Table of contents : Title Page Copyright Page Preface Contents 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Terms, Atoms, and Equations 2.2 Substitutions 3 Equational Logic Programming 3.1 Equational Logic Programs 3.2 Model Theory 3.3 Fixpoint Theory 3.4 Proof Theory 3.4.1 Unification 3.4.2 SLD-Resolution 4 Universal Unification 5 SLDE-Resolution 6 Paramodulation 6.1 Fixpoint Characterization 6.2 Paramodulation 6.3 Confluent Theories 6.4 Term Rewriting Systems 6.5 Narrowing 6.5.1 Canonical Term Rewriting Systems 6.5.2 Narrowing and Rewriting 6.5.3 Completely Defined Term Rewriting Systems 6.6 The Unification and Matching Problem for Canonical Theories 6.6.1 A Decidability Metatheorem 6.6.2 The Undecidability of the Unification and Matching Problem 6.7 Summary 7 Universal Unification by Complete Sets of Transformations 7.1 The Transformation Rules 7.2 Soundness of the Transformation Rules 7.3 Completeness of the Transformation Rules 8 Lazy Resolution and Complete Sets of Inference Rules for Horn Equational Theories 9 Conclusion 9.1 Summary 9.2 Discussion E-resoIution Resolution by Unification and Equality Equality Graphs Special Predicates Flattening EQLOG Constraint Logic Programming CHIP - Constraint Handling in PROLOG Order-Sorted Horn Logic LIFE Theory Resolution 9.3 Open Problems References Index The Inference Rules Examples Notations