-Then enter the frequency of the function of the wave-matter. In this the Feynman scheme is valid, composed of many small directional arrows that appear following the frequency with a sort of internal clock. In fact, it has been demonstrated that both the photon and the electron and all elementary particles rotate on themselves (spin) as an intrinsic property of matter. 22- The increase in mass . The increase in frequency due to the increase in mass with zero speed is therefore due only to the increase in pixels per unit area.

Velocity increase is an increase in pixels distributed in space for a given time (extension). That is, on a given surface, if the activated pixels increase, there is an accumulation of matter. 23-In an area of space where matter accumulates, the dynamics of the SQM process speeds up and the placement of matter on the ether becomes more precise. Somehow this increase in energy of the mass contained in that portion of space increases the agitation/dynamics of the particles that exchange photons. The increase in mass increases the tendency to implosion by virtue of the SQM. 24-The increase of the activations of the pixels, in an areola of the ether, increases its thickness due to the property of the matter to have the 3D (presumably the ether has only the 2D with a thickness below the Planck space) . Space to hold more matter curves according to Einstein's energymatter tensor. 25-The ultimate cause of the curvature of space-time due to the accumulation of matter is due to the SQM for which: -increases the pressure of the actions ℎ on the structure of the ether -increase the pixels in a unit of space -the radii of curvature increase -Increases the Chance of being pinned on the reticle 26-In addition to imagining the mass that bends space like a weight in a sheet, we have to imagine a 3D curve of the Gauss function of probability (distribution of errors) where in the hole created on the sheet-ether the probabilities of attachment and therefore of attraction increase for matter and energy. 27- Intuitive properties of Ether .

The space is a lattice structure immersed in a sort of sea of negative energy or antimatter (in the context of the see-U). Positive energy is activated on the ether, creating the image of our visible Universe. The two energetic worlds oppose each other by continuously deforming the ether on which the universe is shaped. Matter is built on the ether with actions/impulses by creating an active 3D pixel that represents the materialized action, the minimum corpuscle, the quantum of matter. The 3D pixel once fixed is pushed back by an equal and opposite force from a sea of antimatter. The functioning of the world is subjected to the SQM which is a mechanism comparable to the vibrating mass-spring movement.

New principles of the SQM a-A body attracts itself b-The state of matter has zero time c-Time flows in the wave state of matter d-Matter has no movement but only its information moves through a change of pixel. e-The uniform rectilinear motion is quantized in infinite accelerations in a given direction which has the greatest probability. f- Inertia is a dynamic mechanism of materialization of bodies. g-the conservation of apparent energy, for discontinuous scenarios mediated by the sea-U which functions as a bridge between two worlds, a sort of power line. The author is happy to receive criticisms and suggestions from readers at the following email address: tonisondv©